>>eng<< Luemme kirjaa. We are reading a book. We're reading the book. >>eng<< Tom a sírás határán van. Tom is on the verge of crying. Tom's on the brink of crying. >>eng<< Hän valehteli minulle. He lied to me. He lied to me. >>eng<< Bárcsak vettem volna jegyet a koncertre! I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. I wish I'd bought you a ticket for the concert. >>eng<< Döntöttem. I have decided. I've made up my mind. >>eng<< Ezt a könyvet spanyolórán használják. They use this book in Spanish class. This book is used in Spanish. >>eng<< Voisitko soittaa myöhemmin uudestaan, kiitos? Could you call again later, please? Can you call me back later, please? >>eng<< Nem kellett volna egyedül hagyjalak. I shouldn't have left you alone. I shouldn't have left you alone. >>eng<< Van egy Twitter-fiókom. I have a Twitter account. I have a Twitter account. >>eng<< Voin suositella hyvää hotellia. I can recommend a good hotel. I can recommend a good hotel. >>eng<< Nekem sincs jó kedvem. I'm not in a good mood either. I don't feel good either. >>eng<< Pont erre számítottam. That's exactly what I expect. That's what I was expecting. >>eng<< Van e-mail címed? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an e-mail address? >>eng<< A pokolba vezető út is jó szándékkal van kikövezve. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. >>eng<< Már nem vagyunk gyerekek. We aren't kids anymore. We're not kids anymore. >>eng<< Olen vapaalla sunnuntaina. I'm free on Sunday. I'll be out on Sunday. >>eng<< Mene asiaan. Get to the point. Get to the point. >>eng<< Kedvelem a szürrealizmust. I like surrealism. I like surrealism. >>eng<< Onko Tatoeba hyvä? Is Tatoeba good? Is Tatoeba good? >>eng<< Menettekö siihen juhlaan? Are you going to the party? Are you going to that party? >>eng<< Tom nyugdíjba vonult 2013-ban. Tom retired in 2013. Tom retired in 2013. >>eng<< Oletko vaikeuksissa? Are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? >>eng<< Pidä se lämpimänä. Keep it warm. Keep it warm. >>eng<< Az idő nagyon gyorsan telt. Time passed very quickly. Time was running really fast. >>eng<< Tule likemmäksi, että näen sinun naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come on. Come on. Come on. I'll see your face. >>eng<< Varkaat jakavat saaliinsa. The thieves split up their loot. Thieves share their prey. >>eng<< Se loppuu huomenna. It runs out tomorrow. It'll stop tomorrow. >>eng<< Tényleg hiszel a varázslatban? Do you really believe in magic? Do you really believe in magic? >>eng<< Ez mire jó? What is it for? What's that for? >>eng<< Kanada első himnuszát franciául írták. The text of the national anthem of Canada was first written in French. Canada's first hymn was written in French. >>eng<< Ei tarvitse olla epäkohtelias. There's no need to be rude. You don't have to be rude. >>eng<< Tom on vahvin. Tom is the strongest. Tom's the strongest. >>eng<< Olet joko minun puolellani tai minua vastaan. You're either with me or you're against me. You're either on my side or against me. >>eng<< Nem nélkülöz a családja. His family lacks for nothing. Your family doesn't miss you. >>eng<< Add ide a következőt! Give me the next one. Give me the next one. >>eng<< Työntäkää. Push. Push. >>eng<< Onko tämä poikasi, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? Is this your son, Betty? >>eng<< Tomi nem volt hajlandó meghallgatni Marit. Tom refused to listen to Mary. Tomi refused to listen to Mari. >>eng<< A sör 90% vízből áll. Beer consists of 90% water. Beer is 90% water. >>eng<< Meg akarok verekedni! I want to fight! I want to fight! >>eng<< Tomi, miért nem mész a szobádba? Why don't you go to your room, Tom? Tomi, why don't you go to your room? >>eng<< Foghíjasan mosolygott és egy kacagás után mondta: - Most jön a harmadik kívánságod. Mi lesz az? She grinned toothlessly and, after a cackle, spoke, "Now your third wish. What will it be?" Now your third wish comes. >>eng<< Kauan eläköön kuningas! Long live the King! Long live the king! >>eng<< Aloittakaa nyt. Start now. Come on, start now. >>eng<< Sinä olet viisas. You're wise. You're smart. >>eng<< Kezdünk óvatlanok lenni. We're getting careless. We're starting to be reckless. >>eng<< Mitmuses hobune on hobused. The plural of horse is horses. A horse in multiple is a horse. >>eng<< Söin juuri aamiaiseni loppuun. I just finished breakfast. I just finished my breakfast. >>eng<< Emme tule toimeen ilman häntä. We can't get along without him. We can't get along without him. >>eng<< Minulla on teitä kaikkia kauhea ikävä. I really miss you all. I miss all of you. >>eng<< Tämä on ilmeisen mahdotonta. This is obviously impossible. This is obviously impossible. >>eng<< Sadut alkavat yleensä ”olipa kerran kauan kauan sitten...” ja loppuvat ”...ja he elivät onnellisina elämänsä loppuun saakka”. Fairy tales usually start with “once upon a time...” and end with “...and they lived happily ever after”. Traditions usually start “for a long time ago...” and end “...and they lived happily ever after”. >>eng<< Tom megakadályozta, hogy azt csináljam, amit akartam. Tom stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. Tom stopped me from doing what I wanted to do. >>eng<< A hétfő jó lesz? Is Monday OK? Monday's good? >>eng<< Tomi on huonolla tuulella. Tom is in a bad mood. Tom's in a bad mood. >>eng<< Käärme nielaisi sammakon. The snake swallowed a frog. A snake swallowed a frog. >>eng<< Egy dührom során öltem meg - nem előre megfontolt gyilkosság volt. I killed him in a fit of rage - it wasn't premeditated. In a rage, I killed him - it was unforeseeable murder. >>eng<< A só, amit a levesbe tettél, fehér, nem rózsaszín. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. The salt you put in the soup is white, not pink. >>eng<< Tomi on kuollut. Tom's died. Tomi's dead. >>eng<< Betéve ismeri ezt a várost. He knows this town inside out. You know this town when you do. >>eng<< Harminc perc múlva kész a vacsora. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. Dinner's ready in 30 minutes. >>eng<< Kérd meg Tamást, hogy várjon egy kicsit. Ask Tom to stay a while. Ask Tamás to wait a while. >>eng<< Senki sem ül itt. There's no one sitting here. No one's sitting here. >>eng<< Meg vannak ijedve. They're scared. They're scared. >>eng<< Ne áltatsd magad. Don't flatter yourself. Don't flatter yourself. >>eng<< Том садак уке улеш. Tom is still missing. Because it does not exist. >>eng<< Kaikki pitävät oravista. Everyone likes squirrels. Everybody likes oranges. >>eng<< Sademetsät ovat yksi maapallon mahtavimmista biologisista aarteista. Rainforests are one of the Earth's greatest biological treasures. The rain forests are one of the greatest biological treasures on earth. >>eng<< Oletko saanut shekin? Have you received the cheque? Have you got a check? >>eng<< Kas sa oskad hobusega sõita? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? >>eng<< A macska meggörbítette a hátát. The cat arched its back. The cat rolled his back. >>eng<< Micsoda emlékezet! What memory! What a memory. >>eng<< Tuhansia kuolleita kaloja löytyi kellumasta järvessä. Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in the lake. Thousands of dead fish were found floating in the lake. >>eng<< Nem sírok. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. >>eng<< Maryt elrabolták a kalózok. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. Mary was kidnapped by pirates. >>eng<< Teidät on kaikki pidätetty. You're all under arrest. You're all under arrest. >>eng<< Olemme molempikätisiä. We're ambidextrous. We're both hands. >>eng<< Tuo vitsi ei ollut hauska. That joke wasn't funny. That joke wasn't funny. >>eng<< Gyűjtsd össze a gondolataidat, mielőtt nekiállsz dolgozni. Collect your thoughts before you begin your work. Collect your thoughts before you start working. >>eng<< Bizonyítsd be, hogy tévedek! Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong. >>eng<< He ovat yhtä vahvoja kuin me. They are as strong as us. They're as strong as we are. >>eng<< Tüzelj! Fire! Fire! >>eng<< Igazad van végül is. You are right, after all. You're right, after all. >>eng<< Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma seda ütlesin! I can't believe I just said that! I can't believe I said that! >>eng<< Olin vuorilla. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. >>eng<< Le vagyok nyűgözve. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. >>eng<< Most nincs sok időm. I don't have much time now. I don't have much time right now. >>eng<< A dugó miatt késtem el a találkozóról. I was late for the meeting because of a traffic jam. I missed the meeting because of the traffic jam. >>eng<< Hän petti luottamukseni. He betrayed my confidence. He betrayed my trust. >>eng<< Robertilla oli tapana auttaa isäänsä kaupassa viikonloppuisin. Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends. Robert used to help his father at the store on the weekends. >>eng<< Jackilla ei ole tarpeeksi rahaa ostaa itselleen uutta polkupyörää. Jack doesn't have enough money to buy himself a new bicycle. Jack doesn't have enough money to buy himself a new bicycle. >>eng<< Csak nem bírok megállni. I just can’t stop. I just can't stop. >>eng<< Pitäkää heitä silmällä. Keep an eye on them. Keep an eye on them. >>eng<< Tom auttaa minua ranskassa. Tom helps me in French. Tom's gonna help me out in France. >>eng<< Mie en ymmärä. I do not understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Valtimot, laskimot ja hiussuonet ovat kolme verisuonten päätyyppiä. Arteries, veins, and capillaries are the three main types of blood vessel. The arteries, veins and hair vessels are three main types of blood vessels. >>eng<< Kao ära. Beat it. Get out of here. >>eng<< Hän potkaisi häntä munille. She gave him a kick in the balls. He kicked her in the balls. >>eng<< Kumarruin kohteliaasti. I bowed politely. I bowed politely. >>krl<< I am Ricardo. Mie olen Ricardo. I'm very happy to say that you didn't think so. >>eng<< Tomilla on hyvä numeropää. Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got a good number head. >>eng<< Otan sen mukaan kotiin. I'll take it home with me. I'll take it home. >>eng<< Minkä lehden tilaatte? Which newspaper do you subscribe to? What magazine do you order? >>eng<< Tom őszinte. Tom is sincere. Tom's honest. >>eng<< Taas. Again. Again. >>eng<< Täällä on grilli kielletty. No barbecues here. There's no barbecue here. >>eng<< Se on täysin laillista. It's perfectly legal. It's totally legal. >>eng<< Mitäs sun veljelles kuuluu? How's your brother? How's your brother? >>eng<< Hyvvää aamua! Morning! Good morning! >>eng<< Minun tyttäreni ei halua kuunnella minua. My daughter won't listen to me. My daughter doesn't want to listen to me. >>eng<< Ismeritek a dörgést. You know the drill. You know the drill. >>eng<< Nad pidid otsast peale hakkama. They had to start from scratch. They had to start over. >>eng<< Emme ikimaailmassa! Never! Not in the world! >>eng<< Olet ollut todella ystävällinen. You've been very kind. You've been very kind. >>eng<< Tom leellenőrizte a dátumot. Tom checked the date. Tom checked the date. >>eng<< Кӧн тиде учебникше? Whose textbook is this? Are you sure you want to provide this entry on the current one? >>eng<< Ota tämä. Please take this. Take this. >>eng<< Kes on roolis? Who's at the wheel? Who's in the wheel? >>eng<< Kérlek, seperj föl. Please sweep the floor. Please dig me up. >>eng<< Tom nem igazságot akart, hanem bosszút. Tom didn't want justice. He wanted revenge. Tom didn't want justice. He wanted revenge. >>eng<< Hän oli uimassa. She was swimming. He was swimming. >>eng<< Haluaisin kävellä vähän hitaammin. I'd like to walk a bit slower. I'd like to walk a little slower. >>eng<< Tom pilasi telttaretken unohtamalla panna teltan autoon. Tom ruined our camping trip by forgetting to put the tent in the car. Tom ruined the camping trip by forgetting to put the tent in the car. >>eng<< En ole ylpeä. I'm not proud. I'm not proud. >>eng<< Onnittelen sinua ensipalkinnon voittamisesta puhekilpailuissa. I congratulate you on winning first prize in the speech contest. I congratulate you on winning the first prize at the speech contests. >>eng<< Tom be akarta fejezni. Tom wanted to quit. Tom wanted to finish. >>eng<< Miten voit olla pitämättä Tomista. How can you not like Tom? How can you not like Tom? >>eng<< Tom pukeutui. Tom got dressed. Tom dressed up. >>eng<< Mä tarviin mun silmälasei. I need my glasses. I needed my glasses. >>eng<< Maankuoren jäähdyttyä veden kiehumispisteen alapuolelle, alkoi sataa — ja sade jatkui vuosisatojen ajan. Vesi täytti maankuoren laajat syvänteet, ja näin syntyi alkumeri. After the Earth's surface had cooled to a temperature below the boiling point of water, rain began to fall—and continued to fall for centuries. As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. After the earth’s crust cooled down below the boiling point, it started to rain — and the rain continued for centuries — the water filled the vast depths of the earth’s shell and thus the sea was born. >>eng<< Azt miért csinálja Tom? Why is Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing that? >>eng<< Pysytään liikkellä. Let's keep moving. Let's keep moving. >>eng<< Minua väsyttää. Menen sänkyyn. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. >>eng<< Ennek nem kellene ilyen nehéznek lennie. This shouldn't be this hard. It shouldn't be that hard. >>eng<< Figyelmes vagy. You're considerate. You're being careful. >>eng<< Ma nägin neid suudlemas. I saw them kissing. I saw them kissing. >>eng<< Egy hotelben tartózkodik. He's staying at a hotel. He's staying in a hotel. >>eng<< Tamás kémiát tanul. Tom is studying chemistry. Thomas is studying chemistry. >>eng<< Az alap nagyon sziklás volt. The ground was very rocky. The base was very rocky. >>eng<< Bűnösnek mondták ki. They adjudged him guilty. They said he was guilty. >>eng<< Onko tuo musta laukku sinun? Is that black bag yours? Is that your black bag? >>eng<< És nálad hogy állnak a dolgok? How about you? And how are things with you? >>eng<< Tom on epäsosiaalinen. Tom is a sociopath. Tom's not social. >>eng<< Az ház ott az ő háza. That house belongs to him. The house is his house. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole vielä löytänyt Maria. Tom hasn't found Mary yet. Tomi hasn't found Maria yet. >>eng<< Elvesztettem az esernyőmet. I've lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. >>eng<< En ole aamuvirkku. I am not a morning person. I'm not in the morning. >>eng<< "The Three Forks" on olutbaari, jonka kohderyhmä on matkailijat. The Three Forks is a bar serving beer, and its target audience are travellers. "The Three Forks" is a beer bar with a target group of tourists. >>eng<< A szüleim vidéken élnek. My parents live in the country. My parents live in the country. >>eng<< Jospa puhuisimme siitä kahvin ääressä. Why don't we talk over coffee? Why don't we talk about it over coffee? >>eng<< Leestem a létráról. I fell off the ladder. I fell off the ladder. >>eng<< Pisikesena paistev sündmus võib viia suurepärase tulemuseni. An apparently small event may lead to a great result. A small event can lead to an excellent result. >>eng<< En halua nähdä sinua enää koskaan uudestaan. I never want to see you again. I never want to see you again. >>eng<< Ezt mennyi ideig mikrózzam? How long should I microwave this? How long am I gonna take this? >>eng<< Olisit voinut pilata kaiken. You could've ruined everything. You could have ruined everything. >>eng<< Tom el akart árulni. Tom was going to betray me. Tom wanted to betray me. >>eng<< Éppen ezt készültem megtenni. I was going to do that. That's what I was about to do. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole aikaa laittaa ruokaa. I don't have time to cook. I don't have time to cook. >>eng<< Etkö voisi viipyä vielä vähän pidempään? Won't you stay a little bit longer? Can't you just stay a little longer? >>eng<< Te vagy az én boldogságom. You are my happiness. You're my happiness. >>eng<< Tom kitöltött magának egy másik csésze kávét. Tom poured himself another cup of coffee. Tom filled you with another cup of coffee. >>eng<< Fontos, hogy segítsünk a bajba jutottaknak. It's important to help victims of fate. It's important that we help those in trouble. >>eng<< En tiennyt, että pidät baseballista. I didn't know you liked baseball. I didn't know you liked baseball. >>eng<< Esittelen sinut Tomille, jos niin haluat. I'll introduce you to Tom if you want me to. I'll introduce you to Tom if that's what you want. >>eng<< Hän ei vaikuta vanhenevan ikinä. He never seems to be any older. He never seems to grow old. >>eng<< Figyelned kellett volna Tomra. You should have listened to Tom. You should have listened to Tom. >>eng<< Mindannyian éhesek voltak. They were all hungry. They were all hungry. >>eng<< Ne aggódj, meg tudom csinálni. Don't worry, I can do this. Don't worry, I can do it. >>eng<< Én voltam az osztály egyik legjobb tanulója. I was one of the best students in the class. I was one of the best students in the class. >>eng<< Tomi menetti sodassa kolme poikaa. Tom lost three sons in the war. Tomi lost three boys in the war. >>eng<< Miten pärjään ilman sinua? How will I manage without you? How am I doing without you? >>eng<< En ymmärrä saksaa sitten yhtään. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. >>eng<< Joni ja Mari ovat tunteneet toisensa jo vuodesta 1976. John and Mary have known each other since 1976. Joni and Mari have known each other since 1976. >>eng<< Senki sem tud kétszáz éves koráig élni. No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live until they're 200. >>eng<< Semmit nem tudsz tenni, hogy megállítsd? Can't you do anything to stop it? There's nothing you can do to stop him? >>eng<< Hän on tyyni sekaannuksen keskellä. He is cool amid confusion. He's calm in the middle of a mess. >>eng<< Tere, Mike siin. Hello, this is Mike. Hi, it's Mike. >>eng<< Én nem tudok sokat a kutyákról. I don't know much about dogs. I don't know much about dogs. >>eng<< Tänään on vähän kylmä. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. >>eng<< Ma ei öelnud tere. I didn't say hello. I didn't say hi. >>eng<< Tomi on ujo. Tom is shy. Tom's shy. >>eng<< Minä olen geenimuunneltu olio. I'm a genetically modified organism. I'm a genetically engineered creature. >>eng<< Neked adom a szívem. I give you my heart. I'll give you my heart. >>eng<< Együnk egy fánkot! Let's get a doughnut. Let's have a donuts. >>eng<< Kérem, engedjen be! Please let me in. Please let me in. >>eng<< Valódi, nem? It's real, isn't it? It's real, isn't it? >>eng<< He osaavat laulaa. They're able to sing. They can sing. >>eng<< Тиде кӧ? Who is this? Who did this? >>eng<< Kuka sanoi, että voisit tehdä sen? Who said you could do that? Who said you could do it? >>eng<< Tom gondoskodik róla. Tom is going to take care of it. Tom will take care of it. >>krl<< My name is Andrea. Minun nimi on Andrea. ~ My name is Andrea. >>eng<< Az az étel egyszerűen isteni volt. That meal was simply divine. That food was simply divine. >>eng<< Äitini pitää teestä todella paljon. My mother likes tea very much. My mom really likes tea. >>eng<< A nevetés ragadós. Laughter is infectious. Laughter is sticky. >>eng<< Homomorfismia ei tule sekoittaa homeomorfismiin. One must not confuse homomorphism with homeomorphism. Homomorphism should not be mixed with homeomorphism. >>eng<< Kenelle Tom kertoi? Who did Tom tell? Who did Tom tell? >>eng<< Miksi sinä naurat? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? >>eng<< Mammona ennen mainetta. Profit is better than fame. Mammon before the reputation. >>eng<< Tomilla on kaksi ranskan sanakirjaa. Tom has two French dictionaries. Tom has two French dictionarys. >>eng<< Tom teki keksejä. Tom made some cookies. Tom made cookies. >>eng<< Jobbra helyezte át az íróasztalt. He moved the desk to the right. He moved the desk to the right. >>eng<< Hän on palannut kotiin Ranskasta. He has recently returned from France. He's back from France. >>eng<< Onko sinulla kynsiviilaa, jota voisin lainata? Do you have a nail file I could borrow? Do you have a nail clip I could borrow? >>eng<< Nem negociálható. It's not negotiable. It can't be negative. >>eng<< Húst kérek. Meat, please. Meat, please. >>eng<< Minä otan keltaisen. I'll take the yellow one. I'll take the yellow one. >>eng<< Mikä on huomisen suunnitelma? What's the plan for tomorrow? What's the plan for tomorrow? >>eng<< Ez Japán zászlója. This is the flag of Japan. It's a Japanese flag. >>eng<< Fadil avasi pikaruokaravintolan. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. Fadil opened a fast-food restaurant. >>eng<< Dani beismerte Lindának, hogy egy ideje már viszonya van valakivel. Dan admitted to Linda that he had been having an affair. Dani admitted to Linda that she's been having an affair with someone for a while. >>eng<< Oppikaa. Learn. Learn. >>eng<< Miért nem szállt fel Tom a buszra? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? Why didn't Tom get on the bus? >>eng<< Fekvés és szunya! Go to bed and sleep. Lie down and sleep! >>eng<< Kaksi plus kaksi on yhtäsuuri kuin viisi. Two plus two equals five. Two plus two is equal to five. >>eng<< Poistin linkityksen japaninkieliseen lauseeseen, koska se ei tarkoittanut samaa asiaa kuin tämä lause. I've unlinked the Japanese sentence since it didn't have the same meaning as this sentence. I deleted the link to the Japanese sentence because it did not mean the same thing as this sentence. >>eng<< Enni? Ez az egyik legjobb hely a városban. This is one of the best places to eat in town. This is one of the best places in town. >>eng<< Sinä osaat lukea, eikö niin? You can read, can't you? You can read, right? >>eng<< Ő mindig megkérdezi a véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. >>eng<< Oravat oppivat nopeasti. Squirrels are quick learners. The squirrels learn fast. >>eng<< Kivel beszélsz? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? >>eng<< Tom on talossani. Tom is at my house. Tom's in my house. >>eng<< Tom sanoi, ettei se ollut tarpeen. Tom said it wasn't necessary. Tom said it wasn't necessary. >>eng<< Jól nézel ki feketében. You look good in black. You look good in black. >>eng<< See on huvitav pakkumine. Ma mõtlen selle peale. That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it. That's an interesting offer. >>eng<< Ez műszakilag lehetséges. It's technically possible. It's technically possible. >>eng<< Otthon maradt. He stayed at home. He's staying at home. >>eng<< Tíz, tizenegy, tizenkettő, tizenhárom, tizennégy, tizenöt, tizenhat, tizenhét, tizennyolc, tizenkilenc, húsz. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, sixteen, eighteen, eighteen, twenty. >>eng<< Älä sinä minua syytä. Don't blame me. Don't blame me. >>eng<< Voisitko puhua ranskaa? Please speak French. Can you speak French? >>eng<< Minä rakastan minun vaimoani. I love my wife. I love my wife. >>eng<< Saisinko keksin? Can I have a cookie? Can I have a cookie? >>eng<< Szerintem ne várakozz sokat. You shouldn't have to wait long. I don't think you're waiting much. >>eng<< Maryn lauseet ovat helppoja kääntää. Mary's sentences are easy to translate. Mary's sentences are easy to translate. >>eng<< Tamás azt mondja, hogy nem jön. Tom says he's not coming. Thomas says he's not coming. >>eng<< Seda on lihtne öelda. That's easy to say. That's easy to say. >>eng<< Ez a póló túl kicsi nekem. This T-shirt is too small for me. This shirt is too small for me. >>eng<< Ő még mindig szeret engem, és azt hiszem, még én is szeretem őt. He still loves me, and I think I still love him. He still loves me, and I think even I love him. >>eng<< Állj át oda, és akkor jobban fogod látni. Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. Get over there, and you'll see better. >>eng<< Tom mossa a ruhákat. Tom is doing laundry. Tom wash his clothes. >>eng<< Utánzó! Copier! Retreater! >>eng<< Később elmagyarázom neked. I'll explain it to you later. I'll explain it to you later. >>eng<< Minun tyttäreni rakastaa hyppynarulla leikkimistä. My daughter loves jumping rope. My daughter loves to play with a jumper. >>eng<< En ole rakastunut häneen. Me olemme vain hyviä ystäviä. I'm not in love with him. We're just good friends. I'm not in love with her, we're just good friends. >>eng<< Japánnak vannak diplomáciai kapcsolatai Kínával. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. >>eng<< Mihin aikaan minun pitäisi kirjautua sisään? What time should I check in? What time should I sign in? >>eng<< Sa oled ilus tüdruk. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. >>eng<< Olen oikeastaan hyvin onnellinen. I'm actually very happy. I'm actually very happy. >>eng<< Tiedät mistä pidän. You know what I like. You know what I like. >>eng<< Inkább otthon maradok és tévézek. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. I'd rather stay home and watch TV. >>eng<< Jövök, hogy segítsek neked. I'm coming to help you. I'm coming to help you. >>eng<< Onko sinulla herätyskelloa huoneessasi? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have a alarm clock in your room? >>eng<< Minne olet menossa? Where are you going? Where are you going? >>eng<< Jos sinua väsyttää, mene nukkumaan. If you are tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go to bed. >>eng<< Laurie dundi? Is Laurie fat? Laurie Dunde? >>eng<< Ma vihkan sinusuguseid inimesi. I hate people like you. I hate people like you. >>eng<< Olen nõus. I agree. I agree. >>eng<< Mi van Tomnál? What does Tom have? What about Tom? >>eng<< Még nem rendelte meg a vacsorát. She didn't order dinner yet. He hasn't ordered dinner yet. >>eng<< Tomi siirtyi lähemmäksi. Tom got closer. Tomi moved closer. >>eng<< Elképesztő utazás volt. It's been an amazing journey. It was an amazing trip. >>eng<< Jól hangzik! It sounds great! Sounds good. >>eng<< Luulin, että hän oli vihainen. I thought that he was angry. I thought he was angry. >>eng<< Mondja meg ezeknek az embereknek, menjenek hátra, hogy a helikopter leszállhasson. Tell these people to move away, so that the helicopter can land. Tell these people to go back to the back so the helicopter can land. >>eng<< Sarah Bernhardt oli ranskalainen teatterinäyttelijä. Sarah Bernhardt was a French stage actress. Sarah Bernhardt was a French actor. >>eng<< Tom ampui yhtä sotilaista. Tom shot one of the soldiers. Tom shot one of the soldiers. >>eng<< Onko tämä kohteliaisuus? Is this a compliment? Is this a compliment? >>eng<< Értem, mire gondolsz. I see your point. I see what you mean. >>eng<< Tiedän, että voimme voittaa. I know we can win. I know we can win. >>eng<< Olen heikkona onnellisiin loppuihin. I'm a sucker for happy endings. I'm weak at happy endings. >>eng<< Senkin sem látszott a félelem, csak rajtam. Nobody seems to be afraid but me. No one saw fear except me. >>eng<< Mistä sinä näet huolta? What are you worrying about? What do you have to worry about? >>eng<< Csak te kellesz. I only need you. All I need is you. >>eng<< Ez együtt jár a szerelemmel, amit irántad érzek. It comes from within the love that I feel for you. It goes hand in hand with the love I feel for you. >>eng<< A vállalatnak szüksége van kétkezi munkásokra. Manual labor is necessary in this company. The company needs two-man workers. >>eng<< Tom még mindig próbálja meggyőzni Maryt, hogy segítsen nekünk. Tom is still trying to convince Mary to help us. Tom's still trying to convince Mary to help us. >>eng<< A vihar megakadályozta, hogy pontosan érkezzen. The storm prevented her from arriving on time. The storm prevented him from arriving exactly. >>eng<< ”Miksi kana ylitti tien?” on todella tunnettu englanninkielinen arvoitus, johon on useita vastauksia. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" is a very well-known English riddle, to which there are a multiplicity of answers. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a truly well-known English puzzle with several answers. >>eng<< Monica Sone egy japán-amerikai író volt. Monica Sone was a Japanese-American writer. Monica Sone was a Japanese-American writer. >>eng<< Olen melko varma, että Tom on kalju. I'm pretty sure Tom's bald. I'm pretty sure Tom's bald. >>eng<< Ez egy rossz hely. That's a bad spot. It's a bad place. >>eng<< En tunne sinua enää. I don't know you anymore. I don't know you anymore. >>eng<< Odafutottam az anyámhoz. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mother. >>eng<< Elu pole kunagi lihtne. Life is never easy. Life is never easy. >>eng<< Sanotaan että hän tulee asettumaan ehdolle kaupunginjohtajaksi. They say that he will run for mayor. Let's say he's going to run for mayor. >>eng<< Ez egy nagyon régi könyv. It's a very old book. It's an old book. >>eng<< Meg kell nézned ezt a filmet. You have to see this movie. You have to watch this movie. >>eng<< Rúgj! Kick! Kick! >>eng<< Senki mást nem hibáztatok, csak magamat. I blame no one but myself. I don't blame anyone but myself. >>eng<< Teidän pitäisi pyytää häneltä neuvoa. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. >>eng<< Információkra van szükségünk. We needed information. We have information. >>eng<< Ablakot nyitottam. I have opened the window. I opened a window. >>eng<< Felejtsd el őt! Forget her. Forget him. >>eng<< Kirjoitan äidilleni kerran kuussa. I write to my mother once a month. I write to my mom once a month. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy kell ezt használni. I know how to use this. I know how to use this. >>eng<< Mul on kolm kaamerat. I have three cameras. I have three cameras. >>eng<< Kanadassa puhutaan englantia ja ranskaa. In Canada they speak English and French. In Canada, they speak English and French. >>eng<< Tisztelem Tomit. I respect Tom. I respect Tomi. >>eng<< Valószínűleg mennünk kellene. We should probably go. We should probably go. >>eng<< Hei kaikille, olen Mari. Hi everyone, I'm Mary. Hi, everybody, I'm Mari. >>eng<< A fiam többet keres nálam. My son earns more than me. My son's making more money than me. >>eng<< Täysikuu loistaa kirkkaana taivaalla. A full moon is shining bright in the sky. The full moon shines in a bright sky. >>eng<< Bocsi, de nem hallak jól. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. Sorry, I can't hear you. >>eng<< Äänestyksen tulos oli liberaalien voitto. The result of the vote was a win for the Liberals. The result of the vote was a liberal victory. >>eng<< Tuolin päällä on kissa. There is a cat on the chair. There's a cat on the chair. >>eng<< Tomi oli aluksi hämmentynyt. Tom was confused at first. At first, Tomi was confused. >>eng<< Voisimme aloittaa nyt, kun sinäkin olet täällä. Since you're here, we might as well begin. We could start now that you're here. >>eng<< Joulu on pian läsnä. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas will be here soon. >>eng<< Próbáljuk meg! Let's have a try. Let's try it. >>eng<< Pesulõkse kasutatakse riiete kuivama riputamiseks. Clothespins are used to hang up clothes. Laundry is used to dry the clothes. >>eng<< Ha meggondolod magad, tudod, hogy hol találsz. If you change your mind, you'll know where to find me. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. >>eng<< Syntymäpäiväni sattuu tänä vuonna perjantaille. My birthday falls on Friday this year. My birthday happens this Friday. >>eng<< En ole varma uskonko sinua. I'm not sure I believe you. I'm not sure I believe you. >>eng<< Banaanit ovat herkullisia. Bananas are delicious. Bananas are delicious. >>eng<< Ma tahaks proovida. I'd like to give it a try. I'd like to try. >>eng<< Tämä on vaimoni. This is my wife. This is my wife. >>eng<< On suuri kunnia tutustua häneen. It is a great honor to become acquainted with her. It's a great pleasure to get to know him. >>eng<< Senki sem volt a szobában. There were none in the room. No one was in the room. >>eng<< Én láttam. I saw that. I saw it. >>eng<< Ma ei tee seda enam. I don't do it anymore. I won't do it anymore. >>eng<< Olemme juuri saaneet tiedustelun Kansasista koskien veljeäsi. We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother. We've just received intelligence on Kansas regarding your brother. >>eng<< Ma võtsin raamatu. I took the book. I took the book. >>eng<< Ma olen päris hea ujuja. I'm a pretty good swimmer. I'm a pretty good swimmer. >>eng<< Ki készít neki reggelit? Who makes breakfast for him? Who's making him breakfast? >>eng<< See ei ole nii pikk nimekiri. It's not such a long list. It's not that long a list. >>eng<< On ihanaa katsoa sinun ruoanlaittoasi. I love watching you cook. I love looking at your cooking. >>eng<< Ülj oda, ahol láthatlak. Sit where I can see you. Sit where I can see you. >>eng<< Segítenem kellett volna Tomnak azt megcsinálni. I should have helped Tom do that. I should have helped Tom do that. >>eng<< Újra el fogunk oda menni. We'll go there again. We're going to go there again. >>eng<< Valkoinen pallo painaa yhtä paljon kuin punainen. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball weighs as much as the red ball. >>eng<< Egy ír lány ír. An Irish girl is writing. An Irish girl is Irish. >>eng<< Huolettomuus voi johtaa vakavaan onnettomuuteen. Carelessness can lead to a serious accident. Carelessness can lead to a serious accident. >>eng<< He tyrkkäsivät hänen ruumiinsa sillalta alas veteen. They pushed his body off the bridge and into the water. They pushed his body from the bridge down into the water. >>eng<< Hadd menjek! Let me go! Let me go. >>eng<< Voit mennä ihan mihin vain haluat. You can go anywhere you want. You can go anywhere you want. >>eng<< Trondheimből jöttem. I come from Trondheim. I'm from Trondheim. >>eng<< Legyen szíves megmondani, hogyan jutok Bostonba! Please tell me how to get to Boston. Please tell me how to get to Boston. >>eng<< Sinä voit poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastasi, jos sinä parametrisoit muuttujasi pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few limitations from your optimization problem if you parameterize your variable with ball coordinates. >>eng<< Találkozzunk legközelebb is! Let's get together again. I'll see you next time. >>eng<< Vasárnaponként is dolgoznod kell? Do you have to work on Sundays? Do you have to work every Sunday? >>eng<< Éjjel-nappal dolgozott a cége érdekében. He worked day and night in the interest of his firm. He worked for his company day and night. >>eng<< Haluatko, että soitan ambulanssin? Do you want me to call an ambulance? You want me to call an ambulance? >>eng<< Matematiikka on kuin rakkaus – ideana yksinkertainen, mutta voi mennä mutkikkaaksi. Math is like love: a simple idea, but it can get complicated. Mathematics is like love — as an idea simple, but can become complicated. >>eng<< Erőltesd meg magad! Make an effort. Put pressure on yourself. >>eng<< Teit sen, mikä oli välttämätöntä. You did what was necessary. You did what was necessary. >>eng<< Segíteni fogsz, ugye? You'll help, won't you? You're gonna help me, aren't you? >>eng<< Nem kell ordítani. There's no need to yell. You don't have to yell. >>eng<< Molemmat ovat kollegojani. Both are my colleagues. They're both my colleagues. >>eng<< Tom pitäisi pyytää Marilta anteeksi sitä, ettei hän saapunut ajoissa. Tom should apologize to Mary for not arriving on time. Tom should apologize to Mar for not arriving in time. >>eng<< Kas see on see, mida Tom on sulle rääkinud? Is that what Tom has been telling you? Is that what Tom's been telling you? >>eng<< Suunnitelmani oli erittäin vaikuttava. My plan was very effective. My plan was very impressive. >>eng<< Elfelejtettem a vezetéknevét. I've forgotten his last name. I forgot his last name. >>eng<< Mikään ei ole tärkeämpää kuin myötätunto. Nothing is as important as compassion. Nothing is more important than compassion. >>eng<< Ő az egyetlen egy, aki túlélte. He's the only one who survived. He's the only one who survived. >>eng<< Mida sa juua tahad? What'll you have to drink? What do you want to drink? >>eng<< Olen pahoillani, Tomi. Minä en voi tehdä sitä. I'm sorry, Tom. I can't do it. I'm sorry, Tomi, I can't do that. >>eng<< Ez a kutya nem kedvel engem. I am not liked by this dog. This dog doesn't like me. >>eng<< Тудо мыняр ияш? How old is he? Is there some Direct? >>eng<< Toivotan sinulle menestystä. I wish you success. I wish you success. >>eng<< Tom ja minä pelasimme lapsina baseballia yhdessä. Tom and I played baseball together as kids. Tom and I played baseball together as kids. >>eng<< Ei mulla ollu mitään onkelmaa. I didn't have any problems. I didn't have any luck. >>eng<< Miért Tom csinálja ezt? Why's Tom doing that? Why is Tom doing this? >>eng<< Televisio on poissa päältä. The television is turned off. Television's off. >>eng<< Usko totuutta etsiviin, ja epäile heitä, jotka ovat sen löytänyt. Believe those who are seeking truth and doubt those who have found it. Trust those who seek the truth, and doubt those who have found it. >>eng<< Tudod, hogyan kell használni ezt a gépet? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? >>eng<< Értem már, hogy Tomit ez miért aggasztja. I can see why Tom is concerned. I can see why Tomit's worried. >>eng<< Nincs sebességkorlátozás. There's no speed limit. No speed limit. >>eng<< Jaat hänen kiinnostuksensa tähän kirjaan? You share his interest in this book? You share his interest in this book? >>eng<< Számos könyvet adott nekem. She gave me several books. He gave me a lot of books. >>eng<< Kävele! Go! Walk! >>eng<< Tyttäreni menetys on vienyt minulta elämänilon. Losing my daughter has taken away my will to live. Losing my daughter has taken away my life. >>eng<< Tom beleegyezett, hogy Bostonba menjen. Tom agreed to go to Boston. Tom agreed to go to Boston. >>eng<< Túl korán adtam fel. I gave up too soon. I gave up too early. >>eng<< Tapasin Tomin töiden jälkeen. I met Tom after work. I met Tom after work. >>eng<< Nem tehetem meg, hogy annyi pénzt kiadjak. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't do that to make that kind of money. >>eng<< Kun mä kuulen tän kappaleen, niin mä ajattelen sua ja ikävöin sua. When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you. When I hear this song, I think of you and I miss you. >>eng<< A színésznő dühösen széttépte a szerződését. The actress tore up her contract angrily. The actress was angry at tearing up her contract. >>eng<< Luulin, että Tom varasti meiltä. I thought Tom was stealing from us. I thought Tom stole from us. >>eng<< Tomi piileskeli pusikossa. Tom hid in the bushes. Tom was hiding in a bush. >>eng<< Onko kaikki kunnossa? Is everything OK? Is everything all right? >>eng<< Мылам тиде кнага ок келше. I don't like this book. roving this address does not make you feel free. >>eng<< Teljesítened kell a kötelességedet. You must do your duty. You must fulfill your duty. >>eng<< Nem tudok autót vezetni. I can't drive a car. I can't drive. >>eng<< Tom puhdisti silmälasinsa. Tom wiped his spectacles. Tom cleaned his glasses. >>eng<< Ei ole mitään pahempaa kuin sota. Nothing is worse than war. There's nothing worse than war. >>eng<< Sohasem vagy túl öreg tanulni! You're never too old to learn. You're never too old to learn! >>eng<< Hän on köyhä kuin kirkonrotta. He is as poor as a rat. He's poor as a church rat. >>eng<< Látta Tomi Máriát mosolyogni. Tom saw Mary smile. She saw Tomi smiling. >>eng<< Tom zöldséglevest evett ma reggel. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. Tom ate vegetable soup this morning. >>eng<< Se on suosittua senioreitten parissa. It's popular among senior citizens. It's popular with seniors. >>eng<< Haluan nukkua vielä vähän aikaa. I want to sleep a little more. I want to sleep for a while. >>eng<< Nem nyerhetsz mindig. You can't win every time. You can't always win. >>eng<< Sitä ei vain lasketa mukaan. It just doesn't count. It just doesn't count. >>eng<< Hän käyttää nimeä Yotchan. She goes under the name of Yotchan. He uses the name Yotchan. >>eng<< Saamelaiset asuvat Lapissa. The Sami people live in Lapland. The Saami live in Lapland. >>eng<< Synnyin Osakassa, mutta kasvoin Tokiossa. I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka, but I grew up in Tokyo. >>eng<< Tom meni sisään autoon. Tom got in the car. Tom got in the car. >>eng<< Jääminen on vaarallista. Staying is dangerous. Staying is dangerous. >>eng<< Pidin todella siitä mitä Tom sanoi. I really liked what Tom said. I really liked what Tom said. >>eng<< Ezek a fiú ikertestvérek úgy hasonlítanak egymásra, mint két tojás. These twin brothers are as alike as two peas in a pod. These boy twins look like two eggs. >>eng<< Az élőlények sejtekből épülnek fel. Living things are made from cells. Living creatures are built from cells. >>eng<< Mindig van választás. There's always a choice. There's always a choice. >>eng<< Tom nukkui ilmapatjalla. Tom slept on the inflatable mattress. Tom was sleeping in the airbag. >>eng<< Le a korrupt politikusokkal! Down with corrupt politicians! Get down with the corrupt politicians! >>eng<< Tomi házához nagy udvar tartozik egy jó nagy tölgyfával. Tom's house has a big backyard with a large oak tree. Tomi's house has a large courtyard with a big oak tree. >>eng<< Tom pysyi coolina. Tom stayed cool. Tom stayed cool. >>eng<< Sanoiko Tom milloin hän tulisi kylään? Did Tom say when he'd come to visit? Did Tom say when he was coming to the village? >>eng<< Vannak jogaim. I have rights. I have rights. >>eng<< Annettuaan Tomille litsarin Mari juoksi ulos huoneesta. After slapping Tom, Mary ran out of the room. After giving Tom a whore, Mari ran out of the room. >>eng<< Hän syö kahden edestä. She's eating for two. He eats for two. >>eng<< Käy hakemassa Tom tänne takaisin. Get Tom back here. Why don't you go get Tom back here? >>eng<< Fél a kígyóktól. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. >>eng<< Vett egy újságot. He bought a newspaper. He bought a newspaper. >>eng<< Tűrje fel jobb oldalon az inge ujját! Roll up your right sleeve. Tighten up your shirt on the right. >>eng<< Kas ma saan kaardiga maksta? Can I pay with a credit card? Can I pay you with a card? >>eng<< Selle bussipeatuse ees kunagi oli restoran. There used to be a restaurant in front of this bus stop. There was a restaurant in front of that bus stop. >>eng<< Érthetetlen félelem lett úrrá rajtam. I was overcome by inexplicable fear. I've been overcome by misunderstandings. >>eng<< A korábbi bérlők rendetlenségben hagyták el a helyet. The previous tenants left the place in a mess. The former tenants left the place in a mess. >>eng<< Nagyon sok időbe telt nekem megírni ezt a könyvet. It took me a long time to write this book. It took me a lot of time to write this book. >>eng<< Tomi on typerä. Tom is silly. Tom's stupid. >>eng<< Soha nem láttam ezt a helyet ilyen üresnek. I've never seen this place so empty. I've never seen this place so empty. >>eng<< Elfogadom a feltételeidet. I accept your terms. I accept your terms. >>eng<< Onko Saksassa maanjäristyksiä? Are there earthquakes in Germany? Are there earthquakes in Germany? >>eng<< Apámnak vörös a szakálla. My father has a red beard. My father has a red beard. >>eng<< Olisinpa ollut siellä sinun kanssasi. I wish I had been there with you. I wish I'd been there with you. >>eng<< Syö nuudeleita. Eat noodles. Eat some noodles. >>eng<< ALV on Saksassa 19 prosenttia. The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent. VAT is 19% in Germany. >>eng<< Pyhissä kirjoituksissa oli sanaleikkejä ja ne menetettiin käännöksessä. There were puns in the holy writings, and they got lost in translation. There were hypes in the Holy Scriptures and they were lost in the translation. >>eng<< Minun olisi pitänyt pitää suuni kiinni. I should have kept my mouth shut. I should have kept my mouth shut. >>eng<< Olin luokkani huippua. I was in the top of my class. I was top of my class. >>eng<< Mikä suoritus! Hotshot! What a performance! >>eng<< Tom nem tudta eldönteni, hogy kire szavazzon. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who to vote for. >>eng<< Pelaa. Play. Play. >>eng<< Nem tudom Tania-t szlovénul üdvözölni, nem beszélem ezt a nyelvet. I cannot greet Tania in Slovene. I don't know this language. I can't welcome Tania in Slovenian. I don't speak this language. >>eng<< Nem akar gyereket. He doesn't want kids. He doesn't want to have a baby. >>eng<< Tom tahtoi saada rahoilleen vastinetta. Tom wanted to get his money's worth. Tom wanted to get value for his money. >>eng<< Hänen huolimattomuutensa johti onnettomuuteen. Her carelessness resulted in an accident. His carelessness led to an accident. >>eng<< Helyesli azt, amit csinál? Do you approve of what she is doing? Are you right about what you're doing? >>eng<< A szüleitől nem függ anyagilag. He is economically independent of his parents. Her parents don't depend financially. >>eng<< Älä huoli. Tällä kertaa me emme epäonnistu. Don't worry. We won't fail this time. Don't worry, this time we won't fail. >>eng<< Tomi ei ollut perillä tilanteen vakavuudesta. Tom wasn't aware of the gravity of the situation. Tom was not aware of the seriousness of the situation. >>eng<< Kérem, töltse ki ezt az űrlapot, és várjon az értesítésünkre. Please fill out this form and wait for us to notify you. Please fill in this form and wait for our notification. >>eng<< Paljonko tämä solmio maksaa? How much does this tie cost? How much does this tie cost? >>eng<< Máris?! Already?! Already? >>eng<< Nüüd ma olen kurb. I'm sad now. Now I'm sad. >>eng<< Megyek. Punktum. I'm going and that's that. I'm going. >>eng<< Én is iszok teát. I drink tea, too. I'll have some tea, too. >>eng<< Felkeresek egy orvost. I'll find a doctor. I'm gonna go see a doctor. >>eng<< Szándékosan törte el ezt a vázát. He broke this vase on purpose. He deliberately broke this vase. >>eng<< A foglalkozása fogorvos. He is a dentist by profession. Your profession is a dentist. >>myv<< Good morning! Паро валске! 256 Good-bye! >>eng<< Hänen täytyy olla kiltti poika. He must be a good boy. He must be a good boy. >>eng<< Segítettem. I helped. I helped. >>eng<< Se lapsi nukkuu. The child is sleeping. That kid's asleep. >>eng<< Mi a baja a kutyádnak? What's wrong with your dog? What's wrong with your dog? >>eng<< Tom irrotti tekopartansa. Tom removed his fake beard. Tom removed his beard. >>eng<< Kui sa tahad olla armastatud, siis armasta! If you want to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love! >>eng<< Mitä sinä katsot? What are you looking at? What are you looking at? >>eng<< Tomi nagyon büszke lett volna rád. Tom would've been very proud of you. Tomi would have been very proud of you. >>eng<< Tom a legidősebb fiunk. Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our oldest son. >>eng<< Tanuljátok meg a leckét kívülről! Learn this lesson by heart. Learn the lesson from the outside. >>eng<< Tomilla leikkaa hyvin. Tom has a good head on his shoulders. Tom's got a good cut. >>eng<< Hasfájásom van. I have a stomachache. I have a stomachache. >>eng<< Leivon kakkuja melkein joka päivä. I bake cakes almost every day. I bake cakes almost every day. >>eng<< El kell majd mondanod a teljes történetet. You'll have to tell the whole story. You'll have to tell me the whole story. >>eng<< Vaikutat kiireiseltä. You look busy. You seem busy. >>eng<< ”Kiitti.” ”Ei mitään.” "Thanks." "You're welcome." ‘Thank you.’ ‘Nothin'.’ >>eng<< Sa oled kiire õppija. You are a fast learner. You're a quick learner. >>eng<< Ne koptasd a szád! Save your breath. Don't knock your mouth. >>eng<< Ei hän ole puhunut vielä minulle. He has not spoken to me yet. He hasn't spoken to me yet. >>eng<< Unissasi vain! In your dreams! Just sleep! >>eng<< Meg fogjuk oldani. We'll manage. We'll work it out. >>eng<< Takarítsd fel, Tom! Clean it up, Tom. Clean it up, Tom. >>eng<< Kaikki ovat niin ylpeitä sinusta. Everyone is very proud of you. Everyone's so proud of you. >>eng<< Monet lapset eivät käytä pyöräilykypäröitä. A lot of kids don't wear bicycle helmets. Many children do not use bicycle helmets. >>eng<< Nem szándékos volt. It wasn't on purpose. He didn't mean to. >>eng<< Hän ei valehtele ikinä. He never tells lies. He never lies. >>eng<< Hän syntyi Amerikassa. She was born in America. He was born in America. >>eng<< Käy istumaan, ole hyvä. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. >>eng<< Koska minun veljenpoikani oli vielä nuori, annettiin hänelle anteeksi. Because my nephew was still young, he was forgiven. Since my nephew was still young, he was forgiven. >>eng<< Tom volt a legbefolyásosabb ember a városban. Tom was the most influential person in town. Tom was the most powerful man in town. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy vain käskeä Tomia lähtemään. All you have to do is tell Tom to leave. All you have to do is tell Tom to leave. >>eng<< Vain taitelijat ja lapset näkevät elämän sellaisena kuin se on. Only artists and children see life as it is. Only artists and children see life as it is. >>eng<< Ez nem először történik velem. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. This isn't the first time that's happening to me. >>eng<< Pidähän hauskaa! Have fun! Have fun! >>kkt<< Where were you born? Кытӧн ті чужит? ~ When were you born? ~ When were you born? >>krl<< Good night. Hyviä yödy. 256 Good riddance. >>eng<< Olet kaunis tyttö. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. >>eng<< Yritän pitää tuon mielessä. I'll try to keep that in mind. I'm trying to keep that in mind. >>eng<< Talán később megeszem, ha nagyon éhes leszek. I might eat that later if I get really hungry. Maybe I'll eat it later if I'm really hungry. >>eng<< Furcsa kérdés. It's a weird question. That's a weird question. >>eng<< Olen sitä mieltä, että Tom on liian luottavainen. I think that Tom is too trusting. I think Tom's too confident. >>eng<< Tomi valószínűleg mindenét el fogja veszíteni. Tom is likely going to lose everything. Tomi will probably lose everything. >>eng<< Tom kedves volt. Tom was nice. Tom was nice. >>eng<< En tiedä, voinko mennä sinne vai en. I don't know whether I can go there or not. I don't know if I can go in there or not. >>eng<< Laitoin sen takaisin paikalleen. I put it back where it belonged. I put it back in place. >>eng<< Kissa kiipesi siihen puuhun. The cat climbed up the tree. The cat climbed into that tree. >>eng<< Meg tudnád nekem mutatni az utat? Could you show me the way? Can you show me the way? >>eng<< Gondoltam, hogy jön Tom. I thought Tom was coming. I thought Tom was coming. >>eng<< Hän on majoittunut naapurihotelliin toistaiseksi. For the time being, he's staying at a neighboring hotel. He's been staying at a hotel next door so far. >>eng<< Ezért borulnak ki az emberek annyira. That's why people get so upset. That's why people freak out so much. >>eng<< Takso ootab. A cab is waiting. Taxi's waiting. >>eng<< Sepä kummallinen nimi. That's an unusual name. That's a weird name. >>eng<< Pidän Tomista. I like Tom. I like Tom. >>eng<< Annoin periksi heidän vaatimuksilleen. I gave way to their demands. I gave up their demands. >>eng<< Amit éppen csinálsz, az többet árt, mint használ. What you're doing is hurting more than helping. What you're doing, it hurts more than it does. >>eng<< Minä en juo tänä iltana. I'm not drinking tonight. I'm not drinking tonight. >>eng<< Nem kedveli a sárgarépát, ezért nem ette meg. He does not like carrots, so he did not eat it. He doesn't like carrots, so he didn't eat them. >>eng<< Tom a szomszédom, de alig beszélek vele. Tom is my neighbor, but I hardly ever talk to him. Tom's my neighbor, but I barely talk to him. >>eng<< Tamás egy tollat adott nekem. Tom gave me a pen. Thomas gave me a pen. >>eng<< Minun on oltava varovainen. I have to be careful. I have to be careful. >>eng<< Le kell vágatnom a frufrumat. I need to get my bangs trimmed. I have to cut the bang. >>eng<< Van-e elég takarótok? Do you have enough blankets? Do you have enough blankets? >>eng<< Sa suudad ju seda? You can do this, can't you? You can do this, right? >>eng<< Yleisyydestä tinkimättä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan nollaan. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without prejudice to the general public, we can say that the line is reduced to zero. >>eng<< Soha nem fogom megcsináni a segítséged nélkül. I'll never make it without your help. I'll never do it without your help. >>eng<< Ma hoiatasin teda ohu eest. I warned him about the danger. I warned him of the danger. >>eng<< Olen sarjakuvapiirtäjä. I'm a cartoonist. I'm a cartoon artist. >>eng<< Tom jól teljesített. Tom did well. Tom did good. >>eng<< Nagyon kérlek, ne szóljatok bele! Please do not interrupt. Please don't get involved. >>eng<< Tomi kuoli onnettomuudessa. Tom died in an accident. Tomi died in an accident. >>eng<< Tudtad, hogy Tom elment otthonról? Did you know that Tom had left home? Did you know Tom left home? >>eng<< Nem igazán akarom ezt tenni. I don't really want to do that. I don't really want to do this. >>eng<< No niin, olepa kiltisti. Now, be nice. All right, that's nice. >>eng<< Onko aaveita oikeasti olemassa? Do ghosts really exist? Do ghosts really exist? >>eng<< En usko, että olen tehnyt tarpeeksi spaghettia kaikille. I don't think I've made enough spaghetti for everyone. I don't think I've done enough spaghetti for everyone. >>eng<< Sami és Layla már hat éve nem élnek együtt. Sami and Layla haven't lived together for six years. Sami and Layla haven't lived together in six years. >>eng<< Minusta Tom on heikko. I think Tom is weak. I think Tom's weak. >>eng<< Tom ei epäröinyt. Tom never hesitated. Tom didn't hesitate. >>eng<< Tämä on Maryn itse tekemä puku. This is a dress of Mary's own making. This is Mary's own suit. >>eng<< Tom kivételével senki senki sem távozott. Nobody but Tom left. No one left except for Tom. >>eng<< Pystytkö sinä siihen oikeasti? Can you really do it? Can you really do that? >>eng<< Koska π on transkendenttinen, on ympyrän neliöiminen - eräs klassinen geometrian ongelma - mahdotonta. As π is transcendental, the quadrature of a circle - a classical problem in geometry - is impossible. Since it's transkentic, it's impossible to square a circle - one of the problems of classical geometry. >>eng<< Ma elan Kataris. I live in Qatar. I live in Kataris. >>eng<< Túl sokat dolgozom. I work too much. I'm working too hard. >>eng<< Tom pyysi voita hovimestarilta. Tom asked the butler for butter. Tom asked the butler to win. >>eng<< Jössz még nekem valamivel. You still owe me one. You owe me something else. >>eng<< Sitten pieni Gerda itki kuumia kyyneliä, jotka putoilivat hänen rinnalleen, ja porautuivat hänen sydämeen, ja sulattivat jääkimpaleen, ja huuhtelivat pois pienen lasisirpaleen, joka oli sinne kiinnittynyt. Then little Gerda wept hot tears, which fell on his breast, and penetrated into his heart, and thawed the lump of ice, and washed away the little piece of glass which had stuck there. Then the little Gerda wept for the hot tears that fell next to him, and drilled into his heart, and melted the ice-cream, and rinsed away the small piece of glass attached to it. >>eng<< Tämä kahvi ei ole tarpeeksi kuumaa. This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee isn't hot enough. >>eng<< Ongelma ratkaistu! Problem solved! Problem solved! >>eng<< Azt tanácsolta neki, hogy szokjon le a dohányzásról, de nem hallgatott rá. She advised him to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen to her. He told him to quit smoking, but he wouldn't listen. >>eng<< Nem számítottam bármi ajándékra. I didn't expect any gift. I didn't expect any gifts. >>eng<< Megállíthatatlan vagyok. I am unstoppable! I'm unsuspectable. >>eng<< Ott sétálhatunk. We can walk there. We can walk there. >>eng<< Jó napot kívánok! Good afternoon! Good afternoon. >>eng<< Nauroin niin kovaa, että melkein leukani menivät sijoiltaan. I was laughing so hard I nearly dislocated my jaw. I laughed so hard that almost my jaws got out of place. >>eng<< Nem kellett sietned. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. >>eng<< Hän ei voinut olla ajattelematta häntä. He could not help but think about her. He couldn't stop thinking about him. >>eng<< Tässä on sinun juomasi. Here's your drink. Here's your drink. >>eng<< Ez nem a te kalapod, igaz? This isn't your hat, is it? This isn't your hat, is it? >>eng<< Voinko kysyä typerän kysymyksen? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? >>eng<< A kávézó a földszinten van, két emelettel lejjebb. The cafe is on the ground floor, two floors below. The coffee shop is downstairs, two floors down. >>eng<< See on põhimõtteliselt see, mida me tahame. That's basically what we want. This is basically what we want. >>eng<< Mary Tom édesanyja? Is Mary Tom's mother? Mary Tom's mother? >>eng<< Heillä on molemmilla virkapuvut päällään. They're both wearing uniforms. They're both wearing uniforms. >>eng<< Nem. No. No, I'm not. >>eng<< Harjoitelkaa. Exercise. Come on, practice. >>eng<< Miten saan tytön rakastumaan itseeni? How can I make a girl fall in love with me? How do I make a girl fall in love with me? >>eng<< Korpusta ei ole jäsennetty taulukkona vaan verkkona. The corpus is not structured as a table but as a graph. The body is not structured as a table but as a web. >>eng<< Soha ne állj szóba idegenekkel. Never talk to strangers. Never talk to strangers. >>eng<< Ez a mondat hét szóból áll. This here sentence consists of seven words. That sentence is made up of seven words. >>eng<< Mondd érthetően! Say it clearly. Make it clear. >>eng<< Egy kicsit el kéne lazulnod. You need to lighten up a little. You need to relax a little. >>eng<< Tudod, hogyan halt meg az édesapja? Do you know how his father died? Do you know how your father died? >>eng<< Virginia, vaimon ei pitäisi salata mieheltään asioita. Virginia, a wife should have no secrets from her husband. Virginia, a wife shouldn't be hiding things from her husband. >>eng<< Tom vállat vont. Tom shrugged. Tom pulled his shoulder. >>eng<< Juoskaa! Run! Run! >>eng<< Toivon Tomin pitävän minusta. I hope Tom likes me. I hope Tom likes me. >>eng<< Emlékszem, Tom egy barna kalapot viselt. I remember Tom was wearing a brown hat. I remember Tom wearing a brown hat. >>eng<< Sa käid kolmandas klassis, jah? You're in third grade, right? You're in third grade, right? >>eng<< Hol szerezted a karcolást az arcodon? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Where did you get the scratch on your face? >>eng<< Ennek meg kell szűnnie. This has got to stop. This has to stop. >>eng<< Tom rákban halt meg. Tom died of cancer. Tom died of cancer. >>eng<< Tom tényleg jó ügyvéd. Tom is a really good lawyer. Tom's a good lawyer. >>eng<< Se oli aluksi vähän kiusallista. It was a bit awkward at first. It was a little awkward at first. >>eng<< Keegi ütles mulle, et ma ei peaks sind usaldama. Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you. Someone told me I shouldn't trust you. >>eng<< Tudod, hogy hol lakik? Do you know where she lives? Do you know where he lives? >>eng<< Minu nimi on Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. >>eng<< Olemme samaa mieltä. We're in agreement. We agree. >>eng<< Kiabálok, de senki sem hall. I shout but no one hears me. I'm yelling, but no one can hear me. >>eng<< Tomit sosem fogják elfelejteni. Tom will never be forgotten. Tom will never be forgotten. >>eng<< Erőink elfoglalták a várost. Our forces occupied the city. Our forces have taken over the city. >>eng<< Hän näytti meille kuvan äidistään. He showed us a picture of his mother. He showed us a picture of his mother. >>eng<< Tomia ei kiinnosta politiikka. Tom has no interest in politics. Tom's not interested in politics. >>eng<< Tom éhezni fog. Tom will starve. Tom's gonna starve. >>eng<< Mikä tahansa ongelma on ratkaistavissa. Every problem can be solved. Any problem can be solved. >>eng<< Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez törött. I'm pretty sure it's broken. I'm sure it's broken. >>eng<< Melkein kaikki olivat kuolleita. Almost everyone was dead. Almost everyone was dead. >>eng<< Hän on kohta menossa. He's on the way to go. He'll be on his way. >>eng<< Gonosz vagy. You're wicked. You're mean. >>eng<< Menetkö nukkumaan? Are you going to sleep? Are you going to bed? >>eng<< Hän kompastui kiveen. He tripped over a stone. He tripped into a rock. >>eng<< Tamás, ha te nem mész, én sem megyek. Tom, if you're not going I'm not going either. Thomas, if you're not going, I'm not going either. >>eng<< Jok'ikiselle mieshahmolle on oma naisvastineensa. For every given male character, there is a female version of that character. For every male character, there's a woman of her own. >>eng<< Tom biztonságban van. Tom is safe. Tom's safe. >>eng<< Hat osztva kettővel egyenlő három. Six divided by two equals three. Six divided equals two equals three. >>eng<< Meidän kaikki ruuat olivat homeessa. All our food was rotten. All our food was in the mold. >>eng<< Luoja yksin tietää, minne hän on mennyt. God knows where he fled. God alone knows where he's gone. >>eng<< Hän lähestyi setäänsä lainatakseen tältä vähän rahaa. He approached his uncle about lending him some money. He approached his uncle to borrow some money from this. >>eng<< Pénzre van szükségem. I need some money. I need money. >>eng<< Kussoljál, vagy kidobatlak! Shut up or you'll get thrown out. Shut up or I'll throw you out! >>eng<< Tuo paita sopii sinulle hyvin. This shirt suits you well. That shirt suits you well. >>eng<< Jokaisena päivänä tappoivat he laaman pitääkseen Aurinkojumalan onnellisena. Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. Every day they killed the valley to keep the sun god happy. >>eng<< Jól gondold meg, hogy mit kívánsz, mert akár valóra is válhat. Be careful what you wish for. It just might come true. Think about what you wish for, because it can come true. >>eng<< Ei mitään. Never mind. Nothing. >>eng<< Pidän kielestäni. I like my language. I like my tongue. >>eng<< Tahdotko syödä jotain? Do you want anything to eat? Do you want something to eat? >>eng<< Tom és Mari olyan kabátot viselnek, ami túl nagy nekik. Tom and Mary are wearing coats that are way too large for them. Tom and Mari are wearing a coat that's too big for them. >>eng<< Haluan ostaa tusinan banaaneja. I want to buy a dozen bananas. I want to buy a dozen bananas. >>eng<< Voinko sovittaa tätä? May I try this on? Can I make it up to you? >>eng<< On tärkeää pitää tämä mielessä. What is important is to keep this in mind. It's important to keep this in mind. >>eng<< Ebben a hosszú utcában lakunk. We live on this long street. We live on this long street. >>eng<< Tom meni keittiöön hakemaan kahvia. Tom went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Tom went to the kitchen to get some coffee. >>eng<< Szerintem korrekt. I think it's fair. I think it's fair. >>eng<< Csuklom. I have hiccups. I'll close. >>eng<< Meil on puuvilja. We have fruit. We have fruit. >>eng<< Melyik kontinens a legnépesebb? Which continent is the most populated one? Which continent is the most popular? >>eng<< Ez egy farkas? Is it a wolf? Is that a wolf? >>eng<< Tomi családjának pénzre volt szüksége. Tom's family needed money. Tomi's family needed money. >>eng<< Rá fogok jönni magamtól. I'll find out myself. I'll figure it out on my own. >>eng<< Tom arra volt kíváncsi, vajon Mari tudott-e róla valamit. Tom wondered whether Mary knew anything about it. Tom was wondering if Mari knew anything about it. >>eng<< Tomi oli liian ujo puhuakseen Marille. Tom was too shy to talk to Mary. Tomi was too shy to talk to Mari. >>eng<< Van almád? Do you have any apples? Do you have an apple? >>eng<< Tomi mindenkinek boldog karácsonyt kívánt. Tom wished everybody a merry Christmas. Tomi wished everyone a happy Christmas. >>eng<< Aion tutkia aihetta jatko-opintotasolla. I intend to study the subject at a postgraduate level. I'm going to study the subject at the postgraduate level. >>eng<< Rakkauden nimeen, Fadil pakotti Laylan tekemään vaikeimman päätöksen, mitä hän koskaan oli tehnyt. Fadil forced Layla to make the most difficult decision she had ever made in the name of love. In the name of love, Fadil forced Layla to make the most difficult decision he had ever made. >>eng<< Tomi on sekopää. Tom is nuts. Tom's a freak. >>eng<< Irtózom a bohócoktól. I have a fear of clowns. I hate clowns. >>eng<< Sinä olet kotoisin Bostonista, eikö niin? You're from Boston, right? You're from Boston, aren't you? >>eng<< A víz meleg volt. The water was warm. The water was warm. >>eng<< Szeretnék tanulni németül, de nincs időm. I'd like to study German, but I don't have the time. I'd like to study German, but I don't have time. >>eng<< Tudunk a szenvedésről. We know about the suffering. We know about the suffering. >>eng<< Kisegítettem Tomit. I've been helping Tom out. I helped Tom out. >>eng<< Se on juuri hänen tapaistaan. That is just her way. It's just like him. >>eng<< Tom ostaa usein kalliita vaatteita. Tom often buys expensive clothes. Tom often buys expensive clothes. >>eng<< Vauva nukahti kehtoon. The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The baby fell asleep. >>eng<< Pidä tyttöjä silmällä; he ovat huonoja uimareita. Keep an eye on the girls; they are poor swimmers. Keep an eye on the girls; they're bad swimmers. >>eng<< Vanhempani ovat Australiassa. My parents are in Australia. My parents are in Australia. >>eng<< Tomin kirja käännettiin ranskaksi. Tom's book was translated into French. Tom's book was translated into French. >>eng<< Tom egyike volt azon sokaságnak, akik szóban ellenezték a javaslatot. Tom was one of many to voice opposition to the proposal. Tom was one of the people who objected to the proposal. >>eng<< Tom on vaevu elus. Tom is barely alive. Tom's barely alive. >>eng<< Onko se normaalia? Is that normal? Is that normal? >>eng<< Hallgasd meg Tomot! Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. >>eng<< Folyton zongorán gyakorolt. She was always practicing the piano. He used to play piano all the time. >>sma<< Who are you? Gie datne? What's wrong with you? >>eng<< Nem hibáztathatlak. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. >>eng<< Számítottál ilyesmire? Is that something you expected? Is that what you're counting on? >>eng<< En ole vielä valmis sinun kanssasi! I'm not through with you! I'm not ready with you yet! >>eng<< Nem tettem meg, amit meg kellett volna tennem. I didn't do what I should have done. I didn't do what I should have done. >>eng<< Ihailen Tomia paljon. I admire Tom a lot. I admire Tom a lot. >>eng<< Ne szólj hozzám, amíg dolgozom! Don't talk to me while I'm working. Don't talk to me while I'm at work. >>eng<< Hol laktok? Where are you living? Where do you live? >>eng<< Häntä lyötiin lujaa kasvoihin. He was hit hard in the face. He was hit hard in the face. >>eng<< Hänellä oli sukat väärin päin. He had his socks on inside out. He had his socks in the wrong direction. >>eng<< Haluaako joku kävelylle rannalle? Does anybody want to take a walk to the beach? Anybody want to take a walk to the beach? >>eng<< Előtted odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll be there before you do. >>eng<< Túl messzire mentél. You went too far. You've gone too far. >>eng<< Megbillentette a kalapját. He tipped his hat. He sprained his hat. >>eng<< Hol vannak most a gyerekeitek? Where are your children now? Where are your children now? >>eng<< Tomnak jogásznak kellett volna lennie. Tom should have been a lawyer. Tom was supposed to be a lawyer. >>eng<< Mikrobiologia kiinnostaa Samia. Sami is interested in microbiology. I'm interested in microbiology, Sam. >>eng<< Tom pitää minua nössönä. Tom thinks I'm a wimp. Tom thinks I'm a pussy. >>eng<< Aamu sarastaa. Day breaks. It's morning. >>eng<< Tom on oma autos üksi. Tom is alone in his car. Tom's alone in his car. >>eng<< Vett egy mély lélegzetet. He took a deep breath. He took a deep breath. >>eng<< Tom csöndes. Tom is quiet. Tom's quiet. >>eng<< Minden, csak nem becsületes. He is far from honest. Everything's just not fair. >>eng<< Hänen tyttöystävänsä ei tukenut häntä. His girlfriend was not supportive. His girlfriend didn't support him. >>eng<< Ma olen Skopjest. I am from Skopje. I'm from Skopje. >>eng<< Mitä se sanoo? What does it say? What's he saying? >>eng<< Nem akarod magad meggondolni? Will you change your mind? Don't you want to change your mind? >>eng<< Tudtuk, hogy Tomi nem fog késni. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tomi wouldn't be late. >>eng<< Kas see ei tundu sulle kummaline? Doesn't it seem strange to you? Doesn't that seem strange to you? >>eng<< Elmegyek lezuhanyozni. I'm going to go take a shower. I'm going to take a shower. >>eng<< Huhu osoittautui valheeksi. The rumor turned out to be false. The rumor turned out to be a lie. >>eng<< Szeretnék másik szobába költözni. I'd like to change my room. I'd like to move to another room. >>eng<< Őrült hét volt. It's been a crazy week. It was a crazy week. >>eng<< Meidän olisi pitänyt ostaa vielä yksi pullo viiniä. We should've bought another bottle of wine. We should have bought another bottle of wine. >>eng<< Azt akarja nekünk mondani, hogy elkészült a házi feladatával. She wants to tell us that she's done with her homework. He's telling us he's done with his homework. >>eng<< Nem sokat utazom. I don't travel very much. I don't travel much. >>eng<< Miért beszélsz franciául? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? >>eng<< Tom mängib õues. Tom is playing outside. Tom's playing outside. >>eng<< Fél órával étkezés után vegye be a kapszulát. Take this capsule within thirty minutes of each meal. Take the capsule half an hour after a meal. >>eng<< Tomi ei selvästikään ollut iloinen. Tom obviously wasn't happy. Obviously, Tomi wasn't happy. >>eng<< Én is utálom. I hate her, too. I hate it, too. >>eng<< A lopott pénz sosem fog fialni. Stolen money never bears fruit. The stolen money will never be childish. >>eng<< Myöhään valvominen on ihosi pahin vihollinen. Staying up late at night is very bad for your skin. Watching you late is the worst enemy of your skin. >>eng<< Sértegette őt. She insulted him. He was insulting her. >>eng<< Ez törvénytelen. It's illegal. It's illegal. >>eng<< Asia on niin kuin aina sanon: makuasioista ei sovi kiistellä. It's like I always say: you don't discuss taste. It's like I always say, there's no point in arguing about flavors. >>eng<< Tuo ei ole minun autoni. That's not my car. That's not my car. >>eng<< Miért nem jössz velünk? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? >>eng<< Az ábécében a B az A után jön. In the alphabet, B comes after A. In the alphabet, B comes after A. >>eng<< Egy gazdag öregemberhez ment férjhez. She married a rich old man. He married a rich old man. >>eng<< "Sinä olet Israelin opettaja," sanoi Jeesus. "You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus. "You are the teacher of Israel," said Jesus. >>eng<< Tom halusi antaa itsensä ilmi poliisille. Tom wanted to turn himself in to the police. Tom wanted to turn himself in to the police. >>eng<< Aion ajaa partani. I'm going to shave. I'm gonna shave. >>eng<< Ajattele mitä lystäät. Think what you want. Think about what you're talking about. >>eng<< Olet kiltti, kun sanot noin. You're kind to say so. You're kind when you say that. >>eng<< Haluaisin tietää enemmän tämänpäiväisen tapaamisen kulusta. I'd like to know more about what happened at today's meeting. I'd like to know more about the course of today's meeting. >>eng<< Herää huomenna aamulla kuudelta. Please wake up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. Wake up tomorrow at 6:00. >>eng<< Vastaa edes yhteen kysymykseen. Just answer one question. Just answer one question. >>eng<< Milloin hän pelaa tennistä? When does he play tennis? When's he playing tennis? >>eng<< Ole oma itsesi. Be yourself! Be yourself. >>eng<< Hänen käsialansa on kaunis. She has beautiful handwriting. His handwriting is beautiful. >>eng<< Ez már csak így van. That's the way the cookie crumbles. That's just the way it is. >>eng<< Jobb lett volna, ha hajóval jössz. You had better have gone by ship. You'd have been better off with a boat. >>eng<< Valami itt nem stimmel. Something seems off. Something's not right here. >>eng<< Son ráhkista nieiddaid. He likes girls. Son cancer mesmerize mesmerized mesmerizing mesmerizing mesmerizing me. >>eng<< Hän lopetti puhumisen. She stopped talking. He stopped talking. >>eng<< Furcsa dolgok történnek. Strange things happen. Strange things happen. >>eng<< Tom mindent abbahagyott. Tom just stopped everything. Tom's done with everything. >>eng<< Meg tudnánk ma tenni. We could do it today. We could do it today. >>eng<< Ellopták a kocsimat. My car's been stolen. They stole my car. >>eng<< Az az utca nagyon hangos. That street is very noisy. That street is very loud. >>eng<< Küldtem nektek virágot. I sent you some flowers. I sent you flowers. >>eng<< Zongorázni tanul. She is learning the piano. He's learning to play piano. >>eng<< Lapio, sitä minä tarvitsen. What I need is a shovel. Lapio, that's what I need. >>eng<< Ma ei proovi laiselda. I'm not trying to be lazy. I'm not trying to laxify. >>eng<< Miten vaimollasi menee? How's your wife? How's your wife? >>eng<< Et ole viaton tyttö, vai? You're not an innocent girl, are you? You're not an innocent girl, are you? >>eng<< Mikä on minimipalkka Ukrainassa? What's the minimum salary in Ukraine? What is the minimum wage in Ukraine? >>eng<< Mehukannu murskasi kakun. The cake got crushed by the jar of juice. The pot broke the cake. >>krl<< Good night, Dan. Hyviä yödy, Dan. 256 Good riddance, Dan. >>eng<< Minä löysin rahat. I found the money. I found the money. >>eng<< A havi jövedelme félmillió yen. His monthly income amounts to half a million yen. The monthly income is half a million yen. >>eng<< Kell nekem egy elsőkerékmeghajtású autó, hogy tudjak menni vele a hóban. I need a car with front-wheel drive for driving in the snow. I need a first-wheel drive car so I can go with him in the snow. >>eng<< A polgármesteri hivatal megtelt emberekkel. The town hall was full of people. The mayor's office is full of people. >>eng<< Amint megérkezik, kezdünk. When he arrives, we'll start. As soon as he arrives, we'll start. >>eng<< Haza vigyelek? Shall I drive you home? Shall I take you home? >>eng<< Én sem értem önt. I don't understand you either. I don't understand you either. >>eng<< Akkor fogod tudni, hogy jó a francia nyelvtudásod, amikor az emberek már nem dícsérnek, milyen jól tudod már a franciát. You know that your French is good when people stop complimenting you on how good your French is. You'll know how good your French is when people don't praise you, how well you know French. >>eng<< Kuigi sadas, läksin ma välja. Although it was raining, I went out. Though it was raining, I went out. >>eng<< Ha befejeznéd, hogy azt mondogatod, hogy ne legyek ideges, valószínűleg nem lennék olyan ideges. If you'd stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. If you could stop telling me not to be nervous, I probably wouldn't be so nervous. >>eng<< Nem számolok. I'm not counting. I'm not counting. >>eng<< Pitääkö minun vaihtaa junaa? Do I have to change trains? Do I have to change the train? >>eng<< Az internet nem csatlakozik. The internet is not connecting. The Internet isn't connected. >>eng<< Japánban az új tanév áprilisban kezdődik. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new academic year begins in April. >>eng<< Tim ei saanut moottoripyöräänsä käynnistymään. Tom couldn't get his motorcycle started. Tim couldn't get his motorcycle started. >>eng<< Szófogadó leszek. I will obey. I'll be a receptionist. >>eng<< Tom kuivaa astioita. Tom is drying the dishes. Tom is drying dishes. >>eng<< Tom a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tom is our son. >>eng<< A kísérlet sikeres volt. The experiment was successful. The experiment was successful. >>eng<< Valaki összetörte a poharat. The glass was broken by someone. Someone broke the glass. >>eng<< Koska hän teki minulle ruman tempun, aion päästä tasoihin. As he played a dirty trick on me, I'll get even with him. Since he did me an ugly trick, I'm going to get even. >>eng<< Ömlik, mintha dézsából öntenék. It's pouring down rain. She's embroidering like I'm pouring it out of a teaspoon. >>eng<< En pidä liiketoimien ja huvin sekoittamisesta. I don't like to mix business with pleasure. I don't like mixing up business and fun. >>eng<< Эрла кечывал марте мый тидым пытарем. I will finish it by tomorrow afternoon. Let us see it before you are told to wait some time before it is due. >>eng<< Tomilla oli vaikeuksia saada matkalaukkunsa auki. Tom had trouble getting his suitcase opened. Tom had trouble opening his suitcase. >>eng<< Segítséget kellett volna kérnem Tomtól. I should have asked Tom for help. I should have asked Tom for help. >>eng<< Ne beszélgessetek! Stop talking. Don't talk. >>eng<< Fogalmam se volt róla, hogy jössz. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. >>eng<< Hän osaa myös puhua venäjää. He can also speak Russian. He can also speak Russian. >>eng<< Reggelenként teniszezik. She plays tennis in the morning. He plays tennis every morning. >>eng<< A tudósok meglepő felfedezést tettek. The scientists made a surprising discovery. Scientists have made a surprising discovery. >>eng<< Katsoin kaappiin. I looked in the cupboard. I looked in the closet. >>eng<< Tom üritas varjata oma erutust. Tom tried to sound casual. Tom was trying to hide his excitement. >>eng<< Hän polttaa kuin savupiippu ja juo kuin kala. He smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish. He burns like a cigarette and drinks like a fish. >>eng<< Dan isegi ei näinud etendust. Dan didn't even see the show. Dan didn't even see the show. >>eng<< Tomnak fogalma sincs a valóságról. Tom has no concept of reality. Tom has no idea what's real. >>eng<< Nolasinko sinut? Did I embarrass you? Did I embarrass you? >>eng<< Oletko varma, että olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan? Are you sure we're going the right way? Are you sure we're heading in the right direction? >>eng<< Tupakointi on haitaksi terveydelle. Smoking is harmful to your health. Smoking is a bad thing for health. >>eng<< Talán nem halt volna meg Tom, ha be lett volna kötve. Tom probably wouldn't have died if he'd been wearing his seatbelt. Maybe he wouldn't have died if he had been tied up. >>eng<< Hän suostui hoitamaan homman. He's agreed to do the job. He agreed to do the job. >>eng<< Puhumme ranskaa kotona. We speak French at home. We speak French at home. >>eng<< Legyél szíves lejönni! Please come downstairs. Please come down. >>eng<< Hän sanoi, "Voin pahoin, mutta nyt olen kunnossa." He said, "I felt ill, but I am all right." He said, "I'm sick, but I'm fine now." >>eng<< Ez az életem! It's my life. It's my life! >>eng<< Tilasin Lontoosta joitakin kirjoja. I ordered some books from London. I ordered some books from London. >>eng<< Saavuit liian aikaisin. You arrived too early. You arrived too early. >>eng<< Megkapod, amit kérsz. I'm giving you what you want. You'll get what you want. >>eng<< Kas sa ei teagi, mis see on? Don't you know what it is? Don't you know what this is? >>eng<< Bocsánat, tudna nekem segíteni? Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, can you help me? >>eng<< Fogsz most nekünk segíteni? Will you help us now? Are you going to help us now? >>eng<< Tulen takaisin 6:30. I'll return at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. >>eng<< Kuinka kauan jouduit odottamaan? How long did you have to wait? How long did you have to wait? >>eng<< Tom nukkuu aina tunneilla. Vaikuttaa melkein siltä niin kuin hän menisi kouluun vain paikkaamaan univelkaansa. Tom is always sleeping in class. It almost seems as if he goes to school just to catch up on his sleep. Tom always sleeps in classes, and it almost seems like he's going to school just to place his sleep debt. >>eng<< Olen hukannut hänen numeronsa. I've lost his number. I've lost her number. >>eng<< Csak egy kis bátorítás kell nekem. I just needed a little encouragement. I just need a little encouragement. >>eng<< Megmutatná az útlevelét, kérem? Will you show me your passport, please? Could you show me your passport, please? >>eng<< Antonio vagyok. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. >>eng<< Palun kiirustage! Please hurry up! Please hurry! >>eng<< Tomi oli raivoissaan Marille. Tom was furious with Mary. Tom was mad at Mari. >>eng<< Pystyisinpä lopettaa tupakoinnin. I wish I could give up smoking. I wish I could stop smoking. >>eng<< Palomiehet rikkoivat oven kirveellä. The firemen broke down the door with an ax. The firemen broke the door with an axe. >>eng<< Társalapítója vagyok a helyi hermelinkedvelő egyesületnek. I am a co-founder of the local stoat lover society. I'm a co-founder of the local hermelin-like association. >>eng<< Tom kertoi minulle, että hänestä siinä ei ole ongelmaa. Tom told me that he doesn't have a problem with that. Tom told me there was no problem with him. >>eng<< Tämä on hänen sateenvarjonsa, vai kuinka? This is his umbrella, isn't it? This is his umbrella, isn't it? >>eng<< Egy átverés áldozata vagy. You're the victim of a hoax. You're the victim of a hoax. >>eng<< Felszeleteltem a pulykát. I sliced the turkey. I sliced the turkey. >>eng<< Tuo kuulostaa mahtavalta. That sounds awesome. That sounds great. >>eng<< Mari on toteuttanut kaikki Tomin unelmat. Mary has made all Tom's dreams come true. Mari has made all of Tom's dreams come true. >>eng<< Oletko ikinä kyntänyt peltoa hevosen kanssa? Have you ever plowed a field with a horse? Have you ever plucked a field with a horse? >>eng<< Auto ajoi melkein päälleni. I was almost run over by a car. I almost got hit by a car. >>eng<< Ota hattu pois päästä. Remove your hat. Take the hat off. >>eng<< Joku yski. Someone coughed. Somebody coughed up. >>eng<< Betti megölte az anyját. Betty killed her mother. Betti killed her mother. >>eng<< Foglalás szükséges. Reservations are necessary. Reservation required. >>eng<< Kezdd elölről! Start over. Start from the top. >>eng<< Tom látott egy hím mókust. Tom saw a male squirrel. Tom saw a male squirrel. >>eng<< Amikor elég jó leszel ahhoz, hogy csatlakozz a csoporthoz, akkor engedjük meg neked. When you're good enough to join the team, we'll let you join. When you're good enough to join the group, we'll let you. >>eng<< Ma elan Jaapanis. I live in Japan. I live in Japan. >>eng<< En usko, että hän teeskentelee. I don't think she's faking. I don't think he's faking it. >>eng<< Segítettem anyunak főzni. I helped mom cook. I helped Mom cook. >>eng<< Nem kell mindenkinek a kedvére tenni. You don't have to make a different dish for every person. You don't have to please everyone. >>eng<< A fenyőmagot fenyőtobozból nyerik. Pine nuts come from pine cones. The pine seed is obtained from pine rosin. >>eng<< En halunnut huolestuttaa teitä. I didn't want to worry you. I didn't want to worry you. >>eng<< Haluan tavata Tomin kanssa. I want to meet with Tom. I want to see Tom. >>eng<< Se on ensimmäisessä kerroksessa. It's on the ground floor. It's on the first floor. >>eng<< Tom ei kertonut kenellekään mitä hän suunnitteli tekevänsä. Tom didn't tell anyone what he was planning to do. Tom didn't tell anyone what he was planning to do. >>eng<< Eile minu onu ostis koera. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday, my uncle bought a dog. >>eng<< Ma armastan kana. I love chicken. I love chicken. >>eng<< Olet ihastunut häneen, eikö niin? You've got a crush on him, don't you? You're into her, aren't you? >>eng<< Kuinka painava sinun matkalaukkusi on? How heavy is your suitcase? How heavy is your suitcase? >>eng<< Bostonissa on kivaa. I like it in Boston. It's nice in Boston. >>eng<< Ma kirjutan raamatu. I'm writing a book. I'm writing a book. >>eng<< Aliarvioit Tomin. You underestimated Tom. You underestimated Tom. >>eng<< Odotin kolme tuntia. I waited three hours. I waited three hours. >>eng<< Ez a majom szerepel egy majomparádéban Ryogokuban. This monkey plays a part in a monkey show in Ryogoku. This monkey is in a monkey parade in Ryogou. >>eng<< Kisikáltam a mosogatót. I scrubbed the sink. I called out the sink. >>eng<< Belefulladt a tóba. She drowned in the lake. He's in the lake. >>eng<< Mondd csak meg neki, hogy kerestem. Just tell them I called. Tell him I was looking for him. >>eng<< En ole sitä mieltä, että teit kovin hyvää työtä. I don't think you did a very good job. I don't think you did a very good job. >>eng<< Tom behúzta az ajtót. Tom slid the door shut. Tom pulled the door. >>eng<< Hänen on helppo kantaa kivi. It is easy for him to carry the stone. It's easy for him to carry a rock. >>eng<< Túl sokat isznak. They drink too much. They drink too much. >>eng<< Jos totta puhutaan, niin en mennyt sinne. To tell the truth, I didn't go there. If it's true, I didn't go there. >>eng<< Mennyiért adja az aranygyűrűt? How much is that gold ring? How much for the gold ring? >>eng<< Nem olyan a kedvem. I'm not in the mood. I don't feel like it. >>eng<< Házába csapott a villám. Lightning struck his house. The lightning hit his house. >>eng<< Se on ihana. It's wonderful. It's wonderful. >>eng<< Saatan tarvita asianajajaa. I may need a lawyer. I might need a lawyer. >>eng<< Azt apám nem helyeselné. My father would not approve of that. My dad wouldn't approve of that. >>eng<< Tom rossz században született. Tom was born in the wrong century. Tom was born in the wrong century. >>eng<< Olen kipeä. I'm sick. I'm sick. >>eng<< Tumblr on suosittu blogialusta. Tumblr is a popular blogging platform. Tumblr is a popular blog platform. >>eng<< Ez a könyv tényleg régi. That book is really old. This book is really old. >>eng<< Tom otthon van a szüleivel. Tom is at home with his parents. Tom's home with his parents. >>eng<< Hän tykkää hänestä. She likes him. He likes her. >>eng<< Tomi on kauhuissaan. Tom is terrified. Tomi's terrified. >>eng<< Ugyanolyanok. They're the same. They're the same. >>eng<< Rokona vagyok. I'm related to her. I'm related. >>eng<< Тылзе Мландын спутникше улеш. The moon is the Earth's satellite. One couple inform each other about their suffering. >>eng<< Ostin puolenkymmentä munaa. I bought half a dozen eggs. I bought half a dozen eggs. >>eng<< Állj egyenesen! Stand up straight. Stand straight. >>eng<< A tragédia a nemesek szórakozása. Tragedy is the entertainment of the nobles. The tragedy is the fun of the nobles. >>eng<< Csak nappal dolgoznak. They work only during the day. They only work day and night. >>eng<< Onko tämä tarpeeksi hyvä sinulle? Is this good enough for you? Is this good enough for you? >>eng<< Kardan, et Tom ei ole siin. I'm afraid that Tom isn't here. I'm afraid Tom's not here. >>eng<< Ki figyelt oda? Who listened? Who's watching over there? >>eng<< Az utolsó pillanatban jutott eszébe egy jó ötlet. A good idea came across her mind at the last moment. At the last minute, you thought of a good idea. >>eng<< Pidimme tulta palamassa. We kept the fire burning. We were on fire. >>eng<< Tudod vezetni ezt a dzsipet? Can you drive the jeep? Can you drive this jeep? >>eng<< Mit akarsz? What do you want? What do you want? >>eng<< Enää te ette voi tehdä noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. >>eng<< Csukd be azt az ajtót. Close that door. Close that door. >>eng<< Tetszik nekem az az ing. I like that shirt. I like that shirt. >>eng<< Tomia alkoi huolestuttamaan. Tom grew anxious. Tom was getting worried. >>eng<< Találtál valamit? Did you find something? Did you find anything? >>eng<< Minä odotan hänen paluutaan. I'm waiting for her to return. I'm waiting for him to come back. >>eng<< Öreg vagyok már ahhoz, hogy újra kezdjem. I'm too old to start over. I'm old enough to start over. >>eng<< Megtörténhet? Could it happen? Is it possible? >>eng<< Hallottál róla valamit mostanában? Have you heard anything about her recently? Have you heard from her lately? >>eng<< Mi van, ha nemet mondok? What if I say no? What if I say no? >>eng<< Hevoset ovat hyvin herkkiä eläimiä. Horses are very sensitive animals. Horses are very sensitive animals. >>eng<< Nukkuminen on hyvä idea. Sleep is a good idea. Sleep is a good idea. >>eng<< Marilla ei ole puolisoa. Mary doesn't have a husband. Marilla doesn't have a husband. >>eng<< Ki szereti Tomit? Who does Tom like? Who loves Tom? >>eng<< Nad ei saanud läbi. They didn't get along. They didn't make it. >>eng<< Tom már nem tagja ennek a klubnak. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. >>eng<< A magatartás az ima legmagasabb rendű formája. Behaviour is the highest form of preaching. Behavior is the highest form of prayer. >>eng<< Ne most, drágám! Not now, honey. Not now, honey. >>eng<< Osakában születtem 1977-ben. I was born in Osaka in 1977. I was born in Osaka in 1977. >>eng<< Tomi osoitti kattoa. Tom pointed toward the ceiling. Tom showed me the roof. >>eng<< Kirjoittakaa! Write! Write! >>eng<< Az embereknek nem tetszik az, amit nem értenek. People don't like what they can't understand. People don't like what they don't understand. >>eng<< Kui sügav? How deep? How deep? >>eng<< Ki kell mennem. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go out. >>eng<< Tom on kielinero, joka puhuu kymmentä kieltä sujuvasti, mutta hän on todella huono matematiikassa ja hän ei osaa ratkaista edes yksinkertaista ensimmäisen asteen yhtälöä. Tom is a language genius who speaks 10 languages fluently, but he's really bad at maths and can't even solve a simple first-order equation. Tom is a language genius that speaks ten languages smoothly, but he is really bad at mathematics and he does not know how to solve even simple first degree equations. >>eng<< Köln on Reinin varrella. Cologne lies on the Rhine. The cologne's on the Rhine. >>eng<< Hiszen ismersz. You know me well. You know me. >>eng<< Oliko Marikalla kirjekavereita Japanista? Did Marika have penfriends from Japan? Did Marika have any friends from Japan? >>eng<< Mennään eläintarhaan. Let's go to the zoo. Let's go to the zoo. >>eng<< Ostitko tämän kirjan? Did you buy this book? Did you buy this book? >>eng<< Se oli painajainen. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. >>eng<< Haluatko oikeasti mennä juhliin Tomin kanssa? Do you really want to go to the party with Tom? You really want to go to a party with Tom? >>eng<< Milyen boldog vagyok! How glad I am! How happy I am! >>eng<< Porsanki oon kolmikielinen komuuni. Porsanger is a trilingual municipality. Porsanki is a three-language comedian. >>krl<< Bon appetit! Hyviä syöndyhimuo! That's right. That's right. >>eng<< Pidä Tomia silmällä. Pidä huoli, ettei Tomi tee mitään muita ihmisiä häiritsevää. Keep your eyes on Tom. Make sure he doesn't do anything to bother other people. Keep an eye on Tom, make sure Tomi doesn't do anything to distract other people. >>eng<< Szándékozom használni. I intend to use it. I intend to use it. >>eng<< Nenäni on todella iso, ja kaiken lisäksi vinossa. My nose is really big, and it's crooked as well. My nose is really big, and it's all wrong. >>eng<< Painu vittuun! Fuck off! Fuck off! >>eng<< Meillä on vielä tunti aikaa jäljellä. We've got an hour left. We still have an hour left. >>eng<< Nem tudok televízió nélkül élni. I can't live without TV. I can't live without television. >>eng<< Tessék, Tom. Here you are, Tom. Here you go, Tom. >>eng<< Tom on rikoksen ainoa todistaja. Tom is the only witness to the crime. Tom is the only witness to the crime. >>eng<< Én vagyok családom utolsó tagja. I'm the last surviving member of my family. I'm the last member of my family. >>eng<< Mindig ugyanaz a nóta. It's always the same story. It's always the same thing. >>eng<< Mitä he aikovat tehdä meille? What will they do to us? What are they going to do to us? >>eng<< Mä varoitin Tomia. I warned Tom. I warned Tom. >>eng<< Én krémet teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I'll put cream in my coffee. >>eng<< Ne legyél tiszteletlen! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be disrespectful. >>eng<< Tom on hyvää sorttia. Tom is a good sort. Tom's a good type. >>eng<< Még ezek a szavak is eltűnnek egyszer. Even these words will someday disappear. Even those words disappear once. >>eng<< Tomi on allerginen soijalle. Tom is allergic to soy. Tomi is allergic to soya. >>eng<< Ne aggódj! Megnézem neked. Don't worry. I'll look it up for you. Don't worry, I'll check on you. >>eng<< Kit kerestek? Who were they looking for? Who were you looking for? >>eng<< Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja lukujen miinus yksi ja yksi väliltä (mukaanlukien -1 ja 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Blue and kosin functions take values between figures minus one and one (including -1 and 1). >>eng<< Tom nem fél a haláltól. Tom doesn't fear death. Tom's not afraid of death. >>eng<< Szerinted mit jelent ez a mondat? What do you think this sentence means? What do you think that sentence means? >>eng<< Miten sait tuon mustan silmän? How did you get that black eye? How did you get that black eye? >>eng<< Számolj el egytől tízig. Count from one to ten. Count one to ten. >>eng<< Elkaptál. You caught me. You got me. >>eng<< Mary görög. Mary is Greek. Mary is Greek. >>eng<< Voisitko avata matkalaukkusi. Please open your suitcase. Why don't you open your suitcase? >>eng<< Nautin unelmiesi lukemisesta. I enjoyed reading about your dreams. I enjoy reading your dreams. >>eng<< Mistä kirja kertoo? What is that book about? What's the book about? >>eng<< Se on auringonkukka. It's a sunflower. It's a sunflower. >>eng<< Pysy tässä huoneessa. Stay in this room. Stay in this room. >>eng<< Felemelte a kezét. She raised her hand. He raised his hand. >>eng<< Tom jó magaviseletű volt. Tom was well-behaved. Tom was good-looking. >>eng<< Minkä kirjan te ostitte? Which book did you buy? What book did you buy? >>eng<< Tom on sõbralik. Tom is friendly. Tom's friendly. >>eng<< Vero sisältyy hintaan. The price includes tax. Tax is included in the price. >>eng<< Tudom, Tom mit mondana. I know what Tom would say. I know what Tom would say. >>eng<< Hän on apulaisjohtaja. She's the assistant manager. He's an assistant leader. >>eng<< Sinun takiasi minä myöhästyin. You made me late. You're the reason I'm late. >>eng<< Myyttekö ranskalaisia sanomalehtiä? Do you sell French newspapers? You sell French newspapers? >>eng<< Ma olen rahul tulemusega. I'm happy with the result. I'm happy with the result. >>eng<< Te tudod, hogy ki vagyok én. You know who I am. You know who I am. >>eng<< Palun. Please. Please. >>eng<< Gyakran esik ezeken a napokon. These days, it rains frequently. It's often raining these days. >>eng<< Mari túl szemérmes volt, hogy bevallja az érzéseit. Mary was too shy to admit her feelings. Mari was too glamorous to admit her feelings. >>eng<< Tervetuloa Marsiin! Welcome to Mars! Welcome to Mars! >>eng<< Ainult mina elan koos oma lastega Urumqis. It's just me who lives with my kids in Urumqi. Only I live with my children in Urumq. >>eng<< Tahtsin sinuga sellest rääkida. I wanted to talk to you about that. I wanted to talk to you about this. >>eng<< Tomi lapátra tette Marit. Tom fired Mary. Tomi put Mari on the page. >>eng<< Tom ja Mary ovat yhä toimistoillaan. He molemmat aikovat tehdä tänään töitä myöhään. Tom and Mary are still in their offices. Both of them plan to work late today. Tom and Mary are still in their offices, and they're both planning on working late tonight. >>eng<< Teidän tulisi keskittyä tiehen kun olette ajamassa. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. You should focus on the road while you're driving. >>eng<< Saitko työt valmiiksi? Did you complete the work? Did you finish your work? >>eng<< Minu tüdruksõber on väga ilus. My girlfriend is very beautiful. My girlfriend is very pretty. >>eng<< Nem vagyok képes megtalálni Timet. I can't find Tim. I can't find Tim. >>eng<< Ezt a mondatot még nem fordították le. This sentence hasn't yet been translated. That sentence hasn't been translated yet. >>eng<< Tomi perääntyi. Tom backed off. Tomi retreated. >>eng<< Maja on külm. The house is cold. It's cold in the house. >>eng<< A pancsolt szesz megvakíthatja az embert. Moonshine can make people blind. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Isten segítsen minket! May God help us! God help us! >>eng<< Pelkäätkö korkeita paikkoja? Are you afraid of heights? Are you afraid of heights? >>eng<< Az ember nem a majomtól származik, néhányat kivéve. Humans are not descended from apes, except for some people. You don't come from the monkey, except for a few. >>eng<< Remélem, hogy nemsokára jobban leszel. I hope you'll get well soon. I hope you get better soon. >>eng<< Egy perc vesztegetnivaló időnk sincs. We can't waste even a minute. We don't have a minute to waste. >>eng<< Tom sai haavan jalkaansa. Tom cut his leg. Tom got his leg cut. >>eng<< Fejezd be, hogy a semmin siránkozol itt nekem! Stop complaining to me about nothing. Stop crying at nothing for me! >>eng<< Nem akarok találgatni. I don't even want to hazard a guess. I don't want to guess. >>eng<< Ta on minu õde. She's my sister. She's my sister. >>eng<< See on väga suur sotsiaalne probleem. It's a very big social problem. This is a very big social problem. >>eng<< Emme pysty tekemään tätä ilman heitä. We can't do this without them. We can't do this without them. >>eng<< Tom ei osaa sitoa kengännauhojaan. Tom doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces. Tom can't tie his shoes. >>eng<< Hän lähetti minut. He sent me. He sent me. >>eng<< Minun pitää odottaa. I have to wait. I have to wait. >>eng<< Kaikki ihmiset synnythään vaphaina, ja heilä kaikila oon sama ihmisarvo ja samat ihmisoikkeuet. Het oon saanheet järjen ja omatunnon, ja het piethään elläät toinen toisen kans niin ko veljet keskenhään. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born with the same dignity and the same human rights. They are born with reason and conscience, and they live with one another, and the other with the other brothers. >>eng<< Nincs sok pénzünk. We don't have much money. We don't have much money. >>eng<< Legyél komoly! Get serious. Be serious. >>eng<< Ostitko sen mustasta pörssistä? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it at the black market? >>eng<< Kas sa elad toetustest? Do you live on benefits? Do you live on grants? >>eng<< Oletko ollut täällä kaiken yötä? Have you been here all night? Have you been here all night? >>eng<< Ő egy DJ. He's a DJ. He's a DJ. >>eng<< Tényleg nagyszerű volt. That was really great. It was really great. >>eng<< Köszönöm a részvételt! Thank you so much for attending! Thank you for joining us. >>eng<< Tomi puhuu puhelimessa äitinsä kanssa. Tom is talking on the phone with his mother. Tomi's on the phone with her mother. >>eng<< A munkád befejeződött. Your work is done. Your work is done. >>eng<< Tomi nem tudott segíteni Marinak. Tom couldn't have helped Mary. Tomi couldn't help Mari. >>eng<< Adni fogok neked egy biciklit a születésnapodra. I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. I'm gonna give you a bike for your birthday. >>eng<< Tom hallotta, hogy az autó visszajön. Tom heard the car coming back. Tom heard the car coming back. >>eng<< Bahá'i hitű vagyok. I am a Bahá'í. I'm Bah'a'a'a'a'a'a. >>eng<< Se oli tajunnanräjäyttävää. It was mind-blowing. It was mind-blowing. >>eng<< Afrika az emberiség bölcsője. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the wisdom of mankind. >>eng<< Demokratia on huonoin hallintomuoto, paitsi jos lasketaan kaikki muut tähän asti kokeillut. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. Democracy is the worst form of governance, unless it is calculated by all the others who have tried so far. >>eng<< Minun täytyy antaa Tomille mahdollisuus. I have to give Tom a chance. I have to give Tom a chance. >>eng<< Tom tahab laenata natuke raha. Tom wants to borrow some money. Tom wants to borrow some money. >>eng<< Ma oleksin pidanud sulle varem rääkima. I should have told you before. I should have told you sooner. >>eng<< Autan sinua kernaasti. I will gladly help you. I'll help you. >>eng<< Otetaan Englanti esimerkiksi. Take England for example. Let's take English, for example. >>eng<< Hän kirjoitti kirjeen mustekynällä. He wrote the letter with a fountain pen. He wrote a letter in an ink pen. >>eng<< Tom ei tiedä sitten yhtään mitään ohjelmoinnista. Tom doesn't know anything about computer programming. Tom doesn't know anything about programming. >>eng<< Tom lööb mu maha, kui ta teada saab, et ma sulle sellest rääkisin. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom'll kill me if he finds out I told you. >>eng<< Lihtsalt räägi kindlasti Tomiga. Just make sure you talk to Tom. Just talk to Tom for sure. >>eng<< Mii du namma lea? What's your name? What's your name? >>eng<< Elfelejtettem a nevét. I forget her name. I forgot his name. >>eng<< Tominak hosszú copfja van. Tom has a long ponytail. Tomi's got a long cap. >>eng<< Viselkedj a korodnak megfelelően! Act your age. Act the way you do when you're your age. >>eng<< Kiireesti! Quick! Hurry! >>eng<< En saanut vastausta keneltäkään. I got no response from anyone. I didn't get an answer from anyone. >>eng<< Imádkozni fogok Tomiért. I'll pray for Tom. I'll pray for Tomi. >>eng<< Korábban senki nem gondolt rá hogy jeget adjon el. No one had ever thought of selling ice before. No one ever thought about selling ice before. >>eng<< Tomi egy fa mögé rejtőzött, de én így is láttam. Tom tried to hide behind the tree, but I could still see him. Tomi was hiding behind a tree, but I saw it. >>eng<< Számít ez egyáltalán? Does this even make sense? Does that even matter? >>eng<< Nagyon büszkék vagyunk rád! We're very proud of you! We're so proud of you! >>eng<< Tomi paljasti salaisuuden Marille. Tom revealed the secret to Mary. Tom revealed the secret to Mar. >>krl<< Se on tutkijan kirja. Se on tutkijan kirju. It's a book of researchers. >>eng<< En ole kertonut tätä ikinä kenellekään. I've never told this to anyone. I've never told anyone this. >>eng<< Imádok spanyolul beszélni. I love speaking Spanish. I love to speak Spanish. >>eng<< Te olette kännissä! You are drunk! You're drunk! >>eng<< Kellemes hangja van. He has a pleasant voice. She's got a nice voice. >>eng<< Nyerhetek, ha szerencsém van. I may win if I have luck. I can win if I'm lucky. >>eng<< Anteeksi, missä on WC? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where's the toilet? >>eng<< Tudod, hogy utálom azt. You know I hate that. You know I hate that. >>eng<< A nővérem mindig méregeti a súlyát. My sister is always weighing herself. My sister always weighs her weight. >>eng<< Suihku on rikki. The shower is broken. The shower's broken. >>eng<< Tom ei ole mikään penaalin terävin kynä. Tom is no genius. Tom is not the sharpest pen in the penis. >>eng<< Tuhlaajapoika palasi kotiin. The prodigal son returned home. The prodigal boy came home. >>eng<< Laita televisio kovemmalle. Turn up the TV. Put the TV on. >>eng<< Tom vörösödik. Tom is blushing. Tom's reddishing. >>eng<< Miten hikan saa loppumaan? What should I do to stop hiccups? How does sweat stop? >>eng<< Mikor Tom nyugdíjba ment, a fia vette át a vállalkozását. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. When Tom retired, his son took over his business. >>eng<< Pitääkö Tom ranskasta? Does Tom like French? Tom likes French? >>eng<< Tom osaa puhua vain vähän ranskaa. Tom can speak just a little French. Tom can only speak a little French. >>eng<< Hän ansaitsee enemmän. He deserves more. He deserves more. >>eng<< Menen suoraan kotiin. I'm going straight home. I'm going straight home. >>eng<< Van generátorod? Do you have a generator? Do you have a generator? >>eng<< Egy kis faluban született, Törökország déli részén. He was born in a small village in the south of Turkey. Born in a small village in the south of Turkey. >>eng<< Onko hän ystäväni? Is she my friend? Is he a friend of mine? >>eng<< Az algebra a matematika egyik ágazata. Algebra is a branch of mathematics. The algebra is one of the sectors of mathematics. >>eng<< Oleks olnud parem, kui sa poleks täna tulnud. It'd be better if you didn't come today. It would have been better if you hadn't come today. >>eng<< Egész nap egy japán mondatot próbáltam memorizálni. All day long I tried to memorize a Japanese sentence. I've been trying to remember a Japanese sentence all day. >>eng<< Se on ainoa reitti ylös. That's the only way up. It's the only way up. >>eng<< Islanti kuului aiemmin Tanskalle. Iceland used to belong to Denmark. In the past, Iceland belonged to Denmark. >>eng<< Ez a hely mesés. This place is fabulous. This place is fabulous. >>eng<< Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että sellaisia henkilöitä olisi olemassa muualla kuin tarinoissa. I had no idea that such individuals exist outside of stories. I had no idea that people like that existed outside of stories. >>eng<< Akarok venni egy tucat fánkot. I want to buy a dozen donuts. I want to buy a dozen donuts. >>eng<< Minun pitää olla varovainen. I have to be careful. I need to be careful. >>eng<< Meg foglak ölni. I'm going to kill you. I'm gonna kill you. >>eng<< Immár három éve tanulunk franciául. We've been studying French for three years now. We've been studying French for three years now. >>eng<< Olen täydellinen idiootti. I'm a complete idiot. I'm a perfect idiot. >>eng<< Nem akartam az egész életemet ott leélni. I didn't want to spend my whole life there. I didn't want to spend my whole life there. >>eng<< Aludt a buszon vissza, hazafelé. He slept well on the bus back home. He slept on the bus back home. >>krl<< Speak more slowly, please. Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! HRkek more slowly, please. >>eng<< Maistuuko se hyvältä? Does that taste good? Is it good? >>eng<< Aki egy társaságban nem iszik, az vagy egy tolvaj vagy egy spion. Someone who doesn't drink in company is either a thief or a spy. Anyone who doesn't drink in a society is either a thief or a spy. >>eng<< Vilustuin ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got a cold and I have a fever. >>eng<< On mahdollista, että Tom ei tule. It's possible Tom might not come. It's possible Tom isn't coming. >>eng<< Kevés hó volt ebben az évben. We have had little snow this year. It's been a few snows this year. >>eng<< Tom tulee suuresta perheestä. Tom comes from a big family. Tom comes from a big family. >>eng<< Oppikaa nöyryyttä. Learn humility. Learn humility. >>eng<< Tomi rászólt a kutyára, hogy üljön le. Tom ordered the dog to sit. Tomi told the dog to sit down. >>eng<< Nem tudom, hogy számít-e ez. I don't know if this counts. I don't know if that matters. >>eng<< Olet yhä hyvin viehättävä nainen. You're still a very attractive woman. You're still a very attractive woman. >>eng<< Hän muutti Tokioon. He moved to Tokyo. He moved to Tokyo. >>eng<< Ez nem egy bank. It's not a bank. It's not a bank. >>eng<< Nem érzek dühöt. I don't feel angry. I don't feel angry. >>eng<< Valaki van a garázsunkban. Someone's in our garage. There's someone in our garage. >>eng<< Tomi antoi Marin maksaa laskun. Tom let Mary pay the bill. Tomi let Marin pay the bill. >>eng<< Perheessäsi on sattunut kuolemantapaus. There has been a case of death in your family. There's been a death in your family. >>eng<< Úgy bánnak velem, mint egy gyerekkel. They are treating me like a child. They treat me like a child. >>eng<< Tomi soha nem szól a gyerekeiről a blogjában. Tom never mentions his children in his blog posts. Tomi never talks about her children in her blog. >>eng<< Kuinka vanhoja lapsenne olivat, kun muutit Bostoniin? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? >>eng<< Missä sinun lippiksesi on? Where is your cap? Where's your cap? >>eng<< Félelem járta át minden porcikámat. I was very scared. Fear passed through all my dust. >>eng<< El akarok olvasni ebben az évben annyi angol könyvet, amennyit csak lehet. I want to read as many English books as possible this year. I want to read as many English books as possible this year. >>eng<< Ő nagyon fiatal. Sokkal fiatalabb, mint Tom. He's very young. He's much younger than Tom. He's very young, much younger than Tom. >>eng<< Poliisi rynnäköi paikalle vihjeestä, että aikapommi oli asetettu. Police rushed to the scene on the tip that a time bomb was planted. The police rushed into the scene with a tip that the time bomb had been set up. >>eng<< Čáhci lea eallin. Water is life. Helps life. >>eng<< Kaikkialla oli verta. There was blood everywhere. There was blood everywhere. >>eng<< Universumin laajeneminen kiihtyy. The expansion of the universe is speeding up. The expansion of the universe is accelerating. >>eng<< Halálra ítélt. Condemned to death. He was sentenced to death. >>eng<< Minun täytyy kertoa sinulle jotakin. I've got to tell you something. There's something I need to tell you. >>eng<< Ki készít reggelit neked? Who makes breakfast for you? Who's making you breakfast? >>eng<< Kylässä oli pieni koulu. The village had a small school. There was a small school in the village. >>eng<< Hogy hívják az édesanyádat? What's your mother's name? What's your mother's name? >>eng<< Úgy gondoltam, hogy Tom bepánikolna. I figured Tom would panic. I thought Tom was gonna panic. >>eng<< Jumala ei ole pilvissä kultavaltaistuimella nököttävä rajallinen yksilö. Jumala on kaikessa vaikuttava puhdas Tietoisuus. Ymmärrä tämä, ja siksi hyväksy sekä rakasta jokaista tasavertaisesti. God is not a limited individual who sits alone up in the clouds on a golden throne. God is pure Consciousness that dwells within everything. Understanding this truth, learn to accept and love everyone equally. God is not a limited individual in the clouds on the golden throne. God is in everything an impressive pure Consciousness. Understand this, and therefore accept and love everyone equally. >>eng<< Tom loukkasi jalkansa jalkapalloa pelatessaan. Tom hurt his leg while playing football. Tom hurt his leg playing football. >>eng<< Meidän ei pitäisi vetää liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä. We shouldn't jump to conclusions. We should not draw too urgent conclusions. >>eng<< Ok. OK. Okay. >>eng<< Luulen, että Tom voittaa. I think Tom will win. I think Tom will win. >>eng<< Hän vaikuttaa pettyneeltä poikaansa. He seems disappointed with his son. He seems to be a disappointed son. >>eng<< Senki nem ismeri a hazámat. Nobody knows my country. No one knows my country. >>eng<< Tom on täydellinen isä. Tom is the perfect father. Tom's the perfect father. >>eng<< Tom visszatette az övébe a pisztolyát. Tom put the gun back in his waistband. Tom put his gun back in his hand. >>eng<< Nyugodjál le! Calm down. Calm down! >>eng<< Tom on tehnyt meidän hyväksemme jo paljon. Tom has already done a lot for us. Tom's done a lot for us. >>eng<< Tudod, tévedsz. You're wrong, you know. You know, you're wrong. >>eng<< Voisitko kantaa tämän puolestani toiseen kerrokseen? Would you carry this up to the second floor for me? Can you carry this for me on the second floor? >>eng<< Tomi megmutatta Marinak a cetlit, amit a szélvédő lapátja alatt talált. Tom showed Mary the note he found under his windshield wiper. Tomi showed Mari the note she found under the windshield's shovel. >>eng<< Tom oli läsnä. Tom was present. Tom was there. >>eng<< Kuinka suuri on kaasulaskunne kuukaudessa? How much is your monthly gas bill? How big is your gas bill in a month? >>eng<< Voit luottaa siihen, että hän pitää sanansa. You can trust him to keep his word. You can count on him to keep his word. >>eng<< Mellé! You missed. By the side! >>eng<< Tom on nyt pahalla päällä. Tom is in a bad mood now. Tom's in a lot of trouble right now. >>eng<< Maaliskuu on vuoden kolmas kuukausi. March is the third month of the year. March is the third month of the year. >>eng<< A bátorsága meggyőzött annyira, hogy bízzak benne. His courage impressed me enough for me to trust him. His courage convinced me enough to trust him. >>eng<< Nem biztos, hogy tudom, hogy mit jelent. I'm not sure what it means. I'm not sure I know what that means. >>eng<< Nad ei leia seda. They won't find it. They won't find it. >>eng<< Tämä kakku maistuu siltä kuin siinä olisi juustoa. This cake tastes like it has cheese in it. This cake tastes like cheese. >>eng<< Tom nagyon szerencsés. Tom is really fortunate. Tom is very lucky. >>eng<< Ez az egyetlen nyakkendőm van. This is the only tie I have. This is my only tie. >>eng<< Hän nukkuu jo. She is already sleeping. He's already asleep. >>eng<< Kui Tom armastab Marit ja Mari armastab Johni, siis kas Tom armastab Johni? If Tom loves Mary, and Mary loves John, then Tom loves John? If Tom loves Mari and Mari loves John, does Tom love John? >>eng<< Yritin arvata Tomin ikää. I tried to guess Tom's age. I was trying to guess Tom's age. >>eng<< Ismerem a titkot. I know the secret. I know the secret. >>eng<< Láttál már valaha mókust? Have you ever seen a squirrel? Have you ever seen a squirrel? >>eng<< Hän on muodikas. She is fashionable. He's fashionable. >>eng<< Sokkal alaposabbnak kellett volna lennem. I should have been more thorough. I should have been more thorough. >>eng<< Mä söin aamiaisen mun parvekkeella. I ate breakfast on my balcony. I had breakfast on my balcony. >>eng<< Siđatgo gáfe? Do you want coffee? Do you want to connect? >>eng<< Nem egyszerű itt az élet. Living here isn't easy. Life is not easy here. >>eng<< Mi margarint használunk vaj helyett. We substitute margarine for butter. We use margarine instead of butter. >>eng<< Ki ölte meg Tomot? Who killed Tom? Who killed Tom? >>eng<< A húgom hetente kétszer vesz zongoraleckéket. My sister takes piano lessons twice a week. My sister buys piano lessons twice a week. >>eng<< Jää syömään. Stay for supper. Stay for dinner. >>eng<< Ő beteg. He is sick. He's sick. >>eng<< Köszönöm önnek az irántam tanúsított bizalmat. I thank you for the trust that you have expressed in me. Thank you for your trust in me. >>eng<< En syytä siitä sinua. I don't blame you. I don't blame you for that. >>eng<< Beszéljen hangosabban, hogy mindenki hallhassa önt. Speak louder so that everyone may hear you. Speak up so everyone can hear you. >>eng<< Säilytä. Keep. Keep it. >>eng<< Mikor Los Angelesben volt, legalább hat különböző munkahelye volt. When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs. When he was in Los Angeles, he had at least six different jobs. >>eng<< Hän haluaa edelleen tulla. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. >>eng<< Onko tämä sinun kuvasi? Is this your picture? Is this your picture? >>eng<< Adja át a fegyvereit! Hand over your weapons. Give me your guns. >>eng<< Tomin kuuluisi kertoa Marille kaikki, mitä hän ja Joni tekivät. Tom ought to tell Mary all about what he and John did. Tom should tell Mar everything he and Joni did. >>eng<< Tudom, korábban kellett volna elmennem. I know I should have left earlier. I know I should have left early. >>eng<< En tiedä hänen nimeään, mutta tiedän hänet näöltä. I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight. I don't know his name, but I do know him by sight. >>eng<< Astu jeeppiin. Get in the Jeep. Step into the jeep. >>eng<< Miksette te kysy teidän opettajaltanne neuvoa? Why do you not ask your teacher for advice? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? >>eng<< Tegnap délelőtt szakadt az eső. It rained hard yesterday morning. It was raining yesterday morning. >>eng<< Hänellä on jalassa sukat ja kengät. He wears socks and shoes. He's wearing socks and shoes. >>eng<< Azt gondolom, kész vagyok változtatni. I think I'm ready for a change. I think I'm ready to change. >>eng<< Vegyük lajstromba a mellette és ellene szóló érveket. Let's list the pros and cons. Let's register the arguments for and against him. >>eng<< Se ei tule olemaan helppoa. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. >>eng<< Olen raskaana. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. >>eng<< Milyen elégedett vagyok! How glad I am! How pleased I am! >>eng<< Nem ismert ez a dolog Tom számára. Tom knows nothing about this matter. You don't know this thing for Tom. >>eng<< Ez nagyon jó hír. That's very good news. That's good news. >>eng<< Inkább biciklivel megyek oda, mintsem gyalog. I would rather go there by bike than walk. I'd rather take a bike than walk there. >>eng<< Voisitko antaa minulle vähän lisää teetä? Would you please give me some more tea? Can you give me some more tea? >>eng<< Mene herättämään Mari. Go and wake up Mary. Go wake Mari. >>eng<< Jobb lett volna, ha nem tettük volna azt. It would've been better if we hadn't done that. It would have been better if we hadn't done that. >>eng<< Poisid on mõnikord kummalised. Boys are strange sometimes. The boys are weird sometimes. >>eng<< Teen paljon tyhmiä ratkaisuja. I make a lot of stupid decisions. I make a lot of stupid solutions. >>eng<< Miért suttogunk? Why are we whispering? Why are we whispering? >>eng<< Meidän pitää löytää se. We must find it. We need to find it. >>eng<< Átalakul az oktatási rendszer. The educational system is in transition. The education system is changing. >>eng<< Tom és Mari házasságot kötött három nappal ezelőtt. Tom and Mary got married three days ago. Tom and Mari got married three days ago. >>eng<< Vicces volt Sami, de ugyanakkor bunkó is. Sami was funny but he was an asshole, too. It was funny, Sami, but it was also rude. >>eng<< Tom udvariasan meghajolt. Tom bowed politely. Tom's politely bowed. >>eng<< Kínaiul tanul. He's learning Chinese. He's studying Chinese. >>eng<< Satutko sinä pelkäämään minua? Are you, by any chance, scared of me? Do you happen to be afraid of me? >>eng<< Tom másmilyen. Tom is different. Tom's different. >>eng<< Hol élsz Törökországban? Where do you live in Turkey? Where do you live in Turkey? >>eng<< Sinua kaivattiin eilen illalla. You were missed last night. You were missed last night. >>eng<< Olen pelannut jalkapalloa kolmentoista ikäisestä asti. I've played soccer since I was thirteen. I've been playing football since I was 13. >>eng<< Ma aitan sind mõne hetke pärast. I'll help you in a minute. I'll help you in a few minutes. >>eng<< Tom hyppäsi hevosensa selkään ja ratsasti pois. Tom jumped on his horse and rode off. Tom jumped on his horse and rode away. >>eng<< Pikkuveljeni katsoo telkkaria. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. >>eng<< Jobb szeretek rádiót hallgatni mint tévét nézni. I prefer listening to the radio to watching television. I'd rather listen to the radio than watch TV. >>sma<< Welcome. Buerie båateme. Member of the Commission >>eng<< Tuo laulaja on suosittu tyttöjen keskuudessa. That singer is popular with girls. That singer is popular among girls. >>eng<< Voi jättää sen minun huolekseni. You can leave that to me. You can leave it to me. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy itt vagy. I'm glad you are here. I'm glad you're here. >>eng<< Hogy mondhatsz ilyet? How could you say something like that? How can you say that? >>eng<< Mu naine on rase. My wife's pregnant. My wife's pregnant. >>eng<< Minden vasárnap megyek templomba. I go to church every Sunday. I go to church every Sunday. >>eng<< Nagyon intelligens. He's very intelligent. Very intelligent. >>eng<< Tomi on hermostunut. Tom is unnerved. Tom's nervous. >>eng<< Me ei tarvita sitä. We won't need it. We don't need it. >>eng<< On säkkipimeää. It is pitch dark. It's dark. >>eng<< En usko, että Atlantis on ollut ikinä olemassa. I don't believe Atlantis ever existed. I don't think Atlantis ever existed. >>eng<< Ez a védelmedre szolgál. This is for your protection. It's for your protection. >>eng<< Kuulin, että sinulla on uusi tyttöystävä. I hear you have a new girlfriend. I heard you have a new girlfriend. >>eng<< Sötét lesz, mire hazaérünk. It'll be dark by the time we get home. It'll be dark when we get home. >>eng<< Tomin romaani on käännetty ranskaksi. Tom's novel has been translated into French. Tom's novel has been translated into French. >>eng<< Tomi osti oravaa esittävän magneetin ja laittoi sen jääkaapin oveen. Tom bought a squirrel magnet and put it on the fridge. Tomi bought a squirrel-playing magnet and put it in the fridge door. >>eng<< Ezt a világot gonosz erők irányítják. This world is controlled by malevolent forces. This world is governed by evil forces. >>eng<< Kuuntele tarkkaan mitä sanon. Listen well to what I say. Listen carefully to what I'm saying. >>eng<< Nagyon kedves tőled. That's very kind of you. That's very kind of you. >>eng<< Tom annyira paranoid volt. Tom was so paranoid. Tom was so paranoid. >>eng<< Tomnak egy gyermeke volt. Tom had one child. Tom had a child. >>eng<< Valitsin nämän kenkien sijaan. I chose these over the shoes. I chose these shoes instead. >>eng<< Ta noogutas julgustavalt. She nodded encouragingly. He nodded with encouragement. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole läsnä. Tom is absent. Tomi's not here. >>eng<< Jos olisin sinä, pysyisin hiljaa. If I were you, I would stay quiet. If I were you, I'd be quiet. >>eng<< Tomi katsoo televisiota koko ajan. Tom watches TV all the time. Tomi's watching TV all the time. >>eng<< Ystäväni ovat minulle todella tärkeitä. My friends are very important to me. My friends are really important to me. >>eng<< Lapsia ei pidä lelliä piloille. Children shouldn't be spoiled. You don't play games with kids. >>eng<< Hänkö rakastaa hänen hiuksiaan, hymyään, silmiään? Vau, hän on helvetin hyvä valehtelemaan! He loves her hair, her smile, her eyes? Wow, he is fucking good at telling lies! Is he in love with his hair, his smile, his eyes? >>eng<< Voimmeko sulkea television? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? >>eng<< Miért szeretnél nővér lenni? Why do you want to be a nurse? Why would you want to be a nurse? >>eng<< Tomi nem az a típus, aki tanul a hibáiból. Tom isn't the type of person who learns from his mistakes. Tomi's not the type to learn from her mistakes. >>eng<< En voi pakottaa sinua tekemään mitään. I can't force you to do anything. I can't force you to do anything. >>eng<< Következő évben, Tamás és én Bostonba megyünk. Next year, Tom and I are going to Boston. Next year, Tamás and I are going to Boston. >>eng<< Kutsuinko minä sinut? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? >>eng<< Ha megtehetném, állandóan olvasnék. If I could, I would read all the time. If I could, I'd read all the time. >>eng<< Tom on erittäin luova. Tom is a very creative person. Tom is very creative. >>eng<< Mul on kaks kaamerat. I have two cameras. I got two cameras. >>eng<< En tiedä tarkalleen. I don't know exactly. I don't know exactly. >>eng<< Pöydän alla on kissa. There's a cat under the table. There's a cat under the table. >>eng<< Se oli vitsi. I was kidding. It was a joke. >>eng<< Emily otthon van. Emily's home. Emily's home. >>eng<< Javítsd ki az aláhúzott szavakat. Correct the underlined words. Fix the words you've written below. >>eng<< Nem szoktam hozzá a kíméletlen éghajlathoz, mivel déli országokból jöttem. I am not used to harsh climate as I come from South countries. I'm not used to the harsh climate because I'm from southern countries. >>eng<< Tietysti elämäntyylimme on eri kuin Amerikassa. Of course our lifestyle is different from America. Of course, our way of life is different from our way of life in America. >>eng<< Ma ostsin selle oma tüdrukule. I bought this for my girlfriend. I bought it for my girl. >>eng<< Mitä vanhat silmäni näkevät?! I can't believe my eyes. What do my old eyes see? >>eng<< Hän pani poikansa osallistumaan kokoukseen puolestaan. He made his son attend the meeting in his place. He made his son attend the meeting on his behalf. >>eng<< Tom homályos volt. Tom was vague. Tom was blurry. >>eng<< Tomista tuli kirurgi. Tom became a surgeon. Tom became a surgeon. >>eng<< Drágám, minden rendben? Honey, are you OK? Honey, are you okay? >>eng<< Állandó rettegés az életük. They live in constant fear. They have a constant fear of their lives. >>eng<< Elfelejtette megetetni a kutyáját. She forgot to feed her dog. He forgot to feed his dog. >>eng<< Minkä kirjan te ostitte? What book did you buy? What book did you buy? >>eng<< Tom feladta. Tom quit. Tom gave up. >>eng<< Sinun pitää syödä enemmän vihanneksia. You need to eat more vegetables. You have to eat more vegetables. >>eng<< Szerettem úszni. Az úszás volt a kedvenc sportom a középiskolában. I used to love swimming. It was my favorite sport in high school. I liked to swim, and swimming was my favorite sport in high school. >>eng<< Kirjoittajat käsittelivät fossiililöytöjä kahdesta erilaisesta sopeutumislevittäytymisestä. The authors looked at two different adaptive radiations in the fossil record. The authors discussed fossil findings on two different adaptation spreads. >>eng<< Älä yritä tehdä kahta asiaa kerralla. Don't try to do two things at the same time. Don't try to do two things at once. >>eng<< Alatasa unustan ma inimeste nimed ära. I'm always forgetting people's names. I keep forgetting people's names. >>eng<< On selge, et kellelgi ei ole mingeid uusi ettepanekuid. It is clear that no one has anything new to suggest. It is clear that no one has any new proposals. >>eng<< Szeles az idő? Is it windy? Is it raining? >>eng<< Nem szeretek várni. I don't like waiting. I don't like waiting. >>eng<< Kuinka monta vuotta olet opiskellut ranskaa? How many years have you studied French? How many years have you been studying French? >>eng<< Volt már itt a postás? Has the mailman already come? Have you ever had the mailman here? >>eng<< Ugyanabba a templomba jártunk. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. >>eng<< Egy fundamentalistával nem lehet értelmesen beszélni, akár keresztény az illető, akár ateista. You can't reason with a fundamentalist, regardless of whether they're a christian or an atheist. A fundamentalist cannot speak meaningfully, whether a Christian is a person or an atheist. >>eng<< Hän oli epävarma mitä tehdä. He was unsure of what to do. He wasn't sure what to do. >>eng<< ”Kiitos.” ”Ole hyvä.” "Thank you." "You're welcome." “Thank you.” “Be good.” >>eng<< Végig csendben volt. He was silent all the time. It's been quiet all along. >>eng<< Näen sinut hyvin pian. I'll see you very soon. I'll see you very soon. >>eng<< Meille tulee kiireitä. We'll be busy. We're gonna be busy. >>eng<< Minun täytyy lähteä nyt. I have to leave now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Ta pole pikka kasvu, aga on tugev. He's not tall, but strong. He's not tall, but he's strong. >>eng<< Biztos fáradtak lehetnek. They must have been tired. They must be tired. >>eng<< Reggeliztél ma már? Did you eat breakfast this morning? Have you had breakfast today? >>eng<< Kas keegi igatses mind? Did anyone miss me? Did someone miss me? >>eng<< Nem volt meleg víz. There was no hot water. It wasn't hot water. >>eng<< Tom tahtoi tehdä muutoksen. Tom wanted to make a change. Tom wanted to make a change. >>eng<< Tämä on törkeää! This is outrageous! This is gross! >>eng<< Hän toi omenoita, appelsiineja ja niin edelleen. She brought apples, oranges, and so on. He brought apples, oranges, and so on. >>eng<< Tudod, mi ez? Do you know what that is? You know what this is? >>eng<< Hol laktál? Where did you live? Where did you live? >>eng<< Mindig önmagadat add! Always be yourself! Always let yourself be. >>eng<< Meglepi! Surprise! Surprise! >>eng<< Mistä Tomi sai hattunsa? Where did Tom get his hat? Where did Tomi get her hat? >>eng<< Haittaako sinua, jos liityn seuraasi ensi kerran kun menet kävelylle? Would you mind if I tag along with you next time you go for a walk? Do you mind if I join you the first time you go for a walk? >>eng<< No, mitä sinä ehdotat? So, what do you suggest? Well, what do you suggest? >>eng<< Aki alszik, nem követ el bűnt. He who sleeps does not sin. Anyone who sleeps won't commit a crime. >>eng<< Minden jog fenntartva. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. >>eng<< Túlságosan is magabiztos. He is overconfident. You're too confident. >>eng<< Pidäthän yhteyttä. Keep in touch. You'll be in touch. >>eng<< Kävin aikaisemmin kirkossa sunnuntaina. I used to go to church on Sunday. I went to church earlier on Sunday. >>eng<< Tere tulemast! Welcome. Welcome! >>eng<< Älä unohda kirjoittaa. Don't forget to write. Don't forget to write. >>eng<< Felébredtem. I woke up. I woke up. >>eng<< Taidat tykätä englannista? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? >>eng<< Bayaa kiinnostaa rintaliivien ostaminen. Baya is interested in buying a bra. Baya is interested in buying bras. >>eng<< Vesi siinä järvessä on hyvin kylmää. The water of the lake is very cold. The water in that lake is very cold. >>eng<< Tom ei koskaan suostuisi sellaiseen. Tom would never agree to such a thing. Tom would never agree to that. >>eng<< Nem vagyok jó művész. I'm not a good artist. I'm not a good artist. >>eng<< Anna minun auttaa sinua, jos se on tarpeen. Let me help you, if necessary. Let me help you if that's necessary. >>eng<< Puiset tuolit ovat kalliita. Wooden chairs are expensive. The wooden chairs are expensive. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy még mindig ott van. I know it's still there. I know he's still there. >>eng<< Anna se minulle. Give it to me. Give it to me. >>eng<< Mit néztek? What are you watching? What are you looking at? >>eng<< Ezt valahol máshol kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that someplace else. I should have done this somewhere else. >>eng<< Olen tosi iloinen siitä, että koulu on ohi. I'm very glad school is over. I'm so glad the school's over. >>eng<< Már úton kellene lennünk. We should be on our way. We should be on our way. >>eng<< El tudod nekem pontosan mondani, mit szeretnél valójában? Can you tell me exactly what you really want? Can you tell me exactly what you really want? >>eng<< Allen on runoilija. Allen is a poet. Allen's a poet. >>eng<< Hol van már Tomi? Where's Tom already? Where's Tomi? >>eng<< Mennyibe kerülnek a narancsok? What do the oranges cost? How much do oranges cost? >>eng<< Tatoeban suosio on kasvanut eksponentaalisesti sen alkupäivästä lähtien. Tatoeba's popularity has been growing exponentially since the day of its inception. Tatoeba's popularity has grown exponentially since its beginning. >>eng<< Matematika órán néha még azt sem értem, hogy mit nem értek. In math class I sometimes don't even understand what exactly I don't understand. Sometimes in math class, I don't even understand what I don't understand. >>krl<< I'm young. Mie olen nuori. ~ I'm young. >>eng<< Ti meg mit csináltok? What are you guys doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< Tomi meni sohvalle pitkälleen ja nukahti. Tom stretched out on the couch and fell asleep. Tomi went all the way to the couch and fell asleep. >>eng<< En tarkoittanut herättää sinua. I didn't mean to wake you. I didn't mean to wake you. >>eng<< Nézd, mit tettél velem! Look at what you've done to me. Look what you did to me. >>eng<< He ovat lukeneet mielenkiintoista kirjaa. They have been reading an interesting book. They've read an interesting book. >>eng<< Tomnak meg kellett védenie a hírnevét. Tom had to defend his reputation. Tom had to protect his reputation. >>eng<< Tuo teetä. Bring tea. Bring me some tea. >>eng<< Tom leikkaa Maryn hiukset. Tom cuts Mary's hair. Tom cuts Mary's hair. >>eng<< Onko Tomilla tyttöystävää? Does Tom have a girlfriend? Does Tom have a girlfriend? >>eng<< Tomi senkit sem engedne be a szobájába. Tom wouldn't let anyone in his room. Tomi wouldn't let anyone in her room. >>eng<< Hän odotti tunti tolkulla. She waited for hours and hours. He waited an hour. >>eng<< Tahdotko omenan? Do you want an apple? Do you want a apple? >>eng<< Tässä hississä on tilaa kahdeksalle hengelle. There's room for eight people in this elevator. This elevator has room for eight people. >>eng<< En löydä mitä haluan. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. >>eng<< Tom nukkui. Tom was sleeping. Tom was asleep. >>eng<< A fiam a szobámba jött. My son came to my room. My son came to my room. >>eng<< Miért nem vette le Tom a dzsekijét? Why didn't Tom take off his jacket? Why didn't Tom take his jacket off? >>eng<< Ajattelin että Tom vain tarvitsi vähän enemmän aikaa. I thought Tom just needed some more time. I just thought Tom needed a little more time. >>eng<< Ez egy madár? Is it a bird? Is that a bird? >>eng<< Menjél csak, ne gondolkozz annyit rajta! Go without thinking twice! Go ahead, don't think about it too much. >>eng<< Minden reggel sminkeli magát. She makes herself up every morning. He wears makeup every morning. >>eng<< Sinä tiedät kuka sen teki, etkö tiedäkin? You know who did it, don't you? You know who did it, don't you? >>eng<< Jos universumi on kosminen muna, kuka sen sitten muni? If the universe is a cosmic egg, who laid it then? If the universe is a cosmic egg, then who's the egg? >>eng<< Olen juuri lopettelemassa. I'm just finishing up. I'm just finishing up. >>eng<< Ma ei taha rohkem probleeme tekitada. I don't want to cause anyone any more trouble. I don't want to cause any more trouble. >>eng<< Minä en ollut koulussa eilen. I didn't go to school yesterday. I wasn't in school last night. >>eng<< Tegyél félre pénzt a nehezebb időkre! Save money for a rainy day. Put money aside for harder times. >>eng<< Nagy nap ez a mai, fiam! Today is a big day, son! It's a big day, son. >>eng<< En ole vieläkään varma. I'm still not certain. I'm still not sure. >>eng<< Te már halott vagy! You are already dead! You're already dead! >>eng<< A gumi a gumifa nedvéből készül. Rubber is made from the sap of the rubber tree. The rubber is made from the mist of the rubber tree. >>eng<< Esetleg tévedtem. I might've been wrong. Maybe I was wrong. >>eng<< Nyertünk. We won. We won. >>eng<< En tiedä, kuka teki kakun. I don't know who made the cake. I don't know who made the cake. >>eng<< Tudja ön, hogy ő mit tett? Do you know what he has done? Do you know what he did? >>eng<< He ovat erittäin kyvykkäitä. They're very capable. They're very capable. >>eng<< Ole hiljaa äläkä häiritse työtäni. Please be quiet and don't hamper my work. Shut up and don't bother my job. >>eng<< Mi van ebben a fiókban? What's in this drawer? What's in this drawer? >>eng<< Egészségesnek látszik. He looks healthy. He looks healthy. >>eng<< Mitte keegi ei tõusnud püsti. Nobody stood up. No one got up. >>eng<< Együtt kerékpározunk. We bike together. We're going for a bike together. >>eng<< Kun nousen, minua pyörryttää. Whenever I get up, I feel dizzy. When I get up, I get dizzy. >>eng<< Minun olisi pitänyt ottaa silmätipat mukaani. I should have taken my eye drops with me. I should have taken the eye drops with me. >>eng<< Tudok segíteni? Can I give you a hand? Can I help you? >>eng<< Hänen äänensä alkoi nousta hänen puhuessaan. Her voice began to rise as she spoke. His voice began to rise when he spoke. >>eng<< Hän menetti kaikkensa. He lost his all. He lost everything. >>eng<< Ymmärrän mitä sanotte. I understand what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. >>eng<< Tulitko tänne tapaamaan Tomia? Are you here to see Tom? Did you come here to see Tom? >>eng<< En tiedä vielä mitään. I don't know anything yet. I don't know anything yet. >>eng<< Sait mitä tulit hakemaan. You got what you came for. You got what you came for. >>eng<< Ne gyere be! Meztelen vagyok. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. >>eng<< Корка кидше гыч волен возо. The glass dropped from his hand. Granted, there is a series of discipline. >>eng<< Szörnyen sajnálom! I'm terribly sorry. I'm so sorry. >>krl<< My name is Hopkins. Minun nimi on Hopkins. ~ My name is Hopkins. >>eng<< Millega Tom viimasel ajal tegeleb? What's Tom up to nowadays? What's Tom been up to lately? >>eng<< Tetszik ez a nyakkendő? Do you like this tie? You like this tie? >>eng<< Lejárt a személyim, mit tegyek? My ID card has expired, what should I do? My ID's over, what do I do? >>krl<< Drink more water. Juo enämbi vetty. HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: >>eng<< Ma annan Tomile sõnumi edasi. I'll give Tom the message. I'll text Tom. >>eng<< Buss sõitis pikka ja käänulist teed mööda. The bus ran on the long and winding road. The bus passed a long and curfew road. >>eng<< Láttad a zöld ingemet? Have you seen my green shirt? Did you see my green shirt? >>eng<< Tom pitää juoksemisesta. Tom likes to run. Tom likes running. >>eng<< Az katasztrofális balesetet okozna a munkaterületen. That would cause a catastrophic accident at the worksite. It would cause a disaster in the work area. >>eng<< Hän oli viimeinen ihminen, jonka odotin näkeväni sellaisessa paikassa. She was the last person I expected to see in such a place. He was the last person I expected to see in such a place. >>eng<< Anna puhelin minulle, Tom. Bring me the phone, Tom. Give me the phone, Tom. >>eng<< Meidän pitäisi tehdä näin joka maanantai. We should do this every Monday. We should do this every Monday. >>eng<< Nincs becenevem. I don't have a nickname. I don't have a nickname. >>eng<< Tundke ennast kodus. Please make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. >>eng<< Tunnen hänet, mutta en tiedä hänen nimeään. I know him, but I don't know his name. I know him, but I don't know his name. >>eng<< Készítettem Máriának egy játékbabát. I made Mary a doll. I made Mary a toy doll. >>eng<< Tomi ránézett a kutyára. Tom looked down at the dog. Tomi looked at the dog. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy ezt meg tudod tenni. I know you can do this. I know you can do that. >>eng<< Japanissa ihmisistä tulee laillisesti täysi-ikäisiä, kun he täyttävät kaksikymmentä. In Japan, people become legally of age at twenty. In Japan people legally become full-aged when they reach 20. >>eng<< Fontos, hogy a szülők egy oldalon álljanak, amikor gyereknevelésre kerül a sor. It's important for parents to be on the same page when it comes to disciplining their children. It is important that parents stand on the same side when raising children. >>eng<< Miksi suostuit auttamaan Tomia? Why did you agree to help Tom? Why did you agree to help Tom? >>eng<< Rizst ültettünk. We planted rice. We planted rice. >>eng<< Kun sade lakkaa, menemme kävelylle. When the rain stops, we'll go for a walk. When the rain stops, we'll take a walk. >>eng<< Mindenki más nevetett. Everyone else laughed. Everyone else laughed. >>eng<< Kuidas sul läheb? How are you? How are you? >>eng<< Kannattaa käydä New Yorkissa. New York is worth visiting. You should go to New York. >>eng<< A semmiből került elő. It came out of nowhere. It came out of nowhere. >>eng<< Hol voltál tegnap éjjel? Where were you last night? Where were you last night? >>eng<< Tomi ei kerro meille mitään itsestään. Tom won't tell us anything about himself. Tomi won't tell us anything about herself. >>eng<< Haluaisin laulaa laulun. I'd like to sing a song. I'd like to sing a song. >>eng<< Tom kieltäytyi kohteliaasti. Tom politely declined. Tom politely refused. >>eng<< Ovikello soi. The doorbell is ringing. The doorbell's ringing. >>eng<< Kallista mind. Hug me. Give me a hug. >>eng<< Nem késtél el. You're not late. You're not late. >>eng<< Két éve vásároltam a házamat. I bought my house two years ago. I bought my house two years ago. >>eng<< Tilasin tämän uimapuvun Ranskasta. I ordered this swimsuit from France. I ordered this swimsuit from France. >>eng<< Minun on kerrottava hänelle siitä. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him about it. >>eng<< Älä yritä tehdä kahta asiaa samaan aikaan. Don't try to do two things at the same time. Don't try to do two things at the same time. >>eng<< Ethän sano tästä mitään Tomille. Please don't say anything to Tom about this. You're not gonna tell Tom anything about this, are you? >>eng<< Menen Australiaan ensi vuonna. I'm going to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. >>eng<< Mul on kissa. I have a cat. I have a cat. >>eng<< Kétségbe volt esve az egészségügyi problémái miatt. He was in despair over health problems. He was desperate about his health problems. >>eng<< Tom lähti kotiin reilu tunti sitten. Tom left for home well over an hour ago. Tom went home about an hour ago. >>eng<< Nekem jó a szaglásom. I have a good sense of smell. I smell good. >>eng<< Minun pitäisi ottaa tämä. I should take this. I should take this. >>eng<< Ez egy nagy, kövér hazugság. That's a big fat lie. It's a big, fat lie. >>eng<< Viselkedjél! Behave yourself. Behave yourself. >>eng<< Tomi yritti itsemurhaa. Tom attempted suicide. Tomi tried to commit suicide. >>eng<< Hän halusi imarrella minua. He wanted to flatter me. He wanted to flatter me. >>eng<< Ő kétszer annyit keres mint én. He earns twice as much as me. He makes twice as much as I do. >>eng<< Noiden eläinten käytös on mieletöntä. Those animals' behavior is absurd. The behavior of those animals is insane. >>eng<< Otan tämän takin. I'll take this coat. I'll take this coat. >>eng<< Nem ezt akarjuk. That's not what we want. That's not what we want. >>eng<< Hän oli jumalallisen kaunis. She was divinely beautiful. She was so beautiful. >>eng<< Keskeytät oppitunnin. You are interrupting the lesson. You're interrupting class. >>eng<< Tarvitsisin vähän apua. I'd like a little bit of help. I could use some help. >>eng<< On ollut rankka viikko. It's been a rough week. It's been a rough week. >>eng<< Rasismi ja homofobia ovat yhä merkittäviä ongelmia amerikkalaisen jalkapallon ammattiliigassa. Racism and homophobia are still major problems in professional football. Racism and homophobia are still major problems in the American football trades. >>eng<< Tom teki niin kuin hän sanoi tekevänsä. Tom did as he said he would do. Tom did what he said he would. >>eng<< Sanoiko Tom sinulle, että voisit ottaa sen. Did Tom tell you that you could take it? Did Tom tell you you could take it? >>eng<< Mennään ulos haukkaamaan happea. Let's go outside for some fresh air. Let's go outside and get some air. >>eng<< Megkaptam az üzeneted. I received your message. I got your message. >>eng<< Tomi ja Mari rakensivat lumilinnan takapihalle. Tom and Mary built a snow fort in the backyard. Tom and Mari built the snow castle in the backyard. >>eng<< Semmi sem könnyebb, mint beszélni. There's nothing easier than speaking. Nothing is easier than talking. >>eng<< Milloin sinä tulet takaisin? When will you come back home? When are you coming back? >>eng<< Tomi on joustamaton. Tom is inflexible. Tomi is inflexible. >>eng<< Mintha nem akarnád, hogy ez összejöjjön nekem. It seems that you don't want me to succeed. It's like you don't want this to happen to me. >>eng<< He laskivat hänen edukseen salaisen hyväntekeväisyyden. They accredit him with the secret charity. They put a secret charity in his favor. >>eng<< Minun täytyy auttaa häntä. I have to help him. I have to help him. >>eng<< Anna rahat Tomille. Give Tom the money. Give Tom the money. >>eng<< Hän yksi pelkuri. He's a big coward. He's a coward. >>eng<< Sa peaksid ütlema, mida sa mõtled. You should say what you think. You should tell me what you're thinking. >>eng<< Zágráb Horvátország fővárosa. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Zagreb is Croatia's capital. >>eng<< Tässä kalassa on paljon pieniä ruotoja. This fish has a lot of small bones in it. There's a lot of small fish in this fish. >>eng<< Montako kertaa viikossa sinä käyt suihkussa? How many times a week do you take a shower? How many times a week do you take a shower? >>eng<< Minä tulen ajamaan Detroitiin. I'll drive to Detroit. I'll drive to Detroit. >>eng<< Kumpi on isompi, Tokio vai Kobe? Which is larger, Tokyo or Kobe? Which one's bigger, Tokyo or Kobe? >>eng<< On mahdollista, että ikkunan rikkoi joku muu kuin Tomi. Tom might not be the one who broke the window. It's possible the window was broken by someone other than Tom. >>eng<< Saako olla keksiä? Would you like some cookies? Can I have an idea? >>eng<< Tomi meghívta Marit egy pohár borra. Tom offered Mary a glass of wine. Tomi invited Mari for a glass of wine. >>eng<< A rendőr gázálarcban van. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The police are in a gas mask. >>eng<< Olemme pari. We're a couple. We're a couple. >>eng<< Letörött a körmöm. I have a broken nail. My nails are broken. >>eng<< Miközben átkeltem az úton, majdnem elütött egy autó. Crossing the street, I was nearly hit by a car. While I was crossing the road, I almost got hit by a car. >>eng<< Egy gazdag, idős ember felesége lett. She married a rich old man. She's married to a rich, old man. >>eng<< Tom puhuu aina itsestään. Tom always talks about himself. Tom always talks about himself. >>eng<< Nincs annyi pénzem, hogy fizetni tudjak neked. I can't afford to pay you. I don't have the money to pay you. >>krl<< Lapsi on määrätty karanteeniin. Lapsi on miärätty karantiinah. The child is assigned to quarantine. >>eng<< Tamás miért van otthon? Why is Tom home? Why is Tamás at home? >>eng<< Tegnap megjavítottam az autót. I fixed the car yesterday. I fixed the car yesterday. >>eng<< Me reisime Eestis järgmisel kuul. We're going to travel to Estonia next month. We're going to Estonia next month. >>eng<< Nykyään kukaan ei usko aaveisiin. Nowadays nobody believes in ghosts. Today, no one believes in ghosts. >>eng<< Mekkora kamion! What a big truck! What a truck! >>eng<< Csináld meg ezt a munkát holnapig, ha lehet. Do this work by tomorrow if possible. Do this job till tomorrow, if you can. >>eng<< Elég tőkéjük van ahhoz, hogy felépítsenek egy mások gyárat. They have enough capital to establish another factory. They have enough capital to build a factory for others. >>eng<< Az akkumulátorok lemerültek. The batteries are dead. The batteries are dead. >>eng<< Kuinka paljon se on myöhässä? How late is it? How late is it? >>eng<< Hän on boheemi. She's a bohemian. He's a bohemian. >>eng<< Szokás szerint reggel korán kelt fel és kocogott. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. He woke up early in the morning, usually. >>eng<< Kérlek, a jövőben légy egy kicsit óvatosabb. Please, be a bit more careful in the future. Please be a little more careful in the future. >>eng<< Mistä voin saada taksin? Where can I get a taxi? Where can I get a cab? >>eng<< Gyorsan cselekedenünk kell. We must act quickly. We have to act fast. >>eng<< Mindig is azon álmodoztam, hogy külföldön élek. I've always dreamed of living abroad. I've always dreamed of living abroad. >>eng<< Haluaisitko syödä lounasta yhdessä? Would you like to have lunch together? Would you like to have lunch together? >>eng<< Voi kunpa olisin yhtä fiksu kuin sinä. I wish I were as smart as you are. I wish I was as smart as you. >>eng<< Tudod, ez vicces. It's funny, you know. You know, that's funny. >>eng<< Tomi on hemmetinmoinen kiusankappale. Tom is a real nuisance. Tom's a hell of a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Minä olen lukemassa kirjan. I'm reading a book. I'm reading the book. >>eng<< Minulle maistuisi toinen olut. I feel like another beer. I'd like another beer. >>eng<< Csináljuk együtt. Let's do that together. Let's do this together. >>eng<< Jani nem tud gitározni. John doesn't know how to play the guitar. Jani can't play guitar. >>eng<< Harminc perc kell, hogy odaérjek. I can be there in 30 minutes. I need 30 minutes to get there. >>eng<< Ülj vissza! Sit back down. Sit down. >>eng<< Csak egy átlagos fickó vagyok, akinek nincs vesztenivalója. I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose. I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose. >>eng<< Tom ei rääkinud kellelegi teisele. Tom didn't tell anyone else. Tom didn't tell anyone else. >>eng<< Olettepa keksineet melkoisen tarinan. You've made up quite a story there. You've come up with quite a story. >>eng<< Kérdezzük meg őket! Let's ask them. Let's ask them. >>eng<< Alustan homme. I start tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. >>eng<< Sisältyykö se hintaan? Is it included in the price? Does it include the price? >>eng<< Holnap fognak tárgyalni. They will hold talks tomorrow. They'll be negotiating tomorrow. >>eng<< See on väga maitsev. This is really delicious. It's delicious. >>eng<< Ensimmäinen tekoni senaattorina on nimittää sinut viralliseksi ilveilijäksi. My first deed as Senator is designating you as the official jester. The first thing I've done as a senator is to appoint you as an official scoundrel. >>eng<< Türelmesebbnek kell lenned. You need to be more patient. You have to be more patient. >>eng<< Pesto on Jumalan lahja kansalle. Pesto is God's gift to the world. The plague is God's gift to the people. >>eng<< Köszöntöttem Bettit, de ő semmibe se vett. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hi to Bett, but he didn't take me for granted. >>eng<< Palun kiirusta. Mul pole kogu öö aega. Please hurry. I don't have all night. Please hurry, I don't have all night. >>eng<< Én is egyetértek Tomival. I agree with Tom, too. I agree with Tomi. >>eng<< A bahái hit nagyon menő vallás. The Baha'i Faith is a very cool religion. The bahai faith is a very cool religion. >>eng<< Mistä kukasta sinä pidät eniten? Which flower do you like the most? Which one do you like most? >>eng<< Missä voimme ylittää joen? Where can we cross this river? Where can we cross the river? >>eng<< Tomi näytti tyhmältä. Tom looked foolish. Tomi looked stupid. >>eng<< Növeszted a szakállad? Are you growing a beard? You're growing your beard? >>eng<< Tamás nem iszik. Tom isn't drinking. Tamás doesn't drink. >>eng<< Az egyetemen van. He is at university. He's at the university. >>eng<< Figyelmeztettem Tomit. I warned Tom. I warned Tom. >>eng<< Tatoebassa sinun täytyy aina kuunnella konkareita. He kertovat sinulle mitä ei voi tehdä ja miksi. Ja sitten tee niin kuin he sanovat. In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tatobe, you always have to listen to the frogs, and they tell you what they can't do and why, and then do as they say. >>eng<< Kuuntelen Espanjan radiota. I listen to the Spanish radio. I'm listening to the Spanish radio. >>eng<< Minä annan sen takaisin. I'll give it back. I'll give it back. >>eng<< Tomi myönsi sen. Tom admitted that. Tomi admitted it. >>eng<< Mielestäni sinun pitäisi ajatella tulevaisuutta. I think you should think about the future. I think you should think about the future. >>eng<< Tal on kolm tütart. He has three daughters. She has three daughters. >>eng<< Egész héten rosszul voltam. I've been feeling bad for a week. I've been sick all week. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse kiittää minua. You don't need to thank me. You don't have to thank me. >>eng<< Engem csak Tomi szeret. Tom is the only one who loves me. I'm the only one Tomi loves. >>eng<< Tom utelee liikaa. Tom is too nosy. Tom's asking too many questions. >>eng<< Ezek lilák? Are they purple? Is that purple? >>eng<< Miért érdekel? Why are you interested? Why do you care? >>eng<< Jól akarom megcsinálni. I want to get it right. I want to do it right. >>krl<< Valtion pinta-ala on 2472,7 km². Valdivon pinduala on 2472,7 km². The state has a surface area of 2472,7 km2. >>eng<< Hän ei sydämeltään ole valehtelija. He is not a liar at heart. He's not a liar from his heart. >>eng<< A pap megáldotta a gyülekezetet. The priest blessed the congregation. The priest blessed the congregation. >>krl<< How old are you, Tom? Äijygo vuottu sinul on, Tom? Well, how about you, MTM? >>eng<< Elakadtam. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. >>eng<< Esetleg tanulhatnék németül. Maybe I should study German. Maybe I could study German. >>eng<< Tomi kattoi pöydän. Tom set the table. Tomi covered the table. >>eng<< Silmä silmästä, hammas hampaasta. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. >>eng<< Lomaliikenne ryömi moottoritietä pitkin. The holiday traffic crawled along the highway. Holiday traffic crawled along the freeway. >>eng<< Nende pulmad on homme. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their wedding is tomorrow. >>eng<< Tietysti! Of course! Of course! >>eng<< Nem kívánom senki halálát. I don't wish anyone dead. I don't want anyone dead. >>eng<< George-niminen mies asui hotellissa. A man named George was staying at a hotel. A man named George lived in a hotel. >>eng<< Sikoltottak. They screamed. They screamed. >>eng<< Älä käännä tätä lausetta. Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate this sentence. >>eng<< Üzenetet kell hagynom. I need to leave a message. I have to leave a message. >>eng<< Ott van egy nő, aki beszélni akar önnel. There's a woman as wants to see you. There's a woman there who wants to talk to you. >>eng<< Iszol alkoholt? Do you drink alcohol? You want some alcohol? >>eng<< Hyppää. Jump. Jump. >>eng<< He ovat suloisia. They're adorable. They're cute. >>eng<< Millä mantereella on joki nimeltään Niili? In what continent is the Nile River? What continent has a river called Nile? >>eng<< Minun nimeni on Omid. My name is Omid. My name is Omid. >>eng<< Tomi on luova kaveri. Tom is a creative guy. Tomi's a creative guy. >>eng<< Nem fogják megérteni. They won't understand. They won't understand. >>eng<< Mi a rossz hír? What is the bad news? What's the bad news? >>eng<< Sinuna en välittäisi siitä. Were I you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I wouldn't care. >>eng<< Szükségem van egy ollóra. I need a pair of scissors. I need a scissors. >>eng<< Tom käy osa-aikatöissä. Tom has a part-time job. Tom works part-time. >>eng<< En tiedä isäni vuosituloja. I don't know my father's annual income. I don't know my father's annual income. >>eng<< Ma pole sellest kunagi kellelegi rääkinud. I've never told anyone about this. I've never told anyone about it. >>eng<< Lue se yhä uudestaan. Read it again and again. Read it again and again. >>eng<< Hálás vagyok. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. >>eng<< Tom istui auton konepellillä. Tom was sitting on the hood of the car. Tom was sitting on the hood of the car. >>eng<< Hän asuu kuin prinsessa. She lives like a princess. She lives like a princess. >>eng<< Senki sem volt ott. There was nobody. No one was there. >>eng<< Autistilapsilla ei koskaan ole tylsää. Autistic children never get bored. Autistic children never get bored. >>eng<< Olen pidempi kuin Tom. I'm taller than Tom. I'm taller than Tom. >>eng<< He eivät halunneet enempää levittää orjuutta. They wanted no further spread of slavery. They didn't want to spread slavery anymore. >>eng<< Elfelejtette a visszajárót. You have forgotten your change. He forgot the change. >>eng<< Poikien kerho, tytöt ULOS! Boys' club, girls OUT! The boys' club, the girls' fields! >>eng<< Joni jäi kotiin kuten häntä käskettiin. John stayed at home as he was told. Joni stayed home like she was told. >>eng<< Tomi szokta hívni Marit? Does Tom ever call Mary? Is Tom used to call Mari? >>eng<< Számtalanszor figyelmeztettek és még többször is, amit te nem fogadtál meg. They had warned you several times and yet, you didn't listen to. I've been warned many times and many times, which you didn't accept. >>eng<< Az autó kék. The car is blue. The car is blue. >>eng<< Suuri auto pysähtyi ja siitä astui ulos pitkä nainen. A big car drew up and a tall lady got out. A big car stopped and a long woman stepped out of it. >>krl<< Puasinkoi is a small Karelian village in the Tver region. Puasinkoi on pieni karielan külä Tverin mualla. It is also a small Karelian village in the Tver region. >>eng<< Oktoober on alles kolme kuu pärast. October is still three months off. October's only in three months. >>eng<< Tomilla on pöytätietokone. Tom has a desktop computer. Tom's got a desk computer. >>eng<< Túl kicsi volt ahhoz, hogy elérje a szőlőfürtöket. He was too short to get at the grapes. It was too small to reach the grapes. >>eng<< Semmi sem hiányzik. Nothing's missing. Nothing's missing. >>eng<< Sisareni vaati päästä minun mukaani. My sister insisted on going with me. My sister insisted on coming with me. >>eng<< Näin jokin valkoisen lentävän taivaalla, joten minä aloin uskoa enkeleihin. I saw something white flying in the sky, so that I came to believe in angels. I saw something flying white in the sky, so I began to believe in angels. >>eng<< Azt mondod, az én hibám? Are you saying this is my fault? Are you saying it's my fault? >>eng<< Tom on pakkaamassa matkalaukkuaan. Tom is packing his suitcase. Tom's packing his suitcase. >>eng<< Most alszik el Tomi. Tom is falling asleep. Now he's asleep, Tomi. >>eng<< Minun nimeni on Henri. My name is Henry. My name is Henri. >>eng<< Tom ütles, et ta pidi lahkuma. Tom said that he had to leave. Tom said he had to leave. >>eng<< Nem tetszik nekünk Tomi. We don't like Tom. We don't like Tomi. >>eng<< Tomin olisi pitänyt mennä naimisiin Marin kanssa. Tom should've married Mary. Tom should have married Mari. >>eng<< Soha nem kellett volna korán elmenned. You never should have left early. You never should have left early. >>eng<< Työskenteletkö vielä Tomin kanssa? Are you still working with Tom? Are you still working with Tom? >>eng<< Tämä suklaa maistuu todella hyvältä. This chocolate tastes really good. This chocolate tastes really good. >>eng<< Se ei ole pätkääkään sinun asiasi. It's none of your business! It's not your business. >>eng<< Sanoik sä, et sul on kissa? Did you say you had a cat? You're saying you don't have a cat? >>eng<< Mit nevezünk madárnak? What is a bird? What do we call a bird? >>eng<< Mul on võlg maksta. I have a debt to pay. I owe you money. >>eng<< Seurassanne on hauskaa olla. You're fun to hang out with. It's fun to be around you. >>eng<< Kiitos kun autoit minut tien yli. Thank you for helping me cross the road. Thank you for helping me cross the road. >>eng<< Magánnyomozó vagyok. I'm a private investigator. I'm a private investigator. >>eng<< Tomi katosi ihmispaljouteen. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Tomi went missing in the crowd. >>eng<< Tom orvostanhallgató. Tom is a medical student. Tom's a medical student. >>eng<< Ne becsüljétek alá magatokat. Don't underestimate yourselves. Don't underestimate yourselves. >>eng<< Chopint játszom. I play Chopin. I'm playing Chopin. >>eng<< Ez a kérdés könnyen megválaszolható. That question is easy to answer. That question is easy to answer. >>eng<< See on tunnustatud Ameerika kirjanik. That is a recognized American author. It's a recognized American writer. >>eng<< A viszályunk a gyerekkorunkig nyúlik vissza. Our feud traces back to our childhood. Our fight goes back to our childhood. >>eng<< Milloin ruoka on valmista? Minulla on kauhea nälkä. When will dinner be ready? I'm terribly hungry. When's the food ready? >>eng<< Ádámkosztümben van. The man is naked. He's in Adam's suit. >>eng<< Időben érkeztem az állomásra. I arrived at the station on time. I arrived at the station in time. >>eng<< Az Egyesült Államok régóta mint "olvasztótégely" ismert, mivel lakóinak többsége emigránsok leszármazottja. The United States has long been known as a "melting pot" because most of its people are descended from immigrants. The United States has been known for a long time as a melting pot, as most of its inhabitants are descendants of immigrants. >>eng<< Kaikki eivät voi olla runoilijoita. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be poets. >>eng<< Tulokset olivat ennustamattomia. The results were unpredictable. The results were unpredictable. >>eng<< Olet kolmannella luokalla, eikö niin? You're in third grade, right? You're in third grade, aren't you? >>eng<< A japánok ázsiaiak. Japanese are Asians. The Japanese are Asian. >>eng<< Tomin piti olla täällä kolme tuntia sitten. Tom was due here three hours ago. Tom was supposed to be here three hours ago. >>eng<< Túlsúlyos voltam. I was overweight. I was overweight. >>eng<< Tomi on ärsyyntynyt. Tom is annoyed. Tomi's upset. >>eng<< Katso sormiani. Watch my fingers. Look at my fingers. >>eng<< Minä en ole koskaan käynyt Amerikassa. I have never been to America. I've never been to America. >>eng<< Tom katsoi ikkunan läpi. Tom looked through the window. Tom looked through the window. >>eng<< Menen, jos keli on hyvä. I'll go if the weather's good. I'll go if it's good. >>eng<< Nem adjuk alább az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We're not giving up our expectations. >>eng<< Häivy! Go away! Get out! >>eng<< Meillä on pikku ongelma. We have a little problem. We've got a little problem. >>eng<< Ma reggel sült krumplit ettem tejföllel. This morning I ate french fries with sour cream. I had French fries this morning. >>eng<< Haluan asua Curaçaossa. I want to live in Curaçao. I want to live in Curaçao. >>eng<< De a tiéd sem rossz. Yours is not bad, either. But yours isn't bad. >>eng<< Hän on vaihtanut nimensä. He has changed his name. He's changed his name. >>eng<< Sen jälkeen kun Tom oli syönyt lautasensa tyhjäksi, hän kysyi Marilta voisiko hän syödä Marin salaatin. After Tom had eaten everything on his plate, he asked Mary if he could eat her salad. After Tom had eaten his plate empty, he asked Mar if he could eat Mari's salad. >>eng<< Tom oli haluton menemään yksin. Tom was reluctant to go by himself. Tom was unwilling to go alone. >>eng<< Perkele. Damn. Oh, shit. >>eng<< Se ja sama. Whatever. That and the same. >>eng<< Semmit nem hallunk. We don't hear a thing. We can't hear anything. >>eng<< Csak útbaigazításra van szükségem. All I want is directions. All I need is directions. >>eng<< Tänan! Thanks! Thank you! >>eng<< Mosom kezeimet. I wash my hands. I'll wash my hands. >>eng<< A részletekhez nem lehetett azonnal hozzáférni. Details weren't immediately available. There was no immediate access to the details. >>eng<< Näyttää sitä, että meillä on kaikki. It looks like we have everything. Looks like we've got everything. >>eng<< Van néhány dolgom, amit meg akarok csinálni. I have some things I want to do. I have some things I want to do. >>eng<< Hei, anna see mulle tagasi. Hey, give that back to me. Hey, give it back to me. >>eng<< Tomi sulki television. Tom shut the TV off. Tom shut down the TV. >>eng<< Bármit is mond neked, tedd meg! Do whatever it is that he tells you to do. Whatever he says to you, do it. >>eng<< Minun nimeni on Henri. My name's Henry. My name is Henri. >>eng<< Nem hiszem, hogy valaha meg fogom szokni a koreai ételeket. I don't think I'll ever get used to Korean food. I don't think I'll ever get used to Korean food. >>eng<< Talán van egy másik út is. There may be another way. Maybe there's another way. >>eng<< Csak banánt ettem. All I ate was bananas. I only ate bananas. >>eng<< Paljonko rahaa kulutit viime viikolla? How much money did you spend last week? How much money did you spend last week? >>eng<< Mit csinál ez a gép? What does this machine do? What's this machine doing? >>eng<< Ilmselt. Obviously. Probably. >>eng<< "Tatoeba" on mitmekeelne sõnastik. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. Tatoeba is a multilingual dictionary. >>eng<< Tarvitset vain apua. You just need help. All you need is help. >>eng<< Tomi katsoi kenkiään. Tom looked at his shoes. Tomi was looking at his shoes. >>eng<< Az én órám olcsóbb, mint a tied. My watch is less expensive than yours. My watch is cheaper than yours. >>eng<< Oletko todella sitä mieltä, että Mari flirttaili minulle? Do you really think Mary was flirting with me? Do you really think Mari was flirting with me? >>eng<< Tomi istui kolmekymmentä vuotta linnassa. Tom spent thirty years in prison. Tomi was in prison for thirty years. >>eng<< Nem kell a dolgokat siettetni. There's no need to rush things. You don't have to hurry things up. >>eng<< Täna on hea ilm. The weather is good today. It's a good weather today. >>eng<< Ebből a szobából csodás kilátás nyílik. The view from this room is wonderful. This room has a wonderful view. >>eng<< Lecsökkent ennek a városnak a lakossága. The population of this city has decreased. The population of this city has been reduced. >>eng<< Tom osaa puhua ranskaa hyvin. Tom can speak French well. Tom can speak French well. >>eng<< Tapahtui jotain, jota en ollut odottanut. Something I hadn't anticipated happened. Something happened that I hadn't expected. >>eng<< Tämä lääke helpottaa kramppejasi. This medicine will ease your cramps. This drug will ease your cramps. >>eng<< Onpa iso koira! What a big dog! What a big dog! >>eng<< Haluatko kahvia? Do you want coffee? You want some coffee? >>eng<< Parkkipaikalla oleva auto on tulessa. A car in the parking lot is on fire. The car in the parking lot is on fire. >>eng<< A tehetséges pénzügyminiszter leleményes intézkedése megmentette a fizetésképtelenség szélén álló országot a teljes csődtől. The talented finance minister's ingenuity has helped his bankrupt nation to get out of the red. The resourceful measure of the talented finance minister saved the country on the brink of insolvency from total bankruptcy. >>eng<< Amikor ismeretlen eladóktól vásárolsz anyagokat, tedd kellő óvatossággal! When buying materials from unknown sellers, do your due diligence. When buying materials from unknown sellers, be careful. >>eng<< Ezt be kellene tiltani. That should be prohibited. That should be banned. >>eng<< En ole vieläkään varma mistä tämä kertoo. I'm still not sure what this is about. I'm still not sure what this is about. >>eng<< Azután senki nem látta őt. Nobody has seen him ever since. Then no one saw him. >>eng<< Nem szereti a gyerekeket. She doesn't like children. He doesn't like kids. >>eng<< Hän on hyvä päästään. She's smart. He's good at it. >>eng<< Mustavalkotelevisiot ovat vanhentuneita. Black and white television sets have gone out of date. Black and white TVs are out of date. >>eng<< Verd fel a tojásokat! Beat the eggs. Bite the eggs. >>eng<< Nem tudok sokat a kutyákról. I don't know much about dogs. I don't know much about dogs. >>eng<< Tom látta. Tom saw it. Tom saw it. >>eng<< Kérem hívjon, ha legközelebb jön. Please call me when you come next. Please call me next time you come. >>eng<< Nézzük meg, hogy megy. Let's see how it goes. Let's see how it goes. >>eng<< Pysytään yhteyksissä! Keep in touch! Let's stay in touch! >>eng<< Puhu Tomille ranskaa. Speak to Tom in French. Talk to Tom in French. >>krl<< You're old. Šie olet vanha. Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh- >>eng<< Mikä sinun tavoitteesi Tatoebassa on? What's your aim in Tatoeba? What's your goal in Tatobeba? >>eng<< Ehkä minä voin tehdä sen uudestaan. Maybe I can do it again. Maybe I can do it again. >>eng<< Száz barát között egy jó barát van. Good friends are one in a hundred. There's a good friend among 100 friends. >>eng<< Viisaampia sanoja ei koskaan ollut puhuttu. Wiser words were never spoken. The wiser words had never been spoken. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy pitää aina kätesi puhtaina. You must always keep your hands clean. You must always keep your hands clean. >>eng<< Igénytelen vagyok. I'm unambitious. I'm not required. >>eng<< Räätälin mielestä pukine istui täydellisesti, mutta asiakas valitti ja sanoi, että se oli liian lyhyt ja kangas oli huonolaatuista ja karkeaa. The tailor thought that the garment fit perfectly, but the customer complained and said the garment was short and the fabric poor and coarse. The tailor thought he sat perfectly, but the client complained and said it was too short and the fabric was of poor quality and roughness. >>eng<< Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. >>eng<< Itt vannak? Are they here? Are they here? >>eng<< Válni akarok. I want a divorce. I want a change. >>eng<< Yritätkö pyytää minua treffeille? Are you asking me out? Are you trying to ask me out? >>eng<< Felszedtél egy kis súlyt, ugye? You've put on a little weight, haven't you? You took a little weight, didn't you? >>eng<< Ez az én farmom, és ez nem eladó! This is my farm, and it isn't for sale. This is my farm, and it's not for sale! >>eng<< Ketkä ovat ystäviäsi Tatoebassa? Who are your friends on Tatoeba? Who are your friends in Tatobe? >>eng<< Olenko minä sinun mielestäsi Tomin näköinen? Do you think I look like Tom? Do you think I look like Tom? >>eng<< Lapoztam. I turned the page. I've been prying. >>eng<< Hoppá! Az én hibám. Ez nem háromezer euró, hanem háromezer jen. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. It's not three thousand euros, it's three thousand yen. >>eng<< Tom ei tulnud koju. Tom didn't come home. Tom didn't come home. >>eng<< Tom feszült lett. Tom became tense. Tom got tense. >>eng<< Szereted a sportot? Do you like sports? Do you like sports? >>eng<< See on raske otsus. It'll be a difficult decision. It's a tough decision. >>eng<< Neked túl kicsi az a kerékpár. That bicycle is too small for you. That bike is too small for you. >>krl<< The flower is red. Kukka on ruskei. The president is also redded. >>eng<< Tom minden nap köszönetet mond nekem. Tom thanks me every day. Tom says thank you every day. >>eng<< Egyre többen igyekeznek kihasználni a médium interaktív természetét. More and more people are rushing to make use of the interactive nature of the medium. More and more people are trying to exploit the interactive nature of the medium. >>eng<< Täältä on kauniit näkymät kun sää on hyvä. You can get a nice view from here when the weather is good. There are beautiful views here when the weather is good. >>eng<< Tomilla on salaisuus. Tom has a secret. Tom has a secret. >>eng<< Minun täytyi kävellä sinne, koska autoni meni rikki. I had to walk there because my car broke down. I had to walk in there because my car broke down. >>eng<< Tunnen heidän tuskansa. I feel their pain. I feel their pain. >>eng<< Meidän olisi parempi mennä hieman taaksepäin. We'd better go back a little. We'd better go back a little bit. >>eng<< Tom ei puhu ranskaa. Tom doesn't speak French. Tom doesn't speak French. >>eng<< Āigastõn um kakštuoistõn kūdõ. A year has twelve months. We've got some kakštöistöistön. >>eng<< Tomnak van egy ikertestvére. Tom is a twin. Tom has a twin brother. >>eng<< Elraboltak. They kidnapped me. I was kidnapped. >>eng<< Olet erityinen, Tom. You're special, Tom. You're special, Tom. >>eng<< Szereted ezt az országot? Do you like this country? Do you like this country? >>eng<< Olen salapoliisi. I'm a detective. I'm a secret police officer. >>eng<< Me söimme miekkakalaa. We ate swordfish. We ate swordfish. >>eng<< Tetszik, ahogy mosolyogsz. I like the way you smile. I like the way you smile. >>eng<< Toimin ajattelematta. I acted without thinking. I don't think so. >>eng<< Nem bírtam ki. I couldn't bear it. I couldn't stand it. >>eng<< Elutasítottam az ajánlatot. I refused the offer. I refused the offer. >>eng<< Mit keres itt Tom? What is Tom doing here? What's Tom doing here? >>eng<< Niin söpöä! So cute! So cute! >>eng<< Olen tavallaan onnellinen puolestasi. I'm kind of happy for you. I'm kind of happy for you. >>eng<< Piszkos a nadrágod. Your pants are dirty. Your pants are dirty. >>eng<< Tom jól szórakozik. Tom is amused. Tom's having fun. >>eng<< Tal ei olnud ühtegi pliiatsit. She didn't have any pencils. He didn't have any pencils. >>eng<< Mi a munkája? What does he do for a living? What's your job? >>eng<< En osaa uida yhtään. I cannot swim at all. I can't swim at all. >>eng<< Lyön vetoa että Tom ei tehnyt sitä ensimmäistä kertaa. I bet it's not the first time Tom has done that. I bet Tom didn't do it for the first time. >>eng<< Tom ei pääse ulos makuupussistaan. Vetoketju on jumissa. Tom can't get out of his sleeping bag. The zipper is stuck. Tom can't get out of his sleeping bag. >>eng<< Milyen nagy tök! What a big pumpkin! How big is that? >>eng<< Minä puhun vähän skottigaelia. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I'm gonna go talk to some Scotsy Gael. >>eng<< He eivät halveksu teitä. They don't despise you. They don't despise you. >>eng<< Remélhetőleg rendben lesznek a dolgok. Hopefully, things will work out. Hopefully things will be fine. >>eng<< Hogy tetszik önnek Japán éghajlata? How do you like the climate of Japan? How do you like the climate in Japan? >>eng<< Tomi elvesztette azt az órát, melyet Mari ajándékozott neki. Tom lost the watch that Mary gave him. Tomi lost the watch that Mari gave her. >>eng<< Mindketten a kertben vannak. They both are in the garden. They're both in the garden. >>eng<< Kokeile sitä puseroa. Try on that shirt. Try that sweater. >>eng<< Hadd csináljam meg még egyszer! Let me do that again. Let me do it again. >>eng<< Angolul és németül is beszél. She can speak both English and German. He speaks both English and German. >>eng<< Onpa typerää! How foolish! That's stupid! >>eng<< Tarvitsetko juristia? Do you want a lawyer? You need a lawyer? >>eng<< Tegnap kórházba ment. She went to the hospital yesterday. He went to the hospital yesterday. >>eng<< Belsőépítész vagy? Mert mikor megláttalak, az egész szoba gyönyörűvé vált. Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful. Because when I saw you, the whole room became beautiful. >>eng<< Ma teen selle ära. Sa võid rahuneda ja minule loota. I'm taking care of it. You can relax. You can rely on me. You can calm down and count on me. >>eng<< Oikein! Right! That's right! >>eng<< A hatása alatt állok. It impressed me much. I'm under his influence. >>sma<< You drink tea. Datne löövjem jovkh. You don't know anything about it. >>eng<< Mindenki fáradt. Everybody's tired. Everybody's tired. >>eng<< Tomi már megint megrúgott az asztal alatt. Tom kicked me under the table again. Tomi kicked me under the table again. >>eng<< Tapasztalatból mondom, hogy ez nem egy jó ötlet. My experience tells me that is not a good idea. From experience, it's not a good idea. >>eng<< Alkaa sataa lunta. It's starting to snow. It's starting to snow. >>eng<< Kaipaatko Tomia? Do you miss Tom? Do you miss Tom? >>eng<< Kerro minulle työstäsi. Tell me about your job. Tell me about your work. >>myv<< You are welcome. А мезень кис. You should get baptized. >>eng<< Olen Tomin näköinen. I look like Tom. I look like Tom. >>eng<< A Youtube meghekkelése bűncselekmény? Is hacking youtube a crime? Youtube hacking is a crime? >>eng<< Vapauttakaa hänet. Release him. Release him. >>eng<< Hän ei voi pitää huolta itsestään. He can't take care of himself. He can't take care of himself. >>eng<< Minä huomasin, että Tomilla on oikeassa jalassaan pieni tatuointi. I noticed that Tom had a small tattoo on his right foot. I noticed Tom's got a little tattoo on his right foot. >>eng<< Tykkäätkö surffaamisesta? Do you like surfing? Do you like surfing? >>eng<< Te mutatod az utat. You lead the way. You're going to show me the way. >>eng<< Tomi lopetti. Tom quit. Tomi quit. >>eng<< Átgondoltam a jövőmet. I thought over my future. I've been thinking about my future. >>eng<< Emme tiedä, mitä huominen tuo tykönään. We don't know what the next day will bring. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. >>eng<< Tom asuu yksikseen isossa talossa. Tom lives in a large house by himself. Tom lives alone in a big house. >>eng<< Otthon hagytam a kártyámat. I left my card at home. I left my card at home. >>eng<< Ismerted Tomot? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? >>eng<< Tom auttoi Marya siirtämään huonekalut. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. Tom helped Mary move the furniture. >>eng<< Sinä et auta. You're not helping. You're not helping. >>eng<< Ne aggódj! Tudom, mit csinálok. Don't worry. I know exactly what I'm doing. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. >>eng<< Tomi kertoi minulle, että te olette täällä. Tom told me you were here. Tomi told me you were here. >>eng<< A katonák elégedetlenek voltak a kormánnyal. The soldiers were dissatisfied with the government. The soldiers were dissatisfied with the government. >>eng<< Vielä jokin päivä ajokorttisi otetaan pois. One day, they're going to take away your driver's license. One more day, your driver's license will be removed. >>eng<< Attól félek, dolgom van. I'm afraid I have work to do. I'm afraid I'm busy. >>eng<< Éles mellkasi fájdalmat érzek. I have a sharp pain in my chest. I feel a sharp chest pain. >>eng<< Tänään aion mennä konserttiin. Tonight I plan to go to a concert. Today I'm going to go to the concert. >>eng<< Syömme tänä iltana pihviä. We're having steak tonight. We're having steak tonight. >>eng<< Minä haluaisin pyytää sinulta palvelusta. I have a favor to ask. I'd like to ask you a favor. >>eng<< Yritetäänpäs jotakin. Let's try something. Let's try something. >>eng<< Van öngyújtója? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? >>krl<< Bon appetit. Hyviä syöndyhimuo. That's right. >>eng<< Mintha unná magát Tomi. Tom looks bored. It's like I'm missing you, Tomi. >>eng<< Nincs itt senki. There isn't anybody here. There's no one here. >>eng<< A legjobb védekezés a támadás. Attack is the best form of defense. The best defense is attack. >>eng<< Ha nincs mit mondanod, ne mondj semmit. If you have nothing to say, say nothing. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything. >>eng<< Két zsák cement elég lesz. Two bags of cement will be enough. Two bags of cement is enough. >>eng<< A térre mentem előző este. i went to the plaza last night. I went to the square last night. >>eng<< Tom on paljon vanhempi kuin Mary. Tom is much older than Mary. Tom's a lot older than Mary. >>eng<< Még soha nem koncerteztünk Bostonban. We've never given a concert in Boston. We've never played in Boston before. >>krl<< Tekoäly on harjoitellut värittämään kuvia. Tegoäly on harjaitelluh värittämäh kuvii. The artificial intelligence has been practicing color images. >>eng<< Kerro tuolle naiselle että hänen poikansa on kunnossa. Inform that woman that her son is alright. Tell that woman her son's okay. >>eng<< Miksi näin kävi minulle? Why did this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? >>eng<< Kaikki nauravat. Everybody laughs. Everybody's laughing. >>eng<< Csak franciául beszélek. I only speak French. I only speak French. >>eng<< Tegnap boldog voltam. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. >>eng<< He rantautuivat turvallisesti eräälle saarelle eilen. They landed on an island safely yesterday. They landed safely on an island yesterday. >>eng<< Lähetän sen takaisin. I'll send it back. I'll send it back. >>eng<< Robi nem bír magával. Bob could not control his temper. Robi can't deal with you. >>eng<< Asun Taškentissa. I live in Tashkent. I live in Tashken. >>eng<< Én fizessek neked? Should I pay for you? You want me to pay you? >>eng<< Se on siistiä. That's cool. It's cool. >>eng<< Kunnon ruoka ja uni parantavat vilustumisesi. Good food and good sleep will cure you of your cold. Good food and sleep will improve your cold. >>eng<< Bob, kérlek segíts cipelni a poggyászát a nagyszobába. Bob, help me carry his luggage to the living room. Bob, please help me carry your luggage to the big room. >>eng<< Kit szoktak szégyenpadba ültetni? Who usually sits in the dunce's seat? Who are they used to put in a pillow? >>eng<< Olet minun maassani. You're on my land. You're in my country. >>eng<< Ki kell gyomlálni a kertet. The garden needs to be weeded. We've got to get the garden out. >>eng<< Mitä lukiota kävit? What high school did you go to? What high school did you go to? >>sma<< I drink. Manne jovkem. It's the same as before. >>eng<< Ainult tegin nalja. Only joking. I'm just kidding. >>eng<< Ensi kerralla älä pudota sitä. Next time, don't drop it. Next time, don't drop it. >>eng<< Mary oskab ujuda. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. >>eng<< Tom oli narkkari. Tom was a drug addict. Tom was a junkie. >>eng<< Onpa kaunis paikka! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! >>eng<< Tomi katosi vuosi sitten. Tom disappeared a year ago. Tomi disappeared a year ago. >>eng<< Onnea syntymäpäivääsi. I wish you a happy birthday. Good luck with your birthday. >>eng<< Olisit turvassa siellä. You would be safe there. You'd be safe there. >>eng<< Katso asioiden valoisaa puolta. Look on the bright side of things. Look at the bright side of things. >>eng<< Maradj idebent, kérlek! Stay in here, please. Stay in here, please. >>eng<< Letette az asztalra a kék mappát. He put the blue folder down on the table. He put the blue folder on the table. >>eng<< Tomnak kettővel kevesebb játéka van, mint Marinak. Tom has two fewer toys than Mary. Tom's got two less games than Mari's. >>eng<< Hän pääsi Kiotoon lauantaina. He reached Kyoto on Saturday. He made it to Kyoto on Saturday. >>eng<< Tulen heti perässä. I'll be right behind you. I'll be right behind you. >>eng<< Sinun pitäisi lukea enemmän. You should read more. You should read more. >>eng<< Älä käy vainoharhaiseksi! Don't get paranoid. Don't get paranoid! >>eng<< El tudsz olvasni tíz könyvet hetenként? Nem azt akarod mondani, hogy havonta? You can read ten books in a week? Don't you mean in a month? Can you read ten books a week? >>eng<< Tominak a legkisebb elképzelése sem volt arról, hogy mi történik. Tom had absolutely no idea what was going on. Tomi had no idea what was going on. >>krl<< This woman is not pretty. Tämä naine ei ole šoma. Well, that's who you are. It's not exactly what you're talking about. >>eng<< Kuinka pitkä vierailusi oli? How long was your visit? How long was your visit? >>eng<< Olin ennen poliisi. I used to be a cop. I used to be a cop. >>eng<< Van elég pénze? Do you have enough money? Do you have enough money? >>eng<< Megbosszulom ezt a sértegetést, biztos lehetsz benne! I will get revenge for this insult, you can be sure of that! I'll retaliate this insult, and you can be sure. >>eng<< Anteeksi että olen myöhässä. I'm sorry I'm so late. Sorry I'm late. >>eng<< Ki megy férjhez? Who's getting married? Who's getting married? >>eng<< Megráztam a fejemet. I shook my head. I was shaking my head. >>eng<< Régebben a spanyol volt a Fülöp-szigetek hivatalos nyelve. Spanish used to be the Philippines' official language. In the past, Spain was the official language of the Philippines. >>eng<< Tässä metsässä uskotaan olevan kummituksia. It is believed that ghosts exist in this forest. They think there's ghosts in this forest. >>eng<< Todennäköisesti. Probably. Probably. >>eng<< Onko totta, että "kiitos" vietnamiksi kuulostaa samalta kuin "come on"? Is it true that "Thank you" sounds like "Come on" in Vietnamese? Is it true that "thank you" in Vietnamese sounds like "come is"? >>eng<< Teen töitä kahdeksan tuntia päivässä. I work eight hours a day. I work eight hours a day. >>eng<< Mitte keegi ei märganud mind. Nobody noticed me. No one noticed me. >>myv<< How are you? Кода эрятадо? ~ How are you? ~ How are you? >>eng<< Boston on liian kylmä minulle Chicagosta puhumattakaan. Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago. Boston is too cold for me from Chicago, not to mention. >>eng<< Olen imarreltu. I'm flattered. I'm flattered. >>eng<< Tomi megmutatta nekem a rajzot, amelyet Mariról készített. Tom showed me a drawing of Mary that he drew. Tomi showed me the drawing she made about Mari. >>eng<< Pöydällä on yksi omena. There is one apple on the desk. There's an apple on the table. >>eng<< Tietävätkö he, mitä tapahtui? Do they know what happened? Do they know what happened? >>eng<< Meséld el nekünk, hogy mit csináltál a múlt hétvégén. Tell us what you did last weekend. Tell us what you did last weekend. >>eng<< Rengeteg ember van, aki házat próbál venni. There are a lot of persons who try to buy a house. There's a lot of people trying to buy a house. >>eng<< Tom és Mary nem ugyanabban az államban élnek. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. Tom and Mary don't live in the same state. >>eng<< Tom egy nyugdíjazott rendőr. Tom is a retired policeman. Tom's a retired cop. >>eng<< Hol lakik? Where's his home? Where do you live? >>eng<< Ezt a dalt én kívülről fújom. I can sing this song without the text. I'm blowing this song from the outside. >>eng<< Nüüd, ma olen hõivatud. Now I am busy. Now, I'm busy. >>eng<< Lopeta huutaminen. Stop yelling! Stop yelling. >>eng<< Onko täällä joku ongelma? Is there a problem here? Is there a problem here? >>eng<< Pystyn kävelemään vähintään kaksi mailia. I can walk at least two miles. I can walk at least two miles. >>eng<< Meidän tulisi kunnioittaa esivanhempiamme. We should respect our ancestors. We should honor our ancestors. >>eng<< Me etsimme taloa, jossa on autotalli. We are looking for a house with a garage. We're looking for a house with a garage. >>eng<< Tämä on paras. This is the best one. This is the best. >>eng<< Ebben állapodtunk meg. It's what we agreed on. That's what we agreed on. >>eng<< Ki az ördög volt az? Who the devil was that? Who the hell was that? >>eng<< Nekem ez nem fog működni. That won't work for me. That's not gonna work for me. >>eng<< Minun täytyi purkaa telttani voimakkaan tuulen takia. I had to take down my tent because of the strong wind. I had to disengage my tent because of the strong wind. >>eng<< Tamás egy bankban dolgozik. Tom is working at a bank. Thomas works in a bank. >>eng<< Мый муренам. I was singing. I got it. >>eng<< Saat lähteä milloin tahansa. You may leave at any time. You can leave any time you want. >>eng<< Ta kirjutab mulle kord nädalas. He writes me once a week. He writes me once a week. >>eng<< Joku on talossa. Someone's in the house. Someone's in the house. >>eng<< Onko meillä varaa tähän? Can we afford this? Can we afford this? >>eng<< Azért jöttem, hogy beszéljek Tomival. I came to talk with Tom. I'm here to talk to Tomi. >>eng<< Kas sipelgatel on kõrvad? Do ants have ears? Do the ants have ears? >>eng<< Intelligens, de mégsem kedvelem. He's intelligent, but I still don't like him. He's intelligent, but I don't like him. >>eng<< Ez rémes. That's terrible. That's terrible. >>eng<< Tapasin ystäväsi. I met your friend. I met your friend. >>eng<< Kummallista. Strange. That's weird. >>krl<< I can't speak Karelian. Minä en pagize karjalakse. I can't talk about Karelan. >>eng<< Olkaa kilttejä. Be kind. Please. >>eng<< Missä sinun koulusi on? Where's your school? Where's your school? >>eng<< Elengednél most engem? Will you please let me go now? Will you let me go now? >>eng<< Tom rácsukta az ajtót az ujjára. Tom shut the door on his finger. Tom locked the door on his finger. >>eng<< Igazán sajnálom. Úgy tűnik, elvesztettem az esernyődet. I'm really sorry. I seem to have lost your umbrella. Looks like I lost your umbrella. >>eng<< Az a fehér épület egy kórház. That white building is a hospital. That white building is a hospital. >>eng<< Nukun alasti. I sleep naked. I sleep naked. >>eng<< Szeretek nyerni. I love winning. I like to win. >>eng<< Älä syö omenan karoja. I don't eat apple cores. Don't eat apples. >>eng<< Tényleg úgy gondolod, hogy tudok neked segíteni? Do you really think I can help you? Do you really think I can help you? >>krl<< I am old. Mie olen vanha. I don't know what to say. >>eng<< Tom jó az állatokhoz. Tom is good with animals. Tom's good for animals. >>eng<< Me opiskelemme ranskaa. We're studying French. We study French. >>eng<< Már majdnem lejárt az időd. Your time's almost up. Your time's almost up. >>eng<< Hívd a biztonságiakat. Call security. Call security. >>eng<< Bármit megteszek érte. I will do anything for him. I'll do anything for him. >>eng<< Elmúlt 30, de még mindig a szülein lóg. He's over 30 but still financially dependent on his parents. It's past 30, but she's still hanging out with her parents. >>eng<< Tomot betegnek tippelem. I guess Tom is sick. I'm guessing Tom's sick. >>eng<< Tomi suuteli Maria intohimoisesti. Tom kissed Mary passionately. Tomi kissed Maria passionately. >>eng<< Olet saattanut kuulla siitä. You may have heard of that. You may have heard of it. >>eng<< Tom söi itsensä kylläiseksi. Tom ate his fill. Tom ate himself. >>eng<< Kirázott tőle a hideg. He made me shiver. It's getting cold out of me. >>eng<< Kérem, adjon nekem valamit inni. Please give me something to drink. Please give me something to drink. >>eng<< Tomi todettiin syylliseksi. Tom was found guilty. Tomi was found guilty. >>eng<< Kérd meg Tamást, hogy magyarázza el. Ask Tom to explain it. Ask Tamás to explain. >>eng<< Milles probleem on? Where is the problem? What's the problem? >>eng<< Et sinä voi tehdä noin enää. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. >>eng<< Kinaasi on entsyymi, joka fosforyloi toisia valkuaisaineita. A kinase is an enzyme which phosphorylates other proteins. Kinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates other proteins. >>eng<< Panin hänet kantamaan matkalaukun. I made him carry the suitcase. I made him carry the suitcase. >>eng<< Tom on sinun hyvä ystäväsi, vai mitä? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's your good friend, isn't he? >>eng<< A naplómban mindig feljegyzem a jó tapasztalatokat. I always put down good experiences in my diary. I always record good experiences in my diary. >>eng<< Mo hurgá? How is it going? Hunga Mo? >>eng<< Tom ei pahemmin pidä Marystä, vaikka sanookin, että pitää hänestä. Tom doesn't really like Mary, even though he says he does. Tom doesn't like Mary much, even though he says he likes her. >>eng<< Borítsd fel. Turn it over. Wrap it up. >>eng<< En voi tietää sitä mitenkään. I have no way of knowing. There's no way I know that. >>eng<< Most elmondom neked az igazat. I'll tell you the truth now. Now I'm telling you the truth. >>eng<< Ne becsülj minket alá! Don't underestimate us! Don't underestimate us. >>eng<< Sinä näytät aivan näyttelijältä. You look like an actress. You look like an actor. >>eng<< Egy hajón születtem. I was born on a ship. I was born on a boat. >>eng<< Udvariatlan dolog megkérdezni valakitől, mennyit keres. It's rude to ask someone how much they earn. It's impeccable to ask someone how much he's making. >>eng<< Luolassa asuu lohikäärme. A dragon lives inside the cavern. A dragon lives in the cave. >>eng<< Most rajtam a sor. It's my turn. Now it's my turn. >>eng<< Ettehän unohda sulkea ovea. Please don't forget to shut the door. You won't forget to close the door. >>eng<< Tom épp most jött meg. Tom just arrived. Tom just got here. >>eng<< Iga hääl on oluline. Every vote counts. Every voice is important. >>eng<< A fiú csendben maradt. The boy kept quiet. The boy was quiet. >>eng<< Herättäisitkö minut kuudelta huomenna aamulla? Tomorrow morning, wake me up at 6:00, please. Why don't you wake me up at 6:00 tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Mennään puutarhaan. Let's go into the garden. Let's go to the garden. >>eng<< Tämä menetelmä toimii varmasti. This method is sure to work. I'm sure this method will work. >>eng<< Toivottavasti kuolet. I hope you die. I hope you die. >>eng<< Tomnak kanyarója van. Tom has the measles. Tom's got a jugular. >>eng<< Mikä on Teidän nimenne? What is your name, sir? What's your name? >>eng<< Sinulla oli tilaisuus. You had a chance. You had a chance. >>eng<< Tom näyttää kalpealta. Tom looks pale. Tom looks pale. >>eng<< Seurusteletteko te kaksi? Are you two going out together? Are you two dating? >>eng<< Feljelentettek minket csendháborításért. We were cited for breach of peace. We've been called in for silence. >>eng<< A hibákat én követtem el. The mistakes are mine. I made the mistakes. >>eng<< Ma ei pidanud seda liigutama. I didn't have to move it. I didn't have to move it. >>myv<< Hello! Шумбрат! I said, ‘ You must love your God! ’ >>eng<< Hän ajatteli saavansa pianostaan hyvän ruumisarkun itselleen. He thought his piano would make a good coffin for him. He thought he'd get himself a good coffin for his piano. >>eng<< Minä käytän Googlea joka päivä. I use Google every day. I use Google every day. >>eng<< Eivät kaikki pitäneet häntä suurena näyttelijättärenä. Not everyone thought she was a great actress. Not everyone thought he was a great actress. >>eng<< A vacsora készítésével van elfoglalva. She is busy cooking dinner. He's busy making dinner. >>eng<< Ő egy kiváló agysebész. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. >>eng<< Ők nekem dolgoznak. They work for me. They work for me. >>eng<< Kattints az OK gombra! Click the OK button. Click on the OK button. >>eng<< Millainen nainen minä sinun mielestäsi olen? What kind of woman do you think I am? What kind of woman do you think I am? >>eng<< Áttanulmányozta a "Háború és béke" eredeti szövegét. He studied the original text of War and Peace. He studied the original text of War and Peace. >>eng<< En yllättyisi ollenkaan. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised at all. >>eng<< Pesimme jalkaterämme. We washed our feet. We washed our feet. >>eng<< Nem tudtam enni. I couldn't eat anything. I couldn't eat. >>eng<< Sosem szállnék szembe az Úr akaratával. I would never go against the will of the Lord. I would never oppose the Lord's will. >>eng<< Toimintaa! Action! Action! >>eng<< Tuuli kuulostaa pelottavalta kuin kirkuvat haamut. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. The wind sounds scary, like screaming ghosts. >>eng<< Petaa sänkysi. Make your bed. Cheat your bed. >>eng<< Hei. Hello. Hey. >>eng<< Ötszáz könyve biztos, hogy van. He has no less than five hundred books. Five hundred books, I'm sure they do. >>krl<< One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Yksi, kaksi, kolme, nelli, viizi, kuuzi, seiččie, kaheksa, yheksä, kymmene. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight, nine, ten, ten. >>eng<< Uusi tunneli on kaksi kertaa niin pitkä kuin vanha. The new tunnel is twice as long as the old one. The new tunnel is twice as long as the old one. >>eng<< Ajokorttisi on mennyt vanhaksi. Your driver's license has expired. Your driver's license is getting old. >>eng<< Tom jó tanár? Is Tom a good teacher? Tom's a good teacher? >>eng<< Hän kertoi äidilleen opiskelevansa seuraavana päivänä. He told his mother that he would study the next day. She told her mother she was studying the next day. >>eng<< Kukaan ei valittanut siitä. No one complained about it. No one complained about it. >>eng<< Először ide kellett volna jönnöm. I should have come here first. I should have come here first. >>eng<< Miért zavar ez téged? Why's it bothering you? Why does that bother you? >>eng<< - Honnan jött, uram? - Japánból. "Where are you from, sir?" "Japan." - Where did you come from, sir? >>eng<< Ő egy idegen. He is a stranger. He's a stranger. >>eng<< Bármennyit hajlandó vagyok fizetni. I'll pay anything. I'm willing to pay as much as I can. >>eng<< Lakást keresünk. We are looking for an apartment. We're looking for a place. >>eng<< Leszedi a tányérokat az asztalról. She will clear the table of the dishes. He's taking the plates off the table. >>eng<< Tizenhárom éves voltam, amikor Tamás meghalt. Tom died when I was thirteen. I was 13 when Tamás died. >>eng<< Be tudtad pakolni az összes ruhát a táskába? Did you fit all the clothes in the bag? Did you get all the clothes in the bag? >>eng<< Hän karkasi kotoaan. He ran away from home. He ran away from his house. >>eng<< Ma unustasin oma sõnastiku alumisele korrusele. I left my dictionary downstairs. I forgot my dictionary on the bottom floor. >>eng<< A füzet az asztalon hever. The notebook is lying on the table. The notebook's on the table. >>eng<< Rossz vége lesz ennek, fiam. This will come to a bad end, son. This is gonna end badly, son. >>eng<< Több helyre van szükségem. I need more space. I need more places. >>eng<< Szeretem a sajtos pizzát. I love pizza with cheese. I like cheese pizza. >>eng<< Puhu hitaammin. Speak slower. Slow down. >>eng<< Hagyd felkapcsolva a világítást! Leave the lights on. Keep the lights on. >>eng<< Mitäs puuhaat? What're you doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< Felébresztett a zaj. The sound woke me up. The noise woke me up. >>eng<< Tom arvab, et ta suudab maailma päästa. Tom thinks he can save the world. Tom thinks he can save the world. >>eng<< Hän jätti valituksen. He filed a complaint. He filed a complaint. >>eng<< Yritin seurata ohjeistasi. I tried to follow your instructions. I tried to follow your instructions. >>eng<< Pitäisikö sen olla hauskaa? Is that supposed to be funny? Is it supposed to be fun? >>eng<< Jopa fiksut ihmiset tekevät toisinaan typeriä asioita. Even smart people sometimes do stupid things. Even smart people sometimes do stupid things. >>eng<< Miks just mina? Why me? Why me? >>eng<< Elmentek Bostonba. They went to Boston. They went to Boston. >>eng<< Meg kell javítani. It needs to be fixed. We need to fix it. >>eng<< Ez már a múlté. It's a thing of the past. It's all in the past. >>eng<< Fő a kávé. The coffee is brewing. Coffee's important. >>eng<< Soitan nyt kitaraa. I'm playing the guitar now. I'm playing guitar now. >>eng<< Tom ei näinud väga õnnelik välja. Tom didn't look all that happy. Tom didn't look very happy. >>eng<< Holnap este érkezek Bostonba. I'll arrive in Boston tomorrow evening. I'll be in Boston tomorrow night. >>eng<< Kolme on kaikki mitä tarvitsemme. Three is all we need. Three is all we need. >>eng<< Jostain syystä minulla on eloisampi olo öisin. For some reason I feel more alive at night. For some reason, I feel more alive at night. >>eng<< A nagylábujjaim kezdenek érzéketlenné válni. My toes are getting numb. My big toes are getting insensitive. >>eng<< Sokáig tartott, de végül mégis sikerült megtalálni. It took us a long time, but finally we were able to find her. It took a long time, but eventually we managed to find it. >>eng<< Hän on onnellisin ollessaan lastenlastensa kanssa. He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren. She's the luckiest when she's with her grandchildren. >>eng<< Az tegnap volt. That was yesterday. That was yesterday. >>eng<< Az abszolút igazság nem létezik. Absolute truth does not exist. Absolute truth doesn't exist. >>eng<< Megfáztam tegnap. I caught a cold yesterday. I got cold yesterday. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy kävellä ennen kuin voit juosta. You must walk before you can run. You have to walk before you can run. >>eng<< He vastustavat eläinrääkkäystä. They're against animal abuse. They're against the animal negotiations. >>eng<< Mutasd nekünk az utat! Show us the way. Show us the way. >>eng<< Me tapaamme tällä viikolla Bostonissa. We'll meet this week in Boston. We're meeting this week in Boston. >>eng<< On todella vaikeaa nähdä itsensä toisten silmin. It's very hard to see yourself as others see you. It's really hard to see yourself in the eyes of others. >>eng<< Angliában azt mondják, hogy "olyan részeg, mint egy lord", Oroszországban viszont azt, hogy "olyan részeg, mint egy suszter". In England, they say "as drunk as a lord," in Russia by contrast, "as drunk as a shoemaker." In England, they say, "she's as drunk as a lord," but in Russia, "she's as drunk as a suster." >>eng<< Együtt fogjuk megcsinálni. We'll do this together. We're gonna do this together. >>eng<< Pihenjünk itt. Let's rest here. Let's rest here. >>eng<< Azok a férfiak katonák. Those men are soldiers. Those men are soldiers. >>eng<< Tom tulee aina olemaan täällä sinua varten. Tom will always be here for you. Tom will always be here for you. >>eng<< Elegem van már Tomi lustaságából. I'm fed up with Tom's laziness. I'm sick of Tomi's laziness. >>eng<< En halua ottaa varaslähtöä. I don't want to jump the gun. I don't want to take off as a thief. >>eng<< Se oli juuri se, mitä tarvitsinkin. That was just what I needed. It was exactly what I needed. >>eng<< Pont egy órát vett igénybe. It took exactly an hour. It took just an hour. >>eng<< Ez meg mi? What is this one? What is this? >>eng<< Vaimoni jätti minut. My wife left me. My wife left me. >>eng<< Jos englanti kelpasi Jeesukselle, kelpaa se minullekin. If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me. If English was good enough for Jesus, I'd be fine with it. >>eng<< Ez a nyaklánc jádekőből készült. This necklace is made of jade. This necklace is made ofjamstone. >>eng<< Puhutteko italiaa? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? >>eng<< Myös neljännessä kerroksessa on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There is also a toilet on the fourth floor. >>eng<< Miksi planeetat ovat pyöreitä? Miksi ne eivät ole kuution, pyramidin tai levyn muotoisia? Why are planets round? Why aren't they shaped like cubes, pyramids, or discs? Why are the planets round? Why are they not cubes, pyramids or disks shaped? >>eng<< Változott bármi azóta? Has anything changed since then? Has anything changed since then? >>eng<< En huolehtisi siitä liikaa. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I wouldn't worry about it too much. >>eng<< Mietittekö te vakavasti lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about leaving? >>eng<< Nem szeretem a havat. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. >>eng<< Tom szinkronszínész. Tom is a voice actor. Tom's a sync actor. >>eng<< Minä aion odottaa. I'm going to wait. I'm gonna wait. >>eng<< Hän on vähän mustasukkainen. He's a bit jealous. She's a little jealous. >>eng<< Hän laittaa syrjään vähän rahaa joka kuukausi. He puts aside a little money each month. He puts aside some money every month. >>eng<< Pidän aamuhämärästä. I love twilight. I like the morning. >>eng<< Tomilla on vaikeuksia pysyä muun luokan tahdissa. Tom has trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. Tom's having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. >>eng<< Älä yritä tehdä kahta asiaa samalla kertaa. Don't attempt two things at a time. Don't try to do two things at the same time. >>eng<< Tekeekö sinun mielesi syödä jotain? Do you feel like eating something? Does your mind make you eat something? >>eng<< He eivät kuule sinua. They can't hear you. They can't hear you. >>eng<< Palaan asiaan myöhemmin. I'll have to get back to you. I'll get back to you later. >>eng<< Erős fickó vagy, igaz-e? You're a strong guy, aren't you? You're a strong guy, aren't you? >>eng<< Mennyire vagy éhes? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? >>eng<< Az importcikkeket magas adók terhelik. Import goods are subject to high taxes. Imports are subject to high taxes. >>eng<< Tämä on linja-autopysäkki. This is a bus stop. This is a bus stop. >>eng<< Elég jól beszél angolul. She can speak English pretty well. He speaks English quite well. >>eng<< Taevast vaadelduna tundus jõgi hiiglasuure maona. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a huge snake. From heaven’s standpoint, the river seemed like a huge snake. >>eng<< Olympialaiset järjestetään joka neljäs vuosi. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympics take place every four years. >>eng<< Juokaa jotain. Drink something. Have a drink. >>eng<< Se on suuri sairaala. It's a big hospital. It's a big hospital. >>eng<< A ház lángokban állt. The house was in flames. The house was in flames. >>eng<< He ovat tosi viileitä. They're really cool. They're so cool. >>eng<< Näytät nuorelta. You look young. You look young. >>eng<< Mitä kieliä osaat puhua? What languages do you know how to speak? What languages do you speak? >>eng<< Van telefon a szobámban. There's a telephone in my room. I have a phone in my room. >>eng<< Halott? He's dead? Is he dead? >>eng<< Tudom, mi a bajod. I know what's wrong with you. I know what's wrong with you. >>eng<< Hän paiskasi oven kiinni. She slammed the door. He slammed the door. >>eng<< Tomilla on tatuointi vasemmassa kädessään. Tom has a tattoo on his left arm. Tom's got a tattoo in his left hand. >>eng<< Mennem kell. I've got to go. I have to go. >>eng<< Tutkimus on osoittanut liian nopean syömisen lisäävän ylipainon todennäköisyyttä. A study has proved, that eating too fast increases your chance for obesity. The study has shown that eating too fast increases the likelihood of overweight. >>eng<< Tämä elämä kultakalamaljassa on kaikki mitä tarvitsen. This fishbowl life is all I need. This life in the goldfish bowl is all I need. >>eng<< Huomenna on vapaapäivä. Tomorrow's a holiday. Tomorrow's the day off. >>eng<< Missä on sinun pomosi. Where's your boss? Where's your boss? >>eng<< Minun olisi pitänyt panna takki päälle. I should have worn a coat. I should have put on my coat. >>eng<< Maa on Aurinkoon verrattuna pieni. The earth is small compared with the sun. The earth is small compared to the sun. >>eng<< Mari hozzám jött ma reggel. Mary married me this morning. Mari came to see me this morning. >>eng<< Tomi alkoi opiskella ranskaa noin kolme vuotta sitten. Tom began to learn French about three years ago. Tomi started studying French about three years ago. >>eng<< Sa näed kõike mustades värvides. You see everything in black colours. You see everything in black colors. >>eng<< Minä en olisi antanut Tomille tapahtua mitään. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. I wouldn't have let anything happen to Tom. >>eng<< A nagypapám elesett a második világháborúban. My grandfather was murdered during the Second World War. My grandfather fell in World War II. >>eng<< Bújj be, kérlek! Please step inside. Come in, please. >>eng<< Tomi johdatti meidät ansaan. Tom led us into a trap. Tomi set us up. >>eng<< Még nem ettem. I haven't eaten. I haven't eaten yet. >>eng<< Kui tēg tūndõt ēntšta? How do you feel? What's the matter with you? >>eng<< Tuoli antoi periksi kun Tom istui sille, ja hän rojahti lattialle loukaten selkänsä. The chair gave way as Tom sat on it, and he crashed to the floor injuring his back. The chair gave up when Tom sat on it, and he crawled on the floor, hurting his back. >>eng<< Fokról fokra jutott el az elnöki székig. He made his way to presidency step by step. He made it to the president's chair. >>eng<< Tegnap este Tomival voltam. I was with Tom last night. I was with Tomi last night. >>eng<< Mihin vittuun aurinko katos? Where the fuck did the sun go? Where the fuck did the sun go? >>eng<< Teetpä sinä kovasti töitä. Mutta älä rasita itseäsi liikaa. You're working hard, eh. But don't push yourself too hard. Well, you're doing a lot of work, but don't burden yourself too much. >>eng<< Ma olen vabatahtlik. I'm a volunteer. I'm a volunteer. >>eng<< Tunne itsesi. Know thyself. Make yourself feel good. >>eng<< Nem bírom elviselni a stresszt. I can't cope with stress. I can't bear the stress. >>eng<< Isäni ei ollut koskaan siihen mennessä käynyt ulkomailla. My father had never been abroad until then. My father had never been abroad by then. >>eng<< Tom tud segíteni. Tom can help. Tom can help. >>eng<< Ta oleks peaaegu jõkke uppunud. She almost drowned in the river. He almost drowned in the river. >>eng<< Nem fogjuk hagyni, hogy Tomi azt tegye. We're not going to let Tom do that. We're not gonna let Tomi do that. >>eng<< Minulla on ne kaikki. I have them all. I've got them all. >>eng<< Ügyvédet akarok. I need a lawyer. I want a lawyer. >>eng<< Mosolyt akarok csalni az ajkadra. I want to make you smile. I want to put a smile on your lips. >>eng<< Tom nem hisz a szellemekben. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. Tom doesn't believe in ghosts. >>eng<< Beszélnem kell veled. I need to talk to you. I need to talk to you. >>eng<< Viszlát a hétvégén! See you on the weekend. See you this weekend. >>eng<< Äitini ei osaa ajaa autoa. My mother cannot drive a car. My mom can't drive. >>eng<< Muiriel most 20 éves. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel's 20 now. >>eng<< Nem maradna egy teára? Won't you stay for tea? Wouldn't you like to stay for a cup of tea? >>eng<< Nem hazudtam. I didn't lie. I wasn't lying. >>eng<< Azt akarom, hogy rohanj el értem a boltba. I want you to run to the store for me. I want you to run for me at the store. >>eng<< Gyakran röplabdázom. I often play volleyball. I often play volleyball. >>eng<< Ez a kirakó ötszáz darabos. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle is 500 pieces. >>eng<< Ma nägid millega sa tegelesid. I saw what you were doing. I saw what you were doing. >>eng<< Valóban azt akarod, hogy én táncoljak veled? Do you really want me to dance with you? Do you really want me to dance with you? >>eng<< Ne nyissátok ki! Don't open that. Don't open it! >>eng<< En ole naimisissa. I'm not married. I'm not married. >>eng<< Jos haluat päästä täältä ulos hengissä, seuraa minua. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. If you want to get out of here alive, follow me. >>eng<< Ohjelma alkaa kello yhdeksän. The program starts at nine o'clock. The program starts at 9:00. >>eng<< Valóban jól beszél. He speaks really well. He's really good at talking. >>eng<< Öld meg Tomot! Kill Tom. Kill Tom! >>eng<< Tom tienaa miljoona dollaria vuodessa. Tom makes millions of dollars a year. Tom makes a million dollars a year. >>eng<< Tomi azt akarta Maritól, hogy válaszoljon ő neki néhány kérdésre a múltjából. Tom wanted Mary to answer some questions about her past. Tomi wanted Mari to answer some questions about her past. >>eng<< Kui näljane sa oled? How hungry are you? How hungry are you? >>eng<< Tom tudós. Tom is a scholar. Tom's a scientist. >>eng<< Olen katkera. I'm resentful. I'm bitter. >>eng<< Ez Tom döntése. It's Tom's decision. It's Tom's decision. >>eng<< Pitäisikö meidän aloittaa kokous nyt? Should we start the meeting now? Should we start the meeting now? >>eng<< Mytologian mukaan Prometheus varasti pyhän tulen jumalilta. According to mythology, Prometheus stole the sacred fire from the gods. Mythology says Prometheus stole the sacred fire from the gods. >>eng<< Ez egy nagy hiba. This is a big mistake. It's a big mistake. >>eng<< Ismered ezt a férfit? Do you know this man? Do you know this man? >>eng<< Hän on hyvä ihminen. He is a nice person. He's a good person. >>eng<< Tom talán itt lehetett tegnap, de én nem láttam. Tom might've been there yesterday, but I didn't see him. Tom might have been here yesterday, but I didn't see him. >>eng<< En aio lopettaa nyt. I'm not quitting now. I'm not gonna stop now. >>eng<< Tom nem az apám. Ő a nagybátyám. Tom isn't my father. He's my uncle. Tom's not my father, he's my uncle. >>eng<< Hän asuu korttelin päässä ja hänen nimensä on Susan. She lives a block away and her name is Susan. He lives a block away, and his name is Susan. >>eng<< Bármire képes. He's capable of anything. He can do anything. >>eng<< Tom csak bámult. Tom just stared. Tom was just staring. >>eng<< Van köztetek valami? Is there anything between you? Is there something going on between you two? >>eng<< Miksi minun pitäisi opiskella ranskaa? Why should I learn French? Why should I study French? >>eng<< Ma naudin pikki jalutuskäike rannas. I enjoy long walks on the beach. I'm enjoying long walks on the beach. >>eng<< Még mindig szomjas vagyok. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. >>eng<< Sosem találkoztam még olyan személlyel, akit rögtön rühelltem. I've never met a person that I've disliked immediately. I've never met anyone I hated right away. >>eng<< Kalansyöminen on hyvää terveydellesi. Eating fish is good for your health. Eating fish is good for your health. >>eng<< Varas pääsi sisään huomaamatta. The thief got in without being noticed. The thief got in unnoticed. >>eng<< Oletteko käyneet milloinkaan Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? >>eng<< Ta on hea õpilane. He is a good student. He's a good student. >>eng<< Katso söpöä pientä vauvaa, joka nukkuu sängyssä. Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle. Look at the cute little baby sleeping in bed. >>eng<< Meillä on seuraa. We're having company. We have company. >>eng<< Asia ei ole välttämättä siten. It is not necessarily so. It's not necessarily that way. >>eng<< Tämä rakennus kuuluu vanhemmilleni. This building belongs to my family. This building belongs to my parents. >>eng<< Nimeni on Tom. My name's Tom. My name is Tom. >>eng<< Ha a helyedben lennék, megkérdezném tőle. I would ask him if I were you. If I were you, I'd ask him. >>eng<< Ő nem iszik kávét. She doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't drink coffee. >>eng<< Mivel esett az eső, otthon maradtam. Since it rained, I stayed home. Because it was raining, I stayed home. >>eng<< Heitä oli kolme ja heillä oli aseet. They were three and they were all armed. There were three of them and they had guns. >>eng<< Nem tudtam őket megmenteni. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save them. >>eng<< Kõik tahavad sinuga kohtuda. Sa oled kuulus! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everybody wants to meet you. >>eng<< Мый шарнем, мом тудо каласыш. I remember what he said. I remembered when it was understood. >>eng<< Eivätkö he osaa puhua ranskaa? Can't they speak French? Can't they speak French? >>eng<< Kivel mentél oda? Who did you go there with? Who did you go there with? >>eng<< Mitä haaskausta! What a terrible waste! What a waste! >>eng<< Vissza kell mennem. I need to go back. I have to go back. >>eng<< A férj és a feleség teáznak. The husband and his wife drink tea. The husband and wife have tea. >>eng<< Tomi tuli pelastamaan minua kuin ritari kiiltävässä haarniskassa. Tom came to my rescue, like a knight in shining armor. Tomi came to save me like a knight in a shiny armor. >>eng<< A preskriptív nyelvészek szó szerint a legrosszabbak. Prescriptive linguists are literally the worst. Prescriptive linguists are literally the worst. >>eng<< Tom ei pidä julkisesti puhumisesta. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public speaking. >>eng<< Úgy tűnt, Tom nagyon aggódott. Tom seemed very concerned. It seemed Tom was very worried. >>eng<< Nem akarom. I don't want it. I don't want to. >>eng<< Hétfőn dolgozol? Do you work on Monday? You work Monday? >>eng<< Tiedätkö kuinka paljon kello? Do you know what time it is? Do you know how much time it is? >>eng<< Sosincs késő ahhoz, hogy az legyél, ami lehettél volna. It's never too late to be what you might have been. It's never too late to be what you could have been. >>eng<< Én ezt már nem hiszem el. I don't believe it any longer. I can't believe this anymore. >>eng<< Outoa kyllä, ovi avautui itsestään. Strange to say, the door opened of itself. Strangely enough, the door opened itself. >>eng<< Látnom kell nekem. I must see it. I need to see him. >>eng<< Tom adott Marynek ezer dollárt egy barna papírzacskóban. Tom gave Mary a $1000 in a brown paper bag. Tom gave Mary a thousand dollars in a brown paper bag. >>eng<< Tamás hozzászokott a munkához. Tom got used to the work. Tamás's used to work. >>eng<< Majd meghalok, úgy fáj a kezem. My arm is killing me. I'll die. My hand hurts. >>eng<< Már, vagy még nem? Already, or not yet? Is it or isn't it? >>eng<< Tom kävi satunnaisesti tapaamassa Marya tämän vanhempien talossa. Tom occasionally visited Mary at her parents' house. Tom happened to meet Mary at her parents' house. >>eng<< Nem táplálok haragot veled szemben. I bear no grudge against you. I don't feed on you. >>eng<< On mahdotonta, että hän olisi tiennyt siitä. It's impossible that she knew about it. It's impossible that he knew about it. >>eng<< Mi erre a magyarázat? How is this explained? What's the explanation for that? >>eng<< Nagy a világ. The world is big. It's a big world. >>eng<< Miért voltál dühös? Why were you angry? Why were you angry? >>eng<< Tom megnyomta a gombot és várt. Tom pushed the button and waited. Tom pressed the button and waited. >>eng<< Itt az ideje, hogy előrukkolj valamivel. The time has come for you to play your trump card. It's time for you to come up with something. >>eng<< Onko liftaaminen kiellettyä Australiassa? Is hitchhiking prohibited in Australia? Is it forbidden to lift in Australia? >>eng<< Räägin küll hiina keelt, aga ei oska seda lugeda. I can speak Chinese, but I can't read it. I speak Chinese, but I can't read it. >>eng<< Mitä teit eilen? What did you do yesterday? What did you do last night? >>eng<< Sanoiko hän mitään muuta minusta? Did she say anything else about me? Did he say anything else about me? >>eng<< Amint Tom kisétált az ajtón, a rendőrség tüzet nyitott. As soon as Tom walked out the door, the police started shooting. As soon as Tom walked out the door, the police opened fire. >>eng<< Työkalupakkini sisältää ainoastaan pihdit, vasaran ja ruuvimeisselin. My toolbox contains only pliers, a hammer, and a screwdriver. My tool holders only contain pins, hammers and screwdrivers. >>eng<< Hän kielsi olevansa varas. He denied that he was the thief. He told me not to be a thief. >>eng<< Tamásnak túl sok idejét veszi el a munka. Tomás spends too much time working. Tamás's taking too much time to work. >>eng<< Mindig is szerette felhívni magára a figyelmet. He always wanted to call attention to himself. He always liked to draw attention to himself. >>eng<< Úgy tettem, mint, aki nem értette meg. I pretended that I didn't understand. I acted like I didn't understand. >>eng<< Minulla on lemmikkijuna, jota välillä käytän toimistolla. Se saa tosin toimiston aivan nokiseksi. I have a pet train I sometimes take to work. It makes the office all sooty though. I have a pet train that I sometimes use at the office, but it makes the office very clever. >>eng<< Toivon, että pystymme pysymään yhteyksissä. I hope we will be able to keep in touch. I hope we can stay in touch. >>eng<< Ott volt Tamás és Mária. Tom and Mary were there. Thomas and Mary were there. >>eng<< Me haluamme saada vauvan. We want to have a baby. We want to have a baby. >>eng<< Hän opiskelee aina ahkerasti. He always studies hard. He always studies hard. >>eng<< Jookos? Please. Yeah? >>eng<< Tom mindig mosolyog. Tom is always smiling. Tom's always smiling. >>eng<< Haluan oikeasti tietää hänen nimensä. I really want to know her name. I really want to know his name. >>eng<< Talvella kuivat lehdet lentelevät ilmassa. In winter, the dry leaves fly around in the air. In winter, dry leaves fly in the air. >>eng<< Asiat eivät ole selkeästi määriteltyjä. Things are not clearly defined. Things are not clearly defined. >>eng<< Vegyél be egy aszpirint. Take an aspirin. Take an aspirin. >>myv<< Good evening. Паро чокшне. Member of the Commission >>eng<< Viimeisin sulhaseni oli varsinainen ääliö. My last husband was a real idiot. My last fiancé was a real jerk. >>eng<< Algéria nagyon ki van szolgáltatva a kínai behozatali cikkeknek. Algeria is overly dependent on Chinese exports. Algeria is very much supplied with Chinese import goods. >>eng<< Tomot kirúgták a munkából való folyamatos késés miatt. Tom was fired for constantly being late to work. Tom was fired for the constant delay at work. >>eng<< Mindig megkérdezi a véleményedet. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. >>eng<< Haluan puhua Tomille ensin. I want to talk to Tom first. I want to talk to Tom first. >>eng<< Fedezd fel a világot! Discover the world! Cover the world. >>eng<< Felnőttem, de nem múlt el a félelmem a sötétségtől. I grew up, but I have not stopped fearing the dark. I'm a grown-up, but my fear of darkness didn't go away. >>eng<< A holnapi indulásunk, az időjárástól függ. Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather. Our departure tomorrow depends on the weather. >>eng<< Nos, akkor folytassuk onnan, ahol abbahagytuk. Well, let's continue from where we stopped it. Well, then let's get back to where we left off. >>eng<< Tomnak azt hamarabb meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should have done that sooner. Tom should have done that sooner. >>eng<< Maili vastaa noin 1 600 metriä. A mile is equal to about 1600 meters. It's about 600 meters. >>eng<< Ihminen ei ole saari, yksilöolio, vaan jokainen on palanen mannerta. No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. Man's not an island, he's an individual, he's a piece of continent. >>eng<< Betegsége miatt nem tudott eljönni. He could not come because of his illness. He couldn't make it because of his illness. >>eng<< Tom gondatlan. Tom is careless. Tom's careless. >>eng<< Mindennek ellen tudok állni, csak a kísértésnek nem. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. >>eng<< Olen iloinen että se toimi. I'm glad it worked. I'm glad it worked. >>eng<< Menj! Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go >>eng<< A gyerekek már elmentek az iskolába. The children have gone to school already. The kids have already gone to school. >>eng<< Ymmärrätkö mitä sanon? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? >>eng<< Toas on piisavalt külalisi. There are plenty of guests in the room. There are enough guests in the room. >>eng<< Ez helyes? Is that correct? Is that right? >>eng<< Tom értékeli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. >>eng<< Tomi tietää olevansa surkea tanssija. Tom knows he's a terrible dancer. Tom knows he's a bad dancer. >>eng<< Fyysikko on vain atomin tapa katsoa itseään. A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself. A physicist is just the atomic way to look at himself. >>eng<< A két fiútestvér egymásra mosolyogtak. The two brothers smiled at each other. The two brothers smiled at each other. >>eng<< Eipä kestä kiittää! You're welcome! You're welcome. >>eng<< Elmegyünk? Are we leaving? We're leaving? >>eng<< Tomi kertoi minulle, että hän ei pidä Marista. Tom told me that he didn't like Mary. Tomi told me she doesn't like Mari. >>eng<< Ez a sütemény lisztet, tejet, tojást és cukrot tartalmaz. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. This cake contains flour, milk, eggs and sugar. >>eng<< Tomi kosketti minun kättäni. Tom touched my hand. Tomi touched my hand. >>eng<< Yhteiskunta on jakautunut. Society is divided. Society is divided. >>eng<< Vesi laajenee lämmetessään. Water expands with heat. Water expands as it warms. >>eng<< A szüleim Aicsi Prefektúrában születtek. My parents were born in Aichi Prefecture. My parents were born in Aicsi Prectura. >>eng<< Oda tudsz menni autóval? Can you get there by car? Can you drive over there? >>eng<< Anyu! Siess! Mom! Hurry! Mom, hurry up! >>eng<< Olet väsynyt tänä iltana. You're tired this evening. You're tired tonight. >>eng<< Shekki on tapa maksaa rahaa jollekulle. A check is a method of paying money to somebody. It's a way of paying money to someone. >>eng<< Tämä on todella poikkeuksellista. This is highly unusual. This is really extraordinary. >>eng<< Minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan, että olit niin tyhmä. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you were so stupid. >>eng<< Mitäs tuosta. Any time. I don't care about that. >>eng<< Koettaisitko? Would you give it a try? Why don't you try it? >>eng<< Sen jälkeen Miki vietiin sairaalaan. After this, Miki was taken to the hospital. After that, Miki was taken to the hospital. >>eng<< Bussi oli melkein täysin tyhjä. The bus was almost completely empty. The bus was almost completely empty. >>eng<< Nem tudtam, hogy ezt meg tudom csinálni. I didn't know I could do this. I didn't know I could do this. >>eng<< Ma sooviksin, et ma oleksin su kõrval. I wish I were by your side. I wish I was next to you. >>eng<< En ymmärrä tämän romaanin juonta. I don't understand this novel's plot. I don't understand the plot of this novel. >>eng<< Tom ismer engem. Tom knows me. Tom knows me. >>eng<< Meillä on kirja. We have a book. We have a book. >>eng<< Oscar oli äitini koira. Oscar was my mom's dog. Oscar was my mother's dog. >>eng<< A megbocsátás köztük és Isten között történik, az én dolgom az, hogy megszervezzem a találkozót. Forgiveness is between them and God, it's my job to arrange the meeting. Forgiveness happens between them and God, it's my job to arrange a meeting. >>eng<< Idegen nyelvek tudása mindenki számára hasznos. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. >>eng<< Sateenvarjot käyvät hyvin kaupaksi. Umbrellas sell well. Umbrellas are a good deal. >>eng<< Gyorsan nő a szakállam. My beard grows quickly. My beard is growing fast. >>eng<< Szúnyogcsípéseim vannak, és nagyon viszketnek. Van rá valami gyógyszere? I've got mosquito bites and they really itch. Do you have any medicine for it? I've got mosquito bites and they're itchy. >>eng<< Tomi on suunnilleen yhtä vanha kuin Mari. Tom is about the same age as Mary. Tomi's about as old as Mari. >>eng<< Tom sai ilmaisen upgreidauksen ykkösluokkaan. Tom got a free upgrade to business class. Tom's got a free upgrease to grade one. >>eng<< Tom sétált. Tom walked. Tom was walking. >>eng<< Vizet forralunk. We are boiling water. We're boiling water. >>sma<< I am a woman. Manne leam nyjsenæjja. I don't know what to say. >>eng<< Tom on saapunut Bostoniin. Tom has arrived in Boston. Tom has arrived in Boston. >>eng<< Tomi tiesi sen. Tom knew that. Tomi knew it. >>eng<< Fel kell készülnünk a jövőre. It is necessary that we provide for the future. We need to prepare for the future. >>eng<< Finom a bőre. She has delicate skin. Her skin is delicious. >>eng<< Maradt még egy vagy két dolog, amit a bőröndbe kell rakni. I still have one or two other things left to pack in my suitcase. There's one or two things left to put in the suitcase. >>eng<< Ymmärrättekö? Understand? Do you understand? >>eng<< Jó asszonynak tartom magam. I consider myself a good wife. I think I'm a good woman. >>eng<< Tom oli järkyttynyt kuullessaan, että Mari oli loukkaantunut liikenneonnettomuudessa. Tom was shocked to hear that Mary had been injured in a traffic accident. Tom was shocked to hear that Mari was injured in a traffic accident. >>eng<< A legtöbben azt mondják, hogy a legjobb módja a nyelvtanulásnak az, ha olyantól tanulunk, akinek az az anyanyelve. Most people say that the best way to learn a foreign language is to learn from a native speaker. Most people say that the best way to learn languages is to learn from someone whose mother tongue is. >>eng<< Lõpuks! Finally! Finally! >>eng<< Lapsilla on valotikkuja. The children have glow sticks. The kids have lights. >>eng<< Tamás sosem lakott Bostonban. Tom never lived in Boston. Thomas never lived in Boston. >>eng<< Tom esküszik, ártatlan. Tom swears he's innocent. Tom swears he's innocent. >>eng<< Mit kívánnak, teát vagy kávét? Which do you want, tea or coffee? What do you want, tea or coffee? >>eng<< Se on varmaan OK. I guess that's OK. I'm sure it's okay. >>eng<< Kuhuiganes ma ei vaataks, seal on ainult liiv ja liiv. Wherever I look, there's only sand and more sand. Wherever I look, it's just sand and sand. >>krl<< This flower is orange. Tämä kukka on oranževoi. This flitter is also orange. >>eng<< Mik voltak az utolsó szavai? What were her final words? What were his last words? >>eng<< Käydään sisään. Let's step inside. Let's go in. >>eng<< Hihetetlen volt. That was unbelievable. It was incredible. >>eng<< Soha nem fogod megtudni, ha nem kérdezel rá. You'll never know if you don't ask. You'll never know if you don't ask. >>eng<< Boldogabb már nem is lehetnék! I couldn't be gladder! I couldn't be happier. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole tietokonetta. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. >>eng<< Toivon sinulle kaikkea hyvää! I wish you the best! I wish you all the best! >>eng<< Hän rakensi uuden talon. He built a new house. He built a new house. >>eng<< Мый тидым ужым. I saw that. I want to do this. >>eng<< Tom on peast segi läinud. Tom is out of his mind. Tom's out of his mind. >>eng<< Tokióban élek. I live in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. >>eng<< Ma pole alati pühapäeviti kodus. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. >>eng<< Olen tullut tänne opiskelemaan kiinaa. I've come here to study Chinese. I've come here to study Chinese. >>eng<< Körülbelül kétezer könyve van. She has about 2,000 books. He's got about 2,000 books. >>eng<< Kell valami étel. I need food. I need some food. >>eng<< Jó okod van rá, hogy dühös legyél. You have good reason to be angry. You have good reason to be angry. >>eng<< Hän kysyi minulta, että kuinka monta kieltä puhun. She asked me how many languages I spoke. He asked me how many languages I speak. >>eng<< Hän ei ole muusikkona mistään kotoisin. He is no kind of musician. He's not a musician from anywhere. >>eng<< Hova máshova mennénk? Where else should we go? Where else would we go? >>eng<< Tom todella suuttui. Tom got really mad. Tom was really upset. >>eng<< Vihaan kahvia. I hate coffee. I hate coffee. >>eng<< Maradj velem, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. >>eng<< Tomi avasi jääkaapin ja otti sen maidon sieltä. Tom opened the fridge and took out the milk. Tom opened the fridge and took the milk from there. >>eng<< Ez a bökkenő. That's the catch. That's the catch. >>eng<< Rakastin Tomia. I loved Tom. I loved Tom. >>eng<< Sinä opetit minulle paljon. You taught me a lot. You taught me a lot. >>eng<< Sun pitää oppii puhuu sun tunteista. You need to learn to talk about your feelings. You need to learn to talk about your feelings. >>eng<< Kadotin kellon. I lost the watch. I lost my watch. >>eng<< Hän voitti sen kilpailun helposti. He won the race easily. He won that competition easily. >>eng<< Ritkán megy el hazulról vasárnaponként. She rarely goes out on Sundays. He rarely leaves home on Sundays. >>eng<< Tomi oli kiukkuinen viime yönä. Tom was cranky last night. Tomi was pissed last night. >>eng<< Tom luottaa minuun. Tom trusts me. Tom trusts me. >>eng<< Onko sinulla hyvä olo? Do you feel OK? Are you all right? >>eng<< Eikö se mene juuri toisinpäin? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't that just the other way around? >>eng<< Sinähän sanoit, että osaisit puhua ranskaa. You said you could speak French. You said you could speak French. >>eng<< A pénz mindenütt jól jön. Money is welcome everywhere. Money is good everywhere. >>eng<< Ezeket a kekszeket lenmagból készítették. These crackers are made from flaxseeds. These biscuits were made of linseed. >>eng<< Ei olisi pitänyt kirjautua ulos. I shouldn't have logged off. I shouldn't have checked out. >>eng<< Irodákat létesítettünk Bostonban. We've set up offices in Boston. We set up offices in Boston. >>eng<< Mää oon laiska. I am lazy. I'm lazy. >>eng<< Számomra Tom elég normálisnak látszik. Tom looks pretty normal to me. Tom seems pretty normal to me. >>eng<< Bárcsak meg tudnám csinálni! I wish I could. I wish I could. >>eng<< A művész gyönyörű képeket készít. This artist creates beautiful paintings. The artist is making beautiful pictures. >>eng<< Remélem, jó. I hope it's good. I hope it's good. >>eng<< Előtt-utóbb meg fogod szokni a hőséget. You'll eventually get used to the heat. You'll get used to the heat sooner or later. >>eng<< A csapat csak annyira erős, amennyire a leggyengébb tagja. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. The team is only as strong as its weakest member. >>eng<< Heti kun hänet jätettiin yksin, hän avasi kirjeen. As soon as he was left alone, he opened the letter. As soon as he was left alone, he opened the letter. >>eng<< Tom jól gondját viseli a madaraknak. Tom takes good care of the birds. Tom takes good care of the birds. >>eng<< Köszönöm, hogy nem mondtad, hogy "én megmondtam". Thanks for not saying "I told you so." Thank you for not saying "I told you so." >>eng<< En pese tukkaani aamulla. I don't wash my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. >>eng<< Miért beszélsz te folyton vissza nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you keep talking to me? >>eng<< Meg akarlak baszni. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. >>eng<< Nem számít, hogy mit teszek, a szüleim sohasem boldogok. My parents are never happy no matter what I do. No matter what I do, my parents will never be happy. >>eng<< Tizenhat kilométert gyalogoltunk azon a napon. We walked ten miles that day. We walked 16 kilometers that day. >>eng<< Uskonlahkojen välinen väkivalta on ei-tervetullutta todellisuutta kaupungin väestölle. Sectarian violence is an unwelcome reality for the city's population. The violence between religious sects is a non-hospital reality for the city's population. >>eng<< Tämä on omena. This is an apple. This is an apple. >>eng<< Voimme tulla toimeen oikein hyvin ilman sinua. We can get along very well without you. We can get along very well without you. >>eng<< Haluan sinun kertovan mitä kuulet. I want you to tell me what you hear. I want you to tell me what you hear. >>eng<< Tomil on kõrini inimestest, kes ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Tom's sick of people telling him what to do. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, nem fázott meg. Tom said he wasn't cold. Tom said he wasn't cold. >>eng<< Tominak nem erőssége a párhuzamos parkolás. Tom isn't very good at parallel parking. Tomi doesn't have the strength of parallel parking. >>eng<< Ezt jó tudni. That's good to know. That's good to know. >>eng<< Tässä on vielä parempi. Here's an even better one. This is even better. >>eng<< Jos et syö vihanneksiasi, niin et saa jälkiruokaa. If you don't eat your veggies, you won't get any dessert. If you don't eat your vegetables, you don't get dessert. >>eng<< Tominak nincs sok könyve. Tom doesn't have many books. Tomi doesn't have a lot of books. >>eng<< Tomi näyttää vanhalta mieheltä. Tom looks like an old man. Tom looks like an old man. >>eng<< Koe tehtiin sadalle naimattomalle miehelle. The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males. The test was performed on a hundred single men. >>eng<< Felemeltem a lányom, így fel tudta rakni a csillagot a fa tetejére. I lifted my daughter up so she could put the star on top of the Christmas tree. I raised my daughter so she could put the star on top of the tree. >>eng<< Menjünk el. Let's go away. Let's go. >>eng<< Utálom magam. I hate myself. I hate myself. >>eng<< Tomi on Marin pikkuserkku. Tom is Mary's second cousin. Tom's in Marin's pocket. >>eng<< Év elejére babát várok! I'm expecting a baby in the new year! I'll have a baby by the beginning of the year. >>eng<< Ezek a fiaiméi. These are my sons'. These are his sons. >>eng<< Mi a legerősebb mondat a világon? What is the most powerful sentence in the world? What's the strongest sentence in the world? >>eng<< Ez a nyakkendő nem illik az öltönyömbhöz. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie doesn't fit the suit. >>eng<< Öreg kutyának már nem tudsz új trükköket tanítani. You can't teach old dogs new tricks. You can't teach old dogs new tricks anymore. >>eng<< Ez nem az enyém. This isn't mine. It's not mine. >>eng<< Tom nem akarja. Tom doesn't want it. Tom doesn't want to. >>eng<< Kuka on tuo ruskeatakkinen nainen? Who's the woman in the brown coat? Who's that brown-coated woman? >>eng<< Liityn seuraanne myöhemmin. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. >>eng<< Nézzük át! Let's review. Let's take a look. >>eng<< Tom näyttää onnellisemmalta kuin ennen. Tom seems happier than before. Tom looks happier than he used to be. >>eng<< Menjetek, de nélkülem! Go without me! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, >>eng<< Tomi on vihainen. Tom is mad. Tomi's mad. >>eng<< Tomi kysyi minun äidistäni. Tom asked me about my mother. Tomi asked about my mother. >>eng<< Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everybody. We can't save everyone. >>eng<< Távozz! Leave! Get out of here! >>eng<< A Nap nélkül, nem tudnánk élni a Földön. Without the Sun, we could not live on the Earth. Without the sun, we couldn't live on Earth. >>eng<< Mitä Tomille tapahtui Bostonissa? What happened to Tom in Boston? What happened to Tom in Boston? >>eng<< Van élet a halál előtt? Is there life before death? Is there life before death? >>eng<< Az első kérdés neked szól. This first question is for you. The first question is for you. >>eng<< Japanissa ihmisistä tulee lain mukaan täysi-ikäisiä, kun he täyttävät kaksikymmentä. In Japan, people legally become adults when they turn twenty. In Japan, people become under the law when they reach 20. >>eng<< Sikerült neki. He succeeded. He did it. >>eng<< Grupp püüdis lahendada sotsiaalprobleeme. The group tried to solve social problems. The group tried to solve social problems. >>eng<< Oletko varma, että tämä on oikea tapa tehdä se? Are you sure this is the right way to do it? Are you sure this is the right way to do it? >>eng<< Polta kaikki hänen kuvansa! Burn all of her pictures! Burn all his pictures! >>eng<< Tom valitti naapurilleen napurin koiran jatkuvasta hakkumisesta. Tom complained to his neighbour about the constant barking of his dog. Tom complained to his neighbor about the continued barking of a polar dog. >>eng<< Le kell feküdnöd. You have to go to sleep. You have to go to bed. >>eng<< Tom nem próbálta meg leplezni az igazságot. Tom didn't try to hide the truth. Tom didn't try to expose the truth. >>eng<< Tämä on hänen vikansa. This is her fault. This is his fault. >>eng<< Szerintem minden kövér embernek diétáznia kéne. I think all fat people should go on a diet. I think all fat people should have a diet. >>eng<< Kaikkien pitää tehdä tämä. Everyone has to do this. Everyone has to do this. >>eng<< Tomnak gyenge a szíve. Tom has a weak heart. Tom has a weak heart. >>eng<< Tom ei tiennyt, mistä Mari puhui. Tom didn't know what Mary was talking about. Tom didn't know what she was talking about. >>eng<< Egy ideje nem használjuk. We haven't used it in a while. We haven't used it in a while. >>eng<< Nem akarok veled menni. I don't want to go with you. I don't want to go with you. >>eng<< Kiöntötted a kávédat. You've spilled your coffee. You poured your coffee. >>eng<< Tom on jo palannut kotiin. Tom is back home now. Tom's already back home. >>eng<< Todiste siitä että välimerkeillä on väliä, on lauseet "syödään isoisä" ja "syödään, isoisä". The sentences "Let's eat grandpa." and "Let's eat, grandpa." are only one proof that punctuation can change a lot. The proof that the spaces matter is the sentences "eat your grandfather" and "eat your grandfather". >>eng<< Olen nälkäinen sillä en ole syönyt lounasta. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. >>eng<< Tom ymmärtää ongelman. Tom understands the problem. Tom understands the problem. >>eng<< Sun hiukset on sekaisin. You hair is a mess. Your hair is a mess. >>eng<< Ne ovat huonoja uutisia. That's bad news. They're bad news. >>eng<< Tomi megállt és Marira meredt. Tom stopped and stared at Mary. Tomi stopped and Marira dared. >>eng<< Koska olin väsynyt, menin aikaisin sänkyyn. Since I was tired, I went to bed early. Since I was tired, I went to bed early. >>eng<< Tarvitsetko kyytiä? Need a lift? You need a ride? >>eng<< Biztosan álmodom. I must be dreaming. I'm sure I'm dreaming. >>eng<< Hän kuoli keuhkosyöpään. He died of lung cancer. He died of lung cancer. >>eng<< Minun on pakko oppia ranskaa. I must learn French. I have to learn French. >>eng<< Tom vieköön kaiken tarvitsemansa ajan. Tom may take all the time he needs. Let Tom take all the time he needs. >>eng<< Mikor látjuk egymást? When will we see each other? When are we gonna see each other? >>eng<< See on hoopis teine asi. That's a very different thing. It's a different thing. >>eng<< En tiedä mitä me teemme. I don't know what we will do. I don't know what we're doing. >>eng<< Todellinen skandaali on se mikä on laillista. The real scandal is what’s legal. The real scandal is what's legal. >>eng<< Az igaz barátság a gyémántnál is ritkább. True friendships are even rarer than diamonds. True friendship is rarer than diamonds. >>eng<< Nagyon meglepődtem, hogy működött. I was really surprised that it worked. I'm really surprised it worked. >>eng<< En usko, että hän kykenee siihen. I don't think he can do that. I don't think he can do it. >>eng<< Tom esti minua menemästä sisälle pankkiin. Tom stopped me from entering the bank. Tom stopped me from going into the bank. >>eng<< Éppen sorban állok. I'm waiting in line. I'm in line right now. >>eng<< A színház kialakítása lehetővé tette a közönség számára, hogy közel kerülhessenek az előadókhoz és kapcsolatot létesíthessenek. The design of the theatre enabled the audience to get up close and personal with the performers. The design of the theatre made it possible for the audience to get close to the performers and make contact. >>eng<< Tomin näkemys tähän asiaan on kaikkien tiedossa. Tom's position on this matter is well known. Tom's point of view on this matter is well known to everyone. >>eng<< A gazdagok egyre gazdagabbak lesznek. The rich are getting richer. The rich are getting richer. >>eng<< Tom leikkasi hiukseni. Tom cut my hair. Tom cut my hair. >>eng<< Elmagyarázta nekem a szabályt. He explained the rule to me. He explained the rule to me. >>eng<< Nyugodjál le! Come down! Calm down! >>eng<< See pole enam seesama. It's not the same anymore. It's not the same anymore. >>eng<< Mi az, hogy UFÓ? What is a UFO? What do you mean, "UFO"? >>eng<< Pidättekö te mustista kissoista? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? >>eng<< Kerrotko minulle tien kirjastoon? Will you tell me the way to the library? Will you tell me the way to the library? >>eng<< En tule ikävöimään Tomia. I won't miss Tom. I'm not gonna miss Tom. >>eng<< Anyu hol van? Where is mother? Where's Mom? >>eng<< Cornellin yliopiston tutkimuksen mukaan, epäviehättävät vastaajat saavat tuomion 22 prosenttia todennäköisemmin kuin hyvännäköiset. According to a Cornell University study, unattractive defendants are 22 percent more likely to be convicted than good-looking ones. According to Cornell University's research, unattractive respondents are sentenced to 22% more than good-looking. >>eng<< Fölöttébb furcsa. Very strange. It's weirder than that. >>eng<< Mikor házasodsz meg? When will you get married? When are you getting married? >>eng<< Hänen puhelimensa oli kiinni. His cell phone was turned off. His phone was closed. >>eng<< Tomi maalaa taloja. Tom is a house painter. Tom's painting houses. >>eng<< Ma ei tea kas ta on minust noorem või vanem. I don't know whether he's younger or older than me. I don't know if he's younger than me or older. >>eng<< Ma proovin I try. I'll try. >>eng<< Eikö sinusta tämä kašmirkuviotu solmio näyttäisi hyvältä sinulla? Don't you think this paisley tie would look good on you? Don't you think this cashmere tie looks good on you? >>eng<< Kukaan ei saa tietää. No one is going to know. No one's gonna know. >>eng<< Nagyjából két órát tanulok minden nap. I study about two hours every day. I spend about two hours studying every day. >>eng<< Eszedbe jut bármilyen indok? Can you think of any reasons? Can you think of any reason? >>eng<< Kiipeä. Climb. Get up. >>eng<< Tom népszerű volt. Tom was popular. Tom was popular. >>eng<< Hän teki tehtävän loppuun pelkällä tahdonvoimalla. She accomplished the task through sheer will. He completed the mission with mere willpower. >>eng<< Azt mondják, nemsokára elhagyják Tokiót. It's said that they will soon be leaving Tokyo. They're saying they're leaving Tokyo soon. >>eng<< Nincs lázatok. You don't have a fever. No fevers. >>eng<< Heitä pelottaa. They're scared. They're scared. >>eng<< Tom se nem gazdag, se nem híres. Tom is neither rich nor famous. Tom is neither rich nor famous. >>eng<< Tosi on. True. Yes, it is. >>eng<< Tule toimistolleni tämän kuun lopussa. Come to my office at the end of this month. Come to my office at the end of this month. >>eng<< Osaatko ajaa autoa? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive? >>eng<< Kun hän on hermostunut, hänen puheensa takeltelee. She stammers when she feels nervous. When he's nervous, he's struggling with his speech. >>eng<< Poista tämä tiedosto. Please delete this file. Remove this file. >>eng<< Tomi jättää usein tiskialtaaseen likaisia tiskejä. Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. >>eng<< Tomi lausuu sanoja toisinaan väärin. Tom sometimes mispronounces words. Sometimes Tom misreads words. >>eng<< Tom sõitis minema. Tom drove away. Tom drove away. >>eng<< Eddig észre sem vettem, hogy ez mennyire fontos neked. I had not realized how important this is to you. I didn't realize how important this was to you. >>eng<< Nyertem a lottón. I won the lottery. I won the lottery. >>eng<< En usko sitä. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. >>eng<< Hotelli on vuoren juurella. The hotel is at the foot of a mountain. The hotel is at the bottom of the mountain. >>eng<< Olyan okos vagy! You are so smart! You're so smart. >>eng<< Teidän olisi parempi lähteä nyt. You'd better go now. You'd better leave now. >>eng<< Tom és Mary alig ismerték egymást. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. Tom and Mary barely knew each other. >>eng<< Próbáltam elaludni. I was trying to fall asleep. I tried to sleep. >>eng<< Úgy gondolom, nincs semmi értelme, hogy megpróbáljuk őt meggyőzni. I think there's no point in trying to convince him. I don't think there's any point in trying to convince him. >>eng<< Tom käveli alakertaan. Tom walked down the stairs. Tom walked downstairs. >>eng<< A leiratkozáshoz kattints ide! To unsubscribe, click here. Click here to register. >>eng<< Pidän kovin Suomesta, mutten voi sietää suomalaisia. I do love Finland, but I can't stand the Finns. I like Finland very much, but I can't stand Finns. >>eng<< Jumala, anna minulle kärsivällisyyttä. God, give me patience! God, give me patience. >>eng<< Tomi megérintette a kezemet. Tom touched my hand. Tomi touched my hand. >>eng<< Rikoitko sinä ikkunan tarkoituksella vai vahingossa? Did you break the window on purpose or by accident? Did you break the window on purpose or accidentally? >>eng<< Ez elég lényeges. It's kind of important. That's pretty important. >>eng<< Pane laps magama. Put the baby to sleep. Put the baby to bed. >>eng<< És te ki vagy? And who might you be? And who are you? >>eng<< Nagyon különc vagy. You're very unusual. You're so weird. >>eng<< Háromig számolok. I'm going to count to three. I'll count to three. >>eng<< Viranomaiset onnistuivat vakauttamaan valuutan. The authorities managed to stabilize the currency. The authorities managed to stabilise the currency. >>eng<< Sain tietää totuuden kirjeestä. I learned the truth from the letter. I found out the truth about the letter. >>eng<< Haluatko lähteä syömään aamiaista ulos? Do you want to go out for breakfast? You want to go out for breakfast? >>eng<< Tietyt teemat ovat aina esillä hänen kirjoissaan. There are themes that are always present in his books. Certain themes are always displayed in his books. >>eng<< Szüksége van rá. He needs her. He needs it. >>eng<< Meg kell még tudnunk az igazságot. We have yet to know the truth. We still need to know the truth. >>eng<< Kikapcsolták nála a vizet, mert nem fizette be a számlát. They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill. They turned off the water on him because he didn't pay the bill. >>eng<< Hän ei hukkaa hetkeäkään. He's not a man to waste time. He's not gonna waste a moment. >>eng<< Az élet igazságtalan. Life is unfair. Life is unfair. >>eng<< Összesen tizenegyen vagyunk. We are eleven in all. We're all eleven. >>eng<< Akarod, hogy felvegyelek? Do you need me to pick you up? You want me to pick you up? >>eng<< Tom lélegzik. Tom is breathing. Tom's breathing. >>eng<< Ebben a garázsban minden kocsi Tomié. All the cars in this garage belong to Tom. Tomi owns every car in this garage. >>eng<< Pitäisikö Skotlannin olla itsenäinen valtio? Should Scotland be an independent country? Should Scotland be an independent state? >>eng<< Indulás! Start. Let's go. >>eng<< Mondd meg nekem, hogy kik ezek az emberek. Tell me who these people are. Tell me who these people are. >>eng<< Halálos végű szívrohamot kaptam volna. I'd have had a heart attack and died. I would have had a fatal heart attack. >>eng<< Suosittelen tätä kirjaa. I recommend this book. I recommend this book. >>eng<< Továbbra sincs teljesen egyértelmű meghatározás arról, hogy az ország mit jelent. We still don’t have a watertight definition of what a country is. There is still no clear definition of what this country means. >>eng<< Japán egy minden oldalról tengerrel körbevett szigetország. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea on all sides. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea from all sides. >>eng<< Ki hívott téged? Who called you? Who called you? >>eng<< Jobb, ha nem beszélsz. You'd better not speak. You better not talk. >>eng<< A szülei idősebbek, mint az én szüleim. Her parents are older than mine. Her parents are older than my parents. >>eng<< Nem aludtam jól múlt éjjel. I did not sleep well last night. I didn't sleep well last night. >>eng<< Me kõik tahame sinuga kaasa tulla. We all want to go with you. We all want to come with you. >>eng<< Bárki szenvedhet alultápláltságban, mégha nem is tud róla. Any of us could suffer from malnutrition and not know it! Anyone can suffer from malnutrition, even if they don't know. >>eng<< Yritä hypätä niin korkealle kuin mahdollista. Try to jump as high as possible. Try to jump as high as possible. >>eng<< Felugrott a cukra. His blood sugar is spiking. He jumped up the sugar. >>eng<< Ikävä kuulla. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. >>eng<< Egy cserép oregánó van a hálószobámban. I have a pot of oregano plant in my bedroom. I have a replacement oregano in my bedroom. >>eng<< He ovat kelvottomia. They're no good. They're worthless. >>eng<< Nélküled csináltam. I did it without you. I did it without you. >>eng<< Hän pitää aina sinisiä paitoja. He always wears blue shirts. He always wears blue shirts. >>eng<< Tomi zsebre tette a kulcsait. Tom put his keys into his pocket. Tomi put his keys in his pocket. >>eng<< Olen sairaalassa. I'm in the hospital. I'm in the hospital. >>eng<< Egy emberi koponyát tart az íróasztalán. She keeps a human skull on her desk. He's holding a human skull on his desk. >>eng<< Bárki is legyen, semmi mást nem tehetünk, mint bízunk benne. Whoever he may be, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Whoever it is, there's nothing we can do but trust it. >>eng<< Fölöttébb türelmes volt. He was very patient. She was patient above all. >>eng<< Tapaus esti häntä menemästä Amerikkaan. The incident prevented him from going to America. The incident prevented him from going to America. >>eng<< Mikään ei voi pakottaa minua antamaan periksi. Nothing can force me to give it up. Nothing can force me to give up. >>eng<< Nekem jogom van kritizálni. I have the right to criticise. I have the right to criticise. >>eng<< Tom oli vaikeuksissa. Tom was in trouble. Tom was in trouble. >>eng<< Juodaan teetä. Let's have tea. Let's have some tea. >>krl<< I am from Shikoku. Minä tulin Shikoku. ~ I am from Shikoku. >>eng<< Tomot meg kellett volna bilincselni. Tom should have been handcuffed. Tom was supposed to be handcuffed. >>eng<< Keegi ei usalda enam Tomi. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. >>eng<< Ei ole hiekanjyvääkään, ei atomiakaan, joka voisi muuttua olemattomaksi, ja silti ihminen uskoo kuoleman olevan olevaisuutensa tuho. There is not a grain of dust, not an atom that can become nothing, yet man believes that death is the annihilation of his being. There is no grain of sand, no atom, which could turn into nothing, and yet man believes death is the destruction of his being. >>eng<< Tamással dolgoztam. I worked with Tom. I worked with Tam. >>eng<< Tuo paita sopii sinulle varmasti hyvin. I'm sure that shirt will look good on you. I'm sure that shirt suits you well. >>eng<< Tom antoi kissansa Marille. Tom gave his cat to Mary. Tom gave his cat to Mar. >>eng<< Te olette nuoria. You're young. You're young. >>eng<< Nem vagy japán. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. >>eng<< Kuinka monta äänikirjaa sinulla on iPodillasi? How many audiobooks do you have on your iPod? How many audio books do you have on your iPod? >>eng<< Eikö se ole totta? Isn't it true? Isn't that true? >>eng<< Miksi olit sitä mieltä? Why did you think that? What made you think that? >>eng<< Nem értek németül. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. >>eng<< Kas ma ei hoiatanud sind? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? >>eng<< Tom mosolygott. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. >>eng<< Se kaikki tapahtuu niin äkkiä. It's all happening so fast. It's all happening so fast. >>eng<< Tom on märkä. Tom is wet. Tom's wet. >>eng<< Ma különös hangulatban vagyok. I'm in a strange mood today. I'm in a strange mood today. >>eng<< Tudnak már róla. They already know it. They already know. >>eng<< Megírt tíz könyvet, de egyiket sem jelentette meg. He's written ten books, but hasn't published any of them. He wrote ten books, but he didn't release either. >>eng<< Fájnak a szemeim. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. >>eng<< Még egy kicsit. A little more. A little more. >>eng<< Másnak tűnsz. You do seem different. You look different. >>eng<< Egy új kémiai kísérletet hajtottak végre. They carried out a new experiment in chemistry. A new chemical experiment has been carried out. >>eng<< Tom antoi Marylle jotakin juotavaa. Tom gave Mary something to drink. Tom gave Mary something to drink. >>eng<< Mi hiányzik? What is missing? What's missing? >>eng<< Egy zöld szőnyeg nem megy a kék függönyhöz. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet doesn't go to the blue curtain. >>eng<< A helyzet javult. The situation has improved. The situation has improved. >>eng<< Tomi ja Mari ovat tulleet tänne auttamaan meitä. Tom and Mary are here to help us. Tomi and Mari have come here to help us. >>eng<< Nem ment el oda tegnap minden hallgató. Not every student went there yesterday. Not every student went there yesterday. >>eng<< Ma kardan kõrgust. I'm afraid of heights. I'm afraid of heights. >>eng<< Hän ei voinut jättää huolestumatta tyttärestään. She could not but worry about her daughter. He couldn't ignore his daughter. >>eng<< Nepalia kutsutaan nimellä ”Nepal” nepaliksi. Nepal is called "Nepal" in Nepali. Nepal is called ‘Nepal’. >>eng<< Nagyon szereti a zenét. She likes music very much. He really likes music. >>eng<< Äkkiä, auttakaa. Hurry, help. Quick, help me. >>eng<< He panivat koko yön. They fucked all night long. They've been banging all night. >>eng<< Tom megette a maradékot. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom ate the rest. >>eng<< Tom kysyi Marilta auttaisiko hän häntä. Tom asked Mary if she'd help him. Tom asked Mar if he would help him. >>eng<< Légy a vendégünk! Be our guest. Be our guest. >>eng<< Nem ő, hanem ő. Not she but he. It's not him. It's him. >>eng<< A főnököm egy seggfej. My boss is a jerk. My boss is an asshole. >>eng<< Hän kuvaili mielessään kuviteltua kaupunkielämää. She pictured to herself imagined city life. He described the city life pictured in his mind. >>izh<< She has a dog. Hänel on koira. She says: “You must love your neighbor as yourself. ” >>eng<< Régebben nem ettem húst. I used to not eat meat. I never ate meat before. >>eng<< Sokkot kaptak. They were shocked. They're in shock. >>eng<< Lainaan sinulle niin paljon rahaa kuin haluat. I'll loan you all the money you want. I'll lend you as much money as you want. >>eng<< En tiedä. Don't know. I don't know. >>eng<< Mutasd meg neki, hogyan kell görkorcsolyázni. Show her how to roller skate. Show him how to skate. >>eng<< Tom adott nekem valamit. Tom gave me something. Tom gave me something. >>eng<< Tom sai selville totuuden Marilta. Tom found out the truth from Mary. Tom found out the truth from Mar. >>eng<< Kolmen 3. potenssi on 27. The third power of 3 is 27. The 3rd power is 27. >>eng<< Ma kohtun temaga kord nädalas. I meet her once a week. I'll meet him once a week. >>eng<< Te kaksi näytätte samalta. You two look the same. You two look the same. >>eng<< Se on pahin asia, joka voisi mahdollisesti tapahtua. That's the worst thing that could possibly happen. It's the worst thing that could happen. >>eng<< Brazíliának sokkal több lakosa van, mint a többi portugál nyelvű országnak. Brazil's population is much larger than that of other Portuguese-speaking countries. Brazil has many more inhabitants than other Portuguese countries. >>eng<< Tomi besétált egy bárba. Tom walked into the bar. Tomi walked into a bar. >>eng<< Tom szándékai nem voltak tiszták. Tom's intentions were unclear. Tom's intentions weren't clear. >>eng<< Ez egy jó ötlet. That's a good idea! That's a good idea. >>eng<< Kass loeb raamatut. The cat is reading a book. The cat reads the book. >>eng<< Sinä tarvitset lisää harjoitusta. You need more practice. You need more practice. >>eng<< Hän on edelleen töissä. He's still at work. He's still at work. >>eng<< Kylmät, kosteat päivät ovat pahaksi terveydelle. Cold, damp days are bad for your health. Cold, wet days are bad for health. >>eng<< En halua odottaa niin pitkään. I don't want to wait that long. I don't want to wait that long. >>eng<< Tévedésből mérget vett be. He took poison by mistake. He took poison by mistake. >>eng<< Tom saattaisi auttaa sinua. Tom might help you. Tom might be able to help you. >>eng<< Megkérdezhetem a neved? Might I ask your name? Can I ask your name? >>eng<< Salli minun mennä. Please allow me to go. Let me go. >>eng<< Helyes a mondat. The sentence is OK. That's a good sentence. >>eng<< Mozogjunk egy kicsit, hogy legyen étvágyunk. Let's do some exercise to work up an appetite. Let's move a little bit so we can eat. >>eng<< Minä en usko Tomin haluavan teidän vanhaa polkupyöräänne. I don't think that Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tom wants your old bike. >>eng<< Kell egy piros toll. I need a red pen. I need a red pen. >>eng<< Heräsitkö sinä juuri? Did you just wake up? Did you just wake up? >>eng<< Kui tihti bussid käivad? How often do the buses run? How often do buses go? >>eng<< Olen tuntenut hänet yli kaksikymmentä vuotta. I have been acquainted with her for more than 20 years. I've known him for over 20 years. >>eng<< Akármit is csinálsz, nem fogok nevetni. No matter what you do, don't laugh. Whatever you do, I'm not gonna laugh. >>eng<< Mitä mieltä olet tästä paidasta? What do you think of this shirt? What do you think of this shirt? >>eng<< Vitsailette! You're joking! You're kidding! >>eng<< A csomagjaikat átvizsgálták a biztonsági őrök a kapunál. Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate. Your bags were searched by security guards at the gate. >>eng<< En osaa selittää niiden kahden välistä eroa. I can't explain the difference between those two. I can't explain the difference between the two of them. >>eng<< Lausuin šahadaa. I was saying the shahada. I said shahada. >>eng<< Noin sen tekisin. That's how I would do it. That's how I'd do it. >>eng<< Ta valis hea naise. He chose a good wife. She chose a good woman. >>eng<< Ma elan elu. I live life. I live my life. >>eng<< Rannekelloni on tarkempi kuin sinun. My watch is more accurate than yours. My watch is more precise than yours. >>eng<< Voinko saada hyvityksen? Can I get a refund? Can I get a refund? >>eng<< Menen Bostoniin huomenna. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. I'm going to Boston tomorrow. >>eng<< Várj egy másodpercet. Hold on for a second. Wait a second. >>eng<< Tomi kuuntelee TED-esitelmää. Tom is listening to a TED talk. Tomi's listening to the TED presentation. >>eng<< Már megint ittál. You've been drinking again. You've been drinking again. >>eng<< Ta keeras külge. He rolled over in his sleep. He turned on. >>izh<< What is it? Mikä se ono? What can you do about it? >>eng<< Se on liian ruma. It's too ugly. It's too ugly. >>eng<< Onko sinulla esitettävänä valitus? Do you have a complaint to make? Do you have a complaint? >>eng<< Näenkö minä unta? Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? >>eng<< Azt kívánom, bárcsak ne néztél volna ki úgy, mint aki nagyon jól szórakozik. I wish you didn't look like you were having so much fun. I wish you hadn't looked like you were having a good time. >>eng<< Mekkora volt a közreműködésed? How big was your contribution? How much was your involvement? >>eng<< Többé nem félek tőled. I'm not scared of you anymore. I'm not afraid of you anymore. >>eng<< Persze, hogy szeretem. Of course I like it. Of course I do. >>eng<< Álmos vagyok. Megyek aludni. Jó éjszakát. I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Good night. I'm asleep, I'm going to bed. >>eng<< A rendetlenségtől félt a legjobban. Untidiness was his bugbear. He was most afraid of the mess. >>eng<< Tehdään tämä loppuun ja lähdetään täältä. Let's get this done and get out of here. Let's finish this and get out of here. >>eng<< A válása után magányos volt. He was lonely after his divorce. After her divorce, she was lonely. >>eng<< Minä olen niin iloinen, että olet palannut. I'm so glad you're back. I'm so glad you're back. >>eng<< Tom ei käytä huumeita. Tom doesn't use drugs. Tom doesn't do drugs. >>eng<< Tom elrejtette a bizonyítékokat. Tom concealed evidence. Tom hid the evidence. >>eng<< Aztán az anyja elgondolkodott. Then his mother thought. And then his mother thought about it. >>eng<< Mennyi a jutalékod? What is your commission? What's your commission? >>eng<< Tom tulee parantamaan. Tom'll improve. Tom's gonna get better. >>eng<< Jaska on eräs ystävistäni. Jack is one of my friends. I'm glad he's one of my friends. >>eng<< See maja on liiga väike. This house is far too small. This house is too small. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy minden rendben ment. I'm glad everything went OK. I'm glad everything went well. >>eng<< ”Kerro minulle sitten kaikki”, minä sanoin. ”Minä en voi, Jack, minä en voi”, hän parahti. "Tell me everything, then," said I. "I cannot, Jack, I cannot," she cried. “Then tell me everything,” I said. “I can’t, Jack, I can’t,” he healed. >>eng<< Tomille ja Marille syntyy vauva ensi kuussa. Tom and Mary are going to have a baby next month. Tom and Marille have a baby next month. >>eng<< Mikor ültetted a gyepet? When did you seed the lawn? When did you plant the lawn? >>eng<< Afrikka on se köyhin mantere. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. >>eng<< Luulen että pidät siitä. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it. >>eng<< Miért nem ültök le? Why aren't you sitting down? Why don't you sit down? >>eng<< Elpazaroltam a pénzem. I've wasted my money. I wasted my money. >>eng<< Mitä on kaksi plus kaksi? What is two plus two? What's two plus two? >>eng<< Egyet meg kell vennem. I must buy one. I have to buy one. >>eng<< Me lahendame selle koos ära. We'll solve this together. We'll work this out together. >>eng<< Tom a bűnügyi nyilvántartásban szerepel. Tom has a criminal record. Tom's on the criminal record. >>eng<< Japán az anyanyelvem. Japanese is my mother tongue. Japan is my mother tongue. >>eng<< Gyere csak ide! Mutatni akarok neked valamit. Come here. I want to show you something. Come here, I want to show you something. >>eng<< Tämä on tarina kissasta. This is a story about a cat. This is a story about a cat. >>eng<< Nad on tõenäoliselt ameeriklased. They're probably American. They're probably Americans. >>eng<< Muutama naapureista tuli toivottamaan meidät tervetulleiksi asuinalueelle. A few of the neighbors came by to welcome us to the neighborhood. A few of the neighbors came to welcome us to the residential area. >>eng<< Szeretsz bevásárolni? Do you like shopping? Do you like shopping? >>eng<< Koko kansakunta tahtoo rauhaa. The whole nation wants peace. The whole nation wants peace. >>eng<< Nem vagyok annyira fiatal, mint gondolod. I'm not as young as you think I am. I'm not as young as you think I am. >>eng<< Ma arvan, et me peaks tagasi minema hakkama. I think we should be getting back. I think we should go back. >>eng<< Tom on varmasti ylpeä. Tom must be very proud. I'm sure Tom's proud. >>eng<< Azt Tommal kellett volna megcsinálnod. You should have done that with Tom. You should have done that with Tom. >>eng<< Kas sa oled loll? Are you stupid? Are you stupid? >>eng<< Siinä on yksi ratkaistu ongelma. That's one problem solved. There's one problem solved. >>eng<< Remélem, eláll az eső. I hope it stops raining. I hope the rain stops. >>eng<< Minun oli varattava lento Tomille. I had to book a flight for Tom. I had to book a flight for Tom. >>eng<< Nyúlj hozzá. Touch it. You have to reach her. >>eng<< Saisinko lasin valkoviiniä? A glass of white wine, please. Can I have a glass of white wine? >>eng<< Olen vapaana tänään. I'm free today. I'm out today. >>eng<< Miksi minä en kuollut? Why didn't I die? Why didn't I die? >>eng<< Hány eszkimó él Grönlandon? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? >>eng<< Tom általában segít megcsinálni a házi feladatomat. Tom usually helps me do my homework. Tom usually helps me do my homework. >>eng<< Síri csend honolt a házban. The house was dead silent. Crying silence was in the house. >>eng<< Tényleg szeretem a weboldaladat. I really like your website. I really like your website. >>eng<< Dan kifizette az összes szerencsejáték miatti tartozását. Dan paid up all his gambling debts. Dan paid for all his gambling debts. >>eng<< Japani ei ole luonnonvaroiltaan runsas. Japan is not abundant in natural resources. Japan is not rich in its natural resources. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että voimme voittaa. I know we can win. I know we can win. >>eng<< Kerron heille, että soitit. I'll let them know you called. I'll tell them you called. >>eng<< Hän ei ole voinut tietää siitä. She can't have known about it. He couldn't have known about it. >>eng<< Tomi löysi uusia todisteita. Tom found new evidence. Tomi found new evidence. >>eng<< Tom puhuu pikkaisen ranskaa. Tom speaks a little French. Tom speaks French. >>eng<< Fogjunk kezet! Let's shake hands. Let's hold hands. >>eng<< Az időjárás annyira fullasztó. The weather is so oppressive. The weather is so suffocating. >>eng<< See ei olnud hea kogemus. That wasn't a good experience. It wasn't a good experience. >>eng<< Kun on sairaana, vierailijat voivat olla melko kiusallisia. When one is sick, visitors can be rather annoying. When you're sick, visitors can be pretty awkward. >>eng<< Nehéz találni ebben a városban egy padot, melyen el lehet aludni. It's hard to find a bench that you can sleep on in this city. It's hard to find a bench in this town where you can sleep. >>eng<< En vain ole pystynyt saamaan Tomia kiinni. I just haven't been able to reach Tom. I just haven't been able to catch Tom. >>eng<< Senki sem él ebben a házban. Nobody lives in this house. No one lives in this house. >>eng<< Aludj valamennyit, ha tudsz. Get some sleep if you can. Sleep something if you can. >>eng<< Tervita Jimmit. Say hello to Jimmy. Say hi to Jim. >>eng<< Melyik a kedvenc programozási nyelved? What's your favorite programming language? Which is your favorite programming language? >>eng<< Sateenvarjot myyvät hyvin. Umbrellas sell well. The umbrellas sell well. >>eng<< Most már tudom. I know now. Now I know. >>eng<< Szoktak a macskák álmodni? Do cats dream? Do cats dream? >>eng<< Tomi tietää kaupungin kaikki siistit paikat. Tom knows all the cool spots in town. Tomi knows all the cool places in town. >>eng<< Idő! It's time. Time! >>eng<< Kukaan ei ota meitä vakavasti. No one takes us seriously. No one takes us seriously. >>eng<< El tudod nekem küldeni e-mailben a fájlt. Can you email the file to me? You can email me the file. >>eng<< Mikor mész el otthonról reggel? What time do you leave your house in the morning? When do you leave home in the morning? >>eng<< En tykkää sinkkuna olemisesta. I don't like being single. I don't like being single. >>eng<< Äitini valittaa tuskin koskaan. My mother almost never complains. My mother hardly ever complains. >>eng<< Nem tudott alkalmazkodni az új körülményekhez. He couldn't adapt to new circumstances. He couldn't adapt to the new circumstances. >>eng<< Voi kunpa olisin kuollut. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. >>eng<< Lääke ei auttanut sitten yhtään. The medicine didn't help at all. The drug didn't help at all. >>eng<< Ez a kocsi nagyobb, mint az. This car is bigger than that one. This car is bigger than that. >>eng<< Amire a szüleid nem tanítanak meg, majd az élet megtanít. What you don't learn from your mother, you will learn from the world. What your parents don't teach you will be taught by life. >>eng<< Mari története nem egyedi. Mary's story is not uncommon. Mari's story isn't unique. >>eng<< Tomi toipui. Tom recovered. Tomi's recovered. >>eng<< Olen isäsi aave, tuomittu toviksi kulkemaan yössä, ja päivällä kärvistelen liekeissä kunnes eläessäni tehdyt pahat teot on poltettu pois ja sovitettu. I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away. I am your father's ghost, condemned to go into the night, and in the day I burn in the flames until the evil acts of my life have been burned away and adjusted. >>eng<< Alkaa tulla kuuma. It's getting hot. It's getting hot. >>eng<< Jos kaikki huutavat yhtäaikaa, emme pysty kuulemaan mitä sanottavaa pääministerillä on. If everyone shouts at once, we won't be able to hear what the Prime Minister has to say. If everyone is screaming at the same time, we will not be able to hear what the Prime Minister has to say. >>eng<< Tom löi Marille luurin korvaan. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom hit Mar's ear. >>eng<< Odotetaan tässä. Let's wait here. Let's wait here. >>eng<< Figyelmeztetnünk kell Tomot. We need to warn Tom. We have to warn Tom. >>sma<< She goes to junior high. Dïhte noereskuvlesne vaedtsieminie. Dylan She Goes to Junior Hig. >>eng<< Bárcsak tudnám, hogy hol van! I wish I knew where he was! I wish I knew where he was. >>eng<< Joskus minä yhä kaipaan häntä. Sometimes I still miss her. Sometimes I still miss him. >>eng<< Miért kellene ezen meglepődni? Why should anyone be surprised? Why should I be surprised? >>eng<< Tom részrehajló. Tom is biased. Tom's partial. >>eng<< Kõik on valmis. Everyone is ready. Everything's ready. >>eng<< A mondat rendben van. The sentence is OK. The sentence's fine. >>eng<< Feltehetek egy hülye kérdést? Can I ask a stupid question? Can I ask you a stupid question? >>eng<< Szeretnék néhány dolgot. I have wishes. I'd like some things. >>eng<< Ma ei räägi iiri keelt. I don't speak Irish. I don't speak Irish. >>eng<< Englannin puhuminen ei ole helppoa. Speaking English isn't easy. Talking English isn't easy. >>eng<< Hány órakor fogsz elmenni? At what time will you be leaving? What time are you going to leave? >>eng<< Nuorena yritin lukea niin paljon kirjoja kuin voin. When I was young, I tried to read as many books as I could. When I was young, I tried to read as many books as I could. >>eng<< Tomiról beszéltünk. We talked about Tom. We were talking about Tomi. >>eng<< A fiatal nő olyan gyönyörű volt, hogy még az ördög is el akarta venni. The young woman was so beautiful, that even the devil wanted to marry her. The young woman was so beautiful that even the devil wanted to marry her. >>eng<< Alku on työn tärkein osa. The beginning is the most important part of the work. The beginning is the most important part of the job. >>eng<< Kerron, kun tulen takaisin. I'll tell you when I get back. I'll let you know when I get back. >>eng<< Abszolút más véleményen vannak, mint én. Their opinion is quite different from mine. They're totally different from me. >>eng<< En tiedä mitä sanoisin. I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. >>eng<< Nincs több időnk. We don't have more time. We don't have time. >>eng<< Meg fogsz fizetni ezért! You're going to pay for this! You're gonna pay for this. >>eng<< Minä annan rahat sinulle. I will give you the money. I'll give you the money. >>eng<< Paljonko sinulla on ikää? What is your age? How old do you have? >>eng<< Sellise ilmaga kontoris istumine on tõeline karistus. Being at the office at such a weather is a real torture. Being in an office like this is a real punishment. >>eng<< Koska vain. Any time. Anytime. >>eng<< Hyvää ruokahalua. Bon appetit. Have a good meal. >>eng<< Elfogyott a pénzünk. We've run out of money. We're out of money. >>eng<< Ez lényegesen rosszabb. This is much worse. That's far worse. >>eng<< Tarvitsen todisteita. I need proof. I need proof. >>eng<< Kérlek, mondd meg nekem a neved. Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. >>eng<< En koskaan uneksinut tapaavani sinua täällä. I never dreamed of seeing you here. I never dreamed I'd meet you here. >>eng<< A rendőrtisztek letartóztatták a betörőt. The police officers arrested the burglar. Police officers arrested the burglar. >>eng<< Kaikki on kunnossa. Everything is fine. It's all right. >>eng<< Ehkä olemme sukulaisia. Maybe we're related. Maybe we're related. >>eng<< Opimme koulussa, ettei kotitehtäviä tarvitse kopioida. We learned in school that you must not copy other people's assignments. At school, we learned we don't have to copy homework. >>eng<< Tatoeba-korpus ei ole täydellinen. Julkisen yhteistyöhön perustuvan projektin luoteesta johtuen nämä tiedot eivät tule ikinä olemaan sataprosenttisesti virheettömiä. The Tatoeba Corpus is not error-free. Due to the nature of a public collaborative project, this data will never be 100% free of errors. The Tatoeba housing is not perfect. Due to the nature of the public co-operation project, this information will never be 100% flawless. >>eng<< Hedelmällistä puolikuuta pidetään sivistyksen kehtona. The Fertile Crescent is considered to be the cradle of civilization. The fruity half-month is considered to be poor for civilization. >>eng<< Menj arrébb! Move over. Move over. >>eng<< Katsokaahan tätä. Have a look. Look at this. >>eng<< Minä kutsun tänne vartijan. I'll call security. I'll get a guard over here. >>eng<< Törökországban hol élsz? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? >>eng<< Olen pitkään etsinyt työtä. I've been looking for a job a long time. I've been looking for a job for a long time. >>eng<< En koske mihinkään. I won't touch a thing. I'm not touching anything. >>eng<< Se hevonen hyppää. The horse is jumping. The horse jumps. >>eng<< ”Ethän kerro hänelle.” ”En sano mitään.” "Please don't tell him." "I won't say anything." “You don’t tell her.” “I don’t say anything.” >>krl<< That flower is blue. Tuo kukka on sinine. It's also blue. It's a blue. It's a blue. >>eng<< Tájékoztatni fogom Tomit. I will inform Tom. I'll let Tom know. >>eng<< Olet ollut äidillesi melkoinen pettymys. You have been such a disappointment to your mother. You've been quite a disappointment to your mother. >>eng<< Kaikki mitä hän sanoi oli totta. All he said was true. Everything he said was true. >>eng<< Tulipalon syy oli tuntematon. The cause of the fire was unknown. The reason for the fire was unknown. >>eng<< Most kezdtem koreai nyelven tanulni. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. >>eng<< A szavadat adtad, hogy megcsinálod. You gave me your word that you would do that. You gave me your word you'd do it. >>eng<< Tamás matematikus. Tom is a mathematician. Thomas is a mathematician. >>eng<< Söin lounaani loppuun nopeasti. I finished my lunch quickly. I finished my lunch fast. >>eng<< Ta on kolm aastat vanem kui mina. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than me. >>eng<< Nem vagyok mókus. I'm not a squirrel. I'm not a squirrel. >>eng<< Nauroimme. We laughed. We laughed. >>eng<< Me tarvitsemme vähän lisää kahvia. We need some more coffee. We need a little more coffee. >>eng<< Az éjszakai égbolt gyönyörű és megindítóan fenséges. The night sky is beautiful and awe-inspiring. The night sky is beautiful and arousingly magnificent. >>eng<< Puhu ystävällisesti kaikille. Please speak kindly to everyone. Please talk to everyone. >>eng<< Onko sinulla vaikeuksia ymmärtää mitä naiset ja pienet lapset sanovat sinulle? Do you have difficulty understanding what women or small children say to you? Do you have trouble understanding what women and little children are saying to you? >>eng<< A kék jól áll neked. Blue looks good on you. Blue looks good on you. >>eng<< Tom kihívta párbajozni Johnt. Tom challenged John to a duel. Tom invited John to a duel. >>eng<< Gyenge vagyok matekból. I am weak in math. I'm weak in math. >>eng<< Sinun oli parempi. Yours was better. You were better. >>eng<< Soititko hänelle eilen? Did you ring him yesterday? Did you call him last night? >>eng<< Minulla on hirvittävät tuskat. I have terrible pains. I'm in terrible pain. >>eng<< Hallottam, hogy te se mész haza. I heard that you're not going home either. I heard you weren't going home either. >>eng<< Magam sem csinálhattam volna jobban. I couldn't have done it better myself. I couldn't have done better myself. >>eng<< Mitä minä en halua menettää on rakkaus. What I don't want to lose is love. What I don't want to lose is love. >>eng<< Tom käänsi asiakirjan ranskasta englanniksi. Tom translated the document from French into English. Tom translated the document from French into English. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että Tomi pitää jatsista. I know that Tom likes jazz. I know Tom likes jazz. >>eng<< Miért nem táncoltál vele? Why didn't you dance with him? Why didn't you dance with her? >>eng<< Tomin täytyi tehdä tuplavuoro. Tom had to do a double shift. Tom had to do a double shift. >>eng<< Mary belehalt a szülésbe. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died of giving birth. >>eng<< Kotona ollaan. We're at home. We're home. >>eng<< Semmit sem találtak. They found nothing. They didn't find anything. >>eng<< A szívverése szabályos. You have a regular pulse. Your heart rate is normal. >>eng<< Kuolema muistuttaa unta. Death is similar to sleep. Death is like a dream. >>eng<< Hän asuu maalla. He dwells in the country. He lives on the ground. >>eng<< Tom ei voinut koskaan unohtaa sodan kauheuksia. Tom could never forget the terror of war. Tom could never forget the horrors of war. >>eng<< Légy óvatos! Ez csapda lehet. Be careful. It might be a trap. Be careful, this could be a trap. >>eng<< Oletko vielä löytänyt prinssi Uljasta? Have you found Prince Charming yet? Have you found Prince Ulja yet? >>eng<< Mida varem me alustame, seda varem me lõpetame. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. >>eng<< Laske kolmeenkymppiin. Count up to thirty. Count to 30. >>eng<< Marin tavoite on omistaa oma koti ennen kuin hän täyttää kolmekymmentä. Mary's goal is to own a home before she's thirty. Mar's goal is to own a home before he fills thirty. >>eng<< Van egy másik ok. There's another reason. There's another reason. >>eng<< Mitä sitten jos olen homo? Onko se rikos? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm gay? >>eng<< Toista perässäni. Please repeat after me. Repeat after me. >>eng<< Számomra ő olyan, mint egy király. To me, he is like a king. He's like a king to me. >>eng<< Minä, Stallone, en ole sellainen mies, että minua pelottaisi jo jonkin kokeen koekaniinina oleminen. I, Stallone, am not such as to be scared simply of being the guinea pig for some test. I, Stallone, am not such a man as to be afraid of being a test candidate. >>eng<< Äitisi on pornotähti. Your mother is a pornstar. Your mother's a porn star. >>eng<< Jos lauseille olisi markkinat, kieliopillisissa spekuloinneissamme olisi järkeä. If there existed a market for sentences, our grammatical speculations would suddenly make sense. If there was a market for sentences, our linguistic speculation would make sense. >>eng<< Olemme valmiita toistaiseksi. We're done for now. We're ready for now. >>eng<< Tom seisoi jonossa. Tom stood in line. Tom was standing in line. >>eng<< Kello on varttia vaille kahdeksan. It's quarter to eight now. It's 15 minutes past 8:00. >>eng<< Ő nem ért titeket. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. >>eng<< Kaikki eliöt Maassa sisältävät hiiltä. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All creatures on Earth contain coal. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy tudsz segíteni nekünk. I know that you can help us. I know you can help us. >>myv<< Turtles don't have teeth. Черепахатнень арасть пейть. ~ Turtles don't have a teah. >>eng<< Tänä aamuna lähdin kouluun pesemättä naamaani. This morning, I left for school without washing my face. This morning I went to school without washing my face. >>eng<< Zamenhof könyveit nem könnyű megtalálni. Zamenhof's books are not easily found. It's not easy to find Zamenhof's books. >>eng<< En tule valmistumaan ajoissa. I'm not going to make it on time. I'm not going to graduate in time. >>eng<< Meghúzódott Tomi háta hólapátolás közben. Tom hurt his back while shovelling snow. He pulled Tomi's back while he was laying snow. >>eng<< Ezt kértem! That's what I asked for. That's what I asked! >>eng<< Minä todella tahdon sinun puhuvan Tomille. I really do want you to talk to Tom. I really want you to talk to Tom. >>eng<< Oletko menossa Noboribetsuun huomenna? Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow? Are you going to Noborietsu tomorrow? >>eng<< Ki volt ma itt az első? Who was the first one here today? Who was the first one here today? >>eng<< Nem csak rám kiáltott, de a kutyámra is. He called out not only to me but also to my dog. He didn't just yell at me, but he screamed at my dog. >>eng<< Sinullapa on paljon ongelmia. You've got a lot of problems, don't you? You've got a lot of problems. >>eng<< A Nap lemerült a horizont alá és besötétedett. The sun sank below the horizon and it got dark. The sun went down under the horizon and darkened. >>eng<< Televisio on rikki. The TV is broken. TV's broken. >>eng<< Ez nem érdekes. That's not interesting. It doesn't matter. >>eng<< Tamás nagyon szegény. Tom is very poor. Tamás is very poor. >>eng<< Äidillä on kuumetta. Mom has a fever. Mom's got a fever. >>eng<< Sinä et voi tehdä enää noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. >>eng<< Sokat aludtak az éjjel? Did you sleep much last night? Did you sleep a lot last night? >>eng<< Pitääkö meidän odottaa Tomia? Do we need to wait for Tom? Do we have to wait for Tom? >>eng<< Tom munkába menet újságot szokott venni. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. >>eng<< Lopeta tuo elämöinti. Stop that noise. Stop living that. >>eng<< Őszintén szólva nem akarok vele dolgozni. To be honest, I do not want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. >>eng<< Minä olen tullut pyytämään anteeksi. I've come to apologize. I've come to apologize. >>eng<< Nem Mennad dolga megváltoztatni Egyiptomot. It's not Mennad's job to change Egypt. It's not your job to change Egypt. >>eng<< Mary lõi Tomi munadesse. Mary kicked Tom in the nuts. Mary hit Tom's balls. >>eng<< Kävelen metsässä joka päivä. I walk in the forest every day. I walk in the woods every day. >>eng<< Hän ei ole mikään tavallinen laulajatar. She is no ordinary singer. She's not an ordinary singer. >>eng<< Ma olen õnnelik. I'm happy. I'm happy. >>eng<< Kávéra van szükségem. I need coffee. I need a coffee. >>eng<< Kuinka monta kuppia kahvia joit tänään? How many cups of coffee did you drink today? How many cups of coffee did you have today? >>eng<< Jättikö Tom viestiä? Did Tom leave a message? Did Tom leave a message? >>eng<< Tiede on kehittynyt huomattavasti viime vuosina. In recent years, science has made remarkable progress. Science has evolved considerably in recent years. >>eng<< Tarvitsen kannettavan. I need a laptop. I need a laptop. >>eng<< Szomjazik a hírnévre. He is thirsty for fame. He's thirsty about his reputation. >>eng<< Menj az ágyba! Go to bed. Go to bed. >>eng<< Ostitko sen pimeästi? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it in the dark? >>eng<< Eljön? Does he come here? Are you coming? >>eng<< Sinun kuusi palaa. Your moon returns. Your six burns. >>eng<< Autókat árul. He sells cars. He sells cars. >>eng<< Kiitos kun teit töitä niin kovasti. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for working so hard. >>eng<< Éles kést használj a paradicsomok szeleteléséhez. Use a sharp knife to slice tomatoes. Use a sharp knife to slice the tomatoes. >>eng<< He tekivät listan nimistä. They made a list of the names. They made a list of names. >>eng<< Se ei ole hyvä idea. That's not a good idea. It's not a good idea. >>eng<< Hymyile elämälle! Face life with a smile! Smile for life! >>eng<< Tom nem kell, hogy beszéljen velem, ha nem akar. Tom doesn't have to talk to me if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't need to talk to me if he doesn't want to. >>eng<< Hogy van mindenki? How's everybody? How's everybody doing? >>eng<< Tiedätkö sinä siitä jotain? Do you know something about it? Do you know anything about it? >>eng<< Se kuulostaa oudolta. It sounds strange. That sounds weird. >>eng<< Ma räägin Tomiga sellest. I'll talk to Tom about this. I'll talk to Tom about it. >>eng<< Minä tulen lääkäriperheestä. I come from a family of doctors. I'm from the doctor's family. >>eng<< Me tiedämme molemmat, että tämä ei ole oikein. We both know this isn't right. We both know this isn't right. >>eng<< Minä vasta juuri saavuin. I just arrived now. I just got here. >>eng<< Igazad van. Taxival megyek. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a cab. >>eng<< Tom sikeres akar lenni. Tom wants to be a success. Tom wants to be successful. >>eng<< Két lánya van. He has two daughters. She has two daughters. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy ehdottomasti katsoa se. You absolutely must watch it. You definitely have to look at it. >>eng<< Csak egy esélyt adok neked rá. I'm only going to give you one chance to do that. I'm just giving you a chance. >>eng<< Nem tudom, boldog-e vagy sem. I don't know whether he's happy or not. I don't know if he's happy or not. >>eng<< Van egy nagy kutyám. I have a big dog. I have a big dog. >>eng<< Tuti, hogy elhasalok holnap a vizsgán. I'm sure that I'm not going to pass my exam tomorrow. I'm sure I'll fall into the exam tomorrow. >>eng<< Ne hasonlítsd magadat másokhoz. Don't compare yourselves to others. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. >>eng<< Tom nem látta Maryt a szakításuk óta. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. Tom hasn't seen Mary since they broke up. >>eng<< Tämä kirje on sinulle. This letter is for you. This letter is for you. >>eng<< Milánóban lakom. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. >>eng<< Haluaisin pyytää palvelusta. I'd like to ask a favor. I'd like to ask you a favor. >>eng<< Kaikilla on aivot, mutta monet eivät ole ymmärtäneet niiden käyttöohjeita. Everybody has a brain, but many haven't understood the instructions. Everyone has a brain, but many have not understood their instructions for use. >>eng<< Hamarabb ott kellett volna lennem. I should have been there sooner. I should have been there sooner. >>eng<< Pöcs! Asshole! Dick! >>eng<< Toivon sinun menestyvän. I hope for your success. I hope you succeed. >>eng<< Tamás ma nincs itt. Tom isn't here today. Thomas isn't here today. >>eng<< Halálosan unom az ön panaszkodásait. I am sick to death of your complaints. I'm dying of your complaints. >>eng<< Minulla on hänelle muutamia yllätyksiä. We have a few surprises in store for her. I have a few surprises for him. >>eng<< Tom tahtoi tietää mitä sattui. Tom wanted to know what happened. Tom wanted to know what happened. >>eng<< Kus raamatud on? Where are the books? Where are the books? >>eng<< Mutatta neked valaha Tom azt a levelet? Did you ever show Tom that letter? Did Tom ever show you that letter? >>eng<< Kinyithatom az ablakokat? Can I open the windows? Can I open the windows? >>eng<< Miért nem táncol? Why isn't she dancing? Why don't you dance? >>eng<< Hangzását tekintve melyik áll közelebb az arabhoz, a spanyol vagy a portugál? Which is closer to Arabic in terms of sound, Spanish or Portuguese? In terms of sound, which is closer to Arabic, Spanish or Portuguese? >>eng<< Jäljellä on ainoastaan yksi säilykepurkki lihaa. There is only one can of meat left. There is only one container of meat left. >>eng<< Eltévedtünk. We got lost. We're lost. >>eng<< Tom, oletko täällä? Tom, are you in here? Tom, are you here? >>eng<< Kíváncsiak vagyunk. We're intrigued. We're curious. >>eng<< Onko sinulla edelleen avain Tomin asuntoon? Do you still have the key to Tom's apartment? Do you still have the key to Tom's apartment? >>eng<< Ha nem tetszik, ne edd meg! If you don't like it, then don't eat it. If you don't like it, don't eat it. >>eng<< A csűr mögé bújtam el. I've been hiding behind the barn. I hid behind the barn. >>eng<< Puhelin soi! The phone is ringing! The phone's ringing! >>eng<< Menen nukkumaan aikaisin. I go to bed early. I'm going to bed early. >>eng<< Valami mást kellett volna megpróbálnom. I should have tried something else. I should have tried something else. >>eng<< Tom ja mina abiellume maikuus. Tom and I are getting married in May. Tom and I will be married in May. >>eng<< Csökken a népszerűsége. His popularity is falling. His popularity is falling. >>eng<< Tämä on kalliimpi kuin tuo. This is more expensive than that. This is more expensive than that. >>eng<< Megint elkésünk. We're going to be late again. We're late again. >>eng<< Lopeta tupakointi. Stop smoking. Stop smoking. >>eng<< Ez nevetséges. That's ludicrous. This is ridiculous. >>eng<< Ettél már rovarokat? Have you ever eaten insects? Have you ever had insects? >>eng<< Nem vacsoráztunk. We didn't eat dinner. We didn't have dinner. >>eng<< Tom on ollut sairaana vuoteessa pitkän aikaa. Tom has been sick in bed for a long time. Tom's been sick in bed for a long time. >>eng<< Älä sano mitään kenellekään. Don't say anything to anybody. Don't say anything to anyone. >>eng<< Az 58. úton mentem. I took Highway 58. I went on 58th. >>eng<< Hozzatok valami nasit. Bring some munchies. Get me some snacks. >>eng<< Erős a jelleme. She has a strong character. He has a strong character. >>eng<< Még egy kicsit? A little more? A little more? >>eng<< Tom halusi pysähtyä ajattelemaan. Tom wanted to stop and think. Tom wanted to stop and think. >>eng<< Tom vesztésre áll. Tom is losing. Tom's losing. >>eng<< En usko, että se on totta. I don't think it's true. I don't think that's true. >>eng<< Tom valószínűleg elfoglalt lesz. Tom is probably going to be busy. Tom's probably gonna be busy. >>eng<< Anna minulle rahasi tai muuten hakkaan sinut. Give me your money or else I'll beat you up. Give me your money or I'll beat you up. >>eng<< Nem fogom kímélni őket. I won't go easy on them. I won't spare them. >>eng<< Osaatko kävellä? Can you walk? Can you walk? >>eng<< Miből van? What is it made of? What's that made of? >>eng<< Szeretnél híres lenni? Would you like to be famous? Would you like to be famous? >>eng<< Amikor összeházasodtunk, a szüleim ezt a házat adták nekem. When we married my parents gave me this house. When we got married, my parents gave me this house. >>eng<< En pidä yksin olemisesta. I dislike being alone. I don't like being alone. >>eng<< Kaikki täällä on pullollaan gluteenia. Everything here is loaded with gluten. Everything here is in a bottle of gluten. >>eng<< Tom meg akarja próbálni. Tom wants to try it. Tom wants to try. >>eng<< Segíts neki! Help her! Help him! >>eng<< Hosszú az út. The way is long. It's a long way. >>eng<< Onko sinulla veljiä tai siskoja? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you have brothers or sisters? >>eng<< A jelentés szerint a világ sekélyvízi koralljainak fele eltűnt az elmúlt 30 év alatt. The report says that half of the world's shallow-water corals have been wiped out over the last 30 years. According to the report, half of the world's shallow corals have disappeared in the last 30 years. >>eng<< A zenét is szeretem. I like music as well. I like music, too. >>eng<< Lázasnak érzem magam. I feel feverish. I feel like a fever. >>eng<< Nem tudom, hogy a rabok mikor lesznek szabadlábra helyezve. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. I don't know when the prisoners will be released. >>eng<< Franciaországban élünk. We live in France. We live in France. >>eng<< Toivottavasti tapaamme. I hope to see you. I hope we meet. >>eng<< Seuraavalla kerralla sinun pitäisi ostaa isompaa kokoa. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time, you should buy a bigger size. >>eng<< Kuidas see ikkagi juhtus? How did that happen again? How did this happen? >>eng<< Tom apja könyvelő volt. Tom's father was an accountant. Tom's father was an accountant. >>eng<< He näyttävät olevan valokuvaajia. They seem to be photographs. Looks like they're photographers. >>eng<< Meillä on suuri työ edessämme. We have a big job ahead of us. We have a big job ahead of us. >>eng<< "Olen hyvin iloinen", hän sanoi. "I am very happy", he said. "I'm very happy," he said. >>eng<< Mit mondjak Tominak? What should I tell Tom? What do you want me to tell Tomi? >>eng<< Jos et pysty kukistaa heitä, liity heihin. If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't defeat them, it has to do with them. >>eng<< Kas on midagi uut? Anything new? Is there anything new? >>eng<< Yrität liikaa. You try too hard. You're trying too hard. >>eng<< Minulla on Facebook-tili. I have a Facebook account. I have a Facebook account. >>eng<< Pelaisimmeko šakkia tänä iltana? How about playing chess tonight? Would we play chess tonight? >>eng<< Todella mukavaa nähdä sua. I'm very glad to see you. It's really nice to see you. >>eng<< Missä lautaset ovat? Where are the plates? Where are the plates? >>eng<< Oli lämmin, joten avasin ikkunan. It was warm, so I opened the window. It was warm, so I opened the window. >>eng<< Még válaszolnia kell néhány kérdésre. She has yet to answer any of the questions. You still have to answer some questions. >>eng<< Éjszaka szeretem követni a hagyományt, hogy tegyek a tó mellett egy sétát. At nightfall I like following the tradition of taking a walk along the lakeside. At night I like to follow the tradition to take a walk next to the lake. >>eng<< Se on todella helppo. It's very easy. It's really easy. >>eng<< Nagyon furcsa. Very strange. It's very strange. >>eng<< Tom varmaankin jätti kitaransa yläkertaan. Tom probably left his guitar upstairs. Tom must have left his guitar upstairs. >>eng<< Nii nunnu! How cute! So cute! >>eng<< Tom kedveli. Tom likes him. Tom likes him. >>eng<< Nem végeztem el az egyetemet. I didn't graduate. I didn't finish college. >>eng<< És most boldog vagy? And are you happy now? And now you're happy? >>eng<< Teiän pitää tulla äkkiä. You need to come quickly. I need you to come quickly. >>eng<< Amikor kijött a tusolóból, csak egy törülköző volt rajta. She came out of the shower with only a towel on. When he got out of the shower, it was just a towel. >>eng<< Hän näytti todella nuorelta. He looked very young. She looked so young. >>eng<< Missä on loput siitä? Where's the rest of it? Where's the rest of it? >>eng<< Et voi kääntää pois lämmitystä niin kauan kuin järjestelmä on toiminnassa. You can't turn the heat off as long as the system is operating. You can't turn off the heating as long as the system is running. >>eng<< Mindent tudni akar rólad. He wanted to know everything about you. He wants to know everything about you. >>eng<< Nem vezethetek buszt. I can't drive a bus. I can't drive a bus. >>eng<< Sekunnin ajan luulin kuolevani. For one second I thought I would die. For a second, I thought I was gonna die. >>eng<< Egy ötágú csillag volt az a figura, amit a gyerek a papírra rajzolt. The figure the child drew on the paper was a five-pointed star. It was a five-faced star that the kid drew on the paper. >>eng<< Meillä ei ole varausta. We don't have a reservation. We don't have a reservation. >>eng<< Szól a telefon! The phone is ringing. Call me on the phone. >>eng<< Mistä päin tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you coming from? >>eng<< Sun tukka on kivasti. Your hair looks nice. Your hair is nice. >>eng<< Nem bánta meg Tom, amit tett. Tom doesn't regret what he did. He didn't hurt what he did. >>eng<< Tomi on huippu pomo. Tom is a great boss. Tom's a great boss. >>eng<< Muide, kas sa leidsid selle vihmavarju, mille sa tookord ütlesid, et sa kaotanud olid? By the way, did you find the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day? By the way, did you find that umbrella you said you'd lost? >>eng<< Tom nem valami művelt. Tom hasn't had much education. Tom didn't do anything. >>eng<< Korkeimman oikeuden ratkaisun mukaan laki oli laiton. The Supreme Court ruled that the law was illegal. According to the Supreme Court ruling, the law was illegal. >>eng<< Minä en tiedä pystynkö minä siihen, mutta koetan. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try. >>eng<< Ő befolyásos. He is powerful. He's impressive. >>eng<< Szeretem a matekot. I like math. I love math. >>eng<< Tüsszentettem. I sneezed. I sneezed him. >>eng<< Tomi megcsinálta, amit meg akart. Tom has already accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. Tomi did what she wanted. >>eng<< Japanissa ei ole enää yhtäkään turvallista paikkaa. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There are no more safe places in Japan. >>eng<< Ma pean saapaid kandma. I have to wear boots. I have to wear my boots. >>eng<< Imádtam azt a műsort. I loved that show. I loved that show. >>eng<< Hän kirjoittaa minulle kerran viikossa. He writes me once a week. He writes me once a week. >>eng<< Television katselu on hauskaa. Watching TV is fun. Watching TV is fun. >>eng<< Tominak adtam a régi kabátomat. I gave my old coat to Tom. I gave Tom my old coat. >>eng<< Oletko ihan vakavissasi? Are you serious? Are you serious? >>eng<< Vadászni járok szabadidőmben. I go hunting in my leisure time. I'm hunting in my spare time. >>eng<< Még sok időm van a szórakozásra. I still have a lot of time for fun. I still have a lot of time for fun. >>eng<< Pidätkö enemmän omenoista vai banaaneista? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? Do you prefer apples or bananas? >>eng<< Lainasin Tomille minun sateenvarjoni. I lent Tom my umbrella. I borrowed Tom my umbrella. >>eng<< See pani mu nutma. That made me cry. It made me cry. >>eng<< Unohda mistä puhuimme aikaisemmin. Please forget what we talked about earlier. Forget what we talked about earlier. >>eng<< En pystynyt olla katsomatta. I couldn't help but watch. I couldn't help but look. >>eng<< Munka után édes a pihenés. The remembrance of past labour is pleasant. After work, it's a sweet rest. >>eng<< Tom uskoo sen. Tom believes it. Tom's gonna believe it. >>eng<< Onko kyydissä lääkäriä? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on the ride? >>eng<< Tom vei Marin ja tämän tyttären kotiinsa. Tom took Mary and her daughter home. Tom took Marin and this daughter to her home. >>eng<< Minulla on ollut kiireitä parina viime päivänä. I've been very busy the last few days. I've been busy the last couple of days. >>eng<< Teidän olisi syytä lähteä nyt. You had better go now. You should leave now. >>eng<< Puu palaa. Wood burns. The tree's on fire. >>eng<< Nyt täytyy olla illallisaika: minulla on kova nälkä. It must be time for dinner: I'm terribly hungry. It's got to be dinner time. I'm hungry. >>eng<< Kié ez a kézírás? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? >>eng<< Tom még sosem volt piknikezni. Tom has never been on a picnic. Tom's never had a picnic. >>eng<< Ne zajongj, tanulok. Don't make any noise, I'm studying. Don't make noise, I'm studying. >>eng<< Rájöttem, hogy a probléma egyszerű volt. I found the problem was easy. I realized the problem was simple. >>eng<< En voi auttaakaan. I just can't help. I can't help you. >>eng<< Võta paar päeva vabaks. Take a few days off. Take a few days off. >>eng<< Tomi filmre vitte gyermekkorát. Tom made a film about his childhood. Tomi took her childhood to a movie. >>eng<< Miksi elämä on niin täynnä kärsimystä? Why is life so full of suffering? Why is life so full of suffering? >>eng<< Tämä sana tulee latinasta. This word comes from Latin. This word comes from Latin. >>eng<< Még egyszer. One more time. One more time. >>eng<< Ryyppään liikaa! I drink too much! I drink too much! >>eng<< Tomi rendesen kidolgozta magát. Tom worked his fingers to the bone. Tomi worked herself out. >>eng<< Egy zöld banán nem eléggé érett ahhoz, hogy megegyék. A green banana isn't ripe enough to eat. A green banana isn't mature enough to be eaten. >>eng<< Metsässä asuu hirvittävä paholainen. A terrible demon lives in the forest. There's a terrible devil living in the woods. >>eng<< Hol van az órám? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? >>eng<< Tom folytatta a történetét. Tom continued his story. Tom continued his story. >>eng<< Onko teillä Japanissa joululomaa? Do you have a Christmas vacation in Japan? Do you have a Christmas break in Japan? >>eng<< Onko Tom adoptoitu? Is Tom adopted? Is Tom adopted? >>eng<< A visszahúzódó fiú eldünnyögte a nevét. The shy boy mumbled his name. The pulled-back boy put his name down. >>eng<< Ostobák. They are foolish. They're fools. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy kertoa minulle. You must tell me. You have to tell me. >>eng<< Tämä on sanaleikki. This is a pun. This is a word game. >>eng<< Adtam neked egy könyvet. I gave you a book. I gave you a book. >>eng<< Voinkohan kysyä sinulta muutaman kysymyksen Tomista? I wonder if I can ask you a few questions about Tom. Can I ask you a few questions about Tom? >>eng<< Az nem vicces. That isn't funny. That's not funny. >>eng<< Tom osti pullon oliiviöljyä. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. >>eng<< Mi a tallér? What is the thaler? What's up? >>eng<< Ők dühösek. They're angry. They're angry. >>eng<< Beléptek az erdőbe. They entered the forest. They entered the woods. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse tulla jos et halua. You don't have to come if you don't want to. You don't have to come if you don't want to. >>eng<< Minusta lasagne on ihanaa. I love lasagna. I think lasagna's wonderful. >>eng<< Azok a lányok nagyon el vannak foglalva. Those girls are very busy. Those girls are very busy. >>eng<< Paperin valmistaminen pysyi pitkään valtionsalaisuutena. Paper production remained a state secret for a long time. The preparation of the paper remained a state secret for a long time. >>eng<< See on minu kolmas nädal. This is my third week. This is my third week. >>eng<< Legalább engedd meg, hogy beszéljünk róla. Let's at least talk about it. At least let us talk about it. >>eng<< Se ei ole minun vikani. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. >>eng<< Missä maito on? Where's the milk? Where's the milk? >>eng<< Tom vett Marynek ebédet. Tom bought Mary lunch. Tom bought Mary lunch. >>eng<< Marokon pääkaupunki on Rabat. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. >>eng<< Ajan hybridiautoa. I drive a hybrid. I'm driving a hybrid car. >>eng<< En keksi mitään vaihtoehtoja. I can't think of any alternatives. I can't think of any other options. >>eng<< Galbarihcis eai leat bánit. Turtles don't have teeth. Galbari has no regrets. >>eng<< Tom nem eszik vörös húst. Tom doesn't eat red meat. Tom doesn't eat red meat. >>eng<< Az egészsége fokozatosan javul. Her health is becoming steadily better. His health is gradually improving. >>eng<< Hívj csak Tominak. Just call me Tom. Call me Tomi. >>eng<< Jos tulet kanssani kotiin, kaikki käy parhain päin. Jos menet väkisin sisään tuohon mökkiin, kaikki on ohi meidän kahden välillä. If you come home with me, all will be well. If you force your way into that cottage, all is over between us. If you come home with me, it'll all go the best way, and if you force yourself into that cabin, it'll all be over between the two of us. >>eng<< Sosem értettem meg Tomot. I've never understood Tom. I never understood Tom. >>eng<< Tommy, hallasz engem? Tommy, can you hear me? Tommy, can you hear me? >>eng<< Lakatot teszek a számra, hogy semmit ki ne fecsegjek. I gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip. I'm gonna put a bag on my mouth so I don't talk anything out of it. >>eng<< Puhutko kiinaa? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? >>eng<< Olen kiinnostunut ranskankielestä. I'm interested in French. I'm interested in French. >>eng<< Hol az esernyőm? Where's my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? >>eng<< Lépj előre! Step forward. Step forward. >>eng<< Szükségem van erre. I need this. I need this. >>eng<< Tomilla oli yritys johdettavana. Tom had a company to run. Tom had a business to run. >>eng<< Hän osaa puhua sujuvasti ranskaa. She can speak French fluently. He knows how to speak French smoothly. >>eng<< Odavagyok a cukorkáért. I love candy. I'm good for candy. >>eng<< En usko, että he hyväksyvät näitä ehtoja. I do not think they will accept these terms and conditions. I don't think they accept these terms. >>eng<< Ma sõin lõunat kaks ja pool tundi tagasi. I ate lunch two and a half hours ago. I had lunch two and a half hours ago. >>eng<< Mindig ideges vagyok. I'm always nervous. I'm always nervous. >>eng<< Elän Taškentissa. I live in Tashkent. I live in Tashken. >>eng<< Hyvvää ilttaa! Good evening! Good evening! >>eng<< Mary Tom igazi anyja. Mary is Tom's real mother. Mary Tom's real mother. >>eng<< Nagyon ittas volt. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. >>eng<< Az asztal nem foglal sok helyet. The table does not occupy much space. The table doesn't take a lot of seats. >>eng<< Ma soovin, et ma oleksin sinuga. I wish I was with you. I wish I were with you. >>eng<< Tom meni sairaalaan eilen. Tom went to the hospital yesterday. Tom went to the hospital yesterday. >>eng<< Tom aitaks meid kui ta saaks. Tom would help us if he could. Tom would help us if he could. >>eng<< Fogalmad sincs, mennyire igazad van. You've no idea how right you are. You have no idea how right you are. >>eng<< Nevetett, hogy leplezze félelmét. She laughed to cover her fear. He laughed to expose his fear. >>eng<< Olet juovuksissa, Tomi. Tule taksiin. Me lähdemme kotiin. You're drunk, Tom. Get in the taxi. We're going home. You're drunk, Tomi, get in the cab, we're going home. >>eng<< Miért is tetted? Why exactly did you do that? Why did you do that? >>eng<< Mikor leszünk ott? When do we arrive? When will we be there? >>eng<< Tom gyalog fog menni. Tom will walk. Tom's on foot. >>eng<< Mit kell megtennem? What must I do? What do I have to do? >>eng<< Az ő szavai pontosan azok voltak. Those were her exact words. His words were exactly what he said. >>eng<< Hány órakor nyit a bolt? What time does the store open? What time does the store open? >>eng<< Mul on väga hea meel sind näha. I'm very glad to see you. I'm so glad to see you. >>eng<< Kuulin Tomin puhuvan ranskaa. I heard Tom speaking French. I heard Tom speaking French. >>eng<< Sinun ei pitäisi unohtaa sitä. You shouldn't forget that. You shouldn't forget it. >>eng<< Pese kädet ennen kuin syöt. Wash your hands before eating. Wash your hands before you eat. >>eng<< Személy szerint élvezetesebbnek találom a szopást a hagyományos szexnél. I personally find blowjobs more enjoyable than classical sex. Personally, I find sucking more enjoyable than conventional sex. >>eng<< Voisitko herättää minut seitsemältä? Please wake me up at seven. Can you wake me up at 7:00? >>eng<< Mellékállásban jó sok pénzt kerestem. I made a lot of money on the side. I made a lot of money at the front. >>eng<< Tatoeba ei edes ole henkilö. Tatoeba is not even a person. Tatoeba's not even a person. >>eng<< Lõpuks ometi! Finally! Finally! >>eng<< Jöjjünk össze, aztán beszéljük meg! Let's get together and talk it over. Let's get together and talk about it. >>eng<< Sanotaan hänen olleen muusikko nuorena. They say he was a musician when he was young. They say he was a musician when he was young. >>eng<< Nem hazudunk. We don't lie. We're not lying. >>eng<< Kivörösödtem, mint egy paradicsom. I reddened like a tomato. I'm reddish like a paradise. >>eng<< Varmaankin ajattelet sen olevan mahdotonta, mutta voisitko ainakin antaa sille mahdollisuuden? You must think it's impossible, but could you at least give it a try? I'm sure you think it's impossible, but can you at least give it a chance? >>eng<< Kõndige aeglaselt. Walk slowly. Walk slowly. >>eng<< Ez a nyaklánc olyan szép, hogy szeretném megvenni a feleségemnek. This necklace is so beautiful that I'd like to buy in for my wife. This necklace is so beautiful I'd like to buy it for my wife. >>eng<< Tom gyémánt karkötőt adott Marinak a házassági évfordulójukra. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. Tom gave Mari a diamond bracelet for their wedding anniversary. >>eng<< Ta ootas mu vastust. She waited for my reply. He was waiting for my answer. >>eng<< Etsi sen ympyrän ympärysmitta, jonka ala on kaksitoista neliösenttimetriä. Find the circumference of a circle whose area is 12 square centimeters. Find the circumference of the circle whose area is twelve square centimetres. >>eng<< És mi a probléma? And what is the problem? And what's the problem? >>eng<< Tiedän sen jo. I know that already. I already know that. >>eng<< Hozhatsz vizet a lónak, de nem itathatod meg. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can bring water to the horse, but you can't drink it. >>eng<< Nagyon hasonlóak vagyunk. We are very similar. We're very similar. >>eng<< Én vagyok az! It's me! It's me! >>eng<< Se on hänen, eikö olekin? It is hers, is it not? It's hers, isn't it? >>eng<< Miehillä on noin seitsemän tai kahdeksan kertaa enemmän testosteronia kuin naisilla. Men have about 7 to 8 times more testosterone than women. Men have about seven or eight times more testosterone than women. >>eng<< Keitä he oikeasti ovat? Who are they really? Who are they really? >>eng<< Häiritsenkö minä sinua? Am I disturbing you? Am I interrupting you? >>eng<< Te ölted meg Tomot? Did you kill Tom? Did you kill Tom? >>eng<< Jelenleg nincs munkám. I don't have a job right now. I don't have a job right now. >>eng<< Nagyon mérges lettem. I got very angry. I got really angry. >>eng<< Mikor fordult elő utoljára, hogy emlékeztetned kellett engem valami elvégzésére? When was the last time you had to remind me to do something? When was the last time you had to remind me of something to do? >>eng<< Vegyél a pitéből! Please have some pie. Get it out of the pie. >>eng<< Hagylak választani. I will let you choose. I'll let you choose. >>eng<< Tämä saattaa olla vaarallista aluetta. This could be a dangerous area. This could be a dangerous area. >>eng<< Tomi on outo. Tom's strange. Tom's a weirdo. >>eng<< Tomi todella pitää väittelystä. Tom certainly likes to argue. Tom really likes the argument. >>eng<< Leage buorre. You are welcome. Is it nice? >>eng<< Tom nem szeret a munkájáról beszélni. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. Tom doesn't like to talk about his work. >>eng<< Tilanne on nyt täysin erilainen. It's a completely different situation now. The situation is now completely different. >>krl<< I'm sorry? Minul on žiäli? ~ I'm sorry? ~ I'm sorry. >>eng<< En saanut unta. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. >>eng<< Kiitos samoin, hauska tavata. I'm glad to meet you, too. Thank you, too. Nice to meet you. >>eng<< Mul on kaks tütart. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. >>eng<< Tom érdeklődése elhalványult. Tom's interest faded. Tom's interest has faded. >>eng<< Hän ei ikinä valehtele. He never lies. He never lies. >>eng<< Kórházba kell menned. You need to get to a hospital. You have to go to the hospital. >>eng<< Kethään ei piä tuomita tevosta joka nasjunaalin lain tahi kansanoikkeuen jälkhiin ei ollu laiton silloin ko sen tehthiin. Kethään ei piä tuomita ankaramphaan rangaistuksheen ko laki määräs silloin ko rangaistaavan tevon tehthiin. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. The court shall not be judged by any body which, after the law of the Nasjunal or the decree of the people, was not unlawful at that time; the court shall not be condemned by any more severe punishment. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole vielä palannut. Tom hasn't yet returned. Tomi's not back yet. >>eng<< Voi ei! Oh no! Oh, no! >>eng<< Voi olla, että et halua tietää. You may not want to know. Maybe you don't want to know. >>eng<< Olemme kaikki peloissamme. We're all scared. We're all scared. >>eng<< Mikor érsz rá velem teniszezni? When have you got time for tennis with me? When do you get to play tennis with me? >>eng<< Katsokaa, mitä tein. Look at what I made. Look what I did. >>eng<< Olen yrittänyt löytää Tomia. I've been trying to find Tom. I've been trying to find Tom. >>eng<< Tom betette a bankba a pénzét. Tom put his money in the bank. Tom put his money in the bank. >>eng<< Oletko eteisaulassa? Are you in the lobby? Are you in the front? >>eng<< Azt hallottam, bűnösnek találták Tomot. I heard they found Tom guilty. I heard they found Tom guilty. >>eng<< Ez a blúz pamut. This blouse is cotton. This shirt is cotton. >>eng<< Luulen, että niiden salaliittoa juonivien ihmisten yliarviointi on juuri sitä mitä he haluavat. I think overestimating the people masterminding that conspiracy is exactly what they want. I think the overvaluation of their conspirators is exactly what they want. >>eng<< Tomi luuli, että olin Mari. Tom thought that I was Mary. Tomi thought I was Mari. >>eng<< Az eszperantó nemzetközi nyelv. Esperanto is an international language. Esperanto is an international language. >>eng<< Mondd el, hol rejtőztél idáig. Tell me where you've been hiding. Tell me where you've been hiding. >>eng<< Kass püüdis rotid kinni. The cat caught the rats. Cat caught rats. >>eng<< Megmondom neked, hogy mi a teendő. I'll tell you what to do. I'll tell you what to do. >>eng<< Kérem, mondja hangosabban! Please speak more loudly. Please speak up. >>eng<< Jousi tuli. Spring arrived. It's your spring. >>eng<< Tom lähti sanomatta sanaakaan. Tom left without saying a word. Tom left without saying a word. >>eng<< Merre van a mosdó? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? >>izh<< Katissa opetti kirjoittamaan. Katissa opetti kiruttammaa. In Katis, he learned to write a book. >>eng<< Tamás egy gulyás. Tom is a cowboy. Thomas is a gull. >>eng<< "Mihin hän suuteli sinua?" "Huulille." "Where did he kiss you?" "On my lips." "Where did he kiss you?" >>eng<< Tudod, hogy mikor érkeznek? Do you know when they will arrive? Do you know when they're coming? >>eng<< Mul ei ole hobisid, jalgpall välja arvatud. I don't have hobbies, except for football. I don't have any hobbies, except football. >>eng<< Tudod, honnan van ez Tomnak? Do you know where Tom got this? Do you know where Tom got this? >>eng<< Az én hobbim a rovargyűjtés. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is insect collection. >>eng<< Ki ütötte meg Tomit? Who hit Tom? Who hit Tom? >>eng<< Tervezés alatt áll egy új szótár. A new dictionary has been projected. There's a new dictionary under way. >>eng<< Sinun tähtesi, isä, silppuaisin itse paholaisen paloiksi tai muuttuisin itse paholaiseksi. For your sake, father, I would cut the devil himself into small bits, or even become a devil myself. For your sake, Dad, I'd cut myself into devil's pieces or turn myself into devils. >>eng<< Ne próbálj utánozni. Don't try to imitate me. Don't try to imitate me. >>eng<< Japani on kaunis maa. Japan is a beautiful country. Japan is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Új szomszédunk van. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. >>eng<< Kerro Tomille henkilökohtaisesti. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom in person. >>eng<< Tomi juoksi lumessa paljain jaloin. Tom ran barefoot in the snow. Tom ran in the snow with his bare feet. >>eng<< Már fáradt voltam. I was already tired. I was tired. >>eng<< Láttam. I saw it. I saw it. >>eng<< Tämä on todella tärkeä näkökohta. This is a very important point. This is a very important aspect. >>eng<< Tom írt egy nagyon részletes jelentét. Tom wrote a very detailed report. Tom wrote a very detailed meaning. >>eng<< Kas sa liitud meie klubiga? Will you join our club? Are you joining our club? >>eng<< Maistuisiko sinulle lasillinen? Do you feel like having a drink? Would you like a drink? >>eng<< Grupp püüdis lahendada sotsiaalseid probleeme. The group tried to solve social problems. The group tried to solve social problems. >>eng<< No mites koe? How was your test? How's it going? >>eng<< És ráadásul kirúgtak. And on top of it all, I was fired. And they fired me. >>eng<< A vitának sajnálatos következményei lettek. The quarrel had unfortunate consequences. The debate has had unfortunate consequences. >>eng<< Mondtam Tominak, hogy ne adja föl. I told Tom not to give up. I told Tomi not to give up. >>eng<< Írj tovább! Keep writing. Keep writing. >>eng<< Purskahdin itkuun. I burst into tears. I broke into tears. >>eng<< Tom leül. Tom is sitting down. Tom's gonna sit down. >>eng<< Täyskäännös vasempaan PÄIN! About face! Full turn to the left sun! >>eng<< Kas sa tundsid eile õhtust maavärinat? Did you feel the earthquake last night? Did you feel an earthquake last night? >>eng<< Suuri aalto kaatoi hänen kanootin. A big wave turned over his canoe. The great wave knocked down his canoe. >>eng<< Hän kävi talon takana kusella. He took a whiz around the back of the house. He took a piss behind the house. >>eng<< Jopa minut päihitettiin. Even I was defeated. Even I was defeated. >>eng<< Et pysty siihen ilman minua. You won't be able to do that without me. You can't do it without me. >>eng<< Kivágott egy képet a könyvből. She cut a picture out of the book. He cut a picture out of the book. >>eng<< Osaatsää miinustaa kuuden kymmenest? Can you subtract six from ten? You know how to shorten six out of ten? >>eng<< Tom elnézést kért Marytől a kényelmetlenségért, amit okozott. Tom apologized to Mary for the inconvenience he had caused. Tom apologized to Mary for the inconvenience she caused. >>eng<< Senki nem tudhatja, mit tartogat a jövő. No one knows what the future holds. No one knows what the future holds. >>eng<< He tuhosivat vihollisen. They wiped out the enemy. They destroyed the enemy. >>eng<< Éppen ébredezik. She's waking up. He's waking up. >>eng<< Terveydeksi! Gesundheit! Cheers! >>eng<< Tom egy tucat tojást akar. Tom wants a dozen eggs. Tom wants a dozen eggs. >>eng<< Tom részt vett egy webináriumon. Tom attended a webinar. Tom took part in a web-inarial. >>eng<< Hän on takaisin kymmenessä minuutissa. He will be back in ten minutes. He'll be back in ten minutes. >>eng<< Mohamed Mekkában született. Muhammad was born in Mecca. He was born in Mohammed Mecca. >>eng<< Oot! Stop! Wait! >>eng<< Nagyjából mennyi pénzed van? About how much money do you have? How much money do you have? >>eng<< Nem kellett volna ilyen korán jönnie. You shouldn't have come so soon. You shouldn't have come so early. >>eng<< Várták, hogy lecsendesedjen a vihar, akkor aztán útnak indultak. They waited for the storm to calm down and then they set out. They were waiting for the storm to shut down, and then they were on their way. >>eng<< Hän ei ollut puhunut ranskaa. She hadn't spoken French. He hadn't spoken French. >>eng<< Poikani on ainoa joka syö hänen laittamia ruokia. My son isn't the only one who enjoys eating her cooking. My son is the only one who eats the food he eats. >>eng<< Ezt használom. I use this. That's what I'm using. >>eng<< Tom ei ota, jos hän ajaa. Tom doesn't drink and drive. Tom won't if he drives. >>eng<< Mida on oma mõtteid? What are your thoughts? What are your thoughts? >>eng<< Mary on lopettanut tupakoinnin. Mary has stopped smoking. Mary's stopped smoking. >>eng<< Kone törmäsi maahan. The plane crashed. The plane hit the ground. >>eng<< Päästäkää hänet irti! Let him go! Let him go! >>eng<< En voi silittää tätä koiraa. Pelkään, että se saattaa purra minua. I cannot pat this dog. I am afraid it might bite me. I can't iron this dog, I'm afraid it might bite me. >>eng<< Tomi on riippuvainen sosiaalisesta mediasta. Tom is addicted to social media. Tomi is dependent on social media. >>eng<< Nem tudom, hogy Tomi hol szokta megvenni az élelmiszereket. I don't know where Tom buys his groceries. I don't know where Tomi buys food. >>eng<< Tom istui kyydissä takapenkillä. Tom was riding in the back seat. Tom was in the back seat. >>eng<< Ha nem ment meg a bátyám, megfulladtam volna. If my brother hadn't helped me, I would've drowned. If my brother hadn't saved me, I would have drowned. >>eng<< Tom nem ismeri a szomszédait. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. Tom doesn't know his neighbors. >>eng<< Zavarba jöttem attól, amit mondott. I was embarrassed by what she said. I was confused by what he said. >>eng<< Tomi myönsi ottaneensa vastaan lahjuksen. Tom admitted he had accepted a bribe. Tomi admitted to receiving a bribe. >>eng<< Tom jobban van. Tom is getting better. Tom's better. >>eng<< Rendszerint négyre megyek haza. I usually go home at four. I usually go home at 4:00. >>eng<< Tom egyszer sem lőtt. Tom never fired a shot. Tom never shot me. >>eng<< Tom kiment. Tom went out. Tom's gone out. >>eng<< Tiedätkö Wikipedian verkkosivut? Do you know the Wikipedia website? Do you know Wikipedia's website? >>eng<< Adtál borravalót? Did you leave a tip? You tipped me? >>eng<< Tom készen áll? Is Tom ready? Is Tom ready? >>eng<< Veled is ez fog történni. That will happen to you too. That's what's gonna happen to you. >>eng<< Akkor nem nevettek. They aren't laughing at that time. Then you didn't laugh. >>eng<< Odotan innolla ensi viikonloppua. I'm looking forward to this weekend. I'm looking forward to next weekend. >>eng<< Gyakran beszélgetek Tomival franciául. I often talk with Tom in French. I often speak French to Tomi. >>eng<< Tomi elővett egy huszast a zsebéből. Tom took a twenty from his pocket. Tomi took 20 out of his pocket. >>eng<< Most már értem. Now I understand. I get it now. >>eng<< Szeretem a kutyát. I like the dog. I love the dog. >>eng<< Beragadtunk a forgalomban. We got stuck in traffic. We're stuck in traffic. >>eng<< Kiitos vinkistä. Thanks for the tip. Thanks for the tip. >>eng<< Szeretnél velem vacsorázni? Would you like to have dinner with me? Would you like to have dinner with me? >>eng<< Megbuktunk. We have failed. We failed. >>eng<< Tudom, hol élsz. I know where you live. I know where you live. >>eng<< Nem fogod őt meggyőzni ezekkel a szavakkal. You will not persuade her with these words. You're not going to convince him with those words. >>eng<< A gát közelében élnek. They live near the dike. They live near the dam. >>eng<< Ezek voltak az utolsó szavai. Those were his last words. Those were his last words. >>eng<< Et kyllä usko, mitä löysin. You won't believe what I found. You're not gonna believe what I found. >>eng<< Kadehdin sinua niin paljon. I envy you so much. I envy you so much. >>eng<< Csak annyi, hogy nem akarok ma meghalni. It's just that I don't want to die today. It's just that I don't want to die today. >>eng<< Nem válaszolt. She didn't answer. He didn't answer. >>eng<< Kirjoita! Type! Write it! >>eng<< Ezt Ausztráliában vettük. We bought this in Australia. We bought this in Australia. >>eng<< Hän on älykäs. He has a good brain. He's smart. >>eng<< Tom úgy érezte, időpocsékolás lenne lefordítani a levelet Marinak. Tom felt that it would be a waste of time to translate the letter for Mary. Tom felt it was a waste of time to translate the letter to Mari. >>eng<< És azt honnan tudod? And how do you know that? And how do you know that? >>eng<< Hol van a mosdó? Where's the washroom? Where's the bathroom? >>eng<< Tämä on meidän ongelmamme. This is our problem. This is our problem. >>eng<< Hän oli usein myöhässä koulusta. She was frequently late for school. He was often late for school. >>eng<< Tomi änkyttää. Tom is stuttering. Tom's a pain in the ass. >>eng<< Nem valószínű, hogy összeházasodnak. They're unlikely to get married. They're not likely to get married. >>eng<< Ma oskan joosta. I can run. I can run. >>eng<< Kus Tom täna on? Where's Tom today? Where's Tom today? >>eng<< Minulla ei ole rahaa, jolla ostaa se sanakirja. I have no money to buy the dictionary with. I don't have the money to buy that dictionary. >>eng<< Nagyon remélem, hogy ez nem valami rossz tréfa. This had better not be some kind of prank. I really hope this isn't a bad joke. >>eng<< Tom bent van? Is Tom in? Is Tom in? >>eng<< Ó, Istenem, ez pokolian fáj! Oh my God! It hurts like hell! Oh, my God, it hurts like hell! >>eng<< Elämällä ei ole merkitystä ilman ystäviä. Life means nothing without friends. Life doesn't matter without friends. >>eng<< Sokat javult a francia nyelvtudásod. Your French has improved considerably. Your French language skills have improved a lot. >>eng<< Mä ostin tän kirjan Bostonissa viime kuus. I bought this book in Boston last month. I bought this book in Boston last month. >>eng<< Ma lähen kontrollin, kuidas Tomil on. I'm going to check on Tom. I'm gonna go check on Tom. >>eng<< Kuinkakohan pitkään se kestää. I wonder how long it's going to take. I wonder how long it'll take. >>eng<< Luovuta! Give up! Give it up! >>eng<< Tomi nem értett egyet Marival. Tom disagreed with Mary. Tomi disagreed with Mari. >>eng<< Tom voi tulla mihin aikaan tahansa. Tom may come at any time. Tom can come at any time. >>eng<< Arvaa, kuka minä olen. Guess who I am. You know who I am? >>eng<< Kissa tuhosi sohvani. The cat ruined my sofa. The cat destroyed my couch. >>eng<< Tomi on mahtava. Tom is amazing. Tom's great. >>eng<< Megragadtam Tomit a könyökénél. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom at the elbows. >>eng<< Van tudományos alapja ennek? Is that scientifically proven? Do you have a scientific basis for this? >>eng<< Ota lounasta mukaan. Bring a lunch. Take lunch with you. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy estää nopea väestönkasvu. We must prevent rapid population growth. We must prevent rapid population growth. >>eng<< Missä sinä olet? Where are you? Where are you? >>eng<< Még mindig mi vagyunk a legjobbak. We're still the best. We're still the best. >>eng<< Nyiss ajtót a szerelemnek. Open the door for love. Open the door to love. >>eng<< Nem haltam meg. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. >>eng<< A jövő hónapban költözünk. We are moving next month. We're moving next month. >>eng<< Hányan haltak meg? How many people were killed? How many died? >>eng<< Gyerekkoromban csak a gazdag családok gyerekeinek volt spirálfüzete. When I was a child, only children from wealthy families had ringed notebooks. When I was a kid, only the children of rich families had a spiral book. >>eng<< Nem vesz el sok időt. It won't take long. It won't take much time. >>eng<< Meg tudtad volna egyedül csinálni. You could've done that on your own. You could have done it alone. >>eng<< Szörnyen beszélsz hollandul. Your Dutch is terrible. You speak terrible Dutch. >>eng<< Kompromisszumra volt szükségünk. We had to compromise. We needed a compromise. >>eng<< Az anya nagyon félt a baba megfázása miatt. The mother was very scared because of the baby's cold. The mother was very afraid of colding the baby. >>eng<< Mi a félelem? What is fear? What's fear? >>eng<< Sa andsid endast parima. You did your best. You did your best. >>eng<< Fel akarod húzni az agyamat? Are you trying to get me mad? You want to piss my brain off? >>eng<< Ami az angolt illeti, senki sem jobb nálam. As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me. As far as English is concerned, no one is better than me. >>eng<< Ta võitis loteriiga. He won the lottery. He won the lottery. >>eng<< Tom meg akarja csinálni. Tom intends to do that. Tom wants to do it. >>eng<< Tamás az idősebb fiam. Tom is my older son. Thomas is my older son. >>eng<< Miten sanotaan ”kissa” espanjaksi? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? How do you say "cat" in Spanish? >>eng<< Japani on omituinen maa. Japan is a strange country. Japan is a strange country. >>eng<< Antakaa minulle kaikki kukat, jotka teillä on siellä. Give me all the flowers you have there. Give me all the flowers you have there. >>eng<< Azért van itt, hogy téged megvédjen. He's here to protect you. He's here to protect you. >>eng<< Örülök neked. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you. >>eng<< Tom ei ole kummoinenkaan kokki, mutta hän sentään yrittää. Tom's not much of a cook, but at least he gives it a go. Tom's not much of a cook, but at least he's trying. >>eng<< A film unalmas. The film is boring. The film is boring. >>eng<< Tomin juominen on aiheuttanut paljon ongelmia hänen avioliitossaan. Tom's drinking has caused a lot of problems in his marriage. Tom’s drinking has caused a lot of problems in his marriage. >>eng<< Sä oot tosi ärsyttävä. You really annoy me. You're really annoying. >>eng<< Azt szeretném, ha eljönne az összejövetelre. I wish he had attended the meeting. I want you to come to the meeting. >>eng<< Hän sai flunssan siskoltaan. He got a cold from his sister. She got the flu from her sister. >>eng<< Tiedän, että puhut ranskaa. I know you speak French. I know you speak French. >>eng<< Jõvā ȭdõg! Good evening. Jõvā ~dõg! >>eng<< Egy széken ültem Bernben a szabadalmi hivatalnál, amikor egy hirtelen ötletem támadt: ha egy ember szabadon esik, akkor nem érzi a saját súlyát. Ez felrázott engem. Elvezetett engem ez a gravitációs elmélethez. I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of sudden a thought occurred to me: If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight. I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. I was sitting on a chair in Bern at the patent office when I suddenly came up with an idea: when a man falls free, he doesn't feel his own weight, which upset me, which led me to the gravitational theory. >>eng<< Мыйын шонымаште, Франций - Европышто эн мотор эл. I think France is the most beautiful country in Europe. My advice on this matter, but you don't think of the country. >>eng<< Ottakaa hänet kiinni. Catch him. Get him. >>eng<< Hauska tavata. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. >>eng<< Tom suri eelmisel aastal. Tom died last year. Tom died last year. >>eng<< Varastaminen on rikos. Stealing is a crime. Stealing is a crime. >>eng<< Narkissos rakastui omaan kuvajaiseensa. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection. Narcotics fell in love with his own image. >>eng<< Ez egy igazi kaptár. This is a real beehive. It's a real hive. >>eng<< Kuinka kauan sinä olet opiskellut unkaria? How long have you been studying Hungarian? How long have you been studying Hungarian? >>eng<< ”Katso mitä löysin sohvan alta!” ”Se taitaa olla yksi minun vanhoista sukistani.” "Look what I found under the sofa!" "I think that's one of my old socks." “Look what I found under the couch!” “I think it’s one of my old socks.” >>eng<< Mari ei rakasta mua. Mary doesn't love me. Mari doesn't love me. >>eng<< Egész életében dolgozott. He worked all his life. She's been working for the rest of her life. >>eng<< Mikor találkoztál Tommal? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? >>eng<< Linn on ilus. The town is beautiful. The city is beautiful. >>eng<< Az orvos megoperálta. He was operated on by the doctor. The doctor operated on him. >>eng<< Tom a főnököm. Tom is my boss. Tom's my boss. >>eng<< Meg fogom mondani Tomnak, hogy mit kéne mondania Marinak. I'll tell Tom what he should say to Mary. I'm gonna tell Tom what he should say to Mari. >>eng<< Tyttö avasi oven, kun koputin. A girl opened the door in answer to my knock. She opened the door when I knocked. >>eng<< Mit vegyünk? What should we buy? What do we get? >>eng<< Ta jõi peol kaks klaasi veini. She drank two glasses of wine at the party. He had two glasses of wine at the party. >>eng<< Raskas lumisade esti junaa lähtemästä. Heavy snow prevented the train from departing. Heavy snowfall stopped the train from leaving. >>eng<< Voin kuvitella joitain tilanteita, joissa veitsestä voisi olla hyötyä. I can think of some situations in which a knife would come in handy. I can imagine some situations where a knife could be useful. >>eng<< En voisi myydä kitaraani unissanikaan. I wouldn't dream of selling my guitar. I couldn't sell my guitar in my dreams. >>eng<< Egy lyuk van az ingeden. There's a hole in your shirt. There's a hole in your shirt. >>eng<< Meleg van. It's warm. It's hot. >>eng<< Ez nagyon jó. That's very good. That's very good. >>eng<< Soha nem kérdezett tőlem még ilyet. He has never asked me a question like this. He's never asked me that question before. >>eng<< Úgy tűnik, mintha csak tegnap lett volna, hogy együtt jártunk iskolába. It seems like just yesterday that we were walking to school together. Looks like it was just yesterday that we went to school together. >>eng<< Hah hah haa! Hahaha! Ha ha ha! >>eng<< Hän on nyt kunnon nuorimies. He's a proper young man now. He's a good young man now. >>eng<< Nem akarok elájulni. I don't want to pass out. I don't want to faint. >>eng<< Tom voi hyvin. Tom is well. Tom's fine. >>eng<< En niitä vehnääsi. I don't sow your wheat. Not your wheat. >>eng<< Kevés pénzem van. I have little money. I don't have any money. >>eng<< Ők a mi jó barátaink. They're good friends of ours. They're our good friends. >>eng<< Bensa on melkein loppu. We're almost out of fuel. We're almost out of gas. >>eng<< Näen mikä on ongelmasi. I see what your problem is. I see what your problem is. >>eng<< En ole täällä, jos joku soittaa. I'm not here if anybody calls. I'm not here if someone calls. >>eng<< Kätesi ovat pidemmät kuin minun. Your arms are longer than mine. Your hands are longer than mine. >>eng<< Annatko minulle hiukan? Will you give me some? Will you give me some? >>eng<< Tom puhuu sujuvaa japania. Tom speaks Japanese fluently. Tom speaks smooth Japanese. >>eng<< Nem fogok fölkelni. I'm not going to get up. I'm not gonna get up. >>eng<< Máris befejezted? Have you finished it already? Are you finished already? >>eng<< Bakteerit eivät lisäänny alkoholissa. Bacteria will not breed in alcohol. The bacteria don't add up in alcohol. >>eng<< Mindannyian nagyon boldogok voltunk. We were all so happy. We were all very happy. >>eng<< Voit käyttää tätä autoa. You can use this car. You can use this car. >>eng<< Mi jobban megérdemeljük. We deserve better. We deserve it better. >>eng<< Sajnálom, de kiment a fejemből. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, but I'm out of my mind. >>eng<< Tässä on iso ongelma. There's a big problem. There's a big problem. >>eng<< Lõpuks sureme me kõik. We all die in the end. In the end, we're all gonna die. >>eng<< Siin on see koht, kus Tom suri. It was here that Tom died. This is where Tom died. >>eng<< Ta on ilus naine. She is a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. >>eng<< Ma ei teeks seda Tomile iialgi. I'd never do that for Tom. I would never do that to Tom. >>eng<< Niin, kuinka minun pitäisi käyttäytyä? So, how should one behave? Yeah, how am I supposed to behave? >>eng<< Énekelhetek? May I sing? Can I sing? >>eng<< Tudom, hogy ki tette. I know who did it. I know who did it. >>eng<< Csak az ételre kell néznem, és hányingert kapok máris. Just looking at a picture of food makes me feel nauseous. All I have to do is look at the food, and I'm getting sick. >>eng<< Tomi ei ollut kauhean humalassa. Tom wasn't very drunk. Tom wasn't so drunk. >>eng<< Onko lihansyöminen moraalisesti väärin? Is eating meat morally wrong? Is eating the flesh morally wrong? >>eng<< Azt hittem, felrobban a fejem. I thought my head would explode. I thought my head was gonna explode. >>eng<< Nem amiatt vagyok itt. I'm not here because of that. It's not why I'm here. >>eng<< Turhauttavin asia, joka voi tapahtua Tatoebassa, on se kun raportoit jollekulle virheestä, ja hän ei vain jätä lausetta korjaamatta vaan hän luo myös lauseesta ehdottamasi korjauksen mukaisen muunnelman, sinua kiittämättä. The most frustrating thing that can happen to you, on Tatoeba, is to report a mistake to somebody, and that not only they don't correct it, but they create the variant with the correction that you suggested...without thanking you. The most futile thing that can happen in Tatobe is when you report a mistake to someone, and he not only fails to correct the sentence, but he also creates a version of the sentence you proposed, without thanking you. >>sma<< Thank you! Gæjhtoe! ~ You're the only one who can. ~ You're the one who's the one >>eng<< Elvakította a szerelem. He was blinded by love. Love is blind. >>eng<< Tomi yritti avata ikkunaa. Tom tried to open the window. Tomi tried to open the window. >>eng<< Az összes diák hazament. All the students have gone home. All the students have gone home. >>eng<< Jos kirjalista on liian pitkä, jätä pois kaikki ulkomaiset kirjat. If the list of books is too long, please leave out all foreign books. If the list is too long, leave all foreign books. >>eng<< Hän kiinnitti nimilapun laukkuun. He attached a label to the bag. He put the name tag in the bag. >>eng<< Jaa pizza kolmeen osaan. Please divide the pizza into three parts. Split the pizza in three parts. >>eng<< En minä tiedä, että pystynkö siihen, mutta koetan. I don't know whether I can do it, but I'll try. I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try. >>eng<< Iskolában van. She's inside the school. He's in school. >>eng<< Ne légy túl családias. Don't get too familiar. Don't be too family. >>eng<< Onko se totta, että muutat Bostoniin? Is it true you're moving to Boston? Is it true you're moving to Boston? >>eng<< Ezek közül egyik helyen se voltam. I've been to neither of those places. I wasn't in any of these places. >>eng<< Több pénzre van szükségem. I need more money. I need more money. >>eng<< Titokban reméltem, hogy ez fog történni. I secretly hoped this would happen. I was secretly hoping this would happen. >>eng<< Ő beszél magyarul, és a nő meg németül. He speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. She speaks Hungarian and she speaks German. >>krl<< The house is red. Talo on ruskie. ~ I don't know. ~ I do. ~ I do. ~ I do. >>eng<< He ovat nälkäisiä. They are hungry. They're hungry. >>eng<< Keelamine on siinkohal ametlikult keelatud. Prohibition is hereby officially prohibited. The prohibition is officially prohibited here. >>eng<< Haulikkoni on tyhjä. My rifle's empty. My shotgun is empty. >>eng<< Tärkeintä ei ole se mistä yliopistosta olet valmistunut vaan se mitä olet oppinut. What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university. The most important thing is not the university you've graduated from. It's what you've learned. >>eng<< Sen jälkeen hän meni kotiinsa. After that, he went home. After that, he went home. >>eng<< Tom ja Mari puhuivat ranskaksi, joten minulla ei ollut minkäänlaista käsitystä siitä, mistä he puhuivat. Tom and Mary were speaking in French, so I had no idea what they were talking about. Tom and Mari spoke French, so I had no idea what they were talking about. >>eng<< Vanha rouva asui kolmen huoneen asunnossa yksinään. The old lady lived in a three-room apartment by herself. The old lady lived in a three-room apartment on her own. >>eng<< Tom sok évvel ezelőtt meghalt. Tom died a number of years ago. Tom died many years ago. >>eng<< Nincs helyes válasz. There's no right answer. There's no right answer. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy mennä kouluun. You must go to school. You have to go to school. >>eng<< Mikä hän on etunimeltään? What's his first name? What's his first name? >>eng<< Mistä Mari osti tämän kynsilakan? Where did Mary buy this nail polish? Where did Mari buy this nail cap? >>eng<< Végighajtottunk a parton. We drove along the coast. We drove all over the beach. >>eng<< Halászok vagytok. You're fishers. You're fishermen. >>eng<< Tomi ei osaa laittaa ruokaa. Tom can't cook. Tom can't cook. >>eng<< Minden nap vonattal megyek dolgozni. I go to work every day by train. I take a train to work every day. >>eng<< "Jos et ole tyytyväinen ostokseesi, voit palauttaa sen milloin tahansa." "Saisinko sen kirjallisesti?" "If you're not happy with your purchase, you can return it at any time." "Could I get that in writing?" "If you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it at any time." "Can I have it in writing?" >>eng<< Hau, hau, hau! Woof, woof, woof! Whoa, whoa, whoa! >>eng<< Eikö päivä ollutkin pettymys! Wasn't that day a bummer! The day was a disappointment, wasn't it? >>eng<< Mul on sinised silmad. I have blue eyes. I have blue eyes. >>eng<< Nem fogom elfelejteni. I won't forget. I won't forget. >>eng<< Dobják el a fegyvert! Drop your guns. Drop your weapon! >>eng<< Mondd meg, hogyan tudok segíteni. Tell me how I can help. Tell me how I can help you. >>eng<< Úgy gondolom, ez az orvosság jót fog tenni neked. I think this medicine will do you good. I think this medicine will do you good. >>eng<< Neljännessä kerroksessakin on WC. There is a toilet on the fourth floor, too. There's a toilet on the fourth floor. >>eng<< Päh. Blah. Hey. >>eng<< Muistan nähneeni tuon herran jossakin. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. >>eng<< Nem értem, miért fontos. I don't understand why that's important. I don't understand why it's important. >>eng<< Ez a kocsi úgy néz ki, mint az enyém. This car looks like mine. This car looks like mine. >>eng<< Mu tulen tagasi mõne minuti pärast. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back in a few minutes. >>eng<< Kuwait kärsi vakavia vahinkoja. Kuwait suffered severe damage. Kuwait suffered serious damage. >>eng<< Én vagyok a legrosszabb tanuló az osztályban. I'm the worst student in the class. I'm the worst student in class. >>eng<< Minun pitää kysyä sinulta monta kysymystä. I've got a lot of questions I need to ask you. I need to ask you a lot of questions. >>eng<< Mihin aikaan menit nukkumaan eilen? What time did you go to bed last night? What time did you go to bed last night? >>eng<< Tom sértetlen. Tom's unharmed. Tom's intact. >>eng<< En näe, kuka se on. I can't see who it is. I can't see who it is. >>eng<< Älä koske siihen ovenkahvaan. Don't touch that doorknob. Don't touch that doorknob. >>eng<< Tom mennyi pénzt fog kapni? How much is Tom going to get paid? How much money will Tom get? >>eng<< Homma on hoidettu. The work is done. It's done. >>eng<< Kuulimme oven aukeavan. We heard the door open. We heard the door open. >>eng<< Hän on ylpeä, koska oli ollut kaunis nuoruudessaan. She is proud of having been beautiful in her youth. He's proud of being beautiful when he was young. >>eng<< Lehet, hogy Tominak szüksége lesz rá. Tom might need it. Maybe Tomi will need it. >>eng<< Hiero tahraa etikalla. Rub the stain with vinegar. Rub the stain with vinegar. >>eng<< Tema tütrest on saanud kena naine. His daughter has become a pretty woman. Her daughter has become a nice woman. >>eng<< Dan gujis lea boares viessu. There is an old house on this street. This old message allows you to leave the mail. >>eng<< Vedd el! Take it away. Take it. >>eng<< Tizenhárom millió dollárom van. I have 13 million dollars. I have $13 million. >>eng<< Kaikki olivat aivan ällikällä lyötyjä, kun hän onnistui tulemaan raskaaksi 48-vuotiaana. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. When he was 48 years old, he managed to get pregnant. >>eng<< Hän ei suostunut kättelemään. He refused to shake hands. He wouldn't shake hands. >>eng<< Nagyon szívesen megtenném még egyszer. I'd love to do it again. I'd love to do it again. >>eng<< Az anyanyelve francia. French is her mother tongue. His mother tongue is French. >>eng<< Tom valahti valkoiseksi. Tom turned white. Tom swore white. >>eng<< Ne is foglalkozz vele, Tom. Csak féltékeny. Ignore him, Tom. He's just jealous. Don't worry about it, Tom, he's just jealous. >>eng<< Tudja, hogyan csavarja a szavakat. He knows how to play with words. You know how to twist words. >>eng<< Tényleg büszke vagyok rá. I'm really proud of it. I'm really proud of him. >>eng<< Haluan päästä täältä mahdollisimman kauas. I want to get as far away from here as I can. I want to get as far away from here as possible. >>eng<< Sami yritti murtautua. Sami was trying to break in. Sami tried to break in. >>eng<< Isten veled! Bye! Goodbye. >>eng<< En halua viettää koko elämääni täällä. I don't want to spend my whole life here. I don't want to spend the rest of my life here. >>eng<< Tomi ei näytä kovin tyytyväiseltä. Tom doesn't seem very satisfied. Tom doesn't look very happy. >>eng<< Mi a fenét csinálsz itt? What the hell are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? >>eng<< Mää! Me! Me! >>eng<< Sinä et ole lihava. You aren't fat. You're not fat. >>eng<< Nem jut eszembe egy jó búvóhely sem. I can't think of a good hiding place. I can't think of a good place to hide. >>eng<< Sa blokeerisid mind Facebookis ja nüüd sa sured. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're going to die. You blocked me on Facebook, and now you're gonna die. >>eng<< Wolfgang németül folytatta. Wolfgang switched to German. Wolfgang continued to speak German. >>eng<< Koala on Australialle tyypillinen eläin. The koala is an animal peculiar to Australia. The koala is a typical animal for Australia. >>eng<< Kihúzhatom már a bakancslistámról. Now, I can cross that off my bucket list. I can pull it off my booty list. >>eng<< Missä ulkomaissa haluaisit käydä? What foreign countries would you like to visit? Which foreign country would you like to visit? >>eng<< Nälkä on paras mauste. Hunger is the best sauce. Famine is the best spice. >>eng<< Nagyon kicsi a valószínűsége, véleményem szerint, hogy te azt magadtól meg fogod tudni csinálni. I think it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to do that by yourself. It's very low probability, in my opinion, that you're going to be able to do that on your own. >>eng<< Tomi on todella hyvä juoksija. Tom is a very good runner. Tomi's a really good runner. >>eng<< Kuinka korkealle pystytte hyppäämään? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? >>eng<< Tom odotti tunnin aulassa Marin asunnon ulkopuolella. Tom waited an hour in the hallway outside Mary's apartment. Tom waited an hour in the lobby outside Mari's apartment. >>eng<< Mondja ezt magyarul! Say it in Hungarian! Say that in Hungarian. >>eng<< Minusta on vain vaikea uskoa, että Tom todellakin uskoo niin. I just find it hard to believe that Tom really believes that. It's just hard for me to believe that Tom really believes that. >>eng<< Ez az ujjam volt. That was my finger. That was my finger. >>eng<< Voisitko kertoa minulle mihin olet menossa? Would you mind telling me where you're going? Can you tell me where you're going? >>eng<< Mary elájult. Mary fainted. Mary passed out. >>eng<< Tom ei osaa tehdä tuota. Tom doesn't know how to do that. Tom can't do that. >>eng<< Tykkään kaljasta. I like beer. I like beer. >>izh<< Tervetuloo Wikipediaa. Terveeht tullooa Wikipediaa. ~ Welcome to Wikipedia. >>eng<< Vittu. Fuck. Fuck. >>eng<< Mari pyysi Tomia halimaan häntä. Mary asked Tom to give her a cuddle. Mari asked Tom to hug him. >>eng<< Visszamegyek Bostonba. I'll go back to Boston. I'm going back to Boston. >>eng<< - Az a köcsög tökön rúgott.- Megérdemelted. "That bitch kicked me in the balls." "You deserved it." - That motherfucker kicked me in the balls. - You deserved it. >>eng<< Tämä on vanha kirja. This is an old book. This is an old book. >>eng<< Aki az élvezeteket hajtja, kiég. Whoever chases after pleasure finds weariness. Those who drive the fun, they burn out. >>eng<< Itt nem ez történt. That's not what happened here. That's not what happened here. >>eng<< Milyen hülye egy vicc! What a stupid joke! How stupid is a joke! >>eng<< Молан тый мый денем от кушто? Why don't you come dancing with me? Would you like to join you? >>eng<< Megbukott a vizsgán. He failed the exam. He failed the exam. >>eng<< Monet ihmiset eivät ole koskaan nähneet Linnunrataa. Many people have never seen the Milky Way. A lot of people have never seen the Bird Track. >>eng<< Tom soha nem fog megtalálni minket. Tom is never going to find us. Tom will never find us. >>eng<< Haldoklunk. We're dying. We're dying. >>eng<< Ez egy szörnyű terv. That's a horrible plan. It's a terrible plan. >>eng<< Hän on hänen ystävänsä. He is her friend. He's his friend. >>eng<< Arvelin, että sinä saattaisit tietää miksi Tom lähti aikaisin. I figured you might know why Tom left early. I thought you might know why Tom left early. >>eng<< Tässä huoneessa saa polttaa. You can smoke in this room. You can smoke in this room. >>eng<< Sokan fognak meghalni. Many will die. A lot of people are gonna die. >>eng<< Tomi yritti pitää Maria lämpimänä. Tom tried to keep Mary warm. Tomi tried to keep Maria warm. >>eng<< Tom kapcsolatban maradt Maryvel. Tom stayed in touch with Mary. Tom stayed in touch with Mary. >>eng<< Ethän jätä minua yksin? Please don't leave me alone. You're not leaving me alone, are you? >>eng<< Nem tudod a szabályokat? Don't you know the rules? You don't know the rules? >>eng<< Ook sä kertonu sun vanhemmille? Have you told your parents? Have you told your parents? >>eng<< Mikään Tomin tekosista ei enää yllätä minua. Nothing that Tom does surprises me anymore. None of Tom's works surprise me any more. >>eng<< Suunnittelen yöpyväni hotellissa. I'm planning to stay at a hotel. I plan to stay at the hotel. >>eng<< Utálom ezt mondani, de Tomnak és Marynek igaza van. I hate to say it, but Tom and Mary are right. I hate to say this, but Tom and Mary are right. >>eng<< Olin juuri kylvyssä, kun puhelin pirisi. I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. I was just in the bath when the phone came up. >>eng<< Minä olen naimisissa. I am married. I'm married. >>eng<< Nemet mondtam. I said no. I said no. >>eng<< Syö lunta. Eat snow. Eat the snow. >>eng<< Kaikki ansaitsevat toisen mahdollisuuden. Everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. >>eng<< Kértem a diákot, hogy csendesebben legyen, de mintha a falnak beszéltem volna, semmi sem történt. I asked the student to quiet down. It was like talking to a wall, nothing happened. I asked the student to be quieter, but like I was talking to the wall, nothing happened. >>eng<< Ez eladó? Is this for sale? Is this for sale? >>eng<< A tenger tele volt csónakokkal. The sea was full of boats. The sea was full of boats. >>eng<< Hän kysyi minulta kenen luulen voittavan turnauksen. She asked me who I thought would win the tournament. He asked me who I think will win the tournament. >>eng<< Ezzel kapcsolatban tévedtem. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about that. >>eng<< Rosszabb a helyzet, mint hittük. The situation is worse than we believed. It's worse than we thought. >>eng<< Toivon, että Tom sanoo kyllä. I hope Tom says yes. I hope Tom says yes. >>eng<< Ma ei tea midagi naistest. I know nothing about women. I don't know anything about women. >>eng<< Tegnap levágattam a hajam. I had my hair cut yesterday. I cut my hair off yesterday. >>eng<< Hän on todella kiireinen nyt. He is very busy now. He's really busy right now. >>eng<< Jugat go gáfe? Would you like some coffee? Yoga gomafe? >>eng<< Tie jatkui suorana useita kilometrejä. The road ran straight for several miles. The road continued straight for several miles. >>eng<< Palauta minkä lainaat. You should return what you borrow. Give me back what you're borrowing. >>eng<< Häntä ei ole näkynyt viime aikoina. He hasn't been around lately. He hasn't been seen lately. >>eng<< Pidätkö sinä ranskasta? Do you like French? Do you like French? >>eng<< Söin pizzaa joka päivä viime viikolla. I ate pizza every day last week. I had pizza every day last week. >>eng<< Óvakodj a zsebtolvajoktól. Be on your guard against pickpockets. Watch out for the pocket thieves. >>eng<< Sinä et saa koskaan tietää, ellet sinä yritä. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know unless you try. >>eng<< Mä oon jo pakannu mun kamat. I've already packed. I've already packed my stuff. >>eng<< Nem értem az ő gondolkodásmódjukat. I don't understand their way of thinking. I don't understand their way of thinking. >>eng<< Ő lehet éppen az a férfi, akire szükségem van. He may be the very man that I need. He could be the man I need. >>eng<< Nem drágák. They're not expensive. They're not expensive. >>eng<< Tykkäätkö baseballista? Do you like baseball? Do you like baseball? >>eng<< Azok rózsák nem olyan szépek, mint ezek. Those roses aren't as beautiful as these. Those roses aren't as beautiful as these. >>eng<< Ha lehet, most haza szeretnék menni. If possible, I would like to go home now. I'd like to go home now if I can. >>eng<< Tamás korán lefeküdt. Tom went to bed early. Tamás slept early. >>eng<< Kaunis päivä. Beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. >>eng<< Yritin kertoa Tomille mitä täytyy tehdä, mutta hän ei vaikuttanut kiinnittävän siihen huomiota. I tried to tell Tom what needed to be done, but he didn't seem to be paying attention. I tried to tell Tom what to do, but he didn't seem to pay attention to it. >>eng<< Tom a fiam. Tom is my boy. Tom's my son. >>eng<< Mikor jön Yuko Denverbe? When will Yuko come to Denver? When is Yuko coming to Denver? >>eng<< Kuusi on tulossa takaisin. The spruce is returning. Six is coming back. >>eng<< See on väga tõhus. It's very effective. It's very effective. >>eng<< Egyetértek veled az adókkal kapcsolatban. I agree with your opinion about taxes. I agree with you on the taxes. >>eng<< Tom testvére rendőr. Tom's brother is a policeman. Tom's brother is a cop. >>eng<< Tom ei tykkää opiskelusta. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom doesn't like studying. >>eng<< Megszokod, Tom. Get used to it, Tom. You get used to it, Tom. >>eng<< Nem vagyok dilis. I'm not a weirdo. I'm not crazy. >>eng<< Hol vásárol könyveket? Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? >>eng<< Lähdetkö jo? Leaving already? Are you leaving yet? >>eng<< Változásra van szükségünk. We need a change. We need a change. >>krl<< Hey. Terveh. Hey. >>eng<< Jonain päivänä löydän sinut Someday I'll find you. ♪ Someday I'll find you ♪ >>eng<< Sodat tuovat arpia. Wars bring scars. Wars bring scars. >>eng<< Nyitva kell tartania a szemét. You must keep your eyes open. You have to keep your eyes open. >>eng<< Hän on addiktoitunut. She's addicted. He's addictive. >>eng<< Pont ezt mondta nekem Tom is. That's exactly what Tom told me. That's what Tom told me. >>eng<< Most hallotok engem? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? >>eng<< Nézz arra! Look over there. Look over there. >>eng<< Barátságos légkör van az irodában. There is a friendly atmosphere in the office. There's a friendly atmosphere in the office. >>eng<< Haluan näyttää sinulle jotakin toimistossani. I want to show you something in my office. I want to show you something in my office. >>eng<< Kocsival mentem Bostonba. I went to Boston by car. I took a car to Boston. >>eng<< Van telefonom. I have a telephone. I have a phone. >>eng<< Kerro Tomille, että haluat hänen lähtevän. Tell Tom you want him to go. Tell Tom you want him to leave. >>eng<< Szerinted ő tudja azt, hogy én szeretem őt? Do you think he knows I like him? Do you think she knows that I love her? >>eng<< Mindent hallottam. I've heard everything. I heard everything. >>eng<< Te voitte poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastanne, jos parametrisoitte muuttujanne pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few limitations from your optimization problem if you parameterize your variable with ball coordinates. >>eng<< Tomi, te eszetlen! Tom, you idiot! Tomi, you idiot! >>eng<< Tom on kontrollifriikki. Tom is a control freak. Tom's a control freak. >>eng<< Minä maksoin näistä lipuista. I paid for these tickets. I paid for these tickets. >>eng<< Tetszik ez a tetkó. I love that tattoo. I like this tattoo. >>eng<< Folytasd, próbálkozz. Go ahead, try it. Go on, try. >>eng<< Nyilvánvalóan az egy hülye ötlet volt. That was obviously a stupid idea. It was obviously a stupid idea. >>eng<< Nem mondta ezt az anyám. Mom didn't mention it. My mother didn't say that. >>eng<< Oletko jo lähdössä? Are you leaving already? Are you leaving already? >>eng<< Nem működik nálam a wifi. The wifi isn't working for me. I don't have the Wi-Fi. >>eng<< Tämä on painavaa kuin lyijy. This is as heavy as lead. This is heavy as lead. >>eng<< Ihailen kunnianhimoasi. I admire your ambition. I admire your ambition. >>eng<< Hän halaa puuta. She hugs a tree. He hugs the tree. >>eng<< Hän esitteli ylpeänä uutta kelloaan. He showed off his new watch. He proudly introduced his new watch. >>eng<< Pystyn hädintuskin uida. I can hardly swim. I can swim. >>eng<< Minulla oli kiire eilen. I was busy yesterday. I was in a hurry last night. >>eng<< Tiedän, että Tommi on aika hyvä pelaamaan basketballia. I know Tom is a pretty good basketball player. I know Tommi's pretty good at playing baseball. >>eng<< Nem vagyok katolikus. I'm not Catholic. I'm not Catholic. >>eng<< Mi a baja? What's his problem? What's wrong with him? >>eng<< Szükségem van pár óra alvásra. I need a few hours of sleep. I need a few hours of sleep. >>eng<< Azért nem alszik éjszaka, mert a gyengélkedő vállalkozását próbálja megmenteni. Trying to save his failing business is what's keeping him up at night. He doesn't sleep at night because he's trying to save his sick business. >>eng<< Tomi adta nekem ezeket a régi pénzérméket. Tom gave me these old coins. Tomi gave me these old coins. >>eng<< Jobb lenne vigyáznod. You'd better watch out. You'd better watch out. >>eng<< Oletko tosissaan sitä mieltä, että tämä on OK? Do you really think this is OK? Do you really think this is okay? >>eng<< Tamás a csoportvezető. Tom is the group leader. Thomas is the head of the group. >>eng<< Ez az én bögrém? Is that my mug? Is that my mug? >>eng<< Vain Tom ei halunnut mennä. Only Tom didn't want to go. Only Tom didn't want to go. >>eng<< Nem hiszem, hogy létezik isten. I don't believe God exists. I don't think there's a god. >>eng<< Eilen hän näki suuren miehen. Yesterday he saw a big man. Yesterday he saw a great man. >>eng<< Mitä sinä aiot valmistaa? What will you make? What are you going to make? >>eng<< Tomi Marin nevetett. Tom laughed at Mary. Tomi Marin laughed. >>eng<< En se ollut minä, joka aloitti. It wasn't me who started. It wasn't me who started it. >>eng<< Läks! Action! Let's go! >>eng<< Tunnen sinut. I know you. I know you. >>eng<< Junassa on kaksi veturia. The train has two engines. There's two locomotives on the train. >>eng<< En tunne heitä. I don't know them. I don't know them. >>eng<< - Siess, Tomi! - Jövök már! "Tom, hurry up." "I'm coming!" - Hurry up, Tomi. >>eng<< Hän julistaa, ettei hänellä ole yhteyksiä siihen sattumukseen. He professes that he had no connection with that affair. He declares he has no connection to that coincidence. >>eng<< Älä pane vastaan. Don't struggle. Don't fight it. >>eng<< Tom egymásra pakolta a dobozokat a fal mellett. Tom stacked the boxes up against the wall. Tom packed the boxes right next to the wall. >>eng<< Menettämättä yleisyyttä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without losing the frequency, we can say that the sequence is narrowing towards zero. >>eng<< Tiedätkö mistä löydän hänet? Do you know where I can find her? Do you know where I can find him? >>eng<< Akik visszautasítják a kritikát, nem fejlődnek. Those who reject criticism will not develop. Those who reject criticism are not developing. >>eng<< Miksiköhän tunnen itseni niin yksinäiseksi, kun tulee kylmä. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. >>eng<< Tää biisi on ihana. I love that song. I love this song. >>eng<< Projekti täytyy saada valmiiksi viimeistään viikon loppuun mennessä. The project has to be finished by the end of the week at the latest. The project must be completed by the end of the week. >>eng<< Egy hétig fog esni, ha holnap nem áll el. It will have been raining for a week if it does not stop tomorrow. It'll be a week if it doesn't stop tomorrow. >>eng<< Mitä riemua siitä on? What good is that? What's the pleasure? >>eng<< Se oli minun virheeni. It was my mistake. It was my mistake. >>eng<< Anyám biztosan nemet mond. My mother is certain to say no. My mom's probably saying no. >>eng<< Ne aggódj miattuk! Don't worry about them. Don't worry about them. >>eng<< Pillanatokon belül meg fogod szokni az itteni életet. You'll get used to living here in no time. In a moment, you'll get used to living here. >>eng<< Älä anna meidän estää sinua. Don't let us stop you. Don't let us stop you. >>eng<< Hogyan kommunikálnak a csecsemők a szüleikkel? How do babies communicate with their parents? How do babies communicate with their parents? >>eng<< Meidän on löydettävä hänet ennen kuin hän tekee jotakin typerää. We've got to find him before he does something stupid. We have to find him before he does something stupid. >>eng<< Hän on vasta kaksikymmentäkuusivuotias ja johtaa jo useita yrityksiä. He is only twenty six years old and already managing large companies. He's only twenty-six years old and he's already running a number of companies. >>eng<< Päätin kertoa hänelle, että rakastan häntä. I decided to tell her that I love him. I decided to tell her I loved her. >>eng<< A virradat előtti óra a legsötétebb. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. The hour before the current is darkest. >>eng<< Ne vedd fel azt a telefont! Don't answer that phone. Don't answer that phone. >>eng<< Ilyet mond nekem Tomi. That's what Tom tells me. That's what Tomi tells me. >>eng<< Se oli Tomin. It was Tom's. It was Tom's. >>eng<< Meghaltak a virágok. These flowers have died. The flowers are dead. >>eng<< Anna kun selitän. Allow me to explain. Let me explain. >>eng<< Kaikki kyytiin! All aboard! Get in! Get in! >>eng<< Ne veszítsd el a türelmedet! Don't lose patience. Don't lose your patience. >>eng<< Vahest järgmine kord sa kuulad, kui ma palun sul ettevaatlik olla. Maybe next time you'll listen to me when I tell you to be careful. Maybe next time you listen, I'll ask you to be careful. >>eng<< Egyáltalán nem beszéltem Tomról. I didn't talk about Tom at all. I didn't talk about Tom at all. >>eng<< Saavuin stadionille kello 16, mutta peli oli jo alkanut. I arrived at the stadium at 4 PM but the game had already started. I arrived at the stadium at 4:00, but the game had already begun. >>eng<< Én is emlékszem erre. I remember it, too. I remember that too. >>eng<< Tätä sanaa ei ole olemassa ranskan kielessä. This word doesn't exist in French. This word does not exist in French. >>eng<< Nem válaszoltam a leveledre, mert túlságosan elfoglalt voltam. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. I didn't answer your letter because I was too busy. >>eng<< Aegajalt ta külastab mind. He sometimes visits me. He visits me from time to time. >>eng<< Itt senkinek nincs autója. No one here has a car. Nobody here has a car. >>eng<< Sinä et tiedä missä Tomin koti on, vai kuinka? You don't know where Tom's home is, do you? You don't know where Tom's home is, do you? >>eng<< Tie oli hyvin epätasainen. The road was very rough. The road was very uneven. >>eng<< Követem anyám példáját. I follow my mom's example. I follow my mother's example. >>eng<< Hän on isäni. He is my father. He's my father. >>eng<< Nem tudunk mindenkit megmenteni. We can't save everyone. We can't save everyone. >>eng<< En halua syödä mitään. I don't want to eat anything. I don't want to eat anything. >>eng<< Lähdön voittanut hevonen oli Johnsonin omistama. The horse that won the race was owned by Mr. Johnson. The horse who won the race was owned by Johnson. >>eng<< Heti kun hän näki, mitä oli tehnyt, hän pujahti ulos. As soon as he saw what he had to do, he ducked out. As soon as he saw what he had done, he snuck out. >>eng<< Nem valószínű, hogy Tom el akar jönni velünk Bostonba. Tom is unlikely to want to go to Boston with us. It's not likely that Tom wants to come with us to Boston. >>eng<< Tom kidolgozta a belét. Tom worked day and night. Tom's been working on the inside. >>eng<< Minä vain pilailin. I was only joking. I was just kidding. >>eng<< Tarvitsen sakset tämän paperin leikkaamiseen. I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper. I need scissors to cut this paper. >>eng<< Kenen kanssa menit? Whom did you go with? Who did you go with? >>eng<< Tom aggódik a szülei egészsége miatt. Tom is concerned about his parents' health. Tom's worried about his parents' health. >>eng<< Tulen pian takaisin. I will be right back! I'll be right back. >>eng<< Куки - чыла пий дечат кумылло. Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs. When you are a son of all your sons. >>eng<< Kibővíthető a ruha. The dress can be let out. The dress can be extended. >>eng<< Iderakhatom? May I put it here? Can I put it here? >>eng<< Hän on itsepäinen. She's stubborn. He's stubborn. >>eng<< Körülbelül hat óránként van dagály a tengeren. The tide rises approximately every six hours. There's a tide at sea about six hours a day. >>eng<< Én egy hős vagyok. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. >>eng<< Melyik színt szereted jobban? Which color do you prefer? Which color do you prefer? >>eng<< Minä yövyn tuossa hotellissa. I'm staying at that hotel. I'm staying at that hotel. >>eng<< Nem kell ahhoz tudomány, hogy egy személyi számítógépet az internethez kapcsoljunk. Connecting a PC to the internet isn't rocket science. We don't need science to connect a personal computer to the Internet. >>eng<< Siet, hogy elérje a nyolc órási vonatot. He is in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. He's in a hurry to get to the eight-hour train. >>eng<< Tomi on älykäs. Tom is smart. Tom's smart. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että ette te valehtele. I know you're not lying. I know you don't lie. >>eng<< Vett egy pajzsot és egy kardot. He bought a shield and a sword. He bought a shield and a sword. >>eng<< Az idős férfit elütötte egy autó. The old man was run over by a car. The old man was hit by a car. >>eng<< Nagyon, nagyon messze. Far, far away. Very, very far. >>eng<< Hänellä ei ole tietoa kokemuksesta puhumattakaan. He has no knowledge, not to mention experience. He doesn't have the knowledge of experience, let alone experience. >>eng<< Puhut. You are talking. You're talking. >>eng<< Elvesztettem a tollamat. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. >>eng<< Rád gondoltam. I was thinking about you. I was thinking about you. >>eng<< Tom lekapcsolta a világítást. Tom turned out the lights. Tom turned off the lights. >>eng<< Kerro minulle mitä oikeasti tapahtui. Tell me what really happened. Tell me what really happened. >>eng<< Mikä minua vaivaa? What is wrong with me? What's wrong with me? >>eng<< Koska π on transsendenttiluku, on ympyrän neliöiminen - eräs klassinen geometrian ongelma - mahdotonta. As π is transcendental, the quadrature of a circle - a classical problem in geometry - is impossible. Since the transcentric number is, it is impossible to square the circle - one of the problems of classical geometry. >>eng<< Félsz tőle. You're afraid of him. You're afraid of him. >>eng<< Juo teetä. Drink some tea. Drink some tea. >>eng<< Korábban menjünk el. Let's leave early. Let's leave early. >>eng<< Tule meidän kanssamme. Come along with us. Come with us. >>eng<< Tomi alkoi muuttaa. Tom began to move. Tomi started moving. >>eng<< Kerroin Tomille lopettavani täällä. I told Tom I'd finish up here. I told Tom I'd quit here. >>eng<< Menni akarsz? You want to go? You want to go? >>eng<< Kuolisin mieluummin kuin kokisin jotain niin hirveää itse. I would rather die than have such a terrible experience. I'd rather die than cook something so terrible myself. >>eng<< Ma tahan raamatu kirjutada. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. >>eng<< Tomi höpötti minulle outoja juttuja. Tom told me some strange things. Tom used to talk weird stuff to me. >>eng<< Toivottavasti tässä ei kestä kauan. Hopefully, this won't take long. I hope this doesn't take long. >>eng<< Haluaisin puhua ylihoitajalle. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to speak to the superintendent. >>eng<< Ez mennyire valószínű? How likely is that? How likely is that? >>eng<< Te nem vagy a főnököm. You're not the boss of me. You're not my boss. >>eng<< Tom közvetlenül Mary mellett ült. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. Tom was sitting right next to Mary. >>eng<< Ehkä minun pitäisi kirjoittaa Tomille kirje. Maybe I should write Tom a letter. Maybe I should write Tom a letter. >>eng<< Én is készen állok. I'm ready as well. I'm ready, too. >>eng<< Kicsit korán van az italozáshoz, nemde? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early for drinking, isn't it? >>eng<< Japánban sok melegvizű fürdő található. In Japan, there are many hot springs. There are a lot of hot water baths in Japan. >>eng<< A macskák nem szeretnek vizesek lenni. Cats dislike being wet. Cats don't like to be watery. >>eng<< Ha okosabb lehetnék! I wish I were clever. If I could be smarter. >>eng<< Tomi pyyhki hiekan pois jaloistaan. Tom wiped the sand from his legs. Tom wiped the sand out of his feet. >>eng<< Olen iloinen että olet kunnossa. I'm glad you're OK. I'm glad you're okay. >>eng<< Heksadesimaali F on yhtä suuri kuin viisitoista. F in hexadecimal is equal to 15. Hexadexal F is equal to fifteen. >>eng<< Tomi ei koskaan auta minua. Tom never helps me. Tom's never gonna help me. >>eng<< Meghámozza az almáját. He peels her apple. He's shattering his apples. >>eng<< A fiam férfivá vált. My son has become a man. My son has become a man. >>eng<< Venäjä on iso. Russia is big. Russia's big. >>eng<< Nem vagyok szakértő. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. >>eng<< A nővérem vett nekem egy piros szalagot. My sister bought me a red ribbon. My sister bought me a red tape. >>eng<< En muista kutsuneeni sinua. I don't remember inviting you. I don't remember inviting you. >>eng<< Hänen matala palkkansa estää häntä ostamasta sitä taloa. His low salary prevents him from buying the house. His low salary prevents him from buying that house. >>eng<< Tom részmunkaidőben dolgozott. Tom was working part-time. Tom worked part-time. >>eng<< Ott leszünk. We'll be there. We'll be there. >>eng<< Hol volt a hiba? Where was the mistake? Where was the mistake? >>eng<< Elhatározta, hogy orvos lesz. She decided to be a doctor. He decided to be a doctor. >>eng<< Palun ära seisa. Please don't stand. Please don't stop. >>eng<< Meg sem fontolod? Don't you even think about it? Don't you even think about it? >>eng<< Mindig van tér a javításra. There's always room for improvement. There's always room for repair. >>eng<< Hän on hulluna sinuun. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about you. >>eng<< Hat darabra vágta a süteményt és minden gyermeknek adott egyet. She cut the cake into six pieces and gave one to each of the children. He cut the cake into six pieces and gave it to all the children. >>eng<< Teidän kuunne palaa. Your moon is burning. Your moon is on fire. >>eng<< Ha csak egyet választhatnál, melyik lenne az? If you could only choose one of them, which one would it be? If you could just pick one, which one would it be? >>eng<< Monet lapset käyttävät niitä. A lot of kids wear them. Many children use them. >>eng<< Szereti magát. She loves you. He loves you. >>eng<< Valószínűtlen, hogy ez történjen. That's unlikely to happen. This is unlikely to happen. >>eng<< Ollessani pieni lapsi oli minulla tapana pelata baseballia koulun jälkeen. When I was a little child, I used to play baseball after school. When I was a little kid, I used to play baseball after school. >>eng<< Tomi meni tuohon suuntaan. Tom went that way. Tom went that way. >>eng<< Büdös. He smells bad. It stinks. >>eng<< Tervita oma isa minu poolt. Say hello to your father for me. Say hello to your father for me. >>eng<< A legjobb fodrászok homokosok. The best hairdressers are gay. The best hairdressers are homos. >>eng<< Nincs vezetékes telefonom. I don't have a landline. I don't have a landline. >>eng<< Joo minuga. Have a drink with me. Drink with me. >>eng<< Mozdulni sem bírtam. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. >>eng<< Sitä on vaikea ymmärtää. It's hard to understand. It's hard to understand. >>eng<< Felkészülök a legrosszabbra. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm getting ready for the worst. >>eng<< A bolha kétszázszor olyan magasra tud ugrani, mint a saját magassága. A flea can jump 200 times its own height. The flea can jump 200 times as high as its own height. >>eng<< Ez egy karácsonyfa. That's a Christmas tree. It's a Christmas tree. >>eng<< Azt veled kellett volna csinálnom. I should have done that with you. I should have done that with you. >>eng<< Szeretem a havat. I like snow. I like snow. >>eng<< Portimot ovat Uudessa-Seelannissa lintujen isoimpia vihollisia. Stoats are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. The harlots are the biggest enemies of birds in New Zealand. >>eng<< Olitko humalassa? Were you intoxicated? Were you drunk? >>eng<< Miksei kukaan varoittanut minua? Why didn't anyone warn me? Why didn't anyone warn me? >>eng<< Tom fogja átvenni Mary műszakjait. Tom will be covering Mary's shifts. Tom's gonna take over Mary's shifts. >>eng<< Tomnak honvágya van. Tom's homesick. Tom's got a way of doing it. >>eng<< Isi on työskentelemässä. Dad's working. Daddy's working. >>eng<< Hän tietää tämän. He knows this. He knows this. >>eng<< Katsotaan, miten Tomi reagoi siihen. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tomi reacts. >>eng<< Sinä joit liikaa. You drank too much. You had too much to drink. >>eng<< Miksen kuollut? Why didn't I die? Why didn't I die? >>eng<< Luulin, että tuolla tyypillä oli ase, joten ammuin hänet. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. I thought that guy had a gun, so I shot him. >>eng<< Rengeteg időnk van. We have time to spare. We have a lot of time. >>eng<< Van valami, amire jobban kíváncsi vagy? Is there something in particular that you want to know? Is there anything you're more interested in? >>eng<< Ferenc hatkor érkezett meg a Galeãora. Francis arrived at Galeao at six. Ferenc arrived at Galeão at 6:00. >>eng<< Mikor hallom a híreket, libabőrös leszek. Hogy lehet ott olyan veszélyes dolog? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. How could there be such a dangerous thing? When I hear the news, I'm gonna be a werewolf. >>eng<< A kutya megugatja az idegeneket. A dog will bark at strangers. The dog barks at strangers. >>eng<< Mitä näit? What did you see? What did you see? >>eng<< Tom figyelmet akar. Tom wants attention. Tom wants attention. >>eng<< Tomi laulaa usein suihkussa. Tom often sings when he's in the shower. Tom often sings in the shower. >>eng<< Igen, és itt egy fénykép a farmról, ahol a teheneket fejtük. Yes, and here's a photo of the farm where we milked the cows. Yeah, and here's a photo of the farm where the cows were headed. >>eng<< Pystytimme teltan joen rantaan. We pitched the tent next to the river. We set up a tent on the shore of the river. >>eng<< Minä en usko, että Tomi haluaa teidän vanhan polkupyöränne. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bicycle. >>eng<< Mikä vittu se on? What the bloody fuck is that? What the fuck is that? >>eng<< Tuo poika tuolla on hänen veljensä. The boy over there is his brother. That boy over there is his brother. >>eng<< Kaikki muut nukkuvat. Everyone else is sleeping. Everybody else is asleep. >>eng<< Írtam egy levelet. I was writing a letter. I wrote a letter. >>eng<< ”Kuinka siskosi voi?” ”Sisarukseni ei tunnusta binääristä sukupuolijaottelua eikä siksi halua tulla kutsutuksi siskokseni.” "How's your sister?" "My sibling is non-binary, and they don't appreciate being called my sister." “How can your sister?” “My sister does not recognise binary sex division and therefore does not want to be called my sister.” >>eng<< Montako vierasta on? How many guests are there? How many guests are there? >>eng<< A terménynek esőre van szüksége. The crops need rain. The crop needs rain. >>eng<< Tomnak szüksége van a segítségedre. Tom needs your help. Tom needs your help. >>eng<< Eleget tudsz. You know enough. You know enough. >>eng<< Nagyon levert hangulatú. He is very depressed. He's very depressed. >>eng<< Presidentti toivoo rauhaa. The President desires peace. The President wishes peace. >>eng<< Tom vett egy pár fekete bőrcipőt. Tom bought a pair of black leather shoes. Tom bought some black leather shoes. >>eng<< Tomot örökbe fogadták. Tom's adopted. Tom was adopted. >>eng<< En pitänyt ensimmäisestä työpaikastani. I didn't like my first job. I didn't like my first job. >>eng<< Mun in bora bierggu. I don't eat meat. Mun in bora bierggu. >>eng<< Ki tanított meg téged vitorlázni? Who taught you how to sail? Who taught you how to sail? >>eng<< Segíthetek, uram? Can I help you, sir? Can I help you, sir? >>eng<< Akkor még otthon voltam. I was still at home at that time. I was at home then. >>eng<< Fél ettől a kutyától. She's afraid of this dog. He's afraid of this dog. >>eng<< Nem vagyok náci! I'm not a Nazi! I'm not a Nazi! >>eng<< Katso yllä! See above. Look up! >>eng<< Egy szürke kőépület. It's a gray stone building. A grey stone building. >>eng<< Tule likemmäksi, että näen naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come on. Come on. Come on. I'll see your face. >>eng<< Tomi pontosan ugyanazt tette, mint én. Tom did exactly the same thing I did. Tomi did exactly what I did. >>eng<< Minust ei ole sulle siin kasu. I'm of no use to you here. I'm no good to you here. >>eng<< Käristy. Fry. Take it easy. >>eng<< Jatka vain harjoittelemista! Do keep practicing! Just keep practicing! >>eng<< Megint én vagyok az, Tom. It's me again, Tom. It's me again, Tom. >>eng<< Ez, hogy is mondjam, egy félresikerült buli volt. This is what I would call a party gone wrong. I mean, it was a lost party. >>krl<< Rajanylityspaikka hiljeni. Rajanylityspaikku hillenöy. The cross-border transit point has been silenced. >>eng<< Postita hakemuksesi suoraan koulun kansliaan. Mail your application for admission directly to the school office. Post your application directly to the school office. >>eng<< Olenko minä typerä? Am I being foolish? Am I stupid? >>eng<< Ketään ei pidätetty. No one was arrested. No one was arrested. >>eng<< Kas see on armastus? Is this love? Is that love? >>eng<< Mitä sinä teet? What're you doing? What are you doing? >>eng<< Tom sokat fejlődött ezen a héten. Tom really improved this week. Tom made a lot of progress this week. >>eng<< Mies näki hänet ja punastui. He saw her and blushed. He saw her and blushed. >>eng<< Részeg. He's drunk. He's drunk. >>eng<< Tunnetko jonkun täällä? Do you know anyone here? Do you know anyone here? >>eng<< Bementünk az erdőbe bogarakat keresni. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the woods looking for bugs. >>eng<< Kilpikonnilla ei ole hampaita. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. >>eng<< Beárullak. I'm going to turn you in. I'll sell you. >>eng<< Nem én vagyok az, akivel Tomnak problémája van. It isn't me Tom has a problem with. I'm not the one Tom has a problem with. >>eng<< Olemme todennäköisesti turvassa toistaiseksi. We're probably safe for the time being. We're probably safe for now. >>eng<< A levelek pirossá válnak két vagy három héten belül. The leaves will turn red in two or three weeks. The leaves will turn red in two or three weeks. >>eng<< Minä pidän talvesta. I like winter. I like winter. >>eng<< Vihollisen vihollinen ei ole välttämättä liittolainen. An enemy of an enemy is not necessarily an ally. The enemy's enemy is not necessarily an ally. >>eng<< Meddig várt? How long have you waited? How long have you waited? >>eng<< Jalastani vetää suonta. I have leg cramps. My leg is drawn from the vein. >>eng<< Ta töötas terve öö läbi et jõuda õigeaegselt valmis. He worked all night so that he could get the job done in time. He worked all night to get ready in time. >>eng<< Puhkame. Let's take a rest. Let's get some rest. >>eng<< Lopeta kiemurtelu. Stop beating around the bush. Stop squirming. >>eng<< Ó, köszönöm! Milyen figyelmes. Oh, thanks! How thoughtful. Oh, thank you. >>eng<< Tom pont azt tervezi tenni. Tom is planning to do just that. That's exactly what Tom's planning on doing. >>eng<< Most éppen nem vagyok optimista. I'm not optimistic at this point. I'm not optimistic right now. >>eng<< Uuden tuotteen myynti ylitti odotukset. The new product's sales exceeded expectations. Sales of the new product exceeded expectations. >>eng<< Nem merem megmondani neked az igazságot. I don't dare to tell you the truth. I don't dare tell you the truth. >>eng<< Pár percet kérek. Give me a few minutes. I need a few minutes. >>eng<< Húzd el a beled innen! Get your ass out of here! Get your ass out of here! >>eng<< Puhdistettuani ikkunan voin nähdä selvästi sen läpi. After I cleaned the window, I could see through it clearly. Once I've cleaned the window, I can clearly see through it. >>eng<< Az apukám azt javasolta, hogy menjünk el moziba ma délután. My father suggested that we go to the movies this afternoon. My dad suggested we go to the movies this afternoon. >>eng<< Kerro minulle miksi hän itkee. Tell me why she's crying. Tell me why she's crying. >>eng<< Most már követheted a pápát twitteren. You can now follow the Pope on twitter. Now you can follow the Pope on twitter. >>eng<< Mutasd a bokáidat. Show me your ankles. Show me your ankles. >>eng<< Kenen tämä matkalaukku on? Who does this suitcase belong to? Whose suitcase is this? >>eng<< Oletko tulossa illalliselle? Are you coming to dinner? Are you coming to dinner? >>eng<< Itt vagy. You're here. You're here. >>eng<< Vabandage mind, aga kas te teate, mis kell on? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, but do you know what time it is? >>eng<< Mindenki meggazdagszik, csak én nem. Everybody's getting rich but me. Everyone gets rich, but I don't. >>eng<< Tomi meni pyörällä kotiin. Tom biked home. Tom went home on a bike. >>eng<< Mindenki imádta az egyszerű tudóst. Everybody loved the simple scholar. Everyone loved a simple scientist. >>eng<< Tom puhuu ranskaa paremmin kuin minä. Tom speaks French better than I do. Tom speaks French better than I do. >>eng<< Paranenko pian? Will I get well soon? Am I gonna get better soon? >>eng<< Hányan értetek egyet? How many of you agree? How many of you agree? >>eng<< Vain koska et tiennyt siitä, niin se ei tarkoita, että se olisi valetta. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it is a lie. Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it's a lie. >>eng<< Pidä ovi suljettuna. Keep the door closed. Keep the door closed. >>eng<< See oli minu sõrm. That was my finger. It was my finger. >>eng<< Erre nem fog sor kerülni. It's not going to happen. That's not gonna happen. >>eng<< Tämä on todella inhottavaa. This is really gross. This is really disgusting. >>eng<< Úgy érzem, hogy valami szörnyűség fog történni. I have a feeling that something dreadful is going to happen. I feel like something terrible is going to happen. >>eng<< Nem érdekel, kivel mész. I don't care who you're going with. I don't care who you're going with. >>eng<< Kosto on tuskan tunnustus. Revenge is a confession of pain. Vengeance is a confession of pain. >>eng<< Otthon nem beszél japánul. She doesn't speak Japanese at home. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. >>eng<< Mehetsz elsőnek. You can go first. You can go first. >>eng<< Anna kun kerron sinulle kaiken minkä tiedän. Let me tell you everything I know. Let me tell you everything I know. >>eng<< Tomi näyttää surulliselta. Tom looks sad. Tomi looks sad. >>eng<< Nem követték a tanácsomat. My advice was not followed. They didn't follow my advice. >>eng<< Bízzál bennem! Trust me. Trust me. >>eng<< Voisinko käyttää puhelintasi? Could I please use your phone? Can I use your phone? >>eng<< Tomi oli surullinen. Tom felt sad. Tomi was sad. >>eng<< Anyutól és aputól egy biciklit kaptam. Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle. Mom and Dad gave me a bike. >>eng<< Beborult az ég alja. The sky clouded over. It's the bottom of the sky. >>eng<< Kuulin nimeäni kutsuttavan. I heard my name called. I heard my name calling. >>eng<< Tom oli oodanud midagi päris teistsugust. Tom had expected something quite different. Tom had expected something quite different. >>eng<< Puhelimesi soi, vastaisitko siihen? Your phone is ringing, answer it please. Your phone is ringing, would you answer that? >>eng<< Kun opettaa toista ajamaan, täytyy olla melko kärsivällinen. You've got to be pretty patient to teach someone how to drive. When you teach someone to drive, you have to be quite patient. >>eng<< Kadehdin sinulta menestystäsi. I envy you your success. I envy your success. >>eng<< Te tytöt näytätte ällistyttäviltä. You girls look amazing! You girls look amazing. >>eng<< Hän on asunut tuossa hotellissa viimeiset viisi päivää. He's been staying at that hotel for the past five days. He's been living in that hotel for the last five days. >>eng<< Kati särki hänen sydämensä vaatimalla töykeästi häntä poistumaan. Kate broke his heart by rudely demanding he go away. Kati broke her heart by rudely demanding her to leave. >>eng<< Et saa antaa periksi. You must not give up. You can't give up. >>eng<< Szeretem a komolyzenét. I like classical music. I like serious music. >>eng<< Tomillakin on kivaa. Tom is having a good time as well. Tom's having a good time, too. >>eng<< Emme voi edes olla varmoja, että Tom tulee osallistumaan kokoukseen. We can't even be certain Tom will attend the meeting. We cannot even be sure that Tom will attend the meeting. >>eng<< Tom nagyon elfoglaltnak tűnt. Tom looked very busy. Tom seemed very busy. >>eng<< Jos haluat opiskella Yhdysvalloissa, sinun täytyy hankkia opiskelijaviisumi. If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa. If you want to study in the United States, you need to get a student visa. >>eng<< Tomi on täysi ääliö. Tom is a complete idiot. Tomi's a total jerk. >>eng<< Sillä kissalla on kaksi korvaa. The cat has two ears. That cat has two ears. >>eng<< Hogy fogom felismerni? How will I recognize it? How am I going to recognize him? >>eng<< Nagyon fél. He is very fearful. He's really scared. >>eng<< Jätä huone ennalleen. Leave the room as it is. Leave the room. >>eng<< Egyszerűen túl könnyű volt. It was just too easy. It was just too easy. >>eng<< Tom teeskles, et ta on arst. Tom impersonated a doctor. Tom pretended to be a doctor. >>eng<< Írtam egy könyvet. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. >>eng<< Tom csendben ült. Tom sat silently. Tom was sitting quietly. >>eng<< A házam közel van a parkhoz. My house is close to the park. My house is close to the park. >>eng<< Mari megsértődött, amikor Tomi néhány leheletfrissítőt vett neki. Mary was offended when Tom bought her some breath freshener. Mari was offended when Tomi bought her a few breath fresheners. >>eng<< Kas nad said aru? Did they understand? Do they understand? >>eng<< Lomailen täällä. I am here on holiday. I'm here on vacation. >>eng<< Tomi mellett ültem. I was sitting next to Tom. I was sitting next to Tomi. >>eng<< Ne aggódj! Hamarosan visszanyered a hangodat. Don't worry, you'll get your voice back soon. Don't worry, you'll get your voice back soon. >>eng<< A társadalom megosztott. Society is divided. Society is divided. >>eng<< Stewardesst vett feleségül. He married a stewardess. Stewardes married me. >>eng<< Kaikki puutarhan kukat kuihtuivat. All the flowers in the garden withered. All the flowers in the garden faded. >>eng<< Oidnen maiddái Niillasa. I saw Nils as well Oidne's countries, too, Nilesa. >>eng<< Sinun olisi pitänyt pitää se salaisuus. You should've kept that secret. You should have kept that secret. >>eng<< Tema öeldu oli kaugel tõest. What he said was far from true. What he said was far from the truth. >>eng<< Ma arvan, et me peaks politseisse helistama. I think we should call the police. I think we should call the police. >>eng<< Számítanom kellett volna erre. I should've expected that to happen. I should've counted on that. >>eng<< Isäni auttaa minua. My father will help me. My father will help me. >>eng<< Mid van számomra? What do you have for me? What do you have for me? >>eng<< Tom komolyan gondolja. Tom means business. Tom's serious. >>eng<< ”Mitä pidätte teestä, nuoriherra?” ”Eri hyvää, arvon Jeeves, eri hyvää.” "How's the tea, young sir?" "Exceptional, my dear Jeeves, exceptional." “How do you like tea, young lord?” “Very good, Jeeves, different good.” >>eng<< Hän on jo lähtenyt ulos lounaalle. He has gone out for lunch already. He's already gone out for lunch. >>eng<< Szokásom a kutyát reggel megsétáltatni. I am in the habit of taking my dog for a walk in the morning. I'm used to walking the dog by in the morning. >>eng<< Mondtam, hogy tetszeni fog neked Tomi. I told you you'd like Tom. I told you you'd like Tomi. >>eng<< Tom hemofíliás. Tom is a hemophiliac. Tom's a hemophilia. >>eng<< Mitä sinä mietit? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking? >>eng<< Hän antaa sille kaiken huomionsa. He is giving his whole attention to that. He'll give it all his attention. >>eng<< Nem értettem, hogy miről szól a könyv. I didn't get the book. I didn't understand what the book was about. >>eng<< Mindenkit váratlanul ért. It took everyone by surprise. He's got everyone out of sight. >>eng<< Autossa on yksi ohjauspyörä. A car has one steering wheel. There's a steering wheel in the car. >>eng<< Mukavia lukuhetkiä. Happy reading! Comfortable reading times. >>eng<< Varoitin häntä, mutta hän ei välittänyt varoituksesta. I warned him, but he ignored the warning. I warned him, but he didn't care about the warning. >>eng<< Kertoks Tomi sulle siitä, mitä tapahtui? Has Tom told you what happened? Tell you about what happened? >>eng<< Meglepetésemre nagyon jól beszélt angolul. To my surprise, she spoke English very well. To my surprise, he spoke very well in English. >>eng<< Megtudhatnám a teljes nevét? Can I have your full name? Can I get his full name? >>eng<< Tanulj! Study! Learn! >>eng<< Nézzen hátra! Look behind you. Look back. >>eng<< Oletko huonolla tuulella? Are you in a bad mood? Are you in a bad mood? >>eng<< Lehet, hogy számodra egyértelmű, de számomra nem. Perhaps it's obvious for you, but not for me. It may be obvious to you, but not to me. >>eng<< Tavaly az import felülmúlta az exportot. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded exports. >>eng<< Älä unohda lippua. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the ticket. >>eng<< Mindenki kedveli Tomot. Everybody likes you. Everyone likes Tom. >>eng<< Ne dobja ki ezt a folyóiratot. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw away this magazine. >>eng<< Most akarom kifizetni. I want to pay for it now. I want to pay you now. >>eng<< Ez nagyon, nagyon jó. That's very, very good. That's very, very good. >>eng<< Remélem, Tom jól szórakozik. I hope Tom has fun. I hope Tom's having fun. >>eng<< Mis on probleem? What's the problem? What's the problem? >>eng<< Kas sa annad mulle aega? Will you give me some time? Will you give me time? >>eng<< En laulanut. I didn't sing. I didn't sing. >>eng<< Légy alapos! Be thorough. Be thorough. >>eng<< Húsz éves. She is twenty years old. He's 20 years old. >>eng<< Monet sanovat, että Tom on joukkueemme paras pelaaja. A lot of people say Tom is the best player on our team. A lot of people say that Tom is our team's best player. >>eng<< Tom alkoi opiskella ranskaa kolme vuotta sitten. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started studying French three years ago. >>eng<< Valititko siitä? Did you complain about it? Did you choose it? >>eng<< Hän päätti tulla asianajajaksi. He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. >>eng<< On parempi olla onnellinen hölmö kuin onneton nero. Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage. It's better to be a happy fool than an unhappy genius. >>eng<< Ő egy buszsofőr. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. >>eng<< Tom azzal próbálkozott, hogy csökkentse a költségeit. Tom has been trying to lower his expenses. Tom was trying to reduce his costs. >>eng<< Itt nem kéne beszélnie. You should not talk here. You shouldn't be talking here. >>eng<< Csöngessük meg! Let's call him. Let's call it a bell. >>eng<< Tänään on sinun onnenpäiväsi. Today is your lucky day. Today is your lucky day. >>eng<< Tom mindig úgy csinálja. That's the way Tom always does that. Tom always does that. >>eng<< Makeaa! Cool! Sweet! >>eng<< Ajándék lónak ne nézd a fogát. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't look at your teeth for a gift horse. >>eng<< Segít neki. He helps her. He's helping her. >>eng<< Egy kis munka nem árt senkinek. A little work never hurt anyone. A little work won't hurt anyone. >>eng<< Szeretnék a fiam nevében elnézést kérni. I'd like to apologise on behalf of my son. I'd like to apologize on behalf of my son. >>eng<< Pystyisin helposti korjaamaan tuon. I could easily fix that. I could easily fix that. >>eng<< A probléma megoldódott. The problem is solved. The problem has been solved. >>eng<< Jos sinusta tulisi yhtäkkiä sokea, mitä tekisit? If you became blind suddenly, what would you do? If you suddenly became blind, what would you do? >>eng<< Tatoeban tulisi olla tärkeämpää kuin mikään muu. Tatoeba should be more important than anything else. Tatoeba should be more important than anything else. >>eng<< Hyvästi! Good-bye! Goodbye! >>eng<< Kuussa on salainen tukikohta. There's a secret base on the moon. There's a secret base on the moon. >>eng<< Senki sincs ott. Nobody's there. No one's there. >>eng<< Franciának született, de ma amerikai állampolgár. He is French by birth, but he is now a citizen of the USA. She was born French, but today she's an American citizen. >>eng<< Nincs senkim az életben. I don't have anyone in my life. I have no one in my life. >>eng<< Tom megadta Marinak a számát. Tom gave Mary his number. Tom gave Mari the number. >>eng<< Тудо мыйым йӧрата. А мый тудым уке. She loves me. But I do not love her. I could not abandon them. There has to be no match. >>eng<< Kuunnelkaa lapset! Children, listen! Listen to the kids! >>eng<< Ti ezt a bicót miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? >>eng<< Igen, a hölgy a menedzserünk. Yes, she's our manager. Yes, ma'am is our manager. >>eng<< Itt van ő. He is here. He's here. >>eng<< Kukakohan hän oli? I wonder who he was. Who was he? >>eng<< Lisätkää majoneesi. Add the mayonnaise. Add your mayonnaise. >>eng<< Északról fúj a szél. The wind is blowing from the north. The wind's blowing from the north. >>eng<< Ma ütlen Tomile, et sa oled siin. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. >>eng<< Apám Görögországba utazott. My father had gone to Greece. My father went to Greece. >>eng<< Nousin kyytiin Lontooseen menevään junaan. I got on the train for London. I got on a train to London. >>eng<< Tom ei tiennyt, että Mari pitää ruoanlaittamisesta. Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook. Tom didn't know she liked cooking. >>eng<< Etkö pelkää kuolemaa? Aren't you afraid to die? Aren't you afraid of death? >>eng<< En minä kinastele. I'm not arguing with you. I'm not squirming. >>eng<< He eivät koskaan tee mitään. They never do anything. They never do anything. >>eng<< Hänen talonsa on hyvin uudenaikainen. Her house is very modern. His house is very modern. >>eng<< Se on osittain minun syyni. It's partly my fault. It's partly my fault. >>eng<< Sinulla on tapana liioitella kaikkea. You have a habit of exaggerating everything. You have a habit of overdoing everything. >>eng<< Se on sekä hyvä että halpa. It is both good and cheap. It's both good and cheap. >>eng<< Oroszország nagy. Russia is big. Russia's big. >>eng<< Menj haza, és lazíts! Go home and relax. Go home and relax. >>eng<< Lihtsalt järgne oma südamele. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. >>eng<< Le kell tenned a cigit. You must stop smoking. You need to put the cigarette down. >>eng<< Tom osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom knows French. Tom can speak French. >>eng<< Kunpa en olisi naimisissa. I wish I wasn't married. I wish I wasn't married. >>eng<< Ki vigyáz a gyermekekre? Who's watching the kids? Who's taking care of the kids? >>eng<< Miten netissä pitäisi mainostaa? How should you advertise on the Internet? How am I supposed to advertise online? >>eng<< Mulle meeldib provansi keel. I like the Occitan language. I like the Provan language. >>eng<< Küldd be! Send her in. Send him in! >>eng<< Nehéz nem erre a következtetésre jutni. It's hard not to come to this conclusion. It's hard not to come to that conclusion. >>eng<< Dick megígérte, hogy három órára visszajön. Dick promised to come back by three o'clock. Dick promised to come back by three o'clock. >>eng<< Senkinek se mondjuk el. We won't tell anyone. We won't tell anyone. >>eng<< Veljeni on asunut Lontoossa monta vuotta. My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother has lived in London for many years. >>eng<< Anteeksi, Tom. Onko sinulla kiire? Excuse me, Tom, are you busy? I'm sorry, Tom, are you in a hurry? >>eng<< Hänen tapansa eivät olleet herrasmiehen. His manners were not those of a gentleman. His manners were not a gentleman. >>eng<< Kell neki. She needs it. He needs it. >>eng<< Kérem, változtassa meg az interpunkciót. Please change the punctuation. Please change the intervention. >>eng<< Pöyristyttävää! That's preposterous. That's shocking! >>eng<< Jonilla ja Marilla oli erilaiset mielipiteet siitä tärkeästä asiasta. John and Mary had different opinions about that important matter. Jon and Mar had different opinions on the important issue. >>eng<< Nincs mit vesztenem. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose. >>eng<< Busszal megy az iskolába? Does he go to school by bus? You're taking a bus to school? >>eng<< En ymmärrä miksi kaikki tytöt eivät ole lesboja. I don't get why not all girls are lesbians. I don't understand why all the girls aren't lesbians. >>eng<< Kuusi heistä ovat palamassa. Six of them are burning. Six of them are on fire. >>eng<< Näen leijonan. I see the lion. I see a lion. >>eng<< Itt van! There you are. He's here! >>eng<< Älä pysähdy. Don't stop. Don't stop. >>eng<< Olemme tuoneet teille lahjan. We've brought you a present. We've brought you a gift. >>eng<< Head ööd kõigile! Good night, everyone! Good night, everyone! >>eng<< Meg kell elégednünk. We must be satisfied. We have to be satisfied. >>eng<< Ez a tiéd. It's for you. It's for you. >>eng<< Nekem nagyon tetszik a városi élet. I really like city life. I really like urban life. >>eng<< Viime kerralla kun näin Tomin, hänellä oli parta. The last time I saw Tom, he had a beard. Last time I saw Tom, he had a beard. >>eng<< Jut eszembe, jövő héten lesz az egyetemi diplomaosztó ünnepség. By the way, next week will be our university graduation ceremony. Speaking of which, next week's college graduation party. >>eng<< Voi kunpa puhuisit ranskaa. I wish you spoke French. I wish you could speak French. >>eng<< Hän pitää elämästään. He likes his life. He likes his life. >>krl<< From where are you? Kuspäi työ tulitto? ♫ From where are you? >>eng<< Onko teillä lapsia? Do you have children? Do you have children? >>eng<< Utálok vitatkozni. I hate arguing. I hate arguing. >>eng<< Van orvos a fedélzeten? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? >>eng<< Minä haluan pyytää anteeksi. I want to apologize. I want to apologize. >>eng<< Holnap kukanap van. Tomorrow's trash day. It's Monday. >>eng<< Gii don leat? Who are you? Do you want to resign? >>eng<< Alig ismerem Tomit. I barely know Tom. I barely know Tomi. >>eng<< Ha sokat eszel, kövér leszel. If you eat a lot, you will get fat. You eat a lot, you get fat. >>eng<< Hymyile nyt, itke myöhemmin! Smile now, cry later! Smile now, cry later! >>eng<< Honnan jössz, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? >>eng<< Vigyázz, nehogy megcsússz! Be careful not to slip. Make sure you don't get hit. >>eng<< Minulla on paljon tekemistä tänään. I have lots of things I need to do today. I have a lot to do today. >>eng<< Tamás látott egy kígyót. Tom saw a snake. Thomas saw a snake. >>eng<< Ne stírölj! Stop staring at me. Don't look at me. >>eng<< Más dolog megtanulni és megtanítani egy nyelvet. To know a language is one thing, and to teach it is another. It's another thing to learn and teach a language. >>eng<< Követnem kellett volna a tanácsaidat. I should've followed your advice. I should have followed your advice. >>eng<< Tomin ei tarvitse tehdä töitä sunnuntaisin. Tom doesn't need to work on Sundays. Tom doesn't have to work Sundays. >>eng<< Úgy érzem, nem voltál elég meggyőző. I think you weren't convincing enough. I don't think you've been convincing enough. >>eng<< Tom tekee ahkerasti töitä. Tom works hard. Tom's working hard. >>eng<< Nem tudok tovább várni. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. >>eng<< Ma nem kell dolgoznod. You don't need to work today. You don't have to work today. >>eng<< Tom pärjäilee mainiosti. Tom is doing fine. Tom's doing great. >>eng<< He yöpyivät uudessa hotellissa Kobessa. They stayed at a new hotel in Kobe. They stayed at a new hotel in Kobe. >>eng<< Küsi Tomi käest. Ask Tom. Ask Tom. >>eng<< A bal felső sarokban az van odaírva, hogy "eladó". In the upper left corner it says "For sale". In the upper left corner, it says "seller". >>eng<< Tomi humaltui ja muuttui hyvin puheliaaksi. Tom got drunk and became very talkative. Tom got drunk and became very talkative. >>eng<< Luonnollisten lukujen käsite on kenties matematiikan perustavanlaatuisin käsite. The concept of natural numbers is perhaps the most fundamental mathematical concept. The concept of natural numbers may be the most fundamental concept of mathematics. >>eng<< Ez mindent elmond. That says it all. That tells me everything. >>eng<< Te ette voi olla vakavissanne. You guys can't be serious. You can't be serious. >>eng<< Arpa on heitetty. The die has been cast. The scar's been thrown. >>eng<< Olimme onnekkaita. We were fortunate. We were lucky. >>eng<< Nem értettem meg. I couldn't get it. I didn't understand. >>eng<< Mikor jelenik meg az új folyóirat? When will the new magazine come out? When will the new magazine appear? >>eng<< Tästä tulee fantastista. This is going to be fantastic. This is gonna be fantastic. >>eng<< Voisitko lainata sanakirjaasi minulle? Will you lend your dictionary to me? Can you borrow your dictionary for me? >>eng<< A nővéremnek van egy kutyája. My sister has a dog. My sister has a dog. >>eng<< Két kutyám volt. I had two dogs. I had two dogs. >>eng<< A torta, amit Tom sütött, finom volt. The cake that Tom baked was delicious. The cake Tom baked was delicious. >>eng<< En ole itse asiassa yrittänyt tätä aiemmin. I've never actually tried this before. I haven't actually tried this before. >>eng<< Tom saattaa osata vähän ranskaa. Tom might know a little French. Tom might know a little French. >>eng<< Szeretnék köszönetet nyilvánítani önöknek a nagyszerű munkájukért. I'd like to thank you for doing such a great job. I would like to thank you for your excellent work. >>eng<< Nem várhat a műtét. The operation cannot wait. The surgery can't wait. >>eng<< São Paulolla on maailman toiseksi suurin helikopterilaivasto New Yorkin jälkeen, jolla on neljäsataakaksikymmentä helikopteria koko kaupungissa. São Paulo has the second largest fleet of helicopters in the world, behind New York, which has 420 helicopters in the whole of the city. São Paulo has the second largest helicopter fleet in the world after New York with four hundred and twenty helicopters all over the city. >>eng<< Vȯndzist Ūdāigastõ! Happy New Year! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! >>eng<< Tomi on auttamassa. Tom is helping. Tomi's on her way. >>eng<< Szívélyesen fogadott engem. He received me cordially. He was very kind to me. >>eng<< Tom on fiksu nassikka. Tom is a smart kid. Tom's a smart Nazi. >>eng<< Jos teen poikkeuksen kohdallasi, kaikki muut odottavat samanlaista kohtelua. If I make an exception for you, everyone will expect the same treatment. If I make an exception to you, everyone else will expect similar treatment. >>eng<< Tomin vastaus yllätti minut. Tom's answer surprised me. Tom's answer surprised me. >>eng<< Älä suotta pyydä anteeksi, Tom. You don't need to apologize, Tom. Don't apologize, Tom. >>eng<< Mikä juna menee kaupungin keskustaan? Which train goes to the center of town? What train goes to the city center? >>eng<< Először kételkedett, de hamarosan magáévá tette a tanácsomat. He was doubtful at first but soon came to embrace my advice. First he doubted me, but soon he took my advice. >>eng<< Nekem úgy tűnik, tévedsz. It seems to me that you are wrong. It seems to me you're wrong. >>eng<< A fagyid el fog olvadni, ha nem eszed gyorsan. Your ice cream will melt if you don't eat it quickly. Your ice cream will melt if you don't eat quickly. >>eng<< Ki kell mennem. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to go out. >>eng<< Olin tietoinen siitä, että jotain puuttui. I was conscious that something was missing. I was aware that something was missing. >>eng<< Néhányszor megtettem. I've done that a couple of times. I did it a few times. >>eng<< Ilyen rossz a verseny? Is the competition that bad? Is the competition that bad? >>eng<< Várj egy kicsit tovább! Wait a bit longer. Hold on a second. >>eng<< Toivon, että olisit voinut nähdä Tomin juoksevan. I wish you could have seen Tom run. I wish you could have seen Tom run. >>eng<< Minun pitää mennä nyt. I have got to go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Amikor felébredtem, szomorú voltam. When I woke up, I was sad. When I woke up, I was sad. >>eng<< See on minu arvuti. This is my computer. It's my computer. >>eng<< Voinko istua tähän? May I sit here? Can I sit here? >>eng<< Älä kerro Tomille. Se pilaisi yllätyksen. Don't tell Tom. That would ruin the surprise. Don't tell Tom, it would ruin the surprise. >>eng<< Diétán vagyok. I'm on a diet. I'm on a diet. >>eng<< Onko se salaisuus? Is it a secret? Is that a secret? >>eng<< Nämä kupit ovat kaikki rikkinäisiä. These cups are all broken. These cups are all broken. >>eng<< Muiriel on nyt kaksikymmentä vuotta vanha. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is now twenty years old. >>eng<< Syön usein kanaa. I often eat chicken. I eat chicken a lot. >>eng<< Hallottak valamit a szervezetről? Have you heard anything about the organization? Have you heard from the organization? >>eng<< Fegyveresek. They're armed. They're armed. >>eng<< Ők Tamást keresik. They're looking for Tom. They're looking for Tamás. >>eng<< Kiotó Japán előző fővárosa volt. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto was the previous capital of Japan. >>eng<< Jó sok pénzt lenyúlt. She put away a good deal of money. He stole a lot of money. >>eng<< Tykkääk sä mun uusist kengist? Do you like my new shoes? Do you like my new shoes? >>eng<< Mindig vigyázok rád. I'll always take care of you. I always take care of you. >>eng<< Hívtam Marit, de ő elutasított. I asked Mary out, but she turned me down. I called Mari, but she rejected me. >>eng<< Úgy tűnik, most Európa a Mennyország. Now, Europe seems to be the Paradise. It seems that Europe is heaven now. >>eng<< Hogy a csudába várhatnád el, hogy ezért én fizessek? How in the world do you expect me to pay this? How the hell could you expect me to pay for this? >>eng<< Juna koostuu viidestätoista vaunusta. The train is made up of fifteen cars. The train is made up of fifteen wagons. >>eng<< Nagyon fontos, hogy alaposan kezet moss miután kicserélted a baba pelenkáját. It is very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing a baby's diaper. It's very important that you wash your hands thoroughly after changing your baby's diaper. >>eng<< Rakastan Tomia enemmän kuin mitään muuta. I love Tom more than anything. I love Tom more than anything else. >>eng<< On kaunis päivä. It's a beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. >>eng<< Semmit nem loptak el. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was stolen. >>eng<< Õde on haige. The nurse is ill. The nurse's sick. >>eng<< Mi mást tehetnék? What else should I do? What else can I do? >>eng<< Tarjoilja! Toinen korillinen porsaanlihamykyjä, kiitos. Waitress! Another basket of pork dumplings, please. Another basket of pig meat, please. >>eng<< Miten te käytätte tätä konetta? How do you operate this machine? How do you use this machine? >>eng<< Jobban kedvellek nála. I like you better than she. I like you better than him. >>eng<< Kenelläkään pojista ei ollut kitaraa. None of the boys had a guitar. None of the boys had a guitar. >>eng<< Busszal megyek iskolába. I go to school by bus. I'm taking the bus to school. >>eng<< Oktii gádden ahte ledjen meaddán, muhto feilejin. Once I thought I was wrong. Turns out I was mistaken. It may be incorrectly removed from your system, but it is not visible to the file. >>eng<< Se on tosi ärsyttävää. That's really annoying. It's really annoying. >>eng<< Tomi nem tudja helyén kezelni a kudarcokat. Tom couldn't cope with failure. Tomi can't handle the failures. >>eng<< Nettiyhteyteni on hidas. My internet connection is slow. My internet connection is slow. >>eng<< Nem az az ember vagyok, aki valaha voltam. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the man I've ever been. >>eng<< En nähnyt yhtäkään lasta puistossa. I didn't see any children in the park. I didn't see any kids in the park. >>eng<< Nincs problémám az ivással. I don't have a drinking problem. I don't have a problem drinking. >>eng<< Nyertem! I won! I won! >>eng<< Olen veroista samaa mieltä kuin sinä. I agree with your opinion about taxes. I agree with your taxes. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse tehdä töitä sunnuntaisin. You don't have to work on Sundays. You don't have to work Sundays. >>eng<< Tom tajusi nopeasti, että hän oli erilainen kuin muut lapset. Tom quickly realized that he was different from the other children. Tom quickly realized that he was different from the other children. >>eng<< Älä sekoita sanoja ”dare” ja ”dear”. Don't confuse "dare" and "dear". Do not mix the words ‘dare’ and ‘dear’. >>eng<< Voltak hibák. There were errors. There were mistakes. >>eng<< En halua loukata Tomia. I don't want to offend Tom. I don't want to hurt Tom. >>eng<< Karukka on mustaherukan ynnä karviaisen risteymä ja erittäin maukas, kuten myös vähän tunnettu. Jostaberries are a hybrid cross of blackcurrant with gooseberry, and they're at least as tasty as they're unknown. The bear is a blackberry and a hairy crossbreed and very tasty, as well as little known. >>eng<< Jos et ole varma sanan merkityksestä, katso se sankirjastasi. If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. If you're not sure about the meaning of the word, look at it in your script. >>eng<< Tom ei ole ongelma. Tom is not the problem. Tom's not a problem. >>eng<< Mitä markkinoilta voi ostaa? What can you buy at the market? What can I buy on the market? >>eng<< Akarsz még engem? Do you still need me? You want more of me? >>eng<< Henry látni akarja önt. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. >>eng<< Nem vicceltem. I wasn't kidding. I'm not kidding. >>eng<< Szeretem a gyümölcsöt. I like fruit. I like fruit. >>eng<< En ole huolissani Tomista. Olen huolissani sinusta, Mari. I'm not worried about Tom. I'm worried about you, Mary. I'm not worried about Tom. >>eng<< Mikor indul a következő vonat? When does the next train leave? When's the next train? >>eng<< Myös minä olen sitä mieltä. I thought so, too. I think so, too. >>eng<< Jobban szeretem a kávét. I prefer coffee. I prefer coffee. >>eng<< Soittakaa minulle, kun olette valmiita lähtemään. Call me when you're ready to go. Call me when you're ready to leave. >>eng<< Olemme valmiita taistelemaan. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. >>eng<< Emme voi puhua nyt. We can't talk now. We can't talk right now. >>eng<< Minä asun kaupungissa, mutta minun vanhempani asuvat maaseudulla. I live in a town, but my parents live in the country. I live in the city, but my parents live in the countryside. >>eng<< Futballoznak. They play soccer. They're playing football. >>eng<< Olen velkaa sinulle viisi dollaria. I owe you five dollars. I owe you $5. >>eng<< Tämä kenttä kuuluu koululle. This ground belongs to the school. This field belongs to the school. >>eng<< Tamás nem akart veszíteni. Tom didn't want to lose. Tamás didn't want to lose. >>eng<< Meg tudod nekem mondani ennek az embernek a nevét? Can you tell me that man's name? Can you tell me the name of this man? >>eng<< Értesítette a rendőrséget a közlekedési balesetről. He notified the police of the traffic accident. He informed the police about the traffic accident. >>eng<< Pici keze van. He has tiny hands. He's got a tiny hand. >>eng<< Orava kiipesi puuhun. The squirrel climbed up the tree. A squirrel climbed into a tree. >>eng<< Mi a fene történt? What on earth happened? What the hell happened? >>eng<< Tudatában van a kockázatoknak. He understands the risks. He's aware of the risks. >>eng<< A vonat pontosan érkezett. The train arrived on time. The train has arrived exactly. >>eng<< Hän on runoilija. He is a poet. He's a poet. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, jobb lenne, ha most elmennél. I think it would be better if you left. I think you better leave now. >>eng<< Jó szórakozást! Have fun. Have fun. >>eng<< Kuulin kahdesti pimeässä nimeäni kutsuttavan. I heard my name called twice in the dark. I heard my name twice in the dark. >>eng<< Lépjen távolabb az autótól. Step away from the car. Step away from the car. >>eng<< Sok szerencsét a versenyekhez. Best of luck in your tournament. Good luck with the competition. >>eng<< Soita lääkärille. Call a doctor. Call the doctor. >>eng<< Ne beszélgess vele, mialatt vezet. Don't talk to him while he's driving. Don't talk to him while he's driving. >>eng<< Olen kuullut että Tom osaa kokata yhtä hyvin tai paremmin kuin hänen vaimonsa. I've heard that Tom can cook as well as, or better than, his wife. I hear Tom can cook as well or better than his wife. >>eng<< Oma tupa, oma lupa. Our house, our rules. My room, my permission. >>eng<< Nem, ez nem az én házam. No, that's not my house. No, this isn't my house. >>eng<< Jokainen työntekijä on oikeutettu kahden viikon maksettuun lomaan vuodessa. Each employee is entitled to a two week paid vacation per year. Each worker is entitled to two weeks of paid leave per year. >>eng<< Nem szeretem, hogy ilyen gyakran jön a házamba. I don't like that he comes to my house so often. I don't like him coming to my house so often. >>eng<< Tom dühösnek tűnt. Tom seemed mad. Tom seemed angry. >>eng<< Mitä tuo oli? What was that? What was that? >>eng<< Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! >>eng<< Érdekel a japán történelem. Japanese history interests me. I'm interested in Japanese history. >>eng<< Lemerült az elem. The battery died out. The battery's dead. >>eng<< Paraszt! Asshole. Piss! >>eng<< Hänellä on enemmän kuin viisi sanakirjaa. He has more than five dictionaries. He's got more than five dictionarys. >>eng<< Az előző hét elején történt ez. It happened early last week. This happened at the beginning of last week. >>eng<< Olisipa minulla uusi auto. I wish I had a new car. I wish I had a new car. >>eng<< Hän pelaa vaarallista peliä. He's playing a dangerous game. He's playing a dangerous game. >>eng<< Tom sanoi, että hänellä oli ongelmia Marin kanssa. Tom said he was having problems with Mary. Tom said he had a problem with Mari. >>krl<< My name is Yamada. Minun nimi on Yamada. ~ My name is Yamada. >>eng<< Enyém lehet? Can I have it? Can I have it? >>eng<< Hänen silmänsä olivat kyyneleitä täynnä. Her eyes were full of tears. His eyes were full of tears. >>eng<< Tomi kérója legalább kétszerese az enyémnek. Tom's house is at least twice as big as mine. Tomi's request is at least twice mine. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, Tomnak több kell. I think Tom wants more. I think Tom needs more. >>eng<< Onko totta, että ette olleet täällä eilen? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here yesterday? >>eng<< On oleellista varata paikkansa etukäteen. It is essential to reserve your seat in advance. It is essential to reserve the place in advance. >>eng<< Sinä tuhlaat rahasi. You're wasting your money. You're wasting your money. >>eng<< Tamás személyleírást adott a rendőrségnek a látott egyénről. Tom described the person he saw to the police. Thomas gave the police a description of the person he saw. >>eng<< Tom oli täysin ilkosillaan. Tom was as naked as the day he was born. Tom was totally out of his mind. >>eng<< Mit találok majd a dobozban? What'll I find in the box? What am I gonna find in the box? >>krl<< Morning! Hyviä huondestu! You're gonna love it. >>eng<< Tomi on yhä vihainen. Tom is still mad. Tom's still mad. >>eng<< Folytassuk a beszélgetést angolul, légy szíves. Let's continue talking in English, please. Let's continue talking in English, please. >>eng<< Oletan, että sinulla on kiire. I assume you're in a hurry. I assume you're in a hurry. >>eng<< Mikor szeditek le a karácsonyfátokat? When do you take down your Christmas tree? When are you taking down your Christmas trees? >>eng<< Szarul érzem magam. I feel like shit. I feel like shit. >>eng<< Kérem, ne lármázzon. Please, don't be noisy. Please, don't freak out. >>eng<< Leült az ágyra. He sat on the bed. He sat on the bed. >>eng<< Sokkalta újabb a bringád az enyémhez képest. Your bicycle is much newer than mine. Your bike is a lot more than mine. >>eng<< Boldogtalan lennék, de nem ölném meg magam. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. >>eng<< Irigylem az ő szerencséjét. I envy him his luck. I envy his luck. >>eng<< Oliko joku muu siellä tilassa? Was there anybody else in the room? Was there someone else in that space? >>eng<< Ez a pohár vizet tartalmaz. This glass contains water. This glass contains water. >>eng<< Miten tiedät nämä asiat? How do you know these things? How do you know these things? >>eng<< Én nem rájuk adtam le a voksomat. I didn't vote for them. I didn't give up my vote on them. >>eng<< Szerintem félreértetted. I think you misunderstood. I think you misunderstood. >>eng<< Otetaan avioero. Let's get divorced. Let's get a divorce. >>eng<< Olen lukenut sen kirjan. I have read the book. I've read that book. >>eng<< Tärkeintä ei ole mitä teet vaan miten teet. What is important is not what you do, but the way you do it. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. >>eng<< Nem volt jogod ezt tenni. You had no right to do that. You had no right to do that. >>eng<< Nem volt szép, de nagy kedves barna szemei voltak és édes mosolya. She wasn't beautiful, but she had big, kind brown eyes and a sweet smile. It wasn't nice, but he had big brown eyes and sweet smiles. >>eng<< Paina mitä vain näppäintä jatkaaksesi. Press any key to continue. Just press anything to continue. >>eng<< Itt történt. That happened here. This is where it happened. >>eng<< Samilla oli suuri musta silmä. Sami had a big black eye. Sam had a big black eye. >>eng<< Lauses on viga. There is a mistake in the sentence. There's a problem with the phrase. >>eng<< Fogalmam sem volt róla, hogy nem beszélsz franciául. I had no idea you didn't know how to speak French. I had no idea you didn't speak French. >>eng<< Szoktak a halak aludni? Do fish sleep? Do fish sleep? >>eng<< Olet optimisti, vai kuinka? You're optimistic, aren't you? You're optimistic, aren't you? >>eng<< Olet lisännyt kommentin, et käännöstä. Lisätäksesi käännöksen, klikkaa lauseen yläpuolelle olevaa ”あ→а”-kuvaketta. You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the «あ→а» icon above the sentence. You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click the icon above the sentence. >>eng<< Olen todella kiitollinen avustasi. I'm very grateful for your help. I'm really grateful for your help. >>eng<< En voisi ikinä pettää sinua! I would never betray you! I could never betray you! >>eng<< Oloni on onnellinen. I feel happy. I'm happy. >>eng<< Se on täydellinen. It's perfect. It's perfect. >>eng<< Pidin häntä kaupungin parhaana tohtorina. I regarded him as the best doctor in town. I thought he was the best doctor in town. >>eng<< See koobas on nahkhiiri täis. This cave is full of bats. This cave is full of bats. >>eng<< Ihmettelin mihin Tom meni. I wondered where Tom went. I was wondering where Tom was going. >>eng<< Kuusi heistä palaa. Six of them return. Six of them are coming back. >>eng<< Minulle jaettiin neljä ässää. I have been dealt four aces. I was given four acees. >>eng<< Tykkään vaikeiden verbien taivuttamisesta. I like to conjugate difficult verbs. I like bending heavy verbs. >>eng<< Inkább meghalnék, mint hogy megadjam magam. I'd rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than surrender. >>eng<< Sinulla on aina räikeä solmio ylläsi. You are always wearing a loud necktie. You always have a mean tie on you. >>eng<< Täytyy lukea rivien välistä. You have to read between the lines. I have to read between the lines. >>eng<< Az én engedélyemre lesz szükséged. You need my permission. You're gonna need my permission. >>eng<< Vihreä on toivon väri. Green stands for hope. Green is the color of hope. >>eng<< De nekünk három macskánk van. But we have three cats. But we have three cats. >>eng<< Hyvät vanhemmat ovat parhaat opettajat. Good parents are the best teachers. Good parents are the best teachers. >>eng<< Missä Tom syö aamiaisen? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where does Tom eat breakfast? >>eng<< Oota veidi. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. >>eng<< Az soha nem fog megtörténni. That'll never happen. That's never gonna happen. >>eng<< Nem engedhetem meg magamnak, hogy bárkinek is fizessek. I can't afford to pay anyone. I can't afford to pay anyone. >>eng<< Oletko huonolla päällä? Are you in a bad mood? Are you out of your mind? >>eng<< Minä odotan sinua. I'll wait for you. I'll be waiting for you. >>eng<< Ruoho oli pehmeää. The grass was soft. The grass was soft. >>eng<< Nagyapám alapította a vállalatot, és a szüleim viszik tovább sikeresen. My grandfather founded and my parents developed this company. My grandfather set up the company, and my parents are carrying it on successfully. >>eng<< Ma reggel hat órakor keltem fel. I got up at six this morning. I woke up this morning at 6:00. >>eng<< Egyikünk sem gyáva. None of us are cowards. None of us are cowards. >>eng<< Biztos vagyok benne, hogy apád nagyon büszke rád. I'm sure your father is very proud of you. I'm sure your father is very proud of you. >>eng<< Öcsémmel jól megértjük egymást. I get along with my younger brother. My brother and I understand each other. >>eng<< Semmire nem fogja vinni az életben. He will fail in life. He's not going to do anything in his life. >>eng<< Mire jók ezek? What are these for? What are they for? >>eng<< Minä soitan seitsemältä. I'll call at seven. I'll call you at 7:00. >>krl<< Goodbye, Sayoko. Jiägiä tervehekse, Sayoko. 256 Goodbye, Sayoko. >>eng<< Tom sanoo, ettei ole vielä nähnyt tuota elokuvaa. Tom says he hasn't seen that movie yet. Tom says he hasn't seen that movie yet. >>eng<< Olet friikki. You're a freak. You're a freak. >>eng<< Tom on ollut Bostonissa useamman kerran. Tom has been to Boston several times. Tom's been to Boston several times. >>eng<< Tom ei juuri koskaan soita Marille. Tom almost never calls Mary. Tom doesn't call Mar much. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy Tomit miért ölték meg. I know why Tom was killed. I know why Tomi was killed. >>eng<< Magam főztem. I cooked this myself. I made it myself. >>eng<< Hogy kell csinálni egy dobozt? How do you make a box? How to make a box? >>eng<< Volt egy vitánk. We had an argument. We had a fight. >>eng<< Az egészségem érdekében csináltam ezt. I did so for the sake of my health. I did this for my health. >>eng<< Auto on keltainen. The car is yellow. The car's yellow. >>eng<< Ne félj! Don’t fear. Don't be afraid. >>eng<< Katulamput eivät valaise tarpeeksi. The street lamps don't give enough light. The headlights don't light enough. >>eng<< Kotiin tultuaan Tom teki läksyt. Tom came home and did his homework. When Tom came home, he did his homework. >>eng<< Olkaa hiljaa molemmat. Both of you be quiet. Shut up, both of you. >>eng<< Bárcsak lenne nekem is! I wish I had one. I wish I had one. >>eng<< Hauskaa kekrijuhlaa! Happy Halloween! It's a fun kecker party! >>eng<< Mun dieđán. I know. I know you know. >>eng<< Köszönök mindent. Thanks for everything. Thank you for everything. >>eng<< Ihmiset viittaavat usein itseensä kolmannessa persooonassa, kun he puhuvat lapsille. People often refer to themselves in the third person when talking to children. People often refer to themselves in a third person when they talk to children. >>eng<< Tudom, hogyan kell újraélesztést alkalmazni. I know CPR. I know how to use resuscitation. >>eng<< Tapasin hänet kolme vuotta sitten. I met him three years ago. I met him three years ago. >>eng<< Kaunis nainen on ystävällinen. The beautiful woman is kind. A beautiful woman is kind. >>myv<< Happy International Women's Day! Раськеютконь Тейтерьавань покш чи марто! Happy International Women's Day! >>eng<< Pöllöillä on suuret silmät. Owls have big eyes. The owls have big eyes. >>eng<< Hän on tällä hetkellä vankilassa veropetoksesta. He's currently in prison for tax fraud. He's currently in prison for tax fraud. >>eng<< Tom on allerginen tytöille. Tom is allergic to girls. Tom's allergic to girls. >>eng<< Suutele häntä. Kiss him. Kiss him. >>eng<< Oliko joku muu huoneessa? Was there anybody else in the room? Was there someone else in the room? >>eng<< Juna oli niin täynnä, että meidän piti seistä koko matka Osakaan. The train was so crowded that we were obliged to stand all the way to Osaka. The train was so full that we had to stand all the way to Osaka. >>eng<< Tomi on nuori. Tom is young. Tomi's young. >>eng<< Fejezd már be, hogy kijavítasz! Stop correcting me. Stop fixing me up! >>eng<< Hän nukkuu. He's asleep. He's asleep. >>eng<< Valami étel után nézek. I'm searching for food. I'm looking for something to eat. >>eng<< Antaisit jo olla! Knock it off. Give it a rest! >>eng<< Ma már mindenki tudja, hogy a Föld gömb alakú. That the earth is round is clear now. Today, everyone knows the Earth is a sphere shape. >>krl<< Where is Paris? Kus on Pariisi? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Jääge koju. Stay home. Stay home. >>eng<< Csak nem akarom, hogy megsértődj. I just don't want you to get hurt. I just don't want you to get hurt. >>eng<< Szeretnél linkcserét? Would you like to exchange links? Would you like to exchange links? >>eng<< Kaikissa sanakirjoissa on virheitä. All dictionaries contain errors. There are errors in every dictionary. >>eng<< Viikset kasvavat ylähuulella. A mustache grows on the upper lip. The mustaches grow with the upper lip. >>eng<< Amikor holnap reggel fölébredsz, valami csodálatosat fogsz találni. When you wake up tomorrow morning you will find something wonderful. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you'll find something wonderful. >>eng<< Veled voltam. I was with you. I was with you. >>eng<< Baszok rá! I don't give a fuck. Fuck him! >>eng<< Pidätkö koulussa käymisestä? Do you like going to school? Do you like going to school? >>eng<< He syyttivät meitä kiittämättömyydestä. They accused us of being ungrateful. They accused us of ungratefulness. >>eng<< Tomi hieroi Marin egoa. Tom massaged Mary's ego. Tom rubbed Marin's ego. >>eng<< Tom kannusti minua oppimaan ranskaa. Tom encouraged me to learn French. Tom encouraged me to learn French. >>eng<< Az igazat megvallva nem vagyok meglepve. Tomi mindig így csinálja. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Tom always does it that way. To tell you the truth, I'm not surprised. >>eng<< Értesz hozzá, hogyan lehet engem felvidítani. You're good at making me feel better. You understand how to cheer me up. >>eng<< Ő úszik a folyóban. He swims in the river. He's swimming in the river. >>eng<< Onko tämä hänen itse piirtämänsä kuva? Is this a picture that he drew by himself? Is this the picture he drew? >>eng<< Mikor csináltál ilyet utoljára? When was the last time you did that? When was the last time you did this? >>eng<< Búcsúzás nélkül elment. She left without saying goodbye. He left without saying goodbye. >>eng<< Miért nem veszed meg? Why don't you buy it? Why don't you buy it? >>eng<< Tom oli paikalla kun häntä tarvitsin. Tom was there for me when I needed him. Tom was there when I needed him. >>eng<< Nem tudjuk pontosan. We don't know exactly. We don't know exactly. >>krl<< Pleased to meet you. Mieleh on tuttavuo. Pleased to meet you. >>eng<< Jó vagy a hazudozásban, ugye? You're good at lying, aren't you? You're good at lying, aren't you? >>eng<< Vasaralliselle miehelle kaikki näyttää naulalta. To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. For a hammer man, everything looks like a nail. >>eng<< Ostin puoli tusinaa munia. I bought half a dozen eggs. I bought half a dozen eggs. >>eng<< Senki nem fog meghalni. No one is going to die. No one's gonna die. >>eng<< Istukaa, olkaa hyvä. Please have a seat. Have a seat, please. >>eng<< Tom megrettent. Tom is horrified. Tom was scared. >>eng<< Onko jotain mitä voimme tehdä? Is there something we can do? Is there something we can do? >>eng<< Miks peaks Tom tahtma midagi sellist teha? Why would Tom want to go do something like that? Why would Tom want to do something like that? >>eng<< Minun kelloni täytyy korjata. My clock needs to be fixed. I have to fix my watch. >>eng<< Makedonian kielessä on neljä tapaluokkaa: indikatiivi, konditionaali, imperatiivi ja renarratiivi. Macedonian has four verbal moods: indicative, conditional, imperative, and renarrative. The Macedonian language has four categories of slaughter: indicative, air conditioning, impervious and renaive. >>eng<< Tominak borderline-os üldözési mániája van. Tom is borderline paranoid. Tomi's got a line-to-line pursuitist. >>eng<< Tomi pyysi armoa. Tom begged for mercy. Tomi asked for mercy. >>eng<< Mul on kaks silma. I have two eyes. I have two eyes. >>eng<< Tomilla on lyhyt pinna ja hän räjähtää pienimmästäkin ärsykkeestä. Tom's got a short fuse and flies off the handle at the drop of a hat. Tom has a short surface, and he explodes from even the smallest irritation. >>eng<< Tom tegnap nem volt ott a bulin. Tom didn't show up at the party yesterday. Tom wasn't at the party yesterday. >>eng<< Näyttää että aikaisemmin ottamani pillerit olivat tehokkaita. It seems that the pills I took earlier were effective. Looks like the pills I've taken before were effective. >>eng<< Tudtam, hogy Tom nem fog megváltozni. I knew Tom wasn't going to change. I knew Tom wouldn't change. >>eng<< Aztán a medve odafutott a talicskához, ledobta medvebőrét és megérintette a varázspálcával, amit a boszorkány adott neki. Egy pillanat alatt a bőr csodaszép, holdfényből szőtt báliruhává változott, a talicska pedig hintóvá alakult át, amit két táncoló paripa húzott. Then the bear ran to her wheelbarrow, threw off her bear's skin, and touched it with the magic wand that the witch had given her. In a moment the skin was changed into an exquisite ball dress woven out of moon-beams, and the wheel-barrow was changed into a carriage drawn by two prancing steeds. Then the bear ran over to the farm, threw down his bear skin and touched it with the magic wand that the witch gave him. In a moment, the skin turned into a beautiful, moonlight ballrobe, and the talick turned into a swing, which was pulled by two dancing pairs. >>eng<< Hozzászokott, hogy nem eszik meleg ételt napi rendszerességgel. He got used to not having a hot meal every day. He's used to not eating hot food on a daily basis. >>eng<< Tom köhögni kezdett. Tom started to cough. Tom started coughing. >>eng<< Nem tudtam, hogy Tomi addigra már halott volt. I didn't know Tom was already dead. I didn't know Tomi was dead by then. >>eng<< Tom fáradtnak látszott. Tom looked tired. Tom seemed tired. >>eng<< Kíváncsi vagyok, Tom tud-e jönni vagy sem. I wonder whether Tom can come or not. I wonder if Tom can come or not. >>eng<< Tom rakastaa häntä. Tom loves him. Tom loves him. >>eng<< Ez nem titok. That's no secret. It's no secret. >>eng<< Nem tud gondoskodni magáról. He can't take care of himself. He can't take care of himself. >>eng<< Tomi öljysi hänen polkupyöränsä ketjut. Tom oiled his bicycle chain. Tom oiled his bicycle chains. >>eng<< Tom väidab, et ta tulistas Mary't enesekaitseks. Tom claims he shot Mary in self-defense. Tom claims he shot Mary to protect himself. >>eng<< Kérlek, hagyd abba! Please stop. Please stop. >>eng<< Urheasti hän kieltäytyi antamasta periksi. Undaunted, he refused to give up. With all due respect, he refused to give up. >>eng<< Teen sinusta fiksun. I'll make you smart. I'm gonna make you smart. >>eng<< Se ei ollut niin kauheaa. It wasn't so bad. It wasn't that bad. >>eng<< Te is tudtad ezt? Did you know this, too? Did you know that? >>eng<< Vesi on vedelik. Water is a liquid. Water is liquid. >>eng<< En tarvitse vuodetta. I don't need a bed. I don't need a bed. >>eng<< Nem szeretem, még akkor sem, ha ő szeret engem. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't like it, even if he loves me. >>eng<< Klaas on tühi. The glass is empty. The glass's empty. >>eng<< Tämä on hyvin tuore. This is very fresh. This is very fresh. >>eng<< A madarak éhesek voltak. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. >>eng<< Maradj távol! Stay away from here. Stay away from me. >>eng<< Remélem, hogy eljön holnap. I hope he comes tomorrow. I hope you come tomorrow. >>eng<< Hänen nimensä on pitkä ja vaikea lausua. Her name is long and hard to pronounce. His name is long and hard to say. >>eng<< Bocsánatot kérjek Tomtól? Should I apologize to Tom? Do you want me to apologize to Tom? >>eng<< Angliába akarok menni. I want to go to England. I want to go to England. >>eng<< Ehdottaisin pilkkua. I’d suggest a comma. I'd suggest a look. >>eng<< Tom egy fehér dobozt vitt. Tom was carrying a white box. Tom took a white box. >>eng<< Ma joon köögis vett. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I drink water in the kitchen. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole enää hauskaa. This isn't fun anymore. This isn't funny anymore. >>eng<< Itt kellesz. You're needed here. I need you here. >>eng<< Értékelem, amit Tom értem tett. I appreciate what Tom has done for me. I appreciate what Tom did for me. >>eng<< Éppen most fejeztem be az evést. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. >>eng<< Sulje ovi. Shut the door. Close the door. >>eng<< Tämä saattaa olla Tomin sateenvarjo. This might be Tom's umbrella. This could be Tom's umbrella. >>eng<< Ez a tárolóhelyiség. This is the storage room. This is the storage room. >>eng<< Olet häpeäpilkku. You're a disgrace. You're a disgrace. >>eng<< Jól beszélsz kínaiul? Do you speak Chinese well? You speak Chinese well? >>eng<< Eräät uskonnot vastustavat elinluovutusta. Certain religions are against organ donation. Some religions oppose organ donation. >>eng<< Sinullahan on silmä mustana. You've got a black eye. You have an eye black, don't you? >>eng<< Kevés kincs van, amely olyan értékes, mint egy bölcs és segítőkész barát. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful. There are few treasures that are as precious as a wise and helpful friend. >>eng<< Vágasd le a hajad! Get a haircut. Cut off your hair. >>eng<< Ez édes. That's sweet. That's sweet. >>eng<< Tom on sinun hyvä kaverisi, eikö niin? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom's your good friend, isn't he? >>eng<< Tiedän että sinä yhä syytät Tomia Maryn kuolemasta. I know you still blame Tom for Mary's death. I know you're still blaming Tom for Mary's death. >>eng<< Osaatteks te ottaa pois kuuden kymmenestä? Can you subtract six from ten? Do you know how to take off six out of ten? >>eng<< Ma olen pärit Eestist. I'm from Estonia. I'm from Estonia. >>eng<< Näin Tomin menevän luolaan. I saw Tom going into the cave. I saw Tom go to the cave. >>eng<< Tomi azt mondta, szuper volt. Tom said it was cool. Tomi said it was great. >>eng<< Lát ön embereket a parkban? Do you see people in the park? Do you see people in the park? >>eng<< Tomi tuli toiseksi. Tom was second. Tomi's second. >>eng<< Kaikki kolme miestä hymyilivät. All three men smiled. All three men smiled. >>eng<< Miért lettél jogász? Why did you become a lawyer? Why did you become a lawyer? >>eng<< Nehéz angolul beszélni? Is it hard to speak English? Is it hard to speak English? >>eng<< Tom egész életét a cápák tanulmányozásának szentelte. Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks. Tom spent his entire life studying sharks. >>eng<< Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy öregember. Once upon a time, there lived an old man. Once upon a time, there was an old man. >>eng<< Katso niitä tyttöjä. Look at the girls. Look at those girls. >>eng<< Üdvözöltem Bettit, de ő rám sem figyelt. I greeted Betty, but she ignored me. I said hi to Betti, but she wasn't listening to me. >>eng<< Hän tekee minut hulluksi. She's driving me crazy. He's driving me crazy. >>eng<< Ranskalainen kahvi on minusta ihanaa. I love French coffee. I love French coffee. >>eng<< Auto törmäsi seinään. The car crashed into the wall. The car hit the wall. >>eng<< Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy el kell mennie. Please tell Tom he has to leave. Please tell Tomi to leave. >>eng<< Tomilla ei ollut mitään tekemistä, niinpä hän meni kotiin. Tom had nothing to do, so he went home. Tom had nothing to do, so he went home. >>eng<< Forrónak találta a vizet. He found the water boiling. He found the water hot. >>eng<< Könyveket kell írnom. I must write books. I have to write books. >>eng<< Semmi nem igazolja a létezésüket. Nothing justifies their existence. Nothing proves their existence. >>eng<< Minä juon sitä kahvia. I will drink the coffee. I'll drink that coffee. >>eng<< En osaa tanssia. I can't dance. I don't know how to dance. >>eng<< Már hiányollak. I miss you already. I miss you. >>eng<< Megyek a postára. I'm going to the post office. I'm going to the mail. >>eng<< Õunad on punased. Apples are red. The apples are red. >>eng<< Totta puhuakseni, en tykkää hänen tavastaan puhua. To tell the truth, I don't like his way of talking. To tell you the truth, I don't like his way of talking. >>eng<< Vastauksesi oli hämmentävä. I'm puzzled by your reaction. Your answer was confusing. >>eng<< Mitä ihminen kylvää, sitä hän myös niittää. You reap what you sow. What a man sows, what he reaps. >>eng<< Kuidas see peaks toimima? How's it supposed to work? How is that supposed to work? >>eng<< Aina on parantamisen varaa. There's always room for improvement. There's always room for improvement. >>eng<< Uusi pomo on ruoskinut yhtiön kuosiin. The new boss has whipped the company into shape. The new boss has kicked the company's ass. >>eng<< Sodan aikana tehtiin useita hirmutekoja. Many atrocities were committed during the war. A number of atrocities were committed during the war. >>eng<< Sama on totta Tomin kanssa. The same holds true for Tom. It's the same with Tom. >>eng<< Három évvel fiatalabb Marinál. She is three years younger than Mary. Three years younger than Mari. >>eng<< Tomi oli yksi eloonjääneistä. Tom was one of the survivors. Tomi was one of the survivors. >>eng<< Nem tudom, hogy Tominak milyen kocsija van. I don't know what kind of car Tom drives. I don't know what kind of car Tomi has. >>eng<< Tom halusi tietää kuinka paljon kello on. Tom wanted to know the time. Tom wanted to know what time it was. >>eng<< Mondtam neked, hogy ne menjél gyalog. I told you not to walk. I told you not to walk. >>eng<< Az egyházaknak alázatot kell tanulniuk, úgymint tanítaniuk. The churches must learn humility as well as teach it. Churches must learn humility, as they teach. >>eng<< Tom on kiinnostunut Ranskan historiasta. Tom is interested in French history. Tom is interested in French history. >>eng<< Kuka isänne on? Who is your father? Who's your father? >>eng<< Szerintem valami nincs rendben. I think something is wrong. I don't think anything's right. >>eng<< Ei ole pakko ymmärtää kaikkea juuri nyt. You don't need to understand everything right now. You don't have to understand everything right now. >>eng<< Me ei vaja teda. We don't need him. We don't need him. >>eng<< Esküszöm, hogy kárpótollak ezért. I swear that I'll make it up to you. I swear I'll make it up to you. >>eng<< Az ő orra teljesen más. His nose is totally different. His nose is completely different. >>eng<< Uusi fakta on tullut päivänvaloon. The new fact has come to light. A new fact has come to light. >>eng<< Te nem vagy jóindulatú. You are not kind. You're not benevolent. >>eng<< Ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? >>eng<< Minden évszaknak megvan a maga szépsége. Each season has its own beauty. Every season has its own beauty. >>eng<< Ezért mondtam, hogy ne foglalkozz vele. That's why I said forget it. That's why I told you not to worry about it. >>eng<< Tomi becsukta a szemét, azelőtt hogy megcsókolta Máriát. Tom closed his eyes before he kissed Mary. Tomi closed her eyes before she kissed Mary. >>eng<< Milyen kedves! How lovely! That's so sweet. >>eng<< Én már nem félek a pókoktól. I'm no longer afraid of spiders. I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. >>eng<< Maailma ympärilläsi on... vähän ystävällisempi... jopa enemmän kuin luulet. The world around you is ... just a little kinder ... even more than you think. The world around you is... a little more friendly... even more than you think. >>eng<< A pirosat részesítem előnyben. I prefer red. I prefer red. >>eng<< Akarsz pihenni egy kicsit? Do you want to rest for a bit? Want to get some rest? >>eng<< Ei väliä kuka tämän kirjan kirjoitti, mutta hän on todella fiksu. No matter who it was that wrote this book, he's very clever. I don't care who wrote this book, but he's really smart. >>eng<< Hän ei tehnyt mitään väärää. He did nothing wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. >>eng<< He tuijottivat toisiaan. They stared at each other. They were staring at each other. >>eng<< Hyvää yötä, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. >>eng<< Kenen pizza tuo on? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is that? >>eng<< Olet varmasti henkisesti uupunut. You must be mentally exhausted. I'm sure you're mentally exhausted. >>eng<< A legrosszabb következett be. The worst thing happened. The worst happened. >>eng<< Tom zavarban van, mikor óvszert vásárol. Tom is embarrassed about buying condoms. Tom's embarrassed when he's buying condoms. >>eng<< Tom egy szó nélkül végighallgatta az egész történetet. Tom listened to the whole story without saying a thing. Tom listened to the whole story without a word. >>eng<< Úgy vélem, az idő majd megoldja ezt a problémát. I think time will solve the problem. I think time will solve this problem. >>eng<< Tom ei kuuntele mitä Mary sanoo. Tom doesn't listen to what Mary says. Tom won't listen to what Mary says. >>eng<< Hän ei osannut ilmaista itseään. He didn't know how to express himself. He didn't know how to express himself. >>eng<< Ettél már Tomi főztjéből? Have you ever eaten anything Tom's cooked? Have you eaten from Tomi's cooking? >>eng<< Hankkeemme epäonnistui. Our project failed. Our project failed. >>eng<< Mikä sinun etunimesi on? What is your first name? What's your first name? >>eng<< Sõpruse terviseks! For our friendship! To friendship! >>eng<< Megtennéd, hogy megismétled a kérdést? Would you mind repeating the question? Would you do that again? >>eng<< Hänen hampaansa olivat valkoiset. Her teeth were white. His teeth were white. >>eng<< Älä huolehdi. Pärjään kyllä. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Don't worry, I'll be fine. >>eng<< En ole suunnitellut meneväni mihinkään tänään. I'm not planning to go anywhere today. I haven't planned to go anywhere today. >>eng<< Kussolj! Shut up! Shut up! >>eng<< Hidegen hagy, hogy eljössz-e. It does not matter to me whether you come or not. You're gonna let me see if you're coming. >>eng<< Veszélyben van az élete. Her life is in danger. Your life is in danger. >>eng<< Hän on onnellinen. She's happy. He's happy. >>eng<< Mietittekö te tosissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< Mary úgy döntött, hogy több mentás cukorkát fog enni. Mary has decided to eat more mints. Mary decided to eat more mint candy. >>eng<< Ez nem az én problémám. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. >>eng<< Harjoittelin ranskan puhumista Tomin kanssa. I practiced speaking French with Tom. I trained French to talk to Tom. >>krl<< Goodbye! Jiägiä tervehekse! 256 Goodbye! >>eng<< Hän asuu Kiotossa. He lives in Kyoto. He lives in Kyoto. >>eng<< Ne ítélj senkit a külseje alapján! Don't judge a man by his appearance. Don't judge anyone by their looks. >>eng<< Tämä kirja kannattaa lukea kahdesti. This book is worth reading twice. This book is worth reading twice. >>eng<< Mindenki jól van? Is everybody all right? Is everyone okay? >>eng<< Ketkä voittivat? Who won? Who won? >>eng<< Hän keitti munat. She boiled the eggs. He cooked the eggs. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy Tom elkésett. I know that Tom was late. I know Tom's late. >>eng<< Tom egy igazán nagyszerű fickó. Tom is really a great guy. Tom's a really great guy. >>eng<< Elköltöztek. They moved. They've moved out. >>eng<< A feleségem családja nagyon gazdag. The family of my wife is very rich. My wife's family is very rich. >>eng<< A víz nem iható. The water is not potable. The water can't drink. >>eng<< Improvizáltam. I improvised. I've improvised. >>eng<< Se on surullista mutta totta. It's sad, but true. It's sad, but it's true. >>eng<< He ihailivat kukkulan laelta upeita maisemia. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They admired the beautiful landscapes on the top of the hill. >>eng<< Vessa on tukossa. The toilet is clogged. The bathroom's blocked. >>eng<< Me teimme tämän. We made this. We did this. >>eng<< Ütś, katś, kolm, nelli, viiś, kuuś, säidse, katõsa, ütesä, kümme. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! >>eng<< Nincsen szökési útvonal. There is no escape route. There's no escape route. >>eng<< Tom nousee ylös joka aamu kuudelta. Tom gets up at six every morning. Tom gets up every morning at 6:00. >>eng<< Bőven van borunk. We have plenty of wine. We have plenty of wine. >>eng<< Пошкудын эреат шаршудыжо ужаррак. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Actually, you do not think so. >>eng<< En saa kantta auki. I can't get the lid off. I can't open the lid. >>eng<< Inimesed, kel on puue, ei talu, kui neid haletsetakse. Disabled people can't stand being pitied. People with disabilities can't stand being pathetic. >>eng<< Ma ootan sind. I'll be waiting for you. I'm waiting for you. >>eng<< Dupla vagy semmi? Double or nothing? Double or nothing? >>eng<< Tunnen, että ymmärrän tunteitasi. I feel like I understand your feelings. I feel like I understand how you feel. >>eng<< Ei Tomi siitä suutu. Tom won't mind. Tom won't be mad at it. >>eng<< Szereti a vonatokat. He loves trains. He likes trains. >>eng<< Délen Algéria Malival és Nigerrel határos. To the south, Algeria borders Mali and Niger. In the south, Algeria is bordering Mali and Niger. >>eng<< Ahaa. I see. Yeah. >>eng<< Onko lähellä puhelinta? Is there a telephone near by? Is it near the phone? >>eng<< Me olemme uteliaita. We're curious. We're curious. >>eng<< Tom megpuszilta a macskáját. Tom kissed his cat. Tom kissed his cat. >>eng<< Tämä on tiekartta. This is a road map. This is a road map. >>eng<< Minä en sitä usko. I do not believe it. I don't think so. >>eng<< Nouse ylös ja esittele itsesi. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Get up and introduce yourself. >>eng<< Ez nem bonyolult. This isn't complicated. It's not complicated. >>eng<< Unohdan usein hampaiden pesun. I often forget to brush my teeth. I often forget to brush my teeth. >>eng<< Semmit nem kaptam. I got nothing. I didn't get anything. >>eng<< Tomi on arkkitehti. Tom is an architect. Tom is an architect. >>eng<< Idegesít a hallgatásod. Your silence makes me nervous. I'm nervous about your silence. >>eng<< A hőség miatt nyitott ablaknál aludtam. Because of the heat, I slept with a window open. I slept at the window because of the heat. >>eng<< Nálad előbb odaérek. I'll get there before you will. I'll be there first. >>eng<< Ma kahetsen, et ei töötanud noorena kõvasti. I regret not having worked hard in my youth. I'm sorry I didn't work very hard when I was young. >>eng<< Opiskeleeko Tom ranskaa joka päivä? Does Tom study French every day? Is Tom studying French every day? >>eng<< Englannin opettajani suositteli, että lukisin nämä kirjat. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. >>eng<< Sinun ei ole pakko mennä niihin juhliin, jos et halua. If you don't want to go to that party, you don't have to. You don't have to go to that party if you don't want to. >>eng<< Milyen messze van? How far is it? How far is it? >>eng<< Kuinka pitkään aiot olla kirjastossa? How long do you intend to spend at the library? How long are you going to be in the library? >>eng<< Elämä on rankkaa. Life is hard. Life is hard. >>eng<< Olemme Ranskasta. We are from France. We're from France. >>eng<< Mondd el nekünk, hogy ez micsoda. Tell us what that is. Tell us what this is. >>eng<< Szeretem a dinnyét. I like watermelon. I like melons. >>eng<< En tippunut. I didn't fall. I didn't fall. >>sma<< My name is Tom. Mov nomme lea Tom. All right, then. >>eng<< Oppilaan täytyy parantaa. The pupil has to improve. The student has to be healed. >>eng<< Tom arra is kíváncsi. Tom is curious about that as well. Tom's curious, too. >>eng<< Veikkaan, että Tomi unohti. I bet Tom forgot. I'll bet Tom forgot. >>eng<< Se on suuri ja kömpelö. It's bulky. It's big and clumsy. >>eng<< Tom oli uteleva. Tom was nosy. Tom was nosy. >>eng<< Bankban tartja a pénzét. His money is in the bank. He's holding his money in a bank. >>eng<< See on väga tähtis sõnum. It's a very important message. This is a very important message. >>eng<< Tom puhuu ranskaa vain vanhemmilleen. Tom speaks only French to his parents. Tom only speaks French to his parents. >>eng<< Tässä ravintolassa ei saa tupakoida. Smoking isn't allowed in this restaurant. You can't smoke in this restaurant. >>eng<< Kes seda usub? Who will believe this? Who believes that? >>eng<< Antaisit jo olla! Don't make me kill you. Give it a rest! >>eng<< Egybe vagy külön-külön? Together or separately? You're in one or another? >>eng<< Mii leat dávjá Romssas. We are often in Tromsø. What type is needed in Roms. >>eng<< A kutyám megtámadta Tomot. My dog attacked Tom. My dog attacked Tom. >>eng<< Persze, hogyne! Yes, of course! Of course. >>eng<< Vuodat verta. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. >>eng<< Tomia ei huvita opiskella. Tom doesn't feel like studying. Tom's not interested in studying. >>eng<< Hän huijasi häneltä kaikki hänen rahansa. She took him for all his money. He cheated on him all his money. >>eng<< Teidän täytyy tehdä paljon töitä. You will have to work a lot. You've got a lot of work to do. >>eng<< Minulla on ollut vatsakipuja. My stomach has been hurting. I've had stomach pain. >>eng<< Korissa on joitakin hyviä omenoita. There are some good apples in the basket. There are some good apples in the basket. >>eng<< Asun kolmen korttelin päässä. I live three blocks away. I live three blocks away. >>eng<< Ne aggódj már annyit, Tomi. Don't worry so much, Tom. Don't worry so much, Tomi. >>eng<< Elmentünk az erdőbe sétálni. We went for a walk in the forest. We went for a walk in the woods. >>eng<< Söö kuni ta on veel kuum. Eat, while it's still hot. Eat while he's still hot. >>eng<< A fürdőben egész a plafonig minden ki volt csempézve. Everything in the bathroom is tiled except the ceiling. In the bathroom, everything was smuggled up to the ceiling. >>eng<< Most máshogy nézel ki. You look different. You look different now. >>eng<< Még sokat kell tanulnod arról, hogyan kell kedvesnek lenni. You've got a lot to learn about being nice. You still have a lot to learn about how to be nice. >>eng<< Futok. I run. I'm running. >>eng<< Jos huomaat, että olet kuopassa, lopeta kaivaminen. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. If you notice you're in a hole, stop digging. >>eng<< Kolmen kuutio on kaksikymmentäseitsemän. Three cubed makes twenty-seven. The three cube is twenty-seven. >>eng<< Tom azt ajánlotta, ne csináljam. Tom recommended that I not do that. Tom suggested I don't do it. >>eng<< Kas sulle jalgratas meeldis? Did you like the bicycle? Did you like the bike? >>eng<< Az már nem érdekel. That doesn't interest me anymore. I don't care anymore. >>eng<< Tere hommikust! Good morning! Good morning! >>eng<< El tud vinni bennünket a Brit Múzeumba? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you take us to the British Museum? >>eng<< Tällä viikolla meillä on kolmipäiväinen viikonloppu. We're having a three-day weekend this week. This week we have a three-day weekend. >>eng<< Ennemmin tai myöhemmin hän taitaa ranskan kielen. Sooner or later, he will master French. Sooner or later, I think he's in French. >>eng<< Sziasztok! Hello all! Hey. >>eng<< Kolme kertaa viisi on viisitoista. Three times five is fifteen. Three times five is fifteen. >>eng<< Mitä muille kuuluu? How are the others? How's everybody else doing? >>eng<< Gyakran hasonlítanak össze engem a fivéreimmel. I'm often compared to my brothers. They often compare me to my brothers. >>eng<< Me kävelimme paljon. We walked a lot. We walked a lot. >>eng<< Valjemini, palun. Louder, please. More loud, please. >>eng<< Toivon että autatte minua. I hope that you'll help me. I hope you'll help me. >>eng<< Kun tulet, pelaan go:ta kanssasi. Whenever come, I'll play go with you. When you come, I'll play go with you. >>eng<< Ma olen naine. I am a woman. I'm a woman. >>eng<< Az egészség fontosabb a gazdagságnál. Health over wealth. Health is more important than wealth. >>eng<< Meg fogja nyerni az első díjat. He will win the first prize. He's gonna win the first prize. >>eng<< Sovány vagyok. I'm thin. I'm skinny. >>eng<< Hän itki. He cried. He was crying. >>eng<< See mees on kindlasti poissmees. That man is definitely a bachelor. This man is definitely a bachelor. >>eng<< Sin kaš um mustā. Your cat is black. Sin kaš um blackā. >>eng<< Lase käia. Go on. Come on. >>eng<< Mit csináltál tegnap? What were you doing yesterday? What did you do yesterday? >>eng<< Siinähän se on. There it is. There it is. >>eng<< Mä tykkään käydä leffassa. I like going to the movies. I like to go to a movie. >>eng<< Onko tämä lause järkeenkäypä? Does this sentence make sense? Is this sentence reasonable? >>eng<< Tartsuk meg egy következő alkalomra. Let's reserve that for another occasion. Let's keep it for the next time. >>eng<< He kerääntyivät leiritulen ympärille. They gathered around the campfire. They gathered around the campfire. >>eng<< Olen yllättynyt, että sinä olet niin naiivi. I'm surprised that you're so naïve. I'm surprised you're so naive. >>eng<< Tiszta vagyok. I'm clean. I'm clean. >>eng<< Onko teillä iso koti? Do you have a big house? Do you have a big home? >>eng<< Tiesin, ettei sinun ja Tomin suhteesta tulisi koskaan mitään. I knew it would never work between you and Tom. I knew there would never be anything about you and Tom. >>eng<< Mari on surffaaja. Mary is a surfer. Mari's a surfer. >>eng<< De a javasolt változtatások ellentmondtak egymásnak. But the proposed changes contradicted one another. But the proposed changes contradict each other. >>eng<< Kezdek beállni. I'm getting high. I'm starting to get in. >>eng<< Mietittekö te vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< Kust sa pärit oled? Which country are you from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Älä unohda lisätä tunnistetta "@change" virheellisiin lauseisiin. Don't forget to add the tag "@change" to incorrect sentences. Do not forget to add "@change" to invalid sentences. >>eng<< Päheetä! Cool! Let's go! >>eng<< En anna hänen manipuloida minua. I won't let myself be manipulated by him. I won't let him manipulate me. >>eng<< Tom végigpásztázta a termet. Tom scanned the room. Tom was running through the room. >>eng<< Kaua te olete koos olnud? How long have you two been together? How long have you been together? >>eng<< Anna joku muu esimerkki. Give me another example. Give me another example. >>eng<< Siinä maassa on mukava käydä, mutta en haluaisi asua siellä. It's a nice country to visit, but I wouldn't live there. It's nice to visit that country, but I don't want to live there. >>eng<< Mitä minä oikein voin tehdä? What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? >>eng<< Azt mondod, hogy Tom valamit rejteget előlünk? Are you saying Tom's hiding something from us? You're telling me Tom's hiding something from us? >>eng<< Ez egy forró nap. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. >>eng<< Hol történt? Where did that happen? Where did it happen? >>eng<< Ta õpetab inglise keelt. He teaches English. He teaches English. >>eng<< További késések lehetségesek. There may be more delays. Further delays are possible. >>eng<< Nem tudom megbocsátani Tominak ezt a tettét. I can't forgive Tom for what he did. I can't forgive Tomi for doing this. >>eng<< Tomi ja Mari olivat molemmat hämmentyneitä. Both Tom and Mary were confused. Tomi and Mari were both confused. >>eng<< Hän on opettaja. She is a teacher. He's a teacher. >>eng<< Mikään ei ole muuttunut vielä. Nothing's changed yet. Nothing's changed yet. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole siskoja. I don't have any sisters. I don't have any sisters. >>eng<< Mä revin sulta kulkuset irti, jos ees ikinä vilkasetkaan sen suuntaan. I'll rip your fucking balls off if you ever as much as look her way. I'll rip off your exits if I ever flash in front of you in that direction. >>eng<< Nagyon köszönöm a gyors válaszod. Thanks for your quick reply. Thank you very much for your quick answer. >>eng<< Nincs oda a sportokért, mint ahogy én sem. He is not fond of sports, and I am not either. He's not into sports, and neither am I. >>eng<< Biztos, hallucinálok. I must be hallucinating. I'm sure I'm hallucinating. >>eng<< Lehmänmaito on maukkaampaa kuin soijamaito. Cow's milk is tastier than soy milk. Cow milk is more tasty than soya milk. >>eng<< Pese käed ära. Wash up. Wash your hands. >>eng<< Robotin tulee totella ihmisen antamia käskyjä, paitsi jos käskyt risteävät ensimmäisen lain kanssa, A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. The robot must obey the commands of man, unless the commandments cross with the first law, >>eng<< Ajatteletko vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< En ole huolissani heistä. I'm not worried about them. I'm not worried about them. >>eng<< Voisin tehdä tätä koko päivän. I could do this all day. I could do this all day. >>eng<< Tom és Mary mindketten otthon voltak. Tom and Mary were both at home. Tom and Mary were both home. >>eng<< Főiskolai végzettségem van. I have a college education. I have a college degree. >>eng<< Tomi on erittäin vaarallinen mies. Tom is a very dangerous man. Tomi is a very dangerous man. >>eng<< Ez helytelen volt. That was inappropriate. That was wrong. >>eng<< Bár ő a szomszédom, nem nagyon ismerem. Even though he is my neighbour, I did not know him well. Although he's my neighbor, I don't know him very well. >>eng<< Az idő csak egyre rosszabb lett. The weather was getting worse and worse. Time just got worse. >>eng<< Kukaan ei kävele Los Angelsissa. Nobody walks in LA. No one walks in Los Angels. >>eng<< En ikimaailmassa odottanut näkeväni Tomia uudestaan. I didn't ever expect to see Tom again. In the whole world, I didn't expect to see Tom again. >>eng<< Hadd tegye Mary a dolgát. Let Mary do her job. Let Mary do her job. >>eng<< Hálás vagyok mindazért, amit tettetek. I'm grateful for everything you've done. I'm grateful for everything you've done. >>eng<< A Csád-tó folyamatosan zsugorodik. Lake Chad continues to shrink. Lake Chad is shrinking. >>eng<< Voitko esitellä itsesi parilla sanalla? Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Can you introduce yourself with a few words? >>eng<< Tom a közelmúltban nem túl jól teljesített a munkában. Tom has not been doing very well at work recently. Tom recently didn't do very well at work. >>eng<< Odotamme enomme vierailua. We are looking forward to our uncle's visit. We're waiting for our uncle to visit. >>eng<< Tomi megpróbálta leplezni a csalódottságát. Tom tried to hide his disappointment. Tomi tried to expose her disappointment. >>eng<< Esitä voittaneesi. Pretend you've won. Play your victory. >>eng<< Nagy kő esett le a szívemről. I got it off my chest. Big stone fell off my heart. >>eng<< Fáradt volt és ezért feküdt le hamar. He was tired and that's why he went to bed early. She was tired, and that's why she fell asleep soon. >>eng<< Kukapa ei olisi ihastuksissaan löytäessään tällaisen kuusen alta jouluaamuna? Who wouldn't love to find one of these under the tree on Christmas morning? Who wouldn't love finding one of these under a tree this Christmas morning? >>eng<< Megint elhagyta az esernyőjét. He lost his umbrella again. He left his umbrella again. >>eng<< Tomi ei pysty auttaa meitä. Tom won't be able to help us. Tomi can't help us. >>eng<< Most nincs szüksége pénzre. Now he doesn't need money. He doesn't need money right now. >>eng<< Tarvitsen apua kipeästi. I need urgent help. I need help badly. >>eng<< Pysy poissa. Keep out. Stay away from me. >>eng<< Mari fülbevalót visel. Mary is wearing earrings. Mari's wearing earrings. >>eng<< Ebben a könyvben sok fénykép van. This book contains a lot of photos. There's a lot of photos in this book. >>eng<< Et voi tappaa minua. You can't kill me. You can't kill me. >>eng<< Soha nem tudhatod, mi fog történni. You can never know what will happen. You never know what's gonna happen. >>eng<< Szerintem nagyszerűen nézel ki. I think you look great. I think you look great. >>eng<< Tomin auto meni rikki. Tom's car broke down. Tom's car broke down. >>eng<< Mindketten tanárok. They both are teachers. They're both teachers. >>eng<< Rengeteg víz van. There's plenty of water. There's a lot of water. >>eng<< Missä sinä olet ollut viime päivinä? Where have you been the last few days? Where have you been these past few days? >>eng<< Minulla oli oudoin ajatus koskaan. I had the strangest thought ever. I had the strangest idea ever. >>eng<< Ők részegek. They're drunk. They're drunk. >>eng<< Csak egy őrült jár olyan kerékpáron, amelynek nincsen fékje! You must be crazy to ride a bicycle that has no brakes! There's only one crazy ride on a bike that doesn't have a brake! >>eng<< En yleensä osta käytettyä tavaraa. I don't usually buy used stuff. I don't usually buy used goods. >>eng<< Saanko käyttää lyijykynääsi? May I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? >>eng<< Jos sinä satutat häntä, minä tapan sinut. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. >>eng<< Olen juomassa kahvia. I'm drinking coffee. I'm drinking coffee. >>eng<< A képek beszéljenek önmagukért. Let the images speak for themselves. Let the pictures speak for themselves. >>eng<< Minun pitää mennä nyt. I must be leaving now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Az élelmiszertartalékok nem fognak kitartani addig. The food supplies will not hold out till then. Food reserves will not last until then. >>eng<< Hibáztál. You made an error. You made a mistake. >>eng<< Ennek jó illata van. This smells good. That smells good. >>eng<< John elindította az autót. John started the car. John started the car. >>eng<< Taksini pitäisi olla täällä pian. My taxi should be here soon. My cab should be here soon. >>eng<< Odaadom ezt Tomnak. I'll give this to Tom. I'll give this to Tom. >>eng<< Meglepődött Tom, milyen jól zongorázik Mary. Tom was surprised how well Mary could play the piano. I'm surprised, Tom, how well Mary plays the piano. >>eng<< Tom ilmestyi tyhjästä. Tom appeared out of nowhere. Tom came out of nowhere. >>eng<< Head emadepäeva! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! >>eng<< Emlékezz rá. Remember it. Remember him. >>eng<< Sok gumiszalagom van. I have lots of rubber bands. I've got a lot of rubber tapes. >>eng<< Annan sinulle kyydin. I'll give you a lift. I'll give you a ride. >>eng<< Hän on lähdössä. He's about to leave. He's leaving. >>eng<< Mindent beleadtunk. We gave it our all. We've given it all in. >>eng<< Olen onnekas. I am lucky. I'm lucky. >>eng<< A Tatoeba nem működött. Tatoeba was out of service. Tatoeba didn't work. >>eng<< Tomi siivosi olohuoneen. Tom tidied up the living room. Tom cleaned the living room. >>eng<< Ez csodálatos eredmény. This is an amazing result. That's a wonderful result. >>eng<< Menimme teatteriin. We went to the theater. We went to the theater. >>eng<< Pidätkö uudesta työstäsi? Do you like your new job? Do you like your new job? >>eng<< Soha ne becsüld alá egy nő megérzéseit! Never underestimate a woman's intuition. Never underestimate a woman's instincts. >>eng<< Hívj fel, ha esik! If it rains, call me. Call me when it rains. >>eng<< Sinun kuusi on palaamassa. Your moon is returning. Your six are coming back. >>eng<< Tom megkockáztatta. Tom took a chance. Tom risked it. >>eng<< Pidä silmällä tätä matkalaukkua. Keep an eye on this suitcase. Keep an eye on this suitcase. >>eng<< Tom nem tűnt tengeribetegnek. Tom didn't seem to be seasick. Tom didn't seem seasick. >>eng<< Tom kertoi minulle, ettei hän pystynyt oikeastaan luottamaan Microsoftiin. Tom told me that he couldn't really trust Microsoft. Tom told me he couldn't really trust Microsoft. >>eng<< Nem én nem vagyok házas. No, I am not married. I'm not married. >>eng<< Nad on väga head. They're very good. They're very good. >>eng<< Vezess biztonságosan! Drive safely. Drive safely. >>eng<< Tudok teniszezni. I can play tennis. I can play tennis. >>eng<< Mondtad Tominak? Have you told Tom? Did you tell Tomi? >>eng<< Jätetään se Tomin päätettäväksi. Let's leave it up to Tom. Let's leave it to Tom. >>eng<< Voltál valaha pisztrángot fogni? Have you ever been trout fishing? Have you ever caught a potato? >>eng<< Kõik on sinu üle uhked. Everyone is proud of you. Everyone's proud of you. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy Mary kanadai. Tom said Mary was Canadian. Tom said Mary was Canadian. >>eng<< Bussit, junat ja lentokoneet kuljettavat matkustajia. Buses, trains and planes convey passengers. Buses, trains and planes transport passengers. >>eng<< Szeretek forró levest enni. I enjoy eating hot soup. I like to eat hot soup. >>eng<< Voi kunpa olisin luonasi. I wish I was with you. Oh, I wish I was with you. >>eng<< Nem vagyok rendes srác. I'm not a nice guy. I'm not a good guy. >>eng<< Hän on tyhmä. She's stupid. He's stupid. >>eng<< Hän halusi paremman työn kuin toimiston lattioiden siivoaminen. She wanted a better job than cleaning office floors. He wanted a better job than cleaning up the office floors. >>eng<< Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom meg lesz döbbenve. I'm sure Tom will be astonished. I'm sure Tom will be shocked. >>eng<< Érzed már a különbséget? Do you feel the difference now? Can you feel the difference? >>eng<< Älä heitä pyyhettä kehään. Don't throw in the towel. Don't throw a towel in the ring. >>eng<< Van egy terved? Do you have any plans? Do you have a plan? >>eng<< Van egy nagy gondunk. We've got a big problem. We have a big problem. >>eng<< Ez illegális. That's illegal. It's illegal. >>eng<< Eilen ei ollut kovin kylmä. It was not very cold yesterday. It wasn't too cold last night. >>eng<< Nii-nii-nii, mis meil siin on? Well, well, well, what have we here? So, what do we have here? >>eng<< Ezt nem én írtam. I didn't write that. I didn't write this. >>eng<< Hän on mitä kaunein nainen. She's the most beautiful woman. She's the most beautiful woman. >>eng<< Hän on laiska. She's lazy. He's lazy. >>mdf<< Good-bye! Няемозонк! 256 Good-bye! >>eng<< Onko Tomilla nälkä? Is Tom hungry? Is Tom hungry? >>eng<< Elmehetek a WC-re? May I go to the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? >>eng<< Szinte megőrült a fájdalomtól miután a gyermek meghalt. She went nearly mad with grief after the child died. It almost went crazy after the child died. >>eng<< Avatkaa lukko. Unlock. Open the lock. >>eng<< Sikeresnek mondható Tomi. Tom is successful. They're successful, Tomi. >>eng<< Nem találtam meg Tomit. I didn't find Tom. I couldn't find Tomi. >>eng<< Ihailen syvästi Frida Kahlon elämää ja työtä. I deeply admire Frida Kahlo's life and work. I deeply admire the life and work of Frida Kahlo. >>eng<< Tom antoi taskulampun Marille. Tom gave the flashlight to Mary. Tom gave Mar the flashlight. >>eng<< Jos mul ois siivet, ni mä lentäisin sun luokse. If I had wings, I would fly to you. If I had wings, I'd fly to you. >>eng<< Mikor lesz ennek vége? When will this end? When will this end? >>eng<< Messze van az otthonom. My home is far away. My home is far away. >>eng<< Megnyertük a bajnokságot. We won the championship. We won the championship. >>eng<< Teidän pitäisi lähteä niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista. You should set off as soon as possible. You should leave as soon as you can. >>eng<< Nem szoktam hozzá az ilyen bánásmódhoz. I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I don't get used to this kind of treatment. >>eng<< Hän nojasi seinää vasten. He leaned against the wall. He leaned against the wall. >>eng<< Ez pontos. That's accurate. That's right. >>eng<< Päivä ilman naurua on hukkaanheitetty päivä. A day without laughter is a day wasted. A day without laughter is a wasted day. >>eng<< Akarom, hogy elgyere velem oda. I want you to go there with me. I want you to come with me. >>eng<< Tegnap csütörtök volt. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. >>eng<< Älä käytä sitä kravattia enää ikinä. Don't ever wear that tie again. Don't ever use that tie again. >>eng<< Oletteko te tekemässä töitä? Are you working? Are you guys working? >>eng<< Orvos családból származom. I come from a family of doctors. I'm from a medical family. >>eng<< Haluatko sinä yrittää? Would you give it a try? Do you want to try? >>eng<< Pakolaisilla oli vaikeuksia löytää tarpeeksi syötävää. The refugees were having trouble finding enough to eat. The refugees had trouble finding enough to eat. >>eng<< Einstein szerint minden viszonylagos. According to Einstein, everything is relative. Einstein says it's all relative. >>eng<< Tomi on epäsuosittu. Tom is unpopular. Tomi is unpopular. >>krl<< That tree is red. Tuo puu on ruskie. ~ That's what you're saying. ~ That's what I'm saying. >>eng<< Miről álmodnak a mókusok? What do squirrels dream about? What do squirrels dream about? >>eng<< Milloin juhlat ovat? When is the party? When's the party? >>eng<< Hagyd abba! Give it up. Stop it! >>eng<< Tudtam, hogy segítesz nekem. I knew you'd help me. I knew you'd help me. >>eng<< Három órát fogunk várni. We'll wait three hours. We'll be waiting for three hours. >>eng<< Työni on todella tärkeää. My work is very important. My work is very important. >>eng<< Engedd el a fogantyút! Let go of the handle. Let go of the handle. >>eng<< Ez egy lányra emlékeztet, akik valaha ismertem. This reminds me of a girl I once knew. That reminds me of a girl I've ever known. >>eng<< Hän oppii portugalia Brasiliassa. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. He learns Portuguese in Brazil. >>eng<< Ehkä sinä voit auttaa. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can help. >>eng<< Tiedättekö mitään tähtitieteestä? Do you know anything about astronomy? Do you know anything about astronomy? >>eng<< Kannettavani on varastettu. My laptop has been stolen. My things have been stolen. >>eng<< Joni ei osaa soittaa kitaraa. John can not play the guitar. Joni can't play guitar. >>eng<< Soitan Tomille. I'm calling Tom. I'll call Tom. >>eng<< Van haladás. Progress is being made. There's progress. >>eng<< Muiriel on ny kaksikymppinen. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is 20 years old. >>eng<< Tykkään paljon semantiikasta; haluan aina ymmärtää niin paljon nyansseja kuin mahdollita! I'm big on semantics; I always want to try to understand as much nuance as possible! I like much semantics; I always want to understand as many nyans as I can! >>eng<< Кӧ йыҥгыса? Who's complaining? Where are you and others based on what? >>eng<< Nem tisztázta, hogy mikor történt. He did not clarify when it had happened. He didn't make it clear when it happened. >>eng<< Kauanko tämä kestää? How long will this last? How long is this gonna take? >>eng<< Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja miinus yhden ja yhden väliltä, miinus yksi ja yksi mukaanlukien. The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Blue and kosin functions take values between minus one and one, minus one and one including. >>eng<< Ha nem romlott el, ne javítsd meg. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it's not broken, don't fix it. >>eng<< Egy ládát hozott, amiben nagyon értékes áruk voltak. He brought a chest, in which there were very valuable goods. He brought a box in which they were very valuable goods. >>eng<< Vasárnap elmegyek. I'm leaving on Sunday. I'm leaving on Sunday. >>eng<< Inkább otthon szeretnék maradni. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. >>eng<< Jääthän tänne. Please stay here. You're staying here. >>eng<< Szégyenletes! Shameful! Shame! >>eng<< Ellenségek voltunk. We were enemies. We were enemies. >>eng<< Nehéz napom van ma. I'm having a rough day. I have a hard day today. >>eng<< Menemme jalan. We'll walk. We're going on foot. >>eng<< Harvat ihmiset osaavat puhua vierasta kieltä täydellisesti. Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly. Few people know how to speak a foreign language perfectly. >>eng<< Haluan polttaa kaikki hänen kuvansa. I want you to burn all of her pictures. I want to burn all his pictures. >>eng<< A mondatok értelmi összefüggést adnak a szavaknak. A mondatoknak személyiségük van. Lehetnek viccesek, okosak, buták, éleslátóak, megindítóak, bántóak. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. The sentences give an intellectual connection to the words, the sentences have personalities, they can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, moving, hurting. >>eng<< Tom elővette lőfegyverét a tokjából. Tom unholstered his gun. Tom pulled his gun out of his case. >>eng<< Tennivalók vannak. There's work to be done. We've got work to do. >>eng<< A csapatunk kész van. Our team is ready. Our team is ready. >>eng<< Az én hobbim régi játékok gyűjtése. My hobby is to collect old toys. It's my hobby to collect old toys. >>eng<< Ook sä pakannu sun laukun? Have you packed your bag? Have you packed your bag? >>eng<< Nykyään yhä useammat ihmiset ovat alkaneet pitää enemmän maalaiselämästä kuin kaupunkielämästä. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today, more and more people have started to like rural life more than urban life. >>eng<< Siin on see, mis sa küsisid. Here's what you asked for. Here's what you asked. >>eng<< Másik államban él. He lives in another state. He lives in another state. >>eng<< Nyt minä muistan! Now I can recall! Now I remember! >>eng<< Latinan kieli ei ole kokonaan tuntematon minulle, mutta minulta puuttuu kyky puhua sitä. The Latin language is not entirely unknown to me, but I altogether lack the ability to speak it. Latin is not completely unknown to me, but I lack the ability to speak it. >>eng<< Nem lesz egyszerű. It's going to be tricky. It won't be easy. >>eng<< Minden gomba ehető, de van, amelyik csak egyszer. Any mushroom can be eaten, but some only once. All mushrooms can be eaten, but there is one that only once. >>eng<< Mit tennél, ha ilyen lenne a gyereked? And what would you do if your child was like that? What would you do if your child was like this? >>eng<< Haluaisin käydä joskus Ranskassa. I'd like to go to France one day. I'd like to go to France sometime. >>eng<< Magatartása a legfőbb gondom. His behavior is my primary concern. Keeping yourself is my main problem. >>eng<< Kasvoin Pokémonia katsoen. I grew up on watching Pokémon. I grew up looking at Pokémon. >>eng<< Hän käy harvoin leffassa. He rarely goes to the movies. He rarely goes to a movie. >>eng<< Olen yksinäni. I'm on my own. I'm alone. >>eng<< Tom kertoi juuri minulle. Tom just told me. Tom just told me. >>eng<< Ole kiltti, älä lähde. Älä jätä minua tänne yksin. Please don't go. Don't leave me alone here. Please don't leave me here alone. >>eng<< Istenem! Apa leszek! Whoa! I'm going to be a father! Oh, my God, I'm gonna be a father! >>eng<< Tom volt a telefonban. That was Tom on the phone. Tom was on the phone. >>eng<< A tó zöld dombokkal van körülvéve. The lake is surrounded by green hills. The lake is surrounded by green hills. >>eng<< Se on salaisuus. Mä en voi kertoo sitä sulle. That's a secret. I can't tell you. I can't tell you that. >>eng<< Paikallanne! Stand still! Freeze! >>eng<< Mitä lehteä tilaat? Which newspaper do you subscribe to? What magazine do you order? >>eng<< Tomi vain pilailee. Tom is just kidding. Tom's just kidding. >>krl<< Excuse me? Prostikkua? Excuse me? >>eng<< Megvagy! Gotcha. I got you! >>eng<< Harkitsen asiaa uudelleen. I'll reconsider the matter. I'll think about it again. >>eng<< A második fia megnősült és lehiggadt. His second son married and settled down. His second son got married and calmed down. >>eng<< Meidät on lähetetty suorittamaan peitetehtävä. We are sent on a covert mission. We've been sent here to do a cover-up. >>eng<< Tom nagyszerű színész. Tom's a great actor. Tom's a great actor. >>eng<< Hän ei ole sellainen ihminen kuin luulet hänen olevan. She is not the kind of person you think she is. He's not the kind of person you think he is. >>eng<< Meillä ei ole aikaa tuohon. We don't have time for that. We don't have time for that. >>eng<< Oliko siellä tilassa joku muu? Was there anybody else in the room? Was there anyone else in that space? >>eng<< Alkoi sataa suuria pisaroita. Olisi pitänyt tuoda sateenvarjo. I should have brought my umbrella. Large raindrops are starting to fall. It's starting to rain a hundred big drops, and I should have brought an umbrella. >>eng<< Käskin hänen pysähtyä. I told her to stop. I told him to stop. >>eng<< Hagyd abba. Stop that. Stop it. >>eng<< A gyerekeim nem szoktak hazudni nekem. My kids don't usually lie to me. My kids don't lie to me. >>eng<< Menen vain tarkistamaan. I'll just go check. I'm just gonna go check it out. >>eng<< Toivon sinun olevan ikuisesti onnellinen. I hope you'll be happy forever. I hope you'll be happy forever. >>eng<< Ma kõnnin nagu pingviin. I walk like a penguin. I'm walking like a penguin. >>eng<< Egy könyvet adott nekem karácsonyra. She gave me a book for Christmas. He gave me a book for Christmas. >>eng<< Tom megígérte, hogy a szokott helyen és időben találkozik Maryval. Tom promised to meet Mary at the usual time and the usual place. Tom promised to meet Mary in the usual place and in time. >>eng<< Van remény. There is hope. There's hope. >>eng<< Kik azok a fickók? Who are those guys? Who are those guys? >>eng<< Se on osittain sinun syysi. It's partly your fault. It's partly your fault. >>eng<< Tom ei tea oma tugevust. Tom doesn't know his own strength. Tom doesn't know his strength. >>eng<< Joten, eettinen kysymys on jäljellä: Pitäisikö savukkeiden valmistajien sallia päästä globaaleille markkinoille? Thus, the ethical issue remains: Should cigarette makers be allowed to target global markets? So, the ethical question remains: should cigarette manufacturers be allowed to enter the global market? >>eng<< Ette saa koskaan tietää, jos ette kokeile. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know if you don't try. >>eng<< Minä hädin tuskin tunnen sinut. I hardly even know you. I barely know you. >>eng<< Ettekö te olekaan naimisissa? Aren't you married? Aren't you married? >>eng<< Már nem férek bele a régi ruháimba. I can't fit into my old clothes anymore. I can't fit in my old clothes anymore. >>eng<< Vauva lie niellyt tutin. The baby has presumably swallowed the pacifier. I don't know. I think the baby swallowed a tuttle. >>eng<< Sem Tom, sem Mary nem várakozott nagyon sokáig. Neither Tom nor Mary has waited very long. Neither Tom nor Mary waited very long. >>eng<< Tom on miljardööri, ei miljonääri. Tom is a billionaire, not a millionaire. Tom's a billionaire, not a millionaire. >>eng<< Hei Susan. Mitä kuuluu? Hi, Susan. How are you? Hey, Susan. >>eng<< Ne kaksi runoa ilmaisevat ihmisen kärsimystä. The two poems express human suffering. Those two poems express human suffering. >>eng<< Tom, räägi mulle tõtt, sest ma saan teada niikuinii. Tom, tell me the truth because I'll find out anyway. Tom, tell me the truth because I'm gonna find out anyway. >>eng<< Кугу скандал лекте. A huge scandal happened. If you feel bad about yourself. >>eng<< Nyt olemme kyllä kohtuuttomia. We're being unreasonable. Now we're disproportionate. >>eng<< A félelmeim fölé emelkedtem. I have overcome my fear. I got above my fears. >>eng<< Mit veszthetek? What do I stand to lose? What can I lose? >>eng<< Sinä olet todella mukava mies, Tomi. You're a really nice man, Tom. You're a very nice man, Tomi. >>eng<< Vektorien ei tarvitse vastata fyysisiä suureita; mikä tahansa voi olla lineaariavaruus, kunhan vektoreiden yhteenlasku ja skalaareilla kertominen on määritelty. Vectors need not correspond to a physical quantity; anything can be a vector space as long as vector addition and scalar multiplication is defined. Vectors do not need to respond to the physical majors; anything can be linear space, provided that the sum of vectors and scalars are defined. >>eng<< Nähdään myöhemmin, Tom. See you later, Tom. I'll see you later, Tom. >>eng<< Hän halusi tavata sinut. She wanted to meet you. He wanted to see you. >>eng<< Olet hämmästyttänyt monia ihmisiä. You've surprised a lot of people. You've surprised a lot of people. >>eng<< Tom kysyi päätään raapien: ”Oletko nähnyt kirjoituspöydällä olleita papereita, Mari? Ne ovat aika tärkeitä.” ”Ai, minä heitin sen roskan pois viime viikolla, Tom”, Mari vastasi huolettomasti. Scratching his head, Tom asked, "Have you seen that paperwork that was on the desk, Mary? It's kind of important." "Oh, I threw that crap away last week, Tom," Mary replied offhandedly. Tom asked his head about the raps: “Have you seen the papers on the desk, Mari? They are quite important.” “Oh, I threw away that trash last week, Tom”, Mari answered with care. >>eng<< Hän ei osaa puhua englantia eikä ranskaa. He can speak neither English nor French. He can't speak English or French. >>eng<< Taxival ment a múzeumba. She took a taxi to the museum. He took a cab to the museum. >>eng<< Silm silma, hammas hamba vastu. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Eye on eye, tooth on tooth. >>eng<< Hän on tavallaan taiteilija. He is an artist in a sense. He's kind of an artist. >>eng<< Busszal járok munkába. I go to work by bus. I'm taking a bus to work. >>eng<< Mä tykkään kalastaa. I like fishing. I like fishing. >>eng<< Két évvel idősebb, de nem olyan magas, mint én. He is older than I by two years, but less tall than I. Two years older, but not as tall as me. >>eng<< Tällä on minun hyväksyntäni. This has my approval. This has my approval. >>eng<< Tudják, hogy mit tettünk. They know what we did. They know what we did. >>eng<< Őszintén szólva, nem nagyon érdekel. Frankly speaking, I don't care for her very much. Honestly, I don't care. >>eng<< Tamásnak két testvére van. Az egyik Bostonban él, a másik Chicagóban. Tom has two brothers. One lives in Boston and the other one lives in Chicago. Thomas has two brothers, one living in Boston, the other living in Chicago. >>eng<< Valitse muutamia satunnaisia lauseita (ihan vaan pari kolme), äänitä ne ja lähetä näytteet meille osoitteeseen team@tatoeba.org aiheella "Audio for Tatoeba in < kielen_nimi > ". Pick a few random sentences (just 2 or 3), record them, and send us the samples at team@tatoeba.org, with the title "Audio for Tatoeba in < language_name > ". Select a few random sentences (only two or three), record them and send the samples to us at team@tatoeba.org under "Audio for Tatoeba in < language_name >". >>eng<< Tarvitsen pienet nokoset. I need to get some shut-eye. I need a little nap. >>eng<< Se että se on Tatoeba.orgin tietokannassa ei tarkoita sitä, että se on lause. Just because it's in Tatoeba.org's database, doesn't mean it's a sentence. The fact that it's in Tatoeba.org's database doesn't mean it's a sentence. >>eng<< Olen ollut viime aikoina todella kiireinen. I've been very busy lately. I've been really busy lately. >>eng<< Mitä on tehtävissä? What can be done? What can I do? >>eng<< Úgy fair, ha azonos fizetést kapnak ugyanazért a munkáért. It's fair if they get equal pay for the same job. It's only fair to get paid for the same job. >>eng<< Tekisitkö sen mieluummin tänään? Would you prefer to do that today? Would you rather do it today? >>eng<< Tomin vanhemmat ovat todella ylpeitä hänestä ja kaikesta mitä hän on saavuttanut. Tom's parents are very proud of him and all he has achieved. Tom's parents are really proud of him and everything he's achieved. >>eng<< Tom hogy válaszolt? How did Tom reply? How did Tom answer? >>eng<< Van testvéred? Do you have any siblings? Do you have a brother? >>eng<< Azt kérdezte, elfoglalt vagyok-e. He asked me if I was busy. He asked me if I was busy. >>eng<< Miért szeretik az erős kávét? Why do you like coffee strong? Why do they like strong coffee? >>eng<< Olen tehnyt parhaani. I've done my best. I've done my best. >>eng<< Csak három napra elegendő élelmünk és vizünk van. We only have enough food and water for three days. We only have enough food and water for three days. >>eng<< Olet viimeinen henkilö jonka odotin tapaavani. You are the last person that I expected to meet. You're the last person I expected to see. >>eng<< Tom ei ole hyvä urheilussa. Tom isn't good at sports. Tom's not good at sports. >>eng<< Tom mindig nagyon kedves volt hozzám. Tom has always been very nice to me. Tom was always very kind to me. >>eng<< Minäkään en pidä siitä. I don't like it either. I don't like it either. >>eng<< A házat kísértetek látogatják. The house is haunted. The house is visited by ghosts. >>eng<< Tartsd meg őket! Keep them. Keep them. >>eng<< Te olette minun ystäviäni. You're my friends. You're my friends. >>eng<< Haluaisin varata tapaamisen. I'd like to schedule an appointment. I'd like to book a meeting. >>eng<< A bátor lovag megmentette a gyönyörű királykisasszonyt a gonosz sárkánytól. The brave knight saved the beautiful princess from the evil dragon. The brave knight saved the beautiful queen from the evil dragon. >>eng<< Miksi lukitsit oven? Why did you lock the door? Why did you lock the door? >>eng<< Kippis! Cheers! Cheers! >>eng<< Mie en ymmärä. I don't understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Tyttö rakastaa häntä. She loves him. She loves him. >>eng<< Tom éjfélkor feküdt le. Tom went to bed at midnight. Tom slept at midnight. >>eng<< Persze, hogy igen! Of course! Of course I do. >>eng<< Mitä lehteä te tilaatte? What newspaper do you subscribe to? What magazine do you order? >>eng<< Tomin on vaikea hyväksyä, että kaikki on ohi hänen ja Marin välillä. Tom's finding it hard to accept that it's over between him and Mary. It's hard for Tom to accept that everything is over between him and Mar. >>eng<< Tuo ei ole kovin hauskaa. That's not very funny. That's not very funny. >>eng<< Arvostan ystävyyttäsi hyvin paljon. I value your friendship very much. I appreciate your friendship. >>eng<< Antheeksi. Excuse me. Anthex. >>eng<< Voimmeko me tulla myös? Can we come, too? Can we come too? >>eng<< Értem a problémádat. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. >>eng<< Nem akartam, hogy sírni láss. I didn't want you to see me cry. I didn't want you to see me cry. >>eng<< Olen suuttunut Tomille. I'm mad at Tom. I'm mad at Tom. >>eng<< Maalaus esittää nuorta naista kampaamassa hiuksiaan peilin edessä. The painting shows a young woman combing her hair before a mirror. The painting shows a young woman brushing her hair in front of a mirror. >>eng<< Az ott ülő nő a jelenlegi felesége. The woman sitting over there is his present wife. That woman sitting there is her current wife. >>eng<< Kas ma võin su vanade raamatute kogu vaadata? May I see your collection of old books? Can I look at your old book collection? >>eng<< Televisio on päällä. The TV's on. TV's on. >>eng<< Remélem, nem bánod, ha korán elmegyek. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. I hope you don't mind if I leave early. >>eng<< Soha nem válaszolok azoknak az e-mailjeire, akiket nem ismerek. I never answer email messages from people I don't know. I never answer those e-mails I don't know. >>eng<< Peitin hänet suudelmiin ja kyyneliin. I covered her with kisses and tears. I covered him in kisses and tears. >>eng<< harmincezer dollárt keresett. She made thirty thousand dollars. He made $30,000. >>eng<< Tomin kotona kummittelee. Tom's house is haunted. Tom's home is haunted. >>eng<< Palaan hakemaan matkalaukkujani tänään iltapäivällä. I'll come back for my suitcases this afternoon. I'll be back for my suitcases this afternoon. >>eng<< Kokaiinin ostaminen on laitonta. It's illegal to buy cocaine. Buying cocaine is illegal. >>eng<< Ne lépjél üvegcserepekre! Don't step on the broken glass. Don't step on glass change. >>eng<< Kuka tuo vanha nainen on? Who is that old woman? Who's that old woman? >>eng<< Tomi on vakuuttunut siitä, että yhdessä edellisistä elämistään hän oli orava. Tom is convinced that he once lived as a squirrel in a past life. Tomi is convinced that together with his previous life, he was a squirrel. >>eng<< Annan sinulle kaikki vähäiset rahani. I will give you what little money I have. I'll give you all my little money. >>eng<< Ezt a kerékpárt miért vetted meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? >>eng<< Ezen az ajtón keresztül közelítheted meg a konyhát. You can access the kitchen through this door. You can approach the kitchen through this door. >>eng<< Valami nincs rendben. There's something wrong. Something's not right. >>eng<< Tomilla on aivovaurio. Tom is brain damaged. Tom has brain damage. >>eng<< Puhunko liian nopeasti? Am I talking too fast? Am I talking too fast? >>eng<< Kell a kulcsom. I need my key. I need my keys. >>eng<< Leszokott a dohányzásról. He got out of the habit of smoking. He quit smoking. >>eng<< Örömmel vártam érkezését. I've been looking forward to your arrival. I was glad to see you. >>eng<< Neked volt macskád. You had a cat. You had a cat. >>eng<< Drága lehet. It could be expensive. It must be expensive. >>eng<< Adtam Tamásnak egy almát. I gave Tom an apple. I gave Tamás an apple. >>eng<< Olen ruokaa. I am food. I'm food. >>eng<< Olen menossa katsomaan kauhuelokuvan. I'm going to see a horror film. I'm going to see a horror movie. >>eng<< Mária az idősebb lányom. Mary is my older daughter. Mary is my older daughter. >>eng<< Mit gondolsz, ki ennek a regénynek a szerzője? Who do you think the author of this novel is? Who do you think is the author of this novel? >>eng<< Hänen ylimielisyytensä ei ole enää siedettävissä. His arrogance is no longer tolerable. His arrogance is no longer inseparable. >>eng<< Nézd azt a hegyet! Look at that mountain. Look at that mountain. >>eng<< Varkaat yrittivät varastaa naisen auton, mutta he eivät voineet, koska he eivät osanneet ajaa manuaalivaihteisella autolla. The thieves tried to steal the woman's car, but they couldn't because they didn't know how to drive a manual. Thieves tried to steal a woman's car, but they couldn't because they couldn't drive a manual car. >>eng<< Ezzel túllőttem a célon. I went over the top. I'm out of line with that. >>eng<< Hadd hozzak neked inni valamit! Let me get you something to drink. Let me get you something to drink. >>eng<< Megkapjuk ingyen. We get it for free. We'll get it for free. >>eng<< Tom on hyvännäköinen mies. Tom is a hunk. Tom's a good-looking man. >>eng<< Tom legközelebb még jobb lesz. Tom will be even better next time. Tom's gonna be better next time. >>krl<< I am Tom. Mie olen Tom. I don't know what to do. >>eng<< Luulin, että me emme ikinä pääsisi palavasta rakennuksesta ulos elävinä. I thought we'd never get out of the burning building alive. I thought we'd never get out of a burning building alive. >>eng<< Sikerre számítunk. We anticipate success. We're counting on a cigar. >>eng<< Tom soha nem fogja megtudni, mi történt. Tom will never know what happened. Tom will never know what happened. >>eng<< Mistä tiesit, että haluat mennä hänen kanssaan naimisiin? How did you know you wanted to marry him? How did you know you wanted to marry him? >>eng<< Most mindenki itt van. Everyone is here now. Everyone's here now. >>eng<< On taottava kun rauta on kuumaa. You must strike while the iron is hot. We'll have to back off when the iron's hot. >>eng<< Az ár nagyon magas. The price is very high. The price is very high. >>eng<< Mit gondolsz, Tom mennyit keres? How much money do you think Tom makes? How much do you think Tom's making? >>eng<< Hän on vaaleahiuksinen. She has blonde hair. She's light-haired. >>eng<< David lea ruovttus. David is at home. David is borderline. >>eng<< Rakastan koiraani. I love my dog. I love my dog. >>eng<< Miért megy el? Why are you leaving? Why is he leaving? >>eng<< Mondj valamit, Tomi. Tom, say something. Say something, Tomi. >>eng<< Olipa kerran ilkeä kuningas Englannissa. Once there lived a very wicked king in England. Once upon a time, there was a wicked king in England. >>eng<< En nähnyt häntä koskaan farkuissa. I never saw him in jeans. I never saw him in jeans. >>eng<< Tamásnak vannak rokonai Bostonban. Tom has relatives in Boston. Thomas has relatives in Boston. >>eng<< Üdvözöllek Bostonban. Welcome to Boston. Welcome to Boston. >>eng<< - Valamit akarok mondani. - Fogd rövidre. "There is something I wanna say." "Make it quick." - There's something I want to say. >>mdf<< Happy birthday! Шачема шить мархта! Happy Birthday! >>eng<< Nagyon szépen köszönök mindent! Thank you very much for everything. Thank you so much for everything. >>kkt<< I understand a little, but I cannot speak. Сідз-ту вежӧртышта, а баитнытӧ ог куж. I underderstand a little, but I cannot talk. >>eng<< Ez igazán remek! That's really great! That's really great. >>eng<< Tetszeni fog neked ez a játék. You will like this game. You're gonna like this game. >>eng<< Olen varma, että hän on oikeassa. I'm sure that she's correct. I'm sure he's right. >>eng<< Kirsikankukat ovat parhaimmillaan tällä viikolla. The cherry blossoms are at their best this week. The cherry flowers are at their best this week. >>eng<< Jää ihan vapaasti. Feel free to stay. You're gonna be all right. >>eng<< Ez a gyógyfőzet mandragóragyökérből készült más titkos összetevők mellett. This potion is made from mandrake roots, as well as other secret ingredients. This preparation is made of mandragon root in addition to other secret ingredients. >>eng<< Ma teen seda ilma probleemideta. I do it without any problems. I'll do it without problems. >>eng<< He menivät yläkertaan. They walked upstairs. They went upstairs. >>eng<< Baari, jossa Tom on töissä, menetti myyntilupansa, koska siellä oltiin myyty alkoholia alaikäisille. The bar where Tom works lost its license because they had been selling alcoholic drinks to minors. The bar where Tom works lost his marketing license because there was alcohol sold to minors. >>eng<< Tizenkét gyerekük van. They have twelve children. They have 12 children. >>eng<< Úgy tűnik, teljesen össze van zavarodva Tomi. Tom looked very puzzled. Looks like he's completely confused, Tomi. >>eng<< Syötkö kotona vai ulkona? Do you eat at home or eat out? Are you eating at home or out? >>eng<< Fogalmam sincs, mennyibe kerül. I have no idea how much it costs. I have no idea how much it costs. >>eng<< Én vasárnap nem megyek iskolába. I don't go to school on Sunday. I'm not going to school on Sunday. >>eng<< Meidän pitäisi opiskella. We should study. We should study. >>eng<< Aika on kuin joki. Time is like a river. Time is like a river. >>eng<< Tomnak szkeptikusnak kellett volna lennie. Tom should have been skeptical. Tom was supposed to be sceptical. >>eng<< Őszintén szólva, nem akarok vele dolgozni. Frankly speaking, I don't want to work with him. Honestly, I don't want to work with him. >>eng<< Hozzászokik a helyzethez. He's getting used to the situation. You get used to it. >>eng<< Meg kell, hogy vizsgáljalak. I'll have to examine you. I need to examine you. >>eng<< Sinä halusit tämän, eikö niin? You wanted this, didn't you? You wanted this, didn't you? >>eng<< En ole nähnyt sinua aikoihin. I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't seen you in a while. >>eng<< Ota tätä lääkettä kolme kertaa päivässä. Take this medicine three times a day. Take this medicine three times a day. >>eng<< Tomilla on kaljamaha. Tom has a beer belly. Tom's got beer juice. >>eng<< Olen iloinen kun saan tavata sinut taas. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. >>eng<< Miksi kutsut tätä? What do you call this? What are you calling this? >>eng<< Totuus selviää pian. The truth will clear soon. The truth will soon be found out. >>eng<< Talán Tomnak azt nem kéne megtennie. Perhaps Tom shouldn't do that. Maybe Tom shouldn't do that. >>eng<< Hän vaaransi elämänsä sen takia. He risked his life for it. That's why he put his life at risk. >>eng<< Havazik. It is snowing. It's snowing. >>eng<< Hú, nagyon rossz ma az idő! It is terrible weather today. Wow, it's really bad today. >>eng<< Tomnak tegnap meg kellett volna érkeznie. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Tom was supposed to be here yesterday. >>eng<< Haluan vain olla varma. I just want to be sure. I just want to be sure. >>eng<< Mistä urheilusta pidätte eniten? What sport do you like best? What sport do you like most? >>eng<< Autamme teitä mielellämme. We are glad to help you. We'd be happy to help you. >>eng<< Poika heittää kiven. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a rock. >>eng<< Ei ole parempaa tapaa aloittaa päivää. There’s no better way to start the day. There's no better way to start a day. >>eng<< Elraboltak. I was kidnapped. I was kidnapped. >>eng<< Tomi ei tiennyt, että Mari oli päättänyt irtisanoutua. Tom didn't know Mary had decided to quit her job. Tomi didn't know that Mari had decided to resign. >>eng<< Számítok önökre, hogy csatlakoznak hozzánk. I'm counting on you to join us. I'm counting on you to join us. >>eng<< Kuinka usein Tom käy ranskantunneilla? How often does Tom take French lessons? How often does Tom go to French? >>eng<< Hän juoksi niin nopeasti kuin pystyi. She ran as fast as possible. He ran as fast as he could. >>eng<< Nykyään harvat kärsivät tuberkuloosista. These days few people suffer from tuberculosis. Today, few people suffer from tuberculosis. >>eng<< Tom ei ollut nukkumassa, kun tulin kotiin. Tom wasn't sleeping when I got home. Tom wasn't asleep when I came home. >>eng<< Más tervem van holnapra. I have other plans for tomorrow. I have another plan for tomorrow. >>eng<< Teidän ei tarvitse kiirehtiä. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. >>eng<< Ki kell engednem a gőzt. I must let off steam. I have to let the steam out. >>eng<< No, mikä on asian yhdin? Well, what's the point? Well, what's the point? >>eng<< Atomipommi on valtava uhka ihmiskunnalle. The atomic bomb is a great threat to humanity. The atomic bomb is a huge threat to humanity. >>izh<< Who am I? Ken miä oon? What does it mean? >>eng<< Térdre! Kneel! On your knees! >>eng<< Sírt, amikor meghallgatta a történetet. She cried when she heard the story. He was crying when he heard the story. >>eng<< Olen varma, että tarkoitit hyvää. I'm sure your intentions were good. I'm sure you meant well. >>eng<< Mindig a szívemben foglak hordozni. I'll always carry you in my heart. I'll always carry you in my heart. >>eng<< Olet sievin olento, jonka koskaan olen nähnyt. You're the prettiest thing I've seen in my life. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. >>eng<< Tämän puun hedelmät ovat makeita. The fruit of this tree is sweet. The fruits of this tree are sweet. >>eng<< Úgy tűnik, megállíthatatlanok. They seem unstoppable. Looks like they can't be stopped. >>eng<< Van szabad ülőhely? Is there a vacant seat? Do you have a seat? >>eng<< Vuodet kuluivat. Years passed. Years passed. >>eng<< Palaan luoksesi niin pian kuin voin. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll be back with you as soon as I can. >>eng<< Vissza kell utasítanod. You must deny it. You have to refuse. >>eng<< Még mindig alszik mindenki. Everyone's still asleep. Everybody's still asleep. >>eng<< Az egy másolat. That's a copy. That's a copy. >>eng<< Saattaa olla, että Tom ei ole tietoinen vaarasta. Tom may not be aware of the danger. It may be that Tom is not aware of the danger. >>eng<< Yhden dollarin setelissä näkyy vapaamuurarien symboleita. You can see symbols of freemasonry on the one dollar bill. One dollar notes show the symbols of the Freemasons. >>eng<< Olen ollut aika kiireinen. I've been rather busy. I've been kind of busy. >>eng<< He kävivät elokuvissa eilen. Yesterday, they went to the movies. They went to the movies last night. >>eng<< Amott van. It's right over here. There he is. >>eng<< Azt kézzel kötötte a nagymamám. My grandmother knit that by hand. That was my grandmother's hand tie. >>eng<< Missä sinä olet hyvä? What're you good at? Where are you good? >>eng<< A csata rövid volt. The battle was short. The battle was short. >>eng<< Tomin pitäisi maksaa velkansa. Tom should pay what he owes. Tom should pay his debts. >>eng<< Ez az, amire gondoltam. That's what I thought. That's what I was thinking. >>eng<< Hagyj minket békén! Give us peace! Leave us alone! >>eng<< Bár én is annyit tudnék, mint te. I wish I were as smart as you are. I wish I knew as much as you did. >>eng<< Hän vaikuttaa terveeltä. He seems healthy. He seems healthy. >>eng<< Mary jooksis. Mary ran. Mary ran. >>eng<< Mitä jos antaisit Tomille vähän liikkumatilaa? Why don't you cut Tom some slack? Why don't you give Tom some space? >>eng<< Tom teeb oma voodit korda. Tom's making his bed. Tom's gonna fix his bed. >>eng<< Syön yleensä aamupalan seitsemältä. I usually have breakfast at seven. I usually eat at 7:00 in the morning. >>eng<< Mari asui muutama kuukautta luostarissa. Mary lived in a convent for a few months. Mari lived in a monastery for a few months. >>eng<< Te vagy az én hercegnőm. You're my princess. You're my princess. >>eng<< Vauva nukkui syvästi äitinsä käsivarsilla. The baby was sound asleep in her mother's arms. The baby slept deeply on her mother's arm. >>eng<< Presidentti luopui aikeestaan, koska se ei ollut käytännöllinen. The president gave up the idea because it was not practical. The President gave up his intention because it was not practical. >>eng<< Tule takaisin! Come back. Come back! >>eng<< Jõvā ūomõg! Good morning. Jõvā ūomõg! >>eng<< Onko sinulla maitoa? Do you have some milk? Do you have any milk? >>eng<< Haluan kokeilla benjihyppyä. I want to try bungee jumping. I want to try a Benji jump. >>eng<< Muidugi! Definitely! Of course! >>eng<< Ota minun. Take mine. Take mine. >>eng<< Jöjjön mindenki táncolni! Come on everyone, let's dance! Come on, everybody, dance. >>eng<< Olin oikeassa. I was correct. I was right. >>eng<< Tomi on kutsuttu juhlaan. Tom is invited to the party. Tomi's been invited to the party. >>eng<< Mul on kaks tingimust. I have two conditions. I have two conditions. >>eng<< Tomi piirsi suuren neliön. Tom drew a large square. Tomi drew a big square. >>eng<< Menj át a narancssárga ajtón! Go through the orange door. Go through the orange door. >>eng<< Isosiskoni on hyvä laulamaan. My older sister is good at singing. My great-grandfather's good to sing. >>eng<< Häkellyin. I was overwhelmed. I did. >>eng<< Laitoitko hellan pois päältä? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn off the stove? >>eng<< Nincs elég pénzem utazni. I don't have enough money to travel. I don't have enough money to travel. >>eng<< Szolgáld ki magad, ha bármit enni szeretnél. Help yourself to anything you'd like to eat. Help yourself if you want anything to eat. >>eng<< Jumituimme ruuhkaan, minkä takia myöhästyimme kaksikymmentä minuuttia. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in traffic, which is why we were 20 minutes late. >>eng<< Hän kuiskasi šahadan. He whispered the shahada. He whispered shahadan. >>eng<< Tom múlt pénteken randevúzott Mérivel. Tom had a date with Mary last Friday. Tom dated Méri last Friday. >>eng<< Tudni akarom, hogy mi folyik itt. I want to know what's going on. I want to know what's going on. >>eng<< Ristikolla kasvaa murattia. Some ivy is growing on the trellis. There's a walrus growing on the cross. >>eng<< Se ei ollut totta. That wasn't true. That wasn't true. >>eng<< Tomil on allergia maasikate vastu. Tom is allergic to strawberries. Tom's allergic to strawberries. >>eng<< Tamás szerencsésnek tűnik. Tom seems to be lucky. Tamás seems lucky. >>eng<< Minä asuin Tokiossa muutama vuosi sitten, mutta nyt asun Kiotossa. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. I lived in Tokyo a few years ago, but now I live in Kyoto. >>eng<< Szóljál, ha készen állsz. Let me know when you're ready. Let me know when you're ready. >>eng<< Mu vend andis mulle armsa nuku. My brother gave me a cute doll. My brother gave me a cute doll. >>eng<< Aika ei ole absoluuttinen todellisuus, vaan tietoisuutemme muoto. Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness. Time is not an absolute reality, but a form of our consciousness. >>eng<< Az angolok nagyra becsülik a szabadságot. The English set a high value on freedom. The English appreciate freedom. >>eng<< Älä istu liian lähellä televisiota. Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't sit too close to TV. >>eng<< Senki nem kiáltott. No one shouted. No one cried out. >>eng<< Etkö tiedä, mitä eilen tapahtui? Don't you know what happened yesterday? Don't you know what happened last night? >>eng<< Hän on kaunis, mutta ylimielinen. She's beautiful, but arrogant. She's beautiful, but she's arrogant. >>eng<< Arra született, hogy szerkesztő legyen. He was born to be an editor. She was born to be an editor. >>eng<< Ne fordítsa le ezt a mondatot! Do not translate this sentence! Don't translate that sentence. >>eng<< Jövőre franciául akarok tanulni. Next year I want to learn French. I want to study French next year. >>eng<< Bostonba sem megyek. I won't go to Boston, either. I'm not going to Boston. >>eng<< Tartsa, kérem. Hold on, please. Hold on, please. >>eng<< A tanító magasság szerint állította sorba a gyerekeket. The teacher lined the children up in order of height. The teacher's height put the children in line. >>eng<< Minua ei haluta harrastaa liikuntaa. I don't feel like exercising. They don't want me to exercise. >>eng<< A farkasok normálisan nem támadják meg az embert. Wolves usually don't attack people. Wolfs don't normally attack humans. >>eng<< Tom bizonytalan. Tom is uncertain. Tom's insecure. >>eng<< Elolvasom a leírást, hogy beüzemeljem. I need to read the instructions to make it work. I'll read the description to turn it on. >>eng<< Ezelőtt már olvastam ezt a könyvet. I have read the book before. I've read this book before. >>eng<< Missä te olitte aiemmin, kun minä tarvitsin teitä? Where were you before when I needed you? Where were you earlier when I needed you? >>eng<< Tomin olisi ehkä pitänyt syödä ennen tuloaan. Tom might have eaten before he came. Maybe Tom should have eaten before he got here. >>eng<< Hän oli keski-ikäinen nainen. She was a middle-aged woman. She was a middle-aged woman. >>eng<< Egy bűvésztrükköt fogok csinálni. I'm going to do a magic trick. I'm gonna do a magic trick. >>eng<< Tom on todella reilu tyyppi. Tom is a very sincere person. Tom's a fair guy. >>eng<< Vastaanajavan auton kuski väläytti valojaan varoittaaksen Tomia edellä olevasta liikuteltavasta nopeusvalvontakamerasta. Ylinopeutta ajanut Tom hidasti välittömästi ohittaen kameran nipin napin alle rajoituksen. The driver of an oncoming car flashed his lights at Tom as a warning that there was a mobile speed camera up ahead. Tom, who had been speeding, immediately slowed down and passed the camera at just under the speed limit. The driver of the receiving car flashed his lights to warn Tom of the moving speed control camera ahead. The speed driver, Tom, immediately slowed down by passing the camera button under the limit. >>eng<< Jövőre külföldre utazik majd. He will travel abroad next year. He'll be traveling abroad next year. >>eng<< Mi ennek a mondatnak a jelentése? What's the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this sentence? >>eng<< El a kezekkel a lányomtól! Keep your hands off my daughter! Get your hands off my daughter! >>eng<< Az ügyvéd kitartott védence ártatlansága mellett. The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence. The lawyer held on to the innocence of the protector. >>eng<< Hogyan törlöm a mondatot? How do I delete a sentence? How do I delete the sentence? >>eng<< Nämä lämpimät villasukat ovat alpakasta tehtyjä. These warm socks are made from alpaca fiber. These warm sweaters are made of alpaca. >>eng<< He muodostivat uintijoukkueen. They formed a swim team. They formed a swimming team. >>eng<< Hozzászoktam, hogy egyedül élek. I am used to living alone. I'm used to living alone. >>eng<< ”Minä en ole hyvä uimaan.” ”En minäkään.” "I'm not good at swimming." "Neither am I." “I’m not good at swimming.” “I’m not good at swimming either.” >>eng<< El sem gondolkodsz rajta? Don't you even think about it? You don't even think about it? >>eng<< Me kerisime filmi edasi. We fast-forwarded the film. We kept rolling the movie. >>eng<< Nem hiszem, hogy Tom ismeri a részleteket. I don't think that Tom knows the details. I don't think Tom knows the details. >>eng<< Pidän vadelmista. I like raspberries. I like raspberry. >>eng<< Van cukor? Do you have any sugar? Do you have any sugar? >>eng<< Anyu lázas. Mom has a fever. Mommy's febrile. >>eng<< Sinulla on kaksi vaihtoehtoa. You have two options. You have two choices. >>eng<< Sikerült elmenned az első vonattal? Did you catch the first train? Did you manage to take the first train? >>eng<< Tomilla on yläruumis paljaana. Tom is naked from the waist up. Tom's got the upper body naked. >>eng<< Tom on nukkumassa. Tom is sleeping. Tom's asleep. >>eng<< Tom ma nem hagyhatja el a házat. Tom can't leave the house today. Tom can't leave the house today. >>eng<< Tomi tykkää ideasta. Tom likes the idea. Tomi likes the idea. >>eng<< Voisitko edes katsoa minua hetken? Would you just look at me for a second? Can you at least look at me for a second? >>eng<< Magatok csináltátok? Did you do it yourself? Did you do it yourself? >>eng<< Szerszámokra van szükségem. I need tools. I need tools. >>eng<< Ta nõustus temaga. She agreed with him. He agreed with him. >>eng<< Ook sä lääkäri? Are you a doctor? Are you a doctor? >>eng<< Nem volt kedve golfozni Tominak. Tom didn't feel like playing golf. He didn't want to play golf with Tomi. >>eng<< Lupasin. I gave my word. I promised. >>eng<< Annyira büszke vagyok a csapatomra. I'm so proud of my team. I'm so proud of my team. >>eng<< Toivottavasti sää on hyvä. I hope the weather will be good. I hope the weather is good. >>eng<< Őszintén beszél. She speaks frankly. He's honest. >>eng<< Annak ellenére hazudtam neki, hogy nem akartam. I told a lie against my will. Even though I lied to him, I didn't want to. >>eng<< Hyvvää aamuu! Good morning! Good morning! >>eng<< Mä oon laiha. I'm thin. I'm thin. >>eng<< Tom talán nem tudja, Mary miért nincs itt. Tom might not know why Mary isn't here. Tom may not know why Mary's not here. >>eng<< Semmi dolgom a múlttal - se a jövővel. Én a jelenben élek. With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. I have nothing to do with the past or the future. >>eng<< Oletan sinun pitävän Tomia todella typeränä. I suppose you think Tom is really stupid. I assume you think Tom's really stupid. >>eng<< Tom nem mutatott túl nagy érdeklődést. Tom wasn't too interested. Tom didn't show much interest. >>eng<< Tom nem fog megbántani engem. Tom is not going to hurt me. Tom won't hurt me. >>eng<< Tom a legjobb. Tom is the best. Tom's the best. >>eng<< Tom ei pitänyt Marista eikä Jonista. Tom disliked both Mary and John. Tom didn't like Mar and Jon. >>eng<< Tudod, hogy nem szeretem a tojást. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. >>eng<< Missä vaarisi asuu? Where does your grandpa live? Where does your grandfather live? >>krl<< Saari on salmessa. Suari on salmes. ~ There's a salm in the island. >>eng<< A palotához vezetett engem. She guided me to the palace. He led me to the palace. >>eng<< Ylihuomiseen. See you in two days. The day after tomorrow. >>eng<< Tom már készen áll arra, hogy beszéljen. Tom is now ready to talk. Tom's ready to talk. >>eng<< A Földnek egyetlen természetesen előforduló "műholdja" a Hold. Earth has one naturally occurring satellite, the Moon. The only naturally occurring "satellite" on Earth is the Moon. >>eng<< Tämä on hölynpölyä. This is nonsense. This is nonsense. >>eng<< Mozart 200 éve hunyt el. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. Mozart passed away 200 years ago. >>eng<< Ma olin natuke näljane. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. >>eng<< Juokset. You run. Run. >>eng<< Ezt a kérdést hallom állandóan. That's a question that I hear all the time. I hear that question all the time. >>eng<< Úgy látszik, semmi sem nő meg ezen a talajon. Nothing seems to grow in this soil. Looks like nothing's growing up on this soil. >>eng<< Az új frizurája fiatalosabbá teszi. Her new hair-do made her look younger. Your new hair makes you younger. >>eng<< Ő költő. He is a poet. He's a poet. >>eng<< Ei koskaan tullut mieleeni että voisin saada lopputilin. It never occurred to me that I might be fired. It never occurred to me that I could get the job done. >>eng<< Ő imádja a bátyját. She adores her older brother. He loves his brother. >>eng<< Minun kelloni mukaan kello on nyt neljä. It's four o'clock by my watch. My watch says it's 4:00 now. >>krl<< You are not thin. Šie et ole hoikkaine. ~ You're not there. >>eng<< Ez szörnyű. It's awful. That's terrible. >>eng<< Olkaa tarkkana. Stay sharp. Be careful. >>eng<< Ez tényleg szomorú. It really is sad. It's really sad. >>eng<< Menestyäksesi elämässä tarvitset kahta asiaa: tietämättömyyttä ja itsevarmuutta. To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and self-assurance. >>eng<< Ma olin õpetaja. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. >>eng<< He ovat ystäviäni. They're my friends. They're my friends. >>eng<< Kaikki menee varmasti hyvin. It'll be all right. I'm sure everything's gonna be all right. >>eng<< Tegnap este Tom nálunk aludt. Tom slept at our place last night. Last night, Tom slept with us. >>eng<< Viime aikoina monet ihmiset ovat alkaneet kärsiä allergioista. A lot of people are dealing with allergies now. Recently, many people have started to suffer from allergies. >>eng<< Soha nem láttam még Tomot eddig ittasan. I've never seen Tom drunk before. I've never seen Tom drunk before. >>eng<< Ma fogok jelentkezni a munkára. I'll apply for the job today. I'm going to apply for work today. >>eng<< Beszéltünk az időzónákról. We talked about time zones. We talked about time zones. >>eng<< Ihmisen voi alistaa pelolla. Man can be subdued through fear. You can subdue a man with fear. >>eng<< Lemostad már a kocsit? Have you washed the car yet? Have you washed the car yet? >>eng<< Allergiás bármilyen gyógyszerre? Are you allergic to any medicine? Is he allergic to any medication? >>eng<< Tom éppen most jött érkezett. Tom just came. Tom just got here. >>eng<< Ez bölcs dolog lenne. That would be wise. That would be wise. >>eng<< Mul on auto. I have a car. I got a car. >>eng<< Toivomme yhä Tomin tulevan paremmaksi. We are still hoping that Tom will get better. We're still hoping Tom's gonna get better. >>eng<< Véget értek a forró nyári napok és felváltották őket a hűvös téli napok. Hot summer days ended and cool autumn days followed. The hot summer days ended and replaced them with the cool winter days. >>eng<< Talomme on historiallinen rakennus ja se on julistettu suojelukohteeksi. Our house is a historic building and is listed as a protected monument. Our house is a historic building and has been declared a protection site. >>eng<< A gyümölcslé megfizethetőbb, mint a kávé? Is juice more affordable than coffee? Fruit juice is more affordable than coffee? >>eng<< Szomorú vége van a történetnek. This story has an unhappy ending. It's a sad end to the story. >>eng<< Luulen, että olet oikeassa. I guess you're right. I think you're right. >>eng<< Lähde lätkimään, Tom. Take a hike, Tom. Go fuck yourself, Tom. >>eng<< Hävisin sen vedon. I lost the bet. I lost that bet. >>eng<< En usko, että Tom pystyi oikeasti rakentamaan talonsa alle kolmella tuhannella dollarilla. I don't believe Tom was really able to build his house for less than three thousand dollars. I don't think Tom could actually build his house for less than $3,000. >>eng<< Olisinpa pannut päälleni lyhythihaisen. I wish I'd worn short sleeves. I wish I'd put a short sleeve on me. >>eng<< Veloitit minulta liian paljon. You charged me too much. You charged me too much. >>eng<< Ma vajan teie abi. I need your help. I need your help. >>eng<< Állj félre! Move over. Stand aside. >>eng<< Hän lopetti kilpailun. He finished the race. He stopped the competition. >>eng<< Milyen gyakran vásárolsz új ruhákat? How often do you buy new clothes? How often do you buy new clothes? >>eng<< Tomi nagyon kedves hozzám, de Saminek sokkal több pénze van. Tom's very kind to me, but Sami has much more money. Tomi is very kind to me, but Saminek has a lot more money. >>eng<< Erre még soha nem gondoltam. I have never thought of that. I've never thought of that before. >>eng<< Молан тый уло пагыт шыпак шинчышыч? Why were you silent all the time? If you feel a broken message yet, do you feel that you are living in the peace of God’s people? >>eng<< Hän teki nuorena paljon syntiä. He committed many sins in his youth. He sinned a lot when he was young. >>eng<< Onko sinulla ajokorttia? Do you have a driver's license? Do you have a driver's license? >>eng<< Tekeekö vaikutuksen? Are you impressed? Is it impressive? >>eng<< Kaikki näytti normaalilta. Everything looked normal. Everything looked normal. >>eng<< Tämä on sinun omaa syytäsi. This is your own fault. This is your fault. >>eng<< Head ööd! Goodnight! Good night! >>eng<< Ez nem ilyen egyszerű. It's not that simple. It's not that simple. >>eng<< Nincs meleged? Miért nem veszed le a pulcsidat? Aren't you hot? Why don't you take off your sweater? Why don't you take off your sweater? >>eng<< Olen ihan loppu. I am exhausted. I'm all out. >>eng<< Nyissatok tüzet! Open fire! Open fire! >>eng<< Szándékomban áll odamenni. I intend to go there. I intend to go there. >>eng<< Akkor nem voltam rá felkészülve. I wasn't prepared to do that at that time. That's when I wasn't ready. >>eng<< Sokat megtudtam Tomiról. I learned a lot about Tom. I've learned a lot about Tomi. >>eng<< Hän ei vielä ole puhunut minulle. She has not spoken to me yet. He hasn't spoken to me yet. >>eng<< Meillä on paljon ajateltavaa. We have plenty to think about. We have a lot to think about. >>eng<< Van egy megoldás. There is one solution. There's a solution. >>eng<< Hän on paljon sinua pitempi. He's much taller than you. He's a lot taller than you. >>eng<< A hátrányunkat az előnyünkké változtathatjuk. We can change our disadvantage to our advantage. We can turn our disadvantages into our advantage. >>eng<< Úgy látszik, Tom nem siet. It seems that Tom is in no hurry. Looks like Tom's not in a hurry. >>eng<< Sinun olisi parempi mennä nyt. You had better go now. You'd better go now. >>eng<< Aitäh eilse eest. Thank you for yesterday. Thanks for last night. >>sma<< I have a white cat. Mov lea veelkes gaatoe. I'd like to have a white cat. >>eng<< Hadd gondolkodjak még egy kicsit ezen. Let me think about it a little longer. Let me think about it a little bit more. >>eng<< Tom segít Máriának. Tom helps Mary. Tom's helping Mary. >>eng<< Van valami más is. There's something here. There's something else. >>eng<< Egy kalóz jelmezt viselt halloween-kor. He wore a pirate costume for Halloween. He was wearing a pirate costume at Halloween. >>eng<< Ta langeb. He is falling. He's falling. >>eng<< Toivon ettei Tom tee mitään tuollaista uudestaan. I hope Tom doesn't do anything like that again. I hope Tom doesn't do anything like that again. >>eng<< Kiina on kenties maailman ainoa maa, jossa lämpötilaa kontrolloi hallitus. China is perhaps the only country in the world where the temperature is controlled by the government. China may be the only country in the world where the temperature is controlled by the government. >>eng<< Kes võidab? Who's winning? Who wins? >>eng<< Opiskelen ranskaa kotona. I study French at home. I'm studying French at home. >>eng<< Ismer engem. She knows me. You know me. >>eng<< Nekem a kor nem számít. Age doesn't matter to me. Age doesn't matter to me. >>eng<< Tällä alkaa tulla pimeää aikaisin. Aurinko tuntuu tippuvan niin kuin kivi, kun tulee syksy. It's getting dark early around here. The sun seems to drop like a rock when autumn rolls around. It's starting to get dark early, and the sun feels like it's going to fall like a rock when it comes in the fall. >>eng<< Tudunk egy elfogadható megoldást. We have an elegant solution. We have an acceptable solution. >>eng<< Nem csak a majmok, az ember is a főemlősök közé tartozik. The primates include not only the apes, but also man. It's not just monkeys, man is one of the primates. >>eng<< Hän on mustasukkainen ja järjetön. He's jealous and irrational. She's jealous and insane. >>krl<< I'm fine. Ylen hyvin. I don't know what to do. >>eng<< Tomi és Mari abbahagyta a csókolódzást. Tom and Mary stopped kissing. Tomi and Mari stopped kissing. >>eng<< Elnézést, segíthetek? Excuse me, but do you need any help? Excuse me, can I help you? >>eng<< Lähiaikoina. Recently. In the near future. >>eng<< Milyen különös ország! What a strange country! What a strange country! >>eng<< Megszédültem. I was dizzy. I'm dizzy. >>eng<< Minä luen kirjan. I read the book. I'll read the book. >>eng<< Lehűlt a levegő, amikor hazatekertem. The air got cooler when I was coming back home on my bike. The air was cold when I came home. >>eng<< Tarkoitan sitä tosissani. I mean it. I mean it. >>eng<< Tein sen jo. I already did that. I already did. >>eng<< Nem érzett sajnálatot irántam. He didn't feel sorry for me. He didn't feel sorry for me. >>eng<< Nämä ovat hyvät bileet. It's a great party. This is a good party. >>eng<< Don oahpat eŋgelasgiela. You learn English. You have recognised an English language. >>eng<< Tominál vagyok. I'm at Tom's. I'm at Tomi's. >>eng<< Tekikö Tom tämän sinulle? Did Tom make this for you? Did Tom do this to you? >>eng<< Tom on tilannut sellaisen. Tom has ordered one. Tom's ordered one. >>eng<< Mutainen tie pilasi minun uudet kenkäni. The muddy road has ruined my new shoes. The mud road ruined my new shoes. >>eng<< Toinen maailmansota alkoi 1939. The Second World War started in 1939. World War II began in 1939. >>eng<< Emlékeztesd őt, hogy korán jöjjön haza. Remind him to come home early. Remind him to come home early. >>eng<< Nem tehetsz úgy, mintha ez nem történt volna meg. You can't pretend that this didn't happen. You can't pretend that didn't happen. >>eng<< Észrevettem, hogy új kalapot viselt. I noticed she was wearing a new hat. I noticed he was wearing a new hat. >>eng<< Vanhempani eivät arvosta tyttöystävääni. My parents don't approve of my girlfriend. My parents don't appreciate my girlfriend. >>eng<< A csapatokat megsemmisítették. The troops were annihilated. The troops have been destroyed. >>eng<< Tom jól főz? Is Tom a good cook? Is Tom cooking well? >>eng<< Tom összetört, amikor meghallotta a rossz hírt. Tom broke down when he heard the bad news. Tom broke when he heard the bad news. >>eng<< Mä meen Tomille opiskelemaan. I'm going to Tom's house to study. I'm going to study for Tom. >>eng<< Eräs herra Miller haluaa tavata sinut. A Mr. Miller wants to see you. A Mr. Miller wants to see you. >>eng<< Mukavaa koulupäivää. Have a good day at school. Have a nice school day. >>eng<< Magam keresem meg Tomit. I'll find Tom myself. I'll find Tomi myself. >>eng<< Kasvoin köyhässä perheessä. I grew up in a poor family. I grew up in a poor family. >>eng<< Tuo mekko sopii sinulle hyvin. The dress becomes you very well. That dress suits you well. >>eng<< Tom tarvitsee vaatteita. Tom needs clothes. Tom needs clothes. >>eng<< Min kīela pīlõb. My watch has stopped. Min kīela pīpe. >>eng<< Sina ja Tom olete vist õnnelikud. You and Tom must be happy. You and Tom must be happy. >>eng<< Gyere vissza ide! Come back here! Come back here. >>eng<< A zászló a nemzet jelképe. A flag is a symbol of the nation. The flag is a symbol of the nation. >>eng<< Értékelem a barátságodat. I value our friendship. I appreciate your friendship. >>eng<< Hänen puhetavastaan ja käytöksestään huomaa, että hän on landepaukku. The way he talks and acts, you can tell he's a redneck. His way of talking and his behavior realizes he's a hippopotamus. >>eng<< Egy perccel késtem le a repülőt. I missed the airplane by a minute. I missed the plane a minute ago. >>eng<< Rendszerint hat óra tájt jövök haza. I usually get home by six o'clock. I usually come home about six o'clock. >>eng<< Tomi ei pysty auttaa sinua. Tom can't help you. Tomi can't help you. >>eng<< Az apámnak sok dolga van. My dad is busy. My father has a lot to do. >>eng<< Amszterdam Hollandia fővárosa. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. >>eng<< Semmi közöd hozzá. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. >>eng<< Elszaladt a lovam. My horse ran away. My horse ran away. >>eng<< Vasárnap a hét utolsó napja. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. >>eng<< Tykkään katsoa telkkaria. I like to watch TV. I like watching TV. >>eng<< Voi vitsi tää on noloo. Gosh, this is so embarrassing. Oh, that's a joke. It's a shame. >>eng<< Nem gondoltam, hogy valaha meg fogom szokni a padlón alvást. I didn't think I'd ever get used to sleeping on the floor. I never thought I'd get used to sleeping on the floor. >>eng<< A fény vonzza a bogarakat. Light attracts bugs. The light attracts the bugs. >>eng<< Allekirjoita sopimus. Please sign your name on the contract. Sign the contract. >>eng<< Tomilla ei ole koskaan tylsää. Hän käyttää kaiken vapaa-aikansa kääntämällä virkkeitä. Tom has never been bored. He spends all of his free time translating sentences. Tom never gets bored, he spends all his free time translating sentences. >>eng<< Naapurissa asuva mies on Maryn rakastaja. The man who lives next door is Mary's lover. The man in the neighborhood is Mary's lover. >>eng<< Én is kanadai vagyok. I'm Canadian, too. I'm Canadian too. >>eng<< Tom pani ilmastoinnin päälle ja asunto alkoi viiletä. Tom turned on the air conditioner and the apartment began to cool down. Tom put the air conditioning on, and the apartment started to cool down. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy työskennellä enemmän. You must work more. You need to work more. >>eng<< Yksi 455:stä naisesta ei tajua olevansa raskaana ennen kuin kahdennellakymmenennellä raskausviikolla. One out of 455 women doesn't realize she's pregnant until the twentieth week of pregnancy. One in 455 women does not realize that she is pregnant until the twenty-six weeks of pregnancy. >>eng<< Kétség nem fér hozzá. It admits of no doubt. There's no doubt about it. >>eng<< Onko se sinusta hassua? Do you think that's funny? Do you think that's funny? >>eng<< Tom lükkas pidurid põhja. Tom slammed on his brakes. Tom pushed the brakes down. >>eng<< Tom néhány nappal később érkezett. Tom came a few days later. Tom arrived a few days later. >>eng<< Ma väga tahan teda näha. I want to see her very much. I really want to see him. >>eng<< Tamás nem szereti a hagymát. Tom doesn't like onions. Tamás doesn't like onions. >>eng<< Két éjszakára maradok. I will be staying for two nights. I'll stay two nights. >>eng<< Tomit ott találtam. I found Tom there. I found Tomi there. >>eng<< Saatan kokeilla sitä. I might try to do that. I might try it. >>eng<< Tom on häpeissään. Tom is ashamed. Tom's ashamed. >>eng<< Missä minun aurinkolasini ovat? Where are my sunglasses? Where are my sunglasses? >>eng<< Sinun pitäisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota omaan turvallisuuteesi. You should pay more attention to your own safety. You should pay more attention to your own safety. >>eng<< Tudok egy rövidebb utat. I know a shorter route. I know a shortcut. >>eng<< Tom ei naura koskaan. Tom never laughs. Tom never laughs. >>eng<< Jos ei olisi aurinkoa, emme voisi elää. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be able to live. >>eng<< Semmi rosszat nem tehetsz azzal, hogy nyelvet tanulsz. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. You can't do anything wrong by learning a language. >>eng<< Sinulla on paljon opittavaa miehiin liittyen. You have a lot to learn about men. You have a lot to learn about men. >>eng<< Magyarázd meg nekem, Tom miért nincs itt. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. Explain to me why Tom isn't here. >>eng<< Nem tudom a nevét. I don't know his name. I don't know his name. >>eng<< Ole kiltti ja lopeta laulaminen. Please stop singing! Please stop singing. >>eng<< Tom osti lahjan Marille. Tom bought a present for Mary. Tom bought a gift for Mari. >>eng<< Tapaan sinut tavallisessa paikassa. I'll meet you at the usual place. I'll meet you in the usual place. >>eng<< Oletteko te kaksi nyt kiireisiä? Are you two busy right now? Are you two busy now? >>eng<< Tomi pitää luonnosta. Tom likes nature. Tom likes nature. >>eng<< Énekeljünk egy kicsit! Let's sing some songs. Let's sing a little. >>eng<< Hän ei pysty pysäyttämään häntä. He can't stop him. He can't stop him. >>eng<< Ő egy hős. He's a hero. He's a hero. >>eng<< Amikor Bostonban voltam, sok barátom volt. I had lots of friends when I was in Boston. When I was in Boston, I had a lot of friends. >>eng<< Éva Ádámnak adta a tudás almáját. Eve gave Adam the apple of knowledge. Eve gave Adam the apple of knowledge. >>eng<< Csak nagyon örülök, hogy segíthetek a munkádban. I am only too glad to help you with your work. I'm just really glad I can help you with your job. >>eng<< Tom nagymamája tegnap éjjel elhunyt. Tom's grandmother passed away last night. Tom's grandmother passed away last night. >>eng<< Ez kinek a pohara? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is that? >>eng<< Remélem, jól vannak. I hope they're OK. I hope they're okay. >>eng<< Mitä sinä halusit hänen tekevän? What did you want her to do? What did you want him to do? >>eng<< Tom on atleettinen. Tom is athletic. Tom's athletic. >>eng<< A gépem előtt gubbasztva töltöttem az egész napot. I spent the whole day in front of my computer. I spent the whole day in front of my computer. >>eng<< Lassíts! Slow down. Slow down. >>eng<< Tom on toiveikas tämän vuoden sadon suhteen. Tom is optimistic about this year's harvest. Tom is hopeful of this year's harvest. >>eng<< Ketä sinä narraat? Who are you kidding? Who are you kidding? >>eng<< Szeretnél még egy csésze kávét? Would you like another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? >>eng<< Tänään minua ei huvita tehdä mitään. Today, I don't feel like doing anything. Today, I'm not interested in doing anything. >>eng<< Tämä on heidän talonsa. This is their house. This is their house. >>eng<< Tehty? Done? Done? >>eng<< Meillä on valkea kissa. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. >>eng<< Tom aláírta a számlát. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. >>eng<< És pontosan mit csináltál? And what exactly were you doing? And what exactly did you do? >>eng<< Ez mind az enyém. It's all mine. It's all mine. >>eng<< Az öcsém magasabb nálam. My younger brother is taller than me. My brother is taller than me. >>eng<< Most lazítanunk kellene. We're supposed to relax. We should relax now. >>eng<< Nincs jogod megítélni engem! You have no right to judge me! You have no right to judge me! >>eng<< Merről? From where? From where? >>eng<< Tomnak nincsenek igazi barátai. Tom doesn't have any real friends. Tom doesn't have any real friends. >>eng<< Saitko työt valmiiksi? Did you finish the job? Did you finish your work? >>eng<< Mary vörös hajú, nem igaz? Mary is a redhead, isn't she? Mary's red hair, isn't she? >>eng<< Legközelebb egy nagyobb méretűt kell venned. Next time, you should buy a larger size. Next time, you'll have to buy a bigger size. >>eng<< Ken yhtä ihmistä rakastaa,// se kaikkia rakastaapi.// Ken kerran voi itsensä unhoittaa,// se unten onnen saapi.// Ken kerran itse on onnellinen,// se tahtois onnehen jokaisen// ja antaa ja antaa ja antaa vaan// oman onnensa aarteistaan. He who loves another,// loves each and all.// Who values not himself, but other// to sweet dream shall fall.// Who feels joy just once,// wants others the same at once;// and to give, give — keep on giving// from his endless treasures offering. Who one person loves,// it all loves.// Ken can forget himself,// the dream of a lucky boot./ Ken himself is happy,// it would want happiness for everyone// and give and give but// on his own fortune from his treasures. >>eng<< Hän pelaa Super Mariota. She's playing Super Mario Bros. He's playing Super Mario. >>eng<< Minulla on ollut kiire muutamana viime päivänä. I've been very busy the last few days. I've been busy for the last few days. >>eng<< Nopeasti! Nopeasti! Kuulen askelia, piiloudu! Quick! Quick! I hear footsteps, hide! I hear steps, hide! >>eng<< Шочмо кечет дене! Happy birthday to you! This is the day of your birth. >>eng<< Opettaminen on oppimista. Teaching is learning. Teaching is learning. >>eng<< Suoristakaa teidän selkänne! Straighten your back! Get your back! >>eng<< Kicsi, vagy egyáltalán nincs esély, hogy a valódi összeesküvőket megtalálják. The odds are slim to none that the true conspirators will be found. It's small, or there's no way they're gonna find the real conspirators. >>eng<< Mind kiabálnak. They all yell. They're all yelling. >>eng<< Minä olin kiireinen eilen. I was busy yesterday. I was busy last night. >>eng<< He ovat todella innokkaita. They're very enthusiastic. They're very eager. >>eng<< Hän oli tottunut elämään pienillä tuloilla. She was used to living on a small income. She was used to living with little incomes. >>eng<< Tekemällä oppii. One learns by doing. By doing it, you learn. >>eng<< Nagyon fáradt vagyok. Most nincs kedvem sétálni menni. I'm very tired. I don't feel like taking a walk now. I'm really tired, I don't want to go for a walk right now. >>eng<< Markku on auttanut minua monella tavalla. Markku has helped me in many ways. Markku has helped me in many ways. >>eng<< Ismersz egy jó fogorvost? Do you know a good dentist? You know a good dentist? >>eng<< Melyik a tíz kedvenc filmed? What are your top ten favorite movies? Which one of you is your ten favorite movies? >>eng<< Кык коӵыше вань. I have two cats. Then a week later, I arrived at them. >>eng<< Hän päätti yrittää uudelleen. She made up her mind to try again. He decided to try again. >>eng<< Olen varma, että keksimme tavan, jolla saamme tämän tehtyä. I'm sure we can figure out a way to get this done. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to get this done. >>eng<< Olen tottunut siihen. I'm used to it. I'm used to it. >>eng<< Siristä silmäkulmiasi! Knit your eyebrows! Close your eyes! >>eng<< Nem regisztráltam. I didn't register. I didn't register. >>eng<< Марсыштат пырыс уло. There are cats on Mars, too. Yet, we can do so by knowing that Jehovah was with his people. >>krl<< Good evening. Hyviä ildua. Member of the Commission >>eng<< Tom habozva távozott. Tom reluctantly left. Tom left foaming. >>eng<< A konyhában van. It is in the kitchen. It's in the kitchen. >>eng<< He menevät metsään poimimaan sieniä, jos sää sallii. They will go to the woods to pick mushrooms, weather permitting. They're going into the woods to pick up mushrooms if the weather allows. >>eng<< Kuka tämän teki? By whom was this done? Who did this? >>eng<< Me emme pidä Tomista. We don't like Tom. We don't like Tom. >>eng<< Olin varovainen tehdessäni tuon. I did that carefully. I was careful doing that. >>eng<< Tom apósa vagyok. I'm Tom's father-in-law. I'm Tom's father-in-law. >>eng<< A járművek legalább három havonta hibaellenőrzésen mennek keresztül. The vehicles are inspected for defects at least every three months. Vehicles shall undergo an error check at least every three months. >>eng<< Ez szándékos? Is that deliberate? Is that deliberate? >>eng<< Kerro meille lapsuudestasi. Tell us about your childhood. Tell us about your childhood. >>eng<< Japanilainen anime kiehtoo Tomia ja Maria. Tom and Mary are fascinated by Japanese anime. The Japanese anime fascinates Tom and Maria. >>eng<< Et voi enää tehdä noin. You can't do that anymore. You can't do that anymore. >>eng<< Mindenkit ismertem, aki ott volt. I knew everyone there. I knew everyone who was there. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole täällä. Tom is absent. Tomi's not here. >>eng<< Tiedän, että Tom pelkää potkuja. I know Tom is afraid of kicks. I know Tom's scared of being fired. >>eng<< En pysty odottaa enää. I can't wait any longer. I can't wait any longer. >>eng<< Nehogy engem basztass! Don't fuck with me. Don't fuck with me. >>eng<< Pidin tärkeänä joka aamu aikaisin heräämistä. I found it necessary to get up early every morning. I thought it was important to wake up early every morning. >>eng<< Kiírtani szándékozzák az emberiséget. Their intention is to exterminate mankind. They're trying to write down humanity. >>eng<< Tönkrement a nadrágom. My pants are ruined. My pants are ruined. >>eng<< En usko sen olevan välttämätöntä. I don't think that's necessary. I don't think that's necessary. >>eng<< Luuletko että miehet ja naiset voivat olla vain ystäviä? Do you think that men and women can ever just be friends? Do you think men and women can only be friends? >>izh<< Koulu oli samassa talossa. Koulu olj samas talos. The school was in the same house. >>eng<< Szerintem kellemes illatod van. I think you smell nice. I think you smell nice. >>eng<< A szülei a városon kívül voltak. Her parents were out of town. Her parents were out of town. >>eng<< Lunta satoi. It was snowing. It was snowing. >>eng<< Se ei näytä hyvältä, eikö vaan? It doesn't look good, does it? It doesn't look good, does it? >>eng<< Kuinka kauan Tom oli siellä sisällä? How long was Tom in there? How long was Tom in there? >>eng<< Baráti versengés volt. It was a friendly contest. It was a friendly competition. >>eng<< Hän tuli toimistooni asti keskustellakseen suunnitelmasta kanssani. He came all the way to my office to discuss the plan with me. He came all the way to my office to discuss the plan with me. >>eng<< Maria on raamatukoi. Mary is a bookworm. Maria's a bookworm. >>eng<< Lóra pattant, és hűséges vadászebe társaságában folytatta kalandozását a nagyvilágban. He mounted his horse, and with his faithful hound went on seeking further adventures through the world. He continued his adventure with horse and loyal hunters in the great world. >>eng<< Ennek következtében egy rakás pénzt bukott el. The consequence was that, she lost a considerable amount of money. As a result, he lost a lot of money. >>eng<< Siitake on eräs sienilaatu. A "shiitake" is a kind of mushroom. The silk is one of the quality mushrooms. >>eng<< Szerintem te vagy a legszebb lány, akit valaha láttam. I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. >>eng<< Hänen sydämessään ei ole hitustakaan ystävällisyyttä. He doesn't have a particle of kindness in his heart. There is no kindness in his heart. >>eng<< Taro, kész a vacsora! Taro, dinner's ready! Taro, dinner's ready. >>eng<< Milyen volt a születésnapod? How was your birthday? How was your birthday? >>eng<< Tuo pelottaa sinua, eikö vain? That terrifies you, doesn't it? That scares you, doesn't it? >>eng<< Voit etsiä tietyn sanan sisältäviä lauseita ja saada käännökset näihin lauseisiin. You can search sentences containing a certain word and get translations for these sentences. You can search for sentences containing a particular word and get translations into these sentences. >>eng<< Upeaa! Great! That's great! >>eng<< Nem hagyhatlak el. I can't leave you. I can't leave you. >>eng<< Kõvemini. Louder. Harder. >>eng<< En puhu yhtään ranskaa. I don't speak French at all. I don't speak any French. >>eng<< Tomin piti mennä töihin. Tom had to go to work. Tom had to go to work. >>eng<< Azt javaslom, hogy érj ki időben a reptérre. I would advise you to get to the airport on time. I suggest you get to the airport in time. >>eng<< Szeretem a karácsonyi fényeket. I love Christmas lights. I love Christmas lights. >>eng<< Tom ritkán beszélt. Tom rarely spoke. Tom rarely spoke. >>eng<< Ne hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. >>eng<< Valitse. Choose. Choose. >>eng<< Alkoi sataa aivan hetki sitten. It began raining just now. It started raining just a second ago. >>eng<< A balesetben megsérült. She was hurt in the accident. He was injured in the accident. >>eng<< Sáhtátgo veahkehit? Can you help me? Can you help me? >>eng<< Mit főz? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? >>eng<< Luulin, että Tom vihasi minua. I thought Tom hated me. I thought Tom hated me. >>eng<< A baleset dugót okozott. The accident caused a traffic jam. The accident caused traffic. >>eng<< Tom birtokában van egy kincses térkép. Tom has a treasure map. Tom has a treasure map. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse lähteä juuri nyt. You must not leave right now. You don't have to leave right now. >>eng<< Arvasit oikein. You guessed right. You guessed right. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy fog nekem egy kevés pénzt kölcsönözni. Tom said he would lend me some money. Tom said he was gonna lend me some money. >>eng<< Az elefántoknak két fülük van. Elephants have two ears. Elephants have two ears. >>eng<< Tässä takissa ei ole taskuja. This coat doesn't have pockets. There's no pockets in this jacket. >>eng<< Olen pitänyt sen. I've kept it. I've kept it. >>eng<< A becsületesség hosszú távon kifizetődik. Honesty will pay in the long run. Honesty will pay off in the long run. >>eng<< Tom tunsi jet lagia. Tom had jet lag. Tom knew jet lag. >>eng<< Sarvelliset viikinkikypärät eivät ole enää muodissa Skandinaviassa. Viking helmets with horns aren't in style in Scandinavia anymore. The horny Viking helmets are no longer in fashion in Scandinavia. >>eng<< Érdekelt valakit? Did anyone care? Anyone interested? >>eng<< Minun poikani valehteli minulle. My son lied to me. My son lied to me. >>sma<< My name's Tom. Mov nomme lea Tom. Well, let me tell you what's going on. >>eng<< Tom vigyázott Mari fiára, amíg Mari dolgozott. Tom had to take care of Mary's son while she was working. Tom took care of Mari's son while Mari was at work. >>eng<< Саде студент-влак, чынжымак, лудын огыт мошто. Those students really can't read. Ready, however, you should be sure that one yet could not read. >>eng<< Tom azt mondja, beszélni akar Marival. Tom says he wants to talk to Mary. Tom says he wants to talk to Mari. >>eng<< Mää kävin just postissa. I have just been to the post office. I was just in the mail. >>eng<< Tom szemtelen. Tom is insolent. Tom's insolent. >>eng<< Minulla on vain yksi ehdotus. I only have one suggestion. I only have one suggestion. >>eng<< Játszani akarok. I want to play. I want to play. >>eng<< Folyékonyan tudok beszélni olaszul. I can speak Italian fluently. I can speak Italian liquid. >>eng<< Hagyd békén a kamerámat. Leave my camera alone. Leave my camera alone. >>eng<< Voinko mennä sinne nyt? Can I go there now? Can I go there now? >>eng<< A cikket francia nyelven fogalmazták meg. The article was written in French. The article was written in French. >>eng<< Oli raske vastu panna soovile Tomi kael kahekorra käänata. It was hard to resist the impulse to wring Tom's neck. It was hard to resist the desire to turn Tom's neck twice. >>eng<< Az összes hattyú fehér? Are all swans white? All the swans are white? >>krl<< My name is Yatarou. Minun nimi on Yatarou. ~ My name is Yatarou. >>myv<< Hello! Шумбратадо! I said, ‘ You must love your God! ’ >>eng<< Tomil on ihan ookoo olo nyt. Tom is feeling OK now. Tom's having a bad time right now. >>eng<< Nad on minu sõbrad. They are my friends. They're my friends. >>eng<< Uskomme että kuolinaika oli 14:20. We believe the time of death was 2:20 p.m. We believe the time of death was 14:20. >>eng<< No, kerro! Come on, tell me. Well, tell me! >>eng<< Sinä väärinkäytät asemaasi. You are abusing your authority. You're making a mistake. >>eng<< Szeretem az okcitán nyelvet. I like the Occitan language. I like the Occitan language. >>eng<< Bemutatkozhatok? May I introduce myself to you? May I introduce you? >>eng<< Lubasin oma koeral vabalt ringi joosta. I allowed my dog to run freely. I promised my dog I'd run around freely. >>eng<< Tomi rakastaa kissoja. Tom loves cats. Tomi loves cats. >>eng<< Hän kuoli hiljattain. He died recently. He died recently. >>eng<< Láttad az arcukat? Did you see their faces? Did you see their faces? >>eng<< A bátorság hősöket szül, és a bizalom barátságokat. Courage makes heroes, but trust builds friendship. The courage to give birth to heroes, and trust to friends. >>eng<< Varas pidätettiin rysän päältä. The thief was arrested red-handed. The thief was arrested on top of the knucklehead. >>eng<< Legfőbb ideje, hogy tegyünk valamit ezzel kapcsolatban. It's time we did something about that. It's high time we did something about it. >>eng<< Sokat eszik ez az autó. This car consumes a lot of fuel. This car eats a lot. >>eng<< Tom on ainoa henkilö, joka tietää tästä. Tom is the only person who knows about this. Tom is the only person who knows about this. >>eng<< En muista tarkalleen. I don't remember exactly. I don't remember exactly. >>eng<< Rengeteg mindent kell megbeszélnünk, neked és nekem. We have a lot to talk about, you and I. We have a lot to discuss, you and me. >>eng<< Naiset pitävät miehistä, jotka saavat heidät tuntemaan itsensä erityisiksi. Women like men who make them feel special. Women like men who make them feel special. >>eng<< Nagyon örültek, amikor megérkeztünk. They were very happy when we arrived. They were very happy when we arrived. >>eng<< Csupán azt gondolom, hogy nem tudom megcsinálni. I just don't think I can. I just think I can't do it. >>eng<< Hän ei hukkaa aikaa. He's not a man to waste time. He's not wasting time. >>eng<< Alkaako koulu puoli yhdeksältä? Does school start at eight-thirty? Is school starting at 9:30? >>eng<< Onpa kaunista! How beautiful! That's beautiful! >>eng<< Nem lesznek ettől elragadtatva. They won't be happy about that. It won't make you happy. >>eng<< Feleségül vette a farmer lányát. He married a farmer's daughter. She married the farmer's daughter. >>eng<< Odota! Wait! Wait! >>eng<< Tom hülyére vett engem. Tom fooled me. Tom made a fool of me. >>eng<< De nem ez a valódi probléma. But that's not the real problem. But that's not the real problem. >>eng<< Nem az első alkalom volt ez, hogy ezt csinálták. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It wasn't the first time they did this. >>eng<< Mari becsukta a szemét és elkezdte számolni a mókusokat. Mary closed her eyes and began to count squirrels. Mari closed her eyes and started counting the squirrels. >>eng<< Se oli sinun suunnitelmasi. That was your plan. That was your plan. >>eng<< Szebb vagy, mint amilyennek tartod magad. You are more beautiful than you think. You're better than you think you are. >>eng<< Minun täytyy lähteä. I gotta go. I have to go. >>eng<< Ilyen időjárás mellett a legjobb, ha itthon maradunk és nem megyünk sehová. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. With this kind of weather, it's best if we stay home and we don't go anywhere. >>eng<< Tom letette a könyvét. Tom put his book down. Tom dropped his book. >>eng<< Szerintetek melyik a tiétek? How do you know which one is yours? What do you think is yours? >>eng<< Segítségre szorulsz. You need help. You need help. >>eng<< Vierailemme ystäviemme luona. We will pay our friends a visit. We're visiting our friends. >>eng<< Moai goasii báziime busses. We both have almost missed the bus. Moai goasim baziim bus. >>eng<< Tomi on ollut sairaalassa kolme viikkoa. Tom has been in the hospital for three weeks. Tom's been in the hospital for three weeks. >>eng<< Onks sulla kavereit teidän luokal? Do you have friends in your class? Do you have any friends in your class? >>eng<< Tudod, hogy ki készítette? Do you know who made it? Do you know who made it? >>eng<< Terroristit kaappasivat toimittajan. The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. The terrorists kidnapped the reporter. >>eng<< Tom jól tippelt. Tom guessed right. Tom had a good guess. >>eng<< Nem fogják elfogadni az ajándékokat. They won't accept the gifts. They won't accept gifts. >>eng<< Nagyon tetszik az az album. I love this album. I really like that album. >>eng<< Találkoztam egy lánnyal. I met a girl. I met a girl. >>eng<< Ystäväni on puhelias henkilö. My friend is a talkative person. My friend is a phone caller. >>eng<< Palun friikartulid ilma äädikata. French fries without vinegar, please. Fries without vinegar, please. >>eng<< Olin juuri lähtemäisilläni. I was just about to leave. I was just on my way out. >>eng<< Tom törvénytisztelő polgár. Tom is a law-abiding citizen. Tom is a law-abiding citizen. >>eng<< Puhuin hänen kanssaan tunnin. I spoke with her for an hour. I talked to him for an hour. >>eng<< Tudod, hol van a buszmegálló? Do you know where the bus-stop is? Do you know where the bus stop is? >>eng<< Voisit myydä sen. You could sell that. You could sell it. >>eng<< A múlt évben sok hó esett nálunk. We had a lot of snow last year. We had a lot of snow last year. >>eng<< Me ollaan valmiita taistelemaa. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. >>eng<< Vele biztonságban érzem magam. I feel safe with him. I feel safe with him. >>eng<< Huomenna hänen täytyy mennä sinne. He must go there tomorrow. Tomorrow he'll have to go there. >>eng<< Olemme menossa etelään. We're going south. We're heading south. >>eng<< Minu telefoninumber on 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. >>eng<< Tom kutsuttiin pois. Tom was called away. Tom was called off. >>eng<< En tiennyt, että olisit täällä. I didn't know that you were going to be here. I didn't know you were here. >>eng<< Mikor vásároltad ezt? When did you buy that? When did you buy this? >>eng<< En tiedä paljoa Australiasta. I don't know much about Australia. I don't know much about Australia. >>eng<< Jogos. This is justified. Right. >>eng<< Tom punastui vähän. Tom blushed a little. Tom got a little blushing. >>eng<< Az angolt a legtöbb országban tanítják. English is taught in most countries. English is taught in most countries. >>eng<< Bár nem ilyen volnék! I wish I were different. I wish I wasn't like that. >>eng<< Pidetään tauko. Let's take a break. Let's take a break. >>eng<< A féltékenység nem egyenlő az irigységgel. Ne keverd össze a kettőt! Van különbség közöttük. Jealousy is not the same as envy. Do not confuse the two. There is a difference. Jealousy is not equal to jealousy. Do not mix the two. There is a difference between them. >>eng<< Tomin ranska on erittäin hyvää. Tom's French is very good. Tom's French is very good. >>eng<< Egy sikoltást hallottam. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. >>eng<< Érthető vagyok? Is my explanation clear? Am I clear? >>eng<< Puuvilla imee vettä. Cotton absorbs water. Cotton sucks water. >>eng<< Odotan innolla huomista. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I look forward to tomorrow. >>eng<< Lassan menj! Walk slowly! Take it easy. >>eng<< Ymmärrän nyt. I understand now. I get it now. >>eng<< Tomi on poissa tolaltaan. Tom is upset. Tomi's upset. >>eng<< Tudod, mi fog történni? Do you know what will happen? You know what's gonna happen? >>eng<< Se ei ole tietokoneongelma. It's not a computer problem. It's not a computer problem. >>eng<< Nem igazán vagyok megelégedve azzal, amit csináltam. I'm not really happy with what I did. I'm not really satisfied with what I did. >>eng<< Vissza akarom kapni a berber szótáramat, és pedig most. I want my Berber dictionary back and I want it now. I want my berber dictionary back, and now. >>eng<< Onpa tämä epämiellyttävä yllätys! What an unpleasant surprise! What an unpleasant surprise! >>eng<< Ovatko kätesi puhtaat? Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? >>eng<< Tom jobban is kezelhette volna a problémát. Tom could've handled the problem better. Tom could have handled the problem better. >>eng<< Emlékszem rá, amikor még csak kislány voltál. I can remember when you were just a little girl. I remember her when you were just a little girl. >>eng<< Tom ei ole täällä. Tom's not here. Tom's not here. >>eng<< Nincs kedvem filmet nézni. I don't feel like watching a movie. I don't feel like watching a movie. >>eng<< En halua asua yksin. I don't want to live alone. I don't want to live alone. >>eng<< Elmentek. They've gone. They're gone. >>eng<< Tom kékbe öltözött. Tom was dressed in blue. Tom's dressed in blue. >>eng<< Se ei ole enää ongelma. That's no longer a problem. That's not a problem anymore. >>eng<< Ne is foglalkozz velük! Csak egy rakás hülye! Ignore them. They're just a bunch of idiots. Don't worry about them, you're just a bunch of idiots. >>eng<< Tom fel fogja venni Marit a repülőtérnél. Tom will pick Mary up at the airport. Tom's gonna pick up Mari at the airport. >>eng<< El kell bújom. I have to hide. I have to hide. >>eng<< Tominak vendége van. Tom has a guest. Tomi has a guest. >>eng<< Tom nagy volt. Tom was big. Tom was big. >>eng<< Olet aivan pöhkö. You've gone mad. You're a fool. >>eng<< Ta on ainult inimene. He is only a man. He's just a person. >>eng<< Tom on täysin sekaisin. Tom is nuts. Tom's out of his mind. >>eng<< Minä syön. I eat. I'll eat. >>eng<< Tomin piti mennä käymään lääkärissä. Tom needed to see the doctor. Tom was supposed to go to the doctor. >>eng<< Vasárnap ingyenes a belépés. Admission is free on Sundays. It's free of charge on Sunday. >>eng<< Öt meg három az nyolc. Five plus three is eight. Five and three are eight. >>eng<< Ő jól ismeri Davidson urat. He knows Mr. Davidson well. He knows Mr. Davidson well. >>eng<< Az űrruhák megvédik az asztronautákat attól, hogy az űrszemét apró darabkáinak becsapódásától megsérüljenek. Spacesuits protect astronauts from being injured from impacts of small bits of space dust. Astronauts protect the astronauts from damage to small pieces of space. >>eng<< Nagyra becsülöm az ön együttműködését. I really appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. >>eng<< Szaporáznunk kell a lépteinket. We must hurry. We need to sample our steps. >>eng<< Minulla ei ollut tarpeeksi rohkeutta sen tekemiseen. I didn't have the courage to do that. I didn't have the courage to do it. >>eng<< En ole vielä ajanut partaa. I haven't shaved yet. I haven't shaved yet. >>eng<< Otthon vannak. They're at home. They're home. >>eng<< Minä en usko, että Tomi haluaa vanhan pyöränne. I don't think that Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bike. >>eng<< Tämä on meidän päivämme. The day is ours. This is our day. >>eng<< Be kellett volna mutatkoznotok. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole meidän. This is not ours. This isn't ours. >>eng<< Vuosimiljoonien ajan ihmiskunta eli kuin eläimet, mutta sitten jokin vapautti mielikuvituksemme voiman: opimme puhumaan. For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we learned to talk. For millions of years, mankind lived like animals, but then something freed the power of our imagination: we learned to speak. >>eng<< Olen perheen musta lammas. I'm the black sheep of the family. I'm a black sheep of the family. >>eng<< Együttműködsz. You're cooperating. You're working together. >>eng<< Szent Teremtőm! Oh, my God! Holy Mother of God! >>eng<< Tämä kirja on hyvin uusi. This book is very new. This book is very new. >>eng<< Semmi nem romlott el. Nothing's out of order. Nothing's broken. >>eng<< Tom nincs bent. Tom isn't in. Tom's not in there. >>krl<< You are old. Šie olet vanha. You're right, you're right. >>eng<< Aivan kuin näkisin unta. I feel like I'm dreaming. It's like I'm dreaming. >>eng<< Tappaja on juuri vaatinut neljännentoista uhrinsa eikä meillä ole vieläkään tietoa hänen henkilöllisyydestään. The killer has just taken his fourteenth victim, and we still have no lead on his identity. The killer has just claimed his fourteenth victims and we still don't have any information on his identity. >>eng<< Mari on todella kaunis tyttö. Mary is a very pretty girl. She's a very beautiful girl. >>eng<< Elégedett vagyok. I'm satisfied. I'm pleased. >>eng<< Tom halusi puhua Marille jostain. Tom wanted to talk to Mary about something. Tom wanted to talk to Mar about something. >>eng<< Baker urat inkább nevezném tudósnak, mint tanárnak. Mr Baker is not so much a teacher as a scholar. I'd call Mr. Baker a scientist rather than a teacher. >>eng<< Jätä minut nyt rauhaan. Leave me alone now. Leave me alone now. >>eng<< Tom tudott a rablásról. Tom knew about the robbery. Tom knew about the robbery. >>eng<< Ürítsd ki a szemetest. Empty the litter box. Empty the trash. >>eng<< Hát nem jössz velem? Aren't you going to join me? Aren't you coming with me? >>eng<< Tom és Mari minek nevezték el a babájukat? What did Tom and Mary name their baby? What did Tom and Mari call their baby? >>eng<< Nélkülem te nem vagy senki. You're nothing without me. Without me, you're no one. >>eng<< Én szerintem így van. I think it true. I think it's true. >>eng<< Isoveljeni on todella pitkä: suurinpiirtein 1,8 m. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really tall: about 1.8 m. >>eng<< Anteeksi, en kuunnellut. Sorry? Pardon? I'm sorry, I didn't listen. >>eng<< Már nem szűzlány. She's not a virgin. She's not a virgin anymore. >>eng<< En ole koskaan nähnyt niin hirveää onnettomuutta. Never in my life have I seen such a terrible accident. I've never seen such a terrible accident. >>eng<< A szemétláda ellopta a hátizsákom, megette a szendvicsem és beleszart a termoszomba. Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich, and shit in my Thermos! Son of a bitch stole my backpack, ate my sandwich and shit in my thermos. >>eng<< En ollut varma selviänkö. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. I wasn't sure I was gonna make it. >>eng<< A baleset két évvel ezelőtt történt. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. >>eng<< Tamás nagyon okos. Tom is very smart. Tamás is very smart. >>eng<< Miért nem teszel vele egy próbát? Olyan finom! Why don't you try this? It's delicious, you know! Why don't you try it on? >>eng<< He ovat perhettä. They're family. They're family. >>eng<< Luitko sen? Did you read it? Did you read it? >>eng<< Petit Tomin. You let Tom down. You cheated on Tom. >>eng<< Saisinko toisenkin esitteen? May I have another brochure? Can I have another brochure, please? >>eng<< Határozott irány alapján válogatunk színészeket. We make selections based on a definite direction. We're sorting actors by defined direction. >>eng<< Vannak emberek, akik beszélnek evés közben. Some people talk while they eat. Some people talk while they're eating. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy nem vagyok nő. I'm glad I'm not a woman. I'm glad I'm not a woman. >>eng<< Lopetta valittaminen. Stop whining. Complaining the end. >>eng<< Egy táncról szóló könyv van az asztalon. There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a dance book on the table. >>eng<< Missä hotellissa asut? In which hotel will you be staying? What hotel do you live in? >>eng<< Ta ettepanek ei ole eriti oluline. His proposal isn't very important. His proposal is not very important. >>eng<< Nem hagyom, hogy Tom Bostonba menjen. I won't let Tom go to Boston. I won't let Tom go to Boston. >>eng<< Ez nem volt vicces. This was not funny. That wasn't funny. >>eng<< Haluaisin osoittaa muutamia mahdollisia ongelmia. I'd just like to point out a few potential problems. I would like to point out a few possible problems. >>eng<< Nem szándékozom bocsánatot kérni. I have no intention of apologizing. I'm not going to apologize. >>eng<< Mi az otthoni számod? What's your home number? What's your home number? >>eng<< Másra nincs pénzünk. We have no extra money. We don't have any money. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole ruokahalua. I have little appetite. I have no appetite. >>eng<< Se on minun CD-levyni. That's my CD. It's my CD. >>eng<< Nem félünk! We're not afraid. We're not scared! >>eng<< A régi barátai elfordultak tőle. His old friends turned their backs to him. His old friends turned away from him. >>eng<< Kérhetek harminc dollárt kölcsönbe? Can I borrow $30? May I borrow thirty dollars? >>eng<< Kérlek, válaszolj! Please reply. Please answer me. >>eng<< Mitä varastettiin? What was stolen? What was stolen? >>eng<< Minä pyysin häntä odottamaan tässä. I asked him to wait here. I asked him to wait here. >>eng<< Sel oli mulle suur tähendus. It meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to me. >>eng<< Nem tesz semmit! It doesn't matter! He's not doing anything! >>eng<< Úgy gondolom, nagyon jó a munkád. I think your work is very good. I think you have a very good job. >>eng<< Tom pyysi palkankorotusta. Tom asked for a raise. Tom asked for a raise. >>eng<< Olen hämmästynyt siitä, miten nopeasti hän on edennyt englannissa. I'm amazed at his rapid progress in English. I am astonished at how quickly he has made progress in England. >>eng<< Voisitko kertoa langattoman verkon salasanan? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password, please? Could you tell me the password to the wireless network? >>eng<< Mit fognak tenni? What will they do? What are they gonna do? >>eng<< Ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni löysin itseni ypöyksin vieraasta kaupungista. For the first time in my life, I found myself all alone in an unknown city. For the first time in my life, I found myself crazy in a foreign town. >>eng<< Tomilla on kanadalainen tyttöystävä. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. Tom has a Canadian girlfriend. >>eng<< Eltörött a fogantyú. The handle is broken. The handle's broken. >>eng<< Tom felsóhajtott. Tom sighed. Tom wanted to see me. >>eng<< Haluan matkustaa Saksaan. I want to go to Germany. I want to travel to Germany. >>eng<< Minun neuvoani ei noudatettu. My advice wasn't followed. My advice was not followed. >>eng<< Jemen on valtio Lähi-Idässä. Yemen is a country in the Middle East. Yemen is a state in the Middle East. >>eng<< Minä osaan portugalia, sinä saksaa, hän englantia, hän italiaa, toinen heistä ranskaa. Me osaamme esperantoa, te espanjaa, he venäjää, he japania ja he ranskaa. I know Portuguese, you know German, he knows English, she knows Italian, and he or she knows French. We know Esperanto, you know Spanish, they know Russian, they know Japanese, and they know French. I know Portuguese, you German, he's English, he's Italian, one of them French. We know Esperanto, you Spanish, they're Russian, they're Japanese and they're French. >>eng<< Oszd el néggyel. Divide that by four. Share it with four. >>eng<< A halál két dolog egyike. Vagy megsemmisülés, és a halott semminek sincs tudatában; vagy pedig, ahogy nekünk mondják, egy igazi változás: a lélek vándorlása erről a helyről egy másikra. Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from this place to another. Death is one of two things, or destruction, or death of nothing; or, as we are told, a real change: the migration of the soul from one place to another. >>eng<< Hän on pahoissa veloissa. He's deep in debt. He's in a lot of debt. >>eng<< Sinua on varoitettu. You've been warned. You've been warned. >>eng<< Mihin olet menossa lomalle? Where are you going on vacation? Where are you going on vacation? >>eng<< Voi olla, ettei Tom pidä meksikolaisesta ruoasta. Tom might not like Mexican food. Maybe Tom doesn't like Mexican food. >>eng<< Hermostutat minua. You make me nervous. You're making me nervous. >>eng<< Tomi on synkeä. Tom is grim. Tom's in the dark. >>eng<< Ha nem viselkedsz jól, nem jön a Mikulás. If you don't behave, Santa won't come. If you don't behave, Santa doesn't come. >>eng<< A tungolaj a tungfa magjából készül. Tung oil is made from the seeds of the Tung tree. Tung oil is made from the seeds of tungwood. >>eng<< Vaikuttavaa! Chapeau! That's impressive! >>eng<< Ovatko sukkani jo kuivat? Are my socks dry already? Are my socks dry yet? >>eng<< Olen varma, että hän ottaa osaa kilpailuun. I'm sure that he will take part in the contest. I'm sure he's a part of the competition. >>eng<< Mi köze ennek az én jövőmhöz? What does this have to do with my future? What does that have to do with my future? >>eng<< Figyeld, hogy mit mond. You must attend to what she says. Watch what he says. >>eng<< Hiukseni ovat liian pitkät. My hair's too long. My hair is too long. >>eng<< Tom kuulostaa olevan poissa tolaltaan. Tom sounds upset. Tom sounds upset. >>eng<< Hän toi omenoita, appelsiineja ja niin edespäin. She brought apples, oranges, and so on. He brought apples, oranges, and so forward. >>eng<< Bussid käivad iga kümne minuti tagant. The buses run every ten minutes. Buses go every ten minutes. >>eng<< Kipu oli sietämätöntä. The pain was excruciating. The pain was unacceptable. >>eng<< Monelta menit nukkumaan eilen? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? >>eng<< Egy külön szobában él. He lives in a separate room. He lives in a separate room. >>eng<< A legjobb ruháimat viseltem. I wore my best clothes. I wore my best clothes. >>eng<< Me kaikki tykkäsimme Tomista. We all liked Tom. We all liked Tom. >>eng<< Köszönöm, hogy átjöttél. Thanks for coming over. Thank you for coming over. >>eng<< Hallottam egy pisztolylövést. I heard a pistol shot. I heard a gun shot. >>eng<< Minä hoidan hänet henkilökohtaisesti. I will deal with her myself. I'll take care of him personally. >>eng<< Kaivosmiehet työskentelevät vaarallisissa olosuhteissa. The miners work in dangerous conditions. The miners are working under dangerous conditions. >>eng<< See pole ainus asi, mis ma tegema pean. I have not only that to do. It's not the only thing I have to do. >>eng<< Kaikki lähtivät paitsi Tomi. Everyone left except Tom. Everyone left except for Tom. >>eng<< Olen asunut täällä pitkään. I have lived here a long time. I've lived here a long time. >>eng<< Takarodj az ágyamból! Get out of my bed. Get out of my bed! >>eng<< Ta on väike mees. He is a small man. He's a little man. >>eng<< Nyilvánvalóan izgatott volt. She was clearly upset. He was obviously excited. >>eng<< Tomi haluaa nukkua sillä rannalla. Tom wants to sleep on the beach. Tomi wants to sleep on that beach. >>eng<< Sokkal jobban van, mint tegnap. She's much better today than yesterday. He's much better than he was yesterday. >>eng<< Onko se totta? Is that a fact? Is that true? >>eng<< Elnézést, de azt hiszem, ez az én helyem. Excuse me, but I believe that's my seat. I'm sorry, but I think this is my place. >>eng<< Ürítsd ki a zsebedet. Empty your pocket. Empty your pockets. >>eng<< Tomi oli vähällä jäädä auton alle. Tom almost got hit by a car. Tomi almost got hit by a car. >>eng<< Ki nem állhatom a hétfőket. I can't stand Mondays. I can't stand Mondays. >>eng<< Huutakaa! Yell! Cry out! >>eng<< Tom ei saanud mu küsimustele vastata. Tom couldn't answer my questions. Tom couldn't answer my questions. >>eng<< A 4:10-es vonatra szálljunk fel. Let's take the 4:10 train. Let's get on the 4:10 train. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, Mary most Bostonban van. Tom said that Mary is in Boston now. Tom said Mary's in Boston now. >>eng<< Lainaan sinulle yhden, jos niin haluat. I'll lend you one if you wish. I'll lend you one, if that's what you want. >>eng<< Suuronnettomuus vältettiin silkalla hyvällä tuurilla. A calamity was avoided by sheer luck. The big accident was avoided with a great deal of luck. >>eng<< Nem tudtam rögzíteni. I couldn't fix it. I couldn't fix it. >>eng<< Falfehér vagy. You're white as a sheet. You're white. >>eng<< Az új állásával nagyobb felelősséget vállalt. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. He took greater responsibility for his new stand. >>eng<< Tomnak azt soha nem kellett volna megtennie. Tom never should have done that. Tom never should have done that. >>eng<< Tom toivoi että hänellä olisi joku jolle puhua. Tom wished he had someone to talk to. Tom was hoping he'd have someone to talk to. >>eng<< On aika että lähetät lapset vuoteeseen. It's about time you sent the children to bed. It's time you sent the kids to bed. >>eng<< Még akkor sem szeretem, ha ő engem igen. I don't love her, not even if she loves me. I don't even like him for me. >>eng<< Nouse ylös aikaisin aamulla. Get up early in the morning. Get up early in the morning. >>eng<< Se päättyy huomenna. It runs out tomorrow. It ends tomorrow. >>eng<< Nyt en ole kiireinen. I am not busy now. Now I'm not busy. >>eng<< Egyik napról a másikra él, egy fillér megtakarítása nincs. He lives from hand to mouth without saving a penny. He lives one day to the next, he doesn't save a penny. >>eng<< Önként jelentkeztem. I volunteered. I volunteered. >>eng<< Seemned on idanenud. The seeds have germinated. Seeds are germination. >>eng<< A vonatom hatkor indult, és tízkor érkezett meg. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train left at 6:00 and arrived at 10:00. >>eng<< Semmit nem tud Tom Bostonról. Tom knows nothing about Boston. You don't know anything about Tom Boston. >>eng<< Hadd nézzem meg ezeket a fotókat. Let me have a look at those photos. Let me take a look at these photos. >>eng<< A hajó nem eladó. The ship is unsellable. The ship is not for sale. >>eng<< Nézd meg újra! Look again. Look again. >>eng<< Ülj le, Tomi! Have a seat, Tom. Sit down, Tomi. >>eng<< Molemmat heistä ovat ennustamattomia ja kärsimättömiä. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. Both of them are unpredictable and impatient. >>eng<< Tomi antoi Marille palan suklaata. Tom gave Mary a piece of chocolate. Tomi gave Mar a piece of chocolate. >>eng<< Kus nad olid? Where were they? Where were they? >>eng<< Enyhül a havazás. The snow is letting up. It'll lighten the snow. >>eng<< Nem érdemes siránkozni miatta. It's not worth crying over. It's not worth crying about. >>eng<< En usko Jumalan olemassaoloon. I do not believe in the existence of God. I don't believe in God's existence. >>eng<< Tomi tudni fogja, mit kell tennünk. Tom will know what we need to do. Tomi will know what to do. >>eng<< Tuo mekko sopii sinulle hyvin. That dress looks good on you. That dress suits you well. >>eng<< Tom megbecsüli a modern művészetet. Tom appreciates modern art. Tom appreciates modern art. >>eng<< Próbáld elképzelni a helyzetet! Try to imagine the situation. Try to imagine the situation. >>eng<< Minulla on kova kuume. I have a high fever. I have a severe fever. >>eng<< Tom ja Mary tegid piparkoogioravaid. Tom and Mary made some gingerbread squirrels. Tom and Mary made peppernogs. >>eng<< Vauhti ei ole kaikki kaikessa. Speed isn't everything. Quick isn't everything. >>eng<< Millie pitää kovasti suklaasta. Millie loves chocolate. Millie really likes chocolate. >>eng<< Yritän mahjongia ensimmäistä kertaa. I'm trying mah-jong for the first time. I'm trying to be a mahjong for the first time. >>eng<< Kas teil õlut on? Do you have any beer? Do you have any beer? >>eng<< A mai fiatalok okosak. Young people of nowdays are smart. Today's young people are smart. >>eng<< Kas keegi kavatseb seda süüa? Is anyone going to eat that? Is anyone gonna eat it? >>eng<< Tomi on luokan pisin. Tom is the tallest in the class. Tomi is the longest in the class. >>eng<< Näin miehen menevän huoneeseen. I saw a man enter the room. I saw a man go into the room. >>eng<< Ez menő? Is this cool? Is that cool? >>eng<< Az áruházban várakozok majd, míg elkészülsz. I'll wait in the store until you're ready. I'll be waiting in the store until you're ready. >>eng<< Barátomhoz megyek. I'm going to my friend's place. I'm going to see my friend. >>eng<< Hyvvää päivää! Good day! Good day! >>eng<< Minulta kysytään usein kuinka pystyin lopettamaan polttamisen. Uskomatonta, mutta totta, en vain enää työntänyt savukkeita suuhuni ja sytyttänyt niitä. Kyllä toimii! Many ask me how I managed to quit smoking. It's incredible but I just stopped putting cigarettes in my mouth and lighting them up. And it worked! I'm often asked how I could stop smoking, I can't believe it, but I didn't just put cigarettes in my mouth anymore and set them on fire. >>eng<< Láttam a nevedet a listán. I saw your name on the list. I saw your name on the list. >>eng<< Olen muuttunut. I have changed. I've changed. >>eng<< Az én országom az egész világ. My country is the whole world. My country is the whole world. >>eng<< Megint tartjuk a menetrendet. We're back on schedule. We're holding the schedule again. >>eng<< Kaikki pitävät Tomista. Everyone likes Tom. Everybody likes Tom. >>eng<< Örökké szeretnék élni. I intend to live forever. I want to live forever. >>eng<< Tom mindkét nagybátyja Bostonban él. Both of Tom's uncles live in Boston. Tom's both uncles live in Boston. >>eng<< Tulajdonképpen ő a húgom. As a matter of fact, she is my sister. Actually, she's my sister. >>eng<< Aurinkoenergia on uusi energianlähde. Solar energy is a new source of energy. Solar energy is a new source of energy. >>eng<< Tom piiloutui lohkareen alle. Tom hid under a huge rock. Tom hid under the dragon. >>eng<< Kukaan ei voi välttää kuolemaa. No one can avert death. No one can avoid death. >>eng<< Nyrkkeiljä ja näyttelijä ovat tulossa kohti meitä. A boxer and an actor are coming toward us. The boxer and the actor are coming towards us. >>eng<< Te ette taida uskoa että olen oikeassa, vai uskotteko? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? >>eng<< Missä sinun luottokorttisi ovat? Where are your credit cards? Where's your credit card? >>eng<< Miért tudsz olyan sokat Ausztráliáról? Why do you know so much about Australia? Why do you know so much about Australia? >>eng<< Tomi tulee aina kouluun myöhässä. Tom doesn't ever get to school on time. Tomi always comes to school late. >>eng<< Isäni on hyvin vihainen minulle. My father is very angry with me. My father is very angry with me. >>eng<< Ez a dal remekmű. This song is a classic. This song is great. >>eng<< E végett vagyunk mi itt. That's why we are here. That's why we're here. >>eng<< Tom és Mary próbáltak nem túl hangosan nevetni. Tom and Mary tried not to laugh too loudly. Tom and Mary tried not to laugh too loud. >>eng<< Üzit küldött nekem. She sent me a message. He sent me a penthouse. >>eng<< Három hétig voltam kórházban. I was in the hospital for three weeks. I was in the hospital for three weeks. >>eng<< Te ette saa koskaan tietää, ellette te koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know unless you try. >>eng<< Kus ma olen? Where am I? Where am I? >>eng<< Jut kenyér mindenkinek. There is enough bread for all of you. It's bread for everyone. >>eng<< Tomi on valmis. Tom finished. Tom's ready. >>eng<< peaks muidu jah uurima mis tema tunneb ja arvab Yes, I should try to figure out what she is thinking and feeling. By the way, yes, I'd like to find out how he feels and how he feels. >>eng<< Tudni akarom, hogy ki jön velünk. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. >>eng<< Tom kiütötte az ellenfelét. Tom knocked his opponent out. Tom knocked out his opponent. >>eng<< Azonnal mondd el, amire kíváncsi vagyok. Now, tell me what I want to know. Tell me what I'm curious about right now. >>eng<< Azért jöttem, hogy a kutyámat elhozzam. I'm here to get my dog. I'm here to bring my dog. >>eng<< Tamás a közelben ült. Tom sat nearby. Thomas was sitting nearby. >>eng<< Mitä tekisit ilman meitä? What would you do without us? What would you do without us? >>eng<< Hän alkoi syödä lounasta. He began to eat lunch. He started eating lunch. >>eng<< Olyan jó itthon maradni! It's so nice to stay at home. It's so good to be home. >>eng<< Olen melkein 180 senttimetriä pitkä. I'm almost 180 centimeters tall. I'm almost six feet tall. >>eng<< Ez a rendelkezés jövőre lép érvénybe. This regulation will take effect next year. This provision will come into effect next year. >>eng<< Tom megégette a pirítósát. Tom burned his toast. Tom burned his toast. >>eng<< Buszsofőrként dolgozom. I work as a bus driver. I work as a bus driver. >>eng<< Tom tarvitsi vähän rahaa ostaakseen jotakin Marylle. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. Tom needed some money to buy something for Mary. >>eng<< A bokszoló olimpiai bajnok vesz egy nagyon drága dzsekit. Elmegy az olimpiai faluba, a dzsekijét leadja a ruhatárba, és mellétesz egy feliratot: Ha elviszed a dzsekimet, megöllek. Olimpiai bokszbajnok. Egy óra múlva visszamegy és látja, hogy eltűnt a dzsekije, csak egy felirat van a helyén: Ahhoz először el kell kapnod. Olimpiai futóbajnok. An Olympic boxing champion buys a very expensive jacket. He comes to the Olympic village and leaves his jacket in a dressing room with a sign saying "You take the jacket, I kill you. Olympic boxing champion." In an hour he comes back to see his jacket gone, and another sign: "You catch me first. Olympic running champion." The boxer's Olympic champion buys a very expensive jacket. He goes to the Olympic village, puts his jacket in the dress, and adds a inscription: If you take my jacket, I'll kill you. Olympic boxer. In an hour he goes back and sees that his jacket is missing, there's only one sign in place: For the first time you have to catch him. >>eng<< Et ehkä ymmärrä minua, mutta minä sanon varmasti jotain tärkeää, eikö niin? You may not understand me, but I must be saying something important, right? You may not understand me, but I'm sure I'm saying something important, right? >>eng<< Ha megnyomod ezt a gombot, kinyílik az ajtó. If you push the button, the door will open. If you press this button, the door will open. >>eng<< Olemme paljon edellä aikataulua. We're way ahead of schedule. We're a lot ahead of schedule. >>eng<< Szállj le rólam! Get off my back! Get off me! >>eng<< Nézzük, mi az eredmény. Let's see what the outcome is. Let's see what the result is. >>eng<< Éltél már nagyvárosban? Have you ever lived in a big city? Have you ever lived in a big city? >>eng<< Játssz! Play! Play! >>eng<< Hol tartották az esküvőt? Where was the wedding held? Where was the wedding? >>eng<< Tom oli hemmoteltu. Tom was spoiled. Tom was spoiled. >>krl<< I'm not young. Mie en ole nuori. ~ I'm not young. >>eng<< Yleisyyttä menettämättä voimme sanoa jonon suppenevan kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without losing the frequency, we can say that the sequence is narrowing towards zero. >>eng<< Minun täytyy lähteä. I must go. I have to go. >>eng<< Mikä on kolmas toivomuksesi? What's your third wish? What's your third wish? >>eng<< Köztudott, hogy a medve szereti a mézet. It's common knowledge that bears like honey. It's known that the bear likes honey. >>eng<< Mikor jössz? When do you come? When are you coming? >>eng<< Voinko tavata sinut kymmeneltä huomenna? Can I see you at ten tomorrow? Can I see you tomorrow at 10:00? >>eng<< Japán történelme érdekel engem. I'm interested in the history of Japan. I'm interested in Japan's history. >>eng<< Voisitko avata pullon? Please open the bottle. Can you open the bottle? >>eng<< Annyira nagyon hiányzik! I miss him so much. I miss her so much. >>eng<< Azt egyáltalán nem úgy értettem. That is not what I meant at all. I didn't mean that at all. >>eng<< "Asiakkaamme ovat Taiwanissa", selitti Tom. "Our customers are in Taiwan", explained Tom. "Our clients are in Taiwan," explained Tom. >>eng<< Tomi kitartó a kérdésével. Tom keeps asking me that same question. Tomi's holding on to your question. >>eng<< Ahhoz bátorság kellett. That took guts. It took courage. >>eng<< Soha nem veszíti el a reményt. He never loses hope. He never loses hope. >>eng<< Bacchus on hukuttanut useamman kuin Neptunus. Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune. Bacchus has drowned more than Neptune. >>eng<< Egyik legjobb barátom hagyott cserben. One of my best friends has failed me. One of my best friends let me down. >>eng<< Ajokorttini menee vanhaksi tämän kuun lopussa. My driver's license expires at the end of this month. My driver's license is getting old at the end of this month. >>eng<< Tomot meglőtték a karján. Tom was shot in the arm. Tom was shot on his arm. >>eng<< Mitä sinä teit väärin? What did you do wrong? What did you do wrong? >>eng<< Mi értelme befoltozni ekkora szakadást? What's the point of patching such a big tear? What's the point of staining such a break? >>eng<< Kérlek, csinálj teát! Please make some tea. Please make some tea. >>eng<< Jäniksellä on pitkät korvat ja lyhyt häntä. A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. The rabbit has long ears and short ears. >>eng<< Ütle mulle mis ma tegema pean. Tell me what I have to do. Tell me what to do. >>eng<< Totális lúzer vagyok. I'm a total loser. I'm a total loser. >>eng<< Pikkupoika tunsi olonsa turvalliseksi isänsä sylissä. The little boy felt secure in his father's arms. The little boy felt safe in his father's arms. >>eng<< Gyönyörűen működött. It worked beautifully. It worked out beautiful. >>eng<< Emlékezz, mit mondtál! Remember your words! Remember what you said. >>eng<< Más megvilágításban látlak. I'm seeing you in a new light. I can see you in another light. >>eng<< En tunne ketään Bostonista. I don't know anybody in Boston. I don't know anyone from Boston. >>eng<< Valamiehistö vetäytyi pohtimaan päätöstään maanantaina. The jury began deliberating Monday. The jury withdrew to consider its decision on Monday. >>eng<< Pidän hänen asenteestaan. I like her attitude. I like his attitude. >>eng<< Egy igazi szépség. She's a beauty. It's a real beauty. >>eng<< A mókusok megőrjítenek. Squirrels drive me nuts. The squirrels are driving me crazy. >>eng<< Ez vicces lenne. That'd be fun. That'd be funny. >>eng<< Most szomjas vagyok. Now I am thirsty. I'm thirsty now. >>eng<< Kohtaa seuraukset. Face the music. Face the consequences. >>eng<< Tom nem teheti meg, hogy bébiszittert fogadjon. Tom can't afford to hire a babysitter. Tom can't do a sitter. >>eng<< Hallotta kiáltani. She heard him cry. You heard him shout. >>eng<< Üritame Tomi naerma ajada. Let's try to make Tom laugh. We're trying to make Tom laugh. >>eng<< Ennen minä kunnioitin Tomia. I used to respect Tom. I used to respect Tom. >>eng<< Tietääkö kukaan teistä missä hän asuu? Do any of you know where he lives? Does any of you know where he lives? >>eng<< Nincs sok időm. I don't have a lot of time. I don't have much time. >>eng<< Tamásnak van néhány hold földje. Tom owns several acres of land. Thomas has a few moons. >>eng<< Azt javaslom, beszélj Marival. I suggest you have a talk with Mary. I suggest you talk to Mari. >>eng<< Mitä te teette täällä Bostonissa? What are you doing here in Boston? What are you doing here in Boston? >>eng<< Most nincs időm beszélgetni. I don't have time to talk now. I don't have time to talk right now. >>eng<< Tomi on läsnä. Tom is present. Tomi's here. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy nem szereted a temetéseket. I know you hate funerals. I know you don't like funerals. >>eng<< En koskaan unohda ystävällisyyttäsi. I'll never forget your kindness. I'll never forget your kindness. >>eng<< Tom on nälkäinen. Tom's hungry. Tom's hungry. >>eng<< Tom sanoi olevansa kiireinen. Tom said that he was in a hurry. Tom said he was busy. >>eng<< Olen suomalainen. I'm Finnish. I'm Finnish. >>eng<< Hänellä leikkaa hyvin. He's intelligent. She's fine. She's fine. >>eng<< Pitkästä aikaa! I haven't seen you in a long time. It's been a long time! >>eng<< Mi a neve a lovadnak? What's your horse's name? What's the name of the horse? >>eng<< Otthon kávéznak. They drink coffee at home. They're making coffee at home. >>eng<< Pénzmosás folyt Algériában. They were laundering the dirty money in Algeria. Money laundering in Algeria. >>eng<< En tule vihollisena vaan ystävänä. I do not come as an enemy, but as a friend. I'm not going to be an enemy. I'm going to be a friend. >>eng<< Sairautensa aikana hän kuihtui kauheasti. During his illness, he fell away horribly. During his illness, he evaporated terribly. >>eng<< Tom pysyi hiljaa. Tom remained silent. Tom kept quiet. >>eng<< Tom otthon volt egész hétvégén. Tom stayed at home all weekend. Tom was home all weekend. >>eng<< Mistä sinä opit noin vaikean sanan? Where did you learn such a difficult word? Where did you learn such a difficult word? >>eng<< Hangember ez a fickó. Nem is érdemes vele foglalkozni. That guy is just all talk and no action. Pay no attention to him. Hangman's this guy, he's not worth dealing with. >>eng<< Ez teljesen normális. It's completely normal. It's perfectly normal. >>eng<< Tom ei aloittanut ranskan opiskelemista kuin vasta kolmekymppisenä. Tom didn't start to study French until he was thirty. Tom didn't start studying French like he was only in his 30s. >>eng<< Tietääkö joku miten Photoshopia käytetään? Does anyone know how to use Photoshop? Does anyone know how to use Photoshop? >>eng<< Sok leckét tanultam. I have learned many lessons. I've learned a lot of lessons. >>eng<< Nem aludtam. I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep. >>eng<< Nagyon forró a leves. The soup's very hot. It's very hot soup. >>eng<< Mari pitää kovasti kelttiläisestä musiikista. Mary is fond of Celtic music. Mari likes Celtic music a lot. >>eng<< Csak néhány kérdést akartak nekem feltenni. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. They just wanted to ask me a few questions. >>eng<< Hän on hulluna sinuun. He is mad about you. He's crazy about you. >>eng<< Tom osaa ajaa hyvin. Tom is good at driving. Tom can drive well. >>eng<< Ma olen mees. I'm a man. I'm a man. >>eng<< Tom megkért, hogy segítsek Marynek. Tom asked me to help Mary. Tom asked me to help Mary. >>eng<< Appelsiinit ovat hyvä C-vitamiinin lähde. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. >>eng<< Te ismered Tomot? Do you know Tom? Do you know Tom? >>eng<< Soita ambulanssi. Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance. >>eng<< Nagyon jó lenne egy kis kávé. Coffee would be nice. I'd love some coffee. >>eng<< Onko sinulla herätyskello huoneessasi? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have a wake-up call in your room? >>eng<< Luuletko tosiaan, että se toimii? Do you really think that'll work? Do you really think it's working? >>eng<< Kiellätkö sen? Do you deny it? You're denying it? >>eng<< Tomi sanoi, että hän olisi kiireinen puoli kolmeen saakka. Tom said he'd be busy until 2:30. Tomi said he'd be busy till 7:30. >>eng<< Ajatteletko Tomia? Are you thinking about Tom? Are you thinking about Tom? >>eng<< Tomi on hukkumaisillaan! Tom is drowning! Tomi's drowning! >>eng<< Sinu surm on valutu. Your death will be painless. Your death is painless. >>eng<< Nem szeretném, hogy Tom azt gondolja, meg kell engem védenie. I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me. I don't want Tom to think he has to protect me. >>eng<< Kes on juhataja? Who's the manager? Who's the manager? >>eng<< Nem vagyok jól megfizetve. I'm not being paid enough. I'm not well paid. >>eng<< Tarvitsen teidän mielipiteitänne. I need your opinions. I need your opinions. >>eng<< Nem túlzás azt mondani, hogy ő egy zseni. It is not too much to say that he is a genius. It's not too much to say he's a genius. >>eng<< Útmutatásra van szükségünk. We need instructions. We need guidance. >>eng<< Syön tässä. I eat here. I'm eating here. >>eng<< Hyttyset hyökkäävät kimppuumme. We're being attacked by mosquitos. The mosquitoes are attacking us. >>eng<< Már senki nem állíthat meg. No one can stop me now. No one can stop you anymore. >>eng<< Tom szkeptikus volt. Tom was skeptical. Tom was a sceptic. >>eng<< Kun yritin selittää syitäni, hän yksinkertaisesti tuli vielä vihaisemmaksi. When I tried to explain my reasons he simply became even angrier. When I tried to explain my reasons, he simply became even more angry. >>eng<< Vettem egy elektromos autót. I bought an electric car. I bought an electric car. >>eng<< Olen korjannut virheen. I've corrected the mistake. I've made up for a mistake. >>eng<< Älä fuskaa. Don't cheat. Don't run. >>eng<< Nem számít, hogy mondod, nem fogok figyelni rád. No matter how you say it, I'm not going to listen to you. It doesn't matter what you say, I won't listen to you. >>eng<< Nem kell menned, ugye? You don't have to go, do you? You don't have to go, do you? >>eng<< Te egy francia filmet akarsz megnézni, vagy? You want to watch a French film, right? You want to watch a French movie? >>eng<< Olen menossa konserttiin ensi viikkona. I'm going to a concert next week. I'm going to the concert next week. >>eng<< Tiedätkö miksi käyrätorvea sanotaan ranskaksi? Do you know what they call a French horn in French? Do you know why they call the curved horn in French? >>eng<< Isi on työskentelemässä. Daddy's working. Daddy's working. >>eng<< Ugye tényleg küldesz nekem egy japán babát? You are sending me a Japanese doll, right? You're really sending me a Japanese baby, aren't you? >>eng<< Ez Tom háza. That's Tom's house. This is Tom's house. >>eng<< Neked sejtésed sincs, mennyit jelent az nekem. You have no idea how much that means to me. You have no idea what that means to me. >>eng<< Valójában semmit sem tud róla. The fact is that he knows nothing about it. Actually, he doesn't know anything about it. >>eng<< Kokeile sambaa! Try samba! Try the samba! >>eng<< Tamás csak bort iszik. Tom only drinks wine. Thomas only drinks wine. >>eng<< Nem volt egyszerű megtartanom az ígéretem. It wasn't easy for me to keep my promise. It wasn't easy for me to keep my promise. >>eng<< Van valami, amit elfelejtettem elmondani neked. There's something I forgot to tell you. There's something I forgot to tell you. >>eng<< Tom on minust pikem. Tom is taller than I am. Tom's taller than me. >>eng<< Ez sürgős volt. It was urgent. That was urgent. >>eng<< Vatsani alkoi kurista kesken kokouksen. Se oli noloa. My stomach started growling right there in the meeting. It was embarrassing. My stomach started to choke in the middle of the meeting. >>krl<< I'm sorry! Minul on žiäli! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. >>eng<< Hänen rohkeutensa sairautensa aikana on inspiraatiota meille kaikille. Her courage during her illness is an inspiration to us all. His courage during his illness is an inspiration for all of us. >>eng<< Hän teki itsemurhan ottamalla myrkkyä. He killed himself by taking poison. He committed suicide by taking poison. >>eng<< Menjünk moziba! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to the movies. >>eng<< Voisitko katsoa hetken muualle kun vaihdan vaatteeni? Would you mind looking the other way for just a minute while I change my clothes? Can you look away for a second while while I change my clothes? >>eng<< Teidän on parempi tulla sisään. You'd better come inside. You'd better come in. >>eng<< On vaarallista kiivetä tuolle vuorelle. It is dangerous to climb that mountain. It's dangerous to climb up that mountain. >>eng<< En osannut odottaa sitä. I didn't see that coming. I didn't expect it. >>eng<< Melkein huusin. I almost cried. I almost screamed. >>eng<< Tom berontott a szobába. Tom burst into the room. Tom broke into the room. >>eng<< Valószínűleg elájultam. I must have blacked out. I probably fainted. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole vakuutusta. I'm uninsured. I don't have insurance. >>eng<< Arvaamaton kuin huhtikuu. Capricious as April. It's like April. >>eng<< Jóváhagyják. They approve. It's approved. >>eng<< Tom azt mondja, szerinte lehetetlen. Tom says he thinks it's impossible. Tom says it's impossible. >>eng<< Syö jotakin. Eat something. Eat something. >>eng<< Tudom, ki ő. I know who she is. I know who he is. >>eng<< Ez a dal emlékeztet a gyerekkoromra. This song reminds me of my childhood. This song reminds me of my childhood. >>eng<< Mennyivel tartozol nekem? What do you owe me? How much do you owe me? >>eng<< Näetkö ihmisiä puistossa? Do you see people in the park? You see people in the park? >>eng<< Tomi hangüzenetet kapott Maritól. Tom got a voice mail from Mary. Tomi got a voice mail from Mari. >>eng<< Látszik, hogy meg akarod venni azt a ruhát. You clearly are interested in buying that dress. I see you want to buy that dress. >>eng<< Beszélnek Kanadában franciául? Are there francophones in Canada? Do they speak French in Canada? >>eng<< Mennyire örülök neked, drága barátom! My dear chap, I'm overjoyed to see you. I'm so happy for you, my dear friend. >>eng<< Ki fogom dobni a régi kabátom. I'll discard my old jacket. I'm gonna throw out my old coat. >>eng<< Olen aivan sipissä. I'm all in. I'm fine. I'm fine. >>eng<< Miksi haluaisit tulla kutsuttavan? What would you like to be called? Why would you want to be invited? >>eng<< Mõrvar on ikka veel vabaduses. The murderer is still at large. The killer's still out there. >>eng<< Ezen hamarosan változtatni fogunk. We'll soon change that. We'll change that soon enough. >>eng<< Elnyerte a szeretetét. He won her love. He won his love. >>eng<< Pelkään kissoja. I am afraid of cats. I'm afraid of cats. >>eng<< Toivon, että olemme siellä pian perillä. I hope we get there soon. I hope we'll be there soon. >>eng<< Sétáltak egyet. They took a walk. They walked one. >>eng<< Vannak dizájnos zoknik is. There are fashions for socks as well. There are design socks. >>eng<< Anyám szereti a focit. My mother loves football. My mom likes football. >>eng<< Két éve már, hogy elhagyott. It's been two years since she left me. It's been two years since he left me. >>eng<< Nem tudtam, hogy Tom éhes volt-e vagy sem. I didn't know whether Tom was hungry or not. I didn't know if Tom was hungry or not. >>eng<< Vasárnaponként kell dolgoznod? Do you need to work on Sundays? Do you have to work every Sunday? >>eng<< Ezt a luxus terméket az alkalmazandó szabályozás alapján adóztatják. This luxury product is taxed according to the applicable regulation. This luxury product is taxed on the basis of the applicable rules. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy valamiben egyetértünk. I'm glad we agree on something. I'm glad we agree on something. >>eng<< Hadd magyarázzam el. Let me explain that. Let me explain. >>eng<< Haluatko sinä jutella? Do you want to talk? Do you want to talk? >>eng<< Nevettek ők ketten. They both laugh. They laughed at the two of them. >>eng<< A szokott helyen várlak. I'll be waiting for you at the usual place. I'm waiting for you in the usual place. >>eng<< Jotakuinkin niihin aikoihin Lucius Cornelius Sulla, noustuaan Rooman diktaattoriksi, piti Caesaria poliittisena uhkana vallalleen. At about this time, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, after becoming the dictator of Rome, thought that Caesar was a political threat to his rule. At some point in those days, Lucius Cornelius Sula, after becoming a Roman dictator, considered Caesar to be a political threat to his power. >>eng<< Tom eléggé jól baseballozik, de nem elég jól ahhoz, hogy bevegyük a csapatunkba. Tom is pretty good at baseball, but he's not good enough to play on our team. Tom's a pretty good baseball player, but he's not good enough to be on our team. >>eng<< Milyen nyelven beszélsz? What language do you speak? What language do you speak? >>eng<< Herätinkö minä sinut? Did I wake you up? Did I wake you? >>eng<< Miten sinä löysit Tomin piilopaikan? How did you find Tom's hiding place? How did you find Tom's hideout? >>eng<< Mine tagasi tööle. Go back to work. Go back to work. >>eng<< Állok. I'm standing. I'm standing. >>eng<< Tässä tulee hyviä uutisia. Here's some good news. Here's the good news. >>eng<< Kérem, figyeljen. Please pay attention. Please, listen. >>eng<< Most véglegesítettek. I just got tenure. I've just been finished. >>eng<< Azt szeretném, ha megígérnéd nekem, hogy sosem fogod elmondani senkinek, amit láttál. I want you to promise me you will never tell anyone what you have seen. I want you to promise me that you'll never tell anyone what you saw. >>eng<< Voisitko odottaa huomisaamuun saakka? Please wait until tomorrow morning. Can you wait till tomorrow morning? >>eng<< Ezt szeretném. I want this one. That's what I want. >>eng<< Mene veneeseen, ole hyvä. Get into the boat, please. Get in the boat, please. >>eng<< Kuinka myöhään se pankki on auki? How late is the bank open? How late is that bank open? >>eng<< Sa isegi ei kuula mind. You're not even listening. You don't even listen to me. >>eng<< Kana pole ära küpsenud. The chicken is undercooked. Chicken's not cooked. >>eng<< Későn érek vissza. I'll be back late. I'll be back late. >>eng<< Tomi kapott egy másik kutyát. Tom got another dog. Tomi got another dog. >>eng<< Neljän prosentin inflaatio on tämän vuoden ennuste. Four percent inflation is forecast for this year. Four per cent inflation is the forecast for this year. >>eng<< Valószínűleg sírni fogok. I'll probably cry. I'm probably gonna cry. >>eng<< Anyám megmérte a lázamat. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my fever. >>eng<< Mul on kaks kassi. I have two cats. I have two cats. >>eng<< Sa ei sihi piisavalt kõrgele. You're not aiming high enough. You're not aiming high enough. >>eng<< Se on juuri sitä, mitä halusin. That was just what I wanted. It's exactly what I wanted. >>eng<< Láttad már, hogy működik? Have you seen it work? Have you ever seen how it works? >>eng<< Hän koki poliisin kidutusta. He was subjected to torture by the police. He was tortured by the police. >>eng<< Egész nap nem vett róla tudomást. She ignored him all day. You haven't noticed all day. >>eng<< Ma olen väga rõõmus, et sellel lausel on nii palju tõlkeid juba. I am very glad that this sentence has so many translations already. I'm very glad there's so many translations on this sentence. >>eng<< Haluaisin kokeilla tätä uutta mallia ennen kuin ostan sen. I'd like to try out this new model before I buy it. I'd like to try this new model before I buy it. >>eng<< Korvakorut ovat hänelle kiva lahja. A pair of earrings is a nice present for her. The earrings are a nice gift to him. >>eng<< Papírra vetette a gondolatait. She put down her thoughts on paper. He put his mind on paper. >>eng<< Pane uksed lukku. Lock the doors. Lock the doors. >>eng<< Olyan rémes náthám volt, hogy egy hétig az ágyat nyomtam. I was flat on my back for a week with a terrible cold. I had a cold so bad I pushed the bed for a week. >>eng<< Hän oli raivoissaan. He was furious. He was pissed off. >>eng<< A piros nem a te színed. Red isn't your color. Red isn't your color. >>eng<< Muisto ei ole vakaa. Memory is not stable. Memory is not stable. >>eng<< Tom túl öreg hozzám. Tom is too old for me. Tom's too old for me. >>eng<< Valószínűleg alszik. He's probably sleeping. He's probably sleeping. >>eng<< Szeretnék kijelentkezni. I'd like to check out. I'd like to check in. >>eng<< Tomi on hyvä hiihtäjä. Tom is good at skiing. Tomi's a good skier. >>eng<< En puhunut kenellekään. I didn't talk to anybody. I didn't talk to anyone. >>eng<< Hyvvää päässiistä! Happy Easter! Good riddance! >>eng<< Taktiikka toimi täydellisesti. The strategy worked perfectly. The tactics worked perfectly. >>eng<< On kevätsiivouksen aika. It's time for spring cleaning. It's spring cleaning time. >>eng<< Tom pitää ranskankielisten kirjojen lukemisesta. Tom enjoys reading books in French. Tom likes to read French books. >>eng<< Én nem vagyok barbár. I'm not a barbarian. I'm not a barbaric. >>eng<< Selitän sen yksityiskohtaisesti ensi viikolla. I'll explain it in detail next week. I'll explain it in detail next week. >>eng<< Võta see endale. Take it. Take it. >>eng<< ”Ikä?” ”Kuusitoista.” "Age?" "16." ‘Old?’ ‘Sixteen’. >>eng<< Ми доры куноос вуизы. Guests came to us. We were invited to attend meetings at a brother’s home a few miles away. >>eng<< Jobb lehet a húgoddal. It can be better with your younger sister. It could be better with your sister. >>eng<< Ellopták a buszon a pénztárcámat. My purse was stolen on the bus. They stole my wallet on the bus. >>eng<< Kun sanon sanan "orava", mikä on ensimmäinen mieleesi tuleva asia? When I say the word "squirrel", what's the first thing that comes to your mind? When I say "the squirrel," what's the first thing that comes to your mind? >>eng<< Tomin äiti kuoli nuorena, koska hän joi ja tupakoi liikaa. Tom's mother died young because she drank and smoked too much. Tom's mother died young because she drank and smoked too much. >>eng<< Eilen ilotulitustehtaassa sattui räjähdys. Yesterday, an explosion occurred at the fireworks factory. There was an explosion at the fireworks last night. >>eng<< Se ei ole sinun ongelmasi. It's not your problem. That's not your problem. >>eng<< Hyvvää yötä. Goodnight. Good night. >>eng<< Tom jäi tuonne. Tom stayed there. Tom stayed over there. >>eng<< Se on todella vakava syytös. That's a very serious accusation. It's a very serious charge. >>eng<< Lehet, hogy el fogok késni. It might be too late. I might be late. >>eng<< Tom Bostonban született. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. >>eng<< Tom ajaa hitaammin kuin Mary. Tom drives more slowly than Mary. Tom's driving slower than Mary's. >>eng<< He ovat apeita. They're blue. They're father-in-laws. >>eng<< Eleged van a napi robotból? Are you tired of the daily grind? Have you had enough of the daily robot? >>eng<< Hy hymyilivät. They smiled. They smiled. >>eng<< Kuulin huudon. I heard a scream. I heard a scream. >>eng<< Tom segített a rendőrségnek elkapni a tolvajt. Tom helped the police catch the thief. Tom helped the police catch the thief. >>eng<< Ricardo vagyok. I am Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. >>krl<< Good morning. Hyviä huondestu. 256 Good-bye. >>eng<< Tom egy szuper-intelligens mókus. Tom is a super-intelligent squirrel. Tom is a super-intelligent squirrel. >>eng<< Időnként ez van. From time to time it happens. Sometimes that's what it is. >>eng<< Azt kaptam amit akartam. I got what I wanted. I got what I wanted. >>eng<< Olen melko varma, että Tom on ainoa henkilö, joka voi kertoa meille sen, mitä meidän tarvitsee tietää. I'm pretty sure Tom is the only one who can tell us what we need to know. I'm pretty sure that Tom is the only person who can tell us what we need to know. >>eng<< Ez a kommunizmus. This is communism. It's communism. >>eng<< Elhízol, ha nem mozogsz többet. If you don't get more exercise, you'll get fat. You'll get fat if you don't move anymore. >>eng<< Aiomme antaa poikamme nimeksi Tomi. We plan to name our son Tom. We're going to name our son Tomi. >>eng<< El kell mennünk. We must leave. We have to go. >>eng<< Sijaitseeko elokuvateatteri lähellä asemaa? Is the movie theater near the station? Is there a movie theater near the station? >>eng<< "Szeretne nekem dolgozni, Tony?" Kérdezte Mr Wood. "Would you like to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr Wood. "Do you want to work for me, Tony?" asked Mr. Wood. >>eng<< Vegyél komolyan. Take me seriously. Take it seriously. >>eng<< Tomi lainasi minulle rahat, joita tarvitsin. Tom lent me the money I needed. Tomi borrowed me the money I needed. >>eng<< Talán nem is olyan hülye, mint te azt hiszed. It's unlikely she's as stupid as you think. Maybe he's not as stupid as you think he is. >>eng<< Nem beszélek olyan folyékonyan franciául, mint Tom. I don't speak French as fluently as Tom. I don't speak liquid French like Tom. >>eng<< Kattintottam egy képet. I snapped a picture. I did click on a picture. >>eng<< Minä vihaan tuollaisia ihmisiä. I hate people like that. I hate people like that. >>eng<< Tom lőni fog. Tom will shoot. Tom's gonna shoot. >>eng<< Az egyik kutya még él. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is still alive. >>eng<< A vér az erekben fut. Blood runs in the veins. Blood runs through the veins. >>eng<< Miten paljon tämä sateenvarjo maksaa? How much is this umbrella? How much does this umbrella cost? >>eng<< Olen pahoillani, en voi jäädä pitkäksi aikaa. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. >>eng<< Hän unohti ostaneensa hänelle lahjan. He forgot that he bought her a present. He forgot to buy him a present. >>eng<< Syön täällä. I'll eat here. I'm eating here. >>eng<< Mitä aiot sanoa? What are you planning to say? What are you gonna say? >>eng<< Minusta on ihanaa puhua hänelle. I love talking to him. I love talking to her. >>eng<< Tulipalo alkoi Tomin huoneesta. The fire started in Tom's room. The fire started in Tom's room. >>eng<< Miért van még itt Tamás? Why's Tom still here? Why is Thomas still here? >>eng<< Ma tahaksin sind oma naisele tutvustada. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. I'd like you to meet my wife. >>eng<< Olen töistä vapaalla. I'm off duty. I'm off duty. >>eng<< Hát, ezek az oroszok! Ah, those Russians! Well, these Russians! >>eng<< Potilas oli vaarassa. The patient was in danger. The patient was in danger. >>eng<< Ne a pajtában tárold a kerékpárodat! Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. Don't store your bike in the barn. >>eng<< Hän puhui Korean sodan lopettamisesta. He talked about ending the war in Korea. He was talking about ending the Korean war. >>eng<< Habár esett, kimentem. Although it was raining, I went out. Although it was raining, I went out. >>eng<< Томлан тиде фильм йӧршын келшен огыл. Tom didn't like that movie at all. The recording does not exist. >>eng<< Sinun ei pitäisi polttaa kun teet töitä. You shouldn't smoke whilst you work. You shouldn't smoke when you work. >>eng<< A szamár szürke. A donkey is gray. The donkey's gray. >>eng<< He ovat serkkujani. They're my cousins. They're my cousins. >>eng<< A gördeszkázás veszélyes. Skateboarding is dangerous. Rolling's dangerous. >>eng<< Az út cikk-cakkban haladt fel a meredek lejtőn. The path zigzagged up the steep slope. The road went up the steep slope in a piece of paper. >>eng<< A mindkét szülőjét elvesztett gyereket árvának hívják. A child who has lost both his parents is called an orphan. Both parents are called orphans. >>eng<< Haluan, että Tom on onnellinen. I want Tom to be happy. I want Tom to be happy. >>eng<< Tom már elment. Tom has already left. Tom's already gone. >>eng<< Tom megbetegedett. Tom got shot. Tom got sick. >>krl<< That flower is orange. Tuo kukka on oranževoi. It's like an orange. It's like that. It's like that. >>eng<< Tiedän miten suostuttelevainen Tom voi olla. I know how persuasive Tom can be. I know how persuasionful Tom can be. >>eng<< Manapság már e-maileket küldünk levél helyett? Have emails replaced letters in today's world? Are we sending e-mails instead of mail these days? >>eng<< Sinä olet todella kiltti mies, Tomi. You're a really nice man, Tom. You're a very nice man, Tomi. >>eng<< Tulajdonképpen mi történt? What actually happened? What actually happened? >>krl<< How much is this? Äijängo tämä maksau? Well, how much longer can you be sure that you can find now? >>eng<< Tunsin olevani hukassa ilman sinua. I felt lost without you. I felt lost without you. >>eng<< Európa lakossága kisebb, mint Ázsiáé. Europe has a smaller population than Asia. Europe's population is smaller than that of Asia. >>eng<< Haluan päästä tuonne metrolla. I want to get there by subway. I want to get over there on the subway. >>eng<< Épp dolgozni indultam, amikor csörgött a telefon. I was about to leave for work when the telephone rang. I was on my way to work when the phone was ringing. >>eng<< Minun ei olisi pitänyt valvoa koko yötä. I shouldn't have stayed up all night. I shouldn't have been up all night. >>eng<< Jos tämä toistuu, soita minulle. Should this happen again, call me. If this happens again, call me. >>eng<< Faksasin Tomille kartan. I faxed a map to Tom. I faxed Tom a map. >>eng<< Meglocsolom a kertet. I'll water the garden. I'll wave the garden. >>eng<< Yleensä minulla ei ole tällaisia vaatteita. I don't usually dress like this. I don't usually have clothes like this. >>eng<< Mennyibe kerül a sör? How much does beer cost? How much is beer? >>eng<< A szüleim azt tanították, hogy tiszteljem az időseket. My parents taught me to show respect to my elders. My parents taught me to respect the elderly. >>eng<< Te mindig ilyen csöndes szoktál lenni? Are you normally this quiet? Do you always be so quiet? >>eng<< Тый американ але француз улат? Are you American or French? Do you want to accept the advanced one or two? >>eng<< Tom tanította nekem a legtöbbet abból, amit franciául tudok. Tom taught me most of the French I know. Tom taught me the most about what I know in French. >>eng<< Tejet ittam. I drank milk. I drank milk. >>eng<< Taifuuni ei ole aiheuttanut vahinkoa. The typhoon has done no harm. The Taifoon has not caused any damage. >>eng<< Szeretné, hogy megismételjem a kérdést? Would you like me to repeat the question? Would you like me to repeat the question? >>eng<< Elfelejtettem virágot venni Évának. I forgot to buy a flower for Éva. I forgot to buy Eve flowers. >>eng<< Parillisen ja parittoman luvun tulo on parillinen ja kahden parittoman luvun tulo on pariton. Even times odd is even, odd times odd is odd. The income of the pair and the odd number is even and the income of the two odd numbers is odd. >>eng<< Mikor láttad Tomit utoljára sírni? When was the last time you saw Tom crying? When was the last time you saw Tom cry? >>eng<< Tomi menee kouluun polkupyörällä. Tom commutes to school by bicycle. Tomi's going to school on a bicycle. >>eng<< Én csak Tom figyelmét szeretném fölkelteni. I'm just trying to get Tom's attention. I'm just trying to get Tom's attention. >>eng<< Semminek nem volt értelme. Nothing made sense. Nothing made sense. >>eng<< Vanhempani kirjoittivat minulle avokätisen shekin auttaakseen minut pois kaiken luottokorttivelkataakkani alta. My parents cut me a generous check to help me get out from under all my credit card debt. My parents wrote me a generous check to help me out under all my credit card debts. >>eng<< Te voltál az? Was it you who did it? Was that you? >>eng<< Sohasem mondtam ezt! I've never said that! I never said that! >>eng<< Az az ing tetszik nekem. I like that shirt. I like that shirt. >>eng<< Ez az építmény közel van ahhoz, hogy teljesen kész legyen. This building is near completion. This building is close to being complete. >>eng<< Ez fontos győzelem. This is an important victory. This is an important victory. >>eng<< Nagyon hideg van ebben a szobában, igaz? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? >>eng<< Láttad az apámat? Did you see my father? Have you seen my father? >>eng<< Te zongorázol, ugye? You play the piano, don't you? You're playing the piano, aren't you? >>eng<< Sinä tarvitset erityisen työkalun tehdäksesi sen. You'll need a special tool to do it. You need a special tool to do it. >>eng<< Basszus, miféle seggfej hívogatja az embereket az éjszaka közepén? Fuck, what kind of asshole calls people in the middle of the night? What kind of asshole calls people in the middle of the night? >>eng<< En kadu sitä. I don't regret it. I don't regret it. >>eng<< Tom oli suunnitellut olevansa ensimmäinen paikalla, mutta Mari ehti ensin. Tom had planned to be the first one to get there, but Mary got there first. Tom had planned to be the first to be there, but Mari made it first. >>eng<< Mun lean ilus odne I'm happy today ♪ Mun was beautiful ♪ >>eng<< Tom bízott az orvosaiban. Tom trusted his doctors. Tom trusted his doctors. >>eng<< Kérem, tudassa előre a programot. Please let me know the schedule beforehand. Please inform me about the program in advance. >>eng<< Én voltam az egyetlen, aki nem nevetett. I was the only one who didn't laugh. I was the only one who didn't laugh. >>eng<< Hisz a férfi ártatlanságában. She believes that he is innocent. He believes in the man's innocence. >>eng<< Tom otatti itsestään kuvan. Tom had his picture taken. Tom took a picture of himself. >>eng<< Minulla on hommia. I have a job to do. I've got work to do. >>eng<< Figyelmesen hallgattam. I listened intently. I listened carefully. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole kalaa. This is not fish. This isn't fish. >>eng<< Vyö estää sen, että housusi tippuvat. A belt keeps your pants from falling down. The belt prevents your pants from falling. >>eng<< Jätä minut. Leave me. Leave me. >>eng<< Tomilla oli yllään harmaa puku. Tom was wearing a gray suit. Tom was wearing a gray suit. >>eng<< Minun täytyy mennä sairaalaan. I have to go to the hospital. I have to go to the hospital. >>eng<< Viivyttely on kuin masturbointia: se on hauskaa kunnes tajuat, että panet siinä vain itseäsi halvalla. Procrastination is like masturbation, it's fun until you realize you're just fucking yourself. Slowing down is like masturbating: it's fun until you realize you're just gonna fuck yourself cheap. >>eng<< Nyilvánvalóan ez a legfontosabb pont. Clearly, this is the most important point. Obviously, that's the most important point. >>krl<< This flower is brown. Tämä kukka on maksankarvaine. That's what I'm talking about. >>eng<< Most megfelel? Is now an appropriate time? Is it okay now? >>eng<< A doktor kórházba menést javasolt neki. The doctor advised her to enter the hospital. The doctor suggested he go to the hospital. >>eng<< Onko tuo musta pussi teidän? Is that black bag yours? Is that a black bag yours? >>eng<< Miért van zárva ez a bolt? Why is the store closed? Why is this store closed? >>eng<< Tom tejet öntött a macskája táljába. Tom poured milk into a bowl for his cat. Tom poured milk in his cat bowl. >>eng<< Ymmärrätkö tätä kieltä? Can you understand this language? Do you understand this language? >>eng<< Beszél magyarul. She speaks Hungarian. He speaks Hungarian. >>eng<< Uskottiin, että hirviö asui siinä luolassa. A monster was believed to live in the cave. It was believed that the monster lived in that cave. >>eng<< Söin juuri aamiaista Tomin kanssa. I just had breakfast with Tom. I just had breakfast with Tom. >>eng<< Sinun pitäisi tehdä läksysi nyt. You should do your homework now. You should do your homework now. >>eng<< Olen hereillä. I'm awake. I'm awake. >>eng<< Tom on asunut täällä lapsesta saakka. Tom has been living here since he was a kid. Tom's been living here since he was a kid. >>eng<< He ovat ystäviä. They're friends. They're friends. >>eng<< Ő egy jó barátja. He is a good friend of his. He's a good friend. >>eng<< Tom ei edes ole kiinnostunut baseballista. Tom isn't even interested in baseball. Tom's not even interested in baseball. >>eng<< Tule, Tom. See on lõbus! Come on, Tom. It'll be fun. Come on, Tom. >>eng<< Elhúzhatom a függönyt? Am I allowed to open the curtain? Can I pull the curtain? >>eng<< Minä menen kysymään Tomilta. I'll go ask Tom. I'm gonna go ask Tom. >>eng<< Tom on hyvännäköinen mies. Tom is a handsome guy. Tom's a good-looking man. >>eng<< Toivon, että nautit vierailustasi luonamme. I hope you enjoyed your stay with us. I hope you enjoy your visit to us. >>eng<< Tomi on tulossa hulluksi. Tom is going crazy. Tomi's going crazy. >>eng<< Furcsának találom a gondolkodásmódodat. Your way of thinking is strange to me. I find your thinking strange. >>eng<< Minden utast leszállíttattak a repülőgépről. All the passengers were evacuated from the plane. All passengers were taken off the plane. >>eng<< Olen kiitollinen ystävistäni. I'm thankful for my friends. I'm grateful to my friends. >>eng<< A kés nem éles. The knife is not sharp. The knife is not sharp. >>eng<< Tomi táncol. Tom dances. Tomi's dancing. >>eng<< Unatkozol éppen? Are you bored right now? Are you bored right now? >>eng<< Olen jo kurkkuani myöten täynnä tätä sateista säätä. I am fed up with this wet weather. I'm already full of this rainy weather up my throat. >>eng<< Haluaisin kaupunkikartan. I'd like a map of the city. I'd like a map of the city. >>eng<< Semmit sem ér. Dobd el! That's junk. Throw it away. It's not worth a damn. >>eng<< Ma tahan minna. I want to go. I want to go. >>eng<< Tudna egy másik időpontot javasolni? Could you suggest an alternative date? Can you suggest another time? >>eng<< Minä haluan vain auttaa Tomia. I just want to help Tom. I just want to help Tom. >>eng<< Ei ole kodin voittanutta. There is no place like home. There's no home win. >>eng<< Befejezte a levelet. She finished writing a letter. He's finished the letter. >>eng<< Úgy érezte Tom, csapdába csalták. Tom felt trapped. Tom felt like he was trapped. >>eng<< Tegnap levelet kaptam anyutól. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mom yesterday. >>eng<< On mahdotonta kiistää ilmiselvä. It's impossible to deny the obvious. It's impossible to deny obvious. >>eng<< Manny haluaa olla yksisarvinen, niin että tytöt ratsastaisivat hänellä. Manny wants to be a unicorn so girls will ride him. Manny wants to be a unicorn so the girls can ride him. >>eng<< Én tudom, hogy Tom boldog. I know Tom is happy. I know Tom's happy. >>eng<< Olen varma, että Tom sai viestin. I'm sure Tom got the message. I'm sure Tom got a message. >>eng<< Kuka syyttää sinua? Who's accusing you? Who's accusing you? >>eng<< Kenen pizza se on? Whose pizza is that? Whose pizza is it? >>eng<< Mitä kävi? What happened? What happened? >>eng<< Vártam a megfelelő alkalomra. I've been waiting for the right time. I was waiting for the right time. >>eng<< Mul on kaks vennapoega. I have two nephews. I have two nephews. >>eng<< Elégettek minden dokumentumot. They burned all the documents. They burned all the documents. >>eng<< Nem élünk együtt. We're separated. We don't live together. >>eng<< Mari on ystävällinen tyttö. Mary is a friendly girl. Mari's a friendly girl. >>eng<< Tällä ei ole mitään tekemistä sinun kanssasi. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. >>eng<< Emili on sievä. Emili is pretty. Emili's pretty. >>eng<< Fáradsz? Are you getting tired? Are you tired? >>eng<< Hol vannak a többiek az osztályunkból? Where's the rest of our class? Where are the others from our department? >>eng<< Te olette aivan seonneet. You are deranged. You're out of your mind. >>eng<< Valóban nem tudom, hogy hol kezdjem. I really don't know where to start. I really don't know where to start. >>eng<< Olitko sinä sotilas? Were you a soldier? Were you a soldier? >>eng<< En halua hätäillä. I don't want to jump the gun. I don't want to rush. >>eng<< Iskolában van. It's at school. He's in school. >>eng<< Magasabb vagyok. I am taller. I'm taller. >>eng<< Ma laulan. I sing. I'm singing. >>eng<< Minun ei tee mieli tehdä töitä tänään. I don't feel like working today. I don't feel like working today. >>eng<< Minun tekee mieli vielä yhtä olutta. I feel like another beer. I'm gonna make another beer. >>eng<< Tom a sarokban ült. Tom was sitting in the corner. Tom was in the corner. >>eng<< Tomi kiválasztotta a színeket. Tom chose the colors. Tomi chose the colors. >>eng<< Annak ellenére, hogy bocsánatot kért, én még mindig dühös vagyok. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even though he apologized, I'm still mad. >>eng<< A remény hal meg utoljára. Hope dies last. Hope dies the last time. >>eng<< Tulen olemaan siellä huomenna. I'll be there tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow. >>eng<< Tuo viiniä. Bring wine. Bring me some wine. >>eng<< A lányok burgonyát főztek a konyhában. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The girls made potatoes in the kitchen. >>eng<< Olen odottanut tätä vuosia. I've been waiting years for this. I've been waiting for this for years. >>eng<< Ők egy tökéletes család. They're the perfect family. They're a perfect family. >>eng<< Nämä avaimet eivät ole minun. These keys are not mine. These keys aren't mine. >>eng<< Tom valahol odabent van. Tom is in there somewhere. Tom's in there somewhere. >>eng<< Tom nincs otthon. Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. >>eng<< Tom päätti päästä eroon kaljamahastaan. Tom was determined to get rid of his pot belly. Tom decided to get rid of his beer stomach. >>eng<< Megettem egy doboz csokoládét. I ate a box of chocolates. I ate a box of chocolates. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, hogy a szomszédom meghalhatott. I think my neighbor may have died. I think my neighbor might have died. >>eng<< Kérésemre körbevezette őt az új gyárban. She gave him a tour of the new factory for me. At my request, he led him around the new factory. >>eng<< Tom mindenkivel azt csinálja. Tom does that to everyone. Tom does that to everyone. >>eng<< Nem ő az egyetlen, aki így gondolkodik. He is not the only one who thinks this way. He's not the only one who thinks like that. >>eng<< Megfagyott valahol a hegyekben. He froze to death somewhere in mountains. She's frozen somewhere in the mountains. >>eng<< Kas sa mäletad, kes ma olen? Do you remember who I am? Do you remember who I am? >>eng<< Mary a szemembe nézett és azt mondta, hogy tartsam a karjaimban. Mary looked me in the eyes and told me to hold her in my arms. Mary looked me in the eye and told me to hold her in my arms. >>eng<< Tom ei osaa puhua ranskaakaan. Tom can't speak French either. Tom can't speak French. >>eng<< Hän pukeutuu kuin herrasmies, mutta hän puhuu ja käyttäytyy kuin pelle. His dress is that of a gentleman but his speech and behavior are those of a clown. He's dressed like a gentleman, but he talks and acts like a clown. >>eng<< Nem én vagyok a főnök. I'm not the boss. I'm not the boss. >>eng<< A fordítás minősége javult. The quality of translation has improved. The translation quality improved. >>eng<< Ma üritan ta sinu jaoks üles leida. I'll try to find her for you. I'm trying to find him for you. >>eng<< Mitä mieltä sinä olet siitä? What do you think of that? What do you think of that? >>eng<< Sinun pitäisi käydä enemmän ulkona. You should get out more. You should go out more. >>eng<< Tere. Hi. Hello. >>eng<< Az ősz után jön a tél. After fall comes winter. The winter comes after the fall. >>eng<< Nosta kätesi ennen kuin vastaat. Raise your hand before you answer. Put your hands up before you answer. >>eng<< Az apád is büszke lenne rád. Your father would also be proud of you. Your father would be proud of you, too. >>eng<< Ma olen väsinud ja ma tahan koju minna. I am tired and I want to go home. I'm tired, and I want to go home. >>eng<< Ez a könyv kicsi. This book is small. This book is small. >>eng<< Soittakaa minulle, kun olette valmiit lähtemään. Call me when you are ready to go. Call me when you're ready to leave. >>eng<< Kasvoin Bostonissa. I was raised in Boston. I grew up in Boston. >>eng<< Az értekezletet tegnap tartották meg. The meeting took place yesterday. The meeting was held yesterday. >>eng<< Pyykit voivat odottaa. The laundry can wait. Laundry can wait. >>eng<< Tom on onnenpoika. Tom's lucky. Tom's a lucky boy. >>eng<< Kezdődjön a hétvége. Let the weekend begin. Let's get this weekend started. >>eng<< Sami pölli Faridin henkilöllisyyden. Sami stole Farid's identity. Sam stole Farid's identity. >>eng<< Tudtam, hogy úton vagytok. I knew you were coming. I knew you were on your way. >>eng<< Sinun ei pidä vetää liian hätäisiä johtopäätöksiä. You must not jump to conclusions. You don't have to draw too urgent conclusions. >>eng<< Egy kis házikóban lakom, innen nem túl messze. I live in a small cabin not too far from here. I live in a little cabin, not too far from here. >>eng<< Toinen ongelma koskee kuntosalin varustusta. Another problem concerns the gym equipment. The second problem concerns the equipment of the gym. >>eng<< Itt parkolhatsz. You can park here. You can park here. >>eng<< En enää opiskele ranskaa. I'm no longer studying French. I don't study French anymore. >>eng<< A leves nagyon forró. The soup's very hot. The soup is very hot. >>eng<< Tomi leikkii leluillaan. Tom is playing with his toys. Tomi's playing with toys. >>eng<< Ta rääkis kiiresti. She spoke rapidly. He was talking fast. >>eng<< Siessetek, vagy elkésünk! Hurry up or we'll be late! Hurry up or we'll be late. >>eng<< Oppilas kysyi: ”Mistä opettaja puhui?” "What did the teacher talk about?" asked the student. The student asked: “What did the teacher talk about?” >>eng<< Kuuletko koskaan mitään Misakosta? Do you ever hear anything about Misako? Do you ever hear of Misacus? >>eng<< Tagadja, hogy ő tette volna. He denies that he did that. He denys he would have done it. >>eng<< Kiirabi saabus koheselt. An ambulance arrived immediately. The ambulance arrived immediately. >>eng<< Mä en haluu puhuu Tomin kaa. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk about Tom. >>eng<< Mari on rento ja hauska. Mary is easy-going and fun. Mari's cool and funny. >>eng<< Ez elképesztő! That's amazing! That's amazing. >>eng<< A nyalókától kék lett a nyelvem. The lollipop made my tongue blue. The lollipop made my tongue blue. >>eng<< Tom megevett egy tál áfonyát. Tom ate a bowl of huckleberries. Tom ate a bowl of blueberry. >>eng<< Belefutottam a bátyádba az utcán. I ran into your brother on the street. I ran into your brother on the street. >>eng<< Älä unohda opiskelijakorttiasi. Don't forget your student ID. Don't forget your student card. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse tehdä muuta kuin pyyhkiä lattia. All you have to do is sweep the floor. All you have to do is wipe the floor. >>eng<< Minä pidän vihreästä väristä. I like the colour green. I like the color green. >>eng<< Meillä on tylsää. We're bored. We're bored. >>eng<< Missä he ovat? Where are they? Where are they? >>eng<< Synnytin identtiset kaksoset. I gave birth to identical twins. I was born with identical twins. >>eng<< See on üks maailma suurimaid linnu. It's one of the largest cities in the world. It's one of the biggest cities in the world. >>eng<< Olen odottanut yli tunnin ajan. I've been waiting for over an hour. I've been waiting for over an hour. >>eng<< Älä ole niin vahingoniloinen! Don't be so gleeful! Don't be so harmful! >>eng<< Lähtiessäni talosta minä muistin avaimen. As I left the house, I remembered the key. When I left the house, I remembered the key. >>eng<< Minulle kerrottiin että meidän on tuotava omat vetemme. I was told that we have to bring our own water. I was told we have to bring our own waters. >>eng<< Tiedän, että Tommi ei tiennyt, kuinka paljon aikaa hän tarvitsisi tuon tekemiseen. I know Tom didn't know how much time he'd need to do that. I know Tommi didn't know how much time he needed to do that. >>eng<< Pystyyköhän Tomi voittaa. I wonder whether Tom can win. I wonder if Tomi can win. >>eng<< Vauva itki äänekkäästi. The baby cried loudly. The baby cried out loud. >>eng<< Tuo lapsi tuijotti minua suu ammollaan. That child stared at me, his mouth agape. That kid was staring at me with his mouth. >>eng<< Olen nähnyt hänen ihan lähiaikoina. I have seen him quite recently. I've seen him in the near future. >>eng<< Nagypapa vagyok. I'm a grandfather. I'm a grandfather. >>eng<< Olet etsinyt joka paikasta, mutta en löydä kirjaani. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my book. You've been looking everywhere, but I can't find my book. >>eng<< Én ráérek. I have time. I'm busy. >>eng<< Tomi oli äärimmäisen sairas. Tom was extremely sick. Tomi was extremely ill. >>eng<< Mi történt veled? What've you got? What happened to you? >>eng<< Egy bizonyos öreg asszonyt keresek. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for an old woman. >>eng<< Ez a legnagyobb problémánk. This is our biggest problem. That's our biggest problem. >>eng<< Tom otti hatun päästään ja kumarsi. Tom took off his hat and bowed. Tom took the hat and bowed. >>eng<< Ei se ollut Tom joka jätti veden valumaan. It wasn't Tom who left the water running. It wasn't Tom who left the water out. >>eng<< Mitä sä höpiset? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Vannak keresztény arabok is. Some Arabs are Christians. There are also Christian Arabs. >>eng<< Isäni käy usein liikeasioilla Amerikassa. My father often goes to America on business. My father often goes to business in America. >>eng<< Mun lean Melanie. I'm Melanie. I had Melanie. >>eng<< Hasonlít a nagyapjára. He resembles his grandfather. It looks like your grandfather. >>eng<< Keresel valakit? Are you looking for somebody? Looking for someone? >>eng<< Suutele minua! Give me a kiss. Kiss me! >>eng<< Hän syö. He's eating. He's eating. >>eng<< Megnyerte magának a szerelmét. He won her love. He won his love for you. >>eng<< Minulle tuli muistinmenetys. I had a blackout. I've had a loss of memory. >>eng<< Bízzunk benne, hogy nem. Let's hope not. Let's trust him not. >>eng<< Käytätkö partavettä? Do you use aftershave? You're wearing a razor? >>eng<< Nem tudom a hálámat szavakkal kifejezni. I cannot express my gratitude with words. I can't express my gratitude in words. >>eng<< En syönyt mitään eilen. I didn't eat anything yesterday. I didn't eat anything last night. >>eng<< Tomi oli taidekilpailun tuomari. Tom was a judge in an art contest. Tomi was the judge of the art competition. >>eng<< Vártalak. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. >>eng<< Minulla on kuulakärkikynä. I have a pen. I've got a ballpoint pen. >>eng<< Jopa lapsi pystyy siihen. Even a child can do it. Even a child can do it. >>eng<< Várni fogok Tomira. I'm going to wait for Tom. I'll be waiting for Tomra. >>eng<< Értjük a célzást. We can take a hint. We understand the target. >>eng<< Nem hiszek a tündérmesékben. I don't believe in fairy tales. I don't believe in fairy tales. >>eng<< Tee on suosittu juoma ympäri maailman. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea is a popular drink all over the world. >>eng<< Különböző? Hogyhogy? Different? How so? Different? >>eng<< Tom soitti Marille tänä aamuna. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mar this morning. >>eng<< Toivon, että Tomi pysyy Australiassa. I hope Tom stays in Australia. I hope Tom stays in Australia. >>eng<< Hyvvää ilttaa. Good evening. Good evening. >>eng<< Haluan puhua sinulle Tomista. I want to talk with you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. >>eng<< Tom adott nekem egy nagyon király ajándékot. Tom gave me a really cool gift. Tom gave me a very cool gift. >>eng<< Tomi vastas mun kysymykseen. Tom answered my question. Tom answered my question. >>eng<< Tomnak van egy karmolás a homlokán. Tom has a scratch on his forehead. Tom has a scratch on his forehead. >>eng<< Tämä tarkoitti sitä, että Floridan oli laskettava äänet uudelleen. This meant Florida had to count the votes again. This meant that Florida had to recalculate the votes. >>eng<< Tedd meg ma! Ne várj a holnapra! Do it today. Don't wait for tomorrow. Do it today, don't wait till tomorrow. >>eng<< Haluaisitko vielä yhden palan kakkua? Would you like another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? >>eng<< Helvetti pääsi valloilleen. All hell broke loose. God damn it, it's over. >>eng<< Sinä ansaitset sen. You deserved it. You deserve it. >>eng<< Tom saattaa olla siellä. Tom may be there. Tom might be there. >>eng<< Nekünk muszály volt ott lennünk. We had to be there. We had a mule there. >>eng<< Kus su sõber on? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? >>eng<< Mitäköhän Tom aikoo tehdä ensi viikonloppuna? I wonder what Tom is going to do next weekend. I wonder what Tom's gonna do next weekend. >>eng<< Mida sa veel tahtsid? What else did you want? What else did you want? >>eng<< Mä en haluu olla sun kaveri. I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to be your friend. >>eng<< Mari pont úgy néz ki, mint a willendorfi vénusz. Mary looks exactly like the Venus of Willendorf. Mari looks exactly like Willendorf Venus. >>eng<< Hallasz? Do you hear me? Can you hear me? >>eng<< Kellossa on kaksi viisaria. A clock has two hands. There's two wise guys on the clock. >>eng<< Mari istui risti-istunnassa sängyllä. Mary sat cross-legged on the bed. Mari was in a cross-seat sitting on the bed. >>eng<< Asuin aikoinaan Pekingissä, mutta tätä nykyä asustan Sŏulissa. I have once lived in Beijing, but now live in Seoul. I used to live in Beijing, but this is what I now live in Seoul. >>eng<< Jos Taivaassa ei ole koiria, niin minä haluan mennä sinne, minne ne menevät. If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. If there are no dogs in Heaven, I want to go where they're going. >>eng<< Ez a könyv kisebb. This book is smaller. This book is smaller. >>eng<< Ez annyira helytelen. That's so inappropriate. This is so wrong. >>eng<< Hänen apunsa tuli viime tingassa. His help came in the nick of time. His help came in the last few minutes. >>eng<< Ő nem olyan ember, aki nyitott a vitára. He is not the kind of person who is open to discussion. He's not the kind of person who's open to the debate. >>eng<< Ez nagyon ott van! This is cool. It's really there! >>eng<< Tom astui aulaan ja löysi Maryn odottamasta. Tom entered the lobby and found Mary waiting. Tom stepped in the lobby and found Mary waiting. >>eng<< Baktériumok mindenhol vannak. Bacteria are everywhere. Bacteria are everywhere. >>eng<< Tom päästi linnun vapaaksi. Tom set the bird free. Tom let the bird go. >>eng<< A háború alatt gyakran le kellett mondanunk a cukor használatáról. During the war, we often had to make do without sugar. During the war, we often had to stop using sugar. >>eng<< Mikä matkalaukku on Tomin? Which suitcase is Tom's? What kind of suitcase is Tom's? >>eng<< Meidän täytyy suojella Tomia. We need to protect Tom. We need to protect Tom. >>eng<< Szó nélkül kiment. She went out without saying a word. He went out without a word. >>eng<< Tom on Marin lankomies. Tom is Mary's brother-in-law. Tom's Mari's brother-in-law. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole aikomustakaan mennä naimisiin. I have no intention of getting married. I have no intention of getting married. >>eng<< En muista onnettomuudesta mitään. I don't remember anything about the accident. I don't remember anything about the accident. >>eng<< Ei ollut tarkoitus antaa sellaista käsitystä. I didn't mean to give you that impression. I didn't mean to give you that idea. >>eng<< A találkozón kellett volna lennem. I should have been at that meeting. I was supposed to be at the meeting. >>eng<< Kuusipuu palaa. The spruce is returning. Six trees on fire. >>eng<< Tatoeba ei edes ole tyttö. Tatoeba is not even a girl. Tatoeba's not even a girl. >>eng<< Tom egyik barátjának ellopták a személyazonosságát. A friend of Tom's had his identity stolen. One of Tom's friends stole his identity. >>eng<< Kinyithatom az ablakot? May I open the window? Can I open the window? >>eng<< Ki futott el? Who ran away? Who ran away? >>eng<< Mintha egy patkányt láttam volna. I think I saw a rat. It's like I saw a rat. >>eng<< El fogunk pusztulni mi mind. We will all die. We're all going to die. >>eng<< Untatott a véget nem érő fecsegése. I got bored with his long talk. He was bored of his endless talk. >>eng<< Siilit ovat söpöjä. Hedgehogs are cute. They're cute. >>eng<< Näytänks mä khuulilta? Do I look cool? Do I look like a khuul? >>eng<< Tää o' vitu' jees. This is fucking awesome. Oh, my God. >>eng<< Kokous pidetään kerran kolmessa vuodessa. The meeting is held once in three years. The meeting shall be held once every three years. >>eng<< Tom asettautui jonon jatkoksi. Tom got in line. Tom set himself up as a follow-up. >>eng<< Tom näytti hyvin tyytyväiseltä. Tom looked very pleased. Tom seemed very happy. >>eng<< Tom on huono valehtelija. Tom is bad at lying. Tom's a bad liar. >>eng<< Haluatko todella, että Tom tekee tämän puolestasi? Do you really want Tom to do this for you? Do you really want Tom to do this for you? >>eng<< Tom kaapattiin. Tom was abducted. Tom's been kidnapped. >>myv<< Thank you very much! Покш пасиба! Unhappy you very mutt! >>eng<< Kell tudnod kottát olvasni, ha a kórus tagja akarsz lenni. To join the choir, you have to be able to read music. You need to read the sheet music if you want to be a member of the choir. >>eng<< Gyakran vitatkozik a feleségével. He has frequent arguments with his wife. You often argue with your wife. >>eng<< He menivät metsään. They went into the woods. They went into the woods. >>eng<< Szomjasak? Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty? >>eng<< Egy nagy könyvtár közelében lakunk. We live near a big library. We live near a large library. >>eng<< Anna minun olla nyt rauhassa. Leave me alone now. Let me be at peace now. >>eng<< Mary keresett téged akkor. Mary was looking for you at that time. Mary was looking for you then. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy szerinte Mari megőrült. Tom said he thought Mary was mad. Tom said he thought Mari was crazy. >>eng<< Miksi olet yksin? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? >>myv<< Thanks! Сюкпря! Thanks! >>eng<< Tom avasi läppärinsä. Tom opened his laptop. Tom opened his laptop. >>eng<< Miten kaunis hän onkaan! How beautiful she is! How beautiful she is! >>eng<< Biztos vagy benne, hogy az elég? Are you sure that's enough? Are you sure that's enough? >>eng<< Ki javasolta Tomit ebbe a beosztásba? Who recommended Tom for the position? Who suggested Tomi to this assignment? >>eng<< Egy időre Franciaországban maradt, aztán meg Olaszországba ment. He stayed in France for a while and then went to Italy. He stayed in France for a while and went to Italy. >>eng<< Versenyképesek vagyunk. We're competitive. We're competitive. >>eng<< Megkértem, hogy randizzon velem, de nemet mondott. I asked him out, but he said no. I asked him to date me, but he said no. >>eng<< Kaikki tapahtuu syystä. Everything happens for a reason. It's all for a reason. >>eng<< Ulkona on ukkosta. Minua pelottaa tosi paljon! It's thundering outside. I'm really scared! There's a thunder out there. >>eng<< Mik az aggodalmaid? What are your worries? What are your concerns? >>eng<< Tehdään jotain hauskaa. Let's do something fun. Let's do something fun. >>eng<< Legyél ott pontosan akkor! Be on time. Be there right then. >>eng<< Nem vagyok olyan naiv. I'm not that naive. I'm not that naive. >>eng<< Tomilla on tarpeeksi rahaa ostaa mikä tahansa tietokone tässä liikkeessä. Hänen tarvitsee vain päättää minkä. Tom has enough money to buy any computer in this store. He just needs to decide which one. Tom has enough money to buy any computer in this store, and all he has to do is decide what. >>eng<< Näin Tomin miesryhmässä. I saw Tom with a group of men. I saw Tom in the men's group. >>eng<< Tom tietää todennäköisesti miten Maryn kotiin mennään. Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. Tom probably knows how to get Mary home. >>eng<< Sinä yrität myös! You make an effort too! You're trying too! >>eng<< Nem szeretem az iskolámat. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. >>eng<< Tom sérülései nem komolyak. Tom's injuries aren't serious. Tom's injuries aren't serious. >>eng<< A repülőgép készen áll. The airplane is ready. The plane is ready. >>eng<< Ez rossz. This is bad. That's bad. >>eng<< Se on kaunis maa. It's a beautiful country. It's a beautiful country. >>eng<< Add ide a jegyzettömböt! Give me the notebook. Give me the notebook. >>eng<< Me käymme kirkossa yhdessä. We go to church together. We go to church together. >>eng<< Et voi olla tosissasi! You can't be serious. You can't be serious! >>eng<< Haloo, haluaisin vähän tuoretta appelsiinimehua. Hello, I would like some fresh orange juice. Hello, I'd like some fresh orange juice. >>eng<< Telefonon megfenyegette. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. >>eng<< A szüleimnek selyemfarmja volt. My parents were running a silk farm. My parents had silk farms. >>eng<< Tomi ei kyennyt avaamaan ikkunaa. Tom was unable to open the window. Tom couldn't open the window. >>eng<< He tarkkailevat minua. They're watching me. They're watching me. >>eng<< Feszültnek látszol. You look tense. You look tense. >>eng<< Tervezzük, hogy megmásszuk a hegyet. We plan to climb that mountain. We plan to climb the mountain. >>eng<< Te sohasem mondod nekem, hogy szeretsz engem. You never tell me that you love me. You never tell me you love me. >>eng<< Minden évben kiönt a folyó. That river floods every year. Every year, the river pours out. >>eng<< Tudod a nevét? Do you know his name? Do you know his name? >>eng<< Jumala meitä auttakoon! May God help us! God help us! >>eng<< Luovuttakaa! Capitulate! Give it up! >>eng<< Hän vain nauroi sitä. He would just laugh about it. He was just laughing at it. >>eng<< Mitäpä jos menisimme kävelylle lounaan jälkeen? How about going for a walk after lunch? Why don't we go for a walk after lunch? >>eng<< Ez az életem! It's my life! It's my life! >>eng<< Globaali kriisi on käsillä. A global crisis is at hand. The global crisis is at hand. >>eng<< Tom bátorsága példaértékű még akkor is, amikor elhagyta a szerencse. Tom's courage in dealing with adversity is an inspiration to those around him. Tom's courage is exemplary even when he's lost his fortune. >>eng<< Käskin häntä istuutumaan ja juomaan lasin vettä. I told her to sit down and drink a glass of water. I told him to sit down and drink a glass of water. >>eng<< Ez egy gyönyörű öltöny. That's a beautiful suit. It's a beautiful suit. >>eng<< Arra kért Borisz, hogy ezt adjam át neked. Boris asked me to give this to you. Boris asked me to give you this. >>eng<< Sörözzünk! Let's drink some beer. Beer! >>eng<< Tom itketti siskoaan. Tom made his sister cry. Tom was crying about his sister. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että sinä kärsit kivuista. I know you're in pain. I know you're suffering from pain. >>eng<< Setäni asuu Saksassa. My uncle lives in Germany. My uncle lives in Germany. >>eng<< Tominak van vér a pucájában. Tom has guts. Tomi has blood in her naked. >>eng<< Sally, mi történt? What happened, Sally? Sally, what happened? >>eng<< Minél kevesebbet tudsz, annál jobb. The less you know, the better. The less you know, the better. >>eng<< Marika oli onnellinen aina kun sanoin jotain suomeksi. Marika was happy every time I said something in Finnish. Marika was happy every time I said something in Finnish. >>eng<< Kipu on hellittänyt. The pain has gone away. The pain's agitated. >>eng<< Tom zavarban van. Tom is frustrated. Tom's embarrassed. >>eng<< Melyik bíró vizsgálta ki az esetet? Which judge heard the case? Which judge investigated the case? >>eng<< Hän oli ennen mukava poika. He used to be a nice boy. He used to be a nice boy. >>eng<< Időben érkeztél. You arrived on time. You're here in time. >>eng<< Me matkustettiin ympäri Australiaa. We traveled around Australia. We were traveling all over Australia. >>eng<< Tomi tanított téged táncolni? Was Tom the one who taught you how to dance? Did Tomi teach you how to dance? >>eng<< Samaa mieltä. Agreed. I agree. >>eng<< Remélem, érti, mire gondolok. I hope he understands what I'm thinking about here. I hope you understand what I mean. >>eng<< Izraeli vagyok. I'm from Israel. I'm Israeli. >>eng<< Zavarónak találom. I found it disturbing. I find it confusing. >>eng<< A bíró ez esetben nem járt el sportszerűen. The judge in the case was not fair. In this case, the judge did not act like a sportsman. >>eng<< Katsoin kaikkialta. I looked everywhere. I looked everywhere. >>eng<< Tomi on todella tärkeä meille. Tom is really important to us. Tomi is very important to us. >>eng<< Lennän huomenna Hanoihin. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. >>eng<< Miksi käskit heitä tekemään niin? Why did you tell them to do it? Why did you tell them to do that? >>eng<< Tom tietää jo totuuden. Tom already knows the truth. Tom already knows the truth. >>eng<< Sinivalas on maailman kaikkien aikojen suurin eläinlaji. Blue whales are the largest animals that have ever lived on Earth. Blue whale is the greatest animal in the world ever. >>eng<< Älä unohda sun lippuu. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your flag. >>eng<< Ken tahtoo pyörän. Ken wants a bicycle. Who wants a bike. >>eng<< Jó reggelt, álomszuszék! Good morning, you sleepyhead. Good morning, sleepyhead. >>eng<< Nad ei tee sulle liiga. They won't hurt you. They won't hurt you. >>eng<< Támogatnia kell az anyját és a nővérét. He has to support his mother and his sister. He needs to support his mother and his sister. >>eng<< Ma reggel egészen az állomásig futottam. I ran all the way to the station this morning. I ran all the way to the station this morning. >>eng<< A mamám korán szokott felkelni. My grandmother gets up early. My mom used to wake up early. >>eng<< Tom biztos volt benne, hogy mindenki látta Maryt. Tom was sure that everybody saw Mary. Tom was sure everyone saw Mary. >>eng<< A fiú felnőttnek nézett ki. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked like an adult. >>eng<< Oletteko te japanilaisia? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? >>eng<< Óvatosságra intett. He advised caution. He warned me to be careful. >>eng<< A tudósok feltárták a kenyérbúza teljes genetikai állományát. Scientists have sequenced the genome of bread wheat. Scientists have discovered the entire genetic stock of bread wheat. >>eng<< Ma pole kibestunud. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter. >>eng<< Pelataan videopelejä ajankuluksi. Let's play some video games to kill time. Let's play video games for time. >>eng<< En ole perfektionisti. I'm not a perfectionist. I'm not a perfectionist. >>eng<< Az áru tengeren érkezik. The goods arrive by sea. The goods arrive at sea. >>eng<< Tom magánál szándékozik tartani a lopott pénzt. Tom intended to keep the stolen money for himself. Tom intends to keep the stolen money with you. >>eng<< Miért mész? Why are you going? Why are you going? >>eng<< Megkérdeztem tőle, hogy másnap el fog-e menni oda. I asked him if he would go there the next day. I asked him if he'd go there the next day. >>eng<< Tudod, hogy mit tettünk? Do you know what we did? Do you know what we did? >>eng<< Meillä on useita vaihtoehtoja. We have several options. We have a number of options. >>eng<< Szép vagy. You're pretty. You're beautiful. >>eng<< Elfogadod a javaslatunkat? Do you agree to our proposal? Do you accept our proposal? >>eng<< Olisinpa Suomessa. I wish I was in Finland. I wish I were in Finland. >>eng<< En selviydy ilman ilmastointia kesällä. I can't survive without air conditioning in the summer. I can't survive without air conditioning in the summer. >>eng<< Minä menen. I'm going. I'll go. >>eng<< Hei, älkää koskeko mitään! Hey, don't touch anything! Hey, don't touch anything! >>eng<< Hän on tunnettu sekä Japanissa että Amerikassa. She is well known both in Japan and in America. He's known both in Japan and America. >>eng<< Ritkán látom. I see it rarely. I don't see him very often. >>eng<< Ne vihaa hämiksiä. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. >>eng<< Tom kiváló fejszámoló. Tom's very good at mental arithmetic. Tom's an excellent head counter. >>eng<< Ez a város jólétét fogja fenyegetni. It will threaten the prosperity of the town. This city will be in danger of prosperity. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta nekem, hogy esze ágában sincs téged elvenni. Tom told me that he has no intention of marrying you. Tom told me he didn't think to marry you. >>eng<< Sa meeldid Tomile. Tom likes you. Tom likes you. >>eng<< Ulkomaalainen kysyi minulta missä asema on. A foreigner asked me where the station was. A foreigner asked me where the station was. >>eng<< A te mondataid az egyedüliek, melyeket le kellene fordítani ezen a webhelyen. Your sentences are the only ones which should be translated on this site. Your sentences are the only ones that should be translated on this website. >>eng<< Csak egy kis segítségre van szükségem. I just need a little help. I just need some help. >>eng<< Halusin tavata Tomin. I wanted to see Tom. I wanted to see Tom. >>eng<< Miten sinun äitisi voi? How's your mother? How's your mother? >>eng<< Ajattelit että olet ehkä vihainen minulle. I thought you might be mad at me. You thought you might be mad at me. >>eng<< Osaan puhua sujuvasti ranskaa. I can speak French fluently. I can speak French in a smooth way. >>eng<< Tom syleilee Marieta. Tom embraces Marie. Tom embraces Marie. >>eng<< Tom nem mondott igazat. Tom didn't tell the truth. Tom didn't tell the truth. >>eng<< Még mindig nem tudom, miért tetted. I still don't know why you did it. I still don't know why you did it. >>eng<< Tom, nyitva a slicced! Tom, your fly's open. Tom, your scalpel's open. >>eng<< Szóval, miről is beszéltünk? So what were we talking about? So, what were we talking about? >>eng<< Vége van, igaz? It's over, isn't it? It's over, isn't it? >>eng<< Hän ei pidä keskustassa asumisesta. She doesn't like living downtown. He doesn't like living in the centre. >>eng<< Asuin täällä ennen. I used to live here. I used to live here. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy aloittaa alusta. We must start at the beginning. We have to start over. >>eng<< Igazán kijavíthatnád már a mondatban talált hibát! You could really fix the error that you found in the sentence. You could really fix the bug in the sentence. >>eng<< Érdekesek a regényei. The novels he wrote are interesting. His novels are interesting. >>eng<< Ystävyydessä on kyse luottamuksesta. Friendship is a matter of trust. Our friendship is about trust. >>eng<< Kun ajattelin sitä, en voinut olla hymyilemättä. When I thought of that, I couldn’t help smiling. When I thought about it, I couldn't stop smiling. >>eng<< Verenpaineesi on korkea. Your blood pressure's high. Your blood pressure is high. >>eng<< Hallgattam, de nem hallottam semmit. I listened, but I heard nothing. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. >>eng<< Utálom, amikor Tom ezt csinálja. I hate when Tom does that. I hate it when Tom does this. >>eng<< Sosem vesztünk. We never lose. We never lose. >>eng<< Nem vagyok olyan kövér már, mint amilyen voltam. I'm not as fat as I used to be. I'm not as fat as I was. >>eng<< Kas ma olen loll? Am I stupid? Am I stupid? >>eng<< Ezek azok a dolgok, melyek nekem tetszenek. These are the things that I like. These are the things I like. >>eng<< Auringonvarjoa käytetään kesällä kasvojen pitämiseen varjossa. A parasol is used during the summertime to shade the face. The sun umbrella is used in summer to keep your face in the shadow. >>eng<< Hadd próbáljam még egyszer! Let me try again. Let me try again. >>eng<< Et saa häntä ikinä myöntymään. You will never get him to agree. You'll never make him say yes. >>eng<< Jót szórakoztunk tegnap. It was fun yesterday. We had a good time yesterday. >>eng<< Tomi nem jött rá, hogy ezt kellene tennünk. Tom didn't realize we should do that. Tomi didn't realize that's what we should do. >>eng<< Me haluamme vangita kunkin kielen ainutlaatuisuuden. Ja me haluamme myös vangita niiden ajanmyötä tapahtuvan kehityksen. We want to capture all the uniqueness of each language. And we as well want to capture their evolution through time. We want to capture the uniqueness of each language, and we also want to capture the development of their time. >>eng<< Ő állandóan fél. He is always scared. He's always scared. >>eng<< A nevetés tényleg jót tesz neked. Laughing really is good for you. Laughter really does you good. >>eng<< Pidä kuule huolta ihan vaan omista asioistasi! Mind your own business! Take care of your own business! >>eng<< Ez a számítógép a legdrágább. This computer is the most expensive. This computer is the most expensive one. >>eng<< Et sinä kirjoittanut mitään. You didn't write anything. You didn't write anything. >>eng<< Tom üritas mind kaitsta. Tom tried to protect me. Tom was trying to protect me. >>eng<< Helsinki oon Suomen pääkaupunki. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. >>eng<< Miért kell, hogy mindig ellentmondj nekem? Why do you always contradict me? Why do you always have to contradict me? >>myv<< How are you? Кода эрямось? ~ How are you? ~ How are you? >>eng<< Onko sinulla auto? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? >>eng<< Tom nem jelent meg. Tom didn't appear. Tom didn't show up. >>eng<< Remélem, hogy hamarosan esni fog! I hope it will rain soon! I hope it rains soon. >>eng<< Odavagyok azért a csajért. I really like that girl. I'm sick of that girl. >>eng<< Tom csal. Tom is cheating. Tom cheats. >>eng<< Säikäytit meidät. You scared us. You scared us. >>eng<< Mennyi ideig volt ott Tamás? How long was Tom there? How long was Thomas there? >>eng<< Yhteys ja rakkaus: Me kaikki haluamme sitä. Useimmat tyytyvät yhteyteen, koska rakkaus on liian pelottavaa. Connection and love: We all want it. Most people settle for connection because love’s too scary. Contact and love: We all want it. Most people are satisfied because love is too scary. >>eng<< Ma hány hot dogot adtál el? How many hot dogs have you sold today? How many hot dogs did you sell today? >>myv<< Good-bye! Вастомазонок! 256 Good-bye! >>eng<< Sinä päätät. You decide. It's your call. >>eng<< Olen jo valmis. I'm already ready. I'm ready. >>eng<< Onpa elämä outoa! How strange life is! How strange life is! >>eng<< Tűzforró. It's boiling hot. It's hot. >>eng<< Älä puhu paskaa! You're lying. Don't give a shit! >>eng<< Nem tudok róla semmit azon kívül, amit te mondtál nekem. I know nothing about him beyond what you told me. I don't know anything about him except what you told me. >>eng<< Még Tom sem lenne elég hülye ahhoz, hogy megkérje rá Maryt. Even Tom wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Mary to do that. Even Tom wouldn't be stupid enough to ask Mary. >>eng<< Tämä on ihana kuva. I love this photo. This is a wonderful picture. >>eng<< Koulutus alkaa kotona. Education begins at home. The training starts at home. >>eng<< A holttestek kupaca a híd alatt szörnyű látványt nyújtott. The pile of bodies under the bridge was such a macabre sight. The body cap under the bridge was a terrible sight. >>eng<< Ketään ei huvita tapella. No one feels like fighting. No one's interested in fighting. >>eng<< See on lumememm. It's a snowman. It's a snow bear. >>eng<< Mä osallistuin siihen seminaariin. I attended the seminar. I took part in that seminar. >>eng<< Tom, Mary, John és Alice mind tudják. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. Tom, Mary, John and Alice all know. >>eng<< Se oli hirveän hauskaa. It was awfully funny. It was so much fun. >>eng<< Hän antoi meille lahjan. She gave us a present. He gave us a gift. >>eng<< Tom ei koskaan valittanut. Tom never complained. Tom never complained. >>eng<< Mari, gyere gyorsan! Egy repülő csészealj épp most szállt le a kertünkben. Mary, come quick! A flying saucer has just landed in our garden. Mari, come quick, a flying saucer just landed in our garden. >>eng<< Holtan szeretne téged látni. She wants to see you dead. He wants you dead. >>eng<< Tässä huoneessa on ilmastointi. This room is air-conditioned. This room has air conditioning. >>eng<< Amint meglátott, elszaladt. When she saw me, she ran away. He ran away as soon as he saw me. >>eng<< Tom osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom can speak French. Tom can speak French. >>eng<< Még mindig nálad van a kulcsom? Do you still have my key? You still have my key? >>eng<< Minulla on paljon tekemistä tänään. I have a great deal to do today. I have a lot to do today. >>eng<< Tulin kuuden maissa. I came at about six. I'm here in six countries. >>eng<< Várnod kell, amíg néhány képeslapod megérkezik - akkor tudsz csak újra küldeni. You'll need wait until some of your traveling postcards arrive - then you'll be able to send some more. You have to wait until some of your postcards arrive - you can only send me again. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, segítenem kellett volna Tomnak. I guess I should have helped Tom. I think I should've helped Tom. >>eng<< Lauseiden lisääminen Tatoebaan on raskasta puuhaa. Adding sentences to Tatoeba can be a chore. Adding words to Tatoeba is a difficult thing to do. >>eng<< Tomi on komeampi kuin minä. Tom is better looking than I am. Tom is more handsome than I am. >>eng<< Olemme suorittaneet varotoimenpiteitä. We've taken precautions. We've taken precautions. >>eng<< Jó fiú légy! Be a good boy. Be a good boy. >>eng<< Hänen tarinansa ei voi olla valheellinen. His story can't be false. His story can't be a lie. >>eng<< Szeretném holnap hat órára lefoglalni. I'd like to make a reservation for 6 o'clock tomorrow. I'd like to book it tomorrow for six hours. >>eng<< Hän huiskutti hänelle hyvästejä. She waved goodbye to him. He said goodbye to her. >>eng<< Haluan viettää koko elämäni kanssasi. I want to spend all my life with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. >>eng<< Oota natuke. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. >>eng<< Ezt most miért csinálod? Why are you doing it? Why are you doing this now? >>eng<< Kylpy on valmiina. The bath is ready. The bath's ready. >>eng<< Nyt Tomi asuu enonsa kanssa. Tom is living with his uncle now. Now Tomi lives with her uncle. >>eng<< Olvasok egy levelet. I am reading a letter. I'm reading a letter. >>eng<< Voinko lähettää sinulle kaveripyynnön Facebookissa? Can I add you on Facebook? Can I send you a friend request on Facebook? >>eng<< Chrisnek nem volt autója. Chris didn't have a car. Chris didn't have a car. >>eng<< Hän vain haluaa pitää hauskaa. He just wants to have fun. He just wants to have fun. >>eng<< Mit gondolsz, megteszi? What do you think, is she going to do it? What do you think you'll do? >>eng<< Tom arra ösztönözte Maryt, hogy hagyja abba a dohányzást. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. Tom encouraged Mary to stop smoking. >>eng<< Tom sanoo, ettei häntä ole koskaan pidätetty. Tom says that he's never been arrested. Tom says he's never been arrested. >>eng<< Tajuatteko? You see? Do you understand? >>eng<< Hän on tiskijukka. He's a DJ. He's a dry-cleaner. >>eng<< Vörös riasztás! Red alert! Red alert! >>eng<< Gyalog mentem. I was going on foot. I walked. >>eng<< Ajathan varovaisesti. Drive carefully. You're driving with caution. >>eng<< Megpróbálom összeszedni a gondolataimat. I try to think. I'm trying to get my mind together. >>eng<< Ötven kilósra hízott. Her weight increased to 50 kilograms. He's gained 50 pounds. >>eng<< Édesszájú vagyok. I like sweets. I'm sweet. >>eng<< Figyelmen kívül hagytam. I ignored it. I missed it. >>eng<< Pelottaako sinua, Tom? Aren't you scared, Tom? Are you scared, Tom? >>eng<< Hän on kiltti ihminen. He's a kind person. He's a nice person. >>eng<< Tényleg pórázon kell tartanod a féltékenységedet! Ez egy benned élő állat. You really have to control your jealousy. It's like a beast inside of you. You really need to keep your jealousy on a leash, it's an animal inside you. >>eng<< Kirjoitan päiväkirjaa joka päivä. I write daily in my diary. I write a diary every day. >>eng<< Kas Tom on sinuga minust rääkinud? Has Tom spoken to you about me? Has Tom talked to you about me? >>eng<< Van még három napunk. We have three days left. We have three more days. >>eng<< Hän lopetti. He quit. He's done. >>eng<< Voi leivällä maistuu todella hyvältä. Bread with butter tastes very good. The butter tastes really good. >>eng<< Gyakran idézi Shakespeare-t. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. >>eng<< Tom sosem mondta el nekem, hogy el volt jegyezve. Tom never told me he was engaged. Tom never told me he was engaged. >>eng<< Megmutatod nekem a könyvet? Will you show me the book? Will you show me the book? >>eng<< Tom hallgatózik. Tom is eavesdropping. Tom's listening. >>eng<< Su kriitikal pole alust. Your criticism is unfounded. Your criticism has no basis. >>eng<< Mikor voltál ott? When were you there? When were you there? >>eng<< A rádió elromlott. The radio broke down. The radio's broken. >>eng<< Ezt nem kellett volna. That wasn't necessary. You shouldn't have done that. >>eng<< Majuko saját maga tervezte a ruháit. Mayuko designed her own clothes. Mayuko himself designed his own clothes. >>eng<< Meglepődtem, mikor megtudtam, hogy Tom korábban franciatanár volt. I was surprised when I found out that Tom used to be a French teacher. I was surprised when I found out that Tom was a French teacher earlier. >>eng<< Megtöltöttem a vödröt vízzel. I filled the bucket with water. I filled the bucket with water. >>eng<< Olen kurkkuani myöten täynnä ranskaa. I'm sick of French. I'm full of French up my throat. >>eng<< Ei ole pulaa kandidaateista. There's no shortage of candidates. There's no shortage of candidates. >>eng<< Hän haluaa tulla simultaanitulkiksi. She wants to be a simultaneous interpreter. He wants to become a simultan interpreter. >>eng<< Se oli aivan kuin elokuvan kohtaus. It was just like a scene out of a movie. It was like a movie scene. >>eng<< Tom puhuu ranskaa melko hyvin. Tom speaks French fairly well. Tom speaks French pretty well. >>eng<< Van nálad tűz? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a fire? >>eng<< Bob az ügyön töprengett. Bob brooded on the matter. Bob was thinking about the case. >>eng<< Kokainkereskedő vagyok. I am a cocaine exporter. I'm a coke dealer. >>eng<< Farkasszemet nézett vele. She stared him in the eyes. She looked at him with a wolf eye. >>krl<< Murteen alkuperä ei ole selkeä. Murdehen alguperä ei ole selgei. The origin of discipline is not clear. >>eng<< Italialaisessa ravintolassa oli romanttinen tunnelma. This Italian restaurant has a romantic atmosphere. The Italian restaurant had a romantic atmosphere. >>eng<< Azonnal elindulunk, amint eláll az eső. We'll leave as soon as it quits raining. We'll be on our way as soon as the rain stops. >>eng<< Minulla on ikävä lapsiani. I miss my children. I miss my kids. >>eng<< Eladta a lelkét az Ördögnek. He sold his soul to the Devil. He sold his soul to the Devil. >>eng<< Uskoisin, että tämä on hänen autonsa. This is his car, I think. I think this is his car. >>eng<< Ő barátságos velünk. He is very friendly to us. He's friendly with us. >>eng<< Figaro kutsui meidät häihinsä, mutta kun saavuimme paikalle, kaikki olivat jo lähteneet. Figaro invited us to his wedding, but when we arrived everyone had already left. Figaro invited us to his wedding, but when we arrived, everyone had already left. >>eng<< Jos olet vapaa, niin auta minua vähän. If you are free, give me a hand. If you're free, help me out a little bit. >>eng<< Dan rálőtt az emberre, aki megpróbálta ellopni a kocsiját. Dan shot at the man who tried to steal his car. Dan shot the man who tried to steal his car. >>eng<< Személyesen odament. He went there in person. He went there in person. >>eng<< Kinek van kulcsa? Who has the keys? Who has the key? >>eng<< Älä naura hänelle siksi, että hän teki virheen. Don't laugh at him for making a mistake. Don't laugh at him because he made a mistake. >>eng<< Rajtam kívül mindenki ellenezte a tervet. Everybody but me was against that plan. Apart from me, everyone opposed the plan. >>eng<< Miks sa magad? Why are you sleeping? Why are you sleeping? >>eng<< Még csak azt sem tudod, hogyan. You don't even know how. You don't even know how. >>eng<< Nem hittek nekem. They didn't believe me. They didn't believe me. >>eng<< Kevésbé volt érdekes, mint amilyennek képzeltem. That was less interesting than I thought it would be. It was less interesting than I thought it would be. >>eng<< Csak hétvégenként iszom. I only drink on weekends. I only drink on weekends. >>eng<< Olen kuullut sen laulun laulettuna ranskaksi. I have heard that song sung in French. I've heard that song sang in French. >>eng<< Ymmärrätköhän sinä. I wonder whether you understand. You understand. >>eng<< Jos saat kutsun ensimmäisiin orgioihisi, älä vain ilmesty paikalle alasti. If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up naked. If you get an invitation to your first orgy, just don't show up naked. >>eng<< Nem indul a motor. The engine won't start. The engine's not running. >>eng<< Add vissza a könyvemet! Give me back my book. Give me back my book. >>eng<< Haluaisin mennä naimisiin hänen kanssaan. I think I'd like to marry her. I'd like to marry him. >>eng<< Luulen että olet hieman liian varovainen. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. >>eng<< Kumman sinä luulet, että Tom haluaa? Which one do you think Tom is going to want? Which one do you think Tom wants? >>eng<< A mérsékelt testmozgás serkenti a vérkeringést. Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood. Moderate physical activity stimulates blood circulation. >>eng<< Éjjel nagy a hőség. It is very hot at night. There's a lot of heat at night. >>eng<< Unelmoin paljon. I dream a lot. I had a lot of dreams. >>eng<< Tomi kaatui, ja hänen polveensa tuli haava. Tom fell and scraped his knee. Tomi fell, and his knee had a wound. >>eng<< Egy náci megölt egy zsidót. A Nazi killed a Jew. A Nazi killed a Jew. >>eng<< Annan sinulle vielä yhden mahdollisuuden. I'll give you one more chance. I'll give you one more chance. >>eng<< Son hupmá veahá eŋgelasgiela . He speaks English a little. Sons a bug in the English language. >>eng<< Kapcsold be a klímát! Turn on the air conditioner. Turn on the climate. >>eng<< Ma ei hoia sind tagasi. I'm not holding you back. I'm not holding you back. >>eng<< Ez nem ivóvíz. This isn't drinking water. It's not drinking water. >>eng<< Oli periood, kus ma olin koolast sõltuvuses ja jõin seda iga päev. For a while, I was really addicted to cola and drank it every day. There was a period where I was addicted to college and drank it every day. >>eng<< ”Mikä hätänä?” kysyi pieni valkoinen kani. "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit. “What’s the matter?” asked a small white rabbit. >>eng<< Itt a legtöbb ember olyan helyen lakik, ahol nincs áram. Most people here don't have electricity. Most people here live in places where there's no electricity. >>eng<< Tamás nagyon jól táncol. Tom dances very well. Thomas dances very well. >>eng<< Egyedül Tomnak nincsen jogosítványa a családunkban. Tom is the only one in our family who doesn't have a driver's license. Tom alone doesn't have a license in our family. >>eng<< Pankki sulkeutuu kello 15. The bank closes at 3pm. The bank closes at 15 o'clock. >>eng<< Sa küsisid minult abi. You asked me for help. You asked me for help. >>eng<< Lopeta kutittaminen! Stop tickling me! Stop itching! >>eng<< Luen sitä kirjaa. I am reading the book. I'm reading that book. >>eng<< Nem az én hibám volt. It wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. >>eng<< Titok? Is that a secret? Secret? >>eng<< Tom ütles Marile et ta on hõivatud. Tom told Mary he was busy. Tom told Mari he was busy. >>eng<< Egy hónappal ezelőtt ment Londonba. He went to London a month ago. He went to London a month ago. >>eng<< Tomi menetti tajuntansa. Tom passed out. Tomi lost consciousness. >>eng<< Mit kérdezett ön? What have you asked? What did you ask? >>eng<< Soha nem ismertem még olyan képmutató embert, mint te. I've never known anyone as hypocritical as you. I've never known a man of hypocrisy like you. >>eng<< Mihin aikaan saavut huomenna? What time will you arrive tomorrow? What time will you arrive tomorrow? >>eng<< Vauva on hurmaava. A baby is adorable. The baby's charming. >>eng<< Be voltunk zsúfolva egy kis szobába. We were crowded into the small room. We were stuck in a little room. >>eng<< Ma tahan mõõka nagu see siin! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like this! >>eng<< Az emberek szeretik a kutyákat. People love dogs. People love dogs. >>eng<< Metsästäminen ei ollut niin hauskaa kuin mitä luulin sen olevan. Hunting wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. Hunting wasn't as much fun as I thought it was. >>eng<< Nincs félnivalóm. I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. >>eng<< Käräytin Tomin flirttailemassa vaimoni kanssa. I caught Tom flirting with my wife. I suffered Tom flirting with my wife. >>eng<< Körülbelül olyan magas, mint te. She's about the same height as you. About as tall as you. >>eng<< Először csalódott voltam. At first, I was disappointed. At first I was disappointed. >>krl<< We are not old. Myö emmä ole vanha. Well, we're not sure what to say. >>eng<< Erről is, meg arról is beszélnek. They are talking about this and that. And that's what they're talking about. >>eng<< Olet ihan niin kuin minä. You're just like me. You're just like me. >>eng<< Sinä se olet rikkonut sopimuksemme. It's you who has broken our agreement. You're the one who broke our deal. >>eng<< Örömmel csináltam. I had fun doing this. I was happy to do it. >>eng<< Päivällinen on valmis. Dinner's ready! Dinner's ready. >>eng<< Ez szemét. This is garbage. That's bullshit. >>eng<< El vagyok hízva. I'm fat. I'm flattered. >>eng<< Pystytkö lukea tätä? Can you read this? Can you read this? >>eng<< Figyelj rám, kérlek! Listen to me, please. Listen to me, please. >>eng<< Tommi sanoo, että hän suunnittelee ostavansa lahjan Marille. Tom says he's planning to buy a gift for Mary. Tommi says he's planning to buy a gift for Mar. >>eng<< Ez fáj! It hurts! It hurts! >>eng<< Ranskalaisia perunoita, kiitos. Some french fries, please. French potatoes, please. >>eng<< A gulyás belépett a csehóba. The cowboy entered the saloon. Gull has entered the Czech Republic. >>eng<< Varo kuule suutasi! Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth! >>eng<< Gyere holnap! Come tomorrow. Come tomorrow. >>eng<< Nem érzel valami szokatlant? Don't you smell something unusual? You don't feel anything unusual? >>eng<< Az eszperantó bármely szava könnyedén olvasható. Any word in Esperanto is easy to read. Any word of Esperanto can be easily read. >>eng<< Pois tieltä! Stand aside. Get out of the way! >>eng<< Jól van, Tom! Way to go, Tom! All right, Tom. >>eng<< Hän katsoi minua ja sanoi, "Tämä on minun vendettani". She looked at me and said, "This is my vendetta". He looked at me and said, "This is my brother." >>eng<< Szeretném, ha a tiéd lenne. I'd like you to have it. I want it to be yours. >>eng<< Olen kiireinen mies. I'm a busy man. I'm a busy man. >>eng<< Az alvás az egészséghez nélkülözhetetlen dolog. Sleep is essential to health. Sleep is essential to health. >>eng<< Tegnap este halt meg Tom. Tom died last night. Tom died last night. >>eng<< Már minden rendben. Vége van. It's all right now. It's all over. It's all right, it's over. >>eng<< Segítségért kiáltott. She screamed for help. She cried out for help. >>eng<< A kígyó életben van, vagy halott? Is the snake alive or dead? Is the snake alive or dead? >>eng<< Nem tudtam megállni, hogy ne sírjak hangosan. I could not stop myself from crying aloud. I couldn't stop crying out loud. >>eng<< Ki? Who? Who? >>eng<< Käske Tomin nostaa puhelin. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. Tell Tom to pick up the phone. >>eng<< Maailmassa on enemmän kuin 4000 kieltä. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. >>eng<< Ez a kávé keserű. This coffee tastes bitter. This coffee is bitter. >>eng<< Ei vielä. Not yet. Not yet. >>eng<< Ebben az osztályban 35 tanuló van. This class is composed of 35 pupils. There are 35 students in this class. >>eng<< Morjesta! Hello! Morjesta! >>eng<< Suutele Tomia. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. >>eng<< Mit főzöl? What are you cooking? What are you cooking? >>eng<< Tuo on Tomin hevonen. That's Tom's horse. That's Tom's horse. >>eng<< Tom lopetti tupakanpolton. Tom gave up smoking. Tom stopped smoking. >>eng<< En osaa laulaa yhtä hyvin kuin Tomi. I can't sing as well as Tom. I can't sing as well as Tom. >>eng<< A hosszú sétától elfáradtam. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of the long walk. >>eng<< Nagyon rossz napom volt. I had a very bad day. I had a really bad day. >>eng<< Olen pahoillani siitä mitä sanoin. Se oli asiatonta. I'm sorry for what I said. I was out of line. I'm sorry about what I said. >>eng<< Minä tykkään Tatoebasta tosi paljon! I like TATOEBA very much! I like Tatoeba so much! >>eng<< Meg kell találnunk a módját, hogy megállítsuk Tomot. We have to find a way to stop Tom. We need to find a way to stop Tom. >>eng<< Nem akarom megvenni ezt a fajta kanapét. I don't want to buy this kind of sofa. I don't want to buy this kind of couch. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy löytää Tom ennen kuin hän tekee jotakin typerää. We've got to find Tom before he does something stupid. We need to find Tom before he does something stupid. >>eng<< Mida ma söön? What am I eating? What am I eating? >>eng<< Nem szoktál sokat beszélni. You're not used to talking a lot. You don't talk much. >>eng<< Szép a bőröd. You have nice skin. Nice skin. >>eng<< Rasia on kyllin kevyt lapsen kantaa. The box is light enough for a child to carry. The box is light enough for a child. >>eng<< Sanos muuta. You don't say. Tell me about it. >>eng<< Tomia ei voi pysäyttää. Tom can't be stopped. Tom can't be stopped. >>eng<< Mindennek megvan a maga ára. Everything has its price. Everything has its own price. >>eng<< Fekete hajam van. I have black hair. I have black hair. >>eng<< Haluaisimme puhua sinulle. We'd like to speak with you. We'd like to talk to you. >>eng<< Segíthetek? Can I help? Can I help you? >>eng<< Hülye ötlet volt. It was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea. >>eng<< Az október rosszabb volt. October was worse. October was worse. >>eng<< Tomi puhuu Marista koko ajan. Tom talks about Mary all the time. Tomi talks about Mar all the time. >>eng<< Venetsueela aktsendiga harjumiseks kulus mul tükk aega. It took a long time for me to get accustomed to the Venezuelan accent. It took me a while to get used to a Venezuelan accent. >>eng<< Asun kotona vanhempieni kanssa. I live at home with my parents. I live at home with my parents. >>eng<< Palun ära sekku. Please don't interfere. Please don't interfere. >>eng<< Gondolom, tetszene neked. I think you might like it. I guess you'd like it. >>eng<< Boldogtalan vagy? Are you unhappy? Are you unhappy? >>eng<< Minden nap iszom bort. I drink wine every day. I drink wine every day. >>eng<< Nálunk minden rendben. We're fine. We're fine. >>eng<< Egyél több gyümölcsöt. You should eat more fruit. Eat more fruit. >>eng<< Ez kiváló. This is excellent. That's great. >>eng<< Tomi koputti oveen. Tom knocked on the door. Tom knocked on the door. >>eng<< Te ette saa koskaan tietää, jollette koeta. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never know unless you try. >>eng<< Tyttö, joka tykkää minusta, on tuolla. The girl that likes me is over there. The girl who likes me is out there. >>eng<< Kutyaugatás. A dog is barking now. Dog barking. >>eng<< Juhlistetaan voittoamme. Let's celebrate our victory. Let's celebrate our victory. >>eng<< Adj nekem egy párat! Give me a few. Give me a couple. >>eng<< Az út másik oldalán nincsenek még házak. On the other side of the street, there are no houses yet. There are no houses on the other side of the road. >>eng<< Itt az e-mail címem. Here's my email address. Here's my e-mail address. >>eng<< Tom kieltäytyi maksamasta laskujaan. Tom refused to pay his bills. Tom refused to pay his bills. >>eng<< Olen käynyt kolme kertaa Australiassa. I've been to Australia three times. I've been to Australia three times. >>eng<< Menisin mieluummin uimaan. I'd rather go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. >>eng<< Kérlek, azonosítsd magad! Please identify yourself. Please identify yourself. >>eng<< On hyvin tärkeää pitää päänsä, jos on hätätilanne. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. >>eng<< Tom antoi minulle kynän. Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a pen. >>krl<< Pardon? Andiekse? Resized? >>eng<< Ymmärrätkö, mitä minä sanon? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? >>eng<< Sitruuna on hapan hedelmä. The lemon is a sour fruit. The lemon is the fruit of the acid. >>eng<< Ajatteletteko te vakavasti menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< Azt kívánom, hogy egy kivételével minden álmod teljesüljön, így mindig lesz valami, amire törekedhetsz. I hope all but one of your dreams come true, so you always have something to strive for. I wish everything but one to be fulfilled, so there will always be something you can strive for. >>eng<< Soovin et sa eksiks. I wish you were wrong. I wish you were wrong. >>eng<< Menen mieluummin jalan kuin bussilla. I prefer going on foot to going by bus. I'd rather walk than take a bus. >>eng<< Minä tein tämään tuolin. I made this chair. I made this chair. >>eng<< Se oli rakkautta ensi silmäyksellä. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. >>eng<< Tulen myöhässä. I'll be late. I'll be late. >>eng<< Ha ez tényleg ennyire felnyomja benned a pumpát, talán ideje lenne kilépned. If it really winds you up this much, maybe it's about time you log off. If that really puts so much pressure on you, maybe it's time you quit. >>eng<< Naprendszerünk középpontjában a Nap áll. The sun is at the center of our solar system. The Sun is at the center of our solar system. >>eng<< Kokous loppui aikaisemmin kuin tavallisesti. The meeting ended earlier than usual. The meeting ended earlier than usual. >>eng<< Jounin kaltainen rehellinen mies ei ole voinut valehdella. Such an honest man as John cannot have told a lie. A honest man like Joun couldn't have lied. >>eng<< Tudnunk kell, mi történt. We need to know what happened. We need to know what happened. >>eng<< Minä uskon siihen. I believe it. I believe in it. >>eng<< Ta on lootustandev üliõpilane. He is a promising student. He's a hopeful student. >>eng<< See oli tõesti kohutav. It was really horrible. It was really awful. >>eng<< Megígértem a szüleimnek, hogy nem fogok inni. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. I promised my parents I wouldn't drink. >>eng<< Ez volt az egyetlen dolog, amit tennem kellett. That was the only thing I had to do. It was the only thing I had to do. >>eng<< Hän antoi suukon hyvästiksi ja lähti eikä häntä koskaan nähty. He kissed her goodbye and left, never to be seen again. She said goodbye and left and was never seen. >>eng<< Nincs vodkám. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. >>eng<< En voi sietää tätä melua enää. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't stand this noise anymore. >>eng<< A szerencsétlen macskát elütötte egy teherautó. The poor cat was run over by a truck. The poor cat was hit by a truck. >>eng<< Úgy gondolom, becsületes vagy. I believe you are honest. I think you're honest. >>eng<< Hänen ulkomuotonsa ja käytöksensä saivat minun häpeämään häntä. His appearance and behavior made me ashamed of him. His appearance and conduct made me ashamed of him. >>eng<< Isäni ajaa partaansa kylpyhuoneessa. My father is shaving in the bathroom. My father shaves in the bathroom. >>eng<< Koulu oli suljettu taifuunin takia. Because of the typhoon, the school was closed. The school was closed because of a typhoon. >>eng<< Nagy a tét. There is a lot at stake. It's a big bet. >>eng<< Kérlek, add át neki legjobb üdvözleteimet. Please give him my best regards. Please give him my best regards. >>eng<< Miks mina? Why me? Why me? >>eng<< Miksi on välttämätöntä ratkaista konfliktit? Why is it necessary to resolve conflicts? Why is it necessary to resolve conflicts? >>eng<< Sano, että rakastat minua. Say that you love me. Tell me you love me. >>eng<< Megszúrta magát egy tűvel. He pricked himself with a pin. He stabbed himself with a needle. >>eng<< Hän on elossa! She's alive! He's alive! >>eng<< Nincs veszély. There's no danger. There's no danger. >>eng<< Miks sa käitud nagu laps? Why are you acting like a child? Why are you acting like a child? >>eng<< Pystyykö Tom puhumaan ranskaa? Is Tom able to speak French? Is Tom able to speak French? >>eng<< Kas sa arvad, et Tom valetab meile? Do you think Tom is lying to us? Do you think Tom's lying to us? >>eng<< Tamás a legjobb pilótánk. Tom is our best pilot. Thomas is our best pilot. >>eng<< Az autósoknak legalább egy méter széles sávot kell hagyniuk, amikor elhaladnak a biciklisek mellett. Motorists must leave at least a metre-wide buffer when passing cyclists. Car drivers must leave a range of at least one meter wide when passing by by the bikers. >>eng<< Vett egy bútort az áruházban. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. He bought a furniture in the store. >>eng<< Menen sinne nyt. I'm going there now. I'm going there now. >>eng<< Hopi-kielessä on kiinnostavia esimerkkejä onomatopoeettisista ilmauksista. There are interesting examples in the Hopi language concerning onomatopoetic expressions. There are interesting examples of onomatopoietic expressions in Hopi language. >>eng<< Jumituimme ruuhkaan, jonka takia myöhästyimme kaksikymmentä minuuttia. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We got stuck in traffic, which is why we were 20 minutes late. >>eng<< Sinä olet edelleen vihreä. You're still green. You're still green. >>eng<< Megpróbálok uralkodni magamon. I'll try to control myself. I'm trying to control myself. >>eng<< Dobja el a fegyvert! Drop the gun! Drop the gun! >>eng<< Mul on valge kass. I have a white cat. I have a white cat. >>eng<< Pǟvan um kakškimdõ nēļa stuņdõ. A day has twenty-four hours. Pāvan um kakškimdõ nēęa stukdõ. >>eng<< Minä ihailin hänen anteliaisuuttaan. I had great admiration for his generosity. I admired his generosity. >>myv<< I love you. Мон тон вечктян. I love you. >>eng<< Kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan. Heille on annettu järki ja omatunto, ja heidän on toimittava toisiaan kohtaan veljeyden hengessä. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born free and equal in their values and rights. They have been given reason and conscience, and they must act against one another in the spirit of brotherhood. >>eng<< Tele van a padló üvegszilánkkal. There's broken glass all over the floor. The floor is full of glass silo. >>eng<< Hieno puku. Nice costume. Nice suit. >>eng<< Tomnak ma van a születésnapja. It's Tom's birthday today! Tom has his birthday today. >>eng<< Csak rajta! Just go ahead! Go ahead. >>eng<< Tom gyakran aggódik a pénz miatt. Tom often worries about money. Tom's often worried about money. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että Tommi ei tiennyt, kuinka paljon aikaa hän tarvitsisi tehdäkseen tuon. I know that Tom didn't know how much time he'd need to do that. I know Tommi didn't know how much time she needed to do that. >>eng<< Te biztosan Tom testvére vagy. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. >>eng<< Hän on vasta lapsi. She is just a child. She's just a kid. >>eng<< A jövő hónapban nyaralni megyek. I'll be taking a vacation next month. I'm going on vacation next month. >>eng<< Egyedül nem tudom cipelni ezt a bőröndöt. I cannot carry this suitcase by myself. I can't carry this suitcase alone. >>eng<< Tom on Marin pojanpoika. Tom is Mary's grandson. Tom's Mari's grandson. >>eng<< Tomilla on ollut vuosia tarkoituksena siivota todella sotkuinen autotallinsa. Tom has been meaning to clean out his badly cluttered garage for years. Tom's had years to clean up his really messy garage. >>eng<< Ez kinek a tolla? Whose pen is that? Whose pen is this? >>eng<< Miksi me menemme Australiaan? Why are we going to Australia? Why are we going to Australia? >>eng<< Ne menj egyetemre csak azért, mert ezt várják tőled! Don't go to university just because it's what you're supposed to do. Don't go to college just because they expect it from you. >>eng<< Tom lábán nem volt zokni. Tom wasn't wearing socks. There was no socks on Tom's leg. >>eng<< Onko Tomilla kissaa? Does Tom have a cat? Does Tom have a cat? >>eng<< Minu ema on vihane. My mother is angry. My mom's mad. >>eng<< Tom faragatlan volt. Tom was rude. Tom was rude. >>eng<< Add oda a tiéd! Neked nem lesz rá már szükséged. Give me yours. You don't need it anymore. Give it to me, you won't need it anymore. >>eng<< En pitänyt elokuvan juonesta. I didn't like the plot of the movie. I didn't like the movie's scheme. >>eng<< Elkelne a segítséged. I could use your help. I could use your help. >>eng<< Ki kér fagylaltot? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? >>eng<< Tomi huusi. Tom shouted. Tom was screaming. >>eng<< Elämässä ja kuolemassa ei ole järkeä tahi syytä. Toiset tekevät kaiken oikein, ja silti kuolevat nuorina, samalla kuin toiset elävät vanhaksi. There's no rhyme or reason to life and death. Many people who do all the right things die early anyway, while others live to an old age. There is no reason for life and death. Others do everything right, yet they die young, while others live old. >>eng<< Tom előre fizetett. Tom prepaid. Tom paid me in advance. >>eng<< Miksi soitit minulle tähän jumalattomaan aikaan? Why did you call me at this unearthly hour? Why did you call me at this godless time? >>eng<< Mary peittää suunsa ja haukottelee. Mary's covering her mouth and yawning. Mary covers her mouth and barks. >>eng<< Бур ӵукна! Good morning! - Oh, come on. >>eng<< Öt vagy tíz évre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a technológia elkészüljön. It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready. It takes five or ten years to complete the technology. >>eng<< Tom nagyon fog nekem hiányozni. I'm going to miss Tom so much. Tom's gonna miss me so much. >>eng<< Näytä mulle sun kädet. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. >>eng<< Jobban is meg tudtam volna csinálni, ha több időm lett volna. I could have done better if I had had more time. I could have done better if I had more time. >>eng<< Helppo suunnitella, vaikea toteuttaa. Easy to plan, hard to realize. Easy to plan, hard to implement. >>eng<< Szólt a fiúknak, hogy sorakozzanak. He told the boys to line up. He told the boys to line up. >>eng<< Tom egy kihívással néz szembe. Tom is facing a challenge. Tom is facing a challenge. >>eng<< Se oli suuri, musta amerikkalainen sotalaiva. It was a big black American warship. It was a big, black American warship. >>eng<< Tom elkapta a tolvajt. Tom caught the thief. Tom caught the thief. >>eng<< Tom ei saa sormustaan pois sormesta. Tom can't get his ring off his finger. Tom can't get his ring off his finger. >>eng<< Nem értem, hogy ebben mi olyan mulatságos. I fail to see what's so amusing. I don't understand what's so funny about this. >>eng<< Met näjemä! See you! Met sight! >>eng<< Akár tízszer is lezuhanyzik egy nap. He takes a shower even ten times a day. He showers ten times a day. >>eng<< Kamionos vagyok. I am a truck driver. I'm a trucker. >>eng<< Onko Tomilla avain Maryn huoneistoon? Does Tom have a key to Mary's flat? Does Tom have a key to Mary's apartment? >>eng<< Menin rannalle. I went to the beach. I went to the beach. >>krl<< Cheers! Teijän tervehyökse! Unhappy! >>eng<< Islanti on saarivaltio Grönlannin, Fär-saarten ja Norjan välissä Pohjois-Atlantilla. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway. Iceland is an island state between Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway in the North Atlantic. >>eng<< Mene nyt ja pidä hauskaa. Now, go have a good time. Why don't you go ahead and have a good time? >>eng<< Hé, figyelj már rám! Hey, listen to me. Hey, listen to me. >>eng<< Tom näytti, että hän oli purskahtamaisillaan itkuun hetkellä millä hyvänsä. Tom looked as if he was about to burst out crying at any time. Tom showed that he was about to break into tears at any moment. >>eng<< Nagyon kedves vagy. You're very kind. You're very kind. >>eng<< Паша пытышаш марте шуын. That job is pretty much finished. Unable to finish working properly. >>eng<< Egyszer fenn, egyszer lenn. In life there are ups and downs. Once up, once down. >>eng<< Milloin ovat häät? When's the wedding? When's the wedding? >>eng<< Nem haltál meg. You're not dead. You're not dead. >>eng<< Tom haaras oma vasaku käega Mary parema. Tom grabbed Mary's right hand with his left hand. Tom grabbed Mary with his left hand. >>eng<< Minden út Rómába vezet. Many ways lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. >>eng<< En ymmärä. I do not understand. I don't understand. >>eng<< Uinti on hyväksi terveydelle. Swimming is healthy. It's good for health. >>eng<< Ó, sajnos lekéstél a műsorról. Aw, sorry you missed the show. Oh, unfortunately, you're late for the show. >>eng<< Megreggeliztünk. We had breakfast. We had breakfast. >>eng<< Hän valehtelee! He's lying. He's lying! >>eng<< Tegnap délután voltál könyvtárban? Were you at the library yesterday afternoon? Were you in the library last afternoon? >>eng<< Ezt nem akarom megszokni. I don't want to get used to this. I don't want to get used to this. >>eng<< Mindenki itt van? Is everybody here? Is everyone here? >>eng<< Pidäthän huolta itsestäsi? Take care of yourself, OK? You'll take care of yourself, won't you? >>eng<< Pärjäämme paremmin ilman teitä. We're better off without you. We'll do better without you. >>eng<< Meglepett az, amit megtudtam. I was surprised by what I learned. I'm surprised what I found out. >>eng<< Ma tean, et sa sündisid Bostonis. I know you were born in Boston. I know you were born in Boston. >>eng<< Poiss viskab ühe kivi. The boy throws a stone. The boy throws a rock. >>eng<< A jó humorérzék segít a nehéz helyzetekben. A good sense of humor will help you deal with hard times. A good sense of humor helps in difficult situations. >>eng<< Bármi történjék, te csak mosolyogj! No matter what happens, don't forget to smile. Whatever happens, you just smile. >>eng<< Bárcsak velünk maradtál volna, nem kerültél volna bajba. If only you had stayed with us, you wouldn't have gotten into trouble. If only you'd stayed with us, you wouldn't have been in trouble. >>eng<< Tule lähemmäksi, jotta näen naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. >>eng<< Ha többen csináljuk, jobban fog menni. There's safety in numbers. If we do it more, it'll get better. >>eng<< Lääkärit katsovat röntgenkuvaa. The doctors are looking at an x-ray. The doctors are looking at the X-ray. >>eng<< Ma kuulen kuskil saksofoni. I can hear a saxophone somewhere. I can hear the saxophone somewhere. >>eng<< Lopeta jo! Cut it out. Stop it! >>eng<< Tunnen oloni mukavaksi kiusallisissa tilanteissa. I feel comfortable in awkward situations. I feel comfortable in awkward situations. >>eng<< Tom on opiskelemassa. Tom is studying. Tom's studying. >>eng<< Ajatteletteko vakavissanne menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< Térjünk a lényegre! Let's get to the point! Let's get to the point. >>eng<< Emme myy geneerisiä tuotteita tässä apteekissa. We don't sell generics in this pharmacy. We don't sell generic products in this pharmacy. >>eng<< Homomorfismia ei pidä sekoittaa homeomorfismiin. One must not confuse homomorphism with homeomorphism. Homomorphism should not be mixed with homeomorphism. >>eng<< Тудо мыланем пӧлекым пуо. She gave me a present. We are faced with a period of depression. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole monimutkaista. This isn't complicated. This isn't complicated. >>eng<< Vain noin 15 prosenttia autisteista on työelämässä, lähinnä ihmisten ennakkoluulojen takia. Only about 15 per cent of people with autism are in the workforce, mainly because people are so judgemental about them. Only about 15% of autists are in employment, mainly because of people's prejudices. >>eng<< See ei ole seda väärt! It isn't worth it! It's not worth it! >>eng<< Mindenki ismeri a törvényt. Everyone knows the law. Everyone knows the law. >>eng<< Postkontor on suletud. The post office is closed. The post office's closed. >>eng<< Aiotko sinä vain jäädä tänne? Are you just going to stay here? Are you just gonna stay here? >>eng<< Nainen lukee. The woman reads. She reads. >>eng<< Tom ei pidä opiskelusta. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom doesn't like studying. >>eng<< Miért kérdezte ezt meg tőlem Tom? Why did Tom ask me that? Why did Tom ask me that? >>eng<< Onko sinulla kiire? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? >>eng<< Jézusom! Süket vagy? Geez! Are you deaf? Jesus, are you deaf? >>eng<< Tarvitsen neuvojasi. I need your advice. I need your advice. >>eng<< Olen vilustunut. I have a cold. I'm cold. >>eng<< Ezt biztosan nem akarjuk. We sure don't want that. I'm sure we don't want that. >>eng<< Veszélyes lesz. It'll be dangerous. It's gonna be dangerous. >>eng<< Ma õpin inglise keelt. I'm learning English. I'm learning English. >>eng<< Milyen fajta gyógyszer ez? What kind of medicine is it? What kind of medicine is this? >>eng<< Elfelejtettem a telefonszámodat. I forget your telephone number. I forgot your phone number. >>eng<< Látsz engem? Can you see me? Can you see me? >>eng<< Kun löysin todellisen identiteettini, elämäni alkoi olla mielekästä. When I found my true identity, my life began to make sense. When I found my true identity, my life began to be meaningful. >>eng<< Hänen mahtava sinfoniansa esitettiin. His great symphony was performed. His great symphony was presented. >>eng<< Tamás nem ebédelt. Tom didn't have lunch. Tamás didn't have lunch. >>eng<< Mu isa käib igal hommikul jalutamas. My father takes a walk every morning. My dad walks every morning. >>eng<< Hol van a szeretet? Where's the love? Where's the love? >>eng<< Az érintetteknek többet kéne kommunikálniuk. There should be more communication between the persons concerned. The people involved should communicate more. >>eng<< Mari kijavította. Mary corrected it. Mari fixed it. >>eng<< Ne használj sok borsot. Go easy on the pepper. Don't use much pepper. >>eng<< Mi történt a pénzzel? What happened to the money? What happened to the money? >>eng<< Mit ér ez neked? What's it worth to you? What's that worth to you? >>eng<< Ne légy olyan hülye! Don't be such an ass. Don't be so stupid. >>eng<< Kiitos! Thanks! Thank you! >>eng<< Nem tudhatja az igazságot. He can't know the truth. You don't know the truth. >>eng<< Sinulla ei varmaankaan satu olemaan puukkoa mukanasi? You wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you? You don't happen to have a knife with you, do you? >>eng<< Hän ei pysty pysäyttämään häntä. She can't stop him. He can't stop him. >>eng<< Vastanaineet. Just married. Opponents. >>eng<< Hän puhui musiikista. He talked about music. He was talking about music. >>eng<< Szeretem a zöld teát. I like green tea. I like green tea. >>eng<< Tomra vártál, nem igaz? You waited for Tom, didn't you? You were waiting for Tom, weren't you? >>eng<< Nincs bizonyíték. There's no evidence. There's no evidence. >>eng<< Tom vezette a támadást. Tom led the attack. Tom led the attack. >>eng<< Tom vagy? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? >>eng<< Ensin koko idea vaikutti järjettömältä. At first, the idea seemed absurd. At first, the whole idea seemed absurd. >>eng<< Én pontban 10-kor itt voltam, de ti nem. I was here exactly at ten o'clock, but you weren't. I was here at 10:00, but you didn't. >>eng<< Megvolnánk! There we are! There we go. >>eng<< Maradnék még szívesen, de nem tehetem, tudod jól. I'd like to stay yet, but you know I can't. I'd love to stay, but I can't, you know. >>eng<< Szokás szerint két kávét iszok meg az ebéd mellé. Usually I drink two cups of coffee with lunch. I usually drink two coffees next to lunch. >>eng<< Näkeekö Supermies vaatteiden läpi? Can Superman also see through clothes? Can Superman see through his clothes? >>eng<< Otapa pala kakkua, jos vain maistuu. Help yourself to a piece of cake. Take a piece of cake, if you like. >>eng<< Senki nem lepődött meg. No one was surprised. No one was surprised. >>eng<< Asitõendid ei toeta väidet. The evidence doesn't support the claim. The evidence does not support the claim. >>eng<< Hän valmisti pojalleen pienoismallilentokoneen. He made a model airplane for his son. He made a model plane for his son. >>eng<< Puhu asioista niiden oikeilla nimillä. Call a spade a spade. Talk about things with their real names. >>eng<< Tom múlt hét óta elfoglalt. Tom has been busy since last week. Tom's been busy since last week. >>eng<< Tomi käed on räpased. Tom's hands are dirty. Tom's hands are dirty. >>eng<< Tom tahtoi laihtua. Tom wanted to lose weight. Tom wanted to lose weight. >>eng<< Szia, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hey, Tom. >>eng<< Háromszáz dollárt adott Tom. Tom gave me 300 dollars. He gave me three hundred dollars, Tom. >>eng<< En ole yhtä luova kuin Tom. I'm not as creative as Tom. I'm not as creative as Tom. >>eng<< Ez annyira kényelmes. This is so comfortable. It's so comfortable. >>eng<< Jó feleség lesz. She'll make a good wife. She'll be a good wife. >>eng<< Tomi oli kirkumassa. Tom was screaming. Tomi was screaming. >>eng<< Tomin ja Marin pitäisi kertoa Jonille, että he aikovat tehdä noin. Tom and Mary should tell John they intend to do that. Tom and Marin should tell Jon that's what they're gonna do. >>eng<< Koska näytös alkaa? When will the show begin? When's the show? >>eng<< Syö ja juo. Eat and drink. Eat and drink. >>eng<< Mikor hunyt el Tamás? When did Tom pass away? When did Thomas die? >>eng<< Se poika hyppää. The boy is jumping. That boy's jumping. >>eng<< Tom tahtoi kiittää sinua. Tom wanted to thank you. Tom wanted to thank you. >>eng<< Van motorod? Do you have a motorcycle? Do you have a bike? >>eng<< Miksi et soittanut minulle takaisin? Why didn't you call me back? Why didn't you call me back? >>eng<< Tomi pyöräilee. Tom rides a bicycle. Tom's on a bike. >>eng<< En ole rakkautesi. I'm not your love. I'm not your love. >>eng<< Minden tőle telhetőt megtesz, hogy időben itt legyen. She will do her best to be here on time. He's doing everything he can to make sure he's here on time. >>eng<< Vaikuttaa siltä, että olet humalassa. You seem to be drunk. Looks like you're drunk. >>eng<< Mina olen kana. I'm chicken. I'm a chicken. >>eng<< Minä vihaan tätä kapistusta. I hate this thing. I hate this insurrection. >>eng<< Syötkö lihaa? Do you eat meat? Are you eating meat? >>eng<< Sinä osaat vähän ranskaa, eikö niin? You know some French, don't you? You know a little French, don't you? >>eng<< Olemmeko me aikataulussa? Are we on schedule? Are we on schedule? >>eng<< Ma találkozom vele. I'll see her today. I'm meeting him today. >>eng<< Se ei ole juttu eikä mikään. It's not a big deal. It's not a thing or anything. >>eng<< Minulta vei useita tunteja korjata se. It took me several hours to repair it. It took me several hours to fix it. >>eng<< Kérsz egy csésze teát? Would you like a cup of tea? You want a cup of tea? >>eng<< Ez nem lehet véletlen egybeesés. This can't be a coincidence. This can't be a coincidence. >>eng<< Két halat fogtam. I caught two fish. I caught two fish. >>eng<< Ma ei vaja su armuande. I don't need your charity. I don't need your love gift. >>eng<< Maa on lame. The earth is flat. The earth is flat. >>eng<< En olisi saanut työtä, jos sinä et olisi suositellut minua. I wouldn't have gotten the job if you hadn't recommended me. I wouldn't have had a job if you hadn't recommended me. >>eng<< Utálom a tömeget. I hate crowds. I hate crowds. >>eng<< Mindkettőtöket le fogom lőni. I'll shoot both of you. I'm gonna shoot you both. >>eng<< "Pitää paikkansa", sanoi Joni. "That's right", said John. "Absolutely," said Joni. >>eng<< Azon a napon az életem megváltozott. My life changed that day. That day my life changed. >>eng<< Tällä oravalla on korkeanpaikankammo. This squirrel is afraid of heights. This squirrel has a high-end comb. >>eng<< Mul on kass ja koer. Kass on must ja koer on valge. I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog and a cat is black and a dog is white. >>eng<< Mistä sinä tulet? Where are you coming from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Mit csinálunk? What are we doing? What are we doing? >>eng<< Olen autossa. I'm in the car. I'm in the car. >>eng<< Miksi minun täytyy opetella ranskaa? Why do I need to learn French? Why do I have to learn French? >>eng<< Apám kerékpárral megy munkába. My father goes to work by bike. My dad's on a bike. >>eng<< Sinä et pärjää kovin hyvin. You're not doing so well. You're not doing very well. >>eng<< Kuidas sa said omale hüüdnime? How did you get your nickname? How did you get a nickname? >>eng<< Lepäsin puun varjossa. I rested in the shade of a tree. I rested in the shadow of the tree. >>eng<< Ismered a számát? Do you know his number? Do you know her number? >>eng<< Szívesen olvasok könyveket. I enjoy reading books. I'd love to read books. >>eng<< Tom leengedte a kocsija ablakát. Tom rolled his window down. Tom let down his car window. >>eng<< Pantheon on nykyisin kirkko. The Pantheon is now a church. Pantheon is now a church. >>eng<< Ez csalás. That's cheating. It's cheating. >>eng<< Sellaista sattuu joskus. Shit happens. It happens sometimes. >>eng<< Myöhään valvominen tekee huonoa iholle. Staying up late at night is very bad for your skin. It's bad for the skin to stay up late. >>eng<< Etsisimme haudattua aarretta. We were looking for buried treasure. We're looking for buried treasure. >>eng<< Bártnis lea heasta. The boy has a horse. Actually, it is good for you. >>eng<< Buss väljub iga kümne minuti tagant. The bus leaves every ten minutes. The bus leaves every ten minutes. >>eng<< Oletko varma, että et haluat tehdä sitä? Are you sure you don't want to do that? Are you sure you don't want to do that? >>eng<< Ooh! Yikes! Ooh! >>eng<< Pysykää rauhallisena. Keep calm. Stay calm. >>eng<< A Hold senkié. Nobody owns the moon. No one owns the moon. >>eng<< Algéria vezetői csakis mecseteket építenek, és amikor meg betegek, akkor meg külföldre mennek. Algerian leaders build only mosques, but when they are sick they go abroad. Algerian leaders only build mosques, and when they are sick, they go abroad. >>eng<< Ma saan sellega ise hakkama. I can manage that on my own. I can handle it myself. >>eng<< Először Tomit kell kérdezned. You have to ask Tom first. You have to ask Tomi first. >>eng<< Tomin lapset eivät osaa ranskaa. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids don't know French. >>eng<< Hirtelen felnevetett. All of a sudden, she began to laugh. He suddenly laughed at me. >>eng<< Mit gondolsz, ki nézett tévét ebben a szobában tegnap este? Who do you think was watching TV in this room last night? Who do you think was watching TV in this room last night? >>eng<< Onko turvallista uida tässä joessa? Is it safe to swim in this river? Is it safe to swim in this river? >>eng<< Itt várok, amíg nem jön. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. >>eng<< Tom nagyon álszent. Tom is very hypocritical. Tom is very sanctified. >>eng<< Hiányoznak, igaz? You miss them, don't you? I miss you, right? >>eng<< Tule ja kerro minulle kaikki itsestäsi. Come and tell me all about yourself. Come and tell me everything about yourself. >>eng<< Tom megivott néhány csésze kávét, hogy ébren tartsa magát. Tom drank a few cups of coffee to keep himself awake. Tom had a few cups of coffee to keep himself awake. >>eng<< Te olette ihan seonneet. You are deranged. You're out of your mind. >>eng<< Egy élmény volt vele beszélni a partin. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. It was an experience to talk to him at the party. >>eng<< Se on aikamoinen saavutus. That's quite an accomplishment. That's quite an achievement. >>eng<< Boldog lett. She became happy. He's happy. >>eng<< Tomnak fájt a torka. Tom had a sore throat. Tom had a sore throat. >>eng<< Szeretem a kutyám. I love my dog. I love my dog. >>eng<< Tom megsértődött azon, amit Mary mondott. Tom was offended by what Mary said. Tom was offended by what Mary said. >>krl<< Goodbye, Ian. Jiägiä tervehekse, Ian. 256 Goodbye, Ian. >>eng<< Néha-néha moziba megyek. I go to the movies once in a while. Sometimes I go to the movies. >>eng<< Ismerem a szabályokat. I know the rules. I know the rules. >>eng<< Nincs tíznél több könyvem. I have no more than ten books. I don't have more than ten books. >>eng<< Ne támadj engem! Don't attack me. Don't attack me. >>eng<< Ki írta ezt? Who wrote this? Who wrote this? >>eng<< Roomajate kehad on soomustega kaetud. The bodies of reptiles are covered by scales. The bodies of the Romans are covered with armor. >>eng<< Voitko antaa minulle tuon jutun? Can you pass me that thingamajig? Can you give me that thing? >>eng<< Kínai nyelvet tanítok. I teach Chinese. I teach Chinese. >>eng<< Nagyon unalmas. It's very boring. Very boring. >>eng<< Úgy tűnt, a nap egy helyben állt. The sun seemed to stand still. It looked like the sun was in the same place. >>eng<< Japanissa ihmisistä tulee laillisesti täysi-ikäisiä kaksikymmentävuotiaina. In Japan, people legally become adults when they turn twenty. In Japan, people legally become full age at the age of 20. >>eng<< Otin kirjan hyllyltä. I took a book from the shelf. I took the book off the shelf. >>eng<< Hän todennäköisesti saa työn loppuun huomiseen mennessä. He'll probably finish the work by tomorrow. He'll probably finish the job by tomorrow. >>eng<< Voisitko kenties kääntää sen minulle? Could you perhaps translate that for me? Why don't you turn it over to me? >>eng<< Nem tudtuk, hogy melyik vonattal jönnek. We didn't know on which train they'd be coming. We didn't know which train they were taking. >>eng<< Kérsz egy kis krumplilevest? Would you like some potato soup? Would you like some potato juice? >>eng<< Ők nem ismernek bennünket. They don't know us. They don't know us. >>eng<< Laatikon sisällä täytyy olla jotain. There must be something in the box. There must be something inside the box. >>eng<< Kuinka ihania vanhat, hyvät päivät olivatkaan. How wonderful were the good old days. How wonderful the old days were. >>eng<< Gyerekkoromban gyakran sétáltam az erdőben. When I was a child I often walked in the woods. When I was a kid, I used to walk in the woods. >>eng<< - Megnézhetem a jegyét? - Igen. Itt van. "Can I see your ticket?" "Yes. Here it is." - Can I see your ticket? >>eng<< Annoin Tomille maitoa ja keksejä. I gave Tom some milk and cookies. I gave Tom milk and cookies. >>eng<< Felment a házak ára. House prices are up. The price of the houses went up. >>eng<< Kas sa kavatsed sõnastiku osta? Are you going to buy a dictionary? Are you going to buy the dictionary? >>eng<< Ma usaldan, mis Tom ütles. I'll take Tom at his word. I trust what Tom said. >>eng<< Mie puhhuun telefoonissa. I'm talking on the phone. I'm gonna blow up on the telephony. >>eng<< En ajatellut, että siinä kestäisi näin kauan. I didn't think it would take this long. I didn't think it would take this long. >>eng<< Ha a kiabálás nem segít, kiálts hangosabban! When yelling doesn't work, yell louder! If yelling doesn't help, shout louder. >>krl<< My name is Jack. Minun nimi on Jack. That’s what I want to do. ” >>eng<< Tykkäätkö Tomin tatskasta? Do you like Tom's tattoo? Do you like Tom's tattoo? >>eng<< Haluan tavata isosiskosi. I want to meet your older sister. I want to see your big sister. >>eng<< Tomi poisti Facebook-tilinsä. Tom deleted his Facebook account. Tom removed his Facebook account. >>eng<< Ki fog vezetni? Who'll drive? Who's gonna drive you? >>eng<< Täydellinen yksityisyys Facebookissa on harhaa. Sitä ei ole todellisuudessa olemassa. Absolute privacy on Facebook is an illusion. It doesn't exist in reality. Perfect privacy on Facebook is misleading. It does not really exist. >>eng<< Nende majja murti eile sisse. Their house was broken into last night. They broke into their house last night. >>eng<< Rong läheb kell üheksa välja. The train leaves at nine o'clock. The train's leaving at 9:00. >>eng<< Ez szőlőbor. This wine is made from grapes. It's grape wine. >>eng<< Elmondok neked mindent. I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you everything. >>eng<< Ne nézd ezt! Don't look at it! Don't look at this. >>eng<< Tämä on kaikkein rumin lumiukko, jonka minä olen koskaan nähnyt! This is the ugliest snowman I've ever seen! This is the ugliest snowman I've ever seen! >>eng<< Minun kissani näyttää surulliselta. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. >>eng<< Tamás bátor volt. Tom was brave. Thomas was brave. >>eng<< Kinyitottam az ajtót. I opened the door. I opened the door. >>eng<< Hány órakor mész iskolába? What time do you go to school? What time are you going to school? >>eng<< Jos huomaat virheitä, niin korjaathan ne. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you notice any mistakes, you'll fix them. >>eng<< Ei koske sinua millään tavoin. It's none of your business. Don't touch you in any way. >>eng<< Csak rajtad múlik. It all depends solely on you. It's up to you. >>eng<< Anyám nárciszokat ültetett a kertbe. My mother planted daffodils in the garden. My mom planted nerds in the garden. >>eng<< Alan szereti a pornográfiát. Alan likes porn. Alan likes pornography. >>eng<< Yritä kovasti. Try hard. Try hard. >>eng<< Régen házas voltam. I used to be married. I used to be married. >>eng<< Szerintem egyikőtök sem látja ennek a fontosságát. I don't think any of you realize the significance of this. I don't think either of you see the importance of this. >>eng<< Me olimme odottamassa. We were waiting. We were waiting. >>eng<< Isäni oli puu. My father was a tree. My father was a tree. >>eng<< Mária megoldotta a rejtélyt. Mary solved the mystery. Mary solved the mystery. >>eng<< Soha nem kellett volna Bostonba jönnöm. I should have never come to Boston. I never should have come to Boston. >>eng<< Különbséget tehetsz. You can make a difference. You can make a difference. >>eng<< Jotkut jopa syyttivät häntä maanpetoksesta. Some even accused him of treason. Some even accused him of treason. >>eng<< Minulla on ollut infarkti aikaisemmin. I have had a stroke before. I've had a heart attack before. >>eng<< Nézd! Look! Look! >>eng<< Hän on isäni äiti. Hän on isänpuoleinen isoäitini. She is my father's mother. She is my paternal grandmother. She's my father's mother. >>eng<< Spinoza oli panteisti. Spinoza was a pantheist. Spinoza was a panther. >>eng<< Se on harppu. It's a harp. It's a harp. >>eng<< Nem akarok lefeküdni. I don't want to lie down. I don't want to go to bed. >>eng<< Tsau, mina siin. Kas sa saaksid mu jaamast peale võtta? Hello, it's me. Could you come pick me up at the station? Hey, it's me. >>eng<< Tyttö osti huulikiiltoa lähikaupasta. The girl bought some lip gloss at the convenience store. She bought lip gloss at the nearest store. >>eng<< Hogy sikerült a teszted? How was your test? How'd your test go? >>eng<< Kérlek, javítsd azt ki! Please correct that. Please fix that. >>eng<< Mi van a kertben? What is in the garden? What's in the garden? >>eng<< Csak erre volt szükségem. I just needed this one. That's all I needed. >>eng<< Sekoitin sinut veljeesi. I mistook you for your brother. I messed you up with your brother. >>eng<< Jos virheitäni aina korjattaisiin, oppisin nopeammin. If my mistakes were always corrected, I would learn faster. If my mistakes were always corrected, I'd learn more quickly. >>eng<< Ebben a kérdésben nem tudunk veled egyetérteni. We can not agree with you on this point. We can't agree with you on this. >>eng<< Olen saanut sinulta flunssan. You've given me your cold. You've given me a cold. >>eng<< En aio mennä takaisin. I'm not going back. I'm not going back. >>eng<< Tudnál nekem segíteni taxit fogni? Can you help me get a taxi? Can you help me get a cab? >>eng<< Hänen asenteensa ällöttää minua. His attitude disgusts me. His attitude is disgusting to me. >>eng<< Sinä tiedät, että tarvitsen sen takaisin. You know I need it back. You know I need it back. >>eng<< Ha meg akarnálak ölni, meg tudnálak. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I could kill you. >>eng<< Se huone oli niin valoisa, että hän pystyi lukemaan kirjeen. The room was light enough for her to read the letter. That room was so bright he could read the letter. >>eng<< Saat käyttää tätä autoa. You may use this car. You can use this car. >>eng<< Ő taxisofőr. He is a taxi driver. He's a cab driver. >>eng<< Myös Tom opiskelee ranskaa. Tom is also studying French. Tom also studies French. >>eng<< Muista! Remember! Remember! >>eng<< Tervetuloa Australiaan! Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia! >>eng<< Apa még mindig ágyban van. Father is still in bed. Dad's still in bed. >>eng<< En ole aina sunnuntaisin vapaalla. I'm not always free on Sundays. I'm not always out on Sundays. >>eng<< Figyelmeztettek, hogy ne higgyem el, amit Tom mond. I was warned not to believe anything Tom says. I was warned not to believe what Tom said. >>eng<< Éppen időben! Just in time! Just in time! >>eng<< Nem mindenki szerez felsőfokú képesítést. Not everybody graduates. Not everyone gets a high-level qualification. >>eng<< Kas sinuga koos oli teisi? Were there others with you? Were there others with you? >>eng<< Ezt hogy kell megenni? How do I eat this? How do you eat this? >>eng<< Tomnak iskolába kell mennie. Tom has to go to school. Tom has to go to school. >>eng<< - Hangokat hallasz a fejedben? - Igen, démoni hangokat. "You hear voices in your head?" "Yes, demonic voices." - Can you hear voices in your head? >>eng<< Olen kadottanut avaimeni. I've lost my key. I've lost my keys. >>eng<< Ne juoksevat nyt. They are running now. They're running now. >>eng<< Nähdään töissä huomenna. See you at work tomorrow. I'll see you at work tomorrow. >>eng<< Se jää nähtäväksi. We shall see. We'll see about that. >>eng<< Számítanak rád. They're expecting you. They're counting on you. >>eng<< Tom kedvenc sportja a baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. Tom's favorite sport is baseball. >>eng<< Lopeta ruikuttaminen. Stop whining. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey >>eng<< Szerinted jóképű voltam? Would you say I was good-looking? You think I was handsome? >>eng<< En avaa ovea Tomille. I'm not opening the door for Tom. I'm not opening the door for Tom. >>eng<< Ta elab ranna lähedal. He lives near the beach. He lives near the beach. >>eng<< Tamás két üveg bort iszik meg minden étkezésnél. Tom drinks two bottles of wine with each meal. Thomas drinks two bottles of wine at every meal. >>eng<< Kus lapsed on? Where are the children? Where are the kids? >>eng<< Hän oli omahyväinen luonnostaan. He was assertive by nature. He was self-righteous by nature. >>eng<< Herra White on liberaali poliitikko. Mr. White is a liberal politician. Mr. White is a liberal politician. >>eng<< Kinek szabad nevén nevezni a dolgokat? Who's allowed to call a spade a spade? Who are you supposed to call it? >>eng<< Tom luotti heihin. Tom trusted them. Tom trusted them. >>eng<< Vannak szeretői? Do you have lovers? Do you have lovers? >>eng<< Minun pitää löytää Tom nyt. I need to find Tom now. I need to find Tom now. >>eng<< Időben érkezett a találkozóra. He arrived in time for the meeting. He arrived at the meeting in time. >>eng<< Kelle sõber ta on? Whose friend is he? Whose friend is he? >>eng<< Saisit hävetä, Tomi. Shame on you, Tom. You should be ashamed, Tom. >>eng<< Siispä älä epäröi. So don't hesitate. So don't hesitate. >>eng<< Ki hozta ezt? Who brought this? Who brought this? >>eng<< Laita se pöydälle. Put it onto the table. Put it on the table. >>eng<< Koko hänen perheensä voi oikein hyvin. Her family are all very well. His whole family is doing very well. >>eng<< Apám Tokióban él és dolgozik. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. >>eng<< Az elefánt egy nagyon nagy állat. An elephant is a very large animal. Elephant is a very big animal. >>eng<< Nem ettem semmit reggel óta. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning. I haven't eaten anything since this morning. >>eng<< Onko se kovin vakava ongelma? Is it a very serious problem? Is that a very serious problem? >>eng<< En usko kummituksiin. I don't believe that ghosts exist. I don't believe in ghosts. >>eng<< Tom viccesebb, mint Mary. Tom is funnier than Mary. Tom's funnier than Mary. >>eng<< Az a munkájuk, hogy virágokat termesszenek. Their job is to grow flowers. Their job is to grow flowers. >>eng<< Sokat harcolunk. We fight a lot. We fight a lot. >>eng<< Kérlek, add ide a sétapálcámat! Please hand me my cane. Please, give me my walk. >>eng<< Előrehajolt. He bent forward. He's bent forward. >>eng<< Azt az utat választotta. She went that way. You chose that path. >>eng<< Minä hykertelin. I chuckled. I was jogging. >>eng<< Rohannom kell. I have to rush. I have to run. >>eng<< Sitä en usko. I don't believe it. I don't think so. >>eng<< Odotan täällä. I'll wait out here. I'll wait here. >>eng<< Svájc szép ország. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. >>eng<< Tom kirjoittaa vieläkin runoja. Tom still writes poems. Tom still writes poetry. >>eng<< Másképp akarok kinézni. I want to look different. I want to look different. >>eng<< Hozd magaddal a diákigazolványodat. Bring your student ID card. Bring your student ID with you. >>eng<< Tomia kauhistutti. Tom was appalled. Tom was terrified. >>eng<< Tilanne voi riistäytyä käsistä. It could get ugly. Things can get out of hand. >>eng<< Mida me õhtuks sööme? What are we having for dinner tonight? What are we having for dinner? >>eng<< Ta ei teinud seda. She didn't do it. He didn't do it. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole vodkaa. I don't have vodka. I don't have vodka. >>eng<< Tomnak be kellett volna zárnia az ajtót. Tom should have locked the door. Tom should've locked the door. >>eng<< Nicki, sinä et edes pidä kalasta! Nicki, you don't even like fish! Nicki, you don't even like fish! >>eng<< Oletko jo allekirjoittanut sopimuksen? Have you signed the contract already? Have you signed the contract yet? >>eng<< Tomi megevett egy egész üveg savanyú uborkát. Tom ate a whole jar of pickles. Tomi ate an entire bottle of sour cucumber. >>eng<< Csak vicceltem. I was only joking. I'm just kidding. >>eng<< En osaa ranskaa kovin hyvin. I don't know French that well. I don't know French very well. >>eng<< Englannissa on hyvin epävakaa sää. The weather changes very often in England. There is very unstable weather in England. >>eng<< Tomi minden második hónapban eljön ide. Tom comes here every other month. Tomi comes here every other month. >>eng<< Ne egyél! Do not eat. Don't eat. >>eng<< Varo! Tiessä on reikä! Look out! There's a hole in the road. There's a hole in the road! >>eng<< Olyat teszek, hogy Tom azt kívánja majd, bárcsak meg sem született volna. I'm going to make Tom wish he'd never been born. I'm doing something that Tom would wish he hadn't been born. >>eng<< Ma este találkoztam Tomival. I met Tom tonight. I met Tomi tonight. >>eng<< Se oli vaan yks pusu. It was just one kiss. It was just a kiss. >>eng<< Gyere be! Come inside. Come in. >>eng<< Olenko minä niin erilainen? Am I so different? Am I that different? >>eng<< Auton renkaisiin olivat kuivuneen mudan peitossa. The car's tires were caked with dried mud. The tyres in the car were covered with dried mud. >>eng<< Kaikki janoavat rakkautta. Everyone thirsts for love. Everyone's thirsty for love. >>eng<< Szegénységben élünk. We live in poverty. We live in poverty. >>eng<< Se on tyyntä myrskyn edellä. It is the calm before the storm. It's calm ahead of the storm. >>eng<< Mindenképpen saját magad csináld! Do it yourself by all means. Be sure to do it yourself. >>eng<< Azt tudom. I know that. I know that. >>eng<< Sinä olet hukannut sinun marmorikuulasi. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your marble. >>eng<< Elämä imitoi taidetta enemmän kuin taide elämää. Life imitates art far more than art imitates life. Life absorbs art more than art life. >>eng<< A szeme se rebbent. She didn't bat an eyelid. She didn't even have eyes on her. >>eng<< Mä en oo ylpee siitä. I'm not proud of it. I'm not proud of it. >>eng<< Tiedät keitä me olemme. You know who we are. You know who we are. >>eng<< Csak magunk között, az a ronda tehén diétázik. Just between you and me, that fat ugly witch is on a diet. Just between you and me, that ugly cow is on a diet. >>eng<< Tom puhuu ranskaa yhtä hyvin kuin sinä. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as well as you do. >>eng<< Mä haluun jutella sun kanssa Tomista. I want to talk with you about Tom. I want to talk to you about Tom. >>eng<< Keskustelu perustuu molemminpuoliseen kunnioitukseen. Discussion is based upon mutual respect. The debate is based on mutual respect. >>eng<< Hänen veljensä on ollut kateissa jo jonkin aikaa. Her brother has been missing for a while now. His brother's been missing for a while. >>eng<< Ma pean nüüd minema. Nägemist! I should go now. Bye! I have to go now. >>eng<< Oppilas vastasi: ”Kahdensadanviidenkymmenenkuuden neliöjuuri on kuusitoista.” The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." The student replied: “The square root of the twenty-six is sixteen.” >>eng<< Kszenofób vagyok. I have xenophobia. I'm cenophobic. >>eng<< Tunnen oloni jossain määrin epämukavaksi, kun istun tuolilla japanilaisissa vaatteissa. Tuntuu kuin tuuli puhaltaisi lahkeensuusta sisään. I feel somewhat uneasy when I sit on a chair with Japanese clothes. I feel like the wind is blowing in from the cuff of my trousers. I feel somewhat uncomfortable sitting in a chair in Japanese clothing, as if the wind were blowing in out of a kind mouth. >>eng<< Ez tényleg nagy szám. It's really a big deal. It's really a big number. >>eng<< Hän on rikas kun taas hänen vanhempi veljensä on köyhä. He is rich while his elder brother is poor. He's rich, while his older brother is poor. >>eng<< A bocsánatkéréseddel megsértesz. I'm offended by your apology. Your apology offends me. >>eng<< Mit eszek? What am I eating? What am I eating? >>eng<< A nap keleten kel fel és nyugaton nyugszik le. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The sun rises east and settles west. >>eng<< Me võime seda hiljem teha. We can do that later. We can do this later. >>eng<< Arra kérlek, hogy ezt senkinek ne említsd meg. Please don't mention this to anyone. I'm asking you not to mention that to anyone. >>eng<< Túl édes. Too sweet. It's too sweet. >>eng<< Olen aina ollut tällainen. I've always been this way. I've always been like this. >>eng<< Sanon vain, että se on mahdollista. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I'm just saying it's possible. >>eng<< Nem szeretnék ilyen lenni. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be like this. >>eng<< Odotapa sekunti. Hang on a sec. Wait a second. >>eng<< Mitől mosolyodsz el? What makes you smile? What are you smiling about? >>eng<< Tamás már aludt. Tom was already asleep. Tamás's been asleep. >>eng<< Apám sok pénzt adott nekem. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. >>eng<< Nad lähevad. They are going. They're going. >>eng<< Olen kadottanut avaimeni. I've lost my keys. I've lost my keys. >>eng<< Busszal fogok jönni. I'll come by bus. I'll take the bus. >>eng<< Ma láttam Tamást. I saw Tom today. I saw Tamás today. >>eng<< Nagyon furcsán mutat. It seems so strange. It's very strange. >>eng<< A gépet por lepte be. The machine was coated with dust. The machine was powdered. >>eng<< Autoin heitä eilen. I helped them yesterday. I helped them last night. >>eng<< Hahahaa! Hahaha! Hahahaha! >>eng<< Luuletko, että Tom pitäisi siitä, jos Mari tekisi niin? Do you think Tom would like it if Mary did that? Do you think Tom would like it if Mari did that? >>eng<< Ma söön praegu oma õega lõunat. I'm having lunch with my sister right now. I'm having lunch with my sister right now. >>eng<< Seggrészeg volt. He got very drunk. He was drunk. >>eng<< Mária a legkevésbé tanulékony a három közül. Mary is the least studious of the three. Mary is the least educational of the three. >>eng<< Valheen toistaminen ei tee siitä totta. Repeating a lie does not make it true. Saying a lie doesn't make it true. >>eng<< Hei, pitkästä aikaa. Hey, long time no see. Hey, it's been a long time. >>eng<< Nagyon udvarias voltam. I was very polite. I was very polite. >>eng<< Minulla on vaikeuksia ranskassa. I have difficulty in French. I'm having trouble in France. >>eng<< Elnézést a késésért. Sorry I'm late. Sorry I'm late. >>eng<< Jövőre Ausztráliába utazom. I'm taking a trip to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. >>eng<< En usko, että Tomi haluaa vanhan pyöränne. I don't think Tom will want your old bicycle. I don't think Tomi wants your old bike. >>eng<< Mondani és cselekedni nem ugyanaz. To say is one thing, and to do is another. To say and act is not the same. >>eng<< Nálunk télen sok hó van. We have a lot of snow in the winter. We have a lot of snow in winter. >>eng<< Ne add meg a számomat Tominak. Don't give Tom my number. Don't give my number to Tomi. >>eng<< Oletko olemassa? Do you exist? Do you exist? >>eng<< Tuo oli liian helppoa. That was too easy. That was too easy. >>eng<< He näyttivät hämmentyneiltä. They look confused. They looked confused. >>eng<< Tom tudta. Tom knew it. Tom knew. >>eng<< Tomi on luovuttanut. Tom has resigned. Tomi's given up. >>eng<< Nem kellene Tominak ezt engedned! You shouldn't allow Tom to do that. You shouldn't let Tomi do this. >>eng<< Olyan sokat tanultam Tomról. I've learned so much about Tom. I learned so much about Tom. >>eng<< Olen varma, että Tomi ei suutu. I'm sure Tom won't be angry. I'm sure Tom won't be mad. >>eng<< Csöndben csukd be az ajtót. Shut the door quietly. Shut the door. >>eng<< Tom szórakoztatta a gyerekeket. Tom amused the children. Tom was having fun with the kids. >>eng<< Tomille tulee kiireitä. Tom will be busy. Tom's gonna be busy. >>eng<< Sok szerencsét kívánunk! We wish you luck. Good luck. >>eng<< Tom több lehetőséget fontolgat. Tom is considering several possibilities. Tom's considering more options. >>eng<< Kõik on seal. It's all there. It's all there. >>eng<< Tom on ohtlik, onju? Tom's dangerous, isn't he? Tom's dangerous, isn't he? >>eng<< Órák óta ezzel foglalatoskodnak. They've been at it for hours. They've been doing this for hours. >>eng<< Tomi osti lahjan tyttärelleen. Tom bought a present for his daughter. Tomi bought a gift for her daughter. >>eng<< Pekingissä on yhdeksän miljoonaa polkupyörää. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. There are nine million bicycles in Beijing. >>eng<< Hallgass figyelmesen! Listen closely. Listen carefully. >>eng<< Haluatko katsoa elokuvan? Do you want to watch a movie? You want to watch a movie? >>eng<< Se oli meille takaisku. It was a blow to us. It was a setback for us. >>eng<< Három órányi távolságra vagyunk Sao Paulótól. We are three hours from São Paulo. We're three hours away from Sao Paulo. >>eng<< Mikseivät Australian asukkaat ole pää alaspäin? Why aren't the people in Australia upside down? Why aren't Australian residents upside down? >>eng<< Olen nuori. I am young. I'm young. >>eng<< Semerre nem haladunk. We're getting nowhere. We're not going anywhere. >>eng<< Hibát követett el. He made a mistake. You made a mistake. >>eng<< Rendeljünk egy pizzát! Let's order a pizza. Let's order a pizza. >>eng<< Hän ei ole lääkäri. She is not a physician. He's not a doctor. >>eng<< Az iskolának öltözködési szabályzata van. The school has a dress code. The school has a dress policy. >>eng<< Van elég időd? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? >>eng<< Sinun ei olisi tarvinnut kiiruhtaa lentokentälle. You needn't have hurried to the airport. You didn't have to rush to the airport. >>eng<< Még csak most kezdtük. We've only just begun. We're just getting started. >>eng<< Hogy tetszett neked Boston? How did you like Boston? How did you like Boston? >>krl<< Goodnight. Hyviä yödy. 256 Good Night. >>eng<< Saitteko tuota? Did you get that? Did you get that? >>eng<< Legyen szép napod. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. >>eng<< Saan yli kaksisataa sähköpostiviestiä päivässä. I get more than two hundred emails a day. I get over 200 e-mails a day. >>eng<< Tom túl hangosan nevetett. Tom laughed too loud. Tom laughed too loud. >>eng<< Túl sokat csacsogsz. You chatter too much. You're having too much fun. >>eng<< Muistan, että kävit usein Eliisalla teellä, kun olit pieni tyttö. I remember you often went to Betty's house to tea when you were a little girl. I remember you used to go to Elisa's tea when you were a little girl. >>eng<< Komoly tudományos felfedezést tett. He made an important scientific discovery. He's made a serious scientific discovery. >>eng<< Bár az orvos mindent megtett, a beteg gyógyulása lassú volt. Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. Although the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. >>eng<< Pelkkä ajatuskin siitä puistattaa minua. It makes me shiver just to think of it. It's just a thought that's gonna blow me up. >>eng<< Találkoznom kell Tomival. I need to see Tom. I need to see Tomi. >>eng<< Tom, ezt megkaphatom? Can I have it, Tom? Tom, can I have this? >>eng<< Valami oka kellett, hogy legyen ennek. It happened for a reason. There must have been some reason for this. >>eng<< Gyanítom, ez volt az egyetlen módja, hogy a feladat el legyen intézve. I assume that was the only way to get the job done in time. I suspect that was the only way to get the mission done. >>eng<< Kímélj meg a technikai részletektől. Spare me the technical details. Spare me the technical details. >>eng<< Segíts! Help me! Help me! >>eng<< Amikor kaját csinálsz valakinek, kérlek ne piszkáld az orrod, ne vakard a segged, vagy ne tüsszents a tenyeredbe! When you're preparing food for someone, please don't pick your nose, scratch your ass, or sneeze in your hands. When you make food for someone, please don't shake your nose, don't scratch your ass, or don't sneeze in your hand. >>eng<< Kerro Tomille. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. >>eng<< Nyitott ablaknál szoktam aludni nyáron. I usually sleep with my windows open in the summer. I sleep at an open window in the summer. >>eng<< ”Kuinka vanha olet?” ”Kuusitoista vuotta.” "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." “How old are you?” “Sixteen years.” >>eng<< Lopeta paskan julkaiseminen. Stop publishing bullshit. Stop publishing shit. >>eng<< Vauva on jatkanut itkemistään jo lähes 10 minuuttia. The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes. The baby has been crying for almost 10 minutes. >>eng<< Miks mitte? Why not? Why not? >>eng<< Ez kitart pillanatnyilag. That's enough for the time being. It's holding on right now. >>eng<< Milyen elméletet állítottál te fel? What's your theory? What theory did you set up? >>eng<< Tomi on kestävä. Tom has stamina. Tomi's adamant. >>eng<< Jos aurinkoa ei olisi, niin me emme pystyisi elämään. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If it wasn't for the sun, we wouldn't be able to live. >>eng<< Pesethän kätesi WC:ssä käynnin jälkeen. Please wash your hands after using the bathroom. You'll wash your hands in the toilet after you go to the bathroom. >>eng<< Eladó ez? Is this for sale? Is this for sale? >>eng<< Haluan, että lopettaisit tuon. I wish you would stop that. I want you to stop that. >>eng<< Hívnod kellett volna a zsarukat. You should have called the cops. You should have called the cops. >>eng<< Ajatteletko vakavissasi menemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you serious about going? >>eng<< Látom ezt. I see this. I can see that. >>eng<< Bizonyíték kell. I need evidence. We need proof. >>eng<< Reggelizem. I'm having breakfast. I'll have breakfast. >>eng<< Sinua seurataan. You're being followed. You're being followed. >>eng<< Reméljük, hogy nem. Let's hope not. Let's hope not. >>eng<< Nehéz a francia kiejtés? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is the French pronunciation difficult? >>eng<< Kuu loisti kirkkaana ja selkeänä. The moon was shining bright and clear. The moon was bright and clear. >>eng<< Ez a lovam. It's my horse. That's my horse. >>eng<< Tom tietää mistä siinä on oikein kyse. Tom knows what it's all about. Tom knows what's going on. >>eng<< Tom pukeutuu aina mustaan. Tom always dresses in black. Tom always wears black. >>eng<< Tom on kahdeksankymppinen. Tom is an octogenarian. Tom's eighty. >>eng<< Tomin talo on helppo löytää. Tom's house is easy to find. Tom's house is easy to find. >>eng<< A gyerekek szívesen hallgatják meg ugyanazt a történetet újra és újra. Children want to hear the same story over and over again. Children are happy to hear the same story over and over again. >>eng<< Näita mulle oma käsi. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. >>eng<< Tiedän olevani taakka — ei sinun tarvitse toistuvasti huomatella siitä. I know that I'm a burden; you don't need to be repeating it. I know I'm a burden — you don't have to repeatedly notice it. >>eng<< Én nem értem a zenét. I don't understand music. I don't understand the music. >>eng<< Szükséged volt rám. You needed me. You needed me. >>eng<< Meneekö hän Yhdysvaltoihin ensi vuonna? Will she go to the United States next year? Is he going to the United States next year? >>eng<< Tomi teki hyvää työtä. Tom did a nice job. Tomi did a good job. >>eng<< Olin lukemassa uudestaan kirjeitä, jotka sinä lähetit minulle. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was going to read again the letters you sent me. >>eng<< Halló! Hogy vagy? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? >>eng<< Szeretlek, de nem vagyok szerelmes beléd. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. >>eng<< Lehet, hogy holnap meghalok. I may die tomorrow. Maybe I'll die tomorrow. >>eng<< Kaksi ynnä kaksi on neljä. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. >>eng<< No, leiki mun kanssa! Mulla on niin tylsää! Come on, play with me, I'm so bored! Well, play with me, I'm so bored! >>eng<< Ma joon tee ära. I will drink the tea. I'll drink the tea. >>eng<< Nem érzem jól most magam. I don't feel good now. I'm not feeling well right now. >>eng<< Tom on ypöyksin eikä hänellä ole ketään, kelle puhua. Tom is all alone with no one to talk to. Tom's out of his mind and he doesn't have anyone to talk to. >>eng<< Tom meni takaisin yläkertaan. Tom went back upstairs. Tom went back upstairs. >>eng<< Pahin mitä voit tehdä, on tehdä jotakin vain puolinaisesti. The worst thing you can do is to only do something half seriously. The worst thing you can do is do something half-time. >>eng<< Meidän ei tarvitse lähteä vielä. We don't need to leave yet. We don't have to leave yet. >>eng<< Olen aina pitänyt sinusta, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. I've always liked you, Tom. >>eng<< Ovetko he nukkumassa? Are they sleeping? Are they sleeping? >>eng<< Hän on huonolla tuulella. He is in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. >>eng<< Imádom a német akcentusodat. I love your German accent. I love your German accent. >>eng<< En voinut olla katsomatta. I couldn't help but watch. I couldn't help but look. >>eng<< Ihmisen haluilla ei ole rajaa. There is no limit to human desire. Man's desires have no limit. >>eng<< Uslu oon Norjan pääkaupunki. Oslo is the capital of Norway. I am the capital of Norway. >>eng<< Ära süüdista mind, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. Don't blame me, Tom. >>eng<< Körül sétáltuk a tavat. We've walked all around the lake. We walked around the lake. >>eng<< Brasilia isännöi olympialaisia. Brazil hosts the Olympic Games. Brazil hosts the Olympic Games. >>eng<< Hányan vannak? How many of them are there? How many are there? >>eng<< Nem aludtál jól múlt éjszaka, ugye? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? >>eng<< Emlékszem arra a napra, amikor először találkoztunk. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. >>eng<< Tomi on pikkutarkka. Tom is fussy. Tomi's a little bit specific. >>eng<< Nem várhatunk tovább. We can't afford to wait any longer. We can't wait any longer. >>eng<< Tomilla on selkä kipeä. Tom has a sore back. Tom's got a bad back. >>eng<< Tom haluaa varmistaa, että me emme tee samaa virhettä kuin hän. Tom wants to make sure we don't make the same mistake he did. Tom wants to make sure we don't make the same mistake he does. >>eng<< Kilyukasztatta a fülét. She got her ears pierced. He threw his ear out. >>eng<< Egész életemben nem loptam soha semmit sem. I've never stolen anything in my whole life. I've never stolen anything my whole life. >>eng<< Tom az asztal túlsó végén ült. Tom sat at the far end of the table. Tom was sitting at the other end of the table. >>eng<< Älä tee sitä enää, jooko? Don't do that again, OK? Don't do it again, okay? >>eng<< Nämä geenimuunnellut banaanit ovat täynnänsä A-vitamiinia. These genetically modified bananas are loaded with vitamin A. These genetically modified bananas are full of vitamin A. >>eng<< Tunsin olevani hukassa ilman teitä. I felt lost without you. I felt lost without you. >>eng<< Sajnálom, hogy nagyon megsérültél. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sorry you got hurt so bad. >>eng<< Mari on maailman johtava orava-asiantuntija. Mary is the world’s leading expert on squirrels. Mari is the world's leading squirrel expert. >>eng<< Milyen hosszú ez a film? How long is this movie? How long is this movie? >>eng<< Eddig semmit sem értett. Till now, she has understood nothing. He didn't understand anything so far. >>eng<< Mari azt mondta, hogy ő sohasem látta, hogy Tomi azt tette. Mary said she's never seen Tom doing that. Mari said she never saw Tomi do it. >>eng<< Kuuntelethan tarkasti. I beg of you to listen carefully. You listen to me very carefully. >>eng<< Se ei kuulosta todelta. It doesn't sound true. That doesn't sound right. >>eng<< Tominak éles a látása. Tom has sharp eyes. Tomi has a sharp vision. >>eng<< A macska olyan mint egy ember. The cat is like a human. Cats are like humans. >>eng<< Ilyet én soha nem mondanék. I would never say such a thing. I would never say that. >>eng<< Ismered őt. You know him. You know him. >>eng<< Tom rendkívül félénk, ugye? Tom is extremely shy, isn't he? Tom is extremely shy, isn't he? >>eng<< Kinek az oldalán állsz? Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on? >>eng<< Szeretnék egy új kutyát! I want a new dog. I want a new dog! >>krl<< Karjalan tasavalta on Venäjällä. Karjalan tazavaldu on Ven'al. The Republic of Karelia is in Russia. >>eng<< Oli aika lähteä. It was time to leave. It's time to go. >>eng<< Édesapám több mint tizenöt évet élt Nagoyában. My father lived in Nagoya for over fifteen years. My father lived in Nagoya for over 15 years. >>eng<< Tom és Mária ikrek. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Mary are twins. >>eng<< Venäläinen salaatti on tehty perunoista, oliiveista, tonnikalasta ja vihanneksista. Russian salad is made with potatoes, olives, tuna, and other vegetables. The Russian salad is made of potatoes, olives, tuna and vegetables. >>eng<< Ammun hänet. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. >>eng<< Ezt vitatjuk meg. We're discussing that. Let's discuss this. >>eng<< Niipea kui Mary oli Tomist lahku läinud oli John roosidega ta ukse ees. No sooner had Mary broken up with Tom than John was at her front door with a bunch of roses. As soon as Mary broke up with Tom, John was standing in front of his door with roses. >>eng<< Én is süket vagyok. I'm also deaf. I'm deaf too. >>eng<< Az életfelfogásod más, mint az enyém. Your philosophy of life is different than mine. Your concept of life is different from mine. >>eng<< Nyt teidän olisi parempi lähteä. You had better go now. Now you'd better get out of here. >>eng<< Miten osaat ääntää englantia noin hyvin? Why is your English pronunciation so good? How do you know how to pronounce English so well? >>eng<< A három nagy monoteista vallás a kereszténység, az iszlám és a judaizmus. The three big monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The three great monotheist religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. >>eng<< Rettenetes ma a hőség. The heat is terrible today. The heat is terrible today. >>eng<< Szerintem remek munkát végeztek. I think they did a great job. I think you've done a great job. >>eng<< Tom ilahtuu kuullessaan tuon. Tom will be glad to hear that. Tom'll be happy to hear that. >>eng<< A rendőrség szervezett egy rajtaütést a rabló elfogására. The police arranged an ambush to catch the mugger. The police have arranged an ambush to capture the kidnapper. >>eng<< Bostonban dolgoztam. I worked in Boston. I worked in Boston. >>eng<< En tee sitä rahan vuoksi. I'm not in it for the money. I'm not doing it for money. >>eng<< Ha az élet citrommal kínál, csinálj belőle limonádét! When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life offers lemon, make lemonade. >>eng<< Hän on työskennellyt koko päivän. He has been working all day long. He's been working all day. >>eng<< Légy szíves, segíts! Please help me. Please, help me. >>eng<< Hän oli valmis antamaan hänelle takaisin kaikki hänen rahansa. She was ready to give him back all his money. He was ready to give her back all her money. >>eng<< Kuka opetti Tomia puhumaan ranskaa? Who taught Tom how to speak French? Who taught Tom to speak French? >>eng<< Szeretem a focit. I like football. I like football. >>eng<< Olen üritanud üle saada oma tagasihoidlikkusest, aga asjata. I have tried to overcome my shyness, but to no avail. I've been trying to get over my humility, but it's nothing. >>eng<< Hänen terveytensä heikkeni. He declined in health. His health deteriorated. >>eng<< Tämä kirja on kirjoitettu ranskaksi. This book is written in French. This book is written in French. >>eng<< Tom még a legnehezebb helyzetekben sem kedvetlenedett el. Even in the most difficult situations, Tom has never lost heart. Even in the most difficult situations Tom was not discouraged. >>eng<< Van Youtube csatornád? Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you have a YouTube channel? >>eng<< Tom ugyanolyan szorgalmas, mint a többi fiú osztálytársa. Tom works as hard as any boy in the class. Tom is as busy as the other boys' classmates. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, Tom volt az, aki segített Marinak. I think it was Tom who helped Mary. I think Tom was the one who helped Mari. >>eng<< Tom félrebeszél. Tom's delirious. Tom's talking me out of it. >>eng<< Lehdet putoavat syksyllä. The leaves fall in autumn. The leaves fall in the fall. >>eng<< Roolit ovat vaihtuneet. The tables have turned. The roles have changed. >>eng<< Tomi ei koskaan kävele paljain jaloin. Tom never walks barefoot. Tom will never walk with his bare feet. >>eng<< A buszon voltam. I was on the bus. I was on the bus. >>eng<< Saimme lämpimän vastaanoton. We received a warm welcome. We got a warm reception. >>eng<< Hiba volt Tomit megcsókolni. Kissing Tom was a mistake. It was a mistake kissing Tom. >>eng<< Nem tudom, melyik gyerek a tied. I don't know which child is yours. I don't know which child is yours. >>eng<< Úgy érzem, megvédenek. I feel protected. I feel like they're protecting me. >>eng<< Tomi kykenee hädin tuskin ruokkia perheensä. Tom is barely able to feed his family. Tom's barely able to feed his family. >>eng<< A hordárral vitettem föl a szobámba a csomagjaimat. I had the porter carry my luggage to my room. I put my bags in my room with the barrel. >>eng<< See on kala. This is a fish. It's a fish. >>eng<< Úgy legyen! Let it be. That's right. >>eng<< A sors gyakran adja, amit nem várunk. Fate often sends the unexpected. Fate often gives what we don't expect. >>eng<< Minäkin. Me too. Me, too. >>eng<< Próbálkozz valaki mással. Try someone else. Try someone else. >>eng<< Elgondolkoztam, mit akart Tom. I wondered what Tom wanted. I was wondering what Tom wanted. >>eng<< Nincs más választásunk: dolgoznunk kell. We have no alternative but to work. We have no choice: we have to work. >>eng<< Látszólag azért késett Tom, mert a 19-es úton forgalmi dugó volt. Apparently, Tom was late because there was a traffic jam on Rt. 19. Apparently, Tom was late because he was traffic jams on Route 19. >>eng<< Älä tuhlaa aikaa merkityksettömiin asioihin. Don't waste your time on trifles. Don't waste time on things that don't matter. >>eng<< Én alkottam meg Frankensteint, saját kezűleg. I created Frankenstein by my own hands. I created Frankenstein with my own hands. >>eng<< Kon sa elät? Where do you live? Don't you live? >>eng<< Luulin, että olisit jo kuollut. I thought you'd be dead by now. I thought you'd be dead by now. >>eng<< Тудо сарыште колен, ман шотлалтеш. He is believed to have been killed in action. I spent writing to her. >>eng<< Palasin koulusta. I returned from school. I'm back from school. >>eng<< Ez megmentheti az életedet. It may save your life. This could save your life. >>eng<< Beszéltél? Did you speak? Did you talk? >>eng<< ”Rukoilen, että et tee sitä, Jack”, hän huudahti. "I implore you not to do this, Jack," she cried. “I pray you don’t do it, Jack,” he shouted. >>eng<< Kicsit sem fogja fel, hogy milyen fontos ez a találkozó. Little does he realize how important this meeting is. You don't realize how important this meeting is. >>eng<< Tom sanoo, ettei hän tee sitä ikinä uudelleen. Tom says he'll never do that again. Tom says he'll never do it again. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy azt gondolja, ostoba vagy. Tom said that he thinks that you're stupid. Tom said he thought you were stupid. >>eng<< Olimme ulkona yhdessä. We were out together. We were out together. >>eng<< Veszélyt szimatoltam. I sensed danger. I've been spying on danger. >>eng<< Tuo poika näyttää Tomilta. That boy looks like Tom. That boy looks like Tom. >>eng<< Hogyan lehetne ezt elérni? How can this be accomplished? How can this be achieved? >>eng<< Mindenki tévedett. Everyone was wrong. Everyone was wrong. >>eng<< Nyt minun täytyy lähteä. I must leave now. Now I have to go. >>eng<< Useimmat ihmiset eivät ajattele niin. Most people don't think so. Most people don't think that. >>eng<< Luulen, että tiedän tästä kaiken, mikä minun tarvitsee tietää. I think I know everything I need to know about this. I think I know all I need to know about this. >>eng<< Nem nősült meg. He is unmarried. She's not married. >>eng<< Tom on praegu töötu. Tom is currently unemployed. Tom's unemployed right now. >>eng<< Elnézést, de nagy volt a forgalom. Sorry. Traffic was heavy. I'm sorry, but there was a lot of traffic. >>eng<< Tomilla on ihottumaa. Tom has a rash. Tom's got a rash. >>eng<< Tomi felállt és vett egy mély levegőt. Tom stood up and took a deep breath. Tomi got up and took a deep breath. >>eng<< Kennek két macskája van. Ken keeps two cats. Ken has two cats. >>eng<< Millainen oli yösi? How was your night? How was your night? >>eng<< Nem látni a fától az erdőt. You can't see the forest for the trees. Can't see the forest from the tree. >>eng<< Minä aion jäädä. I'm going to stay. I'm gonna stay. >>eng<< Bárcsak Tom hazamenne. I wish that Tom would go home. I wish Tom would go home. >>eng<< Mióta vagyunk haverok? Since when are we friends? How long have we been friends? >>eng<< Tomin täytyy olla lähes kolmekymmentä. Tom must be nearly thirty. Tom has to be almost thirty. >>eng<< Tom otsib tööd. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. >>eng<< En itse asiassa koskaan käynyt korkeakoulua. I didn't actually go to college. Actually, I never went to college. >>eng<< Tom nem tud biciklizni. Tom doesn't know how to ride a bike. Tom can't ride a bike. >>eng<< Ne menj még haza! Don't go home yet. Don't go home yet. >>eng<< Jobban tennéd, ha nem ennél túl sokat. You'd better not eat too much. You'd better not be too much than that. >>eng<< Veszélyes itt. It's dangerous here. It's dangerous here. >>eng<< Megtörölte az arcát egy zsebkendővel. She wiped her face with a handkerchief. He wiped his face with a handkerchief. >>eng<< Minne laitoin takkini. Where did I put my coat? Where I put my coat. >>eng<< Hän rakastaa häntä, mutta hän yrittää piilottaa tunteensa. He is in love with her, but he tries to conceal his feelings. He loves him, but he's trying to hide his feelings. >>eng<< Hogyan jutott eszedbe ilyen jó kifogás? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you come up with such a good excuse? >>eng<< Tomilla kävi todella huono tuuri. Tom was really unlucky. Tom had such a bad luck. >>eng<< Okkal születtünk erre a világra. We were born into this world for a reason. We were born to this world for a reason. >>eng<< Tom hóangyalt készített. Tom made an angel in the snow. Tom made snowflakes. >>eng<< Az iskolában szorgalmasan tanulok. I study hard at school. I study hard at school. >>eng<< Tämä on söpöä. This is sweet. This is cute. >>eng<< Eskü alatt állsz. You are under oath. You're under oath. >>eng<< Tomin puhelimella voi ottaa kuvia. Tom's phone can take pictures. You can take pictures on Tom's phone. >>eng<< Эрла каныш кече. Tomorrow's a holiday. Enables you to round your day. >>eng<< Folytasd! Go ahead! Go on. >>eng<< Nem értettem a vezetéknevedet. I didn't catch your last name. I didn't understand your last name. >>eng<< Tom ugyanazt kérdezte Marytől, amit tőlem. Tom asked the same question to Mary that he asked me. Tom asked Mary the same question she asked me. >>eng<< Tomi ei voinut uskoa hyvää tuuriaan. Tom couldn't believe his good fortune. Tom couldn't believe his luck. >>eng<< Missä WC on? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? >>eng<< Syön illallista vartin yli seitsemän. I eat dinner at quarter past seven. I'll have dinner in 15 minutes. >>eng<< Palju õnne! Congratulations! Congratulations! >>eng<< Pysäytä Tom. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. >>eng<< Tom nyilvánvalóan elégedetlen volt. Tom was obviously displeased. Tom was obviously dissatisfied. >>eng<< Raha ei aina tuo onnea. Money doesn't always bring happiness. Money doesn't always bring happiness. >>eng<< Margarinnal helyettesítette a vajat. She substituted margarine for butter. He replaced the butter with margarin. >>eng<< Kiitos, herra. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. >>eng<< En myisi sitä mihinkään hintaan. I wouldn't sell that at any price. I wouldn't sell it at any price. >>eng<< Haluan katsoa televisiota. I want to watch TV. I want to watch TV. >>eng<< Näen, että et nauti olostasi täällä. I can tell you don't enjoy it here. I see you're not enjoying yourself here. >>eng<< Onko se sinun? Is it yours? Is it yours? >>eng<< Ideje ágyba menni. It is time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. >>eng<< Be kell fejezned. You need to stop. You have to stop. >>eng<< Ez komoly lehet. This could be serious. This could be serious. >>eng<< Az emberek hisznek isten létezésében. People believe that god exists. People believe in God. >>eng<< Nem tudom biztosan, mi a baj. I'm not really sure what's wrong. I'm not sure what's wrong. >>eng<< Most pedig átveszem itt az irányítást. Now I'll be taking charge here. Now I'm taking control here. >>eng<< Hamarosan le fog kopni. It'll wear off soon. He'll be gone soon. >>eng<< Miért festik az emberek a hajukat? Why do people dye their hair? Why do people paint their hair? >>eng<< Tule takaisin sisään. Come back inside. Come back in. >>eng<< Miksi valo on päällä? Why is the light on? Why is the light on? >>eng<< Hän on varma tutkinnon läpäisemisestä. He is sure of passing the examination. He's sure he'll pass the diploma. >>eng<< Ma kirjutan kirja. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. >>eng<< En vieläkään pysty saamaan päähäni minkä sortin neropatti ajatteli, että tämä olisi hyvä idea. I still can't get my head around what genius thought this was a good idea. I still can't get into my head what kind of genius thought this would be a good idea. >>eng<< Koiraa ajaa takaa kissaa, ja kissa hiirtä. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog is chasing a cat and a cat is chasing a mouse. >>eng<< Vissza akarom kapni a biciklimet. I want my bicycle back. I want my bike back. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy Tomnak sikerült megváltoztatnia a nevét. I'm happy Tom managed to change his name. I'm glad Tom managed to change his name. >>eng<< Olin lounaalla Tomin kanssa eilen. I had lunch with Tom yesterday. I had lunch with Tom last night. >>eng<< Tom nyugdíjba ment sok évvel ezelőtt. Tom retired many years ago. Tom retired many years ago. >>eng<< Tom kimászott a szakadékból. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Tom climbed out of the crack. >>eng<< Älä kerro kenellekään, että tiedän. Don't tell anybody that I know. Don't tell anyone I know. >>eng<< Älä nuolaise ennen kuin tipahtaa. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Don't lick until you drop. >>eng<< Miltä luulet että näyttäisit pitämällä tuota mekkoa. How do you think you'd look wearing that dress? What do you think you'd look like by wearing that dress? >>eng<< Me saimme anonyymin puhelun. We got an anonymous call. We got an anonymous call. >>eng<< En ole varma. I'm not certain. I'm not sure. >>eng<< Tom szorgalmas. Tom is hardworking. Tom's busy. >>eng<< Ӟечбур, дунне! Hello, world! So live up to it, now! >>eng<< Kuinka pitkälle voit mennä? How far can you go? How far can you go? >>eng<< Pystyykö Tom kävelemään? Can Tom walk? Is Tom able to walk? >>eng<< Paikallisjuna ei ole yhtä mukava kuin pikajuna. The local train is less comfortable than the express train. The local train is not as nice as the express train. >>eng<< Kuula hoolikalt. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. >>eng<< Nem szeretem kölcsönadni a könyveimet bárkinek. I don't like to lend my books to anyone. I don't like to lend my books to anyone. >>eng<< Nem vett észre engem. He didn't notice me. He didn't notice me. >>eng<< Mennyit fizettek neked, hogy azt megtedd? How much did they pay you to do that? How much did they pay you to do that? >>eng<< Nem iszok délelőtt. I don't drink before noon. I don't drink in the morning. >>eng<< Lakat van az ajtón. There's a padlock on the door. There's a house on the door. >>eng<< Nem Tomiért tettük. We didn't do it for Tom. We didn't do it for Tomi. >>eng<< Jotkut menivät kävellen kun toiset taas pyöräilivät. Some went on foot, and others by bicycle. Some walked while others were riding. >>eng<< Minua ei kiristetä. I won't be blackmailed. I'm not being blackmailed. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy ő nem látott semmit. Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he didn't see anything. >>eng<< Rämenainen on sukua haltijaneidoille, jotka ovat tunnettuja, sillä heistä lauletaan lauluja ja maalataan kuvia. The Marsh Woman is related to the elf maidens, who are well-known, for songs are sung and pictures painted about them. She is related to queens who are known for singing songs and painting pictures. >>eng<< Miért mindig én? Why always me? Why is it always me? >>eng<< Tom ei ole paikalla. Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. >>eng<< Siksi emme hyökänneet. That's why we didn't attack. That's why we didn't attack. >>eng<< Hän on Ranskan Portugalin-suurlähettiläs. She's the French ambassador to Portugal. He's the French Ambassador to Portugal. >>eng<< Me olemme odottaneet. We've been waiting. We've been waiting. >>eng<< Remélem, hogy hamarosan látlak. I hope to see you soon. I hope I see you soon. >>mdf<< Happy International Women's Day! Масторъётконь авань шить мархта! Happy International Women's Day! >>eng<< Nem biztos, hogy jól értem, amire gondolsz. I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not sure I understand what you're thinking. >>eng<< Ez a vers almákról szól. This poem is about apples. This poem is about apples. >>eng<< Ha tegnap dolgoztál volna, ma lenne egy szabad napod. If you had worked yesterday, you would have a day off today. If you'd worked yesterday, you'd have a day off today. >>eng<< Lepj meg! Surprise me. Surprise me. >>eng<< Tiedän, että Tom on ystäväsi, mutta en silti pidä hänestä. I know Tom is a friend of yours, but I still don't like him. I know Tom's your friend, but I still don't like him. >>eng<< Poika avasi ikkunan, vaikka hänen äitinsä kielsi. The boy opened the window, although his mother told him not to. The boy opened the window, even though his mother told him not to. >>eng<< Perheellä oli kovat ajat sodan jälkeen. The family had a hard time after the war. The family had a rough time after the war. >>eng<< Tomi nálam gyorsabban tudja ezt csinálni. Tom can do it faster than me. Tomi can do this faster than I can. >>eng<< Tom on ronkeli syöjä. Tom is a picky eater. Tom's a rock eater. >>eng<< Zoknit húzott. She put on socks. He was wearing socks. >>eng<< Minä nukun alasti. I sleep naked. I sleep naked. >>eng<< A hegyek mögött tér nyugovóra a nap. The sun is going down behind the mountain. Behind the mountains, the sun returns to rest. >>eng<< Egyikünk téved. One of us is wrong. One of us is wrong. >>eng<< Olen juoksemassa. I am running. I'm running. >>eng<< Szeretem a kutyákat. I like dogs. I like dogs. >>eng<< Puolustakaa itseänne. Defend yourselves. Defend yourselves. >>eng<< Tom ei kuula mitte kunagi Maryt. Tom never listens to Mary. Tom never listens to Mary. >>eng<< Minun sisareni halusi välttämättä tulla minun mukaani. My sister insisted on going with me. My sister must have wanted to come with me. >>eng<< Tom ei katsonut minne meni. Tom wasn't looking where he was going. Tom didn't look where he went. >>eng<< Nagyon keményen kell dolgoznotok. You need to work very hard. You have to work very hard. >>eng<< Sosem kellett volna kételkednem benned. I never should have doubted you. I never should have doubted you. >>eng<< Söin silloin ensi kertaa hevosenlihaa. That was my first time to eat horsemeat. That was the first time I ate horse meat. >>eng<< A rendőrség egy holttestet talált egy gazdátlan autóban a park közelében. The police found a dead body in an abandoned car near the park. Police found a body in a homeless car near the park. >>eng<< A barátaid rád várnak. Your friends are waiting for you. Your friends are waiting for you. >>eng<< Értelmesek vagyunk. We're reasonable. We're rational. >>eng<< A közlekedési balesetek száma évről évre növekszik. Traffic accidents are increasing year by year. The number of traffic accidents is increasing from year to year. >>eng<< Nem értem a kérdést. I didn't understand the question. I don't understand the question. >>eng<< Minä yleensä kävelen. I usually walk. I usually walk. >>eng<< Halusin vain, että tiedät, että minulla on treffit. I just wanted to let you know I have a date. I just wanted you to know that I have a date. >>eng<< A neve Tom, és nem John. His name is Tom, not John. His name is Tom, not John. >>eng<< Minä näen sen kirjan. I see the book. I see that book. >>eng<< Inglismaa saadik nõudis vahetut kokkusaamist presidendiga. The English ambassador demanded to meet with the President directly. An emissary from England called for an immediate meeting with the president. >>eng<< Todellisuudessa on liberalistinen vääristymä. Reality has a Liberal bias. In reality, there is a liberalist distortion. >>eng<< Tomi eltette láb alól Marit. Tom killed Mary. Tomi took Mari from under her feet. >>eng<< Holnap új nap lesz. Tomorrow is a new day. It's a new day tomorrow. >>eng<< Ez valószínűleg rossz ötlet. This is probably a bad idea. That's probably a bad idea. >>eng<< Kuinka monta kupillista kahvia päivässä on liian paljon? How many cups of coffee a day are too many? How many cups of coffee a day is too much? >>eng<< Tom ja minä asumme samassa hotellissa. Tom and I stayed at the same hotel. Tom and I live in the same hotel. >>eng<< A fekete az enyém. The black one is mine. Black is mine. >>eng<< Jos huomaat olevasi kuopassa, lopeta kaivaminen. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. If you notice you're in a hole, stop digging. >>eng<< Minun ei tarvinnut koskaan murehtia sinusta. I never had to worry about you. I never had to worry about you. >>eng<< Veszítettünk. We lost. We lost. >>eng<< Mikä on hänen etunimensä? What's his first name? What's his first name? >>eng<< Tule lähemmäksi, että näen sinun naamasi. Come nearer so that I can see your face. Come closer so I can see your face. >>eng<< Mi jár a fejedben? What is on your mind? What's on your mind? >>eng<< Minden tökéletesen ment. Everything was going perfectly. Everything went perfectly. >>eng<< Kissa raapi kättäni. The cat scratched my hand. The cat scratched my hand. >>eng<< Prudensnek kell lennünk. We need to be prudent. We have to be Prudens. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole erityisen sosiaalinen. Tom isn't very sociable. Tom is not particularly social. >>eng<< Nautitteko vierailustanne täällä? Are you enjoying your stay here? Do you enjoy your visit here? >>eng<< Tomin syntymäpäivät ovat ensi viikolla. Tom's birthday is next week. Tom's birthdays are next week. >>eng<< A betegségek hány százaléka kapcsolódik a nem megfelelő táplálkozáshoz? What percentage of illnesses are associated with inadequate diets? What percentage of diseases are related to inadequate nutrition? >>eng<< A szüleim nem élnek már. My fathers are dead. My parents don't live anymore. >>eng<< Nem vagyok biztos ennek a jelentésében. I'm not sure what this means. I'm not sure about this report. >>eng<< Kun Tom alkoi itkeä, niin aloin minäkin. When Tom began to cry, so did I. When Tom started crying, so did I. >>eng<< Sul pole isegi autot. You don't even have a car. You don't even have a car. >>eng<< A tapasztalat az a név, amelyet mindenki ad a tévedéseinek. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Experience is the name that everyone gives their mistakes. >>eng<< Ez fontos. It's important. It's important. >>eng<< Jokhaisella oon täysin tasa-arvoisesti oikkeus siihen ette häntä oikkeuenmukaisesti ja julkisesti kuulhaan ittenäisessä ja ei-partisessa tuomioistuimessa, ko määräthään hänen oikkeuksista ja velvolisuuksista ja kans sillon, ko häntä vasthaan oon tehty rangaistuskaunet. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. I have a perfectly equal right for him not to be heard correctly and publicly by the local and non-governmental courts, to be determined by his rights and obligations, and to be the subject of the punishments made for him. >>eng<< Nem akart megbántani. He didn't mean to hurt you. He didn't mean to hurt me. >>eng<< Suihkulähde on tuolla. The fountain is over there. The fountain's over there. >>eng<< Hoia! Hold it! Hold on! >>mdf<< Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Бурдж-Халифа тяни сембода оцю менелькъргама. Burj Khalifa is currently the lamb skyscraper in the world. >>eng<< Tomi on sängyssä sikeässä unessa. Tom is sound asleep in bed. Tomi's in bed. She's in bed. She's in bed. >>eng<< Me emme tee mitään. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. >>eng<< Valószínűleg nagyon keveset tudok tenni. There's probably very little I can do. There's probably very little I can do. >>eng<< Kint teljesen sötét van. It's all dark outside. It's totally dark out there. >>eng<< Мый выльторйыс? What's new? Am I new? >>eng<< Tom elkezdte a vallomását. Tom began confessing. Tom started his statement. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, hülye vagyok? You think I'm stupid? I think I'm stupid? >>eng<< Tunsin vetoa häntä kohtaan. I felt drawn toward her. I had a bet on him. >>eng<< Két állásom van. I have two jobs. I have two jobs. >>eng<< Tanulásnak jó. It's good training. It's good for learning. >>eng<< Twitter on yksi islamin suurimmista vihollisista. Twitter is among the biggest enemies of Islam. Twitter is one of Islam's greatest enemies. >>eng<< Tomi on sinua nuorempi. Tom is younger than you are. Tomi's younger than you. >>eng<< Sammuta radio ole kiltti. Turn off the radio, please. Turn off the radio, please. >>eng<< A Föld nem egy tökéletes gömb. The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Earth is not a perfect sphere. >>eng<< Minun veljeni ei tule olemaan huomenna kotona. My brother won't be at home tomorrow. My brother won't be home tomorrow. >>eng<< Tomi päätti, ettei hän puhu Marille enää koskaan. Tom decided never to talk to Mary anymore. Tomi decided she'd never talk to Mar again. >>eng<< Opin elämään ilman häntä. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without him. >>eng<< Tom kirjoittaa ahkerasti jotakin pöytänsä ääressä. Tom is busy writing something at his desk. Tom writes something hard at his desk. >>eng<< Tom ei helista enne tagasi, kui koosolek läbi pole. Tom won't call back until the meeting's over. Tom won't call you back until the meeting's over. >>eng<< Őt vádoltam, hogy ellopta a biciklit. I accused her of having stolen the bike. I accused him of stealing the bike. >>eng<< Olet aivan kuin minä. You're just like me. You're just like me. >>eng<< Minä en kuule sinua kovin hyvin. I can't hear you very well. I can't hear you very well. >>eng<< Jonkun on tehtävä se. Somebody had to do it. Someone's got to do it. >>eng<< Totuuden nimessä, hän teki parhaansa. In all fairness, he did do his best. In the name of the truth, he did his best. >>eng<< Nélküle mentem. I went without her. I went without him. >>eng<< A családom malaysiai. My family is from Malaysia. My family's in Malaysia. >>eng<< Minä tiedän, että sinä et valehtele. I know you're not lying. I know you're not lying. >>eng<< Me voimme tilata pizzan. We can order a pizza. We can order pizza. >>eng<< Nem tudom lefordítani ezt a könyvet. I cannot translate this book. I can't translate this book. >>krl<< How do you say "window" in Karelian? Kui sanuo "ikkuna" karjalakse? How much do you want to say "wi" in Karelian? >>eng<< Tiesin, että tulisit pelastamaan minut. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come and save me. >>eng<< Vajas kekszet sütöttem. I baked butter cookies. I made needed biscuits. >>eng<< Olen huolissani Tomin terveydestä. I'm worried about Tom's health. I'm worried about Tom's health. >>eng<< Pole sellist kohta maailmas, mille kohta ma saaks öelda, et ma olen sealt pärit. I have no place that I can say I'm from. There's no place in the world I can tell you I'm from there. >>eng<< Szilaj hullámokat vetett a tenger. The sea was running high. The sea was running smooth waves. >>eng<< Szerinted tudja, hogy szeretem? Do you think she knows I like her? Do you think he knows I love him? >>eng<< Valosaaste on täällä niin järkyttävällä tasolla, että yöllä täällä ei näy yhden yhtä tähteä. The light pollution here is so bad, you can't even see a single star at night. The intensity of light here is so shocking that there is not one star here at night. >>eng<< Toivotaan, että se on tarpeeksi. Let's hope that's enough. Let's hope it's enough. >>eng<< Marista ja minusta tuli hyviä ystäviä. Mary and I became good friends. Marista and I became good friends. >>eng<< Elrepült a madár. The bird flew away. The bird flew away. >>eng<< Tomi sosem tudta azt. Tom never knew that. Tomi never knew that. >>eng<< Mikä aika päivästä nyt on? What time of day is it? What time is it now? >>eng<< Hän kuvasi lennon yksityiskohtaisesti. He described the flight in detail. He filmed the flight in detail. >>eng<< Anna Tomille vähän tilaa. Give Tom some room. Give Tom some space. >>eng<< He ovat aina varovaisia. They're always careful. They're always careful. >>eng<< Vegyél egy szelet tortát! Help yourself to a piece of cake. Have a slice of cake. >>eng<< He valvovat sinua. They're watching you. They're watching you. >>eng<< Miért engem? Why me? Why me? >>eng<< Ma lõikasin kartuleid koorides sõrme. I cut my finger peeling potatoes. I cut the potatoes in shell. >>eng<< A biztos jövedelem fontos dolog számomra. A secure income is an important thing for me. Sure income is important to me. >>eng<< Äänesi kuulostaa minusta hyvin tutulta. Your voice sounds very familiar to me. Your voice sounds very familiar to me. >>eng<< Viesti puhelinvastaajassa: ”Soita minulle takaisin! Kello kahdeksaantoista saakka tavoitat minut matkapuhelimestani ja sen jälkeen lankapuhelimesta.” A message on the answering machine:"Please call me back! Until 18.00 you will reach me on my cell phone, after that on the landline." A message in the phone reply: “Call me back! Until 8:00, you reach me from my mobile phone and then from the wire.” >>eng<< Sepä vasta olisi näkemisen arvoista. That'll be something to see. That would be worth seeing. >>eng<< Näytät todella hurmaavalta tänään. You look very charming today. You look really charming today. >>eng<< Laita ovi kiinni lähtiessäsi. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. >>eng<< Most ezt a mondatot olvasom. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading that sentence now. >>eng<< Saatan olla poissa hetken aikaa. I might be gone for a while. I might be gone for a while. >>eng<< Versenytársak vagyunk. We're competitors. We're competitors. >>eng<< Rigában lakom. I live in Riga. I live in a gang. >>eng<< Tom ei välitä huomisesta. Tom doesn't care what happens tomorrow. Tom doesn't care about tomorrow. >>eng<< Taloni oli tulessa. My house was on fire. My house was on fire. >>eng<< Meglehetősen elfoglalt voltam. I was pretty busy. I was rather busy. >>eng<< Jó lenne, ha rendelkezésünkre állna a híres emberek utolsó szavainak gyűjteménye. One would like to have a collection of last words of famous people. It would be nice if we had a collection of the last words of famous people. >>eng<< Te vagy a legfontosabb az életemben. You are the most important person in my life. You're the most important thing in my life. >>eng<< Próbálom utolérni magam. I'm trying to get caught up now. I'm trying to catch up. >>eng<< Felfogom, amit mondasz, de nem hat meg. I understand what you're saying intellectually, but it doesn't resonate with me emotionally. I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't affect me. >>krl<< Good night, Tom. Hyviä yödy, Tom. 256 Goodnight, Tom. >>eng<< Tundub, et sa oled algse eesmärgi unustanud. You seem to have lost sight of original objective. You seem to have forgotten your original purpose. >>eng<< Minä haluan yksityiskäynnin. I want to make a private visit. I want a private visit. >>eng<< Ez a mi titkunk lesz. This'll be our secret. It's gonna be our secret. >>eng<< Rakastatko sinä Tomia? Do you love Tom? Do you love Tom? >>eng<< Voi kun olisin pannut päälleni lyhythihaisen. I wish I'd worn short sleeves. Oh, if I had put a short sleeve on me. >>eng<< Az étel nem néz ki nagyon étvágygerjesztőnek. The food didn't look very appetizing. Food doesn't look very appetizing. >>eng<< Tom Hanks ja hänen vaimonsa antoivat positiiviset näytteet viruksesta. Tom Hanks and his wife tested positive for the virus. Tom Hanks and his wife gave me positive samples of the virus. >>eng<< Ez az utolsó szalmaszál. That's the last straw. It's the last straw. >>eng<< Se on huono nimi laivalle. That's a bad name for a ship. That's a bad name for the ship. >>eng<< Minun täytyy olla töissä viikonloppuna. I have to work this weekend. I have to work this weekend. >>eng<< Tom nyugdíjba ment néhány évvel ezelőtt. Tom retired several years ago. Tom retired a few years ago. >>eng<< Sinäkin, Brutukseni? You too, Brutus? You too, Brutus? >>eng<< Putkimies pumppasi veden putkesta. The plumber pumped the water out of the pipe. The piper's pumping the water out of the pipe. >>eng<< A nagyapja nevelte fel. He was educated by her grandfather. His grandfather raised him. >>eng<< Voisitkohan auttaa minua? I was wondering if you could help me. Can you help me, please? >>eng<< Apám meghalt öt éve. My father died five years ago. My father died five years ago. >>eng<< Mu isa töötab tehases. My father works at a factory. My dad works at the factory. >>eng<< Мый шарнем тудым Парижыште вашлиймемым. I remember meeting him in Paris. I remember processing on the phone with them. >>eng<< Bostonban fogunk dolgozni a jövő évben. We're going to be working in Boston next year. We're gonna work in Boston next year. >>eng<< Ha felvetted volna a telefont, meghívtalak volna Paulóékhoz. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. If you'd picked up the phone, I'd have invited you to Paulo's. >>eng<< Nem fogod elhinni, mi történt ezt követően. You won’t believe what happened next. You're not gonna believe what happened after that. >>eng<< Mennyire volt Tom berúgva? How drunk was Tom? How drunk was Tom? >>eng<< Hän muutti takaisin vanhempiensa kanssa. She moved back with her parents. He moved back with his parents. >>eng<< Kuinka vanhoja lapsenne olivat, kun muutitte Bostoniin? How old were your kids when you moved to Boston? How old were your children when you moved to Boston? >>eng<< Látok egy különbséget. I can see a difference. I see a difference. >>eng<< Két lányom van. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. >>eng<< Sört ittam tegnap éjszaka. I drank beer last night. I had beer last night. >>eng<< Kérlek maradj ott, ahol vagy! Please stay where you are. Please stay where you are. >>eng<< Kuolkaa. Die. Die. >>eng<< Takaovi on auki. The back door is open. The back door's open. >>eng<< Azt mondta, hogy hisz a szellemekben. He said that he believed in ghosts. He said he believed in ghosts. >>eng<< Ennek két euró az ára. It costs two Euros. It's worth two euros. >>eng<< Kimerült vagy. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. >>eng<< Hadd mondjam el! Let me tell it! Let me tell you. >>eng<< Haluan kuulla lisää Tomista. I want to hear more about Tom. I want to hear more about Tom. >>eng<< Megsütöttem a tésztát. I fried the dough. I baked the pasta. >>eng<< Minä näen kuolleita ihmisiä. I see dead people. I see dead people. >>eng<< Täällä on pimeää. It's dark in here. It's dark in here. >>eng<< Tulen takaisin tunnin päästä. I will be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. >>eng<< Mondjunk igazat! Let's tell the truth. Let's tell the truth. >>eng<< Válassz valamit. Choose something. Pick something. >>eng<< Palun jääge oma kohtadele, turvarihmad kinni. Remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened. Please stay in your seats, your safety belts. >>eng<< Tomi furcsa. Tom is weird. Tom's weird. >>eng<< Éles kanyart vett balra. He made a sharp turn to the left. He took a sharp curve to the left. >>eng<< Egészen biztos vagyok benne, hogy igaz. I'm pretty sure it's true. I'm pretty sure it's true. >>eng<< Nagyon tetszik a házad. I love your house. I really like your house. >>eng<< Voisinko saada pari juustovoileipää? May I have a couple of cheese sandwiches? Can I have a couple of cheese sandwiches? >>eng<< Teljesen egyedül éreztem magam. I felt quite alone. I felt all alone. >>eng<< Amikor bajban van, mindig a nővéréhez fordul segítségért. When he is in trouble, he always turns to his sister for help. When he's in trouble, he always comes to his sister for help. >>eng<< Tomi jäi melkein auton alle. Tom was almost hit by a car. Tom almost got hit by a car. >>eng<< Hän on huonolla tuulella. She's in a bad mood. He's in a bad mood. >>eng<< Napoleon Bonaparte oli syntynyt Korsikalla. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Corsica. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica. >>eng<< Várjatok meg a kocsinál! Wait for me by the car! Wait for me at the car. >>eng<< Tomi perusti parin kaverin kanssa bändin. Tom formed a band with a couple of friends. Tom and a couple of guys started a band. >>eng<< Uskovaista ei voi vakuuttaa mistään, sillä heidän uskonsa ei perustu todisteisiin vaan perustavanlaatuiseen tarpeeseen uskoa. You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe. Believers cannot be convinced of anything, for their faith is not based on evidence but on a fundamental need for faith. >>eng<< Remélem, idejövet senki sem látott téged. I hope that nobody saw you coming in here. I hope no one saw you on the way here. >>eng<< Mi történt azután? What happened afterwards? What happened after that? >>eng<< Lisko ei tule koskaan antamaan sinulle vastarakkautta. Ei, vaikka hoivaisit sitä ja antaisit sille nimeksi Herra Pörröinen. Your lizard will never love you back, even if you nurture it and name it Fluffy. No, even if you take care of it and name it, Mr. Pörröinen. >>eng<< Ma ei taha sinuga koos elada. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. >>eng<< - Oda nézz, apu, egy cápa! - Az egy bálna, Tomi. "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." - Look, Daddy, it's a shark. >>eng<< Minäkin. So do I. Me, too. >>eng<< Älä syö niin nopeasti. Don't eat so fast. Don't eat so fast. >>eng<< - Unom már a tévét. Csináljunk valami mást! - Mint például? "I'm tired of watching TV. Let's do something else." "Like what?" Let's do something else. >>eng<< Ő az egyetlen a barátaim közül akinek van tehetsége. He is the only one of my friends that is talented. He's the only one of my friends with talent. >>eng<< Megint fáj. The pain returned. It hurts again. >>eng<< Tom syö usein sängyssä. Tom often eats in bed. Tom eats often in bed. >>eng<< Tomi on jatko-opiskelija. Tom is a doctoral student. Tomi's a graduate student. >>eng<< Hän tuli kuuroksi kelloja soittaessaan. He became deaf ringing the bells. He was deaf when he called the bells. >>eng<< Szereti az antik dolgokat. She loves antiques. He likes antique things. >>eng<< Nem volt más lehetőségünk, csak harcolni. We had no alternative but to fight. We had no choice but to fight. >>eng<< Tom ei koskaan käynyt Maryn luona sairaalassa. Tom never visited Mary in the hospital. Tom never visited Mary at the hospital. >>eng<< Heillä tosiaan oli hauskaa. They did have fun. They really had a good time. >>eng<< Satutko tietämään kuinka paljon kello on? Do you happen to know what time it is? Do you happen to know how much time it is? >>eng<< Se ei ole unta. It's not a dream. It's not a dream. >>eng<< Nyt voit päästää irti. You can let go now. Now you can let go. >>eng<< Lupaus unohtuu nopeasti. A promise is quickly forgotten. The promise will be forgotten quickly. >>eng<< Fején találtad a szöget. You're exactly right. You found the nail on the head. >>eng<< Abszolút elfelejtettem. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. >>eng<< Minden nap történnek közlekedési balesetek. Traffic accidents happen every day. Traffic accidents happen every day. >>eng<< Elég fáradt vagyok. I'm pretty tired. I'm pretty tired. >>eng<< Pidätkö laulamisesta? Do you like singing? Do you like singing? >>eng<< Annoin sen hänelle. I gave it to her. I gave it to him. >>eng<< Mondj el nekik mindent, amit tudsz! Tell them everything you know. Tell them everything you know. >>eng<< Minusta on ihanaa tehdä ostoksia eBayssä. I love buying on eBay. I love shopping at eBay. >>eng<< Vain muutama ymmärsi hänen sanomisensa. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few understood what he said. >>eng<< Tomi tuntee paljon ihmisiä. Tom knows a lot of people. Tom knows a lot of people. >>eng<< Kuidas võisin ma sind üldse usaldada? How could I ever trust you? How could I even trust you? >>eng<< Venäjällä on näkyvissa suuria taloudellisia vaikeuksia. Russia is facing great financial difficulties. Russia faces great economic difficulties. >>eng<< Haluaisin nähdä sinut. I'd like to see you. I'd like to see you. >>eng<< Jotkin Euroopan maat eivät ole osa Euroopan unionia. Some countries in Europe are not part of the European Union. Some European countries are not part of the European Union. >>eng<< Mindjárt főzők Tominak egy csirkehúslevest. I'm going to make Tom some chicken soup. I'm about to cook some chicken soup for Tomi. >>eng<< Tom on hullu. Tom is crazy. Tom's crazy. >>eng<< Miksi sinua kutsutaan? What are you called? What do they call you? >>eng<< Kui mul igav hakkab, hakkavad halvad asjad juhtuma. When I get bored, bad things happen. When I get bored, bad things start to happen. >>eng<< Asuimme aseman edessä olevassa hotellissa. We stayed at a hotel in front of the station. We lived in the hotel outside the station. >>eng<< Higgy magadban! Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. >>eng<< Jonkun pitää tehdä se. Somebody had to do it. Someone's got to do it. >>eng<< Tiedän tarkalleen, missä Tom on. I know exactly where Tom is. I know exactly where Tom is. >>eng<< A piros alma is lehet férges. You can't tell a book by its cover. Red apples can be worms. >>eng<< Tämpõ um ežžõmpǟva. It is Monday today. Tõmpoum ežympõva. >>eng<< Mehetsz, amikor lesz időd. You may go at your leisure. You can go when you have time. >>eng<< Soha nem láttam még ilyet az életemben. I've never seen that before in my life. I've never seen anything like it in my life. >>eng<< Tomil on kõrini, et inimesed ütlevad talle, mida ta peab tegema. Tom is tired of people telling him what to do. Tom's sick of telling him what to do. >>eng<< Kerro vaan, jos tarvitset apua. If you need help, let me know. Just let me know if you need any help. >>eng<< Palun sulge aken. Please close the window. Please close the window. >>eng<< Voitte mennä mihin vain te haluatte. You can go wherever you want to go. You can go anywhere you want. >>eng<< Ma otthon vagyunk. We're at home today. We're home today. >>eng<< Useat jälkijäristykset seurasivat maanjäristystä. Several slight shocks followed the earthquake. Several aftershaves followed the earthquake. >>eng<< Ma mängin aias. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. >>eng<< Emmä tiiä. Beats me. No, no, no, no, no, no. >>eng<< Tomi piileskeli ladossa. Tom was hiding in the barn. Tom was hiding in the barn. >>eng<< Tom ei saanut autoaan käynnistymään. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom couldn't get his car started. >>eng<< Tomi rakastaa laulamista. Tom loves to sing. Tom loves singing. >>eng<< Mindig késtek. You are always late. They're always late. >>eng<< Minun ei tee mieli käydä ulkona. I'm not in a mood to go out. I don't feel like going out. >>eng<< Ma olen vana naine. I'm an old woman. I'm an old woman. >>eng<< Älä vihellä koulussa. Don't whistle at school. Don't whistle at school. >>eng<< Körültekintően vezess! Drive carefully. Drive around carefully. >>eng<< Visszateszem az útlevelemet a páncélszekrénybe. I'll put my passport back in the safe. I'll put my passport back in the vault. >>eng<< Boldogok vagyunk. We are happy. We're happy. >>eng<< Tudom, hogyan nyerjek. I know how to win. I know how to win. >>eng<< Nézd meg ezeket a képeket. Look at these pictures. Look at these pictures. >>eng<< Bélyeget kell vennem. I need to buy stamps. I have to buy a stamp. >>eng<< Minun nimeni on Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. >>eng<< Günther ja Hans ovat ystäviä. Gunther and Hans are friends. Günther and Hans are friends. >>eng<< Irrota hänestä! Let her go! Get off him! Get off him! >>eng<< Bringára ültem. I was riding my bike. I was on a bike. >>eng<< En puhu ranskaa sujuvasti. I don't speak French fluently. I don't speak French smoothly. >>eng<< Hän on vankilassa. He's in prison. He's in jail. >>eng<< Tomival fogok ebédelni. I'm meeting Tom for lunch. I'm gonna have lunch with Tomi. >>eng<< Jos meidän käy hyvä onni, tuplaamme rahamme. If we're lucky, we'll double our money. If we get lucky, we'll double our money. >>eng<< Toisinaan en voi luottaa häneen. At times, I can't trust him. Sometimes I can't trust him. >>eng<< Ez túl gyakran fordul elő. This is happening too often. This happens too often. >>eng<< Ei mitään uutta Auringon alla. There is no new thing under the sun. Nothing new under the Sun. >>eng<< Haluan mennä ennemmin kävellen kuin bussilla. I'd rather walk than take a bus. I'd rather go walking than take a bus. >>eng<< Se on totuus. It's the truth. It's the truth. >>eng<< Hän kastelee kukat joka päivä kesällä. He waters the flowers every day in summer. He waters flowers every day in the summer. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole yhtään rahaa mukana. I don't have any money with me. I don't have any money. >>eng<< Sinu osa on kakskümmend dollarit. Your share is twenty dollars. Your share is $20. >>eng<< Onko sinulla ranskan sanakirjaa? Do you have a French dictionary? Do you have a French dictionary? >>eng<< Nem akartam ezt elmondani neked. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. >>eng<< Még mindig nem értek semmit. I still do not understand anything. I still don't understand anything. >>eng<< Tomin auto varastettiin viime kuussa. Tom had his car stolen last month. Tom's car was stolen last month. >>eng<< Mindkettőjüket szerette, és mindketten szerették őt. She loved both of them and they both loved her. He loved both of them, and they both loved him. >>eng<< Láttam egyet. I saw one. I saw one. >>eng<< Kes on Emily? Who's Emily? Who's Emily? >>eng<< Jos minulla olisi enemmän rahaa, voisin ostaa tämän. If I had more money I could buy this. If I had more money, I could buy this. >>eng<< Szeretem a szörfözést. I like windsurfing. I like surfing. >>eng<< Az a férfi meg tud enni egyszerre húsz nagy vörös chilit. That man can eat twenty big red chilies at once! That man can eat 20 big red chili at the same time. >>eng<< Nad tulevad tagasi. They will return. They're coming back. >>eng<< Szerinted ezek mik? What do you think these are? What do you think they are? >>eng<< Teszünk róla. We'll see to that. We'll make sure. >>eng<< Még itt leszel ezen a délutánon? Will you still be here this afternoon? Will you still be here this afternoon? >>eng<< Tom fiának a neve John. Tom's son's name is John. Tom's son's name is John. >>eng<< Tom kiirehti matkoihinsa. Tom hurried away. Tom rushed on his way. >>eng<< Ha megteszed, életed végéig sajnálni fogod. If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you do, you'll be sorry for the rest of your life. >>eng<< Mindketten biztonságban voltunk. We were both safe. We were both safe. >>eng<< Biztosra kell tudnom. I need to know for sure. I need to know for sure. >>eng<< Az orvosság csökkentette fájdalmát. The medicine decreased his pain. The medicine reduced his pain. >>eng<< Kérsz egy banánt? Would you like a banana? You want a banana? >>eng<< Mikään ei ole inhimillisiä asioita filosofisella mielellä pohtiville yllätyksellisempää, kuin se, kuinka helposti valtaväestöä hallitsee muutama, ja ihmisten epäsuora alistuminen, jossa he luopuvat omista aatteistaaan ja intohimoistaan ja korvaavat ne hallitsijoidensa vastaavilla. Nothing appears more surprising to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. Nothing is more surprising to those who reflect on human things than the ease of controlling a few people, and the indirect submission of men, in which they give up their own ideas and passions and replace them with those of their rulers. >>eng<< Kuinka kaunis se onkaan! How beautiful it is! How beautiful it is! >>eng<< Tomnak sokáig tartott kiválasztani egy pár cipőt. It took Tom a long time to choose a pair of shoes. It took Tom a long time to pick a pair of shoes. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy ez fontos számodra. I know that this is important to you. I know this is important to you. >>eng<< Minneköhän Joe on mennyt? I wonder where Joe went? I wonder where Joe's gone. >>eng<< Voit mennä mihin tahansa haluat. You can go anywhere you want. You can go anywhere you want. >>eng<< Lunta vasten valkoinen jänis oli näkymätön. Against the snow, the white rabbit was invisible. Against the snow, the white rabbit was invisible. >>eng<< Tommilla ei oo mitään mahkuja. Tom won't stand a chance. Tom's got no problem. >>eng<< Van-e elég energiájuk? Do you have enough energy? Do they have enough energy? >>eng<< Túl sok kódot kellene fejben tartani. There are too many codes to remember. You should keep too many codes in your head. >>eng<< A következő elágazásnál fordulj balra. Take the next left. Turn left at the next branch. >>eng<< Ők mért vannak itt? Why are they here? Why are they here? >>eng<< Zöldségárus. He sells vegetables. Greens salesman. >>eng<< Tom joi oluen. Tom drank a beer. Tom had a beer. >>eng<< Tomin nurmikko kaipaa leikkaamista. Tom's lawn needs mowing. Tom's lawn needs a cut. >>eng<< Már aludnod kellene. You're supposed to be asleep. You should get some sleep. >>eng<< A király megsemmisítette ellenségeit. The king crushed his enemies. The King destroyed his enemies. >>eng<< Tom súlyokat emel. Tom lifts weights. Tom's raising weight. >>eng<< Van valami ötleted arra, hogyan tudjuk ezt a problémát megoldani? Do you have any ideas on how we can solve this problem? Do you have any idea how we can solve this problem? >>eng<< Nincs meg benne a motiváltság. She lacks motivation. There's no motivation. >>eng<< Miks me peaksime sind aitama? Why should we help you? Why should we help you? >>eng<< Mindjárt ott vagyunk. We'll get there soon. We're almost there. >>eng<< Tudok egyet s mást. I know things. I know a thing or two. >>eng<< Hänen laukkunsa oli painava, ja mikä vielä pahempaa, hänellä oli rakko toisessa kantapäässään. His bag was heavy, and what was worse, one of his heels had got blistered. His bag was heavy, and worse, he had a bladder in his other heel. >>eng<< Válaszfalat építettek az autópálya szélén, hogy eltereljék a zajt a közelben lévő házaktól. A barrier, designed to deflect noise away from nearby houses, was erected along the edge of the freeway. They built a wall on the side of the highway to remove the noise from the nearby houses. >>eng<< Hyvin, kiitos! I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine, thank you! >>eng<< Felicja anyja lengyel, román gyökerekkel. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Felicja's mother is Polish with Romanian roots. >>eng<< Osaan puhua vähän ranskaa. I can speak a little French. I can speak a little French. >>eng<< Anteeksi että olen myöhässä. Pardon me for coming late. Sorry I'm late. >>eng<< Tom nukkui yli kolme tuntia tänään iltapäivällä. Tom slept for more than three hours this afternoon. Tom slept for over three hours this afternoon. >>eng<< Tom halusi puhua Marille. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mari. >>eng<< Olet pysäköinyt minun parkkiruutuuni. You've parked in my space. You've parked in my parking lot. >>eng<< Vigyázzatok magatokra! Watch yourselves! Take care of yourselves. >>eng<< Ki volt az a férfi, aki kint várakozott? Who was that man waiting outside? Who was the man who was waiting outside? >>eng<< Kas teil on kahele vaba lauda reedeks? Is there a table available for two on Friday? Do you have a table for two on Friday? >>eng<< Ez elromlott. This is broken. It's broken. >>eng<< Akarod, hogy megfésüljelek? Do you want me to comb your hair? You want me to brush you? >>eng<< Szükségük van rád. They need you. They need you. >>eng<< Tom megesküdött. Tom swore. Tom swore. >>eng<< Mi az az aminosav? What's an amino acid? What is amino acid? >>eng<< Tuo neglige saa hänellä sukat pyörimään jaloissa! That negligee is gonna knock his socks off! That neglige makes his socks spin on his feet! >>eng<< Olemme täysin hukassa. We're completely lost. We're completely lost. >>eng<< Ez inspiráló. It's inspiring. That's inspiring. >>eng<< Emme tiedä missä me olemme. We don't know where we are. We don't know where we are. >>eng<< Jos voit lukea tämän lauseen, se johtuu siitä, että osaat lukea. If you can read this sentence, it's because you know how to read. If you can read this sentence, it's because you can read. >>eng<< Kun puhelin soi, olin kylvyssä. I was having a bath when the telephone rang. When the phone ringing, I was in the bath. >>eng<< György az egyetlen külföldi barátom. George is my only foreign friend. George is my only friend abroad. >>eng<< Menjünk el karácsonyfáért! Let's go get a Christmas tree. Let's go get a Christmas tree. >>eng<< Egyszerűen undorító. It's simply disgusting. It's just disgusting. >>eng<< El fogják fogadni a javaslatodat. They will accept your proposal. They'll accept your proposal. >>eng<< Miért nem vagy otthon? Why aren't you home? Why aren't you home? >>eng<< A film vegyes kritikákat kapott. The film received mixed reviews. The film got mixed reviews. >>eng<< Tovább kell hajtania, hogy elérjen Bostonba. You need to drive farther south to reach Boston. You have to keep going to Boston. >>eng<< A férfi gyilkosságot követett el. The man committed murder. The man committed a murder. >>eng<< János két évvel idősebb nálam. John is two years older than me. John is two years older than me. >>eng<< Näytänkö minä sinusta Tomilta? Do you think I look like Tom? Do I look like Tom to you? >>eng<< Lapsed on meie elu lilled. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. >>eng<< Minä tapasin Tomin vihdoinkin. I finally met Tom. I finally met Tom. >>eng<< Önző vagy. You're selfish. You're selfish. >>eng<< Ő is beszél franciául. He also speaks French. He speaks French, too. >>eng<< Tom tykkää jazzista. Tom likes jazz. Tom likes jazz. >>eng<< Palju see maksab? What does it cost? How much does it cost? >>eng<< Minua ei huvita mikään. I don't feel like anything. I don't care about anything. >>eng<< Olen poliisi. I'm a cop. I'm a cop. >>eng<< Bostonba megyünk. We're going to Boston. We're going to Boston. >>eng<< Tommal szolgáltam a különleges erőknél. I served with Tom in the special forces. I served with Tom at Special Forces. >>eng<< Szerintem ártatlan. I believe that he is innocent. I think he's innocent. >>eng<< Haluan käyttää tätä. I want to use this. I want to use this. >>eng<< Elmélet és gyakorlat nem feltétlenül jár együtt. Theory and practice do not necessarily go together. Theory and practice do not necessarily come together. >>eng<< Hänen hallintonsa oli itsevaltaista. His rule was despotic. His rule was self-responsible. >>eng<< A fehér cipője sötétvörös nyomokat hagy. Her white shoes leave dark red traces. His white shoes leave dark red marks. >>eng<< Jopa Tomi näytti ärsyyntyneeltä. Even Tom looked annoyed. Even Tomi looked upset. >>eng<< Kuningatarehdokkaita oli kuusi. There were six candidates for queen. There were six queen candidates. >>eng<< Meidän on aika mennä. It's time for us to go. It's time to go. >>eng<< Tukkasi näyttää kivalta. Your hair looks nice. Your hair looks nice. >>eng<< Végre lefeküdhetek. Finally I can go to bed. I can finally go to bed. >>eng<< Tom kést tartott Mary torkához. Tom held a knife to Mary's throat. Tom had a knife to Mary's throat. >>eng<< On vielä liian aikaista sanoa. It's too soon to tell. It's still too early to say. >>eng<< Nutipäistä tulee sammakkoja. Tadpoles become frogs. The smartheads are gonna be frogs. >>eng<< Sitten aave puhui taas, ja hänen äänensä muistutti tuulen huokailua. Then the ghost spoke again, and his voice sounded like the sighing of the wind. Then the ghost spoke again, and his voice reminded me of the sound of the wind. >>eng<< Belépés csak a személyzet számára. Entry is strictly for staff only. Access only for the staff. >>eng<< Olin Tomin luona hänen kuolemaansa edeltävänä iltana. I was with Tom the night before he died. I was with Tom the night before he died. >>eng<< A belépés ingyenes. Admission is free. The entry is free of charge. >>eng<< Veled vagyunk. We're with you. We're with you. >>eng<< En usko, että sellaisia asioita on olemassa. I don't believe such things exist. I don't think there are such things. >>eng<< Meil on tõsi taga. We mean business. We're serious. >>eng<< Puhutko sinä suomea? Do you speak Finnish? Do you speak Finnish? >>eng<< Tom toipui lähellä merta sairautensa jälkeen. Tom convalesced near the ocean after his illness. Tom recovered near the sea after his illness. >>eng<< Általában otthon a családommal étkezem. I usually eat at home with my family. I usually eat at home with my family. >>eng<< A pénz nem minden. Money is not everything. Money isn't everything. >>eng<< Kiitin häntä mukavasta lahjasta. I thanked him for the nice present. I thanked him for a nice gift. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole englanninkielistä näppäimistöä. I don't have an English keyboard. I don't have the English keyboard. >>eng<< Tomi lainaa usein rahaa Marilta. Tom often borrows money from Mary. Tom often borrows money from Mar. >>eng<< Sano terveisiä vanhemmillesi. Please say hello to your parents for me. Say hello to your parents. >>eng<< Elnézést kérek, ha hibát követtem el. If I have made a mistake, excuse me. I'm sorry if I made a mistake. >>eng<< Tom nem tud úszni, és én sem. Tom can't swim and neither can I. Tom can't swim, and neither can I. >>eng<< Juodaan toinen kalja. Let's have another beer. Let's have another beer. >>eng<< Nad kõndisid edasi. They kept walking. They walked on. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy suojella saaren ainutlaatuista ja herkkää luontoa. We must protect the island's unique and fragile environment. We must protect the unique and sensitive nature of the island. >>eng<< Tom ei ole aivan noin rehellinen. Tom isn't all that honest. Tom's not that honest. >>eng<< Ole hiljaa. Be quiet. Shut up. >>eng<< Paljud sõbrad mu nooruspõlvest tulid ka. Many friends of my youth also came. A lot of friends from my youth came too. >>eng<< Szándékosan ejtette el zsebkendőjét, hogy felhívja az ő figyelmét. She dropped her handkerchief on purpose to draw his attention. He deliberately dropped his handkerchief to get his attention. >>eng<< Kuinka vaihdan lauseen kielen? How do I change the language of a sentence? How do I change the language of the sentence? >>eng<< Selitän sen sinulle. I'll explain it to you. I'll explain it to you. >>eng<< A baleset két órája történt. The accident happened two hours ago. It was two hours ago. >>eng<< Soha nem létezett. It never existed. He never existed. >>eng<< Tom proovis enda ära tappa. Tom tried to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. >>eng<< Azt a könyvet választhatod, amelyik tetszik. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose the book you like. >>eng<< Kas sa pidid magamistuba oma õdede-vendadega jagama? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters? Did you have to share the bedroom with your brothers and sisters? >>eng<< Az anyanyelvem a legszebb ajándék, amit anyámtól kaptam. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. My mother tongue is the most beautiful gift my mother gave me. >>eng<< Käärme nielaisi koiran kokonaisena. The snake swallowed the dog whole. The snake swallowed the dog whole. >>eng<< Se on hyvin kallis. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. >>eng<< Ma este dolgoznom kell. I have to work tonight. I have to work tonight. >>eng<< Megbíznak egymásban. They trust each other. They trust each other. >>eng<< Tomi tovább játszott. Tom continued playing. Tomi kept playing. >>eng<< Ha még mindig él, mára már nagyon öregnek kell lennie. If he's still alive, he'd be very old by now. If he's still alive, he must be very old today. >>eng<< Mitä useampia ihmisiä tunnet, sitä vähemmän aikaa sinulla on heidän tapaamiseen. The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. The more people you know, the less time you have to meet them. >>eng<< Kérlek, olvasd el újra. Please read that again. Please read it again. >>eng<< Ő mindig az én oldalamon áll. He is always on my side. He's always on my side. >>eng<< John saatis mulle saksakeelse kirja. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a German letter. >>krl<< This flower is black. Tämä kukka on mustu. That's what I'm talking about. >>eng<< Tom nem eszik annyit, mint Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. Tom doesn't eat as much as Mari. >>eng<< A legjobb barátom vagy. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. >>krl<< You are not old. Työ että ole vanha. You're right, you're wrong. >>eng<< Mary kevésbé aktív, mint a lánytestvére. Mary is less active than her sister. Mary's less active than her sister. >>eng<< Hadd nézzem a nyelvét. Let me see your tongue. Let me see your tongue. >>eng<< Jää koju. Stay home. Stay home. >>eng<< Kysymyksien esittämisen taitoa tulee matematiikassa arvostaa enemmän kuin kykyä ratkaista niitä. In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it. The ability to ask questions must be more appreciated in mathematics than the ability to solve them. >>eng<< Már 7 óra van. It's already 7:00. It's 7:00. >>eng<< Csak hogy tudjad, ez nagyon rossz tréfa. Just so you know, this is a very bad joke. Just so you know, this is a very bad joke. >>eng<< Figyeljetek ide! A Tautológia Klub első szabálya a Tautológia Klub első szabálya! Listen up! The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. The first rule of the Tautology Club is the first rule of the Tautology Club. >>eng<< Tom nem egyedül cselekedett. Tom didn't act alone. Tom didn't do it alone. >>eng<< iPhone 5 julkaistiin eilen. The iPhone 5 was released yesterday. iPhone 5 was released yesterday. >>eng<< Olet liian nuori ymmärtämään. You're too young to understand. You're too young to understand. >>eng<< Miben van sok fehérje? What are some good sources of protein? What's with a lot of protein? >>eng<< Szánalmas vagy. You're pathetic. You're pathetic. >>sma<< I come from Trondheim. Manne Tråanteste båatam. 2015/ I come from Trondheim. >>eng<< Tom átszaladt a mezőn. Tom ran across the field. Tom ran through the field. >>eng<< Kuka tahansa Algeriassa asuva voi katsoa tätä TV-kanavaa. Anyone who lives in Algeria can watch this TV channel. Anyone in Algeria can watch this TV channel. >>eng<< Nem vagyok beteg. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. >>eng<< Úgy beszélek eszperantóul, mintha az anyanyelvem lenne. I can speak Esperanto as if it were my mother tongue. I speak Esperanto as if it were my mother tongue. >>kkt<< Can I use your phone? Позьӧ звонитны тіян телефон вывсянь? Is it your phone? >>eng<< A macska a széken van, vagy alatta? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat on the chair or under it? >>eng<< Ügyvéd. He's an attorney. Lawyer. >>eng<< Előre megmondta, hogy nyerni fog. He predicted she would win. He told me he was going to win. >>eng<< Nem tudom elképzelni, hogyan élhetnék nélküle. I can't conceive of living without him. I can't imagine how I could live without it. >>eng<< Ehkäpä teen kakun vaihtelun vuoksi. Maybe I'll make a cake for a change. Maybe I'll do it for a change in cake. >>eng<< Temast sai klaverimängija. He became a pianist. He became a piano player. >>eng<< Anya most tortát készít. Mom is making a cake. Mom's making cakes. >>eng<< Minä paistan pekonia ja munia. I'll cook bacon and eggs. I cook bacon and eggs. >>eng<< Majdnem megfulladt. She almost drowned. She almost drowned. >>eng<< Tomi ja mää ollaan hyviä ystäviä. Tom and I are good friends. Tom and I are good friends. >>eng<< Tää on mun sateenvarjo. This is my umbrella. This is my umbrella. >>eng<< Tuli polttaa. Fire burns. Fire's on fire. >>eng<< Olet televisiossa. You're on television. You're on TV. >>eng<< Tomi auttaa äitiä illallisen kanssa. Tom is helping his mother with dinner. Tomi's gonna help Mom with dinner. >>eng<< Tamás a szobában van. Tom is in the room. Thomas is in the room. >>eng<< Egymás után három játékot veszítettünk el. We've lost three games in a row. We lost three games after each other. >>krl<< This flower is red. Tämä kukka on ruskei. That's what I'm talking about. >>eng<< Jännittynyt henkilö ei sovi tähän työhön. A nervous person will not be fit for this job. An agitated person is not fit for this job. >>eng<< Minun oli saatava jotain autosta. I had to get something out of the car. I had to get something from the car. >>eng<< Tom tuskin koskaan kuuntelee radiota. Tom hardly ever listens to the radio. I don't think Tom ever listens to the radio. >>eng<< Nem értettem. I did not understand. I didn't get it. >>eng<< A delfinek rejtelmesek. Dolphins are weird. The dolphins are mysterious. >>eng<< A busz indult is. The bus was about to start. The bus's on its way. >>eng<< Tominak segítenie kellett volna lefestenie a csűrt, de nem került elő. Tom was supposed to help me paint the barn yesterday, but he never showed up. Tomi was supposed to help paint the barn, but she didn't show up. >>eng<< Näin unta sinusta. I dreamt about you. I had a dream about you. >>eng<< Miért kérsz bocsánatot? What are you apologizing for? Why do you apologize? >>eng<< Három vacsorát rendelt. She ordered three dinners. He ordered three dinners. >>eng<< A tűz megégette a lakót. The fire burned the resident. The fire burned the resident. >>eng<< Voit poistaa muutaman rajoitteen optimointiongelmastasi, jos sinä parametrisoit muuttujasi pallokoordinaateilla. You can eliminate a few constraints from your optimization problem if you parametrize your variables into spherical coordinates. You can remove a few limitations from your optimization problem if you parameterize your variable with ball coordinates. >>eng<< Miért kellene, hogy ez érdekeljen minket? Why should we care? Why should we be interested in that? >>eng<< Ez egy ezüst érme. This is a silver coin. It's a silver coin. >>eng<< Honnan szerezted ezeket a ruhákat? Where did you get these clothes? Where did you get these clothes? >>eng<< Óva intelek tőle ismételten! I warned you against him. I warned you against him again. >>eng<< Hän siivosi huoneen. She cleaned the room. He cleaned up the room. >>eng<< Sinun pitäisi viedä autosi Tomin korjaamolle. Hän tekee varsin hyvää jälkeä. You should take your car to Tom's Garage. He does a pretty good job. You should take your car to Tom's garage. >>eng<< Tom szokás szerint téved. Tom is wrong as usual. Tom's usually wrong. >>eng<< Hän oli varattuna. He was busy. He was booked. >>eng<< Rá se ránts! Never mind! Don't worry about it. >>eng<< Annyira unom az egészet. I'm so sick of all this. I'm so tired of it. >>eng<< Nem érdekel, hogy ki csókolja meg Tamást. I don't care who kisses Tom. I don't care who kisses Tamás. >>eng<< Igen, gyermekem. Yes, my child. Yes, my child. >>eng<< Tyttö lakkasi puhumasta ja hymyili, nuori mies lakkasi puhumasta ja huokaisi. The girl stopped talking and smiled; the young man stopped talking and sighed. She stopped talking and she smiled, and the young man stopped talking and cried. >>eng<< Tuntuuko sinusta koskaan siltä kuin lauseesi jäisivät likipitäen huomiotta? Do you ever get the feeling that your sentences have been going largely unnoticed? Do you ever feel like you're missing out on your sentences? >>eng<< Ez egy kivétel. That's an exception. It's an exception. >>eng<< El fogod adni nekem az autódat? Will you sell your car to me? You're gonna sell me your car? >>eng<< Ne flörtölj a barátnőmmel! Don't flirt with my girlfriend. Don't flirt with my girlfriend. >>eng<< Opettaja kysyi häneltä: »Mikä on 256:n neliöjuuri?» The teacher asked him, "What's the square root of 256?" The teacher asked him: ‘What is the square root of 256?’ >>eng<< Ne legyél már olyan, mint egy kisbaba. Stop being such a baby. Don't be like a baby. >>eng<< Tom ja Mari menivät kahden viikon kuherroskuulle Havaijille. Tom and Mary went on a two week honeymoon to Hawaii. Tom and Mari went to Hawaii for two weeks. >>eng<< Ő mindig elfoglalt. He is always on the go. He's always busy. >>sma<< Where am I from? Gubpede manne båatam? For what purpose am I from? >>eng<< Heitä hänet ulos täältä! Get him out of here! Get him out of here! >>eng<< Melyiket szereted jobban, a tavaszt vagy az őszt? Which do you like better, spring or fall? Which one do you like better, spring or autumn? >>eng<< Jobb lenne békén hagyni. Better leave it! You'd better leave him alone. >>eng<< Megpecsételődött a sorsunk. Our fate was sealed. Our fate is sealed. >>eng<< En tunne heistä kumpaakaan. I don't know either of them. I don't know either of them. >>eng<< Emlékszel arra a napra, amikor megismerkedtünk? Do you remember the day when we first met? Remember the day we met? >>eng<< Poisid on mõnikord veidrad. Boys are strange sometimes. The boys are weird sometimes. >>eng<< Tom sohasem fogja sokra vinni. Tom is never going to amount to much. Tom's never gonna make a lot of money. >>eng<< Ma ei arvanud, et sa välja ilmud. I didn't think you'd show up. I didn't think you'd show up. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, képes vagyok rá. I think I can. I think I can. >>eng<< Kukaan ei satuttanut minua. Nobody hurt me. No one hurt me. >>krl<< Speak more slowly, please! Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. >>eng<< Me otamme riskin. We'll take the risk. We're taking a chance. >>eng<< Belapátoltam az ebédet. I ate a hasty lunch. I've been shoveling lunch. >>eng<< Tom ei osannut kelloa kuin vasta kolmetoistavuotiaana. Tom couldn't tell time until he was thirteen. Tom didn't know the watch until he was 13. >>eng<< Hän on japanilainen. She is Japanese. He's Japanese. >>eng<< Menet kanssamme. You're going with us. You're going with us. >>eng<< Mindenkinek hallgatnia kellett volna. Everyone should have listened. Everyone should've listened. >>eng<< A város gyönyörű. The city is beautiful. The city is beautiful. >>eng<< Ő fiatalnak látszik. She looks young. She looks young. >>eng<< Saisinko pizzan, kiitos. Can I have a pizza, please? Can I have a pizza, please? >>eng<< Valistunein tapa elää on halveksua vakiintuneita tapoja, kuitenkin samalla elää niihin sopeutuen. The most enlightened way of living is to despise social conventions while at the same time living your life in conformity to them. The most enlightened way to live is to despise established practices, but at the same time to live by adjusting to them. >>eng<< Tom on Marin sisarenpoika. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom's Mari's nephew. >>eng<< A jó oktatás pénzben nem mérhető. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. Good education can't be measured in money. >>eng<< Tomnak meg kellett volna nyernie a versenyt. Tom should have won the race. Tom was supposed to win the race. >>eng<< Arra kért, hogy lassabban beszéljek. He asked me to speak more slowly. He asked me to slow down. >>eng<< Nehéz meglopni egy tolvajt. It's hard to steal from a thief. It's hard to steal a thief. >>eng<< Akarok egy robogót. I want a scooter. I want a robo. >>eng<< Tomi addig még sosem látta Marit ilyen dühösnek. Tom had never seen Mary that angry. Tomi's never seen Mari so angry before. >>eng<< Hän tarttui käteeni ja sanoi olevansa iloinen minut nähdessään. She clasped my hands and said she was glad to see me. He grabbed my hand and said he was happy to see me. >>eng<< Erősen fáj a fejem. I have a bad headache. My head hurts a lot. >>eng<< Minden kérdésem megválaszoltatott. All my questions were answered. All my questions have been answered. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse kuunnella häntä. You don't have to listen to what he says. You don't have to listen to him. >>eng<< Mi a baj veletek? What's wrong with you two? What's wrong with you guys? >>eng<< Tom sanoo, että annoit sen tapahtua. Tom says you let it happen. Tom says you let that happen. >>eng<< Jim käyttäytyi todella oudosti koko päivän. Jim acted very strangely all day. Jim was acting really weird all day. >>eng<< Zongorista vagy, igaz? You're a pianist, aren't you? You're a piano player, right? >>eng<< Remegett a borzalomtól ennél a szörnyű jelenetnél. He shuddered with horror at the grisly sight. It was shaking from the horror of this terrible scene. >>eng<< Tom föltette a fejhallgatóját. Tom put on his headphones. Tom put his headphone on. >>eng<< See on minu laud. It is my table. It's my desk. >>eng<< Sinä torkahdit. You dozed off. You're the one who stabbed me. >>eng<< Heidän asuinkaupungissaan on iso espanjankielinen yhteisö. The city in which they live has a large Spanish-speaking community. Their city has a large Spanish - speaking community. >>eng<< Tässä, sovita päällesi. Here, try it on. Here, make it up to you. >>eng<< Tom túlságosan függ Maritól. Tom depends too much on Mary. Tom's too dependent on Mari. >>eng<< Tom egy kicsit vörös lett. Tom got a little red. Tom's a little red. >>eng<< Mistä löytäisin puhelinkopin? Where can I find a telephone box? Where can I find the phone box? >>eng<< Se on tosi ärsyttävä. It's really annoying. It's really annoying. >>eng<< Te tetted? Was it you who did it? Did you do it? >>eng<< Kas sul sõnastikku on? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a vocabulary? >>eng<< Onko ranska hankalampaa kuin englanti? Is French harder than English? Is French more difficult than English? >>eng<< Kindlasti! Definitely! Sure! >>eng<< Mistä sinä ostit sen kirjan? Where did you buy that book? Where did you buy that book? >>eng<< Bolond voltam, hogy megbíztam Tomiban. I was a fool to trust Tom. I was a fool to trust Tomi. >>eng<< Nem tudom, hogy Tomi miért ment a kórházba. I don't know why Tom went to the hospital. I don't know why Tomi went to the hospital. >>eng<< Egyáltalán éhes vagy? Are you hungry at all? Are you hungry at all? >>eng<< Olen koiraihminen. I am a dog person. I'm a dog man. >>eng<< Kas sa saad mulle ekraanipildi saata? Can you send me a screenshot? Can you send me a screenshot? >>eng<< Kuka sinne menee ei ole vielä päätetty. Who will go there is not yet decided. Who's going in there hasn't decided yet? >>eng<< Tom ei puhu paljon. Tom doesn't talk much. Tom doesn't talk much. >>eng<< Hänen olisi pitänyt olla näyttelijä. He ought to have been an actor. He should have been an actor. >>eng<< Úgy történnek a változtatások, ahogy mi megbeszéljük. The changes are being made as we speak. Changes happen the way we discuss them. >>eng<< Joko Tomi valehtelee tai sitten Mari valehtelee. Either Tom's lying or Mary's lying. Either Tomi's lying or Mari's lying. >>eng<< Voi olla, että Tomi on vähän ylipainoinen. Tom might be a little overweight. It may be that Tomi is a little overweight. >>eng<< Todellisuus muuttuu jatkuvasti. The reality keeps changing. Reality keeps changing. >>eng<< Tuossa kaupassa myydään lihaa. They sell meat at that store. That store sells meat. >>eng<< A lámpa kialudt, mi meg ott maradtunk a sötétben. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The light went out and we stayed in the dark. >>eng<< Panaszt akarok benyújtani. I intend to file a formal complaint. I want to file a complaint. >>eng<< Ez egy dühös nyúl volt. That was an angry bunny. That was an angry rabbit. >>eng<< Hän on blondi. He has blond hair. He's a blonde. >>eng<< Käyn suihkussa melkein joka aamu. I take a shower almost every morning. I shower almost every morning. >>eng<< Koputa puuta! Touch wood! Knock on the tree! >>eng<< Kas sa oled kuidagi hädas? Are you in any difficulty? Are you in some kind of trouble? >>eng<< Amikor utasítást adok, indítsd el a gépet! When I give the word, start the machine. When I give you orders, start the plane. >>eng<< Miért ölték meg Tomit? Why was Tom killed? Why did they kill Tomi? >>eng<< Tom ott lesz a ma esti partin. Tom will be at tonight's party. Tom's gonna be at the party tonight. >>eng<< Ha megsebzed őt, kinyírlak. If you hurt her, I'll kill you. If you hurt him, I'll kill you. >>eng<< Ezt a problémát érdemes átgondolni. This problem deserves considering. This problem is worth considering. >>eng<< Minulle ei ole väliä kuka voittaa. It doesn't matter to me who wins. It doesn't matter to me who wins. >>eng<< Te fáradtnak tűnsz, de Tomi nem. You look tired, but Tom doesn't. You look tired, but Tomi doesn't. >>eng<< Sinä olit unessa. You were asleep. You were asleep. >>eng<< Miten hänen nimensä sanotaan? How do you pronounce her name? How do you call his name? >>eng<< Ruuhka-aikaan pitäisi olla enemmän busseja. There ought to be more buses during the rush hours. There should be more buses at the time of congestion. >>eng<< Valitse hyveistä hiljaisuus, sillä sillä kuulet muiden viat ja peität omasi. Choose silence of all virtues, for by it you hear other men's imperfections, and conceal your own. Choose the silence from the virtues, for you will hear the faults of others and cover yours. >>eng<< A hang abból az irányból jött. The sound came from that direction. The sound came from that direction. >>eng<< Sinun ei pitäisi lelliä lasta. Hänestä tulee todella itsekäs. You shouldn't indulge that child. It will make him very selfish. You shouldn't be toying with a kid, he's gonna be really selfish. >>eng<< Son bovdii su. She invited him. Son bovdii you. >>eng<< Rakkaus on teini-ikäisiä varten. Love is for teenagers. Love is for teenagers. >>eng<< Mari felvitte Tomit a táncparkettre. Mary led Tom onto the dance floor. Mari took Tom to the dance floor. >>eng<< Kaksi autoa törmäsi toisiinsa. The two cars crashed. Two cars ran into each other. >>eng<< Mun áiggun oahppa. I want to learn. I knew what to do. >>eng<< Ez az egyetlen lehetőséged. It's your only shot. It's your only chance. >>eng<< Jalkani! My foot! My leg! >>eng<< Avaisitko ikkunan? Would you open the window, please? Can you open the window? >>eng<< Nukuin television edessä. I slept in front of the TV. I slept in front of the TV. >>eng<< Tom úgy néz ki, mint aki menten összeesik. Tom looks like he's going to pass out. Tom looks like he's falling apart. >>eng<< Laskekaa ankkuri! Drop the anchor! Lower anchor! >>eng<< Majd én kisegítelek. I'll help you out. I'll help you out. >>eng<< Tulppaanit ovat nyt täydessä kukassa. Tulips are in full bloom now. The tulips are now full of flowers. >>eng<< Päiväntasaajalla maanpinta pyörii 1675 kilometriä tunnissa! At the equator, Earth's surface is rotating at 1675 kilometers per hour! The equator has a surface of 1675 kilometers an hour! >>eng<< Húzd ki azokat a szavakat, amikre nincs szükséged. You should cross out any word you don't need. Pull out the words you don't need. >>eng<< Bussipysäkki on lähellä meidän kouluamme. The bus stop is near our school. The bus stop is close to our school. >>eng<< Tomi käy suihkussa joka aamu ennen aamupalaa. Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast. Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast. >>eng<< Tomival nentem Ausztráliába. Tom is the guy I went to Australia with. Tom and I named him in Australia. >>eng<< Az irodámba kell mennem. I have to go to my office. I have to go to my office. >>eng<< ”A ja B ovat ekvivalentteja” tarkoittaa samaa kuin ”A on tosi jos ja vain jos B on tosi”. "A is equivalent to B" has the same meaning as "A is true if and only if B is true". ‘A and B are equivalents’ means ‘A is true if and only if B is true’. >>eng<< Onko leipää? Is there any bread? Is there bread? >>eng<< Tom piipahti kylässä. Tom came by. Tom was in the village. >>eng<< En yksinkertaisesti ymmärrä mitä foorumeilla riitaa haastavien ihmisten mielissä liikkuu. I just don't understand what goes through the minds of people who troll forums. I simply do not understand what there is in the forums in the minds of challenging people. >>eng<< Holnap nem dolgozom. I don't work tomorrow. I don't work tomorrow. >>eng<< Kaikki teistä tekivät hyvää työtä. All of you did good work. All of you did a good job. >>eng<< Tomilla oli vain yksi sukkapari ja niissäkin oli reikiä. Tom only had one pair of socks and they had holes in them. Tom only had one pair of socks, and there were holes in them too. >>eng<< Onkohan muilla planeetoilla elämää? I wonder if life exists on other planets. Do you think there's a life on other planets? >>eng<< En voi auttaa sinua. I can't help you. I can't help you. >>eng<< Olyan vagy, mint én. You're like me. You're like me. >>eng<< Kui Tom poleks sind päästnud, oleksid sa surnud. You'd be dead if Tom hadn't saved you. If Tom hadn't saved you, you'd be dead. >>eng<< Rikkaudet eivät tyydytä minua. Riches only will not satisfy me. The riches don't satisfy me. >>eng<< Álljál már le a pénzszórással! It's high time you stopped wasting your money. Stop with the money spread! >>eng<< Jumala parantaa sinut, ja lääkäri saat rahat. God makes you healthy, and the doctor gets the money. God will heal you, and the doctor will get the money. >>eng<< Se ei saa olla ongelma. That may not be a problem. It can't be a problem. >>eng<< Me syöpöttelimme pizzaa ja juopottelimme olutta. We pigged out on pizza and beer. We threw pizza and drank beer. >>eng<< Mul on kahju... Sorry... I'm sorry... >>eng<< Missä sinä yövyt? Where are you staying? Where are you staying? >>eng<< Kiitos neuvosta. Thanks for the advice. Thank you for your advice. >>eng<< Már végeztem a munkámmal. I've already finished my work. I'm done with my job. >>eng<< Tudni akarom, kik jönnek. I need to know who'll be coming. I want to know who's coming. >>eng<< Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy működik ez. I wonder how this works. I wonder how this works. >>eng<< Ma jään õhtuni. I'll stay until evening. I'll stay till tonight. >>eng<< Neki mennyi pénze van? How much money does he have? How much money does he have? >>eng<< Tudom jól, hogy kicsoda a te apád. I'm well aware of who your father is. I know who your father is. >>eng<< Hívd a biztonságiakat! Call security! Call security. >>eng<< Hän menetti yhtäkkiä tajuntansa. She suddenly lost consciousness. He suddenly lost consciousness. >>eng<< Sa võid selle kaasa võtta. You can take that with you. You can take it with you. >>eng<< Me majoituimme edulliseen hotelliin. We stayed at an economy hotel. We're staying at a low-cost hotel. >>eng<< Bocsánatot kérek a késésért. I apologize for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. >>kkt<< I'm listening to you. Ме кывза Тіянӧс. Iā'm print to you. >>eng<< Saavuitte juuri sillä hetkellä kun minä lähdin. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived the exact moment I left. >>eng<< Kotiin jääminen ei ole kivaa. Staying home isn't fun. Staying home isn't fun. >>eng<< Ette taida uskoa että minä olen oikeassa, vai uskotteko? You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? >>eng<< Tomilla on tuplasti enemmän kirjoja kuin minulla. Tom has twice as many books as I do. Tom has twice as many books as I have. >>eng<< Te ette taidakaan uskoa että minä olen oikeassa. You don't think I'm right, do you? You don't think I'm right, do you? >>eng<< Tom tulee ihan heti takaisin. Tom is going to be right back. Tom will be right back. >>eng<< Tom testileg-szellemileg nagyon friss még. Tom is physically and mentally still very active. Tom's physically, mentally, still very fresh. >>eng<< Pidän jazzista. Millaisesta musiikista sinä pidät? I like jazz. What kind of music do you like? What kind of music do you like? >>eng<< Tom sai Marin ja Jonin kiinni. Tom caught up with Mary and John. Tom got Marin and Jon. >>eng<< Kuidas te Tomiga läbi saate? How are you and Tom getting along? How do you and Tom get along? >>eng<< Haluan veneen, joka veisi minut kauas pois täältä. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I want a boat to take me far away from here. >>eng<< Meillä ei ollut eilen koulua. We didn't have school yesterday. We didn't have school last night. >>eng<< Tom on aika hyvä shakissa. Tom is pretty good at chess. Tom's pretty good at chess. >>eng<< Tämä on kaupunki, jossa hän syntyi. This is the town where he was born. This is the town where he was born. >>eng<< Tämän on ajanhukkaa. This is a waste of time. This is a waste of time. >>eng<< Miksi sinä haluat tappaa meidät? Why do you want to kill us? Why do you want to kill us? >>eng<< A DVD-gyűjteményem nagyon kicsi. My DVD collection is absolutely miniscule. My DVD collection is very small. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy rauhoittua. You've got to calm down. You need to calm down. >>eng<< Käyn leffassa joka viikko. I go to the movies every week. I go to a movie every week. >>eng<< Ilta on vielä nuori. The night's still young. It's still young. >>eng<< Haluan todella nähdä Pisan kaltevan tornin. I really want to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I really want to see Pisa tilting the tower. >>eng<< Mistä tässä oikeasti on kyse? What's this really about? What is this really about? >>eng<< Aiemmin. Supra. Previously on Homeland... >>eng<< Pane selga soojad riided, öine õhk on väga külm. Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold. Put on warm clothes, the night air is very cold. >>eng<< Tom jött utoljára. Tom came last. Tom came last. >>eng<< Tom töin tuskin hipaisikaan vastustajaansa. Tom hardly laid a glove on his opponent. I don't think Tom would hit his opponent. >>eng<< Az ember soha nem tudhatja, kivel fut össze. One never knows whom one might run into. You never know who you're dealing with. >>eng<< Varopa suutasi! Watch your mouth. Watch your mouth! >>eng<< Olvadnak a gleccserek. The glaciers are melting. Glitters are melting. >>eng<< Kun tulin takaisin, oli minun autoni poissa. When I came back, my car was gone. When I got back, my car was gone. >>eng<< Kas teie koeral on jooksuaeg? Is your bitch on heat? Does your dog have a running time? >>eng<< Anna sokeri, Tomi. Pass me the sugar, Tom. Give me the sugar, Tomi. >>eng<< Viszont ismerősen cseng nekem a neve. But his name is slightly familiar to me. But his name is familiar to me. >>eng<< Haluaisin kuulla Tomista. I'd like to hear from Tom. I'd like to hear about Tom. >>eng<< Löysitkö sen? Did you find it? Did you find it? >>eng<< Nem gondolkodtam. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking. >>eng<< Olen tutkinnonsuorittanut kääntäjä. I'm a certified translator. I've completed my degree as a translator. >>eng<< Ajattelitko sitä? Did you think about that? Did you think about that? >>eng<< Kas sul on värskeid maasikaid? Do you have fresh strawberries? Do you have fresh strawberries? >>eng<< Oletko ikinä lisännyt artikkelia Wikipediaan? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? Have you ever added an article to Wikipedia? >>eng<< Könyvelő vagyok. I'm an accountant. I'm an accountant. >>eng<< Bill käib sageli pargis. Bill often goes to the park. Bill often goes to the park. >>eng<< Sinä sanoit, että soittaisit. You said you'd call. You said you'd call. >>eng<< Próbáltunk figyelmeztetni. We tried to warn you. We tried to warn you. >>eng<< Semmit nem tehetsz érte. There is nothing you can do for her. There's nothing you can do for him. >>eng<< Tykkäätkö sinä opiskella? Do you enjoy studying? Do you like studying? >>eng<< Sokkal jobban úszol, mint ő. You swim much better than he does. You're a lot better at swimming than he is. >>eng<< Olen kotoisin Saudi-Arabiasta. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. >>eng<< Különösen ragaszkodott ehhez. He particularly insisted on this. He insisted in particular. >>eng<< Kelj fel Tom! Wake up Tom. Get up, Tom. >>eng<< Tomin lapset eivät osaa puhua ranskaa. Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids can't speak French. >>eng<< Tom on Marin aviomies. Tom is Mary's husband. Tom's Mari's husband. >>eng<< Tom munkahelyet váltott. Tom changed jobs. Tom changed jobs. >>eng<< En yleensä tee tuota. I don't usually do that. I don't usually do that. >>eng<< Tényleg nem akarom ezt tenni. I really don't want to do that. I really don't want to do this. >>eng<< He tappaisivat minut, jos he saisivat tietää. They would kill me if they found out. They'd kill me if they found out. >>eng<< Sok mindent akarok csinálni. I have a lot of things I want to do. I want to do a lot of things. >>eng<< Ma tean, kuidas te töötate. I know how you guys work. I know how you work. >>eng<< Mul on kauhee päänsärky. I have a bad headache. I have a terrible headache. >>eng<< Minä luen kirjaa. I am reading the book. I'm reading the book. >>eng<< Hän pyysi opettajaltaan neuvoa. She asked her teacher for advice. He asked his teacher for advice. >>eng<< Tomin kaltainen hyvä oppilas tuo luokallemme kunniaa. A good student like Tom brings honor to our class. A good student like Tom brings honor to our class. >>eng<< Vedä suora viiva. Draw a straight line. Pull a straight line. >>eng<< He puhuivat rakkaudesta. They talked about love. They were talking about love. >>eng<< Új gépkocsit vásárolt. He has bought a new car. He bought a new car. >>eng<< Néha még ott is ebédel. He sometimes eats lunch there, too. He even has lunch there sometimes. >>eng<< Kuuliksä saiko Tomi sen työn? Have you heard whether Tom got the job? The hearer, did he get the job? >>eng<< Ma ei suuda otsustada, kas ma olen õnnelik või kurb. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. >>eng<< Tom on kaikista vanhin. Tom is the oldest. Tom's the oldest of all. >>eng<< Milyen rövid az élet! How short life is! Life is so short! >>eng<< Tom ma hazajön. Tom is getting back home today. Tom's coming home today. >>eng<< Meg akarja látogatni a nagybátyját. He intends to visit his uncle. He wants to visit his uncle. >>eng<< Tomi tuhlaa resursseja. Tom is wasting resources. Tom is wasting his resources. >>eng<< Bőven van víz. There's plenty of water. There's plenty of water. >>eng<< Те йӧратеда сюрпризым? Do you like surprises? spend some time looking at this? >>eng<< Ehkä sinä luovutit liian aikaisin. Maybe you gave up too fast. Maybe you gave up too early. >>eng<< Ja Jumala sanoi: "Tulkoon valkeus". Ja valkeus tuli. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God said, Let the light come. And the light came. >>eng<< Päätin mennä uimaan. I decided to go swimming. I decided to go for a swim. >>eng<< Rövid várakozás után hülyeségeket kezdett el összehordani. After a short while, he began to talk nonsense. After a short wait, he started bringing stupid things together. >>eng<< Olen täysi pöhkö. I'm a complete idiot. I'm a total fool. >>eng<< Van joghurt a hűtőben. There is yogurt in the fridge. There's yogurt in the fridge. >>eng<< Köszönöm mindenkinek a gratulációkat. Thank you all for the congratulations! Thank you all for your congratulations. >>eng<< Olyan kevés időnk van. We have so little time. We have so little time. >>eng<< Tämä kahvi on juomakelvotonta. This coffee is undrinkable. This coffee is non-drinkable. >>eng<< Äitien pitäisi rakastaa kaikkia lapsiaan tasapuolisesti. Mothers should love all their children equally. Mothers should love all their children equally. >>eng<< Egy nagy házban él. She lives in a large house. He lives in a big house. >>eng<< Született győztes. He's a born winner. Born winner. >>eng<< Régen egy étteremben dolgoztam. I used to work in a restaurant. I used to work at a restaurant. >>eng<< Tomnak segítséget kellett volna kérnie tőlünk. Tom should have asked us for help. Tom should have asked us for help. >>eng<< Huolehdi omista asioistasi! Mind your own business. Mind your own business! >>eng<< Rakastatko veljeäni enemmän kuin minua? Do you love my brother more than me? Do you love my brother more than you love me? >>eng<< Érkezik a pizza. The pizza's on the way. The pizza's coming. >>eng<< Tommi on saita. Tom is a miser. Tommi's fine. >>eng<< Mikä hänen ryhmittymisensä on? What is her alignment? What's his grouping like? >>eng<< Huomiseen. Until tomorrow. Tomorrow. >>eng<< Nem kaptam meghívót. I didn't get the invitation. I didn't get an invitation. >>eng<< Meg kell változnom. I need to change. I have to change. >>eng<< Ideje elmondani a teljes igazságot. It's time to tell the whole truth. It's time to tell the whole truth. >>eng<< Tom megbocsátott Marynek. Tom forgave Mary. Tom forgave Mary. >>eng<< Älä unohda lähettää kirjettä. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. >>eng<< Ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu. Rome was not built in a day. They didn't build Rome a day. >>eng<< Ensi kuussa hän tulee olemaan todella kiireinen. He will be very busy next month. Next month, he'll be really busy. >>eng<< Három hónapot töltött a fonton. He was at the front for three months. She spent three months on the pound. >>eng<< Kas sa tuled? Do you come? Are you coming? >>eng<< Diszlexiás vagyok. I'm dyslexic. I'm dyslexic. >>eng<< Városom minden kertjében tilos a virágágyakra rátaposni. In all of the gardens in my city it is illegal to trample the flower beds. In every garden of my city, it is forbidden to touch the flower beds. >>eng<< Minulta evättiin pääsy hänen maahansa. I was denied access to his land. I was denied access to his country. >>eng<< Sinun ei pitäisi menettää sitä. You ought not to miss it. You shouldn't lose it. >>eng<< Senkit sem lehet kínzásnak, durva, embertelen, megalázó bánásmódnak vagy büntetésnek alávetni. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. No one can be tortured, cruel, inhuman, humiliated, or punished. >>eng<< Minäkin olin yhtä optimistinen kuin Tom, kun alunperin aloitin työt täällä. I used to be as optimistic as Tom when I first started working here. I was just as optimistic as Tom when I first started work here. >>eng<< Azt akarom, hogy ez ma készüljön el. I want to get this done today. I want this ready today. >>eng<< Még a legnagyobb tudósok sem tudják ezt megoldani. Even the greatest scholar can't solve that. Even the greatest scientists can't solve this. >>eng<< Hän pesi huoneen. She cleaned the room. He washed the room. >>eng<< Tein sen vain sinun omaksi parhaaksesi. I only did it for your own good. I only did it for your own good. >>eng<< Tomi ei ole koskaan ollut täsmällinen. Tom has never been punctual. Tom's never been exact. >>eng<< Voisitko kertoa mistä sait tämän? Would you mind telling where you got this? Can you tell me where you got this? >>eng<< Azt hiszem, kezdem elveszteni a fejem. I think I'm losing my mind. I think I'm losing my mind. >>eng<< Mä haluun suudella sua. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. >>eng<< Ehkä Tomi pystyy ratkaisemaan tämän ongelman. Perhaps Tom can solve this problem. Maybe Tomi can solve this problem. >>eng<< Bocsásson meg, hogy félbeszakítom. Excuse me for interrupting you. Excuse me for interrupting. >>eng<< Tom állandóan alszik. Tom sleeps all the time. Tom sleeps all the time. >>eng<< Черепахаослэн пиньёсыз ӧвӧл. Turtles don't have teeth. said of man: “You will not live up to yours. ” >>eng<< Hänen äänensä ei kanna. Her voice doesn't carry. His voice doesn't carry. >>eng<< Voin hyvin, kiitos! I am fine, thank you. I'm fine, thank you! >>eng<< Huone oli niin valoisa, että hän pystyi lukemaan kirjeen. The room was light enough for her to read the letter. The room was so bright he could read the letter. >>eng<< Szűkös a költségvetésem. My budget is tight. My budget is tight. >>eng<< Mahtavaa! Terrific! That's great! >>eng<< Ez igazán szép. This is really nice! That's really nice. >>eng<< Tom sai aivoinfarktin. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. >>eng<< Úgy érzem, jobban vagyok. I think I feel better. I feel better. >>eng<< Tomi oli rohkea mies. Tom was a brave man. Tom was a brave man. >>eng<< Ez értékes? Is this valuable? Is that valuable? >>eng<< Sinä tiedät, että vihaan sitä. You know I hate that. You know I hate it. >>eng<< Bostonban hol szálltál meg? Where did you stay in Boston? Where did you stay in Boston? >>eng<< Onko asia tärkeä? Is it important? Is it important? >>eng<< Egy szép májusi napon jöttem a világra Mexikóban. I was born in Mexico on a beautiful day in May. I came to the world on a beautiful May day in Mexico. >>eng<< Olen syntynyt kahdeskymmenestoinen marraskuuta vuonna tuhat yhdeksänsataa neljäkymmentäkahdeksan. I was born on the twenty second of November, nineteen forty eight. I was born in November twenty-eight, a thousand nine hundred and forty-eight. >>eng<< Tom támogató. Tom is supportive. Tom's a supporter. >>eng<< Ne engedd ki a macskát. Don't let the cat out. Don't let the cat out. >>eng<< Tom és Mari is mindketten hallgattak. Both Tom and Mary didn't say a thing. Tom and Mari both listened. >>eng<< Älä itke. Rakastan sinua. Don't cry. I love you. Don't cry, I love you. >>eng<< Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja lukujen -1 ja 1 väliltä (mukaanlukien -1 ja 1). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Blue and Kosin functions take values between figures -1 and 1 (including figures -1 and 1). >>eng<< Tom tuuppasi Marin ulos ovesta. Tom shoved Mary out the door. Tom pulled Mari out of the door. >>eng<< A kiwi csirkényi méretű, röpképtelen madár. The kiwi is a flightless bird of comparable size to the chicken. Kiwi chickens are sized, inoperable birds. >>eng<< Látnom kellett volna, hogy ez jön. I should have seen this coming. I should have seen this coming. >>eng<< Még csak azt sem tudom, ki ő. I don't even know who she is. I don't even know who he is. >>eng<< Missä Marika asuu nyt? Where does Marika live now? Where does Marika live now? >>eng<< Hän puhuu ranskaa äidinkielenään. French is her native language. He speaks French as his mother tongue. >>eng<< Nincs senki más. There's nobody else. There's no one else. >>eng<< Ez a könyv harminc dolláromba került. This book cost me thirty dollars. This book cost me thirty dollars. >>eng<< A jég elolvadt. The ice melted. The ice has melted. >>eng<< Et koskaan kertonut miksi viivästys tapahtui. You never told us why there was a delay. You never told me why the delay happened. >>eng<< Senkit nem találtak el. No one was hit. Nobody got hit. >>eng<< Isoäitini äitini puolelta asuu Osakassa. My grandmother on my mother's side lives in Osaka. My grandmother lives on my mother's side of Osaka. >>eng<< Erről nekem senki nem szólt. No one told me about that. No one told me about that. >>eng<< Adott neki enni. She gave him some food. He gave me food. >>eng<< Ha megfogadtad volna a tanácsom, most nem ülnél a slamasztikában. If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't be in such trouble. If you'd taken my advice, you wouldn't be sitting in Slamastics right now. >>eng<< Tomista tuli pähkähullu. Tom went bananas. Tom went nuts. >>eng<< Tämä ohut kirja on minun. This thin book is mine. This thin book is mine. >>eng<< Van még valami, amit tudni szeretnél? Is there anything else that you want to know? Is there anything else you want to know? >>eng<< He ovat kuin tulisilla hiilillä. They're on pins and needles. They're like burning coal. >>eng<< Olen aina ihaillut Tomia. I've always admired Tom. I've always admired Tom. >>eng<< Olehan varovainen. Be careful. Be careful. >>eng<< Onko Tomi sinun veljesi? Is Tom your brother? Is Tom your brother? >>eng<< Tykkääk sä sun uudesta työstä? Do you like your new job? Do you like your new job? >>eng<< Ruusujen varsissa on piikkejä. Roses have thorns on their stems. There are thorns on the roses. >>eng<< Me olemme muuttuneet. We have changed. We've changed. >>eng<< Mindenki jól van. Everybody is fine. Everyone's fine. >>eng<< Siin ei ole raudteed. There were no railroads. There are no railways here. >>eng<< Olemme päättäneet palkata Tomin. We've decided to hire Tom. We've decided to hire Tom. >>eng<< Tommi olisi voinut auttaa minua, mutta hän ei tehnyt niin. Tom could've helped me, but he didn't. Tom could've helped me, but he didn't. >>eng<< Néha előfordul. It happens sometimes. Sometimes it happens. >>eng<< Luuletko, että se toimii? Do you think that'll work? You think it's working? >>eng<< Ma beugrottam hozzád, de nem voltál otthon. I stopped by today, but you weren't home. I stopped by you today, but you weren't home. >>eng<< See on kõigest kuulujutt. It's just a rumor. It's just a rumor. >>eng<< Semmit sem látott. He saw nothing. He didn't see anything. >>eng<< Tom oli siin kõige parem ujuja. Tom used to be the best swimmer here. Tom was the best swimmer here. >>eng<< Tetszett ez a könyv. I liked this book. I liked this book. >>eng<< Semmi nem a te hibád, igaz? Nothing is ever your fault, is it? Nothing's your fault, isn't it? >>eng<< Tom elnézést kért, hogy nem jött korábban. Tom apologized for not coming earlier. Tom said he was sorry he didn't show up earlier. >>eng<< Nem tűnik boldognak Tomi, hogy lát minket. Tom doesn't look happy to see us. Tomi doesn't seem happy to see us. >>eng<< Egy szót sem hiszek el belőle. I don't believe one word of it. I don't believe a word of it. >>eng<< Ole rahulik. Be calm. Take it easy. >>eng<< Múlt éjszaka mentek el. They left last night. They left last night. >>eng<< Épp zsálya teát iszom. I'm drinking sage tea. I'm drinking july tea. >>myv<< See you. Вастомазонок. That's you. >>eng<< Mistä lähtien? Since when? Since when? >>eng<< Tom vapautti linnun. Tom set the bird free. Tom freed the bird. >>eng<< Meg kell követnem. I have to apologize. I have to follow him. >>eng<< Tom on yrittänyt ottaa sinuun yhteyttä. Tom has been trying to get in touch with you. Tom's been trying to contact you. >>eng<< Mehetnek, ahová akarnak. You may go anywhere you like. You can go wherever you want. >>eng<< Olkaa ystävällisiä ja palaatka paikoillenne. Please go back to your seats. Please return to your seats. >>eng<< Annetaan Tomin puhua. Let Tom speak. Let Tom talk. >>eng<< Mit is próbálsz most bizonyítani? What exactly are you trying to prove? What are you trying to prove? >>eng<< A férfi beszéde alatt ő figyelmesen hallgatott. During his speech she was all ears. During the man's speech, he listened carefully. >>eng<< Tatoeba oli ajutiselt kättesaamatu. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. >>eng<< Van egy térképe? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? >>eng<< Tom tahtoi puhua Marin isälle. Tom wanted to talk to Mary's father. Tom wanted to talk to Mari's father. >>eng<< Minä pelkäsin Tomia. I was scared of Tom. I was afraid of Tom. >>eng<< Tom halusi kiillottaa kenkänsä. Tom wanted to polish his shoes. Tom wanted to polish his shoes. >>eng<< Oletko sitä linjausta vastaan vai sen puolesta? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you against the line or against it? >>eng<< Tomival díszítettem fel a karácsonyfát. I decorated the Christmas tree with Tom. I decorated the Christmas tree with Tomi. >>eng<< Mulla menee järki. I'm going mad. I'm making sense. >>eng<< Talán nem. Maybe not. Maybe not. >>eng<< Ilmastointi on rikki. The air conditioner is out of order. The air conditioning's broken. >>eng<< Nagyon veszélyes sport, ahol egy kis hiba is súlyos sérüléshez vezethet. It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury. It's a very dangerous sport, where a small mistake can cause serious injury. >>eng<< Onko sinulla tylsää tässä? Are you bored here? Are you bored about this? >>eng<< Head rahvusvaheist naistepäeva! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! >>eng<< Tom lepillantott a földre. Tom looked down at the ground. Tom looked down. >>eng<< Nem találtak DNS-t bizonyítékként. No DNA evidence was found. No DNA was found as evidence. >>eng<< Mindkettő utálja a másikat. They hate each other. They both hate the other one. >>eng<< Tegnap teniszezett. He played tennis yesterday. He played tennis yesterday. >>eng<< On sääli että Tom ei voi tulla. It's a pity that Tom can't come. It's a shame Tom can't come. >>eng<< Tomin ja Marin vanhemmat ovat ystäviä. Tom's and Mary's parents are friends. Tom and Mar's parents are friends. >>eng<< Halott ember vagy, ha nem teszed meg. You're gonna be a dead man if you don't do that. You're a dead man if you don't. >>eng<< Rakastan elokuvia. I love movies. I love movies. >>eng<< Tom ei halunnut rohkaista Maria tekemään mitään, mikä voisi saada hänet pulaan. Tom didn't want to encourage Mary to do anything that might get her in trouble. Tom didn't want to encourage Maria to do anything that could get her into trouble. >>eng<< Rövid ideig tartózkodtak ott. He stayed there a little while. They stayed there for a short time. >>eng<< Éjszaka dolgoznak. They work at night. They work nights. >>eng<< Tom Marit egyedül hagyta otthon. Tom left Mary home alone. Tom Marit left her alone at home. >>eng<< Tal on armas hääl. He has a sweet voice. He's got a lovely voice. >>eng<< Picik a kezei. He has tiny hands. He's got tiny hands. >>eng<< Nincs nálam pénz. I don't have any money. I don't have any money. >>eng<< Valamikor az emberek úgy gondolták, hogy a világ lapos. People once held that the world was flat. Sometimes people thought the world was flat. >>krl<< Excuse me! Prostikkua! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >>eng<< Oda kellene mennem. I should go there. I should go over there. >>eng<< Maasikad on talvel kallid. Strawberries are expensive in the winter. Strawberries are expensive in winter. >>eng<< Nem lehet elmenekülni. There's no way to escape. You can't run away. >>eng<< Naiskolmikko hymyili. The three women smiled. The woman's three smiled. >>eng<< Hazavitte. He brought her home. He took her home. >>eng<< Úgy hallottam, hogy bébiszittert keresel. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. I hear you're looking for a babysitter. >>eng<< Valami furcsát láttak. They saw something odd. They saw something strange. >>eng<< Haaveeni on puhua sujuvaa kiinaa. My dream is to speak Chinese fluently. My dream is to speak plain Chinese. >>eng<< Miksi te olitte hänen seurassaan? Why were you with him? Why were you with him? >>eng<< Tomi ei mene koskaan minnekään ilman puhelintaan. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Tom's never going anywhere without his phone. >>eng<< Senki sem látja a könnyeim. No one sees my tears. No one sees my tears. >>eng<< Internetissä ei ole tyttöjä. There are no girls on the Internet. There are no girls on the Internet. >>eng<< Tudod, hogy kié ez? Do you know whose this is? Do you know whose it is? >>eng<< Sa oled väga heasüdamlik. You're very good-natured. You're very kind. >>eng<< Tom nem halt meg a balesetben. Tom didn't die in the crash. Tom didn't die in the accident. >>eng<< Pidätkö scifi-leffoista? Do you like sci-fi movies? You like sci-fi movies? >>eng<< Döntést hoztam. I made a decision. I've made a decision. >>eng<< Az európaiak soha nem gyarmatosították Etiópiát, de nem a próbálkozás hiánya miatt. Europeans never colonized Ethiopia, but not for lack of trying. The Europeans have never colonized Ethiopia, but not because of a lack of attempt. >>eng<< Tom on ulkona heittelemässä frisbeetä koiransa kanssa. Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog. Tom's outside throwing a frisbee with his dog. >>eng<< Tom és Mary együtt vannak. Tom and Mary are together. Tom and Mary are together. >>eng<< Tom spicces. Tom's tipsy. Tom splinter. >>eng<< Szükségem van egy nagyobb székre. I need a bigger chair. I need a bigger chair. >>eng<< Asiat hajoavat. Things break. Things are falling apart. >>eng<< Bob megpróbált beszélni Annával, de nem tudott. Bob tried to speak to Anne, but he couldn't. Bob tried to talk to Anna, but he couldn't. >>eng<< Jó reggelt, édesem. Good morning, honey. Good morning, honey. >>eng<< Menjünk moziba! Let's go see a movie. Let's go to the movies. >>eng<< Tahdoin vain kuulla Tomin äänen. I just wanted to hear Tom's voice. I just wanted to hear Tom's voice. >>eng<< Mindenki tétovázott. Everyone hesitated. Everyone's gone crazy. >>eng<< Tominak valahogyan sikerült átúsznia a folyót. Tom somehow managed to swim across the river. Tomi somehow managed to swim through the river. >>eng<< Nem szeretem, ha hülyének néznek. I don't like being made a fool of. I don't like being seen as a fool. >>sma<< What do you want to eat? Maam sïjhth byöpmedidh? What do you want to do here? >>eng<< Ei koskaan tullut mieleeni, että saattaisin olla väärässä. It never occurred to me that I might be wrong. It never occurred to me that I might be wrong. >>eng<< See lisab uue dimensiooni meie probleemile. That adds a new dimension to our problem. It adds a new dimension to our problem. >>eng<< Pidättäydy julkaisemasta kirjoituksia, jotka tekevät tällä sivustolla vierailusta vähemmän miellyttävää. Please refrain from making posts that make this site less pleasant to visit. Beware of publishing articles that make the visit less pleasant on this site. >>eng<< Minun kotini lähellä on koulu. There is a school near my house. There's a school near my house. >>eng<< No entä sitten? What's the big deal? So what? >>eng<< Onpa outo tyyppi! What a strange guy! That's a weird guy. >>eng<< Entäpä tänä iltana? How about tonight? What about tonight? >>eng<< See kaamera seal on minu oma. That camera over there is mine. That camera over there is mine. >>eng<< Harmi, etten pääse mukaan. It is regrettable that I can't go with you. It's too bad I can't go with you. >>eng<< A pókoknak nyolc lábuk van. Spiders have eight legs. Spiders have eight legs. >>eng<< Fél órával vagyunk éjfél után. It is half past midnight. We're half an hour after midnight. >>eng<< Tom meni syvemmälle luolaan. Tom went deeper into the cave. Tom went deeper into the cave. >>eng<< Tom tietää, että Mari tykkää hänestä. Tom knows that Mary likes him. Tom knows she likes her. >>eng<< Megválaszoltam a kérdést. I answered the question. I answered the question. >>eng<< Sinun olisi paljon parempi jäädä tänne. You had far better stay here. You'd be much better off staying here. >>eng<< Diót gyűjtenek. They are gathering nuts. They're collecting nuts. >>eng<< Sinä olet nainen, jota rakastan elämäni loppuun saakka. You're the woman I'll love for the rest of my life. You're the woman I love for the rest of my life. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole niin hullua kuin, miltä se vaikuttaa. This isn't as crazy as it seems. This isn't as crazy as it seems. >>eng<< Tomi focizik. Tom plays football. Tomi's playing football. >>eng<< Kas teile meeldib see plaan? Do you like the plan? Do you like this plan? >>eng<< Együtt tévézünk. We watch TV together. We're watching TV together. >>eng<< Hyvvää yötä, Tom. Good night, Tom. Good night, Tom. >>eng<< Kolme lamppua on palanut. Three bulbs have burned out. Three lamps are on fire. >>eng<< Naaraskenguru kantaa poikasiaan pussissaan. A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch. The female guru carries his sons in his bag. >>eng<< Tom a könyvelőm. Tom is my accountant. Tom's my accountant. >>eng<< Szegények vagyunk, de boldogok. We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but we're happy. >>eng<< Jokainen meistä on kuin kuu: meissä on pimeä puolemme, jota emme anna muiden nähdä. Each of us is like the moon: there is a dark side of us that we do not let others see. Each of us is like a moon: we have our dark side, which we will not let others see. >>eng<< See sinine seljakott on raske. This blue backpack is heavy. This blue backpack is heavy. >>eng<< Ki a legokosabb ember, akit ismersz? Who is the wisest person you know? Who's the smartest person you know? >>eng<< Syön omenan. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apple. >>eng<< Az elnöki fizetés az utóbbi évtizedekben robbanásszerűen emelkedett. CEO pay has exploded in recent decades. The president's salary has increased explosively over the past decades. >>eng<< Tomi tunsi itsensä yksinäiseksi. Tom was feeling lonely. Tom felt lonely. >>eng<< Мланде Кече йыр пӧрдеш. The earth moves around the sun. As time passed, things began to change. >>eng<< Lõpeta, palun. Stop it, please. Stop, please. >>eng<< Tomia uhattiin aseella. Tom had a gun pulled on him. Tom was under threat with a gun. >>eng<< Gyertek velem. Come with me. Come with me. >>eng<< Azt akarom, hogy holnap, ebben az időben minden legyen rendben. I want everything in order by this time tomorrow. I want everything to be all right at this time tomorrow. >>eng<< Tomi mintegy harminc perce távozott. Tom left about thirty minutes ago. Tomi left about 30 minutes ago. >>eng<< Ki az a férfi? Who's that man? Who's the man? >>eng<< Hän varmasti on kiltti poika. He must be a good boy. I'm sure he's a good boy. >>eng<< Toivottavasti emme häiritse sinua. I hope we're not bothering you. I hope we don't bother you. >>eng<< Ez nem a legjobb megoldás. It is not the best solution. It's not the best solution. >>eng<< Tamás nem szereti a telet. Tom doesn't like winter. Tamás doesn't like the winter. >>eng<< A templomban rejtette el. He hid it in the church. She hid it in the church. >>eng<< Tomi on tehnyt niin paljon kuin hän voi. Tom has done all he can. Tomi's done as much as he can. >>eng<< Tom jelentkezett az állásra. Tom applied for a job. Tom applied for the job. >>eng<< Etkö sinä tiedä? Don't you know? Don't you know? >>eng<< Tom elsuttogta Mary nevét. Tom whispered Mary's name. Tom whispered Mary's name. >>eng<< Liha on nykyään kallista. Meat is expensive nowadays. Meat is expensive these days. >>eng<< Haluaisitteko toisen kupillisen teetä? Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? >>eng<< Olet niin säälittävä. You're so pathetic. You're so pathetic. >>eng<< Tom ei koskaan asunut Bostonissa. Tom never lived in Boston. Tom never lived in Boston. >>eng<< Írd fel Tom kontójára. Put it on Tom's tab. Put it on Tom's account. >>eng<< Hän liikkuu nopeasti. He moves quickly. He's moving fast. >>eng<< Kertoiko Tom Marille, mitä Joni sanoi. Did Tom tell Mary what John said? Did Tom tell Mar what Joni said? >>eng<< Olen vain kohtelias. I'm just being polite. I'm just being polite. >>eng<< Biztosíthatlak, nem fogjuk még egyszer elkövetni ezt a hibát. I can assure you we'll never make that mistake again. I assure you, we won't make this mistake again. >>eng<< Ha kiolvastad a könyvet, kölcsön tudod nekem adni? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? If you read the book, can you lend it to me? >>eng<< Pyydän teitä palaamaan paikoillenne. Please go back to your seats. Please return to your seats. >>eng<< Ez meg fogja változtatni az életedet. This will change your life. That's gonna change your life. >>eng<< Nämä rauniot ovat ikivanhoja. These ruins are ancient. These ruins are ancient. >>eng<< Kérlek, mondj valamit! Please say something. Please tell me something. >>eng<< Tomin huone on aika pieni. Tom's room is quite small. Tom's room is pretty small. >>eng<< Onko ranska vaikea kieli? Is French difficult? Is French a hard language? >>eng<< Elämä on matka, ei määränpää. Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is a journey, not a destination. >>eng<< Nem annyira őrdöngős, mint amennyire annak hangzik. It's not as complicated as it sounds. He's not as guardy as he sounds. >>eng<< Meghívlak egy sörre. Let me buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. >>eng<< Holnap találkozom vele. I'll meet him tomorrow. I'll see him tomorrow. >>eng<< Küsi temalt ta nime. Ask him his name. Ask him his name. >>eng<< Számomra ez haszontalan. That's of no use to me. It's useless to me. >>eng<< Tom túl sokat vár el. Tom is expecting too much. Tom expects too much. >>eng<< Juttelin Tomin kanssa yli tunnin ennen kun hän sanoi jotain, joka sai minut tajuamaan, että hän ei puhunut äidinkieltään. I talked with Tom for over an hour before he said something that made me realize he wasn't a native speaker. I talked to Tom over an hour before he said something that made me realize that he didn't speak his native language. >>eng<< Tomi ei huomannut mitään epäilyttävää. Tom didn't notice anything suspicious. Tom didn't notice anything suspicious. >>eng<< Luulen, että olet oikeassa. I believe you're right. I think you're right. >>eng<< Ön aláírta? Did you sign? Did you sign it? >>eng<< Peale sinu ei ole mul ühtegi tõelist sõpra. I have no other true friend than you. Besides you, I don't have any real friends. >>eng<< "Näin on", Joni sanoi. "That's right", said John. "This is it," Joni said. >>eng<< Mun kaveri kopsas mun läksyt ja ope huomas sen. My friend copied my homework and the teacher found out. My friend threw my homework at me, and he's gonna see it. >>eng<< Ti ezt a bringát miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? >>eng<< Tom egyedül jött ide. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. >>eng<< Nem jöttem rá. I couldn't figure that out. I couldn't figure it out. >>eng<< A képlettel semmi baj sincs. There's nothing wrong with the formula. There's nothing wrong with the formula. >>eng<< Tudod tartani pár percig? Can you hang out for a few minutes? Can you hold on a few minutes? >>eng<< Sepä on optimistista sinulta. That's optimistic of you. That's optimistic of you. >>eng<< Jaatko samat huolet? Do you share those concerns? You share the same concerns? >>eng<< Hány szőrszál van egy macskafarkon? How many hairs are there in a cat's tail? How many hairs do you have on a cattail? >>eng<< A levágott almaszeletek megbarbulnak az oxidáció miatt. Cut apple slices turn brown due to oxidation. The cut apple slices barfing because of the oxidization. >>eng<< Egy cipőboltot vezet. He runs a shoe shop. He runs a shoe shop. >>eng<< Mari folyton tanul. Mary studies all the time. Mari's always studying. >>eng<< Tom sok időt tölt el Bostonban. Tom spends a lot of time in Boston. Tom spends a lot of time in Boston. >>eng<< Voisitko herättää minut huomenna aamukuudelta? Please wake me up at 6 tomorrow morning. Can you wake me up tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.? >>eng<< Minun päätäni ei enää särje. My head doesn't ache anymore. My head doesn't break anymore. >>krl<< Good afternoon! Hyviä päiviä! Happy Afternoon! >>eng<< Teidän pitäisi auttaa teidän isäänne. You should help your father. You should help your father. >>eng<< Mit rendeljek? What should I order? What do you want me to order? >>eng<< Később megmagyarázom. I'll explain afterwards. I'll explain later. >>eng<< Ole kiltti. Be a good boy. Please. >>eng<< Kész van! It's done. It's done! >>eng<< Õde ei ole siin. The nurse is not here. The nurse's not here. >>eng<< Kuidas su jalaga on? How's your leg? How's your leg? >>eng<< Kala oli todella hyvää. The fish was delicious. The fish was really good. >>eng<< Hyvä aviomies tekee hyvän vaimon. A good husband makes a good wife. A good husband makes a good wife. >>eng<< Most ne hívd Tomit. Don't call Tom now. Don't call Tom now. >>eng<< Tom nagyon gyorsan vezet. Tom drives very fast. Tom's driving very fast. >>eng<< Tom sanoi olevansa väsynyt ja lähti nukkumaan. Tom said that he was tired and went to bed. Tom said he was tired and went to bed. >>eng<< Olen pahoillani että kadotin kelloni. I'm sorry I've lost my watch. I'm sorry I lost my watch. >>eng<< Tomilla on teille yllätys. Tom has a surprise for you. Tom has a surprise for you. >>eng<< Hívd fel Tomot azonnal! Call Tom immediately. Call Tom right now. >>eng<< On kuum päev. It's a hot day. It's a hot day. >>eng<< Ki lopta el a kulcsaimat? Who stole my keys? Who stole my keys? >>eng<< Mitä tulee rakkauteen: naiset ovat asiantuntijoita ja miehet ikuisia aloittelijoita. When it comes to love, women are experts and men eternal novices. As for love, women are experts and men are eternal beginners. >>eng<< Hyvästi, Kuuba. Farewell, Cuba. Goodbye, Cuba. >>eng<< Ovi on nyt suljettu. The door is now closed. The door is now closed. >>eng<< Tämä ongelma vaikuttaa meihin kaikkiin. This problem affects us all. This problem affects all of us. >>eng<< Ha nem tetszik, elmehetsz. If you don't like it, you can leave. If you don't like it, you can go. >>eng<< Megemelték a lakbéremet. My rent has gone up. They raised my rent. >>krl<< This flower is gray. Tämä kukka on harmai. This flitter is also gray. >>eng<< Ostin hänelle uuden auton. I bought her a new car. I bought him a new car. >>eng<< Hogy hagyhattad, hogy Tomi ezt tegye? How could you let Tom do this? How could you let Tomi do that? >>eng<< Missä hissi on? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? >>eng<< Taxival ment a múzeumba. She went to the museum by taxi. He took a cab to the museum. >>eng<< Szerinted mit csinálok én itt? What do you think I'm doing here? What do you think I'm doing here? >>eng<< Beszédmódja idegesít engem. Her manner of speaking gets on my nerves. His speech pisses me off. >>eng<< Oletko käynyt milloinkaan Ranskassa? Have you ever been to France? Have you ever been to France? >>eng<< Tämä on minun paikkani. This is my seat. This is my place. >>eng<< Sok tetoválás van a testén. He has a lot of tattoos on his body. He's got a lot of tattoos on his body. >>eng<< Nem itt laksz, ugye? You don't live here, do you? You don't live here, do you? >>eng<< Valószínűleg éhes vagy. You're probably hungry. You're probably hungry. >>eng<< Tomin olisi pitänyt kertoa totuus. Tom should've told the truth. Tom should have told the truth. >>eng<< Van valami panasza? Do you have any complaints? Do you have any complaints? >>eng<< Tom eléggé mérgesnek tűnt. Tom seemed to be pretty mad. Tom seemed pretty angry. >>eng<< Válassz e kettő közül! Choose between these two. Pick one of these two. >>eng<< Tegnap elvittem a macskámat az állatkórházba. I took my cat to the veterinary hospital yesterday. I took my cat to the animal hospital yesterday. >>eng<< A majmok intelligensek. Monkeys are intelligent. Monkeys are intelligent. >>eng<< Meglep, hogy nem hoztad magaddal Tomit. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom along. I'm surprised you didn't bring Tom with you. >>eng<< Egymást hibáztatták. They accused each other. They blamed each other. >>eng<< Lähdemme aikaisin huomenna aamulla. We're leaving early tomorrow morning. We leave early tomorrow morning. >>eng<< Félelnetes ellenfél volt. He was a formidable opponent. He was a terrible opponent. >>eng<< Tom valaha ronda volt. Tom used to be ugly. Tom was never ugly. >>eng<< Ha túl sok a munka, az baj, de a túl sok szabadidő is. Being too busy with work is a problem, but then so is having too much free time. If there's too much work, that's a problem, but there's too much free time. >>eng<< Olen kuullut sanottavan, että englanti on rahan ansaitsemista varten, ranska rakastelua varten ja espanja rukoilua varten. I've heard it said that English is for making money, French for making love, and Spanish for praying to God. I have heard them say that English is for making money, French for making love and Spanish for praying. >>eng<< Älä rakasta kahta ihmistä yhtä aikaa. Don't love two people at a time. Don't love two people at the same time. >>eng<< Mary nagyon vonzó. Mary is very attractive. Mary is very attractive. >>eng<< Amit mondott igaznak bizonyult. What he said proved true. What he said proved true. >>eng<< Ön japán? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? >>eng<< Meg kell tudnunk, hogy kicsoda és kinek dolgozik. We need to find out who he is and who he's working for. We need to find out who he is and who he works for. >>eng<< Kérlek, vegyél belőle! Please, take some! Please take it. >>eng<< Onnettomuus tulee harvoin yksin. Misfortune never comes singly. The accident rarely comes alone. >>eng<< Oikealla on ohrapelto; kun taas vasemmalla on vehnäpelto. On the right, there is a field of barley; while on the left, there is a field of wheat. On the right there is an barley field; on the left there is a wheat field. >>eng<< Tom näyttäisi saavuttaneen sen mitä hän lähti hakemaankin. Tom appears to have achieved what he set out to do. Tom seems to have achieved what he went to get. >>eng<< Egyikünk sem szereti Tomit. None of us like Tom. None of us like Tomi. >>eng<< Segítettem Tominak feldíszíteni a karácsonyfáját. I helped Tom decorate his Christmas tree. I helped Tomi decorate her Christmas tree. >>eng<< Ők művészek. They are artists. They're artists. >>eng<< "Hei! Ukko heräsi." "Missä olen?" "Hyrulessa. Olit vaipuneena koomaan." "Kuinka pitkäksi aikaa?" "Kuukaudeksi." "Vai niin. Mitä tapahtui sillä välin k—" "Riittää! Menen Subwayhin lounastamaan." "Jep, me lähdemme — tuletko myös, Link?" "Juu. Olen niin nälkäinen, että voisin syödä dinosauruksen!" "Hey! That old guy woke up." "Where am I?" "In Hyrule. You were in a coma." "How long?" "A month." "I see. What happened during the time I—" "Enough! I'm going to Subway for dinner." "Yeah, we're going — Link, are you going too?" "Yeah. I'm so hungry I could eat a dinosaur!" "Hey, what happened in the meantime, I'm going to Subway for lunch." "Yeah, we're going, too, Link?" "Jew. I'm so hungry that I could eat dinosaur!" >>eng<< Olet Tomin kaveri, etkö olekin? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? >>eng<< Reggeli előtt sétált egyet. She took a walk before breakfast. He walked before breakfast. >>eng<< Olette väärässä. You're wrong. You're wrong. >>eng<< Olutpullot valmistetaan lasista. Beer bottles are made of glass. The bottles are made of glass. >>eng<< Sa oled mulle ühe õlu võlgu. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. >>eng<< Ott kellett volna lennem a találkozón. I should have been at the meeting. I should have been at the meeting. >>eng<< Tamás szerette a munkáját. Tom loved his job. Thomas loved his job. >>eng<< Mi örömmel elfogadjuk az ajánlatodat. We gladly accept your offer. We're happy to accept your offer. >>eng<< Sydämeni on särkynyt. I'm broken-hearted. My heart is broken. >>eng<< Minä unohdin, mitä minä olin sanomassa. I forgot what I was going to say. I forgot what I was saying. >>eng<< Kenen kanssa minä puhun? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? >>eng<< Useat tuhannet ihmiset joutuivat ilman kuljetusta onnettomuuden johdosta. Several thousand people were deprived of transportation by the accident. Several thousands of people were killed without transport due to the accident. >>eng<< Kávét akarok inni. I want to drink coffee. I want coffee. >>eng<< Mit akart? What did he want? What did he want? >>eng<< Még ha közelről is nézed, nem látsz semmit. Even if you look closely, you don't see anything. Even if you look close, you don't see anything. >>eng<< Olen koditon. I have no home. I'm homeless. >>eng<< Passi on yleensä välttämätön, kun matkustaa ulkomaille. A passport is usually necessary when you travel overseas. A passport is usually necessary when travelling abroad. >>eng<< Zavard már el Tomit. Make Tom go away. Get Tomi out of here. >>eng<< Nem én voltam az, aki bevágta az ajtót. It wasn't me who slammed the door. It wasn't me who cut the door. >>eng<< Nincs jobb lehetőség. There's no better option. There's no better way. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy lopettaa savukkeitten polttaminen. You must quit smoking cigarettes. You have to stop smoking cigarettes. >>eng<< Hän koetti hypätä toisen kerran. She tried to jump up a second time. He tried to jump a second time. >>eng<< Rentoudutaan vähän. Let's relax a little. Let's just relax. >>eng<< Ezt tavaly vettem. I bought that last year. I bought this last year. >>eng<< Hän kietoi kätensä hänen kaulaansa. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his hands in his neck. >>eng<< Megfehéredett. She turned white. It's whitened. >>eng<< Itt van a lakáskulcsom. Here's the key to my apartment. Here's my apartment key. >>eng<< Már tudom. I already know. I already know. >>eng<< Tominak szüksége van rád. Tom needs you. Tomi needs you. >>eng<< Szerbia határos Magyarországgal, Romániával, Bulgáriával, Horvátországgal, Macedóniával, Boszniával és Montenegróval. Serbia borders Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Serbia bordering Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. >>eng<< Egy kólát kérek. A coke, please. A Coke, please. >>eng<< Se ei tule tapahtumaan. That isn't going to happen. It's not gonna happen. >>eng<< Mitä vittua siitä? So fuckin' what. What the fuck about that? >>eng<< Az a lakoma volt az egyik legjobb, amiben valaha részem volt. That feast was one of the best I ever had. That flat was one of the best I've ever had. >>eng<< Tomi a mi fiunk. Tom is our son. Tomi is our son. >>eng<< Laula, ole hyvä. Please sing. Sing, please. >>eng<< Tetszett a műsor. I enjoyed the show. I liked the show. >>eng<< En olisi osannut sanoa sitä itse paremmin. I couldn't have said that better myself. I couldn't have said it better myself. >>eng<< Ön filozófus, nemde? You're a philosopher, aren't you? You're a philosopher, aren't you? >>eng<< Keresgéltem a kulcsot. I looked for the key. I was looking for the key. >>eng<< Volt botrány? Was there a scandal? Was there a scandal? >>eng<< Hol voltatok mindannyian? Where were all of you? Where were you all? >>eng<< Ez a tied, Tom! This is for you, Tom. This is for you, Tom. >>eng<< Ma nagyszerű idő van Bostonban. The weather in Boston today is great. It's a great time in Boston today. >>eng<< Yhä usemmat parit käyvät häämatkoilla ulkomailla. More and more couples go on honeymoon trips abroad. More and more couples go on honeymoon abroad. >>eng<< Egyszerűen nem bírom ki, hogy ne gyújtsak rá. I just can't help smoking. I just can't stand not to smoke it. >>eng<< Nincs joga ezt tenni Saminek. Sami doesn't have the right to do that. You have no right to do this, Saminek. >>eng<< Asutko Tokiossa? Do you live in Tokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? >>eng<< Nem tudok valami jól franciául. My French isn't that good. I don't know French very well. >>eng<< Majdnem mindent tudsz rólam. You know almost everything about me. You know almost everything about me. >>eng<< Nem aludtam. I wasn't sleeping. I didn't sleep. >>eng<< Nincs értelme a múlton keseregni. It's no use crying over spilt milk. There's no point in being sad in the past. >>eng<< En tule koskaan antamaan sinulle anteeksi. I'll never forgive you. I will never forgive you. >>eng<< Aki itt akar élni, annak dolgoznia kell. Anyone who wants to live here must work. Anyone who wants to live here has to work. >>eng<< A mai brokkoli túlfőtt és ízetlen. Today's broccoli is overcooked and tasteless. Today's broccoli is overcooked and tasteless. >>eng<< Az hónapokkal ezelőtt volt. That was months ago. It was months ago. >>eng<< Tom on tehnyt sen. Tom has done it. Tom's done it. >>eng<< Szeretnék veled elmenni a parádéra, de anyagilag teljesen le vagyok égve. I'd love to go with you to the show, but I'm flat broke. I'd like to go to the parade with you, but I'm financially burned. >>eng<< A szépség nem fontos. Beauty isn't important. Beauty is not important. >>eng<< En ole juonut kuukausiin. I haven't had a drink in months. I haven't had a drink in months. >>eng<< Melyik fél győzött? Which side won? Which side did you win? >>eng<< Missä he asuvat? Where do they live? Where do they live? >>eng<< Tom väitti että se oli onnettomuus. Tom claimed that it was an accident. Tom claimed it was an accident. >>eng<< Nem jött figyelmeztetés. There was no warning. There's no warning. >>eng<< Tom ei ole mikään valehtelija. Tom is no liar. Tom's not a liar. >>eng<< Tamás csodálatos. Tom is amazing. Tamás is wonderful. >>eng<< On vaikea syyttää Tomia. It's hard to blame Tom. It's hard to blame Tom. >>eng<< Muiriel on ny kakskytvuotias. Muiriel is 20 now. Muiriel is two years old. >>eng<< Egészen elképesztő. It's pretty amazing. It's amazing. >>eng<< See ei ole lihtne küsimus. It's not an easy question. It's not a simple question. >>eng<< Egy tündér táncol a tó partján. A fairy is dancing on the lakeside. A fairy dances on the lake shore. >>eng<< Kuulin, että kauppasi kukoistaa. Your business is flourishing, I hear. I heard your store is booming. >>eng<< Felébresztettél. You woke me. You woke me up. >>eng<< Minulla on Tomin avaimet. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. >>eng<< Odaadtam a koldusnak minden pénzem, ami nálam volt. I gave the beggar all the money I had on me. I gave the beggar all the money I had. >>eng<< Kissani jäi jumiin puuhun. My cat got stuck up a tree. My cat got stuck in a tree. >>eng<< Olen lukemassa kirjan. I am reading a book. I'm reading the book. >>eng<< Tom laittoi takkinsa päälleen ja lähti. Tom put on his coat and left. Tom put his coat on and left. >>eng<< Tom on tarpeeksi vanha päättääkseen itse. Tom is old enough to make up his own mind. Tom's old enough to decide for himself. >>krl<< You're old. Työ oletta vanha. Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh-unh- >>eng<< A telefonomat keresem. I am looking for my phone. I'm looking for my phone. >>eng<< Se on hirveän kallista. It's terribly expensive. It's so expensive. >>eng<< Niin on, mutta en voi voi sille mitään. I know but I can't help it. Yes, it is, but I can't help it. >>eng<< Őszintén szólva, önnek nincs igaza. Frankly speaking, you are in the wrong. Honestly, you're not right. >>eng<< Tom integetett. Tom waved. Tom waved. >>eng<< Mary elmondta nekem, hogy élvezte a koncertet. Mary told me she enjoyed the concert. Mary told me she enjoyed the concert. >>eng<< See asi ei ole elus. This thing isn't alive. This thing isn't alive. >>eng<< Olen naapurisi. I'm your neighbor. I'm your neighbor. >>eng<< Többé már nem függött szüleitől. He was no longer dependent on his parents. He no longer depended on his parents. >>eng<< Jó érzéssel váltunk el. We parted on good terms. We've had a good time. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy auttaa häntä ja nopeasti kanssa! You have to help her, but quickly. You need to help him and quickly with him! >>eng<< Tom ja hänen isänsä rakensivat tämän. Tom and his dad built this. Tom and his father built this. >>eng<< Godwin törvényéből megtudhatjuk, hogy bármely tetszőleges tárgyról folytatott parttalan vita egyre inkább egymás lenácizásába torkoll. Godwin's law teaches us that any infinite discussion about an arbitrary subject converges to a Nazi comparison. By Godwin's law, it is becoming more and more adversarial debate about any object that we like to discuss. >>eng<< A hangos zenétől Fred mindig a falra mászik. Loud music always makes Fred hit the roof. The loud music always makes Fred climb the wall. >>eng<< Meitä ei kiinnosta vittuakaan. We don't give a fuck. We don't give a fuck. >>eng<< Nagyon sikeresek. They're very successful. They're very successful. >>eng<< Ha kimegy a szobából, ne felejtse el lekapcsolni a villanyt. Be sure to turn out the light when you go out of the room. If you're going out of the room, don't forget to turn off the light. >>eng<< Sinun ei tarvitse sanoa sitä noin väheksyvin sanoin. You don't need to say it in such derogatory terms. You don't have to say it in such small words. >>eng<< Ez másmilyen. This is different. It's different. >>eng<< Kié ez a jegyzetfüzet? Whose notebook is that? Whose notebook is this? >>eng<< Tiedätkö jo sen uuden laulun? Do you already know the new song? Do you already know that new song? >>eng<< Minä tiedän mitä opiskella. I know what to study. I know what to study. >>eng<< Ehkä tyttö oli yllättynyt kuin sai kirjeeni. She may have been surprised when she received my letter. Maybe she was surprised that she got my letter. >>eng<< Tom nauroi niin että alkoi itkeä. Tom laughed until he cried. Tom laughed so much, he started crying. >>eng<< Tuntuu kuin olisin orja. I feel like a slave. I feel like I'm a slave. >>eng<< Vakaumukset ovat vankiloita. Convictions are prisons. The convictions are prisons. >>eng<< Sen tekeminen ei ole vaikeaa. That's not difficult to do. It's not hard to do it. >>eng<< Sosem adjuk meg magunkat. We'll never surrender. We never surrender. >>eng<< Tehetek néhány javaslatot? Can I make a couple of suggestions? Can I make some suggestions? >>eng<< Tom tahab sinult laenata natuke raha. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. Tom wants to borrow some money from you. >>eng<< Jos et halua laittaa aurinkorasvaa, niin se on sinun ongelmasi. Älä sitten tule valittamaan minulle, kun palat. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don't want to put sunscreen on, that's your problem, and then don't complain to me when you get back. >>eng<< A zöld kukászacskó lyukas. The green trash bag is leaking. The green casket is a hole. >>eng<< Elhiszem a szavaidat. I believe your words. I believe your words. >>eng<< Légy szí' ne mondd el senkinek! Please don't tell anyone! Don't tell anyone. >>eng<< Ota kenkäsi pois japanilaisessa kodissa. Remove your shoes in a Japanese house. Take your shoes off in a Japanese home. >>eng<< Nautin kauniista keväästä. I enjoyed the beautiful spring. I'm enjoying a beautiful spring. >>eng<< Tom kétnyelvű. Tom is bilingual. Tom is two languages. >>eng<< Velünk vagy, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? Are you with us, Tom? >>eng<< Miért nem említette, hogy volt ott egy tanú? Why didn't you tell us there was a witness? Why didn't you tell me there was a witness there? >>eng<< Ma muudkui kõndisin auto juurde. I kept walking to the car. I kept walking to the car. >>eng<< Azt tervezem, hogy kitakarítom a szobámat. I intend to clean my room. I'm planning to clean my room. >>eng<< Téged szeretlek. You're the one I love. I love you. >>eng<< Hm...olenko jotenkin erehtynyt? Um...am I mistaken in some way? Is there something wrong with me? >>eng<< Egy labda megütötte a jobb lábát. A ball hit her right leg. A ball hit his right leg. >>eng<< Säästä rahaa pahan päivän varalle. Save money for a rainy day. Save money for a bad day. >>eng<< Milyen gyakran etessem meg a kutyámat? How often should I feed my dog? How often should I feed my dog? >>eng<< Tyko Brahe syntyi Tanskassa vuonna 1546. Tycho Brahe was born in 1546 in Denmark. Tyko Brahe was born in Denmark in 1546. >>eng<< Eilen tulin hyväksi mutta huomasin sen vähän ikävytyttäväksi, niinpä tulin taas pahaksi. Yesterday I became a god, but found that a bit boring, so today I became a devil. Yesterday I came along, but I noticed it was a little boring, so I got bad again. >>eng<< Itsehän sinä sitä ehdotit. You suggested it yourself. That's what you suggested. >>eng<< A csapvíz nem egészséges. Tap water is dangerous. The tap water is not healthy. >>eng<< Elcsíptelek végre. I've finally caught you. I finally got you. >>eng<< Minun täytyy lähteä. I need to go. I have to go. >>eng<< Tom ei ole koskaan opiskellut ranskaa. Tom has never studied French. Tom has never studied French. >>eng<< Sanomalehti julkaisi huvittavan parodian presidentin puheesta. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The newspaper published an amusing parody of the president's speech. >>eng<< Asun talossa. I live in the house. I live in the house. >>eng<< Kint hideg van. It's cold outside. It's cold outside. >>eng<< A kollektív felelősség felelőtlenséget jelent. Collective responsibility means irresponsibility. Collective responsibility means irresponsibility. >>eng<< Melyik a legjobb módszer, hogy megtanuljunk egy idegen nyelvet? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? >>eng<< Ő nem az unokatestvérem. He's not my cousin. He's not my cousin. >>eng<< Niin metsä vastaa kuin sinne huudetaan. Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm. The forest responds as they scream at it. >>eng<< Hän suuntasi maaseudulle. He headed out to the country. He was heading for the countryside. >>eng<< Minun tekee mieli pizzaa. I feel like a pizza. I like pizza. >>eng<< Hol a szerelem? Where's the love? Where's love? >>eng<< Az évben ültette ezt a fát apám, amikor én megszülettem. My father planted this tree the year I was born. That year, my father planted this tree when I was born. >>eng<< Mit beszél? What does she say? What are you talking about? >>eng<< Minä puhun saksaa. I speak German. I speak German. >>eng<< Tom elégedett a sikerével. Tom is pleased with his success. Tom was pleased with his success. >>eng<< A hó eltűnt. The snow has disappeared. The snow's gone. >>eng<< Olen siellä hetken päästä. I'll be there in a little while. I'll be there in a minute. >>eng<< Tom megúszhatja. Tom can get away with it. Tom can get away with it. >>eng<< Utálja a Fácsét. She hates Facebook. He hates him. >>eng<< Kuinka monta teistä suunnittelee olla täällä taas huomenna? How many of you plan to be here again tomorrow? How many of you are planning to be here tomorrow? >>eng<< Haluaisin sinun maksavan rahan etukäteen. I'd like you to pay the money in advance. I'd like you to pay the money in advance. >>eng<< Egy pók van a dobozban. There's a spider in the box. There's a spider in the box. >>eng<< Missä pomo on? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? >>eng<< ”Te, hyvä herra, olette imperialisti!” ”Ja te, herra hyvä, olette trolli.” "You, Sir, are an imperialist!" "And you, Sir, are a troll." “You, my lord, are an imperialist!” “And you, my lord, are a troll.” >>eng<< Kello joka minulla on, on tehty kullasta. The clock that I have is made of gold. The watch I have is made of gold. >>eng<< Hän oli luonteeltaan jämäkkä. He was assertive by nature. She was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... she was... >>eng<< Maryn egy jó nagy kalap volt. Mary wore a large hat. Maryn was a big hat. >>eng<< Tämä on iso juttu. This is a big deal. This is a big deal. >>eng<< Idehozzuk Tomit? Should we get Tom? Shall we get Tomi here? >>eng<< Van más választásom? Do I have any other choice? Do I have a choice? >>eng<< Tom työskentelee NASAlle. Tom works for NASA. Tom works for NASA. >>eng<< Ha sikerrel jár, az amerikaiak elvesztik a hitelességüket. If he succeeds, Americans will lose credibility. If you succeed, the Americans will lose their credibility. >>eng<< Hän ansaitsee enemmän. She deserves more. He deserves more. >>eng<< Tomnak nincs sok ideje a kikapcsolódásra. Tom doesn't have much time for recreation. Tom doesn't have much time to relax. >>eng<< Tomi az egyetlen személy, aki el tudja végezni ezt a munkát. Tom is the only person who can do this work. Tomi is the only person who can do this job. >>eng<< Tänud! Thanks! Thanks! >>eng<< Tyttöä pelotti katolta alas hyppääminen. The girl was afraid to jump down from the roof. She was scared of jumping off the roof. >>eng<< Tutkimme sitä nyt. We're looking into that now. We're looking into it now. >>eng<< En tiennyt, että te tulisitte olemaan täällä. I didn't know you were going to be here. I didn't know you'd be here. >>eng<< A bizottság tíz tagból áll. The committee is comprised of ten members. The committee shall consist of ten members. >>eng<< Az én csészémből iszol. You're drinking out of my cup. You're drinking from my cup. >>eng<< Kennek több könyve van, mint neked. Ken has more books than you. Ken has more books than you. >>eng<< Óriási csigák szaporodtak el Floridában. Giant snails have invaded Florida. There have been huge breeds in Florida. >>eng<< Tartsd melegen! Keep it warm. Keep it warm. >>eng<< En halua tietää mitään Tomista. I don't want to know anything about Tom. I don't want to know anything about Tom. >>eng<< Tom Massachusetts államban, Bostonban született és nevelkedett fel. Tom was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Tom Massachusetts was born and raised in Boston. >>eng<< Segítenünk kell egymásnak. We must help each other. We need to help each other. >>eng<< Yksi hänen kollegoistaan kuiskasi. One of his colleagues whispered. One of his colleagues whispered. >>eng<< Asumme Puistokadulla. We live on Puistokatu. We live on Park Street. >>eng<< Tunnut olevan siitä hyvin perillä. You seem very knowledgeable about that. It seemed to be well-informed. >>eng<< Nukuin pommiin, koska valvoin myöhään. I overslept because I stayed up late. I slept in the bomb because I was up late watching. >>eng<< Tudod, tévedsz. You know this is wrong. You know, you're wrong. >>eng<< Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! >>eng<< El tudnánk halasztani az utazást? Can we postpone the trip? Can we delay the trip? >>eng<< Sinun täytyy käyttäytyä niin kuin aikuinen. You have to act like an adult. You have to act like an adult. >>eng<< Minun nimeni on Tom ja olen alkoholisti. My name is Tom and I'm an alcoholic. My name is Tom, and I'm an alcoholic. >>eng<< Tom näki Marin ajavan Jonin uutta autoa. Tom saw Mary driving John's new car. Tom saw Marin drive Jon's new car. >>eng<< Tom nagyon kedves fiú. Tom is a very nice boy. Tom is a very nice boy. >>eng<< Ii leat heahti! No worries! No good! >>eng<< Tom nagyon vallásos. Tom is really religious. Tom is very religious. >>eng<< Soha nem láttam még eddig ehhez hasonlót. I've never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like this before. >>eng<< Tudsz segíteni az iskolai munkámmal? Can you help me with my school project? Can you help me with my schoolwork? >>eng<< Ez kötelező? Is it mandatory? Is this mandatory? >>eng<< Uskon häneen. I believe in him. I believe in him. >>eng<< Odakint vannak. They're right outside. They're out there. >>eng<< Az új király öt éves korában foglalta el az uralkodói széket. The new king assumed the throne when he was only fifteen. The new king occupied the throne when he was five years old. >>eng<< Mina lõin araks. I chickened out. I scared the shit out of him. >>eng<< Dan felfedezett egy lyukat az ágya alatt a zárkájában. Dan discovered a hole in the wall under his bed in the cell. Dan discovered a hole under his bed in his cell. >>eng<< Yleensä juomme teetä aterian jälkeen. We generally drink tea after a meal. We usually drink tea after dinner. >>eng<< Tom nem tudta, melyiket válassza. Tom didn't know which one to choose. Tom didn't know which one to choose. >>eng<< Saturnus söi lapsensa. Saturn devoured his children. Saturn ate his baby. >>eng<< Mária egyedül neveli a gyerekeit. Mary is a single mother. Mary's raising her children alone. >>eng<< Nem jelentettek nagy segítséget. They weren't much help. They didn't report much help. >>eng<< Tom sanoi, että hän haluaisi toisen kupillisen kahvia. Tom said he'd like to have another cup of coffee. Tom said he wanted another cup of coffee. >>eng<< Koirani haukkuu koko ajan. My dog barks all the time. My dog barks all the time. >>eng<< Kumpaa söit, kalaa vai lihaa? Which did you eat, fish or meat? Which one did you eat, fish or meat? >>eng<< Vigyázz magadra! Take care of yourself. Take care. >>eng<< Hogyan jutok el a repülőtérre? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? >>eng<< Sinä et tee kuolemaa. You aren't dying. You're not dying. >>eng<< Miten sanotaan 97 eri kielillä? How do you say "ninety-seven" in various languages? What do you say in 97 different languages? >>eng<< Haluaisin puhua sen ylihoitajan kanssa. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to talk to that superintendent. >>eng<< Jalkapalloilijat tienaavat paljon. Soccer players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. >>eng<< Mihin aikaan? What time? What time? >>sma<< I don't have a car. Ij lea mov bïjle. ~ I don't know what to do. >>eng<< Kulutimme paljon aikaa parkkipaikan etsimiseen. We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot. We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot. >>eng<< Azonnal menni fog. He shall go at once. I'll be right there. >>eng<< Algeriassa on paljon turistikohteita. Algeria has a lot of tourist sites. There are a lot of tourist destinations in Algeria. >>eng<< Se on vitsi. That's a joke. It's a joke. >>eng<< A repülőgép több mint két óra késéssel szállt fel. The plane took off more than two hours behind schedule. The plane took off more than two hours late. >>eng<< On välttämätöntä, että te käytte lääkärissä. It is necessary that you see a doctor. It is necessary that you see a doctor. >>eng<< Ő mindig kikéri a véleményedet. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks for your opinion. >>eng<< Missä on juna-asema? Where is the train station? Where's the train station? >>eng<< Auttaisin jos voisin, mutta se on kykyjeni tavoittamattomissa I'd help if I could, but it's beyond my reach. I'd help if I could, but it's beyond my reach. >>eng<< Láttad őt? Have you seen him? Did you see him? >>eng<< Vastaanotin englanninkielisen kirjeen eilen. I received a letter in English yesterday. I received a letter in English yesterday. >>eng<< Tere õhtust. Good evening. Good evening. >>eng<< Ez a szótár jó. This dictionary is good. This dictionary is good. >>eng<< Kuinka monennella kuulla olet raskaana? How many months along are you in your pregnancy? How many times to hear you're pregnant? >>eng<< Meg sem próbáltam megállítani. I didn't try to stop her. I didn't even try to stop him. >>eng<< Sinä juot kirsikkamehua. You're drinking cherry juice. You drink cherry juice. >>eng<< Tulemme debatoimaan tästä aiheesta kokouksessa. We'll debate this subject at the meeting. We will debate this issue at the meeting. >>eng<< Egyértelműen kiborított. It definitely freaked me out. You're obviously freaking me out. >>eng<< Tom ja Mari muuttivat Bostoniin. Tom and Mary moved to Boston. Tom and Mari moved to Boston. >>eng<< Tarkoitan sitä, mitä sanoin. I mean what I said. I mean what I said. >>eng<< Kikeresett három szép almát. She picked out three beautiful apples. He's been looking for three beautiful apples. >>eng<< A húga egy jól ismert tv-sztár. His younger sister is a well-known TV star. Your sister is a well-known TV star. >>eng<< Kuka haluaa keksejä? Who wants cookies? Who wants cookies? >>eng<< Olen iloinen, että se ilahduttaa sinua. I'm glad it makes you happy. I'm glad it makes you happy. >>eng<< Tom lenézi a nőket. Tom looks down on women. Tom's looking down on women. >>eng<< Te beszélsz! You're one to talk! You're talking! >>eng<< Oda kell mennem. I must go there. I have to go over there. >>eng<< Tamás egy gyűjtögető. Tom is a packrat. Thomas is a collector. >>eng<< Kerro minulle välittömästi kun jotain tapahtuu. Let me know as soon as anything happens. Tell me as soon as something happens. >>eng<< Nincs félnivalóm. I've nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. >>eng<< Tom on terapeutti. Tom is a therapist. Tom's a therapist. >>eng<< Tomilla ei ole suuntavaistoa. Tom has no sense of direction. Tom doesn't have a sense of direction. >>eng<< Ez a hölgy nagyon jól néz ki. That lady is very good looking. This lady looks really good. >>eng<< Millega nad on tegelenud? What have they been doing? What have they been up to? >>eng<< Méltányoljuk a tehetségét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your talent. >>eng<< Tudom, hogy Tom türelmes. I know Tom is patient. I know Tom's patient. >>eng<< Ez egy ocsmány üzlet, Watson, egy ocsmány, veszélyes üzlet, és minél inkább látom, annál kevésbé tetszik. It’s an ugly business, Watson, an ugly, dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. This is a disgusting business, Watson, a disgusting, dangerous business, and the more I see it, the less I like it. >>eng<< Minä kunnioitan suuresti Tomia. I respect Tom a lot. I have a lot of respect for Tom. >>eng<< Megvannak az okaik. They have their reasons. They've got their reasons. >>eng<< Az még nem baj, ha néhányan parasztnak tartanak. It's OK if some people think you're an asshole. It's okay if some people think I'm a farmer. >>eng<< Sinähän tiedät reitin, eikö niin? You know the way, don't you? You know the route, don't you? >>eng<< Sikere volt. It was successful. It was a success. >>eng<< Tom azt mondja, hogy ez hazugság. Tom says that's a lie. Tom says it's a lie. >>eng<< Kerítés választja el a kertet az úttól. A fence separates the garden from the lane. The fence separates the garden from the road. >>eng<< Onko se siellä? Is it in there? Is it there? >>eng<< Ranskan puhuminen on vaikeaa. Speaking French is difficult. It's hard to speak French. >>eng<< Tom pyysi Maria lähtemään kanssaan illalliselle. Tom asked Mary to go out to have dinner with him. Tom asked Maria to go out with him for dinner. >>eng<< Remélem, segítesz nekem. I hope that you'll help me. I hope you can help me. >>eng<< Toisitko minulle yleisavaimen. Please bring the master key. Why don't you get me a general key? >>eng<< Nautaa, kiitos. Beef, please. Cattle, please. >>eng<< Varastaminen on väärin. It's wrong to steal. Stealing is wrong. >>eng<< A tiszteletet nem lehet megvásárolni. You can't buy respect. Respect can't be bought. >>eng<< Istu paikallasi. Sit still. Sit still. >>eng<< Kérsz egy kis bort? Would you like some wine? You want some wine? >>eng<< Ne olivat pienet häät. It was a small wedding. It was a little wedding. >>eng<< Tedd a dolgod! Do your job. Do your thing. >>eng<< Tom sosem változik. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. >>eng<< Aludtam. I was asleep. I was asleep. >>eng<< Tom luovutti sopimuksen Marylle. Tom handed the contract to Mary. Tom gave the deal to Mary. >>eng<< Voisitko siivota pöydän? Could you please clear the table? Could you clean the table? >>eng<< Majdnem kiirtották teljesen a hódokat ezen a vidéken. Beavers were nearly eliminated from this area. They almost destroyed the beavers in this country. >>eng<< Lehet, hogy forgalom lesz. There could be traffic. It could be traffic. >>eng<< Arvauksesi on väärin. Your guess is wrong. Your guess is wrong. >>eng<< A sírástól kivörösödtek a szemei. Her eyes were red from crying. Crying made her eyes red. >>eng<< Meghűlt. He caught a cold. It's cold. >>eng<< Melyik Tom holmija ezek közül? Which ones are Tom's? Which of these is Tom's stuff? >>eng<< A jegesmedvék jó úszók. Polar bears are good swimmers. The polar bears are good swimmers. >>eng<< Ő Alain felesége. She's Alain's wife. This is Alain's wife. >>eng<< Akart venni egy könyvet. He wanted to buy a book. He wanted to buy a book. >>eng<< Tiedätkö tämän puolalaisen sanonnan? Do you know this Polish proverb? Do you know this Polish saying? >>eng<< Érezzétek magatokat otthon. Make yourselves at home. Make yourselves at home. >>eng<< Suured tänud! Thanks! Thank you very much! >>eng<< Ketä muuta haluaisit syyttää? Who else would you like to blame? Who else would you like to blame? >>eng<< Alkoholi ei ratkaise mitään ongelmia, mutta sitä ei tee myöskään maito. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but neither does milk. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but milk does not do so either. >>eng<< Ota minun autoni. Take my car. Take my car. >>eng<< Hän jäi yksin. He stayed alone. She stayed alone. >>eng<< Mitä sinä kerroit hänelle minusta? What did you tell him about me? What did you tell him about me? >>eng<< Csukd be az ablakot, mielőtt elmész. Close the window before you leave. Close the window before you leave. >>eng<< Hogy mondod azt franciául, hogy szeretlek? How do you say "I love you" in French? How do you say I love you in French? >>eng<< Ensi viikkoon! See you next week. Next week! >>eng<< En ole niin yksinkertainen, että uskoisin sinua. I'm not so simple as to believe you. I'm not that simple that I believe you. >>eng<< Hogy menne a pokolba! They should go to hell! How the hell would he go? >>eng<< Szerintem ez mindent megmagyarázna. I think that would explain everything. I think that would explain everything. >>eng<< Minä soitan. I'll call. I'll call you. >>eng<< Ne felejts el írni nekem! Don't forget to write to me. Don't forget to write it to me. >>krl<< We're not old. Myö emmä ole vanha. ~ Yes, sir. ~ Yes, sir. ~ Yes, sir. ~ Yes, sir. ~ Yes, sir. >>eng<< En ole nähnyt ketään, joka nauttisi enemmän elämästään, vaikka hänen elinolonsa olivat kauheat. I haven't seen anyone that enjoyed a better life than his, even though his living conditions were terrible. I have not seen anyone who would enjoy more of his life, even though his living conditions were terrible. >>krl<< You are thin. Šie olet hoikkaine. ~ You are thin. >>eng<< Yritätkö ostaa minut hiljaiseksi? Are you trying to buy my silence? Are you trying to buy me quiet? >>eng<< Luet sen jonain toisena päivänä. You'll read it another day. You'll read it one day. >>eng<< Milyen idős a tatád? How old is your grandfather? How old is your tata? >>eng<< Tomin puhetyyli ärsytti minua. Tom's way of speaking got on my nerves. Tom's speech style pissed me off. >>eng<< A fehér labda olyan nehéz, mint a piros. The white ball weighs as much as the red one. The white ball is as heavy as the red ball. >>eng<< Hogy vannak a gyerekek? How are the children? How are the kids? >>eng<< Tom rapsutti koiraansa oikein huolella korvien takaa. Tom gave his dog a good scratch behind the ears. Tom scratched his dog very carefully behind his ears. >>eng<< Fáj a jobb kezem. My right hand hurts. My right hand hurts. >>eng<< Betty tappoi äitinsä. Betty killed her own mother. Betty killed her mother. >>eng<< Az elég közel van. That's close enough. That's close enough. >>eng<< Más van nekem betervezve holnapra. I have other plans for tomorrow. There's something else planned for me tomorrow. >>eng<< Kirjoitin sen ylös. I wrote it down. I wrote it down. >>eng<< Maradjatok még ülve, kérlek. Please remain seated. Stay still, please. >>eng<< A madár, amit láttam tegnap énekelni a fán, ma visszajött. The bird I saw singing on a tree yesterday came back today. The bird I saw singing on the tree yesterday came back today. >>eng<< Isa sõidab tööle. Father drives to work. Dad's on his way to work. >>eng<< Tud a feleséged franciául beszélni? Can your wife speak French? Can your wife speak French? >>eng<< En pelaa tennistä. I don't play tennis. I'm not playing tennis. >>eng<< En varautunut mihinkään. I didn't take any precautions. I wasn't prepared for anything. >>eng<< Tukaani säätelevät ruumiinlämpöään muuttamalla veren virtausta nokkaan. Toucans regulate their body temperature by adjusting the flow of blood to their beak. My buttocks control their body temperature by changing the blood flow to the beak. >>eng<< A farkasok általában nem támadnak emberre. Wolves usually don't attack people. Wolfs don't usually attack humans. >>krl<< Please speak more slowly! Ole hyvä, pagize hillembäh! ~ Don't worry about it. ~ Don't worry about it. ~ You'll be fine. ~ You'll be fine. >>eng<< Sajnálom, hogy kételkedtem benned. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. >>eng<< Gyönyörűen nézel ki. You look beautiful. You look beautiful. >>eng<< A beteg inkább élő, mint halott. The patient is more alive than dead. The patient is alive rather than dead. >>eng<< ”Avain on lukossa”, mies lisäsi. "The key is in the lock," the man added. “The key is locked”, he added. >>eng<< Hän on ollut pitkään sairaana. He has been sick for a long time. He's been sick for a long time. >>eng<< Hei kaikki, olen Tomi. Hi everyone, I'm Tom. Hi, everybody. I'm Tomi. >>eng<< Tom viettää päivät puhuen ranskaa koulussa ja puhuu englantia vain kotona. Tom spends all day speaking French at school and only speaks English at home. Tom spends his days speaking French at school and speaking English only at home. >>eng<< Ma sooritan jaanuaris eksami. I'm taking an exam in January. I'm taking the exam in January. >>eng<< Olen opettaja. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. >>eng<< Älä ole epäkohtelias! Don't be rude! Don't be rude! >>eng<< Tom adott Marynek csokoládét. Tom gave Mary chocolate. Tom gave Mary chocolate. >>eng<< Nem érdekel, hogy hiszel-e nekem. I don't care if you believe me. I don't care if you believe me. >>eng<< Te jószívű vagy. You're compassionate. You're good-hearted. >>eng<< Tom sanoi minulle, että te olisitte ystäviä. Tom told me you were friends. Tom told me you'd be friends. >>eng<< Tom ei enää ole nuori mies. Tom isn't a young guy anymore. Tom is no longer a young man. >>eng<< Juhliin tuli melkoinen määrä ihmisiä. Quite a few people came to the party. A lot of people came to the party. >>eng<< Ne próbálj meg örökké élni. Nem fog sikerülni. Do not try to live forever. You will not succeed. Don't try to live forever. >>eng<< Megvan a pápánk! We have a pope! We've got the Pope! >>eng<< Tom lukee paljon kirjoja. Tom reads lots of books. Tom reads a lot of books. >>eng<< Odota. Hold on. Wait. >>eng<< A cápa hal, míg a delfin emlős. A shark is a fish while a dolphin is a mammal. Sharks fish while dolphin mammals. >>eng<< Miten kirahvi ääntelee? What noise do giraffes make? How's the shrivel? >>eng<< Mindenki keményen dolgozott. Everyone worked hard. Everyone worked hard. >>eng<< Menj tovább, Tom. Move on, Tom. Keep going, Tom. >>eng<< Tuletko mukaan noutamaan aivoni? Will you accompany me to collect my brain? You're coming with me to pick up my brain? >>eng<< Tom elmondott neked valamit, ugye? Tom told you something, didn't he? Tom told you something, didn't he? >>eng<< Sulje televisio. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. >>eng<< Elismerte a hibáit. He admitted his mistakes. He admitted his mistakes. >>eng<< Mida? What? What? >>eng<< Tegnap éjszaka nagyon rosszat álmodtam. I had a very bad dream last night. Last night, I had a very bad dream. >>eng<< Ne olvass ebben a szobában! Don't read in this room. Don't read in this room. >>eng<< Egyáltalán nem beszél angolul. He doesn't know English at all. He doesn't speak English at all. >>eng<< Mul on kalaluu kurgus kinni. I have a fish bone stuck in my throat. I've got the fishbone in my throat. >>eng<< Aurinko paistoi. The sun was shining. The sun was shining. >>eng<< Kérvényezte a vízumot. She applied for a visa. You applied for a visa. >>eng<< Mistä sinä tulet? Where do you come from? Where are you from? >>eng<< Mis ma ütlema peaksin? What should I say? What am I supposed to say? >>eng<< Meri vagy nem meri? Do you dare or not? Sea or not sea? >>eng<< Miten meni matka? How was the trip? How was your trip? >>eng<< Muszáj pihennem. I have to rest. I have to rest. >>eng<< Tomi liittyi armeijaan. Tom enlisted in the Army. Tomi joined the army. >>eng<< Sain flunssan, ja minulla on kuumetta. I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got the flu, and I have a fever. >>eng<< Az indukciós tűzhelyek mágnest használnak ahhoz, hogy az edényeket és serpenyőket közvetlenül melegítse. Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans. Induction fires use magnets to heat vessels and pans directly. >>eng<< Tom levágott pár ágat a fáról. Tom cut some branches off the tree. Tom cut some branches off the tree. >>eng<< Bizonyára Máriáról gondoskodik most Tomi. I guess Tom is looking after Mary. I'm sure she's taking care of Mary now. >>eng<< Anteeksi kun tulen myöhässä. Pardon me for coming late. I'm sorry I'm late. >>eng<< Sylkisitkö? Please spit. Spit it out? >>eng<< Tomilla on orava lemmikkinä. Tom has a pet squirrel. Tom has a squirrel pet. >>eng<< Hagyd abba a kiabálást! Stop shouting. Stop yelling! >>eng<< Oliko keitto maukasta? Was the soup tasty? Did the soup taste good? >>eng<< Hänen käyttäytymisensä on vierasta yleisölle. His behavior is alien to the public. His behavior is a stranger to the public. >>eng<< Nem ismerem ezeket az embereket. I don't know those people. I don't know these people. >>eng<< Kinevetett. He laughed at me. He laughed at me. >>eng<< En voi lähteä elokuviin. I can't go to the movies. I can't go to the movies. >>eng<< Raha se maailmaa pyörittää. Money makes the world go round. Money runs the world. >>eng<< Minulla on vähän rahaa mukanani. I have some money with me. I have some money with me. >>eng<< Kihez van szerencsém? With whom do I have the honor of speaking? Who am I lucky for? >>eng<< Halusin kysyä Tomilta, onko hän ikinä harkinnut työpaikan vaihtamista. I wanted to ask Tom if he'd ever consider changing jobs. I wanted to ask Tom if he'd ever considered changing jobs. >>eng<< Szerintem te tudod, hogy mi Tamás barátnőjének a neve. I think you know what Tom's girlfriend's name is. I think you know what Tamás's girlfriend's name is. >>eng<< Tämän kirjan aihe on Kiina. This book is about China. The subject of this book is China. >>eng<< Tom kysyi tarvitsenko taksia. Tom asked if I needed a taxi. Tom asked if I needed a cab. >>eng<< A történet valóságos volt. The story was true. The story was real. >>eng<< Epäilin, että hän oli vaarallinen. I suspected she was dangerous. I thought he was dangerous. >>eng<< Elmulasztottad mondani nekem, hogy vegyek kenyeret. You neglected to tell me to buy bread. You failed to tell me to buy bread. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta, hogy unja a kínai kaját. Tom said he's tired of eating Chinese food. Tom said he was bored of Chinese food. >>eng<< Mis just juhtus? What was happening? What just happened? >>eng<< Ez a legkevesebb, amit megtehetek. It's the least I can do. It's the least I can do. >>eng<< Puhhuun telefoonissa. I'm talking on the phone. I'm on the phone. >>eng<< Kedvelem a szerelmi történeteket. I like love stories. I like love stories. >>eng<< Londoni tartózkodásom alatt találkoztam vele. During my stay in London, I met him. I met him during my stay in London. >>eng<< Sami on kauniissa asunnossa. Sami is in a beautiful apartment. Sami's in a beautiful apartment. >>eng<< Kuolleen ruumiini yli. Over my dead body. Over my dead body. >>eng<< Hevonen pystyy juosta todella nopeasti. A horse can run very fast. The horse can run really fast. >>eng<< Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy megházasodjak. I don't see myself getting married. I can't imagine getting married. >>eng<< Näytät pahalta. You look bad. You look bad. >>krl<< You are old. Työ oletta vanha. You're right, you're right. >>eng<< Ebédeltél? Have you had any lunch? Have you had lunch? >>eng<< Tom azt akarja, hogy Mari boldog legyen. Tom wants Mary to be happy. Tom wants Mari to be happy. >>eng<< Jól tudok bánni gyerekekkel. I'm good with children. I'm good at dealing with kids. >>eng<< Mit szeretnél csinálni a jövőben? What would you like to do in the future? What would you like to do in the future? >>eng<< Van feleségem és gyerekeim. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and kids. >>eng<< Nem működtök együtt. You aren't cooperating. You're not working together. >>eng<< Katso tuota junaa, joka ylittää sillan. Look at the train crossing the bridge. Look at that train crossing the bridge. >>eng<< Kymmenen minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun he olivat ohittaneet Naran, bensa loppui autosta. Ten minutes after they had passed Nara, the car ran out of gas. Ten minutes after they passed Naran, the gas ran out of the car. >>eng<< Abban az időben házas voltam. I was married at that time. I was married at that time. >>eng<< Mul on palju sõpru. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. >>eng<< Kiitos! Thank you! Thank you! >>eng<< Föltett egy kalapot. He put on a hat. He put on a hat. >>eng<< Mégis hogy gondoltad, hogy Tomi segíteni tud nekünk? How did you know Tom would be able to help us? How did you think Tomi could help us? >>eng<< Újra megpróbálom. I will try it again. I'll try again. >>eng<< Tom ei saanut autoaan käyntiin. Tom couldn't get his car to start. Tom couldn't get his car started. >>eng<< Tšekk, palun. Check, please. Check, please. >>eng<< Ei unohdeta todellisia syitä siihen miksi olemme täällä. Let's not forget the real reason we're here. Let's not forget the real reasons why we're here. >>eng<< Nem lehet nyerni. There's no way to win. You can't win. >>eng<< Maradtam. I stayed. I stayed. >>eng<< Az anyja nem olyan idős, mint amilyennek kinéz. His mother is not as old as she looks. Your mother's not as old as she looks. >>eng<< Nem szeretnék Tommal dolgozni. I wouldn't want to work with Tom. I don't want to work with Tom. >>eng<< Tomaatti ei ole vihannes. The tomato isn't a vegetable. It's not a vegetable. >>eng<< Beszédem volt Tommal. I had a talk with Tom. I had a speech with Tom. >>eng<< Kim édesen mosolygott. Kim smiled sweetly. Kim smiled sweetly. >>eng<< Tomi varasti pyöräsi. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. >>eng<< Hihetetlen, tudod? It's incredible, you know? I can't believe it, you know? >>eng<< Hymyilkää! Smile. Smile! >>eng<< Kas sulle meeldib see korter? Do you like the apartment? Do you like this apartment? >>eng<< Ensimmäiset serkukset ovat liian läheisiä mennäkseen naimisiin. First cousins are too close for marriage. The first shows are too close to get married. >>eng<< Nincs más út a bejutásra. There's no other way in. There's no other way in. >>eng<< Alkalmazta őt. She hired him. He used her. >>eng<< Tomi ja Mari sanoivat, että he suostuisivat tekemään tuon. Tom and Mary said they'd be willing do that. Tomi and Mari said they'd agree to do that. >>eng<< Homeopatiaa pidetään pseudutieteenä ja se ei ole sen tehokkaampaa kuin placebo. Homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience and is no more effective than placebos. Homeopathy is considered as pseudoscience and is not more effective than placebo. >>eng<< Lähden Australiasta huomenna. I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow. I'm leaving Australia tomorrow. >>eng<< Tomi siivoaa huonettaan. Tom is tidying his room. Tom's cleaning his room. >>eng<< Tomilla on paljon vaihtoehtoja. Tom has plenty of options. Tom has a lot of options. >>eng<< Úgy gondolom, hogy Tom bizonyára éhes. I think Tom might be hungry. I think Tom must be hungry. >>eng<< Johdomukaisuus on mielikuvituksettomien viimeinen turvapaikka. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. >>eng<< Тудо Йошкар-Олаште ила. He lives in Yoshkar-Ola. Set the documentation for doing so in the city. >>eng<< Nem féltékenyek. They're not jealous. They're not jealous. >>eng<< Hän antoi minulle postikortin. He gave me a postcard. He gave me a postcard. >>eng<< Muuttakaa. Move. Move it. >>eng<< Etkö sinä tiennyt sitä, että Tomi on Marin poika? Didn't you know Tom was Mary's son? Didn't you know that Tom was Mari's son? >>eng<< Tom a párnája alá tette a fegyverét. Tom put his gun under his pillow. Tom put his gun under his pillow. >>eng<< Jumalan voi löytää mistä tahansa. God can be found everywhere. God can find you anywhere. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy lähteä liikenteeseen nyt heti. We have to start at once. We need to get out of here now. >>eng<< Tom näytti olevan todella hyvillään. Tom looked very pleased. Tom seemed really happy. >>eng<< Minulla on tässä vaarallinen tilanne. I've got a dangerous situation here. I have a dangerous situation here. >>eng<< Tom tõusis pingilt. Tom got up from the bench. Tom got off the bench. >>eng<< Jövőre lesz tíz éve, hogy ennél a cégnél dolgozom. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. I've been working at this company for ten years next year. >>eng<< Ez a fiú itt a Fisher Tomi. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. This boy is Fisher Tomi. >>eng<< Voimme jokainen ilmentää tietoisuuden kentän ominaisuuksia tavalla, joka ylittää paikan, ajan ja lineaarisen kausaliteetin. Each of us can manifest the properties of a field of consciousness that transcends space, time and linear causality. We can each express the characteristics of the field of consciousness in a way that exceeds the place, time and linear beauty. >>eng<< Tomi on säälimätön. Tom is merciless. Tom's insolent. >>eng<< Remélem, hogy a közeljövőben elkezdem tanulni az ön szépséges nyelvét. I hope to begin learning your beautiful language in the near future. I hope I learn your beautiful language in the near future. >>eng<< Szereted a rakendrollt? Do you like rock and roll? Do you like rocket roll? >>eng<< Hideg van. Miért nem kapsz magadra egy pulcsit? It's cold; why don't you put on a sweater? It's cold, why don't you get yourself a sweater? >>eng<< Pian on sadekausi. It'll soon be the rainy season. It's almost raining. >>eng<< Spanyolországban nagyon népszerű a foci. Soccer is very popular in Spain. In Spain, football is very popular. >>eng<< Igaz, hogy szereted a sós kávét? Is it true you love salted coffee? Is it true you like salt coffee? >>eng<< Tom näki Marin ajavan uudella autollaan. Tom saw Mary driving her new car. Tom saw Mari driving in his new car. >>eng<< Mikor építették a kastélyt? When was the castle built? When did they build the castle? >>eng<< Tom nem szeret várni. Tom doesn't like to wait. Tom doesn't like to wait. >>eng<< Tom tényleg ismerősnek látszik. Tom does look familiar. Tom really looks familiar. >>eng<< Tom ei koskaan puhunut paljon siitä. Tom never talked about it much. Tom never said much about it. >>eng<< Az emeleten vagyok. I'm upstairs. I'm upstairs. >>eng<< Pitäkää sitä silmällä. Keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on it. >>eng<< Kérlek, kifele menet zárd be az ajtót! Please lock the door on your way out. Please lock the door on the way out. >>eng<< Tomin huone on hyvin pieni. Tom's room is very small. Tom's room is very small. >>eng<< Кудӥз корка выль? Which house is new? Or what about the house? >>eng<< Ensimmäinen lapseni syntyi viime vuonna. I delivered my first child last year. My first child was born last year. >>eng<< Tom halusi yllättää Maryn. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. Tom wanted to surprise Mary. >>eng<< Mari felújított egy házat. Mary renovated a house. Mari renovated a house. >>eng<< En yleensä kuorsaa. I don't usually snore. I don't usually snore. >>eng<< Mitä sinä vihjailet? What're you insinuating? What are you suggesting? >>eng<< Tom magányosnak látszott. Tom looked lonely. Tom seemed lonely. >>eng<< Tom tarkoitti itseään. Tom talked about himself. Tom meant himself. >>eng<< Kedd óta esik az eső. It has been raining since Tuesday. It's raining since Tuesday. >>eng<< Most horgászok. I'm fishing now. I'm fishing now. >>eng<< A kezei elkékültek, mert annyira hideg volt. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. Her hands were blue because it was so cold. >>eng<< Päästäkää hänet irti! Let her go! Let him go! >>eng<< Miatta lekéstem a buszomat. I missed my bus because of him. He made me miss my bus. >>eng<< Mikä elämän tarkoitus on? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? >>eng<< Minulla oli vähän nälkä. I was a bit hungry. I was a little hungry. >>eng<< Tekiköhän Tom oikeasti sen, mitä Mari sanoi hänen tehneen? I wonder if Tom really did what Mary said he did. I wonder if Tom actually did what she said he did. >>eng<< Toivotaan, että kaikki menee hyvin. Let's hope everything goes well. Let's hope everything goes well. >>eng<< Älä anna sitä kellekään. Don't give it to anyone. Don't give it to anyone. >>eng<< Tom ei ole väga hea autojuht. Tom isn't a very good driver. Tom's not a very good driver. >>eng<< Kylmä tuuli puhalsi sisään. A cold wind blew in. The cold wind blew in. >>eng<< Monet kodittomat ihmiset asuvat puistoissa. Many homeless people live in parks. Many homeless people live in parks. >>eng<< Tomilla oli naamallaan pelästynyt ilme. Tom had a scared look on his face. Tom had a scared face on his face. >>eng<< Tehdään se minun tavallani. Let's do it my way. Let's do it my way. >>eng<< Tomin silmät ovat punaiset tänään. Tom's eyes are red today. Tom's eyes are red today. >>eng<< A tied jobb volt. Yours was better. Yours was better. >>eng<< Miért nem hittek nekem? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? >>eng<< Olemme varmoja voitostamme. We're confident of our victory. We're sure of our victory. >>eng<< Hän sepitti kertomuksen kuninkaasta. He made up a story about the king. He made up a report of the king. >>eng<< A szótár az egyetlen hely, ahol az eredmény megelőzi a munkát. The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. The dictionary is the only place where the result is before work. >>eng<< Odottakaa hetkinen. Hold on a minute, please. Wait a minute. >>eng<< Mikä sinun etunimesi on? What's your first name? What's your first name? >>eng<< Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy ez jó ötlet. I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I'm not sure that's a good idea. >>eng<< Oktatás a siker titka. Education is the key to success. Education is the secret to success. >>eng<< Rahu! Be cool. Calm down! >>eng<< Szeretem a mandulát, de a földimogyorót nem. I like almonds, but not peanuts. I love almonds, but not peanuts. >>eng<< A feleségem elhagyott. My wife left me. My wife left me. >>eng<< En aikonut sanoa niin. I didn't intend to say that. I didn't mean to say that. >>eng<< Sok üres sörös doboz volt a padlón. There were many empty beer cans on the floor. There were a lot of empty beer boxes on the floor. >>eng<< Minulla on muutamia ranskalaisia kirjoja. I have some French books. I have some French books. >>eng<< Tom véletlenül meglőtte Maryt. Tom accidentally shot Mary. Tom accidentally shot Mary. >>eng<< Történjen bármi, a levelet kézbesíteni fogják. Come what may, the mail will get delivered. Whatever happens, the letter will be delivered. >>eng<< Ő volt az egyetlen, akit nem hívtak meg az ünnepségre. He was the only one not invited to the party. He was the only one who wasn't invited to the ceremony. >>eng<< Tomilla on silmätulehdus. Tom has an eye infection. Tom's got an ocular infection. >>eng<< Mi történt október 20-án? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20th? >>eng<< Hän oli pitkään sairas. She was ill for a long time. He was sick for a long time. >>eng<< Csak felnőtteknek. Only for grownups. For adults only. >>eng<< Tomi selvisi hengissä kolarista. Tom survived the car crash. Tomi survived the crash. >>eng<< Meidän on parempi olla nopeita. We'd better be fast. We'd better be quick. >>eng<< Yritätkö pilata elämäni? Are you trying to ruin my life? Are you trying to ruin my life? >>eng<< Hän kieltäytyi sanomasta asiasta enempää. She refused to say more about that matter. He refused to say more. >>eng<< Meg ja Ken istuivat penkillä. Meg and Ken sat on the bench. Meg and Ken were sitting on the bench. >>eng<< Dan vakuutti Lindan palaamaan kanssaan Lontooseen. Dan persuaded Linda to return with him to London. Dan convinced Linda to go back with her to London. >>eng<< Tamás kávéscsészéket gyűjt. Tom collected coffee cups. Thomas collects coffee cups. >>eng<< Tom toivoi että hänellä olisi joku jolle puhua. Tom wished he had somebody to talk to. Tom was hoping he'd have someone to talk to. >>eng<< Mitä Tom teki viime viikolla Bostonissa? What was Tom doing in Boston last week? What did Tom do last week in Boston? >>eng<< Pont olyan, mint te. He's just like you. It's just like you. >>eng<< Teimme tämän. We made this. We did this. >>eng<< Onko koulussa kivaa? Do you like going to school? Is school fun? >>eng<< Ez a politikai kérdés rengeteg parázs vitát szított. This political problem gave rise to hot discussions. This political issue has caused a lot of horrid debates. >>eng<< Érdekelnek az idegen nyelvek? Are you interested in foreign languages? You interested in foreign languages? >>eng<< Uima-allas on avoinna yleisölle. The swimming pool is open to the public. The swimming pool is open to the public. >>eng<< Ta kardab oma isa. He is afraid of his father. He's afraid of his father. >>eng<< Nehezebb a francia az angolnál? Is French harder than English? Is the French harder than the English? >>eng<< Kuori perunat ja porkkanat. Peel the potatoes and carrots. Peel of potatoes and carrots. >>eng<< Jobban is megcsinálhattam volna. I could've done it better. I could have done better. >>eng<< Meidän täytyy jäädä tänne haluamme tai emme. We have to stay here whether we want to or not. We have to stay here, whether we want it or not. >>eng<< Tom tosiaankin vaikuttaa ottaneen varaslähdön. Tom certainly appears to have jumped the gun. Tom really seems to have taken the lead. >>eng<< Üldöznek minket? Are we being chased? They're after us? >>eng<< Jos filosofilla ei ole pitkää, valkoista partaa, niin minä en luota häneen. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. If the philosopher doesn't have a long white beard, I don't trust him. >>eng<< En ole töissä täällä. I don't work here. I don't work here. >>eng<< Ő beteg vagy doktor? Is he a doctor or a patient? Is he sick or a doctor? >>eng<< Rendkívül elfoglaltak vagyunk. We're extremely busy. We're very busy. >>eng<< Ez nem alkalmas idő rá, hogy erről beszélgessünk. This is not the time to talk about that. This is not the time to talk about it. >>eng<< Olen iloinen siitä, että Tom piti siitä. I'm happy Tom liked it. I'm glad Tom liked it. >>eng<< Lassan jobban érzem magam. I'm starting to feel better. I feel better slowly. >>eng<< Szabálytalan a pulzusom. I have an irregular pulse. My pulse is irregular. >>eng<< Se on hyvä. It's good. That's good. >>eng<< Anna meille mahdollisuus. Ole kiltti. Please give us a chance. Give us a chance. >>eng<< Tomi menő csávó. Tom is cool. Tom's a cool guy. >>eng<< Hänen elämänsä on huolesta vapaa. Her life is free from care. His life is a matter of concern. >>eng<< Megindított a történet. I was moved by the story. The story started. >>eng<< Hän asuu minun yläpuolellani. He lives above me. She lives above me. >>eng<< Ma avasin aeglaselt ukse. I opened the door slowly. I slowly opened the door. >>eng<< Isäni on opettaja. My father is a teacher. My father's a teacher. >>eng<< Ehkä Tomin pitäisi olla tarkkaavaisempi tunneilla. Maybe Tom should pay more attention in class. Maybe Tom should be more careful in class. >>eng<< Eltépte a levelet. She tore up the letter. He ripped the letter. >>eng<< Tamásnak van egy saját weblapja. Tom has a personal website. Thomas has his own website. >>eng<< Koe oli tosi vaikee. The exam was very difficult. The experiment was very difficult. >>eng<< Sokat sétáltunk. We walked a lot. We walked a lot. >>eng<< Nem szeretek tanulni. I don't like studying. I don't like learning. >>eng<< Tominak társasága akadt. Tom has company. Tom's got company. >>eng<< A vélemények összehozzák vagy megosztják az embereket. Opinion unites or divides men. Opinions bring people together or share them. >>eng<< Kuinka monta kuuta Marsilla on? How many moons does Mars have? How many moons does Mars have? >>eng<< Ki lesz a következő pápa? Who will be the next pope? Who's next Pope? >>eng<< En pure. I don't bite. I don't bite. >>eng<< Sinulla ei ole vaihtoehtoja. You have no alternative. You don't have a choice. >>eng<< Tomi on surkea suutelija. Tom is a terrible kisser. Tomi's a terrible kisser. >>eng<< Ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy segítsen nekem. She insisted on helping me. He insisted on helping me. >>eng<< Túl részeg vagy ahhoz, hogy vezess. You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. >>eng<< Kissa hyppäsi tuolille ja makasi liikkumatta. A cat jumped onto the chair and lay motionless. The cat jumped on the chair and lay still. >>eng<< Mulle meeldib tee rohkem kui kohvi. I like tea more than coffee. I like tea more than coffee. >>eng<< Az új fiúja fekete. Her new boyfriend is black. Your new boy's black. >>eng<< Hän rakastaa Tomia. She loves Tom. He loves Tom. >>eng<< Tamás kölcsönadta Máriának a fényképezőgépét. Tom lent Mary his camera. Thomas borrowed Mary's camera. >>eng<< See raamat on ülekaalulisuse kohta. This is a book about obesity. This book is about overweight. >>eng<< Pitäydytään suunnitelmassa. Let's stick to the plan. Let's stick to the plan. >>eng<< Mulle meeldib teie küla. I like your village. I like your village. >>eng<< Tomi on älykäs ja kunnianhimoinen. Tom is smart and ambitious. Tomi is intelligent and ambitious. >>eng<< Tomnak megmondták, hogy vagy csinálja, vagy kussoljon. Tom was told to put up or shut up. They told Tom to either do it or shut up. >>eng<< Giitu. Thanks. Thanks. >>eng<< Legyetek szívesek idejönni! Please come here. Please come here. >>eng<< Aastast aastasse. From one year to another year. Year to year. >>eng<< Minä en kerro sinusta kenellekään. I won't tell anyone about you. I won't tell anyone about you. >>eng<< Az állomás gyalog öt percre van innen. The station is five minutes' walk from here. The station is on foot five minutes from here. >>eng<< Miért is nem mondod el, hogy mire gondolsz? Why don't you just tell me what you mean? Why don't you tell me what you're thinking? >>eng<< Tervettulemmaa Wikipeetiaan. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. >>eng<< Tämä muna on tuore. This egg is fresh. This egg is fresh. >>eng<< Mindent megteszek értetek. I'll do everything for you. I'll do my best for you. >>eng<< Voi olla, että Tomi osaa korjata sen. Tom might be able to fix that. It could be that Tomi can fix it. >>eng<< Tom meni töihin viisitoistavuotiaana. Tom went to work at fifteen. Tom went to work when he was 15. >>eng<< Ismered az apját? Do you know his father? Do you know your father? >>eng<< Lääkäri otti pulssini. The doctor took my pulse. The doctor took my pulse. >>eng<< Váltsunk! Let's switch. Let's change. >>eng<< Tom nem ért egyet Maryvel. Tom disagrees with Mary. Tom doesn't agree with Mary. >>eng<< Ma sokkal jobban érzem magam. I'm feeling much better today. I feel so much better today. >>eng<< Már otthon vagyunk. We are already at home. We're home now. >>eng<< Olen pahoillani. En tiennyt, että tämä on Teidän paikkanne. I beg your pardon. I didn't know this was your seat. I didn't know this was your place. >>eng<< Taloni takana oli ennen iso kirsikkapuu. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. There used to be a big cherry tree behind my house. >>eng<< Koneemme lensi pilvien yläpuolella. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane flew above the clouds. >>eng<< Mä annoin Tomille mun taskulampun. I handed Tom my flashlight. I gave Tom my flashlight. >>eng<< Ala kalppia! Go away! Get off me! Get off me! >>eng<< Älä usko kaikkea, mitä Tomi sanoo. Don't believe anything Tom says. Don't believe everything Tomi says. >>eng<< Szíveskedjenek távozni! Leave, please! Please leave. >>eng<< Kétlem, hogy Tom ezt tenné. I doubt if Tom would do that. I doubt that's what Tom would do. >>eng<< Katona akarok lenni. I want to be a soldier. I want to be a soldier. >>eng<< Gyűlölöm az ügyvédeket. I hate lawyers. I hate lawyers. >>eng<< Hogyan szerezted ezt a pénzt? How did you come by this money? How did you get this money? >>eng<< A kígyó sziszeg. The snake hisses. The snake's twilight. >>eng<< Ampukaa! Shoot! Shoot! >>eng<< Gondolod, hogy Tom tette? Do you think that Tom did that? Do you think Tom did it? >>eng<< Tom nem mert a szirt szélére állni. Tom was afraid to stand on the edge of the cliff. Tom didn't dare stand on the edge of the cliff. >>eng<< Mivel foglalkozol? What do you do? What do you do? >>eng<< Hänellä on rautainen tahto. He has a will of steel. He has iron will. >>eng<< Nem szükséges, hogy Tom jöjjön, ha nem akar. Tom doesn't need to come if he doesn't want to. There's no need for Tom to come if he doesn't want to. >>eng<< Kello on edellä. The clock is fast. The clock's up. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy itt vagy, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. I'm glad you're here, Tom. >>eng<< Oletko varma tiedoistasi? Are you sure of your facts? Are you sure about your information? >>eng<< Ne félj a váratlantól, de légy rá felkészülve. Do not fear the unexpected, but be prepared for it. Don't be afraid of the unexpected, but be prepared for it. >>eng<< Höm. Hmm. Hmm. >>eng<< Kuusi ovat palamassa. Six of them are burning. Six are on fire. >>eng<< Minimipalkalla ei tule toimeen. The minimum wage is not enough to live on. You don't get along with the minimum wage. >>eng<< Olen valmis. I am ready. I'm ready. >>eng<< Marylla on mielikuvitusystävä. Mary has an imaginary friend. Mary has an imaginary friend. >>eng<< Me muudame tulevikku. We are changing the future. We're changing the future. >>eng<< Szeretném azt látni. I would like to see it. I'd like to see that. >>eng<< Ympäri maailman on miljoonia ihmisiä, jotka katsovat juuri nyt maailmanmestaruuskilpailuita. There are millions of people all over the world who are watching the World Cup right now. There are millions of people around the world who are watching World Championships right now. >>eng<< Se oli viimeinen kerta kun näin Tomin. That was the last time I saw Tom. It was the last time I saw Tom. >>eng<< Van a közelben egy katonai bázis. There is a military base near here. There's a military base nearby. >>eng<< Nincs benne semmi különös. There's nothing to it. There's nothing special about it. >>eng<< Még gyerek vagyok. I'm still a kid. I'm still a kid. >>eng<< Kínos elkésni egy randiról. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. It's embarrassing to be late for a date. >>eng<< Naiset elävät yleisesti ottaen pidempään kuin miehet. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. Women generally live longer than men. >>eng<< Hän käytti vaalean sinistä kravattia. He wore a light blue tie. He used a light blue tie. >>eng<< A csúfságnak van egy előnye a szépséggel szemben: nem múlandó. Ugliness has one advantage over beauty: it lasts. Ugliness has an advantage over beauty: it must not pass away. >>eng<< Mitä teet, jos kirjoitutat itseesi asioita joita et ymmärrä ja saat odottamattomia tuloksia. When you have things you don't understand written on you, what will you do, if you get unexpected results? What do you do if you write things you don't understand and you get unexpected results? >>eng<< Gyakran eszünk nyers halat. We often eat raw fish. We often eat raw fish. >>eng<< Minä niin toivon, että voisin olla sinun kanssasi siellä. I really wish I could be there with you. I wish I could be there with you. >>eng<< Türelmesebbnek kell lenniük. They must be more patient. They must be more patient. >>eng<< Minusta Tom on rikas. I think Tom is rich. I think Tom's rich. >>eng<< Ветлӥд-а тон клубе? Did you go to the club? Do you want to go away? >>eng<< Nagyon erősnek érzem magam. I feel very strong. I feel very strong. >>eng<< Mari egy az egyben a willendorfi vénusz. Mary looks exactly like the Venus of Willendorf. Mari is one of Willendorf's Venus. >>eng<< Voltál már részeg? Have you ever been drunk? Have you ever been drunk? >>eng<< Tein sen alusta alkaen. I made it from scratch. I did it from the beginning. >>eng<< Teniszezem. I play tennis. I'm playing tennis. >>eng<< Kuidas see mul kahe silma vahele jäi? How did I miss this? How did I miss that? >>eng<< Kyllä, minä itken. Yes, I am crying. Yeah, I'm crying. >>eng<< Tudja az egész város. The whole town knows about it. The whole town knows. >>eng<< Tomból hiányzik a rugalmasság. Tom lacks flexibility. Tom lacks flexibility. >>eng<< Zsarolja őt. She is blackmailing him. You're blackmailing him. >>eng<< Milyen fajta fájdalomcsillapítót adhatok a kutyámnak? What kind of pain medication can I give my dog? What kind of painkiller can I give my dog? >>eng<< Menikö hän Hangzhouhun isänsä kanssa? Did he go to Hangzhou with his dad? Did he go with Hangzhou's father? >>eng<< Sem Tom, Sem Mari nem tud úszni. Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Neither Tom, nor Mari can swim. >>eng<< Ez nem az enyém. This is not mine. It's not mine. >>eng<< Melyik az olcsóbb? Which is cheaper? Which one's cheaper? >>eng<< Tomi on hassu. Tom's funny. Tom's funny. >>eng<< Vetted? Do you copy? Got it? >>eng<< Tom pani ukse ketti. Tom chain-locked the door. Tom put the door in the chain. >>eng<< A strandon hemzsegtek a turisták. The beach was crowded with tourists. Tourists crawled on the beach. >>eng<< Ase laukesi vahingossa. The gun went off by accident. The gun accidentally fired. >>eng<< Hän ei ole julma eläimille. He isn't cruel to animals. He's not cruel to animals. >>eng<< Az úszás egészséges. Swimming is healthy. Swimming's healthy. >>eng<< Meillä on hommia. We have a job to do. We've got work to do. >>eng<< Vihdoinkin lumi suli. Finally the snow melted. The snow at last. >>eng<< Mihin aikaan hän herää? What time does she get up? What time does he wake up? >>eng<< Voit ottaa mitä tarvitset. You may take what you need. You can take what you need. >>eng<< Milyen messze van innen Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is Ueno from here? >>eng<< Az a ház nagyon kicsi. That house is very small. That house is very small. >>eng<< Minä osaan puhua ranskaa. I'm able to speak French. I can speak French. >>eng<< Tom istui alas kivelle ja otti pikkukiven pois kengästään. Tom sat down on a rock and removed a stone from his shoe. Tom sat down on a rock and took the little stone out of his shoe. >>eng<< Tom meghalt. Tom's dead. Tom's dead. >>eng<< Herra Morikawa valittaa jatkuvasti jostakin. Mr Morikawa's continually complaining about something. Mr. Morikawa keeps complaining about something. >>eng<< Alustuseks soovitame me sul minna enda profiilile ja märkida milliseid keeli sa räägid või millistest sa huvitatud oled. To start things off, we encourage you to go to your profile and let us know which languages you speak or are interested in. For starters, we recommend you go to your profile and indicate which languages you speak or are interested in. >>eng<< Hänen äänensä kuulostaa hyvin kauniilta. Her voice sounds very beautiful. His voice sounds very beautiful. >>eng<< Olenko ikinä valehdellut teille? Have I ever lied to you? Have I ever lied to you? >>eng<< Muistan, että tapasin kuningattaren. I remember meeting the queen. I remember meeting the queen. >>eng<< Tom käveli sisään Marin makuuhuoneeseen. Tom walked into Mary's bedroom. Tom walked into Mari's bedroom. >>eng<< A nyelv tudomásunk szerint egy emberi találmány. Language, as we know it, is a human invention. The language we know is a human invention. >>eng<< A fiú beleugrott a vízbe. The boy jumped into the water. The boy jumped into the water. >>eng<< Tomilla oli iso mustelma otsassaan sen jälkeen kun hän käveli päin ovea. Tom had a big bruise on his forehead after he walked into the door. Tom had a big bruise on his forehead after he walked toward the door. >>eng<< A beszélgetést titokban felvették, és bizonyítékként felhasználták. The conversation was secretly recorded and used as evidence. The conversation was secretly recorded and used as evidence. >>eng<< Hän tuli alakertaan kirje kädessään. She came downstairs with a letter in her hand. He came downstairs with a letter in his hand. >>eng<< Aiotko mennä vai et? Are you going to go or not? Are you going to go or not? >>eng<< Fejezd be, míg be tudod! Stop while you still can! Stop it while you can. >>eng<< Ma räägin palju. I talk a lot. I'm telling you a lot. >>eng<< "Siis oletteko samaa mieltä, rouva pormestari?", apotti takelteli hädin tuskin iloaan peitellen. "So, do you agree, Madam Mayor?", stammered the abbot, barely hiding his joy. "Then do you agree, Mrs. Mayor?" the abbot barely fought to cover her joy. >>eng<< Bizonyára útközben veszítettem el a kulcsomat. I must have lost my key along the way. I must have lost my key on the way. >>eng<< Maga natuke, kui sa suudad. Get some sleep if you can. Sleep a little, if you can. >>eng<< Meg akartam neked üzenni valamit Tommal. I wanted Tom to tell you something. I wanted to text you something with Tom. >>eng<< Minä tarvitsen teidän mielipiteitänne. I need your opinions. I need your opinions. >>eng<< Ha csak egy kalapácsotok van, minden gond szegnek tűnik. When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail. If you only have one hammer, everything seems to be a mess. >>eng<< Elfedte a tetoválásait. She covered her tattoos. She covered up her tattoos. >>eng<< Úgy tűnik, itt nincs rám szükség. It looks like I'm not needed here. Looks like I don't need to be here. >>eng<< Yritin tehdä vaikutuksen Tomiin. I was trying to impress Tom. I tried to impress Tom. >>eng<< Tom lemondta a szállodarendelését. Tom canceled his hotel reservation. Tom cancelled his hotel order. >>eng<< Franciául kell tanulnom. I must learn French. I have to learn French. >>eng<< Herra Wang oppi saksaa, koska hän halusi mennä Saksaan. Mr. Wang learnt German because he wanted to go to Germany. Mr. Wang learned German because he wanted to go to Germany. >>eng<< Onko uusiutuminen todennäköistä? Is a recurrence likely? Is it likely that there will be a recurrence? >>eng<< Alig emlékszem rá. I can hardly remember it. I can barely remember him. >>eng<< Mistä tuo musta silmä on tullut? How did you get that black eye? Where did that black eye come from? >>eng<< Éppen a szobámat takarítom. I'm cleaning my room. I'm cleaning my room. >>eng<< Meidän pitää perustaa siirtokuntia muille planeetoille. We need to colonize other planets. We must establish settlements on other planets. >>eng<< Tom meg tudja érteni, hogy Mari miért érzi magát lehangoltnak. Tom can understand why Mary is feeling depressed. Tom can understand why Mari feels depressed. >>eng<< Monella henkilöllä on ollut sama kokemus. Many a person has had the same experience. Many people have had the same experience. >>eng<< Se olisi voinut olla kuka tahansa meistä. It could have been any one of us. It could have been any one of us. >>eng<< Haluan paljon enemmän. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. >>eng<< Minulla oli tapana käydä leipomossa. I used to go to the baker's. I used to go to the bakery. >>eng<< Csapdába estünk. We're trapped. We're trapped. >>eng<< Tuomitsemme itsemme aikeidemme perusteella ja muut heidän tekojensa perusteella. We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. We condemn ourselves on the basis of our intentions and on the basis of their actions. >>eng<< Tamás egész életében dolgozott. Tom worked all his life. He's been working for the rest of his life. >>eng<< Tomnak szüksége van rám. Tom needs me. Tom needs me. >>eng<< Tomilla on yksityislentokone. Tom has a private airplane. Tom's got a private plane. >>eng<< Hallottam, hogy Tomi és Mari októberben összeházasodnak. I heard that Tom and Mary will get married in October. I heard Tomi and Mari were getting married in October. >>eng<< Tom rájött, hogy hibát követett el. Tom realizes he's made a mistake. Tom found out he made a mistake. >>eng<< Minulla on oikeastaan melko kiire. I'm really quite busy. I'm kind of busy, actually. >>eng<< Bár ne tennéd azt meg. I wish you wouldn't do that. I wish you wouldn't do that. >>eng<< Hogyan reagált erre a hírre? What was his reaction to this news? How did he respond to this news? >>eng<< Ma ei saa sellesse sekkuda. I can't get involved in this. I can't get involved in this. >>eng<< Mitä muuta voisit vielä haluta lisää? What more could you want? What more could you possibly want? >>eng<< Tom otthon van. Tom's home. Tom's home. >>eng<< Jönniük kell. They have to come. They have to come. >>eng<< Silloin kun sinä ajat, sinun pitäisi keskittyä tiehen. While you drive, you should focus on the road. When you drive, you should focus on the road. >>eng<< Ma ei ole Bostonist. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. >>eng<< Szeretek fából készült klumpában járni. I like to wear wooden clogs. I like walking in wooden clusters. >>eng<< A pandák imádják a bambuszt. Pandas love bamboo. The pandas love bamboo. >>eng<< Szándékosan megpróbálsz összezavarni? Are you intentionally trying to confuse me? Are you deliberately trying to confuse me? >>eng<< Micsoda rendetlenség! What a mess! What a mess. >>eng<< Leht ja puu langevad. The leaf and the tree are falling. The leaves and the trees fall. >>eng<< Vaikka nukuinkin viime yönä 12 tuntia putkeen, olen yhä melko väsynyt. Although I slept uninterrupted for 12 hours last night, I still feel pretty tired. Even though I slept for 12 hours last night, I'm still pretty tired. >>eng<< Gyakrabban kéne beszélgetned anyukáddal. You should talk to your mother more often. You should talk to your mom more often. >>eng<< Tomi ei oo viel tehny sen läksyjä. Tom hasn't done his homework yet. Tom didn't do his homework. >>eng<< Még mindig azon töprengünk, hogyan szökött meg. How he escaped still puzzles us. We're still wondering how he escaped. >>eng<< Osoita, että P on osittain järjestetty joukko. Prove that P is a partially ordered set. Prove that P is a partial set-up. >>eng<< Ta lükkas mütsi kuklasse. He pushed his hat back on his head. He pushed the hat in the back of his head. >>eng<< Miért nem szóltál nekem erről korábban? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? >>eng<< Moziban voltam. I was at the cinema. I was in the movies. >>eng<< Mitä valmistat? What will you make? What are you making? >>eng<< Hallottál a tegnapi tűzesetről? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? >>eng<< Tom heristeli nyrkkiään Marille. Tom shook his fist at Mary. Tom threw his fist at Mari. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole sinun. This is not yours. This isn't yours. >>eng<< Ma otsisin õigeid sõnu. I was looking for the right words. I was looking for the right words. >>eng<< A mi hajónk győzött két hosszal. Our boat won by two lengths. Our ship won with two lengths. >>eng<< Kopogj, mielőtt belépsz. Knock before entering. Knock before you enter. >>eng<< Ezt közokiratba foglalták? Is that notarized? Is this in public record? >>eng<< Szeretném, hogy maradjon itt, a hölgynél. I want you to stay by the lady. I want you to stay here with the lady. >>eng<< Éppen most érkeztem. I just arrived now. I just got here. >>eng<< Sinä kävelet liian nopeasti. You're walking too fast. You're walking too fast. >>eng<< Majd később fizetek. I'll pay later. I'll pay you later. >>eng<< Tomi on mennyt pois. Tom has gone away. Tomi's gone. >>eng<< Ma vihkan selliseid mehi. I hate guys like that. I hate men like that. >>eng<< Jos haluat, että jotain tehdään oikein, sinun täytyy tehdä se itse. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. >>krl<< I understand. Minä ellendän. ~I uthdestand. ~ >>eng<< Ez a csomagom. Here is my baggage. That's my package. >>eng<< Tom, Mari ja Joni leikkivät hippaa leikkikentällä. Tom, Mary and John were playing tag on the playground. Tom, Mari and Joni play hip on the playground. >>eng<< Tom az összes süteményt megette. Tom ate all the cookies. Tom ate all the cakes. >>sma<< What would you like to eat? Maam sïjhth byöpmedidh? What's the matter with you like to eat? >>eng<< Sä voit luottaa niihin. You can trust them. You can trust them. >>eng<< En pystynyt pidättämään itkuani. I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't arrest my crying. >>eng<< Tom és Mary ugyanazt rendelték. Tom and Mary ordered the same thing. Tom and Mary ordered the same thing. >>eng<< Voisiko joku herättää minut puoli kolmelta? Would someone please wake me up at 2:30? Can someone wake me up at 3:30? >>eng<< Mary halasi tytärtään lohduttaakseen tätä. Mary took her daughter in her arms to comfort her. Mary embraced her daughter to comfort her. >>eng<< Nem tudta a könnyeit visszatartani. She couldn't hold back her tears. He couldn't hold his tears. >>eng<< Szociális munkás vagyok. I am a social worker. I'm a social worker. >>eng<< Minkä takia? What for? Why? >>eng<< Óvakodj a medúzáktól. Beware of jellyfish. Beware of the jellyfish. >>eng<< Nopeimmin matkustaa lentäen. The fastest way to travel is by plane. The fastest way to travel is to fly. >>eng<< Ma tean millest see räägib. I know what this is about. I know what it's about. >>eng<< Ez is valami. Better than nothing. That's something. >>eng<< Ez nem is ló; ez szamár! That's not a horse, it's a donkey. It's not a horse; it's a donkey! >>eng<< El kellene mennünk a buliba. We should go to the party. We should go to the party. >>eng<< Miért veszélyes? Why is it dangerous? Why is it dangerous? >>eng<< Hän osaa saksaa ja ranskaa, puhumattakaan englannista. He knows German and French, not to mention English. He knows German and French, not to mention English. >>eng<< Ме она мондо. We shall not forget. My heart moved me to make my own life. >>eng<< A változás elkerülhetetlen. Change is inevitable. Change is inevitable. >>eng<< Toki. Tiedätkö hyvän paikan? Sure. Do you know a good place? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah >>eng<< Tykkään tosi paljon leffassa käymisestä. I love to go to the movies. I really like going to the movie. >>eng<< Vietin lomani ulkomailla. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. I spent my vacation abroad. >>eng<< Minä olen aivan yhtä hämmentynyt kuin sinäkin. I'm just as confused as you are. I'm as confused as you are. >>eng<< Harrison úr lugassal övezett verandáján üldögélt ingujjban, és az esti pipáját szívta. Mr. Harrison was sitting on his vineshaded veranda, in his shirt sleeves, enjoying his evening pipe. Mr. Harrison was sitting in his shirt on his porch with a lugas, and he was smoking his night pipe. >>eng<< Seuraa sitä vitun valkoista jänistä, Neo. Follow the fucking white rabbit Neo. Follow the fucking white rabbit, Neo. >>eng<< Milyen kár! It's a pity. That's too bad. >>eng<< Nem mentem ki. I didn't go outside. I didn't go out. >>eng<< Tizenegykor fekszem le. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at 11. >>eng<< Joo! Yes! Yeah! >>eng<< Ki a franc az a Tom? Who the fuck is Tom? Who the hell is Tom? >>eng<< Harkitsetko vakavasti lähtemistä? Are you seriously thinking about going? Are you seriously considering leaving? >>eng<< Hol laksz most? Where do you live now? Where do you live now? >>krl<< The man is handsome. Mieš on kaunis. Let's get rid of it. >>eng<< Hän asuu yksin. He lives alone. She lives alone. >>eng<< Csak gyere ide, kérlek! Please just get here. Just come here, please. >>eng<< Muhto manne? But why? What kind of manne? >>eng<< Sinä osaat uida paljon paremmin kuin hän. You can swim much better than he can. You're a lot better at swimming than he is. >>eng<< Otthon csak egy van. There is no place like home. There's only one at home. >>eng<< Miért nem segítettél nekem? Why didn't you help me? Why didn't you help me? >>eng<< Milliárdjaim vannak dollárban. I have billions of dollars. I have billions in dollars. >>eng<< Tom ei tullut kotiin viime yönä. Tom didn't come home last night. Tom didn't come home last night. >>eng<< Dolgoznom kell ma este. I must work tonight. I have to work tonight. >>eng<< Vau! Wow! Wow! >>eng<< Avaisitko ikkunan? Open the window, will you? Can you open the window? >>eng<< Sohasem kedveltem a biológiát. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. >>eng<< Párizsba költözött 1966-ban. She moved to Paris in 1966. She moved to Paris in 1966. >>eng<< Sä näytät lihavalta noissa housuissa. You look fat in those pants. You look fat in those pants. >>eng<< Ez számomra lehetetlen. It's impossible for me. That's impossible for me. >>eng<< Hogyan tudom megállítani Tomot? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? >>eng<< Örülök, hogy abba az iskolába járhatok. I'm proud of my school. I'm glad I could go to that school. >>eng<< Tom kissé meg van lepve. Tom is a little surprised. Tom's a little surprised. >>eng<< Kapcsold be a légkondicionálót! Turn on the air conditioner. Turn on the air conditioning. >>eng<< Pue yöpuku päälle. Put on your pajamas. Put on your nightgown. >>eng<< Se ei ollut ongelma. It was no problem. It wasn't a problem. >>eng<< Vähitellen huomaat edistymistä kirjoituksissasi. Little by little, you will notice improvement in your writings. In time, you will see progress in your articles. >>eng<< Kontrolli, kas gaasikraan on suletud. Check if the gas tap is closed. Check to see if the gas tap is closed. >>eng<< Hyvvää aamua! Good morning! Good morning! >>eng<< Áldást kaptam. I've been blessed. I got a blessing. >>eng<< Se oli loistava kokous. That was an excellent meeting. It was a great meeting. >>eng<< Luulen meitä kaikkia vähän hulluiksi. I think we're all a bit crazy. I think we're all a little crazy. >>eng<< Älä häiritse Tomia. Don't disturb Tom. Don't bother Tom. >>eng<< Hoidan tätä. I'll deal with this. I'll take care of this. >>eng<< Jobban szereted a kávét. You prefer coffee. You prefer coffee. >>eng<< Tisztában vagyok a nehézségekkel. I'm aware of the difficulties. I'm aware of the difficulties. >>eng<< Nem tudsz segíteni Tomnak. You can't help Tom. You can't help Tom. >>eng<< Anteeksi, että herätin sinut. I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm sorry I woke you up. >>eng<< Tom hukkasi avaimensa. Tom lost his key. Tom lost his keys. >>eng<< Alushousuni ovat märät. My underpants are wet. My underwear are wet. >>eng<< Maisema on henkeäsalpaava. The scenery is breathtaking. The landscape is breathtaking. >>eng<< Tom ei tahtnud, et ükski ta sõber saaks teada, et ta on narkodiiler. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know he was a drug dealer. >>eng<< Kus on ajaleht? Where's the newspaper? Where's the paper? >>eng<< Valge kass on puu all. The white cat is under the tree. The white cat's under the tree. >>eng<< Szándékosan megsértett. She hurt me on purpose. He deliberately offended me. >>eng<< Tomi toi kukkia. Tom brought flowers. Tomi brought flowers. >>eng<< Hol van a hiba? Where is the mistake? Where's the mistake? >>eng<< Isäni, joka nyt työskentelee Amerikassa, kirjoitti meille kirjeen viime viikolla. My father, who is now working in America, wrote us a letter last week. My father, who now works in America, wrote us a letter last week. >>eng<< Haluatko tavata hänet? Do you want to meet her? Do you want to meet him? >>eng<< Tomi voisi kertoa teille. Tom could tell you. Tom could tell you. >>eng<< Az idő elég gyorsan múlik majd, ha olvasol valamit. Time will pass quite quickly when you read something. Time will depend fast enough when you read something. >>eng<< Egy kicsit fáradt vagyok. I'm just a little tired. I'm a little tired. >>eng<< Nagyon szeretem őt. I like him very much. I love her so much. >>eng<< Luotatko minuun? Do you trust me? Do you trust me? >>eng<< Szeretnék egy könyvet, amit a vonaton olvashatok. I want a book to read in the train. I'd like a book to read on the train. >>eng<< Norjan pääkaupunki on Oslo. The capital city of Norway is Oslo. The capital of Norway is Oslo. >>eng<< Mi a családi állapotod? What is your marital status? What's your family status? >>eng<< Igazán sajnálom, hogy megbántottam önt. I'm truly sorry for having offended you. I'm really sorry I hurt you. >>eng<< Sormesi ovat nätit. Your fingers are pretty. Your fingers are pretty. >>eng<< Täällä on lohikäärmeitä. There are dragons here. There are dragons here. >>eng<< Kuulin, että jouduit onnettomuuteen. I heard you had an accident. I heard you had an accident. >>eng<< Osaatko ajaa? Can you drive? Can you drive? >>eng<< Anna meille tšänssi. Ole kiltti. Please give us a chance. Give us the chant, please. >>eng<< Tomi joutui myymään talonsa. Tom had to sell his house. Tom had to sell his house. >>eng<< Ők velem vannak. They're with me. They're with me. >>eng<< Haluatko kertoa minulle jotain Tomista? Do you want to tell me anything about Tom? Is there something you want to tell me about Tom? >>eng<< Meg tudod különböztetni a farkasokat a kutyáktól? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you distinguish wolves from dogs? >>eng<< Lähe lätkimään siitä. Beat it. Why don't you go and get rid of it? >>eng<< Ihmiset, jotka eivät löydä aikaa virkistäytymiselle, joutuvat ennemmin tai myöhemmin löytämään aikaa sairastamiselle. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. People who do not find time for recreation will sooner or later find time for illness. >>eng<< Nagyon jól beszélsz franciául. Szeretnék ezen a nyelven olyan jól beszélni, mint te. You speak French very well. I wish I could speak it as well as you. You speak very well in French, and I'd like to speak as well in this language as you do. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy auttaa meitä. You have to help us. You have to help us. >>eng<< Mitä tapahtuu? What's happening? What's going on? >>eng<< A mogyorót az ősz derekán szüretelik. Hazelnuts are harvested in mid-autumn. The peanuts are harvested in the fall derreka. >>eng<< Luulin häntä veljekseni. I thought he was my brother. I thought he was my brother. >>eng<< Tarvitsen vapaaehtoisia. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. >>sma<< Where do you live? Gusnie datne årroeh? Where do you live? >>eng<< Hogy mondod a te nyelveden, hogy XXX? How do you say XXX in your language? How do you say XXX in your tongue? >>eng<< Näytät niin erilaiselta. You look so different. You look so different. >>eng<< Ott kell lennünk. We have to be there. We have to be there. >>eng<< Tartsunk egy kis szünetet! Let's take a short pause. Let's take a break. >>eng<< Mul on veel palju õppida. I've still got a lot to learn. I still have a lot to learn. >>eng<< Et ole ikinä yksin. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. >>eng<< Oletpa sinä pitkä! How tall you are! How tall are you? >>eng<< A lány elsöpört mellettem. The girl brushed past me. The girl swept away next to me. >>eng<< Azért telefonálok, hogy köszönetet mondjak. I'm calling to thank you. I'm calling to say thank you. >>eng<< Voisin määrätä sinut jäämään. I could order you to stay. I could order you to stay. >>eng<< Gyalog érkezett ide. He arrived here on foot. A walk came here. >>myv<< I love you. Мон тонь вечкан. I love you. >>eng<< Kes selle tõi? Who brought this? Who brought it? >>eng<< A te nyelved a francia? Is French your language? Is your tongue French? >>eng<< Megadott neki minden apró részletet. She gave him all the details. He gave him all the details. >>eng<< Tom on vakavissa ongelmissa. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom's in serious trouble. >>eng<< Tom elfehéredett. Tom turned white. Tom's whitened out. >>eng<< A távolban észrevett egy evezős csónakot. She caught sight of a rowing boat in the distance. In the distance, he noticed a rowing boat. >>eng<< Kuinka paljon opiskelijoita on yhteensä? How many students are there in total? How many students are there? >>eng<< Tässä pitäisi olla enemmän kuin riittävästi. This should be more than enough. This should be more than enough. >>eng<< Az életemet is rábíznám. I trust him completely. I'd trust him with my life. >>eng<< Tomi ei saanut unta, joten hän nousi vuoteesta ja meni kävelylle. Tom couldn't fall asleep so he got up and took a walk. Tom couldn't sleep, so he got out of bed and went for a walk. >>eng<< Mi történik, miután meghaltunk? What happens after we die? What happens after we die? >>eng<< Tiedätkö miten syödään puikoilla? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Do you know how to eat with needles? >>eng<< Osanotto uskonnollisiin menoihin hyökkää yleistä moraalia vastaan. Protestantteja on kohdeltava ankarammin kuin katolisia ja vapaamielisiä ankarammin kuin vanhoillisia. Kristillisyys on sitä rikollisempaa, mitä enemmän se lähenee tiedettä. Rikollisista pahin on siis filosofi. To take part in religious ceremonies is an attack against the common morality. Protestants must be dealt with more severely than Catholics and the liberal more severely than the conservative. The closer Christianity is to science, the more criminal it is. A philosopher is therefore the very worst of criminals. Acquiring religious expenditures is an attack on general morals. Protestants must be treated more strongly than Catholics and liberals are more severe than the old ones. Christianity is the more criminal it approaches science. So the worst criminal is a philosopher. >>eng<< Minä haluan vesihiihtää. I want to water ski. I want to go waterski. >>eng<< Nem jó nekünk semmi igazán. Nothing's good enough for us. Nothing's really good for us. >>eng<< Kun sade loppuu, me lähdemme. We'll go when the rain stops. When the rain is over, we're leaving. >>eng<< Miksi sinä edes siitä välität? Why do you even care? Why do you even care? >>eng<< Magyarázd el nekem! Explain it to me. Explain it to me. >>eng<< Kes otsib, see leiab. When there's a will, there's a way. Who's looking for it will find it. >>eng<< Öt évet éltem ott. I lived there for five years. I lived there for five years. >>eng<< Missä kerroksessa sinä asut? What floor do you live on? What floor do you live on? >>eng<< Hän tuli ulos bussista. He got off the bus. He came out of the bus. >>eng<< Tényleg barátok? Are they really friends? Are you really friends? >>eng<< Tom meg fogja próbálni. Tom will try. Tom will try. >>eng<< Su käekiri on loetamatu. Your handwriting is illegible. Your handwriting is illegible. >>eng<< Karu sööb õuna. The bear is eating an apple. The bear eats apples. >>eng<< A franciád tökéletes. Your French is perfect. Your French is perfect. >>eng<< Tom nem focizik. Tom doesn't play soccer. Tom doesn't play football. >>eng<< Nem akarom, hogy a gyerekeim dohányozzanak. I don't want my kids to smoke. I don't want my kids smoking. >>eng<< Tom megint elkésett, mint rendesen. Tom was late as usual. Tom's late again, as usual. >>eng<< Sinun olisi parempi sitoa haava heti. You'd better bandage the wound at once. You'd better tie the wound right away. >>eng<< Ma olen praegu väga õnnetu. I'm very unhappy just now. I'm very unhappy right now. >>eng<< Ez a whisky fejbe vágja az embert. That whiskey is very strong. This whiskey is killing people. >>eng<< Poliisi sai nimettömän vihjeen, että pankkiryöstö oli sisäpiirin keikka. The police received an anonymous tip-off that the bank robbery was an inside job. The police got an anonymous tip that the bank robbery was an inside job. >>eng<< Tom hol parkolta le a kamionját? Where did Tom park his truck? Where did Tom park his truck? >>eng<< Vieläkin? Still? Still? >>eng<< Tämä piirros on tyypillinen Tomin tyylille. This sketch is representative of Tom's style. This drawing is typical of Tom's style. >>eng<< Az anyukád itthon van? Is your mum at home? Is your mom home? >>eng<< Ostin vaimolleni älypuhelimen. I bought a smartphone for my wife. I bought my wife a smartphone. >>eng<< En ota riskiä. I'm not taking any chances. I'm not taking any chances. >>eng<< Az űrlény tüzelt sugárfegyverével és lyukat robbantott az űrhajó burkolatán. The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. The alien fired a radiation weapon and blew up a hole on the ship's hull. >>eng<< He kertoivat minulle löytäneensä heidän avaimensa. They told me that they found their keys. They told me they found their keys. >>eng<< Kérlek, ne menj el! Please don't go away. Please don't go. >>eng<< Onko tämä ensimmäinen matkasi tänne? Is it your first trip here? Is this your first trip here? >>eng<< Sheilával régóta barátok vagyunk. Sheila and I are old friends. Sheila and I have been friends for a long time. >>eng<< Tämä laatikko sisältää viisi omenaa. This box contains five apples. This box contains five apples. >>eng<< Laupäev on nädala viimane päev. Saturday is the last day of week. Saturday is the last day of the week. >>eng<< Sok regényt olvastam. I read a lot of novels. I read a lot of novels. >>eng<< Paahtoleipä on palanut mustaksi. The toast has burned black. The toast is burned black. >>eng<< Ha segítségre van szükséged, tudok segíteni. If you need help, I can help you. If you need help, I can help you. >>eng<< Onko Sisilia hyvinkin lähellä Maltaa? Is Sicily very close to Malta? Is Sicily very close to Malta? >>eng<< Tinkimättä yleisyydestä voimme sanoa, että jono suppenee kohti nollaa. Without loss of generality, we can say that the sequence converges to zero. Without prejudice to the frequency, we can say that the line is narrowing towards zero. >>eng<< Tomi és Mari mindketten jó tanárok. Tom and Mary are both good teachers. Tomi and Mari are both good teachers. >>eng<< Valmentaja antoi minulle joitakin neuvoja. The coach gave me some advice. Coach gave me some advice. >>eng<< Sooviksin linna kaarti palun. I'd like a map of the city. I'd like a map of the city, please. >>eng<< Oletko vielä puhunut Tomin kanssa? Have you spoken with Tom yet? Have you spoken to Tom yet? >>eng<< Miksi miehet käyttäytyvät kuin apinat ja päinvastoin? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do men behave like monkeys and vice versa? >>eng<< Sa oled valel korrusel. You're on the wrong floor. You're on the wrong floor. >>eng<< Hän on äidinkielinen ranskan puhuja. She is a native speaker of French. He's a native French speaker. >>eng<< Miksi me juhlimme? Why are we celebrating? Why are we celebrating? >>eng<< Nem mehetek csak úgy el. I can't just leave. I can't just leave. >>eng<< Örülök, hogy visszajött. I am glad that you came back. I'm glad you're back. >>eng<< Egybe vagy elválasztva? Together or separately? Are you separated? >>eng<< Kérem, csukja be az ajtót. Please close the door. Please close the door. >>eng<< Figyelj! Pay attention. Listen. >>eng<< Küldjük el őket mind! Let's send them all away. Let's send them all. >>eng<< En pysty tekemään tätä ilman heitä. I can't do this without them. I can't do this without them. >>eng<< Voisitko laittaa radion päälle? Turn on the radio. Can you turn on the radio? >>eng<< Voinko tulla huomennakin? Can I come tomorrow, too? Can I come back tomorrow? >>eng<< Mi a franc bajotok van, emberek? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell is wrong with you people? >>eng<< Meteli piti minut hereillä koko yön. The noise kept me awake all night. The noise kept me awake all night. >>eng<< Bőven van mit enni. There's plenty of food. There's plenty to eat. >>eng<< Tomnak erre szüksége lesz, nem? Tom is going to need this, isn't he? Tom will need this, won't he? >>eng<< Teidän pitäisi lähteä liikkeelle. You should get going. You should get moving. >>eng<< Tom on ruma, mutta hän on todella kiva. Tom is ugly, but he's really nice. Tom's ugly, but he's really nice. >>eng<< Kui sa tahad. If you want. If you want. >>eng<< Tom sápadt volt. Tom was livid. Tom was pale. >>eng<< Mari on Tomin äiti. Mary is Tom's mother. Mari's Tom's mother. >>eng<< Me uimme toisinaan järvessä. We sometimes swim in the lake. Sometimes we swim in the lake. >>eng<< Voisitko mitenkään lukea iltasatua Tomille? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Is there any way you could read the story for Tom? >>eng<< Tom ihmetteli mitä Marille tapahtui. Tom wondered what happened to Mary. Tom wondered what happened to Mar. >>eng<< Köszi a vacsorát. Thanks for dinner. Thanks for dinner. >>eng<< Ez az, amit egész nap csinálok. That's what I do all day. That's what I do all day. >>eng<< Megtömte magát. She ate her fill. He's stuffed himself. >>eng<< Sinä olet kajahtanut. You've lost your marbles. You've lost your mind. >>eng<< Pysy rauhallisena. Stay calm. Stay calm. >>eng<< Tomilla on hyvä näkökohta. Tom has a good point. Tom has a good point. >>eng<< Täällä oli joskus vanha pyhäkkö, There used to be an old temple here. There used to be an old shrine, >>eng<< Nem értek semmit. I don't understand anything. I don't understand anything. >>eng<< Tom az egyik legjobb. Tom is one of the best. Tom's one of the best. >>eng<< Egy piros kocsi mellett döntött. He decided on a red car. He made a choice next to a red car. >>eng<< Tomi on valehtelija. Tom is a liar. Tom's a liar. >>eng<< Olen työskennellyt täällä 13 kuukautta. I've been working here 13 months. I've been working here for 13 months. >>eng<< Inkább úszni megyek. I prefer to go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. >>eng<< Nem volt könnyű számomra. It wasn't easy for me. It wasn't easy for me. >>eng<< Söin ruokalassa. I ate in the canteen. I ate in the dining room. >>eng<< En halua lapsia. I don't want to have children. I don't want kids. >>eng<< Vauva oppii varmaankin kävelemään muutaman päivän sisällä. In a few days, the baby will be able to walk. The baby will probably learn to walk in a few days. >>eng<< Kenen kanssa minä olen puhumassa? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? >>eng<< Ő személyesen hívott meg. He personally invited me. He invited me in person. >>eng<< Megteszek minden tőlem telhetőt. I will do my best. I'll do my best. >>eng<< Tom nem tudja, mi történt, mert nem volt ott. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. Tom doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there. >>eng<< Olen todella huolissani sinusta. I'm very worried about you. I'm really worried about you. >>eng<< Anna mu rahakott tagasi. Give me back my wallet. Give me my wallet back. >>eng<< Tom megfélemlítette Marit. Tom terrified Mary. Tom scared Mari. >>eng<< Szégyen a futás, de hasznos. Running away is shameful, but it's useful. It's a shame to run, but it's useful. >>eng<< Nagyon szereti a csokit. She likes chocolate very much. He really likes chocolate. >>eng<< Ő kedvesen megmutatta nekem az utat. She kindly showed me the way. He kindly showed me the way. >>eng<< Jól megfizetlek. I'll pay you well. I'll pay you well. >>eng<< Kas Tom sai kohvri? Did Tom get the briefcase? Did Tom get the case? >>eng<< Hol vetted le a kesztyűdet? Where did you take your gloves off? Where'd you take your gloves off? >>eng<< Tomi luki sarjakuvaa. Tom was reading a comic book. Tomi read the comic book. >>eng<< Tämä nojatuoli on mukava. This armchair is comfortable. This chair is nice. >>eng<< Mi nem tartozunk ide. We don't belong here. We don't belong here. >>eng<< Kone lähtee klo 17.30. The plane departs at 5:30 PM. The plane leaves at 5.30 p.m. >>eng<< Kirjoita tämä ylös. Write this down. Write this down. >>eng<< Älä lainaa mun vaatteita ilman mun lupaa. Stop borrowing my clothes without my permission. Don't borrow my clothes without my permission. >>eng<< Тый тыште илет? Did you live here? You are here? >>eng<< Minulla on ollut tämä vuosia. I've had this for years. I've had this for years. >>eng<< Minulla ei ole aikaa lukea. I don't have time to read. I don't have time to read. >>eng<< Tomi sanoi minulle, että hän tekisi sen huomenna. Tom told me that he would do it tomorrow. Tomi told me she'd do it tomorrow. >>eng<< Työskenteletkö hyvin paineen alla? Do you work well under pressure? Do you work well under pressure? >>eng<< Olkapäähäni sattuu. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. >>eng<< Mi a mai árfolyam? What's today's exchange rate? What's the current exchange rate? >>eng<< Hän pisti tyttöystävänsä paksuksi, joten heidän piti mennä naimisiin. He got his girlfriend pregnant and they had to get married. He made his girlfriend fat, so they had to get married. >>eng<< Koncentrálj! Focus. Focus. >>eng<< Me olemme valinneet hotellin läheltä niitä museoita. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We've chosen a hotel near those museums. >>eng<< Tämä ruoka on gluteenitonta. This food is gluten-free. This food is gluten-free. >>eng<< Tom ei ole selles kuigi hea. Tom's not very good at it. Tom's not very good at this. >>eng<< Ez egy nehéz időszak volt. It was a difficult period. It was a difficult time. >>eng<< Úgy eszik Tom, mint egy disznó. Tom eats like a pig. Tom eats like a pig. >>eng<< Puutarhuri oli murhaaja. The gardener was the murderer. The gardener was a murderer. >>eng<< Miért nem próbálod meg újra az elejétől? Why don't you try it again from the beginning? Why don't you try it again from the beginning? >>eng<< Mennyi a bab kilója? How much is the kilo of beans? What's the weight of the beans? >>eng<< Se nainen opettaa meille ranskaa. The lady is teaching us French. That woman is teaching us French. >>eng<< Tom kirjutas midagi kirja tagaküljele. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. >>eng<< Jää ihan rauhassa. Feel free to stay. Just stay calm. >>eng<< Ma ei unusta kunagi seda päeva. I will never forget this day. I'll never forget that day. >>eng<< Parem alusta kohe. You'd better start now. You'd better start now. >>eng<< Megbecsüljük a tehetségét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your talent. >>eng<< Ez az új modell. This is the new model. This is the new model. >>eng<< Ne on kaikki seonnut. They've all gone crazy. They're all out of their minds. >>eng<< A tea drágább, mint a tej? Is tea more expensive than milk? Tea is more expensive than milk? >>eng<< Hän pitää lukemisesta. She likes to read. He likes reading. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, Tamás holnap akarja megcsinálni. I think Tom wants to do that tomorrow. I think Tamás wants to do it tomorrow. >>eng<< Kutsu ystäväsi syömään. Invite your friend for dinner. Get your friend to dinner. >>eng<< Mi a kérdés? What's the question? What's the question? >>eng<< Tom nem tudja. Tom doesn't know. Tom doesn't know. >>eng<< Mielikuvitus vaikuttaa elämämme jokaiseen puoleen. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. The imagination affects every side of our lives. >>eng<< A házak mögött még több ház van. There are more houses behind those houses. There's more houses behind these houses. >>eng<< Bőven van elég. There's plenty of food. That's enough. >>eng<< Nem viselek testhezálló ruhákat. I don't wear suggestive clothing. I don't wear body-resistant clothes. >>eng<< Hei, vanha ystävä! Hello, old friend! Hey, old friend! >>eng<< Marraskuun lopulla he hyökkäsivät Suomeen. In late November, they attacked Finland. At the end of November, they attacked Finland. >>eng<< Tuon koulun oppilaat käyttävät univormuja. The students at that school wear uniforms. The kids at that school are wearing uniforms. >>eng<< En voi uskoa tämän tapahtuneen. I can't believe this happened. I can't believe this happened. >>eng<< Minä en kaatunut. I didn't fall down. I didn't fall. >>eng<< Nem fognak ennek örülni. They won't be happy about that. They won't be happy about that. >>eng<< Fogalmam sem volt, hogy mit írjak. I had no idea what I should write. I had no idea what I was writing. >>eng<< Tom ei tiedä mitä sanoisi saadakseen Maryn paremmalle tuulelle. Tom doesn't know what to say to make Mary feel better. Tom doesn't know what to say to get Mary in a better mood. >>eng<< A tegnapi nap forró volt, de ma enyhébb. Yesterday was hot, but today is milder. Yesterday was hot, but today it's lighter. >>eng<< Zucchinit ovat vihreitä. Zucchinis are green. The Zucchins are green. >>eng<< Me tutkimme jokaisen planeetan, joka kiertää aurinkoa. We will explore every planet that goes around the sun. We're investigating every planet that's orbiting the sun. >>eng<< Operálni kell Tomit. Tom needs surgery. We have to operate on Tomi. >>eng<< Igazán elfoglalt voltam. I was really busy. I was really busy. >>eng<< Lopeta ampuminen! Stop shooting! Stop shooting! >>eng<< Kapcsold fel a villanyt! Nem látok semmit. Put the light on. I can't see a thing. Turn the light on, I can't see anything. >>eng<< Tom későn jött haza. Tom was late coming home. Tom came home late. >>eng<< Tomi nipisti Maria. Tom pinched Mary. Tom's got Maria. >>eng<< Nem az a fontos, hogy mit csinálsz, hanem az, hogy azt hogyan csinálod. It's not what you do, but how you do it that matters. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. >>eng<< Tom a késéért nyúlt. Tom reached for his knife. Tom touched for his knife. >>eng<< Vastaa minun kysymykseeni. Answer my question. Answer my question. >>eng<< Még fiatalok. They're still young. They're still young. >>eng<< Sanotaan hänen kirjoittaneen tämän kirjan. It is said that he wrote this book. Let's say he wrote this book. >>eng<< Nem tudom garantálni, hogy holnap itt lesz. I can't ensure that she will be here tomorrow. I can't guarantee he'll be here tomorrow. >>eng<< Mielőtt hazamegyek, lazításként iszok pár italt. Before going home, I have a few drinks to relax. Before I go home, I'll have a few drinks to relax. >>eng<< Micsoda megrázkódtatás! What a shock! What a shock! >>eng<< Jól vagyok. I feel good. I'm fine. >>eng<< Szüksége van erre. She needs this. He needs this. >>eng<< Kuin korttitalo Tomin unelmat ja suunnitelmat romahtivat hänen ympärillään. Like a house of cards, Tom's dreams and plans came crashing down around him. Like a card house, Tom's dreams and plans collapsed around him. >>eng<< Olitko heidän kanssaan sinä yönä? Were you with them that night? Were you with them that night? >>eng<< Hän päätti pitää päiväkirjaa. She decided to keep a diary. He decided to keep the diary. >>eng<< Pese end ära. Wash up. Wash up. >>eng<< Tom ei naura ikinä. Tom never laughs. Tom never laughs. >>eng<< Тый эр кочышым от коч мо? Haven't you had your dinner? Do you want to develop the weak? >>eng<< Mietiskelenpä vaan mitä ihmettä Tomille tapahtui. I wonder what ever happened to Tom. I'm just wondering what the hell happened to Tom. >>eng<< Minähän varoitin sinua. I did warn you. I warned you. >>eng<< Tomi akar venni néhány könyvet. Tom wants to buy some books. Tomi wants to buy some books. >>eng<< Tämä on ensimmäinen lentokonematkani. This is my first journey by airplane. This is my first flight. >>eng<< Tom valószínűleg nem lesz itt holnap. Tom isn't likely to be here tomorrow. Tom probably won't be here tomorrow. >>eng<< El tudod képzelni Bábel ragyogását? Can you imagine Babel's splendor? Can you imagine the glow of Babel? >>eng<< Haluan jäätelön. I want an ice cream. I want an ice cream. >>eng<< Én tejszínhabot teszek a kávémba. I put cream in my coffee. I'm gonna put cream cream in my coffee. >>eng<< Me peaksime sellest rääkima. We should talk about this. We should talk about this. >>eng<< Mennyi zoknid van? How many pairs of socks do you have? How many socks do you have? >>eng<< Meidän galaksimme nimi on Linnunrata. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Bird Track. >>eng<< Oletteko te ainoat, jotka ovat jäljellä? Are you the only ones left? Are you the only ones left? >>eng<< Milyen színű a hajad? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? >>eng<< Yksi, kolme ja viisi ovat parittomia lukuja. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are odd numbers. >>eng<< Älä soita minulle. Don't call me. Don't call me. >>eng<< Odaültem mellé. I sat by his side. I'm sitting next to him. >>eng<< Alan vähitellen tottua tämän paikan kosteaan ilmastoon. I'm slowly getting used to the humid climate here. I'm beginning to get used to the wet climate of this place. >>eng<< Kui palju sul Facebookis sõpru on? How many friends do you have on Facebook? How many friends do you have on Facebook? >>eng<< Azon a reggelen Mária körbement a faluban. That morning Mary went round the whole village. That morning, Mary went around the village. >>eng<< Olitteko te hänen kanssaan sinä yönä? Were you with him that night? Were you with him that night? >>eng<< Minulla on vähän ostoksia tehtävänä. I have some shopping to do. I've got some shopping to do. >>eng<< Sunnuntaita seuraa maanantai. Monday follows Sunday. Sunday's after Monday. >>eng<< Tomi lefordította a levelet franciára. Tom translated the letter into French. Tomi translated the letter into French. >>eng<< Anyám nincs itthon. My mother is out. My mom's not home. >>eng<< Éppen a hegedülést gyakorolja. She is practicing the violin now. He's training the violin. >>eng<< Tom läikytti maidon. Tom spilled the milk. Tom spilled milk. >>eng<< Tämä ei ole ihan se, mikä minulla oli mielessä. This isn't quite what I had in mind. This isn't exactly what I had in mind. >>eng<< Minä käyn uimassa joka päivä. I go swimming every day. I go swimming every day. >>eng<< Olen ranskalainen lääkäri. I am a French doctor. I'm a French doctor. >>krl<< Hello, Chicago! Terveh, Chicago! Hello, hello! >>eng<< A statisztikák azt mutatják, hogy az életszínvonalunk magas. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living is high. >>eng<< Először vasald ki ezeket az ingeket. Iron these shirts first. First iron these shirts. >>eng<< Ette ole muuta kuin moukkia. You're all nothing but pawns. You're all you're ever gonna be. >>eng<< Az igazat mondod nekünk? Are you telling us the truth? Are you telling us the truth? >>eng<< Tomilla on uniongelmia. Tom has problems sleeping. Tom's having trouble sleeping. >>eng<< Mari piilotti rahat rintaliiveihinsä. Mary hid the money in her bra. Mari hid the money in her bra. >>eng<< Olkoon kuka on, emme voi muuta, kuin luottaa häneen Whoever he may be, there's nothing we can do but trust him. Whoever he is, all we can do is trust him. >>eng<< Ez mentett meg. That's what saved me. That's what saved me. >>eng<< Olin ennen rikas. I used to be wealthy. I used to be rich. >>eng<< Segítségre van szükségünk idefent. We need help up here. We need help upstairs. >>eng<< A macskáknak kilenc életük van. Cats have nine lives. Cats have nine lives. >>eng<< Pysytelkää kaikki rauhallisina. Please stay calm, everyone. Everybody stay calm. >>eng<< Aterian jälkeen pyysin laskun. After the meal, I asked for the bill. After the meal, I asked for the bill. >>eng<< Jalkapallon pelaajat tienaavat paljon. Football players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. >>eng<< Tessék, a söröd. Here's your beer. Here's your beer. >>eng<< Missä sinä piileskelet? Where are you hiding? Where are you hiding? >>eng<< Ti ezt a bicajt miért vettétek meg? Why did you buy this bicycle? Why did you buy this bike? >>eng<< Hän koikkelehtii kuin päätön kana. He is running around like a headless chicken. He's like a headless chicken. >>eng<< Tomi ei tule antamaan teille anteeksi. Tom won't forgive you. Tom won't forgive you. >>eng<< Hyvää yötä, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. >>eng<< Még nem próbáltam. I haven't tried. I haven't tried yet. >>eng<< Suuri maanjäristys sattui Meksikossa tänä syksynä. A great earthquake hit Mexico this fall. A major earthquake occurred in Mexico this fall. >>eng<< Miksi et halua tulla kanssani elokuviin? Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me? Why don't you want to go to the movies with me? >>eng<< Kövessük a többieket! Let's follow the others. Let's follow the others. >>eng<< Ha adnak, vedd el, ha ütnek, szaladj el! If something is given to you then take it. If you are beaten, then run away. If you're sold, take it if you're hit, run away. >>eng<< Hárman meghaltak közülük. Three of them died. Three of them are dead. >>eng<< Olen taloudellisesti riippumaton vanhemmistani. I am economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my parents. >>eng<< Milyen szép napunk van! What a beautiful day! What a beautiful day. >>eng<< Tomi kertoi minulle, että olette täällä. Tom told me you were here. Tomi told me you were here. >>eng<< Ethän sinä kertonut hänelle mitään? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him anything, did you? >>eng<< Nousin Lontoon junaan. I got on the train for London. I got on a train in London. >>eng<< Ez nem egy valódi szó. That's not a real word. It's not a real word. >>eng<< Jim avab ukse. Jim opens the door. Jim's opening the door. >>eng<< Hän voitti yllätyksekseni palkinnon. To my surprise, he won the prize. To my surprise, he won the prize. >>eng<< Vanha mies pakeni mutta vaikeuksin. The old man escaped, but with difficulty. The old man escaped, but I'd be in trouble. >>krl<< Joukkue voitti kilpailun. Joukkoveh voitti kilvan. The team won the competition. >>eng<< Miten vastuutonta! How irresponsible! How irresponsible! >>eng<< Próbáltam segíteni Tominak. I tried to help Tom. I tried to help Tomi. >>eng<< Kosovo osallistuu vuoden 2016 olympialaisiin. Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016. Kosovo will participate in the 2016 Olympics. >>eng<< Van itt valami érdekes. Here's something interesting. There's something interesting. >>eng<< Tämä on kultakaivos. This is a gold mine. This is a gold mine. >>eng<< Egy fél grapefruitot reggeliztem. I had half a grapefruit for breakfast. I had a half-graefruit breakfast. >>eng<< Ugyanaz az öreg probléma. It's the same old problem. Same old problem. >>eng<< Jégkorongozom. I play hockey. I'm ice-creaming. >>eng<< Utálom azt a filmet. I hate that movie. I hate that movie. >>eng<< Tatoeba-projekti on virtuaalinen kotimme. Tatoeba Project is our virtual home. The Tatoeba project is our virtual home. >>eng<< Minun täytyy lähteä nyt. Got to go now. I have to go now. >>eng<< Ta istub pingil. He's sitting on the bench. He's sitting on the bench. >>eng<< Tomi oli hassu. Tom was silly. Tom was funny. >>eng<< Kinyissam? Shall I open it? Should I open it? >>eng<< Tykkään ranskan opiskelusta. I like to study French. I like French study. >>eng<< Kiitos. Thanks. Thank you. >>eng<< Kuuntele Tomia. Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. >>sma<< I drink coffee. Manne kaaffem jovkem. It's not a coffee. It's a coffee. It's a coffee. >>eng<< Milyen különös történet! What a queer story! What a strange story. >>eng<< Rendben. Ok. All right. >>eng<< Ezek a képek rossz emlékeket idéznek fel. These pictures bring back bad memories. These pictures bring back bad memories. >>eng<< Mi történik? What is happening? What's going on? >>eng<< Egy hópihe landolt Tom orrán. A snowflake landed on Tom's nose. A snowflake landed on Tom's nose. >>eng<< Panaszkodni fogok rád. I'll complain about you. I'll complain to you. >>eng<< Ellene vagyok, hogy egyedül menjen oda. I object to her going there alone. I'm against him to go there alone. >>eng<< Emme riidelleet! We didn't argue! We didn't fight! >>krl<< Hi, Tom. Terveh, Tom. ~ H.H.I.E.L.D. >>eng<< Hän teeskentelee nukkuvansa. Siksi hän ei kuorsaa. She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring. He pretends to be asleep, which is why he's not snoring. >>eng<< Raamat on laual. The book is on the table. The book's on the table. >>eng<< Tulen saamaan potkut. I'm going to get fired. I'll be fired. >>eng<< Tom on lõunal. Tom is on his lunch break. Tom's at lunch. >>eng<< Szerintem van még időm, hogy azt megcsináljam, mielőtt Tom ideér. I think I still have time to do that before Tom gets here. I think I still have time to do that before Tom gets here. >>eng<< Nem érek rá megcsinálni a mosást. I don't have time to do the laundry. I don't have time to do the laundry. >>eng<< Nem kérdezd, miért, csak csináld! Don't ask why, just do it. Don't ask me why. Just do it. >>eng<< Vigyázz, el ne ess! Take care not to fall. Watch out, don't fall. >>eng<< Sini- ja kosinifunktiot ottavat arvoja miinus yhden ja yhden väliltä, mukaanlukien miinus yksi ja yksi. The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). Blue and kosin functions take values between minus one and one, including minus one and one. >>eng<< Antaisit jo olla! Give me a break! Give it a rest! >>eng<< Tom túl későn jött. Tom came too late. Tom came too late. >>eng<< Van szabad hely? Is there a free spot? Is there a room? >>eng<< Egy fontos kérdés fölött, úgy hiszem, átsiklottunk. I believe we have overlooked an important issue. Over an important question, I think we've missed it. >>eng<< Kun aloitimme vuonna 2009, olin vakuuttunut että liikkeestämme tulisi yksi kaupungin parhaita. When we started out in 2009, I was convinced that our store would become one of the best in the city. When we started in 2009, I was convinced that our movement would be one of the best in the city. >>eng<< Upea idea! That's a lovely idea. That's a great idea. >>eng<< Megkérte Máriát, hogy menjen el vele a rendezvényre. He asked Mary to accompany him to the party. She asked Mary to go with her to the event. >>eng<< Ta on lootustandev tudeng. He is a promising student. He's a hopeful student. >>eng<< Tomi kertoi minulle, että hän tuli suuresta perheestä. Tom told me he came from a large family. Tomi told me she came from a big family. >>eng<< Erre van szükséged. You need this. That's what you need. >>eng<< Võib-olla oligi Tom selle ära teeninud. Perhaps Tom had it coming. Maybe Tom deserved it. >>eng<< Tudni akarom, amit tudsz. I want to know what you know. I want to know what you know. >>eng<< Tom on Marin isäpuoli. Tom is Mary's stepfather. Tom's Mari's stepfather. >>eng<< Jaska on yksi ystävistäni. Jack is one of my friends. I'm glad he's one of my friends. >>eng<< Tom egyke. Tom is an only child. Tom's one. >>eng<< Leage buorre! You are welcome! Have a nice time! >>eng<< A vonatok az erős esőzések miatt megálltak. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. The trains stopped because of the heavy rainfalls. >>eng<< Ette vaikuta kovin kiireisiltä. You don't seem very busy. You don't seem very busy. >>eng<< Se on niin suuri! It's so big! It's so big! >>eng<< Hän ei naura koskaan. He never laughs. He never laughs. >>eng<< Mulle ei meeldi su ettepanek. I don't like your suggestion. I don't like your proposal. >>eng<< Pankki menee kiinni kolmelta iltapäivällä. The bank closes at 3pm. The bank closes at 3:00 in the afternoon. >>eng<< Felismertem az arcát. I recognized his face. I recognized his face. >>eng<< Anyagilag független vagyok a szüleimtől. I'm economically independent of my parents. I'm financially independent of my parents. >>eng<< Onpa hyvä ajatus! What a good idea! That's a good idea. >>eng<< Esperantossa on vain yksi taivutusluokka. Sen voi oppia alle vartissa. In Esperanto there is only a single declension. One can learn it in less than 15 minutes. There's only one bending class in Esperanto, which you can learn in less than 15 minutes. >>eng<< Ta müüs ära kõik, mis tal oli. He sold all that he owned. He sold everything he had. >>eng<< Ne feledkezzünk meg az értekezlet fő céljáról. Let's not forget the main purpose of this meeting. Let us not forget the main purpose of this meeting. >>eng<< Olin Lontoossa viime kuussa. I was in London last month. I was in London last month. >>eng<< Kuitenkaan buddhalaisia lukuun ottamatta tuskin kukaan johdonmukaisesti seuraa tätä periaatetta. However, apart from Buddhists, hardly anyone can consistently follow this principle. However, with the exception of the Buddhists, there is hardly any logical follow-up to this principle. >>eng<< Minulla on kaksi koiraa. Toinen on valkoinen ja toinen musta. I have two dogs. One is white and the other black. I have two dogs, one white and the other black. >>eng<< Homma itsellesi töitä. Find a job. Get yourself a job. >>eng<< Sain päähäni hyvä ajatuksen. A good idea came into my head. I got a good idea. >>eng<< En aja usein. I don't drive often. I don't drive often. >>eng<< Szkeptikusak voltunk. We were skeptical. We were sceptical. >>eng<< Az orvosok nem tudják, mi baja van Tamásnak. The doctors don't know what's wrong with Tom. Doctors don't know what's wrong with Tamás. >>eng<< Tom otti esiin kännykkänsä, että hän voisi ottaa selfien. Tom took out his cell phone so that he could take a selfie. Tom pulled out his cell phone so he could take the selfies. >>eng<< Tom nukkui pommiin. Tom overslept. Tom slept in the bomb. >>eng<< Ha tudtad volna, elmondtad volna nekem, így van? If you had known, you would have told me, wouldn't you? If you knew, you would have told me, wouldn't you? >>eng<< Ma sain hakkama täiesti uskumatu veaga. I have made a prize mistake. I made an incredible mistake. >>eng<< Még nem tudom, hogy ott tudok-e lenni. I'm still not sure I can be there. I don't know if I can be there yet. >>eng<< Siat eivät osaa lentää. Pigs can't fly. Pigs can't fly. >>eng<< Én sem akarom tudni. I don't want to know either. I don't want to know either. >>eng<< Sinulla ei ole suuntavaistoa. You have no sense of direction. You don't have a sense of direction. >>eng<< Tom opettaa ranskaa. Tom teaches French. Tom's teaching French. >>eng<< Fogalma sincs Tominak, hogy mit csinál. Tom has no idea what he's doing. He has no idea what he's doing. >>eng<< Azt gondoltam, Tom még otthon van. I thought Tom was still at home. I thought Tom was still at home. >>eng<< Számtalanszor próbálta már felhívni Tamás Máriát. Tom tried to call Mary numerous times. He's tried to call Maria Tamás many times. >>eng<< Löysin lopultakin töitä. Finally, I found a job. I finally found a job. >>eng<< Magadra fogunk hagyni. We'll leave you alone. We're gonna leave you alone. >>eng<< A "person" többesszáma "people", nem "persons". The plural form of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The multiple numbers of "person" are "people", not "persons". >>eng<< Henkilökohtainen vapaus on vähentynyt viime aikoina. Personal liberty is diminishing nowadays. Personal freedom has decreased recently. >>eng<< Oda figyelj ám! Watch carefully. Listen to me. >>eng<< He olivat vapaana sillä hetkellä. They were free at that moment. They were free at that moment. >>eng<< Älä pelkää lääkärillä käymistä. Don't be afraid of seeing the doctor. Don't be afraid to see a doctor. >>eng<< Tamás azt gondolta, hogy Máriának anyagi problémái vannak. Tom thought that Mary was having money problems. Thomas thought Mary had financial problems. >>eng<< Mihin sinua sattui? Where are you hurt? What happened to you? >>eng<< Mulle meeldib astronoomia. I love astronomy. I like astronomy. >>eng<< Cserben hagyták Tomot. They betrayed Tom. They let Tom down. >>eng<< Tomi ei suostunut auttamaan minua. Tom refused to help me. Tomi wouldn't help me. >>eng<< Ez én vagyok. It's me. That's me. >>eng<< Naamiaisasusi on todella vakuuttava. Your costume is very impressive. Your masquerade is very convincing. >>eng<< Filosofia on oikeastaan koti-ikävää – halua olla kaikkialla kotonaan. Philosophy is actually homesickness: the drive to be at home everywhere. In fact, philosophy is a nuisance — a desire to be all over the country. >>eng<< Tom toivoi että olisi yhä naimaton. Tom wished he were still single. Tom hoped he'd still be single. >>eng<< Nincs időm pletykálni. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time to gossip. >>eng<< Isäni on mennyt Yhdysvaltoihin. My father has gone to the United States. My father has gone to the United States. >>eng<< Baseballt játszanak iskola után. They are going to play baseball after school. They play baseball after school. >>eng<< Tunnen hänen siskonsa. I know her sister. I know her sister. >>eng<< Älä puhu äidillesi noin. Don't talk to your mother like that. Don't talk to your mother like that. >>eng<< Ismét megcsókolta. She kissed him again. He kissed her again. >>eng<< Hän järjestää juhlat ensi viikolla. She will give a party next week. He's having a party next week. >>eng<< Tumma leipä on suosittua Saksassa. Dark bread is popular in Germany. The dark bread is popular in Germany. >>eng<< Ovatko he Tomin veljiä? Are they Tom's brothers? Are they Tom's brothers? >>eng<< Az osztozkodás gondoskodás. Sharing is caring. Distribution is care. >>eng<< Ez hamisítvány? Is this fake? Is this a forgery? >>eng<< Nem dolgoznod kellene most? Aren't you supposed to be at work right now? Shouldn't you be working right now? >>eng<< Semmit nem akarunk tőled. We want nothing from you. We don't want anything from you. >>eng<< Muutin vain mieltäni. Siinä kaikki. I just changed my mind. That's all. I just changed my mind, that's all. >>eng<< Minā tǟnda äb tund. I don't know him. Minā tānda cob hour. >>eng<< Tom fuldoklik. Tom is drowning! Tom's drowning. >>eng<< Veled ellentétben, én nem csinálok bolondot az emberekből a nyilvánosság előtt. Unlike you, I don't make fun of people in public. Unlike you, I'm not making a fool out of people in public. >>eng<< Tom orra elkezdett viszketni. Tom's nose began to itch. Tom's nose started to itch. >>eng<< Találkozód van valakivel? Are you seeing anyone? Do you have an appointment with someone? >>eng<< Tomi söi pilaantunutta ruokaa ja sairastui. Tom ate some spoiled food and became sick. Tomi ate dirty food and got sick. >>eng<< Szeretem a kisvárosokat. I like small towns. I like small towns. >>eng<< Jaana oli pukeutuneena mieheksi. Jane was dressed as a man. Jaana was dressed as a man. >>eng<< Uskotko helvettiin? Do you think there's a hell? Do you believe in hell? >>eng<< Hallottam egy farkast üvölteni. I heard a wolf howling. I heard a wolf screaming. >>eng<< Kérdeztem a fiamtól, mit is szeretne igazából. I asked my son what he really wanted. I asked my son what he really wanted. >>eng<< Tom lesöpörte a homokot a lábairól. Tom wiped the sand from his legs. Tom swept the sand off his feet. >>eng<< Siinä paha missä mainitaan. Speak of the devil. That's what's so bad about it. >>eng<< Szereted a fehér csokoládét? Do you like white chocolate? Do you like white chocolate? >>eng<< Sinun on uskottava itseesi. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in yourself. >>eng<< Megkérdeztem, hol volt. I asked where he had been. I asked him where he was. >>eng<< Ez az igazi ok. That's the true reason. That's the real reason. >>eng<< Me usume, et on aeg tihedamini naeratada. We think it's time to smile more often. We believe it's time to smile more often. >>eng<< Mary tud japánul. Mary can speak Japanese. Mary knows Japanese. >>eng<< Gondoltam, ha elmennénk valahova enni, az felvidítana. I thought going out to eat together would cheer you up. I thought going somewhere to eat would cheer you up. >>eng<< Tomi on kummallinen. Tom is odd. Tom's weird. >>eng<< Elő kell kerítenem Tomit. I must find Tom. I have to find Tom. >>eng<< Nem mondtam el senkinek, hogy itt voltál. I didn't tell anyone that you were here. I didn't tell anyone you were here. >>eng<< Sürgős ügyben kell intézkednem. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I have an urgent matter to deal with. >>eng<< Juss be! Get inside. Get in! >>eng<< En voi antaa sinulle välitöntä vastausta. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. >>eng<< Diétázok. I'm going on a diet. I'm on a diet. >>eng<< Szeretnének. I would be loved. They want to. >>eng<< Onpa omituista! How strange! That's weird! >>eng<< Hän on professorini. She's my professor. He's my professor. >>eng<< Igazán boldog voltam. I was really glad. I was really happy. >>eng<< Ovatko nämä kitkarenkaat? Are these studless tyres? Is this one of those go-karts? >>eng<< Mitä sinä kerroit hänelle minusta? What did you tell her about me? What did you tell him about me? >>eng<< Megállíthattam volna Tomot, de nem tettem. I could have stopped Tom, but I didn't. I could've stopped Tom, but I didn't. >>eng<< Täytyy myöntää, että se on todella houkuttelevaa. I have to admit it's very tempting. I have to admit, it's very attractive. >>eng<< Mul on väga kahju selle üle, mis ma ütlesin. I am very sorry for what I said. I'm so sorry about what I said. >>eng<< Egyikőjüket sem ismerem. I don't know either of them. I don't know either of them. >>eng<< Tom nappasi kiinni oikean vonkaleen. Tom caught a big fish. Tom caught the real thing. >>eng<< Minusta sinun pitäisi sanoa se Tomille. I think you should tell Tom that. I think you should tell Tom that. >>eng<< Oletko Pariisissa? Are you in Paris? Are you in Paris? >>eng<< Pimeys peitti yhä laaksoa. Darkness still covered the valley. The darkness was still covering the valley. >>eng<< Anna asian olla toistaiseksi. Let the matter rest for the time being. Just leave it alone for now. >>eng<< Ide figyelj! Look here! Listen to me. >>eng<< Hän on ystävällinen ihminen. She's a good person. He's a kind person. >>eng<< Nem, nem, ez rajtam múlik. No, no, it's on me. No, no, it's up to me. >>eng<< Tomi opiskeli ranskaa. Tom studied French. Tom was studying French. >>eng<< Onko tilaa vielä yhdelle? Is there space for one more person? Is there room for one more? >>eng<< Ärsyynnyin hänen asenteestaan. I was miffed at her attitude. I was agitated by his attitude. >>eng<< A családom nem túl nagy. My family is not very large. My family's not too big. >>eng<< Harmi että et pääse tulemaan. It is a pity you cannot come. Too bad you can't make it. >>eng<< Puhu! Talk! Speak! >>eng<< Nem tudom letekerni a befőttesüveg tetejét. I can't get the lid off this jar. I can't roll the top of the jar. >>eng<< Kas sul ei ole tööd, mida teha? Don't you have work to do? Don't you have a job to do? >>eng<< Addig is. See you. In the meantime. >>eng<< Haluan leikkiä lumella. I want to play with the snow. I want to play with snow. >>eng<< Hän ei ole tyytyväinen koskaan. He's never satisfied. He's never happy. >>eng<< Tom nem középiskolai tanuló. Tom isn't a high school student. Tom's not a high school student. >>eng<< Törökországból hoz be ruhákat. He imports clothes from Turkey. He's bringing in clothes from Turkey. >>eng<< Megyek kezet mosni. I'm going to go wash my hands. I'm gonna go wash my hands. >>eng<< Tomi tahtoo viettää aikaa Marin kanssa. Tom wants to spend time with Mary. Tom wants to spend some time with Mari. >>eng<< Se keittiönovi avautui. The kitchen door opened. The kitchen door opened. >>eng<< Tervezem, hogy elmegyek oda. I plan on going there. I'm planning to go there. >>eng<< A macska imádnivaló. The cat is adorable. The cat is adorable. >>eng<< Tomilla oli vuokrarahansa kadottamassaan lompakossa. Tom had his rent money in the wallet he lost. Tom had his rent in a wallet he lost. >>eng<< Ne vihaa hämppyjä. They hate spiders. They hate dazzles. >>eng<< Sääsket pitävät ihmistä vaarallisena, mutta tärkeänä ravinnonlähteenä. Mosquitoes consider human beings a dangerous but necessary source of nutrition. The weather sees man as a dangerous, but an important source of food. >>eng<< Tom tunnusti tappionsa. Tom admitted that he had been defeated. Tom confessed to his defeat. >>eng<< Te vagy a legfontosabb személy az életemben. You are the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. >>eng<< Az ajtó lassan kinyílt. The door opened slowly. The door opened slowly. >>eng<< Nem valószínű, hogy Tom tudja, hol lakik Mari. Tom isn't likely to know where Mary lives. It's unlikely Tom knows where Mari lives. >>eng<< A faluban. In the village. In the village. >>eng<< Amikor kíváncsi leszek a véleményedre, megkérdezem majd. When I want your opinion, I'll ask you for it. When I'm interested in your opinion, I'll ask. >>eng<< Korjasin yhden. I corrected one. I fixed one. >>eng<< Tomi sanoo, että hän käy lenkillä vähintään kolme kertaa viikossa. Tom says he goes jogging at least three times a week. Tomi says he's going for a run at least three times a week. >>eng<< Kaikki nauroivat Jaakolle. Everybody laughed at Jack. Everyone laughed at Jaako. >>eng<< Minä olen hyvin kiinnostunut tähtitieteestä. I'm very interested in astronomy. I'm very interested in astronomy. >>eng<< Tykkään ottaa kuvia. I like to take pictures. I like to take pictures. >>eng<< Kukaan ei voi elää kahtasataa vuotta. Nobody can live for two hundred years. No one can live two hundred years. >>eng<< Haluan suudella teitä. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. >>eng<< Tom väitti olevansa syytön, kun häntä syytettiin rattijuopumuksesta ja holtittomasta ajamisesta. Tom pleaded not guilty to charges of drunken driving and reckless driving. Tom claimed he was innocent when he was accused of driving and driving recklessly. >>eng<< Yliarvostettu juu mutta kyllä se hyvä manga on. Overrated, yes, but it is a good manga. It's overrated, but it's a good manga. >>eng<< Azt hittem, talán ér valamit. I thought it might be worth something. I thought it might be worth something. >>eng<< Me olemme olleet ystäviä jo kolmekymmentä vuotta. We've been friends for over thirty years. We've been friends for thirty years. >>eng<< Olen vapaa mies. I'm free. I'm a free man. >>eng<< En osaa luetella tätä sanaa kirjain kirjaimelta. I don't know how to spell the word. I can't read this word from a letter. >>eng<< Ta kuulas mind säravate silmadega. She listened to me with her eyes shining. He listened to me with bright eyes. >>eng<< Emme voi sille mitään. We can't help it. We can't help it. >>eng<< Tämä loota ei mahdu matkalaukkuuni. This box won't fit in my suitcase. This hope can't fit in my suitcase. >>eng<< Kaukana havupuiden takana on pieni puutarha. Siellä ruoho kasvaa pitkänä ja syvänä, siellä on myrkkykatkon kukkien valkoisia tähtiä, siellä satakieli laulaa koko yön. Koko yön hän laulaa, ja kylmä kristallikuu katsoo alas, ja havupuu levittää suuret kätensä nukkujien ylle. Far away beyond the pine-woods, there is a little garden. There the grass grows long and deep, there are the great white stars of the hemlock flower, there the nightingale sings all night long. All night long he sings, and the cold crystal moon looks down, and the yew-tree spreads out its giant arms over the sleepers. The grass grows long and deep, there are white stars of the toxin flowers, there is a hundred languages to sing all night. All night he sings, and the cold crystal moon looks down, and the tree spreads his big hands over the sleepers. >>eng<< Tom tényleg beteg volt. Tom was really sick. Tom was really sick. >>eng<< Szinte minden nap beszélek franciául. I speak French almost every day. I speak French almost every day. >>eng<< Tietääkö Tom mitä Mari teki? Is Tom aware of what Mary did? Does Tom know what Mari did? >>eng<< Hän petti minua. She cheated on me. He betrayed me. >>eng<< Híreim vannak. I have news. I have news. >>eng<< Meg vagyok győződve róla, hogy ezt a teniszmérkőzést én nyerem. I'm sure that I'll win that tennis match. I'm sure I'll win this tennis match. >>eng<< Tom az egyik legjobb énekes, akit valaha is hallottam. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. Tom is one of the best singers I've ever heard. >>eng<< Nem szoktam hozzá az ilyenfajta munkához. I'm not used to this kind of work. I'm not used to doing that kind of work. >>eng<< Itt fogunk enni. We will eat here. We're gonna eat here. >>eng<< Sinun täytyy vain odottaa. All you need to do is wait. You just have to wait. >>eng<< Jobb, ha velem jön. You may as well come with me. You better come with me. >>eng<< Hány? How much? How many? >>eng<< Komolynak kell lennünk. We have to be serious. We have to be serious. >>eng<< Kas ma võin tühistada pileti? Can I cancel this ticket? Can I cancel the ticket? >>eng<< Jöjjünk össze! Let's get together. Let's get together. >>eng<< Kas ma võin alkoholi juua? Can I drink alcohol? Can I have a drink? >>eng<< Tomin suunnitelma on aika hyvä. Tom's plan is quite good. Tom's plan is pretty good. >>eng<< Toivon todellakin, että olet oikeassa. I really hope you're right. I really hope you're right. >>eng<< Teidän tulee keskittyä tiehen kun te ajatte. You should concentrate on the road when you're driving. I need you to focus on the road while you're driving. >>eng<< A felesége külföldinek látszik. His wife seems to be foreign. His wife looks foreign. >>eng<< Misiganes. Whatever! Whatever. >>eng<< Mistä sait tuon naarmun poskeesi? Where did you get that scratch on your cheek? Where did you get that scratch on your cheeks? >>eng<< Onko se edistystä, että ihmissyöjä käyttää veistä ja haarukkaa? Is it a progress if a cannibal is using a knife and fork? Is it a step forward that a man-eater uses a knife and a fork? >>eng<< Minulla ei ole pankkitiliä euroille. I don't have an account for euros. I don't have a bank account for the euro. >>eng<< Ta käib harva kirikus. He seldom goes to church. He rarely goes to church. >>eng<< Kaks naist laulavad. Two women are singing. Two women sing. >>eng<< Harmincan voltak jelen a gyűlésen. There were thirty people present at the meeting. Thirty people were present at the meeting. >>eng<< Akarod tudni, hogy hogyan kell? Do you want to know how? Do you want to know how to do it? >>eng<< Sinun täytyy noudattaa sääntöjä. You need to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. >>eng<< Jos ystäväsi hyppäisivät sillalta, hyppäisitkö sinäkin? If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too? If your friends jumped off the bridge, would you? >>eng<< Jó buli volt. It was a nice party. It was fun. >>eng<< Tom on see, kellel on auto. Tom is the one with a car. Tom's the one with the car. >>eng<< Tom azt akarta, hogy Mary segítsen neki a kertben. Tom wanted Mary to help him in the garden. Tom wanted Mary to help him in the garden. >>eng<< Soha nem láttam Tomot táncolni. I've never seen Tom dance. I've never seen Tom dance. >>eng<< Egész héten itt leszünk. We'll be here all week. We'll be here all week. >>eng<< Minun olisi parasta mennä takaisin sisälle. I'd better get back inside. I'd better get back inside. >>eng<< Tomilla on kolme ranskan sanakirjaa Tom has three French dictionaries. Tom has three French dictionaries. >>eng<< Mindenki utálja. He is hated by all. Everybody hates it. >>eng<< Tom most harcol, igaz? Tom is fighting, isn't he? Tom's fighting now, isn't he? >>eng<< Magára maradt. He stayed alone. You're the only one left. >>eng<< Ismo, ei! Sam, no! Ismo, no! >>eng<< Minä olen Hong Kongissa juuri nyt. I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm in Hong Kong right now. >>eng<< Vektoreiden ei tarvitse vastata fyysisiä suureita; mikä tahansa voi olla vektoriavaruus, kunhan vektorien yhteenlasku ja skalaareilla kertominen on määritelty. Vectors need not correspond to a physical quantity; anything can be a vector space as long as vector addition and scalar multiplication is defined. The vectors do not need to correspond to the physical large ones; anything can be a vector space, provided that the sum of the vectors and the scalars are specified. >>sma<< Tom drinks. Tom jovkoe. Member of the Commission >>eng<< Tuo minulle kuiva pyyhe. Bring me a dry towel. Bring me a dry towel. >>eng<< Itt van egy példa. Here's an example. Here's an example. >>eng<< Jos haluat esittää kysymyksen, niin nosta kätesi. If you want to ask a question, please put your hand up. If you want to ask a question, raise your hand. >>eng<< Kinek higgyünk? Who should we believe? Who do we believe in? >>eng<< Aggodalomra semmi ok. You don't need to worry. There's nothing to worry about. >>eng<< Senki nem tudta, hogy ezt ki tette. No one knew who did it. No one knew who did this. >>eng<< Parempi ystävä pivossa kuin kymmenen oksalla. A friend in hand is worth two in the bush! He's a better friend in the box than he is with ten branches. >>eng<< Tartanád ezt nekem? Can you hold this for me? Can you hold this for me? >>eng<< Kethään ei piä panna arresthiin tahi fankilhaan eli ajjaat pois maasta ilman eellytystä. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. There's no way you're going to put him in Arresth, or you're going to drive him out of the country without predicament. >>eng<< Ma pean seda meeles. I'll keep it in mind. I'll remember that. >>eng<< Tom tagadta, hogy bármilyen szerepe lenne az ügyben. Tom denied that he had been involved in the affair. Tom denied any role in this case. >>eng<< Hylkään ehdotuksesi. I spurn your offer. I reject your proposal. >>eng<< New York on suuri kaupunki. New York is a big city. New York's a big city. >>eng<< Tere kõigile! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! >>eng<< Gos boađát? Where do you come from? Gos' score? >>eng<< Ez segít? Does that help? Does that help? >>eng<< Alszol te eleget? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you sleep enough? >>eng<< Tamás nem ment templomba. Tom didn't go to church. Thomas didn't go to church. >>eng<< Néha megijesztesz. You frighten me sometimes. Sometimes you scare me. >>eng<< A világ sokat változott az elmúlt harminc évben. The world has changed a lot in the last thirty years. The world has changed a lot in the last thirty years. >>eng<< Nem megyünk el. You're not leaving. We're not leaving. >>eng<< Lennél szíves kicsit lassabban beszélni? Could you please speak a little slower? Would you please slow down? >>eng<< Bocsásd meg, hogy elkéstem. Please pardon me for coming late. Forgive me for being late. >>eng<< Ő egy igazi boszorkány! She is a true witch! He's a real witch! >>eng<< Järki käteen. Get real. Get your hands where I can see them. >>eng<< A fényképezés az érdeklődési területem. I am interested in taking pictures. Photography is my field of interest. >>eng<< Pidän hänen tyylistään: hän on aggressiivinen ja määrätietoinen nainen. I like her style; she's aggressive and knows what she wants. I like his style: he's an aggressive and determined woman. >>eng<< A doboz majdnem üres. The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. >>eng<< Tomi ei käytä somea ollenkaan. Tom doesn't use any social media. Tomi doesn't wear soy at all. >>eng<< Valaki tett az italába valamit. Someone put something in her drink. Someone put something in his drink. >>eng<< A szülei meghívtak vacsorára. His parents invited me to dinner. Her parents invited me to dinner. >>eng<< Maailmassa on enemmän kuin 4000 kieltä. There are over 4000 languages in the world. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. >>krl<< Good morning, Mike. Hyviä huondestu, Mike. Dylan Good-bye, Mike. >>eng<< A ti iskolátokban tanítják a francia nyelvet? Is French taught at your school? Do you teach French in your school? >>eng<< Ajan huomenna Bostoniin. I'm driving to Boston tomorrow. I'll drive to Boston tomorrow. >>eng<< Megőrülök. I'm going mad. I'm going crazy. >>eng<< Lepd meg a feleségedet ajándékkal. Surprise your wife with a gift. Surprise your wife with gifts. >>eng<< Pakold el a ruháidat! Put your clothes away. Pack your clothes. >>eng<< Ez nekem kínai. It's Chinese to me. It's Chinese for me. >>eng<< Térjünk a lényegre. Get to the point. Let's get to the point. >>eng<< Anna kun minä kokeilen sitä. Let me try it. Let me try it. >>eng<< Tomia tarvitaan muualla. Tom is needed elsewhere. We need Tom somewhere else. >>eng<< Hänellä on taipumusta ylimielisyyteen. He tends to be arrogant. He has a tendency to arrogance. >>eng<< Messze van Párizs? Is Paris far away? How far is Paris? >>eng<< Tomi säikäytettiin. Tom was startled. Tom was scared. >>eng<< Aurinko laski vuorten taakse. The sun went down behind the mountains. The sun fell behind the mountains. >>eng<< Valaki tévedésből elvitte a cipőmet. Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. Someone wrongly took my shoes. >>eng<< Kas me sööme täna väljas? Are we going to eat out tonight? Are we going to eat outside tonight? >>eng<< Tom unja magát. Tom's bored. Tom's bored of himself. >>eng<< Vaikka hän on vanha, hän on yhä tehtävänsä veroinen. Though he is old, he is still equal to the task. Even though he's old, he's still worth his job. >>eng<< Tom on hyvä päästään. Tom is smart. Tom's good at it. >>eng<< Hän käyttäytyy kuin lapsi. He behaves like a child. She's acting like a child. >>eng<< Lopeta iniseminen. Stop whining. Stop insinuating. >>sma<< I'm 18 years old. Manne leam luhkiegaektsien jaepien båeries. ~ I'm 18 years old. >>eng<< Moziba mennék, ha lenne időm. I would go to the movies if I had the time. I'd go to a movie if I had time. >>eng<< Egy oldal hiányzik. There is a page missing. There's a page missing. >>eng<< Tom úgy tűnik, élvezi a partit. Tom seems to be enjoying the party. Tom seems to be enjoying the party. >>eng<< Ära liigu! Hold it! Don't move! >>eng<< Ez nagyon fájdalmas. This is very painful. It's very painful. >>eng<< Egyáltalán nem bonyolult. It's not complicated at all. It's not complicated at all. >>eng<< Te vagy életem nagy szerelme. You are the great love of my life. You're the love of my life. >>eng<< Kék a szeme. She has blue eyes. His eyes are blue. >>eng<< Azok a kígyók rendkívül veszélyesek. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. Those snakes are extremely dangerous. >>eng<< Tomi jégkorongozik. Tom plays hockey. Tomi's ice-creaming. >>eng<< Mari tykkää kiusata veljeään. Mary likes teasing her brother. Mari likes to bully her brother. >>eng<< Lill on punast värvi. The flower is red. The flower is a red color. >>eng<< Ääniominaisuus on saatavilla vain joissain kiinan-, hollannin-, ranskan-, saksan- ja shanghainkiinankielisissä lauseissa. The audio feature is only available in some sentences in Chinese, Dutch, French, German and Shanghainese. The sound feature is only available in some Chinese, Dutch, French, German and Shanchinese sentences. >>eng<< Valójában működik. It really does work. It's actually working. >>eng<< Menen sokkotreffeille perjantai-iltana. I'm going to go on the blind date Friday evening. I'm going to a blind date on Friday night. >>eng<< Tomi sanoo, että se on kiireellinen asia. Tom says it's urgent. Tomi says it's a matter of urgency. >>eng<< Ne hibázzál! Don't make a mistake. Don't make a mistake. >>eng<< Van bizonyos valószínűsége annak, hogy az életembe fog kerülni a dolog. There's a possibility that I'll get killed. There's a certain probability that it's gonna cost me my life. >>eng<< Tom ei osaa ranskaa. Tom doesn't know French. Tom doesn't speak French. >>eng<< En ole niin kuin kaikki muut. I'm not like everybody else. I'm not like everyone else. >>eng<< Ez egy történelmi színmű. It is an historical play. It's a historical play. >>eng<< Aurinko nousee. The sun is rising. The sun's coming up. >>eng<< Vanhempani olivat opettajia. My parents were teachers. My parents were teachers. >>eng<< Siņņi kȭr um ūž. The blue bicycle is new. It's a good idea. It's a good idea. It's a good idea. >>eng<< Hol eszünk ma este? Where shall we eat tonight? Where are we going to eat tonight? >>eng<< Hiszed vagy sem, ez az igazság. Believe it or not, that is true. Believe it or not, it's the truth. >>eng<< Először azt hittem, hogy Tom csak viccel. At first, I thought Tom was joking. At first I thought Tom was joking. >>eng<< Se ei ole mitään liioittelua. That's no exaggeration. It's not an outrage. >>eng<< Me olemme aina varovaisia. We're always careful. We're always careful. >>eng<< Amit Tom mondott Marynek, nem volt igaz. What Tom told Mary wasn't true. What Tom told Mary wasn't true. >>eng<< Vaata seda. Take a look at that. Look at this. >>eng<< Vihaan naapuriani. I hate my neighbor. I hate my neighbor. >>krl<< The lakes and rivers, too, are full of fish. Järvet da jovetgi ollah kalakkahat. The real estate and order, too, are full of fish. >>eng<< Mary rózsaszín blúzt viselt. Mary wore a pink blouse. Mary was wearing a pink shirt. >>eng<< Mua janottaa. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. >>eng<< Kuinka vanha sinä olet oikeasti? How old are you really? How old are you really? >>eng<< Antaudun. I surrender. I surrender. >>eng<< Neki akarom adni. I want to give it to her. I want to give it to him. >>eng<< Emme ole vielä auki. We're not open yet. We're not open yet. >>eng<< Valamikor a jövő héten találkozunk. I'll be seeing you sometime next week. I'll see you at some point next week. >>eng<< Tom egyre gazdagabb. Tom is getting rich. Tom's getting richer. >>eng<< A kutyám fehér. My dog is white. My dog's white. >>eng<< Muista pitää hyvää huolta itsestäsi! Remember to take good care of yourself! Remember to take good care of yourself! >>eng<< Nekünk vette. He bought it for us. He bought it for us. >>eng<< Tomi szava áll Mari szava ellenében. It's Tom's word against Mary's. Tomi's word is against Mari's word. >>eng<< Jotkut ihmiset pitävät kissoista ja jotkut taas koirista. Some people like cats, others prefer dogs. Some people like cats and some like dogs again. >>eng<< Tomi varasti minun sateenvarjoni. Tom stole my umbrella. Tom stole my umbrella. >>eng<< Yleensä me syömme ennen seitsemää. We usually eat before seven. We usually eat before 7:00. >>eng<< Hol a kés? Where's the knife? Where's the knife? >>eng<< Pidän hänestä kaikista opettajista eniten. I like him best of all the teachers. I like him the most. >>eng<< Az autók drágák. Cars are expensive. Cars are expensive. >>eng<< Ez is egy alma. This is an apple, too. It's also an apple. >>eng<< Ostin eilen kurpitsansiemeniä ennen kuin kirahvi puri minua. Yesterday I bought pumpkin seeds before the giraffe bit me. I bought pumpkin seed last night before I got bit by the shrapnel. >>eng<< Siin lõhnab midagi hästi. Something smells good in here. It smells good in here. >>eng<< Hogyan érheti el az ember a sikert? How does one achieve success? How can you achieve success? >>eng<< Rügyeznek a fák. The trees are in bud. The trees are overthrowing. >>eng<< Kerro minulle lisää itsestäsi. Tell me more about yourself. Tell me more about yourself. >>eng<< Hänen ranskansa oli sujuvaa. She was fluent in French. His French was smooth. >>eng<< Hän ei ymmärrä sarkasmia. She doesn't understand sarcasm. He doesn't understand sarcasm. >>eng<< Tom és Mary párnacsatáztak. Tom and Mary had a pillow fight. Tom and Mary had a pillow fight. >>eng<< Tom azt mondta nekik, hogy ne tegyék ezt. Tom told them not to do that. Tom told them not to do this. >>eng<< Kaikki minun ystäväni puhuvat ranskaa. All my friends speak French. All my friends speak French. >>eng<< Koska Tom ei pystynyt ansaitsemaan kunnollista elantoa yökerhomuusikkona, hänen täytyi hankkia päivätyö. Since Tom couldn't make a decent living as a nightclub musician, he had to get a day job. Since Tom was unable to earn a decent living as a nightclub musician, he had to get a day’s work. >>eng<< Hallottad, amit mondtam? Have you heard what I said? Did you hear what I said? >>eng<< Adják át a fegyvereiket! Hand over your weapons. Give me your guns! >>eng<< Haittaako, jos istun kanssasi? Would you mind if I sit with you? Do you mind if I sit with you? >>eng<< Ugye Tomi soha sem jön vissza? Tom is never going to come back here, is he? Tomi's never coming back, is she? >>eng<< Nem tudom ezt a fájdalmat tovább elviselni. I can't stand this pain any more. I can't take this pain anymore. >>eng<< En tiedä mihin uskoa. I don't know what to believe. I don't know what to believe. >>eng<< Tom teki valintansa. Tom made his choice. Tom made his choice. >>eng<< Tom pani kogemata oma tee sisse soola. Tom put salt in his tea by mistake. Tom accidentally put salt in his tea. >>eng<< Segíts magadon, és Isten is megsegít! The gods help them that help themselves. Help yourself, and God will help you. >>eng<< Mindannyian jól szórakoztunk a vígjátékon. We were all amused with the comedy. We all had fun at the comedy. >>eng<< Rendesebben kell tanulnod. You must study harder. You need to learn better. >>eng<< Häivy! Go away. Get out! >>eng<< Ryhdistäydy! Get a grip on yourself! Get your ass together! >>myv<< Yes, of course. Эно, нама. Yes, of course. >>eng<< Tomin auto takavarikoitiin. Tom's car was impounded. Tom's car was confiscated. >>eng<< Egy alkalommal Tom egy olcsó étteremben evett és ételmérgezést kapott, így most nagyon ügyel arra, hogy hol eszik. Tom once ate at an cheap restaurant and got food poisoning, so now he is very careful about where he eats. On one occasion, Tom was at a cheap restaurant eating food poisoning, so he's looking out for where he's eating. >>eng<< Mikor tartják a választásokat? When are the elections? When are the elections held? >>eng<< Sok plüssállatom van. I have a lot of stuffed animals. I've got a lot of stuffed animals. >>eng<< Olen tuntenut Tomin pitkään. I've known Tom a long time. I've known Tom a long time. >>eng<< Kuinka se mennee? How is it going? How'd it go? >>eng<< Nem gond, ha leülök ide? Is it OK to sit here? Do you mind if I sit down here? >>eng<< Ő az egyetlen, aki túlélte. He's the only one who survived. He's the only one who survived. >>eng<< Arst kasutas minu kõhu uurimiseks röntgenit. The doctor used X-rays to examine my stomach. The doctor used an X-ray to investigate my stomach. >>eng<< Ki az a nő, aki ott áll? Who is the woman standing there? Who's the woman standing there? >>eng<< See on väga väike raamat. This is a very small book. It's a very small book. >>eng<< A pénisz behatolt a hüvelybe. The penis entered the vagina. The penis has penetrated the vagina. >>eng<< Kirkasvetinen joki virtaa kaupunkimme lävitse, ja voimme nähdä monia karppeja uivan siinä. A clean river flows through our town, and we can see many carp swimming in it. The Chervic river flows through our city, and we can see many cartons swimming in it. >>eng<< Sinä et auta. You aren't helping. You're not helping. >>eng<< Se on sika halpa. It's dirt-cheap. It's a cheap pig. >>eng<< Yrität liikaa. You're trying too hard. You're trying too hard. >>eng<< Tom vagyok és függő. I'm Tom and I'm an addict. I'm Tom. I'm an addict. >>eng<< – Kansainvälisessä TV:ssä? kysyi Dima. – Mitä sinä tarkoitat, Al-Sayib? "International TV?" Dima asked. "What are you talking about, Al-Sayib?" Dima asked me. “What do you mean, Al-Sayib? >>eng<< Szájba vágta Tomot. He struck Tom in the mouth. He cut Tom in the mouth. >>eng<< Fáradt vagyok. I'm tired. I'm tired. >>eng<< Arra számítanak, hogy győzni fognak. They expect to win. They expect you to win. >>eng<< Volt, hogy szomszédok voltunk. We used to be neighbours. We used to be neighbors. >>eng<< Arvasit oikein! Kirja oli vielä autossa. You've hit it! The book was still in the car. The book was still in the car. >>eng<< Tom ei puhu enää minulle. Tom isn't speaking to me anymore. Tom doesn't talk to me anymore. >>eng<< Ismered a méreted? Do you know your size? Do you know your size? >>eng<< Tomi él? Is Tom alive? Is Tomi alive? >>eng<< Mindenki azt mondja, hogy az étel ebben az étteremben nagyon jó. Everyone says that the food at this restaurant is very good. Everyone says the food in this restaurant is very good. >>eng<< Söin graavikalaa ensimmäisen kerran vasta kun tulin Japaniin. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. I didn't eat shrimp until I came to Japan for the first time. >>eng<< Először Tomot kellett volna megkérdeznem. I should have asked Tom first. I should have asked Tom first. >>eng<< Se oli vähän pelottavaa aluksi. It was a bit scary at first. It was a little scary at first. >>eng<< Minun mielestäni se ei ole niin. I don't think so. I don't think it's like that. >>eng<< Kész vagyok segíteni neked bármikor. I'm always willing to help you. I'm ready to help you at any time. >>eng<< Ära puuduta mind! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! >>eng<< Tom vett Marynek egy ajándékot. Tom brought Mary a gift. Tom bought Mary a present. >>eng<< Olemme nelihenkinen perhe. There are four people in my family. We're a family of four. >>eng<< Anteeksi, mutta voisinko lainata puhelintasi? Excuse me, but may I use your telephone? Excuse me, but could I borrow your phone? >>eng<< Van egy probléma. There's one problem. There's a problem. >>eng<< Megkérdezte tőle, és ő igent mondott. She asked him and he said yes. He asked her, and she said yes. >>eng<< Keitä ovat nuo kolme miestä? Who are those three men? Who are those three men? >>eng<< Toukokuun 24. on slaavikirjoituksen ja -kulttuurin päivä. The 24th of May is the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. May 24th is the day of singing and culture. >>eng<< A mormota halhatatlan. The marmot is immortal. Mormota is immortal. >>eng<< En tosiaankaan ymmärrä tätä ongelmaa. I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand this problem. >>eng<< Me olimme lukemassa. We were reading. We were reading. >>eng<< Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy jöjjön be. Tom asked Mary to come inside. Tom asked Mary to come in. >>eng<< Tomilla ei ollut mitään epäilyksiä niin ison yleisön edessä puhumisesta. Tom had no qualms at all about speaking in front of such a large audience. Tom had no doubt about talking in front of such a large audience. >>eng<< A földön ültem. I sat on the floor. I was on the floor. >>eng<< Azt se tudtam, hogy házas vagy. I didn't even know you were married. I didn't even know you were married. >>eng<< Olajat keresünk. We're looking for oil. We're looking for oil. >>eng<< Hová fog menni Tom? Where will Tom go? Where's Tom going? >>eng<< Ymmärsittekö te tuon? Did you get that? Do you understand that? >>eng<< Tomi yritti pestä veren pois vaatteistaan. Tom tried to wash the blood off his clothes. Tomi tried to wash the blood out of his clothes. >>eng<< Bújjunk el a függöny mögé. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. >>eng<< Nagyon szeretjük a parkjainkat. We love our parks. We love our parks very much. >>eng<< Mennyit buktunk? How much did we lose? How much did we fail? >>eng<< Tämä on minun elämäni. This is my life. This is my life. >>eng<< Milyen színt viselt Tom? What colour was Tom wearing? What color did Tom wear? >>eng<< Mary neiupõlvenimi on Jackson. Mary's maiden name is Jackson. Mary's maiden name is Jackson. >>eng<< Legyél fél hétre itthon! Be home by half past six. Be home for half a week. >>eng<< Appi! Help me! Help! >>eng<< Marista on juuri tullut todella terveen poikavauvan äiti. Mary has just become the mother of a very healthy baby boy. Marista has just become the mother of a very healthy boy. >>eng<< Azt hiszem, kiesett néhány filmkocka. I think I blacked out. I think some of the movies went missing. >>eng<< Ma este igen jól szórakoztam. I really enjoyed myself tonight. I had a really good time tonight. >>eng<< Ma söön palju liha. I eat a lot of meat. I eat a lot of meat. >>eng<< Nem voltak otthon. They weren't at home. They weren't home. >>eng<< Head ööd kõigile! Good night, everybody! Good night, everyone! >>eng<< Miért akar csatlakozni a hadsereghez Tamás? Why does Tom want to join the army? Why do you want to join the army, Thomas? >>eng<< Voinko minä käyttää sinun lyijykynääsi? Can I use your pencil? Can I use your pencil? >>eng<< Entinen aviomieheni ei enää asu tässä kaupungissa. My ex-husband no longer lives in this city. My ex-husband no longer lives in this town. >>eng<< A férfiak didkója a bicepsz. Biceps are man boobs. Men's doppelgangers are biceps. >>eng<< Miért jöttél ide? What did you come here for? Why did you come here? >>eng<< Pidä kivaa! Enjoy yourself! Have a good time! >>eng<< Elég ramaty a berber tudásom. My Berber is shit. I've had enough of my berber skills. >>eng<< Syntymäpäiväkuvat ovat todella teräviä The birthday pictures are very sharp. The birthday pictures are really sharp. >>eng<< Hei. Hello! Hey. >>eng<< Nem hiszek Istenben. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. >>eng<< Sa ei saa seda enam teha. You can't do that anymore. You can't do this anymore. >>eng<< Linna on nyt raunioina. The castle is now in ruins. The castle is now in ruins. >>eng<< Tämä lause ei ole käännös. Se on alkuperäisversio. This sentence is not a translation. It's the original. This sentence is not a translation. >>eng<< Tom uskoo sinua. Tom believes you. Tom believes you.