Том не програє. Tom won't lose. Tom won't lose. Сьогодні мені немає чого робити. I've got nothing to do today. I don't have anything to do today. Том у місті. Tom is in town. Tom's in town. Ви знаєте, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do this, do you? Мій улюблений овоч — помідор. My favorite vegetable is the tomato. My favorite vegetable is the tomato. 2539 — просте число. 2539 is a prime number. 2539 is a prime number. Скажіть Тому. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. Я гарніший, ніж ви. I am more beautiful than you. I'm more beautiful than you. Ні, це не мій новий хлопець. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, it's not my new boyfriend. Наука зводить літаки з хмарочосами; віра ж зводить їх між собою. Science builds planes and skyscrapers, but faith brings them together. Science makes planes with skyscrapers; and faith deceives them among themselves. Ти виглядаєш втомленим. You're looking tired. You look tired. Ви знаєте, що Том любить машини. You know Tom likes cars. You know Tom loves cars. Вона не розуміє сарказму. She doesn't understand sarcasm. She doesn't understand sarcasm. Мені шкода, Томе. I'm sorry, Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Це бомба. It's a bomb. It's a bomb. Як ти гадаєш, що я робив? What do you think I was doing? What do you think I did? Як французькою сказати «привіт»? How do you say "hello" in French? How do you say "hit" in French? Чия це машина? Whose car is this? Whose car is it? Я живу не сама. I don't live alone. I don't live alone. Він міцний горішок. He is a tough cookie. He's a strong nut. Ваша задача схожа на мою. Your problem is similar to mine. Your task is similar to mine. Я пішов до неї за порадою I went to her for advice. I went to her for advice. Слово "родина" має три склади. The word "family" has 3 syllables. The word "family" has three syllables. Я вивчаю болгарську. I'm learning Bulgarian. I study Bulgarian. Резюме — це лише реклама. A resume is just an advertisement. Summary is just advertising. Коли ви останнього разу були в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Я вже давно не бачив жодних бабок тут непадолік. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area. I haven't seen any grandmas here for a long time. Цей роман написаний відомим американським письменником. This novel was written by a famous American writer. This novel is written by a famous American writer. Це кохання? Is it love? Is that love? У мене пряме волосся. I have straight hair. I have straight hair. Клас! Terrific! Wow! Я молюся за Тома. I'm praying for Tom. I pray for Tom. Я ніколи не потрапляв у халепу. I never got into any trouble. I've never been in trouble. Том сказав, що він шкодує про те, що забув поцілувати Мері на прощання. Tom said that he wished he hadn't forgotten to kiss Mary goodbye. Tom said he regrets forgetting to kiss Mary goodbye. Чому ви ненавидите жінок? Why do you hate women? Why do you hate women? Просто підійди і запитай Тома. Just go and ask Tom. Just come and ask Tom. Зараз не Різдво. It isn't Christmas. It's not Christmas now. Том пронирливий. Tom is nosey. Tom's rotten. Том дуже розсердився на Мері. Tom got very angry with Mary. Tom was very angry with Mary. У мене мало англійських книжок. I have few English books. I don't have enough English books. На піджаку є гудзики. There are buttons on the coat. There's buttons on the jacket. Том все ще живе біля тебе? Does Tom live near you? Tom still lives next to you? Том хотів, щоб Мері говорила. Tom wanted Mary to speak. Tom wanted Mary to talk. Вона має довге волосся. She has long hair. She has long hair. Я не пам'ятаю, коли я зустрів його у перший раз. I don't remember when I first met him. I don't remember when I met him for the first time. Самі любить суниці. Sami likes wild strawberries. Sami loves strawberrys. Бог створив небеса і землю. God created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. Том не купив те, що йому було потрібно. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Tom didn't buy what he needed. Вам сказали, де буде зустріч? Have you been told where the meeting will be? Did they tell you where the meeting would be? Я дуже сподіваюся, що Том не виграє. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I really hope Tom won't win. Сподіваюся, йому сподобається мій подарунок. I hope he likes my present. I hope he likes my present. Складно висловлювати свої думки англійською. It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English. It's hard to express your thoughts in English. Джон розумніший, ніж Білл. John is more intelligent than Bill. John is smarter than Bill. Том не хоче мати дівчину. Tom doesn't want a girlfriend. Tom doesn't want a girl. Знайдіть це. Find it. Find it. Том занадто непокоїться про своїх дітей. Tom worries too much about his children. Tom is too concerned about his children. Говорити французькою непросто. It's not easy to speak French. It's hard to speak French. Він чомусь непопулярний. He is unpopular for some reason. He's unpopular for some reason. У цьому класі 40 учнів. There are 40 pupils in this class. There are 40 students in this class. Ти записав номер Тома? Did you write down Tom's number? Did you record Tom's number? Ми з нею приблизного одного віку. She's about the same age as me. She and I are about the same age. У цій будівлі немає туалетів. There are no restrooms in this building. There are no toilets in this building. Том — лідер. Tom is a leader. Tom is the leader. Малоймовірно, що те, що сказав Том, — правда. What Tom said is not likely to be true. It is unlikely that what Tom said is true. Хіба я тебе не попередив? Didn't I warn you? Didn't I warn you? Будь ласка, подай мені штопор. Please hand me the bottle opener. Please give me the slipper. Вона не любила свого чоловіка. She didn't like her husband. She did not love her husband. Між мною та Томом немає нічого. There's nothing going on between Tom and me. There's nothing between Tom and me. Том сказав, що він не думав, що йому треба щось сказати. Tom said that he didn't think that he should say anything. Tom said he didn't think he had to say anything. Я була чесна з тобою. I've been honest with you. I was honest with you. Том дуже добре вміє грати на піаніно. Tom can play piano very well. Tom is very good at playing piano. Припини балачки і слухай. Cut the talking and listen. Stop talking and listen. Він п'є багато молока кожного дня. He drinks a lot of milk every day. He drinks a lot of milk every day. Коли дочитаєте книжку, можете мені її позичити? When you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me? When you read the book, can I borrow it? Я не комуніст. I'm not a communist. I'm not a Communist. Одне яйце ему приблизно дорівнює дев'ятьом куриних яєць. One emu egg is about the equivalent of nine chicken eggs. One egg emu is approximately equal to nine chicken eggs. Я ніколи цього не скажу! I will never tell! I'll never say that! Можливо, це, врешті-решт, не така вже й погана ідея. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Maybe it's not a bad idea after all. Ти справжній друг. You're a true friend. You're a true friend. Від Тома була користь. Tom was helpful. Tom was useful. Я хочу, щоб мені заплатили готівкою. I want to be paid in cash. I want to be paid in cash. Це схоже на добре місце для табору. This looks like a good spot to set up camp. It looks like a good place to camp. Ви говорите словенською? Do you speak Slovenian? You speak Slovenian? Том не зробив усього того, що мусив зробити. Tom didn't do everything he had to do. Tom did not do all the things he had to do. Мері — мила дівчина. Mary is a nice girl. Mary is a nice girl. Вперед! Go ahead! Let's go! Знайти роботу важко. It is difficult to find work. It's hard to find a job. Ти не мусиш сьогодні йти до школи. You don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go to school today. Поїзд пішов. The train left. The train's gone. Коли ти будеш готова йти? When will you be ready to leave? When will you be ready to go? Ми покращили якість. We improved the quality. We improved quality. Відчини двері. Open the doors. Open the door. Я знаю, що це лише мрія. I know it's only a dream. I know it's just a dream. Мене вдарили. I got hit. I was hit. Ми там довго були. We were there a long time. We've been there for a long time. Том хотів, щоб Мері відчувала себе особливою. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Tom wanted Mary to feel special. Він вбив його. He killed him. He killed him. Я ходила до школи разом із Томом. I went to school with Tom. I went to school with Tom. Зараз сім п'ятдесят. It's 7:50. Now seven fifty. Ти до мене дуже несправедливий. You are being very unfair to me. You're very unfair to me. Це - тварини. These are animals. These are animals. Я попросила Кена допомогти. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help. Ти бачила вчорашнє затемнення? Did you see yesterday's eclipse? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Що нам робити — це залежить від вас. What we do is up to you. What we do is up to you. Ці хлопці тобі щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did those guys do something to you? Дуже шкода, що Тома тут сьогодні не було, щоб нам допомогти. Too bad Tom wasn't here to help us today. Too bad Tom wasn't here today to help us. Де ти навчився говорити такою чудовою англійською? Where did you learn to speak such excellent English? Where did you learn to speak such beautiful English? Я хотів би бути молодим. I wish I were young. I'd like to be young. Мені все одно, що вони про мене думають. I don't care what they think about me. I don't care what they think of me. Я вже це зробив. I have already done that. I've done it already. Я не легковірна. I'm not naive. I'm not skeptical. Подивіться на коалу отам. Look at that koala over there. Look at the koala there. Чому ти нам не сказав, що знаєш французьку? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Why didn't you tell us you knew French? Я був наївний. I was naive. I was naive. Будинок побудував російський архитектор. The building was built by a Russian architect. The building was built by a Russian architect. Я загубила окуляри. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Гей, ти! Hey, you there! Hey, you! У тої жінки є рот. That woman has a mouth. That woman has a mouth. Я приніс тобі попоїсти. I brought you something to eat. I brought you something to eat. Тобі не слід було цього взагалі робити. You never should've done that. You shouldn't have done that at all. Ти не можеш цього робити. You can't do this. You can't do that. Ти не моя мама. You're not my mom. You're not my mom. Я люблю соняшники. I love sunflowers. I love sunflowers. Ти повинен знати правила дорожнього руху. You must know the highway code. You must know traffic regulations. Його не було на зборах. He was absent from the meeting. He wasn't at the meeting. Ти вже з ним знайомий? Have you already met him? Are you familiar with him already? Я вчора грав у футбол. I played soccer yesterday. I played football yesterday. Я ще не купував Тому подарунок на Різдво. I haven't bought Tom a Christmas present yet. I haven't bought that Christmas present yet. Це ваша провина чи наша? Is it your fault or ours? Is that your fault or ours? Том знову хоче поговорити з тобою. Tom wants to talk to you again. Tom wants to talk to you again. Чи ти маєш усе? Do you have everything? Do you have everything? Я не такий розумний, як ти думаєш. I'm not as smart as you think I am. I'm not as smart as you think I am. Вони худі. They're skinny. They're thin. Всі помирають. Everybody dies. Everyone dies. Том розсердився з-за того, що сказала Мері. Tom got angry because of what Mary said. Tom got angry over what Mary said. Том був відсутній на нараді. Tom was absent from the meeting. Tom was absent at the meeting. Том не любить свою роботу. Tom doesn't like his work. Tom doesn't like his job. Мені подобається тонкий гумор Тома. I like Tom's subtle humor. I like Tom's thin humor. Том не хотів, щоб Мері дізналася правду. Tom didn't want Mary to know the truth. Tom did not want Mary to learn the truth. Ти вже достатньо дорослий, щоб робити це самостійно. You're old enough to do that by yourself. You're old enough to do it yourself. Ти колись доїв корову? Have you ever milked a cow? Did you ever milk a cow? Хто міг би це зробити? Who could do that? Who could do that? Теніс — мій улюблений вид спорту. Tennis is my preferred sport. Tennis is my favorite sport. Вам слід купити Тому нові іграшки. You should buy Tom some new toys. You should buy new toys. Я завжди перемагаю. I always win. I always win. Я не знаю більше онлайн-словників, але в PDF’ному вигляді є 香港粵語詞典, можна загрузити з ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don’t know any other online dictionaries, but there is the 香港粵語詞典 in PDF format, you can download it at ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. I don't know any more online speakers, but in PDF form is ō, you can get stuck with ishare.iask.sina.com.cn. Закінчімо те, що розпочали. Let's finish what we started. Let's finish what we started. Досить його цькувати. Stop bullying him. Stop harassing him. Від роботи коні дохнуть. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The horses are going to run away from work. Том проводив час із Мері. Tom spent time with Mary. Tom spent time with Mary. Том уважає, що Мері готова. Tom thinks that Mary is ready. Tom thinks Mary's ready. У тебе ніколи немає грошей. You never have any money. You never have any money. Не вішайте слухавку, будь ласка. Don't hang up, please. Don't hang up, please. Том не хотів їхати до Бостона. Tom didn't want to visit Boston. Tom didn't want to go to Boston. Він приїхав після того, як я поїхав. He arrived after I had left. He came after I left. Їм потрібний я. They want me. They need me. Я хірург. I'm the surgeon. I'm a surgeon. Я не можу знайти взуття. I can't find my shoes. I can't find shoes. Ти любиш дивитися телевізор. You like watching television. You like watching TV. Ви не можете дозволити, щоб Том це знову з вами зробив. You can't let Tom do that to you again. You can't let Tom do it again. Ти добре плаваєш, так? You swim well, don't you? You're a good swimmer, aren't you? Том приїхав на вокзал занадто пізно. Tom arrived late at the station. Tom came to the station too late. Ми хочемо, щоб ти поїхав до Бостона. We want you to go to Boston. We want you to go to Boston. Дай мені он ту банку. Hand me that jar. Give me that bank. Том спав перед телевізором. Tom was asleep in front of the TV. Tom slept in front of the TV. Хтой ваш улюблений художник? Who's your favorite artist? Who's your favourite artist? Вона приблизно з яйце розміром. It is about the size of an egg. It's about the size of an egg. Підтримуй свою кімнату у максимальному порядку. Keep your room as neat as you can. Support your room in the maximum order. Я хочу, щоб моє ім'я пам'ятали. I want my name to be remembered. I want my name to be remembered. Мені слід зробити те, що запропонував Том. I should do what Tom suggested. I should do what Tom suggested. На вулиці було темно. The street was dark. It was dark on the street. Це не буде легко. This is not going to be easy. It won't be easy. Мені цікаво, для чого він це зробив. I wonder why he did that. I wonder why he did it. Існує кілька проблем. There are a few problems. There are a few problems. Тома арештували як підозрюваного у кримінальних діях. Tom was arrested as a suspect in a criminal case. Tom was arrested as a suspected criminal. Кінець грошам - це кінець коханню. The end of money is the end of love. The end of money is the end of love. Я хочу поговорити саме з Томом. It's Tom that I want to talk to. I want to talk to Tom. На якій вулиці? On what street? What street? Тут багато слонів. Elephants abound here. There's a lot of elephants here. А зараз спробуйте це. Now try it. Now try this. Ти дійсно чудовий. You're really wonderful. You're really great. Кілька років тому я поклявся ніколи більше не закохуватися. A few years ago, I swore never to fall in love again. A few years ago, I vowed never to fall in love again. У кімнаті Тома не було прибрано. Tom's room wasn't clean. There was no cleaning in Tom's room. Звідки ти знаєш, що це безпечно? How do I know it's safe? How do you know it's safe? Я розглянув твоє прохання і вирішив відмовити. I've considered your request and have decided to deny it. I considered your request and decided to refuse. Ти нікчемна людська істота. You are a despicable human being. You are a worthless human being. Ямайка — англійська колонія. Jamaica's an English colony. Jamaica is an English colony. Мені здається, це ялинка. I think that it's a fir tree. I think it's a tree. Я тобі це залишаю. I'll leave that to you. I'll leave it to you. Хіба вас це не турбує? Aren't you bothered by this? Doesn't that bother you? Він пишається сином. He's proud of his son. He's proud of his son. Тобі п'ятдесят років. You're 50. You're fifty years old. Коли я в Україні, то завжди розмовляю українською. When in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. When I'm in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. Тепер Том може займатися цим самостійно. Tom can now do that by himself. Now Tom can do it on his own. Хлопці спричинили багато проблем. The boys caused a lot of trouble. Boys have caused a lot of problems. Де ми можемо зустрітися? Where can we get together? Where can we meet? Є щось, що я хочу спробувати. There's something I want to try. There's something I want to try. Дзуськи! No way! Badgers! Візьми цю валізу. Take this suitcase. Take this suitcase. Том завжди каже Мері, що він її кохає. Tom is always telling Mary that he loves her. Tom always tells Mary he loves her. Саме це Америці й потрібно. This is exactly what America needs. That's what America needs. Том допоміг Мері вибратися з басейну. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Я впав зі стільця. I fell off my chair. I fell off the chair. Том би цього не зробив. Tom wouldn't do it. Tom wouldn't do that. Що відбувається? What's going on? What's going on? Побачивши собаку, кіт утік. At the sight of the dog, the cat ran off. Upon seeing the dog, the cat escaped. Том пішов за покупками. Tom is shopping. Tom went shopping. Том не захотів вступати до нашого клубу. Tom didn't want to join our club. Tom did not want to join our club. Він зрадів новинам. The news made him happy. He was delighted with the news. Можна вас обійняти? Can I hug you? Can I hug you? Я ж казала, що Том цього не робив. I told you Tom didn't do that. I told you Tom didn't do it. Хто запанікував? Who panicked? Who panicked? Їй ніхто не довіряє. No one trusts her. Nobody trusts her. Том три дні гостив у нас. Tom stayed with us for three days. Tom has been visiting us for three days. Не думаю, що він щирий. I don't think he is sincere. I don't think he's sincere. Тому потрібно набагато більше, ніж триста доларів. Tom needs much more than three hundred dollars. So it takes a lot more than three hundred dollars. Це будинок Тома. That's Tom's home. It's Tom's house. Підозрюю, що Том вже відправився до Австралії. I suspect Tom has already left for Australia. I suspect Tom has already gone to Australia. Я прийшов сюди, щоб побути одному. I came here to be alone. I came here to be alone. Я ніколи не говорю французькою. I never speak French. I never speak French. Чому твій брат ненавидить мене? Why does your brother hate me? Why does your brother hate me? Я невисокий. I am short. I'm not tall. Де мої яйця? Where are my balls? Where are my balls? Допоможіть Тому. Help Tom. Help Tom. Вона гарнюня. She's a cutie. She's pretty. Вона купила йому собаку. Проте, у нього була алергія на собак, тому вони змушені були його віддати. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog, however, he had an allergy to dogs, so they had to give him away. Мері сказала мені, що кохає мене. Mary told me she loves me. Mary told me she loved me. Хтось чекає на нас надворі. There's somebody waiting for us outside. Somebody's waiting outside for us. Том міг це зробити вчора. You could've done that yesterday. Tom could have done it yesterday. Том поміняв дитині памперс. Tom changed the baby's nappy. Tom changed the timers to the baby. Том не має родини. Tom doesn't have a family. Tom has no family. Ти знаєш чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know the man standing there? Я багато про Вас чув. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Чому поїзд затримується? Why is the train delayed? Why is the train delayed? Я думаю, що він лікар. I think he is a doctor. I think he's a doctor. Насправді, ми прийшли трохи зарано. Actually, we're a little early. Actually, we came a little early. Як справи у твого брата? How's your brother? How's your brother doing? У Тома був важкий тиждень. Tom had a tough week. Tom had a tough week. Ми не повинні втрачати надію. We shouldn't lose hope. We must not lose hope. Підійдіть! Come! Come here! Я сьогодні не зайнята. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. Ви вмієте плавати? Can you swim? Can you swim? Фадль зробив це інстинктивно. Fadil instinctively did it. Fadel did it instinctively. Я ненавиджу бігати. I hate running. I hate running. Не хвилюйся про таку дрібницю. Don't worry about such a trifle. Don't worry about such a thing. Том почувається краще. Tom is feeling better. Tom feels better. Сьогодні понеділок. It's Monday. It's Monday. Я нагуглив, як це зробити. I googled how to do that. I Googled how to do it. Ми його загубимо! We're going to lose him! We're gonna lose him! Ви до сих пір так і не сказали мені, що робити. You still haven't told me what to do. You still haven't told me what to do. Я маю знайти Тома. I've got to find Tom. I have to find Tom. Я їм. I eat. I eat. Чи не скажете, що мені робити далі? Will you tell me what I should do next? Don't you tell me what to do next? Я граю у лакрос. I play lacrosse. I play lacrosse. Я нечасто погоджуюся з Томом. I don't normally agree with Tom. I don't often agree with Tom. Том сказав мені, що Мері знайшла нового хлопця. Tom told me that Mary had a new boyfriend. Tom told me Mary found a new boyfriend. «Зіпсований телефон» — це гра, в яку грають у всьому світі, в якій одна людина шепоче на вухо іншій якесь речення, яке передається таким чином через ланцюжок з інших людей, а останній гравець вимовляє речення вголос для всієї групи. Chinese whispers is a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. "Handed phone" is a game played worldwide in which one person whispers in the ear of another sentence, which is thus passed through a chain of other people, and the last player utters sentences aloud to the entire group. Я знаю, як його звати. I know his name. I know his name. Нам спекотно. We're hot. We're hot. Не кажи моїй мамі. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mom. Томе, ти де? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Я так і не вибачився перед Томом. I still haven't apologized to Tom. I never apologized to Tom. Він твій король. He is your king. He is your king. Ця озерна вода дуже холодна. The water of the lake is very cold. This lake water is very cold. Цікаво, чи Том думав, що Мері хоче це зробити. I wonder if Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wonder if Tom thought Mary wanted to do it. Том нас перехитрив. Tom has tricked us. Tom's outwitted us. Це вільна країна. It's a free country. It's a free country. Том та Мері лише середньостатистичні студенти. Tom and Mary are just average students. Tom and Mary are only average students. Я дуже хочу познайомитися з Томом. I really want to meet Tom. I really want to meet Tom. У вас гарна донька. You have a beautiful daughter. You have a good daughter. Вас не зупинити! You are unstoppable! You can't be stopped! Взагалі нема проблем. There isn't any problem at all. There's no problem at all. Я просто дражнюся. I'm just teasing. I'm just teasing. Здається, уночі знов побачу тебе. Perhaps we'll see each other again tonight. I think I'll see you again at night. Як ти назвеш свою дитину? What are you going to name your baby? What would you call your child? Як твоє ім'я вимовляється? How do you pronounce your name? How's your name pronounced? Я відчуваю подих життя. I'm feeling the breath of life. I feel the breath of life. Можеш згадати, скільки ти за це заплатила? Can you remember how much you paid for this? Can you remember how much you paid for that? Том переконав Мері запросити Джона на вечірку. Tom persuaded Mary to invite John to the party. Tom convinced Mary to invite John to a party. Том був п'яний. Tom was plastered. Tom was drunk. Ніхто більше не довіряє Тому. Nobody trusts Tom anymore. No one else trusts Thomas. У Японії є дипломатичні стосунки з Китаєм. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. Japan has diplomatic relations with China. Том — природжений лідер. Tom is a born leader. Tom is a natural leader. Том не знає, що я канадійка. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm a Canadian. Вони вийшли з кімнати одне за одним. They went out of the room, one after another. They left the room after each other. Третя частка земної поверхні - пустеля. One third of the earth's surface is desert. The third fraction of the earth's surface is desert. Я можу читати цією мовою, але я ніколи її не чув. I can read the language, but I've never heard it. I can read it, but I've never heard it. Яна обдурила його. Yana fooled him. Jana tricked him. Ви все ще на мене сердитеся? Are you still mad at me? Are you still mad at me? Том, здається, дуже добрий викладач. Tom seems to be a very good teacher. Tom, I think he's a very good teacher. Просто не турбуйся. Just don't worry. Just don't worry. Я не довіряв Тому, і він мені теж не довіряв. I didn't trust Tom and he didn't trust me, either. I didn't trust Him, and he didn't trust me either. Я їх пам'ятаю. I remember them. I remember them. Усі люблять Тома. Everybody loves Tom. Everybody loves Tom. У вас болить шлунок? Do you have stomach pain? Do you have a stomachache? Це було б жахливо. That would be terrible. That would be terrible. Мені здається, тобі хтось телефонує. I think that someone is calling you. I think someone's calling you. Я вам заздрю. I envy you. I envy you. Щось сталося? Did something happen? Did something happen? Молоко скисло. The milk has turned sour. The milk sucks. Він має тойоту. He has a Toyota. He's got a toy. Я обожнюю італійську їжу. I love Italian food. I love Italian food. Будь ласка, тихенько зачиніть двері. Please close the door quietly. Please close the door quietly. Том же у цьому літаку? Tom is on this plane, isn't he? Tom's on this plane? Я не працюю. I do not work. I don't work. Що пише Том? What's Tom writing? What's Tom writing? Склади папір навпіл. Fold the paper in the middle. Put the paper in half. Тов відкрив сейф. Tom opened the safe. Tov opened the safe. Ви хотіли би собаку? Would you like a dog? Would you like a dog? Я не думаю, що це було мудрим рішенням. I don't think that was a wise decision. I don't think it was a wise decision. У неї болить голова. She has a headache. She's got a headache. Том не хотів вчити французьку. Tom didn't want to learn French. Tom didn't want to teach French. Мало надії, що у нього вийде. There's little hope that he'll succeed. There's no hope he'll be able to do it. Гірська стежка була накрита м’якою ковдрою листя, по якій було легко йти. The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The mountain trail was covered with a soft blanket of leaves, which was easy to walk on. У Тома чорний собака. Tom has a black dog. Tom has a black dog. Том теж стурбованний з цього приводу. Tom is concerned about it, too. Tom is also concerned about that. Я не пропустила жодної наради. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss any meetings. Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I appreciate the help. Том швидко прийняв рішення. Tom made up his mind quickly. Tom quickly made a decision. Я був зайнятий цього тижня. I have been busy this week. I was busy this week. Мені слід було краще навчатися. I should've studied more. I should have studied better. Коли ти познайомилася з Томом? When did you meet Tom? When did you meet Tom? Том сказав, що хоче зробити пиріг для Мері. Tom said he wanted to bake a cake for Mary. Tom said he wanted to make pie for Mary. Це не має значення, зробите ти це чи ні. It doesn't matter if you do that or not. It doesn't matter whether you do it or not. Навіщо тобі моя допомога? Why do you want my help? What do you need my help? Як мені дістатися до аеропорту? How do I get to the airport? How do I get to the airport? Ми всі йдемо. We're all going. We're all leaving. Його обрали президентом. He was elected president. He was elected president. Я збирався тобі написати, але забув. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. I was going to write you, but I forgot. У деяких людей природжена щедрість. Generosity is innate in some people. In some humans, generosity is innate. Я хочу приєднатися до вас. I want to join you. I want to join you. Мені до цього більше немає чого додати. I have nothing else to add to that. There's nothing else I can add to that. Сподіваюсь, ти скоро одужаєш. I hope you'll get well soon. I hope you get better soon. Як це може вас не турбувати? How could it not bother you? How can that not bother you? Я купив книжку англійською мовою, але мені було важко її зрозуміти. I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand. I bought a book in English, but it was hard for me to understand. Цей будинок знаменитий. That house is famous. This house is famous. Його ніхто не бачив. No one has seen him. No one's seen him. Том сказав Мері, що вірить у астрологію. Tom told Mary that he believed in astrology. Tom told Mary that he believed in astrology. У тебе відмінний план. Your plan is excellent. You got a great plan. Води багато. There's plenty of water. There's plenty of water. Том не готувався до фінального екзамену. Tom didn't study for his final exam. Tom did not prepare for the final exam. Я його ніколи не називав ідіотом. I never called him an idiot. I never called him an idiot. Ми всі дуже за тобою сумуємо. We all miss you very much. We all miss you very much. Я у Парижі. I am in Paris. I'm in Paris. Я сказав правду. I told the truth. I told the truth. Я хочу залишитися тут. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. Я потребую трохи більше простору. I need a little more space. I need a little more space. Я працюю в Бостоні. I work in Boston. I work in Boston. Які тобі подобаються види спорту? What sports do you like? What kind of sports do you like? Не згоден. I do not agree. I don't agree. Ідіть розважайтеся. Go have fun. Go have fun. Він говорить англійською, французькою або німецькою? Can he speak English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? Том розчарував мене. Tom disappointed me. Tom disappointed me. Більшість хлопців любить бейсбол. Most boys like baseball. Most guys like baseball. Я задоволена результатом. I am pleased with the result. I'm happy with the result. Комп'ютери дуже корисні. Computers are of great use. Computers are very useful. Сьогодні вночі буде доволі холодно. It's going to be quite cold tonight. It's gonna be pretty cold tonight. Я втратила надію. I lost hope. I've lost hope. Я забув її ім'я. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. Хотів би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I'd like to know what you're looking for. Можливо, нам слід це зробити. Maybe we should do that. Maybe we should do that. Ось приклад. Here is an example. Consider an example. Вона була сумна. She was in a sad state. She was sad. Не знаю, як вам дякувати. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to thank you. Яка велика кішка! What a big cat! What a big cat! Вона слухає релігійну музику. She listens to religious music. She listens to religious music. Це є в будь-якому словнику. This can be found in any dictionary. This is in any dictionary. Вона продає овочі. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Сподіваюся, Том та Мері не заблукали. I hope Tom and Mary aren't lost. I hope Tom and Mary didn't get lost. Кисень і водень утворюють воду. Oxygen and hydrogen make water. Oxygen and hydrogen form water. Том кинувся за Мері. Tom dashed after Mary. Tom rushed for Mary. Я б хотів стати відомим футболістом. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I'd like to become a famous footballer. Ми переможемо. We'll win. We will win. Тобі телефонував Том. You got a phone call from Tom. Tom called you. Не розумію, що змінилося. I don't see what's changed. I don't know what's changed. Ти ж з Томом? You're with Tom, aren't you? You're with Tom, right? Мені потрібно переодягнутися. I have to change. I need to change my clothes. У тебе болить голова? Have you got a headache? Do you have a headache? Хіба ви не думаєте, що можеш це полагодити? Don't you think you can fix it? Don't you think you can fix this? Не намагайся мене обдурити. Don't try to fool me. Don't try to trick me. Том пішов, щоб привести Мері. Tom has gone to get Mary. Tom left to bring Mary. Хіба ти не згодна, що це погана ідея? Don't you agree that that's a bad idea? Don't you agree that's a bad idea? Мені дев'ятнадцять років. I'm 19. I'm nineteen years old. Ти продаєш взуття. You sell shoes. You're selling shoes. Двох іранських професорів-фізиків було вбито. Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated. Two Iranian professors of physics were killed. Мені треба було вам раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you before. Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of these apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Ти вже це бачив? Have you seen this yet? Have you seen this before? Чому всі вважають мене ідіотом? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm an idiot? Тобі потрібна ця книга? Do you need the book? Do you need that book? Не думаю, що я дуже кумедний. I don't think I'm very funny. I don't think I'm very funny. Йди зачішися. Go brush your hair. Go to your hair. Всі сміялися. Everyone laughed. Everybody was laughing. Тиждень закінчився. The week is over. The week is over. Вона - моя дружина. She's my wife. She's my wife. Який у тебе улюблений колір? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? Том упевнений в тому, що Мері невинна. Tom is convinced of Mary's innocence. Tom is sure that Mary is innocent. Том заснув міцним сном. Tom fell into a deep sleep. Tom fell asleep strong. Ви, звичайно ж, розумний. You certainly are smart. You're smart, of course. Де мої батьки? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? Їжа виглядає смачно. The food looks tasty. The food looks delicious. Це щось нове. This is something new. It's something new. Я більше не можу вам довіряти. I can no longer trust you. I can't trust you anymore. Я вам довірився, Томе. I trusted you, Tom. I trusted you, Tom. Зробімо це пізніше. Let's do that later. Let's do it later. Він ніколи мене не здолає. He'll never beat me. He will never defeat me. Але ж я обожнюю спати! But I love sleeping! But I love to sleep! Я теж на пенсії. I'm retired, too. I'm retired, too. Ми все ще у стані війни. We're still at war. We're still at war. Майку, це ваша книжка? Mike, is this your book? Mike, is this your book? Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Tom and Mary will both be there. Tom and Mary will both be there. Я закінчила. I'm finished. I'm done. Не створюйте проблеми. Don't make trouble. Don't cause any problems. Мері в саду? Is Mary in the garden? Mary in the garden? Що це за акцент? What accent is that? What's that accent? Мій брат любить музику. My brother likes music. My brother loves music. Дай-но перевірю. Let me check. Let me check. Я йду оце вже чотири години. I've been walking for over four hours. I've been going for four hours now. Том купив Мері обручку. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a ring. Всі шукають щастя. Everyone seeks happiness. Everyone's looking for happiness. Діти насправді сплять? Are the children really asleep? Do the children really sleep? Я увійшов до ресторану та пообідав. I entered the restaurant and had lunch. I entered the restaurant and lunched. Ви вже це зробили. You've already done that. You've already done it. Зараз я міг би померти від щастя. Right now I could die of happiness. Now I could die of happiness. Ти цього хочеш? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? Не говоріть так швидко, будь ласка. Do not speak so fast, please. Don't speak that fast, please. Том піклується про Мері. Tom takes care of Mary. Tom cares about Mary. Я не думаю, що я залишуся до закінчення концерту. I don't think I'll stay until the end of the concert. I don't think I'll stay until the concert is over. Бажаю вам швидкого одужання. I wish you a quick recovery. I wish you a quick recovery. Том дуже мало п'є. Tom drinks very little. Tom drinks very little. Мері сховалася за шторами. Mary hid herself behind the curtain. Mary hid behind the curtains. Сьогодні гарний день. It's a beautiful day. It's a nice day today. Я говорила. I was speaking. I said. Мої оцінки у школі були середніми. My school grades were average. My grades at school were middle. Що ти повинен робити сьогодні? What do you have to do today? What are you supposed to do today? Я б хотів би купити карту. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to buy a map. Це сміховинно. It's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Я чув, що і Том, і Мері померли. I heard that Tom and Mary have both passed away. I heard Tom and Mary died. Том та Мері хочуть з'їсти полуничного морозива. Both Tom and Mary want to eat strawberry ice cream. Tom and Mary want to eat the posterior ice cream. Вона звинуватила мене в тому, що я зробив помилку. She accused me of making a mistake. She accused me of making a mistake. В усякому разі я хотів би подякувати вам усім. At any rate, I would like to thank you all. Anyway, I'd like to thank you all. Він викладач італійської. He's an Italian teacher. He's an Italian teacher. Це дуже проста ідея. It's a very simple idea. It's a very simple idea. Ти не міг би це зробити для нас? Could you do that for us? Could you do that for us? Що робитимеш сьогодні ввечері? What are you going to do tonight? What are you gonna do tonight? Він може поцупити будь-що. He nicks all sorts of stuff. He can steal anything. Вона була у блакитній спідниці. She was wearing a blue skirt. She was in a blue skirt. Голандія - маленька країна. Holland is a small country. Holland is a small country. Я завжди приходжу додому приблизно о шостій. I always get home at about 6:00. I always come home at about six o'clock. Чесно кажучи, я його презираю. To tell the truth, I despise him. To be honest, I despise him. Навіщо Том ходить до тієї школи? Why does Tom go to that school? Why does Tom go to that school? Мері, я так за вами скучила! Mary, I have missed you so much! Mary, I missed you so much! Том небагато їсть. Tom doesn't eat much. Tom doesn't eat much. От лайно. Crap. Oh, shit. Ти не думаєш, що ми переконали Тома? Don't you think we convinced Tom? You don't think we convinced Tom? Починайте. Begin. Let's go. Я спробував переконати Тома допомогти нам. I tried to convince Tom to help us. I tried to convince Tom to help us. Ми питаємо себе чому. We wonder why. We ask ourselves why. Моя нова зачіска кумедна? Is my new hair style funny? My new hair is funny? Наш кіт стерелізований. Our cat is sterilized. Our cat is sterile. Брат Тома дуже на нього схожий. Tom's brother looks just like John. Tom's brother is very much like him. У тебе проблеми з втратою ваги? Are you having trouble losing weight? Do you have a weight loss problem? Ми все ще маємо час. We still have more time. We still have time. Що ми дізналися? What did we learn? What did we learn? У вас є постійна робота? Are you employed? Do you have a steady job? Я зайшов до пана Стоуна в офіс. I called for Mr Stone at the office. I walked into Mr. Stone's office. Том проходить три милі кожного дня. Tom walks three miles a day. Tom walks three miles every day. У вас є африканські слони? Do you have African elephants? Do you have African elephants? Неравильних відповідей не буває. There are no wrong answers. There are no unpleasant answers. Я передзвонив Тому. I called Tom back. I called Tom back. Том почав говорити. Tom began talking. Tom started talking. На що чекаємо? What're we waiting for? What are we waiting for? Я живу і працюю у Мексиці. I live and work in Mexico. I live and work in Mexico. Я знав, що я тебе знайду. I knew I'd find you. I knew I'd find you. Не годуй троля. Do not feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Том недотепа. Tom is dumb. Tom's a underdog. Самі це виправить. Sami is going to fix this. I'll fix it myself. Я знав, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Мама поміряла мені температуру. My mother took my temperature. My mom measured me the temperature. Том прикрасив будинок різдвяними вогниками. Tom decorated his house with Christmas lights. Tom decorated the house with Christmas lights. Можете дати мені трохи грошей? Can you give me some money? Can you give me some money? Ти би хотів мати ім'я Том? How would you like to be called Tom? Would you like to have Tom's name? Том одружиться наступного літа. Tom is going to get married next summer. Tom will marry next summer. Я сказав припинити. I said stop. I said stop. Я дуже люблю грати в гольф. I love to play golf. I love to play golf. Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm this. I can't confirm it. Мені потрібне тепле пальто. I need a heavy coat. I need a warm coat. Давайте спробуємо. Let's have a try. Let's try it out. Я більше не живу в Бостоні. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Не турбуйся про нас. Don't worry about us. Don't worry about us. Я ще не скінчив це ремонтувати. I haven't finished fixing this yet. I haven't finished repairing it yet. Том добре співає. Tom is a good singer. Tom sings well. Я відремонтувала годинник. I had my watch fixed. I fixed the clock. Я поїду на машині. I'll take my car. I'll go in the car. Даю слово. You have my word. You have my word. Існують альтернативи. There are alternatives. There are alternatives. Вечірка буде у середу. The party's Wednesday. The party will be Wednesday. Шкода, що його тут нема. I wish he were here now. Too bad he's not here. Коли я закриваю очі, я уявляю, що я птах і вмію літати. When I close my eyes, I imagine that I am a bird and can fly. When I close my eyes, I imagine I'm a bird and I can fly. Путін казав, що терористів треба «мочити в сортирах». Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john’. Putin said the terrorists needed to "move in the varieties". Я ніколи не цілувалася з Томом. I've never kissed Tom. I never kissed Tom. Бувай! Коли в тебе буде більше часу, повертайся, пограємо! Goodbye! When you have more time, come back and play! When you have more time, come back, let's play! Ти випустив монстра. You have unleashed a monster. You released a monster. Червоне вино мені подобається більше, ніж біле. I like red wine better than white. Red wine I like more than white wine. Я такий радий за тебе. I'm so happy for you. I'm so glad for you. Я відчуваю лютий біль. I'm in pain here. I feel bitter pain. Ти не хотіла би піти до театру сьогодні ввечері? Would you like to go to the theater this evening? Would you like to go to the theatre tonight? Я люблю моркву. I like carrots. I love carrots. Я зробила майже те саме, що й Том. I did almost the same thing that Tom did. I did almost the same as Tom. Я написав про це свою дисертацію. I wrote my thesis about that. I wrote about it my dissertation. Я обожнюю дивитися на зірки. I love watching the stars. I love looking at stars. Я могла би перекласти цей вірш на іспанську. I could translate that poem to Spanish. I could translate that verse into Spanish. У мене є до вас пропозиція. I have a proposition for you. I have an offer for you. Нам треба створити більше робочих місць. We need to create more jobs. We need to create more jobs. Навчальний рік закінчується у червні. The school year ends in June. The academic year ends in June. Він попередив мене про небезпеку. He warned me of the danger. He warned me of the danger. Можеш залишити світло увімкненим? Can you leave the light on? Can you leave the lights on? Я знаю, що вчиняю правильно. I know I'm doing the right thing. I know I'm doing the right thing. Хіба ти не Том? Aren't you Tom? Aren't you Tom? У нього криві руки. He is clumsy with his hands. He has crooked hands. Тримай вазу обома руками. Hold the vase with both hands. Hold the vase with both hands. Чоловіки повзають біля її ніг. Men grovel at her feet. Men crawl at her feet. Чому Том вирішив це зробити? Why did Tom decide to do that? Why did Tom decide to do so? Тобі щастить? Are you lucky? Are you lucky? Як не дивно, вона була жива. To my surprise, she was alive. Surprisingly, she was alive. Де знаходиться найближчий магазин? Where is the nearest shop? Where is the nearest store? Я вже прочитав цю книжку. I have already read the book. I have already read the book. Я не цілком певен, чому це трапилося. I'm not really sure why that happened. I'm not quite sure why this happened. Немає великої різниці. There's not much difference. It doesn't matter. Яке ваше улюблене місто? What's your favourite town? What's your favorite city? Вони називають себе цивілізованими, але вони такі саме дикуни як ті, кого вони називають варварами. They call themselves civilized, but they're just as savage as those they call barbarians. They call themselves civilized, but they are just as savage as those they call barbarians. Том стоматолог, так? Tom is a dentist, isn't he? Tom the dentist, right? Том показав Мері свій сад. Tom showed Mary his garden. Tom showed Mary his garden. Я повернуся двадцятого жовтня. I'll be back on October 20th. I'll be back on October 20. Я сказав Тому нікому не казати. I told Tom not to tell anyone. I told him not to tell anyone. Я допоміг Тоні. I helped Tony. I helped Tony. Купіть мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Buy me a new Shakira disc, please. Чоловік купує своїй дружині прекрасні троянди. The man is buying beautiful roses for his wife. The husband buys his wife beautiful roses. Квитки наразі доступні. Tickets are available now. Tickets are currently available. Я заглянув у книгарню та купив цікаву книгу. I stopped by a bookstore and bought and interesting book. I looked into the bookstore and bought an interesting book. Я зараз вивчаю французьку мову. I'm learning French now. I am now studying French. Тому можна їсти тоді, коли він хоче. Tom may eat whenever he wants to. So you can eat when you want. Ти не могла би зачинити двері? Would you mind shutting the door? Could you close the door? Я знаю, що сталося. I know what happened. I know what happened. Гадаю, Том хворий. I guess Tom is sick. I think Tom's sick. Том сказав, що зробить це знову. Tom said he would do it again. Tom said he would do it again. Ти зараз сама? Are you alone now? Are you alone now? Просто дайте Тому закінчити свою рутину. Just let Tom do his spiel. Just let So finish your routine. Чому Том утік? Why did Tom run away? Why did Tom escape? Він тут раніше зупинявся? Has he stayed here before? Did he stop here before? Том боїться собаки Мері. Tom is scared of Mary's dog. Tom fears the dogs Mary. Хочеш брецель? Do you want a pretzel? You want a brestle? До Хелловіну лишився лише один тиждень. Halloween's only a week away. Until Halloween, there was only one week left. Він не завжди задоволений. He is not always happy. He is not always satisfied. Я все намагався розповісти про це Тому, але він не слухав. I kept trying to tell Tom that, but he wouldn't listen. I tried to tell him all about it, but he wasn't listening. Давай заспіваєймо щось разом. Let's sing something together. Let's sing something together. Рада допомогти. I'm happy to help. Glad to help. Евріка! Eureka! Eurika! Ви запитали інших? Have you asked the others? Did you ask others? Том зустрів Мері на роботі. Tom met Mary at work. Tom met Mary at work. Іще раз, який мій пароль? What's my password again? Once again, what's my password? Це гарне пальто. That's a nice coat. It's a nice coat. Ти така бридка. You're so gross. You're so ugly. Впусти Тома. Let Tom in. Let Tom in. Я знайшов гроші. I found the money. I found the money. Том не хотів образити Мері. Tom didn't mean to offend Mary. Tom didn't mean to offend Mary. Це величезна помилка. This is a huge mistake. It's a huge mistake. Може ти до мене повернешся? Maybe you'll come back to me? Will you come back to me? Том єдиний, хто не вміє цього робити. Tom is the only one who can't do that. Tom's the only one who can't do that. Ми не можемо допустити, щоб це трапилося знову. We can't let that happen again. We can't let that happen again. Том не почувається у безпеці. Tom doesn't feel safe. Tom doesn't feel safe. Том каже, що більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Tom says he won't bother Mary anymore. Ти несправедливий. You're unfair. You're unfair. Він проігнорував мене. He ignored me. He ignored me. Я дівчинка. I am a girl. I'm a girl. Я боюся собак. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Він майбутній президент. He is the future president. He's the future president. Припини! Break it up! Stop it! Може, це та сама людина. Maybe it's the same person. Maybe it's the same person. Позначте слова, які ви не можете вимовити. Mark the words which you cannot pronounce. Mark words you cannot speak. Мері зробила костюм на Хелловін для своїх дітей. Mary made Halloween costumes for her kids. Mary made a costume for Halloween for her children. Я зв'язався з нею. I contacted her. I contacted her. Що Том намалював? What did Tom draw? What did Tom draw? Він не виглядав щасливим. He did not look happy. He didn't look happy. Думаєш, нам слід увійти? Don't you think we ought to go in? You think we should come in? Це не він. That's not him. It's not him. Не думаю, що Том знає, коли Мері приїхала до Австралії. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. I don't think Tom knows when Mary came to Australia. Я купив багато книжок. I bought many books. I bought a lot of books. Сідай тут, будь ласка. Please sit here. Sit down here, please. Том не був голодний. Tom wasn't hungry. Tom wasn't hungry. Запитай Тома, чи він може це зробити. Ask Tom if we can do that. Ask Tom if he can do so. Сидіння допізна щоночі заподіє шкоду Вашому здоров'ю. It'll do harm to you to sit up late every night. Being up late every night will cause harm to your health. Ви знали, що Том поїхав з міста? Did you know that Tom had left town? Did you know Tom left town? Вони нас люблять. They love us. They love us. Мені не потрібен комп'ютер. I don't need a computer. I don't need a computer. Серйозно? Seriously? Seriously? Ходімо зараз. А то запізнимось. Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go now, or we'll be late. Це твоя головна проблема. That is your major problem. That's your main problem. Незважаючи ні на що, він все ще клеїть з себе дурня. Despite everything he is still playing dumb. No matter what, he still glues himself stupid. Він упав під стіл. He fell under the table. He fell under the table. Том не хоче, щоб ти це робила. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Tom doesn't want you to do that. Я так сильно змінилася? Have I changed that much? Have I changed so much? Ви колись жили закордоном? Have you ever lived abroad? Have you ever lived abroad? Коли ти прийшла додому? When did you get home? When did you get home? Завтра буде спекотно. It's going to be hot tomorrow. It'll be hot tomorrow. Нам потрібно побалакати. We need to talk. We need to talk. Вибори були в листопаді. The election was in November. The election was in November. Ніхто не знає, що буде. Nobody knows what will happen. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Вам потрібно бути терплячішим. You need to be more patient. You need to be patient. Ви платите готівкою чи чеком? Do you pay for it in cash or by check? Do you pay cash or a check? Том відчинив двері? Did Tom open the door? Tom opened the door? Ти й насправдій думаєш, що Том переможе? Do you actually think Tom will win? You really think Tom's gonna win? Італія — дуже гарна країна. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a very nice country. Як довго не буде Тома? How long will Tom be gone? How long will Tom be gone? Це складне питання. It's a complex question. It's a difficult question. Ми обоє ненавидимо Тома. We both hate Tom. We both hate Tom. Том роздратований. Tom is irritated. Tom is angry. Не кидай каміння. Don't throw stones. Don't throw the stones. Понюхайте це. Smell this. Smell it. Ти дізналася, хто це зробив? Did you find out who did that? Did you know who did that? Чому це має значення? Why does that make a difference? Why does it matter? Чому ти лишаєшся з Томом? Why do you stay with Tom? Why are you staying with Tom? Багато комах зникли за одну ніч. A lot of insects vanished overnight. Many insects disappeared overnight. Том інфантильний. Tom is a manchild. Tom infantine. Де знаходиться станція метро? Where's the underground station? Where is the subway station? Ніхто не знає, як я почуваюся. Nobody knows how I feel. Nobody knows how I feel. Гадаю, Тома сьогодні тут не буде. I think that Tom isn't going to be here today. I guess Tom won't be here tonight. Ми хочемо залишитися ще на три ночі. We want to stay another three nights. We want to stay for three more nights. Він усе ще замолодий для цієї роботи. He is still too young for the job. He's still too young for this job. Я потрапив у точку. I nailed it. I got to the point. Я дійсно не знаю, як ще я це можу пояснити. I don't really know how else I can explain that. I really don't know how else I can explain it. Я не впевнений, що Том знає, що робити. I'm not certain Tom knows what to do. I'm not sure Tom knows what to do. Ти вища від мене. You are taller than me. You're taller than me. Це чудово! That's great! That's great! Том купив Мері різдвяний подарунок. Tom bought Mary a Christmas present. Tom bought Mary a Christmas present. Я зрозумів, що не готовий. I realized I wasn't ready. I realized I wasn't ready. Якщо хочеш бути стрункою, дотримуйся цієї дієти. If you want to be slim, follow this diet. If you want to be thin, stick to that diet. Починай рахувати. Start counting. Start counting. Ти можеш брехати будь-кому, але ти не можеш брехати собі. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can lie to anyone, but you can't lie to yourself. Я лише жартую. I'm just joking. I'm just kidding. Площа Ринок — історичний центр міста. Market Square is the historic centre of the city. The marketplace is a historic center of the city. Ми всиновили Тома, коли йому було три. We adopted Tom when he was three years old. We adopted Tom when he was three. Я думаю, я рішучий. I think I'm resolute. I think I'm determined. Можеш допомогти мені знайти роботу? Can you help me find a job? Can you help me find a job? Якщо хочете. If you want. If you like. Ви чарівні. You're fascinating. You're charming. Задорого! It's too expensive. Too much! Том не знав, що відбувається насправді. Tom didn't know what was really going on. Tom didn't know what was really going on. Я чув грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Я проплакала усю ніч. I cried all night long. I cried all night. Це місце має таємничу атмосферу. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. This place has a mysterious atmosphere. Цей велосипед належить мені. This bicycle is mine. This bike belongs to me. Створімо нашу власну мову, щоб ніхто не знав, про що ми говоримо. Let's make our own language so no one will know what we're talking about! Let's create our own language so no one knows what we're talking about. Я з Ріо-де-Жанейро, а ти? I am from Rio de Janeiro, and you? I'm from Rio de Janeiro, and you? Скільки ви купили пива? How much beer did you buy? How much did you buy a beer? Не проси грошей. Don't ask for money. Don't ask for money. Я молюся за тебе. I'm praying for you. I pray for you. Наш каталог буде вислано за замовленням. Our catalog will be sent on demand. Our catalog will be sent on order. Хіба ви не член комітету? Aren't you on the committee? Aren't you a committee member? Я сів поруч із нею. I sat beside her. I sat next to her. Я ніколи не чув, щоб Том говорив французькою. I've never heard Tom speak French. I never heard Tom speak French. Я думав, що ти казав, що Том твій брат. I thought you said Tom was your brother. I thought you said Tom was your brother. Він - чесний? Смішно! Him, honest? What a joke! Is he honest? Том не каже мені правди. Tom isn't telling me the truth. Tom doesn't tell me the truth. Ти знаєш цю пісню? Do you know this song? Do you know that song? Я хочу точно знати, як помер Том. I want to know exactly how Tom died. I want to know exactly how Tom died. Життя іноді таке несправедливе. Sometimes, life is so unjust. Life is sometimes so unfair. Я більше не планую цього робити. I don't plan to do that anymore. I don't plan to do that anymore. Том має повну грошей валізу. Tom has a suitcase full of money. Tom has the full money of the suitcase. Бовдуре! You idiot! Bovdure! Самі кохав сестру Лайли. Sami loved Layla's sister. I loved Lila's sister myself. Я купив цю книгу за десять доларів. I bought the book for ten dollars. I bought this book for ten dollars. Том набагато старший, ніж виглядає. Tom is much older than he looks. Tom is much older than he looks. Не будь занадто упертим. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Я повернуся о шостій тридцять. I'll return at half past six. I'll be back at six o'clock. Можна мені поставити декілька запитань? May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you a few questions? Вони всі повернулися, щоб подивитися на Тома. They all turned to look at Tom. They're all back to look at Tom. Де тато? Where's my daddy? Where's Dad? Після цього він зняв окуляри. He took off his glasses after that. He then removed his glasses. Коротке волосся дуже їй личить. Short hair really suits her. Short hair is very attractive to her. Том онімів. Tom is numb. Tom was speechless. Попатрайте курку перед тим, як її приготувати. Draw a chicken before cooking. Spare the chicken before you prepare it. Я відчув полегшення після того, як сказав все, що хотів сказати. I felt quite relieved after I had said all I wanted to say. I felt relieved after saying everything I wanted to say. Я купив Тому светр. I bought Tom a sweater. I bought that sweater. Це робиться ось так. This is how we do it. It's done like this. Я люблю котів. I am a cat person. I love cats. Ти шукаєш щось конкретне? Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? Чия це провина? Whose fault is it? Whose fault is it? Ніхто тебе не зупиняє. Nobody is stopping you. Nobody stops you. Том хоче вступити до команди. Tom wants to join the team. Tom wants to join the team. Ти занадто худорлява. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Йди-но сюди. Come here. Come here. На стінці висить карта. There's a map on the wall. A map hangs on the wall. Ти дуже вродлива. You're beautiful. You're very handsome. Я прийшов щоб побачити тебе. I came to see you. I came to see you. Яка ваша улюблена начинка для піци? What's your favorite pizza topping? What's your favorite pizza flavor? Остання точка зору має багато прихильників в Японії. The latter view has many supporters in Japan. The last point of view is that there are many adherents in Japan. Ти не гадаєш, що ти міг би це зробити? Don't you think you could do that? You don't think you could do that? Я не знаю, що я можу для вас зробити. I don't know what I can do for you. I don't know what I can do for you. Том розумний. Tom is bright. Tom's smart. Він набридливий. He's annoying. He's annoying. Якщо ти підеш, я сумуватиму за тобою. I'll miss you very much if you go. If you go, I'll miss you. Укажи розумному на помилку, і він тобі подякує. Укажи дурному на помилку, і він тебе образить. Show a clever person a mistake and they will thank you. Show a stupid person a mistake and they will insult you. Tell the smart one a mistake, and he'll thank you, show the stupid one a mistake, and he'll hurt you. Це чудова ідея. It's a great idea. That's a great idea. Я не думаю, що там щось є. I don't think there's anything there. I don't think there's anything there. Вислови свою думку чітко. Express your idea clearly. Express your opinion clearly. Нас не знають. They don't know us. They don't know us. Том, мабуть, забув сказати про це Мері. Tom must have forgotten to tell Mary that. Tom must have forgotten to say that to Mary. Ти випадково не знаєш, де живе Том? Would you happen to know where Tom lives? You don't happen to know where Tom lives? Я запрошу Тома на вечерю. I'm going to invite Tom over for dinner. I'll ask Tom for dinner. Може бути, я займуся цим знову. I may do that again. Maybe I'll do it again. Ти й насправді думаєш, що я б зробила це? Do you really think I'd do that? You really think I'd do that? Це брехня. That is a lie. That's a lie. Війна забрала в них щастя. The war deprived them of their happiness. The war has taken happiness from them. Я хотів би, щоб у мене було достатньо грошей, аби придбати машину. I wish I had enough money to buy the car. I wish I had enough money to buy a car. Мері відрила свій ноутбук. Mary opened her laptop. Mary took off her laptop. Не треба бавитися з ключом. Do not play with the key. You don't have to play with the key. Хіба Том не хотів би зробити цe? Wouldn't Tom like to do that? Wouldn't Tom want to do that? Цей міст аж ніяк не безпечний. That bridge is anything but safe. This bridge is by no means safe. Це може зачекати? Can it wait? Can it wait? У мене не така важка валіза, як у Тома. My suitcase isn't as heavy as Tom's. I don't have a suitcase like Tom. Ви зраджуєте. You're cheating. You're cheating. Мені подобається пити. I like to drink. I like to drink. Вона продає старомодного капелюха. She's selling an old-fashioned hat. She sells old-fashioned hat. Я більше люблю котів, ніж собак. I like cats more than dogs. I love cats more than dogs. Мері каже, що не зможе нам сьогодні допомогти. Mary says she won't be able to help us today. Mary says she can't help us today. Ти можеш йти, якщо визначився. You can go if you have made up your mind. You can go if you're determined. Він визнав свою провину. He admitted that he was guilty. He admitted his guilt. Том переконаний, що Мері винна. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Tom is convinced that Mary is guilty. Спектакль буде у п'ятницю. The show's Friday. Spectal will be on Friday. Я з'їв би вола. I'm ready to eat a horse. I'd eat a bull. Мені цікаво, чи зможе Том це зробити. I wonder whether or not Tom can do that. I wonder if Tom can do that. Ми впевнені, що справимося з цим. We're confident we'll be able to handle this. We're sure we'll do it. Його рідна країна — Німеччина. His home country is Germany. His native country is Germany. Це апельсин. It is an orange. It's orange. Він атеїст. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Чим займається твоя тітка? What does your aunt do? What does your aunt do? Я грав із чемпіоном. I played with the champion. I played with the champion. Том попередив тебе, що це може трапитися. Tom warned you that this might happen. Tom warned you that this could happen. Правду кажучи, я з вами не згоден. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. To be honest, I disagree with you. Мері сказала, що вона цьому вірить. Mary said she believed that. Mary said she believed it. Коли ви їдете? When are you off? When are you leaving? В мене багато друзів. I have a lot of friends. I've got a lot of friends. Шкода, що я не можу залишитися тут назавжди. I wish I could stay here forever. Too bad I can't stay here forever. Після обіду в неї завжди є час. She always has time in the afternoon. In the afternoon, she always has time. Суходіл займає меншу частину земної поверхні. Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface. The land occupies a smaller part of the earth's surface. У мене є близнюк. I'm a twin. I have a twin. Ми благали Тома не ходити туди. We pleaded with Tom not to go there. We begged Tom not to go there. Я думаю, що ми, можливо, були занадто агресивні. I think maybe we've been too aggressive. I think we may have been too aggressive. Ти велика. You are big. You're big. У мене є трохи вільного часу. I have time to spare. I have some free time. Я тобі допоможу завтра. I'll help you tomorrow. I'll help you tomorrow. Ця історія розважила мене. I was amused at the story. This story has entertained me. Обережно з головою! Watch your head! Watch your head! Я сумуватиму за тобою. I will miss you. I'll miss you. Візьміть це. Take this. Take this. Том попросив тебе щось зробити? Did Tom ask you to do something? Tom asked you to do something? Собаку Тома звати Кукі. Tom's dog's name is Cookie. Tom's dog is called Cooky. Я щойно поміняв пароль. I just changed my password. I just changed my password. Я нічого такого не робив. I didn't do any such thing. I didn't do anything like that. Мені знадобилося десь три години, щоб прочитати цю книжку. It took me about three hours to read this book. It took me about three hours to read this book. Зубна фея — це зубна злодійка. The tooth fairy is a tooth thief. Tooth fairy is a thief. Я думала, вам буде приємно. I thought that you'd be pleased. I thought you'd be happy. Том не захотів зачекати. Tom didn't want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Я вірний. I'm loyal. I'm faithful. Я не дуже терплячий. I'm not very patient. I'm not very patient. Джессі погано говорила французькою, а німецькою - ще гірше. Jessie spoke bad French and worse German. Jesse spoke bad French and German even worse. Я лише хочу поговорити з ними. I just want to talk to them. I just want to talk to them. Ми не робили нічого поганого. We weren't doing anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. Я часто попадаю в халепу. I'm often in trouble. I often get into trouble. Том все ще займається тим, чим має займатися. Tom is still doing what he's supposed to be doing. Tom still does what he's supposed to do. Він одружився з моїм братом. He married my brother. He married my brother. Вона вчить нас французької. She's teaching us French. It teaches us French. Він був відсутній на зустрічі. He was absent from the meeting. He was absent at the meeting. Сьогодні вівторок. Today is Tuesday. It's Tuesday. Хтось, мабуть, розповів Тому, але це був не я. Someone must've told Tom, but it wasn't me. Someone must've told Tom, but it wasn't me. Не турбуйся, ми вже їдемо. Don't worry, we're on our way. Don't worry, we're on our way. Пожежу швидко загасили. The fire was soon extinguished. Fires quickly went out. Він зробив фотографію сім’ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Ми часто буваємо в Тромсе. We are often in Tromsø. We often go to Tromse. Англійська Буша — досконала. Bush's English is perfect. English Bush is perfect. Ви знаєте, яка у Тома група крові? Do you know Tom's blood type? Do you know what Tom's blood type is? Я ніколи не був у Європі. I've never been to Europe. I've never been to Europe. Том намагається уникати суперечок із Мері. Tom is trying to avoid arguing with Mary. Tom tries to avoid arguing with Mary. Вони зрозуміють. They will understand. They'll understand. На всьому острові є лише одна крамниця. There is only one store on the whole island. There's only one shop on the whole island. Я не думаю, що Том знає когось, хто може це зробити. I don't think Tom knows anyone who's able to do that. I don't think Tom knows anyone who can do that. Том глибоко збентежений. Tom is pretty distraught. Tom is deeply confused. Є тут хтось? Anybody here? Is anyone here? Не телефонуй мені. Don't call me. Don't call me. Краще померти стоячи, ніж жити на колінах. Better to die standing than to live on your knees. It's better to die standing than to live on your knees. Том уже чекає. Tom is already waiting. Tom's waiting. Том усім подобається. Everybody likes Tom. Tom likes everyone. Я знала, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Я не можу її забути. I can't forget her. I can't forget her. Вони вибрали новий уряд. They have elected a new government. They chose a new government. Будь ласка, зачекайте п’ять хвилин. Wait five minutes, please. Please wait five minutes. Я не хочу говорити з Томом. I don't want to talk to Tom. I don't want to talk to Tom. Принесіть мені чисту тарілку та заберіть брудну. Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away. Bring me a clean plate and take the dirt plate. Том сказав мені, що він сам. Tom told me he was alone. Tom told me he was alone. Ось церква, у якій ми побралися. This is the church where we got married. This is the church we married in. Не думаю, що Тома буде відсутній. I don't think Tom will be absent. I don't think Tom's gonna be missing. Я думаю, що це логічно. I think it makes sense. I think that makes sense. Сподіваюся, ти не будеш занадто розчарована. I hope you won't be too disappointed. I hope you won't be too disappointed. Він був популярний серед виборців. He was popular with voters. He was popular with voters. Том не здав залік із французької. Tom failed his French test. Tom did not pass the application from French. Єлізавета, королева Англії. Elizabeth II is the Queen of England. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Де мені виходити? Where do I get off? Where am I supposed to go? Том послідував прикладу Мері. Tom followed Mary's lead. Tom followed Mary’s example. Він мені дав олівець. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Це не так вже й далеко звідси. It's not that far from here. It's not that far from here. Минулого року я мав намір відвідати Рим. I intended to visit Rome last year. Last year I intended to visit Rome. Цей пацієнт може померти в будь-який момент. That patient may die at any time. This patient can die at any time. Це була випадковість. I was in an accident. It was an accident. Мені здається, що якби я частіше розмовляла з носієм мови, мої навички у володінні англійської швидко поліпшилися би. I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly. It seems to me that if I spoke more frequently to the speakers, my skills in speaking English would quickly improve. Банани жовті. Bananas are yellow. Banans are yellow. Ми потребуємо відповіді. We need an answer. We need answers. Немає чого боятися. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. Можливо, Том не робив того, що всі кажуть, що він зробив. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did. Maybe Tom didn't do what everyone says he did. Як життя-буття? How is your life? How's life-being? Хіба не було б краще, якби Том це зробив з кимось іншим? Wouldn't it be better if Tom did that with someone else? Wouldn't it be better if Tom did it to someone else? Коли ти останнього разу була в Австралії? When was the last time you were in Australia? When was the last time you were in Australia? Самі веган. Sami is vegan. It's a vegan itself. Ця машина морально застаріла. This car is out of date. This car is morally obsolete. Всі помолилися. Everyone prayed. Everybody said a prayer. Скільки вам потрібно прикладів? How many examples do you need? How many examples do you need? Я найкращий. I am the best. I'm the best. Не вмирай. Don't die. Don't die. Я буду там, щоб допомогти тобі. I'll be there to help you do that. I'll be there to help you. Танцюй. Dance. Dance. У мене чудовий учитель. I had a wonderful teacher. I have a great teacher. Його потрібно вбити. It must be killed. He must be killed. Що будемо їсти сьогодні ввечері? What shall we eat tonight? What are we gonna eat tonight? Ти вже їх знайшла? Have you found them yet? Have you found them yet? Ти маєш дати їй більше часу. You have to give her more time. You have to give her more time. Що ти з цим робиш? What're you doing with that? What are you doing with that? Вона жорстко з нього ставиться. She is hard on him. She's hard on him. Ти такий бовдур! You are such an idiot! You're such a jerk! Тато купив мені книжку. Dad bought me a book. Dad bought me a book. Том енергійний. Tom is lively. Tom's energetic. Тому багато чого не подобалося. There were many things Tom didn't like. So, there was a lot I didn't like. Том знав, що Мері не буде зайнята. Tom knew that Mary wasn't going to be busy. Tom knew that Mary would not be busy. Сухий пісок вбирає воду. Dry sand absorbs water. Dry sand takes water. Ти завжди кохав Тома, так? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? You always loved Tom, right? Ось тобі! Take that! Take it! Том каже, що не може виграти. Tom says that he can't win. Tom says he can't win. Я не буду робити цього. I won't do it. I won't do it. Том не виглядав ображеним. Tom didn't look offended. Tom didn't look offended. Нема чого боятися. There's no need to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to bring you a glass of water? Том сказав мені, що він вважає Мері потворною. Tom told me he thought that Mary was ugly. Tom told me he thought Mary was ugly. Вона посміхнулася мені. She smiled at me. She smiled at me. Ти ж знаєш, які вони — актриси. You know what actresses are like. You know what they're like, actresses. Я не думаю, що ти безсердечний. I don't think you're heartless. I don't think you're heartless. Це було побудовано на віки. It was built to last. It was built for ages. Він здав іспит. He passed the exam. He passed the exam. Ви чий друг? Whose friend are you? Whose friend are you? Том занадто втомився, щоб займатися. Tom is too tired to study. Tom's too tired to do anything. Том кинув Мері м'яч. Tom threw Mary the ball. Tom threw Mary the ball. Том досить переконливий, чи не так? Tom is persuasive, isn't he? Tom's pretty compelling, isn't he? Я сумую за спілкуванням з ними. I miss talking with them. I miss talking to them. Він намагався не заплакати. He tried not to cry. He tried not to cry. Вони співчувають. They're sympathetic. They're sympathetic. Чому ти ніколи мені цього не казав? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Why didn't you ever tell me that? Хто тобі сказав, що я це зробив? Who told you I did that? Who told you I did it? Ніколи не буває запізно. It's never too late. It's never too late. Лиши мене в спокої. Я сплю. Let me be. I'm sleeping. Leave me alone. Хіба ти не готовий для більшого? Aren't you ready for more? Aren't you ready for more? Том не має уяви, чому Мері збрехала. Tom has no idea why Mary lied. Tom has no idea why Mary lied. Том шукає роботу. Tom's looking for work. Tom's looking for a job. Батько повернеться за кілька днів. Dad will return in a few days. My father will be back in a few days. Чи це правда що Мідорі дуже добре грає на скрипці? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well? Ну що ж, це все пояснює. Well, that explains it. Well, that explains everything. Ти загалом оптиміст, еге ж? You're pretty optimistic, aren't you? You're generally an optimist, aren't you? Кожен учень має шкафчик. Each student has a locker. Every student has a box. Попрошу рахунок, будь ласка. Give me the bill, please. I'll ask for the bill, please. Я побачусь із своїм дядьком завтра. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll see my uncle tomorrow. Ти найважливіша людина в моєму житті. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Сподіваюся, Том передумає. I hope Tom changes his mind. I hope Tom will change his mind. Я забув дати тобі свій номер телефону. I forgot to give you my phone number. I forgot to give you my phone number. Кабачки зелені. Zucchinis are green. The cables are green. Я дороблю домашню роботу до дев'ятої. I will finish my homework by nine. I'll do my homework until nine. Де Ви народились? Where were you born? Where were you born? Ти сказав, що ви з Томом сварилися? Did you say you had a fight with Tom? Did you say you and Tom had a fight? У тебе шнурки розв'язалися. Your shoes are untied. You've got the laces solved. Ця книжка добре продавалася в Японії. This book sold well in Japan. The book was well sold in Japan. Я люблю танцювати. I like to dance. I like to dance. Про ці факти дізналися всі. The facts became known to everyone. All of these facts have been revealed. Том на вас сердитий, так? Tom is angry with you, isn't he? Tom's angry at you, right? Я б хотіла стати відомою футболісткою. I would like to become a famous soccer player. I'd like to become a famous footballer. Я хропіла? Was I snoring? Did I snore? Розкажіть нам щось. Tell us something. Tell us something. Я радий, що ти цим займаєшся. I'm glad you're doing that. I'm glad you're doing it. Оскільки я не отримав відповідь, я написав їй ще раз. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Since I didn't get the answer, I wrote her one more time. Що б ви хотіли сказати з цього приводу? What would you like to say about this? What would you like to say about it? Гадаєш, це пастка? Do you think it's a trap? You think it's a trap? Люди, припиніть вбивати одне одного. People, stop killing each other. People, stop killing each other. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning to do that. I wonder if Tom and Mary planned to do so. Я позичив у Тома машину. I borrowed Tom's car. I borrowed Tom a car. Не думаю, що я змогла би провести шість годин з вами наодинці. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. I don't think I could spend six hours alone with you. Меблів майже немає. There is almost no furniture. There's almost no furniture. Я готова йти, а Том ні. I'm ready to go, but Tom isn't. I'm ready to go, and Tom's not. Я почуваюся іншою людиною. I feel like another person. I feel different. Що б не трапилося, я лишуся з тобою. No matter what happens, I'll stay with you. Whatever happens, I'll stay with you. Вони щодня вбивали ламу, щоб задовольнити бога сонця. Every day they killed a llama to make the Sun God happy. They killed the lama every day to please the sun god. Він алкаш. He's a lush. He's an alkash. Не кажи, що я тебе не попереджала. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Він помер для того, щоб ми могли жити. He died, so we might live. He died so that we could live. Цей фотограф дуже талановитий. That photographer is really talented. This photographer is very talented. Напишіть Тому. Write to Tom. Write to Volume. Фома попередив мене про небезпеку. Tom warned me of the danger. Thomas warned me of the danger. Аліса — прихожанка Сатанинського храму. Alice is a member of The Satanic Temple. Alice is a member of Satan’s temple. Коли ви останній раз купували взуття? When was the last time you bought shoes? When was the last time you bought shoes? Ви оточені. You're surrounded. You're surrounded. Чим ви з Томом хочете зайнятися? What do you and Tom want to do? What do you and Tom want to do? Том не отруював Мері. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. Вона плакала, читаючи лист. She cried reading the letter. She cried reading the letter. Ти повинен казати правду. You should tell the truth. You have to tell the truth. Ти можеш мати рацію. You could be right. You can be right. Цей краще виглядає. This one is prettier. This one looks better. Він зараз вечеряє. Now he is eating dinner. He's having dinner now. Ти дав мені слово. You gave me your word. You gave me your word. Я хочу, щоб Том зачекав. I want Tom to wait. I want Tom to wait. Ми приїхали! We have arrived! We're here! Тебе це дратує? Are you annoyed by that? Is that annoying to you? Що у коробці? What is in the box? What's in the box? Обережно. Вона ще гаряча. Be careful. It's still warm. It's still hot. Том поводився з Мері, як із дитиною. Tom treated Mary like a child. Tom treated Mary like a child. Чому ти такий сумний? Why are you so gloomy? Why are you so sad? Я робив це просто заради розваги. I did that just for fun. I did it just for fun. Том відмовився говорити будь-що. Tom refused to say anything. Tom refused to say anything. Мати вислала тобі молоко і пироги. Mother has sent you some cakes and milk. Your mother sent you milk and pies. Я нещодавно познайомилася з кимось, у кого, мені здається, я можу закохатися. I met someone the other day that I think I could fall in love with. I recently met someone I think I can fall in love with. Ви хочете сказати, що не хочете допомогти нам пофарбувати стелю? Are you saying you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? You mean you don't want to help us paint the ceiling? Я нікому не розкрию твого секрету. Your secret will be safe with me. I won't reveal your secret to anyone. Подивіться на це. Take a look at that. Look at this. Я ніколи не був у Флориді. I have never gone to Florida. I've never been to Florida. Ти занадто худий. You're too skinny. You're too thin. Ми говорили годинами. We talked for hours. We talked for hours. Я дуже п'яний. I'm smashed. I'm very drunk. Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, на Мері можна покластися. Tom told me he thought that Mary was reliable. Tom told me that he thought Mary could be relied on. Ви згодні з їхнім рішенням? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Запишіть це на мій рахунок. Put that on my bill. Write it on my account. Квочка висиджувала яйця протягом одного тижня. The hen has been brooding its eggs for a week. The chick would incubate the eggs for one week. Ти добре виглядаєш з коротким волоссям. You look nice with your hair short. You look good with short hair. Том уже в Бостоні. Tom is already in Boston. Tom's already in Boston. Ми з Томом пішли на концерт. I went to a concert with Tom. Tom and I went to a concert. У Тома був інсульт. Tom had a stroke. Tom had a stroke. Чому ти попросив Тома зробити це, раз ти знав, що він не може цього зробити? Why did you ask Tom to do that when you knew he couldn't do it? Why did you ask Tom to do this once you knew he couldn't do it? Ти бачив, як він виходив? Did you see him go out? Did you see him go out? Чи я можу поговорити з пані Браун? May I talk to Ms. Brown? Can I talk to Mrs Brown? Він мешкав у центрі Лондона. He lived in central London. He lived in downtown London. Що було всередині? What was inside? What was inside? Том сказав, що не хоче більше лишатися у Бостоні. Tom said he didn't want to stay in Boston any longer. Tom said he didn't want to stay in Boston anymore. Що тобі більше подобається - літо чи зима? Which do you like better, summer or winter? What do you prefer, summer or winter? Хіба ти не плануєш це зробити? Aren't you planning to do that? Aren't you planning on doing that? На щастя, ніхто не намокнув. Luckily nobody got wet. Fortunately, no one did. Ніхто не знає, хто вбив Тома. Nobody knows who killed Tom. Nobody knows who killed Tom. Це не так важко, як тобі здається. It's not as difficult as you think. It's not as hard as you think it is. Чому ти на мене сердитий? Why are you angry at me? Why are you mad at me? Ходімо нап'ємося. Let's go get drunk. Let's go get a drink. Вам потрібно зачекати. You've got to wait. You need to wait. У Тома багато друзів. Tom has a lot of friends. Tom has a lot of friends. Що ти сьогодні робила? What were you doing today? What were you doing today? Я не знаю, що йому відомо. I don't know what he knows. I don't know what he knows. Привіт всім! Hello all! Hello, everyone! Можна я відкрию консерву? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open the can? Я намагаюся трохи відпочити. I'm trying to get some rest. I'm trying to get some rest. Ви, мабуть, брат Тома. You must be Tom's brother. You must be Tom's brother. Том закохався у героїв свого роману. Tom fell in love with the characters in his novel. Tom fell in love with the heroes of his novel. Я думаю, ти мене почула. I think you heard me. I think you heard me. Том удома зі своїми дітьми. Tom is at home with his children. Tom is home with his children. Том дуже заможний. Tom is very wealthy. Tom is very wealthy. Том надув кульку. Tom blew up the balloon. Tom blew up the ball. Де телефон? Where's the phone? Where's the phone? Ми двоюрідні брат і сестра. We're cousins. We're cousins and sister. Самі був у туалеті. Sami was in the toilet. Sami was in the toilet. Сподіваюся, вам це сподобається. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Ти колись бачила, щоб Том та Мері це робили? Have you ever seen Tom and Mary do that? Have you ever seen Tom and Mary do that? Я сто років не бачила Тома. I haven't seen Tom in donkey's years. I haven't seen Tom for a hundred years. Їй п'ять. She is five years old. She's five. Твої б слова та богу у вуха! Let's hope so. Your words and your god in my ears! Том приїжджає наступного тижня. Tom is coming next week. Tom's coming next week. Вам потрібно припинити робити це просто зараз. You need to stop doing that right now. You need to stop doing it right now. Мій дідусь розмовляє дуже повільно. My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather talks very slowly. Ти переміг? Did you win? Did you win? Вона може говорити англійською досить добре. She can speak English pretty well. She can speak English quite well. Мені треба йти. I need to go. I have to go. Том не здавався занадто занепокоєним. Tom didn't seem overly concerned. Tom did not seem overly anxious. Том каже, що планує це зробити. Tom says he plans to do that. Tom says he's planning to do it. Те, що він зробив, не було неправильним. What he did wasn't wrong. What he did was not wrong. Можеш дати мені одну хвилинку? Can you give me a minute? Can you give me a minute? Є що-небудь холодне попити? Is there something cold to drink? Is there any cold demand? Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to speak with them. I need to talk to them. Вони занадто великі. They are too big. They're too big. Ми тобі дамо ще один шанс. We'll give you one more chance. We'll give you another chance. Я міг це зробити. I could do it. I could have done it. Нуль, один, два, три, чотири, п'ять, шість, сім, вісім, дев'ять, десять. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Він студент-медик. He is a medical student. He's a medic student. Це не обов'язково так. That is not necessarily so. It doesn't have to be. Я знаю Тома. I know Tom. I know Tom. Том не дуже добрий учитель. Tom isn't a very good teacher. Tom's not a very good teacher. Де ви всі живете? Where do you all live? Where do you all live? Він говорив про себе. He talked about himself. He was talking about himself. Давайте поставимо намет, поки ще світло. Let's put up the tent while it is still light. Let's put the tent up while it's still light. Том виглянув у вікно і побачив машину Мері. Tom looked out the window and saw Mary's car. Tom looked out the window and saw Mary's car. Ми отримаємо ще один шанс. We'll get another chance. We'll get another chance. У Тома конфіскували машину та продали новому власнику. Tom's car has been repossessed. Tom was confiscated by the car and sold to the new owner. Я заховався під ліжком. I hid myself under the bed. I hid under my bed. Є одна проблема. There is one problem. There's one problem. Я точно не пам'ятаю, що сказав Том. I don't remember exactly what Tom said. I don't exactly remember what Tom said. Навіщо ти сюди повернувся? Why did you come back here? Why did you come back here? Кімната нагрівається. The room is warming up. The room heats up. Том уміє грати на гітарі, я думаю. Tom can play the guitar, I think. Tom can play the guitar, I think. Ми це бачили. We've seen it. We saw it. Том ніколи не порушує обіцянок. Tom never breaks a promise. Tom never breaks promises. Курка недоварена. The chicken is undercooked. The chicken is not brewed. Думаю, я зіграю в теніс із Томом. I think that I'll play tennis with Tom. I think I'll play tennis with Tom. Я був надворі. I was outside. I was outside. Я забув зробити те, про що мене попросив Том. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. I forgot to do what Tom asked me to do. Я дуже хочу поїхати до Бостона. I really want to go to Boston. I really want to go to Boston. Відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Я справді кохав її. I truly loved her. I really loved her. Том, насправді, прийшов рано. Tom was actually early. Tom, actually, came early. Я хочу випити чашку чаю. I want to drink a cup of tea. I want a cup of tea. Чим займається ваш батько? What's your father do? What does your father do? Я лузер. I'm a loser. I'm a loser. Ти знаєш мою дружину? Do you know my wife? Do you know my wife? Том розпочав вивчати французьку. Tom has begun studying French. Tom began to study French. Том схиблений на фруктовому морозиві. Tom absolutely loves ice lollies. Tom is lost on the fruit ice cream. Гарними словами не наїсися. Fair words fill not the belly. You don't have to eat good words. Перестань корчити ту качину пику! Stop making that duck face! Stop rolling that duck's face! Я все розповіла Тому. I told Tom everything. I told Tom everything. Я пообідав три години тому. I had lunch three hours ago. I had lunch three hours ago. Це, мабуть, жарт, еге ж? It's gotta be a joke, right? It's probably a joke, isn't it? З Томом стався нещасний випадок на роботі. Tom had an accident at work. Tom had an accident at work. Ти ж не засмучений? You're not upset, are you? You're not upset, are you? У нас півдюжини яєць. We have half a dozen eggs. We have half a dozen eggs. Том відмовився йти. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to go. Вона випила кави. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. Том повторив те, що сказала Мері. Tom reiterated what Mary said. Tom repeated what Mary had said. Тому було тринадцять, коли він загинув. Tom was thirteen when he died. So there were thirteen when he died. Бажаю тобі удачі. I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck. Раніше він багато читав. He used to read a lot. He used to read a lot. Що, на твою думку, сталося насправді? What do you think really happened? What do you think happened? Мама накрила на стіл. Mom spread the table. Mom put it on the table. Будь ласка, принесіть мені чистий ніж. Please bring me a clean knife. Please, bring me a clean knife. Мері терпима, чи не так? Mary is tolerant, isn't she? Mary is tolerant, isn't she? Ти думаєш, що Том є частиною проблеми? Do you think Tom might be part of the problem? You think Tom is part of the problem? Том не хотів іти на прогулянку. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Tom didn't want to go for a walk. Том чекає на мене на вокзалі. Tom is waiting for me at the station. Tom's waiting for me at the station. Я кладу вершки до своєї кави. I put cream in my coffee. I'm putting cream on my coffee. Я більше не можу виносити цей гамір. I can't put up with this noise anymore. I can't carry this noise anymore. Будь ласка, ще не йди. Please don't leave yet. Please don't go yet. Мене здивувала щирість Тома. I was surprised by Tom's candor. I was surprised by Tom’s sincerity. Я перечитувала листи, які ти мені надіслав. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I read the letters you sent me. Ви колись бачили ДТП? Have you ever seen a car accident? Have you ever seen an accident? Розумію, ви жартували. I understand, you were joking. I know you were kidding. Ти хочеш навчитися грати на гітарі? Do you want to learn to play guitar? You want to learn how to play guitar? Я не хотів танцювати. I didn't want to dance. I didn't want to dance. Зачекайте. Я заплачу за це. Wait. I will pay for this. I'll pay for that. Ми впевнені в його успіху. We are sure of his success. We are confident of his success. Боги карають грішників. The gods punish sinners. Gods punish sinners. Ти коли-небудь вiдвiдував Статую Свободи? Have you ever visited the Statue of Liberty? Have you ever opened the Statue of Liberty? У мене ідея. I've got an idea. I got an idea. Я щойно купив трохи картону. I just bought some cardboard. I just bought some cardboard. Я для Тома застара. I'm too old for Tom. I'm too old for Tom. Ця вечірка нудна. This party is boring. This party is boring. Чому ти повернувся сьогодні додому? Why did you return home today? Why did you come home tonight? Хіба ви не музикант? Aren't you a musician? Aren't you a musician? Хіба ти не хочеш, щоб я щось зробила? Don't you want me to do anything? Don't you want me to do something? Том не може цього змінити. Tom can't change that. Tom can't change that. Ти б хотіла, щоб Том зробив це з тобою? Would you like Tom to do that with you? Would you like Tom to do this to you? Ти знав, що Том одинокий? Did you know Tom was lonely? Did you know Tom was alone? Мері — моя старша сестра. Mary is my older sister. Mary is my older sister. Йому нарешті вдалося. He finally succeeded. He finally succeeded. Це занадто дорого! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Номер готовий. Your room's ready. The number is ready. Я хочу це зараз. I want it now. I want it now. Томе, я хочу лишитися з тобою. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Я не люблю позичати гроші будь-кому. I don't like lending money to anybody. I don't like borrowing money from anyone. Ми вчителі. We're teachers. We're teachers. Ми знаходимося в зоні евакуації. We are in the evacuation zone. We are in the evacuation zone. Вона потонула в озері. She drowned in the lake. She drowned in the lake. Тобі треба припинити це робити. You've got to stop doing that. You have to stop doing that. Це добре запитання. Good question! That's a good question. Мамо, можна я поплаваю? Can I go swimming, Mother? Mom, can I swim? Ти вважаєш мене божевільною? Do you think that I'm insane? You think I'm crazy? Цей автобус їде до Мінська. This bus is going to Minsk. This bus is going to Minsk. Мені потрібно знайти їх зараз. I need to find them now. I need to find them now. Моя мати любить їсти домашній сир. My mother loves to eat cottage cheese. My mother likes to eat home cheese. Нічого нового. Been there, done that. Nothing new. Я її кохаю. I love her. I love her. Ти б хотіла якось зі мною повечеряти? Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? Would you like to have dinner with me? Я повністю згодна. I completely agree. I totally agree. Ти хотів сказати саме це? Is that what you wanted to say? You mean that? Хочете банан? Would you like a banana? Want a banana? Нам треба бути на роботі до дев'ятої. We have to be at work by nine. We have to be at work until nine. Ми всі спали. We were all asleep. We all slept. Я ще не мив руки. I haven't washed my hands yet. I haven't washed my hands yet. Який? Which one? Which one? Том пішов побачитися з Мері. Tom went to see Mary. Tom went to see Mary. Я маю гроші. I've got money. I have money. Я думала, Том зрозумів. I thought Tom understood. I thought Tom got it. Ви маєте велику родину? Do you have a large family? Do you have a large family? Я платник податків. I am a taxpayer. I'm a taxpayer. У правій руці Том тримає ручку. Tom is holding a pen in his right hand. Tom holds a pen in his right hand. Є багато видів кави. There are many kinds of coffee. There are many types of coffee. Я радий, що у тебе все гаразд. I'm glad you're all right. I'm glad you're okay. Том упізнав мене. Tom recognized me. Tom recognized me. Ви брешете. You're lying. You're lying. Том послідував за Мері на вулицю. Tom followed Mary out. Tom followed Mary on the street. Це Том поцілував Мері, а не Джон. Tom was the one who kissed Mary, not John. Tom kissed Mary, not John. У мене на вас інші плани. I have other plans for you. I have other plans for you. Ти бачиш Тома? Can you see Tom? Do you see Tom? Мені подобається їздити на своєму велосипеді. I like riding my bike. I like riding my bike. Куля знайшла свою мету. The bullet found its mark. The bullet found its purpose. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Чим я можу допомогти? How can I help you? What can I do for you? Тома було визнано винним та засуджено до смерті. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom was found guilty and sentenced to death. Це буде нашим секретом. It'll be our secret. It will be our secret. О котрій годині ти вчора пішов спати? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? At what hour did you go to bed yesterday? Я не одружуся з тобою. I'm not marrying you. I'm not marrying you. Робити це буде ризиковано. Doing that is too risky. Doing so will be risky. Я не хочу бути покараним. I don't want to be punished. I don't want to be punished. Я взагалі не їм зелений перець. I don't eat green peppers at all. I don't eat green pepper at all. М'ясо жахливо тхнуло. The meat was giving off a terrible smell. The meat smelled awful. Моя сестра почала платаки. My sister started crying. My sister started records. Я лише намагаюся допомогти. I'm just trying to be helpful. I'm just trying to help. Це мій словник. This dictionary is mine. That's my dictionary. Ми з Томом обидва втомилися. Tom and I are both tired. Tom and I are both tired. Фома співає увесь день. Tom has been singing all day. Thomas sings all day. Перепрошую, що сумнівався в тобі. I'm sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Мені цікаво, чи це насправді працює. I wonder whether or not this really works. I wonder if this actually works. Що вони задумали? What're they up to? What were they up to? Помста — це блюдо, яке подається холодним. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Vengeance is a dish that is served cold. Вона твоя королева. She is your queen. She's your queen. Я запитала Тома, що мені робити. I asked Tom what I should do. I asked Tom what I should do. Я не думаю, що Том уміє їздити на одноколісному велосипеді. I don't think Tom knows how to ride a unicycle. I don't think Tom can ride a single-wheel bicycle. Я занадто низький. I am too short. I'm too low. В них була зброя. They had weapons. They had weapons. Сумніваюся, що Том коли-небудь вирішити розглянути можливість поїхати до Австралії. I doubt that Tom would ever consider going to Australia. I doubt Tom would ever decide to consider the possibility of going to Australia. Залижить від контексту. It depends on the context. It's coming from the context. Це мій собака. This dog is mine. This is my dog. Том увесь день працює. Tom has been working all day. Tom's been working all day. Це має значення? Does it matter? Does it matter? Очі Тома ще не звикли до темряви, тому він нічого не бачив. Tom's eyes weren't yet accustomed to the dark, so he couldn't see a thing. Tom's eyes are not used to the dark yet, so he saw nothing. В цій кімнаті не можна палити. Smoking is not allowed in this room. You can't smoke in this room. Самі прийде завтра. Sami will come tomorrow. They'll be here tomorrow. Я ненавиджу ту фотографію. I hate that picture. I hate that picture. Я його понюхав. I smelled it. I sniffed him. Хіба ти не починаєш втомлюватися? Aren't you starting to get tired? Don't you start getting tired? Я молюся. I'm praying. I pray. Засіб для зняття лаку дуже смердить. Nail polish remover stinks a lot. It stinks too much to remove the varnish. Російська вважається складною мовою. Russian is considered to be a difficult language. Russian is considered a complex language. Дякую, що розповів мені правду. Thanks for telling me the truth. Thank you for telling me the truth. Він вивихнув щиколотку. He sprained his ankle. He pulled out his ankle. Том мене умовив. Tom talked me into it. Tom ordered me. Ти певна, що Том це робитиме? Are you sure Tom will do that? Are you sure Tom's gonna do that? Закінчивши працювати, вона пішла додому. Having finished her work, she went home. After working, she went home. Хто хоче піти зі мною? Who wants to come with me? Who wants to come with me? Том сказав, що зробити це не буде важко. Tom said it wouldn't be hard to do that. Tom said it wouldn't be hard. Скидається на те, що на Татоебі забагато турецьких тролів. Seems like there are too many Turkish trolls on Tatoeba. It seems like there are too many Turkish trolls on Daddy's side. Чому ви лаєтеся? Why are you cursing? Why are you swearing? Це лише збіг обставин? Is that just a coincidence? Is that just a coincidence? Том може не знати, де Мері. Tom may not know where Mary is. Tom may not know where Mary is. Ніщо не працює. Nothing's working. Nothing works. Том ще грає у гольф, правда? Tom still plays golf, doesn't he? Tom's still playing golf, isn't he? Як ти міг дозволити йому зробити це з тобою? How could you let them do this to you? How could you let him do it to you? Що ви сказали Тому? What did you tell Tom? What did you say to Thomas? Вона живе майже поруч. She lives quite close by. She lives almost next door. Не пийте забагато кави. Don't drink too much java. Don't drink too much coffee. Ви можете дати відповідь? Can you answer? Can you give an answer? Що сталося двадцятого жовтня? What happened on October 20? What happened on October 20th? Підозрюю, що Том до цього ніяк не причетний. I suspect that Tom had nothing to do with that. I suspect Tom wasn't involved. Якщо у вас є якісь запитання, дайте мені знати. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you have any questions, let me know. Я розберуся з Томом. Let me deal with Tom. I'll deal with Tom. Я хочу тебе поцілувати. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Він був дуже зайнятий увесь день. He was very busy all day. He was very busy all day. Том повернеться. Я певен, що повернеться. Tom will come back. I'm sure he will. Tom will come back, I'm sure he'll be back. Йому вдалося втекти. He managed to escape. He managed to escape. Цікаво, про що думає Том. I wonder what Tom is thinking about. I wonder what Tom thinks. Том приведе Мері. Tom will bring Mary. Tom will bring Mary. Ніхто з нас не говорить французькою. None of us speak French. None of us speak French. Вона бачила, як він пилив гілку. She saw him saw the branch. She saw him drink a branch. Ви маєте сказати Тому, що не можете цього зробити. You ought to let Tom know that you can't do that. You have to say because you can't do that. Том значно запізнився. Tom was pretty late. Tom's much late. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at speaking French. Tom speaks good French. Том сказав, що він не може знайти нічого поїсти. Tom said he couldn't find anything to eat. Tom said he couldn't find anything to eat. Сьогодні приємний день. It is a pleasant day today. It's a nice day. Мода швидко змінюється. Fashions change quickly. Model changes quickly. Я абсолютно збентежена. I'm totally confused. I'm totally confused. Мені не вдалося роздивитися, хто це. I didn't manage to see who it was. I couldn't see who it was. Минулого року був поганий урожай. Last year, there was a bad harvest. Last year there was a poor crop. Том зрадив тебе. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Я був обдовбаний. I was stoned. I was fucked up. Скажіть, будь ласка, де яйця? Excuse me. Where are the eggs? Would you please tell me where the eggs are? Том — дружелюбний хлопчина. Tom is a friendly guy. Tom is a friendy boy. Він зараз обідає. He's eating lunch now. He's having lunch now. Еукаріотичні клітини мають ядро. Eukaryotic cells have nuclei. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus. Вже починається. It's starting now. It's about to begin. У мене все ще є ключ від будинку Тома. I still have the key to Tom's house. I still have the key to Tom's house. Вона довго говорила про свій закордонний досвід. She talked long of her experiences abroad. She spoke for a long time about her foreign experience. Вони всі голодні. They're all hungry. They're all hungry. Не треба так хвилюватися. Don't be that worried. You don't have to worry like that. Ісус мене втомлює. Jesus bores me. Jesus is getting tired of me. Будь розсудливою. Be sensible. Be reasonable. Це мене лякає. That scares me. It scares me. Вам насправді потрібно допомогти Тому зробити це. You really should be helping Tom do that. You actually need to help So do it. Мері каже, що не робитиме цього. Mary says she won't do that. Mary says she won't do it. Ми сьогодні голосуватимемо. We're going to vote today. We'll vote today. Вони не мали їжі. They had no food. They had no food. Релігія одного віку це літературне дозвілля наступного. The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next. The religion of one age is the literary leisure of the next. Я думаю, ми скоро повернемося. I think she will come back soon. I think we'll be back soon. Яка катастрофа! What a disaster! What a disaster! Я для тебе спекла яблучний пиріг. I made an apple pie for you. I made apple pie for you. Мері нижча від Тома. Mary is not as tall as Tom. Mary is inferior to Tom. Авраам Лінкольн — відома людина. Abraham Lincoln is a famous person. Abraham Lincoln is a famous man. Том не має ворогів. Tom doesn't have any enemies. Tom has no enemies. Вона боїться поїхати за кордон. She's afraid of going abroad. She is afraid to go abroad. Я таким народився. I was born like this. I was born that way. Будь ласка, виправте її. Please correct it. Please correct. Навіщо ти говориш із Томом французькою? Why are you speaking French to Tom? Why are you talking to Tom in French? Я допрацювала. I finished the work. I've worked it out. Мені не дозволили побачитися з нею. I wasn't allowed to see her. I wasn't allowed to see her. Том добре виспався? Did Tom sleep well? Tom got a good night's sleep? Том та Мері розповіли Джону. Tom and Mary told John. Tom and Mary told John. Ліфт не працював. The lift was not working. The elevator didn't work. Ти гарна. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Тут немає нікого крім мене. There's no one but me here. There's no one else here but me. Том не хотів робити цього з вами. Tom didn't want to do that with you. Tom didn't want to do that to you. Я бачила вас по телевізору. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Мати Фадля одружилася вдруге. Fadil's mother remarried. Fa's mother got married for the second time. У нього десять корів. He has ten cows. He has ten cows. Мені подобається англійська мова. I like English. I like English. Ти жорстока. You're cruel. You're cruel. Схоже на те, що осінь вже тут. It looks as if autumn is really here. It looks like autumn is already here. Я бачив, як до кімнати зайшов чоловік. I saw a man enter the room. I saw a man come into the room. Він хто завгодно, тільки не дурень. He is anything but a fool. He's anyone but a fool. Я боявся, що це може трапитися. I was afraid this might happen. I was afraid it might happen. Хто ще був на зустрічі? Who else was at the meeting? Who else was at the meeting? Він розмовляє занадто швидко. He speaks too fast. He talks too fast. Том запропонував Мері доволі непогану роботу. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Tom offered Mary a pretty good job. Том тобі допоможе? Is Tom going to help you? Tom will help you? У неї гарне обличчя. She has a pretty face. She's got a nice face. Том не хотів цього. Tom didn't want it. Tom didn't want that. Цей хлопець не може відрізнити праведне від грішного. That fellow can't tell right from wrong. This boy cannot distinguish right from wrong. Ти панда. You are a panda. You're a panda. Я не впевнений, де знаходиться мій готель. I'm not sure where my hotel is. I'm not sure where my hotel is. Які саме цукерки тобі подобаються? What kind of candy do you like? What kind of candy do you like? Я майже забув, що то був його день народження. I almost forgot that it was his birthday. I almost forgot it was his birthday. Що тримає тебе так пізно? What keeps you up so late? What keeps you so late? Лейла звинуватила Фадля в Тому, що він зустрічається з іншими жінками. Layla accused Fadil of seeing other women. Leila accused Fabo of dating other women. Йди з Томом. Go with Tom. Go with Tom. Я думав, що він прийде один. I thought he would come alone. I thought he'd come alone. Том Джексон — мій начальник. Tom Jackson is my boss. Tom Jackson is my boss. Це мій брат. This is my brother. That's my brother. Чи не підкажете, де я можу знайти готель? Could you tell me where I could find a hotel? Can you tell me where I can find the hotel? Я жартую. I'm joking. I'm kidding. Гадаю, я поставила добрі запитання. I think I asked the right questions. I think I asked good questions. Добре, я маю зробити пропозицію. Well, I have a suggestion to make. Okay, I have to make a suggestion. Литва входить до Європейського союзу. Lithuania is joining the European Union. Lithuania is part of the European Union. Його було виправдано. He was acquitted. He was acquitted. Я навчив дружину водити. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife how to drive. Я перестала це робити. I've stopped doing that. I stopped doing that. Хто твій улуюблений фігурист? Who's your favorite figure skater? Who's your evil figurelist? Вчитель зробив нам зауваження, що ми повинні поводити себе тихо. The teacher admonished us that we should be silent. The teacher made it clear to us that we should be quiet. Яка справжня причина того, що Тома тут немає? What's the real reason that Tom isn't here? What's the real reason Tom's not here? Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Том зник без сліду. Tom disappeared without a trace. Tom disappeared without a trace. Том просить нас допомогти йому. Tom is asking us to help him. Tom asks us to help him. Я з Данії. I'm from Denmark. I'm from Denmark. Я люблю хмарочоси. I love skyscrapers. I love skyscrapers. Я тобі не раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Прибери свої речі. Put away your things. Clean up your stuff. Я маю рацію? Am I correct? Am I right? Я більше не ходжу до церкви. I don't go to church anymore. I no longer go to church. Мене звати Генрі. My name's Henry. My name is Henry. Том знає, що має працювати далі. Tom knows he has to keep working. Tom knows he has to work on it. Том не поведе машину до Бостона. Tom won't drive to Boston. Tom won't lead the car to Boston. Я все ще боюся цим займатися. I'm still afraid to do that. I'm still afraid to do that. Я не хочу робити це один. I don't want to do that by myself. I don't want to do it alone. Том не знав, що у нього була секретний прихильник. Tom didn't know that he had a secret admirer. Tom didn't know he had a secret supporter. Том слідує за Мері. Tom is following Mary. Tom follows Mary. Мені Том все ще не дуже подобається. I still don't like Tom very much. I still don't like Tom very much. Тому нам краще було б лишитися вдома. So we'd better stay home. That's why we'd rather stay home. Том, здається, гладшає. Tom seems to be getting fatter. Tom, I think he's smoothing. Ви знали Тома? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Том сказав, що у нього багато друзів у Бостоні. Tom said he had plenty of friends in Boston. Tom said he had a lot of friends in Boston. Їжа остигає. The food is getting cold. The food's getting cold. У Тома та Мері все гаразд. Tom and Mary are doing OK. Tom and Mary are fine. Я можу бачити себе в дзеркалі. I can see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Було б добре знову побачити Тома. It would be nice to see Tom again. It would be nice to see Tom again. До станції хвилин десять на автобусі. It's about ten minutes to the station by bus. Ten minutes to the station on the bus. Чому Том не планує цього робити? Why isn't Tom planning to do that? Why doesn't Tom plan on doing that? Том багато їсть. Tom eats a lot. Tom eats a lot. Том вищий від мене. Tom is taller than me. Tom is superior to me. Це якраз те, про що я не подумав. That's the one thing I hadn't thought of. That's exactly what I didn't think. Я покакала. I pooped. I was going for a ride. У Вашингтоні зараз цвіте вишня. Cherry trees are now in bloom in Washington. In Washington, it's a blooming cherry. Ти знаєш добрий ресторан? Do you know a good restaurant? You know a good restaurant? Том був найстарший у нашому класі. Tom was the oldest one in our class. Tom was the oldest in our class. Він на три роки старший від неї. He's three years older than she is. He's three years older than her. А що, якщо наш план не спрацює? What if our plan doesn't work? What if our plan doesn't work? Ось вода. Here's some water. Here's water. Ти завжди обережний. You're always careful. You're always careful. Том не очікував нікого. Tom wasn't expecting anybody. Tom didn't expect anyone. Я маю поспішити на станцію, щоб сісти на останній поїзд. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. I have to rush to the station to get on the last train. Я не розумію, а я не звик не розуміти. Будь ласка, поясніть ще раз. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, and I'm not used to understanding. Я слухала джаз протягом всього ранку. I've been listening to jazz all morning. I listened to jazz all morning. Том раніше тусив з Мері та Джоном. Tom used to hang out with Mary and John. Tom used to push with Mary and John. Дівчина, одягнена в біле, - моя наречена. The girl who is dressed in white is my fiancée. The girl dressed in white is my bride. Том пішов. Tom left that. Tom's gone. Двері відчиняються о другій тридцять дня. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. The door opens at 2:30 a.m. Я хочу, щоб ви поговорили з Томом про його поведінку. I want you to talk to Tom about his behavior. I want you to talk to Tom about his behavior. Я не закохана у Лейлу. I'm not in love with Layla. I'm not in love with Leila. Йому було лише чотирнадцять. He was only fourteen years old. He was only fourteen. Я навчу вас грати в шахи. I will teach you to play chess. I'll teach you how to play chess. Місяць вже зійшов. The moon is already out. The moon is already down. Як би там не було, я просто не можу прийняти це. Somehow I just can't accept that. Anyway, I just can't accept it. Ти знайшов якісь проблеми? Did you find any problems? Did you find any problems? Хто піде? Who's going? Who's going? Завтра вихідний. It is a holiday tomorrow. Tomorrow's out. Том доволі сором'язливий, так? Tom is rather shy, isn't he? Tom's pretty shy, huh? Мі дізналися, що з Томом стався нещасний випадок. We learned that Tom had an accident. We learned that Tom had an accident. Сподіваюся, ти повернешся. I hope that you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. Є щось, що ви б хотіли купити? Is there something you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Ти сказала мені зробити це. You told me to do that. You told me to do it. Том та Мері — суперники. Tom and Mary are rivals. Tom and Mary are rivals. Том хоче, щоб я вибачився. Tom wants me to apologize. Tom wants me to apologize. Спробуй не заплакати. Try to keep from crying. Try not to cry. У тебе дуже гострий слух. You have very acute hearing. You have very keen hearing. Можна це ще раз зробити? Can I do it again? Can I do that again? Ваші діти все ще сплять? Are your kids still in bed? Are your children still asleep? Ви маєте спробувати ще раз. You have to try again. You have to try again. Чи Том християнин? Is Tom a Christian? Is Tom a Christian? Я хочу подивитися, що трапиться. I want to see what's going to happen. I want to see what happens. Том сів перед Мері. Tom sat in front of Mary. Tom sat down before Mary. У мене менше грошей, ніж у тебе. I have less money than you. I have less money than you have. Том живе в Бостоні, еге ж? Tom lives in Boston, doesn't he? Tom lives in Boston, huh? Він офісний працівник. He is an office worker. He's an office worker. Ти думаєш, що Том переможе, так? You think that Tom will win, don't you? You think Tom's gonna win, right? Ти не міг би зупинитися, будь ласка? Would you stop, please? Could you please stop? Вони їхали за тобою. They followed you. They were following you. Я чекаю на вашу відповідь. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. Том був без шкарпеток. Tom had no socks on. Tom was without socks. Кімната Тома замкнена. Tom's room is locked. Tom's room is locked. Звичайно ж, залюбки. Sure, gladly. Sure, I'd love to. Будь ласка, роби це швидко. Please do it quickly. Please do it quickly. Він погодився зі мною. He agreed with me. He agreed with me. Чи не міг би ти показати мені дорогу до порту? Could you show me the way to the port? Could you show me the way to the port? Що ти робив вчора ввечері? What did you do last night? What were you doing last night? Том — добрий лікар. Tom is a good doctor. Tom is a good doctor. Хіба ти не хочеш цієї роботи? Don't you want this job? Don't you want this job? Том сказав, що йому потрібно купити щось попоїсти. Tom said he needed to buy something to eat. Tom said he needed to buy something to eat. Том вважає, що Мері невинна. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary is innocent. Я прочекав під дощем принаймні хвилин із десять. I was kept waiting in the rain for as long as ten minutes. I waited at least ten minutes in the rain. Мені цікаво, чи Том вже сказав Мері, що їй потрібно це зробити. I wonder if Tom has already told Mary she needs to do that. I wonder if Tom already told Mary she needed to do it. Ви користуєтеся сучасними технологіями? Do you use current technology? Are you using modern technology? Ти перепрацював. You're overworked. You've reworked. Том у своїй кімнаті. Tom is in his room. Tom's in his room. Ви бачили когось окрім Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see anyone else other than Tom last night? Have you seen anyone other than Tom last night? Це надійний перелік? Is this list reliable? Is that a reliable list? Не притуляйся до паркану. Don't lean against the wall. Don't stick to the fence. Чи це знову дощитиме сьогодні? Is it still going to rain today? Will it rain again today? Я не знаю, що пообіцяв Том. I don't know what Tom promised. I don't know what Tom promised. Ти готова їхати? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Будь ласка, зніміть взуття. Please take off your shoes. Please take off your shoes. Нам потрібно трохи грошей. We need some money. We need some money. Я знав про це все. I knew all about it. I knew all about it. Мені потрібно цим зайнятися зараз? Do I need to do that now? Do I need to do this now? Кейт намагається ходити навшпиньки. Kate tries to walk on tiptoe. Kate's trying to walk on her tip. В інтернеті ніхто не знає, що ти кішка. On the internet, nobody knows you're a cat. No one on the internet knows you're a cat. Дівчата близнята так схожі, що я не можу їх відрізнити. The twin girls are so much alike that I can't tell one from the other. Twin girls are so similar that I can't distinguish them. Тоні його зламав. Tony broke it. Tony broke it. Що за затримка? What is the delay? What's the holdup? Було легко відповісти. It was easy to answer. It was easy to answer. Дякую за інформацію. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Я маю право знати правду. I have a right to know the truth. I have the right to know the truth. Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm that. I can't confirm it. Де я можу забрати свій багаж? Where can I pick up my baggage? Where can I get my luggage? Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері може перемогти. Tom said that he hopes Mary can win. Tom said he hopes Mary can win. Розбуди дітей. Wake the kids. Wake up the kids. Ми багато випили. We drank a lot. We drank a lot. Кому ще ви розповіли? Who else did you tell? Who else did you tell? Том втратив голос. Tom lost his voice. Tom lost his voice. Це твоє пиво? Is this your beer? Is that your beer? Безпеку не гарантовано. Safety is not guaranteed. Security is not guaranteed. Я їх не бачила. I didn't see them. I didn't see them. Том танцюватиме. Tom will dance. Tom will dance. Дай мені свій гаманець. Give me your wallet. Give me your wallet. У вас нічого немає. You have nothing. You have nothing. Навіть вчитель може помилятися. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Even a teacher may be wrong. Ми були в ньому розчаровані. We were disappointed in him. We were disappointed in it. Том, може бути, вже помер. Tom may already be dead. Tom, maybe he's already dead. Я ґей. I'm gay. I'm gay. Чому я так втомився? Why am I so tired? Why am I so tired? Зачекай до кінця моїх екзаменів. Wait till I finish exams. Wait until the end of my exams. Скільки у вас дітей? How many kids do you have? How many kids do you have? Я ще не закінчила з Томом. I'm not done with Tom yet. I haven't finished with Tom yet. В Україні є тисячі пастафаріанців. There are thousands of Pastafarians in Ukraine. There are thousands of Pakistani people in Ukraine. Ви дуже наполегливі, чи не так? You're very persistent, aren't you? You're very persistent, aren't you? Я не свідчив. I didn't testify. I didn't testify. Нам треба дiяти швидко. We have to act quickly. We need to breathe quickly. Хто-небудь знає ім'я покійної? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Anyone know the dead man's name? Ось такі новини. That's the news. That's the news. Ти прочитав цю книжку? Have you read that book? Did you read this book? Ти недостатньо високий. You're not tall enough. You're not tall enough. Я тільки що прийшов зі школи. I just got back from school. I just came from school. Я не маю жодного відношення до цього. I've got nothing to do with it. I have nothing to do with it. Ви любите японську їжу? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? Мені шкода, що Том так вважає. I'm sorry that Tom thinks that way. I'm sorry Tom thinks so. Ти виглядаєш здивованим. You look surprised. You look surprised. Вау! На вигляд смачно. Wow! That looks delicious. Wow, it looks delicious. Ти колись застрягав у ліфті? Have you ever been stuck in a lift? Did you ever get stuck in an elevator? Операція не може чекати. The operation cannot wait. The operation can't wait. О котрій годині це трапилося? What time did that take place? At what hour did this happen? Не намагайся зробити це самостійно. Don't attempt to do this by yourself. Don't try to do it yourself. Виживших не було. There were no survivors. There were no survivors. Вони втратили зразок ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost a DNA sample. Якби я мала час, я би відвідала Тома. If I'd had time, I would have visited Tom. If I had time, I'd visit Tom. Поклади на полицю. Put it on the shelf. Put it on the shelf. Том не може прийти. Tom can't come. Tom can't come. Я не знаю, де Том. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. Твоє пророцтво збулося. Your prophecy has come true. Your prophecy has come true. Макроси для jEdit пишуться на BeanShell. jEdit macros are written in BeanShell. Macros for jEdit are written on BeanShell. Хочеш піти з нами на концерт? Do you want to go to the concert with us? You wanna go to a concert with us? Це пожежна машина? Is that a fire truck? Is that a fire car? Всяка їжа і пиття смачні й корисні, але треба знати час, місце і міру. All kinds of food and drink are delicious and good for you, but you have to know when, where, and in what quantity. Every kind of food and drink is delicious and beneficial, but you need to know the time, the place and the measure. Мені здається, це добрий агрумент. I feel this is a good point. I think it's a good game. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає після стількох років. I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years. I wonder if she recognises me after so many years. Я іноді дуже недбалий. I'm sometimes very careless. Sometimes I'm very careless. Я знаю, що ти нам не довіряєш. I know you don't trust us. I know you don't trust us. Я нікого не вбивав. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. Не думаю, що наступного тижня Том буде в Австралії. I don't think Tom will be in Australia next week. I don't think Tom's gonna be in Australia next week. Том мав зачекати. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Ви їли. You were eating. You ate. Я його не бачив близько трьох років. I haven't seen him for about three years. I haven't seen him for about three years. Боюся, я не закінчу доповідь вчасно. I'm afraid that I won't finish the report on time. I'm afraid I won't end the report in time. Малоймовірно, що я там буду сьогодні ввечері. I'm not likely to be there tonight. It's unlikely I'll be there tonight. Я тобі не довіряю. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Вона подорожує світом. She is traveling around the world. She travels the world. У хлопців все добре. The boys are fine. The boys are fine. Цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary she had to do it. Том сказав, навіщо йому потрібні гроші? Did Tom say what he needed the money for? Tom said why would he need the money? Ти добра. You're kind. You're good. На що він схожий? What is it like? What does he look like? Я більше не живу в Бостоні. Я переїхала до Чикаго. I don't live in Boston anymore. I've moved to Chicago. I don't live in Boston anymore, I moved to Chicago. Це трапилося лише одного разу. This only happened once. It only happened once. Звідси видно гору Фудзі. From here, one can see Mt. Fuji. From here you can see Mount Fuji. Людиноподібні мавпи розумні. Apes are intelligent. Man-like monkeys are intelligent. Свято вже почалося. The party has already started. It's already begun. Ваш батько про це знає? Does your father know about this? Does your father know about this? Том фотогенічний. Tom is photogenic. Tom's photogenic. Прошу якийсь час мене не перебивати. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Чоловік спробував установити власну антену. The man tried to install his own antenna. The man tried to establish his own antenna. Вони навіть не знають чому. They don't even know why. They don't even know why. Брехун! Liar! Liar! Що ж, може ви й маєте рацію. Well, you may be right. Well, maybe you're right. Інститут — це марнування часу. College is a waste of time. The institute is a waste of time. Том обісрався на весіллі сестри. Tom pooped his pants at his sister's wedding. Tom fucked up at the sister's wedding. Ти знаєш, де Том? Do you know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Те кошеня дуже миле. That kitten is so cute. That kitten is very nice. Дай мені щось, чим писати. Give me something to write with. Give me something to write. Мені Том насправді дуже подобається. I do like Tom very much. I really like Tom. Завтра у нас немає уроків. We have no school tomorrow. We don't have any lessons tomorrow. Хочу вивчити іврит. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. На столі лежить апельсин. There's an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. Ніколи не лишайте мене одну з Томом. Don't ever leave me alone with Tom. Never leave me alone with Tom. Мері робить все, що їй каже робити Том. Mary does everything Tom tells her to do. Mary does whatever Tom tells her to do. Це дуже добре кіно. It really is a good movie. It's a very good movie. Чому ніхто не відповідає? Why does nobody answer? Why isn't nobody answering? Том сказав мені, що, на його думку, у нього грип. Tom told me he thought he had the flu. Tom told me he thought he had a flu. Моя кров закипіла. My blood boiled. My blood boiled. Ви дали мені добру пораду. You've given me good advice. You gave me good advice. Цей велосипед не належить Тому. This bicycle isn't Tom's. This bike does not belong to Thomas. Я думала, ви загубили мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Я тебе взагалі не пам'ятаю. I don't remember you at all. I don't remember you at all. Ці будинки — мого дядька. Those houses are my uncle's. These houses are my uncle. Я просто зробив свою роботу. I just did my job. I just did my job. Тома ніхто не кликав. Nobody called Tom. Tom wasn't called. Ніхто не знає, що буде. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Ми завжди на щось чекаємо. We're always waiting for something. We're always waiting for something. Дякуємо вам за увагу. Thanks for your attention. Thank you very much. Я не вибачилася. I didn't apologize. I didn't apologize. Багато молоді цього літа поїхало на Гаваї. A lot of young people went to Hawaii this summer. Many young people have gone to Hawaii this summer. Том — мій брат-близнюк. Tom is my twin brother. Tom is my twin brother. На цей момент немає коментарів. There are no comments for now. There's no comment at this point. Томе, я хочу лишитися з вами. Tom, I want to stay with you. Tom, I want to stay with you. Не чиніть опору. Don't resist. Do not resist. Ти за це заплатиш! You're going to pay for this! You'll pay for it! Ти мене зрозуміла? Did you understand me? Do you understand me? Том порізався. Tom cut himself. Tom cut. Том думає, що Мері може це зробити? Does Tom think Mary can do that? Tom thinks Mary can do this? Це твоя шапка? Is this your hat? Is that your hat? Пам’ятай, що ти порох. Bear in mind that you are dust. Remember, you are dust. Ви хочеш, щоб я пішла з вами? Would you like me to come with you? You want me to come with you? Вона біла? Is it white? Is she white? Любиш троянду — терпи й колючки. Love me, love my dog. Love the rose, the thorns also. Ти любиш кокосову воду? Do you like coconut water? Do you love coconut water? Барселона розташована в Іспанії. Barcelona is in Spain. Barcelona is located in Spain. Він дуже чуйний. He's very soft-hearted. He's very understanding. Залишилося лише одне печиво. There's only one cookie left. Only one cookie remains. Я хотів подивитися цей фільм із вами. I wanted to watch that movie with you. I wanted to see this film with you. Я навчився пірнати у п'ять років. I learned to dive when I was five. I learned to dive at the age of five. Том боїться, що може задіти почуття Мері. Tom is afraid he might hurt Mary's feelings. Tom is afraid he can put up with Mary's feelings. Том спробував спасти Мері. Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom tried to save Mary. Я прийшов вчасно. I made it on time. I came in time. Де ваш багаж? Where's your luggage? Where's your luggage? Вона звільнилася з компанії. She quit the company. She quit the company. Вона спробує це ще раз. She'll try it once more. She'll try it again. Вони знайшли ведмежі сліди на снігу. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found bear tracks in the snow. Мої друзі вважають, що пастафаріанство — це жарт. My friends think Pastafarianism is a joke. My friends believe pastafarianism is a joke. Роби так, як я кажу, а не так, як я роблю. Do as I say, not as I do. Do as I say, not as I do. У Тома завжди наймиліші фотографії у профілі. Tom always has the cutest profile pictures. Tom always has the nicest photos in the profile. Я сів у таксі. I got in the taxi. I went into a taxi. Спорт завжди дається йому легко. Sports always come naturally to him. Sports are always easy for him. Хай там що буде, мене це не здивує. No matter what happens, I won't be surprised. Anyway, it won't surprise me. Ти про це пошкодуєш. You will regret this. You'll regret it. Том доїхав сюди приблизно о другій тридцять. Tom got here at about 2:30. Tom arrived here at about two thirty. Кішка захищала своїх кошенят. The mother cat protected her kittens. The cat protected its kittens. Це не його почерк. This is not his handwriting. It's not his handwriting. Можеш казати що завгодно. You can say whatever you want. You can say anything. Для одного дня достатньо. It is enough for one day. That's enough for one day. Том віддав Мері своє серце. Tom gave Mary his heart. Tom gave Mary his heart. Не думаю, що Том мене пам'ятатиме. I don't think Tom will remember me. I don't think Tom will remember me. Він говорить німецькою. He speaks German. He speaks German. Том не такий зайнятий, як ти. Tom isn't as busy as you are. Tom's not as busy as you are. Навіщо тобі стільки взуття? Why do you need so many shoes? Why so many shoes? Ти дуже хоробрий. You are very brave. You're very brave. Я абсолютно гола. I'm completely naked. I'm totally naked. Ніхто нічого не чув про мою країну. Nobody heard anything about my country. No one heard anything about my country. Він став національним героєм. He became a national hero. He became a national hero. Том сказав, де він це зробив? Did Tom say where he did that? Tom said where did he do it? Ми вивчаємо китайську. We study Chinese. We study Chinese. Як мені потрапити на інший бік? How do I get to the other side? How do I get on the other side? Ми маємо вибір? Do we have any choice? Do we have a choice? Нема за що. You are welcome. No way. Дай-но подивлюся. Let me see it. Let me see. Том починав усвідомлювати, що відбувається. Tom was beginning to realize what was going on. Tom started to realize what was going on. Пообіцяйте мені, що приїдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you're coming. Зніміть пальто. Take off your coat. Take off your coat. Він бігає до станції щоранку. He runs to the station every morning. He runs to the station every morning. У них закінчується провізія. They are short of food. They're running out of provisions. Не тут. Not here. Not here. Ніхто не був задоволений. None were satisfied. No one was satisfied. Надіюся, що так. I do hope so. I hope so. Я такий ідіот. I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot. Я намагався заснути. I was trying to fall asleep. I tried to sleep. Том завжди в мережі. Tom is always online. Tom's always online. Я переїхав сюди з Бостона. I moved here from Boston. I moved here from Boston. Том щойно надіслав мені текстове повідомлення. Tom has just texted me. Tom just sent me a text message. Тому десь у цій будівлі. Tom is somewhere in this building. So somewhere in this building. Завтра ми відкриті. We're open tomorrow. Tomorrow we're open. Я не очікував на такий поворот подій. I didn't see that coming. I didn't expect such a turn of events. Думаю, я почну з пляшки пива. I think I'll start with a bottle of beer. I think I'll start with a beer bottle. Я запитав його, як його звати. I asked him his name. I asked him what his name was. Коли ти хочеш поїхати? When do you want to go? When do you want to go? Має бути якась логіка. There must be a pattern. There must be some logic. Ви вчора працювали? Did you work yesterday? Did you work yesterday? Як ти переконав Тома допомогти нам пофарбувати хлів? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the barn? How did you convince Tom to help us paint the chols? Чи були ви у столиці США - Вашингтоні? Have you ever been to Washington, the capital of the United States of America? Were you in the U.S. capital, Washington? Мері втримала рівновагу. Mary kept her balance. Mary kept her balance. Мені просто пощастило. I was just lucky. I'm just lucky. Вони дуже суб'єктивні. They're very judgmental. They're very subjective. Це одруківка. That's a typo. It's a print. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is angry or not. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. Я маю готуватися до тесту. I have to study for the test. I have to prepare for the test. Літак полетів на схід. The plane flew east. The plane flew east. Не дозволяй йому торкатися цього. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. Том каже, що він твій друг. Tom says he's a friend of yours. Tom says he's your friend. В Радянській Росії телевізор дивиться глядачів! In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience! In Soviet Russia, TV watches viewers! Він викликав мене. He called me out. He called me. Він запросив її на концерт. He invited her to go to the concert. He invited her to a concert. Як виглядає підозрюваний? What does the suspect look like? What does the suspect look like? Ніхто не зміг би зупинити цього. No one could've stopped that. No one could stop it. Том помер від голоду. Tom died of hunger. Tom died of hunger. Добре, що ти тут. It's good that you're here. Good thing you're here. Я впустив кота. I let in the cat. I dropped the cat. Я залишила твою парасольку в автобусі. I left your umbrella in the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. Возик у дитячій кімнаті. The stroller is in the baby's room. The wolf in the children's room. Ця тварина їсть людей? Does that animal eat people? Is this animal eating people? Ви вегетаріанець? Are you vegetarian? Are you vegetarian? Ти хочеш жити вічно? Do you want to live forever? Do you want to live forever? Послухай-но що я маю сказати. Listen to what I have to say. Listen to what I have to say. Він скоро буде тут. He'll be here soon. He'll be here soon. Хіба ти не можеш мене підняти? Can't you lift me? Can't you lift me? Я не вагітна. I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant. Він не розбився. It didn't break. He didn't crash. Маю питання. I have got a question. I have a question. Ще чого не вистачало! As if it weren't enough already! There's more to it! Том сказав, що Мері, мабуть, все ще цим займається. Tom said that Mary is probably still doing that. Tom said that Mary was probably still doing this. Я не певен, що я з ним згодна. I'm not sure I agree with him. I'm not sure I agree with him. Начальник дозволив мені піти раніше сьогодні. My boss let me leave early today. The Chief has allowed me to leave earlier today. О котрій годині кінець світу? At what time is the end of the world? What time is it for the end of the world? Я ніколи не турбуюся. I never worry. I never worry. Як мило! How cute! How cute! Коли я в поганому гуморі, я починаю співати. When I'm in a bad mood, I start to sing. When I'm in bad humor, I start singing. Я йому нічого не винен. I owe him nothing. I owe him nothing. Де твій ключ? Where is your key? Where's your key? Сьогодні ввечері буде доволі холодно. It's going to be quite cold tonight. It's gonna be pretty cold tonight. Я не проситиму Тома про допомогу. I won't ask Tom for help. I won't ask Tom for help. Скільки ви заплатили, щоб це зробити. How much were you paid to do that? How much you paid to do that. Ви не мусите лишатися. You don't have to stay. You don't have to stay. Одного дня ми зустрінемось знову. We'll meet again someday. One day we'll meet again. Ти сказав, що не зробиш цього. You said you wouldn't do that. You said you wouldn't do it. Це був довгий переліт. It was a long flight. It was a long flight. Нікому не кажіть. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Мені вже час іти. It's time for me to go. It's time for me to go. Я був розорений. I was broke. I was shattered. Том перехитрив мене. Tom outsmarted me. Tom outwitted me. Скільки людей померло? How many people have died? How many people died? Ці хлопці вам щось зробили? Did those guys do something to you? Did those guys do something to you? Майк є членом гуртка з плавання? Is Mike a member of the swimming club? Mike is a crew member? Том виконує накази. Tom follows orders. Tom follows orders. Ви не слухаєте. You're not listening. You don't listen. Вони нічого не знайшли. They found nothing. They found nothing. Не зловтішайся. Don't gloat. Don't get caught. Я Антоніо. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Ця земля належить королівській родині. This land belongs to the Royal Family. This land belongs to the royal family. Ці чутки правдиві? Are the rumors true? Are those rumours true? Ми дійсно цього хочемо, правда? We do want that, don't we? We really want it, don't we? Нарешті, він зважився зробити їй пропозицію. At long last he made up his mind to propose to her. Finally, he decided to make a suggestion to her. Том анітрішки не здивувався, що Мері так добре розмовляє французькою. Tom wasn't a bit surprised by how well Mary could speak French. Tom was not surprised that Mary spoke French so well. Я знаю, що ви тут. I know you're here. I know you're here. Зараз пів на третю. It's 2:30 now. It's half past three. Хіба ти не радий, що багатий? Aren't you glad you're rich? Aren't you glad you're rich? Великої надії немає. There is not much hope. There's no great hope. Це не моє. It's not mine. It's not mine. Чого саме ви хочете, Томе? What is it that you want, Tom? What exactly do you want, Tom? Ми майже все. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. Тому потрібно бути вдома до 2:30. Tom needs to be home by 2:30. So we have to be home by 2:30 p.m. Ти ходиш до школи пішки? Do you go to school on foot? Are you going to school on foot? Це дівчина Тома? Is that Tom's girlfriend? Is that Tom's girlfriend? Том просто марнує час. Tom is just wasting time. Tom's just wasting his time. Молекула складається з атомів. A molecule is made up of atoms. The molecule is made up of atoms. Ми це усвідомлюємо. We realize that. We realize that. Зараз не дуже вдалий час. Now is not a very good time. Now is not a very good time. У тебе буде час пообідати зі мною? Will you have time to have lunch with me? Do you have time to have lunch with me? Шкода, що він не прийшов на зустріч. I wish he had attended the meeting. Too bad he didn't come to the meeting. Де ви зараз мешкаєте? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Обережніше з Бобом. Ви знаєте, він нещодавно пережив важкий період. Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going though a rough period recently. Be careful with Bob, you know, he's been through a tough period recently. Том одружився на сусідці. Tom married the girl next door. Tom married a neighbor. Мені болить голова. My head hurts. My head hurts. Повторіть ще раз, будь ласка. Say that again, please. Say it again, please. Я буду з тобою за секунду. I'll be with you in a second. I'll be with you in a second. Я вивчаю англійську мову. I study English. I study English. Гарна погода, чи не так? Nice weather, isn't it? Nice weather, isn't it? Приходь, якщо зможеш. Come if you can! Come if you can. Я це ненавиджу! I hate that! I hate that! Ви для мене трохи замолоді. You're a little too young for me. You're a little too young for me. Том для вас застарий. Tom is too old for you. Tom's too old for you. Том сказав, що сподівається, що Мері це зробить. Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn't do that. Tom said he hoped Mary would do it. Том не озирнувся. Tom did not look back. Tom didn't look back. Мої батьки щойно прибули на вокзал. My parents have just arrived at the station. My parents just arrived at the station. Я махнув рукою. I waved. I thought about it with my hand. Цього року ти купив різвяний подарунок для Тома? Did you get a Christmas present for Tom this year? This year you bought a cut gift for Tom? Він якось причетний до цього пограбування. He has something to do with the robbery. He's somehow involved in this robbery. Мій кіт виглядає сумним. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Том та Мері їдять лише ті овочі, які вирощують самі. Tom and Mary only eat vegetables that they grow themselves. Tom and Mary only eat the vegetables they grow themselves. Том показав свої водійскі права поліцейському. Tom showed his driver's license to the policeman. Tom showed his driver's license to a police officer. Покажи мені, що в тебе в кишені. Show me what you have in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. Вона зібрала уламки розбитого посуду. She gathered the pieces of the broken dish. She collected pieces of broken dish. Коли вона починається? When does it start? When does it begin? Том почувався добре. Tom felt fine. Tom felt good. Що ти сьогодні вивчила? What have you learned today? What did you learn today? Я працюю сам. I work alone. I work alone. Команда Тома набрала 96 очок. 55 очок було набрано у першому таймі. Скільки очок набрали у другому таймі? Tom's team scored a total of 96 points. 55 points were scored in the first half. How many were scored in the second half? Tom's team scored 96 points. 55 points were scored in the first taim. How many points were scored in the second taim? Ваші черевики ось тут. А мої? Your shoes are here. Where are mine? Your shoes are right here. Ми в дорозі додому. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Том сказав Мері не турбуватися. Tom has told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Я повернуся менш ніж за п'ять хвилин. I'll be back in less than five minutes. I'll be back in less than five minutes. Ви цілитеся недостатньо високо. You're not aiming high enough. You don't aim high enough. Я хотів би замовити бутерброд. I would like to order a sandwich. I'd like to order a sandwich. Том подарував мені подарунок. Tom gave me a present. Tom gave me a present. Де тато? Where's Daddy? Where's Dad? Хто ще тобі допомогав? Who else helped you? Who else helped you? Я б з радістю тобі допоміг. I'd be happy to help you. I'd love to help you. Ви старше 18? Are you over 18? You're older than 18? Собака намагається втікти. The dog is trying to escape. The dog is trying to escape. Том не вміє читати. Tom isn't able to read. Tom can't read. Я щойно купив човен. I just bought a boat. I just bought a boat. Том поняття не мав, що Мері на нього запала. Tom had no idea that Mary had a crush on him. Tom had no idea that Mary was on him. Том огидний. Tom's repulsive. Tom is disgusting. Аптека знаходиться на вулиці Фресно. The pharmacy is on Fresno Street. The aptheca is on Fresno Street. Том твій дядько, чи не так? Tom is your uncle, isn't he? Tom is your uncle, isn't he? Ви готові почути погані новини? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Я поговорив з ними. I've talked to them. I talked to them. Люсі вже телефонувала? Has Lucy telephoned yet? Was Lucy already on the phone? Схоже на Тома. It sounds like Tom. Looks like Tom. Ти не мусиш цього робити, якщо не хочеш. If you don't want to do that, you don't have to. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. Я якраз збирався помитися. I was just about to take a bath. I was just about to wash. Смачного! Enjoy your meal. Enjoy your meal! Том згадував про якісь проблеми? Did Tom mention any problems? Did Tom mention any problems? Де Том мусить це зробити? Where does Tom have to do that? Where does Tom have to do this? Мері хоче, щоб я була в її команді. Mary wants me on her team. Mary wants me to be on her team. Ніхто більше не слухає. Nobody is listening anymore. No one's listening anymore. Ти відважний. You're courageous. You are courageous. Ти повинна зробити це сама. You must do it for yourself. You have to do it yourself. Це означає, що Том мав рацію. That means Tom was right. That means Tom was right. Я сяду он там. I'll sit over there. I'll sit right there. Поклади його. Put it down. Put it down. Том прийшов останнім. Tom was the last to arrive. Tom came last. Заручники будуть звільнені перед Різдвом. The hostages will be released before Christmas. The engagementrs will be released before Christmas. Мері їла на самоті. Mary ate by herself. Mary ate alone. Ти ж правда знайдеш їх? You will find them, won't you? You're really gonna find them, aren't you? Я погано витримую вологість. I can't stand humidity. I'm bad at getting wet. Ти впевнений, що Том прийде? Are you sure Tom will come? Are you sure Tom's coming? Звідки в тебе цей ключ? Where did you get this key? Where did you get that key? Чи можу вам чимось допомогти, пані? May I help you ma'am? Can I help you, ma'am? Не думаю, що мені буде лячно. I don't think I'll be scared. I don't think I'll get scared. Том поїде замість тебе. Tom will go in your place. Tom will go for you. Гадаєш, риби чують? Do you think fish can hear? You think fish can hear? Том вчора звільнився. Tom resigned yesterday. Tom quit yesterday. Жінка читає. The woman is reading. The woman reads. Бідолашний Том намагається заснути вже три години. Poor Tom's been trying to get to sleep for three hours now. Poor Tom's been trying to sleep for three hours now. Том переїхав до Австралії. Tom moved to Australia. Tom moved to Australia. Нам треба про це пам'ятати. We need to remember that. We have to remember that. Я змінила пароль Wi-Fi. I changed the WiFi password. I changed Wi-Fi's password. Це не моя проблема. That isn't my problem. That's not my problem. Я думав, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Вони брати. They're brothers. They're brothers. Мері сказала, що зробить це. Mary said she'd do it. Mary said she'd do it. Я старший від нього. I'm older than him. I'm older than him. Том у спортзалі. Tom is at the gym. Tom's in the gym. Том ненадійний. Tom isn't reliable. Tom is unreliable. Собака Тома слідував за ним до школи. Tom's dog followed him to school. Tom's dog followed him to school. Хто навчив Тома, як це робиться? Who taught Tom how to do that? Who taught Tom how to do it? Том нечасто це робить. Tom rarely does that. Tom doesn't often do that. Можна мені скористатися твоїм телефоном? May I use your telephone? Can I use your phone? У Тома занадто багато роботи. Tom has too much work to do. Tom has too much work to do. Вона зараз їсть. She is eating now. She's eating now. За двома зайцями поженешся — жодного не впіймаєш. A person who chases two rabbits won't catch either. You'll chase after the two bands - you won't catch any of them. Самі ніколи не цілував Лейлу. Sami never kisses Layla. She never kissed Leila herself. Має бути якась система. There must be a pattern. There must be some system. Я дам тобі всі гроші, що тобі потрібні. I'll give you all the money you need. I'll give you all the money you need. Том — соціаліст. Tom is a socialist. Tom is a socialist. Тому потрібно було мені розповісти. Tom should've told me. So I had to tell you. Як живеш? How is your life? How do you live? Гадаю, цього тижня я буду зайнятий. I think I'll be busy this week. I think I'll be busy this week. Я поїхав з Африки назавжди. I left Africa forever. I left Africa forever. Том християнин. Tom is a Christian. Tom's a Christian. Ти не повинна брехати. You must not tell a lie. You don't have to lie. Ми не маємо цукру. We have no sugar. We don't have sugar. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a strange dream. I had a strange dream this night. Я вчора був на зустрічі. I attended the meeting yesterday. I was at the meeting yesterday. У мене закінчився час. I ran out of time. I'm out of time. Якщо ти наполягаєш на тому, щоб поїхати самому, прошу. If you insist on going alone, please do so. If you insist on going alone, please. Єдність краща від роз'єднаності. Unity is better than disunity. Unity is better than disunity. Читай! Read! Read it! Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері не спить. Tom said that he thought Mary wasn't asleep. Tom said that he thought Mary was awake. Том сказав, що не спатиме всю ніч. Tom said that he was going to stay up all night. Tom said he wouldn't sleep all night. Я пам'ятаю лише уривки. I can only remember fragments. I remember only the excerpts. Відкрий валізу. Open your suitcase. Open the suitcase. Англійською говорять у багатьох країнах світу. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English is spoken in many countries of the world. Вам подобається цим займатися? Do you like doing this? Do you like to do that? Том увійшов до кухні. Tom entered the kitchen. Tom entered the kitchen. Де вхід до музею? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Бажаєш поїсти креветок? Do you want to eat prawns? Want to eat shrimp? Я впевнений, що Том носить перуку. I'm pretty sure Tom wears a wig. I'm sure Tom wears a wig. В мене немає дітей. I don't have any kids. I don't have any kids. Нехай Том робить це самостійно. Let Tom do that alone. Let Tom do it on his own. Вона в холодильнику. It's in the fridge. She's in the fridge. Ми готові допомогти. We're ready to help. We're ready to help. Його брат дуже старанний працівник. His brother is a hard worker. His brother is a very hard worker. Я не маю комп'ютера. I don't have a computer. I don't have a computer. Том тебе використовує. Tom is using you. Tom's using you. Де мій одяг? Where are my clothes? Where's my clothes? Можливо, вам слід допомогти Тому. Perhaps you should help Tom. Perhaps you should help Tom. Рятуйся. Save yourself. Save yourself. Ніхто не знає його справжнього імені. No one knows his real name. No one knows his real name. Я би дуже хотів заспівати з вашим гуртом. I would love to sing with your band. I'd really like to sing with your band. Ми уникаємо розмов про політику. We avoid talking about politics. We avoid talking about politics. Я на це не відповідатиму. I'm not going to answer that. I won't answer that. Я вирішила вас звільнити. I've decided to fire you. I decided to release you. Усі посміхаються. Everyone is smiling. Everyone smiles. Том так і не вміє керувати машиною. Tom can't drive a car yet. Tom never knows how to drive. Том запросив тебе на побачення? Did Tom ask you out? Tom asked you out for a date? Я буду дуже сумувати за тобою, якщо ти поїдеш з Японії. I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. I'll miss you very much if you leave Japan. Ти допитала Тома? Did you question Tom? Did you question Tom? Ця жінка говорить так, ніби вона вчителька. The woman speaks as if she were a teacher. This woman speaks as if she were a teacher. Том дозволив тобі зробити те, що ти хотів? Did Tom let you do what you wanted? Tom let you do what you wanted? Том миє салат. Tom is washing the lettuce. Tom's washing salad. Тепер я неозброєна. I'm now unarmed. Now I am unarmed. Почуваюся амебою. I feel like an amoeba. I feel like an amoeba. Ця книжка має багато малюнків. This book has many pictures. This book has many pictures. Гадаю, ми втратили її. I think we lost her. I think we lost her. Це завжди було саме так? Has it always been this way? It's always been like this? Том уже знає, що планує робити Мері. Tom already knows what Mary is planning to do. Tom already knows what Mary is planning to do. Він офіцер армії. He is an army officer. He's an army officer. Що ти тоді робив? What were you doing then? What did you do then? Том сказав, що я поводжуся безвідповідально. Tom said I was being irresponsible. Tom said I was acting irresponsible. Я забагато випив. I drank too much. I drank too much. Том купив Мері намисто. Tom bought Mary a necklace. Tom bought Mary a necklace. Ми вчителі. We are teachers. We're teachers. Тато швидко полистав газету. My father quickly scanned the newspaper. Dad quickly poured out the paper. Як в біса Том сюди потрапив? How on earth did Tom get here? How the hell did Tom get here? Том вже дорослий, правда? Tom is an adult now, isn't he? Tom's grown up, isn't he? Я тобі насправді подобаюся, еге ж? You do like me, don't you? You really like me, don't you? В мене немає грошей. I've got no money. I don't have any money. Я не вірю у бісів. I don't believe in devils. I don't believe in devils. Йди роби зарядку надворі. Go exercise outside. Go do the charge outside. Я можу це все зробити сам. I can do it all myself. I can do it all by myself. Через снігопад літак з Пекіна спізнився на 20 хвилин. Because of heavy snow, the plane from Beijing arrived 20 minutes late. The snowplane from Beijing was 20 minutes late. Я інколи дивлюся телевізор. I watch TV off and on. I watch TV sometimes. Це ваш будинок? Is this your house? Is this your house? Вони були насправді задоволені. They were truly happy. They were actually satisfied. Том перерізав собі горло. Tom slit his own throat. Tom cut his throat. Дякуємо, що зайшла. Thank you for coming in. Thanks for coming in. Ми повинні довіряти їм. We have to trust them. We have to trust them. Ти розумієш фонетичну абетку? Can you read phonetic signs? Do you understand the phonetic alphabet? Вони заявили, що вони не винні. They declared that they were innocent. They said they were not to blame. Він знав мене. He knew me. He knew me. Туман розсіюється. The mist is clearing. The fog is scattered. Перепрошую за те, що я вас турбую, але чи не могли би ви допомогти мені? Sorry to trouble you, but can you help me? I'm sorry I'm bothering you, but could you help me? Том швидко відчинив двері. Tom quickly opened the door. Tom quickly opened the door. Сьогодні середа, вісімнадцяте жовтня. Today is Wednesday, the eighteenth of October. Wednesday today, October eighteen. Ми це зробимо. We will do it. We'll do it. Том це для тебе зробив? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did it for you? Вона її знає. She knows her. She knows her. Том сказав, що буде тут. Tom said he would be here. Tom said he'd be here. Том з вами не згоден. Tom doesn't agree with you. Tom disagrees with you. Вітаю. Hello! Congratulations. Нам більше не потрібно часу. We don't need any more time. We don't need any more time. Ви в школі французьку вивчаєте? Do you study French at school? Do you study French at school? Вони однолітки. They're the same age. They're peers. Мій годинник відстає на п'ять хвилин. My watch is five minutes slow. My watch is five minutes behind. Тому ця ідея сподобалася. Tom liked that idea. That is why the idea appealed to me. Я чула він помер. I heard that he'd died. I heard he died. Покажи мені, що робити. Show me what to do. Show me what to do. Саме Том познайомив мене з моєю дружиною. Tom was the one who introduced me to my wife. Tom introduced me to my wife. Я не думав, що ми це зробили. I didn't think we did that. I didn't think we did it. Тома не важко знайти. Tom isn't hard to find. Tom is not hard to find. У мене мало грошей. I have little money. I don't have enough money. Вони сперечалися про те, хто має сидіти попереду. They were arguing about who should sit in front. They argued about who was to sit ahead of them. Ми з Томом обидва плакали. Tom and I were both crying. Tom and I were both crying. Якими мовами ти розмовляєш? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? Я не хочу до вас прискіпуватися. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to be mean to you. Він зайняв перше місце на шаховому турнірі. He won the first prize at the chess tournament. He took first place in a chess tournament. Його історія правдива? Is his story true? His story is true? День народження Тома у жовтні, а моє — у листопаді. Tom's birthday is in October and mine is in November. Tom's birthday in October and mine in November. Ви маєте право бути щасливими. You have a right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Я з ним зустрічаюся наступної п'ятниці. I am meeting him next Friday. I'm meeting him next Friday. Не хвилюйся. Ти можеш на мене розраховувати. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. Машина Тома припаркована он там. Tom's car's parked over there. Tom's car parked right there. Дай їм другий шанс. Give them a second chance. Give them a second chance. Том знає, що ми не хочемо, щоб він переміг? Does Tom know we don't want him to win? Tom knows we don't want him to win? Дій, а не говори. Action, not words. Act, don't talk. Об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування — це, перш за все, непряма адресація. Object-oriented programming is all about indirection. Object-oriented programming is primarily an indirect address. Ти телефонуєш мені сьогодні вдруге. You are calling me for the second time today. You call me again today. Чому ви хочете повернутися до Бостона? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Why do you want to go back to Boston? Це кишеньковий словник. This is a pocket dictionary. It's a pocket dictionary. Том працює над цим просто зараз. Tom is working on that right now. Tom's working on it right now. Ми хочемо поговорити з Томом. We want to talk to Tom. We want to talk to Tom. Ти вже попоїв? Have you eaten yet? Have you had a drink yet? Що ти знаєш про Бостон? What do you know about Boston? What do you know about Boston? Том, може бути, був свідком. Tom might have been a witness. Tom, maybe he was a witness. Станція знаходиться неподалік. The station is nearby. The station is nearby. Я не буду носити цю сукню. I won't wear that dress. I'm not wearing this dress. Ти повинен бути собою. You've got to be yourself. You have to be yourself. Йдіть геть від мене. Get away from me. Get away from me. Я грав у теніс. I played tennis. I played tennis. Вам десять років? Are you ten years old? You're ten years old? Цей суп засолоний. There's too much salt in this soup. This soup is sweet. Трапилося щось дивне? Has anything strange happened? Did anything weird happen? Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is frightened or not. I wonder if Tom's scared or not. Том дійсно переїхав до Бостона? Did Tom really move to Boston? Tom really moved to Boston? Ти бачила мою ручку? Have you seen my pen? Did you see my pen? Я зазвичай ходжу до супермаркету по понеділках. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. I usually go to a supermarket on Mondays. Я ненавиджу несподіванки. I hate surprises. I hate surprises. Я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I promised Tom I wouldn't do that. I promised So I wouldn't do that. Такі коти не мають хвостів. This kind of cat doesn't have a tail. They don't have tails. Можеш сідати, якщо хочеш. You can sit down if you like. You can sit down if you want. У мене є інформація для неї. I have information for her. I have information for her. Том може забути це зробити. Tom may forget to do that. Tom may forget to do that. Хтозна. Go figure. Who knows. Вона була біла. It was white. She was white. Том не дуже добре плаває. Tom doesn't swim very well. Tom doesn't swim very well. Я бачила ці фотографії. I've seen these pictures. I saw these pictures. Ти загубив свій квиток? Have you lost your ticket? Did you lose your ticket? Том був одним із останніх, хто пішов. Tom was one of the last to leave. Tom was one of the last to leave. Мері пішла на прогулянку. Mary went for a stroll. Mary went for a walk. Я не можу розраховувати на Тома. I can't count on Tom. I can't count on Tom. Я ще не снідала. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Все, що в мене є, — це книжки. All I have is books. All I have is books. Ти не знаєш, чи Том говорить французькою? Do you know if Tom can speak French? You don't know if Tom speaks French? Я більше не хвора. I'm not sick anymore. I'm not sick anymore. Том не дуже гарний. Tom isn't very good-looking. Tom's not very handsome. Хіба ти не вільна завтра вранці? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? Aren't you free tomorrow morning? У твого собаки глисти. Дай йому вітаміни. Your dog has worms. Give him vitamins. Give him vitamins. Машина генерує багато електрики. The machine generates a lot of electricity. The machine generates a lot of electricity. Для життя завжди потрібна їжа. Food is always necessary for life. Food is always needed for life. Потім автобус виїхав з міста та поїхав по сільській дорозі. Then the bus left the town and drove along a country road. Then the bus left the city and drove along the country road. Ви, що, не бачили моїх пташок? Didn't you see my birds? Have you seen my birds? Давай розлабимося. Let's relax. Let's break up. Я вже закінчу коледж, коли ви вернетеся з Америки. I will have graduated from college by the time you come back from America. I'm about to graduate when you come back from America. Я не дуже добре розуміюся на математиці. I am not good at mathematics. I'm not very good at math. Він скрутив мені руку. He twisted my arm. He rolled my hand. Том зараз набагато старший. Tom is a lot older now. Tom is much older now. Я не знаю, що трапиться. I don't know what'll happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Том худий. Tom is skinny. Tom is thin. Мені наснився дивний сон цієї ночі. Last night I had a weird dream. I had a strange dream this night. Що ви можете мені про це розповісти? What can you tell me about it? What can you tell me about it? Ви насправді бачили НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Did you actually see the NLO? Ти плутаєш мене з Томом. You're confusing me with Tom. You're confusing me with Tom. В мене була відмінна вчителька! I had an excellent teacher! I had a great teacher! Що вам подобається в Томі? What do you like about Tom? What do you like about Tommy? Все, ще у мене є, — це одна книжка. All I have is one book. I still have one book. Я його заховав під своїм ліжком. I hid it under my bed. I hid him under my bed. Я думав, тобі буде приємно. I thought you'd be pleased. I thought you'd be happy. Це дуже смачно. This tastes very good. It's delicious. Тобі не варто було підписувати зізнання. You shouldn't have signed a confession. You shouldn't have signed a confession. Як ви сьогодні почуваєтеся? How are you feeling today? How are you feeling today? Ось наш викладач. Here comes our teacher. Here's our teacher. Слава богу, я атеїст. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Це моя донька. This is my daughter. That's my daughter. Я дав його маленькому хлопчику. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to a little boy. Ти про це подумав? Did you think about it? Did you think about that? Математика — предмет, який я люблю менш за все. Math is my least favorite subject. Mathematics is an object I like less for everything. Відведи Тома додому. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Я його десь заховав. I hid it somewhere. I hid him somewhere. Хіба ви не прийдете на мою вечірку? Aren't you coming to my party? Aren't you coming to my party? Я була в машині. I was in the car. I was in the car. Вона говорила так, ніби вона моя мама. She spoke as if she were my mother. She spoke as if she were my mother. Я дуже сором'язлива людина. I'm a very shy person. I'm a very shy person. Том взагалі не агресивний. Tom isn't aggressive at all. Tom's not aggressive at all. Навіщо ти це зробив? Why have you done this? Why did you do that? Скажіть йому, що я в офісі. Tell him I'm in the office. Tell him I'm in the office. Іспанська — ваша рідна мова. Spanish is your native language. Spanish is your native language. Чому Том не співає? Why doesn't Tom sing? Why doesn't Tom sing? Хіба тобі не подобається мій жовтий шарф? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Аби її ніс був трохи коротшим, вона була б досить симпатичною. If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty. To make her nose slightly shorter, she would be quite cute. Ти не можеш це зробити сама, еге ж? You can't do that by yourself, can you? You can't do it alone, can you? Том живе тут неподалік. Tom lives near here. Tom lives here not far from here. Він зробив це через ревнощі. Jealousy made him do that. He did so out of jealousy. Том хотів допомогти. Tom wanted to help out. Tom wanted to help. Том одружений на жінці на ім'я Мері. Tom is married to a woman named Mary. Tom is married to a woman named Mary. Ти була на роботі? Were you at work? Were you at work? Я просто не хочу з тобою розмовляти. I just don't want to talk to you. I just don't want to talk to you. Коли ти одружився? When did you get married? When did you get married? Я попереджу Тома. I'll alert Tom. I'll warn Tom. Том нарешті погодився зайнятися цим. Tom finally agreed to do that. Tom finally agreed to do it. Гадаєш, Том неупереджений? Do you think Tom is unbiased? You think Tom is impartial? Ви залишите повідомлення? Will you leave a message? Will you leave a message? Ми стаємо ближчі один до одного. We're converging, you and I. We're getting closer to each other. Ми хотіли Тома. We wanted Tom. We wanted Tom. Він старший від мене. He's older than me. He's older than me. Мисливець застрілив пташку. The hunter shot the bird. The hunter shot the bird. Навіщо вам моя допомога? Why do you want my help? What do you need my help? Потяг набрав швидкості. The train gathered speed. The train has gained speed. Том дав мені три яблука. Tom gave me three apples. Tom gave me three apples. Чому ти сама? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Я певен, що Том не погодився би. I'm sure Tom wouldn't agree. I'm sure Tom wouldn't agree. Я перекладаю статтю. I am translating an article. I translate the article. Думаю, нам треба це зробити. I think that we need to do that. I think we should do that. Її відповідь була незадовільна. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her response was inadequate. Я старанно працюю. I work hard. I work hard. Хіба ти не вмієш говорити французькою? Aren't you able to speak French? Don't you know how to speak French? Я б обійшовся і без Томової допомоги. I could've done that without Tom's help. I would also go without Tom's help. Мені тридцять. I'm thirty. I'm thirty. Ми в Італії. We're in Italy. We're in Italy. Портимай свічку. Hold the candle. Port the candle. Я хочу попоїсти якоїсь доброї їжі. I want to eat something good. I want some good food. Мій тато вдома. My father is at home. My dad's home. Я знав, що ти підозрюватимеш мене. I knew you would suspect me. I knew you'd suspect me. Я вже тобі все сказав. I've already told you everything. I told you everything already. Не підходь ближче. Якщо підійдеш, пошкодуєш. Don't come any closer. If you do, you'll be sorry. If you come, you'll regret it. Ти насправді бачила НЛО? Did you really see a UFO? Did you actually see the NLO? Краще дочекайся наступного автобуса. You'd better wait for the next bus. Better wait for the next bus. Ти намазався сонцезахисним кремом? Did you put on some sunscreen? Did you put on sunscreen? Том сказав, що сподівається, що ти будеш на вечірці. Tom said that he hopes you'll be at the party. Tom said he hoped you'd be at the party. Цей хлопець лукавий. That guy is two-faced. This guy's evil. Дозвольте мені це зробити. Let me do it. Let me do it. Нічого особливого. Nothing much. Nothing special. Хіба тобі ніхто не допоміг? Didn't anybody help you? Didn't anyone help you? Його ніхто не бачив. Nobody's seen him. No one's seen him. Я завжди поважав Тома. I've always respected Tom. I always respected Tom. Том не вміє читати. Tom is unable to read. Tom can't read. Всі повинні допомогати один одному. Everybody should help each other. Everyone has to help each other. Том вам не ворог. Tom isn't your enemy. Tom is not your enemy. Том не любить піццу. Tom doesn't like pizza. Tom doesn't like pizza. Марк продасть машину. Mark will sell the car. Mark's selling the car. Я голодна, тому що не пообідала. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't eat lunch. Він у шкільній футбольній команді. He's a member of the school football team. He's in a school football team. Говори за себе. Speak for yourself. Talk for yourself. Зараз не час жартувати. This is no time to be joking. It's no time to joke. Я працюю в Бостоні. I'm working in Boston. I work in Boston. Ви надаєте перевагу мідіям чи устрицям? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Do you prefer mussels or oysters? Це нам дуже допомогло. It's helped us a lot. This helped us a lot. Що ви відчули? What did you feel? How did you feel? Мені цікаво, чи Том насправді в біді. I wonder whether Tom is really in trouble. I wonder if Tom's really in trouble. Ти чула новини? Have you heard the news? Did you hear the news? Можна побачити винну карту? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine card? Ви маєте бути дуже спокійним. You have to be very calm. You have to be very calm. Том не бажав змінювати свої плани. Tom wasn't willing to change his plans. Tom didn't want to change his plans. Мері одягнула капці. Mary put her slippers on. Mary put on the slippers. Ти молилася. You were praying. You prayed. Я знаю, що я недосконалий. I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm imperfect. Думаю, Том живе в Австралії. I think that Tom lives in Australia. I think Tom lives in Australia. Я все одно ризикну висловити здогадку. I'll hazard a guess anyway. I'm still going to risk saying guess. Цей хлопець їсть хліб. This boy eats bread. This guy eats bread. Я не буду це їсти. I'm not eating this. I won't eat it. Навіщо народжувати дітей, якщо можна усиновити? Why have kids when you can adopt? Why should you have children if you can adopt them? Я рада тебе тут бачити. I am happy to see you here. It's good to see you here. Я буду присутнім. I'll attend. I'll be there. Вона може почекати до ранку. She can wait until morning. She can wait till morning. Я був переможцем. I was the winner. I was the winner. Я фарбую гараж. I am painting the garage. I'm painting the garage. Не холодно. It's not cold. Not cold. Я вже телефонувала. I've already called. I've already called. Хто ваш батько за фахом? What's your father do? Who's your father at the profession? Я хочу, щоб Том знав, що я його не ненавиджу. I want Tom to know that I don't hate him. I want Tom to know I don't hate him. Я усвідомлюю, наскільки ти, мабуть, роздратована. I realize how frustrated you must be. I realize how annoyed you must be. У мене кудряве волосся. I have wavy hair. I've got body hair. Я тобі щось покажу. I'll show you something. I'll show you something. Том напружений. Tom is intense. Tom's tense. Том зробив це навмисно. Tom did that deliberately. Tom did it on purpose. Я зварив спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. Що тобі в цьому подобається? What do you like about it? What do you like about that? Гей, що це таке? Hey, what's that? Hey, what's that? Ми зробимо все, що в наших силах. We'll do our best. We'll do our best. Ідуть усі. Everyone is going. They're all coming. Я вже дочитав цю книжку. I have already finished this book. I had already finished reading the book. Я була в Римі. I have been to Rome. I was in Rome. Скільки ви зараз важите? How much do you weigh now? How much do you weigh now? Давай не будемо ворогами. Let's not be enemies. Let's not be enemies. Миша пройшлася по столу. A mouse went for a walk on the table. Mika went to the table. Том каже, що не хоче їхати. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Учора я була зайнята. I was busy yesterday. Yesterday I was busy. Том пірнув в озеро. Tom jumped into the lake. Tom dived into the lake. Том і Мері заручилися. Tom and Mary got engaged. Tom and Mary engaged. Знищ її. Destroy it. Destroy it. Доктор оглянув дитину і сказав, що вона здорова. The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy. The doctor looked at the child and said she was healthy. Наоко повернулася до Японії. Naoko returned to Japan. Naoko returned to Japan. Залишайтеся на місці. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. Матч відмінили через потужну зливу. The match has been canceled due to heavy rain. The match was cancelled due to a powerful downpour. Пройде деякий час, поки він це зрозуміє, так? It will take some time before he understands it, right? It'll take some time before he realizes it, right? Ти бачив Тома вчора ввечері? Did you see Tom last night? Did you see Tom last night? Гаррі лише сорок років. Harry is only 40. Harry is only forty years old. Тоді я прийду пізніше. Then I'll come again later. Then I'll come later. Том відмив ніж від крові. Tom washed the blood off the knife. Tom washed away the knife from the blood. Я нечасто буваю в Бостоні. I don't go to Boston often. I don't often go to Boston. У мене в черевику камінь. There is a rock in my shoe. I've got a stone in my boot. Том, мабуть, сердитий. Tom is probably angry. Tom must be angry. Це складно. It's complicated. It's complicated. Я нещодавно купила цю книжку. I bought this book the other day. I recently bought this book. Це залежить від контексту. That depends on the context. It depends on the context. Давайте не будемо сперечатись заради суперечки. Let's not argue for the sake of arguing. Let's not argue for a fight. Здається, він не вміє плавати. He seems unable to swim. He doesn't seem to be able to swim. Том набагато старший від мого батька. Tom is much older than my father. Tom is much older than my father. Ти мудра. You're wise. You're smart. Вони не є загрозою. They're not a threat. They are no threat. Том небагато говорить, але коли говорить, усі слухають. Tom doesn't speak much, but when he does, everybody listens. Tom doesn't talk much, but when he says, everyone listens. Всі тут? Is everybody here? Everyone here? Мері розклала велику карту на столі. Mary spread the big map on the table. Mary placed a large map on the table. Він читає. He's reading. He reads. Том знав, що у Мері небагато грошей. Tom knew Mary didn't have a lot of money. Tom knew Mary didn't have much money. Якого кольору хмарина? What colour is the cloud? What's the color of the cloud? Шкода, що йому доводиться хворіти у ліжку. It's a pity that he should be ill in bed. I wish he had to get sick in bed. Актриса була гарно одягнута. The actress was dressed beautifully. The actress was well dressed. Він мусив поїхати з села. He had to leave the village. He had to leave the village. Будьте шанобливі. Be respectful. Be respectful. А те, що він розповів, - це правда? Was his story true? And what he said is true? Ти моя найкраща подруга. You're my best friend. You're my best friend. Я хотіла показати йому твою книжку. I wanted to show him your book. I wanted to show him your book. Я певен, що Том не був здивований. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. I'm sure Tom wasn't surprised. Ти агресивна. You're aggressive. You're aggressive. Чому ти запізнилася? Why are you late? Why are you late? Я йому ще не телефонував. I haven't called him yet. I haven't called him yet. Там яблуко під столом. There is an apple under the desk. There's an apple under the table. Ми з Томом летіли одним літаком. Tom was on the same flight as me. Tom and I were on the same plane. Я ще їм. I'm still eating. I'm still eating. Він ставиться байдуже до морозива. He does not care for ice cream. He doesn't care about ice cream. Я подумала, що ти не будеш заперечувати. I thought you wouldn't mind. I thought you wouldn't mind. Вибір за нами. The choice is ours. The choice is ours. Вставай! Get up! Get up! Хочеш побачити? Do you want to see? You wanna see it? Том вибив табуретку з-під Мері. Tom kicked the stool out from under Mary. Tom kicked a tank from under Mary. Хіба ви ще не втомилися від мене? Aren't you sick of me yet? Aren't you tired of me yet? Вона пишається своїм сином. She prides herself on her son. She's proud of her son. Вона не вре. She's not a liar. She's not lying. Читайте далі. Keep reading. Read on. Том ніколи не обговорював цього з Мері. Tom never discussed that with Mary. Tom never discussed this with Mary. Том займається цією проблемою. Tom is looking into the problem. Tom deals with this problem. Я ненавиджу свою роботу. I hate my job. I hate my job. Том охайний. Tom is neat. Tom is neat. Всьому свій час. There is a right time for everything. It's all your time. Я говорила з кимось по телефону. I was talking to someone on the phone. I spoke to someone on the phone. Том сказав, що не може втриматися від того, щоб зробити це. Tom said he couldn't resist doing that. Tom said he couldn't hold back from doing it. Цікаво, чи я зможу це повторити. I wonder whether I can do that again. I wonder if I can repeat it. Те, що ви кажете, — правда. What you say is true. What you say is true. Не думаю, що Том може нам зараз допомогти. I don't think that Tom can help us now. I don't think Tom can help us right now. Щиро дякую. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Тобі потрібна допомога, так? You need a hand, don't you? You need help, right? Їжа тут не дуже добра. The food isn't very good here. The food's not very good here. Том зараз над цим працює, еге ж? Tom is working on it now, isn't he? Tom's working on it now, huh? Ми розташувалися на березі озера. We camped on the border of the lake. We landed on the shore of the lake. Вам краще не дозволяти Тому це робити. You'd better not let Tom do that. You're better off not letting Tom do that. Мені, будь ласка, біфштекс з печеною картоплею. I would like steak with a baked potato. I'd like to have a Biftex with a baked potato. Отримав трійку з англійської. I got a C in English. I got a three out of English. Мені цікаво, чи у Тома є водійські права. I wonder whether or not Tom has a driver's license. I wonder if Tom has driving rights. Наведіть мені приклад. Give me an example. Give me an example. Я лише хотіла дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Щоб ти хотіла отримати від Санти? What would you like Santa to bring you? What would you like from Santa? Ми вам дуже вдячні за вашу гостинність. Thank you very much for your hospitality. Thank you so much for your hospitality. Том іде на концерт. Tom is going to the concert. Tom goes to the concert. Усі хотіли поїхати до Бостона. Everyone wanted to go to Boston. Everyone wanted to go to Boston. Я видужав. I recovered. I recovered. Ви обманюєте! You're lying! You're lying! Сюди! Walk this way. This way! Її будинок у передмісті. Her home is in the suburbs. Her house is in the suburbs. Увага, будь ласка! Attention please! Attention, please! Я найвища у нашому класі. I am the tallest in our class. I'm the highest in our class. Тому стало цікаво. Tom became curious. So it got interesting. Чудово! Fantastic! Great! Він підняв дошку з одного кінця. He lifted a side of the board. He raised the board from one end. Гадаєш, їсти генномодифіковані продукти — це небезпечно? Do you think it's dangerous to eat genetically modified food? You think it's dangerous to eat genetically engineered foods? Всі стрибнули в басейн. Everyone jumped into the pool. Everyone jumped into the pool. Що ти хочеш, щоб я з цими зробив? What do you want me to do with these? What do you want me to do with these? Жахливо. It's awful. Awful. Том та Мері сказали, що вони не винні. Tom and Mary said they're innocent. Tom and Mary said they were not to blame. Я чув, як Том закричав. I heard Tom scream. I heard Tom screaming. Можна тебе про щось попросити? Can I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Том би тут не був щасливим. Tom wouldn't be happy here. Tom wouldn't be happy here. Том, мабуть, зараз не у Бостоні. Tom probably isn't in Boston now. Tom's probably not in Boston right now. Дякую, що погодилися зустрітися зі мною. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. Thank you for agreeing to meet me. Моїй подрузі сімнадцять. My friend is seventeen. My friend's seventeen. Не втрачайте часу. Don't waste time. Keep your time. Сью - американська студентка. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. Том тебе лякає? Does Tom scare you? Tom scares you? Перепрошую, що вас турбую. Sorry to bother you. Sorry to bother you. Я звикла до того, що батьки мене ігнорують. I'm used to being ignored by my parents. I’m used to being ignored by my parents. Половина студентів відсутня. Half of the students are absent. Half the students are missing. Піду перевірю. I'm going to go check. I'll go check. У мене є сто песо. I have a hundred pesos. I've got a hundred pesos. Том, з великою ймовірністю, буде голодний. Tom will likely be hungry. Tom, with great likelihood, will be hungry. У вас гарне місто. Your city is beautiful. You have a nice city. Ти ніколи не втечеш. You'll never escape. You'll never get away. Покажіть. Show me. Show me. Я зроблю це пізніше. I'll do it later. I'll do it later. Я не усвідомлював, що у мене з носа тече кров. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. I didn't realize my nose was bleeding. Що ви хочете робити? What do you guys want to do? What do you want to do? Мені цікаво, чи Том хотів заспівати. I wonder whether Tom wanted to sing or not. I wonder if Tom wanted to sing. Я чув, як Том та Мері говорили про Джона. I heard Tom and Mary talking about John. I heard Tom and Mary talking about John. Том все ще може мати шанс. Tom may still have a chance. Tom can still have a chance. У Тома не було у Бостоні жодних друзів. Tom didn't have any friends in Boston. Tom didn't have any friends in Boston. Це на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Що ти хочеш на свій день народження? What do you want for your birthday? What do you want for your birthday? Таємниця залишиться таємницею. The secret will remain a secret. The mystery will remain a mystery. Том не знає, що Мері не виграла. Tom doesn't know that Mary didn't win. Tom doesn't know Mary didn't win. Том чемпіон. Tom is the champion. Tom champion. Я знаю, що ти хочеш це зробити. I know that you want to do that. I know you want to do it. Коли я прокинувся, падав сніг. When I awoke, it was snowing. When I woke up, I fell snow. Том нічого не зможе нам розповісти. Tom won't be able to tell us anything. Tom can't tell us anything. Де ваша мама? Where's your mom? Where's your mom? Це здається занадто простим. This seems too easy. It seems too simple. Страуси не літають. Ostriches can't fly. Ostriches don't fly. Ти наступного тижня поїдеш до Австралії? Are you going to go to Australia next week? Are you going to Australia next week? Кімната була доволі простора. The room was fairly spacious. The room was quite spacious. Том сказав, що планує їхати. Tom said he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to go. Том вже пішов. Tom already left. Tom's already gone. Він дуже прагне туди. He is very eager to go there. He's really looking forward to it. Хто цим займеться? Who will do it? Who's gonna do it? Другий урок простий. Lesson Two is easy. The second lesson is simple. Я їду на три тижні до Австралії. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. I'm going to Australia for three weeks. Австрія грала проти Австралії. Austria played against Australia. Austria played against Australia. Вона у білому. She is dressed in white. She's in white. Ця книжка належить вам? Does this book belong to you? Does this book belong to you? Том сказав, що хоче взяти на роботу когось із досвідом. Tom said he wanted to hire somebody with experience. Tom said he wanted to hire someone with experience. У мене болить голова, і руки, і ноги,.. і, насправді, все тіло. My head hurts, and so do my arms, legs... in fact, my whole body. I have a headache of my head, hands, and legs... and, in fact, my whole body. Том привів Мері додому. Tom took Mary home. Tom brought Mary home. Том це робитиме весь день? Will Tom be doing that all day? Tom will do it all day? Я брудна. I'm dirty. I'm dirty. Коли ти навчився плавати? When did you learn how to swim? When did you learn to swim? Чи можу я поговорити з ним? May I speak with him? Can I talk to him? Том багато років не грав на фортепіано. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom didn't play the piano for many years. Божевілля корисне для здоров’я. Being crazy is healthy. Self - control is good for your health. І не сподівайся. Don't hold your breath. And don't expect it. Як ви насмілюєтеся мені таке казати? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say that? Я мала сумніви. I had doubts. I had doubts. У мене ще не було можливості подивитися цей фільм. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I haven't had the opportunity to watch this film yet. Том сказав нам, що він не заперечує проти того, щоб це зробити. Tom let us know that he didn't mind doing that. Tom told us he didn't object to doing that. Батьки Тома були місіонерами в Африці. Tom's parents were missionaries in Africa. Tom's parents were missionaries in Africa. У неї було складне дитинство. She had a rough childhood. She had a difficult childhood. Добре, що Том цього не зробив. It's good that Tom didn't do that. Good thing Tom didn't do it. Я медіум. I'm a psychic. I'm a medium. Я хотів заплатити. I wanted to pay. I wanted to pay. Його зріст — приблизно два метри десять сантиметрів. He stands about seven feet. It is about six feet [2 m] tall. Ти не зобов'язаний приходити завтра. You don't have to come tomorrow. You don't have to come tomorrow. Нічого не бракує. Nothing's missing. There's nothing missing. Чому тебе не було в школі? Why were you not in school? Why didn't you go to school? Я загубив ключ від машини. I've lost my car key. I lost the key to the car. Їх вже нема. They've gone. They're gone. Мені здається, що Самі — хвора людина. I think that Sami is a sick individual. I feel that Sami is a sick person. Гадаєш, Том нас знайде? Do you think Tom will find us? You think Tom'll find us? У мене немає часу. I don't have time. I don't have time. Коли воно почнеться? When will it begin? When will it begin? Приходь якомога скоріше. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as you can. Можеш мене навчити, як це робиться? Can you teach me how to do that? Can you teach me how it's done? Я тебе просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you for help? Кави, будь ласка. Coffee, please. Coffee, please. Дуже ймовірно, що Том прийде. It's quite likely Tom will come. Tom is very likely to come. Мені подобається говорити валійською мовою. I like to speak Welsh. I like speaking Welsh. Ну, тоді я буду курку. Well then, I'll have chicken. Well, then I'll be a chicken. Дай мені розповісти! Let me tell it! Let me tell you! Я вас люблю і завжди любитиму. I love you and I'll always love you. I love you and I'll always love you. Том усіх перехитрив. Tom outsmarted everyone. Tom tricked everyone out. Помідор — це фрукт чи овоч? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? The Pomidor is a fruit or a vegetable? В такий спосіб він заробив настільки багато грошей. This is how he earned so much money. In this way he earned so much money. Селяві! This is life! Sevy! Тобі подобається школа? Do you like school? Do you like school? Том лише намагається тобі допомогти. Tom is just trying to help you. Tom's just trying to help you. Я трудоголік. I'm a workaholic. I'm a labourer. Він побачив гарну дівчину. He saw a pretty girl. He saw a pretty girl. Том підійшов до дверей. Tom came to the door. Tom went to the door. Тому більше не потрібно хвилюватися. Tom no longer has to worry. So you don't have to worry anymore. Це моя сумка. This is my bag. That's my bag. Ми шукаємо когось, хто вміє користуватися комп'ютером. We are looking for somebody who can use a computer. We're looking for someone who knows how to use a computer. Він п'є каву. He's drinking coffee. He drinks coffee. Ти вмієш плавати, правда? You can swim, can't you? You know how to swim, don't you? Я все ще користуюся ручкою, яку ти мені дав три роки тому. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. I'm still using the pen you gave me three years ago. Я знаю, що це неможливо. I know it's impossible. I know it's impossible. Вам подобається жовтий колір? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like yellow? Том колись ненавидів Мері. Зараз він її кохає. Tom used to hate Mary. Now he loves her. Tom used to hate Mary, and now he loves her. Я просто лінива. I'm just lazy. I'm just lazy. Я ніколи не хотіла жити в Австралії. I never wanted to live in Australia. I never wanted to live in Australia. Том не любить котів. Tom doesn't like cats. Tom doesn't like cats. Може Том має інші плани. Maybe Tom has other plans. Maybe Tom has other plans. Хіба ви з Томом не ровесники? Aren't you and Tom about the same age? Aren't you and Tom peers? Том не ходив туди. Tom didn't go there. Tom didn't go there. Мері звинувачувала батьків. Mary blamed her parents. Mary blamed her parents. Ти голосував за Ромні чи Обаму? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Did you vote for Romney or Obama? Вам страшно, Томе? Are you frightened, Tom? Are you scared, Tom? Шклянка повна молока. The glass is full of milk. She's full of milk. Вони худорляві. They're skinny. They're thin. Том логічний. Tom is logical. Tom logical. Він має трьох дітей. He has three children. He has three children. Ви молодий та здоровий. You're young and healthy. You're young and healthy. Тобі слід піти додому. You should go home. You should go home. Мені байдуже, скільки це коштує. I don't care what it costs. I don't care how much it costs. Том лишив парасольку в машині. Tom left his brolly in the car. Tom left the umbrella in the car. Том починає забувати рідну мову. Tom is beginning to forget his native language. Tom begins to forget his native language. Просто допоможіть мені. Just give me a hand. Just help me out. Том повинен піти з Мері. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom has to go with Mary. Дитина лежить на ліжку. The kid is in bed. The child lies on the bed. Відчиніть вікна. Open the windows. Open the windows. Будь ласка, не говоріть про олів'є! Я такий голодний. Please don't talk about Russian potato salad! I'm so hungry. Please, don't talk about pencils, I'm so hungry. Прямо за рогом вулиці є книжковий магазин. There is a bookstore just 'round the corner. Right behind the corner of the street is a book store. Том був найманцем. Tom was a mercenary. Tom was a mercenary. Приготуйте рис. Cook the rice. Prepare the rice. Чому ви туди ходили? Why did you go there? Why did you go there? Сонце ось-ось зійде. The sun is about to rise. The sun is about to rise. Твоя книжка на столі. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the table. Можете це мені дати? Can you give this to me? Can you give me that? Я розповім вам усе, що знаю. I'll tell you everything I know. I'll tell you everything I know. У вас є якісь це проблеми з цим? Are you having any trouble doing that? Do you have any trouble with that? Ваш номер готовий. Your room's ready. Your number is ready. Чому ти хочеш вивчити цю мову? Why do you want to learn this language? Why do you want to learn this language? Я хотів би знайти когось, хто б кохав мене. I wish I could find someone who loves me. I'd like to find someone who loves me. Том у взутті Джона. Tom is wearing John's shoes. Tom's wearing John's shoes. Після цього я жодного разу з ним не розмовляв. I never spoke to him after that. After that, I never talked to him once. Том моторний. Tom's fast. Tom motor. Том попросив мене прийти. Tom asked me to come. Tom asked me to come. Том не вийде за тебе. Tom won't marry you. Tom won't come for you. Я не певен, чи вміє Том добре співати, чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom can sing well or not. I'm not sure Tom can sing well or not. Це м'ясо — це курятина. That meat is chicken. This meat is chicken. Скільки коштує апельсиновий сік? How much does the orange juice cost? How much is orange juice worth? У автора добрий стиль. The author has a good style. The author has a good style. Мені цікаво, чи Том перебірливий у їжі. I wonder whether or not Tom is a picky eater. I wonder if Tom is selective about food. У Тома, мабуть, знову закінчилися гроші. Tom must be out of money again. Tom must have run out of money again. Ви приймаєте душ щодня? Do you shower every day? Do you take showers every day? Ви певні, що Том цього не робив? Are you certain Tom didn't do that? Are you sure Tom didn't do that? Курку, будь ласка. Chicken, please. Chicken, please. Він ніколи не читає газет. He never reads newspapers. He never reads newspapers. Він сказав мені, що не йде. He told me he wasn't coming. He told me he didn't go. Вона диктатор. She's a dictator. She's a dictator. Хіба ви не почуваєтеся сьогодні краще? Aren't you feeling better today? Aren't you feeling better today? Тут ви маєте рацію. You have a point there. Here you're right. Ціна машини занадто висока. The price of the car is too high. The price of the car is too high. Мері піклується про себе. Mary takes care of herself. Mary takes care of herself. Том має великі очі. Tom has big eyes. Tom has big eyes. Котра ручка твоя? Which is your pen? Which pen is it? Будь ласка, не чіпай ці книжки. Please don't touch those books. Please don't touch those books. Вона проспала годину. She slept an hour. She's gone for an hour. Я часто отримую від Тома листи. I often get letters from Tom. I often receive letters from Tom. Ти зупинила Тома? Did you stop Tom? Did you stop Tom? Коли ти вийшла заміж? When did you get married? When did you get married? Вони твої. They're yours. They're yours. Том купує газету по дорозі на роботу. Tom buys a newspaper on his way to work. Tom buys the newspaper on his way to work. Том мій друг. Tom is my friend. Tom is my friend. Я покажу тобі свою кімнату. I'll show you my room. I'll show you my room. Він фемініст. He's a feminist. He's a feminist. Том має це зробити зараз. Tom must do it now. Tom's got to do it now. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks tired. Tom looks tired. Том говорить, що у Мері застуда. Tom says Mary has a cold. Tom says Mary has a cold. До того, як я відвідав Австралію, я й не уявляв, яка Японія маленька. I didn't realize till I visited Australia how small Japan really is. Before I visited Australia, I had no idea what Japan was like. Він був просто за мною. He was just behind me. He was just following me. В чому була проблема? What was the problem? What was the problem? Мені подобається, як тане сніг. I love it when the snow melts. I like the way snow melts. Том — серфер. Tom is a surfer. Tom - serffer. Том завтра йде до магазину. Tom is going shopping tomorrow. Tom goes to the store tomorrow. Взуйтеся, будь ласка. Please put on your shoes. Get dressed, please. Він одружений з американкою. He's married to an American woman. He's married to an American. Я запалив вогонь. I lit the fire. I lit a fire. Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. A bear can climb a tree. Bears can climb trees. Просто забудь. Just forget it. Just forget it. Я повільний. I'm slow. I'm slow. Хто вам це купив? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? Том приїхав до Японії з Австралії. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Tom came to Japan from Australia. Том має сердитий вигляд. Tom looks angry. Tom looks angry. Я дуже неорганізована. I'm very disorganized. I'm very inorganised. Я знаю, що він зайнятий. I know he is busy. I know he's busy. Перестань бути жорстокою. Stop being cruel. Stop being cruel. Мері загубила окуляри. Mary lost her glasses. Mary lost her glasses. Я працюю тут три роки. I've worked here for three years. I've been working here for three years. Я хочу, щоб ви звільнили Тома. I want you to fire Tom. I want you to fire Tom. Безбарвні зелені ідеї несамовито сплять. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colourless green ideas sleep furiously. Я вчуся. I study. I'm learning. Зачекайте-но! Hang on! Wait a minute! Гей, де ми? Hey, where are we? Hey, where are we? Том теж поїхав до Австралії. Tom went to Australia, too. Tom also went to Australia. Що це там? What's that there? What's that? Я загубила свій ключ десь тут. I lost my key about here. I lost my key here somewhere. Де вони? Where are they? Where are they? Чого ти казишся? Why are you so mad? What are you laughing at? Том удома. Tom is home. Tom's home. Вони занадто перебірливі. They're too picky. They're too picky. Ти зайшла занадто далеко. You've gone too far. You went too far. Пропоную вам зробити це зараз. I suggest that you do that now. I suggest you do it now. Ви сказали 30? Did you say 30? Did you say 30? Мені буде потрібна позичка. I'll need a loan. I'll need a loan. Я щасливий, що маю так багато друзів. I am happy to have so many good friends. I am happy to have so many friends. Не думаю, що ти маєш рацію. I don't think that you're right. I don't think you're right. Мене завжди цікавили паранормальні явища. I've always had an interest in the paranormal. I have always been interested in paranoid phenomena. Я маю мало книжок. I have few books. I have few books. Том сказав мені, що я марную його час. Tom told me I was wasting his time. Tom told me I was wasting his time. Я не мав сумніву, що Том зробить те, про що ми попросили. I had no doubt Tom would do what we asked. I had no doubt Tom would do what we asked. Ти не один із нас. You aren't one of us. You're not one of us. Що ти бачив у Бостоні? What did you see in Boston? What did you see in Boston? Я трохи хворий. I'm a little sick. I'm a little sick. Це складне запитання. It's a difficult question. That's a difficult question. Ми з Томом у одній команді. Tom is on the same team that I am. Tom and I are on the same team. Це досить незвично. That's pretty unusual. It's pretty unusual. Ти ж прийдеш на свято, еге? Come to the party, will you? You're coming to the holiday, aren't you? Я продовжила читати. I kept reading. I continued to read. Мені здавалося, що ви сказали, що нічого не відбувається. I thought you said that nothing happened. I thought you said nothing was happening. Я навчив дружину водити машину. I taught my wife how to drive. I taught my wife to drive. Цей знак означає, що відповідь правильна. The sign means that the answer is correct. This sign means that the answer is correct. Я розчарувався. I'm disappointed. I was disappointed. Вони живуть там. They live there. They live there. Ці Тома. Those are Tom's. These Toms. Том замовив піцу. Tom ordered pizza. Tom ordered a pizza. Чому ти не викликав поліцію? Why didn't you call the police? Why didn't you call the police? Чому ви думаєте, що Том би цього не зробив? What makes you think Tom wouldn't do that? Why do you think Tom wouldn't do that? Ми всі потрапимо до пекла. We are all going to hell. We'll all go to hell. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you're not being followed. Я комуніст. I'm a communist. I'm a Communist. Я відчинив двері. I opened the door. I opened the door. У сонячній системі Юпітер найважча з планет. Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system. In the solar system, Jupiter is the most difficult of planets. Вони сказали, що хочуть купити яхту. They said they want to buy a yacht. They said they wanted to buy a boat. Залиши зуб під подушкою, і зубна фея забере його, залишивши замість нього подарунок. Leave a tooth under your pillow, and the tooth fairy will take it and put a present in its place. Leave the tooth under the pillow, and the tooth fairy will take it away, leaving behind a gift. Не йди додому одна. Don't walk home by yourself. Don't go home alone. Як часто ви його бачите? How often do you see him? How often do you see it? Том розплющив очі і побачив Мері. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. Tom opened his eyes and saw Mary. В нас перерва з 10:40 до 11:00. We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00. We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00 p.m. Ти знову сварився з Томом? Did you have another fight with Tom? Did you fight with Tom again? Це дуже добре відчуття. It's a really good feeling. It's a very good feeling. Хіба ви не хочете відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Будь ласка, не говоріть так швидко. Don't speak so fast, please. Please don't speak that fast. Це не дуже переконливо. That's not very convincing. That's not very convincing. Хотіла би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I wish I knew what you were looking for. Том дуже романтичний. Tom is very romantic. Tom's very romantic. Жінка на столі. The woman is on top of the table. The woman on the table. Том знав, що я не хочу, щоб він це робив? Did Tom know I didn't want him to do that? Tom knew I didn't want him to do this? Я ніколи не жив у Австралії. I've never lived in Australia. I never lived in Australia. Минулого тижня Том приходив до нас у гості. Tom came to visit us just last week. Tom came to visit us last week. Я дійсно думав, що Том любить мене. I really thought Tom liked me. I really thought Tom loved me. Ми можемо поговорити з тобою секунду наодинці? Could I talk to you alone for a second? Can we talk to you alone for a second? Ти запросив Тома на вечерю? Did you invite Tom to dinner? Did you invite Tom for dinner? Я суворий. I'm strict. I'm strict. Якби я була з тобою, я могла би тобі допомогти. If I had been with you, I could have helped you. If I were with you, I could help you. Це книга, про яку я тобі розповідав. This is the book that I told you about. It's the book I told you about. Томе, ви не могли би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? Клімат Канади прохолодніший за японський. The climate of Canada is cooler than that of Japan. Canada's climate is cooler than Japanese. Це речення правильне? Is this sentence correct? Is that the correct sentence? Ви туди часто ходите? Do you go there often? Do you go there often? Том випив пиво. Tom drank a beer. Tom had a beer. Том із Мері постійно зайняті. Tom and Mary are always busy. Tom and Mary are always busy. Щойно він лишився сам, він відкрив конверт. As soon as he was left alone, he opened the letter. Once he was alone, he opened the envelope. Ми живемо поблизу школи. We live in the neighborhood of the school. We live near school. Том запитав її, чи вона Мері. Tom asked her if she was Mary. Tom asked her if she was Mary. Я перемогла. I have won. I won. Ти, здається, не дуже рада мене бачити. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. Той ящик більший, ніж цей. That box is bigger than this one. That box is bigger than this one. Том чекає, щоб Мері ввійшла. Tom is waiting for Mary to come in. Tom's waiting for Mary to come in. Я все ще не зробив того, про що попросив Том. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. I still haven't done what Tom asked for. Том поставив свої запитання. Tom asked his questions. Tom asked his questions. Кошик був повний яблук. The basket was full of apples. The cup was full of apples. Я попросила Тома заспівати мою улюблену пісню. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. I asked Tom to sing my favorite song. Я ненавиджу своїх батьків. I hate my parents. I hate my parents. Я не думаю, що танцюватиму. I don't think I'll dance. I don't think I'm going to dance. В обмін він дав мені це. He gave me this in return. In exchange, he gave me this. Якого вона кольору? What colour is it? What color is it? У мене все болить. I'm sore all over. I'm in pain. Том зробив усе можливе, аби уникнути погляду Мері. Tom did his best to avoid making eye contact with Mary. Tom did his best to avoid Mary’s view. Це інша справа. That's another matter. It's a different matter. Звідки ти знала, що це станеться? How did you know that would happen? How did you know that would happen? Батько вас любить. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. Ти граєш у футбол кожного дня? Do you play football every day? You play football every day? Я розпочну з борщу... I'll start with a tomato soup... I'll start with the fight... У Тома болить зуб. Tom has a toothache. Tom has a toothache. Я теж не зайнятий. I'm not busy either. I'm not busy either. Я щось чув. I heard something. I heard something. Мій дім - ваш дім. My home is your home. My home is your home. Ця нарада нудна. This meeting is boring. That meeting is boring. Багаті люди мають багато друзів. The rich have many friends. Rich people have many friends. Я не ангел. I'm not an angel. I'm not an angel. Мені це подобалося ще перед тим, як це стало круто. I liked it before it was cool. I liked it before it got cool. Я бачив тіла. I saw some bodies. I saw bodies. Йди допоможи нам. Come and help us. Come help us. Ніхто з тих, кого я знаю, не може цього зробити. No one I know can do that. No one I know can do that. Я не розчула твоє прізвище. I didn't catch your surname. I didn't hear your surname. Наш учитель бував у Німеччині? Has our teacher been to Germany? Our teacher was in Germany? Вітер віє на південь. The wind blows south. The wind winds south. Студента покарали за паління. The student was punished for smoking. The student was punished for smoking. Ти цього не чуєш? Don't you hear it? Don't you hear that? Хто відкрив цей острів? By whom was the island discovered? Who opened the island? Том займається йогою щодня. Tom practices yoga every day. Tom deals with him every day. Ти снідав вранці? Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have breakfast in the morning? Він вирішив поїхати з нами. He decided to come with us. He decided to come with us. Том має багато грошей, але не має друзів. Tom has a lot of money, but he has no friends. Tom has a lot of money, but he doesn't have friends. Там заборонено паркуватися. It is illegal to park a car there. It's not allowed to park. Я не певна, що розумію, що Том мав на увазі. I'm not sure that I understand what Tom meant. I'm not sure I understand what Tom meant. Том народився там. Tom was born there. Tom was born there. Це цитата з "Дон Кіхота". It's a quotation from Don Quixote. It's a quote from the Don Quixote. Думаю, у мене могло би вийти й краще. I thought I could've done better. I think I might be better off. Є щось, що ти б хотів купити? Is there anything you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Не знаю. Beats me. I don't know. Том дуже схожий на батька. Tom is very much like his father. Tom is very much like his father. Чому ти так ненавидиш Тома? Why do you hate Tom so much? Why do you hate Tom so much? Настав час тобі одружитися. It is time you got married. It's time for you to get married. У Тома є все, що він бажає. Tom has everything he wants. Tom has everything he wants. Випрямся. Straighten up. Stand up. Ніколи не читайте коментарі в інтернеті. Never read internet comments. Never read comments on the Internet. Мені цікаво, чи Том зможе посидіти з нашою дитиною сьогодні ввечері. I wonder whether or not Tom can babysit for us tonight. I wonder if Tom will be able to talk to our child tonight. Хто сказав вам зв'язатися зі мною? Who told you to contact me? Who told you to contact me? Вам подобається броколі? Do you like broccoli? Do you like broccoli? Скільки вам років? Мені двадцять шість. How old are you? I'm twenty-six. How old are you? Вона не могла так вчинити. She cannot have done such a thing. She couldn't do that. Перший місяць року - січень. The first month of the year is January. The first month of the year is January. Не думаю, що ви маєте рацію. I don't think you're right. I don't think you're right. У мене все ще є питання, які я хочу тобі поставити. I still have questions I want to ask you. I still have questions I want to ask you. Я приїхала до Японії, щоб побачити Кіото. I came to Japan to see Kyoto. I came to Japan to see Kyoto. Том каже, ти все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Це тато. This is my father. It's Dad. Читати книжки — це дуже цікаво. Reading books is very interesting. Reading books is very interesting. Том дуже перебірливий у їжі. Tom is very fussy about what he eats. Tom's very picky about the food. Я ніколи не чув, як він розмовляє англійською. I have never heard him speak English. I've never heard him speak English. Дерево легко горить. Wood burns easily. The tree burns easily. Дозволь Тому тобі допомогти. Let Tom help you. Let that make you feel better. Мій шлунок болить після їжі. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after food. Ніхто нас не бачив. No one has seen us. No one's seen us. Я без вас не справлюся. I can't make it without you. I can't do it without you. Дії кращі за слова. Deeds are better than words. Actions are better than words. Вона втратила свідомість, але за кілька хвилин прийшла до себе. She fainted, but came to after a few minutes. She passed out, but in a few minutes she came to see herself. Один за всіх, усі за одного. One for all and all for one. One for all, all for one. Ми сором'язливі. We're shy. We're shy. Не дивись на нього! Don't look at him! Don't look at him! Здається, діти втомилися від плавання. The little children looked tired from swimming. The kids seem tired of swimming. Ви поранені? Are you wounded? Are you hurt? Вони дуже добре позабавилися за мій рахунок. They had great fun at my expense. They've been very good at my expense. Це твоя. It's yours. That's yours. Том сказав, що я маю зробити це до понеділка. Tom said I have to do that by Monday. Tom said I had to do it until Monday. Розмістіть слова в алфавітному порядку. Put the words in alphabetical order. Place the words in alphabetical order. Том сказав вам, що робити? Did Tom tell you what to do? Tom told you what to do? Не виключайте цього повністю. Don't rule it out completely. Don't completely exclude it. Що у тебе в руці? What's in your hand? What's in your hand? Як щодо вечері? How about dinner? How about dinner? Льод розтанув. The ice has melted. Ice melts. Хіба ви не здивовані, що я прийшла? Aren't you surprised that I came? Aren't you surprised that I came? В холодильнику є молоко. There's milk in the fridge. There's milk in the fridge. Я вже не одинокий. I'm not lonely anymore. I'm not alone anymore. Я насправді не певен. I'm really not sure. I'm not really sure. Будь ласка, залишіть мої речі в спокої. Please leave my things alone. Please leave my stuff alone. Цього з тобою більше не трапиться. This won't happen to you again. That's not gonna happen to you anymore. Я дуже зайнята. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. Дякую вам. Thank you! Thank you. Твоя дочка мені прозповість. Your daughter will tell me. Your daughter will tell me. Люди вірять у те, в що хочуть вірити. Men believe what they want to. People believe what they want to believe. Ти не слухаєш! You're not listening! You're not listening! Віе більше тут не працює. He no longer works here. Vie doesn't work here anymore. Ти згоден? Do you agree? Do you agree? Том має бути першим. Tom has to be first. Tom has to be first. Ти, мабуть, помиляєшся. You're probably mistaken. You must be wrong. Я дуже компетентний. I am very competent. I'm very competent. Двері літака вже були зачинені, коли Том дійшов до виходу до літака. The plane's doors were already closed when Tom got to the gate. The plane's door was already locked when Tom reached the exit to the plane. Він на це заслуговував. He deserved it. He deserved it. Квартира була мебльована у вікторіанському стилі. The flat was furnished in the Victorian style. The quarty was furnitured in Victorian style. Я передам ваше повідомлення Тому. I'll relay your message to Tom. I'll pass your message to To. Я чинитиму тобі супротив. I will fight you. I'll do it against you. Я знав, що Том на нас зачекає. I knew Tom would wait for us. I knew Tom would wait for us. Том має машину. Tom owns a car. Tom has a car. Чому ти думаєш, що Том не може цього зробити? What makes you think that Tom can't do that? Why do you think Tom can't do that? Вони нам нічого не скажуть. They won't tell us anything. They won't tell us anything. Це засмутило Тома. It made Tom sad. That upset Tom. Я загубив окуляри на пляжі. I lost my glasses at the beach. I lost my glasses on the beach. Я ніколи не бачив, як ви смієтеся. I've never seen you laugh. I've never seen you laugh. Ви будете зі мною. You'll be with me. You'll be with me. Я вчуся. I'm learning. I'm learning. Звідки Лорі? Where is Laurie from? Where did Lori come from? Давно я вже не був у Бостоні. It's been a while since I've been to Boston. It's been a long time since I was in Boston. Я ніколи не працюю у вихідні. I never work on weekends. I never work on weekends. Нещасні випадки неминучі. Accidents are inevitable. Accidents are inevitable. Вона моє перше кохання. She is my first love. She's my first love. Не припиняй грати. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. Я хочу почекати на нього. I want to wait for him. I want to wait for him. Хлопець сміливий. The boy is brave. The boy is brave. Студентам це подобається. The students like it. Students like that. Перепрошую, хто ця жінка? Excuse me, who is this woman? Excuse me, who is this woman? Я не завжди вільний по неділях. I'm not always free on Sundays. I'm not always free on Sundays. Люди жили в селах. People lived in villages. People lived in villages. Том трохи говорить французькою. Tom speaks some French. Tom speaks a little French. Чак Норріс народився у будинку, який він сам побудував. Chuck Norris was born in the house he built. Chuck Norris was born in a house he built himself. Я винний. I'm guilty. I'm guilty. Я люблю моркву. I love carrots. I love carrots. Мені потрібно, щоб ви були прямо там. I need you to stay right there. I need you right there. Ти його брат, чи не так? You are his brother, right? You're his brother, aren't you? Не заважай! Do not interfere! Don't bother! Не пий цього. Don't drink that. Don't drink that. Двері відчинилися. The door opened. The door opened. Він це зробив добровільно. He did it willingly. He has done it voluntarily. Його промова була одним з тих моментів, що вразили мене. His speech was one of the moments that impressed me. His speech was one of those moments that impressed me. Том допомагає матері з вечерею. Tom is helping his mother with dinner. Tom helps his mother with dinner. Скільки, на вашу думку, він коштував? How much do you think that it cost? How much do you think it cost? Мені портібна допомога з твором. I need help writing an essay. I have a port of help with the work. Ця книжка не лише цікава, але й повчальна. This book is not only interesting but also instructive. The book is not only interesting but also educational. Том, можливо, вже пішов. Tom might've left already. Tom, maybe he's already gone. Я закохалася. I fell in love. I fell in love. Ідіть сідайте. Go sit down. Come and sit down. Зараз Том дорослий. Tom is grown up now. Tom is an adult now. Такого не забути. It isn't something you forget. Don't forget that one. Йдіть пограйте в теніс з Томом. Go play tennis with Tom. Go play tennis with Tom. Коли ти останнього разу говорила французькою? When was the last time you spoke French? When was the last time you spoke French? Я не твоя дівчина. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Чорт! Fuck! Shit! Хлопчик добрий. The boy is kind. The boy is good. У Самі були гроші. Sami had money. There was money in Sam. Том дозволив Мері поїхати самій. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom allowed Mary to leave alone. Мені цікаво, чому Том залишився у Бостоні. I wonder why Tom stayed in Boston. I wonder why Tom stayed in Boston. Ти здаєшся сильною. You look strong. You look strong. Мені дуже шкода, що я не зміг допомогти. I'm real sorry I wasn't able to help. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. Сподіваємося, людям це сподобається. We hope people like it. We hope people will enjoy it. Можливо, він бреше. It is possible that he is telling a lie. Maybe he's lying. Ти на три сантиметри вищий від мене. You are three centimetres taller than me. You're three centimeters higher than me. Місяць освітлював кімнату. The moon lit the room. The moon lit the room. Чому ви не сказали мені цього раніше? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell me this before? Я іноді падаю, але ніколи не здаюся. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. I fall sometimes, but I never give up. Том не такий важкий, як Мері. Tom isn't as heavy as Mary. Tom's not as heavy as Mary. Давайте вийдемо з автобуса. Let's get off the bus. Let's get off the bus. Смачно. It's delicious. That's good. Можете зупинитися у нас. You can stay with us. You can stay with us. Том сказав добраніч. Tom said goodnight. Tom said goodnight. Я ніколи не цілував Тома. I've never kissed Tom. I never kissed Tom. Будь ласка, подивись знову. Please look again. Please, look again. Стрілка вказує дорогу до Токіо. The arrow indicates the way to Tokyo. The arrow points the way to Tokyo. На столі стоїть вентилятор. There's a fan on the desk. There's a fan on the table. Я рада, що ви вдома. I am glad you are home. I'm glad you're home. Яка найвища гора на світі? What's the world's highest mountain? What is the highest mountain in the world? Мене там не було. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Я граю у хокейній команді. I'm on a hockey team. I play hockey team. Локричні цукерки якого виду твої улюблені? What kind of licorice do you prefer? Local candy of what kind are your favorites? Одного дня ти зрозумієш. One day, you will understand. One day you'll understand. Плітка виявилася правдою. The rumor proved to be true. The flight turned out to be the truth. Я хотів би вільно говорити англійською. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak free English. Я люблю бути на самоті. I like being alone. I love being alone. Деякі рослини не можуть пристосуватися до холоду. Some plants cannot adapt themselves to the cold. Some plants cannot adjust to the cold. Том має специфічне почуття гумору. Tom has an odd sense of humor. Tom has a specific sense of humor. Не турбуйся. Я про це подбаю. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Хіба це не очевидно, хто її взяв? Isn't it obvious who took it? Isn't it obvious who took her? Це речення кумедне. This sentence is funny. It's a funny sentence. Бетті вбила всіх. Betty killed everyone. Betty killed everyone. Він одержимий. He's obsessed. He's obsessed. Том сказав, що він не мав потреби поспішати. Tom said that he didn't need to hurry. Tom said he had no need to rush. Це французьке слово. It's a French word. It's a French word. Я дивився цей фільм дуже давно. I saw that movie a long time ago. I've been watching this film for a long time. Його зараз немає. He's out now. He's gone now. Том — правша. Tom is right-handed. Tom is right-handed. Вона перемагає рак. She's beating cancer. She wins cancer. Я прагну значно більшого. I want a lot more. I want much more. Вам не слід дозволяти Тому робити це. You shouldn't let Tom do that. You don't have to let So do it. Том дає нам добрі поради. Tom gives us good advice. Tom gives us good advice. Цією машиною мені легко керувати. The car is easy for me to drive. That car is easy for me to drive. Я змінила розмітку свого сайту. I've changed my website's layout. I changed my site. У мене вісім братів і сестер. I have eight brothers and sisters. I have eight brothers and sisters. Ти був зайнятий? Were you busy? Were you busy? Покажи її мені. Show it to me. Show her to me. Чому ви не розповіли Тому? Why didn't you tell Tom? Why didn't you tell Tom? Том не намагатиметься цього зробити. Tom won't try to do that. Tom won't try to do that. Починати бійку з Томом не було такою вже й доброю ідеєю. Starting a fight with Tom wasn't such a good idea. To start a fight with Tom wasn't such a good idea. Том довів, що він має Ліверпуль у себе в серці. Tom proved he is a Scouser at heart. Tom proved he had Liverpool in his heart. Я лизнула ложку. I licked the spoon. I licked a spoon. Я вчора поцілував Тома. I kissed Tom yesterday. I kissed Tom yesterday. Чому Том убив Мері? Why did Tom kill Mary? Why did Tom kill Mary? Том сказав, що цього не було. Tom said that didn't happen. Tom said it wasn't. Давайте припинемо цю марну дискусію. Let's stop this fruitless discussion. Let's stop this futile discussion. Том почистив яблуко. Tom peeled the apple. Tom cleared the apple. Том не прочитав звіт, який ти написав. Tom hasn't read the report you wrote. Tom didn't read the report you wrote. Ви говорили про це з Томом? Did you talk to Tom about this? Did you talk about it with Tom? Ніхто не допоміг би мені це зробити. Nobody would help me do that. No one would help me do that. Ти італієць. You're Italian. You're Italian. Яка вона? What is she like? What is she like? Кишеньковий злодій витяг у Марка паспорт. A pickpocket pinched Mark's passport. Pocket thief pulled out Mark's passport. Мені здається, він тобі подобається. I think you like him. I think you like him. Цей журнал коштує всього два фунти, включаючи доставку. The magazine only costs two pounds, including shipping. This magazine costs only two pounds, including delivery. Я сумуватиму за вами. I will miss you all. I'll miss you. Я сіла на лавку поруч із Томом. I sat down on a bench next to Tom. I sat on the bench next to Tom. Вони кохають одне одного. They love each other. They love each other. Приходь завтра. Come back tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Яких комах ти їв? What insects have you eaten? What kind of insects did you eat? Я бачив, як Тома збила машина. I saw Tom get hit by a car. I saw Tom hit the car. Том може йти. Tom is excused. Tom can go. Скажіть мені, де вино. Tell me where the wine is. Tell me where the wine is. Ти можеш це. You can do that. You can do that. Мені дуже шкода це чути. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Я знаю, як виглядає степлер. I know what a stapler looks like. I know what a stapler looks like. Я не можу цього підтвердити. I can't confirm it. I can't confirm it. Мері це гарантує. Mary guarantees it. Mary guarantees it. Я сіла не в той автобус. I'm on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. Я відмовилася від цієї пропозиції. I rejected this proposition. I turned down the offer. Мері вже зробила те, що мала зробити. Mary has already done what she had to do. Mary already did what she was supposed to do. Я спостерігала за Томом. I was watching Tom. I watched Tom. Ви резервували столик? Have you got a table booked? Did you keep the table? Куди поділися гроші? Where has the money gone? Where did the money go? Мій дід був героєм. My grandfather was a hero. My grandfather was a hero. Мені цей не подобається. I don't like this one. I don't like that one. Використовуй їх усі. Use them all. Use them all. Ти мала рацію. You were correct. You were right. Я не хочу, щоб ти загинула. I don't want you to die. I don't want you dead. Вимкни мобільний, будьласка. Turn off your cell phone, please. Turn off your cell phone, please. Я не багата. I'm not rich. I'm not rich. Я і не думала, що ви зрозумієте. I didn't think you'd understand. I didn't think you'd understand. Хіба ти впізнаєш цього чоловіка? Don't you recognize that man? Would you recognize this man? Як щодо того, щоб з'їздити на пікнік. How about going on a picnic? How about a picnic trip. Ми не могли купити квитки на концерт до тих пір, поки не отримали гроші від наших друзів. We couldn't buy the concert tickets until we got the money from our friends. We couldn't buy tickets for the concert until we got the money from our friends. Том телефонував Мері сьогодні вранці. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mary this morning. Може, якось іншим разом. Some other time perhaps. Maybe some other time. Том відмовився впустити Мері до будинку. Tom refused to let Mary in the house. Tom refused to let Mary in. Том не дуже добре грає в теніс. Tom can't play tennis very well. Tom doesn't play tennis very well. Я палестинець. I'm Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. Я аж ніяк не можу зробити це один. I can't possibly do that alone. I can't do it alone. Ви потрібні Тому тут. Tom needs you here. That's why you need you here. У нас закінчилася олія. We've run short of oil. We're out of oil. Що, на вашу думку, вони хочуть? What do you think they want? What do you think they want? Люди, які живуть у місці, не можуть пізнати задоволення від життя у селі. People living in town don't know the pleasures of country life. People living in a place cannot get to know the satisfaction of living in a village. Мері має гарні очі. Mary's eyes are pretty. Mary has beautiful eyes. Вона подарувала мені книжку на Різдво. She gave me a book for Christmas. She gave me a book for Christmas. Я хочу чізбургер, колу та картоплю фрі. I want a cheeseburger, a coke and some fries. I want cheeseburger, colo, and potato fri. Вона вкрала фотоапарата. She stole a camera. She stole the camera. Ласкаво прошу до твого нового дому! Welcome to your new home. Welcome to your new home! З моїм обліковим записом якась проблема. There is a problem with my account. There's a problem with my account. Том з радістю погодився. Tom gladly agreed. Tom gladly agreed. Я думаю, що Том помиляється. I think Tom is wrong. I think Tom's wrong. Все гаразд? Is everything in order? Are you all right? Можливо, ти єдиний, хто може це зробити. You might be the only one who can do that. Maybe you're the only one who can do it. Хто не має рації? Who's wrong? Who doesn't have the radio? Ваш спів змушує професійних співаків червоніти від сорому. Your singing puts professional singers to shame. Your singing makes professional singers turn red from shame. Ти знаєш, що Том бреше. You know Tom is lying. You know Tom's lying. Я думала, що ти Том. I thought you were Tom. I thought you were Tom. Мені не потрібен ніж. I don't need a knife. I don't need a knife. О боже! Omigod! Oh, my God! Том понурий. Tom is grumpy. Tom is deaf. Він був великий. It was big. It was big. Том знає, що це зробила не Мері. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows that didn't do it to Mary. Естер — еврейка-лесбійка. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Esther is a lesbian euretic. Минулого тижня мене вкусив собака. I was bitten by a dog last week. Last week I was bitten by a dog. Ти хочеш, щоб я спитав його? Do you want me to ask him? You want me to ask him? Ми з Томом не боїмося Мері. Tom and I aren't scared of Mary. Tom and I are not afraid of Mary. Спробуйте поплисти! Try and swim! Try to swim! Вам пощастило мати таку добру роботу. You're lucky to have such a good job. You're lucky to have such a good job. Що ти тримаєш в руці? What do you have in your hand? What are you holding in your hand? Ми зайняті. We're busy. We're busy. Настав час вечері. Time for dinner. It's time for dinner. Малоймовірно, що Том забуде, як це робиться. Tom is unlikely to forget how to do that. Tom is unlikely to forget how this is done. П'єте? Are you drinking? Do you drink? Том робитиме це разом із тобою? Will Tom be doing that with you? Tom's gonna do it with you? Ти не спиш? Are you up? Are you awake? Зустріч розпочалася о п'ятій дня. The meeting began at five in the afternoon. The meeting began on the fifth day. Мері сказала, що їй подобається це робити. Mary said she liked doing that. Mary said she likes to do that. Що ти хочеш побачити, поки ти тут? What do you want to see while you're here? What do you want to see while you're here? Том знав, що Мері не зайнята. Tom knew Mary wasn't busy. Tom knew Mary wasn't busy. Я був в Токіо лише одного разу. I have been to Tokyo only once. I was only in Tokyo once. Я отримав рахунок за електроенергію. I received my electricity bill. I got an electric bill. Якого кольору його светр? What color is his sweater? What's the color of his sweater? Минулого тижня я купила нову машину. I bought a new car last week. I bought a new car last week. Я певен, що з Томом усе буде гаразд. I'm sure Tom will be all right. I'm sure Tom's gonna be okay. Він порізав собі палець ножем. He cut his finger with the knife. He cut his finger with a knife. Я не знала, що Том так сильно ненавидить Мері. I didn't know that Tom hated Mary so much. I didn't know Tom hated Mary so much. Цікаво, чому Том планував це зробити. I wonder why Tom was planning on doing that. I wonder why Tom planned to do so. Присутність усіх членів обов'язкова. Presence of all members is obligatory. The presence of all members is mandatory. Хіба тобі не зручно? Aren't you uncomfortable? Aren't you comfortable? Ти їх недооцінила. You underestimated them. You underestimated them. Твої батьки пишалися би тобою. Your parents would be proud. Your parents would be proud of you. Я народилася у травні. I was born in May. I was born in May. Я теж згодна. I also agree. I agree, too. Мені щастить. I'm in luck. I'm lucky. Маленька чашка кави коштує два євро. A small cup of coffee costs €2. A small cup of coffee costs two euros. Цікаво, чи я зможу це зробити ще раз. I wonder whether or not I can do that again. I wonder if I can do it again. Ми маємо вирішити сьогодні. We need to decide today. We have to decide today. З ким ви плануєте цим займатися? Who are you planning to do that with? Who are you planning to do this with? Ми задоволені рішенням. We're pleased with the decision. We are content with the decision. Ця спідниця дешева. This skirt is cheap. This skirt is cheap. Я бачила, як Том цілує Мері. I saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw Tom kissing Mary. Він стояв у дверях. He stood under the door frame. He was standing in the door. Вона гірко плакала. She cried bitterly. She wept bitterly. Том розкаявся у своїх гріхах. Tom repented of his sins. Tom repented of his sins. Ти завжди мені це говориш. You always tell me that. You always tell me that. Це чоловік Мері? Is that Mary's husband? Is that the man Mary? Самі дізнається. Sami will find out. She'll find out for herself. Свідок, який бачив все на власні очі, вартує більше, ніж десять свідків, які чули все. An eyewitness is worth more than ten auditory witnesses. A Witness who has seen everything with his own eyes is worth more than ten witnesses who have heard everything. Вгадайте, хто я. Guess who I am. Guess who I am. Том повернувся до готелю. Tom went back to the hotel. Tom returned to the hotel. Наскільки легко вивчити англійську? How easy is it to learn English? How easy is it to learn English? Я граю в теніс протягом години на день. I play tennis an hour a day. I play tennis for hours a day. З Томом покінчено. Tom is a goner. Tom's done. Коли я зайшов до кімнати, вона грала на піаніно. When I entered the room, she was playing the piano. When I entered the room, she played the piano. Ви дуже милі. You're very nice. You're very nice. Де ваші манери? Where are your manners? Where are your manners? Вони не втратили надію. They did not give up hope. They did not lose hope. Том кинув у Мері яйцем. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom threw eggs at Mary. Коли ти очікуєш приїхати? When do you expect to arrive? When are you expecting to come? Том випрасував свою сорочку. Tom ironed his shirt. Tom made his shirt. Том поїхав до бібліотеки. Tom has gone to the library. Tom went to the library. Треба викликати поліцію. We have to call the police. We have to call the police. Том вирішив піти рано. Tom decided to leave early. Tom decided to leave early. Том сказав вам, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Tom told you where the party was going? Мері висока. Mary is tall. Mary's tall. Чому ти такий здивований? Why are you so surprised? Why are you so surprised? Це крісло. This is an armchair. It's a chair. Том не хотів чекати. Tom did not want to wait. Tom didn't want to wait. Вона наповнила цю вазу водою. She filled this vase with water. She filled this vase with water. Том не ненавидить Мері. Tom doesn't hate Mary. Tom doesn't hate Mary. Гаразд, я вкушу. OK, I'll bite. All right, I'll bite you. Я більше не хочу. I don't want any more! I don't want any more. Ви знаєте, які їй подобаються кольори? Do you know what color she likes? Do you know how much she likes the colors? Гадаю, Тома сьогодні тут не буде. I think Tom isn't going to be here today. I guess Tom won't be here tonight. Том відкрив ресторан. Tom opened a restaurant. Tom opened the restaurant. Я повинен продовжувати пробувати. I have to keep trying. I have to keep trying. Я радий, що ти радий. I'm glad you're glad. I'm glad you're glad. Заздрю вашому хорошому здоров'ю. I envy your good health. I envy your good health. Так, із задоволенням! Sure, why not? Yes, I'd be happy to! Вона почала грати стару пісню. She began to play an old song. She started playing the old song. Чому вони розмовляють французькою? Why are they speaking in French? Why do they speak French? Це брехня. That's a fib. That's a lie. В Європі немає пірамід. There are no pyramids in Europe. There are no pyramids in Europe. Скоро весна. It'll soon be spring. Spring soon. Вона говорить двома іноземними мовами. She speaks two foreign languages. It speaks two foreign languages. Це занадто. It's too much. It's too much. Том каже, що я дуже наївна. Tom says I'm very gullible. Tom says I'm very naive. Навіщо ти це мені кажеш? Why are you telling me this? Why would you tell me that? Повернімося. Let's turn back. Let's go back. Том не божевільний. Tom isn't crazy. Tom's not crazy. Навіть не думай про це. Don't ever think that. Don't even think about it. Том дуже докучливий. Tom is very annoying. Tom is very annoying. Ви боїтесь? You're afraid? Are you afraid? Ви зруйнували мені життя. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. Нам слід придумати таємну мову. We should invent a secret language. We have to come up with a secret language. Ви плануєте залишитися надовго? Do you plan to stay long? Are you planning to stay for a while? Коли ти плануєш їхати до Японії? When do you plan to leave for Japan? When are you planning to go to Japan? Мої діти в школі. My children are in school. My kids are at school. Я поставив свою валізу. I put down my suitcase. I put my suitcase in. Я вийшов з машини. I got out of the car. I got out of the car. У Тома є молодший брат, якого звуть Джон. Tom has a younger brother named John. Tom has a younger brother named John. Є щось, що ти б хотів купити? Is there something you want to buy? Is there anything you'd like to buy? Я стара. I'm old. I'm old. Я думаю про вас. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. Я просто виконав свою роботу. I just did my job. I just did my job. Звідки приїхали всі ці машини? Where did all these cars come from? Where did all these cars come from? Я живу у гігантському відрі. I live in a giant bucket. I live in a giant bucket. Сипати сіль на рану. To rub salt in someone's wounds. Bring salt to the wound. Вона відмовилася говорити англійською. She refused to speak English. She refused to speak English. Том не знав, куди дивитися. Tom didn't know where to look. Tom didn't know where to look. Нам удалося переплисти річку. We managed to swim across the river. We managed to cross the river. Він, очевидно, любить вас. He obviously loves you. He obviously loves you. Чому Том такий популярний? Why is Tom so popular? Why is Tom so popular? Том молодший від тебе. Tom isn't as old as you are. Tom's younger than you. Я викладачка французької. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Том дуже відкритий. Tom is very open. Tom's very open. Я голодна, тому що я не пообідала. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't eat lunch. Я нікого не звинувачую. I'm not blaming anyone. I don't blame anyone. Літак злетів рівно о дев'ятій. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. The plane flew at exactly nine. Том доволі вільно говорить французькою. Tom is quite fluent in French. Tom is quite fluent in French. Джон спіймав тигра й застрелив двох левів. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. Не хвилюйся, я особисто все перевірю. Don't worry - I'll check everything personally. Don't worry, I'll check it out myself. Том витерся насухо рушником. Tom dried himself with a towel. Tom wiped out with a towel. Що з Томом трапилося? What's happened to Tom? What happened to Tom? Це браслет. This is a bracelet. It's a bracelet. У мене багато часу. I have lots of time. I've got a lot of time. Дозволь собі бути щасливим. Let yourself be happy. Let yourself be happy. Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait until the wedding. Я трохи запізнився. I was a little late. I'm a little late. Мені потрібні факти. I want the facts. I need facts. Вона не могла захищатися. She wasn't able to defend herself. She could not defend herself. Наступного місяця Том їде з Бостона. Tom is leaving Boston next month. Next month Tom leaves Boston. Обережно. Воно ще гаряче. Be careful. It's still warm. It's still hot. Давайте поцілуємося. Let's kiss. Let's kiss it. Кожного року мільйони людей помирають від голоду. Millions of people starve to death every year. Every year millions of people die of hunger. Мені було цікаво, чого хотів Том. I wondered what Tom wanted. I wondered what Tom wanted. На листі була помилкова адреса. The letter was wrongly addressed. The letter had an incorrect address. Це останній потяг. It's the last train. This is the last train. Хто буде битися? Who'll fight? Who will fight? Я знайшла метеорит. I found a meteorite. I found a meteorite. Я аж ніяк не щасливий. I am far from happy. I'm not happy at all. Все в шоколаді. Everything's fine. It's all in chocolate. Вони перейшли до іншої релігії. They changed their religion. They switched to another religion. Мені слід бути обережнішим. I need to be more careful. I should be careful. Я їх скачала. I downloaded them. I scurried them. Мері продала машину. Mary sold her car. Mary sold the car. Дякую вам за гостинність. Thanks for your hospitality. Thank you for your hospitality. Що він планує? What is he up to? What's he planning? Ти найкращий! You are number one! You're the best! Ти взагалі колись збираєшся це робити? Aren't you ever going to do that? Are you ever going to do that? Ми змогли їх врятувати. We managed to save them. We were able to save them. Він дивна особа. He is a strange person. He's a weird person. Я щойно підстриглася. I just got a haircut. I just cut my hair. Мері сказала, що ніколи не вивчала французьку. Mary said she'd never study French. Mary said she had never studied French. Вважаю що куплю новий автомобіль. I think I'll buy a new car. I suppose I'll buy a new car. Ми самі винні. It's our own fault. We're the only ones to blame. Ти такий милий. You're so sweet. You're so cute. Це буде коштувати десь п'ятнадцять доларів. It will cost around fifteen dollars. It's going to cost about fifteen dollars. Я грюкнула дверима. I slammed the door. I burst the door. Його теорія варта уваги. His theory deserves consideration. His theory is noteworthy. Нам соромно за Тома. Tom is an embarrassment. We're ashamed of Tom. Допомога прийшла занадто пізно. Help came too late. Help came too late. Це не нова проблема. It's not a new problem. It's not a new problem. Подушка дуже незручна. This pillow is very uncomfortable. The pillow is very uncomfortable. Я сам написав ці книжки. I wrote these songs myself. I wrote these books myself. Вона тенісистка. She is a tennis player. She's a tennis player. Так Том і став відомим. That's how Tom became famous. That's how Tom became famous. Ти добре проводив час, так? You were having fun, weren't you? You had a good time, didn't you? Ви співали. You were singing. You sang. Я зробив все бездоганно. I nailed it. I did everything irreprehensible. Я люблю писати. I like to write. I love writing. Кіото — винятково гарне місто. Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. Наступного місяця мені виповнюється шістнадцять. I'll be sixteen years old next month. The following month I turn sixteen. Думаєш, є ймовірність того, що це станеться? Do you think there's a chance that will happen? Do you think there's a probability that this will happen? Змирись зі своїми мріями. Embrace your dreams. Accept your dreams. О котрій годині закінчиться твій останній урок? What time will your last class be over? When will your last lesson end? Я прийшов, щоб попрощатися, Томе. I've come to say goodbye, Tom. I came to say goodbye, Tom. Мені подобається цей собака. I like this dog. I like that dog. Я спробував зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Що у неї є? What does she have? What's she got? Як екзамен? How did the exam go? How's the exam? Де було видано цю книгу? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Том сказав, що не втомився. Tom said that he wasn't tired. Tom said he wasn't tired. Том та Мері займаються цим. Tom and Mary are doing that. Tom and Mary do it. Ми повинні допомогти Тому. We need to help Tom. We have to help Tom. Дощ ішов цілий день. It rained all day. It's been raining all day. Я засмутився із-за цього. This made me sad. I was upset about that. Можна мені твій номер телефону? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Тобі слід зупинитися. You should stop. You should stop. Том поїде до Бостона. Tom is going to go to Boston. Tom will go to Boston. Хто сказав, що тобі можна цим займатися? Who said you could do that? Who said you could do that? Чому ви купили квітку? Why did you buy a flower? Why did you buy a flower? Годинник відстає на десять хвилин. The clock is ten minutes behind. The clock is ten minutes behind. Том хоче стати лікарем. Tom wants to become a doctor. Tom wants to be a doctor. Говоріть тихо. Speak quietly. Keep quiet. Удень світить сонце, а вночі - місяць. The sun gives light by day, and the moon by night. The sun shines during the day and the moon is at night. У мене встав на неї. I have a hard-on for her. I got up on her. Ви мали рацію раніше. You were right before. You were right before. Сподіваюся, Том нам допоможе. I hope Tom will help us. I hope Tom will help us. Ти маєш право бути щасливим. You've got the right to be happy. You have the right to be happy. Який у вас рейтинг? What is your rating? What's your rating? У мене проблеми з начальником. I've had problems with my boss. I have a problem with my boss. Це банан. That's a banana. It's a banana. Тома, ймовірно, покарають за те, що він зробив. Tom will likely be punished for what he did. Tom will probably be punished for what he did. Мері — твоя дівчина? Is Mary your girlfriend? Mary - your girlfriend? Лондон оповив туман. The haze enveloped London. London covered the mist. Я дуже радий, що ти тут, Томе. I'm very glad you're here, Tom. I'm very glad you're here, Tom. Том слабкий. Tom's weak. Tom is weak. Я сказав Тому, щоб він приїхав до Австралії. I told Tom to come to Australia. I told him to come to Australia. Ти зазвичай їздиш подорожувати за кордон? Do you often travel abroad? You usually travel abroad? Ти маєш бути гнучким. You have to be flexible. You have to be flexible. Я вірю, що ти переможеш. I believe that you'll win. I believe you'll win. Вона поїхала до аеропорту, щоб проводити його. She went to the airport to see him off. She went to the airport to conduct it. Відійди убік. Stand aside. Step aside. Він на кухні. It's in the kitchen. He's in the kitchen. Дуже прошу, не злися. I'm begging you, don't be mad. Please, don't be mad. Вони нам не скажуть. They won't tell us. They won't tell us. Працюй повільно. Work slowly. Work slowly. Столиця Бразилії - Бразиліа. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia. Brazil’s capital city, Brazil Що я насправді хочу, так це поспати. What I really want to do is sleep. What I really want is to sleep. Мені все ще треба оплатити рахунок за телефон. I still have to pay the phone bill. I still have to pay the bill for the phone. Том уміє готувати. Tom can cook. Tom knows how to cook. Та музика його нервує. That music gets on his nerves. That music makes him nervous. Якими мовами розмовляють в Америці? What languages are spoken in America? What languages are spoken in America? Ти заслуговуєш на відпочинок. You've earned a rest. You deserve a rest. Ось ці свіжі. These are fresh. Here's the fresh ones. У Тома величезні очі. Tom's eyes are huge. Tom has huge eyes. У веселки сім кольорів. The rainbow has seven colors. There are seven colors in the rainbow. Гадаю, Тому не слід цим займатися. I think Tom shouldn't do that. I guess that's why you shouldn't do that. Він сьогодні похмурий. He is morose today. He's grumpy today. Я хотіла би, щоб ми могли проводити більше часу разом. I would like it if we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. Вислухай його відверту думку. Listen to his candid opinion. Listen to his frank opinion. Хіба ви не на чергуванні сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you on duty tonight? Aren't you on duty tonight? Том ніколи не мусив багато вчитися. Tom never had to study very much. Tom never had to learn much. Як справи у твоєї жінки, Томе? How's your wife, Tom? How's your woman doing, Tom? Я приймаю твою пропозицію. I agree to your proposal. I accept your offer. Біл має багато друзів. Bill has a lot of friends. Bill has many friends. Це було б несправедливо. That would be unfair. That would be unfair. Туди треба йти або тобі або Джейн. Either you or Jane has to go there. That's where either you or Jane should go. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. If I were you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I'd ignore that. Том буде тут просто зараз. Tom will be here right away. Tom will be here right now. Це найдорожчі туфлі, які я коли-небудь бачила. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. These are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Це грецьке ім'я. It's a Greek name. It's a Greek name. Ви думаєте, я жартую? Do you think I'm joking? You think I'm kidding? Сьогодні я була дуже втомлена. I was very tired today. Today I was very tired. Я правдивий. I'm truthful. I'm true. Щастя не в тому, щоб володіти багатьма речами. Happiness does not consist only in having many things. Happiness is not a possession of many things. Новина рознеслася по всій Японії. The news spread all over Japan. The news spread throughout Japan. Том показав убік гори. Tom pointed towards the mountain. Tom showed it to the side of the mountain. Таксі приїхало. The taxi is here. Taxi's here. Я чула, як він спустився вниз по сходах. I heard him coming downstairs. I heard him go down the stairs. Це моє. Віддай. That's mine. Give it back. That's mine, give it to me. Як дивно! How weird! How strange! Ви вмієте читати кирилицею? Can you read Cyrillic? Do you know how to read Cyrillic? Я досить добре знаю Тома. I know Tom quite well. I know Tom quite well. Мені не слід було приходити сюди. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have come here. Том охайний, чи не так? Tom is tidy, isn't he? Tom is neat, isn't he? Хотів би я, щоб ти не був таким йобаним мудаком. I wish you weren't such a fucking dick. I wish you weren't such a fucking asshole. Том передав вам щось для мене? Did Tom give you anything for me? Tom gave you something for me? Я би ніколи не зміг цього зробити без вашої допомоги. I never could've done this without your help. I would never be able to do that without your help. На сніданок у мене завжди кава та грінки. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. I always have coffee and peas for breakfast. Я голодний, бо я не снідав. I am hungry because I did not have breakfast. I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast. Я найліпша. I am the best. I'm the best. Як пройшов ваш екзамен? How was your test? How was your exam? Я можу заплатити пізніше? Can I pay later? Can I pay later? Це щойно трапилося? Did this just happen? Did that just happen? Мері не взяла з собою парасольку. Mary didn't take an umbrella with her. Mary did not take an umbrella with her. Ти мене чув? Did you hear me? Did you hear me? Правду кажучи, я сказала неправду. The truth is I told a lie. To be honest, I told a lie. Я лягаю спати! I'm going to bed. I'm going to bed! Він не любить яйця. He doesn't like eggs. He doesn't like eggs. Я знайшла гроші. I found the money. I found the money. Я не розумію, навіщо він це зробив. I don't understand why he did that. I don't understand why he did it. Вони всі туристи. They're all tourists. They're all tourists. Можете позичити мені пінцет? Can you lend me a pair of tweezers? Can you lend me a pint? Це твоє життя. It's your life. It's your life. Том сказав, що хоче пити. Tom said that he was thirsty. Tom said he wanted to drink. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона цього не зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she didn't do that. I wonder if Tom ever asked Mary why she did not. Патрик не вміє як слід писати. Patrick cannot write properly. Patrick doesn't know how to write. Я занадто соромилася. I was too shy. I was too ashamed. Я поглибився у деталі. I went into details. I've gone into details. Том сказав, що він не бажає цього робити. Tom said he was unwilling to do that. Tom said he didn't want to do that. Підемо до океанаріуму. Let's go to the aquarium. Let's go to the oceanarium. Ви знаєте, що є причиною проблеми? Do you know what's causing the problem? Do you know what causes the problem? Де знаходиться Бостон? Where's Boston? Where is Boston? Мені потрібна твоя думка. I need your input. I need your opinion. Не турбуйся. Вона не розуміє німецької. Don't worry. She doesn't understand German. Don't worry, she doesn't understand German. Вона щось приховує? Is she hiding something? Is she hiding something? Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he was interested. Tom said he was interested. Сьогодні я маю добрий апетит. I have a good appetite today. Today I have a good appetite. Нам затишно у нашому новому будинку. We're comfortable in our new house. We are comfortable in our new home. У світі є лише дві безмежні речі, всесвіт та людська глупота. Я не можу бути впевненим щодо першої. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. There are only two infinite things in the world, the universe, and human folly. Вона сказала: "Я дуже щаслива." She said: "I'm very happy." She said, "I'm very happy." З Томом цікаво говорити. It's interesting to talk to Tom. Tom's interesting to talk to. Що посієш, те й пожнеш. You reap what you sow. You reap what you sow. На що ви витріщилися? What are you staring at? What are you staring at? Ми не могли би йти швидше? Я спізнююся. Could we go faster? I'm late. Can't we go faster? I'm late. Ми не просто футболісти. We're not just football players. We're not just footballers. Все м'ясо зіпсувалося. All the meat had spoiled. All the meat's ruined. Я такою народилася. I was born like this. I was born that way. Ми з Томом бігли на перегонах. I ran a race with Tom. Tom and I ran the race. Він повернувся додому пізно ввечері. He came home late in the evening. He came home late at night. Національна служба охорони здоров'я Великобританії сьогодні оновила рекомендації щодо коронавірусу. The NHS issues updated Coronavirus recommendations today. Britain's National Health Service has updated recommendations on coronavirus today. Хапай мотузку. Grab the rope. Grab the rope. Ми з Томом п'ємо одне й те саме. Both Tom and I are drinking the same thing. Tom and I drink the same thing. Він не міг побороти бажання викурити ще одну сигарету. He couldn't overcome the desire for another cigarette. He could not overcome the desire to smoke another cigarette. Є секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There's a secret passage. Я не хочу з тобою спорити. I don't want to argue with you. I don't want to lie to you. Впустіть мене. Let me in. Let me in. Вона непритомна. She is unconscious. She's unconscious. Я думала, Том відмовиться цим займатися. I thought Tom would refuse to do that. I thought Tom would refuse to do that. Я вaс люблю. I love you. I love you. На якому ви живете поверсі? Which floor do you live on? Which floor do you live on? Том був трохи спантеличений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. Він підписав чек. He signed the check. He signed a check. Привіт, як ся маєш? Hi, how's it going? Hey, how you doing? Пароль - "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". Ти чув, що сказав Том? Did you hear what Tom said? Did you hear what Tom said? Том читає романи. Tom reads novels. Tom reads novels. Винеси сміття. Take the garbage out. Take the trash out. Ти моя приятелька. You're my friend. You're my friend. У нього дві машини. He's got two cars. He has two cars. Вони усвідомили. They understood. They realized. Без проблем! No problem! No problem! Повірити не можу, що ви мене не впізнали! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! I can't believe you didn't recognize me! Можна позичити ваші ножиці? Can I borrow your scissors? Can I borrow your scissors? Подякуй їй за допомогу. Thank her for the help. Thank her for her help. Том підтвердив, що ніхто не постраждав. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Tom confirmed that no one was hurt. Діма переспав з 25 чоловіками за одну ніч, а потім вбив їх. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. The house slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Вони пішли у зоопарк. They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. Я була сором'язлива. I was shy. I was shy. Вони небагаті. They aren't rich. They're not rich. Візьми мою руку. Ми вдвох збудуємо утопію. Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand, we'll build the utopia together. Том сказав, що Мері спантеличена. Tom said that Mary was confused. Tom said Mary was confused. Один із них каже неправду. One of them is lying. One of them is lying. Гарвард було засновано у 1636 році. Harvard was founded in 1636. Harvard was founded in 1636. Ти дійсно хочеш їхати в Бостон один? Do you really want to go to Boston by yourself? You really want to go to Boston alone? Сьогодні спекотно. It's a hot day. It's hot today. Бог дав, бог і взяв. God gives, and God takes away. God gave it, god, and took it. Звідси далеко до Бостона? Is it far from here to Boston? From here far to Boston? Я посміявся з його жарту. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Мій батько, можливо, спить. My father may be sleeping. My father may be sleeping. Як найкраще вивчити французьку? What's the best way to learn French? How Can I Make French My Best? Я бюрократ. I'm a bureaucrat. I'm a bureaucrat. Я народився 10 жовтня 1972 року. I was born on October 10, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. Я зміг вирішити проблему. I was able to solve the problem. I was able to solve the problem. Я впевнена, він може це собі дозволити. I'm pretty sure he can afford it. I'm sure he can afford it. Ви вживаєте спиртні напої? Do you consume liquor? Do you drink? Батьки знову сваряться. My parents are arguing again. My parents are fighting again. Мені подобаються шахи. I enjoy playing chess. I like chess. Мері — блондинка. Mary is blonde. Mary is a blonde. Він у мене в кишені. It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Вона добре говоорить англійською. She speaks English well. She's doing well in English. Том просто дуркує. Tom's just larking about. Tom's just kidding. У нас чудова команда. Our team is amazing. We have a great team. Моє ім'я було нагорі списку. My name was at the top of the list. My name was on top of the list. Я сумніваюся у її словах. I doubt her words. I doubt her words. У Тома є фортепіано. Tom has a piano. Tom has a piano. Що ви щодо цього робите? What're you doing about this? What are you doing about it? Я задовольняю її вимоги. I meet her demands. I meet her demands. Забудь про цю сумну подію. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. Будь ласка, забери це. Please take this away. Please take this away. Ніхто не любить програвати. No one likes to lose. Nobody likes to lose. Думаю, Тому це сподобається. I think Tom will like that. I think it's going to be fun. Я ходжу до бібліотеки принаймні один раз на тиждень. I go to the library at least once a week. I go to the library at least once a week. Я хочу попити кави. I want to drink coffee. I want coffee. Як ви вивчили французьку? How did you learn French? How did you learn French? Ми вже знаємо, що ти це зробив. We already know you did that. We already know you did. Клин клином вишибають. One fire drives out another. The blades are lined with wedge. Том випікає печиво по неділях. Tom bakes cookies on Sundays. Tom pees cookies on Sundays. Ти запитала Тома? Did you ask Tom? Did you ask Tom? Дякуючи Богу, всі були в порядку. Thank God everyone was OK. Thanks to God, everyone was fine. Ми ідеальна пара. We are a perfect match. We're a perfect couple. Фадль забагато балакає. Fadil talks too much. Fadel talk too much. Ось що тобі насправді треба зробити. That's what you really need to do. That's what you really need to do. Том усе ще в Бостоні. Tom is still in Boston. Tom is still in Boston. Ти віриш у те, що сказав Том? Do you believe what Tom said? Do you believe what Tom said? Я кинула пити пиво. I've quit drinking beer. I quit drinking beer. Том каже, що я вузьколоба. Tom says I'm narrow-minded. Tom says I'm narrow. Я також це зробила. I did that, too. I did it too. Що ви будете робиш завтра? What are you doing tomorrow? What will you do tomorrow? Це моя жінка Едита. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife, Edith. Цей студент — американець. This student is an American. This student is an American. Хмара сіра. The cloud is grey. The cloud is grey. Ніхто нас не бачив. No one saw us. No one's seen us. Я тут зачекаю. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. В молодості вона жила у передмісті Токіо. She lived in the suburbs of Tokyo when she was young. When she was young, she lived in a suburb of Tokyo. Щось із цього має значення? Does any of this matter? Does any of this matter? Це мій імейл. This is my email address. That's my e-mail. Том зробить це, якщо ви йому за це заплатите. Tom will do that if you pay him to do it. Tom will do it if you pay him for it. Немовля спить. The baby's sleeping. The baby sleeps. Це День Святого Валентина. It's Valentine's Day. This is Valentine's Day. Неясно, що я повинен робити. It's not clear what I'm supposed to do. It's unclear what I have to do. Том веде щоденник. Tom keeps a diary. Tom leads the diary. Скажи мені правду, будь ласка. Please tell me the truth. Tell me the truth, please. Ми замовили забагато їжі. We ordered too much food. We ordered too much food. Я не учень. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. Я вже запізнилася до школи. I'm already late for school. I'm already late for school. Я не змогла розв'язатаи задачу. I wasn't able to solve the problem. I couldn't solve the problem. У нас немає часу. We have no time. We don't have time. Зроби вигляд, що я незнайомець. Pretend I'm a stranger. Make me look like I'm a stranger. Їй набагато краще. She's feeling much better. She's much better. Ти знаєш якісь інші рішення? Do you know of any other solutions? Do you know any other decisions? Іншими словами, він лінивий. In other words, he's lazy. In other words, he's lazy. Я скористалася нагодою навідатися до музею. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. Том із Мері уникають Джона. Tom and Mary have been avoiding John. Tom and Mary avoid John. Моя пам'ять вже не та. My memory isn't what it used to be. My memory's gone. Том дуже кохає Мері. Tom loves Mary so much. Tom loves Mary very much. Том готує вечерю. Tom is preparing supper. Tom's making dinner. Собака Самі розумний. Sami's dog is smart. Dog Sami is smart. Я не можу видалити фотографії з фотоапарата! I can't remove the photos from the camera! I can't remove photographs from the camera! Я був вражений дізнатися, що я виграв. I was amazed to learn I had won. I was amazed to find out what I had won. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she had to do it. Усі собаки - тварини. Але це не значить, що усі тварини - собаки. All dogs are animals. However, that doesn't mean that all animals are dogs. All dogs are animals, but that doesn't mean all animals are dogs. Тим, хто може придумати лише один спосіб як написати слово, очевидно, бракує уяви. Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination. Those who can only think of one way to write a word are obviously lacking imagination. Я впевнена у його успіху. I'm sure of his success. I'm sure of his success. Це не Том зробив. Tom isn't the one who did this. Tom didn't do it. Де найближча станція метро? Where is the closest subway station? Where's the nearest subway station? Том втік через вікно. Tom escaped through the window. Tom escaped through the window. Ви нічого не приховуєте? You're not hiding anything, are you? Don't you hide anything? Як справи? How is it? How are you? Я не знала, що це станеться. I didn't know this would happen. I didn't know it would happen. В мене багато друзів. I've got plenty of friends. I've got a lot of friends. Ти можеш це зробити просто зараз. You can do that right now. You can do it right now. Обмеження швидкості немає. There's no speed limit. There is no speed limit. Том трохи почервонів. Tom blushed a little. Tom's a little red. Саме це ти й маєш зробити. This is what you have to do. That's exactly what you have to do. Мені, мабуть, треба провести трохи часу з Томом. I should probably spend some time with Tom. I should probably spend some time with Tom. Ви знаєте як водити автомобіль? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive a car? Звідки ти знала, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know this would happen? Я забув, як його звуть. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Яке твою улюблене число? What is your favourite number? What's your favorite number? Школа виглядає як в'язниця. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Це занадто складно. It's too difficult. It's too complicated. Що саме ти бачила? What did you see exactly? What exactly did you see? Мені потрібна лише хвилина. I just need a minute. I just need a minute. Це її машина. That is her car. It's her car. Хворий лежить у ліжку. The patient lies in bed. The patient lies in bed. Тома немає. Tom is out. Tom's gone. У мене трирічний договір. I have a three-year contract. I have a three-year deal. Таксі приїхало. The cab is here. Taxi's here. Дан був атакований двома невідомими. Dan was assaulted by two people. Dan was attacked by two unknowns. Я не хочу паркуватися занадто близько від машини Тома. I don't want to park too close to Tom's car. I don't want to park too close to Tom's car. Том поклав руку на коліно Мері. Tom placed his hand on Mary's knee. Tom put his hand on Mary's knee. Свій до свого по своє. Patronise your own. Yours to yours. Так добре, що ти повернувся. So nice that you are back. It's so good that you're back. Тобі треба сісти з Томом. You should sit with Tom. You need to sit down with Tom. Я вирішила, що це добра ідея. I decided it was a good idea. I decided it was a good idea. Я щойно пообідав. I have just eaten lunch. I just had lunch. Я їх не побачу. I'm going to go see them. I won't see them. Хіба ти теж не бакалавр? Aren't you a bachelor, too? Aren't you a bachelor too? Це частина системи. It's part of the system. It's part of the system. Кому Том продав свою машину? Who did Tom sell his car to? Who did Tom sell his car to? Ця ложка — для супу. This spoon is for soup. This spoon is for soup. Поїхали зі мною до Бостона. Come with me to Boston. Come with me to Boston. Скажи мені, що ти хочеш на Різдво. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Tell me what you want for Christmas. Кинь Тому м'яч. Toss the ball to Tom. Drop that ball. Не торкайтеся цієї кнопки! Don't touch that button! Don't touch that button! В англійській мові дієслово передує додатку. In English the verb precedes the object. In English, the verb precedes the appendix. Том трохи нервовий. Tom is kind of nervous. Tom's a little nervous. Я удвічі більша за Тома. I'm twice as big as Tom. I'm twice as big as Tom. Ваші батьки нас любили. Your parents loved us. Your parents loved us. Том ще спить? Is Tom still asleep? Tom's still asleep? Нехай вони тобі допоможуть. Let them help you. Let them help you. Зручно жити так близько від вокзалу. It's convenient living so close to the station. It's comfortable to live so close to the station. Ти колись співав французькою? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sang in French? Іди повільніше. Walk more slowly. Slow down. Том когось привів на вечірку? Did Tom bring anybody to the party? Tom brought someone to the party? Сьогодні Різдво. Today is Christmas. Today's Christmas. Це ялинкова прикраса. This is a Chistmas tree ornament. It's a vinyl ornament. Ти сказав, що це важливо. You said it was important. You said it was important. Можеш допомогти мені? Can you help me? Can you help me? Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері може перемогти. Tom said that he hopes that Mary is able to win. Tom said he hopes Mary can win. Я думаю, що вони студенти. I think they're students. I think they're students. Я лише хочу сказати, що ви добре справилися зі своєю роботою. I just want to say you did a good job. I just want to say that you've been good at your job. Гадаю, ти достатньо сказав. I think you've said enough. I think you said enough. Я клієнтка. I'm a client. I'm a customer. Я дуже жадібна. I'm very greedy. I'm very greedy. Ви божевільна. You're insane. You're crazy. Том більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom isn't going to bother Mary anymore. Tom won't bother Mary anymore. Відповідай просто зараз. Answer me right now. Answer it right now. У мене була підозра, що Том сумує за домом. I suspected that Tom was homesick. I had the suspicion Tom misses home. Том не робив цього з минулого року. Tom hasn't done that since last year. Tom hasn't done that since last year. Ти закінчив скаржитися? Are you done complaining? Are you done complaining? Хіба ви не чоловік Мері? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? Вони розмовляють англійською? Are they speaking English? They speak English? Ніхто не бачив Тома. Nobody's seen Tom. No one saw Tom. Поліція продовжила своє розслідування. Police continued their investigation. Police continued their investigation. Гадаю, я знаю, що зробив би Том. I think I know what Tom would do. I think I know what Tom would have done. Том сказав, що дуже зайнятий. Tom said he's very busy. Tom said he was very busy. Що ви сьогодні робитимете? What are you going to do today? What will you do today? Я люблю цю гру. I like this game. I love this game. Як там Емілі? How is Emily? How's Emily doing? Нам байдуже. We don't care. We don't care. Ми робимо те, що повинні робити. We do what we have to. We do what we have to do. Ви хвора. Вам потрібно відпочити. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need to rest. Я не збирався співати цю пісню, але Том попросим мене, тому я її заспівав. I wasn't going to sing that song, but Tom asked me to, so I did. I wasn't going to sing this song, but Tom would ask me, so I sang it. Твоя ручка краща від моєї. Your pen is better than mine. Your handle is better than mine. Я нечасто їм мексиканські страви. I seldom eat Mexican food. I don't often eat Mexican foods. Спробуй ще раз! Try again! Try again! Містер Сміт зробив для нього декілька іграшок. Mr Smith made him some toys. Mr. Smith made some toys for him. Ти розповіла своїм батькам про неї? Have you told your parents about her? Did you tell your parents about her? Я якраз збираюся це змінити. I am just about to change that. I'm just going to change that. Том працює в італійській компанії. Tom works for an Italian company. Tom works for the Italian company. Семі хотів навчитися стріляти. Sami wanted to learn how to shoot. Sami wanted to learn how to shoot. Я не закінчив. I wasn't finished. I'm not done. У неї привабливі очі. She has attractive eyes. She has attractive eyes. Я зажди хотів одягнути смокінг. I've always wanted to wear a tux. I've always wanted to put on a tux. Я геть не хочу їсти. I don't feel like eating at all. I don't want to eat at all. Тома затримала поліція. Tom was detained by the police. Tom was detained by the police. Я сказав їй не казати тобі. I told her not to tell you. I told her not to tell you. Думаю, завтра буде сніг. I believe it will be snowing tomorrow. I think there'll be snow tomorrow. Фондовий ринок обвалився у 1929. The stock market collapsed in 1929. The stock market collapsed in 1929. Я думала, ви допоможете. I thought that you were going to help. I thought you'd help. Ми ходили на вокзал, щоб проводити Тома. We went to the station to see Tom off. We went to the station to conduct Tom. Просто запитай її. Just ask her. Just ask her. Відправте її поштою. Send it by mail. Send her by mail. Я із нетерпінням чекаю на Різдво. I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm looking forward to Christmas. Том активний. Tom is active. Tom's active. Давай замовимо піцу. Let's order a pizza. Let's order the pizza. Том не ідіот. Tom is not an idiot. Tom's not an idiot. Було дуже холодно. It was very cold. It was very cold. Нам потрібно побалакати. We have to talk. We need to talk. Том проспав. Tom overslept. Tom slept. Хотіла би я бути такою саме молодою, як ви. I wish I were as young as you. I wish I was as young as you. У цьому магазині гамбургери смачніші, ніж у тому. This store's hamburgers taste better than that one's. In this store, hamburgers are more delicious than they are in that. Де Том зараз? Where's Tom now? Where's Tom now? Він може плисти швидко. He can swim fast. It can swim fast. Мені потрібна ця інформація якомога швидше. I need that information as soon as possible. I need this information as soon as possible. Я знайду роботу. I'll find work. I'll get a job. Дощ чудовий. The rain is wonderful. The rain is great. Я був змушений заховатися. I had to hide. I was forced to hide. Скажи їй лишити мене в спокої. Tell her to leave me alone. Tell her to leave me alone. Вони прийшли всі. They all have come. They're all here. Ти насправді занадто зайнята? Are you really too busy? Are you really too busy? Вбий її. Kill her. Kill her. Том хотів бути чемним. Tom wanted to be polite. Tom wanted to be good. Кіт за пліт, а миші в танець. If the cat is outside, the mice dance on the table. The cat for the raft, and the mice for the dance. До речі, суп був пересолений. Actually, the soup was too salty. By the way, the soup was moved. Куди ти поїдеш у відпустку? Where are you going on holiday? Where will you go on vacation? Люди люблять весну. People like spring. People love spring. Том виріс у чашці Петрі. Tom grew up inside a Petri dish. Tom grew up in a Petri dish. Важливо не те, який університет ви закінчили, а те, чому ви там навчилися. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. What matters is not what university you graduated from, but what you learned there. Ти сьогодні була у школі? Did you go to school today? Have you been to school today? Я вивчаю англійську. I study English. I study English. Це не провина Тома. It isn't Tom's fault. It's not Tom's fault. Я не розкаююся у тому, що я зробив. I have no regrets for what I've done. I am not sorry for what I have done. Я думаю, тобі слід піти туди з Томом. I think you should go there with Tom. I think you should go there with Tom. Він побачив її та зачервонівся. He saw her and blushed. He saw her and turned red. Хіба ти не хочеш стати відомою? Don't you want to become famous? Don't you want to be known? Я не зникну. I'm not going to disappear. I'm not going to disappear. Я майже виграла. I almost won. I almost won. Я кивнув головою. I nodded. I nodded my head. Мені шкода, що я в тобі сумнівалася. I'm so sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. Том хотів поїхати з нами до Бостона. Tom wanted to go to Boston with us. Tom wanted to come with us to Boston. Хтось з вас був на Гаваях? Have any of you been to Hawaii? Any of you in Hawaii? Ти вже пообідав? Have you eaten lunch yet? Have you had lunch yet? Книжка задорога. The book is too expensive. The book is too far away. Я не хочу їсти. I do not want to eat. I don't want to eat. Том міряє взуття. Tom is trying on shoes. Tom measures his shoes. Що ви робитимите пізніше? What are you doing later? What will you do later? Цей магазин не дуже великий. This store isn't very big. This store isn't too big. Прошу три пива та одну текілу! Three beers and a tequila please! Please, three beers and one tequila! Вона боїться собак. She is afraid of dogs. She's scared of dogs. Мері умилася. Mary washed her face. Mary did. Наступного ранку сніговик повністю розтанув. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next morning the snowfly completely melts. Скільки тобі було років, коли твої батьки розлучилися? How old were you when your parents got divorced? How old were you when your parents divorced? Том в порядку? Is Tom all right? Tom okay? Я намагалася тебе врятувати. I tried to save you. I tried to save you. Їх звати Том та Мері. Their names are Tom and Mary. Their names are Tom and Mary. Том не має велосипеда. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Tom doesn't have a bicycle. Я вже повечеряв. I've already eaten dinner. I've had dinner before. Я сказала їм не робити цього самостійно. I told them not to do it by themselves. I told them not to do it on their own. На цій фабриці роблять іграшки. They make toys at this factory. It's a factory where toys are made. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much more difficult than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than it seemed. Ми не боги, а звичайні люди. We're not gods, but mere men. We're not gods, we're ordinary people. Не сміши мене! Don't make me laugh! Don't you dare me! Другий сеанс розпочнеться незабаром. The second showing will start soon. The second session will begin soon. Я не знав, що Том так сильно ненавидить Мері. I didn't know that Tom hated Mary so much. I didn't know Tom hated Mary so much. Він живе в селі. He lives in a village. He lives in the village. Емілі ходить до школи. Emily goes to school. Emily goes to school. Подивись на цю фотографію. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. Том — перший хлопець, з яким я коли-небудь ходив на побачення. Tom is the first boy I ever went out with. Tom is the first guy I ever went out with. Починай. Start. Start it. На твоєму місці я би це проігнорував. Were I you, I would ignore it. If I were you, I'd ignore that. Я пообідав три години тому. I ate lunch three hours ago. I had lunch three hours ago. Ти би хотіла, щоб ми тобі допомогли? Would you like us to help you? Would you like us to help you? Що таке гемоглобін? What is haemoglobin? What is hemoglobin? Мері втратила рукавички. Mary lost her mittens. Mary lost her gloves. Я знаю, де ми знаходимося. I know where we are. I know where we are. Думаю, Том добре провів час. I think Tom really had a good time. I think Tom had a good time. Я не можу! I can't! I can't! Я тебе пам'ятаю. Ми зустрічалися три роки тому. I remember you. We met three years ago. I remember you, we met three years ago. Припиніть це казати! Stop saying that! Stop saying that! Вони їдять ланч в саду. They are having lunch in the garden. They eat lunch in the garden. Том добре виконує свою роботу. Tom does his work well. Tom is doing his job well. Том говорить французькою так само добрей, як і ти. Tom speaks French as well as you. Tom speaks French as good as you do. Можна з вами поговорити? May I speak to you? Can I talk to you? Що потрібно зробити Тому? What does Tom need to do? What do you have to do, Tom? Мері тут не живе, еге ж? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Mary doesn't live here, does she? Я знайшла ключ, який я шукала. I found the key I had been looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Я люблю цукор. I like sugar. I love sugar. Я купила годинник. I bought a watch. I bought a watch. Том ніколи не був швидший, ніж я. Tom has never been faster than me. Tom was never faster than I was. У Японії новий учбовий рік починається у квітні. In Japan a new school year starts in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Мені подобається математика. I like mathematics. I like mathematics. Вона має фотографію. She has a picture. She has a picture. Це птахи. These are birds. They're birds. Я підозрюю, ви не подобаєтеся Тому. I suspect Tom doesn't like you. I suspect you don't like Thomas. Я ніколи не користувався паяльною лампою. I've never used a blowtorch. I've never used a paal lamp. Навіщо ви прийшли? Why have you come? Why did you come? Я запитала Тома. I asked Tom. I asked Tom. Ви все ще зайняті? Are you still busy? Are you still busy? Мені подобається така робота. I like that kind of work. I like that kind of work. Том мав великі проблеми з грошима. Tom had big money problems. Tom had a lot of money problems. Вони в порядку. They're fine. They're okay. Не думаю, що Том захоче нам допомагати. I don't think Tom would be willing to help us. I don't think Tom would want to help us. Переходь дорогу обережно. Be careful crossing the street. Move the road carefully. Том подоїв корову. Tom milked the cow. Tom ate a cow. Ми з Томом часто граємо в більярд. Tom and I often play pool. Tom and I often play the pool. Чому саме Том хотів би це зробити? Why exactly would Tom want to do that? Why would Tom want to do that? А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom doesn't have a radio? Це її книжка? Is it her book? Is that her book? Це не його справа. That is no business of his. It's not his business. Розкажи мені все. Tell me everything. Tell me everything. Ми хочемо зробити ремонт в магазині. We want to redecorate the store. We want to make repairs at the store. Його слова мали величезний вплив на моє життя. His words had a great effect on my life. His words had a profound effect on my life. Гадаєш, вони знайдуть Тома? Do you think they'll find Tom? Do you think they'll find Tom? Дай йому мікрофон. Give him the microphone. Give him the microphone. Він міг би це зробити. He could have done it. He could've done it. Деякі люди вірять, що Японія номер один в усьому. Some people believe that Japan is No.1 in everything. Some people believe Japan number one in everything. Том качає ігри. Tom is downloading games. Tom swings games. Ми думали, що він американець. We thought he was an American. We thought he was American. Дай мені закурити цигарку. Let me have a cigarette. Let me smoke a cigarette. Ти лише хлопець. You're just a boy. You're just a guy. Вона має великі цицьки. She has big boobs. She has big tits. Ми круті. We're tough. We're cool. Не вимикайте світло. Don't turn off the lights. Don't turn the lights off. Я не мільйонер. I'm not a millionaire. I'm not a millionaire. Він відмовився розповідати мені, що сталося. He refused to tell me what happened. He refused to tell me what had happened. Більшість людей так думають. Most people think so. Most people think so. А, то он воно як доять корову... Ah, so that's how you milk a cow? And, so that's how they milk the cow... Чому ви думаєте, що Том не зміг би цього зробити? What makes you think Tom couldn't do that? Why do you think Tom couldn't do that? Вона була хоробра. She was brave. She was brave. Ніхто не знає. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Вони займаються цим так часто, як тільки можуть. They do that as often as they can. They do it as often as they can. Їжа виглядає смачно. The food looks delicious. The food looks delicious. Мені цікаво, чи Том із Мері планували це зробити. I wonder whether Tom and Mary were planning on doing that. I wonder if Tom and Mary planned to do so. Я прочитала всю статтю. I read the whole article. I read the entire article. Я хотів би прочитати вашу нову книжку. I'd like to read your new book. I'd like to read your new book. Щасливої дороги. Enjoy your trip. Have a good trip. Дякую за твоє запрошення. Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for your invitation. Скільки разів на рік ти відвідуєш зубного лікаря. How many times do you go to the dentist in a year? How many times a year do you visit a dentist? Кому належить ця парасолька? Who does this umbrella belong to? Who owns this umbrella? Попросіть її. Ask her. Ask her. Ти вмієш водити машину? Do you know how to drive? You know how to drive a car? Коран було перекладено на багато мов. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Koran was translated into many languages. Я зараз живу у Бостоні, але я сам з Чикаго. I now live in Boston, but I'm originally from Chicago. I live in Boston right now, but I'm from Chicago myself. Тиждень має сім днів. A week has seven days. The week has seven days. Ви мене переслідуєте? Are you following me? Are you stalking me? У вас був інсульт, так? You had a stroke, didn't you? You had a stroke, didn't you? Майк не грає в баскетбол по понеділках. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Mike doesn't play basketball on Mondays. Він у Тараса. Taras has it. He's in Taras. Він задоволений своєю роботою. He is pleased with his work. He is content with his work. Том археолог. Tom is an archaeologist. Tom the archaeologist. Я не неписьменний. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Том не з'явився. Tom didn't show. Tom didn't show up. Моллі має великий годинник. Molly has a large clock. Molly has a big watch. Він вийшов за мого брата. He married my brother. He's out for my brother. Його платня зросла на 10%. His salary rose 10%. His pay went up by 10%. Це стілець. It is a chair. It's a chair. Том завжли програє. Tom always loses. Tom's lost. Я хочу власну кімнату. I want my own room. I want my own room. Том дуже зайнятий, чи не так? Tom is really busy, isn't he? Tom's very busy, isn't he? Я занадто худа. I'm too thin. I'm too thin. Я трохи зайнята, Томе. I'm a little busy, Tom. I'm a little busy, Tom. Тома щось турбує, так? Tom is worried about something, isn't he? Tom's bothering something, right? І, в якості останнього штриху, посип печиво шоколадом. As a final touch, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of the cookies. And, as the last stroke, a pot of chocolate. У нас достатньо продовольства. We have ample food. We've got enough food. Вони домовилися співпрацювати. They agreed to work together. They agreed to cooperate. Я зробив все правильно. I did everything right. I did everything right. Всі хотіли, щоб Том був щасливий. Everybody wanted Tom to be happy. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Ти неупереджений. You're unbiased. You're not open-minded. Боюся, я не зможу прийти в понеділок. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. I'm afraid I can't come on Monday. Я знаю, що Том дуже схожий на батька. I know that Tom is a lot like his father. I know Tom looks very much like his father. Це буде весело. It'll be fun. It'll be fun. О котрій годині ви вчора пішли спати? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? At what hour did you go to bed yesterday? Ви в сауні? Are you in the sauna? Are you in the sowon? Він не мав чого сказати вчителю. He didn't have anything to say to the teacher. He had nothing to say to a teacher. Зустрічатися з колегами — погана ідея. Dating your coworkers is a bad idea. Meeting colleagues is a bad idea. Ми медитуємо. We're meditating. We meditate. Розбудіть Тома. Wake Tom up. Wake Tom up. Я можу передати повідомлення? Can I leave a message? Can I get a message? Ось чому він розлютився. That is why he got angry. That is why he became furious. Моя французька не дуже добра. My French isn't very good. My French isn't very good. Ти вчора голився? Did you shave yesterday? Did you shave yesterday? Бразилія була португальскою колонією. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Науковці обговорюють його теорію зникнення динозаврів. Scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Scientists are discussing his theory of the extinction of dinosaurs. Це жахливий бренд. That's an awful brand. It's a horrible brand. Що для тебе найкраще джерело натхнення? What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is the best source of inspiration for you? Де ти народилася? Where were you born? Where were you born? Ви знаєте, чи Том цим займатиметься. Do you know if Tom will do that? You know if Tom does that. Звіть мене Ізмаїлом. Call me Ismaël. Report me to Ishmael. Ми не в змозі розрізнити близнюків. We could not tell the twins one from the other. We can't distinguish twins. Я маю вас оглянути. I have to examine you. I have to check on you. Том не хоче залишатись менеджером середньої ланки до завершення своєї кар'єри. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his career in middle management. Tom doesn't want to stay a middle link manager until he finishes his career. У мене для тебе є ще кілька запитань. I have some more questions for you. I have a few more questions for you. Я без тебе помру. I'll die without you. I'll die without you. Ходімо здивуємо її. Let's go and surprise her. Let's go surprise her. Я люблю комедії. I love comedies. I love comedy. Не дивіться телевізор! Do not watch TV. Don't watch TV! Том уразливий. Tom is touchy. Tom is vulnerable. Я зателефоную пізніше. I'll call later. I'll call later. Мій батько працює в банку. My father works for a bank. My father works at a bank. Коли ти була в душі, телефонував Том. Tom called while you were in the shower. When you were in the shower, Tom called. Мені вона була потрібна. I needed it. I needed it. Можети зробити мені послугу та відвести Тома до школи? Can you do me a favor and take Tom to school? Can you do me a favor and take Tom to school? Можна зателефонувати тобі завтра? May I call you tomorrow? Can I call you tomorrow? Навіщо ти поцілувала Тома? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Під яким ім'ям ти працював у якості агента? Under what name did you work as agent? Under what name did you work as an agent? Я їх не купив. I didn't buy them. I didn't buy them. Тому ваша допомога потрібна так само, як і мені. Tom needs your help just as much as I do. So your help needs just as much as I do. Я свиснув. I whistled. I whistled. Ви молода. У вас все життя попереду. You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. You're young, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Я навчився думати, як думає Тома. I've learned to think like Tom thinks. I learned to think as Tom thinks. Мене майже звільнили. I almost got fired. I was almost fired. З якого дива ти це зробив? Why on earth did you do that? Why did you do that? Ми ніколи не здамося! We will never surrender! We will never surrender! Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Хіба ви не у відпустці? Aren't you on vacation? Aren't you on holiday? Це наша позиція. That's our position. This is our position. Я завжди хотіла з вами познайомитися. I've always wanted to meet you. I've always wanted to meet you. Я не належу до середнього класу. I'm not middle class. I'm not in middle class. Ти гадки не маєш, як виступати на публиці. You have no idea of how to speak in public. You have no idea how to perform on the public. Вона розлютилася. She got mad. She was furious. Вона не вміє ані писати, ані читати. She cannot write or read. She doesn't know how to write or to read. Це вниз по вулиці ліворуч. It's just down the street on your left. It's down the street to the left. Ти сказав Тому, що тебе пограбували? Did you tell Tom you were mugged? Did you say you were robbed? Цей пляж — рай для серферів. This beach is a paradise for surfers. This beach is a paradise for surfers. У неї, здається, багато друзів. She appears to have many friends. She seems to have many friends. Вбивай. Kill. Kill it. Том дуже добре знає це район. Tom knows this area very well. Tom knows this area very well. Ти виглядаєш втомленою. You're looking tired. You look tired. Я не був нещасним. I wasn't unhappy. I wasn't miserable. Хто буде займатися дитиною? Who will take care of the baby? Who's going to take care of the kid? Чи є яка-небудь ймовірність, що містер Блек згодиться на цей проект. Is there any likelihood that Mr Black will agree to the plan? Is there any probability that Mr Black will agree to this project. Сподіваюся, Том поцілував Мері. I hope Tom kissed Mary. I hope Tom kissed Mary. У Тома тоді не було роботи. Tom had no work at that time. Tom didn't have a job then. Він не їсть нічого, окрім фруктів. He eats nothing other than fruit. He doesn't eat anything but fruit. Це лише забобони. That's just superstition. It's just superstition. Ти здурів? Have you gone crazy? Are you crazy? Я ненавиджу чорний гумор. I hate black humor. I hate black humor. Минулого року мій син виріс на п'ять дюймів. My son grew 5 inches last year. Last year, my son grew up five inches. Прочитай це. Read this. Read it. Вона справжня красуня. She's a real beauty. She's a real beauty. Я не сказав їй. I didn't tell her. I didn't tell her. Дощ ішов весь день. The rain continued all day. It's rain all day. Я знаю, хто вона. I know who she is. I know who she is. Ви знаєте, що мені подобається. You know what I like. You know what I like. Ми вчора грали в американський футбол. We played football yesterday. We played American football yesterday. Ця пляма ніяк не зникне. This stain won't come out. This spot will not go away. Можна знову тебе поцілувати? Can I kiss you again? Can I kiss you again? Я прекрасно усвідомлюю, з ким маю справу. I'm well aware of who I'm dealing with. I know exactly who I'm dealing with. Ти важив сімдесят кілограм. You weighed seventy kilograms. You weighed seventy kilograms. Я читаю книжку. I am reading a book. I read the book. Він у лікарні. He's in hospital. He's in the hospital. Мій план кращий за ваш. My plan is better than yours. My plan is better than yours. Я маю кілька друзів із Канади. I have a few Canadian friends. I have a few friends from Canada. Я чекатиму до четвертої години. I'll wait till four o'clock. I'll wait until four o'clock. Скажи Тому, що ми на нього чекаємо. Tell Tom we're waiting for him. Tell him we're waiting for him. У мене не було з Томом жодних проблем. I had no problem with Tom. I didn't have any problems with Tom. Колись я тут жила. I used to live here. I used to live here. Вони не з міста? Are they from out of town? They're not from the city? Та ну його до біса. Ah, screw it. Fuck him. Мені здається, ми розмовляли по телефону. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we were talking on the phone. Гадаю, ми можемо вибачити Тому. I guess we could forgive Tom. I think we can forgive Tom. Том хоче свої гроші сьогодні. Tom wants his money today. Tom wants his money today. Із-за чого Том із Мері такі стурбовані? What are Tom and Mary so worried about? Because of what is Tom and Mary so concerned? Він запитав мене, чи я можу зробити йому послугу. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Я насправді зайнятий. I'm really busy. I'm really busy. Кава є? Do you have any coffee? Got a coffee? Я майже певен, що ми можемо довіряти Тому. I'm almost certain that we can trust Tom. I'm almost sure we can trust Tom. Том говорив лише французькою. Tom spoke only French. Tom only spoke French. Усі відповіді на це питання були неправильні. All the answers to this question were wrong. All the answers to that question were incorrect. Я боявся застудитися. I was afraid of catching a cold. I was afraid to catch cold. Хіба ти не хочеш відвідати його? Don't you want to visit him? Don't you want to visit him? Мері роздала всіх свої ляльок. Mary gave away all her dolls. Mary distributed all her dolls. Там є вода? Is there water there? Is there water there? Я люблю перемогати. I like winning. I love winning. Це не має значення. It's no big deal. It doesn't matter. Том хоче побачити лікаря як можна швидше. Tom wants to see a doctor as soon as possible. Tom wants to see the doctor as fast as possible. Том вистрілив у мене. Tom shot me. Tom fired at me. Скажи їм, що я готовий. Tell them I'm ready. Tell them I'm ready. Том усе ще приймає ванну. Tom is still taking a bath. Tom still takes the bath. Не будь таким егоїстом. Don't be so selfish. Don't be so selfish. Отут? Is it here? Here? Це кіт Тома. This cat is Tom's. That's Tom's cat. Том та Мері одружилися. Tom and Mary got married. Tom and Mary were married. Не сідай на підлогу. Don't sit on the floor. Don't sit on the floor. Ви живете десь поруч? Do you live around here? Do you live nearby? Том не жартує. Tom isn't joking. Tom's not kidding. Том виріс у дитячому будинку. Tom was raised in an orphanage. Tom grew up in a children's house. Сезанн відомий своїми пейзажами. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Cézanne is known for his landscapes. У тебе є аспірин? Do you have any aspirin? Do you have any aspirin? Ти маєш робити те, що маєш робити. You have to do what you have to do. You have to do what you have to do. Тому це байдуже. Tom doesn't care about that. So it doesn't matter. Ти за чи проти смертної кари? Do you support or oppose the death penalty? Are you for or against the death penalty? Я ніколи не бував у франкомовній країні. I've never been to a French-speaking country. I've never been to a French-speaking country. Вона молодша за мене на п'ять років. She is five years junior to me. She's five years younger than I am. Ви ходите до школи пішки? Do you go to school on foot? Are you going to school on foot? Тома вигнали зі зборів. Tom was kicked out of the meeting. Tom was expelled from the congregations. У тебе є брати? Do you have any brothers? Do you have any brothers? За ваше майбутнє! To your future! For your future! У Тома не було з цим жодних проблем. Tom had no problem with it. Tom didn't have any problems with that. Мері сказала, що вона у Бостоні. Mary said she was in Boston. Mary said she was in Boston. Дай мені ключ від цього замка́. Give me the key to this lock! Give me the key to that lock. Це не занадто. It's not too much. It's not too much. Ми божевільні білки? Are we mad squirrels? Are we crazy proteins? Ми таким не займаємося. We don't do that. We don't do that. Як би ми могли це зробити? How could we do that? How could we do that? Тримайся від цього подалі. Stay away from this. Stay away from that. Том не дасть тобі померти. Tom isn't going to let you die. Tom won't let you die. Нам потрібно зібрати трохи грошей. We need to raise some money. We need to raise some money. На Томі нові джинси. Tom is wearing a new pair of jeans. Tom's new jeans. Це був поганий концерт. It was a poor concert. It was a bad concert. Волю за гроші не купиш. Money cannot buy freedom. You can't buy money. Рослини потребують сонячного світла й води. Plants need sunshine and water. Plants need sunlight and water. Він їздить дуже швидко. He drives very fast. He drives very fast. Ворог напав ззаду. The enemy attacked from behind. The enemy attacked from behind. Ми обидві погодилися з Томом. We both agreed with Tom. We both agreed with Tom. Як ви могли розпочати без мене? How could you have started without me? How could you start without me? Ти не міг би пояснити, як ти це зробив? Could you explain how you did that? Can you explain how you did that? Я виснажений. I am exhausted. I'm exhausted. Вантажівка різко повернула наліво. The truck made a sharp turn to the left. The truck turned sharply to the left. Мері поводилася добре. Mary behaved herself. Mary behaved well. Моя дружина ніколи не хотіла мати дітей. My wife never wanted to have kids. My wife never wanted to have children. Я не виспався. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep. Її очі палахнули радістю. Her eyes flashed with joy. Her eyes were burning with joy. "Я з ним згоден". - "Я теж". "I agree with him." "So do I." "I agree with him." "Me too." Вони це обговорять. They will discuss it. They'll discuss it. Президент республіки обирається народом. The president of the republic is chosen by the people. The president of the Republic is elected by the people. Мій лікар порадив мені кинути палити. My doctor advised me to give up smoking. My doctor advised me to quit smoking. Діти граються кубиками. Children play with blocks. Kids play cubes. Ти знаєш, що він зробив? Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? Ця історія з'явилася у всіх газетах. The story was in all daily newspapers. This story appeared in all the newspapers. Ти дуже старомодний. You're very old-fashioned. You're very old-fashioned. Том блефує. Tom is bluffing. Tom is blinking. Я танцювала сама. I was dancing by myself. I was dancing alone. Ти маєш сказати Тому, що ти не можеш цього зробити. You ought to tell Tom that you can't do that. You have to tell 'Cause you can't do it. Тобі потрібно буде більше грошей, так? You're going to need more money than that, aren't you? You're gonna need more money, right? Чому ви це робите? Why are you doing this? Why do you do that? Я тут працюю кілька хвилин. I've been working here for a couple of minutes. I work here for a few minutes. Ані Том, ані Мері не бували в Бостоні. Neither Tom nor Mary has been to Boston. Neither Tom nor Mary were in Boston. Зачекаймо поки Том сюди доїде. Let's wait till Tom gets here. Let's wait till Tom gets here. Ласкаво просимо назад! Welcome back. Welcome back! Ви були чесним політиком. You were an honest politician. You were an honest politician. Не їж сиру свинину. Don't eat raw pork. Don't eat pork cheese. Гугли старанніше! Google harder! Gougs harder! Чому б тобі не заспівати пісню для всіх? Why don't you sing a song for everybody? Why don't you sing a song for everyone? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде соромно. Tom said he thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom said that he thought Mary would be ashamed. Хіба ви не розумієте, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? Том не має чаю. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom doesn't have any tea. Я люблю корейську їжу. I love Korean food. I love Korean food. Я хотів би поїхати до Лондона. I'd like to go to London. I'd like to go to London. Мрії Тома здійснилися. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams came true. Я на цьому наполягаю. I insist upon that. I insist on that. Том сьогодні пізно встав. Tom got up late this morning. Tom got up late tonight. Я відчуваю сильний біль у попереку. I have a bad pain in my lower back. I feel a lot of back pain. Том завжди вдома. Tom is always at home. Tom's always home. Том відправив Мері смс. Tom texted Mary. Tom sent Mary texts. Я добре поїла. I had a nice meal. I ate well. Із твого боку нерозумно відкидувати його пропозицію. It's not wise of you to turn down his offer. On your part, it is unwise to reject his offer. Том — кіборг. Tom is a cyborg. Tom is a Cyborg. Тому не потрібно було йти разом з Мері. Tom didn't need to go with Mary. So you didn't have to go with Mary. Де говорять англійською? Where is English spoken? Where do they speak English? Може, Тому нудно. Tom may be bored. Maybe that's why it's boring. Я сподівалася, що Том не буде зайнятий. I was hoping Tom wouldn't be busy. I hoped Tom would not be busy. Мені слід піти. I should go. I should go. Том розмірковує над тим, щоб піти служити. Tom is considering joining the army. Tom meditates on going out to serve. Я втомився чекати. I was tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting. Ти бачив, що щойно трапилося? Did you see what just happened? Did you see what just happened? Том — бейсболіст. Tom is a baseball player. Tom is a baseball player. Цього не трапиться. That ain't going to happen. It won't happen. Ви приїхали останніми. You were the last one to arrive. You're the last to arrive. Справедливості, а не милосердя - ось чого бракує в світі. It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world. Justice, not mercy, is what is lacking in the world. Одного ранку, коли Віктор прокинувся після неспокійного сну, він виявив, що перетворився на великий клубок спагеті прямо у себе в ліжку. One morning, when Victor woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a big mess of spaghetti. One morning, when Victor woke up after a troubled sleep, he found that he had turned into a large spaghetti club right in his bed. Повірити не можу, що я врешті решт зробив це. I can't believe I finally did it. I can't believe I finally did it. Том — найкращий учень у класі. Tom is at the top of his class. Tom is the best student in the class. Том має вино. Tom has wine. Tom has wine. Хто хоче млинців? Who wants pancakes? Who wants the pancakes? Дихай! Breathe! Breathe! Юмі — одна з моїй подруг. Yumi is one of my friends. Yumi is one of my friends. Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. Good guys won. Краще дати йому відпочити. Best to let him rest. Better let him rest. Том знає, що це не Мері зробила. Tom knows Mary isn't the one who did that. Tom knows it wasn't Mary who did. Хочеш знати чому? Do you want to know why? You wanna know why? Вона рабиня моди. She's a fashion slave. She's a slave fashion. Я вчуся з Томом. I'm studying with Tom. I'm studying with Tom. Том обійняв свого батька. Tom embraced his father. Tom embraced his father. Вони згодні. They agree. They agree. Я не дуже здивований. I'm not too surprised. I'm not very surprised. А що, якщо хтось це бачив? What if somebody saw this? What if someone saw it? Мене не розуміють, коли я розмовляю німецькою. I can't make myself understood in German. I'm not understood when I speak German. Том ніколи нічого не отримує на Різдво. Tom never gets anything for Christmas. Tom never gets anything for Christmas. Тому слід було піти. Tom should have left. So you should've left. Я відповів за нього. I answered for him. I answered for him. Може бути, ми можемо пожити у Тома в Австралії. Maybe we can stay in Australia with Tom. Maybe we can live with Tom in Australia. Тому не слід так часто дивитися телевізор. Tom shouldn't watch so much TV. So don’t watch TV so often. Я встаю о шостій. I get up at six. I get up at six. Всі знають новину. Everybody knows the news. Everyone knows the news. Я дуже зайнята. I am very busy. I'm very busy. Як функціонує мозок? How does the brain work? How does the brain function? Не здавайся і продовжуй писати. Do not give up and keep writing. Don't give up and keep writing. Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері цього не буде робити. Tom said that he hopes that Mary won't do that. Tom said he hopes Mary won't do it. Том приходив? Did Tom come? Did Tom come in? Ось картина, яку написав Том. This is the picture that Tom painted. This is a painting that Tom wrote. Поцілуйте Тома. Kiss Tom. Kiss Tom. Батько мене балує. My father spoils me. My father spits me out. Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Of course there should be some local hospitals. Ти говориш мальтійською? Do you speak Maltese? Are you speaking Maltese? Зазвичай ти не такий. You're not usually like this. You're not usually like that. Він новозверений католик. He is a recent convert to Catholicism. He is a newly converted Catholic. Я зажди дотримувався правил. I always obeyed the rules. I followed the rules. Ти вчитимеш французьку? Are you going to study French? Are you going to teach French? Я знаю багатьох викладачів французької. I know lots of French teachers. I know many French teachers. Потрібно відремонтувати цей стілець. This chair is in want of repair. We need to fix this chair. Мюріел зараз двадцять років. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is now twenty years old. Я мало не помер сьогодні. I almost died today. I almost died today. Я не говорила з Томом. I haven't spoken to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Білки обожнють жолуді. Squirrels love acorns. The squirrels adore the acorns. Це було доволі просто зробити. Doing that was pretty easy. It was pretty easy to do. Ти вже закінчив роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done? Гаманець Тома був пустий. Tom's wallet was empty. Haman Tom was empty. Наскільки сильно тобі подобається Том? How much do you like Tom? How much do you like Tom? Том сказав, що він сподівається, що Мері не хоче цього робити. Tom said he hoped Mary didn't want to do that. Tom said he hopes Mary doesn't want to do it. Подивись сюди. Look here. Look here. Мені дуже подобається французька. I really like French. I really like French. Тобі не подобається це робити, еге ж? You don't enjoy doing that, do you? You don't like doing that, do you? Ми тут заради Тома. We're here for Tom. We're here for Tom. Сідай. Sit down! Sit down. Будинок оточений зомбі. The house is surrounded by zombies. The house is surrounded by zombies. Хіба ти не заплатиш? Aren't you going to pay? Aren't you paying? Мій батько любить теніс. My father likes tennis. My father loves tennis. Я поїду. I'll leave. I'll go. Як багато ви читаєте? How much do you read? How much do you read? Том не цілуватиме Мері. Tom won't kiss Mary. Tom won't kiss Mary. Я важу біля шестидесяти кілограм. I weigh about 60 kilos. I weigh about 400 kilograms. Том вас зупинить. Tom will stop you. Tom will stop you. Он та чорна — вона моя. That black one is mine. That black one is mine. Їздити на таксі для мене — це розкіш. Taking a taxi is a luxury for me. Driving a taxi for me is a luxury. Я пішов до будинку з привидами. I went to a haunted house. I went to the house with ghosts. У Тома немає дітей. Tom didn't have any children. Tom doesn't have children. Ви дійсно спробували. You did try. You really tried. Якби не ти, я би загинула. Without you, I would have died. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead. Я ніколи не бачив її до того часу. I had never seen her before that time. I've never seen her before. Постарайся не плакати. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Я не думаю, що у Тома колись була дівчина. I don't think Tom has ever had a girlfriend. I don't think Tom once had a girlfriend. Моя сестра часто дивиться за дитиною. My sister often looks after the baby. My sister often looks after the baby. Том та Джон — лише хлопчаки. Tom and John are just young boys. Tom and John are just boys. Весна. It's spring. Spring. Це маєте вирішити ви. It's up to you to decide. That's what you have to decide. Я сподівався, що морозиво не розтане так швидко. I was hoping the ice cream wouldn't melt so quickly. I hoped that ice cream would not melt so fast. Я почув, як будинок здригнувся. I felt the house shake. I heard the house shudder. Нам слід зробити щось подібне. We should make something like that. We should do something similar. Том бидляк. Tom is a human trash. Tom would do it. Тому тринадцять років. Tom is thirteen years old. So thirteen years old. Вони нічого не дають. They give nothing. They give nothing. Я вважаю, що проблема тут. I think that the problem is here. I think the problem is here. О, він зіпсував повітря. Oh, he broke wind. Oh, he cut the air. Том сказав, що мені не можна заходити. Tom said that I can't come in. Tom said I shouldn't come in. Це не речення. This is not a sentence. It's not a sentence. Ми не ідіотки. We're not stupid. We're not idiots. Вона затримала подих. She held her breath. She held her breath. Я думав, що всі тут вегетаріанці. I thought everyone here was a vegetarian. I thought everyone here was vegetarians. Це обличчя я вже десь бачив. I have seen that face somewhere before. I've seen that face before. Звідки ти знаєш, наскільки це складно? How do you know how hard it is? How do you know how difficult this is? Вона заговорила з собакою. She began to talk to the dog. She spoke to the dog. Як там Том? How is Tom? How's Tom? Том припаркувався на проїзді. Tom parked his car in the driveway. Tom parked on the ride. Він полаявся з дружиною через дітей. He quarreled with his wife about their children. He made friends with his wife because of the children. Зроби це так. Do it in this manner. Do it like that. Том не зміг поспати в автобусі. Tom wasn't able to sleep on the bus. Tom couldn't sleep on the bus. Побережи сили. Save your strength. Save your strength. Він написав своїм батькам. He wrote to his parents. He wrote to his parents. Я насправді така цікава? Am I really that interesting? Am I really that interesting? Хотів би я бути добрим співаком. I wish I were a good singer. I'd like to be a good singer. Йому подобаються всі тварини, окрім коней. He likes all animals except horses. He likes all the animals except the horses. Що ти робив цього літа? What did you do this summer? What were you doing this summer? Мері — медсестра на пенсії. Mary is a retired nurse. Mary is a retired nurse. Том провів час із Мері. Tom spent time with Mary. Tom spent time with Mary. У мене два брати й одна сестра. I've got two brothers and a sister. I have two brothers and one sister. Тому потрібний захист. Tom needs protection. Therefore, protection is needed. Не панікуй. Don't panic. Don't panic. Вона не була ввічлива з ним. She wasn't polite to him. She wasn't being polite to him. Том показав мені, як це можна зробити різними способами. Tom showed me various ways to do that. Tom showed me how to do it in a variety of ways. У будь-якому разі, який у тебе план? What was your plan anyway? Anyway, what's your plan? Де оригінал? Where's the original? Where's the original? Італійці рідко говорять про політику. The Italians seldom talk about politics. The Italians rarely talk about politics. Ти знав, що Том мало не одружився на Мері? Did you know that Tom almost married Mary? Did you know Tom almost married Mary? В коробці більше нічого немає. There's nothing else in the box. There's nothing else in the box. Прокидайтеся! Wake up! Wake up! Так, я жив там багато років. Yes, I lived there for many years. Yes, I've lived there for years. Ти її сьогодні бачив? Did you see her today? Did you see her today? Я знаю, що ти цього не зробиш. I know you won't do it. I know you won't. Що ти отримав на Різдво? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Том дав мені це яблуко. Tom gave this apple to me. Tom gave me this apple. Вона просто відбулася жартами. She just laughed it off. She just happened to be joking. Не зліть мене. Don't make me angry. Don't hurt me. Це означає, що ми не можемо піти на пікнік? Does this mean we can't go on the picnic? Does that mean we can't go for a picnic? Ти упереджений? Are you biased? Are you prejudiced? Це найвища вежа в Японії. This is the highest tower in Japan. It is the highest tower in Japan. Дай мені мій телефон. Give me my phone. Give me my phone. Том Джексон вважався чудовим вчителем. Tom Jackson was considered a great teacher. Tom Jackson was considered an excellent teacher. Ми п’ємо виноградно-банановий сік. We are drinking grape-banana juice. We drink grape-bane juice. Я не прихильник центризму. I am not a fan of centrism. I'm not a centralist. Гадаю, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Я колись працював у супермаркеті. I used to work in a supermarket. I used to work in a supermarket. Вони перейшли через кордон в Іспанію. They crossed the border into Spain. They crossed the border to Spain. Коли я повернувся додому, я був дуже голодний. When I got home, I was very hungry. When I got home, I was very hungry. Просто йди до своєї кімнати. Just go to your room. Just go to your room. Том не полетів до Австралії. Tom didn't go to Australia. Tom didn't fly to Australia. Я прийшла з ними. I came with them. I came with them. Цю склянку хтось розбив. The glass was broken by someone. Someone broke this glass. Годинник зупинився. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Це прокляття. It's a curse. It's a curse. Хіба ти не сумуєш за домом? Aren't you homesick? Don't you miss home? Пошта сьогодні не працює. The post office is closed today. Mail doesn't work today. Ви бачили його новий фільм? Have you seen his new film? Have you seen his new film? Ходімо додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Витри очі. Dry your eyes. Face your eyes. Том не мусив відпускати Мері. Tom didn't have to let Mary go. Tom did not have to let Mary go. Щось не в порядку? Is something wrong? Is something wrong? Том уже вдома. Tom is already at home. Tom's home. Вони не могли знайти той літак. They couldn't find that plane. They couldn't find that plane. Том втратив обох батьків. Tom has lost both of his parents. Tom lost both parents. Підемо розважимося. Let's go have some fun. Let's go have fun. Я все ще не знаю, що робитиму. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I still don't know what I'm gonna do. Хіба ти майже не готовий? Aren't you almost ready? Aren't you almost ready? Я не можу купити машину. I can't buy a car. I can't buy a car. Мені треба було намазатися сонцезахисним кремом. I should've put on some sunscreen. I had to put on a sunscreen. Скільки лишилося меду? How much honey is left? How much honey is left? Хочете знати? Do you want to know? Would you like to know? Це буде нелегко. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. Том має для вас сюрприз. Tom has a surprise for you. Tom has a surprise for you. Коти їдять хліб. Cats eat bread. Cats eat bread. Він впертий як осел. He is stubborn as a mule. He is stubborn as an ass. Я хотів би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I wish Tom were on our team. Я позичу тобі деякі книги мого брата. I'll lend you some books of my brother's. I'll lend you some of my brother's books. Я роблю меблі. I make furniture. I make furniture. Я змінився. I've changed. I've changed. Я був чужим. I was a stranger. I was a stranger. Де туалет? Where is the restroom? Where's the toilet? Том не міг отримати візу. Tom wasn't able to get a visa. Tom couldn't get a visa. Вони нададуть нам більше часу. That'll give us more time. They'll give us more time. Значення слова визначається контекстом, в якому воно використовується. The meaning of a word is determined by the context where it is used. The meaning of the word is defined by the context in which it is used. Том зробив все, що в його силах, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom did his best to catch up with Mary. Tom did all he could to catch up with Mary. Том у дуже поганій формі. Tom is in very bad shape. Tom's in very bad shape. Одного дня я хочу полетіти до Африки. I want to go to Africa someday. One day I want to go to Africa. Вона допомогла студентці. She helped a student. She helped the student. Я буду готовий за кілька хвилин. I'll be ready in a few minutes. I'll be ready in a few minutes. Собака підбіг до неї. The dog came running to her. The dog ran up to her. У Тома достатньо грошей. Tom has enough money. Tom has enough money. Вам слід попросити у нього поради. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Не думаю, що Том знає, як це трапилося. I don't think that Tom knows how it happened. I don't think Tom knows how this happened. Я не маю лопати, але я знаю, хто має. I don't have a shovel, but I know somebody who does. I don't have shovels, but I know who has. Мені подобається колір твоєї шкіри. I like the color of your skin. I like your skin color. Чому ти засмучена? Why are you sad? Why are you upset? Я не знаю, хто вбив Тома. I don't know who killed Tom. I don't know who killed Tom. Він народився в Африці. He was born in Africa. He was born in Africa. Машина Тома припаркована біля будинку Мері. Tom's car is parked in front of Mary's house. Tom's car parked at Mary's house. Том говорив з Мері. Tom was talking to Mary. Tom spoke to Mary. Це сюрприз. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. У Тома вишуканий і розкішний будинок. Tom's house is quite posh. Tom has an elaborate and luxurious house. Земля - планета мала, але прекрасна. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. The planet's Earth is small, but beautiful. Я планую бути у чорній краватці. I plan to wear a black tie. I plan to be in a black tie. Ми побачимо його. We're going to see him. We'll see him. Він купив яйця і молоко у фермера. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. He bought eggs and milk from a farmer. Він живе тут. He lives here. He lives here. Це фазан. It's a pheasant. This is pheasant. Я вже зробив домашню роботу. I've already finished my homework. I've already done my homework. Це знову починається. It's starting again. It's starting again. Діти мають слухатися батьків. Children are to obey their parents. Children are to obey their parents. Ви бажаєте устриць, чи ви надаєте перевагу мідіям? Would you like to have oysters, or do you prefer mussels? You want oysters, do you prefer mussels? Він схожий на батька. He looks like my father. He looks like his father. Том не мав багато часу. Tom didn't have much time. Tom didn't have much time. Мою машину було вкрадено минулої ночі. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. У тебе є трохи часу? Do you have some time? Do you have some time? Не лишай її під дощем. Don't expose it to the rain. Don't leave her in the rain. Хто вчитиме наших дітей? Who will teach our children? Who will teach our children? Хто має думку, підніміть руку. Anyone with an opinion please raise their hand. Who has an opinion, raise your hand. У тебе проблеми. You've got problems. You have a problem. Я не думаю, що Том багато чого знає про мистецтво. I don't think Tom knows much about art. I don't think Tom knows much about art. Ми на тебе чекатимемо. We'll be waiting for you. We'll wait for you. Том одружився з моєю дочкою. Tom married my daughter. Tom married my daughter. Коли ти дізнався, що це зробив не Том? When did you find out that Tom wasn't the one who did that? When did you know it wasn't Tom? Рятуйтеся. Save yourself. Save yourself. Сподіваюся, ти жартуєш. You've got to be kidding me. I hope you're kidding. Що ти робив? What were you doing? What were you doing? Я знаю, що ти просто робила свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you were just doing your job. Я впевенена, що ваш батько вами пишається. I'm sure your father is proud of you. I'm sure your father is proud of you. Ми поговорили про те, що могли б зробити. We talked about what we could do. We talked about what we could do. Я лише хотіла переконатися, що у Тома все добре. I just wanted to see if Tom was OK. I just wanted to make sure Tom was fine. Самі хоче з'їсти печива. Sami wants to eat cookies. She wants to eat a cookie herself. Ніхто не робить цього краще. Nobody does it better. No one's doing it better. Том ще не готовий приймати відвідувачів. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom is not yet ready to welcome visitors. У Джейн були дуже нудні вихідні. Jane had a very boring weekend. Jane had a very boring weekend. Ти певен, що це можна робити? Are you sure it's OK to do this? Are you sure you can do that? Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. It's good for me. Ми сподіваємося, що ви відвідаєте Бостон. We hope that you'll visit Boston. We hope you'll visit Boston. Я був приємно здивований. I was pleasantly surprised. I was pleasantly surprised. Ми вивчили, що Ньютон відкрив закон всесвітнього тяжіння. We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation. We learned that Newton discovered the law of universal gravity. Я, можливо, тут єдиний, хто знає, як це зробити. I'm probably the only one here who knows how to do that. I may be the only one here who knows how to do it. Одна ластівка не робить весни. One swallow does not a summer make. One swallow doesn't make spring. Я сьогодні повернувся. I returned today. I'm back today. Том хворий. Tom is sick. Tom is sick. Мені треба було тобі раніше сказати. I should've told you sooner. I should have told you before. Вони вийшла заміж у сімнадцять років. She got married at the age of seventeen. They married at the age of seventeen. Можеш залишитись. You may stay. You can stay. Це відео нудне. This video is boring. This video is boring. Чому ти йому не допомогла? Why didn't you help him? Why didn't you help him? Він сильніший, ніж ви. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Хіба ти сьогодні ввечері не на чергуванні? Aren't you off duty tonight? Aren't you on duty tonight? Мені потрібно навести порядок на робочому столі. I need to unclutter my desktop. I need to put order on the desk. У мене на десять ручок більше, ніж у тебе. I have ten pens more than you do. I've got ten more pens than you do. Я не впевнений, що хочу це бачити. I'm not sure that I want to see this. I'm not sure I want to see it. Які у вас плани на Різдво? What are your plans for Christmas? What plans do you have for Christmas? У мене немає грошей, аби купити словник. I don't have money to buy a dictionary. I don't have the money to buy the dictionary. Коли у тебе потяг? What time's your train? When do you have a train? Мені треба відлити. I need to pee. I have to pee. Ми з Томом не їдемо. Tom and I aren't going. Tom and I are not leaving. Нам з вами треба поговорити. You and I need to talk. We need to talk to you. Кен пригорнув наречену Тома. Ken hugged Tom’s fiancée. Ken wrapped up Tom's bride. Том так не думає. Tom doesn't think so. Tom doesn't think so. Ти справишся, Томе. You'll do fine, Tom. You're gonna do it, Tom. Тобі потрібно бути терплячішою. You must be more patient. You need to be patient. Продовжуйте працювати. Keep working. Keep working. Том на мене не працює. Tom isn't working for me. Tom doesn't work for me. Я відчинив ворота. I opened the gate. I opened the gate. Можете приходити. You can come. You can come. Як зазвичай проводиш день? How do you usually spend your day? How do you usually spend your day? Це лише на якийсь час. It's only temporary. It's only for a while. Ваша дружина вміє водити машину? Can your wife drive? Does your wife know how to drive a car? Там стоїть стіл. There's a table. There's a table there. Я випив кави. I drank coffee. I had coffee. Том лише початківець. Tom is only a beginner. Tom's just a beginner. Ми не сперечаємося. We're not arguing. We don't argue. Мері поцілувала батька в щоку. Mary kissed her father on his cheek. Mary kissed her father on the cheek. Вона справжня красуня. She is a real beauty. She's a real beauty. У мене немає ані кредитної картки, ані банківського рахунку. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. I don't have a credit card or a bank account. Я дуже радий за Тома. I'm very happy for Tom. I'm very happy for Tom. Боляче. It hurts! It hurts. Том не хотів, щоб хтось знав. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Ви сурові, але справедливі. You're tough but fair. You are trumpet but fair. Повернися до своєї кімнати. Return to your room. Return to your room. Я надійшлю тобі посилання. I'll send you the link. I'll send you a link. Це правило розповсюджується лише на іноземців. The rule only applies to foreigners. This rule only extends to foreigners. Том має план. Tom has a plan. Tom has a plan. Не схоже, що ви були стурбовані. It doesn't look like you're worried. It's not like you were worried. Я думаю, що Том несміливий. I think Tom is timid. I think Tom is shy. Я обожнюю суп. I love soup. I love soup. Горіло зелене світло. The light was green. Green light's throat. Я знала, що ви не забудете Тома. I knew you wouldn't forget Tom. I knew you would not forget Tom. Що Том дав Мері? What did Tom give Mary? What did Tom give Mary? Том подивився нагору. Tom looked up. Tom looked upstairs. Я нічого такого не робила. I didn't do any such thing. I didn't do anything like that. Я не можу чекати вічно. I can't wait forever. I can't wait forever. Це так дивно. This is so weird. It's so weird. Їдь на схід. Head east. Go east. Том втратив пам'ять. Tom lost his memory. Tom lost his memory. Хіба ти не хочеш мати власних дітей? Don't you want to have kids of your own? Don't you want to have your own kids? Я теж хочу чашку кави. I also want a cup of coffee. I want a cup of coffee, too. Том живе по сусідству. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Том помітив, що щось було не так. Tom noticed that something was wrong. Tom noticed something was wrong. Том написав кілька кулінарних книжок. Tom has written several cook books. Tom wrote several cookbooks. Том не знає, що це таке. Tom doesn't know what that is. Tom doesn't know what it is. Перепрошую, я вас не впізнала. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Я не допоміг Тому. I didn't help Tom. I didn't help Tom. Коли ти почав працювати? What time do you start work? When did you start working? Том та Мері пішли самі. Tom and Mary left alone. Tom and Mary left alone. Фрукторіанці їдять лише фрукти. Fruitarians eat only fruit. Fractorians only eat fruit. Жовтень пройшов. October is over. October passed. Якщо не поквапитеся, ви не встигнете на потяг. If you don't hurry, you'll miss the train. If you don't hurry, you won't make it to the train. Просто відпусти Тома. Just let Tom go. Just let Tom go. Том не дуже економний. Tom's not very frugal. Tom's not too economical. Я щойно почув, що Том та Мері переїжджають до Бостона. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. I just heard Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. Він дав свою кров, щоб допомогти сестрі. He gave his blood to help his sister. He gave his blood to help his sister. Том дав мені сумку повну грошей. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Tom gave me a bag full of money. Він не одружений. He is not married. He's not married. Математика мені легко дається. I'm very good at math. The math is easy for me. Цей сон був для мене загадкою. The dream was a mystery to me. This dream was a mystery to me. Я чув, як вони шепотілися. I heard them whispering. I heard them whisper. Ви могли би провести відпустку в Австралії. You could spend your vacation in Australia. You could spend your vacation in Australia. Я, мабуть, знепритомніла. I must have fainted. I must have fainted. Мені здається, це може бути помилкою. I think that it might be a bug. I think it might be a mistake. Це Том сказав мені це зробити. Tom was the one who told me to do that. Tom told me to do it. Я втомився від твоїх виправдань. I'm sick of your excuses. I'm tired of your excuses. Молодий чоловік — лікар. The young man is a doctor. A young man is a doctor. У мене клаустрофобія. I'm claustrophobic. I have claustrophobic. Я забула, що ви друг Тома. I forgot you're Tom's friend. I forgot you're Tom's friend. Зелений — колір грошей. Green is the color of money. Green is the color of money. Як дружина, Томе? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? Том спить у ліжку. Tom is asleep in bed. Tom sleeps in bed. Ти мені вже багато разів розповідав цю історію. You've told me this story lots of times. You've told me this story many times. У Мері є особистий охоронець-жінка. Mary has a female bodyguard. Mary has a personal female guardian. Така велика продажа - предмет гордості торговця. Making such a large sale is a feather in the salesman's cap. Such a big sale is the object of the pride of the merchant. Математика складна. Math is hard. Mathematics is complicated. Том виглядає сонним. Tom looks like he's sleepy. Tom looks sleepy. У нашому домі дві вільні кімнати. We have two unused rooms in our house. There are two free rooms in our home. Це навчить тебе не дратувати інших. This will teach you not to annoy other people. This will teach you not to irritate others. Якщо ти поквапишся, ти все ще можеш встигнути на потяг. If you hurry you can still make the train. If you hurry, you can still make it to the train. Друга світова війна закінчиался в 1945-му році. World War II ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. У Тома викрали машину. Tom's car has been stolen. Tom was kidnapped by the car. Я зробила це для тебе. I did it for you. I did it for you. Потяг ще не приїхав. The train has not arrived yet. The train hasn't arrived yet. Том сказав, що Мері бачила, як Джон це зробив. Tom said Mary has seen John do that. Tom said Mary saw John do it. Я пообіцяв ніколи більше не запізнюватися. I promised to never be late again. I promised never to be late again. Ви не бідна. You're not poor. You're not poor. Ви й досі неодружений, так? You're still single, aren't you? You're still single, aren't you? В мене болить тут. I have a pain here. I'm in pain here. Дайте мені ключ. Give me the key. Give me the key. Як ми можемо покласти край війні? How can we abolish war? How can we end war? Я повернуся о сьомій годині. I'll be back at seven o'clock. I'll be back at seven o'clock. Том — щаслива людина. Tom is a happy man. Tom is a happy person. Ви також цього не знали. You didn't know that either. You didn't know that either. Гадаєш, ти тут будеш щасливий? Don't you think you'll be happy here? You think you'll be happy here? Моя мати вродлива. My mother is beautiful. My mother is beautiful. Коли ти навчилася плавати? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Я щось чую. I can hear something. I can hear something. Том боїться собак. Tom is afraid of dogs. Tom is afraid of dogs. Де мої ключі? Where are my keys? Where are my keys? Ви не мусите туди заходити. You don't have to go in there. You don't have to go in there. Я ненавиджу прасувати. I hate to iron. I hate ironing. Том апатеїст. Tom is an apatheist. Tom apatheist. Хіба вас не буде на зборах? Aren't you going to be at the meeting? Aren't you going to the meeting? Я подбаю про це. I'll take care of this. I'll take care of it. Перестань хвилюватися та трохи поспи. Stop worrying, and get some sleep. Stop worrying and get some sleep. Ти вже вагітна? Are you pregnant yet? Are you pregnant? Ви можете припаркуватися тут. You can park here. You can park here. Візьми ліхтарик, він нам обов'язково стане в пригоді. Take the torch. We'll definitely need it. Take the flashlight, it'll definitely help us. Я часто грав в теніс з Томом. I often played tennis with Tom. I often played tennis with Tom. Тому подобається в Бостоні. Tom likes it in Boston. That's why you like it in Boston. Ти знаєш, що я тебе люблю. You know I love you. You know I love you. Ти не знала, що Том — викладач французької? Didn't you know Tom is a French teacher? Didn't you know Tom was a French teacher? Це не Австралія. This isn't Australia. It's not Australia. Він шантажував мене. He blackmailed me. He blackmailed me. Будь ласка, запишіть це. Please write it down. Please write it down. Я не неписьменна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Навряд чи Том забуде, як це робиться. Tom isn't likely to forget how to do that. Tom would hardly forget how this is done. Вечерю подають о дев'ятій тридцять. Supper is served at nine-thirty. The dinners are served at 9:30 p.m. Я чекаю на нього. I'm waiting for him. I'm waiting for him. Я очікувала більшого. I expected more. I expected more. Я думала, що буду багатою. I thought I was going to be rich. I thought I'd be rich. Я брехала. I was lying. I was lying. Я маю багато вільного часу. I have a lot of free time. I have a lot of free time. Що ти про це думаєш? How do you feel about it? What do you think? Ти знав, що у мене є блог? Did you know I have a blog? Did you know I had a blog? Чому ви їх ненавидите? Why do you hate them? Why do you hate them? Ти вчора грала в теніс? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday? Я дам вам усе, про що ти попрохаєш. I'll give you anything you ask for. I'll give you everything you'll ask for. Ніхто не сміється з моїх жартів. Nobody laughs at my jokes. Nobody laughs at my jokes. Я картоплина. I am a potato. I'm a potato. Я забула твій номер. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your number. З днем народження, Мюріел! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muriel! Ти взяла вихідний. You took a day off. You took the weekend. Ви винесли сміття? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you take out the trash? Том виріс у маленькому селі. Tom was raised in a small village. Tom grew up in a small village. Хтось може відповісти на моє запитання? Can anyone answer my question? Can anyone answer my question? Том перевантажений. Tom's overwhelmed. Tom's overworked. Я думав, що він багатий. I supposed him to be rich. I thought he was rich. Том майже скінчив. Tom is pretty near done. Tom's almost done. Життя повне таємниць. Life is full of secrets. Life is full of secrets. Том — один з тих, з цим я граю у волейбол. Tom is one of the guys I play volleyball with. Tom is one of those I play volleyball with. Я знаю, що Том жадібний. I know Tom is stingy. I know Tom's greedy. Чи є якась проблема? Is there a problem? Is there a problem? Я лише дражнився. I was only teasing. I was just teasing. Хочу тебе трахнути. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. Я хочу зробити це для Тома. I want to do it for Tom. I want to do it for Tom. Ти завжди тут жив? Have you always lived here? You always lived here? Вона хотіла замінити свою стару вазу новою. She wanted to replace her old vase with a new one. She wanted to replace her old vase with a new one. Усі знають, що вона йому подобається, і навпаки. Everybody knows that he likes her and vice versa. Everyone knows he likes her, and vice versa. Том стверджує, що бачив привида. Tom claims he's seen a ghost. Tom claims to have seen a ghost. Повертайся додому раніше. Come home early. Go home early. Він живе у квартирі. He lives in a flat. He lives in an apartment. Це ваша мобілка? Is this your all's cellphone? Is that your cell phone? Том на зборах не було. Tom wasn't at the meeting. Tom wasn't in the meeting. Скільки років вашій мамі? How old is your mother? How old is your mom? Цім дітям потрібна наша допомога. Those kids need our help. These children need our help. Ми розмовляли про багато речей. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Я вас не заарештовую. I'm not arresting you. I'm not arresting you. Том — поганець. Tom is a sleazeball. Tom is a bad guy. Я розводжу худобу. I raise cattle. I'm taking cattle. Батько вдома. My father is at home. Father's home. Думаю, тобі треба спробувати ще. I think you should try again. I think you should try some more. Я попереджала вас про Тома. I warned you about Tom. I warned you about Tom. Я читав листа. I read a letter. I read the letter. Ми поїли разом. We ate together. We ate together. Чи є ім'я "Шиносуке" мішенню для глузувань? Is the name 'Shinosuke' a target for teasing? Is the name Shinosuke the target for ridicule? Я поремонтував паркан. I fixed the fence. I repaired the fence. Він заспівав. He began singing. He sang. Том зробив зарядку. Tom exercised. Tom made the charge. Цікаво. That's curious. Interesting. Я хочу, щоб ви знали, що Том має рацію. I want you to know that Tom was right. I want you to know that Tom's right. Дуже ймовірно, що вона доживе до ста років. She is likely to live to one hundred. She's very likely to live to be a hundred years old. Просто допоможи мені. Just help me. Just help me. Я знаю, як це виглядає. I know how this looks. I know what that looks like. Поліцейський був п'яний. The policeman was drunk. The police officer was drunk. Експерти не переконані. Experts aren't convinced. Experts are not convinced. Том схилився, щоб поцілувати Мері в щічку. Tom bent down to kiss Mary's cheek. Tom bent to kiss Mary in the cheek. Перейду одразу до справи. Ти звільнений. I'll come straight to the point. You're fired. I'll get right to the point, you're fired. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. That's not the only problem. Ти колись був за кордоном? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? Я вередливий. I'm fussy. I'm angry. Хіба ви не бачите, чим займаються Том із Мері? Can't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Don't you see what Tom and Mary are doing? Все більше людей пропонувало свою допомогу. More and more people offered to help. More and more people were offering help. Ви заплатили за оренду? Have you paid the rent? Did you pay the rent? Ти зробив величезну помилку. You've made a huge mistake. You made a huge mistake. Том йому довіряє. Tom trusts him. Tom trusts him. Гадаю, Тому вона не сподобалася. I guess Tom didn't like it. I guess that's why she didn't like it. Передай мені масло, будь ласка. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter, please. Ти знала, що Том — двоюрідний брат Мері? Didn't you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Did you know Tom was Mary's cousin? Боюся, ти не маєш рації. I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm afraid you don't have the radio. Том такий самий. Tom is the same. Tom is the same. Чому ти тут живеш? Why do you live here? Why do you live here? Візьміть з собою дітей. Bring your children along. Take the kids with you. Я хотіла би, що ти був тут зі мною. I wish you were here with me. I wish you were here with me. Стане гірше. It'll get worse. It'll get worse. Том пішов, залишивши Мері наодинці з Джоном. Tom left, leaving Mary alone with John. Tom left, leaving Mary alone with John. Він подружився з кількома селянами. He got acquainted with some villagers. He made friends with several villagers. Я ніколи не забуду вашу доброту. I shall never forget your kindness. I will never forget your kindness. Чекати на поїзд нудно. Waiting for a train is boring. Waiting for the train is boring. Я погодився на пропозицію. I agreed to the proposal. I accepted the offer. Я розчарував Тома. I disappointed Tom. I disappointed Tom. Том хоче, щоб я повернулася до Бостона. Tom wants me to go back to Boston. Tom wants me back to Boston. Наскільки мені відомо, він неодружений. As far as I know, he is not married. As far as I know, he's single. Мені подобаються твої книжки. I like your books. I like your books. Тому не потрібно вставати рано. Tom doesn't have to get up early. So you don't have to get up early. Все моє життя обертається навколо кохання. My whole life revolves around love. My whole life revolves around love. Білі починають і виграють. White to play and win. The whites start and win. Я відвідую курси водіїв. I go to a driving school. I attend driving courses. Мого тата зараз немає вдома. My dad is not at home for the moment. My dad's not home right now. Маєш хвилинку? Do you have a minute? You got a minute? Мені не потрібно їх переконувати. I don't need to convince them. I don't need to convince them. Зустріч не буде перенесено. The meeting isn't going to be rescheduled. The meeting will not be moved. А яка альтернатива? What's the alternative? What is the alternative? Багато хто говорить лише однією мовою. Many people only speak one language. Many speak only one language. Всі, хто його знав, захоплювалися ним. All who knew him admired him. Everyone who knew him admired him. Вчора я зустрів на вулиці Мері. Yesterday I met Mary on the street. Yesterday I met Mary on the street. Ви маєте вакансії? Are you hiring? Do you have accommodation? Чому б нам не піти потанцювати? Why don't we go dancing? Why don't we go dance? Ти ж знаєш, що це брехня, правда? You know that that's a lie, don't you? You know it's a lie, don't you? Я зроблю все, що ти мені кажеш. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do whatever you tell me. Я думаю, Том може переконати Мері зробити це. I think Tom could get Mary to do that. I think Tom might convince Mary to do that. Том та Мері багаті. Tom and Mary are rich. Tom and Mary are rich. Пес білий. The dog is white. The dog is white. Це й був наш план. That was our plan. That was our plan. Розмовляй тихо. Speak softly. Speak quietly. До кого ви плануєте зайти в Бостоні? Who do you plan to visit in Boston? Who are you planning to go in Boston to? Ви плануєте орендувати авто? Do you plan to rent a car? Are you planning to rent a car? Я завжди почуваюся сонним. I always feel sleepy. I always feel sleepy. Я також планую це зробити. I also plan to do that. I also plan to do so. Це фотографія сестри. This is a picture of my sister. This is a picture of the sister. Я так від тебе відрізняюся? Am I so different from you? Am I so different from you? Ти - прекрасний метелик. You are a beautiful butterfly. You're a beautiful butterfly. Я вже знала про це. I already knew about this. I already knew about it. Я бачив, як Том б'є Мері. I saw Tom hitting Mary. I saw Tom beat Mary. Том послизнувся на кризі та впав. Tom slipped on the ice and fell. Tom slipped on the ice and fell. Я просто хочу у відпустку. I just want a vacation. I just want to go on holiday. Я певна, що він приїде. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he's coming. У мене ідея. I have an idea. I got an idea. Може бути, вони зайняті. Maybe they're busy. Maybe they're busy. Я заплатила приблизно п'ятдесят доларів. I paid about 50 bucks. I paid about fifty dollars. У неї добрий смак. She has good taste. She has a good taste. Я все зробив. I've done everything. I did everything. Поміж гілками ховалася білка. A squirrel hid among the branches. There was a protein hiding between the branches. Я біженець. I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee. Я був змушений іти пішки, тому що не було таксі. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I was forced to walk because there was no taxi. Я заплющив очі й заснув. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Том почистив картоплю і зварив її. Tom peeled the potatoes and then boiled them. Tom cleaned the potatoes and cooked it. Я їм тут. I eat here. I eat here. Том ліг у ліжко. Tom got into bed. Tom went to bed. Це яйце погано пахне. This egg smells bad. That egg smells bad. У всіх є секрети. Everybody has secrets. Everybody has secrets. Том купив Мері камеру. Tom bought Mary a camera. Tom bought Mary a camera. Я не їв. I haven't eaten. I didn't eat. Мері сказала, що зачекає. Mary said she'd wait. Mary said she would wait. Я чула, що Том взагалі не говорить французькою. I heard that Tom can't speak French at all. I heard Tom didn't speak French at all. Це було негарно з Вашого боку рогніватись на дружину. It was bad of you to get angry at your wife. It wasn't nice on your part to get on your wife. Я люблю чай. I love tea. I love tea. Том приймає ліки. Tom is on medication. Tom takes medication. Будь ласка, дайте мені чашку кави. Please give me a cup of coffee. Please give me a cup of coffee. Том сказав, що йому потрібно допомогти Мері. Tom thought that he needed to help Mary. Tom said he needed Mary's help. Це добрий словник. This is a good dictionary. That's a good dictionary. Я часто грав у бейсбол, коли був молодий. I often played baseball when I was young. I often played baseball when I was young. Він написав багато оповідань. He wrote a lot of stories. He wrote many stories. Том буде хвилюватися. Tom will be worried. Tom will be worried. Вона зателефонувала психіатру. She phoned the psychiatrist. She called a psychiatrist. Ти чув про вчорашню пожежу? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Який твій улюблений колір? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? Завтра великий день. Tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow's a big day. Роботу вже закінчено? Is the work completed? Is the job over? Закип'яти трохи води. Boil some water. Heat some water. Веселка різнобарвна. The rainbow is colorful. The rainbow is varied. Том посміхнувся офіціантці. Tom smiled at the waitress. Tom smiled at the waitress. Ти не потрібен. You aren't needed. You don't need to. Том не купить ту машину. Tom won't buy that car. Tom won't buy that car. Навіть дитина впоралась би з цим. Even a child could do it. Even a child would manage it. У вас є копія того звіту? Do you have a copy of that report? Do you have a copy of that report? Том ніколи не прокинеться. Tom is never going to wake up. Tom will never wake up. Поки що досить. That's enough for now. That's enough for now. Я вміла плавати. I knew how to swim. I could swim. Ви купили Тому собаку? Did you buy Tom a dog? Did you buy that dog? Здається, всі зайняті. Everybody seems to be busy. Looks like everyone's busy. Я не можу цього прийняти. I can't accept this. I can't accept that. Ти дуже гарна. You're very beautiful. You're very pretty. Візьми це. Take that. Take this. Том вже минуле. Tom is history. Tom's in the past. Тома випустять у понеділок. Tom will be released Monday. Tom will be released on Monday. Том сказав, що я маю це зробити. Tom said I had to do that. Tom said I should do it. Все буде добре. Everything's going to be OK. It's gonna be okay. Сьогодні вдень я побачу Мері. I'm going to see Mary this afternoon. I'll see Mary this afternoon. Я не читав жодну з цих двох книжок. I haven't read either book. I didn’t read any of these two books. Я бачила це на YouTube. I watched it on YouTube. I saw it on YouTube. Це типова осіння погода. It's typical autumn weather. It's the typical fall of the weather. Я зазвичай ходжу до школи пішки. I usually walk to school. I usually walk to school on foot. Розфарбуй малюнок. Colour the picture. Color the picture. Я можу це для неї зробити, на відміну від тебе. I can do that for her, unlike you. I can do it for her, unlike you. О котрій годині таксі поїде до аеропорту? At what time will the taxi go to the airport? At what hour will the taxi go to the airport? Залишайся з Томом у цій кімнаті. Stay with Tom in this room. Stay with Tom in this room. Ходять чутки. Rumors have been circulating. There's rumours coming. Я не хотів, щоб ти так рано вставав. I didn't want to get up so early. I didn't want you to get up so early. Вона їсть. She's eating. She eats. Я мешкаю у Варшаві. I live in Warsaw. I live in Warsaw. Я хочу, щоб ти був моїм другом. I want you to be my friend. I want you to be my friend. Це його машина. That is his car. It's his car. Ти йдеш завтра до церкви? Are you going to church tomorrow? Are you going to church tomorrow? Хапайте мотузку. Grab the rope. Grab the rope. Я поважаю вашу думку. I respect your opinion. I respect your opinion. Я не погоджуюся з теорією, що ніби треба вчити латину, щоб краще розуміти англійську. I don't agree with the theory that one should learn Latin in order to better understand English. I disagree with the theory that it is necessary to learn Latin in order to understand English better. Я не маю власних дітей. I don't have my own children. I don't have my own kids. У вас багато часу. You have plenty of time. You have a lot of time. Том живий? Is Tom alive? Tom's alive? Не бажаєте філіжаночку чаю? Would you like a cuppa? Would you like a cup of tea? Це трапилося три роки тому. That happened three years ago. This happened three years ago. Ви хворий. Вам потрібно відпочити. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you need to rest. У ведмедя короткий хвіст. The bear has a short tail. The bear has a short tail. Це його здивувало. That surprised him. He was surprised. Я також його ненавиджу. I hate him, too. I hate him, too. Ми зустрілися перед школою. We met in front of the school. We met before school. Том сказав, що не буде мені допомагати. Tom said that he wouldn't help me. Tom said he wouldn't help me. Я не повинен був цього купувати. I should not have bought such a thing. I shouldn't have bought it. Що ще тобі потрібно? What more do you need? What else do you need? Вони не виглядають задоволеними. They don't seem happy. They do not look content. Це справжня людина. That's a real person. It's a real person. Я вам не довіряю. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Я українка. I'm Ukrainian. I'm Ukrainian. Можна мені піти додому? May I go home? Can I go home? Том та Мері не могли допомогти мені зробити це. Tom and Mary weren't able to help me do that. Tom and Mary could not help me do that. Час іти. It's time to be going. It's time to go. Том біг так швидко, як тільки міг. Tom ran as quickly as he could. Tom ran as fast as he could. Я не можу відчинити двері. У вас є ключ? I can't open the door. Do you have the key? I can't open the door. Коли воно почалося? When did it start? When did it begin? Я люблю картоплю фрі. I love French fries. I love potatoes fries. Він майже завжди в лікарні. He's almost always in the hospital. He's almost always in hospital. Я щойно переїхала. I've just moved. I just moved in. Ви хто такі, і що ви тут робите? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Who are you, and what are you doing here? Дякуємо за вчорашній день. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Том каже, що у нього тенор. Tom says he sings tenor. Tom says he has a tenor. Не слухай його, він верзе якісь дурниці. Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. Тільки рагулі плюють на землю. Only yokels spit on the ground. Only rookies spit on the ground. Томе, ти не міг би встати? Would you stand, Tom? Tom, could you get up? У мене навіть не має роботи. I don't even have a job. I don't even have a job. Для чого ти будеш це використовувати? What will you use it for? Why would you use that? Том втратив чоловіка кілька місяців тому. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Tom lost his husband a few months ago. Я трохи втомився. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Ти повинен допомогти мені урезонити Тома. You have to help me reason with Tom. You have to help me get Tom back. Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary screaming. Зніми кепку. Take off your cap. Take the cap off. Немає ніякого сенсу шкодувати про це зараз. It's no use regretting it now. There's no point in regretting it now. Том сказав, що помітив різницю. Tom said that he noticed a difference. Tom said he noticed the difference. Я не хочу бруднити руки. I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want to dirty my hands. У мене сильний жар. I have a high fever. I've got a lot of heat. План Тома нікуди нікуди не годився. Tom's plan wasn't any good. Tom's plan didn't go anywhere. Том намагався допомогти Мері. Tom tried to help Mary. Tom tried to help Mary. Том дуже цікавиться астрологією. Tom is very interested in astrology. Tom is very interested in astrology. Будь ласка, швидше. Please hurry! Please, hurry up. Я ще не переконаний. I'm not yet convinced. I'm not convinced yet. Я чув, що у цю пору року в Бостоні спекотно. I hear Boston is hot this time of year. I heard this time of the year in Boston is hot. Як справи, пані Джоунс? How are you, Mrs. Jones? How you doing, Mrs Jones? Я єдина, хто мала це зробити. I'm the only person who had to do that. I'm the only one to do it. У мене багато кредитних карток. I have a lot of credit cards. I've got a lot of credit cards. Я на Тома злий. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Я подам на тебе в суд. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. Постав її сюди. Put it there. Put her here. Том сказав Мері, а Мері сказала Джону. Tom told Mary and Mary told John. Tom told Mary, and Mary told John. Він показав мені свій альбом. He showed me his album. He showed me his album. Хіба вам не було б краще зробити це з Томом? Wouldn't you rather do that with Tom? Wouldn't you rather do that to Tom? Хто бігав? Who ran? Who was running? Ненавиджу своїх сусідів. I hate my neighbors. I hate my neighbors. Хто мені може це пояснити? Who's able to explain this to me? Who can explain it to me? Я закоханий у подругу Тома. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. I'm in love with Tom's friend. Я зарано? Am I early? Am I too early? Це має серйозний вигляд. This looks serious. It's got a serious look. Червоний не ваш колір. Red is not your colour. Red isn't your color. Я не певен, зробить це Том чи ні. I'm not sure whether Tom will do that or not. I'm not sure Tom's gonna do it or not. Том пішов перший. Tom was the first one to leave. Tom left first. Ти сердита на Тома? Are you angry with Tom? Are you angry with Tom? Мері бракує здорового глузду. Mary lacks common sense. Mary lacks good sense. Я не ходжу до школи у неділю. I don't go to school on Sunday. I don't go to school on Sunday. Собака Тома укусив Мері за руку. Tom's dog bit Mary's hand. Tom's dog bit Mary by the hand. Ти вже купила різдвяні подарунки? Have you bought your Christmas gifts yet? Have you bought Christmas gifts yet? Я дав йому свою адресу. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Я прокинувся досить рано, щоб встигнути на перший потяг. I got up early enough to catch the first train. I woke up early enough to make the first train. Не стрибати! Don't jump! Don't jump! Той, хто хоче миру, готується до війни. He who wishes for peace, prepares for war. Anyone who wants peace prepares for war. Усі люблять Тома. Everyone likes Tom. Everybody loves Tom. Ясна річ, він знає відповідь. It is clear that he knows the answer. Of course, he knows the answer. Усе - тільки сон. Everything is but a dream. It's just a dream. Воно ще тут? Is it here yet? Is it still here? Він законахий у неї до нестями. He's madly in love with her. He's law-lawed to her in want of heart. Я просто хочу відпочити. I just want to rest. I just want to rest. Сподіваюся, ви маєте алібі. You have an alibi, I hope. I hope you have an Alibi. Ненавиджу журналістів. I hate journalists. I hate journalists. Тома знову немає в місті. Tom is out of town again. Tom's not in town again. Як справи? How do you do? How are you? Я ніколи не п'ю наодинці. I never drink alone. I never drink alone. Я не знала, що Том молодший від вас. I didn't know that Tom was younger than you. I didn't know Tom was younger than you. Тому Бостон взагалі не подобається. Tom doesn't like Boston at all. So Boston doesn't like it at all. Я хочу відпочити. I want to take a rest. I want to rest. Я маю ключі Тома. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. У неї білі зуби. She has white teeth. She has white teeth. Том із Мері поїхали на музичний фестиваль. Tom and Mary went to a music festival. Tom and Mary went to the music festival. Діти Тома внизу. Tom's children are downstairs. Tom's children are downstairs. Том із нетерпінням на це чекає. Tom is looking forward to that. Tom looks forward to it. Я хотів би взяти машину напрокат. I would like to rent a car. I'd like to take a car for a ride. Навіщо ви питаєте? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? Ми не можемо вас захистити. We cannot protect you. We can't protect you. Його машина не має колес. His car has no wheels. His car doesn't have a wheel. Ідіть обидві нахуй! Fuck both of you! Go both fuck off! Я усвідомлював, що за мною слідкують. I was aware that I was being watched. I knew they were following me. Ти повинен бути обережним, обираючи своїх друзів. You must be careful in choosing your friends. You have to be careful choosing your friends. Китай — найбільша країна в Азії. China is the biggest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. Хіба ти ще не зла на Тома? Aren't you still mad at Tom? Aren't you mad at Tom yet? Краще вам з Томом не сперечатися. You'd better not argue with Tom. You and Tom better not argue. Як хороше віно, з віком він стає тільки кращим. Like a good wine, he improves with age. As a good bride-in-law, he's only getting better as he gets older. Ви продаєте будильники? Do you sell alarm clocks? Are you selling alarm units? Вони дуже цікавляться астрономією. They are very interested in astronomy. They are very interested in astronomy. Перепрошую, що примусив вас так довго чекати. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I made you wait so long. Я не звинувачую нікого іншого. I don't blame anybody else. I don't blame anyone else. Том — наш викладач французької. Tom is our French teacher. Tom is our French teacher. Ти приніс каву? Did you bring coffee? Did you bring coffee? Наступного дня болі повернулись. The following day the pain returned. The next day the pain came back. Ця книга краща за ту. This book is better than that one. This book is better than that. Вважаю, що Том переможе. I think Tom will win. I suppose Tom will win. Ми можемо перемогти у цій війні. We can win this war. We can win this war. Дякую, там все добре. Thanks, everything is fine there. Thank you, it's okay there. Відео стало вірусним. The video went viral. The video became viral. Що ти зробив з моєю ручкою? What have you done with my pen? What did you do to my pen? Мері знає, що її розшукує поліція. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Mary knows the police are looking for her. Я розповів Тому анекдот. I told Tom a joke. I told him the anecdot. Нам теж можна прийти? Can we come too? Can we come too? Ви лікарі. You're doctors. You're doctors. Як вам подобається це містечко? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Мені подобається ваша кава. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. Том прокинувся. Tom woke up. Tom woke up. Скільки за одну ніч? How much for the night? How much for one night? Я вдвічі старша від тебе. I'm twice as old as you are. I'm twice as old as you. Мері мені як рідна донька. Mary is like my own daughter. Mary is like my own daughter. Це зробив не Том. Це була Мері. Tom wasn't the one who did that. It was Mary. It wasn't Tom. Ци виправдано. This is justified. It's justified. Ти занадто сильно нервуєш. You're too nervous. You're too nervous. Ти колись бачив цей логотип? Have you ever seen this logo before? Have you ever seen this logo? Приблизно в той же час Том був у своїй кімнаті і вчився. At about the same time, Tom was in his room studying. About the same time, Tom was in his room and studied. Том сказав, що не думає, що Мері насправді подобається робити це самій. Tom said that he doesn't think that Mary really enjoys doing that by herself. Tom said he didn't think Mary really likes doing it herself. Я знаю, що для тебе це просто. I know it's easy for you. I know it's easy for you. Причепіть цей стікер до своєї валізи. Put this sticker on your suitcase. Put that sticker in your suitcase. Я думала, ти казала, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought you said you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. Я маю декілька французьких книжок. I have a few French books. I have some French books. Коли Петро встав, Іван уже був пішов з хати. When Peter got up, Jean had already left home. When Peter got up, John had already left the house. Завтра я вперше летітиму літаком, правда це неймовірно? Tomorrow will be the first time I take the plane, incredible, no? Tomorrow I'm going to fly the plane for the first time, isn't it amazing? Дякую за увагу. Thank you for listening. Thank you very much. Він сам був винним. It was his own fault. He himself was guilty. Ах ти ж йобаний ти на хуй! Моя колишня — злодюжка! Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! My ex-boyfriend is a thief! Том був злий на Мері. Tom was angry with Mary. Tom was angry with Mary. Том буде дуже засмучений. Tom will be very upset. Tom will be very upset. Я збираю пшеницю. I am harvesting wheat. I'm collecting wheat. У Тома не було часу зробити домашню роботу. Tom didn't have time to do his homework. Tom didn't have time to do his homework. Вони кинула його через іншого чоловіка. She left him for another man. They threw him through another man. Скільки у нас ще води? How much more water do we have? How much more water do we have? Том сказав, що, на його думку, йому слід це зробити. Tom said that he thought he should do that. Tom said he thought he should do it. Зупинись тут. Stop here. Stop here. У мене все гаразд. I'm all right. I'm fine. Том сказав мені, що він у розпачі. Tom told me that he was desperate. Tom told me he was desperate. Поверніть ключ направо. Turn the key to the right. Turn the key right. Я зупинився у дешевому готелі. I stayed at a cheap hotel. I stopped at a cheap hotel. Мамо, яка адреса Діда Мороза? Я хотіла би написати йому листа. Mum, what is the address of Father Christmas? I would like to send him a letter. Mom, what's Dad Moroz's address? I'd like to write a letter to him. Я з великої родини. I come from a large family. I'm from a large family. Можеш мені трохи про себе розповісти? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Can you tell me a little about yourself? Він завжди був пихатим хлопцем. Його батьки, здається, не мали нічого проти. He always was a very haughty boy. His parents didn't seem to mind. He was always a proud guy, his parents seemed to have nothing against him. Том сказав, що не думає, що Мері насправді подобається робити це самій. Tom said he doesn't think that Mary really enjoys doing that alone. Tom said he didn't think Mary really likes doing it herself. До кожного правила є винятки. There are exceptions to every rule. There are exceptions to each rule. Том знав, що ось-ось станеться щось погане. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Всім байдуже, що ви думаєте. No one cares what you think. Everyone doesn't care what you think. Вони голосували. They voted. They voted. Я відмовляюся говорити з вами! I refuse to talk to you! I refuse to speak to you! Вона червона. It's red. It's red. Мені сподобалося спілкуватися з ним на вечірці. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. I enjoyed talking to him at a party. Нічого з того, що я зробила, не допомогло. Nothing I did helped. Nothing I've done has helped. Ти абсолютно права. You're absolutely right! You're absolutely right. Хтопчик та дівчинка сидять на паркані. A boy and a girl are sitting on the fence. Whore and girl are sitting on the fence. Я крикнув. I shouted. I yelled. Ця коробка трохи заважка. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box is a little too heavy. Вони зі Швеції. They come from Sweden. They're from Sweden. Вони прислали мене, щоб врятувати тебе. They sent me to save you. They sent me to save you. Том розуміє. Tom understands. Tom understands. Том звиклий до цього. Tom is used to doing that. Tom's used to it. Том працює всю ніч. Tom works all night. Tom works all night. Вона не завжди щаслива. She is not always happy. She's not always happy. Я певен, що Том зробить все, про що його попросить Мері. I'm sure Tom will do anything Mary asks him to do. I'm sure Tom will do whatever Mary asks him to do. Вони добрі. They're good. They're good. У тебе є карта метро? Do you have an underground map? Do you have a subway map? Я не відрізняюся відь будь-якої іншої матері. I'm no different from any other mother. I'm not different from the witch of any other mother. Я недооцінила силу супротивника. I've underestimated the strength of my opponent. I underestimated the strength of my opponent. На якому ми поверсі? What floor are we on? What floor are we on? Том починає нервувати. Tom is getting antsy. Tom starts to get nervous. Том може почекати тут. Tom can wait here. Tom can wait here. Брат мешкає в Бостоні. My brother is living in Boston. The brother lives in Boston. Він мені завжди подобався. I've always liked him. I always liked him. Яке дивне життя! How strange life is! What a strange life! Ти можеш робити все, що хочеш. You are welcome to do anything you like. You can do whatever you want. Пробачте, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. На жаль у неї вже є постійний коханець. Unfortunately she already has a steady boyfriend. Unfortunately, she already has a permanent lover. Я купила кожному з них по подарунку. I bought them each a present. I bought each one a gift. Хтось телефонує. Someone's calling. Somebody's calling. Коли це закінчується? When does it end? When does this end? Том був шпигуном. Tom was a spy. Tom was a spy. Я не знав, що у тебе є машина. I didn't know you had a car. I didn't know you had a car. Вона його слухає. She listens to him. She's listening to him. Суп занадто гарячий. The soup is too hot. The soup is too hot. Він упав на землю. He fell on the ground. He fell to the ground. Ти завжди запізнюєшся. You're always late. You're always late. Він зможе прийти завтра? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Can he come in tomorrow? Це моя остаточна пропозиція. This is my final offer. That's my final offer. В тебе є запальничка? Will you give me a light? Do you have a lighter? На Хелловін він одягнувся пожежником. He dressed as a fireman for Halloween. At Halloween, he dressed as a firefighter. Том сказав, що він якраз збирався це зробити. Tom said he was just about to do that. Tom said he was just about to do it. Мері сказала, що їй страшно. Mary said she's afraid. Mary said she was scared. Том залишив щось по собі? Did Tom leave anything behind? Tom left something behind? Том разом із сином. Tom is with his son. Tom and his son. Том із Мері переїхали до Австралії. Tom and Mary moved to Australia. Tom and Mary moved to Australia. Том не хоче бути дизайнером. Tom doesn't want to be a designer. Tom doesn't want to be a designer. Том каже, що він не хоче цього робити з тобою. Tom says he doesn't want to do that with you. Tom says he doesn't want to do this to you. Він хоче справедливості. He wants justice. He wants justice. Пан Танака — наш викладач англійської. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Mr Tanaka is our English teacher. Ти сказав, що цього ніколи не станеться. You said it would never happen. You said it would never happen. Я мав кравця, що шив мені вбрання. I had the tailor make a suit for me. I had a tailor sewn my clothes. У Мері довге волосся. Mary has long hair. Mary has long hair. Ми вже співали цю пісню. We already sang that song. We've already sung this song. Чому ти не поїхав до офісу? Why didn't you go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Я не думаю, що Том когось знає у нашій школі. I don't think Tom knows anybody at our school. I don't think Tom knows anyone at our school. Вона купила носовичок за десять доларів. She bought a handkerchief for ten dollars. She bought a handkerchief for ten dollars. Спочатку давай поговоримо про те, що зробив Том. First, let's talk about what Tom did. Let's talk first about what Tom did. Ми будемо чекати тут. We'll wait here. We'll be waiting here. Я знаю, що Том скаже тобі правду. I know that Tom will tell you the truth. I know Tom's gonna tell you the truth. Я певна, що Тому це сподобається. I'm sure Tom is going to like that. I'm sure that's why it's gonna be fun. Ти за чи проти абортів? Are you for or against abortion? Are you for or against abortion? Воно працює. It works. It works. Спробуймо зробити це з Томом. Let's try to do that with Tom. Let's try to do it with Tom. Котрий з собак - ваш? Which dog is yours? Which one of the dogs is yours? Не треба себе недооцінювати, Томе. Don't sell yourself short, Tom. Don't underestimate yourself, Tom. Том натиснув на кнопку, але нічого не сталося. Tom pushed the button, but nothing happened. Tom pressed the button, but nothing happened. Солодких снів, Шоне. Sleep tight, Sean. Sweet dreams, Shawn. Ми маємо це зробити самі. We should do it ourselves. We have to do it ourselves. Де мої кредитні картки? Where are my credit cards? Where are my credit cards? Я зламала ніготь I broke my fingernail. I broke the nail. Я виключив телевізор. I switched off the TV. I turned off the TV. Це принципове питання. It's a question of principle. That's a fundamental question. Дякую за інформацію. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Том дуже розумний, так? Tom is very clever, isn't he? Tom's very smart, huh? Я хотіла би поговорити з Томом. I would like a word with Tom. I'd like to talk to Tom. Я би хотіла, щоб ти говорила французькою. I wish you spoke French. I'd like you to speak French. Це дуже особисте. That's very personal. It's very personal. Люди будуть наді мною насміхатися? Will people make fun of me? Will people make fun of me? Ви маєте мій шолом. You've got my helmet. You have my helmet. Як просувається твоя робота? How is your work coming along? How's your job going? Том бовдур. Tom is an idiot. Tom the jerk. Я не усвідомлювала, що Том одружений з Мері. I didn't realize that Tom was married to Mary. I didn’t realize Tom was married to Mary. Картина була намальована Пікасо. The picture was painted by Picasso. The painting was painted by Piccaso. Том — сексолог. Tom is a sexologist. Tom is a sexologist. Зараз половина на четверту. It's three-thirty. It's half past four. Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom could not speak French? Поліція виключила самогубство. The police have ruled out suicide. Police ruled out suicide. Завтра зроблю. Обіцяю. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. I'll do it tomorrow, I promise. Том сказав мені, що хоче бути вчителем. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Tom told me he wanted to be a teacher. Я впевнений, що Том дуже зайнята людина. I'm sure that Tom is a very busy man. I'm sure Tom's a very busy man. Мені здається, Том зробив помилку. I think Tom has made a mistake. I think Tom made a mistake. Я теж щасливий. I'm happy, too. I'm happy too. Думаєте, на це варто витрачати зусилля? Do you think it's worth the effort? Do you think it's worth the effort? У вас все пройде добре. You're going to do fine. You'll be all right. Він детально пояснив правила. He explained the rules in detail. He explained the rules in detail. Доброго дня, як справи? Good day, how are you? Hello, how are you? Алену дали завдання, вирішити яке було неможливо. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. The alley was given a task that was impossible to resolve. Чоловік помер від раку. The man died of cancer. My husband died of cancer. Грошовиті люди мали змогу купити масло. People with money were able to buy butter. Grove people were able to buy butter. Приємно познайомитися. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Хіба ти вип'єш своє молоко? Aren't you going to drink your milk? Aren't you going to drink your milk? Том порадив Мері вчитися старанніше. Tom advised Mary to study harder. Tom advised Mary to study harder. Я трохи голодний. I'm a little bit hungry. I'm a little hungry. Я вагітна. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Усі щасливі. All are happy. Everyone's happy. Я вечеряв. I was eating dinner. I was having dinner. Я не відволікаю? Am I interrupting? Am I not distracting? Я подивився на меню. I looked at the menu. I looked at the menu. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. Tom doesn't like public talks. Скажи мені, що ти їси, і я скажу тобі, хто ти такий. Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you what you are. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are. Мені подобається теніс більше, ніж футбол. I like tennis better than I like soccer. I like tennis more than football. Том правдивий. Tom is truthful. Tom's true. Я люблю вивчати мови. I like learning languages. I love learning a language. Ти її сутенер? Are you her pimp? Are you her master? Будь ласка, залишайтеся тут. Please stay here. Please stay here. Чому б я це робила для Тома? Why would I do that for Tom? Why would I do that for Tom? Моя сестра схожа на нашу маму. My sister resembles my mother. My sister is like our mother. Чому це вас не турбує? Why doesn't that bother you? Why doesn't that bother you? Марс має два місяці. Mars has two moons. Mars has two months. Це надзвичайно небезпечно. It's extremely dangerous. It's extremely dangerous. Це сухе дерево. It's a dead tree. It's a dry tree. Ти хотів би піти зі мною на пляж? Would you like to go to the beach with me? Would you like to go to the beach with me? Думаю, я міг би це зробити краще. I think I could've done that better. I think I could do it better. Віддайте мені усу. Give me everything. Give it to me. Він уявляв себе генієм. He had the illusion that he was a genius. He imagined himself a genius. Том трохи запізнився. Tom was a little late. Tom's a little late. Мені подобається ця сорочка. I like this shirt. I like that shirt. Але раптово він відчув запаморочення і сів знову в своє старе крісло. But he suddenly felt dizzy and he sat down again in his old chair. But suddenly he felt dizzy and sat down again in his old chair. Том насправді одружений із Мері? Is Tom really married to Mary? Tom is actually married to Mary? Він ще у вас? Do you still have it? Do you still have it? Ти любиш сік? Do you like juice? Do you like juice? Я знав, що вони її підозрюватимуть. I knew they would suspect her. I knew they'd suspect her. Він перестрибнув через калюжу. He jumped across the puddle. He jumped through a puddle. Не помирайте, будь ласка! Please don't die! Don't die, please! Хто виграв? Who won? Who won? Які саме аргументи можуть тебе перконати допомогти нам? What's it going to take to convince you to help us? What are some of the arguments that can be used to help us? Вони б це зробили? Would they do that? Would they do that? Я маю йому допомогти. Він мій друг. I have to help him. He's my friend. He's my friend. Ти готовий до іспиту? Are you ready for the test? Are you ready for the exam? Всі ваші друзі будуть там. All your friends will be there. All your friends will be there. Це провина Тома. It's Tom's own fault. It's Tom's fault. Я зробив би це, якби ти мене не зупинила. I would have gone through with it if you hadn't stopped me. I'd do it if you hadn't stopped me. Проблема — це ви. You're the problem. The problem is you. Я дуже добре знаю математику. I'm very good at math. I know very well about mathematics. Про це не турбуйся! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! Я вважав, що у Тома добрий план. I thought Tom's plan was a good one. I thought Tom had a good plan. Ці двері не відкриються. This door won't open. This door won't open. Вона говорить китайською. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Ваша присутність тут багато для мене значить. Your being here means a lot to me. Your presence here means a lot to me. Поволі, будь ласка. Slowly, please. Slowly, please. Зробімо торт. Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. Ми рішенням задоволені. We're pleased with the decision. We're happy with our decision. Ви з Томом побилися? Did you have a fight with Tom? Did you and Tom fight? Я бачив його минулого тижня. I saw him last week. I saw him last week. З ким Том пішов у магазин? Who did Tom go shopping with? Who did Tom go to the store with? Зазаз же йдіть додому. Go home now. Why don't you go home? Я не вмію свистіти. I cannot whistle. I can't whistle. Ось як я готую рибу. This is how I cook fish. That's how I make fish. Де ти її взяв? Where did you get it? Where did you get it? Є імовірність того, що чоловік був вбитим. There's a possibility that the man was murdered. There is a probability that the man was killed. Вони мої сестри. They are my sisters. They're my sisters. Їх атакували. They were attacked. They were attacked. Він щойно прибув. He had just arrived. He just arrived. Я обожнюю кіно. I love movies. I love movies. Ми всі чогось хочемо. We all want something. We all want something. Студентам вона подобається. The students like it. Students like it. Я не знаю, до кого мені слід звернутися. I don't know who to turn to. I don't know who I should address. Їй подобаються тварини. She likes animals. She likes animals. Мені потрібно піти поговорити з начальником. I have to go talk to the manager. I need to go talk to the chief. Відкрий свою валізу. Open your suitcase. Open your suitcase. Вона прожила щасливе життя. She lived a happy life. She lived a happy life. Він із Генуї. He comes from Genoa. He's from Genoa. Яка з сумок твоя? Which bag is yours? Which of your bags? Ти пам'ятаєш, як закінчується цей фільм? Do you remember how this movie ends? Do you remember when this movie ends? Вона докорила йому за те, що він порушив обіцянку. She accused him of having broken his word. She reproved him for breaking his promise. Том вас побачить. Tom will see you. Tom will see you. У мене з'явилися плани. I made plans. I had plans. На документі стояв його підпис. The document bore his signature. His signature was on the document. Чому це має значення зараз? What does that matter now? Why does it matter now? Дай мені знати, якщо є щось, що я можу зробити. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Не хвилюйтеся, я зроблю це. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. У мене є кілька ідей. I have a few ideas. I have a few ideas. Але нiхто не мiг менi доромогти. But no man could help me. But I can't help anyone. Я втомлений від довгої прогулянки. I am tired from a long walk. I'm tired of taking a long walk. Дівчина боялася власної тіні. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. The girl feared her own shadow. Ви не такий, як інші. You aren't like the others. You're not like the others. Я невинний. I'm innocent. I'm innocent. Ти виходив надвір вчора ввечері? Did you go out last night? Did you go outside last night? Я був заслабкий, щоб встати з ліжка. I was too weak to get out of bed. I was too weak to get out of bed. Яка у вас улюблена їжа? What's your favorite kind of food? What is your favorite food? Перепрошую, ти хто? Pardon, who are you? Excuse me, who are you? Ти ніколи не будеш сам. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Чому б Том хотів зробити це, якщо він не зобов'язаний цього робити? Why would Tom want to do that if he doesn't have to? Why would Tom want to do that if he doesn't have to do it? Ви не зобов'язані мені телефонувати. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Вже час додому. It's time to go home. It's time to go home. Спробуй зрозуміти. Try to understand. Try to understand. Звичайно, плезіозаври могли плавати. Of course, plesiosaurs were able to swim. Of course, plezisauruss could swim. Том примусив мене прийти сюди. Tom made me come here. Tom made me come here. Я зробив спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. Мій син вищий від мене. My son is taller than I am. My son is superior to me. Ви знали, що Том колись жив у Бостоні? Did you know Tom used to live in Boston? Did you know Tom once lived in Boston? Ніщо більше мене не лякає. Nothing scares me anymore. Nothing scares me any more. Том хворіє. Tom's sick. Tom is sick. Вони друзі Тома. They're friends of Tom's. They're Tom's friends. Я звик важко працювати. I'm used to working hard. I'm used to working hard. Ця програма має інтуїтивний інтерфейс користувача. This program has an unintuitive user interface. This application has an intuitive user interface. Моя перша машина була блакитна. My first car was blue. My first car was blue. Я б не здивувався, якби сьогодні ввечері пішов сніг. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed tonight. Я повинен відмовити. I must decline. I have to say no. Що ти їй сказав? What did you say to her? What did you tell her? Том товариський. Tom is sociable. Tom's friendly. Слідкуйте за своїми фінансами. Keep track of your finances. Watch your finances. Він був занадто сонний, щоб читати вечірню газету. He was too sleepy to read an evening paper. He was too sleepy to read the evening newspaper. Все в шоколаді. Everything is alright. It's all in chocolate. Земля вкрита лісами. The land is clothed with woods. The earth is covered with forests. Хіба ти не збираєшся робити це знову? Aren't you going to do that again? Aren't you going to do it again? Мені шкода, що я зруйнував твоє весілля. I'm sorry I ruined your wedding. I'm sorry I ruined your wedding. Ти потрібна в моїй команді. I need you on my team. I need you on my team. Том не хоче чекати в черзі. Tom doesn't want to wait in line. Tom doesn't want to wait in line. Я збентежений. I'm discouraged. I'm confused. У популярній культурі, фраза "Аллах акбар" стала мало не синонімом до тероризму. In popular culture the phrase “Allahu akbar” has become almost synonymous with terrorism. In popular culture, the phrase "Allah akbar" became almost synonymous with terrorism. Я дуже голодний. I'm really hungry. I'm very hungry. Я їбав у рот та дупу твоє місто. Fuck your city. I ate in your mouth and ass your town. Можливо, ви з ним зустрінетесь. You might meet him. Maybe you'll meet him. Це моя провина, а не ваша. It's my fault, not yours. It's my fault, not yours. Можливо, у Тома зламалася машина. Maybe Tom's car broke down. Maybe Tom's got a car broken. Не панікуйте! Don't panic! Don't panic! Тут дуже галасливо. It's really noisy here. It's very noisy here. Сподіваюся, ти не боїшся. I hope that you aren't afraid. I hope you're not afraid. Я думав, що це правда. I thought it was true. I thought it was true. Том, може бути, позичив гроші, які йому були потрібні, у когось іншого. Tom might've borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Tom, maybe, borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Можеш зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do it right now? Чому ви це зробили? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? Я іноземка. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Вони мене побачили. They saw me. They saw me. У Тома блискуче майбутнє. Tom has a brilliant future. Tom has a bright future. Я не знаю, як вам дякувати. I don't know how to thank you. I don't know how to thank you. На Місяці немає повітря. There's no air on the moon. There is no air on the moon. Ми теж хочемо добре провести час. We want to have fun, too. We also want to have a good time. У тебе мало книжок. You have few books. You don't have the books. Я пив каву. I drank the coffee. I drank coffee. Я забула адресу. I forgot the address. I forgot the address. Том шукає Мері. Tom has been looking for Mary. Tom's looking for Mary. Мого робота звати Маручі. My robot's name is Maruchi. My job is called Maruchi. Том лишив у нас свою парасольку. Tom left his umbrella at our place. Tom left his umbrella with us. Я ніколи уявити не міг, що це трапиться. I never imagined this would happen. I never imagined it would happen. Вони повинні були одружитися в травні. They were to have got married in May. They were to get married in May. Том здатний це зробити. Tom is able to do that. Tom is able to do it. Чому б тобі не зателефонувати до служби клієнтської підтримки? Why don't you call customer service? Why don't you call the client support service? Я не розмовляю ані французькою, ані німецькою. I can't speak French or German. I don't speak French or German. Ти чуєш пташиний спів? Do you hear the birds singing? Can you hear a bird's song? Нам із Томом все ще нудно. Tom and I are still bored. Tom and I are still bored. Йдете? You're going? Are you coming? Том не пише мені з минулого жовтня. Tom hasn't written to me since last October. Tom hasn't written to me since last October. Це ти запропонував подивитися цей фільм. It was you that suggested seeing that movie. You offered to watch this movie. Ти не могла би відчинити вікно? Would you mind opening the window? Could you open the window? Розлучімося. Let's get divorced. Let's split up. Я знаю, що ти щасливий. I know that you're happy. I know you're happy. Том сказав, що побалакає з Мері. Tom said he'll talk to Mary. Tom said he'd talk to Mary. У мене мало книжок. I have few books. I don't have the books. Том — єдиний чоловік у комітеті. Tom is the only man on the committee. Tom is the only man on the committee. Моя температура 38 градусів. My temperature is 38 degrees. My temperature is 38 degrees. Можеш віддати книжку тому, хто її хоче. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to the person who wants it. Мій собака ніяк не перестане хропіти. My dog won't stop snoring. My dog won't stop snoreing. Ти добре відпочив? Did you have a good rest? Are you having a good time? Для вас я ніколи не занадто зайнятий. I'm never too busy for you. I'm never too busy for you. Хтось з'їв все печиво. Somebody ate all the biscuits. Someone ate all the cookies. Яке ваше улюблене місце в Бостоні, де можна поїсти? Where's your favorite place to eat in Boston? What's your favorite place in Boston where you can eat? Я запалив детонатор. I lit the fuse. I lit a detonator. Його новий фільм викликає розчарування. His new movie is disappointing. His new film is frustrating. Я теж. Same here. Me, too. Піду скажу їм. I'll go let them know. I'll go tell them. Ти і я - ми обидва повинні піклуватися про собаку. Both you and I must take care of the dog. You and me - we both have to take care of the dog. Я сильно за тобою сумуватиму. I'll miss you so much. I'll miss you a lot. Подивіться-но на те болото. Look at that swamp. Look at that swamp. Школа знаходиться в п'яти кілометрах від мого будинку. The school is three miles from my house. The school is in five kilometres away from my house. Том відкрив шкаф. Tom opened the closet. Tom opened the case. Том написав пісню про Мері. Tom has written a song about Mary. Tom wrote the song about Mary. Чому дитя плаче? Why is the baby crying? Why is the baby crying? Техас майже вдвічі більший за Німеччину. Texas is almost twice the size of Germany. Texas is almost twice as big as Germany. Зелена зелень зеленить зелену зелень. Green green green green green. Green green green green green green. Розглянемо факти. Consider the facts. Consider the facts. Ви намагаєтеся зробити так, щоб мене звільнили? Are you trying to get me fired? Are you trying to get me fired? Том пішов. Tom is gone. Tom's gone. Вона студентка. She's a student. She's a student. Я знаю, де ти працюєш. I know where you work. I know where you work. Я ніколи не стверджував, що говорю французькою. I never claimed that I could speak French. I never claimed to speak French. Я це дуже не люблю. I hate that. I don't like that very much. У мене є адвокат. I have a lawyer. I have a lawyer. Мої тітка й дядько живуть у Франції. My uncle and aunt live in France. My aunt and uncle live in France. У Тома піднесений настрій. Tom is upbeat. Tom's cheery. Том сказав, що він продав свою машину Мері. Tom said that he sold his car to Mary. Tom said he sold his car to Mary. Том розлючений. Tom is furious. Tom is angry. Чому ти так розізлився? Why did you get so angry? Why are you so angry? Віра святкує Великдень? Is Vera celebrating Easter? Faith celebrates Easter? Пуголовки стають жабами. Tadpoles become frogs. Bigheads become frogs. Том любить грецький йогурт. Tom likes Greek yogurt. Tom likes Greek yoghurt. Не смійся! Don't laugh. Don't laugh! Я забула свій пароль. I've forgotten my password. I forgot my password. Коли я вперше побачив тебе, я переплутав тебе з твоєю сестрою. I mistook you for your sister when I first saw you. When I first saw you, I confused you with your sister. Том сказав мені, що не хоче спати. Tom told me he wasn't sleepy. Tom told me he didn't want to sleep. Я скінчив роботу. I finished the work. I'm done. Я обожнюю цю програму. I love that program. I love this program. Їй хотілося розплакатися. She felt like crying. She wanted to cry. Ти любиш твердий сир? Do you like cheese? Do you like solid cheese? Чи не могли б ви викликати мені таксі? Would you like me to call a taxi? Could you call me a cab? Команда мала перевагу над опонентами. The team had advantage over their opponents. The team had an advantage over opponents. У Тома багато дивних ідей. Tom has lots of weird ideas. Tom has a lot of weird ideas. Алжир не хоче війни. Algeria does not want war. Algiers don't want war. Ви на неї зовсім не схожі. You're not anything like her. You don't look like her at all. Мені зараз немає чого робити. I have nothing to do now. I don't have anything to do right now. Я вже сказала про це Тому. I've already told Tom about it. I've already said it to Tom. Том щовечора миє посуд. Tom does the dishes every night. Tom wash dishes every night. Ти неймовірний. You're incredible. You're amazing. Вона грає в американський футбол. She's playing football. She plays American football. Чому ви танцюєте? Why are you dancing? Why are you dancing? Я люблю цих трьох дітлахів. I love those three kids. I love these three kids. Він був у кімнаті сам-один. He was all alone in the room. He was in the room alone. Том з тобою поговорив? Did Tom talk to you? Did Tom talk to you? Я можу мати рацію. I may be right. I can be right. Ти запросив Тома на вечірку? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Том реаліст. Tom is realistic. Tom realistic. Ти відповів на запитання Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? Том відрощує бороду. Tom is growing a beard. Tom grows his beard. Через тебе я втратив апетит. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. Because of you, I've lost my appetite. Я повернуся десь за місяць. I'll be back in about a month. I'll be back in about a month. Я знаю кілька людей, які говорять французькою. I know a few people who speak French. I know a few people who speak French. Цей пан - дуже відомий піаніст. The gentleman is a very famous pianist. This gentleman is a very famous pianist. Я люблю рибу. I love fish. I love fish. Я вирішив одружитися з нею. I've decided to marry her. I decided to marry her. Том і гадки не мав, що поводився нечемно. Tom had no idea that he was being impolite. Tom had no idea he was being rude. Просто зараз тут нікого немає. Nobody is there right now. There's no one here right now. Том та Мері обоє безробітні. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Tom and Mary are both unemployed. Цей острів у дев'ятнадцятому віці належав Франції. This island belonged to France in the 19th century. This island was owned by France at the age of nineteen. Ви бачили, як Том на вас подивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see Tom look at you? Хто вас привів? Who brought you in? Who brought you? Мої батьки померли, коли я була мала. My parents died when I was a kid. My parents died when I was little. Будь ласка, не торкайтеся мене. Please don't touch me. Please don't touch me. Не заплющуй очі. Keep your eyes open. Don't close your eyes. Більше ніколи не мене не дивись. Don't ever look at me again. Don't ever look at me again. Ви вмієте лаятися французькою? Do you know how to swear in French? Do you know how to swear in French? Заробітна плата змінюється в залежності від віку працівника. Wages vary in relation to the age of the worker. The income changes depending on the employee's age. Вона прокинулася. She woke up. She woke up. Хіба ти не робитимеш цього сьогодні? Aren't you going to do that today? Aren't you going to do that today? Екзамен з хімії був як раз плюнути. The chemistry exam was a doddle. Examen of chemistry was to spit just once. Жінка була сурогатною матір'ю дитини. The woman was the child's surrogate mother. The woman was a surrogate mother of the child. Том про тебе згадував. Tom has mentioned you. Tom mentioned you. Ти повинен знати сам себе. You should know yourself. You must know yourself. Я не навмисно. I didn't mean it. I'm not deliberate. Мого імені, здається, немає в списку. My name doesn't seem to be on the list. My name doesn't seem on the list. Дуже радий вас бачити. I'm very glad to see you. It's very nice to see you. Вбийте. Kill. Kill it. Дуже малоймовірно, що Том це зробить коли-небудь ще раз. Tom will very unlikely ever do that again. It's very unlikely Tom will ever do it again. План працює. The plan is working. The plan works. Мені не потрібна робота. I don't need a job. I don't need a job. Я проста дівчина. I'm a simple girl. I'm just a girl. Том був надзвичайно сердитий. Tom was really mad. Tom was extremely angry. Я би хотів жити в Бостоні. I wish I could live in Boston. I'd like to live in Boston. Хіба ти не розлючена на Тома? Aren't you mad at Tom? Aren't you angry with Tom? Я думаю, вам треба проігнорувати репліку Тома. I think you should ignore Tom's remark. I think you should ignore Tom's rap. Ви виглядаєте заклопотаними. You seem busy. You look busy. Вам не обов'язково казати мені, як робити це. You don't need to tell me how to do that. You don't have to tell me how to do it. Ми вже дуже давно разом. We've been together a long time. We've been together a long time ago. Ми так думаємо. We think so. That's what we think. Я не забула. I haven't forgotten. I didn't forget. Мені подобається твоя сорочка. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Які ж все-таки це гарні цуцики! What lovely puppies they are! They're beautiful cuckoos, indeed! Дотримуйся своїх обіцянок. Keep your promises. Keep your promises. Я вечеряю о чверті по сьомій. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner four to seven. Не можна заперечити той факт, що він цього не зробив. The fact that he did not do it cannot be denied. The fact that he did not do so cannot be denied. З особистих причин. For personal reasons. For personal reasons. В мене не було часу. I didn't have the time. I didn't have time. Тобі треба бути обережнішим. You should take better care of yourself. You need to be careful. Нас ніхто не кликав. Nobody called us. No one called us. Ще не час їсти. It's not time to eat yet. It's not time to eat yet. Пожежа викликала паніку в театрі. The fire caused a panic in the theater. The fire caused panic in the theater. Але в мене немає грошей. But I have no money. But I don't have any money. Життя жорстке, але я жорсткіший. Life is hard, but I am harder. Life's tough, but I'm more tough. Дозвольте мені знову вас поцілувати. Allow me to kiss you again. Let me kiss you again. Спектакль у четвер. The show's Thursday. Spectal Thursday. Пообіцяйте мені, що прийдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you'll come. Я знаю Джона з 1976 року. I've known John since 1976. I know John since 1976. Ми — добра команда. We're a good team. We're a good team. Її підозри справдилися. Her suspicions were right. Her suspicions came true. Том з вами не йде, чи не так? Tom isn't going with you, is he? Tom's not coming with you, is he? Маєш карту? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? Ти збентежений. You're confused. You're confused. Корабель змінив свій курс. The ship changed its course. The ship changed its course. Тобі потрібно їсти набагато більше овочів. You should eat a lot more vegetables. You need to eat a lot more vegetables. Прийдеш до мене на млинці? Want to come over to my place for pancakes? Will you come to see me on a pancake? Яка потворна краватка. That's an ugly tie. What a ugly tie. Він любить сніг. He likes snow. He likes snow. Том був у шоці, коли я йому сказав, що купила Мері. Tom was shocked when I told him what Mary had bought. Tom was shocked when I told him that I had bought Mary. Цього недостатньо. That doesn't suffice. That's not enough. Світло не горить. The light is off. The light's not burning. Том не активний. Tom isn't active. Tom's not active. Ви знаменитий. You're famous. You're famous. Хочете вивчити французьку? Do you want to learn French? Would you like to learn French? Том майже ніколи не слухає радіо. Tom hardly ever listens to the radio. Tom hardly ever listens to the radio. Родина снідає на вулиці. The family is eating breakfast outdoors. The family breakfasts on the street. Ми не змогли цього зробити. We haven't been able to do that. We couldn't do that. Такого не забути. It's not something you forget. Don't forget that one. Хвилинку! Не кладіть слухавку! Wait a minute! Hang on! Don't hang up! Том, мабуть, був наляканий. Tom must have been scared. Tom must have been scared. Це, мабуть, вам. This must be for you. It's probably for you. Якого плану роботу ви мені пропонуєте? What kind of job are you offering me? What's the job plan you're offering me? Сова — нічний птах. The owl is a nocturnal animal. The owl is a nightbird. Я купила Тому годинник. I bought Tom a watch. I bought that. That's why I bought the watch. Минуло сорок років. Forty years passed. Forty years passed. Це тобі здається правильним? Does this seem right to you? Does that seem right to you? Цей багатій жадібний. This rich man is greedy. This rich greedy man. У чому була ваща місія? What was your mission? What was the significance of the mission? Я політик. I'm a politician. I'm a politician. Пасажирвський літак вилетів до США. A passenger airplane took off for the USA. The passenger plane flew to the United States. Мені дуже хотілося спати. I felt very sleepy. I really wanted to sleep. Цей день - неділя. Today is Sunday. That day is Sunday. Нідерланди розташовані неподалік від Сполученного Королівства. The Netherlands is close to the UK. The Netherlands is located near the United Kingdom. Я колись був водієм вантажівки. I used to drive a truck. I used to be a truck driver. Зніми капелюх. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Я хотіла би найняти когось, хто говорить французькою. I'd like to hire someone who speaks French. I'd like to hire someone who speaks French. Том зараз спить. Tom is sleeping now. Tom's asleep now. Вона дуже хоче схуднути. She really wants to lose weight. She really wants to lose weight. Том підписав угоду про нерозголошення. Tom signed an NDA. Tom signed a non-disclosure agreement. Самі живий. Sami is alive. Sami's alive. Я встаю з ліжка дуже рано. I get up very early. I get out of bed very early. Не маю часу на те, щоб допомогти тобі з роботою. I have no time to help you with the work. I don't have time to help you with your work. Я надіслав текстове повідомлення Тому. I texted Tom. I sent a text message to Tom. Заняття у школі розпочинаються о дев'ятій годині School begins at nine. School activities begin at nine o'clock Том чекав, щоб Мері пішла спати. Tom waited for Mary to go to sleep. Tom waited for Mary to go to bed. Том не хоче бути головним. Tom doesn't want to be the boss. Tom doesn't want to be in charge. Це не варте зусиль. It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the effort. Том все ще вважає, що Мері збрехала? Does Tom still think Mary lied? Tom still thinks Mary lied? Я не люблю запаху часнику. I don't like the smell of garlic. I don't like the smell of garlic. Обгрунтування просте. The rationale is simple. The basis is simple. Мені платять не так багато, як хотілося б. I don't get paid as much as I'd like. They don't pay me as much as they would like. Я перепрошую, але я не зможу з тобою повечеряти. Sorry, but I can't have dinner with you tonight. I'm sorry, but I can't have dinner with you. Безперервний шум оглушив нас. The continual noise deafened us. The constant noise choked us. Мене звільнено? Am I fired? Am I fired? Том зробив собі чашку чаю. Tom made himself a cup of tea. Tom made a cup of tea. Ми перевіримо. We'll check. We'll check. Ти ж зараз розлючений? You're angry right now, aren't you? You're angry now, aren't you? Том не може згадати. Tom can't remember. Tom can't remember. Давайте перевіримо. Let's check. Let's verify it. Я з ними працювала. I've worked with them. I worked with them. Мені здається, Том не поїхав до Бостона. I think Tom didn't go to Boston. I don't think Tom went to Boston. Ви з Томом зустрічаєтеся? Are you and Tom dating? Do you and Tom meet? 100 років ти мені снився! I couldn't care less about you. I've had 100 years of dreams! Хтось угнав мою машину. Somebody stole my car. Someone drove my car. Він чесна людина, тому його люблять усі. As he is honest, he is loved by everybody. He is an honest man, so he is loved by all. Мені цікаво, чи вчора ввечері Том це зробив. I wonder whether or not Tom did that last night. I wonder if Tom did it last night. Я відчула, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt something was wrong. У собаки чотири лапи. A dog has four legs. The dog has four feet. Том лише трохи вищий від Мері. Tom is just a little taller than Mary is. Tom is just a little higher than Mary. Том добре грає у волейбол. Tom is a good volleyball player. Tom is good at volleyball. Я дав Тому шанс. I gave Tom a chance. I gave him a chance. Ти мусиш піти. You have to leave. You have to go. Я хотів попросити Тома про послугу. I wanted to ask Tom a favour. I wanted to ask Tom for a favor. Щасливої дороги. Have a nice trip. Have a good trip. Гроші не ростуть на деревах. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Я подивився у дзеркало. I looked in the mirror. I looked in the mirror. Я не хочу робити цього з Томом. I don't want to do that with Tom. I don't want to do this to Tom. Вантажівка збила собаку. A truck hit the dog. The truck hit the dog. Ти, здається, розумна. You seem intelligent. You seem smart. Ви хочете полетіти у космос? Do you want to go to outer space? You want to fly into space? Том закричав. Tom yelled. Tom yelled. Рахунок, будь ласка. The check, please. The bill, please. Всі коробкі були повні. Every box was full. All the boxers were full. Ви не такі розумні, як я. You're not as smart as me. You're not as smart as me. Том дуже неввічливий. Tom is really rude. Tom is very rude. Я нічого не їла від самого сніданку. I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. I haven't eaten anything from breakfast myself. Взагалi, я задоволний експериментом. On the whole I am satisfied with the experiment. Actually, I'm addicted to the experiment. Ти повинен перестати допомогати Мері. You must stop helping Mary. You have to stop helping Mary. Сьогодні день Святого Валентина. Today is Valentine's Day. Today's Valentine's Day. Том, мабуть, заможний. Tom must be rich. Tom must be wealthy. Колись в цій окрузі був художній музей. There used to be an art museum in this neighborhood. There was once an art museum in this district. Чутки були правдиві. The rumors were true. The rumors were true. У кожній нетривіальній програмі є хоча б одна помилка. Every non-trivial program has at least one bug. Each non-trival program has at least one error. Том міг купити все, що йому потрібно. Tom could buy everything he needed. Tom could buy everything he needed. Хтось відчинив вікно. Someone opened the window. Someone opened the window. Чому Том ще цього не зробив? Why hasn't Tom done that yet? Why didn't Tom do that yet? Тобі слід сказати Тому, щоб він більше цього не робив. You should tell Tom not to do that anymore. You should tell him not to do it again. Я сказала дружині, що Том добре розуміється на математиці. I told my wife Tom is good at mathematics. I told my wife that Tom had a good understanding of mathematics. Дякую за книжку. Thank you for the book. Thank you for the book. Я люблю працювати. I like to work. I like to work. Кому ти купив цю машину? Who did you buy this car for? Who did you buy this car for? Дайте мені стакан води, будь ласка. Give me a glass of water, please. Give me a glass of water, please. Вона ловить слова з його рота. She hangs on every word he says. She catches words from his mouth. Перепрошую, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. Excuse me, I forgot. Улюбленним заняттям Мері було читання філософських книг, у той час як Том надавав перевагу мастурбуванню. Mary's favorite pastime was reading philosophy books, while Tom preferred masturbating. Mary's favorite occupation was the reading of philosophical books, while Tom preferred masturbating. Том та Мері бояться Джона. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Tom and Mary are afraid of John. Я заплатив наперед. I paid in advance. I paid ahead. Я не задоволений. I'm not satisfied. I'm not happy. Як ти дістанешся до Бостона? How will you get to Boston? How do you get to Boston? Том умовив Мері позичити йому гроші. Tom got Mary to lend him some money. Tom persuaded Mary to lend him money. Він зараз біжить. He is running now. He's running away now. Хлопець намалював картину на стіні. The boy drew a picture on the wall. The guy painted the picture on the wall. Можна скористатися вашою газонокосаркою? May I use your lawnmower? Can I use your lawn mower? Ти віриш, що зірки керують нашею долею? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe the stars control our destiny? Він прийшов додому через три години після цього. He came home three hours after that. He came home three hours after that. Ми слухаємо. We're listening. We listen. Я хочу, щоб мені повернули мій телефон. I want my phone back. I want my phone back. Скільки у вас яблук? How many apples do you have? How many apples do you have? Можна я щось запитаю? Can I ask something? Can I ask you something? Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you aren't being followed. Make sure you're not being followed. У неї блакитні очі. She has blue eyes. She has blue eyes. Це не стосується учнів. This does not apply to students. This does not refer to students. Я чекатиму до завтрашнього вечора. I'll wait until tomorrow night. I'll wait till tomorrow night. Чому ви це робите? Why do you do that? Why do you do that? Ти знаєш забагато. You know too much. You know too much. Вам спати не хочеться? Aren't you sleepy? You don't want to sleep? Я не знаю, що це таке. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Щось не так із гальмами. Something is wrong with the brakes. Something's wrong with the brakes. Том сказав Мері, що вона йому подобається. Tom told Mary he liked her. Tom told Mary he liked her. Я пішов пішки. I went on foot. I went on foot. Том мене уникає. Tom avoids me. Tom's avoiding me. Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than him. She's three years younger than he is. Зазвичай я йду пішки. I usually walk. I usually walk. Він не віртуоз. He is not a virtuoso. He's not virtuoso. Ти перебірливий у їжі? Are you a picky eater? Are you selective about food? Це Том вбив кішку Мері. Tom is the one that killed Mary the cat. Tom killed Mary's cat. Мені шкода, що я не можу піти. I'm sorry I can't go. I'm sorry I can't leave. Я хутко ретирувався. I made a quick exit. I was quick to reshine. Він поїхав до магазину. He went to the shop. He went to the store. Я вдарив його вправно і сильно. I hit him good and hard. I hit him skillfully and hard. Я б хотіла знати, чому ви це зробили. I'd like to know why you did that. I'd like to know why you did it. Де туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Дай-но допоможу тобі з твоїм багажем. Let me carry your suitcase for you. Let me help you with your luggage. Я маю знайти Тома. I must find Tom. I have to find Tom. Чим я можу вам допомогти? How could I help you? How can I help you? Мені подобається ваше волосся. I like your hair. I like your hair. Постав книжку знову до книжкової шафи. Put the book back in the bookcase. Put the book back in the book cabinet. Ми щойно приїхали. We've just arrived. We just got here. Мене щойно укусив комар. A mosquito just bit me. I just got bitten by a mosquito. Тобі подобається цей гаманець? Do you like this wallet? Do you like this wallet? Ти все ще дозволяєш Тому цим займатися? Do you still allow Tom to do that? Are you still allowing that to happen? Том чекає на відповідь. Tom is waiting for an answer. Tom's waiting for an answer. Том із Мері прийдуть на свято? Are Tom and Mary coming to the party? Tom and Mary are coming for the holiday? Зателефонуйте йому, будь ласка. Please telephone him. Call him, please. Це маленький будинок, проте він нам підійде. This is a small house, but it will do for us. It's a small house, but it's gonna suit us. Можете відповідати на запитання. You may answer the question. You can answer the questions. Я лише хотів перевірити свою скриньку електронної пошти. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my email box. Не дивись так на мене. Don't give me that look. Don't look at me like that. Чому ви так рано приїхали? Why did you arrive so early? Why are you here so early? Я люблю ходити в кіно. I like to go to the movies. I like to go to the movies. Давайте відпочинемо. Let's take a rest. Let's rest. Мені скоро тридцять. I'm turning thirty. I'll be thirty soon. Ти говориш датською? Do you speak Danish? You speak Danish? Том не такий, як я. Tom isn't like me. Tom's not like me. Вогонь згас. The fire is out. Fire's down. Діти мають бути нагодовані. Children need to be fed. Children are supposed to be fed. Він мій учитель. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. Ми граємо у гру з нашими гостями. We are playing a game with our visitors. We play a game with our guests. Прийшла лише Мері. No one came except Mary. Mary is the only one who has arrived. Я ловлю рибу майже кожного дня. I fish almost every day. I catch fish almost every day. Я все ще планую це зробити. I still plan to do that. I'm still planning to do it. Я хотів би заплатити, будь ласка. I would like to pay, please. I'd like to pay, please. Я скажу їй, що ти тут. I'll tell her you're here. I'll tell her you're here. Том — не кузен Мері. Tom isn't Mary's cousin. Tom is not a cousin of Mary. Вони не ваші, так? These aren't yours, are they? They're not yours, are they? Мама зараз грає у теніс. Mum is playing tennis now. Mom's playing tennis right now. З ким ти живеш? With whom do you live? Who are you living with? Коли я повернулася, моєї машини не було. When I came back, my car was gone. When I came back, my car wasn't there. Том не думає, що може зробити це самостійно. Tom doesn't think that he can do that by himself. Tom doesn't think he can do it on his own. Вона поїхала на вокзал, щоб провести його. She went to the station to see him off. She went to the station to conduct it. Цей вітер - ознака бурі, що наближається. This wind is a sign of a storm. This wind is a sign of the approaching storm. Я загубився у лабіринті. I got lost in the maze. I'm lost in the maze. Дівчина, що стоїть там, — це Мері. The girl standing there is Mary. The girl standing there is Mary. Нічого не визнавайте. Don't admit anything. Don't admit anything. Я люблю Різдво. I love Christmas. I love Christmas. Ось моя картка. Here's my card. Here's my card. Шкода, що я не граю на гітарі. I wish I could play guitar. Too bad I'm not playing the guitar. Ти маєш час. You have time. You have time. Можливо, тобі варто це обговорити з Томом. You might want to discuss it with Tom. Maybe you should talk it over with Tom. Я думав, що це може вам сподобатися. I thought that you might like that. I thought you might like that. Астрономiя - це наука про небеснi тiла. Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies. Astronomy is the science of the celestial bodies. Том тобі сказав? Did Tom tell you? Tom told you? Вивчати іноземні мови нудно. Learning foreign languages is boring. Learning foreign languages is boring. Я хочу, щоб Тома заарештували за вбивство. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom arrested for murder. Що ти хочеш, щоб я щодо цього зробив? What do you want me to do about it? What do you want me to do about it? Пол тільки що подзвонив. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Вони скажуть: «Ага!» "Aha!" they would say. They'll say, "Aga!" Я колись умів це робити. I used to be able to do that. I once knew how to do it. Том дав Мері повідомлення Джона. Tom gave Mary John's message. Tom gave Mary a message to John. Хіба це тебе не турбує? Aren't you annoyed by this? Doesn't that bother you? Сідайте, будь ласка, і закуріть. Please sit down and smoke. Please sit down and smoke. Мері, в якомусь сенсі, чарівна. Mary is kind of charming. Mary, in a sense, is charming. Том плавав разом із сином. Tom swam with his son. Tom was swimming with his son. Рідше бачиш, більше любиш. Good fences make good neighbors. You see, you love more. Будинок Тома десь тут неподалік. Tom's house is around here somewhere. Tom's house is not far from here. У тебе є родина? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Ласкаво просимо до світу політики. Welcome to the world of politics. Welcome to the world of politics. Том не набагато старший від мене. Tom is not much older than me. Tom's not much older than I am. Сумніваюся, що Том зміг би це зробити самостійно. I doubt Tom could do that by himself. I doubt Tom could have done it on his own. Я люблю сніг. I like snow. I love snow. Не роби цього! Don't do it! Don't do it! Ти найгірша. You're the worst. You're the worst. Клас прийняв нового вчителя. The class accepted the new teacher. The class accepted a new teacher. Крига дуже холодна. Ice is very cold. The crisis is very cold. Можете купити шампунь? Can you buy shampoo? Can you buy a champagne? Вони довірилися Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Toh. Я виконаю цю роботу. I will carry through the work. I'll do this job. Так було завжди. That's how it's always been. It's always been like that. Твій велосипед такий самий, як і в мене. Your bicycle is similar to mine. Your bike is the same as mine. Незрозуміло, що автор намагається сказати. It is not clear what the writer is trying to say. It's unclear what the author is trying to say. Я знаю, що Том дотепний. I know that Tom is witty. I know Tom's funny. Він пішов за лікарем. He went for the doctor. He followed the doctor. Дивись на мене, коли я з тобою розмовляю, боягузе! Look at me when I talk to you, you coward! Look at me when I talk to you, coward! Твій друг надокучливий. Your friend is tiresome. Your friend is annoying. Я думаю, Тому треба більше їсти. I think Tom should eat more. I think we should eat more. Я не чекав, що Том там буде. I wasn't expecting Tom to be there. I didn't expect Tom to be there. Де навчається Том? Where does Tom study? Where is Tom studying? Том засмучений із-за цього. Tom is upset about this. Tom's upset about that. Земля обертається навколо Сонця. The Earth revolves around the sun. The earth revolves around the sun. Вам відомо, чий то автомобіль? Do you know whose car that is? Do you know who the car is? Він великий скрипаль. He's a great violinist. He's a big violinist. Вчора вона проспала більше 10 годин. She slept more than ten hours yesterday. Yesterday, she slept for more than 10 hours. Я знайшов місце для себе. I found myself a seat. I found a place for myself. Я обожнюю це місце! I love this place! I love this place! Том та Мері обоє зробили це знову. Tom and Mary both did that again. Tom and Mary both did it again. Що ми робитимемо з Томом? What are we going to do with Tom? What are we going to do with Tom? Я повинна компенсувати втрачений час. I must make up for lost time. I have to make up for the lost time. Їй не дуже подобається бейсбол. She doesn't like baseball very much. She doesn't really like baseball. Том знайшов хорошу роботу біля свого дому. Tom found a good job near his house. Tom found a good job near his home. Я допоміг Тому нести його валізи. I helped Tom carry his suitcases. I helped So carry his suitcases. Мені твоя думка не потрібна. I don't need your opinion. I don't need your opinion. Казахська мова - моя рідна мова. Kazakh is my native language. The Thai language is my native language. Він зробив це. He made it. He did it. У мене болить горло. I have a sore throat. My throat hurts. Том заплатив Мері. Tom paid Mary. Tom paid for Mary. Купи мені новий диск Шакіри, будь ласка. Please buy me the new Shakira CD. Buy me the new Shakira disc, please. Повертайся сюди. Get back here. Come back here. Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary was concerned. Tom said Mary was worried. Я не хочу, щоб він хвилювався. I don't want to worry him. I don't want him worried. Наша школа знаходиться поруч зі станцією. Our school is near the station. Our school is next to the station. Пацюки біжать із корабля, що тоне. Rats desert a sinking ship. The sticks run from a sinking ship. Нам тебе дуже бракуватиме. We're going to miss you a lot. We'll miss you very much. Ти боїшся комах? Are you afraid of insects? Are you afraid of insects? Візьми ще печива. Help yourself to more cookies. Take another cookie. Що тобі подобається їсти? What do you like to eat? What do you like eating? Він почав їсти свій бутерброд. He began to eat his sandwich. He started eating his sandwich. Саша-українка каже, що російська горілка містить більше алкоголю, ніж українська. Sasha the Ukrainian says that Russian vodka has more alcohol content than does Ukrainian vodka. Sasha Ukrainian says Russian vodka contains more alcohol than Ukrainian. Ми повинні впевнетися у тому, що люди знову розпочнуть працювати. We have to make sure people get back to work. We must be confident that people will start working again. Чому ви шкутильгаєте? Why are you limping? Why are you limping? Я ще зайнята. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. У мене захлопнулися двері. I locked myself out. I got the door locked. Вона не любить працювати. She doesn't like to work. She doesn't like to work. Квадратний корінь із шестиста дев'яти тисяч дев'ятисот шістдесяти одного — сімсот вісімдесят один. The square root of six hundred nine thousand nine hundred sixty-one is seven hundred eighty-one. The square root of six hundred nine thousand nine hundred sixty-six of one is seven hundred and eighty-one. Ти багато подорожуєш? Do you travel a lot? Are you traveling a lot? Це ніколи не зміниться. That'll never change. This will never change. Ви лікар, чи не так? You're a doctor, right? You're a doctor, aren't you? Том живе не один. Tom doesn't live alone. Tom doesn't live alone. Мені ніхто не повірив. No one believed me. Nobody believed me. Не має значення, скільки ти кажеш, що це твій будинок, будь ласка, припини ходити оголеним (оголеною). It doesn't matter how much you keep saying this is your house, please stop walking around naked. It doesn't matter how much you say it's your house, please stop walking naked. Дощ закінчився! It has stopped raining. The rain is over! Ти це повністю прочитав? Did you read it entirely? Did you read that whole thing? Ми можемо це зробити. We can do it. We can do it. Це не єдина наша проблема. That's not our only problem. It's not our only problem. Ігноруйте їх. Ignore them. Ignore them. Ти йдеш на матч? Are you going to the game? Are you going to the match? Я загубила свої окуляри. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Він не мій кузен. He isn't my cousin. He's not my cousin. Том постукав у двері туалету. Tom knocked on the lavatory door. Tom knocked on the toilet door. Дай Тому відповідь. Answer Tom. Answer that question. Ви й дійсно думаєте, що Том та Мері у безпеці? Do you really think that Tom and Mary are safe? Do you really think Tom and Mary are safe? Це книжка. This is a book. It's a book. Ми хочемо допомогти. We want to help. We want to help. Я народився у жовтні. I was born in the month of October. I was born in October. Том збентежений. Tom's confused. Tom is confused. Я не задкую. I'm not backing out. I don't give up. Том може почекати. Tom might wait. Tom can wait. Я вважаю, що прийшов час мені піти від цього безладу. I think it's time for me to walk away from this mess. I think it's time for me to leave this mess. На горі багато мавп. There are many monkeys on the mountain. There's a lot of monkeys on the mountain. Мені дуже подобається бурбон. I like bourbon a lot. I really like bourbon. Ми почнемо завтра вранці. We'll begin tomorrow morning. We'll start tomorrow morning. Даю вам ще один шанс. I'm giving you one more chance. I give you another chance. Я знаю, що ти хочеш стати лікарем. I know that you want to become a doctor. I know you want to be a doctor. На жаль, вона відсутня. Unfortunately, she is absent. Unfortunately, it's missing. Я захоплююся вами. I admire you. I admire you. Ти знаєш, що це? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? Існує секретний прохід. There's a secret passage. There is a secret passage. Я живу в печері. I've been living in a cave. I live in a cave. Я витратив 3 тис. йен на новий компакт-диск. I spent 3000 yen on a new CD. I spent 3 yen on new CDs. Замовкніть і слухайте! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Ми пролітаємо над Тихим океаном. We are flying over the Pacific. We're flying over the Pacific Ocean. Відтоді я його не бачив. I haven't seen him since. I haven't seen him since. Можете вирішити цю задачу? Can you do this problem? Can you solve this problem? Я хотів співчуття. I wanted sympathy. I wanted compassion. Мама підсмажить нам кілька кільок на підвечірок. Mum's going to fry us some sprats for tea tonight. Mom frys us a few drops on the underage. Я американка. I am an American. I'm an American. Не зловживай моїм терпінням. Don't abuse my patience. Don't abuse my patience. Ви сказали, що вас звати Том? Did you say your name was Tom? Did you say your name was Tom? Я бачив Тома голим. I've seen Tom naked. I saw Tom naked. Самі мешкає в Сирії. Sami lives in Syria. She lives in Syria herself. Це речення. This is a sentence. It's a sentence. Мені потрібно зарядити мобільний телефон. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to charge my cell phone. Ти бачив Тома сьогодні вранці? Have you seen Tom this morning? Did you see Tom this morning? Вона це сказала просто із ввічивості. She just said that to be nice. She said that just from perpetuity. Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Ви змогли додзвонитися до Тома? Did you manage to get a hold of Tom? Could you reach Tom? Том працює на Мері? Does Tom work for Mary? Tom works for Mary? Я так їм і не сказав. I never told them. I never told them that. Яким ліжком ви хочете скористатися? Which bed do you want to use? Which beds do you want to use? Будь здорова! Gesundheit! Stay healthy! Ви, очевидно, маєте рацію. Apparently you are right. You're obviously right. Хіба ти не починаєш нервувати? Aren't you getting nervous? Aren't you starting to get nervous? Я з Північної Америки. I'm from North America. I'm from North America. Том та Мері скінчили? Are Tom and Mary done? Tom and Mary finished? Усі кажуть, що я схожа на батька. Everybody says I look like my father. Everyone says I look like my father. Це маленьке село. This is a small village. It's a small village. Ми не забудемо. We won't forget. We won't forget. Я потягнула за мотузку. I pulled the rope. I pulled for a rope. Вона порадила йому кинути пити. She advised him to stop drinking. She advised him to stop drinking. Це була спокійна ніч. It was a quiet night. It was a quiet night. Мені починають набридати воїни за соціальну справедливість. I'm getting fed up with social justice warriors. I'm getting tired of warriors for social justice. Я отримую освіту вдома. I'm homeschooled. I get an education at home. Мені здається, Тому не хотілося бути сьогодні тут. I think Tom didn't want to be here today. I don't think I wanted to be here today. Ти мені вже це казав. You've already told me that. You told me that before. Том мешкає в Бостоні? Does Tom live in Boston? Tom lives in Boston? Вона заслабка для того, щоб розмовляти. She's too weak to talk. She's too weak to talk. Я дала Тому ключ. I gave Tom the key. I gave Toh the key. Скільки живуть черепахи? How long does a turtle live? How many turtles live? Що ти придбав? What did you buy? What did you get? Він політичний махінатор. He's a wheeler-dealer. He's a political fan. Підіть принесіть мені ще одне пиво. Go get me another beer. Go get me another beer. Амнезія означає "втрата пам'яті". Amnesia means "loss of memory". Amnesia means "lost of memory." Мені не подобається теніс. I don't enjoy tennis. I don't like tennis. Це небагато коштує. It's not worth much. It's not worth much. Як цікаво! How exciting! How interesting! Я хотіла би поїхати. I'd like to go. I'd like to go. Том буде готувати. Tom will cook. Tom will cook. Він повернеться до Японії в середині травня. He will come back to Japan in the middle of May. He will return to Japan in mid-May. Буду лаконічною. I'll be brief. I'll be a laconic. Я на сьогодні все. I'm done for tonight. I'm done for today. Найкращі перукарі — голубі. The best hairdressers are gay. The best barbers are blues. Він друг мого брата. He's a friend of my brother's. He's my brother's friend. Око за око, зуб за зуб. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Я щойно її бачив. I just saw her. I just saw her. Том не такий розумний, як ви. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. На вечірку прийшло всього десять чоловік. Only ten people showed up for the party. Only ten people attended the party. Я не хочу розмовляти. I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk. Хіба ти завтра не повернешся? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Aren't you coming back tomorrow? Мона розраховувати на те, що ви будете тут завтра вчасно? Can I rely on you to be here on time tomorrow? Mona count on you being here tomorrow in time? Це має хоч якийсь сенс? Does it have any sense? Does that make any sense? Том надзвичайно задоволений. Tom is super happy. Tom is extremely satisfied. Звідки почнемо? Where do we start? Where do we start? Думаєте, Том знає, що відбувається? Do you think Tom knows what's going on? You think Tom knows what's going on? Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not really important. У мене закінчилася робота. I am out of work. I'm out of work. Не лишай мене тут. Don't leave me here. Don't leave me here. То хто? Then who? So who? Чому Том такий впертий? Why's Tom so stubborn? Why is Tom so stubborn? Сьогодні в школі наді мною сміялися. I got laughed at at school today. I was laughing at school today. Том дуже добре знає місто. Tom knows the city very well. Tom knows the city very well. Я проспав лише дві години. I only slept two hours. I've only slept for two hours. Ти знайшов свої контактні лінзи? Have you found your contact lenses? Did you find your contact lenses? Вихід справа. The exit is on the right. Let's get out of the way. Скільки це коштує? How much does it cost? How much is that? Де знаходиться посольство Нідерландів? Where is the Dutch embassy? Where is the Netherlands embassy? Моя мрія - бути лікарем. My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to be a doctor. Том сказав, що Мері в порядку. Tom said Mary is fine. Tom said Mary's fine. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes to talk about other people. So it's nice to talk about other people. Я дуже люблю котів. I like cats very much. I love cats. Хто ваш улюблений письменник? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Я аж ніяк не можу зробити це одна. I can't possibly do that alone. I can't do it alone. Я люблю складні задачі. I like challenges. I love complex problems. Том сказав, що він ще не зробив цього. Tom said that he hasn't done that yet. Tom said he hadn't done it yet. У неї два кота. Один білий, а інший чорний. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She's got two cats, one white and the other black. Цей прапор дуже красивий. This flag is very beautiful. This flag is very beautiful. Я співаю під дощем. I'm singing in the rain. I sing in the rain. Ці гроші допоможуть мені купити машину. This money will allow me to buy a car. This money will help me buy a car. Хіба ти не знала, що це таке? Don't you know what it is? Didn't you know what that was? Можете мені показати? Can you show me? Can you show me? Я прямий. I'm direct. I'm straight. Тобі слід їсти повільніше. You should eat slower. You should eat slower. Ненавиджу молоко. I hate milk. I hate milk. Я не пінгвін. I'm not a penguin. I'm not a penguin. Том вирішив одружитися на Мері. Tom decided to marry Mary. Tom decided to marry Mary. Я хотів вразити Тома. I wanted to impress Tom. I wanted to impress Tom. Ні, Томе, я не вийду за тебе заміж! No, Tom, I will not marry you! No, Tom, I won't marry you! Де ти ховався? Where did you hide? Where were you hiding? Ти божевільна. You're crazy. You're crazy. Ви були у лікаря? Did you see a doctor? Have you been to a doctor? Я сьогодні знайшов дуже гарну місцину. I discovered a very nice place today. I found a very nice place today. Він намагався стримати свій гнів. He tried to hold back his anger. He tried to control his anger. Зі мною ніхто не приїхав. No one came with me. No one came with me. Виходь на вулицю. Come outside. Go outside. В тебе немає жодної причини скаржитися ані на що. You don't have a single reason to complain about anything. You have no reason to complain about anything. Думаєте, Том зробив би це таким чином? Do you think Tom would've done it that way? Do you think Tom would do it that way? Ти екстраверт. You're extroverted. You're an extra. Він грузин. He's Georgian. He's a Georgian. Мері поклала олівець. Mary put down her pencil. Mary put the pencil down. Я чекаю з 2:30. I've been waiting since 2:30. I'm waiting with 2:30 p.m. Том не сказав Мері, чому вона йому не подобається. Tom didn't tell Mary why he didn't like her. Tom didn't tell Mary why he didn't like her. Я знав, що Том буде переможцем. I knew Tom would be the winner. I knew Tom would be the winner. Робіть це по черзі. Take turns. Do it in turn. Кажуть, що вона кохає його. It's said that she loves him. They say she loves him. Ти колись бачив кита? Did you ever see a whale? Have you ever seen a whale? Нікуди не ходи. Don't go anywhere. Don't move anywhere. Я хочу стати механіком. I want to become a mechanic. I want to become a mechanic. Він любить грати в футбол. He likes playing soccer. He likes to play football. Ви думаєте про Тома? Are you thinking about Tom? Are you thinking about Tom? Що ти можеш зробити для Тома? What can you do for Tom? What can you do for Tom? Хіба ви не прогресуєте? Aren't you making progress? Aren't you making progress? Вибач, я тебе кохаю. I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I love you. В моєму супі волосина. There's a hair in my soup. In my soup of hair. Ти не їси м'ясо? You don't eat meat? You don't eat meat? Я ходжу до церкви кожного дня. I go to church every day. I go to church every day. Я не хочу, щоб вона про це дізналася. I don't want her to find out. I don't want her to know about it. Мені зараз не хочеться танцювати. I don't feel like dancing now. I don't want to dance right now. Час та обставини приносять мудрість. Time and circumstances bring wisdom. Time and circumstances bring wisdom. Том не неповнолітній. Tom isn't a minor. Tom's not a minor. Блискавка вдарила у башту. Lightning struck the tower. Lightning hit the tower. Я пам'ятаю, як було першого разу. I remember the first time. I remember the first time it was. Том говорив з тобою про Мері? Did Tom talk to you about Mary? Tom talked to you about Mary? Ти не маєш жодного шансу. You don't stand a chance. You have no chance. Вона не хоче чекати на тебе. She doesn't want to wait for you. She doesn't want to wait for you. Я з'їв пончик. I ate a donut. I ate the donut. Ти коли-небудь була в Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Ти мій кузен? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? Скажіть Тому, щоб він був обережний. Tell Tom to be careful. Tell him to be careful. Ви брудні. You're dirty. You're dirty. Том не хоче носити джинси. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Я піду по них. I'll go get them. I'll go get them. На щастя, ніхто не постраждав. Luckily nobody got injured. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Дехто каже, що я непередбачувальний. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Some people say I'm unpredictable. Який безлад! What a mess! What a mess! Він почув крик про допомогу. He heard a cry for help. He heard a cry for help. Хіба ти не чула крик? Didn't you hear a scream? Didn't you hear a scream? Літати — це весело. Flying is fun. Flying is fun. Ви не могли би зателефонувати лікарю, будь ласка. Can you call a doctor, please? You couldn't call a doctor, please. Ти знаєш мову жестів? Do you know sign language? Do you know sign language? Сонцезахисні окуляри Тома все ще на столі. Tom's sunglasses are still on the table. Tom's sun protection glasses are still on the table. Я залишуся тут, допоки ви не повернетеся. I'll stay here till you get back. I'll stay here until you return. Він відмовився від цієї ідеї. He abandoned the idea. He gave up that idea. Це сміховинно. This is ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Я одягнула пальто. I put on my coat. I put on my coat. Гадаю, Том буде засмучений. I think Tom will be upset. I think Tom's gonna be upset. Том сказав, що сподівається, що ти будеш на вечірці. Tom said he hopes that you'll be at the party. Tom said he hoped you'd be at the party. Я зроблю вам кави. I'll fix you some coffee. I'll make you some coffee. Том вам дав щось для мене? Did Tom give you something for me? Tom gave you something for me? У мене є вино. I've got wine. I have wine. Він продає взуття. He sells shoes. He sells shoes. Ти також дуже гарненька. You're really pretty, too. You're also very pretty. Том намагається з вами зв'язатися прогягом кількох днів. Tom has been trying to contact you for days. Tom is trying to contact you for a few days. Ти віриш у вічне життя? Do you believe in eternal life? Do you believe in everlasting life? Поети пишуть поеми. Poets write poems. Poets write poems. Я думаю, що Том сумує за Мері. I think Tom misses Mary. I think Tom misses Mary. Він не піклується про своїх дітей. He doesn't take care of his children. He does not care for his children. Він купається у річці. He swims in the river. He's bathing in the river. Здається, що у Тома та Мері все в порядку. Tom and Mary seem fine. Tom and Mary seem to be all right. Мері говорить уві сні. Mary talks in her sleep. Mary talks in her dreams. Я пішла до банку. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. У Тома немає чаю. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom doesn't have any tea. Дивись на нас. Watch us. Look at us. Хто вас поцілував? Who kissed you? Who kissed you? Я не збираюся одружуватися із Сюзі. I'm not about to marry Suzie. I'm not going to marry Suzie. Ми кращі, ніж ви. We're better than you. We're better than you are. Не варто нервувати з-за таких дрібниць. You need not fret over such trifles. Don't be nervous about being so petty. Ти мерзотник. You're scum. You're a bastard. Це ти? Is that you? Is that you? Будь ласка, викличте лікаря! Please call a doctor! Please call a doctor! Я занадто зайнятий, щоб їхати. I'm too busy to go. I'm too busy to go. Знайдіть кого-небудь ще. Find somebody else. Find somebody else. Маєш професійний досвід? Do you have professional experience? Do you have a professional experience? Чи це єдине рішення? Is that the only solution? Is that the only solution? Вони не впевнені, що вони зробили не так. They're not sure what they did wrong. They're not sure what they did wrong. Зробити це буде дуже складно. Doing that will be very hard. It's going to be very hard to do. Вона наша. It's ours. It's ours. Я вирішив звільнитися. I've decided to quit my job. I decided to quit. Ми можемо вимкнути телевізор? Can we turn the TV off? Can we turn off the TV? Хіба ти не пам'ятаєш Тома? Don't you remember Tom? Don't you remember Tom? Ти колись стриг вівцю? Have you ever sheared a sheep? Have you ever cut a sheep? Тобі не подобається? You don't like it? You don't like it? Отже, що ви пропонуєте? So what are you suggesting? So, what do you suggest? Я ніколи не їздив до Америки. I have never gone to America. I never went to America. Я не хочу помирати. I don't want to die! I don't want to die. Ми щойно знайшли знаряддя вбивства. We just found the murder weapon. We just found the murder weapon. Я чекаю на твою допомогу. I'm waiting for your assistance. I'm waiting for your help. Не чіпай цієї блакитної кнопки. Don't touch that blue button. Don't touch that blue button. Том з тобою зв'язався? Did Tom contact you? Tom contacted you? "Цей хлопчина, він такий ловкач", — сказала Мері. "That bloke is an absolute chancer," said Mary. "This boy, he's such a wolf," said Mary. Він колись її кохав. He used to love her. He once loved her. Він обожнює футбол. He loves soccer. He loves football. Дні народження важливі. Birthdays are important. Birthdays are important. Ось ваш ключ. Here's your key. Here's your key. Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? You don't like bathing? О котрій годині ти можеш прийти? What time can you come? At what hour can you come? Том каже, що він очікує, що Мері це зробить. Tom says he expects Mary to do that. Tom says he expects Mary to do it. Кинь Тому м'яч. Toss Tom the ball. Drop that ball. Том намагається зрозуміти, що йому робити. Tom is trying to figure out what to do. Tom's trying to figure out what he's going to do. Це позитивна новина? Is this positive news? Is that positive news? Ми ще не дуже зголодніли. We aren't very hungry yet. We're not really hungry yet. Бачиш човен Тома? Can you see Tom's boat? See Tom's boat? Том не робить усього, що в його силах. Tom isn't doing the best he can. Tom doesn't do everything he can. Я впевнений, що ти знайдеш гарну роботу. I'm sure you'll find a good job. I'm sure you'll find a good job. Ти худий. You're thin. You're thin. Том не довіряє поліції. Tom doesn't trust the police. Tom doesn't trust the police. Можливо, цей світ — це пекло іншої планети. Maybe this world is another planet's Hell. Perhaps this world is the hell of another planet. Він підхопив метелика, затиснувши його між великим і вказівним пальцями. He picked up a butterfly between his thumb and forefinger. He picked up the moth, pressing it between his thumb and his thumb. Це печиво смачне. These cookies are delicious. It's a cookie. Жінки такі дивні! Women are so weird! Women are so weird! Я вже розглянув цю ідею. I've already considered that idea. I've already considered this idea. Том ударив мене по голові. Tom hit me on the head. Tom hit me on the head. Я чомусь заважаю? Am I disturbing anything? Am I interrupting for some reason? Я вмію кататися на лижах. I know how to ski. I can ski. Роби те, що вони тобі кажуть. Do what they tell you. Do what they tell you. Я шукаю тебе. I'm looking for you. I'm looking for you. Дехто не хотів битися. Some were unwilling to fight. Some people didn't want to fight. Ти знаєш, чому Том не п'є? Do you know why Tom doesn't drink? You know why Tom doesn't drink? Його книга надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Я не вірю, що Том повернеться. I don't believe that Tom will return. I don't believe Tom's coming back. Я поміряла капелюх. I tried on the hat. I figured it was a hat. Том швидко старішає. Tom is aging quickly. Tom quickly gets old. Том сказав, що у мене жахливий вигляд. Tom said I looked awful. Tom said I had a terrible look. Я трохи посперечався з Томом. I argued with Tom a little bit. I had a little argument with Tom. "Коли повернешся?" "Все залежить від погоди" "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you come back?" "It depends on the weather." Я голомоза? Am I bald? Am I a needle? Це шотландське ім'я. It's a Scottish name. It's a Scottish name. Чи є хот-дог бутербродом? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is there a hot dog sandwich? Дякую за вчора. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Хіба ти не бачиш, що Тому потрібна твоя допомога? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Я не солдат. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a soldier. Дружина Тома сказала мені, що його немає вдома. Tom's wife told me he wasn't at home. Tom's wife told me he wasn't home. Я купив Тому годинник. I bought a clock for Tom. I bought Tom a watch. Я нічого не сказала. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. Не бийте мене. Don't hit me. Don't hit me. Том як правило носить на роботу краватку. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Tom usually wears a tie to work. Та людина, що мені допомогла, — це Том. Tom is the person who helped me. The man who helped me is Tom. Я йду надвір. I'm going outside. I'm going outside. Собаку звати Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Я була справедливою. I was fair. I was fair. Коли я казав неправду? When have I told a lie? When did I lie? Я вважаю Тома другом. I consider Tom to be a friend. I think Tom's a friend. У нас не було багато часу. We didn't have much time. We didn't have much time. Я люблю тасувати карти. I like shuffling cards. I love to push cards. Він шульга. He's a southpaw. He's naked. Що таке комп'ютер? What is a computer? What is a computer? Я не безграмотна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Ти сама співала? Did you sing by yourself? Did you sing yourself? Що ви радите? What do you advise? What do you suggest? Том вирішив зробити це. Tom has decided to do that. Tom decided to do it. Твої ліки готові. Your medicine is ready. Your medication is ready. Я думала, тобі цікаво. I thought you were interested. I thought you were wondering. Ну, кожному своє, еге ж? Well, it's horses for courses, isn't it? Well, everyone's own, huh? Я був такий збуджений, що не міг заснути. I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. I was so excited I couldn't sleep. Том живий. Tom is alive! Tom's alive. Я нервувала. I was nervous. I was nervous. Том нещодавно змінив роботу. Tom recently changed jobs. Tom recently changed his job. Том відмовився дати Мері те, що вона хоче. Tom refused to give Mary what she wanted. Tom refused to give Mary what she wanted. Том був засмучений. Tom felt sad. Tom was upset. Вона була іноземкою, і до неї ставилися як до іноземки. She was a foreigner and was treated as such. She was a foreigner, and she was treated like a foreigner. Карен пішла туди сама. Karen went there herself. Karen went alone. Я здаюся знервованим? Do I look nervous? Am I acting nervous? Дівчина, яку ми бачили, як вона на когось чекала біля будинку Тома, — це Мері. The girl we saw waiting in front of Tom's house was Mary. The girl we saw waiting for someone near Tom's house is Mary. Чому б тобі не кинути палити? Why don't you give up smoking? Why don't you stop smoking? Ми всі робимо помилки. We all make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Він запитував себе, чому ж його покинула дружина. He wondered to himself why his wife had left him. He wondered why his wife had left him. Мені здається, я поклав забагато цукру. I think I added too much sugar. I think I put too much sugar on. Ви вмієте кататися на ковзанах? Can you ice skate? Do you know how to skate? Я знаю, як це робиться. I know how to do it. I know how it's done. Том доїв? Has Tom finished eating? Tom doin'? Сьогодні ввечері мені не потрібно готувати вечерю. I don't need to make dinner tonight. Tonight, I don't need to cook dinner. Я маю що сказати. I have something to say. I have something to say. Готель може прийняти 300 осіб. The hotel can accommodate 300 people. The hotel can accommodate 300 people. Я випік Тому пиріг. I baked Tom a cake. I'll cook that pie for you. Вона може ставити питання і відповідати на них. She can ask and answer questions. She can ask questions and answer them. Том сказав, що у нього є алібі. Tom said that he had an alibi. Tom said he had an alib. Том має дві подружки. Tom has two girlfriends. Tom has two friends. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom doing in Boston? What's Tom doing in Boston? Том не думав, що Мері захоче це робити. Tom didn't think Mary would like to do that. Tom didn't think Mary would want to do that. Том та Мері сказали, що вони не хворі. Tom and Mary said they aren't sick. Tom and Mary said they were not ill. Я маю багато часу. I have a lot of time. I have a lot of time. Ще одне, будь ласка. One more, please. One more, please. Я член команди. I'm a member of the team. I'm a member of the team. У мене був інсульт минулого року. I had a stroke last year. I had a stroke last year. Мама зайнята приготуванням вечері. My mother is busy cooking supper. Mom's busy cooking dinner. Коні — корисні тварини. Horses are useful animals. The horses are useful animals. Швидше приходь назад. Come back soon. You better get back. Він некомпетентний. He is incompetent. He's non-competitive. Фома тренувався. Tom exercised. Thomas trained. Він нестерпний. He's insufferable. He's unbearable. Він впевнений, що складе іспит. He is sure of passing the exam. He's sure he'll take the exam. Том голосував за пропозицію. Tom voted for the proposal. Tom voted for the offer. Том розповів вам, скільки нього пішло часу на те, щоб це зробити? Did Tom tell you how long it took him to do that? Tom told you how much time did it take to do that? Розпочнімо! Let's start. Let's begin! Увага! Attention! Attention! Я повністю виснажений. I'm completely exhausted. I'm completely exhausted. Перспективи не надто яскраві. The prospects aren't very bright. Perspectives aren't too bright. Я не вірю ні у що надприроднє, але мене захоплює літературний песонаж диявола. She doesn't believe in anything supernatural, but she is fascinated by the literary Satan. I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I'm fascinated by the devil's literary sorrow. Біда в тому, що їй не вистачає досвіду. The trouble is that she lacks experience. The trouble is she lacks experience. Я провів у Бостоні якийсь час. I spent some time in Boston. I spent some time in Boston. Чудово виглядаєш. You look great. You look great. Я був учителем. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Тобі подобається англійська, чи не так? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Том та Мері назвали свою дитину Джоном. Tom and Mary named their baby John. Tom and Mary named their child John. Цікаво, чи Том насправді піде на концерт Мері. I wonder whether Tom will really go to Mary's concert. I wonder if Tom will actually go to Mary's concert. Том сказав, з цим він провів минулі вихідні? Did Tom say who he was with last weekend? Tom said he spent the past weekend with that? Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. Я люблю природу. I love nature. I love nature. Вона навчила нас співати. She taught us singing. She taught us how to sing. Давай узагалі нічого не робитимемо. Let's not do anything at all. Let's not do anything at all. Том хоче, щоб його батька поховали поруч із матір'ю. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Tom wants his father buried next to his mother. Ти думаєш, ми би не помітили? Did you think we wouldn't notice? You think we wouldn't notice? Твоя вечеря була така смачна! How delicious your dinner was! Your dinner was so delicious! Я щойно знайшов вирішення проблеми. I just found a solution for the problem. I just found a solution to the problem. Том пообіцяв мені, що не плакатиме. Tom promised me he wouldn't cry. Tom promised me he wouldn't cry. Я ді-джей. I'm a disc jockey. I'm a DJ. Ненавиджу Різдво. I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas. Грошей було достатньо? Was there enough money? Was the money enough? Том знайшов мої контактні лінзи. Tom found my contact lens. Tom found my contact lenses. Це коштує занадто дорого. This costs too much. It's too expensive. Загубилася дитина. A child is missing. A child has been lost. Я лише хотів дати це тобі. I just wanted to give you this. I just wanted to give it to you. Я хочу здивувати його. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise him. Тобі слід навчитися стримуватися. You should learn to restrain yourself. You have to learn to hold back. У нас все гаразд. We're OK. We're fine. Мого гаманця вкрали. I had my wallet stolen. My wallet was stolen. Він знає багатьох. He knows many people. He knows many. Ти не молодий. You aren't young. You're not young. Те саме справедливо й щодо Японії. The same is true of Japan. The same is true of Japan. Ми програємо. We're losing. We're losing. Ситуація стає все гіршою і гіршою. The situation gets worse and worse. The situation is getting worse and worse. Говори. Talk. Speak. Поверхня повітряної кулі — неевклідовий простір, тому для неї не виконуються правила евклідової геометрії. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. The surface of the balloon is an unequivocal space, so it is not met with the rules of Euclidal geometry. Перемови були успішними. The negotiation was successful. The talks were successful. Я вибачаюся за це. I apologize for this. I'm sorry about that. Хіба ви не хочете піти з нами? Don't you want to go with us? Don't you want to come with us? Я намагався вам додзвонитися. I tried to phone you. I tried to reach you. Я ніколи нікого не вбивала. I never killed anybody. I never killed anyone. Будь чесним та прямолійним. Be honest and straightforward. Be honest and straightforward. Надія є завжди. There's always hope. Hope is always. Я хотіла бути Томом. I wanted to be Tom. I wanted to be Tom. Том з Мері скажуть відмовляться. Tom and Mary are going to say no. Tom and Mary will say no. Ви вдвічі старші від мене. You're twice as old as me. You're twice as old as me. Журналіст був викрадений терористами. The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. Я упустив м'яч. I dropped the ball. I dropped the ball. Я ненавиджу це місто. I hate this town. I hate this town. Зараз він живе в Токіо. He lives in Tokyo now. He now lives in Tokyo. Мови програмування — його хобі. Programming languages are his hobby. The programming languages are his hobby. Я рада це чути. I'm delighted to hear that. I'm glad to hear that. Я нічого не знаю про нього. I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. Том — учитель, і я також. Tom is a teacher and so am I. Tom is a teacher, and so am I. Скільки у тебе в будинку годинників? How many clocks do you have in your house? How many clocks do you have in your house? Том глухий. Tom is deaf. Tom is deaf. Тому не подобається їсти рибу. Tom doesn't like to eat fish. So they don't like eating fish. Жоден з них мені не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Слідуй за нами. Follow us. Follow us. Том дуже вами пишається. Tom is very proud of you. Tom is very proud of you. Ваш лікар каже, що у вас все буде добре. Your doctor says you're going to be OK. Your doctor says you'll be fine. Ти панда. You're a panda. You're a panda. Хочеш знати? Do you want to know? You wanna know? Том потрібно випрати одяг. Tom needs to wash clothes. Tom needs to wash the clothes. Мені потрібні ці гроші. I need this money. I need that money. Моя краватка помаранчова. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. Том ще плаче? Is Tom still crying? Tom's still crying? Тому холілося би бути вищим. Tom wished he were taller. That's why it'd be better to be taller. Я маю допомогти мамі. I have to help my mother. I have to help my mom. Його книжка надихнула мене. His book inspired me. His book inspired me. Ви брати? Are you brothers? Are you brothers? Це не мої ідеї. These are not my ideas. These are not my ideas. У тебе є план, так? You have a plan, right? You have a plan, don't you? Він гуляє. He is taking a walk. He's walking around. Тома немає в місті. Tom isn't in town. Tom's not in town. В мене взуття зносилося. My shoes are worn out. My shoes are worn out. Наступний рік буде гіршим. Next year will be worse. The next year will be worse. Мері у жовтій сукні. Mary is wearing a yellow dress. Mary's wearing a yellow dress. У кохання гіркий присмак. The taste of love is bitter. In love, the bitter taste. Зустріч закінчилася. The meeting ended. The meeting is over. Вам слід було це зробити минулого року. You must've done that last year. You should have done it last year. Я думала, я не зможу цього зробити. I thought I wasn't going to be able to do that. I thought I couldn't do it. У мене стара машина. I have an old car. I've got an old car. Ми розуміємо чому. We understand why. We understand why. Я їжджу щороку. I go every year. I travel every year. Я почувалася безпомічною. I felt powerless. I felt helpless. Мені подобається вчителька. I like the teacher. I like the teacher. Поїхали на ліфті. Let's take the elevator. Let's go to the elevator. Том - професійний хокеїст. Tom is a professional hockey player. Tom's a professional hockey player. Ми пішли в ліс в пошуках комах. We went into the woods in search of insects. We went into the forest looking for insects. Ці стільці різні. These chairs are different. These chairs are different. Я бачив її тиждень тому. I saw her a week ago today. I saw her a week ago. Маленька філіжанка кави коштує два євро. A small cup of coffee is €2. A small branch of coffee costs two euros. Материнська любов більша від усього. Maternal love is greater than anything else. Motherly love is greater than anything else. Він переслідував злодія. He chased the thief. He chased the thief. Я працювала в ресторані. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Я недостатньо рішучий. I'm not decisive enough. I'm not firm enough. Займатися цим не буде так нудно, як ти вважаєш. It won't be as boring to do that as you think. Taking care of it won't be as boring as you think it will be. Він випадково поклав сіль у свою чашку кави. He put salt into his cup of coffee by mistake. He accidentally put salt in his cup of coffee. Том забув сказати тобі. Tom forgot to tell you. Tom forgot to tell you. Я цікавлюся музикою. I am interested in music. I'm interested in music. Мені й справді не хочеться їсти зараз. I don't really want anything to eat right now. I really don't want to eat now. Осколки дзеркала були розкидані по підлозі. Fragments of the mirror were scattered on the floor. The patches of mirrors were scattered on the floor. Ти такий дивний. You're so weird. You're so weird. Країна багата на природні ресурси. The country is rich in natural resources. The country is rich in natural resources. Я партнер Тома. I'm Tom's partner. I'm Tom's partner. Яка чудова машина! What a wonderful machine! What a great car! Вона прогуляла школу. She skived off school. She went through the school. Том сів біля вікна. Tom sat near the window. Tom sat by the window. Том — такий саме, як і решта з них. Tom is just like the rest of them. Tom is just like the rest of them. Том не вважаю, що я маю це робити. Tom doesn't think I have to do that. Tom doesn't think I should do that. Державний борг зростає. The national debt is growing. State debt is increasing. Чому я - це я, а не ти? Why am I me and not you? Why am I me, not you? Том, імовірно, ніколи цього не робитиме. Tom is likely to never do that. Tom will probably never do that. То лялька. That's a doll. It's a doll. Рятуйся! Escape! Save yourself! Том не знає, де зараз Мері. Tom doesn't know where Mary is now. Tom doesn't know where Mary is right now. Ми всі погодилися з Томом. We all agreed with Tom. We all agreed with Tom. Я вдівець. I'm a widower. I'm a widower. Я прочитав це оповідання в якійсь книзі. I have read that story in some book. I read the story in a book. Том ще має велосипед? Does Tom still have a bicycle? Tom still has a bicycle? Говори коротко. Be brief. Talk briefly. Том розумніший. Tom is smarter. Tom's smarter. Для нього це була важка ніч. It's been a hard night for him. It was a difficult night for him. Я хочу поскаржитись. I want to make a complaint. I want to complain. Не дивись так на мене! Don't look at me that way! Don't look at me like that! Я не думаю, що Том знає когось, хто міг би це зробити. I don't think Tom knows anybody who can do that. I don't think Tom knows anyone who could do that. Я викладач. I'm a professor. I'm a teacher. Ви добре бавилися, так? You were having fun, weren't you? You played well, didn't you? Я народилася у 1997 році в Осаці. I was born in 1977 in Osaka. I was born in Osaka in 1997. Ти маєш гарний голос. You have a nice voice. You have a good voice. Важливо, щоб ти розуміла. It's important that you understand. It's important that you understand. Том цього не зробить. Tom is not going to do it. Tom won't do it. Сподіваюся, Том розуміє. I hope Tom understands. I hope Tom understands. Вона проводить забагато часу в інтернеті. She spends way too much time surfing the web. She spends too much time on the internet. Ви чарівна. You're fascinating. You're charming. Том сказав, що поскаржиться. Tom said he'd complain. Tom said he'd complain. Ходімо познайомимся з ним. Let's go meet him. Let's go get acquainted with him. Ти колись бував у Бразилії? Have you ever been to Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? Що з нею трапилося? What's happened to her? What happened to her? Я цього не можу перетравити. I can not stomach it. I can't digest this. Том ховається під ліжком. Tom is hiding under the bed. Tom hides under the bed. Ти колись бував у Індії? Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? Том іде за тридцять хвилин. Tom is leaving in thirty minutes. Tom leaves in thirty minutes. Я не знаю, кому Том продав своє авто. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. I don't know who Tom sold his car to. Ми вміємо говорити. We can talk. We can talk. Комп'ютер може рахувати дуже швидко. A computer can calculate very rapidly. The computer can count very quickly. Ви не потрібні. You aren't needed. You don't need to. Вибачте, можна я відчиню вікно? Excuse me, but may I open the window? Excuse me, can I open the window? Яка там погода? How's the weather there? What's the weather? Мені тридцять років. I'm thirty years old. I'm thirty years old. Том тебе більше не турбуватиме. Tom won't bother you anymore. Tom won't bother you anymore. Бажаєш ще чаю? Would you like some more tea? Would you like more tea? Це японська лялька. This is a Japanese doll. It's a Japanese doll. Що ти їв сьогодні на обід? What did you have for lunch today? What did you eat for lunch today? Ти навіть памперс не можеш поміняти. You can't even change a diaper. You can't even change the record. Люди все ще використовують веб-камери? Do people still use webcams? People still using web cameras? Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона кинула школу. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she dropped out of school. I wonder if Tom ever asked Mary why she left school. Це слово запозичене з грецької. This word comes from Greek. This word is borrowed from Greek. Я помру? Am I going to die? Am I going to die? Я помираю, так хочу їх побачити. I'm dying to see them. I'm dying, so I want to see them. Брат хворіє. My brother is sick. My brother is sick. Не штовхайся. Don't push. Don't push. Машина надворі. A car is outside. The car's outside. Я був слабкий. I was weak. I was weak. Будь ласка, зроби мені чашку кави. Please make me a cup of coffee. Please, make me a cup of coffee. Мері загубила гроші. Mary lost her money. Mary lost her money. Немає правил. There are no rules. No rules. Лейла дуже швидко завагітніла. Layla became pregnant pretty soon. Leila became pregnant very quickly. Він не брехун. He's not a liar. He's not a liar. Ви знаєте, як зробити салат із сирої риби? Do you know how to make a raw fish salad? Do you know how to make a cheesefish salad? Том знав, що знає Мері. Tom knew what Mary knew. Tom knew he knew Mary. Том готує сніданок. Tom is making breakfast. Tom's making breakfast. Немає сумніву, що піде дощ. It's bound to rain. No doubt it will rain. Том не згадував про Австралію. Tom didn't mention Australia. Tom did not mention Australia. Очевидно, що Том з Мері — більше, ніж просто друзі. It's obvious that Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Apparently, Tom and Mary are more than just friends. Ми насправді їздили до Бостона. We really did go to Boston. We actually went to Boston. В Ісландії багато вулканів. Iceland has many volcanoes. Iceland has many volcanoes. Джон старший від мене на два роки. John is two years older than me. John is two years older than I am. На краще, чи на гірше, але телебачення змінило світ. For better or for worse, television has changed the world. For better or for worse, but television changed the world. Я трохи товстий. I'm a little fat. I'm a little fat. Він легко відповів на моє запитання. He answered my question easily. He answered my question easily. Яка мета вашої поїздки? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? Том щось шукає. Tom is looking for something. Tom's looking for something. Він, мабуть, невинний. He must be innocent. He must be innocent. Я люблю дітей. I like children. I love kids. Хто лишився? Who stayed? Who's left? Коли вона приїжджає? When does it arrive? When does she come? Це не мій стиль. That's not my style. It's not my style. Спробуй зосередитися. Try to focus. Try to focus. Я дуже радий, що зробив це вчора. I'm very happy I did that yesterday. I'm very glad I did it yesterday. Том все ще живе біля вас? Does Tom live near you? Tom still lives next to you? Я хотіла вразити Тома. I wanted to impress Tom. I wanted to impress Tom. Я лише бажаю вам допомогти. I only wish to help you. I just want to help you. Не кидайте каміння. Don't throw stones. Don't throw stones. У неї є собака? Ні. Does she have a dog? No. Does she have a dog? Я був чарівником. I was a magician. I was a wizard. Не перебивай мене, коли я говорю. Don't interrupt me while I am talking. Don't interrupt me when I say it. Том запитав Мері, де собака. Tom asked Mary where the dog was. Tom asked Mary where the dog was. Ти часто його зустрічаєш? Do you meet him often? Do you often meet him? Том тобі сподобався би. You'd like Tom. Tom would like it. Ви ще голодні? Are you still hungry? Are you still hungry? Ми божевільні. We're crazy. We're crazy. У неї є вино. She has wine. She has wine. Ти зупинишся. You will stop. You'll stop. Вона годинами чекала на нього. She waited for him for hours. She waited hours for him. Лікар, перепрошую. Excuse me, Doctor. Doctor, I'm sorry. Вони зробили помилки. They made mistakes. They made mistakes. Звідки ти знала, що я виросла у Бостоні? How did you know I grew up in Boston? How did you know I grew up in Boston? Це дуже цікава історія. That is a very interesting story. It's a very interesting story. У них два сина і одна донька. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. Це було у двохтисячному році. It was in the year two thousand. It was in the year two. Том, мабуть, займеться цим. Tom will probably do that. Tom, he'll probably take care of it. Воно має бути правильного кольору. It needs to be the right color. It's supposed to be the right color. У Тома дуже строга мама. Tom's mother is very strict. Tom has a very strict mom. Після короткого миру знову розв'язалася війна. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After a short peace, war again erupted. Краще не довіряти Тому. It's better not to trust Tom. It's better not to trust Tom. Просто поговоріть з Томом. Just talk to Tom. Just talk to Tom. Я можу вам нагадати про вашу обіцянку? May I remind you of your promise? Can I remind you of your promise? Столиця Нідерландів — Амстердам. Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Я не розумію вашої французької. I don't understand your French. I don't understand your French. Як називається цей ресторан? What's the name of that restaurant? What's this restaurant called? Перепрошую, ви не могли би передати мені цукор? Excuse me, could you pass me the sugar? Excuse me, could you give me sugar? Де саме Том планує побудувати свій будинок? Where exactly does Tom plan to build his house? Where exactly is Tom planning to build his house? «Де мій ноутбук?» — «На стільці». "Where is my laptop?" "It's on the chair." "Where's my laptop?" — "On the chair". Не думаю, що будуть які-небудь проблеми. I don't think there will be any problems. I don't think there'll be any problems. Том розбився? Did Tom crash? Tom broke up? Вам требе підстригтися. You should get your hair cut. You need to cut your hair. Зелене вам пасує. Green suits you. Green suits you. Успіх приходить з освітою. Success comes from education. Success comes with education. Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Мері грає у футбол. Mary is playing football. Mary plays football. Як це все працює? How does this all work? How does it work? Ви дуже потворний. You're very ugly. You're very ugly. Покваптеся, хлопці. Hurry up, guys. Hurry up, boys. Я виправ сорочку. I washed my shirt. I'm straightening my shirt. Коли очікується його повернення? When is he expected back? When is his return expected? Я добре відпочив. I'm well rested. I had a good time. Він не менш добрий, ніж його сестра. He is no less kind than his sister. He's no less kind than his sister. Том б'є Мері. Tom is hitting Mary. Tom beats Mary. Я роблю забагато помилок. I am making too many mistakes. I make too many mistakes. Він не боїться смерті. He isn't afraid of death. He's not afraid of death. Було б добре, якби у добі було 28 годин, правда? Wouldn't it be great if there were 28 hours in a day? It would be nice if there were 28 hours in the day, wouldn't it? Кобе - це місто, де я народилася. Kobe is the city where I was born. Kobe is the city where I was born. Він хотів би, щоб цієї катастрофи не сталося. He wishes the accident hadn't happened. He would want this disaster to not happen. Ми не сподіваємось на перемогу. We have no expectations of victory. We do not expect to win. У мене немає грошей. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Я тут більше не викладаю. I don't teach here anymore. I'm not teaching here anymore. Ми не знайшли хлопця. We have not found the boy. We didn't find the guy. Поїдь на автобусі. Take the bus. Go on the bus. Чому ти йому не допоміг? Why didn't you help him? Why didn't you help him? Мені потрібно зателефонувати Тому. I have to call Tom. I need to call Tom. Яку пораду ви можете мені дати? What advice can you give me? What advice can you give me? Я єдина, кому ти можеш довіряти. I'm the only one you can trust. I'm the only one you can trust. Він ді-джей. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Незабаром Том навчиться плавати. Tom will be able to swim soon. Tom will soon learn to swim. Що не так з тим, як я це зробив? What's wrong with the way I did that? What's wrong with the way I did it? Вони вміють ловити рибу. They can fish. They can catch fish. Том вийшов із кімнати. Tom left the room. Tom left the room. Я все ще займаюся цим щопонеділка. I still do that every Monday. I'm still doing this Monday. Я хочу, щоб ти щось поїв. I want you to eat something. I want you to eat something. Він отримав перший приз. He got the first prize. He received the first prize. Том викладає французьку. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Я спробувала зв'язатися з нею. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Дайте мені свій телефон. Give me your phone. Give me your phone. Ти не смішний. You are not funny. You're not funny. Том сказав, що він думає, що може це зробити. Tom said that he thinks that he can do that. Tom said he thinks he can do it. У мене немає книжок. I don't have books. I don't have any books. Наступна історія правдива. The following story is true. The following story is true. Я щойно бачив їх разом. I just saw them together. I just saw them together. Вона дивилася, як він плаває. She watched him swim. She watched him float. Том подякував Мері за подарункову картку. Tom thanked Mary for the gift card. Tom thanked Mary for the gift card. Ти можеш пригадати, коли ми вперше зустрілися? Can you remember the first time we met each other? Can you remember when we first met? Моя робота дуже нудна. My job is very boring. My work is very boring. Він, так би мовити, людина-робот. He is, so to speak, a human robot. He is, as it were, a man-worker. Дайте відповідь на питання! Answer the question! Answer the question! Ти потрібен у шпиталі. You're needed in the clinic. You need you in the hospital. Я не можу знайти підтяжки. I can't find my suspenders. I can't find the stickers. Це підробка. That's an imitation. It's fake. Це не Том попросив Мері зробити це. Tom wasn't the one who asked Mary to do that. That wasn't Tom asking Mary to do it. В нього зелені очі. He has green eyes. He has green eyes. Ваша була краща. Yours was better. Yours was better. Том часто помиляється. Tom often makes mistakes. Tom is often wrong. Він почувався втомленим. He felt tired. He felt tired. Ти голосував за Тома чи Мері? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? Did you vote for Tom or Mary? У мене взагалі немає друзів. I have no friends at all. I don't have any friends at all. Ти це бачив? Did you see that? Did you see that? Я на це сподіваюся. I do hope so. I hope so. Сумно, але це правда. It's sad, but true. Sad, but it's true. Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true that Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Тепер розумію. I understand now. Now I understand. Я більше про це не думаю. I never think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore. Гадаю, ми наступні. I think we're next. I think we're next. Я увімкнув телевізор, там транслювали Гран-прі. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I turned on the TV, and the Grand Prix was broadcast there. Том пишається донькою. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Не нагадуй. Don't remind me. Don't mention it. Я багатий. I'm wealthy. I'm rich. Ти розглянув можливість ампутації? Have you considered amputation? Have you considered the possibility of an amputation? Мене здивувало, що Том хоче це зробити. I was surprised that Tom wanted to do that. I was surprised Tom wants to do it. Англійська - не рідна мені мова. English isn't my first language. English is not my native language. У мене не було жодних друзів у Австралії. I had no friends in Australia. I had no friends in Australia. Ти вважаєш мене гладкою? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Я занадто багатий. I'm too rich. I'm too rich. Як звуть цю дівчину? What do they call this girl? What's the girl's name? Нам не слід було її відпускати. We shouldn't have let her go. We shouldn't have let her go. Тому не слід робити це знову. Tom shouldn't do that again. So you don't have to do it again. Вони живуть туть десять років. They have lived here for ten years. They live here for ten years. Том витріщився на Мері. Tom stared at Mary. Tom stares at Mary. Її сусід подбає про дітей, поки її нема. Her neighbor will care for her children while she's away. Her neighbor will take care of the children while she is gone. Я зараз куховарю. I am cooking now. I'm cooking now. Ти бачив паспорт Тома? Have you seen Tom's passport? Did you see Tom's passport? Хочеш потанцювати? Do you want to dance? You want to dance? Він часто спізнюється. He often comes late. He's often late. Ти пам'ятаєш те літо, коли Том поголив голову? Can you remember the summer Tom shaved his head? Do you remember that summer when Tom shaved his head? Навіщо Том це робив? Why was Tom doing that? Why did Tom do that? Я знаю батька цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I know this girl's father. Це мій третій шлюб. This is my third marriage. This is my third marriage. Том не зможе поїхати з нами. Tom won't be able to go with us. Tom won't be able to come with us. Я набрав тридцять очок. I scored thirty points. I scored thirty points. Якщо я цього не зроблю, Том розсердиться. If I don't do that, Tom will get angry. If I don't do it, Tom's mad. Хіба ви не психолог? Aren't you a psychologist? Aren't you a psychologist? Хіба ви це не записуєте? Aren't you recording this? Don't you record that? Велике дерево впало на дорогу і, коли я їхав, загородило мені шлях. A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove. The great tree fell on the road, and when I drove, it healed me. Мені подобається товариство Тома. I enjoy Tom's company. I like Tom's company. Не все золото, що блищить. All that glitters is not gold. Not all the gold that shines. У мене небагато друзів. I don't have many friends. I don't have any friends. Ти віриш в існування бога? Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you believe in the existence of a god? Я живу в Бостоні. I live in Boston. I live in Boston. Том сліпий від народження. Tom was born blind. Tom is blind from birth. Не не відповів на моє запитання. You haven't answer my question. Didn't answer my question. Його хтось знає? Does anybody know him? Does anyone know him? Хіба ви не починаєте нудьгувати? Aren't you getting bored? Don't you start bored? Які тобі подобаються чоловіки? What kind of men do you like? What kind of men do you like? Чому люди й досі палять? Why do people still smoke? Why do people still smoke? Я не працюватиму на тебе. I won't work for you. I'm not working for you. Я можу це для неї зробити, на відміну від вас. I can do that for her, unlike you. I can do it for her as opposed to you. Я студент, а він — ні. I am a student, but he isn't. I'm a student, and he's not. Я намагався саме це зробити. I tried doing just that. That's what I was trying to do. Я написав книжку. I wrote a book. I wrote a book. Тиша, будь ласка. Quiet please. Silence, please. Я купив синові нові санки. I bought new sledge for my son. I bought my son a new sled. Я знаю дружину Тома. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Це моя молодша сестра Сакіко. Вона народилася того ж року, що і я, і зараз вона готується до екзаменів. This is my little sister Sakiko. She was born the same year as me and is now studying for her exams. This is my younger sister, Sakiko, born that same year as me, and now she's preparing for exams. Я не люблю ані чай, ані каву. I don't like either tea or coffee. I don't like tea or coffee. Ви доробили домашнє завдання? Have you finished your homework? Have you done your homework? Понеділок, мабуть, буде зайнятим днем. Monday will probably be a busy day. Monday will probably be a busy day. Я йду до будинку Тома. I'm on my way to Tom's house. I'm going to Tom's house. Я не погоджуюся з ним. I don't agree with him. I disagree with him. Можливо, тобі варто допомогти Тому пофарбувати паркан. Perhaps you should help Tom paint the fence. Maybe you should help Tom paint the fence. Чому люди поводяться як великі мавпи, і навпаки? Why do men behave like apes, and vice versa? Why do people behave like big monkeys, and vice versa? Можеш мені допомогти? Could you help me out? Can you help me? Мудак. Asshole. You asshole. Я фізик. I'm a physicist. I'm a physicist. Мені здається, тобі варто звернутися до лікаря. I think you should see a doctor. I think you should see a doctor. Я подав документи на візу. I applied for a visa. I gave the papers on my visa. Сьогодні іде сніг. It's snowing today. It's snowing today. Вона продовжила працювати. She kept working. She continued to work. Мотузка порвалася, коли ми сходили на гору. The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain. The rope broke as we went up the mountain. Том кермує. Tom is driving. Tom's driving. Якби ти їв менше гамбургерів, то, ймовірно, був би здоровішим. If you ate fewer burgers, you'd probably be healthier. If you ate less hamburgers, you'd probably be healthier. Том допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary. Tom helped Mary. Добрий вибір! Good choice! Good choice! Хіба ти не хочеш льоду? Don't you want some ice? Don't you want ice? Мері ж не йде? Mary isn't leaving, is she? Mary's not coming, is she? Що там у гаражі? What's in the garage? What's in the garage? Хіба ви не говорите англійською? Can't you speak English? Don't you speak English? Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital. Я мусив піти особисто. I had to go myself. I had to go personally. Будь ласка, покажіть мені, як це робиться. Please show me how to do that. Please show me how to do this. Хіба ти ні з ким не зустрічаєшся? Aren't you seeing anyone? Aren't you dating anyone? Всі лавки зайняті. All the benches are taken. All the benches are full. Я поки що не прийняв рішення. I haven't made a decision yet. I haven't made a decision yet. Яка сьогодні дата? What is the date today? What date is it today? Де татко? Where is Father? Where's Daddy? Замкни двері. Lock the door! Shut the door. Я не розмовлятиму з Томом французькою. I won't speak French with Tom. I won't talk to Tom in French. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple from the apple doesn't fall far away. Будьте реалістами. Be realistic. Be realistic. З ким ви розмовляли? Who did you talk to? Who were you talking to? Дядько — це брат твого батька чи мати. An uncle is a brother of your father or your mother. Uncle is your father's brother or mother's. Ти знаєш, чиї вони батьки? Do you know whose parents they are? Do you know whose parents they are? В неї червоні очі. Her eyes are red. She has red eyes. Вони не повернуться. They won't be back. They won't come back. Я був у джинсах. I had jeans on. I was in jeans. Побачимося після спектаклю. We'll see you after the show. I'll see you after the show. Я б хотів поставити питання. I would like to ask a question. I'd like to ask a question. Це моя бабуся. This is my grandmother. That's my grandmother. Це кіт. It is a cat. That's a cat. Ця сумка моя. This bag is mine. This bag is mine. Ви мене ігноруєте? Are you ignoring me? Are you ignoring me? Том вступив до Церкви Сатани. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Tom joined the Church of Satan. Я все ще хочу зробити це з тобою. I still want to do that with you. I still want to do this to you. У Тома немає грошей. Tom has no money. Tom doesn't have any money. Хіба ти не здивована побачити мене тут? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Aren't you surprised to see me here? Я бережливий. I'm frugal. I'm valuable. Ви не проти? Do you mind? Do you mind? Я тебе не бачив цілу вічність. I haven't seen you in ages. I haven't seen you for all eternity. Ти, очевидно, маєш рацію. Apparently you're right. You're obviously right. Чиї то книжки? Whose books are those? Whose books are they? Ти цим і хочеш зайнятися, еге ж? That's what you want to do, isn't it? That's what you want to do, huh? Ви хочете мене вбити. You want to kill me. You want to kill me. Бачите? See? See? Том вигулює собак двічі на день. Tom walks his dogs twice a day. Tom walks out dogs twice a day. Дай-но я подивлюся на цю книжку Тома. Let me have a look at that book of Tom's. Let me see Tom's book. Головні острови Японії — це Хоккайдо, Сікоку, Хонсю та Кюсю. The main islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Shikoku, Honshu and Kyushu. The main islands of Japan are Hokkaido, Sikoku, Honshu, and Kyushu. Ти, мабуть, дуже зайнятий. You must be very busy. You must be very busy. Том не має багато грошей у банку. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Гадаю, нам треба зараз піти. I guess we should leave now. I think we should go now. Не ми це зробили. It's not us who did it. We didn't do it. Думаєте, Том божевільний? Do you think Tom is insane? You think Tom's crazy? Я можу це зробити зараз. I can do that now. I can do it now. Як ти можеш бути таким наївним? How can you be so naive? How can you be so naive? Я тобі не допоможу. I will not help you. I can't help you. Розлабся. Chill out. Break up. Я не чудовисько. I am not a monster. I'm not a monster. Вона заплющила очі. She closed her eyes. She closed her eyes. Ніхто не може зрівнятися з ним у тенісі. No one can match him at tennis. No one can match him in tennis. Хто тебе питав? Who asked you? Who asked you? Коли ти це зрозумів? When did you realize that? When did you get that? Вона вчинила самогубство. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. Ми обладнали наш офіс комп'ютерами. We've equipped our office with computers. We set up our office with computers. Треба заплатити завчасно. You have to pay in advance. We have to pay early. Ти впевнений? Are you certain? Are you sure? Думаєте, Том помре? Do you think Tom is going to die? Do you think Tom will die? Хіба ви не плануєте лишитися? Aren't you planning to stay? Aren't you planning to stay? Я не робив того, в чому ти мене звинуватив. I didn't do what you've accused me of doing. I didn't do what you accused me of. Будь ласка, не запізнюйтеся. Please don't be late. Please don't be late. Я знаю, що Том п'яний. I know that Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom's drunk. Ви погодилися? Did you say yes? Did you agree? Я прийшла забрати свою книжку. I'm here to pick up my book. I came to pick up my book. Я все ще викладаю французьку. I still teach French. I'm still teaching French. Том зробить це негайно. Tom will do that right away. Tom will do it immediately. Давайте заспіваємо пісню разом. Sing a song with me. Let's sing the song together. Том має втричі більше книжок, ніж я. Tom has three times as many books as I do. Tom has three times as many books as I do. Ти багато чого пропустила. You missed a lot. You missed a lot. Я одягаю чоботи. I'm putting boots on. I wear boots. Ти можеш на мене розраховувати. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Його книга стала об'єктом критики. His book became an object of criticism. His book became the subject of criticism. Це буде геніально. It'll be wonderful. It'll be brilliant. Мені дуже страшно. I am very scared. I'm really scared. Ти мусиш їй допомогти, і швидко! You must help her, and soon! You have to help her, and quick! Це набагато гірше. It's much worse than that. It's a lot worse. Я під мухою. I'm sloshed. I'm under the fly. Ти не втрачала часу. You lost no time. You didn't waste your time. Хто знає, коли Том це зробить? Who knows when Tom will do that? Who knows when Tom will do that? Том свідчив у справі Мері. Tom testified at Mary's trial. Tom testified in Mary's case. Я думав, ти пішла. I thought you'd left. I thought you were gone. Том не зловить Мері. Tom won't catch Mary. Tom won't catch Mary. Можна спитати, як вас звуть? Might I ask your name? Can I ask you what your name is? Я написала тобі десять листів. I wrote you ten letters. I wrote you ten letters. Що нам робити? What do we do? What do we do? Хіба ти не голосуватимеш? Aren't you going to vote? Aren't you going to vote? Вам слід кинути палити. You should quit smoking. You should stop smoking. Мені здається, Том зраджує. I think Tom is cheating. I think Tom's cheating. Я знаю багатьох учителів французької. I know lots of French teachers. I know many French teachers. Ти на неї зовсім не схожий. You're not anything like her. You don't look like her at all. Ви вмієте грати на скрипці? Can you play the violin? Do you know how to play violin? Передаси мені сіль? Could you pass me the salt? Can you give me salt? Просто посидіть там з Томом. Just sit over there with Tom. Just sit there with Tom. Я думаю, Том добре говорить французькою. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks good French. Не думаю, що Том знає, що Мері нещасна. I don't think Tom knows that Mary isn't happy. I don't think Tom knows Mary's unhappy. Самі був популярний як серед студентів, так і серед викладачів. Sami was popular with both students and teachers. Sami was popular among both students and teachers. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. Don't cry over spilt milk. You can't help with the tears of grief. Том грає у футбол та займається бігом. Tom plays soccer and runs track. Tom plays football and runs. Ти можеш іти, куди хочеш. You can go wherever you want. You can go wherever you want. Ми зустрінемося з Томом пізніше. We'll meet up with Tom later. We'll meet Tom later. Я знаю, як ми можемо добре провести час. I know how we can have some fun. I know how we can have a good time. Ти знав, що Том не вміє говорити французькою? Did you know that Tom couldn't speak French? Did you know Tom could not speak French? Він завжди співає, коли приймає душ. He always sings while taking a shower. He always sings when he takes a shower. Ви не такі молоді, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Як у нас справи? How are we doing? How are we doing? Потім Том повісив слухавку. Tom then hung up. Then Tom hung up. Я скоро повернуся. I'll return soon. I'll be right back. Церква знаходиться біля підніжжя гори. The church is at the foot of a mountain. The church is at the foot of the mountain. Де ваш асистент? Where's your assistant? Where's your assistant? Нащо ти так вчинив? Why did you do it? Why did you do that? Ще каву, будь ласка. More coffee, please. More coffee, please. Том спробує переконати Мері зробити це. Tom will try to persuade Mary to do that. Tom will try to convince Mary to do so. Тобі телефонує Том. Tom is calling you. Tom calls you. Ви маєте сказати Тому, щоб він це зробив. You ought to tell Tom to do that. You have to tell him to do it. Він говорить на есперанто з невеликим французьким акцентом. He speaks Esperanto with a slight French accent. He speaks at Esperanto with a small French accent. Це не твій ніж. That is not your knife. It's not your knife. Хто живе у цьому будинку? Who lives in this house? Who lives in this house? Тома це не обходило. Tom wasn't worried about that. Tom didn't care about that. У неї гарні манери. She has fine manners. She has good manners. Я хотіла сісти. I wanted to sit down. I wanted to sit down. Чому саме Том би це зробив? Why exactly would Tom do that? Why would Tom do that? Сподіваюся, Том прийде на мою вечірку. I hope Tom comes to my party. I hope Tom's coming to my party. Том сказав мені, що не любить розмовляти французькою. Tom told me he didn't like speaking French. Tom told me he didn't like to speak French. Це добре звучить, правда? That sounds good, right? That sounds good, doesn't it? Коли Том був молодшим, він був дамським угодником. Tom was quite a ladies' man when he was younger. When Tom was younger, he was a ladies' bargainer. Я розберуся з цим. I'll take care of it. I'll deal with it. Ви знайшли якісь помилки? Did you find any mistakes? Did you find any mistakes? Я хотів би побачити вашу матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Ти чарівник? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Я гарний? I am handsome? Am I handsome? Навіть вчитель може робити помилки. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Even a teacher can make mistakes. Відвали. Get off me. Fuck off. Ти дозволиш Тому помикати тобою? Are you going to let Tom push you around? Will you let me switch you? Ви гарна жінка. You're a beautiful woman. You're a good woman. Надія є. There is hope. There is hope. Коли я був дитиною, я був дуже сором'язливим. I was very shy when I was a kid. When I was a child, I was very shy. Том насправді переселився до Бостона? Did Tom really move to Boston? Tom actually moved to Boston? Том простягнув Мері пиво. Tom handed Mary a beer. Tom stretched out Mary the beer. Звідки ти знав, що Тома тут не буде? How did you know Tom would be here? How did you know Tom wouldn't be here? Діти ростуть так швидко. Children grow up so fast. Children grow so fast. Том любить розмовляти. Tom likes to talk. Tom likes to talk. Я хочу зіграти в карти. I want to play cards. I want to play cards. Він повернувся до готелю. He went back to the hotel. He returned to the hotel. Коли ти повернулася з Лондона? When did you come back from London? When did you get back from London? Хіба тобі все ще не холодно? Aren't you still cold? Aren't you still cold? Носії мови підсвідомо слідують правилам своєї мови, навіть не усвідомлючи їх. Native speakers unconsciously follow the rules of their language without even being aware of what they are. Language wearers instinctively follow the rules of their language without even realizing them. Том у відпустці. Tom is on leave. Tom's on his leave. Що буде, якщо я натисну цю кнопку? What happens if I press this button? What happens if I press this button? Мисливці націлили свої рушниці на слона. The hunters aimed their rifles at the elephant. Hunters pointed their guns at the elephant. Нікого не хвилує. No one gives a shit. No one boasts. Вони намагалися. They tried. They tried. Том із Мері все ще тут? Are Tom and Mary still here? Tom and Mary are still here? Жінка Тома — канадійка. Tom's wife is Canadian. Tom's wife is a Canadian. У вас є на щось алергія? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any allergies? Не йди. Don't leave! Don't go. Том та Мері не змогли допомогти мені зробити це. Tom and Mary couldn't help me. Tom and Mary couldn't help me do that. Я хотів би зняти гроші. I'd like to withdraw money. I'd like to take the money. Я потис руку Тома. I shook hands with Tom. I shook Tom's hand. У них все буде гаразд. They'll be all right. They'll be fine. Половина цих яблук - гнилі. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of these apples are rotten. Том більше не член цього клубу. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of this club. Ви не повинні хвилюватися про завтрашній екзамен. You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam. You don't have to worry about tomorrow's exam. Том голосував? Did Tom vote? Tom voted? Я повернусь. I will return. I'll be back. Том не буде примушувати Мері це робити. Tom isn't going to force Mary to do that. Tom won't force Mary to do that. Том почав нити. Tom started whining. Tom started to blame. Замість того, щоб іти до школи, він лишився вдома. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Instead of going to school, he stayed at home. Я не знав, що це саме Том допоміг вам пофарбувати паркан. I didn't know that Tom was the one who helped you paint the fence. I didn't know it was Tom who helped you paint the fence. Воно на восьмому поверсі. It's on the eighth floor. It's on the eighth floor. Жінка Тома лишила його три місяці тому. Tom's wife left him three months ago. Tom's woman left him three months ago. Мені шкода, що я туди пішов. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. Тобі не варто їй довіряти. You shouldn't trust her. You shouldn't trust her. Том втратив свого найкращого друга. Tom lost his best friend. Tom lost his best friend. Том все ще хоче прийти. Tom still wants to come. Tom still wants to come. Тобі не втікти. You can't run away. You can't escape. Я японець, але я не живу в Японії. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Про що хочеш побалакати? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Де ти провів канікули? Where did you spend your holidays? Where did you spend your vacations? Цього року ти отримала різдвяний подарунок від Тома? Did you receive a Christmas present from Tom this year? This year, did you get Tom's Christmas present? Я все ще трохи нудьгую за домівкою й так багато речей здаються мені дивними. I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. I still miss my home a little, and so many things seem strange to me. У мене іноді проблеми із запам'ятовуванням. I sometimes have trouble remembering things. I have a memory problem sometimes. Де мама? Where's my mama? Where's Mum? Він опритомнів через три години після аварії. He regained consciousness three hours after the accident. He regained consciousness three hours after the accident. Ви говорите македонською? Do you speak Macedonian? You speak Macedonian? Тут не слід розмовляти. You should not talk here. You shouldn't talk here. Ви про нас розмовляєте? Do you talk about us? Are you talking about us? Том зараз зі мною. Tom is with me now. Tom's with me right now. У Тома все добре? Is Tom well? Tom's okay? Я думав, ви впізнали Тома. I thought you'd recognized Tom. I thought you recognized Tom. Дуже добре! Nice one! Very good! Ти знаєш причину? Do you know the reason? Do you know the reason? Перевір голосову пошту. Check your voice mail. Check voice mail. Вона говорить на трьох іноземних мовах. She can speak three foreign languages. It speaks in three foreign languages. Том трохи відстає від графіка. Tom is a little behind schedule. Tom is a little off schedule. Том не герой. Tom is not a hero. Tom's not a hero. Тут можливо зловити таксі? Can I catch a taxi here? Is it possible to catch a cab here? Хутчіш, бо запізнишся. Hurry up, or you will be late. Come on, you'll be late. Це буде складно. It'll be hard. It'll be difficult. Том завжди себе так поводить? Does Tom always behave like that? Tom always behaves like that? Мені подобається грати в гольф. I like to play golf. I like to play golf. У мене є сестра і брат. I have a sister and a brother. I have a sister and a brother. Том не хотів говорити аж так гучно. Tom didn't want to talk so loud. Tom didn't want to talk that loud. Нашій команді потрібна твоя допомога. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. Ви ніколи не брешете. You never tell lies. You never lie. Почекай-но, ти сказав "дівчина" чи "хлопець"? Wait, did you say girl or guy? Wait a minute, did you say "girl" or "boy"? Воно все спрацює, ось побачите. It's all going to work out, you'll see. It'll work, you'll see. Вона його кинула. She dumped him. She dropped him. Том у безпеці. Tom's safe. Tom's safe. Я врешті-решт отримала водійські права. I finally got a driving licence. I eventually got driver's license. Я не учениця. I am not a student. I'm not a student. Тому було шкода Мері. Tom felt sorry for Mary. So I felt sorry for Mary. Просто зараз я дивлюся новини. I'm watching the news right now. Right now, I'm watching the news. Том постійно перевіряє телефон. Tom constantly checks his phone. Tom keeps checking the phone. Як дружина? How is your wife doing? How's the wife? Ти цілком прав. You're absolutely correct. You're absolutely right. Том не багатий, а Мері багата. Tom isn't rich, but Mary is. Tom's not rich, and Mary's rich. Я зламала свої окуляри. I've broken my glasses. I broke my glasses. Я загубив улюблену ручку. I lost my favorite pen. I lost my favorite pen. Спізнилися всі, крім мене. Everyone was late but me. They're all over the place but me. Зупинімося! Let's stop! Let's stop! Це книга. This is a book. It's a book. Я не планую розхитувати човен. I don't plan on rocking the boat. I'm not planning on rocking the boat. Гроші не пахнуть. Money does not smell. Money doesn't smell like money. У Тома багато дивних ідей. Tom has lots of strange ideas. Tom has a lot of weird ideas. З'їж що-небудь. Eat something. Eat something. Я з клієнтом. I'm with a client. I'm with a customer. Я розчарована твоєю ефективністю. I'm disappointed with your performance. I'm disappointed in your efficiency. Хіба у вас раніше не було машини? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't you have a car before? Ви були на роботі? Were you at work? Were you at work? Що ти вчиш? What do you learn? What are you teaching? Я жалкую, що з'їв ті устриці. I regret eating those oysters. I regret having eaten those oysters. Добридень. Good afternoon! Hello. Будь ласка, напишіть своє ім'я олівцем. Write down your name with a pencil, please. Please write your name as pencil. Том хоче вивчати медицину. Tom wants to study medicine. Tom wants to study medicine. Вона мене повністю ігнорує. She's totally ignoring me. She completely ignores me. Том ввечері йде на гулянку. Tom's going on the lash tonight. Tom's going to party tonight. Я говорив. I was talking. I told you. Вона направлялася до аеропорту. She was heading to the airport. She was headed to the airport. Вона вивчає португальську в Бразилії. She is studying Portuguese in Brazil. She studies Portuguese in Brazil. Що ви їм скажете? What're you going to tell them? What will you tell them? Звідки ти знав, що це трапиться? How did you know that that was going to happen? How did you know this would happen? Що там? What is over there? What is it? Якщо природну мову можна порівняти з деревом, що розвивається протягом часу, то есперанто можна порівняти з пластмасовим деревом, яке було створене штучно. If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially. If natural language can be compared to a tree that develops over time, the Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree that was created artificially. Все хотіли співати. Everybody wanted to sing. Everybody wanted to sing. Яке значення цієї фрази? What is the meaning of this phrase? What is the meaning of this phrase? Гадаю, Том побуває в Бостоні. I think Tom will visit Boston. I think Tom's in Boston. Ви знаєте, куди ми їдемо? Do you know where we're going? Do you know where we're going? Том не знає, що йому потрібно зробити. Tom doesn't know what he needs to do. Tom doesn't know what he needs to do. Не будь такий сердитий. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Том має гарний сад. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom has a nice garden. Я знаю, коли ти брешеш. I know when you're lying. I know when you're lying. Я знаю, що ви просто робили свою роботу. I know you were just doing your job. I know you just did your job. Ми підемо пішки. We'll walk. We're going on foot. Том сказав, що саме трапилося? Did Tom say what happened exactly? Tom said what exactly happened? Я нарешті зрозуміла, що я у тебе не закохана. I finally realized that I wasn't in love with you. I finally realized I wasn't in love with you. Ти сказав Тому, що я жартувала? Did you tell Tom I was joking? Did you tell him I was kidding? Тому було жахливо нудно. Tom was awfully bored. That's why it was terribly boring. Том сказав, що я гарна. Tom said I looked pretty. Tom said I was pretty. Я буду в лабораторії. I'll be in the lab. I'll be in the lab. Будь ласка, зачекайте хвилину. Please wait a minute. Please wait a minute. Я трохи сором'язлива. I'm kind of shy. I'm a little shy. В'язень помер під тортурами. The prisoner died under torture. The prisoner died under torture. Це нестерпне. This is intolerable. It's unbearable. Сьогодні мені треба багато чого зробити. I have a lot to do today. I've got a lot to do today. Том та Мері обоє там будуть. Both Tom and Mary will be there. Tom and Mary will both be there. Що ти розумієш? What do you understand? What do you understand? Вони мене підозрюють? Do they suspect me? They suspect me? Том був трохи збентежений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. Я хочу з нею побалакати. I want to talk to her. I want to talk to her. Винеси сміття. Take out the trash. Take the trash out. Хіба ви не повертаєтеся сьогодні ввечері? Aren't you coming back tonight? Aren't you coming back tonight? Я забув ваш номер. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. У вас є карта Бостона? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map of Boston? Твоя сестра як завжди чудова. Your sister's as beautiful as ever. Your sister's always great. Це буде дуже важко зробити. Doing that will be very difficult. It's going to be very hard to do. Дитина була паралізована від страху. The child was paralyzed with fear. The child was paralyzed from fear. Тобі подобаються ці парфуми? Do you like this perfume? Do you like those perfumes? Як жахливо! How horrible! How awful! Ви поспішаєте? Are you in a rush? Are you in a hurry? У мене немає двох котів. I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Коли ти наймеш його на роботу, то тобі слід взяти до уваги його юність. When you employ him, you must make allowances for his youth. When you hire him, you should take his youth into account. Ми певні, що це не було випадковістю. We're sure it wasn't an accident. We're sure it wasn't an accident. Це його нав'язлива ідея. It's an obsession of his. That's his obsession. Це справа принципу. It's a matter of principle. It's a matter of principle. Том неохоче вийшов із кімнати. Reluctantly, Tom left the room. Tom reluctantly left the room. Він знає, що я його кохаю. He knows that I love him. He knows I love him. Я в це не вірю. I don't believe that. I don't believe it. Я був у білій сукні. I wore the white dress. I was in a white dress. Перевір знову. Check again. Check it out again. У Тома є син-доктор. Tom has a son who's a doctor. Tom has a son-doctor. Я знаю, що це буде неможливе. I know it'll be impossible. I know it'll be impossible. У вас є щось від головного болю? Do you have anything for a headache? Do you have anything to do with headaches? Діти наслідують друзів, а не батьків. Children imitate their friends rather than their parents. Children imitate friends rather than parents. Том падає. Tom is falling. Tom falls. Том хоче пограти з друзями надворі. Tom wants to play with his friends outside. Tom wants to play outside with his friends. Що б не сталося, зберігай спокій. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, keep calm. Том надіслав Мері повідомлення. Tom sent Mary a message. Tom sent Mary a message. Він завжди щасливий. He is always happy. He's always happy. Коли Мері дійшла до автобусної зупинки, останній автобус вже поїхав. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already gone. Том сьогодні у чорному пальто. Tom is wearing a black coat today. Tom's wearing a black coat today. Я чекатиму до 2:30. I'm going to wait till 2:30. I'll wait until 2:30 p.m. Том — моя дитина. Tom is my kid. Tom is my baby. Ми, як правило, розмовляли французькою. We usually talked in French. We usually spoke French. Банани смачні. A banana is delicious. The banans are delicious. Вони їдять. They eat. They eat. Том може йти. Tom may leave. Tom can go. Де ти мешкаєш? Where do you live? Where do you live? Зараз вони нікчемні. They're useless now. Now they're worthless. Ти пробував поговорити з ними? Did you try to talk to them? Did you try talking to them? Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than it seemed. Її друзі насміхалися над нею. She was laughed at by her friends. Her friends mocked her. Дозволь мені поспілкуватися з Томом. Give me a minute with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Том, здавалося, зрозумів, що я сказав. Tom seemed to understand what I said. Tom seemed to understand what I said. Сумніваюся, що Том може виграти. I doubt Tom can win. I doubt Tom could win. Інопланетяни прилітають та відбирають у нас нашу роботу. Земля для землян! Депортуймо марсіан! The aliens are coming and stealing our jobs. Earth for the earthlings! Deport the Martians! The aliens come and take away our work. Не хвилюйся. Don't worry! Don't worry. Белл винайшов телефон у 1876 році. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876. Bell invented the phone in 1876. Поїдеш потягом? Will you go by train? Will you drive a train? Том сказав, що Мері гарна. Tom said that Mary was cute. Tom said Mary was beautiful. Він більше не може йти. He can't walk any more. He can't go anymore. Том та Мері все ще сплять, так? Tom and Mary are still asleep, aren't they? Tom and Mary are still asleep, aren't they? Тому все ще подобається Бостон? Does Tom still like Boston? So you still like Boston? Чому б ти це робив? Why'd you do that? Why would you do that? Цей молодий чоловік - доктор медицини. The young man is a doctor. This young man is a doctor of medicine. Він поїхав за кордон, і так і не повернувся. He went abroad, never to return. He went abroad, and never came back. Зберіть свої іграшки разом. Gather your toys together. Gather your toys together. Зробити це було набагато важче, ніж здавалося. Doing that was much harder than I thought it would be. It was much harder to do than it seemed. Думаю, у мене непогано вийшло. I thought I did a good job. I think I did a good job. Що Том хоче на Різдво? What does Tom want for Christmas? What does Tom want for Christmas? Хіба ти не хочеш, щоб я тобі допоміг? Don't you want me to help you? Don't you want me to help you? Ти повинен робити те, що тобі каже Том. You need to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Мені стало краще. I've gotten better. I got better. Ці люди божевільні? Are those people crazy? These people are crazy? Тому цікаво. Tom is curious. So it's interesting. Ви вже закінчили роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Are you done yet? Три роки тому я була дуже багата. I was very rich three years ago. Three years ago I was very rich. Це нескладно зробити. It isn't hard to do that. It's not difficult to do. Том помер. Tom died. Tom is dead. Мені подобається бути на самоті. I like being alone. I like being alone. Ми обидві були п'яні. We were both drunk. We were both drunk. Я не такий високий як мій брат, але вищий від мого батька. I am not so tall as my brother, but taller than my father. I'm not as tall as my brother, but taller than my father. Том не знає, що ти зробила. Tom doesn't know what you've done. Tom doesn't know what you did. Я вас просив про допомогу? Did I ask for your help? Did I ask you for help? Том взяв один з бутербродів. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Tom took one of the sandwiches. Я ніколи не жила в Бостоні. I've never lived in Boston. I never lived in Boston. Для мене це важливо. To me, it is important. It matters to me. Ця коробка була заважка. The box was too heavy. This box was too heavy. Можете відпочити. You can rest. You can relax. Ви готові починати? Are you ready to start? Are you ready to start? Все одно я хотів її продати. I wanted to sell it anyway. I wanted to sell it anyway. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері не буде. Tom said that he thought that Mary would be absent. Tom said that he thought Mary wouldn't be here. Ви щось упустили. You dropped something. You dropped something. Я відразу ж зателефонувала Тому. I immediately called Tom. I called Tom right away. Ти виглядав зацікавленим. You seemed interested. You looked interested. Це допоможе. That'll help. This will help. Я спатиму. I am going to sleep. I'm sleeping. Я сказав Мері французькою мовою, що я її кохаю. I told Mary I loved her in French. I told Mary in French that I loved her. У нас насправді немає вибору. We really don't have a choice. We don't really have a choice. Я помер. I am dead. I'm dead. Він тяжко працював, щоб досягти своєї мети. He worked hard to obtain his objective. He worked hard to reach his goal. У Кена два кота. Ken has two cats. Ken has two cats. Я зрозумів, у чому моя помилка. I realized what my mistake was. I realized what my mistake was. Я люблю поїздки. I love trips. I love trips. Телефон не працює. The phone is out of order. The phone's not working. Ось чого ми бажаємо. Here's what we want. That's what we want. Том у сонцезахисних окулярах. Tom is wearing sunglasses. Tom in sun protection glasses. Том добре малює. Tom is good at painting. Tom is good at drawing. Все, що тобі треба зробити, — це натиснути на червону кнопку. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press the red button. Ти виглядала дуже сумною. You seemed really sad. You looked very sad. Де можна взяти напрокат костюм для Хелловіну? Where can I rent a Halloween costume? Where can I get a costume for Halloween? Том зайнятий і не може тобі зараз допомогти. Tom is busy and can't help you now. Tom's busy and can't help you right now. Ми не пара. We're not a couple. We're not a couple. Тебе хоче бачити студент. A student wants to see you. A student wants to see you. Ми хочемо голосувати. We want to vote. We want to vote. Том та Мері спробували. Tom and Mary gave it a try. Tom and Mary tried. Здається, у мене починається гарячка. I think I'm coming down with a fever. I think I'm starting a fever. Чому ти не спиш? Why aren't you asleep? Why aren't you sleeping? Том і насправді думає, що хтось слухає? Does Tom really think anyone is listening? Tom really thinks someone's listening? Здачі не потрібно! Keep the change! There's no need for luck! Том, можна сказати, гарний. Tom is kind of handsome. Tom, you can say he's handsome. В будь-якому разі, я з тобою не згоден. Anyway, I disagree with your opinion. Anyway, I don't agree with you. Мені треба було піти раніше. I should've left sooner. I had to go before. Я зустріла його випадково. I met him by chance. I met him by accident. Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like it? Why do you like her? Проблема в тому, що сонячна енергія занадто дорога. The problem is that solar energy costs too much. The problem is that solar energy is too expensive. Я дуже старомодна. I'm very old-fashioned. I'm very old-fashioned. У Тома похмілля. Tom has a hangover. Tom has a hangover. Ти врятувала мені життя. You have saved my life. You saved my life. Ти йому зателефонував? Did you telephone him? Did you call him? Розумієш? Capisce? Do you understand? Том не був зі мною грубий. Tom wasn't rude to me. Tom wasn't rude to me. Як сказати "дякую" японською? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do I say "thank you" in Japanese? Вона спить. She is sleeping. She's sleeping. Дружина Тома попросила його звільнитися з роботи. Tom's wife asked him to quit his job. Tom’s wife asked him to quit his job. Ти не міг би відчинити двері? Do you mind opening the door? Could you open the door? Вам зручно? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Цей стілець зроблено з пластику. This chair is plastic. This chair is made of plastic. Том міг и повинен був допомогти Мері. Tom could've and should've helped Mary. Tom could and should have helped Mary. Хіба ти не знаєш як? Don't you know how? Don't you know how? Він усиновив сироту. He adopted the orphan. He adopted a serum. Я грав у бейсбол. I played baseball. I played baseball. Вона заслуговує на кращє життя. She deserves a better life. She deserves a better life. Я отримав квиток задарма. I got the ticket for nothing. I got a ticket for free. Ви така нестерпна людина. You are such an insufferable person. You're such an unbearable man. Що тут діється? What's going on in here? What's going on here? Том сказав, що ти говориш французькою. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you spoke French. Я зробила все, що могла. I've done all I can. I did what I could. Ні, пане, вона безкоштвона. No, sir, it's free. No, sir, she's free. Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I'm very interested in learning French. Стався добре до кота, будь ласка. Please treat the cat well. Be good to the cat, please. Я не маю часу на читання. I have no time for reading. I don't have time to read. У тебе є ліхтарик, який я міг би у тебе позичити? Do you have a torch I could borrow? Do you have a flashlight I could borrow from you? Я йжу до магазину. I'm going shopping. I'm going to the store. Не вір нікому. Don't trust anybody. Don't believe anyone. Я рада, що ти задоволений своєю роботою. I'm glad you are happy with your job. I'm glad you're happy with your work. Ви працюєте десь поруч? Do you work near here? Do you work next door? Ти визнаєш це, чи не так? You recognize this, don't you? You admit it, don't you? У мене завтра є справи. I have things to do tomorrow. I have business tomorrow. Я неохайна. I'm untidy. I'm unkempt. Ви завжди помиляєтеся. You're always making mistakes. You're always wrong. Я не знав, що це можливо. I didn't know that was possible. I didn't know it was possible. Я виснажений. I'm bushed. I'm exhausted. Я народився в Осаці, але виріс у Токіо. I was born in Osaka, but was brought up in Tokyo. I was born in Osaka but grew up in Tokyo. Ти дуже матеріалістичний. You're very materialistic. You're very materialistic. Я не розумію, а я не звик не розуміти. Будь ласка, поясни ще раз. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, and I'm not used to understanding. Я ділюсь усім. I share everything. I share everything. Варіанти очевидні. The options are clear. Variants are obvious. Єдина особа, про кого Том взагалі говорить, — це Мері. The only person Tom ever talks about is Mary. The only person Tom talks about at all is Mary. Я хочу, щоб ви залишилися тут із Томом. I want you to stay here with Tom. I want you to stay here with Tom. Її було скасовано. It was canceled. It was cancelled. Моя країна густонаселена. My country is populous. My country is densely populated. Мері сказала, що готова. Mary said she's ready. Mary said she was ready. Ви маєте час. You have time. You have time. Цікаво, чи з Томом все гаразд. I wonder whether or not Tom is OK. I wonder if Tom's okay. Я погано сплю. I do not sleep well. I sleep poorly. Хіба ти це не купиш? Aren't you going to buy that? Can't you buy it? Жінки гарні. Women are beautiful. Women are beautiful. Хіба не було б чудово, якби Том це зробив? Wouldn't it be nice if Tom did that? Wouldn't it be great if Tom did that? Ти зробив це? Did you do it? Did you do that? У мене проблеми з нічним сном. I have trouble sleeping at night. I've got a night's sleep problem. Том іноді мене дратує. Tom sometimes annoys me. Tom sometimes annoys me. Я досить добре танцюю. I dance quite well. I'm pretty good at dancing. Ви можете попросити Тома про допомогу. You can ask Tom for help. You can ask Tom for help. Я лише вчитель. I'm just a teacher. I'm just a teacher. Це ж очевидно, що тобі дешевше обійдеться заночувати в нас. It would of course be cheaper for you to sleep at our place. It's obvious you're cheaper to stay overnight at our place. Він взагалі не дивиться телевізор. He does not watch TV at all. He doesn't watch TV at all. Я ніколи не казала ні. I never said no. I never said no. У Ріо вже є метро. There is already a subway in Rio. Rio already has a subway. Ви готові нам допомогти? Are you ready to help us? Are you ready to help us? Том — рідкісний покидьок. Tom's a total bellend. Tom is a rare bastard. Його волосся ставало все тоншим і тоншим. His hair got thinner and thinner. His hair became thinner and thinner. Учора моя сестра поїхала до Кобе. Yesterday my sister went to Kobe. Yesterday my sister went to Kobe. Хіба ви не говорите з точки зору досвіду? Aren't you talking from experience? Aren't you talking from the perspective of experience? Він любить морозиво. She likes ice cream. He likes ice cream. Я була голодна. I was hungry. I was hungry. Що вам потрібно знати? Why do you need to know? What do you need to know? У неї вдвічі більше компакт-дисків, ніж у мене. She has twice as many CDs as I do. She has twice as many CDs as I have. Вулиця знову пуста. The street is empty again. The street is again empty. Том не зміг зловити кроля. Tom couldn't catch the rabbit. Tom couldn't catch a rabbit. Всі собаки вірні. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are right. Гадаю, Том мене ненавидить. I think Tom hates me. I think Tom hates me. Ми такі раді. We are so happy. We're so glad. Том та Мері обоє дуже засмучені. Both Tom and Mary are very upset. Tom and Mary are both very upset. Хіба ти з нами не лишишся? Aren't you going to stay with us? Aren't you staying with us? Це комунізм. This is communism. This is communism. В цьому місці ріка раптом звужується. The river suddenly narrows at this point. At this point, the river suddenly narrows. Ісус — паразит. Jesus is a pest. Jesus is a parasite. Я нечасто це роблю. I seldom do that. I don't often do that. Том — дуже практична людина. Tom is a very practical, down-to-earth person. Tom is a very practical person. У мене добра теща. My mother-in-law is kind. I have a good mother-in-law. Я потребую політичного притулку. I need political asylum. I need political asylum. Було затишшя після бурі. There was a calm after the storm. It was quiet after the storm. Немає простого шляху до успіху. There is no simple road to success. There is no easy way to succeed. Ось і потяг. Here comes the train. There's a train. Він любить тигрів. He loves the tigers. He loves tigers. Йде дощ, тому ми не можемо цим зайнятися. It's raining now, so we can't do that. It's raining, so we can't do it. Це було надзвичайно сюрреальне. It was incredibly surreal. It was extremely surreal. Ці студенти — корейці. Those students are Korean. These students are Koreans. Йди звідси! Go away! Get out of here! Яке твоє прізвище? What is your last name? What's your name? Том та Мері планують піти на пенсію, коли їм буде по шістдесят п'ять років. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're 65. Tom and Mary plan to retire when they're sixty-five years old. Можна скористатися вашим телефоном? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Твої страждання мене тішать. Your suffering amuses me. Your suffering makes me happy. Коли ти хоч щось для мене зробив? When have you ever done anything for me? When did you do anything for me? Ми зачинили двері. We closed the door. We locked the door. Ось він де! There he is! There he is! Ми різні. We're different. We're different. Том та Мері знають? Do Tom and Mary know? Tom and Mary know? У тебе все добре? Are you well? You okay? Не спи з увімкненим світлом. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep with the lights on. Він не дурніший за тебе. He is no more foolish than you are. He's not dumber than you. Поїзди в Сербії страшно повільні. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. The trains in Serbia are frighteningly slow. Мені здається, що Том порочний. I think that Tom is depraved. I feel like Tom's a porn. "Коні" — множина слова "кінь". "Horses" is the plural of "horse." "Condy" is a set of "ends". Де попільничка? Where is the ashtray? Where's the ashtray? Ти можеш пояснити, про що ти говориш? Can you explain what you're talking about? Can you explain what you're talking about? Мені шкода, що я не сказав Тому правду. I wish I had told Tom the truth. I'm sorry I didn't tell him the truth. Він не насмілився сказати "ні" моєму плану. He dared not say no to my plan. He didn't dare say no to my plan. Том сказав надокучливому сусідові зайнятися своїм життям і припинити совати совати свій ніс до справ інших. Tom told his busybody neighbour to get a life and to get his nose out of everyone's business. Tom told the annoying neighbor to take his life and stop salting his nose to the interests of others. Це було частиною плану. This was part of the plan. It was part of the plan. Безліч зірок було видно на небі. Numerous stars were visible in the sky. Many stars were visible in the sky. Яблуко від яблуні далеко не падає. Like breeds like. The apple from the apple doesn't fall far away. Ми чекаємо, допоки вони підуть. We're waiting for them to leave. We wait until they leave. Том змінився в обличчі. Tom changed color. Tom changed in his face. Я зроблю все, що ти від мене хочеш. I'll do whatever you want me to. I'll do whatever you want from me. Раніше я жив поруч з Томом. I used to live close to Tom. I used to live next to Tom. Говори гучніше, будь ласка. Please speak louder. Speak up, please. Ви можете сісти, де хочете. You may sit wherever you like. You can sit where you want. Думаю, що Юмі захворіла. I think that Yumi is sick. I think Yumi got sick. Ціна відображує попит. Price reflects demand. The price reflects demand. Чому вона тобі подобається? Why do you like her? Why do you like her? Ти ще сердитий, так? You're still mad, aren't you? You're still angry, aren't you? Паркан потрібно пофарбувати. The fence needs to be painted. The fence needs to be painted. Нам треба зателефонувати Тому. We should call Tom. We need to call Tom. Це добре, що ти змогла допомогти. It's a good thing that you were able to help. It's a good thing you could help. Тікай і не озирайся. Run away, and don't look back. Run and don't look back. Ми в дорозі додому. We are on the way home. We're on our way home. Я ненавиджу інтерв'ю. I hate doing interviews. I hate interviews. Том підняв журнал. Tom picked up the magazine. Tom picked up the magazine. Щоб добре знати людину, достатньо подорожувати з ним один тиждень. In order to know a man, you have only to travel with him a week. To know a person well, it is enough to travel with him for one week. Том поклявся спасти Мері. Tom vowed to rescue Mary. Tom vowed to save Mary. Мій учитель каже, що я талановитий учень. My teacher says I'm a talented student. My teacher says I'm a talented student. Сподіваюся, ніхто не вкраде моїх речей. I hope nobody steals my stuff. I hope no one steal my stuff. Я більше не вчитель. I'm no longer a teacher. I'm not a teacher anymore. Тобі подобається Браян Адамс? Do you like Bryan Adams? Do you like Brian Adams? Звідки у тебе взялася нерозумна ідея піти до офісу пана Садіка? Where did you get the stupid idea of getting into Mr. Sadiq's office? Where did you get the stupid idea of going to Mr Sadika's office? Де ти маєш це зробити? Where do you have to do that? Where are you supposed to do that? Скільки в цьому класі хлопців? How many boys are in this class? How many guys in this class? Тобі треба зв'язатися з Томом. You need to get in touch with Tom. You need to contact Tom. В інтернеті мало сайтів на татарській мові. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few sites on the internet in Tatar. Ди ви їх бачили? Where did you see them? Did you see them? Настав час тобі одружитися. It's time you got married. It's time for you to get married. Ми вчимо арабську. We learn Arabic. We teach Arabic. Ти запитав Тому, що не так? Did you ask Tom what was wrong? You asked what's wrong? Ти можеш туди піти. You may go there. You can go there. Лише деякі запитання мають відповіді. Only some questions have answers. Only some questions have the answers. Я впустив свої ключі. I dropped my keys. I dropped my keys. Том не зміг перемогти. Tom wasn't able to win. Tom couldn't win. Вона пішла з ним у кіно. She went to the cinema with him. She went to the movies with him. Що Том робить на Різдво? What's Tom doing for Christmas? What's Tom doing for Christmas? Одягни на нього наручники. Put handcuffs on him. Put your hand on him. Я знаю, що Том не знає, чому я хотів це зробити. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to do that. I know Tom doesn't know why I wanted to do it. Том щось їсть. Tom is eating something. Tom eats something. Самі вибрав релігію батька. Sami chose the religion of his father. Sami chose the religion of his father. Я мав відмовити. I should've declined. I had to say no. Батьки мають супроводжувати дітей. Parents must accompany their children. Parents need to accompany their children. Том сказав, що хоче з тобою зустрітися. Tom said he wants to meet you. Tom said he wanted to meet you. Я почекаю в спортзалі. I'll wait in the gym. I'll wait in the gym. Том зомлів. Tom lost consciousness. Tom passed. Ці речі підлягають розмитненню. These articles are liable to duty. These things are subject to blurry. Я певен, що ти дуже зайнята. I'm sure you're very busy. I'm sure you're very busy. Захистіть мене! Protect me! Protect me! Вам не подобаються яблука? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Дай мені трохи молока. Give me some milk. Give me some milk. Це я переконала Тома допомогти. I'm the one who persuaded Tom to help. I was the one who convinced Tom to help. Ви ґей. You're gay. You gay. Він зробив нам стіл і дві лавки. He made a desk and two benches for us. He made us a table and two benches. Не їж як свиня. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Модель та серійні номери знаходяться на зворотній стороні консолі. The model and serial numbers are located on the bottom of the console. The model and serial numbers are on the back of the console. Нечасто трапляється нагода поговорити французькою. We have few opportunities to speak French. It is not often an opportunity to speak French. Я не люблю цибулю. I don't like onions. I don't like onions. Я маю багато квітів. I have a lot of flowers. I have a lot of flowers. Том добре співає. Tom is good at singing. Tom sings well. У мене є певні проблеми при компіляції цієї програми. I'm having some problems compiling this software. I have some problems compiling this program. Том з'їв усі кукурудзяні баранці. Tom ate all the popcorn. Tom ate all the corn lambs. Ти не мусив це мені казати. Я вже знав. You didn't need to tell me that. I already knew. You didn't have to tell me that. Відкрийте свої книжки на сторінці тридцять. Open your books to page 30. Open your books on page 30. Це працює. That works. It works. Том сказав, що повернеться в жовтні. Tom said he'd be back in October. Tom said he'd be back in October. Погода покращилася. The weather has improved. The weather improved. Джон не знає, що робити далі. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Том спостерігає за Мері. Tom is watching Mary. Tom is watching Mary. Я ніколи не їздив до Бостона. I've never gone to Boston. I never went to Boston. Ти не мусиш робити це зараз. You don't have to do that now. You don't have to do it now. Я не відчуваю болю, і це добре. I have no pain, which is good. I don't feel pain, and that's good. До біса твою допомогу. Fuck your help. Fuck your help. Скількома мовами ти вільно володієш? How many languages can you speak fluently? How many languages do you speak freely? Просто дайте нам ще трохи часу. Just give us a bit more time. Just give us some more time. Ти можеш порекомендувати доброго лікаря? Can you recommend a good doctor? Can you recommend a good doctor? Том серйозний. Tom's serious. Tom's serious. Ви п'єте занадто багато кави. You drink too much coffee. You drink too much coffee. Не запізнися на автобус. Don't miss the bus. Don't be late for the bus. Летючі риби також існують. There are also fish that fly. Flying fish also exist. Це погана ідея. That's a bad idea. That's a bad idea. Я не знав, що Том не вміє водити. I didn't know that Tom couldn't drive. I didn't know Tom could not drive. Чому ти вирішив купити цей будинок? Why did you decide to buy this house? Why did you decide to buy this house? Я зателефоную тобі вранці. I'll call you in the morning. I'll call you in the morning. Зараз чверть на третю. It's a quarter to three. It's a quarter by third. Чи є на стільці книга? - Є. "Is there a book on the chair?" "Yes, there is." Is there a book on the chair? Хіба ти все ще сонна? Aren't you still sleepy? Aren't you still sleepy? Я був глибоко вражений його відвагою. I was deeply impressed with his courage. I was deeply impressed by his courage. Я чула, що звільнили й Тома, і Мері. I heard that Tom and Mary have both been fired. I heard Tom and Mary were fired. Цікаво, що з ним стало, як він поїхав до Америки? I wonder what has become of him after he went to America. I wonder what happened to him when he went to America? Том сказав, що не планує цього робити. Tom said he didn't plan on doing that. Tom said he wasn't planning on doing that. Припини ставити ідіотські запитання. Quit asking stupid questions. Stop asking stupid questions. Том поїде до Австралії. Tom is going to visit Australia. Tom will go to Australia. Його звуть Том. Its name is Tom. His name is Tom. Я зроблю все, що в моїх силах, щоб цього не трапилося. I'll do whatever I can to prevent that from happening. I'll do my best not to let this happen. Ізабела була моєю першою дівчиною. Isabela was my first girlfriend. Isabel was my first girl. Він боїться літати літаком. He is afraid to fly in an airplane. He is afraid to fly by plane. Том упав в ущелину. Tom fell down into the ravine. Tom fell into the gorge. Воно однакове. It's all the same. It's the same. Ви це зробите з Томом? Will you do that with Tom? Will you do that with Tom? Це з-за того, що англійська — міжнародна мова. This is due to English being a world language. This is because English is an international language. Станьте в позу. Strike a pose. Stand in position. Чому ви так багато п'єте? Why do you drink so much? Why do you drink so much? Його поезія не перекладається на японську мову. His poetry does not translate into Japanese. His poetry is not translated into Japanese. Він загубив свій квиток в кіно. He lost his movie ticket. He lost his ticket to the movie. Сьогодні був дуже важкий день. Today was a very tough day. Today was a very difficult day. Я хочу ту ляльку! I want that doll! I want that doll! Ти почуваєшся втомленим? Are you feeling tired? Do you feel tired? Це дуже класно. That's very cool. That's very cool. Хочете їсти? Hungry? Would you like to eat? Вам слід було зачекати. You should've waited. You should have waited. Я отримав лист, написаний англійською. I received a letter written in English. I received a letter written in English. Ми майже закінчили. We're nearly finished. We're almost done. У кімнаті більше нікого не було. No one else was in the room. There was no one else in the room. Він фін. He's Finnish. He's the final. Ти куштував рис? Did you try the rice? Did you taste the rice? Ти вже заплатила. You already paid. You already paid. Вони хочуть миру. They want peace. They want peace. Том зміг зробити все, що мав зробити. Tom could do everything he needed to do. Tom was able to do everything he had to do. Непогана ідея. The idea isn't bad. That's a good idea. Вона не любить дітей. She doesn't like children. She doesn't like kids. Я на це плював з високої дзвіниці. I couldn't care less. I spit on it from a high bell. Том садівник. Tom is a gardener. Tom gardener. Йому обов'язково вдасться. He is sure to succeed. He's sure to succeed. Прошу закрити вікна. Please close the windows. Please close the windows. Ти хочеш поїсти? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Ви смілива людина. You're a brave person. You're a brave man. Не бійся, я з тобою. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Don't be afraid, I'm with you. Сьогодні вранці Том прислав мені троянди. Tom sent me roses this morning. Tom sent me roses this morning. Як сестра? How's your sister? How's the sister? Це твоя максимальна швидкість? Is that as fast as you can go? Is that your maximum speed? Мамо, я голодний. Mom, I am hungry. Mom, I'm hungry. Я живу тут лише через те, що тут дешево. I only live here because it's cheap. I live here only because it's cheap here. Легко забути, що мікрофон увімкнено. It's easy to forget that the microphone is on. It's easy to forget the microphone's on. Я не ваш раб. I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave. Вона не слухає. She doesn't listen. She doesn't listen. Я зламала руку. I fractured my arm. I broke my hand. Телевізор руйнує родинне життя. Television is ruining family life. Television destroys family life. Я хотів зробити кілька телефонних дзвінків. I wanted to make some telephone calls. I wanted to make a few phone calls. Дійте! Do it! Do it! Ця троянда цвіте білим цвітом. This rose has a white bloom. This rose blooms with white blossoms. Том вже почав працювати на новій роботі? Has Tom already started his new job? Tom's already started working at a new job? Дивіться уважно. Watch carefully. Watch closely. Зачекайте на Тома. Wait for Tom. Wait for Tom. Я вимкнула комп'ютер. I turned off the computer. I turned off the computer. Я певна, що він досягне успіху. I am sure that he will succeed. I'm sure he'll succeed. Том гадає, що Мері переможе. Tom believes Mary will win. Tom thinks Mary's gonna win. Ми пообідали. We had lunch. We had lunch. За допомогою мови можна створити нескінченну кількість речень зі скінченної кількості елементів. Languages can form an infinite number of sentences with a finite set of elements. Language creates an infinite number of sentences from a finite number of elements. Моя сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. My sister's not doing anything right now. З яблуні впало яблуко. An apple fell off the tree. An apple fell from the apple. Том — лише немовля. Tom is just a baby. Tom is just a baby. Лише ми можемо їх врятувати. Only we can save them. Only we can save them. Едісон винайшов електричну лампочку. Edison invented the light bulb. Edison invented an electric light bulb. Я не пам'ятаю, де я був. I don't remember where I was. I don't remember where I was. Йому виповнилося шістнадцять років. He turned 16 years old. He was sixteen years old. Він кинув камінь до ставка. He threw a rock into the pond. He threw the stone to the pond. Мені подобається моя школа. I like my school. I like my school. Цей голуб пролетів із Сан Франциско до Нью-Йорку. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. Я не знаю коли вона може прийти. I do not know when she can come. I don't know when she can come. Ми щойно зустрілися в коридорі. We have just met on the corridor. We just met in the corridor. Його цікавить математика. He's interested in math. He is interested in mathematics. Я вирішила тебе звільнити. I've decided to fire you. I decided to fire you. Том ніколи не думав, що Мері може завдати йому біль. Tom never thought Mary would hurt him. Tom never thought Mary could hurt him. Важко вибрати. It's hard to choose. It's hard to choose. Я був стривожений. I was alarmed. I was worried. Який це матеріал? What's the material? What kind of material is that? Чому ти був у мене в машині? Why were you in my car? Why were you in my car? Ви можете зробити це просто зараз? Can you do that right now? Can you do it right now? Я хочу вивчати французьку. I want to study French. I want to study French. Я визнала, що не зробила того, що пообіцяла. I admitted I didn't do what I promised to do. I admitted that I had not done what I had promised. Скільки років цій церкві? How old is that church? How old is this church? Боже мій! Яка гарна дупа! Goodness me! What a beautiful arse! Oh my God, what a beautiful ass! Не турбуй мене зараз. Don't bother me now. Don't trouble me now. Том стурбований із-за дітей. Tom is worried about the kids. Tom's worried about the kids. Ця книжка важлива з кількох причин. This book is important for a number of reasons. This book is important for several reasons. Але кохання може розбити твоє серце. But love can break your heart. But love can break your heart. Я хотіла би поїхати до Бостона. I'd like to go to Boston. I'd like to go to Boston. Скільки ви додаєте цукру? How much sugar do you use? How much do you add sugar? Я з ним побалакаю. I'll talk to him. I'll talk to him. Я не пам'ятаю її ім'я. I can't remember what her name is. I don't remember her name. Не прощаючись, він зник у натовпі. Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Without being forgiven, he disappeared in the crowd. Я не поспішаю. I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a hurry. Том трохи знервований. Tom is a little nervous. Tom's a little nervous. Як щодо того, щоб піти поплавати? How about going swimming? How about going swimming? Я все одно вважаю, що це нечесно. I still don't think it's fair. I still think it's unfair. Мені потрібна добра порада. I need some good advice. I need good advice. Може бути, це неможливо. Maybe it's not possible. Maybe it's impossible. Том говорить, що це справа Мері. Tom says it's up to Mary. Tom says it's Mary's business. Я відчував їхній біль і страждав разом із ними. I felt their pain, and suffered with them. I felt their pain and suffered with them. Том помер, сміючись. Tom died laughing. Tom died laughing. У нього з собою не дуже багато грошей. He doesn't have very much money on him. He doesn't have a lot of money. Мені потрібно з тобою поговорити. I must speak to you. I need to talk to you. Вони лежали? Were they lying? Were they lying? Він нічого не сказав. He didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. Том замолодий, щоб зробити це самостійно. Tom is too young to do that by himself. Tom is too young to do it on his own. Мері прочитала все, що змогла знайти. Mary read everything she could find. Mary read everything she could find. Останнім часом я його не бачив. I have not seen him lately. I haven't seen him lately. Як ти можеш таке казати? How can you say such a thing? How can you say that? На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There's not a cloud in the sky. There is no cloud in the sky. Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Том мав це зробити. Tom should've done that. Tom was supposed to do it. Ви маєте хобі, Томе? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Do you have a hobby, Tom? Дозвольте мені пожити. Let me live. Let me live. Том — зіпсована дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a corrupt child. Якщо мені пощастить, я приїду вчасно. If I'm lucky, I will arrive on time. If I'm lucky, I'll come in time. Том зробив для дітей все, що зміг. Tom did everything he could for his kids. Tom did his best for the kids. Чому ви одні? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Ми подивимося. We'll take a look. We'll see. Я не згоден. I disagree. I disagree. Яке в тебе склалося враження про Сполучені Штати? What's your impression of the United States? How did you feel about the United States? Цікаво, чи Том дійсно мав намір цим зайнятися. I wonder if Tom really intended to do that. I wonder if Tom really intended to do that. Я скасую це. I'll cancel it. I'll scan it. Я не додаватиму речень російською. I will not add sentences in Russian. I won't add sentences in Russian. Том теж студент. Tom is a student, too. Tom's a student, too. Том відвіз доньку до школи. Tom took his daughter to school. Tom took her to school. Ти найгірший. You're the worst. You're the worst. Яка ж ти наполеглива! How persistent you are! How persistent you are! Це було б жахливо. That would be awful. That would be terrible. Том сьогодні вибачився. Tom apologized today. Tom apologized today. Він не любить, коли йому кажуть, що робити. He doesn't like being told what to do. He doesn't like being told what to do. Припини ставити Тому стільки запитань. Stop asking Tom so many questions. Stop asking so many questions. Це фотографія будинку Тома. This is the picture I took of Tom's house. This is a photograph of Tom's house. Всі думають, що це зробив Том. Everyone thinks Tom did that. Everybody thinks Tom did. Ти йдеш додому? Are you going home? Are you going home? Том знає щось, чого ми не знаємо. Tom knows something that we don't. Tom knows something we don't know. Ти мало не померла. You almost died. You almost died. Джексони прийдуть. The Jacksons are coming. The Jacksons will come. Ви маєте запальничку? Do you have a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Можете віддати книжку тому, хто її хоче. You may give the book to whoever wants it. You can give the book to whoever wants it. Том сказав, що заплатить за вечерю. Tom said that he'd pay for the dinner. Tom said he'd pay for dinner. Без тебе я ніщо. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. Старий чоловік увійшов до старої церкви зі своїм старшим сином, його молодшою донькою та її малою дитиною. An old man entered the old church with his elder son, his younger daughter and her little baby. An old man entered the old church with his older son, his younger daughter, and her young child. Я би хотів написати книгу. I would like to write a book. I'd like to write a book. Я зараз живу в Бостоні. I currently live in Boston. I live in Boston right now. Це не те місце, куди я хотів, щоб ти пішов. That's not where I wanted you to go. It's not where I wanted you to go. Я й Том — з Мері. Tom and I are with Mary. Me and Tom – with Mary. Я живу в Європі. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Всі інші діти це роблять. All the other kids do it. All the other kids do it. Ти знаєш, що він сказав? Do you know what he said? You know what he said? Гей, ти куди? Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? Ще раз, будь ласка. One more time, please. One more time, please. Не наступіть на кішку. Don't step on the cat. Don't hit the cat. Що ми будемо робити цього літа? What are we going to do this summer? What are we going to do this summer? У Тома маленька квартира. Tom's apartment is small. Tom has a small apartment. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона має це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary that she had to do it. Для чого ви це робите? What are you doing that for? Why do you do that? Я завтра буду зайнята. I'm going to be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. Я відведу тебе додому. I'm going to take you home. I'll take you home. Том сказав мені, що мені слід подумати над тим, щоб піти на пенсію. Tom told me that I should consider retiring. Tom told me I should think about retiring. Іноді я тебе не розумію. Sometimes I don't get you. Sometimes I don't understand you. Том повинен був дозволити мені співати. Tom should've let me sing. Tom had to let me sing. Том показав Мері свій фотоальбом. Tom showed his photo album to Mary. Tom showed Mary his photo album. Заради всього святого. For heaven's sake. For all Saint's sake. Нам потрібно з нею поговорити. We have to talk to her. We need to talk to her. Я назвала своїх котів Томом та Джері. I called my cats Tom and Jerry. I named my cats Tom and Jerry. Том працює. Tom is working. Tom works. Я намагався попередити всіх. I tried to warn everyone. I tried to warn everyone. Навіщо вам нова парасолька? Why do you need a new umbrella? Why do you need a new umbrella? Я не надовго. I won't be gone long. I won't be long. Том ще не вечеряв. Tom hasn't had his dinner yet. Tom's not having dinner yet. У мене знову болить спина. My back is hurting again. My back hurts again. Я не дуже добре говорю французькою. My French isn't very good. I don't speak very well in French. Завтра ти гратимеш у футбол. You are going to play football tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll play football. Я хотів повернутися до Бостона. I wanted to go back to Boston. I wanted to go back to Boston. Не можу йти, зрештою, і не хочу. I can't go, nor do I want to. I can't leave after all, I don't want to. Тут нікого немає. There isn't anybody here. There's nobody here. Я працюю у транспортній компанії. I work for a shipping company. I work for a transport company. Хто то дав Томові? Who gave it to Tom? Who gave Tom that? Не навчайся! Don't study. Don't learn! Я обожнюю садівництво. I love gardening. I love gardening. Я повівся погано. I did something bad. I did bad. Я не маю сумнівів щодо ваших намірів. I don't doubt your intentions. I have no doubt about your intentions. Чому ти раніше нічого не сказав? Why didn't you say something before? Why didn't you say anything before? Інші дівчата цькували Мері. Mary was bullied by the other girls. Other girls harassed Mary. Мій батько подарував мені комп'ютер. My father gave me a computer as a gift. My father gave me a computer. Завжди будь готовим до найгіршого. Always be prepared for the worst. Always be ready for the worst. Том зміг зробити все, що мав зробити. Tom was able to do everything he needed to do. Tom was able to do everything he had to do. Я купив нову швейну машинку. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. Вона має добре серце. She has a good heart. She has a good heart. Твоя дружина знає? Does your wife know? Does your wife know? Ти в цьому абсолютно впевнена? Do you know that for a fact? Are you absolutely sure about that? Вони лише зараз повернулися додому із школи. They came home from school just now. They just got home from school right now. Ми пишаємося тим, чого досягли. We're proud of what we've accomplished. We are proud of what we have achieved. Том сказав, що він нічого про це не знає. Tom said that he didn't know anything about that. Tom said he didn't know anything about it. Я ви́знаю, що не маю рації. I'll admit I'm wrong. I admit I don't have a radio. Том був у своїй спальні. Tom was in his bedroom. Tom was in his bedroom. Кім вдягнений дуже привабливо. Kim is dressed very attractively. Kim is very attractive. Цей маленький хлопчик вміє ходити. That little boy can walk. That little boy knows how to walk. Побачимо, що скаже Том. Let's see what Tom says. We'll see what Tom says. Я вражений. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Дякую, Томе. Thank you, Tom. Thank you, Tom. Я в захваті. I'm excited. I'm thrilled. Ви багатий. You are rich. You're rich. Будь ласка, перевірте мій зір. Please check my vision. Please check my sight. Це не має до вас жодного стосунку. That has nothing to do with you. It has no relation to you. Дін і справді вміє розправлятися із їжею. Dean can really put away the food. Dean does know how to deal with food. Я бачив ці фотографії. I've seen these pictures. I saw these pictures. Я почуваюся дуже хворим. I feel very sick. I feel very sick. Я кохаю тебе, Томе. I love you, Tom. I love you, Tom. Том має брата, який працює в банку. Tom has a brother who works in a bank. Tom has a brother working at the bank. Коли ти приїдеш до Нідерландів? When are you coming to the Netherlands? When are you coming to the Netherlands? Японці знімають взуття, коли заходять до хати. The Japanese take off their shoes when they enter a house. The Japanese remove their shoes when they walk into the house. Том запротестував. Tom protested. Tom protested. Том зробив Мері щасливою. Tom made Mary happy. Tom made Mary happy. Мама не вміє їздити на велосипеді. My mother can't ride a bicycle. Mom doesn't know how to ride a bike. У Самі задзвонив телефон. Sami's phone started ringing. The phone rang in Sam. Сьогодні я почуваюся значно краще. I feel much better today. Today, I feel much better. Нікому не довіряйте. Trust no one. Don't trust anyone. Я засміялася. I started to laugh. I laughed. Том привітав Мері з дипломом. Tom congratulated Mary on her graduation. Tom greeted Mary with his diploma. Дякую за те, що ти це робиш. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for doing this. Ми можемо зробити це знову. We can do it again. We can do it again. Я віддав жербакові всі гроші, які у мене були. I gave the beggar all the money I had. I gave the beggar all the money I had. Я ніколи раніше не бачив затемнення. I've never seen an eclipse before. I've never seen an eclipse before. Том та Мері планують це зробити. Tom and Mary are planning to do that. Tom and Mary plan to do it. Боляче. It hurts. It hurts. Сподіваюся, ми можемо це виправити. I hope we can fix that. I hope we can fix it. Ти колись бував у Америці? Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? Ось цей належить їм. This one belongs to them. This one belongs to them. Літак в аеропорту. The plane is at the airport. A plane to the airport. Ви зрозуміли правильно. You got that right. You got it right. М'яч потрапив у її праву ногу. A ball hit her on the right leg. The ball got into her right leg. Що було вкрадено? What was stolen? What was stolen? Я хотів би випити чашку кави. I want to have a cup of coffee. I'd like a cup of coffee. Шкода, що тебе тут немає. I wish you were here. Too bad you're not here. Я заснув під час уроку. I went to sleep during the lesson. I fell asleep during the class. Цю коробку доволі легко нести. This box is light enough to carry. This box is quite easy to carry. Що ти задумав? What are you up to? What are you up to? Він готовий. It's ready. He's ready. Скажи Тому, що ти занадто втомлена, щоб допомагати. Tell Tom you're too tired to help. Tell 'em you're too tired to help. Хіба ти не прийдеш завтра? Aren't you going to come tomorrow? Aren't you coming tomorrow? Він все знає. He knows everything. He knows everything. Том народився в Бостоні. Tom was born in Boston. Tom was born in Boston. Ти шукаєш перекладача? Are you looking for an interpreter? Are you looking for a translator? Я хотів його тобі показати. I wanted to show it to you. I wanted to show it to you. Це я приніс. I brought that. I brought it. Мені вас майже шкода. I almost feel sorry for you. I'm almost sorry for you. Візьміть стільки персиків, скільки бажаєте. Take as many peaches as you like. Take as many rings as you like. У неї була донька від першого шлюбу. She had a daughter by her first husband. She had a daughter from her first marriage. Я вірила у Тома. I believed in Tom. I believed in Tom. Буде хмарно. It will be cloudy. It'll be cloudy. Том каже, що займається цим. Tom says he's doing that. Tom says he's involved. Я учитель японської мови. I'm a Japanese language teacher. I'm a Japanese teacher. Том хоче, щоб ти вбив Мері. Tom wants you to kill Mary. Tom wants you to kill Mary. Ви розумні. You're intelligent. You're smart. Я гуляв у лісі сам. I walked in the woods by myself. I was walking in the woods by myself. Мені подобається вчити мови. I like learning languages. I like learning the language. Я справедлива. I'm fair. I'm fair. Дракон непереможний. The dragon is invincible. The dragon is invincible. Звідки ви знаєте, що вам не потрібний особистий охоронець? How do you know you don't need a bodyguard? How do you know you don't need a personal guard? Чому він жив у Сполучених Штатах? Why did he live in the United States? Why did he live in the United States? Валіза Тома виглядає дуже важкою. Tom's suitcase looks very heavy. Tom's Valise looks very heavy. В мене є пляшка віскі. I have a bottle of whiskey. I've got a bottle of whiskey. Я завжди вам довіряла. I've always trusted you. I've always trusted you. Що вона робить? What does she do? What's she doing? Скільки мені слід купити пива? How much beer should I buy? How much should I buy a beer? Я не люблю котів. I don't like cats. I don't like cats. Вона виростила троянди. She grew roses. She raised roses. Ти все ще вищий від мене. You're still taller than me. You're still higher than me. Ось книжка. Here is a book. Here's the book. Прив'яжіть його до дерева. Tie him to a tree. Tie him to the tree. Мері не покінчила життя самогубством. Mary didn't kill herself. Mary did not commit suicide. Дитина схожа на матір. The baby takes after his mother. A child is like a mother. Я сказав, замовкніть! I said shut up! I said shut up! Ви щось казали Тому? Did you say anything to Tom? Did you say anything to Tom? Мама сказала мені, що я маю добре поводитися. My mother told me I have to behave myself. Mom told me I should be good. У вас дуже довгі ноги. Your legs are really long. You have very long legs. Я почула грім. I heard thunder. I heard thunder. Том тут не спить. Tom doesn't sleep here. Tom's not sleeping here. Том уяви не має, що робити. Tom has no idea what to do. Tom has nothing to do with his imagination. Том чудовий. Tom is amazing. Tom's great. Ти налякав мене. You've frightened me. You scared me. Я повинен вчити французьку. I have to learn French. I have to teach French. Вона страждає на невиліковану хворобу. She suffers from an incurable disease. She suffers from an undiagnosed illness. Вона запитали його. They asked him. She asked him. Я не вегетаріанка. I'm not a vegetarian. I'm not a vegetarian. Ми мусимо це все робити? Do we have to do all that? We have to do all this? Сподіваюся, завтра буде сонячна погода. I hope it's sunny tomorrow. I hope the sun's weather is coming tomorrow. Твій паспорт у мене. I've got your passport. I got your passport. Я щойно закінчив робити домашню роботу. I've just finished my homework. I just finished doing my homework. У мене гарне почуття нюху. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Гадаю, ви всі знаєте Тома. I believe you all know Tom. I think you all know Tom. Я піду подивлюся. I'll go see. I'll go see. Відкрийте капот. Open the hood. Open the hood. Сніжить. It's snowing. It's snowing. Струна міцна. This string is strong. It's strong. Що таке свідомість? What is consciousness? What is consciousness? Це ви? Is that you? Is that you? Мері не має чоловіка. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary has no husband. Він ходив взад і вперед по вулиці. He walked back and forth on the street. He walked back and forth in the street. Вони тут. They are here. They're here. В нього багато грошей. He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. Фадль застрелив Лейлу, а потім спробував зробити так, щоб це виглядало як самогубство. Fadil shot Layla then tried to make it look like a suicide. Fadel shot Leila and then tried to make it look like a suicide. Майже всі мови мають діалекти. Almost all languages have dialects. Almost all languages have dialects. Будь ласка, не залишайте тут цінних речей. Please don't leave valuable things here. Please don't leave valuables here. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes talking about other people. So it's nice to talk about other people. Мені прикро. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Мені дуже не вистачає грошей. I'm very short of money. I'm very short of money. Я думала, що Том — ваш друг. I thought Tom was your friend. I thought Tom was your friend. Я хотів би мати такий як цей фотоапарат. I would like to get a camera like this. I'd like to have a camera like this. Тобі подобається прохолодне літо? Do you like a cool summer? Do you like the cool summer? Ви знаєте її? Do you know her? Do you know her? Життя коротке, отже не марнуйте ваш час. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Life is short, so do not waste your time. Том довіз Мері до Бостона. Tom drove Mary to Boston. Tom took Mary to Boston. Твої ідеї дещо застарілі. Your ideas are a little old-fashioned. Your ideas are a bit out of date. Я ніколи не дивлюся телевізор. I never watch TV. I never watch TV. Вона схожа на брата. She looks like her brother. She's like a brother. Я бажаю тобі успіху. I wish you success. I wish you luck. Як ти думаєш, війна розпочнеться? Do you believe war will start? Do you think the war will begin? Деяким студентам подобається грати на гітарі. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some students enjoy playing guitars. Можливо, вона не про тебе говорила? Maybe she wasn't talking about you. Maybe she didn't talk about you? Сьогодні достатньо холодно. It is pretty cold today. It's cold enough today. Тому було цікаво, що Мері скаже Джону. Tom wondered what Mary would say to John. So I wondered what Mary would say to John. Ти все ще школяр? Are you still in high school? Are you still a schoolboy? Це правда, що Том ніколи не був у Австралії? Is it true Tom has never been to Australia? Is it true Tom was never in Australia? Завтра я не на службі. I am off duty tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm not in service. Мені цікаво, чи одружаться Том та Мері. I wonder whether or not Tom and Mary will get married. I wonder if Tom and Mary get married. Де масло? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Я поїхала кататися на лижах з Томом. I went skiing with Tom. I went skiing with Tom. Він не знає нікого з нас. He knows none of us. He knows none of us. Мені це дуже сподобалося. I liked it a lot. I enjoyed it very much. Це лише питання часу. It's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time. Мені треба поговорити з Томом. I must speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. У мене буде хороший день. I am going to have a good day. I'll have a good day. Ось ваші ключі. Here are your keys. Here are your keys. Я хочу, щоб інші враховували мої смаки. I want the others to keep my tastes in mind. I want others to count my tastes. Том хоче, щоб Мері трималася від Джона подалі. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. Tom wants Mary to stay away from John. У тебе вийде. You can make it. You can do it. Скільки коштує квиток на автобус? How much is the bus fare? How much is a bus ticket? Маю хутко бігти на урок. I must hurry to class. I have to go to class quickly. Том все ще хотів їсти. Tom was still hungry. Tom still wanted to eat. Коли ви встали? When did you get up? When did you get up? Горилі тоді було один рік. The gorilla was one year old at the time. The Gorillas were then one year old. Машинні переклади не завжди точні. Machine translations are not always precise. Machine translations are not always accurate. Я не хочу, щоб ви турбувалися. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to worry. Скільки годин ти був змушений чекати? How many hours did you have to wait? How many hours were you forced to wait? У кімнаті є телевізор? Is there a TV in the room? Do you have a TV in the room? Можете це підписати? Can you sign this? Can you sign this? Я хочу його позбутися. I want to get rid of it. I want to get rid of him. Мері, що ти робиш? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Я був у касці. I wore a hard hat. I was in the cash register. Ти б дійсно зробила це для Тома? Would you really do that for Tom? Would you really do that for Tom? Підемо раніше, добре? Let's go early, shall we? Let's go early, okay? Ці собаки твої? Are these dogs yours? Those dogs are yours? Притримайте язика! Hold your tongue! Hold your tongue! Де пральня? Where is the laundry? Where's the laundry? Том може зрозуміти Мері. Tom can understand Mary. Tom may understand Mary. Я ніколи не бачив її такою. I've never seen her like that. I've never seen her like that. З тих пір, як померла його дружина, Том живе один. Tom has lived alone since his wife died. Since his wife died, Tom lives alone. Том знав, що Мері не мала наміру робити цього. Tom knew Mary didn't intend to do that. Tom knew that Mary had no intention of doing so. Хто написав цей лист? Who wrote this letter? Who wrote this letter? Ти маєш зробити те, що Том каже тобі зробити. You have to do whatever Tom tells you to do. You have to do what Tom tells you to do. Ми не терористи. We're not terrorists. We're not terrorists. У мене немає турецької клавіатури. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. I don't have a Turkish keyboard. Що таке факс? What is a fax? What is a fax? Я, особисто, люблю мир. Personally, I like peace. I, personally, love peace. Я не легковірна людина. I am not a gullible person. I'm not a crazier. Спробую ще раз, дякую. I'll try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. Ви алкоголік. You're an alcoholic. You're an alcoholic. Том заповнив форму. Tom filled out a form. Tom filled the uniform. Я думав, що я сам. I thought that I was alone. I thought I was alone. Бережіться! Watch yourselves! Watch out! Виходь. Get out. Come out. Де ти про нас почув? How did you hear about us? Where did you hear about us? Ви коли-небудь рахували зорі? Have you ever counted the stars? Did you ever count the stars? У мене зламався мобільний телефон. My mobile phone is broken. I got a cell phone broken. П'єр роздав карти всім гравцям. Pierre dealt cards to all the players. Pierre has given the cards to all players. Я вийшов заміж повторно. I've remarried. I remarried. Де ти його знайшов? Where did you find him? Where did you find it? Сьогодні я почуваюся чудово. I feel great today. I feel great today. Ти замолода, щоб їздити самому. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to drive alone. Ти про це подумала? Did you think about it? Did you think about that? Я завдячую свій успіх друзям. I owe my success to my friends. I owe my success to my friends. Не плутайте комети та астероїди. Don't confuse comets and asteroids. Don't confuse comets and asteroids. Том дав Мері годинник. Tom gave Mary a watch. Tom gave Mary a watch. Я ніколи не був прихильником релігії. I have never been a fan of religion. I have never been a supporter of religion. Біологи вважають чупакабру сучасною легендою. Biologists view the chupacabras as a contemporary legend. Biologists consider the hupakabro to be a modern legend. Який у тебе улюблений предмет у школі? What's your favorite subject in school? What's your favorite subject at school? Ти нафарбувала губи? Are you wearing lipstick? Did you paint your lips? Том вислухав. Tom listened. Tom listened. Ми поспішаємо. We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. Ми б хотіли підтвердити бронювання. We'd like to confirm our reservations. We'd like to confirm armoring. Сподіваюся, вам він сподобається. I hope that you will like it. I hope you like him. Він обідає. He is having lunch. He eats lunch. Чому ніхто не зупинив Тома? Why didn't anyone stop Tom? Why didn't anyone stop Tom? Зачини двері щільніше. Shut the door tight. Close the door tighter. Порівняй факти. Compare the facts. Compare the facts. Можна поговорити з Білом? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Том настроєний песимістично, так? Tom is pessimistic, isn't he? Tommy's pessimistic, right? У тебе колись були домашні тварини? Have you ever had a pet? Have you ever had pets? Зроби це завтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Я знайшов квартиру. I found a flat. I found an apartment. Ісус лізе з усіх дірок. Jesus is a pest. Jesus climbs all the holes. Не відкривайте поки що подарунок. Don't open the present yet. Don't open up for now. Ми не можемо сказати Тому. We can't tell Tom. We can't tell Tom. Хочете ось це? You want this? You want this? Вона вродлива, розумна і - головне - має добре серце. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, intelligent, and, above all, she has a good heart. У Тома є діти й онуки. Tom has kids and grandkids. Tom has children and grandchildren. Том повернеться за кілька днів. Tom will be back in a few days. Tom will be back in a few days. Я ходжу у краватці майже кожного дня. I wear a tie almost every day. I go to a tie almost every day. Том прийшов? Did Tom come? Is Tom here? Я думала, я тебе знаю. I thought I knew you. I thought I knew you. Зараз ти не пожеш піти. You must not leave right now. You're not gonna go now. Том довго був тут? Did Tom stay long? Tom's been here for a long time? Ти сумував за мною? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Вона зручна. It's comfortable. She's comfortable. Ви нагодували собаку? Have you fed the dog? Did you feed the dog? Де ти знайшов цю дивну річ? Where did you find that strange thing? Where did you find this strange thing? Будь-яка книга підійде. Any book will do. Any book will work. Ви чули новину? Have you heard the news? Did you hear the news? Я підозрюю, що Том із Мері втомилися. I suspect Tom and Mary are tired. I suspect Tom and Mary are tired. Можливо, Тому не пощастило. Maybe Tom was unlucky. Maybe that's why it wasn't lucky. Твоя книжка лежить на столі. Your book is on the desk. Your book is on the table. Шкода, що в мене немає птаха. I wish I had been a bird. I wish I had a bird. Ти не знаєш, як його звати? Do you happen to know his name? You don't know his name? Можна я скористаюся цим телефоном? May I use this telephone? Can I use this phone? Навіщо ти купила ці окуляри? Why did you buy those glasses? Why did you buy those glasses? Може я неправильно зрозумів Тома. Maybe I misunderstood Tom. Maybe I misunderstood Tom. Том не дуже любить собак. Tom doesn't really like dogs. Tom doesn't really like dogs. Том тінейджер. Tom is a teenager. Tom Shadowr. Том поїхав слідом. Tom followed. Tom followed. Мені потрібна нова машина. I need a new car. I need a new car. Я дуже імпульсивна. I'm very impulsive. I'm very impulsive. Випийте щось. Please have a drink. Drink something. Директор хоче з тобою поговорити. The principal wants to talk to you. The director wants to talk to you. Марі допомогла мамі з приготуванням їжі. Mary helped her mother with the cooking. Marie helped her mother with cooking. Це зробив Том. It was Tom who did that. Tom did it. У науці практика важливіша за теорію. When it comes to science, practice is more important than theory. In science, practice is more important than theory. Подивіться в кишенях. Check your pockets. Look in your pockets. Ми разом бігаємо. We run together. We're running together. Я не немагатимуся тебе переконувати. I won't try to persuade you. I'm not trying to convince you. Зробіть це знову! Do it again! Do it again! Це неможливо. It's not possible. It's impossible. Забирайся. Get out. Get out. Я зробив багато помилок. I made many mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes. Том зробив дітям печиво. Tom made his children some cookies. Tom made the kids cookies. Ми можемо чекати трохи довше? Could we wait a little longer? Can we wait a little longer? Що зроблено, то зроблено. What is done cannot be undone. What's done is done. Том хотів заплатити пізніше. Tom wanted to pay later. Tom wanted to pay later. Повечеряєш зі мною? Will you have dinner with me? Why don't you have dinner with me? Том зрозумів, у чому справа. Tom realized what was up. Tom's got the point. Просто не зникайте. Just don't disappear. Just don't disappear. Я граю на кларнеті. I play the clarinet. I play the clarinet. Том збитий з пантелику. Tom's confused. Tom is confused. Вона вміє рахувати від одного до десяти. She can count from one to ten. It can count from one to ten. Ти найвища. You are tallest. You're the highest. Цікаво, чи вона мене впізнає по всіх цих роках. I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years. I wonder if she recognises me all these years. Якби не сонце, ми б усі померли. If it were not for the sun, we would all die. If it weren't for the sun, we'd all die. Я чудово розважився на твоїй вечірці. I had a fantastic time at your party. I had a great time at your party. Ти нестерпна. You're insufferable. You're unbearable. Ти знаєш, що я не зобов'язана цього робити, правда? You know that I don't need to do that, don't you? You know I don't have to do this, do you? Ви живі? Are you alive? Are you alive? Ми прогулялися до самого парку. We walked as far as the park. We walked to the park itself. Не будьте дитиною. Don't be a baby. Don't be a kid. Я бачив її того тижня. I saw her last week. I saw her that week. Робот вийшов з-під контроля. The robot went out of control. The robot is out of control. Так, я йду. Yes, I'm coming! Yeah, I'm coming. Мені байдуже, за кого ти проголосував. I don't care who you voted for. I don't care who you voted for. Том це зробить безкоштовно. Tom will do that for free. Tom will do it for free. Том наклав на себе руки. Tom took his own life. Tom killed himself. Том розповів тобі, де він був учора ввечері? Did Tom tell you where he was last night? Tom told you where he was last night? Це виняток. That is an exception. It's an exception. Ти й досі бездомна? Are you still homeless? Are you still homeless? Ми не мали взагалі жодного контролю. We had absolutely no control. We had no control at all. Я думав, що Тому не сподобається це робити. I thought Tom wouldn't enjoy doing that. I thought he wouldn't like to do that. Він виріс великим науковцем. He grew up to be a great scientist. He grew up a big scientist. Я знаю, що це зробив Том. I knew Tom did that. I know Tom did. Спитай у Тома. Check with Tom. Ask Tom. Той хлопчик схожий на нього. That boy looks like him. That boy looks like him. Що ти намагаєшся зробити? What're you trying to do? What are you trying to do? Я хотіла би, щоб Том був у нашій команді. I wish Tom were on our team. I wish Tom were on our team. Ви геній. You are a genius. You're a genius. Це дуже термінова справа. It's a very urgent matter. It's a very urgent matter. Перша світова війна розпочалася у 1914 році. World War I began in the year 1914. World War I began in 1914. Це не ваша війна. This isn't your fight. It's not your war. Наше життя визначається нашим середовищем. Our lives are determined by our environment. Our lives are determined by our environment. Вчора вдень я був у Тома. I was at Tom's yesterday afternoon. I was at Tom's last day. Том — єдиний пацієнт, що лишився. Tom is the only patient left. Tom is the only patient left. Ніхто не має права позбавляти інших життя. No one has the right to take a life. No one has the right to rob others of their lives. Як твої справи, Майку? How are you, Mike? How are you doing, Mike? Ден заарештував Лінду в піцерії. Dan arrested Linda at a pizza parlor. Dan arrested Linda in the pizza. Перепрошую за запізнення. I apologise for arriving late. Sorry I'm late. Ми неначе родина. We're like family. We're like a family. Том сказав мені викликати поліцію. Tom told me to call the police. Tom told me to call the police. Я знав, що ти не захочеш зробити це. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. I knew you wouldn't want to do that. У мене може не бути вибору. I may have no choice. I may not have a choice. Я не можу полагодити комп'ютер. I can't repair the computer. I can't fix the computer. Я люблю грати в американський футбол. I like to play football. I like to play American football. У мене йде кров із коліна. My knee is bleeding. I've got blood coming from my knees. Хто грає на скрипці? Who's playing the violin? Who plays violin? Дай мені мікрофон. Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone. Не думаю, що я зможу здати екзамен. I don't think that I'll be able to pass the examination. I don't think I can pass the exam. Том не має харизми. Tom isn't charismatic. Tom has no charismaticism. Я маю бути обачливішою. I need to be more careful. I have to be more cautious. Я не певна, що це така вже й добра ідея. I'm not so sure this is such a good idea. I'm not sure it's such a good idea. Том знову мене побив. Tom beat me again. Tom beat me again. Не пий за кермом. Don't drive under the influence. Don't drink driving. Я гадаю, що есперанто - складна мова. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. I think Esperanto is a difficult language. Хіба ви мені не довіряєте? Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? Том зізнався, що вбив Мері. Tom admitted that he'd killed Mary. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Ти учень? Are you a student? Are you a student? Я не знаю їхніх імен. I don’t know their names. I don't know their names. Я не ви. I'm not you. I'm not you. Я гарантую, що ця інформація вірна. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee that this information is faithful. Ти колись була у Тома вдома? Have you ever been to Tom's home? Have you ever been to Tom's house? Ідіть обоє до біса! To Hell with both of you! Get the fuck out of here! Гадаєте, це моя провина? Do you think I'm to blame? You think it's my fault? Я допоміг Тому відкрити коробку. I helped Tom open the box. I helped Tom open the box. Ця лисиця, мабуть, задушила курку. That fox must have killed the hen. The fox must have strangled the chicken. Мені цікаво, чи Том сердитий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is mad. I wonder if Tom is angry or not. У мене менше грошей, ніж у вас. I have less money than you. I have less money than you have. Том сказав Мері, що він планує це зробити. Tom told Mary he was planning on doing that. Tom told Mary that he was planning to do so. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I can't answer your question. I can't answer your question. Ви не вмієте плавати, чи не так? You are not able to swim, are you? You don't know how to swim, do you? Том зупинив таймер. Tom stopped the timer. Tom stopped the timer. Ми не бачили обличчя Тома. We didn't see Tom's face. We haven't seen Tom's face. Це був чудовий коментар. That was a great comment. That was a great comment. Ти подруга Тома, еге ж? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Вона добре говорить англійською. She speaks English well. She speaks well in English. Я не відповідатиму на це питання. I won't answer that question. I won't answer that question. Я знав, що рано чи пізно це трапиться. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Обернись назад. Look back. Turn back. Ви відвезете мене додому? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Я повинен поспішити, а то запізнюсь. I've got to hurry up or I'll be late. I have to hurry, or I'll be late. У мене болить плече. My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. Де твій брат? Where's your brother? Where's your brother? Говори з ним англійською. Speak English with him. Speak English to him. Моя сім'я живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Повірити не можу, що ми програємо. I can't believe we're going to lose. I can't believe we're going to lose. Я повинен щось зробити. I need to do something. I have to do something. Хто шахраював? Who cheated? Who was cheating? Я не можу зараз говорити з Томом. I can't talk to Tom now. I can't talk to Tom right now. У тебе дуже розчарований вигляд. You look very disappointed. You look very disappointed. Том стане біологом. Tom will become a biologist. Tom will become a biologist. Обіцяю, що не запізнюся. I promise that I won't be late. I promise I won't be late. Чому Том лютий на Мері? Why's Tom mad at Mary? Why is Tom mad at Mary? Твоя подруга втомилася. Your friend is tired. Your friend's tired. Нам жарко. We're hot. It's hot for us. Мої привітання! Congratulations! Congratulations! Ви знаєте чоловіка, що стоїть он там? Do you know that man standing over there? Do you know a man standing there? Не будь такою сором'язливою. Don't be so shy. Don't be so shy. Ти достатньо дорослий, щоб зробити це, правда? You're old enough to do that by yourself, aren't you? You're old enough to do that, aren't you? Я хотів працювати. I wanted to work. I wanted to work. У мене лише двоє дітей. I only have two children. I only have two kids. Європейці полюбляють пити вино. Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink wine. Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. It's an important letter. Ці штани треба випрасувати. These trousers need pressing. These pants need to be cleaned. Я не був готовий стати батьком. I wasn't ready to be a father. I wasn't ready to be a father. Том фальсифікував звітність. Tom was cooking the books. Tom falsified reporting. Ви сьогодні ходили до школи? Did you go to school today? You went to school today? Ганні подобається шоколад Anna likes chocolate. Hannah likes chocolate Ці місця зарезервовані для стариків. These seats are reserved for old people. These seats are reserved for the elders. Кіото — винятково гарне місто. Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city. Kyoto is an exceptionally beautiful city. Сідайте тут біля мене. Sit down here beside me. Sit down next to me. Цей храм було споруджено стародавньою цивілізацією. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. This temple was constructed by an ancient civilization. Що ти з цими робитимеш? What are you going to do with those? What will you do with these? Я намагаюся прокинутися. I'm trying to wake up. I'm trying to wake up. Сподіваємося, ми зможемо розпочати це завдання наступного місяця. I hope we can start this task next month. Hopefully we can start this task next month. Мені це здається ризикованим. That seems risky to me. It seems risky to me. Сподіваюся, він зможе прийти! Я хотів би його побачити. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he can come, I'd like to see him. Ви не могли би говорити повільніше, будь ласка? Would you speak more slowly, please? Could you talk slower, please? Площа Ринок — історичний центр міста. Rynok Square is the historic centre of the city. The marketplace is a historic center of the city. Що ти дізнався? What did you find out? What did you find out? Гадаєш, я гладкий? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Том не дихає. Tom's not breathing. Tom's not breathing. Яструб кружляв в небі. The hawk circled round in the sky. The hawk revolved in the sky. Коли я дістався офісу, на мене чекала купа роботи. Я бігав туди-сюди як курка, якій відрубали голову. When I got to the office, I had tons of work waiting for me. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When I got to the office, there was a lot of work waiting for me. Скільки вам потрібно ножів? How many knives do you need? How many knives do you need? Том думав, що прокинуся, але насправді йому ще снився сон. Tom thought that he had woken up from his dream, but in fact he was still dreaming. Tom thought I'd wake up, but actually he still had a dream. Ти все ще ростеш. You're still growing. You're still growing. Підозрюю, що Том не має рації. I suspect Tom is wrong. I suspect Tom has no radio. Він не має дівчини. He has no girlfriend. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Пішов на хуй! Fuck off! Fuck you! Скажи Тому, що я виснажена. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell him I'm exhausted. Я п'ю. I drink. I drink. Том щодо не турбується щодо цього. Tom isn't concerned about that. Tom doesn't care about that. Я не просила вас про допомогу. I haven't asked you for help. I didn't ask for your help. Мені подобається цей колір. I like this colour. I like that color. Сучасна Японія - на шляху до самознищення, чи не так? Present-day Japan is going down the route to self destruction, isn't it? Modern Japan - on the road to self-destruction, isn't it? Том добре піклується про Мері. Tom is taking good care of Mary. Tom takes good care of Mary. Ти передав їй моє повідомлення? Did you give her my message? Did you give her my message? Звідки у вас цей шарф? Where'd you get that scarf? Where did you get this scarf? Залізо — корисний метал. Iron is a useful metal. The iron is a useful metal. Яна — моє перше кохання. Jana is my first love. Jana is my first love. Книжка лежить на столі. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. Чому б нам не сходити в кіно? Why don't we go and see a movie? Why don't we go to the movies? Том не думає, що буде цим займатися. Tom doesn't think he'll do that. Tom doesn't think he's gonna do that. Я в порядку. I am fine. I'm fine. Моя кімната - свинарик. My room is a pigsty. My room is a lead. Він мертвий. It's dead. He's dead. Том не мав рації щодо цього. Tom is wrong about that. Tom didn't have a radio about it. Хочете суп? Do you want soup? Want some soup? Мері розумніша, ніж Том. Mary is smarter than Tom. Mary's smarter than Tom. Я завжди голодний. I always feel hungry. I'm always hungry. Я вже так втомилася. I'm so tired already. I'm so tired. Том сам. Tom is alone. Tom himself. Пацієнт у глибокій комі. The patient is in a deep coma. Patient in a deep coma. Ти отримуєш задоволення від поразок? Do you enjoy losing? Are you enjoying a loss? Я ніколи не куштував тайських страв. I've never eaten Thai food. I've never tasted Thai dishes. Я прочитала його книжку. I read his book. I read his book. У нього великі блакитні очі. He has large blue eyes. He has big blue eyes. У мене зламався мобільний. My mobile phone is broken. My cell phone is broken. Вони змусили мене брехати. They forced me to lie. They made me lie. Ваша команда сильніша, ніж наша. Your team is stronger than ours. Your team is stronger than our team. Розпочнімо! Let's get started! Let's begin! Нам потрібне свіже повітря. We need fresh air. We need some fresh air. Том відмовився йти. Tom has refused to go. Tom refused to go. Про кого ви говорите? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? Я вивчаю латинь, тому що це моя улюблена мова. I study Latin because it's my favorite language. I study Latin because it's my favorite language. Де ти підстригся? Where did you get your hair cut? Where are you getting cut? Том не зміг вразити Мері. Tom wasn't able to impress Mary. Tom couldn't impress Mary. Я завжди плутаю Джона з його братом-близнюком. I always confuse John and his twin brother. I always confuse John with his twin brother. Я нічого не хочу пити. I don't want to drink anything. I don't want to drink anything. Том — мій приятель. Tom is my buddy. Tom is my friend. Том каже, що доїде додому в понеділок. Tom says he'll get home on Monday. Tom says he'll be home on Monday. Чому ти такий зайнятий? Why are you so busy? Why are you so busy? Арістотель вважав, що існує чотири фізичні елементи — земля, вода, повітря і вогонь. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements: earth, water, air, and fire. Aristotle believed that there were four physical elements — earth, water, air, and fire. То був злий кролик. That was an evil bunny. That was an evil rabbit. Мері сказала, що готова. Mary said that she's ready. Mary said she was ready. Як ви вивчили есперанто? How did you learn Esperanto? How did you learn Esperanto? Я зроблю це, навіть якщо дощитиме. I'll do that even if it rains. I'll do it even if it rains. Він привітав мене з успіхом. He congratulated me on my success. He greeted me with success. Том, мабуть, сьогодні не переможе. Tom will probably not win today. Tom's probably not going to win today. Том один. Tom is alone. Tom one. Я не сестра Тома. I'm not Tom's sister. I'm not Tom's sister. Ми маємо це зробити. We've got to do it. We have to do it. Маєш гарячку, не треба виходити. You have a fever and should not go out. You got a fever, you don't have to go out. Вони загинули, намагаючись спасти інших. They died trying to save others. They died trying to save others. Сідай. Take a seat. Sit down. Сьогодні я почуваюся краще, ніж учора. I feel better today than yesterday. Today, I feel better than yesterday. Сестри не повинні сваритися. Siblings should not quarrel. Sisters should not argue. Том — власник кафе, що спеціалізується на морозиві. Tom is an ice cream shop owner. Tom is the owner of a cafe specializing in ice cream. Він знов загубив свою парасолю. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Я думала, що Том цього не робитиме. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. Том поклав свої цінні предмети до сейфу. Tom put his valuables in a safe. Tom put his valuable items in the safe. Я сказав Мері, що вона божевільна. I told Mary she's crazy. I told Mary she was crazy. Я фотографую цю жінку. I'm photographing the woman. I'm taking a picture of this woman. У разі будь-яких проблем, зателефонуй мені. Call me if you have any problems at all. In the event of any problem, call me. Я куплю їй пиво. I'll buy her a beer. I'll buy her a beer. Ти застудишся. You'll catch a cold. You'll catch cold. Я працював. I worked. I worked. На горі лежить сніг. There is snow on the mountain. There's snow on the mountain. Я зазвичай встаю о восьмій. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at eight. Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Капіталізм - це експлуатація людини людиною. Комунізм - це прямо протилежне. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Там нікого немає. There's nobody there. There's nobody there. Не підглядайте. Don't peek. Don't look. З ким Том планував це зробити? Who did Tom plan on doing that with? Who was Tom planning to do that with? Вибачте, що звертаюсь до вас по імені. Please excuse me for calling you by your first name. I'm sorry to speak to you by name. Я сетрифікований аудитор. I'm a CPA. I'm a semi-register. Ти хочеш, щоб ми тобі щось купили? Do you want us to buy you anything? You want us to buy you something? Я не думаю, що Тому незручно. I don't think Tom is uncomfortable. I don't think that's awkward. Ви цілком маєте рацію. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Сьогодні вдень я ходив до центру міста. I went downtown this afternoon. I went to the center of town this afternoon. Вони старі. They're old. They're old. Чи принесуть тобі гроші щастя? Will money bring you happiness? Will money bring you happiness? Я відвів дітей до школи. I took the children to school. I took the children to school. Він збирається тобі допомогти. He is going to help you. He's gonna help you. Я розумна. I'm smart. I'm smart. Не повторюй того, що я тобі сказав. Don't repeat what I've told you. Don't repeat what I told you. Чорт забирай! God damn it! Damn it! Мені болить голова. I have a headache. My head hurts. Том тебе зрадив. Tom betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Наш поїзд затримується. Our train is late. Our train is delayed. Ваші імена були викреслені зі списку. Your names were crossed off the list. Your names have been removed from the list. Ти седритий на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're sister to Tom, aren't you? Вони тебе не поважають. They don't respect you. They don't respect you. Дякую за вашу співпрацю. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you for your cooperation. Я дам відповіді на будь-які ваші питання. I'll answer any questions you have. I will answer any of your questions. Я такий дурний... Я намагаюся тобі пояснити те, що сам не розумію. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you what I don't understand myself. Хто шукає, той завжди знайде. When there's a will, there's a way. He who seeks will always find it. Зателефонуйте мені сьогодні ввечері. Call me this evening. Call me tonight. Дякую тобі за твої листи. Thank you for your letters. Thank you for your letters. Роби так, як вважаєш за потрібне. Do what you believe is right. Do as you would like. Том не сказав Мері, коли він приїде. Tom didn't tell Mary when he'd be arriving. Tom didn't tell Mary when he came. Ти ж цього не хочеш? You don't want that, do you? You don't want that, do you? Більшість супротивників рабства не голосувало. Most opponents of slavery did not vote. Most of the opponents of slavery did not vote. Я знаю, про що ви думаєте. I know what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking. Ти згодна з їхнім рішенням? Do you agree with their decision? Do you agree with their decision? Я маю морську свинку. I have a guinea pig. I have a guinea pig. На який пляж ви любите ходити? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach do you like to go to? Я чекатиму тиждень. I will wait for a week. I'll wait a week. Я ледача. I am lazy. I'm lazy. Ви потрібні своїй родині. Your family needs you. You need your family. Том схопив Мері за зап'ясток. Tom grabbed Mary's wrist. Tom grabbed Mary for her wrist. Тебе це влаштовує? Are you happy with that? Does that work for you? Том загинув у автомобільній аварії. Tom got killed in a traffic accident. Tom died in a car accident. Ти вже зробив домашнє завдання? Did you already do your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Як це не дивно, я згодна з Томом. Surprisingly, I agree with Tom. Surprisingly, I agree with Tom. Дайте мені п'ять днів. Give me five days. Give me five days. Ти хочеш, щоб ми зара пішли? Do you want us to leave now? You want us to go too far? Я щойно вивчила нове слово. I just learned a new word. I just learned a new word. Це був суботній вечір. It was Saturday night. It was a Saturday evening. Починай. Begin. Start it. Цей діамант справжній? Is this diamond real? Is that diamond real? Він більше не злиться. He is not angry anymore. He's not mad anymore. Том любить апельсини? Does Tom like oranges? Tom likes oranges? Том має тобі щось сказати. Tom has to tell you something. Tom has something to tell you. Ти мусиш планувати. You have to plan. You have to plan. І що гірше, останнім часом він почав пити алкогольні напої. And, to make the matter worse, he has taken to drinking. Worse still, he has recently begun drinking alcoholic beverages. Я помираю від голоду. I'm starving! I'm starving. Ось що ми маємо зробити. That's what we have to do. That's what we have to do. Свідки були? Were there any witnesses? Were the Witnesses? Це було неминуче. It was inevitable. It was inevitable. Яка в Бостоні погода? What's the weather like in Boston? What's the weather in Boston? Будь пильною. Be watchful. Stay alert. Бджоли роблять мед. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Том схопив гроші й побіг. Tom grabbed the money and ran. Tom grabbed the money and ran. Том не впевнений. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Том увесь час бреше. Tom lies all the time. Tom's lying all the time. Маєш власну квартиру? Do you have your own apartment? You have your own apartment? Це я. It is I. It's me. Ти маєш сісти з Томом. You should sit with Tom. You have to sit down with Tom. "Ти усвідомлюєш, що я тебе кохаю?" — "Звичайно ж я знаю це." "Do you realize I love you?" "Of course I know it." "Do you realize that I love you?" Дитина заснула в колисці. The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The child fell asleep in the cradle. Його назвали Робертом, на честь батька. He was named Robert after his father. He was named Robert, after his father. Том, здається, чесна людина. Tom seems to be an honest person. Tom, I think he's an honest man. Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know that Tom use to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Моєю спеціалізацією було театральне мистецтво. I majored in drama. My specialization was theatrical art. Можете знайти мені роботу? Can you find me a job? Can you get me a job? Том дозволяє Мері робити все, що вона хоче. Tom allows Mary to do whatever she wants. Tom lets Mary do whatever she wants. Єрусалим — єврейське святе місто. Jerusalem is the Holy City of the Jews. Jerusalem is a Jewish holy city. Нічне небо таке гарне! The night sky is so beautiful. The night sky is so beautiful! Вона в туалеті. She's on the loo. She's in the toilet. Гайда на пляж. Let's go to the beach. Aida to the beach. Торт смачний. The cake is delicious. The cake is delicious. Том сказав, що планує поїхати в понеділок. Tom said that he planned to go Monday. Tom said he was planning to leave on Monday. Я цілком певен, що ми переможемо. I'm pretty sure that we'll win. I'm absolutely sure we'll win. Том помер від емфіземи. Tom died of emphysema. Tom died of the emphyse. Я не хочу, щоб вони це бачили. I don't want them to see this. I don't want them to see it. Том знав, що Мері засмучена через нього. Tom knew that Mary was upset with him. Tom knew Mary was upset about him. Вже пізно. It is too late. It's late. Мені дуже лесно це чути. I'm really flattered to hear that. It's very reasonable for me to hear that. Том сором'язливий. Tom is timid. Tom is shy. Том чекає, щоб Мері йому зателефонувала. Tom is waiting for Mary to call. Tom's waiting for Mary to call him. На столі диня. There is a melon on the table. There's a melon on the table. Школи будуть зачинені сьогодні. Schools will be closed today. The schools will be closed today. У Тома є секрет? Does Tom have a secret? Tom has a secret? Я завжди відмовляю. I always says no. I always refuse. Том запізнюється на тридцять хвилин. Tom is thirty minutes late. Tom's 30 minutes late. Батьки Тома ще живі. Tom's parents are both still living. Tom's parents are still alive. Том це отримав від Мері. Tom got that from Mary. Tom got that from Mary. Я рада, що ви всі тут. I'm glad you're all here. I'm glad you're all here. Винесіть сміття. Take the garbage out. Take out the trash. Коли вогонь охопило полум'я, мною опанувало жахливе відчуття. When the house caught fire, an awful feeling came over me. As the fire engulfed the flames, a terrible feeling swept over me. Мої батьки старші, ніж твої. My parents are older than yours. My parents are older than yours. Мені підходить. It's OK with me. It suits me. Яка твоя улюблена телезірка? Who is your favorite TV star? What's your favorite TV star? Ти пам'ятаєш, що трапилося того дня, коли ми познайомилися? Do you remember what happened the day I met you? Do you remember what happened the day we met? Можеш допомогти мені з цим столом? Can you give me a hand with this table? Can you help me with this table? Припиніть мене виправляти. Stop correcting me. Stop trying to fix me. Мій батько повернеться на початку наступного місяця. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. My father will be back at the beginning of the next month. Вони збудували міст. They constructed a bridge. They built the bridge. Том лише балакає. Tom is all talk. Tom's just talking. Селу потрібна твоя допомога. The village needs your help. Sal needs your help. Мері не встигне на свій рейс. Mary will miss her flight. Mary won't make it to her flight. Я тепер заміжня. I'm now married. I'm married now. Ти зміг переконати Тома? Were you able to convince Tom? You were able to convince Tom? Цієї ночі я добре виспався. I had a good sleep last night. I slept well this night. Я вже поснідав. I've already had my breakfast. I've had breakfast. Рішення вже прийнято. The decision has already been made. The decision has already been made. Я поїду з тобою. I'll go with you. I'll go with you. У нього два коти. He has two cats. He has two cats. Ми справимося. We'll manage. We'll make it. Це "так" чи "ні"? Is that a yes or no? Is that "yes" or "no"? Вона смерділа як лайно. It smelled like shit. She smelled like shit. Я відійшов з дороги. I got out of the way. I left the road. Ти танцюєш? Do you dance? Do you dance? Ти знаєш, наскільки сильно Том ненавидить робити це. You know how much Tom hates doing that. You know how much Tom hates doing that. Це подарунок для вас. This is a present for you. It's a gift for you. Я тобі мільйон разів казала. I've told you a million times. I told you a million times. До всього можна звикнути. One gets used to anything. You can get used to anything. Ви в порядку? Are you doing all right? Are you okay? Він недешевий. It isn't cheap. It's expensive. Не кажіть, що я вас не попереджав. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't tell me I didn't warn you. Я не хочу, щоб Том засмучувався. I don't want Tom to get upset. I don't want Tom to get upset. Каліфорнія гарна. California is beautiful. California is beautiful. Вони витрачали гроші. They were spending money. They spent money. Це нічого не вартує. It costs nothing. It's nothing worth living for. Ти щось замовив? Did you order something? Did you order something? У тебе бракує терпцю на мене. You're so impatient with me. You lack patience for me. Чим ви зазвичай замаєтеся на Різдво? What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What do you usually do for Christmas? Чим я можу користуватися? What can I use? What can I use? Джон та Бет однолітки. John and Beth are the same age. John and Beth are peers. Та й шкода ж! What a pity! Too bad! Давай поїмо деінде. Let's eat somewhere else. Let's eat somewhere else. Де найближча станція метро? Where's the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest subway station? Том — мій сусід. Tom is my neighbour. Tom is my neighbor. Ми її впізнали. We recognized her. We recognized her. Том та Мері наздогнали Джона. Tom caught up with Mary and John. Tom and Mary caught John. У Тома є брат, який є архітектором. Tom has a brother who is an architect. Tom has a brother who is an architect. І Том, і Мері — шульги. Both Tom and Mary are left-handed. Both Tom and Mary are brother-in-laws. Хто тебе пам'ятатиме? Who will remember you? Who'll remember you? Сумніваюся, що ви знаєте, про що ви говорите. I doubt you know what you're talking about. I doubt you know what you're talking about. Ви не робитимете цього, так? You won't do that, will you? You won't do that, will you? Я познайомився з канадцем на ім'я Том. I met a Canadian man named Tom. I met a Canadian named Tom. Я капітан цього корабля. I'm the captain of this ship. I'm the captain of this ship. Прошу, зачекай півгодини. Please wait for thirty minutes. Please wait half an hour. Лорі — моя дівчина. Laurie is my girlfriend. Lori is my girlfriend. Мері хтось вкусив. Something bit Mary. Mary someone bit. Вони знають, що ми знаємо? Do they know we know? They know what we know? Хіба ви не будете їсти свій рол? Aren't you going to eat your roll? Aren't you going to eat your horns? Вислухай мене, будь ласка. Please hear me out. Listen to me, please. Я знаю, що, ймовірно, не переможу. I know I probably won't win. I know I'm probably not winning. Мені байдуже, що робить Том. I don't care what Tom does. I don't care what Tom does. Не розбий дзеркало. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Я не знаю. Я щойно прийшов. I don't know. I just got here. I don't know, I just came. Том любить головоломки. Tom likes brainteasers. Tom likes puzzles. Тобі дійсно слід це зробити. You really should do that. You really should. Чому ти дивишся цей шлак? Why are you watching this garbage? Why are you watching this schooner? Том може відімкнути будь-який замок. Tom can open any lock. Tom can unlock any castle. Я лише раз бачила Тома. I've only seen Tom once. I only saw Tom once. Ти коли-небудь дивишся фільми французькою? Do you ever watch movies in French? Have you ever seen French films? Тоді дозвольте мені вас пригостити наступного разу. Let me treat you next time, then. Then let me get you ready next time. Ми можемо це зробити цього тижня? Can we do that this week? Can we do that this week? У Бразилії говорять якою мовою? What is the language spoken in Brazil? What language is spoken in Brazil? Не думаю, що ти не маєш рації. I don't think that you're wrong. I don't think you have a radio. Ви не повинні брехати. You must not tell a lie. You don't have to lie. Це тут? Is it here? It's here? Місто має багато високих будівель. That town has many tall buildings. The city has many tall buildings. Просто зараз я в Пекіні. I am in Beijing right now. I'm in Beijing right now. Том сказав, що я здаюся здивованою. Tom said that I looked surprised. Tom said I'd give up surprise. Ти поранена? Are you wounded? Are you hurt? Том сказав мені, що йому насправді байдуже, що трапиться. Tom told me he doesn't really care what happens. Tom told me he didn't really care what would happen. Шкільний спортзал збільшили. The school gymnasium was enlarged. School gym increased. Я вчитиму французьку сьогодні вдень. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm going to teach French this afternoon. Я була ввічлива. I was courteous. I was polite. Чий це стакан? Whose glass is this? Whose glass is that? Я чула кожне слово. I heard every word. I heard every word. Розкажіть мені про свою школу. Tell me about your school. Tell me about your school. Я хотів би побачити твою матір. I would like to see your mother. I'd like to see your mother. Тобі слід попросити Тома зробити це. You should ask Tom to do that. You should ask Tom to do it. Я не така впевнена. I'm not so confident. I'm not so sure. Том може бути вдома. Tom might be home. Tom could be home. Де знаходиться зубна паста? Where can I find toothpaste? Where is the paste? Моя мати медсестра. My mother is a nurse. My mother is a nurse. Ви закінчили роботу? Are you finished with your work? Are you done? Я пам'ятаю, що я писав їй. I remember writing to her. I remember writing to her. Відкрий книжку на дев'ятій сторінці. Open your book to page nine. Open the book on page nine. Скільки, на вашу думку, він коштував? How much do you think it cost? How much do you think it cost? Я колись був молодий і амбіційний. I was young and ambitious once. I was once young and ambitious. Він іноді дивиться телевізор. He sometimes watches TV. He's watching TV sometimes. Я заснула, слухаючи радіо. I fell asleep while listening to the radio. I fell asleep listening to the radio. Том вчора постраждав у аварії? Did Tom get hurt in the accident yesterday? Tom was hurt in the accident yesterday? Я хочу розмовляти французькою. I want to speak in French. I want to speak French. Я не місцева. I'm from out of town. I'm not local. Нам слід було вийти раніше. We should have set off earlier. We should have come out earlier. Том не поїде. Tom won't go away. Tom won't go. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to leave Ви мудрий. You're wise. You're wise. Дощить. It rains. It's raining. Том поїхав у центр. Tom went downtown. Tom went downtown. Основна соціальна проблема країни - бідність. The country's main social problem is poverty. The country's main social problem is poverty. Можеш позичити мені свій велосипед? Can you lend me your bicycle? Can you lend me your bike? Вони з Греції. They're from Greece. They're from Greece. Мені потрібне диво. I need a miracle. I need a miracle. Ну думаю, що Том нам повірить. I don't think Tom will believe us. Well, I think Tom's gonna believe us. Я б хотів ще трохи води. I'd like a little more water. I'd like some more water. "Простирадла я повішу сама, - сказала сусідка. - Дуже вже вони важкі". "I'll hang the sheets myself," the neighbor said. "It's not like they're that heavy." "I'm going to hang myself," said the neighbor. Том сюди прийшов сам. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. Навіщо ти вчиш англійську? What do you learn English for? Why do you learn English? Якби я лише мав карту, я показав би вам дорогу. If only I had a map, I could show you the way. If I only had a map, I'd show you the way. Адвокат чекав на Бена. The lawyer was expecting Ben. The lawyer was waiting for Ben. Думаю, я знаю, що ви маєте на увазі. I think I know what you mean. I think I know what you mean. Не пий воду. Don't drink the water. Don't drink the water. Скільки разів на день ви годуєте свого собаку? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day do you feed your dog? Скажи мені, що я маю сказати, і я це скажу. Tell me what I'm supposed to say, and I'll say it. Tell me what to say, and I'll say it. Мені подобається червоне м'ясо. I like red meat. I like red meat. Скільки років цим деревам, на вашу думку? How old do you think those trees are? How many years do you think these trees are? Том любив тварин. Tom loved animals. Tom loved animals. Кажу тобі, особисто я проти абортів. I tell you that I am personally against abortion. I'm telling you, personally, I'm against abortion. Це неправда. This is not true. That's not true. Ненавиджу її капелюх. I hate her hat. I hate her hat. Том відчинив клітку й випустив мавпу. Tom opened the cage and let the monkey out. Tom opened the cage and released the monkey. Тома уб'ють. Tom is going to get killed. Tom will be killed. У нас гнучкий підхід. We are flexible. We have a flexible approach. Боюся, ти мене неправильно зрозуміла. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. I'm afraid you misunderstood me. Равлики — гермафродити. Snails are hermaphroditical. The snails are a hermaphrate. Том каже, ви все ще голодний. Tom says that you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Том сказав Мері, що він хоче розлучитися. Tom told Mary he wanted a divorce. Tom told Mary he wanted a divorce. Я можу читати. I can read. I can read. Сьогодні я бачив шпака. Today, I saw a starling. I saw a hole today. Хочете брецель? Do you want a pretzel? Would you like a brace? На якій вона полці? Which shelf is it on? What regiment is she on? Я знаю, що Том — стоматолог. I know that Tom is a dentist. I know Tom is a dentist. На голові у батька сидить птах. There's a bird on my dad's head. A bird sits on his father's head. Том плаває дуже швидко. Tom swims very fast. Tom floats very fast. Я не можу зрозуміти, чому Том звільнився з роботи. I can't figure out why Tom quit his job. I can't understand why Tom quit his job. Я хочу, аби Том це підписав. I want Tom to sign this. I want Tom to sign it. Я заплатила згідно рахунку. I paid the bill. I paid according to the bill. Ви набагато швидша, ніж я. You're way faster than me. You're much faster than me. Ти щось читаєш, окрім Біблії? Do you read something besides the Bible? Do you read anything except the Bible? Будь обережною. Be discreet. Be careful. Я почувалася ізольованою. I felt isolated. I felt isolated. Я напружений. I'm tense. I'm tense. Том погоджується зі мною. Tom agrees with me. Tom agrees with me. Том впевнений, що Мері права. Tom is sure Mary is right. Tom is sure Mary's right. Я викликала Тому таксі. I called Tom a taxi. I called him a cab. Всі цим займаються. Everybody does that. Everybody does it. Я з першого погляду міг сказати, що щось не так. I could tell at a glance that something was wrong. At first glance, I could say something was wrong. Життя його не балувало. He was not spoiled by life. His life did not pass by. Де магазин? Where is the store? Where's the store? Цей — один із моїх. This is one of mine. This one is one of mine. Я механік. I am a mechanic. I'm a mechanic. Давай його привітаємо. Let's congratulate him. Let's welcome him. Мері — дружина Тома. Mary is Tom's wife. Mary is Tom's wife. Том склав перелік того, що йому потрібно. Tom made a list of what he needed. Tom made a list of what he needed. Вони злізли з дерева. They climbed down the tree. They came down from the tree. Мері у себе в машині, чекає на Тома. Mary is in her car waiting for Tom. Mary's in her car, waiting for Tom. Він наклав на себе руки. He killed himself. He committed suicide. Вам немає чого робити? Don't you have anything to do? You have nothing to do? Мені не слід бути тут. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. Він все ще в моєму офісі? Is he still in my office? Is he still in my office? Ти зараз голодна? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to talk to them. I need to talk to them. Що мені потрібно дати Тому? What should I give Tom? What do I need to give Toh? Том на взводі. Tom is psyched. Tom's on the phone. Це число геть завелике. This number is much too large. This number is far too large. Том прийшов додому незадовго до того, як почало дощити. Tom got home just before it started to rain. Tom came home shortly before it started to rain. Я спробую її полагодити. I'll try to fix it. I'll try to fix it. Я втратила віру. I lost faith. I lost my faith. Те, що ти кажеш, — правда. What you say is true. What you say is true. У нього глибокий голос. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Принеси словник, будь ласка. Please bring a dictionary. Get the dictionary, please. Том сміливий, а Мері ні. Tom is courageous, but Mary isn't. Tom is brave, and Mary is not. Наскільки безпечний цей район міста? How safe is this part of town? How safe is this area? Вона не хоче виходити за нього. She is reluctant to marry him. She doesn't want to go out for him. Саме ти сказав, що я мушу це зробити. You're the one who said I should to that. That's exactly what you said I had to do. Ця троянда чудова. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. Російський алфавіт не такий вже й важкий для мене. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult to me. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult for me. Хотіла би я не мати дітей. I wish I had no kids. I wish I had no children. Том сказав мені, що він вважає Мері потворною. Tom told me that he thought Mary was ugly. Tom told me he thought Mary was ugly. Він закінчив Токійський університет. He graduated from Tokyo University. He graduated from the University of Tokyo. Хто вам це сказав? Who told you that? Who told you that? Тримай двері зачиненими. Keep the door closed. Hold the door shut. Що тобі треба? What is it you need? What do you want? Якщо вивести дитину на вулицю і показати їй на місяць, вона дивитиметься на місяць. Якщо зробити те ж саме з собакою, він дивитиметься на палець. If you take a child outside and point at the moon, they will look at the moon. If you do the same thing with a dog, it will look at your finger. If you bring the child into the street and show it for a month, she'll look for a month, if you do the same with the dog, he'll look at the finger. Том завжди вчасно. Tom always arrives on time. Tom's always on time. Я жалію, що таке вчинив. I regret having done such a thing. I'm sorry I did. Їжі не вистачає. Food has been in short supply. Food is scarce. Я припустила, що Том — хлопець Мері. I assumed that Tom was Mary's boyfriend. I assumed Tom was Mary's boyfriend. Моя машина не заводиться. My car won't start. My car's not running. Я піду, якщо ви підете. I'll go if you go. I'll go if you leave. Чим Том займається в Бостоні? What's Tom up to in Boston? What's Tom doing in Boston? Я спостерігав за Томом. I was watching Tom. I've been watching Tom. Ви ж не очікуєте, що я співатиму? You're not expecting me to sing, are you? You don't expect me to sing, do you? Чесно, я не думаю, що Тому небайдуже. I honestly don't think Tom cares. Honestly, I don't think that's why. Тому дуже подобаються сонечки. Tom really likes ladybirds. As a result, they are very fond of the sun. Тома поранено. Tom is hurt. Tom's injured. Правда ясніша від сонця, та її зі свічкою шукають. Truth is brighter than the Sun, but it is sought with a candle. Truth is brighter than the sun, and it is searched for with the candle. Том сподівається, що Мері відвідає Австралію. Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia. Tom hopes Mary will visit Australia. Том забув принести домашню роботу до школу. Tom forgot to bring his homework to school. Tom forgot to bring home work to school. Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry that I bothered you. Sorry to bother you. Том каже, що він винен багато грошей Мері. Tom says he owes Mary a lot of money. Tom says he owes a lot of money to Mary. Том та Мері виглядають щасливими. Tom and Mary seem happy. Tom and Mary look happy. Скільки тобі потрібно прикладів? How many examples do you need? How many examples do you need? Дайте мені десять хвилин. Give me ten minutes. Give me ten minutes. Яка зі сторін перемогла? Which side won? Which side won? Пахне, неначе хтось тут курив. It smells as though someone has been smoking in here. It smells like someone was smoking here. Енн мабуть бачить солодкий сон. Ann must be having a happy dream. Ann must see a sweet dream. Ти грав учора в бейсбол? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? Він член комітету. He is a member of the committee. He's a committee member. Думаєш, Том все ще про це турбується? Do you think Tom is still worried about that? You think Tom still cares about that? Вони нас бояться. They're afraid of us. They're afraid of us. Ти не така висока, як я. You're not as tall as me. You're not as tall as me. Чому ви говорите неправду? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? Я дійсно не можу тобі допомогти. I really can't help you. I really can't help you. Грошей у нього більш ніж достатньо. He has more than enough money. He has more than enough money. Том сердитий, а Мері ні. Tom is angry, but Mary isn't. Tom's angry, and Mary's not. Ви вже поїли пирога? Have you eaten the cake yet? Have you eaten the pie yet? У вас на обличчі кетчуп. You have ketchup on your face. You got a ketchup on your face. Хто вас запитував? Who asked you? Who asked you? Це наша провина. This is our fault. It's our fault. Ніхто нічого мені не говорить. Nobody tells me anything. Nobody tells me anything. Він продовжив працювати. He kept on working. He continued to work. Вони кретини. They're fools. They're crazies. Том наврядчи це для тебе зробить. Tom won't likely do that for you. Tom doesn't think he'll do it for you. Це не моя парасолька. That's not my umbrella. It's not my umbrella. Вона не буде вечеряти. She isn't having dinner. She won't have dinner. Вважай, що я нічого не казав. Forget I ever said anything. Consider that I didn't say anything. Том зараз у біді. Tom is in trouble now. Tom's in trouble now. Вікно відчинилося. The window opened. The window opened. Хіба ти не друг Тома? Aren't you Tom's friend? Aren't you Tom's friend? Том не мусив зі мною танцювати. Tom didn't have to dance with me. Tom didn't have to dance with me. Фадль був упевнений, що Лейла більше не хотіла його вбивати. Fadil was convinced that Layla no longer wanted to kill him. Fadel was confident that Leila no longer wanted to kill him. Я теж так думаю. I think so, too. I think so, too. Він спробував одягнути нові черевики. He tried putting on his new shoes. He tried to wear new shoes. Том слабкий. Tom's groggy. Tom is weak. Можна мені поговорити з Томом? Can I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Том — математик. Tom is a mathematician. Tom is a mathematician. Я попросив їх увійти. I asked them to come in. I asked them in. Том ніколи не був одружений і у нього ніколи не було дітей. Tom never married and never had kids. Tom was never married and he never had children. Том не мав наміру йти туди один. Tom had no intention of going there by himself. Tom had no intention of going there alone. Мері загубила ключі від машини. Mary lost her car keys. Mary lost her car keys. Том має алергію на бджіл. Tom is allergic to bees. Tom has allergies to bees. Ти мав сказати Тому правду. You should've told Tom the truth. You were supposed to tell him the truth. Лайно! Shit. Shit! Що це за хлопчик там плаває? Who's the boy swimming over there? What kind of a boy is swimming in there? Чудово! Brilliant! Great! Повертайтеся до роботи. Go back to work. Get back to work. Том — його брат. Tom is his brother. Tom is his brother. Що ти робитимеш далі? What's next for you? What will you do next? Ви старий. You are old. You're old. Вона має довге волосся. Her hair is long. She has long hair. Том злегка підштовхнув Мері. Tom nudged Mary. Tom gently pushed Mary. Перепрошую, що потурбувала. I'm sorry I bothered you. Sorry to bother you. Вовк убив ягня. The wolf killed the lamb. The wolf killed the lamb. Ця технологія неймовірна! That technology is an incredible thing! This technology is amazing! Він каже, що йому вже набагато краще. He says he feels much better now. He says he's way better now. Мері модель. Mary is a model. Mary model. Я трохи запізнився. I was a bit late. I'm a little late. Нам потрібно скасувати збори. We need to cancel the meeting. We need to cancel the meeting. Я вас не чув. I didn't hear you. I didn't hear you. Великобританія складається с Уельсу, Англії та Шотландії. Great Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland. Britain consists of Wales, England, and Scotland. Маю дурне питання. I have a stupid question. I have a stupid question. Я певен, що ви знайомі з Томом. I'm sure you've met Tom. I'm sure you're familiar with Tom. Вони тебе вб'ють. They'll kill you. They'll kill you. Ти з мене глузуєш? Are you laughing at me? Are you making fun of me? Давай більше про це не говорити. Let's not talk about it any more. Let's not talk about it anymore. Чи можна до вас зайти у якийсь день? May I call on you some day? Can I come to see you on a certain day? Олександра перейшла на російську. Alexandra switched to Russian. Alexandra switched to Russian. Скажіть Тому, що ми не готові. Tell Tom we aren't ready. Tell him we're not ready. У Тома раніше був собака. Tom used to have a dog. Tom used to have a dog. Це речення належить мені. I own this sentence. That sentence belongs to me. Я змінив прапорець. I changed the flag. I changed the flag. Марія варить їсти без солі. Mary doesn't use salt in her cooking. Mary cooks without salt. Мері живе з батьками. Mary lives with her parents. Mary lives with her parents. Ти маєш бути у лікарні. You should be in a hospital. You have to be in the hospital. У Тома не було грошей на купівлю машини. Tom didn't have money to buy a car. Tom didn't have the money to buy the car. Куди вітер, туди й він. He always swims with the current. Where the wind is, where he is. Весь день ішов сильний дощ. It rained hard all day. The whole day was heavy rain. Добрий початок – половина діла. A good start is half the work. Good start – half the work. Я завжди кохатиму Мері. I will always love Mary. I'll always love Mary. Ден вибачився та повісив слухавку. Dan apologized and hung up. Dan apologized and hung up. Ця історія особливо цікава. This story is especially interesting. This story is particularly interesting. Ласкаво просимо до нашого ресторанту! Welcome to our restaurant! Welcome to our restaurant! Хапай його! Seize him! Grab him! Відповідай мені, будь ласка. Please answer me. Answer me, please. Що не так з картиною? What's wrong with the painting? What's wrong with the picture? Том кожного дня обідає вдома. Tom eats lunch at home every day. Tom lunches at home every day. Я би порадив тобі не їсти м'яса. I'd advise you to not eat that. I'd advise you not to eat meat. Вона відмовилася розказати більше про це. She declined to say more about it. She refused to tell me more about it. Я хотів, щоб Том заспівав. I wanted Tom to sing. I wanted Tom to sing. Том не любить апельсини. Tom doesn't like oranges. Tom doesn't like oranges. Вона поїхала до християнського табору. She went to Bible camp. She went to a Christian camp. Хтось іде. Someone's coming. Someone's coming. Я не потребую вашої допомоги. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Ти задоволена своїм новим будинком? Are you pleased with your new house? Are you happy with your new house? Я знайомий із вашим батьком. I know your father. I'm familiar with your father. Я змогла знайти книжку, яку шукала. I was able to find the book I was looking for. I was able to find the book I was looking for. Війна нікому не приносить щастя. War doesn't make anybody happy. War doesn't bring happiness to anyone. Я чую музику фургона продавця морозива. I hear the music from the ice cream truck. I can hear the music of the freezer's van. Ви сказали Тому про Мері? Did you tell Tom about Mary? Did you tell Thomas about Mary? Том пообіцяв мені, що все буде добре. Tom promised me that everything would be OK. Tom promised me everything would be okay. Том краще справився, ніж Мері. Tom has done better than Mary. Tom did better than Mary. Гараз. Вибач. Okay. Sorry. I'm sorry. Хотів би я жартувати, але я не жартую. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. I'd like to joke, but I'm not kidding. Справа не в ціні. Price isn't an issue. It's not about price. Якщо щось може піти не так, так і станеться. If anything can go wrong, it will. If something can go wrong, that's what's going to happen. Краще тобі тут не чекати. You'd better not wait here. You better not wait here. Ми змогли зрозуміти одне одного. We could understand each other. We were able to understand each other. Коли ти залефонувала, я вже не спав. When you called, I was already awake. When you answered, I wasn't sleeping anymore. Моя автівка у ремонті. My car is being repaired. My car is in repair. Чим ви займаєтеся сьогодні ввечері? What are you doing tonight? What do you do tonight? Самі зателефонували о шостій годині вечора. Sami received a phone call at 6 pm. They called themselves at six o'clock in the evening. Це була не моя валіза. The suitcase wasn't mine. It wasn't my suitcase. Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона не мусить цього робити. I wonder whether or not Tom has told Mary she doesn't need to do that. I wonder if Tom told Mary she didn't have to do it. Це пляшка. This is a bottle. It's a bottle. Ці нові автомобілі виставлені на розпродаж. These new cars are on sale. These new cars are on sale. Настав час сказати тобі правду. It's time for me to tell you the truth. It's time to tell you the truth. Футбол - мій улюблений вид спорту. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Яка змія має найдовші ікла? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which snake has the longest eggs? Я що, єдиний, кому не байждуже? Am I the only one who cares? I'm what, the only one who doesn't have a lot of fun? Як звуть вашого сина? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Чи є місця подешевше? Do you have any cheaper seats? Is there a cheaper place? Ти залишиш повідомлення? Will you leave a message? Will you leave a message? Я подумаю про це. I'll think about it. I'll think about it. Він живе неподалік. He lives near here. He lives nearby. Я переможу. I'm going to win. I'll win. Том планує робити фотографії. Tom is planning to take pictures. Tom plans to take photos. Ви любите фрукти. You like fruit. You love fruit. Том отримав багато нагород. Tom has won many awards. Tom received many awards. Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom must have won. Tom must have won. Трапився нещасний випадок. There has been an accident. An accident has occurred. Хіба ви не щасливі, Томе? Aren't you happy, Tom? Aren't you happy, Tom? Гадаю, нам слід зачекати на Тома. I think we should wait for Tom. I think we should wait for Tom. Я весь час важко працюю. I work hard all the time. I work hard all the time. Його супроводжувала дружина. He was accompanied by his wife. His wife accompanied him. Більшість людей, які загинули від тютюнового диму, не були запеклими курцями. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most of the people who died of tobacco smoke were not heavy smokers. У Тома паморочилася голова. Tom was dizzy. Tom's got a head starring. Я планую залишатися в місті. I plan to stay in the city. I plan to stay in the city. Вона працювала юристом упродовж багатьох років. She practised as a barrister for many years. She worked as a lawyer for many years. Він дотримався обіцянки. He kept his promise. He kept his promise. Том за нами. Tom is behind us. Tom's behind us. Це правда, що він молодий, але він дуже надійний. It is true that he is young, but he is very reliable. It's true he's young, but he's very reliable. Деякі політичні партії — вороги людства. Some political parties are enemies of humanity. Some political parties are enemies of mankind. Ми будемо поспішати. We'll hurry. We'll be in a hurry. Том — не такий, як Мері. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom is not like Mary. Віддай мені свою кров, і я віддам тобі свободу. Give me your blood, I will give you freedom. Give me your blood, and I will give you my freedom. Вони замінили вугілля нафтою. They replaced coal with oil. They replaced coal with oil. Ти іноземець? Are you a foreigner? Are you a foreigner? Коли ти знову прийдеш до мене в гості? When will you visit me again? When are you coming to see me again? Вона гарна жінка. She's a beautiful woman. She's a good woman. Я пішов на гору. I go to the mountain. I went upstairs. Просто чекайте нас тут. Just wait for us here. Just wait for us here. Хто грає на піаніно? Who plays the piano? Who plays the piano? Це чудова країна. This is a beautiful country. It's a beautiful country. Це коштуватиме біля тридцяти доларів. It's going to cost around thirty dollars. This will cost about thirty dollars. Перший сніг не забарився. The first snow came before long. The first snow was not delayed. Я люблю свіже повітря. I like the fresh air. I love fresh air. Ранок добрим не буває. The morning doesn't happen good. It doesn't do any good in the morning. Скільки коштуватиме зрубати це дерево? What'll it cost have this tree cut down? How much will it cost to cut down that tree? Мідь та серебро — метали. Copper and silver are both metals. Copper and serebor are metals. На небі нема жодної хмаринки. There isn't a single cloud in the sky. There is no cloud in the sky. Ти вегетаріанка. You are a vegetarian. You're a vegetarian. Том сказав мені, що почекає та подивиться. Tom told me he'd wait and see. Tom told me he'd wait and see. Що саме ви маєте проти Тома? What is it you have against Tom? What exactly do you have against Tom? Я встала. I stood. I'm up. Ніхто не слухав промову. Nobody was listening to the speech. No one listened to the speech. Том кличе Мері. Tom is calling Mary. Tom calls Mary. Ви не могли би сказати "будь ласка", будь ласка? Can you please say please? Could you say "please," please? Сідайте. Sit. Sit down. Ми з вами приблизно одног віку. We are about your age. We're about the same age. Примустімо, що це правда. Let's suppose it's true. Let's make sure it's true. Я був геть виснажений. I was all worn out. I was completely exhausted. Він агресивний. He is aggressive. He's aggressive. Ти вважаєш що тут нудно? Do you think it's boring here? You think this is boring? Алюміній — це метал. Aluminium is a metal. Aluminium is metal. Селяві. That's life. Sevy. Ти розповів Тому, чому хочеш поїхати до Бостона? Did you tell Tom why you want to go to Boston? You told him why you wanted to go to Boston? Я хотів би це побачити. I would like to see it. I'd like to see it. Ви знаєте, хто це сказав? Do you know who said that? Do you know who said that? Його батьки приїхали з Німеччини. His parents came from Germany. His parents came from Germany. Все буде ок. Everything's going to be OK. It'll be okay. Ти такий молодий. You're so young. You're so young. Про що ти думаєш? What're you thinking about? What are you thinking about? Дайте мені дві хвилини. Give me two minutes. Give me two minutes. Кожен може помилитися. Everyone can be mistaken. Everyone can be wrong. Я не дозволяю спати в класі. I do not allow sleeping in class. I don't allow sleep in the classroom. Ми були насправді здивовані. We were truly surprised. We were actually surprised. Я живу на планеті Сакура. I live on the planet Sakura. I live on the planet Sakura. Том торгує фруктами. Tom sells fruit. Tom trades fruits. Том чхає. Tom is sneezing. Tom wheeze. Я вчора купив книжку. Yesterday I bought a book. I bought a book yesterday. Фадль продовжив свої пошуки готівки. Fadil continued his hunt for cash. Fadel continued his quest for cash. Вечеря була така смачна! The dinner was so delicious. The dinner was so delicious! Том відкрив холодильник. Tom opened the refrigerator. Tom opened the fridge. Ви седриті на Тома, так? You're angry at Tom, aren't you? You're a sedri on Tom, aren't you? Я не здався. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Ти вчишся? Are you studying? Are you studying? Я не хочу, щоб це закінчувалося. I don't want this to end. I don't want this to end. Вам більше подобається весна чи осінь? Do you like spring or autumn more? Do you prefer spring or fall? Він має дванадцять синів. He has 12 sons. He has twelve sons. Я його зруйнував. I ruined it. I destroyed him. Краще туди не ходити. It's better not to go there. It's better not to go there. Том нічого не буде купувати. Tom won't buy anything. Tom won't buy anything. Мері — морський їжак. Mary is a sea urchin. Mary is a sea hedgehog. Том сказав Мері, що, на його думку, Джон вдома. Tom told Mary that he thought John was at home. Tom told Mary that he thought John was home. Це кіт чи пес? Is that a cat or a dog? Is that a cat or a dog? Гей, я хочу з вами побалакати. Hey, I want to talk to you. Hey, I want to talk to you. Погано, коли відпустка так швидко закінчується. It's not good when vacation ends so fast. It's bad when the vacation ends so fast. Том захудий. Tom is too thin. Tom is sick. Мені подобається Австралія. I like Australia. I like Australia. Том виглядає винуватим. Tom looks guilty. Tom looks guilty. Тома не покарали, а Мері так. Tom wasn't punished, but Mary was. Tom wasn't punished, but Mary was. Дельфіни не мають зябрів. Dolphins don't have gills. Dolphins have no gills. Це насправді дуже дратує. It's really very annoying. It's actually very annoying. Це можна купити приблизно за тисячу ієн. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. This can be purchased for approximately a thousand yen. Де він хоче, щоб я його поклала? Where does he want me to put it? Where does he want me to put him? Велика кількість будинків була ушкоджена під час землетрусу. A great many houses were damaged in the earthquake. Many homes were damaged during the earthquake. Вони вже тут. They're already here. They're here. Прочитайте це зараз. Read this now. Read it now. Я знаю, чому Том не любить Бостон. I know why Tom doesn't like Boston. I know why Tom doesn't like Boston. Через погану погоду ми були змушені скасувати збори. On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly. Because of bad weather, we were forced to cancel the meeting. Бажаєш ще трохи чаю? Do you want some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Він не боїться небезпеки. He is fearless of danger. He is not afraid of danger. Мама купила жовту парасольку моєму молодшему брату. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Mother bought a yellow umbrella for my younger brother. Том уважно дивився на Мері. Tom stared at Mary. Tom looked closely at Mary. Ніколи не бійся робити помилки. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Хіба вам ніхто не допоміг? Didn't anybody help you? Didn't anyone help you? Мері вважає, що має рацію. Mary believes she's right. Mary thinks she's right. Ви занадто наївна. You're too naive. You're too naive. Том не хотів нікого бачити. Tom really didn't want to see anybody. Tom didn't want to see anyone. Я знаю, що Том під впливом алкоголю. I know Tom is intoxicated. I know Tom is under the influence of alcohol. Дитина жбурнула камінь у кішку. The child threw a stone at the cat. The child threw a stone in a cat. Ви не могли би подати мені он той гайковий ключ? Could you hand me that wrench? Could you give me that wrench over there? Сьогодні ми отримали деякі погані звістки. We received some bad news today. Today, we have received some bad news. Я думаю, ви чудово знаєте, про що я говорю. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think you know perfectly well what I'm talking about. Я трохи підзабув французьку. My French is a little rusty. I've been a little bit in French. Учитель читав книжку. The teacher read the book. The teacher read the book. Чому ти не прийшов до мене? Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you come to me? У вас все добре? Are you OK? Are you okay? Залиш його в спокої. Leave him in peace. Leave him alone. Хто це хоче? Who wants it? Who wants it? Він зник без сліду. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Я живу в Канаді вже майже п'ять років. I have been living in Canada for almost five years. I have been living in Canada for nearly five years. Не треба сперечатися. Don't argue. You don't have to argue. У той час я був студентом. I was a student at that time. At the time, I was a student. Це м'ясо. This is meat. It's meat. Том піддає сумніву все. Tom questions everything. Tom questions everything. Мері випрасувала свій одяг. Mary ironed her clothes. Mary strummed her clothes. Том народився зимою. Tom was born in the winter. Tom was born in the winter. Вчитися ніколи не пізно. One is never too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Він відомий композитор. He is a famous composer. He's a famous composer. Том хотів би, щоб Мері була до нього добрішою. Tom wished Mary wouldn't be so mean to him. Tom would like Mary to be kind to him. Ти маму запитала? Did you ask your mother? Did you ask your mom? Ви маєте тримати свою кімнату в чистоті. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. Я приймала ванну. I was taking a bath. I was taking a bath. Це місце зайняте? Is this seat taken? Is this a busy place? Вони розподілили прибутки справедливо. They allotted the profits fairly. They distributed profits justly. Ми допоможемо якомога більшій кількості людей. We will help as many people as we can. We will help as many people as possible. Тут є іронія. It's ironic. There's irony here. Її чекає блискуче майбутнє. She has a brilliant future. It has a bright future ahead of it. Як високо ти можеш підстрибнути? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Це неможливо пояснити. It's impossible to explain. That's impossible to explain. Ці чутки неправдиві, чи не так? That rumour is not true, is it? These rumours are false, aren't they? Я завжди їй довіряв. I have always trusted her. I always trusted her. Нехай він зачекає! Let him wait! Let him wait! Як ти міг розпочати без мене? How could you have started without me? How could you start without me? Я хотів би представити тобі пана Брауна. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like to introduce you to Mr Brown. Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було три роки. Tom's parents died when Tom was three. Tom's parents died when he was three years old. Залиште нас самих, благаю вас! Leave us alone, please. Leave us alone, I beg you! Я маю тут зачекати. I must wait here. I have to wait here. Я не маю грошей, щоб купити словник. I don't have money to buy a dictionary. I don't have the money to buy the dictionary. Ми маємо полагодити ті паркани. We have to mend those fences. We have to fix those fences. Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I got on the ground. Вони кузени. They're cousins. They're cousins. Щоб отримати від компанії технічну інформацію, нам спочатку потрібно підписати угоду про нерозголошення. To get technical information from that company, we first have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. To get technical information from the company, we first need to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Мені треба починати. I have to start. I have to start. Я колись працював у Бостоні. I used to work in Boston. I used to work in Boston. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала до Бостона з Джоном. Tom doesn't want Mary to go to Boston with John. Tom doesn't want Mary to go to Boston with John. Можете мені сказати, що це означає? Can you tell me what this means? Can you tell me what that means? Ти мене підвела. You've let me down. You failed me. Ми проговорили до другої ночі. We talked until two in the morning. We talked until two in the morning. Чому Том не зробив цього вчора? Why didn't Tom do that yesterday? Why didn't Tom do that yesterday? Доля сприяє сміливим. Fortune favors the bold. Fate promotes courage. Я не кохаю її. I don't love her. I don't love her. Чому я така знервована? Why am I so nervous? Why am I so nervous? Батьки забезпечують захист своїм дітям. Parents provide protection for their children. Parents provide protection for their children Лід тане. The ice is melting. Ice melts. Ви любите дивитися спорт? Do you like watching sports? Do you like to watch sports? Тепер я її візьму. I'll take it now. Now I'll take her. Які були основні моменти промови Тома? What were the main points of Tom's speech? What were the highlights of Tom's speech? Я один з братів Тома. I'm one of Tom's brothers. I'm one of Tom's brothers. Я приготую сашiмi на обiд. I'll prepare sashimi for dinner. I'll prepare the sashmy at the ready. Вчора поліція заарештувала підозрюваного. The police arrested the suspect yesterday. Yesterday, police arrested the suspect. Веганство — це альтернативний спосіб життя. Veganism is an alternative lifestyle. Vegas is an alternative life - style. Це моя улюблена група. That's my favorite band. It's my favorite group. Побачимося завтра вранці о дев'ятій. I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning. I'll see you tomorrow morning at nine. Від мене це не залежить. It isn't up to me. It's not up to me. Японія знаходиться на схід від Китаю. Japan is to the east of China. Japan is east of China. Кажуть, що Анна вийде заміж у червні. It is said that Anne will get married in June. It is said that Anna will be married in June. Том сказав, що він канадієць. Tom said he was Canadian. Tom said he was Canadian. Том вирішив поїхати. Tom has decided to go. Tom decided to leave. Том ледве не натиснув не на ту кнопку. Tom almost pushed the wrong button. Tom almost pressed the wrong button. Вона лише дитина. She is only a child. She's just a kid. У мене є диплом. I have a diploma. I have a degree. Том не сказав Мері, що він хоче, щоб вона зробила. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wants her to do. Tom didn't tell Mary what he wanted her to do. У нього було розбите серце. He was heartbroken. He had a broken heart. Я викличу поліцію. I'll call the cops. I'll call the police. Це дуже зручне крісло. This is a very comfortable armchair. It's a very comfortable chair. Я вирощую орхідеї в оранжереї. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in an orchid. Я йду додому, Томе. I'm coming home, Tom. I'm going home, Tom. Я думала, що божеволію. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was going crazy. Хто ця дівчина? Who is the girl? Who's this girl? Том дуже втомився. Tom is very tired. Tom's very tired. Не думаю, що ми зробили щось не так. I don't think that we did anything wrong. I don't think we did anything wrong. Я готовий почати. I'm ready to start. I'm ready to start. Якби я мав час, я би відвідав Тома. If I'd had time, I would've visited Tom. If I had time, I'd visit Tom. Ти сам? Are you by yourself? Are you alone? Залиште його в спокої. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. Це може статися? Could it happen? Could it happen? Хіба ти не зробив домашню роботу? Haven't you done your homework? Didn't you do your homework? Мері, звичайно ж, приваблива. Mary is certainly attractive. Mary, of course, is attractive. Пепепрошую, його тут немає. Sorry, he is not here. I'm sorry, he's not here. Я часто ходжу в кіно. I often go to the cinema. I often go to the movies. Це занадто складно? Is that so complicated? Is it too complicated? Я прокинувся занадто пізно. I woke up too late. I woke up too late. Я не знаю, це добре чи ні. I do not know whether it is good or not. I don't know if that's good or not. Я твоя королева. I am your queen. I am your queen. Три точки, що не знаходяться на одній прямій, унікальним чином визначають площину. Three points that are not on the same line determine a unique plane. Three points that are not on the same line are unique in determining the plane. Просто попроси їх її віддати. Just ask them to give it back. Just ask them to give it back. Я певна, що Том не захоче цього робити сьогодні. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. I'm sure Tom won't want to do that today. Сподіваюся, вони нас не побачать. I hope they don't see us. I hope they won't see us. Том не спить. Tom is awake. Tom's not sleeping. Я не послухала. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Сльозами горю не допоможеш. What's done is done. You can't help with the tears of grief. Ти колись її цілував? Did you ever kiss her? Did you ever kiss her? Ми винахідливі. We're resourceful. We're resourceful. Що це у тебе таке? What's that you have? What's wrong with you? Том консультант. Tom is a consultant. Tom consultant. Том — приземлена людина. Tom is down to earth. Tom is a landed man. Вона мені більше не потрібна. I no longer need it. I don't need it anymore. Я вже писав про це. I have already written about it. I've already written about it. Я забув, як вас звуть. I've forgotten your name. I forgot your name. Мене понизили. I've been demoted. I was humiliated. Це новий тренд. This is a new trend. It's a new trend. Я не знаю, чи зможу бути присутнім на завтрашній зустрічі. I don't know whether I'll be able to attend tomorrow's meeting. I don't know if I can be present for tomorrow's meeting. Хіба ти не будеш танцювати? Aren't you going to dance? Aren't you going to dance? Я у будинку Тома. I'm in Tom's house. I'm in Tom's house. Чому це ти для мене робиш? Why are you doing this for me? Why are you doing this for me? Коли твій друг виїхав до Америки? When did your friend leave for America? When did your friend leave for America? Я знаю, що він був зайнятий. I know that he was busy. I know he was busy. Не думаю, що Тому сподобалося би тут жити. I don't think that Tom would like living here. I don't think I'd like to live here. Том уже вдома, так? Tom is already home, isn't he? Tom's home now, right? Я знаю, що Том дивний хлопчина. I know Tom is a weird guy. I know Tom's a weird boy. Це мої труси. These are my underpants. These are my panties. Том сказав, що ми можемо ставити йому будь-які запитання, які хочемо. Tom said we could ask him any questions we liked. Tom said we could ask him any questions we want. Я не хочу, щоб ви програли. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose. Мій друг навчається за кордоном. A friend of mine is studying abroad. My friend is studying abroad. У Тома астма. Tom has asthma. Tom has asthma. Мені треба вибачитись перед Ен. I have to excuse myself to Ann. I need to apologize to Ann. Я додаю вершки до своєї кави. I put cream in my coffee. I'm adding cream to my coffee. Червоний, на відміну від зеленого, є ознакою небезпеки. Red, as opposed to green, is a sign of danger. The red, unlike green, is a sign of danger. Том не слухав. Tom wasn't listening. Tom wasn't listening. Його пожертву ніхто не поцінував. Nobody appreciated his sacrifice. His contribution was not appreciated by anyone. Чому Том розлютився? Why did Tom get angry? Why did Tom become angry? "Де твій дім?" "Він ось там." "Where is your house?" "It is over there." "Where is your home?" "He's over there." Мені дуже страшно. I'm very scared. I'm really scared. Ми завтра працюватимемо. We'll work tomorrow. We'll work tomorrow. Де і коли подають сніданок? When and where is breakfast served? Where and when are breakfast served? Він щось їй прошепотів. He whispered something to her. He whispered something to her. Вона дуже пізно повернулася додому. She came home very late. She came home very late. Я бачила його на сходах. I saw him on the stairs. I saw him on the stairs. Я дійсно сподіваюся, що так. I really hope so. I really hope so. Я обожнюю картоплю. I love potatoes. I love potatoes. Вона на три роки молодша, ніж він. She's two years younger than he. She's three years younger than he is. Вам не зрозуміти. You can't understand. You don't understand. Віддайте мені мої гроші. Give me back my money. Give me my money. Я нижча, ніж ви. I'm shorter than you. I'm lower than you. Запам'ятай ці правила. Remember these rules. Remember those rules. У мене все гаразд. I am okay. I'm fine. Ще не йди, будь ласка. Please don't go yet. Don't leave yet, please. Я не знала, що ви хочете в мене працювати. I didn't know that you wanted to work for me. I didn't know you wanted to work for me. Я люблю вигравати. I love winning. I love winning. Я згоден з вами, хлопці. I agree with you guys. I agree with you guys. Том зараз трохи поспішає. Tom is in a bit of a hurry now. Tom's in a bit of a hurry now. Я був в Лондоні майже ціле літо. I was in London for almost all the summer. I was in London almost all summer. Том співає. Tom sings. Tom sings. Та маленька зірка — найяскравіша. That small star is brightest. That little star is the brightest. Том відремонтує засов. Tom will fix the latch. Tom will fix his hair. Моя мати теж вчителька. My mother is a teacher, too. My mother's a teacher too. Де Том зараз живе? Where does Tom live now? Where is Tom now living? Ти правда ніколи не був у Європі? You've never been to Europe, have you? You've really never been to Europe? Принесіть мені газету, будь ласка. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the newspaper, please. Том сказав, що Мері бачила, як Джон це робив. Tom said Mary saw John doing that. Tom said Mary saw John do it. Машина Тома — єдина на парковці. Tom's car is the only one in the parking lot. Tom's car is the only car in the parking lot. Мені це вдалося. I succeeded. I did it. Ти говориш дуже виразно. You're very articulate. You speak very clearly. Якщо ти проводиш забагато часу на сонці без сонцезахисного крему, ти, ймовірно, згориш. If you spend too much time in the sun without putting on sunscreen, you are likely to get a sunburn. If you spend too much time in the sun with no sunscreen, you will likely burn. Нам все ще слід це робити? Do we have to do this anymore? Do we still have to do that? Ти можеш йти. You may go. You can go. Ось в чому питання. The question is this. That's the question. Я боюся павуків. I am scared of spiders. I'm afraid of spiders. Мені здавалося, ви сказали, що Том вас не приваблює. I thought that you said that you weren't attracted to Tom. I thought you said Tom wasn't attracted to you. Я повинен закінчити це просто зараз. I need to end this now. I have to finish it right now. У Тома діти й онуки. Tom has children and grandchildren. Tom has children and grandchildren. Тобі нема чого боятися. You don't have to be afraid. You have nothing to fear. Ти й насправді думаєш, що Том не має жодного відношення до того, що трапилося? Do you really think that Tom had nothing to do with what happened? Do you really think Tom has nothing to do with what happened? Ваша думка важлива. Your opinion matters. Your opinion is important. Я не хочу працювати на заводі. I don't want to work in a factory. I don't want to work in the factory. Хто наші найближчі родичі серед тварин? What are our closest animal relatives? Who are our closest relatives among the animals? Я хочу переїхати до села. I want to move to the country. I want to move to the village. На сніданок Том любить їсти некруті яйця. Tom likes to eat a soft-boiled egg for breakfast. Tom likes to eat uncluttered eggs for breakfast. Ми не можемо розраховувати на те, що Том це зробить. We can't count on Tom to do that. We can't count on what Tom will do. Ми приймемо вашу пропозицію до уваги. We will take your suggestion into consideration. We'll take your offer into account. Я живий. I'm alive. I'm alive. Мені було цікаво, чи, на думку Тома, Мері хоче це зробити. I wondered whether or not Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wondered if Tom thought Mary wanted to do it. Том живе тут недовго. Tom hasn't been living here long. Tom lives here for a short time. Я був дуже засмучений. I was very upset. I was very upset. Наша політика полягає в тому, щоб задовільняти наших клієнтів. Our policy is to satisfy our customers. Our policy is to satisfy our customers. Не говори. Don't speak. Don't talk. Том все ще може загинути. Tom still might die. Tom can still die. Я взагалі не розумію цієї мови. I can't understand this language at all. I don't understand that language at all. Я ще зайнятий. I'm still busy. I'm still busy. Том знає, що Мері любить Джона. Tom knows that Mary loves John. Tom knows Mary loves John. Том каже, що був зайнятий. Tom says he was busy. Tom says he was busy. Том не в порядку. Tom isn't fine. Tom's not okay. Радий знову тебе побачити. It's nice to see you again. It's good to see you again. Моя дружина Лідія - чудова, розумна жінка. My wife Lidia is a beautiful, clever woman. My wife, Lydia, is a great, intelligent woman. Том був тут тридцять хвилин тому. Tom was here thirty minutes ago. Tom was here thirty minutes ago. Ми купили будинок цього чоловіка. We bought the man's house. We bought this man's house. Я пообіцяв залишити Тома у спокої. I promised to leave Tom alone. I promised to leave Tom alone. Я охайний. I'm neat. I'm neat. Можеш сидіти тут. You may sit here. You can sit here. Ти куштував рис? Did you taste the rice? Did you taste the rice? Це Майк. А Хіросі є? This is Mike. Is Hiroshi there? Is this Mike, and is Hirosi there? Їх занадто багато! There's too many of them! There are too many of them! На минулих вихідних я була на пляжі. I went to the beach last weekend. On the past weekend, I was on the beach. Мері дуже сором'язлива. Mary is very shy. Mary is very shy. Це твої сонцезахисні окуляри? Are these sunglasses yours? Are those your sunscreens? Я тебе іноді не розумію. Sometimes I don't understand you. I don't understand you sometimes. Ти вже доробив домашнє завдання? Are you through with your homework? Have you done your homework yet? Мені здається, вам хтось телефонує. I think that somebody is calling you. I think someone's calling you. Я тiльки що закiнчив обiдати. I have just eaten lunch. I've just finished giving it up. Я вже пообідав. I've already had lunch. I've had my lunch. Мене звуть Том Джексон. I'm Tom Jackson. My name is Tom Jackson. Японія знаходиться в мирі зі своїми сусідами. Japan is at peace with her neighbors. Japan is at peace with its neighbours. Вони полетіли в Європу. They left for Europe by air. They flew to Europe. Я цього не робила. I did not do it. I didn't do that. Я прийшла сюди пограти в теніс. I came here to play tennis. I came here to play tennis. Вона їсть грушу. She's eating a pear. She eats pear. Ви не повірите, хто приходив сьогодні. You won't believe who came by today. You won't believe who came today. Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It's always your parents' fault. Мушу визнати, що маєш рацію. I must admit, you're right. I have to admit you're right. Скільки років цьому собаці? How old is this dog? How old is that dog? Наш будинок занадто малий. Our house is very small. Our house is too small. Проте хлопчик довгий час не приходив. But the boy stayed away for a long time. However, the boy did not come for a long time. Доведіть. Prove it. Prove it. Ми пішли до тієї самої церкви. We went to the same church. We went to the same church. Мені цікаво, чи Том бачив це кіно. I wonder whether or not Tom has seen this movie. I wonder if Tom saw this movie. Я тебе вб'ю. I will kill you. I'll kill you. Якщо змішати три первинні кольори, то вийде чорний. Mixture of the three primary colors creates black. If you mix three primary colors, it's black. Він дихає? Is he breathing? Is he breathing? Швидкість, з якою я можу працювати, має межі. I can only work so fast. The speed I can work with has limits. Том займається більше за мене. Tom studies more than I do. Tom does more than I do. Ти часто пропускаєш обід? Do you often skip lunch? Do you often miss lunch? Так, ми обіцяємо. Yes, we promise. Yes, we promise. Мені дуже шкода із-за помилки. I'm very sorry about the mistake. I'm sorry about the mistake. На жаль, ні. Навпаки. No, unfortunately; on the contrary. On the contrary. Хіба тобі не сумно? Aren't you sad? Aren't you sad? Стрибни на створіння, щоб вбити його. Jump on the creature to kill it. Jump at the creature to kill him. Ви маєте піти. You must go. You have to go. Думаю, мені тут сподобається. I think I'll like being here. I think I'll like it here. Вам потрібна допомога, Томе. You need help, Tom. You need help, Tom. Том часто говорив Мері неправду. Tom often lied to Mary. Tom often lied to Mary. Том єдиний, хто може тобі з цим допомогти. Tom is the only one who can help you with that. Tom is the only one who can help you with this. Чому б тобі не взяти з собою парасольку, просто про всяк випадок? Just to be on the safe side, why don't you take an umbrella with you? Why don't you take an umbrella with you just in case? Його дідусь все ще дуже здоровий як для свого віку. His grandfather is still very healthy for his age. His grandfather is still very healthy as his age. Том купив квіти. Tom bought flowers. Tom bought flowers. Нарешті ми дісталися до Міссісіпі. Finally, we got to the Mississippi. Finally we reached Mississippi. Я не заперечував. I didn't mind. I didn't mind. Вода важлива для людини. Water is important for humans. Water is important to man. Тому вона була нецікава. Tom was not interested in her. So she wasn't interested. Том добре грає в хокей. Tom is a good hockey player. Tom's good at hockey. Де пес? Where is the dog? Where's the dog? Ми не можемо лишити її одну. We can't leave her alone. We can't leave her alone. Вона не вміє плавати. She can't swim. She can't swim. Він стояв широко розставивши ноги. He stood with his legs wide apart. He stood wide with his legs wide open. Це буде дуже важко зробити. It'll be very difficult to do that. It's going to be very hard to do. Вони перемогли. They won. They won. Де тато? Where is dad? Where's Dad? Будь ласка, притримай язика. Please hold your tongue. Please hold your tongue. Я гімнаст. I'm a gymnast. I'm a gymnast. Ви знаєте, хто вони такі? Do you know who they are? Do you know who they are? Світ спостерігатиме. The world will be watching. The world will observe. Ділер хоче продати автомобіль. The dealer wants to sell a car. Diller wants to sell the car. Боги не терплять малодушності. The gods do not tolerate cowardice. The gods do not tolerate incompetence. Ти її знаєш? Do you know her? You know her? Том має онука. Tom has a grandson. Tom has a grandson. Том дуже скромний. Tom is very humble. Tom is very modest. Це була ідея Тома, а не моя. Не треба мене звинувачувати. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Don't blame me. It was Tom's idea, not mine. Хіба ви не дівчина Тома? Aren't you Tom's girlfriend? Aren't you Tom's girlfriend? Я не можу дозволити, щоб це сталося. I can't allow that to happen. I can't let that happen. Він зовсім не знає французької. He doesn't know French at all. He doesn't know French at all. Він зараз навчається. He's now studying. He's studying now. Я не вважаю це мистецтвом. I don't see it as art. I don't think it's art. Я не хочу бути грубим з ними. I don't want to be rude to them. I don't want to be rude to them. Я намагався тобі розповісти. I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you. Ти це сказав годину тому. You said that an hour ago. You said that an hour ago. Чому ви не сказали Тому, що не можете зробити це без його допомоги? Why didn't you tell Tom you couldn't do that without his help? Why didn't you tell him you couldn't do it without his help? Я чув, що ти поцілував Тома. I heard that you kissed Tom. I heard you kissed Tom. Пiшли! Come on! Let's go! Можливо, я помилився. I may have made a mistake. Maybe I was wrong. Том з Мері вже повернулися з Австралії. Tom and Mary are now back from Australia. Tom and Mary have already returned from Australia. Ви розумієте французькою? Do you understand French? Do you understand French? Я це купив того тижня. I had bought it the week before. I bought it that week. Очевидно, що Том не розмовляє з Мері. It's obvious that Tom isn't talking to Mary. Tom obviously doesn't talk to Mary. Я маю поїхати завтра вранці. I have to leave tomorrow morning. I have to go tomorrow morning. Я знав, що ми зможемо знайти вас. I knew we'd find you. I knew we could find you. Мері подобаються дівчатка. Mary likes girls. Mary likes girls. У вас ще щось є? Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else? Мені здається, ви говорите неправду. I think you're lying. I think you're lying to me. Я не можу відповісти на твоє питання. I cannot answer your question. I can't answer your question. Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he's interested. Tom said he was interested. Я часто їм банани. I often eat bananas. I often eat bananas. Мері шукала свою ручку. Mary looked for her pen. Mary was looking for her pen. Хто твій улюблений спортсмен? Who's your favorite athlete? Who's your favorite athlete? Температура спадає. The temperature falls. The temperature is falling. Моцарт помер у 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Мері загубила свою обручку. Mary lost her engagement ring. Mary lost her engagement ring. Скільки я можу тримати цю книжку? How long can I keep this book? How much can I hold this book? Ти чудово знаєш, чого вона хоче. You know very well what she wants. You know exactly what she wants. Це мобільний телефон. It's a cellphone. It's a mobile phone. Вони досягли своєї мети. They reached their goal. They achieved their goal. Том дав Мері яблуко. Tom gave Mary an apple. Tom gave Mary an apple. Я хочу, щоб мені повернули мій ключ. I want my key back. I want my key back. Це може з кожним трапитися. It could happen to anybody. This can happen to everyone. Коли я маю це зробити? When am I supposed to do that? When am I supposed to do that? Його зовнішність змінилась настільки, що ти мабуть його і не впізнаєш. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. His looks have changed so much that you may not even recognize him. Шість плюс чотири дорівнює десять. Six and four are ten. Six plus four is equal to ten. Я не вмію добре плавати. I am poor at swimming. I can't swim well. Бог тебе пробачить. God will forgive you. God will forgive you. Я лишила словник внизу. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left the dictionary below. Том обожнює піцу та картоплю фрі. Tom loves pizza and french fries. Tom loves pizza and fries. Я вже вирішила не робити цього. I've already decided not to do that. I've already decided not to do that. Ти зламав ногу. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Сьогодні друге січня. Today is January 2nd. Today's January 2nd. Скільки разів ми це робитимо? How many times are we going to do this? How many times do we do that? Це ваші гроші? Is this your money? Is that your money? Том був сміливим солдатом. Tom was a brave soldier. Tom was a brave soldier. Із Томом нічого не трапиться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. Nothing's gonna happen to Tom. Том насправді вас кохає. Tom does love you. Tom really loves you. Я був дуже радий отримати листа від Тома. I was very glad to get a present from Tom. I was very happy to receive a letter from Tom. Ми працюємо кожного дня, за винятком понеділка. We work every day but Monday. We work every day except Monday. Це насправді спагеті? Is this really spaghetti? Is it really spaghetti? Ти сердитий на Тома? Are you angry with Tom? Are you angry with Tom? Вона попросила його вимкнути світло на виході. She asked him to put out the light before leaving. She asked him to turn off the light on the exit. Можеш не поспішати. You don't need to hurry. Don't hurry. Як звуть хлопця? What's that boy's name? What's the guy's name? Я завжди встаю о половині на восьму. I always get up at 7:30. I always get up half past eight. Це я тебе запросила? Did I invite you? Did I invite you? Саме це врешті-решт зробив Том. That's exactly what Tom ended up doing. That's exactly what Tom finally did. Я втомилася грати. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of playing. Ти француженка чи англійка? Are you French or English? Are you French or English? Він повернув за ріг. He turned the corner. He turned for the horn. Просто й далі займайся, чим займаєшся. Just keep doing what you're doing. Just keep doing what you're doing. Ти зробив три помилки. You've made three errors. You made three mistakes. Правила немає, але є деякі виключення. There is no rule, but there are some exceptions. There are no rules, but there are some exceptions. Том сказав, коли він прийде? Did Tom say when he'd arrive? Tom said when would he come? Яка тварина є маленькою? Which animal is small? Which animal is small? Я вже знала, чим все скінчиться. I already knew the outcome. I already knew what was going to end. Я сумніваюсь, що Том справді мав на увазі те, що він сказав. I doubt that Tom really meant what he said. I doubt Tom really meant what he said. Я сказав, що спробую. I said that I'd try. I said I'd try. Том піклувався про хворого батька. Tom cared for his sick father. Tom took care of his sick father. Я зроблю, як захочу. I'll do as I like. I'll do as I please. Я подзвонила батькам Тома. I called Tom's parents. I called Tom's parents. Скажи Тому, що я виснажений. Tell Tom I'm exhausted. Tell him I'm exhausted. Я думав, що Том цього не буде робити. I thought that Tom wouldn't do that. I thought Tom wouldn't do that. Скільки грошей ти хочеш? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Том змінився. Tom has changed. Tom's changed. Я не отримую задоволення від подорожей у великих групах. I don't enjoy traveling in large groups. I'm not enjoying traveling in large groups. Том ні про що не шкодує. Tom has no regrets. Tom regrets nothing. Пробач мені, будь ласка. Please excuse me. Forgive me, please. Що у тебе в рюкзаку? What do you have in your rucksack? What's in your backpack? Цього разу ми маємо докази. This time we have proof. This time we have evidence. У мене болить горло. My throat hurts. My throat hurts. Я люблю закінчувати те, що починаю. I like to finish what I start. I love finishing what I'm starting. Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We have to do it more often. Привіт, як ти? Hi, how're you doing? Hey, how are you? Я цього не буду їсти. I won't eat this. I won't eat it. Ми сподівалися, що дощ припиниться до обіду. We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon. We hoped the rain would stop by lunch. Завтра має йти дощ. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. It's gonna rain tomorrow. Я три місяці була у комі. I was in a coma for three months. I was in a coma for three months. Том хоче вас убити, Мері. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Сестра зараз не займається. My sister isn't studying now. The sister's not doing anything right now. Я вже прочитав книжку, яку ти мені позичив. I've already read the book you lent me. I've already read the book you lent me. Марк має більше грошей, ніж ти. Mark has more money than you. Mark has more money than you do. Я не маю тобі казати, що це таке, чи не так? I don't have to tell you what this is, do I? I don't have to tell you what it is, do I? Просто послухай нас. Just listen to us. Just listen to us. Удачі. Best of luck. Good luck. Я кращий. I am better. I'm better. Я була вражена тим, як Том це зробив. I was impressed by the way Tom did that. I was impressed by Tom's way of doing it. Том говорить і французькою. Tom can speak French as well. Tom speaks French as well. Хіба ти не готовий нам допомогти? Aren't you ready to help us? Aren't you ready to help us? Я маю сумніви, що нову пропозицію буде прийнято. I doubt the new proposal will be accepted. I have doubts that the new proposal will be accepted. Звільніть її. Free her. Release her. Як далеко ми від Бостона? How far away are we from Boston? How far are we from Boston? Ось задумали ми похід великий. Lo, we have conceived a great campaign. That's the big move we've been planning. Ми не бажаємо Тому зла. We mean Tom no harm. We don't want evil. Можна мені спробувати? Can I try? Can I try? Я ненавиджу танцювати. I hate dancing. I hate dancing. Він уміє грати на флейті. He can play a flute. He can play the flute. Деякі тварини не розмножуються, коли їх тримають у клітках. Some animals will not breed when kept in cages. Some animals do not breed when kept in cages. Том зачинив дверь. Tom shut the door. Tom locked the door. Том проспав? Did Tom oversleep? Tom overslept? Його батько був тесляром. His father was a carpenter. His father was a carpenter. Хтось розумний, хтось ні. Some are wise, some are otherwise. Someone smart, someone not. Том повернувся до торгівельного центру. Tom went back to the mall. Tom returned to the trade centre. Вони нас усіх уб'ють. They're going to kill us all. They're gonna kill us all. Чому Том пішов до лікарні? Why did Tom go to the hospital? Why did Tom go to the hospital? Ти знаєш який-небудь дешевий готель тут поблизу? Do you know a cheap hotel nearby? Do you know any cheap hotel around here? Покуштуйте торт. Try the cake. Bite the cake. Двічі два — чотири. Two times two equals four. Twice two to four. Без зусиль нічого не добитися. Nothing is achieved without effort. Without effort, you can't achieve anything. Хочете знати як? Do you want to know how? Do you want to know how? Ви любите китайську їжу? Do you like Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food? Ось чому Том поїхав до Бостона. That's the reason that Tom went to Boston. That's why Tom went to Boston. Він пішов у відставку у віці 65 років. He retired at 65. He retired at the age of 65. Я загубив ручку. I had lost my pen. I lost my pen. Буду працювати далі. I'll get on with my work. I'll work on it. Я вчора була на нараді. I attended the meeting yesterday. I was at the meeting yesterday. Лейла спізнилася. Layla was too late. Leila's late. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона це зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she did that. I wonder if Tom ever asked Mary why she did. Я буду в Бостоні протягом кількох днів. I'll be in Boston for a few days. I'll be in Boston for a few days. Я вже це зробив. I have done that already. I've done it already. Я залишилась після школи, щоб допомогти прибрати класну кімнату. I stayed after school to help clean the classroom. I stayed after school to help clean up the classroom. Усі чогось бажають. Everybody wants something. Everyone wants something. У Тома зелені очі? Does Tom have green eyes? Tom's green eyes? Я постійно забуваю імена людей. I'm always forgetting people's names. I always forget people's names. Чому ти запитуєш мене? Why aren't you asking me? Why do you ask me? Я лише дивлюсь. I'm just looking. I'm just looking. Том сказав, що йому байдуже, чи він переможе, чи ні. Tom said that he doesn't care if he wins or not. Tom said he didn't care if he would win or not. Ти добре говориш французькою? Do you speak French well? You speak good French? Ти насправді не зобов'язана робити цього. You really don't need to do that. You don't really have to do that. Мені здається, Том зараз живе в Бостоні. I think Tom is living in Boston now. I think Tom is living in Boston right now. Мені було страшно. I was afraid. I was scared. Я можу читати англійською. I am able to read English. I can read in English. Том допоміг мені помити машину. Tom helped me wash my car. Tom helped me wash my car. Це наше перше Різдво тут у Австралії. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. This is our first Christmas here in Australia. Я доглядаю за своїм дідом. I look after my grandfather. I'm looking after my grandfather. Я збираюся поїхати біля десятої ранку. I'm going to leave about ten in the morning. I'm going to go around 10 a.m. Ти приїхала потягом? Did you come by train? Did you come by train? Ви не такий молодий, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Він повільно одужує від хвороби. He is slowly recovering from his illness. It slowly recovers from the disease. У Римі чини як римляни. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In Rome, he did as the Romans. Він побачив вираз здивування на моєму обличчі. He saw the surprise on my face. He saw an expression of surprise at my face. Поспіши, і ти встигнеш на потяг. Hurry up, and you can catch the train. Hurry up and you'll make it to the train. Це може бути рак. It could be cancer. It could be cancer. Цікаво, чи Том насправді це зробить. I wonder whether Tom will really do that. I wonder if Tom will actually do that. Я не люблю морозиво. I don't like ice cream. I don't like ice cream. Я не хочу продавати машину. I don't want to sell my car. I don't want to sell the car. Я лише хочу її поміряти. I just want to try it on. I just want to try it out. Машину Тома було конфісковано. Tom's car was impounded. Tom's car was confiscated. Не могли б ви відчинити вікно? Could you open the window? Could you open the window? Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий. I wonder whether Tom is scared or not. I wonder if Tom's scared. Наскільки добре ти знаєш Тома? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? Можете йти. You are free to go. You can go. У мене ключі Тома. I've got Tom's keys. I got Tom's keys. Впустіть нас. Let us in. Let us in. Я б хотів ще масла. I'd like some more butter. I'd like some more butter. Очевидно, що Тому подобається тут, у Бостоні. It's clear Tom likes being here in Boston. Obviously, that's why you like it here, in Boston. Том вимкнув музику. Tom turned off the music. Tom turned off the music. Хлопець, якого я кохаю, мене не кохає. The boy I love doesn't love me. The guy I love doesn't love me. Ти дуже зайнята. You're very busy. You're very busy. Я вже на сьогодні закінчую. I'm going to call it a day. I'm finishing for today. Я підписав чек. I signed the check. I signed the check. Вона дала мені сорочку. She has given me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Мері довіряє мені. Mary trusts me. Mary trusts me. Том наступного тижня повертається з Австралії. Tom is coming back to Australia next week. Tom returns from Australia the following week. Ми добре провели час учора. Yesterday we had fun. We had a good time yesterday. Лейла бачила сни арабською, думала арабською, розмовляла арабською та плакала арабською. Layla dreamed in Arabic, thought in Arabic, spoke in Arabic, and cried in Arabic. Leila saw dreams in Arabic, thought Arabic, spoke Arabic, and cried Arabic. Той день прийде! That day shall come. That day will come! Якого кольору в Тома очі? What color are Tom's eyes? What color is Tom's eyes? Том добре плаває. Tom can swim well. Tom's good swimmer. Ти один із нас. You are one of us. You're one of us. З вашого боку дуже мило мені допомогти. It's very nice of you to help me. On your part, it's very nice to help me. Обери певну подію, яку ти добре пам'ятаєш. Choose a particular event you remember well. Choose an event that you remember well. Що ти матимеш? What will you have? What do you have? Том має добре алібі. Tom has a good alibi. Tom has a good Alibi. Я пригощаю. It's my treat. I'm on it. Він її поцупив. He stole it. He stole it. Не думаю, що Том хотів це зробити сам. I don't think that Tom wanted to do that by himself. I don't think Tom wanted to do it alone. Ало! Hello. Alo! Купи мені велосипед. Buy me a bike. Get me a bicycle. Вечірка у повному розпалі. The party is in full swing. The party is in full swing. Том мені не допомагає. Tom doesn't help me. Tom's not helping me. Ти з нами згоден? Do you agree with us? Do you agree with us? Ентомологія — це не лише вивчення того, як літають мухи! Entomology isn't just the study of flies' flight! Entomology is not just a study of flies flying! Том не хотів читати книжку. Tom didn't want to read a book. Tom did not want to read the book. Я буду надворі. I'll be outside. I'll be outside. Якщо ти ще раз сюди прийдеш, я викличу поліцію. If you ever come here again, I'll call the police. If you come back here again, I'll call the police. Я знаю, що це буде складно. I know this will be difficult. I know it's gonna be hard. Ви отримали дозвіл паркуватися тут? Did you get permission to park here? Did you get permission to park here? Кожен може це зробити. Anybody can do that. Everybody can do it. Я жах як втомився. I'm awfully tired. I'm terrified like I'm tired. Нам вже час йти. It's time for us to leave. It's time for us to go. Генрі хоче вас бачити. Henry wants to see you. Henry wants to see you. Це трапиться. It'll happen. It's going to happen. Хіба ти не розумієш, що відбувається? Don't you understand what's happening? Don't you understand what's going on? Я не люблю готувати. I don't like to cook. I don't like cooking. Ти сказав Тому, що я тут? Have you told Tom that I'm here? Did you say I was here? Міст є приблизно милю завдовжки. The bridge is approximately a mile long. The bridge is about a mile long. Вона хотіла відкласти весілля. She wanted to postpone the wedding. She wanted to postpone the wedding. У мене неприємності. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. Я не хочу обговорювати деталі. I don't want to discuss the details. I don't want to discuss the details. Я кохаю Тома. I love Tom. I love Tom. Гадаю, Тома тут сьогодні не буде. I think Tom won't be here today. I guess Tom won't be here tonight. Я буду терпіти. I will endure. I'll be patient. Том — впертий хлопчина. Tom is a stubborn guy. Tom is a stubborn boy. Обоє Том та Мері подивилися на Джона. Tom and Mary both looked at John. Both Tom and Mary looked at John. Том сказав, що Мері потрібно це зробити. Tom said that Mary needs to do that. Tom said Mary needed to do it. Їй удалося витягнути з нього правду. She succeeded in drawing the truth from him. She managed to pull the truth out of him. Ти вже це зробив. You've done that already. You've done it already. Я ситий по горло вашими нісенітницями. I am fed up with your nonsense. I'm fed up at your throat with your nonsense. Що ви викладаєте? What do you teach? What do you teach? Том ще не помер. Tom hasn't yet died. Tom is not dead yet. Том подивився під диван. Tom looked under the couch. Tom looked under the couch. Я знайду спосіб, як це зробити. I'll find a way to do that. I'll find a way to do it. Агов! Не бігати біля басейну! Hey, you! No running by the pool! Hey, don't run around the pool! Вони зустрiлись у лiцеï. They met in high school. They're in the hospital. Том має добрі манери. Tom has good manners. Tom has good manners. Англійська - не моя рідна мова. English is not my first language. English is not my native language. Зупиніть Тома. Stop Tom. Stop Tom. Том хотів послухати Моцарта. Tom wanted to listen to Mozart. Tom wanted to hear Mozart. Томе, що ти хочеш на вечерю? Tom, what would you like to have for dinner? Tom, what do you want for dinner? Дурня вчити, що мертвого лічити. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. It's stupid to teach that the dead are dead to count. Ви помилилися. You made an error. You're wrong. В машині Тома закінчився бензин. Tom's car has run out of gas. Tom's car ran out of gasoline. У мене закінчуються гроші. I'm running short of cash. I'm running out of money. У Тома дуже пристойна зарплатня. Tom has a very decent salary. Tom has a very decent salary. Я відповім на ще одне запитання. I'll take one more question. I'll answer another question. Я зараз іду на роботу. I'm going to work now. I'm going to work now. Не вір усьому, що ти чуєш про Тома. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Don't believe everything you hear about Tom. Весна прийшла. Spring has come around. Spring is here. Я з нетерпінням чекаю на власний день народження. I look forward to my birthday. I look forward to my own birthday. Не так багато! Not that much! Not so much! Я можу зачекати, якщо хочеш. I can wait if you want me to. I can wait if you want. Я дуже вдячний за все, що ви для мене зробили. I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me. I am very grateful for all that you have done for me. Не розмовляйте зі мною. Don't talk to me. Don't talk to me. Поводься добре. Behave yourself. Be good. Том вибачився перед нами за запізнення. Tom apologized to us for being late. Tom apologized to us for being late. Вони мають дванадцятьох дітей. They have twelve children. They have twelve children. Як пройшов екзамен? How did the exam go? How was the exam? Ви можете залізти на дерево? Can you climb the tree? Can you climb a tree? Ти розумний хлопець. You're a bright boy. You're a smart guy. Двері нікому не відчиняй. Don't open the door for anybody. Don't open the door to anyone. Потяг прибуває на п'яту платформу. The train arrives on platform number 5. The train arrives on the fifth platform. Скільки котів у цьому будинку? How many cats are there in this house? How many cats are in this house? Я чула, як ти кричав. I heard you scream. I heard you screaming. Якщо щодо того, щоб піти в кіно? How about going to a movie? What about going to a movie? Том надзвичайно успішний. Tom is extremely successful. Tom is extremely successful. Чому вона хотіла поговорити зі мною? Why did she want to speak to me? Why did she want to talk to me? Я часто ходжу до будинку Тома. I often go to Tom's house. I often go to Tom's house. Це мене не непокоїть. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me. Хлопчик прихилився серцем до собаки. The boy took a fancy to the dog. The boy leaned his heart toward the dog. Я боюся землетрусів. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. У кожної країни своя історія. Every country has its own history. Each country has its own story. Сіль скінчилася. There's no salt left. Salt's over. Звідки ти знаєш, коли потрібно зупинитися? How do you know when to stop? How do you know when to stop? Том наполегливий. Tom is persistent. Tom's persistent. Її очі зупинилися на сукні. Her eyes settled on the dress. Her eyes stopped at the dress. Мій батько служив у флоті. My father was in the navy. My father served in the navy. Том сказав, що вважає мене харизматичним. Tom said that he thought that I was charismatic. Tom said he thought I was charismatic. Поговоріть зі мною. Speak to me. Talk to me. Побачимося! Goodbye! See ya! Я не любив співати, коли я був молодший. I didn't like singing when I was younger. I didn't like to sing when I was younger. Мені подобається викладати. I like teaching. I like teaching. Це такий самий велосипед як в мене. That is the same bicycle as I have. It's the same bike I've got. Вони танцюють. They're dancing. They dance. Просто зачекай! Just wait! Just wait! Проходь сюди. Come this way. Come here. Не будьте таким вузьколобим. Don't be so narrow-minded. Don't be so narrow-headed. Я живу в місті. I live in a town. I live in the city. Я не хочу, щоб ти торкався моїх речей. I don't want you touching my stuff. I don't want you to touch my things. Точно не знаю. I don't know for certain. I don't know. Це важка для нас робота. This work is difficult for us. It's hard work for us. Я вражений. I'm shaken. I'm impressed. Там жарко? Is it hot over there? Is it hot there? Вона у мене в кишені. It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Том сказав, що не робитиме цього. Tom said he's not going to do that. Tom said he wouldn't do that. Дякуємо за вашу зацікавленість. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your interest. Ти не зобов'язаний відповідати на це запитання. You don't have to answer this question. You don't have to answer that question. Сьогодні вранці я бачила Тома. I saw Tom this morning. I saw Tom this morning. Я скоро розпочну. I'm about to begin. I'll start soon. Ти коли-небудь бачив вовка? Have you ever seen a wolf? Have you ever seen a wolf? Том сказав, що Мері не може цього зробити. Tom said Mary couldn't do that. Tom said Mary couldn't do it. Том не хотів прощатися. Tom didn't want to say goodbye. Tom didn't want to say goodbye. На вулиці пусто. The street is empty. There's nothing in the street. Біла фарба зробить кімнату світлішою. White paint will brighten the room. White paint will make the room lighter. Вам подобається реп? Do you like rap? Do you like rap? Ваші дідусь та бабуся ще живі? Are your grandparents still alive? Are your grandparents still alive? Я знаю, що ви не така. I know that you're not like that. I know you're not. Я б тобі розповів, але я пообіцяв Тому не робити цього. I would've told you, but Tom made me promise not to. I'd tell you, but I promised Tom not to do it. Залишайся зосередженим. Keep focused. Stay focused. Я знала, що роблять Джексони. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. Я знаю твоє ім'я. I know your first name. I know your name. Мері втратила свій капелюшок. Mary lost her hat. Mary lost her hat. Все, що хотів Том, — трохи вільного часу. All Tom wanted was some free time. All Tom wanted was a bit of free time. Том сказав, що поїде до Австралії. Tom said he'd go to Australia. Tom said he would go to Australia. Мері загубила олівець. Mary lost her pencil. Mary lost her pencil. Я мене багато запитань. I've got a lot of questions. I'm a lot of questions. Мері каже, що приїжджає сюди щороку. Mary says she comes here every year. Mary says she's coming here every year. Ти вже повечеряла? Have you had your dinner yet? Have you had dinner before? Том розумів скептичне ставлення Мері. Tom understood Mary's skepticism. Tom understood Mary's skeptical attitude. Я бачила їх. I've seen them. I saw them. Він нікому не дозволяв втручатись у його справи. He wouldn't let anyone interfere in his personal affairs. He did not allow anyone to intervene in his case. Том дуже легковірний. Tom is very naive. Tom is very skeptical. Том ще не звик таке робити. Tom isn't used to doing that yet. Tom's not used to doing that yet. Я говорив про одяг. I was talking about clothes. I was talking about clothes. Я можу зрозуміти твій гнів. I can understand your anger. I can understand your anger. Думаю, ви маєте рацію. I guess you are right. I think you're right. Мені цікаво, чи це дійсно можливо. I wonder whether or not this is really necessary. I wonder if it is really possible. Я не знала, що Том має на увазі. I didn't know what Tom meant. I didn't know what Tom meant. Я завжди готова тобі допомогти. I'm always ready to help you. I'm always ready to help you. Тобі треба поговорити з Томом. You should speak with Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Том любить хокей. Tom loves hockey. Tom likes hockey. Можеш піти з нами? Can you come with us? Can you come with us? Ми з нею однолітки. She and I are the same age. She and I are peers. Том на хропить. Tom doesn't snore. Tom snoops. Всім моїм друзям подобається грати у комп'ютерні ігри. All my friends like playing videogames. All my friends like to play computer games. Том знає, що Мері навряд чи це зробить. Tom knows Mary won't likely do that. Tom knows that Mary would hardly do that. Вона лише дитина. She's only a child. She's just a kid. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know that Tom is afraid. I know Tom's scared. Том добрий музикант. Tom is a good musician. Tom is a good musician. Тобі подобаються поїздки? Do you like to travel? Do you like trips? Я сказала, що спробую. I said I'd try. I said I'd try. Вони ніколи більше не зустрінуться. They would never meet again. They'll never see each other again. Мені слід було послухати Тома. I should have listened to Tom. I should've listened to Tom. Обожнюю французьку. I love French. I love French. Том помер у ліжку. Tom died in bed. Tom died in bed. Том написав дві книжки. Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. Я не хочу вам допомагати. I don't want to help you. I don't want to help you. Том намагається не робити цього. Tom is trying not to do that. Tom's trying not to do that. Я допоміг дідусю перейти дорогу. I helped an old man cross the road. I helped Grandpa cross the road. У мене є велосипед. I have a bicycle. I have a bicycle. Я вже знаю твою думку. I already know what your opinion is. I already know your opinion. Я думав, що Том був би зацікавлений у цьому. I thought Tom would be interested in this. I thought Tom would be interested in that. Її родина дуже любить дивитися телевізор кожного дня. His family really loves watching television every day. Her family is very fond of watching TV every day. Я не думаю, що Том може нам допомогти. I don't believe Tom can help us. I don't think Tom can help us. Білі троянди мені подобаються більше за червоні. I like white roses better than red ones. I like white roses more than reds. Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Думаю, так. I think so. I think so. Я намагаюся бути завжди готовим. I try to always be prepared. I'm trying to be always ready. Мері сказала, що боїться. Mary said she was afraid. Mary said she was afraid. Мені сподобалася ця книжка. I liked that book. I liked the book. Минулої п'ятниці я грав у футбол із друзями. Last Friday I played soccer with friends. Last Friday, I played football with my friends. Вдова - це жінка, чий чоловік помер. A woman whose husband has died is a widow. The widow is a woman whose husband died. Том попередив Мері про Джона. Tom warned Mary about John. Tom warned Mary of John. А хіба я тобі вчора не позичив грошей? Didn't I lend you some money yesterday? Didn't I lend you money yesterday? Я зазвичай ношу темний одяг. I usually wear dark clothes. I usually wear dark clothes. Том примусив мене поклястися, що я більше цього не робитиму. Tom made me swear never to do that again. Tom made me swear I won't do it again. Хіба ви не студентки? Aren't you students? Aren't you students? Я знаю, що Том був зайнятий. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. Ти не міг би мені сказати пароль до Wi-Fi, будь ласка? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password, please? Could you tell me the password to Wi-Fi, please? Мені дуже боляче. I am in pain. It hurts so much. Я приймаю вашу пропозицію. I accept your offer. I accept your offer. Це нам не належить. That doesn't belong to us. It doesn't belong to us. Том не такий товстий, як Мері. Tom isn't as fat as Mary. Tom's not as fat as Mary. Я б хотів знати, чому Том цього не зробив. I'd like to know why Tom didn't do that. I'd like to know why Tom didn't. Не звертай на нього уваги. Ignore him. Don't mind him. Гадаєш, Том і насправді це зробив? Do you think Tom really did that? You think Tom did that and really? Тоні говорить англійською так само добре, як і ти. Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony speaks English as well as you. У мене було багато причин це зробити. I had good reasons to do that. I had a lot of reasons to do that. Я тебе майже не знаю. I barely know you. I don't really know you. Давайте знімемо кіно. Let's make a movie. Let's make a movie. Я додержався свого слова. I kept my word. I kept my word. Залишайся там, де я можу тебе бачити. Keep where I can see you. Stay where I can see you. Чого у вас немає? What don't you have? Why don't you? Том сказав, що Мері доброзичлива. Tom said that Mary was nice. Tom said Mary was kind. Коли нам влаштувати вечірку? When shall we have the party? When do we have a party? Я би теж хотіла піти. I'd like to go, too. I'd like to go too. Вона його полагодить. She will fix it. She'll fix him. Я вивчаю угорську та польску на Duolingo. I'm learning Hungarian and Polish on Duolingo. I study Hungarian and Polish at Duolingo. Вони були певні, що можуть перемогти. They were sure that they could win. They were sure they could win. Не їж цей абрикос. Don’t eat that apricot! Don't eat this abricos. Його зріст — приблизно сім футів. He stands about seven feet. Its height is about seven feet. Я відповіла на твоє питання? Have I answered your question? Did I answer your question? Я виграла. I have won. I won. Джуді народилася вранці п'ятого вересня. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Judy was born on the morning of September 5. Я правдива людина. I'm a truthful person. I'm a true man. Перевір її. Examine it. Check it out. Я дійсно це зробила. I did do it. I really did. Зі мною такого не могло трапитися. It couldn't happen to me. It couldn't have happened to me. Ідіть якомога швидше. Walk as fast as possible. Walk as fast as you can. В Японії живуть багато видів птахів. Many kinds of birds live in Japan. Many species of birds are found in Japan. Просто розслабся і будь самим собою. Just relax and be yourself. Just relax and be yourself. Том запропонував мені пиво, але я сказав, що не хочу. Tom offered me a beer, but I told him I didn't want one. Tom offered me a beer, but I said I didn't want it. І Том, і Мері — алкоголіки. Both Tom and Mary are alcoholics. Both Tom and Mary are alcoholics. Скористайтеся акриловою фарбою. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. У нас нова сусідка. We have a new neighbor. We have a new roommate. Я чекав на Тома, що він сказав мені, що робити. I was waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. I was waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. Мене попросили показати паспорт на кордоні. I was asked to show my passport at the border. I was asked to show my passport on the border. Я думала, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought that you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Ви знаєте турецьку? Do you know Turkish? Do you know Turkish? У неї десятеро дітей. She has ten children. She has ten children. Я ще не знаю. I don't know yet. I don't know yet. Як пройшов концерт? How was the concert? How was the concert? Ти вже, курва, допік. I'm sick and tired of your shit. You fucking dope. Чому ти припинила це робити? Why did you stop doing that? Why did you stop doing that? Хто попросив Тома це зробити? Who asked Tom to do that? Who asked Tom to do that? Наші сусіди були змушені продати свої будинки. Our neighbors were compelled to sell their houses. Our neighbors were forced to sell their homes. Ти не одна. You're not alone. You're not alone. Пане Мурато, це моя подруга Ліза. Mr Murata, this is my friend Lisa. Mr. Murato, this is my friend Lisa. Ось де живе Том. That's where Tom lives. That's where Tom lives. Я дала сестрі словник. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. Замість того, щоб їсти справжню їжу, ми весь день харчувалися нездоровою їжею. Instead of eating real food, we just ate junk food all day. Instead of eating real food, we ate junk food all day long. Чому б тобі не прийти в гості сьогодні ввечері? Why don't you come over tonight? Why don't you come visit tonight? Том не сказав Мері. Tom didn't tell Mary. Tom didn't tell Mary. Я думала, ти казав, що ти єдина дитина в родині. I thought that you said that you were an only child. I thought you said you were the only child in the family. Том на четвертому поверсі. Tom is on the third floor. Tom's on the fourth floor. Ми чекатимемо на вас. We'll wait for you. We'll be waiting for you. Скажи Тому, що я знаю, що відбувається. Tell Tom I know what's going on. Tell him I know what's going on. Нам подобаються одне й те саме. We like the same things. We like the same thing. Його стан важкий. He's in a bad state. His condition is heavy. Слухайте уважно. Listen closely. Listen carefully. Я можу тобі допомогти? Can I help you? Can I help you? Том багатий, холостий, трохи підстаркуватий, але не занадто потворний. Tom is rich, single, a bit old, but not too ugly. Tom's rich, blank, a little old, but not too ugly. Я теж люблю нудні жарти. I liked boring jokes, too. I like boring jokes, too. Заспокой тома. Comfort Tom. Calm the volume. Я не хочу вивчати французьку. I don't want to study French. I don't want to study French. Первісною метою науки є пошук істини, нової істини. The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth. The ultimate purpose of science is to find the truth, the new truth. Том сказав, що планує поїхати. Tom said that he planned on going. Tom said he was planning to leave. Що ти робила сьогодні вранці? What were you doing this morning? What were you doing this morning? Я не можу припинити думати про це. I can't stop thinking about that. I can't stop thinking about it. Будь ласка, зробіть мені чашку кави. Please make me a cup of coffee. Please, make me a cup of coffee. Батьки Тома весь час сваряться. Tom's parents fight all the time. Tom's parents are fighting all the time. Ви вмієте зберігати секрети? Can you keep a secret? Do you know how to keep secrets? Том сором'язливий. Tom's shy. Tom is shy. Ось вам! Take that! Here you go! Вона мене запросила. She invited me. She invited me. Я хочу бути лікарем. I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. Бракує Тома. Tom is missing. There's a lack of Tom. Я не хотів танцювати з Томом. I didn't want to dance with Tom. I didn't want to dance with Tom. Я їм лише халяльне м'ясо. I can only eat halal meat. I only eat kea meat. З Різдвом, кохана! Merry Christmas, my love! Happy Christmas, my love! Я зателефонувала з будинку Тома. I called from Tom's house. I called from Tom's house. Я все ще спантеличений. I'm still puzzled. I'm still confused. Це словник. It's a dictionary. It's a dictionary. Я сильно захворів. I got real sick. I was very sick. Ми все ще спантеличені. We're still confused. We're still confused. Я не їм яловичину. I don't eat beef. I don't eat beef. Том у безпеці? Is Tom safe? Is Tom safe? Не забудь свої речі. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your things. Том тебе вибачає. Tom forgives you. Tom apologizes to you. Семі і Лейла зробили це таємно. Sami and Layla did that in secret. Sami and Leila did it secretly. Ви вчитель. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. Том розійшовся з Мері. Tom split up with Mary. Tom's gone with Mary. В цьому місті важко жити. This city is hard to live in. It's hard to live in this city. Я надзвичайно неприємний. I am extremely unpleasant. I'm extremely unpleasant. Мені цікаво, чи Том їде до Бостона наступного тижня. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder if Tom's going to Boston next week. Том розмовляє. Tom is talking. Tom talks. Ти обіцяла, що допоможеш. You promised you would help me. You promised you'd help. Том уміє грати на гітарі. Tom is able to play the guitar. Tom can play the guitar. Я її не пробачу. I won't forgive her. I won't forgive her. Я не бачив Тома сьогодні. I didn't see Tom today. I haven't seen Tom today. Ми з Томом любимо наших дітей. Tom and I love our kids. Tom and I love our children. Ви ненадійні. You're unreliable. You're unreliable. Хто піде зі мною? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? Вечірка була дуже весела. The party was a lot of fun. The party was very fun. Це не було необхідно. It wasn't necessary. It wasn't necessary. Я купив це у Тома. I bought this from Tom. I bought it from Tom. Том крадькома утік вночі. Tom snuck out at night. Tom sneaked away at night. Чого ти від нас хочеш? What do you want from us? What do you want from us? Хіба ти не з Бостона? Aren't you from Boston? Aren't you from Boston? Я лише хотіла знати. I just wanted to know. I just wanted to know. Ми вже поїли. We've already eaten. We already ate. Це найкращий дарунок з тих що я коли-небудь отримувала. This is the most wonderful present I have ever received. It's the best gift I've ever received. Том сказав Мері те, що йому сказав Джон. Tom told Mary what John had told him. Tom told Mary what John told him. Він визнав, що це правда. He admitted that it was true. He admitted it was true. Я не думаю, що у мене сьогодні буде час тобі допомогти. I don't think I'll have the time to help you today. I don't think I'll have time to help you today. Ось як це робиться в Америці. А як це роблять у Японії? This is how it is done in America. How is it done in Japan? That's how it's done in America. Том хотів продовжувати. Tom wanted to continue. Tom wanted to continue. Ми битимося. We will fight. We fight. Не відчуваю себе добре. I don't feel well. I don't feel good. Легко забути, що мікрофон увімкнено. It's easy to forget the mic is on. It's easy to forget the microphone's on. Де в Австралії ти виросла? Where in Australia did you grow up? Where did you grow up in Australia? Де я можу поставити машину? Where can I park? Where can I put the car? Ти не міг би не займатися цим тут? Could you not do that here? Would you mind not doing this here? Це не залежить від мене. It's not up to me. It's not up to me. Це класні кросівки. Those trainers are lush. They're great sneakers. Дуже дякую за твого листа. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you very much for your letter. Ти бачив це? Have you seen this? Did you see that? Скільки книг я можу взяти за раз? How many books can I take out at one time? How many books can I take at a time? Ти впевнений, що не хочеш зайти? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Are you sure you don't want to come in? Я посадила в саду троянди. I planted roses in the garden. I put roses in the garden. Що б я без тебе робив? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Ці апельсини вже погані. These oranges have gone bad. These oranges are already bad. Що ти хочеш, щоб я зробив з Томом? What do you want me to do with Tom? What do you want me to do with Tom? Том ніколи не дозволить, щоб ти це знову зробив. Tom will never let you do that again. Tom will never let you do it again. Хто би зробив таку дурість? Who would do such a stupid thing? Who would make such a fool? Троянда рожева. The rose is pink. The Rose is pink. Я, загалом, певен, що не виграю. I'm pretty sure that I won't win. I'm generally sure I won't win. На цю образу Марія лише посміхнулася. Ти мусиш зімітувати це! Maria just smiled at this insult, and you should, too. Mary's only smiling at this insult, you have to simulate it! У мене колись була така сама проблема. I used to have that same problem. I used to have the same problem. Цей факт не був відомий дотепер. This fact was not known until now. This fact was not known until now. Залізо — метал, що має багато застосувань. Iron is a metal with many uses. The iron is a metal that has many applications. Фома стрибнув. Tom jumped. Thomas jumped. Ми чекали на нього. We've been expecting him. We were waiting for him. Том та Мері вирішили одружитися. Tom and Mary decided to get married. Tom and Mary decided to get married. Том дурний. Tom is stupid. Tom's stupid. Залиштеся з нами на кілька днів. Stay with us for a few days. Stay with us for a few days. Ваша валіза занадто важка. Your suitcase is too heavy. Your suitcase is too heavy. Сем допомогає будь-кому, хто просить його про допомогу. Sam helps whoever asks him to. Sam will help anyone who asks for his help. Він почувається добре. He's feeling well. He's feeling good. Він взагалі не вчився. He didn't study at all. He didn't study at all. Том сумуватиме за мною. Tom is going to miss me. Tom will miss me. Я люблю вигравати. I like winning. I love winning. Собака спить у машині. The dog is sleeping in the car. The dog sleeps in the car. Ця війна має бути припинена. This war needs to end. This war must be stopped. Наступного тижня я планую поїхати до Європи. I'm planning to go to Europe next week. The following week, I plan to go to Europe. Чому ти захотіла це зробити? What made you want to do that? Why did you want to do that? Том грає у небезпечну гру. Tom is playing a dangerous game. Tom plays a dangerous game. Ви вже доїли сніданок? Have you finished breakfast yet? Have you finished breakfast yet? Мені подобається подорожувати. I like traveling. I like to travel. Ти бачив, як Том на тебе дивився? Did you see the way Tom looked at you? Did you see Tom look at you? Не кладіть всі яйця в один кошик. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all the eggs in one basket. Я не впала. I didn't fall. I didn't fall. Цей птах не вміє літати. This bird can't fly. This bird doesn't know how to fly. Він знайшов метеорит. He found a meteorite. He found a meteorite. Його аморальні дії не лишилися непоміченими. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. His immoral actions did not go unnoticed. Можливо, Том цього не робив. Possibly Tom didn't do that. Maybe Tom didn't do that. Це тобі подарунок. This is a present for you. It's a present for you. Ви п'єте пиво? Do you drink beer? Do you drink beer? Не малюй чорта на стіні. Don't paint the devil on the wall. Don't draw the hell on the wall. Том навіть не намагався допомогти Мері. Tom didn't even attempt to help Mary. Tom didn't even try to help Mary. Я роздягнувся. I got undressed. I stripped myself. Я попросила Тома не вдягати одяг сестри. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear the sister's clothes. Я сховався під столом. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Він найкращий спортсмен у нашій школі. He is the best athlete in our school. He's the best athlete in our school. Хіба ти за мною не повернешся? Aren't you coming back for me? Aren't you coming back for me? Його ім'я крутиться у мене на язиці. His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name is spinning on my tongue. Це ваші сонцезахисні окуляри? Are these sunglasses yours? Are these your sunscreens? Субота це останній день тижня. Saturday is the last day of week. Saturday is the last day of the week. Мені здається, він симулює. I think he's faking. I think he's modeling. Я знайома з батьком цієї дівчини. I know this girl's father. I'm familiar with this girl's father. Мері заможна, так? Mary is wealthy, isn't she? Mary's rich, huh? Ходімо в ліжко. Let's go to bed. Let's go to bed. Нас вразила та легкість, з якою він відповів на питання. The ease with which he answered the question surprised us. We were impressed by the ease with which he answered the question. Все в шоколаді. All is well. It's all in chocolate. Напевно, тому. That's probably why. I guess that's why. Я боюся тарганів. I'm afraid of cockroaches. I'm afraid of roaches. Яка найдовша в Японії річка? Which river is the longest in Japan? What is the longest river in Japan? Я знаю, що Том — стоматолог. I know Tom is a dentist. I know Tom is a dentist. Я не п'ю горілку! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! Хто з'їв останній пончик? Who ate the last donut? Who ate the last donut? Ти поїв? Have you eaten? Did you eat? Які у вас повні імена? What are your full names? What are your full names? Я цілком певен. I am pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. Слід було працювати старанніше. You should have worked harder. I had to work harder. Якби я міг сказати тобі щось позитивне. I wish I could tell you something positive. If I could tell you something positive. Хіба ти не боїшся собак? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Aren't you afraid of dogs? Том та Мері розмовляли до 2:30 ночі. Tom and Mary talked until 2:30 in the morning. Tom and Mary spoke until 2:30 p.m. Він продовжував. He went on doing it. He continued. Я радий, що ти мене про це запитала. I'm glad you ask me that question. I'm glad you asked me about it. Ти повинен врятувати Тома. You must save Tom. You have to save Tom. Ти любиш дивитися порнографічні фільми? Do you like watching porn movies? Do you like watching pornographic movies? У Тома є вино. Tom has wine. Tom has wine. Том здивував усіх, коли зробив це. Tom surprised everyone when he did that. Tom surprised everyone when he did. Том вирішив проігнорувати прохання Мері. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Tom decided to ignore Mary's request. Ти його купила на чорному ринку? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it on the black market? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері повинна це зробити. Tom said he thought that Mary might need to do that. Tom said that he thought Mary should do it. Вас примусили це зробити, правда? You were forced to do that, weren't you? You were forced to do it, didn't you? Я знайшла ось ці. I found these. I found these. Ця дівчинка схожа на маму. That girl resembles her mother. This girl looks like a mother. Моя машина невелика у порівнянні з твоєю. Compared with yours, my car is small. My car is small compared to your car. Це не на користь твоєму здоров'ю. It's not healthy for you. It's not good for your health. Том та Мері, здається, не розуміли, що від них хотів Джон. Tom and Mary didn't seem to understand what John wanted them to do. Tom and Mary do not seem to realize that John wanted them to do it. Мені не слід було довіряти Тому. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. I shouldn't have trusted Tom. Яблука якого кольору? What color are the apples? Apples of what color? Тома заміняє Мері. Tom has been filling in for Mary. Toma replaces Mary. Я ніколи не ходжу в рожевому. I never wear pink. I never go in pink. Каракас — столиця Венесуели. Caracas is Venezuela's capital. Karakas is the capital of Venezuela. Моя дівчина — китаянка. My girlfriend is Chinese. My girlfriend is Chinese. Ця сорочка коштує дванадцять фунтів. This shirt costs twelve pounds. This shirt costs twelve pounds. Вам краще дозволити мені це зробити для вас. You'd better let me do that for you. You better let me do it for you. Я їду ввечері. I'm setting off tonight. I'm leaving tonight. Том переконав Мері повернутися з ним до Австралії. Tom persuaded Mary to go back to Australia with him. Tom convinced Mary to return to Australia with him. Вони були закохані. They were in love. They were in love. Він залишався там не більше ніж чотири дні. He stayed there not more than four days. He stayed there no more than four days. Те, що я вижив після раку - це диво. It's a miracle that I've got over cancer. What I survived after cancer is a miracle. Я розсердив цю жінку. I made the woman angry. I made this woman angry. Ви дасте відповідь на моє запитання? Will you answer my question? Will you answer my question? Жереб кинуто. The die is cast. Cereb has been abandoned. Потримай це. Hold this. Hold this. Ти їстимеш свій пудінг? Are you going to eat your pudding? Will you eat your pudding? Тримайтеся подалі від моєї дівчини. Stay away from my girlfriend. Stay away from my girlfriend. Вживання риби корисно для здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. Use of fish is healthy. Жахливо почуваю себе сьогодні. I feel terrible today. I feel terrible today. У вашому віці вам видніше. At your age you should know better. At your age, you're more visible. Мері галаслива, чи не так? Mary is loud, isn't she? Mary's noisy, isn't she? Чоловік, що чекає в коридорі, не хоче називатися. The man waiting in the lobby wouldn't give me his name. The man waiting in the hall doesn't want to be called. Пропоную вам поквапитися. I suggest you hurry. I suggest you hurry. Вона днями ходила до кіно. She went to a movie the other day. She went to the movies the other day. Присягнув ти, дитинко, — так добудь же ти мені тепер отакої водиці, пошукай, принеси, корінчики мої бідні підлий… You’ve sworn to me, kid, — so find such a water for me, find it and bring, water my poor roots… You swore, baby, that's how you're gonna get me this water now, find me, bring me the panties of my poor... Якими іноземними мовами ти володієш? What foreign languages do you know? What languages do you speak? Том показав мені листа. Tom showed me the letter. Tom showed me a letter. Я хоробра. I'm brave. I'm brave. Чому ти просто не пішла? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Цю історію варто прочитати. This story is worth reading. This story is worth reading. Йому не хотілося туди йти. He was reluctant to go there. He didn't want to go there. Діти приблизно твого віку граються он там. Some children about your age are over there playing. Children about your age play over there. Твій собака дуже великий. Your dog is very big. Your dog is very big. Том був змушений погодитися. Tom had to agree. Tom was forced to agree. Моя мати розповіла нам цікаву історію. My mother told us an interesting story. My mother told us an interesting story. Італійці не їдять спагеті ложкою. Italians don't eat spaghetti with a spoon. The Italians don't eat spaghetti with a spoon. Чи то важко бути вегетаріанцем? Is it hard to be a vegetarian? Is it hard to be vegetarian? Легко не буде. This won't be easy. It won't be easy. Вони мене відпустили. They let me go. They let me go. Мері зробила підтяжку обличчя. Mary had a face-lift. Mary made a grip on her face. Том наклав на себе руки, коли йому було тридцять. Tom committed suicide when he was thirty. Tom committed suicide when he was thirty. Чому Том хотів поїхати? Why did Tom want to go? Why did Tom want to leave? Чому б Том зробив це з Мері? Why would Tom do that to Mary? Why would Tom do this to Mary? Хто хоче морозива? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? Я люблю читати детективні романи. I like reading mystery novels. I like to read detective novels. Яка красива райдуга! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful rainbow! Сумно це чути. I am sad to hear it. It's sad to hear that. Багато грошей. There is a lot of money. A lot of money. Іран - вісімнадцята за розміром країна світу. Iran is the eighteenth largest country in the world. Iran is eighteenth the size of the world's country. Не відчиняйте двері. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Том вже скоро йде. Tom is about to go. Tom's leaving soon. Том хотів бути героєм. Tom wanted to be a hero. Tom wanted to be a hero. Ми були дуже голодні. We were very hungry. We were very hungry. Я не можу знайти свої підтяжки. I can't find my suspenders. I can't find my grips. Він кричав "рятуйте!" He screamed for help. He shouted "Save!" Хтось хоче пива? Does anyone want a beer? Anybody want a beer? Я почуваюся таким ідіотом. I feel like such an idiot. I feel so stupid. Відійдіть убік! Stand aside! Get away from me! Візьми цей портфель. Take this briefcase. Take this briefcase. Привіт, тату. Hi, Father. Hi, Dad. Вона говорить арабською. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Фадль пішов до школи. Fadil went to school. Fadel went to school. Хтось із вас може мені допомогти? Can one of you help me? Can any of you help me? Я щось не так зробив, Томе? Did I do something wrong, Tom? Did I do something wrong, Tom? Том каже, що не потребує нашої допомоги. Tom says he won't need our help. Tom says he doesn't need our help. Де воно? Where is it? Where is it? Ти можеш поговорити з Томом, правда? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, can you? Мені не дозволили побачити Тома. I wasn't allowed to see Tom. I wasn't allowed to see Tom. Він приязний. He's friendly. He's friendly. Мені цікаво, що це таке. I wonder what it is. I wonder what it is. Він твій друг? Is he a friend of yours? He's your friend? Скільки, на твою думку, Том їсть шоколаду? How much chocolate do you think Tom eats? How much do you think Tom's eating chocolate? Вашому замовленню присвоєно найвищий рівень пріоритету. We have given your order highest priority. Your order has been assigned the highest level of priority. Я запросила Тома до себе. I invited Tom over. I invited Tom to my home. Ви сказали Тому, що я був тут? Did you tell Tom that I was here? Did you say I was here? Він тут, щоб захистити тебе. He's here to protect you. He's here to protect you. Я хочу зараз поїхати додому. I want to go home now. I want to go home now. Ви на це теж звернули увагу, еге ж? You noticed it, too, didn't you? You've noticed that, too, haven't you? Зроби це хутко. Make it quick. Do it quickly. Шкода, що я не може поїхати з тобою до Бостона. I wish I could go to Boston with you. Too bad I can't go with you to Boston. Мені потрібні гроші. I want some money. I need the money. Це її сумочка. This is her handbag. That's her purse. Том там не табе чекає. Tom is waiting there for you. Tom's not waiting there for a tabe. Не було нікого. No one was present. There was no one. Турецька літера Ğ та іспанська H потайки одружилися, й було в них багато абсолютно німих дітей. A Turkish soft G and a Spanish H eloped and had lots of completely silent children together. The Turkish letter › and Spanish H secretly married, and they had many completely silent children. Ми повинні роззуватися на вході. We are supposed to take off our shoes at the entrance. We have to split up on the entrance. Я думав, ти просто жартуєш. I thought you were just kidding. I thought you were just kidding. Ви безсоромний. You're shameless. You're obscene. Будь ласка, дозвольте пройти. Let me pass, please. Please, let me through. Том був із вами? Was Tom with you? Tom was with you? Що написано у вас на сорочці? What does your shirt say? What's on your shirt? Вони одночасно сміялися і плакали. They laughed and cried at the same time. They were laughing and crying at the same time. Всі хотіли, щоб Том був щасливий. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Everyone wanted Tom to be happy. Хіба ти не бажаєш допомогти? Aren't you willing to help? Don't you want to help? Я ніколи не мала такої великої суми грошей. I've never had such a large sum of money. I've never had so much money. Я збентежений. I'm confused. I'm confused. Том був дуже переляканий. Tom was very frightened. Tom was very scared. Я знаю, що я трохи ледача. I know I'm a bit lazy. I know I'm a little lazy. Я знаю, що Том боїться. I know Tom is afraid. I know Tom's scared. Мені дуже шкода, що я збрехала. I'm very sorry I lied. I'm sorry I lied. Том все ще планує нам допомагати? Does Tom still plan to help us? Tom still plans to help us? Том запалив свічку. Tom lit a candle. Tom lit a candle. Ну, тоді розпочнімо. Then let us begin. Well, let's start then. Він нездатен завершити це за годину. It is impossible for him to finish it in an hour. He won't finish it in an hour. Я з тобою не співатиму. I won't sing with you. I won't sing with you. Я більше не співаю. I don't sing anymore. I don't sing anymore. Ви колись збираєтеся вставати? Aren't you ever going to get up? Are you ever going to get up? Мені прийшла ідея. An idea came to me. I got an idea. Том бився? Did Tom fight? Tom fought? Це вже не моя проблема. It's not my problem anymore. That's not my problem anymore. Міст зроблено з дерева. The bridge is built of wood. The bridge is made of wood. За кого ти мене приймаєш? Who do you think I am? Who do you accept me for? Том — влогер. Tom is a vlogger. Tom is a bullger. Дайте мені філіжанку кави. Give me a cup of coffee. Give me a cup of coffee. Нам розповів Том. Tom told us. Tom told us. Із Томом нічого не станеться. Nothing's going to happen to Tom. Nothing's gonna happen to Tom. Відправ її поштою. Send it by mail. Send her by mail. Я нещодавно купив цю книжку. I bought this book the other day. I recently bought this book. Том лише жартував. Tom was just kidding. Tom was just kidding. Я прийшла купити овочі. I came to buy vegetables. I came to buy vegetables. У тебе є якась сім'я? Do you have any family? Do you have any family? Ти сказав Тому, що йому не варто танцювати? Did you tell Tom that he shouldn't dance? Did you tell him he shouldn't dance? Навіщо ти тут? Why are you here? Why are you here? Що ти хочеш, щоб я з цим зробив? What do you want me to do with this? What do you want me to do with that? Я дав тобі те, що ти просив. I gave you what you asked for. I gave you what you asked. Я більше не хочу котів. I don't want any more cats. I don't want cats anymore. Ти схожий на дідуся. You look like your grandfather. You look like Grandpa. Ти занудний. You are boring. You're boring. У мене пронос. I have diarrhea. I've got diarrhea. Я впав до басейну. I fell into the pool. I fell into the pool. Мені здається, ми розмовляли по телефону. I think we spoke on the phone. I think we were talking on the phone. Як щодо молока з печивом? How about some milk and cookies? What about milk and cookies? Ти думаєш, мені байдуже? Do you think I don't care? You think I don't care? Йди розбуди її. Go and wake her up. Go wake her up. Вона розлучилася з ним минулого року. She divorced him last year. She divorced him last year. Том не був дуже добрим минулого року. Tom wasn't very good last year. Tom wasn't very good last year. Кому це належить? Who does it belong to? Who owns it? Ніщо ніколи тут не робиться без суперечок. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Nothing is ever done here without controversy. Здається, Том та Мері розчаровані. It looks like Tom and Mary are disappointed. I think Tom and Mary are disappointed. Я бачила, як Том поцілував Мері. I saw Tom kiss Mary. I saw Tom kiss Mary. Ніхто не повірить цим пліткам. Nobody will believe that rumor. No one's gonna believe that gossip. Що є пиття? Лише перерва у міркуванні! What's drinking? A mere pause from thinking! Just a break in reasoning! Все можливо. Everything is possible. It's all possible. Я зварила спагеті. I made spaghetti. I made spaghetti. Розпочнімо? Let's get started, shall we? Shall we begin? Лети. Fly. Fly. Том та Мері сказали, що не їдять свинини. Tom and Mary said they don't eat pork. Tom and Mary said they didn't eat pork. Він гарний. He is handsome. He's handsome. Сніг почав танути. The snow has started to thaw out. Snow began to melt. Є лише один спосіб це зробити. There's only one way to do that. There's only one way to do it. Якщо ти не хотіла приходити, треба було щось сказати. If you didn't want to come, you should've said something. If you didn't want to come, you had to say something. Том убив Мері. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. У мене був добрий адвокат. I had a good lawyer. I had a good lawyer. Що Том та Мері робили в Бостоні? What were Tom and Mary doing in Boston? What were Tom and Mary doing in Boston? Том та Мері ніколи не говорять про себе. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Tom and Mary never talk about themselves. Моя сестра мені брехала. My sister lied to me. My sister lied to me. Том сказав тобі, що він запізниться? Did Tom tell you that he'd be late? Tom told you he'd be late? Том, мабуть, переміг. Tom probably won. Tom must have won. Відверто кажучи, я з вами не згодна. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. Frankly, I disagree with you. Тобі подобається зі мною сперечатися, еге ж? You like arguing with me, don't you? You like to argue with me, huh? Це виявилося правдою. It turned out to be the truth. This proved to be the truth. Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. Bears can climb trees. Bears can climb trees. І яку ціну ми повинні сплатити за ці переваги? What price do we have to pay for these advantages? And what price should we pay for these advantages? Том ось там, він розмовляє з одним зі своїх друзів. Tom is over there talking with one of his friends. Tom's right there, he's talking to one of his friends. Ти - гарний кухар. You're a good cook. You're a good cook. Він з'їв коробку шоколадних цукерок. He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of chocolate candy. На його сорочці плями від соуса. His shirt was stained with sauce. On his shirt, the sauce stains. Чому у вас червоні очі? Why are your eyes red? Why do you have red eyes? Я би не став їх звинувачувати. I wouldn't blame them. I wouldn't blame them. Том купив собі нову зубну щітку. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Tom bought himself a new toothbrush. Чорний тобі личить. Black suits you. Black suits you. Він швидко розмовляє. He talks fast. He talks fast. Не думаю, що Тома не буде. I don't think that Tom will be absent. I don't think Tom's gonna be here. Я буду дуже скучати за тобою, якщо ти поїдеш з Японії. I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. I'll miss you very much if you leave Japan. Тобі варто пожаліти бідне дитя... У нього немає навіть домівки. You should take pity on the poor child... He doesn't even have a home. You should feel sorry for the poor child... he doesn't even have a home. Том глухий. Tom's deaf. Tom is deaf. Том примусив себе це зробити. Tom forced himself to do that. Tom forced himself to do so. Дуже дякую за їжу! Many thanks for the meal! Thank you so much for the food! Ти ідіотка. You're stupid! You're an idiot. У дев'ятнадцятому столітті у Сполучених Штатах багато африканців було продано як рабів. In the nineteenth century, many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States. In the nineteenth century many Africans were sold as slaves in the United States. Чому ти мене не проінформував? Why didn't you inform me? Why didn't you inform me? У мене є чудові новини. I have great news. I have great news. Лейла зустрічається з кимось іншим. Layla has been seeing somebody else. Leila meets someone else. В мене багато друзів. I have lots of friends. I've got a lot of friends. Ці справжні. These are genuine. These are real. Мені потрібна допомога Тома. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. В літаку я планую читати книжку. I plan on reading a book on the plane. On the plane, I plan to read the book. Ми хочемо Тома. We want Tom. We want Tom. Мені цікаво, чи Том це знає. I wonder whether or not Tom knows that. I wonder if Tom knows. Що ти отримала на Різдво? What did you get for Christmas? What did you get for Christmas? Я не можу тобi дати негайну вiдповiдь. I can not give you an immediate answer. I can't give you an immediate answer. Я певна, що Том буде обережний. I'm sure Tom will be careful. I'm sure Tom will be careful. Том сказав, що ненавидить Мері. Tom said that he hated Mary. Tom said he hated Mary. Ми з Томом будемо тут весь тиждень. Tom and I'll be here all week. Tom and I will be here all week. Ми програли з рахунком 3-0. We lost the game 3-0. We lost 3-0. Я відвідав могилу батька. I visited my father's grave. I visited my father's grave. Це навряд чи. It's unlikely. It's unlikely. "Кіт?" — спитав старий. "A cat?" asked the old man. "Kit?" the old man asked. Том ще не дорослий. Tom isn't an adult yet. Tom is not an adult yet. Я був поблажливий. I was lenient. I was lenient. Вранці мені потрібна кава. I need coffee in the morning. I need coffee in the morning. Маєш дві книги? Do you have two books? Do you have two books? Том не знав, що Мері розуміє французьку. Tom didn't know that Mary understood French. Tom didn't know Mary understood French. Потяг нарешті прибув. The train finally arrived. The train finally arrived. Я кинув Тому яблуко. I threw Tom an apple. I dropped an apple. Ти дуже зайнятий. You're very busy. You're very busy. Тут ніхто не живе. Nobody lives here. No one lives here. Вони привітали його з одруженням. They congratulated him on his marriage. They welcomed him with their marriage. Це тобі нічого не коштуватиме. It won't cost you a thing. It won't cost you anything. Я дуже люблю Тома. I love Tom to bits. I love Tom very much. В цьому є іронія. That's ironic. That's ironic. Дівчата дуже зайняті. The girls are very busy. Girls are very busy. Не забудь відправити листа. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. Австралія — одна з націкавіших країн, у яких я коли-небудь бував. Australia is one of the most interesting countries I've ever visited. Australia is one of the most interesting countries I've ever been to. Я не знаю, скільки воно коштувало. I don't know how much it cost. I don't know how much it cost. Поліція попросила дівчину зробити грубу замальовку її пса, який пропав. The police asked the girl to make a rough sketch of her lost dog. The police asked the girl to make a rough sketch of her missing dog. Ви одружена? Are you married? Are you married? Весілля відбудеться у кінці жовтня. The wedding will take place at the end of October. The wedding will be at the end of October. Це твоє справжнє ім'я? Is that your real name? Is that your real name? У Тома була табличка з його іменем. Tom was wearing a name tag. Tom had a plaque with his name. Ти дуже схожа на батька. You're a lot like your father. You look very much like your father. У нас є вибір? Do we have any choice? Do we have a choice? Я найняв адвоката. I've hired an attorney. I hired a lawyer. Не плач, все буде добре. Don't cry. Everything will be OK. Don't cry, it'll be all right. Собаки Тома загризли одну з кіз Мері. Tom's dogs killed one of Mary's goats. Tom's dogs ate one of Mary's goats. Том не хоче пити. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom doesn't want to drink. Том отримав покарання, на яке заслуговував. Tom got the punishment he deserved. Tom received the punishment he deserved. Як вам подобається це місто? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? Це пластик. That is plastic. It's plastic. В парку не було дітей. There weren't any kids in the park. There were no children in the park. Добре питання. It's a good question. Good question. Том не дурний. Tom is no fool. Tom's not stupid. Здоров був, Томе. Hello, Tom. Hi, Tom. Хто вона? Who's she? Who is she? Боюся, ми завтра не зможемо тобі допомогти. I'm afraid we won't be able to help you tomorrow. I'm afraid we can't help you tomorrow. Ви були досконалі. You were perfect. You were perfect. Я хотів тебе здивувати. I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to surprise you. Як життя? How's it going? How you doing? Я не хочу, щоб Том сердився. I don't want Tom to be angry. I don't want Tom angry. Куди саме в Австралії ти їдеш? Which part of Australia are you going to? Where are you going in Australia? Хто я такий, щоб судити інших? Who am I to judge other people? Who am I to judge others? Хіба ви не хочете знати, що трапилося з Томом? Don't you want to know what happened to Tom? Don't you want to know what happened to Tom? Том та Мері говорили французькою, але перейшли на англійську, коли до кімнати зайшов Джон. Tom and Mary were speaking in French, but switched to English when John entered the room. Tom and Mary spoke French, but switched to English when John entered the room. Ніхто її не підтримав. Nobody supported her. Nobody supported her. Це, звичайно ж, не було легко. It certainly wasn't easy. This, of course, was not easy. Ви прочитали мою доповідь? Have you read my report? Have you read my report? Вона видобула пляшку шампанського, яку тримала для особливої нагоди. She got out the bottle of champagne she'd been saving for a special occasion. She obtained a bottle of champagne that she held for a special occasion. Я хочу, щоб ти послухав. I want you to listen. I want you to listen. Візьми телефон. Take the phone. Take the phone. Я недооцінював Тома. I underestimated Tom. I underestimated Tom. Я теж п'ю чай. I drink tea, too. I drink tea too. Я ж можу тобі довіряти, правда? I can trust you, can't I? I can trust you, right? Годі вже плакати. Stop crying. Stop crying. Машина Тома пропала. Tom's car is gone. Tom's car's gone. Ми вже десять років одружені. It is already ten years since we got married. We've been married for ten years. Я вчу корейську мову. I study Korean. I am learning Korean. Я завжди був розумний. I've always been smart. I've always been smart. Том сказав мені, що Мері не їсть свинину. Tom told me Mary didn't eat pork. Tom told me that Mary didn't eat pork. Я зробила дурну помилку. I made a stupid mistake. I made a stupid mistake. Сподіваюся, вона вам сподобається. I hope you like it. I hope you like it. Скандал майже зруйнував її кар'єру. The scandal nearly wrecked her career. Scandal almost ruined her career. Вона поклала дитину на ліжко. She laid her baby on the bed. She put the baby on the bed. Ви не канадійка. You aren't Canadian. You're not a Canadian. Ви добре граєте у теніс. You play tennis well. You're good at tennis. Том заслуговує на підвищення по службі. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves promotion. Навіщо ми взагалі це обговорюємо? Why are we even discussing this? Why are we even talking about this? Мені цікаво, чи Том учора це зробив. I wonder whether or not Tom did that yesterday. I wonder if Tom did it yesterday. Я одинокий чоловік. I am a lonely man. I'm a lonely man. Том не хотів здатися неввічливим. Tom didn't mean to be rude. Tom didn't mean to be rude. Том просто добре проводить час. Tom is just having a good time. Tom just has a good time. Це найшвидший поїзд у світі. It's the fastest train in the world. It's the fastest train in the world. Том у Бостоні з минулого понеділка. Tom has been in Boston since last Monday. Tom in Boston from last Monday. Не думаю, що Том нас почує. I don't think that Tom will hear us. I don't think Tom's gonna hear us. Поговори з нею. Talk to her. Talk to her. Не палити! Don't smoke! Don't smoke! Ви не дозволяєте своїм дітям цим займатися, чи не так? You don't allow your children to do that, do you? You don't let your kids do that, do you? Люди люблять свободу. People love freedom. People love freedom. Вони її знайшли. They found it. They found her. Коли ти повернувся? When did you return? When did you get back? Мері несе кавун. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary carries the melon. Він завжди використовує ексклюзивний лосьйон після гоління. He always uses an exclusive aftershave. He always uses exclusive lotion after shaving. Вони ніколи не п'ють пива. They never drink beer. They never drink beer. Том сказав тобі, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Tom told you where the party was going? Ось що я купив Тому. This is what I bought for Tom. That's what I bought Toh. Думаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think that could happen. Моя дружина намагається поспати. My wife's trying to sleep. My wife's trying to sleep. Це правда, що ти навчатимешся в Бостоні? Is it true that you're going to study in Boston? Is it true you'll learn in Boston? Можливо, вже запізно. It might be too late. Maybe it's too late. Ви не могли би мені дати адресу Тома? Would you give me Tom's address? Could you give me Tom's address? Я повинна це з'їсти? Am I supposed to eat this? Do I have to eat this? Я хотіла би почистити зуби. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Мій найкращий друг завжди дає мені добру пораду. My best friend always gives me good advice. My best friend always gives me good advice. Ми все бачили. We saw everything. We've seen everything. Ти не в гуморі? Are you in a bad mood? You're not in the mood? Ти б хотів жити в Бостоні? Would you like to live in Boston? Would you like to live in Boston? Я включив воду. I turned the tap on. I turned the water on. Можна я піду грати до своєї кімнати? Can I go play in my room? Can I go play in my room? Не говоріть із ним. Don't talk to him. Don't talk to him. Том не хотів їсти морозива. Tom didn't want to eat ice cream. Tom didn't want to eat ice cream. Будьте ласкаві, зробіть три копії кожної сторінки. Please make three copies of each page. Please make three copies of each page. Чий це чай? Whose tea is this? Whose tea is it? У тебе йде кров. You're bleeding. You're bleeding. Чому ти не хочеш розповісти нам правду? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Why don't you want to tell us the truth? Я цим вперше займався. This is the first time that I've done this. I've been doing this for the first time. Том хотів поговорити з Мері. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Tom wanted to talk to Mary. Хіба ви не боїтеся висоти? Aren't you afraid of heights? Aren't you afraid of heights? Я можу тобі допомогти кинути палити. I can help you stop smoking. I can help you quit smoking. Ти дуже розумна. You're very intelligent. You're very smart. Відсвяткуймо нашу перемогу! Let's celebrate our victory. Let us celebrate our victory! Чим ти займаєшся в неділю? What do you do on Sunday? What do you do on Sunday? Я аутист. I'm autistic. I'm an outsider. Самі щось про це знає. Sami knows something about that. He knows something about it himself. Ви вже голосували? Did you vote yet? Have you voted yet? Ідіоте! Idiot! Idiote! Я знаю, що мені варто було залишитися в Бостоні. I know I should have stayed in Boston. I know I should have stayed in Boston. Том з нами працює. Tom is working with us. Tom works with us. Я ризикую втратити роботу допомагаючи їй. I ran the risk of losing my job to help her. I risk losing my job helping her. Ісус мені по барабану. I don't care about Jesus. Jesus is on my drum. Ти дав мені лише п'ятдесят центів. You gave me only fifty cents. You only gave me fifty cents. Хіба ти сьогодні не хочеш купатися? Don't you want to swim today? Don't you want to bathe today? Це все, що вони хотіли. That's all they wanted. That's all they wanted. Скористайтеся своїм пістолетом. Use your gun. Use your gun. Всі посміхаються однією і тією ж мовою. Everyone smiles in the same language. Everybody smiles in the same language. Звідки ти знаєш мого тата? How do you know my father? How do you know my dad? Наскільки це може бути складно? How hard can this possibly be? How difficult can this be? Це не іграшка! It's not a toy! It's not a toy! Я вимагаю, щоб ти це зробив просто зараз. I demand that you do that right now. I demand you do it right now. Я можу читати багатьма іноземними мовами, але не можу говорити жодною. I can read many foreign languages, but speak none. I can read many foreign languages, but I can't speak any of them. Вони не повинні знати. They don't need to know. They shouldn't know. Запізно. Too late. Too late. Люблю, як твої очі сяють, коли ти смієшся. I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh. I love how your eyes shine when you laugh. Ти замкнув машину? Did you lock the car? You locked the car? Коли відкривається бар? When does the pub open? When does the bar open? Том заслуговує на це. Tom deserves that. Tom deserves it. Я думав, що ти знаєш, що Том закінчив Гарвард. I thought you knew Tom graduated from Harvard. I thought you knew Tom graduated from Harvard. Він зробив фотографію сім'ї. He took a photograph of the family. He took a picture of the family. Том не виглядає занадто стурбованим. Tom doesn't look too worried. Tom doesn't look too concerned. Я зупинився в будинку Тома в Бостоні. I stayed at Tom's house in Boston. I stopped at Tom's house in Boston. Я часто їм яблука. I often eat apples. I often eat apples. Тобі не слід жалітися. You shouldn't complain. You don't have to feel sorry. Нікому нічого не кажіть. Don't say anything to anyone. Tell no one anything. Запишіть це, будь ласка. Please write it down. Write it down, please. Він вдавав із себе лікаря. He pretended to be a doctor. He was pretending to be a doctor. Ми цього не робитимемо. We won't do that. We won't do that. Про це я забув. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Вона там? Is it there? Is she there? Том — прикладний математик. Tom's an applied mathematician. Tom is an example mathematician. Ці ліки подіяли. That medicine worked. This medicine was effective. Я припиняю. I'm quitting. I'm stopping. Я можу стояти весь день і не втомитися. I can stand all day without getting tired. I can stand all day and not tire out. Я не зовсім певна. I'm not quite sure. I'm not exactly sure. Том наполягав на тому, щоб купити мені обід. Tom insisted on buying me lunch. Tom insisted on buying me lunch. Віяв сильний вітер. The wild wind was blowing. There was a strong wind. Час іти спати. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. Я тобі не набридла? Am I boring you? Don't you get tired of me? Ніхто не любить програвати. Nobody likes to lose. Nobody likes to lose. Я її зупиню. I'll stop her. I'll stop it. Я щойно переїхав до Бостона. I've just moved to Boston. I just moved to Boston. Як ти міг погодитися зробити це, не порадившись зі мною? How could you agree to doing that without consulting me? How could you agree to do so without consulting me? Діти роблять дурниці. Kids do stupid things. Kids do stupid things. Учора я купив книгу. Yesterday I bought a book. Yesterday, I bought a book. Коти їдять кажанів, або кажани їдять мишей? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Cats eat bats, or bats eat mice? Вас до телефону. You are wanted on the phone. You're on the phone. Ти хочеш вина? Do you want wine? You want some wine? Ти бачив якісь сліди ніг? Did you see any footprints? Did you see any leg marks? Ви не занадто молоді, щоб палити? Aren't you too young to smoke? You're not too young to smoke? Для кого ти це зробив? Who did you do that for? Who did you do that for? Це її коні. These horses are hers. It's her horses. Том викликав таксі. Tom called a cab. Tom called a cab. Я розумію, що мав на увазі Том. I see what Tom meant. I understand what Tom meant. Вiн плигнув у воду. He jumped into the water. He floated in the water. Я двічі бувала у Бостоні. I've visited Boston twice. I've been to Boston twice. Він викладає 20 років. He has been teaching for 20 years. He teaches 20 years. Чому насправді Том не хоче цього робити? What's the real reason Tom doesn't want to do that? Why doesn't Tom really want to do that? Я забув, як звати дружину Тома. I've forgotten Tom's wife's name. I forgot the name of Tom's wife. Я входжу. I'm coming in. I'm going in. Я ніколи нічого нікому не сказав. I never said anything to anybody. I never told anyone anything. Том купив півтора кілограми бананів. Tom bought three pounds of bananas. Tom bought a pound and a half of bananas. У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Мені не шкода Тома. I don't feel sorry for Tom. I'm not sorry, Tom. Як ти думаєш, скільки чоловік буде сьогодні на зустрічі? How many people do you think will be at today's meeting? How many men do you think are going to be at the meeting today? Я охайна. I'm tidy. I'm neat. Ви ідіотка? Are you an idiot? Are you an idiot? Це дуже простий рецепт. This recipe is very easy. It's a very simple recipe. Дитину ростять усім селом. It takes a village to raise a child. The child is raised by all the village. Том теж прийде. Tom is coming, too. Tom's coming too. Краще не роби цього! You better not do that! Don't do it! Його ненавидять. He is hated. He is hated. Скільки днів у високосному році? How many days comprise a leap year? How many days in the high year? Вона поїхала з Лондона до Парижу. She went from London to Paris. She left London to Paris. Я була в Австрії, але кенгуру я там не бачила. I went to Austria, but I didn't see any kangaroos. I was in Austria, but I didn't see a kangaroo there. Том чистить картоплю. Tom is peeling the potatoes. Tom cleans potatoes. Ви мене радуєте. You make me happy. You're glad of me. Ти доволі балакучий. You're quite a talker. You're pretty talkative. Ми зачинили двері. We have shut the door. We locked the door. Він помилявся. He was wrong. He was wrong. Тобі потрібно бути обережнішим. You need to be more careful. You need to be careful. Том занепокоєний своєю вагою. Tom worries about his weight. Tom is concerned about his weight. Отже, що сталося? So what happened? So what happened? Де леви та тигри? Where are the lions and tigers? Where are the lions and tigers? Нарешті ми зустрілися! Я так довго чекав/чекала на цей день! At last we meet! I've waited so long for this day! We've finally met! I've been waiting so long for this day! Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері втомилася. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Tom said that he thought Mary was tired. Том не знав Мері. Tom didn't know Mary. Tom didn't know Mary. Я вважаю, ми зможемо. I think we can do it. I think we can. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix breakfast for you. I'll fix you breakfast. Ні в якому разі! No way! By no means! Я його покуштую. I'll try it. I'll taste it. Не будь така сердита. Don't get so angry. Don't be so angry. Я хочу он то. I want that. I want that one. І де ж це ти взяв цього капелюха? Where on earth did you get that hat? And where did you get that hat? Том любить Австралію. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Том гадає, що ти ідіотка. Tom thinks that you're stupid. Tom thinks you're an idiot. Я насправді не знаю, що трапиться. I really don't know what's going to happen. I don't really know what's going to happen. Від цієї музики хилить на сон. This music puts one to sleep. That's the kind of music that gets a little bit of sleep. Я склав газету і поклав її у портфель. I folded the newspaper and put it into my briefcase. I composed the paper and put it in a briefcase. О котрій годині розпочнеться гра? What time does the game start? When will the game begin? Я хотів би потанцювати. I'd like to dance. I'd like to dance. Том розшукується за вбивство. Tom is wanted for murder. Tom is looking for a murder. Ми так не думаємо. We don't think so. We don't think so. Як це трапляється, у мене при собі не виявилося грошей. As it happened, I had no money with me. As it happens, I have no money with me. Я не наважилася їй розповісти. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I didn't dare tell her. Ти знав, що я канадійка? Did you know I'm Canadian? Did you know I was a Canadian? Сам розумієш, це була провина Тома. It was Tom's fault, you know. You know, it was Tom's fault. Я підозрюю, що Том не має рації. I suspect Tom is wrong. I suspect Tom has no radio. Я згорів на сонці. I got a sunburn. I burned in the sun. Я не розумію навіть сама себе. I don't even understand myself. I don't even understand myself. Хто останній? Who's last? Who's the last? З Томом усе буде гаразд. Tom is going be OK. Tom's gonna be okay. Свині не літають. Pigs can't fly. Pigs don't fly. Яке розчарування! What a letdown! What a disappointment! Том помер за дивних обставин. Tom died in strange circumstances. Tom died under strange circumstances. Тому немає про що турбуватися. Tom doesn't have anything to worry about. So there's nothing to worry about. Том слідуватиме за вами. Tom will follow you. Tom will follow you. Ця база даних містить багато помилок. This database contains many errors. This database contains many errors. Я без тебе не піду. I'm not going without you. I won't go without you. Що ти робив цього тижня? What have you been doing this week? What were you doing this week? За винятком Тома, це зробили всі. Except for Tom, everyone did that. Except for Tom, everyone did. І хлопчик зробив. And the boy did. And the boy did. Я вирішив пробачити Тома. I've decided to forgive Tom. I decided to forgive Tom. Том хоче повернути свої гроші. Tom wants his money back. Tom wants his money back. Мені не потрібно аж стільки. I don't need this much. I don't need that much. Що він там робить? What's he doing there? What's he doing there? Я прокинувся сьогодні о п'ятій ранку. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up this morning at five. Хутчіш, бо не встигнеш на автобус. Hurry up, or you'll miss the bus. Come on, you can't get on the bus. Бога не існує. God does not exist. There is no God. Том поставив Мері багато запитань про Австралію. Tom asked Mary many questions about Australia. Tom asked Mary many questions about Australia. Вживання риби корисно для твого здоров'я. Eating fish is good for your health. Use of fish is good for your health. Я щойно прийняв душ. I just showered. I just took a shower. Том прийняв пропозицію. Tom accepted the offer. Tom accepted the offer. Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий. He roars and groans the Dnieper wide. Revew and moan Dnipre wide. Ти телефонував мені вчора ввечері? Did you call me up last night? Did you call me last night? Нам холодно. We're cold. We're cold. Мені подобається гуляти в парку. I like to walk in the park. I like walking in the park. Мій кіт не любить промокати. My cat doesn't like to get wet. My cat doesn't like to wet. Як я це поясню Тому? How am I going to explain this to Tom? How do I explain that to Tom? Скоро ти зможеш плавати. You'll soon be able to swim. You'll soon be able to swim. Том недостатньо швидкий. Tom isn't fast enough. Tom's not fast enough. Можеш відремонтувати мою машину? Can you fix my truck? Can you fix my car? Він пише книги. He writes books. He writes books. Рада знову вас бачити. I'm happy to see you again. It's good to see you again. Ми вижили. We survived. We survived. Парадоксально, але він має рацію. Paradoxically, he is right. Ironically, he is right. Я ні від кого не ховаюся. I'm not hiding from anybody. I'm not hiding from anyone. Лікарі не знайшли у Тома жодних проблем. The doctors found nothing wrong with Tom. The doctors found no problem with Tom. Ми вирушаємо через п'ять хвилин. We're leaving in five minutes. We leave in five minutes. Я зроблю все необхідне, щоб досягти успіху. I'll do whatever it takes to succeed. I'll do everything I need to succeed. Він дуже молодий. Набагато молодший за Тома. He's very young. He's much younger than Tom. He's very young, much younger than Tom. Я хочу лишити це собі. I want to keep this. I want to keep it to myself. Ви хто? Who are you? Who are you? Я не хочу, щоб ти йшов. I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to go. Приберіть свої книжки. Put your books away. Remove your books. Тобі личить цей колір. This color becomes you. It's that color that suits you. Вона сказала мені, що не переможе. She told me she wouldn't win. She told me she wouldn't win. Я все ще хочу поїхати до Бостона. I still want to go to Boston. I still want to go to Boston. Я теж чув схожу історію. I also heard a similar story. I've heard a similar story. Я не розумію. I don't get it. I don't understand. Не знаючи, що робити, я спитався в нього поради. As I did not know what to do, I asked him for advice. Not knowing what to do, I asked him for advice. Ти хвора. You're sick. You're sick. Що тобі потрібно зробити? What do you need to do? What do you have to do? Я ніколи не годував мого собаку бананом. I have never fed my dog a banana. I never fed my dog with a banana. У мене ожиріння. I'm obese. I'm obese. Том каже, що ви здорові. Tom says that you're healthy. Tom says you're healthy. Мені ніхто з них не подобається. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Не я мав приймати це рішення. It wasn't my decision to make. I wasn't supposed to make that decision. Тут в неї багато друзів. She has a lot of friends here. She's got a lot of friends here. Хіба ти не бажаєш стільки заплатити? Aren't you willing to pay that much? Aren't you willing to pay so much? Вона змогла научитися керувати машиною. She managed to learn how to drive a car. She was able to learn how to drive. Ми планували це зробити. We were planning to do that. We planned to do so. Нужда законів не має. Necessity knows no law. It doesn't have any laws. Том каже, що зробить це для Мері. Tom says he'll do that for Mary. Tom says he'll do it for Mary. Я п'яний. I'm tipsy. I'm drunk. Вона поїхала на вокзал, щоб провести його. She went to the train station to see him off. She went to the station to conduct it. Мені подобається сайт Tatoeba. I like Tatoeba. I like Tatoeba website. Я вже достатньо зробив. I've already done enough. I've done enough. Я з’їв червоні яблука. I ate the red apples. I ate red apples. Я можу з цим жити. I can live with this. I can live with it. Дружина Тома зустріла його біль дверей. Tom's wife met him at the door. Tom's wife met his pain of the door. Наступного літа я хочу поїхати на Гаваї. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. The next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Я люблю народні пісні. I like folk songs. I love folk songs. Том — ідіот. Tom is silly. Tom is an idiot. Вони мої кузени. They're my cousins. They're my cousins. Де мені знайти Тома? Where can I find Tom? Where do I find Tom? Таїланд знаходиться в Азії. Thailand is in Asia. Thailand is in Asia. Том не певен. Tom's unsure. Tom's not sure. Мері лишилася у своїй кімнаті. Mary stayed in her room. Mary stayed in her room. Діти побігли до класу. The children ran toward the classroom. The kids ran to class. Можна мені води? May I have some water? Can I have some water? Том не думає, що ми можемо це зробити. Tom doesn't think that we can do that. Tom doesn't think we can do this. Мені це не потрібно. I have no need for this. I don't need it. Хочу молока та печива! I want milk and cookies! I want milk and cookies! Я краще помру, ніж здамся. I would rather die than surrender. I'd rather die than surrender. Тому більше не потрібно турбуватися. Tom no longer has to worry. So you don't have to worry anymore. Ви добре заробляєте, так? You make good money, don't you? You're making a good living, aren't you? У тебе на роботі безлад на столі? Do you have a messy desk at work? You have a mess on your desk at work? Я повернувся з мертвих. I came back from the dead. I've come back from the dead. Вони бачать Дена. They see Dan. They see Dan. Том не хотів робити цього без тебе. Tom didn't want to do that without you. Tom didn't want to do it without you. Ти мала трохи хворобливий вигляд. You looked a bit sick. You had a bit of a sickly look. Я читав, що президентом Бразилії є жінка. Її звати Ділма. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. Her name is Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Я не хворий. I'm not sick. I'm not sick. Кому можна довіряти? Who can you trust? Who Can Be Trusted? Не забудь мене забрати завтра, о шостій. Don't forget to pick me up at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Don't forget to take me back tomorrow, at 6:00 p.m. Том їсть менше, ніж Мері. Tom eats less than Mary. Tom eats less than Mary. Ви колись їли мексиканську їжу? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Тому подобається ходити на концерти. Tom enjoys going to concerts. That's why you like to go to concerts. Ти бачиш лише те, що хочеш побачити. You only see what you want to see. You only see what you want to see. Мене поранили. I got hurt. I was wounded. Наш холодильник не працює. Our fridge is broken. Our refrigerator doesn't work. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала. Tom doesn't want Mary to leave. Tom doesn't want Mary to leave. Том не міг згадати, як це робити. Tom couldn't remember how to do it. Tom could not remember how to do that. Ви хто? Що ви тут робите? Who are you? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Схоже, тобі нудно. You look bored. Looks like you're bored. Здається, ти починаєш втомлюватися. I think you must be getting tired. I think you're starting to get tired. Я не можу собі дозволити заплатити тобі. I can't afford to pay you. I can't afford to pay you. Том - учень. Tom is a student. Tom is a student. Давай, відповідай швидко. Come on, answer quickly. Come on, answer quickly. Том заплатив. Tom paid. Tom paid. Вони вас не забудуть. Tom won't forget you. They won't forget you. Коли Том це зробив? When did Tom do that? When did Tom do that? Я доволі впертий. I'm pretty stubborn. I'm pretty stubborn. Нам потрібно поговорити з Томом знову. We need to speak to Tom again. We need to talk to Tom again. Алжир не в стані війни. Algeria isn't at war. Algeria is not in a state of war. Яке це має до мене відношення? What's that have to do with me? What does that have to do with me? Том хотів тут поїсти сьогодні ввечері. Tom wanted to eat here tonight. Tom wanted to eat here tonight. Том знає, що Мері не виграла. Tom knows Mary didn't win. Tom knows Mary hasn't won. Не чіпай нічого, добре? Don't touch anything, OK? Don't touch anything, okay? Сподіваюся, ви не п'єте забагато. I hope you don't drink too much. I hope you don't drink too much. Машина пронеслася повз на високій швидкості. A car passed by at top speed. The car passed at high speed. Думаю про тебе. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking of you. Наскільки мені відомо, він старанний студент. As far as I know, he's a diligent student. As far as I know, he's a studio student. Ти знав про плани Тома? Did you know what Tom's plans were? Did you know about Tom's plans? Ти просто дурень! Мушу тобі все пояснювати. You are nothing but a fool! I have to explain everything to you! You're just a fool, I have to explain everything to you. Якою мовою розмовляють в Австралії? What language is spoken in Australia? What language is spoken in Australia? Том прийшов занадто пізно. Tom is too late. Tom came too late. Том та Мері посміхались один до одного. Tom and Mary smiled at one another. Tom and Mary smiled at each other. Коли ти повернулася з Німеччини? When did you come back from Germany? When did you come back from Germany? Том сказав, що він очікує, що Мері буде тут. Tom said he expected Mary to be here. Tom said he expected Mary to be here. Том займатиметься цим завтра. Tom is going to be doing that tomorrow. Tom's going to do it tomorrow. Їх там не було. They weren't there. They weren't there. У них все буде добре. They'll be fine. They'll be fine. Том відстає від графіка. Tom is behind schedule. Tom is behind schedule. Том лише намагається захистити своїх дітей. Tom is only trying to protect his children. Tom's just trying to protect his kids. Хто, на твою думку, хотів би це зробити? Who did Tom think would want to do that? Who do you think would like to do that? Ми вже багато чого досягли. We've already accomplished a lot. We've achieved a lot already. Мій брат зараз в Австралії. My brother is in Australia now. My brother is in Australia right now. Де туалет? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? Під час шторму Том був удома наодинці з Мері. Tom was home alone with Mary during the storm. During the storm, Tom was home alone with Mary. Він почав шукати роботу. He's begun to look for a job. He started looking for a job. Я на вашому боці, Томе. I'm on your side, Tom. I'm on your side, Tom. Том зробив щось таке, чого не мусив робити? Did Tom do something he shouldn't have? Tom did something he didn't have to do? Я запитав його, куди він іде. I asked him where he was going. I asked him where he was going. Це її машина. That car is hers. It's her car. Я вам не раб. I am not your slave. I'm not a slave to you. Том сказав, що не хоче з нами співати. Tom said he didn't want to sing with us. Tom said he didn't want to sing with us. Ти хочеш нам про щось розповісти? Is there anything you want to tell us? You want to tell us something? Том не цілував Мері. Tom didn't kiss Mary. Tom didn't kiss Mary. Кому печива? Who wants biscuits? Who's the cookie? Я їм локшину. I am eating noodles. I'm eating noodles. Я не могла припинити плакати. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Я можу одягнутися сама. I can dress myself. I can dress myself. Я заснув до того, як тато повернувся додому. I fell asleep before my father came home. I fell asleep before Dad came home. Той старий котедж мав лише одне ліжко, тому ми по черзі спали на ньому. The old cottage had only one bed, so we all took turns sleeping in it. That old cottage had only one bed, so we took turns sleeping on it. Я дуже втомився. I'm really tired. I'm very tired. Вони зникли. They disappeared. They're gone. Я хочу, щоб ти був тут. I want you to be here. I want you here. Том, здається, уяви не має, як це зробити. It looks like Tom has no idea how to do that. Tom, I don't think there's any way to do it. Не думай. Don't think. Don't think. Зхопити Тома. Grab Tom. Catch Tom. Я зрозуміла. I understood. I get it. Боюся, що він ніколи не визнає свою провину. I'm afraid he will never admit his guilt. I'm afraid he never admits his guilt. Це безкоштовне? Is this free? It's free? У мене немає віри у їхню спроможність виправити ситуацію. I have no faith in their ability to correct the situation. I have no faith in their ability to remedy the situation. Це будинок Тома Джексона? Is this Tom Jackson's house? Is this Tom Jackson's house? Том, можливо, десь тут, але я його на бачила. Tom might be here somewhere, but I haven't seen him. Tom may be around here, but I've seen him. Мері втратила свою обручку. Mary lost her wedding ring. Mary lost her engagement ring. Які програми ти дивишся по телевізору? What programs do you watch on TV? What programs do you watch on TV? Том не зміг знайти роботу. Tom wasn't able to find a job. Tom couldn't find a job. Немає надії. There's no hope. There's no hope. Навіть не сподівайся на це. Don't hold your breath. Don't even expect it. Ви на три роки молодша, ніж Том. You're three years younger than Tom. You're three years younger than Tom. Я завжди плачу, коли дивлюся цю п'єсу. When I see that play, I always cry. I always cry when I watch this play. Я була дуже засмучена. I was very upset. I was very upset. Я вирішила, що це була добра ідея. I decided it was a good idea. I decided it was a good idea. Па-па! Bye. Pa-pa! Я радий, що ти мені допоміг. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. Приведи мені хлопця. Bring me the boy. Bring me the guy. Хто допоміг Тому це зробити? Who helped Tom do that? Who helped Him do that? Всі світлофори були червоними. The traffic lights were all red. All the traffic lights were red. Том ані в чому не зізнався. Tom didn't admit to anything. Tom didn't admit anything. Ніхто не відвідав мене у лікарні. Nobody ever came to see me in the hospital. No one visited me at the hospital. Том ніколи цього не зробить. Tom will never do that. Tom will never do that. Вони його поцупили. They stole it. They stole it. Том ніколи про нього не говорив. Tom never spoke of him. Tom never spoke of him. Я живу в готелі. I live in a hotel. I live in a hotel. Директор зайшов після вчителя. The principal came in after the teacher. The principal came after the teacher. Том не пам'ятає нічого з тієї ночі. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Тому буде потрібна моя допомога. Tom will need my help. That's why I'll need my help. Ми зустрiнемось завтра о сьомiй. We are to meet at seven tomorrow. We'll meet tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. Ти вже змарнувала достатньо мого часу. You've wasted enough of my time already. You've wasted enough of my time. Спаліть тіло. Burn the body. Burn the body. Кішка з'їла мишу. The cat ate the mouse. The cat ate the mouse. Не працюй забагато! Don't work too hard! Don't work too much! Він розумний. He's smart. He's smart. Ти не мусиш цього казати. You don't have to say that. You don't have to say that. Минулої неділі Мері і я ходили разом до бібліотеки. Last Sunday, Mary and I went to the library together. Last Sunday Mary and I went to the library together. Допоможи їй! Help her! Help her! Том це виправив. Tom corrected it. Tom corrected it. Я відчуваю протяг. I feel a draft. I feel a stretch. У цьому випадку ти помиляєшся. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you're wrong. Зазвичай вони ходять до школи з понеділка до п’ятниці. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. They usually go to school from Monday to Friday. Том ніколи не хотів цього робити. Tom never wanted to do that. Tom never wanted to do that. Я частково мала рацію. I was partly right. I was partially right. Всі хлопці полюбляють грати у бейсбол. All boys like to play baseball. All the guys like to play baseball. Які маєш плани на Різдво? What are your plans for Christmas? What plans do you have for Christmas? Том радий, що має роботу. Tom is happy to have a job. Tom is glad he has a job. Том прийняв твою пропозицію? Did Tom accept your offer? Tom took your offer? Твій брат одружився, чи не так? Your brother got married, didn't he? Your brother got married, didn't he? Я чув, що він хворіє. I hear he is ill. I heard he's sick. Я не можу пити чай без цукру. I cannot drink tea without sugar. I can't drink tea without sugar. Хто твій улюблений письменник? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Маєш скарги? Do you have any complaints? Do you have any complaints? Він шульга. He's left-handed. He's naked. Коли ти йдеш у відпустку? When are you going on vacation? When are you going on vacation? Малий автомобіль більш економічно вигідний, ніж великий. A small car is more economical than a large one. A small car is more economically lucrative than a large car. Яке це має до цього відношення? What does that have to do with this? What does this have to do with this? Завжди готова. I'm always ready. Always ready. Том та Мері почали сперечатися. Tom and Mary started to argue. Tom and Mary started arguing. Можна мені сказати? Can I speak? Can I tell you? Що означає MILF? What's the meaning of MILF? What does MILF mean? Звідки ти так багато знаєш про історію Японії? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How do you know so much about Japan's history? Ми були дуже змучені. We were very tired. We were very tired. В мене так болить голова! My head aches so. My head hurts so much! Том проти куріння. Tom is against smoking. Volume v. smoking. Я не можу цього зробити без допомоги. I can't do this without help. I can't do it without help. Я не встигла на шкільний автобус! I missed the school bus! I didn't make it to the school bus! Я не знаю, кому ми можемо довіряти. I don't know who we can trust. I don't know who we can trust. Поганої погоди не буває - буває тільки поганий одяг. There is no unseasonable weather, there is only a wrong choice of clothes. Bad weather isn't--there's only bad clothes. Я не хочу з тобою лаятися. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to swear to you. Ви займаєтеся кожного дня? Do you study every day? Are you doing every day? Том сказав, що Мері стурбована. Tom said Mary is worried. Tom said Mary was worried. Тобі подобається це робити, чи не так? You like doing that, don't you? You like to do it, don't you? Кожен день мій брат бере в бібліотеці нову книгу. Every day, my brother borrows a new book from the library. Every day my brother takes a new book in the library. Я хотів би підтвердити бронювання. I'd like to confirm our reservations. I'd like to confirm armoring. Том не такий розумний, як ти. Tom isn't as smart as you. Tom's not as smart as you. Том гавкав. Tom barked. Tom barked. Том поводиться як злюка. Tom is being mean. Tom acts like a villain. Ви дізналися, де живе Том? Did you find out where Tom lives? Did you find out where Tom lives? Том помпезний. Tom is pompous. Tom's pussy. Ласкаво просимо на Tatoeb'у! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeb'! Я не можу знайти Тома. Він вже поїхав? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? Can't find Tom, he's gone already? Він спотворив мої слова. He distorted my words. He distorted my words. Дякуємо за вчора. Thanks for yesterday. Thank you for yesterday. Він завжди такий зайнятий. He's always so busy. He's always so busy. Ані Том, ані Мері ще цього не зробили. Neither Tom nor Mary has done that yet. Neither Tom nor Mary ever did that. Ми з Томом завжди залишатимемося друзями. Tom and I'll always be friends. Tom and I will always be friends. Ви нечасто не маєте рації. You're not often wrong. You don't often have the radio. Це щось мені нагадує. It looks familiar. It reminds me of something. Ніхто не телефонував. Nobody called. No one called. Ти маєш добрі стосунки з новими однокласниками? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Do you have a good relationship with your new classmates? Вам треба було повернути праворуч. You should've turned right. You had to turn right. Я не дуже добре володію французькою. I'm not very good at French. I don't own very well in French. У мене теж є один з тих. I have one of those, too. I've got one of those, too. Мені пощастило, що ніхто не бачив, як я цим займалася. I'm lucky no one saw me do that. I'm lucky no one ever saw me do that. Том захихотів у бік Мері. Tom snickered at Mary. Tom's in the way of Mary. Вони лежали на траві. They were lying on the grass. They were lying on the grass. Ви, звичайно ж, розумна. You certainly are smart. You're smart, of course. Вважаючи так, ви маєте рацію. You are correct in thinking so. Think so, you're right. Мені здається, ти не маєш рації. I believe that you are wrong. I don't think you have a radio. Що робить єнот на кухні? What is the racoon doing in the kitchen? What's the raccoon doing in the kitchen? Саллі розміняла двадцяти доларову банкноту по п'ятидоларових. Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills. Sally placed a twenty dollar note on a five-dollar note. Батьки люблять своїх дітей. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. Я дам тобі все, що бажаєш, але не це. I'll give you anything but this. I'll give you anything you want, but that's not it. Ти хоробрий? Are you brave? Are you brave? Де вона вивчила італійську? Where has she learned Italian? Where did she learn Italian? У вас є щось поїсти? Do you have anything to eat? Do you have anything to eat? Вона чекали годинами. She waited for hours and hours. She waited hours. Ви насправді не хотіли цього зробити, чи не так? You didn't actually want to do that, did you? You didn't really want to do that, did you? Можете мені сказати, що це? Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what that is? У мене закінчилася вода. I ran out of water. I'm out of water. Том спробував? Did Tom try? Tom tried? Їдьте на схід. Head east. Go east. Ніколи не кажіть неправди. Never tell lies. Never lie. Футбольна команда складається з одинадцяти гравців. A football team consists of eleven players. The football team consists of eleven players. Мені цікаво, чи Том запізнився. I wonder whether or not Tom was late. I wonder if Tom's late. Том не може примусити мене зробити це. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't make me do this. Якими мовами ви розмовляєте? What languages do you speak? What languages do you speak? Ви читали цю статтю? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? Не заплющуйте очі. Don't shut your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Ми з Томом маємо зробити це самі. Tom and I must do that ourselves. Tom and I have to do it ourselves. Ми наразі працюємо над цією проблемою. We're currently working on that problem. We're currently working on this problem. Танцюй! Dance! Dance! Чому ти відхилила їхню пропозицію? Why did you turn down their offer? Why did you reject their offer? Що ти пишеш? What are you writing? What are you writing? Я бачила, як ти на це дивився. I saw you look at it. I saw you look at it. Том зможе прийти завтра? Can Tom come tomorrow? Tom can come back tomorrow? Том у глибокому нокауті. Tom's out cold. Tom's in a deep knockout. Він постійно вчиться. He is always studying. He's a regular student. Ми не знайдемо Тома. We're not going to find Tom. We won't find Tom. Том пише лівою рукою. Tom writes with his left hand. Tom writes with his left hand. Це лише збіг? Is that only a coincidence? Is that just a coincidence? Том зробив це навмисно. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Я хочу це почути від неї. I want to hear it from her. I want to hear it from her. Чи є життя на Європі? Is there life on Europa? Is There Life in Europe? У тебе дуже гарна сукня. Your dress is very nice. You have a very nice dress. Будь ласка, прочитайте показники лічильника. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the quantifier values. Ти купив сік? Did you buy juice? Did you buy the juice? Я дійсно пишаюся тобою. I'm really proud of you. I'm really proud of you. Ми майже все. We're almost finished. We're almost done. Я не знаю жодного з хлопців. I don't know either boy. I don't know any of the guys. Том гарніший, ніж я очікував. Tom is more handsome than I expected. Tom is better than I expected. Гадаю, Том сказав мені правду. I think that Tom told me the truth. I think Tom told me the truth. Мені здається, ти знаєш Тома. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. Ви маєте проблеми? Are you in trouble? Do you have any problems? Том не дозволив Мері вести його машину. Tom didn't let Mary drive his car. Tom didn't let Mary drive his car. Ти егоїст. You're selfish. You're selfish. Я не вмію кататися на лижах. I can't ski. I don't know how to ski. Немає свідків аварії. There are no witnesses of the accident. No witnesses to the accident. Думаю, я зможу це зробити сам. I think I'll be able to do that by myself. I think I can do it myself. Хіба ти не боїшся висоти? Aren't you afraid of heights? Aren't you afraid of heights? Я подорожував сам. I traveled by myself. I was traveling alone. У нього сліди губної помади на щоках. He has traces of lipstick on his cheeks. He has traces of lipmeat on his cheeks. Я вирішила сказати йому правду. I decided to tell him the truth. I decided to tell him the truth. Том заслуговує на нашу поагу. Tom deserves our respect. Tom deserves our drink. Коли ти лягаєш спати? When do you go to bed? When are you going to bed? Давай підемо раніше. Let's leave early. Let's go before. Вони в саду. They're in the garden. They're in the garden. Самі ненавидить ці квіти. Sami hates these flowers. She hates these flowers herself. У нього гарна статура. He has a nice build. He's got a good frame. Том переїхав до Мехико, до столиці. They moved on Mexico City, the capital. Tom moved to Mechiko, to the capital. Ти всім подобаєшся. Everybody likes you. Everybody likes you. Я знаю, що Том помер. I know Tom has died. I know Tom's dead. Давайте зробимо це пізніше. Let's do that later. Let's do it later. Вчитель написав своє ім'я на дошці. The teacher wrote his name on the blackboard. The teacher wrote his name on the board. Я їстиму те саме, що й ви. I'll eat the same thing you eat. I'll eat the same as you. Куди подівся Том? Where's Tom gone? Where did Tom go? Ти майже готовий? Are you about ready? Are you almost ready? Вона його не заслуговує. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. Він випадково зустрів свого вчителя англійської мови на вокзалі. He met his English teacher at the station by accident. He happened to meet his English teacher at the station. Він звернувся до нас за допомогою. He appealed to us for help. He turned to us for help. Мері запитала мене, чи я її кохаю. Mary asked me if I loved her. Mary asked me if I loved her. Я заплатив готівкою. I paid cash. I paid in cash. Том вам щось дав? Has Tom given you anything? Tom gave you something? Мій батько ходить на прогулянку щодня. My father takes a walk every day. My father walks every day. Том цинічний. Tom is cynical. Tom cynical. Просто спробуй. Just try it. Just try it. Ось чому так багато людей страждають від голоду. That is why so many people are suffering from famine. That is why so many people are starving. Ціна на золото змінюється щодня. The price of gold varies from day to day. The price for gold changes every day. Том був дуже грубий з Мері. Tom was very rude to Mary. Tom was very rough with Mary. Йому бракує здорового глузду. He lacks common sense. He lacks reason. Я повернуся о половині на сьому. I'll be back at six-thirty. I'll be back in half on this. Нащі щирі співчуття. Our sincere condolences. The rain of genuine compassion. Його старанність допомогла йому досягти успіху. Diligence enabled him to succeed. His diligence helped him to succeed. Самі працював тут протягом шести місяців. Sami worked here for six months. Sami worked here for six months. Йому подобається співати. He likes singing. He likes to sing. Мені хотілося би мати добрий французький словник. I wish I had a good French dictionary. I wish I had a good French dictionary. Том подарував Мері діамантовий браслет. Tom gave a diamond bracelet to Mary. Tom gave Mary a diamond bracelet. Побалакай зі своїми друзями. Chat with your friends. Talk to your friends. Пол - дресирувальник дельфінів. Paul is a dolphin trainer. Paul is a dolphin trainer. Ну ж бо, хлопці, хутчіш. Come on, guys, let's hurry. Come on, boys, let's go. Перепрошую, ви не заперечуєте, якщо я тут сяду? Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here? Ти вже замовив піцу? Have you ordered the pizza? Have you ordered a pizza yet? Том та Мері обоє працюють. Tom and Mary both work. Tom and Mary both work. Ти єдиний, хто має це зробити. You're the only one who has to do that. You're the only one to do that. Я запізнююся на годину. I'm an hour late. I'm late for an hour. Ми замовимо піццу. We'll order a pizza. We'll order pizza. Якою мовою говорять в Єгипті? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language is spoken in Egypt? У темряві він запалив свічку. He lit a candle in the dark. In the dark he lit a candle. Том любить читати. Tom likes to read. Tom likes to read. Корови їдять траву. Cows eat grass. Cows eat grass. Я не змогла сказати ні. I couldn't say no. I couldn't say no. Я стоятиму. I'll stand. I'll stand. Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері все ще живе в Бостоні. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Tom said that he thought Mary was still living in Boston. Він любить апельсини? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Том був доволі знервований. Tom was pretty nervous. Tom was pretty nervous. Том не їв увесь день. Tom hasn't eaten all day. Tom didn't eat all day. Том дуже розумний. Tom is very intelligent. Tom's very smart. З цієї гори видно все місто. You can see the whole city from this hill. From this mountain, the whole city is visible. Де мої окуляри? Where are my glasses? Where are my glasses? Я зробив все, що мені сказав Том. I've done everything that Tom told me to do. I did everything Tom told me. Це слово також французьке за походженням. This word is also French in origin. It's a word also of French descent. Є велика ймовірність, що він спізниться. There's a good chance that he'll be late. It is highly likely that it will be late. Як ви думаєие, що змінилося? What do you think changed? How do you think you've changed? Не могли б ви мені сказати, коли буде наступний автобус? Can you tell me when the next bus will arrive? Could you tell me when the next bus will be? Це я розмовляв з послом Польщі. It was I who spoke with the Polish ambassador. That's what I've been talking to Ambassador Poland. У вас велика родина? Do you have a big family? Do you have a large family? Ми консервативні. We are a conservative people. We're conservative. Ти повинен платити за своїми боргами. You should pay your debts. You have to pay for your debts. Нелегко навчати маленьких дітей. It isn't easy to teach little kids. Teaching small children is not easy. Щоб мова стала міжнародною, недостатньо назвати її такою. For a language to be international, it does not suffice to say that it is so. For language to become international, it is not enough to call it that way. Це фотографія Тома та його родини. This is a picture of Tom and his family. This is a picture of Tom and his family. Це твоя родина? Is this your family? Is that your family? Що трапилося з тим хлопцем, з яким ти зустрічалася? What happened to that guy you were seeing? What happened to that guy you were dating? Англійська складна, еге ж бо? English is difficult, innit? English is hard, isn't it? Де у вас болить? Where do you have pain? Where are you in pain? У нього були погані наміри. He had bad intentions. He had bad intentions. Мій паспорт украли. Someone stole my passport. My passport was stolen. Він удає, що все знає. He pretends to know everything. He pretends he knows everything. Ви нестерпна. You are insufferable. You're unbearable. Том грає на лютні. Tom plays the lute. Tom's playing rage. Навіщо ти йому це сказав? Why did you tell him that? Why did you tell him that? Мені подобаються ці. I like these. I like these. Ти їдеш зашвидко. You're driving too fast. You're going too fast. Можна сісти поруч? Can I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Ось твій чай. Here's your tea. Here's your tea. Том дуже скромна людина. Tom is a very modest man. Tom is a very modest man. Вона не має власної думки щодо релігії. She has no opinion about religion. It does not have its own opinion of religion. Ти в Лондоні? Are you in London? Are you in London? Я певна, що це неправда. I'm sure that isn't true. I'm sure that's not true. У неї гарні очі. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful eyes. Я запитала Мері, чому вона плаче. I asked Mary why she was crying. I asked Mary why she was crying. З Томом важко знаходити спільну мову. It's hard to get along with Tom. It's hard to get along with Tom. Я не думав, що Том буде такий сором'язливий. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. I didn't think Tom would be so shy. Як там вийшло, що ти став начальником Тома? How did you end up being Tom's manager? How did it turn out you became boss of Tom? Я приніс вам цукерок. I brought some candy for you. I brought you some candy. Вона перебірлива у їжі. She's a picky eater. It's selective in food. У них все гаразд. They're fine. They're fine. Ти виглядаєш здоровим. You look healthy. You look healthy. Том недружелюбний. Tom isn't friendly. Tom's not friendly. Том не був готовий до цього. Tom hadn't been prepared for that. Tom wasn't ready for that. Що ти вивчив? What did you learn? What did you learn? Том бреше. Tom's lying. Tom's lying. Я такий радий, що ми були там. I'm so glad we were there. I'm so glad we were there. Том учора ввечері допоміг Мері. Tom helped Mary last night. Tom helped Mary last night. Том цього не знав. Tom didn't know that. Tom didn't know that. Сильно на бухло не налягай. Go easy on the booze. Don't worry too much about the booze. Що ти можеш сказати щодо цього плану? What do you think of this plan? What can you say about this plan? Я щойно побачив новини. I just saw the news. I just saw the news. Мені треба бути з Томом. I should be with Tom. I need to be with Tom. У тебе багато друзів? Do you have many friends? Do you have a lot of friends? Хто ваш адвокат? Who is your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? Відвали. Bugger off. Fuck off. Я не єдиний, хто так робить. I'm not the only one who does that. I'm not the only one who does that. Я запросив Тома до нас на вечерю. I've invited Tom over for dinner. I invited Tom to dinner with us. Я була незадоволена. I was discontented. I was unhappy. Я отримала вашого листа вчора. I received your letter yesterday. I got your letter yesterday. Коли будете повертатися, купіть молока. Buy some milk on your way home. When you're back, buy some milk. Том - дивакуватий хлопець. Tom is a weird guy. Tom is a weird guy. Том був у Бостоні кілька разів. Tom has been to Boston a couple of times. Tom was in Boston several times. Що саме хоче Том? What is it that Tom wants? What exactly does Tom want? Мері каже, що вона готова їхати. Mary says she's ready to go. Mary says she's ready to go. Я думала, Том не переможе. I thought Tom wouldn't win. I thought Tom wouldn't win. Не намагайся змінити тему. Don't try to change the subject. Don't try to change the subject. Думаю, нам слід йти. I think that we should be leaving. I think we should go. Коли ви займаєтеся? When do you study? When do you do? Том зрозумів, що Мері не слід цього робити. Tom realized Mary shouldn't do that. Tom realized that Mary should not do that. Перестаньте бути боягузами. Stop being cowards. Stop being cowards. Том сказав, що він здоровий. Tom said he's healthy. Tom said he was healthy. Чому, на вашу думку, я тут? Why do you think I'm here? Why do you think I'm here? Так, я теж так думаю. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so, too. Церква знаходиться на іншому боці вулиці. The church is on the other side of the street. The church is on the other side of the street. Ти не дуже добре виглядаєш. You don't look well. You don't look very good. Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to offend you. Том вийшов із кухні. Tom walked out of the kitchen. Tom's out of the kitchen. Я прийшов побажати вам удачі. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you luck. Том прийшов додому опівночі. Tom got home at midnight. Tom came home at midnight. Я обожнюю ходити у кіно. I love to go to the movies. I love going to the movies. У мене є нова подруга, і вона з Болгарії. I have a new friend and she's from Bulgaria. I have a new friend, and she's from Bulgaria. Гадаю, що Том, мабуть, тебе пам'ятатиме. I think that Tom will probably remember you. I think Tom will remember you. Нехай щастить. Good luck. Good luck. Я не хотів тебе образити. I didn't mean to insult you. I didn't mean to offend you. Дякую, що ти до нас приєдналася. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Я забула номер свого замовлення. I forgot my order number. I forgot my order number. Чому звинувачувана зізналася? Why did the accused confess? Why did the accused confess? Ще раз. Once again. Again. Орел чи решка? Heads or tails? Eagle or Rebel? Солдати загинули. The soldiers died. Soldiers are dead. Електрокари змінять світ. Electric cars will change the world. Electronics will change the world. Чому Том не спробував допомогти Мері? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Why didn't Tom try to help Mary? Я думаю над тим, щоб поїхати з дружиною до Бостона наступного місяця. I'm thinking of going to Boston with my wife next month. I think about going with my wife to Boston next month. Том удвічі старший від мене. Tom is twice as old as me. Tom is twice as senior as I am. Хіба ти не радий, що ми це зробили? Aren't you glad we did that? Aren't you glad we did that? Я вийшла, незважаючи на дощ. I went out in spite of the rain. I went out despite the rain. Я прикусила язик. I bit my tongue. I've bitten my tongue. Можливо, я не повернуся. I may not return. Maybe I'm not coming back. Мері назвала свого собаку Печенько. Mary named her dog Cookie. Mary named her dog Pesco. Це закоротке. This is too short. It's too short. Тато повернеться за кілька днів. Father will be back in a few days. Dad will be back in a few days. Він був добрим королем. He was a good king. He was a good king. Це була добра промова. That was a good speech. It was a good speech. Я повинна багато працювати, щоб нагнати втрачений час. I must work hard to make up for lost time. I have to work hard to catch up with the time I've lost. Ти любиш італійську музику? Do you like Italian music? Do you love Italian music? Вам шкода, що ви це зробили? Are you sorry you did that? You're sorry you did that? Я дуже назадоволена. I'm very discontented. I'm very happy. Ми шоковані. We're shocked. We're shocked. Том провінціал. Tom is a hick. Tom's out. Том знав, що ти був тут? Did Tom know you were here? Tom knew you were here? Треба заплатити вперед. You have to pay in advance. We have to pay forward. Я вегетаріанка. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Беріть усе. Get everything. Take everything. Мері втратила чоловіка. Mary lost her husband. Mary lost her husband. Відкрий цей подарунок першим. Open this present first. Open this gift first. Він і досі мені телефонує часу від часу. He still rings me from time to time. He still calls me from time to time. Зима швидко пройшла повз. Березень і весна вже тут. Winter went quickly by; now March and spring are here. Winter quickly passed by, March and spring is already here. Я радий тебе бачити. I'm pleased to see you. It's good to see you. Здається, що Том та Мері добре проводять час. It looks like Tom and Mary are having fun. Tom and Mary seem to be having a good time. Ти знаєш що вона сказала? Do you know what she said? You know what she said? Донести до співбесідника свою думку набагато важливіше, ніж намагатися висловити її точно так само, як це зробив би носій мови. Getting your message across is much more important than trying to say it exactly like a native speaker would say it. It is more important to bring your opinion to the interviewer than to try to express it exactly as the speakers would have done. Припини про це турбуватися. Stop worrying about it. Stop worrying about it. Том дуже любив Мері. Tom loved Mary very much. Tom loved Mary very much. У твоєму творі немає помилок. There are no mistakes in your composition. There are no mistakes in your work. На яких інструментах ви граєте? What instruments do you play? What instruments do you play? Ти все ще виглядаєш збентеженим. You still look confused. You still look confused. Моя люба, я тебе кохаю. Honey, I love you. My dear, I love you. Том сказав, що навряд чи виграє. Tom said he was unlikely to win. Tom said he was unlikely to win. Том сказав, що він не певен, що Мері потрібно це зробити. Tom said he's not sure Mary needs to do that. Tom said he wasn't sure that Mary needed to do it. Я потрібна Мері Mary needs me. Mary needs me Сьогодні - національний день брехні! І так, я його вигадав. It's national tell-a-lie day! And yes, I made that up. Today is a national day of lies, and yes, I made it up. Вас хтось бачив. Somebody saw you. Somebody saw you. Я подзвоню їм завтра, коли повернусь. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them tomorrow when I get back. Мені потрібно зрозуміти. I need to understand. I need to understand. Всі бояться. Everybody is afraid. Everyone's afraid. Бачиш мою машину? Do you see my car? See my car? Ви наш найкращий гравець. You're our best player. You're our best player. Мені здається, купатися у цій річці небезпечно. I think it's dangerous to swim in this river. I think bathing in this river is dangerous. Я досить перебірливий. I'm quite picky. I'm pretty picky. Вона співає у своїй кімнаті. She's singing in her room. She sings in her room. Том повісив сумку собі на плече. Tom slung his bag over his shoulder. Tom hung the bag on his shoulder. Том та Мері помітили Джона одночасно. Tom and Mary both noticed John at the same time. Tom and Mary noticed John at the same time. Мій тато вдома. My father is home. My dad's home. Бажаю вам жити у цікаві часи. May you live in interesting times. I wish you to live in interesting times. Том не любить зиму. Tom dislikes winter. Tom doesn't like winter. Королівства були постійно у стані війни. The kingdoms were constantly at war. The kingdoms were in constant state of war. Я набагато більша від вас. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm a lot bigger than you. Ми там будемо. We'll be there. We'll be there. Я з цим розберуся. I'll sort this out. I'll deal with it. Я інколи роблю це після уроків. I do that after school sometimes. I sometimes do it after school. Я чув, що вона вмерла. I heard that he'd died. I heard she died. Ти колись думав це зробити? Have you ever thought about doing that? Did you ever think of doing that? Мені важко прокидатися раніше шостої. It is difficult for me to get up before six. It's hard for me to wake up before six. Мері всі поважають. Mary is respected by everyone. Mary's all respected. Том сказав, що Мері, ймовірно, займеться цим. Tom said Mary would likely do that. Tom said Mary would probably take care of it. Коли початок? When does it begin? When's the beginning? Ти повинна бути обережна. You must be cautious. You have to be careful. Ви мій герой. You're my hero. You're my hero. Роби все, що в твоїх силах, і не турбуйся. Do your best and don't worry. Do what you can and don't worry. Том на тебе чекав. Tom was waiting for you. Tom was waiting for you. Том спав у іншій кімнаті. Tom slept in the other room. Tom slept in another room. Гадаю, це вони. I think it's them. I think it's them. Ти мене дуже порадував. You made my day. You gave me a lot of advice. Врятуйте Тома. Save Tom. Save Tom. Том поцупив обід Мері. Tom stole Mary's lunch. Tom stole Mary's lunch. Є цікава історія про одного англійця. There is a curious story about an Englishman. There's an interesting story about one Englishman. Діти — квіти нашого життя. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. З Томом, можливо, є якась проблема. There may be a problem with Tom. There may be some problem with Tom. Я ніколи не був сором'язливий. I never was shy. I was never shy. Я вже вирішив, де буду жити. I've already decided where to live. I've already decided where I'm going to live. Ви відважний. You're courageous. You are courageous. Том мені вже сказав. Tom already told me. Tom already told me. Том пофарбує свою машину. Tom will paint his car. Tom will paint his car. Дорослі знають. The grown-ups know. Adults know. Я збираюся стати батьком. I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father. Це повідомлення вибухне за три секунди. This message will explode in three seconds. This message will explode in three seconds. Молися! Pray! Pray! Том та Мері бідні, правда? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? Я зазвичай подорожую першим класом. I usually travel in first class. I usually travel first grade. У наші дні багато хто подорожує на машині. Nowadays many people travel by car. Today, many travel by car. Чим я це заслужила? What did I do to deserve this? What did I deserve that for? Краще Тому не відмовляти. You don't want to say no to Tom. It's better not to say no. Ти вдарила Тома? Did you hit Tom? Did you hit Tom? Я відчув, що щось не так. I felt something was wrong. I felt something was wrong. Том нарешті зробив це. Tom has finally done that. Tom finally did it. Ти тут. You're here. You're here. Вона хотіла їм допомогти. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Їй потрібна допомога. She needs help. She needs help. Це однозначно буде весело. It'll certainly be fun. It's definitely going to be fun. Це буде цікаво. That'll be interesting. That's going to be interesting. Я люблю вивчати мови. I love to learn languages. I love learning a language. Том перевернув карту і побачив, що це був виновий туз. Tom flipped over the card and saw that it was the ace of spades. Tom turned the map and saw it was a wine ace. Більше нема де припаркуватися. There isn't anywhere else to park. There's no place else to park. Том зловив форель. Tom caught a trout. Tom caught a trout. Це дивне формулювання. That's a strange choice of words. It's a strange formulation. Він розмовляє десятьома мовами. He speaks ten languages. He speaks ten languages. Ви не заперечуватиме, якщо я поставлю вам запитання про Тома? Would you mind if I asked you a question about Tom? Would you mind if I ask you a question about Tom? Том усвідомлює власні обмеження. Tom is aware of his own limitations. Tom is aware of his own limitations. Том хвилюватиметься. Tom will be worried. Tom's worried. Том відмовляється працювати. Tom refuses to work. Tom refuses to work. Том — загадка. Tom is a mystery. Tom is a mystery. Я теж їду. I'm going, too. I'm leaving, too. Том — знаменитість місцевого масштабу. Tom is a local celebrity. Tom is a local-scale celebrity. Я не люблю дітей. I don't like children. I don't like kids. Я відправився на місце злочину. I went to the scene of the crime. I went to the crime scene. Я телефоную своєму адвокату. I'm calling my lawyer. I'm calling my lawyer. Я піду з тобою. I'll be going with you. I'll go with you. Якщо не поливати квіти, вони помруть. Failure to water plants will cause them to die. If you don't water the flowers, they'll die. Розкрий штори. Open the drapes. Open the curtains. Я не хочу з вами розмовляти. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Джек колекціонує марки. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. Том є там. Tom is there. Tom's in there. Ми зустрічаємося вже три місяці. We have been dating for three months. We've been dating for three months. Це був пістолет Тома. The gun was Tom's. It was Tom's gun. Мені дійсно зараз треба бути у ліжку. I really should be in bed. I really need to be in bed right now. Це сербське ім'я. It's a Serbian name. It's a Serbian name. Нічого, якщо я тебе поцілую? Is it OK if I kiss you? Nothing if I kiss you? Ви її знаєте. You know her. You know her. Підлога слизька. The floor is slippery. The floor is slippery. Вони взагалі читали цю книжку? Did they ever read this book? Did they ever read this book? Том буде вдома до полудня. Tom will be at home until noon. Tom will be home by noon. Ви несправедливий. You're unfair. You're unfair. Том каже, ти все ще голодний. Tom says you're still hungry. Tom says you're still hungry. Ти виглядаєш збентеженим. You look confused. You look confused. Дуже темно. It is very dark. Very dark. Том на цих вихідних у Бостоні. Tom is in Boston for the weekend. Tom this weekend in Boston. Я зробив це лише тому, що всі інші теж це робили. I did that only because everybody else did. I only did it because everyone else did it too. Тома вчора мало не звільнили. Tom almost got fired yesterday. Tom almost got fired yesterday. Том отримав портфель? Did Tom get the briefcase? Tom got the briefcase? Вони мене заарештували. They arrested me. They arrested me. Не слухайте мене, я лише жартую. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Don't listen to me, I'm just kidding. Він хоче її поцілувати. He wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her. Я купив собі трубу. I've bought myself a trumpet. I bought myself a pipe. Ви знаєте, хто ці люди? Do you know who those people are? Do you know who these people are? Не давай Тому спати. Don't let Tom sleep. Don't let Tom sleep. Ми читаємо. We're reading. We read. Я випадково взяв твою парасольку. I took your umbrella by mistake. I accidentally took your umbrella. Можете мені передати сіль? Could you pass the salt? Can you give me the salt? Я охоронець у в'язниці. I'm a prison guard. I'm a prison guard. Я не знаю, що станеться. I don't know what'll happen. I don't know what's going to happen. Завтра день народження Тома. It's Tom's birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow's Tom's birthday. Я радий знову тебе бачити. I'm glad to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Ти завжди зайнятий. You're always busy. You're always busy. Я сильно запізнився. I was very late. I'm very late. Вечірка вийшла з-під контролю. The party got out of hand. The party is out of control. Том каже, що не хоче цього робити. Tom says that he doesn't want to do that. Tom says he doesn't want to. Я заснув глибоким сном, бо був дуже стомлений. I fell sound asleep because I was very tired. I fell asleep deep because I was very tired. Ти хочеш, щоб я купив тобі бутерброд? Do you want me to buy you a sandwich? You want me to buy you a sandwich? Ти мене розбудив. You woke me. You woke me. Він ніколи не говорить про цей нещасний випадок. He never speaks of the accident. He never talks about this accident. Пан Джексон не приймає подарунків від студентів. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Mr. Jackson doesn't accept gifts from students. Я не робив того, за що мене карають. I didn't do what I'm being punished for. I didn't do what they punished me for. Як я можу з вами зв'язатися? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? Я не пішов, а залишився дома. I didn't go, but stayed at home. I didn't leave, I stayed home. Том — герой Мері. Tom is Mary's hero. Tom is the hero of Mary. Том не міг зв'язатися з Мері. Tom couldn't reach Mary. Tom could not contact Mary. Це проблема? Is that an issue? Is that a problem? Вона не шукала кохання. She wasn't looking for love. She wasn't looking for love. Він нитик. He's a whingebag. He's a spin. Я один з ваших працівників. I'm one of your employees. I'm one of your employees. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. Аліса не бачила собаки. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see the dogs. Вітаю тебе, Чикаго! Hello, Chicago! Congratulations, Chicago! Я рознервувався. I became nervous. I was nervous. Чому ти не готуєш? Why aren't you cooking? Why aren't you cooking? Не треба недооцінювати власні сили. Don't underestimate your own strength. Don't underestimate your own strength. Ти не міг би допомогти мені це зробити? Could you help me do this? Could you help me do that? Його дурна відповідь вразила усіх. His stupid answer surprised everybody. His stupid answer impressed everyone. Я хочу, щоб ти долучився до нас I want you to join us. I want you to join us. Коли подають сніданок? When is the breakfast served? When is breakfast served? Як тобі вдалося умовити Тома допомогти прибратися в гаражі? How did you get Tom to help you clean out the garage? How did you get Tom to help clean up in the garage? Можете це приміряти? Could you try this on? Can you try that? Я завжди хотів поїхати до Австралії. I've always wanted to go to Australia. I always wanted to go to Australia. Я очікую, що всі це зроблять завтра. I expect everyone will do that tomorrow. I expect everyone will do it tomorrow. Я пішов у похід. I went hiking. I went on a campaign. Таке іноді трапляється. That sometimes happens. That happens sometimes. Ви б краще припинили це робити. You'd better stop doing that. You'd better stop doing that. Після землетрусу багато хто втратив житло. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. After the earthquake, many lost their homes. Вона повернеться на протязі години. She will return within an hour. She'll be back for an hour. Скажіть Тому, що я втомився. Tell Tom that I'm tired. Tell him I'm tired. Ви це знали You knew it. You knew it. Якщо ти підеш близько восьмої, може трапитися, ти його зустрінеш. If you go around eight, you might meet him. If you go around eight, it might happen, you'll meet him. Ми з Томом знаємо, що Мері плакала. Tom and I know that Mary was crying. Tom and I know Mary was crying. Що тобі подобається в Томі більше за все? What do you like most about Tom? What do you like about Tommy more than anything? Ви виграє́те. You're winning. You win. У мене божевільник графік. My schedule is insane. I've got a crazy schedule. Де твій меч? Where's your sword? Where's your sword? Том не хоче там бути. Tom doesn't want to be there. Tom doesn't want to be there. Том стверджує, що ніколи нікого не вбивав. Tom claims that he has never killed anyone. Tom claims he never killed anyone. Він тобі не потрібний. You don't need him. You don't need it. Допоможіть йому, будь ласка! Please help him! Help him, please! Гадаєш, Том може виграти? Do you think Tom can win? You think Tom can win? Шум параду завмер. The sound of the parade died away. The noise of the parade is dead. Том непристойний. Tom is obscene. Tom is indecent. Я думаю, ви теж можете це зробити. I suppose you can do that, too. I think you can do it too. Том страждає на нарцисичний розлад особистості. Tom suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. Tom suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. Том не знав, що Мері не вміє говорити французькою. Tom wasn't aware that Mary couldn't speak French. Tom didn't know Mary could not speak French. У тебе кращий кабінет, ніж у мене. Your office is nicer than mine. You have a better office than me. Ви його недооцінюєте. You are selling him short. You underestimate him. Давайте побалакаємо. Let's chat. Let's talk. Том каже, що Мері рідко говорить французькою. Tom says Mary seldom speaks French. Tom says Mary rarely speaks French. Хіба я вам не казала, що не поїду до Бостона? Didn't I tell you I wouldn't go to Boston? Didn't I tell you I wasn't going to Boston? Вчора ввечері я приготував вечерю. I cooked supper last night. I made dinner last night. Ви зморилися? Are you tired? Are you worn out? Том просто скромний. Tom is just modest. Tom's just modest. Я б хотів заробляти більше. I wish I earned more money. I'd like to make more money. Том сказав, що зрозумів. Tom said he understood. Tom said he understood. Вона писала за допомогою чорнил. She wrote in ink. She wrote with ink. Я би приїхав з вами до Бостона, якби міг. I would've come to Boston with you if I could've. I'd come with you to Boston if I could. Годі ходити коло та навколо. Don't beat around the bush. Stop walking around and around. Мені шкода, але в нас закінчився туалетний папір, і я не маю чарівної палички, щоб це виправити для вас. Sorry, we're out of toilet paper and I can't magic any for you now. I'm sorry, but we've run out of toilet paper, and I don't have a magic wand to fix for you. Я не дуже хочу кудись іти сьогодні ввечері. I don't feel like going out tonight. I don't really want to go anywhere tonight. Том розуміє план на гру. Tom understands the game plan. Tom understands the game plan. Куди я поклав ключі? Where did I put my keys? Where did I put the keys? Вже майже сьома. Нам треба йти до школи. It's almost seven. We have to go to school. We have to go to school. Візьми мене за руку й подивись мені в очі. Take my hand and look me in the eye. Take my hand and look me in the eye. Це правда. This is the truth. It's true. Це човен. That is a boat. It's a boat. Том зробив знімок телефоном. Tom took a picture with his phone. Tom took a picture on the phone. Том геть не сором'язливий. Tom isn't shy at all. Tom's not shy at all. У мене інша ситуація. My situation is different. I have a different situation. Я знаю, що ви все ще хочете бути зі мною. I know that you still want to be with me. I know you still want to be with me. Скільки це коштуватиме? What'll that cost? How much will it cost? Я готова. I am ready. I'm ready. Я знаю, що Том втомився. I know Tom is tired. I know Tom's tired. Ми займалися. We were studying. We were engaged. Знаєш, що він вчинив? Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? В тебе було багато часу. You had plenty of time. You've had a lot of time. Європа — це не країна. Europe is not a country. Europe is not a country. Ти помиляєшся, якщо ти думаєш, що він неправий. You are mistaken if you think he is wrong. You're wrong if you think he's wrong. Він також говорить французькою. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Ходімо всі до луна-парку. Let's all go to Luna Park. Let's all go to the echo. Зніміть штани. Take your trousers off. Take off your pants. Я знаю, що ти досить зайнятий. I know you're quite busy. I know you're quite busy. Куди їде цей поїзд? Where is this train going? Where is this train going? Тому це сподобається. Tom will enjoy it. So it's going to be fun. Він усміхнувся мені у відповідь. He answered me with a smile. He smiled in response. Не думаю, що Том хоче їсти разом із нами. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. На чому ти добре розумієшся? What are you good at? What do you understand? Батьки Тома померли, коли йому було тринадцять років. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen. Tom's parents died when he was thirteen years old. Том помер за ваші гріхи. Tom died for your sins. Tom died for your sins. Не Том створює правила. Tom isn't the one who make the rules. Not Tom creating rules. Ми йшли уздовж вулиці. We walked along the street. We walked along the street. Том не хотів, щоб хто-небудь бачив, як він це робить. Tom didn't want anybody to see him doing that. Tom didn't want anyone to see him do it. Том сміється. Tom is laughing. Tom laughs. Я бачив її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Хочеш побачити, що всередині печери? Do you want to see what's inside the cave? You wanna see what's inside the cave? Одного дня ми зустрінемось знову. We'll see each other again someday. One day we'll meet again. Ну ж бо, визнай це. Come on, admit it. Come on, admit it. Тобі потрібна наша допомога? Do you need our assistance? Do you need our help? Чому б тобі не одягнути сукню? Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? Ми ненавидимо їх. We detest them. We hate them. Я часто одягаю чорне. I often wear black. I often dress black. Я не люблю великих собак. I don't like big dogs. I don't like big dogs. Потребуємо вашої допомоги. We need your help. We'll need your help. Мої кросівкі промокли. My trainers are wet. My sneakers wet. Налийте мені келих вина. Pour me a glass of wine. Give me a glass of wine. У нас закінчилося паливо. We ran out of gas. We're out of fuel. Не слід було його вбивати. You shouldn't have killed them. You shouldn't have killed him. Ні? No? Don't you? Я вже поговорила з Томом. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already talked to Tom. Я весь час чхаю. I sneeze all the time. I've been sneezing all the time. Ось я. This is me. Here I am. Мені дуже лячно. I'm so scared. It's very scary to me. Том знав, що мусить поспішати. Tom knew that he had to hurry. Tom knew he had to hurry. Том вже набрид мені. I have had it with Tom. Tom's getting tired of me. У Тома сьогодні недостатньо на це часу. Tom doesn't have enough time to do that today. Tom doesn't have enough time for this today. Ти тут новенька? Are you new here? Are you new here? Мері знову це зробила, так? Mary did that again, didn't she? Mary did it again, didn't she? Том бажає це зробити. Tom is willing to do that. Tom wants to do it. Том чемний. Tom is courteous. Tom is nice. Це остання крапля! That's the last straw! That's the last drop! Здається, ти не дуже задоволений. You don't seem very satisfied. I don't think you're very happy. Чому б не пообідати з нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why not have dinner with us? Том розлютився. Tom got angry. Tom was furious. Можна доторкнутися до твоїх цицьок? Can I touch your boobs? Can I touch your tits? Мені варто скасувати поїздку до Лос-Анжелеса. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel the trip to Los Angeles. Коли трапився великий землетрус, мені було лише десять років. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When a major earthquake struck, I was only ten years old. Моя сестра має двох синів, отже в мене - двоє небожів. My sister has two sons, so I have two nephews. My sister has two sons, so I have two nephews. Відчиніть двері. Open the door. Open the door. Я не проти. I'm OK with that. I don't mind. Приберіть зі столу. Clear off the table. Get it off the table. Том встав із табуретки. Tom got up from his stool. Tom got up from the dressing room. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись спав на лавці. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever slept on a park bench. I wonder if Tom ever slept on a bench. Чому всі плачуть? Why is everybody crying? Why is everyone crying? Я написала листа французькою. I wrote a letter in French. I wrote a letter in French. Ти такий нетерплячий зі мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Це була не єдина проблема. That wasn't the only problem. It wasn't the only problem. Мері розчісується. Mary is combing her hair. Mary spreads out. Спробуй не засинати. Try to stay awake. Try not to fall asleep. Я певна, що Том не хоче бути зараз у Бостоні. I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be in Boston now. I'm sure Tom doesn't want to be in Boston right now. Я не поїду додому. I'm not going home. I'm not going home. Ми нічого тобі не винні. We owe you nothing. We owe you nothing. Том приїхав за день до мене. Tom arrived the day before I did. Tom came to see me the day before. Він сказав, що він невинний, але незважаючи на це ми вважали його винним. He said he was innocent, but all the same we believed he was guilty. He said he was innocent, but despite that, we thought he was guilty. Том був на вечірці до самого кінця. Tom was at the party until the very end. Tom was at a party to the end. Я постійний клієнт. I'm a regular. I'm a regular customer. Хіба твоя спеціалізація — не хімія? Aren't you a chemistry major? Is your specialization not chemistry? Тебе нескладно знайти. You're not hard to find. It's not hard to find you. Візьміть лише одну. Take only one. Take just one. Том справжній покидьок. Tom is a real jerk. Tom's a real jerk. Ви все ще живете з батьками? Are you still living with your parents? Are you still living with your parents? Гадаєш, я все ще її кохаю? Do you think I still love her? You think I still love her? Сьогодні падає сніг. It is snowing today. It's snowing today. Без сумніву. No doubt. No doubt about it. Ми не знали, що робити далі. We didn't know what to do next. We didn't know what to do next. Ми зловили його на гарячому. We caught him red-handed. We caught him on hot. Людей позбавили їхніх політичних прав. People were deprived of their political rights. People were deprived of their political rights. На столі сидить кіт. There's a cat on the table. There's a cat on the table. Том був першим учителем Мері. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Tom was Mary's first teacher. Я в лікарні. У мене влучила блискавка. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital, I got hit by lightning. Я врешті-решт здав цей залік. I finally passed that test. I finally passed this score. Це пофарбував Том. Tom painted that. That's what Tom painted. Я не сказав Тому, чому хочу це зробити. I didn't tell Tom why I wanted to do that. I didn't tell him why I wanted to do it. Як би ти відрізнив американця від англійця? How would you know an American from an Englishman? How would you distinguish an American from an Englishman? Ти обідаєш? Are you eating lunch? Are you having lunch? Я ненавиджу зоопарки. I hate zoos. I hate zoos. Вона була відомою акторкою. She was a famous actress. She was a famous actress. «Швидко» — антонім «повільно». "Fast" is the opposite of "slow." "fast" is antonym "slow". Допоможіть нам! Help us. Help us! Дай-но я спробую. Let me try. Let me try. Небо ясне. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. У мене дуже болить голова. My head really hurts. I have a headache. Том заспівав для Мері. Tom sang for Mary. Tom sang for Mary. Мені подобається шоколадне морозиво! I like chocolate ice cream. I like chocolate ice cream! Том любив Бостон. Tom loved Boston. Tom loved Boston. Там спекотно? Is it hot over there? Is it hot there? Хто твій улюблений композитор? Who is your favorite composer? Who's your favorite composer? Він знаменитий митець. He is a famous artist. He's a famous artist. Коли ти могла би мені допомогти? When could you do that? When could you help me? Усе пройшло згідно з планом. Everything went according to plan. It went according to the plan. Коли ви вчора пішли спати? When did you go to bed yesterday? When did you go to bed yesterday? Мій викладач французької мій ровесник. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my peer. Якщо ти зараз не підеш, вони тебе вб'ють. If you don't leave now, they'll kill you. If you don't go now, they'll kill you. Поводься відповідно до свого віку. Act your age. Act in accordance with your age. Мишині клітини не менші від людських клітин. Murine cells are no smaller than human cells. Mouse cells are not smaller than human cells. Вона грала на гітарі, а він співав. She played the guitar and he sang. She played the guitar and he sang. Це питна вода? Is this water okay to drink? Is that drinking water? Ти їм про це казала? Did you tell them about this? Did you tell them that? Том знав, що Мері навряд чи може це зробити. Tom knew that Mary was very unlikely to be able to do that. Tom knew that Mary could hardly do that. Навіть Том не мусив цього робити. Even Tom didn't have to do that. Not even Tom had to do that. Він робить усе можливе, щоб успішно скласти іспит. He made every effort to pass the exam. He does his best to pass a test successfully. Ти щось чула? Have you heard anything? Did you hear anything? Ось чому ти купила все це? Is that why you bought all this stuff? That's why you bought all this? Коли батьки Кена сваряться, він завжди захищає матір. Ken always stands up for his mom when his parents quarrel. When Ken's parents argue, he always protects his mother. Сьогодні вже вівторок? Is it Tuesday already? It's Tuesday now? Я маю важливе повідомлення. I have an important message. I have an important message. Том — розпущена дитина. Tom is a spoiled child. Tom is a dissolved child. У мене в Бостоні є рідні. I have some relatives in Boston. I have relatives in Boston. Ти ладний чоловік. You're a handsome man. You're a good man. Ти запізнишся на потяг, якщо не поквапишся. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll be late for the train if you don't hurry. В зоопарку є багато видів тварин. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. There are many species of animals in the zoo. Том стікає кров'ю. Tom is bleeding. Tom's bleeding out. Як мені слід відповісти на це питання? How should I answer this question? How should I answer this question? Він обожнює тварин. He loves animals. He loves animals. Я думав, Том з тобою. I thought Tom was with you. I thought Tom was with you. Том добре співає. Tom sings well. Tom sings well. Linux - це безкоштовна операційна система, тобі варто спробувати її використовувати. Linux is a free operating system; you should try it. Linux is a free operating system, you should try using it. Ми щойно про тебе говорили. We were just talking about you. We just talked about you. Заходь іноді до мене. Come and see me once in a while. Come to me sometimes. Ти німець? Are you German? Are you German? Хутко йди! Come quickly! Come quickly! Нарешті я отримав відповідь на моє запитання. Finally I found the answer to the question. Finally, I received an answer to my question. Інколи собака є небезпечною твариною. A dog is sometimes a dangerous animal. Sometimes a dog is a dangerous animal. Ох, будь ласка, не кажи цього. Oh, please don't say that. Oh, please, don't say that. Весна — моя улюблена пора року. Spring is my favorite season. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Гадаю, це може статися. I think it might happen. I think that could happen. Ми програли три гри поспіль. We've lost three games in a row. We lost three games in a row. Том це тобі дійсно сказав? Did Tom actually tell you that? Tom really told you that? Окуляри Самі десь в саду. Sami's glasses are somewhere in the garden. Glasses Sami somewhere in the garden. Ми намагаємося. We're trying. We're trying. Не турбуйся, вона не вкусить. Don't worry; it won't bite. Don't worry, she won't bite. Мій номер телефону: два, чотири, шість, вісім. My phone number is 2468. My phone number: two, four, six, eight. Чи тут є неподалік стоянка для яхт? Is there a marina nearby? Is there a parking mall nearby? У мене немає на це ані часу, ані грошей. I have neither time nor money for that. I don't have time or money for that. Ми можемо заплатити. We can pay. We can pay. Мені здається, я зробив це неправильно. I think I did that wrong. I think I've done it wrong. Я шукаю книжку для дітей. I'm looking for a children's book. I'm looking for a book for children. Я сумніваюсь, що Том прийде. I'm doubtful whether Tom will come. I doubt Tom's coming. Йому байдуже, що кажуть інші. He is indifferent to what others say. He doesn't care what others say. Том піймав м'яч. Tom caught the ball. Tom caught the ball. Чому життя таке складне? Why is life so difficult? Why is life so complicated? Деякі люди дуже напружені. Some people are so uptight. Some people are very tense. Я не знаю, скільки років Тому. I don't know how old Tom is. I don't know how many years ago. Мері була єдиною дівчиною в клубі. Mary was the only girl in the club. Mary was the only girl in the club. Це складна проблема. The problem is complex. It's a complex problem. Мері на роботі, чи не так? Mary is at work, isn't she? Mary's at work, isn't she? Я сказав Тому, щоб він говорив французькою. I told Tom to speak French. I told him to speak French. Том - учитель, чи не так? Tom is a teacher, right? Tom is a teacher, isn't he? Том здивований. Tom is surprised. Tom is surprised. Я тобі спробував допомогти. I tried to help you. I tried to help you. Я не намагався. I haven't tried. I didn't try. Ніхто не візьме мене на роботу. No one will hire me. No one's gonna hire me. Хіба ви не хочете мати дітей? Don't you want children? Don't you want to have children? Чай без льоду. Tea without ice. Tea without ice. Фiлософiя - це не рiч, яку можна вивчити за шiсть мiсяцiв. Philosophy is not a thing one can learn in six months. Filosophy is not a year that you can learn in six months. Ти хочеш скинути вагу? Do you want to lose weight? You want to lose weight? Том думав, що ніхто не дивиться. Tom thought that no one was looking. Tom thought no one was watching. Мій батько занадто зайнятий, аби піти на прогулянку. My father is too busy to take a walk. My father is too busy to go for a walk. Це місце варто відвідати двічі. The place is worth visiting twice. This place should be visited twice. Я якраз йду на прогулянку. I'm just going for a walk. I'm just going for a walk. Він продає автомобілі. He sells cars. He sells cars. Вони були моїми подругами. They were my friends. They were my friends. Я знайшла щось дуже цікаве. I found something very interesting. I found something very interesting. Я не боюся твого собаки. I'm not afraid of your dog. I'm not afraid of your dog. Ти тут жила? Did you live here? Did you live here? Може, Том втомився. Maybe Tom is tired. Maybe Tom's tired. Не думаю, що ми зможемо це зробити. I don't think that we can do this. I don't think we can do that. Скажи Тому, що я передзвоню. Tell Tom that I'll call back. Tell him I'll call you back. Ми спробуємо. We'll try. We'll try. Том розділяв біль Мері. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom shared Mary's pain. Їм набридло грати. They did not feel like playing any more. They're tired of playing. Я не можу забути її посмішку. I can't forget her smile. I can't forget her smile. Сподіваюся, Том не зробив того, про що ти його попросив. I hope Tom didn't do what you told him to do. I hope Tom didn't do what you asked him to do. Я не люблю рибу. I don't like fish. I don't like fish. Я не такий, яким здаюся. I'm not what I seem. I'm not what I give up. Я відчуваю, що втомився. I feel tired. I feel tired. Маю їжу. I have food. I've got food. Мері попросила Тома дозволити їй повести машину. Mary asked Tom to let her drive his car. Mary asked Tom to let her drive the car. Виправдання Тома було жалюгідним. Tom's excuse was pathetic. Tom's justification was pathetic. Варшава дешевша, ніж Лондон? Is Warsaw cheaper than London? Warsaw is cheaper than London? Мені соромно за мою погану англійську. I am ashamed of my poor English. I'm ashamed of my bad English. Ти зголодніла? Hungry? Are you hungry? Як тобі вдалося вийти з в'язниці? How did you get out of jail? How did you get out of prison? Ти нічого не можеш довести. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Ви успішний. You're successful. You're successful. У мене є морська свинка. I have a guinea pig. I have a guinea pig. У тебе сині губи. Your lips are blue. You have blue lips. З ким ти ходила танцювати? Who did you go to the dance with? Who did you dance with? Дякую, я скачав всі шість файлів. Thanks, I downloaded all six files. Thank you, I've scanned all six files. Том помер у 2013 від туберкульозу. Tom died in 2013 from tuberculosis. Tom died of tuberculosis in 2013. Добра робота! Nice one! Good job! Мій кіт такий милий. My cat is so adorable. My cat is so cute. Мені подобаються торти. I like cake. I like cakes. Він має виснажений вигляд. He seems tired. He looks exhausted. Дивись, ось прибуває твій потяг. Look, here comes your train. Look, there's your train coming. Цей годинник мій. This watch is mine. That watch is mine. Що шукаєте? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Життя прекрасне. Life is great. Life is beautiful. Це не було легко. It hasn't been easy. It wasn't easy. Тобі подобається шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk? Ви привид? Are you a ghost? Are you a ghost? Ви відновили мою віру у людство. You have restored my faith in humanity. You restored my faith in mankind. Як твоя матінка? How is your mother? How's your mother? Він не вірить в еволюцію. He does not believe in evolution. He doesn't believe in evolution. Я ушкодив спину. I hurt my back. I hurt my back. Де ти минулого року працювала? Where did you work last year? Where did you work last year? Ваш секрет буде зі мною у безпеці. Your secret will be safe with me. Your secret will be safe with me. Том би вами дуже пишався. Tom would've been very proud of you. Tom would be very proud of you. Він особисто приїхав. He came in person. He came personally. Я дуже хочу їсти. I'm really hungry. I really want to eat. Том помер у тому ж році, що й Мері. Tom died in the same year Mary did. Tom died in the same year as Mary. Ми пішли на вулицю. We went out. We went outside. Я думаю, що іспити псують освіту. I think exams ruin education. I think exams spoil education. Дуже холодно. It's freezing. It's very cold. Ось чому ти повернувся з Бостона, так? That's why you came back from Boston, right? That's why you came back from Boston, right? Том цьому повірив? Did Tom believe it? Did Tom believe that? Насправді, він ніколи не був у Нью-Йорку. In fact, he has never been to New York. In fact, he's never been to New York. Том думав, що Мері та Джон, можливо, займаються контрабандою зброї. Tom thought that maybe Mary and John were gunrunners. Tom thought Mary and John might be involved in arms smuggling. Я був тоді тверезий. I was very sober at the time. I was sober then. Ось твоя здача. Here's your change. Here's your change. Том чекав на Мері. Tom waited for Mary. Tom was waiting for Mary. Ріо-де-Жанейро було засноване у 1565 році. Rio de Janeiro was founded in 1565. Rio de Janeiro was founded in 1565. Я поїду до Бостона з Томом. I'll go to Boston with Tom. I'm going to Boston with Tom. Гадаю, ви не зможете цього зробити. I think that you'll not be able to do that. I don't think you can do that. По-перше, ти повинен зрозуміти себе. To begin with, you must know yourself. First, you have to understand yourself. Я там учора була. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Я зачекаю тут, поки він не прийде. I will wait here till he comes. I'll wait here until he comes. Том уміє водити. Tom is able to drive a car. Tom knows how to drive. Я читаю романи навмання. I read novels at random. I read novels at random. Я збиралася сказати Тому, але забула. I was going to tell Tom, but I forgot to. I was going to tell him, but I forgot. Я героїня. I'm a hero. I'm a heroine. Вони нас кохають. They love us. They love us. Мені дуже потрібна ваша допомога. I really do need your help. I really need your help. Том зрадив вас. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Я встав десь о шостій. I got up at about six. I got up at about six. Не хочу хвалитися, але я доволі розумний. Not to brag, but I'm pretty smart. I don't want to boast, but I'm pretty smart. Це має значення? Does that matter? Does it matter? Можна тебе на хвилинку? May I speak to you a minute? Can I have you for a minute? Том, можливо, навіть не потрапить до команди. Tom might not even make the team. Tom may not even get to the team. Я питаю себе, чи Тому можна довіряти. I wonder whether Tom is reliable or not. I'm asking myself if that's the way to be trusted. Що на неї найшло? What's gotten into her? What got into her? Ти п'єш? Do you drink? Are you drinking? Я розлютилася. I got angry. I'm angry. Коли він прибув? When did he arrive? When did he arrive? Де твій плюшевий ведмедик? Where is your teddy bear? Where's your stuffed bear? Як справи, Томе? How are you, Tom? How you doing, Tom? Може цього року ми нарешті переможемо на Євробаченні. Maybe this year we'll finally win Eurovision. Maybe this year we'll finally win the Eurovision. Де Том міг це зробити? Where could Tom do that? Where could Tom do that? Мені здається, ти помиляєшся. I think that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Я уважна. I'm attentive. I'm careful. У вас є паспорт? Do you have a passport? Do you have a passport? Я спромігся забути мій гаманець. I contrived to leave my wallet behind. I managed to forget my wallet. Коти ловлять мишей. Cats catch mice. Cats catch mice. Вам можна йти. You are allowed to go. You can go. Том сказав, що не проти зробити це для Мері. Tom said that he wouldn't mind doing that for Mary. Tom said he wouldn't mind doing it for Mary. Куди йде Том? Where is Tom going? Where's Tom going? Я сама їм зателефоную. I'll call them myself. I'll call them myself. Я примусив Тома зробити це. I forced Tom to do that. I made Tom do it. З якого дива Том хотів би це зробити? Why in the world would Tom want to do that? Why would Tom want to do that? Птахи можуть бачити магнітне поле Землі за допомогою очей. Birds can see the Earth's magnetic field with their eyes. Birds can see the earth's magnetic field with their eyes. Вам потрібна машина? Do you need a car? You need a car? Це підпис Тома. That's Tom's signature. That's Tom's signature. Що тут насправді трапилося? What really happened here? What's really happened here? Боже мій! Gosh! Oh, my God! Не заходь! Я гола. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Ти плануєш це якось зробити? Do you plan to do that sometime? You're planning on doing it somehow? Я чітко висловлююся? Am I clear? Am I being made clear? Сьогодні вдень я вільна. I'm free this afternoon. I'm free this afternoon. Тома, мабуть, покарають за те, що він це зробив. Tom will likely be punished for doing that. Tom's probably gonna be punished for doing so. Незважаючи ні на що, Том щасливий. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. No matter what, Tom's happy. Немає потреби поспішати. There's no need to hurry. There's no need for a hurry. Ви задоволені? Are you guys happy? Are you happy? Спочатку я йому не повірив. I didn't believe him at first. At first, I didn't believe him. Наразі телефон не працює. The telephone is now out of order. The phone's not working right now. Том зі своїми друзями. Tom is with his friends. Tom and his friends. Чого ми боялися? What were we afraid of? What were we afraid of? Заходь, будь ласка! Please step inside. Come in, please! Заходь всередину. Go inside. Get inside. Тома можуть оштрафувати, якщо він це зробить. Tom may get fined if he does that. Tom may be fined if he does. Я знаю, що ви не ідіот. I know you're not stupid. I know you're not an idiot. Я найсильніший. I'm the strongest. I'm the strongest. Це насправді нерозумно. That's really stupid. It's actually stupid. Том — мій старший брат. Tom is my elder brother. Tom is my older brother. Том сказав Мері, що він бачив Джона у січні. Tom told Mary that he had seen John in January. Tom told Mary he saw John in January. Ти завжди встаєш рано, правда? You always get up early, don't you? You're always getting up early, aren't you? Вона весь час протирічить сама собі. She contradicts herself all the time. She goes against herself all the time. Вони живуть у тому самому штаті. They live in the same state. They live in the same state. Мій собака ходить за мною, куди б я не пішла. My dog follows me wherever I go. My dog follows me wherever I go. Дякую за допомогу. Thanks for the help. Thank you for helping me. Том сказав, що не хоче помирати. Tom said that he didn't want to die. Tom said he didn't want to die. На твоєму місці я би такого не робив. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Том вже займається французькою. Tom is studying French already. Tom's already in French. Земля перейшла від батька до сина. The land descended from father to son. The ground went from father to son. Немає троянд без шипів. There is no rose without a thorn. There are no roses without spikes. Сподіваюся, що це не вони. I hope it's not them. I hope they're not. Не пий забагато, гараз? Don't drink too much, okay? Don't drink too much, huh? Сьогодні ввечері очікуй сюрприз. Expect a surprise tonight. Tonight, expect a surprise. Ти ніколи не будеш сама. You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. Чому нам не слід цього робити? Why shouldn't we do that? Why should we not do so? Немає чого святкувати. There is nothing to celebrate. There's nothing to celebrate. Мені подобається дивитися телевізор. I like watching TV. I like watching TV. Він кинув родину. He abandoned his family. He abandoned his family. Йдемо? Shall we go? Let's go? Не треба зв'язуватися з Томом. You shouldn't mess with Tom. You don't have to contact Tom. Я поголилася. I shaved. I have a shave. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the chief. У Тома непогано вийшло. Tom did pretty well. Tom did a good job. Ти повинен повернутися додому до 9-ї години. You are to return home before nine. You have to go home until nine o'clock. Том та Мері танцювали всю ніч. Tom and Mary danced all night long. Tom and Mary danced all night. Том визнав, що він це зробив. Tom admitted doing that. Tom admitted he did. Том не вміє водити машину. Tom can't drive. Tom can't drive a car. Том провів цей день з донькою. Tom spent the day with his daughter. Tom spent that day with his daughter. Кожен учень має власну парту. Each student has his own desk. Each student has his own desk. Ми були готові. We were ready. We were ready. Мене турбує те, що на мене можуть подати в суд. I'm worried that I might get sued. I worry about being sued. Моя родина живе тут. My family lives here. My family lives here. Том слухає. Tom has been listening. Tom is listening. Мені це зійшло з рук. I got away with it. I got it out of my hands. Том добре говорить французькою. Tom is good at French. Tom speaks good French. Я знаю, що я багато чому навчуся. I know I'm going to learn a lot. I know I'll learn a lot. Я ходив у понеділок ловити рибу. I went fishing last Monday. I went fishing on Monday. Мері любила свого собаку. Mary loved her dog. Mary loved her dog. Вечірка скінчилася. The party is over. The party's over. Уніцикл має одне колесо. A unicycle has one wheel. The Unicycle has one wheel. "Татку, глянь туди, акула!" "Це кит, Томе." "Look over there, daddy, a shark!" "That's a whale, Tom." "Daddy, look there, shark!" "It's a whale, Tom." Я знаю, що ви щось приховуєте. I know you're hiding something. I know you're hiding something. Люди завжди говорять, що я дуже привітна. People always say I'm very friendly. People always say I'm very friendly. Я ботан. I'm a swot. I'm a nerd. Гадаю, Том щось знає. I think Tom knows something. I think Tom knows something. Це була моя помилка, а не Тома. It was my error, not Tom's. That was my mistake, not Tom. Збори пройшли досить непогано. The meeting went pretty well. The meetings went pretty well. У цю пору року вітер дме з океану. A wind from the ocean blows at this time of the year. At this time of year, the wind blows off the ocean. Я побачив, що Том усміхався. I saw that Tom was smiling. I saw Tom smiling. Гайда, ходімо! Come on, let's go! Come on, let's go! Я впевнений, що він - чесна людина. I am sure that he is an honest man. I'm sure he's an honest man. У Тома є сюрприз для Мері. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Tom has a surprise for Mary. Я ніколи про це не згадував. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned it. Іди і побий цього хулігана. Go and beat up that bully. Go and beat that bully. Це наша автівка. This is our car. This is our car. Привіт, я Башір! Hello, I am Bashir. Hi, I'm Bashir! Том купив Мері троянду. Tom bought a rose for Mary. Tom bought Mary a rose. Мені соромно, що я це зробила. I'm ashamed that I did it. I'm ashamed I did. Мені треба лягти в лікарню? Do I have to be hospitalized? Do I have to go to the hospital? У свій вільний час вона робить ляльки. She spends her free time making dolls. In her spare time, she makes dolls. Я думаю, що Том співає музику "кантрі" краще, ніж будь-хто інший з моїх знайомих. I think Tom can sing country music better than anyone else I know. I think Tom sings "cantry" music better than anyone else I know. Він п'є помірну кількість кави. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. He drinks a moderate amount of coffee. Що Том хоче робити? What does Tom want to do? What does Tom want to do? Я не можу їм сьогодні заплатити. I can't pay them today. I can't pay them today. Їй байдуже як вона одягнена. She doesn't care how she dresses. She doesn't care how she's dressed. Ти бачив його нове кіно? Have you seen his new film? Have you seen his new movie? У мене це добре виходить. I'm good at this. I'm good at this. Чому він звільнився? Why did he quit his job? Why did he quit? Том сказав, що Мері пішла. Tom said Mary left. Tom said Mary's gone. У мене немає достатньо грошей, щоб це купити. I don't have enough money to buy that. I don't have enough money to buy it. Мері сказала, що вона не хвора. Mary said she isn't sick. Mary said she wasn't sick. Якщо хочеш. If you like. If you want. У нас є постачальники. We have suppliers. We have suppliers. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My open mind is that this is a terrible film. Ти дуже елегантний. You are very elegant. You're very elegant. Як хочеш. It's up to you. As you wish. Я міг би змінитися. I could've changed. I could change. Це істотне. That is essential. It's significant. Ви знову намагаєтеся бути кумедним? Are you trying to be funny again? Are you trying to be funny again? Том нам не довіряє. Tom doesn't trust us. Tom doesn't trust us. Вона у Тома. Tom has it. She's in Tom's. Том був босоніж. Tom's feet were bare. Tom was a boss. Я зробив усе, що міг. I've done all I can. I did my best. Якщо ви бачите помилку, виправте її, будь ласка. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please correct it. Ми спробували ще раз, але в нас не вийшло. We tried it again, but couldn't do it. We tried again, but we didn't. Я хотів поговорити зі своїм адвокатом. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. Я не певен, чи готовий це зробити. I'm not sure that I'm ready to do this. I'm not sure I'm ready to do that. Мені здається, Том із Мері мають рацію. I believe Tom and Mary are correct. I think Tom and Mary are right. Ти повинен допомогти їй. You must help her. You have to help her. Плачем лиха не виплачеш. Don't cry over spilled milk. There is no crying of distress. Він зробив своє домашнє завдання самостійно. He did his homework by himself. He did his homework on his own. Це був спекотний день. It was a hot day. It was a hot day. Мені потрібна відпустка. I need a vacation. I need a vacation. Ми хочемо залізти на ту гору. We'd like to climb that mountain. We want to climb that mountain. Том пропустив обід. Tom skipped lunch. Tom missed lunch. Ти добре говориш англійською. You speak good English. You speak good English. Він любив батьків. He loved his parents. He loved his parents. Давай-но я побалакаю з Томом. Let me have a talk with Tom. Let me talk to Tom. Том не дуже організований, чи не так? Tom isn't very organized, is he? Tom's not very organized, is he? Я шукаю когось, хто говорить французькою. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. I'm looking for someone who speaks French. Як часто ти цим займаєшся? How often do you do that? How often do you do that? Сподіваюся, ви повернетеся. I hope you'll come back. I hope you'll come back. Том хоче бути бейсболістом. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Tom wants to be a baseball player. Кохання не можна купити. Love can't be bought. You can't buy love. Якщо ти не хотів приходити, треба було щось сказати. If you didn't want to come, you should have said something. If you didn't want to come, you had to say something. Я готова працювати. I'm ready to work. I'm ready to work. Що це за театр? Which theater is that? What's the theatre? Ти бачила білку? Did you see the squirrel? Have you seen the protein? Мері сказала, що Том їй розповів. Mary said that Tom told her that. Mary said Tom told her. Том не був дуже добрим свідком. Tom wasn't a very good witness. Tom wasn't a very good witness. Я відвідав бабусю. I visited my grandmother's house. I visited my grandmother. Ненавиджу весілля. I hate weddings. I hate a wedding. Я почув як грюкнули вхідні двері. I heard the front door slam. I heard the sound of the front door. Я не встигаю за тобою. I can't keep pace with you. I can't keep up with you. Марійка чудово танцює. Mary can dance well. She's a great dancer. Мiй дiд - з Осаки. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My home is from Osaka. Хочу масаж. Мені треба розслабитися. I want a massage. I need to relax. I need to relax. Том такий щасливчик. Tom is so lucky. Tom's so lucky. Навіщо ти це робиш, Томе? Why do you do it, Tom? Why are you doing this, Tom? Думаю, що так. I suppose so. I think so. Тобі вдалося поспати? Did you manage to sleep? Did you get to sleep? Я був дуже щирий. I was very frank. I was very sincere. Я не певен у тому, хто це зробив. I'm not sure who did that. I'm not sure who did it. Як ви думаєте, коли Том буде тут? When do you think Tom is going to get here? When Tom's here, do you think? Сьогодні ввечері буде йти сніг? Is it going to snow tonight? Is it gonna snow tonight? Тебе це бавить? Are you enjoying it? Is that playing you? Ти тут з кимось зустрічаєшся? Are you meeting someone here? Are you dating anyone here? Я мешкаю в Мілані. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. Коли вона хоч щось для мене зробила? When has she ever done anything for me? When did she do anything for me? Я з'їв апельсин. I ate an orange. I ate the orange. Квадратний корінь із двох — іраціональне число. The square root of 2 is irrational. The square root of two is an irrational number. Він маленький. He's small. It's small. Хіба ви не знали, що це трапиться? Did you not know that was going to happen? Didn't you know that was gonna happen? Погані думки народжують погані дії. Bad thoughts give birth to bad actions. Bad thoughts give rise to bad actions. Ти приніс фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the fantasy? Том не помиляється. Tom isn't mistaken. Tom is not wrong. У вас є здача з цієї купюри? Do you have change for this bill? Do you have a change from this bill? Том здається трохи присоромленим. Tom is looking a bit embarrassed. Tom seems a little embarrassing. Ми не можемо обійтись без води. We cannot do without water. We can't go without water. Я не можу зібратися з думками. I can't collect my thoughts. I can't get together with my thoughts. Том прийшов поговорити з Мері. Tom came to talk to Mary. Tom came to talk to Mary. Вона живе у селі. She is living in the village. She lives in a village. Я би ніколи не здався. I never would've given up. I would never give up. Я вільно розмовляю французькою. I'm fluent in French. I speak French freely. Том не марнував на це часу. Tom wasted no time doing that. Tom didn't waste time on it. Натякніть мені. Give me a hint. Touch me. Ти огидний. You're filthy. You're disgusting. Думаю, я міг би їм допомогти. I suppose I could help them. I think I could help them. Я йду на роботу. I'm going to work. I'm going to work. Він дуже напився. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Том стверджує, що він задоволений. Tom claims that he's happy. Tom claims he's happy. Як ти зараз себе почуваєш? How do you feel now? How are you feeling now? Скільки у вашому класі хлопців? How many boys are there in your class? How many guys in your classroom? Це великі яблука. These apples are big. These are large apples. Вибирай ретельно подарунок. Choose a present carefully. Choose carefully. Я йду з нею. I'm walking with her. I'm going with her. Навіщо б тобі робити щось подібне? Why would you want to do something like that? Why would you do something like that? Найбагатша людина світу не могла б купити її кохання. The richest man in the world cannot buy her love. The world's richest man could not buy her love. Куди вони пішли? Where did they go? Where did they go? Чого ви від мене хочете? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Мені потрібні нові шини. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Відсутність новин - добра новина. No news is good news. The lack of news is good news. Чому ви запізнилися сьогодні вранці? Why were you late this morning? Why are you late this morning? Комп'ютери економлять нам час. Computers save us time. Computers save us time. Не переривайте нашу розмову. Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. Ти, очевидно, хворий. You're obviously sick. You're obviously sick. Ти був у Лондоні три рази. You've been to London three times. You were in London three times. Я повернуся. I'll come back. I'll be back. Том тебе не бачив. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Я ходжу повільно. I'm a slow walker. I walk slowly. Після фільму вони заснули. They fell asleep after the movie. After the film, they fell asleep. Я почав кашляти. I began coughing. I started coughing. Ми одружимося у червні. We will get married in June. We'll get married in June. Мені цікаво, чи Том поїхав із Бостона. I wonder whether Tom has left Boston or not. I wonder if Tom left Boston. Я кинув кості. I threw the dice. I threw the dice. У книжці бракувало кількох сторінок. The book was missing a few pages. The book lacked several pages. Я підняв монету. I picked up a coin. I raised a coin. Я маю йти на зустріч. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go to a meeting. Том ніколи не порушує обіцянок. Tom never breaks promises. Tom never breaks promises. Ми повинні себе захищати. We've got to protect ourselves. We have to protect ourselves. Ти знаєш, що Джамал та Сара не дуже ладнають між собою. You know that Jamal and Sarah don't get along with each other. You know Jamal and Sarah don't get along too well with each other. Кожен студент має власну парту. Each student has his own desk. Each student has his own desk. Я провела у потязі дванадцять годин. I spent twelve hours on the train. I spent twelve hours on the train. Я про це ще пошкодую. I won't regret it. I'll regret that. Я не переконана, що Том говорить правду. I'm not convinced that Tom is telling the truth. I'm not sure Tom's telling the truth. Це не ваша справа. None of your business. It's none of your business. Не йдіть. Don't leave. Don't go. У Тома немає спраги. Tom isn't thirsty. Tom has no thirst. Я навчився доїти корову. I learned to milk a cow. I learned to milk the cow. Я ситий. I am full. I'm fed up. Шкода, що я не багатий. I wish I were rich. Too bad I'm not rich. Новини її дуже засмутили. The news made her very sad. The news upsets her. У мене багато часу. I've got plenty of time. I've got a lot of time. З Новим роком! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Ти сам це побачиш. You'll see it for yourself. You'll see it yourself. Я ніколи нікого не вбивав. I've never killed anyone. I never killed anyone. Як вимовляється ваше ім'я? How is your first name pronounced? How's your name pronounced? Вона тримає квіти в руці. She has flowers in her hand. She holds the flowers in her hand. Ти вже з ним поговорив? Have you already talked to him? Have you talked to him yet? Ми звикли до цього. We're used to it. We're used to it. Старому вже за дев'яносто. The old man is above ninety. The old man is in his 90s. Ця кава така гаряча, що я не можу її пити. This coffee is so hot that I can't drink it. This coffee is so hot I can't drink it. Де ти це взяла? Where did you get that? Where did you get that? Ми закінчили? Are we finished? Are we done? Ви з Бостона? Are you from Boston? Are you from Boston? Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known her since 1990? У вас добре виходить робити це, чи не так? You're good at doing that, aren't you? You're good at doing it, aren't you? Ці яблука смачні. These apples are delicious. These apples are delicious. Можна мені взяти твоє пальто? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Не поділяю твого оптимізму. I don't share your optimism. I don't share your optimism. Том особливий. Tom is special. Tom is special. Ти не лікар. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Я боялася сказати ні. I was afraid to say no. I was afraid to say no. У неї червона кров. Her blood is red. She has red blood. Що сталось? What happened? What happened? Я винен тобі десять доларів. I owe you ten dollars. I owe you ten dollars. Слухати музику - мій улюблений спосіб відпочинку. Listening to music is my favourite relaxation. Listening to music is my favorite way to relax. Ми були готові атакувати. We were ready to attack. We were ready to attack. Коли святкування? When is the party? When's the celebration? Ти допомогла? Did you help? Did you help? Ти поліцейський? Are you a policeman? Are you a cop? Том не зробив нічого з того, що ми сказали йому зробити. Tom hasn't done anything we told him to do. Tom didn't do anything about what we told him to do. Ти його не побачила. You didn't see him. You didn't see him. Я знаю, що Том нам сказав неправду. I know that Tom has lied to us. I know Tom lied to us. Том чув, що Мері вийшла заміж. Tom heard that Mary got married. Tom heard Mary got married. Я багато чого дізналася. I learned a lot. I learned a lot. Скільки коштує ця парасоля? What's the price of this umbrella? How much is this umbrella worth? Вони обидва розміялися. They both laughed. They're both friends. Що сталося? What's the matter? What happened? Це можливо зробити. It's feasible. It can be done. Том думає, що Мері виснажена. Tom thinks Mary is exhausted. Tom thinks Mary's exhausted. Я не знав, що Том помер. I didn't know that Tom had died. I didn't know Tom was dead. Усі в класі Тома заразилися грипом. Everyone in Tom's class caught the flu. Tom's class had a flu. Пам'ятаєш, коли ти вперше почула Бітлз? Can you remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Remember when you first heard the Beatles? Том постраждав? Did Tom get hurt? Tom hurt? Я хочу, щоб ти прийшов на мою вечірку. I want you to come to my party. I want you to come to my party. Немає туалетного паперу. There is no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Слово - срібло, мовчання - золото. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. The word is silver, silence is gold. Будь ласка, посиди тут і почекай. Please sit here and wait. Please, sit here and wait. Я обожнюю цю футболку. I love that T-Shirt. I love that T-shirt. Пийте воду зі струмка. Drink water from a stream. Drink water from the stream. Я зазвичай більш зайнятий, ніж Том. I'm usually busier than Tom. I'm usually more busy than Tom. Я переїхав минулого місяця. I moved last month. I moved last month. Том, мабуть, все ще сердитиметься. Tom will probably still be mad. Tom must still be angry. Я поїду до аеропорту. I'm going to go to the airport. I'm going to the airport. Не зважай на її примхи. Don't pay any attention to her whims. Don't take her whims for granted. Я рада, що Том нам буде допомагати. I'm glad Tom is going to help us. I'm glad Tom will help us. Том буде тут з хвилини на хвилину. Tom will be here any minute now. Tom will be here any minute. Радий, що вони обоє в нашій команді. I'm glad they're both on our team. Glad they're both on our team. Де нам можна сісти? Where can we sit? Where can we sit? Ти любиш шоколадне молоко? Do you like chocolate milk? Do you love chocolate milk? Я завжди тримаю слово. I always keep my word. I always keep my word. Скільки це займає часу? How much time does it take? How long does it take? Томе, ти в порядку? Are you all right, Tom? Tom, are you okay? Я погана студентка. I'm a bad student. I'm a bad student. Я певен, що ми з Томом побачимося знову. I'm sure I'll see Tom again. I'm sure Tom and I'll see you again. Він нічого не підозрював. He didn't suspect anything. He didn't suspect anything. Я запросив її на побачення. I asked her out on a date. I invited her on a date. Ти японець? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Том виглядає наляканим. Tom seems very scared. Tom looks scared. Коли ти приїхав до Китаю? When did you come to China? When did you get to China? Ви схвалюєте те, чим займається Том? Do you approve of what Tom is doing? Do you approve of what Tom does? Том показав Мері будинок. Tom showed Mary around the house. Tom showed Mary the house. Приємно з вами познайомитися, Томе. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom. Nice to meet you, Tom. Це ідеальна нагода! It's the perfect opportunity! It's a perfect opportunity! Мені цікаво, чи Том сказав Мері, що вона мусить це зробити. I wonder whether Tom has told Mary she has to do that or not. I wonder if Tom told Mary she had to do it. Я не очікую від них перемоги. I don't expect them to win. I don't expect them to win. Я проспав. I overslept. I've overslept. Яким чином це моя провина? How is that my fault? How's that my fault? Стосовно Швейцарії, ви вже їздили туди взимку? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? About Switzerland, have you been there in winter? Я не знав, що Том знає французьку. I didn't know that Tom knew French. I didn't know Tom knew French. Стало краще. It's gotten better. It got better. Я вивчаю в'єтнамську мову. I am learning Vietnamese. I study Vietnamese. Я зустрінусь з Томом. I'll meet Tom. I'll meet Tom. Том хотів виплатити заборгованність по кредиту. Tom wanted to pay off his loan. Tom wanted to pay off the loan. Спробуйте подивитися на це з точки зору Тома. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Try to look at it from Tom's point of view. Вікно відкрилось. The window opened. The window opened. Ніхто так не вважає. Nobody thinks that. Nobody thinks that. Я зняла взуття. I took my shoes off. I took off my shoes. Допоможи мені. Give me a hand. Help me. Том не зміг знайти місця, щоб припаркуватися. Tom wasn't able to find a place to park. Tom couldn't find a seat to park. Ви будете щасливі. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Том мав досить хворобливий вигляд, коли я його бачила востаннє. Tom looked pretty sick the last time saw him. Tom was pretty sick-looking when I saw him last. Том все ще зустрічається з Мері? Is Tom still dating Mary? Tom still dating Mary? Ти навіть не посміхнувся. You didn't even smile. You didn't even smile. Ти коли-небудь був у Мадриді? Have you ever been to Madrid? Have you ever been to Madrid? Думаєш, ти кумедний? You think you're funny? You think you're funny? Я, як правило, працюю з дев'ятої до п'ятої. I usually work from nine to five. I usually work from nine to five. Дай-но я займуся цим разом із тобою. Let me do that with you. Let me handle this with you. Мері дивилася романтичну комедію. Mary watched a romantic comedy. Mary watched a romantic comedy. Хапайте його! Seize him! Grab him! Хтось постукав у двері Тома. Someone knocked on Tom's door. Someone knocked on Tom's door. Том такий мудак. Tom is such a twat. Tom is such an asshole. Бажаєте ще картопляного пюре? Would you like more mashed potatoes? Would you like some more potatoes? Том сидів. Tom is an ex-convict. Tom was sitting. Том має вуса. Tom has a mustache. Tom has a mustache. В мене є до тебе три питання. I have three questions for you. I have three questions for you. Я зустрічав Тома кілька разів. I've met Tom on several occasions. I met Tom several times. Ви використовуєте текстовий процесор? Do you use a word processor? Are you using a word processor? Том та Мері роблять багато чого разом. Tom and Mary do lots of things together. Tom and Mary do a lot together. Будь ласка, посунься. Please budge up. Please move. Що ви робите цього вечора? What are you going to do this evening? What are you doing tonight? Навіщо ти пофарбував лавку в червоний колір? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Ні, це не мій будинок. No, that's not my house. No, it's not my house. Ви вільно говорите французькою, так? You're fluent in French, right? You speak French freely, right? Як забажаєте. As you wish. As you wish. Том та Мері обоє будуть там. Tom and Mary will both be there. Tom and Mary will both be there. Ти не вмієш говорити французькою, правда? You don't speak French, do you? You can't speak French, can you? Ви не така. You are different. You're not that kind. Пішли додому. Let's go home. Let's go home. Я привіталася з Томом. I greeted Tom. I said hi to Tom. Том зняв своб обручку. Tom took his wedding ring off. Tom took his wedding ring off. Я організую вам сніданок. I'll fix you breakfast. I'll fix you breakfast. Том слухав. Tom listened. Tom listened. Хто розбив це вiкно? Who broke this window? Who broke it off? Твої ідеї дещо застарілі. Your ideas are a little antiquated. Your ideas are a bit out of date.