Вы знали его лучше, чем я. You knew him better than I did. You knew him better than I did. Ви плануєте орендувати авто? Do you plan to rent a car? Are you planning on renting a car? Том сказав, що Мері в порядку. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom said Mary was okay. Наконец, ей это удалось. Finally, she succeeded. Finally, she succeeded. Я хочу поделиться этим с вами. I want to share this with you. I want to share it with you. Я знаю, что это невозможно. I know it's not possible. I know it's impossible. Місто має багато високих будівель. That town has many tall buildings. The city has many high buildings. Том думає, що Мері виснажена. Tom thinks Mary is exhausted. Tom thinks Mary's exhausted. Постарайтесь не беспокоиться за нас. Try not to worry about us. Try not to worry about us. Думаю, Том мне лгал. I think Tom was lying to me. I think Tom lied to me. Юмі — одна з моїй подруг. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumie is one of my girlfriends. Я проста дівчина. I'm a simple girl. I'm just a girl. Том був у Бостоні кілька разів. Tom has been to Boston a couple of times. Tom was in Boston several times. Він пише книги. He writes books. He writes books. Том — серфер. Tom is a surfer. Tom's a serfer. Том вийшов із кухні. Tom walked out of the kitchen. Tom left the kitchen. Это всего лишь деньги. It's only money. It's just money. Перепрошую, що вас турбую. Sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. Давай більше про це не говорити. Let's not talk about it any more. Let's not talk about it anymore. Как думаете, на кого из родителей Вы похожи? Which of your parents do you think you look like? Which parent do you think you're like? У маладосці прэзідэнт быў фермерам. The president was a farmer when he was young. The president was a farmer in his youth. Месяцавую санату напісаў Бетховен. Moonlight Sonata was composed by Beethoven. The month-to-day session was written by Beethoven. Я не знаю жодного з хлопців. I don't know either boy. I don't know any of the guys. Мы ещё не знаем побочных эффектов этого лекарства. We don't yet know the side effects of the drug. We don't know the side effects of this drug yet. Я розчарував Тома. I disappointed Tom. I disappointed Tom. Наш учитель бував у Німеччині? Has our teacher been to Germany? Our teacher was in Germany? Гэта дрэнны пераклад. That's a bad translation. This is a bad translation. Погода покращилася. The weather has improved. The weather has improved. Ти повинен знати сам себе. You should know yourself. You should know yourself. Это происходит только иногда. That only happens occasionally. It only happens sometimes. Я не твой сябар. I'm not your friend. I'm not your friend. Просто не турбуйся. Just don't worry. Just don't worry. Спасибо, что взяли его на рыбалку. Thanks for taking him fishing. Thank you for taking him fishing. Ти повинен перестати допомогати Мері. You must stop helping Mary. You have to stop helping Mary. А єсмь ѹжє старъ а вьсѣхъ рѧдъ нє могѫ ѹжє рѧдити. I am now old and I cannot manage all things. And there's a little bit of an old girl, and you've got a little bit of an old girl. Я ни одну из них не хочу. I don't want either of them. I don't want any of them. Я палестинець. I'm Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. Малоймовірно, що Том забуде, як це робиться. Tom is unlikely to forget how to do that. It is unlikely that Tom will forget how it is done. Это важно? Is it important? Does that matter? Як мені потрапити на інший бік? How do I get to the other side? How can I get on the other side? Він може поцупити будь-що. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He can steal anything. Том купил ковбойские сапоги. Tom bought a pair of cowboy boots. Tom bought cowboy boots. Ось що тобі насправді треба зробити. That's what you really need to do. That's what you really need to do. Дай мне денег. Give me some money. Give me the money. Я ненавиджу своїх батьків. I hate my parents. I hate my parents. Амнезія означає "втрата пам'яті". Amnesia means "loss of memory". Amnesia means "lost memory." Это раз плюнуть. That's dead easy. It's time to spit. Я всё испортил. I ruined everything. I ruined it. Почему ты хочешь пойти со мной? Why do you want to come with me? Why do you want to come with me? Это Том мне купил. Tom bought this for me. It's Tom who bought me. Мой бацька любіць моцную каву. My father likes strong coffee. My father likes strong coffee. Ты меня не представишь? Aren't you going to introduce me? You won't introduce me? Я должен доложить об этом Тому. I must report this to Tom. I have to report it to Tom. У Вас есть какое-нибудь мнение? Do you have an opinion? Do you have any opinion? Я хочу знать, где это. I want to know where it is. I want to know where it is. Я слышал, что женщине труднее доставить удовольствие, чем мужчине. Мне интересно, правда ли это. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I heard it's harder for a woman to bring pleasure than a man, and I wonder if it's true. Она в солнцезащитных очках. She's wearing sunglasses. She's in sunglasses. Французский не так сложен. French isn't that hard. It's not that French. Я видел, что ты смотришь на Тома. I saw you looking at Tom. I saw you looking at Tom. Я забылася на твой нумар тэлефону. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your phone number. Том нёс околесицу. Tom was talking nonsense. Tom was wearing an eyebrowse. Де знаходиться Бостон? Where's Boston? Where is Boston? Я почти уверен, что Том и Мэри не пьют пива. I'm pretty sure Tom and Mary don't drink beer. I'm pretty sure Tom and Mary don't drink beer. Том говорил о школе. Tom talked about school. Tom was talking about school. Я знаю это наверняка. I know it for sure. I know that for sure. Я убедила своего брата принять участие. I persuaded my brother to participate. I convinced my brother to participate. Хіба ти не згодна, що це погана ідея? Don't you agree that that's a bad idea? Don't you agree that this is a bad idea? Я знаю, что Тому надо было делать. I know what Tom had to do. I know what he had to do. Мені здається, вам хтось телефонує. I think that somebody is calling you. I think someone's calling you. Дядько — це брат твого батька чи мати. An uncle is a brother of your father or your mother. The uncle is your father’s or mother’s brother. Почему вы сердитесь на Тома? Why are you angry with Tom? Why are you angry with Tom? Том пришёл вчера. Tom came yesterday. Tom came in yesterday. Я боюся землетрусів. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Не орите на меня. Don't yell at me. Don't hit me. Остало там дакус меса. There was some meat left over. There's a bit of Mass left. Сколько денег вы нам должны? How much money do you owe us? How much money do you owe us? Ти повинен врятувати Тома. You must save Tom. You must save Tom. Це лише збіг обставин? Is that just a coincidence? Is that just coincidence? Ти бачив Тома сьогодні вранці? Have you seen Tom this morning? Did you see Tom this morning? Це справа принципу. It's a matter of principle. It's a matter of principle. Мэри большую часть жизни работала. Mary worked most of her life. Mary's been working most of her life. Вам страшно, Томе? Are you frightened, Tom? Are you scared, Tom? Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know that Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom couldn't speak French? Простите, что сделал это без вас. I'm sorry that I did that without you. I'm sorry I did it without you. Я проста не веру табе. I just don't trust you. I just don't believe thee. Том не так умён, как ты. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. Том сидів. Tom is an ex-convict. Tom's sitting. Хто піде зі мною? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Тому всё ещё нравится Бостон? Does Tom still like Boston? That's why Boston still likes it? Ничто так не расслабляет, как горячая ванна. There is nothing as relaxing as lying in a hot bath. Nothing relaxes like a hot bath. Хто ваш батько за фахом? What's your father do? Who's your father's professional? Звідки Лорі? Where is Laurie from? Where'd Laurie come from? Позвольте им вам помочь. Let them help you. Let me help you. Не повторюй того, що я тобі сказав. Don't repeat what I've told you. Don't repeat what I told you. Я знаю, що Том дотепний. I know that Tom is witty. I know Tom's funny. Які саме цукерки тобі подобаються? What kind of candy do you like? What kind of candy do you like? Я збираюся стати батьком. I'm going to be a father. I'm gonna be a father. Я шукаю тебе. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Мері в саду? Is Mary in the garden? Mary in the garden? Я всё про вас слышала. I've heard all about you. I heard all about you. Они нравятся Тому. Tom likes them. That's why they like it. Гадаваць дзіцё — цяжкая праца. Bringing up a baby is hard work. Feeding is a hard work. Том выпустил ещё одну книгу. Tom has published another book. Tom released another book. Я чылійка ад нараджэння і з гонарам размаўляю на іспанскай. I'm a native Chilean, and proud Spanish speaker. I speak Spanish after birth and with honour. Я провалился на экзамене. I failed the exam. I failed at the exam. Я поменялся с Томом местами. I exchanged seats with Tom. I changed places with Tom. Я знала, що ви не забудете Тома. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. I knew you would not forget Tom. Мне звонила твоя учительница. Your teacher called me. Your teacher called me. Це не мої ідеї. These are not my ideas. These aren't my ideas. Сколько у вас времени? How long do you have? How much time do you have? Том — математик. Tom is a mathematician. Tom is a mathematician. Я недавно написал Тому, но он ещё не ответил. I wrote to Tom a while ago, but he hasn't replied yet. I just wrote Tom, but he hasn't yet answered. Том розсердився з-за того, що сказала Мері. Tom got angry because of what Mary said. Tom was angry about what Mary said. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt Tom's coming. Скажи мені, що я маю сказати, і я це скажу. Tell me what I'm supposed to say, and I'll say it. Tell me what I'm supposed to say, and I'll tell you that. Том стонал. Tom was moaning. Tom's a stable. Я не знал, что вы тоже придёте. I didn't know you'd come, too. I didn't know you'd come too. У мене є морська свинка. I have a guinea pig. I've got a pig. Я ненавиджу ту фотографію. I hate that picture. I hate that picture. Том перерізав собі горло. Tom slit his own throat. Tom cut his throat. Мужчине столько лет, на сколько он себя чувствует, а женщине - на сколько она выглядит. A man is as old as he feels and a woman as old as she looks. Men are as old as they feel, and women as she looks. Калі «у кожнага правіла ёсць хоць адно выключэнне»—гэта правіла, то хаця б у аднаго правіла няма выключэнняў. If "every rule has at least one exception" is a rule, then at least one rule has no exception. If "every rule has no exception" -- it is a rule, at least one rule; however, there is no exception. Ви нагодували собаку? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed a dog? Ідзіце за мной. Follow me. Follow me. Це складне запитання. It's a difficult question. It's a complicated question. У цывілізованай Еўропе быкоў дагэтуль катуюць і забіваюць дзеля забавы. In civilized Europe, bulls are still tortured and killed for fun. In civilized Europe bulls do torture and kill for fun. Я підписав чек. I signed the check. I signed the check. Хтось телефонує. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Я сильнее, чем ты. I'm stronger than you. I'm stronger than you. Бетти убила свою мать. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her mother. Я знаком с твоим отцом. I am acquainted with your father. I know your father. Том составил список мест, которые он хотел бы посетить. Tom made a list of places he wanted to visit. Tom has set up a list of places he would like to visit. Може, якось іншим разом. Some other time perhaps. Maybe another time. Я демократ. I'm a Democrat. I'm a democracy. Я щойно вивчила нове слово. I just learned a new word. I just learned a new word. Я хотів його тобі показати. I wanted to show it to you. I wanted to show it to you. Ти француженка чи англійка? Are you French or English? Are you French or English? В комнате было так темно, что мне пришлось пробираться ощупью. It was so dark I had to feel my way around the room. It was so dark in the room that I had to get through my senses. Паспрабуйце яшчэ раз. Try again. Try again. На столі стоїть вентилятор. There's a fan on the desk. There's a fan on the table. Чи можу вам чимось допомогти, пані? May I help you ma'am? Can I help you, lady? Это очень просто. This is really easy. It's very simple. Он думает, что я её люблю. He thinks I'm in love with her. He thinks I love her. Ты всегда такой романтичный. You're always so romantic. You're always so romantic. Они пытались скрыть своё беспокойство. They tried to hide their anxiety. They tried to hide their concerns. Ты каждый день плаваешь? Do you swim every day? Do you swim every day? Здається, він не вміє плавати. He seems unable to swim. I don't think he can swim. Я знаю, где вы прячете свои деньги. I know where you hide your money. I know where you hide your money. Я хочу ту ляльку! I want that doll! I want that doll! Не слишком ли солёное? Does it have too much salt? Isn't it too salty? Том має добрі манери. Tom has good manners. Tom has good manners. Можеш мене навчити, як це робиться? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how to do this? Я видел, как вы за ними следили. I saw you spying on them. I saw you watching them. Мені дуже не вистачає грошей. I'm very short of money. I don't have enough money. Вы такие нетерпеливые. You're so impatient. You're so impatient. Она знала, что не права. She knew she was wrong. She knew she was wrong. Она любит смотреть телевизор. She likes to watch television. She likes watching TV. Дайте мені дві хвилини. Give me two minutes. Give me two minutes. Давайте ближе к делу. Let's get to the point. Let's get closer to the case. Я прийшов сюди, щоб побути одному. I came here to be alone. I came here to be alone. Я хотел рассказать вам это. I wanted to tell you that. I wanted to tell you this. В тюрьме кормили лучше. The food in jail was better. They were better fed in jail. Мост смыло наводнением. The bridge was washed away by the flood. The bridge was full of flooding. Ви використовуєте текстовий процесор? Do you use a word processor? Are you using a word processor? Я бажаю тобі успіху. I wish you success. I wish you success. Хочѭ чьто пити. I'd like to drink something. I want someone to drink. Это было вчера. It was yesterday. That was yesterday. Том играет с кошкой Марии. Tom is playing with Mary's cat. Tom's playing with Maria's cat. Он бегло говорит по-русски — по крайней мере, он так мне сказал. He speaks fluent Russian, or at least that's what he told me. He's running in Russian, at least he's told me that. Табе лёгка мець зносіны з людзьмі, з якімі ты сустракаешся на працы? Do you find it easy to deal with the people you meet in the course of your work? Thee's easy to communicate with people you meet at work? Я коммунист. I'm a communist. I'm a Communist. Без хлеба еда не еда. No meal is complete without bread. We don't eat without bread. Луна сияет. The moon is shining. The moon shines. Чым я магу карыстацца? What can I use? What can I use? Ніхто нас не бачив. No one saw us. No one saw us. Тобі слід їсти повільніше. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. Я прызнала, што схлусіла. I admitted I'd lied. I admitted that I had lied. Том ще не вечеряв. Tom hasn't had his dinner yet. Tom hasn't had dinner yet. Я думал, Том не спит. I thought Tom was awake. I thought Tom wasn't asleep. Мы застряли в пробке. We got stuck in traffic. We're stuck in traffic. Сьогодні достатньо холодно. It is pretty cold today. It's cold enough today. Я зробив все бездоганно. I nailed it. I did everything irreprehensibly. Том начал с должности клерка в почтовом отделении. Tom started as a mailroom clerk. Tom started off at the post office. Том купив Мері обручку. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Её ищет полиция. The police are looking for her. She's looking for the police. Ви любите фрукти. You like fruit. You love fruits. Тебе нескладно знайти. You're not hard to find. You don't find it hard to find. Всё стало серьёзно. Things got serious. It got serious. Том та Мері сказали, що не їдять свинини. Tom and Mary said they don't eat pork. Tom and Mary said they didn't eat pigs. Мы табе дапаможам, добра? We'll help you, okay? We'll help you, okay? Иди в свою комнату! Go to your room. Go to your room! Не ходи по чужой земле. Don't walk on other people's land. Don't walk in someone else's land. Вона має добре серце. She has a good heart. She has a good heart. Я могу положить вещи в коробку. I can put things in a box. I can put things in the box. Я не считаю их друзьями. I don't consider them friends. I don't think they're friends. Ти маєш право бути щасливим. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Ти думаєш, мені байдуже? Do you think I don't care? You think I don't care? Ці цяжка вывучыць французскую мову? Is French difficult to learn? Is it hard to learn French? Том вирішив поїхати. Tom has decided to go. Tom decided to go. Што-небудзь здарылася? Did something happen? Anything's wrong? Я йду до будинку Тома. I'm on my way to Tom's house. I'm going to Tom's house. Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. It's an important letter. Я попросила Тома заспівати мою улюблену пісню. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Мы питались тем, что могли найти в лесу. We subsisted on what we could find in the forest. We were eating what we could find in the forest. Дорога в этом месте изгибается направо. Here the road curves to the right. The road here is bending right. Том йому довіряє. Tom trusts him. Tom trusts him. Том дав мені сумку повну грошей. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Вы не должны спать. You should not sleep. You don't have to sleep. Tatoeba — праэкт з адкрытым крынічным кодам. Tatoeba is open source. Totoea is an open criticism code. Она получила самые высокие оценки. She's got the best grades. She got the highest grades. Потребуємо вашої допомоги. We need your help. We need your help. Том спал в амбаре. Tom slept in the barn. Tom slept in the ambasket. Том хоче вступити до команди. Tom wants to join the team. Tom wants to join the team. Вы хотите ещё что-нибудь узнать? Is there anything else you want to know? Do you want to know anything else? Це дуже цікава історія. That is a very interesting story. It's a very interesting story. Це досить незвично. That's pretty unusual. It's pretty unusual. Посмотрите вокруг себя. Look around you. Look around you. Тома немає. Tom is out. Tom's not here. Том, може бути, позичив гроші, які йому були потрібні, у когось іншого. Tom might've borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Tom may have borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Вони ніколи не п'ють пива. They never drink beer. They never drink beer. Ви знаєте її? Do you know her? Do you know her? Пашуковая сістэма «Яндекс» стала падтрымліваць і татарскую мову. “Yandex” search engine started supporting Tatar language too. The search engine Yindex began to support Tatar. Дякую, що розповів мені правду. Thanks for telling me the truth. Thank you for telling me the truth. Чашка риса весит примерно сто восемьдесят грамм. A bowl of rice is about 180 grams. A cup of rice weighs about one hundred and eighty grams. У мене є вино. I've got wine. I have wine. Мне придётся подождать. I'll have to wait. I'll have to wait. Принеси Тому выпить. Bring Tom a drink. Get him a drink. Я з'їв би вола. I'm ready to eat a horse. I'd eat a bull. Image Viewer — праграма для прагляду выяў. Гэта невялічкая праграма з базавай функцыянальнасцю. У яе перакладзе могуць удзельнічаць карыстальнікі праэкта Tatoeba. Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users. Image Viewer is a tool to view images. This is a small application with basic functionality. It can include the users of the Totobea project. Нават у міліцыі кажуць, што гэта была ты. Even the police say it was you. Even in the police area say that it was you. Погибли гражданские лица. Some civilians were killed. Civilians have been killed. Ты уверен, что Том не победил? Are you sure that Tom didn't win? Are you sure Tom didn't win? Не забудь расписаться. Don't forget to sign your name. Don't forget to sign up. Я знайома з батьком цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I know this girl's father. Станьте в позу. Strike a pose. Stand in position. Лишь любовь может разбить ваше сердце. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break your heart. Хай там що буде, мене це не здивує. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised. Whatever it is, it won't surprise me. Съешь немного пирога. Have some cake. Eat some pie. Я думала, вам буде приємно. I thought that you'd be pleased. I thought you'd enjoy it. Том закончил в тюрьме. Tom ended up in prison. Tom ended up in jail. Нам обязательно надо поехать. We absolutely have to go. We have to go. Я зусім нічога пра яго не ведаю. I don't know anything about him at all. I don't know anything about him at all. Ты зʼела дэсерт? Did you eat dessert? Did you get the dessert? Він визнав свою провину. He admitted that he was guilty. He confessed his guilt. Я не ви. I'm not you. I'm not you. Не будь таким егоїстом. Don't be so selfish. Don't be so selfish. Калі ласка, пачакайце на дварэ. Please wait outside the house. Please wait on the double. Він і досі мені телефонує часу від часу. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы ушли. I just want you to go away. I just want you to leave. Я жартую. I'm joking. I'm kidding. Не навчайся! Don't study. Don't learn! Я певен, що Том зробить все, про що його попросить Мері. I'm sure Tom will do anything Mary asks him to do. I'm sure Tom will do whatever Mary asked him to do. Осторожно, не урони ничего себе на ноги. Be careful not to drop anything on your feet. Careful, don't drop anything on your feet. Мне нужно с тобой кое о чём поговорить. I need to talk to you about something. I need to talk to you about something. Это всё, что я помню. That's all I remember. That's all I remember. Ти обіцяла, що допоможеш. You promised you would help me. You promised you'd help. Хлопчик добрий. The boy is kind. The boy's good. Я ем это мясо. I'm eating the meat. I eat this meat. Ми двоюрідні брат і сестра. We're cousins. We're a cousin and sister. Я пойду с ней. I'll go with her. I'll go with her. Ми розташувалися на березі озера. We camped on the border of the lake. We were located on the shores of the lake. Он быстро соображает. He has a nimble mind. He's thinking fast. Я знаю, что это значит. I know what this means. I know what that means. Я купил его в кредит. I bought it on credit. I bought him a loan. Побачимо, що скаже Том. Let's see what Tom says. We'll see what Tom says. Гэта мая вольная інтэрпрэтацыя зместу ліста. This is my free interpretation of the contents of the letter. This is my free parsing of the content of the sheet. Використовуй їх усі. Use them all. Use them all. Вислови свою думку чітко. Express your idea clearly. Make clear your point. Мы выяснили, что он невиновен. We find him not guilty. We found out he was innocent. Том каже, що він очікує, що Мері це зробить. Tom says he expects Mary to do that. Tom says he expects Mary to do it. Поліція виключила самогубство. The police have ruled out suicide. Police expelled suicide. Вы будете ему звонить? Are you going to call him? Will you call him? Не смотрите на меня! Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Я подзвоню їм завтра, коли повернусь. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Это было убедительно. It was persuasive. That was convincing. Інопланетяни прилітають та відбирають у нас нашу роботу. Земля для землян! Депортуймо марсіан! The aliens are coming and stealing our jobs. Earth for the earthlings! Deport the Martians! The aliens come and take away our work, the Earth, the Martian! Я починю это. I'll fix this. I'm starting this. Вѣси ли къдє жє живєть? Do you know where she lives? Does the cat live? Нужно приложить к щиколотке пакет со льдом, чтобы уменьшить отёк. You should put an ice pack on your ankle to keep the swelling down. We've got to put a bag of ice on the ankle to reduce the bucket. Я збірала на гародзе трускалкі. I was picking strawberries in the garden. I was going up a rabbit's garden. Ця озерна вода дуже холодна. The water of the lake is very cold. This lake water is very cold. Это не так дорого стоило. It didn't cost that much. It didn't cost so much. Суп занадто гарячий. The soup is too hot. The soup's too hot. Коли відкривається бар? When does the pub open? When does the bar open? Де ти мешкаєш? Where do you live? Where do you live? Это был фантастический день. It was a fantastic day. It was a fantastic day. Ми маємо це зробити самі. We should do it ourselves. We have to do it ourselves. Она постоянно жаловалась, что не осталось денег. She complained continually that there was no money left. She always complained that she had no money left. Я уважаю его взгляды, хотя и не согласна со многими из них. I respect his views, even if I don't agree with many of them. I respect his views, even though I disagree with many of them. Відвали. Bugger off. Fuck off. Не беспокойся об этом. Do not worry about it! Don't worry about it. Закрой окно, перед тем как пойдёшь спать. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before you go to bed. Якого кольору його светр? What color is his sweater? What color is his sweater? Я здесь по работе. I'm here on business. I'm here for work. Це був пістолет Тома. The gun was Tom's. It was Tom's gun. Он обхватил колени руками. He hugged his knees. He picked his knees with his hands. Когда пьёшь воду, не забывай тех, кто вырыл колодец. When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well. When you drink water, remember those who dug the well. Том завжли програє. Tom always loses. Tom's lost. Я вже вирішила не робити цього. I've already decided not to do that. I've decided not to do that. Вьсе ми єси. You are everything to me. You're all here. Отут? Is it here? Here? Я планую залишатися в місті. I plan to stay in the city. I'm planning on staying in town. Это рыба. It's a fish. It's fish. Що означає MILF? What's the meaning of MILF? What does MILF mean? Вчера мне неожиданно позвонил Том. Yesterday, I got a call out of the blue from Tom. Last night Tom called. В политике уважение трудно заслужить, но легко потерять. In politics, respect is hard won but easily lost. Respect for politics is hard to earn, but it is easy to lose. Как долго тебе придётся ждать? How long will you have to wait? How long do you have to wait? Я очень надеюсь, что Том не выиграет. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I really hope Tom won't win. Де він хоче, щоб я його поклала? Where does he want me to put it? Where does he want me to put it? Я должен вернуться в Австралию. I have to go back to Australia. I have to go back to Australia. Том повторив те, що сказала Мері. Tom reiterated what Mary said. Tom repeated what Mary said. Несомненно, он лучше всех подходит для этой работы. He is, without question, the best man for the job. Of course, he is best suited for this work. Він нічого не сказав. He didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. Вчера я читал интересную книгу. I read an interesting book yesterday. I read an interesting book yesterday. Два больших кофе, пожалуйста. Two large coffees, please. Two big coffee, please. Мені здається, Том зробив помилку. I think Tom has made a mistake. I think Tom made a mistake. Вы что-то хотели мне сказать? Is there something you wanted to tell me? Is there something you wanted to tell me? Том и Мэри сильно изменились? Have Tom and Mary changed much? Tom and Mary changed a lot? Це шотландське ім'я. It's a Scottish name. It's a Scottish name. Не давайте им войти. Don't let them in. Don't let them in. Она скорчила гримасу, когда увидела собаку. She made a face when she saw a dog. She got rid of the thunderbolt when she saw the dog. Чего бы вы съели? What would you like to eat? What would you eat? Завтра у нас немає уроків. We have no school tomorrow. We don't have lessons tomorrow. Ну, кожному своє, еге ж? Well, it's horses for courses, isn't it? Well, everyone else, huh? Идите у отца спросите. Go ask your father. Go ask your father. Ты работаешь в больнице? Do you work at the hospital? You work at the hospital? Том повинен був дозволити мені співати. Tom should've let me sing. Tom should have let me sing. Это - лев. This is a lion. It's a lion. Том только притворяется больным. Tom is only pretending to be sick. Tom just pretends to be sick. В будь-якому разі, я з тобою не згоден. Anyway, I disagree with your opinion. Anyway, I don't agree with you. Иностранцам трудно привыкнуть к японской пище. It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food. Foreigners find it difficult to get used to Japanese food. Вы пели? Did you sing? Have you been drinking? Я знаю Тома. I know Tom. I know Tom. Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. Вазьмі маю руку. Мы ўдвох пабудуем утопію. Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand. Ти шукаєш щось конкретне? Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? Я відчуваю лютий біль. I'm in pain here. I feel the pain. Я таксама ўмею спяваць. I can sing, too. I can sing too. Я не знала, что ты хочешь выучить французский. I didn't know you wanted to learn French. I didn't know you wanted to learn French. З вашого боку дуже мило мені допомогти. It's very nice of you to help me. It's very nice of you to help me. Том обжёг пальцы о плиту. Tom burned his fingers on the stove. Tom burned his fingers on the plate. Том и Мэри почти одного возраста. Tom and Mary are almost the same age. Tom and Mary are almost one age. У вас гарне місто. Your city is beautiful. You have a nice city. Он дал ему книгу. He gave him the book. He gave him a book. Це не ваша справа. None of your business. It's none of your business. Її будинок у передмісті. Her home is in the suburbs. Her house is in a suburb. Скажите мне, что ещё я должна знать. Tell me what else I should know. Tell me what else I should know. Пожалуйста, сделайте это. Please do it. Please do it. Чим ви зазвичай замаєтеся на Різдво? What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What do you usually want for Christmas? Это будет полностью зависеть от Тома. That'll depend entirely on Tom. That will depend entirely on Tom. Я исправил ошибку. I've corrected the mistake. I've fixed the mistake. Он нас любил. He loved us. He loved us. Калі я ўпершыню праходзіў курс Сі, я не разумеў нічога з таго, што паяснялі ў класе. Дзякуй богу, я маю сяброўку-праграмістку, і яна паясніла мне, як усё гэта працуе. When I first took a C course, I couldn't understand a single thing explained in class. Thank God I got a friend of mine who's a programmer to explain to me how the whole caboodle works. When I first went to school C, I didn't understand anything about what was happening in the classroom, and thank God, I have a friend and a programmer, and she explained to me how this worked. Тому було жахливо нудно. Tom was awfully bored. So it was terribly boring. Які код прадукта? What's the product's code? What's the code of the product? Я думал, Том и Мэри дружат. I thought Tom and Mary were friends. I thought Tom and Mary were friendly. У дев'ятнадцятому столітті у Сполучених Штатах багато африканців було продано як рабів. In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States. In the nineteenth century in the United States, many Africans were sold as slaves. Дэвід заставаўся на пероне, пакуль цягнік быў бачны. David remained on the platform while the train was in sight. David remained on the block until the train was visible. Думаю, нам нужны вон те. I think we need those. I think we need that down there. Я говорил ей не делать этого. I told her not to do that. I told her not to do that. Я футбалістка. I am a football player. I'm a hombalist. «Ён учора напісаў ліст?» — «Так». "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." "He wrote a letter yesterday?" "Yes." Ходімо додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Начиная с этого момента запрещается плакать. From this moment on it is forbidden to cry. From this point on, it is forbidden to cry. Том поїде замість тебе. Tom will go in your place. Tom's going instead of you. Вы меня многому научили. You taught me a lot. You taught me a lot. Я сажусь на одиннадцатичасовой поезд. I'm catching the 11:00 train. I'm on a 11-hour train. У меня был великолепный учитель. I had a great teacher. I had a great teacher. Он - позор всего города. He is a shame of the town. He is the disgrace of the whole city. Зателефонуйте мені сьогодні ввечері. Call me this evening. Call me tonight. У маі ўсе птушкі адкладваюць яйкі. In May, all birds lay an egg. And they all have eggs. Останься с нами. Stay with us. Stay with us. Одягни на нього наручники. Put handcuffs on him. Put your handcuffs on him. Я никогда такой не видел. I've never seen one. I've never seen that. Тут ви маєте рацію. You have a point there. You're right here. У меня мало свободных денег. I don't have much ready money. I don't have much free money. Том, насправді, прийшов рано. Tom was actually early. Tom actually came early. Том сказав мені, що не любить розмовляти французькою. Tom told me he didn't like speaking French. Tom told me he didn't like to speak French. У тебя скоро день рождения. Your birthday's coming up. You're having a birthday. Вы ошибаетесь. Я не так говорил. You're wrong. That isn't what I said. You're wrong, I didn't say that. Де ми можемо зустрітися? Where can we get together? Where can we meet? Газеты не опубликовали эту историю. The papers didn't print this story. The newspapers haven't published this story. Я верю в дружбу. I believe in friendship. I believe in friendship. Сьогодні друге січня. Today is January 2nd. Today's January II. Мы идеально подходим друг другу. We are a perfect match. We're perfect for each other. Я знал, что Том откажется это делать. I knew Tom would refuse to do that. I knew Tom would refuse to do it. Це була не моя валіза. The suitcase wasn't mine. It wasn't my suitcase. Тома отпустят в понедельник. Tom is going to be released on Monday. Tom's going to be released on Monday. Я тепер заміжня. I'm now married. I'm married now. Я знал, что вы блефуете. I knew you were bluffing. I knew you were bluffing. Я преподаю. I teach. I teach. Том и Мэри вместе три года. Tom and Mary have been together for three years. Tom and Mary are together for three years. Я это уже знал. I already knew that. I already knew that. Навіщо тобі стільки взуття? Why do you need so many shoes? Why do you need so many shoes? Подними руки! Raise your hands. Put your hands up! Се тѧжька речь. It's a difficult language. This is a quiet speech. Ти недостатньо високий. You're not tall enough. You're not tall enough. Я скоро повернуся. I'll return soon. I'll be right back. Ти найгірший. You're the worst. You're the worst. Ви маєте бути дуже спокійним. You have to be very calm. You have to be very calm. Это то, что я слышал. That's what I heard. That's what I heard. Я зв'язався з нею. I contacted her. I got in touch with her. Мері сказала, що зачекає. Mary said she'd wait. Mary said she'd wait. Мне уже пора идти. It's about time I was going. I have to go now. У Самі звоніць тэлефон. Sami's cellphone is ringing. You have a phone call. Ты вроде говорил, что она твоя. I thought that you said it was yours. You said she was yours. Ты можаш ісці. You may go. You can go. Вживання риби корисно для твого здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. The use of fish is good for your health. Калі глядзець з Месяца, Зямля выглядае як мяч. Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a ball. If you look at it from the moon, the earth looks like a ball. Дай йому мікрофон. Give him the microphone. Give him the microphone. Кто ищет, тот находит. Who searches, finds. Whoever seeks, he finds it. Там спекотно? Is it hot over there? Is it hot? Гэта была найлепшая вечарына ўсіх часоў. It was the best party ever. It was the best evening all the time. Сколько ещё вина покупать? How much more wine should I buy? How much more is it to buy? Она поняла мой намёк и улыбнулась. She took my hint and smiled. She understood my hint and smiled. Том ма шестру ваших рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom's ma'am of your years. Вони не ваші, так? These aren't yours, are they? They're not yours, are they? Ти його не побачила. You didn't see him. You didn't see him. Конференц-зал сейчас занят. The meeting room is in use now. The conference room is now busy. Я був вражений дізнатися, що я виграв. I was amazed to learn I had won. I was amazed to learn that I had won. Ми слухаємо. We're listening. We're listening. Мне невыносимо жить одному. I can't bear living alone. I can't live alone. Напісаўшы на сабе незразумела што і атрымаўшы неперадбачаны рэзультат, што ты будзеш рабіць? When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results? When you write down on yourself you're confused what and when you're getting an unexplored summary, what are you going to do? Тъı єси то. Thou art That. You're that. Минулого тижня мене вкусив собака. I was bitten by a dog last week. I was bitten by a dog last week. Просто предоставьте всё нам. Just leave everything to us. Just give us everything. Том уважно дивився на Мері. Tom stared at Mary. Tom looked closely at Mary. Ці не маглі б вы завярнуць падарунак? Can you gift-wrap this, please? Could you turn a present? Он дожил до девяноста лет. He lived until the age of 90. He's been alive for nine hundred years. Чому люди поводяться як великі мавпи, і навпаки? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do people act like big monkeys, and vice versa? Том нічого не зможе нам розповісти. Tom won't be able to tell us anything. Tom can't tell us anything. Аперацыя — найлепшае рашэнне. Surgery is the best solution. Operation is the best solution. Впустіть нас. Let us in. Let us in. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшы. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who is best. Можеш піти з нами? Can you come with us? Can you come with us? Мені подобається ваша кава. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. Вам слід купити Тому нові іграшки. You should buy Tom some new toys. You need to buy Tom a new toy. Від роботи коні дохнуть. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The horse's gonna die from work. Його зараз немає. He's out now. He's not here right now. У меня не было плана Б. I didn't have a Plan B. I didn't have plan B. Чим я можу вам допомогти? How could I help you? How can I help you? Дзіцё грае на арфе. A child is playing harp. Shares a play on the harp. Наконец, она решила эту проблему. At last, she solved the problem. Finally, she solved this problem. Нічога страшнага! Never mind! Nothing terrible! Я повернуся менш ніж за п'ять хвилин. I'll be back in less than five minutes. I'll be back in less than five minutes. Треба заплатити вперед. You have to pay in advance. We have to go ahead. У меня глаза болят. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. Сьогодні я маю добрий апетит. I have a good appetite today. Today I have a good appetite. Він чомусь непопулярний. He is unpopular for some reason. It's somehow unpopular. Ты быў адзін? Were you alone? You were alone? Сомневаюсь, что Том всё ещё сердится. I doubt that Tom is still angry. I doubt Tom's still angry. Я не знав, що Том помер. I didn't know that Tom had died. I didn't know Tom was dead. Отсюда до побережья около трёх километров. It's about three kilometers from here to the coast. From here to the shore, about three kilometers. Том був у своїй спальні. Tom was in his bedroom. Tom was in his bedroom. Том снял свою накладную бороду. Tom removed his fake beard. Tom took off his back beard. Том сказал Мэри, где ей сесть. Tom told Mary where to sit. Tom told Mary where to sit. Я навестил Дэна. I visited Dan. I visited Dan. Моя температура 38 градусів. My temperature is 38 degrees. My temperature is 38 degrees. Якби я міг сказати тобі щось позитивне. I wish I could tell you something positive. If I could tell you something positive. Ты смотришь игру? Are you watching the game? Are you watching a game? Присматривай за братишкой. Look after your little brother. Take care of your brother. Он - трезвенник. He's a teetotaller. He's a scoundrel. Я зрабіў, што мог. I have done what I could. I did that I could. Том, скорее всего, выиграет. Tom is very likely to win. Tom's probably gonna win. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы принимали меня таким, какой я есть. I just want you to accept me for who I am. I just want you to take me as I am. Косметическая терапия стволовыми клетками находится на ранней стадии развития. Cosmetic stem cell therapy is in the early stages of development. Space therapy for stem cells is at an early stage of development. Насколько мне известно, он не был втянут в эту аферу. As far as I know, he wasn't involved in that fraud scheme. As far as I know, he wasn't involved. Я не хочу, щоб це закінчувалося. I don't want this to end. I don't want this to end. Ти хочеш, щоб ми зара пішли? Do you want us to leave now? Do you want us to stop? Думаю, я зможу це зробити сам. I think I'll be able to do that by myself. I think I can do it myself. Их работа - готовить еду для солдат. Their job is to cook for the soldiers. Their job is to cook food for soldiers. У Майка есть друзья во Флориде. Mike has some friends in Florida. Mike has friends in Florida. Це має серйозний вигляд. This looks serious. It looks serious. Я уверена, что он умный. I'm sure that he is clever. I'm sure he's smart. Мері загубила гроші. Mary lost her money. Mary lost her money. Він запитував себе, чому ж його покинула дружина. He wondered to himself why his wife had left him. He wondered why his wife had left him. Том сказав мені, що він вважає Мері потворною. Tom told me that he thought Mary was ugly. Tom told me he thought Mary was ugly. Мэри попыталась успокоиться. Mary tried to compose herself. Mary tried to calm down. Том займатиметься цим завтра. Tom is going to be doing that tomorrow. Tom's gonna do it tomorrow. Олимп? Это типа там, где зависали греческие боги, что ли? Olympus? Isn't that where Greek gods hang out or something? It's like where the Greek gods hanged, isn't it? Живѫ въ великомь городѣ. I live in a big city. Lived the big city. Я знаком с отцом этой девушки. I know this girl's father. I know this girl's father. Какой месяц является тринадцатым? What's the thirteenth month? What month is 13th? У мене сильний жар. I have a high fever. I've got a lot of heat. Вы видели моего сына? Did you see my son? Did you see my son? Я не могу его простить. I can't forgive him. I can't forgive him. Коли я казав неправду? When have I told a lie? When did I lie? Налі крыху віна мне ў чарку. Pour a little wine in my glass. We put a little wine in my bowl. Я видел, как Мэри выходила из дома. I saw Mary leaving her house. I saw Mary leave the house. Нішто сабе! Wow! Nothing! Я яшчэ звяжуся з Вамі па гэтым пытанні. I will get in touch with you again about this matter. I'm still talking to you about these questions. Я думал, в комнате кто-то есть. I thought there was somebody in the room. I thought there was someone in the room. Напротив дома странный мужчина. There is a strange man in front of the house. The opposite of the house is a strange man. Ти зупинишся. You will stop. You'll stop. Вона почала грати стару пісню. She began to play an old song. She started playing an old song. Я счастлив, потому что с сегодняшнего дня у нас в школе не будет занятий до сентября. I'm happy because starting today, we don't have any school until September. I'm happy because today we're not going to have classes until September. Я просто хочу быть хорошим отцом. I just want to be a good father. I just want to be a good dad. Я думав, тобі буде приємно. I thought you'd be pleased. I thought you'd enjoy it. Нас спасут. We're going to be rescued. We'll be saved. Я не знал, что у тебя есть кот. I didn't know you had a cat. I didn't know you had a cat. Расскажи нам больше о своей поездке. Tell us more about your trip. Tell us more about your trip. Тома и Мэри не пригласили. Tom and Mary weren't invited. Tom and Mary haven't been invited. Що вам подобається в Томі? What do you like about Tom? What do you like in Tom? Яна расказала мне цікавую гісторыю. She told me an interesting story. She told me an interesting story. Сюди! Walk this way. Over here! Он сказал, что вернётся прямо сейчас. He said that he would be back right away. He said he'd come back right now. Мне надо сделать важное объявление. I have an important announcement to make. I need to make an important announcement. Даруй, я не п’ю алкаголю. Sorry, I can't drink alcohol. Come on, I don't drink alcoholics. Я могу остаться, если хотите. I can stay if I want me to. I can stay if you want. Что ты хочешь изменить? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? Я купіў кнігу. I bought a book. I bought a book. Том часто играет на гитаре. Tom often plays the guitar. Tom's often playing guitar. Я ўласніца гэтага будынка. I'm the owner of this building. I am the owner of this house. Хочу вивчити іврит. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. Покажи мне её фотографию. Show me her picture. Show me her picture. Єлізавета, королева Англії. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth, queen of England. Я решил купить синюю машину, а не красную. I've decided to buy the blue car instead of the red one. I decided to buy a blue car, not a red car. Летом ничто не сравнится с мороженным. There is nothing like ice cream in the summer. Nothing like ice cream in summer. Я надзвичайно неприємний. I am extremely unpleasant. I'm extremely unpleasant. Добра робота! Nice one! Good work! Том полон надежд. Tom is full of hope. Tom is full of hope. Я всех их видел. I've seen them all. I saw them all. Выпотроши курицу перед тем, как её готовить. Remove the chicken's giblets before cooking. Cut the chicken before it's ready. 68,4% апытаных беларусаў адказалі, што не абралі б версію кнігі на беларускай мове ні пры якіх умовах. 68.4% of Belarusians surveyed answered they would under no conditions choose a version of a book in the Belarusian language. 68.4 percent of the surveyed whites said that they would not pick up a version of the book in Belarusian under any conditions. Все наши попытки провалились. All our attempts failed. All of our attempts failed. Я забагато випив. I drank too much. I've been drinking too much. Прысягнуў ты, дзіцятка, — дык дабудзь жа ты мне цяпер гэткай вадзіцы, пашукай, прынясі, карэньчыкі мае бедныя падлі… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… Came thou, child; so get you to me now of that wench, search, fetch, snipe, scooters have poor drops... Тобі щастить? Are you lucky? You're lucky? Я сказала ім, што хутка павярнуся. I told them I'd be right back. I told them I would soon turn around. Я не был занят на прошлой неделе. I wasn't busy last week. I wasn't busy last week. Сыходзь! Get away! Go away! Он отец новобрачной. He is father to the bride. He's the father of the new recruit. Закатайте рукава. Roll up your sleeves. Roll up your sleeve. Что ты делаешь в пятницу вечером? What are you doing Friday night? What are you doing Friday night? Правда горька. Truth is bitter. Really bitter. Ти ніколи не будеш сам. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Ніхто не любить програвати. Nobody likes to lose. No one likes to lose. Ви це зробите з Томом? Will you do that with Tom? Will you do that to Tom? Ви відважний. You're courageous. You're brave. Он исполняет свой долг. He does his duty. He's doing his duty. Звучит просто. It sounds easy. Sounds simple. У меня комариные укусы по всей руке. I have mosquito bites all over my arm. I've got mosquito bites all over my hand. Я не люблю ані чай, ані каву. I don't like either tea or coffee. I don't like tea or coffee. Мері не має чоловіка. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary doesn't have a husband. Вона живе у селі. She is living in the village. She lives in a village. Ніхто не даведаецца. No one will know. Nobody gives up. Том — лише немовля. Tom is just a baby. Tom is just a baby. Её повысили. She was promoted. She's been raised. Почему твоя дочь не любит конфеты? Why does your daughter dislike candies? Why doesn't your daughter like candy? У них все буде добре. They'll be fine. They'll be fine. Я прокинувся досить рано, щоб встигнути на перший потяг. I got up early enough to catch the first train. I woke up early enough to make it to the first train. У нас завтра контрольная. We have a test tomorrow. We have a control tomorrow. Моя машина не заводиться. My car won't start. My car's not set. Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Don’t pay attention to her fad. Я заўжды задаволены, калі скончыў частку працы. I always feel pleased when I've finished a piece of work. I'm always satisfied when I'm finished with a piece of work. Впусти Тома. Let Tom in. Let Tom in. Мені не слід було приходити сюди. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Мы с Томом — закадычные друзья. Tom and I are bosom buddies. Tom and I are good friends. Обоє Том та Мері подивилися на Джона. Tom and Mary both looked at John. Both Tom and Mary looked at John. У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Студентам це подобається. The students like it. Students like it. Ти не могла би зачинити двері? Would you mind shutting the door? Could you close the door? Не розмовляйте зі мною. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Том не очень хорошо выглядит. Tom isn't looking well. Tom doesn't look very good. Мы с Томом помогали друг другу. Tom and I helped each other. Tom and I helped each other. Том сбрил усы. Tom has shaved off his mustache. Tom's got his whiskey. Самі працював тут протягом шести місяців. Sami worked here for six months. My family worked here for six months. Новы тунэль злучыць Брытанію і Францыю. The new tunnel will link Britain and France. A new tunnel will link Britain and France. Я тоже хотел видеть Тома. I wanted to see Tom, too. I wanted to see Tom, too. Кому печива? Who wants biscuits? Who's the cookie? Давайте не будемо сперечатись заради суперечки. Let's not argue for the sake of arguing. Let us not argue for the sake of arguments. Мы будем стараться изо всех сил. We'll try our best. We'll do our best. Том помітив, що щось було не так. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Ви живі? Are you alive? Are you alive? Я старший від нього. I'm older than him. I'm older than him. Зупинімося! Let's stop! Stop! Поезд сошёл с рельсов. The train was derailed. The train's gone off the rails. Я виправ сорочку. I washed my shirt. I'm right the shirt. Я граю у хокейній команді. I'm on a hockey team. I play hockey team. Ты это сделаешь? Will you do that? Will you do that? Тому немного нездоровится. Tom is a bit under the weather. So he's a little sick. Калі уйгур сустрэў беларуса, на якой мове яна размаўлялі адзін з адным? When an Uyghur met a Belarusian, what language did the two speak to each other? When did she meet the Belarusian man in which language she spoke to each other? Ви любите дивитися спорт? Do you like watching sports? Do you like watching sports? На деньги, унаследованные от деда, я купил дом. I bought a house with the money that I inherited from my grandfather. For money inherited from grandfather, I bought a house. Це не речення. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Космонавты носят скафандры. Cosmonauts wear spacesuits. Cosmonauts are wearing scooters. Я не знаю перевода слова «oindre». I don't know the translation of the word 'oindre'. I don't know the translation of the word 'indre'. Что у тебя за планы на выходные? What kind of plans do you have for the weekend? What do you have plans for the weekend? На наступным тыдні будзе маладзік. There'll be a new moon next week. Next week there will be a youth. Я не можу зібратися з думками. I can't collect my thoughts. I can't get my thoughts together. Том щодо не турбується щодо цього. Tom isn't concerned about that. Tom doesn't care about it. Я счастлива, что ты здесь. I'm happy you're here. I'm happy you're here. Мужчины тогда были мужчинами. Men were men then. Men were men then. Никто не знал почему. No one knew why. No one knew why. Чем старше он становился, тем большую известность приобретал. The older he got, the more famous he became. The older he became, the more known he was. Я не знал, что ты здесь. I didn't know you were here. I didn't know you were here. Вони вас не забудуть. Tom won't forget you. They won't forget you. Они доверяли Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Мы не можем ей сказать. We can't tell her. We can't tell her. Дарослыя ведаюць. The grown-ups know. Adults know. Может быть, я не прав. I may indeed be wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. На следующем школьном фестивале Боб в первый раз будет играть главную роль. Bob will play the leading role for the first time in the next school festival. At the next school festival, Bob will play a major role for the first time. Йому виповнилося шістнадцять років. He turned 16 years old. He was sixteen. Вы когда-нибудь видели, как Том танцует? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Have you ever seen Tom dancing? Мне сказать Тому, что случилось? Should I tell Tom what happened? Can I tell you what happened? Вучыся. Study! Learn. Дуже дякую за їжу! Many thanks for the meal! Thank you so much for the food! Нам не слід було її відпускати. We shouldn't have let her go. We shouldn't have let her go. Він спробував одягнути нові черевики. He tried putting on his new shoes. He tried to put on new shoes. Мы постоянно подвержены какой-нибудь опасности. We are always exposed to some kind of danger. We're constantly in danger. Скільки це коштуватиме? What'll that cost? How much will this cost? Том извинился перед слушателями. Tom apologized to the audience. Tom apologized to the audience. Том любить Австралію. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Ми потребуємо відповіді. We need an answer. We need answers. Я не зникну. I'm not going to disappear. I won't disappear. Мысли о том, что она идёт одна, беспокоили меня. The thought of her going alone left me uneasy. Thinking that she was coming alone was bothering me. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Я рада, что нашла тебя. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. Мене здивувала щирість Тома. I was surprised by Tom's candor. I was surprised by Tom’s sincerity. Це моє. Віддай. That's mine. Give it back. That's mine. Вони не з міста? Are they from out of town? They're not from town? Я дуже хочу познайомитися з Томом. I really want to meet Tom. I really want to meet Tom. Мы ничего не смогли найти. We couldn't find anything. We couldn't find anything. Нъıнѣ болѥ оболокъ нєжє вьчєра. There are more clouds today than yesterday. Niná blokes are about four times the size of a fan. Ничего не пропало. Nothing's missing. Nothing's missing. Ось ваші ключі. Here are your keys. Here are your keys. Я половину ночи не спала. I was up half the night. I didn't sleep half night. Я хочу быть с вами. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. "Том, поторопись". — "Я иду!" "Tom, hurry up." "I'm coming!" "Too, hurry." "I'm coming!" Коли я дістався офісу, на мене чекала купа роботи. Я бігав туди-сюди як курка, якій відрубали голову. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, there was a lot of work waiting for me. Том сказал мне, что не может вспомнить, что произошло. Tom told me he couldn't remember what happened. Tom told me he couldn't remember what happened. Том розійшовся з Мері. Tom split up with Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. Не думаю, що наступного тижня Том буде в Австралії. I don't think Tom will be in Australia next week. I don't think Tom's gonna be in Australia next week. Тебе не следовало говорить то, что ты сказал. You shouldn't have said what you said. You shouldn't have said what you said. Том — гэта такі хлопец, за якога я хацеў бы выйсці замуж. Tom is the kind of guy that I'd like to marry. Tom is a guy I want to get married for. Том помер, сміючись. Tom died laughing. Tom died laughing. Я лучше останусь. I'd rather stay. I'd rather stay. Том розбився? Did Tom crash? Tom's broken? Никто не видел, как мы это сделали. Nobody saw us do it. Nobody saw us do it. Поскольку я простужен, я ничего не чувствую на вкус. Since I have a cold, I can't taste anything. Since I'm cold, I can't taste anything. Том купив Мері камеру. Tom bought Mary a camera. Tom bought Mary a camera. Том был и моим другом. Tom was my friend, too. Tom was a friend of mine, too. Том погиб два года назад в авиакатастрофе. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Tom died two years ago in a plane crash. Мир жесток. The world is cruel. The world is cruel. Я отримав лист, написаний англійською. I received a letter written in English. I received a letter written in English. Она самая ленивая из тех, кого я знаю. She is the laziest person I know. She's the most lazy one I know. Он срубил дерево топором. He cut down the tree with an ax. He cut the tree with a stick. Я б сказала, што ты закаханая. I'd say you are in love. I'd say you're in love. Пірог смачны. The cake is tasty. The pie's delicious. Пийте воду зі струмка. Drink water from a stream. Drink water from the stream. Ніхто не візьме мене на роботу. No one will hire me. No one's gonna take me to work. Он сказал, что простужен. He said he had a cold. He said he was cold. Ми будемо поспішати. We'll hurry. We'll be in a hurry. Он был в безопасности. He was safe. He was safe. Вам не слід дозволяти Тому робити це. You shouldn't let Tom do that. You should not be allowed to do this. Том почти каждый день ест шоколад. Tom eats chocolate almost every day. Tom's eating chocolate almost every day. Том только что вышел из тюрьмы. Tom just got out of jail. Tom just got out of jail. Є велика ймовірність, що він спізниться. There's a good chance that he'll be late. There's a big chance he'll be late. Він проігнорував мене. He ignored me. He ignored me. Вы никогда не бываете правы. You are always wrong. You're never right. Я сломал Тому нос. I broke Tom's nose. I broke that nose. Почти все были мертвы. Almost everyone was dead. Almost everyone was dead. Мері випрасувала свій одяг. Mary ironed her clothes. Mary washed her clothes. Навукоўка прачытала лекцыю пра структуру сусвету. The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe. The teacher read the lecture on the structure of the universe. Том попередив тебе, що це може трапитися. Tom warned you that this might happen. Tom warned you it might happen. В нашей библиотеке много детских книг. We have a lot of children's books in the library. We have a lot of children's books in our library. Том смог самостоятельно добраться до больницы. Tom was able to get to the hospital on his own. Tom was able to get himself to the hospital. Я не маю тобі казати, що це таке, чи не так? I don't have to tell you what this is, do I? I don't have to tell you what it is, do I? Я веру ў Бога. I believe in God. I believe in God. У тебе є брати? Do you have any brothers? Do you have any brothers? Ну, я думаю, пора рассказать настоящую историю. Well, I think it's time the real story was told. Well, I think it's time to tell a real story. Къдѣ єси пьрвоѥ позналъ Томъ? Where did you first meet Tom? You know Tom? Том сделал свою часть. Tom did his part. Tom made his part. Я скажу їй, що ти тут. I'll tell her you're here. I'll tell her you're here. Почему ты ещё не говорила об этом с Томом? Why haven't you talked to Tom about this yet? Why haven't you talked to Tom yet? Теперь я должен его найти. Now I have to find him. Now I have to find him. Я люблю дітей. I like children. I love kids. Я знаю, что ты работаешь на них. I know you're working for them. I know you work for them. Ви не такий, як інші. You aren't like the others. You're not like the others. У меня только что был разговор с твоей учительницей. I just had a talk with your teacher. I just had a conversation with your teacher. Нічого, якщо я тебе поцілую? Is it OK if I kiss you? Nothing if I kiss you? Том говорив лише французькою. Tom spoke only French. Tom was speaking French only. Я очень горевала, когда Том умер. I was very sad when Tom died. I was very sad when Tom died. Я аплодировал. I was applauding. I applauded. Мері каже, що вона готова їхати. Mary says she's ready to go. Mary says she's ready to go. В английском не различаются глаголы ser и estar. English doesn't differentiate between the verbs "ser" and "estar". English does not differ between ser and estar. Моя пам'ять вже не та. My memory isn't what it used to be. My memory is no longer that. Я знал, что Том вряд ли выиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to win. I knew Tom was unlikely to win. Её мать была певицей. Her mother was a singer. Her mother was a singer. И я очень рад с Вами познакомиться. I'm very pleased to meet you too. And I'm very happy to meet you. Звідки ти знала, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know this would happen? Успіх приходить з освітою. Success comes from education. Success comes with education. Де знаходиться станція метро? Where's the underground station? Where is the subway station? Я не помню, чтобы он такое говорил. I don't remember him saying that. I don't remember him saying that. Вы едете с нами? Do you go with us? Are you coming with us? Як жахливо! How horrible! How terrible! У мене мало грошей. I have little money. I don't have enough money. Табе падабаецца твая начальніца? Do you like your boss? Do you like your boss? Том написав кілька кулінарних книжок. Tom has written several cook books. Tom wrote some culinary books. Я знайшла гроші. I found the money. I found the money. Быть может, я что-то упустил. Maybe I missed something. Maybe I missed something. Ти завжди обережний. You're always careful. You're always careful. "Цей хлопчина, він такий ловкач", — сказала Мері. "That bloke is an absolute chancer," said Mary. "This boy, he's such a trapper," said Mary. Я взагалі не їм зелений перець. I don't eat green peppers at all. I don't eat green peppers at all. Я скоро розпочну. I'm about to begin. I'll start soon. Ярко светит солнце. The sun is shining brightly. The sun shines brightly. Ганні подобається шоколад Anna likes chocolate. Anna likes chocolate Бортпроводник — мастер комплиментов. The cabin attendant is good at flattery. The conductor is a complimentary master. Вы можете добавить метки. You can add tags. You can add notes. Сподіваюся, Том не зробив того, про що ти його попросив. I hope Tom didn't do what you told him to do. I hope Tom didn't do what you asked for. Ти думаєш, ми би не помітили? Did you think we wouldn't notice? You think we wouldn't notice? Мері тут не живе, еге ж? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Я все ще спантеличений. I'm still puzzled. I'm still confused. Я родился в Финляндии. I was born in Finland. I was born in Finland. На маё здзіўленне, дзверы адчыніліся бясшумна. Much to my surprise, the door opened noiselessly. At my surprise the door opened blithely. Натякніть мені. Give me a hint. Give me a hint. У него есть литературный талант. He has some literary talent. He's got literary talent. Том говорив з Мері. Tom was talking to Mary. Tom was talking to Mary. Том відкрив шкаф. Tom opened the closet. Tom opened the closet. Том не хотел завтракать. Tom didn't want any breakfast. Tom didn't want to breakfast. Дзе маі гадзіннікі? Where are my watches? Where are my watchs? Пожалуйста, ты не мог бы говорить погромче? Could you please speak a little louder? Please, can you talk more dangerously? Том должен расслабиться. Tom should relax. Tom has to relax. Мене майже звільнили. I almost got fired. I almost got fired. Я думаю, ти мене почула. I think you heard me. I think you heard me. Думаю, так. I think so. I think so. Я вижу тебя время от времени. I see you every now and then. I can see you from time to time. Дзе крава? Where is the cow? Where's the store? Я принял от головной боли две таблетки аспирина. I took two aspirins for my headache. I took two aspirin pills from the headache. Це не має до вас жодного стосунку. That has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you. Мені потрібні гроші. I want some money. I need money. Была прыемна размаўляць з ёю. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice to talk to her. Я повинна багато працювати, щоб нагнати втрачений час. I must work hard to make up for lost time. I have to work hard to catch up with my lost time. Вони намагалися. They tried. They tried. Вы вярнецеся заўтра? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Я втомився чекати. I was tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting. Нам няма чаго рабіць. We don't have anything to do. We have nothing to do. Картошка очень дешевая. Potatoes are very cheap. It's very cheap. М'яч потрапив у її праву ногу. A ball hit her on the right leg. The ball hit her right leg. Це насправді дуже дратує. It's really very annoying. It's really annoying. Из молока можно делать масло, сыр и многое другое. Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things. You can make butter, cheese, and so forth from milk. Том хоче, щоб Мері трималася від Джона подалі. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. Том сказав, що Мері потрібно це зробити. Tom said that Mary needs to do that. Tom said Mary had to do it. Діма переспав з 25 чоловіками за одну ніч, а потім вбив їх. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. The house slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Том не хотел, чтобы Мэри говорила это Джону. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John that. Tom didn't want Mary to say that to John. Какой же он дурак, что бросил школу! What a fool he is to leave school. What a fool he was to drop out of school! Я думаю толькі пра цябе. I'm only thinking of you. I think just about you. Я не хочу идти домой пешком. I don't want to walk home. I don't want to go home on foot. В літаку я планую читати книжку. I plan on reading a book on the plane. On the plane, I plan to read the book. Ви можете припаркуватися тут. You can park here. You can park here. Вони не втратили надію. They did not give up hope. They didn't give up hope. Ти хотів сказати саме це? Is that what you wanted to say? Is that what you're saying? Она примерно моего возраста. She's about the same age as I am. She's about my age. Вони перейшли через кордон в Іспанію. They crossed the border into Spain. They crossed the border to Spain. Он бы никогда мне не соврал. He would never lie to me. He would never lie to me. Когда ты с ними познакомился? When did you meet them? When did you meet them? Это нелепо. That's absurd. It's ridiculous. Ты вошёл в мою комнату. You came into my room. You entered my room. Увайдзіце! Come in. - Thank you. Miss Trowbridge, may I present Mr. Robert Rainsford. - Miss Eve Хіба тобі все ще не холодно? Aren't you still cold? Aren't you still cold? Это была долгая ночь. It's been a long night. It was a long night. Тому потрібно бути вдома до 2:30. Tom needs to be home by 2:30. So you have to be at home at 2:30 p.m. Том с интересом слушал. Tom listened with interest. Tom listened with interest. Нам надо его нанять. We should hire him. We need to hire him. Подивіться-но на те болото. Look at that swamp. Look at that swamp. Я сделал бы то же самое. I would do the same. I would have done the same thing. Я поговорив з ними. I've talked to them. I talked to them. Гора Килиманджаро - спящий вулкан, расположенный в Танзании. Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro, a sleeping volcano located in Tanzania Давайте не будем говорить о школе. Let's not talk about school. Let's not talk about school. Проста будзь шчаслівай. Just be happy. Just be slow. Марія варить їсти без солі. Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking. Maria's cooking without salt. Мері лишилася у своїй кімнаті. Mary stayed in her room. Mary stayed in her room. Том усё яшчэ вінаваціць цябе ў смерці Мэры. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Tom still blames thee in Mary's death. Том зробив знімок телефоном. Tom took a picture with his phone. Tom took a picture with the phone. Это благодаря вам. It's thanks to you. Thanks to you. Я настаўнік французскай мовы. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Вы штовечара глядзіце тэлевізар? Do you watch TV every evening? Are you watching TV every evening? Ваше объяснение было очень понятным. Your explanation was very easy to understand. Your explanation was very clear. Ти часто його зустрічаєш? Do you meet him often? Do you often see him? Я живу в городе, но мои родители жили в деревне. I live in a city, but my parents lived in a village. I live in town, but my parents lived in a village. Ѹрєклъ єсмь имъ на годъ съто гривьнъ въдати. I've promised to give them one hundred hrivnas annually. I don't know what you're talking about. Ей было сорок, но она выглядела старше. She was forty, but she appeared older. She was forty, but she looked older. Звільніть її. Free her. Let her go. Скільки у нас ще води? How much more water do we have? How much more water do we have? Том тобі сподобався би. You'd like Tom. Tom would love you. Я такі шчаслівы. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Не сядзі тут, калі ты не збіраешся гуляць з намі ў покер. You can't sit here if you're not going to play poker with us. Don't sit here if you're not gonna play with us on poker. Італія — дуже гарна країна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very beautiful country. Ми робимо те, що повинні робити. We do what we have to. We do what we have to do. Я переїхав сюди з Бостона. I moved here from Boston. I moved here from Boston. Чего бы хотѣлъ ѣсти? What would you like to eat? What do you want? Є що-небудь холодне попити? Is there something cold to drink? Is there anything cold about drinking? Том покрасил двери в синий. Tom painted the doors blue. Tom stole the door into the blue. Я буду на твоей стороне. I'll be at your side. I'll be on your side. Це величезна помилка. This is a huge mistake. It's a huge mistake. Вы сказали, что пойдёте? Did you say you would go? Did you say you'd go? Том пакінуў вакно адчыненым. Tom left the window open. Tom left the window open. Они обладают большим объемом информации. They have a large stock of information. They have a lot of information. Ты должен принять во внимание его возраст. You must take his age into account. You have to consider his age. Ви хочеш, щоб я пішла з вами? Would you like me to come with you? You want me to come with you? Когда-нибудь вы станете знаменитыми. You're going to be famous someday. You'll be famous sometime. Ты выглядаеш як дурань. You look stupid. You look like a fool. Я всё время этим пользуюсь. I use this all the time. I use it all the time. Том говорил мне, что ему нравится такая музыка. Tom told me he liked this kind of music. Tom told me he liked that kind of music. Операция длилась шесть часов. The surgery lasted six hours. The operation lasted six hours. Что ты мне предлагаешь? What are you suggesting to me? What are you offering me? Может быть, вам стоит вызвать полицию. Maybe you should call the police. Maybe you should call the police. Вы просто констатируете очевидное. You're just stating the obvious. You just notice the obvious. Том має тобі щось сказати. Tom has to tell you something. Tom has to tell you something. Уваходзьце, калі ласка! Please come in. Please come in! Он пока не осознал свои ошибки. He has not realized his mistakes yet. He hasn't realized his mistakes yet. Ты не можешь этого сделать? Can't you do it? Can't you do that? Книга - на столе. The book is on the desk. The book on the table. Ты говорила, что любишь его. You said that you loved him. You said you loved him. Чому ви це робите? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Я Вас кахаю. I love you. I love you. Отъвѣтите ми добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. We put away the good work. «Сягоння пахавалі малочніка. Было многа народу, таму што ўсе ў вёсцы яго ведалі». — «О, так у Лінсхотэне ёсць малочнік?» — «Ну, не, цяпер ужо не!» "Today, the milkman was buried. There were a lot of people, cause everybody in the village knew him." "Oh, is there a milkman in Linschoten?" "Well, no, not anymore!" "It buried the little girl, and it was a lot of people because everybody in the village of hers knew her." "Oh, so Linshot has a kid?" "Well, no, no, it's not!" Я тобі не раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Не думаю, что у Тома хватит смелости это сделать. I don't think Tom has the courage to do that. I don't think Tom has enough courage to do that. Я готовий почати. I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start. Он ударил меня по ошибке. He hit me by mistake. He hit me on a mistake. Сначала я не поверил тебе. At first, I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you at first. Том утверждал, что видел НЛО. Tom affirmed that he saw a UFO. Tom claimed he saw the UFO. Том немного старше Маши. Tom is a bit older than Mary. Tom's a little older than Macha. Где Том взял этот шарф? Where did Tom get that scarf? Where did Tom get this scarf? Мэри сказала, что идея ей нравится. Mary said she liked my idea. Mary said she liked the idea. Ты стаміўся, ці не так? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Все в шоколаді. All is well. Everyone's in chocolate. Надеюсь, ты чувствуешь себя как дома. I hope you feel at home. I hope you feel like home. Он пытался её спасти. He tried to save her. He was trying to save her. Татоэба: Лучше без смысла, чем без предложений! Tatoeba: Better to make no sense than no sentence! I'd rather have no meaning than no suggestion! Я намагаюся прокинутися. I'm trying to wake up. I'm trying to wake up. Я їх скачала. I downloaded them. I've seen them. Возьмите ещё. Have another. Take another. Якей фарби яблуко? What colour is the apple? What kind of apple paint? Вони взагалі читали цю книжку? Did they ever read this book? Did they read the book at all? Что Том думает о твоей музыке? What does Tom think of your music? What does Tom think of your music? Здається, що у Тома та Мері все в порядку. Tom and Mary seem fine. It seems as if Tom and Mary are all right. Я працую ў краме падарункаў. I'm working at a gift shop. I work in a wage store. Немає простого шляху до успіху. There is no simple road to success. There is no easy way to succeed. Поделите это между собой. Divide this among yourselves. I want you to share this with each other. Я думал, ты его ненавидишь. I thought you hated him. I thought you hated him. Чак Норріс народився у будинку, який він сам побудував. Chuck Norris was born in the house he built. Chuck Norris was born in a house he built. Він усе ще замолодий для цієї роботи. He is still too young for the job. He's still young for this job. Ты меня достал! You piss me off! You got me! Він зовсім не знає французької. He doesn't know French at all. He doesn't know French at all. Я никогда не был особенно силён в математике. I have never been particularly strong in mathematics. I've never been particularly strong in math. Чесно кажучи, я його презираю. To tell the truth, I despise him. To be honest, I despise him. Любить хлѣбъ и масло. He likes bread and butter. Love bread and butter. Ми там будемо. We'll be there. We'll be there. Зима скоро закончится. Winter will be over soon. Winter's about to end. Це схоже на добре місце для табору. This looks like a good spot to set up camp. It's like a good camp place. Это был очень романтичный поцелуй. It was a very romantic kiss. It was a very romantic kiss. У мене менше грошей, ніж у тебе. I have less money than you. I have less money than you do. Я б выпіла зялёнай гарбаты з язмінам. I would drink some jasmine green tea. I'd have some green tea with a beef. Она посоветовала ему держать свои обещания. She advised him to keep his promises. She advised him to keep his promises. Скільки днів у високосному році? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days in a high year? Наука зводить літаки з хмарочосами; віра ж зводить їх між собою. Science builds planes and skyscrapers, but faith brings them together. Science builds up airplanes with skyscrapers, but faith misleads them. Ты часто разговариваешь сама с собой? Do you often talk to yourself? Do you talk to yourself often? Том провёл весь день, пытаясь устранить течь в крыше. Tom spent all day trying to fix the leak in the roof. Tom spent the whole day trying to fix the leak in the roof. Преподаватель предупредил нас, что экзамен, вероятно, будет сложным. The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be complicated. The teacher warned us that the examination would probably be difficult. Не плачита. Don't cry. Don't cry. Том все ще хотів їсти. Tom was still hungry. Tom still wanted to eat. Как можно это завершить? How to get that done? How can this be accomplished? Чему ты научился? What did you learn? What did you learn? На Мэри был чёрный свитер, когда я встретил её. Mary was wearing a black sweater when I met her. Mary had a black sweater when I met her. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он приезжал пораньше. I told Tom to arrive early. I told him to come early. Я вчуся. I'm learning. I'm studying. Надвигается шторм. A storm is brewing. A storm is coming. Мы как раз собирались вам звонить. We were just about to call you. We were just gonna call you. Я должен сейчас идти на работу. I have to go to work now. I have to go to work right now. Ты ўбачыш розніцу. You will see the difference. You'll see the difference. Эта компания достигла значительного увеличения товарооборота в прошлом году. This company achieved a remarkable increase in turnover last year. The company achieved a significant increase in trade last year. Поговорим об этом сегодня вечером. Let's talk about that tonight. We'll talk about it tonight. Вам, возможно, придётся помочь ей. You may have to help her. You may have to help her. Я забыла полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to pour flowers. Вы должны заплатить вперёд. You must pay in advance. You have to pay for it. Она отвезёт тебя в аэропорт. She'll drop you off at the airport. She'll take you to the airport. Том упрямствует. Tom is being stubborn. Tom's stubborn. Я почти ничего об этом не знаю. I know hardly anything about it. I almost don't know anything about that. Вони з Греції. They're from Greece. They're from Greece. Женщины созданы для того, чтобы их любили, а не для того, чтобы их понимали. Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood. Women were set up to be loved, not understood. Тебе надо позавтракать. You need to have breakfast. You need to have breakfast. Ваша присутність тут багато для мене значить. Your being here means a lot to me. Your presence here means a lot to me. Том має брата, який працює в банку. Tom has a brother who works in a bank. Tom has a brother who works at the bank. Мені треба вибачитись перед Ен. I have to excuse myself to Ann. I have to apologize to Ann. Я по лестнице. I'll take the stairs. I'm in the stairs. Ты знаешь, где Том это взял? Do you know where Tom got this? Do you know where Tom took this? Том не дурний. Tom is no fool. Tom's not stupid. Вы не можете говорить на французском? Can't you speak French? Can't you speak French? Які бацька — такі і сын. Like father, like son. What a father such a son is. Том із нетерпінням на це чекає. Tom is looking forward to that. Tom's looking forward to it. Я не мог поверить, что это ты. I couldn't believe it was you. I couldn't believe it was you. Том повернеться за кілька днів. Tom will be back in a few days. Tom will be back in a few days. Мы не партнёры. We're not partners. We're not partners. Тебя трудно принимать всерьёз. It's hard to take you seriously. It's hard to accept you. Давидъ въ домоу. David is at home. David's home. Я вийшла, незважаючи на дощ. I went out in spite of the rain. I walked out despite the rain. Ця історія особливо цікава. This story is especially interesting. This story is particularly interesting. Я капітан цього корабля. I'm the captain of this ship. I'm the captain of this ship. У него много талантов. He has many talents. He's got a lot of talents. Том мій друг. Tom is my friend. Tom's my friend. Том единственный, кто что-то сказал. Tom is the only one who said anything. Tom's the only one who said something. Вона поїхала до християнського табору. She went to Bible camp. She went to the Christian camp. Ну ж бо, хлопці, хутчіш. Come on, guys, let's hurry. Come on, boys, hurry up. Хто відкрив цей острів? By whom was the island discovered? Who discovered this island? Сколько ещё людей знает об этом? How many other people know about this? How many more people know about it? Саша-українка каже, що російська горілка містить більше алкоголю, ніж українська. Sasha the Ukrainian says that Russian vodka has more alcohol content than does Ukrainian vodka. Sasha-Ukraine says Russian alcohol contains more alcohol than Ukrainian alcohol. Вони заявили, що вони не винні. They declared that they were innocent. They said they were not guilty. Я щойно бачив їх разом. I just saw them together. I just saw them together. Кабачки зелені. Zucchinis are green. Cocks are green. Ти куштував рис? Did you taste the rice? Did you taste rice? Это интересная реклама. That's an interesting ad. It's an interesting ad. Он не любит кофе. He doesn't like coffee. He doesn't like coffee. Это моё любимое. That's my favorite. It's my favorite. Боляче. It hurts. It hurts. Давайте побалакаємо. Let's chat. Let's talk. Ящик с отверстиями. The box has holes in it. A drawer with openings. Том завтра йде до магазину. Tom is going shopping tomorrow. Tom's going to the store tomorrow. Вчора я зустрів на вулиці Мері. Yesterday I met Mary on the street. I met on Mary's street yesterday. Учора раніцай я з’еў вафлю! Yesterday morning I ate a waffle! I ate a waffle yesterday morning! Вам потрібно припинити робити це просто зараз. You need to stop doing that right now. You have to stop doing this right now. Спробуй не заплакати. Try to keep from crying. Try not to cry. Я не думаю, что Том знает, что я люблю Мэри. I don't think Tom knows that I love Mary. I don't think Tom knows I love Mary. Том должен был сказать Мэри. Tom must've told Mary. Tom should have told Mary. Я хочу, щоб Тома заарештували за вбивство. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom to be arrested for murder. Том на кухне, моет посуду. Tom is in the kitchen, washing dishes. Tom's in the kitchen, having a dish. Том немного занят, поэтому не сможет тебе сегодня помочь. Tom is a bit busy, so he can't help you today. Tom's a little busy, so he can't help you tonight. Мы пытались защитить её. We were trying to protect her. We were trying to protect her. Ти сам це побачиш. You'll see it for yourself. You'll see it yourself. Я не вірю ні у що надприроднє, але мене захоплює літературний песонаж диявола. She doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but she is fascinated by the literary Satan. I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I'm attracted to the devil's literary song. Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for ten dollars. Я люблю народні пісні. I like folk songs. I love folk songs. Ось тобі! Take that! Here you go! Дзе стол? Where's the table? Where is the table? У Тома превосходные оценки. Tom's grades are excellent. Tom's got great grades. Тому он не понравился, но он всё равно его купил. Tom didn't like it, but he still bought it. That's why he didn't like it, but he still bought it. Сцена была показана в замедленной съёмке. The scene was shown in slow motion. The wall was shown in slow filming. Я сдал тест по французскому. I passed my French test. I passed the French test. Не мълви пълнымь рътъмь. Don't speak with your mouth full. Don't change your mouth. Воно все спрацює, ось побачите. It's all going to work out, you'll see. It'll work, you'll see. Говори. Talk. Say it. Если начнём рано, то можем закончить к обеду. If we begin early, we can finish by lunch. If we start early, we can finish at lunch. Том зупинив таймер. Tom stopped the timer. Tom stopped the timer. Она нашла ключ к моему сердцу. She found the key to my heart. She found the key to my heart. Ти не смішний. You are not funny. You're not funny. Поставьте свою подпись здесь. Sign here. Put your signature here. Я отправил тебе деньги, которые ты просила. I sent you the money you asked for. I sent you the money you asked for. Я абажаю лазанью. I love lasagna. I talk about lasagna. Том дуже легковірний. Tom is very naive. Tom is very credulity. Скільки мені слід купити пива? How much beer should I buy? How much should I buy a beer? Не забывай нас! Don't forget about us! Don't forget us! Вы не хотите попробовать ещё раз? Don't you want to try again? You don't want to try again? Не сиди допоздна. Don't sit up late at night. Don't stay late. Сколько у вас тёток? How many aunts do you have? How many aunts do you have? У нас двое дзяцей. We have two children. We have two kids. Як зазвичай проводиш день? How do you usually spend your day? How do you usually spend a day? Ти певен, що це можна робити? Are you sure it's OK to do this? You sure you can do that? Ну разве Том не замечательный? Isn't Tom wonderful? Isn't Tom great? Том никогда не был знаком с Мэри. Tom never knew Mary. Tom was never familiar with Mary. Наш цягнік спазняецца. Our train is late. Our train is late. Мері всі поважають. Mary is respected by everyone. Mary respects everyone. Том глохнет. Tom is going deaf. Tom's sick. Ми винахідливі. We're resourceful. We're resourceful. Звідки ти знав, що Тома тут не буде? How did you know Tom would be here? How did you know Tom wouldn't be here? "Ты должен мне денег". - "Нет, не должен". "You owe me money." "No, I don't." "You owe me money." "No, I don't." Ти впевнений, що не хочеш зайти? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Ты заўсёды прыходзіш на працу так рана? Do you always come to work this early? Are you always coming to work so early? Том вынул пузырёк с таблетками из кармана. Tom took a bottle of pills out of his pocket. Tom pulled out a bubble of pills from his pocket. Гэта царква, ў якой мы пажаніліся. This is the church where we got married. It is the church in which we settled. Бульба вельмі танная. Potatoes are very cheap. It's very cheap. Студенты постоянно изводят его потоком вопросов. He is being harassed by a flood of questions from his students. Students constantly do it with a stream of questions. Я майже виграла. I almost won. I almost won. Исследователь предложил перспективные направления в лечении рака. The researcher suggested promising directions for treating the cancer. The researcher suggested promising directions for treatment of cancer. Час іти спати. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Я рано женился. I married young. I got married early. Давай оставим это до завтра. Let's leave it till tomorrow. Let's leave it till tomorrow. Ты понял, что она сказала? Did you understand what she said? Do you understand what she said? Я маю йти на зустріч. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go to the meeting. Вы видите розу? Do you see a rose? Do you see the rose? Мне столько надо сказать. I have so much to say. I have so much to say. Шнїг били. The snow is white. Schneeig was beaten. Это не мой дом. This is not my home. It's not my house. Немає сумніву, що піде дощ. It's bound to rain. No doubt it will rain. Я зажди хотів одягнути смокінг. I've always wanted to wear a tux. I always wanted to wear a tuxedo. Он говорит, что ничего не видел. He says he didn't see anything. He says he didn't see anything. Я можу це зробити зараз. I can do that now. I can do it now. Том открыл свою сумку. Tom opened his bag. Tom opened his bag. Я не спал двое суток. I haven't slept in forty-eight hours. I didn't sleep two days. Тому нужно было найти, где жить. Tom needed to find someplace to live. So I had to find a place to live. Положи их в угол. Put them in the corner. Put them in the corner. Я більше про це не думаю. I never think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore. Де ти минулого року працювала? Where did you work last year? Where did you work last year? Пожидати ти въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. Wait till you're ready. Вы странный. You're weird. You're weird. Мне нужно знать всё. I need to know everything. I need to know everything. Для производства автомобилей используются роботы. Robots are used to manufacture cars. Car production uses robots. Том сказав, що поскаржиться. Tom said he'd complain. Tom said he'd complain. Я ценю Вашу поддержку. I appreciate your support. I appreciate your support. І яку ціну ми повинні сплатити за ці переваги? What price do we have to pay for these advantages? And what price should we pay for these benefits? Я не хочу, чтобы Том об этом беспокоился. I don't want Tom to worry about that. I don't want Tom to worry about it. Я наполнила кувшин доверху. I filled the jug to the brim. I've filled a pot of trust. У Тома есть собака белого цвета. Tom has a white dog. Tom has a white dog. На этих выходных мне нужно работать. I have to work this weekend. I need to work this weekend. Почему вы раньше мне об этом не говорили? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why didn't you tell me that before? Я насправді така цікава? Am I really that interesting? Am I really so curious? Разуменне сучаснасці немагчыма без добрага разумення мінуўшчыны. The understanding of the present is impossible without a good understanding of the past. It's not possible to break down a modern system without having a good understanding of anything you can possibly do. Я не хочу тебя беспокоить. I don't want to disturb you. I don't want to bother you. Пам'ятаєш, коли ти вперше почула Бітлз? Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Remember when you first heard Beatles? Яке значення цієї фрази? What is the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this phrase? Скільки, на твою думку, Том їсть шоколаду? How much chocolate do you think Tom eats? How much do you think Tom eats chocolate? Я прагну значно більшого. I want a lot more. I want much more. Вечірка вийшла з-під контролю. The party got out of hand. The party's out of control. Если бы я знал её адрес, я бы написал ей письмо. If I had known her address, I would have written her a letter. If I knew her address, I'd write her a letter. Я ніколи не працюю у вихідні. I never work on weekends. I never work on weekends. Я ж можу тобі довіряти, правда? I can trust you, can't I? I can trust you, right? Навошта ты робіш гэта? Why are you doing this? Why do you do that? Снова и снова в нашей жизни появляются препятствия, некоторые называют их проблемами, другие говорят о возможностях для роста. Again and again there are challenges in our life. Some call them problems, others call them growth opportunities. Again and again, there are obstacles in our lives, some call them problems, others talking about opportunities for growth. Я предлагаю тебе стараться больше. I suggest you try harder. I suggest you try harder. Що ти хочеш на свій день народження? What do you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday? Перестань. Я не хочу. Stop. I don't want to. I don't want to. Мне падабаецца бразільская партугальская. I like Brazilian Portuguese. I like the Brazilian Portuguese. Де ви зараз мешкаєте? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Все члены должны соблюдать эти правила. All members need to observe these rules. All members must comply with these rules. Я на четвёртом месяце. I am four months pregnant. I'm on month four. Том - гражданин Австралии. Tom is an Australian citizen. Tom is an Australian citizen. Мы знаем, что ты его не убивал. We know you didn't kill him. We know you didn't kill him. Ты нашла работу? Have you found a job? You got a job? З Томом важко знаходити спільну мову. It's hard to get along with Tom. It's hard to find a common language with Tom. Моїй подрузі сімнадцять. My friend is seventeen. My friend is seventeen. Я жалію, що таке вчинив. I regret having done such a thing. I regret what I did. Я вирощую орхідеї в оранжереї. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in an orange. Узнаёшь это? Do you recognize this? Do you recognize that? Він живе тут. He lives here. He lives here. Она ваша учительница? Is she your teacher? She's your teacher? Вы кого-нибудь ещё видели? Have you seen anyone else? Have you seen anybody else? Том зажёг сигару. Tom lit his cigar. Tom lit the cigar. Цікава, чаму Том не пажадаў ехаць у Бостан з Мэры. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't want to go to Boston with Mary. Не думай. Don't think. Don't think. Вони злізли з дерева. They climbed down the tree. They got off the tree. Вона проводить забагато часу в інтернеті. She spends way too much time surfing the web. She spends too much time on the Internet. Чемоу пъıтаѥши? Why do you ask? What's the five of you doing? Ти вже купила різдвяні подарунки? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Have you bought Christmas presents yet? Я вирішила сказати йому правду. I decided to tell him the truth. I decided to tell him the truth. Идёт сильный дождь. It's raining hard. It's raining. Мозг очень сложный орган. The brain is a very complex organ. It's a very complicated organ. Будь ласка, не торкайтеся мене. Please don't touch me. Please don't touch me. Я редко вас с Томом вижу. I rarely see you and Tom. I seldom see you with Tom. Я роблю забагато помилок. I am making too many mistakes. I'm making too many mistakes. «Сколько до ужина?» — «Пять минут». "How long till dinner?" -"Five minutes." "How long till dinner?" "Five minutes." Я такий ідіот. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. Чого ви від мене хочете? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Том изучал медицину в Бостоне. Tom studied medicine in Boston. Tom studied medicine in Boston. Ми були дуже голодні. We were very hungry. We were very hungry. Як Вашы справы, Майк? How are you, Mike? How are you doing, Mike? Я мав кравця, що шив мені вбрання. I had the tailor make a suit for me. I had a tailor to wear my clothes. Я викличу поліцію. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Чому ви купили квітку? Why did you buy a flower? Why did you buy a flower? Том хоче вас убити, Мері. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Ты с ним работаешь? Do you work with him? Are you working with him? Не думаю, що Том нас почує. I don't think that Tom will hear us. I don't think Tom will hear us. Том проти куріння. Tom is against smoking. Tom's against smoking. Ах ти ж йобаний ти на хуй! Моя колишня — злодюжка! Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! My former man is a thief. Їй п'ять. She is five years old. She's five. Мне тебя жалко. I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry for you. Я запросила Тома до себе. I invited Tom over. I invited Tom in. Я не хочу, чтобы вы видели меня голым. I don't want you to see me naked. I don't want you to see me naked. Мы с Томом одного роста. I'm as tall as Tom. Tom and I are the same growth. Пожалуйста, зови меня Таро. Please call me Taro. Please call me Taro. Я твой отец. I'm your father. I'm your father. Ти заслуговуєш на відпочинок. You've earned a rest. You deserve some rest. Я кохаю Тома. I love Tom. I love Tom. На лугу растут цветы. Flowers are growing in the meadow. Color grows on the meadow. Я знал, что вы будете по мне скучать. I knew you'd miss me. I knew you'd miss me. Надвор’е заставалася гарачым два тыдні. The weather stayed hot for two weeks. She stayed there for two weeks. Том обнаружил дверь Мэри приоткрытой. Tom found Mary's door partly open. Tom found Mary's door open. Його було виправдано. He was acquitted. He was acquitted. Тома не было в его комнате? Wasn't Tom in his room? Tom wasn't in his room? Она страдает от почечной недостаточности. She is suffering from kidney failure. She suffers from renal failure. Том делает это, когда у него бывает свободное время. Tom does that whenever he has free time. Tom does it when he has free time. Я наняла сабе асістэнтку. I've hired myself an assistant. I hired my assistant. Чи це правда що Мідорі дуже добре грає на скрипці? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays a very good violin? Я була голодна. I was hungry. I was hungry. Чемоу просиши? Why do you ask? What are you asking for? Скажи Тому, що я передзвоню. Tell Tom that I'll call back. Tell him I'll call you back. Я ризикую втратити роботу допомагаючи їй. I ran the risk of losing my job to help her. I risk losing my job to help her. Ты что, забыл, как его зовут? You forgot his name, didn't you? Did you forget his name? Я тут зачекаю. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Я один не справлюсь. Вам придётся мне помочь. I can't do it alone. You have to help me. You're gonna have to help me. В парку не було дітей. There weren't any kids in the park. There were no children in the park. Бэці адмовілася ад прапановы Мюрыэл. Betty turned down Muriel's offer. Betty gave up Muriel's suggestion. Ми купили будинок цього чоловіка. We bought the man's house. We bought this man's house. Поминаѭ ожє тѧ инъдє сърѣтохъ. I remember meeting you somewhere. And remember, you're going to have a little bit of an ink. Мы могли это сделать. We could have done it. We could do that. Я добре відпочив. I'm well rested. I had a good rest. Я не певен, зробить це Том чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not. I'm not sure if Tom does it or not. Это может быть не так трудно, как ты думаешь. That might not be as difficult as you think it's going to be. It may not be as hard as you think. Лише деякі запитання мають відповіді. Only some questions have answers. Only some questions have answers. Тому надо было пригласить Мэри. Tom should've invited Mary. So I should have invited Mary. Первой на войне погибает истина. The first to die in war is the truth. The first one in the war is the truth. Решайте уже! Decide already! Make up your mind! Я недостатньо рішучий. I'm not decisive enough. I'm not determined enough. Ти колись був за кордоном? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Я думаю, нам стоит взять их на работу. I think we should hire them. I think we should take them to work. Сподіваюся, Том та Мері не заблукали. I hope Tom and Mary aren't lost. I hope Tom and Mary didn't get lost. Что случилось прошлой ночью? What happened last night? What happened last night? Я все ще не зробив того, про що попросив Том. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. I still haven't done what Tom asked for. Їдь на схід. Head east. Go east. Том выйшаў замуж за Самі. Tom married Sami. Tom was married to himself. Том сказав, навіщо йому потрібні гроші? Did Tom say what he needed the money for? Tom said, why would he need money? Какие овощи вы любите? What vegetables do you like? What vegetables do you love? Гадаєш, Том нас знайде? Do you think Tom will find us? You think Tom's gonna find us? Скажите Тому, что Мэри хочет его видеть. Tell Tom that Mary wants to see him. Tell him Mary wants to see him. Мене звати Генрі. My name's Henry. My name is Henry. Хотя я изучал французский в школе в течение трёх лет, я всё равно не особо хорошо на нём говорю. Even though I studied French for three years in school, I'm not good at speaking it. Although I studied French at school for three years, I still don't speak very well on him. Вам подобається жовтий колір? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like yellow? Я купив собі трубу. I've bought myself a trumpet. I bought myself a pipe. Я не думал, что ты позволишь мне это сделать. I didn't think you'd let me do that. I didn't think you'd let me do that. Хорошо, я больше так не буду. OK, I won't do it again. Okay, I'm not gonna be like that anymore. Он работает над своим английским. He's working at his English. He's working on his English. У вас багато часу. You have plenty of time. You've had a lot of time. Том не был хорошим тренером. Tom wasn't a good coach. Tom wasn't a good coach. Я не проти. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Ось книжка. Here is a book. Here's a book. Фунт - это единица веса. A pound is a unit of weight. A pound is one weight. Хорошо быть дома. It's nice to be home. It's good to be home. Що Том хоче робити? What does Tom want to do? What does Tom want to do? Я потрапив у точку. I nailed it. I got to the point. Я маю готуватися до тесту. I have to study for the test. I have to prepare for the test. Дом Тома был поглощен карстовой воронкой. Tom's home was swallowed by a sinkhole. Tom's house was taken up with a cartel. Де ваша мама? Where's your mom? Where's your mom? Забудзьцеся! Forget it! Forget you! Том стверджує, що ніколи нікого не вбивав. Tom claims that he has never killed anyone. Tom says he never killed anyone. Том на тебе чекав. Tom was waiting for you. Tom was waiting for you. Ти колись доїв корову? Have you ever milked a cow? Have you ever eaten a cow? Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he was interested. Tom said he was interested. Я вывучаю казахскую. I am learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Том должен сказать правду. Tom has to tell the truth. Tom has to tell the truth. Ты нафарбаваўся памадай? Are you wearing lipstick? Do you lined up your mind? Том там не табе чекає. Tom is waiting there for you. Tom's not waiting for you there. Я думала, мы подруги. I thought that we were friends. I thought we were friends. Ми з Томом обидва плакали. Tom and I were both crying. Tom and I both cried. Хто останній? Who's last? Who's the last one? Мері зробила костюм на Хелловін для своїх дітей. Mary made Halloween costumes for her kids. Mary made a Halloween suit for her children. Что она тебе прошептала? What did she whisper to you? What did she whisper to you? Конечно, это не так. Of course, it's not true. Of course it's not. Твоя дочка мені прозповість. Your daughter will tell me. Your daughter will tell me. Наступний рік буде гіршим. Next year will be worse. The next year will be worse. Я тебя прощу. I'll forgive you. I'll forgive you. Ой... Oh boy... Ohh... Она поёт? Does she sing? She sings? Гэта пустыя словы. Those are empty words. It is empty words. Чи були ви у столиці США - Вашингтоні? Have you ever been to Washington, the capital of the United States of America? Were you in Washington, D.C., U.S. capital? Можете вирішити цю задачу? Can you do this problem? Can you solve this problem? Я знаю, що я багато чому навчуся. I know I'm going to learn a lot. I know I'll learn a lot. Том был жертвой попытки вымогательства. Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt. Tom was a victim of an attempt at extortion. Они продают обувь. They sell shoes. They sell shoes. Вы гэтага не зналі? Didn't you know that? You didn't know that? Ты няправы. You are wrong. You're wrong. Вона була біла. It was white. She was white. Зроби це завтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Літак злетів рівно о дев'ятій. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. The plane's gone exactly at nine o'clock. Тъ пьсъ скакалъ. That dog jumped. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Том с вами? Is Tom with you? Tom's with you? Том сложил игрушки в ящик для игрушек. Tom put his toys into the toy box. Tom put the toys in the toy box. Я була сором'язлива. I was shy. I was shy. У мене немає грошей, аби купити словник. I don't have money to buy a dictionary. I don't have the money to buy a dictionary. Майже всі мови мають діалекти. Almost all languages have dialects. Almost all languages have dialects. Он откупорил бутылку. He uncorked the bottle. He pushed the bottle away. Гэта найлепшы бургер у горадзе. It's the best burger in town. That's the best burger in the city. Она в чёрной шляпе. She's wearing a black hat. She's in the black hat. А я тут пры чым? What has that to do with me? What am I doing here for? Том це для тебе зробив? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did it for you? Мэри знает, что была неправа. Mary knows that she was wrong. Mary knows she was wrong. Кто стучится в дверь ко мне? Who is knocking at my door? Who's knocking at my door? Я їстиму те саме, що й ви. I'll eat the same thing you eat. I'll eat the same as you. Том лишь хотел поговорить. Tom just wanted to talk. Tom just wanted to talk. Моя тётя живёт в Нью-Йорке. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Дело не в этом. It's not about that. That's not the point. Это самая вкусная груша из всех, которые я ел. This is the best tasting pear I've ever eaten. It's the sweetest pear I've ever eaten. Що будемо їсти сьогодні ввечері? What shall we eat tonight? What shall we eat tonight? Том сказал, что возвращается. Tom said he was coming back. Tom said he was coming back. Што б Вы зрабілі на маім месцы? If you were in my place, what would you do? What would you do in my place? Акулы едят рыбу. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. Я собирался отремонтировать машину. I was going to repair the car. I was gonna fix the car. Коли ти останнього разу говорила французькою? When was the last time you spoke French? When was the last time you spoke French? Я дам тебе новую. I'll give you a new one. I'll give you a new one. Так, я жив там багато років. Yes, I lived there for many years. Yeah, I've been there for years. Все живы. Everybody is alive. Everyone's alive. Я долго этого ждала. I've waited a long time for this. I've been waiting for it for a long time. Зачекайте-но! Hang on! Wait a minute! Він більше не злиться. He is not angry anymore. He's not angry anymore. С её смерти прошло десять лет. It's been ten years since her death. She's been dead for ten years. Я сама ей скажу. I'll tell her myself. I'll tell her. Дождевая вода стекает по этой трубе. The rain-water runs off through this pipe. Rainwater flows through this pipe. Чому ти не спиш? Why aren't you asleep? Why don't you sleep? Это было не смешно. That wasn't funny. It wasn't funny. Чому ти мене не проінформував? Why didn't you inform me? Why didn't you inform me? Морозъ. It's freezing. It's freezing. Вам не нужно идти. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Том — один з тих, з цим я граю у волейбол. Tom is one of the guys I play volleyball with. Tom is one of those things I play volleyball with. Вы там живёте? Do you live there? You live there? Где твой дух искателя приключений? Where's your spirit of adventure? Where's your spirit of adventure-seeker? Ти велика. You are big. You're great. Картон прочнее бумаги. Cardboard is stronger than paper. The carton is full of paper. Я думаю, тобі слід піти туди з Томом. I think you should go there with Tom. I think you should go there with Tom. Ситуация у нас под контролем. We have the situation under control. The situation is under control. Я дороблю домашню роботу до дев'ятої. I will finish my homework by nine. I'll do homework by nine. Том ушёл вовремя. Tom left on time. Tom left on time. Скажи мені правду, будь ласка. Please tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, please. Ты сейчас начнёшь. You'll start right now. You're gonna start right now. Пьяный мужчина не мог идти прямо. The drunken man couldn't walk straight. A drunk man couldn't walk straight. Она похлопала. She clapped her hands. She's sick. Пойдёшь ли ты со мной на концерт? Will you come with me to the concert? Will you come to the concert with me? Ти несправедливий. You're unfair. You're unfair. Можеш не поспішати. You don't need to hurry. You can take your time. Хіба це тебе не турбує? Aren't you annoyed by this? Isn't that bothering you? Сьогодні - національний день брехні! І так, я його вигадав. It's national tell-a-lie day! And yes, I made that up. Today is a national day of lies, and yes, I made it up. Том не хоче пити. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom doesn't want to drink. У мене для тебе є ще кілька запитань. I have some more questions for you. I've got a few more questions for you. Ви плануєте залишитися надовго? Do you plan to stay long? Are you planning on staying for a long time? У меня всё работает. That works for me. I'm working. Він повернув за ріг. He turned the corner. He returned for the horn. Этот стол шатается. This table isn't steady. This table's hanging out. Ви коли-небудь рахували зорі? Have you ever counted the stars? Have you ever counted the stars? Ми не маємо цукру. We have no sugar. We don't have sugar. Том не будет просить меня это сделать. Tom won't ask me to do that. Tom won't ask me to do this. Если не хочешь отвечать, то не нужно. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. If you don't want to answer, you don't need to. Том сказав, що я маю це зробити. Tom said I had to do that. Tom said I had to do it. Я задовольняю її вимоги. I meet her demands. I meet her requirements. Барбару забіў Элістэр. It was Alister who killed Barbara. The barbarous kills Elyster. Избавься от ружья. Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the gun. Я хочу розмовляти французькою. I want to speak in French. I want to speak French. Я его ему не дал. I didn't give it to him. I didn't give it to him. Том вряд ли забудет это сделать. Tom is unlikely to forget to do that. Tom's not going to forget to do that. Я думала, Том відмовиться цим займатися. I thought Tom would refuse to do that. I thought Tom would refuse to do that. Никто из нас не хочет, чтобы это случилось. None of us want that to happen. None of us want this to happen. Ты уверен, что знаешь, что делаешь? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Are you sure you know what you're doing? Ти взяла вихідний. You took a day off. You took the weekend. Если вы хотите побыть одни, я уйду. If you want to be alone, I'll leave. If you want to be alone, I'll leave. Вона працювала юристом упродовж багатьох років. She practised as a barrister for many years. She worked as a lawyer for many years. Том сказав добраніч. Tom said goodnight. Tom said good night. Вижѭ домъ. I see the house. You're going to eat a house. Я цього не робила. I did not do it. I didn't do it. Ось вам! Take that! Here you go! Они едут домой. They are on their way home. They're going home. Можете мені передати сіль? Could you pass the salt? Can you give me the salt? Вы хотите, чтобы я начала заново? Do you want me to start again? Do you want me to start anew? Моя сім'я живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Ці ты са мной, ці ты супраць мяне. You're either with me or against me. Or thou with me, or thou art against me. Дін і справді вміє розправлятися із їжею. Dean can really put away the food. Dean is really good at eating. То помаранче. It is an orange. It's orange. Хтой ваш улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who is your favorite artist? Том сказал мне, что Мэри не так это делает. Tom told me Mary did that wrong. Tom told me Mary didn't do that. Я уверена, ты сможешь справиться с работой. I'm sure you'll be able to do the job. I'm sure you can handle the job. Тобі треба поговорити з Томом. You should speak with Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Будь ласка, не говоріть так швидко. Don't speak so fast, please. Please don't speak so fast. Він колись її кохав. He used to love her. He used to love her. Я сапраўды яе любіў. I truly loved her. I was really fond of her. Я хотіла показати йому твою книжку. I wanted to show him your book. I wanted to show him your book. У меня нет денег, чтобы купить словарь. I have no money to buy the dictionary with. I don't have the money to buy a dictionary. Проблема в тому, що сонячна енергія занадто дорога. The problem is that solar energy costs too much. The problem is, solar energy is too expensive. Я не могу растить нашу дочь в одиночку. I can't raise our daughter alone. I can't raise our daughter alone. Ти вже пообідав? Have you eaten lunch yet? Have you eaten yet? Я не уверена, какой у неё размер. I'm not sure what size she wears. I'm not sure how big she is. Довидзеня! See you. Good luck! Вы цэліцеся занізка, каб улучыць. You're aiming too low to hit the target. You have a glimpse of being too late to join in. Её сын гений. Her son is a genius. Her son is a genius. Том - антисемит. Tom is an anti-Semite. Tom is an anti-Semitism. Я думала, що Том — ваш друг. I thought Tom was your friend. I thought Tom was your friend. Что именно вы хотите, чтобы я сделал? What exactly do you want me to do? What exactly do you want me to do? Я лічу, што ён мае рацыю. In my opinion, he is correct. I think he's right. Блискавка вдарила у башту. Lightning struck the tower. The beast hit the tower. Том з Мері вже повернулися з Австралії. Tom and Mary are now back from Australia. Tom and Mary have already returned from Australia. Мы уже поговорили. We already talked. We've already talked. Эта песня напоминает мне об одной девушке. That song reminds me of a certain girl. This song reminds me of one girl. Ми з Томом бігли на перегонах. I ran a race with Tom. Tom and I ran the race. Ти абсолютно права. You're absolutely right! You're absolutely right. Війна нікому не приносить щастя. War doesn't make anybody happy. War brings no one happiness. Том этим уже занимается. Tom is already doing that. Tom's already doing this. Ты хочешь, чтобы это окно было открыто? Do you want this window opened? You want this window to open? Вы вообще звонили ему? Did you ever call him? Did you even call him? Наш будинок занадто малий. Our house is very small. Our house is too small. Он сдал кровь. He gave blood. He gave away his blood. Пойдём спать. Let's go to bed. Let's sleep. Покажи її мені. Show it to me. Show her to me. Я перакладчык. I'm a translator. I'm a translator. Ти ж не засмучений? You're not upset, are you? You're not upset, are you? Том читал древнюю рукопись. Tom was reading an old manuscript. Tom read an ancient manuscript. Я не прочь пригласить тебя в моё любимое кафе. Это милое, спокойное местечко с приятной атмосферой. I'd like to invite you to my favourite café. It’s a nice, relaxing place with a good vibe. It's a nice, peaceful place with a nice atmosphere. Это принесет несчастье твоей семье. It will bring down trouble on your family. This will bring disaster to your family. Помідор — це фрукт чи овоч? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Tomatoes — Fruit or Eating? Цей студент — американець. This student is an American. This student is an American. Його дурна відповідь вразила усіх. His stupid answer surprised everybody. His stupid answer impressed everyone. Дай мені трохи молока. Give me some milk. Give me some milk. У меня были проблемы с парковкой. I had trouble parking. I had a parking problem. Калі б я ведаў яго лепей, я б сказаў яму праўду. If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth. If I had known him better, I would have told him the truth. Отец Тома, находящийся в тюрьме, никогда не пишет Тому. Tom's father, who is in prison, never writes to Tom. Tom's father, in prison, never writes Thomas. Тэхас амаль удвая большы за Японію. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. Theas are almost double what Japan is. Ти випустив монстра. You have unleashed a monster. You let the monster out. Он служил во флоте. He served in the navy. He served in the Navy. Ми мусимо це все робити? Do we have to do all that? Do we have to do all of this? Они бегут. They are running. They're running. Мій батько занадто зайнятий, аби піти на прогулянку. My father is too busy to take a walk. My father is too busy to go for a walk. Вона зателефонувала психіатру. She phoned the psychiatrist. She called a psychiatrist. Я в вас обеих очень разочарован. I'm very disappointed in both of you. I'm both very disappointed in you. Здається, ти не дуже задоволений. You don't seem very satisfied. I don't think you're very pleased. Разрэзаць торт на роўныя кавалачкі даволі цяжка. Cutting a cake into equal pieces is rather difficult. Cut a cake into each piece is pretty hard. Жыццё — не пустая абалонка. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not an empty shell. Я тут никого не знаю, кроме Тома. I don't know anybody here, except Tom. I don't know anybody here except Tom. Том завжди в мережі. Tom is always online. Tom's always online. Тому ни до кого нет дела, кроме себя самого. Tom doesn't care about anyone but himself. That's why there's nothing to do with anyone but yourself. Уяві, што ты на месяцы. Imagine yourself to be on the moon. Imagine you're for months. В мене багато друзів. I have a lot of friends. I've got lots of friends. Дитина була паралізована від страху. The child was paralyzed with fear. The child was paralyzed with fear. Чому ви шкутильгаєте? Why are you limping? Why do you bite? Я знаю, что вы хотите их увидеть. I know you want to see them. I know you want to see them. Я начинаю думать, что вы серьёзно. I'm beginning to think you're serious. I'm starting to think you're serious. Боюсь, будет дождь. I'm afraid it'll rain. I'm afraid it'll rain. Моя жена никогда не хотела иметь детей. My wife never wanted to have kids. My wife never wanted to have children. Ты чаго такі сумны? Why are you so sad? What's so sad about you? Том даст Мэри всё, что ей нужно. Tom will give Mary everything she needs. Tom'll give Mary anything she needs. Я був учителем. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Сериал нужно начинать смотреть, когда все сезоны уже отсняты! Series are best watched after all seasons have been filmed. We need to start watching the show when all the seasons are off! Что-то взяли. Something was taken. They got something. У Тома не было детей. Tom didn't have any children. Tom didn't have any kids. Це вниз по вулиці ліворуч. It's just down the street on your left. It's down the street to the left. Том сказав, що Мері бачила, як Джон це робив. Tom said Mary saw John doing that. Tom said Mary saw John do it. Пойдем назад к Тому. Let's go back to Tom. Let's go back to That. Вы мне не мать. You're not my mother. You're not my mother. Я немного похудел. I've lost some weight. I smelled a little. Я осознаю опасность. I'm aware of the danger. I'm aware of the danger. Том в поезде. Tom is on the train. Tom's on the train. Я заўсёды хацела цябе пацалаваць. I've always wanted to kiss you. I always wanted to kiss you. Я решу эту проблему. I'll solve that problem. I'll solve this problem. Мы могли бы пройтись пешком. We could walk. We could walk. Том освободился от своего иностранного акцента. Tom lost his foreign accent. Tom got rid of his foreign accent. Том сказав, що йому байдуже, чи він переможе, чи ні. Tom said that he doesn't care if he wins or not. Tom said he didn't care if he won or not. Ви брудні. You're dirty. You're dirty. Ось чому він розлютився. That is why he got angry. That's why he got angry. Том відправив Мері смс. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent Mary text. Це твоя головна проблема. That is your major problem. That's your main problem. Не виключайте цього повністю. Don't rule it out completely. Do not turn it off completely. Ти не можеш це зробити сама, еге ж? You can't do that by yourself, can you? You can't do it yourself, can't you? Том просто посмотрел на Мэри и улыбнулся. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Tom just looked at Mary and smiled. Мері каже, що приїжджає сюди щороку. Mary says she comes here every year. Mary says she comes here every year. Це відео нудне. This video is boring. This video is boring. В коробці більше нічого немає. There's nothing else in the box. There's nothing else in the box. Я ем макароны. I'm eating pasta. I eat pasta. Я бы предпочёл, чтобы вы не рассказывали об этом Тому. I'd prefer it if you didn't tell Tom about this. I'd rather you don't tell Him about it. Вьсıакъı оуже єсмь ти ис пълна простилъ. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. You're the only one who's been forgiven. Ты намного выше Тома. You're much taller than Tom is. You're much higher than Tom. Я не очень разочарован. I'm not very disappointed. I'm not very disappointed. Том бросил Мэри свои ключи. Tom tossed Mary his keys. Tom left Mary his keys. Я очень горжусь своим отцом. I'm very proud of my father. I'm very proud of my father. Почему вы не помогли ей? Why didn't you help her? Why didn't you help her? Думаю, Тому це сподобається. I think Tom will like that. I think that's why we're gonna love it. Я розберуся з Томом. Let me deal with Tom. I'll handle Tom. Вот уже десять лет, как моя мать умерла. My mother has been dead these ten years. It's been ten years since my mother died. Встреча затянулась. The meeting dragged on. The meeting went on. Ти повинен платити за своїми боргами. You should pay your debts. You have to pay for your debts. Том помер за ваші гріхи. Tom died for your sins. Tom died for your sins. Том не мог точно вспомнить, что Мэри сказала. Tom couldn't remember exactly what Mary had said. Tom couldn't remember exactly what Mary said. С кем ты хотел поговорить? Who did you want to talk to? Who did you want to talk to? Дасцін Москавіц — яўрэйскі бізнэсмэн. Ён адзін з заснавальнікаў сайта Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook. Dannis Moscavitz is a Japanese business, and he is one of the founders of Facebook. Нам з вами треба поговорити. You and I need to talk. We need to talk to you. Ты показывай дорогу. You lead the way. You show me the road. Зараз чверть на третю. It's a quarter to three. It's a quarter to a third. Он ел сэндвич с колбасой. He was eating a bologna sandwich. He ate a sandwich with a colbasa. Слоўнік на стале — мой. The dictionary on the desk is mine. The dictionary on the table is mine. Вяленая рыба мне не да смаку. Dried fish is not to my taste. I don't like big fish. Покажите Тому свои руки. Show Tom your hands. Show him your hands. Том більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom isn't going to bother Mary anymore. Tom won't bother Mary anymore. «Де мій ноутбук?» — «На стільці». "Where is my laptop?" "It's on the chair." Where's my laptop? Я сейчас очень счастлив. I'm really happy now. I'm very happy right now. Нам патрэбныя скончаныя сказы. We want complete sentences. We need finished tales. «Яна чытае кнігу?» — «Так». "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "She's reading the book?" "Yes." Том поймал на себе быстрый взгляд Мэри. Tom caught a glimpse of Mary. Tom took a quick look at Mary. Хіба ти впізнаєш цього чоловіка? Don't you recognize that man? Do you recognize this man? Мой веласіпед чырвоны. My bike is red. My bike is red. Мария помешана на моде. Mary is obsessed with fashion. Maria's in fashion. Том знав, що ось-ось станеться щось погане. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Во сколько мы уезжаем? What time are we leaving? How long are we leaving? Я был ужасно напуган. I was terribly frightened. I was terribly scared. Он работает в этой компании с понедельника по воскресенье. He works at this company from Monday to Sunday. He works with this company from Monday to Sunday. Я купил такую же камеру, как у тебя. I bought the same camera as you have. I bought a camera like you. Як це може вас не турбувати? How could it not bother you? How can that not bother you? На крыше белый голубь. There is a white dove on the roof. A white dove on the roof. Глаза Тома были красными от слёз. Tom's eyes were red from crying. Tom's eyes were red with tears. Я знала, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Хіба ти не з Бостона? Aren't you from Boston? Aren't you from Boston? Почему мне нужно быть в Бостоне? Why do I need to be in Boston? Why do I need to be in Boston? В здании двадцать этажей. The building has twenty floors. There's twenty floors in the building. Она богата, но несчастна. She's rich but miserable. She's rich, but she's miserable. Ми не знайшли хлопця. We have not found the boy. We didn't find the guy. Вони сказали, що хочуть купити яхту. They said they want to buy a yacht. They said they wanted to buy yacht. Это их лошади. These horses are theirs. They're their horses. Я не знаю, с кем мне проконсультироваться. I don't know who to consult with. I don't know who to consult. Я не могу пойти в субботу. I can't go on Saturday. I can't go on Saturday. Рано или поздно она признается. She'll confess, sooner or later. Sooner or later she's admitted. Том умовив Мері позичити йому гроші. Tom got Mary to lend him some money. Tom told Mary to lend him money. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary is worried. Tom said Mary was worried. Мелани сказала, что ей нравится плавать. Melanie said that she likes swimming. Melanie said she likes swimming. Гэтае апавяданне асабліва цікавае. This story is especially interesting. This story is particularly interesting. Это снег? Is that snow? Is that snow? Де саме Том планує побудувати свій будинок? Where exactly does Tom plan to build his house? Where exactly is Tom planning to build his house? Я не розумію, навіщо він це зробив. I don't understand why he did that. I don't understand why he did that. Хіба ты не разумееш? Don't you understand? Don't you understand? То, что ты сказал, убедило ее. What you said convinced her. What you said convinced her. Ви живете десь поруч? Do you live around here? You live around? Чьто же єсмь вѣлъ и ти повѣлъ. What I wist I told to you. And you've got something in it and you've got it. Ты позвонила в полицию. You called the police. You called the police. Эй, я тебя знаю. Hey. I know you. Hey, I know you. Вы ведь любите джаз? You like jazz, don't you? You like jazz, don't you? Спяшаючыся, я пакінула грошы дома. Being in a hurry, I forgot the money at home. In my hurry, I left the money at home. Поверхня повітряної кулі — неевклідовий простір, тому для неї не виконуються правила евклідової геометрії. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the balloon, which is an invertebrate space, does not comply with euclidic geometry. Я так і не ведаю, навошта ты гэта зрабіла. I still don't know why you did it. I don't know why you did it. На горі лежить сніг. There is snow on the mountain. Snow lies on the mountain. Думаю, на тебя можно положиться. I think you're reliable. I think I can rely on you. Спасибо, что спасла меня. Thanks for saving me. Thank you for saving me. Ці студенти — корейці. Those students are Korean. These students are Koreans. Це моя остаточна пропозиція. This is my final offer. That's my final offer. Отъвѣтита ми добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. We're out of here. We're doing good. Том спросил Мэри, куда она хочет пойти обедать. Tom asked Mary where she wanted to go for lunch. Tom asked Mary where she wanted to go to dinner. Следователь восхищался способностями убийцы. The detective admired the killer's skills. The investigator admired the killer's abilities. Просто допоможіть мені. Just give me a hand. Just help me. Це був поганий концерт. It was a poor concert. It was a bad concert. Ви мудрий. You're wise. You're wise. Том не виглядав ображеним. Tom didn't look offended. Tom didn't look offended. Зразумеў? Got it? Understand? Где в Австралии вы были? Where in Australia were you? Where have you been in Australia? Я хотів би мати такий як цей фотоапарат. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to have a camera like this one. Яны ведаюць, што іх звольняць. They know they're going to be fired. They know they're to lie down. Це якраз те, про що я не подумав. That's the one thing I hadn't thought of. That's exactly what I wasn't thinking. Вы ещё на работе? Are you still at work? Are you still at work? Моя мати вродлива. My mother is beautiful. My mother is beautiful. Ён разумны. He's smart. He's clever. Розкрий штори. Open the drapes. Open the curtains. Я не впевнений, що Том знає, що робити. I'm not certain Tom knows what to do. I'm not sure Tom knows what to do. Можно мне чего-нибудь поесть? May I eat something? Can I eat something? Він попередив мене про небезпеку. He warned me of the danger. He warned me about the danger. "Вы не возражаете, если я закурю?" - "Нет, нисколько". "Do you mind if I smoke?" "No, I don't mind at all." "Do you mind if I smoke?" "No, no." Ты довёл нас до слёз. You made us cry. You led us to tears. Гэта праблема, з якога боку не паглядзі. It's a problem any way you look at it. This is a problem that doesn't look at the side of it. Перепрошую, ви не могли би передати мені цукор? Excuse me, could you pass me the sugar? Excuse me, could you give me sugar? Ніхто тебе не зупиняє. Nobody is stopping you. No one stops you. Я никогда не видел, чтобы ты смеялся. I've never seen you laugh. I never saw you laughing. Я твоя служанка. I am your servant. I'm your servant. Том працює всю ніч. Tom works all night. Tom works all night. Де твій брат? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Можете мені сказати, що це? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? Сумно, але це правда. It's sad, but true. It's sad, but it's true. Том займається йогою щодня. Tom practices yoga every day. Tom does it every day. Том поміняв дитині памперс. Tom changed the baby's nappy. Tom changed the baby papers. Что ты хотел, чтобы они сделали? What did you want them to do? What did you want them to do? Я зараз іду на роботу. I'm going to work now. I'm going to work now. Бегите, цыплята! Scatter, you chickens! Run, chickens! Том будет здесь со мной. Tom will be here with me. Tom's gonna be here with me. Незважаючи ні на що, він все ще клеїть з себе дурня. Despite everything he is still playing dumb. No matter what, he's still a fool. Калі мы выкарыстоўваем эсперанта, мы знаходзімся на адным і тым самым узроўні, па меншай мены моўным. Using Esperanto with him, I sense that we both are at the same level, at least from a linguistic point of view. When we're using an cutter, we're on the same level, at least one pound. Я їм. I eat. I'm eating. Не переходи дорогу на красный свет. Don't cross the road while the signal is red. Don't go red. Розлучімося. Let's get divorced. Let's split up. Полиция выяснила, где живёт преступник. The police found out where the criminal lived. The police found out where the criminal lives. Она сидела на стуле и читала журнал. She sat in a chair reading a magazine. She sat on her chair and read the magazine. Ми божевільні білки? Are we mad squirrels? Are we crazy proteins? Зима минѫла. Winter is gone. Winter minas. У собаки чотири лапи. A dog has four legs. The dog has four legs. Він знов загубив свою парасолю. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Як табе клімат у Японіі? How do you like the climate of Japan? How's the climate in Japan? Тобі потрібна ця книга? Do you need the book? Do you need this book? Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She was standing on the staircase and painting the table. Цо вецей би сом могол жадац? What more could I want? Would you like my brother-in-law? Том не був дуже добрим свідком. Tom wasn't a very good witness. Tom wasn't a very good witness. Саэбу вельмі падабаецца Гарацый. Saeb is really fond of Horace. The area is very fond of the Garcia. Том недолго здесь живёт. Tom hasn't been living here long. Tom doesn't live here long. Ти знаєш, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do that, do you? Возможно, ты захочешь с ними поговорить. You might want to talk to them. You might want to talk to them. Я съездил в Бостон в прошлом месяце. I visited Boston last month. I went to Boston last month. Я навучыўся вадзіць машыну, калі мне было пятнаццаць гадоў. I learned to drive when I was fifteen. I learned to drive a car when I was 15 years old. Не думаю, що я змогла би провести шість годин з вами наодинці. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. Он придвинулся к ней. He moved close to her. He's coming to her. Коко знает и использует больше чем 500 слов на языке знаков, языке глухих людей. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Coco knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Око за око, зуб за зуб. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Твоим друзьям будет тебя не хватать. Your friends will miss you. Your friends will miss you. Том дуже вами пишається. Tom is very proud of you. Tom's very proud of you. Я вывучала партугальскую два месяцы. I have studied Portuguese for two months. I learned the Portuguese for two months. Мені до цього більше немає чого додати. I have nothing else to add to that. I don't have anything else to add to it. Ми завжди на щось чекаємо. We're always waiting for something. We're always waiting for something. Давай не будемо ворогами. Let's not be enemies. Let's not be enemies. Том знову мене побив. Tom beat me again. Tom beat me again. Правила немає, але є деякі виключення. There is no rule, but there are some exceptions. There are no rules, but there are some exceptions. Том забыл отпустить тормоза. Tom forgot to release the brake. Tom forgot to release the brake. Я никогда не поднимался на Фудзияму. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. I never went up to Fujimu. К сожалению, многие россияне имеют неадекватные представления о происходящем в Киеве. Unfortunately, many Russian citizens have inadequate conception of what is happening in Kyiv. Unfortunately, many Russians have inadequate perceptions of what is happening in Kiev. У мене немає часу. I don't have time. I don't have time. У зайца течёт кровь из уха. The hare is bleeding from its ear. The hare's got blood flowing out of the ear. Грамчэй. Louder. Grample. Думаєш, Том все ще про це турбується? Do you think Tom is still worried about that? You think Tom's still worried about it? Скільки років цьому собаці? How old is this dog? How old is this dog? Обожнюю французьку. I love French. I love French. Моё не такое хорошее, как ваше. Mine is not so good as yours. Mys isn't as good as yours. Калі памёр мой дзядуля, мне было шэсць гадоў, і я яго амаль не памятаю. When my grandfather died, I was six years old, and I can hardly remember him. If my grandpa died, I was six years old and I almost remember him. Я спрабую. I try. I'm trying. Вони повинні були одружитися в травні. They were to have got married in May. They had to get married in May. Веди себя соответственно возрасту. Act your age. Be like you're old enough. Том небагато їсть. Tom doesn't eat much. Tom doesn't eat much. Він п'є багато молока кожного дня. He drinks a lot of milk every day. He drinks a lot of milk every day. Том заповнив форму. Tom filled out a form. Tom's full of uniforms. Я не позволил Тому сделать то, что он хотел. I didn't let Tom do what he wanted to do. I didn't let Thomas do what he wanted. Оно не тяжёлое, а лёгкое. It’s not heavy, but light. It's not too heavy, it's easy. Что она купила в том магазине? What did she buy at that store? What did she buy at that store? Том поехал в Австралию. Tom has gone to Australia. Tom went to Australia. Цікаво, що з ним стало, як він поїхав до Америки? I wonder what has become of him after he went to America. I wonder what happened to him when he went to America. Никто не хотел говорить о моей стране. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. Nobody wanted to talk about my country. Мне патрэбнае месца, дзе я б змог вучыцца. I need a place I can study. I need a place where I can learn. Том каже, що зробить це для Мері. Tom says he'll do that for Mary. Tom says he'll do it for Mary. Мені здається, Том не поїхав до Бостона. I think Tom didn't go to Boston. I don't think Tom went to Boston. Французы п’юць віно. The French drink wine. The French drink wine. Париж далеко? Is Paris far away? Paris far away? Родина снідає на вулиці. The family is eating breakfast outdoors. The family sleeps on the street. Вы не поверите, что Том мне рассказал! You won't believe what Tom told me! You won't believe Tom told me! Я їбав у рот та дупу твоє місто. Fuck your city. I've eaten your city in my mouth and your ass. Я трохи зайнята, Томе. I'm a little busy, Tom. I'm busy, Tom. Аліса — прихожанка Сатанинського храму. Alice is a member of The Satanic Temple. Alice is akin to Satan’s temple. Когда откроется почта? When does the post office open? When will the mail be opened? Вона запитали його. They asked him. She asked him. Почему ты в пижаме? Why are you in your pajamas? Why are you in the pajamas? Дивись, ось прибуває твій потяг. Look, here comes your train. Look, your train's coming. Адзіная розніца паміж мной і вар’ятам у тым, што я не вар’ят. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only difference between me and the crazy is that I'm not crazy. Зачем звоните? Why are you calling? Why are you calling? Том у спортзалі. Tom is at the gym. Tom's in the gym. Думаю, у мене могло би вийти й краще. I thought I could've done better. I think I could get better. Я вaс люблю. I love you. I love you. Ви продаєте будильники? Do you sell alarm clocks? Are you selling alarm personnel? У цябе ёсць зялёны світэр? Do you have a green sweater? Do you have the green worlds? Ви б краще припинили це робити. You'd better stop doing that. You'd better stop doing that. Я хотів би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I'd like Tom on our team. Ми знаходимося в зоні евакуації. We are in the evacuation zone. We're in the evacuation area. Дом быў пусты, калі не лічыць котку. The house was empty except for a cat. The house was empty unless you count the cat. Ти не лікар. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Я не думаю, що Том когось знає у нашій школі. I don't think Tom knows anybody at our school. I don't think Tom knows anybody in our school. Сколько лет Тони? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? Это риск, который мы не можем себе позволить. It's a risk we can't afford to take. It's a risk we can't afford. Я тобі не набридла? Am I boring you? Am I tired of you? Ми хочемо поговорити з Томом. We want to talk to Tom. We want to talk to Tom. Том каже, що не може виграти. Tom says that he can't win. Tom says he can't win. Нѣсть въ оучилищи оуже пѧть дьнъ. She's been absent from school for five days. There's nowhere else in the school. Почему так много людей страдает от заниженной самооценки? Why do so many people suffer from low self-esteem? Why do so many suffer from underestimation? Сьогодні вранці я бачила Тома. I saw Tom this morning. I saw Tom this morning. Я сказал тебе, что Том занят. I told you Tom was busy. I told you Tom was busy. Вечерю подають о дев'ятій тридцять. Supper is served at nine-thirty. The night is spent at 9:30 p.m. Пасажирвський літак вилетів до США. A passenger airplane took off for the USA. A passenger plane flew to the United States. Том і Франк — добрыя сябры. Tom and Frank are good friends. Tom and Frank are good friends. Позвоните Тому. Call Tom. You'll call Tom. Я зазвичай більш зайнятий, ніж Том. I'm usually busier than Tom. I'm usually more busy than Tom. Должен существовать другой путь. There's got to be another way. There must be another way. «Табе падабаецца глядзець, як людзі чырванеюць, Том?» — «Ніколі не запярэчваў гэтага». "Do you enjoy seeing people blush, Tom?" "I'm not denying it." "Do you like to watch people break, Tom?" "Never mind that." Неподалёку есть торговый район. There is a shopping area nearby. There's a trading area nearby. Он играет в шахматы. He plays chess. He plays chess. Чому ви так багато п'єте? Why do you drink so much? Why do you drink so much? Він живе в селі. He lives in a village. He lives in the village. Ми її впізнали. We recognized her. We recognized her. Она положила в кофе очень много сахара. She put a lot of sugar in the coffee. She put a lot of sugar in coffee. Я чувствовал, что что-то не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt something was wrong. Мері сказала, що зробить це. Mary said she'd do it. Mary said she'd do it. Том не мав рації щодо цього. Tom is wrong about that. Tom didn't have any radio about it. Собаки Тома загризли одну з кіз Мері. Tom's dogs killed one of Mary's goats. Tom's dogs played one of Mary's goats. Том на зборах не було. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't in the congregation. Том приехал первым. Tom arrived first. Tom came first. Том думает, что Мария идиотка. Tom thinks Mary is an idiot. Tom thinks Maria's an idiot. Самі ненавідзеў айчыма. Sami hated his stepdad. The teacher really hated it. У вас є постійна робота? Are you employed? Do you have a steady job? Кто-то что-то сказал, но я не разобрал. Someone said something, but I could not understand it. Someone said something, but I didn't figure it out. Я еду в Бостон в октябре. I'm going to Boston in October. I'm going to Boston in October. Мы прапусцілі наш цягнік. We missed our train. We missed our train. Меня помиловали. I was pardoned. I was pardoned. Ці можна купіць шчасце за грошы? Can money buy happiness? Can you buy a fortune for money? Он только что вернулся. He has just come back. He just came back. Свині не літають. Pigs can't fly. Pigs don't fly. Здані сапраўды існуюць? Do ghosts really exist? The figures really exist? Де ваші манери? Where are your manners? Where are your manners? «Чаму ты мне хлусіш?» — «Я не хлушу». "Why are you lying to me?" "I'm not lying." "Why do you lie to me?" "I'm not deaf." Я застануся дома сёння. I'll stay home today. I'll stay home today. Насправді, ми прийшли трохи зарано. Actually, we're a little early. Actually, we came a little too early. То конь? Is it a horse? So the horse? Я помню, як я сустрэў яго ў Парыжы. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember as I met him in Paris. Можна вас обійняти? Can I hug you? Can I hug you? Я написала тобі десять листів. I wrote you ten letters. I wrote you ten letters. Насадъ въ Грьцѣхъ. The ship is in Byzantium. Put it in the Gritzhach. Дедлайн прошёл. The deadline has passed. Deadline's gone. Ти маєш робити те, що маєш робити. You have to do what you have to do. You have to do what you have to do. Я можу читати цією мовою, але я ніколи її не чув. I can read the language, but I've never heard it. I can read it in that language, but I never heard it. Я открыл калитку. I opened the gate. I opened the mat. Я буду дома к половине третьего. I'm going to be home by 2:30. I'll be home by half a third. Я думал, что здесь мы будем в безопасности. I thought we'd be safe here. I thought we'd be safe here. Пожалуйста, могли бы вы повторить то, что только что сказали? Could you please repeat what you just said? Would you please repeat what you just said? Мне надо это как следует обдумать. I have to think this over carefully. I need to think about it. Можаш навучыць мяне партугальскай? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? Зачем ты открыл ту дверь? Why did you open that door? Why did you open that door? Том каже, що він твій друг. Tom says he's a friend of yours. Tom says he's your friend. Я чула, як він спустився вниз по сходах. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him come down the stairs. Прывітанне. Hello! Hi. Hi. Что вы видите? What do you see? What do you see? Як сказати "дякую" японською? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do I say "thank you" in Japanese? Том был важным человеком. Tom was a big man. Tom was an important man. Том следует указаниям. Tom follows orders. Tom should be instructed. У нас скончыўся цукар. We're out of sugar. We've had the sugar run out. Ты правда хочешь положить свои деньги в тот банк? Do you really want to put your money in that bank? You really want to put your money in that bank? Я знайшла ключ, який я шукала. I found the key I had been looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Том виглядає винуватим. Tom looks guilty. Tom looks guilty. Том ходит в детский сад. Tom goes to kindergarten. Tom goes to kindergarten. Это я украл деньги Тома. I'm the one who stole Tom's money. I stole Tom's money. Япония потребляет много бумаги. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Japan consumes a lot of paper. Де навчається Том? Where does Tom study? Where Does Tom Learn? Вот несколько фотографий. Here are some pictures. Here are some photos. Мені потрібно, щоб ви були прямо там. I need you to stay right there. I need you to be right there. Не думаю, що Том хоче їсти разом із нами. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. Як вам подобається це місто? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Така велика продажа - предмет гордості торговця. Making such a large sale is a feather in the salesman's cap. Such a big sale is an object of pride on the part of the merchant. Я около станции. I'm near the station. I'm near the station. Де мої кредитні картки? Where are my credit cards? Where's my credit cards? Ні в якому разі! No way! By no means! Царква стаіць на ўзгорку, што ўзвышаецца над горадам. The church is on the hill overlooking the city. The King stands on a hill, which is exalted over the city. Мені було цікаво, чого хотів Том. I wondered what Tom wanted. I wondered what Tom wanted. Нѣсть ємоу домоу идѣ же жити. He has no house in which to live. I'm going to live. Я галодны. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Ви не повинні хвилюватися про завтрашній екзамен. You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam. You don't have to worry about tomorrow's exam. Ти знала, що Том — двоюрідний брат Мері? Didn't you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Did you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Скільки, на вашу думку, він коштував? How much do you think that it cost? How much do you think he cost? Том твёрдо решил поцеловать Машу. Tom was determined to kiss Mary. Tom Turno decided to kiss Macha. Їжі не вистачає. Food has been in short supply. Food is not enough. Я очікую, що всі це зроблять завтра. I expect everyone will do that tomorrow. I expect everyone will do it tomorrow. Том — рідкісний покидьок. Tom's a total bellend. Tom is a rare bastard. Мне трэба шмат кніг. I need a lot of books. I need a lot of books. Он пьёт вино. He drinks wine. He's drinking wine. На Тома напали. Tom was attacked. Tom was attacked. Він побачив її та зачервонівся. He saw her and blushed. He saw her and turned red. Я ніколи про це не згадував. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned that. Вы можете это сделать. You can do it. You can do it. Ми програли з рахунком 3-0. We lost the game 3-0. We lost a 3-0 account. Я хотел бы вернуться в Бостон. I'd like to go back to Boston. I'd like to go back to Boston. Ти просто дурень! Мушу тобі все пояснювати. You are nothing but a fool! I have to explain everything to you! You're just a fool, I have to explain everything. Отважный пожарный спас мальчика из горящего здания. The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. A brave fireman saved a boy from a burning building. Я гражданин Соединённых Штатов Америки. I'm a U.S. citizen. I'm a citizen of the United States of America. Все уже знали об этом. Everybody already knew that. Everyone knew about it. Я пригощаю. It's my treat. I'm buying. Вядома. Of course. Of course. Он широко раскрыл рот. He opened his mouth wide. He opened his mouth wide. Ти не дуже добре виглядаєш. You don't look well. You don't look very good. Мне не понравилось платье, в котором Мэри была. I didn't like the dress that Mary was wearing. I didn't like Mary's dress. Скажи им, чтобы ехали домой. Tell them to go home. Tell them to go home. Счаслівага Свята сярэдзіны восені! Happy Moon Festival! Timely holy middlelings! Место есть. There's room. There's a place. Які кубак твой? Which cup is yours? What's your cup? Вона справжня красуня. She's a real beauty. She's a real beauty. Жінка читає. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Том попрощался с сестрой. Tom said goodbye to his sister. Tom said good-bye to the sister. Я хочу эту собаку. I want this dog. I want this dog. Том отказался помогать. Tom refused to help. Tom refused to help. Я прыняў яе запрашэнне. I accepted her invitation. I took her offer. Наступны раз прыходзь з сястрой. Bring your sister next time. Next time, come with the sister. Я буду дома к шести. I'll come home by six o'clock. I'll be home by six. Ни Том, ни Мэри не будут этого делать. Neither Tom nor Mary will do that. Neither Tom nor Mary will do that. Не злись на меня. Don't get mad at me. Don't be mad at me. Вони мене заарештували. They arrested me. They arrested me. Том вже дорослий, правда? Tom is an adult now, isn't he? Tom's grown up, isn't he? Зроби це хутко. Make it quick. Do it quickly. По-моему, Том добрый. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom is kind. Я встретил её по дороге домой из школы. On my way home from school I met her. I met her on the way home from school. Это очень трудно. That's really hard. It's very hard. Хотіла би я не мати дітей. I wish I had no kids. I wish I didn't have children. Том запалив свічку. Tom lit a candle. Tom lit the candle. Можеш згадати, скільки ти за це заплатила? Can you remember how much you paid for this? Can you remember how much you paid for that? Дедушка всегда говорил, что наступят дни, как сегодня. Grandpa always said there'd be days like this. Grandpa always said that there would be days like today. Ця коробка трохи заважка. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box is a bit too heavy. Тому надо поехать с Мэри. Tom has to go with Mary. So we should go with Mary. Хіба ти не бажаєш стільки заплатити? Aren't you willing to pay that much? Don't you want so much to pay? Том гораздо выше вас. Tom is much taller than you are. Tom's much higher than you. Будь ласка, залишайтеся тут. Please stay here. Please stay here. Спадар Спэнсэр працуе ў краме. Mr. Spencer works in a shop. Mr. Spencer is working in the shop. Я учусь водить машину. I'm learning how to drive. I'm learning how to drive. Ты паедзеш поездам? Will you go by train? Are you going to drive? Все мои друзья так говорят. All my friends say that. All my friends say that. Скорее всего, она пойдёт в парк завтра. She will probably go to the park tomorrow. She'll probably go to the park tomorrow. Насладись мгновеньем! Enjoy the moment. Have fun! Это самая большая машина в мире. This is the biggest car in the world. It's the largest car in the world. Я не могу играть на электрогитаре. I can't play the electric guitar. I can't play the electric media. Том ещё никогда ни с кем не целовался. Tom had never kissed anyone before. Tom has never kissed anyone. Ребёнком Том жил в Бостоне. Tom lived in Boston when he was a child. Tom's child lived in Boston. Я думал, вы на работе. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Шість плюс чотири дорівнює десять. Six and four are ten. Six plus four is ten. Я никогда никому не причинила вреда. I've never done harm to anyone. I never hurt anyone. Я не хочу пить ваш чай. I do not want to drink your tea. I don't want to drink your tea. Мне нужно легкое пальто. I need a light coat. I need a light coat. Есть из чего выбрать. There are a lot to choose from. There's something to choose from. Хмара сіра. The cloud is grey. The cloud is gray. Я ще не купував Тому подарунок на Різдво. I haven't bought Tom a Christmas present yet. I haven't bought that Christmas present yet. Хто буде займатися дитиною? Who will take care of the baby? Who's going to be a kid? Том зловив форель. Tom caught a trout. Tom caught the trout. Зло паўсюль. Evil is everywhere. It's all over the place. Вы канадка? Are you a Canadian? You're a Canadian? Он сказал мне, что ему нужно больше времени. He told me he needed more time. He told me he needed more time. Кагосьці не хапае. Someone's missing. Someone seems to be short. Почему ты не убрался в своей комнате? Why haven't you cleaned your room? Why didn't you go into your room? Ты не обращаешь на меня внимания. You're ignoring me. You're not paying attention to me. Том хвилюватиметься. Tom will be worried. Tom's gonna be worried. Я все ще викладаю французьку. I still teach French. I'm still teaching French. Яна вучыцца плаваць. She's learning to swim. She will learn to swim. Не сыпь мне соль на раны! Don't put salt on my wounds! Don't spit my salt on my wounds! Я спробувала зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to get in touch with her. Я увидел на крыше кошку. I saw a cat on the roof. I saw a cat on the roof. Треба викликати поліцію. We have to call the police. We need to call the police. Це гарне пальто. That's a nice coat. It's a nice coat. Чаму вы плакалі? Why did you cry? Why did you cry? Не давай их ей. Don't give them to her. Don't give it to her. Ти хочеш поїсти? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Том дуже розумний. Tom is very intelligent. Tom is very clever. Том с неохотой дал Мэри деньги, которые она у него просила. Tom reluctantly gave Mary the money she asked for. Tom was reluctant to give Mary the money she wanted from him. Вона потонула в озері. She drowned in the lake. She drowned in the lake. Ви сказали 30? Did you say 30? Did you say 30? Я решил, что не буду жить в Австралии. I've decided not to live in Australia. I decided I wouldn't live in Australia. Я забыл сказать тебе, как это делать. I forgot to tell you how to do that. I forgot to tell you how to do it. Трапилося щось дивне? Has anything strange happened? Did something strange happen? Давай його привітаємо. Let's congratulate him. Let's welcome him. Хіба ви не хочете піти з нами? Don't you want to go with us? Don't you want to come with us? Почему мне нельзя пойти на вечеринку? Why can't I go to the party? Why can't I go to a party? Люди жили в селах. People lived in villages. People lived in the villages. Я дуже радий за Тома. I'm very happy for Tom. I'm very happy for Tom. Задорого! It's too expensive. It's too big! Ти виглядала дуже сумною. You seemed really sad. You looked very sad. Я не знаю їхніх імен. I don’t know their names. I don't know their names. Добрий початок – половина діла. A good start is half the work. A good start is half the deal. Хіба ти з нами не лишишся? Aren't you going to stay with us? Will you not stay with us? Вы там родились? Were you born there? You were born there? В приступе ярости он стукнул кулаком по столу. He pounded the table in a fit of anger. In the heat of the rage, he hit the table with his fist. Де ти провів канікули? Where did you spend your holidays? Where have you spent the holidays? Сильный снегопад заблокировал дороги. The heavy snowfall blocked the roads. The heavy snowfall blocked the roads. Калі Лайла мне расказала, я не хацела ў гэта верыць. When Layla told me, I refused to believe it. When Lila told me I didn't want to believe in it. Давайте простим их на этот раз. Let's give them another chance. Let's just do it this time. Том ведь в безопасности? Tom is safe, isn't he? Tom's safe, isn't he? Я вас подожду. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you. Из тебя вышел бы хороший учитель. You'd make a good teacher. You'd be a good teacher. Я думал, он придёт один. I thought he would come alone. I thought he'd come alone. Він любить апельсини? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? На озере две лодки. There are two boats on the lake. There's two boats on the lake. По виду Тома было непохоже, что ему весело. Tom didn't look like he was having fun. I mean, Tom didn't look like he was having fun. Том подумал, ты пьян. Tom thought you were drunk. Tom thought you were drunk. Я знаю, что вы ей сказали. I know what you told her. I know what you told her. Том и Мэри сделали уроки до ужина. Tom and Mary did their homework before dinner. Tom and Mary took classes before dinner. Я певен, що з Томом усе буде гаразд. I'm sure Tom will be all right. I'm sure Tom's gonna be okay. Ви набагато швидша, ніж я. You're way faster than me. You're much faster than me. Прекратите вести себя как ребёнок! Stop acting like a baby. Stop acting like a child! Чому це ти для мене робиш? Why are you doing this for me? Why are you doing this for me? Я жалею, что не купил тот дом. I regret not having bought that house. I wish I hadn't bought that house. Он поел в одиночестве. He ate alone. He was alone. Табе трэба было патэлефанаваць загадзя. You should have telephoned in advance. Thee needed to call an advance. Ви все ще на мене сердитеся? Are you still mad at me? Are you still angry with me? Она сказала, что не очень замёрзла. She said that she wasn't very cold. She said she didn't get too cold. Фома указал на место на карте. Tom pointed to a spot on the map. Thomas pointed to the location on the map. Перадаш мне адвёртку? Would you hand me the screwdriver? Do you want me to lie down now? Когда ты видел её в последний раз? When was the last time you saw her? When was the last time you saw her? Я хочу подарить Тому на день рождения что-нибудь полезное. I want to give Tom something useful for his birthday. I want to give Tom something useful on birthday. Кто-то отпер дверь. Someone unlocked the door. Someone's locked the door. Гэтая птушка не можа лятаць. This bird cannot fly. This bird can't fly. Принеси свою самую лучшую игру. Bring your best game. Bring your best game. Оно было тёмно-зелёное. It was dark green. It was dark green. Я впевнений, що Том носить перуку. I'm pretty sure Tom wears a wig. I'm sure Tom wears a feather. Том сделал Мэри дорогой подарок. Tom gave Mary an expensive gift. Tom made Mary a dear present. Де воно? Where is it? Where is it? Тома випустять у понеділок. Tom will be released Monday. Tom's gonna be out on Monday. Том ничего об этом не говорил? Didn't Tom say something about that? Did Tom say anything about it? Лепш позна, чым ніколі. Better late than never. Better late than never. Все, що хотів Том, — трохи вільного часу. All Tom wanted was some free time. What Tom wanted was a little free time. У мене є велосипед. I have a bicycle. I have a bicycle. Том ниже меня. Tom is smaller than me. Tom's below me. Мне было просто всё равно, понимаешь? I really didn't care, you know? I just don't care, you know? Том опоздал на работу. Tom was late for work. Tom's late for work. Дякуючи Богу, всі були в порядку. Thank God everyone was OK. Thanks to God, everyone was fine. Єсть єи котъ. Котъ бѣлъ. She has a cat. The cat is white. There are the cats. Не выводи меня из себя. Don't push my buttons. Don't get me out of here. Тобі потрібно їсти набагато більше овочів. You should eat a lot more vegetables. You need to eat much more vegetables. Я здесь лишний. I'm unnecessary here. I'm the only one here. Він дуже молодий. Набагато молодший за Тома. He's very young. He's much younger than Tom. He's very young, much younger than Tom. Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news made her very sad. Скажіть Тому. Tell Tom. Tell him. Почему вы так сказали? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Так што? So what? So what? Коли вогонь охопило полум'я, мною опанувало жахливе відчуття. When the house caught fire, an awful feeling came over me. When the fire hit me with fire, I was overwhelmed by a terrible feeling. Ти замолода, щоб їздити самому. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to drive yourself. Вы смелые? Are you courageous? Are you brave? Обери певну подію, яку ти добре пам'ятаєш. Choose a particular event you remember well. Choose an event that you remember well. Ён прыўзняў капялюш. He raised his hat. He took a hat. Совы милые. Owls are cute. They're cute. Залижить від контексту. It depends on the context. It's coming from the context. Ти визнаєш це, чи не так? You recognize this, don't you? You admit it, don't you? Я вынужден ждать. I'm obliged to wait. I have to wait. Можете знайти мені роботу? Can you find me a job? Can you find me a job? Що тут діється? What's going on in here? What's going on here? Не палѭ ѣ. I don't burn them. It's not hot. У Тома не было смелости попробовать прыгнуть с парашютом. Tom didn't have the courage to try sky diving. Tom had no courage to jump with his ass. Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like it? Why do you like her? Том сказав, що я поводжуся безвідповідально. Tom said I was being irresponsible. Tom said I'm acting irresponsible. Том регулярно ест суши со своей матерью. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Tom eats sushi regularly with his mother. Некоторые белки очень умны. Some squirrels are very smart. Some proteins are very smart. Ти один із нас. You are one of us. You're one of us. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було тринадцять років. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Tom’s parents died when he was 13 years old. Мы сделаем это завтра. We'll do that tomorrow. We'll do it tomorrow. Я боюсь, что-то не так с Томом. I'm afraid that something is wrong with Tom. I'm afraid something's wrong with Tom. Том глибоко збентежений. Tom is pretty distraught. Tom's deeply confused. Ми були готові. We were ready. We were ready. Почему вы сидите на моём стуле? Why are you sitting on my chair? Why are you sitting on my chair? Уверен, он тебе понравится. I'm sure you'll like him. I'm sure you'll like him. Том нёс два чемодана. Tom was carrying two suitcases. Tom was wearing two suitcases. Том наполегливий. Tom is persistent. Tom's persistent. Том закрыл дверь в свою спальню. Tom closed the door of his bedroom. Tom locked the door in his bedroom. Я бачыў гэта на свае вочы. I'm telling you what I saw. I saw it in my eyes. Ты сидишь на моём стуле. You're sitting in my chair. You're sitting on my chair. Моя сестра часто дивиться за дитиною. My sister often looks after the baby. My sister often looks after a child. У мене є певні проблеми при компіляції цієї програми. I'm having some problems compiling this software. I have some problems compiling this program. Я сустрэў Міхаэлу на станцыі метро. I met Mihaela at the subway station. I met Michael at the subway station. Самі размаўляў з Лайлай. Sami was speaking to Layla. It was Lyla who spoke to me. Я б тобі розповів, але я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I would've told you, but Tom made me promise not to. I'd tell you, but I promised Tom not to do that. Кішка з'їла мишу. The cat ate the mouse. The cat ate the mouse. Зараз Том дорослий. Tom is grown up now. Tom's grown up now. Том решил, что будет заниматься французским три часа в день. Tom decided that he was going to study French for three hours a day. Tom decided he'd be doing French three hours a day. Я цябе шукаў. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Оставь его себе. Keep it to yourself. Leave him alone. Ви наш найкращий гравець. You're our best player. You're our best player. Самі мешкає в Сирії. Sami lives in Syria. He lives in Syria. Ты ей не веришь? Don't you believe her? You don't believe her? Она сдала экзамен. She passed the examination. She passed the test. Ми не просто футболісти. We're not just football players. We're not just football players. Том крадькома утік вночі. Tom snuck out at night. Tom was sneaking out at night. Ён вярнуўся з офісу. He returned from the office. He came back from the office. Машина Тома — єдина на парковці. Tom's car is the only one in the parking lot. Tom's the only car in the parking lot. Я ніколи не бував у франкомовній країні. I've never been to a French-speaking country. I've never been to a French-speaking country. Куди я поклав ключі? Where did I put my keys? Where did I put the keys? Він продає автомобілі. He sells cars. He sells cars. Я знаю, де ти працюєш. I know where you work. I know where you work. Сподіваюся, Том нам допоможе. I hope Tom will help us. I hope Tom can help us. У меня есть немного денег. I have some money. I have some money. Том допомагає матері з вечерею. Tom is helping his mother with dinner. Tom helps mother with dinner. Вам надо спасти принцессу. You need to save the princess. You need to save the princess. Скільки тобі потрібно прикладів? How many examples do you need? How many examples do you need? У неї гарне обличчя. She has a pretty face. She's got a nice face. Том сказав надокучливому сусідові зайнятися своїм життям і припинити совати совати свій ніс до справ інших. Tom told his busybody neighbour to get a life and to get his nose out of everyone's business. Tom told an annoying neighbor to do his life and to stop singing his nose to others. Я думаю, это была ваша вина. I think it was your fault. I think it was your fault. Його машина не має колес. His car has no wheels. His car doesn't have a wheel. Вогонь згас. The fire is out. Fire's gone. Ситуація стає все гіршою і гіршою. The situation gets worse and worse. The situation is getting worse and worse. Гарвард було засновано у 1636 році. Harvard was founded in 1636. Harvard was founded in 1636. Ми щойно знайшли знаряддя вбивства. We just found the murder weapon. We just found the murder weapon. Том заплатит. Tom'll pay. Tom's gonna pay. Ты хочешь услышать моё мнение? Do you want to hear my opinion? You want to hear my opinion? Я не хочу обговорювати деталі. I don't want to discuss the details. I don't want to discuss the details. Я хочу, щоб ти послухав. I want you to listen. I want you to listen. Французская мова багатая на сінонімы. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in synonyms. Я думаю, нам не надо было жениться. I think we shouldn't have gotten married. I don't think we should have married. Почему Том меня избегает? Why is Tom avoiding me? Why is Tom avoiding me? Я більше не планую цього робити. I don't plan to do that anymore. I'm not planning on doing that anymore. Хтось угнав мою машину. Somebody stole my car. Somebody stole my car. Ти колись стриг вівцю? Have you ever sheared a sheep? Have you ever cut a sheep? Том видел Мэри всего один раз. Tom only saw Mary once. Tom saw Mary once. Не згоден. I do not agree. I don't agree. Зачем ты тут припарковалась? Why did you park here? Why are you parked here? Я ніколі не любіў біялогію. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Я живу довольно близко к вам. I live pretty close to you. I live pretty close to you. Дажьте ми отъвѣтъ добро сътворѧ. Please answer me. Let's get the good out of here. Она перестала читать газету. She stopped reading the newspaper. She stopped reading the newspaper. Яблоки большие. The apples are big. Apples are big. У неї добрий смак. She has good taste. She's got a good taste. Я йду надвір. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Калі ты болей нічога не скажаш, пабачымся ў судзе! If that's the last thing you say, see you in the court! If you say nothing more, we'll see you in court! Вибирай ретельно подарунок. Choose a present carefully. Choose your gift carefully. Даже если бы я знал, я бы не мог тебе сказать. Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you. Я знав, що я тебе знайду. I knew I'd find you. I knew I'd find you. Мы не можем и дальше снижать цены, сохраняя при этом прибыль. We can't lower the prices any further and still make a profit. We cannot continue to lower prices while maintaining profits. У меня два билета на концерт. I have two tickets for the concert. I've got two tickets to the concert. Она не захотела отвечать на мои вопросы. She did not want to answer my questions. She didn't want to answer my questions. Це було побудовано на віки. It was built to last. It's been built for ages. Хватит тянуть меня за волосы! Stop pulling my hair! Stop pulling my hair! Постав книжку знову до книжкової шафи. Put the book back in the bookcase. Put the book back in the book cabinet. Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. Ти бачив Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see Tom last night? Did you see Tom last night? Тебе следует поговорить с Томом. You should speak with Tom. You should talk to Tom. Он тронут. He's touched. He's touched. Это я вас в это втянул. I'm the one who got you into this. I'm the one who got you into it. Я собираюсь начать. I am going to start. I'm gonna start. Я збираю пшеницю. I am harvesting wheat. I collect wheat. Мені потрібне тепле пальто. I need a heavy coat. I need a warm coat. Никаких грязных шуток! No dirty jokes! No dirty jokes! Просто послухай нас. Just listen to us. Just listen to us. Ми з нею однолітки. She and I are the same age. We're peers with her. Де пральня? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Це ж очевидно, що тобі дешевше обійдеться заночувати в нас. It would of course be cheaper for you to sleep at our place. It's obvious that it's cheaper for you to spend a night in us. Том увійшов до кухні. Tom entered the kitchen. Tom entered the kitchen. Я маю сумніви, що нову пропозицію буде прийнято. I doubt the new proposal will be accepted. I doubt the new offer would be accepted. Це істотне. That is essential. It's important. Не делайте того, о чём потом будете сожалеть. Don't do anything you'll regret. Don't do what you're going to regret. Я і не думала, що ви зрозумієте. I didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. Том плохо учился в школе. Tom did badly at school. Tom didn't go to school. Мэри сказала мне, что ей холодно. Mary told me that she's cold. Mary told me she was cold. Ты мусіш расказаць начальніцы. You should tell the boss. You have to tell the boss. Як часто ви його бачите? How often do you see him? How often do you see him? Небоскрёб находится в центре города. The skyscraper is in the center of the city. The skyfly is in the middle of town. Попечалоуѥши ли моимь котъмь? Would you look after my cat? Has my cat been baked? Я хворы. I am sick. I'm sick. Не турбуйся, вона не вкусить. Don't worry; it won't bite. Don't worry, she won't bite. Мы елі яйкі. We were eating eggs. We ate eggs. Пойдзем са мной. Come with me. Come with me. Спадарыня Іанэску, я хацеў бы ў Вас нешта спытаць. Mrs. Ionescu, I'd like to ask you something. Mistress Johns, I would like to ask you something. Я знаю его уже десять лет. I have known him for ten years. I've known him for ten years. Мы слухаем музыку, а ты? We're listening to music, and you? We listen to music, and you? Я не сделал ничего плохого. I did nothing wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. Твой — вунь там. Yours is over there. Yours is over there. Ти знаєш мову жестів? Do you know sign language? Do you know sign language? Жінка була сурогатною матір'ю дитини. The woman was the child's surrogate mother. The woman was a surrogate mother of a child. Держитесь за перила. Hold on to the rail. Hold on to the pearl. Ну думаю, що Том нам повірить. I don't think Tom will believe us. Well, I think Tom's gonna believe us. Я не хочу подниматься наверх. I don't want to go upstairs. I don't want to go upstairs. Не моя вина, что я всех их ненавижу. It's not my fault that I hate them all. It's not my fault I hate them all. Стало опять тихо. It was quiet again. It got quiet again. Я не такий розумний, як ти думаєш. I'm not as smart as you think I am. I'm not as smart as you think I am. Здание было полностью разрушено. The building was completely destroyed. The building was completely destroyed. Мені потрібна ця інформація якомога швидше. I need that information as soon as possible. I need this information as soon as possible. Мері говорить уві сні. Mary talks in her sleep. Mary speaks in a dream. Том тебе зрадив. Tom betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Том любить читати. Tom likes to read. Tom likes to read. Єси ми дроугъ. You are my friend. We're droids. Смотри не поскользнись. Be careful not to slip. Don't slip. Я не готов сдаваться. I'm not ready to give up. I'm not ready to give up. Том показав свої водійскі права поліцейському. Tom showed his driver's license to the policeman. Tom showed his drivers his rights to the police. Хто аўтар гэтага апавядання? Who is the author of this story? Who is the author of this story? Чому б Том хотів зробити це, якщо він не зобов'язаний цього робити? Why would Tom want to do that if he doesn't have to? Why would Tom want to do that if he didn't have to do it? Я вижу вдалеке корабль. I can see a ship in the distance. I see a far-off ship. Залишайтеся на місці. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. Марс має два місяці. Mars has two moons. Mars has two months. Люди собираются. People are gathering. People are going. Она накричала на него. She yelled at him. She yelled at him. Вона там? Is it there? Is she there? Мэг была адзінай дзяўчынкай у джынсах. Meg was the only girl that was wearing jeans. Meg was the only girl in jeans. Я забыл деньги. I forgot my money. I forgot the money. Я увійшов до ресторану та пообідав. I entered the restaurant and had lunch. I went to the restaurant and ate dinner. Вона була іноземкою, і до неї ставилися як до іноземки. She was a foreigner and was treated as such. She was a foreigner, and she was treated like a foreigner. Поезд был заполнен. The train was packed. The train was filled. Он сказал, что никогда этого не сделает. He said that he'd never do that. He said he'd never do it. Мері загубила окуляри. Mary lost her glasses. Mary lost her glasses. Том не хотел, чтобы мы присутствовали на его вечеринке. Tom didn't want us at his party. Tom didn't want us to attend his party. Потяг ще не приїхав. The train has not arrived yet. The train hasn't come yet. Я его унесу внутрь. I'll take it inside. I'll take him in. Том звиклий до цього. Tom is used to doing that. Tom's used to it. Скажи мне, пожалуйста, что я прав. Please tell me I'm right. Tell me, please, I'm right. Я вже зробив домашню роботу. I've already finished my homework. I've already done my homework. В подвале труп. There's a corpse in the basement. In the basement there's a corpse. Пожалуйста, стучите, прежде чем войти. Please knock before you come in. Please, knock before you get in. Мы решили взять её на работу. We've decided to hire her. We decided to take her to work. Я одинокий чоловік. I am a lonely man. I'm a lonely man. Он правда был настолько плох? Was he really that bad? Was he really so bad? Що ти отримав на Різдво? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get to Christmas? Не упусти случай. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't let that happen. Я хочу, щоб моє ім'я пам'ятали. I want my name to be remembered. I want my name remembered. Ви знаєте, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know what I don't have to do, right? У Тома непогано вийшло. Tom did pretty well. Tom had a good job. Мы даже не знаем её. We don't even know her. We don't even know her. Якщо не поквапитеся, ви не встигнете на потяг. If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train. If you don't hurry, you won't be able to drive. Вы меня предали. You've betrayed me. You betrayed me. Попроси Тома, чтобы он извинился перед Мэри. Ask Tom to apologize to Mary. Ask Tom to apologize to Mary. Надеюсь, ты не простудишься. I hope you are not catching a cold. I hope you don't get cold. Слід було працювати старанніше. You should have worked harder. I should've worked harder. З якого дива Том хотів би це зробити? Why in the world would Tom want to do that? From what miracle would Tom want to do that? Средняя арендная плата за квартиру в Манхэттене составляет около четырёх тысяч долларов в месяц. The average rent for a Manhattan apartment is about $4,000 a month. The average rent for an apartment in Manhattan is about four thousand dollars a month. Том ненавидит Мэри. Tom hates Mary. Tom hates Mary. Я заснув до того, як тато повернувся додому. I fell asleep before my father came home. I fell asleep before Dad came home. Ти голосував за Ромні чи Обаму? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Думаю, ему необходимо туда поехать. I think it necessary for him to go there. I think he needs to go there. Ми повинні допомогти Тому. We need to help Tom. We have to help Tom. Мы должны быть к этому готовы. We've got to be ready for that. We have to be ready for this. Ти завжди мені це говориш. You always tell me that. You always say that to me. Чому ви не сказали мені цього раніше? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me that before? Думаю, я міг би це зробити краще. I think I could've done that better. I think I could do it better. Ти не така висока, як я. You're not as tall as me. You're not as tall as I am. Боги карають грішників. The gods punish sinners. Gods punish sinners. Я хотів би побачити твою матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Я живу в готелі. I live in a hotel. I live in a hotel. В неї червоні очі. Her eyes are red. She's got red eyes. Я прямий. I'm direct. I'm straight. Давай быстрей доедай завтрак. Hurry up and finish your breakfast. Let's get some breakfast. Можно я это съем? May I eat this? Can I take that? У вас уже есть дети? Do you have children already? Have you got any kids yet? Із Томом нічого не станеться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. There's nothing going to happen to Tom. Соседская собака всё время лает. The neighbour's dog constantly barks. The neighbor's dog's been screaming all the time. Будь ласка, посунься. Please budge up. Please move. Звычайна я хаджу пешкі. I usually walk. I usually go to hell. Вижѭ Ѳома сѧ гноушаѥть моѥго пьса. I think Tom hates my dog. You're going to take the shit out of your mouth. Я с ней об этом поговорю. I'll talk to her about that. I'll talk to her about it. Я проспав лише дві години. I only slept two hours. I only slept for two hours. Как так получилось, что вы знаете друг друга? How did you come to know one another? How come you know each other? Я думал, что могу ему доверять. I thought I could trust him. I thought I could trust him. Я вам завтра напишу. I will write you tomorrow. I'll write you tomorrow. Я кахаю яе. I love her. I love her. Том проверил список. Tom checked the list. Tom checked the list. Мы не забудзем. We won't forget. We won't forget. Все окна заперты? Are all the windows locked? All the windows are locked? Я не хочу ехать на озеро. I don't want to go to the lake. I don't want to go to the lake. Нейкі ты тоўсты. You look fat. You're kind of thick. Вони були певні, що можуть перемогти. They were sure that they could win. They were sure they could win. Алжир не хоче війни. Algeria does not want war. Algeria does not want war. Это предложение очень просто перевести. This sentence is very easy to translate. It's a very simple proposal to translate. Плёну ў працы! I wish you success in your work. It's a swirl in it! Моя машина покрыта голубиным дерьмом. My car is covered in pigeon shit. My car's covered with blue shit. Бабочка летела. The butterfly flew. Grandma's flying. Выглядите умопомрачительно. You look fabulous. You look improbable. Россия и Китай - лучшие друзья Алжира. Russia and China are Algeria's best friends. Russia and China are the best friends of Algeria. Гэта мой сябар Том. This is my friend, Tom. This is my friend Tom. Дзе начальніца? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Я уверен, что он поедет. I'm sure he'll go. I'm sure he'll go. В нього зелені очі. He has green eyes. He's got green eyes. Я не усвідомлювала, що Том одружений з Мері. I didn't realize that Tom was married to Mary. I didn't realize Tom was married to Mary. Ми вижили. We survived. We survived. Если ты завтра пойдешь на рыбалку, я тоже пойду. If you go fishing tomorrow, I will, too. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go too. У другой палове дня, магчыма, будзе дождж. It might rain before evening. This afternoon will probably be a rain. Я міг би змінитися. I could've changed. I could change. Я люблю корейську їжу. I love Korean food. I love Korean food. Тут ніхто не живе. Nobody lives here. Nobody lives here. Ти плануєш це якось зробити? Do you plan to do that sometime? Are you planning on doing this? Його звуть Том. Its name is Tom. His name is Tom. Какую вы выберете? Which one will you choose? Which choice will you choose? Можна знову тебе поцілувати? Can I kiss you again? Can I kiss you again? Вы клялись, что любите меня. You swore that you loved me. You swore you loved me. Дзе прыбіральня? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Гэта добры падручнік. This is a good textbook. It's a good textbooks. Це дивне формулювання. That's a strange choice of words. It's a strange formulation. Том сліпий від народження. Tom was born blind. Tom's blind from birth. Я был как раз там, когда это произошло. I was right on the spot when it happened. I was right there when it happened. Он твёрдый орешек. He is a tough cookie. He's full of nuts. Час ляціць. Time flies. Time will come. Приблизно в той же час Том був у своїй кімнаті і вчився. At about the same time, Tom was in his room studying. About the same time, Tom was in his room and was studying. Что вы тогда будете делать? What'll you do then? What are you gonna do then? Когда я проснулся, был почти полдень. It was almost noon when I woke up. When I woke up, I was about noon. Його ніхто не бачив. No one has seen him. No one saw him. Вы любите фигурное катание? Do you like figure skating? Do you like major torture? Хтось постукав у двері Тома. Someone knocked on Tom's door. Someone knocked at Tom's door. Спадніца зялёная. The skirt is green. The hunter is green. Я не думаю, що Том уміє їздити на одноколісному велосипеді. I don't think Tom knows how to ride a unicycle. I don't think Tom can ride a one-wheeled bicycle. Старайся быть оптимисткой. Try to be optimistic. Try being an optimist. Магазины работают с понедельника по субботу. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. They work from Monday to Saturday. Я з Ріо-де-Жанейро, а ти? I am from Rio de Janeiro, and you? I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and you? Какой смысл делать это? What's the point in doing that? What's the point of doing this? Ты должен встать рано. You have to get up early. You have to get up early. Я маю поїхати завтра вранці. I have to leave tomorrow morning. I have to go tomorrow morning. Який це матеріал? What's the material? What is this material? Какой твой любимый браузер? Which browser is your favorite? What's your favorite browser? Он играет в теннис трижды в неделю. He plays tennis three times a week. He plays tennis three times a week. Я не ведаю, калі Боб прыехаў у Японію. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. Я піду з тобою. I'll be going with you. I'll go with you. Учись так старательно, как только можешь. Study as hard as you can. Learn as hard as you can. Давай выйдем на балкон. Let's go out on the balcony. Let's go out to the balcony. Я желала всего. I wanted everything. I wanted everything. Я хотел принять участие. I wanted to participate. I wanted to take part. Женщины любят чай. The women like tea. Women love tea. Обожаю эту рекламу. I love that commercial. I love this ad. Я вражений. I'm shaken. I'm impressed. Дэн показал себя сторонником превосходства белой расы. Dan revealed himself to be a white supremacist. Dan showed himself an advocate of superiority over a white race. Мне реально надо кому-нибудь вмазать. I really need to hit somebody. I really need someone to put on. Я делаю успехи. I'm making progress. I'm making progress. Мама теперь на небесах. Mom is now in heaven. Mom's in heaven now. Том зрозумів, що Мері не слід цього робити. Tom realized Mary shouldn't do that. Tom realized that Mary shouldn't do that. Как это грубо с твоей стороны! How rude of you! How rude of you! Я был очень уставшим, поэтому тотчас заснул. I was very tired, so I fell asleep right away. I was very tired, so then I fell asleep. Я не доктор, а учитель. I am not a doctor, but a teacher. I'm not a doctor, but a teacher. Она так и не ответила ему на письмо. She never wrote him back. She never responded to his letter. Я не відповідатиму на це питання. I won't answer that question. I'm not gonna answer that question. Працягвайце, калі ласка. Please continue. Please continue. Я решила выйти замуж за Тома. I've decided to marry Tom. I decided to marry Tom. Гэта таму што ты дзяўчынка. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. Это худшее, что вы можете сделать! That's the worst thing you can do! That's the worst thing you can do! Що тут насправді трапилося? What really happened here? What really happened here? Не кладіть всі яйця в один кошик. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all the eggs in one basket. Том із Мері прийдуть на свято? Are Tom and Mary coming to the party? Tom and Mary will come to the festival? Хвалѭ ти! Thank you! All right, you're good! А если он неправ? What if he's wrong? What if he's wrong? Том видел акулу. Tom saw a shark. Tom saw the shark. Под деревом стоит скамейка. There is a bench under the tree. There's a bench underneath the tree. Тому не слід так часто дивитися телевізор. Tom shouldn't watch so much TV. So we should not watch TV so often. Насправді, він ніколи не був у Нью-Йорку. In fact, he has never been to New York. In fact, he's never been to New York. Я попросила Кена допомогти. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help. Я сказав Тому, щоб він приїхав до Австралії. I told Tom to come to Australia. I told him to come to Australia. Вы знаете, где пройдёт встреча? Do you know where the meeting will be? Do you know where the meeting will be? Цю коробку доволі легко нести. This box is light enough to carry. This box is easy to carry. Мне нравится быть здесь. I like to be here. I like being here. Тома не важко знайти. Tom isn't hard to find. Tom's not hard to find. Они поддельные. They're fake. They're fake. Том был в сандалиях. Tom was wearing sandals. Tom was wearing a dresser. Том может говорить. Tom can talk. Tom can talk. Що таке факс? What is a fax? What is fax? Хочу масаж. Мені треба розслабитися. I want a massage. I need to relax. I want a massage, I need to relax. Я знаю, як це робиться. I know how to do it. I know how it's done. Чому ти сама? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Він майже завжди в лікарні. He's almost always in the hospital. He's almost always in the hospital. У мяне ружовая машына. I have a pink car. I've got a pink car. Я дала сестрі словник. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave the sister a dictionary. Я певен, що Том не погодився би. I'm sure Tom wouldn't agree. I'm sure Tom wouldn't agree. Де твій ключ? Where is your key? Where's your key? Я ніколи раніше не бачив затемнення. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen a eclipse before. Ён садоўнік. He's a gardener. He is a gardener. Я думаю, ты отлично справилась. I think you did great. I think you did a great job. Кто лидер группы? Who is the leader of the group? Who's the leader of the group? Мы пунктуальны. We're punctual. We're punctual. Том сделал это для тебя? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did it for you? У вас є якісь це проблеми з цим? Are you having any trouble doing that? Do you have any problem with that? Ці ты разумееш? Do you understand? Do you understand? Где вы их встретили? Where did you meet them? Where did you meet them? Думаю, Том прав. I think Tom is right. I think Tom's right. Я радий знову тебе бачити. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Ну, тоді я буду курку. Well then, I'll have chicken. Well, then I'll be a chicken. Я маю важливе повідомлення. I have an important message. I have an important message. Я буду сумаваць па табе, калі цябе не будзе. I'll miss you when you're gone. I'll miss thee, if thee doesn't. Ти запитала Тома? Did you ask Tom? Did you ask Tom? Він зробив це через ревнощі. Jealousy made him do that. He did so because of jealousy. Сегодня очень жарко. It is very hot today. It's hot today. Як сестра? How's your sister? How's the sister? Я люблю музыку, особенно классическую. I like music, especially classical music. I love music, especially classical music. Яке дивне життя! How strange life is! What a strange life! Я знаю, что Том очень похож на своего старшего брата. I know that Tom is a lot like his older brother. I know Tom looks very much like his older brother. Это было слишком легко. It was too easy. It was too easy. Вы боитесь крыс? Are you afraid of rats? Are you afraid of a rat? Я голодний, бо я не снідав. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't dream. Я не могу ему сегодня заплатить. I can't pay him today. I can't pay him tonight. Скажи ему, что все здесь. Tell him that everyone is here. Tell him everyone's here. Чому Том утік? Why did Tom run away? Why Did Tom Flee? Я тебе вб'ю. I will kill you. I'll kill you. Це дуже добре кіно. It really is a good movie. It's a very good movie. Я подумал, что Вы привидение. I thought you were a ghost. I thought you were a ghost. Том хотів би, щоб Мері була до нього добрішою. Tom wished Mary wouldn't be so mean to him. Tom would like Mary to be more kind to him. Томом можно пожертвовать. Tom is expendable. Tom can be sacrificed. Ребёнок спал на коленях у матери. The child slept on its mother's lap. A child slept on his mother's lap. Я заснула, слухаючи радіо. I fell asleep while listening to the radio. I fell asleep listening to the radio. У нас здесь для Тома пакет. We have a package here for Tom. We have a bag here for Tom. Весна пришьла. Spring has come. The spring's comin'. Я бы на вашем месте с ним больше не разговаривал. If I were you, I wouldn't talk to him anymore. I wouldn't be talking to him again. Никто не имеет права указывать мне, что делать. No one has the right to tell me what to do. No one has the right to tell me what to do. Зустріч закінчилася. The meeting ended. The meeting's over. Давай сначала обсудим это с Томом. Let's discuss this with Tom first. Let's talk to Tom first. Мiй дiд - з Осаки. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather is from Osaca. Ты пробовал с ним поговорить? Have you tried talking to him? Did you try to talk to him? Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait for the wedding. Ти можеш туди піти. You may go there. You can go there. Я все ще хочу поїхати до Бостона. I still want to go to Boston. I still want to go to Boston. Ви прочитали мою доповідь? Have you read my report? Did you read my report? Мы тебя знаем? Do we know you? Do we know you? Пора заканчивать. It's time to wind up. It's time to finish. Він підписав чек. He signed the check. He signed the check. Вы не единственный, у кого есть ключ от этой двери? Aren't you the only one who has a key to this door? You're not the only one who has the key to that door? Том от этого не в восторге. Tom is not happy about this. Tom's not happy with that. Я не навмисно. I didn't mean it. I'm not deliberate. Можливо, вона не про тебе говорила? Maybe she wasn't talking about you. Maybe she didn't talk about you. Кто вы по национальности? What is your nationality? Who are you as a citizen? У меня нет времени беспокоиться о таких мелочах. I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to worry about these little things. Няхай будзе з табою сіла. May the force be with you. Let him be with thee strength. На столѣ лєжить ıаблъко. There is an apple on the table. There's an animal on the table. Том був найманцем. Tom was a mercenary. Tom was a mercenary. Ми з нею приблизного одного віку. She's about the same age as me. We're with her about the same age. Я загубила свої окуляри. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Часто говорят, что еженедельно в мире исчезает по одному языку. It is often said that the world loses a language every week. It is often said that each week the world disappears in one language. Они умерли. They're dead. They're dead. Том не міг отримати візу. Tom wasn't able to get a visa. Tom couldn't get a visa. Брат меня убьёт. My brother's going to kill me. Brother will kill me. Я не хочу говорить об этом прямо сейчас. I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to talk about it right now. Вы вывучаеце ангельскую мову? Do you study English? Do you learn English? Вона була хоробра. She was brave. She was beautiful. Бог створив небеса і землю. God created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. Твої страждання мене тішать. Your suffering amuses me. Your suffering makes me happy. Я не знал, что вы так несчастны. I didn't know you were so unhappy. I didn't know you were so unhappy. Ніхто з тих, кого я знаю, не може цього зробити. No one I know can do that. No one I know can do that. Заявление Тома — полная бессмыслица. Tom's statement is pure nonsense. Tom's statement is totally meaningless. Я люблю природу. I love nature. I love nature. Я живу там один. I live there by myself. I live there alone. Я був надворі. I was outside. I was outside. У Тома не було грошей на купівлю машини. Tom didn't have money to buy a car. Tom had no money to buy a car. Вчора вона проспала більше 10 годин. She slept more than ten hours yesterday. Yesterday, she's been over ten hours late. Кім вдягнений дуже привабливо. Kim is dressed very attractively. The clothes are very attractive. Хіба ти не радий, що багатий? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you glad you're rich? Я знаю, это трудно принять. I know this is difficult to accept. I know it's hard to accept. Жовтень пройшов. October is over. The boat's gone. Я гуляв у лісі сам. I walked in the woods by myself. I was walking alone in the woods. Дай-но я спробую. Let me try. Let me try. Где находится британское посольство? Where is the British embassy? Where is the British Embassy? Мы сказали о том, что могли бы сделать. We talked about what we could do. We said what we could do. Думаю, я знаю, що ви маєте на увазі. I think I know what you mean. I think I know what you mean. Том сказав, що зробити це не буде важко. Tom said it wouldn't be hard to do that. Tom said it wouldn't be hard to do that. Скажи "спокойной ночи", Том. Say good night, Tom. Say good night, Tom. Попытаемся сохранять спокойствие. Let's try to stay calm. We'll try to keep calm. Пришельцы существуют? Are aliens real? Is there an alien? Это не очень стильно. This is not very stylish. It's not very stylish. У мене божевільник графік. My schedule is insane. I've got a crazy schedule. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Том голосував? Did Tom vote? Did Tom vote? Його супроводжувала дружина. He was accompanied by his wife. He was accompanied by his wife. Ще не йди, будь ласка. Please don't go yet. Don't go yet, please. Вы не имели на это никакого права. You had no right to do that. You didn't have any right to do that. Зачекайте на Тома. Wait for Tom. Wait for Tom. Було затишшя після бурі. There was a calm after the storm. It was cozy after the storm. Я проплакала усю ніч. I cried all night long. I cried all night. Не могли бы вы выслать мне больше информации по электронной почте? Could you send me more information by email? Could you send me more information by e-mail? Я у будинку Тома. I'm in Tom's house. I'm in Tom's house. Скільки ви додаєте цукру? How much sugar do you use? How much do you add in sugar? Я сказал им, чтобы они никому не говорили. I told them not to tell anyone. I told them not to tell anyone. Вони домовилися співпрацювати. They agreed to work together. They agreed to cooperate. Я работаю на благо общества. I work for public welfare. I work for society. Том решил оставить свою работу. Tom decided to quit his job. Tom decided to leave his job. Завтра я вперше летітиму літаком, правда це неймовірно? Tomorrow will be the first time I take the plane, incredible, no? I'm going to fly for the first time tomorrow, isn't it amazing? Я руководитель Тома. I'm Tom's mentor. I'm Tom's head. Вы заплацілі за кнігу? Did you pay for the book? Have you paid for the book? Он втюрился в свою учительницу китайского языка. Но, со всеми этими гормональными делами, он втюривался почти в каждого встречного. He had a crush on his Chinese teacher; but what with all the hormones, he had a crush on just about everyone. He's a teacher in Chinese, but with all these hormonal things, he's in almost every other person. Я радий, що ти радий. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're glad. Это то самое видео, которое я разыскивал. This is the very video I have been looking for. It's the same video I've been looking for. Двері літака вже були зачинені, коли Том дійшов до виходу до літака. The plane's doors were already closed when Tom got to the gate. The door of the plane had already been closed when Tom was on his way to the plane. Я п'яны. I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Я скучная. I am boring. I'm bored. Нам соромно за Тома. Tom is an embarrassment. We're ashamed of Tom. Том думает, что это я. Tom thinks it's me. Tom thinks it's me. Не думаю, что я предвзят. I don't think I'm biased. I don't think I'm biased. Тут мне придётся согласиться с Томом. I've got to agree with Tom here. That's where I'm gonna have to agree with Tom. Сербская — яе родная мова. She is a native speaker of Serbian. Serbian is her native language. Вы действительно думали, что у меня сегодня день рождения? Did you really think today was my birthday? Did you really think I had a birthday? Фактически, банкротство неизбежно. As a matter of fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. In fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. Том зрабіў выгляд, што не ведае, што рабіць. Tom pretended not to know what to do. Tom pretended he didn't know what to do. Что будет с Томом? What will happen to Tom? What's going on with Tom? Що б не трапилося, я лишуся з тобою. No matter what happens, I'll stay with you. Whatever happens, I'll stay with you. Моя сестра стала хорошей пианисткой. My sister has become a good pianist. My sister became a good pioneer. Я знаю, що Том — стоматолог. I know Tom is a dentist. I know Tom is a dentist. Они встали, чтобы поприветствовать его. They got up to greet him. They stood up to welcome him. Хочете ось це? You want this? Do you want this? Я сказал ей, что это ошибка. I told her it was a mistake. I told her it was a mistake. Отправь мне новый каталог. Send me a new catalog. Send me a new directory. Бутылка полная. The bottle is full. The bottle's full. Я не приду. I will not come. I'm not coming. Все, что мне остается, — напиться водки и забыться сном. All that's left for me is to drink myself silly with vodka and to get lost in sleep. All I have left is getting drunk and sleeping. Том знал, кому Мэри решила отдать свою старую гитару. Tom knew who Mary had decided to give her old guitar to. Tom knew who Mary decided to give her old guitar. Вайна — гэта пекла. War is hell. War is hell. Я останавливал прохожих. I was stopping passers-by I stopped passersby. Месяц нікому не належыць. Nobody owns the moon. The month doesn't belong to anybody. Жена Тома умерла на прошлой неделе. Tom's wife died last week. Tom's wife died last week. То бышѧ тѧжькаıа веремена. Those were difficult times. It's like... ..it's like... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Я готова йти, а Том ні. I'm ready to go, but Tom isn't. I'm ready to go, and Tom's not. Це була спокійна ніч. It was a quiet night. It was a peaceful night. Мері їла на самоті. Mary ate by herself. Mary ate alone. Том не слишком умён. Tom isn't too smart. Tom's not too smart. Ти би хотів мати ім'я Том? How would you like to be called Tom? Would you like to have Tom's name? Он боится собак. He is afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. Ты не разумееш. Ён цябе заб'е. You don't understand. He'll kill you. You do not understand; he will kill you. Мы все согласились с Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Я не был в одиночестве. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. Поліція продовжила своє розслідування. Police continued their investigation. The police continued their investigation. Відчиніть вікна. Open the windows. Open the windows. У вас есть вопрос? Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Я нарадзіўся ў 1988 годзе. I was born in 1988. I was born in 1988. Марк продасть машину. Mark will sell the car. Mark's selling the car. Мы хотим поехать в Австралию. We want to go to Australia. We want to go to Australia. Хорошо пахнет. That smells good. It smells good. Мені треба поговорити з Томом. I must speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Том придумал несколько предложений и проверил их на Мэри, прежде чем заливать на Татоэбу. Tom thought up several sentences and ran them past Mary before posting them on Tatoeba. Tom made a few suggestions and checked them on Mary before entering Tatoebu. Что-то изменилось. Something has changed. Something's changed. Эти три книги принадлежат Тому. These three books belong to Tom. These three books belong to the One. Ви маєте запальничку? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? У вас є щось від головного болю? Do you have anything for a headache? Do you have anything to do with headaches? Коли ти одружився? When did you get married? When did you get married? Твая котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat's black. Когда вы вернулись, я уже ушла. When you returned, I had already left. When you're back, I'm gone. Давайте быстрей доедайте завтрак. Hurry up and finish your breakfast. Let's eat breakfast quick. Цей пацієнт може померти в будь-який момент. That patient may die at any time. This patient can die at any time. Я тоже тебя не вижу. I can't see you either. I don't see you either. Вам відомо, чий то автомобіль? Do you know whose car that is? Do you know whose car it is? Том вистрілив у мене. Tom shot me. Tom shot me. Кому ты его дал? Whom did you give it to? Who did you give it to? Джуді народилася вранці п'ятого вересня. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Judy was born in the morning of September 5. Оставайся на месте. You stay put. Stay where you are. Нарэшце яна заснула. She finally fell asleep. At last she fell asleep. На небе так много звёзд, я не могу пересчитать их. There are so many stars in the sky that I can't count them all. There are so many stars in heaven, I can't count them. Вы умеете играть на банджо? Do you know how to play the banjo? Do you know how to play a gangjo? Што ты кажаш? What're you saying? What are you saying? Вы вельмі мудры. You're very wise. You're very wise. Том не неповнолітній. Tom isn't a minor. Tom's not a teenager. Оскільки я не отримав відповідь, я написав їй ще раз. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Since I didn’t get the answer, I wrote it again. Свій до свого по своє. Patronise your own. To your own. Нам будет вас не хватать. We'll miss you. We'll miss you. Припини ставити Тому стільки запитань. Stop asking Tom so many questions. Stop asking that is why there are so many questions. Она положила голову мне на грудь, чтобы послушать моё сердцебиение. She laid her head on my chest so she could listen to my heartbeat. She put her head on my chest to listen to my heart. Мені подобається говорити валійською мовою. I like to speak Welsh. I like to speak Wallish. Може я неправильно зрозумів Тома. Maybe I misunderstood Tom. Maybe I got Tom wrong. Я хочу, чтобы всё, что вы только что сказали, было записано в договоре. I want everything you just said written into the contract. I want everything you just said to be in the contract. Чорт забирай! God damn it! Damn it! У тебя есть немецко-русский словарь? Do you have a German-Russian dictionary? Do you have a German-russian dictionary? Мы не можем просто сидеть здесь и ничего не делать. We can't just sit here and do nothing. We can't just sit here and do nothing. З усіх месяцаў мне больш за ўсё падабаецца май. I like May the best of all the months. Of all months, I prefer most of all May. У мене інша ситуація. My situation is different. I have a different situation. Том посоветовал Мэри не оставлять дверь незапертой. Tom advised Mary not to leave her door unlocked. Tom told Mary not to leave the door open. Я хотів працювати. I wanted to work. I wanted to work. Шкло вырабляюць з пяску. Glass is made from sand. A glass made of sand. Том хотів заплатити пізніше. Tom wanted to pay later. Tom wanted to pay later. Том буде тут просто зараз. Tom will be here right away. Tom's gonna be here right now. Настав час тобі одружитися. It's time you got married. It's time you got married. Я пахаваў свайго сабаку на могілках для хатніх жывёл. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in a churchyard for pets. Том отримав покарання, на яке заслуговував. Tom got the punishment he deserved. Tom got the punishment he deserved. Вы должны вернуться. You must go back. You have to come back. Том був дуже переляканий. Tom was very frightened. Tom was very scared. Они забыли свои зонты. They forgot their umbrellas. They forgot their probes. Ти ходиш до школи пішки? Do you go to school on foot? Do you go to school on foot? Скільки вам років? Мені двадцять шість. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. How old are you? Вижѭ хоромъ. I see the house. Scurvy. Хто зламаў гэту ручку? Who broke this pen? Who broke that pen? Холадна. It's cold. That's cool. Ми отримаємо ще один шанс. We'll get another chance. We'll get another chance. Том грає на лютні. Tom plays the lute. Tom plays in February. Я смог сделать это намного быстрее Тома. I was able to do that much quicker than Tom. I was able to do this much faster than Tom. Тому десь у цій будівлі. Tom is somewhere in this building. So it's somewhere in this building. У нас немає часу. We have no time. We don't have time. Я ніколи не мала такої великої суми грошей. I've never had such a large sum of money. I never had that much money. Ты знаешь, кто выиграл? Do you know who won? Do you know who won? Он заплатил ему четыре доллара. He paid him four dollars. He paid him four dollars. Якого кольору в Тома очі? What color are Tom's eyes? What color is Tom's eyes? Эта программа всё ещё далека от совершенства. That program is still far from perfect. This program is still far from perfect. Дай мне время. Give me time. Give me the time. Чому твій брат ненавидить мене? Why does your brother hate me? Why does your brother hate me? Том піддає сумніву все. Tom questions everything. Tom's been questioning everything. Моя дружина Лідія - чудова, розумна жінка. My wife Lidia is a beautiful, clever woman. My wife, Lydia, is a beautiful, intelligent woman. Я в тебя влюбился. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. Доводы против этого следующие. The reasons against this are as follows. The evidence against this is as follows. У Тома небольшие усики. Tom has a little mustache. Tom's got little boobs. Де мої батьки? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? Не за дзень Вільня станавілася. Rome wasn't built in a day. Not for the free day was standing up. Я сам написав ці книжки. I wrote these songs myself. I wrote these books myself. Я зупинився у дешевому готелі. I stayed at a cheap hotel. I stopped at a cheap hotel. Яблуко на столє. The apple is on the table. Apple on the table. Я думал, Том - твой лучший друг. I thought Tom was your best friend. I thought Tom was your best friend. Время от времени мы вместе ходим на рыбалку. We go fishing together once in a while. From time to time, we go fishing together. Мы взяли напрокат каноэ. We rented a canoe. We rented a canoise. Я не обязан это терпеть. I don't have to put up with this. I don't have to tolerate it. Я знаю, как выжить. I know how to survive. I know how to survive. Це маленький будинок, проте він нам підійде. This is a small house, but it will do for us. It's a small house, but it'll suit us. Японец никогда бы не сделал такого. A Japanese would never do such a thing. Japanese would never do that. Будинок Тома десь тут неподалік. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is somewhere near. Я не належу до середнього класу. I'm not middle class. I'm not in middle class. Це зробив не Том. Це була Мері. Tom wasn't the one who did that. It was Mary. It wasn't Tom, it was Mary. Том вам поможет, если вы его попросите. Tom will help you if you ask him to. Tom will help you if you ask him. Большому кораблю — большое плавание. A great ship asks deep waters. The big ship is a large floating ship. Ты разве не говорил мне, что у тебя есть брат? Didn't you tell me you have a brother? Didn't you tell me you had a brother? Цей діамант справжній? Is this diamond real? Is this diamond real? Вы это собираетесь сказать Тому? Is that what you're going to tell Tom? You're gonna say that to Tom? Я свой карандаш забыл. I forgot my pencil. I forgot my pencil. Дай мне скончыць. Let me finish. Let me finish. Я приймаю вашу пропозицію. I accept your offer. I accept your offer. Спасибо, что поделился своими мыслями. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Ти приніс каву? Did you bring coffee? You brought coffee? Ти лише хлопець. You're just a boy. You're just a guy. Я не вучань. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Я куплю тебе новый зонтик. I'll buy you a new umbrella. I'll buy you a new umbrella. Японцы живут на рисе и рыбе. The Japanese live on rice and fish. Japanese live in rice and fish. Ви готові нам допомогти? Are you ready to help us? Are you ready to help us? Том надзвичайно задоволений. Tom is super happy. Tom's very pleased. Ненавижу зиму. I hate winter. I hate winter. Молодий чоловік — лікар. The young man is a doctor. A young man is a doctor. Ты заплаціў больш, чым трэба было. You paid more than you should've. You paid more than you had been. З цієї гори видно все місто. You can see the whole city from this hill. The whole city is visible from this mountain. Он бы не посмел сделать такое. He would not dare to do such a thing. He wouldn't be able to do that. Мені цікаво, що це таке. I wonder what it is. I'm curious what it is. В туристическом информационном центре карта города выдавалась всем желающим. The tourist information center gave a city map to whoever asked it. At the tourist information centre, the city map was issued to all those who wished. Мне уйти? Should I leave? Should I leave? Я хочу чізбургер, колу та картоплю фрі. I want a cheeseburger, a coke and some fries. I want cheeseburger, col and potatoes of fries. Я маю іншы выбар? Do I have any other choice? Do I have another choice? Я щойно пообідав. I have just eaten lunch. I just had a meal. Они решили пожениться. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Иди нами. Come with us. Come on. Я криком позвал на помощь. I screamed for help. I called for help. Я ненавиджу зоопарки. I hate zoos. I hate zoos. Я один так думаю? Am I the only one who thinks that? Do I think so alone? Мы должны всегда отстаивать наши права. We must always stand up for our rights. We must always defend our rights. Люся абажае соцрэалістычныя раманы — яны вельмі аптымістычныя. Lyusya adores social-realistic novels. They're very optimistic. And let's say that Luca has a lot of socio-economic crafts, they're very optimistic. Медсестра заботилась о пациенте. The nurse attended the patient. The nurse took care of the patient. Ён пакарыў Эверэст. He conquered Mt. Everest. He loved Everest. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері все ще живе в Бостоні. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Tom said that he thought Mary still lives in Boston. Скільки років цій церкві? How old is that church? How old is this church? Мэри говорит, что у неё аллергия на мальчиков. Mary says that she's allergic to boys. Mary says she's allergic to boys. Вы его узнаёте? Do you recognize him? Do you recognize him? Том може забути це зробити. Tom may forget to do that. Tom might forget to do it. Ви мене ігноруєте? Are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Радий знову тебе побачити. It's nice to see you again. It's good to see you again. Том уехал последним. Tom was the last one to leave. Tom left last. Даруй, я цябе не пачула. Sorry, I didn't hear you. Yeah, I didn't hear you. Вы прыйдзеце на гэтую сустрэчу? Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you coming to this meeting? Ти бачив якісь сліди ніг? Did you see any footprints? Have you seen any marks on your feet? Калі трэба, я хутка прыйду. If necessary, I will come soon. If you need me, I'll come quickly. Зараз не Різдво. It isn't Christmas. It's not Christmas. У меня был плохой день. I've had a bad day. I had a bad day. Я їх не побачу. I'm going to go see them. I won't see them. Мені не потрібна робота. I don't need a job. I don't need a job. Я покажу тобі свою кімнату. I'll show you my room. I'll show you my room. На следующем перекрёстке поверните направо. At the next intersection, take a right. Turn right at the next corner. Том хочет пойти на пляж. Tom wants to go to the beach. Tom wants to go to the beach. Я бачив ці фотографії. I've seen these pictures. I saw these photos. Том це зробить безкоштовно. Tom will do that for free. Tom's gonna do it for free. Я думала, ты никогда не спросишь. I thought you'd never ask. I thought you'd never ask. Не думаю, что Том знает, сколько времени. I don't think Tom knows what time it is. I don't think Tom knows how long it is. Не слухайте мене, я лише жартую. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Том кинув Мері м'яч. Tom threw Mary the ball. Tom threw Mary the ball. У меня всё болит. I ache all over. I'm sick of everything. Они удаляются. They're moving away. They're moving away. Я збирався тобі написати, але забув. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. I was gonna write you, but I forgot. Я нечасто вожу машину. I don't drive often. I don't drive a car often. Можна тебе на хвилинку? May I speak to you a minute? Can I have a minute? Том, наверное, был пьян. Tom must've been drunk. Tom must have been drunk. Ты павінен кінуць паліць. You should quit smoking. You must quit smoking. Адзінкі здароўя можна аднавіць толькі залатым яблыкам. HP can only be restored with a golden apple. Only a gold apple can be restored for health. Дай Боже добри дзень! May God give us a good day! God bless the day! Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Вот несколько писем для вас. Here are some letters for you. Here are some letters for you. Гэту зʼяву вельмі проста растлумачыць. This phenomenon is very easy to explain. So this one is very simple to explain. Она считает себя смешной? Does she think she's funny? Does she think she's funny? Вони втратили зразок ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost a DNA sample. Том — не такий, як Мері. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom's not like Mary. Ми чекаємо, допоки вони підуть. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait until they leave. Перепрошую, я вас не впізнала. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Скільки років вашій мамі? How old is your mother? How old is your mother? Це провина Тома. It's Tom's own fault. It's Tom's fault. Ми майже все. We're nearly finished. We're almost there. Я вирішив звільнитися. I've decided to quit my job. I decided to quit. Это Вы меня спасли? Are you the one who saved me? Did you save me? Ты правда думаешь, что Том болен? Do you really think Tom is sick? You really think Tom's sick? Мы ужасно скучаем по Тому. We miss Tom terribly. We're terribly missed because of that. Я знаю, что вы бы сделали для меня то же самое. I know you'd have done the same for me. I know you'd do the same for me. Я захоплююся вами. I admire you. I admire you. Вы их не забудете. You won't forget them. You won't forget them. Том отказался подписать документ. Tom refused to sign the document. Tom refused to sign the document. Де масло? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Мяне не цікаўляць твае тэорыі! I'm not interested in your theories! I don't care about thy theory! Мені подобається ваше волосся. I like your hair. I like your hair. У Тома ёсць трохгадовая дачка. Tom has a three-year-old daughter. Tom has a three year old daughter. Том написав пісню про Мері. Tom has written a song about Mary. Tom wrote a song about Mary. Нехай Том робить це самостійно. Let Tom do that alone. Let Tom do it on his own. Он скрывал этот факт от меня. He concealed the fact from me. He hid this fact from me. Яны нічога не сказалі. They said nothing. They said nothing. Могу я получить копию этих? Could I get a copy of these? Can I get a copy of these? Я слепну. I'm going blind. I'm blind. Ти зараз сама? Are you alone now? Are you alone now? Как бы ты хотел, чтобы тебя называли? What would you like to be called? How would you like to be called? Я думала, що Том цього не робитиме. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. Том не здав залік із французької. Tom failed his French test. Tom didn't get a check from French. Мы спешно поели и тотчас же ушли. We ate a hasty meal and left immediately. We have been successful in eating, and have departed at the same time. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It is time for you to go to bed. You should go to bed. Ти любиш твердий сир? Do you like cheese? Do you like solid cheese? Ты не знаешь, кто я. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Ён зараз есць. He is eating. He's eating now. Я пыталась защитить тебя. I tried to protect you. I was trying to protect you. Ти мене зрозуміла? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Я думал, вы будете смеяться. I thought you'd laugh. I thought you'd laugh. Я знаю, як його звати. I know his name. I know what his name is. Я думала, я не зможу цього зробити. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do that. I thought I couldn't do that. Я без тебе помру. I'll die without you. I'll die without you. Том має сердитий вигляд. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. Він часто спізнюється. He often comes late. He's often late. Ми добре провели час учора. Yesterday we had fun. We had a good time yesterday. Ти, мабуть, помиляєшся. You're probably mistaken. You must be wrong. Я вас помню. I remember you. I remember you. Я трохи втомився. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Це здається занадто простим. This seems too easy. It seems too simple. Мы не думаем, что это имеет значение. We don't think it matters. We don't think it matters. Я хочу, щоб ви поговорили з Томом про його поведінку. I want you to talk to Tom about his behavior. I want you to talk to Tom about his behavior. Я думаю, что не может быть никакой другой причины, кроме этой. I think it can be no other reason but that. I think there can be no other reason but this. Как, по-твоему, всё прошло? How do you think it went? How do you think it went? Тайфун разрушил много домов. The typhoon destroyed many houses. Typhoon destroyed many homes. Дакладчыца з Малайзіі. The speaker is from Malaysia. A teacher from Malaysia. Я знал, что вы на меня рассердитесь. I knew you'd be mad at me. I knew you'd get mad at me. Что тут Том делает? Я думал, он в Европе. What is Tom doing here? I thought he was in Europe. What's Tom doing here? Я хворы на сэрца. I am sick at heart. I'm heart sick. Єсмь молода. I'm young. Issam is young. Я люблю вас обоих. I love you both. I love you both. Ты попал в ловушку. You've walked into a trap. You're trapped. Что ты будешь делать, если опять начнётся война? What would you do if another war occurred? What will you do if the war starts again? Она не ошибается. She is not wrong. She's not wrong. Я никогда не удовлетворён. I'm never satisfied. I'm never satisfied. Для мяне ён загостры. It's too spicy for me. It's getting sharpened for me. Вы актёр или певец? Are you an actor or a singer? Are you an actor or a singer? Том розділяв біль Мері. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom separated Mary’s pain. Пачакай секунду. Wait a moment. Wait a second. Банка пуста. The jar is empty. The bank's empty. Скажи мені, що ти хочеш на Різдво. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Нам все ще слід це робити? Do we have to do this anymore? Do we still have to do this? Сильный ветер затих ночью. The strong wind died away at night. A strong wind back at night. З усіх моў, што я вывучала, французская была найскладнейшай. Of all the languages I've studied, French was the most difficult. Of all the languages I've learned, French was the most difficult. Вы пойдёте с ней? Will you go with her? Will you go with her? Том запізнюється на тридцять хвилин. Tom is thirty minutes late. Tom's late for thirty minutes. Хелен зышла на наступным прыпынку. Helen got off at the next stop. Helen is gone at the next stop. Я запрошу Тома на вечерю. I'm going to invite Tom over for dinner. I'll invite Tom to dinner. Она нам помогла. She helped us. She helped us. Это был не он. It wasn't him. It wasn't him. На каком этаже живёт Том? What floor does Tom live on? What kind of floor does Tom live on? У меня всё болело. I was aching all over. I was sick. Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Did you say that I was joking? Надія є. There is hope. There is hope. Що ти робитимеш далі? What's next for you? What are you gonna do next? Я шчаслівы. I am happy. I'm happy. Я чуў, што Робэрт хворы. I heard that Robert is ill. I've heard that Robbert is sick. Думаю, я нашёл то, что вы ищете. I think I found what you're looking for. I think I found what you're looking for. Я знал, что ты вернёшься. I knew you'd be back. I knew you'd come back. Ти коли-небудь був у Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Ви вже голосували? Did you vote yet? Have you voted yet? Вона може почекати до ранку. She can wait until morning. She can wait till morning. Ви колись їли мексиканську їжу? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Ви ніколи не брешете. You never tell lies. You never lie. Я вам об этом как-нибудь расскажу. I'll tell you about it someday. I'll tell you something. Пасля смерці мужа я хадзіў паўсюль бы зомбі. After my husband's death I walked around like a zombie. Upon my husband's death I would have walked all over the country. Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not very important. Я испёк это для тебя. I baked it for you. I've been through this for you. Це маленьке село. This is a small village. It's a small village. Це означає, що ми не можемо піти на пікнік? Does this mean we can't go on the picnic? Does that mean we can't go to a picnic? Вы знали, что у Тома есть сын? Did you know Tom has a son? Did you know Tom had a son? Перепрошую, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. Sorry, I forgot. Посадите дерево вон там. Plant a tree over here. Put the tree down there. Вона вивчає португальську в Бразилії. She is studying Portuguese in Brazil. She studies Portuguese in Brazil. Боже мой! Оно горит! Oh my God! It's on fire! My God, it's burning! Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. Good guys win. Он не остановил машину. He didn't stop the car. He didn't stop the car. Вы гэтага не ведалі? Didn't you know that? You didn't know that? Ніхто не зміг би зупинити цього. No one could've stopped that. No one could stop it. Мой улюбёны колер — блакітны. My favourite colour is blue. My favorite color is blue. Я думаю, що ми, можливо, були занадто агресивні. I think maybe we've been too aggressive. I think we may have been too aggressive. Це буде геніально. It'll be wonderful. It's going to be brilliant. Їжа остигає. The food is getting cold. Food's getting cold. Я не вірю у бісів. I don't believe in devils. I don't believe in shit. Мій годинник відстає на п'ять хвилин. My watch is five minutes slow. My watch is five minutes away. Вони занадто перебірливі. They're too picky. They're too selective. Це нам не належить. That doesn't belong to us. It doesn't belong to us. Побачимося після спектаклю. We'll see you after the show. I'll see you after the show. Сколько у вас автомобилей? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? Я зараз живу в Бостоні. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston now. Де тато? Where's Daddy? Where's Dad? Здесь поблизости есть супермаркет? Is there a supermarket near here? Is there a supermarket around here? Ты играешь в шахматы? Do you play chess? Are you playing chess? Не забывай нас. Don't forget us. Don't forget us. Дай Тому відповідь. Answer Tom. Let me give you the answer. Я знаю, что Том агрессивен. I know that Tom is aggressive. I know Tom's aggressive. Андрэй Хадановіч — велічыня беларускай паэзіі. Andrej Chadanovič is a major figure in the Belarusian poetry. Andre Hadanović is a broadcast of Belarusian poetry. Он выглядел так, как будто не ел несколько дней. He looked as if he hadn't eaten for days. He looked as if he hadn't eaten for a few days. Ваш лікар каже, що у вас все буде добре. Your doctor says you're going to be OK. Your doctor says you'll be fine. Том подобрал монету. Tom picked up a coin. Tom got a coin. Вам стоит сделать это сейчас. You should do that now. You should do it now. Ось як це робиться в Америці. А як це роблять у Японії? This is how it is done in America. How is it done in Japan? This is how we do it in America, and how do we do it in Japan? Не будьте дитиною. Don't be a baby. Don't be a kid. Тебе вчера долго пришлось нас ждать? Did it take much time for you to wait for us yesterday? Did you have to wait for us last night? Нам вже час йти. It's time for us to leave. It's time for us to go. Ти плутаєш мене з Томом. You're confusing me with Tom. You're messing with Tom. Чому ти дивишся цей шлак? Why are you watching this garbage? Why are you looking at this glass? Она купила в книжном несколько книг. She bought several books in a bookstore. She bought a few books in the bookbook. Сейчас полтретьего. It's half past two now. It's half an hour now. Что такое бой быков? What is bullfighting? What is bullfighting? Кому можна довіряти? Who can you trust? Who Can Be Trusted? Прэзідэнт Францыі наведаў Акінаву. The President of France visited Okinawa. The Prime Minister of France visited Akinau. Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дав три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. Том собрал вещи и уехал. Tom packed his things and left. Tom took things and left. Гэта не прапанова. This is not a sentence. It's not an offer. Сегодня дико холодно. It's awfully cold today. It's really cold today. Ми підемо пішки. We'll walk. We're going on foot. Мы выглянули в окно, но ничего не увидели. We looked out the window but saw nothing. We looked into the window, but we didn't see anything. Что ты предлагаешь взамен? What do you suggest instead? What do you suggest in return? Ты такі дурань! You're such an idiot! You're such a fool! Интересно, что с ней стало. I wonder what has become of her. I wonder what happened to her. Расскажи Тому обо всём, что здесь произошло. Tell Tom everything that happened here. Tell him everything that happened here. Він дав свою кров, щоб допомогти сестрі. He gave his blood to help his sister. He gave his blood to help his sister. Их все ищут. Everyone's looking for them. They're all looking for them. Том не знает точно, где Мэри живёт. Tom doesn't know exactly where Mary lives. Tom doesn't know exactly where Mary lives. Том здивований. Tom is surprised. Tom's surprised. Я пачысціла яблык. I peeled the apple. I crammed an apple. У меня в саду крыжовник. I have gooseberries in my garden. I've got a crossman in my garden. Старик живёт один. The old man lives alone. Old man lives alone. Я слышал странные звуки, идущие из его комнаты. I heard strange noises coming from his bedroom. I heard strange sounds coming from his room. Гадаю, Тому вона не сподобалася. I guess Tom didn't like it. I guess that's why she didn't like it. Павер мне, я інжынер! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm a engineer! Сколько ехать на такси до зоопарка? How long does it take to get to the zoo by taxi? How long are we going on a taxi to the zoo? Про це не турбуйся! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about that! Сколько человек вчера погибло? How many people died yesterday? How many people died yesterday? Боюся, я не закінчу доповідь вчасно. I'm afraid that I won't finish the report on time. I'm afraid I won't finish the report in time. Мы скоро должны быть дома. We should be home soon. We must be home soon. Пан Джексон не приймає подарунків від студентів. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Сонцезахисні окуляри Тома все ще на столі. Tom's sunglasses are still on the table. Tom's sunglasses are still on the table. Я не забыл Тома. I haven't forgotten Tom. I didn't forget Tom. Вам насправді потрібно допомогти Тому зробити це. You really should be helping Tom do that. You really need to help So do it. У мяне ў панядзелак урок ігры на скрыпцы. I have a violin lesson on Monday. I've got a game lesson in the violin on Monday. Мы оба очень заняты. We're both very busy. We're both very busy. Они присутствуют на каждой встрече. They attend every meeting. They are present at every meeting. Просто підійди і запитай Тома. Just go and ask Tom. Just come and ask Tom. Он сдал экзамен? Did he pass the test? Did he pass the test? Мы все ладили. We all got along. We've done everything. Том спросил Мэри об аварии, в которую она попала в 5 лет. Tom asked Mary about the traffic accident she was involved in when she was five years old. Tom asked Mary about a 5-year-old accident. Яна прамяніцца шчасцем. She glows with happiness. It's going to fade by the fortune. Тобі слід піти додому. You should go home. You should go home. Чому б нам не піти потанцювати? Why don't we go dancing? Why don't we go dancing? Хлопчик прихилився серцем до собаки. The boy took a fancy to the dog. The boy turned his heart toward the dog. Меня только что повысили. I just got promoted. I've just been raised. Це ти запропонував подивитися цей фільм. It was you that suggested seeing that movie. You're the one who offered to watch this movie. Я зварив спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. Я молюся за Тома. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. У Тома є брат, який є архітектором. Tom has a brother who is an architect. Tom has a brother who is an architect. Я переїхав минулого місяця. I moved last month. I moved over last month. У него ревнивая жена. He has a jealous wife. He's got a jealous wife. Я её открою. I'll open it. I'll open it. Мені не шкода Тома. I don't feel sorry for Tom. I'm not sorry about Tom. Він гуляє. He is taking a walk. He's walking. Я впевнена, він може це собі дозволити. I'm pretty sure he can afford it. I'm sure he can afford it. Том сбежал из тюрьмы через тоннель. Tom escaped from jail through a tunnel. Tom escaped from prison through a tunnel. Я хотів тебе здивувати. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to surprise you. Том запел. Tom started to sing. Tom's asleep. Дзе вы так добра вывучылі чэшскую? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn so well Bohemian? Яны прыйшлі да вываду, што ён збрахаў. They concluded that he had told a lie. They came to the conclusion that he had collected. У мене все ще є питання, які я хочу тобі поставити. I still have questions I want to ask you. I still have some questions I want to ask you. Мне нравятся твои очки. I like your glasses. I like your glasses. Это всеми уважаемый учёный. This is a scientist who is respected by all. It's a respected scientist. Том передал пакет мне. Tom handed the package to me. Tom handed me the bag. Эти драгоценности дорогие. These jewels are expensive. These jewels are expensive. Том — єдиний пацієнт, що лишився. Tom is the only patient left. Tom is the only patient left. Спектакль буде у п'ятницю. The show's Friday. It'll be Friday. Не вмирай. Don't die. Don't die. Я македонка. I am Macedonian. I'm a Macedonian. Комп'ютери дуже корисні. Computers are of great use. Computers are very useful. Я голомоза? Am I bald? Am I homozy? Яка твоя улюблена телезірка? Who is your favorite TV star? What's your favorite TV? Я не знаю, что нужно сделать. I don't know what needs to be done. I don't know what to do. Я не могу отличить его от брата. I cannot tell him from his brother. I can't distinguish him from his brother. Помста — це блюдо, яке подається холодним. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Vengeance is a dish that appears cold. Як ти міг розпочати без мене? How could you have started without me? How could you start without me? Она покрасила дверь в красный. She has painted the door red. She stole the door red. Ви чий друг? Whose friend are you? You're whose friend? Анкара - столица Турции. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ancar, the capital of Turkey. Давай поговорим об этом. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. Don't cry over spilt milk. You can't help the mountain with tears. Я очень рад видеть тебя снова. I am very pleased to see you again. I'm very glad to see you again. Другий сеанс розпочнеться незабаром. The second showing will start soon. The second session will begin soon. Том попросил немного воды. Tom asked for some water. Tom asked for some water. Лейла бачила сни арабською, думала арабською, розмовляла арабською та плакала арабською. Layla dreamed in Arabic, thought in Arabic, spoke in Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Leila saw dreams in Arabic, thought Arabic, spoke Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Я с ней не знаком. I don't know her. I don't know her. "Татку, глянь туди, акула!" "Це кит, Томе." "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." "Dad, look there, sharks!" "It's the whale, Tom." Я не знаю більше онлайн-словників, але в PDF’ному вигляді є 香港粵語詞典, можна загрузити з ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don’t know any other online dictionaries, but there is the 香港粵語詞典 in PDF format, you can download it at ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don't know any more online dictionaries, but in PDF, there's a PDF, you can download it from ahare.iask.sina.com.cn. Свідки були? Were there any witnesses? Were the Witnesses? Ѡтъкръıи очи. Open your eyes. Keep your eyes open. Если подумать, мне действительно нужен мобильный телефон. Come to think of it, I really need a cellphone. If you think about it, I really need a cell phone. Ты такой глупый. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. В обмін він дав мені це. He gave me this in return. In exchange, he gave me this. Позвоните мне сразу, как только с ним встретитесь. Call me immediately after you meet him. Call me as soon as you meet him. Я хочу зіграти в карти. I want to play cards. I want to play cards. Хіба твоя спеціалізація — не хімія? Aren't you a chemistry major? Isn't your specialty a chemistry? Я бачила ці фотографії. I've seen these pictures. I saw these photos. Том тебе лякає? Does Tom scare you? Tom scares you? У нас є постачальники. We have suppliers. We have suppliers. Словы песень часта чуюць няправільна нават носьбіты мовы. Song lyrics are often misheard, even by native speakers. The lyrics are often misheard of even the media. Ворог напав ззаду. The enemy attacked from behind. The enemy's on the back. Дом красный. The house is red. The house is red. Том невысокий, но сильный. Tom isn't big, but he's strong. Tom's not tall, but strong. Они тебя найдут. They're going to find you. They'll find you. Том сказал, что Мэри глупая. Tom said that Mary was stupid. Tom said Mary was stupid. Пожалуйста, отрежьте себе яблочного пирога. Я приготовила его для вас. Please help yourself to some apple pie. I baked it for you. Please cut off the apple pie, I've prepared it for you. Том хочет стать богатым и знаменитым. Tom wants to become rich and famous. Tom wants to be rich and famous. Я говорил вам, что я лучше всех. I told you I'm the best. I told you I was the best person. Тому удалили зуб мудрости. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. So the tooth of wisdom was removed. Именно это я и пытался тебе сказать. That's what I was trying to tell you. That's what I was trying to tell you. Я ем сыр. I eat cheese. I eat cheese. Я познакомился с ней на вечеринке. I met her at a party. I met her at the party. Том шукає роботу. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. Это горячо? Is it hot? Is that hot? Многие из них были детьми. Many of them were children. Many of them were children. Пообіцяйте мені, що приїдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you'll come. Я не думаю, що у мене сьогодні буде час тобі допомогти. I don't think I'll have the time to help you today. I don't think I'll have time to help you tonight. Ти знаєш добрий ресторан? Do you know a good restaurant? Do you know a good restaurant? Эта информация укрепила его в своем мнении. The information reinforced his opinions. That information strengthened him in his opinion. Том едва дышит. Tom can barely breathe. Tom's barely breathing. Они предложили нам свою помощь. They offered to help us. They offered us their help. Что вы с Томом делали после ужина? What did you and Tom do after dinner? What did you and Tom do after dinner? К моему удивлению, он женился на очень красивой актрисе. To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress. To my surprise, he married a very beautiful actress. Том втратив свого найкращого друга. Tom lost his best friend. Tom lost his best friend. Се тѧжькъ ѧзыкъ. It's a difficult language. It's yοu yοu're yοu're yοu're yοu're yοu're yοu're yοu're yοu' Ти подруга Тома, еге ж? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Я позвонил ему, но линия была занята. I called him, but the line was busy. I called him, but the line was busy. Хлопці спричинили багато проблем. The boys caused a lot of trouble. The boys have caused a lot of problems. Мері каже, що не зможе нам сьогодні допомогти. Mary says she won't be able to help us today. Mary says she can't help us today. Перейду одразу до справи. Ти звільнений. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired. I'll get right in there, you're fired. Он говорит, что не сделал ничего незаконного. He says he did nothing illegal. He says he didn't do anything illegal. Ти хотів би піти зі мною на пляж? Would you like to go to the beach with me? Would you like to go to the beach with me? Я заставил его так сделать. I made him do so. I made him do that. Это не даёт мне заснуть по ночам. It keeps me up at night. It won't let me sleep at night. Я щойно прийняв душ. I just showered. I just took a shower. Люди без чувства юмора — как луга без цветов. People with no sense of humor are like meadows with no flowers. People with no sense of humor are like a meadow without flowers. Хто тебе пам'ятатиме? Who will remember you? Who will remember you? Ви вживаєте спиртні напої? Do you consume liquor? Do you drink alcohol? Сомневаюсь, что Том выиграет. I doubt that Tom will win. I doubt Tom's gonna win. Поліцейський був п'яний. The policeman was drunk. The policeman was drunk. Я не звинувачую нікого іншого. I don't blame anybody else. I don't blame anyone else. Суходіл займає меншу частину земної поверхні. Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface. It covers a smaller part of the earth’s surface. Куди подівся Том? Where's Tom gone? Where did Tom go? Ви помилилися. You made an error. You were wrong. Дождь шел три дня. The rain lasted three days. It was raining for three days. "Как произошла авария?" - "Никто не знает". "How did the accident happen?" "Nobody knows." "How's the accident?" "Someone doesn't know." Сёння раніцай я бачыў Ліз. I saw Liz this morning. This morning I saw Liz. Ты обещал, что не будешь сегодня пить. You promised that you wouldn't drink today. You promised you wouldn't drink tonight. Гэта робіцца вельмі проста. That's very easy to do. This makes it really easy. Мені дуже шкода із-за помилки. I'm very sorry about the mistake. I'm sorry about the mistake. Это была всего лишь шутка. It was only a joke. It was just a joke. Бросай пушки. Drop your guns. Drop your guns. Наш поїзд затримується. Our train is late. Our train is delayed. Том как-то загадочно себя ведёт. Somehow, Tom's behavior is mysterious. Tom's acting mysteriously. Нет причин для беспокойства. There's no point in getting upset. There's no reason to worry. Я не могу рассказать вам о том, что случилось. I can't tell you about what happened. I can't tell you what happened. Они что, снова сели не в тот автобус? Did they take the wrong bus again? Are they on the wrong bus again? Він мертвий. It's dead. He's dead. Він її поцупив. He stole it. He stole it. Аліса не бачила собаки. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see the dog. Можно включить свет? May I turn on the light? Can I turn on the light? Это моя собака. That is my dog. It's my dog. Я підняв монету. I picked up a coin. I raised the coin. Занадта малое! It's too small. Too small! Я всем сыта по горло. I am fed up with everything. I'm all in the throat. Всі думають, що це зробив Том. Everyone thinks Tom did that. Everyone thinks Tom did it. Тому без разницы, что говорит Мэри. Tom doesn't care what Mary says. So, no matter what Mary says. Я хочу, чтобы вы стали моим мужем. I want you to be my husband. I want you to be my husband. Не оставляй ленту на солнце. Don't expose the tapes to the sun. Don't leave a tape to the sun. Я принёс печенье. I brought cookies. I brought some cookies. Я просто сказал Тому, чтобы он оставил Мэри в покое. I just told Tom to leave Mary alone. I just told him to leave Mary alone. Я нашёл под стулом пару перчаток. I found a pair of gloves under the chair. I found a couple gloves under the chair. Я хотіла би поговорити з Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Падая, она ушибла локоть. When she fell, she hit her elbow. She's falling, she's got a elbow. Нам нужно с ними поговорить. We need to speak to them. We need to talk to them. Он, должно быть, тебя любит. He must love you. He must love you. Царква стаіць ля падножжа ўзгорка. The church is at the foot of the hill. The King stands at the foot of a hill. Почему Том так уверен, что это не повторится? What makes Tom so sure that this won't happen again? Why is Tom so sure it won't happen again? Том вылез из воды. Tom got out of the water. Tom got out of the water. Он заменил травмированного игрока. He substituted for the injured player. He replaced the injured player. Мері хоче, щоб я була в її команді. Mary wants me on her team. Mary wants me on her team. Тома снова поймали. Tom was captured again. Tom's caught again. Я не можу цього зробити без допомоги. I can't do this without help. I can't do it without help. Том вышел из комнаты, не сказав никому ни слова. Tom left the room without saying a word to anyone. Tom got out of the room, didn't say a word to anyone. А яка альтернатива? What's the alternative? What alternative? Тома избили, когда он вступился за друга, над которым издевались. Tom was beaten up when he came to the aid of one of his friends who was being bullied. Tom was beaten when he followed a friend who had been ridiculed. Што мне рабіць? What should I do? What am I to do? Совсем скоро зима. It'll be winter before long. It's winter time. Я ненавижу футбол. I hate soccer. I hate football. Интересно, что с ним случилось. I wonder what happened to him. I wonder what happened to him. Ми з Томом знаємо, що Мері плакала. Tom and I know that Mary was crying. Tom and I know Mary cried. Ці ты новенькі? Are you new? Are you new? Как зовут эту собаку? What's this dog's name? What's the name of this dog? Це грецьке ім'я. It's a Greek name. It's a Greek name. Я сплю мало. I sleep little. I sleep a little. Я люблю цукор. I like sugar. I love sugar. Том уяви не має, що робити. Tom has no idea what to do. Tom has no idea what to do. Это самое высокое здание, которое я когда-либо видел. This is the tallest building that I have ever seen. This is the highest building I've ever seen. В какое время вы хотите встретиться? What time do you want to meet? What time do you want to meet? Ці можна мне пагуляць з табою? Can I play with you? Can I play with you? Том спустился по лестнице. Tom walked downstairs. Tom went down the stairs. Мы назвали лодку "Полумесяц". We named the boat the Half Moon. We called the boat "The Pole." Іди і побий цього хулігана. Go and beat up that bully. Go beat that hooligan. Я не дозволяю спати в класі. I do not allow sleeping in class. I don't let you sleep in class. Скажи їм, що я готовий. Tell them I'm ready. Tell them I'm ready. Дэн привёл Линду в свою комнату. Dan took Linda to his room. Dan brought Linda into his room. Як там Том? How is Tom? How's Tom doing? Я не ахти какой механик. I'm not much of a mechanic. I'm not fucking a mechanics. Я знаю, що це неможливо. I know it's impossible. I know it's impossible. Ты ўсё яшчэ маладая. You're still young. You're still young. Ця троянда цвіте білим цвітом. This rose has a white bloom. This rose blossoms with white blossoms. Том ще не звик таке робити. Tom isn't used to doing that yet. Tom's not used to doing that. Ты изучаешь английский? Do you study English? You study English? Дзе гарэлка? Where's the vodka? Where is the gallery? Утром было очень холодно. In the morning it was very cold. It was very cold in the morning. Моя мати теж вчителька. My mother is a teacher, too. My mother too is a teacher. Ти намазався сонцезахисним кремом? Did you put on some sunscreen? Did you wear sunscreen? Я перакладчыца, праграмістка і музыкантка. I am a translator, programmer and musician. I'm a translator, a programmer and a musician. Возьмите ещё одно печенье. Have another cookie. Take another cookie. Я колись умів це робити. I used to be able to do that. I used to know how to do it. Я был очень спокоен. I was very calm. I was very calm. Том не ідіот. Tom is not an idiot. Tom's not an idiot. Пакіньце мяне ў спакоі. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Я певна, що Тому це сподобається. I'm sure Tom is going to like that. I'm sure that's why I'm gonna love it. Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Both Tom and Mary will be there. Tom and Mary both will be there. Вам придётся подождать здесь. You'll have to wait here. You're gonna have to wait here. Зима отиде. Winter is gone. Winter's coming. Сьогодні ми отримали деякі погані звістки. We received some bad news today. Today, we have received some bad messages. Де твій плюшевий ведмедик? Where is your teddy bear? Where's your ivy bear? Не знаю. Иди спать! I don't know, go to sleep! I don't know. Меня подставили. I was framed. I was framed. Том пошёл в магазин, чтобы купить молока. Tom has gone to the store to buy some milk. Tom went to the store to buy milk. Отвезите их в больницу. Take them to the hospital. Take them to the hospital. Найди несколько хороших друзей и держись их. Make a few good friends and stick to them. Find some good friends and stick to them. У Самі були гроші. Sami had money. She had money. Наш кіт стерелізований. Our cat is sterilized. Our cat is festering. Это моя любимая песня. That's my favorite song. It's my favorite song. Он сказал мне, что ему не холодно. He told me he didn't feel cold. He told me he wasn't cold. Дай мені щось, чим писати. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. Том сказал мне, что у Мэри новый парень. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me Mary had a new guy. Мне надо её найти. I have to find her. I need to find her. Ми впевнені, що справимося з цим. We're confident we'll be able to handle this. We're sure we'll handle it. Это от неё? Is that from her? Is that from her? Ты выглядаеш надзвычайна у гэтай сукенцы. You look incredible in that dress. You look great in this dress. Я роздягнувся. I got undressed. I'm naked. Том сердитий, а Мері ні. Tom is angry, but Mary isn't. Tom's angry, and Mary's not. Мері — дружина Тома. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom's wife. Що робитимеш сьогодні ввечері? What are you going to do tonight? What are you gonna do tonight? Лев силён. A lion is strong. Left is strong. Не нужно извиняться. Ты не сделал ничего плохого. You don't need to apologize. You've done nothing wrong. You didn't have to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Не вішайте слухавку, будь ласка. Don't hang up, please. Don't hang up, please. Том встал пораньше, чтобы увидеть рассвет. Tom got up early to see the sunrise. Tom got up early to see the dawn. Немає троянд без шипів. There is no rose without a thorn. There's no rose without thorns. Все счета приходится оплачивать мне. I'm the one who has to pay all the bills. All accounts have to pay me. Том хочет приехать? Does Tom want to come? Tom wants to come? У мене є кілька ідей. I have a few ideas. I have a few ideas. Можно поговорить с Биллом? Can I speak with Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Я маю мало книжок. I have few books. I have few books. Відкрийте капот. Open the hood. Open the bonnet. Ты ведаеш адказ? You know the answer? Did you know the answer? Оно ужасно горькое. It's awfully bitter. It's really bitter. Ми будемо чекати тут. We'll wait here. We'll wait here. Я зателефонувала з будинку Тома. I called from Tom's house. I called from Tom's house. Я запитала Тома. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Надеюсь завтра увидеть родителей. I hope to see my parents tomorrow. I hope I see my parents tomorrow. Она с ним согласилась. She agreed with him. She agreed with him. Я о тебе почти ничего не знаю. I know almost nothing about you. I almost don't know anything about you. Я не ведаю, дзе ён жыве. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where he lives. Стало намного теплее. It has become much warmer. It got much warmer. Ні ладу ні складу. Neither fish nor fowl. No system. Можна побачити винну карту? May I see the wine list? Can I see the guilty card? Том каждые выходные ходит на рыбалку. Tom goes fishing every weekend. Tom goes fishing every weekend. Вам трэба купіць аўтаадказчык. You should buy an answering machine. You need to buy a credit card. Что Том намерен делать? What's Tom up to? What is Tom going to do? Щешлїви родзени дзень! Happy birthday! Bless God's Day! Борцуны за социальную справедливость у меня уже в печёнках сидят. I'm getting fed up with SJWs. I'm already in my liver for social justice. Никто не может обвинять тебя за то что тебе немного страшно. No one can blame you for being a little scared. No one can blame you for being a little scared. Я не думав, що Том буде такий сором'язливий. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. Неужели вы думаете, я бы вам не помог? Do you really think I wouldn't help you? Do you think I wouldn't help you? Мы должны рассмотреть все варианты. We must consider all options. We need to consider all options. Нащі щирі співчуття. Our sincere condolences. The hearts of heartfelt sympathy. Я должен их увидеть. I've got to see them. I need to see them. Не знаю, готов ли я к этому. I don't know if I'm ready for this. I don't know if I'm ready for it. Швейцария одна из благополучнейших стран мира. Switzerland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Switzerland is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Мы посмотрим, сможем ли мы это сделать. We're going to see if we can do that. We'll see if we can do that. Том молодший від тебе. Tom isn't as old as you are. Tom's younger than you. Я Тома давно не видел. I haven't seen Tom for a long time. I haven't seen Tom in a while. Ааран забіў Елізавету. Aaron killed Elizabeth. Aran killed Elizabeth. Хто твій улюблений спортсмен? Who's your favorite athlete? Who's your favorite athlete? Самі размаўляў па тэлефоне. Sami was on the phone. The other thing that I did was talk about on the phone. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було три роки. Tom's parents died when Tom was three. Tom’s parents died when he was three years old. Держите рядом ведро с водой. Keep a bucket of water nearby. Keep a bucket of water next to you. Він це зробив добровільно. He did it willingly. He did so voluntarily. Том не будет здесь счастлив. Tom won't be happy here. Tom won't be happy here. Камо грѧдєши? Where are you going? Who are you talking about? Курку, будь ласка. Chicken, please. Kurka, please. Я подивився у дзеркало. I looked in the mirror. I looked into the mirror. Том був змушений погодитися. Tom had to agree. Tom had to agree. Яснай цёмнай ноччу нашы вочы могуць разрозніць каля 6000, плюс—мінус, зорак на небе. On a clear, dark night, our eyes can see about 6,000 or so stars in the sky. Simple dark night, our eyes can spread about 6,000, plus-minus, stars in the sky. Ты не против, если я взгляну? Do you mind if I take a look? Would you mind if I took a look? Один плюс один - два. One plus one equals two. One plus one is two. Я до сих пор в шоке. I am still in shock. I'm still in shock. Ты был всё время с Томом? Were you with Tom the whole time? Have you been with Tom all the time? Я відчуваю, що втомився. I feel tired. I feel tired. Калі ласка, не плач. Please don't cry. Please don't cry. Мы должны встать на рассвете. We must get up at dawn. We have to stand up at dawn. Може Том має інші плани. Maybe Tom has other plans. Maybe Tom has other plans. Если бы не твоя помощь, я бы не смог управиться с этим магазином. If it were not for your help, I could not run this store. If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't be able to handle this store. Як щодо молока з печивом? How about some milk and cookies? What about milk with cookies? Зачем мы вам? What do you want us for? Why would we do that? Какой дорогой мне следует идти? Which way should I go? What dear should I go on? Нъıнѣ ли николи жє. It's now or never. She never lives. Они были правы? Were they right? Were they right? Курка недоварена. The chicken is undercooked. The chicken's not worth it. Я не знал. I didn't know. I didn't know. Том скучал по жене. Tom missed his wife. Tom missed his wife. Вучыцца ніколі не позна. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. У Канадзе размаўляюць на англійскай. English is spoken in Canada. In Canada, speaking English. Ви готові починати? Are you ready to start? Are you ready to start? У цябе дрэнны настрой? Are you in a bad mood? Are you having a bad mood? Выигрывают все. Everybody's a winner. We're winning everything. Ваш номер готов. Your room's ready. Your number's ready. Хто має думку, підніміть руку. Anyone with an opinion please raise their hand. If you think about it, raise your hand. Знищ її. Destroy it. Kill her. Ён зялёны. It's green. It's green. Я би хотів написати книгу. I would like to write a book. I'd like to write a book. Будь ласка, напишіть своє ім'я олівцем. Write down your name with a pencil, please. Please write your name with a pencil. Надо было мне перед Томом извиниться. I should've apologized to Tom. I should have apologized before Tom. Том запропонував мені пиво, але я сказав, що не хочу. Tom offered me a beer, but I told him I didn't want one. Tom offered me a beer, but I said I didn't want to. Все, що тобі треба зробити, — це натиснути на червону кнопку. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press the red button. Щось не так із гальмами. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with brakes. Я знаю, що ви просто робили свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you just did your job. Том знал о Мэри что-то, чего не знал Джон. Tom knew things about Mary that John didn't. Tom knew something about Mary that John didn't know. Узнайте, что они сказали. Find out what they said. Find out what they said. Я вважаю, що проблема тут. I think that the problem is here. I think the problem is here. Міліцыянеркі арыштавалі грабежніцу. The police officers arrested the burglar. The militarists cost the civilian race. Покажите. Show me. Show me. Том садівник. Tom is a gardener. Tom's a gardener. Вы должны сделать это прямо сейчас. You should do that right now. You have to do it right now. Здаецца, вы сумленны чалавек. You seem an honest man. I think you're an honest man. Фома удрал вместе с деньгами. Tom got away with the money. Thomas blew up with the money. Ты это искала? Is this what you were looking for? You were looking for it? Обережно. Вона ще гаряча. Be careful. It's still warm. She's still hot. Я проспал остаток дня. I slept the rest of the day. I slept the rest of the day. Вот бы Том мог остаться подольше. I wish Tom could stay longer. Tom could've stayed a little longer. Ён вельмі прыгожы. He is very handsome. It is very handsome. Я хотів би знайти когось, хто б кохав мене. I wish I could find someone who loves me. I'd like to find someone who loved me. Я тебя поддержу. I'll back you up. I'll support you. Я би дуже хотів заспівати з вашим гуртом. I would love to sing with your band. I'd really like to sing with your band. Беспокоиться не о чем. There's nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about. Генрі хоче вас бачити. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Калі ты не адзіны з іх, тады ты для іх нішто, а каб быць адным з іх, ты мусіш нарадзіцца на іхняй зямлі, выглядаць, як яны, і нават думаць, як яны. Калі ты адрозніваешся, яны будуць ненавідзець цябе без прычыны. Яны расісты. If you are not one of them, then you're nothing to them; in order to be one of them you've got to be born in their land, look like them and even think like them. As long as you are different, they will hate you for no reason. They are racists. If you're not alone with them, then thou hast nothing for them but to be one of them, thou shalt be born upon their ground, see them, and even think how they are. Їдьте на схід. Head east. Go east. Що не так з картиною? What's wrong with the painting? What's wrong with the painting? Якая твая ўлюбёная жывёла? What is your favorite animal? What is your favorite animal? Я уже сказал всё, что тебе полагается об этом знать. I've already told you all you need to know about that. I've already told you everything that's up to you to know. Я бачу кветку на стале. I see a flower on the desk. I see a flower on the desk. Я только что поужинал. I've just finished dinner. I just had dinner. Каково быть замужем? How does it feel being married? What is it like to be married? Я скажу им, чтобы они с тобой связались. I'll tell them to contact you. I'll tell them to contact you. Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I sat down on the ground. Том любить хокей. Tom loves hockey. Tom loves hockey. Він п'є помірну кількість кави. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. Нашто ты прыдбаў гэтыя акуляры? Why did you buy those glasses? Why did you buy those sharks? Ты всё ещё поддерживаешь с ней связь? Do you still keep in touch with her? You're still in touch with her? Я говорю с тобой как друг. I'm talking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a friend. Ты можешь взять всё, что угодно. You may take anything you like. You can take whatever you want. Том працює в італійській компанії. Tom works for an Italian company. Tom works in an Italian company. Том геть не сором'язливий. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom's not shy. Я знаю, что сегодня этого не случится. I know that won't happen today. I know it won't happen today. Мы были застигнуты снежной бурей. We were caught in a snowstorm. We were stuck with snowstorms. Я трохи підзабув французьку. My French is a little rusty. I spent some time in French. Сколько ещё дней ты пробудешь в Бостоне? How many more days will you be in Boston? How many more days will you stay in Boston? Я допоміг Тоні. I helped Tony. I helped Tony. Том зняв своб обручку. Tom took his wedding ring off. Tom took his ring off. Я завжди почуваюся сонним. I always feel sleepy. I always feel sleepy. Вона боїться собак. She is afraid of dogs. She's afraid of dogs. Ты упрямый. You're stubborn. You're stubborn. Гэта табе. This is for you. It's thee. Поблагодарите от меня своего сына. Give my thanks to your son. Thank you for your son. У нього великі блакитні очі. He has large blue eyes. He's got big blue eyes. Це правда. This is the truth. That's true. Том больше не играет на гитаре. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Курить строго воспрещено. Smoking is strictly forbidden. Smoking is strictly prohibited. Впереди опасность. Danger ahead. The danger ahead. Скачы! Jump. Watch! Думаешь, я ему нравлюсь? Do you think he likes me? Do you think he likes me? Восенню месяц сапраўды прыгожы. In autumn, the moon is really beautiful. And in the fall of the month, it's really beautiful. Хто буде битися? Who'll fight? Who's gonna fight? Комната без книг, как тело без души. A room without books is like a body without a soul. A room without books like a body without a soul. Зірнуўшы праз туман, я ўбачыў, як мая будучыня прамільгнула ў мяне перад вачамі. In looking through the mist, I caught a glimpse of my future. Looking through the fog, I saw how my future beamed into my eyes. Ты умный мальчик. You're a bright boy. You're a smart boy. Том ушёл на рыбалку. Tom has gone fishing. Tom went fishing. Усі собаки - тварини. Але це не значить, що усі тварини - собаки. All dogs are animals. However, that doesn't mean that all animals are dogs. All the dogs are animals, but that doesn't mean all the animals are dogs. Нам много чего нужно купить. We have a lot of things we need to buy. We have a lot to buy. Я готова это принять. I'm ready to accept it. I'm ready to accept it. Вона смерділа як лайно. It smelled like shit. She's smelly like shit. Я запаниковал. I began to panic. I panicked. Купи мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Get me a new disc, Shakiri, please. Немає правил. There are no rules. There are no rules. Англійською говорять у багатьох країнах світу. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English is spoken in many parts of the world. Я не ведаю іўрыта. I don't speak Hebrew. I don't know Hebrew. Навошта табе адвёртка? Why do you need a screwdriver? Why don't you take it off? Я горжусь им. I'm proud of him. I'm proud of them. Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Том не знает, чем Ирак отличается от Ирана. Tom doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran. Tom doesn't know what Iraq is different from Iran. Дайте нам, пожалуйста, знать. Please let us know. Let us know, please. Не оставляйте включённым двигатель. Don't leave the engine running. Don't leave the engine on. Я прыйшла ў школу своечасова. I arrived at school on time. I came to school in time. Це проблема? Is that an issue? Is that a problem? Я не дуже добре володію французькою. I'm not very good at French. I don't speak French very well. Ніколи не буває запізно. It's never too late. It's never too late. Ты яго забіў. You killed him. You killed him. Это неверные данные. This data is incorrect. That's the wrong data. Я з'їв апельсин. I ate an orange. I ate oranges. Том сьогодні пізно встав. Tom got up late this morning. Tom's getting up late tonight. Ви вмієте грати на скрипці? Can you play the violin? Do you know how to play violin? Самі ўжо мусіць ведаць. Sami should already know. You must already know. Гей, ти куди? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? Том ничего не делал всю неделю, лишь жаловался на стряпню Мэри. Tom has done nothing all week but complain about Mary's cooking. Tom didn't do anything all week, but he complained to Mary's back. Вы и половины не знаете! You don't even know the half of it! You and half don't know! Його хтось знає? Does anybody know him? Does anyone know him? Ви не могли би сказати "будь ласка", будь ласка? Can you please say please? Can you say please, please? Я хачу табе нешта сказаць. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Я бы хотел выпить кофе. I would like to drink a coffee. I'd like some coffee. Он часто сидит часами, читая книги. He often sits for many hours reading books. He often spends hours reading books. Що відбувається? What's going on? What's going on? Мэри весело смеялась. Mary laughed happily. Mary laughed funny. Я никогда этого Тому не говорил. I never told Tom that. I never said that. У Тома есть лошадь. Tom has a horse. Tom has a horse. Том понял, что наговорил слишком много. Tom realized he'd said way too much. Tom realized he said too much. Вы мне не рассказывали, что Том говорит по-французски. You didn't tell me Tom speaks French. You didn't tell me what Tom said in French. Навіщо ви прийшли? Why have you come? Why are you here? Том сел на лошадь. Tom got on his horse. Tom sat on his horse. Хапай мотузку. Grab the rope. Get the rope. Ты нават не спытала мяне, што я хачу зрабіць. You haven't even asked me what I want to do. You did not even ask me what I wanted to do. Это дом, в котором я живу. This is the house I live in. This is the house I live in. Я не могу пойти с тобой, так как я очень занят. I can't go with you because I'm very busy. I can't come with you because I'm very busy. Извините, вы не будете возражать, если я открою окно? Excuse me but, would you mind if I opened the window? Excuse me, will you mind if I open the window? Он превысил свои полномочия. He has overstepped his authority. He's exceeded his powers. Ти не вмієш говорити французькою, правда? You don't speak French, do you? You can't speak French, can you? Яна ўсміхнулася. She smiled. She smiled. В мене немає дітей. I don't have any kids. I don't have kids. Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry that I bothered you. I'm sorry to bother you. Думаю, що так. I suppose so. I think so. Я часто одягаю чорне. I often wear black. I often wear black. Все повернулись и посмотрели на нас. Everyone turned to look at us. Everyone came back and looked at us. Вы нічога пра гэта не ведалі? Didn't you know anything about this? You didn't know anything about it? Ты явно устала. You do look tired. You're clearly tired. Ви не такі розумні, як я. You're not as smart as me. You're not as smart as me. Я пообещал, что скоро вернусь. I promised that I would be back soon. I promised I'd come back soon. Вы собираетесь повидаться с Томом перед отъездом? Do you mean to see Tom before you go? Are you going to see Tom before you leave? Я знаю, что то, что я сделал, неправильно. I know that what I did was wrong. I know what I did is wrong. Кава є? Do you have any coffee? Is there any coffee? Том — знаменитість місцевого масштабу. Tom is a local celebrity. Tom is a famous local figure. Ти вже доробив домашнє завдання? Are you through with your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Я никогда не видел, чтобы Том кому-нибудь помогал. I've never seen Tom help anybody. I've never seen Tom help anyone. Том та Мері обоє працюють. Tom and Mary both work. Tom and Mary both work. Кажуть, що вона кохає його. It's said that she loves him. They say she loves him. Як ты думаеш, я змагу калісьці гаварыць як носьбітка мовы? Do you think it's possible for me to ever sound like a native speaker? Do you think I could somehow speak like a media language? Я собираюсь выкупать собаку. I'm going to give the dog a bath. I'm gonna buy a dog. Том удома. Tom is home. Tom's home. Ви виграє́те. You're winning. You win. Ці гэта твая машына? Is this your car? Is that your car? Усі чогось бажають. Everybody wants something. Everybody wants something. Я лучше прогуляюсь, чем буду смотреть фильм. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I'd rather walk than watch a movie. Но как они могут это сделать? But how can they do this? But how can they do so? Думаю, мы ищем разные вещи. I think we're looking for different things. I think we're looking for different things. Я забув її ім'я. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. Ружовыя ружы прыгожыя. Pink roses are beautiful. Pink roses are beautiful. Я думала, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Не смейтесь над ошибками иностранцев в японском языке. Don't make fun of foreigners' mistakes in Japanese. Do not make fun of the mistakes of foreigners in Japanese. Том не дуже гарний. Tom isn't very good-looking. Tom's not very good. Наша дружба осталась крепкой. Our friendship remained firm. Our friendship remained strong. Ти колись думав це зробити? Have you ever thought about doing that? Have you ever thought about doing that? Спроси его, придет ли он на собрание? Ask him if he will attend the meeting. Ask him if he will come to the congregation? Том в душе ребёнок. Tom is a child at heart. Tom's in the baby's heart. Вона не могла захищатися. She wasn't able to defend herself. She couldn't defend herself. Эта книга популярна у студентов. This book is popular amongst students. This book is popular with students. Я пойду, если вы не пойдёте. I'll go if you won't go. I'll go if you don't. Я играл в теннис. I used to play tennis. I played tennis. Що сталося двадцятого жовтня? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20? Я маю багато вільного часу. I have a lot of free time. I have a lot of free time. Тваё сяброўства шмат для мяне значыць. Your friendship means much to me. Thy friendship is much for me. Том не міг згадати, як це робити. Tom couldn't remember how to do it. Tom couldn't remember how to do that. Том не знав, що відбувається насправді. Tom didn't know what was really going on. Tom didn't know what was really going on. Я сошёл с самолёта. I got off the plane. I left the plane. Я не отримую задоволення від подорожей у великих групах. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I don't enjoy traveling in big groups. Коли Петро встав, Іван уже був пішов з хати. When Peter got up, Jean had already left home. When Peter got up, John was already out of the house. Після цього я жодного разу з ним не розмовляв. I never spoke to him after that. After that, I never spoke to him. Я никогда тебя не предавал. I never betrayed you. I never betrayed you. Мне патрэбны большы пакой. I need a larger room. I need more room. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to bring you a glass of water? Ти жорстока. You're cruel. You're cruel. Я всегда считал Тома близким другом. I've always considered Tom a close friend. I always thought Tom was a close friend. Том был очень доволен. Tom was very pleased. Tom was very pleased. Нужно было видеть выражение лица Тома. You should've seen the look on Tom's face. I should have seen Tom's face. Он не видит в этом ничего плохого. He sees nothing wrong with it. He doesn't see anything bad about it. Том з вами не йде, чи не так? Tom isn't going with you, is he? Tom's not coming with you, is he? Ты должен был хорошо подумать, прежде чем делать её беременной. You should have thought of that before you got her pregnant. You should have thought well before you made her pregnant. Коли ти могла би мені допомогти? When could you do that? When could you help me? Без зусиль нічого не добитися. Nothing is achieved without effort. There's nothing you can do about it. Я живу и работаю здесь. I live and work here. I live and work here. Ти про це подумав? Did you think about it? Did you think of that? Том умер на руках у Мэри. Tom died in Mary's arms. Tom died in Mary's arms. Я пішла до банку. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Марыя траціць шмат грошай на адзенне. Maria spends a lot of money on clothes. Mary spends a lot of money on clothes. Я переможу. I'm going to win. I'll win. Том не сказал, как он собирается добраться дотуда. Tom didn't say how he was planning to get there. Tom didn't say how he was going to get to the house. По твоему лицу видно, что ты не согласен. Your face says that you don't agree. You see in your face that you don't agree. Оно растёт. It's getting bigger. It's growing. Никогда не видел столько книг, собранных в одном месте. I've never seen so many books in one place. I've never seen so many books collected in one place. Я вернулся домой неделю назад, но всё не могу привыкнуть ко времени. I've been back home for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag. I came home a week ago, but I can't get used to it. Он совсем не выше меня. He is not any taller than I am. He's not above me at all. Я знаю, что ты там. I know that you're there. I know you're there. Вы говорите по-французски лучше меня. You speak French better than I do. You speak French better than me. В мене болить тут. I have a pain here. I'm sick here. Том не хотів здатися неввічливим. Tom didn't mean to be rude. Tom didn't want to appear rude. Ми з Томом у одній команді. Tom is on the same team that I am. Tom and I are on the same team. Вы знакомы со всеми здесь? Have you met everyone here? Do you know everyone here? Навошта вы схаваліся? Why did you hide? Why did you hide? Я би хотіла, щоб ти говорила французькою. I wish you spoke French. I'd like you to speak French. Том сказав вам, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Tom told you where the party is? Я був у джинсах. I had jeans on. I was in jeans. Ми — добра команда. We're a good team. We're a good team. Я забула номер свого замовлення. I forgot my order number. I forgot my order number. У Тома уже три дня болят зубы. Tom has had a toothache for three days. Tom's got his teeth hurt for three days. Итальянский язык часто хвалят за фонетическую орфографию. Слова пишутся в соответствии с произношением, вне зависимости от этимологии. The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic orthography. Words are written according to their pronunciation, regardless of their etymology. The Italian language is often praised for phonetastic spelling, and the words are written according to speech, irrespective of the ecology. Сідайте, будь ласка, і закуріть. Please sit down and smoke. Please, sit down and smoke. Том чекає, щоб Мері йому зателефонувала. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call him. Я вернулся в Бостон двадцатого октября. I returned to Boston on October 20th. I went back to Boston on October 20. Мне нужно ещё несколько минут. I want a few more minutes. I need a few more minutes. У деяких людей природжена щедрість. Generosity is innate in some people. Some people have inborn generosity. Том зробив це навмисно. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Я рада, що ви вдома. I am glad you are home. I'm glad you're home. Том — сексолог. Tom is a sexologist. Tom is a sexist. Том мог бы сказать Мэри правду, но предпочёл этого не делать. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he chose not to. Tom could have told Mary the truth, but he didn't want to do it. Коли подають сніданок? When is the breakfast served? When do you have breakfast? Коли ти йдеш у відпустку? When are you going on vacation? When are you on vacation? Том боялся, что его запрут, а ключ выбросят. Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key. Tom was afraid he'd be turned over, and the key would be thrown away. Он заработал кучу денег. He has earned a lot of money. He earned a lot of money. Я ничем не могу помочь Тому. There's nothing I can do to help Tom. I can't help Tom. Он подошёл и встал на колени. He approached and fell on his knees. He came up and stood on his knees. Пара ісці спаць. It's time to go to bed. I don't know. I don't know. Это дерево слишком молодое, чтобы плодоносить. This tree is too young to bear fruit. It's too young to bear fruit. Семі хотів навчитися стріляти. Sami wanted to learn how to shoot. Samy wanted to learn to shoot. Вам идёт чёрный. Black looks good on you. You're going black. Проклятие было разрушено. The curse was broken. The curse was destroyed. Тому хотелось плакать. Tom felt like crying. So I wanted to cry. Я не забыл вашего предательства. I have not forgotten your treachery. I didn't forget your betrayal. Двор без женщин как сад без цветов. A yard without women is like a garden without flowers. A womanless bird like a garden without flowers. То хто? Then who? Who's that? Ён паклаў руку мне на плячо. He rested his hand on my shoulder. He laid his hand on my shoulder. У мене з'явилися плани. I made plans. I've got plans. Поцелуй без усов, как суп без соли. A kiss without a mustache is like a bowl of soup with no salt. Kiss without ears like saltless soup. Дуже холодно. It's freezing. It's very cold. Хочеш знати? Do you want to know? Do you want to know? Том не дуже добре плаває. Tom doesn't swim very well. Tom's not good at swimming. Він зараз біжить. He is running now. He's running now. Том злегка підштовхнув Мері. Tom nudged Mary. Tom slightly pushed Mary. Иди скорей! Come quick! Go quickly! Я знав, що вони її підозрюватимуть. I knew they would suspect her. I knew they'd suspect her. Брат Тома дуже на нього схожий. Tom's brother looks just like John. Tom's brother is very similar to him. Я жду тебя напротив двери. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting for you across the door. Потім Том повісив слухавку. Tom then hung up. Then Tom hung up. Фадзіль выхоўваўся ў такім доме, дзе яго навучылі, што каханне звязанае толькі з матэрыяльнымі рэчамі. Fadil was brought up in a home where he was taught that love was just about material things. A team were brought up in such a house where he was taught that love comes only with material things. Мне не сказали, куда мы идём. I wasn't told where we were going. I'm not told where we're going. Мне нравится Гарри, не так сильно, как Драко, конечно, но всё-таки я считаю, что он крутой. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I like Harry, not as much as Draco, of course, but I still think he's cool. Постарайтесь сбежать. Try to escape. Try running away. Ти єдиний, хто має це зробити. You're the only one who has to do that. You're the only one who has to do this. Життя коротке, отже не марнуйте ваш час. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Life is short, so do not waste your time. Яка велика кішка! What a big cat! What a big cat! Він їздить дуже швидко. He drives very fast. He's driving very fast. Он говорил, что у него всё получится; однако, не получилось. He said he was sure to succeed; he failed, however. He said he could do it, but it didn't work. Мені потрібно переодягнутися. I have to change. I need to change my clothes. Наютре Крачун. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Nautre Kruchun. Голод для него был абстрактным понятием; у него всегда было достаточно еды. For him, hunger was an abstract concept. He had always had enough food. His hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough food. Спаліть тіло. Burn the body. Burn the body. Большое спасибо, что остался со мной. Thanks very much for staying with me. Thank you very much for staying with me. Постарайтесь уговорить её нам помочь. Try to convince her to help us. Try to get her to help us. Вам подобається броколі? Do you like broccoli? Do you like broccoli? Вчера я весь день был свободен, а сегодня работаю. I was free all day yesterday, but today I'm working. Yesterday I was free all day, and today I work. Том сказал, что видел, как Мэри это делает. Tom said that he saw Mary doing that. Tom said he saw Mary do it. Я не мог понять ничего, что говорил Том. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. I couldn't understand anything Tom said. Я п'яний. I'm tipsy. I'm drunk. У мене болить горло. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Том говорить, що це справа Мері. Tom says it's up to Mary. Tom says it's Mary's business. Дай ей закончить. Let her finish. Let her finish. Літак в аеропорту. The plane is at the airport. The plane's at the airport. Она не знает своего отца. She doesn't know her father. She doesn't know her father. «Заткните свою грёбаную музыку и читайте книгу». — «Вижу, моё цензурящее заклинание все ещё действует!» "Shut the fecking music up and read the book." "I see my censor spell still works!" "Shut up your fucking music and read your book." "I see, my censorship spell still works." Ты много о нас знаешь? Do you know much about us? Do you know a lot about us? Котъ ѹтєклъ. The cat ran away. The cat's a jack. Том не знал того, что знал я. Tom didn't know what I knew. Tom didn't know what I knew. Я удивила сама себя. I surprised myself. I surprised myself. Я з Північної Америки. I'm from North America. I'm North America. Вы этого не хотите? Don't you want that? You don't want that? Еда! Food! Food! Ледъ пълзеть въ водѣ. Ice melts in water. You've got to take your water. Ти бачив паспорт Тома? Have you seen Tom's passport? Did you see Tom's passport? Захистіть мене! Protect me! Protect me! Дозвольте мені пожити. Let me live. Let me stay. Думаеце, гэта магчыма? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think that's possible? Мне надо было сказать Тому, чтобы он туда сходил. I should've told Tom to go there. I should have told him to go there. У тебе колись були домашні тварини? Have you ever had a pet? Have you ever had pets? Том сказал мне, что ему страшно. Tom told me that he was afraid. Tom told me he was scared. Мы принимаем чеки. We accept checks. We're taking checks. Том - странный ребёнок. Tom is a strange kid. Tom's a weird kid. Это ты хорошо придумал. You've got a good idea. That's a good idea. У меня неприятный запах изо рта. I have bad breath. I'm smellin' out of my mouth. Банани жовті. Bananas are yellow. Banani are yellow. Сє кънигъı. This is a book. This one. Я ўжо рабіла гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Детям больше нравится играть, чем учиться. Children like playing more than studying. Children enjoy playing more than learning. Том совсем этого не ожидал. Tom didn't expect this at all. Tom wasn't expecting it at all. Я хочу купаться в море. I want to bathe in the sea. I want to swim in the sea. Том ведь не очень хорошо плавает? Tom can't swim very well, can he? Tom's not very good at swimming, is he? Интересно, смогу ли я это сделать. I wonder if I'll be able to do that. I wonder if I can do that. Я хочу, чтобы ты остался с нами. I want you to stay with us. I want you to stay with us. Яка з сумок твоя? Which bag is yours? Which one is your bag? Это будет не так трудно сделать, как ты думаешь. It's not going to be as hard to do as you think it'll be. It won't be as hard as you think it would be. Давай лучше спать. Let's sleep instead. Let's sleep. Этим трюком ты меня не одурачишь. You can't fool me with a trick like that. You won't fool me with that trick. Том не знав, що Мері не вміє говорити французькою. Tom wasn't aware that Mary couldn't speak French. Tom didn't know Mary couldn't speak French. Я зустрінусь з Томом. I'll meet Tom. I'll meet Tom. Я попросил Тома, чтобы он нас подождал. I asked Tom to wait for us. I asked Tom to wait for us. Я не відчуваю болю, і це добре. I have no pain, which is good. I don't feel pain, and that's good. Ніхто ўжо не кажа праўду. Nobody tells the truth anymore. Nobody is speaking the truth anymore. Ты купил хлеб. You bought bread. You bought the bread. Авто на драже. The car is outside. The car's on the Drac. Не заставляй меня терять терпение. Don't make me lose my patience. Don't make me lose my patience. Почуваюся амебою. I feel like an amoeba. I feel ambes. Мой французский ужасен. My French is terrible. My French is terrible. Том всем сказал, что его усыновили. Tom told everyone he was adopted. Tom said he was adopted. Ви старий. You are old. You're old. Спасибо, что перевёл меня через дорогу! Thank you for helping me cross the road. Thank you for driving me across the road! У Вашингтоні зараз цвіте вишня. Cherry trees are now in bloom in Washington. In Washington, D.C., the tower is flourishing. Є лише один спосіб це зробити. There's only one way to do that. There's only one way to do this. Зараз нам трэба дзеяць, а не абмяркоўваць. All we need now is action, not discussion. Now we need children, not talk. Ця вечірка нудна. This party is boring. This party is boring. Са мной усё ў парадку. I'm fine. I'm fine. Я на прошлой неделе видел Тома в Бостоне. I saw Tom in Boston last week. I saw Tom last week in Boston. Я репортёр. I'm a reporter. I'm a reporter. Коти ловлять мишей. Cats catch mice. Cats catching mice. Вы собираетесь меня остановить? Are you going to stop me? Are you going to stop me? Він викладач італійської. He's an Italian teacher. He's an Italian teacher. Хотел бы я иметь такую машину. I wish that I had a car like this. I wish I had such a car. Я купив книжку англійською мовою, але мені було важко її зрозуміти. I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand. I bought a book in English, but it was hard for me to understand. Розпочнімо! Let's start. Let's go! Хватай верёвку! Catch the rope! Grab the rope! Я не можу зрозуміти, чому Том звільнився з роботи. I can't figure out why Tom quit his job. I can't understand why Tom got out of work. Запишіть це на мій рахунок. Put that on my bill. Put it on my account. Это правда? Пол поцеловал Лили в губы? Is it true? Paul kissed Lily on the lips? Did Paul kiss Lily's lips? Як там Емілі? How is Emily? How's Emily doing? Мир полон проблем. The world is full of problems. The world is full of problems. Припини! Break it up! Stop it! Хватит шутить! Stop laughing. Stop joking! Це має значення? Does that matter? Does it matter? Я заснув під час уроку. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep during my class. Мы останавливали прохожих. We were stopping passers-by. We stopped passersby. Том всегда конфликтовал с представителями власти. Tom has always had a problem with authority figures. Tom always had a conflict with the authorities. Оставь на потом. Save it for later. Leave it to me later. Не відкривайте поки що подарунок. Don't open the present yet. Don't open up a gift yet. Том проспав? Did Tom oversleep? Tom's asleep? Почему тебя завтра не будет? Why won't you be here tomorrow? Why won't you be tomorrow? Мері назвала свого собаку Печенько. Mary named her dog Cookie. Mary called her dog Pesco. О котрій годині ти вчора пішов спати? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? At what hour did you go to bed last night? Я могу говорить откровенно? May I speak frankly? Can I speak frankly? Я бы хотела, чтобы ты познакомился с моим мужем. I'd like you to meet my husband. I'd like you to meet my husband. День народження Тома у жовтні, а моє — у листопаді. Tom's birthday is in October and mine is in November. Tom's birthday in October and mine in November. Вы былі шчаслівыя. You were happy. You were happy. Наше життя визначається нашим середовищем. Our lives are determined by our environment. Our lives are determined by our environment. Ви знаєте, що є причиною проблеми? Do you know what's causing the problem? Do you know what causes the problem? Ти прочитав цю книжку? Have you read that book? Have you read this book? Гэта твой дом? Is this your house? Is it your house? Могу вас подбросить, если хотите. I can give you a lift if you like. I can throw you away if you want. Замени его. Replace it. Replace it. Добры вечар, як Вашы справы? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how are you? Ты маніш. You are lying. You're a man. Том очень щедрый человек. Tom is a very generous man. Tom's a very generous man. Ти зупинила Тома? Did you stop Tom? Did you stop Tom? Ніхто не любить програвати. No one likes to lose. No one likes to lose. Я читав, що президентом Бразилії є жінка. Її звати Ділма. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the President of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Купи мені велосипед. Buy me a bike. Buy me a bike. Подойди поближе. Come a little closer. Come closer. Шёл сильный дождь, но она настаивала на поездке. It was raining hard, but she insisted on going for a drive. The rain was heavy, but she insisted on the trip. Том для вас застарий. Tom is too old for you. Tom's too old for you. Віра святкує Великдень? Is Vera celebrating Easter? Faith Celebrating Easter? Наступного місяця мені виповнюється шістнадцять. I'll be sixteen years old next month. The next month, I'm about sixteen. Мне патрэбная маленькая парада. I need a little advice. I need a little advice. Він показав мені свій альбом. He showed me his album. He showed me his album. Может, вы научитесь плавать. You might learn how to swim. Maybe you can learn to swim. Він нездатен завершити це за годину. It is impossible for him to finish it in an hour. He can't finish this in an hour. Я тут більше не викладаю. I don't teach here anymore. I don't teach anymore. Мы видели её. We've seen her. We saw her. Я погана студентка. I'm a bad student. I'm a bad student. На Місяці немає повітря. There's no air on the moon. There's no air on the moon. Том не сразу ответил. It took a while for Tom to answer. Tom didn't answer immediately. Думаешь, такое возможно? Do you think such a thing is possible? You think that's possible? Том радий, що має роботу. Tom is happy to have a job. Tom's glad he's got a job. Том, мабуть, сьогодні не переможе. Tom will probably not win today. Tom's probably not going to win tonight. Мне нужно немедленно вас увидеть. I need to see you immediately. I need to see you right now. Я якраз збираюся це змінити. I am just about to change that. I'm just going to change it. Я охрип. I've got a frog in my throat. I'm a fucker. Я всё время об этом думаю. I think about that all the time. I think about it all the time. Я думав, що я сам. I thought that I was alone. I thought I was myself. Звідки у вас цей шарф? Where'd you get that scarf? Where did you get this scarf? Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It's always the fault of your parents. Вызовите такси. Call a cab. Call the cab. Ви не повірите, хто приходив сьогодні. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who came today. Чому поїзд затримується? Why is the train delayed? Why is the train delayed? Что у Вас? What do you have? What do you got? Я хочу быть счастливой. I want to be happy. I want to be happy. Я разрешаю вам пойти. I'm allowing you to go. I'm letting you go. Я ничего не знаю о Японии. I don't know anything about Japan. I don't know anything about Japan. Ви платите готівкою чи чеком? Do you pay for it in cash or by check? Are you paying cash or a check? Дякую, там все добре. Thanks, everything is fine there. Thank you. It's okay. Він не виглядав щасливим. He did not look happy. He didn't look happy. Сёння я ўстаў позна. I got up late this morning. Today I got up late. Я написал жалобу. I've made a complaint. I wrote a complaint. Вьсıакъı єсмь оуже ти испълнь ѿпоустилъ. In any case, I've already entirely forgiven you. You're the only one who's not the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the most familiar with you. Я все намагався розповісти про це Тому, але він не слухав. I kept trying to tell Tom that, but he wouldn't listen. I tried to tell him all about it, but he didn't listen. Позвольте мне поговорить с Томом. Let me have a talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Я уже бывал в Америке. I have already visited the United States. I've been in America before. Кому известно, что Том здесь? Who knows Tom is here? Who knows Tom's here? Зараз жа рабі сваё дамашняе заданне. Do your homework right away. And now make your homework. Вы могли бы быть отличным адвокатом. You could be a great lawyer. You could be a great lawyer. Я на сьогодні все. I'm done for tonight. I'm done for today. Тримай двері зачиненими. Keep the door closed. Keep the door closed. На самолёте лететь будет дороже. It'll cost you more to go by plane. It'll be more expensive on the plane. Яна кахае яго больш за ўсё за яго хібы. She loves him all the more because he has faults. She loves him most of all. В Ісландії багато вулканів. Iceland has many volcanoes. There are many volcanoes in Iceland. Я пришла сюда, чтобы помочь вам. I've come here to help you. I came here to help you. Мае суседзі ўжо паяснілі мне, хто такая Б'ёрк. My roommates have already explained to me who Björk is. My neighbors have already informed me who Burke is. Я хоробра. I'm brave. I'm beautiful. Хіба ви не чоловік Мері? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Том пытался бежать. Tom tried to run. Tom was trying to escape. Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий. He roars and groans the Dnieper wide. Rebekah and Dnieper groan wide. Это твоё. It's yours. It's yours. Він удає, що все знає. He pretends to know everything. He pretends he knows everything. Ты сейчас свободен? Are you free? Are you out now? Сподіваємося, людям це сподобається. We hope people like it. We hope people will enjoy it. Я дуже вдячний за все, що ви для мене зробили. I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me. I am very grateful for all you have done for me. Том танцюватиме. Tom will dance. Tom's gonna dance. На Томе костюм пирата. Tom is wearing a pirate costume. Tom's got a pirate suit. Том ни в чём вас не обвиняет. Tom doesn't blame you for anything. Tom's not accusing you of anything. Я забыўся патэлефанаваць спадару Форду. I forgot to call up Mr Ford. I forgot to call Mr. Ford. В библиотеке есть потайная дверь. There's a hidden door in the library. There's a secret door in the library. Я ще не скінчив це ремонтувати. I haven't finished fixing this yet. I haven't finished repairing it yet. Я подбаю про це. I'll take care of this. I'll take care of it. Він ще у вас? Do you still have it? Is he still with you? Кто-нибудь сделает эту работу. Someone will do that job. Somebody's gonna do this job. Том слишком ленивый, чтобы сделать это. Tom is too lazy to do that. Tom's too lazy to do this. Если бы я только мог пойти с ней. I wish I could have gone with her. If only I could go with her. Деревянные дома легко воспламеняются. Wooden houses catch fire easily. Woodhouses are easily inflamed. Вона добре говорить англійською. She speaks English well. She speaks English well. Это самый быстрый поезд в мире. It's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. Я жах як втомився. I'm awfully tired. I'm so scared I'm tired. Здачі не потрібно! Keep the change! There's no need for luck! Фадзіль вельмі любіць Texas Chicken. Fadil loves Texas Chicken. Fadile is very fond of Texas Cicken. Ботинки Тома утонули в глубоком снегу. Tom's boots sank into the deep snow. Tom's shoes were drowned in deep snow. Добрымі намерамі пекла высланае. Hell is paved with good intentions. The good intents of hell are sent out. Ты не должен был этого делать. You didn't have to do that. You shouldn't have done that. Мэри хлопала ресницами. Mary batted her eyelashes. Mary was a resale. Калі ласка, пачакайце трыццаць хвілін. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait for thirty minutes. Тома задрал медведь. A bear mauled Tom. Tom blew up a bear. Тут ёсць англафон? Is there an English speaker here? Is there an English recorder here? Прощайте. Farewell! Goodbye. Я не знал, что ты умеешь это делать. I didn't know that you could do that. I didn't know you could do that. Мені потрібні нові шини. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Она итальянка? Is she Italian? She's Italian? Я был забыт. I was forgotten. I was forgotten. Вы пили вино? Did you drink wine? Did you drink wine? Это просто суеверие. That's just superstition. It's just a superstition. А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom doesn't have a radio? Як виглядає підозрюваний? What does the suspect look like? What does a suspect look like? Після короткого миру знову розв'язалася війна. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After a short period of peace, war again broke out. Що за затримка? What is the delay? What's the delay? Не сердись на него. Don't be angry with him. Don't be angry with him. Чому я так втомився? Why am I so tired? Why am I so tired? Я порежу тебе шины! I'll slash your tires! I'll cut your tires! Ты ответил на вопрос Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Я був змушений іти пішки, тому що не було таксі. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I had to walk because there was no cab. У меня нет времени сделать домашнее задание. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to do my homework. Ти чула новини? Have you heard the news? Did you hear the news? Где вы сняли свою обувь? Where did you take your shoes off? Where did you get your shoes off? Цей роман написаний відомим американським письменником. This novel was written by a famous American writer. This novel was written by a famous American writer. Ти знаєш причину? Do you know the reason? Do you know the reason? Ви виглядаєте заклопотаними. You seem busy. You look busy. У тебя не будет этой проблемы. You won't have that problem. You won't have this problem. Книжка лежить на столі. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Это очень весело, собирать разнообразные ракушки на пляже. It is a lot of fun picking various shells on the sands. It's very fun to get a variety of seashells on the beach. Краще туди не ходити. It's better not to go there. It's better not to go there. В прошлом сезоне наша футбольная команда выиграла все матчи. Our soccer team won every game last season. Last season, our football team won all the matches. Эмили хочет стать электриком. Emily wants to be an electrician. Emily wants to be an electrician. До Хелловіну лишився лише один тиждень. Halloween's only a week away. There was only one week left for Halloween. Кніга ружовая. The book is pink. It's a pink book. Том опять передумал. Tom has changed his mind again. Tom's changed his mind again. Том не единственный опоздал. Tom isn't the only one who was late. Tom's not the only one late. Названа стоимость билетов на поезд в Крым. The cost of train tickets to the Crimea was announced. Named the cost of the train tickets in Crimea. Том вам дав щось для мене? Did Tom give you something for me? Tom gave you something for me? Завтра буде спекотно. It's going to be hot tomorrow. Tomorrow's gonna be hot. Дружина Тома сказала мені, що його немає вдома. Tom's wife told me he wasn't at home. Tom's wife told me he wasn't home. Калі Вы нарадзіліся? When were you born? When were you born? Я цябе шукала. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Я не знал, кому ещё позвонить. I didn't know who else to call. I didn't know who else to call. Я много раз такой видел. I saw one many times. I've seen it so many times. Было вельмі прыгожа. It was very beautiful. It was very pretty. Самоуверенность является ключом к успеху. Self confidence is the key to success. Self-confidence is the key to success. Почему ты прыгаешь? Why are you jumping? Why are you jumping? Том восхищался храбростью Мэри. Tom admired Mary's courage. Tom admired Mary's bravery. Я думаю, Том може переконати Мері зробити це. I think Tom could get Mary to do that. I think Tom can convince Mary to do it. Мой компьютер сломался, и я потерял все данные. My computer crashed and I lost everything. My computer crashed, and I lost all data. Мені дуже страшно. I'm very scared. I'm scared. Мені цікаво, чи Том зможе посидіти з нашою дитиною сьогодні ввечері. I wonder whether or not Tom can babysit for us tonight. I wonder if Tom will be able to sit with our child tonight. Том уміє водити. Tom is able to drive a car. Tom can drive. Передай ей от меня привет. Give my love to her. Say hi to her from me. Це не його почерк. This is not his handwriting. It's not his handwriting. Минулого року я мав намір відвідати Рим. I intended to visit Rome last year. Last year I was going to visit Rome. Я чуть не забыл про собрание. I almost forgot about the meeting. I almost forgot about the meeting. Ти тут. You're here. You're here. Кишеньковий злодій витяг у Марка паспорт. A pickpocket pinched Mark's passport. The inhospitable thief took a passport from Mark. Он порвал газету пополам. He tore the newspaper in half. He broke the newspaper in half. У меня такое чувство, что мой французский не становится особенно лучше. I have the feeling that my French isn't getting much better. I feel like my French isn't getting really better. Калі заквітнеюць дрэвы? When will the trees blossom? When will the trees blossom? Вы мне нравитесь такой, какая Вы есть. I like you just the way you are. I like you as you are. Откуда вы столько знаете о Бостоне? Why do you know so much about Boston? How do you know so much about Boston? Він побачив вираз здивування на моєму обличчі. He saw the surprise on my face. He saw an expression of surprise in my face. Вы их не найдёте. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Мне не удалось найти его дом. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. У Тома много увлечений. Tom has many hobbies. Tom's got a lot of attention. Вам надо было там быть. You should've been here. You should have been there. Я все одно ризикну висловити здогадку. I'll hazard a guess anyway. I'll take the risk of making a guess. Время и размышления укротят самую сильную горечь. Time and thinking tame the strongest grief. Time and meditation will lead to the greatest grief. Ми круті. We're tough. We're cool. Ён вырашыў стаць манахам. He decided to become a monk. He decided to be a friar. Я не могу говорить за коллег. I can't speak for my colleagues. I can't speak for colleagues. История имеет дело с прошлым. History deals with the past. History has to do with the past. Думаю, что настало время мне сменить работу. I think it's time for me to change jobs. I think it's time for me to change my job. Это летучая мышь? Is that a bat? Is that a flying mouse? Том сів перед Мері. Tom sat in front of Mary. Tom sat in front of Mary. Том постійно перевіряє телефон. Tom constantly checks his phone. Tom keeps checking his phone. Я не думаю, что ты прав. I don't think you're right. I don't think you're right. Том підійшов до дверей. Tom came to the door. Tom came to the door. Сподіваюся, ми можемо це виправити. I hope we can fix that. I hope we can fix that. Даю слова. I give you my word. I give you my word. Я зламала ніготь I broke my fingernail. I broke the nail. Мы не спрашивали. We didn't ask. We didn't ask. Котка сядзіць на пісьмовым стале. The cat is sitting on the desk. The cat's on the writing desk. Хіба ти завтра не повернешся? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Я не ведала, што я буду прадстаўляць галоўную лектарку. I didn't know I was going to have to introduce the main speaker. And I didn't know that I was going to be representing national medicine. Я падаю. I'm falling. I'm falling. Вони старі. They're old. They're old. Этот словарь для нас - большой подарок. This dictionary is great boon up to us. That dictionary is a great gift to us. Спросите у Тома. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. Мне ни один из них не нравится. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Це було частиною плану. This was part of the plan. It was part of the plan. Кожа у неё белее снега. Her skin is whiter than snow. There's snow on her skin. Що ти робила сьогодні вранці? What were you doing this morning? What did you do this morning? Садоўнік пасадзіў ружавае дрэва ў цэнтры саду. The gardener planted a rose tree in the middle of the garden. The gardener planted a rose-tree in the center of the garden. Селу потрібна твоя допомога. The village needs your help. Sal needs your help. Что ты хотела сказать? What did you want to say? What did you want to say? Ти запросив Тома на вечерю? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Том закохався у героїв свого роману. Tom fell in love with the characters in his novel. Tom fell in love with the heroes of his novel. Он попытался открыть окно. He tried to open the window. He tried to open the window. Ви маєте право бути щасливими. You have a right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Насколько это чудесно? How wonderful is that? How wonderful is that? Це яйце погано пахне. This egg smells bad. It's an egg that smells bad. Том сказал, что я некрасивая. Tom said I was ugly. Tom said I'm not beautiful. Вона хотіла їм допомогти. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. У Тома было счастливое детство. Tom had a happy childhood. Tom had a happy childhood. Маєш професійний досвід? Do you have professional experience? Do you have a professional experience? Коли Мері дійшла до автобусної зупинки, останній автобус вже поїхав. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary arrived at the bus stop, the last bus was on her way. Я хочу побеседовать с Томом. I want to have a talk with Tom. I want to talk to Tom. Думаешь, вечером будет дождь? Do you think it'll rain tonight? Do you think it'll rain tonight? Двенадцатичасовое путешествие меня измотало. The twelve-hour journey had tired me out. I got tired of my 12-hour trip. Я живу в этом отеле. I live in this hotel. I live in this hotel. Він кричав "рятуйте!" He screamed for help. He shouted to save! Ми можемо заплатити. We can pay. We can pay. Сьогодні вранці Том прислав мені троянди. Tom sent me roses this morning. This morning Tom sent me a rose. А мне что с этого перепадёт? What's in it for me? What's going to happen to me? Пароль - "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Mauriel." Ми не можемо обійтись без води. We cannot do without water. We can't go without water. Их цена ниже, чем у нас. Their price is below ours. Their price is lower than we do. Він політичний махінатор. He's a wheeler-dealer. He's a political macho. Я попросил их держаться от этого подальше. I asked them to stay out of it. I asked them to stay away from it. Том сказал, что мне следует поговорить с тобой. Tom said I should talk to you. Tom said I should talk to you. Я вас не понял. I didn't understand you. I didn't get it. Том покончил с собой. Tom killed himself. Tom killed himself. Джейн ужасно красивая девушка. Jane is a remarkably beautiful young woman. Jane's an awful beautiful girl. Не переривайте нашу розмову. Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. Просто подпишись здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Я не отпустил её домой пораньше. I didn't let her go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Том сказав, що помітив різницю. Tom said that he noticed a difference. Tom said he noticed the difference. Лід тане. The ice is melting. Ice melts. Вона попросила його вимкнути світло на виході. She asked him to put out the light before leaving. She asked him to turn off the light on the exit. Ти сказала мені зробити це. You told me to do that. You told me to do it. Скажите мне, что Вы не серьёзно! Tell me you're not serious! Tell me you're not serious! Не верится, что он до сих пор не женат. I can't believe he's still single. I can't believe he's still single. Це моя улюблена група. That's my favorite band. This is my favorite group. Том подозревал, что Мэри употребляет наркотики. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Я більше люблю котів, ніж собак. I like cats more than dogs. I love cats more than dogs. Цей фотограф дуже талановитий. That photographer is really talented. This photograph is very talented. Том, выходи из душа! Tom, get out of the shower! Tom, get out of your heart! Я хочу помочь вам с этим разобраться. I want to help you figure this out. I want to help you figure this out. Том это видел? Did Tom see this? Did Tom see that? Я собирался выходить, когда зазвонил телефон. I was about to leave when the phone rang. I was gonna come out when I called the phone. Исус Христос, живя среди людей, разговаривал на ужасном, с точки зрения иудеев, галилейском диалекте арамейского языка вместо иврита, тем самым показав несостоятельность утверждений о существовании какого-либо священного языка, использование которого в молитвах особо приближает к Богу. Jesus Christ while living among people spoke in a terrible, from the point of view of the Jews, Galilean dialect of Aramaic language instead of Hebrew; thereby showing the inconsistency of the allegations of the existence of any sacred language, which claim the use of such in prayers especially brings the followers closer to God. Jesus Christ, living among people, spoke in terms of the Jews, a Hellenic dialect of Aramaic instead of Hebrew, thus showing the irresponsibility of allegations of a sacred language, the use of which in prayers is particularly close to God. Ви несправедливий. You're unfair. You're unfair. Ми хочемо, щоб ти поїхав до Бостона. We want you to go to Boston. We want you to go to Boston. Ти насправді бачила НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Did you actually see the UFO? Я набагато більша від вас. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm much bigger than you. Тут много над чем есть подумать. That's a lot to consider. There's a lot to think about. Не давайте Тому мой телефон. Don't give Tom my number. Don't let that be my phone. Они тянули жребий, кому идти первым. They drew lots to see who would go first. They made lots of lots of people to go first. Вже майже сьома. Нам треба йти до школи. It's almost seven. We have to go to school. It's almost seven, we have to go to school. Не думаю, что буду танцевать с Томом. I don't think that I'll dance with Tom. I don't think I'm gonna dance with Tom. Я умею слушать. I'm a good listener. I know how to listen. Візьміть це. Take this. Take this. Візьми мою руку. Ми вдвох збудуємо утопію. Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand, we'll build Utopia together. В пятницу она очень занята. She's very busy on Friday. She's very busy on Friday. Том приїхав на вокзал занадто пізно. Tom arrived late at the station. Tom came to the station too late. Столица Украины - Киев. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. Capital of Ukraine - Kiev. Та музика його нервує. That music gets on his nerves. But the music makes him nervous. Ти маму запитала? Did you ask your mother? Did you ask your mother? Вы сказали ему, что я здесь? Have you told him I'm here? Did you tell him I was here? Том веде щоденник. Tom keeps a diary. Tom's keeping a diary. Мері умилася. Mary washed her face. Mary did. Обоняние - одно из пяти чувств. Smell is one of the five senses. Obsession is one of five senses. Я хочу, щоб ти був моїм другом. I want you to be my friend. I want you to be my friend. Завтра великий день. Tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow is a big day. Джон разумнейшы за Біла. John is more intelligent than Bill. John is smarter than Bill. Том заговорил первым. Tom spoke first. Tom spoke to me first. Выбачыце мяне. Excuse me. See me. Это китайский или японский? Is this Chinese or Japanese? Is it Chinese or Japanese? Что бы ты сделал, будь у тебя миллиард долларов? What would you do if you had a billion dollars? What would you do if you had a billion dollars? Это произошло на Парк-стрит. That happened on Park Street. It happened on Park Street. Вона вчить нас французької. She's teaching us French. It teaches us French. Том мог бы победить. Tom could win. Tom could have won. Сколько тебе нужно галстуков? How many ties do you need? How many ties do you want? Я ищу хороший отель. I am looking for a good hotel. I'm looking for a good hotel. Я буду присутнім. I'll attend. I'll be here. Дай дяде над этим подумать. Let your uncle think about it. Let my uncle think about it. Твой японский хорош. Your Japanese is good. Your Japanese is good. Том не хотел, чтобы кто-то знал. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Ты багатая. You are rich. You're rich. Я отрицательно покачал головой. I shook my head no. I had a bad head on my head. Том решил пойти. Tom decided to go. Tom decided to go. Что вы об этом думаете? What do you think of it? What do you think? Том не хотел покупать новую машину. Tom didn't want to buy a new car. Tom didn't want to buy a new car. Тома ніхто не кликав. Nobody called Tom. Tom wasn't called. Хто перакладзе гэты сказ, той дурань. Whoever translates this sentence is a fool. He that translates this story is the fool. Привет, дружище! Hi, friend! Hey, buddy! Хіба тобі не подобається мій жовтий шарф? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Я написал это для Тома. I wrote it for Tom. I wrote it for Tom. Я на них не нападал. I didn't attack them. I didn't attack them. Вот мой бумажник. Here's my wallet. Here's my wallet. Не прогуливайте занятие. Don't skip class. Don't take a walk. Ти відповів на запитання Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Ты на меня даже не смотришь. You don't even look at me. You don't even look at me. Какой смысл учиться? What's the point of studying? What's the point of learning? Том забыл очки. Tom forgot his glasses. Tom forgot his glasses. Я сказал до свидания. I said goodbye. I said good-bye. Вы ведь не знакомы с братом Тома? You don't know Tom's brother, do you? You don't know Tom's brother, do you? Я никогда раньше не опаздывала. I've never been late before. I've never been late before. Я хотел бы тебя завтра навестить. I'd like to visit you tomorrow. I'd like to see you tomorrow. Это ваша вина. This is your fault. It's your fault. Образование - это узнавание того, что ты даже не знал, что не знал. Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know. Education is a recognition that you didn't even know you didn't know. Могу я открыть занавеску? Can I open the curtain? Can I open the curtain? Я пришёл с вами поговорить. I've come to speak with you. I came to talk to you. Дай мне несколько часов. Give me a few hours. Give me some hours. Ти іноземець? Are you a foreigner? You're a foreigner? Этот персик прекрасен. This peach is a beauty. That peach is beautiful. Хіба ти ні з ким не зустрічаєшся? Aren't you seeing anyone? Aren't you dating anyone? Я уже обсудила это с Томом. I've already discussed it with Tom. I've already discussed this with Tom. Вона його слухає. She listens to him. She's listening to him. Було дуже холодно. It was very cold. It was very cold. Я магу прыйсці а адзінаццатай гадзіне. I can come at 11:00. I can come at eleven o'clock.' Вона ловить слова з його рота. She hangs on every word he says. She's catching words out of his mouth. Мені було страшно. I was afraid. I was scared. Она богата, молода и красива. She's rich, young and beautiful. She's rich, young and beautiful. Де ви всі живете? Where do you all live? Where do you all live? Чому вони розмовляють французькою? Why are they speaking in French? Why do they speak French? Мені шкода, що я туди пішов. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. Ей нравится этот певец. She likes the singer. She likes that singer. Ти знайшов якісь проблеми? Did you find any problems? Did you find any trouble? Ты правда этого не знал? Did you really not know that? You really didn't know that? Она скончалась вчера во второй половине дня. She died yesterday afternoon. She died yesterday afternoon. Том постраждав? Did Tom get hurt? Was Tom hurt? У пары был сын. The couple had a son. The couple had a son. Оттава — столица Канады. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Tatva is the capital of Canada. Што здарылася з Лайлай? What happened to Layla? What's wrong with Lyla? Я занадто низький. I am too short. I'm too low. Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. Sorry to make you wait so long. Том пішов. Tom is gone. Tom's gone. Я член команди. I'm a member of the team. I'm a team member. Хезер — очень красивая девушка. Heather is a very beautiful girl. Heser is a very beautiful girl. Том не мав багато часу. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn't have much time. Подойди к костру. Come near the fire. Come over to the chair. Ви дали мені добру пораду. You've given me good advice. You gave me good advice. Тебе меня оттуда видно? Can you see me from there? Can you see me from there? Отец не отпускает меня в кино одного. My father doesn't let me go to the movies alone. Father doesn't let me go to the movies alone. Том никогда не признаёт, что не прав, потому что считает это признаком слабости. Tom never admits that he's wrong, because he thinks that's a sign of weakness. Tom never admits he's wrong because he thinks it's a sign of weakness. Том швидко прийняв рішення. Tom made up his mind quickly. Tom made a quick decision. Розумію, ви жартували. I understand, you were joking. I know you were joking. Том підтвердив, що ніхто не постраждав. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Tom confirmed that no one was hurt. Эта книга новая. It's a new book. This book is new. У неї білі зуби. She has white teeth. She's got white teeth. Я внёс некоторые исправления. I made some corrections. I made some corrections. Ви все ще живете з батьками? Are you still living with your parents? You still live with your parents? Наступного місяця Том їде з Бостона. Tom is leaving Boston next month. Next month Tom leaves Boston. Она очень мудрая мать. She's a very wise mother. She's a very wise mother. Я, можливо, тут єдиний, хто знає, як це зробити. I'm probably the only one here who knows how to do that. I'm probably the only one here who knows how to do it. Є щось, що ти б хотів купити? Is there anything you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Все, похоже, довольны. Everybody seems to be happy. Everything looks nice. Вони були насправді задоволені. They were truly happy. They were really happy. Залиштеся з нами на кілька днів. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Ты можешь в это поверить? Мы в Германии! Can you believe it? We're in Germany! Can you believe this? Я їх не бачила. I didn't see them. I didn't see them. Я не любив співати, коли я був молодший. I didn't like singing when I was younger. I didn't like singing when I was younger. Всё должно быть безупречно. Everything must be perfect. Everything must be irreprehensible. Том вчора постраждав у аварії? Did Tom get hurt in the accident yesterday? Was Tom hurt in the accident last night? Эта кровать тяжёлая. This bed is heavy. This bed is heavy. Як вы гэта здзейсніце? How are you going to carry it out? How will you do that? Дзе знаходзіцца ратуша? Where is the city hall? Where is the larynx? Я знаю, что ты поцеловала Тома. I know you kissed Tom. I know you kissed Tom. Дабрыдзень. Hello! Good afternoon. Этот суп очень вкусный, правда? This soup is really delicious, right? That soup is delicious, isn't it? Скидається на те, що на Татоебі забагато турецьких тролів. Seems like there are too many Turkish trolls on Tatoeba. It seems that there are too many Turkish trolls in Tatoébi. Будь исландский язык цветом, я думаю, был бы он белым. If the Icelandic language was a colour, I think it would be white. If it were Icelandic, I think it'd be white. Мы забрали Тома домой. We took Tom home. We took Tom home. Том мог мне сказать. Tom could've told me. Tom could have told me. Поблагодарите его за помощь. Thank him for the help. Thank you for your help. Я допоміг Тому відкрити коробку. I helped Tom open the box. I helped to open up the box. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає після стількох років. I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. I wonder if she will recognize me after so many years. Ты нарадзіўся ў свіране? Were you born in a barn? Are you born in a country? Мне отпустить Тома? Should I let Tom go? Shall I let Tom go? Коли вона хоч щось для мене зробила? When has she ever done anything for me? When did she do anything for me? Я люблю гэтую кнігу больш за ўсё. I love this book above all. I love this book most. На кніжнай палічцы толькі кнігі. There are only books on the bookshelf. There are only books on the "book" page. Вы не уволены. You're not fired. You're not fired. Я не свідчив. I didn't testify. I didn't witness. На що він схожий? What is it like? What's he like? Поклади його. Put it down. Put it down. Я здесь родилась. I was born here. I was born here. Він не розбився. It didn't break. He didn't crash. Сьогодні ввечері мені не потрібно готувати вечерю. I don't need to make dinner tonight. I don't have to cook dinner tonight. Це виняток. That is an exception. It's an exception. Жінка Тома — канадійка. Tom's wife is Canadian. Tom's wife's a canary. Ты бы смог кого-нибудь убить? Could you kill someone? Could you kill somebody? Так наогул ніякага сэнсу няма. That makes no sense at all. So no sense at all. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much more difficult than I thought it would be. It was much harder than it seemed to do. Соберись! Pull yourself together! Come on! Сабаку звуць Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Кроме Тома, все в семье говорят по-французски. Except for Tom, everyone in the family can speak French. In addition to Tom, all in the family speak French. Думаю про тебе. I'm thinking about you. I think about you. Те кошеня дуже миле. That kitten is so cute. That kitten is very nice. Акулы могут почувствовать даже небольшое количество крови в воде. Sharks can smell even a tiny amount of blood in water. It can even feel a small amount of blood in the water. Улица, ведущая к отелю, узкая. The street leading to the hotel is narrow. The street leading to the hotel is narrow. Том знает французский? Does Tom know French? Tom knows French? Мне надо в туалет. I have to go to the toilet. I need to go to the bathroom. Она вышла из себя и накричала на меня. She lost her temper and shouted at me. She got out of her mind and yelled at me. У тебя на это, наверное, часа три уйдёт. It'll probably take you about three hours to do that. You must have got three to leave. Хто твій улюблений письменник? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Ти дізналася, хто це зробив? Did you find out who did that? Did you find out who did this? Я винен тобі десять доларів. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten dollars. Ты стесняешься своего тела? Do you feel uneasy about your body? Are you shy about your body? Парадоксально, але він має рацію. Paradoxically, he is right. It's ironic, but he's right. Мама купила жовту парасольку моєму молодшему брату. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Mom bought a yellow umbrella to my younger brother. Ти за це заплатиш! You're going to pay for this! You'll pay for it! Говори за себе. Speak for yourself. You speak for yourself. У вас есть ещё вопросы? Have you any further questions? Do you have any other questions? Он сидит учится до поздней ночи. He sits up studying till late at night. He's sitting there until late night. Том все ще живе біля тебе? Does Tom live near you? Is Tom still here with you? Повернімося. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Они его найдут. They're going to find him. They'll find him. Том работал с Мэри. Tom was working with Mary. Tom was working with Mary. Том так и не знает, что Мэри сделала. Tom still doesn't know what Mary did. Tom doesn't know what Mary did. Ви потрібні своїй родині. Your family needs you. You need your family. Том не помиляється. Tom isn't mistaken. Tom's not wrong. Тая дзяўчынка хацела стаць актрысай. That girl wanted to become a movie star. And she wanted to become an actress. Чому б не пообідати з нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why don't you join us for lunch? Теперь парадом командую я! Now I'll be taking charge here. Now I'm commanding the parade! Том никогда не выйдет из тюрьмы. Tom will never get out of prison. Tom's never gonna get out of jail. Ми не сподіваємось на перемогу. We have no expectations of victory. We don't expect to win. Она только что пришла домой. She just got home. She just came home. Том сбил его с ног. Tom knocked him down. Tom hit him off his feet. Людиноподібні мавпи розумні. Apes are intelligent. Manlike monkeys are intelligent. Том не может просто уйти. Tom can't just quit. Tom can't just leave. Этого никто не видел. No one saw that. No one saw it. Думаю, тебе следует немного отдохнуть. I think you ought to rest a while. I think you should rest a bit. У меня есть одна книга. I have a book. I have one book. Він маленький. He's small. He's small. Ви дійсно спробували. You did try. You've really tried. Том немного моложе твоей дочери. Tom is a little younger than your daughter. Tom's a little younger than your daughter. Гэта найлепшая гітара ў магазіне. This is the best guitar in the store. It's the best guitar on stock. Я восхищен твоей отвагой. I admire you for your courage. I'm impressed with your courage. Це не моя проблема. That isn't my problem. It's not my problem. Я купіла камп’ютэр найлепшай якасці. I bought a computer of the best quality. I bought a computer the best quality. Тому не пришлось просить меня дважды. Tom didn't have to ask me twice. So I didn't have to ask twice. Таксі приїхало. The cab is here. Taxi came. Я получил письмо от друга. I received a letter from my friend. I got a letter from a friend. Ви заплатили за оренду? Have you paid the rent? Did you pay for your rent? Чому Том не спробував допомогти Мері? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Том сказав Мері не турбуватися. Tom has told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Экватор делит землю на два полушария. The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. The equator divides the ground into two hemispheres. Спасибо тебе за визит. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for coming. Ці можаш прысвяціць мне некалькі хвілінак твайго вольнага часу? Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time? Could you dedicate me some minutes to thy free time? Мы пілі піва. We drank beer. We've been drinking beer. Мері довіряє мені. Mary trusts me. Mary trusts me. Самі був популярний як серед студентів, так і серед викладачів. Sami was popular with both students and teachers. Both students and teachers were popular. Він не дурніший за тебе. He is no more foolish than you are. He's not stupider than you. Через несколько дней Том нашёл другую работу. A few days later, Tom found another job. In a few days, Tom found another job. Мері розумніша, ніж Том. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary is smarter than Tom. Под стол закатилась монета. A coin rolled under the desk. A coin would roll under the table. Том не намагатиметься цього зробити. Tom won't try to do that. Tom won't try to do that. Раман заканчваецца смерцю гераіні. The novel ends with the heroine's death. Raman ends with the death of a hero. Дай им сделать это самим. Let them do it themselves. Let them do it on their own. Вы стареете. You're getting older. You're getting older. Цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary what she should do. Они классные. They're cool. They're great. Ці вы заўтра вольныя? Are you free tomorrow? Are you special to-morrow? Це ти? Is that you? Is that you? Трусікі высунулі пыскі. Rabbits stuck their noses out. The rabbits dried out the sand. Том сказав, що хоче взяти на роботу когось із досвідом. Tom said he wanted to hire somebody with experience. Tom said he wanted to take someone with experience to work. Кѫдъı идєши? Where are you going? Are you coming? Она продемонстрировала свои таланты. She displayed her talents. She demonstrated her talents. Йди допоможи нам. Come and help us. Go help us. Коли воно почалося? When did it start? When did it start? Ты не можешь так на меня кричать. You can't yell at me like that. You can't shout at me like that. Я ўжо зрабіў гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Вам сказали, де буде зустріч? Have you been told where the meeting will be? You were told where to meet? Я з цим розберуся. I'll sort this out. I'll figure that out. Вы когда-нибудь взвешивались? Have you ever weighed yourself? Have you ever been weighed? Том хотів, щоб Мері відчувала себе особливою. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Гэта нічога не зменіць. That won't change anything. You need to act like it. Оли оузьрѭ и́ а оутьнѫ. As soon as I see him, I'll kill him. Oly ozzur and a ostena Вибір за нами. The choice is ours. It's our choice. Я ще зайнята. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Для нього це була важка ніч. It's been a hard night for him. It was a hard night for him. Це лише збіг? Is that only a coincidence? Is that just a coincidence? Я приеду в понедельник, Том во вторник, а Мэри - в среду. I'll arrive on Monday, Tom on Tuesday and Mary on Wednesday. I'll be here on Monday, Tom on Tuesday, and Mary on Wednesday. Гадаю, нам слід зачекати на Тома. I think we should wait for Tom. I think we should wait for Tom. Це навчить тебе не дратувати інших. This will teach you not to annoy other people. It will teach you not to be exasperating others. Через десять лет наш город сильно изменится. In ten years our town will change a lot. Ten years later, our city will change dramatically. Скажіть Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Tell him we're not ready. Потім автобус виїхав з міста та поїхав по сільській дорозі. Then the bus left the town and drove along a country road. Then the bus left the city and drove on the rural road. Том меня спас. Tom saved me. Tom saved me. Том не хотів іти на прогулянку. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Том мой близкий друг. Tom is a close friend of mine. Tom's my close friend. С Томом всё в порядке? Is Tom well? Is Tom all right? Я не хочу наткнуться на Тома. I don't want to run into Tom. I don't want to touch Tom. Я вывучаю карэйскую мову. I study Korean. I learn Korean. Як найкраще вивчити французьку? What's the best way to learn French? How can we best learn French? Хіба ви ще не втомилися від мене? Aren't you sick of me yet? Aren't you tired of me yet? Почему ты удивлена? Why are you surprised? Why are you surprised? Я встретил одноклассника. I met my classmate. I met a classmate. Я був приємно здивований. I was pleasantly surprised. I was pleasantly surprised. Ми пишаємося тим, чого досягли. We're proud of what we've accomplished. We are proud of what we have achieved. Заставайся там. Stay there. Stay there. Я упустив м'яч. I dropped the ball. I lost the ball. Том їсть менше, ніж Мері. Tom eats less than Mary. Tom eats less than Mary. Обещаете никому ничего не рассказывать? Do you promise not to tell anybody anything? You promise not to tell anyone? Я не знаю, це добре чи ні. I do not know whether it is good or not. I don't know if it's good or not. Сова — нічний птах. The owl is a nocturnal animal. The owl is a bird of night. Не думаю, что Тома можно оставить одного. I don't think that Tom can be left alone. I don't think Tom can be left alone. Ми ніколи не здамося! We will never surrender! We'll never give up! Я думаю, ви теж можете це зробити. I suppose you can do that, too. I think you can do that, too. Не могли бы Вы оказать мне услугу? Could you do me a favor? Could you do me a favor? Том всю ночь не ложился. Tom stayed up the whole night. Tom hasn't been down all night. Я не читав жодну з цих двох книжок. I haven't read either book. I have not read any of these two books. Я тобі спробував допомогти. I tried to help you. I tried to help you. Я точно не знаю, кто это сделал. I'm not sure who did that. I don't know who did it. Я рассказал Тому анекдот, но он не смеялся. I told Tom a joke, but he didn't laugh. I told that to anecdot, but he wasn't laughing. Він полаявся з дружиною через дітей. He quarreled with his wife about their children. He broke up with his wife because of his children. Ничто не сравнится со стаканом пива после долгого рабочего дня. There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work. Nothing like a beer glass after a long day's work. Том пішов за покупками. Tom is shopping. Tom went shopping. Я відмовилася від цієї пропозиції. I rejected this proposition. I turned down that offer. Том говорит, что никогда этого не делал. Tom says that he's never done that. Tom says he never did. Я думав, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Возникнет проблема. There'll be a problem. There'll be a problem. Это заняло бы несколько часов. Doing that would take hours. That would take several hours. Я лише дивлюсь. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Я потягнула за мотузку. I pulled the rope. I pulled a rope. Белый хлеб, пожалуйста. White bread, please. White bread, please. К счастью, это сработало. Luckily, it worked. Fortunately, it worked. Иногда я чувствую себя как белка в колесе. Sometimes, I feel like a hamster running on a wheel. Sometimes I feel like a squirrel in my wheel. Том сказав, що Мері гарна. Tom said that Mary was cute. Tom said Mary was nice. У мене не було жодних друзів у Австралії. I had no friends in Australia. I had no friends in Australia. Она моя любовница! She is my mistress! She's my mistress! Що пише Том? What's Tom writing? What does Tom say? За винятком Тома, це зробили всі. Except for Tom, everyone did that. Except for Tom, everyone did. Вы любите друг друга? Do you love each other? Do you love each other? Він побачив гарну дівчину. He saw a pretty girl. He saw a good girl. Давайте знімемо кіно. Let's make a movie. Let's make a movie. Калі ласка, паясніце, як туды дабрацца. Please explain how to get there. Please find out how to get there. Ви готові почути погані новини? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Are you ready to hear bad news? Я не знаю, що йому відомо. I don't know what he knows. I don't know what he knows. Ви хто? Who are you? Who are you? Том сказав, що хоче з тобою зустрітися. Tom said he wants to meet you. Tom said he wanted to meet you. Я хачу пачуць тваё меркаванне. I want your opinion. I want to hear thy judgment. Залиште його в спокої. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. Нехай він зачекає! Let him wait! Let him wait! Ти в цьому абсолютно впевнена? Do you know that for a fact? Are you absolutely sure about that? Не думаю, что Том знает номер телефона Мэри. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. I don't think Tom knows Mary's phone number. Было воскресенье, и я не стал вставать рано. It was Sunday and I wasn't about to get up early. Sunday, and I didn't get up early. Вы уверены, что хотите это сделать? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do this? Кнїжка на карсцелю? Is the book on the chair? A cartel book? Цыбуля гатуецца хутчэй, ніж бульба. Onions cook more quickly than potatoes. The bulb is cooking faster than a potato. Ты хоть раз видел этот фильм? Did you ever see that movie? Have you ever seen this movie? Нікуди не ходи. Don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё хочет прийти. I don't think that anyone else wants to come. I don't think anyone else wants to come. Том расчараваны, а Мэры не. Tom is disappointed, but Mary isn't. Tom was disappointed, and Mary not. Ти хочеш жити вічно? Do you want to live forever? Do you want to live forever? Я люблю котів. I am a cat person. I love cats. Я кинув кості. I threw the dice. I threw the bones. Я не люблю позичати гроші будь-кому. I don't like lending money to anybody. I don't like to borrow any money. Прагнозы надвор’я рэдка спраўджваюцца. Weather reports rarely come true. Weather policies are seldom good. Хотів би я бути добрим співаком. I wish I were a good singer. I wish I could be a good singer. Ты должен работать упорно, если хочешь добиться успеха. You must work hard if you want to succeed. You have to work hard if you want to succeed. Чи Том християнин? Is Tom a Christian? Or Tom Christian? Я не робив того, в чому ти мене звинуватив. I didn't do what you've accused me of doing. I didn't do what you accused me of. Заходь всередину. Go inside. Get inside. Не существует в мире ни единой вещи, которая не могла бы нас чему-нибудь научить. There is nothing in the world from which we can't learn something. There is no single thing in the world that can't teach us anything. Ми зустрінемося з Томом пізніше. We'll meet up with Tom later. We'll meet Tom later. Я сегодня в школу не пойду. I'm not going to go to school today. I'm not going to school tonight. Том навіть не намагався допомогти Мері. Tom didn't even attempt to help Mary. Tom didn't even try to help Mary. Джон ше ужерал на слику. John stared at the picture. John was already wearing a saliva. Как ты смеешь это делать! How dare you do this! How dare you do it! Мае бацькі знаёмыя з маёй дзяўчынай. My parents know my girlfriend. My parents are familiar with my girlfriend. Не кажы яму пра гэта, а то ён пачне плакаць. Don't tell him that, or he'll start crying. Don't touch him about it, or then he'll start crying. У Тома его не было. Tom didn't have it. Tom didn't have one. Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing that? Том багато їсть. Tom eats a lot. Tom's eating a lot. Я теж. Same here. Me, too. Уставай. Get up! Get up. Ти говориш мальтійською? Do you speak Maltese? Do you speak Maltese? Я знаю, что ты сделал это нарочно. I know you did it on purpose. I know you did it on purpose. Том із Мері поїхали на музичний фестиваль. Tom and Mary went to a music festival. Tom and Mary went to a musical festival. Це буде дуже важко зробити. It'll be very difficult to do that. It'll be very hard to do. Просто дайте нам ще трохи часу. Just give us a bit more time. Just give us some more time. Пожалуйста, выключите радио. Please turn off the radio. Please turn off the radio. Обещай мне больше этого не делать! Promise me you won't do that again. Promise me not to do it again! Возможно, это проблема. That might be a problem. Maybe it's a problem. Я её вообще не знаю. I don't know her at all. I don't know her at all. Больше никогда не буду вас слушать. I'll never listen to you again. I'll never listen to you again. Хутчіш, бо запізнишся. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up because you're late. Это ваша собака. This is your dog. It's your dog. У нього сліди губної помади на щоках. He has traces of lipstick on his cheeks. He's got traces of lipstick on his cheeks. У мене пронос. I have diarrhea. I've got a gasket. Она говорит, что чувствует себя очень уставшей. She says she's feeling very tired. She says she feels very tired. Для неё нет спасения. There's no escape for her. There's no salvation for her. Всі посміхаються однією і тією ж мовою. Everyone smiles in the same language. Everyone smiles in the same language. Дайте мені стакан води, будь ласка. Give me a glass of water, please. Give me a glass of water, please. Том розплющив очі і побачив Мері. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Это я и хочу выяснить. That's what I want to find out. That's what I want to find out. Тепер Том може займатися цим самостійно. Tom can now do that by himself. Now Tom can do it on his own. Я так їм і не сказав. I never told them. I never told them that. Дехто каже, що я непередбачувальний. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Some say that I am unpredictable. У мене не було з Томом жодних проблем. I had no problem with Tom. I had no problems with Tom. Што ты маеш на ўвазе? What do you mean? What do you mean? Я рассказал вам всё, что должен был рассказать. I told you everything I had to tell you. I told you everything I should have told you. Ти ідіотка. You're stupid! You're an idiot. Я не задоволений. I'm not satisfied. I'm not satisfied. І хлопчик зробив. And the boy did. And the boy did. Я маю багато часу. I have a lot of time. I have a lot of time. Я вроде ясно выразился. I thought I made that clear. I kind of made it clear. Я думал, Том может помочь. I think Tom could help. I thought Tom could help. Мы можем попытаться. We can give it a try. We can try. Том каже, що я вузьколоба. Tom says I'm narrow-minded. Tom says I'm narrow. У сучаснай Расіі шмат праблем. Modern Russia has many problems. There's a lot of trouble in modern Russia. Яка вона? What is she like? What is she like? Том протянул Мэри книгу. Tom handed Mary a book. Tom went through Mary's book. Я тоўсты. I'm fat. I'm thick. Том все ще вважає, що Мері збрехала? Does Tom still think Mary lied? Tom still thinks Mary lied? Йди звідси! Go away! Get out of here! У Тома было непростое детство. Tom did not have an easy childhood. Tom had a hard childhood. Том был первым прибывшим. Tom was the first person to arrive. Tom was the first to arrive. Канешне, я пайду туды з табой. Of course, I will go there with you. Of course I'll go there with you. Мері — морський їжак. Mary is a sea urchin. Mary is a sea urchin. Он бы тебе понравился. You'd like him. You'd like him. Эта комната слишком большая. This room is too big. This room is too big. Я ходив у понеділок ловити рибу. I went fishing last Monday. I went Monday to fish. Где вы с Томом остановились? Where did you and Tom stay? Where did you and Tom stop? Ця книга краща за ту. This book is better than that one. This book is better than that. Ти боїшся комах? Are you afraid of insects? Are you afraid of insects? Том намагається зрозуміти, що йому робити. Tom is trying to figure out what to do. Tom's trying to figure out what he's gonna do. Ты сильнее Тома. You're stronger than Tom. You're stronger than Tom. Він поїхав за кордон, і так і не повернувся. He went abroad, never to return. He went abroad, and never returned. Сёння добра. It's nice today. Today's good. Я робив це просто заради розваги. I did that just for fun. I did it just for fun. Ти за чи проти смертної кари? Do you support or oppose the death penalty? Are you for or against the death penalty? Три точки, що не знаходяться на одній прямій, унікальним чином визначають площину. Three points that are not on the same line determine a unique plane. Three points that are not on the same line define the plane in a unique way. Я старая. I am old. I'm old. Коли ти залефонувала, я вже не спав. When you called, I was already awake. When you were on the phone, I wasn't asleep anymore. Ён не вельмі слухмяны, праўда? He isn't very obedient, is he? He's not really hearing, right? Цей острів у дев'ятнадцятому віці належав Франції. This island belonged to France in the 19th century. This island, at the age of nineteen, belonged to France. Для життя завжди потрібна їжа. Food is always necessary for life. Food is always needed for life. Летам у Кіёта вельмі горача. Summers are very hot in Kyoto. It's very hot at Quita's last. Вона грає в американський футбол. She's playing football. She's playing American soccer. Серйозно? Seriously? Really? Даже не говоря о цене, это платье мне не идёт. Apart from the cost, the dress doesn't suit me. Not to mention the price, it's not my dress. Вы любите водить машину? Do you like to drive? Do you like driving? Я навучылася жыць без яе. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. HTTP 2 толькі дадае новы ўзровень складнасці, не вырашаючы ніякіх сапраўды важных праблем. HTTP 2 just adds a new layer of complexity without solving any real-world problems. HTTP 2 only adds a new complexity level, without addressing any really important problems. Как мне объяснить своему мужу, что он меня оскорбляет? How can I explain to my husband that he's hurting me? How can I explain to my husband that he insults me? Том з Мері скажуть відмовляться. Tom and Mary are going to say no. Tom and Mary will say no. Я сплю днём і працую ўначы. I sleep during the day and work at night. I sleep day and work night. Том немного старше, чем я. Tom is somewhat older than I. Tom's a little older than me. Мне патрэбнае месца, каб прысесці. I need a place to sit. I need a place to sit down. Том — горький пьяница. Tom is a heavy drinker. Tom's a bitter drunk. Ти б хотів жити в Бостоні? Would you like to live in Boston? Would you like to live in Boston? Том значно запізнився. Tom was pretty late. Tom's far too late. Я доволен тем, что есть. I'm satisfied with the way things are. I'm happy with what I have. Я не знал, что Том меня ждёт. I didn't know Tom was waiting for me. I didn't know Tom was waiting for me. Том не програє. Tom won't lose. Tom won't lose. Прощальная речь Джейн нас очень опечалила. Jane's farewell speech made us very sad. Jane's farewell speech was very encouraging. Весь народ был тронут его речью. All the people were moved by his speech. All the people were touched by his speech. Я не переконана, що Том говорить правду. I'm not convinced that Tom is telling the truth. I'm not sure Tom is telling the truth. О чём она говорит? What is she talking about? What is she talking about? Они решили пожениться в следующем месяце. They decided to marry next month. They decided to get married next month. Она пыталась его убить. She tried to kill him. She tried to kill him. Ты з Урумчы? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumchi? Что я должен был делать в той ситуации? What should I have done in that situation? What was I supposed to do in that situation? Гусеница превратилась в бабочку. The caterpillar turned into a butterfly. The caterpillar's turned into a butterfly. Я просто виконав свою роботу. I just did my job. I just did my job. Це щойно трапилося? Did this just happen? Has this just happened? Том живёт далеко от аэропорта. Tom lives far from the airport. Tom lives far away from the airport. Почему Том с вами не согласен? Why doesn't Tom agree with you? Why doesn't Tom agree with you? Оба эти чемодана мои. Both of these suitcases are mine. Both these suitcases are mine. Які ж все-таки це гарні цуцики! What lovely puppies they are! How beautiful puppies they are! Том начал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect that something was wrong. Tom was beginning to suspect something was wrong. Ти знаєш цю пісню? Do you know this song? Do you know that song? У Тома не було у Бостоні жодних друзів. Tom didn't have any friends in Boston. Tom had no friends in Boston. Не стучи в дверь рукой. Don't knock on the door with your hand. Don't get your hand in the door. Том, вероятно, будет бояться собаки Мэри. Tom will probably be afraid of Mary's dog. Tom will probably be afraid of Mary's dog. Можливо, у Тома зламалася машина. Maybe Tom's car broke down. Maybe Tom's got a car broken. Том хотел уехать. Tom wanted to leave. Tom wanted to leave. Це не Том зробив. Tom isn't the one who did this. That's not what Tom did. Ти впевнений, що Том прийде? Are you sure Tom will come? Are you sure Tom's coming? Я думаю, што вы гатовыя. I think you're ready. I think you are ready. Я знаю, к кому мы можем обратиться за помощью. I know who we can get to help us. I know who we can turn to for help. Пачысціце бульбу. Cut the potatoes. Let's roll the bubble. Я ем и пью. I eat and drink. I eat and drink. Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. Я ніколи не бачив її такою. I've never seen her like that. I've never seen her like this. Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Tom admitted he killed Mary. Вони зробили помилки. They made mistakes. They made mistakes. Он отказался от этой идеи. He abandoned the idea. He gave up that idea. Жьдалъ єсмь сего! I was expecting it! I'm hungry of this! Том недавно вышел из тюрьмы. Tom recently got out of prison. Tom just got out of jail. Куды вы хадзілі? Where did you go? Where did you go? Бажаєш поїсти креветок? Do you want to eat prawns? Would you like to eat shrimp? Я нарадзілася ў 1979 годзе. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. Том побрился. Tom shaved. Tom's frowning. Чемоу? А чемоу ни? "Why?" "Why not?" And the knife isn't? Ей не нравится жить в центре города. She doesn't like living downtown. She doesn't like living in the middle of town. Где твои тёти? Where are your aunts? Where are your aunts? Його аморальні дії не лишилися непоміченими. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. Я не маю жодного відношення до цього. I've got nothing to do with it. I have nothing to do with it. Я б хацеў аднойчы паехаць у Афрыку. I want to go to Africa someday. I wanted to go to Africa once. Ти знаєш, чиї вони батьки? Do you know whose parents they are? Do you know whose parents they are? Він швидко розмовляє. He talks fast. He's talking fast. Том намагається уникати суперечок із Мері. Tom is trying to avoid arguing with Mary. Tom's trying to avoid the argument with Mary. Том обычно ездит на работу на автобусе. Tom usually takes a bus to work. Tom usually comes to work on the bus. Linux - це безкоштовна операційна система, тобі варто спробувати її використовувати. Linux is a free operating system; you should try it. Linux is a free operating system, you should try it. Вони співчувають. They're sympathetic. They are compassionate. Вона його кинула. She dumped him. She threw it away. Томе, я хочу лишитися з тобою. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Я прыгажэй за вас. I am more beautiful than you. I'm clinging for you. Мені подобається дивитися телевізор. I like watching TV. I like watching TV. Она тут главная. She's the boss around here. She's in charge here. Тому сказали, что он слишком низкий. Tom was told that he was too short. So they say it's too low. Том часто помиляється. Tom often makes mistakes. Tom's often wrong. Мы все были очень тронуты. We were all very moved. We were all very touched. Фатограф зрабіў здымак майго дома. A photographer took a photograph of my house. Theotographer took a picture of my house. Том не ездил в Бостон на машине. Tom didn't go to Boston by car. Tom didn't drive to Boston. Он сказал мне, что не уверен. He told me he wasn't sure. He told me he wasn't sure. Ваші батьки нас любили. Your parents loved us. Your parents loved us. Нет языка, прекраснее японского. No language is as lovely as Japanese. There's no language more beautiful than Japanese. Ти не знала, що Том — викладач французької? Didn't you know Tom is a French teacher? Did you not know Tom was a French teacher? Том був засмучений. Tom felt sad. Tom was upset. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom up to in Boston? What does Tom do in Boston? Чем твой отец зарабатывает на жизнь? What does your father do for a living? What does your father do for a living? Чому ти запитуєш мене? Why aren't you asking me? Why are you asking me? Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что это неправда. Please tell me it's not true. Please tell me it's not true. Всякое обобщение опасно, особенно такое. Every generalization is dangerous, especially this one. Every synthesis is dangerous, especially such. Мой отец покрасил почтовый ящик в красный. My father painted the mailbox red. My dad stole a mailbox in red. Я видел, как он на Вас смотрел. I saw the way he was looking at you. I saw him look at you. Она отказалась говорить по-английски. She refused to speak English. She refused to speak English. И дѣтѧ се вѣсть. Any child knows it. And that's it. Кажуць, што ў той старой капліцы ёсць здані. It is said that the old chapel is haunted. It is said that there is surrender in that old chapel. Я єдина, кому ти можеш довіряти. I'm the only one you can trust. I'm the only one you can trust. Повірити не можу, що ви мене не впізнали! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! Он сказал, что не обижен. He said that he wasn't offended. He said he wasn't hurt. Я журналістка. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. У Тома похмілля. Tom has a hangover. Tom's got a hangover. Спускайся сюда. Come down here. Come down here. Позавчера родилась наша внучка. Our granddaughter was born two days ago. Our grandson was born yesterday. Усіх з Калядамі! Merry Christmas, everybody! Everyone with Christmas! Пойдёшь завтра куда-нибудь? Will you go out tomorrow? Are you going somewhere tomorrow? Ну хоть повеселились. At least we had fun. At least have fun. Допомога прийшла занадто пізно. Help came too late. Help came too late. Я не хочу стричься. I don't want to cut my hair. I don't want to stop. Я приехал в Австралию, когда был ребёнком. I came to Australia when I was a child. I came to Australia when I was a child. Том купил мне хот-дог. Tom bought a hotdog for me. Tom bought me a hot dog. Я многому научился у Тома. I learned a lot from Tom. I learned a lot from Tom. Чтение книги сравнимо с путешествием. Reading a book can be compared to making a journey. Reading the book is like traveling. Неаполь - живописный город. Naples is a picturesque city. Naples is a picturesque town. Не смійся! Don't laugh. Don't laugh! Він не їсть нічого, окрім фруктів. He eats nothing other than fruit. He eats nothing but fruits. Гей, де ми? Hey, where are we? Hey, where are we? Слушай, тебе кто-то звонит. Look, someone is calling you. Look, someone's calling you. Оучитель сѣдѣлъ на стольци. The teacher sat on the chair. Teacher from school to taxi. Он продиктовал несколько писем своей секретарше. He dictated several letters to his secretary. He took a few letters from his secretary. Он знает Тома. He knows Tom. He knows Tom. Ти нікчемна людська істота. You are a despicable human being. You're a worthless human being. Вы не говорите по-французски? Can't you speak French? You don't speak French? Виходь. Get out. Come on out. Це речення. This is a sentence. It's a sentence. Белл винайшов телефон у 1876 році. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. Bell invented a phone in 1876. Вы не должны ничего от меня скрывать. You don't have to hide anything from me. You don't have to hide anything from me. Як щодо вечері? How about dinner? What about dinner? Все готовы идти. Everybody's ready to go. Everybody's ready to go. Проблема — це ви. You're the problem. The problem is you. Его уволили против желания. He was fired against his will. He was fired against his will. Ти це сказав годину тому. You said that an hour ago. You said it an hour ago. Лори дома? Is Laurie at home? Laurie's home? Почему ты меня не слушаешь? Why don't you listen to me? Why don't you listen to me? Ці у вас ёсць хата? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? Том был задержан полицией. Tom was detained by the police. Tom was detained by the police. Ты их напугал. You scared them. You scared them. Він відомий композитор. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Счастливого пути! Позвони мне из Парижа. Have a good trip! Call me from Paris! Good journey, call me from Paris. Чому всі плачуть? Why is everybody crying? Why are all crying? Вона не любить працювати. She doesn't like to work. She doesn't like working. Мій лікар порадив мені кинути палити. My doctor advised me to give up smoking. My doctor advised me to quit smoking. Дай мені закурити цигарку. Let me have a cigarette. Let me smoke a cigarette. Трудно ли учить греческий язык? Is it difficult to learn Greek? Is it hard to teach Greek? Ты ещё покупаешь лотерейные билеты? Do you still buy lottery tickets? You're still buying lottery tickets? Возьмите мой. Take mine. Take mine. Это могла быть любая из нас. It could've been any one of us. It could have been any of us. Выпей за моё здоровье! Drink to my health! Drink for my health! Ваш адказ няслушны. Your answer is wrong. Your answer is incorrect. Приведи мені хлопця. Bring me the boy. Bring me the guy. Он совершенно не понимал, что такое дифференциальное уравнение. He didn't understand the concept of differential equations. He was completely unaware of what differential equation was. Том отправил дочь спать без ужина. Tom sent his daughter to bed without dinner. Tom sent his daughter to bed without dinner. Майк не грає в баскетбол по понеділках. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Ви колись бачили ДТП? Have you ever seen a car accident? Have you ever seen an accident? Якщо щось може піти не так, так і станеться. If anything can go wrong, it will. If something's going wrong, it's going to happen. Мені потрібні факти. I want the facts. I need facts. Чому Том не співає? Why doesn't Tom sing? Why doesn't Tom sing? Чого ми боялися? What were we afraid of? What were we afraid of? Тома посадили в тюрьму. Tom has been put in jail. Tom was put in jail. Том сказал, что Мэри, скорее всего, победит. Tom said Mary would most likely win. Tom said Mary was likely to win. Они зашли в лес. They entered the forest. They went into the woods. Том у своїй кімнаті. Tom is in his room. Tom's in his room. Врач посоветовал Тому перестать пить. The doctor advised Tom to stop drinking. The doctor told him to stop drinking. Припини ставити ідіотські запитання. Quit asking stupid questions. Stop asking idiotic questions. У тебе буде час пообідати зі мною? Will you have time to have lunch with me? You'll have time for lunch with me? Том не узнал Мэри. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Tom didn't recognize Mary. Ты пьёшь молоко, не так ли? You drink milk, don't you? You drink milk, don't you? Её смерть была сильным ударом для него. Her death was a great blow to him. Her death was a powerful blow to him. Том не знав, що Мері розуміє французьку. Tom didn't know that Mary understood French. Tom didn't know Mary understood French. Они сказали, что были осторожны. They said they'd been careful. They said they were careful. Том не хоче там бути. Tom doesn't want to be there. Tom doesn't want to be there. Том не марнував на це часу. Tom wasted no time doing that. Tom didn't waste time on it. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know Tom is afraid. I know Tom's scared. Я сел в лифт и нажал кнопку своего этажа. I got on the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I sat down on my elevator and I put a button on my floor. Это ложь. This is a lie. It's a lie. Пол толькі што патэлефанаваў. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just rang. Самі быў цвярозы. Sami was sober. You were sober yourself. Ты разговариваешь во сне. You talk in your sleep. You're talking in a dream. Шкода, що я не багатий. I wish I were rich. I'm sorry I'm not rich. Я знаю, почему ты уходишь. I know why you're leaving. I know why you're leaving. У цябе добры настрой? Are you in a good mood? Do you have a good mood? Я дуже радий, що зробив це вчора. I'm very happy I did that yesterday. I'm very glad I did it yesterday. Она меня ударила, а не его. She hit me, not him. She hit me, not him. Добри дзень! Good day! Good afternoon! У мене встав на неї. I have a hard-on for her. I got her up. Заходь, будь ласка! Please step inside. Come in, please! Мері нижча від Тома. Mary is not as tall as Tom. Mary is lower than Tom. В саду цвели тигровые лилии. Tiger lillies bloomed in the garden. There were tiger leagues in the garden. Йде дощ, тому ми не можемо цим зайнятися. It's raining now, so we can't do that. It's raining, so we can't do this. Здецца, ён упершыню за сваё жыццё ў кагосьці сапраўды закахаўся. For the first time in his entire life, I think that he's really in love with someone. You know, it's the first time in his life that he really fell in love with somebody. Продовжуйте працювати. Keep working. Keep working. Ось чому ти купила все це? Is that why you bought all this stuff? That's why you bought all this? Добром это не кончится! This isn't going to end well! It won't end well! Я читал. I was reading. I read it. Дима переспал с 25 мужчинами за одну ночь, а потом их убил. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. The smoke slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Можливо, Том не робив того, що всі кажуть, що він зробив. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone said he did. Во сколько ты обычно встаёшь в субботу? What time do you usually get up on Saturday? How much do you usually get up on Saturday? Не ёрзай! Don't fidget. Don't move! Я не могу позволить себе иметь детей. I can't afford to have children. I can't afford to have kids. Не думай, что мы всегда серьёзны. Don't think we're always serious. Don't think we're always serious. Я героїня. I'm a hero. I'm a heroine. Не шути с огнём. Don't mess with fire. Don't make fun of the fire. Я знаю, что Том здесь делает. I know what Tom is doing here. I know what Tom's doing here. Он всё получает, потому что он жополиз. He gets everything because he's a brown-noser. He's getting it because he's a smug. Том археолог. Tom is an archaeologist. Tom's an archaeologist. Я винний. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. Я ничего ей не сделал. I didn't do anything to her. I didn't do anything to her. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public talks. Я можу читати. I can read. I can read. В октябре начинают падать листья. Leaves begin to fall in October. In October, leaves begin to fall. Не турбуй мене зараз. Don't bother me now. Don't bother me now. Починай. Begin. Start. Чемоу ми не речеши чемоу же сьдѣ вьси єсмъ? Why don't you tell me why we're all here? What are we not saying if we don't say anything? Шри-Ланка - красивый остров. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Том переконаний, що Мері винна. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Кейт умнее любого другого ученика в нашем классе. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. Кто хочет остаться, может остаться. Those who want to stay can stay. Anyone who wants to stay can stay. Это электроприбор. This is an electrical appliance. It's an electric set. Вони довірилися Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted That One. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix you breakfast. I'm going to have breakfast for you. Не имею ни малейшего представления. I have absolutely no clue. I don't have the slightest idea. Том был озадачен и заинтересован. Tom was both puzzled and concerned. Tom was puzzled and interested. Я можу читати англійською. I am able to read English. I can read English. Том неохоче вийшов із кімнати. Reluctantly, Tom left the room. Tom reluctantly left the room. Я понятия не имел, что ты с ней знаком. I had no idea you knew her. I had no idea you knew her. Все мне говорят, что я похож на моего отца. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone's telling me I look like my father. Вы это быстро сделали. You did that quickly. You did it quickly. Мені дуже лячно. I'm so scared. I'm very scared. Я передам ваше повідомлення Тому. I'll relay your message to Tom. I'll send your message to Tom. Я знаю, что вы специально это сделали. I know you did that on purpose. I know you did it on purpose. Чому це вас не турбує? Why doesn't that bother you? Why don't you care? На сніданок у мене завжди кава та грінки. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. I always have coffee and money for breakfast. Утверждают, что этот продукт для ухода за кожей может сглаживать морщины. This skin care product claims that it can remove wrinkles. This skin care product is said to be able to smooth wrinkles. Теннис - это единственный вид спорта, которым Том хорошо владеет. The only sport Tom is any good at is tennis. Tennessee is the only sport that Tom owns well. Мама сводила меня в парк. My mother took me to the park. Mom took me to the park. Он сознался в своем преступлении. He confessed his crime. He confessed to his crime. Як ти думаєш, скільки чоловік буде сьогодні на зустрічі? How many people do you think will be at today's meeting? How many men do you think we're going to meet today? Все в шоколаді. Everything's fine. Everyone's in chocolate. Что вы знаете о Томе такого, чего не знаю я? What do you know about Tom that I don't know? What do you know about Tom that I don't know? Пепепрошую, його тут немає. Sorry, he is not here. I beg you, he's not here. Ще не час їсти. It's not time to eat yet. It's not time to eat. Том и Мэри изучают французский вместе. Tom and Mary are learning French together. Tom and Mary are studying French together. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Фадзіль расказаў усё ў міліцыі. Fadil told police everything. Fadil said everything to the police. Том звычайна не носіць піжаму. Tom doesn't usually wear pajamas. Tom usually doesn't wear pajamas. Эх, здесь у вас так скучно! Gee, it sure is boring around here! Uh, you're so bored here! Мы с Джоном старые друзья. John and I are old friends. John and I are old friends. Це її книжка? Is it her book? Is that her book? Ви його недооцінюєте. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Хотите доказательств? Do you want proof? You want proof? Том приїжджає наступного тижня. Tom is coming next week. Tom's coming next week. Нам патрэбна паспрабаваць яшчэ раз. We need to try again. We need to try again. Она сняла с себя одежду. She took off her clothes. She took off her clothes. Я хачу скідку. I want a discount. I want a discount. Тебе жалко Тома? Do you feel sorry for Tom? Are you sorry for Tom? Я ведаю твайго бацьку. I know your father. I know your father. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the boss. Подыщи себе приличный костюм. Find yourself a decent suit. You can find yourself a decent suit. Я перезвоню. I'll call back later. I'll call you back. Он ещё не сделал этого. He hasn't made it yet. He hasn't done it yet. Ходять чутки. Rumors have been circulating. There are rumors. Ради всего святого! For God's sake! For God's sake! Не обращайте на них внимания. Ignore them. Don't pay attention to them. Если Вы нажмёте на эту кнопку, дверь откроется. If you push this button, the door will open. If you click this button, the door will open. Я гей. I am gay. I'm gay. Вьсе бъıло лѣпо възороу. Everything looked nice. It was just the inside of the building. Хіба ти не зробив домашню роботу? Haven't you done your homework? Didn't you do your homework? Я поехал на поезде. I went by train. I went on a train. Динамит изобрел Альфред Нобель в 1857 году. Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1857. Dinamyth invented Alfred Nobel in 1857. Хіба ви не здивовані, що я прийшла? Aren't you surprised that I came? Aren't you surprised I came? Мне всё равно, останемся мы или нет. I don't care whether we stay or not. I don't care if we stay. То, что ты говоришь, важнее того, как ты это говоришь. What you say is more important than how you say it. What you say is more important than how you say it. Я певен, що ви знайомі з Томом. I'm sure you've met Tom. I'm sure you're familiar with Tom. Заўтра я еду ў Парыж. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. Она мне не особенно нравится. I don't really like her. I don't really like her. Чудово виглядаєш. You look great. You look great. Вона була відомою акторкою. She was a famous actress. She was a famous actor. Она Вас знает? Does she know you? Does she know you? Мене поранили. I got hurt. I was wounded. Той, хто хоче миру, готується до війни. He who wishes for peace, prepares for war. Anyone who wants peace is preparing for war. Хто хоча какаву? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants the cocoa? Перестань это делать, Том. Stop doing that, Tom. Stop doing that, Tom. Я обычно встаю около шести тридцати. I usually get up at about six-thirty. I usually get about six o'clock. Той день прийде! That day shall come. That day will come! Почему бы нам не поужинать сегодня вечером в ресторане? Why don't we eat at a restaurant tonight? Why don't we have dinner tonight at the restaurant? Я назвала своїх котів Томом та Джері. I called my cats Tom and Jerry. I called my cats Tom and Jerry. A - множество, состоящее из элементов c, b и a. A is a set consisting of the elements c, b, and a. A is a lot consisting of elements c, b and a. Коли ти очікуєш приїхати? When do you expect to arrive? When do you expect to come? Скажи ей, пусть уйдёт. Tell her to leave. Tell her to leave. Я разлічвала на яго. I counted on him. I counted on him. Обещай мне, что не скажешь ей. Promise me you won't tell her. Promise me you won't tell her. Я уверена, что Том поможет вам. I'm sure Tom will help you. I'm sure Tom will help you. Він вийшов за мого брата. He married my brother. He came out for my brother. Мені здається, ти не маєш рації. I believe that you are wrong. I don't think you have a radio. Я відремонтувала годинник. I had my watch fixed. I repaired my watch. Шум действовал мне на нервы. The noise got on my nerves. The noise was acting on my nerves. Сегодня вечером будет холодно. It'll be cold this evening. It's gonna be cold tonight. Думаю, что Том плакал. I think Tom has been crying. I think Tom was crying. Якби я була з тобою, я могла би тобі допомогти. If I had been with you, I could have helped you. If I were with you, I could help you. Том — барацьбіт за справядлівасць. Tom is a crusader. Tom is a struggle for justice. Ви, мабуть, брат Тома. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. Мы очень за это благодарны. We're very grateful for that. We're very grateful for that. Есть большая разница между теорией и идеей. There's a great difference between a theory and an idea. There's a big difference between theory and idea. Це було у двохтисячному році. It was in the year two thousand. It was in a two-year year year. Вы мне не верите? Don't you believe me? You don't believe me? Я не имбецил. I'm not an imbecile. I didn't immunize. Даю слово. You have my word. I give you my word. У неї було складне дитинство. She had a rough childhood. She had a complicated childhood. Тому було тринадцять, коли він загинув. Tom was thirteen when he died. So it was thirteen when he died. Карен пішла туди сама. Karen went there herself. Karen went there alone. Том заслуговує на це. Tom deserves that. Tom deserves it. Bob vielmi lubić vienhierski bob. Bob is specially fond of Hungarian beans. Bobelmi lubierski bob. Вы действительно ожидали, что Том скажет вам правду? Did you really expect Tom to tell you the truth? Did you really expect Tom to tell you the truth? Вам подобається цим займатися? Do you like doing this? Do you like to do this? Я стал адвокатом, чтобы помогать людям. I became a lawyer to help people. I became a lawyer to help people. Я не знаю, скільки воно коштувало. I don't know how much it cost. I don't know how much it cost. Том забув сказати тобі. Tom forgot to tell you. Tom forgot to tell you. Вона прожила щасливе життя. She lived a happy life. She lived a happy life. Хіба ви не хочете знати, що трапилося з Томом? Don't you want to know what happened to Tom? Don't you want to know what happened to Tom? Тигр его лизнул. The tiger licked him. The tiger slipped him off. Вона гірко плакала. She cried bitterly. She cried bitterly. Де ти про нас почув? How did you hear about us? Where did you hear about us? Тое, што яна сказала, я ўспрыняў літаральна. I took what she said literally. What she said I ebbed literally. Куди саме в Австралії ти їдеш? Which part of Australia are you going to? Where exactly are you going in Australia? Такую ситуацию я бы очень хотел изменить. It's a situation I would love to change. That's the situation I'd really like to change. На якому ми поверсі? What floor are we on? Which floor are we on? Можете подойти ближе? Can you come closer? Can you come closer? Ты быў заняты? Were you busy? Have you been busy? Мы обе были заняты. We were both busy. We were both busy. Я обожнюю кіно. I love movies. I love movies. Очевидно, що Том з Мері — більше, ніж просто друзі. It's obvious that Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Obviously, Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Тобі подобається англійська, чи не так? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Вечірка у повному розпалі. The party is in full swing. The party's full. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён кахае мяне. I wanted Tom to say he loved me. I wanted Tom to say he loves me. Зніміть пальто. Take off your coat. Take off your coat. Яка зі сторін перемогла? Which side won? Which side won? Яке в тебе склалося враження про Сполучені Штати? What's your impression of the United States? How did you feel about the United States? Кто-то украл мой чемодан. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my suitcase. Ви завжди помиляєтеся. You're always making mistakes. You're always wrong. Ты любишь свою милую маленькую собачку? Do you love your dear little dog? Do you love your sweet little dog? Мы не можем уйти. We can't leave. We can't leave. Она бразильянка. She's Brazilian. She's a Brazilian. Може, Тому нудно. Tom may be bored. Maybe that's why it's boring. Є одна проблема. There is one problem. There's one problem. Ви не занадто молоді, щоб палити? Aren't you too young to smoke? You're not too young to smoke? Он не богаче меня. He isn't richer than me. He's not richer than I am. У нас много денег. We've got plenty of money. We have a lot of money. Навошта ты саромеешся таго, чаго не зрабіў? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why do you make fun of something you didn't do? Это вне моей компетенции. That's outside my area of expertise. It's beyond my competence. Мы с Томом часто дарим друг другу подарки. Tom and I often give each other gifts. Tom and I often give each other gifts. Том слишком много смотрит телевизор. Tom watches too much TV. Tom's watching TV too much. Боже мои! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Я убеждён в своей правоте. I am convinced that I am right. I'm convinced of my right. Что его на самом деле беспокоит? What's really bothering him? What's really bothering him? Спочатку я йому не повірив. I didn't believe him at first. I didn't believe him at first. Тому багато чого не подобалося. There were many things Tom didn't like. As a result, many did not like it. Том единственный не знал, что Мэри переехала в Бостон. Tom is the only one who didn't know that Mary had moved to Boston. Tom was the only one who didn't know Mary had moved to Boston. Это Том нарисовал эту картину. Tom is the one who drew this picture. It was Tom who painted this painting. Мне удалось достать два билета на концерт. I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. I managed to get two tickets to a concert. Лейла спізнилася. Layla was too late. Lila's late. Ты был в прошлом году на Хоккайдо? Were you in Hokkaido last year? You were in Hokkaido last year? Жаль, что ты не пошёл с нами. I wish you had come with us. I'm sorry you didn't come with us. Ты не знаешь всех фактов. You don't know all the facts. You don't know all the facts. Вы должны разговаривать только на английском. You have to speak only English. You only have to speak English. Кнїжка жовта. The book is yellow. The book's yellow. Не знал, что ты романтик. I didn't know you were a romantic. I didn't know you were an romantic. Батько вдома. My father is at home. Father's home. Зніми капелюх. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Вам не зрозуміти. You can't understand. You don't understand. Мы наконец достигли вершины. We've finally reached the summit. We finally reached the tops. Вечнага кахання не існуе. Eternal love doesn't exist. Everlasting love does not exist. Том преподаёт французский в старшей школе. Tom teaches French at a high school. Tom teaches French at high school. В этом озере плавать небезопасно. It's dangerous to swim in this lake. It's not safe to swim in that lake. Том живе по сусідству. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Я не хотел огорчить Тома. I didn't want to upset Tom. I didn't mean to grieve Tom. Ти щось чула? Have you heard anything? Did you hear anything? Тот фильм действительно интересный. That film's really interesting. That movie is really interesting. Том все ще займається тим, чим має займатися. Tom is still doing what he's supposed to be doing. Tom's still doing what he has to do. Ёй не трэба працаваць. She doesn't need to work. She doesn't need to work. Ало! Hello. Hello! Я очень огорчён. I'm very upset. I'm very upset. Как вам Том? What do you think of Tom? How about Tom? Том ще грає у гольф, правда? Tom still plays golf, doesn't he? Tom's still playing golf, isn't he? Думаю, это Том виноват. I think it's Tom's fault. I think it's Tom's fault. Невеста - американка польского происхождения. The bride is American with Polish origins. The bride is an American Polish woman. Я щойно закінчив робити домашню роботу. I've just finished my homework. I just finished doing my homework. Завтра выходной. Tomorrow is a holiday. Tomorrow is the day off. Том — наш викладач французької. Tom is our French teacher. Tom is our French teacher. Я забув зробити те, про що мене попросив Том. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. Я до смерти хочу с вами встретиться. I'm dying to meet you all. I'd like to meet you to death. Ты неверно понял предложение. You misunderstood the sentence. You've got the wrong idea. Йому байдуже, що кажуть інші. He is indifferent to what others say. He doesn't care what others say. Це кіт Тома. This cat is Tom's. It's Tom's cat. Что бы ты хотел, чтобы Дед Мороз тебе принёс? What would you like Santa to bring you? What would you like Father Christmas to bring you? Том не пытается произвести на вас впечатление. Tom isn't trying to impress you. Tom's not trying to impress you. Я ще зайнятий. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Ми не можемо сказати Тому. We can't tell Tom. We can't say to him. Я так сильно змінилася? Have I changed that much? Did I change so much? Ти вважаєш що тут нудно? Do you think it's boring here? You think it's boring? Вашому замовленню присвоєно найвищий рівень пріоритету. We have given your order highest priority. Your job has been assigned to the highest priority. Я их не боюсь. I don't fear them. I'm not afraid of them. Где наши друзья? Where are our friends? Where are our friends? С ума сошла? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Она дает ему всё, что он ни попросит. She gives him everything he asks for. She gives him everything he's gonna ask for. Гадаю, Тому не слід цим займатися. I think Tom shouldn't do that. I think that's why we shouldn't do this. Це буде весело. It'll be fun. It'll be fun. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері може перемогти. Tom said that he hopes Mary can win. Tom said he expected Mary to win. Когда он начинается? When does it start? When does it start? Я бы не хотела ничего лучшего. I'd like nothing better. I wouldn't want anything better. Я слышал слухи о Томе и Мэри. I've heard rumors about Tom and Mary. I heard rumors about Tom and Mary. Я сумніваюсь, що Том справді мав на увазі те, що він сказав. I doubt that Tom really meant what he said. I doubt Tom really meant what he said. Я хожу в школу с ним. I go to school with him. I go to school with him. Дай-но подивлюся. Let me see it. Let me see. Все, що в мене є, — це книжки. All I have is books. All I have is books. Ви не слухаєте. You're not listening. You don't listen. Том знает что-то, чего не знает Мэри. Tom knows something Mary doesn't. Tom knows something Mary doesn't know. Всем внимание! Attention, please! All attention! Том та Мері сказали, що вони не винні. Tom and Mary said they're innocent. Tom and Mary said they weren't guilty. Табе варта было б прыслухацца да сваёй маці. You ought to listen to your mother. Thee should have listened to her mother. Более удобного и подробного справочника по грамматике я еще не встречал. A more convenient and detailed reference grammar, I have yet to meet. I haven't seen a more convenient and detailed grammar manual yet. Коли ти була в душі, телефонував Том. Tom called while you were in the shower. When you were in the shower, Tom called. У Тома сильный немецкий акцент. Tom has a heavy German accent. Tom has a strong German accent. Том ще спить? Is Tom still asleep? Tom's still asleep? Том сподівається, що Мері відвідає Австралію. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Tom expects Mary to visit Australia. Я визнала, що не зробила того, що пообіцяла. I admitted I didn't do what I promised to do. I admitted that I had not done what I had promised. Не палити! Don't smoke! Don't smoke! Нас превзошли числом. We were outnumbered. We are too many. Английский — это, можно сказать, универсальный язык. English is a kind of universal language. English is a universal language. Я не такі, як ты. I'm not like you. I'm not like you. Том сказав, що він здоровий. Tom said he's healthy. Tom said he was healthy. Хотіла би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I'd like to know what you're looking for. Я втратила віру. I lost faith. I lost my faith. Мы должны защищать своих детей. We must protect our children. We must protect our children. Вы были удивлены? Were you amazed? Were you surprised? Думаю, завтра буде сніг. I believe it will be snowing tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be snow. Каждая переработанная алюминиевая банка сохраняет столько энергии, что её достаточно для работы телевизора на протяжении трёх часов. Every recycled aluminium can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours. Each processed aluminium bank retains so much energy that it is sufficient for television to work for three hours. Том не хоче бути головним. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Можна поговорити з Білом? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Том спав перед телевізором. Tom was asleep in front of the TV. Tom was sleeping in front of the TV. Це складна проблема. The problem is complex. It's a complicated problem. Всі бояться. Everybody is afraid. Everyone's scared. Том не дихає. Tom's not breathing. Tom's not breathing. Телефон Вас разбудил? Did the phone wake you? Did your phone wake you? Дорога не соответствует количеству проходящих через нее машин. The road is inadequate for the amount of traffic which it carries. The road does not correspond to the number of cars passing through it. Том, кажется, приятный человек. Tom seems to be a kind person. Tom seems to be a nice man. Англійська - не моя рідна мова. English is not my first language. English isn't my native language. Чому, на вашу думку, я тут? Why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I'm here? Том жалуется? Is Tom complaining? Is Tom complaining? Я рад, что ты мне о ней рассказал. I'm glad you told me about her. I'm glad you told me about her. Ви не така. You are different. You're not like that. Я провёл большую часть своей жизни в Бостоне. I've spent most of my life in Boston. I've spent most of my life in Boston. Я думаю, вам стоит это сделать. I think you should do that. I think you should do it. Том не понял, что совершил ошибку. Tom didn't realize he'd made a mistake. Tom didn't realize he made a mistake. Боıалъ сѧ єсмь погоубити въ тьмѣ. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. If you're sick, you'll have to hang out. У мене зламався мобільний телефон. My mobile phone is broken. I broke my cell phone. Не будьте таким вузьколобим. Don't be so narrow-minded. Don't be so narrow. Ви сказали Тому, що я був тут? Did you tell Tom that I was here? You said because I was here? Було трешенє жеми и додатково, бул и цунами. There was an earthquake and, in addition, there was a tsunami. It was bloated with wives and extra, bull and tsunamis. Помой окна. Clean the windows. Keep your windows warm. Я купил её для сестры. I bought this for my sister. I bought her for my sister. Що тобі в цьому подобається? What do you like about it? What do you like about that? Что вас опечалило? What made you sad? What upset you? Я хочу знать, кто его начал. I want to know who started it. I want to know who started it. Я більше не можу вам довіряти. I can no longer trust you. I can't trust you anymore. Том зі своїми друзями. Tom is with his friends. Tom and his friends. Самі пакінуў іслам. Sami left Islam. He left the Islam with himself. Я не понимаю, что ты пытаешься сказать. I don't understand what you are trying to say. I don't understand what you're trying to say. Чаму? Why? Why? Том відмовився впустити Мері до будинку. Tom refused to let Mary in the house. Tom refused to let Mary enter the house. Магу я паглядзець на Ваш пашпарт? May I look at your passport? Can I look at your passport? Хватит, я не хочу этим заниматься. Stop. I don't want to do this. Stop, I don't want to do this. Том постукав у двері туалету. Tom knocked on the lavatory door. Tom knocked at the toilet door. У Тома выдался тот еще год. It's been quite a year for Tom. Tom's been out for another year. Тобі подобаються поїздки? Do you like to travel? Do you like traveling? Жьди мене! Wait for me! Wait for me! Простите, Вы не могли бы повторить вопрос? Could you please repeat the question? Excuse me, could you repeat the question? Мълвиши ли роусьскъı? Do you speak Russian? Have you heard the rolls? Его приняли за его младшего брата. He was mistaken for his younger brother. He was accepted for his younger brother. Не хвилюйся про таку дрібницю. Don't worry about such a trifle. Don't worry about that little thing. Я сказала ему, что передумала. I told him I'd changed my mind. I told him I changed my mind. Діти — квіти нашого життя. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our life. Где он купил эти ботинки? Where did he buy these shoes? Where did he buy those shoes? Я рассказала шутку. I told a joke. I told you a joke. Том сказав, що планує їхати. Tom said he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to go. Я кинула пити пиво. I've quit drinking beer. I quit drinking beer. Он был осторожен. He was careful. He was careful. Нам затишно у нашому новому будинку. We're comfortable in our new house. We're comfortable in our new house. Не треба сперечатися. Don't argue. You don't have to argue. Вони мене побачили. They saw me. They saw me. Ты не хочешь ещё дочку? Don't you want to have another daughter? You don't want another daughter? Я знаю жену Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Я вырос в Австралии. I grew up in Australia. I grew up in Australia. Мне надо было оставить Тому записку. I should've left Tom a note. I should have left that note. Том поняття не мав, що Мері на нього запала. Tom had no idea that Mary had a crush on him. Tom had no idea that Mary fell on him. Що ми будемо робити цього літа? What are we going to do this summer? What are we going to do this summer? Ти мала рацію. You were correct. You were right. Тобі телефонував Том. You got a phone call from Tom. Tom called you. Сколько живут черепахи? How long does a turtle live? How many turtles live? Том чекає на відповідь. Tom is waiting for an answer. Tom's waiting for an answer. Том решил отказаться от профессиональной игры на гитаре. Tom decided to give up playing guitar professionally. Tom decided to give up his guitar. Тебе нельзя здесь оставаться. You can't stay here. You can't stay here. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, у нього грип. Tom told me he thought he had the flu. Tom told me he thought he had a flu. Гадаю, Том хворий. I guess Tom is sick. I think Tom's sick. Хто попросив Тома це зробити? Who asked Tom to do that? Who asked Tom to do this? Вы ведь их не знали? You didn't know them, did you? You didn't know them, did you? Я видел, как ты ему её дал. I saw you give it to him. I saw you give it to him. Ты не мог бы выйти из комнаты? Would you mind leaving the room? Could you come out of the room? Вона звинуватила мене в тому, що я зробив помилку. She accused me of making a mistake. She accused me of making a mistake. В ту самую секунду я влюбилась в этот язык. In that very second, I fell in love with the language. That very second I fell in love with that language. Я потрібна Мері Mary needs me. I need Mary. Люди похожи на муравьёв. The people look like ants. People look like ants. Он не именно это сказал, но смысл был такой. He did not say exactly that but that was the essence of it. He didn't say that, but the point was that. Я родилась 2 января 1968 года. I was born on January 2 in 1968. I was born on January 2, 1968. Том опять проспал. Tom overslept again. Tom's been asleep again. Мама зараз грає у теніс. Mum is playing tennis now. Mom's playing tennis now. Все разные. Everyone is different. Everything's different. Я пам'ятаю, як було першого разу. I remember the first time. I remember the first time. Улюбленним заняттям Мері було читання філософських книг, у той час як Том надавав перевагу мастурбуванню. Mary's favorite pastime was reading philosophy books, while Tom preferred masturbating. Mary’s favorite occupation was reading philosophical books, while Tom preferred to masturbate. Почему ты с ними? Why are you with them? Why are you with them? Он ответил родителям. He replied to his parents. He told his parents. Вы можете отличить аллигатора от крокодила? Can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? Can you distinguish alligator from crocodile? Гроші не ростуть на деревах. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Не мога ми доити дѣтѧ · нѣ ми молока. I cannot breast-feed my baby. I don't have milk. We couldn't have milk. Я не магу сказаць дакладна. I can't say for sure. I can't say exactly. То карсцель. It is a chair. That's the cartel. Її підозри справдилися. Her suspicions were right. Her suspicions were justified. Я хочу переїхати до села. I want to move to the country. I want to move to the village. Сядай і пагавары са мною. Sit down and talk to me. Sit and chat with me. Чьто лихого бѣгати о домѣ нагоу? What's wrong with running around your house naked? What's so bad about the house? Якщо щодо того, щоб піти в кіно? How about going to a movie? What about going to the movies? Я розчарувався. I'm disappointed. I was disappointed. Я знаю, що Том втомився. I know Tom is tired. I know Tom's tired. Я фарбую гараж. I am painting the garage. I'm painting a garage. Мені подобається вчителька. I like the teacher. I like my teacher. Йоко перевела несколько стихотворений с японского на английский. Yoko translated some poems from Japanese into English. Yoko translated several English poems from Japanese to English. Пакладзі крыху болей цукру. Put in a little more sugar. Move a little bit more sugar. Тебе надо было остаться с нами. You should've stayed with us. You should have stayed with us. Некоторые птицы не летали. Some of the birds didn't fly. Some birds didn't fly. Не играйте с ними в покер. Don't play poker with them. Don't play poker with them. Его приветствовали везде, куда бы он ни шёл. He was welcomed wherever he went. He was welcomed wherever he went. Какой у меня ещё был выбор? What other choice did I have? What other choice did I have? Гарри работает неполный рабочий день в местном супермаркете. Harry works part-time at the local supermarket. Harry works part-time at the local supermarket. Как только наш менеджер перестал нас беспокоить, всё пошло без малейших затруднений. As soon as our manager got off our backs, everything started to go off without a hitch. Once our manager stopped worrying, it went without the slightest difficulty. Воно однакове. It's all the same. It's the same. Он плавает как топор. He can no more swim than a hammer can. He's swimming like an ax. Номер готовий. Your room's ready. The number's ready. Я должна идти. I must be going. I have to go. Я давяраю яму таму, што ён ніколі не хлусіць. I trust him because he never tells a lie. I trust him because he never lie. Перестань говорить о них. Stop talking about them. Stop talking about them. Вони обидва розміялися. They both laughed. They both laughed. Мъногаıа хвала! Thanks a lot! Many praises! Том и Мэри поцеловались. Tom and Mary kissed one another. Tom and Mary kissed. Більшість супротивників рабства не голосувало. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. The majority of those opposed to slavery did not vote. Нам надо сказать людям, что им нужно делать. We have to tell people what they need to do. We need to tell people what to do. І що гірше, останнім часом він почав пити алкогольні напої. And, to make the matter worse, he has taken to drinking. And worse, he's been drinking alcohol lately. Я на це не відповідатиму. I'm not going to answer that. I won't answer that. Том не сказал нам, чем он так расстроен. Tom didn't tell us why he was so upset. Tom didn't tell us how upset he was. Я попросила их отремонтировать мою машину. I asked them to fix my car. I asked them to fix my car. Звідки ти знаєш, наскільки це складно? How do you know how hard it is? How do you know how difficult it is? Он хочет её поцеловать. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her. Мэри уже убралась у себя в комнате? Has Mary cleaned her room yet? Mary already got into her room? Том — власник кафе, що спеціалізується на морозиві. Tom is an ice cream shop owner. Tom is the owner of a cafe specializing in the ice cream. Я уже умею говорить по-французски. I can already speak French. I already know how to speak French. Том любит читать Германа Гессе. Tom likes reading Hermann Hesse. Tom likes to read Herman Hess. Той ящик більший, ніж цей. That box is bigger than this one. That box is bigger than this one. Ви п'єте занадто багато кави. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Том наступного тижня повертається з Австралії. Tom is coming back to Australia next week. Tom comes back from Australia the following week. Шкода, що він не прийшов на зустріч. I wish he had attended the meeting. I'm sorry he didn't come to the meeting. Не чіпай цієї блакитної кнопки. Don't touch that blue button. Don't touch that blue button. Винесіть сміття. Take the garbage out. Get the trash out of here. Давай дадим Тому шанс. Let's give Tom a chance. Let's give that a chance. Ты поедешь поездом? Will you go by train? Are you going on a train? Я не вельмі добра граю ў бейсбол. I'm not very good at playing baseball. I'm not good at baseball. Вони не виглядають задоволеними. They don't seem happy. They don't look happy. Я сподівався, що морозиво не розтане так швидко. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so quickly. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so fast. Мэри любит дразнить брата. Mary likes teasing her brother. Mary likes to mock a brother. Ти згоден? Do you agree? Do you agree? Он будет любить её вечно. He will love her forever. He'll love her forever. Не відчиняйте двері. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Ви знаєте, куди ми їдемо? Do you know where we're going? Do you know where we're going? Одолжи мне свой словарь, пожалуйста. Please lend me your dictionary. Give me your dictionary, please. Я прокинувся занадто пізно. I woke up too late. I woke up too late. Тебе давно надо было бросить курить. I should've quit smoking a long time ago. You should have quit smoking for a long time. Яе твар стаў ружовым. Her face became pink. Her face became a pink. Я випадково взяв твою парасольку. I took your umbrella by mistake. I accidentally took your umbrella. Кисень і водень утворюють воду. Oxygen and hydrogen make water. Oxygen and hydrogen make up water. Він зробив нам стіл і дві лавки. He made a desk and two benches for us. He made us a table and two benches. Нас просят представиться по очереди. We are asked to introduce ourselves in turn. We are asked to present ourselves in turn. Я говорила. I was speaking. I said. Не усложняйте. Keep it simple. Don't make it difficult. Давайте быстрей, а то в школу опоздаете. Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. Let's go faster, or you'll be late for school. Я никому ничего не хочу рассказывать. I don't want to tell anyone anything. I don't want to tell anyone. У них есть другой план. They have another plan. They have another plan. Я вам это сто раз говорил. I've told you so a hundred times. I told you that a hundred times. Ты не думал попросить помощи у Тома? Have you considered asking Tom to help you? Did you not ask for Tom's help? Том пытался помогать Мэри. Tom tried to assist Mary. Tom was trying to help Mary. У нас достатньо продовольства. We have ample food. We have enough food. Я сделал всё возможное, чтобы помочь Тому. I tried my best to help Tom. I did my best to help Tom. Хіба ти не заплатиш? Aren't you going to pay? Will you not pay? Я не позволю тебе забрать моих детей. I won't let you take my children away from me. I'm not gonna let you take my kids. Сє коньць. This is the end. It's a horse. Том, можна сказати, гарний. Tom is kind of handsome. Tom, you could say it's nice. Ты сегодня вечером работаешь? Are you working tonight? Are you working tonight? Я не могу выбросить это из головы. I can't get that out of my mind. I can't get it out of my head. Він визнав, що це правда. He admitted that it was true. He acknowledged that this was the truth. Это продаётся? Is that for sale? Is it sold? Гэтая кніга будзе табе вельмі карыснай. This book will be of great use to you. This book will be very useful to you. Это совершенно неожиданно. This is totally unexpected. It's totally unexpected. Сходи туда завтра. Go there tomorrow! Go in there tomorrow. Скажи ему, что тебе нужно. Tell him what you need. Tell him what you need. Том запротестував. Tom protested. Tom was protesting. Том не любит, когда его толкают. Tom doesn't like being pushed. Tom doesn't like to be pushed. Він фін. He's Finnish. He's Finnish. Мне падабаецца джаз. I like jazz music. I like jazz. Что я должен ему сказать? What should I tell him? What am I supposed to tell him? Вона в туалеті. She's on the loo. She's in the bathroom. Том зустрів Мері на роботі. Tom met Mary at work. Tom met Mary at work. Она потратила все свои деньги. She has spent all her money. She spent all her money. Ви не можете дозволити, щоб Том це знову з вами зробив. You can't let Tom do that to you again. You can't let Tom do this to you again. Гэта проста забабоны. That's just superstition. It's just crazy. Вы перед ней извинились? Did you apologize to her? Did you apologize to her? Вони всі туристи. They're all tourists. They're all tourists. Я вегетаріанка. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Я точно знаю, где найти Тома. I know exactly where to find Tom. I know exactly where to find Tom. Скільки років цим деревам, на вашу думку? How old do you think those trees are? How old are these trees, you think? Том ни разу не ездил в Австралию. Tom has never gone to Australia. Tom never went to Australia. К счастью, он не погиб в аварии. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Fortunately, he didn't die in an accident. Ліза Ліліэн замужам за Дэнам Шнайдарам. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lilien is married to Dan Schneider. Я вже не одинокий. I'm not lonely anymore. I'm not alone anymore. Нам байдуже. We don't care. We don't care. Сомневаюсь, что Том и Мэри всё ещё дома. I doubt that Tom and Mary are still home. I doubt Tom and Mary are still at home. Ти мудра. You're wise. You're wise. Ты говорил о своём хобби? Were you speaking about your hobbies? Did you talk about your hobby? Я тебя поддерживаю на сто процентов. I support you one hundred percent. I support you a hundred percent. Яблоки - самые лучшие фрукты. Apples are the best fruit. Apples are the best. Ваші діти все ще сплять? Are your kids still in bed? Are your kids still asleep? Ми пролітаємо над Тихим океаном. We are flying over the Pacific. We're flying over the Pacific Ocean. Ти вже зробив домашнє завдання? Did you already do your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Я рассказала Тому всё о том, что мы сделали вчера. I told Tom all about what we did yesterday. I told him everything about what we did yesterday. Это был несчастный случай. It was an accident. It was an accident. Ты ведь ещё не сказал Тому? You haven't told Tom yet, have you? You haven't told Tom yet, have you? Він з'їв коробку шоколадних цукерок. He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of chocolate candy. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan a new school year begins in April. Всі хотіли, щоб Том був щасливий. Everybody wanted Tom to be happy. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Мені цікаво, чи Том перебірливий у їжі. I wonder whether or not Tom is a picky eater. I wonder if Tom is perplexing in food. Через час я встречаюсь с Томом. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. I'm meeting Tom in an hour. Побережи сили. Save your strength. Protect your strength. Поѧвъ перо и въспьсалъ мѣстьце. He took the pen and wrote the address. It's a pen and then it's a machete. Свяшчэннай кнігай мусульман з’яўляецца Каран. The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an. The SACRED Book of Muslims is the Koran. Куда ты спрятал мои сигареты? Where did you hide my cigarettes? Where did you hide my cigarettes? У мене іноді проблеми із запам'ятовуванням. I sometimes have trouble remembering things. I've got some memory problems. Дабранач! Goodnight! Good night! Мы атрымалі скаргі ад аднаго з брусэльскіх удзельнікаў. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. We've got complaints from one of the Brussels parties. Я правда очень хотел бы с тобой поехать, но не могу. I really wish I could go with you, but I can't. I'd really like to go with you, but I can't. Том сказав мені, що він у розпачі. Tom told me that he was desperate. Tom told me he was desperate. Калі ты не ўмееш любіць самоту, ты не ўмееш любіць кампанію іншых. If you cannot enjoy solitude, you cannot enjoy the company of others. If you don't know how to love yourself, you don't know how to love the company of others. Це я переконала Тома допомогти. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I convinced Tom to help. Том зробив щось таке, чого не мусив робити? Did Tom do something he shouldn't have? Tom did something he didn't have to do? Том спав у іншій кімнаті. Tom slept in the other room. Tom slept in another room. Пакой напоўніў пах лілій. A smell of lilies filled the room. The arm filled the scent of the lily. Она любима всеми. She is beloved by everyone. She's everyone's favorite. Том закончил уборку на кухне и принялся за уборку в гостиной. Tom finished cleaning the kitchen and then started cleaning the living room. Tom finished the cleaning at the kitchen and took up the cleaning in the living room. Ученики ленивы. The students are lazy. Scholars are lazy. Каравай на вяселлі быў не вельмі смачны. The wedding cake didn't taste very good. The bark at the wedding was not very good. Вона розлютилася. She got mad. She's angry. Вот и осень настала. Here the fall came. It's autumn. Предлагаю тебе сделать это сегодня. I suggest you do that today. I suggest you do it today. Ви, звичайно ж, розумний. You certainly are smart. Of course you're smart. Хотів би я жартувати, але я не жартую. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. I'd like to be joking, but I'm not kidding. Этот ящик весит тонну. Что внутри? This box weighs a ton. What's inside? This box weighs a ton. Какой вид пиццы ты любишь больше всего? What's your favorite type of pizza? What kind of pizza do you love most? Том попросил у меня совета. Tom asked for my advice. Tom asked me for advice. Скажи Мэри, что я хочу с ней поговорить. Tell Mary I want to talk to her. Tell Mary I want to talk to her. У мяне баліць жывот. My stomach hurts. I've got ache of stomach. Я думаю, що Том сумує за Мері. I think Tom misses Mary. I think Tom misses Mary. Ви хто? Що ви тут робите? Who are you? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Мы выкарысталі ўвесь вугаль. We have used up the coal. We used the whole coal. Пайшлі. Let's go! Let's go. Не хочеши ли вѣдѣти? Don't you want to know? Don't you want to go to school? Твой гальштук добра выглядае. Your tie looks good. Your tie looks good. Гэта нешта сур'ёзнае? Is it anything serious? Is that serious? Том впевнений, що Мері права. Tom is sure Mary is right. Tom's sure Mary's right. Том не думає, що може зробити це самостійно. Tom doesn't think that he can do that by himself. Tom doesn't think he can do it on his own. Не плач, все буде добре. Don't cry. Everything will be OK. Don't cry, it'll be okay. Коли ти познайомилася з Томом? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Ён вывучаў электрамеханіку і будызм у мясцовым універсітэце. He studied electromechanics and Buddhism at the local university. He learned utility and construction at a local university. Відійди убік. Stand aside. Step aside. Скажи мне, где я могу её найти. Tell me where I can find it. Tell me where I can find her. Рятуйся. Save yourself. Get saved. Том одружився з моєю дочкою. Tom married my daughter. Tom married my daughter. Том таскает Мэри за волосы. Tom is pulling Mary's hair. Tom's got Mary looking for her hair. У мене багато часу. I have lots of time. I've got a lot of time. Він вивихнув щиколотку. He sprained his ankle. He pulled out the ankle. Неба было ўсеянае зоркамі. The sky was full of stars. The sky was full of stars. У нас есть дедлайн. We have a deadline. We've got a denline. Королівства були постійно у стані війни. The kingdoms were constantly at war. Kingdoms were constantly in a state of war. Куды Вы жадалі б пайсці? Where would you like to go? Where would you like to go? Йому вдалося втекти. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. Мне нужны новые шины. I need new tires. I need new tires. Ты такая глупая. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Она — гордость своего класса. She is the pride of her class. She's pride in her class. Їй подобаються тварини. She likes animals. She likes animals. Я вважаю, ми зможемо. I think we can do it. I think we can. Хочете знати як? Do you want to know how? Do you want to know how? Приглашаем вас принять участие в субботниках по месту жительства и работы. You are invited to take part in unpaid work at your residence and workplace. We invite you to participate in Saturdays at the place of residence and work. Вы обсуждали это с Томом? Have you discussed this with Tom? Did you discuss it with Tom? Когда Тома арестовали? When was Tom arrested? When was Tom arrested? Що ти вчиш? What do you learn? What do you teach? Сегодня ночью Том на дежурстве. Tom is on night duty tonight. Tonight's Tom's on duty. Його потрібно вбити. It must be killed. He needs to be killed. Залишилося лише одне печиво. There's only one cookie left. There's only one cookie left. Ти вже заплатила. You already paid. You already paid. Ти справишся, Томе. You'll do fine, Tom. You can do it, Tom. Вам так везёт. You're so lucky. You're so lucky. Хто це хоче? Who wants it? Who wants it? Можешь перевести эту рукопись с французского на английский? Can you translate this manuscript from French to English? Can you transfer this manuscript from French to English? Колькі гадзін на дзень ты глядзіш тэлевізар? How many hours a day do you watch TV? How many hours a day do you watch TV? Наскільки мені відомо, він неодружений. As far as I know, he is not married. As far as I know, he's single. Маю хутко бігти на урок. I must hurry to class. I have to run to class quickly. Не підходь ближче. Якщо підійдеш, пошкодуєш. Don't come any closer. If you do, you'll be sorry. If you come, you'll regret it. Я смотрел, как Том плавает. I watched Tom swim. I watched Tom swim. Ты волен поступать со своими деньгами, как пожелаешь. You are free to do as you please with your money. You are free to deal with your money as you wish. У меня болит большой палец на правой ноге. The big toe on my right foot hurts. I have a big finger on my right leg. Будзь крэатыўным. Be creative. Be creative. Кънѧзь сѧ погоубилъ въ лѣсѣ. The prince was lost in the woods. Kinzie took off the inside of the car. Рятуйся! Escape! Get saved! Я не знаю, как мне доказать, что я тебя люблю. I don't know how to prove that I love you. I don't know how to prove that I love you. Я повернуся о половині на сьому. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll go back half to seven. У Мері довге волосся. Mary has long hair. Mary has long hair. Операция на горле помогла ему вылечиться от пневмонии, но оставила его без голоса. An operation on his throat helped him recover from the pneumonia, but it left him without his voice. The operation on his throat helped him heal from pneumonia, but she left it without a voice. Он поранился, когда падал. He hurt himself upon falling. He got hurt when he was falling. Я картоплина. I am a potato. I'm a potato. Ти екстраверт. You're extroverted. You're an extrovert. Ще раз, будь ласка. One more time, please. One more time, please. Може бути, це неможливо. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it's impossible. Я толстею. I'm getting fat. I'm fat. Ви не мусите лишатися. You don't have to stay. You don't have to stay. Я японский студент. I'm a Japanese student. I'm a Japanese student. Я помню, што недзе Вас сустракаў. I remember meeting you somewhere. I remember there's some of you sisters out there. Він не одружений. He is not married. He's not married. Не отправляйте меня домой, пожалуйста! Don't send me home, please. Don't send me home, please! Я вміла плавати. I knew how to swim. I was good at swimming. Ви вільно говорите французькою, так? You're fluent in French, right? You speak French freely, right? Поезд был задержан из-за сильного снега. The train was delayed on account of a heavy snow. The train was detained because of severe snow. Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. It makes me feel good. Ти не міг би відчинити двері? Do you mind opening the door? Could you open the door? Я зателефоную пізніше. I'll call later. I'll call you later. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає по всіх цих роках. I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years. I wonder if she will recognize me all these years. Мне нечего тебе дать. I've got nothing to give you. I have nothing to give you. Том взобрался по лестнице на чердак. Tom climbed the stairs up to the attic. Tom got caught up in the stairs at the attic. Ти колись бував у Бразилії? Have you ever been to Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? Без штучных фарбавальнікаў, кансервантаў і араматызатараў. No artificial colours, preservatives or flavours. No artificial dyers, conservators and actors. Я доел остатки вчерашнего ужина на обед. I ate last night's leftovers for lunch. I've taken the rest of yesterday's dinner to dinner. Гэта прыгарадны цягнік? Is this a local train? Is it a pleasant train? Воцат мае востры смак. Vinegar has a sharp taste. Vicrate has a sharp taste. Она слишком шумная. She's too loud. She's too loud. Будет ли дождь сегодня днем? Will it rain this afternoon? Will it be raining today? Мы не намеревались очернять наших соперников. We didn't mean to disparage our contenders. We didn't intend to resuscitate our rivals. Я знаю, що ви не така. I know that you're not like that. I know you're not. У Тома є молодший брат, якого звуть Джон. Tom has a younger brother named John. Tom has a younger brother named John. У меня собака сумасшедшая. My dog is mad. I have a crazy dog. Том поднялся. Tom stood up. Tom got up. Я залишуся тут, допоки ви не повернетеся. I'll stay here till you get back. I'll stay here until you get back. Можна скористатися вашою газонокосаркою? May I use your lawnmower? Can I use your lawnier? Я думаю, она хорошая танцовщица. I think she is a good dancer. I think she's a good dancer. Том усвідомлює власні обмеження. Tom is aware of his own limitations. Tom is aware of his own limitations. Том высушил волосы феном. Tom blow-dried his hair. Tom dried his hair with fen. Ніколі не кажы дрэннага пра людзей за іх спінамі. Never speak ill of others behind their backs. Never mind the bad things about people behind their backs. Я всегда так делаю. I always do that. I always do that. Ненавиджу Різдво. I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas. Томе, ти не міг би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? Ты выбрала найлепшая. You have chosen the best. You chose the best. Коли ви останній раз купували взуття? When was the last time you bought shoes? When was the last time you bought shoes? Коли ти хоч щось для мене зробив? When have you ever done anything for me? When did you do anything for me? Я виграла. I have won. I won. Том вырос в детском доме. Tom grew up in an orphanage. Tom grew up in a baby house. Чоловік спробував установити власну антену. The man tried to install his own antenna. The man tried to install his own antenna. Дзякуй! Thanks. Thank you! Я не очікую від них перемоги. I don't expect them to win. I don't expect victory from them. Помоги мне её найти. Help me find her. Help me find her. Почему ты купил французскую машину? Why did you buy a French car? Why did you buy a French car? Я знав, що ти не захочеш зробити це. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. Том сказал вам почему? Did Tom tell you why? Tom told you why? Ідіть обидві нахуй! Fuck both of you! Come on, both fuck you! Деякі рослини не можуть пристосуватися до холоду. Some plants cannot adapt themselves to the cold. Some plants cannot adapt to the cold. Мені треба було тобі раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you before. Том зробить це, якщо ви йому за це заплатите. Tom will do that if you pay him to do it. Tom will do it if you pay him for it. Раньше Том был уличным музыкантом. Tom used to be a street musician. Tom used to be a powerful musician. Адкуль вы? Where do you come from? Where do you come from? Нельзя с сажей играть и рук не замарать. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't play hard and don't freeze your hands. Це "так" чи "ні"? Is that a yes or no? Is that "yes" or "no"? Я отремонтировал ему радио. I've fixed the radio for him. I repaired his radio. Можете написать это хираганой, пожалуйста? Can you write that in hiragana please? Can you write it down with a hiragan, please? У тебя бирка торчит. Your tag is sticking out. You've got a bat going on. Наверное, вам стоит сказать Тому. Perhaps you should tell Tom. Maybe you should tell Tom. Тому следовало бы лежать в постели. Tom ought to stay in bed. That's why we should be in bed. Мы как раз собирались войти в комнату. We were just about to enter the room. We were just about to enter the room. Що ти сьогодні вивчила? What have you learned today? What did you learn today? Вы панда. You are a panda. You're a panda. Я не знаю, когда цены изменятся. I don't know when the prices will change. I don't know when prices change. Це, мабуть, жарт, еге ж? It's gotta be a joke, right? It's probably a joke, isn't it? Она существует? Does she exist? Does it exist? Я завжди був розумний. I've always been smart. I've always been smart. Я не могу разобраться, как открыть эту коробку. I can't figure out how to get this box open. I can't figure out how to open this box. Я ніколи не їздив до Америки. I have never gone to America. I've never been to America. Я видела её. I've seen her. I saw her. Я с большим нетерпением жду летнего отпуска. I'm really looking forward to summer vacation. I'm looking forward to a summer vacation. Вѣмь къдє то живєши. I know where you live. You're living in here. Кофе, нахер, такое дорогое. Coffee is so dang expensive. Coffee, fuck, it's so expensive. Што гэта? What is it? What's this? Детям в этот бар нельзя. Children aren't allowed in this bar. No kids at this bar. Прыемна пазнаёміцца. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, на Мері можна покластися. Tom told me he thought that Mary was reliable. Tom told me that he thought Mary could be relied on. Я хотел бы увидеть администратора. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see the administrator. Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Тобі вдалося поспати? Did you manage to sleep? Did you sleep? Вы хотите, чтобы мы ей рассказали? Do you want us to tell her? You want us to tell her? Том був без шкарпеток. Tom had no socks on. Tom was without his socks. Він найкращий спортсмен у нашій школі. He is the best athlete in our school. He's the best athlete in our school. Как мне вас называть? What should I call you? What do I call you? Как я могу это изменить? How can I change that? How can I change this? Это, очевидно, неизбежно. It is clearly inevitable. This is obviously inevitable. Вона заговорила з собакою. She began to talk to the dog. She spoke to a dog. Ненавижу таких людей, как Том. I hate people like Tom. I hate people like Tom. Ты штосьці тут згубіў? Did you lose anything here? Have you lost something here? У Тома та Мері все гаразд. Tom and Mary are doing OK. Tom and Mary are fine. Я фізик. I'm a physicist. I'm a physicist. Що ми робитимемо з Томом? What are we going to do with Tom? What are we gonna do with Tom? Ви знаєте турецьку? Do you know Turkish? Do you know Turkish? Чоловік, що чекає в коридорі, не хоче називатися. The man waiting in the lobby wouldn't give me his name. The man waiting in the corridor doesn't want to be called. Вырази себя как можно более ясно. Express yourself as clearly as you can. Make yourself as clear as possible. Они не хотят, чтобы мы видели, что они делают. They don't want us to see what they're doing. They don't want us to see what they're doing. Все буде добре. Everything's going to be OK. It'll be all right. Он один из моих соседей. He is one of my neighbors. He's one of my neighbors. В холодильнике осталось немного сливок. There's still some cream in the fridge. There's a little plum in the refrigerator. Звідки у тебе взялася нерозумна ідея піти до офісу пана Садіка? Where did you get the stupid idea of getting into Mr. Sadiq's office? Where did you get the stupid idea of going to Mr. Sadik's office? Ти часто пропускаєш обід? Do you often skip lunch? Do you miss dinner often? Ти огидний. You're filthy. You're disgusting. Я собираюсь поговорить с Томом, когда он вернётся домой. I'm going to talk to Tom when he returns home. I'm gonna talk to Tom when he comes home. Я ледача. I am lazy. I'm a lazy man. Том хочет убежать. Tom wants to escape. Tom wants to run away. Твая хата вялікая. Your house is big. Your house is great. Она всё ещё любила его. She still loved him. She still loved him. Не втрачайте часу. Don't waste time. Don't waste your time. Завтра ми відкриті. We're open tomorrow. We're open tomorrow. Я к вину равнодушна. I don't care for wine. I mean, I don't care. Мені здається, він тобі подобається. I think you like him. I think you like him. Ви добре заробляєте, так? You make good money, don't you? You're doing a good job, aren't you? Кампаніі былі патрэбныя грошы. The company was in want of money. The companies needed money. Самі памыляўся. Sami was mistaken. And I was wrong about myself. Ви, звичайно ж, розумна. You certainly are smart. Of course you're clever. Чому насправді Том не хоче цього робити? What's the real reason Tom doesn't want to do that? Why doesn't Tom really want to do this? У меня нет хрустального шара. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't have a crystal ball. Твоя мать знает об этом? Does your mother know about this? Does your mother know that? Ты ходила в магазин? Did you go to the shop? Did you go to the store? Прочитай це. Read this. Read it. Я не знал, что ты будешь здесь. I didn't know you'd be here. I didn't know you'd be here. Том носит новую обувь. Tom is wearing a new pair of shoes. Tom wears new shoes. Я не єдиний, хто так робить. I'm not the only one who does that. I'm not the only one doing this. Де ти його знайшов? Where did you find him? Where did you find it? Поспехаў! Good luck! Good luck! Что бы тебя порадовало? What would make you happy? What would you like to know? Я видел, как Том брал ваши ключи. I saw Tom take your keys. I saw Tom take your keys. Въıтѧгли насадъ на берегъ. They drew their boat on the beach. They put it on the beach. Я люблю маму. I love my mom. I love mom. Тому слід було піти. Tom should have left. So I had to leave. Том — влогер. Tom is a vlogger. Tom's a fan. Я закахалася ў дзяўчыну, з якой летась пазнаёмілася ў Бостане. I fell in love with a girl I met in Boston last year. I fell in love with the girl I used to meet in Boston. Тебе нужно больше заниматься. You should study more. You need to do more. Та людина, що мені допомогла, — це Том. Tom is the person who helped me. But the person who helped me is Tom. Вѣсте ли къдѣ сѧ родилъ? Do you know his birthplace? Is there any type of baby? Вы арыштаваныя. You're under arrest. You're arrested. Непогана ідея. The idea isn't bad. That's a good idea. Ён ёй падабаецца. She likes him. She likes it. Это будет интересно. That'll be interesting. That'll be interesting. Я інколи роблю це після уроків. I do that after school sometimes. I sometimes do this after class. Эта песня всегда напоминает мне о моём детстве. The song always reminds of my childhood. This song always reminds me of my childhood. Том доїв? Has Tom finished eating? Tom did? Том запитав Мері, де собака. Tom asked Mary where the dog was. Tom asked Mary where the dog was. Покуштуйте торт. Try the cake. Have some cake. Я не буду ждать вечно. I won't wait forever. I won't wait forever. Мы должны быть подготовлены. We have to be prepared. We have to be prepared. Яны хлусілі? Were they lying? So they're lying? Я встала. I stood. I'm up. Том пішов, щоб привести Мері. Tom has gone to get Mary. Tom went to bring Mary. Я ніколи не був у Європі. I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe. Як праца? How is work? How's the job? Варшава дешевша, ніж Лондон? Is Warsaw cheaper than London? Warsaw is cheaper than London? Я рада, що Том нам буде допомагати. I'm glad Tom is going to help us. I'm glad Tom's gonna help us. Нямае руж без шыпоў. There are no roses without thorns. There are no roses with no spikes. Я так і не вибачився перед Томом. I still haven't apologized to Tom. I never apologized to Tom. Том сказал мне, что знаком с Мэри. Tom told me he knows Mary. Tom told me he knew Mary. Я без тебе не піду. I'm not going without you. I'm not going without you. Я з Данії. I'm from Denmark. I'm from Denmark. Это мой ответ! That's my answer! That's my answer! Мері зробила підтяжку обличчя. Mary had a face-lift. Mary made a pickup face. Я нічого такого не робила. I didn't do any such thing. I didn't do anything like that. Ось в чому питання. The question is this. That's the question. Он сказал, что я должен идти. He said that I must go. He said I had to go. Ты прапусціла найлепшае. You missed the best part. You've missed the best. Она бежит. She is running. She's running. Мне так сильно не хватает Бостона. I miss Boston so much. I miss Boston so much. У мене чудовий учитель. I had a wonderful teacher. I have a great teacher. Не видѣлъ ли єси моѣ пътъкы? Didn't you see my birds? Don't you see that you're drinking? Здається, у мене починається гарячка. I think I'm coming down with a fever. I think I have a fever. Кобе - це місто, де я народилася. Kobe is the city where I was born. Kobe is the city where I was born. Я подивився на меню. I looked at the menu. I looked at the menu. Они в меня стреляли. They shot me. They shot me. Я рада видеть, что с тобой всё в порядке. I'm glad to see you're OK. I'm glad to see you're okay. Я больше не пью вино. I don't drink wine anymore. I don't drink wine anymore. Це не має значення, зробите ти це чи ні. It doesn't matter if you do that or not. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. Калі гэта здарылася? When did this occur? When did this happen? Мені скоро тридцять. I'm turning thirty. I'm about thirty. Он говорит, что его сын теперь умеет считать до ста. He says his son can count up to 100 now. He says his son can count up to a hundred now. Буде хмарно. It will be cloudy. It'll be cloudy. Підлога слизька. The floor is slippery. The floor of the mucus. Том говорит, что уже умеет водить машину. Tom says he already knows how to drive. Tom says he can drive. Ти зміг переконати Тома? Were you able to convince Tom? Can you convince Tom? Ці двері не відкриються. This door won't open. These doors won't open. Ти й досі бездомна? Are you still homeless? Are you still homeless? Простите, можно счёт? Could I have the bill, please? Excuse me, can I count? Для чего мы живём? For what reason are we living? Why are we living for? Мне сегодня гораздо лучше, чем вчера. I'm much better today than I was yesterday. I'm much better today than I am yesterday. Когда счастье стучится в вашу дверь. When happiness comes knocking at your door. When it's lucky to knock on your door. Але цяпер, калі да мэты застаўся толькі крок, Орэст раптам разгубіўся. But now, when only one step was left to reach the goal, Orestes suddenly lost his courage. But now that the purpose remains only a step, the Orest suddenly lost. Не пытайся убежать. Don't try to run away. Don't try to run away. Вона гарна жінка. She's a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. Можете на него положиться. You can rely on him. You can rely on him. Том сказал, что я выгляжу уставшей. Tom said that I looked tired. Tom said I'm looking at the pods. Том усім подобається. Everybody likes Tom. Tom likes everyone. Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? You don't like bathing? Том очень хорошо умеет играть в теннис. Tom can play tennis very well. Tom can play tennis very well. У Тома не было достаточно времени на то, чтобы пообедать. Tom didn't have enough time to eat lunch. Tom didn't have enough time to eat. Ты на два года моложе Тома. You are two years younger than Tom. You're two years younger than Tom. Залишайся з Томом у цій кімнаті. Stay with Tom in this room. Stay with Tom in this room. Я дуже жадібна. I'm very greedy. I'm very greedy. Я вже знаю твою думку. I already know what your opinion is. I already know what you're thinking. Где Том взял эти фотографии? Where did Tom get these pictures? Where did Tom take these pictures? Ви знаєте, хто це сказав? Do you know who said that? Do you know who said that? Я бачив тіла. I saw some bodies. I saw the bodies. Пра гэта не турбуйся! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! Том убавил огонь. Tom turned down the flame. Tom took the fire. Няхай жыве Імператар! Long live the Emperor! Let the emperor live! Я можу стояти весь день і не втомитися. I can stand all day without getting tired. I can stand up all day without getting tired. Люди часто вступают в отношения, думая, что могут изменить другого человека. People often enter into a relationship thinking that they can change the other person. People often get into relationship, thinking that they can change another person. Почему ты дал ему деньги? Why did you give him money? Why did you give him money? Том открыл своё окно. Tom opened his window. Tom opened his window. Мне надо было сказать Тому, чтобы он подождал. I should've told Tom to wait. I should have told Tom to wait. Он её учитель. He's her teacher. He's her teacher. Кому ты это говорил? Who did you say that to? Who did you say that? Ненавиджу її капелюх. I hate her hat. I hate her hat. Тобі подобаються ці парфуми? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those perfumes? Дзякуй за тлумачэнне. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining. Том помогает жене. Tom is helping his wife. Tom's helping his wife. Том не смог вчера выиграть. Tom wasn't able to win yesterday. Tom couldn't win last night. У мене ключі Тома. I've got Tom's keys. I have Tom's key. Я могу сделать это гораздо лучше, чем вы. I can do that way better than you can. I can do it much better than you. Безперервний шум оглушив нас. The continual noise deafened us. The constant noise swallowed us up. Том хотів поїхати з нами до Бостона. Tom wanted to go to Boston with us. Tom wanted to come with us to Boston. Как мы её найдём? How are we going to find her? How do we find her? Дзе туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Том не робив цього з минулого року. Tom hasn't done that since last year. Tom hasn't done it since last year. Скільки коштуватиме зрубати це дерево? What'll it cost have this tree cut down? How much will this tree be cut down? Том занимается в библиотеке. Tom is studying in the library. Tom's in the library. Ви вже закінчили роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done? Как вы уживаетесь вдвоём? How are you two getting along? How do you use two? Том экономный. Tom is frugal. Tom's an economist. Я двічі бувала у Бостоні. I've visited Boston twice. I was in Boston twice. Де телефон? Where's the phone? Where's the phone? Это Том мне рассказал о том, что случилось. Tom is the one who told me what happened. Tom told me what happened. У мяне ёсьць кот і сабака. Кот чорны, а сабака белы. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog. Ваша валіза занадто важка. Your suitcase is too heavy. Your suitcase is too heavy. Том же у цьому літаку? Tom is on this plane, isn't he? Tom's on that plane, right? У самых прыгожых кветак самыя вострыя шыпы. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. In the most beautiful flowers the most sharp spikes. Всі собаки вірні. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are faithful. Том не здавався занадто занепокоєним. Tom didn't seem overly concerned. Tom didn't seem too anxious. Я чувствую себя амёбой. I feel like an amoeba. I feel like an amoeba. Ці святкуе Вера Пасху? Is Vera celebrating Easter? Is that Vera Passover? Не забудь позвонить мне. Don't forget to call me. Don't forget to call me. Мой улюбёны колер памады — ружовы. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. My favorite is the pink color of memory. Я должен увидеть тебя. I must see you. I need to see you. Ты говоришь как моя бабушка. You're talking like my grandmother. You speak like my grandmother. Він живе у квартирі. He lives in a flat. He lives in an apartment. Я можу зачекати, якщо хочеш. I can wait if you want me to. I can wait if you want. Я в порядку. I am fine. I'm fine. Пожелайте мне удачи! Wish me luck. Wish me luck! Ми задоволені рішенням. We're pleased with the decision. We're happy with the decision. Я новый сотрудник в Майкрософт. I'm a new employee with Microsoft. I'm a new staff member in Microsoft. Влажность довольно высокая. The humidity is quite high. The humidity is pretty high. Можаце прынесці мне гэты слоўнік? Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Can you bring me that vocabulary? Том сказав, що він шкодує про те, що забув поцілувати Мері на прощання. Tom said that he wished he hadn't forgotten to kiss Mary goodbye. Tom said he regretted forgetting to kiss Mary for forgiveness. Ви й дійсно думаєте, що Том та Мері у безпеці? Do you really think that Tom and Mary are safe? Do you really think Tom and Mary are safe? Він не знає нікого з нас. He knows none of us. He doesn't know any of us. Вона була у блакитній спідниці. She was wearing a blue skirt. She was in the blue skirt. Батарэя разражаджаная! Battery is low! The battery is broken! Эй, это я. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. Мэри и Том едут в Бостон. Mary and Tom are going to Paris. Mary and Tom are going to Boston. Незважаючи ні на що, Том щасливий. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. No matter what, Tom's happy. Хочешь войти? Do you want to come in? You want to come in? Никогда в жизни! Never in a lifetime! Never in my life! Люди все ще використовують веб-камери? Do people still use webcams? People still using web cameras? Я больна. I'm sick. I'm sick. Это неизбежно, что я однажды уеду во Францию, я просто не знаю когда. It is inevitable that I will go to France someday, I just don't know when. It's inevitable that I go to France once, I just don't know when. Передай ему микрофон. Pass him the mic! Give him the microphone. Ти не міг би пояснити, як ти це зробив? Could you explain how you did that? Can you explain how you did it? Яна ня мае грошаў на набыцьцё новага аўтамабілю. She does not have the money for buying a new car. She didn't have the money to buy a new car. Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and I - we both have to take care of the dog. "Ти усвідомлюєш, що я тебе кохаю?" — "Звичайно ж я знаю це." "Do you realize I love you?" "Of course I know it." "You realize I love you?" "Of course I know it." Я не назову тебе её имени. I'm not going to tell you her name. I'm not gonna call you her name. Вам трэба было ўстаць раней. You should have gotten up earlier. You needed to get up before. Еще чуть-чуть. Almost. Just a little more. Ти хочеш, щоб ми тобі щось купили? Do you want us to buy you anything? You want us to buy you something? Як дивно! How weird! How strange! Хотите выпить пива? Do you want to drink some beer? You want a beer? Я думаю, ты будешь очень занят сегодня ночью. I guess you will be very busy tonight. I think you're gonna be very busy tonight. Я хочу це почути від неї. I want to hear it from her. I want to hear it from her. Том ніколи не прокинеться. Tom is never going to wake up. Tom's never gonna wake up. Том досить переконливий, чи не так? Tom is persuasive, isn't he? Tom's pretty convincing, isn't he? Ти справжній друг. You're a true friend. You're a real friend. Я чудово розважився на твоїй вечірці. I had a fantastic time at your party. I had a great time at your party. Том дозволяє Мері робити все, що вона хоче. Tom allows Mary to do whatever she wants. Tom allows Mary to do whatever she wants. Ва-банк. All in. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Жыву ў Беларусі і тым ганаруся. I live in Belarus and I take pride in this fact. I live in Belarus and I'm so proud. Это кот. It is a cat. It's a cat. Пане Мурато, це моя подруга Ліза. Mr Murata, this is my friend Lisa. Mr. Murato, this is my friend Lisa. Він алкаш. He's a lush. He's drinking. Том думает, что его паспорт украли. Tom thinks his passport has been stolen. Tom thinks his passport was stolen. Том склав перелік того, що йому потрібно. Tom made a list of what he needed. Tom came up with a list of what he needed. Его слова смутили меня. His words confused me. His words upset me. Я відразу ж зателефонувала Тому. I immediately called Tom. I called Tom right away. Не шуміце. Don't make a noise. Don't be loud. Ти мусиш піти. You have to leave. You have to go. Добре, що Том цього не зробив. It's good that Tom didn't do that. I'm glad Tom didn't do it. Що ти намагаєшся зробити? What're you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Какая сеть супермаркетов в Австралии самая дешёвая? What's the cheapest supermarket chain in Australia? What's the cheapest supermarket network in Australia? Батьки забезпечують захист своїм дітям. Parents provide protection for their children. Parents provide protection for their children Троянда рожева. The rose is pink. It's pink. А куды Вы накіроўваецеся? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Никогда нельзя недооценивать силу человеческой глупости. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Never underestimate the power of human foolishness. Вось чаму яна болей не хацела быць з ім. That is why she didn't want to be with him any more. That's why she didn't want to be with him. Ненавиджу журналістів. I hate journalists. I hate journalists. Вони перемогли. They won. They won. Он попытался сочинить короткую историю. He tried writing a short story. He tried to create a short story. Я выпадкова ўзяў твой парасон. I took his umbrella by mistake. I chanced to take thy parason. Всі ваші друзі будуть там. All your friends will be there. All your friends will be there. Том сказав, що Мері спантеличена. Tom said that Mary was confused. Tom said Mary was confused. Эта картинка напоминает мне о моём детстве. This picture reminds me of my childhood. This picture reminds me of my childhood. "Я з ним згоден". - "Я теж". "I agree with him." "So do I." "I agree with him." "I too." Ти до мене дуже несправедливий. You are being very unfair to me. You're very unfair to me. Я зустріла його випадково. I met him by chance. I met him by accident. Если машина сломается, пойдём пешком. If the car breaks down, we'll walk. If the car breaks down, let's walk. Все хотіли співати. Everybody wanted to sing. Everyone wanted to sing. Скільки коштує квиток на автобус? How much is the bus fare? How much does a bus ticket cost? Рыба гатовая. This fish is done. Fish are ready. Ти виходив надвір вчора ввечері? Did you go out last night? Did you go outside last night? Сегодня я наконец скажу Тому, что я на самом деле о нём думаю. Today, I'm finally going to tell Tom what I really think of him. I'll finally tell 'cause I really think about him. Я пытался её убедить, но мне не удалось. I tried to convince her, but I didn't succeed. I tried to convince her, but I couldn't. Я хочу, чтобы ты помогла мне с моим домашним заданием. I want you to help me with my homework. I want you to help me with my homework. Тому уже не надо этого делать. Tom no longer has to do that. So you don't have to do that anymore. Том сказал мне, что ты недоволен. Tom told me you were dissatisfied. Tom told me you were upset. Це книжка. This is a book. It's a book. Она говорила со мной на английском, просто чтобы выпендриться. She spoke English to me just to show off. She spoke to me in English just to show off. Мне просто нужна кое-какая информация. I just need some information. I just need some information. Том виріс у чашці Петрі. Tom grew up inside a Petri dish. Tom grew up in a Petri dish. Том був злий на Мері. Tom was angry with Mary. Tom was angry with Mary. Я сказала Тому, что вы голодны. I told Tom you were hungry. I told 'cause you're hungry. Том, похоже, вас не узнал. Tom didn't seem to recognize you. Tom didn't seem to know you. Команда Тома набрала 96 очок. 55 очок було набрано у першому таймі. Скільки очок набрали у другому таймі? Tom's team scored a total of 96 points. 55 points were scored in the first half. How many were scored in the second half? Tom's team got 96 points. 55 points were typed in the first time. Том не хотів цього. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want it. Я не боюсь идти в пещеру. I'm not afraid to go into the cave. I'm not afraid to go to the cave. Вона проспала годину. She slept an hour. She's been asleep an hour. Я подумал, что Том невероятен. I thought Tom was fantastic. I thought Tom was unbelievable. Это первый вариант. That's the first option. That's the first option. Це буде нашим секретом. It'll be our secret. It'll be our secret. Я делаю это ради денег. I do that for the money. I'm doing it for the money. Усі люблять Тома. Everyone likes Tom. Everyone loves Tom. На каго ты працуеш? Who do you work for? To whom do you work? Я не сказала им, что ты здесь. I didn't tell them you're here. I didn't tell them you were here. Які тобі подобаються види спорту? What sports do you like? How do you like sports? Она поразительно похожа на Мэрилин Монро. She bears an uncanny resemblance to Marilyn Monroe. She looks amazingly like Marylyn Monroe. Я хотел бы поговорить с тобой наедине. I'd like to speak to you in private. I'd like to talk to you alone. Лета скончылася. The summer is over. The summer was over. Крава тиж на фарми. The cow is at the farm, too. Drop it on the lights. Она втянула его в неприятности. She got him into trouble. She brought him into trouble. Їм потрібний я. They want me. They want me. Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. No one would help me. Я кое-кого нанял на работу сегодня. I hired someone today. I hired someone today. Я готова помочь тебе. I am willing to help you. I'm ready to help you. Сь пьсъ выскочилъ. That dog jumped. I'm out of here. Том влюблён в лучшую подругу Мэри. Tom's in love with Mary's best friend. Tom's in love with Mary's best friend. Кнїжка белава. The book is blue. The book's white. Том спробував спасти Мері. Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom tried to save Mary. Ідзе дождж. It is raining. It rained. О чем бы ни зашла речь, он изображает, что знает об этом все. Regardless of the subject, he pretends to know all about it. Whatever he's talking about, he's showing that he knows everything about it. Мені починають набридати воїни за соціальну справедливість. I'm getting fed up with social justice warriors. I'm starting to get tired of soldiers for social justice. Согласно мифологии, Прометей похитил священный огонь у богов. According to mythology, Prometheus stole the sacred fire from the gods. According to mythology, Promete stole sacred fire from the gods. Это трудно сказать. It's hard to say. That's hard to say. Я утюжу свои носовые платки. I‘m ironing my handkerchiefs. I'll keep my nosets off. Я б хацеў жыць у гэтай хаце. I'd like to live in that house. I want to live in this house. Я читаю книжку. I am reading a book. I'm reading a book. Що тобі потрібно зробити? What do you need to do? What do you want to do? Том допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary. Tom helped Mary. Скажи ей, что я над ней прикалываюсь. Tell her that I am joking with her. Tell her I'm hitting her. Никто не хочет им помогать. Nobody wants to help them. No one wants to help them. Я не думаю, що це було мудрим рішенням. I don't think that was a wise decision. I don't think that was a wise decision. Я не буду петь эту песню. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not gonna sing this song. У них два сина і одна донька. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Это текущий план. That's the current plan. That's the current plan. Він помер для того, щоб ми могли жити. He died, so we might live. He died so that we could live. Космас поўны таямніц. Space is full of mystery. Space is full of secrets. Коли я маю це зробити? When am I supposed to do that? When do I have to do this? В это невозможно поверить. It's not believable. That's impossible to believe. Сейчас я добавляю последние штрихи. I'm adding the finishing touches now. Now I'm adding the last strokes. Её родной язык французский. French is her first language. Her mother tongue is French. Том хоче, щоб ти вбив Мері. Tom wants you to kill Mary. Tom wants you to kill Mary. Мой дзень нараджэння ў ліпні. My birthday is in July. My birthday is in the manger. Шклянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. The glass's full of milk. Мэри сказала, что видела вчера Тома. Mary said she saw Tom yesterday. Mary said she saw Tom last night. Я не збирався співати цю пісню, але Том попросим мене, тому я її заспівав. I wasn't going to sing that song, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I wasn't going to sing this song, but Tom's gonna ask me, so I sang it. Я знаю, як це виглядає. I know how this looks. I know what it looks like. Том не решил, что делать. Tom hasn't decided what to do. Tom didn't decide what to do. Ти - прекрасний метелик. You are a beautiful butterfly. You're a beautiful butterfly. Ти їх недооцінила. You underestimated them. You underestimated them. Ш-ш, Тома разбудите! Shhh, you'll wake up Tom! Shh, Toma wake up! Прынамсі я не такая няўдачніца, як ты. At least I'm not a loser like you. least I'm not as bad as you. Том нечасто рассказывает нам анекдоты. Tom doesn't often tell us jokes. Tom doesn't often tell us the jokes. Я хачу, каб вы зрабілі гэта правільна. I want you to do this right. I want you to make it right. Чаму неба блакітнае? Why is the sky blue? Why the sky is blue? Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі. Do not read books in such a dim room. You don't need to read a book in such a dark room. Немовля спить. The baby's sleeping. The baby's sleeping. Я втомилася грати. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Не буди меня до половины третьего. Don't wake me up before 2:30. Don't make me up to half a third. Ти завжди кохав Тома, так? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? You always loved Tom, didn't you? Том открыл дверь. Tom opened the door. Tom opened the door. Ось приклад. Here is an example. Consider an example. Том купує газету по дорозі на роботу. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Том посміхнувся офіціантці. Tom smiled at the waitress. Tom smiled at the waiters. Том та Мері бояться Джона. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Хто бігав? Who ran? Who ran? Том знал, почему не нравится Мэри. Tom knew why Mary didn't like him. Tom knew why Mary didn't like it. Звычайна я ўстаю а восьмай гадзіне. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at eight o'clock. Я вчуся з Томом. I'm studying with Tom. I'm studying with Tom. Я могу туда пешком пойти. I can go there on foot. I can walk down there. Зі мною ніхто не приїхав. No one came with me. No one came with me. Америка покончила с рабством. America did away with slavery. America's done away with slavery. Том швидко відчинив двері. Tom quickly opened the door. Tom quickly opened the door. Я хожу в одну школу с Томом. I go to the same school as Tom. I go to one school with Tom. Коврики поглощают звук. Rugs absorb sound. The ravens are absorbing the sound. Они сами этого не знали. They did not know it themselves. They didn't know. Яны зараз працуюць? Are they working at the moment? Are they working? Том отнёс два ящика в хранилище. Tom carried two boxes into the storage room. Tom took two boxes in the vault. Мне нужно спросить Тома, что он будет делать. I need to ask Tom what he'll do. I need to ask Tom what he's gonna do. Мы можем её купить. We can buy it. We can buy it. Я запросив її на побачення. I asked her out on a date. I invited her out. Я щасливий, що маю так багато друзів. I am happy to have so many good friends. I am happy to have so many friends. Твої ліки готові. Your medicine is ready. Your medication is ready. Том сказал, что он совсем измучен. Tom said he was all worn out. Tom said he was exhausted. Солнце находится в центре Солнечной системы. The Sun is in the center of the solar system. The sun is in the center of the solar system. Мы хацелі як лепей, а іншае вам вядома. We wanted the best, you know the rest. We wanted it for you, and the rest of you know. Їй ніхто не довіряє. No one trusts her. No one trusts her. Нас могут схватить. We could get caught. We can get caught. Том чего-нибудь хочет? Does Tom want anything? Does Tom want anything? Я прочитав це оповідання в якійсь книзі. I have read that story in some book. I read this story in a book. Скоро мы сможем посадить вас в тюрьму. We'll soon be able to send you to jail. Soon we'll be able to put you in jail. Який у тебе улюблений колір? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? Вы не должны передо мной извиняться. You don't have to apologize to me. You don't have to apologize to me. Ваша проблема в том, что Вам не хватает терпения. Your problem is you're not patient enough. Your problem is you don't have patience. Он налил себе ещё один стакан. He poured himself another glass. He poured another glass. Дзе ты цяпер жывеш? Where do you live now? Where are you now living? Мені потрібно навести порядок на робочому столі. I need to unclutter my desktop. I need to set up order on the desk. Я не буду вам врать. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not lying to you. Том в парке. Tom is in the park. Tom's in the park. Я лише хотів дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Том розкаявся у своїх гріхах. Tom repented of his sins. Tom repented of his sins. Щиро дякую. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Том знав, що Мері не мала наміру робити цього. Tom knew Mary didn't intend to do that. Tom knew that Mary had no intention of doing so. Что она пьёт? What is she drinking? What's she drinking? Не думаю, що будуть які-небудь проблеми. I don't think there will be any problems. I don't think there's any problem. Коли ви встали? When did you get up? When did you get up? Том на пару дюймов выше Мэри. Tom is a couple of inches taller than Mary. Tom's two inches above Mary. Я хотів би заплатити, будь ласка. I would like to pay, please. I'd like to pay, please. Він любить грати в футбол. He likes playing soccer. He likes to play football. Як часто ти цим займаєшся? How often do you do that? How often do you do this? Постав її сюди. Put it there. Put her here. Ви знаменитий. You're famous. You're famous. Гэты сцяг вельмі прыгожы. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very handsome. Я розумна. I'm smart. I'm smart. Я испекла ему печенье. I baked him cookies. I got him a cookie. Роби так, як я кажу, а не так, як я роблю. Do as I say, not as I do. Do as I say, not as I do. Том вернулся домой из Бостона на прошлой неделе. Tom came home from Boston last week. Tom came home from Boston last week. Свобода бесполезна, если ей не пользоваться. Freedom is useless unless you use it. Freedom is useless if it is not used. Ти вмієш плавати, правда? You can swim, can't you? You can swim, right? Том и Мэри любят сплетничать о знаменитостях. Tom and Mary like to gossip about celebrities. Tom and Mary like to gossip about famous things. Том купил много сувениров. Tom bought lots of souvenirs. Tom bought a lot of gifts. У мене болить горло. I have a sore throat. My throat hurts. Давайте подумаем об этом. Let's think about it. Let's think about it. Я никогда не скажу тебе. I'll never tell you. I'll never tell you. Це на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Все любят деньги. Everybody likes money. Everybody likes money. Времени на это не хватало. There wasn't enough time to do that. Time didn't have enough time to do that. Мэри получила Нобелевскую премию. Mary won a Nobel prize. Mary got the Nobel Prize. Вам краще дозволити мені це зробити для вас. You'd better let me do that for you. You better let me do this for you. Я не певна, що це така вже й добра ідея. I'm not so sure this is such a good idea. I'm not sure it's such a good idea. Мне как-то всё равно. I don't really mind. I don't care. Поїхали на ліфті. Let's take the elevator. We're on an elevator. Он может уйти, если хочет. He can leave if he wants to. He can leave if he wants. Ёсць стол. There's a table. There is a table. Запам'ятай ці правила. Remember these rules. Remember these rules. Если бы Том попросил меня помочь, я бы помог ему. If Tom had asked me for help, I would've helped him. If Tom asked me to help, I'd help him. Доктора пришлось ждать долго: он был на операции. We had to wait for the doctor for too long; he was on an operation. The doctor had to wait a long time: he was on surgery. Вам нравятся эти духи? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those spirits? Ти повинен бути обережним, обираючи своїх друзів. You must be careful in choosing your friends. You should be careful about choosing your friends. Ми можемо чекати трохи довше? Could we wait a little longer? Can we wait a little longer? Робити це буде ризиковано. Doing that is too risky. Doing so would be risky. Как только я вошёл в класс, ученики стали задавать вопросы. As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions. As soon as I entered my class, the students began asking questions. Том дуже перебірливий у їжі. Tom is very fussy about what he eats. Tom is very perplexing in food. Церква знаходиться на іншому боці вулиці. The church is on the other side of the street. The church is on the other side of the street. Она всегда держит свою комнату в чистоте и порядке. She always keeps her room in good order. She always keeps her room clean and orderly. Я нічога не разумею. I don't understand a thing. I don't understand anything. П'єр роздав карти всім гравцям. Pierre dealt cards to all the players. Pierre gave the cards to all the players. Я поддержу тебя только в этот раз. I will side with you just this once. I'll only support you this time. Я почув як грюкнули вхідні двері. I heard the front door slam. I heard the front door crack. Як функціонує мозок? How does the brain work? How does the brain function? У будь-якому разі, який у тебе план? What was your plan anyway? Anyway, what's your plan? Минулого тижня я купила нову машину. I bought a new car last week. Last week I bought a new car. Том би тут не був щасливим. Tom wouldn't be happy here. Tom wouldn't be happy here. У него нет никаких доказательств. He doesn't have any proof. He doesn't have any proof. Яна хоча Вас бачыць. Yana wants to see you. She wants to see you. Давай не будем об этом. Let's not talk about it. Let's not talk about it. Сёння ранкам я піў каву, а не чай. I had tea instead of coffee this morning. I was drinking coffee this morning, not tea. Iсцiна ў вiне. Truth is in wine. It's wonderful. Этот суп отдаёт рыбой. This soup smacks of fish. That soup's fishing. Я знаю это лучше, чем кто-либо. I know that better than anyone. I know it better than anyone. Где вы обычно покупаете одежду? Where do you usually buy clothes? Where do you usually buy clothes? Женъı красьнъı. Women are beautiful. The women are in the country. Нє играи въ сєи полатѣ. Don't play in this room. She's going to be in the middle of her play. Я вывучала структуру айнскіх сем’яў. I studied the structure of Ainu families. I learned the structure of the Ani family. Ти вегетаріанка. You are a vegetarian. You're a vegetarian. Том був трохи спантеличений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. Як ци мено? What is your name? How's the meno? Ти готова їхати? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Мы ему помешали. We disturbed him. We're interrupting him. У тебе мало книжок. You have few books. You don't have enough books. Ці я памыляюся? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Рентген показал, что сломано два пальца. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. Roentgen showed that two fingers were broken. Я запалив детонатор. I lit the fuse. I lit the detonator. Та красивая девушка в бикини — сестра Тома. That pretty girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. That beautiful girl in a bikini is Tom's sister. Том спал? Was Tom asleep? Tom's asleep? Том идёт из школы домой. Tom is on his way home from school. Tom's coming home from school. Я знаю, што ты дагэтуль кахаеш мяне. I know you still love me. I know that you do love me too. Дзе ты? Where are you? Where are you? Том має онука. Tom has a grandson. Tom has a grandson. Том не хочет, чтобы я пошёл. Tom doesn't want me to go. Tom doesn't want me to go. Я очень надеюсь, что вы сможете прийти. I really hope you can come. I hope you can come. Том хотел поиграть с тобой в шахматы. Tom wanted to play chess with you. Tom wanted to play chess with you. Ты свинья? Are you a pig? Are you a pig? Я это потом улажу. I'll handle it later. I'll take care of it later. Що було всередині? What was inside? What was inside? Можно мне тебя сфотографировать? Can I take your picture? Can I take a picture of you? Я все еще пытаюсь. I'm still trying. I'm still trying. Але што ты будзеш рабіць, калі яна не прыйдзе? But what will you do if he doesn't come? But what will you do if she doesn't come? Я едва успел сесть на поезд. I barely managed to catch the train. I barely got a train ride. Я могла би перекласти цей вірш на іспанську. I could translate that poem to Spanish. I could translate this verse into Spanish. Том закрыл все окна. Tom has closed all the windows. Tom closed all the windows. Просто не обращайте на Тома внимания. Just ignore Tom. Just don't pay attention to Tom. Чому саме Том хотів би це зробити? Why exactly would Tom want to do that? Why would Tom want to do that? Думаешь, нам стоит сказать Тому? Do you think that we should tell Tom? You think we should tell Tom? Самі падабаюцца чырвоныя яблыкі. Sami likes red apples. You just like the red apples. Це був спекотний день. It was a hot day. It was a hot day. Я партнер Тома. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. Праўда ў тым, што я кахаю Марву. The truth is that I love Marwa. It's true that I love Marvi. Це не ваша війна. This isn't your fight. It's not your war. Ми не сперечаємося. We're not arguing. We don't argue. Кохання не можна купити. Love can't be bought. Love cannot be bought. Мне патрэбны хтосьці, з кім я магу размаўляць. I need someone to talk to. I want someone I can talk to. Сегодня какой день? What day is it today? What day is it? Задай этот вопрос себе самому. Ask yourself that question. Ask this question yourself. Тебе надо было оставить его одного. You should've left him alone. You should have left him alone. Том начал плакать. Tom began crying. Tom started crying. Мэри открыла чемодан. Mary opened her suitcase. Mary opened the suitcase. У мяне не было ні капейкі. I was penniless. I didn't have a penny. Будем надеяться, что это в последний раз. Let's hope that's the last time that that happens. Let's hope it's the last time. Том приподнял шляпу. Tom raised his hat. Tom got his hat. Веселка різнобарвна. The rainbow is colorful. Fun is multicolored. Гэта не Том. That is not Tom. It's not Tom. Том - учитель, чи не так? Tom is a teacher, right? Tom's a teacher, isn't he? Тому нужно поговорить с адвокатом. Tom needs to talk to a lawyer. That's why we need to talk to a lawyer. Том и Мэри скучают по родителям. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Дні народження важливі. Birthdays are important. Birthday are important. Він нестерпний. He's insufferable. He's inexorable. Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. Том уже в Бостоні. Tom is already in Boston. Tom's already in Boston. Яна захварэла на гэтым тыдні. She got sick this weekend. She's taking a guard on that week. Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Я нічого не хочу пити. I don't want to drink anything. I don't want to drink anything. Я аж ніяк не щасливий. I am far from happy. I'm not happy at all. Ледъ таѥсть въ водѣ. Ice melts in water. Ice and water. Если нужна помощь, скажи. If you need help, let me know. If you need help, tell me. Как поживаете? How's life? How are you? Они все дети. They're all children. They're all kids. На станции я наткнулся на своего старого учителя. I ran into my old teacher at the station. At the station, I stumbled at my old teacher. Нам потрібно з нею поговорити. We have to talk to her. We need to talk to her. Які фрукт жоўты? Which fruit is yellow? What fruit is yellow? У сонячній системі Юпітер найважча з планет. Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system. In the solar system, Jupiter is the hardest of planets. Дабрыдзень. Hello. Good afternoon. Ведите себя прилично. Behave yourselves. Take care of yourself. Вони полетіли в Європу. They left for Europe by air. They flew to Europe. Навіщо ти купила ці окуляри? Why did you buy those glasses? Why did you buy those glasses? Он ищет работу. He is seeking employment. He's looking for a job. Я мешкаю у Варшаві. I live in Warsaw. I live in Warsaw. Ты надолго планируешь остаться? Do you plan to stay long? How long are you planning to stay? Так всегда было. It was always like that. It's always been that way. Кім ты працуеш? What do you do? What are you working for? Не сиди слишком близко к телевизору. Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't sit too close to the TV. Можете позичити мені пінцет? Can you lend me a pair of tweezers? Can you lend me a song? Я буду в Бостоні протягом кількох днів. I'll be in Boston for a few days. I'll be in Boston for a few days. Том помер. Tom died. Tom's dead. У тебе проблеми з втратою ваги? Are you having trouble losing weight? You have a lost weight problem? Зхопити Тома. Grab Tom. Get Tom. Куда мне это положить? Where should I put this? Where can I put that? О боже! Omigod! Oh, my God! Перестаньте бить кота! Stop hitting the cat! Stop hitting the cat! Это совершенно неприемлемо. This is totally unacceptable. This is totally unacceptable. Я не видел тебя почти три года. I haven't seen you in almost three years. I haven't seen you for almost three years. Ты правда думаешь, что Том умеет плавать? Do you really think Tom can swim? You really think Tom can swim? Він почав їсти свій бутерброд. He began to eat his sandwich. He began eating his sandwich. Я це дуже не люблю. I hate that. I don't like it very much. Эй ты! Что ты делаешь? Hey, you! What are you doing? What are you doing? Ти вже з ним знайомий? Have you already met him? Have you met him yet? Я не був готовий стати батьком. I wasn't ready to be a father. I wasn't ready to be a father. Пицца — это еда, подходящая современному образу жизни. Pizza is the kind of food that fits into today's life style. A pizza is a food that fits the modern way of life. Ви знаєте, чи Том цим займатиметься. Do you know if Tom will do that? You know if Tom's gonna do this. Том не має родини. Tom doesn't have a family. Tom doesn't have a family. Совы мудры. Owls are wise. These are wise. Я перемогла. I have won. I won. Том читає романи. Tom reads novels. Tom reads novels. Он обожает ходить в театр. He loves going to the theater. He loves going to the theater. Я хотел бы помочь вам, но я не могу больше здесь оставаться. I wish I could help you, but I can't stay any longer. I'd like to help you, but I can't stay here anymore. Ти про це подумала? Did you think about it? Did you think about that? Покажи мне Бостон на карте. Show me where Boston is on the map. Show me Boston on the map. То помогнє. That will help. It's a help. Яшчэ тры пасажыры зайшлі ў аўтобус. Three more passengers got on the bus. There were still three passengers running in the bus. Мне кажется, что я знаю тебя всю жизнь. It seems that I have known you all my life. I think I know you all my life. Гданьск — найбольшы горад на поўначы Польшчы. Gdańsk is the biggest city in the north of Poland. Gdansk is the largest city in the north of Poland. Ты знаешь, где собака? Do you know where the dog is? Do you know where the dog is? Между ними существует заметная разница. There is a marked difference between them. There is a marked difference between them. "Том в курсе". - "Да? Ты ему рассказала?" - "Нет, он сам всё узнал". "Tom knows." "He does? Did you tell him?" "No, he found out by himself." Did you tell him? Я хочу поговорити саме з Томом. It's Tom that I want to talk to. I want to talk to Tom. Я ніколи не їздив до Бостона. I've never gone to Boston. I never went to Boston. Никто не узнает. No one will find out. No one will. Моя перша машина була блакитна. My first car was blue. My first car was blue. Хіба ти не хочеш, щоб я тобі допоміг? Don't you want me to help you? Don't you want me to help you? Будь ласка, зніміть взуття. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. Чем вам не нравится этот план? What don't you like about the plan? What do you not like about this plan? Йдете? You're going? Are you coming? Том чуть не забыл взять с собой зонтик. Tom almost forgot to take an umbrella with him. Tom almost forgot to take the umbrella with him. Я забула свій пароль. I've forgotten my password. I forgot my password. Я знаю, что вам не стоит этого делать. I know that you shouldn't do that. I know you shouldn't do this. Тому следовало бы поостеречься и не целовать Мэри прилюдно. Tom should have known better than to kiss Mary in public. So we should be careful not to kiss Mary publicly. Том закричал и выбежал из комнаты. Tom screamed and ran out of the room. Tom cried out and ran out of the room. Я весь час чхаю. I sneeze all the time. I smell all the time. Изобретение транзистора ознаменовало собой новую эру. The invention of the transistor introduced a new era. The invention of a transistor marked a new era. Оу Кєна єста кота. Ken has two cats. Oh Keen is the cat. Мы сидели в самой глубине аудитории. We sat in the very back of the auditorium. We were in the deepest room. Он научил своего сына плавать. He taught his son how to swim. He taught his son how to swim. Можна мені поставити декілька запитань? May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you a few questions? Ми чекатимемо на вас. We'll wait for you. We'll wait for you. Несколько студентов сегодня отсутствуют. A number of students are absent today. Several students are not available today. Думаєте, Том зробив би це таким чином? Do you think Tom would've done it that way? You think Tom would have done it that way? Весна — моя улюблена пора року. Spring is my favorite season. The spring is my favorite season of the year. Яна хоча Вас бачыць. She wants to see you. She wants to see you. Ти вже це зробив. You've done that already. You've done this before. Как я буду добираться до работы? How am I going to get to work? How am I going to get to work? Це твоя максимальна швидкість? Is that as fast as you can go? Is that your maximum speed? Я не знал, что Том - ваш начальник. I didn't know Tom was your boss. I didn't know Tom was your boss. Святло стала зялёным. The light was green. The light became green. Ніколи не читайте коментарі в інтернеті. Never read internet comments. Never read comments on the Internet. Ненавиджу своїх сусідів. I hate my neighbors. I hate my neighbors. Том допоміг мені помити машину. Tom helped me wash my car. Tom helped me wash the car. Ми всиновили Тома, коли йому було три. We adopted Tom when he was three years old. We adopted Tom when he was three. Він мій учитель. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Мне не стоило сюда приходить. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Ти вже замовив піцу? Have you ordered the pizza? Have you ordered the pizza yet? У мене немає достатньо грошей, щоб це купити. I don't have enough money to buy that. I don't have enough money to buy it. Мы выращиваем виноград, кукурузу и плодовые деревья. We grow grapes, corn and fruit trees. We grow grapes, corn, and fruit trees. Тому нужна защита. Tom needs protection. That's why we need protection. Думаешь, Том уже знает? You think Tom already knows? You think Tom already knows? Не рьци пълнъıмь рътъмь. Don't speak with your mouth full. Don't play around. Я ждал тебя. I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you. Альваро из Венесуэлы. Он венесуэлец. Álvaro is from Venezuela. He is Venezuelan. Alvaro from Venezuela, he's Venezuela. У вас добре виходить робити це, чи не так? You're good at doing that, aren't you? You're good at doing that, aren't you? Я теж згодна. I also agree. I agree, too. Вона схожа на брата. She looks like her brother. She looks like a brother. Том недостатньо швидкий. Tom isn't fast enough. Tom's not fast enough. Не мы адні падтрымліваем гэты план. We are not alone in supporting the plan. We don't think we support that plan. Кнїжка лилова. The book is violet. A book of leaves. Ямайка — англійська колонія. Jamaica's an English colony. Jamaica is an English colony. Том реалистичен. Tom is being realistic. Tom is realistic. У него одна цель в жизни - заработать денег. He has only one aim in life, to make money. He's got one goal in life, making money. Он не мог поехать из-за нехватки денег. He could not go on a trip for lack of money. He couldn't go because of his lack of money. Я з нетерпінням чекаю на власний день народження. I look forward to my birthday. I look forward to my birthday. Том подбавил дров в огонь. Tom added wood to the fire. Tom took the wood into the fire. Том сказал мне, что не хочет переезжать в Австралию. Tom told me that he didn't want to move to Australia. Tom told me he didn't want to move to Australia. На твоєму місці я би такого не робив. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. I wouldn't do that in your place. Люблю инструментальную музыку. I like instrumental music. I love instrument music. Я потеряла свою корону. I've lost my crown. I lost my crown. Мяне клічуць Фаршад. My name is Farshad. I'm a Farshad call. Навіщо ти поцілувала Тома? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Из Тома и Мэри получилась бы отличная пара. Tom and Mary would make a perfect couple. Tom and Mary would have been a great couple. Батьки мають супроводжувати дітей. Parents must accompany their children. Parents should accompany their children. Тиждень має сім днів. A week has seven days. The week has seven days. Ми шукаємо когось, хто вміє користуватися комп'ютером. We are looking for somebody who can use a computer. We're looking for someone who knows how to use a computer. Никто не видел, как она покинула комнату. Nobody saw her leave the room. No one saw her leave the room. Здається, діти втомилися від плавання. The little children looked tired from swimming. The children seem tired of swimming. Госці заўсёды прыносяць радасць; калі не прыходам, то адыходам. Guests always bring delight; if it is not when coming, then it is when leaving. Away is always bringing joy; if not come, waste. Через пророка Захарию Бог предрёк совмещение в Исусе Христе царской власти и священства. Through the prophet Zechariah, God foretold the combination of royal authority and priesthood in Jesus Christ. Through the prophet Zechariah, God foreordained a reconciliation between Jesus Christ’s kingly power and the priesthood. Кто выиграл Суперкубок? Who won the Superbowl? Who won the Super Bowl? Я знал, что Том не пойдёт. I knew Tom wouldn't go. I knew Tom wouldn't go. Думаю, машина и так достаточно поломана. Я не могу ничего сделать голыми руками. I think that machine doesn't need any more broken parts. I can't achieve anything with my bare hands. I don't think I can do anything with my bare hands. В прошлый раз Том был первым. Tom was first last time. Last time Tom was the first. Якое мяса найсмачнейшае? Which meat tastes the best? What are the sweetest meats? Візьми ліхтарик, він нам обов'язково стане в пригоді. Take the torch. We'll definitely need it. Take a flashlight, we're sure it'll work. Я говорил вам, что я бы вернулся. I told you I'd be back. I told you I would come back. Дуже малоймовірно, що Том це зробить коли-небудь ще раз. Tom will very unlikely ever do that again. Very unlikely Tom would do it once again. Даже ребёнок понял бы это. Even a baby would understand it. Even a child would understand that. Я знал, что Тома нет в Австралии. I knew that Tom wasn't in Australia. I knew Tom wasn't in Australia. З ким ви розмовляли? Who did you talk to? Who did you talk to? Я люблю слушать радио. I like listening to the radio. I love listening to the radio. Мы с ней знакомы по работе. I know her from work. I know her about the job. Теніс — мій улюблений вид спорту. Tennis is my preferred sport. Tensey is my favorite sport. Том не ел. Tom wasn't eating. Tom didn't eat. Авто на улїци. The car is in the street. A car on a unit. Мъного снѣга пало. A lot of snow had just fallen. My sleep's over. Эту книгу стоит прочитать. This book is worth reading. That book is worth reading. Том добре виконує свою роботу. Tom does his work well. Tom does his job well. Мясо не портится в холодную погоду. This meat stays good in cold weather. The meat doesn't end up in the cold weather. Гадаю, Тома тут сьогодні не буде. I think Tom won't be here today. I don't think Tom's gonna be here tonight. Надеюсь, мы больше этого не сделаем. I hope we don't do this again. I hope we don't do this anymore. Гадаю, ти достатньо сказав. I think you've said enough. I think you said enough. Я не сказав Тому, чому хочу це зробити. I didn't tell Tom why I wanted to do that. I didn't tell him why I wanted to do it. Правда ясніша від сонця, та її зі свічкою шукають. Truth is brighter than the Sun, but it is sought with a candle. The truth is clearer than the sun, and it is looked for with a candle. Том дазволіць Мэры вырашыць. Tom will let Mary decide. Tom would allow Mary to decide. У него много подружек. He has a lot female friends. He's got lots of girlfriends. Це занадто складно. It's too difficult. It's too complicated. Есть добровольцы? Any volunteers? Do you have any volunteers? Маши крыльями или умрёшь! Flap your wings or die. Your wings or you're gonna die! У всех, кроме Тома, шляпы. Everyone but Tom is wearing a hat. Everyone but Tom has hats. Ти не мусиш сьогодні йти до школи. You don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go to school tonight. Сделайте это осторожно. Do it gently. Do it with caution. Скажыце мне праўду. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. Я не розумію навіть сама себе. I don't even understand myself. I don't even understand myself. Том втратив чоловіка кілька місяців тому. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Звёзды мерцали в ночном небе. Stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars died in the night sky. Чи то важко бути вегетаріанцем? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Том енергійний. Tom is lively. Tom's energetic. Я не впевнений, що хочу це бачити. I'm not sure that I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see it. Нє, то нє мачка. No, it is not a cat. Yeah, that's my baby. Всі помирають. Everybody dies. Everyone dies. Освободи зверей из клетки. Free the animals from their cage. Release the beast from the cage. Том, наверное, забудет это сделать. Tom will probably forget to do that. Tom will probably forget to do it. Езжайте прямо по этой дороге. Go straight down this road. Go straight along this road. У неї гарні манери. She has fine manners. She's got nice manners. Ніколи не лишайте мене одну з Томом. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Never leave me alone with Tom. Як я можу з вами зв'язатися? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? Это наша земля. This is our land. It's our land. Ходімо в ліжко. Let's go to bed. Let's go to bed. Том не смог это сделать. Tom couldn't do that. Tom couldn't do it. Хіба це не очевидно, хто її взяв? Isn't it obvious who took it? Is that not obvious who took it? Я з’еў картапляных чыпсаў. I ate some potato chips. I ate some hot chips. Я не наивен. I'm not gullible. I'm not. Люди, страдающие аутизмом, зачастую не смотрят в глаза собеседнику. People with autism often don't make eye contact when talking to someone. People with autism often do not look into their eyes. Я чув, що ти поцілував Тома. I heard that you kissed Tom. I heard you kissed Tom. Він офіцер армії. He is an army officer. He's an army officer. Смотрите под ноги. Watch your step. Look under your feet. І, в якості останнього штриху, посип печиво шоколадом. As a final touch, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of the cookies. And, as the last bar, it's chocolate cookies. Мері, звичайно ж, приваблива. Mary is certainly attractive. Mary is, of course, attractive. Він у шкільній футбольній команді. He's a member of the school football team. He's on a school football team. Корабель змінив свій курс. The ship changed its course. The ship changed its course. У гэтым сказе ёсць некалькі сурʼёзных памылак. The sentence contains some serious mistakes. This story has some serious mistakes. Том зробив дітям печиво. Tom made his children some cookies. Tom made children cookies. Том не мусив зі мною танцювати. Tom didn't have to dance with me. Tom didn't have to dance with me. Коли ви їдете? When are you off? When are you leaving? Чому Том убив Мері? Why did Tom kill Mary? Why did Tom kill Mary? Словы кшталту «сэксізм» зараз у модзе. Terms like "sexism" are now in vogue. It's like "sexuality" right now in fashion. Этот университет был основан мистером Смитом. That university was founded by Mr. Smith. This university was founded by Mr. Smith. Я чекаю на нього. I'm waiting for him. I'm waiting for him. Твоя ручка краща від моєї. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Мы узнали их. We recognized them. We found them. Шкода, що я не можу залишитися тут назавжди. I wish I could stay here forever. I'm sorry I can't stay here forever. Отвали! Я занят! Shove off! I'm busy! Get off me, I'm busy! Малоймовірно, що те, що сказав Том, — правда. What Tom said is not likely to be true. It is not likely that what Tom said was true. Тома арештували як підозрюваного у кримінальних діях. Tom was arrested as a suspect in a criminal case. Tom was arrested as a criminal suspect. Том не очень хорошо себя чувствует. Tom isn't feeling very well. Tom doesn't feel very good. Я зрабіла цягнік. I made the train. I made the train. Я не думаю, що я залишуся до закінчення концерту. I don't think I'll stay until the end of the concert. I don't think I'll stay until the concert ends. Том знав, що Мері засмучена через нього. Tom knew that Mary was upset with him. Tom knew Mary was upset about him. О не! Oh, no! Oh, no! Чи тут є неподалік стоянка для яхт? Is there a marina nearby? Is there a boat nearby for yacht? Ці вы размаўляеце па-японску? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak in French? Нас больше не провести. We won't be fooled again. No more of us. Тобі не подобається це робити, еге ж? You don't enjoy doing that, do you? You don't like doing that, do you? У кімнаті Тома не було прибрано. Tom's room wasn't clean. Tom's room wasn't cleaned up. Вы сегодня смотрите телевизор? Are you watching TV today? Are you watching TV today? У вас є паспорт? Do you have a passport? Do you have a passport? Ти отримуєш задоволення від поразок? Do you enjoy losing? Are you enjoying defeat? У вас є карта Бостона? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map of Boston? Ти правда ніколи не був у Європі? You've never been to Europe, have you? You've never really been to Europe? Мы можем привести Тома? Can we bring Tom? Can we bring Tom? Держи Тома в неведении. Keep Tom guessing. Hold Tom in the dark. Скажи мне, на что это было похоже. Tell me what it was like. Tell me what it was like. Ты хочешь работать с ними? Do you want to work with them? You want to work with them? Я вижу, когда мужчины любят женщин. Они отдают им лишь малую часть своей жизни. Женщины же, любя, отдают всё. I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. I see men love women, they give them only a little bit of their lives, but, oh my dear, they give everything. Це сербське ім'я. It's a Serbian name. It's a Serbian name. Когда я вырасту, я хочу быть пожарным. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter. Мені подобається вчити мови. I like learning languages. I like learning languages. Мне очень нравится китайская пища. I like Chinese food a lot. I really like Chinese food. Я боюсь быть один. I'm afraid to be alone. I'm afraid of being alone. У него есть брат в Токио. He has a brother in Tokyo. He's got a brother in Tokyo. Ця книжка належить вам? Does this book belong to you? Does this book belong to you? Ви на три роки молодша, ніж Том. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Скільки ви купили пива? How much beer did you buy? How much did you buy? Якога колеру яблык? What colour is the apple? What's the color of an apple? Дякую за інформацію. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Том знає, що це не Мері зробила. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows what Mary didn't do. Хіба ти не пам'ятаєш Тома? Don't you remember Tom? Don't you remember Tom? Я люблю цих трьох дітлахів. I love those three kids. I love these three kids. Чому ви ненавидите жінок? Why do you hate women? Why do you hate women? Звідси далеко до Бостона? Is it far from here to Boston? Where'd you get to Boston? Том быстро стал очень знаменитым. Tom became very famous quickly. Tom quickly became very famous. Мы думаем, што Венецыя — цудоўны горад. We think Venice a fascinating city. We think that Venice is a beautiful city. Життя повне таємниць. Life is full of secrets. Life is full of secrets. Ви мій герой. You're my hero. You're my hero. Бетті вбила всіх. Betty killed everyone. Betty killed everyone. Он надел черное пальто. He put on the black coat. He's wearing a black coat. Ён слухаў музыку. He was listening to music. He listened to music. Мальчики маршировали по четверо в ряд. The schoolboys marched four abreast. The boys were marching four in a row. Ты до сих пор не доел? Have you still not finished your meal? You still haven't? Он сказал мне, что любит меня. He told me he loves me. He told me he loved me. Ты этого и заслуживаешь. It's what you deserve. That's what you deserve. Том — такий саме, як і решта з них. Tom is just like the rest of them. Tom is the same as the rest of them. Я говорил вам, что Том не захочет ехать. I told you Tom wouldn't want to go. I told you Tom wouldn't want to go. Мені подобається, як тане сніг. I love it when the snow melts. I like the snow. Вы не можете так с нами поступить. You can't do this to us. You can't do this to us. Том не спить. Tom is awake. Tom's not sleeping. Том стане біологом. Tom will become a biologist. Tom's gonna be a biologist. Вы бы хотели научиться играть на гитаре? Would you like to learn how to play the guitar? Would you like to learn to play guitar? Том сказал, что Мэри раздражена. Tom said that Mary was irritated. Tom said Mary was irritated. Скажи мені, що ти їси, і я скажу тобі, хто ти такий. Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you what you are. Tell me you eat, and I'll tell you who you are. Як і Фадзіль, Лайла вырасла ў Каіры. Like Fadil, Layla also grew up in Cairo. Like Fadile, Lyla grew up in Cairo. Вони змусили мене брехати. They forced me to lie. They made me lie. У Тома є фортепіано. Tom has a piano. Tom has a piano. Мы обе были слегка пьяные. We were both a little drunk. We were both slightly drunk. Том почти всегда принимает ванну перед ужином. Tom almost always takes a bath before dinner. Tom almost always takes a bath before dinner. Як справи, пані Джоунс? How are you, Mrs. Jones? How's it going, Mrs Jones? Я відведу тебе додому. I'm going to take you home. I'll take you home. Перед моим домом есть небольшой сад. There is a small garden in front of my house. There's a little garden in front of my house. Я зроблю, як захочу. I'll do as I like. I'll do as I please. Тоні размаўляе па-англійску лепей за мяне. Tony speaks English better than I do. Tony speaks English best for me. Я не певен у тому, хто це зробив. I'm not sure who did that. I'm not sure who did this. Я повільний. I'm slow. I'm slow. Акварель мне нравится больше, чем пастель. I like watercolors more than pastels. Aquel likes more than a passenger. Няхай жыве пярсідская мова! Long live the Persian language! Let the Persian language live! Организуются спасательные отряды. Rescue parties are being organized. Rescue stations are being organized. Сьогодні я почуваюся значно краще. I feel much better today. I feel much better today. Мені подобається Австралія. I like Australia. I love Australia. Я люблю вивчати мови. I love to learn languages. I love learning languages. Ми сподіваємося, що ви відвідаєте Бостон. We hope that you'll visit Boston. We hope you're visiting Boston. Мы с ней обе с ним знакомы. She and I both know him. She and I both know him. Мене вдарили. I got hit. I was hit. Це не стосується учнів. This does not apply to students. This is not true of the disciples. Давай вернёмся домой. Let's go back home. Let's go home. Добри вечар! Good evening! Good evening! Ты ему солгал! You lied to him! You lied to him! Этот подарок от неё. This gift is from her. This gift from her. Дождь уже прекратился. The rain already stopped. It's raining. Не будь занадто упертим. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Гэта сапраўднае золата. That's real gold. It is true gold. Я тряпка. I'm a wimp. I'm a jerk. Я не смог им помочь. I couldn't help them. I couldn't help them. Він - чесний? Смішно! Him, honest? What a joke! He's honest? Я люблю хмарочоси. I love skyscrapers. I love skyscrapers. Дякую за інформацію. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Нармалёва! No problem! Normal! Сёння цудоўнае надвор'е. It's lovely weather today. It's great weather today. Можете помочь мне накрыть на стол? Can you help me set the table? Can you help me cover the table? Яна хоча цябе бачыць. Yana wants to see you. She wants to see you. Том, ты уже ел? Tom, have you eaten anything? Tom, you already ate? Де мої окуляри? Where are my glasses? Where are my glasses? Том ма шестру твоїх рокох. Tom has a sister about your age. Tom's ma'am of your old age. Гаманець Тома був пустий. Tom's wallet was empty. Tom's Haman was empty. Не дивись на нього! Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Мені слід зробити те, що запропонував Том. I should do what Tom suggested. I have to do what Tom suggested. Вы брат Тома? Are you Tom's brother? Are you Tom's brother? Я люблю поїздки. I love trips. I love trains. Она была счастлива какое-то время. She was happy for some time. She was happy for a while. Я працюю у транспортній компанії. I work for a shipping company. I work in the transport company. Вы какие-то напряжённые. You look like you're tense. You're some sort of tense. Цей хлопець не може відрізнити праведне від грішного. That fellow can't tell right from wrong. This young man cannot distinguish between right and wrong. У тебе ніколи немає грошей. You never have any money. You never have money. Том сказав, що хоче пити. Tom said that he was thirsty. Tom said he wanted to drink. Сядьте там. Sit there. Sit there. Ты жартуеш! You're kidding! You're kidding! Положи это обратно. Put it back. Put it back. Тома укусила пчела. Tom got stung by a bee. Tom bit the bee. Дзіцячая парнаграфія незаконная ў большасці краін, але Саэб хоча, каб я прыдумваў пра яе сказы. Child pornography is illegal in most countries, but Saeb wants me to make up sentences about it. Children's paranoia is illegal in most countries, but Saeb wants me to come up with a story about her. Рідше бачиш, більше любиш. Good fences make good neighbors. You know, you're more fond of it. Я попереджу Тома. I'll alert Tom. I'll warn Tom. Жьдати имеши въ чередѣ. You have to wait in line. We're waiting for you to move around. План працює. The plan is working. The plan's working. Я повернуся двадцятого жовтня. I'll be back on October 20th. I'll be back on October 20. Том оглядел комнату. Tom looked around his room. Tom looked around the room. Том приїхав до Японії з Австралії. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Яка катастрофа! What a disaster! What a catastrophe! Я його покуштую. I'll try it. I'll eat it. Он хороший человек. He's a good man. He's a good man. Я лишь говорю, что мы не можем доверять Тому. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. Мы с Томом вместе поели. Tom and I ate together. Tom and I ate together. Мені не вдалося роздивитися, хто це. I didn't manage to see who it was. I couldn't see who it was. Аристотель считал, что Земля - центр Вселенной. Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Aristotle believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Що ти задумав? What are you up to? What are you up to? Я не пінгвін. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. Быти семоу грѣхоу. It may, indeed, be a mistake. There's seven grahos. Вместо того чтобы пойти на работу, я просидел весь день дома. I stayed at home all day instead of going to work. Instead of going to work, I stayed all day at home. Том понимает, что он больше не нужен. Tom understands he's no longer needed. Tom realizes he doesn't need any more. Я тоже не могу её найти. I can't find her either. I can't find her either. Маё цярпенне лопнула. My patience has come to the breaking point. My patience's gone. Гадаєш, їсти генномодифіковані продукти — це небезпечно? Do you think it's dangerous to eat genetically modified food? Do you think it is dangerous to eat genetically modified foods? Шекспир, чьи пьесы известны по всему миру, жил около четырёхсот лет назад. Shakespeare, whose plays are world-famous, lived some four hundred years ago. Shakespeare, whose plays are known all over the world, lived about four hundred years ago. Куришь? Do you smoke? Are you smoking? Цей голуб пролетів із Сан Франциско до Нью-Йорку. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. This dove flew from San Francisco to New York. Мой любимый ресторан сгорел. My favorite restaurant burned down. My favorite restaurant is burned. Ён інтраверт. He is introverted. It's inverted. Том огидний. Tom's repulsive. Tom's disgusting. Люди любят поговорить. People like to talk. People like to talk. Я помню Тома. I remember Tom. I remember Tom. Я ходжу до церкви кожного дня. I go to church every day. I go to church every day. Хіба ви не починаєте нудьгувати? Aren't you getting bored? Don't you start homesicking? Поскольку была зима, он не выходил на улицу. As long as it was winter, he did not go outdoors. Because he was winter, he didn't go outside. Тут поблизости есть аптека? Is there a drugstore nearby? Is there a pharmacist around here? Том делает это быстрее тебя. Tom does it faster than you. Tom does it faster than you do. Чому саме Том би це зробив? Why exactly would Tom do that? Why would Tom do that? Он та чорна — вона моя. That black one is mine. It's mine, it's mine. Скажи ей, что я не хочу идти. Tell her I don't want to go. Tell her I don't want to go. Я знаю, що Том дуже схожий на батька. I know that Tom is a lot like his father. I know Tom is very much like my father. Це знову починається. It's starting again. It starts again. Это дерево высокое. This tree is tall. It's a tall tree. Том говорив з тобою про Мері? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Tom was talking to you about Mary? Мы с Томом вскоре стали друзьями. Tom and I soon became friends. Tom and I soon became friends. Я не единственный, кто знает ваш секрет. I'm not the only one who knows your secret. I'm not the only one who knows your secret. Куда вы дели отвёртку? Where did you put the screwdriver? Where are you going? Том не дуже добрий учитель. Tom isn't a very good teacher. Tom's not a very good teacher. Том один. Tom is alone. Tom's alone. Я веду дневник. I keep a diary. I'm keeping a diary. Наша школа знаходиться поруч зі станцією. Our school is near the station. Our school is next door to the station. Він зрадів новинам. The news made him happy. He was happy with the news. Банани смачні. A banana is delicious. Bananas are delicious. Малыш плачет, потому что теперь он голодный. The baby is crying because it is hungry now. The baby's crying because he's hungry now. Том говорит и по-французски. Tom also speaks French. Tom said so in French. Парэжце, памойце і высушыце, калі ласка. Cut, wash and dry, please. If you would like to remove it, please write to file. Я зробила це для тебе. I did it for you. I did it for you. Кто вам больше нравится? Who do you like more? Who do you prefer? Какую книгу ты ищешь? What book are you looking for? What book are you looking for? Ты уйгур? Are you an Uighur? Are you a corner? Я гарний? I am handsome? I'm good? Как вы узнали, где Том? How did you find out where Tom was? How did you know where Tom was? Давайте выйдем из комнаты. Let's leave the room. Let's get out of the room. Том может сделать это без нашей помощи. Tom can do that without our help. Tom can do it without our help. Я не хотел, чтобы ты опоздал на свой автобус. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you to be late for your bus. Я думал, ты перестала с ним встречаться. I thought you stopped dating him. I thought you stopped seeing him. Я считаю, что он прав. I think he is right. I think he's right. Том - учень. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. Хвіліну! Не кладзіце трубку! Wait a minute! Hang on! Don't put your phone down! Ты мяне не папярэдзіў. You didn't warn me. You didn't warn me. Я ей не доверяю. I don't trust her. I don't trust her. Мы не такие богатые, как Том. We aren't as rich as Tom is. We're not as rich as Tom. У мене ідея. I've got an idea. I have an idea. Благодарю вас за исправление. Thank you for the corrections. Thank you for your correction. Вона не любить дітей. She doesn't like children. She doesn't like kids. Я забыл спросить. I forgot to ask. I forgot to ask. Том посмотрел на часы. Tom looked at his watch. Tom looked at the watch. Мені болить голова. My head hurts. I'm sick of my head. Что твои родители хотят на Рождество? What do your parents want for Christmas? What do your parents want for Christmas? Вам трэба перасесці на іншы поезд на наступным прыпынку. You have to change trains at the next stop. You need to move to another train at the next stop. Скажите ей, чтобы была здесь к половине третьего. Tell her to be here by 2:30. Tell her to be here by half a third. Я був стривожений. I was alarmed. I was worried. У нього десять корів. He has ten cows. He's got ten cows. Нарешті, він зважився зробити їй пропозицію. At long last he made up his mind to propose to her. Finally, he made up his mind to make her offer. Во сколько обойдётся чистка пальто? What is the charge for cleaning overcoats? How long will the coat be clean? Новина рознеслася по всій Японії. The news spread all over Japan. The news spread throughout Japan. Вони мої кузени. They're my cousins. They're my cousins. Мене звільнено? Am I fired? Am I fired? Среди ребят этого класса нет таких высоких, как Билл. No boy in the class is as tall as Bill. They're not as high as Bill. Я только что вышел из душа. I just got out of the shower. I just got out of my heart. Ви з Бостона? Are you from Boston? Are you from Boston? Хіба ти сьогодні не хочеш купатися? Don't you want to swim today? Don't you want to bathe tonight? Мені це дуже сподобалося. I liked it a lot. I liked it very much. Тобі потрібна наша допомога? Do you need our assistance? Do you need our help? Сє єсмъı пѫть замъıслили вєликъ. Lo, we have conceived a great campaign. That's where the bikes came from. Ви алкоголік. You're an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic. Тому не слід робити це знову. Tom shouldn't do that again. So we should not do this again. Том заметил, что дверь открыта. Tom noticed that the door was open. Tom noticed that the door was open. Вчера было воскресенье, а не суббота. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Это сложно. This is difficult. It's complicated. Ты проверил свои расчёты? Have you checked your calculations? Did you check your calculations? Незадолго до взрыва был замечен мужчина, ведущий себя подозрительно. A man was seen acting suspiciously shortly before the explosion. Shortly before the explosion, a man was seen acting suspiciously. Алену дали завдання, вирішити яке було неможливо. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Alain was given a task that was impossible to resolve. Земля - планета мала, але прекрасна. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. The Earth is small, but beautiful. Я слышал громкий взрыв. I heard a loud explosion. I heard a loud explosion. Не верьте ничему из того, что он говорит. Don't believe anything he says. Don't believe anything he says. Мне не терпится ему рассказать. I can't wait to tell him. I can't wait to tell him. Піду перевірю. I'm going to go check. I'll go check. Сколько джема ты купил? How much jam did you buy? How much jam did you buy? Мне зусім не спіцца. I can't sleep at all. I'm not asleep at all. Я попросил Тома не носить вещи сестры. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear the sister's things. Самі проста рабіў сваю працу. Sami was just doing his job. You just did your job. Ти гадки не маєш, як виступати на публиці. You have no idea of how to speak in public. You have no idea how to speak in public. Чому ти раніше нічого не сказав? Why didn't you say something before? Why didn't you say anything before? Мачка тиж на дворе. The cat is in the yard, too. The baby's hanging in the yard. Багаті люди мають багато друзів. The rich have many friends. The rich have many friends. Я вже закінчу коледж, коли ви вернетеся з Америки. I will have graduated from college by the time you come back from America. I'm about to finish college when you come back from America. У меня есть собственная теория. I have my own theory. I have my own theory. Воно працює. It works. It works. Я смоўж, а смаўжы ніколі не спяшаюцца. I am a snail and snails are never in a hurry. I dry, and laughs ne'er hurry. Останься со мной, пап! Я боюсь темноты. Stay with me, dad! I'm afraid of the dark. Stay with me, Dad, I'm afraid of the dark. Кто отправил это письмо? Who sent this letter? Who sent this letter? Том не думав, що Мері захоче це робити. Tom didn't think Mary would like to do that. Tom didn't think Mary would want to do that. Колькі разоў на дзень ты глядзішся ў люстра? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Так добре, що ти повернувся. So nice that you are back. So good you're back. Я маю вас оглянути. I have to examine you. I have to take a look at you. Його книга надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Я помню, что я это делал. I remember having done that. I remember what I did. Я был с ней. I was with her. I was with her. Не шути. Don't kid around. Don't be kidding. Бъıти ли не бъıти, се же въпросъ. To be, or not to be, that is the question. If you don't mind, you'll ask. Я хотел бы задать вам сейчас несколько вопросов. I'd like to ask you some questions now. I'd like to ask you a few questions now. У них все гаразд. They're fine. They're okay. Перестань! Ты его до слёз довела! Stop! You're making him cry. You brought him to tears! Что именно Том делал в посольстве Австралии? What exactly was Tom doing in the Australian Embassy? What exactly was Tom doing at the Australian Embassy? Как ты? Удалась поездка? How are you? Did you have a good trip? Have you had a good trip? Том едва может ходить. Tom can barely walk. Tom can barely walk. Ви насправді не хотіли цього зробити, чи не так? You didn't actually want to do that, did you? You didn't really want to do that, did you? Мы обе ошибались. We were both wrong. We were both wrong. Я щойно її бачив. I just saw her. I just saw her. Ці ты размаўляеш па-нямецку? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Как ты себя сегодня чувствуешь? How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? Чому ви лаєтеся? Why are you cursing? Why are you swearing? Бажаю вам жити у цікаві часи. May you live in interesting times. I want you to live in interesting times. Она не хочет тебя ждать. She doesn't want to wait for you. She doesn't want to wait for you. Если я расскажу всё как есть, меня прикончат. If I tell the truth, I'll be killed. If I tell you what I am, they'll kill me. Для мяне яны найлепшыя. For me, they are the best. They're the best for me. Я можу вам нагадати про вашу обіцянку? May I remind you of your promise? Can I remind you of your promise? Нехай щастить. Good luck. Good luck. Право ли єси чьрницıа? Are you really a nun? Are you a girl? Его все знают. He is known to everybody. Everyone knows him. Мені шкода, Томе. I'm sorry, Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Ребёнок плакал, хотел молока. The baby cried for milk. The baby was crying, I wanted milk. Ці ёсць пытанні? Do you have any questions? Are there any questions? Мой отец владеет рестораном. My father has a restaurant. My father owns a restaurant. Какой же я невезучий! How unlucky I am! I'm so dysfunctional! Том опоздает на самолёт. Tom will miss his flight. Tom's late for the plane. Предлагаю поставить тут запятую. I suggest putting a comma here. I suggest I stop here. Я не ангел. I'm not an angel. I'm not an angel. Ты не мог бы зрабіць радыё цішэй? You couldn't turn the radio down, could you? Can't you do the radio quieter? Можливо, вам слід допомогти Тому. Perhaps you should help Tom. Perhaps you should help him. Скільки я можу тримати цю книжку? How long can I keep this book? How much can I keep this book? Я спросил, как вы. I asked how you were. I asked you how you are. Будь ласка, роби це швидко. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Жереб кинуто. The die is cast. It's a lot of fluffy. У вас все пройде добре. You're going to do fine. You'll be fine. Почему говорят "добрый день", если день не добрый? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why are you saying "good day" if it's not a good day? Думаю, я міг би їм допомогти. I suppose I could help them. I think I could help them. Я не думаю, что Том придёт. I don't think Tom will come. I don't think Tom's coming. Ты и твои друзья приглашены. You and your friends are invited. You and your friends are invited. Я с вами. I'll go with you. I'm with you. Том добра гуляе ў тэніс. Tom is a good tennis player. Tom is good at tennis. Ты ему нужна. He needs you. He needs you. Я відчинив двері. I opened the door. I opened the door. У Тома много знакомых, но очень мало друзей. Tom has lots of acquaintances but very few friends. Tom has many acquaintances, but very few friends. Хіба ви не хочете відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Можаш гаварыць па-кітайску. Лілі мне перакладзе. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You can speak English. Он более-менее осознаёт свои проблемы. He more or less understands his problems. He's more aware of his problems. Я прокинувся сьогодні о п'ятій ранку. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up today at five in the morning. Клас! Terrific! Great! Меня не было на той встрече. I wasn't at that meeting. I wasn't at that meeting. Я пообещал Тому, что никому не скажу. I promised Tom I'd not tell anyone. I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone. Моя мама читает журнал. My mother is reading a magazine. My mom reads the magazine. Думаете, Тому это понравится? Do you think Tom will like that? Do you think that's why you'll like it? Я люблю горький перец. I love chili. I love bitter peppers. Том сел на свой мотоцикл и завёл его. Tom got on his motorcycle and started it up. Tom got on his motorcycle and got him. То пес? Is this a dog? Is that a dog? Если вы выведете ребёнка и покажете ему пальцем на Луну, ребёнок посмотрит на Луну. Если вы то же самое проделаете с собакой, она будет смотреть на ваш палец. If you take a child outside and point at the moon, the child will look at the moon. If you do the same with a dog, it will look at your finger. If you take the kid out and show him a finger on the moon, the kid will look at the moon, and if you do the same thing with the dog, she'll look at your finger. Найбагатша людина світу не могла б купити її кохання. The richest man in the world cannot buy her love. The richest man of the world could not buy her love. Мне нужно сегодня уйти пораньше. I need to leave early today. I have to leave early tonight. Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do that. Том вырос в этих местах. Tom grew up around here. Tom grew up in these places. Я б выпіла язмінавага зялёнага чаю. I would drink some jasmine green tea. I'd have some beef and green tea. Бідолашний Том намагається заснути вже три години. Poor Tom's been trying to get to sleep for three hours now. Poor Tom's been trying to sleep for three hours. Том ударил кулаком в стену. Tom struck the wall with his fist. Tom hit the wall with his fist. Я тебе не бачив цілу вічність. I haven't seen you in ages. I haven't seen you for all eternity. Он даст его вам. He'll give it to you. He'll give it to you. Сколько тебе было лет, когда твоя семья переехала в Бостон? How old were you when your family moved to Boston? How old were you when your family moved to Boston? Смерць часта параўноўваюць са сном. Death is often compared to sleep. Death is often compared to sleep. Том начинает понемногу пьянеть. Tom is getting a little tipsy. Tom's starting to get drunk. Я наделён хорошим здоровьем. I am blessed with good health. I'm endowed with good health. Я пайду, калі ты пойдзеш. I'll go if you go. I'll go if you go. Пес на дворе. The dog is in the yard. The dog's on the yard. Не заплющуйте очі. Don't shut your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Том сказал, что хочет уйти. Tom said he wanted to leave. Tom said he wanted to go. Я пішов до неї за порадою I went to her for advice. I went to see her for advice. Вы уже придумали имя для новорождённого? Have you decided on a name for your new baby? Have you come up with a name for the new-born? Ти б дійсно зробила це для Тома? Would you really do that for Tom? Would you really do that for Tom? Я вообще не умею плавать. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Ты вярнешся заўтра? Will you come back tomorrow? Will you come back tomorrow? Я подумал, Тома это заинтересует. I thought Tom would find it interesting. I thought Tom would be interested. Мы ўцякаем. We're running away. We're running away. Тобі п'ятдесят років. You're 50. You're fifty years old. Том знал, что должно быть сделано. Tom knew what had to be done. Tom knew what should be done. Самі быў вельмі напалоханы. Sami was very terrified. It was really scared of itself. Можешь спеть песню. You can sing a song. You can sing a song. Я не знав, що Том так сильно ненавидить Мері. I didn't know that Tom hated Mary so much. I didn't know Tom hated Mary so much. Він упав на землю. He fell on the ground. He fell to the ground. Я вивчаю болгарську. I'm learning Bulgarian. I study Bulgarian. Можаш ісці, куды жадаеш. You can go wherever you want to go. You can go where you want to go. Я ніколи не був сором'язливий. I never was shy. I've never been shy. Що у коробці? What is in the box? What's in the box? Я позичив у Тома машину. I borrowed Tom's car. I borrowed Tom's car. Мы тебе доверяем. We trust you. We trust you. U paŭnočnaj Eŭropie zima pačynajecca raniej. Winter comes earlier in North Europe. U para.noqunaj E.tropy zima pachinajca Francej. Не думаю, що Том може нам зараз допомогти. I don't think that Tom can help us now. I don't think Tom can help us now. Я знаю, что был не прав. I know I was wrong. I know I was wrong. Я не могу объяснить то, чего не понимаю. I can't explain what I don't understand. I can't explain what I don't understand. Перевір голосову пошту. Check your voice mail. Check the voice mail. Як це не дивно, я згодна з Томом. Surprisingly, I agree with Tom. Strangely, I agree with Tom. Дівчина, що стоїть там, — це Мері. The girl standing there is Mary. The girl standing there was Mary. Дом чырвоны. The house is red. The house is red. Машинні переклади не завжди точні. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Документы на столе. The docs are on the table. Documents on the table. Як екзамен? How did the exam go? How's the exam? Я шутил до этого. I was kidding before. I've been kidding before. Том не полетів до Австралії. Tom didn't go to Australia. Tom didn't fly to Australia. Том коллекционировал марки. Tom collected stamps. Tom was collecting stamps. Я цілком певен, що ми переможемо. I'm pretty sure that we'll win. I'm pretty sure we'll win. Когда Том услышал по радио свою любимую песню, он не смог удержаться от того, чтобы начать подпевать. When Tom heard his favourite song on the radio, he just had to sing along. When Tom heard his favorite song on the radio, he couldn't stay away from getting a drink. Не думаю, что я бы это сделал. I don't think that I would do that. I don't think I'd do that. Я мог цябе забіць. I could kill you. I could have killed thee. Ты меня избегаешь. You're avoiding me. You're avoiding me. Вона співає у своїй кімнаті. She's singing in her room. She sings in her room. Я забув, як звати дружину Тома. I've forgotten Tom's wife's name. I forgot Tom's wife's name. У нього криві руки. He is clumsy with his hands. He's got his bloody hands. Когда ты будешь готова идти? When will you be ready to go? When are you ready to go? Я не думал, что меня накажут. I didn't think I'd get punished. I didn't think I'd be punished. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері втомилася. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Эта подушка неудобная. This pillow is uncomfortable. This pillow is uncomfortable. Ты либерал или консерватор? Are you a liberal or conservative? Are you a liberal or a conservator? Дзе зараз твае дзеці? Where are your children now? Where is thy children now? Пожалуйста, высадите меня на этой стороне от светофора. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Please put me on this side of the sweater. Я хочу, щоб Том зачекав. I want Tom to wait. I want Tom to wait. Я люблю чай. I love tea. I love tea. У мене теж є один з тих. I have one of those, too. I've got one of those, too. Хорошо провёл выходной? Did you enjoy your holiday? Have you had a good weekend? Насколько хорошо ты их знаешь? How well do you know them? How well do you know them? Ти вже, курва, допік. I'm sick and tired of your shit. You fucking dope. Я хотів би поїхати до Лондона. I'd like to go to London. I'd like to go to London. Том сказал, что трижды пытался это сделать. Tom said that he's tried doing that three times. Tom said he tried to do it three times. Барак Обама был переизбран на должность президента Соединённых Штатов. Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States. Barack Obama was re-elected President of the United States. Я уже не помню, сколько я за это заплатил. I can't remember how much I paid for it. I don't remember how much I paid for it. Он родился в Америке. He was born in America. He was born in America. Я їду на три тижні до Австралії. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. I'm going to Australia three weeks. Я об этом читал. I read about that. I read about it. Он говорит, что он богат. He says he's rich. He says he's rich. Как нечто подобное могло случиться? How could something like this happen? How could something like this happen? Пакінь яго там. Leave it there. Leave him there. Будь ласка, не чіпай ці книжки. Please don't touch those books. Please don't touch those books. Вам не надо идти туда, если вы не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go there if you don't want to. После землетрясения многие решили спать в палатках на улице. After the earthquake, many people decided to sleep outside in tents. After the earthquake, many decided to sleep in tents on the street. Что тебя мотивирует? What motivates you? What makes you feel motivated? Каб яго пераканаць, хапіла 1000 іен. It took only a 1000 yen to convince him. To convince him, had 1,000 yen. Нам надо посадить больше цветов. We should plant more flowers. We need more flowers. Том сказав мені, що мені слід подумати над тим, щоб піти на пенсію. Tom told me that I should consider retiring. Tom told me to think about retirement. Тебе нельзя ехать туда одной. You can't go there by yourself. You can't go there alone. У мене є сто песо. I have a hundred pesos. I've got a hundred pesos. Знайти роботу важко. It is difficult to find work. It's hard to find a job. Мені треба лягти в лікарню? Do I have to be hospitalized? Do I have to go to the hospital? Не притуляйся до паркану. Don't lean against the wall. Don't get close to the fence. Почему бы вам не поужинать с нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why don't you have dinner with us? Я тебя не оставлю. I won't leave you. I won't leave you. Я чув, як вони шепотілися. I heard them whispering. I heard them whisper. Том стоматолог, так? Tom is a dentist, isn't he? Tom's a dentist, right? Я могу подобрать тебя по дороге на работу. I could pick you up on my way to work. I can get you on the way to the job. Можете купити шампунь? Can you buy shampoo? Can you buy a shampoo? Некоторые мои одноклассники полные нубы, они ничего не знают о компьютерах. Some of my classmates are pure noobs; they know nothing about computing sciences. Some of my classmates are full of nubs, they don't know anything about computers. Мы не такие богатые, как Том. We aren't as rich as Tom. We're not as rich as Tom. Я думал, Том зайдет повидать нас. I thought Tom would drop in to see us. I thought Tom would come and see us. Том — перший хлопець, з яким я коли-небудь ходив на побачення. Tom is the first boy I ever went out with. Tom is the first guy I've ever dated. Я побачив, що Том усміхався. I saw that Tom was smiling. I saw Tom smiling. Ты размаўляеш, быццам начальнік. You talk as if you were the boss. You talk as if it were an elementary thing. По правде говоря, Том мне не нравится. To tell you the truth, I don't like Tom. I really don't like Tom. Я знайшов квартиру. I found a flat. I found an apartment. Когда уголовные дела доходят до суда, общепринято, чтобы в составе суда присяжных было двенадцать человек. When criminal cases come to trial, it is common for twelve jurors to serve on the jury. When criminal cases are brought before the courts, it is common for the jury to have twelve people. Это твой учебник или мой? Is this your textbook or mine? Is that your textbook or mine? Покажи Тому руки. Show Tom your hands. Show him your hands. Вы не хотите им помочь? Don't you want to help them? You don't want to help them? Поешь чего-нибудь, пожалуйста. Please eat something. Eat something, please. Фома попытался объяснить ситуацию Маше. Tom tried to explain the situation to Mary. Foma tried to explain Masha’s situation. Ви говорили про це з Томом? Did you talk to Tom about this? Did you talk to Tom about it? Я знаю, що Том під впливом алкоголю. I know Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom's under the influence of alcohol. Ты такая надменная. You're so stuck up. You're so arrogant. Пьсъ погъна лисицѭ. The dog ran after a fox. Pissie's gobshite. Він приязний. He's friendly. He's friendly. Мой дзядуля любіць гуляць. My grandfather likes to walk. My grandpa loves to play. Як довго не буде Тома? How long will Tom be gone? How long will Tom be gone? Очевидно, що Том не розмовляє з Мері. It's obvious that Tom isn't talking to Mary. Apparently Tom doesn't talk to Mary. Не підглядайте. Don't peek. Don't look around. Спустя сколько времени умер Том? How long after that did Tom die? How long did Tom die? Я відчула, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt that something was wrong. Наводнение унесло много жизней. Many lives were lost in the flood. Flood has taken many lives. Пиво есть пиво. Beer is beer. Beer is a beer. Ці ты жартуеш? Are you kidding? Are you kidding? Памёр? Dead? Dead? Я пытаюсь произвести на неё впечатление. I'm trying to impress her. I'm trying to impress her. Том умер полтора года назад. Tom died a year and a half ago. Tom died a year and a half ago. Через погану погоду ми були змушені скасувати збори. On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly. Because of the bad weather, we were forced to cancel the congregations. Єсть ıаблъко на столѣ. There is an apple on the desk. There's an iablica on the table. Цей маленький хлопчик вміє ходити. That little boy can walk. That little boy knows how to walk. Ти поїв? Have you eaten? Did you eat? Хапай його! Seize him! Get him! Он бегает. He runs. He's running. Я рад за Тома. I'm happy for Tom. I'm happy for Tom. Том вирішив одружитися на Мері. Tom decided to marry Mary. Tom decided to marry Mary. Я знаю дружину Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Том втратив пам'ять. Tom lost his memory. Tom lost his memory. Ты говоришь о Томе или о себе? Are you talking about Tom or yourself? Are you talking about Tom or yourself? Я возьму их с собой, ладно? I'll take them with me, OK? I'll take them with me, okay? Здесь что-то не так. There's something wrong. There's something wrong here. Я знал, что найду тебя вместе с Томом. I knew I'd find you with Tom. I knew I'd find you with Tom. Я хочу спать с твоей женой. I want to sleep with your wife. I want to sleep with your wife. Нельзя оставлять малыша одного. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave the kid alone. Он затащил раненого солдата в ближайшие кусты. He pulled the wounded soldier to the nearby bush. He dragged the wounded soldier into the nearby bush. Яка в Бостоні погода? What's the weather like in Boston? What's in Boston? Кєнъ имать дъва кота. Ken has two cats. It's a little bit of a cat. Я чувствовал себя незваным гостем. I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like an unassigned guest. Ми зачинили двері. We have shut the door. We closed the door. Я хотела бы, чтобы ты знал, как много ты для меня значишь. I would like you to know how much you mean to me. I'd like you to know how much you mean to me. Я за него в ответе. I'm responsible for him. I'm in charge of him. Я не в состоянии тебе это объяснить. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I can't explain it to you. Я не хочу оставаться дома. I don't want to stay home. I don't want to stay home. Я вядомы актор. I am a famous actor. I'm a famous actor. Ти зламав ногу. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Вона жорстко з нього ставиться. She is hard on him. She's cruelly treated. Чому ви це зробили? Why did you do that? Why did you do it? Том з'їв усі кукурудзяні баранці. Tom ate all the popcorn. Tom ate all the corn cans. Відео стало вірусним. The video went viral. Video has become viral. Сталин был отцом всех народов — в своей больной фантазии. Stalin was the father of all peoples - in his own unhealthy imagination. Stalin was the father of all peoples — in his painful imagination. Том, імовірно, ніколи цього не робитиме. Tom is likely to never do that. Tom may never do that. Ты такой самодовольный. You're so stuck up. You're so self-satisfy. Коли ти приїхав до Китаю? When did you come to China? When did you come to China? Том редко носит галстук. Tom seldom wears a tie. Tom seldom wears a tie. У вас дуже довгі ноги. Your legs are really long. You have very long legs. Я не могу тебе заплатить. I can't pay you. I can't pay you. З Томом стався нещасний випадок на роботі. Tom had an accident at work. Tom had an accident at work. У Тома є секрет? Does Tom have a secret? Tom's got a secret? Я теж люблю нудні жарти. I liked boring jokes, too. I like boring jokes, too. Вы заметили, какие у Мэри серёжки? Did you notice Mary's earrings? Did you notice what Mary had on her heart? Он её управляющий. He's her manager. He's her manager. Його книга стала об'єктом критики. His book became an object of criticism. His book became the object of criticism. Мы дали ей несколько яблок. We gave her some apples. We gave her some apples. Хто навучыў вас танцаваць? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Слово "родина" має три склади. The word "family" has 3 syllables. The word "nature" has three compositions. Цікаво, про що думає Том. I wonder what Tom is thinking about. I wonder what Tom is thinking. На жаль, ні. Навпаки. No, unfortunately; on the contrary. Sadly, no, rather. Нідерланди розташовані неподалік від Сполученного Королівства. The Netherlands is close to the UK. The Netherlands is not far from the United Kingdom. Есть другой способ определить меру Габриэля-Ройтера, который, может быть, более интуитивный. There is a second way to define the Gabriel-Roiter measure which may be more intuitive. There's another way to define the Gabriel Road measure, which may be more intuitive. Скільки у вас яблук? How many apples do you have? How many apples do you have? Том помпезний. Tom is pompous. Tom's fucked up. Малыш заполз в комнату. The baby crept into the room. A baby crawled into the room. Том старался не поддаваться панике. Tom was trying not to panic. Tom tried not to panic. Він одержимий. He's obsessed. He's obsessed. Томоу єси любъ. Tom loves you. Tomow, you love him. У мене був інсульт минулого року. I had a stroke last year. I had a stroke last year. Почему бы тебе не найти кого-нибудь другого, кому нужна твоя помощь? Why don't you go find someone else who needs your help? Why don't you find someone else who needs your help? Неясно, що я повинен робити. It's not clear what I'm supposed to do. It's not clear what I have to do. Она молчала весь день. She kept silent all day. She's been praying all day. Його поезія не перекладається на японську мову. His poetry does not translate into Japanese. His poetry is not translated into Japanese. Том бидляк. Tom is a human trash. Tom's a man. Том дав Мері годинник. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary a watch. Том, давай быстрей! Мы опоздаем! Hurry up, Tom! We're going to be late! Tom, come on, hurry up, we'll be late! Ежегодно издаётся много книг. A lot of books are published every year. A lot of books are published every year. Вы чего-нибудь хотите? Is there something that you want? Do you want anything? Я его слушал. I listened to him. I was listening to him. Яна стаяла перад класам. She was standing in the front of the classroom. She was standing in front of the class. Лорі — моя дівчина. Laurie is my girlfriend. Lori is my girlfriend. Давайте ей позвоним. Let's call her. Let's call her. Я звикла до того, що батьки мене ігнорують. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. Я маю дваюрадных брата і сястру. I have two cousins. I have two brothers and a sister. Пропавший мальчик был опознан по его одежде. The boy who had been missing was identified by his clothes. The missing boy was identified by his clothes. Звідки ти знаєш, коли потрібно зупинитися? How do you know when to stop? How do you know when to stop? Будь ласка, ще не йди. Please don't leave yet. Please don't go yet. Том хочет покрасить волосы. Tom wants to dye his hair. Tom wants to paint his hair. Твоя сестра як завжди чудова. Your sister's as beautiful as ever. Your sister's always great. Мати вислала тобі молоко і пироги. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. Your mother sent you milk and pies. Гараз. Вибач. Okay. Sorry. That's right, I'm sorry. Она сказала, что ей очень хочется спать. She said that she was very sleepy. She said she really wanted to sleep. Будь я птицей, я бы полетел к тебе. If I were a bird, I would fly to you. If I was a bird, I'd go to you. Хіба ви мені не довіряєте? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? Всі світлофори були червоними. The traffic lights were all red. All the lights were red. Я прыгатавала сняданак. I made breakfast. I've had breakfast. Ты хочешь, чтобы я открыл коробку? Do you want me to open the box? You want me to open the box? Навіщо народжувати дітей, якщо можна усиновити? Why have kids when you can adopt? Why give birth to children if we can adopt? Ты хацеў расказаць мне пра свабоду? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Я маю багато квітів. I have a lot of flowers. I have lots of flowers. Він не віртуоз. He is not a virtuoso. He's not virtuosis. Вы безнадёжны! You are hopeless! You are hopeless! Том ходит туда каждый день. Tom goes there every day. Tom goes there every day. Хіба ти не знаєш як? Don't you know how? Don't you know how? Том просто хочет порисоваться. Tom just wants to show off. Tom just wants to cut. Гугли старанніше! Google harder! Let's go! Ви бачили когось окрім Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see anyone else other than Tom last night? Have you seen anyone but Tom last night? Я знал, что это что-то в этом роде. I knew it was something like that. I knew it was something like that. Ты честолюбива? Are you ambitious? Are you ambitious? Том поклав свої цінні предмети до сейфу. Tom put his valuables in a safe. Tom put his valuables in the safe. Нямае руж без шыпоў. There is no rose without a thorn. There are no roses with no spikes. Мне надо было сначала у неё спросить. I should've asked her first. I should have asked her first. Том сказав, що планує поїхати в понеділок. Tom said that he planned to go Monday. Tom said he was planning to go Monday. Ще одне, будь ласка. One more, please. One more, please. Я знаю, что Том умеет рисовать. I know that Tom can draw. I know Tom can paint. Для мяне замежныя мовы вельмі цікавыя. I find foreign languages very interesting. And for me, foreign languages are really interesting. Адвокат имеет убедительные доказательства, что она невиновна. The attorney has strong evidence that she is innocent. The lawyer has convincing evidence that she is innocent. Мою квартиру ограбили на прошлой неделе. My apartment was robbed last week. My apartment was robbed last week. Моя мать хорошо играет на фортепьяно. My mother plays the piano well. My mother's a good piano player. Том не устоял перед искушением. Tom was unable to resist the temptation. Tom didn't stand up to the temptation. Коротке волосся дуже їй личить. Short hair really suits her. Short hair is really good for her. Том дуже неввічливий. Tom is really rude. Tom is very rude. Мэри говорит, что лучше не поедет. Mary says she'd rather not go. Mary says she won't do better. Помощь наконец пришла. Help finally arrived. Help finally came. Він завжди був пихатим хлопцем. Його батьки, здається, не мали нічого проти. He always was a very haughty boy. His parents didn't seem to mind. His parents seem to have had nothing against him. Я хочу попити кави. I want to drink coffee. I want some coffee. Ти записав номер Тома? Did you write down Tom's number? Did you write Tom's number? Гэта анімэ пра тое, як звычайны японскі школьнік ажаніўся на сваёй настаўніцы-інапланецянцы. Гэта Японія, там такое здараецца. It's an anime about a normal Japanese schoolboy who married his alien teacher. Things like this happen in Japan. And it's something about how ordinary Japanese high school got married to a Catholic teacher, and this is Japan, and that's what happens there. Том завжди себе так поводить? Does Tom always behave like that? Tom always behaves like this? Скоро зима. Winter is coming soon. It's winter soon. Ты её убил. You killed her. You killed her. Я, должно быть, уснул. I must have fallen asleep. I must've fallen asleep. Це надзвичайно небезпечно. It's extremely dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. Собаку звати Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Я мог бы это сделать. I could have done it. I could do that. Мы можем запереть эту дверь? Can we lock this door? Can we lock that door? То яблуко. This is an apple. That's an apple. Том починав усвідомлювати, що відбувається. Tom was beginning to realize what was going on. Tom started to realize what was going on. У мене все гаразд. I'm all right. I'm fine. Том хочет его продать. Tom wants to sell it. Tom wants to sell him. Ми повинні довіряти їм. We have to trust them. We must trust them. Нет, я этого не сделал. No, I didn't do that. No, I didn't. Багато грошей. There is a lot of money. A lot of money. Я трохи запізнився. I was a bit late. I'm a little late. Мне трудно решить эту проблему. It is difficult for me to solve that problem. It's hard for me to solve this problem. Она жила по соседству с нами. She lived next door to us. She lived next door to us. Деяким студентам подобається грати на гітарі. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some students enjoy playing guitars. Офицер вселил в своих людей храбрость. The officer inspired his men to be brave. The officer kept stealing from his men. Сегодня пятница, двадцатое октября. Today is Friday, the twentieth of October. Today is Friday, October 20. Том выше вас. Tom is taller than you. Tom's taller than you. Я дав Тому шанс. I gave Tom a chance. That's why I gave you a chance. Я не ведаю, куды яшчэ звярнуцца. I don't know where else to turn. I don't know where to turn. Ты знаешь, почему они прекратили говорить? Do you know why they stopped talking? Do you know why they stopped talking? Не запізнися на автобус. Don't miss the bus. Don't be late for the bus. На летних каникулах в Каруидзаву нахлынули туристы. Tourists poured into Karuizawa during the summer vacation. Travelers flocked to Carouidesahu summer holidays. Что Тома так разозлило? What made Tom angry? What's Tom got so angry? Це питна вода? Is this water okay to drink? Is that drinking water? Я хочу, чтобы Том увидел их. I want Tom to see these. I want Tom to see them. Нам треба створити більше робочих місць. We need to create more jobs. We need to create more jobs. Він фемініст. He's a feminist. He's a feminist. Што з ім не так? What is wrong with him? What's wrong with him? Никто не мог в это поверить. No one could believe it. No one could believe it. Том сказав, що не може втриматися від того, щоб зробити це. Tom said he couldn't resist doing that. Tom said he couldn't hold back from doing it. Я ніколі раней не чуў пра Львоў. I had never heard about Lviv before. I had never heard of the Lviv before. Я скажу Тому, чтобы он связался с Мэри. I'll tell Tom to contact Mary. I'll tell him to contact Mary. Том та Мері спробували. Tom and Mary gave it a try. Tom and Mary tried. Мы забыли записаться! We have forgotten to sign up! We forgot to sign up! Я хотів, щоб Том заспівав. I wanted Tom to sing. I wanted Tom to sing. Ты в моём сердце. You're in my heart. You're in my heart. Том не думає, що ми можемо це зробити. Tom doesn't think that we can do that. Tom doesn't think we can do that. Перадай мне тую маленькую адвёртку. Hand me that small screwdriver. Give me your little girl back. Я вырашыла стаць юрысткай. I decided to be a lawyer. I've decided to be a lawyer. Я почти верю тебе. I almost believe you. I almost believe you. Навіщо б тобі робити щось подібне? Why would you want to do something like that? Why don't you do something like that? Діти граються кубиками. Children play with blocks. Children play cubes. В конце концов она так и не перезвонила. She didn't telephone after all. After all, she never called back. Ты выбрал не того человека. You've got the wrong person. You chose the wrong man. Мы скоро вас навестим. We'll visit you soon. We'll visit you soon. Я не така впевнена. I'm not so confident. I'm not so sure. Цю склянку хтось розбив. The glass was broken by someone. That glass was broken by someone. Я вже розглянув цю ідею. I've already considered that idea. I've already considered this idea. Веганство — це альтернативний спосіб життя. Veganism is an alternative lifestyle. Veganism is an alternative way of life. Ти пам'ятаєш, як закінчується цей фільм? Do you remember how this movie ends? Do you remember when this film ends? Ви можете зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do this right now? Ніхто не відвідав мене у лікарні. Nobody ever came to see me in the hospital. No one visited me at the hospital. Вони навіть не знають чому. They don't even know why. They don't even know why. Оглядываясь назад, я думаю, что ты был прав. In retrospect, I think you were right. Looking back, I think you were right. Она всегда рано встаёт. She always gets up early. She's always up early. Я более чем уверен, что это не сработает. I'm pretty sure that it won't work. I'm more sure it won't work. Я взял мой зонт, опасаясь дождя. I took my umbrella for fear of rain. I took my probe for fear of rain. Я написал много предложений на эсперанто. I wrote many phrases in Esperanto. I've written a lot of suggestions on esperanto. Сабака перастрыбнуў праз крэсла. The dog jumped over a chair. The dog leaped across his chair. Я багатий. I'm wealthy. I'm rich. Ничего страшного. Со всеми бывает. Never mind. It happens to everyone. It's okay. На щастя, ніхто не постраждав. Luckily nobody got injured. Happily, no one was hurt. Майку, це ваша книжка? Mike, is this your book? Mike, is that your book? У цій будівлі немає туалетів. There are no restrooms in this building. There's no toilets in this building. Убачымся заўтра ў бібліятэцы. See you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you in the library tomorrow. Он позвонил мне, как раз когда я собирался лечь спать. I got a phone call from him just as I was about to go to bed. He called me when I was going to sleep. Я хочу його позбутися. I want to get rid of it. I want to get rid of him. Міст зроблено з дерева. The bridge is built of wood. The bridge is made of wood. Це м'ясо — це курятина. That meat is chicken. This meat is chicken. Том міг це зробити вчора. You could've done that yesterday. Tom could have done it yesterday. Я хотів поговорити зі своїм адвокатом. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. Мені цікаво, чи Том поїхав із Бостона. I wonder whether Tom has left Boston or not. I wonder if Tom left Boston. Я всё-таки думаю, Том не понимает, что происходит. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. I still think Tom doesn't understand what's going on. Я не стану говорить с Томом. I won't talk to Tom. I'm not talking to Tom. Пес на дворе? Is the dog in the yard? The dog in the yard? Ти знаєш, де Том? Do you know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Ти віриш, що зірки керують нашею долею? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe stars control our destiny? "Вы когда вернётесь?" - "Всё зависит от погоды". "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you return?" "It depends on the weather." Том любив Бостон. Tom loved Boston. Tom loved Boston. Учора я була зайнята. I was busy yesterday. I was busy yesterday. Мяне раптам пабудзілі на золку. I was woken up suddenly at dawn. I was suddenly built for the night. Есть какие-нибудь соображения? Any clues? Any observations? Колькі вам трэба? How many do you need? How long do you want? Я правильно произнёс твоё имя? Did I pronounce your name correctly? Did I make your name right? Я помираю, так хочу їх побачити. I'm dying to see them. I'm dying, so I want to see them. Они ровесники. They are the same age. They're peers. Я цікавлюся музикою. I am interested in music. I'm interested in music. Тогда я начал понимать. I then began to understand. Then I started to understand. 100 років ти мені снився! I couldn't care less about you. You dream about me for 100 years! Не думаю, що Том знає, як це трапилося. I don't think that Tom knows how it happened. I don't think Tom knows how it happened. Нам с вами не о чем говорить. You and I have nothing to talk about. There's nothing for you and me to talk about. Ось церква, у якій ми побралися. This is the church where we got married. This is the church we were married to. Том схилився, щоб поцілувати Мері в щічку. Tom bent down to kiss Mary's cheek. Tom bowed to kiss Mary in the cheek. Я надел пальто наизнанку. I put my coat on inside out. I've put on my coat for the first time. Я сделал это для Тома. I did it for Tom. I did it for Tom. По-твоему, я толстая? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm fat? Я штомесяца даю табе шмат грошай. I give you plenty of money each month. I give you a lot of money every month. Ты маеш час у пятніцу пасля абеду? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Do you have time on Friday after dinner? Я ошибся. I was wrong. I was wrong. Снег шел всю прошлую ночь. It snowed all last night. Snow went all last night. Дайте мне сигарету. Give me a cigarette. Give me a cigarette. Великобританія складається с Уельсу, Англії та Шотландії. Great Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland. Britain is made up of Wales, England, and Scotland. Я вам не довіряю. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Я уверен, что Том об этом не знал. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. I'm sure Tom didn't know. Я яе не запрасіла. I didn't invite her. I didn't pick it up. Ты просто убегаешь от жизненных проблем. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. Это именно то, что я им сказал. That's exactly what I told them. That's exactly what I told them. Я дивився цей фільм дуже давно. I saw that movie a long time ago. I've watched this movie a long time ago. Я не против, чтобы ты здесь остался. I don't mind your staying here. I don't mind you staying here. Том увесь день працює. Tom has been working all day. Tom works all day. Я ўмею плаваць. I can swim. I can swim. Я сіла не в той автобус. I'm on the wrong bus. I went to the wrong bus. Это было всего несколько раз. It only happened a few times. It was just a few times. Мне вас не жалко. I don't feel sorry for you. I'm not sorry for you. В этом месяце мне надо сократить расходы. I have to reduce my expenses this month. This month, I need to reduce my costs. Я намагався саме це зробити. I tried doing just that. I tried to do just that. Я не разумею. I do not understand. I don't understand. Ми замовимо піццу. We'll order a pizza. We'll order pizza. Задай глупый вопрос, и получишь глупый ответ. Ask a silly question and you'll get a silly answer. Ask the stupid question, and you'll get the stupid answer. То быў злы трус. That was an evil bunny. It was a angry rabbit. Том лишь в тридцать выучился водить. Tom didn't learn to drive until he was thirty. Tom's only 30 years old to drive. Що нам робити — це залежить від вас. What we do is up to you. What we do depends on you. Фадзіль нарадзіўся да Вялікай дэпрэсіі. Fadil was born during the Great Depression. The Fadile was about to Great Depression. Уверена, что вы не удивлены. I'm sure you're not surprised. I'm sure you're not surprised. Я всё равно не хотел идти. I didn't want to go anyway. I didn't want to go anyway. Ми не знайдемо Тома. We're not going to find Tom. We won't find Tom. Лай этой собаки не испугает и ребёнка. That dog's bark wouldn't even scare off a baby. That dog's not scared of a baby. Пожалуйста, запишите это на мой счёт. Please charge this to my account. Please write this down on my account. Я не вірю, що Том повернеться. I don't believe that Tom will return. I don't believe Tom's gonna come back. Том виглядає наляканим. Tom seems very scared. Tom looks scared. Я из тех девушек, которые больше дружат с парнями. I'm that kind of girls who get on with boys better. I'm the kind of girl who's more friends with the guys. Вы разве не католичка? Aren't you Catholic? Aren't you a Catholic? Том сказал мне, что вернётся. Tom told me he'd be back. Tom told me he'd come back. Том зробив для дітей все, що зміг. Tom did everything he could for his kids. Tom did everything he could for the kids. Мы заблудились. We lost our way. We got lost. Какая птица не умеет летать? What bird cannot fly? What bird can't fly? Я занадто худа. I'm too thin. I'm too thin. Её одежда привлекла много внимания на вечеринке. Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. Her clothes attracted much attention at the party. У нього дві машини. He's got two cars. He's got two cars. Том понял, что что-то не в порядке. Tom realized something wasn't right. Tom realized there was something wrong. Есть ли у немцев другие заботы в жизни, кроме потребительства? Do the Germans have any other concerns in life apart from consumerism? Do the Germans have other things to do with their lives, other than their needs? Гэта немагчыма. It's impossible. You can't. По-моему, это как-то нечестно. I think that's kind of dishonest. I don't think it's fair. Пакажыце мне штосьці яшчэ, калі ласка. Please show me something else. Show me something else, please. Батьки Тома ще живі. Tom's parents are both still living. Tom's parents are still alive. Том може йти. Tom may leave. Tom can go. У нас есть важная работа. We have important work to do. We have important work to do. Це так дивно. This is so weird. It's so strange. Згодна. Okay. I agree. Приглашай кого хочешь. Invite anyone you want. Say hello to anyone you want. Это шутка была? Was that a joke? Was that a joke? В чьё царствование была построена эта церковь? During whose reign was that church built? Whose kingdom was this church built? Тепер розумію. I understand now. Now I understand. Яна любіла тоўстых мужчын, таму вырашыла перайсці ў будызм. She loved fat men, so she decided to convert to Buddhism. She liked stout men, so she decided to go to a building. Я купив синові нові санки. I bought new sledge for my son. I bought my son a new sledge. Се ли котъ? Is that a cat? Are these cats? Ми багато випили. We drank a lot. We drank a lot. Ця спідниця дешева. This skirt is cheap. This skirt is cheap. Он любит ухаживать за садом. He likes taking care of the garden. He likes taking care of the garden. Я не такий, яким здаюся. I'm not what I seem. I'm not what I think I am. З ким Том планував це зробити? Who did Tom plan on doing that with? Who was Tom planning to do this? Том розчарував мене. Tom disappointed me. Tom disappointed me. Почему она это сделала? Why did she do that? Why did she do that? Вы должны сделать заказ заранее. You should order in advance. You have to make an order in advance. Я верю в это. I believe it. I believe that. Я буду надворі. I'll be outside. I'll be outside. Випрямся. Straighten up. Turn around. Том логічний. Tom is logical. Tom makes sense. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at speaking French. Tom's good at speaking French. Я видел, как вы шпионили за Томом. I saw you spying on Tom. I saw you spy on Tom. Я должен носить этот галстук чаще. Я получил много комплиментов сегодня. I ought to wear this tie more often. I've gotten a lot of compliments today. I have to wear this tie more often. Я боявся, що це може трапитися. I was afraid this might happen. I was afraid this might happen. Я рада, что ты была здесь. I'm glad you were here. I'm glad you were here. Моё имя знают все в моей школе. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name knows everything at my school. Шчыра кажучы, ён мне не падабаецца. To tell the truth, I don't like him. And frankly, he doesn't like me. Мэри — выдающийся художник. Mary is a brilliant artist. Mary is an outstanding artist. Я не пам'ятаю її ім'я. I can't remember what her name is. I don't remember her name. Моя краватка помаранчова. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. О котрій годині закінчиться твій останній урок? What time will your last class be over? At what time will your final lesson end? Куди вони пішли? Where did they go? Where did they go? Будь ласка, покажіть мені, як це робиться. Please show me how to do that. Please show me how this is done. Не думай, что я не пытался. Don't think I didn't try. Don't think I didn't try. Кідай паліць. Stop smoking. Drop the coat. Не вини себя. Don't blame yourself. Don't blame yourself. Мій кіт виглядає сумним. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Чый гэта ровар? Whose bike is this? Whose bicycle is it? Якей фарби кнїжка? What colour is the book? What kind of brush paint? Красный зонт напомнил ей о бабушке. The red umbrella reminded her about her grandmother. The red zone reminds her of her grandmother. Я боюся собак. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Не припиняй грати. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. У нас півдюжини яєць. We have half a dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Нам нужно больше фермеров. We need more farmers. We need more farmers. К сожалению, это правда. Unfortunately, it's true. Unfortunately, that's true. Я люблю моркву. I love carrots. I love carrots. Хвала! Thank you! Praise! Якая кашуля ружовая? What shirt is pink? What's the pink shirt? Терпеть не могу лицемеров. I hate hypocrites. I can't stand the hypocrites. Я хочу, чтобы Вы надели эту. I want you to wear this one. I want you to put this on. Тому с Мэри надо отдохнуть. Tom and Mary need to relax. That's why Mary needs to rest. Том думает, что я сейчас в Бостоне. Tom thinks that I'm in Boston now. Tom thinks I'm in Boston now. Я там часто бывал. I was often there. I've been there a lot. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks tired. Tom looks tired. Я приготовил Тому ужин. I cooked Tom dinner. That's why I made dinner. Мені Том все ще не дуже подобається. I still don't like Tom very much. I still don't like Tom. Я не могу сказать этого своему отцу. I can't say that to my dad. I can't tell my father that. Я граю на кларнеті. I play the clarinet. I'm playing clarinet. Адскануйце QR-код. Scan the QR code. Connect the QR-code. Я не хочу продавати машину. I don't want to sell my car. I don't want to sell the car. Я не розумію, а я не звик не розуміти. Будь ласка, поясніть ще раз. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, but I don't get used to it. Мне нравится цвет твоей рубашки. I like the color of your shirt. I like the color of your shirt. Мьнить ми сѧ оже єспєранъто сє тѧжькыи ѩзыкъ. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. It's not like we've been here since then. Мне патрэбна твая дапамога. I need your help. I need your help. Ты не знал, что это происходит? Didn't you know that that was happening? Did you not know what this was going on? Посмотри на него. Look at him. Look at him. Не забывай нас! Don't forget us! Don't forget us! Вы что-то ещё хотите мне сказать? Is there something else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you'd like to tell me? Ты должен закрыть дверь на замок. You should lock your door. You have to lock the door on the lock. Тебе не стоило ходить в такое опасное место. You shouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place. You shouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place. Том зараз набагато старший. Tom is a lot older now. Tom's much older now. Якщо ти зараз не підеш, вони тебе вб'ють. If you don't leave now, they'll kill you. If you don't leave now, they'll kill you. Мы нашли это сегодня утром. We found it this morning. We found it this morning. Том обязательно тебе поможет. Tom is sure to help you. Tom will help you. Білі починають і виграють. White to play and win. Whites start and win. Яке це має до мене відношення? What's that have to do with me? What does this have to do with me? Я все ще планую це зробити. I still plan to do that. I'm still planning to do it. Никто ничего не заподозрил. Nobody suspected a thing. No one suspected anything. Я тобі не допоможу. I will not help you. I won't help you. Том зразумеў, што Мэры стамілася. Tom realized that Mary was tired. Tom realized that Mary was tired. Мені хотілося би мати добрий французький словник. I wish I had a good French dictionary. I wish I had a good French dictionary. Я не хотів танцювати. I didn't want to dance. I didn't want to dance. Я знаю, что тебе ещё нет восемнадцати. I know that you're under 18. I know you're not eighteen yet. Ці ты ганарышся сваім бацькам? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Стойте там. Stay there. Stay there. Тут где-нибудь есть почта? Is there a post office around here? Is there an e-mail here somewhere? Единственный способ узнать, что случилось, - спросить Тома. The only way to find out what happened is to ask Tom. The only way to know what happened is to ask Tom. Вы не узнаёте его? Don't you recognize him? Don't you recognize him? Том чистить картоплю. Tom is peeling the potatoes. Tom's cleaning potatoes. Том вежливо улыбнулся. Tom smiled politely. Tom smiled politely. Вяхотка Самі была брудная. Sami's loofah was dirty. The mother-in-law was dirty. Том сказал мне, что у нас проблема. Tom told me we had a problem. Tom told me we had a problem. Том із Мері все ще тут? Are Tom and Mary still here? Tom and Mary are still here? Ти згодна з їхнім рішенням? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Не думаю, что Том может вам сейчас помочь. I don't think that Tom can help you now. I don't think Tom can help you right now. Я не хочу ранить чувства своего сына. I don't want to hurt my son's feelings. I don't want to hurt my son's feelings. Оли томоу єсмь не порозоумѣлъ. I didn't understand it yet. There's no podium on the volume. Он сидел на кровати. He was sitting on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Я о таких вещах не беспокоюсь. I don't worry about those things. I'm not worried about such things. Її родина дуже любить дивитися телевізор кожного дня. His family really loves watching television every day. Her family enjoy watching TV every day. Роби те, що вони тобі кажуть. Do what they tell you. Do what they tell you. Де нам можна сісти? Where can we sit? Where can we sit? Ви відновили мою віру у людство. You have restored my faith in humanity. You have restored my faith in mankind. Навіть не думай про це. Don't ever think that. Don't even think about it. Їх занадто багато! There's too many of them! There are too many of them! Тебе весело? Are you enjoying yourself? Are you having fun? Притримайте язика! Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue! У меня уйдёт слишком много времени на объяснение, почему это не сработает. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. I'll have too much time to explain why it won't work. Том все ще може загинути. Tom still might die. Tom can still die. У мене є інформація для неї. I have information for her. I have information for her. Завжди будь готовим до найгіршого. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be ready for the worst. Я не знала, що ви хочете в мене працювати. I didn't know that you wanted to work for me. I didn't know you wanted to work for me. Том єдиний, хто не вміє цього робити. Tom is the only one who can't do that. Tom's the only one who can't do this. Це я тебе запросила? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Моё сердце бьётся чаще каждый раз, как я её вижу. My heart beats fast each time I see her. My heart beats more often than I see it. Можливо, я помилився. I may have made a mistake. Maybe I was wrong. Времена тяжёлые. The times are hard. Time's heavy. Хто вас привів? Who brought you in? Who brought you? Перакладзі гэта, калі ласка, на англійскую. Translate this into English, please. Translate this to English, please. Я хочу пару перчаток. I want a pair of gloves. I want a couple of gloves. Калі ласка, пачакайце пять хвілін. Please wait for five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Ваше имя - первое в списке. Your name is first on the list. Your name is the first one on the list. Том спросил Мэри, когда она собирается купить новую пару обуви для младшей дочери. Tom asked Mary when she was going to buy a new pair of shoes for her youngest daughter. Tom asked Mary when she was going to buy a new pair of shoes for her youngest daughter. Том учит моих детей французскому. Tom teaches French to my children. Tom teaches my children to French. С тех пор я ничего о нем не слышал. Интересно, чем он сейчас занимается. I haven't heard anything from him since then. I wonder what in the world he's doing. Since then, I haven't heard anything about him. Том не такой, как мы. Tom isn't like us. Tom's not like us. Перестаньте бути боягузами. Stop being cowards. Stop being a coward. Я не хотел доводить его до слёз. I didn't mean to make him cry. I didn't want to bring him to tears. Вы так ошибаетесь! You're so wrong. You're so wrong! Всі лавки зайняті. All the benches are taken. All the benches are busy. Она улыбнулась мне. She smiled at me. She smiled at me. Що там? What is over there? What is it? Они живут этажом выше. They live on the floor above. They live on the floor higher. Я пригласил его на ужин. I invited him to dinner. I invited him for dinner. Тома не покарали, а Мері так. Tom wasn't punished, but Mary was. Tom wasn't punished, and Mary did. Я в пижаме. I'm in my pajamas. I'm in the pajamas. Я не намагався. I haven't tried. I didn't try. Помни, зачем ты здесь. Remember why you're here. Remember why you're here. Це книга, про яку я тобі розповідав. This is the book that I told you about. It's the book I told you about. Зачем ты открыла ту дверь? Why did you open that door? Why did you open that door? Яна марыла, што прынц прыедзе на белым кані, каб увезці яе. She dreamed that a prince would come on a white horse to take her away. She dreamed that Prince would come on white horsees to bring her. У мене все гаразд. I am okay. I'm fine. Ідіоте! Idiot! Idiot! Том сказав, що він не може знайти нічого поїсти. Tom said he couldn't find anything to eat. Tom said he couldn't find anything to eat. У мене немає ані кредитної картки, ані банківського рахунку. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. Я ніколи не бачив, як ви смієтеся. I've never seen you laugh. I've never seen you laugh. У трусоў доўгія вушы. A rabbit has long ears. Rabbits have long ears. Вона зібрала уламки розбитого посуду. She gathered the pieces of the broken dish. She collected debris from a broken vessel. Ты знала их лучше, чем я. You knew them better than I did. You knew them better than I did. Где ты его видел? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Таямніца дыялектыкі Гегеля у канечным ліку толькі ў гэтым: ён абвяргае тэалогію з дапамогай філасофіі для таго, каб пасля абвергнуць філасофію з дапамогай тэалогіі. The secret of Hegel's dialectic lies ultimately in this alone, that it negates theology through philosophy in order then to negate philosophy through theology. And this is one where, in a dance of intelligence, there's just this: he puts theology in a philosophy of philosophy, so that after he can turn philosophy around with Theologian, he can actually translate itself through theology. Мы понятия не имели, что Том собирается это сделать. We had no idea that Tom was going to do that. We had no idea Tom was gonna do it. Що у тебе в руці? What's in your hand? What's in your hand? Якщо у вас є якісь запитання, дайте мені знати. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, let me know. Пожежу швидко загасили. The fire was soon extinguished. The fire went on quickly. Звук вашего голоса как мелодичная песня сирен для меня. The sound of your voice is like siren's song to me. The sound of your voice as a melodious song of sirens. Ты напугала нас. You scared us. You scared us. Ты будешь это есть? Are you going to eat this? Will you eat it? Як звуть хлопця? What's that boy's name? What's the name of the boy? Том пришёл меня спасать. Tom came to save me. Tom came to save me. То, что ты сказал, всех разозлило. What you said made everybody angry. What you said made everyone angry. Хто ще був на зустрічі? Who else was at the meeting? Who else was meeting? Компьютер распознаёт две сотни видов ошибок. The computer recognises two hundred different types of errors. The computer recognizes two hundred types of errors. Он друг моей жены, а не мой. He's my wife's friend, not mine. He's my wife's friend, not mine. Он сидел на лавке с закрытыми глазами. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He was sitting in a bench with his eyes closed. У космасе няма паветра. There is no air in space. There is no air in your space. Розбудіть Тома. Wake Tom up. I want you to wake Tom. Я знал, что делают Джексоны. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. I knew what Jackson was doing. Мне необязательно делать это завтра. I don't have to do that tomorrow. I don't need to do this tomorrow. Спробую ще раз, дякую. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. Я позвонил в дверь. I rang the doorbell. I called the door. Я думал, это её рассмешит. I thought it would make her laugh. I thought it would make her laugh. Я советую тебе переодеться. I advise you to change clothes. I recommend you change your clothes. Хто яна? Who is she? Who is she? Тому пришлось остановиться. Tom had to stop. So I had to stop. Я хірург. I'm the surgeon. I'm a surgeon. Тома волнует только внешнее. Tom only cares about appearance. Tom's only concerned about the outside. Я клієнтка. I'm a client. I'm a client. Мы его исправим. We'll fix it. We'll fix him. Це було неминуче. It was inevitable. It was inevitable. Він помилявся. He was wrong. He was wrong. Хто з іх лепей спявае? Which of them can sing better? Which of them sings best? У вас на обличчі кетчуп. You have ketchup on your face. On your face, ketchup. Сподіваюся, ви не п'єте забагато. I hope you don't drink too much. I hope you don't drink too much. Солдаты наполнили мешки песком. The soldiers filled the sandbags with sand. The soldiers filled the bags with sand. Я знаю его адрес. Но это секрет. I know his address, but it's a secret. I know his address, but it's a secret. Молися! Pray! Pray! Она была взята с поличным. She was caught red handed. She was picked up with a plastic. Я вас просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you for help? Не знаю. Beats me. I don't know. Пожалуйста, скажите всем, что я сожалею. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Тому не нужно было уходить. Tom didn't need to leave. So we didn't have to go. Том останется на ужин? Will Tom stay for dinner? Will Tom stay for dinner? Я в них нуждался. I needed them. I needed them. Том наморщил нос. Tom wrinkled his nose. Tom whacked his nose. Давай дадим Тому ещё один шанс. Let's give Tom another chance. Let's give Tom another chance. Позвольте мне забрать ваш багаж. Let me relieve you of your baggage. Let me take your luggage. Я на цьому наполягаю. I insist upon that. I'm insisting on it. Великої надії немає. There is not much hope. There is no great hope. Попатрайте курку перед тим, як її приготувати. Draw a chicken before cooking. Drink your chicken before you prepare it. У краме прадаецца садавіна і гародніна. The store sells fruit and vegetables. The country is sold with fruit and vegetables. Это нанесёт вред урожаю. It will damage the crops. It'll hurt the harvest. Мы с Томом очень близки. Tom and I are very close. Tom and I are very close. Мій тато вдома. My father is home. My dad's home. Я никогда не буду работать на Тома. I'll never work for Tom. I'll never work for Tom. Коли ти це зрозумів? When did you realize that? When did you get that? Том теж поїхав до Австралії. Tom went to Australia, too. Tom too went to Australia. Я знаю, що це буде неможливе. I know it'll be impossible. I know it'll be impossible. Улыбнись и будь счастлив! Smile and be happy! Smile and be happy! Ты надта цяжка працуеш. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Ребёнок толкается. The baby's kicking. The baby's moving. Я хочу открыть собственный ресторан. I want to open my own restaurant. I want to open my own restaurant. Том говорить і французькою. Tom can speak French as well. Tom speaks French. Ви любите китайську їжу? Do you like Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food? Он мне помогает. He's helping me. He's helping me. Я завжди перемагаю. I always win. I always win. Я был готов к выходу. I was ready to go. I was ready to leave. Можна я яго сюды пакладу? May I put it here? Can I put it here? Гэта наш цягнік. That's our train. It's our train. Том це тобі дійсно сказав? Did Tom actually tell you that? Tom really told you that? Відкрий книжку на дев'ятій сторінці. Open your book to page nine. Open the book on page nine. Я дам тебе ещё немного времени на размышление. I'll give you a little more time to think about it. I'll give you some more time to think about it. Ідіть якомога швидше. Walk as fast as possible. Go as fast as you can. Я сказала Тому, чтобы он позвонил мне. I told Tom to give me a call. I told him to call me. Я не знаю Вашего имени. I don't know your name. I don't know your name. Я був переможцем. I was the winner. I was a winner. Я забыл выключить свет. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn the lights off. Я приїхала до Японії, щоб побачити Кіото. I came to Japan to see Kyoto. I came to Japan to see Kyoto. Том постоянно это делает. Tom does that all the time. Tom's been doing it all the time. С кем ты разговаривал? Who were you talking to? Who were you talking to? Ми вивчаємо китайську. We study Chinese. We study Chinese. Я ненавижу шпинат. I hate spinach. I hate spinach. Я помог перенести те сумки. I helped carry those bags. I helped move that bag. Том согласился бы это сделать. Tom would agree to do that. Tom would agree to do that. Есть ли какая-нибудь опасность? Is there any danger? Is there any danger? Kawa — гэта рэалізацыя мовы Scheme для JVM, што дазваляе выкарыстоўваць усе бібліятэкі платформы Java. Kawa is an implementation of Scheme for JVM that allows one to take advantage of all the libraries of Java. Kwaa is the implementation of the Scheme language for JVM, which allows you to use all the Java platform libraries. Мені потрібно зарядити мобільний телефон. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my cell phone. Мне не нравится, как Том смотрит на тебя. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. Давайте перевіримо. Let's check. Let's check it out. Том сказал, что он ест. Tom said that he was eating. Tom said he was eating. Я лише бажаю вам допомогти. I only wish to help you. I just want to help you. Он не мог сдержать улыбку. He couldn't stop smiling. He couldn't hold his smile. Його брат дуже старанний працівник. His brother is a hard worker. His brother is a very diligent worker. Том и Мэри должны сделать это вместе. Tom and Mary have to do that together. Tom and Mary have to do it together. Скільки у тебе в будинку годинників? How many clocks do you have in your house? How many watchs do you have in your house? Подожди, это что? Wait, what is this? Wait, is that what? Я не магу табе яго даць. I can't give it to you. I can't give thee. Батьки Тома весь час сваряться. Tom's parents fight all the time. Tom's parents always fight. Він мені дав олівець. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Я не вмію свистіти. I cannot whistle. I can't whistle. Тут дуже галасливо. It's really noisy here. It's very loud here. Она сказала, что попробует. She said that she would try. She said she'd try. Що, на твою думку, сталося насправді? What do you think really happened? What do you think happened? Том на работе. Tom is in his office. Tom's at work. Глаза девушки были полны слёз. The girl's eyes were filled with tears. The girl’s eyes were filled with tears. Я поїду до Бостона з Томом. I'll go to Boston with Tom. I'm going to Boston with Tom. Том - талантливый шахматист. Tom is a talented chess player. Tom is a talented chess player. Вы знаете, как я был занят? Do you know how busy I've been? Do you know how I've been doing? Боюсь, мне надо кое в чём признаться. I'm afraid I have a confession to make. I'm afraid I have to admit something. Его сын - гений. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. Самі дагэтуль не ведае, што дакладна здарылася. Sami still doesn't know what exactly happened. I don't know what's happening before. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. It's not the only problem. Через некоторое время мужчина вошёл в комнату. After a while, the man came into the room. After a while a man entered the room. Я був слабкий. I was weak. I was weak. Поговори з нею. Talk to her. Talk to her. Я не знаю, как ты это делаешь. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you do it. На голові у батька сидить птах. There's a bird on my dad's head. My father has a bird on his head. Мы все его видели. We've all seen it. We all saw him. Как сейчас обстоят дела на фабрике? What's the situation at the factory now? What's going on in the factory now? Том дал ружьё Мэри. Tom gave Mary the gun. Tom gave Mary the gun. Это не подходит ни под одну категорию. This doesn't fit into any category. It doesn't fit into any category. Вона мене запросила. She invited me. She invited me. Я велел Тому уйти. I told Tom to leave. I told him to leave. Він був у кімнаті сам-один. He was all alone in the room. He was in the room alone. Він іноді дивиться телевізор. He sometimes watches TV. He's watching TV sometimes. Ты завтра едешь в Токио? Are you going to go to Tokyo tomorrow? Are you going to Tokyo tomorrow? Можно мне ещё одну попробовать? Can I try one more? Can I try another one? Ось і потяг. Here comes the train. That's the train. Чому ти попросив Тома зробити це, раз ти знав, що він не може цього зробити? Why did you ask Tom to do that when you knew he couldn't do it? Why did you ask Tom to do this, since you knew he couldn't do it? Я живу на ферме. I live on a farm. I live on a farm. Когда лёд тает, он превращается в воду. When ice melts, it becomes water. When the ice melts, it turns into water. Квадратний корінь із шестиста дев'яти тисяч дев'ятисот шістдесяти одного — сімсот вісімдесят один. The square root of six hundred nine thousand nine hundred sixty-one is seven hundred eighty-one. The square root of six hundred and nine thousand sixty-one is seventy-eight eighty-one. Я приготовила завтрак. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Вы такой грубый! You're so rude. You're so rude! За нами могут наблюдать. Somebody could be watching us. We can be watched. Я точно не пам'ятаю, що сказав Том. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I definitely don't remember what Tom said. Він живе неподалік. He lives near here. He lives nearby. Я розлютилася. I got angry. I'm angry. Где ваши зонты? Where are your umbrellas? Where are your umbrellas? Прости её на этот раз. Give her another chance. I'm sorry about her this time. Дети Тома, должно быть, по нему скучают. Tom's children must miss him. Tom's kids must miss him. Я пытаюсь заниматься, так что потише, пожалуйста. I'm trying to study, so please be quiet. I'm trying to do it, so keep it quiet, please. Том сказал Мэри, что хочет пить. Tom told Mary that he was thirsty. Tom told Mary he wanted to drink. Мені слід піти. I should go. I should go. Я думала, ви загубили мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Я чуть не забыл вам рассказать о том, что произошло. I almost forgot to tell you about what happened. I almost forgot to tell you what happened. Єдина особа, про кого Том взагалі говорить, — це Мері. The only person Tom ever talks about is Mary. The only person that Tom is talking about in general is Mary. Хочеш піти з нами на концерт? Do you want to go to the concert with us? You want to go to the concert with us? Возможно, я больше никогда не буду ходить. I may never walk again. Maybe I'll never walk again. Ты тогда был в школе? Were you at school at that time? You were at school, then? Гарантыя на гэты гадзціннік — на адзін год. They guarantee this clock for a year. All right, we've got aquainted against this bastard for one year. Чем ты больше всего любишь заниматься? What kind of activities you enjoy the most? What do you love most about doing? Я не хотел рассказывать вам это. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. Вона затримала подих. She held her breath. She held back her breath. Том стал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Я більше не хочу. I don't want any more! I don't want any more. Тебе нечего скрывать, не так ли? You have nothing to hide, do you? You have nothing to hide, don't you? Я хотела бы увидеть начальника. I'd like to see the principal. I'd like to see the boss. Пожалуйста, включи радио. Turn on the radio, please. Please turn on the radio. Он умышленно промахнулся, чтобы не убить меня. He missed on purpose so as not to kill me. He deliberately missed me so he wouldn't kill me. А теперь меня слышно? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? "Помогите! Помогите! - закричала Пьеретта. - Убивают!" "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" "Help, help! Де знаходиться посольство Нідерландів? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Dutch Embassy? Я её сперва не узнал. I couldn't recognize her at first. I didn't know her first. Вона вродлива, розумна і - головне - має добре серце. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. It's beautiful, smart and -- it's important -- it's got a good heart. Ты іх забіла. You killed them. You killed them. Я знаю, што заўсёды магу на цябе разлічваць. I know that I can always count on you. I know I can always count on you. Он говорит по-французски, а также, разумеется, по-английски. He speaks French and, of course, English. He speaks French, and of course English. Всё, что делает Том, — это смотрит телевизор. All Tom does is watch TV. What Tom does is watch TV. Ці хлопці тобі щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did these guys do something to you? Це лише питання часу. It's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. Не смейся! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Де ти підстригся? Where did you get your hair cut? Where are you going? Це не варте зусиль. It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the effort. Представим, что мы инопланетяне. Let's pretend we're aliens. Imagine we're alien. Приходь завтра. Come back tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Вже пізно. It is too late. It's late. Том спросил меня, почему я никогда не пытался получить водительские права. Tom asked me why I never tried to get a driver's license. Tom asked me why I never tried to get a driver's license. Все много работали. Everyone worked hard. Everything worked a lot. Том подарил мне этот галстук. Tom gave me this tie. Tom gave me this tie. Тому нельзя туда ходить. Tom isn't allowed to go there. So you can't go in there. Том відвіз доньку до школи. Tom took his daughter to school. Tom took his daughter to school. Капіталізм - це експлуатація людини людиною. Комунізм - це прямо протилежне. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Capitism is the exploitation of man, and Communism is the opposite. Я хотів би бути молодим. I wish I were young. I'd like to be young. Мне было вельмі сумна. I felt very sad. I felt really sad. Вы говорите на том же языке со своим отцом, что и со своей матерью? Do you speak the same language to your father that you speak to your mother? Do you speak in the same language to your father as to your mother? На Хелловін він одягнувся пожежником. He dressed as a fireman for Halloween. He dressed himself as a fireman on Halloween. Я ходжу у краватці майже кожного дня. I wear a tie almost every day. I'm in a tie almost every day. Том сказал Мэри, что он готов это сделать. Tom told Mary that he was ready to do that. Tom told Mary he was ready to do it. Гадаю, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Том сказал вам, куда идёт? Did Tom tell you where he was going? Tom told you where he's going? Тебе це дратує? Are you annoyed by that? Is that annoying to you? Мы заменім бягучую версію пры абнаўленні. We will replace the current version with the upgrade. We'll replace the current version of the update. Том никогда этого не говорил, насколько мне известно. Tom never said that, as far as I know. Tom never said that, as far as I know. Завтра вихідний. It is a holiday tomorrow. Tomorrow's the weekend. Они не знают, что я канадец. They don't know I'm Canadian. They don't know I'm Canadian. Хватайте его! Seize him! Grab him! У вас нет времени. You don't have the time. You don't have time. Говорят, что в Америке любой может стать президентом, но, наверное, на самом деле это не так. They say that in America anyone can become president, but perhaps that's not really true. It's said that anyone in America can become president, but that's probably not the case. Він, мабуть, невинний. He must be innocent. He must be innocent. Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Я не сказала ей, что вы здесь. I didn't tell her you're here. I didn't tell her you were here. Какой у вас телефон? What's your phone number? What's your phone? Передай ей, пожалуйста, что я звонил. Please tell her that I called. Tell her, please, I called. Это не я сказал Тому, чтобы он уезжал. I'm not the one who told Tom to leave. I didn't tell him to leave. Я хацела б з’есці чагосьці салодкага. I'd like to eat something sweet. I would like to eat something sweet. Мені треба було вам раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you before. Не думаю, что они нас слышали. I don't think that they heard us. I don't think they heard us. У гэтым пакоі ёсць тэлевізар. There is a television in this room. This room has a TV commercial. Ми вже дуже давно разом. We've been together a long time. We've been together a long time ago. Мало надії, що у нього вийде. There's little hope that he'll succeed. There was little hope that he would succeed. Том кинув у Мері яйцем. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom threw himself into Mary's egg. Нам жарко. We're hot. We're hot. Є багато видів кави. There are many kinds of coffee. There are lots of different kinds of coffee. Кто этому поверит? Who'll believe that? Who's gonna believe it? Новая настаўніца тоўстая? Is the new teacher fat? A new teacher stoutly? Почему ты такой упёртый? Why are you so hard-headed? Why are you so stiff? Солнце грело его кожу. He felt the warmth of the sun on his skin. The sun warmed his skin. Я тебе взагалі не пам'ятаю. I don't remember you at all. I don't remember you at all. Я планую застацца ў горадзе. I plan to stay in the city. I'm planning on staying in the city. Вчера он позволил Джону войти. He allowed John to enter yesterday. Yesterday he let John come in. Я голодна, тому що не пообідала. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Том говорит, что он её исправит. Tom says he'll correct it. Tom says he'll fix her. Ми не забудемо. We won't forget. We won't forget. Впервые в жизни Юка прочла книгу на английском языке. For the first time in her life, Yuka has finished reading an English book. For the first time in Yuka's life, I read a book in English. Я чекатиму до 2:30. I'm going to wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30. Том хочет взять завтра мою машину. Tom wants to borrow my car tomorrow. Tom wants to take my car tomorrow. Нам розповів Том. Tom told us. Tom told us. Я ўжо рабіў гэта. I did that already. I've already done it. Длинные юбки в моде. Long skirts are in fashion. Long beaks in fashion. Ви це знали You knew it. You knew that. Який у тебе улюблений предмет у школі? What's your favorite subject in school? What is your favorite subject at school? Я купив багато книжок. I bought many books. I bought a lot of books. Том не зміг зловити кроля. Tom couldn't catch the rabbit. Tom couldn't catch a rabbit. Не знаю, как это случилось, но, очевидно, так было суждено. I don't know how it happened, but it was obviously meant to be. I don't know how it happened, but that's obviously how it was judged. Ми поспішаємо. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Ти занадто сильно нервуєш. You're too nervous. You're too nervous. Том сміється. Tom is laughing. Tom laughs. Гэта малако. That is milk. It's milky. Дощ ішов цілий день. It rained all day. It was raining all day. Мы должны поговорить, Том. We need to have a talk, Tom. We need to talk, Tom. Гэта неабходна памыць. It needs washing. That needs to be remembered. Я не можу зараз говорити з Томом. I can't talk to Tom now. I can't talk to Tom right now. То поможе. That will help. That'll help. Вероятность того, что это произойдет, минимальна. The chances that that happens are minimal. The probability of this happening is minimal. Ты мусіш старанна вучыцца. You must study hard. You have to learn hard. Мэри пыталась скрыть слёзы. Mary tried to hide her tears. Mary tried to hide her tears. Я бы никогда такого не сделал. I'd never do such a thing. I would never do that. Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I get a car? Він пішов за лікарем. He went for the doctor. He went after the doctor. Нам придется баловать Мэри, пока она не поправится. We must baby Mary until she gets well again. We're gonna have to talk to Mary before she's okay. Я его прочёл. I've read it. I read it. Я хочу защитить Тома. I want to protect Tom. I want to protect Tom. Сподіваюся, ви повернетеся. I hope you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. Ви дуже наполегливі, чи не так? You're very persistent, aren't you? You're very persistent, aren't you? На ваш вопрос трудно ответить. Your question is hard to answer. Your question is hard to answer. У Тома нет ни кошки, ни собаки. Tom has neither a cat nor a dog. Tom doesn't have a cat or a dog. Можливо, це, врешті-решт, не така вже й погана ідея. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Maybe it's, after all, not that bad idea. Дякую за допомогу. Thanks for the help. Thank you for your help. Том чуть постарше меня. Tom is a bit older than me. Tom's a little older than me. Я раньше уже работал с Томом. I've worked with Tom before. I used to work with Tom. Мы многого достигли за последние три года. We've achieved a lot in the past three years. We have achieved much over the past three years. Вчора поліція заарештувала підозрюваного. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Том відмовився йти. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to leave. Чому ти так ненавидиш Тома? Why do you hate Tom so much? Why do you hate Tom so much? Я лише хочу сказати, що ви добре справилися зі своєю роботою. I just want to say you did a good job. I'm just saying that you did your job well. Вы помните, как их всех зовут? Do you remember all of their names? Do you remember their name? Я знаю, що ви тут. I know you're here. I know you're here. Маю їжу. I have food. I have food. То карсцель. It's a chair. That's the cartel. Які програми ти дивишся по телевізору? What programs do you watch on TV? What kind of programs are you watching on TV? Къ полѹдьнью! To the south. Get the fuck out of here! Джон спіймав тигра й застрелив двох левів. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. Том сьогодні у чорному пальто. Tom is wearing a black coat today. Tom's in a black coat today. Груган гругану вока ня выдзяўбе. One crow doesn't peck another's eye. The bulky eye of the leg doesn't blow out. Том нежно поцеловал Мэри. Tom kissed Mary gently. Tom just kissed Mary. Прямых рейсов до Болоньи отсюда нет. There are no direct flights to Bologna from here. There's no direct flights to Bologna. Как тебе спалось? Did you have a good sleep? How'd you sleep? Хіба ти не вмієш говорити французькою? Aren't you able to speak French? Don't you know how to speak French? Ти ж з Томом? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, right? Ми все ще у стані війни. We're still at war. We're still in a state of war. Том страждає на нарцисичний розлад особистості. Tom suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Tom suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. Ты ничего не помнишь? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Том хочет попробовать новый шампунь. Tom wants to try a new shampoo. Tom wants to try a new shampoo. Том завжди вдома. Tom is always at home. Tom's always home. Поедание мяса вредит вашему здоровью и окружающей среде. Eating meat is bad for your health and for the environment. Eating meat can harm your health and the environment. Мы испекли вам пирог. We made you a cake. We've been running a pie for you. Том старался как мог, но не смог получить оценку выше, чем у Мэри. Tom did the best he could, but he wasn't able to get a higher grade than Mary. Tom tried as hard as he could, but he couldn't get an evaluation better than Mary could. У меня есть подруга, которая живёт в Англии. I have a friend who lives in England. I have a friend who lives in England. Том вирішив проігнорувати прохання Мері. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Tom decided to ignore Mary’s request. Але раптово він відчув запаморочення і сів знову в своє старе крісло. But he suddenly felt dizzy and he sat down again in his old chair. But suddenly he felt faint and sat down again in his old chair. Мрії Тома здійснилися. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams have come true. Ти закінчив скаржитися? Are you done complaining? Are you done complaining? Должно быть, это то место, где живёт Том. I think this must be the place where Tom lives. It must be Tom's place. Ты мог бы хотя бы принять душ. You could at least take a shower. You could at least take a shower. Ви седриті на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're cedritic on Tom, aren't you? Я був розорений. I was broke. I was broken. Вона не була ввічлива з ним. She wasn't polite to him. She wasn't polite to him. Это твоя спальня. This is your bedroom. It's your bedroom. Я папрасіла яе патэлефанаваць мне а пятай. I asked her to call me at five o'clock. I asked her to call me at five. Не видѣла ли ѥси моихъ пътъкъ? Didn't you see my birds? Don't you see that I'm drinking? Я не знав, що Том знає французьку. I didn't know that Tom knew French. I didn't know Tom knew French. Авто на улїци. A car is in the street. A car on a unit. Хіба ти не Том? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? Він не насмілився сказати "ні" моєму плану. He dared not say no to my plan. He didn't dare say no to my plan. Паедзеш цягніком? Will you go by train? Are you going by train? Адна жанчына напісала 30 кніг пра тое, як стаць шчаслівай, а потым пакончыла з сабой. A woman wrote 30 books about how to become happy, and then committed suicide. One woman wrote 30 books about how to be happy and then she left off with herself. Том выглядит оптимистом. Tom seems to be optimistic. Tom looks optimistic. Я не певен, що я з ним згодна. I'm not sure I agree with him. I'm not sure I agree with him. Зупиніть Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Вперед! Go ahead! Let's go! Ти завжди запізнюєшся. You're always late. You're always late. Том был беспристрастен. Tom was impartial. Tom was impotent. Ми не ідіотки. We're not stupid. We're not idiots. В 1961 году Николай Храпов получил 7 лет лагерей за написание псалма «Привет вам Христово цветущее племя», ставшего впоследствии гимном русской баптистской молодёжи. In 1961, Nikolai Khrapov received 7 years in the camps for writing the psalm "Greetings to you, Christ’s budding tribe", which later became the anthem of the Russian Baptist youth. In 1961, Nicholas Hrapov received seven years of camps for writing a psalm entitled “Welcome to You With Christ’s Colorful Tribe, ” which later became a monument to the Russian Baptist youth. Они слишком много знают. They know too much. They know too much. Що він планує? What is he up to? What's he planning? Яна жыве ў Лёндане. She lives in London. She lives in London. Стоматологи рекомендуют менять зубную щётку каждые три месяца, потому что со временем её щетина всё хуже удаляет зубной налёт, а также в ней скапливаются микробы. Dentists recommend to change toothbrushes every three months, because over time their bristles become worse at getting rid of plague, as well as accumulate microbes. Dentists recommend changing the toothbrush every three months because, over time, its pupae removes the toothbrush and also makes germs flow into it. Він усміхнувся мені у відповідь. He answered me with a smile. He smiled at me in reply. Ми вивчили, що Ньютон відкрив закон всесвітнього тяжіння. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that Newton had discovered the law of universal gravity. Якое заўтра будзе надворʼе? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What tomorrow will the weather do? Двері відчинилися. The door opened. The door opened. Сподіваємося, ми зможемо розпочати це завдання наступного місяця. I hope we can start this task next month. So hopefully we can start this next month. Том слідує за Мері. Tom is following Mary. Tom's following Mary. Том ненадійний. Tom isn't reliable. Tom's not sure. Яна не робіць дамашняе заданне, яна чытае кнігу. She isn't doing her homework. She's reading a book. She doesn't do homework she reads the book. Я замужам. I'm married. I'm married. У тебя нет температуры. You don't have a fever. You don't have a temperature. Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Он выглядит потрясающе. He looks terrific. He looks amazing. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона не мусить цього робити. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she doesn't need to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she didn't have to do it. Годинник зупинився. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Майго сына завуць Том. My son's name is Tom. My son's name is Tom. Когда ты спросил её? When did you ask her? When did you ask her? Собака Тома укусив Мері за руку. Tom's dog bit Mary's hand. Tom's dog bit Mary's hand. Я британка. I am British. I'm British. Ти шукаєш перекладача? Are you looking for an interpreter? Are you looking for a translator? Давай паспрабуем яшчэ раз. Let's give it another shot. Let's try it again. Том ведь рядом с вами живёт? Tom lives near you, doesn't he? Tom lives with you, doesn't he? Не думаю, что Том понял, что ему нужно делать. I don't think Tom understood what he needed to do. I don't think Tom understood what he had to do. Ён нічога благога не зрабіў. He did nothing wrong. He did nothing good. Смочи эту губку в воде. Soak this sponge in water. Feed that sponge in the water. Є секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Я уснула в поезде. I fell asleep on the train. I fell asleep in the train. Я сделал это по его просьбе. I did so at his request. I did it at his request. Я знаю, що Том п'яний. I know that Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom's drunk. Вони мене відпустили. They let me go. They let me go. Не делай ему никаких намёков. Don't give him any ideas. Don't give him any hints. Це безкоштовне? Is this free? Is that free? Не перебивай мене, коли я говорю. Don't interrupt me while I am talking. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Я закінчила. I'm finished. I'm done. У мяне ані гроша. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. Он проявляет большой энтузиазм. He has great enthusiasm. He's very enthusiastic. Ты знаешь, что это? Do you know what it is? You know what this is? Ти допитала Тома? Did you question Tom? Did you question Tom? Я живу і працюю у Мексиці. I live and work in Mexico. I live and work in Mexico. Ён памёр, калі рабіў відэа для Ютуба. He died making a YouTube video. He died when he was doing video for YouTube. Том, поднявшись со стула, заговорил. Tom, having risen from his chair, began to speak. Tom, when he got up from the ceiling, said something. Что ты планируешь делать? What are you planning on doing? What are you planning to do? Я проснулся, а её нет. I woke up and she was gone. I woke up and she's gone. Том хоче бути бейсболістом. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Так, іду. Yes, I'm coming. Yeah, I'm coming. Ти хочеш навчитися грати на гітарі? Do you want to learn to play guitar? You want to learn how to play the guitar? Ми пообідали. We had lunch. We had lunch. Мы только что как раз говорили о тебе. We were just talking about you. We just talked about you. Пенкало биле. The pen is white. Penk's white. Він почав шукати роботу. He's begun to look for a job. He started looking for a job. Не думаю, що я дуже кумедний. I don't think I'm very funny. I don't think I'm very funny. Дозвольте мені це зробити. Let me do it. Let me do that. Усы что, внезапно вошли в моду? Have moustaches suddenly become trendy? Did you get into fashion all of a sudden? Мы увидели перед собой замок. We saw a castle ahead of us. We saw a castle in front of us. Ездить верхом на лошади доставляет большое удовольствие. Riding a horse is a lot of fun. To ride on horseback is a great pleasure. Я был там, когда умер Том. I was there when Tom died. I was there when Tom died. Том часто чихает. Tom sneezes a lot. Tom's always waiting. Не малюй чорта на стіні. Don't paint the devil on the wall. Don't draw a devil on the wall. Пачакай! Wait! Wait! Сумую па табе. Мне трэба цябе пабачыць. Можна я прыйду? I miss you. I need to see you. Could I come over? I need to see you. Выявілася, што Дэну важка прызвычаіцца да жыцця ў манастыры. Dan found it hard to adjust to life in the monastery. It turns out, Dan's been hard at living in a monostatic way. Сонца — найяскравейшая зорка. The sun is the brightest star. The sun is the brightest star. Том каже, що він винен багато грошей Мері. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes a lot of money to Mary. Більшість людей так думають. Most people think so. Most people think so. Я вас научу. I'll teach you. I'll teach you. Я попрошу Тома приготовить вам чего-нибудь поесть. I'll ask Tom to make you something to eat. I'll ask Tom to prepare you for something to eat. Може, Том втомився. Maybe Tom is tired. Maybe Tom's tired. Я ел икру. I ate caviar. I ate eggs. Мы видели множество необычных растений в ботаническом саду. We saw many unusual plants in the botanical garden. We've seen a lot of unusual plants in the botanical garden. Том переехал сюда из Австралии три года назад. Tom moved here from Australia three years ago. Tom moved here from Australia three years ago. Вони мої сестри. They are my sisters. They're my sisters. Тому холілося би бути вищим. Tom wished he were taller. So you're going to be taller. Мы совсем не знаем английского. We don't know English at all. We don't know English at all. Роби так, як вважаєш за потрібне. Do what you believe is right. Do what you think it is necessary to do. Том був надзвичайно сердитий. Tom was really mad. Tom was extremely angry. Я никогда не дам тебе это забыть. I'm never going to let you forget it. I'll never let you forget this. А ремонт неплох. The decorating isn't bad. And the repairs are good. Відійдіть убік! Stand aside! Step aside! Я люблю писати. I like to write. I love writing. Я па-ранейшаму лічу, што гэта найлепшы выбар. I still believe this is the best choice. I still believe it's the best solution. Она больше никогда не видела своего брата. She never saw her brother again. She never saw her brother again. Я зробила все, що могла. I've done all I can. I did what I could. Зрабі гэта заўтра. Do that tomorrow. You'll have to do it tomorrow. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё заметил, чем Том занимается. I don't think anyone else noticed what Tom was doing. I don't think anyone else noticed what Tom was doing. Тебе надо просто поговорить с Томом. You should just talk to Tom. You just need to talk to Tom. Візьми ще печива. Help yourself to more cookies. Take some more cookies. Ён злодзей. He is a thief. He is a villain. Ворота оставили открытыми. The gate was left open. The gate was left open. Этого, вероятно, не произошло. That probably didn't happen. That probably didn't happen. Це дуже класно. That's very cool. That's very cool. Том занадто втомився, щоб займатися. Tom is too tired to study. Tom's too tired to do. Счёт, пожалуйста. The bill, please. Account, please. Я народилася у 1997 році в Осаці. I was born in 1977 in Osaka. I was born in Osaca in 1997. Том и Мэри не хотят танцевать. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Tom and Mary don't want to dance. Я люблю изучать что-нибудь новое. I like to learn new things. I like to study something new. Дайте посмотрю. Let me see. Let me see. Только Чернобыль вспоминается, когда я думаю об Украине. А, и Сергей Назарович Бубка, правда? Only Chernobyl comes to mind whenever I think about the Ukraine. Oh, and Serhiy Nazarovych Bubka, right? Only Chernobyl is remembered when I think about Ukraine. У тебя ручка есть? Have you got a pen? Do you have a pen? Он, вероятно, скоро прибудет. He is likely to arrive soon. He'll probably be here soon. Поезжайте в аэропорт, пожалуйста. Please go to the airport. Go to the airport, please. Том сказал, что больше никто не ранен. Tom said that nobody else was injured. Tom said that no one else was hurt. У мяне ёсць сябар – лётчык. I have a friend who is a pilot. I have a friend -- a pilot. Я викладачка французької. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Тебе надо было вчера мне об этом сказать. You should've told me that yesterday. You should have told me that yesterday. Я не хотел, чтобы соседи видели меня голым. I didn't want my neighbors to see me naked. I didn't want the neighbors to see me naked. Том приходив? Did Tom come? Was Tom here? Я бы хотела помочь Тому утвердить это. I'd like to help Tom prove it. I'd like to help So confirm that. Как бы заняты вы ни были, вы обязаны выполнять домашнюю работу. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. No matter how busy you are, you have to do your homework. Обіцяю, що не запізнюся. I promise that I won't be late. I promise I'm not too late. Как готовят эту рыбу во Франции? How do they prepare this fish in France? How is this fish prepared in France? Я знаю, что ты сделал прошлой ночью. I know what you did last night. I know what you did last night. Располагайся. Make yourselves comfortable. Make up your mind. Вам слід було зачекати. You should've waited. You should have waited. Вы большие. You are big. You're big. Я геть не хочу їсти. I don't feel like eating at all. I don't want to eat at all. Сьогодні приємний день. It is a pleasant day today. It's a nice day today. Я планировал сделать это вчера. I had planned to do that yesterday. I planned to do this yesterday. Он был удивлён неожиданным появлением своего друга. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. He was surprised by the unexpected appearance of his friend. Том начал снимать куртку. Tom started to take off his jacket. Tom started filming his jacket. Когда-то давно жил жестокий король. Once upon a time, there lived a cruel king. Once upon a time, there was a cruel king. Сподіваюся, вам він сподобається. I hope that you will like it. I hope you'll enjoy it. Том не единственный, кто хочет победить. Tom isn't the only one who wants to win. Tom's not the only one who wants to win. Счастье не купишь. Happiness can't be bought. You can't buy happiness. Я знаю, що, ймовірно, не переможу. I know I probably won't win. I know I probably won't win. Вы ничего не можете с этим поделать. There's nothing you can do about it. You can't do anything about it. Экзамен будет сегодня? Is the exam today? Is the exam going to be today? Том хочет изменить общество. Tom wants to change society. Tom wants to change society. Вы поэтому не будете нам помогать? Is that why you won't help us? Is that why you won't help us? Я біженець. I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee. Как ты сломал плечо? How did you fracture your shoulder? How did you break your shoulder? Том збитий з пантелику. Tom's confused. Tom's confused. Він не піклується про своїх дітей. He doesn't take care of his children. He does not care for his children. Добавь моё имя в список. Add my name to the list. Add my name to the list. Откуда ты знал, кому это дать? How did you know who to give that to? How did you know who to give it to? На жаль у неї вже є постійний коханець. Unfortunately she already has a steady boyfriend. Sadly, she already has a permanent lover. Надеюсь, Вам хорошо платят. I hope you're well paid. I hope you're well paid. Я такая радаю, што яно табе так падабаецца. I'm so glad you love it. I'm so glad it's thee so like. Гэта сукенка ёй вельмі пасуе. That dress becomes her very well. She's dressed up pretty well. Коли Том був молодшим, він був дамським угодником. Tom was quite a ladies' man when he was younger. When Tom was younger, he was a ladies' dealer. Спаборніцтвы былі адкладзеныя. The athletic meeting was put off. The fellow countrymen were laid down. Мері, я так за вами скучила! Mary, I have missed you so much! Mary, I missed you so much! Его перевели в другой отдел. He got transferred to another department. He was transferred to another department. Я не думаю, что эти чернильные пятна можно вывести. I don't think these ink stains will come off. I don't think those ink stains can be brought out. Она разделась. She took off her clothes. She's divided. Я не потребую вашої допомоги. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. У Тома уголовное прошлое. Tom has a criminal past. Tom's got a criminal record. Він більше не може йти. He can't walk any more. He can't go anymore. Открой эту банку, пожалуйста. Please open this can. Open this bank, please. Она каждый день после школы играет в теннис. She plays tennis after school every day. She plays tennis every day after school. Мері це гарантує. Mary guarantees it. Mary guarantees this. Мені, мабуть, треба провести трохи часу з Томом. I should probably spend some time with Tom. I should probably spend some time with Tom. В Україні є тисячі пастафаріанців. There are thousands of Pastafarians in Ukraine. There are thousands of postaphorics in Ukraine. В той комнате совершенно не было мебели. There was absolutely no furniture in that room. There was no furniture in that room. Мама мне очень помогает. My mom helps me a lot. Mom is very helpful to me. Собака намагається втікти. The dog is trying to escape. The dog's trying to escape. Том нахмурыўся. Tom frowned. Tom frowned. Думам же нам треба вецей єдзеня. I think we need more food. Let's think about it. We need to put it into perspective. Официантка постелила на стол белую скатерть. The waitress put a white tablecloth on the table. The waiter put a white table on the table. Це апельсин. It is an orange. It's orange. Коли єстє сє коньчили? When had you finished it? When did these things end? Памылковая погляды на матэматыку сустракаюцца яшчэ часцей, чым памылкі ў напісанні майго імені. Having misconceptions of what mathematics is is even more ordinary than not knowing how to spell my name. There's an incorrect view of math as well as a lot of mistakes in writing my name. Я вже прочитав книжку, яку ти мені позичив. I've already read the book you lent me. I've already read the book you lent me. Ей нужно кое-что сделать. She has something she needs to do. She needs to do something. Мы с Томом кивнули в согласии. Tom and I both nodded in agreement. Tom and I agreed. Я доволі впертий. I'm pretty stubborn. I'm pretty stubborn. Я повністю згодна. I completely agree. I agree. Вислухай мене, будь ласка. Please hear me out. Listen to me, please. Ти вже повечеряла? Have you had your dinner yet? Have you had dinner yet? Давайте заспіваємо пісню разом. Sing a song with me. Let's sing the song together. Ён спіць, як немаўля. He's sleeping like a baby. - Good for him. - My life has been one glorious hunt. Том народився там. Tom was born there. Tom was born there. Винеси сміття. Take the garbage out. Get the trash out of here. Я щойно купив трохи картону. I just bought some cardboard. I just bought some paperboard. Ми були дуже змучені. We were very tired. We were very tired. Почему ты изучаешь французский? Why do you study French? Why are you studying French? Насчёт этого ты ошибаешься. You're wrong about this. That's what you're wrong about. Цей знак означає, що відповідь правильна. The sign means that the answer is correct. This sign means that the answer is correct. Справа не в ціні. Price isn't an issue. It's not about the price. Звідки ти так багато знаєш про історію Японії? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about Japan's history? Я приготовил вам завтрак. I made you breakfast. I made you breakfast. Ѳома тѧ любить. Tom loves you. ♪ That's what I love. ♪ Хіба ти не готовий нам допомогти? Aren't you ready to help us? Aren't you ready to help us? Колькі каштуе гэта кніжка? How much is this book? How much does this book cost? У Тома велосипед есть? Does Tom have a bicycle? Tom's got a bike? Я пытался предупредить Тома. I tried to warn Tom. I tried to warn Tom. Том підняв журнал. Tom picked up the magazine. Tom picked up the magazine. Том очень интересный человек. Tom is a very interesting man. Tom's a very interesting man. Я им ещё не заплатил. I still haven't paid them. I haven't paid them yet. Мені дуже страшно. I am very scared. I'm scared. Мы выживем. We're going to survive. We'll survive. Куди їде цей поїзд? Where is this train going? Where is this train going? Почему ты нас не подождал? Why didn't you wait for us? Why didn't you wait for us? Я тебе майже не знаю. I barely know you. I don't know you. Я знаю обоих братьев Тома. I know both of Tom's brothers. I know both Tom's brothers. Галодны? Hungry? Gade? Вони нададуть нам більше часу. That'll give us more time. They'll give us more time. Сардэчна запрашаем у Японію. Welcome to Japan. Welcome to Japan. Том не вміє читати. Tom isn't able to read. Tom can't read. Локричні цукерки якого виду твої улюблені? What kind of licorice do you prefer? Loklic sugars of what kind are your favorites? Як ше волаш? What is your name? How are you? Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері цього не буде робити. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't do that. Tom said he hoped Mary wouldn't do it. Я збірала ў садзе трускалкі. I was picking strawberries in the garden. I was going into the garden of the strawberries. Я всё время смотрю телевизор. I watch TV all the time. I watch TV all the time. Том вёл себя как ребёнок. Tom acted like a baby. Tom acted like a kid. Мама Тома всегда говорила ему, что ему надо есть больше овощей. Tom's mother always told him he should eat more vegetables. Tom's mom always told him he needed more vegetables. Вона бачила, як він пилив гілку. She saw him saw the branch. She saw him dusting a branch. Хто будзе даглядаць дзіцё? Who will look after the baby? Who's gonna look after the kids? Це Майк. А Хіросі є? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is this Mike, and what about Hiroshima? Родители Тома велели ему этого не делать. Tom's parents told Tom not to do that. Tom's parents told him not to do that. Я ведала пра яго. I knew about it. I knew about him. Все подняли бокалы. They all raised their glasses. They got the glasses up. Ён сядзеў на падлозе. He was sitting on the floor. He was sitting on the floor. Я популярен. I'm popular. I'm popular. Ты её там видел? Did you see her there? Did you see her there? Це типова осіння погода. It's typical autumn weather. It's a typical drying weather. Интересно, кто прислал мне эти розы. I wonder who sent me those roses. I wonder who sent me those roses. Візьміть лише одну. Take only one. Take only one. Где мама? Where's my mom? Where's Mum? Кто этот тип? Who is that guy? Who's that guy? Это правда Том? Is it really Tom? Is that really Tom? Откуда ты знаешь, что у меня было? How do you know what I had? How do you know what I had? Так он явил своё торжество. He thus revealed his glory. That's how he showed his triumph. Я вполне уверен, что Том может это сделать. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. I'm pretty sure Tom can do it. Я люблю сніг. I like snow. I love snow. На завершение строительства моего дома у меня ушло три года. It took me three years finish building my house. It took me three years to complete my building. Не говори. Don't speak. Don't say it. Ходи по тротуару. Walk on the pavement. Come on to the sidewalk. Ти бачив, як він виходив? Did you see him go out? Did you see him go out? Том сказав мені, що хоче бути вчителем. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. В машині Тома закінчився бензин. Tom's car has run out of gas. Tom's car ran out of gas. Я повернуся десь за місяць. I'll be back in about a month. I'll be back about a month. Тобі слід сказати Тому, щоб він більше цього не робив. You should tell Tom not to do that anymore. You should say that because he doesn't do it anymore. Вы получили приглашение от Тома? Did you receive Tom's invitation? Did you get an invitation from Tom? Когда вы переехали в Бостон? When did you move to Boston? When did you move to Boston? Том зараз зі мною. Tom is with me now. Tom's with me now. Мы с Томом планируем пожениться 20 октября. Tom and I are planning on getting married on October 20th. Tom and I are gonna get married on 20 October. Том сразу же согласился заплатить выкуп. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Калі я пытаюся ў людзей, пра што яны больш за ўсё шкадуюць падчас вучобы ў школе, амаль усе адказваюць аднолькава: яны бессэнсоўна патрацілі так шмат часу. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When I'm asking people about what they most feel most about when they go to school, they're almost everyone saying the same thing: they don't make any sense of how much time they have. Если это правда, она лучше меня. If that's true, then she's better than me. If it's true, it's better than me. Почему ты не упомянула об этом раньше? Why didn't you mention this before? Why didn't you mention it earlier? Він не любить, коли йому кажуть, що робити. He doesn't like being told what to do. He doesn't like it when they tell him what to do. Я дуже старомодна. I'm very old-fashioned. I'm very old-fashioned. Я такою народилася. I was born like this. I was born like this. Кого-то не хватает. There's someone missing. Someone's missing. Мы вельмі шчаслівыя. We're very happy. We're very happy. Том знав, що Мері не зайнята. Tom knew Mary wasn't busy. Tom knew Mary was not busy. Допоможіть Тому. Help Tom. Help That One. Я знала, что у тебя есть парень! I knew you had a boyfriend! I knew you had a boyfriend! У Тома сьогодні недостатньо на це часу. Tom doesn't have enough time to do that today. Tom doesn't have enough time today. Хіба ви не бачите, чим займаються Том із Мері? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Don't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Как по-французски будет "до свидания"? How do you say "goodbye" in French? How's French going to be "bye"? Шкода, що я не граю на гітарі. I wish I could play guitar. I'm sorry I don't play guitar. Можете не отвечать. You don't have to answer. You can't answer that. Том помолвлен с моей дочерью. Tom is engaged to my daughter. Tom's engaged with my daughter. Пожалуйста, все внимание. Сейчас я приступаю к прослушиванию пациента. Убедитесь, что отследили правильность выполнения этой процедуры - вам предстоит обратиться к её использованию завтра. If everyone could pay close attention, please. I will now auscultate the patient. Make sure to note the proper procedure because you all will be practicing this tomorrow. Please, I'm starting to audition the patient now, make sure you've followed this procedure and you're going to have to do it tomorrow. Материнська любов більша від усього. Maternal love is greater than anything else. Motherly love is greater than anything else. Наведите у себя порядок. Get your house in order. Take care of yourself. Вибори були в листопаді. The election was in November. The elections were in November. Я не пытался их убить. I didn't try to kill them. I didn't try to kill them. Ви ґей. You're gay. You're gay. Твоя книжка на столі. Your book is on the desk. Your book on the table. "Коні" — множина слова "кінь". "Horses" is the plural of "horse." "Connie" is the set of words "end." Мы уже сталкивались с этой проблемой. We've faced this problem before. We have already faced this problem. Я з'їв пончик. I ate a donut. I ate a donut. Том не знав, куди дивитися. Tom didn't know where to look. Tom didn't know where to look. Дуже ймовірно, що вона доживе до ста років. She is likely to live to one hundred. It's very likely that she'll live to be a hundred years old. Я не ведаю, што ты збіраешся рабіць. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. Дзе мой гадзіннік? Where is my clock? Where's my watch? Куди вітер, туди й він. He always swims with the current. Wherever the wind is, there he is. Том зомлів. Tom lost consciousness. Tom's lost his mind. Мне было, в общем-то, всё равно. I didn't really care. I mean, I didn't care. Сьогодні спекотно. It's a hot day. It's hot today. Ви маєте вакансії? Are you hiring? Do you have a vacancy? Почему они не пошли? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they go? Том та Мері їдять лише ті овочі, які вирощують самі. Tom and Mary only eat vegetables that they grow themselves. Tom and Mary only eat the vegetables that they themselves grow. Быти ли не быти ли, се ти орѫдьє. To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether or not you're going to be or not. Том считает, что выбрасывать продукты - это грех. Tom thinks wasting food is a sin. Tom thinks throwing out products is a sin. Що ти повинен робити сьогодні? What do you have to do today? What do you have to do today? Том потерял палец. Tom lost a finger. Tom lost his finger. Том попытался помешать Мэри открыть дверь. Tom tried to prevent Mary from opening the door. Tom tried to prevent Mary from opening the door. У неї десятеро дітей. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Том хоче, щоб я повернулася до Бостона. Tom wants me to go back to Boston. Tom wants me to go back to Boston. Том потёр виски. Tom rubbed his temples. Tom died scotch. Нарэшце мы адныя. We're finally alone. In the end, we are negative. Том пришёл вместе со своими друзьями. Tom came with his friends. Tom came with his friends. Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true that Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Ти не зобов'язаний приходити завтра. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Он не может позволить себе взять отпуск. He cannot afford a holiday. He can't afford to take his leave. Мій батько любить теніс. My father likes tennis. My father loves tennis. Я мушу рыхтавацца да кантрольнай работы. I have to prepare for the test. I have to go to control work. Ты часто с ними видишься? Do you see much of them? Do you see them often? Калі ты прыйшоў у школу? How did you come to school? When did you go to school? Почему он хочет, чтобы я ушёл? Why does he want me to leave? Why does he want me to go? Вона живе майже поруч. She lives quite close by. She lives close by. Девушка, которая подарила мне красивые цветы - твоя сестра. The girl who gave me beautiful flowers was your sister. The girl who gave me beautiful flowers is your sister. Интересно, почему Том не женат. I wonder why Tom is unmarried. I wonder why Tom's not married. Люк сказал, что любит плавать. Luke said that he likes swimming. Luke said he likes swimming. Ти бачив це? Have you seen this? Did you see that? Есть тараканов - это плохая идея? Is it a bad idea to eat cockroaches? Is there any Tarrakanov? That's a bad idea? Мы оба его видели. We both saw him. We both saw him. Тому ця ідея сподобалася. Tom liked that idea. That's why I liked it. Навіщо ти це мені кажеш? Why are you telling me this? Why are you telling me that? Я направляюсь к Тому домой. I'm headed over to Tom's. I'm going to Tom's home. Том вроде говорил, что Мэри из Австралии. I thought Tom said that Mary was from Australia. Tom used to say that Mary was from Australia. Она, должно быть, сердится на меня. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. Чому ти захотіла це зробити? What made you want to do that? Why would you want to do that? Не ми це зробили. It's not us who did it. We didn't. Ты заслугоўваеш найлепшага. You deserve the best. You deserve the best. Починати бійку з Томом не було такою вже й доброю ідеєю. Starting a fight with Tom wasn't such a good idea. Starting a fight with Tom wasn't such a good idea. Я уважаю старших. I respect the elderly. I respect the elders. Навіщо тобі моя допомога? Why do you want my help? Why do you need my help? Ты сёння прыйшла сама? You came alone today? You came today by yourself? У мене мало книжок. I have few books. I don't have enough books. Не думаю, что Том будет помогать нам это делать. I don't think Tom is going to help us do that. I don't think Tom will help us do that. Я так від тебе відрізняюся? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Откуда вы и как сюда попали? Where are you from and how did you get here? Where did you come from, and how did you get here? Дзе авион? Where is the plane? Where's thevion? Ти мене чув? Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since 1990? Ему было любопытно. He was curious. He was curious. Ти зазвичай їздиш подорожувати за кордон? Do you often travel abroad? Do you usually travel abroad? Я щойно побачив новини. I just saw the news. I just saw the news. Він у Тараса. Taras has it. He's in Taras. Том почувався добре. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Постарайся не плакати. Try not to cry. Don't cry. Почему вы не дома? Why aren't you at home? Why aren't you at home? Игру отложили до следующей недели. The game was postponed until next week. The game was postponed until next week. Он дал собаке кусок мяса. He gave the dog a piece of meat. He gave the dog a piece of meat. Давай я расскажу тебе, как это работает. Let me tell you how this works. Let me tell you how it works. На нашей стороне время. We have time on our side. It's time on our side. Цей пан - дуже відомий піаніст. The gentleman is a very famous pianist. This gentleman is a very famous pianist. Дедушка Тома не умел читать. Tom's grandfather couldn't read. Grandpa Tom couldn't read. Том не знал, почему Мэри грустная. Tom didn't know why Mary was sad. Tom didn't know why Mary was sad. Я ищу свой телефон. I am looking for my phone. I'm looking for my phone. Мне просто нужна помощь Тома. I just need Tom's help. I just need Tom's help. Постарайся не плакать. Try not to cry. Don't cry. Том займається цією проблемою. Tom is looking into the problem. Tom's dealing with this problem. Що саме хоче Том? What is it that Tom wants? What exactly does Tom want? Мені цікаво, чи Том хотів заспівати. I wonder whether Tom wanted to sing or not. I wonder if Tom wanted to sing. Как бы вы себя чувствовали, если бы с вами так кто-нибудь поступил? How would you feel if someone did that to you? How would you feel if someone did that to you? Я не знаю её номер телефона. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone number. Я слишком много трачу на одежду? Am I spending too much on clothes? Do I spend too much on clothes? Ці штани треба випрасувати. These trousers need pressing. Those pants need to be washed. Я могу тебе чем-то помочь? Is there something I can do to help you? Can I help you with something? Я уверен, что Том в курсе произошедшего. I'm sure Tom is aware of what happened. I'm sure Tom knows what happened. Том оставил для меня сюрприз. Tom left me a surprise. Tom left a surprise for me. Мэри сняла солнечные очки. Mary took off her sunglasses. Mary took off her sunglasses. Я певен, що ми з Томом побачимося знову. I'm sure I'll see Tom again. I'm sure Tom and I will see you again. Вона писала за допомогою чорнил. She wrote in ink. She wrote with ink. Могу я сесть с ней? Can I sit with her? Can I sit down with her? Мері відрила свій ноутбук. Mary opened her laptop. Mary pulled her laptop off. Кто научил вас танцевать? Who taught you how to dance? Who taught you to dance? Я должен был сменить масло. I should've changed the oil. I had to change the butter. Ви отримали дозвіл паркуватися тут? Did you get permission to park here? Did you get permission to park here? Откуда вы его знаете? From where do you know him? How do you know him? Вони пішли у зоопарк. They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. На піджаку є гудзики. There are buttons on the coat. There's buttons on the jacket. Я цябе не пакіну. I won't forsake you. I'm not leaving you. Она хотела с Вами познакомиться. She wanted to meet you. She wanted to meet you. Я хачу стаць праграмісткай. I want to be a programmer. I want to be a software developer. Це ваша мобілка? Is this your all's cellphone? Is that your cell phone? На пляже было многолюдно. The beach was crowded. The beach was crowded. Том всем рассказал, что Мэри была удочерена. Tom told everyone Mary was adopted. Tom told everyone that Mary was adopted. Якая школа найлепшая. Which school is the best? What's the best school? Ти запізнишся на потяг, якщо не поквапишся. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll be late for the train if you don't hurry. Что ты делаешь в моей комнате? What are you doing in my room? What are you doing in my room? Дзе ты нарадзіўся? Where were you born? Where are you born? Що ти можеш сказати щодо цього плану? What do you think of this plan? What can you say about this plan? Вона гарнюня. She's a cutie. She's beautiful. Я сказал им, что банк не работает. I told them the bank was closed. I told them the bank wasn't working. Спробуй зосередитися. Try to focus. Try to concentrate. Цябе не варта чытаць кнігу ў такім цёмным пакоі. You shouldn't read a book in a room this dim. You don't need to read a book in such a dark room. Думаєте, Том знає, що відбувається? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? Мальчик убежал. The boy ran away. The boy ran away. Выбора нет. There's no choice. No choice. Не думаю, что Том знает, кто отец Мэри. I don't think Tom knows who Mary's father is. I don't think Tom knows who Mary's father is. Том в понедельник улетел в Бостон. Tom flew to Boston on Monday. Tom flew to Boston on Monday. Скажаш мне, як атрымаеш пасылку. Let me know when you get the package. Tell me how you get a maid. Я спросил Тома, нужно ли ему больше времени. I asked Tom if he needed more time. I asked Tom if he needed more time. Хіба ви не будете їсти свій рол? Aren't you going to eat your roll? Will you not eat your roll? Він розумний. He's smart. He's smart. Том як правило носить на роботу краватку. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Tom usually wears his tie. Я думав, ти пішла. I thought you'd left. I thought you were gone. Я должен заплатить вперёд? Do I have to pay in advance? Do I have to pay first? Том прийшов додому опівночі. Tom got home at midnight. Tom came home at midnight. Как ты думаешь, где было бы безопаснее всего? Where do you think the safest place would be? What do you think is safe? Сколько стоят эти часы? How much is this clock? How much do these watchs cost? Думаешь, Том может её найти? Do you think Tom can find it? You think Tom can find her? Том звонит Мэри. Tom is calling Mary. Tom's calling Mary. Вона купила носовичок за десять доларів. She bought a handkerchief for ten dollars. She bought it for ten dollars. Немає туалетного паперу. There is no toilet paper. No toilet paper. Хутко йди! Come quickly! Go quickly! Я спросил Тома, знает ли он, как зовут моего брата. I asked Tom if he knew my brother's name. I asked Tom if he knew my brother's name. Як вам подобається це містечко? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Тобі варто пожаліти бідне дитя... У нього немає навіть домівки. You should take pity on the poor child... He doesn't even have a home. You should have pity for the poor child... he doesn't even have a home. Вы любите петь? You like to sing? Do you like singing? Дѣливѣ коунъı сиѣ межю нама. Let's divide this money between you and me. - It's ours. - It's ours. - It's ours. Это то, что я нашел в пещере. This is what I found in the cave. That's what I found in the cave. Школа всего в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. The school is only a five-minute walk. The school's only five minutes out of here. Мері втратила чоловіка. Mary lost her husband. Mary lost her husband. Пожалуйста, дайте мне чашку чая. Please give me a cup of tea. Please give me a cup of tea. Шум параду завмер. The sound of the parade died away. The parade is dead. Я знаю, що ти досить зайнятий. I know you're quite busy. I know you're pretty busy. Дзякуй за вашу гасціннасць сёння. Thank you very much for your hospitality today. Thank you for your hospitality today. Я боюся павуків. I am scared of spiders. I'm afraid of spiders. Прогноз погоды не ошибся. The weather forecast was right. The weather forecast was not wrong. Половина мирового населения проживает в городах. Half of the world’s population lives in cities. Half the world's population lives in cities. Выбачце мяне. I'm sorry. Sorry. Ты напугал её. You scared her. You scared her. Які вялікі сабака! What a big dog! What a big dog! Том - плохой человек. Tom is a bad person. Tom's a bad man. Я бросил мяч. I threw the ball. I threw the ball. Я знаю, де ми знаходимося. I know where we are. I know where we are. Ціна відображує попит. Price reflects demand. Price reflects demand. Том сказав Мері, що він бачив Джона у січні. Tom told Mary that he had seen John in January. Tom told Mary he saw John in January. Я не был достаточно агрессивен. I wasn't aggressive enough. I wasn't aggressive enough. Тому нам краще було б лишитися вдома. So we'd better stay home. So we better stay home. Я не могу провести здесь весь день. I can't spend the whole day here. I can't stay here all day. Відкрийте свої книжки на сторінці тридцять. Open your books to page 30. Open your books on page 30. Я старый. I am old. I'm old. Колькі год вы ўжо гуляеце ў гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years have you been playing golf already? Він обожнює тварин. He loves animals. He loves animals. Ти добре плаваєш, так? You swim well, don't you? You're swimming well, aren't you? Чи можна до вас зайти у якийсь день? May I call on you some day? Can I visit you on a certain day? Том хотів послухати Моцарта. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Я преподаю Тому французский язык. I teach Tom French. That's why I teach French. Ви ж не очікуєте, що я співатиму? You're not expecting me to sing, are you? You don't expect me to sing, do you? Том не сказав Мері, коли він приїде. Tom didn't tell Mary when he'd be arriving. Tom didn't tell Mary when he was coming. Ваша котка чорная. Your cat is black. Your cat's black. Я не впала. I didn't fall. I didn't fall. Ненавижу пустыню. I hate the desert. I hate the desert. Каліфорнія гарна. California is beautiful. California's good. Он громко храпел во сне. While sleeping, he snored loudly. He was rocking in his sleep. Я знаю, что ты не сможешь это сделать. I know that you won't be able to do that. I know you can't do this. Мисливець застрілив пташку. The hunter shot the bird. The hunter shot the bird. Не вер яму. Don't trust him. I don't believe him. Когда-нибудь ты мне спасибо скажешь. One day you'll thank me. Once upon a time, you'll tell me. Сколько раз я тебе говорила складывать свою одежду? How many times have I told you to fold your clothes? How many times have I told you to put up your clothes? Почему Том хотел сделать это сегодня? Why did Tom want to do that today? Why would Tom want to do this today? Том сделал вид, будто ничего не произошло. Tom pretended nothing had happened. Tom pretended nothing happened. Якого вона кольору? What colour is it? What color is it? Нічога не здарылася. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Том здесь не единственный из Бостона. Tom isn't the only one here that is from Boston. Tom's not the only one here from Boston. Ти найважливіша людина в моєму житті. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Том не привык к такой погоде. Tom isn't used to this kind of weather. Tom's not used to the weather. Ты уверена, что больна? Are you sure you're sick? Are you sure you're sick? Мені не потрібен комп'ютер. I don't need a computer. I don't need a computer. Хіба я тебе не попередив? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? Мне надо было поехать в Австралию с тобой. I should've gone to Australia with you. I had to go to Australia with you. До всього можна звикнути. One gets used to anything. You can get used to everything. Ніхто нічого не чув про мою країну. Nobody heard anything about my country. No one has heard anything about my country. Ви певні, що Том цього не робив? Are you certain Tom didn't do that? Are you sure Tom didn't do that? Мой брат убьёт меня. My brother will kill me. My brother will kill me. Может быть, Том не всё тебе рассказывает. Maybe Tom doesn't tell you everything. Maybe Tom's not telling you everything. Я маю декілька французьких книжок. I have a few French books. I have some French books. Том не думает, что это правда. Tom doesn't think it's true. Tom doesn't think it's true. Возможно, ты никогда больше не сможешь ходить. You may never be able to walk again. You may never be able to walk again. Я готова працювати. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to work. Я більше не живу в Бостоні. Я переїхала до Чикаго. I don't live in Boston anymore. I've moved to Chicago. I don't live in Boston anymore, I moved to Chicago. Он говорит, что ничего не видел. Однако я не верю, что то, что он говорит, - правда. He says that he saw nothing. However, I don't believe what he says is the truth. He says he didn't see anything, but I don't believe what he says is true. Том не знает, почему я не победил. Tom doesn't know why I didn't win. Tom doesn't know why I didn't win. Дуже шкода, що Тома тут сьогодні не було, щоб нам допомогти. Too bad Tom wasn't here to help us today. I'm sorry Tom wasn't here today to help us. Мы должны были тщательнее планировать. We should've planned more carefully. We had to plan more carefully. У меня нет книг. I don't have books. I don't have any books. Том взял немного денег из ящика. Tom took some money out of the drawer. Tom took some money from the drawer. Совершенно очевидно, что ты очень любишь русский язык. It's quite evident that you really love Russian. Obviously, you're very fond of Russian. Птушкі маюць крылы. Birds have wings. The birds have wings. Меркаванне шакіруе толькі тады, калі гэта ўпэўненасць. An opinion is shocking only if it is a conviction. It only happens when it's confidence. Ці трэба мне пераапрануцца? Do I need to change clothes? Should I be recaptured? Он прицелился в птицу. He aimed at the bird. He took a kiss to the bird. Хопіць спрачацца! Stop arguing. Stop arguing! Если лёд нагреть, он растает. If you heat ice, it melts. If the ice heats up, it'll melt. Мы ищем наши паспорта. We're looking for our passports. We're looking for our passports. Отвечай по-английски. Answer in English. Answer English. Вона пишається своїм сином. She prides herself on her son. She's proud of her son. Завтра - последний день школы! Tomorrow is the last day of school! Tomorrow's the last day of school! Це не єдина наша проблема. That's not our only problem. It's not our only problem. "Прости!" - "Ничего. Не парься". I'm sorry! - It's OK. Don't worry. "I'm sorry!" "No, don't worry. Коли у тебе потяг? What time's your train? When's your train? Я знаю, що ти нам не довіряєш. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Сколько раз ты помогал Тому это делать? How many times did you help Tom do that? How many times did you help because of that? Я дал им поспать до полудня. I let them sleep until noon. I let them sleep until noon. Я никогда не называла его идиотом. I never called him an idiot. I've never called him an idiot. Даже не пытайся сделать это самостоятельно. Don't ever try to do this by yourself. Don't even try to do it yourself. Я для Тома застара. I'm too old for Tom. I'm for Tom. Ти такий милий. You're so sweet. You're so cute. Я встретил одну пожилую женщину. I met an elderly woman. I met an elderly woman. Мені не слід було довіряти Тому. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. Мы ждём уже больше двух месяцев. We've been waiting over two months. We've been waiting for more than two months. Он сказал, что надеется вас увидеть. He said he was hoping to see you. He said he was hoping to see you. Он ест медленно. He eats slowly. He's eating slowly. Том не согласен. Tom doesn't agree. Tom disagrees. Девушка мне улыбнулась. The girl smiled at me. The girl smiled at me. Том дуже розумний, так? Tom is very clever, isn't he? Tom's very smart, isn't he? Тут я их и встретил. That's where I met them. That's where I met them. Тым часам мы пілі шмат салёнай вады. In the meantime we drank a lot of salt water. Meanwhile we had been drinking a lot of salt water. Ты довязала этот свитер? Have you finished knitting that sweater? Did you tie that sweater? Он читал эту книгу вчера. He read this book yesterday. He read that book yesterday. Мы чемпионы. We're the champions. We're champions. Тому понравилось новое платье Мэри. Tom liked Mary's new dress. That's why we liked Mary's new dress. Ми ненавидимо їх. We detest them. We hate them. Тебе какая больше нравится? Эта или та? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? How much do you like? Ответ Тома всех потряс. Tom's answer stunned everyone. Tom's response rocked everyone. Я обычно поднимаюсь по ступенькам через одну. I usually take stairs two at a time. I usually climb up the stairs in one. Чого ти від нас хочеш? What do you want from us? What do you want from us? Вам надо было оставить меня в покое. You should've left me alone. You should have left me alone. Здоровый человек не знает цены здоровью. A healthy man does not know the value of health. Healthy people don't know the value of health. Он сказал мне, что хочет уйти из компании. He told me that he wanted to leave the company. He told me he wanted to leave the company. З моїм обліковим записом якась проблема. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Мой вес - пятьдесят восемь килограмм. My weight is 58 kilograms. My weight is fifty-eight kilograms. Ён жыве ў Марока. He lives in Morocco. He lives in Morocco. З Різдвом, кохана! Merry Christmas, my love! With Christmas, love! Том спросил Мэри, почему она плачет. Tom asked Mary why she was crying. Tom asked Mary why she was crying. Давайте поцілуємося. Let's kiss. Let's kiss. Сълѣзи съ воза. Get out of the car. I ate my cart. Я дам вам усе, про що ти попрохаєш. I'll give you anything you ask for. I'll give you anything you ask for. Билета у Тома не было. Tom didn't have a ticket. Tom didn't have a ticket. Скільки грошей ти хочеш? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Я спросил у Тома, зачем он хочет поехать в Бостон. I asked Tom why he wanted to go to Boston. I asked Tom why he wanted to go to Boston. Це однозначно буде весело. It'll certainly be fun. It'll definitely be fun. Их так много. There are so many. There are so many of them. Замовкніть і слухайте! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Зачем Тому нужен молоток? Why does Tom need a hammer? Why would you need a hammer? Калі б ты прыйшоў крыху раней, ты мог бы яе сустрэць. Had you come a little earlier, you could have met her. If you had come a little before, you could have met her. Ты ведь понятия не имеешь, кто это? You have no idea who that is, do you? You have no idea who it is, don't you? Доля сприяє сміливим. Fortune favors the bold. Fate contributes to courage. Шчаслівай Вальпургіевай ночы! Happy Walpurgis Night! Good night, Walpurgee! Он потерял свои солнечные очки. He lost his sunglasses. He lost his sunglasses. Они говорили по-французски. They spoke French. They spoke French. Ти хочеш вина? Do you want wine? You want wine? Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Я напісаў адрэсу з адваротнага боку канверта. I've written his address on the back of the envelope. I wrote a loan from the secondary side of the envelope. До сих пор не могу поверить, что Том ненавидит Мэри. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. I still can't believe Tom hates Mary. Ён хворы на рак лёгкіх. He's got lung cancer. He's sick with lungs cancer. Гей, я хочу з вами побалакати. Hey, I want to talk to you. Hey, I want to talk to you. Том привел свою комнату в порядок. Tom put his room in order. Tom brought his room in order. Час, што змацняе сяброўства, аслабляе каханне. Time, which strengthens friendship, weakens love. It's time that makes friends feel bad for love. У Тома много денег, но мало друзей. Tom has a lot of money, but not many friends. Tom has a lot of money, but few friends. Том работает разработчиком программного обеспечения. Tom is working as a software engineer. Tom's a software developer. Подождите ещё чуть-чуть. Wait a little longer. Wait a little more. Я сапраўды яе любіла. I truly loved her. I really liked her. Я знайшла новую працу. I got a new job. I found a new job. Нам подобаються одне й те саме. We like the same things. We like the same thing. Ви чарівна. You're fascinating. You're beautiful. Том купил слишком много молока. Tom bought too much milk. Tom bought too much milk. Можно попросить Вас закрыть окно? May I ask you to close the window? Can I ask you to close the window? Они бы меня не отпустили. They wouldn't let me go. They wouldn't let me go. Том скрыл тот факт, что он был в тюрьме. Tom concealed the fact that he had been in prison. Tom hid the fact that he was in prison. Жарко тут. It's hot in here. It's hot here. Мері знає, що її розшукує поліція. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Я знаю, что ты богат. I know that you are rich. I know you're rich. Почему ты не попросишь Тома познакомить тебя с Мэри? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Why don't you ask Tom to introduce you to Mary? Ты почему не готов? Why aren't you ready? Why aren't you ready? Том хотів поговорити з Мері. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Я розглянув твоє прохання і вирішив відмовити. I've considered your request and have decided to deny it. I took a look at your request and decided to say no. Мэри говорит, что никогда этого не делала. Mary says she never did that. Mary says she never did. Я подумал, что нам всем давно пора встретиться. I thought it was about time we all met. I thought it was time we all met. Том та Мері займаються цим. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Mary do it. Пятнадцать на пять равняется семьдесят пять. Fifteen times five equals seventy-five. Fifteen times five is seventy-five. Почекай-но, ти сказав "дівчина" чи "хлопець"? Wait, did you say girl or guy? Wait, did you say "girl" or "boy"? Почему ты не пел с нами? Why didn't you sing with us? Why didn't you join us? Том не мав наміру йти туди один. Tom had no intention of going there by himself. Tom had no intention of going there alone. Том почувається краще. Tom is feeling better. Tom feels better. У мяне дзве коткі. I have two cats. I've got two cats. Хіба ти не боїшся висоти? Aren't you afraid of heights? Aren't you afraid of heights? Ты каждый день смотришь телевизор? Do you watch TV every day? Do you watch TV every day? Том більше не член цього клубу. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom's not a member of this club anymore. Яна заўсёды выглядала шчаслівай. She always looked happy. She always looked good. Надеюсь, это никогда не случится со мной. I hope that never happens to me. I hope that's never gonna happen to me. Не жьгѫ ѣ. I don't burn them. I don't think so. Я майже певен, що ми можемо довіряти Тому. I'm almost certain that we can trust Tom. I'm almost sure we can trust Tom. Я с ним всё время разговариваю. I talk to him all the time. I'm talking to him all the time. Але чаму? But why? But why? Не помогай мне! Я хочу сама это сделать. Don't help me. I want to do this by myself. Don't help me, I want to do it myself. Я не хочу выслушивать твои теории. I don't want to hear your theories. I don't want to hear your theories. Я не думал, что вы сегодня здесь будете. I didn't think you'd be here today. I didn't think you'd be here tonight. Зелена зелень зеленить зелену зелень. Green green green green green. Green green green greens green. Ты вечером идёшь в театр? Are you going to the theater tonight? Are you going to the theater tonight? Це новий тренд. This is a new trend. It's a new trend. Ці ведаеце вы які-небудзь добры рэстаран? Do you know a good restaurant? Did you know any good restaurant? Ти не молодий. You aren't young. You're not young. Ти повинен казати правду. You should tell the truth. You have to tell the truth. Коли ви останнього разу були в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Мері вважає, що має рацію. Mary believes she's right. Mary thinks she's right. Здавалася, яе здзівіла гэта пытанне. She seemed surprised by the question. It seemed to her that it struck the question. Кому належить ця парасолька? Who does this umbrella belong to? Who owns this umbrella? Тебе надо сосредоточиться. You've got to concentrate. You need to concentrate. Том сказал, что Мэри согласна. Tom said that Mary agreed. Tom said Mary agreed. Хто мені може це пояснити? Who's able to explain this to me? Who can explain this to me? Армения стала членом Всемирной торговой организации в 2003 году. Armenia joined the World Trade Organization in 2003. Armenia became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2003. Я думав, що Том був би зацікавлений у цьому. I thought Tom would be interested in this. I thought Tom would be interested in it. Эй, подождите минуту. Hey, wait a minute. Hey, wait a minute. Том не виглядає занадто стурбованим. Tom doesn't look too worried. Tom doesn't look too worried. Вы попытались. You've tried. You tried. Я частково мала рацію. I was partly right. I was partially right. Встречу отменили из-за тайфуна. The meeting was canceled because of the typhoon. The meeting was cancelled because of typhoon. Він написав багато оповідань. He wrote a lot of stories. He wrote a lot of stories. Квитки наразі доступні. Tickets are available now. The tickets are now available. Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Ходімо зараз. А то запізнимось. Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go now, or we'll be late. Ці яблука смачні. These apples are delicious. These apples are delicious. Вона втратила свідомість, але за кілька хвилин прийшла до себе. She fainted, but came to after a few minutes. She lost consciousness, but in a few minutes she came to her door. Том хорошо выглядит. Tom looks well. Tom looks good. Ти мав сказати Тому правду. You should've told Tom the truth. You should have told That's the truth. Дякую, що погодилися зустрітися зі мною. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. Thank you for agreeing to meet me. Забіраю свае словы назад. I take back what I said. I take my words back. Она не могла не думать о Томе. She could not help but think about Tom. She couldn't have thought of Tom. Ви, що, не бачили моїх пташок? Didn't you see my birds? Have you seen my birds? Ён пацалаваў цябе, ці не так? He kissed you, didn't he? He kissed thee, didn't he? Зайчики очень милые. Bunnies are very cute. The hares are very cute. У меня такое чувство, что вы не очень-то хотите, чтобы я выиграл. I get the feeling you don't really want me to win. I feel like you don't really want me to win. Пойду найду Тома. I'll go find Tom. I'm gonna go find Tom. Я думала, Том не переможе. I thought Tom wouldn't win. I thought Tom wouldn't win. Где презентация PowerPoint, которую ты мне обещал? Where is the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Where's the PowerPoint presentation you promised me? Самі щось про це знає. Sami knows something about that. You know something about that. Хіба ти не бачиш, що Тому потрібна твоя допомога? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Don't you see that that's why you need your help? Это довольно странно. That's pretty strange. That's pretty weird. Том сказал мне, что ему холодно. Tom told me he was cold. Tom told me he was cold. Это я так сказал? Is it something I said? Did I say that? Мері не встигне на свій рейс. Mary will miss her flight. Mary won't make it to her flight. Том є там. Tom is there. Tom's there. Грозы одновременно пугают и захватывают дух. Thunderstorms are both scary and exciting. At the same time, the thunders scare and capture the spirit. Побачимося! Goodbye! I'll see you! Ми не могли би йти швидше? Я спізнююся. Could we go faster? I'm late. Can't we go faster? Том уже сделал это. Tom has already done it. Tom's already done it. О, тут матылёк! Oh, there's a butterfly! Oh, there's a butterfly! Ваша команда сильніша, ніж наша. Your team is stronger than ours. Your team is stronger than ours. Моя мать была счастлива видеть, что гость жадно ест её пирог. My mother was happy to see her guest eating her cakes eagerly. My mother was happy to see the guest eat her pie. Я люблю цёмны шакалад. I like dark chocolate. I love dark chocolate. Я трохи товстий. I'm a little fat. I'm a little fat. Они до сих пор не проснулись. They still haven't woken up. They haven't woke up yet. Давайте определим наше местонахождение, прежде чем идти дальше. Let's get our bearings before we go any further. Let's determine our whereabouts before we go any further. Вони зникли. They disappeared. They're gone. Том знайшов хорошу роботу біля свого дому. Tom found a good job near his house. Tom found a good job outside his house. Як звуть цю дівчину? What do they call this girl? What's the name of this girl? Летючі риби також існують. There are also fish that fly. The flying fish also exist. Ми насправді їздили до Бостона. We really did go to Boston. We actually went to Boston. Сподіваюся, ти повернешся. I hope that you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. Чиї то книжки? Whose books are those? Whose books are these? Мы потеряем время. We'll lose time. We're going to lose time. Я заглянув у книгарню та купив цікаву книгу. I stopped by a bookstore and bought and interesting book. I looked into the bookstore and bought an interesting book. Не кажи, що я тебе не попереджала. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Там яблуко під столом. There is an apple under the desk. There's an apple under the table. Паглядзі на таго хлопчыка, што плавае. Look at that boy who is swimming. Look at the boy that is floating. Російська вважається складною мовою. Russian is considered to be a difficult language. Russian is thought to be a complex language. Она всё время тебе врёт. He lies to you all the time. She's lying to you all the time. Я не можу тобi дати негайну вiдповiдь. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. Том не привык к подобной работе. Tom isn't used to this kind of work. Tom's not used to such work. Была поўнач. It was midnight. It was midnight. Одного дня ми зустрінемось знову. We'll meet again someday. One day we'll meet again. Он попал в западню. He was caught in an ambush. He's in the west. Я пішов у похід. I went hiking. I'm on my way. Клёво! Cool! It's cool! Том и не говорил, что пойдёт с нами. Tom never said he'd go with us. Tom didn't say he'd come with us. Ти продаєш взуття. You sell shoes. You sell shoes. Мы оба этого хотим. We both want it. We both want that. Хіба ви не розумієте, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? Том поставил себе за правило медитировать каждое утро. Tom makes it a rule to meditate every morning. Tom set himself up as a rule to meditate every morning. Не бажаєте філіжаночку чаю? Would you like a cuppa? Would you like a wimp of tea? Это предложение - не на английском языке. This sentence isn't in English. This proposal is not in English. Том — бейсболіст. Tom is a baseball player. Tom is a baseball player. Мне 18 гадоў. I'm 18 years old. I am 18 years old. Томе, ви не могли би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? Это ясно? Is that clear? Is that clear? Том каже, що планує це зробити. Tom says he plans to do that. Tom says he's planning to do it. Том сказал, что Мэри очень хочет есть. Tom said Mary was very hungry. Tom said Mary really wants to eat. Вони досягли своєї мети. They reached their goal. They have achieved their goal. Вони були закохані. They were in love. They were in love. Я ніколи цього не скажу! I will never tell! I'll never say that! Ці ты яшчэ заняты? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Мы хацелі б купіць канапу. We would like to buy a sofa. We'd like to buy a couch. Я сказал ей, что не заинтересован. I told her I wasn't interested. I told her I wasn't interested. Том убив Мері. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Ми медитуємо. We're meditating. We're thinking. Том не вміє водити машину. Tom can't drive. Tom can't drive. Хто піде? Who's going? Who's going? Мои Боже! Oh, my God! My God! Дзецям патрэбная любоў. Children need loving. Kids need love. Все, что ты говоришь, совершенно правильно. All that you say is perfectly correct. Everything you say is absolutely right. Том поцеловал Мэри, и она дала ему пощёчину. Tom kissed Mary and she slapped him. Tom kissed Mary, and she gave him a kiss. Звичайно ж, залюбки. Sure, gladly. Of course you do. Ти можеш це зробити просто зараз. You can do that right now. You can do it right now. Абот забіла Мэры. Abbott killed Mary. The brittle killed Mary. Ми питаємо себе чому. We wonder why. We ask ourselves why. Том правдивий. Tom is truthful. Tom's real. Я ситий по горло вашими нісенітницями. I am fed up with your nonsense. I'm fat in your throat. Вислухай його відверту думку. Listen to his candid opinion. Listen to his frank opinion. Науковці обговорюють його теорію зникнення динозаврів. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists discuss his theory of the extinction of dinosaurs. Река орошала сад. The river watered the garden. The river irrigated the garden. Мій батько працює в банку. My father works for a bank. My father works at a bank. Станция в ста метрах отсюда. The station is 100 meters from here. One hundred meters from here. У бібліятэку нельга праносіць ежу. You're not allowed to carry food into the library. You can't eat at the library. Том живёт в большом доме. Tom lives in a large house. Tom lives in a big house. Она родилась 4 апреля 1940 года. She was born on April 4, 1940. She was born on April 4, 1940. Когда твой отец придёт домой? When will your father come home? When's your dad coming home? Она поехала в Париж. She left for Paris. She went to Paris. Пожалуйста, дай Тому ещё немного поспать. Please let Tom sleep a little longer. Please let him sleep a little longer. Сёння дзень кампліментаў. Заўтра будзе дзень абраз. Today is a day of compliments. Tomorrow will be a day of insults. Tomorrow is the day of the complimentation. It's going to be the day of the offer. Картина висит на стене. The picture is on the wall. The picture's hanging on the wall. Ви ходите до школи пішки? Do you go to school on foot? Do you go to school on foot? Я не позволю ей войти. I won't let her come in. I'm not gonna let her in. Не разговаривайте, пожалуйста. Please don't talk. Don't talk, please. Том піклувався про хворого батька. Tom cared for his sick father. Tom took care of his sick father. Він зробив фотографію сім'ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Мы с Томом должны держаться вместе. Tom and I have to stick together. Tom and I have to stay together. Тебе надо спать. You should sleep. You need to sleep. Ты знаешь, что сейчас делают твои дети? Do you know what your children are doing right now? You know what your kids are doing right now? Одного дня я хочу полетіти до Африки. I want to go to Africa someday. One day I want to fly to Africa. Он сказал, что очень рад тебя видеть. He said he was happy to see you. He said it's very nice to see you. Мюрыэл зараз дваццаць. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now twenty. Том не может остаться. Tom can't stay. Tom can't stay. Я зайшов до пана Стоуна в офіс. I called for Mr Stone at the office. I went to Mr Stone's office. Макроси для jEdit пишуться на BeanShell. jEdit macros are written in BeanShell. Makross for judit is writing to BeanShell. Мій учитель каже, що я талановитий учень. My teacher says I'm a talented student. My teacher says I'm a talented student. Я лише раз бачила Тома. I've only seen Tom once. I only saw Tom once. Нам треба зателефонувати Тому. We should call Tom. We need to call Tom. Том, мабуть, заможний. Tom must be rich. Tom must be wealthy. Он взглянул на часы. He glanced at his watch. He took a look at the clock. Том — впертий хлопчина. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom is a stubborn boy. Том ніколи не був швидший, ніж я. Tom has never been faster than me. Tom was never faster than I was. Зробити це буде дуже складно. Doing that will be very hard. It's going to be very hard to do. На вулиці пусто. The street is empty. There's nothing on the street. Передавай Тому от меня привет. Give my regards to Tom. Give him my greetings. Судья приговорила его к одному году тюрьмы. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Это пальто немодное. This coat is out of date. It's a bit obsessive. Праект "Татаэба", што знаходзіцца на сайце tatoeba.org, працуе над стварэннем вялікай базы сказаў, перакладзеных на шматлікія мовы. The Tatoeba Project, which can be found online at tatoeba.org, is working on creating a large database of example sentences translated into many languages. The "Tattabe" project on the website of atatoea.org works on creating a large base that has been translated into many languages. Часам у Таямскім заліве бачны міраж. A mirage sometimes shows up in Toyama Bay. Sometimes there is a visible mirage in the Tahitin hall. Вы яго забілі. You killed him. You killed him. Вам слід кинути палити. You should quit smoking. You should quit. Ты приняла лекарство? Did you take your medicine? Did you take the medicine? Мэри сломала левое запястье. Mary broke her left wrist. Mary broke her left wrist. Ты выглядаеш бледна. You look pale. You look pale. Це класні кросівки. Those trainers are lush. These are cool sneakers. Я точно не помню, что Том сказал. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I definitely don't remember what Tom said. Муравьи и жирафы - дальние родственники. Ants and giraffes are distant relatives. The ants and the giraffes are extended relatives. Дівчина, одягнена в біле, - моя наречена. The girl who is dressed in white is my fiancée. A girl dressed in white is my fiancee. Вы имеете право на адвоката. You are entitled to have a lawyer. You have the right to a lawyer. Я провалил экзамен. I failed the exam. I failed the exam. Они не знают французского. They don't know French. They don't know French. Як життя? How's it going? How's it going? Том сделал это специально. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Том примусив мене прийти сюди. Tom made me come here. Tom made me come here. Я ваш афіцыянт. I'm your waiter. I'm your waitress. Я кинув Тому яблуко. I threw Tom an apple. I threw that apple away. Ты здесь человек новый. You're new here. You're a new man here. Я подам на тебе в суд. I'll sue you. I'll take you to court. Пѫть дългъ. The way is long. It's all right. Вони щодня вбивали ламу, щоб задовольнити бога сонця. Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. They killed the lamu every day to please the sun god. Сахар растворим в воде. Sugar is soluble in water. The sugar is dissolved in water. Том має повну грошей валізу. Tom has a suitcase full of money. Tom has a full suitcase. Том не сказал Мэри, что ему нужно купить. Tom didn't tell Mary what he needed to buy. Tom didn't tell Mary he had to buy it. Ты можешь объяснить свой ответ? Can you explain your answer? Can you explain your answer? Говори гучніше, будь ласка. Please speak louder. Speak up, please. Таксі приїхало. The taxi is here. Taxi came. Том сором'язливий. Tom's shy. Tom is shy. Важливо, щоб ти розуміла. It's important that you understand. It's important that you understand. Деякі тварини не розмножуються, коли їх тримають у клітках. Some animals will not breed when kept in cages. Some animals do not reproduce when held in cages. За нимь єсмь. I'm after him. He's followed by laughter. Я для гэтага занадта стары. I'm too old for this. I'm for this too old. Я живу в Латвии. I live in Latvia. I live in Latvia. Лиши мене в спокої. Я сплю. Let me be. I'm sleeping. Leave me alone, I'm asleep. Тому не подобається їсти рибу. Tom doesn't like to eat fish. So you don't like eating fish. Том сказал мне, что видел сегодня вечером Мэри. Tom told me he saw Mary tonight. Tom told me he saw Mary tonight. Думаєте, на це варто витрачати зусилля? Do you think it's worth the effort? Do you think it's worth the effort? Вы не знали, что Том интересуется современным искусством? Didn't you know Tom was interested in modern art? You didn't know Tom was interested in contemporary art? Апошнія дні студзеня выдаліся халоднымі. The last days of January happened to be cold. The last days of the studio were found cold. Я адчуў сябе няпрошаным госцем. I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt unwelcome. Мне бы хотелось задать вам ещё несколько вопросов. There are a few more questions I'd like to ask you. I'd like to ask you a few more questions. Не гуляй в парке ночью! Don't walk in the park at night! Don't go to the park at night! Сёння месяц ярчэйшы, ніж звычайна. The moon is brighter than usual tonight. This month is brighter than usual. Вы ещё доверяете Тому? Do you trust Tom yet? Do you still trust Tom? Спачатку давайце паглядзім на гэтую вядомую карціну. First of all, let's look at this famous picture. Let's first look at this mental picture. Дзе бициґла? Where is the bicycle? Where's the bicygla? Это невероятно. That's amazing. It's unbelievable. Она сломана? Is it broken? Is she broken? Том учора ввечері допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary last night. Tom helped Mary last night. Они не об этом собираются говорить. That is not what they are going to talk about. They're not talking about that. Ми з вами приблизно одног віку. We are about your age. We're about one-year-old. Її очі палахнули радістю. Her eyes flashed with joy. Her eyes were joyful. У тебя не будет проблем. You'll have no problem. You won't be in trouble. Они говорят по-испански. They're able to speak Spanish. They speak Spanish. Ты бы такое купил? Would you buy one? Would you buy that? Том должен быть дома. Tom should be home. Tom has to be home. Когда вы придёте? When will you come? When will you come? Хто то дав Томові? Who gave it to Tom? Who gave Tom that? Вы размаўляеце па-англійску? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Можна мені взяти твоє пальто? May I take your coat? Can I get your coat? Мы сустрэліся ў касцёле. We met at the church. We met in cash. Ангола раней была тэрыторыяй Партугаліі. Angola was once a Portuguese territory. Angola had previously been the Party's Territory. Коли ви займаєтеся? When do you study? When do you do? Не трэба есці сырых смаўжоў. You shouldn't eat raw snails. You don't have to eat cheeseшиs. Ну что ты плачешь? Это же просто фильм! Why are you crying? It's just a movie! It's just a movie! Потяг набрав швидкості. The train gathered speed. The train's getting faster. Это неправда. It's not true. That's not true. Давайте сделаем это для Тома. Let's do that for Tom. Let's do this for Tom. Ден вибачився та повісив слухавку. Dan apologized and hung up. Dan apologized and hung up. Что будет, если нас поймают? What happens if we get caught? What happens if we get caught? Это временное условие. It's a temporary condition. It's a temporary condition. Я смотрел, как они уходят. I watched them leave. I watched them leave. Скажи ей, чтобы ехала домой. Tell her to go home. Tell her to go home. Вор проник через окно. The thief snuck in through the window. The thief through the window. Том привітав Мері з дипломом. Tom congratulated Mary on her graduation. Tom greeted Mary with a diploma. Тома завтра кремируют. Tom will be cremated tomorrow. Tom's being cremated tomorrow. Это определённо не то, чего я хотел. This is definitely not what I wanted. It's definitely not what I wanted. Він дуже прагне туди. He is very eager to go there. He longs for it. Не треба зв'язуватися з Томом. You shouldn't mess with Tom. You don't have to get in touch with Tom. Вы не могли бы рассказать мне что-нибудь о себе? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Не треба бавитися з ключом. Do not play with the key. Don't play with the key. Давай уйдём. Let's leave. Let's go. Як справи у твоєї жінки, Томе? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife doing, Tom? Я грав у бейсбол. I played baseball. I played baseball. Их каноэ опрокинулось. Their canoe capsized. Their cano has been awakened. Мені пощастило, що ніхто не бачив, як я цим займалася. I'm lucky no one saw me do that. I'm lucky no one saw how I did it. Што ты робіш? What're you doing? What are you doing? Мы должны попытаться их остановить. We've got to try and stop them. We must try to stop them. Для бедного Тома всё уже закончилось. It's all over with poor Tom. For poor Tom, it's over. Мені дуже лесно це чути. I'm really flattered to hear that. I'm really flattered to hear that. Ще раз. Once again. One more time. Разве жизнь не замечательна? Isn't life wonderful? Isn't life great? Ви знали, що Том колись жив у Бостоні? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Это дорого. This is expensive. It's expensive. У тебя футболка задом наперёд. Your T-shirt's on backwards. You've got a T-shirt ahead of you. Исправлѭ ти чьто же ми льзѣ. I will do what I can for you. You've fixed who we're in. Робіть це по черзі. Take turns. Do it in turn. Не створюйте проблеми. Don't make trouble. Don't be a problem. Вони не мали їжі. They had no food. They had no food. Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I'm very interested in studying French. Кто-то прислал нам подарок. Somebody sent us a gift. Someone sent us a gift. Адкажы мне. Answer me. Answer me. Это моё место или твоё? Is this my seat or yours? Is this my place or yours? Вам письмо. There is a letter for you. You have a letter. Я маю право знати правду. I have a right to know the truth. I have the right to know the truth. Том начал смеяться. Tom began to laugh. Tom started laughing. Ти вчишся? Are you studying? Are you learning? Думаю, это было бы большой ошибкой. I think that would be a big mistake. I think that would be a big mistake. Мы обменялись приветствиями. We exchanged greetings. We exchanged greetings. Він набридливий. He's annoying. He's annoying. Мне не позволено говорить с Томом. I'm not allowed to speak to Tom. I'm not allowed to talk to Tom. Том удома зі своїми дітьми. Tom is at home with his children. Tom's home with his kids. Мене здивувало, що Том хоче це зробити. I was surprised that Tom wanted to do that. I was surprised by Tom’s desire to do so. Я знаю, що мені варто було залишитися в Бостоні. I know I should have stayed in Boston. I know I should have stayed in Boston. Я живу в Бостоні. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. Нажаль, гэта праўда. It is unfortunately true. That's true, unfortunately. Ѿвьрже сѧ єго про инъ мѫжь. She left him for another man. It's not like you're talking about it. Я вчера порезал палец. I cut my finger yesterday. I cut my finger yesterday. Том купил Мэри кольцо. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary ring. Постарайтесь опять не заблудиться. Try not to get lost again. Try not to get lost again. Я его как раз встретил. I just met him. I just met him. Что у вас с компьютером? What happened to your computer? What's wrong with your computer? Будьте реалістами. Be realistic. Be realistic. Том тут не спить. Tom doesn't sleep here. Tom's not sleeping here. Що ви радите? What do you advise? What do you recommend? Калі ласка, не забівай мяне. Please do not kill me. Please don't kill me. Вам не кажется, что вам надо было мне сказать? Don't you think you should've told me? Don't you think you should have told me? Дай это мне, пожалуйста. Give that to me, please. Give it to me, please. Я ще не переконаний. I'm not yet convinced. I'm not sure yet. Це не має значення. It's no big deal. It doesn't matter. На вечеринке было полно девчонок. There were a lot of girls at the party. The party was full of girls. Ви хворий. Вам потрібно відпочити. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need a rest. Ти колись її цілував? Did you ever kiss her? Have you ever kissed her? Кашуля брудная. The shirt is dirty. The shirt's dirty. Деревья успокаивали меня. The trees comforted me. The trees calmed me down. Они хотят как лучше. They mean well. They want better. Я чув грім. I heard thunder. I heard the thunder. Під яким ім'ям ти працював у якості агента? Under what name did you work as agent? What name did you work as agent? У цьому магазині гамбургери смачніші, ніж у тому. This store's hamburgers taste better than that one's. The hamburgers are more delicious in this store than they do in that store. Том был убит шальной пулей. Tom was killed by a stray bullet. Tom was killed by a sewing bullet. Я мало что об этом знаю. I don't know much about it. I don't know much about that. "Том женится". - "И кто счастливая избранница?" "Tom is getting married." "Who's the lucky girl?" - Who's the lucky girl? Детям запрещено курить. Children are prohibited from smoking. Children are not allowed to smoke. Мать Фелиции - полька румынского происхождения. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Felicia's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Том сказав, що сподівається, що ти будеш на вечірці. Tom said he hopes that you'll be at the party. Tom said he expected you to be at the party. Мені потрібні ці гроші. I need this money. I need this money. Я знаю владельца. I know the owner. I know the owner. Тобі телефонує Том. Tom is calling you. Tom's calling you. Я запалив вогонь. I lit the fire. I lit fire. Я спасатель. I'm a lifeguard. I'm a savior. Я слышал, Том болеет. I hear Tom is sick. I heard Tom's dead. Яна стала паліцэйскай. She became a police officer. It became police. Гэта кніга, якую я чытаў учора вечарам. This is the book which I read last night. That's the book I was reading last night. Наступного тижня я планую поїхати до Європи. I'm planning to go to Europe next week. The next week, I plan to go to Europe. Він підняв дошку з одного кінця. He lifted a side of the board. He raised the board from one end. Та маленька зірка — найяскравіша. That small star is brightest. The little star is the brightest. Я попытаюсь сказать это по-французски. I will try to say it in French. I'll try to say it in French. Я викладач. I'm a professor. I'm a teacher. Ти виглядаєш збентеженим. You look confused. You look confused. Причины неясны. The reasons are unclear. The reasons are unclear. Расскажите мне, пожалуйста, о своей компании. Please tell me about your company. Tell me about your company, please. У мяне ўсё баліць. I ache all over. I've got everything to talk about. Це тобі нічого не коштуватиме. It won't cost you a thing. It won't cost you anything. Я хотел проводить с тобой больше времени. I wanted to spend more time with you. I wanted to spend more time with you. Я працюю в Бостоні. I'm working in Boston. I work in Boston. Вчера в Индии произошло большое землетрясение. A big earthquake occurred in India yesterday. Yesterday, India was hit by a big earthquake. Стане гірше. It'll get worse. It's worse. В чём секрет успеха? What's the secret to success? What's the secret to success? Том — приземлена людина. Tom is down to earth. Tom is a man on the ground. Том никогда бы на это не согласился. Tom would never agree to that. Tom would never have agreed to it. Том витерся насухо рушником. Tom dried himself with a towel. Tom got out of his mind with a towel. Том дал мне все свои деньги. Tom gave me all his money. Tom gave me all his money. Том дуже добре знає місто. Tom knows the city very well. Tom knows the city very well. Как вы её уговорили? How did you convince her? How did you do it? Тебе нужно попробовать этот торт. You need to try this cake. You need to try this cake. Вони танцюють. They're dancing. They dance. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала. Tom doesn't want Mary to leave. Tom doesn't want Mary to go. Мені потрібна нова машина. I need a new car. I need a new car. Сьогодні вже вівторок? Is it Tuesday already? It's Tuesday, isn't it? Я хотел бы с вами увидеться. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. Він переслідував злодія. He chased the thief. He persecuted a thief. Ты всегда был таким эгоистом? Have you always been so selfish? Have you always been so selfish? Я думаю, ты всё ещё любишь Тома. I think you still love Tom. I think you still love Tom. Ён мяне не зразумеў. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. Ты лучше, чем Том. You're better than Tom. You're better than Tom. Я так тебя люблю. Жду не дождусь, когда тебя увижу. I love you so much. I can't wait to see you. I can't wait to see you. Гадаю, Том щось знає. I think Tom knows something. I think Tom knows something. Дуже дякую за твого листа. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Я бы с удовольствием поехал с вами, но не могу. I'd like to go with you, but I can't. I would love to go with you, but I can't. Долго Вы пробыли учителем? How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been a teacher? Мой сябар ходзіць у бібліятэку займацца. My friend goes to the library to study. One of my friends goes into the library doing it. Тому потрібно було мені розповісти. Tom should've told me. So I had to tell you. Сколько пар носков вы купили? How many pairs of socks did you buy? How many pairs of socks did you buy? Что вас на самом деле беспокоит? What's really bothering you? What's really bothering you? Я сказал вам, что мы опоздаем. I told you we'd be late. I told you we'd be late. Я знаю батька цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I know the father of this girl. Тъ шьлъ своимь пѫтьмь · ıазъ своимь. He went his way, I go my way. It's yours. It's yours. Том думав, що Мері та Джон, можливо, займаються контрабандою зброї. Tom thought that maybe Mary and John were gunrunners. Tom thought that Mary and John might be smuggling weapons. Ти загалом оптиміст, еге ж? You're pretty optimistic, aren't you? You're generally optimistic, aren't you? У Тома диагностировали туберкулез в 2013 году. Tom was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2013. Tom was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2013. Теперь я знаю причину, по которой Том меня ненавидит. Now I know the reason that Tom hates me. Now I know the reason Tom hates me. Я отвинтил крышку. I unscrewed the lid. I broke the lid. У Тома діти й онуки. Tom has children and grandchildren. Tom's got kids and grandchildren. Я насправді не певен. I'm really not sure. I'm not really sure. Я не пропустила жодної наради. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss any meetings. Хутчэй павяртайся. Come back soon. Get the fuck out of here. Пожалуйста, перестаньте ссориться. Please cease from quarreling. Please stop fighting. Том знає, що ми не хочемо, щоб він переміг? Does Tom know we don't want him to win? Tom knows we don't want him to win? Вы знаете, что здесь происходит? Do you know what's going on here? Do you know what's going on here? Завтра день народження Тома. It's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Tom's birthday. Чому Том не планує цього робити? Why isn't Tom planning to do that? Why doesn't Tom plan to do this? Если вы устали — спите! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, sleep! Том сказав, що Мері не може цього зробити. Tom said Mary couldn't do that. Tom said she couldn't do it. Я даўно яе не бачыў. I haven't seen her for a long time. I've long seen her. Я собираюсь разобраться с Томом. I'm going to deal with Tom. I'm gonna handle Tom. Том пытался меня убить. Tom was trying to kill me. Tom was trying to kill me. Хто я такий, щоб судити інших? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? Том відремонтує засов. Tom will fix the latch. Tom's gonna fix the owls. Сам розумієш, це була провина Тома. It was Tom's fault, you know. You know, it was Tom's fault. Том припаркувався на проїзді. Tom parked his car in the driveway. Tom parked on the driveway. Студента покарали за паління. The student was punished for smoking. The Steward was punished for smoking. Она жестокая и бессердечная. She's cruel and heartless. She's cruel and callous. Селяві. That's life. Selves. Хочешь завтра в кино сходить? Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Я хотел бы с вами поговорить. I'd like to talk to you. I'd like to talk to you. Я всё ещё жду. I'm still waiting. I'm still waiting. Перарабі! Do it again! Transforms! Поднялся сильный ветер. A strong wind arose. A strong wind got up. Всі коробкі були повні. Every box was full. All the boxes were full. Він купив яйця і молоко у фермера. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. Мені здається, що Самі — хвора людина. I think that Sami is a sick individual. It seems to me that she is a sick person. Мне трэба цябе нешта расказаць, і я ведаю, што цябе гэта не спадабаецца. There's something I need to tell you, and I know you're not going to like it. I need to tell you something, and I know that you won't like it. Гадаю, ми можемо вибачити Тому. I guess we could forgive Tom. I think we can forgive Tom. Я приготую сашiмi на обiд. I'll prepare sashimi for dinner. I'll get the sashim ready for lunch. Если бы Том меня не пригласил, я бы не пришла. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. Мальчик застенчив и неразговорчив. The boy is bashful and doesn't talk much. The boy got stuck up and didn't talk. Я хочу сыграть в шахматы. I want to play chess. I want to play chess. Боюсь, что не успею закончить доклад вовремя. I'm afraid I won't finish the report on time. I'm afraid I can't finish the report on time. Том их не уважает. Tom doesn't respect them. Tom doesn't respect them. Они защищали слабых. They defended weak people. They were protecting the weak. Ти тут жила? Did you live here? Did you live here? Думаю, я начну с бутылки пива. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. I think I'll start with a beer bottle. Том не був готовий до цього. Tom hadn't been prepared for that. Tom wasn't ready for it. Ти почуваєшся втомленим? Are you feeling tired? Do you feel tired? Ти сказав Тому, що я тут? Have you told Tom that I'm here? You said 'cause I'm here? Том сказав, що ти говориш французькою. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you were speaking French. Если придёте к Тому сейчас, то, вероятно, застанете его смотрящим телевизор. If you visit Tom now, he'll probably be watching TV. If you come to Them now, you'll probably stay with him watching TV. Том — загадка. Tom is a mystery. Tom is a mystery. Не думаю, что он нас услышит. I don't think he's going to hear us. I don't think he'll hear us. Ти, здається, розумна. You seem intelligent. You seem smart. Ти передав їй моє повідомлення? Did you give her my message? Did you give her my message? Том відмовляється працювати. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Том втратив обох батьків. Tom has lost both of his parents. Tom lost both of his parents. Я не знал, что собаки это делают. I didn't know dogs did that. I didn't know the dogs were doing it. Я не канадка. I am not Canadian. I'm not a Canadian. Они дали объявление, что ищут кухарку. They are advertising for a cook. They have announced what the cook is looking for. Я занадто соромилася. I was too shy. I'm too ashamed. Гей, що це таке? Hey, what's that? Hey, what's that? Сообщи ей. Let her know. Tell her. Том умнее тебя. Tom is smarter than you are. Tom's smarter than you. Ви вмієте плавати? Can you swim? Can you swim? З кім Вы жывяце? Who do you live with? Who are you living with? Я учусь говорить на филиппинском. I am learning to speak Filipino. I'm learning to speak Filipino. Я рад, что вы пришли. I'm glad you've come. I'm glad you're here. Том сказав нам, що він не заперечує проти того, щоб це зробити. Tom let us know that he didn't mind doing that. Tom told us he wouldn't mind doing that. Нужно очень много терпения, чтобы научиться терпению. You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience. Much patience is needed to learn patience. Щешлїву драгу! Have a nice trip! Splish Draag! Як щодо того, щоб піти поплавати? How about going swimming? How about I go swimming? Я бачила його на сходах. I saw him on the stairs. I saw him on the stairs. Я знаю, що це буде складно. I know this will be difficult. I know it'll be hard. Табе не абавязкова мяне цалаваць. You don't have to kiss me. Thee doesn't have to kiss me. Том зробив зарядку. Tom exercised. Tom made a charge. Спробуйте подивитися на це з точки зору Тома. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Try looking at this from Tom's point of view. Вони його поцупили. They stole it. They stole it. Я сделал это для тебя и Тома. I did it for you and Tom. I did it for you and Tom. Вы смелый человек! You're a daring man! You're a brave man! Ти думаєш, що Том переможе, так? You think that Tom will win, don't you? You think Tom's gonna win, right? Знаете, почему Том не доверяет Мэри? Do you know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? You know why Tom doesn't trust Mary? Хопіць. That's enough. Stop it. Він атеїст. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. She makes dolls in her spare time. Ви вже поїли пирога? Have you eaten the cake yet? Have you eaten the pie yet? Тому не следовало этого делать. Tom ought not do that. So we shouldn't have done that. Том — единственный, кто выжил. Tom is the only one who survived. Tom is the only survivor. Ён працуе, каб забыць. He works in order to forget. He is working to forget. Том подарував мені подарунок. Tom gave me a present. Tom gave me a present. Это одна из любимых книг Тома. This is one of Tom's favorite books. It's one of Tom's favorite books. Я не хочу з вами розмовляти. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Ти дуже вродлива. You're beautiful. You're very beautiful. Я не хотів танцювати з Томом. I didn't want to dance with Tom. I didn't want to dance with Tom. Подрастите немного. Grow up a little. Get a little tall. Я думал, Том ненавидит Мэри. I thought Tom hated Mary. I thought Tom hated Mary. Он дал изложение фактов без комментариев. He gave a bald statement of the facts. He gave a statement of the facts without comment. Він порізав собі палець ножем. He cut his finger with the knife. He cut his finger with a knife. Где Том взял это пальто? Where did Tom get that coat? Where did Tom get that coat? Том чхає. Tom is sneezing. Tom sneezes. Як кажа Том, Мэры не верыць, што Джон сапраўды гэта зрабіў. Tom says Mary doesn't believe John really did that. As Tom says, Mary doesn't believe John did it. Думаю, вам здесь понравится. I think you're going to like it here. I think you'll like it here. Я поремонтував паркан. I fixed the fence. I repaired the fence. Вона не вре. She's not a liar. She's not lying. Том у відпустці. Tom is on leave. Tom's on vacation. Мені здається, тобі хтось телефонує. I think that someone is calling you. I think someone's calling you. Дарэмна спрачацца з лёсам. It is no use quarreling with fate. Well, let's argue with destiny. У мене є сестра і брат. I have a sister and a brother. I have a sister and a brother. Я брехала. I was lying. I was lying. Зачем бы Тому врать про свой возраст? Why would Tom lie about his age? So why lie about your age? Ты должна стыдиться собственного невежества. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. You have to be ashamed of your ignorance. Ты куда-нибудь ходил вчера вечером? Did you go anywhere last night? Did you go somewhere last night? Я Вам когда-нибудь говорил, какая Вы красивая? Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? Не. Ён не любіць воду! No. He doesn't like water! No. He doesn't like water! Я не очікував на такий поворот подій. I didn't see that coming. I didn't expect such a turn of events. Я не знала, что Вы женщина. I didn't know you were a woman. I didn't know you were a woman. Судя по всему, она здорова. To all appearances, she is healthy. Apparently she's healthy. Ми нічого тобі не винні. We owe you nothing. We don't owe you anything. Иметь сердце с правой стороны - ненормально. It is abnormal to have the heart on the right side. It's not normal to have a right heart. Люди, припиніть вбивати одне одного. People, stop killing each other. People, stop killing each other. Павярні налева. Turn left. Livin' left. Ты хочешь закончить, как он? Do you want to end up like him? You want to end up like him? Я думаю, що Том співає музику "кантрі" краще, ніж будь-хто інший з моїх знайомих. I think Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think Tom sings "cantres" better than any of my friends. Яна паталефанавала мне з Токіа. She called me up from Tokyo. She loved it for me from Tokyo. Ти голосував за Тома чи Мері? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Не хочу хвалитися, але я доволі розумний. Not to brag, but I'm pretty smart. I don't want to boast, but I'm pretty smart. Чи це єдине рішення? Is that the only solution? Is that the only solution? Як тобі вдалося умовити Тома допомогти прибратися в гаражі? How did you get Tom to help you clean out the garage? How did you get Tom to help clean up in the garage? Я не усвідомлював, що у мене з носа тече кров. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. I didn’t realize that my nose was bleeding. Я не дал ей уйти домой пораньше. I didn't let her go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Думаю, я произвёл на него впечатление. I think I impressed him. I think I made an impression on him. Нам спекотно. We're hot. We're hot. Це не буде легко. This is not going to be easy. It won't be easy. Я не знал, какое покупать. I didn't know which one to buy. I didn't know what to buy. Настоящий друг - великое сокровище. A true friend is a great treasure. A true friend is a great treasure. Выходзь за мяне замуж. Marry me. I'm married. Ти колись бував у Індії? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? В моём калькуляторе сели батарейки. The batteries in my calculator are dead. My calculator had batteries. Я думал, что могу доверять ей. I thought I could trust her. I thought I could trust her. Вона має довге волосся. She has long hair. She has long hair. Я піду, якщо ви підете. I'll go if you go. I'll go if you go. Я перевернул страницу книги. I turn over a page of the book. I turned the page of the book. Мені все одно, що вони про мене думають. I don't care what they think about me. I don't care what they think of me. На восточную и западную части город разделяет река. A river separates the city into east and west. The river is divided into the eastern and western part of the city. Том послідував за Мері на вулицю. Tom followed Mary out. Tom followed Mary out on the street. Коли нам влаштувати вечірку? When shall we have the party? When do we have a party? Щось сталося? Did something happen? What's wrong? Коли очікується його повернення? When is he expected back? When is his return expected? Думаю, всё идёт хорошо. I think it's going well. I think everything's going well. Том приберёг последнюю пулю для себя. Tom saved the last bullet for himself. Tom took the last bullet for himself. Это было бы возможно. It would be possible. That would be possible. Я думал, ты ничего не видишь. I thought you didn't see anything. I thought you didn't see anything. Том ещё ничего не ел. Tom hasn't eaten anything yet. Tom hasn't eaten anything yet. Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to insult you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Я пропустил что-нибудь интересное? Did I miss something interesting? Did I miss anything interesting? Я перфекцыяніст. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a perfectionist. Давайце што-небудзь паспрабуем! Let's try something. Let's try something! Якщо не поливати квіти, вони помруть. Failure to water plants will cause them to die. If you don't water the flowers, they'll die. Не знаю, что Том думает. I don't know what Tom thinks. I don't know what Tom thinks. Он говорит, что никогда её не встречал. He says he's never met her. He says he never met her. Я рад уведомить вас, что я полностью выздоровел. I am happy to notify you that I have fully recovered. I'm glad to let you know that I'm completely cured. Том сказал, что я могу сесть где захочу. Tom said I could sit anywhere I liked. Tom said I could sit where I wanted to. Я нашёл эту бутылку, прогуливаясь сегодня утром по пляжу. I found this bottle when I was walking on the beach this morning. I found this bottle walking down the beach this morning. Минуло сорок років. Forty years passed. Forty years have passed. Несумненна, ён нашмат лепшы за цябе. He's without a doubt a lot better than you. No doubt he's much better than you. Яблык чырвоны і жоўты. The apple is red and yellow. An apple red and yellow. Привет, я Сепиде. Hello, I am Sepideh. Hi, I'm Cepide. Можна мне сесці побач з табой? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? У тебе болить голова? Have you got a headache? Does your head hurt? Том на меня злится. Tom is mad at me. Tom's mad at me. Пры нагодзе я цябе з ім пазнаёмлю. If there is a suitable occasion, I'll introduce you to him. I'll find you along with him. Возможно, я должен поговорить с ними. Perhaps I should talk to them. Maybe I should talk to them. Дайте мне знать, если вам понадобится какая-нибудь помощь. Let me know if you need any help. Let me know if you need any help. Как одно с другим связано? How is this connected to that? How does one relate to another? Джим выше всех своих друзей. Jim is taller than any of his friends. Jim is above all his friends. Куда они ушли? Where have they gone? Where did they go? Що вам потрібно знати? Why do you need to know? What do you need to know? Я амаль скончыў са справаздачай. I'm almost done with the report. I'm almost finished with the report. Дан був атакований двома невідомими. Dan was assaulted by two people. Dan was attacked by two unknowns. Не понимаю, как это делать. I don't understand how to do it. I don't know how to do it. Я не люблю грязные шутки. I don't like dirty jokes. I don't like dirty jokes. Я щойно переїхав до Бостона. I've just moved to Boston. I just moved to Boston. У мяне ёсць сябар, што жыве ў Кіёта. I have a friend who lives in Kyoto. I've got a friend that lives in Quita. Якщо хочете. If you want. If you want. Мы не так молоды, как Том. We're not as young as Tom. We're not as young as Tom. Я думаю, тебе надо больше есть. I think you need to eat more. I think you need more food. Не смейся над ними. Don't make fun of them. Don't laugh at them. То досц розгнївало Тома. That made Tom pretty mad. Tom's had enough of that. Я просто дражнюся. I'm just teasing. I'm just fighting. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning to do that. I wonder if Tom and Mary were planning to do this. Можете це підписати? Can you sign this? Can you sign it? Ти був зайнятий? Were you busy? You were busy? Том зараз трохи поспішає. Tom is in a bit of a hurry now. Tom's in a little hurry. Что это за фильм? Популярный? What kind of movie is it? Is it popular? What's this movie? Сахара - крупнейший в мире источник пыли. The Sahara is the largest source of dust in the world. Sahara is the world’s largest dust source. Выберы цішотку, якая табе найбольш падабаецца. Choose the T-shirt you like the best. Choose the quiet thing that thee likes. Это было слишком просто? Was that too easy? Was it too simple? Я не готовился к зачёту. I didn't study for the test. I wasn't getting a bill. Я купіла ёй добры падарунак на Каляды. I bought her a nice Christmas present. I bought her a good present on Christmas. Собаку Тома звати Кукі. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog's name is Kuqui. Він, так би мовити, людина-робот. He is, so to speak, a human robot. He's a man-worker, so to speak. Население Швеции увеличивается. The population of Sweden is on the increase. The population of Sweden is increasing. Звідки ти знаєш, що це безпечно? How do I know it's safe? How do you know it's safe? Он пытался наверстать упущенное время. He tried to make up for lost time. He tried to get the wrong time. Це не Австралія. This isn't Australia. It's not Australia. Том уже пообедал? Has Tom eaten lunch yet? Did Tom have a lunch yet? Обращайся с ним хорошо. Treat him well. Get him along well. Ты ўпэўненая, што хочаш, каб я дапамагла цябе з дамашнім заданнем? Are you sure you want me to help you with your homework? Do you know what you want me to help you with your homework? Я знаю, що Том був зайнятий. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. У Савецкай Расії сказ піша цябе! In Soviet Russia, sentence writes you! In Saudi Arabia the story is written by thee! Как вам удалось произвести впечатление на Тома? How did you manage to impress Tom? How did you manage to impress Tom? Ти вища від мене. You are taller than me. You're taller than me. Один із них каже неправду. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Два дня назад я подхватил простуду. I caught a cold two days ago. Two days ago, I caught a cold. Том сказал, что у него нет никаких денег. Tom said he didn't have any money. Tom said he didn't have any money. Вы не идёте со мной на концерт? Aren't you coming to the concert with me? You're not going to the concert with me? Гэтага недастаткова. It isn't enough. That's not enough. Хіба ти не починаєш нервувати? Aren't you getting nervous? Don't you get nervous? Сабака мой. The dog is mine. My dog. Я уже разговаривал с этим студентом. I've already talked to this student. I've already talked to this student. Том ніколи не думав, що Мері може завдати йому біль. Tom never thought Mary would hurt him. Tom never thought Mary could hurt him. Мы проверили. We have checked. We checked. Сейчас пока слишком рано, чтоб об этом говорить. It's still too early to talk about this now. It's too early to talk about it. В этом кинотеатре всегда показывают хорошие фильмы. That movie theater always shows good movies. This movie theater always shows good movies. Я дуже хочу їсти. I'm really hungry. I really want to eat. Яна сапраўды разумная, праўда? She's really smart, isn't she? She's really clever, right? Шесть градусов ниже нуля. It's six degrees below zero. Six degrees below zero. Дзе знаходзіцца пасольства Аўстраліі? Where is the Australian embassy? Where is the Passage of Australia? Гэта на дадзены момант мая найлепшая праца. This is my best work to date. It's at the moment my best job. Том и Мэри выглядят здоровыми. Tom and Mary look healthy. Tom and Mary look healthy. Кто Вы такой, чтобы это решать? Who are you to decide that? Who are you to decide? Том був у шоці, коли я йому сказав, що купила Мері. Tom was shocked when I told him what Mary had bought. Tom was in shock when I told him I bought Mary. Я ненавиджу інтерв'ю. I hate doing interviews. I hate interview. Ідуть усі. Everyone is going. They're all coming. Она сказала, что простудилась. She said she had a cold. She said she was cold. Том сказав, що зрозумів. Tom said he understood. Tom said he got it. Ми були готові атакувати. We were ready to attack. We were ready to attack. Я не мог этого отрицать. I couldn't deny it. I couldn't deny it. Она мне не бабушка, а мама. She's not my grandmother. She's my mother. She's not my grandma, she's my mom. Чому б тобі не зателефонувати до служби клієнтської підтримки? Why don't you call customer service? Why don't you call the client support service? Селяві! This is life! Selvi! Тримай вазу обома руками. Hold the vase with both hands. Hold the vase with both hands. Ты ім дапаможаш? Will you help them? Can you help them? Я сказала тебе, в какое время прийти. I told you what time to come. I told you how long it was to come. Бажаю вам швидкого одужання. I wish you a quick recovery. I wish you a quick recovery. Ви знаєте, які їй подобаються кольори? Do you know what color she likes? Do you know how she likes colors? Цей птах не вміє літати. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Они пошли в мечеть помолиться. They went to the mosque to pray. They went to the mosque to pray. Вы не знали, что Том живёт в Бостоне? Didn't you know Tom was living in Boston? You didn't know Tom was living in Boston? Врач сказал, что Тому нужна операция. The doctor said Tom needed an operation. The doctor said he needed an operation. Він народився в Африці. He was born in Africa. He was born in Africa. Давайте я понесу. Let me carry it for you. Let me take it. Том надеялся, что Мэри останется в Бостоне на некоторое время. Tom hoped Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Tom was hoping Mary would stay in Boston for a while. Том прийшов останнім. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom's the last one. Том сказал, что ещё не хочет спать. Tom said that he isn't sleepy yet. Tom said he didn't want to sleep yet. Я совсем не говорю на телугу. I don't speak much Telugu at all. I'm not talking about the calf at all. Всё это кажется таким странным. It all seems so strange. All of this seems so strange. Коли вона приїжджає? When does it arrive? When is she coming? Я слышал шум. I heard a noise. I heard a noise. Ты бяжыш. You run. You're running away. Я зрабіла гэта для яе. I did it for her. I did it for her. Ти все ще ростеш. You're still growing. You're still growing. Ти віриш у те, що сказав Том? Do you believe what Tom said? Do you believe what Tom said? Она берегла себя для брака. She was saving herself for marriage. She kept herself for marriage. Не всем бразильцам нравится карнавал. Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnival. Not all Brazilians like Carnival. Він на це заслуговував. He deserved it. He deserved it. Том одружиться наступного літа. Tom is going to get married next summer. Tom's gonna get married next summer. Я включив воду. I turned the tap on. I turned on the water. Собрание продлилось один час. The meeting lasted one hour. The congregation lasted one hour. Тут є іронія. It's ironic. There's irony here. У меня и в мыслях не было ничего плохого. I meant no harm. I didn't have anything wrong in my mind. У мяне дзве стрыечных сёстры. I have two cousins. I have two cousins. Мне ад іх не трэба паслуг. I don't need them to do me any favors. I don't need any services from them. Здаецца, я насамрэч пачынаю разумець, што такое сапраўднае каханне. I think I'm starting to understand exactly what real love is. I think I'm actually starting to understand what true love is. Помогите мне, пожалуйста, открыть эту дверь. Please help me open this door. Help me, please, open this door. Тебя все любили. Everybody liked you. You've all been loved. Он завоевал её привязанность. He won her affection. He won her attachment. Дії кращі за слова. Deeds are better than words. Actions are better than words. Колькі год ты ўжо гуляеш у гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years have you been playing golf already? Боюся, я не зможу прийти в понеділок. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. Можеш позичити мені свій велосипед? Can you lend me your bicycle? Can you lend me your bike? Том нас ждёт. Tom is waiting for us. Tom's waiting for us. Мне так три часа назад сказали. That's what I was told three hours ago. That's how they told me three hours ago. Том та Мері ніколи не говорять про себе. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Твої батьки пишалися би тобою. Your parents would be proud. Your parents would be proud of you. Я не неписьменна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Мы этого не допустим. We're not going to let that happen. We won't let that happen. Відкрий свою валізу. Open your suitcase. Open your suitcase. Це не моя парасолька. That's not my umbrella. It's not my umbrella. День без тебя — как лето без солнца. A day without you is like a summer without the sun. A day without you is like a summer without a sun. Я відвідую курси водіїв. I go to a driving school. I'm going to the driver's course. Я не знаю, где Том купил свой зонт. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. I don't know where Tom bought his umbrella. Я думал, что он невиновен. I thought that he was innocent. I thought he was innocent. Ты можешь учиться вьетнамскому самостоятельно. You can teach yourself Vietnamese. You can learn Vietnamese on your own. Шкільний спортзал збільшили. The school gymnasium was enlarged. School gymnasium increased. Я слышал, что Кэрол и Уилл разошлись. I heard that Carol and Will have split up. I heard Carol and Will split up. Ти вже попоїв? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten yet? Як справи у твого брата? How's your brother? How's your brother doing? Том пессимист. Tom is pessimistic. Tom's a pessimist. Теперь я в тюрьме. I'm now in jail. Now I'm in prison. Вось твой сабака. Your dog is here. Here's your dog. Я попросил Тома помочь нам. I've asked Tom to help us. I asked Tom to help us. Я не знаю, що я можу для вас зробити. I don't know what I can do for you. I don't know what I can do for you. Мудак. Asshole. You're wise. Я би теж хотіла піти. I'd like to go, too. I'd like to go, too. Я хочу, чтобы ты дала мне обещание. I want you to make me a promise. I want you to promise me. Ви хотіли би собаку? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? Ты его украл? Did you steal it? Did you steal it? Ви співали. You were singing. You sang. Це означає, що Том мав рацію. That means Tom was right. That means Tom was right. Лондон - это столица Англии. London is the capital of England. London is England's capital. У Тома слабое сердце. Tom has a weak heart. Tom has a weak heart. Ты самая красивая девушка, которую я когда-либо встречал. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Частная благотворительность - это только капля в море. Private charity is only a drop in the bucket. Private charity is just a drop in the sea. Он пришёл к тебе с гарантией? Did this come with a guarantee? Did he come to you with a guarantee? Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Видишь корабль на горизонте? Do you see a boat on the horizon? See the ship on the horizon? Прошлое воскресенье я провел, читая новеллы. I spent last Sunday reading novels. I spent the last Sunday reading the novels. Не перажывай, будзь шчаслівы! Don't worry, be happy! Do not win, be happy! Я не понял вопрос. I didn't understand the question. I didn't get the question. Дзе бацька Тамаша? Where's Tom's father? Where is Tamash's father? Фома співає увесь день. Tom has been singing all day. The machine sings all day. Ісус лізе з усіх дірок. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is coming from all the holes. Я лишила словник внизу. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left a dictionary downstairs. Партугальская паходзіць ад лаціны. Portuguese descends from Latin. The Portuguese descended from the latiny. Люби мѧ а люби пьсъ мои. Love me, love my dog. You love me, you love my food. Полиция действительно кого-то арестовала. The police did arrest someone. The police actually arrested someone. Электричество очень полезно. Electricity is very useful. Electricity is very useful. Она читает свою любимую книгу. She's rereading her favorite book. She's reading her favorite book. Займатися цим не буде так нудно, як ти вважаєш. It won't be as boring to do that as you think. It won't be as boring as you think. Ты можешь добавлять предложения, которые не можешь перевести сам. Возможно, это сможет сделать кто-то другой! You can add sentences that you can't translate yourself. Maybe someone else can translate them! You can add proposals that you can't translate on your own, maybe someone else can do it! Я повівся погано. I did something bad. I didn't do well. Том платил Мэри очень приличную зарплату. Tom paid Mary a very decent salary. Tom paid Mary a very nice salary. Богатые иногда смотрят свысока на бедных. The rich sometimes despise the poor. The rich sometimes look high on the poor. Для чего ты учишь французский? What do you learn French for? Why do you teach French? Кто упал? Who fell? Who fell? Сіль скінчилася. There's no salt left. Salt's over. Мэри сказала, что чувствует себя очень уставшей. Mary said that she was feeling very tired. Mary said she felt like a very old man. Ти учень? Are you a student? You're a student? Ми перевіримо. We'll check. We'll check. Я ляпіў снегавіка. I was making a snowman. I set foot in the snow. Скажи ему, чтобы был здесь к половине третьего. Tell him to be here by 2:30. Tell him to be here by half a third. Я собираюсь навести порядок в твоей спальне сегодня. I'm going to clean your bedroom today. I'm going to take care of your bedroom tonight. Гэта новая фатаграфія? Is it a recent picture? Is this a new picture? Том уже вдома. Tom is already at home. Tom's home. Том вищий від мене. Tom is taller than me. Tom is taller than I am. Даруйце, у нас скончыліся манты. I'm sorry, we're all out of manti. Darn, we've had the friars. Джейн и Кейт — близнецы. Jean and Kate are twins. Jane and Kate are twins. Ви добре бавилися, так? You were having fun, weren't you? You played well, didn't you? Такого обычно не бывает. Things like this don't usually happen. It doesn't usually happen. Я вас там видела. I saw you there. I saw you there. Хіба ви не на чергуванні сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you on duty tonight? Aren't you on duty to-night? Вакзал адсюль недалёка. The station is not far from here. There's not a far station out of here. Давайте что-нибудь другое посмотрим. Let's watch something else. Let's see something else. Ми це усвідомлюємо. We realize that. We realize that. Я ніколи не говорю французькою. I never speak French. I never speak French. Я теж на пенсії. I'm retired, too. I'm retired, too. Когда дело доходит до готовки, с Мэри никто не сравнится. When it comes to cooking, no one can equal Mary. When it comes to cooking, there's no match for Mary. Подождём немного. Let's wait a while. We'll wait a little longer. Все гаразд? Is everything in order? Are you all right? Можна мені піти додому? May I go home? Can I go home? Дайте мне номер рядом с лифтом. Give me a room near the elevator. Give me the number next to the elevator. Я закахалася ў цябе. I've fallen in love with you. I fell in love with you. Яе вочы былі чырвоныя. Her eyes were red. Her eyes were red. Они проголосовали. They voted. They voted. Как утверждают, он убийца. He is allegedly the murderer. It's said he's a murderer. Том наклав на себе руки. Tom took his own life. Tom committed suicide. Давай замовимо піцу. Let's order a pizza. Let's get the pizza. Маєш дві книги? Do you have two books? Do you have two books? Том спрашивал Мэри обо мне? Did Tom ask Mary about me? Tom asked Mary about me? Скажите это по-английски. Say it in English. Say it in English. Моя сестра схожа на нашу маму. My sister resembles my mother. My sister looks like our mother. Тобі треба припинити це робити. You've got to stop doing that. You have to stop doing this. Том та Мері планують піти на пенсію, коли їм буде по шістдесят п'ять років. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're 65. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're sixty-five years old. Тебе никогда не взять меня живым! You'll never take me alive! You'll never take me alive! Часам зло перамагае. Evil sometimes wins. Sometimes evil prevails. Вы упрямая. You're obstinate. You're stubborn. Ти все ще школяр? Are you still in high school? You're still a schoolboy? Как ты думаешь, сколько бы у тебя ушло времени на то, чтобы покрасить мой дом? How long do you think it would take you to paint my house? How much time would you take to paint my house? Якби я мала час, я би відвідала Тома. If I'd had time, I would have visited Tom. If I had time, I'd have visited Tom. Самі ўсё яшчэ быў там. Sami was still there. Myself was still there. Я не знал, что ты раньше жила в Бостоне. I didn't know you used to live in Boston. I didn't know you had lived in Boston before. Том ухаживает за лошадьми. Tom tends to the horses. Tom's taking care of horses. Пожалуйста, откройте дверь. Please open the door. Please open the door. Сам заварыў кашу, дык сам і расхлёбвай. You must reap what you have sown. It fell over the hook, it was all right. Я смешиваю майонез с кетчупом. I mix mayonnaise with ketchup. I mix mayones with ketchup. Самі нядаўна прыняў іслам. Sami recently converted to Islam. You have recently accepted the message. Мне надо спешить. Я выбиваюсь из графика. I have to hurry. I'm falling behind schedule. I'm out of schedule. Що буде, якщо я натисну цю кнопку? What happens if I press this button? What happens if I press this button? Том втік через вікно. Tom escaped through the window. Tom ran through the window. Я би ніколи не здався. I never would've given up. I would never give up. Я зажди дотримувався правил. I always obeyed the rules. I always followed the rules. Том все еще влюблен в Мэри? Is Tom still in love with Mary? Tom's still in love with Mary? Новыя станцыі метро: «Грушаўка», «Міхалова» і «Пятроўшчына» — адчыняць на Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі. New Metro stations — ‘Hrušaŭka’, ‘Michalova’ and ‘Piatroŭščyna’ — will be opened on October Revolution Day. The new stations in the subway are "Glory," "Michalava" and "Pypert" stations to open on the Day of the October Revolution. Майя рабілі сваі мячы з гумы. The Mayas made their balls out of rubber. My brain was made of rubber. На нового президента можно положиться, не так ли? The new president can be relied upon, can't he? You can rely on the new president, can you? Ти вже змарнувала достатньо мого часу. You've wasted enough of my time already. You've wasted enough of my time. Гэтыя лекі дапамогуць табе. This medicine will help you. These cures help thee. Я думала, що ти Том. I thought you were Tom. I thought you were Tom. Можна зателефонувати тобі завтра? May I call you tomorrow? Can I call you tomorrow? Я сделаю всё, что могу. I'll do my best. I'll do everything I can. Тут есть некоторые нестыковки. There are some inconsistencies. There's some indiscreet here. Том явился на свадьбу к Джону и Мэри. Tom showed up at John and Mary's wedding. Tom came to the wedding with John and Mary. Прежде всего я бы хотел чётко обозначить свою позицию. First of all I'd like to make my position clear. First of all, I would like to clearly state my position. Простите, что сомневался в вас. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Ділер хоче продати автомобіль. The dealer wants to sell a car. Deller wants to sell the car. Це не так вже й далеко звідси. It's not that far from here. It's not that far from here. Я поважаю вашу думку. I respect your opinion. I respect your opinion. Мені подобається моя школа. I like my school. I like my school. Не говори так о Томе. Don't talk about Tom like that. Don't say that about Tom. Як ви насмілюєтеся мені таке казати? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say that to me? Я скінчив роботу. I finished the work. I'm done. Свет змяняе камунікацыя, а не інфармацыя. What changes the world is communication, not information. The world is changing communication, not information. Небо прояснилось. The sky cleared up. The sky is clear. Это неестественно. It's unnatural. It's not natural. Сообщите мне свой новый адрес. Let me know your new address. Tell me your new address. Том оставил свою сумку. Tom left his bag. Tom left his bag. Портимай свічку. Hold the candle. Port the candle. Мій план кращий за ваш. My plan is better than yours. My plan is better than your plan. Хтось з вас був на Гаваях? Have any of you been to Hawaii? Have any of you been to Hawaii? Не думаю, что мне хочется тут находиться. I don't think I want to be here. I don't think I want to stay here. Я бачив, як Том б'є Мері. I saw Tom hitting Mary. I saw Tom beat Mary. Вона не хоче чекати на тебе. She doesn't want to wait for you. She doesn't want to wait for you. Том не любить піццу. Tom doesn't like pizza. Tom doesn't like pizza. В мене багато друзів. I've got plenty of friends. I've got lots of friends. Я точно не знаю, где припарковать машину. I'm not sure where to park my car. I don't know where to park the car. Россия превратилась во вторую сверхдержаву. Russia had emerged as a second superpower. Russia has become a second superpower. По дороге ехала повозка с мулами. There was a mule cart on the road. There was a truck with mud on the road. Мы оба говорим по-французски. We both speak French. We both speak French. Чарапахі не маюць зубоў. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles have no teeth. Он мне не интересен. I'm not interested in him. I don't care about him. Існують альтернативи. There are alternatives. There are alternatives. Я пытался защитить вас. I was trying to protect you. I was trying to protect you. Прынясі мне, калі ласка, гэты слоўнік. Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Accept me, please, this vocabulary. Яго Макароннасць, Лятаючы Макаронны Монстр, — абсалютная істына Сусвету. His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the ultimate truth in the universe. His MacArtonicity, flying the Makaron Monster, is the absolute true universe. Каліфорнія вядомая сваёй садавінай. California is famous for its fruit. California's famous for his gardening. Не заставляйте меня это делать. Don't make me do that. Don't make me do it. Я не заперечував. I didn't mind. I didn't mind. Том співає. Tom sings. Tom sings. У Тома есть старшая сестра, которую зовут Мэри. Tom has an older sister named Mary. Tom has a older sister named Mary. Том — дуже практична людина. Tom is a very practical, down-to-earth person. Tom is a very practical person. Я уважна. I'm attentive. I'm important. Он похож на Джонни Деппа. He looks like Johnny Depp. He looks like Johnny Depp. Вы калі-небудзь былі ў Парыжы? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Коронавирус появился в Китае. The coronavirus emerged in China. Corvirus appeared in China. Солодких снів, Шоне. Sleep tight, Sean. Sweet dreams, Shawn. Ты же не пойдёшь в таком виде? You aren't going dressed like that, are you? You're not going that way, are you? Я заеду за тобой в шесть. I'll pick you up at six. I'll pick you up at six. Том был арестован в октябре 2013 года. Tom was arrested in October of 2013. Tom was arrested in October 2013. Мне падабаецца эсперанта. I like Esperanto. I like the esperant. Я хачу ведаць, што тут адбываецца. I want to know what's going on out here. I want to know what's going on here. Мы наконец сделали это. We finally did it. We finally did that. Уставай! Stand up! Get up! Мы получили то, что заслужили. We got what we deserved. We got what we deserved. Я ніколи не цілувалася з Томом. I've never kissed Tom. I never kissed Tom. Правила есть правила. Rules are rules. Rules are rules. Я більше не співаю. I don't sing anymore. I don't sing anymore. Выспу бачна здалёк. We can see the island in the distance. I'll catch a long way off. Це нічого не вартує. It costs nothing. It's not worth anything. Я видел, как Том это делает. I saw how Tom did that. I saw Tom do it. Я не уверен, что доверяю тебе. I'm not sure I trust you. I'm not sure I trust you. Я её тогда не знал. I didn't know her at that time. I didn't know her then. Ви вмієте зберігати секрети? Can you keep a secret? Do you know how to keep secrets? Мы сделаем это, как будет время. We'll do it when we have time. We'll do it the way time is. Том залишив щось по собі? Did Tom leave anything behind? Tom left something behind? Ти це повністю прочитав? Did you read it entirely? Have you read it completely? Нам обоим очень хотелось есть. We were both very hungry. We both wanted to eat. Ти насправді не зобов'язана робити цього. You really don't need to do that. You don't really have to do that. Ти бачив його нове кіно? Have you seen his new film? Did you see his new movie? Не здавайся і продовжуй писати. Do not give up and keep writing. Don't give up and keep writing. Сколько у вас в саду яблонь? How many apple trees are in your orchard? How many apples do you have in your garden? Вось твой сабака. Here's your dog. Here's your dog. Віддай мені свою кров, і я віддам тобі свободу. Give me your blood, I will give you freedom. Give me your blood, and I'll give you your freedom. Він залишався там не більше ніж чотири дні. He stayed there not more than four days. He stayed there for no more than four days. Жизнь без книг невозможно себе представить. Life without books is unimaginable. Life without books is impossible to imagine. Я з клієнтом. I'm with a client. I'm with the client. Не думаю, что кто-то заметил, чем Том занимается. I don't think that anybody noticed what Tom was doing. I don't think someone noticed what Tom was doing. Може цього року ми нарешті переможемо на Євробаченні. Maybe this year we'll finally win Eurovision. Maybe this year we'll finally win the Europa. Я умнее, чем они. I'm smarter than them. I'm smarter than them. Я лише дражнився. I was only teasing. I was just fighting. Я живу за городом. I live in the country. I live outside the city. Том должен принимать собственные решения. Tom must make his own decisions. Tom must make his own decisions. Вот что произошло здесь в понедельник. That's what happened here on Monday. That's what happened here on Monday. То було возбудзуюце. It was a thrill. That was exciting. Ти любиш шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Поднимите руку. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Тогда что это, мне интересно? Если это не продажа товара на дому, то, может, это новый способ знакомиться с девушками? Then what is this I wonder? If it isn't dodgy door-to-door sales then could it be a new kind of pickup technique for the ladies? If it's not a house-to-house sale, maybe it's a new way of getting to know girls? Небо синѥ. The sky is blue. Heaven's son. Я не с тобой говорю, а с обезьяной. I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the monkey. I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to you. Взвесьте эти персики, пожалуйста. Please, weigh these peaches. Take those peaches, please. Я можу мати рацію. I may be right. I could be right. Том щось шукає. Tom is looking for something. Tom's looking for something. Йди-но сюди. Come here. Come here. На листі була помилкова адреса. The letter was wrongly addressed. There was a wrong address in the letter. Всегда уступайте дорогу помехе справа. Always yield to traffic from the right. Always get down the road to the right. Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We should do this more often. Мэри ведь всегда дома? Mary is always at home, isn't she? Mary's always at home, isn't she? Кто будет яблоко? Who will eat the apple? Who's going to be an apple? Мы будем готовы до твоего приезда. We'll be ready by the time you get here. We'll be ready for your arrival. Стойте спокойно! Stand still! Stay calm! Том - интроверт. Tom is an introvert. Tom is an introvert. Том сказав, що, на його думку, йому слід це зробити. Tom said that he thought he should do that. Tom said he thought he should do it. Гэта не мела да мяне ніякага дачынення. That had nothing to do with me. It had nothing to do with me. Чи є хот-дог бутербродом? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is there a hot dog box? Я не собираюсь жаловаться. I'm not going to complain. I'm not gonna complain. Том был настроен скептически. Tom was skeptical. Tom was kind of sceptic. Люди будуть наді мною насміхатися? Will people make fun of me? Will people mock me? Не говори мне, как мне тратить свои деньги. Don't tell me how to spend my money. Don't tell me how I spend my money. Она сказала, что хочет выиграть. She said she wanted to win. She said she wanted to win. Дякую за книжку. Thank you for the book. Thank you for the book. О чём вы переговариваетесь? What are you negotiating? What are you talking about? Я ви́знаю, що не маю рації. I'll admit I'm wrong. I admit I have no radio. Я рада тебе тут бачити. I am happy to see you here. I'm glad to see you here. Я не знаю коли вона може прийти. I do not know when she can come. I don't know when she can come. Тебе це влаштовує? Are you happy with that? Does that sound good to you? Яблука якого кольору? What color are the apples? An apple of what color? Мъıслѭ тѣмь жє єсмь. I think, therefore I am. That's right. That's right. That's why we're going to die. Голандія - маленька країна. Holland is a small country. The Golan is a small country. Яна — моє перше кохання. Jana is my first love. She's my first love. Я думал, что они не придут. I thought they wouldn't come. I thought they wouldn't come. У нашому домі дві вільні кімнати. We have two unused rooms in our house. There are two free rooms in our house. Том пригласил Мэри на свою вечеринку. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Не забудзь свой білет. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Ці магу я спадзявацца, што ты пазычыш мне сваю друкарскую машынку? Is there any chance of my borrowing your typewriter? Can I hope you'll lend me your printer car? Я знаю, что у тебя есть тайна. I know you've got a secret. I know you have a secret. Не могу смеяться перед камерами. I cannot laugh in front of the cameras. I can't laugh in front of the cameras. Мне нравится то, как ты произносишь моё имя. I love the way you say my name. I like the way you speak my name. Крэк вызывает сильное привыкание. Crack is very addictive. There's a lot of habit. Де туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Что вы будете делать сегодня после школы? What'll you do after school today? What are you gonna do tonight after school? Прочитайте це зараз. Read this now. Read it now. З Томом, можливо, є якась проблема. There may be a problem with Tom. Tom may have a problem. Многие люди верят в коррумпированность чиновников нашей страны. Many people believe that our country's politicians are corrupt. Many people believe in the corruption of our country’s officials. Він повільно одужує від хвороби. He is slowly recovering from his illness. He slowly recovers from the disease. Вы хотите, чтобы она вам помогла? Do you want her to help you? Do you want her to help you? Сегодня нам придется спать на улице. Today, we have to sleep outdoors. We're gonna have to sleep on the street tonight. Клин клином вишибають. One fire drives out another. Klin's gonna get pulled out. Я маю бути обачливішою. I need to be more careful. I have to be more careful. Я постійно забуваю імена людей. I'm always forgetting people's names. I always forget people's names. У меня под кроватью монстр. There is a monster under my bed. I have a monster under my bed. Відведи Тома додому. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Я би хотів жити в Бостоні. I wish I could live in Boston. I'd like to live in Boston. Ти японець? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Том зайнятий і не може тобі зараз допомогти. Tom is busy and can't help you now. Tom's busy and can't help you right now. Це ви? Is that you? Is that you? Вона не слухає. She doesn't listen. She's not listening. Не думаю, що Тому сподобалося би тут жити. I don't think that Tom would like living here. I don't think that's why I'd love living here. Завтра зроблю. Обіцяю. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. I'll do it tomorrow, I promise. Ты не можешь весь день здесь оставаться. You can't stay in here all day. You can't stay here all day. Салли заставила своего брата чистить туалет. Sally made her brother clean the bathroom. Sally made her brother clean the toilet. Хіба ти майже не готовий? Aren't you almost ready? Aren't you almost ready? Она показала гостям, как есть то, что она приготовила. She showed her guests how to eat what she had prepared. She showed the guests what she had prepared. Мы когда-то были соседями. We used to be neighbours. We used to be neighbors. Я хотел бы поужинать. I would like to have dinner. I'd like to have dinner. Я хаджу ў бібліятэку як мінімум раз на тыдзень. I go to the library at least once a week. I go to the library at least once a week. Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Дайте мені філіжанку кави. Give me a cup of coffee. Give me a cup of coffee. Я увижусь с ним сегодня вечером. I'll see him tonight. I'll see him tonight. Спорт завжди дається йому легко. Sports always come naturally to him. Sports is always easy for him. У тебе проблеми. You've got problems. You're in trouble. Что должно быть сделано? What must be done? What must be done? Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm it. I can't confirm that. Я приеду двадцатого октября. I'll arrive on the twentieth of October. I'll be here on October 20th. Можно мне сегодня домой пораньше уйти? Can I go home early today? Can I go home early tonight? Чому вона хотіла поговорити зі мною? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Ми не знали, що робити далі. We didn't know what to do next. We didn't know what to do next. Ти не моя мама. You're not my mom. You're not my mom. Том не хотів, щоб Мері дізналася правду. Tom didn't want Mary to know the truth. Tom didn't want Mary to learn the truth. Что вы изучаете? What did you study? What are you studying? Нам із Томом все ще нудно. Tom and I are still bored. Tom and I are still bored. Это не я переводил. It wasn't me who translated this. I didn't translate it. Яна ў зялёнай сукенцы. She is in a green dress. She's in green dress. Мері живе з батьками. Mary lives with her parents. Mary lives with her parents. Мэри понравилась Тому сразу, как только он её встретил. Tom liked Mary as soon as he met her. Mary liked him as soon as he met her. Що у неї є? What does she have? What's she got? Этот район полностью изменился. This area has changed completely. This area has changed completely. Я не знав, що Том не вміє водити. I didn't know that Tom couldn't drive. I didn't know Tom couldn't drive. Я прийшов щоб побачити тебе. I came to see you. I'm here to see you. Вона спробує це ще раз. She'll try it once more. She'll try it again. Вона продовжила працювати. She kept working. She kept working. Я бы показал вам, как это делается. I would've shown you how to do that. I'd show you how to do this. Том и Мэри приехали одновременно. Tom and Mary arrived at the same time. Tom and Mary came at the same time. Ты популярна? Are you popular? Are you popular? Прыплывы выклікаюцца месячным прыцягненнем. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity. The tides are caused by the monthly attraction. Ці гэта жарабец, або кабыла? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a slave, or a cable? Вони лише зараз повернулися додому із школи. They came home from school just now. They just returned home from school. Ваші імена були викреслені зі списку. Your names were crossed off the list. Your names have been removed from the list. Я не могла припинити плакати. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Дівчина, яку ми бачили, як вона на когось чекала біля будинку Тома, — це Мері. The girl we saw waiting in front of Tom's house was Mary. The girl we saw waiting for someone near Tom’s house was Mary. Відкрий цей подарунок першим. Open this present first. Open this gift first. Скажи Тому, что я собираюсь зайти к нему домой сегодня днем. Tell Tom I'm going to drop by his house this afternoon. Tell him I'm gonna come home tonight. Это правда, что вы любите солёный кофе? Is it true you love salted coffee? Is it true you like salt coffee? Том — розпущена дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a dissolved child. Мері любила свого собаку. Mary loved her dog. Mary loved her dog. Вы заслужили это. You deserved it. You deserve it. Том і гадки не мав, що поводився нечемно. Tom had no idea that he was being impolite. Tom had no idea what was wrong. Мері одягнула капці. Mary put her slippers on. Mary put her hat on. Європа — це не країна. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Я сів поруч із нею. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. Ось чому ти повернувся з Бостона, так? That's why you came back from Boston, right? That's why you came back from Boston, right? Я не забула. I haven't forgotten. I didn't forget. Я возьму его. I'll take him. I'll take it. Коралловые рифы кишат жизнью. Coral reefs teem with life. The coral reefs are living. Религиозные люди бывают весьма резки в суждениях. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Religious people are very steep in judgment. Стався добре до кота, будь ласка. Please treat the cat well. Be good to the cat, please. Я хочу, чтобы ты держался подальше от Тома. I want you to stay away from Tom. I want you to stay away from Tom. Как это часто бывает, сегодня днём Майк опоздал на встречу. As is often the case, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon. As is often the case, Mike is late for the meeting this afternoon. Лондон - это столица Соединённого Королевства. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Том попытался утопиться в ванне. Tom tried to drown himself in the bathtub. Tom tried to drown in the bath. Брата у меня нет, но есть две сестры. I don't have a brother, but I have two sisters. I don't have a brother, but I have two sisters. Я хочу з нею побалакати. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to her. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a weird dream. I had a strange dream tonight. Ци виправдано. This is justified. It's justified. Я не знаю, что вы ищете. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Том прогнал кошек. Tom chased the cats away. Tom missed the cats. Гэта найлепшая пара года. It's the best season of the year. That's the best couple of years. Том никогда бы такого не сделал. Tom would never do that. Tom would never have done that. Том, здається, чесна людина. Tom seems to be an honest person. Tom seems to be an honest man. Том сказал, что он очень одинок. Tom said that he was really lonely. Tom said he was very lonely. Шахматыстка аб’явіла суперніцы шах. The chess player put his opponent in check. The Chess appeared to be a rival chess. Я не можу полагодити комп'ютер. I can't repair the computer. I can't fix the computer. Коли він прибув? When did he arrive? When did he arrive? Мері, що ти робиш? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Давайце вывучым гэты верш на памяць. Let's learn this poem by heart. Let's examine that verse by memory. Японія знаходиться в мирі зі своїми сусідами. Japan is at peace with her neighbors. Japan is at peace with its neighbors. Расследования начались в прошлом году с конфискации компьютерных архивов человека из немецкого города Магдебурга. The investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer files belonging to a man from Magdeburg, Germany. Investigations began last year with the confiscation of man’s computer archives from the German city of Magdeburg. Ты с ним хотя бы разговаривал? Have you even talked to him? Did you even talk to him? Я не думаю, що Том багато чого знає про мистецтво. I don't think Tom knows much about art. I don't think Tom knows a lot about art. Мері сказала, що боїться. Mary said she was afraid. Mary said she was afraid. Мені шкода, що Том так вважає. I'm sorry that Tom thinks that way. I'm sorry Tom thinks so. Я удивлена, что вы помните их. I'm surprised you remember them. I'm surprised you remember them. Самолёт вылетает в восемь часов утра. The plane takes off at 8:00 a.m. The plane's leaving at eight o'clock in the morning. Навчальний рік закінчується у червні. The school year ends in June. The academic year ends in June. Дедушка Али был барабанщиком. Ali's grandfather played drums. Grandpa Ali was a drummer. Ядрён батон! Blimey! Jelly baton! Боже мой, что вы натворили? Oh my God, what have you done? Oh, my God, what did you do? На твоей рубашке не хватает пуговицы. Your shirt has a button missing. You don't have buttons on your shirt. Всі тут? Is everybody here? Is everyone here? Стаміўшыся ад еўрапейскіх моваў, якія яму здаваліся «надта нуднымі», Хрыстафор Калумб выдумаў «калумбійскую» — настолькі складаную мову, што толькі ён мог на ёй размаўляць. Frustrated with the European languages, which he considered "too boring", Christopher Columbus invented "Columbian", a language so complicated that only he could speak it. By becoming so complex a language in the European language that he seemed to be "typically boring," the Cristupor of Colombian was the only one who could talk on it. Том та Мері розмовляли до 2:30 ночі. Tom and Mary talked until 2:30 in the morning. Tom and Mary were talking until 2:30 p.m. У Ріо вже є метро. There is already a subway in Rio. Rio already has a subway. Ён быў арыштаваны за кіраваньне ў нецьвярозым стане. He was arrested for drunken driving. He was arrested to manage in an unfathomable state. Не стесняйтесь спрашивать совета. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't be shy about asking advice. Спадар, калі ласка, запоўніце гэты фармуляр. Sir, please fill out this form. Sir, please fill out this formal filter. Том доволі вільно говорить французькою. Tom is quite fluent in French. Tom is very free to speak French. Було б добре знову побачити Тома. It would be nice to see Tom again. It'd be nice to see Tom again. Зірні на месяц. Look at the moon. Stars a month. Это было у нас в почтовом ящике. That was in our letterbox. It was in our mailbox. Це не занадто. It's not too much. It's not too much. Сейчас в Бостоне идёт дождь. It's raining now in Boston. It's raining in Boston. Калі б не ты, я б загінула. Without you, I would've died. If it wasn't for you, I'd die. Мы не можем просто игнорировать это. We can't just ignore this. We can't just ignore that. Він усиновив сироту. He adopted the orphan. He adopted an orphan. Дій, а не говори. Action, not words. Action, don't talk. Давайте сделаем это для Тома. Let's do it for Tom. Let's do this for Tom. Ён часта прыходзіць позна ў школу. He often comes late to school. It's often coming late to school. Розбуди дітей. Wake the kids. Open up your kids. Она остановилась покурить. She stopped to smoke. She stopped smoking. Гэта не партугальская. This is not Portuguese. It's not Portuguese. Турецька літера Ğ та іспанська H потайки одружилися, й було в них багато абсолютно німих дітей. A Turkish soft G and a Spanish H eloped and had lots of completely silent children together. The Turkish letter ▪ and the Spanish H were married secretly, and they had many completely silent children. Ён прастудзіўся. He has a cold. He had a cold. Вы иностранцы. You're foreigners. You're foreigners. Па-па! Bye. Dad! Том заплатив Мері. Tom paid Mary. Tom paid Mary. Мне было хорошо. I was good. I was good. Думаешь, Том получает от этого удовольствие? Do you think Tom enjoys doing that? You think Tom gets the pleasure of that? Це не він. That's not him. It's not him. Прошлой ночью у нас был сильный дождь. We had a heavy rain last night. Last night, we had a heavy rain. Я кто угодно, но только не лжец. I am anything but a liar. I'm anybody but a liar. Я зазвичай ходжу до супермаркету по понеділках. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. Та ну його до біса. Ah, screw it. Fuck him. Я пытаюсь им помочь. I'm trying to help them. I'm trying to help them. Мені слід було краще навчатися. I should've studied more. I had to learn better. Ти знав, що у мене є блог? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I had a blog? Аисты правда стоят на одной ноге? Do storks really stand on one leg? Is the Arist true on one leg? Я погано сплю. I do not sleep well. I'm not well asleep. Мы познакомились на прошлой неделе. We met last week. We met last week. Это не имеет к вам никакого отношения. This has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you. Том сказав мені, що він сам. Tom told me he was alone. Tom told me he was alone. Усі знають, що вона йому подобається, і навпаки. Everybody knows that he likes her and vice versa. Everyone knows he likes it, and vice versa. Том був відсутній на нараді. Tom was absent from the meeting. Tom was absent from the meeting. Литва входить до Європейського союзу. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania is part of the European Union. Никто не мог им помочь. No one was able to help them. No one could help them. Посмотрите налево и направо, перед пересечением дороги. Look to the left and right before crossing the street. Look to the left and right before you cross the road. Остановите здесь! Pull over here. Stop here! Том выглядит запыхавшимся. Tom looks winded. Tom looks too late. Я дуже добре знаю математику. I'm very good at math. I know math very well. У привидений есть тени? Do ghosts have shadows? Does the ghost have shadows? Том не знав, що у нього була секретний прихильник. Tom didn't know that he had a secret admirer. Tom didn't know he had a secret admirer. Не прокрастинируй. Don't procrastinate. Don't steal. Том подвёл как меня, так и Мэри. Tom let me down and he also let Mary down. Tom did both to me and to Mary. Мой папа постепенно выздоравливает. My father is gradually getting better. My dad's gradually growing up. Я думала, што вы дагэтуль у Бостане. I thought you were still in Boston. I thought you hadn't done anything in Boston. Я зазвичай ходжу до школи пішки. I usually walk to school. I usually go to school on foot. Я вже на сьогодні закінчую. I'm going to call it a day. I'm about to finish. Коли вона починається? When does it start? When does it start? Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I'm grateful for the help. Мы с ней ровесники. She and I are the same age. I'm with her peers. Том відкрив холодильник. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the refrigerator. Том вважає, що Мері невинна. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary's innocent. Том відмив ніж від крові. Tom washed the blood off the knife. Tom got rid of his blood. Зателефонуйте йому, будь ласка. Please telephone him. Call him, please. Поезд опоздал из-за аварии. The train was late because of an accident. The train was late for the accident. Мені потрібна допомога Тома. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Я точно не знал, с чего начать. I didn't know exactly where to begin. I certainly didn't know where to start. Дзе кот? Where is the cat? Where is the cat? Как это сюда попало? How did that get in here? How did it get here? Я вам ягод принёс. I brought you some berries. I brought you some berries. Я не хотел, чтобы со мной было то же самое. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me. I didn't want to be the same with me. Не звертай на нього уваги. Ignore him. Don't pay attention to him. Перепрошую за запізнення. I apologise for arriving late. Sorry I'm late. Том не будет возражать. Tom won't object. Tom won't mind. Я уверен, что Том не стал бы этого делать. I'm sure Tom wouldn't do that. I'm sure Tom wouldn't do that. Мы должны подождать его. We have to wait for him. We have to wait for him. Том з радістю погодився. Tom gladly agreed. Tom gladly agreed. Ты просто убегаешь от проблем. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from trouble. Ён зрабіў шмат памылак у сачыненні. He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition. He made a lot of mistakes in the reading. Ці не мог бы ты паўтарыць гэта? Could you repeat that, please? Could you repeat this? Нічого не бракує. Nothing's missing. Nothing is missing. Они играли на площадке с турниками. They played on the jungle gym. They were playing in the playground with the Turks. Где был твой сын? Where was your son? Where was your son? Он пытался меня рассмешить. He tried to make me laugh. He was trying to make me laugh. Она знает психологию своего мужа. She knows her husband's psychology. She knows her husband's psychology. Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital. Думаю, ты мог бы это сделать. I think you could do that. I think you could do that. Мы не можем просто взять и сделать вид, что ничего не произошло. We can't just pretend like nothing happened. We can't just pretend that nothing has happened. Ты с ней поговорил? Have you talked to her? Did you talk to her? Не чіпай нічого, добре? Don't touch anything, OK? Don't touch anything, okay? Несчастный случай отобрал их единственного сына. The accident deprived them of their only son. A private case selected them as their only son. Том не дуже добре грає в теніс. Tom can't play tennis very well. Tom doesn't play tennis well. Том был лучше меня. Tom was better than me. Tom was better than me. Я ненавіджу матэматыку. I hate maths. I hate math. На неё легко произвести впечатление. She's easy to impress. It's easy to make an impression on her. Ты знал, что у тебя дверь открыта? Did you know your door was open? Did you know you had a door open? Том ані в чому не зізнався. Tom didn't admit to anything. Tom didn't admit anything. Гадаю, Тома сьогодні тут не буде. I think that Tom isn't going to be here today. I don't think Tom's gonna be here tonight. Куплю новый. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy a new one. Смотри ушами. See with your ears. Watch your ears. Спать хочу! I'm sleepy! I want to sleep! Перспективи не надто яскраві. The prospects aren't very bright. The outlook isn't too bright. Учора ішоў дождж. It rained yesterday. It rained yesterday. Я нікому не розкрию твого секрету. Your secret will be safe with me. I'm not gonna tell anyone your secret. На самом деле, я ничего не знал о тех планах. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Actually, I didn't know anything about those plans. Я хотел бы поговорить о нём. I'd like to talk about him. I'd like to talk about him. Коли ви вчора пішли спати? When did you go to bed yesterday? When did you go to bed last night? Ты не можешь заставить меня жениться на тебе. You can't force me to marry you. You can't make me marry you. Это питьевая вода? Is this water drinkable? Is that drinking water? Ваш дом в три раза больше, чем мой. Your house is three times as big as mine. Your house is three times as big as mine. Мой сосед - плотник. My neighbor is a carpenter. My neighbor is a carpenter. Мені здається, ви говорите неправду. I think you're lying. I think you're lying. Я сделал это без разрешения. I did that without permission. I did it without permission. Том – мой сваяк. Tom is a relative of mine. Tom is my cousin. «У тебя болит рука?» — «Немного болит». "Does your hand hurt?" "It hurts a little." "Do you have a pain in your hand?" "A little hurt." Калі ласка, зрабіце глыбокі ўдых. Take a deep breath, please. Please take a deep breath. Я досить перебірливий. I'm quite picky. I'm pretty selective. Вы важны. You are important. You're important. Хто вам це купив? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? Свіння ружовая. The pig is pink. The pig's pink. Я их не знаю. I don't know them. I don't know them. Він був дуже зайнятий увесь день. He was very busy all day. He was very busy all day. Кто им не восхищается? Who doesn't admire him? Who doesn't admire them? Сколько у тебя ушло на это времени? How much time did it take you to do that? How long did it take you to do that? Це добре звучить, правда? That sounds good, right? It sounds good, doesn't it? Они не вернутся. They won't be back. They won't come back. Де ти народилася? Where were you born? Where were you born? Хіба ти не друг Тома? Aren't you Tom's friend? Aren't you Tom's friend? Я збираюся поїхати біля десятої ранку. I'm going to leave about ten in the morning. I'm gonna go about ten o'clock in the morning. Я не могу тебе это одолжить. I can't lend this to you. I can't lend you that. Ми хочемо залізти на ту гору. We'd like to climb that mountain. We want to climb that mountain. Ваши родители знают об этом? Do your parents know about this? Your parents know about this? Чемоу ми єси не росказала? Why didn't you tell me? What are we not saying? Ким на четыре года старше меня. Kim is four years older than I am. Kim is four years older than me. Мы хотели бы задать вам несколько вопросов. We'd like to ask you a few questions. We'd like to ask you a few questions. Я хотел поймать птицу, но оказалось, что это очень трудно. I wanted to catch the bird, but I found it too difficult. I wanted to catch the bird, but it turned out to be very hard. Самі пра цябе падбае. Sami will take care of you. You'll be seen by yourself. Том втратив голос. Tom lost his voice. Tom lost his voice. Том поводився з Мері, як із дитиною. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary as a child. Эй, вы что делаете? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? Том приехал три дня назад. Tom came three days ago. Tom came here three days ago. Мэри рассказала мне о своих планах. Mary told me about her plans. Mary told me about her plans. Вони вибрали новий уряд. They have elected a new government. They chose a new government. Єсть молода · некъли вельми молода · She's young, maybe too young. Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . На вечеринку пришло всего шесть человек. Only six people came to the party. Only six people came to the party. Что бы ни произошло, тебе надо сохранять спокойствие. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, you need to keep calm. Мы тебя ищем! We are looking for you! We're looking for you! Почему все на вас уставились? Why is everyone staring at you? Why are you all covered? Том не сказал ничего. Tom didn't say anything. Tom didn't say anything. Не думаю, что могу быть здесь счастлив. I don't think I can be happy here. I don't think I can be happy here. Я працювала в ресторані. I worked in a restaurant. I worked at a restaurant. Почтальон мил. The postman is cute. It's nice. Лучшая защита - это нападение. Attack is the best form of defense. The best defense is the attack. Мае шнуркі развязаліся, калі я йшоў па вуліцы. My shoelaces came untied as I was walking down the street. My cords shut up when I was walking down the street. Я хочу он то. I want that. I want him. Ти наступного тижня поїдеш до Австралії? Are you going to go to Australia next week? Are you going to Australia next week? У нас есть шанс выиграть? Do we have any chance of winning? Do we have a chance to win? Том сделал своей девушке предложение, и она сказала да. Tom proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes. Tom made his girlfriend's offer, and she said yes. Ты нам лгал, не так ли? You've lied to us, haven't you? You lied to us, didn't you? Я не голодный. I am not hungry. I'm not hungry. Мільёны людзей ва ўсім свеце аплакваюць смерць Нэльсана Мандэлы. Millions of people across the world are mourning the death of Nelson Mandela. Billions of people around the world mourn the death of Nelson Mandela. Мері загубила олівець. Mary lost her pencil. Mary lost her pencil. У меня нет этой книги. I don't have this book. I don't have that book. Стосовно Швейцарії, ви вже їздили туди взимку? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? With respect to Switzerland, have you gone there in the winter? Она приготовила ужин. She made dinner. She made dinner. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё хочет это делать. I don't think that anyone else wants to do that. I don't think anyone else wants to do this. Побачимося завтра вранці о дев'ятій. I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning. I'll see you tomorrow morning at nine. Я побежала. I ran. I ran away. Я просто хотел пожелать вам удачи. I just wanted to wish you luck. I just wanted to wish you luck. Первісною метою науки є пошук істини, нової істини. The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. The ultimate goal of science is to find the truth, the new truth. Ты не мог бы решить этот вопрос? Could you solve the problem? Can't you have solved that question? Я чекатиму до четвертої години. I'll wait till four o'clock. I'll wait until four o'clock. Я гімнаст. I'm a gymnast. I'm a gymnast. Я думав, ви впізнали Тома. I thought you'd recognized Tom. I thought you recognized Tom. Я хочу верить, что всё в порядке. I want to believe that everything's all right. I want to believe it's okay. Гэта найлепшае кіно, якое я калісьці глядзела. This is the best movie I've ever seen. It's the best movie I've ever watched. Мені прикро. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Они сказали, что хотят помочь. They said they wanted to help. They said they wanted to help. Як багато ви читаєте? How much do you read? How much do you read? Вони худорляві. They're skinny. They're good. Белые медведи живут в Арктике. Polar bears live in the Arctic. White bears live in the Arctic. Комната Тома очень маленькая. Tom's room is very small. Tom's room is very small. Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is frightened or not. I wonder if Tom's scared or not. Схоже, тобі нудно. You look bored. I think you're bored. Хлопчык быў захоплены канструяваннем мадэлі самалёта. The boy was engrossed in constructing a model plane. The old boy was fascinated by the design of the plane model. Хочете брецель? Do you want a pretzel? Do you want a bet? Том написав дві книжки. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Том заслуживает того, чтобы здесь быть. Tom deserves to be here. Tom deserves to be here. Ти маєш сказати Тому, що ти не можеш цього зробити. You ought to tell Tom that you can't do that. You have to say because you can't do that. Діти наслідують друзів, а не батьків. Children imitate their friends rather than their parents. Children imitate friends, not parents. Это был мой план. It was my plan. That was my plan. Том сделал это тайком. Tom did that in secret. Tom made it a secret. Просто чекайте нас тут. Just wait for us here. Just wait for us here. Гэта нядорага. It's not expensive. It's not that nice. Ми можемо поговорити з тобою секунду наодинці? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can we talk to you for a second in private? Моя сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. My sister's not working right now. О них ходили странные слухи. Queer rumors about them were in the air. They were part of strange rumors. Я расплакалась. I started to cry. I cried. Украінскія дзяўчаты найпрыгажэйшыя ў свеце. Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful girls in the world. The Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful in the world. Я хочу почекати на нього. I want to wait for him. I want to wait for him. Том довго був тут? Did Tom stay long? Has Tom been here for a long time? Откуда ты знаешь, что это произойдёт? How do you know that'll happen? How do you know it's gonna happen? Ти ніколи не втечеш. You'll never escape. You'll never run. Я не чудовисько. I am not a monster. I'm not a monster. Школы и университеты закрыты. Schools and universities are closed. Schools and universities are closed. Гэты прадукт не змяшчае кансервантаў. Пасля адкрыцця трымайце ў халадзільніку і не зберагайце задоўга. This product contains no preservatives. After opening, refrigerate and consume quickly. This product contains no conservatives. After opening up, you need to stop there and not turn back at once. Мы не могли бы пойти куда-нибудь поговорить? Could we go somewhere and talk? Could we go somewhere to talk? Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Я не неписьменний. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Его серые глаза блестели и искрились, а его обычно бледное лицо оживилось и покрылось румянцем. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. His gray eyes were shining, and his pale face was usually alive and covered with Romanian. Том и Мэри не боятся. Tom and Mary aren't afraid. Tom and Mary are not afraid. Том все ще живе біля вас? Does Tom live near you? Is Tom still here with you? У неї, здається, багато друзів. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have many friends. Кошки не любят воду. Cats don't like water. Cats don't like water. Що ви робите цього вечора? What are you going to do this evening? What are you doing tonight? Том пообещал, что ничего не скажет. Tom promised he wouldn't say anything. Tom promised he wouldn't say anything. Хто розбив це вiкно? Who broke this window? Who broke it all? Том выстрелил в Мэри в целях самообороны. Tom shot Mary in self-defense. Tom shot Mary in self-defence. Он попытался переплыть реку. He attempted to swim across the river. He tried to cross the river. Ты едзеш у школу на аўтобусе? Do you go to school by bus? Are you going to school in buses? Вона була сумна. She was in a sad state. She was sad. Мені шкода, що я не можу піти. I'm sorry I can't go. I'm sorry I can't leave. Я запитала Тома, що мені робити. I asked Tom what I should do. I asked Tom what I should do. Я певна, що Том буде обережний. I'm sure Tom will be careful. I'm sure Tom's gonna be careful. Есть ли у вас вещи, подлежащие декларированию? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have things to declare? Когда вы в последний раз ходили в зоопарк? When was the last time that you went to a zoo? When was the last time you went to the zoo? Я вагітна. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Я почув, як будинок здригнувся. I felt the house shake. I heard the house shudder. Лайно! Shit. Shit! Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. Bears can climb trees. Bears can climb trees. В зоопарке много животных? Are there many animals in the zoo? A lot of animals in a zoo? Ми зловили його на гарячому. We caught him red-handed. We caught him hot. Брехун! Liar! Liar! Разве Том сейчас не в Бостоне? Isn't Tom in Boston now? Isn't Tom in Boston right now? Я часто попадаю в халепу. I'm often in trouble. I'm often in trouble. Я якраз йду на прогулянку. I'm just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. Ви хто такі, і що ви тут робите? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Том добре піклується про Мері. Tom is taking good care of Mary. Tom looks good for Mary. Я був чужим. I was a stranger. I was a stranger. Том думав, що прокинуся, але насправді йому ще снився сон. Tom thought that he had woken up from his dream, but in fact he was still dreaming. Tom thought he'd wake up, but he still had a dream. Ты видишь звезду? Do you see the star? Do you see the star? Перепрошую, хто ця жінка? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? Для мене це важливо. To me, it is important. It's important to me. Я б хотів знати, чому Том цього не зробив. I'd like to know why Tom didn't do that. I'd like to know why Tom didn't. Мэри сказала, что не хочет пить. Mary said she's not thirsty. Mary said she didn't want to drink. Яны былі занятыя. They were busy. They were engaged. У Мэри карие глаза. Mary has hazel eyes. Mary has brown eyes. Большой взрыв убил шесть человек. The huge explosion killed six people. A big explosion killed six people. Що ви щодо цього робите? What're you doing about this? What are you doing about it? Она покинула Бостон. She left Boston. She left Boston. Ця книжка не лише цікава, але й повчальна. This book is not only interesting but also instructive. This book is not only interesting but also instructive. Ти щось замовив? Did you order something? Did you order anything? Думаю, вам лучше уйти пораньше. I think you'd better leave early. I think you should leave early. Мері у жовтій сукні. Mary is wearing a yellow dress. Mary's in a yellow dress. Складно висловлювати свої думки англійською. It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English. It's hard to say your thoughts in English. Кстати, мне надо вам кое-что сказать. By the way, I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something, by the way. Том отдал Мэри все деньги, что у него с собой были. Tom gave Mary all the money he had on him. Tom gave Mary all the money he had with him. Как эта река называется? What is the name of that river? What's the name of this river? Не проси грошей. Don't ask for money. Don't ask for money. Ти хвора. You're sick. You're sick. Який безлад! What a mess! What a mess! Том плавал с ламантинами. Tom swam with the manatees. Tom was swimming with scratches. Ви розумні. You're intelligent. You're smart. Где находится Намибия? Where is Namibia? Where is Namibia? Немає ніякого сенсу шкодувати про це зараз. It's no use regretting it now. There's no point in regretting it now. Она боялась путешествовать одна. She was afraid of travelling alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Він прийшов додому через три години після цього. He came home three hours after that. He came home three hours later. Ви знаєте чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know the man who's standing there? Хто вас запитував? Who asked you? Who asked you? Якщо ти наполягаєш на тому, щоб поїхати самому, прошу. If you insist on going alone, please do so. If you insist on going alone, please. Том насправді переселився до Бостона? Did Tom really move to Boston? Tom actually moved to Boston? Вы никогда не умели хранить секреты. You never could keep a secret. You never knew how to keep secrets. У книжці бракувало кількох сторінок. The book was missing a few pages. Several pages were missing in the book. Мы познакомились не в Париже. We met in Paris. We didn't meet in Paris. Нам нужна помощь. We need help. We need help. Забавяли сце ше, агей. You had some fun, didn't you? We've had this neck off, hey. Хотів би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I wish I knew what you were looking for. Том заметил ошибку и исправил её. Tom noticed the mistake and corrected it. Tom noticed a mistake and corrected it. Мона розраховувати на те, що ви будете тут завтра вчасно? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Mona's counting on you to be here tomorrow in time? Том нечасто це робить. Tom rarely does that. Tom doesn't often do that. Хворий лежить у ліжку. The patient lies in bed. The patient is in bed. Я столькому научился на своих ошибках, что думаю сделать ещё несколько! I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making a few more!! I've learned so much on my mistakes that I think I can do a few more! Я можу це все зробити сам. I can do it all myself. I can do it myself. Читайте далі. Keep reading. Read on. Це моя сумка. This is my bag. This is my bag. Я уже бывал в Саппоро. I've been to Sapporo before. I've already been to Sappro. Я никогда не работал с Томом. I've never worked with Tom. I never worked with Tom. Том нас перехитрив. Tom has tricked us. Tom touched us up. За ваше майбутнє! To your future! For your future! Ты хочешь, чтоб я составил компанию Тому и Мэри? Do you want me to keep Tom and Mary company? You want me to run Tom and Mary's company? Цей журнал коштує всього два фунти, включаючи доставку. The magazine only costs two pounds, including shipping. This magazine costs only two pounds, including shipping. Вы работаете с Томом? Do you work with Tom? You work with Tom? Я ді-джей. I'm a disc jockey. I'm DJ. Ми не бачили обличчя Тома. We didn't see Tom's face. We didn't see Tom's face. Дякую, що ти до нас приєдналася. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Я принесу бокалы. I'll bring the glasses. I'll get the glasses. Вам шкода, що ви це зробили? Are you sorry you did that? You're sorry, what did you do? Я часто говорю с Томом по-французски. I often talk with Tom in French. I often speak French with Tom. Я сьогодні повернувся. I returned today. I'm back today. Это очень необычно. This is very unusual. It's very unusual. Ты поцеловала Тома в ответ? Did you kiss Tom back? Did you kiss Tom back? Табе трэба ісці. You must go. You have to go. Том был опрятно одет. Tom was neatly dressed. Tom was dressed clean. Кто играет на пианино в гостиной? Who is playing the piano in the living room? Who plays the piano in the living room? Мы шпацыравалі па берагах Тэмзы. We walked on the banks of the Thames. We were spying on the shores of Themes. Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm that. К сожалению, такова реальность. Unfortunately, that's the reality. Unfortunately, that is the reality. Я, особисто, люблю мир. Personally, I like peace. I, personally, love peace. Я был расстроен, что её не было дома. I was disappointed that she was not at home. I was upset she wasn't home. Вам падабаецца гэтая кватэра? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this apartment? Том сказал мне относиться к людям с уважением. Tom told me to treat others with respect. Tom told me to treat people with respect. У мене це добре виходить. I'm good at this. I'm good at it. Я нікому не скажу. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. Коли воно почнеться? When will it begin? When will it start? Чому люди й досі палять? Why do people still smoke? Why are people still smoking? Том не умеет кататься на велосипеде. Tom doesn't know how to ride a bike. Tom doesn't know how to ride a bike. Бъıло тѧжько. It was very difficult. It's too much. Про що ти думаєш? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? Ты кроме Библии что-нибудь читаешь? Do you read something besides the Bible? Are you reading anything besides the Bible? Не рассказывайте Тому, что произошло на самом деле. Don't tell Tom what really happened. Don't tell him what really happened. Що шукаєте? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Ніхто не має права позбавляти інших життя. No one has the right to take a life. No one has the right to rob others of their lives. Жінка на столі. The woman is on top of the table. A woman on the table. Я думал, ты на работе. I thought you were at work. I thought you were at work. Ця книжка важлива з кількох причин. This book is important for a number of reasons. This book is important for a number of reasons. Ми вчителі. We're teachers. We're teachers. Давайте я принесу вам чего-нибудь холодного попить. Let me get you something cold to drink. Let me get you something cold. Міліцыянеры ўбачылі Фадзіля ў суседнім парку. Police spotted Fadil in a nearby park. Billions saw Faly in a neighbouring park. Это Том научил Мэри водить. Tom was the one who taught Mary how to drive. Tom taught Mary how to drive. Том сказав, що він не думав, що йому треба щось сказати. Tom said that he didn't think that he should say anything. Tom said he didn't think he had something to say. Ти повинен повернутися додому до 9-ї години. You are to return home before nine. You have to go home before nine o'clock. Я не могу здесь больше оставаться. I can't stay here any longer. I can't stay here anymore. Ви схвалюєте те, чим займається Том? Do you approve of what Tom is doing? Do you approve of what Tom does? Том очень легко выходит из себя. Tom gets angry very easily. Tom's really easy to get out of here. Я поїхала кататися на лижах з Томом. I went skiing with Tom. I went skiing with Tom. Гэта не важна. This is not important. It's not important. Все можливо. Everything is possible. It's possible. Вы знаете, что Тому нравятся машины. You know that Tom likes cars. You know that that's why they like cars. Я бы не стал жить в Бостоне. I wouldn't live in Boston. I wouldn't live in Boston. Том не такий розумний, як ви. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. Ти маєш зробити те, що Том каже тобі зробити. You have to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Зробіть це знову! Do it again! Do it again! Ты не знал, что Тому и Мэри не нужны визы? Didn't you know Tom and Mary didn't need visas? You didn't know that Tom and Mary didn't need visas? Мы с Томом хорошо знаем друг друга. Tom and I know each other well. Tom and I know each other well. Я дуже компетентний. I am very competent. I'm very competent. Ти повинен робити те, що тобі каже Том. You need to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom says to you. Томъ испилъ гърньць кафъı. Tom drank a cup of coffee. Tom's been drinking kafei shit. Я прийшла сюди пограти в теніс. I came here to play tennis. I came here to play tennis. Посмотри на ценник. Look at the price tag. Look at the valueess. Ты когда-нибудь пробовал банановый пирог? Have you eaten a banana pie? Have you ever tried banana pie? Ми всі погодилися з Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Я договорился с Томом выпить после работы. I agreed to have a drink with Tom after work. I agreed to have a drink with Tom after work. Можете уходить, если хотите. You may leave if you want to. You can leave if you want. Він законахий у неї до нестями. He's madly in love with her. He's legal to death. Я жалею, что сказал ему это. I regret having said that to him. I'm sorry I told him that. Тебе пора ложиться. Выключай радио. It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio. You gotta get down, turn off the radio. Свабоду Каўказу! Free Caucasus! Freedom of the Caucasus! Отже, що сталося? So what happened? So, what happened? Том неудержим. Tom is exuberant. Tom's not content. Я не могу помочь с этим Тому. I can't help Tom with that. I can't help Tom with this. Никто ничего не делает. No one is doing anything. Nobody's doing anything. Я хотел бы поговорить с Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Як найлепей вучыць французскую? What's the best way to learn French? What's the best way to teach French? Какие цвета тебе нравятся? What colors do you like? What color do you like? У тебя где-нибудь болит? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you have any pain somewhere? Как далеко идти отсюда до мэрии Тосимы? How long does it take to go to the Toshima Ward Office? How far is it from here to Tosima's mayor? Яна мае пачуццё гумару She has a sense of humor. She's got a sense of humour. Можете налить вино в бокал. You can pour the wine into the glass. You can pour wine into the glass. Я всегда восхищался вашим терпением. I've always admired your patience. I've always admired your patience. Я все ще не знаю, що робитиму. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I still don't know what I'm gonna do. Очень сомнительно, что он всё ещё жив. It is very doubtful whether he is still alive. It's very doubtful he's still alive. Чоловік купує своїй дружині прекрасні троянди. The man is buying beautiful roses for his wife. The husband buys his wife beautiful roses. Тут в неї багато друзів. She has a lot of friends here. She's got a lot of friends here. Я прочитала його книжку. I read his book. I read his book. Я такий радий, що ми були там. I'm so glad we were there. I'm so glad we were there. Ты бананы не ешь? You don't eat bananas? You don't eat bananas? Я тебе іноді не розумію. Sometimes I don't understand you. I don't understand you sometimes. Расположенная на холме, церковь открывает взору прекрасный вид. Standing as it does on a hill, the church commands a fine view. The church’s view of the hill opens up a beautiful view. Заняття у школі розпочинаються о дев'ятій годині School begins at nine. Schoolwork starts at nine o'clock. Отличная идея. That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Наивность — его единственное положительное качество. Naivete is his only merit. Nasty is the only positive quality of it. Вы талантливы. You're talented. You're talented. Къто гораздо приѥмлєть гораздо караѥть. He who loves well reprimands well. There's a lot of punishment. Зараз не дуже вдалий час. Now is not a very good time. It's not a good time right now. Что Том делал в Бостоне? What was Tom doing in Boston? What was Tom doing in Boston? Том выучил новое слово. Tom learned a new word. Tom learned a new word. Том народився в Бостоні. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Нє вѣсть чьто жє дѣıати кѹнамъ своимъ. He doesn't know what to do with his money. No one's living on his own. Том ніколи не обговорював цього з Мері. Tom never discussed that with Mary. Tom never discussed it with Mary. Я знаю, що ти просто робила свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you just did your job. Том быў цвярозы. Tom was sober. Tom was sober. Том ше претворює же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom still claims to be rich. Том зник без сліду. Tom disappeared without a trace. Tom disappeared without a trace. Я вижу, вы уже встречались. I see you've already met. I see you've met. Том вам щось дав? Has Tom given you anything? Did Tom give you anything? Я поміряла капелюх. I tried on the hat. I measured my hat. Я адчуваў іх боль і пакутаваў разам з імі. I felt their pain, and suffered with them. I felt their pain and suffered with them. Мы оба очень хотим спать. We're both very sleepy. We both really want to sleep. Меня больше интересует разговорный французский. I'm more interested in spoken French. I'm more interested in French speaking. Я не собираюсь развлекаться сегодня вечером. Мне нужно приготовиться к занятиям. I don't plan to hang out tonight. I need to prepare for my lessons. I'm not going to have fun tonight. До сего дня я никогда их прежде не видел. I never saw them before today. To this day, I've never seen them before. На працягу стагоддзяў Кракаў быў сталіцай Польшчы. For centuries Cracow was the capital of Poland. For centuries the Crews had been the capital of Poland. Этот урок нескончаемый! This lesson is never-ending! It's a lesson that's not over! Другий урок простий. Lesson Two is easy. The second lesson is simple. Я пам'ятаю лише уривки. I can only remember fragments. I only remember passages. Том помер від емфіземи. Tom died of emphysema. Tom died of emphysema. Том знає, що Мері навряд чи це зробить. Tom knows Mary won't likely do that. Tom knows Mary's unlikely to do it. Вони не є загрозою. They're not a threat. They are not a threat. Це з-за того, що англійська — міжнародна мова. This is due to English being a world language. It's because English is an international language. Я влюбляюсь. I'm falling in love. I'm in love. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона мусить це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she had to do it. Яке твоє прізвище? What is your last name? What's your name? Як цікаво! How exciting! How interesting! Вивчати іноземні мови нудно. Learning foreign languages is boring. Learning foreign languages is boring. Два билета до Сан-Диего, пожалуйста. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Two tickets to San Diego, please. Мідь та серебро — метали. Copper and silver are both metals. The copper and silver are metals. Президент республіки обирається народом. The president of the republic is chosen by the people. The President of the Republic is elected by the people. Вы думаете, мы победим? Do you think we'll win? You think we're gonna win? Том слухав. Tom listened. Tom was listening. Ніхто так не вважає. Nobody thinks that. Nobody thinks so. Він розмовляє десятьома мовами. He speaks ten languages. He speaks ten languages. На наступным тыдні ты едзеш у Бостан, так? You're going to Boston next week, right? Next week you're going to Boston, right? Сейчас семь тридцать. It is 7:30. It's seven thirty. Том не обращает на Мэри внимания. Tom is ignoring Mary. Tom doesn't pay attention to Mary. Вот несколько интересных фактов. Here are a few interesting facts. Here's some interesting facts. Вы ведь не думаете всерьёз, что Том бы убил себя, не так ли? You don't really think Tom would kill himself, do you? You don't think that Tom would have killed himself, do you? Мужчины хотят есть. The men are hungry. Men want to eat. Том визнав, що він це зробив. Tom admitted doing that. Tom admitted he did. Это голос Тома. That's Tom's voice. It's Tom's voice. У Тома занадто багато роботи. Tom has too much work to do. Tom's got too much work to do. Том и Мэри, как обычно, теряли время. Tom and Mary were wasting time, as usual. Tom and Mary, as usual, lost their time. Самалёты занялі месца электрацягнікоў. Airplanes have taken the place of electric trains. The planes took an electric power plant. Вона пішла з ним у кіно. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the movies with him. Дай мені он ту банку. Hand me that jar. Give me that bank. Том вполне счастлив. Tom is quite happy. Tom's quite happy. Він має трьох дітей. He has three children. He has three children. Це зробив Том. It was Tom who did that. Tom did. По этой дороге всегда ездит огромное количество транспортных средств. There are always a lot of vehicles on this road. There is always a huge number of vehicles on this road. Том любить головоломки. Tom likes brainteasers. Tom loves puzzles. У тебя есть собака? Do you have a dog? Do you have a dog? Том прошлой ночью разговаривал во сне. Tom was talking in his sleep last night. Tom spoke in his sleep last night. Том не знал, что Мэри его ищет. Tom didn't know that Mary was looking for him. Tom didn't know Mary was looking for him. Чому він жив у Сполучених Штатах? Why did he live in the United States? Why did he live in the United States? Во сколько у тебя самолёт? What time's your plane? How many planes do you have? Це, звичайно ж, не було легко. It certainly wasn't easy. This, of course, was not easy. Я останусь, если хочешь. I'll stay if you want. I'll stay if you want. Том сказал, что хочет повидаться с нами перед отъездом. Tom said he wanted to see us before we left. Tom said he wanted to see us before he left. Том сказал мне оставаться у себя в комнате. Tom told me to stay in my room. Tom told me to stay in my room. Дякую за вчора. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Мой папа - учитель английского языка. My father is a teacher of English. My dad's a English teacher. Том знав, що Мері не буде зайнята. Tom knew that Mary wasn't going to be busy. Tom knew Mary would not be busy. Коні — корисні тварини. Horses are useful animals. The horses are useful animals. Я була в машині. I was in the car. I was in the car. Это успех. That is a success. It's a success. Падарожжа ў тысячу лі пачынаецца з аднаго кроку. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Traveling into a thousand is beginning with one step. Она надела очки. She put her glasses on. She's wearing her glasses. В следующий раз постараемся быть осторожнее. We'll try to be more careful the next time. Next time, we'll be careful. Хто би зробив таку дурість? Who would do such a stupid thing? Who would have made such a fool? Том, наверное, ещё не лёг. Tom is probably still up. Tom's probably not okay yet. Він був просто за мною. He was just behind me. He was just behind me. Маю питання. I have got a question. I have a question. Це правда, що ти навчатимешся в Бостоні? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true you'll learn in Boston? Фома большой? Is Tom big? It's big? Я люблю соняшники. I love sunflowers. I love sunflowers. Він подружився з кількома селянами. He got acquainted with some villagers. He made friends with several peasants. Не смотри на это. Don't look at it. Don't look at this. Нам потрібно побалакати. We need to talk. We need to talk. У Тома есть телепатические способности. Tom has telepathic abilities. Tom has telepathic powers. Где мне купить такую футболку? Where can I buy a shirt like that? Where would I buy a T-shirt like that? Том загинув у автомобільній аварії. Tom got killed in a traffic accident. Tom was killed in a car accident. Том не мог понять, почему никто другой не хочет идти во зверинец. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to the zoo. Tom couldn't understand why no one else wanted to go to a beast. Мы с Томом стали встречаться. Tom and I've started dating. Tom and I started seeing each other. Том встал, чтобы открыть окно. Tom got up to open a window. Tom stood up to open the window. Помози ми добрѣ сътворѧ. Help me, please. We're good at this. Що було вкрадено? What was stolen? What was stolen? Просто зараз тут нікого немає. Nobody is there right now. There's nobody here right now. Том ніколи не порушує обіцянок. Tom never breaks a promise. Tom never breaks his promises. Старий чоловік увійшов до старої церкви зі своїм старшим сином, його молодшою донькою та її малою дитиною. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. An old man joined the old church with his older son, his younger daughter, and her young child. Где кольцо? Where is the ring? Where's the ring? И хочется, и колется. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. And you want to, and you're going to puke. Я не спросил Тома и Мэри, с кем они планируют ехать в Бостон. I didn't ask Tom and Mary who they were planning on going to Boston with. I didn't ask Tom and Mary who they were planning to go to Boston. Що ти вивчив? What did you learn? What did you learn? Думаю, Тому надо было остаться в Бостоне. I think Tom should've stayed in Boston. I think that's why I had to stay in Boston. Ён увогуле не глядзіць тэлевізар. He doesn't watch TV at all. He doesn't generally look like a TV broadcaster. Это перемирие. It's an armistice. It's a armistice. Я втомився від твоїх виправдань. I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your excuses. Він боїться літати літаком. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He's afraid of flying by plane. Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom must have won. Tom must have won. Не беспокойся! Тест легкий. Don't worry! The test is easy. Don't worry, it's easy. Я лише хотіла знати. I just wanted to know. I just wanted to know. Где ты припарковал машину? Where did you park the car? Where did you park the car? Он сел в машину и уехал. He got in his car and left. He got in the car and left. Я просто стараюсь быть осторожным. I'm just being careful. I'm just trying to be careful. Я з’їв червоні яблука. I ate the red apples. I ate red apples. Коли батьки Кена сваряться, він завжди захищає матір. Ken always stands up for his mom when his parents quarrel. When Ken’s parents fight, he always protects his mother. Поўня прыгожая. The full moon is beautiful. It's beautiful. Я должен победить. I have to win. I have to win. Том живий. Tom is alive! Tom's alive. Ми маємо вибір? Do we have any choice? Do we have a choice? Задавайте свой вопрос. Ask your question. Ask your question. Слишком маленький? Is it too small? Too small? Єсмь ѹчитєль. I'm a teacher. Essism is a reader. Він почув крик про допомогу. He heard a cry for help. He heard a cry for help. Калі ты прыехала ў Кітай? When did you arrive in China? When did you come to China? У нас было няшмат часу на закупы. We didn't have much time to do some shopping. We had a little time to buy. Што значыць гэта слова? What does this word mean? What does that mean? Нам не важна, што ён робіць. We don't care what he does. We don't care what he's doing. Попробуй поставить себя на её место! Try to put yourself in her shoes. Try putting yourself in her shoes! Бэці забіла сваю маці. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed his mother. Кому це належить? Who does it belong to? Who owns this? Ця троянда чудова. This rose is beautiful. This rose is great. Ось твоя здача. Here's your change. Here's your luck. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary was concerned. Tom said Mary was worried. Вѣси ли къдѣ тъ сѧ родилъ? Do you know his birthplace? Is there any type of baby? Цяпер мая мара — толькі патухшая зорка. Now my dream is but an extinguished star. Now my dream is just a deadening star. Я отвезу Тома домой. I'll take Tom home. I'll take Tom home. Том всё ещё оплакивает смерть своей собаки. Tom is still lamenting the death of his dog. Tom's still mourning his dog's death. Я таким народився. I was born like this. I was born like this. Я изучала структуру айнских семей. I studied the structure of Ainu families. I studied the structure of the Ani family. Чому ви думаєте, що Том не зміг би цього зробити? What makes you think Tom couldn't do that? Why do you think Tom couldn't do that? Будь здорова! Gesundheit! Be healthy! Ты всегда был победителем. You were always a winner. You've always been a winner. Я смяяўся. I laughed. I laughed. Усе намаганні доктара былі марныя, пацыент памёр. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the efforts of doctor were vain, the patient died. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись спав на лавці. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever slept on a park bench. I wonder if Tom used to sleep on a bench. Ты пугаешь её. You're scaring her. You scare her. Я знал, что это ложь. I knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie. Лінда зайшла ў будынак. Linda came into the building. Linda went into the building. Можно я тоже приду? May I come, too? Can I come too? Том говорить французькою так само добрей, як і ти. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you do. Сегодня понедельник. Today is Monday. It's Monday. Том каже, що я дуже наївна. Tom says I'm very gullible. Tom says I'm very naive. Том не ответил ни на один из моих вопросов. Tom didn't answer any of my questions. Tom didn't answer any of my questions. Обережно. Воно ще гаряче. Be careful. It's still warm. Careful, it's still hot. Я понятия не имел, что ты так хорошо знаешь французский. I had no idea you were so good at French. I had no idea you knew French so well. Дзе ты будзеш? Where are you going to be? Where are you going? Не думал, что вы вернётесь. I didn't think you'd come back. I didn't think you'd come back. Яна гатуе найсмачнейшыя сэндвічы ў свеце. She makes the best sandwiches in the world. She has hits the brightest Sands in the world. Ты посадила тыквы в этом году? Did you plant pumpkins this year? Did you put a pumpkin this year? Вялікі дзякуй за ўсё, што ты для мяне зрабіла. Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me. Thank you very much for everything that you did to me. Ти хочеш скинути вагу? Do you want to lose weight? You want to lose weight? Интересно, что имел в виду Том. I wonder what Tom meant. I wonder what Tom meant. Техас майже вдвічі більший за Німеччину. Texas is almost twice the size of Germany. Texas is nearly twice the size of Germany. Том развелся с женой в прошлом месяце. Tom divorced his wife last month. Tom divorced his wife last month. Він нікому не дозволяв втручатись у його справи. He wouldn't let anyone interfere in his personal affairs. He wouldn't let anyone interfere with his business. Я збентежений. I'm discouraged. I'm confused. Все интересуются Японией. All are interested in Japan. It's all Japan's interest. Ты ему тоже нравишься? Does he like you, too? Does he like you, too? Что ты имеешь в виду? What are you talking about? What do you mean? Мені подобається ця сорочка. I like this shirt. I like that shirt. Ти добре говориш французькою? Do you speak French well? Do you speak French well? Я нечасто їм мексиканські страви. I seldom eat Mexican food. I don't often eat Mexican dishes. Ти збентежений. You're confused. You're confused. Что вы думаете о нашей любви? What do you think of our love? What do you think of our love? В зал нужна новая штора. The hall needs a new curtain. We need a new curtain in the hall. Скажи Тому, що я виснажена. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell me 'cause I'm exhausted. Я за ними прослежу. I'll keep an eye on them. I'll follow them. Я рознервувався. I became nervous. I was nervous. Як вы можаце не ведаць? How can you not know? How might you not know? Я вивчаю угорську та польску на Duolingo. I'm learning Hungarian and Polish on Duolingo. I study Hungarian and Polish on Duolingo. Какой ты предпочитаешь? Which one do you like better? Which one do you prefer? Я всё тебе отдал. I've given you everything. I gave you everything. Ты поэтому уходишь? Is that why you're leaving? Is that why you're leaving? Том засмучений із-за цього. Tom is upset about this. Tom's upset about that. Чудово! Brilliant! Great! Ніхто не звярнуў увагі на яго папярэджанне. No attention was paid to his warning. No one paid any attention to his warning. Я радий, що ти цим займаєшся. I'm glad you're doing that. I'm glad you're doing this. Я отложу свой отъезд, если будет дождь. I will put off my departure if it rains. I'll leave my departure if it's raining. Я зробила майже те саме, що й Том. I did almost the same thing that Tom did. I did almost the same thing Tom did. Можете говорить всё, что хотите. You can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. Думаю, ви маєте рацію. I guess you are right. I think you're right. Ми були насправді здивовані. We were truly surprised. We were really surprised. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is mad. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. Чемоу въпрошаѥши? Why do you ask? What are you asking for? Том пропустив обід. Tom skipped lunch. Tom missed lunch. Надеюсь, с Томом ничего не случилось. I hope nothing happened to Tom. I hope there's nothing wrong with Tom. Она всё знает про французский. She knows everything about French. She knows everything about French. Вот тогда я и повредил свой голеностоп. That's when I injured my ankle. That's when I damaged my scooter. Я був тоді тверезий. I was very sober at the time. I was sober then. Я думал, что они ошибаются. I thought they were wrong. I thought they were wrong. Сколько времени потребуется, чтобы туда попасть? How long will it take to get there? How long will it take to get there? Я расскажу тебе то, что знаю о Томе. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. I'll tell you what I know about Tom. Том сказал, что точно не знает, во сколько он туда доберётся. Tom said he doesn't know exactly what time he's going to get here. Tom said he definitely didn't know how much he'd get there. Я бы хотел как-нибудь сходить туда. I'd like to go there someday. I'd like to go there somewhere. Зрабі гэта, добра? Do that, OK? Do you have to do this, okay? Какой вид спорта вам нравится? What kind of sport do you like? What kind of sport do you like? Ми тобі дамо ще один шанс. We'll give you one more chance. We'll give you another chance. Вихід справа. The exit is on the right. Out on the right. Том охайний, чи не так? Tom is tidy, isn't he? Tom's neat, isn't he? Я не знал, как ответить на его вопрос. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. Темнота не скрыла это. The darkness has not overcome it. The darkness didn't hide it. Никто не предлагает, чтобы ты этим занимался. Nobody's suggesting you do that. No one's suggesting you do that. Том не решался сказать Мэри правду. Tom hesitated to tell Mary the truth. Tom didn't decide to tell Mary the truth. Возера Товада вядомае сваёй прыгажосцю. Lake Towada is famous for its beauty. The nationality of Towada is known for his beauty. Он ходит в пижаме. He wears pajamas. He's walking in the pajamas. Марі допомогла мамі з приготуванням їжі. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Marie helped her mother prepare food. Том і насправді думає, що хтось слухає? Does Tom really think anyone is listening? Tom actually thinks someone's listening? Все молчат. Everyone is silent. Everyone's silent. Том та Мері одружилися. Tom and Mary got married. Tom and Mary got married. Когда это решили? When was this decided? When did you decide that? Сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. The sister's not working right now. Ви вже це зробили. You've already done that. You already did. Мы стаміліся і хочам піць. We're tired and thirsty. We're tired and want to drink. Навіщо ти пофарбував лавку в червоний колір? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Мне не нравятся те ботинки. I don't like those shoes. I don't like those shoes. Місяць освітлював кімнату. The moon lit the room. The moon lit the room. Я обычно ничего не покупаю через Интернет. Usually I don't buy anything on the Internet. I usually don't buy anything on the Internet. Все её любили. Everybody loved her. Everyone loved her. Мы зашли пожелать тебе удачи. We came by to wish you luck. We have come to wish you good luck. Чем отличается вера от доверия? What's the difference between faith and trust? How does faith differ? Я пайшоў у аэрапорт, каб сустрэць бацька. I went to the airport to meet with my father. I went to the airport to meet the father. Він взагалі не вчився. He didn't study at all. He didn't learn at all. Ты мне мешаешь. You're bothering me. You're interrupting me. Мы надеемся, что нам не понадобится это делать. We're hoping we won't have to do that. We hope we won't have to do this. Пра што Вы думаеце? What are you thinking about? What do you think? Дякую за те, що ти це робиш. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for doing this. Ми покращили якість. We improved the quality. We've improved quality. Ви обманюєте! You're lying! You're lying! Я можу тобі допомогти кинути палити. I can help you stop smoking. I can help you quit smoking. Жизнь как? How's life? Life like that? Я знаю багатьох викладачів французької. I know lots of French teachers. I know a lot of French teachers. Мне цяжка іграць на фартэпіяна. It is difficult for me to play the piano. I'm having a hard time playing piano. Я знаю, як ми можемо добре провести час. I know how we can have some fun. I know how we can have a good time. Сколько осталось сандвичей? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches are left? Мені цікаво, чи Том їде до Бостона наступного тижня. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder if Tom is going to Boston next week. Я припиняю. I'm quitting. I'm stopping. Я всегда чищу зубы перед тем, как идти спать. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. I always brush my teeth before I go to bed. Дельфіни не мають зябрів. Dolphins don't have gills. The dolphins don't have serums. Я не настолько молод, чтобы всё знать. I am not young enough to know everything. I'm not young enough to know. В атаку! Attack! On the attack! Канешне, ён бедны, але ён шчаслівы. He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy. Of course he's poor, but he's happy. У меня три французско-английских словаря. I have three French-English dictionaries. I've got three French-English Slovaks. Чамусьці я не змог выбраць unifont, хоць я яго і ўсталяваў, таму мне давялося сабраць dmenu з патчам падтрымкі xft, каб элементы меню на кітайскай паказваліся правільна. For some reason I couldn’t select unifont even though I’ve installed it, so I had to build dmenu with the xft patch to get Chinese menu entries displayed correctly. So for some reason I couldn't select unifont, though I fitted it, so I had to get dmenu with the patch of xft support, so that the menu elements on the Chinese were shown correctly. Я три місяці була у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I was in a coma for three months. Надзея Саўчанка — гэта сапраўдная жывая легенда. Nadiya Savchenko is a real living legend. The hope of March is a real alive legend. Мій дідусь розмовляє дуже повільно. My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather is talking very slowly. Я написала листа французькою. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. Животные - наши друзья. Animals are our friends. Animals are our friends. Это новая модель. This is a new model. It's a new model. Сьогодні мені немає чого робити. I've got nothing to do today. I have nothing to do today. Отже, що ви пропонуєте? So what are you suggesting? So, what do you suggest? Адсюль дарога ідзе на поўнач. The road goes north from here. All the road goes north. Нам нужно её защитить. We need to protect her. We need to protect her. Ты умеешь собирать кубик Рубика? Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? Do you know how to collect a Rubik's cube? Я знал, что Том блефует. I knew Tom was bluffing. I knew Tom was bluffing. Вот мой билет. Here's my ticket. Here's my ticket. Іўдаізм насамрэч не супрацьстаіць хрысціянству. Judaism isn't really the opposite of Christianity. Judaism does not really oppose Christianity. У тебя это займет всего минуту. It'll only take a minute of your time. You'll only take a minute. Я справді кохав її. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Хіба ви не думаєте, що можеш це полагодити? Don't you think you can fix it? Don't you think you can fix that? Де ти ховався? Where did you hide? Where have you been hiding? Мои пальцы оставили на стекле отпечатки. My fingers left marks on the glass. My fingers left prints on the glass. Она сказала, что спешит. She said she was in a hurry. She said she was in a hurry. Ви колись збираєтеся вставати? Aren't you ever going to get up? Are you ever going to get up? Я тоже не голоден. I'm not hungry either. I'm not hungry either. Как ты можешь вот так сидеть и ничего не делать? How can you just sit there and do nothing? How can you sit here and do nothing? Том был очень удивлён. Tom was very surprised. Tom was very surprised. Яна ўключыла тэлевізар. She turned on the TV. It turned on TV. Гэта адзін з лепшых рэстаранаў у Аўстраліі. This is one of the best restaurants in Australia. This is one of the best restaurants in Australia. Станешь отцом, поймёшь. When you're a father, you'll understand. You'll be father, you'll understand. Том не зробив нічого з того, що ми сказали йому зробити. Tom hasn't done anything we told him to do. Tom didn't do anything we told him to do. Нѣсть єи братъ. She has no brothers. You're brothers. Вона боїться поїхати за кордон. She's afraid of going abroad. She's afraid of going abroad. Майк не играет в баскетбол по понедельникам. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Що це за театр? Which theater is that? What is this theater? Том показал Мэри письмо, которое получил от Джона. Tom showed Mary the letter he got from John. Tom showed Mary a letter he received from John. Мужчына быў малады. The man was young. The man was young. Ты паспрабаваў. You tried. You tried. Они читают его книгу. They're reading his book. They read his book. Том ше фолира же є богати. Tom pretended to be rich. Tom's neck is rich. Том готовит завтрак. Tom is making breakfast. Tom's cooking breakfast. Тато повернеться за кілька днів. Father will be back in a few days. Dad will return in a few days. Він намагався стримати свій гнів. He tried to hold back his anger. He tried to control his anger. Вона зручна. It's comfortable. It's convenient. Хочешь пойти с нами? Do you want to go with us? You want to come with us? Ты хочешь, чтобы я ему помогла? Do you want me to help him? You want me to help him? Привіт, як ти? Hi, how're you doing? Hey, how are you? У здаровым целе здаровы дух. A sound mind in a sound body. There's a healthy spirit in the healthy body. Ответ - "да". The answer's yes. The answer is yes. Я живу не сама. I don't live alone. I don't live alone. Том завжди каже Мері, що він її кохає. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mary he loves her. Ніхто нас не бачив. No one has seen us. No one saw us. Я не цілком певен, чому це трапилося. I'm not really sure why that happened. I'm not quite sure why this happened. Ты не знал, что я раньше преподавал в Бостоне французский? Didn't you know that I used to teach French in Boston? Did you not know that I used to teach French in Boston? Мені байдуже, за кого ти проголосував. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care who you voted for. Я не позволю ей умереть. I won't let her die. I won't let her die. Вот это память! What memory! That's a memory! Я просто лінива. I'm just lazy. I'm just lazy. Что бы ты стал делать, если бы завтра был конец света? What would you do if the world was going to end tomorrow? What would you do if tomorrow was the end of the world? Шмат шуму з нічога. Much ado about nothing. A lot of noise from nothing. Бостон посещает множество туристов из Канады. A lot of Canadian tourists visit Boston. Boston is visiting many tourists from Canada. Наскільки добре ти знаєш Тома? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Хлопець, якого я кохаю, мене не кохає. The boy I love doesn't love me. The guy I love doesn't love me. Том извинился бы перед Мэри, если бы считал, что это важно. Tom would have apologized to Mary if he'd thought it was important. Tom would have apologized to Mary if he thought it was important. Я выстрелил в медведя. I shot a bear. I shot a bear. Астрономiя - це наука про небеснi тiла. Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Astronomical is the science of the bodies. Если Бога нет, то всё позволено. If there is no God, everything is permitted. If there's no God, it's all allowed. Те саме справедливо й щодо Японії. The same is true of Japan. The same is true of Japan. Я хотів би це побачити. I would like to see it. I'd like to see it. Ти знав, що Том одинокий? Did you know Tom was lonely? Did you know Tom was lonely? Том на цих вихідних у Бостоні. Tom is in Boston for the weekend. Tom's this weekend in Boston. Калі ласка, будзь ветлівай. Please be polite. Please be polite. Ты правда её любишь? Do you really love her? Do you really love her? Я надеюсь, что у меня получится. I hope I succeed. I hope I can do it. Я хочу сам рассказать Тому. I wanted to be the one to tell Tom. I want to tell Tom myself. Том та Мері скінчили? Are Tom and Mary done? Tom and Mary finished? Том замовив піцу. Tom ordered pizza. Tom ordered the pizza. Дайте мені п'ять днів. Give me five days. Give me five days. Том попросил Мэри выключить свет. Tom asked Mary to turn the lights down. Tom asked Mary to turn the lights off. Я бы не стал винить их. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. Сколько фруктов вы едите? How much fruit do you eat? How many fruits do you eat? Том поел на завтрак кукурузных хлопьев. Tom ate cornflakes for breakfast. Tom's been eating corn boys for breakfast. У кохання гіркий присмак. The taste of love is bitter. It's a bitter taste to love. Том закрыл за ними дверь. Tom closed the door behind them. Tom locked the door behind them. Как они тебя выносят? How do they put up with you? How do they get you out of here? Никто не имеет права указывать тебе, как жить твою жизнь. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. Like breeds like. Apples do not fall far from the apple tree. Ты забіла іх. You killed them. You killed them. Я все ще трохи нудьгую за домівкою й так багато речей здаються мені дивними. I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. I still miss my home, and so many things seem strange to me. Я проспав. I overslept. I'm asleep. Ты всегда звонишь мне из ее дома. You always called me from her house. You're always calling me from her house. Вони витрачали гроші. They were spending money. They spent money. Чому у вас червоні очі? Why are your eyes red? Why do you have red eyes? Я никогда за них не беспокоился. I never worried about them. I've never been worried about them. Де в Австралії ти виросла? Where in Australia did you grow up? Where did you grow up in Australia? Мені потрібна лише хвилина. I just need a minute. I only need a minute. Вы такие злые. You're so mean. You're so pissed. Том схиблений на фруктовому морозиві. Tom absolutely loves ice lollies. Tom's sloppy on the fruit ice cream. Большинство людей чистит зубы не меньше двух раз в день. Most people brush their teeth at least two times a day. Most people clean their teeth at least twice a day. Нічого не визнавайте. Don't admit anything. Don't admit anything. Том хотел сыграть с нами в покер, но Мэри ему не разрешила. Tom wanted to play poker with us, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to play poker with us, but Mary didn't let him. Мне за это не платят. I don't get paid to do this. I don't get paid for it. Гэта зробіць цябе мацнейшай. This will make you stronger. It'll make thee stronger. Заключенный освобожден. Prisoner is discharged. The prisoner is released. Какая тебе разница? Why do you even care? What difference does it make to you? Это был несчастный случай? Was it an accident? Was it an accident? Ходімо здивуємо її. Let's go and surprise her. Let's surprise her. Вам не обов'язково казати мені, як робити це. You don't need to tell me how to do that. You don't have to tell me how to do this. Том переехал в Австралию. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. На вид ей не больше шестидесяти лет. She doesn't look more than sixty years old. She didn't look more than sixty years old. Тебе надо съездить в Бостон. You should visit Boston. You need to go to Boston. Образование - это один из важнейших аспектов жизни. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. Education is one of the most important aspects of life. Почему ты сначала Тому сказал? Why did you tell Tom first? Why did you say that first? Может быть, вам не стоит ей говорить. Maybe you shouldn't tell her. Maybe you shouldn't tell her. Вона вчинила самогубство. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Я знаю, что Том поцеловал Мэри. I know that Tom kissed Mary. I know Tom kissed Mary. У вас есть французский словарь? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? Том, я вернулась. Tom, I'm back. Tom, I'm back. Нікого не хвилує. No one gives a shit. Nobody does. Я купила ему журнал. I bought him a magazine. I bought him a magazine. Вы умеете пользоваться компьютером? Can you use a computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Я не хочу, щоб ти загинула. I don't want you to die. I don't want you to die. Хто грає на піаніно? Who plays the piano? Who plays the piano? Том здатний це зробити. Tom is able to do that. Tom can do it. Том не знав Мері. Tom didn't know Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. Не ведаю, ці будзе ў мяне час. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I'll have time. Я не впевнений, де знаходиться мій готель. I'm not sure where my hotel is. I'm not sure where my hotel is. Я силён в японском языке. I'm good at Japanese. I'm strong in Japanese. Він схожий на батька. He looks like my father. He looks like a father. Ёсць камін, ды няма дроў. There's a fireplace, but there's no firewood. There are fireplaces, yes there are no trees. Ти не мусиш цього робити, якщо не хочеш. If you don't want to do that, you don't have to. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. Калі ў аднаго з сяброў вашай каманды мала адзінак жыцця, не лячыце яго. Наадварот, няхай ёй памрэ, а потым уваскрэсьце яго. If one of your party members has low HP, don't heal them. Instead, let them die and then resurrect them. If one of your friends has a friend who lives alone, you won't lay him down. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Мені цікаво, чи Том це знає. I wonder whether or not Tom knows that. I wonder if Tom knows that. Уходите! Видеть вас не хочу. Go away. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you. Гадаю, ми наступні. I think we're next. I think we're next. Слоновьи бивни сделаны из слоновой кости. Elephant tusks are made out of ivory. Blondes are made of ivory. Мир, брат. Peace, brother. Peace, brother. Я виключив телевізор. I switched off the TV. I turned off the TV. Мені не потрібно аж стільки. I don't need this much. I don't need that much. Хто ваш адвокат? Who is your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? Котъ съпить на ложи. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. Cats drink on their beds. Том всегда откровенно высказывается. Tom always speaks his mind. Tom always makes an honest statement. Він отримав перший приз. He got the first prize. He got the first prize. Где молоток, которым вы пользовались? Where's the hammer you used? Where's the hammer you used? Позвоните Тому. Give Tom a call. You'll call Tom. Скажите ей, что вам нужно. Tell her what you need. Tell her what you need. Я хочу, чтобы ты побыл с ней. I want you to stay with her. I want you to come with her. Ты извращаешь мои слова. You're twisting my words. You're distorting my words. Вали отсюда! Get out of here! Get out of here! Я не багата. I'm not rich. I'm not rich. Том любит играть в карты. Tom likes to play cards. Tom likes to play cards. При смешивании трёх основных цветов получается чёрный. Mixture of the three primary colors creates black. If you mix the three main flowers, you get a black color. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері може перемогти. Tom said that he hopes that Mary is able to win. Tom said he expected Mary to win. Мы забыли, что вы не любите пиццу. We forgot you don't like pizza. We forgot you didn't like pizza. Я снял туфли и вышвырнул их в окно. I took my shoes off and threw them out the window. I took off my shoes and threw them out in the window. Я хочу, чтобы к половине третьего готовый отчёт лежал у меня на столе. I want a complete report on my desk by 2:30. I want to be on my desk by the half of the third report I've got ready for. У мене захлопнулися двері. I locked myself out. I got a hold of the door. Наступного літа я хочу поїхати на Гаваї. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. The next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Только в философии можно использовать порочный круг в доказательстве и получить за это высокую оценку. Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it. Only philosophy can use the vicious circle in evidence and appreciate it. Он очень хорошо плавал, когда был молодым. He could swim very well when he was young. He was very good at swimming when he was young. Яна атрымала залаты медаль. She took the gold medal. She got a gold medal. Я не хочу, чтобы Том куда-то ездил без меня. I don't want Tom to go anywhere without me. I don't want Tom to go somewhere without me. Почему математика такая сложная? Why is math so hard? Why is mathematics so complicated? Том ніколи не хотів цього робити. Tom never wanted to do that. Tom never wanted to do that. Хіба ти вип'єш своє молоко? Aren't you going to drink your milk? Will you drink your milk? Сегодня я ходил на могилу своего дедушки. I went to visit my grandfather's grave today. Today I went to the grave of my grandfather. Не дивіться телевізор! Do not watch TV. Don't watch TV! Я ощутил, как под ногами трясётся земля. I felt the earth shake under my feet. I felt the ground rocking under my feet. Не думаю, что мне нужно чьё-либо разрешение, чтобы это сделать. I don't think I need anyone's permission to do that. I don't think I need permission to do that. Ти моя приятелька. You're my friend. You're my friend. Коли я зайшов до кімнати, вона грала на піаніно. When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. When I went into the room, she played the piano. Вы сообщили об этом в полицию? Did you report that to the police? Did you report it to the police? Том піймав м'яч. Tom caught the ball. Tom caught the ball. Не заставляйте себя есть, если вам не хочется. Don't force yourself to eat if you don't want to. Don't make yourself eat if you don't want to. Авария произошла прямо на наших глазах. The accident happened right before our eyes. The accident occurred right in front of our eyes. Джексоны пригласили нас сегодня вечером на ужин. The Jacksons have invited us over for dinner tonight. Jacksons invited us to dinner tonight. Яке ваше улюблене місто? What's your favourite town? What is your favorite city? Я сделаю, как ты просил. I'll do as you asked. I'll do as you asked. Ты сегодня вечером идёшь на концерт? Are you going to the concert tonight? Are you going to the concert tonight? Он позёр. He's a poser. He's dead. Без очков Сами дальше собственного носа ничего не видит. Without his glasses, Sami can't see anything in front of his nose. Without your eyes, you can't see anything else about your own nose. Розкажи мені все. Tell me everything. Tell me everything. Та й шкода ж! What a pity! I'm sorry! Это будет целиком зависеть от него. That'll depend entirely on him. That will depend entirely on him. Я сказал Тому, что вы заняты. I told Tom you were busy. I told 'cause you're busy. Её происхождение неизвестно. Its origin is unknown. Her origin is unknown. Джордж на пять лет старше меня. George is five years older than I am. George is five years older than I am. Я ударил его ловко и сильно. I hit him good and hard. I hit him hard and hard. Пора укладывать детей спать. It's time to put the children to bed. It's time to put the kids to bed. Разбуди меня перед тем, как проснёшься. Wake me up before you wake up. Wake me up before you wake up. Я не уезжаю. I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. У него диабет. He has diabetes. He's got diabetes. Я найняв адвоката. I've hired an attorney. I hired a lawyer. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшая. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who's the best. Том так и живёт в Австралии. Tom is still living in Australia. Tom lives in Australia. Я сказав припинити. I said stop. I told you to stop. Свято вже почалося. The party has already started. It's already begun. Угадай, на каком языке я говорю. Guess what language I'm speaking. Guess what I'm talking about. Том был уволен в прошлом октябре. Tom was fired last October. Tom was fired last October. Все яблони были вырублены. All the apple trees were cut down. All the apple trees have been cut out. Старыя дываны каштоўнейшыя за новыя. Older carpets are more valuable than newer carpets. The old carpets cost better than new ones. Мы чуть не опоздали на поезд. We almost missed the train. We're almost late for the train. Золото гораздо тѧжєѥ водъı. Gold is much heavier than water. Gold is much more than water. Ты пацалаваў яго на развітанне? Did you kiss him goodbye? Did you kiss him on farewell? Вона не любила свого чоловіка. She didn't like her husband. She did not love her husband. Присаживайтесь, пожалуйста. Have a seat, please. Sit down, please. Я живу в Канаді вже майже п'ять років. I have been living in Canada for almost five years. I've been living in Canada for almost five years. Я закажу это позже. I'll order that later. I'll order it later. Вайна працягвалася два гады. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Я не маю власних дітей. I don't have my own children. I don't have my own kids. Я задаволены. I'm happy. I'm satisfied. Залиш його в спокої. Leave him in peace. Leave him alone. Я это уже знала. I already knew that. I already knew that. Я не проситиму Тома про допомогу. I won't ask Tom for help. I'm not asking Tom for help. Я бачыў месяц над небакраем. I saw the moon above the horizon. I saw a month above the sky. Дзеці пайшлі гуляць у парк. The children went to play in the park. The children went play in the park. Я бы не сделал этого. I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't do that. Она принесла метлу. She brought a broom. She brought me the broom. Ви нечасто не маєте рації. You're not often wrong. You don't often have a radio. Моя гитара намного лучше вашей. My guitar is a lot better than yours. My guitar is much better than yours. Я не люблю котів. I don't like cats. I don't like cats. Куда бы ты ни пошёл, я последую за тобой. No matter where you go, I'll follow you. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. Хто гэта чытаў мой дзённік, пакуль мяне не было? Who was it that read my diary while I was out? Who did it read my diary till I was gone? У Тома був інсульт. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Я працюю сам. I work alone. I work alone. Ты мог нам помочь. You could help us. You could've helped us. Пойдзем мы ці не не залежыць ад надвор'я. Whether we go or not depends on the weather. We don't depend on the weather, do we? Навіщо ти це зробив? Why have you done this? Why did you do that? Відсвяткуймо нашу перемогу! Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory! Хіба ви не музикант? Aren't you a musician? Aren't you a musician? Цікаво, чому Том планував це зробити. I wonder why Tom was planning on doing that. I wonder why Tom planned to do this. Маім бацькам яна падабаецца. My parents like her. My parents she likes. Мені знадобилося десь три години, щоб прочитати цю книжку. It took me about three hours to read this book. It took me about three hours to read this book. Том онімів. Tom is numb. Tom's son of a bitch. Когда у меня плохое настроение, я люблю подумать о горностаях, чтобы приободриться. When I'm in a bad mood, I like to think of stoats to cheer myself up. When I have a bad mood, I like to think about the hilly ones to get dressed up. Том лічыць, што ён ведае, колькі Мэры зарабляе, але Мэры зарабляе нашмат болей, ніж здаецца Тому. Tom thinks he knows how much money Mary makes, but Mary makes quite a bit more than Tom thinks she does. Tom thinks he knows how much Mary earns, but Mary earns much more than he seems to get by. Ён пацалаваў яе на развітанне. He kissed her farewell. He kissed her on dating. Сумніваюся, що Том зміг би це зробити самостійно. I doubt Tom could do that by himself. I doubt Tom could've done it on his own. Ви маєте піти. You must go. You have to go. Її сусід подбає про дітей, поки її нема. Her neighbor will care for her children while she's away. Her neighbor will take care of her children while she's gone. В тебе було багато часу. You had plenty of time. You've had a lot of time. Я наткнулся на своего друга. I ran into my friend. I ran into a friend of mine. Коли ти повернувся? When did you return? When did you come back? Тобі подобається це робити, чи не так? You like doing that, don't you? You like to do this, don't you? Вона його не заслуговує. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. Вона не вміє ані писати, ані читати. She cannot write or read. She can't write, she can't read. Я думала, ти казала, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought you said you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. Том добре плаває. Tom can swim well. Tom's a good swimr. Завтра я должен идти на рентген. I have to go and have an X-ray tomorrow. I have to go to X-ray tomorrow. Саддам отклонил требование. Saddam rejected the demand. Saddam rejected the request. Он это любит. He likes that. He loves it. Мне некогда ей писать. I have no time to write to her. I've never been writing to her. У Тома немає спраги. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom has no thirst. Вранці мені потрібна кава. I need coffee in the morning. I need coffee in the morning. Я перакладчык. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Ужо 7. It's already seven. Already 7. Скористайтеся акриловою фарбою. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. Вона зараз їсть. She is eating now. She's eating now. Я бы лучше их разбудил. I'd better wake them up. I'd rather wake them. Стол у хижи. The table is in the room. The table's in the cabin. Заробітна плата змінюється в залежності від віку працівника. Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker. Wages vary according to the employee’s age. Коли ти будеш готова йти? When will you be ready to leave? When are you ready to go? Тому нужно получить высокооплачиваемую работу. Tom needs to get a high-paying job. So you have to get a high - paying job. У самых красивых цветов самые острые шипы. The most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. The most beautiful flowers have the most sharp thorns. Спроси у Тома - он тебе то же самое скажет. Ask Tom and he'll tell you the same thing. Ask Tom, he'll tell you the same thing. Том сказав Мері, що він планує це зробити. Tom told Mary he was planning on doing that. Tom told Mary he planned to do it. Хіба ти це не купиш? Aren't you going to buy that? Don't you buy it? Чи є місця подешевше? Do you have any cheaper seats? Is there a cheaper place? Том колись ненавидів Мері. Зараз він її кохає. Tom used to hate Mary. Now he loves her. Tom used to hate Mary, and now he loves her. У меня похмелье. I'm hungover. I've got a hangover. Том передав вам щось для мене? Did Tom give you anything for me? Did Tom give you anything for me? Том с Мэри выглядели уставшими. Tom and Mary look tired. Tom and Mary were looking sharper. Я дуже голодний. I'm really hungry. I'm very hungry. Візьми це. Take that. Take this. Вы могли бы перевязать это лентой? Could you tie it with a ribbon? Could you bind that with a tape? Я раньше был очень толстым. I used to be very fat. I used to be very fat. Вы на три сантиметра выше меня. You're three centimeters taller than me. You're three centimetres above me. Я впевнений, що Том дуже зайнята людина. I'm sure that Tom is a very busy man. I'm sure Tom's a busy man. Не дай Тому разузнать об этом. Don't let Tom find out about that. Don't let that know. Надо было мне подождать. I should've waited. I should have waited. Передай мені масло, будь ласка. Pass me the butter, please. Give me the butter, please. Так, я йду. Yes, I'm coming! Yeah, I'm leaving. Існує кілька проблем. There are a few problems. There are a number of problems. Я думала, что это вы. I thought that was you. I thought it was you. Сколько ты там пробыл? How long did you stay? How long have you been there? Мой внучек кричит очень громко. My grandson cries very loud. My grandson's crying out loud. Эта юбка малость чересчур тесная. This skirt is a little too tight. It's a little bit too close. Мені ніхто з них не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. В Интернете девушек нет. There are no girls on the Internet. There are no girls on the Internet. Если бы Вы были моим другом, я был бы счастлив. If you were my friend, I would be happy. If you were my friend, I'd be happy. Вони перейшли до іншої релігії. They changed their religion. They moved to another religion. Том, здається, дуже добрий викладач. Tom seems to be a very good teacher. Tom seems to be a very good teacher. Я сразу сказал "нет". I immediately said no. I said no right away. Том із Мері уникають Джона. Tom and Mary have been avoiding John. Tom and Mary avoid John. Том осторожно вошел. Tom carefully stepped inside. Tom came in gently. Вы не могли бы показать мне камеру дешевле, чем эта? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Could you show me a camera cheaper than this? Ми приймемо вашу пропозицію до уваги. We will take your suggestion into consideration. We will take your suggestion into account. Это моя книга? Is that my book? Is that my book? В'язень помер під тортурами. The prisoner died under torture. The prisoner died under torture. Том почистив яблуко. Tom peeled the apple. Tom cleaned the apple. Заказывай сейчас. Order now. Order now. Коли трапився великий землетрус, мені було лише десять років. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When the big earthquake struck, I was only ten years old. Я в жизни не слышал, чтобы кто-нибудь так громко печатал. I've never heard someone type so loud in my entire life. I've never heard anyone print so loud. Что, они сказали, случилось? What did they say happened? What, they said, happened? Том каже, ви все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Это не баг, а фича. It's a feature, not a bug. It's not God's, it's Phoenica. Туда всего три часа лететь. It's only a three-hour flight. That's only three hours to fly. Хацеў бы я, каб у мяне быў хлопец. I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish I had had a boyfriend. Я мусив піти особисто. I had to go myself. I had to go on my own. Ти завжди зайнятий. You're always busy. You're always busy. Я согласна с мнением Тома. I agree with Tom's opinion. I agree with Tom's opinion. Я слышал, Том в Австралии. I heard that Tom is in Australia. I heard Tom's in Australia. Він був великий. It was big. He was great. Том посоветовал Мэри не делать этого. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom told Mary not to do that. Діти Тома внизу. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's children downstairs. Мене понизили. I've been demoted. I've been humiliated. Они очень весёлые люди. They're very cheerful people. They're very funny people. У тебе шнурки розв'язалися. Your shoes are untied. You've got the cords untied. В конце этого года произойдёт экономический кризис. There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year. The economic crisis will take place at the end of this year. Ён мой стары сябра. He is an old friend of mine. He's my old friend. Вы могли бы попросить её. You could ask her. You could have asked her. Том взяв один з бутербродів. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Вы прадаяце тут газеты? Do you sell newspapers here? Are you selling newspapers here? Ви були досконалі. You were perfect. You were perfect. Я прыстрэлю яго. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll put it on. Каракас — столиця Венесуели. Caracas is Venezuela's capital. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. У нас скончылася нафта. We've run short of oil. We had oil. Слушай, ты собираешься мне помогать или нет? Look, are you going to help or not? Listen, are you going to help me or not? Я решил, что не останусь. I have decided I won't stay. I decided I wouldn't stay. Фому убило молнией. Tom was killed by lightning. Fom killed lightning. Том спилил у себя на заднем дворе все деревья. Tom cut down all the trees in his backyard. Tom was sleeping in his backyard with all the trees. Я только и делаю что работаю. All I do is work. I'm just doing what I'm doing. Ваши я вижу, а где мои? I see yours, but where are mine? I see yours, where's mine? Я был у вас на свадьбе. I was at your wedding. I was at your wedding. Казахська мова - моя рідна мова. Kazakh is my native language. Kazakh is my native language. Ти хочеш, щоб я спитав його? Do you want me to ask him? You want me to ask him? Это просто глупо. That's just stupid. It's just stupid. Зачем вы продали свой дом? Why did you sell your house? Why did you sell your house? Вам требе підстригтися. You should get your hair cut. You need to jump up. Она тогда была маленькой девочкой. She was a little girl then. She was a little girl then. Правильно! Correct! That's right! Что вы думаете об этой работе? What do you think of this work? What do you think of this work? Я надеюсь, Том в хорошем настроении. I hope Tom is in a good mood. I hope Tom's in a good mood. Мы не можем уволить её? Can't we fire her? Can't we fire her? Том так не думає. Tom doesn't think so. Tom doesn't think so. Мэри тебя поцеловала, да? Mary kissed you, didn't she? Mary kissed you, didn't she? Не треба так хвилюватися. Don't be that worried. Don't worry about it. Я лично прослежу за этим. I'll see to that personally. I'll see for myself. Це щось нове. This is something new. It's something new. Я поїду з тобою. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. Том слухає. Tom has been listening. Tom's listening. Ты нашёл разницу между этими двумя фотографиями? Did you find the difference between these two photos? You found the difference between these two photos? Вони мають дванадцятьох дітей. They have twelve children. They have twelve children. Ти не маєш жодного шансу. You don't stand a chance. You don't have a chance. Том посоветовал мне это сделать. Tom has advised me to do that. Tom told me to do it. И когда ты собирался мне сказать? When were you planning on telling me? And when were you gonna tell me? Где ты купил эти полотенца? Where did you buy these towels? Where did you buy these towels? Ты слишком молода, чтобы беспокоиться о целлюлите. You're too young to worry about cellulite. You're too young to worry about the magic. Интересно, что это такое. I wonder what it is. I wonder what it is. У наші дні багато хто подорожує на машині. Nowadays many people travel by car. Today, many travel by car. Він повернувся додому пізно ввечері. He came home late in the evening. He came home late at night. Она сказала, что он ей нравится. She said she liked him. She said she liked him. Не заставляйте меня делать это снова. Don't make me do it again. Don't make me do it again. Те, кто нарушает правила, будут наказаны. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Давай-но я побалакаю з Томом. Let me have a talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Я банкірка. I am a banker. I'm a banker. Кто может тебя винить? Who can blame you? Who can blame you? Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book that I've ever read. And this is the best book I've ever read. Ему так нравится. That's the way he likes it. He likes it so much. Просто зараз я в Пекіні. I am in Beijing right now. I'm in Beijing right now. Укравший булавку украдёт и корову. He who steals a pin will steal an ox. The stolen scab steals the cow as well. Вы новая няня? Are you the new nanny? You're a new nanny? Дзякуй, я гэта ненавіджу. Thanks, I hate it. Thank you, I hate that. Бяжы і схавайся ў гарах. Run and hide in the mountains. Run and hide in the garage. Я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I promised Tom I wouldn't do that. That's why I promised not to do it. Ты за гэта заплаціш. You're going to pay for this. You'll pay for it. Поводься відповідно до свого віку. Act your age. Be consistent with your age. Його ніхто не бачив. Nobody's seen him. No one saw him. Завтра будет снег. It will snow tomorrow. There'll be snow tomorrow. Мы не можем больше так действовать. We can't continue doing this. We can't do that anymore. Мой велосипед исчез. I found my bicycle gone. My bike's gone. Я хотел, чтобы она выиграла. I wanted her to win. I wanted her to win. Мері сказала, що Том їй розповів. Mary said that Tom told her that. Mary said Tom told her. Ты какую музыку обычно слушаешь? What kind of music do you usually listen to? What kind of music do you usually listen to? Том говорит, что не хочет ехать со мной в Австралию. Tom says that he doesn't want to go to Australia with me. Tom says he doesn't want to come with me to Australia. Добре, я маю зробити пропозицію. Well, I have a suggestion to make. Okay, I have to make a suggestion. Выбачайце, мне трэба ісці. Sorry, I've got to go. Sorry, I have to go. Ти бачив, що щойно трапилося? Did you see what just happened? Did you see what just happened? Ти вже з ним поговорив? Have you already talked to him? Have you talked to him yet? Я знаю, кто это был. I know who it was. I know who it was. Що ти тримаєш в руці? What do you have in your hand? What are you holding in your hand? Вона не буде вечеряти. She isn't having dinner. She won't have dinner. Горная сцежка была накрытая мяккай коўдрай лісця, па якой было лёгка ісці. The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The mountainpath was covered with a soft blanket of leaves on which it was easy to go. Можете дати мені трохи грошей? Can you give me some money? Can you give me some money? Точно не знаю. I don't know for certain. I don't know. Тому точно больше тридцати. Tom is certainly above thirty. That's definitely more than thirty. Вони скажуть: «Ага!» "Aha!" they would say. They'll say, "Aha!" Слушай, мне действительно неинтересно. Look, I'm really not interested. Look, I'm really not interested. Нам потрібно поговорити з Томом знову. We need to speak to Tom again. We need to talk to Tom again. Он прекратил сопротивляться и покорился судьбе. He stopped resisting, and resigned himself to his fate. He gave up his opposition and submitted to his destiny. Том обычно был надёжным человеком, и его отсутствие на встрече было неожиданным. Tom was normally very reliable and his absence from the meeting was inexplicable. Tom was usually a reliable man, and his absence at the meeting was unexpected. Я дуже п'яний. I'm smashed. I'm very drunk. Том поїде до Австралії. Tom is going to visit Australia. Tom's going to Australia. Я должен идти с тобой? Do I have to go with you? I have to go with you? Мы одного мнения. We are of one opinion. We're the same opinion. Я полагаю, что вы сидите на моём месте. I think you're sitting in my seat. I think you're sitting in my place. Я знаю, что бы сделал Том. I know what Tom would do. I know what Tom would have done. У меня действительно не так много времени. I really don't have much time. I don't really have much time. Я всего лишь следовал твоим указаниям. I just followed your instructions. I was just following your instructions. Чому дитя плаче? Why is the baby crying? Why does the baby cry? Почему ты всё ещё один? Why are you still single? Why are you still alone? Ты больше не хромаешь. You're not limping anymore. You're not lying anymore. Если бы у меня было время, я бы с удовольствием тебя навестил. If I had the time, I would visit you with pleasure. If I had time, I'd love to see you. Вам не нужно туда идти, если не хотите. You don't need to go there if you don't want to. You don't have to go there if you don't want to. Його старанність допомогла йому досягти успіху. Diligence enabled him to succeed. His diligence helped him to succeed. Им всем нужно внимание. They all need attention. They all need attention. Я, як правило, працюю з дев'ятої до п'ятої. I usually work from nine to five. I usually work from nine to five. Давайте не будем забывать, кто такой Том. Let's not forget who Tom is. Let's not forget who Tom is. Том знал, что Мэри несчастна. Tom knew Mary wasn't happy. Tom knew Mary was unhappy. Я радая, што ты мне дапамагла. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. Мы видели, как ребенок сел в автобус. We saw the child get on the bus. We saw the baby on the bus. Том зробить це негайно. Tom will do that right away. Tom's gonna do it right away. Він був відсутній на зустрічі. He was absent from the meeting. He was absent from the meeting. Я думал, Том - Ваш муж. I thought Tom was your husband. I thought Tom was your husband. Вживання риби корисно для здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. The use of fish is good for health. Я віддав жербакові всі гроші, які у мене були. I gave the beggar all the money I had. I gave all the money I had. Я обожнюю італійську їжу. I love Italian food. I love Italian food. Я ушкодив спину. I hurt my back. I hurt my back. Я обожнюю картоплю. I love potatoes. I love potatoes. Отримав трійку з англійської. I got a C in English. I got three from English. Том у сонцезахисних окулярах. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom's in sunglasses. Добрыя традыцыі трэба захоўваць. Good traditions should be preserved. Good tradition to save. Ти найкращий! You are number one! You're the best! Хто шахраював? Who cheated? Who's cheating? Закрой дверь, когда будешь уходить. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. Мотузка порвалася, коли ми сходили на гору. The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. The rope broke out as we walked up the mountain. Я певна, що Том не захоче цього робити сьогодні. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. I'm sure Tom won't want to do it today. Он у неё в комнате. He's in her room. He's in her room. Он моет руки. He's washing his hands. He's washing his hands. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to go. Не намагайся змінити тему. Don't try to change the subject. Don't try to change the subject. Синий - мой любимый цвет. Blue is my favorite color. Blue is my favorite color. Не годуй троля. Do not feed the troll. Don't eat a troll. Это не его жена. That's not his wife. It's not his wife. Я не хочу бути покараним. I don't want to be punished. I don't want to be punished. Я хотел бы ещё раз с ней поговорить. I'd like to speak to her again. I'd like to talk to her again. Це тобі подарунок. This is a present for you. It's a gift to you. Кнїжка помаранчецова. The book is orange. A book of oranges. Нам действительно это нужно. We really need that. We really need that. Эта песня обречена на успех. That song's bound to be a hit. This song is doomed to success. Если бы он последовал моему совету тогда, он сейчас был бы богатым человеком. If he had taken my advice then, he would be a rich man now. If he had followed my advice then, he would now be a rich man. Із-за чого Том із Мері такі стурбовані? What are Tom and Mary so worried about? Why are Tom and Mary so worried? У Тома есть кабель? Does Tom have cable? Tom has a cable? Там жарко? Is it hot over there? Is it hot? Я хочу пойти с ним на свидание. I want to go out with him. I want to go with him on a date. Жыццё надта кароткае, каб вывучаць нямецкую. Life is too short to learn German. Life is too brief to study German. Цей автобус їде до Мінська. This bus is going to Minsk. That bus is on its way to Minsk. Він ходив взад і вперед по вулиці. He walked back and forth on the street. He walked up and down the street. Моєю спеціалізацією було театральне мистецтво. I majored in drama. My specialty was theater art. Сами жил в роскошном дворце в Каире. Sami lived in an opulent mansion in Cairo. She was living in a luxurious palace in Cairo. Я это уже сделал. I already did that. I already did that. Ѿче на́шъ иже еси на небесехъ, да свѧти́тсѧ и́мѧ Твое́, да прїидетъ царствїе Твое́, да будетъ волѧ Твоѧ́, ѧко на небеси и на земли́. Хлѣ́бъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь и оста́ви на́мъ долъгы на́ша, ѧко и мы оставлѧ́емъ долъжникомъ на́шимъ и не въведи на́съ в напа́сть но изба́ви насъ ѿ лука́ваго. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. If you do not eat in the heavens or in the heavens, let your own hands pass through the kingdom of yours, and let your ear lie down upon the heavens and upon the earth. Ты знаешь, кто их убил? Do you know who killed them? Do you know who killed them? Я буду казаць пра цябе. I'll talk about you. I'll talk about thee. Мені не подобається теніс. I don't enjoy tennis. I don't like tennis. «Ты яго пацалаваў?» — «Так, я яго пацалаваў». "Did you kiss him?" "Yes, I kissed him." "Did you kiss him?" "Yes, I kissed him." Вы этого не видели? Didn't you see that? You didn't see that? Я хочу зараз поїхати додому. I want to go home now. I want to go home right now. Вона плакала, читаючи лист. She cried reading the letter. She cried as she read the letter. Це не провина Тома. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Это отвратительно. This is disgusting. That's disgusting. Кого жьдете? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Один квадратный метр солнечной батареи вырабатывает примерно один ватт энергии, поэтому в данный момент непросто использовать солнечную энергию в крупных масштабах. The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present. One square meter of solar battery produces about one watt of energy, so it is not easy at this time to use solar energy on a large scale. Зброі ў мяне не было. I didn't have a weapon. I had no weapons. Не хвалюйся. У гэта тысячу разоў рабіла. Don't worry. I've done this a thousand times. Don't worry. It's a thousand times that I've done. Мы встречаемся уже три месяца. We have been dating for three months. We've been dating for three months. В следующем году я буду в три раза старше тебя. Next year I will be three times as old as you. I'll be three times as old as you next year. Когда ты в последний раз был в Бостоне? When was the last time you were in Boston? When was the last time you were in Boston? Я шукаю когось, хто говорить французькою. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. I'm looking for someone to speak French. Хлопець сміливий. The boy is brave. The guy's brave. Стало краще. It's gotten better. It got better. Без працы не вылавіш і рыбку з сажалкі. No pain, no gain. You didn't sneak out of the pond without work. У Тома є все, що він бажає. Tom has everything he wants. Tom has everything he wants. Она ходит в школу пешком. She goes to school on foot. She walks to school. Том не захотів зачекати. Tom didn't want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Ти знаєш, що Джамал та Сара не дуже ладнають між собою. You know that Jamal and Sarah don't get along with each other. You know Jamal and Sara don't get along very well. Скільки разів ми це робитимо? How many times are we going to do this? How many times will we do this? Увага! Attention! Attention! Строго говоря, помидор - это не овощ, это фрукт. Strictly speaking, the tomato is not a vegetable. It's a fruit. Strictly speaking, tomatoes are not vegetables, it's fruit. Хтось хоче пива? Does anyone want a beer? Does anybody want a beer? Будь ласка, викличте лікаря! Please call a doctor! Please call the doctor! Мисливці націлили свої рушниці на слона. The hunters aimed their rifles at the elephant. The hunters set their rifles on an elephant. Кожен може це зробити. Anybody can do that. Everyone can do it. Жадность — корень всех зол. Greed is the root of all evil. Greed is the root of all evil. Вас там не было. You weren't there. You weren't there. Вы не знали, что Том когда-то жил в Австралии? Didn't you know Tom used to live in Australia? Did you not know Tom once lived in Australia? Я думала, що буду багатою. I thought I was going to be rich. I thought I'd be rich. На всьому острові є лише одна крамниця. There is only one store on the whole island. There is only one store on the island. Я завжди готова тобі допомогти. I'm always ready to help you. I'm always ready to help you. Моя сестра почала платаки. My sister started crying. My sister started crying. Это не жук. It's not a bug. It's not a beetle. Исчезни. You disappear. Get out of here. Боюсь, у меня не будет времени. I'm afraid I won't have the time. I'm afraid I don't have time. Я зроблю все, що ти від мене хочеш. I'll do whatever you want me to. I'll do whatever you want from me. Где ты хочешь быть через десять лет? Where do you want to be in ten years? Where do you want to be in ten years? На стене были кровавые брызги. There were blood spatters on the wall. There were blood breezes on the wall. Что ты делаешь завтра вечером? What're you doing tomorrow night? What are you doing tomorrow night? В чём заключается ваша самая сильная сторона? What is your greatest strength? What is your strongest side? Не забудь мене забрати завтра, о шостій. Don't forget to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Don't forget to take me tomorrow, at six. Мене попросили показати паспорт на кордоні. I was asked to show my passport at the border. I was asked to show a passport at the border. Дощ закінчився! It has stopped raining. The rain is over! Я гэта часта раблю. I often do that. I do it often. Я вдівець. I'm a widower. I'm a widower. Сьогодні середа, вісімнадцяте жовтня. Today is Wednesday, the eighteenth of October. Today's Wednesday, October eighteen. Я не убегу как трус. I won't run away like a coward. I'm not running like a coward. Позволь мне рассказать тебе, что я от тебя хочу. Let me tell you what I want you to do. Let me tell you what I want from you. Не думаю, що ми зробили щось не так. I don't think that we did anything wrong. I don't think we did something wrong. Чому б тобі не одягнути сукню? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? Банка пустая. The jar is empty. The bank is empty. Том приведе Мері. Tom will bring Mary. Tom will bring Mary. Це дуже смачно. This tastes very good. It's delicious. Скажите мне, пожалуйста, что вы будете делать. Please tell me what you'll do. Tell me, please, what you're gonna do. Це такий самий велосипед як в мене. That is the same bicycle as I have. It's the same bicycle as me. Которое вы купили? Which one did you buy? Who did you buy? Кто тебя прислал? Who sent you? Who sent you? Что Том обнаружил? What did Tom discover? What did Tom find? И это продолжалось до раннего утра. And it lasted until early morning. And that went on until early in the morning. Я должен заработать денег, чтобы иметь возможность купить компьютер. I have to earn some money so that I can afford a computer. I have to make money to buy a computer. Йому подобаються всі тварини, окрім коней. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all the animals except the horses. Фадль застрелив Лейлу, а потім спробував зробити так, щоб це виглядало як самогубство. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadle shot Leila and then tried to make it look like a suicide. Том напружений. Tom is intense. Tom's tense. Том знал, что я этого не сделаю. Tom knew I wouldn't do that. Tom knew I wouldn't do it. Я не влюблён в Мэри. I'm not in love with Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. Вот это называется удачей. That's what you call good luck. That's what's called luck. Я должен посовещаться с коллегами по этому вопросу. I must confer with my colleagues on the matter. I have to consult colleagues on this issue. Дело чрезвычайно серьёзное. This is an extremely serious matter. It's extremely serious. Я забыл ей кое-что сказать. I forgot to tell her something. I forgot to tell her something. Пьсъ въ домоу. The dog is in the house. Piss out of the house. Ви знаєте, хто ці люди? Do you know who those people are? Do you know who these people are? Именно этого люди и не понимают. That's what people don't understand. That's what people don't understand. О чём Вы хотите поговорить? What is it you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Я не думаю, что Том захочет поехать с тобой в Бостон. I don't think Tom will want to go to Boston with you. I don't think Tom wants to come with you to Boston. Мій батько повернеться на початку наступного місяця. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. My father will come back early next month. Сніжить. It's snowing. It's snowing. Собака спить у машині. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog's sleeping in the car. Как люди могут делать такие вещи? How can people do things like this? How can people do such things? У Тома телевизор целый день работает. Tom leaves his TV on all day long. Tom's got television all day. Я працягнула пісаць. I continued writing. I kept writing. Дзе ты яго пабачыла? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? Том сказал, что он не голодный. Tom said he isn't hungry. Tom said he wasn't hungry. Її було скасовано. It was canceled. She was canceled. Надень на неё намордник. Muzzle it. Put a freezer on her. Вось чаму некаторыя ветэранкі ніколі не хацелі гаварыць пра вайну. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about the war. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about war. Ты калі ад'яжджаеш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Друг ты или враг? Are you friend or foe? Are you a friend or an enemy? Я вышла замуж, когда мне было девятнадцать лет. I married when I was 19 years old. I was married when I was 19 years old. Том интересуется биологией. Tom is interested in biology. Tom's interested in biology. Том и Мэри — прекрасная пара. Tom and Mary make a fine pair. Tom and Mary are a wonderful couple. У меня возникла идея дать вам ключ. I thought I'd give you a key. I had an idea to give you the key. Том активний. Tom is active. Tom's active. Не давай их ему. Don't give them to him! Don't give it to him. Том стурбований із-за дітей. Tom is worried about the kids. Tom's worried about the kids. Ти можеш це. You can do that. You can do that. Вечірка буде у середу. The party's Wednesday. The party will be Wednesday. Мої привітання! Congratulations! My greeting! Я люблю путешествовать вокруг света. I love to travel around the world. I love traveling around the world. Есть ли смысл это чинить? Does it make sense to fix this? Does it make sense? Том сделал вид, что не понимает, что Мэри пытается ему сказать. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary was trying to tell him. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary was trying to tell him. Ти не можеш цього робити. You can't do this. You can't do that. Том — лідер. Tom is a leader. Tom is the leader. Он ходит в школу для глухих. He goes to a school for the deaf. He goes to school for the deaf. Вдова - це жінка, чий чоловік помер. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. Ты заслугоўваеш толькі найлепшага. You deserve nothing but the best. You deserve only the best. Ти щось читаєш, окрім Біблії? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything except the Bible? Дай мені ключ від цього замка́. Give me the key to this lock! Give me the key to this lock. Усё гэта толькі ліслівасць. It's nothing but flattery. All this is but a swirl of temper. Ну и драндулет! Such a clunker! Oh, shit! Я вибачаюся за це. I apologize for this. I'm sorry for that. Ці можна мне пагуляць з вамі? Can I play with you? Can I play with you? Вони замінили вугілля нафтою. They replaced coal with oil. They replaced coal with oil. Том та Мері розповіли Джону. Tom and Mary told John. Tom and Mary told John. Мы не можем убить Тома. We can't kill Tom. We can't kill Tom. Після цього він зняв окуляри. He took off his glasses after that. Then he took off his glasses. Такого не забути. It's not something you forget. You can't forget that. Как переводить слова, которых нет ни в каких языках, кроме моего? How can I translate words that don't exist in any language besides my own? How can I translate words which are not in any language except mine? Вона їсть. She's eating. She's eating. Она простила его за убийство её отца. She forgave him for killing her father. She forgiven him for killing her father. Чый гэта парасон? Whose umbrella is this? Whose parason is this? Том довіз Мері до Бостона. Tom drove Mary to Boston. Tom took Mary to Boston. Том и Мэри не были женаты. Tom and Mary weren't married. Tom and Mary were not married. Не маю часу на те, щоб допомогти тобі з роботою. I have no time to help you with the work. I don't have time to help you with your job. Я не знал, как несчастлив Том. I didn't know how unhappy Tom was. I didn't know Tom was unhappy. Я видела, что машина взорвалась. I saw the car explode. I saw the car explode. Нашы госці з'явяцца праз некалькі хвілін. Our guests will arrive in a few minutes. Our guests will appear in a few minutes. У мене зламався мобільний. My mobile phone is broken. I broke my cell phone. Ты умеешь жонглировать? Can you juggle? You know how to hunt? Я не додаватиму речень російською. I will not add sentences in Russian. I'm not adding Russian sentences. Я сохраню его для тебя. I'll keep it for you. I'll keep it for you. Хачу сабе такі меч! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like that! Том никогда её не найдёт. Tom will never find it. Tom will never find her. Я хочу, чтобы ты осталась со мной. I want you to stay with me. I want you to stay with me. Том не бажав змінювати свої плани. Tom wasn't willing to change his plans. Tom didn't want to change his plans. Я привык рано ложиться. I've got used to going to bed early. I'm used to going to bed early. Я никогда не видела Тома. I never saw Tom. I've never seen Tom. Я пачаў чытаць кнігу. I've started to read the book. I began to read the book. Сегодня мой день рождения. Today is my birthday. It's my birthday. Том розшукується за вбивство. Tom is wanted for murder. Tom's wanted for murder. Яна носьбіт сербскай ад нараджэння. She is a native speaker of Serbian. She is a Serbian medium from birth. Я сказав, замовкніть! I said shut up! I said shut up! Я маю що сказати. I have something to say. I have something to say. Думаю, я сделаю это позже. I think I'll do that later. I think I'll do it later. Килограмм фиг стоит два с половиной евро. A kilo of figs costs 2.50€. A kilogram of fig is worth two and a half euros. Что вы мне теперь скажете? What are you going to tell me now? What are you gonna tell me now? Том майже ніколи не слухає радіо. Tom hardly ever listens to the radio. Tom's hardly listening to the radio. Я не могу не смеяться над её шутками. I cannot help laughing at her jokes. I can't make fun of her jokes. Это длинное путешествие. It's a long journey. It's a long trip. Забавяли сце ше, агейце. You had some fun, didn't you? We've put this neck on, you've got it. Позначте слова, які ви не можете вимовити. Mark the words which you cannot pronounce. Check the words you cannot spell. Я можу зрозуміти твій гнів. I can understand your anger. I can understand your anger. Том не мог поверить, что кто-то хочет его убить. Tom couldn't believe that someone wanted to kill him. Tom couldn't believe someone was trying to kill him. У тебя большой дом. Your house is big. You have a big house. Сколько у тебя ручек? How many pens do you have? How many pens do you have? Раньше мой отец добирался до работы на автобусе. My father used to go to work by bus. My father used to get to work on the bus. Когда мы будем им пользоваться? When are we going to use it? When do we use it? Я вимагаю, щоб ти це зробив просто зараз. I demand that you do that right now. I demand that you do it right now. Мне нужно сказать Тому. I need to tell Tom. I need to say to Tom. Почему бог нас так обидел? Какой на нас грех? Why did God offend us like this? What sin is upon us? Why did God hurt us like that, and what is the sin on us? Што ты жадаеш, каб я зрабіў? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Том не хотів читати книжку. Tom didn't want to read a book. Tom didn't want to read the book. Що посієш, те й пожнеш. You reap what you sow. You will reap what you sow. Я боюся тарганів. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of roaches. Любичица лилова. The violet is violet. Luck lover. Калі ласка, дайце нам нейкія ўзоры. Please give us some examples. Please give us some patterns. Ты меня обманываешь. You are kidding me. You're lying to me. Идёт сильный дождь. It's raining very hard. It's raining. Яе світэр фіялетавы. Her sweater is purple. Her world is purple. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you aren't being followed. Make sure you're not being watched. Вы послушались совета Тома? Did you take Tom's advice? Did you obey Tom's advice? Ти хочеш нам про щось розповісти? Is there anything you want to tell us? You want to tell us something? Том провінціал. Tom is a hick. Tom's been in trouble. Я націснуў на гузік, і званок зазвінеў. When I pressed the button, the bell rang. I pressed my button, and the bell rang. Когда вы собираетесь это закончить? When are you going to finish this? When are you gonna finish this? Я занимаюсь спортом каждый день. I play sports every day. I do sports every day. Вы могли бы, по крайней мере, сказать спасибо. You might at least say thank you. You could at least say thank you. Що ти дізнався? What did you find out? What did you find out? Я уже могу открывать глаза? May I open my eyes now? Can I open my eyes now? Ты не зразумеў. You didn't understand. You didn't understand. Шум напугал Тома. The noise startled Tom. The noise scared Tom. Де оригінал? Where's the original? Where's the original? Я говорив. I was talking. I said. Как прошёл день? How's your day been? How was the day? Сумленнасць не акупляецца пры сучаснай падатковай сістэме. Honesty doesn't pay under the current tax system. Dissolveness is not paid for by the modern tax system. Спробуй зрозуміти. Try to understand. Try to understand. Том знав, що у Мері небагато грошей. Tom knew Mary didn't have a lot of money. Tom knew Mary didn't have much money. Ни Том, ни Мэри никогда не были в Бостоне. Both Tom and Mary have never been to Boston. No Tom or Mary never went to Boston. Я сказав Мері французькою мовою, що я її кохаю. I told Mary I loved her in French. I told Mary in French that I loved her. Я зробив би це, якби ти мене не зупинила. I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me. I'd do it if you hadn't stopped me. Их здесь кто-нибудь знает? Does anybody here know them? Does anyone know them here? Никогда не играй на проезжей части. Never play on the road. Never play on the carriageway. Правду кажучи, я сказала неправду. The truth is I told a lie. I told you the truth, I told you the lie. Один за всіх, усі за одного. One for all and all for one. One for all, all for one. Не свети мне лазером в лицо! Don't point the laser at my face! Don't light me with a laser in my face! Том мене уникає. Tom avoids me. Tom's avoiding me. Ты должна быть наказана за то, что сделала. You must be punished for what you did. You should be punished for what you did. Ти не зобов'язаний відповідати на це запитання. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Том слишком быстро ест. Tom eats too fast. Tom's eating too fast. Звычайна ў сказе ёсць дзейнік і назоўнік. A sentence normally has a subject and a verb. There's actually a noun and no denominator in the story. Я сказаў, што зраблю яе шчаслівай. I said I would make her happy. I said I'll make it happily. Вiн плигнув у воду. He jumped into the water. He's in the water. Фондовий ринок обвалився у 1929. The stock market collapsed in 1929. The fund market collapsed in 1929. Они попросили меня сводить их в зоопарк. They asked me to take them to the zoo. They asked me to take them to the zoo. Я вчитиму французьку сьогодні вдень. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'll teach French this afternoon. Я рад, что Том сделал это. I'm glad Tom did it. I'm glad Tom did this. Вы хотите, чтобы с Томом случилось то же самое? Do you want the same thing to happen to Tom? Do you want Tom to be the same? Ми ходили на вокзал, щоб проводити Тома. We went to the station to see Tom off. We went to the station to conduct Tom. Я с Томом еще не закончил. I'm not through with Tom. I'm not done with Tom. У кожній нетривіальній програмі є хоча б одна помилка. Every non-trivial program has at least one bug. There is at least one error in each non-trivial program. Мой начальник сегодня очень радостный. My boss is very cheerful today. My boss is very happy today. Я уже читал это. I've already read it. I've already read it. Том пойдёт с тобой? Will Tom go with you? Tom's coming with you? Я стараюсь не читать новости. I avoid reading the news. I'm trying not to read the news. В моём доме нет кондиционера. My house doesn't have an air conditioner. There's no air conditioning in my house. Они не могут себе этого позволить. They can't afford it. They can't afford it. Няма іншай такой прыгожай мовы, як партугальская. No other language is as beautiful as Portuguese. No other language is as beautiful as Portuguese. Мені подобається така робота. I like that kind of work. I like this job. На месяцы няма кіслароду. There's no oxygen on the moon. There's no acidage for months. Я допоміг дідусю перейти дорогу. I helped an old man cross the road. I helped Grandpa cross the road. Ти занадто худорлява. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Сколько времени у тебя ушло на написание этого отчёта? How long did it take you to write the report? How long did it take you to write this bill? Чем этот джентльмен зарабатывает себе на жизнь? What does that gentleman do for a living? How does this gentleman earn his living? Що ти хочеш, щоб я зробив з Томом? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? Мы не так много знаем о Томе. We don't know much about Tom. We don't know so much about Tom. Я вас узнаю. I recognize you. I know you. Тюльпан - официальный цветочный символ нашей префектуры. Tulips are our prefecture's official flower. Tulip is the official color symbol of our prefecture. Якщо ти поквапишся, ти все ще можеш встигнути на потяг. If you hurry you can still make the train. If you hurry, you can still get on the train. В этой реке полно рыбы. There are plenty of fish in this river. This river is full of fish. Чому ви думаєте, що Том би цього не зробив? What makes you think Tom wouldn't do that? Why do you think Tom wouldn't do that? Будызм прыйшоў з Індыі. Buddhism came from India. Budism came from India. Самі зателефонували о шостій годині вечора. Sami received a phone call at 6 pm. They called at six o’clock in the evening. Том знал, где он. Tom knew where he was. Tom knew where he was. У меня ужасные боли. I have terrible pains. I have terrible pain. Учора я купив книгу. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Интересный был фильм. It was an interesting movie. It was an interesting movie. Я не певна, що розумію, що Том мав на увазі. I'm not sure that I understand what Tom meant. I'm not sure I understand what Tom meant. Коси и забивай. Skive and slug. Spaces and kill them. На документі стояв його підпис. The document bore his signature. His signature stood on the document. Мої друзі вважають, що пастафаріанство — це жарт. My friends think Pastafarianism is a joke. My friends feel that pasphoricism is a joke. Ты нашёл книгу, которую искал? Did you find the book you were looking for? Did you find the book you were looking for? Том був першим учителем Мері. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Вважаю що куплю новий автомобіль. I think I'll buy a new car. I think I'll buy a new car. С чего ты взял, что ты мне не нравишься? What makes you think I don't like you? What makes you think I don't like you? Том нечасто это делал. Tom didn't do that a lot. Tom didn't do that much. Будь розсудливою. Be sensible. Be reasonable. Вона її знає. She knows her. She knows her. Ты в жизни не такой, как на фотографии. You look different than your picture. You're not like the picture in life. Чому б нам не сходити в кіно? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go to the movies? Я отримав квиток задарма. I got the ticket for nothing. I got a ticket for free. Том зрадив вас. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Яким чином це моя провина? How is that my fault? How is it my fault? Мы тоже так считаем. We also find that. We believe so too. Це не твій ніж. That is not your knife. It's not your knife. Мне просто повезло. I was just lucky. I'm just lucky. Я единственная, кто может вам помочь. I'm the only one who can help you. I'm the only one who can help you. В чому була проблема? What was the problem? What was the problem? Он больше не хотел говорить об этом. He didn't want to talk about it further. He didn't want to talk about it anymore. Том настойчивый. Tom's headstrong. Tom's persistent. Біла фарба зробить кімнату світлішою. White paint will brighten the room. White paint will make the room lighter. Переведи это на французский, пожалуйста. Please translate this into French. Move it to French, please. Сегодня я во всём портачу. Today I am messing up everything. Today, I'm going through everything. Я попробую выразить это на английском. I'll try to say it in English. I'll try to express it in English. Том сделал 20 отжиманий. Tom did twenty pushups. Tom made 20 push-ups. Мая родная мова — японская. My native language is Japanese. My native language is Japanese. Я відмовляюся говорити з вами! I refuse to talk to you! I refuse to talk to you! Прив'яжіть його до дерева. Tie him to a tree. Tie him to the tree. Вона днями ходила до кіно. She went to a movie the other day. She went to the movies the other day. Калі ласка, паглядзі гэты фільм. Please watch this movie. Please watch the movie. Я знала, что Том тебя не поцелует. I knew Tom wouldn't kiss you. I knew Tom wouldn't kiss you. Ви не такий молодий, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Я живу у гігантському відрі. I live in a giant bucket. I live in a giant hole. По-испански говорят в Центральной и Южной Америке. Spanish is spoken in Central and South America. Spanish is speaking in Central and South America. Все мужики одинаковые. All men are the same. All the men are the same. Вы боитесь собак? Are you afraid of dogs? Are you afraid of dogs? Думаю, нам треба це зробити. I think that we need to do that. I think we have to do it. Кому принадлежит это имущество? Who owns this property? Who owns this property? Он очень быстрый. He's very fast. He's very quick. Он Вам нужен. You need him. You need him. Місяць вже зійшов. The moon is already out. The moon has gone down. Ты бледен как привидение. You're as pale as a ghost. You're pale like a ghost. Що у тебе в рюкзаку? What do you have in your rucksack? What's in your backpack? Марьи люба єста Ѳома да Иванъ. Mary likes both Tom and John. Maria the beloved Estoma da Ivanja. Она была права, а он не прав. She was right and he was wrong. She was right and he's wrong. Том сказал, что не будет сегодня вечером петь. Tom said he won't sing tonight. Tom said he wouldn't sing tonight. Они ваяют статую из мрамора. They are chiseling a statue out of marble. They're stealing a marble statue. Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Of course, there's got to be some local hospital. Я теж хочу чашку кави. I also want a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee, too. Вы можете отдать это Тому? Can you give this to Tom? Can you give it to Tom? Я вам довірився, Томе. I trusted you, Tom. I trusted you, Tom. Вона щось приховує? Is she hiding something? Is she hiding something? Ти був у Лондоні три рази. You've been to London three times. You've been to London three times. Я даже не знал, что вы знаете. I didn't even know you knew. I didn't even know what you knew. У тебя есть один? Do you have one? Do you have one? Це було б жахливо. That would be awful. That would be terrible. Чутки були правдиві. The rumors were true. The rumors were true. Я колись був водієм вантажівки. I used to drive a truck. I used to be a truck driver. Всі хотіли, щоб Том був щасливий. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Вы потеряетесь. You'll get lost. You're going to lose. Чаму б табе не купіць машыну? Why don't you buy a car? Why don't you buy a car? Он помолился Богу, чтобы Тот благословил меня. He prayed God to bless me. He prayed to God that he would bless me. Він скрутив мені руку. He twisted my arm. He twisted my hand. Скора пойдзе дождж. It's going to rain soon. It's going to rain soon. Том та Мері планують це зробити. Tom and Mary are planning to do that. Tom and Mary plan to do this. Прости. Я не знал. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know. Я чув, що вона вмерла. I heard that he'd died. I heard she died. Машина жёлтая. The car is yellow. The car's yellow. Сколько всего слив? How many plums are there? How long has it been since? Иногда небольшой подарок может быть проявлением большой любви. At times, a small gift can serve as a testament of a great love. Sometimes a small gift can be a great expression of love. Вам нужны ключи? You need the keys? Do you need keys? Тобі дійсно слід це зробити. You really should do that. You really have to do it. Мой бацька — лекар. My father is a doctor. My father's a doctor. Вы её продадите? Will you sell it? You're selling it? Том сказав, що саме трапилося? Did Tom say what happened exactly? Tom said what exactly happened? Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вы остались. I'd like it very much if you'd stay. I'd really like you to stay. На самом деле его звали не Том Джексон. Tom Jackson wasn't his real name. He wasn't actually Tom Jackson. Том сюди прийшов сам. Tom came here alone. Tom came here by himself. Ему пришлось жить в одной комнате с братом. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to live in one room with his brother. Я з ним побалакаю. I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him. Добро пожаловать в реальный мир! Welcome to the real world! Welcome to the Real World! И что случилось потом? And then what happened? And then what happened? Яны гуляюць у шахматы. They are playing chess. They play chess. Мері дуже сором'язлива. Mary is very shy. Mary is very shy. Нема чого боятися. There's no need to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of. Поспіши, і ти встигнеш на потяг. Hurry up, and you can catch the train. Hurry and you'll be on the train. Я проста хацела сказаць, што я цябе кахаю. I just wanted to tell you I love you. I just wanted to say that I love you. Неужели ты позвал Тома? Did you ever call Tom? Did you call Tom? Это Том окно разбил. Tom is the one who broke the window. It's Tom who broke the window. Ён ваўкалак. He's a werewolf. He is a wolf. Твоє пророцтво збулося. Your prophecy has come true. Your prophecy has come true. Я не знаю, что в коробке. I do not know what is in the box. I don't know what's in the box. Мені це подобалося ще перед тим, як це стало круто. I liked it before it was cool. I liked it before it got cool. Можеш мені допомогти? Could you help me out? Can you help me? Смотрите, что со мной случилось. Look what happened to me. Look what happened to me. Ваша бабушка — очаровательная дама. Your grandmother is a charming lady. Your grandmother is a beautiful lady. Смотри не забудь! Be sure to remember! Don't forget! Том міг и повинен був допомогти Мері. Tom could've and should've helped Mary. Tom could and should have helped Mary. Мы пошли на пляж. We went to the beach. We went to the beach. Что ты здесь делаешь? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Она должна пить воду. She has to drink water. She's got to drink water. У мене проблеми з начальником. I've had problems with my boss. I have a problem with the boss. Ты должен её остановить. You have to stop her. You have to stop her. Не можу йти, зрештою, і не хочу. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't go, after all, and I don't want to. Єдність краща від роз'єднаності. Unity is better than disunity. Unity is better than disunity. Хто хоче млинців? Who wants pancakes? Who wants pancakes? Том проделал отличную работу. Tom has done an excellent job. Tom did a great job. Ти любиш дивитися телевізор. You like watching television. You like watching TV. В этом поезде семь вагонов. This train is made up of seven cars. There are seven cars in this train. Це твоє життя. It's your life. It's your life. Я дрэнна сплю. I can't sleep well. I'm not well asleep. Можаш абраць усё, што захочаш. You may choose whichever you want. You can pick up whatever you want. Мені не потрібно їх переконувати. I don't need to convince them. I don't have to persuade them. Вечером у нас будет несколько гостей. In the evening, we will have some guests. We'll have a few guests tonight. В мене немає грошей. I've got no money. I don't have money. Я осознаю последствия. I understand the consequences. I understand the consequences. Прийдеш до мене на млинці? Want to come over to my place for pancakes? Will you come to my place? Я позвонил в полицию и сообщил, что мою машину угнали. I called the police and reported that my car had been stolen. I called the police and told them that my car had been stolen. Мы строгие. We're strict. We're strict. Вони їхали за тобою. They followed you. They followed you. Це тобі здається правильним? Does this seem right to you? Does that sound right to you? Ці абвінавачваюць мяне ў якімсьці злачынстве? Am I being accused of some kind of crime? Are you accused of me in some kind of crime? Я сказал Мэри, что поеду с ней в Бостон. I told Mary that I'd go to Boston with her. I told Mary I'd go to Boston with her. Вы хорошо провели выходные? Did you have a nice weekend? Did you have a good weekend? У мене знову болить спина. My back is hurting again. My back hurts again. Помоги мне, пожалуйста, перевести этот документ. Please help me translate this document. Help me translate this document, please. Он приедет во второй половине дня пятого числа. He will arrive on the afternoon of the 5th. He'll be here on the afternoon of the fifth day. Мені дуже шкода, що я не зміг допомогти. I'm real sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. Кісінджэр быў экспертам па міжнародных зносінах. Kissinger was an expert on foreign relations. Kisinger was an expert on international relations. Мне очень жаль, но я не могу. I'm very sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't. Він пишається сином. He's proud of his son. He's proud of his son. Сколько стоит проезд на экспрессе? How much is the express? How much ride is it worth? Я бы хотел побывать в Бостоне весной. I'd like to visit Boston in the spring. I'd like to go to Boston in the spring. Сьогодні день Святого Валентина. Today is Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Мені подобається твоя сорочка. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. У них закінчується провізія. They are short of food. They're running out of supply. Том зарабатывает в три раза больше, чем Мэри. Tom makes three times more money than Mary does. Tom earns three times as much as Mary did. Я завтра буду зайнята. I'm going to be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Эти деньги действительно помогут. This money is really going to help. That money will really help. Том сказав, що ненавидить Мері. Tom said that he hated Mary. Tom said he hated Mary. Чому ви їх ненавидите? Why do you hate them? Why do you hate them? Де тато? Where is dad? Where's Dad? Неверагодна! Unbelievable! That's amazing! Моя ручка новая. My pen is new. My pen is new. Это подделка. This is a fake. It's a fake. Том сейчас, вероятно, дома. Tom is probably at home now. Tom's probably home now. Я був у касці. I wore a hard hat. I was in the bones. Том сказав вам, що робити? Did Tom tell you what to do? Tom told you what to do? Том сказал, что измучен. Tom said he was worn out. Tom said he was tired. Том розумніший. Tom is smarter. Tom's smarter. Том сказал мне, что Мэри не захочет идти. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Tom told me Mary wouldn't want to go. Ти вважаєш мене божевільною? Do you think that I'm insane? You think I'm crazy? Я рада, что ты была там. I'm glad you were there. I'm glad you were there. Чому ти тут живеш? Why do you live here? Why are you here? Я не згодны з табой. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Ви сьогодні ходили до школи? Did you go to school today? You went to school today? Том не хотел ничего объяснять. Tom didn't want to explain anything. Tom didn't want to explain anything. Ви привид? Are you a ghost? You a ghost? Ці собаки твої? Are these dogs yours? These dogs are yours? Он водитель автобуса. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Она сказала, что не хочет спать. She said she didn't want to sleep. She said she didn't want to sleep. Том даже не попытался понять. Tom didn't even try to understand. Tom didn't even try to understand. У меня нет выбора. Я должна это сделать. I don't have a choice. I have to do it. I don't have a choice, I have to do it. Том проходит около пятнадцати миль в день. Tom walks about fifteen miles a day. Tom goes about fifteen miles a day. Вам потрібно бути терплячішим. You need to be more patient. You need to be patient. У меня лёгкая головная боль. I have a slight headache. I have a slight headache. Я вже прочитав цю книжку. I have already read the book. I have already read this book. Я даволі шчаслівая. I am rather happy. I'm pretty happy. Том хотел ещё раз попросить у Мэри прощения. Tom wanted to apologize to Mary again. Tom wanted to ask Mary again for forgiveness. Я зробив все правильно. I did everything right. I did the right thing. О котрій годині це трапилося? What time did that take place? At what hour did this happen? Її друзі насміхалися над нею. She was laughed at by her friends. Her friends ridiculed her. Ми сьогодні голосуватимемо. We're going to vote today. We'll vote today. Мені треба йти. I need to go. I have to go. Оставь её в покое, пожалуйста. Leave her alone, please. Leave her alone, please. Можна з вами поговорити? May I speak to you? Can I talk to you for a second? У вас шесть непрочитанных сообщений. You have six unread messages. You have six unread messages. Не делай такое кислое лицо! Don't pull such a sour face! Don't make such a sour face! Где ты купил этот хлеб? Where did you buy this bread? Where did you buy that bread? Хіба ви не прогресуєте? Aren't you making progress? Don't you make progress? Што Вы гатуеце? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? Коли ти наймеш його на роботу, то тобі слід взяти до уваги його юність. When you employ him, you must make allowances for his youth. When you hire him, you should consider his youth. Идѣте нами. Come with us. Come on. Я посоветовал Тому отдохнуть. I advised Tom to rest. I told Tom to rest. У Тома остались вопросы. Tom still has questions. Tom's got questions. Бэці яе забіла. Betty killed her. Betty killed her. Будзь талерантным. Be tolerant. Be tolerant. Том всё отрицал. Tom denied everything. Tom denied it. Найбольш мне падабаецца вясна. I like spring the best. Most of the time, I like the spring. Том достаточно мудр, чтобы не делать таких вещей. Tom is wise enough not to do such a thing. Tom is wise enough not to do such things. Я тебя никоим образом не виню. I don't blame you a bit. I don't blame you in any way. А теперь расскажите мне что-нибудь о себе. Now, tell me something about yourself. Now tell me something about yourself. Томе, я хочу лишитися з вами. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Щоб отримати від компанії технічну інформацію, нам спочатку потрібно підписати угоду про нерозголошення. To get technical information from that company, we first have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. To obtain technical information from a company, we first need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Согласно прогнозу, погода завтра прояснится. According to the weather forecast, it will clear up tomorrow. The weather is forecast to be clear tomorrow. Том решил купить подержанный автомобиль вместо нового. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Tom decided to buy a used car instead of a new one. Швидкість, з якою я можу працювати, має межі. I can only work so fast. The speed I can work with has limits. Том працює на Мері? Does Tom work for Mary? Tom works for Mary? Чи не могли б ви викликати мені таксі? Would you like me to call a taxi? Could you call me a cab? Я багато про Вас чув. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Цей — один із моїх. This is one of mine. This one is one of mine. Мне пришлось его остановить. I had to stop him. I had to stop him. Ты всех нас обманул. You fooled us all. You lied to all of us. С кем они разговаривают? Who are they talking to? Who are they talking to? Завжди готова. I'm always ready. Always ready. Том - либерал. Tom is a liberal. Tom's a liberal. Я магу перакладаць зь нямецкай на ангельскую даволі добра, але наадварот перакладаць складаней. I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult. I can translate from German to English quite well, but vice versa. Вопросы есть? Are there any questions? Any questions? Я хачу тваёй крыві. I want your blood. I want your blood. Ви цілитеся недостатньо високо. You're not aiming high enough. You don't aim too much. Повірити не можу, що ми програємо. I can't believe we're going to lose. I can't believe we're gonna lose. Я просто хочу у відпустку. I just want a vacation. I just want to go on vacation. Я Антоніо. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Я больше не совершу этой ошибки. I won't make that mistake again. I won't make this mistake again. В моєму супі волосина. There's a hair in my soup. My soup has a hair. Кофе за мой счёт. The coffee's on me. Coffee for my account. Я гэтага не казала. I didn't say this. I didn't say that. Я никогда больше этого не сделаю. I will never do it again. I'll never do that again. Ти знаєш забагато. You know too much. You know too much. Что это значило? What did it mean? What did that mean? Я хотіла би почистити зуби. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Я знал, что тебя там не будет. I knew you wouldn't be there. I knew you wouldn't be there. Мы собираем одеяла для бездомных людей. We're collecting blankets for the homeless. We're going to get blankets for homeless people. Я не люблю запаху часнику. I don't like the smell of garlic. I don't like to smell garlic. Том заставил Мэри выполнить работу. Tom made Mary do the work. Tom forced Mary to do the job. Чекати на поїзд нудно. Waiting for a train is boring. It's boring to wait for the train. Том был на работе. Tom was at work. Tom was at work. Она была той, о ком я думал. She was the one I was thinking of. She was the one I was thinking about. Почему Том убежал? Why did Tom run away? Why did Tom run away? Я хочу, чтобы мне вернули мой стол. I want my desk back. I want my desk back to me. Я працягвала чытаць. I continued reading. I kept reading. Том пьёт пиво. Tom has been drinking beer. Tom's drinking beer. Ви не мусите туди заходити. You don't have to go in there. You don't have to go in there. Ніхто не хоча вайны. Nobody wants a war. Nobody wants war. Ніколі не пішыце словы "боршч" і "шчы" па-нямецку! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "fucking" and "shush" in German! Я испугался от одной только мысли об этом. I was scared at the mere thought of it. I was scared of just thinking about it. Спочатку давай поговоримо про те, що зробив Том. First, let's talk about what Tom did. Let's first talk about what Tom did. Гадаю, цього тижня я буду зайнятий. I think I'll be busy this week. I think I'll be busy this week. Том выглядел сердитым? Did Tom look angry? Did Tom look angry? Ён скончыў Такійскі Універсітэт. He graduated from Tokyo University. He had finished such a University. Яна хварэе на алектычнае парушэнне чытання. She suffers from alexic reading disorder. She is sick of an orthoial reading breakup. Вы можете всегда полагаться на Тома. You can always rely on Tom. You can always rely on Tom. Пожалуйста, запишите то, что я скажу. Please write down what I say. Please write down what I say. Це буде складно. It'll be hard. It'll be hard. Том и не знал, что Мэри любит готовить. Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook. Tom didn't know Mary liked to cook. У тебя нет на это полномочий. You have no authority to do that. You don't have the power to do this. Ён гуляў у баскетбол. He played basketball. He played basketball. Он был трезвый. He was sober. He was sober. Не могли бы вы проводить меня? Could you see me off? Could you hold me? Ми з Томом завжди залишатимемося друзями. Tom and I'll always be friends. Tom and I will always be friends. Я думал, Том будет во мне разочарован. I thought Tom would be disappointed in me. I thought Tom was going to be disappointed with me. Вона твоя королева. She is your queen. She's your queen. Що ти їв сьогодні на обід? What did you have for lunch today? What did you eat tonight? Так нормально? Is that okay? Are you all right? У нас наконец есть всё, что нужно. We finally have everything we need. We finally have everything we need. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он съездил в Австралию. I told Tom to visit Australia. I told him to go to Australia. Бициґла на улїци. The bicycle is in the street. Bizigula on the unit. Смотрите под ноги. Mind your step. Look under your feet. Мой любимый цвет — синий. My favorite color is blue. My favorite color is blue. Давайте спробуємо. Let's have a try. Let's try it out. Я отойду на минутку. I won't be a moment. I'll be back for a minute. Я заменю Тома. I'll replace Tom. I'll replace Tom. Ми допоможемо якомога більшій кількості людей. We will help as many people as we can. We will help as many people as possible. Пожалуйста, не говори такие ужасные вещи. Please don't say such terrible things. Please don't say such terrible things. Ты заплатишь за то, что сделал. You will pay for what you've done. You'll pay for what you did. Я чакаю свайго хлопца. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. Через снігопад літак з Пекіна спізнився на 20 хвилин. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. After a snowfall, the plane from Beijing was 20 minutes late. Він спотворив мої слова. He distorted my words. He distorted my words. Мені сподобалося спілкуватися з ним на вечірці. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. I enjoyed talking to him at a party. Том про тебе згадував. Tom has mentioned you. Tom mentioned you. Мені байдуже, скільки це коштує. I don't care what it costs. I don't care how much it costs. Том не так много выпил. Tom didn't drink much. Tom didn't drink much. У мене закінчилася вода. I ran out of water. I ended up with water. Очевидно, що Тому подобається тут, у Бостоні. It's clear Tom likes being here in Boston. Obviously that's why we like it here in Boston. Она сказала, что не знает правил. She said she didn't know the rules. She said she didn't know the rules. Ми це бачили. We've seen it. We've seen it. Том был задумчив. Tom was thoughtful. Tom was thinking. Я поголилася. I shaved. I did. Кнїжка целова. The book is pink. It's a whole book. Можно тебя на пару слов? Could I have a word with you? Can I have a word? Он не собирается покупать фотоаппарат. He isn't going to buy a camera. He's not going to buy a camera. Том никогда не пропускал школу. Tom has never been absent from school. Tom never missed school. Вы можете идти домой. You can go home. You can go home. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It's time for you to go to sleep. You should go to bed. Позвони мне завтра утром, пожалуйста. Please phone me tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning, please. Ти італієць. You're Italian. You're an Italian. Ти вже достатньо дорослий, щоб робити це самостійно. You're old enough to do that by yourself. You're old enough to do it yourself. Вот почему я нанял тебя. That's why I hired you. That's why I hired you. Це буде дуже важко зробити. Doing that will be very difficult. It'll be very hard to do. Ви в порядку? Are you doing all right? Are you okay? Гэта цябе не датычыцца. It's none of your business. It doesn't belong to you. Я перестал гнаться за модой. I gave up keeping up with trends. I stopped chasing the fashion. Досыць! Enough! That's it! Я цалкам супраць таго, каб сячы гэтае дрэва. I'm absolutely against the tree being chopped down. I am all against seeing this tree. Нам не было холодно. We weren't cold. We weren't cold. Это звучит неестественно. It doesn't sound natural. It doesn't sound natural. Я сказала їм не робити цього самостійно. I told them not to do it by themselves. I told them not to do this on their own. Я изучаю французский самостоятельно. I am studying French by myself. I study French on my own. В молодості вона жила у передмісті Токіо. She lived in the suburbs of Tokyo when she was young. When she was young, she lived in a suburb of Tokyo. Що трапилося з тим хлопцем, з яким ти зустрічалася? What happened to that guy you were seeing? What happened to the guy you met? Дзе яно схавана? Where is it hidden? Where is it hidden? Я чыліец ад нараджэння і з гонарам размаўляю на іспанскай. I'm a native Chilean, and proud Spanish speaker. I'm a Russian student from birth and have the honour to speak Spanish. Я пригласил соседа на завтрак. I invited my neighbor to breakfast. I invited a neighbor for breakfast. Мені прийшла ідея. An idea came to me. I got an idea. Нужно сказать Тому, чтобы он так больше не делал. Tom needs to be told not to do that again. Let's say he doesn't do that anymore. Переходь дорогу обережно. Be careful crossing the street. Cross the road with care. Пан Танака — наш викладач англійської. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Mr. Tanaka is our English instructor. Мэри - одна из самых красивых женщин, каких я когда-либо встречал. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Mary is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Ти перебірливий у їжі? Are you a picky eater? Are you digestive to food? Я куплю їй пиво. I'll buy her a beer. I'll buy her beer. Мы его не строили. We didn't build it. We didn't build it. Весь рассказ занял бы много времени. It would take a long time to tell the whole story. The whole story would take a lot of time. Знаєш, що він вчинив? Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? Это красное или белое? Is that red or white? Is it red or white? Ти бачила білку? Did you see the squirrel? Did you see the protein? Мне просто нужно побыть какое-то время одному. I just need some time alone. I just need to be alone for a while. Скажите Тому, что его ключи у меня. Tell Tom I've got his keys. Tell 'cause I have his keys. Том дуже любив Мері. Tom loved Mary very much. Tom loved Mary very much. Где будете сегодня вечером? Where are you going to be tonight? Where will you be tonight? Просто скажи ему, что я звонил. Just tell him I called. Just tell him I called. Я ушёл около половины третьего. I left around 2:30. I left about half a third. Я спал на животе. I slept on my stomach. I slept on my stomach. Сводите её куда-нибудь. Take her somewhere. Get her somewhere. В довершение ко всему он заболел. To make things even worse, he got sick. He's sick to everything. Его достали мои проблемы. He is fed up with my problems. He's got my problems. Коратка кажучы, я не згаджаюся. In short, I disagree. I don't think I'm talking about that. Я бачив Тома голим. I've seen Tom naked. I saw Tom naked. Том дуже скромна людина. Tom is a very modest man. Tom's a very modest man. Я с ним не согласен. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. Я сейчас совсем не занят. I'm not at all busy now. I'm not busy right now. Він некомпетентний. He is incompetent. It's incompetent. Как мне тебя благодарить? How do I thank you? How do I thank you? До речі, суп був пересолений. Actually, the soup was too salty. By the way, the soup was transplanted. Посадка лесов приносит пользу окружающей среде. Planting forests is good for the environment. Forest planting benefits the environment. Этот компакт-диск стоит десять долларов. This CD costs ten dollars. This compact disc costs ten dollars. Я дав йому свою адресу. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Ты маеш яблыкі? Have you got any apples? Dost thou apple? Том бывает таким гондоном. Tom can be such a jerk. Tom's been such a gondon. Она взяла меня под своё крыло. She took me under her wing. She took me under her wing. Ти не думаєш, що ми переконали Тома? Don't you think we convinced Tom? Don't you think we convinced Tom? «Зіпсований телефон» — це гра, в яку грають у всьому світі, в якій одна людина шепоче на вухо іншій якесь речення, яке передається таким чином через ланцюжок з інших людей, а останній гравець вимовляє речення вголос для всієї групи. Chinese whispers is a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. The Downloaded Phone is a game that is played around the world, where one person whispers in the ear of another sentence, which is then passed through a chain of other people, and the last player speaks out aloud for the whole group. Его идиотское предложение было принято единогласно. His foolish proposal was approved unanimously. His stupid proposal was adopted unanimously. Эта долгая поездка меня измучила. I'm exhausted after that long trip. That long trip made me sick. Окно здесь. The window is here. The window's here. З яблуні впало яблуко. An apple fell off the tree. Apple fell out of the apple. Пробачте, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Том хочет, чтобы ты помогла ему это сделать. Tom wants you to help him do that. Tom wants you to help him do this. Я пошёл в булочную. I went to the baker's. I went to the raccoon. Том знал, что то, что сказала Мэри, правда. Tom knew that what Mary had said was true. Tom knew what Mary said was true. Не беспокойся! Даже если я выпью, это никак не влияет на то, как я вожу машину. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Even if I drink, it doesn't affect how I drive a car. Што іх забіла? What killed them? What killed them? У меня есть с собой немного денег. I have some money with me. I have some money with me. Актриса була гарно одягнута. The actress was dressed beautifully. The actress was well dressed. Через два дня Том умер. Two days later, Tom was dead. In two days, Tom died. Я вашего разрешения не спрашиваю. I'm not asking your permission. I'm not asking your permission. Я жалею, что приехал в Бостон. I regret coming to Boston. I wish I'd come to Boston. Передайте мне масло, пожалуйста. Please pass me the butter. Give me the butter, please. Хіба тобі ніхто не допоміг? Didn't anybody help you? Didn't anyone help you? Яны абвінавацілі яго, што ён яе забіў. They claimed that he'd killed her. They accused him that he killed her. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My open mind is that it's a horrible movie. Я маю мару. I have a dream. I have a dream. Том дал мне и денег, и совет. Tom gave me both money and advice. Tom gave me both money and advice. Поле уже засеяли. The field has already been sown. The field's already settled. У нас двое дзяцей. We have two kids. We have two kids. У нас было няшмат часу на пакупкі. We didn't have much time to do some shopping. We've had a little bit of time buying. Меня не волнует спорт. I don't care for sports. I don't care about sports. Я не знал, что вы этого не сделаете. I didn't know you wouldn't do that. I didn't know you wouldn't do that. Том забув принести домашню роботу до школу. Tom forgot to bring his homework to school. Tom forgot to bring his homework to school. Добрай раніцы! Good morning! Good morning! Зачем ты меня обманул? Why did you trick me? Why did you lie to me? Богъ ти помози братє ѡжє на єси тако помоглъ. God help thee, brother, as thou hast so helped two of us. Gods, let's get your brothers to help you. То крава? Is it a cow? Is that a rug? Некоторым это не нравится. Some people don't like that. Some don't like it. Почему вы не можете принять меня таким, какой я есть? Why can't you accept me as I am? Why can't you accept me as I am? Для меня Бостон холодный город, не то что Чикаго. Boston is cold for me, unlike Chicago. Boston is a cold town for me, not that Chicago. Я сказал Тому подождать меня. I told Tom to wait for me. That's why I said to wait for me. Скільки книг я можу взяти за раз? How many books can I take out at one time? How many books can I take at a time? Мій батько подарував мені комп'ютер. My father gave me a computer as a gift. My father gave me a computer. Том сказал мне, что Вы женаты. Tom told me you were married. Tom told me you were married. У мене два брати й одна сестра. I've got two brothers and a sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Вы правда думаете, что Том красивый? Do you really think Tom is handsome? Do you really think Tom is beautiful? На ёй зялёная сукенка. She is wearing a green robe. She's wearing a green dress. Тому цікаво. Tom is curious. So it's interesting. Де тато? Where's my daddy? Where's Dad? Том хотів, щоб Мері говорила. Tom wanted Mary to speak. Tom wanted Mary to talk. Тому подобається в Бостоні. Tom likes it in Boston. That's why I like it in Boston. Ты японец? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Адкажы на пытанне. Answer the question. Answer the question. Читати книжки — це дуже цікаво. Reading books is very interesting. It is very interesting to read books. Том зашёл в свою комнату и закрыл дверь. Tom went into his room and closed the door. Tom walked into his room and closed the door. Мені здається, це добрий агрумент. I feel this is a good point. I think it's a good app. Це тато. This is my father. It's Dad. Ви дізналися, де живе Том? Did you find out where Tom lives? Did you find out where Tom lives? Як клічуць твайго сябра? What's your friend's name? How's the name of thy friend? Я вучылася ўвесь дзень. I have studied all day. I studied all day. Закон на моей стороне. Law is on my side. The law is on my side. Я надзвычайна шчаслівая. I'm extremely happy. I'm extremely happy. Том это починит. Tom will fix it. Tom's gonna fix it. Она чуть не утонула. She came near to drowning. She almost drowned. Я живу в місті. I live in a town. I live in town. Так було завжди. That's how it's always been. It's always been this way. Нас вразила та легкість, з якою він відповів на питання. The ease with which he answered the question surprised us. We were impressed by the ease and ease with which he answered the question. Тебе следует оставаться наверху. You should stay upstairs. You should stay upstairs. У мене ідея. I have an idea. I have an idea. Я дав його маленькому хлопчику. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to the little boy. Будешь платить наличными? Will you pay cash? Will you pay in cash? Його волосся ставало все тоншим і тоншим. His hair got thinner and thinner. His hair became thinner and thinner. Месяц адлюстроўваўся ў возеры. The moon was mirrored in the lake. The month was reflected in the air. Если бы у меня было время сделать это, я бы сделал. If I had time to do that, I would. If I had time to do this, I would. Ти говориш датською? Do you speak Danish? Do you speak Danish? Том сказал Мэри ехать в больницу. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Tom told Mary to go to the hospital. Він виріс великим науковцем. He grew up to be a great scientist. He grew up to be a great scientist. Я знаю, що я недосконалий. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm imperfect. Нить тонкая, но крепкая и не рвётся. The thread is thin but strong, and doesn't break. It's thin, but it's strong and it doesn't break. Том перестал читать. Tom stopped reading. Tom stopped reading. Никому нет дела до того, что она думает. No one cares what she thinks. Nobody cares about what she thinks. Яка найвища гора на світі? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the highest mountain in the world? Кое-кто встречает меня здесь. Someone's meeting me here. Somebody's meeting me here. Це насправді спагеті? Is this really spaghetti? Is it really spaghetti? Я просто уверен, что ты только что думал о чём-то пошлом. I just bet you were thinking something perverse just now. I'm just sure you just thought of something. Ти знаєш мою дружину? Do you know my wife? Do you know my wife? Пытанне няпростае. It isn't an easy question. The question is unclear. Я вывучаю казахскую мову. I am learning Kazakh. I learn Kazakh. Основна соціальна проблема країни - бідність. The country's main social problem is poverty. The country's main social problem is poverty. Что вы все здесь делаете? What are you all doing here? What are you all doing here? З ким ви плануєте цим займатися? Who are you planning to do that with? Who are you planning to do this? Діти ростуть так швидко. Children grow up so fast. Children grow so fast. Сардэчна запрашаем на Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Totoea. Ти й насправді думаєш, що я б зробила це? Do you really think I'd do that? You really think I'd do it? Я паглядзеў у кашалёк яшчэ раз, і ён быў пусты. I examined the purse again, and found it empty. I looked into the purse once more and it was empty. Шкода, що йому доводиться хворіти у ліжку. It's a pity that he should be ill in bed. It's a shame he has to get sick in bed. Ми можемо це зробити цього тижня? Can we do that this week? Can we do that this week? У мене закінчуються гроші. I'm running short of cash. I'm running out of money. Що саме ти бачила? What did you see exactly? What exactly have you seen? Його зріст — приблизно сім футів. He stands about seven feet. Its height is about seven feet. Том и Мэри сказали, что у них нет машины. Tom and Mary said they didn't have a car. Tom and Mary said they don't have a car. Том ушёл, никому не сказав. Tom left without telling anyone. Tom left, didn't tell anyone. Думаєте, Том божевільний? Do you think Tom is insane? You think Tom's crazy? Зручно жити так близько від вокзалу. It's convenient living so close to the station. It's nice to live so close to the train station. Хотя я и чувствовал, что было что-то странное, я не знал, что это было. Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was. Although I felt something strange, I didn't know what it was. Вам надо домой. You've got to go home. You need to go home. Я хотел бы быть канадцем. I'd like to be a Canadian. I'd like to be a Canadian. Вона не могла так вчинити. She cannot have done such a thing. She couldn't do that. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I am translating the article. Можно я предложу другую стратегию? May I suggest another strategy? Can I propose another strategy? Счёт должен быть оплачен к первому числу следующего месяца. The bill is due on the 1st of next month. The account must be paid for the first number of the next month. Том пролил свой кофе. Tom spilled his coffee. Tom spilled his coffee. Ніхто не бачив Тома. Nobody's seen Tom. No one saw Tom. У Тома один ребёнок. Tom has one child. Tom has one baby. Я мало не помер сьогодні. I almost died today. I almost died today. Том лишив у нас свою парасольку. Tom left his umbrella at our place. Tom left his umbrella. Я памыліўся. I was wrong. I made up my mind. Почему вы не в форме? Why aren't you in uniform? Why aren't you in uniform? Хочете вивчити французьку? Do you want to learn French? Would you like to learn French? Горіло зелене світло. The light was green. It's green. Хіба не було б краще, якби Том це зробив з кимось іншим? Wouldn't it be better if Tom did that with someone else? Would it not be better if Tom had done this to someone else? Том був босоніж. Tom's feet were bare. Tom was a bosonage. Исто ли єси чьрницıа? Are you really a nun? Are you a girl? Я не хочу бути грубим з ними. I don't want to be rude to them. I don't want to be rude to them. Я був змушений заховатися. I had to hide. I had to hide. Ніщо більше мене не лякає. Nothing scares me anymore. Nothing scares me anymore. Ці вы мяне разумееце? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Канфлікт яе жаданняў спажыць шакалад і скінуць вагу прывёў яе адчування кагнітыўнага дысанансу. Her conflicting desires to consume chocolate and to lose weight resulted in her experiencing cognitive dissonance. There was a conflict with her wish to consume the chocolate and to quit the weight led her to feel positive dissonance. Том не зловить Мері. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Том надеялся, что Мэри не победит. Tom was hoping Mary wouldn't win. Tom was hoping Mary wouldn't win. Интервью началось в 10 часов. The interview began at 10 o'clock. The interview began at 10 a.m. Я пытаюсь защитить их. I'm trying to protect them. I'm trying to protect them. Я не люблю морозиво. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. Це подарунок для вас. This is a present for you. It's a gift to you. Можешь оставить себе. You can keep it. You can keep it. Том почти всегда ходит в солнечных очках. Tom almost always wears sunglasses. Tom's almost always in the sun's glasses. Мы не планируем ехать вместе. We don't plan on going together. We're not gonna go together. Ти потрібен у шпиталі. You're needed in the clinic. You need to go to the hospital. Мені потрібне диво. I need a miracle. I need a miracle. Це пластик. That is plastic. It's plastic. Думаю, мне лучше пойти с тобой. I think I'd better go with you. I think I should go with you. Половина студентів відсутня. Half of the students are absent. Half the students are missing. Він на три роки старший від неї. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than her. Коли я був дитиною, я був дуже сором'язливим. I was very shy when I was a kid. When I was a child, I was very shy. Я часто грав у бейсбол, коли був молодий. I often played baseball when I was young. I often played baseball when I was young. Чому ти нам не сказав, що знаєш французьку? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Я їм локшину. I am eating noodles. I'm eating noodles. Jana pryjšła, kab sustrecca sa mnoj, niehledziačy na toje, što była zaniataja. She came to see me in spite of being busy. Jana pryJa, kab sustrecca s Manaj, niehledziač na toje, zaitaja. Это предложение неясно написано. This sentence isn't written clearly. This proposal is not clear. Я знаю их обоих. I know both of them. I know them both. Праходьце, калі ласка, і не перагароджвайце пуць. Pass on, please, and do not obstruct the way. Please try and don't overrun. Яму вельмі падабаецца фантастыка. He's very fond of science fiction. He really likes fantastic things. У тебя уже есть какие-нибудь планы? Do you have any plans yet? Do you have any plans yet? Твій друг надокучливий. Your friend is tiresome. Your friend is annoying. Хотѣлъ єсмь тамъ ити. I wanted to go there. Hot's got to go there. Маєш гарячку, не треба виходити. You have a fever and should not go out. You have a fever, you don't have to go out. У той час у Японіі не было чыгункі. There were no railroads in Japan at that time. There was no walk in Japan at that time. Після фільму вони заснули. They fell asleep after the movie. After the film, they fell asleep. Мы успешны. We're successful. We're successful. Ти помиляєшся, якщо ти думаєш, що він неправий. You are mistaken if you think he is wrong. You're wrong if you think he's wrong. Ты несправедлив. You're being unfair. You're unfair. Я дуже хочу поїхати до Бостона. I really want to go to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Я замужем за адвокатом. I'm married to a lawyer. I'm married to a lawyer. Калісьці ты застаўляла мяне паверыць, што сапраўднае каханне існуе. You used to make me believe that true love exist. Once you make me believe that true love exists. Меня не волнует, нравится тебе твоя тётя Мэри или нет. Тебе просто придётся улыбаться и терпеть её присутствие здесь. I don't care if you don't like your Aunt Mary. You'll just have to grin and bear it while she's here. I don't care if you like your aunt Mary or not, you're just gonna have to smile and suffer her presence here. Я обожнюю це місце! I love this place! I love this place! Я вывучаю казахскую. I'm learning Kazakh. I study Kazakh. Батько вас любить. Your father loves you. Father loves you. Твои туфли всегда должны быть чистыми. You must keep your shoes clean. Your shoes should always be clean. Том буде тут з хвилини на хвилину. Tom will be here any minute now. Tom will be here in a minute. Мы с Томом живём на разных этажах. Tom and I live on different floors. Tom and I live on different floors. Мне падабаецца слухаць музыку. I like listening to music. I like listening to music. Мені, будь ласка, біфштекс з печеною картоплею. I would like steak with a baked potato. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Зачем вам марки? Why do you want stamps? Why do you want stamps? Я не розумію вашої французької. I don't understand your French. I don't understand your French. Буду працювати далі. I'll get on with my work. I'll keep working. Гей, ти! Hey, you there! Hey, you! Ідзі сюды! Come here! Come here! Том и Мэри не согласны с тобой. Tom and Mary don't agree with you. Tom and Mary don't agree with you. Ти зголодніла? Hungry? Are you hungry? В інтернеті мало сайтів на татарській мові. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There's very little Internet sites in Tatar. Непобедимых не бывает. No one is unbeatable. There's no winners. Он разрешил им гулять по саду. He permitted them to walk in the garden. He allowed them to walk through the garden. Том не знає, що я канадійка. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm a Canadian. Мы с Томом планируем пожениться 20 октября. Tom and I are planning to get married on October 20th. Tom and I are gonna get married on 20 October. Мері — блондинка. Mary is blonde. Mary is a blonde. Я послушаю. I will listen. I'm listening. Я не люблю дітей. I don't like children. I don't like kids. Коти їдять кажанів, або кажани їдять мишей? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Cats eat bats, or bats eat mice? Ти маєш гарний голос. You have a nice voice. You have a good voice. Мого робота звати Маручі. My robot's name is Maruchi. My job is Maruchi. Я принял это за шутку и не ответил. I took it as a joke and did not answer. I took it for a joke and didn't answer it. Думаю, Том добре провів час. I think Tom really had a good time. I think Tom had a good time. Том дал нам много денег. Tom gave us a lot of money. Tom gave us a lot of money. Навошта ты ўсё гэта купляеш, калі ведаеш, што ніколі не будзеш ім карыстацца? Why do you buy this all the while knowing you'll never use it? Why do you buy it all when you know you're never going to use it? Том хочет знать, сколько мороженого съела Мэри. Tom wants to know how much ice cream Mary ate. Tom wants to know how many ice cream Mary ate. У тебе бракує терпцю на мене. You're so impatient with me. You don't have patience on me. Хтосьці можа мне расказаць, дзе сінтэзатар? Can someone tell me where the keyboard is? Can someone tell me where the syntherator is? Вам надо постараться не уснуть. You have to try to stay awake. You should try not to fall asleep. Я ждал от них хороших новостей. I've been expecting good news from them. I was expecting good news from them. По пути я встретил Тома. I met Tom on the way. I met Tom on the way. У Тома жирные волосы. Tom has greasy hair. Tom has fat hair. Я не знаю, кому Том продав своє авто. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. I don't know who Tom sold his car. Я хацеў, каб Том сказаў, што ён любіць мяне. I wanted Tom to say that he loved me. I wanted Tom to say that he loved me. Йдіть пограйте в теніс з Томом. Go play tennis with Tom. Go play tennis with Tom. Я наконец устроился на работу. I finally got a job. I finally got to work. Про що хочеш побалакати? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Як це все працює? How does this all work? How does this work? Я впевнена у його успіху. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure of his success. Я теж їду. I'm going, too. I'm on my way, too. Том сказав, коли він прийде? Did Tom say when he'd arrive? Did Tom say when he came? Том не має велосипеда. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. То тека. It is a notebook. That's the folder. Хтось розумний, хтось ні. Some are wise, some are otherwise. Someone smart, somebody ain't. Ты очень умна. You are very smart. You're very smart. Том умер в семьдесят лет. Tom died when he was seventy years old. Tom died at seventy. Том дуже відкритий. Tom is very open. Tom's very open. Він зараз навчається. He's now studying. He's learning right now. Равлики — гермафродити. Snails are hermaphroditical. The ravles are hermafrodati. Я вас даже не знаю. I don't even know you. I don't even know you. Том никогда не говорил мне, что был женат на Мэри. Tom never told me he used to be married to Mary. Tom never told me he was married to Mary. Коли ти приїдеш до Нідерландів? When are you coming to the Netherlands? When are you coming to the Netherlands? Адвокат чекав на Бена. The lawyer was expecting Ben. The lawyer was waiting for Ben. Не смейтесь над иностранцами. Don't make fun of foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. Чому ви не розповіли Тому? Why didn't you tell Tom? Why didn't you tell Tom? Яна надта стамілася, каб працаваць. She was too tired to work. She's too tired to work. Не могѫ доумати вьсе. I can't think of everything. I couldn't figure it out. Мне привести с собой Тома? Should I bring Tom with me? Shall I bring Tom with me? Том удивился, увидев Мэри в Бостоне. Tom was surprised to see Mary in Boston. Tom was surprised to see Mary in Boston. Прабачце, хто гэтая кабета? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this cable? Том попросил Мэри принести салат на вечеринку. Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party. Tom asked Mary to bring the salad to the party. Більше нема де припаркуватися. There isn't anywhere else to park. There's nowhere else to park. Скористайтеся своїм пістолетом. Use your gun. Use your gun. Гэты парк нагадвае мне пра маё дзяцінства. This park reminds me of my childhood. This park reminds me of my childhood. Том переїхав до Австралії. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Дзіця амаль не патанула. The child was almost drowned. The child nearly drowned. Кнїжка чарна. The book is black. The book's black. К моему удивлению, он не сдал зачёт. To my surprise he failed the test. To my surprise, he didn't pay the bill. Я вірний. I'm loyal. I'm faithful. Он выступил с речью, в которой поддержал мою точку зрения. He made a speech in which he supported my point of view. He gave a speech in which he supported my point of view. Вы с Томом были счастливы вместе, не так ли? You and Tom were happy together, weren't you? You and Tom were happy together, weren't you? Він шантажував мене. He blackmailed me. He blackmailed me. Я хочу, чтобы мы стали друзьями с твоей сестрой. I want to make friends with your sister. I want us to be friends with your sister. Они все были изумлены, увидев меня там. They were all surprised to see me there. They were all upset to see me there. Съниди съ воза. Get out of the car. Eat your oats. Нам надо было прийти. We had to come. We had to come. Пожалуйста, не будьте так суровы со мной. Don't be so harsh on me please. Please don't be so hard on me. Я еду с вами в Бостон. I'm going with you to Boston. I'm going to Boston with you. Он попал в тюрьму. He ended up in jail. He went to jail. Сколько раз мне тебе говорить, что я не женат? How many times do I have to say I'm not married? How many times do I tell you I'm not married? Дзе ты зрабіў гэтыя фотаздымкі? Where did you take these photos? Where did you take these photos? Я просто сделал то, о чём ты меня попросил. I just did what you asked me to do. I just did what you asked me to do. Можна це ще раз зробити? Can I do it again? Can I do this again? Тома заміняє Мері. Tom has been filling in for Mary. Tom's replacing Mary. Том не пострадал. Tom didn't get hurt. Tom wasn't hurt. Он сказал мне, что очень счастлив. He told me that he was very happy. He told me that he was very happy.