Хотів би я жартувати, але я не жартую. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. I'd like to joke, but I'm not kidding. Вот и ещё один день прошёл. Another day gone by. That's another day. Я перемогла. I have won. I won. Я не вижу никакой разницы. I don't see any difference. I see no difference. Ти француженка чи англійка? Are you French or English? Are you French or English? Заказывай сейчас. Order now. Order now. Цю коробку доволі легко нести. This box is light enough to carry. This box is easy to carry. Оставь его себе. Keep it to yourself. Leave him alone. Вы должны вернуться. You must go back. You have to go back. Я не знал, что это законно. I didn't know that was legal. I didn't know it was legal. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Том втратив пам'ять. Tom lost his memory. Tom lost his memory. Рады цябе бачыць! I'm glad to see you! Glad to see you! Том приїхав на вокзал занадто пізно. Tom arrived late at the station. Tom came to the station too late. То був злий кролик. That was an evil bunny. It was an evil rabbit. Почему вы не помогли ей? Why didn't you help her? Why didn't you help her? Не кажы яму пра гэта, а то ён пачне плакаць. Don't tell him that, or he'll start crying. Don't tell him about it and he'll begin to cry. Можна побачити винну карту? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine card? Я не дотрагивался до твоей гитары. I didn't touch your guitar. I didn't touch your guitar. Можно я это съем? May I eat this? Can I use this? Будь ласка, подивись знову. Please look again. Please, look again. Твая мара аднойчы збудзецца. Your dream will come true some day. Thy dream is one oozing. Дзе авион? Where is the plane? Where's the Avion? Есть из чего выбрать. There are a lot to choose from. There's a choice. Я хочу випити чашку чаю. I want to drink a cup of tea. I want a cup of tea. Я був учителем. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Ці ты кахаеш сваю маму? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mom? Це лише питання часу. It's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. Тому це байдуже. Tom doesn't care about that. That's why it doesn't matter. Яны ходзяць у царкву ў нядзелю. They go to church on Sunday. They go to church on a Sunday. Мені байдуже, що робить Том. I don't care what Tom does. I don't care what Tom is doing. Няхай мох пакрые маю магілу. Let moss cover my grave. Let my moss cover my grave. Він може плисти швидко. He can swim fast. He can swim fast. Наша дружба осталась крепкой. Our friendship remained firm. Our friendship remained strong. Том не знает, где Мэри работает. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Tom doesn't know where Mary works. Я прийшов побажати вам удачі. I came to wish you good luck. I'm here to wish you luck. Тебе це бавить? Are you enjoying it? Do you like that? Любовь к деньгам - корень всех зол. Love of money is the root of all evil. Love of money is the root of all evil. Що вони задумали? What're they up to? What are they up to? Маши крыльями или умрёшь! Flap your wings or die. Or you'll die! Кто-то взял мой зонт. Someone's taken my umbrella. Somebody took my umbrella. Я ви́знаю, що не маю рації. I'll admit I'm wrong. I admit I don’t have a radio. Ти найгірший. You're the worst. You're the worst. Здаецца, я насамрэч пачынаю разумець, што такое сапраўднае каханне. I think I'm starting to understand exactly what real love is. I think I'm actually beginning to understand what true love is. Хіба ти не хочеш, щоб я щось зробила? Don't you want me to do anything? Don't you want me to do anything? Він не міг побороти бажання викурити ще одну сигарету. He couldn't overcome the desire for another cigarette. He couldn't fight the desire to smoke another cigarette. Она ушла до того, как я пришёл домой. She left before I got home. She left before I came home. Они говорили по-французски. They spoke French. They spoke French. Що тобі треба? What is it you need? What do you want? Я сказал Тому подождать меня. I told Tom to wait for me. I told him to wait for me. Я не працюватиму на тебе. I won't work for you. I won't work for you. Де ти навчився говорити такою чудовою англійською? Where did you learn to speak such excellent English? Where did you learn to speak such wonderful English? Я лучше пойду их поищу. I'd better go look for them. I'd better go look for them. В течение двадцатого века это всё изменилось. In the course of the twentieth century all this changed. During the twentieth century, it's all changed. У меня под кроватью монстр. There is a monster under my bed. I have a monster under my bed. Я думал, что они не придут. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they wouldn't come. Возможно, я должен поговорить с ними. Perhaps I should talk to them. Maybe I should talk to them. Я все ще планую це зробити. I still plan to do that. I'm still planning on doing it. Том выйшаў замуж за Самі. Tom married Sami. Tom was married to himself. Учора ішоў дождж. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ позналъ Томъ? Where did you first meet Tom? You know Tom? Я з Ріо-де-Жанейро, а ти? I am from Rio de Janeiro, and you? I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and you? Том сказал, что не сердится на Мэри. Tom said he's not mad at Mary. Tom said he wasn't mad at Mary. Яка вона? What is she like? What is she like? Он тот мальчик, который нарисовал эту картину. He is the boy who painted this picture. He's the boy who painted this painting. Нямае руж без шыпоў. There is no rose without a thorn. There are no roses without spikes. Подай мне ту коробку. Hand me that box. Give me that box. Том хоче, щоб я повернулася до Бостона. Tom wants me to go back to Boston. Tom wants me to go back to Boston. Залижить від контексту. It depends on the context. It's confusing the context. Я яго не ведаю. I don't know him. I don't know him. Ви працюєте десь поруч? Do you work near here? You work around here? Що з Томом трапилося? What's happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Том ще грає у гольф, правда? Tom still plays golf, doesn't he? Tom still plays golf, doesn't he? Я думаю, що Том несміливий. I think Tom is timid. I don't think Tom's funny. Въ колико бѫдеть? How much will it cost? When do you think you're done? Купіце нашу газету і выйграйце паездку ў Хмяльніцкі! Buy our newspaper and win a trip to Khmelnytsky! You buy our newspaper and you get a trip to German! Вона не вміє плавати. She can't swim. She can't swim. Я майже виграла. I almost won. I've almost won. После землетрясения многие решили спать в палатках на улице. After the earthquake, many people decided to sleep outside in tents. After the earthquake, many decided to sleep in tents on the street. Том поехал в Австралию. Tom has gone to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Ти учень? Are you a student? Are you a student? Вы смелый человек! You're a daring man! You're a courageous man! Мы не такие богатые, как Том. We aren't as rich as Tom. We're not as rich as Tom. Я думаю, що це логічно. I think it makes sense. I think that makes sense. Через погану погоду ми були змушені скасувати збори. On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly. Because of bad weather, we were forced to withdraw from the congregations. Тому в то время было тринадцать. Tom was 13 at the time. So at that time there were thirteen. Збочце. Back off. I'm sorry. Она попросила у него немного денег на новое платье. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked him for some money for a new dress. Не разговаривайте так с матерью. Don't talk to your mother like that! Don't talk to your mother like that. Чего бысте хотѣли ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What do you want? Один квадратный метр солнечной батареи вырабатывает примерно один ватт энергии, поэтому в данный момент непросто использовать солнечную энергию в крупных масштабах. The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present. A square metre of solar battery produces about one Watt of energy, so it is not easy to use solar energy on a large scale at this time. Весь рассказ занял бы много времени. It would take a long time to tell the whole story. The whole story would take a lot of time. Испания принимала Олимпийские игры 1992 года. Spain is the host country for the Olympics in 1992. Spain hosted the 1992 Olympic Games. Прости её на этот раз. Give her another chance. I'm sorry this time. Гэта цалкам непрымальна. This is totally unacceptable. That's completely indecent. Привет, дружище! Hi, friend! Hey, buddy! Том падає. Tom is falling. Tom's falling. Моя сім'я живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Мені подобається ця сорочка. I like this shirt. I like that shirt. Тато купив мені книжку. Dad bought me a book. Dad bought me a book. Том, можливо, десь тут, але я його на бачила. Tom might be here somewhere, but I haven't seen him. Tom may have been here somewhere, but I've seen him. Мачка била. The cat is white. Mother beat up. Хватит тянуть меня за волосы! Stop pulling my hair! Stop pulling my hair! Сучасна Японія - на шляху до самознищення, чи не так? Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it? Today's Japan is on its way to self-destruct, isn't it? Як справи у твого брата? How's your brother? How's your brother doing? Я хочу, щоб ти прийшов на мою вечірку. I want you to come to my party. I want you to come to my party. Віе більше тут не працює. He no longer works here. We don't work here anymore. Я зайшов до пана Стоуна в офіс. I called for Mr Stone at the office. I went to Mr. Stone's office. Припиніть мене виправляти. Stop correcting me. Stop correcting me. Эти персики не очень сладкие. These peaches aren't very sweet. These peachs aren't very sweet. Тому не пришлось просить меня дважды. Tom didn't have to ask me twice. So I didn't have to ask twice. Вход с животными разрешён. Pets are allowed. Animals are allowed in. Я не завжди вільний по неділях. I'm not always free on Sundays. I'm not always out on Sundays. Чому це вас не турбує? Why doesn't that bother you? Why isn't that bothering you? Я дуже сподіваюся, що Том не виграє. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I hope Tom doesn't win. Эти бутылки многоразовые. These bottles are reusable. These bottles are full of bottles. Можно жить в большом доме и всё равно не чувствовать уюта. One may live in a big house and yet have no comfort. You can live in a big house and still don't feel comfortable. Возможно, ты никогда больше не сможешь ходить. You may never be able to walk again. Perhaps you can never walk again. Том виріс у чашці Петрі. Tom grew up inside a Petri dish. Tom grew up in a Petri dish. Вони живуть туть десять років. They have lived here for ten years. They live here for ten years. Вона пішла з ним у кіно. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the movies with him. Вьсıакъı єсмь оуже ти испълнь ѿпоустилъ. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. You said you were drunk. Вы мяне не папярэдзілі. You didn't warn me. You have not warned me. У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. In her spare time, she makes dolls. Можливо, цей світ — це пекло іншої планети. Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Perhaps this world is the hell of another planet. Том удома. Tom is home. Tom's home. У меня чуткий сон. I'm a light sleeper. I'm in a weird dream. Я попросил Тома не носить вещи сестры. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear the sister's things. Том приїхав за день до мене. Tom arrived the day before I did. Tom came the day after me. Я приеду двадцатого октября. I'll arrive on the twentieth of October. I'm coming on October 20th. Поезд отправляется в три тридцать. The train departs at 3:30. The train's going to three at thirty. Я возьму жёлтое. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take a yellow one. У Бразилії говорять якою мовою? What is the language spoken in Brazil? In Brazil, what language is spoken? Будь реалисткой. Be realistic. Be realistic. И Том, и его жена выросли в Бостоне. Tom and his wife both grew up in Boston. Tom and his wife grew up in Boston. Не за дзень Вільня станавілася. Rome wasn't built in a day. Not during the dayville was growing. Мне некогда ей писать. I have no time to write to her. I don't have to write to her. Том вистрілив у мене. Tom shot me. Tom shot me. Не думаю, что смогу это для тебя сделать. I don't think that I can do that for you. I don't think I can do this for you. Ти бачив це? Have you seen this? Did you see that? Я вывучаю карэйскую мову. I study Korean. I learn Korean. Я ещё многого о Томе не знаю. There are still a lot of things I don't know about Tom. I still don't know much about Tom. Мама купила жовту парасольку моєму молодшему брату. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my younger brother's yellow umbrella. Конь били. The horse is white. The horse was beat. Том побледнел. Tom turned pale. Tom's gone. Времени у вас достаточно. You have enough time. You have enough time. Сам розумієш, це була провина Тома. It was Tom's fault, you know. You know, Tom's fault. Я люблю сніг. I like snow. I love snow. Я люблю моркву. I like carrots. I love carrots. Я просто не могу держать глаза открытыми. I just can't keep my eyes open. I just can't keep my eyes open. Мэры цікавіцца палітыкай. Mary is interested in politics. Mary wondered at the politics. Я дам вам усе, про що ти попрохаєш. I'll give you anything you ask for. I'll give you anything you ask. Том показал полицейскому свои водительские права. Tom showed his driver's license to the policeman. Tom showed the cop his driver's license. Його платня зросла на 10%. His salary rose 10%. His salary went up by 10%. Если голодная, поешь. If you're hungry, eat. If you're hungry, eat. Приходь, якщо зможеш. Come if you can! Come if you can. Вона заговорила з собакою. She began to talk to the dog. She spoke to the dog. Я пообещал Тому, что никому не скажу. I promised Tom I'd not tell anyone. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. Ніхто не слухав промову. Nobody was listening to the speech. No one listened to the talk. Хіба не було б чудово, якби Том це зробив? Wouldn't it be nice if Tom did that? Wouldn't it be nice if Tom did it? Я з’еў картапляных чыпсаў. I ate some potato chips. I ate potato chips. Я грав у теніс. I played tennis. I played tennis. Це набагато гірше. It's much worse than that. It's much worse. Я готовий почати. I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start. Не делай ему никаких намёков. Don't give him any ideas. Don't give him any hints. Я не беден. I'm not poor. I'm not poor. Он гордится своими детьми. He's proud of his children. He's proud of his children. Том дуже вами пишається. Tom is very proud of you. Tom is very proud of you. Ты ничего не помнишь? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Що саме хоче Том? What is it that Tom wants? What exactly does Tom want? Я думаю, ви чудово знаєте, про що я говорю. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think you know very well what I'm talking about. Я б обійшовся і без Томової допомоги. I could've done that without Tom's help. I would have done without Tom's help. Я знаю, що ти хочеш це зробити. I know that you want to do that. I know you want to do it. Дай мне время. Give me time. Give me time. Можеш залишитись. You may stay. You can stay. Я прекрасно усвідомлюю, з ким маю справу. I'm well aware of who I'm dealing with. I'm very aware of who I'm dealing with. У меня возникла идея дать вам ключ. I thought I'd give you a key. I came up with an idea to give you a key. Ви й дійсно думаєте, що Том та Мері у безпеці? Do you really think that Tom and Mary are safe? You really think Tom and Mary are safe? Я хотів би знайти когось, хто б кохав мене. I wish I could find someone who loves me. I'd like to find someone who loved me. Том гадає, що Мері переможе. Tom believes Mary will win. Tom thinks Mary's gonna win. В квартире Мэри царит полный беспорядок. Chaos reigns in Mary's flat. Mary's apartment is full of mess. Татоэба: Лучше без смысла, чем без предложений! Tatoeba: Better to make no sense than no sentence! It's better than no proposal! Гарвард було засновано у 1636 році. Harvard was founded in 1636. Harvard was founded in 1636. Вы не должны передо мной извиняться. You don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to apologize to me. День подошёл к концу. Благодаря Вашим своевременным усилиям, люди, которые стремились помочь Вам в Ваших трудах, не успели подвергнуть себя опасности. В Театре, Маски репетируют новую пантомиму. The day has reached its end. Thanks to your timely efforts, people who intended to help you in your labours managed not to throw themselves into danger. In the theater, the masks are rehearsing a new pantomime. As a result of your timely efforts, the people who have tried to help you in your labors have not been able to expose themselves to danger in Theatre, the Masks are rehearsing a new pantomy. Вы ведь не думаете всерьёз, что Том бы убил себя, не так ли? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? You don't think that Tom would have killed himself, do you? Перепрошую, що потурбувала. I'm sorry I bothered you. Sorry to bother you. Ты выше всех нас. You are the tallest of us all. You're taller than all of us. Ти худий. You're thin. You're thin. Том не выдержал и расплакался. Tom broke down and cried. Tom did not stand up and burst into tears. Марк має більше грошей, ніж ти. Mark has more money than you. Mark has more money than you do. Космонавты носят скафандры. Cosmonauts wear spacesuits. Cosmonauts carry tablers. Ідіть сідайте. Go sit down. Go sit down. Перестаньте бить кота! Stop hitting the cat! Stop hitting the cat! Поднялся сильный ветер. A strong wind arose. A strong wind has risen. Её пренебрежительные замечания в адрес своего начальника стоили ей работы. Her derogatory remarks towards her boss caused her to lose her job. Her employer was well aware of her work. Я заплатив наперед. I paid in advance. I paid in advance. Том не знает точно, где Мэри живёт. Tom doesn't know exactly where Mary lives. Tom doesn't know exactly where Mary lives. Мені треба було вам раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you before. Чому нам не слід цього робити? Why shouldn't we do that? Why should we not do so? Мені потрібна допомога Тома. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Ты когда-нибудь был солдатом? Have you ever been a soldier? Have you ever been a soldier? Никто не имеет права указывать тебе, как жить твою жизнь. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. No one can tell you how to live your life. Яны закахаліся, калі былі падлеткамі. They fell in love as teenagers. They fell in love when they were teenagers. Том сейчас не занят. Tom isn't busy now. Tom's not busy right now. Я знаю, что Том хочет, чтобы вы это сделали. I know Tom wants you to do that. I know Tom wants you to do it. Да спаткання! Goodbye! Good bye Я не твой сябар. I'm not your friend. I'm not your friend. Скажи ей нет. Tell her no. Tell her not. Том міг и повинен був допомогти Мері. Tom could've and should've helped Mary. Tom could have and had to help Mary. Пожалуйста, все внимание. Сейчас я приступаю к прослушиванию пациента. Убедитесь, что отследили правильность выполнения этой процедуры - вам предстоит обратиться к её использованию завтра. If everyone could pay close attention, please. I will now auscultate the patient. Make sure to note the proper procedure because you all will be practicing this tomorrow. Now I'm going to audition the patient, make sure you've tracked the correctness of this procedure, you're going to have to use it tomorrow. Это мой любимый проект. This is my favourite project. This is my favorite project. Бъıло тѧжько. It was very difficult. It's been a long time. Інші дівчата цькували Мері. Mary was bullied by the other girls. Other girls persecuted Mary. У Тома сегодня плохое настроение. Tom is in a foul mood today. Tom's got a bad mood today. Ён пакарыў Эверэст. He conquered Mt. Everest. He Qualified Everest. Том слабкий. Tom's weak. Tom's weak. Я певна, що він досягне успіху. I am sure that he will succeed. I'm sure he'll succeed. Том крадькома утік вночі. Tom snuck out at night. Tom escaped stealthily at night. Ти бачила білку? Did you see the squirrel? Did you see the squirrel? Свідок, який бачив все на власні очі, вартує більше, ніж десять свідків, які чули все. An eyewitness is worth more than ten auditory witnesses. The Witness who saw everything with his own eyes is worth more than ten witnesses who have heard everything. Його книжка надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Плошча Рынак — гістарычны цэнтр горада. Market Square is the historic centre of the city. The tip of the market is the historical center of the city. Хто вам це купив? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? Том сказав, що він думає, що може це зробити. Tom said that he thinks that he can do that. Tom said he thought he could do it. С каким цветом у вас ассоциируется ваше детство? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color will your childhood be associated with? Гітэль прытрымліваецца левых поглядаў. Gittel is a leftist. Hetle comes in the left eye. Ты паедзеш поездам? Will you go by train? Are you going to take the train? Я думал, ты его ненавидишь. I thought you hated him. I thought you hated him. Какие овощи вы любите? What vegetables do you like? What Kind of Vegetables Do You Love? Він любив батьків. He loved his parents. He loved his parents. Мы обменялись приветствиями. We exchanged greetings. We exchanged greetings. Не злите нас. Don't make us angry. Don't hurt us. Я вам не довіряю. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Том каже, що був зайнятий. Tom says he was busy. Tom says he was busy. Я загубив окуляри на пляжі. I lost my glasses at the beach. I lost my glasses on the beach. Вони сказали, що хочуть купити яхту. They said they want to buy a yacht. They said they wanted to buy a yacht. Пан Джексон не приймає подарунків від студентів. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from the students. Вось твой сабака. Your dog is here. Here's your dog. И Том, и Мэри знают, кто это сделал. Both Tom and Mary know who did that. Both Tom and Mary know who did this. Адзінкі здароўя можна аднавіць толькі залатым яблыкам. HP can only be restored with a golden apple. All health can only be restored to a gold apple. Её муж богат. Her husband is rich. Her husband's rich. Самі ненавідзеў айчыма. Sami hated his stepdad. They hated it themselves. Я снял туфли и вышвырнул их в окно. I took my shoes off and threw them out the window. I took the shoes off and threw them out in the window. Я пам'ятаю, що я писав їй. I remember writing to her. I remember what I wrote to her. Її підозри справдилися. Her suspicions were right. Her suspicions came true. Для нього це була важка ніч. It's been a hard night for him. It was a tough night for him. Это просто глупо. That's just stupid. It's just stupid. Я ніколі не любіў біялогію. I never liked biology. I never loved biology. Есть ли у вас вещи, подлежащие декларированию? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have any things to declare? Он любит ухаживать за садом. He likes taking care of the garden. He likes to look after the garden. Я только однажды слышал, как Том играет на пианино. I've only heard Tom play the piano once. I only heard Tom play the piano once. У нього два коти. He has two cats. He's got two cats. Я дуже хочу їсти. I'm really hungry. I really want to eat. Ми не бачили обличчя Тома. We didn't see Tom's face. We didn't see Tom's face. Том не будет возражать. Tom won't object. Tom won't mind. Кому можна довіряти? Who can you trust? Whom Can You Trust? У мене було багато причин це зробити. I had good reasons to do that. I've had a lot of reasons to do it. Ваша котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Я не здався. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Мне не сказали, куда мы идём. I wasn't told where we were going. They didn't tell me where we were going. Том на четвертому поверсі. Tom is on the third floor. Tom's on the fourth floor. В этом городе много широких проспектов. This city has many wide avenues. There's a lot of space in this town. Эта книга новая. It's a new book. This book is new. Они родственники. They're related to each other. They're related. Том сказал Мэри, что он поцеловал Элис. Tom told Mary that he'd kissed Alice. Tom told Mary he kissed Alice. Том всем рассказал, что Мэри была удочерена. Tom told everyone Mary was adopted. Tom told everyone that Mary was adopted. Із Томом нічого не станеться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. There's nothing going to happen to Tom. Я не маю часу на читання. I have no time for reading. I don't have time to read. Я не певна, що це така вже й добра ідея. I'm not so sure this is such a good idea. I'm not sure it's such a good idea. Нє мози сѧ боıати. Don't be afraid. No muscle with a fight. Чему ты ухмыляешься? What are you smirking about? What are you doing? Все уже знали об этом. Everybody already knew that. Everyone already knew about it. Свет зроблены інакш. That's not how the world works. The world is different. Что вы будете делать сегодня после школы? What'll you do after school today? What are you gonna do after school today? Повертайся сюди. Get back here. Come back here. Том та Мері планують піти на пенсію, коли їм буде по шістдесят п'ять років. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're 65. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're sixty-five years old. Как это сюда попало? How did that get in here? How did it get here? Я всегда так делаю. I always do that. I always do that. Я відвідую курси водіїв. I go to a driving school. I'm taking driving classes. Что это значило? What did it mean? What did that mean? Том дуже розсердився на Мері. Tom got very angry with Mary. Tom was mad at Mary. Том зараз набагато старший. Tom is a lot older now. Tom's so much older. У Тома есть кабель? Does Tom have cable? Tom's got a cable? Я купіла ёй добры падарунак на Каляды. I bought her a nice Christmas present. I bought her a good present on Christmas. Не видѣли ли єсте моихъ пътъкъ? Didn't you see my birds? Have you seen my pet? Ты думаешь, что Том знает? Do you think Tom knows? You think Tom knows? Тому действительно надо это сделать. Tom does have to do that. That's why you really have to do it. Он не мог этого сказать. He cannot have said that. He couldn't say that. Том просто скромний. Tom is just modest. Tom is modest. Там ты будешь в безопасности. You'll be safe there. You'll be safe there. Он её не забыл. He didn't forget her. He didn't forget her. Ходімо здивуємо її. Let's go and surprise her. Let's surprise her. Можливо, я помилився. I may have made a mistake. Maybe I was wrong. Они в меня стреляли. They shot me. They shot me. Я бы не хотела ничего лучшего. I'd like nothing better. I wouldn't want anything better. Это будет не так трудно сделать, как ты думаешь. It's not going to be as hard to do as you think it'll be. It won't be as hard to do as you think. Некаторыя зоркі амаль не бачна неўзброеным вокам. Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye. Some stars almost show no naked eye. Том любить читати. Tom likes to read. Tom likes to read. Ніхто більше не довіряє Тому. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. No one else trusts Tom. Том — зіпсована дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a spoiled child. Калі Том любіць Мэры, а Мэры любіць Джона, тады Том любіць Джона? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? When Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom likes John? Двері відчинилися. The door opened. The door opened. Я трохи запізнився. I was a little late. I'm a little late. Я ненавиджу ту фотографію. I hate that picture. I hate that picture. Вы говорите по-английски? Are you speaking English? Do you speak English? Ось такі новини. That's the news. That's the news. Я ждал его до десяти. I waited for him till ten. I was waiting up to ten. Том нравится людям. People like Tom. Tom likes people. Том був доволі знервований. Tom was pretty nervous. Tom was pretty nervous. Є одна проблема. There is one problem. There's a problem. Мы стаміліся і хочам піць. We're tired and thirsty. We're tired and we want to drink. Том почистил картошку, а затем отварил её. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom cleaned the potatoes and then uncooked it. Мне падабаецца слухаць музыку. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. Зялёны веласіпед мне падабаецца болей за ружовы. I like the green bicycle more than the pink. Green water I like is more than a rose. Я не хочу, чтобы Том думал, что он должен мне растолковывать. I don't want Tom to think he has to interpret for me. I don't want Tom to think he has to explain it to me. Том просто дуркує. Tom's just larking about. Tom's just fooling around. Ты такі нецярплівы са мною. You're so impatient with me. You are so impatient with me. Ты в моём сердце. You're in my heart. You're in my heart. Я уже это читала. I've already read it. I've read it before. Канада - родина хоккея на льду. Canada is the motherland of ice hockey. Canada is an ice hockey family. Мой французский ужасен. My French is terrible. My French terrible. Він найкращий спортсмен у нашій школі. He is the best athlete in our school. He's the best athlete at our school. Я бы удивился, если бы Том выиграл. I'd be surprised if Tom won. I'd be surprised if Tom won. Я увижусь с ним сегодня вечером. I'll see him tonight. I'll see him tonight. Ви вегетаріанець? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarian? Я не могу не смеяться над её шутками. I cannot help laughing at her jokes. I can't help laughing at her jokes. Не подпускайте никого к огню. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Don't let anyone down to the fire. Я пришлю вам ссылку. I'll send you the link. I'll send you a link. У вас идёт кровь из носа. Your nose is bleeding. You're bleeding out of your nose. Джексоны пригласили нас сегодня вечером на ужин. The Jacksons have invited us over for dinner tonight. Jacksons invited us to dinner tonight. Хто разбіў шыбу? Who broke the window? Who smashed the coat? Моя сестра мені брехала. My sister lied to me. My sister lied to me. Тома избили, когда он вступился за друга, над которым издевались. Tom was beaten up when he came to the aid of one of his friends who was being bullied. Tom was beaten when he came up for a friend who was being ridiculed. Том ще спить? Is Tom still asleep? Is Tom still sleeping? Я ем яблоко. I am eating an apple. I eat an apple. Я точно знаю, что мне делать. I know exactly what I should do. I know exactly what to do. Я вже це зробив. I have already done that. I've already done it. Я хотел бы с ним познакомиться. I'd like to meet him. I'd like to meet him. Тов відкрив сейф. Tom opened the safe. The dog opened the safe. Германія — парламентская рэспубліка. Germany is a parliamentary republic. Germany is a parliamentary republic. Це, мабуть, жарт, еге ж? It's gotta be a joke, right? It's probably a joke, isn't it? Приємно познайомитися. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Клин клином вишибають. One fire drives out another. It's the wedge of the wedge. Том попытался задушить Мэри. Tom tried to strangle Mary. Tom tried to strangle Mary. Я все одно вважаю, що це нечесно. I still don't think it's fair. I don't think it's fair anyway. Мэри сказала, что она одна. Mary said that she was alone. Mary said she was alone. Я верю в дружбу. I believe in friendship. I believe in friendship. Ми повинні допомогти Тому. We need to help Tom. We have to help Tom. Вона співає у своїй кімнаті. She's singing in her room. She's singing in her room. Не відчиняйте двері. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Настаўнікі павіталіся з хлапчанятамі. The teachers greeted the little boys. The teachers spoke to the shouts. Я не знаю. Я щойно прийшов. I don't know. I just got here. I don't know, I just came. Ти вже доробив домашнє завдання? Are you through with your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Расскажи мне поподробнее о Томе. Tell me more about Tom. Tell me more about Tom. Мы вельмі хутка вучым эсперанта. We're learning Esperanto very quickly. We're very soon studying essays. Він, мабуть, невинний. He must be innocent. He must be innocent. Я заеду за тобой в шесть. I'll pick you up at six. I'll have you at six. Вы бы предпочли ничего не делать? Would you prefer to do nothing? Would you prefer not to do anything? Ці чутки неправдиві, чи не так? That rumour is not true, is it? These rumors are false, aren't they? Калі ласка, пачакайце трыццаць хвілін. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait for the thirty minutes. Я цяжарная. I am pregnant. I'm heavy. Скажи Тому, что меня нет дома. Tell Tom I'm not home. Tell me I'm not home. Припиніть це казати! Stop saying that! Stop saying that! Он вошел через окно. He came in through the window. He came through the window. Ти її сьогодні бачив? Did you see her today? Did you see her today? Вікно відкрилось. The window opened. The window opened. Что твои родители хотят на Рождество? What do your parents want for Christmas? What do your parents want at Christmas? Я купил хлеба. I bought some bread. I bought bread. А вы учитель, да? And you're a teacher, right? You're a teacher, aren't you? Ви знаєте, хто це сказав? Do you know who said that? Do you know who said that? Лепш позна, чым ніколі. Better late than never. Better late than never. Ты наделаешь ошибок. You're going to make mistakes. You'll make mistakes. Том начал смеяться. Tom began to laugh. Tom started laughing. Том не робить усього, що в його силах. Tom isn't doing the best he can. Tom doesn't do everything he can. Во сколько вы хотите уехать? What time do you want to leave? What time do you want to leave? Ёсць стол. There's a table. There's a table. Ты действительно ищешь работу? Have you really been looking for a job? You're really looking for a job? Скажи ей, пусть уйдёт. Tell her to leave. Tell her to leave. Я слепну. I'm going blind. I'll be blind. Ти поїв? Have you eaten? Did you eat? Я сделал то, что я обещал сделать для них. I did what I promised to do for them. I did what I promised to do for them. Це щойно трапилося? Did this just happen? Did it just happen? Вы не знали, что Том живёт в Бостоне? Didn't you know Tom was living in Boston? You didn't know Tom lived in Boston? Том нечасто это делал. Tom didn't do that a lot. Tom didn't often do that. Навіщо ти купила ці окуляри? Why did you buy those glasses? Why did you buy these glasses? Том розлючений. Tom is furious. Tom is angry. Ви вмієте читати кирилицею? Can you read Cyrillic? Can you read the pickle? Вам видно? Can you see? Can you see that? У нього десять корів. He has ten cows. He's got ten cows. Ты всё ещё поддерживаешь с ней связь? Do you still keep in touch with her? Are you still in touch with her? Будь чесним та прямолійним. Be honest and straightforward. Be honest and forthright. Сёння я не знайшоў работы. I found no job today. Today I found no work. Чем твой отец зарабатывает на жизнь? What does your father do for a living? What does your father do for a living? Пора укладывать детей спать. It's time to put the children to bed. It's time to make the kids sleep. Здається, всі зайняті. Everybody seems to be busy. I think everyone's busy. У неї червона кров. Her blood is red. She's got red blood. Том видел, как Мэри входила в магазин. Tom saw Mary enter the store. Tom saw Mary come into the store. По-твоему, я толстая? Do you think I'm fat? Do you think I'm fat? Я з Північної Америки. I'm from North America. I'm from North America. Той, хто хоче миру, готується до війни. He who wishes for peace, prepares for war. Whoever wants peace prepares for war. Я пошёл на рынок. I went to the market. I went to the market. Я не можу дозволити, щоб це сталося. I can't allow that to happen. I can't let it happen. Я розберуся з цим. I'll take care of it. I'll handle it. Ніколі не пішыце слова "боршч" і "вараная капуста" па-нямецку! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "bold" and "funy hood" in German! Он твёрдый орешек. He is a tough cookie. He's solid. Я думала, Том не переможе. I thought Tom wouldn't win. I thought Tom wouldn't win. Тома можуть оштрафувати, якщо він це зробить. Tom may get fined if he does that. Tom might be fined if he did. Чи є хот-дог бутербродом? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is there a hot dog or something? Ти сказав Тому, що йому не варто танцювати? Did you tell Tom that he shouldn't dance? Did you tell him he shouldn't dance? Не надо было тебе продавать свою старую машину. You shouldn't have sold your old car. You shouldn't have sold your old car. Ты хочаш ездзіць на працу на аднарозе? Бо я хачу. Do you want to ride a unicorn to work? Because I do. Do you want to go to work alone? Она купила в книжном несколько книг. She bought several books in a bookstore. She bought some books in the book. Он реагирует. He reacts. He's responding. Забудзь Тома. Forget Tom. Forget Tom. Земля перейшла від батька до сина. The land descended from father to son. The earth went from father to son. Будь ласка, зачекайте хвилину. Please wait a minute. Please wait a minute. Тваё сяброўства шмат для мяне значыць. Your friendship means much to me. Thy friendship is much to me. Он поцеловал её в плечо. He kissed her shoulder. He kissed her in the shoulder. Том сказав Мері, що вірить у астрологію. Tom told Mary that he believed in astrology. Tom said that he believed in astrology. Нажаль, гэта праўда. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately it's true. Я предпочитаю перепелиные яйца. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer quail eggs. Я уже бывал в Америке. I have already visited the United States. I've already been to America. Том хоче стати лікарем. Tom wants to become a doctor. Tom wants to be a doctor. Де ваш асистент? Where's your assistant? Where's your assistant? Не слухай його, він верзе якісь дурниці. Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. Don't listen to him, he's doing some stupid stuff. Я не хочу, чтобы Том пел на нашей свадьбе. I don't want Tom singing at our wedding. I don't want Tom singing at our wedding. Якщо мені пощастить, я приїду вчасно. If I'm lucky, I will arrive on time. If I'm lucky, I'll be there in time. Досыць! Enough! Finish it! Ось що ми маємо зробити. That's what we have to do. That's what we have to do. Кошки — они как девушки. Если они с тобой говорят, то всё отлично, но если ты сам пробуешь с ними заговорить, выходит не очень. Cats are like girls. If they talk to you it's great, but if you try to talk to them, it doesn't go so well. Cats are like girls, and if they talk to you, it's fine, but if you try to talk to them, it doesn't work very well. Ямайка — англійська колонія. Jamaica's an English colony. Jamaica is an English colony. Том был обнаружен застреленным. Tom was found shot to death. Tom was found shot. У мене мало грошей. I have little money. I don't have enough money. Тобі треба поговорити з Томом. You should speak with Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Я сховався під столом. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Як просувається твоя робота? How is your work coming along? How's your job going? Это неестественно. It's unnatural. It's not natural. Поїзди в Сербії страшно повільні. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Мне нравится его слушать. I like listening to him. I like listening to him. Том умел разговаривать с женщинами. Tom knew how to talk to women. Tom's good at talking to women. Тебе пора в парикмахерскую. It's time you went to the barber's. It's time for you to go to hairdresser. Я почувалася ізольованою. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Ми подивимося. We'll take a look. We'll see. Не турбуйся, вона не вкусить. Don't worry; it won't bite. Don't worry, she won't bite. Мері говорить уві сні. Mary talks in her sleep. Mary speaks in her sleep. Він купив яйця і молоко у фермера. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. Як прайшоў урок французскай? How was the French class? How did the French lesson go? Таксі приїхало. The taxi is here. Taxi's here. Ангелец, бельгіец і галандзец уваходзяць у паб і сядаюць ля стойкі. Бармэн кажа: «Зачакайце, гэта жарт ці што?» An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a pub and sit down at the counter. Says the barkeeper, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?" An angel, a Belgian and a Dutchman, come into the pub and sit still. The barman says, "Wait, is a joke or what?" Я думаю, что ты хорошо выглядишь. I think you look fine. I think you look good. Всі цим займаються. Everybody does that. Everyone's doing it. Я хотел сделать больше. I wanted to do more. I wanted to do more. Вона навчила нас співати. She taught us singing. She taught us to sing. Том та Мері обоє працюють. Tom and Mary both work. Tom and Mary both work. Тебе необходимо пойти и поддержать девочку. It is necessary for you to go and encourage the girl. You need to go and support the girl. Я не вірю у бісів. I don't believe in devils. I don't believe in devils. Том стал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Твоим друзьям будет тебя не хватать. Your friends will miss you. Your friends will miss you. Сьогодні приємний день. It is a pleasant day today. Today is a pleasant day. Не турбуйся. Я про це подбаю. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Чаму ты злуешся? Why are you angry? Why are you angry? Не хочешь делать - не делай! If you don't want to do it, don't! Don't do it. Don't do it. Ти занадто худий. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Я маю вас оглянути. I have to examine you. I have to take a look at you. Я с вами. I'll go with you. I'm with you. С кем ты разговаривал? Who were you talking to? Who did you talk to? Слава богу, я атеїст. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Тобі не подобається? You don't like it? You don't like it? То лялька. That's a doll. That's the doll. Я магу прыйсці у адзінаццаць. I can come at eleven o'clock. I can come to eleven. Тебе надо просто поговорить с Томом. You should just talk to Tom. You just need to talk to Tom. Футбол - мій улюблений вид спорту. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Мені це вдалося. I succeeded. I did it. Я хотіла би поїхати. I'd like to go. I'd like to go. Как тебе новое платье Мэри? What do you think of Mary's new dress? How's Mary's new dress? Не могли бы вы проводить меня? Could you see me off? Could you give me a ride? Она показала гостям, как есть то, что она приготовила. She showed her guests how to eat what she had prepared. She showed the guests what she had prepared. Помогите мне, пожалуйста, открыть эту дверь. Please help me open this door. Please, help me open this door. Том сказал, что он не один. Tom said that he wasn't alone. Tom said he wasn't alone. Для многих "американская мечта" обернулась кошмаром. For many, the American dream has become a nightmare. For many, the "American Dream" was a nightmare. Що написано у вас на сорочці? What does your shirt say? What's in your shirt? У вас есть любимый ресторан в Бостоне? Do you have a favorite restaurant in Boston? Do you have a favorite restaurant in Boston? Мне нравится проводить время с друзьями. I like spending time with my friends. I like spending time with my friends. На вечірку прийшло всього десять чоловік. Only ten people showed up for the party. Only ten people attended the party. Том должен был сказать Мэри. Tom must've told Mary. Tom should have said Mary. Сыходзь! Get away! Go away! Він гарний. He is handsome. He's good. Какие у тебя планы, Том? What are your plans, Tom? What are your plans, Tom? Они предложили нам свою помощь. They offered to help us. They offered to help us. Я хочу відпочити. I want to take a rest. I want to rest. Я вмію кататися на лижах. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. На минулих вихідних я була на пляжі. I went to the beach last weekend. I was at the beach last weekend. Давай его подвинем. Let's move it. Let's give him a lift. Я вважав, що у Тома добрий план. I thought Tom's plan was a good one. I thought Tom had a good plan. Не жди меня к ужину. Don't wait for me for dinner. Don't wait for my dinner. Це нічого не вартує. It costs nothing. It doesn't cost a thing. Ты будешь это есть? Are you going to eat this? You're gonna eat this? Томъ не вѣрьнъ. Tom is unfaithful. Tom's not dead. Том добра гуляе ў тэніс. Tom is a good tennis player. Tom plays tennis well. Я думаю, нам следует сообщить Тому, что мы опоздаем. I think we should let Tom know we'll be late. I think we should tell you what we're going to be late. Вона поїхала до християнського табору. She went to Bible camp. She went to a Christian camp. Хотіла би я бути такою саме молодою, як ви. I wish I were as young as you. I'd like to be young like you. Нам надо поговорить с ней. We should talk to her. We need to talk to her. У моего сына наследственная болезнь. My son has an hereditary disease. My son's inherited illness. Я уснул у него на плече. I fell asleep on his shoulder. I fell asleep on his shoulder. Том отнёс два ящика в хранилище. Tom carried two boxes into the storage room. Tom took two boxes in the vault. Том соврал. Tom lied. Tom lied. Відчиніть вікна. Open the windows. Open the windows. Я в тебя влюбился. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. Я знал, что ты вернёшься. I knew you'd be back. I knew you'd come back. Пьяный мужчина не мог идти прямо. The drunken man couldn't walk straight. A drunken man couldn't go straight. Меня от вас двоих тошнит. You two make me sick. I'm sick of you two. Скількома мовами ти вільно володієш? How many languages can you speak fluently? How many languages do you speak freely? Ти вважаєш мене гладкою? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Табе дзесяць гадоў? Are you ten years old? Tabe ten years? Том сказав, що саме трапилося? Did Tom say what happened exactly? Tom said what happened? Я могу Тома и подождать. I don't mind waiting for Tom. I can wait for Tom. Люди вірять у те, в що хочуть вірити. Men believe what they want to. People believe what they want to believe. Вона заплющила очі. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. Тобі подобається цей гаманець? Do you like this wallet? Do you like that wallet? Ти повинен робити те, що тобі каже Том. You need to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Боюся, ти мене неправильно зрозуміла. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm afraid you misunderstand me. Зялёную гарбату, калі ласка. A green tea, please. Green tea, please. Я знаю, що ви тут. I know you're here. I know you're here. Гэтыя дрэвы пасадзілі яны. These trees were planted by them. These trees planted they. Том, можна сказати, гарний. Tom is kind of handsome. Tom, you might say it's nice. Забудь про цю сумну подію. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. Гадзіннік на львоўскай ратушы ўпершыню ўстанавілі ў 1404 годзе. The clock on the Lviv Town Hall was first installed in the year 1404. An hour at the Lviv town was first established in 1404. Ніхто не сміється з моїх жартів. Nobody laughs at my jokes. Nobody laughs at my jokes. Я не зусім упэўненая, што гэта была добрая ідэя. I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I wasn't quite sure that that was a good idea. Прошу, зачекай півгодини. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait half an hour. У тебя нет температуры. You don't have a fever. You don't have a temperature. Він у лікарні. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. Непогана ідея. The idea isn't bad. That's a good idea. Я её уволил. I fired her. I fired her. Ці ты сур'езна думаеш пра ад'езд? Are you seriously thinking about going? Do you really think about going away? Вони старі. They're old. They're old. Загадай желание. Make a wish. Make a wish. Я задействую своё воображение. I'll use my imagination. I'm doing my imagination. Я не маю комп'ютера. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. Я впервые готовлю дома мясо на гриле. This is the first time I've ever grilled meat in my home. I'm making meat for the first time. Фондовий ринок обвалився у 1929. The stock market collapsed in 1929. The stock market collapsed in 1929. Цей птах не вміє літати. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Том сказал Мэри, чтобы она не беспокоилась. Tom has told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Я боюсь, что вы потеряетесь. I am afraid that you will get lost. I'm afraid you're gonna lose it. Том начал учить Арабский ради веселья. Tom started learning Arabic for fun. Tom started teaching the Arab for fun. Це однозначно буде весело. It'll certainly be fun. It'll definitely be fun. Мой бацька мае звычку чытаць газету перад снеданнем. My father has a habit of reading the newspaper before breakfast. My father has the habit of reading the newspaper before breakfast. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. Were I you, I would ignore it. I'd ignore it if I were you. Ты довёл нас до слёз. You made us cry. You brought us to tears. М'ясо жахливо тхнуло. The meat was giving off a terrible smell. The meat was terrible. Том думает, что его паспорт украли. Tom thinks his passport has been stolen. Tom thinks his passport's been stolen. Том хотел задать вам кое-какие вопросы. Tom wanted to ask you some questions. Tom wanted to ask you some questions. Вам треба було повернути праворуч. You should've turned right. You should have turned right. У них сине-золотой флаг. Their flag is blue and gold. They've got a blue gold flag. Ты бы мог, по крайней мере, сказать "спасибо", когда кто-то помог тебе. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could at least say "Thank you" when someone helped you. Де вхід до музею? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Мой вес - пятьдесят восемь килограмм. My weight is 58 kilograms. My weight is fifty-eight kilograms. Хочете їсти? Hungry? Would you like to eat? Дорогая, я могу всё объяснить. Honey, I can explain. Honey, I can explain. Його книга стала об'єктом критики. His book became an object of criticism. His book became the subject of criticism. Хіба у вас раніше не було машини? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't you have a car before? Не беспокойся! Всё будет хорошо. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay. Том не готувався до фінального екзамену. Tom didn't study for his final exam. Tom wasn't getting ready for the final exam. Никто не имеет права указывать мне, что делать. No one has the right to tell me what to do. No one can tell me what to do. Я ему позвонила, но трубку взяла какая-то девушка. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called him, but I got a girl. Я дуже голодний. I'm really hungry. I'm so hungry. Почему тебя завтра не будет? Why won't you be here tomorrow? Why won't you be tomorrow? Джон з жонкай моцна пасварыліся. John had a violent quarrel with his wife. John and his wife had a hard fight. У мяне няма грошай. I have no money. I don't have money. Я нечасто погоджуюся з Томом. I don't normally agree with Tom. I don't often agree with Tom. Том не ответил ни на один из моих вопросов. Tom didn't answer any of my questions. Tom did not answer any of my questions. Нас спасут. We're going to be rescued. We'll be saved. Це може бути рак. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Авто на драже. A car is outside. The car's on its way. Том спробував? Did Tom try? Did Tom try? Каал можна ўбачыць толькі ў Аўстрыі. Koalas can only be seen in Austria. You can see only in Austria. Я вынужден ждать. I'm obliged to wait. I have to wait. Я вийшла, незважаючи на дощ. I went out in spite of the rain. I went out in spite of the rain. Я хочу выслушать твою сторону. Продолжай, пожалуйста. I want to hear your story. Go on, please. I want to hear your side. Працюй повільно. Work slowly. Work slowly. Том, мабуть, зараз не у Бостоні. Tom probably isn't in Boston now. Tom must not be in Boston right now. Том - учень. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. Она читает свою любимую книгу. She's rereading her favorite book. She's reading her favorite book. Просто не турбуйся. Just don't worry. Just don't worry. Том говорит, что невиновен. Tom says he's innocent. Tom says he's innocent. Я должен идти с тобой? Do I have to go with you? Do I have to go with you? Пачынай спяваць. Start singing. Start singing. А, то он воно як доять корову... Ah, so that's how you milk a cow? Oh, it's like adding a cow... Я просто дражнюся. I'm just teasing. I'm just an annoying. Він викликав мене. He called me out. He called me. Том им доволен. Tom is happy with it. Tom is pleased with them. Давай розлабимося. Let's relax. Let's break up. Я прийшов щоб побачити тебе. I came to see you. I came to see you. Я працюю в Бостоні. I work in Boston. I work in Boston. По правде говоря, мне было одиноко. To tell the truth, I felt lonely. To be honest, I was lonely. Я удивлена, что Тома здесь нет. I'm surprised Tom isn't here. I'm surprised Tom isn't here. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері втомилася. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Мені подобається вчителька. I like the teacher. I like the teacher. Я ніколі не бачыла такой татуіроўкі. I've never seen such a tattoo. I've never seen such a tattoo. Я не могу пойти с тобой, так как я очень занят. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. Как я буду добираться до работы? How am I going to get to work? How will I get to work? У нас насправді немає вибору. We really don't have a choice. We don't really have a choice. Ты свинья? Are you a pig? Are you a pig? Тебе же нравится джаз? You like jazz, don't you? You like jazz, don't you? Я лично прослежу за этим. I'll see to that personally. I'll see to it myself. Много жизней оборвалось. Many lives were lost. It's been a lot of life. Ми зловили його на гарячому. We caught him red-handed. We got him on the hot. В англійській мові дієслово передує додатку. In English the verb precedes the object. In English the verb is preceded by an appendix. Сколько ещё дней ты пробудешь в Бостоне? How many more days will you be in Boston? How many more days will you stay in Boston? Вона живе майже поруч. She lives quite close by. She lives close to us. Його назвали Робертом, на честь батька. He was named Robert after his father. He was named Robert after his father. Я к вину равнодушна. I don't care for wine. I'm too sick to blame. Меня не беспокоит Ваше прошлое. I don't care about your past. I'm not worried about your past. Як це може вас не турбувати? How could it not bother you? How can you not be disturbed? Я люблю рассказы. I like stories. I love stories. Ти хочеш навчитися грати на гітарі? Do you want to learn to play guitar? You want to learn how to play the guitar? Том доїхав сюди приблизно о другій тридцять. Tom got here at about 2:30. Tom came here at about thirty. Ми все бачили. We saw everything. We've all seen. Як ты будзеш сартаваць жывёл? How will you sort the animals? How wilt thou steal animals? Коли Том був молодшим, він був дамським угодником. Tom was quite a ladies' man when he was younger. When Tom was younger, he was a ladies' steward. Ви можете припаркуватися тут. You can park here. You can park here. Мэри говорит, что лучше не поедет. Mary says she'd rather not go. Mary says he won't eat. У нас па два вуха. We have two ears. We have two ears. Скольких политиков Вы знаете лично? How many politicians do you personally know? How many politicians do you know personally? Чому це має значення? Why does that make a difference? Why does this matter? Для меня есть какие-нибудь сообщения? Are there any messages for me? Do you have any messages for me? Я заснув під час уроку. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep during my class. Я купив Тому годинник. I bought a clock for Tom. I bought him a watch. Скажите мне, если будут какие-то проблемы. Let me know if you have any problems. Tell me if there's any problems. Гэты колер крыху зацёмны. The colour is a bit too dark. This color is a bit brief. Зараз ти не пожеш піти. You must not leave right now. You're not gonna go now. Ніхто її не підтримав. Nobody supported her. No one supported her. Мне трэба шмат кніг. I need a lot of books. I need a lot of books. Учора быў першы дзень восені. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. Yesterday was the first day of the fall. Вони в порядку. They're fine. They're fine. Том запротестував. Tom protested. Tom protested. Том поднялся. Tom stood up. Tom got up. У Тома є все, що він бажає. Tom has everything he wants. Tom has everything he wants. Я добавил молоко в кофе. I put some milk in my coffee. I added milk to coffee. Том сказал, что он дальтоник. Tom said that he was colorblind. Tom said he was a pilot. Тому уже не надо этого делать. Tom no longer has to do that. So you don't have to do that anymore. Я не пам'ятаю її ім'я. I can't remember what her name is. I don't remember her name. Я прокинувся досить рано, щоб встигнути на перший потяг. I got up early enough to catch the first train. I woke up early enough to get on my first train. Ці ты жартуеш? Are you kidding? Are you kidding? Лорі — моя дівчина. Laurie is my girlfriend. Laurie is my girlfriend. Он отутюжил свои брюки? Did he iron his pants? Did he untie his pants? Я сказал ему, что меня это не интересует. I told him I'm not interested. I told him I wasn't interested. До всього можна звикнути. One gets used to anything. You can get used to everything. Ти тут з кимось зустрічаєшся? Are you meeting someone here? Are you here seeing anyone? Я не вибачилася. I didn't apologize. I wasn't sorry. Я не допоміг Тому. I didn't help Tom. I didn't help Tom. Постав книжку знову до книжкової шафи. Put the book back in the bookcase. Put the book back in the book closet. Я зусім без сіл. I am exhausted. I'm totally out of town. Чому це має значення зараз? What does that matter now? Why does this matter now? Ничто так не расслабляет, как горячая ванна. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. Nothing relaxs like a hot bath. Я не хочу, щоб ви турбувалися. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Біологи вважають чупакабру сучасною легендою. Biologists view the chupacabras as a contemporary legend. Biologists view it as a modern legend. Ви нестерпна. You are insufferable. You're excruciating. Я предпочитаю путешествовать самостоятельно. I prefer traveling on my own. I prefer to travel on my own. Більшість людей, які загинули від тютюнового диму, не були запеклими курцями. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most of those who died from tobacco smoke were not heavy smokers. Том уразливий. Tom is touchy. Tom is vulnerable. Том розповів вам, скільки нього пішло часу на те, щоб це зробити? Did Tom tell you how long it took him to do that? Tom told you how much time it took to do that? Том тщательно проверил документы. Tom looked over the documents carefully. Tom carefully checked the documents. Фадль забагато балакає. Fadil talks too much. Fedl's talking too much. Простите, я отойду на секунду. Please excuse me for a second. I'm sorry, I'm gonna step back for a second. Не оставляй меня здесь одну. Don't leave me alone here. Don't leave me alone here. Мне нравится здесь работать. I like working here. I like working here. Вам нужно их подождать. You need to wait for them. You need to wait for them. Я живу и работаю здесь. I live and work here. I live and work here. Я посмотрел. I looked. I've seen it. Мій собака ніяк не перестане хропіти. My dog won't stop snoring. My dog won't stop snoring. Том був трохи спантеличений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. Она слышала, как он плачет. She heard him cry. She heard him cry. Ты нашёл разницу между этими двумя фотографиями? Did you find the difference between these two photos? Did you find the difference between the two photos? У Варшаве паліцыя ўнадзілася трасці людзей на вуліцах. The police in Warsaw were in the habit of searching people in the streets. The police in Warsaw found ways to have people in the streets. Том прыйдзе, каб забіць нас? Is Tom coming to kill us? Tom will come to kill us? Коврики поглощают звук. Rugs absorb sound. The carpets absorb sound. Том ненавидит Мэри. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Ми б хотіли підтвердити бронювання. We'd like to confirm our reservations. We'd like to confirm the reservation. Можете сделать это для меня? Can you do that for me? Can you do that for me? Бесполезно просить его о помощи. There is no use in asking him for assistance. It is futile to ask for his help. Ты всё ещё хочешь пойти? Do you still want to go? You still want to go? Чьто словесе сего? What word is that? What do you say? Когда счастье стучится в вашу дверь. When happiness comes knocking at your door. When happiness knocks on your door. У меня нет фотографий Тома. I don't have any pictures of Tom. I don't have Tom's picture. Бовдуре! You idiot! Oh, fucker! Том допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary. Tom helped Mary. Украінскія дзяўчаты найпрыгажэйшыя ў свеце. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. Я не люблю великих собак. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Красный лучше. Red is better. Red is better. Публика покатилась со смеху. The audience roared with laughter. The audience was laughing. Вони згодні. They agree. They agree. Як мило! How cute! That's nice! Нужны добровольцы. Volunteers are needed. We need volunteers. Возможно, это проблема. That might be a problem. Maybe it's a problem. Тому пришлось остановиться. Tom had to stop. So I had to stop. Том, здається, чесна людина. Tom seems to be an honest person. Tom seems to be an honest man. Кіото — винятково гарне місто. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an outstandingly beautiful city. Вы могли бы, по крайней мере, сказать спасибо. You might at least say thank you. You could at least say thank you. Взгляните на это с её точки зрения. Look at it from her point of view. Look at this from her perspective. Том і Франк — добрыя сябры. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Я с Томом не разговаривал. I didn't talk to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Мэри получила Нобелевскую премию. Mary won a Nobel prize. Mary got the Nobel Prize. Том хотів би, щоб Мері була до нього добрішою. Tom wished Mary wouldn't be so mean to him. Tom would like Mary to be more kind to him. Я сдержал своё обещание. I've kept my promise. I kept my promise. Вчера в Индии произошло большое землетрясение. A big earthquake occurred in India yesterday. India had a big earthquake yesterday. Він не любить яйця. He doesn't like eggs. He doesn't like eggs. У мене немає книжок. I don't have books. I don't have books. Мені треба було піти раніше. I should've left sooner. I should have left earlier. Ми йшли уздовж вулиці. We walked along the street. We walked along the street. Я отвезу Тома домой. I'll take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Поэт покончил с собой в собственном кабинете. The poet committed suicide in his study. The poet killed himself in his own office. Я тiльки що закiнчив обiдати. I have just eaten lunch. I just told you to eat. Ніхто нас не бачив. No one saw us. Nobody's seen us. Думаю, завтра буде сніг. I believe it will be snowing tomorrow. I think it'll be snow tomorrow. Саэбу вельмі падабаецца Гарацый. Saeb is really fond of Horace. Safety is one of the great favorites of heaven. Том умнее тебя. Tom is smarter than you are. Tom is smarter than you. Вы просто констатируете очевидное. You're just stating the obvious. You just note the obvious. Кто-то прислал нам подарок. Somebody sent us a gift. Somebody sent us a gift. Я хацеў бы пачуць вашу параду. I'd like to hear your advice. I would like to hear your advice. На якій вулиці? On what street? Which street? Том піклується про Мері. Tom takes care of Mary. Tom cares about Mary. Я знаю, что Том мне за это не заплатит. I know Tom isn't going to pay me for doing this. I know Tom won't pay for it. Кто выиграл Суперкубок? Who won the Superbowl? Who won the Super Bowl? Я пытаюсь защитить их. I'm trying to protect them. I'm trying to protect them. Тому будет легко выиграть. It would be easy for Tom to win. So it'll be easy to win. Я сейчас здесь. I am here now. I'm right here. Том делает это быстрее тебя. Tom does it faster than you. Tom does it faster than you do. Вони лише зараз повернулися додому із школи. They came home from school just now. They just came home from school. Краще померти стоячи, ніж жити на колінах. Better to die standing than to live on your knees. It's better to die standing than to live on your knees. Том старался не поддаваться панике. Tom was trying not to panic. Tom tried to resist panic. Я рада це чути. I'm delighted to hear that. I'm glad to hear it. Вы должны сделать это прямо сейчас. You should do that right now. You have to do it right now. Сегодня у нас много еды. Today we have a lot of food. We have plenty of food today. Я знав, що ми зможемо знайти вас. I knew we'd find you. I knew we could find you. Ты ему солгал! You lied to him! You lied to him! Женъı красьнъı. Women are beautiful. Women are shoplifters. Мері хоче, щоб я була в її команді. Mary wants me on her team. Mary wants me on her team. Це пожежна машина? Is that a fire truck? Is that a fire car? Ешь, пока горячее. Eat it while it's hot. Eat, as long as it's hot. У меня очень маленькая зарплата. My salary is very low. I have a very small salary. Я б хотів поставити питання. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask the question. Не кормите троллей. Don't feed the trolls. Don't feed the trolls. Я услышал эту фразу на улице около часа назад. I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago. I heard that phrase on the street about an hour ago. Я согласился с Томом. I agreed with Tom. I agree with Tom. Яны выйшлі з пакою адзін за адным. They went out of the room, one after another. They went out with each other after each other. Ці можна мне пагуляць з вамі? Can I play with you? Can I play with you? Мы все были очень тронуты. We were all very moved. We were all very touched. Минулої неділі Мері і я ходили разом до бібліотеки. Last Sunday, Mary and I went to the library together. Last Sunday Mary and I went together to the library. У каждой нации свой особенный характер. Every nation has its peculiar character. Each nation has its own special character. Скот! Калі ласка, прыгатуй хот-догі на лэнч. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott, please jump the hot dogs on the lynch. Я помру? Am I going to die? Am I going to die? Эта книга была лёгкой. This book was easy. That book was easy. Можете налить вино в бокал. You can pour the wine into the glass. You can pour the wine into the glass. Том не зміг знайти роботу. Tom wasn't able to find a job. Tom couldn't find a job. Здесь кто-нибудь может говорить по-французски? Can anyone here speak French? Is there anyone here who can speak French? Я написала тобі десять листів. I wrote you ten letters. I wrote you ten letters. Єрусалим — єврейське святе місто. Jerusalem is the Holy City of the Jews. Jerusalem is a Jewish holy city. Ѿвьрзи покровъı. Open the drapes. I don't know. I'm sorry. Я більше не планую цього робити. I don't plan to do that anymore. I don't intend to do this anymore. Деревянные дома легко воспламеняются. Wooden houses catch fire easily. Woodhouses are easily inflamed. Ви маєте тримати свою кімнату в чистоті. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. Смотрите, что со мной случилось. Look what happened to me. Look what happened to me. Він зараз обідає. He's eating lunch now. He's having lunch right now. Хіба ти не радий, що ми це зробили? Aren't you glad we did that? Aren't you glad we did it? В какое время вы хотите встретиться? What time do you want to meet? What time do you want to meet? Я забула адресу. I forgot the address. I forgot the address. Будь краток. Be brief. Be brief. Дима переспал с 25 мужчинами за одну ночь, а потом их убил. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Вось чаму я казала табе не ісці адной. That's why I told you not to go alone. That's why I told thee not to go alone. Мы баскетбалісткі. We are basketball players. We're basketballists. Я боявся, що це може трапитися. I was afraid this might happen. I was afraid this might happen. Не забудь мене забрати завтра, о шостій. Don't forget to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Don't forget to take me tomorrow, at six tomorrow. Я вийшов заміж повторно. I've remarried. I remarried. В наше время мужчине трудней всего быть... самим собой. In today's world, the hardest thing for a man to be... is himself. Today, a man is the most difficult to be... himself. У неё красные ногти. Her nails are red. She's got red nails. Мать купила мне новое платье. My mother bought me a new dress. My mother bought me a new dress. Зроби це завтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Не думаю, что я бы это сделал. I don't think that I would do that. I don't think I'd do it. У нас двое дзяцей. We have two kids. We have two kids. Сумно, але це правда. It's sad, but true. It's sad, but it's true. Він повернеться до Японії в середині травня. He will come back to Japan in the middle of May. He will return to Japan in the middle of May. Том ма шестру ваших рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom is a six-year-old. Яна адчыняе акно. She opens the window. She's an open window. Это всё, что я помню. That's all I remember. That's all I remember. Считаю, Том привередлив. I think Tom is finicky. I think Tom's fine. Розкажіть нам щось. Tell us something. Tell us something. Что вы видели? What have you seen? What did you see? Ви знали Тома? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Я молюся за тебе. I'm praying for you. I pray for you. Том не послушал бы мой совет. Tom wouldn't listen to my advice. Tom wouldn't listen to my advice. Крэк вызывает сильное привыкание. Crack is very addictive. It's causing a lot of habit. Ви хочете полетіти у космос? Do you want to go to outer space? Do you want to fly into space? Я хочу, чтобы Том увидел их. I want Tom to see these. I want Tom to see them. Де навчається Том? Where does Tom study? Where does Tom go? Это похоже на действие вируса. That looks like the work of a virus. It's like the operation of a virus. Я чекатиму до 2:30. I'm going to wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Сколько часов ты можешь сидеть перед компьютером? For how many hours can you sit in front of the computer? How many hours can you sit in front of the computer? Все твои золотые рыбки погибли. All of your goldfish are dead. All your gold fish are dead. Я відразу ж зателефонувала Тому. I immediately called Tom. I immediately called Tom. Том показав мені, як це можна зробити різними способами. Tom showed me various ways to do that. Tom showed me how to do this in a variety of ways. Він міг би це зробити. He could have done it. He could have done it. Я відчув, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt that something was wrong. Притримайте язика! Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue! Ти йдеш додому? Are you going home? Are you going home? Мне нехорошо. I feel sick. I'm not feeling well. Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы туда попасть? How long will it take to get there? How long will it take to get there? Ви вже голосували? Did you vote yet? Have you voted yet? Том на меня злится. Tom is mad at me. Tom's mad at me. Никому нет дела до того, что она думает. No one cares what she thinks. No one cares before she thinks. Ён садоўнік. He's a gardener. He is a gardener. Том не знает размера обуви Мэри. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know Mary's shoes. Самі пра цябе падбае. Sami will take care of you. You'll take care of yourself. Його зріст — приблизно сім футів. He stands about seven feet. It is about seven feet tall. Мене вдарили. I got hit. I was hit. Слишком маленький? Is it too small? Too small? Похоже, что он спит. He looks like he's sleeping. Looks like he's sleeping. Плачем лиха не виплачеш. Don't cry over spilled milk. You won't pay for any trouble. Как прошло интервью? How was the interview? How was the interview? Мне обязательно говорить по-английски? Must I speak English? Do I have to speak English? Це подарунок для вас. This is a present for you. It's a gift for you. Мы не можем заставить народ это делать. We can't force people to do that. We can't force people to do this. Вокзал в десяти минутах езды отсюда. The station is a ten minute drive from here. It's ten minutes away. Він був у кімнаті сам-один. He was all alone in the room. He was in the room all alone. Не переходи дорогу на красный свет. Don't cross the road while the signal is red. Don't cross the red. В каком доме ты живёшь? What kind of house do you live in? Which house do you live in? Мы не оправдали ожиданий. We haven't lived up to expectations. We didn't meet expectations. Мэри знала, что она уже не нужна. Mary knew she was no longer needed. Mary knew she was no longer needed. Це м'ясо — це курятина. That meat is chicken. It's meat, it's chicken. Це чудова ідея. It's a great idea. It's a great idea. Ви не робитимете цього, так? You won't do that, will you? You're not gonna do it, are you? Бэці забіла сваю маці. Betty killed her mother. Betty has killed her mother. Будем надеяться, что это в последний раз. Let's hope that's the last time that that happens. Let's hope it's the last time. Вы такие нетерпеливые. You're so impatient. You're so impatient. Минулого тижня Том приходив до нас у гості. Tom came to visit us just last week. Last week Tom came to visit us. Мені потрібна лише хвилина. I just need a minute. I just need a minute. Том был в соломенной шляпе. Tom was wearing a straw hat. Tom was in a straw hat. Я не знал, как несчастлив Том. I didn't know how unhappy Tom was. I didn't know how unhappy Tom was. Ходімо всі до луна-парку. Let's all go to Luna Park. Let's all go to the moon park. Не думаю, что Том знает номер телефона Мэри. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. Мне всё равно, останемся мы или нет. I don't care whether we stay or not. I don't care if we stay or not. Поставь его на стол. Put it on the table. Put it on the table. Я, видимо, опоздаю. I think I'm going to be late. I'll probably be late. Я думав, що Том цього не буде робити. I thought that Tom wouldn't do that. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. Мені потрібно навести порядок на робочому столі. I need to unclutter my desktop. I need to get order on the desk. Том сказал Мэри, где ей сесть. Tom told Mary where to sit. Tom told Mary where she could sit. Картина висит на стене. The picture is on the wall. The painting's hanging on the wall. Не давай их ему. Don't give them to him! Don't give them to him. Мы с Томом кивнули в согласии. Tom and I both nodded in agreement. Tom and I were nod in agreement. Ваші діти все ще сплять? Are your kids still in bed? Are your kids still sleeping? Я певен, що Том не був здивований. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. Калі ты не ўмееш любіць самоту, ты не ўмееш любіць кампанію іншых. If you cannot enjoy solitude, you cannot enjoy the company of others. If you don't know how to love each other, you can't love the company of others. Что это я сейчас сделал? What did I just do? What did I do now? Вам надо было оставить меня в покое. You should've left me alone. You should have left me alone. Ти мені вже це казав. You've already told me that. You told me that before. Почему Том должен извиняться? Why should Tom apologize? Why should Tom apologize? Том сюди прийшов сам. Tom came here alone. Tom came here by himself. Почему ты хочешь уйти? Why would you want to leave? Why do you want to leave? Том сказав, що не хоче більше лишатися у Бостоні. Tom said he didn't want to stay in Boston any longer. Tom said he didn't want to stay in Boston anymore. Ви брешете. You're lying. You're lying. Я не знал, кому ещё позвонить. I didn't know who else to call. I didn't know who else to call. Я дам тебе новую. I'll give you a new one. I'll give you a new one. Це означає, що ми не можемо піти на пікнік? Does this mean we can't go on the picnic? Which means we can't go to the picnic? Ты хочешь, чтобы это окно было открыто? Do you want this window opened? You want this window to be open? Никаких особых проблем с Томом не было. There was nothing really wrong with Tom. There was no special problem with Tom. Ты заслугоўваеш найлепшага. You deserve the best. You deserve the best. Будь ласка, забери це. Please take this away. Please take this. Я заснув до того, як тато повернувся додому. I fell asleep before my father came home. I fell asleep before Dad returned home. То карсцель. It's a chair. It's a shell. Мері у себе в машині, чекає на Тома. Mary is in her car waiting for Tom. Mary's in her car, waiting for Tom. Это важно? Is it important? Is it important? Я шукаю книжку для дітей. I'm looking for a children's book. I'm looking for a book for kids. Грошей було достатньо? Was there enough money? Was there enough money? Сьогодні я бачив шпака. Today, I saw a starling. I saw the jump today. Мой гарбуз быў найлепшы. My pumpkin was the best. My pump was the best. Я половину ночи не спала. I was up half the night. I didn't sleep half the night. Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Машына зялёная. The car is green. The car is green. Я знав, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Ми маємо це зробити. We've got to do it. We have to do this. Кънѧзь сѧ погоубилъ въ лѣсѣ. The prince was lost in the woods. Ken has lost my ass since then. Я щойно побачив новини. I just saw the news. I just saw the news. Ти ж з Томом? You're with Tom, aren't you? You and Tom, right? Гадаєте, це моя провина? Do you think I'm to blame? You think it's my fault? Откройте дверь! Open the door! Open the door! Я Антоніо. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Она гораздо выше меня. She is much taller than I. She's much higher than me. Она прижалась носом к стеклу. She pressed her nose against the glass. She was putting her nose on the glass. Куришь? Do you smoke? Smoking? Дуже добре! Nice one! Very good! Вона його полагодить. She will fix it. She'll fix it. Я рассказала Тому всё о том, что мы сделали вчера. I told Tom all about what we did yesterday. I told him everything we did yesterday. Толпа быстро увеличивалась. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew rapidly. Вы можете отдохнуть. You can rest. You can rest. Чому б Том хотів зробити це, якщо він не зобов'язаний цього робити? Why would Tom want to do that if he doesn't have to? Why would Tom want to do it if he didn't have to do it? Ааран забіў Елізавету. Aaron killed Elizabeth. Aarán killed Elizabeth. Я решил не ездить в Европу. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. Ты такой глупый. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Твоя дочка мені прозповість. Your daughter will tell me. Your daughter will tell me. Ти замкнув машину? Did you lock the car? Did you lock the car? Він не менш добрий, ніж його сестра. He is no less kind than his sister. He is no less good than his sister. В чому була проблема? What was the problem? What was the problem? Если бы мне было двадцать лет, я мог бы голосовать. If I were twenty, I could vote. If I were twenty years old, I could vote. Это, должно быть, было дорого. It must've been expensive. That must have been expensive. Завтра будет снег. It will be snow tomorrow. It'll be snow tomorrow. С кем Том? Who's Tom with? Who's Tom? У маленьких горшков длинные ручки. Small pots have long handles. Little pots have long arms. Том спостерігає за Мері. Tom is watching Mary. Tom's watching Mary. Я же сказал вам, что не знаю Тома. I told you I don't know Tom. I told you I didn't know Tom. Не турбуйся про нас. Don't worry about us. Don't worry about us. Оу Кєна єста кота. Ken has two cats. Oh Kenna is a cat. Ти седритий на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're mean to Tom, aren't you? Том любит играть в теннис, а я нет. Tom likes playing tennis, but I don't. Tom likes to play tennis, and I don't. Ти відповів на запитання Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Я сумую за спілкуванням з ними. I miss talking with them. I miss talking to them. Том пішов. Tom left that. Tom's gone. Во сколько ты просыпаешься? What time do you wake up? How long have you been waking up? Не думаю, что он нас услышит. I don't think he's going to hear us. I don't think he'll hear us. Де мої окуляри? Where are my glasses? Where are my glasses? Я была толстой. I was fat. I was fat. Колись я тут жила. I used to live here. I used to live here. Профессор Хадсон — друг моего отца. Professor Hudson is my father's friend. Professor Hudson is my father's friend. Профессор Джонс уходит на пенсию в следующем году. Professor Jones retires next year. Professor Jones retires next year. Вы знаете, где пройдёт встреча? Do you know where the meeting will be? Do you know where the meeting will be? Я встретил её по дороге домой из школы. On my way home from school I met her. I met her on the way home from school. Дэн прадаў Ліндзе наркотыкі. Dan sold Linda drugs. Dan sold Linda some drugs. Том вже минуле. Tom is history. Tom's been past. Ця спідниця дешева. This skirt is cheap. This skirt is cheap. У мене є чудові новини. I have great news. I have great news. Принимайте это лекарство между приёмами пищи. Take this medicine between meals. Take this medicine between meals. Перестаньте бути боягузами. Stop being cowards. Stop being cowards. Я дав йому свою адресу. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Фадзіль хутка зразумеў, што адказаць на гэта пытанне будзе зусім не проста. Fadil quickly realized that answering that question would be no simple task. Well, nature quickly realized that the answer to this question would not be easy at all. Зямля — гэта не зорка, а планета. The earth is not a star, but a planet. The earth is not a star, it is a planet. Том родился за три дня до Рождества в 2013 году. Tom was born three days before Christmas of 2013. Tom was born three days before Christmas in 2013. Я нашёл под стулом пару перчаток. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. I found a couple of gloves under my chair. Пострадавшие есть? Anyone hurt? Any casualties? Для многих людей в Индии коровы — священные животные. Cows are sacred to many people in India. For many people, cows are sacred animals in India. Для меня это неважно. That isn't important to me. It doesn't matter to me. Томе, я хочу лишитися з тобою. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Том вже дорослий, правда? Tom is an adult now, isn't he? Tom's grown-up, isn't he? Том довів, що він має Ліверпуль у себе в серці. Tom proved he is a Scouser at heart. Tom proved he had Liverpool in his heart. Все знали, что Том умирает. Everybody knew Tom was dying. Everyone knew Tom was dying. Пожалуйста, запишите это на мой счёт. Please charge this to my account. Please write this down on my account. Том не вважаю, що я маю це робити. Tom doesn't think I have to do that. Tom doesn't think I should do that. Я не согласился. I disagreed. I disagreed. Скажи мені, що ти хочеш на Різдво. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Том хоча атрымаць адказы. Tom wants answers. Tom wants answers. Неясно, що я повинен робити. It's not clear what I'm supposed to do. It's not clear what I have to do. Місака ажанілася з канадцам у мінулым чэрвені. Misako married a Canadian last June. The moon married Canadians in the past quarter. Можно я тоже приду? May I come, too? Can I come, too? Я винен тобі десять доларів. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten dollars. З якого дива ти це зробив? Why on earth did you do that? What the hell did you do that for? Весна. It's spring. Spring. Она с ним согласилась. She agreed with him. She agreed with him. Ему не нравилась её манера изъясняться. He did not like her manner of speech. He didn't like her way of explaining. Ми вчителі. We're teachers. We're teachers. Не знаю, есть ли на свете страна, где можно пожениться со своей собакой. I don't know if there's any country on Earth where you can marry your pet dog. I don't know if there's a country in the world where you can marry your dog. Я аутист. I'm autistic. I'm autistic. Я телефоную своєму адвокату. I'm calling my lawyer. I'm calling my lawyer. Можно я завтра в зоопарк схожу? May I go to the zoo tomorrow? Can I go to the zoo tomorrow? Задавайте свой вопрос. Ask your question. Ask your question. Ясна річ, він знає відповідь. It is clear that he knows the answer. Of course, he knows the answer. Том зараз зі мною. Tom is with me now. Tom's with me now. Я прикусила язик. I bit my tongue. I bit my tongue. Она уже выше матери. She is now taller than her mother. She's already above her mother. Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book that I've ever read. So this is the best book I ever read. Я люблю цукор. I like sugar. I love sugar. Том дал мне все свои деньги. Tom gave me all his money. Tom gave me all his money. Любичица лилова. The violet is violet. You're a waltz lover. Я думал, он придёт один. I thought he would come alone. I thought he'd come alone. Я занадто низький. I am too short. I'm too low. Може бути, ми можемо пожити у Тома в Австралії. Maybe we can stay in Australia with Tom. Maybe we can stay with Tom in Australia. Тому потрібно було мені розповісти. Tom should've told me. So I had to tell you. Том із Мері все ще тут? Are Tom and Mary still here? Tom and Mary are still here? Кто устроил встречу? Who organized the meeting? Who set up the meeting? Том сказал, что не верит в это. Tom said he didn't believe it. Tom said he didn't believe it. Абот забіла Мэры. Abbott killed Mary. Or maybe it killed Mary. Курку, будь ласка. Chicken, please. Kurc, please. Я співаю під дощем. I'm singing in the rain. I sing in the rain. Том піддає сумніву все. Tom questions everything. Tom challenges everything. Якімі крэдытнымі карткамі я магу карыстацца? Which credit cards can I use? What credit cards can I use? Я уже не помню, сколько я за это заплатил. I can't remember how much I paid for it. I don't remember how much I paid for it anymore. Ти важив сімдесят кілограм. You weighed seventy kilograms. You weighed 70 kilograms. Итальянцы не пьют кофе. Italians do not drink coffee. Italians don't drink coffee. Том непристойний. Tom is obscene. Tom's not nice. Ми завтра працюватимемо. We'll work tomorrow. We'll work tomorrow. Что нам терять? What have we got to lose? What do we lose? Так, я теж так думаю. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so, too. Я видела это в магазине. I saw it in the store. I saw it at the store. Це не було необхідно. It wasn't necessary. It wasn't necessary. Ми розуміємо чому. We understand why. We understand why. Том забыл сказать Мэри про вечеринку. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Tom forgot to tell Mary about the party. Я іноді дуже недбалий. I'm sometimes very careless. Sometimes I'm very careless. Я заснув глибоким сном, бо був дуже стомлений. I fell sound asleep because I was very tired. I fell asleep in deep sleep because I was very tired. Том когось привів на вечірку? Did Tom bring anybody to the party? Did Tom bring someone to the party? Я сказал, что я устал. I said I was tired. I said I was tired. Том не ездил в Бостон на машине. Tom didn't go to Boston by car. Tom didn't go to Boston by car. Я ситий по горло вашими нісенітницями. I am fed up with your nonsense. I'm bashful on your throat with your nonsense. Вось за што я люблю Еўрабачанне. That's why I like Eurovision. That's what I love about Europeans. Я таксама магу спяваць. I can sing, too. I can also sing. Я видела тебя в парке с Томом. I saw you in the park with Tom. I saw you in the park with Tom. Если кто-то и может это сделать, то Том. If anyone can do that, it's Tom. If anyone can do it, then Tom. Зараз чверть на третю. It's a quarter to three. It's now a quarter to the third. Перепрошую, що сумнівався в тобі. I'm sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Ліза Ліліэн замужам за Дэнам Шнайдарам. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillian married to Dan Schneider. Ты веришь в Тома. You believe in Tom. You believe in Tom. Я не мог этого отрицать. I couldn't deny it. I couldn't deny it. Калі ласка, дайце нам нейкія ўзоры. Please give us some examples. Please give us some patterns. Ця лисиця, мабуть, задушила курку. That fox must have killed the hen. This fox must have strangled the chicken. Том и Мэри разговаривали не меньше часа. Tom and Mary talked for at least an hour. Tom and Mary talked at least an hour. Том замовив піцу. Tom ordered pizza. Tom ordered pizza. Отдых важен. Rest is important. Recreation is important. Ваш номер готов. Your room's ready. Your number's ready. Дружина Тома попросила його звільнитися з роботи. Tom's wife asked him to quit his job. Tom's wife asked him to quit his job. Том та Мері обоє безробітні. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Эта компания достигла значительного увеличения товарооборота в прошлом году. This company achieved a remarkable increase in turnover last year. This company achieved a significant increase in trade last year. HTTP 2 толькі дадае новы ўзровень складнасці, не вырашаючы ніякіх сапраўды важных праблем. HTTP 2 just adds a new layer of complexity without solving any real-world problems. HTTP 2 only adds a new level of complexity, does not solve any really important problems. У меня нет хрустального шара. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't have a crystal ball. Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I sat down on the ground. Гадаєш, я все ще її кохаю? Do you think I still love her? You think I still love her? Том таскает Мэри за волосы. Tom is pulling Mary's hair. Tom gets Mary by the hair. Хіба ти не сумуєш за домом? Aren't you homesick? Don't you miss the house? Я читаю книжку. I am reading a book. I read a book. Я провалил экзамен. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Я більше не живу в Бостоні. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Дитина схожа на матір. The baby takes after his mother. A child is like a mother. Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It's always my parents' fault. Мене попросили показати паспорт на кордоні. I was asked to show my passport at the border. I was asked to show my passport at the border. Я не знаю, чи зможу бути присутнім на завтрашній зустрічі. I don't know whether I'll be able to attend tomorrow's meeting. I don't know if I can attend tomorrow. Ми в дорозі додому. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Мені подобається ваше волосся. I like your hair. I like your hair. Я выпадкова! I didn't mean to! I'm by accident! Я веду дневник. I keep a diary. I'm in the diary. Як щодо того, щоб з'їздити на пікнік. How about going on a picnic? Like going to the picnic. Вчитися ніколи не пізно. One is never too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування — це, перш за все, непряма адресація. Object-oriented programming is all about indirection. Object-oriented programming is, first of all, indirect address. Я буду дома к половине третьего. I'm going to be home by 2:30. I'll be home by half a third. Коралловые рифы кишат жизнью. Coral reefs teem with life. Coral reefs are infested with life. Ён кінуў мне яблык. He threw me the apple. He threw me an apple. Почему ты мне не помогаешь? Why aren't you helping me? Why don't you help me? Том може відімкнути будь-який замок. Tom can open any lock. Tom can unlock any castle. Том никогда не признаёт, что не прав, потому что считает это признаком слабости. Tom never admits that he's wrong, because he thinks that's a sign of weakness. Tom never admits that he's wrong because he thinks it's a sign of weakness. Ми в дорозі додому. We are on the way home. We're on our way home. Я, можливо, тут єдиний, хто знає, як це зробити. I'm probably the only one here who knows how to do that. I may be the only one here who knows how to do this. Вам сказали, де буде зустріч? Have you been told where the meeting will be? Did they tell you where to meet? Том сказав мені, що він вважає Мері потворною. Tom told me that he thought Mary was ugly. Tom told me he thought Mary was ugly. Мы разлягліся на газоне. We spread ourselves out on the lawn. We broke up on the lawn. Нас обеих зовут Мэри. We're both named Mary. We're both called Mary. Я хотел бы поговорить о нём. I'd like to talk about him. I'd like to talk about him. Том стікає кров'ю. Tom is bleeding. Tom's bleeding. Впустіть мене. Let me in. Let me in. Ти бачив, як він виходив? Did you see him go out? Did you see him leave? Сьогодні Різдво. Today is Christmas. It's Christmas. Том пишається донькою. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Сумка пустая. The bag is empty. The bag is empty. Ми слухаємо. We're listening. We're listening. Вы хотите, чтобы я начала заново? Do you want me to start again? You want me to start again? Том услышал шум. Tom heard the noise. Tom heard a noise. Можаш навучыць мяне партугальскай? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? Мені здається, вам хтось телефонує. I think that somebody is calling you. I think there's someone calling you. Они решили пожениться в следующем месяце. They decided to marry next month. They decided to get married next month. Думаю, лучше вести себя воспитанно. I think it is best not to be impolite. I think it's better to be trained. Які програми ти дивишся по телевізору? What programs do you watch on TV? What programs do you watch on TV? Годинник відстає на десять хвилин. The clock is ten minutes behind. The clock is 10 minutes behind. Он торгует автомобилями. He sells cars. He's a car dealer. Я вижу, когда мужчины любят женщин. Они отдают им лишь малую часть своей жизни. Женщины же, любя, отдают всё. I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. I see men loving women, giving them only a small portion of their lives, and women, darling, give everything. Я завтра им позвоню. I'll call them tomorrow. I'll call them tomorrow. У Тома есть старшая сестра, которую зовут Мэри. Tom has an older sister named Mary. Tom has an older sister named Mary. Навошта табе адвёртка? Why do you need a screwdriver? Why the hell do you want to push? Что тебя мотивирует? What motivates you? What motivates you? Перестань это делать, Том. Stop doing that, Tom. Stop doing that, Tom. Я сделал это по его просьбе. I did so at his request. I did so at his request. Том мог бы сказать Мэри правду, но предпочёл этого не делать. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Tom could've told Mary the truth, but he didn't want to. Той день прийде! That day shall come. That day will come! У меня не было плана Б. I didn't have a Plan B. I didn't have plan B. Том - рисковый водитель. Tom is a reckless driver. Tom's a risky driver. Ти його купила на чорному ринку? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it in the black market? Я їм тут. I eat here. I'm eating here. Яны абвінавацілі яго, што ён яе забіў. They claimed that he'd killed her. They accused him that he had killed her. Вона затримала подих. She held her breath. She held her breath. Це тобі нічого не коштуватиме. It won't cost you a thing. It won't cost you anything. Хтось хоче пива? Does anyone want a beer? Anyone want a beer? Мы продали наши души за деньги. We sold our souls for money. We sold our souls for money. Сколько ещё людей знает об этом? How many other people know about this? How many more people know about this? Мы оба любим морепродукты. We both like seafood. We both like seafood. У мене був інсульт минулого року. I had a stroke last year. I had a stroke last year. Ви приймаєте душ щодня? Do you shower every day? Do you take a shower every day? Я не буду носити цю сукню. I won't wear that dress. I'm not wearing this dress. Ми чекали на нього. We've been expecting him. We were waiting for him. Машина жёлтая. The car is yellow. The car's yellow. Том - антисемит. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom's an anti-Semitism. Я ведаю твайго бацьку. I know your father. I know your father. Ты напоминаешь мне мою мать. You remind me of my mother. You remind me of my mother. Это твой первый приезд в Австралию? Is this your first visit to Australia? Is that your first arrival in Australia? На самолёте лететь будет дороже. It'll cost you more to go by plane. On the plane, it'll be more expensive than that. Я очень нервничал. I was very nervous. I was very nervous. Я сказал что-то смешное? Did I say something funny? Did I say something funny? У вас добрая памяць. You have a good memory. You have good memory. Ситуація стає все гіршою і гіршою. The situation gets worse and worse. The situation is getting worse and worse. Я подивився у дзеркало. I looked in the mirror. I looked into the mirror. Ты умеешь кататься на лыжах? Can you ski? You know how to ski? Никаких грязных шуток! No dirty jokes! No dirty jokes! Що ти про це думаєш? How do you feel about it? What do you think of that? Мері бракує здорового глузду. Mary lacks common sense. Mary lacks common sense. Мэри хотела быть девушкой Тома. Mary wanted to be Tom's girlfriend. Mary wanted to be Tom's girlfriend. Сподіваємося, людям це сподобається. We hope people like it. We hope people like that. Каждое утро я хожу за покупками. I go shopping every morning. Every morning I go shopping. Приходь завтра. Come back tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Це його машина. That is his car. It's his car. Я погано сплю. I do not sleep well. I don't sleep well. Все были просто поражены тем, что она смогла забеременеть в 48 лет. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. Everyone was just amazed that she was able to get pregnant at 48 years of age. Томоу єси любъ. Tom loves you. You're welcome to Tom. С чего ты взял, что это подделка? What makes you think it's a fake? What makes you think it's a fake? Мері піклується про себе. Mary takes care of herself. Mary cares about herself. Ми часто буваємо в Тромсе. We are often in Tromsø. We're often in Troms. Они спали в машине, потому что не смогли найти отель. They slept in the car because they couldn't find a hotel. They slept in the car because they couldn't find a hotel. Батарэя майго MP3-плэера была разражаная. The battery of my MP3-player was empty. My M.P.P.D. was cut. Оставь это там, где нашёл. Leave it where you found it. Leave it where you found it. Том дал мне номер телефона Мэри. Tom gave me Mary's phone number. Tom gave me Mary's phone number. Это прекраснейшая картина из всех, что я видел. This is the finest picture I have ever seen. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen. Я чула кожне слово. I heard every word. I heard every word. Тома не надо по несколько раз просить что-то сделать. Tom doesn't need to be told more than once to do something. Tom shouldn't ask me to do anything. Стойте там. Stay there. Stay there. Том постоянно это делает. Tom does that all the time. Tom does it all the time. Он завоевал её любовь. He earned her love. He conquered her love. Я служил в разведчасти. I served in the intelligence corps. I served in intelligence. Є секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Ці вы заўтра вольныя? Are you free tomorrow? Are you tomorrow excused? У Нэнси есть фортепиано. Nancy has a piano. Nancy has piano. Що Том та Мері робили в Бостоні? What were Tom and Mary doing in Boston? What did Tom and Mary do in Boston? Тато швидко полистав газету. My father quickly scanned the newspaper. Dad quickly left the newspaper. Он непременно придёт. He'll come for sure. He'll be here. Я трачу кучу времени, строя воздушные замки. I waste a lot of time daydreaming. I'm spending a lot of time building air locks. Мальчики всегда будут мальчиками, а девочки - девочками. Boys will be boys, girls will be girls. Boys will always be boys, and girls will be girls. В конце концов она так и не перезвонила. She didn't telephone after all. She didn't call me back in the end. Ты напугал их. You frightened them. You scared them. У неї, здається, багато друзів. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have a lot of friends. Коли сѧ єсте родили? When were you born? When did the heretic get born? Новина рознеслася по всій Японії. The news spread all over Japan. News spread throughout Japan. Тоді я прийду пізніше. Then I'll come again later. Then I'll come back later. Из-за паводков занятия в школах были приостановлены. Classes have been suspended due to floods. Because of floods, school classes were suspended. Вы, должно быть, очень хорошо их знаете. You must know them very well. You must know them very well. Лейла дуже швидко завагітніла. Layla became pregnant pretty soon. Leila became pregnant very soon. Хацеў бы я, каб у мяне быў хлопец. I wish I had a boyfriend. I would love to have a boyfriend. Не зловживай моїм терпінням. Don't abuse my patience. Don't abuse my patience. Моя машина покрыта голубиным дерьмом. My car is covered in pigeon shit. My car is covered with blue shit. Мэри рассказала мне о своих планах. Mary told me about her plans. Mary told me about her plans. Ничего страшного. Со всеми бывает. Never mind. It happens to everyone. It's okay, everybody's here. Я не смог найти в поезде место, так что мне пришлось стоять. I couldn't find a seat on the train, so I had to stand. I couldn't find a place on the train, so I had to stand. Він почув крик про допомогу. He heard a cry for help. He heard a cry for help. Ти повинна зробити це сама. You must do it for yourself. You have to do it yourself. Через десять лет наш город сильно изменится. In ten years our town will change a lot. Ten years later, our city will change dramatically. Мама зайнята приготуванням вечері. My mother is busy cooking supper. Mom's busy cooking dinner. Калі я буду заможным, я набуду гэта. If I got rich, I would buy it. When I'm going to be rich, I'll get it. Том не показался мне счастливым. Tom didn't seem happy to see me. Tom didn't show me happiness. Ты довольна? Are you content? Are you happy? Что Том делал в Бостоне? What was Tom doing in Boston? What was Tom doing in Boston? Я направляюсь в спортзал. I'm heading to the gym. I'm going to the gym. Вы там живёте? Do you live there? Are you living there? Жінка Тома — канадійка. Tom's wife is Canadian. Tom's wife is a Canadian. Том може не знати, де Мері. Tom may not know where Mary is. Tom may not know where Mary is. Чьто же єсмь вѣлъ и ти повѣлъ. What I wist I told to you. Who the hell are you? А що, якщо наш план не спрацює? What if our plan doesn't work? What if our plan doesn't work? Усім падабаецца гэта настаўніца. Everyone likes this teacher. Everybody likes it's a teacher. Она дотронулась до синяка на его руке. She touched the bruise on his arm. She touched the bruise on his hand. Сколько человек? How many people? How many people? Я всегда вас понимала. I've always understood you. I always understood you. Предлагаю вам их отпустить. I suggest you let them go. I suggest you let them go. Мы спешно поели и тотчас же ушли. We ate a hasty meal and left immediately. We were in a hurry, but we left immediately. Она коснулась моей руки. She touched my hand. She touched my hand. Чи можу я поговорити з ним? May I speak with him? Can I talk to him? Вы были готовы. You were ready. You were ready. Грабитель вошёл в дом через эту дверь. The burglar came into the house through this door. The vulture entered the house through that door. Мама накрила на стіл. Mom spread the table. Mom put it on the table. У мене є морська свинка. I have a guinea pig. I've got a guinea pig. Она сказала, что она канадка. She said that she's Canadian. She said she was a Canadian. Первой на войне погибает истина. The first to die in war is the truth. The first truth to die in war is the truth. Я сейчас очень счастлив. I'm really happy now. I'm very happy right now. Ты несправедлив. You're being unfair. You're unfair. Ты должен был хорошо подумать, прежде чем делать её беременной. You should have thought of that before you got her pregnant. You should've thought better before you made her pregnant. Гэта была хлусня. It was a lie. It was false. Ви не такий молодий, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Давай поговорим об этом. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. Гэта сапраўднае золата. That's real gold. It is the true gold. Какие слова к этой песне? What are the lyrics to that song? What's the word for that song? Нам действительно это нужно. We really need that. We really need this. Вони тебе не поважають. They don't respect you. They don't respect you. Не храни велосипед в сарае. Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. Don't keep a bike in a barn. Не давайте им войти. Don't let them in. Don't let them in. У меня начинали появляться сомнения. I was beginning to have my doubts. I'm starting to have some doubts. Ты ведаеш, як абясшкодзіць бомбу? Do you know how to deactivate a bomb? Do you know how to crack the bomb? Я ненавиджу прасувати. I hate to iron. I hate ironing. Ён вырашыў усе праблемы. He solved all the problems. He solved the whole problem. Ні, це не мій новий хлопець. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, that's not my new boyfriend. Вона продає старомодного капелюха. She's selling an old-fashioned hat. She sells old-fashioned hat. Ось що тобі насправді треба зробити. That's what you really need to do. That's what you really have to do. Що ти матимеш? What will you have? What do you have? Я не могу позволить себе это купить. I can't afford to buy this. I can't afford to buy it. Я не вмію свистіти. I cannot whistle. I can't whistle. Здається, у мене починається гарячка. I think I'm coming down with a fever. I think I've got a fever. Я думаю, что мог бы это сделать. I think I could do that. I think I could do it. Том не спіць з паловы на трэцюю. Tom has been awake since 2:30. Tom's not asleep with half on the third. Він не насмілився сказати "ні" моєму плану. He dared not say no to my plan. He didn't dare say no to my plan. Мой брат убьёт меня. My brother will kill me. My brother's gonna kill me. Я впустив свої ключі. I dropped my keys. I let my keys in. Я хропіла? Was I snoring? Am I snoring? Скачы! Jump. Sneaking! Шум действовал мне на нервы. The noise got on my nerves. The noise worked on my nerves. Ти виглядав зацікавленим. You seemed interested. You looked interested. Том — не кузен Мері. Tom isn't Mary's cousin. Tom's not Mary's cousin. Вѣмь къдє то живєши. I know where you live. It's like you're alive. Не бийте мене. Don't hit me. Don't hit me. Том вышел из комы. Tom has woken up from his coma. Tom's out of the coma. Я пришла сюда, чтобы помочь вам. I've come here to help you. I came here to help you. Я вывучаю казахскую. I am learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Джон не знає, що робити далі. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Я пообідав три години тому. I had lunch three hours ago. I had lunch three hours ago. Они не знают, что я канадец. They don't know I'm Canadian. They don't know I'm Canadian. Він відомий композитор. He is a famous composer. He's a well-known composer. Мы с ним плакали. He and I cried. We wept with him. Можеш залишити світло увімкненим? Can you leave the light on? Can you keep the light on? Ці апельсини вже погані. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are already bad. Он был лишь тенью себя прежнего. He was only a shadow of his former self. He was nothing but a shadow of himself. Я скажу Тому, что вы звонили. I'll tell Tom you called. I'll tell him you called. Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than he. She's three years younger than he is. І де ж це ти взяв цього капелюха? Where on earth did you get that hat? And where did you get that hat? Я вдруг понял, что происходит. I suddenly realized what was happening. I suddenly realized what was going on. Том не хочет продавать дом, но у него нет выбора. Tom doesn't want to sell his house, but he has no choice. Tom doesn't want to sell a house, but he doesn't have a choice. Ти певен, що це можна робити? Are you sure it's OK to do this? Are you sure you can do that? Том привітав Мері з дипломом. Tom congratulated Mary on her graduation. Tom welcomed Mary with a diploma. Не открывайте этот ящик. Don't open this box. Don't open that box. Ты позвонила в полицию. You called the police. You called the police. Я его ему не дал. I didn't give it to him. I didn't give it to him. Можна поговорити з Білом? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Том сказав, що він шкодує про те, що забув поцілувати Мері на прощання. Tom said that he wished he hadn't forgotten to kiss Mary goodbye. Tom said he regretted having forgotten to kiss Mary good-bye. Покажіть. Show me. Show me. Ми не можемо лишити її одну. We can't leave her alone. We can't leave it alone. Нам лучше подготовиться заблаговременно, потому что поезд ждать не будет. We'd better get ready early because the train won't wait. We're better prepared in advance because the train won't wait. Ви дали мені добру пораду. You've given me good advice. You gave me good advice. На стол подали запеченный картофель и куриное филе с приправой. The table was served with baked potatoes and seasoned chicken fillet. Warm potatoes and chicken season were put on the table. Я с ним не согласен. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Це безкоштовне? Is this free? Is that free? Вона червона. It's red. She's red. Когда я кашляю, мне кажется, будто мои кровеносные сосуды в лёгких лопаются. I think that blood vessels are bursting in my lungs when I cough. When I cough, it seems to me that my blood vessels are in the lungs. Твая котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Почему Вы дома? Why are you home? Why are you home? Том сказал, что рад, что вы вернулись. Tom said he is glad that you're back. Tom said he was glad you'd come back. Я приеду в понедельник, Том во вторник, а Мэри - в среду. I'll arrive on Monday, Tom on Tuesday and Mary on Wednesday. I'll be there on Monday, Tom on Tuesday, and Mary on Wednesday. Выберы цішотку, якая табе найбольш падабаецца. Choose the T-shirt you like the best. Choose the t-shirt which thee likes most. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than I thought it was. Нам соромно за Тома. Tom is an embarrassment. We're ashamed of Tom. Здесь река глубже всего. This river is deepest here. The river is deeper than that. Том писал стихи о своей любви к Марии. Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary. Tom wrote poems about his love for Mary. Зачекаймо поки Том сюди доїде. Let's wait till Tom gets here. We'll wait till Tom gets here. Вы имеете право на адвоката. You are entitled to have a lawyer. You have the right to a lawyer. У пары был сын. The couple had a son. A couple had a son. Яна чакала і чакала, але ён так і не павярнуўся. She waited and waited, but he never returned. She waited and waited, but he never turned around. Маладая дзяўчына хацела стаць зоркай галубога экрану. The young girl wanted to be a star of the silver screen. The young girl wanted to be the star of the blue screen. Усі в класі Тома заразилися грипом. Everyone in Tom's class caught the flu. Everyone in Tom's class got flu. Мы должны попытаться их остановить. We've got to try and stop them. We have to try and stop them. Робот вийшов з-під контроля. The robot went out of control. The robot's out of control. Жереб кинуто. The die is cast. I don't know what you're doing. Не стрибати! Don't jump! Don't jump! Ви до сих пір так і не сказали мені, що робити. You still haven't told me what to do. You still haven't told me what to do. Том умеет играть на банджо. Tom can play the banjo. Tom can play banjo. Сьогодні день Святого Валентина. Today is Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Тому не следовало говорить этого Мэри. Tom shouldn't have told Mary that. That's why Mary shouldn't have said it. Дзе конь? Where is the horse? Where's the horse? Мері назвала свого собаку Печенько. Mary named her dog Cookie. Mary called her dog Prick. Я не думаю, що Том багато чого знає про мистецтво. I don't think Tom knows much about art. I don't think Tom knows much about art. Мы не можам убачыць іншы бок месяца. We cannot see the other side of the moon. We can't see the other side of the month. Я не убегу как трус. I won't run away like a coward. I'm not running like a coward. Мы беспристрастны. We're unbiased. We are impartial. Мълвита ли роусьскы? Do you speak Russian? Do you have any roaches? Сколько у вас тёток? How many aunts do you have? How many aunts do you have? Як мені потрапити на інший бік? How do I get to the other side? How can I get to the other side? Я ушёл около половины третьего. I left around 2:30. I left about half a third. Хочешь калькулятор? Do you want a calculator? You want a calculator? Ділер хоче продати автомобіль. The dealer wants to sell a car. Deller wants to sell the car. Гэта робіцца вельмі проста. That's very easy to do. It's getting very easy. Что бы ты хотел, чтобы Дед Мороз тебе принёс? What would you like Santa to bring you? What would you like to have Grandpa Christmas bring you? Дуже ймовірно, що Том прийде. It's quite likely Tom will come. It's very likely Tom's coming. Я все ще не знаю, що робитиму. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I still don't know what I'm gonna do. Ми пішли до тієї самої церкви. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Мне нужно знать, кто помог Тому. I need to know who helped Tom. I need to know who helped him. Сами потерял свои очки в бассейне. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. She lost her points in the pool. Він завжди щасливий. He is always happy. He's always happy. Я довольно высокий. I'm pretty tall. I'm pretty tall. Як ти можеш таке казати? How can you say such a thing? How can you say that? Том ответит на все твои вопросы. Tom will answer all of your questions. Tom will answer all your questions. Том розділяв біль Мері. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom shared Mary’s pain. Как ты себя сегодня чувствуешь? How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? Це браслет. This is a bracelet. It's a bracelet. Моя мама ненавидит смотреть телевизор. My mother hates to watch the television. My mom hates watching TV. Я прийшла купити овочі. I came to buy vegetables. I came to buy some vegetables. Том будет гордиться вами. Tom is going to be proud of you. Tom will be proud of you. Єсть ıаблъко на столѣ. There is an apple on the desk. It's Yalblik on the table. Ты хочешь, чтобы я позвонил им? Do you want me to call them? You want me to call them? Я слышал о нём только хорошее. I've only heard good things about him. I only heard about him good. Слушай, тебе кто-то звонит. Look, someone is calling you. Look, someone's calling you. Я преподаю Тому французский. I'm teaching French to Tom. I teach That's French. Це нам дуже допомогло. It's helped us a lot. This has helped us greatly. Мэри потеряла сознание. Mary fainted. Mary fainted. Некоторые птицы не летали. Some of the birds didn't fly. Some birds didn't fly. Ти не дуже добре виглядаєш. You don't look well. You don't look good. Якія ў цябе планы на нядзелю? What plans do you have for Sunday? What are your plans for Sunday? Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дав три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. Люблю гісторыі з сумным канцом. I like stories that have sad endings. I love stories with a sad ending. Думаешь, нам стоит сказать Тому? Do you think that we should tell Tom? You think we should tell Tom? Я буду усердно молиться. I'll pray hard. I will pray diligently. Никто не слышал звонка. Nobody heard the bell ring. No one heard the call. Держись оттуда подальше. Stay away from there. Stay out of there. Нам нужно больше дров. We need more firewood. We need more wood. Том и Мэри сделали уроки до ужина. Tom and Mary did their homework before dinner. Tom and Mary made lessons before dinner. Я нещодавно познайомилася з кимось, у кого, мені здається, я можу закохатися. I met someone the other day that I think I could fall in love with. I've just met someone I think I'm supposed to fall in love with recently. Их все ищут. Everyone's looking for them. Everyone's looking for them. Поліція продовжила своє розслідування. Police continued their investigation. The police continued their investigation. Я не знал, что Том - ваш начальник. I didn't know Tom was your boss. I didn't know Tom was your boss. Команда Тома набрала 96 очок. 55 очок було набрано у першому таймі. Скільки очок набрали у другому таймі? Tom's team scored a total of 96 points. 55 points were scored in the first half. How many were scored in the second half? Tom's team got 96 points. 55 points were taken in the first half. How many points did they get in the second half? Квартира була мебльована у вікторіанському стилі. The flat was furnished in the Victorian style. The apartment was furnished in Victorian style. Ты был честным политиком. You were an honest politician. You were an honest politician. Я прадаю новыя парасоны. I sell new umbrellas. I sell new umbrellas. Я попросил их держаться от этого подальше. I asked them to stay out of it. I asked them to stay away from this. Послухай-но що я маю сказати. Listen to what I have to say. Listen to me, but what am I supposed to say? Думаешь, такое возможно? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think that's possible? Вам не нужно туда идти, если не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go in there if you don't want to. Я думал, вы уснули. I thought you'd fallen asleep. I thought you were asleep. Я такою народилася. I was born like this. I was born this way. Мэри сказала, что не хочет пить. Mary said she's not thirsty. Mary said she didn't want to drink. Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. It's an important letter. Це було неминуче. It was inevitable. It was inevitable. Тому пришлось прождать три часа. Tom had to wait for three hours. So I had to wait three hours. Яна не хацела назваць сваё імя. She was unwilling to tell her name. She did not want to name her name. Вы боитесь собак? Are you afraid of dogs? Are you afraid of dogs? Как только наш менеджер перестал нас беспокоить, всё пошло без малейших затруднений. As soon as our manager got off our backs, everything started to go off without a hitch. Once our manager stopped bothering us, it all went without the slightest difficulty. Ты готов повеселиться? Are you ready to have fun? Are you ready to have fun? Он думает, что я её люблю. He thinks I'm in love with her. He thinks I love her. Моя кімната - свинарик. My room is a pigsty. My room is a pig. Вона лише дитина. She's only a child. She's just a kid. Держитесь за перила. Hold on to the rail. Hold on to the pearls. Ты очень умна. You are very smart. You're very smart. Когда вы последний раз стриглись? When was the last time you got your hair cut? When was the last time you jumped? Том дал волю гневу. Tom burst into a rage. Tom gave me the will of anger. Вона тримає квіти в руці. She has flowers in her hand. She's holding flowers in her hand. Я позвал сына. I called my son. I called my son. Я хочу, щоб моє ім'я пам'ятали. I want my name to be remembered. I want my name remembered. Не спорьте со мной. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Я побачусь із своїм дядьком завтра. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll see my uncle tomorrow. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom up to in Boston? What does Tom do in Boston? Канешне, я пайду. Of course I'll go. I'm going. Это место, где она работала секретарем. This is the place where she works as a secretary. This is the place where she worked as secretary. Я відчула, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt that something was wrong. Это приемлемо. That's acceptable. That's acceptable. Ти дуже зайнятий. You're very busy. You're very busy. Том должен быть здесь в течение 15 минут. Tom should be here within fifteen minutes. Tom needs to be here for 15 minutes. Я не закінчив. I wasn't finished. I'm not done. Вы принесли книгу? Did you bring the book? Did you bring the book? Том сказал, что мне следует поговорить с тобой. Tom said I should talk to you. Tom said I should talk to you. Це правда, що ти навчатимешся в Бостоні? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true that you will learn in Boston? Чи є ім'я "Шиносуке" мішенню для глузувань? Is the name 'Shinosuke' a target for teasing? Is there a name called Chinosuke that targets ridicule? У Тома не було з цим жодних проблем. Tom had no problem with it. Tom had no problem with this. Спізнилися всі, крім мене. Everyone was late but me. Everyone's late except for me. Тому сделали операцию по удалению селезёнки. Tom had a splenectomy. So they performed an operation to remove the spleen. Мэры і яе сям’я прыйшлі на вакзал, каб нас правесці. Mary and her family came to the railway station to see us off. Mary and her family came to the station to carry us out. Ты такая надменная. You're so stuck up. You're so arrogant. Том — дуже практична людина. Tom is a very practical, down-to-earth person. Tom is a very practical person. Хачу сабе такі меч! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like that! Том ничего не делал всю неделю, лишь жаловался на стряпню Мэри. Tom has done nothing all week but complain about Mary's cooking. Tom didn't do anything all week, just complained about Mary's temper. Так што? So what? So? Я виконаю цю роботу. I will carry through the work. I'll do the job. Мері пішла на прогулянку. Mary went for a stroll. Mary went for a walk. Том всегда так говорит. Tom is always saying that. Tom always says that. Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Я не намерен так поступать. I don't intend to do so. I do not intend to do so. Это законно. This is legal. It's legal. Калі б я ведаў яго лепей, я б сказаў яму праўду. If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth. If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth. Том съел весь хлеб, что я вчера купил. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Я не потребую вашої допомоги. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Том никогда не был знаком с Мэри. Tom never knew Mary. Tom never met Mary. Я мушу рыхтавацца да кантрольнай работы. I have to prepare for the test. I have to get ready for the control work. Ти розумний хлопець. You're a bright boy. You're a smart guy. Хто хоче піти зі мною? Who wants to come with me? Who wants to come with me? У космасе няма паветра. There is no air in space. There's no air in space. Том не знал, что Мэри его ищет. Tom didn't know that Mary was looking for him. Tom didn't know Mary was looking for him. У меня не так много денег, как вы думаете. I don't have as much money as you think I do. I don't have as much money as you think. Я скучная. I am boring. I'm bored. Я действительно его любила. I really loved him. I really loved him. Я сделал всё возможное, чтобы помочь Тому. I tried my best to help Tom. I did everything I could to help Tom. Вы са мной размаўляеце? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? Давайте припинемо цю марну дискусію. Let's stop this fruitless discussion. Let's stop this vain discussion. Я могу остаться, если хотите. I can stay if I want me to. I can stay if you want. Том был один. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Ты в новых ботинках? Are you wearing new shoes? Are you in the new shoes? Это чистая правда! That is the absolute truth! It's pure truth! Я в пижаме. I'm in my pajamas. I'm in the pajama. Я не маю гарэлкі. I don't have vodka. I don't have a pigeon. Откуда мне начинать? Where do I begin? Where do I start? Я так тебя люблю. Жду не дождусь, когда тебя увижу. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you. I love you so much, I can't wait to see you. Мені все ще треба оплатити рахунок за телефон. I still have to pay the phone bill. I still need to pay the phone bill. Це мої труси. These are my underpants. These are my underpants. Мій батько, можливо, спить. My father may be sleeping. My father may be sleeping. Хіба ты не ганарышся, што ты егіпцянка? Aren't you proud to be Egyptian? Aren't you proud that you're a European? Можеш мені трохи про себе розповісти? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Оттава — столица Канады. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Яны зразумелі? Did they understand? Are they understood? Я вельмі люблю яе ідэі. I love her ideas. I really love her ideas. Дайте мені п'ять днів. Give me five days. Give me five days. Мы тебе не враги. We're not your enemies. We're not your enemies. У тебе буде час пообідати зі мною? Will you have time to have lunch with me? Is it time for you to have lunch with me? У Тома тоді не було роботи. Tom had no work at that time. Tom had no job at the time. Ты нашёл книгу, которую искал? Did you find the book you were looking for? Did you find the book you were looking for? Ты ўсё яшчэ маладая. You're still young. You are still young. Неужели вы думаете, я бы вам не помог? Do you really think I wouldn't help you? Do you think I wouldn't help you? Поки що досить. That's enough for now. That's enough for now. Я сьогодні знайшов дуже гарну місцину. I discovered a very nice place today. I found a very nice place today. Помста — це блюдо, яке подається холодним. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Revenge is a dish served by the cold. Чаму? Why? Why? Я шукаю тебе. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Пьсъ въ домоу. The dog is in the house. I'm going home. Он вернётся через несколько дней. He will come back in a few days. He'll be back in a few days. Сподіваюся, йому сподобається мій подарунок. I hope he likes my present. I hope he likes my gift. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён любіць мяне. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. Ми хочемо допомогти. We want to help. We want to help. Том знав, що Мері навряд чи може це зробити. Tom knew that Mary was very unlikely to be able to do that. Tom knew that Mary could hardly do that. Я можу читати англійською. I am able to read English. I can read English. Мы пілі піва. We drank beer. We were drinking beer. Ты можаш гэта паўтарыць? Can you say that again? Can you repeat this? Чи це знову дощитиме сьогодні? Is it still going to rain today? Will it rain again today? Не знал, что ты романтик. I didn't know you were a romantic. I didn't know you were romantic. Анфіса — грамадзянка Расіі. Anfisa is a Russian citizen. Anfsa is a citizen of Russia. Кто-нибудь здесь с ними знаком? Does anybody here know them? Is anyone here dating them? Том с вами? Is Tom with you? Tom's with you? Цікаво, чи я зможу це зробити ще раз. I wonder whether or not I can do that again. I wonder if I can do it again. Я смотрел фильм на французском с английскими субтитрами. I watched a movie in French with English subtitles. I watched a French film with English subtitles. Вы безнадёжны! You are hopeless! You're hopeless! Цю історію варто прочитати. This story is worth reading. This story is worth reading. Це Том вбив кішку Мері. Tom is the one that killed Mary the cat. Tom killed Mary's cat. Жінка була сурогатною матір'ю дитини. The woman was the child's surrogate mother. The woman was the surrogate mother of the baby. Том та Мері планують це зробити. Tom and Mary are planning to do that. Tom and Mary are planning on doing this. Не думаю, что Тому надо завтра приходить. I don't think that Tom has to come tomorrow. I don't think that's why I'm here tomorrow. Так, я жив там багато років. Yes, I lived there for many years. Yeah, I've been there for years. Це сербське ім'я. It's a Serbian name. It's a Serbian name. Я охрип. I've got a frog in my throat. I'm nuts. Ми не сподіваємось на перемогу. We have no expectations of victory. We do not expect to win. На столі сядзіць страказа. There is a dragonfly on the ceiling. There's a strike on the table. Дзін гуляе на камп'ютары. Ding is playing on the computer. Dinah plays computer. Я повністю виснажений. I'm completely exhausted. I'm completely exhausted. Ти сам? Are you by yourself? Are you alone? Ты меня избегаешь. You're avoiding me. You're avoiding me. Я совсем не говорю на телугу. I don't speak much Telugu at all. I'm not talking at all. Хочеш потанцювати? Do you want to dance? You want to dance? Ти не міг би мені сказати пароль до Wi-Fi, будь ласка? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password, please? Can you tell me the password for Wi-Fi, please? Что вы думаете о нашей любви? What do you think of our love? What do you think of our love? Можете мені показати? Can you show me? Can you show me? Ледъ таѥсть въ водѣ. Ice melts in water. It's cold in the water. Ми пішли на вулицю. We went out. We went outside. Без очков Сами дальше собственного носа ничего не видит. Without his glasses, Sami can't see anything in front of his nose. Without glasses, she can't see anything from her own nose. Гэта было не сапраўднае каханне. It wasn't real love. That was not the true love. Чому всі плачуть? Why is everybody crying? Why do they all cry? Я был слишком амбициозен. I was too ambitious. I was too ambitious. Ні? No? Oh, no? Його цікавить математика. He's interested in math. He's interested in math. Я певна, що Тому це сподобається. I'm sure Tom is going to like that. I'm sure that's why she'll like it. Ученые объясняют это иначе. Scientists interpret it differently. This is not explained by scientists. Его никогда не было. He never existed. He's never been. Ми дійсно цього хочемо, правда? We do want that, don't we? We really want it, don't we? Он говорит, что знает вас. He says that he knows you. He says he knows you. Розфарбуй малюнок. Colour the picture. Colorize the picture. Дай їм другий шанс. Give them a second chance. Give them a second chance. Не стучи в дверь рукой. Don't knock on the door with your hand. Don't knock on your hand's door. Нѣсть єи братъ. She has no brothers. You have a brother. Том закрыл дверь в свою спальню. Tom closed the door of his bedroom. Tom closed the door to his bedroom. Ми впевнені, що справимося з цим. We're confident we'll be able to handle this. We're sure we'll deal with this. Чи є на стільці книга? - Є. "Is there a book on the chair?" "Yes, there is." Is there a book in the chair? Простите мой скудный эсперанто. Pardon my poor Esperanto. I'm sorry, my boring Esperanto. Я говорил с врачами по-французски. I spoke to the doctors in French. I spoke to doctors in French. Я сказал, что буду там. I said I'd be there. I said I'd be there. Скажіть Тому, що я втомився. Tell Tom that I'm tired. Tell him I'm tired. Ты их напугал. You scared them. You scared them. Я недавно написал Тому, но он ещё не ответил. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet. I recently wrote to Tom, but he hasn't answered yet. Сами отдал Лейле свой компьютер. Sami gave Layla his computer. You gave Leila your computer yourself. Том даже не знает, почему его исключили из школы. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Tom doesn't even know why he was expelled from school. Хто наші найближчі родичі серед тварин? What are our closest animal relatives? Who are our closest relatives among the animals? Не вір усьому, що ти чуєш про Тома. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Я ніколи не був сором'язливий. I never was shy. I've never been shy. У маладосці прэзідэнт быў фермерам. The president was a farmer when he was young. At youth the president was a farmer. Краще Тому не відмовляти. You don't want to say no to Tom. It's better not to say no. Сподіваюся, вам він сподобається. I hope that you will like it. I hope you like him. Не вір нікому. Don't trust anybody. Don't believe anyone. Вьсе бъıло красьно. Everything looked nice. There was a lot of stuff going on. Одного языка никогда не бывает достаточно. A single language is never enough. One language is never enough. Том обожнює піцу та картоплю фрі. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom loves pizza and potatoes fries. Не думаю, что мне это нравится. I don't think I like it. I don't think I like it. Ружа ружовая. The rose is pink. The hands are gunpowder. Рахунок, будь ласка. The check, please. Account, please. В холодильнику є молоко. There's milk in the fridge. The refrigerator has milk. Я предпочитаю более простой подход. I prefer a simpler approach. I prefer a simpler approach. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Том буде вдома до полудня. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home till noon. Де ти маєш це зробити? Where do you have to do that? Where do you have to do that? Вони перемогли. They won. They won. Я такого не делал. I did no such thing. I didn't do that. Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? Don't you like bathing? Вогонь згас. The fire is out. Fire's out. Дзякуй за вашу гасціннасць сёння. Thank you very much for your hospitality today. Thank you for your hospitality to-day. Я скінчив роботу. I finished the work. I quit. Через несколько дней Том нашёл другую работу. A few days later, Tom found another job. A few days later, Tom found another job. Сколько раз ты помогал Тому это делать? How many times did you help Tom do that? How many times did you help him do that? Ти ніколи не будеш сама. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Ми не могли купити квитки на концерт до тих пір, поки не отримали гроші від наших друзів. We couldn't buy the concert tickets until we got the money from our friends. We couldn't buy tickets to concert until we got money from our friends. Можна позичити ваші ножиці? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Я колись умів це робити. I used to be able to do that. I used to know how to do it. Як праца? How's work? How is work? Нельзя с сажей играть и рук не замарать. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't play with your hands and hands. Не вимикайте світло. Don't turn off the lights. Don't turn the lights off. Это ты сказал Тому, что ему не стоит идти? Were you the one who told Tom that he shouldn't go? Did you tell him he shouldn't go? Это не так сложно. This isn't so difficult. It's not that hard. Том відмовився впустити Мері до будинку. Tom refused to let Mary in the house. Tom refused to let Mary in. Том сказал мне относиться к людям с уважением. Tom told me to treat others with respect. Tom told me to treat people with respect. Тамаш не разумеў гэтага. Tom didn't understand it. The Customs didn't understand this. Я блізка вакзала. I am near the station. I'm about to drop off. Навіщо ви питаєте? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? Это то самое видео, которое я разыскивал. This is the very video I have been looking for. That's the video I was looking for. Я хочу он то. I want that. I want it. Вона зібрала уламки розбитого посуду. She gathered the pieces of the broken dish. She collected pieces of broken dishes. «Дзякуй», — «Няма за што». "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you," "No thanks for what." Нє играи въ сєи полатѣ. Don't play in this room. There's no game going on. Я знаю его много лет. I've known him for years. I've known him for years. Якая змяя мае найдоўшыя іклы? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which serpent has the icicles? Вы знаете того мальчика, который плачет? Do you know that crying boy? Do you know the boy who cries? Том згадзіўся пачакаць. Tom has agreed to wait. Tom mentioned to wait. Том каже, що у нього тенор. Tom says he sings tenor. Tom says he's got a tenor. Ты хочешь что-нибудь сказать Тому? Do you want to say anything to Tom? You want to say something to Tom? Том приложил ко лбу Мэри мокрое полотенце. Tom put a wet towel on Mary's forehead. Tom had a wet towel on Mary's forehead. Пра што вы гаварылі? What did you talk about? What were you talking about? Ты ещё не знаешь, что он скажет. You still don't know what he's going to say. You don't know what he'll say yet. Ти щось замовив? Did you order something? Did you order anything? Яны зараз працуюць? Are they working at the moment? Are they working now? Я більше не живу в Бостоні. Я переїхала до Чикаго. I don't live in Boston anymore. I've moved to Chicago. I don't live in Boston anymore, I moved to Chicago. Том вполне счастлив. Tom is quite happy. Tom's happy. Тъ шьлъ своимь пѫтьмь · ıазъ своимь. He went his way, I go my way. You're yours, you're yours. Англійська - не рідна мені мова. English isn't my first language. English isn't my own language. Ви для мене трохи замолоді. You're a little too young for me. You're a little young to me. Вы гэтага не ведалі? Didn't you know that? You didn't know? Через снігопад літак з Пекіна спізнився на 20 хвилин. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. The snowfall made the plane from Beijing 20 minutes late. Я почищу тебе ботинки. I'll shine your shoes. I'll clean your shoes. Ти повинен знати правила дорожнього руху. You must know the highway code. You need to know the traffic rules. Пообіцяйте мені, що приїдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you'll come. Я живу на ферме. I live on a farm. I live on a farm. Нам холодно. We're cold. It's cold. Я сломал Тому нос. I broke Tom's nose. I broke Tom's nose. Окно здесь. The window is here. The window's here. Она посоветовала ему держать свои обещания. She advised him to keep his promises. She told him to keep his promises. Цвета вам нравятся? Do you like the colours? Do you like flowers? Люди похожи на муравьёв. The people look like ants. People look like ants. Я перакладчык. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Ангола раней была тэрыторыяй Партугаліі. Angola was once a Portuguese territory. Angola had previously been the Party's Territory. Забіраю свае словы назад. I take back what I said. I'm taking my words back. Отец Тома, находящийся в тюрьме, никогда не пишет Тому. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to Tom. Tom's father, in prison, never writes Tom. Ти її знаєш? Do you know her? Do you know her? Паслухайце! Listen! Listen! Просто допоможи мені. Just help me. Just help me. Том знав, що Мері не буде зайнята. Tom knew that Mary wasn't going to be busy. Tom knew Mary wouldn't be busy. Я отримала вашого листа вчора. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Гадаю, ми можемо вибачити Тому. I guess we could forgive Tom. I think we can forgive Tom. У Тома жирные волосы. Tom has greasy hair. Tom's got fat hair. Он научил своего сына плавать. He taught his son how to swim. He taught his son to swim. Я прочёл это в Фейсбуке. I read it on Facebook. I read it in Facebook. У него нет никаких доказательств. He doesn't have any proof. He doesn't have any proof. Это было в подвале. It was in the basement. It was in the basement. Я не згоден. I disagree. I don't agree. А теперь меня слышно? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Сегодня мы легко можем отправиться в далёкие страны на самолёте. Today we can go to distant countries easily by plane. Today, it is easy for us to travel to distant countries on a plane. Мы оба знаем, что это неправда. We both know that's a lie. We both know that's not true. Отъвѣтита ми добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. We're having a good time. Почему мне нельзя её увидеть? Why can't I see her? Why can't I see her? Чому, на вашу думку, я тут? Why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I'm here? Це засмутило Тома. It made Tom sad. This upset Tom. Думаю, вы прислали мне не тот заказ. I think you have sent me a wrong order. I think you sent me the wrong order. Зброі ў мяне не было. I didn't have a weapon. There were no weapons in me. Мая родная мова — партугальская. My native language is Portuguese. My native language is Portuguese. Даю слова. I give you my word. I give you my word. Як ви насмілюєтеся мені таке казати? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say that to me? Скільки це коштує? How much does it cost? How much does it cost? Я впевнений, що він - чесна людина. I am sure that he is an honest man. I'm sure he's an honest man. Том лучше готовит, чем я. Tom is better at cooking than I am. Tom better cook than I do. Яна ўключыла тэлевізар. She turned on the TV. She turned on TV. Це маленьке село. This is a small village. It's a little village. Ты поедешь поездом? Will you go by train? Are you going on a train? Я завтра весь день буду занят. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. Ты забіў яе. You killed her. - You shifted them. - Precisely right. Чалавецтва трэба ўратаваць ад самога сябе. Humanity has to be saved from itself. A party has to save itself. Я не хочу стричься. I don't want to cut my hair. I don't want to be hairy. Он учит французский уже восемь лет. He has been studying French for eight years. He has been teaching French for eight years. Том сказал, что у него нет страховки. Tom said that he didn't have insurance. Tom said he didn't have insurance. Куда мне это положить? Where should I put this? Where would I put that? Я люблю поговорить. I like talking. I like to talk. Я злуюся. I'm angry. I'm angry. Том запретил мне с тобой разговаривать. Tom didn't let me talk with you. Tom told me not to talk to you. Джон умён. John is clever. John's good. Он лёг спать. He went to bed. He went to sleep. Мене майже звільнили. I almost got fired. I'm almost fired. Том був тут тридцять хвилин тому. Tom was here thirty minutes ago. Tom was here thirty minutes ago. Том насправді одружений із Мері? Is Tom really married to Mary? Tom's actually married to Mary? Вы знаете, как это опасно? Do you know how dangerous that is? Do you know how dangerous this is? Её одежда привлекла много внимания на вечеринке. Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. Her clothes attracted a lot of attention at the party. Вони не втратили надію. They did not give up hope. They didn't give up hope. Має бути якась система. There must be a pattern. There must be a system. Яблуко червене и жовте. The apple is red and yellow. Apple is red and yellow. Ты не обращаешь на меня внимания. You're ignoring me. You don't pay attention to me. Чаму твой кот такі вялікі? Why is your cat so big? Why is your cat so large? Я счастлив, потому что с сегодняшнего дня у нас в школе не будет занятий до сентября. I'm happy because starting today, we don't have any school until September. I'm happy that we won't have school till September from now on. У світі є лише дві безмежні речі, всесвіт та людська глупота. Я не можу бути впевненим щодо першої. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. There's only two infinite things in the world, the universe and human stupidity, and I can't be sure of the first one. Завтра має йти дощ. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. It's raining tomorrow. Трымайце грошы ў бяспечным месцы. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money in a safe place. То помаранче. It is an orange. That's orange. Фадель всё рассказал полиции. Fadil told police everything. Fadel told the police. Зараз я чытаю кнігу. I am reading a book now. I'm reading a book right now. Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Вот это память! What memory! That's a memory! Я дійсно це зробила. I did do it. I really did. Том ма шестру твоїх рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom's got six-year-olds. Ти достатньо дорослий, щоб зробити це, правда? You're old enough to do that by yourself, aren't you? You're old enough to do that, aren't you? Я не хворий. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Дивись на нас. Watch us. Look at us. Він недешевий. It isn't cheap. It's not cheap. Ты всё испортил! You've ruined it! You ruined it! Политика его не интересовала. Politics didn't interest him. He wasn't interested in politics. Гей, що це таке? Hey, what's that? Hey, what's this? Я насправді не певен. I'm really not sure. I'm not really sure. Том та Мері сказали, що вони не винні. Tom and Mary said they're innocent. Tom and Mary said they were innocent. Том кивнул и направился к двери. Tom nodded and headed for the door. Tom hacked and went to the door. Все мои друзья так говорят. All my friends say that. All my friends say that. Том переконаний, що Мері винна. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Ви хочете сказати, що не хочете допомогти нам пофарбувати стелю? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? You mean you don't want to help us paint a ceiling? П'єр роздав карти всім гравцям. Pierre dealt cards to all the players. Pierre gave the cards to all the players. В інтернеті ніхто не знає, що ти кішка. On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat. No one on the Internet knows you're a cat. Я знаю, чего теперь ждать. I know what to expect now. I know what I'm waiting for. Может быть, мне следует остаться в Бостоне ещё на неделю или около того. Maybe I should stay in Boston for another week or so. Maybe I should stay in Boston for a week or something. Ты больше не хромаешь. You're not limping anymore. You're not homing anymore. Я не можу їм сьогодні заплатити. I can't pay them today. I can't pay them today. Она подруга моей сестры. She's my sister's friend. She's my sister's friend. Я хотів подивитися цей фільм із вами. I wanted to watch that movie with you. I wanted to see this movie with you. Та музика його нервує. That music gets on his nerves. But the music makes him nervous. Человек был приговорён к смерти. The man was condemned to death. The man was sentenced to death. Я не знаю, где Том купил свой зонтик. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. Вибачте, можна я відчиню вікно? Excuse me, but may I open the window? Excuse me, can I open the window? Положи его на мой письменный стол. Put it on my desk. Put it on my writing desk. Том чекає на відповідь. Tom is waiting for an answer. Tom's waiting for an answer. Это я так сказал? Is it something I said? Did I say that? Що Том дав Мері? What did Tom give Mary? What did Tom give Mary? Твоя книжка лежить на столі. Your book is on the desk. Your book's on the table. Мені цікаво, чи Том бачив це кіно. I wonder whether or not Tom has seen this movie. I wonder if Tom saw this movie. Я хотіла би, що ти був тут зі мною. I wish you were here with me. I wish you were here with me. Я не учениця. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Я дуже добре знаю математику. I'm very good at math. I know math very well. Мы обязаны помочь. It is our obligation to help. We have to help. Тайфун разрушил много домов. The typhoon destroyed many houses. Typhoon destroyed many homes. Вам спати не хочеться? Aren't you sleepy? You don't want to sleep? Этот человек был обречён на смерть. The man was condemned to death. This man was sentenced to death. Я из Сидзуоки. I am from Shizuoka. I'm from Sidzooka. У меня нет времени сделать домашнее задание. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to do homework. Ти хвора. You're sick. You're sick. Він продає взуття. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. Я не хочу смотреть это видео. I don't want to watch this video. I don't want to watch this video. Он скрывал этот факт от меня. He concealed the fact from me. He hid that fact from me. Сомневаюсь, что Том станет тебе врать. I doubt that Tom will lie to you. I doubt Tom's gonna lie to you. Я не ходжу до школи у неділю. I don't go to school on Sunday. I don’t go to school on Sunday. Ти занадто сильно нервуєш. You're too nervous. You're too nervous. Все готовы идти. Everybody's ready to go. Everyone's ready to go. На каком языке говорят в Америке? What language is spoken in America? What language is spoken in America? Де я можу забрати свій багаж? Where can I pick up my baggage? Where can I get my luggage? Принесите нам еды. Get us some food. Get us some food. Том обійняв свого батька. Tom embraced his father. Tom hugged his father. Бажаєш ще чаю? Would you like some more tea? Do you want some more tea? Я думаю, тобі слід піти туди з Томом. I think you should go there with Tom. I think you should go with Tom. Том сделал своей девушке предложение, и она сказала да. Tom proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes. Tom made his girlfriend offer, and she said yes. Якая школа найлепшая. Which school is the best? Which is the best school. Неудивительно, что он гордится сыном. It's not surprising that he be proud of his son. No wonder he's proud of his son. У христианства много последователей. Christianity has many adherents. Christians have many followers. У Тома остались вопросы. Tom still has questions. Tom's got some questions. Ти не міг би допомогти мені це зробити? Could you help me do this? Can you help me do that? Чим ви займаєтеся сьогодні ввечері? What are you doing tonight? What do you do tonight? Том не хотів образити Мері. Tom didn't mean to offend Mary. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary. Фома удрал вместе с деньгами. Tom got away with the money. Thomas blew up with the money. Він любить сніг. He likes snow. He likes snow. Згодна з точкай зору прыдзірлівых мадэратараў, тое, што не з'яўляецца сказамі, уяўляе сабой смяротную пагрозу для праэкту Tatoeba. According to pernickety moderators, non-sentences constitute a mortal danger to Tatoeba. According to the opinion of the suspicious elderly, what is not said is that there's a mortal threat to Tatoeba's work. Мария помешана на моде. Mary is obsessed with fashion. Mary's in fashion. Ви були досконалі. You were perfect. You were perfect. Сегодня какой день? What day is it today? What day is it? Это я украл деньги Тома. I'm the one who stole Tom's money. I stole Tom's money. Лікар, перепрошую. Excuse me, Doctor. Doctor, I'm sorry. Возвращайся домой пораньше, Билл. Come home early, Bill. Come home early, Bill. Боже мой, что вы натворили? Oh my God, what have you done? Oh, my God, what did you do? Он знает её со средней школы. He's known her since middle school. He knows her from high school. Звучит просто. It sounds simple. Sounds simple. Он ходит в пижаме. He wears pajamas. He's in the pajama. Просто посидіть там з Томом. Just sit over there with Tom. Just sit there with Tom. Что вы изучаете? What did you study? What are you studying? На этот раз вы зашли слишком далеко. This time you went too far. This time, you've gone too far. Том працює на Мері? Does Tom work for Mary? Tom works for Mary? Оставайся дома. Stay at home. Stay home. Газеты не опубликовали эту историю. The papers didn't print this story. The newspapers didn't publish this story. Хвала ѡ памѧтьхъ. Thanks for the memories. Praised memory. Гэта найсушэйшы чэрвень за апошнія трыццаць гадоў. It has been the driest June for thirty years. It's the highest Thursday of the last thirty years. Я надеюсь, Том в хорошем настроении. I hope Tom is in a good mood. I hope Tom's in a good mood. По моему мнению, нам следует уделять больше внимания нынешнему положению вещей. In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the present state of affairs. In my view, we should pay more attention to the current situation. Мне не терпится ему рассказать. I can't wait to tell him. I can't wait to tell him. Я рада, что ты была там. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Ты с каждым днём всё хорошеешь. You're getting more and more beautiful every day. You're doing good every day. Я не могу гарантировать, что нам удастся закончить работу к следующему понедельнику. I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to finish the work by the next Monday. Хтось телефонує. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Хто піде зі мною? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Она только что пришла домой. She just got home. She just came home. Це моя остаточна пропозиція. This is my final offer. This is my final offer. Я буду звонить Тому завтра. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call him tomorrow. Гэта была цёмная, бязмесячная ноч. It was a dark night, with no moon. It was a dark, quiet night. Я вчора був на зустрічі. I attended the meeting yesterday. I went to a meeting yesterday. Скільки років вашій мамі? How old is your mother? How old are your mom? Дай мені щось, чим писати. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. Я ніколи не турбуюся. I never worry. I'm never worried. Когда я обращался к ним на французском в Париже, они только пялились на меня. Так и не удалось заставить этих болванов понимать свой же собственный язык. In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language. When I approached them in French in Paris, they were just staring at me, and they couldn't make me understand their own language. Её рассказ вернул меня в детство. Her story took me back to my childhood. Her story brought me back to my childhood. Я уверен, что он поедет. I'm sure he'll go. I'm sure he'll go. Она любит принимать ванну с лепестками роз. She likes to take a bath with rose petals. She likes to take baths with pinks. Том ушёл, никому не сказав. Tom left without telling anyone. Tom left without telling anyone. Сколько на столе бокалов? How many glasses are on the table? How many bees on the table? На пачатку стварыў Бог неба і зямлю. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. To the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Я живу в Лахоре. I live in Lahore. I live in Lahore. Ты нам лгал, не так ли? You've lied to us, haven't you? You lied to us, didn't you? Мы должны добраться туда раньше него. We must get there before him. We have to get there before he does. Тобі слід сказати Тому, щоб він більше цього не робив. You should tell Tom not to do that anymore. You have to tell him that he doesn't do it anymore. Перевір знову. Check again. Check again. Мы не можем просто сидеть здесь и ничего не делать. We can't just sit here and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. Я не можу видалити фотографії з фотоапарата! I can't remove the photos from the camera! I can't remove the photos from the camera! Я знаю, что Том здесь делает. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom is doing here. Ці місця зарезервовані для стариків. These seats are reserved for old people. These places are reserved for the old people. У мене закінчилася робота. I am out of work. I'm out of work. Это не даёт мне заснуть по ночам. It keeps me up at night. It won't let me sleep at night. Моё не такое хорошее, как ваше. Mine is not so good as yours. I'm not as good as yours. Я живу в Канаді вже майже п'ять років. I have been living in Canada for almost five years. I've been living in Canada for almost five years. Я дуже хочу познайомитися з Томом. I really want to meet Tom. I really want to meet Tom. Я правда так думаю. I do think so. I really think so. Мы выпрабоўваем зусім новы метад. We are trying a completely new method. We're trying a whole new method. Вы паедзеце цягніком? Will you go by train? Are you going to take a train? Зима минѫла. Winter is gone. Winter of minas. Сколько ехать на такси до зоопарка? How long does it take to get to the zoo by taxi? How long to go to the zoo? Не думаю, что они нас слышали. I don't think that they heard us. I don't think they heard us. Сколько тебе было лет, когда ты переехал в Бостон? How old were you when you moved to Boston? How old were you when you moved to Boston? Том хотя бы раз в неделю чистит зубы специальной нитью. Tom flosses his teeth at least once a week. Tom at least once a week cleans his teeth with a special thread. Закип'яти трохи води. Boil some water. Drop some water. Зачекайте на Тома. Wait for Tom. Wait for Tom. Мне кажется, Татоэба сегодня тормозит. I think Tatoeba is slow today. I think Tatobé's slowing down today. "Доктор, меня все игнорируют." "Следующий!" "Doctor, everybody is ignoring me." "Next one, please." "Doctor, everybody ignores me." Вони кинула його через іншого чоловіка. She left him for another man. They threw him through another man. Том може бути вдома. Tom might be home. Tom could be home. Том включил фонарик и вошёл в пещеру. Tom turned on his flashlight and went into the cave. Tom turned on the flashlight and entered the cave. Он похож на девочку. He looks like a girl. He looks like a girl. Вы что-то ещё хотите мне сказать? Is there something else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? Том смотрел на меня. Tom was looking at me. Tom looked at me. Ты можешь сказать мне, что я сделал не так? Can you tell me what I did wrong? Can you tell me I did wrong? Как вы это сделали? How did you do it? How did you do that? У него много талантов. He has many talents. He's got lots of talents. Знам же ше скриваце даґдзе. I know you're hiding somewhere. We know the neck of the barbed doug. Що саме ти бачила? What did you see exactly? What exactly did you see? Не годуй троля. Do not feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Даже ребёнок понял бы это. Even a baby would understand it. Even a kid would understand that. Жахливо почуваю себе сьогодні. I feel terrible today. I feel terrible today. У вас болить шлунок? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have stomach pain? Том переїхав до Австралії. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Легко забути, що мікрофон увімкнено. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. Том и Мэри надеются, что их следующий ребенок будет мальчиком. Tom and Mary hope that their next child will be a boy. Tom and Mary hope their next child will be a boy. Це шотландське ім'я. It's a Scottish name. That's a Scottish name. Завтра он будет драться с чемпионом в тяжёлом весе. He will fight the heavyweight champion tomorrow. Tomorrow he'll fight the champion in heavy weight. Я не згодная з Вамі. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Этим утром я встал позже обычного. This morning I got up later than usual. This morning I got up later than usual. Ви не могли би подати мені он той гайковий ключ? Could you hand me that wrench? Could you give me that damn key? Пра што Вы думаеце? What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? Він щойно прибув. He had just arrived. He just arrived. Эта страна обладает природными ресурсами. That country has natural resources. The country had natural resources. Насколько хорошо ты их знаешь? How well do you know them? How well do you know them? Найбагатша людина світу не могла б купити її кохання. The richest man in the world cannot buy her love. The richest man in the world could not buy his love. Она его сестра, а не девушка. She's his sister, not his girlfriend. She's his sister, not her girlfriend. Я слишком устал, чтобы думать об этом сейчас. I'm too tired to think about that now. I'm too tired to think about it now. Я не певен, чи вміє Том добре співати, чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom can sing well or not. I'm not sure if Tom can sing well or not. Де ви всі живете? Where do you all live? Where do you all live? Нармалёва! No problem! Normal! Ты меня обманываешь. You are kidding me. You're fooling me. Це птахи. These are birds. They're birds. Вядома. Of course. Of course. Що ти робив цього літа? What did you do this summer? What did you do this summer? Я за тобой заеду. I'm coming to pick you up. I'll come get you. Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is frightened or not. I wonder if Tom is scared or not. На крыше белый голубь. There is a white dove on the roof. There's a white pigeon on the roof. Ты знаешь, кто выиграл? Do you know who won? Do you know who won? Фадзіль зацікавіўся ісламам. Fadil became interested in Islam. The Queen became interested in Islam. Деревья успокаивали меня. The trees comforted me. The trees calmed me down. Він грузин. He's Georgian. He's Georgian. Еукаріотичні клітини мають ядро. Eukaryotic cells have nuclei. Eucaryotic cells have a nucleus. Он выблевал ровно столько же, сколько выпил. He barfed as much as he had drunk. He threw out as much as he drank. Будзь крэатыўным. Be creative. Be creative. Моя краватка помаранчова. My tie is orange. My tie's orange. Не плачита. Don't cry. Not crying. Пожалуйста, накажи его. Please punish him. Please punish him. Дін і справді вміє розправлятися із їжею. Dean can really put away the food. Dean really does know how to deal with food. Він приїхав після того, як я поїхав. He arrived after I had left. He came after I left. Самі не падабаюцца сабакі. Sami doesn't like dogs. dogs don't like themselves. Стосовно Швейцарії, ви вже їздили туди взимку? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? About Switzerland, did you go there in winter? Том поставил себе за правило медитировать каждое утро. Tom makes it a rule to meditate every morning. Tom set himself up to meditate every morning. Це не залежить від мене. It's not up to me. It's not up to me. Тобі потрібна наша допомога? Do you need our assistance? Do you need our help? Я був геть виснажений. I was all worn out. I was exhausted. Гэта найлепшы бургер у горадзе. It's the best burger in town. That is the best burger in the city. Наступного ранку сніговик повністю розтанув. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning the snowman was fully disintegrated. Я всё ещё плохо соображаю. I'm still a bit groggy. I still don't think so well. Яна ззяе шчасцем. She glows with happiness. It brings happiness. Вы говорите по-французски лучше меня. You speak French better than I do. You speak French better than me. Какая дешевле? Which one is cheaper? What's cheaper? Ти сказав, що це важливо. You said it was important. You said it was important. Евріка! Eureka! Eureka! Столица Украины - Киев. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Ukraine’s capital, Kiev Якщо я цього не зроблю, Том розсердиться. If I don't do that, Tom will get angry. If I don't, Tom will be angry. Він знає багатьох. He knows many people. He knows a lot. Вони скажуть: «Ага!» "Aha!" they would say. They say, "Aha!" По дороге ехала повозка с мулами. There was a mule cart on the road. There was a ride with the mulama on the road. Гэта апошні цягнік. This is the last train. It is the last train. Что ещё я могу сделать, чтобы помочь тебе? What else can I do to help you? What else can I do to help you? Некоторые белки очень умны. Some squirrels are very smart. Some proteins are very clever. Можна з вами поговорити? May I speak to you? Can I talk to you? Ми — добра команда. We're a good team. We're a good team. Беріть усе. Get everything. Get everything. Я тебе не скажу. I won't tell you. I won't tell you. Адкуль ты? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Я забула, що ви друг Тома. I forgot you're Tom's friend. I forgot you were Tom's friend. «Заткните свою грёбаную музыку и читайте книгу». — «Вижу, моё цензурящее заклинание все ещё действует!» "Shut the fecking music up and read the book." "I see my censor spell still works!" "Stay your fucking music and read your book." "I see, my censorship spell still works!" Ми разом бігаємо. We run together. We're running together. Дэн понял, что влюблён в Линду. Dan realized that he was in love with Linda. Dan realizes he's in love with Linda. Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not very important. Вы можете ей доверять? Can you trust her? Can you trust her? У неї є собака? Ні. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Мы с ним дружим. I'm friends with him. We're friends with him. Роботу вже закінчено? Is the work completed? Is the job over? Эти драгоценности дорогие. These jewels are expensive. These jewels are expensive. Це Том поцілував Мері, а не Джон. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. Tom kissed Mary, not John. Вона страждає на невиліковану хворобу. She suffers from an incurable disease. She suffers from an incurable disease. Я просто хотел пожелать вам удачи. I just wanted to wish you luck. I just wanted to wish you luck. Ти щось читаєш, окрім Біблії? Do you read something besides the Bible? Are you reading anything except the Bible? Школи будуть зачинені сьогодні. Schools will be closed today. Schools will be closed today. Том хочет попкорна. Tom wants popcorn. Tom wants popcorn. Больно будет? Is it going to hurt? Is it going to hurt? Моя робота дуже нудна. My job is very boring. My work is very boring. Я ем макароны. I'm eating pasta. I eat pasta. Кто-нибудь из вас может мне помочь? Can one of you help me? Can any of you help me? Том очень неприятный человек, да? Tom is really obnoxious, isn't he? Tom is a very unpleasant person, isn't he? Мне 18 гадоў. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. Почему Том убежал? Why did Tom run away? Why did Tom run away? Я трохи зайнята, Томе. I'm a little busy, Tom. I'm a little busy, Tom. Вважай, що я нічого не казав. Forget I ever said anything. Think I didn't say anything. Я люблю вивчати мови. I love to learn languages. I love learning the language. Є імовірність того, що чоловік був вбитим. There's a possibility that the man was murdered. There is a chance that the man was killed. Ви його недооцінюєте. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Она хорошая жена. Верная. She's a good spouse. She's faithful. She's a good wife. Мы оба этого хотим. We both want it. We both want that. Это мой ответ! That's my answer! That's my answer! Тому можна їсти тоді, коли він хоче. Tom may eat whenever he wants to. So you can eat when he wants to. Ми з Томом знаємо, що Мері плакала. Tom and I know that Mary was crying. Tom and I know that Mary cried. Це буде дуже важко зробити. It'll be very difficult to do that. It will be very difficult to do that. Ти колись бачила, щоб Том та Мері це робили? Have you ever seen Tom and Mary do that? Have you ever seen Tom and Mary do that? Я зробив все, що мені сказав Том. I've done everything that Tom told me to do. I did everything Tom told me to do. Я не разумею. I do not understand. I don't understand. Такого обычно не бывает. Things like this don't usually happen. That's not usually the case. Мій батько повернеться на початку наступного місяця. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. My father will be back early next month. Он пошёл туда вместе с ней. He went together with her. He went there with her. Мэры паабяцала спекчы мне пірог, але пасля адмовілася. Mary promised to bake me a cake, but then she reneged. Mary liked to sing me the pie, but afterward she turned away. Что нового в этом году? What's new this year? What's new this year? Мне хочется выпить чего-нибудь холодного. I want something cold to drink. I want a cold drink. Том хотів поговорити з Мері. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Я видел, как машина сбила человека. I saw a car hit a man. I saw a man hit by a car. Ось де живе Том. That's where Tom lives. That's where Tom lives. Поцелуй без усов, как суп без соли. A kiss without a mustache is like a bowl of soup with no salt. Kiss without a match, like saltless soup. Я вывучаю казахскую. I'm learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Том - плохой человек. Tom is a bad person. Tom's a bad man. Хіба ви не повертаєтеся сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you coming back tonight? Aren't you coming back tonight? Он работает над своим английским. He's working at his English. He's working on his English. Кветкам і дрэвам патрэбныя свежае паветра і чыстая вада. Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water. Flower and tree alike need fresh air and pure water. Що було вкрадено? What was stolen? What was stolen? Усе былі шчаслівыя. All were happy. Everyone was happy. Я позвонил тебе сюда, чтобы задать вопрос. I called you in here to ask you a question. I called you here to ask a question. Оно нам не понадобится. We won't need it. We won't need it. Том планує робити фотографії. Tom is planning to take pictures. Tom's planning on taking pictures. Том чемпіон. Tom is the champion. Tom's a champion. Том видел, как Мэри приближается. Tom saw Mary approaching. Tom saw Mary approach. Мій брат любить музику. My brother likes music. My brother loves music. Том подумал, что Мэри вряд ли будет занята. Tom thought Mary wouldn't likely be busy. Tom thought Mary was unlikely to be busy. Том хочет продать дом. Tom wants to sell his house. Tom wants to sell the house. Ти знайшов свої контактні лінзи? Have you found your contact lenses? Did you find your contact lenses? Кот піша кнігу. The cat is writing a book. The Cat's writing book. Том ведь рядом с вами живёт? Tom lives near you, doesn't he? Tom lives with you, isn't he? Хіба ти за мною не повернешся? Aren't you coming back for me? Aren't you coming back for me? Я провалился на экзамене. I failed the exam. I failed my exam. Ти колись думав це зробити? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever thought about doing that? Твоя любовь фальшивая. Your love is fake. Your love is false. Том наклонился вперёд и поцеловал Мэри. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Tom leaned forward and kissed Mary. Мені байдуже, за кого ти проголосував. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care who you voted for. Я люблю ходити в кіно. I like to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. На нашей стороне время. We have time on our side. It's time on our side. Я ризикую втратити роботу допомагаючи їй. I ran the risk of losing my job to help her. I risk losing my job helping her. Я весь день о них думаю. I think about them all day. I think about them all day long. Том моторний. Tom's fast. Tom's motorized. Гэта не я напісала гэты ліст. I'm not the one who wrote this letter. It's not I've written this letter. Думаю, я могу это устроить. I think I can arrange that. I think I can do this. Том не хотів, щоб Мері дізналася правду. Tom didn't want Mary to know the truth. Tom didn't want Mary to know the truth. Я героїня. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Скажи Тому, що я виснажений. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell me I'm exhausted. Мы могли бы пройтись пешком. We could walk. We could walk. Ти мудра. You're wise. You're wise. Малыш заполз в комнату. The baby crept into the room. The kid crawled into the room. Том не може прийти. Tom can't come. Tom can't come. Вы никогда не будете любить меня так, как я вас. You'll never love me as much as I love you. You will never love me as much as I love you. Пойдзем са мной. Come with me. Come with me. Хочѫ въспытати. I would like to ask. Even though it's a trick. Я смотрел, как они уходят. I watched them leave. I watched them leave. Маленькая брамка адкрылася над сцежкай, што вілася паміж кустоў да саміх дзвярэй. A small wicket-gate opened upon a footpath that wound through some shrubbery to the door. The little gate opened over the path that was leading between the bushes up to the doors themselves. Все наши попытки провалились. All our attempts failed. All our attempts failed. Том привів Мері додому. Tom took Mary home. Tom brought Mary home. Він привітав мене з успіхом. He congratulated me on my success. He congratulated me on my success. Він впертий як осел. He is stubborn as a mule. He's like a home. Собака Тома слідував за ним до школи. Tom's dog followed him to school. Tom's dog followed him to school. Она всегда держит свою комнату в чистоте и порядке. She always keeps her room in good order. She always keeps her room clean and clean. Я хотела продать его. I wanted to sell it. I wanted to sell it. Він алкаш. He's a lush. It's sloppy. Мне было, в общем-то, всё равно. I didn't really care. I was, by the way, anyway. Горная сцежка была накрытая мяккай коўдрай лісця, па якой было лёгка ісці. The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The mountain path was covered with a soft blanket of leaves, which was easy to go by. Ці ты ганарышся сваім бацькам? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Кніга ружовая. The book is pink. A book of pink. Вы не зайдёте? Aren't you coming inside? You're not coming in? Дарэчы, дзе ты жывеш? By the way, where do you live? By where do you live? Він народився в Африці. He was born in Africa. He was born in Africa. Подпись была подделана. The signature was forged. Signature has been false. Я хотел, чтобы она выиграла. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. Я знаю, как опасен Том. I know how dangerous Tom is. I know how dangerous Tom is. Вживання риби корисно для здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. Fish use is healthy. Тебе надо было сказать мне заранее. You should have told me in advance. You should have told me in advance. Мені щастить. I'm in luck. I'm lucky. Я такой невезучий парень. I'm such an unlucky guy. I'm such a lucky guy. Жизнь - дар. Life is a gift. Life is a gift. Том переехал сюда три месяца назад. Tom moved here three months ago. Tom moved here three months ago. Мне так три часа назад сказали. That's what I was told three hours ago. I was told three hours ago. Он сказал, что поедет туда завтра. He said he'd go there tomorrow. He said he'd go there tomorrow. В парку не було дітей. There weren't any kids in the park. There were no children in the park. Я ніколи нікого не вбивала. I never killed anybody. I never killed anyone. Джудзі нарадзілася раніцай 5 верасня. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Judy was born in the morning of September 5. Мері втратила свій капелюшок. Mary lost her hat. Mary lost her hat. Я не против, если ты закуришь. I don't mind if you smoke. I don't mind if you smoke. Ми були в ньому розчаровані. We were disappointed in him. We were disappointed in him. Дай мне шариковую ручку. Give me the ballpoint pen. Give me a ball pen. Том не хотів говорити аж так гучно. Tom didn't want to talk so loud. Tom didn't want to talk so loud. Коли ти повернулася з Лондона? When did you come back from London? When did you get back from London? Мы с Томом планируем пожениться 20 октября. Tom and I are planning on getting married on October 20th. Tom and I are planning on getting married on October 20th. Колькі каштуе гэта кніжка? How much is this book? How much does a book cost? Том не вміє читати. Tom isn't able to read. Tom can't read. Это принесет несчастье твоей семье. It will bring down trouble on your family. It's going to make your family miserable. Хто вас запитував? Who asked you? Who asked you? Почти все были мертвы. Almost everyone was dead. Almost all were dead. Тома отпустят в понедельник. Tom is going to be released on Monday. Tom will be released on Monday. Я разработал хороший план. I've worked out a good plan. I've developed a good plan. Они запачканы. They are muddy. They're stuck. Его серые глаза блестели и искрились, а его обычно бледное лицо оживилось и покрылось румянцем. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. His gray eyes glistened and opened, and his usually pale face came alive and covered itself with a Romanian. Почему Том не любит Бостон? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Why doesn't Tom like Boston? Ви запитали інших? Have you asked the others? Did you ask others? Эту книгу стоит прочитать. This book is worth reading. This book should be read. Я тут зачекаю. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Добро сътвори пєрєложи сє ѩглѧньскъı. Please put this into English. Don't worry about it. Вы не должны ничего от меня скрывать. You don't have to hide anything from me. You don't have to hide anything from me. В этом кинотеатре всегда показывают хорошие фильмы. That movie theater always shows good movies. It's a movie theater that's always showing good movies. Моллі має великий годинник. Molly has a large clock. Molly's got a big watch. Вы кого-нибудь ещё видели? Have you seen anyone else? Have you seen anyone else? Почему бы вам туда не пойти? Why don't you go there? Why don't you go in there? Том сказав вам, що робити? Did Tom tell you what to do? Tom told you what to do? Кажуць, што партугальцы называлі Філіпіны «Ільяж-ду-Ор’енты». It's said that the Portuguese called the Philippines "Ilhas do Oriente". They say what the members called the Philippines, Ilya do Orenta. Перадай мне тую маленькую адвёртку. Hand me that small screwdriver. Give me that little poison. Я люблю грати в американський футбол. I like to play football. I like playing American football. Він читає. He's reading. He reads. Я дуже радий, що ти тут, Томе. I'm very glad you're here, Tom. I'm very glad you're here, Tom. Я хотів би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom to be on our team. Як пішацца «Эяф'ялаёкюль»? How do you write "Eyjafjallajökull"? How do you say "Eafajuel"? Я багатий. I'm wealthy. I'm rich. Чыя гэта была ідэя? Whose idea was that? Whose was that idea? Главное - говорить правду. The main thing is to tell the truth. The main thing is to tell the truth. В тебе є запальничка? Will you give me a light? Do you have a lighter? Калі ласка, пакладзі шуфлік у кладоўку да мётлаў. Please put the dustpan in the broom closet. Please put a silkworm in the scavenger. Ви готові почути погані новини? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Я думав, що Том був би зацікавлений у цьому. I thought Tom would be interested in this. I thought Tom would be interested in that. Сідай. Sit down! Sit down. Интересно, что с ним случилось. I wonder what happened to him. I wonder what happened to him. На днях я ходил в музей. The other day I visited the museum. I went to the museum the other day. Том ніколи нічого не отримує на Різдво. Tom never gets anything for Christmas. Tom never gets anything for Christmas. Ти моя найкраща подруга. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Він зробив фотографію сім’ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Мы разберемся с Томом позже. We'll deal with Tom later. We'll deal with Tom later. Это не я сказал Тому, чтобы он уезжал. I'm not the one who told Tom to leave. I didn't tell him to leave. Я не знав, що Том не вміє водити. I didn't know that Tom couldn't drive. I didn't know Tom could drive. Мне очень холодно. I'm very cold. I'm really cold. Мы знаем, что ты его не убивал. We know you didn't kill him. We know you didn't kill him. Я думал, в комнате кто-то есть. I thought there was somebody in the room. I thought there was someone in the room. Яна хоча быць гераіняй. She wants to be a heroine. She wants to be a hero. Гадаєш, їсти генномодифіковані продукти — це небезпечно? Do you think it's dangerous to eat genetically modified food? Do you think eating genetically modified foods is dangerous? Я не знал, что то, я сделал, незаконно. I didn't know that what I'd done was illegal. I didn't know what I did was illegal. Наш цягнік спазняецца. Our train is late. Our train is late. Гадаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think it could happen. Я знаю, куда ты идёшь. I know where you're going. I know where you're going. Вона не вміє ані писати, ані читати. She cannot write or read. She can't write or read. Моя сестра часто присматривает за ребёнком. My sister often looks after the baby. My sister often looks after the baby. Это яблоко кислое. This apple tastes sour. It's an apple of sour. Я хочу повидать своих друзей в Канаде. I want to see my friends in Canada. I want to see my friends in Canada. Том на цих вихідних у Бостоні. Tom is in Boston for the weekend. Tom's this weekend in Boston. Том - паломник. Tom is a pilgrim. Tom is a pilgrim. Я могу тебе чем-то помочь? Is there something I can do to help you? Can I help you with something? Кто он по национальности? What is his nationality? Who is he by nationality? Моя машина не заводиться. My car won't start. My car doesn't pick up. Я не маю власних дітей. I don't have my own children. I don't have my own kids. Мушу визнати, що маєш рацію. I must admit, you're right. I must admit you're right. Я спробував зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Я работаю на нефтяную компанию. I work for an oil company. I work for the oil company. Я считаю Тома своим другом. I consider Tom my friend. I think Tom is my friend. Том сказал мне, что у нас проблема. Tom told me we had a problem. Tom told me we had a problem. На французскай размаўляюць у Францыі. French is spoken in France. So they speak in French in France. Тот, кто никогда не покидал пределов своей страны, полон предрассудков. He who has never left his country is full of prejudices. Those who have never left their country are filled with prejudice. У маім першым кампутары было толькі 128 кілабайтаў памяці! My first computer had only 128 kilobytes of memory! My first computer had only 128 kilobytes of memory! Может ли это быть приемлемым для вас? Would this be acceptable to you? Can this be acceptable to you? Путешествие было коротким. The journey was brief. The trip was short. «Швидко» — антонім «повільно». "Fast" is the opposite of "slow." "Quickly" is antonym "slow." Слухайце! Першае правіла клуба таўталогіі - гэта першае правіла клуба таўталогіі. Listen up! The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. Listen! The first rule of the tatavology club is the first rule of the tatology club. Боляче. It hurts! It hurts. Ви ніколи не брешете. You never tell lies. You're never lying. Я без тебе не піду. I'm not going without you. I'm not going without you. Том приехал три дня назад. Tom came three days ago. Tom came three days ago. Мы с Томом сделали то, что нам сказали. Tom and I did what we were told to do. Tom and I did what we were told. Я маю багато квітів. I have a lot of flowers. I have lots of flowers. Ми вміємо говорити. We can talk. We can talk. Я не помню, чтобы он такое говорил. I don't remember him saying that. I don't remember saying that. Ти віриш у вічне життя? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in everlasting life? У вас є копія того звіту? Do you have a copy of that report? Do you have a copy of that report? Калі глядзець зверху, выспа вельмі прыгожая. Seen from the sky, the island was very beautiful. If you look at the top, the island is very beautiful. Я больше не пью вино. I don't drink wine anymore. I don't drink wine anymore. Подивіться на коалу отам. Look at that koala over there. Look at the koalas. Не будь така сердита. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Я не буду халтурить. I won't cut corners. I'm not snooping. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to bring you a glass of water? Я народилася у травні. I was born in May. I was born in May. Учись так старательно, как только можешь. Study as hard as you can. Learn to be as diligent as you can. Я его как раз встретил. I just met him. I just met him. Я не забыл Тома. I haven't forgotten Tom. I didn't forget Tom. Я чувствую себя польщённой. I feel flattered. I feel flattered. Ви будете щасливі. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Я больше не хочу быть с тобой. I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore. В подвале труп. There's a corpse in the basement. In the basement of the body. Ви мій герой. You're my hero. You're my hero. Том сказал мне оставаться у себя в комнате. Tom told me to stay in my room. Tom told me to stay in my room. Веганство — це альтернативний спосіб життя. Veganism is an alternative lifestyle. Veganism is an alternative way of life. Що у тебе в руці? What's in your hand? What's in your hand? Зима скоро закончится. Winter will be over soon. Winter will be over soon. Том не такий, як я. Tom isn't like me. Tom's not like me. Ты едзеш у школу на аўтобусе? Do you go to school by bus? Are you going to school at the bus? Нам надо с ними поговорить. We should talk to them. We need to talk to them. Заткнись! Ты слишком много болтаешь. Shut up! You're talking too much. Shut up, you talk too much. Ніхто не прыйшоў. Nobody came. No one came. Я делаю это ради денег. I do that for the money. I'm doing it for the money. Вони їдять. They eat. They eat. Вона твоя королева. She is your queen. She's your queen. Чому ти такий зайнятий? Why are you so busy? Why are you so busy? Я знаю, чому Том не любить Бостон. I know why Tom doesn't like Boston. I know why Tom doesn't like Boston. Всякое бывает. Anything can happen. Everything's happening. Я говорил вам, что я лучше всех. I told you I'm the best. I told you I was the best. Снег шел всю прошлую ночь. It snowed all last night. Snow went on all last night. Я ще не знаю. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Скажите Тому, что его ключи у меня. Tell Tom I've got his keys. Tell him I have his keys. Перемови були успішними. The negotiation was successful. The negotiations were successful. Я всё ещё ищу Тома. I'm still looking for Tom. I'm still looking for Tom. Не перакладайце з англійскай на японскую літаральна. Don't translate English into Japanese word for word. Do not translate from English to Japanese literally. Это дерево слишком молодое, чтобы плодоносить. This tree is too young to bear fruit. It's too young to bear fruit. У той час я був студентом. I was a student at that time. I was a student at the time. Дякую за твоє запрошення. Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for your invitation. Есть только стоячие места. There's standing room only. There's only standing places. Том сказав, що хоче зробити пиріг для Мері. Tom said he wanted to bake a cake for Mary. Tom said he wanted to make a pie for Mary. Он говорил, что у него всё получится; однако, не получилось. He said he was sure to succeed; he failed, however. He said he could do it, but it didn't work. Я рано женился. I married young. I got married early. Я надеялся, что ты вернёшься. I was hoping you'd come back. I was hoping you'd come back. Гавайская — моя любимая пицца. My favorite Pizza is Hawaiian. Hawaiian is my favorite pizza. Праз дзесяць год наш горад моцна зменіцца. In ten years our town will change a lot. In ten years our city will change dramatically. Том проходит около пятнадцати миль в день. Tom walks about fifteen miles a day. Tom's about 15 miles a day. Шкода, що я не багатий. I wish I were rich. I'm sorry I'm not rich. Ти їм про це казала? Did you tell them about this? Did you tell them that? Пойди поговори с Томом. Go and talk to Tom. Go talk to Tom. Сіль скінчилася. There's no salt left. The salt's over. Хоць я ўжо і бачыла гэты фільм, я вырашыла праглядзець яго яшчэ раз. Even though I already saw this movie, I decided to see it again. While I had already seen this film, I decided to look at it again. Дощ ішов цілий день. It rained all day. The rain went on all day. Пожалуйста, возвращайтесь. Please come back. Please come back. То поможе. That will help. That'll help. Тебе понравился велосипед? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like your bicycle? Вам не нужно идти. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Хіба ти це не купиш? Aren't you going to buy that? Don't you buy that? Я знаю, що Том помер. I know Tom has died. I know Tom is dead. Они встали, чтобы поприветствовать его. They got up to greet him. They stood up to welcome him. Він намагався не заплакати. He tried not to cry. He tried not to cry. Ти нікчемна людська істота. You are a despicable human being. You are a worthless human being. Думаю, машина и так достаточно поломана. Я не могу ничего сделать голыми руками. I think that machine doesn't need any more broken parts. I can't achieve anything with my bare hands. I think I can't do anything with my bare hands. Мне очень жаль, но я не могу. I'm very sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Вони перейшли до іншої релігії. They changed their religion. They switched to another religion. Том фотогенічний. Tom is photogenic. Tom is photogenic. Том говорит, что хочет быть похороненным здесь. Tom says that he wants to be buried here. Tom says he wants to be buried here. Результаты были шокирующими. The results were shocking. The results were shocking. Тобі не слід жалітися. You shouldn't complain. You don't have to be sorry. Затворивъ вьсѣ двьри шьлъ єсмь съпати. Locking all the doors, I went to bed. When I set it up, I'm gonna have to eat it. Я слышал о том, что случилось. I heard about what happened. I heard what happened. Том знав, що ти був тут? Did Tom know you were here? Did Tom know you were here? На цю образу Марія лише посміхнулася. Ти мусиш зімітувати це! Maria just smiled at this insult, and you should, too. This image is what Mary smiles at, and you have to mimic it! У темряві він запалив свічку. He lit a candle in the dark. In the darkness, he lit a candle. Ты не зразумеў. You didn't understand. You don't get it. Я хорошо спал прошлой ночью. I slept well last night. I slept well last night. Я рад, что Вы приняли моё предложение. I'm glad you accepted my offer. I'm glad you accepted my offer. Воду, пожалуйста. I'd like some water. Water, please. Ты куда? Where are you going? Where are you going? Наступны раз я зраблю гэта сама. Next time I will do it myself. The next time I do that I'll do it myself. Я не знаю, откуда у неё мой телефон. I don't know how she got my phone number. I don't know where she got my phone from. Мері, я так за вами скучила! Mary, I have missed you so much! Mary, I miss you so much! Я хочу сыграть в шахматы. I want to play chess. I want to play chess. Я розберуся з Томом. Let me deal with Tom. I'll handle Tom. Я не могу объяснить то, чего не понимаю. I can't explain what I don't understand. I can't explain what I don't understand. Ніхто не має права позбавляти інших життя. No one has the right to take a life. No one has the right to deprive others of their lives. Ты ей не веришь? Don't you believe her? You don't believe her? Я никогда не видел ничего подобного. I've never seen anything quite like this. I've never seen anything like it. Наступний рік буде гіршим. Next year will be worse. The next year's going to be worse. Чаму табе падабаецца гэта школа? Why do you like this school? Why do you like it school? Мне надо идти дальше. I've got to keep going. I have to go further. Почему ты удивлена? Why are you surprised? Why are you surprised? Візьми цю валізу. Take this suitcase. Take this suitcase. Кого вы знаете в Бостоне? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Я очень огорчён. I'm very upset. I'm really upset. Помойте руки, пожалуйста. Wash your hands, please. Wash your hands, please. Я справді кохав її. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Я не очень хорошо играю в теннис. I'm not so good at tennis. I'm not playing tennis very well. Мі дізналися, що з Томом стався нещасний випадок. We learned that Tom had an accident. We learned that Tom was in an accident. Думаешь, я ему нравлюсь? Do you think he likes me? You think he likes me? Том не має багато грошей у банку. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Том відмовився йти. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to go. Я один не справлюсь. Вам придётся мне помочь. I can't do it alone. You have to help me. You'll have to help me. Те кошеня дуже миле. That kitten is so cute. That kitten is very cute. Ви бачили, як Том на вас подивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see Tom look at you? Маленька чашка кави коштує два євро. A small cup of coffee costs €2. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. За что вы на меня злились? Why were you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? Я знаю жену Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. У Тома сьогодні недостатньо на це часу. Tom doesn't have enough time to do that today. Tom doesn't have enough time for this today. Все много работали. Everyone worked hard. It's been a lot of work. Я люблю моркву. I love carrots. I love carrots. Чого ми боялися? What were we afraid of? What were we afraid of? Думаю, Том мне соврал. I think that Tom lied to me. I think Tom lied to me. Он её управляющий. He's her manager. He's her manager. До чего умный пёс! What a clever dog! What a smart dog! Я слухала джаз протягом всього ранку. I've been listening to jazz all morning. I've been listening to jazz all morning. Он бегло говорит по-русски — по крайней мере, он так мне сказал. He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me. He was running on Russian -- at least he told me so. Допоможи їй! Help her! Help her! Ти нафарбувала губи? Are you wearing lipstick? Did you dye your lips? Він одружений з американкою. He's married to an American woman. He's married to an American. Том з нами працює. Tom is working with us. Tom's working with us. Чем Вы ещё занимаетесь? What else do you do? What are you doing? Ви старше 18? Are you over 18? Are you over 18? Том погиб два года назад в авиакатастрофе. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Мой щенок умер, и я ужасно расстроен. My puppy died, and I'm terribly upset. My daughter's dead, and I'm terribly upset. То, что ты сказал, всех разозлило. What you said made everybody angry. What you said got mad. Яна заўсёды выглядала шчаслівай. She always looked happy. She always looked happy. Просто зараз тут нікого немає. Nobody is there right now. There's no one here right now. Я думаю, ты всё ещё любишь Тома. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. В эсперанто не бывает исключений. Esperanto has no exceptions. There's no exception in the Esperanto. Сядзь! Sit down. Sit down! Ви могли би провести відпустку в Австралії. You could spend your vacation in Australia. You could spend your vacation in Australia. Чак Норріс народився у будинку, який він сам побудував. Chuck Norris was born in the house he built. Chuck Norris was born in a house that he himself built. Том не поїде. Tom won't go away. Tom's not going. Не магу знайсці свой кашалёк і пашпарт. My wallet and passport are missing. Can't find your purse and passport. Как вы уживаетесь вдвоём? How are you two getting along? How are you two? Я нічого не їла від самого сніданку. I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. У него одна цель в жизни - заработать денег. He has only one aim in life, to make money. He's got one thing in his life to make money. Боюсь, я не слишком хорошо это объяснил. I'm afraid I didn't explain it too well. I'm afraid I didn't explain it too well. Том загинув у автомобільній аварії. Tom got killed in a traffic accident. Tom was killed in a car accident. Спасибо, что перевёл меня через дорогу! Thank you for helping me cross the road. Thank you for moving me across the road! Ты выглядишь немного подавленным. You seem a bit depressed. You seem a little depressed. Його новий фільм викликає розчарування. His new movie is disappointing. His new film is frustrating. Під час шторму Том був удома наодинці з Мері. Tom was home alone with Mary during the storm. Tom was at home alone with Mary during the storm. Я часто хожу в гости к родственникам. I often visit my relatives. I often visit relatives. Том не согласен. Tom doesn't agree. Tom disagrees. Он прицелился в птицу. He aimed at the bird. He aimed at the bird. Замок сломан. The lock is broken. The lock's broken. Мои часы работают неправильно. My watch is not working normally. My watch's not working right. Коли твій друг виїхав до Америки? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friend go to America? Ты пляцеш лухту, сябра. You are speaking nonsense, my friend. You're the scoundrel, friend. Маю хутко бігти на урок. I must hurry to class. I've got to run quickly to class. Дай-но я займуся цим разом із тобою. Let me do that with you. Let me do this with you. Вони нам нічого не скажуть. They won't tell us anything. They won't tell us anything. Доля сприяє сміливим. Fortune favors the bold. Fate contributes to courage. Я щойно купив човен. I just bought a boat. I just bought a boat. Я пытаюсь заниматься, так что потише, пожалуйста. I'm trying to study, so please be quiet. I'm trying to do it, so please. Тобі дійсно слід це зробити. You really should do that. You really should. Мені подобається тонкий гумор Тома. I like Tom's subtle humor. I like Tom's thin humor. Мы не планируем ехать вместе. We don't plan on going together. We're not planning on going together. Доведіть. Prove it. Prove it. Я была впечатлена. I was impressed. I was impressed. Nakido — платформа для абмену файламі. Nakido is a file sharing platform. Nakido is a file sharing platform. Я повністю згодна. I completely agree. I fully agree. Я делал это множество раз. I did it many times. I've done it many times. Я не магу ўспомніць яго імя. I can't remember his name. I cannot remember his name. Река орошала сад. The river watered the garden. The river has watered the garden. Ви були у лікаря? Did you see a doctor? Have you been to a doctor? Том очень хороший мальчик. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom is a very good boy. Завтра у нас немає уроків. We have no school tomorrow. We don't have a class tomorrow. Отправь мне новый каталог. Send me a new catalog. Send me a new catalogue. Прошлой ночью температура опустилась ниже нуля. The temperature fell below zero last night. Last night the temperature fell below zero. Я бачила, як ти на це дивився. I saw you look at it. I saw you watch it. Від роботи коні дохнуть. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The horses will die from work. Я видел Ваши права. I've seen your driver's license. I saw your rights. Успокойтесь. Это не конец света. Calm down. It's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. Не думаю, что тебе надо делать это самой. I don't think you have to do that by yourself. I don't think you should do this yourself. Це я переконала Тома допомогти. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I convinced Tom to help. Іх сабака быў такі злы, што ўсіх адпуджваў. Their dog was so fierce that he kept everyone away. Their dog was so angry that everyone was let go. Ніхто з нас не говорить французькою. None of us speak French. None of us speak French. Мама сводила меня в парк. My mother took me to the park. Mom took me to the park. Мы табе дапаможам, добра? We'll help you, okay? We'll help you, okay? Мои деньги были украдены. My money was stolen. My money was stolen. Ці ты новенькі? Are you new? Are you new? Це її книжка? Is it her book? Is that her book? Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of these apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Здається, діти втомилися від плавання. The little children looked tired from swimming. Children seem tired of swimming. Гадаєш, Том неупереджений? Do you think Tom is unbiased? You think Tom is open-minded? Мы елі яйкі. We were eating eggs. We ate eggs. Вони добрі. They're good. They're good. Тебе нельзя ехать туда одной. You can't go there by yourself. You can't go alone. Не пий забагато, гараз? Don't drink too much, okay? Don't drink too much, huh? Вады болей, ніж трэба. There is more water than is needed. There's more water than that. Ти добре говориш англійською. You speak good English. You speak good English. Садоўнік пасадзіў ружавае дрэва ў цэнтры саду. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. A gardener planted a rose-tree in the middle of the garden. Ён закахаўся ў найлепшага сябра. He fell in love with his best friend. He fell in love with the best friend. Их здесь кто-нибудь знает? Does anybody here know them? Does anyone know them here? Вам уже лучше? Are you better now? You're better now? Сообщи ей. Let her know. Let her know. Зараз я міг би померти від щастя. Right now I could die of happiness. Now I could have died of happiness. У цій будівлі немає туалетів. There are no restrooms in this building. There are no toilets in this building. Це можна купити приблизно за тисячу ієн. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. You can buy it for about a thousand yen. Я думала, ты никогда не спросишь. I thought you'd never ask. I thought you'd never ask. Бажаєте ще картопляного пюре? Would you like more mashed potatoes? You want some more potatoes? Я не могу забыть Тома. I can't forget Tom. I can't forget Tom. Я пообещал себе, что брошу курить. I promised myself that I'd quit smoking. I promised myself I'd quit smoking. Вона у мене в кишені. It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Я прагну значно більшого. I want a lot more. I want much more. Я ўпэўненая ў яго перамозе. I am sure of his victory. I am confident in his victory. Він не мав чого сказати вчителю. He didn't have anything to say to the teacher. He had nothing to say to his teacher. Він намагався стримати свій гнів. He tried to hold back his anger. He tried to control his anger. У них была свадьба прошлой осенью. They got married last fall. They had a wedding last autumn. У Таро сильное чувство ответственности. Taro has a strong sense of responsibility. Taro has a strong sense of responsibility. Можна скористатися вашим телефоном? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Позволь мне взглянуть. Let me take a look. Let me have a look. Що ти хочеш, щоб я щодо цього зробив? What do you want me to do about it? What do you want me to do about it? Небоскрёб находится в центре города. The skyscraper is in the center of the city. The skyscraper is in the middle of the city. Том часто не приходит в школу. Tom often doesn't come to school. Tom often doesn't come to school. Гэта рыба. This is fish. It's fish. Я люблю хмарочоси. I love skyscrapers. I love skyscrapers. Я сказал им, чтобы они никому не говорили. I told them not to tell anyone. I told them not to tell anyone. Майже всі мови мають діалекти. Almost all languages have dialects. Almost all languages have dialects. З моїм обліковим записом якась проблема. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Навіщо Том це робив? Why was Tom doing that? Why did Tom do that? Це дуже проста ідея. It's a very simple idea. It's a very simple idea. Том, мабуть, забув сказати про це Мері. Tom must have forgotten to tell Mary that. Tom must have forgotten to say that to Mary. Что ты почувствовал? What did you feel? How did you feel? Том має сердитий вигляд. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. Равлики — гермафродити. Snails are hermaphroditical. Ravelins are hermphrodites. Усім добрай раніцы! Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everybody! Вайна працягвалася два гады. The war lasted two years. Vine went on for two years. Я пам'ятаю лише уривки. I can only remember fragments. I only remember the excerpts. Ти знаєш який-небудь дешевий готель тут поблизу? Do you know a cheap hotel nearby? Do you know any cheap hotel around here? Я помираю від голоду. I'm starving! I'm starving. Я хочу його позбутися. I want to get rid of it. I want to get rid of him. Вы обсуждали это с Томом? Have you discussed this with Tom? Did you discuss this with Tom? В таком большом городе, как Токио, я предпочитаю ходить пешком, а не ездить на машине. I prefer walking to driving in a big city like Tokyo. In a big city like Tokyo, I prefer to walk rather than drive. Я маю багато часу. I have a lot of time. I've got a lot of time. Он умнее меня. He's smarter than me. He's smarter than me. Я думал, ты перестала с ним встречаться. I thought you stopped dating him. I thought you stopped seeing him. В приступе ярости он стукнул кулаком по столу. He pounded the table in a fit of anger. In the heat of rage, he punched his fist on the table. Мабыць, так. I think so. That's right. Ты выглядаеш надзвычайна у гэтай сукенцы. You look incredible in that dress. You look great in this dress. Коронавирус появился в Китае. The coronavirus emerged in China. The coroner came into China. Том добрий музикант. Tom is a good musician. Tom's a good musician. Когда мы будем им пользоваться? When are we going to use it? When will we use them? Но у меня нет денег. But I don't have money. But I don't have any money. Оставьте его в покое! Leave it alone! Leave him alone! Я хочу, щоб ви звільнили Тома. I want you to fire Tom. I want you to release Tom. Я знаю, что Том очень похож на своего старшего брата. I know that Tom is a lot like his older brother. I know Tom looks very much like his older brother. Вавринка проиграл под ноль подачу в первом гейме третьего сета. Wawrinka got broken to love in the opening game of the third set. The Vavranka lost under zero power in the first game of the third Set. Не смейтесь над ошибками иностранцев в японском языке. Don't make fun of foreigners' mistakes in Japanese. Do not laugh at the mistakes of foreigners in Japanese. Я должен подчистить кое-какие хвосты. I have some loose ends to tie up. I have to clean up some tails. Як я це поясню Тому? How am I going to explain this to Tom? How do I explain it to Tom? Можеш сидіти тут. You may sit here. You can sit here. Мама Тома всегда говорила ему, что ему надо есть больше овощей. Tom's mother always told him he should eat more vegetables. Tom's mother always told him he needed more vegetables. Теперь у Тома есть собственная комната. Tom now has his own room. Tom's own room now. Счёт, пожалуйста. The bill, please. The account, please. Нам слід придумати таємну мову. We should invent a secret language. We need to think of a secret language. Ты можешь учиться вьетнамскому самостоятельно. You can teach yourself Vietnamese. You can learn Vietnamese yourself. Вони вже тут. They're already here. They're already here. Де саме Том планує побудувати свій будинок? Where exactly does Tom plan to build his house? Where is Tom going to build his house? Я приехал в Австралию, когда был ребёнком. I came to Australia when I was a child. I came to Australia when I was a child. Более удобного и подробного справочника по грамматике я еще не встречал. A more convenient and detailed reference grammar, I have yet to meet. I have not yet met a more comfortable and detailed grammar handbook. Што ты жадаеш, каб я зрабіў? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Я обычно встаю около шести тридцати. I usually get up at about six-thirty. I usually stand about six 30s. У меня хорошие рефлексы. I have good reflexes. I've got good reflexes. Мені було цікаво, чи, на думку Тома, Мері хоче це зробити. I wondered whether or not Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wondered if Tom thought Mary wanted to do so. Було трешенє жеми и додатково, бул и цунами. There was an earthquake and, in addition, there was a tsunami. It was a wreath and, in addition, a bull and a tsunami. Я ведала вашага брата. I knew your brother. I knew your brother. Навіщо ти поцілувала Тома? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Мы можем позволить себе новую машину? Can we afford a new car? Can we afford a new car? Я зустрічав Тома кілька разів. I've met Tom on several occasions. I've met Tom several times. Ми обидві були п'яні. We were both drunk. We were both drunk. Думаешь, вечером будет дождь? Do you think it'll rain tonight? You think it's raining tonight? Почему бы тебе не найти кого-нибудь другого, кому нужна твоя помощь? Why don't you go find someone else who needs your help? Why don't you find someone else who needs your help? У меня к вам один вопрос. I have one question for you. I have one question for you. Том только притворяется больным. Tom is only pretending to be sick. Tom just pretends to be sick. Она связала ему на день рождения свитер. She knit him a sweater for his birthday. She tied him up on his birthday sweater. Я не хотів танцювати з Томом. I didn't want to dance with Tom. I didn't want to dance with Tom. Він зробив нам стіл і дві лавки. He made a desk and two benches for us. He made us a desk and two benches. Дай-но я подивлюся на цю книжку Тома. Let me have a look at that book of Tom's. Let me look at Tom's book. Я знаю человека, который превосходно владеет русским языком. I know a person who speaks Russian very well. I know a man who has a great knowledge of Russian. Ти дав мені слово. You gave me your word. You gave me your word. Вы мне не верите? Don't you believe me? You don't believe me? Калі ты нарадзілася? When were you born? When were you born? Це одруківка. That's a typo. It's a printout. Ты не мог бы открыть мне эту банку? Could you open this can for me? Could you open this bank for me? Вѣтри ѡтъ морıа вългъци. Winds from the sea are moist. Three o'clock in the sea. Эти глупцы нарушили закон, запрещающий нарушать закон. These fools broke the law that forbade breaking the law. These fools broke the law against breaking the law. Дай мне фонарик. Give the flashlight to me. Give me a flashlight. Я не неписьменний. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Я здесь часто ем. I often eat here. I'm eating here a lot. Ми з нею однолітки. She and I are the same age. She and I are peers. У цю пору року вітер дме з океану. A wind from the ocean blows at this time of the year. At this time of the year, the wind is blowing from the ocean. Ты знаешь, кто их убил? Do you know who killed them? Do you know who killed them? Его кто-то укусил. Something bit him. Someone bit him. Мая родная мова — японская. My native language is Japanese. My native language is Japanese. Я сделала всё, что могла. I did everything I could do. I did everything I could. Я хотів вразити Тома. I wanted to impress Tom. I wanted to impress Tom. Мне то больше нравится. I like that one better. I like it better. Кто-то украл мой чемодан. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Somebody stole my suitcase. Я чула, як ти кричав. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Я не вегетаріанка. I'm not a vegetarian. I'm not a vegetarian. Ты ей завидуешь? Are you jealous of her? Are you jealous of her? Мьнить ми сѧ Ѳома ненавидить моѥмоу пьсоу. I think Tom hates my dog. I don't know. Я ходила до школи разом із Томом. I went to school with Tom. I went to school with Tom. Этот дом нуждается в покраске. This house needs painting. This house needs paint. Нічога страшнага! Never mind! Nothing terrible! Том всё ещё жив. Tom is still alive. Tom is still alive. Я не знал, что сделать это будет невозможно. I didn't know that it would be impossible to do that. I didn't know it would be impossible. Будь ласка, подай мені штопор. Please hand me the bottle opener. Please give me the cap. Том не сможет вам отказать. Tom won't be able to refuse you. Tom can't say no to you. Всі повинні допомогати один одному. Everybody should help each other. Everyone has to help each other. Он вчера порезался ножом. He cut himself with a knife yesterday. He cut his knife yesterday. На якому ми поверсі? What floor are we on? Which one are we down on? Том останется дома. Tom will remain at home. Tom's gonna stay home. Просто не обращай на Тома внимания. Just ignore Tom. Just ignore Tom. Він розмовляє занадто швидко. He speaks too fast. He's talking too fast. Нам не было холодно. We weren't cold. We weren't cold. Я нікому не розкрию твого секрету. Your secret will be safe with me. I won't let anyone know your secret. "Простирадла я повішу сама, - сказала сусідка. - Дуже вже вони важкі". "I'll hang the sheets myself," the neighbor said. "It's not like they're that heavy." "I'm sorry to hang myself," said a neighbor. Хіба ты не разумееш? Don't you understand? Don't you understand? Я не такий високий як мій брат, але вищий від мого батька. I am not so tall as my brother, but taller than my father. I'm not as tall as my brother, but taller than my father. Том мог бы победить. Tom could win. Tom could have won. Вам придётся подождать здесь. You'll have to wait here. You're gonna have to wait here. Ён убачыў, што ён неправы. He saw that he was wrong. He saw that he was wrong. Мне нравится Гарри, не так сильно, как Драко, конечно, но всё-таки я считаю, что он крутой. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I like Harry, not as much as Draco, of course, but I still think he's cool. Іспанська — ваша рідна мова. Spanish is your native language. Spanish is your mother tongue. Наведіть мені приклад. Give me an example. Give me an example. Том тобой гордился. Tom was proud of you. Tom was proud of you. Сейчас я добавляю последние штрихи. I'm adding the finishing touches now. Now I'm looking at the last strokes. Это перемирие. It's an armistice. It's a Truce. Я так і не вибачився перед Томом. I still haven't apologized to Tom. I never apologized to Tom. Не треба недооцінювати власні сили. Don't underestimate your own strength. Do not underestimate your own strength. У меня был великолепный учитель. I had a great teacher. I had a great teacher. Я б не здивувався, якби сьогодні ввечері пішов сніг. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a snow this night. Боже мой! Оно горит! Oh my God! It's on fire! Oh, my God, it's on fire! Де Ви народились? Where were you born? Where were you born? Запах руж напоўніў пакой. The smell of roses filled the room. The fire of the roses filled the room. Він хоче справедливості. He wants justice. He wants justice. Баюся, ён хварэе. I'm afraid he is ill. I'm afraid he's sick. Она сидела на стуле и читала журнал. She sat in a chair reading a magazine. She was sitting on her chair reading the magazine. У него есть вино. He has wine. He's got wine. Ну разве Том не замечательный? Isn't Tom wonderful? Isn't Tom great? Он подошёл и встал на колени. He approached and fell on his knees. He came up and got on his knees. Думаеш, гэта магчыма? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think that's possible? Він новозверений католик. He is a recent convert to Catholicism. He's a newly converted Catholic. Как ты переносишь этот холод? How do you stand this cold? How do you carry that cold? Мы пытались защитить её. We were trying to protect her. We tried to protect her. Передай ей, пожалуйста, что я звонил. Please tell her that I called. Tell her, please, I'm calling. Де ти знайшов цю дивну річ? Where did you find that strange thing? Where did you find this weird thing? Я бачив її тиждень тому. I saw her a week ago today. I saw her a week ago. Я не знаю, сколько мне понадобится времени. I don't know how much time I'll need. I don't know how much time I'll need. Думаю, вам придётся мне помочь. I think you'll have to help me. I think you're gonna have to help me. Я йду оце вже чотири години. I've been walking for over four hours. I've been going this way for four hours. Я не згодны з табой. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Перестань! Ты его до слёз довела! Stop! You're making him cry. You brought him to tears! Я можу зачекати, якщо хочеш. I can wait if you want me to. I can wait if you want. У тебя нет на это полномочий. You have no authority to do that. You don't have the authority to do this. Том — лучший барабанщик, которого я знаю. Tom is the best drummer I know. Tom is the best drummer I know. Я певна, що Том не хоче бути зараз у Бостоні. I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be in Boston now. I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be in Boston right now. На каго ты працуеш? Who do you work for? Where do you work? Она нам помогает. She helps us. She's helping us. З усіх месяцаў мне больш за ўсё падабаецца май. I like May the best of all the months. I've had the best time ever, and that's all the months, and that's all I've ever had. Дверь незаперта. The door's unlocked. The door is open. Я тут никого не знаю, кроме Тома. I don't know anybody here, except Tom. I don't know anybody here except Tom. Не бажаєте філіжаночку чаю? Would you like a cuppa? Would you like a cup of tea? Я это исправлю. I'll fix that. I'll fix it. Я всё испортил. I ruined everything. I ruined it. Заходь, будь ласка! Please step inside. Come in, please! Яна ў мяне выкладае. She's my professor. It's in me. Ти не лікар. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. У мене був добрий адвокат. I had a good lawyer. I had a good lawyer. Этим трюком ты меня не одурачишь. You can't fool me with a trick like that. You're not gonna blow me up with this trick. Скористайтеся акриловою фарбою. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. Право, исто єсть. Indeed, it's true. Right, there is. Змирись зі своїми мріями. Embrace your dreams. Allow yourself to live up to your dreams. Мне трэба цябе нешта расказаць, і я ведаю, што цябе гэта не спадабаецца. There's something I need to tell you, and I know you're not going to like it. I need to tell you something, and I know you don't like it. Где стойка регистрации? Where is the check-in counter? Where's the registration desk? Я думала, ти казав, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought that you said that you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. Я люблю котів. I am a cat person. I love cats. Том не захотів зачекати. Tom didn't want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Ѳома испилъ чıашѭ кафъı. Tom drank a cup of coffee. I've had a lot of coffee. Колькі год ты ўжо гуляеш у гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years are you going to golf? Спадніца зялёная. The skirt is green. The fall is green. Калі б ты прыйшоў крыху раней, ты мог бы яе сустрэць. Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her. If thou hadst come a little before, thou couldst meet her. Ти потрібна в моїй команді. I need you on my team. I need you on my team. Вона купила йому собаку. Проте, у нього була алергія на собак, тому вони змушені були його віддати. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog, but he had allergies on the dogs, so they had to give it away. Що було всередині? What was inside? What was inside? Я знаю, як його звати. I know his name. I know his name. Я вірила у Тома. I believed in Tom. I believed in Tom. Ти взяла вихідний. You took a day off. You took the day off. Хто шукає, той завжди знайде. When there's a will, there's a way. The searcher will always find it. Вот несколько интересных фактов. Here are a few interesting facts. Here's some interesting facts. Дайте мені свій телефон. Give me your phone. Give me your phone. Я мусіла да цябе прыслухацца. I should have listened to you. I had to listen to you. Ой... Oh boy... Oh... Том прогнал кошек. Tom chased the cats away. Tom ran out the cats. Ты с нами не поешь? Aren't you going to eat with us? You don't eat with us? Зачем ты открыл ту дверь? Why did you open that door? Why did you open that door? Это вопиющее безобразие, что они не были застрахованы от пожара. It's a crying shame that they weren't insured against fire. It's grotesque insanity that they weren't insured by the fire. Том сказав, що не думає, що Мері насправді подобається робити це самій. Tom said he doesn't think that Mary really enjoys doing that alone. Tom said he didn't think Mary really liked to do it herself. Мне падабаецца жоўты. I like yellow. I like yellow. Том ничего не нашёл в старом ящике. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Tom didn't find anything in the old box. Вы ведь любите джаз? You like jazz, don't you? You like jazz, don't you? Я повернувся з мертвих. I came back from the dead. I'm back from the dead. Вы очень заняты. You're very busy. You're very busy. Том приїжджає наступного тижня. Tom is coming next week. Tom's coming next week. Ти насправді занадто зайнята? Are you really too busy? Are you really too busy? Это успех. That is a success. It's a success. Том хочет стать богатым и знаменитым. Tom wants to become rich and famous. Tom wants to be rich and famous. Ти про це подумала? Did you think about it? Did you think of that? Ты бледен как привидение. You're as pale as a ghost. You're pale as a ghost. Вы уже придумали имя для новорождённого? Have you decided on a name for your new baby? Have you come up with a name for a new baby? Вона не завжди щаслива. She is not always happy. She's not always happy. Мне падабаецца гольф. I like golf. I like golf. Чому ви це зробили? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? На ёй зялёная сукенка. She is wearing a green robe. She's wearing a green dress. Том как-то загадочно себя ведёт. Somehow, Tom's behavior is mysterious. Tom's acting mysteriously. Он её учитель. He's her teacher. He's her teacher. Он делает только то, что я ему говорю. He only does what I tell him to do. He only does what I say to him. Просто подпишитесь здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Найди несколько хороших друзей и держись их. Make a few good friends and stick to them. Find some good friends and stick with them. Мне падабаецца бразільская партугальская. I like Brazilian Portuguese. I like the Brazilian Portuguese. З ким ви розмовляли? Who did you talk to? Who were you talking to? Їй байдуже як вона одягнена. She doesn't care how she dresses. She doesn't care how she's dressed. Его все знают. He is known to everybody. Everyone knows him. Ви не заперечуватиме, якщо я поставлю вам запитання про Тома? Would you mind if I asked you a question about Tom? Will you mind if I ask you a question about Tom? Починати бійку з Томом не було такою вже й доброю ідеєю. Starting a fight with Tom wasn't such a good idea. To fight Tom was not such a good idea. Тебе нельзя здесь оставаться. You can't stay here. You can't stay here. Как ты думаешь, кто он? Who do you think he is? What do you think he is? Чому Том не зробив цього вчора? Why didn't Tom do that yesterday? Why didn't Tom do that yesterday? Гадаю, Тома сьогодні тут не буде. I think that Tom isn't going to be here today. I don't think Tom's gonna be here today. Після короткого миру знову розв'язалася війна. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After a brief peace, war broke out again. Все в деревне звали её Зелёная Шапочка. Everyone in the village called her Little Green Riding Hood. Everyone in the village called her Green Cock. Выбирай сам. It's entirely up to you which one you may choose. Choose it yourself. Я лише дражнився. I was only teasing. I was just getting mad. Я вернулся вам помочь. I came back to help you. I'm back to help you. Согласно прогнозу, погода завтра прояснится. According to the weather forecast, it will clear up tomorrow. According to the forecast, the weather will be clear tomorrow. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at French. Tom's good at speaking French. Мы здесь оба по одной и той же причине. We're both here for the same reason. We're both here for the same reason. Не видѣла ли єста моихъ пътъкъ? Didn't you see my birds? Didn't you see the existence of my pets? Что означает ЮНЕСКО? What does the UNESCO stand for? What does UNESCO mean? Тебе надо сосредоточиться. You've got to concentrate. You need to concentrate. Какой твой любимый киножанр? What's your favorite kind of movie to watch? What's your favorite movie? Павярні налева. Turn left. It's on the left. Тому ваша допомога потрібна так само, як і мені. Tom needs your help just as much as I do. So your help is just as necessary to me. Вы прыйдзеце на гэтую сустрэчу? Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you coming to this meeting? Можливо, це, врешті-решт, не така вже й погана ідея. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Вы приняли своё лекарство? Have you taken your medicine? Did you take your medicine? У собаки чотири лапи. A dog has four legs. The dog has four legs. Я ведаю, што зараз позна, але ты не была б супраць, калі б я зараз прыйшла? Мне трэба нешта з табой абгаварыць. I know it's kind of late, but would you mind if I came over now? I have something I need to discuss with you. I know it's late, but you wouldn't be against if I'd just come in? Давай быстрей доедай завтрак. Hurry up and finish your breakfast. Let's have breakfast soon. Вот это называется удачей. That's what you call good luck. This is called luck. Твоя мать знает об этом? Does your mother know about this? Does your mother know about this? Том играет на тромбоне. Tom plays the trombone. Tom's playing trombon. Дзе дождж? Where is the rain? Where is the rain? Вона звинуватила мене в тому, що я зробив помилку. She accused me of making a mistake. She accused me of making a mistake. Том зробив собі чашку чаю. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Ответить на этот вопрос легко. Answering that question is easy. The answer is easy. Я это потом улажу. I'll handle it later. I'll handle it later. Не кажи моїй мамі. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mom. Том виглядає наляканим. Tom seems very scared. Tom looks scared. Я сказав Тому, щоб він говорив французькою. I told Tom to speak French. I told him to speak French. Том опять передумал. Tom has changed his mind again. Tom changed his mind. Я согласен с вашим мнением по поводу налогов. I agree with your opinion about taxes. I agree with your opinion on taxes. Ми двоюрідні брат і сестра. We're cousins. We are cousins. Я рад за Тома. I'm happy for Tom. I'm happy for Tom. Человѣкъ тъ молодъ. The man is young. Human beings are young. Он был сед. He had grey hair. He was a sitting down. Вам страшно, Томе? Are you frightened, Tom? Are you scared, Tom? Не изоумѣѭ. I don't understand. Not an ozoum. Мері — блондинка. Mary is blonde. Mary is blonde. Том не хочет, чтобы кто-то знал, что он едет в Бостон. Tom doesn't want anyone to know he's going to Boston. Tom doesn't want anyone to know he's going to Boston. Давай вернёмся домой. Let's go back home. Let's go home. Можна мені скористатися твоїм телефоном? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? Думаю, я знаю, що ви маєте на увазі. I think I know what you mean. I think I know what you mean. Том завжди вдома. Tom is always at home. Tom's always home. Я люблю писати. I like to write. I love writing. Нужно ли разрешить однополые браки? Should gay marriage be legal? Should same - sex marriage be settled? Я кохаю тебе, Томе. I love you, Tom. I love you, Tom. Этого никто не видел. No one saw that. No one saw it. Собаку Тома звати Кукі. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog is called Cookie. Он вёл простую жизнь. He led a simple life. He's been leading a simple life. Я голомоза? Am I bald? Am I a holomosa? Вы можете сказать мне, что случилось? Can you tell me what happened? Can you tell me what happened? Я верная сваёй жонцы. I'm faithful to my wife. I'm faithful to my wife. Мне не о чем беспокоиться. I have nothing to be worried about. I have nothing to worry about. Сьогодні мені треба багато чого зробити. I have a lot to do today. I have a lot to do today. Я вже на сьогодні закінчую. I'm going to call it a day. I'm done for today. Я дуже радий за Тома. I'm very happy for Tom. I'm very happy for Tom. Я п'яний. I'm tipsy. I'm drunk. Ты просто убегаешь от жизненных проблем. You're just running away from life's problems. You just run from life's problems. Мой день рождения выпадает на воскресенье в этом году. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. My birthday is Sunday this year. Яна найлепшая з сучасных мастакоў. She is among the best artists of today. It's the best of modern artists. Однажды дав обещание, ты должен его сдержать. Once you have made a promise, you should keep it. Once a promise has been made, you have to hold it back. Чому тебе не було в школі? Why were you not in school? Why weren't you in school? Вы мой враг? Are you my enemy? Are you my enemy? В Ісландії багато вулканів. Iceland has many volcanoes. In Iceland there are many volcanoes. Ви думаєте про Тома? Are you thinking about Tom? You think of Tom? Це, звичайно ж, не було легко. It certainly wasn't easy. That, of course, was not easy. Том — единственный, кто выжил. Tom is the only one who survived. Tom is the only survivor. Ти не в гуморі? Are you in a bad mood? You're not in the mood? Ружовыя ружы прыгожыя. Pink roses are beautiful. The roses are beautiful. Я подумал, тебе будет интересно знать, что Том нашёл работу. I thought you'd be interested to know that Tom found a job. I thought you'd be interested in knowing Tom got a job. У меня были проблемы с парковкой. I had trouble parking. I had a parking problem. Ты извращаешь мои слова. You're twisting my words. You're twisting my words. Я чакаю свайго хлопца. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. Наше життя визначається нашим середовищем. Our lives are determined by our environment. Our lives are determined by our environment. У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Яны хлусілі? Were they lying? Did they lie? Це човен. That is a boat. It's a boat. Ѳома тѧ любить. Tom loves you. She loves you. Давайте я принесу вам чего-нибудь холодного попить. Let me get you something cold to drink. Let me get you some cold drink. Том говорит, что он это исправит. Tom says he'll correct it. Tom says he'll fix it. Завжди будь готовим до найгіршого. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be prepared for the worst. Тома це не обходило. Tom wasn't worried about that. Tom didn't do it. Вырастай, Том. Grow up, Tom. Grow up, Tom. С её смерти прошло десять лет. It's been ten years since her death. Ten years have passed since her death. Сколько у вас времени? How long do you have? How much time do you have? Я забыла, что сегодня Первое апреля. I forgot that today was April Fool's Day. I forgot it was April one this morning. Вы талантливы. You're talented. You're talented. Я хотів би зняти гроші. I'd like to withdraw money. I'd like to take the money off. Том не знает, почему я не победил. Tom doesn't know why I didn't win. Tom doesn't know why I didn't win. Я не розумію, а я не звик не розуміти. Будь ласка, поясніть ще раз. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, and I'm not used to understanding. Я прокинувся сьогодні о п'ятій ранку. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up tonight at five in the morning. Можете не отвечать. You don't have to answer. You may not answer. Я знаю, що ти хочеш стати лікарем. I know that you want to become a doctor. I know you want to be a doctor. Я не пам'ятаю, де я був. I don't remember where I was. I don't remember where I was. Ты можаш зрабіць гэта! You can do it. You can do it! Самі ненавидить ці квіти. Sami hates these flowers. I hate these flowers myself. Вы видели моего сына? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Я её найду. I'll find her. I'll find her. У мене мало англійських книжок. I have few English books. I don’t have enough English books. Я с Томом еще не закончил. I'm not through with Tom. Tom and I are not done yet. Я його десь заховав. I hid it somewhere. I hid it somewhere. Никто не знал почему. No one knew why. No one knew why. Родители Мэри ненавидят Тома. Mary's parents hate Tom. Mary's parents hate Tom. Будь ласка, не чіпай ці книжки. Please don't touch those books. Please don't touch those books. Полагаю, тебе нужна помощь. I guess you'll need some help. I suppose you need some help. Поїхали на ліфті. Let's take the elevator. We're off the elevator. Алжир покупает артиллерийское вооружение у России. Algeria purchases artillery from Russia. Algeria buys artillery from Russia. Спыніце Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Дай-но перевірю. Let me check. Let me check. В Японії живуть багато видів птахів. Many kinds of birds live in Japan. Many species of birds live in Japan. Мне патрэбны хтосьці, з кім я магу размаўляць. I need someone to talk to. I need someone I can talk to. Можеш відремонтувати мою машину? Can you fix my truck? Can you fix my car? Интересно, что имел в виду Том. I wonder what Tom meant. I wonder what Tom meant. Ось ваші ключі. Here are your keys. Here are your keys. Я не могу позволить себе иметь детей. I can't afford to have children. I can't afford to have children. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know that Tom is afraid. I know Tom is afraid. Том зробив це навмисно. Tom did that deliberately. Tom did it on purpose. Том хочет пойти на пляж. Tom wants to go to the beach. Tom wants to go to the beach. Я потерял ваш телефон. I've lost your phone number. I lost your phone. Він живе тут. He lives here. He lives here. Это будет интересно. That'll be interesting. It'll be interesting. Які були основні моменти промови Тома? What were the main points of Tom's speech? What were the main features of Tom's speech? Я можу тобі допомогти кинути палити. I can help you stop smoking. I can help you quit smoking. Я не змогла сказати ні. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Хочеш знати чому? Do you want to know why? You want to know why? Том сказав, що зробити це не буде важко. Tom said it wouldn't be hard to do that. Tom said it wouldn't be hard to do that. Дзе мачка? Where is the cat? Where is the young lady? Я думаю, что у нас всё будет хорошо. I think we're going to be OK. I think we're gonna be fine. Том тогда был женат. Tom was married at that time. Tom was married then. Минус на минус даёт плюс. Two wrongs do make a right. Negative times minus gives a plus. Ви маєте проблеми? Are you in trouble? Do you have a problem? Все, что ты говоришь, совершенно правильно. All that you say is perfectly correct. Everything you say is right. Том сказал, что больше никто не ранен. Tom said that nobody else was injured. Tom said no one else was injured. «Чего ты больше всего боишься, Том?» – «Что Мария полюбит кого-нибудь другого». "What are you most afraid of, Tom?" "That Mary falls in love with someone else." "What are you afraid of most of all, Tom?" "What Mary's going to love someone else." Ти приїхала потягом? Did you come by train? Did you come by train? Не следует ли нам дождаться одобрения Тома? Shouldn't we wait for Tom's approval? Shouldn't we wait for Tom's approval? Відкрий книжку на дев'ятій сторінці. Open your book to page nine. Open the book on page 9. Я дуже зайнята. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. Він повернувся додому пізно ввечері. He came home late in the evening. He came home late at night. Ты по утрам рано встаёшь? Do you get up early in the morning? Are you up early in the morning? Том плаває дуже швидко. Tom swims very fast. Tom is swimming very fast. Мы решили перенести встречу на следующее воскресенье. We've decided to move the meeting to next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting the following Sunday. Сколько дюймов в футе? How many inches are there in a foot? How many inches in a foot? Це схоже на добре місце для табору. This looks like a good spot to set up camp. It looks like a good place to camp. Ти, мабуть, помиляєшся. You're probably mistaken. You must be wrong. Я подарю тебе велосипед на день рождения. I will get you a bike for your birthday. I'll give you a bicycle for your birthday. Том не озирнувся. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't look back. Я собираюсь разобраться с Томом. I'm going to deal with Tom. I'm going to deal with Tom. Несчастный случай отобрал их единственного сына. The accident deprived them of their only son. The accident took away their only son. Этого было достаточно. That was enough. That was enough. Я действительно волновалась за вас. I was really worried about you. I was really worried about you. Це кіт чи пес? Is that a cat or a dog? Is it a cat or a dog? Валіза Тома виглядає дуже важкою. Tom's suitcase looks very heavy. Tom's suitcase looks very heavy. Том буде хвилюватися. Tom will be worried. Tom will be worried. У Тома є фортепіано. Tom has a piano. Tom's got a piano. Я згорів на сонці. I got a sunburn. I burned in the sun. На нас пожаловались соседи. We've had complaints from our neighbors. Neighbors complained about us. Кажу тобі, особисто я проти абортів. I tell you that I am personally against abortion. I'm telling you, personally, I'm against abortion. Ты думаеш, хто ты? Who do you think you are? Do you think you are? Я поймал две рыбы. I caught two fish. I got two fish. Что с ним станет? What will become of him? What's going to happen to him? Том нечасто рассказывает нам анекдоты. Tom doesn't often tell us jokes. Tom doesn't often tell us the jokes. Ти почуваєшся втомленим? Are you feeling tired? Are you feeling tired? Вона проспала годину. She slept an hour. She's been sleeping for an hour. Что ты собиралась сказать? What were you going to say? What are you gonna say? Дэн привёл Линду в свою комнату. Dan took Linda to his room. Dan brought Linda into his room. Том дуже добре вміє грати на піаніно. Tom can play piano very well. Tom is very good at playing the piano. Я ще не закінчила з Томом. I'm not done with Tom yet. I haven't finished with Tom yet. Можешь поблагодарить Тома за это. You can thank Tom for this. You can thank Tom for that. Не смейся! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Вони занадто перебірливі. They're too picky. They're too selective. Кто им не восхищается? Who doesn't admire him? Who doesn't admire them? Я нарадзіўся ў 1988 годзе. I was born in 1988. I was born in 1988. Том ведь выше тебя? Tom is taller than you, isn't he? Tom's taller than you, isn't he? Вы иностранцы. You're foreigners. You are foreigners. Майго сына завуць Том. My son's name is Tom. My son's name is Tom. Я заўсёды хацела цябе пацалаваць. I've always wanted to kiss you. I always wanted to kiss you. Почему ты мне этого не сказал? Why did you not tell me this? Why didn't you tell me that? Я не вучань. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. На это нет времени. There's no time to do that. There's no time for that. Де знаходиться зубна паста? Where can I find toothpaste? Where is the toothpaste? Разве Том сейчас не в Бостоне? Isn't Tom in Boston now? Isn't Tom in Boston right now? Я знаю, что у тебя есть тайна. I know you've got a secret. I know you have a secret. Мені здається, Том зараз живе в Бостоні. I think Tom is living in Boston now. I think Tom lives in Boston right now. Ты должен работать упорно, если хочешь добиться успеха. You must work hard if you want to succeed. You must work hard if you want to succeed. Я берегу их для своих внуков. I'm saving them for my grandchildren. I can take them for my grandchildren. Акулы могут почувствовать даже небольшое количество крови в воде. Sharks can smell even a tiny amount of blood in water. Sharks can even experience a small amount of blood in the water. Сабаку звуць Кен. The dog's name is Ken. My dog's name is Ken. Хіба ви не на чергуванні сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you on duty tonight? Aren't you on a schedule tonight? Том та Мері займаються цим. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Mary do it. Прошу якийсь час мене не перебивати. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Не будзь дзіцём. Don't be childish. Don't be a child. Том очень строг к детям. Tom is very strict with his children. Tom is very strict about the kids. Я думала, у Тома нет машины. I thought Tom didn't have a car. I thought Tom didn't have a car. У меня нет лошади. I don't have a horse. I don't have a horse. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she had to do it. Не думаю, что у Тома есть какой-либо опыт. I don't think Tom has any experience. I don't think Tom has any experience. Я пам'ятаю, як було першого разу. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Этот словарь для нас - большой подарок. This dictionary is great boon up to us. That dictionary is a big gift for us. І што? So what? And what? Мисливці націлили свої рушниці на слона. The hunters aimed their rifles at the elephant. The hunters pointed their rifles at the elephant. Я не знаю, какую книгу выбрать. I don't know which book to choose. I don't know which book to pick. Я не знаю, що пообіцяв Том. I don't know what Tom promised. I don't know what Tom promised. Ты знаешь, что он сделал? Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? Урэшце рэшт яны купілі свабоду, заплаціўшы крывёю. At last, they purchased freedom with blood. After all they bought liberty, paying the blood. Он играет в теннис трижды в неделю. He plays tennis three times a week. He plays tennis three times a week. Тому всегда есть что сказать. Tom always has something to say. So there's always something to say. Том лишив у нас свою парасольку. Tom left his umbrella at our place. Tom left his umbrella with us. Я никогда не забуду, как мы с ней ездили на Гавайи. I'll never forget going to Hawaii with her. I'll never forget her and me going to Hawaii. Я буду в лабораторії. I'll be in the lab. I'll be in the lab. Её голос всё ещё звенит у меня в ушах. Her voice still rings in my ears. Her voice will still be in my ears. Пожалуйста, могли бы вы повторить то, что только что сказали? Could you please repeat what you just said? Please, could you repeat what you just said? Критики не избежать. Haters gonna hate. Critics can't be avoided. Я готова это принять. I'm ready to accept it. I'm ready to accept it. Сколько ещё денег тебе нужно? How much more money do you need? How much more money do you need? Я собираюсь поговорить с Томом, когда он вернётся домой. I'm going to talk to Tom when he returns home. I'm gonna talk to Tom when he gets home. Я бачыў гэта на свае вочы. I'm telling you what I saw. I saw it coming upon my eyes. Может быть, вам стоит вызвать полицию. Maybe you should call the police. Maybe you should call the police. Я не ведаю іўрыта. I don't speak Hebrew. I don't know Hebrew. Определение из словаря другое. The dictionary definition is different. Definition from a dictionary is different. Ми хочемо, щоб ти поїхав до Бостона. We want you to go to Boston. We want you to go to Boston. Якщо щодо того, щоб піти в кіно? How about going to a movie? What about going to the movies? Поблагодарите от меня своего сына. Give my thanks to your son. Thank you for your son from me. Люди люблять свободу. People love freedom. People love freedom. Ця база даних містить багато помилок. This database contains many errors. This database contains many mistakes. Яно такі і праўда: як бы там ні было добра, але калі гэтае дабро цэлы век астаецца без усякай змены, то яно лёгка перастае быць дабром. And this is true after all: no matter how good it was there, when such a good thing remains unchanged for a lifetime, it easily stops being good. I think it's true. However good it may be, but if this good century ceases without change, it will easily cease to be nice. Я не женщина. I'm not a woman. I'm not a woman. Мы как раз собирались вам звонить. We were just about to call you. We were just about to call you. Пожалуйста, дай Тому ещё немного поспать. Please let Tom sleep a little longer. Please let Tom still get some sleep. Нам следует смотреть миру прямо в лицо. We ought to look the world straight in the face. We should look the world right into the face. Скажаш мне, як атрымаеш пасылку. Let me know when you get the package. You tell me how you get your pastel. Искала тѧ єсмь. I have been looking for you. We've been looking for a mascot. Я рад это слышать. I am glad to hear it. I'm glad to hear it. Калі ты не ведаў мяне з гэтага боку, то ты не ведаў мяне ўвогуле. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you did not know me on this side, thou didst not know me at all. Я больше никому его не покажу. I won't show it to anybody else. I'm not gonna show it to anybody else. Вона писала за допомогою чорнил. She wrote in ink. She was writing with ink. Я голодний, бо я не снідав. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast. Вона поклала дитину на ліжко. She laid her baby on the bed. She put the baby on the bed. Ты іх забіў. You killed them. You killed them. Зірнуўшы праз туман, я ўбачыў, як мая будучыня прамільгнула ў мяне перад вачамі. In looking through the mist, I caught a glimpse of my future. oming through the mist, I saw my future blundered at me in the sight of my eyes. Она его не уволит. She won't fire him. She won't fire him. В неї червоні очі. Her eyes are red. She's got red eyes. Роби все, що в твоїх силах, і не турбуйся. Do your best and don't worry. Do what you can and don't worry. Я кинула пити пиво. I've quit drinking beer. I quit drinking beer. Ми різні. We're different. We're different. Что ты хочешь изменить? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? Маеш мабільны? Do you have a cellphone? Could you have a cell? Том опять проспал. Tom overslept again. Tom disappeared again. Хотіла би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I'd like to know what you're looking for. Він знайшов метеорит. He found a meteorite. He found the meteorite. Будете сидеть между Томом и Мэри. You'll be sitting between Tom and Mary. You'll sit between Tom and Mary. Она поразительно похожа на Мэрилин Монро. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. She looks amazingly like Marilyn Monroe. Том цинічний. Tom is cynical. Tom is cynical. Мы сдались. We surrendered. We've given up. Они определили его местонахождение. They've located him. They identified his whereabouts. Том сказав, що я гарна. Tom said I looked pretty. Tom said I was beautiful. Я часто вижу, как Том и Мэри это делают. I often see Tom and Mary doing that. I often see Tom and Mary do it. Я думал, что Том женат. I thought that Tom was married. I thought Tom was married. У Вас превосходный английский. You have superb English. You have excellent English. Публикация статьи была приурочена ко дню рождения профессора. Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The publication of the article was scheduled for the day of the professor’s birth. Цо то? What is this? That's it? Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at speaking French. Tom's good at speaking French. Все здесь знают, что мы не можем доверять Тому. Everyone here knows that we can't trust Tom. Everyone here knows we can't trust Tom. Я приймаю вашу пропозицію. I accept your offer. I accept your offer. Коли ти могла би мені допомогти? When could you do that? When could you help me? Хіба ви не студентки? Aren't you students? Aren't you girls? Не думаю, що наступного тижня Том буде в Австралії. I don't think Tom will be in Australia next week. I don't think Tom's gonna be in Australia next week. Вы сейчас где? Where are you now? Where are you now? Эта рубашка слишком мала мне, чтоб в ней ходить. This shirt is too small for me to wear. That shirt's too small for me to walk in. Гадаю, Тома сьогодні тут не буде. I think Tom isn't going to be here today. I don't think Tom's gonna be here today. Где ключи Тома? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? Я всё про вас слышала. I've heard all about you. I've heard about you. Я не дуже добре володію французькою. I'm not very good at French. I'm not very good in French. Діти Тома внизу. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's children are downstairs. Йому байдуже, що кажуть інші. He is indifferent to what others say. He doesn't care what others say. Чи не скажете, що мені робити далі? Will you tell me what I should do next? Will you tell me what to do next? Том заговорил первым. Tom spoke first. Tom spoke first. Том не говорил мне, что женат. Tom didn't tell me he was married. Tom didn't tell me he was married. Тэхас амаль удвая большы за Японію. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Thehas is almost twice the size of Japan. У вас є якісь це проблеми з цим? Are you having any trouble doing that? Do you have a problem with that? Это произошло на Парк-стрит. That happened on Park Street. It happened on Park Street. Когда я вырасту, я хочу быть пожарным. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. Фома тренувався. Tom exercised. Thomas was practicing. Вчера было воскресенье, а не суббота. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Я хотів працювати. I wanted to work. I wanted to work. Слушай, ты собираешься мне помогать или нет? Look, are you going to help or not? Look, are you gonna help me or not? Я слышал шум. I heard a noise. I heard a noise. Я поїду на машині. I'll take my car. I'm going by car. Том захудий. Tom is too thin. Tom's bad. Гэта і мае грошы. It's my money, too. This and my money. Том видел Мэри всего один раз. Tom only saw Mary once. Tom only saw Mary once. Возможно, мне придётся уволить Тома. I may have to fire Tom. Maybe I'll have to fire Tom. Думаешь, Том может её найти? Do you think Tom can find it? You think Tom can find her? З тих пір, як померла його дружина, Том живе один. Tom has lived alone since his wife died. Since his wife died, Tom has lived alone. Отверстие узкое. The hole is narrow. The opening's narrow. Я уволил весь персонал и взял на работу Тома. I fired the whole staff and hired Tom. I fired all the staff and took Tom's work. У Тома немає спраги. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom has no thirst. Як ви думаєте, коли Том буде тут? When do you think Tom is going to get here? What do you think, Tom will be here? Вона там? Is it there? Is she there? Том написав пісню про Мері. Tom has written a song about Mary. Tom wrote a song about Mary. Можно мне тоже одну? Can I have one, too? Can I have one, too? Цікаво. That's curious. Interesting. Чому Том не спробував допомогти Мері? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Я похож на парня, который хочет жениться? Do I look like a guy who wants to get married? Do I look like a guy who wants to marry? Я его им не дал. I didn't give it to them. I didn't give it to them. Я буду на твоей стороне. I'll be at your side. I'll be on your side. У цябе ёсць зялёны світэр? Do you have a green sweater? Do you have a green dawn? Она сказала, что не очень замёрзла. She said that she wasn't very cold. She said she wasn't too cold. Похоже, что в молодости он был беден. It seems that he was poor in his youth. Looks like he was poor when he was young. Это Том показал Мэри, как это делается? Was Tom the one who showed Mary how to do that? Tom showed Mary how to do this? Ти сердита на Тома? Are you angry with Tom? Are you angry with Tom? Дайте мне номер рядом с лифтом. Give me a room near the elevator. Give me the number next to the elevator. Не звертай на нього уваги. Ignore him. Don't pay attention to him. Сегодня понедельник. Today is Monday. It's Monday. Это первый вариант. That's the first option. That's the first option. Это моя любимая. This is my favorite. It's my favorite. Тебе хоче бачити студент. A student wants to see you. You want to see a student. Том почистив картоплю і зварив її. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom cleaned the potatoes and made it. Мы учителя. We are teachers. We're a teacher. Том ни в чём вас не обвиняет. Tom doesn't blame you for anything. Tom doesn't blame you for anything. Говори гучніше, будь ласка. Please speak louder. Speak up, please. Дзе знаходзіцца амбасада Аўстраліі? Where's the Australian embassy? Where is Australia's ambassador? Мері поводилася добре. Mary behaved herself. Mary acted well. Я пішла до банку. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Я не знаю, что Том сказал Мэри. I don't know what Tom said to Mary. I don't know what Tom said to Mary. Будь ласка, зніміть взуття. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. Ты можаш уявіць, што ты ідзеш па месяцу? Can you imagine walking on the moon? Can't you imagine you're coming out by a month? Улица, ведущая к отелю, узкая. The street leading to the hotel is narrow. The street is narrow. Після обіду в неї завжди є час. She always has time in the afternoon. After lunch, she always has time. Є лише один спосіб це зробити. There's only one way to do that. There's only one way to do it. Ничего не принимай как должное. Don't take anything for granted. Don't take anything for granted. Сталіца Італіі — Рым. The capital of Italy is Rome. Italia’s statue is Rome. «Любовь никого никогда не убивала». — «Неужели? Спроси Ромео и Джульетту». "Love has never killed anyone." "Really? Ask Romeo and Juliet." "Never has love killed anyone." "Did you ask Romeo and Juliet?" Коли у тебе потяг? What time's your train? When do you have the train? Я дійсно пишаюся тобою. I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you. Том завжди каже Мері, що він її кохає. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mary he loves her. Кен ждёт, когда придёт поезд. Ken is waiting for the train to come. Ken's waiting for the train to come. Мать дала дочери кольцо. The mother gave the girl a ring. Mother gave her daughter a ring. Я вчу корейську мову. I study Korean. I'm teaching Korean. Пакуль. Bye! Bye. Вьсе ми єси. You are everything to me. We're here. Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and I both have to take care of the dog. Сподіваюся, Том поцілував Мері. I hope Tom kissed Mary. I hope Tom kissed Mary. Наивность — его единственное положительное качество. Naivete is his only merit. Mildness is his only positive quality. Никто не видел, как мы это сделали. Nobody saw us do it. No one saw us do it. Тобі не варто було підписувати зізнання. You shouldn't have signed a confession. You shouldn't have signed the confession. Він це зробив добровільно. He did it willingly. He did it voluntarily. Я по лестнице. I'll take the stairs. I'm down the stairs. Я люблю цю гру. I like this game. I love this game. Мері умилася. Mary washed her face. Mary was good. Я прямий. I'm direct. I'm straight. У Тома є вино. Tom has wine. Tom's got wine. Ти бачив його нове кіно? Have you seen his new film? Did you see his new movie? Машина Тома припаркована он там. Tom's car's parked over there. Tom's car is parked there. Я не звинувачую нікого іншого. I don't blame anybody else. I don't blame anyone else. Том единственный пострадал. Tom is the only one who was injured. Tom's only hurt. Ми хочемо голосувати. We want to vote. We want to vote. Том каже, що більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Tom says Mary won't bother anymore. Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. That's good for me. У нас здесь для Тома пакет. We have a package here for Tom. We have a bag here for Tom. У тебе колись були домашні тварини? Have you ever had a pet? Have you ever had pets? Члены этого племени селились вдоль реки. Members of that tribe settled along the river. Members of the tribe settled along the river. Том зомлів. Tom lost consciousness. Tom fainted. Вы свечи-то купили? You bought candles, didn't you? Did you buy some candles? Нарешті ми дісталися до Міссісіпі. Finally, we got to the Mississippi. Finally we reached Missouri. Бачиш мою машину? Do you see my car? See my car? Том ще не готовий приймати відвідувачів. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom is not ready to receive visitors. Звідки ви знаєте, що вам не потрібний особистий охоронець? How do you know you don't need a bodyguard? How do you know you don't need a personal guard? Люди любят поговорить. People like to talk. People like to talk. Том читал древнюю рукопись. Tom was reading an old manuscript. Tom read the ancient manuscript. Том зробив дітям печиво. Tom made his children some cookies. Tom made the kids cookies. Я вчуся. I'm learning. I'm studying. Пахне, неначе хтось тут курив. It smells as though someone has been smoking in here. He smells like he smokes here. Лиши мене в спокої. Я сплю. Let me be. I'm sleeping. Leave me alone. У мене інша ситуація. My situation is different. I have a different situation. Пауки — отвратительные маленькие существа. Spiders are loathsome little creatures. Spiders are disgusting little creatures. Краще вам з Томом не сперечатися. You'd better not argue with Tom. You and Tom don't have to argue. Том так не думає. Tom doesn't think so. Tom doesn't think so. Мы ждём уже больше двух месяцев. We've been waiting over two months. We've been waiting for more than two months. Вчора вдень я був у Тома. I was at Tom's yesterday afternoon. I was at Tom's last day. В нього багато грошей. He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. Ён хворы на рак лёгкіх. He's got lung cancer. He's sick with lung cancer. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is mad. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. Кажуть, що вона кохає його. It's said that she loves him. She's said to love him. Они ненавидят женщин. They hate women. They hate women. Я знаю, що він зайнятий. I know he is busy. I know he's busy. Ён, здаецца, хворы. He seems to be ill. He seems sick. Он дал ему книгу. He gave him the book. He gave him a book. Его слова смутили меня. His words confused me. His words upset me. Откуда у тебя наш адрес? How did you get our address? Where did you get the address? Самі быў сапраўды збянтэжаны. Sami was really confused. They were really puzzled. Вечірка скінчилася. The party is over. The party's over. Де туалет? Where is the restroom? Where's the toilet? Кагосьці не хапае. Someone's missing. Some people don't have enough. Том розсердився з-за того, що сказала Мері. Tom got angry because of what Mary said. Tom was angry about what Mary said. Том бывает таким гондоном. Tom can be such a jerk. Tom is such a gondon. Воно ще тут? Is it here yet? Is it still here? Я ещё не совсем решил. I haven't quite decided. I haven't made up my mind yet. Минулого року мій син виріс на п'ять дюймів. My son grew 5 inches last year. Last year my son grew by five inches. Вы можете мне это объяснить? Can you explain it to me? Can you explain that to me? Том сказал тебе, где он купил свою трубу? Did Tom tell you where he bought his trumpet? Tom told you where he bought his pipe? Погоубилъ єсмь перо. I've lost my pencil. You've got to eat a pen. Авария чуть не стоила ему жизни. The accident almost cost him his life. The accident cost him his life. Я поголилася. I shaved. I shaved. Мудрость приходит с возрастом. Wisdom comes with age. Wisdom comes with age. Чому Том такий популярний? Why is Tom so popular? Why is Tom so popular? Население Швеции увеличивается. The population of Sweden is on the increase. The population of Sweden is increasing. Я жыву з бацькамі. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Скажи мені правду, будь ласка. Please tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, please. У Тома один ребёнок. Tom has one child. Tom has one baby. Мыш пішчыць. The mouse squeaks. We're on our way. Кідай паліць. Stop smoking. Give me your coat. Не похоже, чтобы вы были очень заняты. You don't seem very busy. It doesn't look like you're very busy. Том фальсифікував звітність. Tom was cooking the books. Tom falsified the report. Я жыву ў Чылі. I live in Chile. I live in Chili. Я играл в теннис. I used to play tennis. I played tennis. Ви залишите повідомлення? Will you leave a message? Will you leave a message? Кто-то звонит. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Когда дело доходит до готовки, с Мэри никто не сравнится. When it comes to cooking, no one can equal Mary. When it comes to cooking, no one likes Mary. Вы так ошибаетесь! You're so wrong. You're so wrong! Ты в жизни не такой, как на фотографии. You look different than your picture. You're not like the one in the picture. Ви в сауні? Are you in the sauna? Are you in the sauna? Я не знаю, что Том сделал. I don't know what Tom has done. I don't know what Tom did. Что вы делаете с остатками приготовленного риса? What are you doing with the rest of prepared rice? What do you do with the remains of prepared rice? Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like her? Why do you like her? Цей хлопець лукавий. That guy is two-faced. This guy's evil. Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Я ніколи не хотіла жити в Австралії. I never wanted to live in Australia. I never wanted to live in Australia. Скажи ей, чтобы ехала домой. Tell her to go home. Tell her to go home. Я купила ему журнал. I bought him a magazine. I bought him a magazine. У Тома большой дом и три автомобиля. Tom has a big house and three cars. Tom's got a big house and three cars. Мне падабаецца глядзець тэлевізар. I like watching TV. I like to watch TV. Идёт сильный дождь. It's raining hard. It's raining. Спать хочу! I'm sleepy! I want to sleep! Это моё. Отдай. That's mine. Give it back. It's mine. Времена могут меняться, но человеческая натура всё та же. Times may change, but human nature stay the same. Time can change, but human nature is the same. Это лучший ресторан из тех, что я знаю. This is the best restaurant I know. It's the best restaurant I know. Ну ж бо, визнай це. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Ты должен был сделать домашнюю работу. You ought to have done the homework. You were supposed to do your homework. Что ты обо мне знаешь? What do you know about me? What do you know about me? Більше ніколи не мене не дивись. Don't ever look at me again. Don't ever look at me again. Тебе жалко Тома? Do you feel sorry for Tom? Are you sorry about Tom? Привіт, я Башір! Hello, I am Bashir. Hi, I'm Bashir! Все женщины одинаковые. All women are the same. All women are the same. Тому більше не потрібно турбуватися. Tom no longer has to worry. So you don't have to worry anymore. Мы знаем про неё. We know about her. We know about her. Я сяду он там. I'll sit over there. I'll sit there. Вони не є загрозою. They're not a threat. They are not a threat. Шкода, що в мене немає птаха. I wish I had been a bird. I wish I had no bird. Я больше не испытываю ненависти к Тому. I don't hate Tom anymore. I don't hate Tom anymore. Что вы решили? What's your decision? What did you decide? У меня сегодня не было времени, чтобы это сделать. I didn't have time to do that today. I didn't have time today to do that. Дитина була паралізована від страху. The child was paralyzed with fear. The child was paralyzed from fear. Будь ласка, зачекайте п’ять хвилин. Wait five minutes, please. Please wait five minutes. Человѣкъ молодъ. The man is young. Humans are young. Я больна. I'm sick. I'm sick. Поезд простоит на этой станции около двух минут. The train will remain at this station for approximately 2 minutes. The train will be on this station for about two minutes. Том приехал рано. Tom arrived early. Tom came early. Ты блондинок предпочитаешь или брюнеток? Do you prefer blondes or brunettes? You prefer blonde or brunettes? О боже! Omigod! Oh, my God! Я поклялся, что никогда и никому такого не сделаю. I swore I'd never do that to anyone. I swore I would never do that to anyone. Ці не маглі б вы завярнуць падарунак? Can you gift-wrap this, please? Could you back a present? Дівчина, що стоїть там, — це Мері. The girl standing there is Mary. The girl standing there is Mary. Де туалет? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Він залишався там не більше ніж чотири дні. He stayed there not more than four days. He stayed there for no more than four days. Её ищет полиция. The police are looking for her. She's looking for the police. У Вашингтоні зараз цвіте вишня. Cherry trees are now in bloom in Washington. The tower is flourishing in Washington. Мне твая дапамога не патрэбна. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Том не хотів, щоб хто-небудь бачив, як він це робить. Tom didn't want anybody to see him doing that. Tom didn't want anyone to see him do that. Ти не мусиш цього робити, якщо не хочеш. If you don't want to do that, you don't have to. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. Том сказав, з цим він провів минулі вихідні? Did Tom say who he was with last weekend? Did Tom say he'd spent the last weekend with that? Мой улюбёны колер — блакітны. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Тому что, хуже? Tom is getting worse, isn't he? Is it worse? Ты хочешь услышать моё мнение? Do you want to hear my opinion? Do you want to hear my opinion? У пакоі не было нічога, акрамя старога крэсла. There was nothing but an old armchair in the room. The room had nothing but an old chair. Когда Том услышал по радио свою любимую песню, он не смог удержаться от того, чтобы начать подпевать. When Tom heard his favourite song on the radio, he just had to sing along. When Tom heard his favorite song on the radio, he couldn't help but start singing. Ты нашла работу? Have you found a job? Did you find a job? Зачекайте-но! Hang on! Wait a minute! Тому потрібно набагато більше, ніж триста доларів. Tom needs much more than three hundred dollars. So you need a lot more than three hundred dollars. Это соседняя страна. It's a neighbouring country. It's a neighbouring country. Том логічний. Tom is logical. Tom's logical. Спасибо, что спасла меня. Thanks for saving me. Thank you for saving me. Том сказав, що він не мав потреби поспішати. Tom said that he didn't need to hurry. Tom said he didn't have to rush. Ты пытался поговорить об этом с Томом? Have you tried talking to Tom about that? You were trying to talk to Tom about this? Сем допомогає будь-кому, хто просить його про допомогу. Sam helps whoever asks him to. Sam helps anyone who asks for help. Хіба яны не клапоцяцца пра сабаку? Don't they take care of the dog? Don't they care about the dog? Ти б хотів жити в Бостоні? Would you like to live in Boston? Would you like to live in Boston? Вы ошибаетесь. Я не так говорил. You're wrong. That isn't what I said. You're wrong, I didn't say that. Пѫть дългъ. The way is long. Let's go. Я не любив співати, коли я був молодший. I didn't like singing when I was younger. I didn't like to sing when I was younger. Знищ її. Destroy it. Destroy her. Он купил своему сыну камеру. He bought his son a camera. He bought his son a camera. Можна скористатися вашою газонокосаркою? May I use your lawnmower? Can I use your lawn counter? Говорят, что тот фильм очень интересный. They say that the movie is an interesting one. They say that that movie's very interesting. Мария не испытывала жажду. Marie wasn't thirsty. Maria was not greedy. Ось чому так багато людей страждають від голоду. That is why so many people are suffering from famine. That is why so many people suffer from hunger. Цей прапор дуже красивий. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Том пошёл в цирк с Мэри. Tom went to the circus with Mary. Tom went to the circus with Mary. Це я приніс. I brought that. I brought it. Де було видано цю книгу? Where was this book published? Where was the book published? Я не бачыў цябе сто гадоў. I haven't seen you for ages. I've not seen you a hundred years. К счастью, у Тома был лишний зонтик. Luckily, Tom had an extra umbrella. Fortunately, Tom had an extra umbrella. У тебе є аспірин? Do you have any aspirin? Do you have aspirin? Вам письмо. There is a letter for you. You've got a letter. Том очень одарённый и талантливый. Tom is very gifted and talented. Tom is very gifted and talented. Ніхто нічого не чув про мою країну. Nobody heard anything about my country. No one heard of my country. Не думаю, що Том може нам зараз допомогти. I don't think that Tom can help us now. I don't think Tom can help us right now. Ты не всемогущ. You are not omnipotent. You can't do it. Я не хотел, чтобы со мной было то же самое. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me. I didn't want to be the same with me. Ця технологія неймовірна! That technology is an incredible thing! This technology is incredible! Ви божевільна. You're insane. You're crazy. Вы их не найдёте. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Сьогодні в школі наді мною сміялися. I got laughed at at school today. Today at school I was laughed at. Тебе какая больше нравится? Эта или та? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which one do you like better? Діти мають бути нагодовані. Children need to be fed. Children must be fed. Том зупинив таймер. Tom stopped the timer. Tom stopped the timer. Я працягвала чытаць. I continued reading. I kept on reading. Том подождал, пока все сядут. Tom waited for everyone to sit down. Tom waited till everyone got there. Коли ти приїдеш до Нідерландів? When are you coming to the Netherlands? When are you coming to the Netherlands? Ти добра. You're kind. You're good. Подивіться в кишенях. Check your pockets. Look in your pockets. Я пытался её убедить, но мне не удалось. I tried to convince her, but I didn't succeed. I tried to convince her, but I couldn't. Цім дітям потрібна наша допомога. Those kids need our help. These children need our help. Я заеду за вами после школы. I'll pick you up after school. I'll follow you after school. Проблема — це ви. You're the problem. The problem is you. Том був у Бостоні кілька разів. Tom has been to Boston a couple of times. Tom was in Boston several times. Том здатний це зробити. Tom is able to do that. Tom can do it. Она должна пить воду. She has to drink water. She has to drink water. Он у себя за столом. He is at his desk. He's at his table. На Рождество Том и Мэри подарили своему внуку велосипед. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. At Christmas Tom and Mary gave their grandson a bicycle. Закрой дверь, когда будешь уходить. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. Алену дали завдання, вирішити яке було неможливо. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. He was given a task that was impossible to solve. Я научился заниматься и играть как мои японские друзья. I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends. I learned to do and play as my Japanese friends. Том цього не зробить. Tom is not going to do it. Tom won't do that. Том пообещал вернуться. Tom promised to return. Tom promised to come back. Я зрозумів, у чому моя помилка. I realized what my mistake was. I figured out what my mistake was. Це може зачекати? Can it wait? Can it wait? Том не мог точно вспомнить, что Мэри сказала. Tom couldn't remember exactly what Mary had said. Tom couldn't remember exactly what Mary said. Слідуй за нами. Follow us. Follow us. Що тобі потрібно зробити? What do you need to do? What do you need to do? Том не использует Фейсбук. Tom doesn't use Facebook. Tom doesn't use Facebook. В холодильнике есть бутылка. There's a bottle in the refrigerator. There's a bottle in the fridge. Я думаю, что мы почти готовы. I think we're about ready. I think we're almost ready. Спробуйте подивитися на це з точки зору Тома. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Try to see it from Tom's point of view. Я хочу, щоб інші враховували мої смаки. I want the others to keep my tastes in mind. I want others to take into account my tastes. Я не єдиний, хто так робить. I'm not the only one who does that. I'm not the only one who does that. Я сделал всё, о чём вы меня просили. I've done everything you've asked me to do. I did everything you asked me to do. Японці знімають взуття, коли заходять до хати. The Japanese take off their shoes when they enter a house. The Japanese take their shoes off when they walk into the house. Что ты узнал? What did you learn? What did you find out? Скоро твоя очередь, Башар! It's your turn soon, Bashar! Soon your turn, Bashar! Я знаю, що Том не знає, чому я хотів це зробити. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to do this. Что Тома так разозлило? What made Tom angry? That Tom was so angry? Принесіть мені чисту тарілку та заберіть брудну. Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away. Bring me a clean plate and take away the dirty plate. Выведенное пятно всё-таки оставило след на юбке. The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt. The sign spot still left a mark on the soup. Я большая девочка. I'm a big kid. I'm a big girl. Я знаю, как выжить. I know how to survive. I know how to survive. Це небагато коштує. It's not worth much. It's not worth much. Два года назад я совсем не умел играть в баскетбол. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago, I could not play basketball at all. Я рада, что нашла тебя. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Я ненавижу футбол. I hate soccer. I hate football. Том подарил мне этот галстук. Tom gave me this tie. Tom gave me that tie. Том мені не допомагає. Tom doesn't help me. Tom's not helping me. Я не могу позволить вам рисковать жизнью. I can't let you risk your life. I can't let you risk your life. Сѫть ли кънигъı на стольцѣ? · Сѫть. "Is there a book on the chair?" "Yes, there is." Do you know what you're talking about? Мені треба відлити. I need to pee. I need to pee. Гэта анімэ пра тое, як звычайны японскі школьнік ажаніўся на сваёй настаўніцы-інапланецянцы. Гэта Японія, там такое здараецца. It's an anime about a normal Japanese schoolboy who married his alien teacher. Things like this happen in Japan. I think this is not about how ordinary Japanese schools got married to their teacher-in-room, this is Japan, this is what happens there. Молися! Pray! Pray! Я хочу, чтобы к половине третьего готовый отчёт лежал у меня на столе. I want a complete report on my desk by 2:30. I want to have half a third prepared report sitting on my desk. Чтение книги сравнимо с путешествием. Reading a book can be compared to making a journey. Reading the book is like traveling. Я подарил ей букет роз в знак благодарности за её гостеприимство. I gave a bunch of roses to her in return for her hospitality. I gave her a pink bouquet in gratitude for her hospitality. Можна сісти поруч? Can I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Давай сначала обсудим это с Томом. Let's discuss this with Tom first. Let's discuss this with Tom first. Кто угодно мог допустить ошибку, подобную этой. Anybody could slip up like that. Anyone could have made a mistake like that. Как утверждают, он убийца. He is allegedly the murderer. They say he's a murderer. Том, выходи из душа! Tom, get out of the shower! Tom, come out of your soul! Я вирішив одружитися з нею. I've decided to marry her. I decided to marry her. Тебе це влаштовує? Are you happy with that? Is that good for you? Народ паўстаў супраць караля. The people rebelled against the king. The people rose against the king. Я не хочу идти, а кроме того, уже слишком поздно. I don't want to go, and besides it's too late. I don't want to go, and besides, it's too late. Том хочет покрасить волосы. Tom wants to dye his hair. Tom wants to paint his hair. Він чесна людина, тому його люблять усі. As he is honest, he is loved by everybody. He is an honest man, so he is loved by everyone. Прости. Я не знал. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry. I didn't know. Мы должны быть к этому готовы. We've got to be ready for that. We have to be ready for this. "Том в курсе". - "Да? Ты ему рассказала?" - "Нет, он сам всё узнал". "Tom knows." "He does? Did you tell him?" "No, he found out by himself." "That's it." "Yes, did you tell him?" "No, he knew everything." Почему? В чём дело? Why? What's wrong? Why, what's the matter? Малоймовірно, що те, що сказав Том, — правда. What Tom said is not likely to be true. It is unlikely that what Tom said was true. Дзуськи! No way! The bells! Земля - планета мала, але прекрасна. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. The earth is a small planet but beautiful. Просто попроси їх її віддати. Just ask them to give it back. Just ask them to give it back. Поїдеш потягом? Will you go by train? Are you going on a train? Я не спросил, планирует Том этим заниматься или нет. I didn't ask whether Tom was planning on doing that or not. I didn't ask if Tom planned to do it or not. Выпотроши курицу перед тем, как её готовить. Remove the chicken's giblets before cooking. Take a chicken before you make it. Нам з вами треба поговорити. You and I need to talk. We need to talk. Спаліть тіло. Burn the body. Burn the body. Том ніколи не дозволить, щоб ти це знову зробив. Tom will never let you do that again. Tom will never let you do that again. Ми майже закінчили. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. Це буде дуже важко зробити. Doing that will be very difficult. It will be very difficult to do that. Я знаю, сколько Вам лет. I know how old you are. I know how old you are. Весна прийшла. Spring has come around. The spring has come. Я бачив її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Ця вечірка нудна. This party is boring. This party is boring. Это Том научил Мэри водить. Tom was the one who taught Mary how to drive. Tom taught Mary how to drive. Гэта нешта сур'ёзнае? Is it anything serious? Is it serious? Я трохи посперечався з Томом. I argued with Tom a little bit. I had a little argument with Tom. Христос воскрес! Happy Easter! Christ has been resurrected! Он пытался меня рассмешить. He tried to make me laugh. He was trying to mock me. Оумѣѥте ли роусьскы? Do you speak Russian? Oum [ Credit Line] Do you have roaches? Мюрыэл зараз дваццаць. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is twenty now. Моему отцу трудно бросить пить. It's hard for my father to give up drinking. It's hard for my father to stop drinking. Никто не видел, как она покинула комнату. Nobody saw her leave the room. No one saw her leave the room. Заради всього святого. For heaven's sake. For everything holy. Так, із задоволенням! Sure, why not? Yes, I'd love to! Я живу с Томом. I live with Tom. I live with Tom. Статуя Свабоды знаходзіцца ў Нью-Ёрку. The Statue of Liberty is located in New York. The Statue of Freedom is in New York. Я нарадзілася ў 1979 годзе. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. Маім бацькам яна падабаецца. My parents like her. My parents she likes. Мы уже сделали свою часть. We've already done our part. We've already done our part. Я пытаюсь решить задачу. I'm trying to solve the problem. I'm trying to solve this problem. Едісон винайшов електричну лампочку. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented an electric light bulb. Том тебя больше не побеспокоит. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Том знает, что ты не умеешь говорить по-французски? Does Tom know that you don't know how to speak French? Tom knows you can't speak French? Мені потрібні ці гроші. I need this money. I need that money. Том один. Tom is alone. Tom is alone. Сцеражыся сакавіцкіх ідаў. Beware the ides of March. Commise the March-Aids. Я привык рано ложиться. I've got used to going to bed early. I'm used to going to bed early. Смачного! Enjoy your meal. That's nice! Це стілець. It is a chair. It's a chair. Сначала я не поверил тебе. At first, I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you at first. Что-то надо сделать. Something must be done. Something to do. Меня никто не любит. No one loves me. Nobody loves me. Румыны з Трансільваніі размаўляюць вельмі павольна. The Romanians from Transylvania speak very slowly. The Romanians from Transylvanian talk very slowly. Почему ты такой упёртый? Why are you so hard-headed? Why are you so stubborn? В такий спосіб він заробив настільки багато грошей. This is how he earned so much money. That's how he made so much money. Философию часто воспринимают как нечто сложное. Philosophy is often regarded as difficult. Philosophy is often perceived as difficult. Том сказал, что хочет уйти. Tom said he wanted to leave. Tom said he wanted to leave. Президент республіки обирається народом. The president of the republic is chosen by the people. The president of the republic is elected by the people. Я живу довольно близко к ним. I live pretty close to them. I live pretty close to them. Тома не покарали, а Мері так. Tom wasn't punished, but Mary was. Tom was not punished, and Mary was. Нам треба про це пам'ятати. We need to remember that. We need to keep that in mind. Вы уйгур? Are you an Uighur? You're eeling? Мае суседзі ўжо паяснілі мне, хто такая Б'ёрк. My roommates have already explained to me who Björk is. My neighbors have already explained to me who Bjork is. Не думаю, що Том мене пам'ятатиме. I don't think Tom will remember me. I don't think Tom would remember me. Я мала сумніви. I had doubts. I had doubts. Она отказалась говорить по-английски. She refused to speak English. She refused to speak English. Ты не знаешь, о чём говоришь. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. Оставайся на месте. You stay put. Stay where you are. Залишайся з Томом у цій кімнаті. Stay with Tom in this room. Stay with Tom in this room. Пайшлі. Let's go! Let's go. Они говорят по-испански. They're able to speak Spanish. They speak Spanish. У нього глибокий голос. He has a deep voice. He's got a deep voice. Он позвонил мне, как раз когда я собирался лечь спать. I got a phone call from him just as I was about to go to bed. He called me when I was about to sleep. Я теж їду. I'm going, too. I'm leaving, too. Это будет хорошо. This will be good. That'll be good. Я ведаю, што ты ляўша, бо ты носіш гадзіннік на правай руцэ. I know you are left handed since you wear your watch on your right arm. I know you're lost because you're wearing your watch on the right hand. Можна мені поговорити з Томом? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Це може статися? Could it happen? Can this happen? Я знаю, що ви не ідіот. I know you're not stupid. I know you're not an idiot. У меня комариные укусы по всей руке. I have mosquito bites all over my arm. I have mosquito bites all over my hand. Я хочу це зараз. I want it now. I want it now. Хіба ви не хочете відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Я одягнула пальто. I put on my coat. I put on a coat. Том все ще живе біля тебе? Does Tom live near you? Tom still with you? Не думаю, що Том хоче їсти разом із нами. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. На этих выходных мне нужно работать. I have to work this weekend. I have to work this weekend. Ей не нравится моя манера говорить. She doesn't like the way I speak. She doesn't like my manner of speaking. Какой у вас телефон? What's your phone number? What's your phone? Я не хотел их обидеть. I didn't mean to offend them. I didn't mean to hurt them. Твои родители ещё живут в Германии? Do your parents still live in Germany? Your parents still live in Germany? Мэри сказала, что сама это сделает. Mary said she'd do that herself. Mary said she'd do it on her own. Этот район полностью изменился. This area has changed completely. This area has changed completely. Том енергійний. Tom is lively. Tom is energetic. Мне не нравятся те ботинки. I don't like those shoes. I don't like those shoes. Можаш абраць усё, што захочаш. You may choose whichever you want. You can pick anything you want. Він нікому не дозволяв втручатись у його справи. He wouldn't let anyone interfere in his personal affairs. He did not allow anyone to interfere in his business. Вы чего такие таинственные? Why are you so mysterious? Why are you so mysterious? Где вы обычно покупаете яйца? Where do you usually buy eggs? Where do you usually buy eggs? Том очень эмоционален. Tom is very emotional. Tom is very emotional. Я никогда с ней не работал. I've never worked with her. I've never worked with her. Собака підбіг до неї. The dog came running to her. The dog ran up to her. Успіх приходить з освітою. Success comes from education. Success comes with education. Когда ты спросил её? When did you ask her? When did you ask her? Том та Мері вирішили одружитися. Tom and Mary decided to get married. Tom and Mary decided to marry. Почему Том не спит? Why isn't Tom sleeping? Why didn't Tom sleep? Мені подобається цей колір. I like this colour. I like that color. Ви ще голодні? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Написание слов по отдельности в тех случаях, когда они должны писаться слитно - большая проблема в Норвежском языке. Writing two separate words when it should be written as one is a big problem in Norway. The writing of words separately when written is a big problem in the Norwegian language. У вас дуже довгі ноги. Your legs are really long. You have very long legs. Перакладзіце, калі ласка, гэта на англійскую. Please put this into English. Please translate this to English. Мы не спрашивали. We didn't ask. We didn't ask. Мне сказать Тому, что случилось? Should I tell Tom what happened? Should I tell him what happened? Де ти ховався? Where did you hide? Where were you hiding? Никому не было бы до этого дела. No one would've cared. No one's ever been here before. Самая старшая их сестра всё ещё не замужем. Their oldest sister still hasn't gotten married. Their oldest sister is still single. Я не могу пойти в субботу. I can't go on Saturday. I can't go on Saturday. Я їх не купив. I didn't buy them. I didn't buy them. Давай передохнём здесь. Let's rest here. Let's take a break here. Зима швидко пройшла повз. Березень і весна вже тут. Winter went quickly by; now March and spring are here. The winter quickly passed by, March and spring is here. Я б хотів знати, чому Том цього не зробив. I'd like to know why Tom didn't do that. I'd like to know why Tom didn't do it. Яблык чырвоны і жоўты. The apple is red and yellow. An apple red and yellow. Для производства автомобилей используются роботы. Robots are used to manufacture cars. Computers are used to produce cars. Ти чарівник? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Я не думаю, що танцюватиму. I don't think I'll dance. I don't think I'm gonna dance. Как мне объяснить своему мужу, что он меня оскорбляет? How can I explain to my husband that he's hurting me? How can I explain to my husband that he insults me? Наш урок пачнецца праз 30 хвілін, добра? Our class will start in 30 minutes, OK? Our lesson starts in 30 minutes, okay? Том сделал все, что в его силах, чтобы не дать Мэри стать президентом студенческого совета. Tom did everything within his power to keep Mary from being elected president of the student council. Tom did everything in his power to prevent Mary from becoming president of the student council. Я очень недовольна. I'm very angry. I'm very unhappy. Сядзь там. Sit there. Sit there. Выметайся из моего офиса. Get out of my office. Get out of my office. Мы задавались вопросом, что делать. We agonized over what to do. We wondered what to do. Том добре співає. Tom sings well. Tom sings well. Пра што ты? What are you talking about? About what? Мій паспорт украли. Someone stole my passport. My passport was stolen. Я знайшла новую працу. I got a new job. I found a new job. Напишите это карандашом. Write it in pencil. Write it with a pencil. Я чекаю на нього. I'm waiting for him. I'm waiting for him. У меня осталось несколько минут. I've got a few minutes left. I've got a few minutes left. Они тебя найдут. They're going to find you. They'll find you. Я с этим закончил. I'm done with that. I'm done with it. Я вас остановлю. I will stop you. I'll stop you. Вы во многом похожи на меня. You're a lot like me. You look a lot like me. 68,4% апытаных беларусаў адказалі, што не абралі б версію кнігі на беларускай мове ні пры якіх умовах. 68.4% of Belarusians surveyed answered they would under no conditions choose a version of a book in the Belarusian language. 68.4% of the white blood cells surveyed said that they wouldn't have picked a version of the book in Belarusian under any circumstances. Я знаю, что Том выше Мэри. I know that Tom is taller than Mary. I know Tom is superior to Mary. Ти не хотіла би піти до театру сьогодні ввечері? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Would you like to go to the theater tonight? Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom had ever lived in Boston. Во сколько Вы проснулись? At what time did you wake up? When did you wake up? Я становлюсь злее. I'm getting angrier. I'm getting angry. Я його понюхав. I smelled it. I smelled it. У меня две сестры и брат. I have two sisters and one brother. I have two sisters and a brother. Неважно, пойдешь ты или нет. It makes no difference whether you go or not. It doesn't matter if you go or not. Ця історія особливо цікава. This story is especially interesting. This story is especially interesting. Есть добровольцы? Any volunteers? Any volunteers? Извините за мой французский. Pardon my French. Sorry about my French. Все скамейки в парке были заняты. The park benches were all occupied. All the benches in the park were busy. На маё здзіўленне, дзверы адчыніліся бясшумна. Much to my surprise, the door opened noiselessly. For my surprise, the door opened blizzly. Ты должен больше учиться. You must study much harder. You need to learn more. Наютре Крачун. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Nauter Krachun. Схоже, тобі нудно. You look bored. You seem bored. Ми планували це зробити. We were planning to do that. We were going to do it. Том помпезний. Tom is pompous. Tom's crazy. Ситуация там была критической. The situation there was critical. The situation was critical. Скажіть Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Tell him we're not ready. Я не знал, что собаки это делают. I didn't know dogs did that. I didn't know dogs did it. Я абсолютно збентежена. I'm totally confused. I'm completely confused. Том вынул пузырёк с таблетками из кармана. Tom took a bottle of pills out of his pocket. Tom threw out the bubble with the pills in his pocket. Том, може бути, був свідком. Tom might have been a witness. Tom may have been a witness. Он служил во флоте. He served in the navy. He served in the Navy. Ответ - "да". The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Я не певен, зробить це Том чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not. I'm not sure if Tom will or not. Я вельмі рады цябе бачыць. I'm very glad to see you. I'm very glad to see you. Хіба ти не готовий для більшого? Aren't you ready for more? Aren't you ready for more? Цены снизятся. The prices will come down. Prices will be reduced. Я на цьому наполягаю. I insist upon that. I'm insisting on it. Она поклонница «Секса в большом городе». She's a fan of Sex and the City. She's an admirer of "Sex in a Big City." Лишь любовь может разбить ваше сердце. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break your heart. Це речення кумедне. This sentence is funny. That's a funny sentence. Вони нічого не дають. They give nothing. They don't give anything. Сила воды вращает колесо. Water power turns the wheel. The force of the water turns the wheel. Я ўжо рабіў гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Том был в саду. Tom was in the garden. Tom was in the garden. Зима отиде. Winter is gone. Winter will go. Што іх забіла? What killed them? What killed them? Я люблю картоплю фрі. I love French fries. I love fries. Як найлепей вучыць французскую? What's the best way to learn French? How is the best teaching in French? Все подняли бокалы. They all raised their glasses. Everyone picked up the barrels. Я живу для этого. I live for it. I live for it. Месяц за хмарамі. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is over the clouds. Она сделает это, если сможет. She'll do that if she can. She'll do it if she can. Том хорошо ладит с Мэри. Tom gets along well with Mary. Tom's good with Mary. Горад маленькі. The city is small. The town is small. Дякую за інформацію. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Он зелёный. It's green. It's green. Я знаю, что вы не знаете, кто я такая. I know that you don't know who I am. I know you don't know who I am. Они считают его героем. They consider him a hero. They think he's a hero. Я не канадка. I am not Canadian. I'm not a Canadian. Літак в аеропорту. The plane is at the airport. The plane's at the airport. Почему они не пошли? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they go? Ти зробив це? Did you do it? You did it? Он попал в западню. He was caught in an ambush. He's in the West. Мысли о том, что она идёт одна, беспокоили меня. The thought of her going alone left me uneasy. Thinking that she was coming alone had troubled me. Його батько був тесляром. His father was a carpenter. His father was a carpenter. Мой муж заўсёды чытае ў ложку. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always reads in bed. Ён мой найлепшы сябра, таму што мы вельмі добра ладзім, і я магу даверыць яму тое, што не расказаў бы нікому іншаму. He is my best friend because we just get on well with each other and I can trust him with things that I wouldn't tell anyone else. He's my best friend because we're very good kids and I can give him something that wouldn't tell anyone else. Спробуй зосередитися. Try to focus. Try to focus. Помоги мне, пожалуйста, перевести этот документ. Please help me translate this document. Please help me translate this document. Можна мені твій номер телефону? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Скажите Тому, чтобы был здесь к половине третьего. Tell Tom to be here by 2:30. Tell Tobe here by mid-third. Уборщица прервала разговор. The cleaning lady interrupted the conversation. The cleaning woman interrupted the conversation. Нам більше не потрібно часу. We don't need any more time. We don't need time anymore. Вы разве не католичка? Aren't you Catholic? Aren't you a Catholic? Він сказав, що він невинний, але незважаючи на це ми вважали його винним. He said he was innocent, but all the same we believed he was guilty. He said he was innocent, but we found him guilty. Бесчалавечнасць Бога ў адносінах да чалавека застаўляе тысячы людзей тужыць. God's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn. God's immortality with regard to man makes thousands of people mourn. Няма нічога неперакладальнага. There is nothing that cannot be translated. There is nothing ok with this. Это корейское имя. It's a Korean name. That's a Korean name. Кто берёт на себя за это ответственность? Who's taking responsibility for this? Who's taking responsibility for this? Том розплющив очі і побачив Мері. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Его дом за холмом. His house is beyond the hill. His house is behind the hill. Дощить. It rains. It's raining. Оучитель сѣдѣлъ на стольци. The teacher sat on the chair. The teacher's on the ceiling. Виправдання Тома було жалюгідним. Tom's excuse was pathetic. Tom's excuses were pathetic. Мы говорили о Джиме, когда он вошёл в комнату. We had been talking about Jim when he entered the room. We were talking about Jim when he came into the room. Скажи Тому, що я передзвоню. Tell Tom that I'll call back. Tell him I'll call you back. Я пакажу табе горад. I'll show you around the city. I'll show thee a city. Я решила выйти замуж за Тома. I've decided to marry Tom. I decided to marry Tom. Я маладая. I'm young. I'm young. Том есць больш марозіва за мяне. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. Tom eats more frost for me. Том утверждал, что видел НЛО. Tom affirmed that he saw a UFO. Tom claimed to have seen UFO. Я сделаю вид, что ты этого не говорил. I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. I'll pretend you didn't say that. Усё ведаюць, што ты багаты. Everyone knows you're rich. Everybody knows you're rich. Я робив це просто заради розваги. I did that just for fun. I did it just for fun. Кому ты это говорил? Who did you say that to? Who did you tell? Я до смерти хочу с вами встретиться. I'm dying to meet you all. I want to meet you to death. Коратка кажучы, я не згаджаюся. In short, I disagree. In short, I don't remember. Том археолог. Tom is an archaeologist. Tom is an archaeologist. Колькі цукерак у цябе засталося? How much candy do you have left? How many sugars do you have? Біл має багато друзів. Bill has a lot of friends. Bill has many friends. На жаль, ні. Навпаки. No, unfortunately; on the contrary. I'm sorry, no. Вы надолго останетесь? How long will you be staying? Will you stay a long time? Він сам був винним. It was his own fault. He was guilty himself. Том часто ездит в Бостон. Tom goes to Boston a lot. Tom's going to Boston a lot. Я перепрошую, але я не зможу з тобою повечеряти. Sorry, but I can't have dinner with you tonight. I'm sorry, but I can't have dinner with you. Ти любиш шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Том вынул пистолет из наплечной кобуры и положил его на стол. Tom removed his pistol from his shoulder holster and laid it on the table. Tom pulled the gun out of the stock holster and put it on the table. Дзе ты нарадзіўся? Where were you born? Where are you born? Я никогда не видел никого, похожего на неё. I have never seen anyone like her. I've never seen anyone like her. Ти бачив якісь сліди ніг? Did you see any footprints? Have you seen any marks of your legs? Оучєникъ пришьлъ ѿ Лонъдинїа. The student came from London. "Londinja." Том недотепа. Tom is dumb. Tom's not up. Сезанн відомий своїми пейзажами. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Cezanne is famous for his landscape. Вы актрисы. You are actresses. You're actresses. Вечірка була дуже весела. The party was a lot of fun. The party was very fun. Ти вважаєш що тут нудно? Do you think it's boring here? You think it's boring here? Не играйте с ними в покер. Don't play poker with them. Don't play poker with them. Том не смог это сделать. Tom couldn't do that. Tom couldn't do it. Мы уже уезжаем? Are we leaving now? Are we leaving yet? Один за всіх, усі за одного. One for all and all for one. One for all, all for one. Что вы все здесь делаете? What are you all doing here? What are you doing here? Я учитель японської мови. I'm a Japanese language teacher. I'm a Japanese teacher. Я был почти уверен, что Том этого не сделает. I was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't do that. I was pretty sure Tom wouldn't do that. Я хотіла бути Томом. I wanted to be Tom. I wanted to be Tom. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public talks. Коли ти очікуєш приїхати? When do you expect to arrive? When do you expect to come? Я их не боюсь. I don't fear them. I'm not afraid of them. Где Том это взял? Where did Tom get that? Where did Tom get that? Хіба тобі не подобається мій жовтий шарф? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Якого плану роботу ви мені пропонуєте? What kind of job are you offering me? What are you offering me for work? Вы ведаеце англійскую? Do you speak English? Do you know English? Я наблюдал за ними. I was watching them. I was watching them. Я був чужим. I was a stranger. I was a stranger. Думаю, у мене непогано вийшло. I thought I did a good job. I think I did pretty well. Как мне лучше всего можно получить паспорт? What's the best way for me to get a passport? How can I get a passport? Ким на четыре года старше меня. Kim is older than I am by four years. Kim is four years older than I am. Він робить усе можливе, щоб успішно скласти іспит. He made every effort to pass the exam. He does all he can to pass the test successfully. Кто-нибудь в последнее время видел Тома? Has anybody seen Tom lately? Has anyone seen Tom lately? Чи є місця подешевше? Do you have any cheaper seats? Are there places cheaper? Робіть це по черзі. Take turns. Do it one at a time. Его уволили против желания. He was fired against his will. He was fired against his will. Можеш допомогти мені з цим столом? Can you give me a hand with this table? Can you help me with this table? Том немного моложе твоей дочери. Tom is a little younger than your daughter. Tom's a little younger than your daughter. Ми повинні впевнетися у тому, що люди знову розпочнуть працювати. We have to make sure people get back to work. We need to make sure that people start working again. Ми були дуже голодні. We were very hungry. We were very hungry. Калі ласка, застанься. Please stay. Please stop. Спадар Сато добра размаўляе па-англійску. Mr Sato speaks English well. Mr. Sato speaks well in English. Мы пойдём поговорим с ними. We'll go talk to them. We'll go talk to them. Скажіть йому, що я в офісі. Tell him I'm in the office. Tell him I'm in the office. Я просто сделал то, о чём ты меня попросил. I just did what you asked me to do. I just did what you asked me to do. Ну, тоді я буду курку. Well then, I'll have chicken. Well, then I'll be a chicken. Мальчик хорошо произносит слова. The boy pronounces the words well. The boy speaks well. Он приедет в Париж завтра. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He's coming to Paris tomorrow. Я пʼю гарбату. I'm drinking tea. I'm singing tea. Можеш мене навчити, як це робиться? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do it? Ти віриш у те, що сказав Том? Do you believe what Tom said? Do you believe what Tom said? У нас достатньо продовольства. We have ample food. We have enough food. Том сказав мені викликати поліцію. Tom told me to call the police. Tom told me to call the police. Почему вы переезжаете в Бостон? Why are you moving to Boston? Why are you moving to Boston? Я не думаю, что ты прав. I don't think you're right. I don't think you're right. Так всегда было. It was always like that. It's always been that way. Марская вада салёная. Seawater is salty. Marine water's salty. Этот шарф Тому подарил я. I'm the one who gave Tom that scarf. That scarf Tom gave me. Скажите ей, что вам нужно. Tell her what you need. Tell her what you need. Будинок оточений зомбі. The house is surrounded by zombies. The house is surrounded by zombies. Том ніколи не мусив багато вчитися. Tom never had to study very much. Tom never had much to learn. Она говорит, что подождёт нас. She says that she'll wait for us. She says she'll wait for us. Тут мне придётся согласиться с Томом. I've got to agree with Tom here. I'm gonna have to agree with Tom here. Я можу це для неї зробити, на відміну від вас. I can do that for her, unlike you. I can do it for her, unlike you. Гэты парк нагадвае мне пра маё дзяцінства. This park reminds me of my childhood. This park reminds me of my childhood. Як звуть хлопця? What's that boy's name? What's the name of the boy? Если бы не твоя помощь, я бы не смог управиться с этим магазином. If it were not for your help, I could not run this store. If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't be able to handle this store. Мы хотим провести отпуск в тихом месте. We want to spend the holidays in a quiet place. We want to spend vacations in a quiet place. Я проспав лише дві години. I only slept two hours. I slept for only two hours. Я хочу поговорить с тобой кое о чём. I want to talk to you about something. I want to talk to you about something. Самі дізнається. Sami will find out. He'll find out. Ты чего так быстро вернулся? Why are you back so soon? Why did you come back so fast? Куда ты хочешь поехать на следующих выходных? Where do you want to go next weekend? Where do you want to go next weekend? Я міліцыянерка. I'm a police officer. I'm a militarist. В моём доме нет кондиционера. My house doesn't have an air conditioner. There's no air conditioning in my house. Суп такой горячий, что его невозможно есть. The soup is so hot I can't drink it. The soup's so hot it's impossible to eat. Я не в состоянии тебе это объяснить. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Я досить добре танцюю. I dance quite well. I'm a pretty good dancer. Сколько он стоил? How much did it cost? How much was he worth? Я не мог понять ничего, что говорил Том. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Я щось чув. I heard something. I heard something. Я люблю горький перец. I love chili. I like bitter peppers. Весна — моя улюблена пора року. Spring is my favorite season. The spring is my favorite time of the year. Я видела, как она играет на пианино. I have seen her playing the piano. I saw her play the piano. Я хотел бы с вами увидеться. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. У мяне дзве коткі. I have two cats. I've got two cats. Єдина особа, про кого Том взагалі говорить, — це Мері. The only person Tom ever talks about is Mary. The only person Tom is talking about at all is Mary. Это человек. This is a person. It's a man. Вони дуже суб'єктивні. They're very judgmental. They're very subjective. Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom probably won. Tom must have won. Ви алкоголік. You're an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic. Вчера я читал интересную книгу. I read an interesting book yesterday. I read an interesting book yesterday. Шклянка поўная малака. The glass is full of milk. The glass's full of milk. Я слышал эту песню раньше. I've heard that song before. I've heard that song before. Алюміній — це метал. Aluminium is a metal. Aluminium is metal. Дай-но подивлюся. Let me see it. Let me see. Шклянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. The glass's full of milk. Он знает Тома. He knows Tom. He knows Tom. Приготуйте рис. Cook the rice. Prepare the rice. Он, вероятно, скоро прибудет. He is likely to arrive soon. He'll probably be here soon. Дай-но я спробую. Let me try. Let me try. Чому ти попросив Тома зробити це, раз ти знав, що він не може цього зробити? Why did you ask Tom to do that when you knew he couldn't do it? Why did you ask Tom to do this because you knew he couldn't? Я подстригаюсь каждый месяц. I get a haircut every month. I'm jumping up every month. Хто би зробив таку дурість? Who would do such a stupid thing? Who would make such a fool? Сёння ранкам я піў каву, а не чай. I had tea instead of coffee this morning. Today I drank coffee, not tea. Його ім'я крутиться у мене на язиці. His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name's on my tongue. Це має хоч якийсь сенс? Does it have any sense? Does that make any sense? Що ти робив? What were you doing? What were you doing? Том народився в Бостоні. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Не сопротивляйтесь. Don't resist. Don't resist. Давай поїмо деінде. Let's eat somewhere else. Let's eat somewhere else. Я бы сказал, что вы завидуете. I'd say you're jealous. I'd say you're jealous. Тут немає нікого крім мене. There's no one but me here. There's nobody here but me. Аренда здесь дорогая. Rent is expensive here. It's a dear lease. Я вучылася ўвесь дзень. I have studied all day. I've been studying all day. Тома, ймовірно, покарають за те, що він зробив. Tom will likely be punished for what he did. Tom is likely to be punished for what he did. Я щось чую. I can hear something. I hear something. Прошлой зимой я ездил в Канаду кататься на лыжах. I went skiing in Canada last winter. I was driving skiing to Canada last winter. Том и Мэри выглядят здоровыми. Tom and Mary look healthy. Tom and Mary look healthy. Коли воно почалося? When did it start? When did it begin? Передай мені масло, будь ласка. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter, please. Спектакль у четвер. The show's Thursday. It's Thursday. Паглядзі на гэту карціну. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. Я вагітна. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Ви хочеш, щоб я пішла з вами? Would you like me to come with you? You want me to come with you? Они начинают верить в собственную ложь. They start believing their own con. They begin to believe in their own lies. Зачем Том приезжает в Бостон? Why's Tom coming to Boston? Why is Tom coming to Boston? Вы не знали, что Том интересуется современным искусством? Didn't you know Tom was interested in modern art? Did you not know Tom was interested in modern art? Яна была задаволеная, калі пабачыла вынікі. She was pleased to see the results. She was happy when she saw the results. Том втік через вікно. Tom escaped through the window. Tom ran through the window. У нас здесь редко бывает снег. We seldom have snow here. We rarely get snow here. Том вважає, що Мері невинна. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary is innocent. Ты не должен никому из них верить. You shouldn't believe either of them. You don't have to believe any of them. Ты видишь лодку Тома? Can you see Tom's boat? Do you see Tom's boat? Буду працювати далі. I'll get on with my work. I'll keep working. Том пообещал, что ничего не скажет. Tom promised he wouldn't say anything. Tom promised he wouldn't say anything. Шестью три равняется восемнадцати. Six times three equals eighteen. Six times three is eighteen. Дивіться уважно. Watch carefully. Look closely. Спасибо, что поделился своими мыслями. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Гэта было амаль што каханне з першага погляду. That was almost love at first sight. It was almost that love from a first standpoint. Насколько хорошо вы его знали? How well did you know him? How well did you know him? Я впевнений, що Том дуже зайнята людина. I'm sure that Tom is a very busy man. I'm sure Tom is very busy. Французская революция началась во времена правления Людовика XVI. The French Revolution began during Louis XVI's reign. The French revolution began during Louis XVI. Том был не единственный, кого арестовали. Tom wasn't the only one that was arrested. Tom wasn't the only one arrested. Вони нас люблять. They love us. They love us. Том — загадка. Tom is a mystery. Tom is a mystery. Вас там не было. You weren't there. You weren't there. На столі сидить кіт. There's a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. Том сидів. Tom is an ex-convict. Tom was sitting. Том занимается в библиотеке. Tom is studying in the library. Tom's in the library. Я дуже сором'язлива людина. I'm a very shy person. I'm a very shy person. Тому действительно жаль. Tom is really sorry. So I'm really sorry. Команда мала перевагу над опонентами. The team had advantage over their opponents. The team had an advantage over the opponents. Я каждый день знакомлюсь с новыми людьми. I meet new people every day. I meet new people every day. Привет! Как ты? Hi. How are you doing? Hey, how are you? Скільки разів на рік ти відвідуєш зубного лікаря. How many times do you go to the dentist in a year? The number of times a year you visit a dentist. Мне не стоило сюда приходить. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. У нього дві машини. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. Вам приходилось когда-нибудь бывать в Скандинавии? Have you ever been to Scandinavia? Have you ever been to Scandinavia? У мене не така важка валіза, як у Тома. My suitcase isn't as heavy as Tom's. I don't have as heavy a suitcase as Tom's. Ви маєте запальничку? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Я видела, что машина взорвалась. I saw the car explode. I saw the car explode. Я знаю, что Том болен. I know that Tom is sick. I know Tom is sick. Я всё-таки думаю, Том не понимает, что происходит. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. Він хоче її поцілувати. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her. Я бы хотел вернуться в Токио через Гонолулу. I'd like to return to Tokyo via Honolulu. I'd like to go back to Tokyo through Honolulu. Мне жаль, я этого не заметила. Sorry, I didn't notice that. I'm sorry, I didn't notice that. Гэта найлепшы рэстаран, які я ведаю. This is the best restaurant known to me. This is the greatest restaurant I know. Я не свідчив. I didn't testify. I didn't witness. Эти для меня. These are for me. These are for me. Том сказал мне, что Мэри не так это делает. Tom told me Mary did that wrong. Tom told me Mary didn't do that. Том поцеловал Мэри и извинился. Tom kissed Mary and apologized. Tom kissed Mary and apologized. Маєш скарги? Do you have any complaints? Do you have any complaints? Що таке гемоглобін? What is haemoglobin? What is hemoglobin? Я теж щасливий. I'm happy, too. I'm happy too. Мой велосипед исчез. I found my bicycle gone. My bike's gone. Не ўдавай, што не ведаеш. Don't pretend you don't know. Don't pretend you don't know. Нужно было видеть выражение лица Тома. You should've seen the look on Tom's face. You should have seen Tom's face. Дэн прыйшоў на пахаванне Лінды. Dan attended Linda's funeral. Dan came to the funeral of Linda. Что ты планируешь делать? What are you planning on doing? What are you planning on doing? Гатаваць цікава. Cooking is interesting. I think we're ready to go. We'll have another minute. Вы раўнуеце. You're jealous. You are equal. Это может всякий. Anyone can do it. That could be anybody. У Тома тёмное прошлое. Tom has a dark past. Tom's got a dark past. Гадаю, що Том, мабуть, тебе пам'ятатиме. I think that Tom will probably remember you. I think Tom might remember you. Коли ти навчилася плавати? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Де попільничка? Where is the ashtray? Where's the ashtray? Трудно ли учить греческий язык? Is it difficult to learn Greek? Is Greek difficult to teach? Вы билеты купили? Have you bought the tickets? Did you buy the tickets? Ми готові допомогти. We're ready to help. We're ready to help. Хватит шутить! Stop laughing. Stop joking! Він випадково зустрів свого вчителя англійської мови на вокзалі. He met his English teacher at the station by accident. He accidentally met his English teacher at the station. Она слишком шумная. She's too loud. She's too loud. Не запирай дверь. Don't lock the door. Don't lock the door. Из-за обмана зрения кажется, что второй предмет больше первого. Optical illusion makes the second object look larger than the first. The lie makes it seem that the second item is more than the first one. Мені твоя думка не потрібна. I don't need your opinion. I don't need your opinion. Возьмите мои очки. Take my glasses. Take my glasses. Том ніколи не був швидший, ніж я. Tom has never been faster than me. Tom was never faster than I am. Вы изучаете английский язык? Do you study English? Do you study English? Ничего не поменялось. Nothing has changed. Nothing's changed. Они были правы? Were they right? Were they right? Вам зялёны пасуе. Green suits you. You're walking green. Кот проснулся. The cat woke up. Cat woke up. Думаешь, Том замкнутый? Do you think Tom is unsociable? You think Tom's locked up? Ты меня поддержишь? Will you support me? Will you back me up? Труд делает жизнь слаще. Work makes life sweet. Work makes life sweeter. Я сумуватиму за тобою. I will miss you. I'll miss you. Пойди посмотри, что Том делает. Go and see what Tom is doing. Go see what Tom is doing. У гэтым пакоі ёсць тэлевізар. There is a television in this room. There's a television director in this room. Все живы. Everybody is alive. Everyone's alive. Молодий чоловік — лікар. The young man is a doctor. A young man is a doctor. Я никогда не скажу тебе. I'll never tell you. I'll never tell you. Она не была больна. She wasn't sick. She wasn't sick. Относительно этого последнего пункта нам придётся ещё потолковать. We'll have to have a little discussion regarding that last point. We have to explain more about this last point. Бог стварыў сусвет. God created the universe. God created the universe. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вы остались. I'd like it very much if you'd stay. I'd really like you to stay. Гэта дрэнны пераклад. That's a bad translation. It's a bad translation. Якщо ти підеш близько восьмої, може трапитися, ти його зустрінеш. If you go around eight, you might meet him. If you go about eight, it might happen, you'll meet him. Это было легким решением. It was an easy decision. That was an easy solution. Можна тебе на хвилинку? May I speak to you a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? Мы с ним родственные души. He and I are kindred spirits. We're family souls with him. Ежегодно издаётся много книг. A lot of books are published every year. A lot of books are published every year. Всім моїм друзям подобається грати у комп'ютерні ігри. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like playing computer games. Вислухай мене, будь ласка. Please hear me out. Please listen to me. Том был в перчатках. Tom wore gloves. Tom was wearing gloves. У меня очень сильный кашель. I have a very strong cough. I have a very strong cough. Я вам веру. I believe you. I believe you. Ти ж не засмучений? You're not upset, are you? You're not upset, are you? Я розпочну з борщу... I'll start with a tomato soup... I'll start off... Дощ чудовий. The rain is wonderful. The rain is great. Я не проти. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Не могѫ ѿвѣтити твоѥмоу въпросоу. I can't answer your question. I couldn't have gotten you an inquisitor. Су Шы і Су Цзыю паабяцалі згадваць адзін пра аднаго кожным дажджыстым вечарам. Su Shi and Su Ziyou promised to remember each other every rainy night. Soce and Soo graced to mention each other the long evening. Звільніть її. Free her. Let her go. Тебя трудно принимать всерьёз. It's hard to take you seriously. It's hard for you to take it seriously. Я можу читати. I can read. I can read it. Почему меня не спросили? Why wasn't I asked? Why didn't they ask me? Он избежал приманки. He avoided the bait. He escaped the bait. Ти пам'ятаєш те літо, коли Том поголив голову? Can you remember the summer Tom shaved his head? Do you remember that summer when Tom shaved his head? Да где угодно положи. Just put it anywhere. Put it anywhere. Он боится кошек. He is afraid of cats. He's afraid of cats. Ось картина, яку написав Том. This is the picture that Tom painted. This is a painting that Tom wrote. Когда ты в последний раз был в Бостоне? When was the last time you were in Boston? When was the last time you were in Boston? Том каже, що не може виграти. Tom says that he can't win. Tom says he can't win. Я не могу растить нашу дочь в одиночку. I can't raise our daughter alone. I can't raise our daughter alone. У неї було складне дитинство. She had a rough childhood. She had a complex childhood. Гэта мая вольная інтэрпрэтацыя зместу ліста. This is my free interpretation of the contents of the letter. This is my free parsing of the contents of the sheet. Покажи мне Бостон на карте. Show me where Boston is on the map. Show me Boston on the map. Еще чуть-чуть. Almost. Just a little more. Я йжу до магазину. I'm going shopping. I'm going to the store. Мария закрыла лицо руками. Maria covered her face with her hands. Maria closed her face with her hands. Я всех их видел. I've seen them all. I saw them all. Я так рад. I'm so glad. I'm so glad. Никто не мог им помочь. No one was able to help them. No one could help them. Почему Том злится? Why is Tom angry? Why is Tom angry? Ми хочемо Тома. We want Tom. We want Tom. Они дали объявление, что ищут кухарку. They are advertising for a cook. They said they were looking for the cook. Я лишь хотел вернуться к прежней жизни. I just wanted my old life back. I just wanted to get back to my old life. Без хлеба еда не еда. No meal is complete without bread. Without bread, no food. Сьогодні ввечері мені не потрібно готувати вечерю. I don't need to make dinner tonight. I don't need to cook dinner tonight. Увидимся в воскресенье в три. See you Sunday at three. I'll see you on Sunday at three. Не смотрите на меня! Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Можливо, вам слід допомогти Тому. Perhaps you should help Tom. Perhaps you should help Tom. Я не знал, кто вы такие. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. Я магу прыйсці а адзінаццатай гадзіне. I can come at 11:00. I can come eight o'clock. Больше я ничего не могу сделать. I can't do any more than this. I can't do anything more. Я попросил Тома нас подождать. I asked Tom to wait for us. I asked Tom to wait for us. Том посоветовал Мэри не делать этого. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom advised Mary not to do this. Лондон - это столица Соединённого Королевства. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Что случится с нашими детьми, если начнётся ядерная война? What will happen to our children if nuclear war breaks out? What happens to our children if a nuclear war begins? Що ти задумав? What are you up to? What are you up to? Том часто чихает. Tom sneezes a lot. Tom often sneezes. Вона запитали його. They asked him. She asked him. Мать готовит обед. Mother is preparing lunch. Mother's cooking. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Ці ты цяпер заняты? Are you busy now? Are you busy now? Это было убедительно. It was persuasive. That was convincing. Я повинен щось зробити. I need to do something. I have to do something. Коли ти навчився плавати? When did you learn how to swim? When did you learn to swim? Я п'ю. I drink. I'm drinking. Ты ж можаш гэта зрабіць, так? You can do it, can't you? You can't do it, right? Можаш ісці, куды жадаеш. You can go wherever you want to go. You may go where you want to go. Коні — корисні тварини. Horses are useful animals. Horses are useful animals. Батько вдома. My father is at home. Father's home. Том не сказал полицейскому своё настоящее имя. Tom didn't give the police officer his real name. Tom didn't tell the policeman his real name. Не думаю, что Том бы был рад, если бы это произошло. I don't think Tom would be glad if that happened. I don't think Tom would be happy if this happened. Том уміє водити. Tom is able to drive a car. Tom can drive. Давай не будем больше ждать. Let's not wait any longer. Let's not wait again. Мені дуже страшно. I'm very scared. I'm really scared. Я хожу в школу с ним. I go to school with him. I go to school with him. Я роблю забагато помилок. I am making too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary was concerned. Tom said Mary was worried. Ми одружимося у червні. We will get married in June. We'll be married in June. Я познакомился с ней на вечеринке. I met her at a party. I met her at the party. А вы? What about you? What about you? У нас нет воды. We have no water. We don't have water. Том идёт со мной. Tom is coming with me. Tom's coming with me. Полиция ещё не допрашивала Тома. The police haven't questioned Tom yet. The police haven't questioned Tom yet. Ты что, забыл, как его зовут? You forgot his name, didn't you? Have you forgotten his name? Ты упоролся? Are you high? Did you insist on it? Том на хропить. Tom doesn't snore. Tom's gonna snoop. Я правда не думаю, что вы бы поняли. I really don't think that you'd understand. I really don't think you'd understand. Тебе с нами не сравниться. You can't compete with us. You can't be like us. Я стараюсь не читать новости. I avoid reading the news. I'm trying not to read the news. Я люблю дітей. I like children. I love kids. Том біг так швидко, як тільки міг. Tom ran as quickly as he could. Tom ran as fast as he could. Всем внимание! Attention, please! All attention! Ещё раз! One more time! One more time! Рентген показал, что сломано два пальца. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. X-ray says two fingers are broken. Ты приняла лекарство? Did you take your medicine? Did you take the cure? Підемо до океанаріуму. Let's go to the aquarium. Let's go to the oceanerium. Том хотів допомогти. Tom wanted to help out. Tom wanted to help. Це важка для нас робота. This work is difficult for us. It's hard work for us. Я хацу паляцець на месяц. I want to go to the moon. I'm going to fall for a month. Все члены должны соблюдать эти правила. All members need to observe these rules. All members must comply with these rules. Том не полетів до Австралії. Tom didn't go to Australia. Tom didn't fly to Australia. Я певна, що Том не захоче цього робити сьогодні. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. I'm sure Tom wouldn't want to do this today. Сідай тут, будь ласка. Please sit here. Please, sit here. Они заявили о своей невиновности. They declared that they were innocent. They declared their innocence. Том хоче пограти з друзями надворі. Tom wants to play with his friends outside. Tom wants to play with friends outside. Цмок — гэта выдуманая істота. The dragon is an imaginary creature. A bar is a inventive creature. Не думаю, что Тому ещё нужна помощь. I don't think Tom needs any more help. I don't think Tom still needs help. Навошта вы схаваліся? Why did you hide? Why did you hide it? Пожалуйста, скажи им, что это срочно. Please tell them it's urgent. Please tell them it's urgent. Ти на три сантиметри вищий від мене. You are three centimetres taller than me. You're three inches taller than I am. Том чего-нибудь хочет? Does Tom want anything? Tom wants anything? Гэта добрае пытанне. That's a good question. It's a good question. Два дня назад я подхватил простуду. I caught a cold two days ago. Two days ago, I picked up a cold. Вы не могли бы рассказать мне что-нибудь о себе? Could you tell me something about yourself? Could you tell me something about yourself? Як хочеш. It's up to you. Whatever you want. Ты должна быть дома до девяти часов. You have to be home by nine o'clock. You're supposed to be home before nine o'clock. Тома никогда нет там, где он должен быть. Tom is never where he's supposed to be. Tom never goes where he's supposed to be. Ён працуе ў банку. He works at the bank. He works in a bank. Твоя сестра як завжди чудова. Your sister's as beautiful as ever. Your sister's always great. Памылковая погляды на матэматыку сустракаюцца яшчэ часцей, чым памылкі ў напісанні майго імені. Having misconceptions of what mathematics is is even more ordinary than not knowing how to spell my name. Wrong views of mathematics are more frequent than mistakes in my name's writing. Я вывучала партугальскую два месяцы. I have studied Portuguese for two months. I studied Portuguese for two months. Руками не трогать. Don't touch. Don't touch it with your hands. Це ваша мобілка? Is this your all's cellphone? Is that your cell phone? Мы пожаловались управляющему на шум у соседей. We complained to the manager about the noise next door. We complained to the noise manager in the neighbours. Она принесла метлу. She brought a broom. She brought meth. Не думаю, що він щирий. I don't think he is sincere. I don't think he's honest. Том говорить, що це справа Мері. Tom says it's up to Mary. Tom says it's Mary's business. Ваше объяснение было очень понятным. Your explanation was very easy to understand. Your explanation was very clear. Він бігає до станції щоранку. He runs to the station every morning. He's running to the station every morning. Она настаивала на своей невиновности. She insisted on her innocence. She insisted on her innocence. Вы сообщили об этом в полицию? Did you report that to the police? Did you report it to the police? Якою мовою говорять в Єгипті? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? Я не знаю, до кого мені слід звернутися. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know who I should turn to. Ніхто не знає, хто вбив Тома. Nobody knows who killed Tom. No one knows who killed Tom. Могу я получить копию этих? Could I get a copy of these? Can I get a copy of these? Том боїться собаки Мері. Tom is scared of Mary's dog. Tom fears Mary's dog. Фадль пішов до школи. Fadil went to school. Fedl went to school. Шри-Ланка - красивый остров. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Том не поверил тому, что я рассказал ему о Мэри. Tom didn't believe what I told him about Mary. Tom didn't believe what I told him about Mary. Навошта ты робіш гэта? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Том молодший від тебе. Tom isn't as old as you are. Tom is younger than you. Я охайний. I'm neat. I'm fine. Жінка на столі. The woman is on top of the table. The woman on the table. Я ўчора працаваў у офісе. I worked in my office yesterday. I worked in the office yesterday. Ваши родители знают об этом? Do your parents know about this? Do your parents know about this? Я знала, что Том тебя не поцелует. I knew Tom wouldn't kiss you. I knew Tom wouldn't kiss you. Пытанне няпростае. It isn't an easy question. The question is not an easy one. Я не такий розумний, як ти думаєш. I'm not as smart as you think I am. I'm not as smart as you think I am. Я якраз йду на прогулянку. I'm just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. Давайте споём песню о животных. Let's sing a song about animals. Let's sing a song about animals. Тому слід було піти. Tom should have left. So I should have gone. Я не хочу с вами спорить. I don't want to argue with you. I don't want to argue with you. «Сягоння пахавалі малочніка. Было многа народу, таму што ўсе ў вёсцы яго ведалі». — «О, так у Лінсхотэне ёсць малочнік?» — «Ну, не, цяпер ужо не!» "Today, the milkman was buried. There were a lot of people, cause everybody in the village knew him." "Oh, is there a milkman in Linschoten?" "Well, no, not anymore!" "It was a lot of people because everybody in the village knew it." "Oh, yeah, there's a kid in Lincoln?" "Well, no, now it's not!" Я не знав, що це саме Том допоміг вам пофарбувати паркан. I didn't know that Tom was the one who helped you paint the fence. I didn't know it was Tom who helped you paint the fence. Я рад, что жив. I'm glad to be alive. I'm glad I'm alive. Ты пойдзеш за мяне замуж? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Я могу их найти. I can find them. I can find them. Том сказав, що мені не можна заходити. Tom said that I can't come in. Tom said I shouldn't go in. Он сегодня тоже вернётся поздно. He is also returning late today. He'll be back late, too. Том закрыл за ними дверь. Tom closed the door behind them. Tom closed the door behind them. Она мне не бабушка, а мама. She's not my grandmother. She's my mother. She's not my grandmother, she's my mom. Не хочешь знать, кто её взял? Do you not want to know who has taken it? Do you want to know who took it? Гугли старанніше! Google harder! Googles are getting closer! Першая згадка пра Бабруйск датуецца 1387 годам. The first mention of Bobruisk is dated 1387. The first mention of Babruissk is dated 1387. А што, калі хтосьці гэта бачыў? What if somebody saw this? And what if someone saw it? Том нас перехитрив. Tom has tricked us. Tom overpowered us. Гэта мой аўтамабіль. This is my car. It's my car. Цяпер мая мара — толькі патухшая зорка. Now my dream is but an extinguished star. My dream is only the drooping star. Я знаю, що ти нам не довіряєш. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Немає потреби поспішати. There's no need to hurry. There's no need to rush. Всі шукають щастя. Everyone seeks happiness. Everyone's looking for happiness. Сегодня очень жарко. It is very hot today. It's really hot today. Я весь час чхаю. I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time. Не намагайся зробити це самостійно. Don't attempt to do this by yourself. Don't try to do it yourself. Нѣсть ли дома? He isn't at home, is he? Is it home? Мені тридцять років. I'm thirty years old. I am thirty years old. Вам трэба было ўстаць раней. You should have gotten up earlier. You had to get up before. Між мною та Томом немає нічого. There's nothing going on between Tom and me. There's nothing between me and Tom. Ви насправді не хотіли цього зробити, чи не так? You didn't actually want to do that, did you? You really didn't want to do that, did you? Рублеўская стварыла надзвычай праўдападобныя вобразы такіх постацей гісторыі як Францыск Скарына, Франц Савіч, Барбара Радзівіл і іншыя. Rubleŭskaja created very believable images of such historical figures as Francysk Skaryna, Franc Savič, and Barbara Radzivił. The Russian made tremendously reliable representations of such a figure as Francis scrawn, Franz Savier, Barbara Radyville and others. Боюсь, что не успею закончить доклад вовремя. I'm afraid I won't finish the report on time. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish the report on time. Он сказал мне, что любит меня. He told me he loves me. He told me he loved me. Никто не обратил внимания на то, что делает Том. Everyone ignored what Tom was doing. Nobody paid attention to what Tom was doing. Якби я мала час, я би відвідала Тома. If I'd had time, I would have visited Tom. If I had time, I'd have visited Tom. Том намагається з вами зв'язатися прогягом кількох днів. Tom has been trying to contact you for days. Tom's trying to reach out to you for a few days. Я не можу знайти свої підтяжки. I can't find my suspenders. I can't find my support. Чому б тобі не прийти в гості сьогодні ввечері? Why don't you come over tonight? Why don't you come over tonight? Я не готовился к зачёту. I didn't study for the test. I wasn't getting ready for the bill. Це провина Тома. It's Tom's own fault. It's Tom's fault. Мы о тебе говорили. We've been talking about you. We were talking about you. Я видел, как Том садится в поезд. I saw Tom get on the train. I saw Tom get on the train. Яна надта стамілася, каб працаваць. She was too tired to work. She's too tired to work. Даруйце, Вы можаце сказаць гэта яшчэ раз? I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? Apologize, can you say this again? Ти колись співав французькою? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sang French? Я не могу этого исключить. I can't exclude it. I can't rule it out. Я невинний. I'm innocent. I'm innocent. Все гаразд? Is everything in order? You all right? Нам не важна, што ён робіць. We don't care what he does. We don't care what he's doing. Половина студентів відсутня. Half of the students are absent. Half the students are missing. Я згубіла сваю любімую асадку. I lost my favorite pen. I lost my favorite landing. Можно мне Тома на пару слов? Let me have a word with Tom. Can I have Tom for a word? Сьогодні достатньо холодно. It is pretty cold today. It's cold enough tonight. Я хочу уметь говорить по-французски. I want to be able to speak French. I want to speak French. Ви можете сісти, де хочете. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit where you want. Что Том намерен делать? What's Tom up to? What is Tom going to do? Мы все согласились с Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Мы ночевали под открытым небом. We slept under the stars. We were sleeping under the open sky. Ты не мог бы зрабіць радыё цішэй? You couldn't turn the radio down, could you? Could you not make the more happy? Я намагався попередити всіх. I tried to warn everyone. I tried to warn everyone. Я галодны. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Я знаю, што ты дагэтуль кахаеш мяне. I know you still love me. I know that you still love me. Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait until the wedding. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a strange dream. I had a strange dream this night. Ты какой-то рассеянный. You seem distracted. You're kind of scattered. Цей вітер - ознака бурі, що наближається. This wind is a sign of a storm. This wind is the sign of the approaching storm. Хопіць гарлапаніць! Stop yelling. Stop hunching! Сегодня вечером будет холодно. It'll be cold this evening. It'll be cold tonight. Вы, возможно, не помните меня, но я помню вас. You may not remember me, but I remember you. You may not remember me, but I remember you. Хто вчитиме наших дітей? Who will teach our children? Who will teach our children? Дихай! Breathe! Breathe! Попридержи язык, не то получишь. Watch your mouth or you'll get it. Keep your tongue, or you'll get it. Він особисто приїхав. He came in person. He's on his own. Чего ещё ты от меня хочешь? What more do you want from me? What else do you want from me? Я отримав квиток задарма. I got the ticket for nothing. I got a ticket for free. Останьтесь здесь с ними. Stay here with them. Stay here with them. Він живе неподалік. He lives near here. He lives nearby. Его зовут "Страсть-к-путешествиям". Wanderlust is his name. His name is "Strate-to-tage." Ці штани треба випрасувати. These trousers need pressing. These pants need to be checked. Хочеш знати? Do you want to know? Do you want to know? В жизни много загадок. There are many mysteries in life. There are many mysteries in life. Вы с Томом были счастливы вместе, не так ли? You and Tom were happy together, weren't you? You and Tom were happy together, weren't you? Ты можешь его прочесть? Can you read it? Can you read it? Здраво! Hi! Hello! Том не узнал Мэри. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Я не впевнений, що хочу це бачити. I'm not sure that I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see it. Мені подобається викладати. I like teaching. I like teaching. Мой отец после ужина обычно смотрит телевизор. My father usually watches TV after dinner. My father usually watches TV after dinner. Ти занудний. You are boring. You're tired. Гэта кніга таксама даступная на партугальскай. The book is also available in Portuguese. This book is also available on Portuguese. Колькі гэта каштук? How much is it? How much is it cost? Це не він. That's not him. It's not him. Павер мне, я інжынер! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Яны ведаюць, што іх звольняць. They know they're going to be fired. They know they're fired. Я был с ней. I was with her. I was with her. Не забывай нас! Don't forget about us! Don't forget us! Том вибив табуретку з-під Мері. Tom kicked the stool out from under Mary. Tom knocked out a taberette from under Mary. Ты ведаеш гэта? Do you know this thing? Do you know it? У меня сегодня болит голова. I have a headache today. My head hurts today. Я ніколі раней не чуў пра Львоў. I had never heard about Lviv before. I've never heard of the Lvivs before. Вона рабиня моди. She's a fashion slave. She's a fashion slave. Перестань бути жорстокою. Stop being cruel. Stop being cruel. Вам не подобаються яблука? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Табе падабаецца твая начальніца? Do you like your boss? Thee like your boss? Її будинок у передмісті. Her home is in the suburbs. Her house is in the suburbs. Что в саду? What is in the garden? What's in the garden? Это простые предложения. These are simple sentences. These are simple suggestions. Я почти ничего об этом не знаю. I know hardly anything about it. I almost don't know anything about it. Мы іх забілі. We killed them. We killed them. Хіба ти вип'єш своє молоко? Aren't you going to drink your milk? Why don't you drink your milk? Сьогодні вдень я вільна. I'm free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Ты правда хочешь положить свои деньги в тот банк? Do you really want to put your money in that bank? You really want to put your money in that bank? Я новый учитель. I'm the new teacher. I'm a new teacher. У веселки сім кольорів. The rainbow has seven colors. In a rainbow of seven colors. Мы сделаем это, как будет время. We'll do it when we have time. We'll do it as time goes on. Я удвічі більша за Тома. I'm twice as big as Tom. I'm twice as big as Tom. Том серйозний. Tom's serious. Tom's serious. Ми повинні себе захищати. We've got to protect ourselves. We have to protect ourselves. У Тома было счастливое детство. Tom had a happy childhood. Tom had a happy childhood. Гадаю, я знаю, що зробив би Том. I think I know what Tom would do. I think I know what Tom would have done. Она подула себе на руки, чтобы согреть их. She blew on her hands to warm them. She put herself on her hands to warm them. Надеюсь, это никогда не случится со мной. I hope that never happens to me. I hope that's never gonna happen to me. Почему ты помог им сбежать? Why did you help them escape? Why did you help them escape? У вас гарна донька. You have a beautiful daughter. You have a beautiful daughter. Ти не така висока, як я. You're not as tall as me. You're not as tall as I am. Я счастлив ждать. I'm happy to wait. I'm happy to wait. На озере две лодки. There are two boats on the lake. There are two boats on the lake. Чего бы хотѣла ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What would I want? Ви займаєтеся кожного дня? Do you study every day? Are you busy every day? Ісус — паразит. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is a parasite. Том запел. Tom started to sing. Tom's burned. Значення слова визначається контекстом, в якому воно використовується. The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used. The meaning of the word is determined by the context in which it is used. Я хочу работать, чтобы жить, а не жить, чтобы работать. I want to work to live, not live to work. I want to work to live, not live to work. Том та Мері пішли самі. Tom and Mary left alone. Tom and Mary left alone. Я в пути. I'm on the road. I'm on my way. Як це все працює? How does this all work? How does it work? Ісус Хрыстос перайшоў у будызм. Jesus Christ converted to Buddhism. Jesus Christ moved into a building building. Ты хочешь воспользоваться этой возможностью? Do you want to take that chance? Do you want to take this opportunity? Кто-нибудь видит разницу? Does anyone see a difference? Does anyone see the difference? Мері нижча від Тома. Mary is not as tall as Tom. Mary's lower than Tom. Я сустрэў сябра ў аэрапорце. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend in the airport. Ты понимаешь, что ты сделал? Do you understand what you've done? Do you understand what you did? Он погиб не напрасно. He didn't die in vain. He didn't die in vain. Это немного помогает. That helps a bit. It's a little helpful. Он будет играть в теннис завтра днём. He will be playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. He'll play tennis tomorrow afternoon. Це було б жахливо. That would be terrible. That would be terrible. Я не знаю їхніх імен. I don’t know their names. I don't know their names. Школа адчыняецца зноў у верасні. School reopens in September. School opens again in belief. Они не признают свою неправоту. They won't admit that they're wrong. They don't admit their wrong. Адкажы мне. Answer me. Tell me. Том ведь мясник? Tom is a butcher, isn't he? Tom's a butcher, right? Я вас там видела. I saw you there. I saw you there. Я от него сто лет никаких известий не получал. I haven't heard from him for ages. I haven't heard from him for 100 years. Вона вміє рахувати від одного до десяти. She can count from one to ten. She can count from one to ten. У Тома не было смелости попробовать прыгнуть с парашютом. Tom didn't have the courage to try sky diving. Tom had no courage to try and jump with a umbrella. Том играет с кошкой Марии. Tom is playing with Mary's cat. Tom's playing with Maria's cat. О чём Вы хотите поговорить? What is it you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Где Том нашёл эту фотографию? Where did Tom find this picture? Where did Tom find that picture? Используйте свой кулак. Use your fist. Use your fist. Я зажди дотримувався правил. I always obeyed the rules. I've always followed the rules. Нам слід було вийти раніше. We should have set off earlier. We had to get out earlier. Я намагався тобі розповісти. I tried to tell you. I was trying to tell you. Про що хочеш побалакати? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Як ти думаєш, скільки чоловік буде сьогодні на зустрічі? How many people do you think will be at today's meeting? What do you think the man will be at the meeting today? Ты сегодня вечером работаешь? Are you working tonight? You work tonight? Ти помиляєшся, якщо ти думаєш, що він неправий. You are mistaken if you think he is wrong. You're wrong if you think he's wrong. Я була в Австрії, але кенгуру я там не бачила. I went to Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. I was in Austria, but I didn't seeмен. Почему бы мне не остаться с тобой? Why don't I stay with you? Why don't I stay with you? Де Том мусить це зробити? Where does Tom have to do that? Where does Tom have to do this? Сильно на бухло не налягай. Go easy on the booze. Don't run into the blizzards very hard. Насправді, він ніколи не був у Нью-Йорку. In fact, he has never been to New York. In fact, he's never been to New York. Перепрошую, хто ця жінка? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who's this woman? С ума сошла? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Он никак не найдёт ключи. He can't find his keys. He's not gonna find any keys. Кому ти купив цю машину? Who did you buy this car for? Who did you buy this car? Есть другой способ определить меру Габриэля-Ройтера, который, может быть, более интуитивный. There is a second way to define the Gabriel-Roiter measure which may be more intuitive. There is another way to define the mayor of Gabriel-Royter, which may be more intuitive. Ваша мать курит? Does your mother smoke? Does your mother smoke? Кофе, нахер, такое дорогое. Coffee is so dang expensive. Coffee, fuck, so expensive. Том сделал это специально. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Я знайшла щось дуже цікаве. I found something very interesting. I found something very interesting. Я не хочу идти с тобой обедать. I don't want to go to lunch with you. I don't want to go with you for lunch. Спачатку мне ён не спадабаўся. At first, I didn't like him. At first I didn't like it. Ці мала што можа здарыцца, будзь асцярожная. Anything might happen, so be careful. Or a little can happen; be careful. Ти знаєш, що він сказав? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? У цябе няма тэмпературы. You do not have a fever. You don't have a temperature. Когда Том был маленьким, он любил лазить по деревьям. When Tom was a young boy, he used to love climbing trees. When Tom was little, he loved climbing trees. Я поступила в Гарвард. I got into Harvard. I went to Harvard. Він скрутив мені руку. He twisted my arm. He twisted my hand. Том та Мері ніколи не говорять про себе. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Мері сказала, що вона у Бостоні. Mary said she was in Boston. Mary said she was in Boston. Усё добра. It's all right. Everything's fine. Дай Боже добри вечар! May God give you a good evening! Give God a good evening! Я найняв адвоката. I've hired an attorney. I hired a lawyer. Сподіваюсь, ти скоро одужаєш. I hope you'll get well soon. I hope you get better soon. Я тряпка. I'm a wimp. I'm a wimp. Надобѣ ти жьдати въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. You've got to wait for it. Выключэнняў няма. There are no exceptions. Exceptions are not available. Що посієш, те й пожнеш. You reap what you sow. Whatever you sow, you reap. Не спи з увімкненим світлом. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep with the light on. Это очень просто. This is really easy. It's very simple. У вас нічого немає. You have nothing. You have nothing. А єсмь ѹжє старъ а вьсѣхъ рѧдъ нє могѫ ѹжє рѧдити. I am now old and I cannot manage all things. And I see you're old and I've had a lot of money. Том открыл своё окно. Tom opened his window. Tom opened his window. Тобі треба сісти з Томом. You should sit with Tom. You need to sit down with Tom. Я насправді не знаю, що трапиться. I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't really know what's going to happen. Том дуже любив Мері. Tom loved Mary very much. Tom loved Mary very much. У нього з собою не дуже багато грошей. He doesn't have very much money on him. He doesn't have much money with him. Я не разумею па-нямецку. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. У нас не было шансов на победу. We had no chance of winning. We didn't have a chance to win. Я не могу простить его лени. I can't excuse his laziness. I can't forgive his lazy. Вы видите панель инструментов внизу экрана? Can you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Do you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Я смогу быть там через час. I can be there in an hour. I can be there in an hour. Женя приехала в наш городок три года назад. Jane came to our town three years ago. Zhenya arrived in our town three years ago. Приведите вашу жену. Bring your wife. Bring your wife. Хіба ти не друг Тома? Aren't you Tom's friend? Aren't you Tom's friend? Авто на улїци. A car is on the street. A car in the street. Том смотрел, как белка прыгает с ветки на ветку. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Tom watched the squirrel jump from branch to branch. Он твой учитель? Is he your teacher? Is he your teacher? Она сейчас находится в отеле. She's at the hotel now. She's at the hotel now. Я один з ваших працівників. I'm one of your employees. I'm one of your employees. Сделай это, пока не стемнело. Do that before it gets dark. Do it before it's dark. Я не думаю, що Том знає когось, хто міг би це зробити. I don't think Tom knows anybody who can do that. I don't think Tom knows anybody who could do it. Ребёнком Том жил в Бостоне. Tom lived in Boston when he was a child. Tom's baby lived in Boston. Я завжди перемагаю. I always win. I always win. Старыя дываны каштоўнейшыя за новыя. Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets. Old carpets are more valuable than new ones. Ты умеешь жонглировать? Can you juggle? You know how to holgle? С кем играть Тому? Who does Tom play? Who's gonna play Tom with? Тому нравятся апельсины. Tom likes oranges. That's why they like oranges. Вітер віє на південь. The wind blows south. The wind is blowing south. Я думала, я тебе знаю. I thought I knew you. I thought I knew you. Ты джентльмен. You're a gentleman. You're a gentleman. Колькі каштуе гэта сукня? How much is this dress? How much does this dress cost? Я не знаю, кто будет на собрании. I don't know who's going to be at the meeting. I don't know who's gonna be in the meeting. Том та Мері почали сперечатися. Tom and Mary started to argue. Tom and Mary began to argue. Мне нужно идти прямо сейчас? Do I need to go right away? Do I have to go right now? Том расказаў мне, што здарылася, калі ты паспрабавала пацалаваць Мэры. Tom told me what happened when you tried to kiss Mary. Tom told me what had happened when you tried to kiss Mary. Почему вы не можете принять меня таким, какой я есть? Why can't you accept me as I am? Why can't you take me for who I am? Я вам заздрю. I envy you. I envy you. Том купил что-нибудь для Мэри? Did Tom buy anything for Mary? Did Tom buy anything for Mary? Мальчик прыгнул в воду. The boy jumped into the water. The boy jumped into the water. Ви занадто наївна. You're too naive. You're too naive. Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do that. Я выпадкова ўзяў твой парасон. I took his umbrella by mistake. I chanced to take your umbrella. Она берегла себя для брака. She was saving herself for marriage. She kept herself for marriage. Мені здається, це може бути помилкою. I think that it might be a bug. I think it might be a mistake. Як справи, пані Джоунс? How are you, Mrs. Jones? How you doing, Mrs Jones? Том с Мэри в плохих отношениях. Tom is on bad terms with Mary. Tom and Mary are in a bad relationship. Я люблю вигравати. I like winning. I love winning. Том випрасував свою сорочку. Tom ironed his shirt. Tom straighted his shirt. Пришло время узнать. The time has come to find out. It's time to find out. Мне нічога не трэба. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Автобусная остановка находится недалеко от нашей школы. The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is not far from our school. Він щось їй прошепотів. He whispered something to her. He said something to her. Ти мене зрозуміла? Did you understand me? Do you understand? Дзе знаходзіцца пасольства Аўстраліі? Where is the Australian embassy? Where is Australia's farm? Він не віртуоз. He is not a virtuoso. He's not virtuosis. Я не закохвалася так з сямнаццаці год. I haven't fallen in love like this since I was seventeen. I didn't fall in love like that since I've been 17 years. Ти впевнений, що не хочеш зайти? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Разрушьте этот храм. Destroy this temple. Destroy this temple. Немедленно звоните Тому. Call Tom immediately. Call Tom immediately. Я ще зайнята. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Я спасатель. I'm a lifeguard. I'm a lifesaver. Я хочу, щоб ви знали, що Том має рацію. I want you to know that Tom was right. I want you to know Tom is right. Мне надо было поехать в Австралию с тобой. I should've gone to Australia with you. I should have gone to Australia with you. Том не был вежлив с Мэри. Tom wasn't polite to Mary. Tom wasn't polite to Mary. Тому не нравится жить одному. Tom doesn't like living alone. So you don't like living alone. Том спилил у себя на заднем дворе все деревья. Tom cut down all the trees in his backyard. Tom slept in his backyard all the trees. Що ти вчиш? What do you learn? What do you teach? Я люблю вас обоих. I love you both. I love you both. У меня два билета на концерт. I have two tickets for the concert. I got two tickets to the concert. Ми все ще у стані війни. We're still at war. We're still at war. Том изучал медицину в Бостоне. Tom studied medicine in Boston. Tom studied medicine in Boston. Чему равен квадратный корень из двух? What is the square root of 2? What is the square root of two? Дорогая, прости, я сегодня снова задержусь на работе допоздна. Honey, I'm sorry. I have to work late tonight again. Honey, I'm sorry. I'm late for work tonight. Я слышала, ты хорошо играешь на банджо. I hear you're good at playing the banjo. I heard you were good at a banjo. Чому люди й досі палять? Why do people still smoke? Why do people still smoke? Пожалуйста, скопируйте эту страницу. Please copy this page. Please copy this page. До сих пор не верится, что это случилось. I still can't believe it happened. I still can't believe it happened. На працягу стагоддзяў Кракаў быў сталіцай Польшчы. For centuries Cracow was the capital of Poland. During the centuries the Cranca was a capital of Poland. Мы с ней ровесники. She and I are the same age. She and I are peers. Гэта малако. That is milk. It's milk. Я дуже неорганізована. I'm very disorganized. I'm very disorganized. Ти шукаєш щось конкретне? Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? Я говорив про одяг. I was talking about clothes. I was talking about clothes. На вечеринку пришло всего шесть человек. Only six people came to the party. Only six people attended the party. Я включив воду. I turned the tap on. I've turned the water on. Школа находится в нескольких минутах ходьбы от моего дома. The school is within walking distance of my house. The school's a few minutes away from my house. Што лёгка прыходзіць, тое лёгка сыходзіць. Easy come, easy go. What easily comesth, then easily departs. Сожалею, что не исполнил своего обещания. I regret not having kept my promise. I'm sorry I didn't fulfill my promise. Я немного похудел. I've lost some weight. I've lost a bit. По твоему лицу видно, что ты не согласен. Your face says that you don't agree. You see in your face that you don't agree. Том вышел из комнаты, не сказав никому ни слова. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Чим я це заслужила? What did I do to deserve this? What did I deserve? Я нічого не хочу пити. I don't want to drink anything. I don't want anything to drink. Кофейник пустой. The coffee pot is empty. The pot's empty. Що тобі в цьому подобається? What do you like about it? What do you like about that? Не хочу хвалитися, але я доволі розумний. Not to brag, but I'm pretty smart. I don't want to boast, but I'm smart enough. Я йому нічого не винен. I owe him nothing. I don't owe him anything. Я думала, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Я не думаю, что Том говорит по-французски. I don't think Tom speaks French. I don't think Tom says French. Из чего он был сделан? What was it made of? What's he made of? Цены растут. Prices are going up. Prices are growing. Час іти спати. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Простите, я вас не так понял. I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry, I didn't understand you that. Ён штодня голіцца. He shaves himself every day. He runs around every day. «Дзе зараз твой бацька?» — «Думаю, ён у Ліёне». "Where is your father now?" "I believe he is in Lyons." "Where is your father now?" "I think he's in Lyon." Я перезвоню. I'll call back later. I'll call you back. Том и Мэри почти одного возраста. Tom and Mary are almost the same age. Tom and Mary, almost the same age. Можете віддати книжку тому, хто її хоче. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give it to whoever wants it. Коли ви останнього разу були в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Алжир не в стані війни. Algeria isn't at war. Algeria is not at war. Ти хочеш, щоб ми тобі щось купили? Do you want us to buy you anything? You want us to buy you something? Том и Мэри обнялись. Tom and Mary embraced. Tom and Mary embraced. Не думаю, що Том захоче нам допомагати. I don't think Tom would be willing to help us. I don't think Tom's gonna want to help us. Это то, что я слышал. That's what I heard. That's what I heard. Дэн показал себя сторонником превосходства белой расы. Dan revealed himself to be a white supremacist. Dan showed himself a supporter of the superiority of the white race. Отже, що сталося? So what happened? So, what happened? Том — приземлена людина. Tom is down to earth. Tom is a landman. Я повернуся. I'll come back. I'll be back. Молекула складається з атомів. A molecule is made up of atoms. The molecule is made up of atoms. Это мою книгу ваш ребёнок разорвал на кусочки. It was my book that your child tore to pieces. This is my book your kid broke to pieces. Остало там дакус меса. There was some meat left over. The rest of it's got a mesus. Ты знала их лучше, чем я. You knew them better than I did. You knew them better than I did. Это не так дорого стоило. It didn't cost that much. It wasn't worth it. Джон ше ужерал на слику. John stared at the picture. John has no idea what he's doing. Как вы знаете, мы опоздали из-за сильного дождя. As you know, we were late due to the heavy rain. As you know, we're late for the heavy rain. Зараз пів на третю. It's 2:30 now. It's about three o'clock in the morning. Дивись на мене, коли я з тобою розмовляю, боягузе! Look at me when I talk to you, you coward! Look at me when I talk to you, you coward! Вона мені більше не потрібна. I no longer need it. I don't need her anymore. Том сказав мені, що Мері знайшла нового хлопця. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me that Mary had found a new boyfriend. Я не знал, что у тебя есть кот. I didn't know you had a cat. I didn't know you had a cat. Мы в эфире? Are we on the air? Are we on the air? Откуда ты знаешь, что я этого не делал? How do you know I didn't do it? How do you know I didn't? Пунктуальностью Том никогда не отличался. Tom has never been punctual. Tom's punctuality has never been different. Навіщо ти сюди повернувся? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Вона продає овочі. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Фрида Кало была мексиканской художницей. Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter. Frida Calo was a Mexican artist. Я уснула в поезде. I fell asleep on the train. I fell asleep on a train. Яна працягнула працаваць. She went on working. She kept working. Как по-французски будет "до свидания"? How do you say "goodbye" in French? How do you say "bye" in French? У цьому класі 40 учнів. There are 40 pupils in this class. In this class 40 students. В комитете он играл важную роль. He played an important role on the committee. In the committee, he played an important role. Почему все на вас уставились? Why is everyone staring at you? Why are everyone staring at you? Я была ў гарах. I was in the mountains. I was in the loon. Вона його слухає. She listens to him. She's listening to it. Ты думаешь, это точный перевод? Do you think that this translation is accurate? You think it's an accurate translation? Ѹрєклъ єсмь имъ на годъ съто гривьнъ въдати. I've promised to give them one hundred hrivnas annually. You've had a lot of fun every year. В холодильнике осталось немного сливок. There's still some cream in the fridge. There's a little plum left in the refrigerator. Здаецца, мы трапілі ў западню. It looks like we fell into a trap. I think we've got into the west. Я не хочу вивчати французьку. I don't want to study French. I don't want to study French. Том трохи відстає від графіка. Tom is a little behind schedule. Tom's a little off the schedule. Тому стоит сказать Мэри правду. Tom should tell Mary the truth. So it's good to tell Mary the truth. Том уважає, що Мері готова. Tom thinks that Mary is ready. Tom thinks Mary's ready. Його історія правдива? Is his story true? His story is true? У твоєму творі немає помилок. There are no mistakes in your composition. There's no mistake in your work. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы помолчали минуту. I just want you to quit talking for a minute. I just want you to shut up for a minute. Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I put the car? Калі Вікторыя стала каралевай? When did Victoria become Queen? When did Victoria become a queen? Приглашаем вас принять участие в субботниках по месту жительства и работы. You are invited to take part in unpaid work at your residence and workplace. You are invited to participate on Saturdays in your place of residence and work. Ходімо в ліжко. Let's go to bed. Let's go to bed. Щось сталося? Did something happen? What's wrong? Её манера говорить нервирует меня. The way she talks gets on my nerves. Her manner of speaking makes me nervous. Том бросил Мэри свои ключи. Tom tossed Mary his keys. Tom left his keys to Mary. Це будинок Тома Джексона? Is this Tom Jackson's house? Is that Tom Jackson's house? Ти не можеш цього робити. You can't do this. You can't do this. Том вернулся домой из Бостона на прошлой неделе. Tom came home from Boston last week. Tom came home from Boston last week. Моя мать хорошо играет на фортепьяно. My mother plays the piano well. My mother plays the piano well. Перестань. Я не хочу. Stop. I don't want to. I don't want to. Ты был в парикмахерской? Have you been to the barber? You were at the barber's place? «Теперь покиньте X-Wing, Ваше величество». — «Не выйдет. Я отправляюсь в космос». — «Как написано, вы — козёл!» "Exit the X-Wing now, Your Majesty." "Not going to happen. I'm going to space." "It is written: you are an asshole!" "Now leave the X-Wing, Your Majesty." Самі працював тут протягом шести місяців. Sami worked here for six months. We worked here for six months. Я ведаю яе адрэсу. I know her address. I know her set. Белый хлеб, пожалуйста. White bread, please. White bread, please. Я не дал ей уйти домой пораньше. I didn't let her go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Сколько стоит проезд на экспрессе? How much is the express? How much air travel is worth? Ти іноземець? Are you a foreigner? Are you a foreigner? Орел чи решка? Heads or tails? An eagle or a squawk? У вас есть чем вывести пятна? Do you have anything to remove stains? Do you have any idea what you can get out of here? Том лишь хотел поговорить. Tom just wanted to talk. Tom just wanted to talk. У меня болит большой палец на правой ноге. The big toe on my right foot hurts. I have a big toe on my right leg. Часам у Таямскім заліве бачны міраж. A mirage sometimes shows up in Toyama Bay. Sometimes there's a visible mirage in the Towers. Я певица. I'm a singer. I'm a singer. Можете знайти мені роботу? Can you find me a job? Can you find me a job? Том спав перед телевізором. Tom was asleep in front of the TV. Tom slept in front of the TV. А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom doesn't have a radio? Том відмовився йти. Tom has refused to go. Tom refused to go. После девяти звонить дешевле? Is it cheaper to call after nine? After nine times cheaper? У мене болить голова, і руки, і ноги,.. і, насправді, все тіло. My head hurts, and so do my arms, legs... in fact, my whole body. I have a headache with my head, my arms, my legs, and, in fact, my whole body. Ми не терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. Том і Мері заручилися. Tom and Mary got engaged. Tom and Mary engaged. Я думал, что мы об этом уже говорили. I thought we talked about this already. I thought we were already talking about it. Американский футбол для слюнтяев. Настоящие мужики играют в регби. American football is for sissies. If you're a real man you play rugby. U.S. Scurvy football, real men playing the rugs. Том был на работе. Tom was at work. Tom was at work. Я зроблю це пізніше. I'll do it later. I'll do it later. Шум параду завмер. The sound of the parade died away. The parade's over. Скільки коштує ця парасоля? What's the price of this umbrella? How much is this umbrella? Том каже, що планує це зробити. Tom says he plans to do that. Tom says he's planning to do it. Обережно. Вона ще гаряча. Be careful. It's still warm. Look out, it's still hot. Мне очень понравилась эта книга. I really liked this book. I really liked that book. Говорити французькою непросто. It's not easy to speak French. It's not easy to speak French. Я знаю, что сегодня этого не случится. I know that won't happen today. I know it won't happen tonight. Я был раздражён. I was irked. I was angry. Нічого особливого. Nothing much. Nothing special. Том ще плаче? Is Tom still crying? Is Tom still crying? Це чудово! That's great! That's great! Як дивно! How weird! How strange! Гетэр Яані — найлепшая спявачка на песенным конкурсе «Еўрабачанне 2011». Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. Heter Yanani is the best singer at the European 2011 song competition. Ти навіть памперс не можеш поміняти. You can't even change a diaper. You can't even swap. Посмотрите налево и направо, перед пересечением дороги. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look to the left and to the right before you cross the road. Оли томоу єсмь не порозоумѣлъ. I didn't understand it yet. Oh, you don't have to talk about tomato. Мы бедные? Are we poor? Are we poor? Мне неабавязкова рабіць гэта заўтра. I don't have to do that tomorrow. I don't have to do this tomorrow. Том не очікував нікого. Tom wasn't expecting anybody. Tom didn't expect anyone. Он сделал, как я ему сказал. He did as I told him. He did as I told him. Я жанаты. I'm married. I'm married. Нечасто трапляється нагода поговорити французькою. We have few opportunities to speak French. It's not often an opportunity to speak French. Яна паталефанавала мне з Токіа. She called me up from Tokyo. She showed me from Tokyo. Я только сегодня это обнаружил. I only found out about that today. I only found that today. Що вам подобається в Томі? What do you like about Tom? What do you like in Tomy? Сёння добра. It's nice today. It's good today. Я гуляв у лісі сам. I walked in the woods by myself. I was walking in the woods alone. Это городская легенда. This is an urban legend. It's a city legend. Том привел свою комнату в порядок. Tom put his room in order. Tom put his room in order. Том тут не спить. Tom doesn't sleep here. Tom's not sleeping here. Вы её очень обрадовали. You made her very happy. You've been very happy with her. Увага, будь ласка! Attention please! Attention, please! Думаю, ты отлично справился. I think you did great. I think you did a great job. Ты сейчас начнёшь. You'll start right now. You're gonna start right now. Том сказав, що Мері не може цього зробити. Tom said Mary couldn't do that. Tom said Mary couldn't do it. Діти наслідують друзів, а не батьків. Children imitate their friends rather than their parents. Children imitate their friends, not their parents. Я им ещё не заплатил. I still haven't paid them. I haven't paid them yet. Я понимаю по-французски. I understand French. I understand French. Мы поедем, как только дождь перестанет. We'll leave as soon as it stops raining. We're going as soon as the rain stops. Не запізнися на автобус. Don't miss the bus. Don't be late for the bus. Де знаходиться станція метро? Where's the underground station? Where is the subway station? Їжі не вистачає. Food has been in short supply. Food's not enough. Припини про це турбуватися. Stop worrying about it. Stop worrying about it. Мне не нравится этим заниматься. I don't like doing that. I don't like to do this. Похоже, скоро что-то произойдёт. It looks like something's going to happen soon. Looks like something's gonna happen soon. Я думал, вам надо работать. I thought you had to work. I thought you needed to work. Дайте мне сигарету. Give me a cigarette. Give me a cigarette. Будь ласка, залишіть мої речі в спокої. Please leave my things alone. Please, leave my things alone. Ты, должно быть, идиот. You must be a fool. You must be an idiot. Не ведаю, ці гэта добра. I don't know if it is good. I don't know if it's good. Я не хотів, щоб ти так рано вставав. I didn't want to get up so early. I didn't want you to get up so early. Откуда вы знаете, сколько это весит? How do you know how heavy it is? How do you know how much it weighs? Я рад, что ты мне сказал. I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you told me. Цей суп засолоний. There's too much salt in this soup. The soup's gold. У Тома сильный немецкий акцент. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom's got a strong German accent. Він побачив її та зачервонівся. He saw her and blushed. He caught sight of her and turned red. Мері знову це зробила, так? Mary did that again, didn't she? Mary did it again, didn't she? Кому печива? Who wants biscuits? Who's making cookies? Твої ідеї дещо застарілі. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Your ideas are somewhat out of date. Хіба ти майже не готовий? Aren't you almost ready? Aren't you almost ready? В следующем году Том будет преподавать французский. Tom is going to be teaching French next year. Next year Tom will teach French. Спектакль буде у п'ятницю. The show's Friday. It's going to be Friday. Я глыбока рэлігіёзны чалавек і веру ў жыццё пасля смерці. I'm a deeply religious man and believe in life after death. I am deeply religious and believe in life after death. Я фізик. I'm a physicist. I'm a physicist. Я падаю. I'm falling. I'm falling. Тому десь у цій будівлі. Tom is somewhere in this building. So somewhere in this building. Том Джексон — мій начальник. Tom Jackson is my boss. Tom Jackson is my boss. Це означає, що Том мав рацію. That means Tom was right. That means Tom was right. Ты её не узнаёшь? Don't you recognize her? You won't recognize her? Якіх кампазітараў ты болей за ўсё любіш? Which of the composers do you like best? Which composer do you most love? Я знаю несколько канадцев. I know several Canadians. I know a few Canadians. Хлѣбъ сѧ дѣѥть мѫкоѭ водоѭ дрождıами. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. It's from the same time that we've had a lot of water. Том каже, що доїде додому в понеділок. Tom says he'll get home on Monday. Tom says he'll get home on Monday. Вроде работает. That seems to work. It looks like it's working. Я не мільйонер. I'm not a millionaire. I'm not a millionaire. Какой у меня ещё был выбор? What other choice did I have? What other choice did I have? Кошки не любят воду. Cats don't like water. Cats don't like water. Што мне рабіць? What should I do? What am I to do? Она богата, но несчастна. She's rich but miserable. She's rich, but unhappy. Салдаты патрапілі пад агонь ворага. The soldiers were exposed to the enemy's fire. The soldiers were caught up in the enemy's fire. Він якось причетний до цього пограбування. He has something to do with the robbery. He's somehow involved in this robbery. Я тебе взагалі не пам'ятаю. I don't remember you at all. I don't remember you at all. Я відчуваю лютий біль. I'm in pain here. I feel a lot of pain. Я бы лучше их разбудил. I'd better wake them up. I'd rather wake them up. Том ушёл вовремя. Tom left on time. Tom left on time. Это ошибка. It's a mistake. It's a mistake. Том майже скінчив. Tom is pretty near done. Tom's almost finished. Цікаво, чи Том дійсно мав намір цим зайнятися. I wonder if Tom really intended to do that. I wonder if Tom really intended to do this. Я не знаю, что происходит. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's going on. Они улыбнулись друг другу. They smiled at each other. They smiled at each other. Почему вы думаете, что Тома сегодня нет? Why do you think Tom isn't here today? Why do you think Tom isn't here today? Том тоже говорит по-французски. Tom speaks French, too. Tom also speaks French. Среди ребят этого класса нет таких высоких, как Билл. No boy in the class is as tall as Bill. Guys in this class aren't as tall as Bill. Том сказал, что он настроен скептически. Tom said he's skeptical. Tom said he was sceptic. Почему бы вам не поужинать с нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why don't you join us for dinner? Том працює всю ніч. Tom works all night. Tom works all night. Каву з вяршкамі і цукрам, калі ласка. Coffee, please, with cream and sugar. Coffee with camels and sugars, please. Я лише хотіла переконатися, що у Тома все добре. I just wanted to see if Tom was OK. I just wanted to make sure Tom was okay. Ми зачинили двері. We have shut the door. We locked the door. Том ненавидит эти вещи. Tom hates these things. Tom hates these things. Вы что-то хотели мне сказать? Is there something you wanted to tell me? Is there anything you want to say to me? Том отправил Мэри телеграмму. Tom sent a telegram to Mary. Tom sent Mary a telegram. Вы любите фигурное катание? Do you like figure skating? Do you like the show? Може, якось іншим разом. Some other time perhaps. Maybe some other time. Мені пощастило, що ніхто не бачив, як я цим займалася. I'm lucky no one saw me do that. I'm lucky no one saw me do that. Отвечай по-английски. Answer in English. Answer in English. Почему бы тебе не дать её им? Why don't you give it to them? Why don't you give it to them? Том розумів скептичне ставлення Мері. Tom understood Mary's skepticism. Tom understood Mary’s sceptic attitude. Том — горький пьяница. Tom is a heavy drinker. Tom's a bitter drunk. Гэта вельмі дзіўная справа. It's a very strange case. It's a very strange case. Том ніколи не порушує обіцянок. Tom never breaks a promise. Tom never breaks his promises. Какой месяц является тринадцатым? What's the thirteenth month? What month is the thirteenth? Я правдивий. I'm truthful. I'm true. Мері зробила костюм на Хелловін для своїх дітей. Mary made Halloween costumes for her kids. Mary made a suit for Halloween for her children. Аисты правда стоят на одной ноге? Do storks really stand on one leg? Are the Aists really on one leg? Цей голуб пролетів із Сан Франциско до Нью-Йорку. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. Где вы с Томом остановились? Where did you and Tom stay? Where did you and Tom stop? Вы вывучаеце ангельскую мову? Do you study English? Do you learn English? Ця земля належить королівській родині. This land belongs to the Royal Family. This land belongs to the royal family. Що ти робитимеш далі? What's next for you? What will you do next? Він тут, щоб захистити тебе. He's here to protect you. He's here to protect you. Они устроили мне большую вечеринку. They gave a big party for me. They made me a big party. Том сказав мені, що мені слід подумати над тим, щоб піти на пенсію. Tom told me that I should consider retiring. Tom told me that I should think about retirement. Мій номер телефону: два, чотири, шість, вісім. My phone number is 2468. My phone number is two, four, six, eight. Я майже забув, що то був його день народження. I almost forgot that it was his birthday. I almost forgot it was his birthday. Яе вочы былі чырвоныя. Her eyes were red. Her eyes were red. Я это уже знала. I already knew that. I already knew it. Она пустая. It's empty. It's empty. Ми тут заради Тома. We're here for Tom. We're here for Tom. Я ніколи не жив у Австралії. I've never lived in Australia. I had never lived in Australia. Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. Він був дуже зайнятий увесь день. He was very busy all day. He's been very busy all day. Если всё пойдёт по плану, завтра вечером я уже снова должен быть дома. If all goes to plan, I should be back home again tomorrow night. If everything goes as planned, I'm supposed to be home again tomorrow night. Интересный был фильм. It was an interesting movie. That was an interesting movie. Не плачите. Don't cry. Don't cry. Мэри занимается у себя в комнате. Mary is studying in her room. Mary's in his room. Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for ten dollars. Мне нельзя было её отпускать. I never should've let her go. I shouldn't have let her go. Ми всі погодилися з Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Кошик був повний яблук. The basket was full of apples. The basket was full of apples. Том был повержен. Tom has been defeated. Tom was broken. Мы можем на него рассчитывать. We can count on him. We can count on him. Я повівся погано. I did something bad. I was bad. Я хочу, аби Том це підписав. I want Tom to sign this. I want Tom to sign this. Я всё время этим пользуюсь. I use this all the time. I use it all the time. Не розмовляйте зі мною. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Її родина дуже любить дивитися телевізор кожного дня. His family really loves watching television every day. Her family loves watching television every day. Обгрунтування просте. The rationale is simple. The reason is simple. Он ест медленно. He eats slowly. He eats slowly. Можна мені сказати? Can I speak? Can I tell you? Впусти Тома. Let Tom in. Let Tom in. Постарайтесь не беспокоиться за нас. Try not to worry about us. Try not to worry about us. Россия превратилась во вторую сверхдержаву. Russia had emerged as a second superpower. Russia has become the second superpower. Рядом с вашим домом есть зоопарк? Is there a zoo near your home? Is there a zoo next to your house? Золото гораздо тяжелее воды. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much heavy water. Саллі розміняла двадцяти доларову банкноту по п'ятидоларових. Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills. Sally put 20 dollar bills in five-dollar bills. Ці ёсць пытанні? Do you have any questions? Is there a question? Электричество очень полезно. Electricity is very useful. Electricity is very helpful. Под стол закатилась монета. A coin rolled under the desk. There was a coin at the table. На самом деле, я ничего не знал о тех планах. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. In fact, I didn't know anything about those plans. Тому было жарко. Tom was hot. That's why it was hot. Я ждала его. I waited for him. I was waiting for him. Це крісло. This is an armchair. It's a chair. Я редко её встречал. I did not see her much. I rarely met her. Том та Мері скінчили? Are Tom and Mary done? Tom and Mary finished? Я пил молоко. I drank milk. I've been drinking milk. Вы действительно ожидали, что Том скажет вам правду? Did you really expect Tom to tell you the truth? Did you really expect Tom to tell you the truth? Он не любит кофе. He doesn't like coffee. He doesn't like coffee. Европа без российского газа обойтись не может. Europe can't do without Russian gas. Europe can't do without Russian gas. Може бути, вони зайняті. Maybe they're busy. Maybe they're busy. Вы важны. You are important. You're important. Том говорить французькою так само добрей, як і ти. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as good as you. Ви в школі французьку вивчаєте? Do you study French at school? You're in French at school? Если ты ей не скажешь, я скажу. If you don't tell her, I will. If you don't tell her, I'll tell her. Её волосы мокрые от пота. Her hair is wet with sweat. Her hair is wet. Він твій король. He is your king. He is your king. Что было, то прошло. Let bygones be bygones. What happened was done. Хтось може відповісти на моє запитання? Can anyone answer my question? Can anyone answer my question? Я скажу им, чтобы они с тобой связались. I'll tell them to contact you. I'll tell them to contact you. Няма іншай такой прыгожай мовы, як партугальская. No other language is as beautiful as Portuguese. There is not another nice language as Portuguese. Ты хацеў расказаць мне пра свабоду? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Я зараз куховарю. I am cooking now. I'm cooking right now. Мій кіт виглядає сумним. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Я знаю, що він був зайнятий. I know that he was busy. I know he was busy. Том ведь сейчас в школе? Tom is at school now, isn't he? Tom's at school, isn't he? То, что ты говоришь, важнее того, как ты это говоришь. What you say is more important than how you say it. What you say is more important than how you say it. Вот тут я и родилась. This is where I was born. This is where I was born. Ти розумієш фонетичну абетку? Can you read phonetic signs? Do you understand the phonetic abbey? Том готов защищаться. Tom's defensive. Tom is ready to defend himself. Он затащил раненого солдата в ближайшие кусты. He pulled the wounded soldier to the nearby bush. He took the wounded soldier to the nearest bush. Если Бога нет, то всё позволено. If there is no God, everything is permitted. If there is no God, everything is permitted. Зрабіць гэта будзе няцяжка. It's not going to be hard to do this. Check this if you want'Delete 'menu commands to be displayed. Когда вы будете убирать пшеницу? When will you harvest your wheat? When will you clean the wheat? Усе назоўнікі ў партугальскай належаць да мужчынскага ці жаночага роду. Every noun in Portuguese is either masculine or feminine. All names in Portuguese belong to a man or a woman. Мэри потеряла сумочку. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her purse. Мы очень экономные. We're very frugal. We're very economical. Вы все спятили? Are you all mad? Are you all crazy? Я склав газету і поклав її у портфель. I folded the newspaper and put it into my briefcase. I put the newspaper down and put it in my briefcase. Что ты тогда скажешь? What will you say then? What do you say then? Каждое утро я выпрямляю волосы. I straighten my hair every morning. Every morning I turn my hair out. Не могѫ доумати вьсе. I can't think of everything. I couldn't do it. Ваша валіза занадто важка. Your suitcase is too heavy. Your suitcase is too heavy. Том начинает понемногу пьянеть. Tom is getting a little tipsy. Tom starts to get drunk a little bit. Жду тебя в Турине! I wait for you in Turin! I'm waiting for you in Turin! Я еду в Бостон в октябре. I'm going to Boston in October. I'm going to Boston in October. Я лишила словник внизу. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left the dictionary downstairs. Ігноруйте їх. Ignore them. Ignore them. Мені здається, що Том порочний. I think that Tom is depraved. It seems to me that Tom is vicious. Это моё? Is that mine? Is that mine? Даруй, я цябе не пачула. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Come on, I didn't hear you. Мы должны уважать их желания. We must respect their wishes. We must respect their wishes. Я завжди хотів поїхати до Австралії. I've always wanted to go to Australia. I always wanted to go to Australia. Много кто игнорирует смех. A lot of guys ignore the laugh. Many people ignore laughter. Я піду по них. I'll go get them. I'll go get them. Воўк воўка не кусае. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. And the wolf doesn't bite. Дуже ймовірно, що вона доживе до ста років. She is likely to live to one hundred. She's very likely to live to be 100 years old. Эта долгая поездка меня измучила. I'm exhausted after that long trip. This long trip made me tired. Она сказала, что спешит. She said she was in a hurry. She said she'd hurry. Вона добре говорить англійською. She speaks English well. She speaks English well. Что вы от меня скрываете? What are you hiding from me? What are you hiding from me? Идите побыстрее. Go a little faster! Come quickly. Это вещество находится в газообразном состоянии. This substance is in gaseous state. This substance is in gaseous condition. Том сказав, навіщо йому потрібні гроші? Did Tom say what he needed the money for? Tom said he wanted money. Том не любит пюре. Tom doesn't like mashed potatoes. Tom doesn't like the play. Том зловив форель. Tom caught a trout. Tom caught a trout. Я думаю, що він лікар. I think he is a doctor. I think he's a doctor. Том ані в чому не зізнався. Tom didn't admit to anything. Tom didn't admit anything. Я не был достаточно агрессивен. I wasn't aggressive enough. I wasn't aggressive enough. Мері сказала, що їй подобається це робити. Mary said she liked doing that. Mary said she liked it. Мені цікаво, чи Том зможе посидіти з нашою дитиною сьогодні ввечері. I wonder whether or not Tom can babysit for us tonight. I wonder if Tom will be able to sit with our child tonight. Я знаю, что ты сделал это нарочно. I know you did it on purpose. I know you did it on purpose. Гарна погода, чи не так? Nice weather, isn't it? Nice weather, isn't it? Я не збираюся одружуватися із Сюзі. I'm not about to marry Suzie. I'm not gonna marry Susie. Ты хочешь, чтобы мы тебе помогли? Do you want us to help you? You want us to help you? Я радий, що у тебе все гаразд. I'm glad you're all right. I'm glad you're okay. Где мама? Where's my mom? Where's Mom? С каких пор? Since when? Since when? Це було у двохтисячному році. It was in the year two thousand. It was two thousand years ago. Мълвите ли роусьскъı? Do you speak Russian? Do you have any roaches? Это благодаря вам. It's thanks to you. Thanks to you. Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. У мене є адвокат. I have a lawyer. I have a lawyer. Мясо не портится в холодную погоду. This meat stays good in cold weather. Meat doesn't travel in cold weather. Он хочет её поцеловать. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her. Я вырос в Австралии. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. Том спросил меня, почему я никогда не пытался получить водительские права. Tom asked me why I never tried to get a driver's license. Tom asked me why I never tried to get my driver's license. Мері сказала, що ніколи не вивчала французьку. Mary said she'd never study French. Mary said she had never studied French. Том звиклий до цього. Tom is used to doing that. Tom's used to it. Я хотів співчуття. I wanted sympathy. I wanted compassion. Мэри говорит, что ей нужно больше времени. Mary says she needs more time. Mary says she needs more time. Не знаю, что сказать. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Сестри не повинні сваритися. Siblings should not quarrel. Sisters don't have to fight. Том знал, что Мэри несчастна. Tom knew Mary wasn't happy. Tom knew Mary was unhappy. Он Вам нужен. You need him. You need him. Том всех нас вдохновил. Tom inspired us all. Tom inspired us all. Ти мене чув? Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Ми не знайдемо Тома. We're not going to find Tom. We won't find Tom. Я никогда не называла его идиотом. I never called him an idiot. I never called him an idiot. Я уже умею говорить по-французски. I can already speak French. I'm already able to speak French. Не хвилюйся. Don't worry! Don't worry. Резюме — це лише реклама. A resume is just an advertisement. The summary is just an advertisement. Я кладуся спаць! I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed! Я заўжды задаволены, калі скончыў частку працы. I always feel pleased when I've finished a piece of work. I'm always satisfied when I'm finished with part of the job. Том перехитрив мене. Tom outsmarted me. Tom intercepted me. Талін — сталіца Эстоніі. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Talin is Estonia’s capital. Demetrius узводзіць на мяне паклёп! Demetrius is slandering me! Demetrius brings upon me the clasps! Том и Мэри делали это много раз. Tom and Mary have done that many times. Tom and Mary did it many times. Я не знала, що Том має на увазі. I didn't know what Tom meant. I didn't know what Tom meant. Я руководитель Тома. I'm Tom's mentor. I'm Tom's head. Прости, я совершенно забыл об этом. Sorry, I had completely forgotten about it. I'm sorry, I completely forgot about that. Если растениям не хватает воды, они могут перегреться. If plants don’t get enough water, they can overheat. If plants lack enough water, they can overheat. Скажите им, чтобы сняли трубку. Tell them to pick up the phone. Tell them to take the phone off. Иногда необходимо говорить правду. Sometimes it's necessary to tell the truth. Sometimes it is necessary to speak the truth. Як вы гэта здзейсніце? How are you going to carry it out? How do you do that? Я тебе вб'ю. I will kill you. I'll kill you. Том був шпигуном. Tom was a spy. Tom was a spy. Ви обманюєте! You're lying! You're lying! Вона боїться собак. She is afraid of dogs. She's afraid of dogs. Яна обдурила його. Yana fooled him. She fooled him. Том нас ждёт. Tom is waiting for us. Tom's waiting for us. «Ты злуеш на мяне?» — «Так, крышачку». "Are you angry with me?" "Yes, a little bit." "Do you look angry at me?" "Yes, box." Том втратив чоловіка кілька місяців тому. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Мы можем подождать здесь? Can we wait here? Can we wait here? У Тома слабое сердце. Tom has a weak heart. Tom's got a weak heart. Чому б Том зробив це з Мері? Why would Tom do that to Mary? Why would Tom do that to Mary? Я вдвічі старша від тебе. I'm twice as old as you are. I'm twice as old as you. Цэзар не меў мабільнага тэлефона. Caesar had no mobile phone. Caesar had no mobile phone. Никто не мог нас видеть. No one could see us. No one could see us. Его решение спасло ему жизнь. His decision saved his life. His decision saved his life. Колькі год вы ўжо гуляеце ў гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years have you been playing golf? Він перестрибнув через калюжу. He jumped across the puddle. He jumped across the bed. Не поздравляйте меня! Don't congratulate me! Don't congratulate me! Вьсıакъı оуже єсмь ти ис пълна простилъ. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. You're the one who made it. Я не позволил Тому сделать то, что он хотел. I didn't let Tom do what he wanted to do. I didn't let him do what he wanted. Авто на улїци. A car is in the street. A car in the street. Я вельмі сарамлівая. I'm very shy. I am very shy. Ніхто не бачив Тома. Nobody's seen Tom. No one saw Tom. Я живу в городе, но мои родители жили в деревне. I live in a city, but my parents lived in a village. I live in town, but my parents lived in a village. Я теж на пенсії. I'm retired, too. I'm retired, too. Жінка Тома лишила його три місяці тому. Tom's wife left him three months ago. Tom's wife left him three months ago. Життя коротке, отже не марнуйте ваш час. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Life is short, so do not waste your time. Я ненавиджу несподіванки. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Том має дві подружки. Tom has two girlfriends. Tom has two girlfriends. Я уверен, что Том об этом не знал. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. Эта песня всегда напоминает мне о моём детстве. The song always reminds of my childhood. This song always reminds me of my childhood. Я не безграмотна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Я тільки що прийшов зі школи. I just got back from school. I just came from school. Том не похож ни на одного из своих родителей. Tom doesn't look like either of his parents. Tom doesn't look like any of his parents. Що на неї найшло? What's gotten into her? What did you find? Она знает психологию своего мужа. She knows her husband's psychology. She knows her husband's psychology. Я слишком устала, чтобы сконцентрироваться на этой проблеме прямо сейчас. I'm too tired to concentrate on this problem right now. I'm too tired to concentrate on this right now. Думаю, я зможу це зробити сам. I think I'll be able to do that by myself. I think I can do it myself. Тома завтра кремируют. Tom will be cremated tomorrow. Tom's getting cremated tomorrow. На всьому острові є лише одна крамниця. There is only one store on the whole island. There is only one store on the whole island. Выпусти кота. Let the cat out. Let the cat out. Він вирішив поїхати з нами. He decided to come with us. He decided to come with us. Все это делают. Everyone does it. Everyone's doing it. О котрій годині це трапилося? What time did that take place? At what time did this happen? Вы не должны курить, пока работаете. You must not smoke while working. You don't have to smoke while you're working. У неё красивый почерк. She has beautiful handwriting. She's got a beautiful handwriting. Я не магу табе яго даць. I can't give it to you. I can't give thee it. Мері не покінчила життя самогубством. Mary didn't kill herself. Mary did not commit suicide. Це пофарбував Том. Tom painted that. That's what Tom painted. «Если позволишь мне, бабушка, я хотела бы задать три кое-каких вопроса». — «Ладно, — сказала старая ведьма, — но только помни, что всякий вопрос до добра не доводит. Много будешь знать — скоро состаришься. Так что ты хочешь спросить?» "If thou wilt allow me, grandmother, I wish to ask thee some questions." "Well," said the old witch, "only remember that every question does not lead to good. If thou knowest overmuch, thou wilt grow old too soon. What wilt thou ask?" "If you let me, Grandma, I'd like to ask three questions." "OK," said the old witch, "but just remember that every question doesn't work well. Чоловік, що чекає в коридорі, не хоче називатися. The man waiting in the lobby wouldn't give me his name. The man waiting in the corridor doesn't want to be called. Ты ведаеш гэта? Do you know this? Do you know it? Трапився нещасний випадок. There has been an accident. An accident occurred. Я гарніший, ніж ви. I am more beautiful than you. I'm better than you. Вы моете руки перед едой? Do you wash your hands before meals? You're putting your hands on before eating? Она очень мудрая мать. She's a very wise mother. She's a very wise mother. Том та Мері роблять багато чого разом. Tom and Mary do lots of things together. Tom and Mary do a lot of things together. Ми вже поїли. We've already eaten. We've already eaten. Это кот. It is a cat. It's a cat. Туда всего три часа лететь. It's only a three-hour flight. It's only three hours. Навіщо народжувати дітей, якщо можна усиновити? Why have kids when you can adopt? Why give birth to children if they can be adopted? Мы забрали Тома домой. We took Tom home. We took Tom home. Я никогда их даже не видел. I never even saw them. I've never even seen them. Нет ничего лучше этого. There's nothing better than that. There's nothing better than this. Ніякім чынам. No way. No way. Не выношу непослушных детей. I cannot tolerate naughty children. I'm not blaming mischievous children. Это предложение неясно написано. This sentence isn't written clearly. The proposal is not clearly written. Я яго не цалавала. Ён пацалаваў мяне. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him. Он ходит в школу для глухих. He goes to a school for the deaf. He goes to school for the deaf. Гэта занадта дорага! It's too expensive! It is too expensive! Чим займається ваш батько? What's your father do? What is your father doing? Я репортёр. I'm a reporter. I'm a reporter. Я тоже нервничаю. I'm nervous, too. I'm nervous, too. Тобі слід навчитися стримуватися. You should learn to restrain yourself. You need to learn to hold back. Я знаю, што заўсёды магу на цябе разлічваць. I know that I can always count on you. I know I can always count on you. Я чудово розважився на твоїй вечірці. I had a fantastic time at your party. I had a great time at your party. Том в офисе. Tom is at the office. Tom's in the office. Це брехня. That is a lie. That's a lie. Хто навучыў вас танцаваць? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Я навчив дружину водити. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to drive. Чому ви не сказали мені цього раніше? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me that before? Обожнюю французьку. I love French. I love French. Боюсь, у меня не будет времени. I'm afraid I won't have the time. I'm afraid I won't have time. Том вступив до Церкви Сатани. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Я лічу, што ён мае рацыю. In my opinion, he is correct. I believe he's right. Мънога хвала. Many thanks. A lot of praise. Том пробуждается от глубокого сна. Tom wakes from a deep sleep. Tom's getting into deep sleep. Вона прогуляла школу. She skived off school. She took a walk at school. Место есть. There's room. There is a place. Я теж згодна. I also agree. I agree, too. Повечеряєш зі мною? Will you have dinner with me? Will you join me for dinner? Ми з Томом часто граємо в більярд. Tom and I often play pool. Tom and I often play billionaire. Одна из двух девушек улыбнулась Тому. One of the two girls smiled at Tom. One of the two girls smiled at Tom. Он сказал мне, что ему нужно больше времени. He told me he needed more time. He told me he needed more time. Будь ласка, ще не йди. Please don't leave yet. Please don't go yet. Отворяй ворота. Open the gate. Break the gate. Ти хотів сказати саме це? Is that what you wanted to say? That's what you wanted to say? Я вас не понял. I didn't understand you. I don't understand. Том випікає печиво по неділях. Tom bakes cookies on Sundays. Tom drinks cookies on Sundays. Ваша дружина вміє водити машину? Can your wife drive? Does your wife know how to drive? Я сделал всё, что Том велел мне сделать. I did everything Tom told me to do. I did everything Tom told me to do. Що за затримка? What is the delay? What's the delay? Візьміть лише одну. Take only one. Take only one. Они выжили, несмотря на то что здание было разрушено. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. They survived, even though the building was destroyed. Чем мы занимались? What were we doing? What did we do? Бажаєш ще трохи чаю? Do you want some more tea? Do you want some more tea? Я лише намагаюся допомогти. I'm just trying to be helpful. I'm just trying to help. Ми не робили нічого поганого. We weren't doing anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Он хороший парень, но мне не нравится. He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him. He's a good guy, but I don't like him. Нам нужно имя этой женщины. We need that woman's name. We need the name of this woman. Ти повинен бути обережним, обираючи своїх друзів. You must be careful in choosing your friends. You need to be careful when choosing your friends. Ми не можемо сказати Тому. We can't tell Tom. We can't tell Tom. Алмаз - драгоценный камень. The diamond is a precious stone. Diamond is a precious rock. Я таксама граю на сінтэзатары ў маім гурце. I also play keyboard in my band. I also play sexist in my guzzle. Я зустрінусь з Томом. I'll meet Tom. I'll meet Tom. Це ти? Is that you? Is that you? Обратите внимание на то, как игрок использует локти. Notice how the player uses his elbows. Consider how a player uses elbows. У Мэри карие глаза. Mary has hazel eyes. Mary's got brown eyes. Я намагаюся трохи відпочити. I'm trying to get some rest. I'm trying to get some rest. Мені не потрібен комп'ютер. I don't need a computer. I don't need a computer. Я осознаю опасность. I'm aware of the danger. I'm aware of the danger. Я пайду, калі ты пойдзеш. I'll go if you go. I'll go when you go. Чемоу ми єси не повѣлъ? Why didn't you tell me? Why aren't we supposed to be? Том та Мері сказали, що вони не хворі. Tom and Mary said they aren't sick. Tom and Mary said they were not sick. Нє вѣсть чьто жє дѣıати кѹнамъ своимъ. He doesn't know what to do with his money. There's no one else who's going to do it. У вас є постійна робота? Are you employed? Do you have a regular job? К счастью, сегодня Тому намного лучше, чем вчера. Fortunately, today Tom is much better than he was yesterday. Fortunately, that's far better today than yesterday. Том у глибокому нокауті. Tom's out cold. Tom's in deep knockout. Я вас не ведаю. I don't know you. I don't know you. Том даже не попытался понять. Tom didn't even try to understand. Tom didn't even try to understand. Він ще у вас? Do you still have it? Is he still with you? Шахматыстка аб’явіла суперніцы шах. The chess player put his opponent in check. Chess revealed a rival's chess. Том, можливо, вже пішов. Tom might've left already. Tom may already be gone. Забавяли сце ше, агей. You had some fun, didn't you? It's my neck, huh? Вы себе глаза испортите. You're going to ruin your eyes. You're gonna ruin your eyes. Ти дав мені лише п'ятдесят центів. You gave me only fifty cents. You only gave me fifty cents. Том слухає. Tom has been listening. Tom is listening. Иностранцам трудно привыкнуть к японской пище. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Foreigners find it difficult to become accustomed to Japanese food. Мы не можем убить Тома. We can't kill Tom. We can't kill Tom. Почему на тебе моё платье? Why are you wearing my dress? Why is my dress on you? Коран було перекладено на багато мов. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Koran was translated into many languages. Хіба ви не чоловік Мері? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Надеюсь, я смогу пробыть здесь долго. I hope I can be here a long time. I hope I can stay here for a long time. Я був наївний. I was naive. I was naive. Том примусив мене поклястися, що я більше цього не робитиму. Tom made me swear never to do that again. Tom made me swear I won't do it anymore. Я взял мой зонт, опасаясь дождя. I took my umbrella for fear of rain. I took my umbrella for fear of the rain. Он опустил стекло. He rolled down his window. He put down the glass. Она не ошибается. She is not wrong. She's not mistaken. Це не те місце, куди я хотів, щоб ти пішов. That's not where I wanted you to go. It's not where I wanted you to go. Том хотел удивить Марию. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Tom wanted to surprise Maria. Моя стиральная машина сломалась. My washing machine broke. My washing machine broke down. Вибори були в листопаді. The election was in November. The election was in November. Нямае руж без шыпоў. There are no roses without thorns. There are no roses without spikes. Том подякував Мері за подарункову картку. Tom thanked Mary for the gift card. Tom thanked Mary for her gift card. Крьни собѣ чего ѣсти. Buy yourself something to eat. Oh, shit, shit, shit. Том припаркувався на проїзді. Tom parked his car in the driveway. Tom parked on the driveway. Звідки в тебе цей ключ? Where did you get this key? Where'd you get this key? Том та Мері бояться Джона. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Я думаю, вы спешите. I assume you're in a hurry. I think you're in a hurry. Я ненавиджу своїх батьків. I hate my parents. I hate my parents. Сподіваюся, вони нас не побачать. I hope they don't see us. I hope they won't see us. Почему вы так сказали? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Ви поранені? Are you wounded? Are you hurt? Пожалуйста, пожелайте мне удачи. Please wish me luck. Please, wish me luck. Вона не буде вечеряти. She isn't having dinner. She won't have dinner. Том — младший брат Марии. Tom is Mary's younger brother. Tom is Maria's younger brother. Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on the ladder and painted the table. Я ніколи не їздив до Бостона. I've never gone to Boston. I never went to Boston. Ён ведае, што ён у небяспецы. He is aware of his danger. He knows he's in danger. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. That's not the only problem. Том взял себе пиво. Tom got himself a beer. Tom took a beer. За кого ти мене приймаєш? Who do you think I am? Who are you taking me for? Том должен расслабиться. Tom should relax. Tom needs to relax. Я сказав, що спробую. I said that I'd try. I said I'd try. Сколько сейчас времени в Токио? What time is it in Tokyo? How much time is it in Tokyo now? Звідки ти так багато знаєш про історію Японії? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about Japan's history? Барбару забіў Элістэр. It was Alister who killed Barbara. Barbara killed Elister. Ці ты ў сябе? Are you home? Are you yourself? Він вийшов за мого брата. He married my brother. He went out for my brother. Ты выглядаеш як дурань. You look stupid. You look like a fool. Што вы гатуеце? What are you cooking? What are you thinking? «Эй, Зельда! Как дела?» — «Да ничего, Линк». — «Думаешь? А по-моему, тебя б поцеловать, а?» — «По-моему, нет». "Hey, Zelda! What's up? "Nothing, Link." "You sure? I think you wanna kiss, huh?" "I think not." "Hey, Zelda, what's going on?" "It's okay, Linc." "Do you think, but I think you'd be kissed, but?" "No, I don't think." Почему многие языковые курсы неэффективны? Why is it that many language courses are ineffective? Why have many language courses not been effective? Почему вы верите Тому? Why do you believe Tom? Why do you believe Tom? Ти знаєш, наскільки сильно Том ненавидить робити це. You know how much Tom hates doing that. You know how much Tom hates doing it. Він усміхнувся мені у відповідь. He answered me with a smile. He smiled back at me. Хто ще тобі допомогав? Who else helped you? Who else helped you? Возьмите ещё. Have another. Take more. Он вылез из постели. He got out of bed. He got out of bed. Том сказал, что Мэри довольна. Tom said that Mary was satisfied. Tom said Mary was happy. Я трохи хворий. I'm a little sick. I'm a little sick. У меня похмелье. I'm hungover. I've got a hangover. Ви одружена? Are you married? You're married? Цо вецей би сом могол жадац? What more could I want? Is that what you'd be asking for? Том сказав Мері те, що йому сказав Джон. Tom told Mary what John had told him. Tom told Mary what John told him. Он попытался сочинить короткую историю. He tried writing a short story. He tried to create a short story. Том не помиляється. Tom isn't mistaken. Tom is not mistaken. Я подам на тебе в суд. I'll sue you. I'll take you to court. Што лёгка прыходзіць, тое лёгка сыходзіць. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. What easily comesth, then easily departs. Я забыл полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to fill the flowers. Я кладу вершки до своєї кави. I put cream in my coffee. I'm putting the cream in my coffee. Я должна им это объяснить. I have to explain this to them. I have to explain it to them. Привіт, як ти? Hi, how're you doing? Hey, how are you? Том та Мері знають? Do Tom and Mary know? Do Tom and Mary know? У Тома є діти й онуки. Tom has kids and grandkids. Tom's got kids and grandchildren. Італійці не їдять спагеті ложкою. Italians don't eat spaghetti with a spoon. Italians don't eat spaghetti with a spoon. Том сказал, что я выгляжу уставшей. Tom said that I looked tired. Tom said I looked tired. Это всё, что она написала. That's all she wrote. That's all she wrote. Бог может всё! God can do anything! God can do it! У меня уйдёт слишком много времени на объяснение, почему это не сработает. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. I'll have too much time to explain why this doesn't work. Чому б тобі не взяти з собою парасольку, просто про всяк випадок? Just to be on the safe side, why don't you take an umbrella with you? Why don't you take a umbrella with you just in case? Просто допоможіть мені. Just give me a hand. Just help me. Хочешь ещё раз попробовать? Do you want to try again? Do you want to try again? Люсі абавязкова прыйдзе. Lucy is certain to come. Lucy is bound to come. Ти цим і хочеш зайнятися, еге ж? That's what you want to do, isn't it? That's what you want to do, isn't it? Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. Bears can climb trees. Bears can climb trees. Яна на галаву ніжэй за мяне. She's a head shorter than I am. She's on her head below me. Зхопити Тома. Grab Tom. Pick up Tom. Здається, ти починаєш втомлюватися. I think you must be getting tired. I think you're starting to get tired. Томоко едва не заплакала. Tomoko almost started to cry. Tomoco didn't cry. Как вам мой рассказ? What do you think about my short story? How's my story for you? Когда Тома арестовали? When was Tom arrested? When was Tom arrested? Не кажы, што ты ніколі не закохвалася. Don't tell me you were never in love. Don't say you never fell in love. Как вы думаете, что скажет Том, когда об этом узнает? What do you think Tom will say when he finds out about this? What do you think Tom will say when he finds out? Я изо всех сил пытался. I struggled. I tried my best. Идите прямо. Go straight. Come straight. Що б не трапилося, я лишуся з тобою. No matter what happens, I'll stay with you. Whatever happens, I'll stay with you. Полиции удалось связать данные ДНК Тома с местом преступления. The police were able to link Tom's DNA to the crime scene. The police were able to link Tom's DNA to the crime scene. Хто тобі сказав, що я це зробив? Who told you I did that? Who told you I did it? Том заслуговує на підвищення по службі. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves promotion. Это интересные новости. It's an interesting piece of news. That's interesting news. Я уверен, что никогда её прежде не видел. I'm sure I never saw her before. I'm sure I've never seen her before. Я всем сыта по горло. I am fed up with everything. I'm all on my throat. Що ти хочеш, щоб я з цим зробив? What do you want me to do with this? What do you want me to do about it? Можливо, вже запізно. It might be too late. Maybe it's too late. Хотите, она останется? Do you want her to stay? Do you want her to stay? Што здарылася дваццатага кастрычніка? What happened on October 20? What happened to the twentieth of October? Том - професійний хокеїст. Tom is a professional hockey player. Tom's a professional hockeyist. Де магазин? Where is the store? Where's the store? Не пиши красными чернилами. Don't write in red ink. Don't write red ink. Том кашлял. Tom coughed. Tom coughed. Ти щось чула? Have you heard anything? Did you hear anything? Том був першим учителем Мері. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was the first teacher to teach Mary. Это временное условие. It's a temporary condition. It's a temporary condition. Сомневаюсь, что Том и Мэри всё ещё дома. I doubt that Tom and Mary are still home. I doubt Tom and Mary are still at home. Я абсолютно гола. I'm completely naked. I'm completely naked. Можа, Вы ведаеце, як адсюль дабрацца ў горад? Do you happen to know how to get downtown from here? Can you know how to get into town from here? Малыш плачет, потому что теперь он голодный. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. The kid's crying because he's hungry now. Не. Ён не любіць воду! No. He doesn't like water! No, he doesn't like water! Це може з кожним трапитися. It could happen to anybody. It can happen to everyone. Не могли бы Вы оказать мне услугу? Could you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor? Завтра они собираются пожениться. They are going to get married tomorrow. They're getting married tomorrow. Я жалею, что приехал в Бостон. I regret coming to Boston. I'm sorry to come to Boston. Мне плацяць 10 долараў за гадзіну. I am paid 10 dollars an hour. I'll pay $10 an hour. Я её сперва не узнал. I couldn't recognize her at first. I didn't know her first. Я ушёл в отставку. I've resigned. I resigned. Моя шея слегка болит. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little bit. Я прийшов сюди, щоб побути одному. I came here to be alone. I came here to be alone. Опасность миновала. The danger is over. The danger has been over. Тут в неї багато друзів. She has a lot of friends here. She's got a lot of friends here. Народ Тома любит. People like Tom. Tom's people love it. Я люблю маму. I love my mom. I love mom. Цей пацієнт може померти в будь-який момент. That patient may die at any time. This patient can die at any time. Том посмотрел на часы. Tom looked at his watch. Tom looked at the watch. Мне трэба, каб мяне абнялі. I need a hug. I need to be accepted. Я показал моим друзьям эти открытки. I showed my friends these picture postcards. I showed my friends these postcards. Мені шкода, що Том так вважає. I'm sorry that Tom thinks that way. I'm sorry Tom thinks so. Я поднимался на гору Фудзи три раза. I have climbed Mt. Fuji three times. I went up Mount Fuji three times. Ти й насправді думаєш, що я б зробила це? Do you really think I'd do that? You really think I'd do that? Тепер розумію. I understand now. Now I understand. Том налил Мэри чашку чая. Tom poured Mary a cup of tea. Tom poured Mary a cup of tea. Я хотел бы поговорить с тобой наедине. I'd like to speak to you in private. I'd like to talk to you alone. Когда разбогатею, я куплю ферму. When I'm rich, I'll buy a farm. When I'm rich, I'll buy a farm. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було тринадцять років. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Tom’s parents died when he was thirteen. Том чхає. Tom is sneezing. Tom sneezes. Кто вам сказал, где меня найти? Who told you where to find me? Who told you where to find me? Бог дав, бог і взяв. God gives, and God takes away. God gave it, God took it. Ты хочешь, чтобы я зашла? You want me to come in? You want me to come in? Вантажівка збила собаку. A truck hit the dog. A truck hit the dog. Я на них не нападал. I didn't attack them. I didn't attack them. Мені стало краще. I've gotten better. I'm getting better. Двері відчиняються о другій тридцять дня. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. The door opens at thirty o'clock. Сіні колер табе пасуе. Blue looks good on you. The blue color belongs to you. Том показав Мері свій сад. Tom showed Mary his garden. Tom showed Mary his garden. Я пошёл дальше. I kept on walking. I'm moving on. Вы плохо выглядите. You look bad. You don't look well. Скільки років цій церкві? How old is that church? How old is this church? Це найдорожчі туфлі, які я коли-небудь бачила. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. These are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Мы с Томом вместе поели. Tom and I ate together. Tom and I ate together. Гаррі лише сорок років. Harry is only 40. Harry's only forty years old. Отвали! Я занят! Shove off! I'm busy! Get off me, I'm busy! Сто лет тебя не видел. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Том выглядел очень молодо. Tom looked very young. Tom looked very young. Она проста словно ребёнок. She is as simple as a child. She's just like a kid. Вчора я зустрів на вулиці Мері. Yesterday I met Mary on the street. I met Mary on the street yesterday. Я не просил тебя туда идти. I didn't ask you to go there. I didn't ask you to go there. Тримай вазу обома руками. Hold the vase with both hands. Hold the vase with both hands. Я даўно яе не бачыў. I haven't seen her for a long time. I hadn't seen her for a long time. Мне его на Рождество подарили. I got it for Christmas. I got it for Christmas. Я тебе майже не знаю. I barely know you. I hardly know you. Мэри уже убралась у себя в комнате? Has Mary cleaned her room yet? Is Mary out of her room yet? Время у вас есть. You've got time. You have time. Они спят вместе? Are they sleeping together? Are they sleeping together? Просто розслабся і будь самим собою. Just relax and be yourself. Just relax and be yourself. Спадар Спэнсэр працуе ў краме. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer is working in the shop. Том знал, почему не нравится Мэри. Tom knew why Mary didn't like him. Tom knew why Mary didn't like it. Где Джим? Where is Jim? Where's Jim? Вечірка у повному розпалі. The party is in full swing. A party full of flashes. Я очень этим гордилась. I was very proud of that. I was very proud of that. Для неё нет спасения. There's no escape for her. There's no salvation for her. Я сама їм зателефоную. I'll call them myself. I'll call them myself. Мы все знали, что это рано или поздно произойдёт. We all knew it would happen sooner or later. We all knew it would happen sooner or later. Том сказал, что точно не знает, во сколько он туда доберётся. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he certainly didn't know how long he'd get there. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала до Бостона з Джоном. Tom doesn't want Mary to go to Boston with John. Tom doesn't want Mary to go to Boston with John. Может быть, мне стоит пойти с Томом. Maybe I should go with Tom. Maybe I should go with Tom. Я решил, что не останусь. I have decided I won't stay. I thought I wouldn't stay. Он сидит со скрещенными ногами. He is sitting cross-legged. He's sitting with his legs crossed. Вы не теряете зря времени. You don't waste time. You don't lose your time. Том сказав мені, що не любить розмовляти французькою. Tom told me he didn't like speaking French. Tom told me he didn't like to speak French. Ми божевільні білки? Are we mad squirrels? Are we crazy squirrels? Я нікого не вбивав. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. Мы тебя знаем? Do we know you? Do we know you? Эта книга разбудит ваше воображение. This book will awaken your imagination. That book will wake your imagination. Том повернувся до готелю. Tom went back to the hotel. Tom went back to the hotel. Не рассказывайте Тому, что произошло на самом деле. Don't tell Tom what really happened. Don't tell me what really happened. У Тома вишуканий і розкішний будинок. Tom's house is quite posh. Tom has an elegant and luxurious home. Остановись, пожалуйста! Please stop it! Stop, please! Не згоден. I do not agree. I don't agree. Я думала, що Том — ваш друг. I thought Tom was your friend. I thought Tom was your friend. У мяне няма грошаў, але ёсць мары. I have no money, but I have dreams. I don't have money, but I have dreams. Никто не может это сделать. No one can do that. No one can do that. Это китайский или японский? Is this Chinese or Japanese? Is that Chinese or Japanese? Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста. Have a seat, please. Take a seat, please. Хороший был день. It's been a good day. It was a good day. Почему ты сначала Тому сказал? Why did you tell Tom first? Why did you say Tom first? Я думаю над тим, щоб поїхати з дружиною до Бостона наступного місяця. I'm thinking of going to Boston with my wife next month. I think about going with my wife to Boston the next month. Том подарував Мері діамантовий браслет. Tom gave a diamond bracelet to Mary. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet. Моя сестра схожа на нашу маму. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like our mom. Помідор — це фрукт чи овоч? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Tomato is fruit or vegetables? Я ді-джей. I'm a disc jockey. I'm a D.J. Ты павінен кінуць паліць. You should quit smoking. You must quit smoking. Том открыл дверь. Tom opened the door. Tom opened the door. Не нагадуй. Don't remind me. Don't remind me. В последнем году было много снега. Last year there was a lot of snow. There's been a lot of snow in the last year. Ты стаміўся, ці не так? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Ты мая лепшая сяброўка. You are my best friend. You're my best friend. Я ўжо зрабіла гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Я врешті-решт здав цей залік. I finally passed that test. I finally gave up this check. Характер у него выровнялся. His character evened out. The character of the person has been leveled. Вы будете ему звонить? Are you going to call him? Are you gonna call him? Вы имеете право на ваше мнение. You're entitled to your opinion. You have the right to your opinion. Він п'є помірну кількість кави. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks a moderate quantity of coffee. Ми багато випили. We drank a lot. We drank a lot. Поблагодарите его за помощь. Thank him for the help. Thank him for his help. Я не хочу знать, кто тебя целовал. I don't want to know who kissed you. I don't want to know who kissed you. Скажыце яму, што мы занятыя. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Шчаслівай Вальпургіевай ночы! Happy Walpurgis Night! Good walpurgis night! Она оправилась от шока после смерти отца. She got over the shock of her father's death. She recovered from the shock of her father’s death. Перепрошую за те, що я вас турбую, але чи не могли би ви допомогти мені? Sorry to trouble you, but can you help me? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me? Твои часы правильно идут? Is your watch right? Is your watch coming right? Я думала, мы подруги. I thought that we were friends. I thought we were friends. Я залишила твою парасольку в автобусі. I left your umbrella in the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. У деяких людей природжена щедрість. Generosity is innate in some people. Some people have innate generosity. Том упевнений в тому, що Мері невинна. Tom is convinced of Mary's innocence. Tom is certain that Mary is innocent. Пожалуйста, позвольте мне пойти. Please let me go. Please let me go. Том уяви не має, що робити. Tom has no idea what to do. Tom has no idea what to do. Гэта неабходна памыць. It needs washing. This must be remembered. Я не збирався співати цю пісню, але Том попросим мене, тому я її заспівав. I wasn't going to sing that song, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I wasn't gonna sing that song, but Tom would ask me, so I sang it. Вы знаете, что здесь происходит? Do you know what's going on here? Do you know what's going on here? Це було негарно з Вашого боку рогніватись на дружину. It was bad of you to get angry at your wife. It wasn't nice on your side to go to your wife. Она боялась путешествовать одна. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Я не хочу, чтобы ты была несчастна. I don't want you to be unhappy. I don't want you to be unhappy. Кот на столе спит. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat's sleeping on the table. Вони мене підозрюють? Do they suspect me? Are they suspicious of me? Я куплю їй пиво. I'll buy her a beer. I'll buy her a beer. Це вільна країна. It's a free country. It's a free country. Комната без книг, как тело без души. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A room without books, like a body without a soul. Мама поміряла мені температуру. My mother took my temperature. My mother took me to the temperature. Как ты его уговорил? How did you convince him? How did you get him? Мне было хорошо. I was good. I was fine. Він знав мене. He knew me. He knew me. История похожа на правду. The story seems true. History is truth. Том сделал свою часть. Tom did his part. Tom made his part. Це найкращий дарунок з тих що я коли-небудь отримувала. This is the most wonderful present I have ever received. It's the best gift I've ever received. Когда вы вернулись, я уже ушла. When you returned, I had already left. When you came back, I was gone. Том жив. Tom's alive. Tom's alive. Я чекаю на вашу відповідь. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. Я не знаю, когда он придёт сюда. I don't know when he'll come here. I don't know when he's coming here. Население Гонконга составляет свыше семи миллионов человек. The population of Hong Kong is in excess of seven million. Hong Kong’s population is over seven million. Стульев в комнате не было. There weren't any chairs in the room. There was no bullet in the room. Она сказала, что она Мэри. She said that she was Mary. She said she was Mary. Том умер на руках у Мэри. Tom died in Mary's arms. Tom died in Mary's arms. Позвони мне завтра утром, пожалуйста. Please phone me tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning, please. Я запізнююся на годину. I'm an hour late. I'm late for an hour. Я расскажу Тому, что ты так сказал. I'll tell Tom you said so. I'll tell you what you said. Том не хотел плакать. Tom didn't want to cry. Tom didn't want to cry. Час та обставини приносять мудрість. Time and circumstances bring wisdom. Time and circumstances bring wisdom. Том думал, что Мэри, наверное, не сдаст французский. Tom thought Mary would probably fail her French test. Tom thought Mary probably wouldn't give up French. Хутчэй! Hurry up. Hurry! Ты мусіш старанна працаваць. You should work hard. You have to work hard. Я выпустил собаку. I let the dog out. I let the dog out. Том закохався у героїв свого роману. Tom fell in love with the characters in his novel. Tom fell in love with the heroes of his novel. Мені подобається колір твоєї шкіри. I like the color of your skin. I like the color of your skin. Томе, ти не міг би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? Ти його брат, чи не так? You are his brother, right? You're his brother, aren't you? Сёння дзень кампліментаў. Заўтра будзе дзень абраз. Today is a day of compliments. Tomorrow will be a day of insults. Today is a day of complimentation. Том спросил Мэри, почему она плачет. Tom asked Mary why she was crying. Tom asked Mary why she was crying. Сколько живут черепахи? How long does a turtle live? How Many Tortoises Live? Том пролил свой кофе. Tom spilled his coffee. Tom spilled his coffee. Я не відволікаю? Am I interrupting? I'm not distracting? Пожалуйста, сделайте это. Please do it. Please, do it. Ти знав про плани Тома? Did you know what Tom's plans were? Did you know about Tom's plans? Я хочу, чтобы мне заплатили сегодня. I want to be paid today. I want to be paid today. Делай так, как тебе сказали. Do as you were told to do. Do as you were told. Вона не вре. She's not a liar. She's not lying. Кожного року мільйони людей помирають від голоду. Millions of people starve to death every year. Every year, millions of people starve to death. Том сбил его с ног. Tom knocked him down. Tom knocked him off his leg. Я поїхав з Африки назавжди. I left Africa forever. I left Africa for good. Ничто не сравнится со стаканом пива после долгого рабочего дня. There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. Nothing compares with a glass of beer after a long day’s work. Выкрашенный в белый, дом кажется больше. Painted white, this house looks bigger. It's painted white, it's more like a house. Я б хотів ще трохи води. I'd like a little more water. I'd like some more water. Я часто отримую від Тома листи. I often get letters from Tom. I often get Tom's letters. Ви знаєте турецьку? Do you know Turkish? Do you know a Turkish? Том идёт из школы домой. Tom is on his way home from school. Tom's coming home from school. Никогда не забывайте этого. Never forget it. Never forget that. Сосны могут достигать высоты тридцати метров. Pine trees can grow up to thirty meters tall. The pines can reach a height of 20 feet [30 m]. У нас для вас маленький сюрприз. We have a little surprise for you. We have a little surprise for you. Ты должен довести свой план до конца. You must go through with your plan. You have to get your plan to the end. Это плохой пример. It's a bad example. That's a bad example. Вы потеряетесь. You'll get lost. You're gonna lose it. Подожди-ка, ты сказал "девушка" или "парень"? Wait, did you say girlfriend or boyfriend? Wait, did you say girl or boyfriend? Ти сам це побачиш. You'll see it for yourself. You'll see it yourself. Я хотел его остановить. I wanted to stop him. I wanted to stop him. Мені здається, ти помиляєшся. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Том поїде до Бостона. Tom is going to go to Boston. Tom's going to Boston. Том сказал, что видел сегодня человека-невидимку. Tom said he saw the invisible man today. Tom said he saw an invisible man today. Сьогодні друге січня. Today is January 2nd. It's January two today. Вернусь поздно. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. Почуваюся амебою. I feel like an amoeba. I feel ammonium. Хто буде битися? Who'll fight? Who's going to fight? Усе намаганні доктара былі марныя, пацыент памёр. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the efforts of the doctor were in vain, the patient died. Тым часам мы пілі шмат салёнай вады. In the meantime we drank a lot of salt water. Meanwhile we were drinking a good deal of salt water. Я платник податків. I am a taxpayer. I'm a tax payer. Пойдём спать. Let's go to bed. Let's go to bed. Я бы выпил пива. I'd like a beer. I'd like a beer. На Томе был свитер Джона. Tom was wearing John's sweater. Tom had a sweater John. Я цілком певен, що ми переможемо. I'm pretty sure that we'll win. I'm pretty sure we're going to win. Ты мяне не папярэдзіў. You didn't warn me. You did not warn me. Он одет в белую хлопчатобумажную рубашку. He's wearing a white cotton shirt. He's wearing a white cotton shirt. Том любить головоломки. Tom likes brainteasers. Tom likes puzzles. Я не хачу нікога сёння бачыць. I don't want to see anybody today. I don't want to see anybody today. Эй, вы что делаете? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? Приходите послезавтра. Come the day after tomorrow. Come the day after tomorrow. Чому ви не розповіли Тому? Why didn't you tell Tom? Why didn't you tell Tom? Мне она нужна сегодня. I need it today. I need it today. Ти не гадаєш, що ти міг би це зробити? Don't you think you could do that? Don't you think you could do that? Ти тут жила? Did you live here? Did you live here? І, в якості останнього штриху, посип печиво шоколадом. As a final touch, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of the cookies. And, as the last stroke, it's chocolate. Говори з ним англійською. Speak English with him. Speak English to him. Я все одно ризикну висловити здогадку. I'll hazard a guess anyway. I'm still gonna run the risk of guessing. Том сказав, що не спатиме всю ніч. Tom said that he was going to stay up all night. Tom said he wouldn't sleep all night. Окуляри Самі десь в саду. Sami's glasses are somewhere in the garden. My glasses are somewhere in the garden. Это правда, что вы любите солёный кофе? Is it true you love salted coffee? Is it true you like salt coffee? Коли ти познайомилася з Томом? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Увидимся через две недели. See you in two weeks. I'll see you in two weeks. Его перевели в другой отдел. He got transferred to another department. He was transferred to another department. Вы вообще звонили ему? Did you ever call him? Did you call him at all? Я знал, что Том вряд ли проиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to lose. I knew Tom was unlikely to lose. Виходь на вулицю. Come outside. Go outside. Пожелайте мне удачи! Wish me luck. Wish me luck! Я не буду продавать свою душу. I won't sell my soul. I'm not selling my soul. Тебе нескладно знайти. You're not hard to find. It's not hard to find. Погано, коли відпустка так швидко закінчується. It's not good when vacation ends so fast. Bad when the vacation ends so quickly. Мы собираем одеяла для бездомных людей. We're collecting blankets for the homeless. We're collecting blankets for homeless people. Гадаю, цього тижня я буду зайнятий. I think I'll be busy this week. I think I'll be busy this week. О, тут матылёк! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, there's a butterfly! Я прыгажэйшая за цябе. I am more beautiful than you. I'm nicer than you. Вам немає чого робити? Don't you have anything to do? Don't you have anything to do? Оумѣѥши ли роусьскы? Do you speak Russian? Oomé, do you have roquois? Вона лише дитина. She is only a child. She's just a kid. Смотри ушами. See with your ears. Watch your ears. Он рано встаёт. He is an early riser. He gets up early. Том лише початківець. Tom is only a beginner. Tom's just a beginner. Я вяду свой дзённік на Google+, каб ніхто яго не прачытаў. I’m keeping my diary on Google+ so that no one reads it. I'll run my journal on Google+ so no one can read it. Я знаю, что ты влюблена в Тома. I know that you're in love with Tom. I know you're in love with Tom. Після цього він зняв окуляри. He took off his glasses after that. Then he removed his glasses. Я з ними працювала. I've worked with them. I worked with them. Я не могу отпустить его одного. I can't let him go alone. I can't let him go alone. Скажи ей, что я ремонтирую холодильник. Tell her that I am repairing the refrigerator. Tell her I'm repairing the refrigerator. Передай мне тот блокнот. Pass me that notebook. Give me that notepad. Я рада, что ты рада. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Я вимагаю, щоб ти це зробив просто зараз. I demand that you do that right now. I demand you do it right now. Вона має великі цицьки. She has big boobs. She's got big tits. Скажи мне, что вы шутите! Tell me you're kidding. Tell me you're kidding! И отец и мать Тома - учителя. Tom's mother and father are both teachers. And Tom's father and mother are teachers. Я хотів би прочитати вашу нову книжку. I'd like to read your new book. I would like to read your new book. Гонар не дазволіў яму папрасіць дапамогі. His pride didn't allow him to ask for help. Gonar did not let him ask for help. Я пытаюсь им помочь. I'm trying to help them. I'm trying to help them. Подякуй їй за допомогу. Thank her for the help. Thank her for helping her. Ти мене підвела. You've let me down. You let me down. На этот раз я его прощу. I'll give him another chance. This time, I'm gonna forgive him. Ваш адказ няслушны. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is incorrect. В тебе було багато часу. You had plenty of time. You've had a lot of time. Я чую музику фургона продавця морозива. I hear the music from the ice cream truck. I hear the music of the ice cream trucker. Проблема в тому, що сонячна енергія занадто дорога. The problem is that solar energy costs too much. The problem is, solar energy is way too expensive. Почему Том хотел сделать это сегодня? Why did Tom want to do that today? Why would Tom want to do that today? Ни Том, ни Мэри никогда не были в Бостоне. Both Tom and Mary have never been to Boston. Neither Tom nor Mary was ever in Boston. Посчитай. Do the math. Count it out. Что бы ты стал делать? What would you do now? What would you do? Том знає, що це зробила не Мері. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows it wasn't Mary who did it. Не шуміце. Don't make a noise. Don't be a fuss. Когда он начинается? When does it start? When does it start? Не отправляйте меня домой, пожалуйста! Don't send me home, please. Don't send me home, please! Не знаючи, що робити, я спитався в нього поради. As I did not know what to do, I asked him for advice. Not knowing what to do, I asked him for advice. Ми сподіваємося, що ви відвідаєте Бостон. We hope that you'll visit Boston. We hope you visit Boston. Не думаю, що я змогла би провести шість годин з вами наодинці. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours with you alone. У канцы сказа трэба ставіць кропку. At the end of the sentence one should put a period. You have to put a point at the end of the statement. Том швидко прийняв рішення. Tom made up his mind quickly. Tom quickly made a decision. Не забудь відправити листа. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. Я хотела бы увидеть начальника. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see the boss. И дѣтѧ се вѣсть. Any child knows it. And that's true. Відвали. Bugger off. Fuck off. Перестань корчити ту качину пику! Stop making that duck face! Stop hustling that coffer's face! Твои я вижу, а где мои? I see yours, but where are mine? I see yours, and where is mine? Том вимкнув музику. Tom turned off the music. Tom turned off the music. Він продовжив працювати. He kept on working. He kept working. Ви добре заробляєте, так? You make good money, don't you? You're doing a good job, aren't you? Нельзя оставлять малыша одного. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave your baby alone. Ці собаки твої? Are these dogs yours? These dogs are yours? Я хочу открыть собственный ресторан. I want to open my own restaurant. I want to open my own restaurant. У Тома было предчувствие, что Мэри приведёт своего нового парня на вечеринку. Tom had a hunch that Mary would bring her new boyfriend to the party. Tom had a feeling Mary would bring her new boyfriend to a party. Я можу стояти весь день і не втомитися. I can stand all day without getting tired. I can stand all day and not tire out. Англійська складна, еге ж бо? English is difficult, innit? English is complicated, isn't it? Запишіть це, будь ласка. Please write it down. Please write that down. Коли я був дитиною, я був дуже сором'язливим. I was very shy when I was a kid. When I was a kid, I was very shy. Як вам подобається це містечко? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Не дозволяй йому торкатися цього. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. Том нам не довіряє. Tom doesn't trust us. Tom doesn't trust us. Ти не могла би відчинити вікно? Would you mind opening the window? Could you open the window? Ненавіджу, калі мяне прымушаюць доўга чакаць. I hate when other people make me wait a long time. I hate when I'm forced to wait a long time. У мене на десять ручок більше, ніж у тебе. I have ten pens more than you do. I've got ten more hands than you. Если нужна помощь, скажи. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Ти завжди запізнюєшся. You're always late. You're always late. Том сказал, что поедет в Бостон. Tom said he would go to Boston. Tom said he was going to Boston. Том дозволяє Мері робити все, що вона хоче. Tom allows Mary to do whatever she wants. Tom allows Mary to do whatever she wants. Батьки люблять своїх дітей. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. Я спромігся забути мій гаманець. I contrived to leave my wallet behind. I managed to forget my wallet. Що Том хоче робити? What does Tom want to do? What does Tom want to do? Мне трудно решить эту проблему. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. It's hard for me to solve this problem. Том говорит, что Мэри нужно больше времени. Tom says Mary needs more time. Tom says Mary needs more time. Новое? Is it new? A new one? Ти би хотів мати ім'я Том? How would you like to be called Tom? Would you like to have a name for Tom? Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Clearly, there must be a local hospital. Он исчез в толпе. He disappeared in the crowd. He disappeared in the crowd. Можєши ѧти чьто жє хочєши. You may take everything you want. You can eat something you want. Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom didn't speak French? Том помер за ваші гріхи. Tom died for your sins. Tom died for your sins. Вона має фотографію. She has a picture. She's got a picture. Кто ваш отец? Who is your father? Who's your father? Дозвольте мені знову вас поцілувати. Allow me to kiss you again. Let me kiss you again. У цьому випадку ти помиляєшся. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you're wrong. Ён цікавіцца будызмам. He's interested in Buddhism. He was interested in edifying. Та й шкода ж! What a pity! I'm sorry! Сеть огромная. The net is huge. The network is huge. Я зроблю вам кави. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Можна мені спробувати? Can I try? Can I have a try? Том не сказав Мері, чому вона йому не подобається. Tom didn't tell Mary why he didn't like her. Tom didn't tell Mary why he didn't like her. Том по-настоящему опасен. Tom is really dangerous. Tom is really dangerous. Я б хотів ще масла. I'd like some more butter. I'd like some more oil. Калі Вы ствараеце на Татоэбе сказы на турэцкай і эстонскай, вельмі верагодна, што Вы — boracasli. If you create sentences in Turkish and Estonian on Tatoeba, there's a large chance that you're boracasli. If you're building a Tatobé saying to the Turkish and Estonians, it's very likely that you're a borakasli. Она ему, похоже, нравится. He seems to like her. He seems to like her. Чому ви так рано приїхали? Why did you arrive so early? Why are you here so early? Между ними существует заметная разница. There is a marked difference between them. There is a marked difference between them. Том не любіць хатніх жывёл. Tom is not fond of pets. Tom doesn't like pets. Ми впевнені в його успіху. We are sure of his success. We are confident of his success. Мы останавливали прохожих. We were stopping passers-by. We stopped passing through. Том перевернув карту і побачив, що це був виновий туз. Tom flipped over the card and saw that it was the ace of spades. Tom flipped the map and saw that it was the ace's fault. Я думал, ты любишь Тома. I thought that you loved Tom. I thought you loved Tom. Хто грає на піаніно? Who plays the piano? Who's playing the piano? Мы хочам мяса. We want meat. We want meat. Мне необязательно делать это завтра. I don't have to do that tomorrow. I don't need to do this tomorrow. Великобританія складається с Уельсу, Англії та Шотландії. Great Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland. Britain is made up of Wales, England, and Scotland. Нет, она никогда не влюблялась. No, she has never fallen in love. No, she never fell in love. Ми можемо вимкнути телевізор? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Том — моя дитина. Tom is my kid. Tom is my child. Я иду на работу. I'm going to work. I'm going to work. Мама научила меня не тратить зря деньги. My mother taught me not to waste money. My mother taught me not to waste my money. Вона втратила свідомість, але за кілька хвилин прийшла до себе. She fainted, but came to after a few minutes. She fainted, but within a few minutes she came to her senses. Чьто ѣсть Кенъ? What is Ken eating? Who's Kenny? Я знаю, что ты работаешь на них. I know you're working for them. I know you work for them. Я не понимаю, почему мне нужно было это делать. I don't understand why I needed to do that. I don't understand why I had to do this. Хто гэта зробіць? Who'll do that? Who'll do it? Ви на три роки молодша, ніж Том. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Я клієнтка. I'm a client. I'm a client. Том ліг у ліжко. Tom got into bed. Tom's gone to bed. Ви знали, що Том поїхав з міста? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Він також говорить французькою. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Патрик не вміє як слід писати. Patrick cannot write properly. Patrick doesn't know how to write. Тому потрібно бути вдома до 2:30. Tom needs to be home by 2:30. So you have to be at home by 2:30 a.m. Нам нужны действия, а не слова. We need action, not words. We need action, not words. Ці ты сур'ёзна? Are you serious? Are you serious? Ти отримуєш задоволення від поразок? Do you enjoy losing? Are you enjoying defeat? Я сделал это сегодня впервые. I did that today for the first time. I did it for the first time today. Том на кухне, моет посуду. Tom is in the kitchen, washing dishes. Tom's in the kitchen, the detergent. Если бы я знала это, я бы сказала тебе. If I'd known it, I'd have told you. If I knew it, I'd tell you. Ну и мерзавец! What a heel! That's an idiot! Том совсем этого не ожидал. Tom didn't expect this at all. Tom didn't expect it at all. Том — сексолог. Tom is a sexologist. Tom is a sexist. Це підробка. That's an imitation. It's a fake. Тримайтеся подалі від моєї дівчини. Stay away from my girlfriend. Stay away from my girlfriend. Я спробувала зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Том просто добре проводить час. Tom is just having a good time. Tom just had a good time. Ты выглядишь как девочка. You look like a girl. You look like a girl. Том, похоже, вас не узнал. Tom didn't seem to recognize you. Tom looks like he didn't recognize you. Том всё ещё оплакивает смерть своей собаки. Tom is still lamenting the death of his dog. Tom still mourns the death of his dog. Ось ці свіжі. These are fresh. Here's the fresh ones. Гэта найлепшае кіно, якое я калісьці глядзела. This is the best movie I've ever seen. It's the greatest movie I've ever watched. Мне нужен будет парик. I'm going to need a wig. I'll need a belt. Том начинает лысеть. Tom is beginning to lose his hair. Tom's starting to swirl. Треба викликати поліцію. We have to call the police. We have to call the police. Вы уверены, что родители разрешат вам пойти? Are you sure your parents will allow you to go? Are you sure your parents will let you go? По-моему, Том добрый. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's good. Я не очень люблю Тома. I don't like Tom very much. I don't love Tom very much. Чому ви це робите? Why do you do that? Why are you doing this? Том в порядке. Tom is doing well. Tom's fine. Я залишилась після школи, щоб допомогти прибрати класну кімнату. I stayed after school to help clean the classroom. I stayed after school to help clean up the classroom. Ты не найдёшь здесь работу. You won't find work here. You won't find a job here. Нарэшце мы адныя. We're finally alone. At last we leave. Тебе не поймать Тома. You're not going to catch Tom. You can't catch Tom. Він мені завжди подобався. I've always liked him. I always liked him. Дзякуй! Thank you. Thank you! Ідзіце за мной. Follow me. Follow me. Я вчора купив книжку. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Том нерешителен. Tom is indecisive. Tom is indistinguishable. Вона зараз їсть. She is eating now. She's eating now. Том сказал, что ничего не знает об ограблении. Tom denied knowing anything about the robbery. Tom said he didn't know anything about the robbery. Вона дала мені сорочку. She has given me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. До того, як я відвідав Австралію, я й не уявляв, яка Японія маленька. I didn't realize till I visited Australia how small Japan really is. Before I visited Australia, I had no idea how small Japan was. Я стамілася глядзець тэлевізар. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Мэри сказала, что идея ей нравится. Mary said she liked my idea. Mary said she liked the idea. Так нормально? Is that okay? Is that okay? Ты памятаеш? Do you remember? Do you remember? Він заспівав. He began singing. He sang. Я подожду тебя тут. I'll wait for you here. I'll wait for you here. Не слишком ли солёное? Does it have too much salt? Isn't it too salty? Мені подобається товариство Тома. I enjoy Tom's company. I like Tom's company. То яблуко. This is an apple. It's an apple. Том прийняв пропозицію. Tom accepted the offer. Tom accepted the offer. Навіть не думай про це. Don't ever think that. Don't even think about it. Сделайте это осторожно. Do it gently. Do it carefully. Все нам верили. Everyone believed us. Everyone believed us. Том любить розмовляти. Tom likes to talk. Tom likes to talk. Твои родители об этом знают? Do your parents know about this? Do your parents know that? Жадность — корень всех зол. Greed is the root of all evil. Greed is the root of all wickedness. Коли ти почав працювати? What time do you start work? When did you start working? Поезд опоздал из-за аварии. The train was late because of an accident. The train was late for the accident. Обещаете никому ничего не рассказывать? Do you promise not to tell anybody anything? You promise not to tell anyone anything? Ви погодилися? Did you say yes? Did you agree? Ми не сперечаємося. We're not arguing. We're not arguing. Давайте что-нибудь другое посмотрим. Let's watch something else. Let's see something else. Том просто марнує час. Tom is just wasting time. Tom's wasting his time. Судья приговорила его к одному году тюрьмы. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Ты можешь добавлять предложения, которые не можешь перевести сам. Возможно, это сможет сделать кто-то другой! You can add sentences that you can't translate yourself. Maybe someone else can translate them! You can add proposals that you can't translate on your own, maybe it could be someone else! Ми вже співали цю пісню. We already sang that song. We've been singing this song before. Я хочу, чтобы её не было в моём доме. I want her out of my house. I want her out of my house. У мене йде кров із коліна. My knee is bleeding. I have blood from my knees. Я вам это сто раз говорил. I've told you so a hundred times. I told you that a hundred times. Я попытаюсь сказать это по-французски. I will try to say it in French. I'll try to say that in French. Я одолжил ему свой карандаш. I lent my pencil to him. I lent him my pencil. Я им помог. I helped them. I helped them. Мьнить ми сѧ оже єспєранъто сє тѧжькыи ѩзыкъ. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. That's what we've been eating since the osteoporous. Він ставиться байдуже до морозива. He does not care for ice cream. He doesn't care about ice cream. У тебя телефон несколько раз звонил, пока ты в душе был. Your phone rang several times while you were in the shower. Your phone rang a few times while you were in the shower. Месяцавую санату напісаў Бетховен. Moonlight Sonata was composed by Beethoven. The monthly santu was written by Beethoven. Подрастите немного. Grow up a little. You'll grow up a little. Мы так скучали по Тому. We missed Tom so much. We missed him so much. Японцы живут на рисе и рыбе. The Japanese live on rice and fish. Japanese live on rice and fish. Я засміялася. I started to laugh. I laughed. Всім байдуже, що ви думаєте. No one cares what you think. No matter what you think. Том ухаживает за лошадьми. Tom tends to the horses. Tom's taking care of the horses. Том не зробив нічого з того, що ми сказали йому зробити. Tom hasn't done anything we told him to do. Tom didn't do anything we told him to do. Том має втричі більше книжок, ніж я. Tom has three times as many books as I do. Tom has three times as many books as I do. Дѣливѣ коунъı сиѣ межю нама. Let's divide this money between you and me. He's got it on the border of nam. Дайте відповідь на питання! Answer the question! Answer the question! Але яму пашанцавала. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. Том вроде говорил, что Мэри из Австралии. I thought Tom said that Mary was from Australia. Tom was kind of saying Mary's from Australia. Время на нашей стороне. Time's on our side. Time is on our side. Множество голосов были сфабрикованы. Many of the votes were illegal. Many of the votes were fabricated. Мой адказ правільны? Is my answer correct? My answer is correct? Цей факт не був відомий дотепер. This fact was not known until now. This was not known until now. Мы не намеревались очернять наших соперников. We didn't mean to disparage our contenders. We didn't intend to denigrate our rivals. Во сколько поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does the train arrive at Boston? How long does a train arrive in Boston? Я знала, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Том сказав, що Мері пішла. Tom said Mary left. Tom said Mary was gone. Я держал его за воротник. I held him by the collar. I held him for the collar. Я просто уверен, что ты только что думал о чём-то пошлом. I just bet you were thinking something perverse just now. I'm just sure you just thought about something. Ой, у нас сахар закончился. Oh, we're out of sugar. Oh, sugar's over. Ви не повинні хвилюватися про завтрашній екзамен. You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam. You don't have to worry about the exam tomorrow. Я відмовляюся говорити з вами! I refuse to talk to you! I refuse to talk to you! Она — гордость своего класса. She is the pride of her class. She's proud of her class. Я амаль скончыў са справаздачай. I'm almost done with the report. I almost finished with the report. Відкрийте капот. Open the hood. Open the bonnet. Том йому довіряє. Tom trusts him. Tom trusts him. Том був без шкарпеток. Tom had no socks on. Tom was not wearing socks. Томъ тѧ любить. Tom loves you. Tom loves. Я повернуся о половині на сьому. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll be back at half past seven. Я не отримую задоволення від подорожей у великих групах. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I do not enjoy traveling in large groups. Мои руки устали. My arms are tired. My hands are tired. Машина Тома пропала. Tom's car is gone. Tom's car is gone. Передавай Тому от меня привет. Give my regards to Tom. Say hi to Tom from me. Ніхто не спазніўся. No one was late. No one late. Что будет с Томом? What will happen to Tom? What's going on with Tom? Что ты нашёл? What have you found? What did you find? Ти розповів Тому, чому хочеш поїхати до Бостона? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? Did you tell him why you want to go to Boston? Ми програли з рахунком 3-0. We lost the game 3-0. We lost the 3-0 bill. Снова и снова в нашей жизни появляются препятствия, некоторые называют их проблемами, другие говорят о возможностях для роста. Again and again there are challenges in our life. Some call them problems, others call them growth opportunities. Again and again, there are obstacles in our lives, some call them problems, others talking about opportunities for growth. Я не переконана, що Том говорить правду. I'm not convinced that Tom is telling the truth. I'm not sure Tom's telling the truth. Клас! Terrific! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Том хотел ещё раз попросить у Мэри прощения. Tom wanted to apologize to Mary again. Tom wanted to ask Mary to forgive me again. Я вас просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you to help me? Сестра моей матери - моя тётя. The sister of my mother is my aunt. My mother's sister is my aunt. Том у апошні час шмат хварэў. Tom has been sick a lot lately. Tom has been sick lately. Том удвічі старший від мене. Tom is twice as old as me. Tom is twice as old as I am. Супакойся, Том. Calm down, Tom. Take it easy, Tom. Смотри не забудь! Be sure to remember! Don't forget! Хіба ви не психолог? Aren't you a psychologist? Aren't you a psychologist? Он не остановил машину. He didn't stop the car. He didn't stop the car. Ужо прайшоў месяц. A month has already passed. Already passed the month. Халера! У швейцарскіх цягніках ёсць усё! Damn! Swiss trains have everything! The Swiss train has everything! Самі ацаніў іслам. Sami embraced Islam. And you did it in Islam. Я сів у таксі. I got in the taxi. I sat down in a cab. Я запрасіў Джэйн на абед. I invited Jane to dinner. I asked Jane for dinner. Я б хотів стати відомим футболістом. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I'd like to be a famous football player. Коли я в поганому гуморі, я починаю співати. When I'm in a bad mood, I start to sing. When I'm in bad humor, I start singing. У мене болить горло. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Налийте мені келих вина. Pour me a glass of wine. I need you to pour me a glass of wine. Он говорит, что он богат. He says he's rich. He says he's rich. Вони знайшли ведмежі сліди на снігу. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found bear marks on the snow. Хто хоче млинців? Who wants pancakes? Who wants pancakes? Том сказал, что ещё не хочет спать. Tom said that he isn't sleepy yet. Tom said he didn't want to sleep yet. Я не знаю, що я можу для вас зробити. I don't know what I can do for you. I don't know what I can do for you. Я готова. I am ready. I'm ready. Это слишком просто. It's too easy. It's too easy. Ты сам виноват. You're to blame. It's your fault. Тома укусила собака. Tom was bitten by a dog. Tom bit a dog. Том хоче свої гроші сьогодні. Tom wants his money today. Tom wants his money today. Количество билетов было ограничено. The number of tickets was limited. The number of tickets has been limited. То сладоляд. It's an ice cream. It's a sweet man. Я люблю танцювати. I like to dance. I love dancing. Я чувствовал, что что-то не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt something was wrong. Том каже, ти все ще голодний. Tom says you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Том не мав багато часу. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn't have much time. Том говорит, что может доказать, что Мэри этого не делала. Tom says he can prove Mary didn't do that. Tom says he can prove Mary didn't. Ѥси ми вьсе. You are everything to me. We're all right. Він продовжував. He went on doing it. He continued. Мені дуже лесно це чути. I'm really flattered to hear that. It's very foresty for me to hear. Але нiхто не мiг менi доромогти. But no man could help me. But no one could help me. Зачем ты перевёл это предложение? Why did you translate this sentence? Why did you translate that proposal? Я уверена, что Том поможет вам. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Калі ты прыехала ў Кітай? When did you arrive in China? When did you come to China? Учитель выгнал меня из класса. The teacher kicked me out of class. The teacher kicked me out of class. Я купил её для сестры. I bought this for my sister. I bought it for my sister. Заўтра дзень майго нараджэння. Tomorrow is my birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday. У той час у Японіі не было чыгункі. There were no railroads in Japan at that time. At the time, Japan had no railways. Я Тома давно не видел. I haven't seen Tom for a long time. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Я ему помогла. I helped him. I helped him. Закрой окно, перед тем как пойдёшь спать. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before you go to sleep. На його сорочці плями від соуса. His shirt was stained with sauce. It has a sauce stain on its shirt. Ты хочешь поехать за границу? Do you want to go abroad? You want to go abroad? Это самое глупое, что я когда-либо слышал. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Вы такой грубый! You're so rude. You're so rude! Я просто стараюсь быть осторожным. I'm just being careful. I'm just trying to be careful. Яго нечаканая хвароба ўтрымала нас ад падарожжа. His sudden illness deterred us from traveling. His sudden illness kept us from travelling. Я ніколи нічого нікому не сказав. I never said anything to anybody. I never said anything to anyone. Роздвигни завѣсъı. Open the drapes. Make it easy. Никто не предлагает тебе этим заниматься. Nobody's suggesting you do that. Nobody's asking you to do this. Я знала, что на тебя можно положиться! I knew I could rely on you! I knew I could trust you! Люди, які живуть у місці, не можуть пізнати задоволення від життя у селі. People living in town don't know the pleasures of country life. People who live in a place cannot enjoy life in a village. Эй, знаешь что? Hey, you know what? Hey, you know what? Это очень трудно. That's really hard. It's very hard. Чий це чай? Whose tea is this? Whose tea is it? У Тома есть телепатические способности. Tom has telepathic abilities. Tom's got telepathic powers. Це насправді нерозумно. That's really stupid. It's really silly. Вы яе забілі. You killed her. You killed her. Том в ужасе наблюдал. Tom watched in horror. Tom was terrified. Том як правило носить на роботу краватку. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Tom usually wears a tie to work. Выявілася, што Дэну важка прызвычаіцца да жыцця ў манастыры. Dan found it hard to adjust to life in the monastery. Well, it turns out that Dan has a hard time applying to life in a monarch. Я вполне уверен, что Том может это сделать. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. Я не чытаў жоднага яго раману. I haven't read any of his novels. I had not read any of his novels. У вас есть какие-нибудь другие предложения? Do you have any other suggestions? Do you have any other suggestions? Де мої батьки? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? Вы знаете, как зовут девушку Тома? Do you know Tom's girlfriend's name? Do you know the name of Tom's girlfriend? Ви лікарі. You're doctors. You're doctors. Здесь есть станция метро? Is there a metro station here? Is there a subway station here? Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We have to do it more. Она скорчила гримасу, когда увидела собаку. She made a face when she saw a dog. She fed the thunderuse when she saw the dog. Том когда-то преподавал мне французский. Tom used to teach me French. Tom used to teach me French. Можешь сказать это еще раз? Can you say that one more time? Can you say that again? Хочеш піти з нами на концерт? Do you want to go to the concert with us? You want to come to a concert with us? Ви знаєте чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know the man he's standing there? Ти такий милий. You're so sweet. You're so cute. Воно однакове. It's all the same. It's the same. Рада допомогти. I'm happy to help. I'm glad to help. Дитина жбурнула камінь у кішку. The child threw a stone at the cat. The baby rolled a stone into the cat. Мы прыбылі крыху запозна. We've arrived a little late. We came a little late. Ти з нами згоден? Do you agree with us? Do you agree with us? Это всё относится к работе. It's all work-related. It's all about work. Я пошёл в булочную. I went to the baker's. I went to the dormitory. Он лежит на траве. He is lying on the grass. It's on the grass. Тому удалили зуб мудрости. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. So the tooth of wisdom was removed. Я не вірю ні у що надприроднє, але мене захоплює літературний песонаж диявола. She doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but she is fascinated by the literary Satan. I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I'm attracted to the Devil's literary pride. Том достаточно мудр, чтобы не делать таких вещей. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom is wise enough not to do such things. Это неправда. It's not true. That's not true. Том отправил мне рождественский подарок. Tom sent me a Christmas gift. Tom sent me a Christmas present. Я лучше останусь. I'd rather stay. I'd rather stay. Припини ставити ідіотські запитання. Quit asking stupid questions. Stop asking stupid questions. Кто вам больше нравится? Who do you like more? Who do you like better? Я хочу знать, кто сказал это Тому. I want to know who told Tom that. I want to know who said this to Tom. Машина генерує багато електрики. The machine generates a lot of electricity. The machine produces a lot of electricity. Це місце варто відвідати двічі. The place is worth visiting twice. This place should be visited twice. Ты Тома понимаешь? Do you understand Tom? You understand Tom? Я увійшов до ресторану та пообідав. I entered the restaurant and had lunch. I went to the restaurant and had lunch. Они все её знали. They all knew her. They all knew her. Жьди мене! Wait for me! Wait for me! Том викликав таксі. Tom called a cab. Tom called a cab. У мене іноді проблеми із запам'ятовуванням. I sometimes have trouble remembering things. I have memory problems sometimes. Я підозрюю, ви не подобаєтеся Тому. I suspect Tom doesn't like you. I suspect you don't like Tom. Мы планируем уехать как можно скорее. We plan to leave as soon as possible. We're going to leave as soon as possible. Він помилявся. He was wrong. He was wrong. У Вас голос расстроенный. You sound upset. Your voice's upset. Сначала он мне не понравился, но сейчас нравится. At first I did not like him, but now I do. I didn't like it at first, but I like it now. Ты с ней поговорил? Have you talked to her? Did you talk to her? Я все ще хочу поїхати до Бостона. I still want to go to Boston. I still want to go to Boston. Я піду подивлюся. I'll go see. I'll go see. Я була голодна. I was hungry. I was hungry. Хотите, я отвезу вас в аэропорт? Do you want me to drive you to the airport? Do you want me to take you to the airport? Це коштує занадто дорого. This costs too much. It costs too much. Ваше имя - первое в списке. Your name is first on the list. Your name is the first one on the list. Не могли бы вы сказать это человеческим языком? Could you say that in plain English? Could you say that in human language? Это не тяжело. That's not difficult. It's not hard. Только в философии можно использовать порочный круг в доказательстве и получить за это высокую оценку. Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it. Only in philosophy can the vicious circle be used in evidence and appreciated. Ці студенти — корейці. Those students are Korean. These students are Koreans. Гайда на пляж. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. Як пройшов ваш екзамен? How was your test? How was your exam? Как, по-твоему, Том нас нашёл? How do you think Tom found us? How do you think Tom found us? Сколько у тебя ушло на это времени? How much time did it take you to do that? How much time did you have for this? Мы идеально подходим друг другу. We are a perfect match. We're perfectly compatible. Я без сил. Я работаю с утра до вечера. I'm beat. I've been working from dawn to dusk. I work from morning till evening. Здається, він не вміє плавати. He seems unable to swim. I don't think he can swim. Ти допитала Тома? Did you question Tom? Did you question Tom? Ты маніш. You are lying. You're the manish. Я там учора була. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Ідуть усі. Everyone is going. Everyone's coming. Ми завжди на щось чекаємо. We're always waiting for something. We're always waiting for something. Том не був голодний. Tom wasn't hungry. Tom wasn't hungry. Посмотрите вокруг себя. Look around you. Look around you. Життя його не балувало. He was not spoiled by life. Life didn't hurt him. Тут багато слонів. Elephants abound here. There's a lot of elephants here. Вони намагалися. They tried. They tried. Никто не видит моих слёз. No one sees my tears. No one sees my tears. Ты всегда так говоришь. You always say that. You always say that. Де тато? Where is dad? Where's Dad? Я хотел бы, чтобы ты с ним поговорил. I'd like you to talk to him. I'd like you to talk to him. Мы крыху спазніліся. We've arrived a little late. We're a bit late. Сегодня у меня всё из рук валится. Today I am messing up everything. Tonight, I'm going to get everything out of my hands. Ми всиновили Тома, коли йому було три. We adopted Tom when he was three years old. We adopted Tom when he was three. Я зрабіла цягнік. I made the train. I made a train. Будь здорова! Gesundheit! Healthy! Этот урок нескончаемый! This lesson is never-ending! This lesson is incomplete! Мені шкода, що я в тобі сумнівалася. I'm so sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Том має бути першим. Tom has to be first. Tom needs to be first. Гэта табе. This is for you. It's for you. Том не привык к такой погоде. Tom isn't used to this kind of weather. Tom's not used to this weather. Я хачу стаць праграмісткай. I want to be a programmer. I want to become a programmers. Вы ведёте себя как дурак. You're acting like a fool. You act like a fool. Тому було тринадцять, коли він загинув. Tom was thirteen when he died. So he was thirteen when he died. Погладьте кошку. Pet the cat. There's a cat in there. Ми сором'язливі. We're shy. We're shy. Одного дня ми зустрінемось знову. We'll see each other again someday. One day we'll see each other again. Я викличу поліцію. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Що таке свідомість? What is consciousness? What is consciousness? Кто хочет остаться, может остаться. Those who want to stay can stay. Anyone who wants to stay can stay. Мої привітання! Congratulations! My congratulations! У нас закінчилася олія. We've run short of oil. We're out of oil. Я хочу, щоб Том зачекав. I want Tom to wait. I want Tom to wait. Я більше про це не думаю. I never think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore. Цікаво, що з ним стало, як він поїхав до Америки? I wonder what has become of him after he went to America. I wonder what happened as he went to America? Червоне вино мені подобається більше, ніж біле. I like red wine better than white. I like red wine more than white wine. Де ви зараз мешкаєте? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Ми насправді їздили до Бостона. We really did go to Boston. We actually went to Boston. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он приезжал пораньше. I told Tom to arrive early. I told him to come early. Ви не вмієте плавати, чи не так? You are not able to swim, are you? You can't swim, can you? Том надеялся, что Мэри останется в Бостоне на некоторое время. Tom hoped Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Tom hoped Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Будь ласка, виправте її. Please correct it. Please correct her. Он будет любить её вечно. He will love her forever. He'll love her forever. Они тебе доверяли. They trusted you. They trusted you. Я сказал Тому, что вы заняты. I told Tom you were busy. I told you you were busy. Скільки років цьому собаці? How old is this dog? How old is this dog? Вяхотка Самі была брудная. Sami's loofah was dirty. The air was dirty. Я его встретил случайно. I met him by accident. I met him by accident. Я такі шчаслівы. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Звідки ти знала, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know that would happen? Том опустошил свой банковский счет. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom ruined his bank account. Я хочу быть с вами. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. У мене закінчилася вода. I ran out of water. I ran out of water. Я говорил ей не делать этого. I told her not to do that. I told her not to. Том, похоже, меня не узнавал. Tom didn't seem to recognize me. Tom looks like he didn't recognize me. Коли воно почнеться? When will it begin? When will it begin? Том просто посмотрел на Мэри и улыбнулся. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Мир жесток. The world is cruel. The world is violent. Я перакладчык. I'm a translator. I'm a translator. У мене чудовий учитель. I had a wonderful teacher. I have a great teacher. Не здавайся і продовжуй писати. Do not give up and keep writing. Don't give up and keep writing. Том кличе Мері. Tom is calling Mary. Tom calls Mary. Я би ніколи не зміг цього зробити без вашої допомоги. I never could've done this without your help. I could never do that without your help. Ви мене переслідуєте? Are you following me? Are you after me? Прамова Тома была выдатная. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was great. Мы не собираемся вас увольнять. We're not going to fire you. We're not gonna fire you. Ти не спиш? Are you up? You're not asleep? Я іноді падаю, але ніколи не здаюся. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. I fall down sometimes, but I never give up. Заявление Тома — полная бессмыслица. Tom's statement is pure nonsense. Tom's statement is totally meaningless. Я маю готуватися до тесту. I have to study for the test. I have to get ready for the test. Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book I have ever read. So this is the best book I ever read. Ви бачили когось окрім Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see anyone else other than Tom last night? Have you seen anyone but Tom last night? Я хочу поговорить с вами о Томе. I want to talk with you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. И хочется, и колется. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. And he wants to, and he's colliding. Мне реально надо кому-нибудь вмазать. I really need to hit somebody. I really have to fuck someone. Вони нададуть нам більше часу. That'll give us more time. They'll give us more time. Том починає забувати рідну мову. Tom is beginning to forget his native language. Tom starts forgetting his native language. Он не богаче меня. He isn't richer than me. He's not richer than me. Наш кіт стерелізований. Our cat is sterilized. Our whale is sterilized. Я советую тебе переодеться. I advise you to change clothes. I advise you to change your clothes. Когда она Тому нужна? When does Tom need it? When do you want it? Французский не так сложен. French isn't that hard. French isn't so complicated. Скажи Тому, какой взять. Tell Tom which one to take. Tell him which one to take. Почему ты нас не подождал? Why didn't you wait for us? Why didn't you wait for us? Я не дуже хочу кудись іти сьогодні ввечері. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't really want to go out tonight. Они пытались скрыть своё беспокойство. They tried to hide their anxiety. They tried to hide their concerns. Том сделал это для тебя? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did it for you? Ты п'еш зялёную гарбату? Do you drink green tea? Are you drinking green tea? Я щойно поміняв пароль. I just changed my password. I just changed the password. Вони повинні були одружитися в травні. They were to have got married in May. They were supposed to get married in May. Ці размаўляеце вы па-руску? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak old? Я журналістка. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Гэты ровар належыць нашай школе. That bicycle belongs to our school. This is the warrant of our school. Чому ти не прийшов до мене? Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you come to me? У Тома на спине вытатуирована змея. Tom has a tattoo of a snake on his back. Tom has a snake on his back. Каб яго пераканаць, хапіла 1000 іен. It took only a 1000 yen to convince him. 1,000 yen to persuade him. Ви вже це зробили. You've already done that. You've already done it. Трапилося щось дивне? Has anything strange happened? Something strange has happened? Вони худі. They're skinny. They're thin. Тому нравились идеи Мэри. Tom loved Mary's ideas. That's why Mary liked the idea. Скільки разів ми це робитимо? How many times are we going to do this? How many times do we do that? Усе - тільки сон. Everything is but a dream. Everything's just a dream. Я думаю, вам стоит это сделать. I think you should do that. I think you should do it. Я пишу приятелю. I'm writing the fellow. I write pal. Удивительно, как тихо становится, когда падает снег. It's amazing how quiet it becomes when snow is falling. It's amazing how quiet it gets when the snow falls. У нас нова сусідка. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. Моя тётя живёт в Нью-Йорке. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Тут пацук! Паклічце ката! The rat's here! Go call the cat! This is the rat! Скажи мне, на что это было похоже. Tell me what it was like. Tell me what it looked like. Він шульга. He's a southpaw. He's a button. Ви читали цю статтю? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? Він великий скрипаль. He's a great violinist. He's a big violin. Мой улюбёны колер — сіні. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Коли я закриваю очі, я уявляю, що я птах і вмію літати. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine I'm a bird and I can fly. У мяне ёсць сябар – лётчык. I have a friend who's a pilot. I have a friend-- a pilot. Ти мене розбудив. You woke me. You woke me. Ти не їси м'ясо? You don't eat meat? You don't eat meat? Я очень чувствителен к холоду. I am very sensitive to the cold. I'm very sensitive to the cold. Він обожнює футбол. He loves soccer. He loves football. Я бачив її того тижня. I saw her last week. I saw her that week. Це має значення? Does that matter? Does it matter? Я сустрэў Міхаэлу на станцыі метро. I met Mihaela at the subway station. I met Michael at the subway station. Это неприлично смеяться над кем-то, когда он совершает ошибку. It is not good manners to laugh at someone when he makes mistakes. It's not good to laugh at someone when he makes a mistake. Вы не могли бы показать мне камеру дешевле, чем эта? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Can you show me a camera that's cheaper than this? Я зупинився у дешевому готелі. I stayed at a cheap hotel. I stopped at a cheap hotel. Ты знаешь, кто её убил? Do you know who killed her? Do you know who killed her? Я попробую выразить это на английском. I'll try to say it in English. I'll try to say that in English. Дзе начальніца? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Том хоче, щоб його батька поховали поруч із матір'ю. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Tom wants his father to be buried next to his mother. Мені потрібна ця інформація якомога швидше. I need that information as soon as possible. I need this information as soon as possible. Я поремонтував паркан. I fixed the fence. I fixed the fence. Покваптеся, хлопці. Hurry up, guys. Hurry up, boys. Скільки грошей ти хочеш? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he expected Mary to do so. Том дал мне и денег, и совет. Tom gave me both money and advice. Tom gave me both money and advice. Вы должны заплатить вперёд. You must pay in advance. You have to pay for it. Я пив каву. I drank the coffee. I was drinking coffee. Том пытался бежать. Tom tried to run. Tom tried to run. Том сказал Мэри ехать в больницу. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Це трапилося лише одного разу. This only happened once. It happened only once. Я расплакалась. I started to cry. I burst into tears. Боюсь, будет дождь. I'm afraid it'll rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. Я більше не можу виносити цей гамір. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. "Том женится". - "И кто счастливая избранница?" "Tom is getting married." "Who's the lucky girl?" "That's why she's getting married." "And who's the lucky woman?" Купіть мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Can you buy me a new Shakiri disc, please? Том очень хотел выиграть. Tom really wanted to win. Tom really wanted to win. Дик передал мне фотографию. Dick passed the photo to me. Dick gave me a picture. Тому не подобається їсти рибу. Tom doesn't like to eat fish. So you don't like eating fish. Скільки тобі було років, коли твої батьки розлучилися? How old were you when your parents got divorced? How old were you when your parents divorced? Дэн працягваў зневажаць Лінду. Dan continued to insult Linda. Dan continued to despise Linda. Я буду на кухне. I'll be in the kitchen. I'll be in the kitchen. Несколько событий обозначили наступление двадцать первого века. A few events marked the transition into the 21st century. Several events marked the beginning of the twenty-first century. Том має добрі манери. Tom has good manners. Tom has good manners. Як життя? How's it going? How you doing? Ти хочеш нам про щось розповісти? Is there anything you want to tell us? You want to tell us something? Том стоял перед Мэри. Tom stood in front of Mary. Tom was standing in front of Mary. Том гадає, що ти ідіотка. Tom thinks that you're stupid. Tom thinks you're an idiot. Я ніколи не п'ю наодинці. I never drink alone. I never drink alone. Ми не можемо вас захистити. We cannot protect you. We can't protect you. Французский сложный, не правда ли? French is difficult, isn't it? French complicated, isn't it? Калі я сустрэў Анку ў Бухарэсце, яна была студэнткай. When I had met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. When I met Anka in Bucharest, she was a student. Ми наразі працюємо над цією проблемою. We're currently working on that problem. We're working on this problem right now. Надвигается шторм. A storm is brewing. There's a storm coming. Можна мені піти додому? May I go home? Can I go home? Он говорит, что не планирует ехать. He says he's not planning to go. He says he doesn't plan to go. О чём ты хотел поговорить? What did you want to talk about? What did you want to talk about? Я хотів поговорити зі своїм адвокатом. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. Ви не повірите, хто приходив сьогодні. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who came today. Нарешті, він зважився зробити їй пропозицію. At long last he made up his mind to propose to her. Finally, he resolved to offer her a suggestion. "Коні" — множина слова "кінь". "Horses" is the plural of "horse." "Coni" is the set word for "Kinn." Дождь перестал. Можно снова открыть окна. The rain's stopped; the windows can be opened again. The rain stopped, we can open the windows again. Я заставлю его заплатить деньги. I will make him pay the money. I'll make him pay the money. Меня не волнуют деньги. I don't care about money. I don't care about money. Я пообещал, что скоро вернусь. I promised that I would be back soon. I promised I'd be back soon. Люк сказал, что любит плавать. Luke said that he likes swimming. Luke said he likes swimming. Вы бы лучше пошли помогли ей. You'd better go help her. You'd better go help her. Фунт - это единица веса. A pound is a unit of weight. A pound is a unit of weight. Том купив Мері троянду. Tom bought a rose for Mary. Tom bought Mary a rose. Ти плануєш це якось зробити? Do you plan to do that sometime? Are you planning on doing this somehow? Здається, що Том та Мері добре проводять час. It looks like Tom and Mary are having fun. It seems that Tom and Mary are having a good time. Поезд был переполнен. The train was packed. The train was full. Давай його привітаємо. Let's congratulate him. Let's say hi to him. Я всегда осторожен. I'm always careful. I'm always careful. Я всё ещё жду. I'm still waiting. I'm still waiting. Все, похоже, довольны. Everybody seems to be happy. Everything seems happy. Том отказался подписать документ. Tom refused to sign the document. Tom refused to sign the paper. Я не хотел огорчить Тома. I didn't want to upset Tom. I didn't mean to upset Tom. Вечірка вийшла з-під контролю. The party got out of hand. The party's out of control. Якими мовами розмовляють в Америці? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Ты гэтага не знала? Didn't you know that? You didn't know? Ей это нужно. She needs this. She needs it. Тому пришла в голову блестящая идея. Tom had a bright idea. So I came up with a brilliant idea. Їдь на схід. Head east. Go east. Якщо хочете. If you want. If you want. Можно мне тоже прийти? May I come, too? Can I come, too? Мы прапусцілі наш цягнік. We missed our train. We missed our train. Мы муж и жена. We are husband and wife. We're husband and wife. Я б сказаў табе раней, але я не думаў, што ты зразумееш. I would've told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand. I would've told thee before, but I didn't think you understand. Хотите, они помогут? Do you want them to help? Would you like them to help? Я не хочу с тобой разговаривать. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Я не мав сумніву, що Том зробить те, про що ми попросили. I had no doubt Tom would do what we asked. I had no doubt that Tom would do what we asked. Он ищет работу. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Том размаўляе па-англійску з паметным французскім акцэнтам. Tom speaks English with a distinct French accent. Tom spoke in English with a memorable French accent. Ви вчитель. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. Присутствие обязательно. Attendance is mandatory. The presence is mandatory. Скажите ему, чтобы помог мне. Tell him to help me. Tell him to help me. Небеса и пьклъ єста одино въ человѣчьихъ сьрдьцихъ. Heaven and Hell only exist in men's hearts. The heavens and the curse are the only beasts of the air. Самі смяяўся. Sami was laughing. I laughed myself. Можно у вас зонтик одолжить? May I borrow an umbrella? Can I borrow a umbrella? Я вам об этом как-нибудь расскажу. I'll tell you about it someday. I'll tell you something about it. Я не вмію добре плавати. I am poor at swimming. I can't swim well. Я вина принёс. I brought some wine. I've brought some wine. Том может остаться со мной. Tom can stay with me. Tom can stay with me. Том жалуется? Is Tom complaining? Is Tom complaining? Она жестокая и бессердечная. She's cruel and heartless. She's cruel and callous. Изобретение транзистора ознаменовало собой новую эру. The invention of the transistor introduced a new era. The invention of the transistor marked a new era. Ось чому ти купила все це? Is that why you bought all this stuff? That's why you bought all this? Чому ви запізнилися сьогодні вранці? Why were you late this morning? Why are you late this morning? В машині Тома закінчився бензин. Tom's car has run out of gas. Tom's car ran out of gas. Подождите её. Wait for her. Wait for her. Ты мокрый. You're wet. You're wet. Меня не волнует спорт. I don't care for sports. I don't care about sports. Я даже имени Вашего пока не знаю. I don't even know your name yet. I don't even know your name yet. Його було виправдано. He was acquitted. He was justified. Том - третьекурсник. Tom is a third-year student. Tom is a third-year-old. Он ударил меня по ошибке. He hit me by mistake. He hit me on a mistake. Том может остаться в Австралии ещё на неделю. Tom may stay in Australia for another week. Tom may stay in Australia for another week. Том потерял палец. Tom lost a finger. Tom lost his finger. Хіба ти не хочеш стати відомою? Don't you want to become famous? Don't you want to become famous? Я хотіла би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom to be on our team. Це День Святого Валентина. It's Valentine's Day. This is Valentine's Day. Что вы хотите дать Тому? What do you want to give Tom? What do you want Tom to do? Его сын - гений. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. Він детально пояснив правила. He explained the rules in detail. He explained the rules in detail. Том усіх перехитрив. Tom outsmarted everyone. Tom overpowered everyone. Звідки ти знаєш, що це безпечно? How do I know it's safe? How do you know it's safe? Я ўжо рабіла гэта. I did that already. I was already doing that. Какой самый худший фильм вы видели в жизни? What's the worst movie you've ever seen? What was the worst movie you saw in your life? Том не решил, что делать. Tom hasn't decided what to do. Tom didn't decide what to do. Мы будем готовы до твоего приезда. We'll be ready by the time you get here. We'll be ready for your arrival. Это ваша собака. This is your dog. It's your dog. Взвесьте эти персики, пожалуйста. Please, weigh these peaches. Take the peaches, please. Увага: чылійская іспанская можа гучаць дзіўна ў любым іншым месцы. Warning: Chilean Spanish may sound weird in any other place. Warning: Spanish may sound strange anywhere. Я ценю Вашу поддержку. I appreciate your support. I appreciate your support. Я певна, що це неправда. I'm sure that isn't true. I'm sure that's not true. Отцы там. The fathers are there. Fathers over there. Я вам завтра напишу. I will write you tomorrow. I'll write you tomorrow. Она нашла ключ к моему сердцу. She found the key to my heart. She found the key to my heart. Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Tom and Mary will both be there. Tom and Mary both will be there. То быў злы трус. That was an evil bunny. It was an evil coward. Ходімо додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Наскільки добре ти знаєш Тома? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Не думаю, что Том знает, сколько времени. I don't think Tom knows what time it is. I don't think Tom knows how long it takes. Я помер. I am dead. I'm dead. Ти моя приятелька. You're my friend. You're my friend. Ти коли-небудь дивишся фільми французькою? Do you ever watch movies in French? Do you ever see movies in French? Я нечасто буваю в Бостоні. I don't go to Boston often. I don't often go to Boston. Як табе клімат у Японіі? How do you like the climate of Japan? How's your climate in Japan? Вони загинули, намагаючись спасти інших. They died trying to save others. They died trying to save others. Танцюй. Dance. Dance. Месяц выйшаў з-за хмары. The moon came out from behind the cloud. The moon came out of the cloud. Ти закінчив скаржитися? Are you done complaining? Did you finish complaining? Я думаю, що іспити псують освіту. I think exams ruin education. I think exams spoil education. Том розлютився. Tom got angry. Tom was angry. Сьогодні понеділок. It's Monday. It's Monday. Ця ложка — для супу. This spoon is for soup. This bed is for soup. Фома указал на место на карте. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. Thomas pointed to the place on the map. Ты калісьці чытала творы Мілтана? Have you ever read Milton's works? Have you ever read Milton's writings? Розлучімося. Let's get divorced. Let's split up. Мы хотели бы задать вам несколько вопросов. We'd like to ask you some questions. We'd like to ask you some questions. Це не має до вас жодного стосунку. That has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you. Предлагаю тебе сделать это сегодня. I suggest you do that today. I suggest you do this today. Ось чому він розлютився. That is why he got angry. That's why he's angry. Том може забути це зробити. Tom may forget to do that. Tom might forget to do that. Я ничего не подарил Тому на Рождество. I didn't give Tom anything for Christmas. I didn't give anything to Tom for Christmas. Том, здавалося, зрозумів, що я сказав. Tom seemed to understand what I said. Tom seemed to understand what I said. Ти зазвичай їздиш подорожувати за кордон? Do you often travel abroad? Do you usually travel abroad? Хіба ви не бачите, чим займаються Том із Мері? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Don't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Я съел пять авокадо. I ate five avocados. I ate five avocados. Он помолился Богу, чтобы Тот благословил меня. He prayed God to bless me. He prayed to God that He might bless me. Я весь день лузгаю семечки. I eat sunflower seeds all day. I've been climbing seeds all day. Вчитель зробив нам зауваження, що ми повинні поводити себе тихо. The teacher admonished us that we should be silent. The teacher reminded us that we should be quiet. Він повернувся до готелю. He went back to the hotel. He came back to the hotel. Том здесь не единственный из Бостона. Tom isn't the only one here that is from Boston. Tom's not the only one in Boston. Она живёт в Мухосранске. She lives in Bumfuck. She lives in Muhosransk. Яны зялёныя. They're green. They're green. Я вже поснідав. I've already had my breakfast. I've had breakfast. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы на это взглянули. I'd like you to take a look at this. I'd like you to see it. Няхай жыве Імператар! Long live the Emperor! Let the Emperor live! Я заменю Тома. I'll replace Tom. I'll replace Tom. Я о тебе почти ничего не знаю. I know almost nothing about you. I hardly know anything about you. Це її сумочка. This is her handbag. It's her purse. У Тома много увлечений. Tom has many hobbies. Tom's got a lot of fun. Я не думаю, що ти безсердечний. I don't think you're heartless. I don't think you're callous. Она взяла меня под своё крыло. She took me under her wing. She took me under her wing. Я не зникну. I'm not going to disappear. I'm not going to disappear. Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since 1990? Хіба ти не збираєшся робити це знову? Aren't you going to do that again? Aren't you going to do it again? Гэта найважнейшая прычына. That's the most important reason. That is the most important reason. Поговорим об этом сегодня вечером. Let's talk about that tonight. We'll talk about it tonight. Я дав Тому шанс. I gave Tom a chance. I gave him a chance. Покажи Тому руки. Show Tom your hands. Let him see your hands. Влажность довольно высокая. The humidity is quite high. The humidity is pretty high. Вам не нужно этого делать. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do this. Я не думал, что вы сегодня здесь будете. I didn't think you'd be here today. I didn't think you'd be here today. Полиция арестовала её. The police have arrested her. The police arrested her. Том не хотел признаваться в собственном невежестве. Tom didn't want to admit his own ignorance. Tom didn't want to admit his ignorance. У вас есть новый альбом Стиви Уандера? Do you have Stevie Wonder's new album? Do you have any new StevieWander album? Калі гэта здарылася? When did this occur? When did this happen? Забылъ єсмь. I forgot it. You forgot. У мене сильний жар. I have a high fever. I have a lot of heat. На летних каникулах в Каруидзаву нахлынули туристы. Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation. On summer holidays in Karouizawa, tourists urged. Король объявил книги богохульными и приказал сжечь их. The king labelled the books as godless and ordered that they be burnt. The king declared the books to be blasphemed and ordered them to burn. Ты показывай дорогу. You lead the way. You show me the way. Кажи се ѩглıаньскъı. Say it in English. Tell it to me. «Дзякуй!» — «Калі ласка!» "Thank you." "You're welcome." Thank you! Большая собака всегда возле него. A big dog is always beside him. The big dog's always around him. Хотіла би я не мати дітей. I wish I had no kids. I wish I had no children. Давай заспіваєймо щось разом. Let's sing something together. Let's sing something together. Они не об этом собираются говорить. That is not what they are going to talk about. That's not what they're going to talk about. Прошу обращаться ко мне, не иначе как Яков Матвеевич. Please only call me Yakov Matveevich. I ask you to address me other than Yakov Matweević. Том не умеет скрывать эмоции. Tom isn't good at hiding his emotions. Tom can't hide his emotions. Я зупинився в будинку Тома в Бостоні. I stayed at Tom's house in Boston. I stopped at Tom's house in Boston. Він ніколи не говорить про цей нещасний випадок. He never speaks of the accident. He's never talking about this accident. Гэта немагчыма. It's impossible. No, you can't. Чаму вы ёй дапамагаеце? Why are you helping her? Why are you helping her? Це новий тренд. This is a new trend. It's a new trend. Ты нафарбаваўся памадай? Are you wearing lipstick? Did you see that water? Не вмирай. Don't die. Don't die. Ты мне мешаешь. You're bothering me. You're interrupting me. Встреча была назначена на вторник. The meeting was arranged for Tuesday. The meeting was scheduled for Tuesday. У них два сина і одна донька. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Том был беспристрастен. Tom was impartial. Tom was safe. Хто апошні заходзіў у сістэму на кампутары? Who was the last person to log on to the computer? Who's the last to go to the computer system? Всі світлофори були червоними. The traffic lights were all red. All the lights were red. Том чистит зубы по крайней мере три раза в день. Tom brushes his teeth at least three times a day. Tom brushs his teeth at least three times a day. Пожидати ти въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. Wait until you're ready. Як ти міг розпочати без мене? How could you have started without me? How could you start without me? Нѣсмь голодьна. I'm not hungry. I'm hungry. Том, з великою ймовірністю, буде голодний. Tom will likely be hungry. Tom, with great probability, will be hungry. Уходи немедленно! Leave immediately! Get out of here now! Мы чуть не опоздали на поезд. We almost missed the train. We're almost late for the train. Ты плакала? Have you been crying? Did you cry? Було б добре, якби у добі було 28 годин, правда? Wouldn't it be great if there were 28 hours in a day? It would be nice if there were 28 hours in the day, wouldn't it? Позвоните Тому. Give Tom a call. Call Tom. Сколько раз ты видел Тома на прошлой неделе? How many times did you see Tom last week? How many times did you see Tom last week? Ты апошняя, каго я чакаў тут сустрэць. You are the last person whom I expected to meet here. You are the last one I've expected to meet here. Мері хтось вкусив. Something bit Mary. Mary bit somebody. Коли трапився великий землетрус, мені було лише десять років. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When the great earthquake hit, I was only ten years old. Чому звинувачувана зізналася? Why did the accused confess? Why did he confess? Сегодня я не работаю. I'm not working today. I don't work today. У вас есть пинцет? Do you have a pair of tweezers? Do you have a pint? Як функціонує мозок? How does the brain work? How does the brain function? Что ты будешь делать, если опять начнётся война? What would you do if another war occurred? What are you gonna do if the war starts again? Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. Мені дуже боляче. I am in pain. It hurts a lot. Как ты пришёл к такому выводу? How did you arrive at that conclusion? How did you come to that conclusion? Як ти дістанешся до Бостона? How will you get to Boston? How do you get to Boston? Бачите? See? See? Он продиктовал несколько писем своей секретарше. He dictated several letters to his secretary. He produced some letters from his secretary. Тому надо было туда поехать. Tom had to go there. So I should've gone there. Про це я забув. I forgot about that. I forgot about it. Ви б краще припинили це робити. You'd better stop doing that. You'd better stop doing that. Тому Бостон взагалі не подобається. Tom doesn't like Boston at all. So Boston doesn't like anything at all. Есть ли какая-нибудь опасность? Is there any danger? Is there any danger? Він почувається добре. He's feeling well. He feels good. Том знает французский? Does Tom know French? Tom knows French? Сніжить. It's snowing. It's snowing. Сумніваюся, що ви знаєте, про що ви говорите. I doubt you know what you're talking about. I doubt you know what you're talking about. Ти вже з ним поговорив? Have you already talked to him? Have you spoken to him yet? Я хочу розмовляти французькою. I want to speak in French. I want to speak French. Всьому свій час. There is a right time for everything. It's my time. Я не цілком певен, чому це трапилося. I'm not really sure why that happened. I'm not sure why this happened. Ніколи не буває запізно. It's never too late. It's never too late. Якби я лише мав карту, я показав би вам дорогу. If only I had a map, I could show you the way. If only I had a map, I would show you the way. Як гэта сказаць па-французску? How do you say that in French? How does that say in French? Тиша, будь ласка. Quiet please. Quiet, please. Я пропустил что-нибудь интересное? Did I miss something interesting? Did I miss anything interesting? Дзе туалет? Where's the toilet? Where is the toilet? Ти мене дуже порадував. You made my day. You were very pleased with me. Я не забула. I haven't forgotten. I didn't forget. Ти замолода, щоб їздити самому. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to drive yourself. Столица Франции - Париж. The capital of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. Не думаю, що ти не маєш рації. I don't think that you're wrong. I don't think you have a radio. Не давай Тому спати. Don't let Tom sleep. Don't let him sleep. Ви набагато швидша, ніж я. You're way faster than me. You're much faster than I am. Я не скажу Тому, что ты это говорила. I won't tell Tom you said that. I'm not gonna tell him you said that. Я обычно ничего не покупаю через Интернет. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I usually don't buy anything on the Internet. Том потёр виски. Tom rubbed his temples. Tom rubbed out the whiskey. Экватор делит землю на два полушария. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. Я сказал, спокойной ночи. I said good night. I said good night. Не турбуй мене зараз. Don't bother me now. Don't bother me now. Тобі потрібна допомога, так? You need a hand, don't you? You need help, right? Вони досягли своєї мети. They reached their goal. They have achieved their goal. Он так это и не пережил. He never really got over it. He never survived. Все модели — неправильные. Но некоторые — полезные. All models are wrong, but some are useful. All models are wrong, but some are useful. Том дуже схожий на батька. Tom is very much like his father. Tom is very much like a father. Ти п'єш? Do you drink? Are you drinking? У Тома с Мэри один внук и три внучки. Tom and Mary have one grandson and three granddaughters. Tom and Mary have one grandson and three grandchildren. Выходи немедленно. Come out now. Get out of here now. Том у взутті Джона. Tom is wearing John's shoes. Tom's in Jonah's shoes. Крэсла драўлянае. The chair is made of wood. A piece of wood. Ты всегда звонишь мне из ее дома. You always called me from her house. You always call me from her house. Я не хочу, чтобы вы видели меня голым. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Сильный ветер затих ночью. The strong wind died away at night. A strong wind warms at night. Навіть дитина впоралась би з цим. Even a child could do it. Even a kid would do it. Вони мене заарештували. They arrested me. They arrested me. В комнате было так темно, что мне пришлось пробираться ощупью. It was so dark I had to feel my way around the room. It was so dark in the room that I had to get through my feel. Я буду там, щоб допомогти тобі. I'll be there to help you do that. I'll be there to help you. Это неверные данные. This data is incorrect. That's not the right data. Це цитата з "Дон Кіхота". It's a quotation from Don Quixote. It's a quote from "Don Kihot." Она слишком слаба. She is too weak. She's too weak. Даже если бы я знал, я бы не мог тебе сказать. Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. Ці нові автомобілі виставлені на розпродаж. These new cars are on sale. These new cars are put on sale. Том — лише немовля. Tom is just a baby. Tom is just a baby. Ще чого не вистачало! As if it weren't enough already! What a missing thing! Вона може говорити англійською досить добре. She can speak English pretty well. She can speak English quite well. Мы должны встать на рассвете. We must get up at dawn. We must rise at dawn. Я думаю, твой английский сильно улучшился. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved considerably. Дозвольте мені це зробити. Let me do it. Let me do it. Свині не літають. Pigs can't fly. Pigs don't fly. Те, що він зробив, не було неправильним. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did was not wrong. Собака Самі розумний. Sami's dog is smart. Dog's smart. Минуло сорок років. Forty years passed. Forty years have passed. Я знаю, що Том дивний хлопчина. I know Tom is a weird guy. I know Tom is a weird guy. Я пайшоў ад мужа. I left my husband. I left my husband. Том трохи запізнився. Tom was a little late. Tom's a little late. Я припустила, що Том — хлопець Мері. I assumed that Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I assumed Tom was Mary’s boyfriend. Я умолял Тома прийти. I begged Tom to come. I begged Tom to come. Ви прочитали мою доповідь? Have you read my report? Did you read my report? Хіба ти завтра не повернешся? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Что твой парень подарил тебе на вашу годовщину? What did your boyfriend give you for your anniversary? What did your boyfriend give you for your anniversary? Яна не хоча гаварыць пра гэта. She doesn't want to talk about it. She doesn't want to talk about it. Яна захварэла на гэтым тыдні. She got sick this weekend. She took care of this week. Залишайся зосередженим. Keep focused. Stay focused. Том в парке. Tom is in the park. Tom's in the park. Том всё сделал не так. Tom has done everything wrong. Tom didn't do that. Я не знал, что случилось. I didn't know what had happened. I didn't know what happened. Том плавал с ламантинами. Tom swam with the manatees. Tom was swimming with mangles. Я купил его в кредит. I bought it on credit. I bought it on loan. Ви про нас розмовляєте? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Том потерял свой ключ. Tom has lost his key. Tom lost his key. У нашым доме два вольныя пакоі. We have two unused rooms in our house. There are two military rooms in our house. Він може поцупити будь-що. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He can steal anything. Здалёк востраў выглядаў бы хмурынка. Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud. It would look like a snoop from afar. Том зашёл в свою комнату и закрыл дверь. Tom went into his room and closed the door. Tom came into his room and closed the door. Це прокляття. It's a curse. It's a curse. Яна заплятала свае валасы ў косы. She wore her hair in plaits. She stuffed her hair in her hair. Я такі дурны... Я спрабую растлумачыць табе рэчы, якія сам не разумею. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things that I don't understand. Не навчайся! Don't study. Don't learn! Не пьѭ водоу. I don't drink water. Don't drink water. Мне надо Вас увидеть. I have to see you. I need to see you. Я сказал им, что банк не работает. I told them the bank was closed. I told them the bank didn't work. Хотів би я бути добрим співаком. I wish I were a good singer. I'd like to be a good singer. Ты сегодня вечером идёшь на концерт? Are you going to the concert tonight? Are you going to the concert tonight? Хочете брецель? Do you want a pretzel? Would you like a flat? Почему мне нельзя пойти на вечеринку? Why can't I go to the party? Why can't I go to a party? Твой горшы. Yours is worse. Your bitter. Дерево легко горить. Wood burns easily. The tree's easy to burn. Што адбываецца? What is happening? What's going on? Том дуже скромний. Tom is very humble. Tom is very modest. Де твій плюшевий ведмедик? Where is your teddy bear? Where's your ivy bear? Она была удивлена, что уже так поздно. She was surprised that it was that late. She was surprised to be so late. Вы не узнаёте его? Don't you recognize him? You don't recognize him? Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Ignore her fancies. Ён ваўкалак. He's a werewolf. He's a wolf. Вы очень проницательны. You're very perceptive. You're very permeable. Почему вы запираете дверь? Why are you locking the door? Why are you shutting the door? Його не було на зборах. He was absent from the meeting. He was not in the congregation. Тома вигнали зі зборів. Tom was kicked out of the meeting. Tom was expelled from the congregations. Тогда что это, мне интересно? Если это не продажа товара на дому, то, может, это новый способ знакомиться с девушками? Then what is this I wonder? If it isn't dodgy door-to-door sales then could it be a new kind of pickup technique for the ladies? If it's not the sale of goods at home, then maybe it's a new way of getting to know girls? Дівчата близнята так схожі, що я не можу їх відрізнити. The twin girls are so much alike that I can't tell one from the other. The girls are so similar that I can't distinguish them. Она говорит, что сделает это в понедельник. She says she'll do that on Monday. She says she'll do it on Monday. Ти задоволена своїм новим будинком? Are you pleased with your new house? Are you happy with your new house? Ничего не пропало. Nothing's missing. Nothing's gone. Том дуже романтичний. Tom is very romantic. Tom is very romantic. Я уже разговаривал с этим студентом. I've already talked to this student. I've been talking to this student before. Я не голодный. I am not hungry. I'm not hungry. Это то, что мне нужно. That's what I need. That's what I need. Це насправді спагеті? Is this really spaghetti? Are these really spaghetti? Попытаемся сохранять спокойствие. Let's try to stay calm. Try to keep calm. Сара была маім першым каханнем. Sarah was my first love. Sarah was my first love. Давай уйдём. Let's leave. Let's go. Къ полѹдьнью! To the south. Get the fuck out of here! Почему ты его не послушал? Why didn't you listen to him? Why didn't you listen to him? Том сказав, що не робитиме цього. Tom said he's not going to do that. Tom said he wouldn't do it. Я зусім нічога пра яго не ведаю. I don't know anything about him at all. I know nothing about him. Мені дев'ятнадцять років. I'm 19. I'm 19 years old. Я вам не раб. I am not your slave. I'm not your slave. Фадзіль вельмі любіць Texas Chicken. Fadil loves Texas Chicken. Fadji very much likes Texa Chicken. Я запросила Тома до себе. I invited Tom over. I invited Tom to me. Вы не должны здесь говорить. You shouldn't talk here. You don't have to talk here. Мы обе были заняты. We were both busy. We were both busy. Я майже певен, що ми можемо довіряти Тому. I'm almost certain that we can trust Tom. I'm almost sure we can trust Tom. Хіба ви не розумієте, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There's not a cloud in the sky. There's no cloud in the sky. Он вдвое старше меня. He is twice as old as I am. He's twice as old as me. Ліфт не працював. The lift was not working. The elevator didn't work. Я так їм і не сказав. I never told them. I didn't tell them that. Это не мой кот. The cat is not mine. It's not my cat. Ти готова їхати? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Том сказал мне, что ты недоволен. Tom told me you were dissatisfied. Tom told me you were upset. Я в России. I am in Russia. I'm in Russia. Компьютер распознаёт две сотни видов ошибок. The computer recognises two hundred different types of errors. The computer knows two hundred types of errors. Я не просила вас про допомогу. I haven't asked you for help. I didn't ask you to help. Мері сказала, що вона цьому вірить. Mary said she believed that. Mary said she believed it. Я заховався під ліжком. I hid myself under the bed. I hid under the bed. Она отвезёт тебя в аэропорт. She'll drop you off at the airport. She'll take you to the airport. Міст зроблено з дерева. The bridge is built of wood. The bridge's made out of wood. Я три місяці була у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I've been in a coma for three months. Я справедлива. I'm fair. I'm fair. Он столкнулся с неожиданным препятствием. He met an unexpected obstacle. He faced an unexpected obstacle. У неї добрий смак. She has good taste. She's got good taste. Останнім часом я його не бачив. I have not seen him lately. I haven't seen him lately. Я хочу быть счастливой. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. Я розумна. I'm smart. I'm smart. Когда у нас президентом будет женщина? When will we have a female president? When do we have a female president? Том зрозумів, у чому справа. Tom realized what was up. Tom realized what was going on. Я полностью с ней согласен. I totally agree with her. I totally agree with her. Как пишется ваше имя? How do you spell your name? How's your name written? Праблема з нашым часам у тым, што будучыня ўжо не такая, як раней. The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be. The problem with our times is that the future is no longer as it used to be. Том недружелюбний. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's not friendly. Гэтае апавяданне асабліва цікавае. This story is especially interesting. And this is narrative especially interesting. Він нестерпний. He's insufferable. It's excruciating. Сёння ў Германіі больш буддыстаў, ніж людзей, што ведаюць, як спякчы добры шакаладны пірог. There are more Buddhists in Germany today than people who know how to make a good chocolate cake. Today in Germany there are more Buddhists than people who know by way of a good chocolate pie. Я его унесу внутрь. I'll take it inside. I'll take him inside. Я никогда не видел, чтобы Том кому-нибудь помогал. I've never seen Tom help anybody. I've never seen Tom help anyone. Я всегда восхищался вашим терпением. I've always admired your patience. I always admired your patience. Юмі — одна з моїй подруг. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumie is one of my friends. Том дуже розумний. Tom is very intelligent. Tom is very clever. Тома уб'ють. Tom is going to get killed. Tom's gonna be killed. Їй набагато краще. She's feeling much better. She's much better. Я должен найти способ, чтобы помочь Тому. I must find a way to help Tom. I have to find a way to help Tom. Завтра я вперше летітиму літаком, правда це неймовірно? Tomorrow will be the first time I take the plane, incredible, no? Tomorrow I'm going to fly for the first time, isn't it amazing? Том смотрит. Tom's watching. Tom's watching. Это трудно сказать. It's hard to say. It's hard to say. Просто подпишись здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Том видел всё, что произошло. Tom saw everything that happened. Tom saw everything that happened. Он широко раскрыл рот. He opened his mouth wide. He opened his mouth wide. Ми не боги, а звичайні люди. We're not gods, but mere men. We're not gods, we're ordinary people. Не думаю, що ми зробили щось не так. I don't think that we did anything wrong. I don't think we did anything wrong. Ты за гэта заплаціш. You're going to pay for this. You'll pay for it. Я вже поговорила з Томом. I've already spoken with Tom. I already talked to Tom. Ти мусиш піти. You have to leave. You have to go. Она связала ему свитер. She knit him a sweater. She tied his sweater. Я допоміг дідусю перейти дорогу. I helped an old man cross the road. I helped Grandpa cross the road. Мэри на тебя злится, да? Mary is angry at you, isn't she? Mary's mad at you, isn't she? Телефон не працює. The phone is out of order. The phone doesn't work. Я была так осторожна. I was so careful. I was so careful. Мне нечего тебе дать. I've got nothing to give you. I have nothing to give you. Кто тебя прислал? Who sent you? Who sent you? Я забыл сказать тебе, как это делать. I forgot to tell you how to do that. I forgot to tell you how to do it. Што напісана на тваёй цішотцы? What's written on your t-shirt? What is written on thy t-shirt? Ти говориш мальтійською? Do you speak Maltese? You speak Maltese? Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. Я вважаю, що прийшов час мені піти від цього безладу. I think it's time for me to walk away from this mess. I think it's time for me to leave this mess. Я можу читати цією мовою, але я ніколи її не чув. I can read the language, but I've never heard it. I can read in that language, but I've never heard of it. Ты каждый день смотришь телевизор? Do you watch TV every day? Are you watching TV every day? Том довго був тут? Did Tom stay long? Tom's been here long? Щось не так із гальмами. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Не беспокойтесь о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Том умер день спустя. Tom died a day later. Tom died a day later. Мы с тобой очень похожи. You and I are a lot alike. You and I are very similar. После того как я сел в поезд, я заметил, что забыл бумажник дома. After I got on board a train, I found I had left my wallet behind at home. After I got on a train, I noticed that I had forgotten my wallet at home. Ты же не пойдёшь в таком виде? You aren't going dressed like that, are you? You're not going to go that way, are you? Добри дзень! Good day! Good afternoon! Чиї то книжки? Whose books are those? Whose books are they? Ти залишиш повідомлення? Will you leave a message? Will you leave a message? Моя тринадцатилетняя дочь завтра идёт на своё первое свидание. My thirteen-year-old is going on her first date tomorrow. My thirteenth-year-old daughter is going on her first date tomorrow. Он один из моих соседей. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. Вы беременны. You are pregnant. You're pregnant. Я думал, что здесь мы будем в безопасности. I thought we'd be safe here. I thought we'd be safe here. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. Don't cry over spilt milk. The tears of grief will not help. Я крыху вышэйшы за Вас. I'm a little taller than you. I'm a bit higher than you are. Ни с кем не разговаривайте. Don't talk to anyone. Don't talk to anyone. Прынясі мне, калі ласка, гэты слоўнік. Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Take me, please, this vocabulary. Мальчики маршировали по четверо в ряд. The schoolboys marched four abreast. The boys were marching four by one. Кто под первым номером? Who's number one? Who's under number one? Я не дам тебе пойти одному. I won't let you go alone. I won't let you go alone. Тому было не так трудно заснуть, как он думал. Tom didn't have as much trouble falling asleep as he thought he would. So it wasn't that hard to get to sleep as he thought. Неаполь - живописный город. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a painting town. Я не могу верить тебе. I can't trust you. I can't believe you. Дай мені закурити цигарку. Let me have a cigarette. Give me a cigarette. Том не зловить Мері. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Последние дни были очень жаркими. The last few days have been very hot. The last days were very hot. Йому не хотілося туди йти. He was reluctant to go there. He didn't want to go there. У него выдающиеся способности к математике. His ability in mathematics is outstanding. He's got outstanding math skills. Вынеси мусор. Take the garbage out. Get the trash. Я очікувала більшого. I expected more. I expected more. Мишині клітини не менші від людських клітин. Murine cells are no smaller than human cells. Mouse cells are no less than human cells. Что имеем — не храним, потерявши — плачем. The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it. What we have, we don't keep, when we lose, we cry. Принеси ей чего-нибудь попить. Get her something to drink. Bring her something to drink. Следующим летом я хочу поехать на Гавайи. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. I want to go to Hawaii next summer. Я вже давно не бачив жодних бабок тут непадолік. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area. It's been a while since I've seen no dragonfly here. Том на следующей неделе возвращается в Бостон. Tom is coming back to Boston next week. Tom goes back to Boston next week. Я не думаю, что Том знает, что я люблю Мэри. I don't think Tom knows that I love Mary. I don't think Tom knows I love Mary. Підлога слизька. The floor is slippery. The floor is slippery. Кролики умеют плавать. Rabbits can swim. Rabbits can swim. Как они тебя выносят? How do they put up with you? How do they carry you out? Поети пишуть поеми. Poets write poems. The poets write poems. Люди собираются. People are gathering. People are going. Це мій третій шлюб. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Я не читал ни одного его романа. I haven't read either of his novels. I didn't read any of his novels. Гадаю, ви всі знаєте Тома. I believe you all know Tom. I think you all know Tom. Вы мне нравитесь такой, какая Вы есть. I like you just the way you are. I like you the way you are. Том сказал, что Мэри вчера хотела пойти. Tom said Mary wanted to go yesterday. Tom said Mary wanted to go last night. Повірити не можу, що ви мене не впізнали! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! Тобі подобається це робити, чи не так? You like doing that, don't you? You like to do it, don't you? Я никогда не был особенно силён в математике. I have never been particularly strong in mathematics. I've never been particularly powerful in math. Він зробив це. He made it. He did it. Ти повинен врятувати Тома. You must save Tom. You have to save Tom. Тобі подобається Браян Адамс? Do you like Bryan Adams? Do you like Brian Adams? Том пішов, щоб привести Мері. Tom has gone to get Mary. Tom went to get Mary. Я знал, что это что-то в этом роде. I knew it was something like that. I knew this was something. Чому ти ніколи мені цього не казав? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Why didn't you ever say that to me? Можете приходити. You can come. You can come. Ти це сказав годину тому. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Вам потрібна машина? Do you need a car? Do you need a car? Я рискнула всем. I risked everything. I risked everything. Тобі треба бути обережнішим. You should take better care of yourself. You need to be more careful. Том сказав, що поїде до Австралії. Tom said he'd go to Australia. Tom said he'd go to Australia. Том сказав, що у мене жахливий вигляд. Tom said I looked awful. Tom said I had a terrible look. Я знаю, що ви все ще хочете бути зі мною. I know that you still want to be with me. I know you still want to be with me. Я думаў, табе падабаецца вучыць новае. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked teaching a new one. Том не намагатиметься цього зробити. Tom won't try to do that. Tom won't try to do that. Я мою голову почти каждый день. I wash my hair almost every day. I have my head almost every day. Том всё отрицал. Tom denied everything. Tom denied everything. Беременные женщины часто испытывают тошноту по утрам. Pregnant women often experience morning sickness. Women who are pregnant often get thrifty in the morning. Малако скісла. The milk went sour. Malako is decapitated. Все веселятся? Is everybody having a good time? Is everybody having fun? Хіба ви не починаєте нудьгувати? Aren't you getting bored? Don't you start bored? Я знаю, що сталося. I know what happened. I know what happened. Куди поділися гроші? Where has the money gone? Where'd the money go? Я не позволю ей войти. I won't let her come in. I won't let her in. Моя мрія - бути лікарем. My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. Том был опрятно одет. Tom was neatly dressed. Tom was dressed clean. Где мне найти переводчика? Where can I find a translator? Where can I find an interpreter? Мені здається, я зробив це неправильно. I think I did that wrong. I think I did it wrong. Очевидно, що Том не розмовляє з Мері. It's obvious that Tom isn't talking to Mary. It's obvious that Tom doesn't speak to Mary. Я закончил мое задание. I have finished my assignment. I finished my assignment. Я расскажу тебе один секрет. I'm going to tell you a secret. I'll tell you one secret. Я все ще займаюся цим щопонеділка. I still do that every Monday. I'm still doing this every Monday. Почему они не поехали? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they go? Если придёте к Тому сейчас, то, вероятно, застанете его смотрящим телевизор. If you visit Tom now, he'll probably be watching TV. If you come to Tom now, you will probably stay with him watching television. Я хочу защитить Тома. I want to protect Tom. I want to protect Tom. Це завжди було саме так? Has it always been this way? Is that always the way it was? «Дзе я?» — «У найцямнейшай турме ў Карыдэі». — «Колькі я была непрытомнай?» — «Дзве гадзіны». "Where am I?" "In the darkest prison in Koridai." "How long was I out?" "Two hours." 'Where am I?' "'In the northernmost prison in Karidad.' "'How many were I unconscious?' "'Two hours.'" Ти йому зателефонував? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Я был расстроен, что её не было дома. I was disappointed that she was not at home. I was upset she wasn't home. Нам потрібне свіже повітря. We need fresh air. We need fresh air. Ніхто не ведае Тома так, як яго ведаю я. Nobody knows Tom like I know Tom. No one knows Tom the way I know him. Як багато ви читаєте? How much do you read? How much do you read? Она сняла с себя одежду. She took off her clothes. She took her clothes off. Тому це сподобається. Tom will enjoy it. That's why she'll love it. Ти божевільна. You're crazy. You're crazy. Що ти робив вчора ввечері? What did you do last night? What were you doing last night? Небо синѥ. The sky is blue. Heaven, son of a bitch. Мою машину було вкрадено минулої ночі. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Мы шпацыравалі па берагах Тэмзы. We walked on the banks of the Thames. We sabbled along the shores of Thems. Вот кое-что для тебя. Here's something for you. Here's something for you. Я дуже компетентний. I am very competent. I'm very competent. Я сказала, що спробую. I said I'd try. I said I'd try. Он левша. He's left-handed. He's left-handed. Лета скончылася. The summer is over. The summer was over. Не думаю, что Том будет помогать нам это делать. I don't think Tom is going to help us do that. I don't think Tom's gonna help us do this. Я купив це у Тома. I bought this from Tom. I bought it from Tom. На вечеринку пришло больше народа, чем я рассчитывал. More people came to the party than I had bargained for. There's more people at the party than I expected. Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to speak with them. I need to talk to them. Это именно то, что я искал. This is exactly what I've been looking for. That's exactly what I was looking for. Я йду до будинку Тома. I'm on my way to Tom's house. I'm going to Tom's house. Нават у міліцыі кажуць, што гэта была ты. Even the police say it was you. Even the police say it was you. Він зробив це через ревнощі. Jealousy made him do that. He did so because of jealousy. Где твои кредитные карты? Where are your credit cards? Where are your credit cards? Мне патрэбнае месца, каб прысесці. I need a place to sit. I need a place to sit down. Дверь не хочет закрываться. The door won't close. The door doesn't want to close. Яна спазнілася на цягнік. She missed the train. She's late for the train. Я не спал двое суток. I haven't slept in forty-eight hours. I haven't slept two days. Як твоє ім'я вимовляється? How do you pronounce your name? What's your name say? Том сказал, что у него нет никаких денег. Tom said he didn't have any money. Tom said he didn't have any money. Вы хотите ещё что-нибудь узнать? Is there anything else you want to know? Do you want to know anything else? Я попросила Кена допомогти. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help. Пусть Том домой идёт. Let Tom go home. Let Tom go home. Я твёрдо верю в его невиновность. I have a firm belief in his innocence. I strongly believe in his innocence. Мій тато вдома. My father is at home. My dad's home. Прекрати создавать суету на пустом месте. Stop making a fuss over nothing. Stop creating a mess in an empty place. Я родилась в Бостоне. I was born in Boston. I was born in Boston. Я просто хотела сказать, что я сожалею. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Хотів би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I'd like to know what you're looking for. Том не здавався занадто занепокоєним. Tom didn't seem overly concerned. Tom didn't seem overly anxious. Тебе нужно идти. You need to go. You have to go. Паспрабуй адпачыць. Try to rest. Have a rest. Том мне ничего не сказал. Tom didn't say anything to me. Tom didn't tell me anything. Я сделал это по-своему. I did that my own way. I did it my way. У тебе дуже гострий слух. You have very acute hearing. You have a very sharp hearing. Я щось не так зробив, Томе? Did I do something wrong, Tom? Did I do something wrong, Tom? Сейчас семь тридцать. It is 7:30. It's seven. Зонтик сломался. The umbrella is broken. Thezotic is broken. Он был тёмно-зелёным. It was dark green. He was dark green. Я не хочу, чтобы Том об этом беспокоился. I don't want Tom to worry about that. I don't want Tom to worry about it. Ти поранена? Are you wounded? Are you hurt? Они поднялись по лестнице. They walked upstairs. They went up the stairs. Я до сих пор не знаю, зачем Том это сделал. I still don't know why Tom did it. I still don't know why Tom did it. Это не его жена. That's not his wife. It's not his wife. Вони нас кохають. They love us. They love us. Пойдзем мы ці не не залежыць ад надвор'я. Whether we go or not depends on the weather. We'll go, or we'll go, on the weather. Якое найдаўжэйшае слова ў казахскай мове? What is the longest word in the Kazakh language? What is the oldest word in Kazakh? Не давайте Тому мой телефон. Don't give Tom my number. Don't give me my phone. Полиция обнаружила Тома мёртвым на крыльце. The police found Tom dead on the porch. The police found Tom dead on his rat. Если не хочешь отвечать, то не нужно. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. То карсцель. It is a chair. It's a shell. Том планировал устроить вечеринку. Tom was planning a party. Tom was planning a party. Читайте далі. Keep reading. Read on. Мачка тиж на дворе. The cat is in the yard, too. A mother of a week in the backyard. Ці у вас ёсць грошы? Do you have money? Do you have any money? Мы ничего не делали! We weren't doing anything! We didn't do anything! Я рассказал Тому анекдот, но он не смеялся. I told Tom a joke, but he didn't laugh. I told Tom anecdot, but he didn't laugh. Займатися цим не буде так нудно, як ти вважаєш. It won't be as boring to do that as you think. It won't be as boring as you think. Ты п'яны. You're drunk. You're drunk. Том посмотрел внутрь. Tom looked inside. Tom looked inside. Хто перакладзе гэты сказ, той дурань. Whoever translates this sentence is a fool. Who puts this tale, is the fool. Том міряє взуття. Tom is trying on shoes. Tom's measuring his shoes. Розбудіть Тома. Wake Tom up. Wake up Tom. Я очень хорошо знаю вашего брата. I know your brother very well. I know your brother very well. Я не хочу, щоб Том засмучувався. I don't want Tom to get upset. I don't want Tom to get upset. Гроші не пахнуть. Money does not smell. The money doesn't smell. Він легко відповів на моє запитання. He answered my question easily. He could easily answer my question. Площа Ринок — історичний центр міста. Market Square is the historic centre of the city. The Market area is the center of history. Я толькі што закахалася. I just fell in love. I just fell in love. Хіба ти не боїшся висоти? Aren't you afraid of heights? Aren't you afraid of heights? Я люблю изучать что-нибудь новое. I like to learn new things. I love to study something new. Эта коробка сделана из бумаги. This box is made of paper. That box's made of paper. Как воздух, так и вода необходимы для жизни. Both air and water are indispensable for life. Both air and water are essential for life. Я партнер Тома. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. Я приму это, но с одним условием. I'll accept it, but with one condition. I'll accept it, but with one condition. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a weird dream. I had a strange dream this night. Почему ты не пел с нами? Why didn't you sing with us? Why didn't you sing with us? Мені й справді не хочеться їсти зараз. I don't really want anything to eat right now. I really don't want to eat now. Том не знал, с кем Мэри собирается в Бостон. Tom didn't know who Mary was going to go to Boston with. Tom didn't know who Mary was going to Boston. Він не знає нікого з нас. He knows none of us. He doesn't know any of us. Я можу заплатити пізніше? Can I pay later? Can I pay later? Ані Том, ані Мері ще цього не зробили. Neither Tom nor Mary has done that yet. Neither Tom nor Mary have done it yet. Том — правша. Tom is right-handed. Tom is right. Том може почекати. Tom might wait. Tom can wait. Він друг мого брата. He's a friend of my brother's. He's my brother's friend. Том зрабіў выгляд, што не ведае, што рабіць. Tom pretended not to know what to do. Tom did not seem to know what to do. У него много подружек. He has a lot female friends. He's got a lot of friends. Приходи сейчас. Come now. Come now. Ты поэтому уходишь? Is that why you're leaving? Is that why you're leaving? Мяне завуць Джэк. My name is Jack. I'm called Jack. Більшість хлопців любить бейсбол. Most boys like baseball. Most guys like baseball. Ти віриш, що зірки керують нашею долею? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe the stars control our destiny? Та красивая девушка в бикини — сестра Тома. That pretty girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. The beautiful girl in the bikini is Tom's sister. Яблуко на столє. The apple is on the table. Apple on the table. Зупинімося! Let's stop! Let's stop! Це Майк. А Хіросі є? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is that Mike, and is Hiroshima there? Ты кого-нибудь ищешь? Are you looking for somebody? Are you looking for anyone? Том — кіборг. Tom is a cyborg. Tom is a cyborg. Я послушаю. I will listen. I'm listening. Я сказала Тому, чтобы он позвонил мне. I told Tom to give me a call. I told him to call me. Вона гірко плакала. She cried bitterly. She cried bitterly. Я пытался разбудить Тома. I've been trying to wake Tom up. I tried to wake Tom. Всі лавки зайняті. All the benches are taken. All the benches are busy. Ти вже, курва, допік. I'm sick and tired of your shit. You fucking dope. Це її коні. These horses are hers. It's her horses. Дзе зараз твае дзеці? Where are your children now? Where are your kids now? Гэта найлепшая гасцініца ў горадзе. It's the best hotel in this town. It's the best hotel in the city. Мой отец любит рыбалку, как и я. My father likes fishing, and so do I. My dad likes fishing as much as I do. В тот день погибло более трёхсот человек. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. On that day more than three hundred people were killed. Мэри одета в черное платье. Mary is wearing a black dress. Mary's wearing a black dress. Он читал эту книгу вчера. He read this book yesterday. He read that book yesterday. Мені подобаються ці. I like these. I like these. Та черная сумка ваша? That black bag is yours? That black bag's yours? Том заслуговує на це. Tom deserves that. Tom deserves it. Не забывай нас. Don't forget us. Don't forget us. Чому ти думаєш, що Том не може цього зробити? What makes you think that Tom can't do that? Why do you think Tom can't do this? Вони нас усіх уб'ють. They're going to kill us all. They're gonna kill us all. Поедание мяса вредит вашему здоровью и окружающей среде. Eating meat is bad for your health and for the environment. Eating meat harms your health and environment. Які фрукт зялёны? What kind of fruit is green? What kind of fruit is green? У Мері довге волосся. Mary has long hair. Mary's got long hair. Мне отпустить Тома? Should I let Tom go? Should I let Tom go? Мені слід піти. I should go. I should go. У вас є африканські слони? Do you have African elephants? Do you have any African elephants? Я люблю музыку, особенно классическую. I like music, especially classical music. I love music, especially classical music. Где я могу его купить? Where can I buy it? Where can I buy it? В мене не було часу. I didn't have the time. I didn't have time. Самі ведаў, што ён зрабіў. Sami knew what he had did. He knew what he did. Тут я их и встретил. That's where I met them. That's where I met them. Я купила годинник. I bought a watch. I bought a watch. Не думаю, що Том знає, як це трапилося. I don't think that Tom knows how it happened. I don't think Tom knows how it happened. Мэри сказала, что видела вчера Тома. Mary said she saw Tom yesterday. Mary said she saw Tom yesterday. Есть острая необходимость в питьевой воде. There is an urgent need for drinking water. There is an urgent need for drinking water. Я хочу, щоб ти послухав. I want you to listen. I want you to listen. Она самая ленивая из тех, кого я знаю. She is the laziest person I know. She's the lazy one I know. Я свой карандаш забыл. I forgot my pencil. I forgot my pencil. Она начала петь. She began to sing. She started singing. У Вас есть какое-нибудь мнение? Do you have an opinion? Do you have any opinion? Я бы хотел больше зарабатывать. I wish I earned more money. I'd like to earn more. Том почистив яблуко. Tom peeled the apple. Tom cleaned the apple. Вы поэтому не будете нам помогать? Is that why you won't help us? You're not gonna help us, are you? Ти бачиш Тома? Can you see Tom? You see Tom? Я не знаю, кому Том продав своє авто. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. I don't know who Tom sold his car. Боже мій! Gosh! Oh, my God! Мері галаслива, чи не так? Mary is loud, isn't she? Mary's loud, isn't she? Вона хотіла їм допомогти. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Твая жонка ведае? Does your wife know? Does your wife know? Ваша присутність тут багато для мене значить. Your being here means a lot to me. Your presence here means a lot to me. Я люблю чай. I love tea. I like tea. На пресс-конференции мэр произвел сенсацию. The mayor dropped a bombshell at the news conference. At the press conference the mayor made a sensation. Мэри говорит, что она одинока. Mary says that she's lonely. Mary says she's lonely. Я знал, что Том вряд ли выиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to win. I knew Tom was unlikely to win. «Я в порядке». – «Нет, не в порядке». "I'm fine." "No, you're not." "I'm fine." "No, not okay." Мъногъ снѣгъ палъ. A lot of snow had just fallen. It's been a long time. Я недооцінила силу супротивника. I've underestimated the strength of my opponent. I underestimated the power of the enemy. Том вас на прошлой неделе видел? Had Tom seen you last week? Did Tom see you last week? Одягни на нього наручники. Put handcuffs on him. Put your handcuffs on him. Картина була намальована Пікасо. The picture was painted by Picasso. The painting was painted by Picasso. Я вирішила тебе звільнити. I've decided to fire you. I decided to fire you. Вам надо его увидеть. You have to see it. You need to see him. Том не сказав Мері, що він хоче, щоб вона зробила. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wants her to do. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wanted her to do. Не думаю, що Том знає, коли Мері приїхала до Австралії. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. Должен существовать другой путь. There's got to be another way. There must be another way. Обмеження швидкості немає. There's no speed limit. There's no speed limit. Том неудержим. Tom is exuberant. Tom's out of control. Мері заможна, так? Mary is wealthy, isn't she? Mary's rich, right? Я не ведаю, што ты збіраешся рабіць. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. Я слишком устала, чтобы бегать. I’m too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Нам надо его найти. We've got to find it. We need to find him. Мері поклала олівець. Mary put down her pencil. Mary put her pencil down. Я просто не согласна с вами. I just don't agree with you. I just don't agree with you. Я дуже хочу поїхати до Бостона. I really want to go to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Яна мае пяць братоў. She has five brothers. She has five brothers. Почему ты ещё не говорила об этом с Томом? Why haven't you talked to Tom about this yet? Why haven't you talked to Tom yet? Я не буду петь эту песню. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not gonna sing this song. Дроугъ ми єси. You are my friend. We're here. Ты не изменился. You haven't changed. You haven't changed. Перший місяць року - січень. The first month of the year is January. The first month of the year is January. Он любит хвастаться об успешном автомобильном бизнесе своего отца. He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business. He likes to brag about his father's successful car business. Никто тебя не ненавидит. Nobody hates you. No one hates you. Сідайте тут біля мене. Sit down here beside me. Sit by my side. Стало краще. It's gotten better. It's getting better. Не чіпай нічого, добре? Don't touch anything, OK? Don't touch anything, okay? Держи меня в курсе. Keep me updated. Keep me posted. Том зачинив дверь. Tom shut the door. Tom locked the door. Я прийшла забрати свою книжку. I'm here to pick up my book. I came to pick up my book. Я знаю, что я вам не нравлюсь. I know you don't like me. I know you don't like me. Ми вивчили, що Ньютон відкрив закон всесвітнього тяжіння. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that Newton opened the law of gravity worldwide. Как зовут эту собаку? What's this dog's name? What's the name of this dog? Том дуже втомився. Tom is very tired. Tom was very tired. Фома стрибнув. Tom jumped. Thomas jumped. Пакажыце мне штосьці яшчэ, калі ласка. Please show me something else. Please give me something else. Тебе весело? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun? Я сбился со счёта, сколько раз ты мне помог. I've lost count of how many times you've helped me. I lost count how many times you helped me. Я думал, Том будет во мне разочарован. I thought Tom would be disappointed in me. I thought Tom would be disappointed in me. Хочете суп? Do you want soup? Do you want soup? Я вернусь в Канаду завтра. I will come back to Canada tomorrow. I'll be back in Canada tomorrow. Я радий тебе бачити. I'm pleased to see you. I'm glad to see you. Кіншаса — сталіца Дэмакратычнай Рэспублікі Конга. Kinshasa is the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Як маецеся? How are you doing? How are you? Коли ти будеш готова йти? When will you be ready to leave? When will you be ready to go? Скажи ему, что я занят. Tell him I'm busy. Tell him I'm busy. Калі ты пачала вывучаць французскую? When did you start learning French? When did you begin to study French? Крига дуже холодна. Ice is very cold. The ice is very cold. Жизнь не всегда справедлива. Life isn't always fair. Life is not always fair. Это проще, чем ты думаешь. It's easier than you think. It's easier than you think. Том пошёл в магазин, чтобы купить молока. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the store to buy milk. Що ви сьогодні робитимете? What are you going to do today? What will you do today? Він пише книги. He writes books. He writes books. Следующий год - год Кролика. Next year is the year of the rabbit. The next year is the year of Rabbit. Она начала осваиваться в своем новом офисе. She began to get the feel of her new office. She started being developed in her new office. Кто поранился? Who got hurt? Who got hurt? Том напружений. Tom is intense. Tom is tense. Хто з'їв останній пончик? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last donut? Мне нужно сказать Тому. I need to tell Tom. I have to tell Tom. Він не розбився. It didn't break. He didn't crash. Простите, что расстроил вас. I'm sorry I let you down. Sorry to upset you. Картошка очень дешевая. Potatoes are very cheap. It's very cheap. Это слишком опасно. It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous. Ты занята? Are you busy? Are you busy? Маєш професійний досвід? Do you have professional experience? You have a professional experience? Я почти верю тебе. I almost believe you. I almost believe you. В пакете есть немного сахара. There is a little sugar in the bag. There's some sugar in the bag. Мэри пыталась скрыть слёзы. Mary tried to hide her tears. Mary tried to hide her tears. Вы сами так часто говорили. You've often said so yourself. You said it so many times yourself. Том рассказал анекдот. Tom told a joke. Tom told the anecdote. Ты не мог бы решить этот вопрос? Could you solve the problem? Couldn't you find a solution? Можна мені поставити декілька запитань? May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you some questions? Я собираюсь дать тебе немного уроков карате. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'm gonna give you a little karate lesson. Дайте нам, пожалуйста, знать. Please let us know. Let us know, please. Вы не можете этого сделать. You can't do this. You can't do this. Что принёс Том? What did Tom bring? What did Tom get? Марьи люба єста Ѳома да Иванъ. Mary likes both Tom and John. My dearest here is da Ivan. Звідки почнемо? Where do we start? Where do we begin? В нього зелені очі. He has green eyes. He's got green eyes. Мені шкода, що я туди пішов. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. Собака Тома укусив Мері за руку. Tom's dog bit Mary's hand. Tom's dog bit Mary by the hand. Люди без чувства юмора — как луга без цветов. People with no sense of humor are like meadows with no flowers. Humans have a sense of humor — like meadows without flowers. Я уверен, что вы расскажете мне всё, что я хочу знать. I'm sure you'll tell me what I want to know. I'm sure you'll tell me everything I want to know. Том єдиний, хто не вміє цього робити. Tom is the only one who can't do that. Tom's the only one who can't do it. Том тогда жил в Австралии. Tom was living in Australia back then. Tom was then living in Australia. Отьць мои мало саке пьѥть. My father doesn't drink too much sake. My father has little juice to drink. Том сказал, что не собирается ждать разрешения. Tom said he wasn't going to wait for permission. Tom said he wasn't gonna wait for permission. Они держали свою любовь в тайне. They kept their love a secret. They kept their love secret. Ми зайняті. We're busy. We're busy. Адвокат чекав на Бена. The lawyer was expecting Ben. The lawyer was waiting for Ben. Этот фрукт очень кислый. This fruit is very sour. It's really sour. Я не знаю більше онлайн-словників, але в PDF’ному вигляді є 香港粵語詞典, можна загрузити з ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don’t know any other online dictionaries, but there is the 香港粵語詞典 in PDF format, you can download it at ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don't know more online speakers, but in PDF form, it's, you can download it from ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. Том, поднявшись со стула, заговорил. Tom, having risen from his chair, began to speak. Tom stood up and spoke. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan a new school year begins in April. Чємѹ єси криво рєклъ? Why did you lie? What the hell are you doing? Я не знал, как ответить на его вопрос. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. Я колись був молодий і амбіційний. I was young and ambitious once. I used to be young and ambitious. Том был не настолько глуп, чтобы сказать такое Мэри. Tom knew better than to say such a thing to Mary. Tom wasn't stupid enough to say Mary like that. Ты уже звонил Люси? Have you called Lucy yet? Have you called Lucy yet? Мені слід було краще навчатися. I should've studied more. I should have learned better. Будь я птицей, я бы полетел к тебе. If I were a bird, I would fly to you. If I were a bird, I would have come to you. Том дав мені сумку повну грошей. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Я хочу, чтобы завтра ты была здесь в половине третьего. I want you here tomorrow by 2:30. I want you to be here at half a third tomorrow. Магу я Вам чымсьці дапамагчы? May I help you? Can I help you with anything? Я здесь по работе. I'm here on business. I'm here for work. Из пушки по воробьям. The eagle does not catch flies. From the gun to the sparrows. Може бути, це неможливо. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it's not possible. Том понял, что наговорил слишком много. Tom realized he'd said way too much. Tom realized he said too much. Лично я думаю, что вы правы. Personally, I think you're right. I personally think you're right. У меня всё болело. I was aching all over. I've had a lot of pain. Подумайте хорошенько, прежде чем отвечать. Think carefully before answering. Think carefully before you answer. Коли я маю це зробити? When am I supposed to do that? When am I supposed to do this? Ти вже повечеряла? Have you had your dinner yet? Have you had dinner yet? Почему ты не можешь поехать в Бостон? Why can't you go to Boston? Why can't you go to Boston? Мэри сказала мне, что победит. Mary told me that she'd won. Mary told me she would win. Ён вельмі прыгожы. He is very handsome. He is very handsome. Они забыли свои зонты. They forgot their umbrellas. They forgot their zones. Я й Том — з Мері. Tom and I are with Mary. Tom and I are from Mary. Том говорив з Мері. Tom was talking to Mary. Tom spoke to Mary. Том относился ко мне как к брату. Tom treated me like a brother. Tom treated me like a brother. Що трапилося з тим хлопцем, з яким ти зустрічалася? What happened to that guy you were seeing? What happened to the guy you met? Я бы хотел выпить кофе. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like some coffee. Я ем только мясо. I only eat meat. I just eat meat. Зачем? For what? Why? Почему ты думаешь, что Тому это нравится? Why do you think Tom likes it? Why do you think Tom likes it? Том на взводі. Tom is psyched. Tom's on the vault. Я не знав, що у тебе є машина. I didn't know you had a car. I didn't know you had a car. Тебе пора ложиться. Выключай радио. It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio. It's time for you to go to bed, turn off the radio. Книжка лежить на столі. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Том сейчас, вероятно, дома. Tom is probably at home now. Tom's probably home now. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона цього не зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she didn't do that. I wonder if Tom used to ask Mary why she did not. Цей автобус їде до Мінська. This bus is going to Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. Їй подобаються тварини. She likes animals. She likes animals. Дозволь собі бути щасливим. Let yourself be happy. Allow yourself to be happy. Не видѣла ли ѥси моихъ пътъкъ? Didn't you see my birds? Didn't you see my food? Его приняли за его младшего брата. He was mistaken for his younger brother. He was received as his little brother. Том и Мэри скучают по родителям. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Это бы мне не помогло. That wouldn't help me. That wouldn't help me. Том не думает, что на Марсе есть жизнь. Tom doesn't think there is any life on Mars. Tom doesn't think there's life on Mars. Ти хочеш, щоб я купив тобі бутерброд? Do you want me to buy you a sandwich? You want me to buy you a sandwich? Ты не выглядел усталым. You didn't look like you were tired. You didn't look tired. Я б хотів би купити карту. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to buy a map. Сапраўднае сяброўства даражэйшае за грошы. Real friendship is more valuable than money. That real friendship is bigger than money. Том всегда откровенно высказывается. Tom always speaks his mind. Tom always speaks frankly. Я була сором'язлива. I was shy. I was shy. Він почав їсти свій бутерброд. He began to eat his sandwich. He started eating his sandwich. Вы не ведалі, што ідзе дождж? Didn't you know it was raining? Did you not know that rain is coming? Це не буде легко. This is not going to be easy. It won't be easy. Я не могу разобраться, как открыть эту коробку. I can't figure out how to get this box open. I can't figure out how to open this box. Ты завтра едешь в Токио? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you going to Tokyo tomorrow? Ви вже доїли сніданок? Have you finished breakfast yet? Have you finished your breakfast? Ці можна купіць шчасце за грошы? Can money buy happiness? Can we buy a fortune for money? У Тома маленька квартира. Tom's apartment is small. Tom's got a little apartment. Я не думаю, що Тому незручно. I don't think Tom is uncomfortable. I don't think Tom's too uncomfortable. Тому нужно одобрение Мэри. Tom wants Mary's approval. So we need Mary's approval. Том сказав, що Мері, ймовірно, займеться цим. Tom said Mary would likely do that. Tom said Mary was likely to do this. Він полаявся з дружиною через дітей. He quarreled with his wife about their children. He and his wife married because of their children. Кто платит? Who's paying? Who pays? К счастью, он не погиб в аварии. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Fortunately, he didn't die in an accident. Том и Мэри не состоят в браке. Tom and Mary aren't married. Tom and Mary are not married. Химия - замечательная наука. Chemistry is a marvelous science. Chemistry is a great science. Том сказал, ему не хотелось бы тратить на это столько времени. Tom said he'd rather not spend so much time doing that. Tom said he didn't want to spend so much time on it. Ты купил хлеб. You bought bread. You bought bread. Том — серфер. Tom is a surfer. Tom is a serfer. Мені слід зробити те, що запропонував Том. I should do what Tom suggested. I should do what Tom suggested. Это было слишком просто? Was that too easy? Was it too easy? У мяне ёсць тры білеты. I have three tickets. I have three tickets. Я думал, ты знаешь их. I thought you knew them. I thought you knew them. Вони сперечалися про те, хто має сидіти попереду. They were arguing about who should sit in front. They argued about who was to sit in front. Мені подобається, як тане сніг. I love it when the snow melts. I like the way the snow melts. Всі хлопці полюбляють грати у бейсбол. All boys like to play baseball. All the boys like to play baseball. Мы будем стараться изо всех сил. We'll try our best. We will do our best. Емілі ходить до школи. Emily goes to school. Emily's going to school. Це було надзвичайно сюрреальне. It was incredibly surreal. It was extremely surreal. Я фарбую гараж. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Скільки, на вашу думку, він коштував? How much do you think that it cost? How much do you think he was worth? Моя температура 38 градусів. My temperature is 38 degrees. My temperature is 38 degrees. Фадзіль выхоўваўся ў такім доме, дзе яго навучылі, што каханне звязанае толькі з матэрыяльнымі рэчамі. Fadil was brought up in a home where he was taught that love was just about material things. The Queen was engaged in such a house where he was taught that love was connected only with material things. Припини! Break it up! Stop it! Вы чего-нибудь хотите? Is there something that you want? Anything you want? Том сказав, що йому потрібно допомогти Мері. Tom thought that he needed to help Mary. Tom said he had to help Mary. Я не думаю, що Том знає когось, хто може це зробити. I don't think Tom knows anyone who's able to do that. I don't think Tom knows anybody who can do this. Том ждет тебя в конференц-зале. Tom wants you in the conference room. Tom's waiting for you in the conference room. Да якой групы ты хочаш далучыцца? Which group do you want to join? Which group do you want to join? Ні, пане, вона безкоштвона. No, sir, it's free. No, sir, she's free. Напиши мне, если тебе нужна будет помощь. Write to me if you need help. Write me if you need help. Что делают эти люди? What are the men doing? What are these people doing? Том положил газету на стол. Tom laid the newspaper on the table. Tom put the newspaper on the table. Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. No one would have helped me. "Как произошла авария?" - "Никто не знает". "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." "How did the accident happen?" "No one knows." Покажите Тому свои руки. Show Tom your hands. Show him your hands. Што здарылася? What happened? What happened? Хочешь пойти? You want to go? You want to go? Ви будете зі мною. You'll be with me. You'll be with me. Калі я пытаюся ў людзей, пра што яны больш за ўсё шкадуюць падчас вучобы ў школе, амаль усе адказваюць аднолькава: яны бессэнсоўна патрацілі так шмат часу. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When I'm asking people what they're most sorry about when they're at school, almost all of them answer the same question, "They've lost so much time." Ми тобі дамо ще один шанс. We'll give you one more chance. We'll give you another chance. Заставайся там. Stay there. Stay there. У Тома занадто багато роботи. Tom has too much work to do. Tom's got too much work to do. Я бачив, як до кімнати зайшов чоловік. I saw a man enter the room. I saw a man enter the room. Я знаю тайну Тома. I know Tom's secret. I know Tom's secret. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt Tom's coming. Я хожу в университет. I go to university. I go to university. Не хочеши ли вѣдѣти? Don't you want to know? Do you want to go to bed? Я никогда не встречался ни с кем выше меня. I've never dated anyone taller than me. I've never met anyone above me. Цей діамант справжній? Is this diamond real? Is this diamond real? Я маю тут зачекати. I must wait here. I have to wait here. Ти маєш гарний голос. You have a nice voice. You have a good voice. Ти говориш дуже виразно. You're very articulate. You speak very clearly. Придёт день, когда мы сможем полететь на Луну. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. The day will come when we can fly to the moon. Том вийшов із кімнати. Tom left the room. Tom's out of the room. Как там Вас зовут? What was your name? What's your name? Это твоя спальня. This is your bedroom. It's your bedroom. Ви продаєте будильники? Do you sell alarm clocks? You're selling the alarm? Том розмовляє. Tom is talking. Tom's talking. Трава желєна. The grass is green. Yellow grass. Ти занадто худорлява. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Ми вирушаємо через п'ять хвилин. We're leaving in five minutes. We're leaving in five minutes. Ми круті. We're tough. We're cool. Коли відкривається бар? When does the pub open? When does the bar open? Том відкрив шкаф. Tom opened the closet. Tom opened the closet. Мені до цього більше немає чого додати. I have nothing else to add to that. I have nothing to add to it. Почему бог нас так обидел? Какой на нас грех? Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us? Why did God hurt us so much? Сколько времени вам нужно? How much time do you need? How long do you need? Том этого не делал. Tom didn't do that. Tom didn't do that. Вони дуже цікавляться астрономією. They are very interested in astronomy. They are very interested in astronomy. Я никогда не спрашивала её. I never asked her. I never asked her. Я поспорил с Томом насчёт использования марихуаны. I had an argument with Tom about the use of marijuana. I questioned Tom about the use of marijuana. Я не влюблён в Мэри. I'm not in love with Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. Том охайний, чи не так? Tom is tidy, isn't he? Tom's fine, isn't he? Ти правда ніколи не був у Європі? You've never been to Europe, have you? You've never been to Europe? Яна ня мае грошаў на набыцьцё новага аўтамабілю. She does not have the money for buying a new car. It doesn't have any money to buy a new car. Його дідусь все ще дуже здоровий як для свого віку. His grandfather is still very healthy for his age. His grandfather is still very healthy for his age. Ты мне никогда особенно не нравился. I never really liked you. I never really liked you. Том был обыскан полицейским. Tom was frisked by the police officer. Tom was searched by a cop. Том жил в Австралии. Tom lived in Australia. Tom lived in Australia. Нет ничего важнее, чем друзья. There is nothing more important than friends. There's nothing more important than friends. Том забув принести домашню роботу до школу. Tom forgot to bring his homework to school. Tom forgot to bring home work to school. Я думала, что это вы. I thought that was you. I thought it was you. Возьми своё пальто. Сегодня холодно. Take your coat. It's cold today. Take your coat, it's cold today. Я никогда не видел Вас таким счастливым. I've never seen you so happy. I've never seen you so happy. Як пройшов екзамен? How did the exam go? How was the exam? Я знаю багатьох учителів французької. I know lots of French teachers. I know a lot of French teachers. Ты японец? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Ці ты ў парадку? Are you OK? Are you all right? Том міг купити все, що йому потрібно. Tom could buy everything he needed. Tom could have bought anything he wanted. Я так сильно змінилася? Have I changed that much? Did I change so much? Ѿче на́шъ иже еси на небесехъ, да свѧти́тсѧ и́мѧ Твое́, да прїидетъ царствїе Твое́, да будетъ волѧ Твоѧ́, ѧко на небеси и на земли́. Хлѣ́бъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь и оста́ви на́мъ долъгы на́ша, ѧко и мы оставлѧ́емъ долъжникомъ на́шимъ и не въведи на́съ в напа́сть но изба́ви насъ ѿ лука́ваго. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. As you go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. Допрос окончен. The interrogation is over. The interrogation's over. Я постараюсь запомнить это. I'll try to memorize it. I'll try to remember it. Том и Мэри не хотят танцевать. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Яблоки - самые лучшие фрукты. Apples are the best fruit. Apples are the best fruits. Это добрый знак. This is a good sign. That's a good sign. Ця книжка належить вам? Does this book belong to you? Does this book belong to you? Она получила самые высокие оценки. She's got the best grades. She's got the highest grades. Даруйце, у нас скончыліся манты. I'm sorry, we're all out of manti. Sorry, we ran out of coins. Кому-то надо с ним поговорить. Somebody's got to talk to him. Someone has to talk to him. Він законахий у неї до нестями. He's madly in love with her. He's a dead man. Коѥ жьдо дѣтѧ се вѣсть. Any child knows it. I don't know what you're talking about. На чому ти добре розумієшся? What are you good at? What do you think you're good at? Її очі зупинилися на сукні. Her eyes settled on the dress. Her eyes stopped on the dress. В прошлый понедельник я увидела вас с Томом. I saw you with Tom last Monday. Last Monday I saw you and Tom. Я певен, що ти дуже зайнята. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Я згоден з вами, хлопці. I agree with you guys. I agree with you guys. Кім вдягнений дуже привабливо. Kim is dressed very attractively. The one wearing is very attractive. Том все еще влюблен в Мэри? Is Tom still in love with Mary? Tom's still in love with Mary? Ви вживаєте спиртні напої? Do you consume liquor? Do you drink alcohol? В следующий раз постараемся быть осторожнее. We'll try to be more careful the next time. Next time, we'll be more careful. Фома большой? Is Tom big? Big Thomas? Они очень весёлые люди. They're very cheerful people. They're very pretty people. Ты всегда такой романтичный. You're always so romantic. You're always so romantic. Том осторожно вошел. Tom carefully stepped inside. Tom went in carefully. Том сказал, что он ест. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Добры вечар, як Вашы справы? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how are you doing? Дякую, що ти до нас приєдналася. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Він збирається тобі допомогти. He is going to help you. He's gonna help you. У вас ёсць папера? Do you have paper? Do you have a paper? Том і толькі Том можа гэта зрабіць. Tom and only Tom can do it. Tom and only Tom can do it. Дякую за книжку. Thank you for the book. Thank you for the book. Не поділяю твого оптимізму. I don't share your optimism. I don't share your optimism. Це на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Ты слишком мал, чтобы знать, что такое логарифмическая линейка. You're too young to know what a slide rule is. You're too small to know what a logarithmic liner is. Просто скажите мне, где он. Just tell me where it is. Just tell me where he is. Я хожу в одну школу с Томом. I go to the same school as Tom. I go to school with Tom. Яна прамяніцца шчасцем. She glows with happiness. And it's true. Вони зникли. They disappeared. They're gone. Поставьте его на место. Put it back where it was. Put him in position. Мы сёння з ім гаварыцьмем. We'll be talking to him today. We'll talk to him today. Ти готовий до іспиту? Are you ready for the test? Are you ready for exam? Том подозревал, что Мэри употребляет наркотики. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Почему ты меня не слушаешь? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? Том не хотел покупать Мэри подарок. Tom didn't want to buy Mary a present. Tom didn't want to buy Mary a gift. Та маленька зірка — найяскравіша. That small star is brightest. But the little star is the brightest one. Говори. Talk. Speak. Я вас с Томом уважаю. I respect you and Tom. I respect you and Tom. Мені слід бути обережнішим. I need to be more careful. I need to be more careful. Кровать очень удобная. The bed is very comfortable. The bed's very comfortable. Це наше перше Різдво тут у Австралії. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. Том хочет взять завтра мою машину. Tom wants to borrow my car tomorrow. Tom wants to take my car tomorrow. У цывілізованай Еўропе быкоў дагэтуль катуюць і забіваюць дзеля забавы. In civilized Europe, bulls are still tortured and killed for fun. In a civilized European bulls will ne'er torture and kill for the sake of entertainment. Пароль - "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muirel". Она читает. She's reading. She's reading. Я поглибився у деталі. I went into details. I went into the details. Вчора вона проспала більше 10 годин. She slept more than ten hours yesterday. She's been sleeping for more than 10 hours yesterday. З Томом стався нещасний випадок на роботі. Tom had an accident at work. Tom was in an accident at work. У меня ещё есть кое-какая работа. I still have some work to do. I still have some work to do. Он - трезвенник. He's a teetotaller. He's a gravitator. Том не хотів іти на прогулянку. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Том здивував усіх, коли зробив це. Tom surprised everyone when he did that. Tom surprised everyone when he did. Я гэтага не бачыла. I didn't see that. I could not see it. Престарелый человек живёт в одиночестве. The old man lives alone. The old man lives alone. Книжка задорога. The book is too expensive. It's a book that's too long. Во сколько ты завтра приезжаешь? What time do you arrive tomorrow? When are you coming tomorrow? Я помню, як я сустрэў яго ў Парыжы. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember seeing him in Paris. Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Tom confessed to having killed Mary. Ми були готові. We were ready. We were ready. Позвони мне, когда вернёшься. Call me when you return. Call me when you get back. Я не магла сказаць ані слова. I couldn't say a word. I couldn't say a word. Спасибо, что взяли его на рыбалку. Thanks for taking him fishing. Thank you for taking him fishing. На небе так много звёзд, я не могу пересчитать их. There are so many stars in the sky that I can't count them all. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't reread them. Давай узагалі нічого не робитимемо. Let's not do anything at all. Let's just not do anything. Думаю, Том добре провів час. I think Tom really had a good time. I think Tom had a good time. Ти й насправдій думаєш, що Том переможе? Do you actually think Tom will win? You really think Tom's gonna win? Ніхто не повірить цим пліткам. Nobody will believe that rumor. No one's going to believe these gossips. Вы едите рис каждый день? Do you eat rice every day? Do you eat rice every day? Так тихо. It's so peaceful. So quiet. Ти за чи проти смертної кари? Do you support or oppose the death penalty? Are you for death penalty or not? Ніхто нічого мені не говорить. Nobody tells me anything. No one's telling me anything. Ти здурів? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Гэта справа вялікай важнасці. This matter is of great importance. It's a matter of great importance. Що нам робити? What do we do? What should we do? Я хотів би, щоб у мене було достатньо грошей, аби придбати машину. I wish I had enough money to buy the car. I wish I had enough money to buy a car. "Ты должен мне денег". - "Нет, не должен". "You owe me money." "No, I don't." "You owe me money." "No, you don't." Почему вы всегда принимаете его сторону? Why do you always take his side? Why do you always take his side? Нас не знають. They don't know us. We don't know. Мені здається, Том зраджує. I think Tom is cheating. I think Tom's betraying me. Дякую за те, що ти це робиш. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for doing this. Том правда в Бостон переехал? Has Tom really moved to Boston? Tom really moved to Boston? Каліфорнія гарна. California is beautiful. California is beautiful. Я знаю, что ты там. I know that you're there. I know you're there. Эта книга хорошо продаётся. This book sells well. It's a good book. Это сложно. This is difficult. It's complicated. Я шукаю когось, хто говорить французькою. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. Він, так би мовити, людина-робот. He is, so to speak, a human robot. He's a robot man, as it were. У нас закончыліся і яйкі. We're also out of eggs. We're out of eggs. Я просто констатирую факты. I'm simply stating the facts. I just point to the facts. Вам надо было там быть. You should've been here. You needed to be there. Если я расскажу всё как есть, меня прикончат. If I tell the truth, I'll be killed. If I tell you what it is, I'll be finished. Я тоже такую хочу. I want one, too. I want one, too. Я грамадзянін Рыма. I am a Roman citizen. I'm a citizen of Rome. Не думаю, что Тома можно оставить одного. I don't think that Tom can be left alone. I don't think Tom could be left alone. Ти запитав Тому, що не так? Did you ask Tom what was wrong? You asked him what was wrong? Яка з сумок твоя? Which bag is yours? Which one's yours? Я подожду здесь его прихода. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait for his coming here. Мне нужно ещё несколько минут. I want a few more minutes. I need a few more minutes. Том настроєний песимістично, так? Tom is pessimistic, isn't he? Tom's moody, isn't he? Никогда не думал, что сделаю это. I never thought I would do that. Never thought I'd do it. Они испугались и убили Тома. They got scared and killed Tom. They were frightened and killed Tom. Он был горд. He was proud. He was proud. Що сталося двадцятого жовтня? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20th? Кто съел всё печенье? Who ate all the cookies? Who ate all the cookies? Мері, що ти робиш? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Я забыла полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot the flowers. Гадаєш, Том може виграти? Do you think Tom can win? Do you think Tom could win? Всі хотіли, щоб Том був щасливий. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Не їж як свиня. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Церква знаходиться на іншому боці вулиці. The church is on the other side of the street. The church is on the other side of the street. Пийте воду зі струмка. Drink water from a stream. Drink water from the stream. Чый гэта ровар? Whose bike is this? Whose bike is it? Том завжди вчасно. Tom always arrives on time. Tom's always on time. Він відмовився від цієї ідеї. He abandoned the idea. He rejected that idea. Я не разумею. I don't get the point. I don't understand. Я не впала. I didn't fall. I didn't fall. Вы разве не видите, что произошло? Don't you see what's happened? Can't you see what happened? Цього з тобою більше не трапиться. This won't happen to you again. It won't happen to you again. Том побрился. Tom shaved. Tom shaved. Это работает. It works. It works. Це лише збіг? Is that only a coincidence? Is that just a coincidence? Я куплю тебе новый зонтик. I'll buy you a new umbrella. I'll buy you a new umbrella. Я починю это. I'll fix this. I'll start it. — Глянь, унь, на катлы вялікія, пад імі заўсёды агонь гарыць. Дзень і ноч наліваю я ў іх з гэтага возера поўна слёз людскіх і грэю, каб высахлі, аж пакуль усё гэта возера не высушу, аж пакуль пара ад іх не падымецца аж да неба!.. ‘Look, there, at the large cauldrons. The fire always burns under them. By day and by night I fill them full of people’s tears from this lake and heat them, so that they dry, until I dry the whole lake, until the steam rises up to the sky!’ Look, out on the executioners are large, under them there's always fire on the fire: the day and night I pour on them from this lake is full of tears of humanity and sin to dry, until the whole lake drys up, until a couple of them rises all up to the sky. Тому следовало бы лежать в постели. Tom ought to stay in bed. So you should have been in bed. Я горжусь тем, что мой отец хороший повар. I'm proud that my father is a good cook. I'm proud that my father is a good cook. Ты жартуеш! You're kidding! You're kidding! Гэты звон звоніць а восьмай гадзіне. That bell rings at eight. This bell calls at an eight o'clock. Є велика ймовірність, що він спізниться. There's a good chance that he'll be late. There's a big chance he'll be late. Я хочу стати механіком. I want to become a mechanic. I want to be a mechanics. Надеюсь, что никто не видел, как ты сюда заходил. I hope no one saw you come in here. I hope no one saw you come in here. Том перевантажений. Tom's overwhelmed. Tom is overloaded. Мы можем запереть эту дверь? Can we lock this door? Can we lock that door? Терпеть не могу этот цвет. I hate that color. I hate that color. Мы были потрясены известием о его смерти. We were shocked at the news of his death. We were shocked to report his death. Мы могли это сделать. We could have done it. We could have done it. Это длинное путешествие. It's a long journey. It's a long journey. Вони нас бояться. They're afraid of us. They're afraid of us. Мне нравятся твои очки. I like your glasses. I like your glasses. Люди часто жалуются на погоду. People often complain about the weather. People often complain about the weather. Я не хочу робити цього з Томом. I don't want to do that with Tom. I don't want to do this to Tom. Я трохи сором'язлива. I'm kind of shy. I'm a little shy. Хіба ти все ще сонна? Aren't you still sleepy? Don't you still sleep? Мальчик бежал к своего дому. The boy ran toward his house. The boy ran to his house. Как новая работа? How's the new job? How's the new job? У меня есть розовый автомобиль. I have a pink car. I have a pink car. Фадзіль патаемна перайшоў у іслам. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Ridiculously moved into Islam. Яблука якого кольору? What color are the apples? What color apple? Том вирішив проігнорувати прохання Мері. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Tom chose to ignore Mary’s request. Хто яна? Who's she? Who is she? Не люблю людей, которые настаивают на разговорах о политике. I don't like people who always insist on talking about politics. I don't like people who insist on talking about politics. Свяшчэннай кнігай мусульман з’яўляецца Каран. The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an. The sacred book of Muslims is a Koran. Гадаю, Том побуває в Бостоні. I think Tom will visit Boston. I think Tom's going to Boston. Не хвалюйся. У гэта тысячу разоў рабіла. Don't worry. I've done this a thousand times. into this thousand times. Я повернуся двадцятого жовтня. I'll be back on October 20th. I'll be back on October 20. Где вы их встретили? Where did you meet them? Where did you meet them? Том говорит, что я ем как свинья. Tom says I eat like a pig. Tom says I eat like a pig. Ты бездарна. You're untalented. You're free. У всіх є секрети. Everybody has secrets. Everybody's got secrets. Сёння першы дзень восені. Today is the first day of fall. Today is the first day of the fall. Яна ніколі не пападае па мячу. She is always missing the ball. She never provides a ball for her ball. Он изучил русский, когда был молодым. He learned Russian when he was young. He studied Russian when he was young. На стене были кровавые брызги. There were blood spatters on the wall. There were bloody sprays on the wall. Я хочу пару перчаток. I want a pair of gloves. I want a couple of gloves. Том сказав, що Мері доброзичлива. Tom said that Mary was nice. Tom said Mary was kind. Правда горька. Truth is bitter. Really bitter. Самі дагэтуль не ведае, што дакладна здарылася. Sami still doesn't know what exactly happened. Until now, it's not known what's exactly what's happened. Тебе надо поговорить с нами. You've got to talk to us. You need to talk to us. Том займається більше за мене. Tom studies more than I do. Tom does more than I do. Прийшла лише Мері. No one came except Mary. Only Mary came. Це складне запитання. It's a difficult question. That's a difficult question. Голандія - маленька країна. Holland is a small country. The Golan is a small country. Ты считаешь, что мой метод обучения неверен? Do you think that my way of teaching is wrong? You think my method of training isn't correct? Дай мне одно, пожалуйста. Please give me one. Give me one, please. Я врач. I am a doctor. I'm a doctor. Той чалавек паміраў. That man was dying. The man died. Жыву ў Беларусі і тым ганаруся. I live in Belarus and I take pride in this fact. The animal in Belarus is proud. Мы хотим уйти. We want to leave. We want to go. В цьому місці ріка раптом звужується. The river suddenly narrows at this point. In this place, the river suddenly narrows down. Ваша кошка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. У мене ключі Тома. I've got Tom's keys. I got Tom's keys. Дай мне денег. Give me some money. Give me the money. Не думаю, что я предвзят. I don't think I'm biased. I don't think I'm prejudiced. Том думав, що Мері та Джон, можливо, займаються контрабандою зброї. Tom thought that maybe Mary and John were gunrunners. Tom thought that Mary and John might be involved in arms smuggling. Його ніхто не бачив. No one has seen him. No one saw him. Що тримає тебе так пізно? What keeps you up so late? What keeps you so late? Я бачыла, як Том фліртаваў з маёй жонкай. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. I saw Tom flirted with my wife. Нас ніхто не кликав. Nobody called us. No one called us. Я не собираюсь на ней жениться. I'm not going to marry her. I'm not gonna marry her. Том не хотел иметь с Мэри ничего общего. Tom didn't want anything to do with Mary. Tom didn't want anything to do with Mary. Благодарю тебя от всего сердца. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you from the heart. Відправ її поштою. Send it by mail. Send her by mail. Як цікаво! How exciting! How interesting! В мене багато друзів. I have a lot of friends. I've got a lot of friends. Хто знає, коли Том це зробить? Who knows when Tom will do that? Who knows when Tom will do it? Дерево больное. The tree is sick. The tree is sick. Коли я вперше побачив тебе, я переплутав тебе з твоєю сестрою. I mistook you for your sister when I first saw you. When I first saw you, I confused you with your sister. Я прислонился к стене. I leaned against the wall. I leaned against the wall. К счастью, это сработало. Luckily, it worked. Fortunately, it worked. Що ти хочеш на свій день народження? What do you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday? Я ж можу тобі довіряти, правда? I can trust you, can't I? I can trust you, can I? Том живе в Бостоні, еге ж? Tom lives in Boston, doesn't he? Tom lives in Boston, doesn't he? Как вы думаете, сколько это займёт времени? How long do you think it will take? Do you think it'll take me a while? У них все гаразд. They're fine. They're fine. Ребёнок в колыбели. The baby is in the cradle. The baby's in the wheel. Він продає автомобілі. He sells cars. He sells cars. Вы на три сантиметра выше меня. You're three centimeters taller than me. You're three centimetres taller than me. Том іде за тридцять хвилин. Tom is leaving in thirty minutes. Tom's going in thirty minutes. Мені буде потрібна позичка. I'll need a loan. I'll need a loan. Я одинокий чоловік. I am a lonely man. I'm a lonely man. Людиноподібні мавпи розумні. Apes are intelligent. Ape - men are intelligent. Моя мама наконец пришла домой. My mother finally came home. My mother finally came home. Многие из них были детьми. Many of them were children. Many of them were children. Я понятия не имел, что ты с ней знаком. I had no idea you knew her. I had no idea you knew her. Він міцний горішок. He is a tough cookie. He's a tough nut. Дай мені мікрофон. Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone. Станешь отцом, поймёшь. When you're a father, you'll understand. You'll be a father, you'll understand. Мне патрэбны большы пакой. I need a larger room. I need a more room. Обращайся с ним хорошо. Treat him well. Get a good look at him. Де ти підстригся? Where did you get your hair cut? Where'd you jump? Скажи Тому, що ми на нього чекаємо. Tell Tom we're waiting for him. Tell him we're waiting for him. Его достали мои проблемы. He is fed up with my problems. He's got my problems. Кажуть, що Анна вийде заміж у червні. It is said that Anne will get married in June. It is said that Anna will be married in June. Ми вже дуже давно разом. We've been together a long time. We've been together a long time ago. Кожен день мій брат бере в бібліотеці нову книгу. Every day, my brother borrows a new book from the library. My brother takes a new book in the library every day. У мене може не бути вибору. I may have no choice. I may not have a choice. Паглядзі на таго хлопчыка, што плавае. Look at that boy who is swimming. Look at that floating boy. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає по всіх цих роках. I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years. I wonder if she will recognize me for all these years. Он катается на лыжах. He's skiing. He's riding the skis. О котрій годині ти можеш прийти? What time can you come? What time can you come at? Они счастливы. They're happy. They're happy. Це дуже цікава історія. That is a very interesting story. It's a very interesting story. Вона чекали годинами. She waited for hours and hours. She waited for hours. Вони тут. They are here. They're here. Где я был? Where was I? Where was I? Сколько вам было лет, когда ваша семья переехала в Бостон? How old were you when your family moved to Boston? How old were you when your family moved to Boston? У Тома не було грошей на купівлю машини. Tom didn't have money to buy a car. Tom had no money to buy a car. Я також це зробила. I did that, too. I did it, too. Он отказался от этой идеи. He abandoned the idea. He gave up that idea. Я почувствовал запах еды задолго до того, как вошёл в дом. I could smell the food long before entering the house. I felt the smell of food long before entering the house. Том не хоче пити. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom doesn't want to drink. Почему бы вам не зайти? Why don't you come in? Why don't you come in? Что ты говоришь? What are you saying? What are you talking about? Она сказала, что простудилась. She said she had a cold. She said she had a cold. Тут дуже галасливо. It's really noisy here. It's very loud here. Гэта таму што ты дзяўчынка. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. Том добре плаває. Tom can swim well. Tom swims well. А правда ли, что твою японскую подругу зовут Татоэба? And is it true that your Japanese girlfriend is called Tatoeba? Is it true your Japanese friend's name is Tatoeba? Не намагайся змінити тему. Don't try to change the subject. Don't try to change the subject. Вам можно доверить секрет? Can you keep a secret? Can you trust the secret? Чому ти вирішив купити цей будинок? Why did you decide to buy this house? Why did you decide to buy this house? Тиждень закінчився. The week is over. The week is over. Сьогодні іде сніг. It's snowing today. It's snowing today. Я популярен. I'm popular. I'm popular. Тобі не варто їй довіряти. You shouldn't trust her. You shouldn't trust her. Де вона вивчила італійську? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? Ти можеш поговорити з Томом, правда? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, can you? Я з клієнтом. I'm with a client. I'm with the client. Я не специалист. I'm no expert. I'm not a specialist. Я прийшов вчасно. I made it on time. I came in time. Фому убило молнией. Tom was killed by lightning. Thomas killed lightning. Він мій учитель. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Нѣсмь голодьнъ. I'm not hungry. You're hungry. Мама підсмажить нам кілька кільок на підвечірок. Mum's going to fry us some sprats for tea tonight. Mom's gonna cheer us up for a couple of nights. Чому Том вирішив це зробити? Why did Tom decide to do that? Why did Tom decide to do so? Небо ясне. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. Могу я сесть с ней? Can I sit with her? Can I sit with her? Новый тоннель свяжет Англию и Францию. The new tunnel will link Britain and France. The new tunnel will be service to England and France. Пусть земля будет тебе пухом, отец! Let the ground be wool to you, father! Let the land swell for you, father! Надень на неё намордник. Muzzle it. Put the headmaster on her. На що він схожий? What is it like? What does it look like? Я маю дваюрадных брата і сястру. I have two cousins. I have a cousin and a sister. Я отримав лист, написаний англійською. I received a letter written in English. I received a letter written in English. Це надзвичайно небезпечно. It's extremely dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. Тебе надо выпить воды. You have to drink water. You need water. Давайте сегодня посуду будет мыть тот, кто проиграет в камень-ножницы-бумагу! Let's have the one who loses at rock-paper-scissors do the dishwashing today! Let's wash the dish tonight who loses the stone tower! Том з'їв усі кукурудзяні баранці. Tom ate all the popcorn. Tom ate all the corn-cakes. Том уже чекає. Tom is already waiting. Tom's waiting. Я люблю путешествовать вокруг света. I love to travel around the world. I like to travel around the world. Іще раз, який мій пароль? What's my password again? Again, what's my password? Бициґла на улїци. The bicycle is in the street. Bisigla on the street. Мені подобається Австралія. I like Australia. I love Australia. Том ше претваря же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom, the miner's neck is rich. Когда начало? When does it start? When did it start? Ти молилася. You were praying. You prayed. Лацінская — мова будучыні! Latin is the language of the future! Latin — A Language of the Future! Оно белое? Is it white? Is it white? Я наблюдал за тем, как вы занимаетесь. I've been watching you study. I've been watching you. Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he's interested. Tom said he was interested. Ну, тоді розпочнімо. Then let us begin. Well, then let's start. Це моє. Віддай. That's mine. Give it back. It's mine, give it back. Я вимкнула комп'ютер. I turned off the computer. I turned off my computer. Том хотел, чтобы Мэри знала. Tom wanted Mary to know. Tom wanted Mary to know. Съешь немного пирога. Have some cake. Eat some pie. Більше нема де припаркуватися. There isn't anywhere else to park. There's no place to park. В мене є до тебе три питання. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Думаю, Том живе в Австралії. I think that Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Не знаю, готов ли я к этому. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Мне падабаецца джаз. I like jazz music. I like jazz. С нетерпением ждём вас и вашу семью. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family. We look forward to you and your family. Мене поранили. I got hurt. I was wounded. Вони друзі Тома. They're friends of Tom's. They're Tom's friends. Хіба ти не згодна, що це погана ідея? Don't you agree that that's a bad idea? Don't you agree that this is a bad idea? Я могу пройти за кулисы? Can I come backstage? Can I get through the halls? Том кахаў нас абедзвюх. Tom loved us both. Tom loved us both. Вода при замерзании расширяется. Water expands when it freezes. Water is increasing at freezing point. Це ваші сонцезахисні окуляри? Are these sunglasses yours? Are these your sunglasses? Я попросила Тома не вдягати одяг сестри. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear the sister's clothes. Хіба ти не Том? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? «Палюбі бліжняга свайго як сябе самога», — гэта цытата з Бібліі. "Love your neighbour as yourself" is a quotation from the Bible. "loving yours as yourself" is a quote from the Bible. Я занимаюсь спортом каждый день. I play sports every day. I do sports every day. Вот это называется удача. That's what you call good luck. That's what's called luck. Операция длилась шесть часов. The surgery lasted six hours. Operation lasted six hours. Раніше він багато читав. He used to read a lot. He used to read a lot. Ти ідіотка. You're stupid! You're an idiot. Я уже не ребёнок. I'm not a child anymore. I'm not a child anymore. Хто-небудь знає ім'я покійної? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Гей, ти! Hey, you there! Hey, you! Він був занадто сонний, щоб читати вечірню газету. He was too sleepy to read an evening paper. He was too sleepy to read the evening newspaper. Том не знал того, что знал я. Tom didn't know what I knew. Tom didn't know what I knew. Я спробував переконати Тома допомогти нам. I tried to convince Tom to help us. I tried to convince Tom to help us. Сідай. Take a seat. Sit down. Правда ясніша від сонця, та її зі свічкою шукають. Truth is brighter than the Sun, but it is sought with a candle. Truth is brighter from the sun, and it is sought with candles. Молодая девушка молчала. The young girl remained silent. A young girl was silent. Ви лікар, чи не так? You're a doctor, right? You're a doctor, aren't you? Том сказал, как он сумел это сделать? Did Tom say how he was able to do it? Tom said how did he do it? Пожалуйста, высадите меня на этой стороне от светофора. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Please, hang me on this side of the light. Нашьлъ свои отьць лежѧ въ поварьни. He found his father lying in the kitchen. Fuck your parents, lie down. Мы ещё не знаем побочных эффектов этого лекарства. We don't yet know the side effects of the drug. We don't know the side effects of this drug yet. Том пришёл раньше всех. Tom came before anyone else. Tom came before everyone. Ты найлепшая мама ў свеце. You're the best mom in the world. You're the best mom in the world. Ты должен встать рано. You have to get up early. You gotta get up early. Том провів цей день з донькою. Tom spent the day with his daughter. Tom spent that day with his daughter. У Тома зелені очі? Does Tom have green eyes? Tom's got green eyes? Вы шутите или серьёзно? Are you joking, or are you serious? Are you kidding me or are you serious? Ми вже знаємо, що ти це зробив. We already know you did that. We already know that you did. Том закончил в тюрьме. Tom ended up in prison. Tom's out of jail. Чому саме Том би це зробив? Why exactly would Tom do that? Why would Tom have done that? Это стоило бешеных денег. It cost an arm and a leg. It cost me crazy money. Я заставила Тома плавать. I got Tom to swim. I made Tom swim. Не хотите ли представиться? Would you introduce yourself? Would you like to introduce yourself? Том лише намагається захистити своїх дітей. Tom is only trying to protect his children. Tom's just trying to protect his children. Кіт за пліт, а миші в танець. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. The one by the gossip, the mouse by the dance. Наконец, она решила эту проблему. At last, she solved the problem. Lastly, she had solved the problem. Раньше это принадлежало им. That used to belong to them. It used to belong to them. Том пил красное вино, а Мэри - белое. Tom drank red wine and Mary drank white wine. Tom was drinking red wine, Mary was white. Ніщо не працює. Nothing's working. Nothing's working. Хто розбив це вiкно? Who broke this window? Who broke the window? Я нещодавно купила цю книжку. I bought this book the other day. I just bought this book. Винеси сміття. Take the garbage out. Take the garbage. Твій собака дуже великий. Your dog is very big. Your dog is very big. Позволь мне рассказать тебе, что я от тебя хочу. Let me tell you what I want you to do. Let me tell you what I want from you. Ты уже говорила с врачами? Have you talked to the doctors yet? Have you talked to the doctors yet? Том подивився нагору. Tom looked up. Tom looked upstairs. Усі щасливі. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Він скоро буде тут. He'll be here soon. He'll be here soon. Хіба ти не робитимеш цього сьогодні? Aren't you going to do that today? Aren't you going to do that today? Я всегда чищу зубы перед тем, как идти спать. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. Я пришёл с вами поговорить. I've come to speak with you. I've come to talk to you. Том не певен. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Дівчина боялася власної тіні. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. Хіба ви не почуваєтеся сьогодні краще? Aren't you feeling better today? Don't you feel better today? Откуда у вас столько денег? How did you get that much money? How'd you get all that money? Мы не умеем ими пользоваться. We don't know how to use them. We can't use them. Не відкривайте поки що подарунок. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the gift for now. Він не їсть нічого, окрім фруктів. He eats nothing other than fruit. He eats nothing but fruit. Дзе ты жывеш? Where do you live? Where do you live? Том сказал, что видел, как Мэри это делает. Tom said that he saw Mary doing that. Tom said he saw Mary do it. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to leave. Ти віриш в існування бога? Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you believe there's a god? Они не так уж плохи. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. У Канадзе размаўляюць на французскай? Do they speak French in Canada? In Canada is it speaking in French? Ви вмієте кататися на ковзанах? Can you ice skate? Can you ride skate skaters? Я повинна багато працювати, щоб нагнати втрачений час. I must work hard to make up for lost time. I have to work hard to catch up with my time. Том — герой Мері. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is the hero of Mary. Я бы непрочь еще чашечку чая. I would like to have some more tea. I wouldn't like another cup of tea. "Прости!" - "Ничего. Не парься". I'm sorry! - It's OK. Don't worry. "I'm sorry!" "No, don't do it." Я все ще не зробив того, про що попросив Том. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. «Скала» — анаграмма «ласки». 'Toast' is an anagram of 'stoat'. “Scala” is an anagram of “liquia”. Я багато про Вас чув. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Я думал, что Том никогда не бывал в Бостоне. I thought Tom had never been to Boston. I thought Tom had never been to Boston. Она мне не особенно нравится. I don't really like her. I don't really like her. Мне нужно немного вашего времени. I need some of your time. I need some of your time. Твоя ручка краща від моєї. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Я знаю их обоих. I know both of them. I know them both. Она всегда ему помогает. She always helps him. She's always helping him. У самых прыгожых кветак самыя вострыя шыпы. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. In the most handsome flowers the most sharp spikes. Мені здається, що Самі — хвора людина. I think that Sami is a sick individual. It seems to me that she is a sick person. Адна жанчына напісала 30 кніг пра тое, як стаць шчаслівай, а потым пакончыла з сабой. A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide. One woman wrote 30 books on how to be happy and then finished herself. Хіба ви не думаєте, що можеш це полагодити? Don't you think you can fix it? Don't you think you can fix it? Том сказал, что об этом не может быть и речи. Tom said it was out of the question. Tom said there was no question about it. Я не знала, что Вы женщина. I didn't know you were a woman. I didn't know you were a woman. Самі быў сапраўды збянтэжаны. Sami was really embarrassed. They were really puzzled. Лінда ўстала, каб заспяваць. Linda stood up to sing. Linda got up to be asleep. Том взяв один з бутербродів. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. У маі ўсе птушкі адкладваюць яйкі. In May, all birds lay an egg. In the nest all the birds lay eggs. Будь пильною. Be watchful. Be alert. Ми неначе родина. We're like family. We're like a family. Бажаю вам жити у цікаві часи. May you live in interesting times. I wish you could live in interesting times. Вы хотите, чтобы мы ей рассказали? Do you want us to tell her? You want us to tell her? Скажи Тому, чтобы он не попадался на глаза. Tell Tom he should stay out of sight. Tell him to stay out of sight. Думаєте, Том знає, що відбувається? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Він зараз вечеряє. Now he is eating dinner. He's having dinner. Мамо, я голодний. Mom, I am hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Він на три роки старший від неї. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than she is. Я не знаю, сколько лет этому мосту. I don't know how old that bridge is. I don't know how many years this bridge is. Держись отсюда подальше. Stay away from here. Stay out of here. Том попросив тебе щось зробити? Did Tom ask you to do something? Tom asked you to do something? Дай его ей. Give it to her. Give it to her. Передайте мне масло, пожалуйста. Please pass me the butter. Pass me the butter, please. Будынак ААН вельмі вялікі. The U.N. building is very impressive. == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Це була ідея Тома, а не моя. Не треба мене звинувачувати. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Don't blame me. That was Tom's idea, not mine, and don't blame me. Ён зрабіў шмат памылак у сачыненні. He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition. He made a lot of mistakes in the end. Как учёба? How are your studies going? How's the school? Я видел, как вы за ними следили. I saw you spying on them. I saw you watching them. Я боюся собак. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Том думає, що Мері може це зробити? Does Tom think Mary can do that? Tom thinks Mary can do this? Том испёк блины. Tom made pancakes. Tom's blonde. Модель та серійні номери знаходяться на зворотній стороні консолі. The model and serial numbers are located on the bottom of the console. Model and serial numbers are on the back of the console. Я прыняў яе запрашэнне. I accepted her invitation. I took her invitation. Я говорил вам, что я бы вернулся. I told you I'd be back. I told you I'd come back. Том выглядит чем-то изрядно расстроенным. Tom seems pretty upset about something. Tom looks too upset. Кльнѫ сѧ то бъıлъ Томъ. I swear it was Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Я хочу поделиться этим с вами. I want to share this with you. I want to share it with you. Я не знал её имени. I didn't know her name. I didn't know her name. Я могу сделать это гораздо лучше, чем вы. I can do that way better than you can. I can do it much better than you. Их продвижение было остановлено широкой рекой. Their progress was stopped by a wide river. Their movement was stopped by a broad river. Том никогда мне раньше не лгал. Tom has never lied to me before. Tom never lied to me before. Ваш кот чорны. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. Я лягаю спати! I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed! Ты ведь знаешь, что делаешь, да? You do know what you're doing, right? You know what you're doing, don't you? Это шутка такая, да? It's gotta be a joke, right? That's a joke, isn't it? Цього року ти купив різвяний подарунок для Тома? Did you get a Christmas present for Tom this year? Did you buy a Christmas present for Tom this year? Тебе нужно больше заниматься. You should study more. You need to do more. Я щойно підстриглася. I just got a haircut. I'm just jumping. Цей сон був для мене загадкою. The dream was a mystery to me. This dream was a mystery to me. Ѳома не моглъ плоути. Tom wasn't able to swim. I couldn't get any flesh. Хіба ти не хочеш відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Я не хочу это сейчас обсуждать. I don't want to discuss this now. I don't want to discuss it now. Звідки ти знала, що я виросла у Бостоні? How did you know I grew up in Boston? How did you know I grew up in Boston? Ти йдеш на матч? Are you going to the game? Are you going to the match? Крава тиж на фарми. The cow is at the farm, too. The bottom line is on the headlight. Джон, самый высокий мальчик в нашем классе, носит прозвище "Мистер Высотка" John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High". John, the highest boy in our class, wears the title "Mister of High." Велика кількість будинків була ушкоджена під час землетрусу. A great many houses were damaged in the earthquake. Many homes were damaged during the earthquake. Це був спекотний день. It was a hot day. It was a hot day. Австрія грала проти Австралії. Austria played against Australia. Austria played against Australia. Том стал отцом. Tom is a father now. Tom became a father. Сколько у тебя ручек? How many pens do you have? How many pens do you have? Я не хочу подниматься наверх. I don't want to go upstairs. I don't want to go up there. Я был так испуган, что ничего не мог сделать. I was too scared to do anything. I was so scared I couldn't do anything. Гайзибан у гайзибанскей станїци. The train is at the railway station. The Gissiban at the Gisiban State Мені все одно, що вони про мене думають. I don't care what they think about me. I don't care what they think of me. Ты бяжыш. You run. You're running. Цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she had to do it. Я ніколи не забуду вашу доброту. I shall never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Она мне нравится, а я ей нет. I like her, but she doesn't like me. I like her, and I don't like her. Почему ты не с ним? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? Ти насправді бачила НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Have you really seen UFO? З Новим роком! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Коли ти повернувся? When did you return? When did you come back? Я найкращий. I am the best. I'm the best. Ти не зобов'язаний приходити завтра. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. У Тома она есть? Does Tom have it? Tom's got it? Мы с Томом пошли на рыбалку. Tom and I went fishing. Tom and I went fishing. Какой ты предпочитаешь? Which one do you like better? Which one do you prefer? Ти допомогла? Did you help? Did you help? Доктор оглянув дитину і сказав, що вона здорова. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. The doctor examined the child and said that he was healthy. Я просил Тома передать вам, что я не приду. I asked Tom to tell you I wasn't coming. I asked Tom to tell you I'm not coming. Том выглядел сердитым? Did Tom look angry? Was Tom angry? У меня неприятный запах изо рта. I have bad breath. I smell bad out of my mouth. Я толькі што павячэрала. I just ate dinner. I've just dinnered. Дзеці пайшлі гуляць у парк. The children went to play in the park. The children went to play in the park. Динозавры вымерли давным-давно. Dinosaurs became extinct a very long time ago. Dinosaurs died out a long time ago. Мы с Томом понимаем друг друга. Tom and I understand each other. Tom and I understand each other. Бурдж Калифа хвильково найвисши солитер на швеце. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Calipha Burgge is hanging silitor in the neck. Ти можеш туди піти. You may go there. You can go there. Том склав перелік того, що йому потрібно. Tom made a list of what he needed. Tom has compiled a list of what he needs. Я не думал, что меня накажут. I didn't think I'd get punished. I didn't think they'd tell me. Ти любиш дивитися телевізор. You like watching television. You like watching TV. Том не програє. Tom won't lose. Tom won't lose. Том сказав, що не планує цього робити. Tom said he didn't plan on doing that. Tom said he wasn't planning on doing it. Я хотел бы поговорить с Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Ты выглядаеш зануджанай. You look bored. You look neglected. Я був тоді тверезий. I was very sober at the time. I was sober then. В пятницу она очень занята. She's very busy on Friday. She's very busy Friday. У нас є постачальники. We have suppliers. We have suppliers. Я цябе не пакіну. I won't forsake you. I won't let you down. Кто-нибудь сделает эту работу. Someone will do that job. Somebody's gonna do this job. Нам потрібно побалакати. We have to talk. We need to talk. Двері нікому не відчиняй. Don't open the door for anybody. Don't open the door to anyone. Це не провина Тома. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. У мене це добре виходить. I'm good at this. I'm good at this. Том каже, що він винен багато грошей Мері. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Том взял немного денег из ящика. Tom took some money out of the drawer. Tom took some money from the box. Ты можаш вучыцца тут. You can study here. You can learn here. Когда вы свободны? When are you free? When are you free? Том — його брат. Tom is his brother. Tom is his brother. Діти побігли до класу. The children ran toward the classroom. The kids ran to class. Том единственный, кто что-то сказал. Tom is the only one who said anything. Tom's the only one who said something. Том живёт в одном здании со мной. Tom lives in my building. Tom lives in the same building with me. Продовжуйте працювати. Keep working. Keep working. Думаю, они счастливы. I think they're happy. I think they're happy. Я тебе пам'ятаю. Ми зустрічалися три роки тому. I remember you. We met three years ago. I remember you, we met three years ago. У мене багато кредитних карток. I have a lot of credit cards. I have a lot of credit cards. Я проспал остаток дня. I slept the rest of the day. I missed the rest of the day. Это её осчастливило. It brought a smile to her face. It made her happy. Не думаю, что Том виновен. I don't think that Tom is guilty. I don't think Tom was guilty. Пожалуйста, соль. The salt, if you please. Please, salt. Тому без разницы, что говорит Мэри. Tom doesn't care what Mary says. So it doesn't matter what Mary says. Том удома зі своїми дітьми. Tom is at home with his children. Tom's home with his kids. Я не могу посвятить тебя в свои планы. I can't tell you what my plans are. I can't dedicate you to my plans. Якое ў цябе ўражанне пра Кітай? What impression do you have of China? What do you have the impression of China? Том купив Мері обручку. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Я следовал всем правилам. I followed all the rules. I followed all the rules. Перепрошую, ти хто? Pardon, who are you? Excuse me, who are you? Мені дуже потрібна ваша допомога. I really do need your help. I really need your help. Том увесь день працює. Tom has been working all day. Tom works all day. У мене багато часу. I've got plenty of time. I've got a lot of time. Гадаю, нам треба зараз піти. I guess we should leave now. I think we should leave now. Нехта разбіў шыбу. Someone broke the window. Someone smashed his neck. Я хочу, чтобы мне вернули мой стол. I want my desk back. I want my desk back. Мы нашли это сегодня утром. We found it this morning. We found it this morning. Парня Мэри зовут Томом. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Boy Mary's name is Tom. Дзе Корнуал? Where is Cornwall? Where is Cornwall? Том та Мері багаті. Tom and Mary are rich. Tom and Mary are rich. Я хочу, чтобы ты прочитал эту книгу. I want you to read this book. I want you to read that book. Батарэя разражаджаная! Battery is low! The battery's angry! Не смейся над ними. Don't make fun of them. Don't laugh at them. У меня есть одна книга. I have a book. I have one book. Як вы можаце не ведаць? How can you not know? How could you not know? Это было не смешно. That wasn't funny. It wasn't funny. Автобус ходит между школой и станцией. The bus runs between the school and the station. The bus goes between the school and the station. Том ждал три часа. Tom waited for three hours. Tom waited three hours. Я покидаю Бостон. I'm leaving Boston. I'm leaving Boston. Тікай і не озирайся. Run away, and don't look back. Run and don't look. Просто скажи им, что тебе нужно. Just tell them what you need. Just tell them what you need. На вечеринке было полно девчонок. There were a lot of girls at the party. The party was full of girls. Полиция выяснила, где живёт преступник. The police found out where the criminal lived. The police found out where the criminal lives. У вас велика родина? Do you have a big family? You have a big family? Ты всегда врёшь мне. You always lie to me. You're always lying to me. Пожалуйста, выберите более надёжный пароль. Please choose a stronger password. Please select a more robust password. Он склонен давать волю эмоциям. He is apt to give vent to his feelings. He's inclined to give his emotions his free will. Мері продала машину. Mary sold her car. Mary sold the car. Если это правда, она лучше меня. If that's true, then she's better than me. If it's true, she's better than me. Том занят, как никогда. Tom is as busy as ever. Tom's as busy as he ever is. Во сколько собрание? What time's the meeting? How many congregations? Где Том взял это пальто? Where did Tom get that coat? Where did Tom get his coat? Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary scream. Если бы Том попросил меня помочь, я бы помог ему. If Tom had asked me for help, I would've helped him. If Tom had asked me to help, I would have helped him. Ви говорите словенською? Do you speak Slovenian? Do you speak Slovenian? Я зарано? Am I early? Am I early? Сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. My sister doesn't do it right now. Я ніколи не потрапляв у халепу. I never got into any trouble. I've never been in trouble. Мне нравится быть здесь. I like to be here. I like being here. Я зателефоную пізніше. I'll call later. I'll call you later. Мне патрэбна твая дапамога. I need your help. I need your help. Не говорите плохого о других. Don't speak ill of others. Don't say bad things about others. Том за нами. Tom is behind us. Tom is behind us. Мені потрібно, щоб ви були прямо там. I need you to stay right there. I need you to be right there. Ви хочете мене вбити. You want to kill me. You want to kill me. У Тома американский акцент. Tom has an American accent. Tom's got an American accent. Світ спостерігатиме. The world will be watching. The world will be watching. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple does not fall far from the apple tree. Она сказала, что хочет выиграть. She said she wanted to win. She said she wanted to win. Я не хочу, щоб ти йшов. I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to go. Том помітив, що щось було не так. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Tom noticed something was wrong. Он не собирается покупать фотоаппарат. He isn't going to buy a camera. He's not going to buy a camera. Ученики ленивы. The students are lazy. He's a lazy student. Не дивись на нього! Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Эта программа всё ещё далека от совершенства. That program is still far from perfect. This program is still far from perfect. Том знає щось, чого ми не знаємо. Tom knows something that we don't. Tom knows something we don't know. Том очень возбужден. Tom is very excited. Tom's really excited. Том тебе вибачає. Tom forgives you. Tom's sorry. Тебе лучше сначала его попросить. You'd better ask him first. You better ask him first. Не перебивай мене, коли я говорю. Don't interrupt me while I am talking. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Тому не нужно было изучать французский. Tom didn't need to study French. So you didn't have to learn French. Старик живёт один. The old man lives alone. The old man lives alone. Як ти переконав Тома допомогти нам пофарбувати хлів? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the barn? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the cherries? Том прийняв твою пропозицію? Did Tom accept your offer? Tom accepted your offer? Ми таким не займаємося. We don't do that. We don't do that. Засіб для зняття лаку дуже смердить. Nail polish remover stinks a lot. The patch cutter is smelly. Я з великої родини. I come from a large family. I'm from a large family. Как это у тебя получается всегда быть таким энергичным? How is it that you're always so full of energy? How do you always get to be so energetic? Том разгрузил машину. Tom unloaded the car. Tom unloaded the car. Том мене уникає. Tom avoids me. Tom's avoiding me. Пора заканчивать. It's time to wind up. It's time to finish. Ты честолюбива? Are you ambitious? Are you ambitious? Ти мав сказати Тому правду. You should've told Tom the truth. You should have told him the truth. Ты сейчас голоден? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry right now? Мы с Томом вскоре стали друзьями. Tom and I soon became friends. Tom and I soon became friends. Зрабі яго фотаробат! Make his identikit! Make him a photo! Це закоротке. This is too short. It's short. Том бил тебя вообще? Did Tom ever hurt you? Did Tom beat you at all? Яна любіла тоўстых мужчын, таму вырашыла перайсці ў будызм. She loved fat men, so she decided to convert to Buddhism. She liked stout men, so she decided to go into construction. Рассказывать нечего. There's nothing to tell. There's nothing to tell. Паниковать бесполезно. Panicking won't help. It's useless to panic. Я думав, ви впізнали Тома. I thought you'd recognized Tom. I thought you recognized Tom. Я, может быть, Тома приведу. Maybe I'll bring Tom. I might bring Tom. Мені здається, тобі варто звернутися до лікаря. I think you should see a doctor. I think you should see a doctor. Это наша школа. This school is ours. This is our school. Гроші не ростуть на деревах. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Он пошёл на почту, чтобы отправить письмо. He went to the post office to mail the letter. He went to the post office to send me a letter. Я хочу вивчати французьку. I want to study French. I want to study French. Я хочу взять их на работу. I want to hire them. I want to take them to work. Они идиоты. They're idiots. They're idiots. Нечего указывать мне, что делать. I don't want to be told what to do. There's nothing to tell me what to do. При прочих равных условиях температура является в этом эксперименте самым важным фактором. If other conditions are equal, the temperature must be the most influential element in this experiment. At other levels, the temperature is the most important factor in this experiment. "Откуда у вас мой телефон?" - "Том дал". "How did you get my phone number?" "Tom gave it to me." "Where do you get my phone?" "Tom gave it." Передай, пожалуйста, кусочек хлеба. Can you give me a slice of bread? Pass a piece of bread, please. Він офіцер армії. He is an army officer. He's an army officer. Том не сказал мне, что Мэри - его невеста. Tom didn't tell me Mary was his fiancée. Tom didn't tell me Mary was his bride. Том займатиметься цим завтра. Tom is going to be doing that tomorrow. Tom's gonna do it tomorrow. Я не люблю рибу. I don't like fish. I don't like fish. Том розуміє. Tom understands. Tom understands. Я Вас кахаю. I love you. I love you. Том недавно вышел из тюрьмы. Tom recently got out of prison. Tom just got out of jail. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері цього не буде робити. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't do that. Tom said he was hoping Mary wouldn't do that. Я хочу подарить Тому на день рождения что-нибудь полезное. I want to give Tom something useful for his birthday. I want to give Tom something useful on his birthday. Я зарабляю 100 еўра ў дзень. I earn 100 Euros a day. I earn 100 euros a day. Тато повернеться за кілька днів. Father will be back in a few days. Dad will be back in a few days. Не смотри на меня так. Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like that. Я повинен поспішити, а то запізнюсь. I've got to hurry up or I'll be late. I'll be late. Ніхто не візьме мене на роботу. No one will hire me. No one's taking me to work. Мы обо всём позаботились. We've taken care of everything. We took care of everything. В моём калькуляторе сели батарейки. The batteries in my calculator are dead. My calculator had batteries in it. Давай я расскажу тебе, как это работает. Let me tell you how this works. Let me tell you how it works. Вона потонула в озері. She drowned in the lake. She drowned in the lake. Чому ви так багато п'єте? Why do you drink so much? Why are you drinking so much? Вони всі туристи. They're all tourists. They're all tourists. Это Том научил меня, как это делается. It was Tom who taught me how to do this. That's Tom teaching me how to do it. Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Не хочѭ ѣсти. I'm not hungry. Not at all. Том поцеловал Мэри, и они обнялись. Tom kissed Mary and they hugged each other. Tom kissed Mary, and they hugged him. Відео стало вірусним. The video went viral. Video became viral. Я ляпіў снегавіка. I was making a snowman. I pattered the snowman. Хто зламаў гэту ручку? Who broke this pen? Who broke that pen? Вони худорляві. They're skinny. They're thin. Том думал, что ты знаешь Мэри. Tom thought that you knew Mary. Tom thought you knew Mary. Я засмутився із-за цього. This made me sad. I'm upset about this. У мене немає турецької клавіатури. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Том допоміг мені помити машину. Tom helped me wash my car. Tom helped me wash the car. Гэта проста забабоны. That's just superstition. It's just crazy. Он обхватил колени руками. He hugged his knees. He had his knees wrapped around him. Я знаю, що Том був зайнятий. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. Я знаю, що Том нам сказав неправду. I know that Tom has lied to us. I know Tom lied to us. Коли це закінчується? When does it end? When does that end? Том сходил с Мэри в музей. Tom visited the museum with Mary. Tom went to the museum with Mary. Ти бачив, що щойно трапилося? Did you see what just happened? Did you see what just happened? К сожалению, такова реальность. Unfortunately, that's the reality. Unfortunately, that is the reality. Канешне, я пайду туды з табой. Of course, I will go there with you. I don't know, I'll go there with you. У него есть брат в Токио. He has a brother in Tokyo. He's got a brother in Tokyo. Том та Мері посміхались один до одного. Tom and Mary smiled at one another. Tom and Mary smiled at each other. Чия це машина? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Постмодернизм отличается от модернизма. Postmodernism is different from modernism. Postmocratic is different from modernism. Не працюй забагато! Don't work too hard! Don't work too hard! Месяц адлюстроўваўся ў возеры. The moon was mirrored in the lake. The moon was reflected in a lake. Вы не замужем? Are you single? You're not married? Я его не боюсь. I'm not afraid of him. I'm not afraid of him. Авто на улїци. The car is in the street. A car in the street. Не переривайте нашу розмову. Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. Він упав на землю. He fell on the ground. He fell to the ground. Я втратила віру. I lost faith. I lost my faith. Європейці полюбляють пити вино. Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Том має специфічне почуття гумору. Tom has an odd sense of humor. Tom has a specific sense of humor. Чьё это вино? Whose wine is this? Whose wine is it? Он сделал то, о чём вы его просили. He did what you asked him to do. He did what you asked him to do. Она сейчас отдыхает. She is resting now. She's on her own right now. Том едва дышит. Tom can barely breathe. Tom's barely breathing. Том дуже цікавиться астрологією. Tom is very interested in astrology. Tom is very interested in astrology. Мері втримала рівновагу. Mary kept her balance. Mary kept her balance. О них ходили странные слухи. Queer rumors about them were in the air. There were weird rumours about them. Маю питання. I have got a question. I have a question. Том підійшов до дверей. Tom came to the door. Tom came to the door. Спускайся сюда. Come down here. Come down here. Вона порадила йому кинути пити. She advised him to stop drinking. She advised him to stop drinking. Я хотел принять участие. I wanted to participate. I wanted to participate. Я знал, что это ложь. I knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie. Ти дуже розумна. You're very intelligent. You're very smart. Мені цікаво, чи у Тома є водійські права. I wonder whether or not Tom has a driver's license. I wonder if Tom has a driver's license. Зазвичай я йду пішки. I usually walk. I usually walk. Том дуже кохає Мері. Tom loves Mary so much. Tom loves Mary very much. Ты мог хотя бы постучать! You could at least knock! You could at least knock! Дасцін Москавіц — яўрэйскі бізнэсмэн. Ён адзін з заснавальнікаў сайта Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook. http: / /en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Moscowitz Written by one of the founders of the Facebook website. Ты вярнешся заўтра? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Чому ти на мене сердитий? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Чорт! Fuck! Shit! Кажы выразна. Speak clearly. That expression is clear. Ти зробив величезну помилку. You've made a huge mistake. You made a huge mistake. Його обрали президентом. He was elected president. He was elected president. Я попросил его помочь. I asked for his help. I asked him to help. Давай разведемся. Let's get divorced. Let's get out of here. Сосед ничего не видел. The neighbor didn't see anything. The neighbour didn't see anything. Это то, над чем мы работаем. That's what we're working on. That's what we're working on. Узімку я заўсёды прастуджваюся. I always catch a cold in the winter. When I look in, I always catch a cold. Яка чудова машина! What a wonderful machine! What a wonderful car! Ось цей належить їм. This one belongs to them. This one belongs to them. Я цябе шукаў. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Його зараз немає. He's out now. He's not here right now. Я хочу, щоб мені повернули мій ключ. I want my key back. I want my key back. Я не знал, что Том меня ждёт. I didn't know Tom was waiting for me. I didn't know Tom was waiting for me. Эту возможность нельзя исключить. This possibility can't be ruled out. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Нам надо ему позвонить. We've got to call him. We need to call him. Це повідомлення вибухне за три секунди. This message will explode in three seconds. This message will explode in three seconds. Том лише намагається тобі допомогти. Tom is just trying to help you. Tom's just trying to help you. Вибач, я тебе кохаю. I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I love you. На Томе костюм пирата. Tom is wearing a pirate costume. Tom has a pirated suit. Нікому не кажіть. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Мы наконец сделали это. We finally did it. We finally did. Тома заменила Мэри. Tom has been replaced by Mary. Tom replaced Mary. Мы должны всегда отстаивать наши права. We must always stand up for our rights. We must always defend our rights. Він іноді дивиться телевізор. He sometimes watches TV. He's watching TV sometimes. Не забудь позвонить мне. Don't forget to call me. Don't forget to call me. Мэри ведь всегда дома? Mary is always at home, isn't she? Mary's always home, right? Он сам себя ненавидит. He hates himself. He hates himself. Том із Мері переїхали до Австралії. Tom and Mary moved to Australia. Tom and Mary moved to Australia. Титулы и награды ничего для меня не значат. Titles and honors mean nothing to me. The titles and rewards don't matter to me. Ви сьогодні ходили до школи? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Говоріть тихо. Speak quietly. Be quiet. Все м'ясо зіпсувалося. All the meat had spoiled. All the meat's been ruined. Ти можеш робити все, що хочеш. You are welcome to do anything you like. You can do whatever you want. Я не знал, что вы этого не сделаете. I didn't know you wouldn't do that. I didn't know you wouldn't. Дзе ты? Where are you? Where are you? Мені дуже хотілося спати. I felt very sleepy. I really wanted to sleep. Рѣка красьна. This river is beautiful. It's a rosy. Якщо у вас є якісь запитання, дайте мені знати. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, let me know. В Ubuntu содержится много программного обеспечения. Ubuntu includes lots of software. Ubuntu contains a lot of software. Мы совсем не знаем английского. We don't know English at all. We don't know English at all. Том убив Мері. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Расскажите ему, что вы знаете. Tell him what you know. Tell him what you know. Самоуверенность является ключом к успеху. Self confidence is the key to success. Self-confidence is key to success. Ты её там видел? Did you see her there? Did you see her there? Сёння найлепшы дзень у маім жыцці. Today is the best day of my life. Today is the best day of my life. Прямых рейсов до Болоньи отсюда нет. There are no direct flights to Bologna from here. There's no direct flights to Bologna. Я живу в Європі. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Калі я вырасту, я хачу стаць настаўніцай. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. Мы оба говорим по-французски. We both speak French. We both speak French. Ти колись застрягав у ліфті? Have you ever been stuck in a lift? Have you ever got stuck in an elevator? У яго прыгожая машына. He has got a beautiful car. He's got a beautiful car. Я видела, как лодка тонет. I saw the boat sink. I saw the boat sink. Ми допоможемо якомога більшій кількості людей. We will help as many people as we can. We will help as many people as possible. Мы спрабавалі пераканаць яго. We tried to persuade him. We tried to persuade him. У нас было няшмат часу на закупы. We didn't have much time to do some shopping. We had a little time to buy. Я никогда не переставала любить Тома. I've never stopped loving Tom. I never stopped loving Tom. Ви з Томом зустрічаєтеся? Are you and Tom dating? Are you and Tom seeing each other? Кѫдъı идєши? Where are you going? Where are you going? Ему было любопытно. He was curious. He was curious. Не стоит полагаться на эти данные. Они далеки от истины. We should leave out this data. It's far from accurate. They're far from the truth. Все люди моего поколения думают об этом одинаково. People of my generation all think the same way about this. All the people of my generation think about it the same way. Дажьте ми отъвѣтъ добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. Let's get the good stuff out of here. Скільки лишилося меду? How much honey is left? How much is left of honey? Я не ведаю, дзе ён жыве. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. Я забыла, як іх завуць. I forgot their names. I forgot how their name was. Том, мабуть, все ще сердитиметься. Tom will probably still be mad. Tom must still be angry. Мы хотим, чтобы Том сказал да. We want Tom to say yes. We want Tom to say yes. Они поддельные. They're fake. They're fake. Пол тільки що подзвонив. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Ти ж правда знайдеш їх? You will find them, won't you? You're really gonna find them, aren't you? Ён сядзеў на падлозе. He was sitting on the floor. He was sitting on the floor. Я должен доложить об этом Тому. I must report this to Tom. I have to report it to Tom. Ви на неї зовсім не схожі. You're not anything like her. You don't look like her at all. Капитан управляет своим кораблем и командой. A captain controls his ship and its crew. Captain rules his ship and his team. Адно тое, што ён заручаны, не значыць, што ён не кахае Лайлу. Just because he's engaged doesn't mean that he isn't in love with Layla. One thing he's engaged to is that he doesn't love Lyla. У зайца течёт кровь из уха. The hare is bleeding from its ear. The hare's bleeding from the ear. Том сказал мне, что у Мэри новый парень. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Ти такий дивний. You're so weird. You're so weird. Том мне о вас не рассказывал. Tom didn't tell me about you. Tom didn't tell me about you. Я спала з сваім начальнікам. I slept with my boss. I slept with my boss. Ён скончыў Такійскі Універсітэт. He graduated from Tokyo University. He did end such a University. По виду Тома было непохоже, что ему весело. Tom didn't look like he was having fun. Tom was not the same as he was having fun. Тобі подобаються ці парфуми? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those perfumes? Том не говорил мне правды. Tom didn't tell me the truth. Tom didn't tell me the truth. Том розуміє план на гру. Tom understands the game plan. Tom understands the plan on the game. Знайти роботу важко. It is difficult to find work. It's hard to find a job. На краще, чи на гірше, але телебачення змінило світ. For better or for worse, television has changed the world. For better or worse, TV has changed the world. Мері каже, що не робитиме цього. Mary says she won't do that. Mary says she won't. Візьми це. Take that. Take this. Надзея Саўчанка — гэта сапраўдная жывая легенда. Nadiya Savchenko is a real living legend. The hope of the maid is a real living legend. Ти маєш зробити те, що Том каже тобі зробити. You have to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Мы строгие. We're strict. We're strict. Куди вітер, туди й він. He always swims with the current. There's the wind, there he is. Я планировал сделать это вчера. I had planned to do that yesterday. I was planning on doing this yesterday. Гэты мост зроблены з дрэва. This bridge is made of wood. This bridge is made from a tree. Я не люблю есці рыбу, у якой шмат костак. I don't like to eat fish with many bones. I don't like eating fish in which a lot of bones. Гадаю, ми наступні. I think we're next. I think we're next. Яке дивне життя! How strange life is! What a strange life! Она ещё молода. She's still young. She's still young. Том кожного дня обідає вдома. Tom eats lunch at home every day. Tom has lunch at home every day. Я хочу, чтобы ты дала мне обещание. I want you to make me a promise. I want you to give me a promise. Ідэя, якая не з’яўляецца небяспечнай, нявартая ўвогуле называцца ідэяй. An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all. An idea that is not a dangerous one generally referred to as an idea. Калі ты болей нічога не скажаш, пабачымся ў судзе! If that's the last thing you say, see you in the court! If you don't say anything, we'll see you in court! Как вы её уговорили? How did you convince her? How did you talk it out? Я збираюся поїхати біля десятої ранку. I'm going to leave about ten in the morning. I'm going to go by ten in the morning. Яны гуляюць у шахматы. They are playing chess. They play chess. Мэри сказала мне, что любит меня. Mary told me she loved me. Mary told me she loved me. Я вядомы актор. I am a famous actor. I'm a famous actor. Том помог Мэри сложить одеяла. Tom helped Mary fold the blankets. Tom helped Mary lay the blanket. Гэта той хлопчык, якога я бачыў учора. That's the boy I saw yesterday. This is the boy I saw yesterday. Що ми робитимемо з Томом? What are we going to do with Tom? What are we gonna do with Tom? Мать Фелиции - полька румынского происхождения. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. The mother of Felicia is a Falcon of Romanian origin. Да ну тебя! Give me a break! Oh, come on! Я завжди почуваюся сонним. I always feel sleepy. I always feel sleepy. Англійская мова бясспрэчна з'яўляецца найпрасцейшым і ў той самы час найэфектыўнейшым сродкам міжнародных зносін. The English language is undoubtedly the easiest and at the same time the most efficient means of international communication. English is purest and at the same time the most effective means of international communication. Сє братъ мои. This is my brother. Here's my brother. Калісьці ты застаўляла мяне паверыць, што сапраўднае каханне існуе. You used to make me believe that true love exist. Once you made me believe that true love exists. Том глотнул пива. Tom downed his beer. Tom got a beer. Спорим, я справлюсь лучше Тома. I bet I can do better than Tom. I bet I better handle Tom. Аристотель считал, что Земля - центр Вселенной. Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Aristotle believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Таямніца дыялектыкі Гегеля у канечным ліку толькі ў гэтым: ён абвяргае тэалогію з дапамогай філасофіі для таго, каб пасля абвергнуць філасофію з дапамогай тэалогіі. The secret of Hegel's dialectic lies ultimately in this alone, that it negates theology through philosophy in order then to negate philosophy through theology. And he's saying that, in theory, it's like this: it turns technology in philosophy, with a philosophy to turn philosophy around, because it's like this. Вона жорстко з нього ставиться. She is hard on him. She's so hard on him. Том неохоче вийшов із кімнати. Reluctantly, Tom left the room. Tom reluctantly left the room. Том был жертвой попытки вымогательства. Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt. Tom was a victim of attempted extortion. Как ты думаешь, сколько бы у тебя ушло времени на то, чтобы покрасить мой дом? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? Do you think how much time you have to paint my house? Ми з Томом маємо зробити це самі. Tom and I must do that ourselves. Tom and I have to do it ourselves. Родий — самый редкий метал. Rhodium is the rarest metal. The family is the rarest metal. Я ничего не помню с прошлого вечера. I can't remember anything from last night. I don't remember anything from last night. Ти хочеш скинути вагу? Do you want to lose weight? You want to lose weight? Зручно жити так близько від вокзалу. It's convenient living so close to the station. It's good to live so close to the station. Ви це знали You knew it. You knew it. Он попытался переплыть реку. He attempted to swim across the river. He tried to cross the river. Я з нетерпінням чекаю на власний день народження. I look forward to my birthday. I look forward to my own birthday. Как жизнь? How is life? How's life? Это был очень романтичный поцелуй. It was a very romantic kiss. It was a very romantic kiss. Том не любить свою роботу. Tom doesn't like his work. Tom doesn't like his job. Я хотів би бути молодим. I wish I were young. I'd like to be young. Куди подівся Том? Where's Tom gone? Where'd Tom go? Я віддав жербакові всі гроші, які у мене були. I gave the beggar all the money I had. I gave the beggar all the money I had. Прочтите мне показание счётчика у котла. Give me a reading on that meter near the boiler. Read me the scorer in the boiler. Он занял для меня место. He kept a seat for me. He took a seat for me. Том приподнял шляпу. Tom raised his hat. Tom picked up his hat. Кому нравится Том? Who likes Tom? Who likes Tom? Я забыўся патэлефанаваць спадару Форду. I forgot to call up Mr Ford. I forgot to call Mr. Ford. Він сьогодні похмурий. He is morose today. He's sad today. Ѡтъкръıи очи. Open your eyes. The eyes. Том це отримав від Мері. Tom got that from Mary. Tom got it from Mary. Том больше не болен. Tom isn't sick anymore. Tom's not sick anymore. Ты рассказала Тому? Did you tell Tom? Did you tell Tom? Поводься відповідно до свого віку. Act your age. Be consistent with your age. Сцена была показана в замедленной съёмке. The scene was shown in slow motion. The scene was shown in slow film. Ты вучышся? Are you studying? Are you studying? Можно сделать гораздо больше. Much more can be done. You can do a lot more. Том шукає Мері. Tom has been looking for Mary. Tom's looking for Mary. Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to talk to them. I need to talk to them. Земля и Солнце – всего лишь крошечные точки среди миллиардов звёзд галактики Млечный путь. The Earth and Sun are just tiny dots among the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. The earth and the sun are just tiny points among the billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Я не задоволений. I'm not satisfied. I'm not happy. Хтосьці можа мне расказаць, дзе сінтэзатар? Can someone tell me where the keyboard is? Can someone tell me where the synth is? Мой отец владеет рестораном. My father has a restaurant. My dad owns a restaurant. Я єдина, кому ти можеш довіряти. I'm the only one you can trust. I'm the only one you can trust. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона це зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she did that. I wonder if Tom used to ask Mary why she did it. О чём вы переговариваетесь? What are you negotiating? What are you talking about? Він вивихнув щиколотку. He sprained his ankle. He's up the ankle. Його зовнішність змінилась настільки, що ти мабуть його і не впізнаєш. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. His appearance has changed so much that you probably do not recognize him. Усе дарослыя калісьці былі дзецьмі. All grown-ups were once children. Still grown-up once were kids. Женщины созданы для того, чтобы их любили, а не для того, чтобы их понимали. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women were created to be loved, not understood. Я вже дочитав цю книжку. I have already finished this book. I've already read this book. Не пийте забагато кави. Don't drink too much java. Don't drink too much coffee. Будьте шанобливі. Be respectful. Be respectful. Чи це правда що Мідорі дуже добре грає на скрипці? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Они умерли. They died. They're dead. Том помер у ліжку. Tom died in bed. Tom died in bed. Том на работе. Tom is in his office. Tom's at work. Он помолвлен с моей сестрой. He is engaged to my sister. He's engaged to my sister. Мені потрібні нові шини. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Когда ты видел Тома? When did you see Tom? When did you see Tom? Том попытался утопиться в ванне. Tom tried to drown himself in the bathtub. Tom tried to drown in the bathtub. Я дуже п'яний. I'm smashed. I'm very drunk. Лічылі, што Бэн — злачынец. Ben was believed to be a criminal. It was said that Ben was a villain. Том сказав, що я поводжуся безвідповідально. Tom said I was being irresponsible. Tom said I was irresponsible. Ви седриті на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're mean to Tom, aren't you? Том, конечно, так не думает. Tom certainly doesn't think so. Tom certainly doesn't think so. Это очень необычно. This is very unusual. It's very unusual. Він був популярний серед виборців. He was popular with voters. It was popular with the voters. Вона прокинулася. She woke up. She woke up. Это всё меняет. That changes everything. It changes everything. Гэтага не здарыцца. That won't happen. That's no way out. Мені подобається червоне м'ясо. I like red meat. I like red meat. Мій друг навчається за кордоном. A friend of mine is studying abroad. My friend learns abroad. Я немедленно этим займусь. I'll take care of it right now. I'll take care of this right now. Вы знаете брата Тома? Do you know Tom's brother? Do you know Brother Tom? Її відповідь була незадовільна. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her answer was unsatisfactory. Том оставил для меня сюрприз. Tom left me a surprise. Tom left a surprise for me. Том приїхав до Японії з Австралії. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Том просто хотел убедиться, что ты именно это имел в виду. Tom just wanted to make sure that's what you meant. Tom just wanted to make sure you meant that. Спросите у Тома, где он живёт. Ask Tom where he lives. Ask Tom where he lives. Чего бы вы съели? What would you like to eat? What would you eat? Давай паспрабуем яшчэ раз. Let's give it another shot. Let's try again. Не розумію, що змінилося. I don't see what's changed. I don't understand what's changed. Я знаю, что некоторые из вас считают Тома ленивым. I know some of you think Tom is lazy. I know some of you think Tom is lazy. Клянусь, что не видел её. I swear I didn't see her. I swear I didn't see her. Тома было нелегко найти. Tom was hard to find. Tom was hard to find. С кем ты хотел поговорить? Who did you want to talk to? Who did you want to talk to? Ви дізналися, де живе Том? Did you find out where Tom lives? Did you find out where Tom lives? Том не решался сказать Мэри правду. Tom hesitated to tell Mary the truth. Tom didn't decide to tell Mary the truth. Не думаю, что у Тома хватит смелости это сделать. I don't think Tom has the courage to do that. I don't think Tom has enough courage to do that. В коробці більше нічого немає. There's nothing else in the box. There's nothing in the box anymore. Я рад, что Том сделал это. I'm glad Tom did it. I'm glad Tom did it. Важко вибрати. It's hard to choose. It's hard to choose. Том опоздал на работу. Tom was late for work. Tom's late for work. Хіба ти не бажаєш стільки заплатити? Aren't you willing to pay that much? Don't you want to pay so much? Я живу на планеті Сакура. I live on the planet Sakura. I live on the planet Sakura. Мені не слід було довіряти Тому. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. Том трохи говорить французькою. Tom speaks some French. Tom's a little French. Ти не мусиш сьогодні йти до школи. You don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go to school tonight. Я думал, будет проще. I thought it would be easier. I thought it was easier. Міліцыянеры ўбачылі Фадзіля ў суседнім парку. Police spotted Fadil in a nearby park. The millionaires saw Faldil in a nearby park. Мэри весело смеялась. Mary laughed happily. Mary had fun laughing. Де леви та тигри? Where are the lions and tigers? Where are the lions and the tigers? Я взагалі не їм зелений перець. I don't eat green peppers at all. I don't even eat green peppers. Как твоего папу зовут? What's your dad's name? What's your dad's name? Том був злий на Мері. Tom was angry with Mary. Tom was angry with Mary. Хіба ви не здивовані, що я прийшла? Aren't you surprised that I came? Aren't you surprised that I came? Чому б нам не піти потанцювати? Why don't we go dancing? Why don't we go dancing? Ти такий нетерплячий зі мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Я проплакала усю ніч. I cried all night long. I cried all night. На восточную и западную части город разделяет река. A river separates the city into east and west. On the eastern and western sides of the city, the river divides. Мне нужно тебе кое-что объяснить. I have something I need to explain to you. I need to explain something to you. Я махнув рукою. I waved. I waved my hand. Ми поїли разом. We ate together. We ate together. Где твой дух искателя приключений? Where's your spirit of adventure? Where's your adventure-seeker's spirit? Це буде нашим секретом. It'll be our secret. It'll be our secret. Я думала, Том відмовиться цим займатися. I thought Tom would refuse to do that. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. Я знал, что Том захочет пить. I knew Tom would be thirsty. I knew Tom would like to drink. Том встал пораньше, чтобы увидеть рассвет. Tom got up early to see the sunrise. Tom got early to see the dawn. Я живий. I'm alive. I'm alive. Том проиграл гонку. Tom lost the race. Tom lost the race. Він майже завжди в лікарні. He's almost always in the hospital. He's almost always in the hospital. Не думаю, что тебе будет легко это сделать. I don't think that it'll be easy for you to do that. I don't think it'll be easy for you to do that. Пакой Лізы трэба прыбраць. Lisa's room needs to be cleaned. League's room needs to be taken away. Прошлой ночью у нас был сильный дождь. We had a heavy rain last night. Last night we had heavy rain. Двор без женщин как сад без цветов. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. The days without women are like garden without flowers. Я повернуся о шостій тридцять. I'll return at half past six. I'll be back at six thirty. Я відповів за нього. I answered for him. I answered for him. Я ненавиджу свою роботу. I hate my job. I hate my job. Для життя завжди потрібна їжа. Food is always necessary for life. Food is always needed for life. Замість того, щоб іти до школи, він лишився вдома. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Instead of going to school, he stayed home. У неї блакитні очі. She has blue eyes. She's got blue eyes. Чому Том убив Мері? Why did Tom kill Mary? Why did Tom kill Mary? Скільки у нас ще води? How much more water do we have? How much water do we have? Он пьёт вино. He drinks wine. He's drinking wine. Свій до свого по своє. Patronise your own. To your own way. Что я должен был делать в той ситуации? What should I have done in that situation? What was I supposed to do in that situation? Я никогда не видела Тома. I never saw Tom. I've never seen Tom. У Тома есть лошадь. Tom has a horse. Tom has a horse. Це не стосується учнів. This does not apply to students. This is not true of the disciples. Сколько ты хочешь пончиков? How many donuts do you want? How many donuts do you want? Том улыбается? Is Tom smiling? Is Tom smiling? Я усвідомлюю, наскільки ти, мабуть, роздратована. I realize how frustrated you must be. I realize how irritated you must be. Вы собираетесь работать до десяти часов? Are you going to work until 10:00? Are you going to work for 10 hours? Прокидайтеся! Wake up! Wake up! Я би ніколи не здався. I never would've given up. I would never give up. Я вчуся з Томом. I'm studying with Tom. I'm studying with Tom. Він обожнює тварин. He loves animals. He loves animals. Клас! Terrific! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Том зробив для дітей все, що зміг. Tom did everything he could for his kids. Tom did everything he could for the children. Я здесь не поэтому. It's not why I'm here. That's not why I'm here. Нам із Томом все ще нудно. Tom and I are still bored. Tom and I are still bored. Мне падабаецца эсперанта. I like Esperanto. I like the esperant. Я тобі спробував допомогти. I tried to help you. I tried to help you. Я стала женщиной. I became a woman. I've become a woman. Вы не хотите попробовать ещё раз? Don't you want to try again? Do you want to try again? Я позвонил ему из больницы. I called him from the hospital. I called him from the hospital. Мені подобається англійська мова. I like English. I like the English language. Том сказал, что знает, что Мэри планирует делать. Tom said he knew what Mary was planning to do. Tom said he knew what Mary was going to do. Мій батько любить теніс. My father likes tennis. My father loves tennis. Нехай Том робить це самостійно. Let Tom do that alone. Let Tom do it on his own. Перепрошую, ви не могли би передати мені цукор? Excuse me, could you pass me the sugar? Excuse me, could you give me some sugar? Я много лет не пел. I haven't sung in years. I haven't been singing for years. Ти певна, що Том це робитиме? Are you sure Tom will do that? Are you sure Tom's gonna do this? У неё есть небольшое преимущество. She has a small advantage. She has a little advantage. Я скористалася нагодою навідатися до музею. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. Чому Том не співає? Why doesn't Tom sing? Why doesn't Tom sing? Когда я пришёл домой, он смотрел телевизор. When I came home, he was watching TV. When I came home, he was watching TV. Прости, что накричала на тебя. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry I yelled at you. Скажіть Тому, щоб він був обережний. Tell Tom to be careful. Tell him to be careful. Не нужно было спешить. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Будь ласка, не запізнюйтеся. Please don't be late. Please don't be late. Выбачайце, мне трэба ісці. Sorry, I've got to go. Sorry, I have to go. Ми не забудемо. We won't forget. We won't forget. Он застал меня врасплох, я не знал, что делать. It caught me off guard; I didn't know what to do. He caught me off guard, I didn't know what to do. Расскажите мне, пожалуйста, о своей компании. Please tell me about your company. Tell me about your company, please. Я багато чого дізналася. I learned a lot. I've learned a lot. Позвольте им вам помочь. Let them help you. Let them help you. Його волосся ставало все тоншим і тоншим. His hair got thinner and thinner. His hair was getting thinner and thinner. Дурня вчити, що мертвого лічити. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. I'm stupid to teach you that you're dead to count. Вітаю тебе, Чикаго! Hello, Chicago! Welcome, Chicago! Добром это не кончится! This isn't going to end well! Good will never end! В этой комнате пусто. This room is empty. This room is empty. Я прыйшла ў школу своечасова. I arrived at school on time. I went to school in good time. А если он сейчас вернется? What if he comes back now? What if he comes back? Ти колись її цілував? Did you ever kiss her? Have you ever kissed her? Мальчик боится темноты. The boy is afraid of the dark. The boy's afraid of the dark. В мене взуття зносилося. My shoes are worn out. I had shoes. Дякуючи Богу, всі були в порядку. Thank God everyone was OK. Thanks to God, everyone was fine. Вона вкрала фотоапарата. She stole a camera. She stole the camera. Вселенная бесконечна. The universe is endless. The universe is endless. Я был зол на самого себя. I was angry at myself. I was angry with myself. Я все ще спантеличений. I'm still puzzled. I'm still confused. Я здаюся знервованим? Do I look nervous? Do I seem nervous? Тримай двері зачиненими. Keep the door closed. Hold the door closed. Интересно, почему Том не женат. I wonder why Tom is unmarried. I wonder why Tom is not married. Просто не обращайте на Тома внимания. Just ignore Tom. Just ignore Tom. Том спросил Мэри, куда она хочет пойти обедать. Tom asked Mary where she wanted to go for lunch. Tom asked Mary where she wanted to go to lunch. В английском не различаются глаголы ser и estar. English doesn't differentiate between the verbs "ser" and "estar". In English the sayings ser and estar are not different. Вона вчинила самогубство. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Хутчіш, бо запізнишся. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry or you'll be late. Разрежьте мясо ножом. Cut the meat with a knife. Cut the meat with a knife. Ты всё испортил. You've ruined everything. You ruined everything. У мене менше грошей, ніж у вас. I have less money than you. I have less money than you do. Мне нравится гулять вдоль реки. I like to walk along the river. I like walking along the river. С чего ты взял, что ты мне не нравишься? What makes you think I don't like you? What makes you think I don't like you? Легко полученное легко теряется. Easy come, easy go. The light received is easily lost. Я сказал ему, что ошибся. I told him I made a mistake. I told him I was wrong. Медсестра заботилась о пациенте. The nurse attended the patient. The nurse took care of the patient. Он слишком маленький. It's too small. He's too small. Усё сваё жыццё яна чакала гэтага моманту. She has waited her whole life for this very moment. Her whole life she waited for this moment. Їй ніхто не довіряє. No one trusts her. No one trusts her. Нашій команді потрібна твоя допомога. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. Том поклав свої цінні предмети до сейфу. Tom put his valuables in a safe. Tom put his precious items in the safe. Я не можу зібратися з думками. I can't collect my thoughts. I can't get my mind together. Он странно выглядит. He looks weird. He looks weird. Як ми можемо покласти край війні? How can we abolish war? How can we put an end to war? Том був на вечірці до самого кінця. Tom was at the party until the very end. Tom was at the party right up to the end. Я не собираюсь развлекаться сегодня вечером. Мне нужно приготовиться к занятиям. I don't plan to hang out tonight. I need to prepare for my lessons. I'm not going to have fun tonight. Коли дочитаєте книжку, можете мені її позичити? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? When you're done reading the book, can you lend it to me? Том буде дуже засмучений. Tom will be very upset. Tom will be very upset. Я уже бывал в Саппоро. I've been to Sapporo before. I've already been to Sapproe. У моры ёсць выспы. There are islands in the sea. There's islands in the sea. Быстро ты. That was quick. Come on. Кім ты працуеш? What do you do? What are you working with? Вам потрібно припинити робити це просто зараз. You need to stop doing that right now. You have to stop doing this right now. На якому ви живете поверсі? Which floor do you live on? Which one do you live on? Я аплодировал. I was applauding. I applauded. Занадта малое! It's too small. Too small! Я этого совсем не боюсь. I'm not in the least afraid of it. I'm not afraid of that at all. Том любить апельсини? Does Tom like oranges? Tom likes oranges? Ты сёння выглядаеш шчаслівай. You look happy today. You look happy today. Я не маю тобі казати, що це таке, чи не так? I don't have to tell you what this is, do I? I don't have to tell you what it is, do I? Я хочу з нею побалакати. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to her. Не панікуй. Don't panic. Don't panic. Ніщо ніколи тут не робиться без суперечок. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Nothing is done without controversy. На вулиці було темно. The street was dark. It was dark outside. Звіть мене Ізмаїлом. Call me Ismaël. Call me Ishmael. Что за работа? What's the job? What's the job? Ты зʼела дэсерт? Did you eat dessert? Did you get some dessert? Я ощутил, как под ногами трясётся земля. I felt the earth shake under my feet. I felt under my feet shaking the ground. Хтось розумний, хтось ні. Some are wise, some are otherwise. Someone smart, somebody's not. Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I am very interested in French. Томаса з’еў кракадзіл. A crocodile ate Thomas. Thomas ate the crocodile. Як часто ти цим займаєшся? How often do you do that? How often do you do that? Поспехаў! Good luck! Good luck! Вы убедились, что дверь заперта на ключ? Have you made sure the door is locked? Did you make sure the door was locked on the key? Я отримав рахунок за електроенергію. I received my electricity bill. I got an electric bill. Том, ты уже ел? Tom, have you eaten anything? Tom, are you eating already? Нам жарко. We're hot. It's hot. Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ сърѣлъ Томъ? Where did you first meet Tom? Are you fucking Tom? Праграмнае забеспячэнне як сэкс: лепей, калі яно свабоднае. Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. Software as sex: better when it's free. Скажи ей, что я над ней прикалываюсь. Tell her that I am joking with her. Tell her I'm clinging to her. Том вас побачить. Tom will see you. Tom will see you. Кімната була доволі простора. The room was fairly spacious. The room was quite a space. Это было у нас в почтовом ящике. That was in our letterbox. It was in our mailbox. Никогда в жизни! Never in a lifetime! Never in life! Скільки годин ти був змушений чекати? How many hours did you have to wait? How many hours have you had to wait? Зніми кепку. Take off your cap. Take the cap off. Ты следишь за своим весом? Are you watching your weight? Are you watching your weight? Том невысокий, но сильный. Tom isn't big, but he's strong. Tom's not tall, but strong. Я вже розглянув цю ідею. I've already considered that idea. I've already considered this idea. Він приязний. He's friendly. He's friendly. Я знаю, що це лише мрія. I know it's only a dream. I know it's just a dream. Чому ви думаєте, що Том не зміг би цього зробити? What makes you think Tom couldn't do that? Why do you think Tom couldn't have done that? Ти схожий на дідуся. You look like your grandfather. You look like Grandpa. Том случайно посолил себе чай. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally sent his tea. Лицо Тома покраснело. Tom's face got red. Tom's face brightened. Авто на улїци. The car is on the street. A car in the street. Том не должен был кричать на меня. Tom didn't have to yell at me. Tom shouldn't have shouted at me. Том позволил Мэри воспользоваться своим телефоном. Tom let Mary use his phone. Tom let Mary use her phone. У мене немає ані кредитної картки, ані банківського рахунку. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. Я не собирался этого делать. I wasn't about to do that. I wasn't gonna do that. У мене є певні проблеми при компіляції цієї програми. I'm having some problems compiling this software. I have some trouble compiling this program. Они зашли в джунгли. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Можно поговорить с Биллом? Can I speak with Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Вони прийшли всі. They all have come. They're all here. Можливо, Тому не пощастило. Maybe Tom was unlucky. Maybe he wasn't lucky. У яе другім рамане персанажы выраслі. In her second novel, the characters have grown up. In her second arm the personage was grown. Я постоянно врал жене. I lied constantly to my wife. I lied to my wife all the time. Ты должен учесть все последствия, прежде чем вносить какие-либо изменения в существующий код. You need to consider the consequences before making any modifications to existing code. You must take into account all consequences before making any changes to the existing code. Тебе це дратує? Are you annoyed by that? Does that bother you? Вам можна йти. You are allowed to go. You can go. Я не настолько молод, чтобы всё знать. I am not young enough to know everything. I'm not young enough to know everything. Вот ваш обед. Here's your lunch. Here's your lunch. Ты не знаешь, на что Том способен. You don't know what Tom is capable of. You don't know what Tom is capable of. Том оставил свою сумку. Tom left his bag. Tom left his bag. Ти завжди кохав Тома, так? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? You always loved Tom, didn't you? Через час я встречаюсь с Томом. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. In an hour, I'm dating Tom. Они его не уважают. They don't respect him. They don't respect him. Ніхто не знає, що буде. Nobody knows what will happen. No one knows what's going to happen. Сью - американська студентка. Sue is an American student. Sue's an American student. Дитину ростять усім селом. It takes a village to raise a child. The child is growing the whole village. Ти ладний чоловік. You're a handsome man. You're a good man. Власть в руках Тома. The power rests with Tom. Power in Tom's hands. Том не умел читать до тринадцати лет. Tom wasn't able to read until he was thirteen. Tom couldn't read until he was 13. Мені подобається моя школа. I like my school. I like my school. Я очень давно так не смеялся. I hadn't laughed like that in a very long time. I haven't laughed for a long time. Ми там довго були. We were there a long time. We've been there for a long time. Як забажаєте. As you wish. As you wish. Ты не можешь весь день здесь оставаться. You can't stay in here all day. You can't stay here all day. Мені здається, що якби я частіше розмовляла з носієм мови, мої навички у володінні англійської швидко поліпшилися би. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. It seems to me that if I were to speak more with the tongue, my English skills would improve quickly. Мы былі стомленыя. We were tired. We were tired. Слава Украіне! Glory to Ukraine! Glory Ukraine! Захистіть мене! Protect me! Protect me! Я хотел бы поужинать. I would like to have dinner. I'd like to have dinner. Він постійно вчиться. He is always studying. He is a regular student. Тут ёсць англафон? Is there an English speaker here? Is there an Englishphone here? Ви оточені. You're surrounded. You're surrounded. Половина мирового населения проживает в городах. Half of the world’s population lives in cities. Half of the world's population lives in cities. Свет змяняе камунікацыя, а не інфармацыя. What changes the world is communication, not information. The world changes communication, not information. Я получаю всё, что хочу. I get everything I want. I get everything I want. Я Вам когда-нибудь говорил, какая Вы красивая? Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? Я думал, вы будете смеяться. I thought you'd laugh. I thought you'd be laughing. У Тома аллергия. Tom has allergies. Tom's allergic. Том ничего не хочет пить. Tom doesn't want anything to drink. Tom doesn't want to drink anything. Я яе не запрасіла. I didn't invite her. I haven't given it to her. Том сказал, что ему тут нравится. Tom said he liked it here. Tom said he liked it here. Я не послухала. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Навіщо ти вчиш англійську? What do you learn English for? Why do you teach English? Я сапраўды люблю цягнікі. I really like trains. I really love trains. Вони кохають одне одного. They love each other. They love each other. Том не привык к такой работе. Tom isn't used to this kind of work. Tom's not used to such a job. Я провёл большую часть своей жизни в Бостоне. I've spent most of my life in Boston. I've spent most of my life in Boston. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes talking about other people. So we like to talk about other people. У мене два брати й одна сестра. I've got two brothers and a sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Том кинувся за Мері. Tom dashed after Mary. Tom rushed for Mary. Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі. You shouldn't read a book in a room this dim. You shouldn't read the book in this dark room. Я знаю, що, ймовірно, не переможу. I know I probably won't win. I know I'm probably not winning. Том сказав, що він канадієць. Tom said he was Canadian. Tom said he was Canadian. Ты до сих пор не доел? Have you still not finished your meal? You haven't eaten yet? Я недавно поменял зубную пасту. I've recently changed brands of toothpaste. I recently changed my toothpaste. Чи принесуть тобі гроші щастя? Will money bring you happiness? Will Money Bring You Happiness? Мы пунктуальны. We're punctual. We're gonna turn it on. Том сказал, что у него нет адвоката. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Tom said he didn't have a lawyer. Дякую вам. Thank you! Thank you. Я палестинець. I'm Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. Он прошёл две мили за полчаса. He walked two miles in half an hour. He's been two miles in half an hour. Я зроблю все необхідне, щоб досягти успіху. I'll do whatever it takes to succeed. I'll do whatever I need to be successful. Во сколько у тебя самолёт? What time's your plane? How many planes do you have? Она была счастлива какое-то время. She was happy for some time. She was happy for a while. Ты размаўляеш, быццам начальнік. You talk as if you were the boss. You're talking like a boss. Поезд задержали на час. The train was delayed for an hour. The train was delayed for an hour. Я ненавиджу бігати. I hate running. I hate running. Я лучше домой пойду. I'd rather go home. I'd better go home. Том ше прави же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom, he's right, he's rich. Ви нечасто не маєте рації. You're not often wrong. You don't often have a radio. Те, кто нарушает правила, будут наказаны. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate rules will be punished. Закрыйце кнігу. Close your book. Close book. Мері шукала свою ручку. Mary looked for her pen. Mary was looking for her pen. Веселка різнобарвна. The rainbow is colorful. The party's multicolored. Куди йде Том? Where is Tom going? Where's Tom going? Ты моя сбывшаяся мечта. You're my dream come true. You're my dream. Что ты делал вчера? What were you doing yesterday? What were you doing yesterday? Я собираюсь навести порядок в твоей спальне сегодня. I'm going to clean your bedroom today. I'm gonna clean up your bedroom tonight. Йому подобаються всі тварини, окрім коней. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all the animals except horses. Уймись! Chill. Get out! Ви дасте відповідь на моє запитання? Will you answer my question? Will you answer my question? Я не могу помочь с этим Тому. I can't help Tom with that. I can't help Tom. Я ще зайнятий. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Он втюрился в свою учительницу китайского языка. Но, со всеми этими гормональными делами, он втюривался почти в каждого встречного. He had a crush on his Chinese teacher; but what with all the hormones, he had a crush on just about everyone. He entered his Chinese teacher's school, but with all of these hormonal cases, he entered almost every meeting. Ми повинні роззуватися на вході. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We have to figure it out at the entrance. Нашто ты прыдбаў гэтыя акуляры? Why did you buy those glasses? Why dost thou acquire these spectacles? Ви колись збираєтеся вставати? Aren't you ever going to get up? Are you ever going to get up? Понеділок, мабуть, буде зайнятим днем. Monday will probably be a busy day. Monday's probably gonna be a busy day. Ты багатая. You are rich. You're rich. Я попрошу Тома приготовить вам чего-нибудь поесть. I'll ask Tom to make you something to eat. I'll ask Tom to cook you something to eat. Том має добре алібі. Tom has a good alibi. Tom has a good alibi. Починай рахувати. Start counting. Start counting. Зємлıа покръıта лѣсъı. The earth is covered with forests. The field's covered. Яго жыццё мяне не цікавіла. I was not interested in his life. His life didn't interest me. Я думаю, Том до сих пор живёт в Бостоне. I think Tom is still living in Boston. I think Tom still lives in Boston. Полотенце принёс? Did you bring a towel? You got towels? Я теж так думаю. I think so, too. I think so, too. Я зазвичай ношу темний одяг. I usually wear dark clothes. I wear dark clothes. Том живёт в Австралии с женой и тремя детьми. Tom lives in Australia with his wife and his three children. Tom lives in Australia with his wife and three children. Увага! Attention! Attention! Я направляюсь к Тому домой. I'm headed over to Tom's. I'm heading to Tom's house. Ніхто не звярнуў увагі на яго папярэджанне. No attention was paid to his warning. No one paid any attention to his warning. Ты единственный знакомый мне канадец. You're the only Canadian I know. You're the only Canadian I know. Том не зміг перемогти. Tom wasn't able to win. Tom couldn't win. Я спазнілася на цягнік. I missed the train. I'm late for the train. Том був змушений погодитися. Tom had to agree. Tom had to agree. Який? Which one? What is it? Я веру ў Кена. I believe in Ken. I've believed in Ken. Не прощаючись, він зник у натовпі. Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Without saying good-bye, he disappeared in the crowd. Почему это так важно? Why does this matter? Why is that so important? Ви не мусите туди заходити. You don't have to go in there. You don't have to go in there. Том попросил у меня совета. Tom asked for my advice. Tom asked me for advice. Давайте я понесу. Let me carry it for you. Let me get that. Ви відважний. You're courageous. You're brave. Мері загубила ключі від машини. Mary lost her car keys. Mary lost her car keys. Це твої сонцезахисні окуляри? Are these sunglasses yours? Are these your sunglasses? Алжир должен сохранить свою независимость. Algeria needs to preserve its independence. Algeria must maintain its independence. Том намагається не робити цього. Tom is trying not to do that. Tom's trying not to do this. Коли я дістався офісу, на мене чекала купа роботи. Я бігав туди-сюди як курка, якій відрубали голову. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, I had a lot of work waiting for me, running around like a chicken that was cut off. В библиотеке есть потайная дверь. There's a hidden door in the library. There's a hidden door in the library. Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom should be taken to the hospital. Том вислухав. Tom listened. Tom listened. В конце этого года произойдёт экономический кризис. There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year. At the end of this year, the economic crisis will occur. Я любил Бостон. I loved Boston. I loved Boston. Дзе мой гадзіннік? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? Том обісрався на весіллі сестри. Tom pooped his pants at his sister's wedding. Tom fucked up at the sister's wedding. У Тома не було часу зробити домашню роботу. Tom didn't have time to do his homework. Tom had no time to do his homework. Том запанікаваў. Tom panicked. Tom panicd. Детям в этот бар нельзя. Children aren't allowed in this bar. You can't have kids in this bar. Ты неверно понял предложение. You misunderstood the sentence. You misread the offer. Вона щось приховує? Is she hiding something? Does she hide anything? Чёрт бы его побрал! Let the devil take him! Damn it! Том не мог больше контролировать себя. Tom was unable to control himself any longer. Tom couldn't control himself anymore. Том сказав Мері, а Мері сказала Джону. Tom told Mary and Mary told John. Tom said Mary, and Mary told John. Они, возможно, не знают об этом. They may not know about it. They may not know about it. Гэта зялёнае. It's green. It's green. Я постійний клієнт. I'm a regular. I'm a regular client. Мы постоянно подвержены какой-нибудь опасности. We are always exposed to some kind of danger. We are constantly at risk. Гэта самая непрыгожая снежная баба, якую я бачыла! This is the ugliest snowman I've ever seen! That curiousest snowy grandmother I have seen! Я купив Тому светр. I bought Tom a sweater. I bought That's the sweater. Пара ісці спаць. It's time to go to bed. Let's go to sleep. Из-за чего Том ушёл? What made Tom leave? Why did Tom leave? Бегите, а то вас арестуют. Run or you'll be arrested. Run, or you'll be arrested. Тъı єси то. Thou art That. You are. Том не сказав Мері. Tom didn't tell Mary. Tom didn't tell Mary. Я лише вчитель. I'm just a teacher. I'm just a teacher. Том із Мері постійно зайняті. Tom and Mary are always busy. Tom and Mary are busy all the time. Том чемний. Tom is courteous. Tom's cute. Том не хотів вчити французьку. Tom didn't want to learn French. Tom didn't want to teach French. Зелений — колір грошей. Green is the color of money. Green is the color of money. Ты самая красивая женщина из всех, что я когда-либо видел. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. В библиотеке нет ни одной книги на французском. There aren't any books in French in the library. There's no books in the library in French. Она повредила спину, играя в теннис. She injured her back playing tennis. She hurt her back by playing tennis. Ты сёння прыйшла сама? You came alone today? Are you here today? Том этим уже занимается. Tom is already doing that. Tom's already doing it. Самі сядзеў ля мяне. Sami was sitting next to me. I was sitting there by my side. Она говорит, что счастлива. She says that she is happy. She says she's happy. Я болей не ведаю, што мне рабіць. I don't know what to do any more. I don't know what I should do anymore. Ты не против, если я взгляну? Do you mind if I take a look? Do you mind if I take a look? Где это ты так сильно поранился? How did you get hurt so badly? Where'd you get so hurt? Он сказал, что уже девять. He said it was nine o'clock. He said he was nine. Том трохи нервовий. Tom is kind of nervous. Tom's a little nervous. Я не спрашивал её. I haven't asked her. I didn't ask her. Том умер в семьдесят лет. Tom died when he was seventy years old. Tom died at seventy years of age. Гэта нічога не зменіць. That won't change anything. You need to act like it. Я була дуже засмучена. I was very upset. I was very upset. Что ты имеешь в виду? What are you talking about? What do you mean? Ти можеш йти. You may go. You can go. Том был так спокоен. Tom was so calm. Tom was so calm. Мы ўцякаем. We're running away. We run away. Ѳома пилъ гълекъ кафъı. Tom drank a cup of coffee. It's a great shot of dust. Я побежала. I ran. I ran. Судя по всему, она здорова. To all appearances, she is healthy. Apparently she's healthy. Дайте нам минутку. Give us a moment. Give us a minute. У Тома болить зуб. Tom has a toothache. Tom's got a pain in his tooth. Он родился в семь часов утра 5 июня 1970 года. He was born at seven on the morning of June 5 in 1970. He was born at seven o’clock in the morning of 5 June 1970. Рассчитывая оставаться невежественной и свободной, нация рассчитывает на то, чего никогда не было и никогда не будет. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be. Considering to remain a ignorant and free nation, the nation looks forward to what has never happened and will never be. Я не очень хорошо это сделал. I didn't do that very well. I didn't do that very well. Я часто говорю с Томом по-французски. I often talk with Tom in French. I often speak to Tom in French. З вашого боку дуже мило мені допомогти. It's very nice of you to help me. It's very nice of you to help me. Я перечитувала листи, які ти мені надіслав. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I read the letters you sent me. Ви змогли додзвонитися до Тома? Did you manage to get a hold of Tom? Did you make the call to Tom? Том наполягав на тому, щоб купити мені обід. Tom insisted on buying me lunch. Tom insisted on buying my lunch. Разве жизнь не замечательна? Isn't life wonderful? Isn't life wonderful? Я думал, Том ошибается. I thought Tom was mistaken. I thought Tom was wrong. Мы з вамі адной крыві, вы і я. We be of one blood, thou and I. We're with you one blood, you and I. Том сказал Мэри, что он готов это сделать. Tom told Mary that he was ready to do that. Tom told Mary he was ready to do it. Будызм прыйшоў у Японію ў 538 годзе. Buddhism was introduced into Japan in 538. Bids came to Japan in 538. Они здорово рисковали. They took a big risk. They took a great risk. Он всегда очень вежлив. He's always very polite. He's always very polite. Спросите у Тома. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Кто-то ещё это заметил? Did anyone else notice this? Did someone else notice that? Я не заперечував. I didn't mind. I didn't mind. Чому ти нам не сказав, що знаєш французьку? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Пойдёмте танцевать. Let's go dancing. Let's go dance. Тому було жахливо нудно. Tom was awfully bored. That's why it was terribly boring. Я могу сделать это сейчас. I can do it now. I can do it now. Сегодня ветрено. It is windy today. It's dark today. Я бачив ці фотографії. I've seen these pictures. I saw these pictures. Кто хочет разрезать торт? Who wants to cut the cake? Who wants to cut a cake? Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing that? Здание было полностью разрушено. The building was completely destroyed. The building was completely destroyed. Твои туфли всегда должны быть чистыми. You must keep your shoes clean. Your shoes should always be clean. Это меня очень расстраивает. That makes me really sad. It upsets me a lot. Я точно не пам'ятаю, що сказав Том. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I certainly don't remember what Tom said. У цябе дрэнны настрой? Are you in a bad mood? Do you have a bad mood? Я и не знал, что у тебя есть девушка. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Я бажаю тобі успіху. I wish you success. I wish you success. Её сын гений. Her son is a genius. Her son is a genius. Що ти дізнався? What did you find out? What did you find? Сподіваюся, Том розуміє. I hope Tom understands. I hope Tom understands. Том разве не должен был это двадцатого октября сделать? Wasn't Tom supposed to do that on October 20th? Wasn't Tom supposed to do this on October 20th? Сумую па табе. Мне трэба цябе пабачыць. Можна я прыйду? I miss you. I need to see you. Could I come over? I need to see you. Том не знав, що Мері розуміє французьку. Tom didn't know that Mary understood French. Tom didn't know Mary understood French. Вы поёте в хоре? Do you sing in the choir? You're singing in the chorus? Эти брюки слишком длинные. These trousers are too long. These pants are too long. Полицейские арестовали грабителя. The policemen arrested the burglar. Police arrested a robber. Наскільки мені відомо, він неодружений. As far as I know, he is not married. As far as I know, he's unmarried. Якби я міг сказати тобі щось позитивне. I wish I could tell you something positive. If only I could tell you something positive. Я зробив би це, якби ти мене не зупинила. I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me. I'd do it if you didn't stop me. Откуда мы знаем, что этот человек - тот, за кого он себя выдаёт? How do we know that that man is who he says he is? How do we know that this man is the one he betrays himself to? Я здесь больше не работаю. I don't work here anymore. I don't work here anymore. Я ничем не могу помочь Тому. There's nothing I can do to help Tom. I can't help Tom. Для бедного Тома всё уже закончилось. It's all over with poor Tom. For poor Tom, it's over. Том сказав, що я здаюся здивованою. Tom said that I looked surprised. Tom said I was surprised. Я думал, Том - Ваш муж. I thought Tom was your husband. I thought Tom was your husband. Том мог бы помочь вам. Tom could help you. Tom could've helped you. У мене пряме волосся. I have straight hair. I have straight hair. Можна мне сесці побач з табой? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Я вже зробив домашню роботу. I've already finished my homework. I've already done my homework. Мы на вас рассчитываем. We count on you. We are counting on you. Чим я можу допомогти? How can I help you? Can I help you? Конференц-зал сейчас занят. The meeting room is in use now. Conference room is busy right now. Ты маеш яблыкі? Have you got any apples? Have you got apples? Том сказав, що не хоче з нами співати. Tom said he didn't want to sing with us. Tom said he didn't want to sing with us. Том голосував? Did Tom vote? Was Tom voting? Думаю, я зіграю в теніс із Томом. I think that I'll play tennis with Tom. I think I'm gonna play tennis with Tom. Три точки, що не знаходяться на одній прямій, унікальним чином визначають площину. Three points that are not on the same line determine a unique plane. Three points that are not on the same line uniquely determine the plane. Сьогодні я маю добрий апетит. I have a good appetite today. Today, I have a good appetite. Напісаўшы на сабе незразумела што і атрымаўшы неперадбачаны рэзультат, што ты будзеш рабіць? When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results? writing on yourself is baffling what and having an unanticipated effect, what are you going to do? Лінда насіла дарагое ўпрыгажэнне. Linda wore expensive jewellery. Linda wore an expensive ornament. Але чаму? But why? But why? Пойдем назад к Тому. Let's go back to Tom. Let's go back to Tom. Я верю, что у вас всё получится. I believe that you'll succeed. I believe you can do this. Ще раз. Once again. Again. Они очистили улицу от снега. They cleared the street of snow. They cleaned the streets of the snow. Небо покрыто тучами. The sky is covered with clouds. The sky is covered with clouds. Цього року ти отримала різдвяний подарунок від Тома? Did you receive a Christmas present from Tom this year? Did you get Tom's Christmas present this year? Є цікава історія про одного англійця. There is a curious story about an Englishman. There's an interesting story about one Englishman. Ти запитала Тома? Did you ask Tom? Did you ask Tom? Ти маєш бути у лікарні. You should be in a hospital. You have to be in the hospital. Том визнав, що він це зробив. Tom admitted doing that. Tom admitted he did. Я не знаю, как мне доказать, что я тебя люблю. I don't know how to prove that I love you. I don't know how to prove that I love you. Не думаю, что Том знает, что происходит. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. I don't think Tom knows what's going on. Его что-то беспокоит. Something's bothering him. He's worried about something. Я допоміг Тоні. I helped Tony. I helped Tony. Я думал, ты с ним уже не встречаешься. I thought you stopped dating him. I thought you'd never see him again. Том был озадачен и заинтересован. Tom was both puzzled and concerned. Tom was puzzled and interested. Не мозѣте плакати. Don't cry. Don't cry. Мы уже дома. We are already at home. We're home. Том не має родини. Tom doesn't have a family. Tom has no family. Ежу понятно. It's as easy as falling off a log. Eating is understandable. Скажите мне, что Вы не серьёзно! Tell me you're not serious! Tell me you're not serious! Вони були насправді задоволені. They were truly happy. They were actually satisfied. Тому хотелось плакать. Tom felt like crying. So I wanted to cry. Мне нужно в туалет. I have to go to the bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom. Ты была гераіняй. You were a hero. You were a hero. Я часто ходжу в кіно. I often go to the cinema. I often go to the movies. Том сделал это тайком. Tom did that in secret. Tom made it a secret. Безліч зірок було видно на небі. Numerous stars were visible in the sky. Countless stars were seen in heaven. Добре, що Том цього не зробив. It's good that Tom didn't do that. Good thing Tom didn't do. У мене закінчуються гроші. I'm running short of cash. I'm running out of money. Праўда ў тым, што я кахаю Марву. The truth is that I love Marwa. And the truth is, I love Marva. Як клічуць твайго сябра? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Вада адлюстроўвае святло. Water reflects light. Water reflects the light. Я ніколи не бував у франкомовній країні. I've never been to a French-speaking country. I've never been to a French country. Том не довіряє поліції. Tom doesn't trust the police. Tom doesn't trust the police. Кто вы по национальности? What is your nationality? Who are you of nationality? Том не купив те, що йому було потрібно. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Увайдзіце! Come in. Get IN! Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. Sorry to make you wait so long. Я думаю, Том этого заслуживает. I think Tom deserves that. I think Tom deserves that. Вона в туалеті. She's on the loo. She's in the bathroom. Все одно я хотів її продати. I wanted to sell it anyway. I wanted to sell it anyway. Селяві! This is life! Selavi! Жоден з них мені не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Лід тане. The ice is melting. Ice melts. Мені дуже шкода це чути. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Мы с ней знакомы по работе. I know her from work. I know her about work. Я упустив м'яч. I dropped the ball. I let the ball down. Бэці адмовілася ад прапановы Мюрыэл. Betty turned down Muriel's offer. Betty gave up Muriel's offer. Я всё ещё переживаю из-за этого. I still feel bad about it. I'm still worried about this. Што будзе далей? What's to be done next? What will happen next? Том видел акулу. Tom saw a shark. Tom saw the shark. Эта комната слишком большая. This room is too big. This room is too large. Я хочу научиться играть на гитаре так же, как вы. I want to learn to play the guitar like you. I want to learn to play guitar like you do. Том не такий зайнятий, як ти. Tom isn't as busy as you are. Tom's not as busy as you are. Ви така нестерпна людина. You are such an insufferable person. You're such an unendurable man. Я ж казала, що Том цього не робив. I told you Tom didn't do that. I told you Tom didn't do that. Волю за гроші не купиш. Money cannot buy freedom. You can't buy a ox for money. Он сказал, что не обижен. He said that he wasn't offended. He said he wasn't hurt. Этого просто не будет. That's just not going to happen. It's just not gonna happen. Тому ця ідея сподобалася. Tom liked that idea. So this idea I liked. Том очень хорошо умеет играть в теннис. Tom can play tennis very well. Tom is very good at playing tennis. Мені болить голова. I have a headache. My head hurts. Том думал, ты занят. Tom thought you were busy. Tom thought you were busy. Я здесь, потому что меня попросили прийти. It's because I was asked to come that I'm here. I'm here because I'm asked to come. Вона плакала, читаючи лист. She cried reading the letter. She cried as she read the letter. Боюсь, твой план не будет работать. I'm afraid your plan will not work. I'm afraid your plan won't work. Я знаю, що Том — стоматолог. I know Tom is a dentist. I know Tom is a dentist. Том - либерал. Tom is a liberal. Tom is a liberal. Я попробую их отвлечь. I'll try to distract them. I'll try to distract them. Ведаеш, я праз цябе плакаў. You know, you made me cry. You know, I'm through you crying. Том решил пойти. Tom decided to go. Tom decided to go. Ми майже все. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. Школы и университеты закрыты. Schools and universities are closed. Schools and universities are closed. Как можно это завершить? How to get that done? How can this be accomplished? Це твоє пиво? Is this your beer? Is that your beer? На столі диня. There is a melon on the table. There's a lady on the table. Том ніколи не хотів цього робити. Tom never wanted to do that. Tom never wanted to do that. Том не знає, що я канадійка. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm Canadian. С дедушками и бабушками Том говорит по-французски, а с родителями по-английски. Tom speaks French with his grandparents and English with his parents. Tom speaks French to his grandparents, and English to his parents. Де знаходиться Бостон? Where's Boston? Where is Boston? Том был шантажистом. Tom was a blackmailer. Tom was a blackmailist. Я хочу спать с твоей женой. I want to sleep with your wife. I want to sleep with your wife. Я абсолютно серьёзен. I'm completely serious. I'm completely serious. Ти врятувала мені життя. You have saved my life. You saved my life. Я не магу сказаць дакладна. I can't say for sure. I can't say exactly. Том небагато їсть. Tom doesn't eat much. Tom doesn't eat much. Вона не розуміє сарказму. She doesn't understand sarcasm. She doesn't understand sarcasm. Дом Тома был поглощен карстовой воронкой. Tom's home was swallowed by a sinkhole. Tom's house was consumed with a brown funnel. У вас есть дом? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Том хорошо выглядит. Tom looks well. Tom looks good. Я замужам. I'm married. I'm married. Як справы? What's up? How are you? Ви любите японську їжу? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? Ти хочеш вина? Do you want wine? You want some wine? Не обвиняйте правительство. Don't blame the government. Don't blame the government. Она сказала, что у неё был трудный день. She said she had a hard day. She said she had a hard day. Мотузка порвалася, коли ми сходили на гору. The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. The rope broke when we went up to the mountain. Я хочу чізбургер, колу та картоплю фрі. I want a cheeseburger, a coke and some fries. I want a bazburger, a circle, and free potatoes. Діти роблять дурниці. Kids do stupid things. Children do stupid things. Я недавно видел твоего брата. I saw your brother the other day. I just saw your brother. Он приготовился к худшему. He prepared himself for the worst. He's prepared for the worst. Ми купили будинок цього чоловіка. We bought the man's house. We bought this man's house. Сьогодні вночі буде доволі холодно. It's going to be quite cold tonight. It'll be pretty cold tonight. Том только что вышел из тюрьмы. Tom just got out of jail. Tom just got out of jail. Мы с Эстеллой идём на прогулку. Estella and I are going for a walk. Estella and I are going for a walk. Мне пришлось самому им сказать. I had to tell them myself. I had to tell them myself. Ты можаш ісці. You may go. You can go. Он богатый человек. He is a man of wealth. He's a rich man. Це не його почерк. This is not his handwriting. It's not his handwriting. Не думаю, что буду танцевать с Томом. I don't think that I'll dance with Tom. I don't think I'm going to dance with Tom. Документы пожелтели от времени. The documents have yellowed with age. Papers are lit from time to time. Комары любят меня. Mosquitos love me. The comedians love me. Тома нигде не видно. Tom is nowhere to been seen. Tom can't be seen anywhere. Это вы должны решать. You're the one who must decide. It's up to you to decide. Вы его переоцениваете. You overestimate him. You overestimate him. З столі звісала прыгожая люстра. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was a beautiful mirror hanging from the table. Він не брехун. He's not a liar. He's not a liar. Вот как Том умер. That's how Tom died. That's how Tom died. Повернімося. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Суддзя прысудзіў яго да смерці. The judge condemned him to death. The judge brought him to death. Том чекає, щоб Мері йому зателефонувала. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call him. Не думай, что я не пытался. Don't think I didn't try. Don't think I didn't try. Не думаю, что у Тома есть братья или сёстры. I don't think Tom has any brothers or sisters. I don't think Tom has brothers or sisters. О котрій годині закінчиться твій останній урок? What time will your last class be over? What time will your final lesson end? К моему удивлению, он не сдал зачёт. To my surprise he failed the test. To my surprise, he didn't pay the bill. Том та Мері хочуть з'їсти полуничного морозива. Both Tom and Mary want to eat strawberry ice cream. Tom and Mary want to eat the moon ice cream. Том сказав тобі, що він запізниться? Did Tom tell you that he'd be late? Tom told you he'd be late? Мюрыэл наводзіць на мяне паклёп! Muiriel is slandering me! Muriel drives over me slander! Вы знаете, что я замужем. You know that I'm married. You know I'm married. Ты умеешь собирать кубик Рубика? Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Can you collect the Rubik's Cube? Вони нам не скажуть. They won't tell us. They won't tell us. У мене лише двоє дітей. I only have two children. I only have two children. Це книжка. This is a book. It's a book. Теперь ты можешь выйти из комнаты. You can leave the room now. Now you can get out of the room. Том уже занимается французским. Tom is studying French already. Tom's already in French. Вайна — гэта пекла. War is hell. War is hell. Мой старший брат, Том, родился здесь — в Бостоне. My older brother, Tom, was born here in Boston. My older brother, Tom, was born here in Boston. Правильно! Correct! That's right! Він удає, що все знає. He pretends to know everything. He pretends to know everything. Ты не думал попросить помощи у Тома? Have you considered asking Tom to help you? You didn't think of asking Tom for help? Том хотів, щоб Мері говорила. Tom wanted Mary to speak. Tom wanted Mary to speak. Я їх не палю. I don't burn them. I don't smoke them. Я предполагаю, что ты не сможешь сделать это. I guess that you can't do it. I guess you can't do this. Я забыл выключить свет. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn the light off. Це можливо зробити. It's feasible. This can be done. Гэта крэсла. It is a chair. It's a chair. Они бы меня не отпустили. They wouldn't let me go. They wouldn't let me go. Сейчас Том испуган. Tom is scared now. Tom's scared right now. Сколько ещё я должен ждать? How much longer do I have to wait? How long do I have to wait? Ти неймовірний. You're incredible. You're amazing. Се тѧжькъ ѧзыкъ. It's a difficult language. It's a linguary. Надеюсь, ты не простудишься. I hope you are not catching a cold. I hope you won't take a cold. Мідь та серебро — метали. Copper and silver are both metals. The copper and silver are metals. Вона весь час протирічить сама собі. She contradicts herself all the time. She always contradicts herself. Науковці обговорюють його теорію зникнення динозаврів. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists are discussing his theory of the extinction of dinosaurs. Пускай себе! Whatever. Let it go! Я сказал Тому, что ему стоит поговорить с адвокатом. I told Tom he should talk to a lawyer. I told him he should talk to a lawyer. Тому нужно поговорить с адвокатом. Tom needs to talk to a lawyer. So we need to talk to a lawyer. Ти зголодніла? Hungry? Are you hungry? Дораэмон часто улыбается. Doraemon often smiles. Doraemon smiles a lot. Кому ты его дал? Whom did you give it to? Who'd you give it to? Де пральня? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Ты ўпэўненая, што хочаш, каб я дапамагла цябе з дамашнім заданнем? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Вам не зрозуміти. You can't understand. You don't understand. Чесно кажучи, я його презираю. To tell the truth, I despise him. To be honest, I despise him. Ти любиш сік? Do you like juice? Do you like juice? У мене немає віри у їхню спроможність виправити ситуацію. I have no faith in their ability to correct the situation. I have no faith in their ability to remedy the situation. Все окна заперты? Are all the windows locked? All the windows are locked? Заходь іноді до мене. Come and see me once in a while. Come to me sometimes. Том буде готувати. Tom will cook. Tom will cook. Я вижу, вы уже встречались. I see you've already met. I see you've already met. Залиштеся з нами на кілька днів. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Это моё место или твоё? Is this my seat or yours? Is this my place or yours? Том знал о Мэри что-то, чего не знал Джон. Tom knew things about Mary that John didn't. Tom knew something about Mary that John didn't know. Том был необщительный. Tom was unsociable. Tom was irreproachable. Пацюки біжать із корабля, що тоне. Rats desert a sinking ship. The rats are running off the boat. Том теж студент. Tom is a student, too. Tom's a student too. Давай сегодня туда не пойдём. Let's not go there today. Let's not go there tonight. Ми щойно знайшли знаряддя вбивства. We just found the murder weapon. We just found the murder weapon. Я не ведаю, праўдзівая гэта гісторыя ці не. I don't know whether the story is true or not. I don't know if this is a real story or not. Температура спадає. The temperature falls. The temperature goes down. Я примусив Тома зробити це. I forced Tom to do that. I forced Tom to do it. Де ти про нас почув? How did you hear about us? Where did you hear about us? Я забув ваш номер. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Я не вірю, що Том повернеться. I don't believe that Tom will return. I don't believe Tom's coming back. Мені дуже страшно. I am very scared. I'm really scared. Когда вы придёте? When will you come? When are you coming? Почему нам кто-нибудь не сказал? Why didn't somebody tell us? Why didn't anyone tell us? Ми справимося. We'll manage. We'll make it. Мені подобається дивитися телевізор. I like watching TV. I like watching TV. Гэта кніга, якую я чытаў учора вечарам. This is the book which I read last night. That's the book I've been reading last night. Ты выбрал не того человека. You've got the wrong person. You chose the wrong man. Я разговаривала с ней. I was talking to her. I was talking to her. Ты его нашёл? Did you find him? Did you find him? Откуда вы его знаете? From where do you know him? How do you know him? Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm that. Ти часто його зустрічаєш? Do you meet him often? Do you see him often? Білі троянди мені подобаються більше за червоні. I like white roses better than red ones. I like white roses more than red. Мері їла на самоті. Mary ate by herself. Mary ate alone. Я би хотіла, щоб ти говорила французькою. I wish you spoke French. I'd like you to speak French. Гадаєш, Том і насправді це зробив? Do you think Tom really did that? You think Tom did that? Які тобі подобаються види спорту? What sports do you like? What kind of sports do you like? Сподіваюся, завтра буде сонячна погода. I hope it's sunny tomorrow. I hope the sun will be here tomorrow. Ты бесполезна. You're useless. You're useless. Не сыпь мне соль на раны! Don't put salt on my wounds! Don't sleep salt on my wounds! Сподіваюся, Том та Мері не заблукали. I hope Tom and Mary aren't lost. I hope Tom and Mary are not lost. Хто міг би це зробити? Who could do that? Who could do that? Я вас подожду. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you. Ты кроме Библии что-нибудь читаешь? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything besides the Bible? Я дуже радий, що зробив це вчора. I'm very happy I did that yesterday. I'm very glad I did it yesterday. Доживёшь до моих лет - поймёшь, что я имею в виду. When you get to be my age, you'll understand what I mean. You'll live to my age. You'll know what I mean. Кнїжка помаранчецова. The book is orange. The book of oranges. Мой муж приходит домой около восьми. My husband comes home at about eight. My husband comes home about eight. Она пыталась его убить. She tried to kill him. She tried to kill him. Я не знал, где вы. I didn't know where you were. I didn't know where you were. Яка потворна краватка. That's an ugly tie. What a ugly tie. Том схилився, щоб поцілувати Мері в щічку. Tom bent down to kiss Mary's cheek. Tom bent to kiss Mary in the cheek. Надеюсь, тебе здесь нравится. I hope you like being here. I hope you like it here. Я вижу вдалеке корабль. I can see a ship in the distance. I see a far-away ship. Бул потрес жеми и додатково, бул и цунами. There was an earthquake and, in addition, there was a tsunami. Boom and extra, bull and tsunami. Дякуємо, що зайшла. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for coming in. Ты продаёшь французские газеты? Do you sell French newspapers? Are you selling French newspapers? Том має машину. Tom owns a car. Tom has a car. Пiшли! Come on! Let's go! Сходи туда завтра. Go there tomorrow! Go over there tomorrow. Я працювала в ресторані. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Они старались выиграть время. They were buying time. They tried to win time. Не схоже, що ви були стурбовані. It doesn't look like you're worried. It doesn't seem that you were worried. Том не единственный, кто хочет победить. Tom isn't the only one who wants to win. Tom's not the only one who wants to win. В мене багато друзів. I've got plenty of friends. I've got a lot of friends. Яны прыйшлі да вываду, што ён збрахаў. They concluded that he had told a lie. They came to the conclusion that he had collected. Любы сказ, што пачынаецца «Я не расіст, але», найбольш верагодна будзе сапраўды расісцкім. Every sentence that starts with "I'm not racist, but" is likely to be very racist indeed. Any saying that begins "I'm not a rose, but" is probably probably going to be racist. Принесіть мені газету, будь ласка. Bring me the newspaper, please. Please bring me the newspaper. Если он не придёт, что ты тогда будешь делать? If he doesn't come, what will you do then? If he doesn't come, what are you gonna do? Джек колекціонує марки. Jack collects stamps. Jack is collecting stamps. Ты меня достал! You piss me off! You got me! Что ты мне предлагаешь? What are you suggesting to me? What are you offering me? Мого тата зараз немає вдома. My dad is not at home for the moment. My dad's not at home right now. Де нам можна сісти? Where can we sit? Where can we sit? Эти деньги действительно помогут. This money is really going to help. That money will really help. Мой улюбёны колер памады — ружовы. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. My favorite color is a pink. Мне заўтра рана ўставаць. Ты можаш патэлефанаваць мне а шостай? I have to get up early tomorrow. Can you give me a call at six? I can't get up tomorrow, can you call me about six? Мы ничего не можем для тебя сделать. We can do nothing for you. We can't do anything for you. Все те люди ждут Тома? Are all those people waiting for Tom? All those people waiting for Tom? Де ти народилася? Where were you born? Where were you born? Том зробить це, якщо ви йому за це заплатите. Tom will do that if you pay him to do it. Tom will do it if you pay him for it. Том більше не член цього клубу. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Тыгранятка выглядала як вялікае кацянё. The tiger cub looked like a large kitten. The tiger looked like a big cat. Не треба себе недооцінювати, Томе. Don't sell yourself short, Tom. Don't underestimate yourself, Tom. Я не можу! I can't! I can't! Не бойся. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Том кинув Мері м'яч. Tom threw Mary the ball. Tom threw Mary the ball. У них все буде гаразд. They'll be all right. They're gonna be okay. Никто со мной больше не разговаривает. Nobody talks to me anymore. No one's talking to me anymore. Я спробую її полагодити. I'll try to fix it. I'll try to fix it. Том настойчивый. Tom's headstrong. Tom's insistent. В Южной Корее самый влиятельный член семьи - обычно самый старший мужчина - имеет возможность отправить члена своей семьи в психиатрическую больницу, если считает нужным. In South Korea, the most powerful member of a family, usually the oldest living male, has the power to send members of his family to a psychiatric hospital as he sees fit. In South Korea, the most influential member of the family - usually the oldest man - has the opportunity to send a member of his family to a psychiatric hospital if he deems it necessary. Том інфантильний. Tom is a manchild. Tom is infantic. Почему ты не убрался в своей комнате? Why haven't you cleaned your room? Why didn't you get out of your room? Я лише дивлюсь. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Том запропонував Мері доволі непогану роботу. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Не думаю, що Тому сподобалося би тут жити. I don't think that Tom would like living here. I don't think that's why I'd love to live here. Ніхто не знає його справжнього імені. No one knows his real name. No one knows his real name. Ему было так интересно, что он уделил этому свое внимание. He was so interested that he gave it his attention. He was so interested that he gave it his attention. Думаю, Том прав. I think Tom is right. I think Tom's right. Вы были удивлены? Were you amazed? Have you been surprised? Ніхто тебе не зупиняє. Nobody is stopping you. No one stops you. Як часто ви його бачите? How often do you see him? How often do you see it? Том всю ночь не ложился. Tom stayed up the whole night. Tom didn't go to bed all night. Том открыл свою сумку. Tom opened his bag. Tom opened his bag. Я паехала ў бальніцу, каб пабачыцца з сваёй жонкай. I went to the hospital to see my wife. I went to the hospital to see my wife. Ты хочешь закончить, как он? Do you want to end up like him? You want to end up like him? Його хтось знає? Does anybody know him? Does anyone know him? Сегодня я во всём портачу. Today I am messing up everything. I'm taking all over the place today. Выбирайте выражения. Watch your language. Choose the terms you want to use. На Мэри синее платье. Mary is wearing a blue dress. Mary's got a blue dress. Мы были застигнуты снежной бурей. We were caught in a snowstorm. We were hit by a snowstorm. Що ти робив цього тижня? What have you been doing this week? What were you doing this week? Яна хоча Вас бачыць. Yana wants to see you. She wants to see you. Никто не обращал на меня внимания. Everybody ignored me. No one paid attention to me. Адзіная розніца паміж мной і вар’ятам у тым, што я не вар’ят. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only difference between being crazy is that I’m not mad. Ісус мені по барабану. I don't care about Jesus. Jesus's on my drum. Я проспав. I overslept. I overslept. Это горячо? Is it hot? Is it hot? Тэатр пусты. The theater is empty. The theatre is empty. Я можу це для неї зробити, на відміну від тебе. I can do that for her, unlike you. I can do it for her, unlike you. Он по ней скучает. He misses her. He misses her. Эти новости для меня новы. This news is new to me. That news is new to me. Том планирует расстаться со своей девушкой. Tom plans to break up with his girlfriend. Tom's planning to break up with his girlfriend. Она считает себя смешной? Does she think she's funny? Does she think she's funny? Чыстае сумленне — найлепшая падушка. A clear conscience is the best pillow. Pure honesty is the best pillow. Я хотел бы тебя завтра навестить. I'd like to visit you tomorrow. I'd like to visit you tomorrow. Він маленький. He's small. It's small. Мы не ожидали таких результатов. We didn't expect these results. We did not expect such results. Я твоя королева. I am your queen. I'm your queen. Ти не думаєш, що ми переконали Тома? Don't you think we convinced Tom? Don't you think we convinced Tom? Хочете знати як? Do you want to know how? You want to know how? Чему ты научился? What did you learn? What did you learn? Вы могли остаться в Бостоне. You could've stayed in Boston. You could stay in Boston. Чаму Вы не прыйшлі? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Що Том хоче на Різдво? What does Tom want for Christmas? What does Tom want for Christmas? Я знаю Тома. I know Tom. I know Tom. Дедушка Али был барабанщиком. Ali's grandfather played drums. Grandpa Ali was a drummer. Я мало не помер сьогодні. I almost died today. I almost died today. Том все ще хоче прийти. Tom still wants to come. Tom still wants to come. Спробуймо зробити це з Томом. Let's try to do that with Tom. Let's try Tom. Што Вы намерваецеся рабіць? What do you intend to do? What are you gonna do? Ця кава така гаряча, що я не можу її пити. This coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. This coffee is so hot I can't drink it. Я маю сумніви, що нову пропозицію буде прийнято. I doubt the new proposal will be accepted. I doubt that the new proposal will be accepted. "Ты действительно этого хочешь?" - спросил маленький белый кролик. "Do you really wish that?" asked the little white rabbit. "Do you really want that?" asked a little white rabbit. Поезд был заполнен. The train was packed. The train was filled. Я только что вышел из душа. I just got out of the shower. I just got out of my heart. Мне кое-что любопытно. I'm curious about something. I'm curious about something. Том не прочитав звіт, який ти написав. Tom hasn't read the report you wrote. Tom didn't read the report you wrote. Вот тогда я и повредил свой голеностоп. That's when I injured my ankle. That's when I damaged my panopotype. Ця дівчинка схожа на маму. That girl resembles her mother. This girl looks like a mom. Діти граються кубиками. Children play with blocks. Children play cubes. Це не Том зробив. Tom isn't the one who did this. Tom didn't. «Ты мяне кахаеш?» — «Болей за ўсё на свеце». "Do you love me?" "More than anything." "Do you love me?" "The pain is all over the world." Я чуть не умер. I nearly died. I almost died. Том даст Мэри всё, что ей нужно. Tom will give Mary everything she needs. Tom's gonna give Mary everything she wants. Його рідна країна — Німеччина. His home country is Germany. His native country was Germany. Моєю спеціалізацією було театральне мистецтво. I majored in drama. My specialization was the theater art. Давайте определим наше местонахождение, прежде чем идти дальше. Let's get our bearings before we go any further. Let's define our location before we go any further. Не припиняй грати. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. Я був чарівником. I was a magician. I was a wizard. Ви колись бачили ДТП? Have you ever seen a car accident? Have you seen the accident? Ты больш не можаш гэтага зрабіць. You can't do that anymore. You can't do it anymore. Она сказала, что не знает правил. She said she didn't know the rules. She said she didn't know the rules. Я ніколи не годував мого собаку бананом. I have never fed my dog a banana. I never fed my dog with bananas. Он позёр. He's a poser. He's lost it. Он сознался в своем преступлении. He confessed his crime. He confessed to his crime. Можете помочь мне накрыть на стол? Can you help me set the table? Can you help me open the table? Что бы ты стал делать, если бы завтра был конец света? What would you do if the world was going to end tomorrow? What would you do if tomorrow was the end of the world? Их так много. There are so many. There are so many. Том — поганець. Tom is a sleazeball. Tom's bad. Ты вядзеш дзённік? Do you keep a diary? Are you going to have the magazine? Отъвѣтите ми добро сътворѧ. Answer me, please. We're a good product. Том, мабуть, заможний. Tom must be rich. Tom must be wealthy. Они до сих пор не проснулись. They still haven't woken up. They still haven't woken up. Будь ласка, прочитайте показники лічильника. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the numerator's numbers. Я не могу укусить. У меня нет зубов. I cannot bite. I have no teeth. I can't bite, I don't have teeth. Не говори это моей невесте. Don't tell it to my bride. Don't say that to my bride. Том сказав, що планує поїхати. Tom said that he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to go. Відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. We'll rest. Хіба ти впізнаєш цього чоловіка? Don't you recognize that man? Don't you recognize this man? Нам это уже не нужно. We don't need it anymore. We don't need that anymore. Мы оба хотим это сделать. We both want to do that. We both want to do it. Кто научил тебя французскому? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Я был действительно подавлен. I was really depressed. I was really depressed. Я поеду в Бостон на автобусе. I'll go to Boston by bus. I'm going to Boston on the bus. Думаю, так. I think so. I think so. Том потребовал объяснений. Tom demanded an explanation. Tom asked for an explanation. Как люди могут делать такие вещи? How can people do things like this? How can people do such things? Кнїжка жовта. The book is yellow. The book is yellow. Гэта не кроў. Гэта толькі чырвоная фарба. This isn't blood. It's just red paint. It's only red paint. Я тут шчаслівая. I'm happy here. I'm happy here. Раніше я жив поруч з Томом. I used to live close to Tom. I used to live next to Tom. Не думаю, что смогу быть здесь счастлив. I don't think I can be happy here. I don't think I can be happy here. Ты не знал, что Том и Мэри не канадцы? Didn't you know that Tom and Mary aren't Canadians? You didn't know Tom and Mary were not Canadians? Я чекав на Тома, що він сказав мені, що робити. I was waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. I waited on Tom, what he told me to do. Спой ещё раз, Том. Sing it again, Tom. Sleep again, Tom. Я бы с удовольствием поехал с вами, но не могу. I'd like to go with you, but I can't. I'd love to go with you, but I can't. Это большая работа. It's a big job. It's a lot of work. Що у неї є? What does she have? What's she got? Ця пляма ніяк не зникне. This stain won't come out. It's not going to go away. Будь ласка, швидше. Please hurry! Please, quickly. Чесно, я не думаю, що Тому небайдуже. I honestly don't think Tom cares. Honestly, I don't think Tom cares. Отвези нас туда, Том. Take us there, Tom. Take us there, Tom. Дельфіни не мають зябрів. Dolphins don't have gills. Dolphins don't have gills. Она мне больше нравится. I like her better. I like her better. Том допомагає матері з вечерею. Tom is helping his mother with dinner. Tom helps his mother with dinner. Я не знаю, с кем мне проконсультироваться. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult. Я не знаю, что в коробке. I do not know what is in the box. I don't know what's in the box. Маю дурне питання. I have a stupid question. I have a stupid question. Не беспокойся! Даже если я выпью, это никак не влияет на то, как я вожу машину. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Don't worry, even if I'm having a drink, it doesn't matter how I drive. Она в чёрной шляпе. She's wearing a black hat. She's in black hat. Она очень гордится собой. She's very proud of herself. She's very proud of herself. Ты можешь сказать нам, что это такое? Can you tell us what it is? Can you tell us what this is? Он остаётся на свободе. He remains at liberty. He stays at large. Вы міліцыянерка? Are you a police officer? Are you a militarist? Давайте выйдем из такси. Let's get out of the taxi. Let's get out of the taxi. Какую вы выберете? Which one will you choose? Which one will you choose? Я прищурился. I squinted. I did. Том сказал Мэри, что она напрасно тратит своё время. Tom told Mary that she was wasting her time. Tom told Mary she was wasting her time. Техас майже вдвічі більший за Німеччину. Texas is almost twice the size of Germany. Texas is almost twice as big as Germany. Мы с Томом хорошо знаем друг друга. Tom and I know each other well. Tom and I know each other very well. Я зрабіла гэта для яе. I did it for her. I did it for her. Она подарила ему улыбку. She gave him a big smile. She gave him a smile. Вы любите водить машину? Do you like to drive? Do you like driving? Том не любить піццу. Tom doesn't like pizza. Tom doesn't like pizza. Ты говорила, что любишь его. You said that you loved him. You said you loved him. Том редко ходит на вечеринки. Tom seldom goes to parties. Tom rarely attends parties. У меня такое чувство, что будет дождь. I have a hunch that it will rain. I feel like it's raining. По-моему, Том не понял вопрос. I think Tom didn't understand the question. I don't think Tom understood the question. Мне нечего сказать тебе. I don't have anything to tell you. I have nothing to say to you. Ты уйгур? Are you an Uighur? Are you an eigur? Мені цікаво, чи Том учора це зробив. I wonder whether or not Tom did that yesterday. I wonder if Tom did it yesterday. У Кена два кота. Ken has two cats. Ken has two cats. Я в вас обеих очень разочарован. I'm very disappointed in both of you. I'm very disappointed with you both. В череде дурных любовных связей её сердце всё больше ожесточалось. Her heart has been hardening all throughout her string of bad hookups. Because of her heart's ridiculous love bonds, it's getting worse. Меня не было на той встрече. I wasn't at that meeting. I wasn't at that meeting. Заняття у школі розпочинаються о дев'ятій годині School begins at nine. Schoolwork Starts at 9:00 Что это за шум? What was that noise? What's that noise? Япония потребляет много бумаги. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan needs a lot of paper. Те, що ви кажете, — правда. What you say is true. What you say is true. Супрацьпастаўляючы мэты савецкае навукі мэтам навукі, што знаходзіцца ў руках амерыканскіх імперыялістаў, савецкія навукоўцы-біёлагі кажуць: «Біялогія — навука пра жыцце, амерыканскія ж біёлагі ператвараюць яе ў навуку пра смерць, пра тое, як лепей і хутчэй знішчыць усё жывое на зямлі». Contrasting the goals of the Soviet science with the goals of the science controlled by the Americal imperialists, Soviet biology scientists say: “Biology is a life science, but American biologists turn it into a death science, a science that deals with the better and faster destruction of all the living things on earth”. In harmony with this, U.S. scientific aim -- in the hands of the U.S. imperialists -- is to say, "Theology is the science of life. American biologists are turning it into the science of death, and it's about how better and quicker it is to destroy all the live things on earth." Я поїду. I'll leave. I'm going. Вы выживете. You will survive. You'll survive. Кот умер. The cat is dead. Cat's dead. Таїланд знаходиться в Азії. Thailand is in Asia. Thailand is in Asia. Мне ни один из них не нравится. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Ты мог бы сказать правду. You could've told the truth. You could've told the truth. Яна стаяла перад класам. She was standing in the front of the classroom. She stood in front of the class. Он, должно быть, по ней скучает. He must be missing her. He must miss her. Я признателен за помощь. I appreciate the help. I appreciate your help. Не беспокойся. Я буду осторожна. Don't worry. I'll be careful. Don't worry. I'll be careful. Калі ласка, не забівай мяне. Please do not kill me. Please don't kill me. Я не люблю котів. I don't like cats. I don't like cats. У мене все ще є ключ від будинку Тома. I still have the key to Tom's house. I still have the key to Tom's house. Вы меня многому научили. You taught me a lot. You taught me a lot. До сих пор не могу поверить, что Том ненавидит Мэри. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. Ми не маємо цукру. We have no sugar. We don't have sugar. Не давай Тому бить Мэри. Don't let Tom hit Mary. Don't let him beat Mary. Том почти никогда не спрашивает почему. Tom almost never asks why. Tom almost never asks why. Том здається трохи присоромленим. Tom is looking a bit embarrassed. Tom seems a bit ashamed. Це французьке слово. It's a French word. That's a French word. Ти маєш дати їй більше часу. You have to give her more time. You have to give her more time. Ці цяжка вывучыць французскую мову? Is French difficult to learn? Is it difficult to learn French? Том неграмотный. Tom's illiterate. Tom is illiterate. Бачиш човен Тома? Can you see Tom's boat? See Tom's boat? У нас в понедельник контрольная по французскому. We'll have a French test on Monday. We have a French check room on Monday. Ви не бідна. You're not poor. You're not poor. Бойся собственной тени. Fear your own shadow. Fear your own shadow. Я не люблю готувати. I don't like to cook. I don't like cooking. Как бы заняты вы ни были, вы обязаны выполнять домашнюю работу. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. Нам тебе дуже бракуватиме. We're going to miss you a lot. You're going to miss us very much. Добре, я маю зробити пропозицію. Well, I have a suggestion to make. Okay, I have to make a suggestion. Том пришёл поиграть. Tom came to play. Tom's here to play. Ты маеш волю падарожнічаць туды, куды захочаш. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You're having the will to travel to the where you want to. До сих пор болит. It still hurts. It still hurts. Тут очень жарко. It is very hot in here. It's hot in here. Я загубив ручку. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. Ці святкуе Вера Пасху? Is Vera celebrating Easter? These festival of Vera Passover? Я член команди. I'm a member of the team. I'm a member of the team. Я не назову тебе её имени. I'm not going to tell you her name. I'm not gonna give you her name. У меня был совершенно прекрасный вечер – но не сегодня. I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it. I had a wonderful evening, but not today. Ви дуже потворний. You're very ugly. You're very ugly. Калі чэсна, мне насамрэч усё роўна. To tell the truth, I don't really care. If it's cute, I don't actually care. Не думаю, що я дуже кумедний. I don't think I'm very funny. I don't think I'm very funny. Не мы адні падтрымліваем гэты план. We are not alone in supporting the plan. Not we support this plan. Танцюй! Dance! Dance! Том думает, что ты лжёшь. Tom thinks you're lying. Tom thinks you're lying. Ответ найти непросто. The answer's tricky. It's not easy to find the answer. Дзякуй, я гэта ненавіджу. Thanks, I hate it. Thank you, I hate that. Я цяпер болей упэўненая. I'm more confident now. I am more confident now. Вони з Греції. They're from Greece. They're from Greece. Я загубив улюблену ручку. I lost my favorite pen. I lost my favorite pen. Я навучыла сваю жонку кіраваць машынай. I taught my wife how to drive. I said, "My wife's been driving a car." Том сказал, что это не единственная причина. Tom said that isn't the only reason. Tom said it wasn't the only reason. Я живу в этом отеле. I live in this hotel. I live in this hotel. Она так грациозно танцевала, что удивила всех нас. She danced with a grace that surprised us all. She danced so gracefully, she surprised us all. Можаце прынесці мне гэты слоўнік? Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Can I bring that vocabulary? Калі ласка, дапамажыце мне. Please help me. Please help me. Всем пассажирам удалось выбраться из автобуса, прежде чем он загорелся. All of the passengers managed to escape before the bus burst into flames. All the passengers managed to get out of the bus before it lit up. Мені подобається вчити мови. I like learning languages. I like learning a language. Том решил оставить свою работу. Tom decided to quit his job. Tom decided to leave his job. Відправте її поштою. Send it by mail. Send her out by mail. Я разведена. I am divorced. I'm divorced. Это наша земля. This is our land. This is our land. Ты выглядаеш бледна. You look pale. You look pale. Я люблю уральские языки. I love Uralic languages. I love the Ural languages. Вы знаете, что Тому нравятся машины. You know that Tom likes cars. You know Tom likes cars. Они отключили Тома от аппарата жизнеобеспечения. They've taken Tom off life support. They cut Tom off the life support machine. Я пойду, если вы не пойдёте. I'll go if you won't go. I'll go if you don't go. Ти випадково не знаєш, де живе Том? Would you happen to know where Tom lives? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? Є тут хтось? Anybody here? Is anybody here? Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm it. I can't confirm that. Допоможіть йому, будь ласка! Please help him! Help him, please! Я завтракаю каждое утро. I eat breakfast every morning. I'm having breakfast every morning. Не беспокойся о моей собаке. Don't worry about my dog. Don't worry about my dog. Ён працуе, каб забыць. He works in order to forget. He works to forget. Меня бы это не удивило. It wouldn't surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised. То стол. It's a table. That's the table. Погані думки народжують погані дії. Bad thoughts give birth to bad actions. Bad thoughts give birth to bad acts. Вы меня предали. You've betrayed me. You betrayed me. Нащо ти так вчинив? Why did you do it? Why did you do that? Я бачыў, як ты яго цалаваў. Не адмаўляй гэтага! I saw you kiss him. Do not deny it! I've seen you kiss him. С практической точки зрения в его плане есть множество недостатков. From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan. From a practical point of view, there are many shortcomings. Коли ти вийшла заміж? When did you get married? When did you get married? Мы не такие богатые, как Том. We aren't as rich as Tom is. We're not as rich as Tom. Можна я гэта зраблю потым? Can I do this later? Can I do that then? Це яйце погано пахне. This egg smells bad. It smells bad. Імбрык на стале. The teapot is on the table. The embezzle to the table. Всі знають новину. Everybody knows the news. Everyone knows the news. Що тобі більше подобається - літо чи зима? Which do you like better, summer or winter? What do you like better: summer or winter? Не лишай її під дощем. Don't expose it to the rain. Don't leave her in the rain. Можливо, ви з ним зустрінетесь. You might meet him. Perhaps you will meet him. Я не хочу, щоб ти торкався моїх речей. I don't want you touching my stuff. I don't want you to touch my things. Вчера я весь день был свободен, а сегодня работаю. I was free all day yesterday, but today I'm working. I've been out all day yesterday, and today I work. Здоровье дарует человеку свободу, которую большинство не осознаёт, пока её не лишится. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it. Health gives man freedom, which most don't realize until she's lost. Я отправил тебе деньги, которые ты просила. I sent you the money you asked for. I sent you the money you asked for. Том не думав, що Мері захоче це робити. Tom didn't think Mary would like to do that. Tom didn't think Mary would want to do that. Я был забыт. I was forgotten. I was forgotten. Телефон был изобретён Беллом в 1876-м году. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. The phone was invented by Bell in 1876. Я запрошу Тома на вечерю. I'm going to invite Tom over for dinner. I'll invite Tom to dinner. Актриса упала в обморок прямо в середине спектакля. An actress fainted right in the middle of the play. The actress fell right into the middle of the play. Навошта ты вывучаеш замежную мову? What do you study a foreign language for? Why do you learn a foreign language? Ви знаєте, що Том любить машини. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom loves cars. Доброго дня, як справи? Good day, how are you? Hello, how's it going? Я прадала найлепшы каштоўны камень, які ў мяне быў. I sold the best jewel that I had. I sold the best precious stone that I had. Том любив тварин. Tom loved animals. Tom loved animals. То було возбудзуюце. It was a thrill. It was a excitement. Не дай Тому разузнать об этом. Don't let Tom find out about that. Don't let Tom know. Я бы хотел немного горячего шоколада. I'd like to have some hot chocolate. I'd like some hot chocolate. Він нічого не сказав. He didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. Выбора нет. There's no choice. There's no choice. Ти добре говориш французькою? Do you speak French well? You speak good French? Няўжо Дарэнда павярнулася?! Did Dorenda really come back?! When will you be finished, will you not let that be done with you? Вы знакомы со всеми здесь? Have you met everyone here? Are you familiar with everyone here? Том не зробив усього того, що мусив зробити. Tom didn't do everything he had to do. Tom didn't do everything he had to do. Ми всі чогось хочемо. We all want something. We all want something. Моё сердце бьётся чаще каждый раз, как я её вижу. My heart beats fast each time I see her. My heart beats more often every time I see her. Я бы предпочёл, чтобы вы не рассказывали об этом Тому. I'd prefer it if you didn't tell Tom about this. I'd rather you don't tell Tom about it. Я знаком с отцом этой девушки. I know this girl's father. I know this girl's father. Я выйшла з таксі. I got out of the taxi. I left the taxi. Немає сумніву, що піде дощ. It's bound to rain. There is no question about it. Вам нужно постричь ногти на ногах. You need to cut your toenails. You need to cut your feet. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning on doing that. I wonder if Tom and Mary were planning on doing this. Том сказал, что он очень одинок. Tom said that he was really lonely. Tom said he was very lonely. Тебя все любили. Everybody liked you. Everyone loved you. У нас є вибір? Do we have any choice? Do we have a choice? Сонцезахисні окуляри Тома все ще на столі. Tom's sunglasses are still on the table. Tom's sunglasses are still on the table. Іди повільніше. Walk more slowly. Slow down. Я попросила Тома заспівати мою улюблену пісню. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Сюди! Walk this way. Over here! Навіть вчитель може робити помилки. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Это моё любимое. That's my favorite. That's my favorite. Самі любить суниці. Sami likes wild strawberries. She loves bitches herself. Я розлютилася. I got angry. I was angry. Сипати сіль на рану. To rub salt in someone's wounds. Warm salt at the wound. Том восхищался храбростью Мэри. Tom admired Mary's courage. Tom admired Mary's bravery. Ти випустив монстра. You have unleashed a monster. You released the monster. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё заметил, чем Том занимается. I don't think anyone else noticed what Tom was doing. I don't think anyone else saw what Tom was doing. Разве ты не помнишь, как я рассказывал тебе всё это? Don't you remember me telling you all this? Don't you remember me telling you all this? Мне патрэбны кухонны нож. I need a kitchen knife. I need a kitchen knife. Я полагаю, что вы сидите на моём месте. I think you're sitting in my seat. I believe you're sitting in my shoes. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix you breakfast. I'm organizing your breakfast. Я боюсь, после этой истории у него сложится неверное впечатление. I'm afraid the story will give him a wrong impression. I'm afraid after this story, he's going to have the wrong impression. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It is time for you to go to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Я зробила дурну помилку. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. Это невероятно. That's amazing. It's unbelievable. Він більше не може йти. He can't walk any more. He can't go anymore. Он поел в одиночестве. He ate alone. He ate alone. Я сам написав ці книжки. I wrote these songs myself. I wrote these books myself. Як вимовляється ваше ім'я? How is your first name pronounced? What's your name supposed to be? Том нічого не буде купувати. Tom won't buy anything. Tom won't buy anything. Фадль застрелив Лейлу, а потім спробував зробити так, щоб це виглядало як самогубство. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fedl shot Leila, and then tried to make it look like a suicide. Очі Тома ще не звикли до темряви, тому він нічого не бачив. Tom's eyes weren't yet accustomed to the dark, so he couldn't see a thing. Tom's eyes aren't used to darkness, so he didn't see anything. Коли очікується його повернення? When is he expected back? When Is His Return Expected? Я думал, Том - твой лучший друг. I thought Tom was your best friend. I thought Tom was your best friend. Вона перебірлива у їжі. She's a picky eater. She's mobile to food. В наши дни никто уже не верит в привидения. Nowadays no one believes in ghosts. Nobody today believes in ghosts. Ви мене ігноруєте? Are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Скоро весна. It'll soon be spring. Spring soon. Бъıти ли не бъıти, се же въпросъ. To be, or not to be, that is the question. Don't run, it's an inn. Мені просто пощастило. I was just lucky. I'm just lucky. Що тут насправді трапилося? What really happened here? What's really happened here? Я народився 10 жовтня 1972 року. I was born on October 10, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. Боюся, я не зможу прийти в понеділок. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. I'm afraid I won't be able to come on Monday. З цієї гори видно все місто. You can see the whole city from this hill. From this mountain you can see the whole city. Не давай их ей. Don't give them to her. Don't give them to her. Как ты можешь вот так сидеть и ничего не делать? How can you just sit there and do nothing? How can you sit there and do nothing about it? Том вам потом позвонит. Tom will call you later. Tom will call you later. Что я должен ему сказать? What should I tell him? What am I supposed to tell him? Я закохалася. I fell in love. I fell in love. Это единственное, что вас заботит? Is that the only thing you care about? Is that the only thing that bothers you? Я можу бачити себе в дзеркалі. I can see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Я перфекцыяніст. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a perfectionist. Почему ты ещё здесь? Why are you still here? Why are you still here? Что мы о них знаем? What do we know about them? What do we know about them? У мене колись була така сама проблема. I used to have that same problem. I had the same problem before. Ты такой высокий! You're so tall. You're so tall! Я буду сумаваць па табе, калі цябе не будзе. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss you, if thee won't. Положение становится всё хуже. Things keep getting worse and worse. Things are getting worse. Мері сказала, що готова. Mary said that she's ready. Mary said she was ready. Ей не нравится жить в центре города. She doesn't like living downtown. She doesn't like living in the middle of town. Грамчэй. Louder. Play much. Я не могу здесь больше оставаться. I can't stay here any longer. I can't stay here anymore. Навіщо ти тут? Why are you here? Why are you here? Я вивчаю англійську мову. I study English. I am learning English. Яструб кружляв в небі. The hawk circled round in the sky. The hawk was swirling in the sky. Наступного тижня я планую поїхати до Європи. I'm planning to go to Europe next week. The next week, I plan on going to Europe. Том обещал, что не будет плакать. Tom promised he wouldn't cry. Tom promised she wouldn't cry. Приберіть зі столу. Clear off the table. Remove the table. Вы собираетесь повидаться с Томом перед отъездом? Do you mean to see Tom before you go? Are you going to see Tom before you leave? Два больших кофе, пожалуйста. Two large coffees, please. Two big coffees, please. Ви добре граєте у теніс. You play tennis well. You're a good tennis player. Не думаю, что Том знает, что делает. I don't think that Tom knows what he's doing. I don't think Tom knows what he's doing. Калі ласка, пачакайце пять хвілін. Please wait for five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Хотите выпить пива? Do you want to drink some beer? Would you like a beer? Гэта дом, у якім паэтэса правяла сваё дзяцінства. This is the house in which the poet lived in his childhood. This is a house where the poet rules over his childhood. Що ти тоді робив? What were you doing then? What did you do then? Твоя подруга втомилася. Your friend is tired. Your friend's tired. Ніводная дзяржава не павінна ўмешвацца ва ўнутраныя справы іншай дзяржавы. No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs. No state should interfere with the internal affairs of another state. Я запросив її на побачення. I asked her out on a date. I asked her out. Том із нетерпінням на це чекає. Tom is looking forward to that. Tom looks forward to it. Я зателефонувала з будинку Тома. I called from Tom's house. I called from Tom's house. Ты ходила в магазин? Did you go to the shop? You went to the store? Ти наступного тижня поїдеш до Австралії? Are you going to go to Australia next week? You're going to Australia next week? Вам нравится боулинг? Do you like bowling? Do you like bowling? Я жду, что вы будете готовы к половине третьего. I expect you to be ready by 2:30. I'm waiting for you to be ready for half a third. У Тома є сюрприз для Мері. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Как нам попасть в команду? How can we join the team? How do we get on the team? Интересно, что это такое. I wonder what it is. I wonder what it's like. Я пришлю вам фотографию Тома. I'll send you Tom's picture. I'll send you Tom's picture. Она сказала, что он ей нравится. She said she liked him. She said she liked him. Нарешті я отримав відповідь на моє запитання. Finally I found the answer to the question. Finally, I received the answer to my question. Вада — гэта жыццё. Water is life. Water is the life. Том особливий. Tom is special. Tom's special. Ты меня не представишь? Aren't you going to introduce me? Can't you introduce me? Де ваш багаж? Where's your luggage? Where are your luggage? Это одна из любимых книг Тома. This is one of Tom's favorite books. This is one of Tom's favorite books. Джимми знает всё об автомобилях. Jimmy knows everything about cars. Jimmy knows all about cars. Ми змогли їх врятувати. We managed to save them. We were able to save them. Він хто завгодно, тільки не дурень. He is anything but a fool. He's anybody, but he's not a fool. Машинні переклади не завжди точні. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Вона спробує це ще раз. She'll try it once more. She'll try it again. Я чувствовал себя незваным гостем. I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like an unnamed visitor. Мы с Томом партнёры по команде. Tom and I are teammates. Tom and I are team partners. Понедельник следует за воскресеньем. Monday comes after Sunday. Monday follows Sunday. Кішка захищала своїх кошенят. The mother cat protected her kittens. The cat protected her kittens. То бышѧ тѧжькаıа веремена. Those were difficult times. You've got a rope. Она сдала экзамен. She passed the examination. She passed the exam. Я не могу играть на электрогитаре. I can't play the electric guitar. I can't play electric. Это машина моего отца, но скоро она станет моей. This car is my father's, but it'll soon be mine. It's my dad's car, but soon it'll be mine. Он сказал, что я должен идти. He said that I must go. He said I had to go. Я зробила майже те саме, що й Том. I did almost the same thing that Tom did. I did almost the same thing Tom did. Том и Мэри поменялись местами. Tom and Mary exchanged seats with each other. Tom and Mary switched places. В Венеции всегда много туристов. In Venice, there are always lots of tourists. There's always a lot of tourists in Venice. Будь обережною. Be discreet. Be careful. У меня собака сумасшедшая. My dog is mad. I've got a crazy dog. Ви брати? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Мне здаецца, яна дагэтуль мяне кахае. I feel she's still in love with me. Methinks she will have allowed me to love her. Она устно отчиталась перед начальником. She gave an oral report to her boss. She read it orally in front of the boss. Нам потрібно поговорити з Томом знову. We need to speak to Tom again. We need to talk to Tom again. Том сказал мне, что останется дома. Tom told me he'd stay home. Tom told me he'd stay home. Том був відсутній на нараді. Tom was absent from the meeting. Tom was absent from the meeting. Том працює. Tom is working. Tom works. Я пообіцяв залишити Тома у спокої. I promised to leave Tom alone. I promised to leave Tom alone. Остановите машину! Stop the car! Stop the car! Женщины любят чай. The women like tea. Women like tea. Партугальская паходзіць ад лаціны. Portuguese descends from Latin. Portuguese was coming from a Latin. Гэта не прапанова. This is not a sentence. That's not a suggestion. Скільки це коштуватиме? What'll that cost? How much is this going to cost? Я не знаю, кому ми можемо довіряти. I don't know who we can trust. I don't know who we can trust. Це твоя родина? Is this your family? Is this your family? Сколько недель назад это случилось? How many weeks ago did that happen? How many weeks ago did this happen? Я думала, вам буде приємно. I thought that you'd be pleased. I thought you'd be happy. Мері грає у футбол. Mary is playing football. Mary plays soccer. Скільки разів на день ви годуєте свого собаку? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day are you feeding your dog? Ты планируешь купить дом? Are you planning on buying a house? You planning on buying a house? Тому було цікаво, що Мері скаже Джону. Tom wondered what Mary would say to John. So I wondered what Mary would say to John. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона не мусить цього робити. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she doesn't need to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary she doesn't have to do this. Колькі ты заплаціла за гэта? How much did you pay for that? How long did you pay for that? Що б ви хотіли сказати з цього приводу? What would you like to say about this? What would you like to say about it? Том заметил, что дверь открыта. Tom noticed that the door was open. Tom noticed the door was open. Не забывай нас! Don't forget us! Don't forget us! Ти дуже матеріалістичний. You're very materialistic. You're very materialistic. Чому ви не сказали Тому, що не можете зробити це без його допомоги? Why didn't you tell Tom you couldn't do that without his help? Why didn't you tell him that you couldn't do it without his help? Все счета приходится оплачивать мне. I'm the one who has to pay all the bills. All the bills have to pay me. Ты ведаеш, хто разбіў шыбу? Do you know who broke the window? Do you know who smashed the coat? Я не хочу пить ваш чай. I do not want to drink your tea. I don't want to drink your tea. Вѣси ли къдѣ тъ сѧ родилъ? Do you know his birthplace? Are you a parent? Ты очень рассеянный. You're very absent-minded. You're very scattered. Вы можете всегда полагаться на Тома. You can always rely on Tom. You can always rely on Tom. Ми не можемо обійтись без води. We cannot do without water. We can't do without water. Интересно, что с ней стало. I wonder what has become of her. I wonder what happened to her. Мы должны поговорить, Том. We need to have a talk, Tom. We need to talk, Tom. Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий. He roars and groans the Dnieper wide. Rev and Dnieper's the big one. Я тебе просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you to help? И что случилось потом? And then what happened? And then what happened? Я не можу собі дозволити заплатити тобі. I can't afford to pay you. I can't afford to pay you. Не думаю, что Том вернётся. I don't think that Tom will be coming back. I don't think Tom's gonna be back. Она в солнцезащитных очках. She's wearing sunglasses. She's in sunglasses. Он повредил себе колено, когда упал. He hurt his knee when he fell. He hurt his knee when he fell. Це добре звучить, правда? That sounds good, right? That sounds good, doesn't it? Яке ваше улюблене місто? What's your favourite town? What's your favorite city? Марк продасть машину. Mark will sell the car. Mark will sell the car. Він поїхав до магазину. He went to the shop. He went to the store. Сербская — яе родная мова. She is a native speaker of Serbian. Serbian is her native language. Том не зможе поїхати з нами. Tom won't be able to go with us. Tom can't come with us. Не заплющуй очі. Keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Он точен как часы. He is as punctual as a clock. It tastes like clocks. Я знаю, что мой русский далёк от совершенства, но я в общем-то доволен своим продвижением. I know my Russian still has a long way to go, but I’m pretty happy with the progress I’ve made. I know my Russian is far from perfect, but I'm actually pleased with my progress. Допоможіть нам! Help us. Help us! Я это уже сделал. I already did that. I already did. Том не пише мені з минулого жовтня. Tom hasn't written to me since last October. Tom hasn't written me since last October. Том сел в автобус, идущий в Бостон. Tom got on a bus headed for Boston. Tom got on a bus going to Boston. Я точно не знаю, кто это сделал. I'm not sure who did that. I certainly don't know who did this. У мяне ёсць сябар – лётчык. I have a friend who is a pilot. I have a friend-- a pilot. Строго говоря, помидор - это не овощ, это фрукт. Strictly speaking, the tomato is not a vegetable. It's a fruit. Strictly speaking, tomatoes isn't vegetables, it's fruit. Почисти зубы. Clean your teeth. Clean up your teeth. Батьки мають супроводжувати дітей. Parents must accompany their children. Parents should accompany their children. Учора раніцай я з’еў вафлю! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! I ate a waffle yesterday morning! Я не працюю. I do not work. I'm not working. Ємоу больно сьрдьце. His heart is sick. I'm sick of scurvy. Том сказал, что не будет мне помогать. Tom said that he wouldn't help me. Tom said he wouldn't help me. Дехто каже, що я непередбачувальний. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Том не так много выпил. Tom didn't drink much. Tom didn't drink too much. Расположенная на холме, церковь открывает взору прекрасный вид. Standing as it does on a hill, the church commands a fine view. Placed on the hill, the church has a beautiful view of it. Яна пайшла ўдосьветку. She left early in the morning. She went cheering up. Том ничего не сказал. Tom said nothing. Tom didn't say anything. Вивчати іноземні мови нудно. Learning foreign languages is boring. Learning foreign languages is boring. Це пластик. That is plastic. It's plastic. Иди скорей! Come quick! Go quickly! Тому не пришлось прятаться. Tom didn't have to hide. So you didn't have to hide. Я сделал это для Тома. I did it for Tom. I did it for Tom. Как, ты там говорил, его звали? What did you say his name was? What, did you say his name was? Я знаю, що Том дуже схожий на батька. I know that Tom is a lot like his father. I know Tom is very much like a father. Всі сміялися. Everyone laughed. Everyone laughed. Я гэта часта раблю. I often do that. I often do it. Цікаво, чи Том насправді це зробить. I wonder whether Tom will really do that. I wonder if Tom will actually do it. Вы говорите по-французски гораздо лучше, чем я. You speak French a lot better than I do. You speak French much better than I do. Я не думаю, що там щось є. I don't think there's anything there. I don't think there's anything out there. Гэта праблема, з якога боку не паглядзі. It's a problem any way you look at it. This is a problem that can't be addressed. Цікаво, чи з Томом все гаразд. I wonder whether or not Tom is OK. I wonder if Tom's okay. У мене кудряве волосся. I have wavy hair. My hair is cuckoo. Это ты виноват, а не я. It's your fault, not mine. It's your fault, not me. Том работал с Мэри. Tom was working with Mary. Tom worked with Mary. Том реаліст. Tom is realistic. Tom is realist. Понюхайте это. Smell this. That's what I'm talking about. Останься со мной, пап! Я боюсь темноты. Stay with me, dad! I'm afraid of the dark. Stay with me, Dad, I'm afraid of the dark. Не шуми так. Stop making so much noise. Don't be like that. Вы на какой кровати хотели бы спать? On which bed would you like to sleep? Which bed do you want to sleep on? Вони всі голодні. They're all hungry. They're all hungry. Вижѭ домъ. I see the house. There's a house. Чому ви говорите неправду? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Можеш не поспішати. You don't need to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Мері любила свого собаку. Mary loved her dog. Mary loved her dog. Я точно знаю, где найти Тома. I know exactly where to find Tom. I know exactly where to find Tom. Не намагайся мене обдурити. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to fool me. Том почти всегда ходит в солнечных очках. Tom almost always wears sunglasses. Tom almost always goes to sunglasses. Я чылійка ад нараджэння і з гонарам размаўляю на іспанскай. I'm a native Chilean, and proud Spanish speaker. I read from birth and speak in Spanish with honour. Мэри сшила Элис новое платье. Mary made Alice a new dress. Mary made Alice a new dress. Если вы выведете ребёнка и покажете ему пальцем на Луну, ребёнок посмотрит на Луну. Если вы то же самое проделаете с собакой, она будет смотреть на ваш палец. If you take a child outside and point at the moon, the child will look at the moon. If you do the same with a dog, it will look at your finger. If you take the child out and show him your finger on the moon, the child will look at the moon, and if you do the same thing with the dog, she will look at your finger. Он уставился на неё. He fixed his eyes on her. He's staring at her. Я магу зрабіць гэта адна. I can do it alone. I can do it alone. Хочешь на это взглянуть? Do you want to take a look at it? You want to see this? Она бежит. She is running. She's running. Я больше не совершу этой ошибки. I won't make that mistake again. I'm not going to make that mistake again. Том прийшов додому незадовго до того, як почало дощити. Tom got home just before it started to rain. Tom came home shortly before it rained. Чи я можу поговорити з пані Браун? May I talk to Ms. Brown? Can I speak to Mrs. Brown? Ты можешь сказать мне, что сказал Том? Can you tell me what Tom said? Can you tell me what Tom said? Він має дванадцять синів. He has 12 sons. He has twelve sons. Они тоже придут? Are they coming as well? Are they coming, too? Том знав, що у Мері небагато грошей. Tom knew Mary didn't have a lot of money. Tom knew Mary didn't have much money. Ви зруйнували мені життя. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. Английский непрост, но интересен. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English isn't easy, but it's interesting. Мы с Томом живём на разных этажах. Tom and I live on different floors. Tom and I live on different floors. Какое преступление они совершили? What crime did they commit? What crime have they committed? Я уверен, что найти место будет легко. I'm sure it'll be easy to find a place. I'm sure it'll be easy to find a place. Я підозрюю, що Том із Мері втомилися. I suspect Tom and Mary are tired. I suspect Tom and Mary are tired. Це ваш будинок? Is this your house? Is this your house? Мері каже, що вона готова їхати. Mary says she's ready to go. Mary says she's ready to go. Ваш отец об этом знает? Does your father know about this? Does your father know that? Дякую, я скачав всі шість файлів. Thanks, I downloaded all six files. Thank you, I downloaded all six files. Я не могу поверить, что я это сделал. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did it. Я подумала, що ти не будеш заперечувати. I thought you wouldn't mind. I thought you wouldn't mind. Шкільний спортзал збільшили. The school gymnasium was enlarged. The school gymnastics have increased. Не кидай каміння. Don't throw stones. Don't throw away the stones. Ты не мог бы закрыть окно? Would you close the window? Could you close the window? Я з'їв би вола. I'm ready to eat a horse. I'd eat bull. Том тебе більше не турбуватиме. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Том не боится смерти. Tom doesn't fear death. Tom is not afraid of death. Він у шкільній футбольній команді. He's a member of the school football team. He's on the school football team. Тобі потрібна ця книга? Do you need the book? You need that book? С кем они разговаривают? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Том сказал мне, что Мэри устала. Tom told me that Mary was tired. Tom told me Mary was tired. Школа знаходиться в п'яти кілометрах від мого будинку. The school is three miles from my house. The school is five kilometers away from my house. Пожалуйста, откройте дверь. Please open the door. Please open the door. Старий чоловік увійшов до старої церкви зі своїм старшим сином, його молодшою донькою та її малою дитиною. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. An old man entered the old church with his older son, his younger daughter and her little child. Дзе крава? Where is the cow? Where is the shop? Мені потрібно зрозуміти. I need to understand. I need to understand. Сколько стоят эти часы? How much is this clock? How much are these hours worth? Во сколько мы уезжаем? What time are we leaving? What time are we leaving? Я обожнюю цю футболку. I love that T-Shirt. I love that shirt. Яны жоўтыя. They are yellow. They're yellow. Я ходжу у краватці майже кожного дня. I wear a tie almost every day. I walk into a tie almost every day. Я купил этот зонтик три года назад. I bought this umbrella three years ago. I bought this umbrella three years ago. У меня никогда не получится. I'll never make it. I'm never gonna make it. Царква стаіць на ўзгорку, што ўзвышаецца над горадам. The church is on the hill overlooking the city. The Church is standing on a hill above the city. Впервые в жизни Юка прочла книгу на английском языке. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book. For the first time in my life, Yuk read a book in English. Нам надо отвезти тебя в больницу. We've got to get you to the hospital. We have to get you to the hospital. Каравай на вяселлі быў не вельмі смачны. The wedding cake didn't taste very good. The carriage at the wedding was not very good. Молодые растения помещаются в горшки зимой. The young plants are potted during the winter. Young plants are placed in pots of winter. Я забула твій номер. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your number. Я хочу зіграти в карти. I want to play cards. I want to play cards. Ён заставаўся самотным усё жыццё. He remained single all his life. He remained lonely for the rest of his life. Я ведаю, хто гэта зрабіў. I know who did this. I know who did it. Том вибачився перед нами за запізнення. Tom apologized to us for being late. Tom apologized to us for being late. Том слухав. Tom listened. Tom was listening. Я кращий. I am better. I'm better. Я ніколи уявити не міг, що це трапиться. I never imagined this would happen. I could never have imagined that this would happen. Це останній потяг. It's the last train. This is the last train. Тут есть некоторые нестыковки. There are some inconsistencies. There's some confusion. Я гражданин Соединённых Штатов Америки. I'm a U.S. citizen. I'm a citizen of the United States of America. Гадаю, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Он прилюдно меня оскорбил. He insulted me in public. He offended me publicly. Зараз не дуже вдалий час. Now is not a very good time. Now's not a good time. Другий урок простий. Lesson Two is easy. The second lesson is simple. Любишь фотографировать, да? You like to take pictures, don't you? You like to take pictures, don't you? Тільки рагулі плюють на землю. Only yokels spit on the ground. Only enemies spit to the ground. Я недостатньо рішучий. I'm not decisive enough. I'm not strong enough. Том сделал селфи без рубашки. Tom took a shirtless selfie. Tom made a selves without a shirt. Невежество всегда порождает страх. Ignorance always creates fear. Disappointment is always a source of fear. Немовля спить. The baby's sleeping. The baby's asleep. Я не считаю их друзьями. I don't consider them friends. I don't think they're friends. Откуда вы столько знаете о Бостоне? Why do you know so much about Boston? How do you know so much about Boston? Мрії Тома здійснилися. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams are fulfilled. Тома задрал медведь. A bear mauled Tom. Tom got a bear. Ми граємо у гру з нашими гостями. We are playing a game with our visitors. We're playing games with our guests. Ви на це теж звернули увагу, еге ж? You noticed it, too, didn't you? You took note of that too, didn't you? Я не знаю коли вона може прийти. I do not know when she can come. I don't know when she can come. До сего дня я никогда их прежде не видел. I never saw them before today. I've never seen them before. Я можу вам нагадати про вашу обіцянку? May I remind you of your promise? Can I remind you of your promise? Она научилась нырять, когда ей было пять лет. She learned to dive when she was five. She learned to dive when she was five. Почему у Тома нет девушки? Why doesn't Tom have a girlfriend? Why don't Tom have a girlfriend? Том зміг зробити все, що мав зробити. Tom could do everything he needed to do. Tom was able to do everything he had to do. Я сказав правду. I told the truth. I told you the truth. Вы правда думаете, что Том красивый? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Do you really think Tom is beautiful? Кнїжка жовто-кафова. The book is tan. The yellow-caf book. Забыхъ. I forgot it. Forget it. Если лёд нагреть, он растает. If you heat ice, it melts. If the ice warms, it melts. Встреча затянулась. The meeting dragged on. The meeting's prolonged. Годѣ ми чьрвлѥно вино паче бѣлого. I like red wine better than white. A year, we're Churvl's wine is like a packer. Давайте нанесём им визит. Let's pay them a visit. Let's get them a visit. Я кое-кого нанял на работу сегодня. I hired someone today. I hired someone to work today. Мне всё равно, что ты делаешь со своими деньгами. I don't care what you do with your money. I don't care what you do with your money. Такую ситуацию я бы очень хотел изменить. It's a situation I would love to change. That's the situation I'd really like to change. Він ді-джей. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Я повинна компенсувати втрачений час. I must make up for lost time. I have to compensate for lost time. Том геть не сором'язливий. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom's not shy. Том зможе прийти завтра? Can Tom come tomorrow? Tom can come tomorrow? Том работает разработчиком программного обеспечения. Tom is working as a software engineer. Tom works as a software developer. У меня нет книг. I don't have books. I don't have any books. Я збіраюся працаваць у бардэлі. I plan to work in a brothel. I'm going to work in a pond. Нехай щастить. Good luck. Good luck. Я англичанин. I am British. I'm English. Життя повне таємниць. Life is full of secrets. Life is full of secrets. Твоє пророцтво збулося. Your prophecy has come true. Your prophecy has come true. Проста скажы, што ты мяне кахаеш. Just say you love me. Just say you love me. Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true that Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Надіюся, що так. I do hope so. I hope so. Том буде тут з хвилини на хвилину. Tom will be here any minute now. Tom will be here in a minute. Он та чорна — вона моя. That black one is mine. It's black, it's mine. Ты популярна? Are you popular? Are you popular? Люди часто вступают в отношения, думая, что могут изменить другого человека. People often enter into a relationship thinking that they can change the other person. People often get into a relationship, thinking that they can change another person. Звідки ти знала, що це станеться? How did you know that would happen? How did you know that would happen? Том закончил. Tom is done. Tom's done. Он налил себе ещё один стакан. He poured himself another glass. He poured another glass. Я подумал, что нам всем давно пора встретиться. I thought it was about time we all met. I thought it was time for all of us to meet. Ты спрашивал у них почему? Did you ask them why? Did you ask them why? Пес на дворе. The dog is in the yard. The dog's out in the yard. Я попереджу Тома. I'll alert Tom. I'll warn Tom. Я вырашыў. Я запрашу яго на спатканне сёння вечарам. I decided. I'm going to ask him out tonight. I'll invite him to good-night. Вони перейшли через кордон в Іспанію. They crossed the border into Spain. They crossed the border to Spain. Кнїжка на карсцелю? Is the book on the chair? A painting book? Мы можем поговорить. We can talk. We can talk. Гадаєш, риби чують? Do you think fish can hear? Do you think the fish hear? Мері — моя старша сестра. Mary is my older sister. Mary is my older sister. Том покончил с собой. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Не кажіть, що я вас не попереджав. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Том — мій брат-близнюк. Tom is my twin brother. Tom is my twin brother. Он в больнице. He is in hospital. He's in the hospital. Конь іржэ. The horse is neighing. The horse is irje. Постарайтесь уговорить её нам помочь. Try to convince her to help us. Try and talk her out for us. Пожалуйста, закончите эту работу к понедельнику. Please get this work finished by Monday. Please finish this work by Monday. Я не знаю, что Том читает. I don't know what Tom is reading. I don't know what Tom is reading. Я трохи підзабув французьку. My French is a little rusty. I was a little French. Дзе знаходзіцца найбліжэйшы касцёл? Where is the nearest church? Where is the nearest shuttle? Сколько у тебя зонтов? How many umbrellas do you have? How many umbrellas do you have? Дистиллированная вода безвкусная. Distilled water has no taste. Distilled water is delicious. Мы застряли в пробке. We got stuck in traffic. We're stuck in traffic. Ми не змогли цього зробити. We haven't been able to do that. We couldn't do it. Вам надо постараться не уснуть. You have to try to stay awake. You need to stay awake. Вызовите такси. Call a cab. Call a cab. Вони ніколи більше не зустрінуться. They would never meet again. They'll never meet again. Годі ходити коло та навколо. Don't beat around the bush. Stop walking around and around. Давай не будем об этом. Let's not talk about it. Let's not talk about it. Я сразу сказал "нет". I immediately said no. I said no right away. Она только о себе и думает. She thinks of no one but herself. She's just thinking about herself. Мені подобається така робота. I like that kind of work. I like this job. Месяц быў бляклы. The moon was dim. The month was cursed. Вы ещё на работе? Are you still at work? You're still at work? Я певна, що він приїде. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he'll be here. Я не знаю, де Том. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. Ми винахідливі. We're resourceful. We're resourceful. Я адзіная, хто можа вам дапамагчы. I'm the only one who can help you. I'm the only one who can help you. Мідоры з’ела большую частку апельсінаў. Midori ate the most oranges. Myths ate much of the oranges. Я поговорив з ними. I've talked to them. I talked to them. Хіба ти не боїшся собак? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Каждый из нас пошёл к себе домой. We each went to our respective homes. Each of us went home. Зоркі раскіданыя па ўсяму начному небу. The stars are spread all over the night sky. Stars are spread out against the entire night sky. Я не доктар. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Том боялся, что его запрут, а ключ выбросят. Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key. Tom was afraid he'd be taken and the key would be thrown out. Це є в будь-якому словнику. This can be found in any dictionary. It's in any dictionary. Проституция, азартные игры, употребление наркотических веществ, пьянство, нарушение установленного порядка и все другие незаконные действия СТРОГО ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ. Prostitution, gambling, the use of narcotic substances, drunkenness, disorder, and all other illegal activities are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Prostitution, gambling, drug use, drunkenness, disturbances and all other illegal acts of STRENGTHENING. Мені треба починати. I have to start. I need to start. Я спадзявалася, што ты сёння будзеш тут. I was hoping you'd be here today. I hoped you'd be here today. Як це не дивно, я згодна з Томом. Surprisingly, I agree with Tom. Strangely enough, I agree with Tom. Я рада, що ви вдома. I am glad you are home. I'm glad you're home. Вона говорить двома іноземними мовами. She speaks two foreign languages. She speaks two foreign languages. Вы ничего не можете с этим поделать. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't help it. Одолжи мне бумаги для заметок или что-нибудь в этом роде. Lend me a memo pad or something. Lend me notes or something. Тобі варто пожаліти бідне дитя... У нього немає навіть домівки. You should take pity on the poor child... He doesn't even have a home. You should feel sorry for the poor child... he doesn't even have a home. Думаешь, Том получает от этого удовольствие? Do you think Tom enjoys doing that? You think Tom's enjoying it? Отличная работа, ребята. Great work, guys. Great job, guys. Я принёс печенье. I brought cookies. I brought some cookies. Це було частиною плану. This was part of the plan. It was part of the plan. Нам падабаўся Том. We liked Tom. We liked Tom. Французская мова багатая на сінонімы. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in synonyms. Я не хочу тебя беспокоить. I don't want to disturb you. I don't want to bother you. Мого імені, здається, немає в списку. My name doesn't seem to be on the list. My name does not appear to be on the list. Коли я повернувся додому, я був дуже голодний. When I got home, I was very hungry. When I returned home, I was very hungry. Вы двое идите со мной. You two come with me. You two go with me. Цей храм було споруджено стародавньою цивілізацією. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. Если ты завтра пойдешь на рыбалку, я тоже пойду. If you go fishing tomorrow, I will, too. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go, too. Сколько времени у тебя ушло на написание этого отчёта? How long did it take you to write the report? How long did it take you to write this report? Вы боитесь крыс? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of rat? Я не неписьменна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Я влюбляюсь. I'm falling in love. I'm falling in love. Я только что повредила спину. I just hurt my back. I just hurt my back. Мені соромно за мою погану англійську. I am ashamed of my poor English. I'm ashamed of my bad English. Такі коти не мають хвостів. This kind of cat doesn't have a tail. They don't have tails. Вы ходили вчера на концерт Тома? Did you go to Tom's concert yesterday? You went to Tom's concert yesterday? Мої діти в школі. My children are in school. My kids are at school. Ці речі підлягають розмитненню. These articles are liable to duty. These things are subject to blurring. Мы там будем через полчаса. We'll be there in thirty minutes. We'll be there in half an hour. Том зайнятий і не може тобі зараз допомогти. Tom is busy and can't help you now. Tom is busy and he can't help you right now. Есть серьёзная проблема. There is a serious problem. There's a serious problem. Ты пьян. You are drunk! You're drunk. Я охоронець у в'язниці. I'm a prison guard. I'm a prison guard. Хто аўтар гэтага апавядання? Who is the author of this story? Who is the author of this story? Вы брат Тома? Are you Tom's brother? Are you Tom's brother? Я голодна, тому що не пообідала. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I'm hungry because I haven't eaten. Хорошая идея пришла ей в голову в последний момент. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. A good idea came to her mind at the last moment. Том не зміг поспати в автобусі. Tom wasn't able to sleep on the bus. Tom couldn't sleep on the bus. Боюсь, мне надо кое в чём признаться. I'm afraid I have a confession to make. I'm afraid I have to admit something. Можете це приміряти? Could you try this on? Can you try that? Вы не должны спать. You should not sleep. You don't have to sleep. Цікаво, про що думає Том. I wonder what Tom is thinking about. I wonder what Tom is thinking. Ви вже закінчили роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done yet? Нам подобаються одне й те саме. We like the same things. We like the same thing. Голубь всё ворковал. The pigeon kept cooing. It's been blown up by the pigeons. Салли заставила своего брата чистить туалет. Sally made her brother clean the bathroom. Sally made her brother clean the toilet. Будь ласка, притримай язика. Please hold your tongue. Please hold your tongue. Ти телефонуєш мені сьогодні вдруге. You are calling me for the second time today. You're calling me again today. Тома поранено. Tom is hurt. Tom's hurt. Я подумал, что вы правы. I thought you were right. I thought you were right. Этих мальчиков следовало бы отправить в дом для малолетних преступников. These boys ought to be sent to a reform school. These boys should have been sent to a home for juvenile criminals. Вона непритомна. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Ти все ще ростеш. You're still growing. You're still growing. Я б лепей была птушкай, ніж рыбай. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd be a bird better than a fish. Дети поют вокруг костра. The children are singing around the campfire. The kids sing around the congregation. Мати вислала тобі молоко і пироги. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. Mother sent you milk and pies. Том готовит завтрак. Tom is making breakfast. Tom's making breakfast. Я не умею охотиться. I don't know how to hunt. I can't hunt. Чому ти запізнилася? Why are you late? Why are you late? Я завжди був розумний. I've always been smart. I've always been smart. Я хочу, чтобы мы стали друзьями с твоей сестрой. I want to make friends with your sister. I want us to be friends with your sister. Что я могу сделать? What can I do? What can I do? Я сказала тебе, в какое время прийти. I told you what time to come. I told you when to come. Я видела её. I've seen her. I saw her. Зараз не Різдво. It isn't Christmas. It's not Christmas now. Не дурыце яму галаву. Do not fool him. Don't fool his head. Ці падабаецца табе рыба? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? Як ты думаеш, я змагу калісьці гаварыць як носьбітка мовы? Do you think it's possible for me to ever sound like a native speaker? Do you think I can somehow speak like a language medium? Це правда, що він молодий, але він дуже надійний. It is true that he is young, but he is very reliable. True, he is young, but he is very dependable. Кажется, её отец - адвокат. It seems that his father is a lawyer. I think her father's a lawyer. Он говорит, что не сделал ничего незаконного. He says he did nothing illegal. He says he didn't do anything illegal. Ты пацалаваў Тома на развітанне? Did you kiss Tom goodbye? Did you kiss Tom on development? Досить його цькувати. Stop bullying him. Stop scratching him. Отримав трійку з англійської. I got a C in English. Got a three from English. У тебя это займет всего минуту. It'll only take a minute of your time. It'll take you just a minute. Може, Том втомився. Maybe Tom is tired. Maybe Tom's tired. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I translate the article. В антракте я пошёл искать Тома в фойе. During the break, I went to look for Tom in the lobby. At Anthrac, I went looking for Tom in the lobby. Том не пам'ятає нічого з тієї ночі. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Tom doesn't remember anything that night. Я подбаю про це. I'll take care of this. I'll take care of it. Я не говорила з Томом. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Эта птица под угрозой вымирания. This bird is in danger of dying out. This bird is at risk of extinction. Я вегетаріанка. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Это лучший ресторан, какой я знаю. This is the best restaurant I know. It's the best restaurant I know. Эмили хочет стать электриком. Emily wants to be an electrician. Emily wants to be an electrician. Том може йти. Tom is excused. Tom can go. Я раньше уже работал с Томом. I've worked with Tom before. I used to work with Tom. Космас поўны таямніц. Space is full of mystery. Are you sure you want to keep the secret here? Де ми можемо зустрітися? Where can we get together? Where can we meet? Ти перебірливий у їжі? Are you a picky eater? Are you out of the way to eat? Я завтра сделаю об этом доклад. I'll report on this matter tomorrow. I'll make a report tomorrow. Пейте достаточно воды. Drink plenty of water. Drink enough water. У меня сломана лодыжка. I have a broken ankle. I got a broken ankle. Том відмовився говорити будь-що. Tom refused to say anything. Tom refused to say anything. Самі був у туалеті. Sami was in the toilet. I was in the bathroom myself. Я не твоя дівчина. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Це лише збіг обставин? Is that just a coincidence? Is that just coincidence? Люди, страдающие аутизмом, зачастую не смотрят в глаза собеседнику. People with autism often don't make eye contact when talking to someone. People with autism often do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor. Ты напоминаешь мне молодого меня. You remind me of myself at a young age. You remind me of me young. К тебе посетитель. You have a visitor. A visitor to you. Том сказал, что ищет вас. Tom said he was looking for you. Tom said he was looking for you. Настав час тобі одружитися. It's time you got married. It's time for you to get married. Я хотів би підтвердити бронювання. I'd like to confirm our reservations. I'd like to confirm the reservation. Он потерял свои солнечные очки. He lost his sunglasses. He lost his sunglasses. Том згадував про якісь проблеми? Did Tom mention any problems? Did Tom mention any problems? Ти перепрацював. You're overworked. You reworked. Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm that. I can't confirm that. Вам, возможно, придётся помочь ей. You may have to help her. You may have to help her. Я запросив Тома до нас на вечерю. I've invited Tom over for dinner. I invited Tom to our dinner. Том никогда этого не говорил, насколько мне известно. Tom never said that, as far as I know. Tom never said that, as far as I know. Сподіваюся, що це не вони. I hope it's not them. I hope they're not. Вона подарувала мені книжку на Різдво. She gave me a book for Christmas. She gave me a book for Christmas. Я не размаўляю па-японску. I can't speak Japanese. I'm not speaking Japanese. Что она пьёт? What is she drinking? What's she drinking? Шмат шуму з нічога. Much ado about nothing. A lot of noise from nothing. Мое хобби - коллекционирование насекомых. My hobby is collecting insects. My Hobbies are insect collection. Она потратила все свои деньги. She has spent all her money. She spent all her money. Том не зміг знайти місця, щоб припаркуватися. Tom wasn't able to find a place to park. Tom couldn't find a place to park. Я не можу знайти Тома. Він вже поїхав? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Кохання не можна купити. Love can't be bought. Love cannot be bought. Вы попытались. You've tried. You tried. Он превысил свои полномочия. He has overstepped his authority. He's out of his power. Я не хочу ничего есть сейчас. I don't want to eat anything right now. I don't want anything to eat now. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you aren't being followed. Make sure you're not being watched. Я знаю, що це неможливо. I know it's impossible. I know it's impossible. Звідки приїхали всі ці машини? Where did all these cars come from? Where did all these cars come from? Що ви хочете робити? What do you guys want to do? What do you want to do? Все, ще у мене є, — це одна книжка. All I have is one book. All I have is one book. Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Did you tell him I was joking? Я не відповідатиму на це питання. I won't answer that question. I'm not going to answer that question. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було три роки. Tom's parents died when Tom was three. Tom’s parents died when he was three years old. Моя родина живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Тебе нужно попробовать этот торт. You need to try this cake. You need to try this cake. На медовый месяц мы поехали в Австралию. We went to Australia for our honeymoon. We went to Australia for the honeymoon. Вы всё это сами построили? You built that all by yourself? Did you build all this yourself? Чоловіки повзають біля її ніг. Men grovel at her feet. The men crawl at her feet. Вы когда-нибудь видели, как Том танцует? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Have you ever seen Tom dance? Прабачыце, якая гадзіна? Excuse me, what time is it? See what hour it is? Релігія одного віку це літературне дозвілля наступного. The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next. The religion of one age is the literary permission of the next. Том чув, що Мері вийшла заміж. Tom heard that Mary got married. Tom heard Mary married. Будь ласка, не говоріть так швидко. Don't speak so fast, please. Please don't talk so fast. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. What's done is done. The tears of grief will not help. Я знаком с твоим отцом. I am acquainted with your father. I know your father. Тобі слід попросити Тома зробити це. You should ask Tom to do that. You should ask Tom to do this. Дзе ты цяпер жывеш? Where do you live now? Where do you live now? На наступным тыдні будзе маладзік. There'll be a new moon next week. Next week, we'll have kids. Я провёл выходные с друзьями. I spent the weekend with friends. I spent the weekend with my friends. Нам слід зробити щось подібне. We should make something like that. We need to do something similar. Пішли додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Наша поездка прошла очень гладко. We had a very smooth ride. Our trip went very smoothly. У меня новый электронный адрес. I have a new e-mail address. I have a new e-mail address. Я йду надвір. I'm going outside. I'm walking outside. Ти коли-небудь був у Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Том сказав, коли він прийде? Did Tom say when he'd arrive? Did Tom say when he came? Я буду ждать здесь, пока он не вернётся. I will wait here until he comes back. I'll wait here until he comes back. Я бы ничего не смог для Тома сделать. I couldn't do anything for Tom. I wouldn't have done anything for Tom. Ти панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. Я дуже старомодна. I'm very old-fashioned. I'm very old-fashioned. Ти вмієш водити машину? Do you know how to drive? You know how to drive a car? Для меня это слишком сложно. It's too difficult for me. It's too difficult for me. Все можливо. Everything is possible. It's possible. Можете йти. You are free to go. You can go. Если ты за Томом поедешь, то во сколько примерно здесь будешь? If you go to pick up Tom, at what time will you be here, approximately ? If you follow Tom, how much are you going around here? Вони пішли у зоопарк. They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. Ты хочешь, чтоб я составил компанию Тому и Мэри? Do you want me to keep Tom and Mary company? You want me to make a company for Tom and Mary? У меня нет времени беспокоиться о таких мелочах. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about these little things. На наступным тыдні ты едзеш у Бостан, так? You're going to Boston next week, right? You're going to Boston next week, aren't you? Писать SMS, ведя машину, очень опасно. Texting while driving is very dangerous. Writing an SMS while driving a car is very dangerous. Ви також цього не знали. You didn't know that either. You didn't know that either. «Metroid Prime 3: Corruption» — гэта відэагульная ад Nintendo, якая даступная выключна на Wii. "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" is a videogame by Nintendo sold exclusively for the Wii. "Mitroid Prime 3: Corrup" is a screen-based program that is available for Vii. Усе хочуць з табой сустрэцца. Ты знакамітасць! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! I want to meet you guys. Дай Боже добру ноц! May God give us a good night! Give God a good score! Джордж на пять лет старше меня. George is five years older than I am. George is five years older than I am. Це я. It is I. It's me. Мяне выкрадалі іншапланецяне. I was abducted by aliens. I've been kidnapped by another planner. Том хочет его продать. Tom wants to sell it. Tom wants to sell it. Поешь чего-нибудь, пожалуйста. Please eat something. Eat something, please. У мене буде хороший день. I am going to have a good day. I'll have a good day. Тому не понравился этот фильм. Tom didn't like that movie. That's why I didn't like this movie. Ты с ним сегодня говорил? Did you speak to him today? Did you talk to him today? Я докажу, что вы ошибаетесь. I'll prove you're wrong. I'll prove you're wrong. Том сказав, що зрозумів. Tom said he understood. Tom said he got it. Я чытаю кнігу. I am reading a book. I'm reading a book. Я сапраўды яе кахаў. I truly loved her. I really love her. Том поводився з Мері, як із дитиною. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary like a child. Я пачаў чытаць кнігу. I've started to read the book. I started reading the book. Это кажется мне подозрительным. This seems suspicious to me. It seems suspicious to me. Я дуже втомився. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Том має брата, який працює в банку. Tom has a brother who works in a bank. Tom has a brother who works at a bank. Прости Тома на этот раз. Give Tom another chance. I'm sorry, Tom, this time. Сейчас очень холодно. It's very cold now. It's very cold now. Река течёт размеренно. The river flows calmly. The river's a sizer. От лайно. Crap. Oh, shit. Из тебя вышел бы хороший учитель. You'd make a good teacher. You'd be a good teacher. Даже если и фальшивишь — присоединяйся. Even if you sing out of tune, join us. Even if you're lying, join us. Джон не ответит на вопрос. John will not answer the question. John won't answer the question. Хтось із вас може мені допомогти? Can one of you help me? Can any of you help me? Што ў Вас ёсць? What do you have? What do you have? Тебе жарко? Are you hot? Are you hot? Том у безпеці. Tom's safe. Tom's safe. Хіба ти не вільна завтра вранці? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? К сожалению, это правда. Unfortunately, it's true. Unfortunately, this is true. Русские победили, как все и ожидали. The Russians won, as everyone expected. The Russians won, just as they expected. Мъного снѣга пало. A lot of snow had just fallen. A dream of fuel. Мені здається, Тому не хотілося бути сьогодні тут. I think Tom didn't want to be here today. I don't think that's why I didn't want to be here today. Не має значення, скільки ти кажеш, що це твій будинок, будь ласка, припини ходити оголеним (оголеною). It doesn't matter how much you keep saying this is your house, please stop walking around naked. It doesn't matter how much you say it's your house, please stop walking naked. Йому нарешті вдалося. He finally succeeded. He finally succeeded. Я про це ще пошкодую. I won't regret it. I'll regret it. Здачі не потрібно! Keep the change! You don't need any luck! Это не моя жена. That's not my wife. It's not my wife. Сумніваюся, що Том зміг би це зробити самостійно. I doubt Tom could do that by himself. I doubt Tom could have done it on his own. Я работаю на благо общества. I work for public welfare. I work for the benefit of society. Я думал, ты будешь занят. I thought you'd be busy. I thought you'd be busy. Вам в эту комнату нельзя. You are not allowed to enter that room. You can't be in this room. Том трохи знервований. Tom is a little nervous. Tom's a little nervous. Калі трэба, я хутка прыйду. If necessary, I will come soon. When necessary, I will quickly come in. Гэты сцяг вельмі прыгожы. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Больше мне о нём сказать нечего. I have nothing more to say about him. There's nothing more to tell me about him. Бессмысленно притворяться, что заставляете меня поверить, что я верю в то, во что вы не верите! It's no use pretending to make me believe that I believe things you don't believe! It doesn't make sense to pretend that you make me believe that I believe what you don't believe! Я всегда хотел научиться готовить как ты. I've always wanted to learn to cook like you. I've always wanted to learn how to cook. Я так і не ведаю, навошта ты гэта зрабіла. I still don't know why you did it. I don't know why you did it. Ціна відображує попит. Price reflects demand. The price represents demand. Францыя ваявала з Расіяй. France was at war with Russia. France fought with Russia. Во сколько у вас самолёт? What time is your flight? How many planes do you have? Ми можемо поговорити з тобою секунду наодинці? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can we talk to you for a second alone? Я запитав його, як його звати. I asked him his name. I asked him what his name was. В любом случае, я сейчас подумываю испробовать похожие вещи. In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things. Anyway, I'm going to try things like that right now. Мы получили то, что заслужили. We got what we deserved. We got what we deserved. «У тебя болит рука?» — «Немного болит». "Does your hand hurt?" "It hurts a little." "Do you have a hand that hurts?" "A little hurt." Хто цим займеться? Who will do it? Who's gonna do this? Я должен их увидеть. I've got to see them. I have to see them. Мы должны защищать своих детей. We must protect our children. We have to protect our children. Я обожнюю картоплю. I love potatoes. I love potatoes. Вчора ввечері я приготував вечерю. I cooked supper last night. I made dinner last night. Счёт должен быть оплачен к первому числу следующего месяца. The bill is due on the 1st of next month. The bill should be paid as of the first number of the following month. Йдете? You're going? Are you coming? Розпочнімо! Let's get started! Let's get started! Я пішов на гору. I go to the mountain. I'm going up there. Я їду на три тижні до Австралії. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. Це питна вода? Is this water okay to drink? Is that drinking water? Я не собираюсь жаловаться. I'm not going to complain. I'm not gonna complain. Я знал, что найду тебя вместе с Томом. I knew I'd find you with Tom. I knew I'd find you and Tom. Том кермує. Tom is driving. Tom's driving. Я до смерти устал. I'm awfully tired. I'm tired. Том плавал? Did Tom swim? Did Tom swim? У кожної країни своя історія. Every country has its own history. Every country has its own story. Времена тяжёлые. The times are hard. Time is heavy. Я наполнила кувшин доверху. I filled the jug to the brim. I've filled in the cuisine of trust. Она, должно быть, сердится на меня. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. Я знайду роботу. I'll find work. I'll find a job. Ти ж зараз розлючений? You're angry right now, aren't you? You're angry right now, aren't you? Ненавижу песок. I hate sand. I hate sand. Ты пугаешь её. You're scaring her. You're afraid of her. Вчера был снег? Did it snow yesterday? Was it snow yesterday? Чюлъ єсмь и оушьдъшь. I heard him go out. You're kidding me and you're gonna fuck me. Думаю, нам треба це зробити. I think that we need to do that. I think we should do it. Кожен учень має власну парту. Each student has his own desk. Every student has his own party. З Томом цікаво говорити. It's interesting to talk to Tom. Tom and I are curious to talk. Можеш зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do that right now? Исследователь предложил перспективные направления в лечении рака. The researcher suggested promising directions for treating the cancer. The researcher proposed promising options for cancer treatment. Нелегко навчати маленьких дітей. It isn't easy to teach little kids. Teaching young children is not easy. Я живу в Латвии. I live in Latvia. I live in Latvia. Жизнь без книг невозможно себе представить. Life without books is unimaginable. It's impossible to imagine a life without books. В цьому є іронія. That's ironic. There's irony in that. Я старанно працюю. I work hard. I work hard. Том думает, что Мария идиотка. Tom thinks Mary is an idiot. Tom thinks she's an idiot. Джон и Энн нравятся друг другу. John and Ann like each other. John and Ann like each other. Пра каго вы размаўляеце? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Ми битимося. We will fight. We'll fight. Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех! Да святится имя Твое, да приидет Царствие Твое, да будет воля Твоя, яко на небеси и на земли. Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь; и остави нам долги наша, якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим; и не введи нас во искушение, но избави нас от лукаваго. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our Father, thou art in the heavens, Hallowed be thy name, that thy kingdom may come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and earth: our bread shall come unto us, and leave us our debts, even as we are our debtor; and bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked. Будь ласка, дозвольте пройти. Let me pass, please. Please let me through. Я поэтому и уехала. That's why I left. That's why I left. Повертайтеся до роботи. Go back to work. Go back to work. Думаю, вам лучше уйти пораньше. I think you'd better leave early. I think you should leave early. Мяне раптам пабудзілі на золку. I was woken up suddenly at dawn. I was suddenly built on the straw. Как сейчас обстоят дела на фабрике? What's the situation at the factory now? How are things at the factory now? Я закахалася ў цябе. I've fallen in love with you. I fell in love with you. Пакой напоўніў пах лілій. A smell of lilies filled the room. The bedroom filled the scent of a lilies. Я потрапив у точку. I nailed it. I'm in a point. Діти — квіти нашого життя. Children are the flowers of our lives. The children are the flowers of our lives. Вона поїхала на вокзал, щоб провести його. She went to the station to see him off. She went to the station to conduct it. Как я могу отменить свою свадьбу? How can I cancel my wedding? How can I cancel my wedding? Его попытка закончилась неудачей. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt was a failure. Я говорила з кимось по телефону. I was talking to someone on the phone. I talked to someone on the phone. Я принесу тебе бренди. I'll get you some brandy. I'll get you a brandy. Вона у Тома. Tom has it. Tom's got her. Она поливает цветы. She is watering her flowers. It's watering the flowers. Том узнал Мэри по голосу. Tom recognized Mary by her voice. Tom learned Mary by voice. Не думай. Don't think. Don't think about it. Моё домашнее задание оказалось легче, чем я ожидал. My homework was easier than I expected. My homework was easier than I expected. Не делай такое кислое лицо! Don't pull such a sour face! Don't make that a sour face! Я написал много предложений на эсперанто. I wrote many phrases in Esperanto. I've written a lot of suggestions for the Esperanto. Ты превысил свои полномочия. You have overstepped your authority. You're out of your power. Дівчата дуже зайняті. The girls are very busy. The girls are very busy. Том обычно ездит на работу на автобусе. Tom usually takes a bus to work. Tom usually goes to work on a bus. Я чув, як Том закричав. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom scream. Она любима всеми. She is beloved by everyone. She's in love with everyone. Что же ты только сейчас пришёл? Why have you come only now? What are you just here now? Не забудь расписаться. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign. Она Вас знает? Does she know you? Does she know you? Она тут главная. She's the boss around here. She's in charge here. Люсі вже телефонувала? Has Lucy telephoned yet? Has Lucy phoned yet? Я стаміўся. I'm tired. I'm tired. У неї два кота. Один білий, а інший чорний. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She's got two cats, one white and one black. Том у спортзалі. Tom is at the gym. Tom's in the gym. Помоги нам. Help us. Help us. Хто яшчэ знаходзіць час, каб напісаць доўгі ліст сябру? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who else finds time to write a long friend's letter? Я никогда не дам тебе это забыть. I'm never going to let you forget it. I'll never let you forget that. Я йду додому, Томе. I'm coming home, Tom. I'm going home, Tom. Можно мне тебя сфотографировать? Can I take your picture? Can I take a picture of you? Ти колись бував у Бразилії? Have you ever been to Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? Они обладают большим объемом информации. They have a large stock of information. They have a lot of information. У суботу мы пайшлі ў кіно, а потым у рэстаран. On Saturday we went to the movies, then to the restaurant. We went to the movies on Saturday and then to the restaurant. Том — не такий, як Мері. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom is not like Mary. Скажіть, будь ласка, де яйця? Excuse me. Where are the eggs? Please, where are the eggs? Я бы хотела помочь Тому утвердить это. I'd like to help Tom prove it. I'd like to help you confirm it. Я рада, что тебе понравились мои друзья. I'm glad you liked my friends. I'm glad you liked my friends. Этого-то я и не понимаю. That's what I don't understand. That's what I don't understand. Я часто грав в теніс з Томом. I often played tennis with Tom. I often played tennis with Tom. Дай ей закончить. Let her finish. Let her finish. Сколько ты там пробыл? How long did you stay? How long you been there? Том сказав Мері не турбуватися. Tom has told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Хіба ти не голосуватимеш? Aren't you going to vote? Aren't you going to vote? Бетти убила свою мать. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her mother. Сьогодні ввечері буде доволі холодно. It's going to be quite cold tonight. It'll be pretty cold tonight. Том провів час із Мері. Tom spent time with Mary. Tom spent time with Mary. Шнїг били. The snow is white. Schneig was beaten. Мэры размаўляла па-японску павольна. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke rather slowly. Я просто хочу відпочити. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Ви поспішаєте? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? Друга світова війна закінчиался в 1945-му році. World War II ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. Том не сказал, как он собирается добраться дотуда. Tom didn't say how he was planning to get there. Tom didn't say how he was going to get there. Слушать бессвязные разглагольствования выступающего было мучительно. Listening to the orator's incoherent ramblings was excruciating. It was painful to hear the speaker's indistinguishable publicity. Мені потрібно піти поговорити з начальником. I have to go talk to the manager. I need to go talk to the boss. Том слабкий. Tom's groggy. Tom's weak. Она была той, о ком я думал. She was the one I was thinking of. She was the one I thought about. Можаш брахаць каму заўгодна, але ты не можаш брахаць самой сабе. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can count anywhere, but you can't even count on yourself. Я никогда не видел его таким занятым. I've never seen him so busy. I've never seen him so busy. Її чекає блискуче майбутнє. She has a brilliant future. It's a brilliant future. Калі б не ты, я б загінула. Without you, I would've died. If it hadn't been for you, I would have died. Што вы робіце ў вольны час? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing at free time? Ты не знал, что Том едет в Бостон? Didn't you know that Tom was going to Boston? You didn't know Tom was going to Boston? Я знаю, что ты не сможешь это сделать. I know that you won't be able to do that. I know you can't do this. Я вже це зробив. I have done that already. I've already done it. Маєш хвилинку? Do you have a minute? You got a minute? Вы его пригласили? Did you invite him? You invited him? Том не може примусити мене зробити це. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't force me to do this. У Тома багато дивних ідей. Tom has lots of weird ideas. Tom's got a lot of weird ideas. Тома посадили в тюрьму. Tom has been put in jail. Tom was put in jail. Проклятие было разрушено. The curse was broken. The curse was destroyed. Скажи Тому, что я хотел бы помочь. Tell Tom I'd like to help. Tell me what I'd like to help. Я вже запізнилася до школи. I'm already late for school. I'm late for school. Пожалуйста, отрежьте себе яблочного пирога. Я приготовила его для вас. Please help yourself to some apple pie. I baked it for you. Please cut off your apple pie. Хватайте его! Seize him! Grab him! Я жду тебя напротив двери. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting against the door. Запізно. Too late. Too late. Он, должно быть, тебя любит. He must love you. He must love you. Думаю, ён не прыйдзе. I think he won't come. I don't think he'll come. Коко знает и использует больше чем 500 слов на языке знаков, языке глухих людей. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Це фотографія Тома та його родини. This is a picture of Tom and his family. This is a picture of Tom and his family. Гэтая кніга належыць Тоні. This book belongs to Tony. This book belongs to Tony. Том регулярно ест суши со своей матерью. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Tom eats sushi regularly with his mother. Мені підходить. It's OK with me. I'm good. Том відкрив холодильник. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the refrigerator. Я расскажу тебе то, что знаю о Томе. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. Мене звільнено? Am I fired? Am I fired? Було затишшя після бурі. There was a calm after the storm. It was quiet after the storm. Ви не могли би сказати "будь ласка", будь ласка? Can you please say please? Could you say "please," please? Студента покарали за паління. The student was punished for smoking. The article was punished for smoking. Том говорил о школе. Tom talked about school. Tom was talking about the school. Мені цікаво, чи Том хотів заспівати. I wonder whether Tom wanted to sing or not. I wonder if Tom wanted to sing. Що у коробці? What is in the box? What's in the box? Роби так, як я кажу, а не так, як я роблю. Do as I say, not as I do. Do as I say, not as I do. Можна я скористаюся цим телефоном? May I use this telephone? Can I use this phone? У вас є щось поїсти? Do you have anything to eat? Do you have anything to eat? Том багато їсть. Tom eats a lot. Tom eats a lot. Віддай мені свою кров, і я віддам тобі свободу. Give me your blood, I will give you freedom. Give me your blood, and I'll give you my freedom. Я вас не заарештовую. I'm not arresting you. I'm not arresting you. Хлопець, якого я кохаю, мене не кохає. The boy I love doesn't love me. The guy I love doesn't love me. Ты мне больше не нужна. I'm over you. I don't need you anymore. Что случилось прошлой ночью? What happened last night? What happened last night? Ты поцеловала Тома в ответ? Did you kiss Tom back? Did you kiss Tom back? Мы должны быть подготовлены. We have to be prepared. We have to be prepared. Дзе туалет? Where's the restroom? Where is the toilet? Мері модель. Mary is a model. Mary's model. Вы оба идиоты. You're both idiots. You two idiots. Том сказал мне, что он потерялся. Tom told me that he was lost. Tom told me he was lost. Что у вас с компьютером? What happened to your computer? What's with your computer? Он едет в Нью-Йорк на следующей неделе. He is going to New York next week. He's going to New York next week. Ты не мог бы выйти из комнаты? Would you mind leaving the room? Could you come out of the room? Я вас даже не знаю. I don't even know you. I don't even know you. Лінда зайшла ў будынак. Linda came into the building. Linda stepped into the building. Нє розѹмѣѭ. I don't get it. There's no uncircumcision. Том сказав, що навряд чи виграє. Tom said he was unlikely to win. Tom said he wouldn't win. Том сказав, що він якраз збирався це зробити. Tom said he was just about to do that. Tom said he was about to do it. Я нечасто це роблю. I seldom do that. I don't often do it. Том не може цього змінити. Tom can't change that. Tom can't change that. Йому було лише чотирнадцять. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen. Том має алергію на бджіл. Tom is allergic to bees. Tom's allergic to bees. Многие люди верят в коррумпированность чиновников нашей страны. Many people believe that our country's politicians are corrupt. Many people believe that our officials are corrupt. Существует много людей, которые думают, что невозможно не запутаться в языках. There are many people who think that it’s impossible not to mix up languages. There are many people who think that it is impossible not to get confused in languages. Яна паехала ў Парыж. She left for Paris. She went to Paris. Апошнія некалькі дзён былі напружанымі для нас абодвух. The last few days have been very busy for both of us. The last few days were strained for both of us. Хіба ти не можеш мене підняти? Can't you lift me? Can't you pick me up? Я міг це зробити. I could do it. I could have done it. Он не мог вспомнить мой адрес. He couldn't remember my address. He couldn't remember my address. Эх, здесь у вас так скучно! Gee, it sure is boring around here! Uh, you're so boring here! Как ты смеешь это делать! How dare you do this! How dare you do that! Не зли её. Don't make her angry. Don't hurt her. Я собираюсь выкупать собаку. I'm going to give the dog a bath. I'm gonna buy a dog. Нє стало Томоу коунъ. Tom didn't have enough money. It wasn't Tom's. Том хотів, щоб Мері відчувала себе особливою. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Я хотів тебе здивувати. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to surprise you. Когда я встретил её на днях, она выглядела очень счастливой. When I saw her recently, she looked very happy. When I met her the other day, she looked very happy. Я хотіла показати йому твою книжку. I wanted to show him your book. I wanted to show him your book. Перший сніг не забарився. The first snow came before long. The first snow was still there. Зараз нам трэба дзеяць, а не абмяркоўваць. All we need now is action, not discussion. Now we've got to children, not talk. Токио крупнее Рима. Tokyo is bigger than Rome. Tokyo's bigger than Rome. Біблія вучыць нас любіць не толькі нашых суседзяў, але і нашых ворагаў; магчыма гэта таму, што звычайна гэта тыя ж самыя людзі. The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. The Bible teaches us not only to our neighbors, but also our enemies; perhaps this is because it's usually the same people. Он повредил левую руку. He hurt his left hand. He hurt his left hand. Мені потрібне тепле пальто. I need a heavy coat. I need a warm coat. У нас три собаки и кошка. We keep three dogs and a cat. We have three dogs and a cat. Вони злізли з дерева. They climbed down the tree. They came down from the tree. Я збірала ў садзе трускалкі. I was picking strawberries in the garden. I was gathering rabbits in the garden. Я буду работать на тебя, покуда ты будешь платить мне так же хорошо. I'll work for you as long as you keep paying me this well. I'll work for you until you pay me just as well. Я ніколи про це не згадував. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned that. Том сбежал из тюрьмы через тоннель. Tom escaped from jail through a tunnel. Tom escaped from prison over a tunnel. Том одружився на сусідці. Tom married the girl next door. Tom married a neighbor. Серйозно? Seriously? Really? Яна паказала нам прыгожы капялюш. She showed us a beautiful hat. She showed us a beautiful hat. В этой реке полно рыбы. There are plenty of fish in this river. This river is full of fish. Вы можете отличить аллигатора от крокодила? Can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? Can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Я умею слушать. I'm a good listener. I can listen. Куда, по-твоему, ты идёшь? Where do you think you're going? Where do you think you're going? Я долго этого ждала. I've waited a long time for this. I've been waiting a long time. Я не хотів танцювати. I didn't want to dance. I didn't want to dance. Том не знает о моём существовании. Tom doesn't know I exist. Tom doesn't know about my existence. Я сильно за тобою сумуватиму. I'll miss you so much. I'll miss you very much. Цяжка скардзіцца на такіх добрых людзей. It's hard to complain against such good people. It's hard to complain to such kind people. Книга большая. The book is big. There's a big book. Лише деякі запитання мають відповіді. Only some questions have answers. Only a few questions have answers. Ти знала, що Том — двоюрідний брат Мері? Didn't you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Did you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Нас превзошли числом. We were outnumbered. We're out of numbers. Я не хочу з вами розмовляти. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Я для тебе спекла яблучний пиріг. I made an apple pie for you. I burned apple pie for you. Скільки тобі потрібно прикладів? How many examples do you need? How many examples do you need? Розмовляй тихо. Speak softly. Speak quietly. Козы не любят мокнуть и найдут убежище быстрее, чем овцы и другой домашний скот. Goats do not like getting wet and will seek shelter quicker than sheep and other livestock. Goats don't like to suck and find shelter faster than sheep and other domestic animals. Ви відвезете мене додому? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? У меня столько же книг, сколько у Тома. I have the same number of books as Tom has. I have as many books as Tom. Насколько мне известно, он не был втянут в эту аферу. As far as I know, he wasn't involved in that fraud scheme. As far as I know, he wasn't involved in this field. Прошу три пива та одну текілу! Three beers and a tequila please! Please, three beers and one tequila! Не холодно. It's not cold. It's not cold. Том приберёг последнюю пулю для себя. Tom saved the last bullet for himself. Tom took the last bullet for himself. Том не міг отримати візу. Tom wasn't able to get a visa. Tom couldn't get a visa. Як в біса Том сюди потрапив? How on earth did Tom get here? How the hell did Tom get here? Том не думал, что Мэри это расстроит. Tom didn't think Mary would be upset by that. Tom didn't think Mary would upset this. Я просто хотел преподать тебе урок. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. Ти ж цього не хочеш? You don't want that, do you? You don't want that, do you? Варшава дешевша, ніж Лондон? Is Warsaw cheaper than London? Warsaw is cheaper than London? Не вини других в своих ошибках. Don't blame others for your mistakes. Don't blame others for your mistakes. Ви не канадійка. You aren't Canadian. You're not Canadian. Ця книжка має багато малюнків. This book has many pictures. This book has many pictures. Ці не маглі б Вы адчыніць акно? Can you open the window? Could you open the window? Я забула номер свого замовлення. I forgot my order number. I forgot my order number. Я не знал, что вы канадцы. I didn't know you were Canadians. I didn't know you were Canadians. Я ніколи не чув, щоб Том говорив французькою. I've never heard Tom speak French. I never heard Tom speak French. Что-то взяли. Something was taken. Got something. Думаю, я нашёл то, что вы ищете. I think I found what you're looking for. I think I found what you're looking for. Його поезія не перекладається на японську мову. His poetry does not translate into Japanese. His poetry is not translated into Japanese. Минулої п'ятниці я грав у футбол із друзями. Last Friday I played soccer with friends. Last Friday I played soccer with my friends. Прынясіце мне, калі ласка, гэты слоўнік. Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Accept me, please, this vocabulary. Кровь течёт по кровеносным сосудам. Blood flows through blood vessels. Blood flow from blood vessels. Доктора пришлось ждать долго: он был на операции. We had to wait for the doctor for too long; he was on an operation. The doctor had to wait a long time. He was in surgery. Я написал это для Тома. I wrote it for Tom. I wrote it for Tom. Это интересная реклама. That's an interesting ad. It's an interesting ad. Я ей не доверяю. I don't trust her. I don't trust her. Хороший был фильм. That was a good movie. It was a good movie. Він любить апельсини? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Вона слухає релігійну музику. She listens to religious music. She listens to religious music. Хто то дав Томові? Who gave it to Tom? Who gave Tom? Вы едете с нами? Do you go with us? Are you coming with us? Ты молод? Are you young? Are you young? Хочу масаж. Мені треба розслабитися. I want a massage. I need to relax. I need to relax. Він запитав мене, чи я можу зробити йому послугу. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. У мене дуже болить голова. My head really hurts. My head hurts a lot. Моя мати розповіла нам цікаву історію. My mother told us an interesting story. My mother told us an interesting story. Гэта будзе каштаваць 30 еўра. This will cost €30. It'll cost 30 euros. Ти знаєш якісь інші рішення? Do you know of any other solutions? Do you know any other decisions? Ти записав номер Тома? Did you write down Tom's number? Did you write Tom's number? Ти найвища. You are tallest. You're the highest. У Тома было непростое детство. Tom did not have an easy childhood. Tom had a complicated childhood. Скільки коштує апельсиновий сік? How much does the orange juice cost? How much is orange juice? Пакінь яго там. Leave it there. Leave him there. Я думаю, што вы гатовыя. I think you're ready. I think you're ready. Я викладачка французької. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Это башня. That's a tower. It's a tower. Він кинув камінь до ставка. He threw a rock into the pond. He dropped the stone to the pond. Вы мне никогда не рассказывали о том, что случилось. You never told me about what happened. You never told me what happened. Мері сказала, що зробить це. Mary said she'd do it. Mary said she'd do it. Нам надо сказать людям, что им нужно делать. We have to tell people what they need to do. We have to tell people what they have to do. Шкода, що його тут нема. I wish he were here now. I'm sorry he's not here. Выберы майку, якая табе падабаецца болей за ўсе. Choose the T-shirt you like the best. Choose the stick that you like more than all. Він політичний махінатор. He's a wheeler-dealer. He's a political machinator. Ось ваш ключ. Here's your key. Here's your key. Я чула, що звільнили й Тома, і Мері. I heard that Tom and Mary have both been fired. I heard that Tom and Mary had been released. Я понятия не имел, что ты можешь это сделать. I had no idea you could do that. I had no idea you could do it. Мэри сказала, что ей нравится кататься на лыжах. Mary said that she liked skiing. Mary said she liked skiing. Я знаю, чего боится Том. I know what Tom is afraid of. I know what Tom's afraid of. «Табе падабаецца глядзець, як людзі чырванеюць, Том?» — «Ніколі не запярэчваў гэтага». "Do you enjoy seeing people blush, Tom?" "I'm not denying it." "Do you like to watch people chirp, Tom?" "Never mind that." Я вивчаю угорську та польску на Duolingo. I'm learning Hungarian and Polish on Duolingo. I study Hungarian and a field for Duolingo. Ти прочитав цю книжку? Have you read that book? Did you read that book? Я обожнюю садівництво. I love gardening. I love gardening. Том каже, що ви здорові. Tom says that you're healthy. Tom says you're healthy. У трусоў доўгія вушы. A rabbit has long ears. The rabbits have long ears. Ти потрібен у шпиталі. You're needed in the clinic. You need a hospital. Это было всего несколько раз. It only happened a few times. It was only a few times. Не заставляйте меня это делать. Don't make me do that. Don't make me do that. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is angry or not. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. Я п'яны. I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Обычно я мирный человек. Но трудно представить, на что я способен, когда под угрозой находится моя семья. Normally, I'm a very peaceful man. But if my family is threatened, there's no telling what I'll do. I'm usually a peaceful man, but it's hard to imagine what I'm capable of when my family is under threat. Часто говорят, что еженедельно в мире исчезает по одному языку. It is often said that the world loses a language every week. One language is often said to disappear from the world every week. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён любіць мяне. I wanted Tom to say that he loved me. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. Можешь сходить, если хочешь. You can go if you want. You can go if you want. Мы можем вместо этого говорить по-французски? Can we speak French instead? Can we speak French instead? Давайте не будем забывать, кто такой Том. Let's not forget who Tom is. Let's not forget who Tom is. Дякую за інформацію. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Одна ластівка не робить весни. One swallow does not a summer make. One patch doesn't make spring. Том сказав, що побалакає з Мері. Tom said he'll talk to Mary. Tom said he'd talk to Mary. Я брехала. I was lying. I was lying. Ти любиш кокосову воду? Do you like coconut water? Do you like coconut water? Я думав, що Тому не сподобається це робити. I thought Tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. I thought that that's why I wouldn't like to do it. Я люблю зялёны колер. I like the colour green. I love green. Мы надеемся, что нам не понадобится это делать. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope that we will not need to do so. Больше никогда не буду вас слушать. I'll never listen to you again. I'll never listen to you again. Ви все ще зайняті? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Если это звучит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, вероятно, это неправда. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. If that sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true. Це не на користь твоєму здоров'ю. It's not healthy for you. It's not for your health. Мы живём на планете Земля. We live on planet Earth. We live on Earth. Как вы её потеряли? How did you lose it? How did you lose it? Я механік. I am a mechanic. I'm a mechanic. Том — дружелюбний хлопчина. Tom is a friendly guy. Tom is a friendly boy. Канфлікт яе жаданняў спажыць шакалад і скінуць вагу прывёў яе адчування кагнітыўнага дысанансу. Her conflicting desires to consume chocolate and to lose weight resulted in her experiencing cognitive dissonance. The conflict of her desire to burn up a jackal and to drop the weight led her to experience a vulture dissonant. Кілька років тому я поклявся ніколи більше не закохуватися. A few years ago, I swore never to fall in love again. A few years ago, I swore that I would never fall in love again. Я не знаю её номер телефона. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone number. Локричні цукерки якого виду твої улюблені? What kind of licorice do you prefer? What kind of local candy are your favorites? Які у вас плани на Різдво? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? Том не дуже любить собак. Tom doesn't really like dogs. Tom doesn't like dogs very much. Дай мне скончыць. Let me finish. Let me finish. Мы всегда всё друг другу рассказываем. We always tell each other everything. We always tell each other. У Тома в Бостоне есть дом. Tom has a house in Boston. Tom's in Boston has a house. Чому ти так розізлився? Why did you get so angry? Why are you so angry? Дай мені свій гаманець. Give me your wallet. Give me your wallet. Гэта найлепшая пара года. It's the best season of the year. This is the best couple of years. Я знал, что вы будете по мне скучать. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Я знав про це все. I knew all about it. I knew all about it. Як найлепей нарэзаць цыбулю? What's the best way to chop an onion? How's the best turn about with a bulb? Я не такий, яким здаюся. I'm not what I seem. I'm not what I think I am. Мені цікаво, чи зможе Том це зробити. I wonder whether or not Tom can do that. I wonder if Tom can do that. Для кого ти це зробив? Who did you do that for? Who did you do that for? Золото гораздо тѧжєѥ водъı. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold's a lot of water. Станция в ста метрах отсюда. The station is 100 meters from here. The station is 100 meters from here. Я хочу залишитися тут. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Мои родители не поняли бы. My parents wouldn't understand. My parents wouldn't understand. Ми не можемо розраховувати на те, що Том це зробить. We can't count on Tom to do that. We can't count on Tom doing that. Тому нравилось в школе. Tom enjoyed school. That's why I liked school. Ты выглядел виноватым. You looked guilty. You looked guilty. Маё цярпенне лопнула. My patience has come to the breaking point. My patience burst into tears. Таке іноді трапляється. That sometimes happens. It happens sometimes. Что в шкафу? What's in the closet? What's in the closet? Со временем это событие было забыто. The event was forgotten in progress of time. In time, this event was forgotten. Кто этот тип? Who is that guy? Who's the type? Для мене це важливо. To me, it is important. That's important to me. Когда вы собираетесь это закончить? When are you going to finish this? When are you gonna finish this? Том усё яшчэ вінаваціць цябе ў смерці Мэры. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Tom was still bringing thee to Mary's death. Я ни одну из них не хочу. I don't want either of them. I don't want any of them. Не заважай! Do not interfere! Don't interrupt! Із Томом нічого не трапиться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. Nothing's gonna happen to Tom. То конь? Is it a horse? There's a horse? Том — бейсболіст. Tom is a baseball player. Tom is a baseball player. Мы елі яйкі. We ate eggs. We ate eggs. Я думал, что могу ему доверять. I thought I could trust him. I thought I could trust him. Заздрю вашому хорошому здоров'ю. I envy your good health. I envy your good health. Том заметил, что дверь не заперта. Tom noticed the door wasn't locked. Tom noticed that the door was not locked. Мы на гэтай зямлі, каб шукаць шчасце, а не каб знайсці яго. We're on earth to look for happiness, not to find it. We are on this earth to look for happiness, not to find it. Как думаете, на кого из родителей Вы похожи? Which of your parents do you think you look like? What kind of parent do you think you look like? Я видел страшный сон прошлой ночью. I had a horrible dream last night. I saw a terrible dream last night. Всё стало серьёзно. Things got serious. It got serious. Том понурий. Tom is grumpy. Don't worry, Tom. Это риск, который мы не можем себе позволить. It's a risk we can't afford to take. It's a risk that we can't afford. Ты довязала этот свитер? Have you finished knitting that sweater? Did you touch that sweater? Ну, это сложный вопрос. Well, that's a difficult question. Well, that's a difficult question. Я пытался защитить вас. I was trying to protect you. I tried to protect you. Прачынайся! Wake up! Wake up! Это трудно сделать? Is that hard to do? Is that hard to do? Со мной такого раньше никогда не было. That's never happened to me before. That's never happened to me before. Том! Что ты делаешь? Tom! What are you doing? Tom, what are you doing? Я сьогодні повернувся. I returned today. I'm back today. Ты ѥси Богъ. Thou art God. You're a god. Я найвища у нашому класі. I am the tallest in our class. I'm the highest in our class. Том каже, що займається цим. Tom says he's doing that. Tom says he's doing it. Ты прыгожая. You are beautiful. You're beautiful. Навчальний рік закінчується у червні. The school year ends in June. The school year ends in June. Можешь уделить минутку? Я хочу обсудить кое-что важное для нас обоих. Can you spare a minute? I'd like to discuss something of importance to both of us. I want to discuss something important for both of us. Горилі тоді було один рік. The gorilla was one year old at the time. The gorillas were then one year old. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the boss. На чым засноўваецца ваша тэорыя? What do you base your theory on? Upon what is your theory based? Полиция обыскала машину Тома. The police searched Tom's car. The police searched Tom's car. Не рьци пълнъıмь рътъмь. Don't speak with your mouth full. You don't have to drink. Я могу туда пешком пойти. I can go there on foot. I can walk there. Он моет руки. He's washing his hands. He's washing his hands. Життя прекрасне. Life is great. Life is beautiful. Ви п'єте занадто багато кави. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Він все ще в моєму офісі? Is he still in my office? Is he still in my office? Звідки ти знав, що Тома тут не буде? How did you know Tom would be here? How did you know Tom wouldn't be here? Это я вас в это втянул. I'm the one who got you into this. That's what I got you into. Скільки вам років? Мені двадцять шість. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. I'm twenty-six. Ми медитуємо. We're meditating. We meditate. Я не можу припинити думати про це. I can't stop thinking about that. I can't stop thinking about it. У мяне ёсць сябар, што жыве ў Кіёта. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I've got this friend who lives in Keith. Я мог бы поехать в Бостон с Томом, но не захотел. I could've gone to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. I could go to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. Вам надо найти работу. You should find a job. You need to find a job. Моцарт помер у 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Поліція попросила дівчину зробити грубу замальовку її пса, який пропав. The police asked the girl to make a rough sketch of her lost dog. The police asked the girl to make a rough picture of her dog that was missing. Я часто попадаю в халепу. I'm often in trouble. I often get into trouble. Мне идея нравится. I like the idea. I like the idea. Тебе нечего скрывать, не так ли? You have nothing to hide, do you? There's nothing to hide, isn't there? Жена не сапог — с ноги не скинешь. A wife is not a boot. You can't just kick her off. The wife's not a boots, you won't quit. Она сказала, что готова это сделать. She said she was ready to do that. She said she was ready to do it. Том розповів тобі, де він був учора ввечері? Did Tom tell you where he was last night? Tom told you where he was last night? У тебя есть идеи, кто мог это сделать? Do you have any idea who would do this? Do you have any idea who could have done that? Ты не канадзец. You aren't Canadian. You're not a Canadian. Христос раждаєтся! Merry Christmas! Christ's getting hurt! Вы клялись, что любите меня. You swore that you loved me. You swore you loved me. Мне кажется, вы слишком дорого за это заплатили. I think that you paid too much for that. I think you paid too much for it. Том відрощує бороду. Tom is growing a beard. Tom's growing his beard. Он будет исключён из нашего клуба. That person will be read out of our club. He'll be expelled from our club. Я смяяўся. I laughed. I laughed. Сравни свои ответы с ответами Тома. Compare your answers with Tom's. Compare your answers to Tom's answers. Добавь моё имя в список. Add my name to the list. Add my name on the list. Ты был всё время с Томом? Were you with Tom the whole time? You've been with Tom all the time? Я больше никогда не буду петь эту песню. I won't ever sing that song again. I'll never sing that song again. Положи их в угол. Put them in the corner. Put them in the corner. Где презентация PowerPoint, которую ты мне обещал? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? У меня с собой полно денег. I have plenty of money with me. I've got a lot of money with me. Том швидко відчинив двері. Tom quickly opened the door. Tom quickly opened the door. Ви з Томом побилися? Did you have a fight with Tom? You and Tom got into a fight? Какая лучше? Which one is better? Which one's the best? Я не знаю, це добре чи ні. I do not know whether it is good or not. I don't know if it's good or not. Я впав зі стільця. I fell off my chair. I fell from my chair. Том закрыл жалюзи, чтобы соседи не могли заглянуть внутрь. Tom closed the venetian blinds, so the neighbors couldn't look in. Tom closed the blinds so the neighbors couldn't look inside. Том сказал мне, что не хочет переезжать в Австралию. Tom told me that he didn't want to move to Australia. Tom told me he didn't want to move to Australia. Існує секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Я не буду вас сёння больш ні пра што пытаць. I won't ask you anything else today. I won't ask you anything more today. Калі ласка, пачакайце на дварэ. Please wait outside the house. Please wait on the two. Могу я остаться у вас? Меня выбросили из моего дома, поскольку я не платил арендную плату. Can I stay with you? I was kicked out of my house because I didn't pay the rent. I was thrown out of my house because I didn't pay the rent. Том встав із табуретки. Tom got up from his stool. Tom's out of his bowl. Том снял свою накладную бороду. Tom removed his fake beard. Tom got his big-ass beard off. Стоматологи рекомендуют менять зубную щётку каждые три месяца, потому что со временем её щетина всё хуже удаляет зубной налёт, а также в ней скапливаются микробы. Dentists recommend to change toothbrushes every three months, because over time their bristles become worse at getting rid of plague, as well as accumulate microbes. Stomatologists recommend changing the toothbrush every three months because, over time, her cervix removes even worse the dental attack, and the microbes accumulate in it. Ви хворий. Вам потрібно відпочити. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick. Це твоя максимальна швидкість? Is that as fast as you can go? Is that your maximum speed? Ты его украл? Did you steal it? Did you steal it? У вас є здача з цієї купюри? Do you have change for this bill? Do you have a drop from that bill? Во сколько ты обычно встаёшь в субботу? What time do you usually get up on Saturday? How long do you usually stand on Saturday? Ти можеш мати рацію. You could be right. You may be right. Я рассказал вам всё, что должен был рассказать. I told you everything I had to tell you. I told you everything I had to tell you. Такого ещё никогда не было. It had never happened before. It's never happened before. Вона їсть. She's eating. She eats. Он бы не одобрил. He would not approve. He wouldn't approve. Я не был к этому готов. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for this. Хіба ви ще не втомилися від мене? Aren't you sick of me yet? Aren't you tired of me yet? Голос человека зарождается в гортани. The human voice is produced by the larynx. Man's voice begins in the larynx. Я попросил Тома, чтобы он нас подождал. I asked Tom to wait for us. I asked Tom to wait for us. Се ли котъ? Is that a cat? Is it a cat? Це було б несправедливо. That would be unfair. That would be unfair. Вычеркните имя Тома из списка. Strike Tom's name off the list. Extract Tom's name from the list. У краме прадаецца садавіна і гародніна. The store sells fruit and vegetables. She sells, she sells, she sells vegetables. Он часто сидит часами, читая книги. He often sits for many hours reading books. He often spends hours reading books. Чи не могли б ви викликати мені таксі? Would you like me to call a taxi? Could you call me a cab? Вона докорила йому за те, що він порушив обіцянку. She accused him of having broken his word. She reproached him for breaking his promise. У меня возникли трудности с поиском оригинальной цитаты. I had some trouble finding the original quote. I found it difficult to find an original quote. Я думала, ви загубили мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Завтра выходной. Tomorrow is a holiday. Tomorrow is the weekend. Уваходзьце, калі ласка! Please come in. Please come in! Мері сказала, що готова. Mary said she's ready. Mary said she was ready. Про це не турбуйся! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! У мене болить плече. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. Я её разбил. I broke it. I broke it. Том слідує за Мері. Tom is following Mary. Tom's in charge of Mary. Теперь всё будет только хуже. It's only going to get worse now. It's only gonna be worse now. Ти мені вже багато разів розповідав цю історію. You've told me this story lots of times. You've told me this story many times before. Люблю, як твої очі сяють, коли ти смієшся. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh. I love how your eyes shine when you laugh. Некоторым это не нравится. Some people don't like that. Some don't like it. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері не спить. Tom said that he thought Mary wasn't asleep. Tom said he thought Mary was awake. Що ти хочеш побачити, поки ти тут? What do you want to see while you're here? What do you want to see while you're here? Я не сестра Тома. I'm not Tom's sister. I'm not Tom's sister. Я хочу зробити це для Тома. I want to do it for Tom. I want to do it for Tom. Я не певен, чи готовий це зробити. I'm not sure that I'm ready to do this. I'm not sure if I'm ready to do it. Я хірург. I'm the surgeon. I'm a surgeon. Він написав багато оповідань. He wrote a lot of stories. He wrote many stories. Вам краще не дозволяти Тому це робити. You'd better not let Tom do that. You better not allow that to happen. Это мой кот. That's my cat. It's my cat. Чем этот джентльмен зарабатывает себе на жизнь? What does that gentleman do for a living? How does this gentleman earn a living? Я сел в лифт и нажал кнопку своего этажа. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I sat in the elevator and hit my floor button. Том уміє грати на гітарі, я думаю. Tom can play the guitar, I think. Tom can play the guitar, I think. Я хотела бы почистить зубы. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Яка у вас улюблена їжа? What's your favorite kind of food? What are your favorite foods? Ви винесли сміття? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you take the trash out? Я подумал, что Вы привидение. I thought you were a ghost. I thought you were a ghost. Том схопив гроші й побіг. Tom grabbed the money and ran. Tom got the money and ran. Ти коли-небудь була в Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Том высушил волосы феном. Tom blow-dried his hair. Tom dried his phenom hair. Пурпурны — найлепшы колер у свеце! Magenta is the best color in the world! Magenta is the best color in the world! Я хотел сказать ему что-нибудь, но не сказал. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't. I wanted to tell him something, but I didn't say it. Том дуже легковірний. Tom is very naive. Tom is very improbable. Які саме цукерки тобі подобаються? What kind of candy do you like? What kind of candy do you like? Я не могу тебе это одолжить. I can't lend this to you. I can't borrow this. Том единственный не плавал. Tom was the only one who wasn't swimming. Tom was the only one who didn't swim. Я хотел танцевать. I wanted to dance. I wanted to dance. У самых красивых цветов самые острые шипы. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers are the sharp ones. Можна мені води? May I have some water? Can I have water? Яны з сябрамі селі на лаўку. He and his friend sat on the bench. They and their friends sat on the bench. Деякі рослини не можуть пристосуватися до холоду. Some plants cannot adapt themselves to the cold. Some plants cannot adjust to the cold. Я обожнюю кіно. I love movies. I love movies. Ты не можешь этого сделать? Can't you do it? Can't you do that? Сделай с этим что-нибудь, пожалуйста. Please do something about it. Do something about it, please. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. Мiй дiд - з Осаки. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather's from Oscar. Хто вам це сказав? Who told you that? Who told you that? Я не думал, что ты позволишь мне это сделать. I didn't think you'd let me do that. I didn't think you'd let me do that. Корови їдять траву. Cows eat grass. The cows eat grass. Я не читав жодну з цих двох книжок. I haven't read either book. I did not read any of these two books. Он мне верил. He believed me. He believed me. Идѣте нами. Come with us. Come on. Я зробила це для тебе. I did it for you. I did it for you. Том сказал Мэри, что занят. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mary he was busy. Ты не хочешь ещё дочку? Don't you want to have another daughter? You don't want another daughter? Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary is worried. Tom said Mary was worried. Она положила в кофе очень много сахара. She put a lot of sugar in the coffee. She put a lot of sugar in her coffee. Навіщо Том ходить до тієї школи? Why does Tom go to that school? Why does Tom go to that school? Я маю гроші. I've got money. I have money. Я толькі што паглядзеў на Ваш блог — ён, здаецца, цікавы. I just had a look at your blog— it looks interesting. I just looked at your blog -- he seems to be interesting. В Європі немає пірамід. There are no pyramids in Europe. There is no pyramid in Europe. Яка справжня причина того, що Тома тут немає? What's the real reason that Tom isn't here? What's the real reason Tom isn't here? Том — перший хлопець, з яким я коли-небудь ходив на побачення. Tom is the first boy I ever went out with. Tom is the first guy I've ever met. Париж далеко? Is Paris far away? Is Paris far away? Я должен вернуться к работе. I should get back to work. I have to get back to work. Том розчарував мене. Tom disappointed me. Tom disappointed me. Я вірю, що ти переможеш. I believe that you'll win. I believe you're going to win. Мъıслѭ тѣмь жє єсмь. I think, therefore I am. Yes, I am. Том замолодий, щоб зробити це самостійно. Tom is too young to do that by himself. Tom is too young to do it on his own. Англійською говорять у багатьох країнах світу. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English has been spoken in many parts of the world. Гэтага недастаткова. It isn't enough. This isn't enough. Том и Мэри перестали целоваться. Tom and Mary stopped kissing. Tom and Mary stopped kissing. Я хотел бы помочь вам, но я не могу больше здесь оставаться. I wish I could help you, but I can't stay any longer. I'd like to help you, but I can't stay here anymore. Ви знаєте, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do this, do you? Мені сподобалося спілкуватися з ним на вечірці. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. I enjoyed talking to him at the party. Мы только что как раз говорили о тебе. We were just talking about you. We were just talking about you. Я не знаю, хто вбив Тома. I don't know who killed Tom. I don't know who killed Tom. Вы ведь эту книгу ищете? This is the book that you are looking for, isn't it? You're looking for this book, aren't you? Пожалуйста, пристегивайте ремни во время взлёта и посадки. Please fasten your seat belt during takeoff and landing. Please adjust the belts during the takeoff and landing. Хто запанікував? Who panicked? Who's that? Зайди. Come in. Come in. Том подвёл как меня, так и Мэри. Tom let me down and he also let Mary down. Tom let both of me down, and of Mary. Головні острови Японії — це Хоккайдо, Сікоку, Хонсю та Кюсю. The main islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu and Kyushu. Japan’s main islands are Hokkaido, Sykok, Honshu, and Kyushu. Вот несколько фотографий. Here are some pictures. Here are some photos. Я знал Тома всего несколько месяцев. I've only known Tom for a few months. I only knew Tom for a few months. Я вірний. I'm loyal. I'm faithful. Лейла зустрічається з кимось іншим. Layla has been seeing somebody else. Lila's dating someone else. Ти намазався сонцезахисним кремом? Did you put on some sunscreen? Did you wear sunscreen? Том прийшов? Did Tom come? Is Tom here? Бяжы і схавайся ў гарах. Run and hide in the mountains. Run and get in the loons. Не вынуждайте меня вас убивать! Don't make me kill you. Don't force me to kill you! Мері каже, що не зможе нам сьогодні допомогти. Mary says she won't be able to help us today. Mary says she can't help us today. Мы можем её купить. We can buy it. We can buy it. Анжаліка Піклз вельмі эгаістычная. Angelica Pickles is very selfish. And Angelica Pixles is very selfish. Друзья поздравили меня с успехом. My friends congratulated me on my success. Friends congratulated me on my success. Я весь час важко працюю. I work hard all the time. I work hard all the time. Том вже займається французькою. Tom is studying French already. Tom's already in French. Чому б ти це робив? Why'd you do that? Why would you do that? Ви не така. You are different. You're not. Том потерял контроль. Tom lost control. Tom lost control. Обезьяна залезла на дерево. The monkey climbed up a tree. A monkey climbed into a tree. Я уверена, что он умный. I'm sure that he is clever. I'm sure he's smart. Не доводите Тома до слёз. Don't make Tom cry. Don't let Tom get crying. Вам подобається броколі? Do you like broccoli? Do you like broccoli? Я чытаю гэту кнігу. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Я посмотрел вокруг себя. I looked around me. I looked around me. Ми не ідіотки. We're not stupid. We're not idiots. Ты надта цяжка працуеш. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Він викладач італійської. He's an Italian teacher. He's an Italian teacher. Я указал на него. I pointed at him. I pointed to him. Я умнее, чем они. I'm smarter than them. I'm smarter than them. Я вас не видел. I didn't see you. I haven't seen you. Добра робота! Nice one! Good work! Теперь я женат. I'm married now. I'm married now. Он заплатил ему четыре доллара. He paid him four dollars. He paid him four dollars. Ці ты праўда жадаеш гэта ведаць? Do you really want to know? Do you really want to know? Я не поспішаю. I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a hurry. Що зроблено, то зроблено. What is done cannot be undone. What's done is done. Не говоріть так швидко, будь ласка. Do not speak so fast, please. Don't talk so fast, please. Пол толькі што патэлефанаваў. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Искалъ тѧ єсмь. I have been looking for you. It's a masquerade. Чи тут є неподалік стоянка для яхт? Is there a marina nearby? Is there near a yacht parking lot? Я люблю бути на самоті. I like being alone. I love being alone. Його батьки приїхали з Німеччини. His parents came from Germany. His parents came from Germany. Не думаю, що ти маєш рацію. I don't think that you're right. I don't think you're right. Спачатку давайце паглядзім на гэтую вядомую карціну. First of all, let's look at this famous picture. First, let's look at that conscious picture. Я непопулярная. I'm unpopular. I'm unpopular. Ти дійсно хочеш їхати в Бостон один? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? You really want to go to Boston alone? — Напэўна, быць табой вельмі страшна, — шэптам сказала Яніна. 'It must be very scary to be you,' Janina said in a whisper. “ must be you very scary, ” Janina said in a whisper. Це здається занадто простим. This seems too easy. It seems too simple. Ти повинен допомогти їй. You must help her. You have to help her. Ты мой сябар. You're my friend. You're my friend. Вгадайте, хто я. Guess who I am. Guess who I am. Мы не можем просто взять и сделать вид, что ничего не произошло. We can't just pretend like nothing happened. We can't just take the view that nothing happened. Я говорив. I was talking. I told you. Жыццё — не пустая абалонка. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not a wasteland. Де тато? Where's Daddy? Where's Dad? Новое предложение как послание в бутылке: когда-нибудь его переведут. A new sentence is like a message in a bottle: some time it will be translated. A new offer as a message in a bottle, one day they'll be moved. Ми не знали, що робити далі. We didn't know what to do next. We did not know what to do. Я сфотографировал свою дочку. I have photographed my daughter. I took a picture of my daughter. Я не пам'ятаю, коли я зустрів його у перший раз. I don't remember when I first met him. I don't remember when I first met him. Ты можешь воспользоваться его библиотекой. You may make use of his library. You can use his library. Тут ніхто не живе. Nobody lives here. Nobody lives here. Ходи по тротуару. Walk on the pavement. Come to the sidewalk. Його аморальні дії не лишилися непоміченими. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. Коли Петро встав, Іван уже був пішов з хати. When Peter got up, Jean had already left home. By the time Peter got up, John had already left the house. У Тома выдался тот еще год. It's been quite a year for Tom. Tom's been given over that year. Він прийшов додому через три години після цього. He came home three hours after that. He came home three hours later. На письменном столе кошка. There's a cat on the desk. There's a cat on the desk. Я хочу расслабиться перед телевизором этим вечером. Не хочу выходить из дому. I want to relax in front of the TV tonight. I don't want to go out. I want to relax in front of the TV tonight, and I don't want to leave home. Вас не зупинити! You are unstoppable! You can't be stopped! Він знає, що я його кохаю. He knows that I love him. He knows I love him. Я рада, что ты рад. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Том на пару дюймов выше Мэри. Tom is a couple of inches taller than Mary. Tom's a couple inches above Mary. Было вельмі прыгожа. It was very beautiful. It was very pretty. Ці трэба мне пераапрануцца? Do I need to change clothes? Should I dress now? Он это любит. He likes that. He likes it. Чому Том такий впертий? Why's Tom so stubborn? Why is Tom so stubborn? Мені цікаво, чи Том перебірливий у їжі. I wonder whether or not Tom is a picky eater. I wonder if Tom is on his way to food. Як називається цей ресторан? What's the name of that restaurant? What's the name of this restaurant? Том сказав нам, що він не заперечує проти того, щоб це зробити. Tom let us know that he didn't mind doing that. Tom told us he didn't mind doing it. Він мусив поїхати з села. He had to leave the village. He had to leave the village. Вы можете писать на любом языке, котором хотите. В Tatoeba все языки равны. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language you want. In Tatoeba, all languages are equal. Ты нават не спытала мяне, што я хачу зрабіць. You haven't even asked me what I want to do. You didn't even ask me what I wanted to do. Том це робитиме весь день? Will Tom be doing that all day? Is Tom gonna do this all day? Тому не следовало этого делать. Tom ought not do that. So you shouldn't have done that. Посмотрите на того кота. Look at that cat. Look at that cat. Сълѣзи съ воза. Get out of the car. Have some oats. Яка ваша улюблена начинка для піци? What's your favorite pizza topping? What's your favorite pizza stuff? Малайчына! Well done! Oh, my dear! Дом быў пусты, калі не лічыць котку. The house was empty except for a cat. The house was empty if not considered a cat. Я не могу тебе заплатить. I can't pay you. I can't pay you. Я много раз такой видел. I saw one many times. I've seen it many times. Я не хочу, щоб вони це бачили. I don't want them to see this. I don't want them to see it. Мій кіт не любить промокати. My cat doesn't like to get wet. My cat doesn't like to wake up. Ви говорили про це з Томом? Did you talk to Tom about this? Did you talk to Tom about this? Сколько ручек! What a lot of pens! How many pens! Том не неповнолітній. Tom isn't a minor. Tom's not a teenager. Где находится Намибия? Where is Namibia? Where is Namibia? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері повинна це зробити. Tom said he thought that Mary might need to do that. Tom said he thought Mary should do it. Наш поїзд затримується. Our train is late. Our train is delayed. Що ви робите цього вечора? What are you going to do this evening? What are you doing tonight? Том написав кілька кулінарних книжок. Tom has written several cook books. Tom wrote some cuneiform books. Я знал, что Том блефует. I knew Tom was bluffing. I knew Tom was bluffing. Ты в последнее время сама не своя. You haven't been yourself lately. You haven't been your own since. Цыбуля гатуецца хутчэй, ніж бульба. Onions cook more quickly than potatoes. The bulb is languishing faster than the bubble. Банани смачні. A banana is delicious. Bananas are delicious. Котка сядзіць на пісьмовым стале. The cat is sitting on the desk. Cat sits on the writing desk. Я планую залишатися в місті. I plan to stay in the city. I'm planning on staying in the city. Ти виглядаєш втомленим. You're looking tired. You look tired. Ты умный мальчик. You're a bright boy. You're a smart boy. Том качає ігри. Tom is downloading games. Tom's pumping the games. Он опьянел и стал болтлив. He got drunk and became talkative. He's intoxicated and talkin'. Давайте відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Давайте я их позову. Let me call them. Let me get them. Ты не сильно напрягаешься. You don't exert yourself much. You're not under a lot of stress. Я меў шанс яго ўбачыць. I had a chance to see him. I had a chance to see him. Коли я повернулася, моєї машини не було. When I came back, my car was gone. When I returned, there was no car. Це моя бабуся. This is my grandmother. This is my grandmother. Львоўскі гарадскі савет яшчэ раз звяртае ўвагу на лжывую інфармацію адносна намеру забараніць размаўляць у Львове па-руску. The Lvov city council is once more drawing attention to false information regarding the intention to ban speaking Russian in Lvov. The Lviv City Council calls once more attention to false information about intention to protect people from speaking to the Lviv population. Укравший булавку украдёт и корову. He who steals a pin will steal an ox. The stealer's gonna steal the cow. Тому надо поехать с Мэри. Tom has to go with Mary. So we should go with Mary. Том ведь в безопасности? Tom is safe, isn't he? Tom's safe, isn't he? Спустя сколько времени умер Том? How long after that did Tom die? How long ago did Tom die? Поверхня повітряної кулі — неевклідовий простір, тому для неї не виконуються правила евклідової геометрії. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the balloon is an unyielding space, so it does not follow the rules of euclidian geometry. Я кормлю кошку каждый день утром и вечером. I feed my cat every morning and every evening. I feed the cat every day in the morning and in the evening. Я видел, как Мэри выходила из дома. I saw Mary leaving her house. I saw Mary leave the house. Я не люблю спорить. I don't like to make bets. I don't like to argue. Будь ласка, тихенько зачиніть двері. Please close the door quietly. Please close the door quietly. Мері ж не йде? Mary isn't leaving, is she? Mary's not coming, is she? З Томом покінчено. Tom is a goner. Tom's done. Я знаю, что вы рано ушли. I know you left early. I know you left early. Совсем скоро зима. It'll be winter before long. It's all about winter. Мне нужны новые шины. I need new tires. I need new tires. Вы из Токио? Do you come from Tokyo? You from Tokyo? Скажи мне, куда ты ходил. Tell me where you went. Tell me where you went. Ти багато чого пропустила. You missed a lot. You missed a lot. У мяне ўтрая болей грошай, чым у цябе. I have three times as much money as you. I've got lost more money than you. Это не подходит ни под одну категорию. This doesn't fit into any category. This does not fit any category. Обернись назад. Look back. Turn around. Мэри любит пустить пыль в глаза. Mary likes to show off. Mary likes to put dust in her eyes. Миша пройшлася по столу. A mouse went for a walk on the table. Mouse has gone to the table. Для мяне ён загостры. It's too spicy for me. For me he is sharp. Том купив собі нову зубну щітку. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Це не так важко, як тобі здається. It's not as difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think. На столе лежит раскрытая книга. There's a book lying open on the desk. There is an open book on the table. Я думала, що божеволію. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was going crazy. Хтось чекає на нас надворі. There's somebody waiting for us outside. Someone's waiting outside. Тома щось турбує, так? Tom is worried about something, isn't he? Tom is worried about something, isn't he? Я разочарована. I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed. Том оторвал половые доски лапчатым ломом. Tom ripped up the floorboards with a crowbar. Tom cut off the sex boards with a scrap. Эти туфли мои. These shoes are mine. Those shoes are mine. Твой ребёнок может ходить. Your baby can walk. Your baby can walk. Я казала вам не тэлефанаваць мне на работу. I told you not to call me at work. I told you not to call me to work. Ты ответил на вопрос Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Мы ужасно скучаем по Тому. We miss Tom terribly. We miss him so much. Нужда законів не має. Necessity knows no law. There's no law to need. Я, загалом, певен, що не виграю. I'm pretty sure that I won't win. I'm pretty sure I won't win. Це комунізм. This is communism. It's Communism. Я вас люблю і завжди любитиму. I love you and I'll always love you. I love you, and I will always love you. Как твой отец? How's your father? How's your father? Тома знову немає в місті. Tom is out of town again. Tom's not in the city again. Мой сабака часта ляжыць на траве. My dog often lies on the grass. My dog often lies on the grass. Вона розлучилася з ним минулого року. She divorced him last year. She divorced him last year. Я народився у жовтні. I was born in the month of October. I was born in October. Мальчик убежал. The boy ran away. The boy ran away. Ты не знал, что Том и Мэри - родители Джона? Didn't you know Tom and Mary were John's parents? You didn't know Tom and Mary were John's parents? Я запаниковал. I began to panic. I panicked. Вы можете отдать это Тому? Can you give this to Tom? Can you give this to Tom? Немаўля спала ў калысцы. The baby lay sleeping in the cradle. The Germans fell asleep in a quiver. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде соромно. Tom said he thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom said he thought Mary would be ashamed. Я собирался отремонтировать машину. I was going to repair the car. I was gonna fix the car. Я із нетерпінням чекаю на Різдво. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to Christmas. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My open mind is that it's a horrible movie. Пусть твой дядя думает об этом. Let your uncle think about it. Let your uncle think of it. Сколько раз мне тебе говорить, что я не женат? How many times do I have to say I'm not married? How many times do I tell you I'm not married? Ви маєте спробувати ще раз. You have to try again. You have to try again. Будьте ласкаві, зробіть три копії кожної сторінки. Please make three copies of each page. Please make three copies of each page. Австралія — одна з націкавіших країн, у яких я коли-небудь бував. Australia is one of the most interesting countries I've ever visited. Australia is one of the weirdest countries I've ever been to. Я не дуже здивований. I'm not too surprised. I'm not very surprised. Твої ліки готові. Your medicine is ready. Your medicine is ready. Відкрий валізу. Open your suitcase. Open the suitcase. У Тома есть друзья, которые могут ему помочь. Tom has friends who can help him. Tom has friends who can help him. Кнїжка чарна. The book is black. The book's funny. Том отключил будильник и снова уснул. Tom turned off his alarm and went back to sleep. Tom shut off the alarm and fell asleep again. Я хочу присоединиться к тебе. I want to join you. I want to join you. Тому нас не слышно. Tom can't hear us. That's why I can't hear you. Зачем они это сделали? Why did they do that? Why did they do that? З особистих причин. For personal reasons. For personal reasons. Не заставляйте меня делать это снова. Don't make me do it again. Don't make me do it again. Мэри любит зависать с плохими парнями. Mary likes to hang out with the bad boys. Mary likes hanging out with bad guys. Вони занадто великі. They are too big. They're too big. Иногда молния бьёт дважды в одно место. Lightning does sometimes strike the same place twice. Sometimes the lightning hits twice in one place. Я думав, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Том заплатив Мері. Tom paid Mary. Tom paid Mary. Нам пойти? Should we go? Shall we go? Не говори мне, как мне тратить свои деньги. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Том не привык к подобной работе. Tom isn't used to this kind of work. Tom's not used to such a job. Ти куштував рис? Did you try the rice? You tasted rice? Ти за чи проти абортів? Are you for or against abortion? Are you for or against abortion? Том дуже перебірливий у їжі. Tom is very fussy about what he eats. Tom is very hungry. Том вже набрид мені. I have had it with Tom. Tom's too tired of me. Том думает, что я сейчас в Бостоне. Tom thinks that I'm in Boston now. Tom thinks I'm in Boston right now. Вы расстроены? Are you upset? Are you upset? Вам пощастило мати таку добру роботу. You're lucky to have such a good job. You're lucky to have such a good job. Ти не вмієш говорити французькою, правда? You don't speak French, do you? You can't speak French, can you? Том був у своїй спальні. Tom was in his bedroom. Tom was in his bedroom. Том вже скоро йде. Tom is about to go. Tom's on his way. Вьсе бъıло лѣпо възороу. Everything looked nice. You've lost your ass. Дети Тома, должно быть, по нему скучают. Tom's children must miss him. Tom's children must be missing him. Альваро из Венесуэлы. Он венесуэлец. Álvaro is from Venezuela. He is Venezuelan. Alvaro of Venezuela, he's a Venezuelan. Я думаю, тебе надо больше есть. I think you need to eat more. I think you need more. Том — влогер. Tom is a vlogger. Tom is a thief. Не так багато! Not that much! Not much! Я забыл деньги. I forgot my money. I forgot the money. Дай это мне, пожалуйста. Give that to me, please. Give it to me, please. Але ў мяне няма грошаў. But I have no money. But I don't have any money. Я їх пам'ятаю. I remember them. I remember them. Скажи Тому, що я знаю, що відбувається. Tell Tom I know what's going on. Tell him I know what's going on. Я жанаты, і ў мяне двое дзяцей. I am married and have two children. I'm married, and I've got two kids. У меня всё работает. That works for me. I've got it working. Я не хочу идти домой пешком. I don't want to walk home. I don't want to go home on foot. Вы хотите, чтобы она вам помогла? Do you want her to help you? You want her to help you? Як там вийшло, що ти став начальником Тома? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How come you became Tom's boss? Стоудено. It's freezing. It's worth it. Ён гаворыць хутка. He speaks quickly. He speaks quick. Том хочет научиться играть на тромбоне. Tom wants to learn how to play the trombone. Tom wants to learn to play trombo. Ён гуляў у баскетбол. He played basketball. He was playing basketball. Том как белая ворона. Tom sticks out like a sore thumb. Tom's like a white crow. Ваши я вижу, а где мои? I see yours, but where are mine? I see yours, and where is mine? Это решение трудно было принять. It was hard to make this decision. That decision was hard to make. Я люблю гэтую кнігу больш за ўсё. I love this book above all. I love this book most. Кошки в Древнем Египте были священными животными. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Cats in Ancient Egypt were sacred animals. Что бы тебя порадовало? What would make you happy? What would make you feel better? В следующей жизни я хочу родиться смертельным вирусом. In my next life I want to be born as a deadly virus. In my next life, I want to be born with a deadly virus. Том умер полтора года назад. Tom died a year and a half ago. Tom died a year and a half ago. Він швидко розмовляє. He talks fast. He's fast talking. Она сказала, что ей нужны деньги. She said she needed money. She said she needed money. Думаєш, нам слід увійти? Don't you think we ought to go in? Do you think we should go in? Поцілуйте Тома. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Коли вона приїжджає? When does it arrive? When does she arrive? Том не хотів цього. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want that. Я працював. I worked. I worked. Том сказав, що Мері потрібно це зробити. Tom said that Mary needs to do that. Tom said Mary needed to do it. Ви ж не очікуєте, що я співатиму? You're not expecting me to sing, are you? You don't expect me to sing, do you? Хубілай заснаваў дынастыю Юань у 1271 годзе. Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271. Juliane was founded by Yuan’s father - in - law in 1271. В кинотеатре внезапно начался пожар. All of a sudden, a fire broke out in the movie theater. A fire broke out suddenly at the cinema. Я буду с вами работать. I'll work with you. I'll work with you. Я не люблю грязные шутки. I don't like dirty jokes. I don't like dirty jokes. Привет, это я. Не мог бы ты подобрать меня на вокзале? Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station? Hey, it's me, could you pick me up at the station? Пропоную вам зробити це зараз. I suggest that you do that now. I suggest you do it now. Школа виглядає як в'язниця. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Чому саме Том хотів би це зробити? Why exactly would Tom want to do that? Why would Tom want to do that? Она тоже красивая. She's beautiful, too. She's beautiful, too. Не роби цього! Don't do it! Don't do it! Не думаю, что Том знает, куда Мэри хочет поехать. I don't think Tom knows where Mary wants to go. I don't think Tom knows where Mary wants to go. Його дурна відповідь вразила усіх. His stupid answer surprised everybody. His stupid answer impressed everyone. Том мав досить хворобливий вигляд, коли я його бачила востаннє. Tom looked pretty sick the last time saw him. Tom looked pretty sick when I last saw him. Вони замінили вугілля нафтою. They replaced coal with oil. They replaced oil with coal. У нас закінчилося паливо. We ran out of gas. We're out of fuel. Том має для вас сюрприз. Tom has a surprise for you. Tom has a surprise for you. Я ніколи не бачив її до того часу. I had never seen her before that time. I've never seen her before. У меня к тебе есть предложение. I have a suggestion for you. I have an offer for you. Длинные юбки в моде. Long skirts are in fashion. Long shirts in fashion. Ви маєте піти. You must go. You have to leave. Все в шоколаді. All is well. Everything's in chocolate. Ты з Урумчы? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urchi? Тобі не втікти. You can't run away. You can't escape. Николи же пакы ѭ не оувижѭ. Never will I see her again. It's like the packs. Он бегает так же быстро, как ты. He runs as fast as you. He's running as fast as you are. Я не приду. I will not come. I'm not coming. Подними руки! Raise your hands. Put your hands up! Я хочу, щоб ти був моїм другом. I want you to be my friend. I want you to be my friend. Я тебе не бачив цілу вічність. I haven't seen you in ages. I haven't seen you forever. Он был слишком стар, чтобы сопротивляться. He was too old to resist. He was too old to resist. Я щойно закінчив робити домашню роботу. I've just finished my homework. I just finished doing my homework. Ціна на золото змінюється щодня. The price of gold varies from day to day. The price of gold is changing every day. Я ніколи не бачив її такою. I've never seen her like that. I've never seen her like this. Ты промок? Did you get wet? Are you wet? Мы с Томом купили тот дом на Парковой улице. Tom and I bought that house on Park Street. Tom and I bought that house on Park Street. Она постоянно пишет письма. She is constantly writing letters. She always writes letters. Вы могли бы попросить её. You could ask her. You could ask her. Вы что, не понимаете, что происходит? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you know what's going on? Он бы не посмел сделать такое. He would not dare to do such a thing. He wouldn't dare do that. Я задовольняю її вимоги. I meet her demands. I meet her requirements. Математика складна. Math is hard. Math is complicated. Я маю знайти Тома. I must find Tom. I have to find Tom. Ти налякав мене. You've frightened me. You scared me. Вечнага кахання не існуе. Eternal love doesn't exist. Gross love does not exist. Я хачу скідку. I want a discount. I want a scumbag. Ми з Томом п'ємо одне й те саме. Both Tom and I are drinking the same thing. Tom and I drink the same thing. Где ты припарковал машину? Where did you park the car? Where did you park the car? Том вырос в детском доме. Tom grew up in an orphanage. Tom grew up in a children's home. Ничего личного. It's nothing personal. It's nothing personal. Это бы сработало. That would work. That would have worked. Не хочешь пойти с нами? Don't you want to go with us? Do you want to come with us? Он всегда немного раздражителен по утрам. He is always a little irritable in the morning. He's always a little upset about the morning. Ей надоело ждать. She was tired of waiting. She's tired of waiting. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch up with Mary. Я трохи голодний. I'm a little bit hungry. I'm a bit hungry. Моя мать погибла в аварии. My mother was killed in an accident. My mother died in an accident. Мені слід було послухати Тома. I should have listened to Tom. I should have listened to Tom. Гэта новая фатаграфія? Is it a recent picture? Is this a new photograph? Вы действительно хотите выйти за него замуж? Do you really want to marry him? You really want to marry him? Скільки років цим деревам, на вашу думку? How old do you think those trees are? How many years do you think these trees are? "Том, поторопись". — "Я иду!" "Tom, hurry up." "I'm coming!" "Tom, hurry." "I'm coming!" Вы же из Бостона? You're from Boston, aren't you? You're from Boston, aren't you? Я лизнула ложку. I licked the spoon. I slipped into bed. Ты надолго планируешь остаться? Do you plan to stay long? How long are you planning on staying? Том ест лишь белое мясо. Tom only eats white meat. Tom eats only white meat. Что ты делаешь завтра вечером? What're you doing tomorrow night? What are you doing tomorrow night? Она не моя. It is not mine. She's not mine. Постарайтесь сбежать. Try to escape. Try to run. Кому вы продаёте свой автомобиль? Who are you selling your car to? Who are you selling your car? Она втянула его в неприятности. She got him into trouble. She got him into trouble. Скільки в цьому класі хлопців? How many boys are in this class? How many guys in this class? Це мій словник. This dictionary is mine. It's my dictionary. Мері втратила рукавички. Mary lost her mittens. Mary lost her gloves. Я з нецярпеннем чакаю Калядаў. I am looking forward to Christmas. I eagerly look forward to the change. Ці чутки правдиві? Are the rumors true? Are these rumors true? Я додержався свого слова. I kept my word. I did what I said. Дети напуганы. The children are scared. Children are scared. Постарайся не плакати. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Йоко перевела несколько стихотворений с японского на английский. Yoko translated some poems from Japanese into English. Yoko moved a few verses from Japanese to English. Когда-то давно жил жестокий король. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel king. Once upon a time, there was a cruel king. Это моя любимая песня. That's my favorite song. It's my favorite song. Я не був готовий стати батьком. I wasn't ready to be a father. I wasn't ready to be a father. Я вже знала про це. I already knew about this. I already knew about it. Том поставив Мері багато запитань про Австралію. Tom asked Mary many questions about Australia. Tom asked Mary many questions about Australia. Ты когда-нибудь бывал в Бостоне? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Положительные атомные ядра притягивают отрицательные электроны. Positive atomic nuclei attract negative electrons. Positive nuclear kernels attract negative electrons. Ти нестерпна. You're insufferable. You're excruciating. Когда ты уезжаешь? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Ти ніколи не будеш сам. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Вона не шукала кохання. She wasn't looking for love. She wasn't looking for love. Завжди готова. I'm always ready. Always ready. Це не ваша війна. This isn't your fight. It's not your war. Том сказав, що вважає мене харизматичним. Tom said that he thought that I was charismatic. Tom said he thought I was charismatic. Я сделал так много ошибок. I've made so many mistakes. I've made so many mistakes. Навіщо ти говориш із Томом французькою? Why are you speaking French to Tom? Why are you talking to Tom French? Чи це єдине рішення? Is that the only solution? Is that the only solution? Эта ткань пристаёт к твоей коже. This cloth sticks to your skin. That tissue hits your skin. Спаборніцтвы былі адкладзеныя. The athletic meeting was put off. The cooperatives were deferred. Математика — предмет, який я люблю менш за все. Math is my least favorite subject. Math is an object that I love more than anything else. Я трудоголік. I'm a workaholic. I'm a laborer. Дзе мой гадзіннік? Where is my clock? Where's my watch? Том слишком быстро ест. Tom eats too fast. Tom eats too fast. Гарантыя на гэты гадзціннік — на адзін год. They guarantee this clock for a year. The price per head is one year. Где ты купил эти полотенца? Where did you buy these towels? Where did you get these towels? Носії мови підсвідомо слідують правилам своєї мови, навіть не усвідомлючи їх. Native speakers unconsciously follow the rules of their language without even being aware of what they are. Language speakers instinctively follow the rules of their language without even being aware of them. Я потребую політичного притулку. I need political asylum. I need political asylum. Поезд был задержан из-за сильного снега. The train was delayed on account of a heavy snow. The train was arrested because of the heavy snow. Вам не стоило ходить в лес одному. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have been alone in the woods. Мері звинувачувала батьків. Mary blamed her parents. Mary blamed her parents. Молоко скисло. The milk has turned sour. The milk's gone. Нехай він зачекає! Let him wait! He'll wait! Вы меня подвели. You let me down. You let me down. Том не думає, що ми можемо це зробити. Tom doesn't think that we can do that. Tom doesn't think we can do that. Том витерся насухо рушником. Tom dried himself with a towel. Tom's grooved with a towel. Я счастлива, что ты здесь. I'm happy you're here. I'm happy you're here. У тебе відмінний план. Your plan is excellent. You have a great plan. Я сразу тебе скажу: Том не будет знать ответа. I'll tell you right now that Tom won't know the answer. I'll tell you right away, Tom won't know the answer. Я бачыў Джона ў бібліятэцы. I saw John at the library. I saw John in the library. Вона проводить забагато часу в інтернеті. She spends way too much time surfing the web. It spends too much time on the Internet. Шесть идёт перед семью. Six comes before seven. Six goes in front of the family. Глаза девушки были полны слёз. The girl's eyes were filled with tears. The eyes of the girl were filled with tears. У меня четыре брата. I have four brothers. I have four brothers. Мэри не хотела надевать на Хэллоуин откровенный костюм, и поэтому решила одеться как женщина-амиш. Mary didn't want to wear a sexy costume for Halloween so she decided to dress like an Amish woman. Mary didn't want to wear a frank suit on Halloween, so she decided to dress herself like a woman amiss. Том старался как мог, но не смог получить оценку выше, чем у Мэри. Tom did the best he could, but he wasn't able to get a higher grade than Mary. Tom did what he could, but couldn't get an evaluation better than Mary did. Погоубилъ єсмь стьклѣ. I've lost my glasses. You're gonna have to eat one of those bitches. Нема чого боятися. There's no need to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of. Думаеце, гэта магчыма? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think that's possible? Мы всегда можем найти время для чтения. We can always find time for reading. We can always find time to read. Как бы ты объяснил эти слова? How would you explain these words? How would you explain those words? Скажи мне, где я могу её найти. Tell me where I can find it. Tell me where I can find her. Они не могут все быть плохими. They can't all be bad. They can't be all bad. Пуголовки стають жабами. Tadpoles become frogs. Headphones become frogs. Што зараз адбываецца ў Польшы? What's happening now in Poland? What's going on in Poland? Я чув, як вони шепотілися. I heard them whispering. I heard them whisper. Цей будинок знаменитий. That house is famous. This house is famous. Сядьте там. Sit there. Sit there. Вось твой сабака. Here's your dog. Here's your dog. Я никогда никому не причинила вреда. I've never done harm to anyone. I've never hurt anyone. Том відчинив двері? Did Tom open the door? Tom opened the door? Ён увогуле не глядзіць тэлевізар. He doesn't watch TV at all. He doesn't watch television at all. Колись в цій окрузі був художній музей. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. At one time there was an art museum in the district. Почему бы тебе не пойти и убить себя? Why don't you go kill yourself? Why don't you go and kill yourself? Що таке факс? What is a fax? What is fax? Ты мог нам помочь. You could help us. You could've helped us. Том не пытается произвести на вас впечатление. Tom isn't trying to impress you. Tom's not trying to impress you. Про кого ви говорите? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? Ці ты яшчэ заняты? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Том тобі допоможе? Is Tom going to help you? Tom's gonna help you? Хіба ти не чула крик? Didn't you hear a scream? Didn't you hear the scream? Коли подають сніданок? When is the breakfast served? When are breakfast served? Это моя книга? Is that my book? Is that my book? Як там Емілі? How is Emily? How's Emily doing? Она всё время о тебе говорит. She talks about you all the time. She's always talking about you. Сьогодні гарний день. It's a beautiful day. Today is a good day. Калитка была открыта. The gate was open. The cap was opened. Якщо ти не хотіла приходити, треба було щось сказати. If you didn't want to come, you should've said something. If you didn't want to come, I had to say something. Ты штосьці тут згубіў? Did you lose anything here? Have you lost anything here? Кинь Тому м'яч. Toss the ball to Tom. Drop that ball. Вона пишається своїм сином. She prides herself on her son. She's proud of her son. Положите книгу туда. Put the book there. Put the book up there. Забавяли сце ше, агейце. You had some fun, didn't you? (Laughter) (Applause) (Applause) (Applause) Думаю, тобі треба спробувати ще. I think you should try again. I think you should try again. У тебя бирка торчит. Your tag is sticking out. You have a tuft. Спасибо тебе за визит. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for your visit. Увага! Attention! Attention! Державний борг зростає. The national debt is growing. State debt goes up. Том не мав рації щодо цього. Tom is wrong about that. Tom had no objection to that. Я ніколи не жила в Бостоні. I've never lived in Boston. I've never lived in Boston. Раньше мой отец добирался до работы на автобусе. My father used to go to work by bus. My father used to go to work on the bus. Что ты хочешь им сказать? What do you want to say to them? What do you want to tell them? Ты ўжо спаймала таго Аднарога? Have you caught that Unicorn yet? Have you caught that friend already? Ён паехаў на веласіпедзе. He went by bicycle. He drove onto the bike. Ти вважаєш мене божевільною? Do you think that I'm insane? You think I'm crazy? Поѧвъ перо и въспьсалъ мѣстьце. He took the pen and wrote the address. The feather and the mouth of the father. Я не дозволяю спати в класі. I do not allow sleeping in class. I'm not allowed to sleep in class. Ви можете зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do that right now? Том был задержан полицией. Tom was detained by the police. Tom was detained by the police. Что ты хотела сказать? What did you want to say? What did you mean? Я поїду з тобою. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Маєш карту? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Я чув грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Он ещё не сделал этого. He hasn't made it yet. He hasn't done it yet. София - это столица Болгарии. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Я читал. I was reading. I've read it. Сподіваюся, ніхто не вкраде моїх речей. I hope nobody steals my stuff. I hope no one steals my stuff. Я не знаю Вашего имени. I don't know your name. I don't know your name. Оружие не убивает людей. Люди убивают людей. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Weapons don't kill people, people kill people. У меня всё хорошо. I'm OK. I'm fine. Гэта цябе не датычыцца. None of your business. That's none of your business. Я думал, что он невиновен. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Я скажу им, что ты заходила. I'll tell them you came by. I'll tell them you came in. Цей знак означає, що відповідь правильна. The sign means that the answer is correct. This sign means that the answer is correct. Допомога прийшла занадто пізно. Help came too late. Help came too late. Вони не виглядають задоволеними. They don't seem happy. They don't seem content. Я вас целую вечность не видел. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you forever. Мы должны одеться. We have to get dressed. We have to get dressed. Велике дерево впало на дорогу і, коли я їхав, загородило мені шлях. A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove. The big tree fell on the road, and as I drove, it blocked my path. Ти загалом оптиміст, еге ж? You're pretty optimistic, aren't you? You're a general optimist, aren't you? Я вчера весь день занимался. Yesterday, I studied all day. I've been doing it all day. Мне нужно знать всё. I need to know everything. I need to know everything. Я должен посовещаться с коллегами по этому вопросу. I must confer with my colleagues on the matter. I have to speak to colleagues on this matter. Чому поїзд затримується? Why is the train delayed? Why is the train delayed? Якая прыгожая ў цябе сястра! How pretty your sister is! What a beautiful sister you have! Это вошло в привычку. That became a habit. It became a habit. Голод для него был абстрактным понятием; у него всегда было достаточно еды. For him, hunger was an abstract concept. He had always had enough food. His hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough food. Положи это обратно. Put it back. Put it back. Том шутит? Is Tom kidding? Tom's kidding? Колькі разоў на дзень ты глядзішся ў люстра? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times per day do you look at the looking-glass? Не треба так хвилюватися. Don't be that worried. Don't worry about it. Вони твої. They're yours. They're yours. Матэматыка — добры урок. The mathematics class is good. Math is a good lesson. Они живут с тобой? Do they live with you? Do they live with you? Ви їли. You were eating. You ate. Она так и не ответила ему на письмо. She never wrote him back. She never replied to his letter. На піджаку є гудзики. There are buttons on the coat. There's some buttons on the jacket. Я навестил Дэна. I visited Dan. I visited Dan. Вам подобається жовтий колір? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like yellow? Што я табе казала пра тое, што ты еш над клавіятурай? What did I tell you about eating over the keyboard? What did I tell you about the fact that you were eating above the keyboard? Я знаю это наверняка. I know it for sure. I know it for sure. Ты ещё покупаешь лотерейные билеты? Do you still buy lottery tickets? You still buying lottery tickets? Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news really upset her. Как ты попала в мою комнату? How did you get into my room? How did you get into my room? Я сильно запізнився. I was very late. I'm very late. Вам відомо, чий то автомобіль? Do you know whose car that is? Do you know whose car is? Я подорожував сам. I traveled by myself. I've been traveling by myself. Я не наивен. I'm not gullible. I'm not naive. Мой дом находится недалеко отсюда. My house isn't far from here. My house is not far from here. Ти колись стриг вівцю? Have you ever sheared a sheep? You ever cut a sheep? Я виправ сорочку. I washed my shirt. I'll fix my shirt. Это для моего друга. It's for a friend of mine. It's for my friend. Том сказав мені, що я марную його час. Tom told me I was wasting his time. Tom told me I was wasting his time. Я отремонтировал ему радио. I've fixed the radio for him. I renovated his radio. Хто тебе пам'ятатиме? Who will remember you? Who will remember you? Том не хоче там бути. Tom doesn't want to be there. Tom doesn't want to be there. Мені подобаються торти. I like cake. I like cakes. Це була спокійна ніч. It was a quiet night. It was a quiet night. Ты когда-нибудь сосал? Have you ever sucked a penis? Have you ever salted? Том ше фолира же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom, he's rich. Я купив книжку англійською мовою, але мені було важко її зрозуміти. I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand. I bought a book in English, but I found it hard to understand. Я знав, що ти не захочеш зробити це. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. Нам не страшно. We're not afraid. We're not scared. Мені подобається пити. I like to drink. I like to drink. Які фрукт жоўты? Which fruit is yellow? What kind of fruit is yellow? Том иногда смотрит телевизор. Tom sometimes watches TV. Tom sometimes watches TV. Мені здається, Том не поїхав до Бостона. I think Tom didn't go to Boston. I don't think Tom went to Boston. Якби ти їв менше гамбургерів, то, ймовірно, був би здоровішим. If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier. If you ate less hamburgers, you might be healthier. Цей велосипед не належить Тому. This bicycle isn't Tom's. This bicycle doesn't belong to Tom. Я купив нову швейну машинку. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. Я сказав Мері французькою мовою, що я її кохаю. I told Mary I loved her in French. I told Mary in French that I loved her. Этого, вероятно, не произошло. That probably didn't happen. That probably didn't happen. В воде нет калорий. Water has no calories. There's no calorie in the water. Его сумка была сильно повреждена. His bag was badly damaged. His bag was severely damaged. Я думал, что Том, может быть, знает Мэри. I thought Tom might know Mary. I thought Tom might know Mary. Саме Том познайомив мене з моєю дружиною. Tom was the one who introduced me to my wife. Tom introduced me to my wife. Мені потрібно переодягнутися. I have to change. I need to change my clothes. Я теж не зайнятий. I'm not busy either. I'm not busy either. Ты забіла іх. You killed them. You killed them. Том купил Мэри кольцо. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Я геть не хочу їсти. I don't feel like eating at all. I don't want to eat. Дзе вы так добра вывучылі чэшскую? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn the Czech so well? Подождите, пока я просмотрю рукопись. Wait until I look this manuscript over. Wait till I take a look at the manuscript. Яка мета вашої поїздки? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? Я бы хотел, чтобы вы перевели это на французский. I'd like you to translate this into French. I'd like you to translate it into French. Чому ти не готуєш? Why aren't you cooking? Why aren't you cooking? Рана ці позна ён пашкадуе аб гэтым. He will regret it sooner or later. He'll complain about it sooner or later. Не виключайте цього повністю. Don't rule it out completely. Do not rule out it completely. Я почула грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. У меня есть кое-что для Тома. I've got something for Tom. I have something for Tom. Ты не мог бы занять мне $20? Я верну в следующий понедельник. Can you lend me $20? I'll pay you back next Monday. You can't take me $20, I'll get back the next Monday. Том порізався. Tom cut himself. Tom cut up. Я дуже жадібна. I'm very greedy. I'm very greedy. Том — власник кафе, що спеціалізується на морозиві. Tom is an ice cream shop owner. Tom owns a cafe specializing in ice cream. Мені цей не подобається. I don't like this one. I don't like it. Том сел прямо передо мной. Tom sat right in front of me. Tom sat right in front of me. Вы китайцы? Are you Chinese? Are you Chinese? Я из тех девушек, которые больше дружат с парнями. I'm that kind of girls who get on with boys better. I'm one of those girls who are more of a friend of the guys. Ти обідаєш? Are you eating lunch? Are you having dinner? Том знав, що ось-ось станеться щось погане. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Кнїжка кафова. The book is brown. The kafa book. Ему пришлось жить в одной комнате с братом. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to live in one room with his brother. Турецька літера Ğ та іспанська H потайки одружилися, й було в них багато абсолютно німих дітей. A Turkish soft G and a Spanish H eloped and had lots of completely silent children together. The Turkish letter ? and Spanish H in secret were married, and they had many completely mute children. Конечно, это не так. Of course, it's not true. Of course it's not. Тебе звонят. There's a call for you. You're being called. Не думаю, что Том понял, что ему нужно делать. I don't think Tom understood what he needed to do. I don't think Tom understood what he had to do. Том говорит, что он её исправит. Tom says he'll correct it. Tom says he'll fix her. В чём заключается ваша самая сильная сторона? What is your greatest strength? What is your strongest side? Мого гаманця вкрали. I had my wallet stolen. My wallet was stolen. Вы любите свою страну? Do you love your country? Do you love your country? Это яблоко гнилое. This apple is bad. It's an apple rot. Том знає, що Мері любить Джона. Tom knows that Mary loves John. Tom knows Mary loves John. Ни Том, ни Мэри не будут этого делать. Neither Tom nor Mary will do that. Not Tom, nor Mary will do it. Я не имбецил. I'm not an imbecile. I didn't imbecile. Том надіслав Мері повідомлення. Tom sent Mary a message. Tom sent a message to Mary. Швидкість, з якою я можу працювати, має межі. I can only work so fast. The speed I can work with has limits. Я даручыла сямейны бюджэт жонцы. I entrusted my wife with the family finances. I gave the wife's family budget. Самі зацікавіўся ісламам. Sami became interested in Islam. Islam itself became interested. У Мэри цветок в волосах. Mary has a flower in her hair. Mary's got hairy flowers. Я хотел бы ещё раз с ней поговорить. I'd like to speak to her again. I'd like to talk to her again. Прысягнуў ты, дзіцятка, — дык дабудзь жа ты мне цяпер гэткай вадзіцы, пашукай, прынясі, карэньчыкі мае бедныя падлі… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… Riddled thou, child; so shalt thou now bear me that water, search, princess, crowns my poor mean... Можна тебе про щось попросити? Can I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Том, тебе звонят. Tom, there's a call for you. Tom, you're being called. Кнїжка белава. The book is blue. White book. Том будет в эти выходные работать. Tom will be working this weekend. Tom will work this weekend. Мільёны людзей ва ўсім свеце аплакваюць смерць Нэльсана Мандэлы. Millions of people across the world are mourning the death of Nelson Mandela. Millions of people around the world cry for Nelson's death. Мать была занята готовкой ужина. My mother was busy cooking the dinner. Mother was busy cooking dinner. Том не хотел быть стукачом. Tom didn't want to be a snitch. Tom didn't want to be a knocker. Вона була біла. It was white. She was white. Яго рукі былі пустыя. His hands were empty. His hands were empty. У мене немає грошей. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Я хотів би замовити бутерброд. I would like to order a sandwich. I'd like to order a sandwich. Том та Мері обоє будуть там. Tom and Mary will both be there. Tom and Mary both will be there. Мой сябар ходзіць у бібліятэку займацца. My friend goes to the library to study. My friend goes into the library to do. Можа, што-небудзь выпіць? Do you want something to drink? Can I have something to drink? Вижѭ Ѳома сѧ гноушаѥть моѥго пьса. I think Tom hates my dog. Higging gnosza with my mug. Том сів біля вікна. Tom sat near the window. Tom sat by the window. Ну что ты на меня смотришь? Why are you looking at me? What are you looking at me for? Вживання риби корисно для твого здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. Fish use is beneficial to your health. Ідіть обидві нахуй! Fuck both of you! Fuck both of you! Том — єдиний чоловік у комітеті. Tom is the only man on the committee. Tom is the only man on the committee. Я исправил ошибку. I've corrected the mistake. I fixed the mistake. Просто не зникайте. Just don't disappear. Just don't disappear. Тоні размаўляе па-англійску лепей за мяне. Tony speaks English better than I do. Tony speaks English better than I do. Эдуардо моложе, чем Роберто. Eduardo is younger than Roberto. Eduardo's younger than Roberto. Вимкни мобільний, будьласка. Turn off your cell phone, please. Turn off your cell phone, please. Обещаешь? Do you promise? Promise? Тебе следует оставаться наверху. You should stay upstairs. You should stay up there. Вони полетіли в Європу. They left for Europe by air. They flew to Europe. Том радий, що має роботу. Tom is happy to have a job. Tom is glad he's got a job. Весь день ішов сильний дощ. It rained hard all day. It was raining all day. Я вже достатньо зробив. I've already done enough. I've already done enough. Чи є якась проблема? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? Мы с Вами оба знаем, что этого не будет. You and I both know that's not going to happen. You and I both know that's not gonna happen. Начало истории было интересным. The beginning of the story was interesting. The beginning of the story was interesting. Він часто спізнюється. He often comes late. He's often late. Мені скоро тридцять. I'm turning thirty. I'll be thirty soon. Старому вже за дев'яносто. The old man is above ninety. The old man's already over ninety. Дайте мне немного времени, чтобы это обдумать. Give me a little time to think it over. Give me some time to think through. Завтра будет сильный снегопад. Tomorrow there will be a big snowfall. There's going to be a big snowfall tomorrow. Пожалуйста, выключите радио. Please turn off the radio. Please turn off the radio. Не заплющуйте очі. Don't shut your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Як нам вырашыць гэту сітуацыю? How do we get out of this situation? How can we solve this situation? Интересно, выйдет ли она за него замуж. I wonder if she will marry him. I wonder if she'll marry him. Моя сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. My sister doesn't do it right now. Они обнаружили на снегу медвежьи следы. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found bear tracks on the snow. Том живий? Is Tom alive? Is Tom alive? Це брехня. That's a fib. That's a lie. Ён вывучаў электрамеханіку і будызм у мясцовым універсітэце. He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at the local university. He learned electric technology and was building in the local university. Я вывучаю казахскую мову. I am learning Kazakh. I learn Kazakh. Я не знал, что ты здесь. I didn't know you were here. I didn't know you were here. Если вы устали — спите! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, sleep! На голові у батька сидить птах. There's a bird on my dad's head. A bird sits on his father's head. Я хотів би мати такий як цей фотоапарат. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to have a camera like that. Том не дуже гарний. Tom isn't very good-looking. Tom's not very good. Поспехам ён быў абавязаны як сваім здольнасцям, так і працавітасці. He owed his success to both ability and industry. Good luck, he was indebted to both his ability and his skill. Том забыл отпустить тормоза. Tom forgot to release the brake. Tom forgot to let go of the brakes. Можете купити шампунь? Can you buy shampoo? Can you buy a shampoo? Том витріщився на Мері. Tom stared at Mary. Tom was staring at Mary. Я шчаслівы. I am happy. I'm happy. Она говорит, что хочет остепениться. She says she wants to settle down. She says she wants to cool down. Посадите дерево вон там. Plant a tree over here. Get the tree over there. Японец никогда бы не сделал такого. A Japanese would never do such a thing. The Japanese would never do that. Том бився? Did Tom fight? Did Tom fight? Я должен это починить. I must fix it. I have to fix it. Том не захотел ехать. Tom didn't want to go. Tom didn't want to go. Вона випила кави. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. Она постоянно жаловалась, что не осталось денег. She complained continually that there was no money left. She was always complaining that she didn't have any money left. Том ніколи не думав, що Мері може завдати йому біль. Tom never thought Mary would hurt him. Tom never thought Mary could hurt him. Тому не потрібно вставати рано. Tom doesn't have to get up early. So you don't have to get up early. У Канадзе размаўляюць на англійскай. English is spoken in Canada. In Canada they speak in English. Том — добрий лікар. Tom is a good doctor. Tom is a good doctor. Ти - прекрасний метелик. You are a beautiful butterfly. You're a beautiful butterfly. Тобі потрібно бути терплячішою. You must be more patient. You need to be more patient. Она казалась совершенно спокойной. She seemed perfectly calm. She seemed completely calm. К сожалению, эта книга вся распродана. Sorry, the book is out of stock. Unfortunately, this book is all spoiled. Якщо ти поквапишся, ти все ще можеш встигнути на потяг. If you hurry you can still make the train. If you're gonna hurry up, you can still make it on the train. Мій батько ходить на прогулянку щодня. My father takes a walk every day. My father walks every day. Врач сказал, что Тому нужна операция. The doctor said Tom needed an operation. The doctor said he needed surgery. Можно я сама? Can I do it myself? Can I do it myself? Ты всегда был таким эгоистом? Have you always been so selfish? You've always been so selfish? Што ты робіш? What're you doing? What are you doing? Якого вона кольору? What colour is it? What color is it? Присутність усіх членів обов'язкова. Presence of all members is obligatory. All members are required to attend. Мені треба йти. I need to go. I have to go. Гадаю, Тому не слід цим займатися. I think Tom shouldn't do that. I don't think so. Где я могу вымыть руки? Where can I wash my hands? Where can I wash my hands? У вас уже есть дети? Do you have children already? Do you have any children yet? У нас много денег. We've got plenty of money. We have a lot of money. Том доставит сообщение. Tom will deliver the message. Tom will deliver the message. Это самая вкусная груша из всех, которые я ел. This is the best tasting pear I've ever eaten. It's the most delicious pear I ever ate. Том упрямствует. Tom is being stubborn. Tom's obstinate. Дякую, що розповів мені правду. Thanks for telling me the truth. Thank you for telling me the truth. Складно висловлювати свої думки англійською. It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English. It's hard to put your thoughts in English. Яны былі маімі сяброўкамі. They were my friends. They were my friends. Ти не потрібен. You aren't needed. You don't need it. Давайте ей позвоним. Let's call her. Let's call her. Ты должен сегодня выиграть. You've got to win today. You have to win tonight. Серебро стоит не так дорого, как золото. Silver doesn't cost as much as gold. The silver isn't as expensive as gold. Я впустив кота. I let in the cat. I let the cat in. Ось моя картка. Here's my card. Here's my card. Том приймає ліки. Tom is on medication. Tom takes the medication. Всі посміхаються однією і тією ж мовою. Everyone smiles in the same language. Everyone smiles in the same language. Давай я цябе пацалую. Let me kiss you. Let me kiss you. Том гораздо выше вас. Tom is much taller than you are. Tom is much higher than you are. Скільки, на вашу думку, він коштував? How much do you think it cost? How much do you think he was worth? Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Мы должны подождать его. We have to wait for him. We have to wait for him. Мати Фадля одружилася вдруге. Fadil's mother remarried. Fai’s mother was married a second time. Том помер за дивних обставин. Tom died in strange circumstances. Tom died under strange circumstances. Мне очень нравится китайская пища. I like Chinese food a lot. I really like Chinese food. Мы планируем ограбление. We're planning a robbery. We're planning a robbery. Все засмеялись, кроме него. Everyone laughed except him. Everyone laughed except him. Сегодня не холодно. It's not cold today. It's not cold today. Том мав зачекати. Tom had to wait. Tom should have waited. Том слишком много смотрит телевизор. Tom watches too much TV. Tom's watching TV too much. Помаранче помаранчецове. The orange is orange. Orange oranges. Том хотів бути героєм. Tom wanted to be a hero. Tom wanted to be a hero. Вона боїться поїхати за кордон. She's afraid of going abroad. She's afraid to go abroad. Думаю, что настало время мне сменить работу. I think it's time for me to change jobs. I think it's time for me to change my job. Гэта не Том. That is not Tom. That's not Tom. У нас шмат снегу зімой. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We've got a lot of winter snow. Как поживаете? How's life? How are you? Жена часто звонит мне, когда ездит за границу. My wife often rings me up, while she travels abroad. My wife often calls me when she goes abroad. Пожалуйста, стучите, прежде чем войти. Please knock before you come in. Please knock before you come in. Я настаўнік французскай мовы. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Том заслуговує на нашу поагу. Tom deserves our respect. Tom deserves our treat. Мері сказала, що боїться. Mary said she was afraid. Mary said she was afraid. Ти мала трохи хворобливий вигляд. You looked a bit sick. You looked a little sick. Вы можете говорить по-французски, как он? Can you speak French like him? Can you speak French? Как бы вы себя чувствовали, если бы с вами так кто-нибудь поступил? How would you feel if someone did that to you? How would you feel if someone did that to you? Ви щось казали Тому? Did you say anything to Tom? Did you say something to Tom? Цяпер я ваша начальніца. I'm now your boss. I'm your boss now. Она думала, что я её подведу. She thought that I'd let her down. She thought I'd let her down. Он похож на Джонни Деппа. He looks like Johnny Depp. He looks like Johnny Depp. Любляна - столица Словении. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Это хорошие новости. This is good news. That's good news. Витри очі. Dry your eyes. Remove your eyes. Я надеюсь, что увижу его в понедельник. I expect that I will see him on Monday. I hope I see him on Monday. Я інколи роблю це після уроків. I do that after school sometimes. I do it sometimes after school. Здесь что-то не так. There's something wrong. There's something wrong here. Том - наш самый лучший пилот. Tom is our best pilot. Tom is our best pilot. Полиция действительно кого-то арестовала. The police did arrest someone. The police actually arrested someone. Это печенье я испёк для тебя. I baked these cookies for you. It's my cookie for you. Саме ти сказав, що я мушу це зробити. You're the one who said I should to that. That's what you said I had to do. Можаш гаварыць па-кітайску. Лілі мне перакладзе. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You may speak Chinese for yourself. Я даже имени твоего не знал. I didn't even know your name. I didn't even know your name. Я в захваті. I'm excited. I'm thrilled. Я не знал, какое покупать. I didn't know which one to buy. I didn't know what to buy. Тут поблизости есть аптека? Is there a drugstore nearby? Is there a pharmacist around here? Она сказала, что не хочет спать. She said she didn't want to sleep. She said she didn't want to sleep. Как вам Том? What do you think of Tom? What do you think of Tom? Они не могут сбежать. They can't escape. They can't escape. Ты больше не ребенок. You're not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Я думаю, что не может быть никакой другой причины, кроме этой. I think it can be no other reason but that. I think there can be no other reason than this one. Том сподівається, що Мері відвідає Австралію. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Tom expects Mary to visit Australia. А зараз спробуйте це. Now try it. Now try this. Я знал, что делают Джексоны. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. I knew what Jacksons were doing. Перестаньте петь. Stop singing. Stop singing. У нього великі блакитні очі. He has large blue eyes. He's got big blue eyes. Ви можете попросити Тома про допомогу. You can ask Tom for help. You can ask Tom for help. Я аж ніяк не можу зробити це один. I can't possibly do that alone. I can't do it alone. Я не хочу помирати. I don't want to die! I don't want to die. Саме це ти й маєш зробити. This is what you have to do. That's what you have to do. Сьогодні ввечері буде йти сніг? Is it going to snow tonight? Tonight will be snow? Будешь платить наличными? Will you pay cash? Are you going to pay in cash? Я была ў цырульні. I visited the hairdresser. I was in a cigarette. Машина застряла в грязи. The car was stuck in the mud. The car was stuck in the dirt. Она не могла не думать о Томе. She could not help but think about Tom. She couldn't help thinking about Tom. Дай Боже добри вечар! May God give us a good evening! Give God a good evening! Це була добра промова. That was a good speech. That was a good talk. Ти приніс каву? Did you bring coffee? You brought coffee? Дабранач, Цімі. Sleep well, Timmy. Goodnight, Timi. Я знал, что вы не захотите этого делать. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. Том — один з тих, з цим я граю у волейбол. Tom is one of the guys I play volleyball with. Tom is one of those, and I'm playing volleyball. Тебе надо рассказать полиции о том, что ты видел. You have to tell the police what you saw. You need to tell the police about what you saw. Один із них каже неправду. One of them is lying. One of them speaks a lie. Пешком идти далеко! Давайте поедем на машине. It's far to go by feet! Let's take the car. Let's go on foot, let's go in the car. У нас всего три правила. We have only three rules. We've only got three rules. Я не хотел беспокоить его. I didn't want to worry him. I didn't want to bother him. Вы сумны. You're sad. You are sad. Том сразу же согласился заплатить выкуп. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Яна сапраўды разумная, праўда? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really clever, right? Нет шансов. No way. No chance. Том почувається краще. Tom is feeling better. Tom feels better. Стався добре до кота, будь ласка. Please treat the cat well. Be good to the cat, please. У хлопців все добре. The boys are fine. The boys are fine. Не обращайте на них внимания. Ignore them. Don't pay attention to them. Я не буду пытаться тебя убедить. I won't try to persuade you. I'm not trying to convince you. На щастя, ніхто не намокнув. Luckily nobody got wet. Fortunately, no one squirted. Повернися до своєї кімнати. Return to your room. Go back to your room. Мэри забыла запереть машину. Mary forgot to lock her car. Mary forgot to lock the car. Хіба ты не начальніца? Aren't you the boss? Aren't you the boss? Яго Макароннасць, Лятаючы Макаронны Монстр, — абсалютная істына Сусвету. His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the ultimate truth in the universe. His Makronicity,Shaving with the Macronin Monster, is the absolute wildest of the universe. Ходімо зараз. А то запізнимось. Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go now, or we'll be late. Я більше не хвора. I'm not sick anymore. I'm not sick anymore. Том примусив себе це зробити. Tom forced himself to do that. Tom made himself do it. Слоновьи бивни сделаны из слоновой кости. Elephant tusks are made out of ivory. Elephant fleas are made of ivory. Скажы яму, што я іду. Tell him I'm coming. Tell him I'm coming. Будь ласка, напишіть своє ім'я олівцем. Write down your name with a pencil, please. Please write your name with a pencil. Слід було працювати старанніше. You should have worked harder. I had to work harder. Поезд сошёл с рельсов. The train was derailed. The train got off the rails.