Kanada Şimali Amerikada yerləşir. Canada is located in North America. Canada is in the middle of the United States. O qapını döydü. She knocked on the door. He's gone. Aleksandr meydanı Berlinin mərkəzində yerləşir. Alexanderplatz is in the center of Berlin. Alpha is in the area of Bergen. Şri Lanka gözəl adadır. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Sənin üçün pis xəbərim var. I have bad news for you. I have good news for you. O hazır olmayacaq. She won't be ready. She's not ready. Kiminsə fit çaldığını eşitdim. I heard someone whistle. I heard someone say that I had heard. Milliyyətiniz nədir? What is your nationality? What is your nature? Cudi sabah Yaponiya haqqında danışacaq. Judy will talk about Japan tomorrow. He will speak about the morning morning. Sən bunu edə bilərsən, ya yox? Can you do it or can't you? You can't do that, right? Qazaxıstan Mərkəzi Asiyanın inkişaf etmiş ölkələrindən biridir. Kazakhstan is one of the developed countries in Central Asia. An outstanding example of a man who cultivated such a good reputation was that of turning water into wine at a wedding feast. Otelə getməkçün taksi tut. Take a taxi to the hotel. Keep walking with the hotel. Sən indi bişirirsən. You're cooking now. You're going to eat now. Mən bayquş deyiləm! I am not an owl! I'm not a fish! Gələn ay mən burada olmayacam. I won't be here next month. I'm not going to be here a month. Kahı almaq yadından çıxıb. You forgot to buy lettuce. Get out of the breakfast. Mən müqəddəs deyiləm. I'm no saint. I am not holy. Mənə yalvarmağa məcbur deyilsən. You don't have to beg me. I didn’t want to apologize. O Çin vətəndaşıdır. He's a citizen of China. He's Chinese. Pandalar ancaq Çində yaşayır. Panda bears live only in China. It's only in China. Bu sizinkidir? Is it yours? Is that yours? Sən cəsursan. You're brave. You're crazy. Mən kişiyəm. I'm a man. I'm not. Bu da almadır. This is an apple, too. That's what you're gonna get. Tülkü görürsən? Do you see a fox? Do you see it? Mənim üç uşağım var. I have three children. I have three children. Sənin qanın qırmızıdır. Your blood is red. Your blood is poured out, and your blood is poured out to you. ” Toma deyin ki, bu bir səhv idi. Tell Tom it was a mistake. Tom, tell me that this was a mistake. Onlar müharibənin tezliklə sona çatmasını istəyirdilər. They wanted the war to end quickly. They longed for the end of war. Kəşfiyyatçılar nəhayət ki öz məqsədlərinə çatdılar. The explorers finally reached their goal. Those who went to church like to have their own way of life for a while have a full share in the preaching work. Marsda həyat var? Is there life on Mars? Mary's life? Andorrada katalon dili danışılır. Catalan is spoken in Andorra. In Ecuador, there are a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the whole country. Mən körpə deyiləm. I'm not a baby. I'm not a child. Təşəkkür edirəm! Thank you! Thank you! Mən əslən Çindənəm. I'm originally from China. I'm really Chinese. O Şri Lanka haqqında yazır. She writes about Sri Lanka. She wrote about Sri Lanka. Bakı Dövlət Universitetində psixologiya oxuyuram. I study psychology in Baku State University. I learned to accept any sort of work, and we cut down on all unnecessary expenses. Tom başını qırxdı. Tom shaved his head. Tom was born in the middle of the world. Mən kimyaya nifrət edirəm. I hate chemistry. I hate it. Qrenlandiyada nə qədər eskimos yaşayır? How many Eskimos live in Greenland? How old is our past? Dilin mənşəyi haqqında çoxlu nəzəriyyələr var, amma əslində heç kəs dəqiq bilmir. There are lots of theories about the origins of language, but, in fact, no one really knows. There are many examples of how a language can be used, but most of us do not know. Mən onun kimi deyiləm! I'm not like him! I'm not like him! O, Çindən qayıtdı. He returned from China. He moved to China. Oreqon Vaşinqtonun cənubunda yerləşir. Oregon is just south of Washington. The area is located in the middle of the middle of the 20th century. İtaliya Avropadadır. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. Mən deməli olduğumu demişəm. I've said what I had to say. I didn't know I was. Yay və payız dostdurlar. Summer and Autumn are friends. Close friends and close friends. Bu zooparkda neçə panda var? How many pandas are there in this zoo? How many things are there in this chromo? Sən sakitləşənə kimi mən nə baş verdiyini sənə deməyəcəm. I'm not going to tell you what happened until you calm down. I will make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. Onun açıq yaşıl lifçikdən xoşu gəlir. She likes the light green bra. He loves his wife’s spiritual brothers and sisters, and he wants to share in the ministry as much as possible. O, məni dəli etdi. That made me mad. He invited me to his home for a meal. İtaliya üçün darıxıram. I miss Italy. Italy is forced to flee. Bu işi çətinləşdirir. That is complicating the matter. It's difficult to do it. Qoca kişi keçən həftə öldü. The old man died last week. The man was killed last week after he died. İsa onlara cavab verdi. Jesus answered them. Jesus answered them. Əgər istəyisinizsə bir müddət burada qala bilərsiniz. You can stay here for a while if you want to. If you want to, you can stay here for a while. Marsa xoş gəlmişsiniz! Welcome to Mars! You were welcome! Biz əkizlərik. We're twins. We are proud of you. Bir həftədə yeddi gün var. A week has seven days. It's been seven weeks a week. Siz məni həmişə təəccübləndirirsiniz. You always surprise me. You always care about me. Südünü iç. Drink your milk. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Onlar alma yeyirlər. They're eating apples. They did not get it. Əlbəttə! Definitely! Yes, indeed! Çalışıram ki, bunun haqqında düşünməyim. I try not to think about it. You know, I don't think about it. Balqabaq əkirsiniz? Do you plant pumpkins? Are you making a living? Yaponiya sürprizlərlə doludur! Japan is full of surprises! What a privilege it is to be part of Jehovah’s organization! Çinə xoş gəlmişsiniz! Welcome to China! Welcome to China! O kimdir? Who's he? Who is he? Köçəri quşlar cənuba uçurlar. Migrating birds are flying south. The crowd spread their outer garments as well as tree branches on the road. Onun saçı uzundur. Her hair is long. It's his hair. Tom səni hamıdan çox sevir. Tom likes you more than anybody else. Tom loved you very much. Mən özbəkcə danışıram. I speak Uzbek. I'm not talking about my own business. Mən elə bilirdim ki, Tom məktəbdədir. I thought Tom was at school. I knew that I had to attend Gilead School. Əgər o həqiqəti bilsəydi, mənə deyərdi. If he'd known the truth, he'd have told me. If he spoke the truth, he would say to me. Tom banka getməlidir. Tom has to go to the bank. Tom should go to the bank. Mən çayda çimirəm. I am swimming in a river. I'm in the bathroom. Səndən bunu gözləmirdim. I didn't expect this from you. I didn’t expect you to. O, bu yük maşınını Polşadan aldı. He bought this truck from Poland. He took this burden from Poland. İslandiyada təxminən 320000 nəfər adam yaşayır. İslandiyanın paytaxtı Reykyavikdir. About 320,000 people live in Iceland. The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik. It is estimated that some 300,000 people live in the middle of World War II. O valehedicidir! She's adorable! That's it! Xahiş edirəm mənə de, sənin problemin nədir? Please tell me what your problem is? What is my problem with you? Mən bilmirəm sən niyə belə narahatsan. I don't know why you're so worried. I don't know why you don't. Güclü külək əsməyə başladı. A strong wind began to blow. It was starting to sink into the ground. Ondan nümunə götür. Take a leaf out of his book. Imitate her example. Onlar pəncərədir. Those are windows. They're the window. Limonlu çay, zəhmət olmasa. A tea with lemon, please. It's not the tea, it's not. Braziliya böyük ölkədir. Brazil is a big country. The country is largely great. Mənim iki uşağım var. I have two children. I have two children. Qan qırmızıdır. Blood is red. It's red. Tom həbsxanada deyil. Tom isn't in jail. Tom is not in the middle of the world. İşi onun üçün qürur mənbəyidir. His work is a source of pride for him. It is a work that brings him deep satisfaction. Onlar nə planlaşdırırlar? What're they planning? What are they? O Belçikada təhsil alıb. She studied in Belgium. She went to school in Beverly. Deyilənə görə qıjıların çiçəyi olur. They say that ferns can have flowers. It's going to be a squirrel. Kitabı ört. Close your book. It's a book. Bəhreyn 2002-ci ildə krallıq oldu. Bahrain became a kingdom in 2002. In 2002, he became king. Con cibindən bir açar çıxardı. John took a key out of his pocket. It's a key to the key. Mən artıq "yox" dedim. I've already said no. I said, "It's too late." Anana qulaq as! Listen to your mother! Listen to her mother! Mən güzgüdə öz əksimi gördüm. I saw my reflection in the mirror. I've seen that I'm sorry about myself. Mən ödəyərdim. I would've paid. I did. Kosovo 2016 Olimpiya Oyunlarında iştirak edəcək. Kosovo will participate in the Olympic Games 2016. Kosovo will be present in 2016. Bu günkü imtahana yaxşı hazırlaşmısanmı? Are you well prepared for today's exam? Are you ready to face this trial successfully? Mən almanam. I am German. I can't. Mən bugün məktəbə getmirəm. I'm not going to school today. I'm going to go to school today. Katolik dəyiləm. I'm not Catholic. I'm a priest. O Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır. She lives in New York. He's in the Oscar. Yaşıldır. It's green. He's old. Sofiya Bolqarıstanın paytaxtıdır. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria. Scully, Saudi Arabia is the capital of Spain. Tom mənimlə idi. Tom was with me. Tom was my brother. O, maşını yuyur. He washes the car. He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain Tom səhlənkar sürücüdür. Tom is a careless driver. It's a symptom. Səhvə görə mən məsuliyyət daşıyıram. I am responsible for the mistake. I am responsible for my own mistakes. Onlar kəndi su ilə təmin etdilər. They supplied the village with water. They cared for the city’s inhabitants. Qız kimi görünən oğlan budur. This is the boy who looks like a girl. As a young girl, she felt that it was her way of life. Pişik süd içir. The cat drinks milk. She's gonna have a drink. Xahiş edirəm, ölmə! Please don't die! Please, I'm dead! Biz Macarıstanda yaşayırıq. We live in Hungary. We're in Macau. Bu arfadır. This is a harp. That's legal. Otuz yaşım var. I am 30 years old. You're young. Bu gün biraz gecikəcəm. I'll be a little late today. I'll be a little late today. İtin əlimi dişlədi. Your dog bit my hand. My hand was broken. Siz artıq unutmusunuz. You've already forgotten. You don't forget now. Bu qu quşu qaradır. This swan is black. That's what's happening. Mən səndən daha yaxşıyam. I'm better than you. I'm better than you. Oğlanın cibində alma var. The boy has an apple in his pocket. He's got to take his sister's blood. İstəmirəm ki, məni çılpaq görəsən. I don't want you to see me naked. I want you to see me. Hamı yalan danışır. Everybody lies. Every lie. Məndən uzaq dur. Keep away from me. Stay away from me. Hörümçəklərin də sevgiyə ehtiyacı var. Spiders need love too. Such love requires that we also be willing to show love to those who are in need. O bizim sürücümüzdür. He is our driver. It's our car. Bermud üçbucağı müəmmalı bir yerdir. Bermuda triangle is a mysterious place. It's a place where there's a three-year-old place. Gəl, televizora baxaq. Let's watch TV. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Özündən utanmalısan. You should be ashamed of yourself. You shouldn't be ashamed of it. İsa Betlehəmdə doğulub. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. O Londonda yaşayır. She lives in London. He's in London. Günəş batır. The sun is setting. It's blue. Quql Transleyt cümlələri tərcümə edə bilməz və ya ayrı-ayrı sözlərin mənalarını verə bilməz. Google Translate can't translate phrases or give definitions of individual words. It can't be translated into English, or it can't be able to read the words in a different context. Payız mənim sevimli fəslimdir. Autumn is my favorite season. It's my favorite love. O, lüğətdən istifadə etdi. He used the dictionary. He applied the lessons he learned. Biz yenə görüşəcəyik. We will meet again. We'll see you again. Qadın olmadığım üçün xoşbəxtəm. I'm glad I'm not a woman. I am happy because I am not a woman. Nəhayət! Finally! Hey, hey! Mən bu sözü anlamıram. I don't understand this word. I don't say that. Mənim qara gözlərim var. I have black eyes. I've got a look. Evə getmək vaxtım gəlib. I think it's time for me to go home. I came home late. O radio satır. He sells radios. He's on the radio. Həyat davam edir. Life goes on. Life is going on. Biz Tomla əlaqə saxlamırıq. We're not in touch with Tom. We don't get close to Tom. Den çox qayğıkeş bir ata idi. Dan was a very caring father. Despite many years of cruel persecution, first by the Nazi Devil and his demons, Enoch maintained his integrity to God. İran ərazisinin böyüklüyünə görə dünyada on səkkizinci yeri tutur. Iran is the eighteenth largest country in the world. The size of the country is about ten times the size of the country’s population. O birinci yox, ikincidir. He's not first but second. It's not the first, not the first. Bu sizin vertolyotunuzdur? Is it your helicopter? Is that your gift? O sənin bıçağın deyil. That is not your knife. It's not yours. Onlar bütün gecə boyu rəqs etdilər. They danced all night long. They spent all night long. Onlar hələ bizimlə əlaqə saxlamayıblar. They haven't contacted us yet. They didn’t even have a relationship with us. Müharibə dörd il çəkmişdi. The war had lasted four years. Four years later, we were asked to help other congregations farther north. Yunanlar da tez-tez balıq yeyirlər. The Greeks also eat fish often. The Greek Jews often fell into fish. Otaqdakı hər kəs Tomu tanıdı. Everyone in the room recognized Tom. Each of us knew Tom in that room. Den itləri sakitləşdirdi. Dan quieted the dogs. His fears were well - founded, but Abraham did not let such concerns cause him to lose his joy. Mən heç vaxt İspaniyada olmamışam. Amma İtaliyada olmuşam. I've never been to Spain. However, I have been in Italy. I have never been in Spain, but I have been in Italy. Hitomini sevirəm. I love Hitomi. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Eyni şeyin yenə baş verməyəcəyini hardan bilirsən? How do you know the same thing won't happen again? Do you know what would happen again that would happen? Gəlməyəcəyəm. I will not come. We will not be able to do that perfectly. Ad günün mübarək Rumıniya! Happy Birthday, Romania! On the Day of Judgment! Pivə butulkaları şüşədən hazırlanır. Beer bottles are made of glass. Pilgrims are ready to be prepared. Bibim Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır. My aunt lives in New York. My grandfather is in South Korea. Çətirlərimiz harada? Where are our umbrellas? Where are we going? Mən yazı sevirəm. I love spring. I love it. Sən mənim dediklərimə fikir vermirsən. Sənin fikrin başqa yerdədir. You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. Your mind is elsewhere. You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God. ” Çəhrayı qızlar üçündür. Pink is for girls. It's for girls. Mənimlə gəl! Come with me! Come with me! Sürücü sürətini artırdı. The driver increased his speed. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Onun pulu yox idi. She had no money. He had no money. Hər çayın bir mənbəyi var. Every river has a source. There's a lot of tea. Mən agent deyiləm. I'm not a spy. I don't give up. Siz Ermənistana nə vaxt gedəcəksiniz? When will you go to Armenia? When will you be resurrected? Kitabın dəyəri beş dollardır. The cost of the book is five dollars. The book has five thousand dollars. Qılınc istəyirəm! I want a sword! I don't want it! Tom əvvəllər əsgər idi. Tom used to be a soldier. Tom was a man of old. Sən yoldaşımsan? Are you my friend? Are you my wife? O daha da sərbəst olmaq istəyir. She wants to be more independent. He wants more. Mən sənin istədiyini edə bilmərəm. I can't do what you want. I can't want you to. Hipotenuzun kvadratı digər iki tərəfin kvadratları cəminə bərabərdir. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It's the same thing as the two sides of your body. Çiçək sarıdır. The flower is yellow. It's sweet. Toy deyir ki, bu təcilidir. Tom says it's urgent. Too says, that's important. Kiprdə minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Cyprus? How much money is really worth it? Ey, qulaq as! Hey, listen! O Jehovah, listen to me, and obey my voice. Yunanıstan Avropa ölkəsidir. Greece is an European country. Greece is a European country. Mən çox unutqanam. I'm very forgetful. I forgot so much. Biz kartof supu yedik. We ate potato soup. We ate a card. Heç vaxt düşünməzdim ki, səni yenidən görə bilərəm. I never thought I'd ever see you again. I never thought that I could see you again. Mən velosiped sürməyə üstünlük verirəm. I prefer to ride a bike. I'm trying to walk on the street. Biz qərara gələ bilmirik. We can't make up our mind. We cannot make decisions for ourselves. Sizin müəlliminiz kimdir? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Erməni dilində Ermənistana Hayastan deyirlər. Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian. SOME people say that they speak the language of life. Tom ağlamır. Tom does not cry. Tom doesn't cry. Yetişmiş papayadan qusuntu iyi gəlir. Ripe papaya smells like vomit. He's better off the pig. Valideynlərim nəvə istəyirlər. My parents want grandchildren. My parents really want to. Qatar 30 dəqiqə gecikir. The train is 30 minutes late. It's about 30 hours late. Marsın neçə peyki var? How many moons does Mars have? How many things do you have? Bu cümlə doğrumu, müəllim? Is this sentence correct, teacher? Is it true, right? Tom Avstraliyadadır. Tom is in Australia. Tom is in Australia. Tələbələr sinifdədirlər. The students are in the classroom. The school is in high school. Adolfo Boliviyadandır. O boliviyalıdır. Adolfo is from Bolivia. He is Bolivian. Alpha is from Bulgaria, and he is an colonomist. Hər bir insan ölməlidir. Every man must die. All humans are subject to death. Allah hər yerdədir. God is everywhere. God is everywhere. Mən yoldaşınammı? Am I your friend? Should I not? Əlbəttə. Certainly. Yes, it is. Bu onundur, elə deyil? It's his, isn't it? That's not him, isn't it? Sıfır birdən əvvəl gəlir. Zero comes before one. Before long, though, we may need to keep in mind another person’s needs. Prezidentin planı nədir? What is the president's plan? What's your plan? Bunu mənə göndər. Send it to me. Send this to me. Mənim valideynlərim dəlidirlər. My parents are crazy. My favorite scripture is this: “I am not afraid of you, for I have found peace. Bürc Xəlifə hal-hazırda dünyada ən hündür göydələndir. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The U.S. is the most powerful one in the universe. Mənim adım Cekdir. My name is Jack. It's my name. Məni onların yanına aparmağınızı istəyirəm. I want you to take me to them. I want them to come to me. Evdə heç kim yox idi. Nobody was home. There was no one at home in the home. Mən artıq yorulmuşdum. I was already tired. I'm tired. Afrika ölkə deyil. Africa is not a country. Africa is not Africa. Tom Merini öldürdü. Tom killed Mary. Mary Mary's dead. Mən lazanyanı sevirəm. I love lasagna. I love it. İnsanlar əbədi yaşaya bilmirlər. People can't live forever. Humans cannot live forever. Mən yaxşıyam. I'm OK. I'm fine. Biz Tomu tutduq. We caught Tom. We're Tomo. Yoxlayın onları. Examine them. Don't touch them. Mənim on üç yaşım var ikən bir xəstəxanada üç ay keçirdim. I spent three months in a hospital when I was thirteen. When I was ten years old, I was only three months old. Tom məndən işim barədə soruşdu. Tom asked me about my job. Tom asked me about my work. Qışda qar yağır. In winter it snows. It's rainy green. Bu açarlar mənim deyil. These keys are not mine. These are not my keys. Dünən meyvə və tərəvəz almaq üçün getdiyim supermarketdə bir ispan mahnısı səslənirdi. A Spanish song was playing in the supermarket where I went to buy fruits and vegetables yesterday. When I arrived at the Kingdom Hall in a town where I was born, a Spanish - speaking group was formed with a Spanish - speaking group. O Mərakeşdə yaşayır. He lives in Morocco. It's in the middle. Almaları sevirəm. I love apples. Love is not jealous. Sənin haqqında danışıram. I'm talking about you. I'm not talking about you. O sandviç yeyirdi. She was eating a sandwich. He was a correlator. Həkim deyiləm. I'm not a doctor. I don't think so. Tom cavandır. Tom is young. Tom was an early age. O alma istəyir. He wants an apple. He wants to take it. Polşada indi nə baş verir? What's happening now in Poland? What happens at the police station? Minnesotada insanlar gülərüzlüdürlər. People in Minnesota are nice. People in Minnesota are fun. Bu Kopakabanadır. This is Copacabana! That's the Couple. Bu çox çətin imtahandır. This is a very difficult exam. It is a very difficult situation. Təbii olaraq. Naturally. It's done. Tom pəncərəni kimin sındırdığını bilir. Tom knows who broke the window. Tom knows who's shot. O taqətdən düşüb. He's dead-tired. He lost his livelihood. Portuqaliyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Portugal? How far - reaching is the truth in Poland? Axır ki! Finally! Finally! Çörək təzə deyil. The bread is not fresh. It's not new. Şükür ki! Finally! Thank you! Bu kitabı oxuyun! Read this book! This book has been published! Mən də alma xoşlayıram. I also like apples. I can't take it too. Şadam ki, yaxşısan. I'm glad you're okay. I guess you're good. Qoca ötən həftə öldü. The old man died last week. The last week of the week. Bütün heyvanlar bərabərdir. All animals are equal. All animals are equal. Divan almaq istərdim. I would like to buy a sofa. I'd like to get it. Bir mahnı oxudum. I sang a song. I read a book. Sizdən yaxşı diplomat olardı. You would make a good diplomat. It'll be better than you. Tom qəhrəman deyil. Tom is not a hero. Tom is not an expert in the modern - day history of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Uşaqlarımı düşünürəm. I am thinking about my children. I think of my children. Bu yapalaq idi. That was an eagle owl. That's what we did. Film saat onda başlayır. The movie starts at ten o'clock. It's about an hour. Maşının var? Do you have a car? Your family? Kömək etməyə şad olarıq. We'll be happy to help. The joy we have is due, in large part, to the fine examples that were set Mən island dilini öyrənirəm. I'm learning Icelandic. I have learned a new language. Almanı kim oğurladı? Who stole the apple? Who was the German? Bu onların yeridir. This is their place. It's theirs. Bu lüğət bahalıdır. This dictionary is expensive. That's right. Münasibətiniz necədir? What's your opinion? How do you feel about being part of the long line of faithful witnesses? O onlara yaponca necə danışmağı öyrədir. He teaches them how to speak Japanese. He teaches them how to do so. Burada iqlim Moskvaya nisbətən daha mülayimdir. The climate here is milder than in Moscow. Now, let's say it's kind of kind of kind of kind of kindness here here. Onun üç qardaşı var. She has three brothers. He has three brothers. Bill Yaponiyada idi. Bill was in Japan. Kevin was not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Salvador Dali ispan rəssamı idi. Salvador Dalí was a Spanish artist. I was the first of eight children to be sent to El Salvador. Yerusəlim yəhudilərin müqəddəs şəhəridir. Jerusalem is the Holy City of the Jews. The city was holy in the eyes of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Onun yeni kompyuteri var? Does she have a new computer? He's got a new computer? Tomun getməyə yeri yox idi. Tom had no place to go. Tom had no place to move to where the need was greater. Burada kişilərin çoxu hər gün qalstuk taxır. Most men here wear ties every day. Today, most people are distracted by world conditions or by a pursuit of their own interests. Ona paxıllıqla baxma. Don't look at her enviously. Take care of him. Tom itə bir tikə ət verdi. Tom gave the dog a piece of meat. Tom made a list of things he did not know to be a perfect man. Minnesota haradadır? Where's Minnesota? It's in Minnesota? Qızın bir siçanı var. The girl has a mouse. You have a girl's bag. Bəs sən? And you? What about you? Onun qəlbi qırıqdır. His heart is broken. His heart is steadfast. Tom tabutun içinə baxdı. Tom looked into the coffin. Tom looked at the box. Mənim anam Tomun anasını tanıyır. My mother knows Tom's mother. My mom's my mother's mother's mother. Çin Pakistanla, Hindistanla, Əfqanıstanla, Tacikistanla, Qırğızıstanla, Qazaxıstanla, Şimali Koreya ilə, Laosla, Viyetnamla, Nepalla, Butanla, Myanmayla, Monqolustanla və Rusiya ilə həmsərhəddir. China shares borders with Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Mongolia and Russia. China with China, China, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, and the Alliance of the Lord, and the Lord of the Universe. Tom həmişə dərsə gecikir. Tom is always late to class. Tom always wakes up at night. Tomu evə apar! Take Tom home. Get home! Astana Qazaxıstanın paytaxtıdır. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. As a result of the war in the U.S. Supreme Court of Human Rights, U.S.A., it was a place of great rejoicing. Bu alma şirindir. This apple is sweet. It's a favor to buy it. Maşın istəyirsən? Do you want a car? Your family? Onlar məşğul idilər. They were busy. They were busy. Moqadişo Somalinin paytaxtıdır. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia. Oscar is an important part of the chromosome. Meri Macarıstanda idi. Mary was in Hungary. Mary was only ten years old at the time. Səni heç kim heç nəyə məcbur etmir. Nobody's forcing you to do anything. Nothing can stop you from taking a false step. Mayuko taqətdən düşmüşdü. Mayuko was dead tired. In time, I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Gəl, çimərliyə gedək. Let's go to the beach. We would not want to make it difficult for fellow believers to heed that counsel. Bu gəmiyə yeni kapitan lazımdır. This ship needs a new captain. This ship must be a new door. Onlar silahlı. They're armed. They're armed. Şir nərildəyir. The lion roars. What's going on. Mən su içmirəm. I don't drink water. I'm drinking. Onlar burada meyvə yetişdirirlər. They grow fruit here. They produce fruit here. Allah Ukraynanı qorusun! God save Ukraine! Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. Tomun burnu qırmızı idi. Tom's nose was red. Tom’s hair was white. Mən hər gün futbol oynayıram. I play soccer every day. I can still hear the music every day. Qəhvəyə nifrət edirəm. I hate coffee. I hate it. Bir saniyə gözlə. Wait a second. Wait a minute. Bəzən mən onu başa düşmürəm. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don’t understand him. O klaustrofobiyadan əziyyət çəkir. She suffers from claustrophobia. He suffered from a heart attack. Mən müəllim idim. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Bu ev çox böyükdür, elə deyil? This house is very big, isn't it? It's a very big house, isn't it? Mən irlandca danışıram. I speak Irish. I'm talking about it. Bu gözəl bir çiçəkdir. This is a beautiful flower. This is a beautiful example. O, qolf klubunun üzvüdür. He's a member of the golf club. He is a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. İçməməyə qərar verdim. I decided not to drink. I decided to drink. Yerusəlim İsrailin paytaxtıdır. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is the center of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. Bağışla məni. Forgive me. Don't worry about it. Sənin yerində olsaydım bunu etməzdim. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were in your place. İndi hər kəs buradadır. Everyone is here now. Everyone's here now. O, emalatxanadan qayıtdı. He returned from the workshop. He had a well - paying job that he made for his family. Meri dələlər haqqında kitab yazdı. Mary wrote a book about squirrels. Mary also wrote a letter about Mary. Bu bizim əsas hədəfimizdir. This is our primary target. That is our primary concern. Badımcan, kök, pomidor. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. I don't know. Sənin yoldaşın burada. Your friend is here. You're here. Meri uşaq paltarı toxuyur. Mary is sewing baby clothes. Mary put herself in a position to be well - dressed. Mən yoxlamamışam. I haven't tried. I did not find it easy to stop smoking. Bu çox maraqlı hekayədir. This is a very interesting story. It's interesting. Bu yer boşdur? Is this seat free? Is this empty? Sənin sevimli mahnın hansıdır? What is your favourite song? What is your favorite song? Mənə üç ay ver. Give me three months. Give me three months. Qapını açın! Unlock the door. Open your mouth! Qırmızı sənin rəngin deyil. Red is not your colour. The colour is not yours. O barədə düşünməməyə çalışıram. I'm trying not to think about that. I don’t want to talk about it. İsa səni sevir. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you. Siz heç ingiliscə danışa bilirsiniz? Can you speak English at all? Don't you know what you're talking about? Birdən fren etmə. Don't brake suddenly. Do not give up. Mən tamamilə razıyam. I totally agree. I'm totally right. O avtobus sürücüsüdür. He is a bus driver. It's a automount. Mən islan dilini başa düşürəm, amma danışa bilmirəm. I can understand Icelandic, but I can't speak it. I understand my language, but I still understand what it means to speak it. Vodka hanı? Where's the vodka? Vodder? Məktəbə getmək istəyirəm. I want to go to school. I want to go home. İngilis dili beynəlxalq dildir. English is an international language. English is the English language. Bu stol təmizdir. This table is clean. It's clean. Onlar bu planeti "Yer" adlandırırlar. They call this planet 'Earth'. They're called the Earth. Biz müharibə elan etdik. We declared war. We were wary of war. Bu kənd İsveç kralına məxsusdur. This village belongs to the king of Sweden. This city is the king of England. Bıçağım sınıb. My knife is broken. I'm a pig. Mənimlə danışma! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! Hətta Tom da onu bilir. Even Tom knows that. Tom even knew him. O İspaniyaya gedib. He has gone to Spain. She moved to Spain. Niyə Bostona getmədiniz? Why didn't you go to Boston? Could not close temporary folder: %s Biz Avstraliyanı sevirik. We love Australia. We love Australia. Bu cümlə yeddi sözdən ibarətdir. This sentence is composed of seven words. The seven words of this prophecy apply to seven shepherds. Bəzi qızlar tennis oynayırdılar. Some girls were playing tennis. Some of the girls had a taste of the body. Çox dəfə buradayam. I'm often here. I'll be here often. Portağal şirəsi istərdim. I'd like orange juice. I'd like to be a cop. Kitablarınızı açın. Open your books. Open your books. Münasibətiniz necədir? What is your opinion? How do you feel about being part of the long line of faithful witnesses? Salam, bu Maykdır. Hello, this is Mike. Peace, this is Memo. Otaq qaranlıq idi. The room was dark. It was dark. Sizin ətiniz var. You have meat. You have yours. O bizim komandamızda ən dəyərli oyunçudur. He is the most valuable player in our team. He is the most precious Person in our universe. Siz Sankt Peterburqda yaşyırsınız. You live in St. Petersburg. You are young when you get older. Tom veb kamera aldı. Tom bought a webcam. Tom had a camera. Müzakirə etməli heç nə yoxdur. There's nothing to discuss. There is no need to worry about what might happen in the future. Onlar Allaha inanırlar. They believe in God. They have faith in God. Soğanı əlavə et. Add the onion. Just add it to the table. Litvaya gedək? Shall we go to Lithuania? Let's go to Liva? Ürəyinin səsinə qulaq as. Follow your heart. Hear the voices. Zəhmət olmasa, mənə bir fincan çay gətir. Please bring me a cup of tea. If it's not bad, give me a cup of tea. Uşaqlar velosipedlərini sürürlər. The children are riding their bikes. They're pissing their children. Biz onu heç yerdə tapa bilmirik. We can't find him anywhere. We cannot find him. Çox yaxşı, siz kimsiniz? Very well, who are you? Very good, who are you? Məncə tələssən yaxşı olardı. I think that it would be better if you hurried. I'm good at it. Siz qapını açırsınız. You open the door. You're hungry. O məni anladı. He understood me. He realized me. Anan evə gələndə danlanacaqsan. You'll be scolded when your mother comes home. If you're home, you're gonna get home. Xəbər bütün Yaponiyaya yayıldı. The news spread all over Japan. The whole family enjoyed his visits because he was joyful and had a good sense of humor. Səmaya bax. Look at the sky. Look at this. Pisə doğru gedir. It gets worse. It's right. Bu hansı dildir? What language is this? What is this language? Kosovo indi müstəqil ölkədir. Kosovo is now an independent country. Kosovo is now in a country where there is a greater need for more Kingdom preachers. Atam niyə mətbəxdədir? Why is my dad in the kitchen? Why does a loving father honor his son? Siqaret çəkirsiniz? Do you smoke? Are you crazy? Mən Yaponiyaya iki il əvvəl gəlmişəm. I came to Japan two years ago. I returned to Italy two years ago. Bu, gümüş sikkədir. This is a silver coin. This is a symbol of the Golden Rule. Mənim atam fabrikdə işləyir. My father works at a factory. My father was an atheist. Restoran nə vaxt açılır? When does the restaurant open? When does it occur? Ermənistan Avropa Birliyinin üzvüdür? Is Armenia a member of the European Union? ARE you a member of Europe? Axırda biz birbirimizə aşiq olduq. We ended up falling in love with each other. Eventually, we came to love each other. Bizim toyumuz sabahdır. Our wedding is tomorrow. Our group's early morning. Bizim riyaziyyat müəllimimiz lövhədə bir çevrə çəkdi. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. We were able to study English with one of the most experienced teachers of the country. O, saçını düzəltdi. She smoothed her hair. He put his hair in his hair. Vikipediyaya xoş gəlmişsiniz. Welcome to Wikipedia. It was a pleasure to visit the branch office and to see the Witnesses there. Estoniyanın öz himni var. Estonia has its own national anthem. You've got your own self-defension. Sən əti duzladın. You salted the meat. You're sorry. O, düz saat yeddidə evə gəldi. He got home at seven sharp. He returned home just seven hours in the morning. O oturub kitab oxuyurdu. He was sitting and reading a book. She wrote a book entitled The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Sənsiz mən heç nəyəm. Without you I am nothing. I have no idea what you are doing. Şəhərdə yaşamaq istəyirəm. I want to live in the city. I want to live in peace. Sən mənə atanı xatırladırsan. You remind me of your father. You remind me of your father. Con dünən Fransaya yola düşdü. John left for France yesterday. Rutherford, who was then taking the lead in the preaching work. Sarımsaq xoşlayıram. I love garlic. I can't sleep. Fars körfəzi İran və Ərəbistan yarımadasının arasında yerləşir. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran (Persia) and the Arabian Peninsula. The Federation between Italy and Italy is between the western part of Turkey and the half half. Mən müəlliməm. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. Payızda yarpaqlar tökülür. Leaves fall in the autumn. It's on the pigs. Müharibə 1954-də sona çatdı. The war ended in 1954. At the end of the summer, 1954 was finally finished. Liviyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Libya? How far - reaching is the truth in Lebanon? Onların toyu sabahdır. Their wedding is tomorrow. Theirs is the morning. Sən qapını açırsan. You open the door. You have sayings of everlasting life. Mən iş axtarıram. I'm looking for a job. I can't work. Vodka haradadır? Where is the vodka? Vodjad? Şimali Dakotada turizm yaxşı inkişaf etməyib. There is little tourism in North Dakota. In South America, there is a great need for self - sacrifice. Tom soğan xoşlamır. Tom doesn't like onions. Tom doesn't like it. Qələmi mənə ver. Pass me the pen. Give me my hand. O, müqavilədən tam razı qalmadı. He was not completely satisfied with the treaty. He was fully devoted to Jehovah, for he was “full of mercy. ” Çox xoşsunuz. You're very nice. You're so nice. Tom və onun dostları demək olar hər Cümə gününün axşamı poker oyanyırlar. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends lie awake every night on the night of the Memorial. Tom müqaviləni imzaladı. Tom signed the contract. Tom signed a sign. Onun ailəsi Braziliyaya köçdü. Her family moved to Brazil. His family moved to a village where there was a great need for Kingdom preachers. O onun dostudur. He is his friend. It's her. Bu məhsul İtaliyada istehsal olunub. This product is made in Italy. This land is now inhabited by people from many nations, tribes, and tongues. Onun oğlu Nyu-Yorkdan zəng vurdu. Her son called from New York. His son's son-in-law called out. Tom qapını açmayacaq. Tom won't open the door. Tom will not open it. Sənin çəkmələrin məndə deyil. I don't have your boots. Your limitations are not yours. Siqaret çəkmək məmə xərçənginə səbəb ola bilər. Smoking can cause breast cancer. It can cause a problem to get out of control, making the problem worse. Mənim ana dilim ispan dilidir. My native language is Spanish. My mother is Spanish. Mən xəstəxanada idim. I was in the hospital. I was on my way to the camp. Mən çox tələbkaram? Am I too demanding? How much am I willing to do? Bir ölkəni idarə etmək asan iş deyildir. To govern a country is no easy job. It is not easy to control our temper. Mən Macarıstanda yaşayıram. I live in Hungary. I can't live in Mac. O bıçaq yaxşı kəsir. That knife cuts well. He's good at it. Müharibə sona çatmışdı. The war had ended. The end came. Mən cavabı təkrarlayıram. I am repeating the answer. I'm going to answer the question. Mən uşaq olanda atamla balıq tutmağa gedərdim. I used to go fishing with my father when I was a child. When I was a child, I went to bed with my father. Çiçəkləri sevən adam pis ola bilməz. A person who likes flowers can't be evil. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. ” Tom gülüncdür. Tom is ridiculous. Tom's fun. Tom taksi sürücüsüdür. Tom is a taxi driver. Tom is a computer model. Mənim atam avtobus sürücüsüdür. My father is a bus driver. My father is my car. Sən kağız kimi ağappaqsan. You are as white as a sheet. You are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand. ” Bizim yeni maşın almağa imkanımız yoxdur. We can't afford to buy a new car. We are not born with an inclination toward self - discipline. Onların oğlu var. They have a son. They have their son. Biz sülh istəyirik. We want peace. We are peace - loving. Onun üç oğlu var. He has three sons. He has three sons. O sabah Çinə yola düşür. He's leaving for China tomorrow. That morning, he goes to China. O həmişə qara geyinir. She always wears black. He always has the right to set the standards of dress and grooming. Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi barəsində nə düşünürsən? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard? Biz bilmirik onun valideynləri sabah gələcəklər ya yox. We don't know if her parents will come tomorrow or not. We do not know whether his parents will come tomorrow or not. Qanaxmanı saxlaya bilmirəm. I cannot stop the bleeding. I don't know what to do. Onu bacardığın qədər yaxşı et. Do it the best you can. That's good enough for you to do it. Mən zəif idim. I was weak. I was weak. Uşaq vaxtı ağaca dırmaşmaqdan xoşum gəlirdi. I loved to climb trees when I was a kid. I enjoyed the leisure activities we shared in as a group. Mən sizin haqqınızda hər şeyi bilirəm. I know all about you. I know everything about you. Bu almadır. This is an apple. That's what you're gonna get. Tom və mən birbirimizə kömək edirik. Tom and I help each other. Tom and I help each other. Mən 1950-ci il aprelin 3-də doğulmuşam. I was born on April 3, 1950. I was in April 1950 at three. Yer, Mars və Yupiter planetdirlər. The Earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets. Mary, Margarita, Jr. Mən demək olar ki hər gün çin dilində danışıram. I speak Chinese almost every day. I can say that every day I speak a language. Yeriyə bilmirdim. I couldn't walk. We went from door to door asking for accommodations, saying that we were missionaries, and we Musiqisiz həyat yoxdur. There is no life without music. There is no hope for the dead. Mən jurnalist olmaq istəyirəm. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a writer. Gecə qaranlıqdır. The night is dark. It's dark night. Taksi gözləyir. A cab is waiting. That's right. Tom soğan yeməyi xoşlamır. Tom doesn't like to eat onions. Tom doesn't enjoy food. Bu çiçək necə adlanır? What is the name of this flower? How did this come to be? Pendir sarı. The cheese is yellow. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Tom indi məşğuldur. Tom is busy now. Tom now works. Bu dəfə Tom və mən oynayırıq. This time Tom and I are paying. This time, Tom and I will be here. Maşın mavidir. The car is blue. Your family is blue. Mən bu yay İrlandiyaya gedəcəm. I will go to Ireland this summer. I'm going to go to this form of literature. Tom peşəkar sehrbaz idi. Tom was a professional magician. Tom was a slave of a different sort. Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi haqqında nə fikirləşirsən? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What do you think about the origin of life? Hotel Hardadir? Where is the hotel? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Danışır. Speaking. It's done. Yer kürə şəklindədir. The earth is round. The earth is empty. O, yarpaq kimi əsdi. She trembled like a leaf. He was like a master worker. Tom pişiklərə nifrət edir. Tom hates cats. Tom hates the chromosomes. Bütün atlar heyvandırlar amma bütün heyvanlar at deyil. All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. All animals are animal animals, but not all animals are animals. Atan nə vaxt gələcək? When will your father arrive? When Will the Father Come? Onlar oğlandırlar. They're boys. They're a boy. Siz İsaya çətin vaxtlarınızda yaxın olursunuz, yaxşı vaxtlarınızda yox. You get closest to Jesus in the tough times, not the good times. If you are a close friend of God, you are not alone. Yaxşı gün idi. It was a good day. It was a good day. Simic olma! Don't be stingy. Don't worry! Bu bir daha baş verməyəcək. This won't happen again. This will never happen again. İnanılmaz! Unbelievable! It's amazing! O Yaponiyaya qayıtdı. He returned to Japan. He was born in Italy. İsanın anası orada idi. Jesus' mother was there. Jesus ’ mother was there. Mən İspaniyadanam. I am from Spain. I can't be Spanish. Ken iki pişik saxlayır. Ken keeps two cats. It's a two-year-old pie. Tom əla sürücüdür. Tom is an excellent driver. Tom is moving. Mən bunu bilirdim. I knew it. I knew it. Yarım toyuq istəyirsənmi? Would you like half a chicken? Am I known for going out of my way to promote peace and unity? Tom mənə harada yaşadığını demədi. Tom didn't tell me where he lived. Tom didn't know where I live. O öz səhvlərindən agahdır. He's aware of his own faults. He is the One who made the truth his own. Mars müharibə allahıdır. Mars is the god of war. Margar is a god of war. İçəridə heç kim yoxdur. There is nobody inside. There is no one in the universe. Sən hər şeyi Toma deməməlisən. You shouldn't tell Tom everything. You shouldn't have to stop everything. Siz məndən hündürsünüz. You are taller than me. You are my friends. Bu Amerika səfirliyidir. This is the American Embassy. That's America's American. O saqqızını çeynədi. He chewed his gum. He put his head in the head. Ned Yuta ştatındandır. Ned comes from the state of Utah. Nanda is from the fourth century B.C.E. Sami mənim yaşımda idi. Sami was my age. Samuel was a young man. Haralısınız? Where are you from? You're busy? O niyə gizlənir? Why is she hiding? Why does he hide? Qvatemalada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Guatemala? How much money is really worth it? Sən çox şey bilirsən. You know many things. You know many things. Şri Lankada saat neçədir? What time is it in Sri Lanka? How many hours in Sri Lanka? Bu mənəm. It's me. That's me. Sizi nə qorxutdu? What scared you? What Did You Learn? Parolu bilmirəm. I don't know the password. I don't know. Bu sadəcə qandır. It's just blood. It's just bloody. Mən ona həqiqəti deyəcəm. I'll tell her the truth. I'll tell him the truth. Mən yetiməm. I'm an orphan. I'm an orphan. O hal-hazırda məşğuldur və sizinlə danışa bilmir. She is busy at present and can't speak to you. So he's busy, and he's not talking to you. Hər şeyin hazır olduğunu düşünürəm. I think everything is ready. I think it's all ready. Mən tələsmirdim. I wasn't in a hurry. I didn't. Bir gün o, meşədə canavarla qarşılaşdı. One day she met a wolf in the woods. One day, she met an army officer who threatened to attack her. Sürücüylə danışmayın! Don't talk to the driver. Beware of Impartial speech! Mən Norveçdənəm. I am from Norway. I'm from Northern Ireland. O Hokkaydonu sevir. She loves Hokkaido. He loves Hankk. Oraya velosipedlə getdi. He went there by bicycle. We went to a hotel and asked for a room. Sənin bacının itinin adı nədir? What is your sister's dog called? What is your name? Əslində mən xoşbəxtəm. In fact, I am happy. I really am happy. Tomun maşını var. Tom has a car. Tom's got a book. Qələbə bizimdir. The victory is ours. It's ours. Onlar qan itirirlər. They are losing blood. They have lost their blood. Mən əyləşdim. I sat down. I didn't. Payızbülbülü çox maraqlı quşdur. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. It's very interesting. O mənə getməyə icazə verdi. She allowed me to go. He let me go. O, mənim öz uşağım kimidir. She is like my own child. She told me that she was my own child. Xeyir, vegetarianlar nə toyuq nə də balıq yemirlər. No, vegetarians don't eat chicken or fish. There are no fish, no food, no fish, and no fish. O, saat yeddiyə kimi evə gələcək? Will he come home by seven? How long would he be stuck in the seven - hour period of time? O nitq söylədi. He delivered a speech. He told his disciples: “All of you will be stumbled in connection with Mən qurtarmışam. I have finished. I was saved. Biz mahnının sözlərini bilmirik. We don't know the lyrics. We do not know the meaning of the song. O inadkardır. He's pig-headed. That's it. Harada pul dəyişə bilərəm? Where can I exchange money? Is it worth it to make money? Onlar onu ehtiyatla təcili yardım maşınına qaldırdılar. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. They could not help but motivate him to take action that would benefit the worldwide congregation. Bu qadını harada gördün? Where did you see this woman? Where have you seen this place? Yıxılmaqdan qorxuram. I'm afraid to fall. I'm afraid not to cry. Mənim müəlliməm xanım Lidir. My teacher is Mrs. Li. My teacher is L.A. Albaniyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Albania? How much truth is it? Müəllimlər şagirdlərin marağını tətikləyir, düşünməyə, sual verməyə və öz aralarında müzakirə etməyə vadar edir. Teachers stimulate the students' interest, have them think, ask questions, and debate among themselves. The teachers often ask questions, question - and - answer questions, and ask questions about it. Mən nə baş verdiyini artıq sənə dedim. I already told you what happened. I told you what happened. Mən axırıncı dəfə onları Albaniyada gördüm. I last saw them in Albania. When I saw them in the hospital, I saw them. Soyuducuda içməyə bir şey var? Is there anything to drink in the refrigerator? Do you have anything to do with it? Bu çay dayazdır? Is this river shallow? Is this tea hot? Mən bilmirəm. I don't know. I don't know. Qaynardır? Is it hot? Where is it going? Mən oyananda maşında idim. When I woke up, I was in the car. When I was in the hospital, I was on my way to a hotel. Qalım, ya gedim? Should I stay or go? I'm sorry, what's up? Durnalar böyük gözəl quşlardır. Cranes are big beautiful birds. What a wonderful privilege it is to be part of Jehovah’s organization! O mənim arvadımdır. She's my wife. She's my wife. O, oğlan doğdu. She gave birth to a baby boy. He was born. Tənqid etməyə haqqım var. I have the right to criticise. I have the right to take care of it. Səma göy idi. The sky was blue. The sky was in the center. Oslo Norveçin paytaxtıdır. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oscar is a chromo. Allah bilir, o hara yoxa çıxıb. God knows where he has gone. God knows where he is. Yaponiya Çinə yaxındır. Japan is close to China. China is near. Tom sirri bilir. Tom knows the secret. Tom knows. Qızılgül çəhrayıdır. The rose is pink. The girl's mad. Sən onu nə vaxt gördün? When did you see her? When did you see him? İyirmi tələbədən ancaq biri kitabı oxuyub. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. One of my favorite Bible students read a book. Şansım yox. I have no luck. I'm not kidding. Onlar Yeni Zelandiyaya getdilər. They went to New Zealand. They were New Zealand. Mənim atam nadir hallarda siqaret çəkir. My father seldom smokes. My father, my mother, is very ill. Bu səkkizinci mərtəbədədir. It's on the eighth floor. The eighth vision is given to the seven - tribe kingdom of Israel. Lorini görmək istəyirəm. I want to see Laurie. I want to see her. Bu gün harada nahar edəcəksən? Where will you have lunch today? Where is the Lord’s Evening Meal now? Mən Niderlanddanam. I am from the Netherlands. I'm from Nigeria. Üşüyürəm. I'm cold. I'm sorry. Tom olmasaydı mən bu gün burada olmazdım. Without Tom, I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't have been here today. Pizza yeyirdim. I used to eat pizza. I'm pizza. Minnətdar olardım. I'd be grateful. Thank you. Bu şlyapa səninçün çox böyükdür. This hat is too big for you. It's too large. Bu sizin nəvəniz Ninadır. This is Nina, your granddaughter. That's what you're going to do. Gələcək haqqında nə düşünürsən? What do you think about the future? What does the future hold? Mən uzun həftə sonlarını xoşlayıram. I like long weekends. I've spent a long week looking at the end of the week. Onlar kömək etmirlər. They don't help. They do not help. Kim Kenlə yaşayır. Kim is living with Ken. Who lives with Ken? O daha sizin probleminiz deyil. That's not your problem anymore. He's not your problem. Sən axmaqsan. You're stupid. You're not mad. İstərdim ki, yenidən dost olaq. I'd like us to be friends again. I realized that I needed to regain my friendship again. Biz unutmayacağıq. We won't forget. We'll forget it. Tom şəhəri tərk etdi. Tom left the city. Tom left the city. Mən çörək yeyirəm. I eat bread. I'm eating food. O it şəkli çəkdi. He painted a picture of a dog. She got off to see what was happening and found a young Chinese man struggling with broken Spanish Dələ fındıqları yedi. The squirrel ate the hazelnuts. They ate the meat. Mən Peruda yaşayıram. I live in Peru. I can't live in Perth. Get! Go! Go! Mənim oğlum İrana getdi. My son went to Iran. My son went to Ireland. Sizin köməyinizə ehtiyacım olacaq. I'm going to need your help. I'm gonna need your help. İt hürdü? Did the dog bark? He's a liar? Çox sağ ol! Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Tom şəhəri tərk etdi. Tom left town. Tom left the city. Daha uca! Louder. That's better! Bu sizindir? Is it yours? Is that yours? Evli deyiləm. I am not married. I'm not married. O, onu yenidən yazdı. He rewrote it. He again applied the advice he gave to the congregation in Ephesus. Toma vəziyyəti başa saldın? Did you explain the situation to Tom? Did you understand the situation? Siz çox gözəlsiniz. You're very beautiful. You're beautiful. Bu mənim sikimdir. This is my dick. That's my ass. Kran ağır tikinti materiallarını qaldırır. A crane raises heavy construction materials. Kristin makes major adjustments. Mən Tomla təklikdə danışmaq istəyirəm. I want to talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom. Mən çox məşğul idim. I've been too busy. I worked very hard. Mən yatmalıyam. I have to sleep. I shouldn't sleep. Con dünən Yaponiyaya gəldi. John came to Japan yesterday. While there, he freely associated with his group. Siz mənim fikirlərimi oxuyursunuz. You are reading my thoughts. You're my idea. Valideynləri, onun, yaxşı bir təhsilin nə qədər vacib olduğunu anlamasına çalışdılar. His parents tried to make him understand how important a good education is. Parents tried to understand the importance of a good education. Sizdə tunes balığı var? Do you have tuna fish? Do you have fish in you? Mən xiyar yeyirəm. I eat cucumber. I'm in the x-axis. Səni sevirəm. Mənimlə evlənərsən? I love you. Will you marry me? Do you love your marriage mate? Tom heç vaxt arxasına baxmadı. Tom never looked back. Tom had never seen anything like it. Tom demək olar ki heç vaxt xiyar yemir. Tom almost never eats cucumbers. Tom had never had such an experience. İti görürəm. I see the dog. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Çinli turistlər niyə belə nəzakətsiz? Why are Chinese tourists so rude? Why don't Chinese Christians do so? O bizə yalan dedi. He lied to us. He lied to us. Təkrar biliyin anasıdır. Repetition is the mother of learning. The knowledge of the truth is so well - known that it is. Bəli. Yes. Yes. O sizə nə dedi? What did she say to you? What did he tell you? Tomun həyətində üç alma ağacı var. Tom has three apple trees in his yard. There are three trees in Tom’s field. Mən qırmızı ayaqqabılar istədim. I wanted red shoes. I wanted to wear a white one. Dublin İrlandiyadadır. Dublin is in Ireland. That was the case with Joshua, who was sent to Jerusalem to present the good news to Jehovah. Sabah qarlı hava gözlənilir. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. In the morning, the air is waiting for the sun to rise. O, qozu dişləriylə sındırdı. He cracked the walnut with his teeth. He struck at his imperfect human nature with well - directed spiritual blows. Lüğəti mənə gətir. Bring me the dictionary. Give me a break. Portuqaliya Fransaya İspaniya qədər yaxıın deyil. Portugal is not as close to France as Spain. The French police aren't in Spain until it's in Spain. 1990-cı ilin avqustunda İraq Küveyti işğal etdi. In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. In 1990, the Soviet Union worked in the Soviet Union. Qatar gözdən itdi. The train disappeared from view. That was a big contrast to the treatment I had received at a local church. Hər ikiniz də sərxoş idiniz. You were both drunk. Both of them started to study the Bible. O mahnı oxudu. He sang a song. She read the book. O, kahını təmizləyir. He cleans the lettuce. He cleans up his breakfast. Sən qapını bağlamalısan. You should lock your door. You are on your way to an important appointment. Yunanıstanda minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Greece? How much money is it in the Greek Empire? Onun daha gücü qalmayıb. He doesn't have any strength left. His power was stronger than his physical strength. Tom bizim sinfimizdə ən ağıllıdır. Tom is the smartest one in our class. Tom is the wisest of our organization. Onun anası italyanca danışır. Her mother speaks Italian. Her mother tells her mother. Tom indi sənə kömək edə bilmir. Tom can't help you now. Tom can't help you now. Afrikada çoxlu şir var. In Africa there are many lions. There's a lot in Africa. Onun burnu qanadı. His nose bled. It's his order. Mən oğlumu görmək istərdim. I'd like to see my son. I'd like to see my son. Ondan qorxmuram. I'm not scared of her. I can't. Tom yekə burnu var. Tom has a big nose. Tom's got an ice cream. O məndən sadəcə bir neçə il cavandır. She's only a couple of years younger than me. He was only a few years old. O çətin. It's hard. That's difficult. Sənə nifrət edirəm. I hate you. I hate you. Onlar dostdurlar? Are they friends? Are they friends? Səni nə qorxutdu? What scared you? What Did You Learn? Bu çox qəribə bir heyvandır. It's a very bizarre animal. It's a kind of animal. Mən Tbilisidə yaşayıram. I live in Tbilisi. I'm in the hospital. O, divarı çəhrayı rəngə boyadı. She painted the wall pink. He was in a cave, hiding from the wall. Onlar bir neçə il İspaniyada yaşadılar. They lived a couple of years in Spain. They lived in Spain for years in Spain. O mənim yeganə xoşbəxtlik mənbəyim idi. He was my sole source of happiness. It was a happy life. Dünən xoşbəxt idim. I was happy yesterday. I am happy to be able to care for my family’s needs. Məktəbə getmək istəmirəm. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go. Heç kim müharibə istəmir. Nobody wants a war. No one comes to the war. Sənə kömək edəcəyəm. I'll help you. I will help you. Sənin hələ də köməyə ehtiyacın var. You still need help. You still need help. Polşanın paytaxt şəhəri Varşavadır. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The city of Poland is the capital of the Soviet Union. Kəs səsini! Shut up! No shortcut set! Bu bananlar xarab olub. These bananas went bad. This has happened to some of them. Ananız evdədir? Is your mother at home? Your mom's home? Tısbağaların dişləri yoxdur. Turtles don't have teeth. No diseases available. Andorra İspaniya və Fransa arasında yerləşən kiçik bir knyazlıqdır. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. In Spain, there is a small town between Spain and France. Paris Fransanın paytaxtıdır. Paris is the capital of France. Paris's in Paris. Siqaret çəkmək restoranın hər hissəsində qadağandır. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. It is not enough for a patient to have sexual relations with someone who is not one of the opposite sex. Bu Yaponiyanın bayrağıdır. This is the flag of Japan. This is the bathroom. Ördək yoxa çıxdı. The duck disappeared. To illustrate: Imagine a married woman who is shopping. O sakitləşdi. She calmed down. She calmed down. Onu kimdənsə aldım. I got it from someone. I got him. Tom hələ gözləyir. Tom is still waiting. Tom's still waiting. Tom zəng vuracaq. Tom will call. Tom's got a call. Onlar işləyə bilmirlər. They can't work. They don't work. Üzv deyiləm. I'm not a member. I don't. Mən şimali İsveçdə yaşayıram. I live in northern Sweden. I live in Switzerland. Qar yağır. It's snowing. It's rainy. Tom bizə nə verib? What's Tom given us? What Did You Learn? Onlar qaçmadılar. They didn't run. They did not escape. Onu yoldaşlarıma söylədim. I told it to my friends. I told him to call her. Sərxoş idik. We were drunk. I felt guilty, but I kept praying to Jehovah that he would provide for me. ” Uşağın burnu qanayır. The child's nose is bleeding. Your child's blood. Ördəkburunların yumurtlaması məni təəccübləndirdi. It surprised me that platypus lay eggs. For example, I was asked to serve as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ağacın altındakı velosiped mənimdir. The bicycle under the tree is mine. It's me who's under the tree. Pişiklər siçanları tutar. Cats catch mice. He's got the chromosomes. Tom çantasını qozla doldurdu. Tom filled his bag with walnuts. Tom put his bag in his bag. 2015 Avropa Oyunları Bakıda keçirilib. The European Games 2015 took place in Baku. In 2015, Winkler was released. Bağışlayın, hələ burda olduğunuzu bilmirdim. Sorry, I didn't know you were still here. Sorry, you're still here. Rumıniyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Romania? How true is the truth in the middle of the 20th century? Oyan yatağan! Wake up, sleepy-head! He's in bed! Mən Çilidə yaşayıram. I live in Chile. I'm in the hospital. Tehran İrandadır. Tehran is in Iran. He's in Ireland. Mariya əti duzladı. Maria salted the meat. Maria's fucked up. Mən belə soyuğa dözə bilmirəm. I can't stand this cold. I don't think so. O məndən qaçır. She avoids me. He's not gonna kill me. Mən səkkiz il əvvəl evləndim. I got married 8 years ago. I married eight years ago. Mən ölüməm. I am Death. I'm dead. Mən sadəcə iki saat yatdım. I slept just two hours. I just slept for two hours. Pişiyi tap! Find the cat. Find the Punjabi! Mən sizə həqiqəti deyəcəm. I will tell you the truth. I'll tell you the truth. Tom fransızca danışmağa üstünlük verir. Tom prefers speaking French. Tom, he's getting an eight-year-old democracy. Ermənistanda turist çoxdur? Are there many tourists in Armenia? When was he born? Bəd olmaq istəmirəm. I don't want to be evil. I don't want to be selfish. Mənim əmioğlum jurnalistdir. My cousin is a journalist. It's my magazine magazine. Mən həqiqətən də ümid edirəm ki, bu baş verməyəcək. I really hope that doesn't happen. I really hope that this will happen. Analar gününüz mübarək! Happy Mother's Day! Parents — Shepherd Your Children! Kinşasa Konqo Demokratik Respublikasının paytaxtıdır. Kinshasa is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Central African Republic was part of the Soviet Union. Mən dilimi dişlədim. I bit my tongue. I was hurting my tongue. Müəllif braziliyalıdır. The author is Brazilian. It's a good name. Qapını aç! Open the door. Open your mouth! Tomu niyə tək qoydun? Why did you leave Tom alone? Why did you just leave Tom alone? Sən buddistsən? Are you a Buddhist? Are you? Qəhvə soyuqdur. The coffee is cold. It is common for a person in that situation to give up. Qışda Aydahoda soyuq olur. It's cold in Idaho in the winter. It's the moon in the south. O başını yuyur. She washes her head. He's gonna get it. Pendir sarı deyil. The cheese is not yellow. It's not nice. Ehtiyatlı ol! Be careful. Be careful! Mən Londona getdim. I went to London. I went to London. Onun əlində nəisə var. She has something in her hand. What he has done is what he has done. O kim idi? Who was it? Who was he? Bu şalvar mənə çox böyükdür. These pants are too big for me. That's too big to me. Tom həssasdır. Tom is sensitive. Tom's up. Biz əlimizdən gələni etdik. We tried our best. We did what we could. Düzünü desəm, mən səninlə getmək istəmirəm. Frankly speaking, I don't want to go with you. If so, I don't want to move you. Lori gözəl bir qızdır. Laurie is a beautiful girl. Lori is a beautiful girl. Otaqda mebel yoxdur. There's no furniture in the room. She's not in the room. Pandalar çox ağıllıdırlar. Pandas are very clever. They are very wise. Tom almanı soydu. Tom peeled the apple. Tom put it down. Mənim dost oğlanım jurnalistdir. My boyfriend is a journalist. My friend is a writer. Hamı məni sevir. Everyone loves me. All love me. Mən bağımda alma ağacı əkdim. I planted an apple tree in my garden. When I woke up in my bed, I didn’t have to take it for granted. At kişnəyir. The horse neighs. He's got a gun. İndi başa düşürük. Now we understand. Now, understand. Tatoebaya xoş gəlmişsiniz! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Puerto Rico! Ana bizim üçün çay hazırlayır. Mother is making tea for us. It's our mother's for us. Sürücü sənsən. You're the driver. You are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your Mən sizin istədiyinizi edə bilmərəm. I can't do what you want. I can't do it. Bu fabrikada işləyirdim. I was working in this factory. I was in this car. Saat ondur. It's ten o'clock. It's ten hours. Niyə gül aldın? Why did you buy a flower? Did you laugh? Tom ağzını yaxaladı. Tom rinsed his mouth. Tom put his mouth in his mouth. Tom və mən yaxşı dostlarıq. Tom and I are good friends. Tom and I are good friends. O, 7:30 avtobusuna gecikmişdi. He was late for the 7:30 bus. He spent an entire night fishing in the Sea of Galilee. Biz ikimiz də məşğul idik. We were both busy. We both worked together. Bu çayın mənbəyi haradadır? Where's the source of this river? Is this tea? Yorulmuşam. I'm tired. I got it. Burnumu qaşımaq istəyirəm. I want to scratch my nose. I want to get out of here. Onun xalası livanlı bir kişi ilə evləndi və onunla Seneqala getdi. His aunt married a Lebanese man and went with him to Senegal. She married a man who married a man, and she joined you with her. Sürücü sizsiniz. You're the driver. You're right. Mən həmin sözü xatırlayıram. I remember the word. I remember those words. Həyat böyük bir magistral kimidir. Life is like a big highway. It's a big deal of life. Bağda çoxlu alma ağacı var. There are many apple trees in the garden. There are many olive trees on which to eat. O qlobal istiləşməyə inanmır. He doesn't believe in global warming. He is not convinced that he will continue to care for his family’s needs. Mən narkoman deyiləm. I'm not a drug addict. I don't care. Rep xoşlayırsan? Do you like rap? Are you afraid? Narkoman deyiləm. I'm not a drug addict. I don't care. Mən susamamışam. I'm not thirsty. I can't drink it. Kəpənəkləri sevirəm. I love butterflies. Show love. Aoi çox yaxşı rəqs edir. Aoi dances very well. Alex works very well. O mənim ürəyimdir. He is my heart. He is my friend. O, yayda üzməyi xoşlayır. He likes swimming in the summer. He had to leave behind his previous employment, the comforts of home, and the freedom to travel — until the death of the high priest Həftə nəhayət ki qurtardı. The week is finally over. She had learned of these as a youth at home and at the synagogue. Tom tələbələri ilə fəxr edir. Tom is proud of his students. Thomas appreciates the requirements of the requirements. Mən sabah məktəbə getmək istəmirəm. I won't go to school tomorrow. I don't want to go to school every morning. Biz üçün yarısında orada olacağıq. We'll be there at half past two. We'll be there for a half. Diktator deyiləm. I'm not a dictator. I don't care. Bu çanta çox ağırdır. This bag is too heavy. This bag is too heavy. O, Fransaya köçməzdən əvvəl İsveçdə yaşayıb. Before she moved to France, she lived in Sweden. Before moving to France, he had been pioneering in Switzerland. Mən yağış yağdığına görə gələ bilmədim. I couldn't come because it rained. I felt as if I were falling off the street. Bu kimin lüğətidir? Whose dictionary is this? Who is this source? Mən Bobla tennis oynadım. I played tennis with Bob. I played with Bob and the flesh. O öz restoranını açdı. He opened his own restaurant. He took his doctor’s bag. Mən uşaqlarımla birgə oxuyuram. I am singing with my children. I spent a lot of time with my children. Bu mövzuda heç nə bilmirəm. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about it. Afrikada neçə ölkə var? How many countries are there in Africa? How many countries are in Africa? O bir məktub yazdı. She wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. Nə? What? What is it? Mən sənin müəllimin olacam. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Qəhvə içə bilmirəm. I can't drink coffee. There is no alcohol at all. Fransa respublikadır. France is a republic. French is an incubator. Mars qırmızı planetdir. Mars is the Red Planet. Margar is a red planet. Bu xəstəxanadır. This is a hospital. That's the point. Yol maşınlar üçün çox ensizdir. The road is too narrow for cars. The best way to do so is by following the path to life. Bu nə deməkdir? What does it mean? What does that mean? Mən atlet deyiləm. I am not an athlete. I'm not hitting. Almaniyanın iki paytaxt şəhəri var. Germany has two capital cities. There are two German cities in Germany. Rusiya İtaliyadan böyükdür. Russia is bigger than Italy. The rich man from Nazareth was greater than the rich man. Üçbucaqların dörd küncü yoxdur. Triangles don't have four angles. There are no four fourths in the world. Qapını açın! Open the door. Open your mouth! İngiliscə cümlələrimi düzəltə bilərsinizmi? Can you correct my English sentences? Am I willing to make changes in my personality? Bəli, bu mənim lüğətimdir. Yes, this is my dictionary. Yes, that's my experience. Mən onunla hər altı aydan bir görüşürəm. I meet with him once every six months. I'll see him in six months. Hamı Toma baxır. Everyone's watching Tom. All look at Tom. Xeyr, bu o deyildi. No, it wasn't her. No, it wasn't. Nə dediyimi eşitdin. You heard what I said. You heard what I said. İnana bilmirəm ki buradayam. I can't believe I'm here. I don't know if I can't believe it. Biz söhbət edirdik. We were talking. We talked about it. Fransadan salamlar! Greetings from France! From French! Körpə ağlayır. The baby is crying. It's crying. O, mən zəng etdikdən üç dəqiqə sonra gəldi. She came three minutes after I called. He came to call me three times after a phone call. O çəhrayı Kadillak sürür. He drives a pink Cadillac. He's a cylinder. Biz üç müharibə görmüşük. We've seen three wars. We fought three wars. Saat altıda geri dönəcəyəm. I'll be back at six. I'll be back in six hours. Poçt harada? Where is the post office? Where is it? Onlar xoşbəxt deyillər. They're not happy. They are not happy. Bu radiodur? Is this a radio? This radio? Polşa böyük ölkədir. Poland is a big country. Poland is a big country. Mənim xalam Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır. My aunt lives in New York. I'm in the middle of my life. Bunlar hamısı hədər imiş. It was all for nothing. These are just a few examples of the countless sacrifices made by servants of Jehovah. Kitabı ört. Close the book. It's a book. Bu yeri yaxşı tanıyırsan? Do you know this place well? Do you know this place? Dünən küləkli idi. It was windy yesterday. It was cold — it was cold. Mən qazaxca danışmıram. I don't speak Kazakh. I am not going to make a lot of fun of it. Duman təxminən saat 10-da dağılmağa başladı. The fog started to dissipate about ten o'clock. It started at 10:00 a.m. about 10 hours. Mən Bostonda yaşayıram. I live in Boston. I'm in Boston. Mən yeniyetmə deyiləm. I'm not a teenager. I'm not a youth. Onlar bizi qida məhsulları ilə təmin edirlər. They supplied us with food. They give us food and drink. Siz sərxoşsunuz! You're drunk. You're on your way! Hər tələbənin lüğəti yoxdur. Not every student has a dictionary. There is no need for us to do so. Mən daha Bostonda yaşamıram. I no longer live in Boston. I'm not going to live more than a year. Əllər yuxarı! Hands up! It's snowy! İndi bişirirəm. I am cooking now. Now I eat. Marsın iki peyki var. Mars has two moons. You've got two seconds. Tomun köməyi olmadan bu mümkün deyil. This isn't possible without Tom's help. It's impossible without Tom's help. Tom burnunu qaşıdı. Tom scratched his nose. Tom put his nose down. Qapını bağlamaq istəyirəm. I want to close the door. Please enter your password. Tom taksi sürücüsü oldu. Tom became a taxi driver. Tom grew up in a colonial area. Siz dəvət olunmamısınız. You aren't invited. You're welcome to call. Mən qorxmuram. I am not afraid. I can't. Serbiyanın paytaxt şəhəri Belqraddır. The capital city of Serbia is Belgrade. The key to success is that of Bethel, who lives in the United States, is under house arrest. Onlar bir müddət Norveçdə yaşadılar. They lived in Norway for a while. They lived in Norfolk, a small town some time. Narahat olma. Mən Tomla danışaram. Don't worry. I'll talk to Tom. Don't worry, I'm talking to Tom. Mənim ayaqqabılarım haradadır? Where are my shoes? Do I put my feet under my feet? Liviya Şimali Afrikada ikinci böyük ölkədir. Libya is the second largest country in North Africa. The second country in central Africa is Africa. İspaniya qərbi Avropada ikinci böyük ölkədir. Spain is the second largest country in Western Europe. Spanish is the second largest country in Spain. 1991-ci ildə Sovet İttifaqı dağılandan sonra Ukrayna yenidən müstəqil oldu. Ukraine became independent again when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. After World War II broke out in 1991, it was returned again. Alman dili island dili qədər çətin deyil. German is not as difficult as Icelandic. In German, it is not difficult to speak German. Onlar alma ağacları əkdilər. They planted apple trees. They would not have been able to produce fruit. Biz birbirimizə baxdıq. We looked at each other. We looked at each other. Sizi dişləməyinə icazə verməyin. Don't let him bite you. Do not let your hands drop down. Kollecdə nədə təhsil almaq istəyirsən? What do you want to study at college? What does it mean to pursue higher education? Mən Yaponiyaya getmək istəyirəm. I wanna go to Japan. I want to go to school. Sən Avstriyanın harasında böyümüsən? Where in Austria did you grow up? Are you making the most of your opportunities in life? Minlərlə əcnəbi hər il Yaponiyanı ziyarət edir. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of congregations took part, and the branch office received many good reports about this arrangement, even from close friends. Kubada hamının bundan xoşu gəlir. Everyone in Cuba likes it. It is such a joy to preach in this responsive territory. Onlar ikisi də fransızca danışırlar. They both can speak French. Both of them speak French. Onlar heç nə tapmadılar. They didn't find anything. They did not know anything about it. Stolun üstündə portağal yoxdur. There are no oranges on the table. There's no port on the table. İsa dülgər idi. Jesus was a carpenter. Jesus was mild - tempered. Ötən gecə çox yorğun idim. I was very tired last night. The night before, I stepped outside. Alma gacdy The apple fell. Replace Uruqvayda hansı dil danışılır? Which language is spoken in Uruguay? What are some languages that may call attention to the tongue? Hardan bilək ki, bizə yalan danışmırsan? How do we know you're not lying to us? Do you see yourself being deceived by those who do not share your beliefs? Tom hələ ümidini üzməyib. Tom hasn't yet given up hope. Tom still doesn't give up. Radionu söndür. Shut off the radio. Put it in your head. Döşəmə soyuqdur. The floor is cold. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life. O, nərdivandan yıxıldı. She fell down the ladder. She was unable to start a Bible conversation with anyone, so she said to some Bethelites, “The last place on İtə biraz ət ver. Give some meat to the dog. Give me a break. Onu sevə bilərəm. I can love it. I can love him. O, yumurtalarını duzladı. He salted his eggs. And He hath cast your fingers into the ground. Dünyada neçə qitə var? How many continents are there in the world? How many do we have in the world? Ölmək istəyirəm! I want to die! I want to die! Sən mənim düşmənimsan? Are you my enemy? “ O Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during generation after generation. Sizi gözləmirdim. I didn't expect you. I didn't expect you. Qara it qaçdı. The black dog ran. Could not close temporary folder: %s Atam Çinə gedir. My father is going to China. My father went to China. Maşın yolun ortasında dayandı. The car stopped in the middle of the road. It was in the middle of the road. Mən hamiləyəm. I am pregnant. I'm not. Tom xəstəxanaya gedib Mariyə baş çəkməyə istəklidir. Tom is eager to go to the hospital to visit Mary. Thomas had to go to the hospital. Mən Macarıstandanam. I'm from Hungary. I'm not from the Mac. Alman dili asan dil deyil. German is not an easy language. German is not easy. Den Lindanın otağını görmək istədi. Dan wanted to see Linda's room. The sister wanted to see Linda from Linda’s office. Nə baş verir? What is going on? What will happen? Yaşamam lazımdır. I have to live. I need to live. Mən sizə sabah deyərəm. I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll tell you the morning. Tomun dostu yoxdur. Tom does not have friends. Tom don't have friends. Yupiter çox böyükdür. Jupiter is very large. It's too big. Mən niyə burdayam? What am I here for? Why am I here? Film darıxdırıcıdır. The film is boring. The film's very low. Məncə o, həkimdir. I think he is a doctor. I think he is. Hansı maşını aldın? Which car did you buy? Which group did you get? Saqqız çeynəyirəm. I chew gum. I am going to make a show of it. Kim bilmir? Who doesn't know? Who? Sarayevo Bosniya və Herseqovinanın paytaxtıdır. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarah is the capital of Bulgaria and Herzegovina. Mən qarpız xoşlayıram. I like watermelon. I'm tired. Sami Laylanın saçını yandırdı. Sami burned Layla's hair. Sam's haired the hair of his hair. Qışda mən həmişə yun corabla yatıram. In winter, I always sleep with wool socks on. I'm always in the middle of the room. Ağ şir görürəm. I see a white lion. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Bu Gürcüstan haqqında kitabdır. This is a book about Georgia. It is the book of Proverbs. Biz yeriməli olduq. We had to walk. We had to move where the need was greater. Mən oturdum. I sat down. I sat down. Sən ölümdən qorxursan. You are afraid of death. You will long for the work of your hands. ” Mən erməniyəm. I'm Armenian. I'm sorry. Bu onun yazısı deyil. This is not his handwriting. It is not his age. Tom məsuliyyətli sürücüdür. Tom is a responsible driver. Tom is an ordained minister. Mənim fransızca danışa bilən üç dostum var. I have three friends who can speak French. I have three friends who know no French. Bu yaxşı lüğətdir. This is a good dictionary. That's good. Mən Yunanıstana gedəcəm. I'll go to Greece. I'll go to Greece. Bu niyə bizim başımıza gəlir? Why is this happening to us? Why are we here? Yana Londonda yaşayır. Yana lives in London. She's in London. Biz hamam otağının tavanını rəngləməliyik. We have to paint the bathroom ceiling. We must remain alert to things that actively feed our mind. O bir yoldaşmı? Is he a friend? Is that a dick? Mən Tom deyiləm. I'm not Tom. I'm not Tom. Tom dahi deyil. Tom is no genius. Tom is not known. İslandiya əvvəllər Danimarkaya aid idi. Iceland used to belong to Denmark. IT WAS early years before Daniel’s day. Tom tək yaşamağa öyrəşib. Tom is used to living alone. Tom learned to live alone. Mağaza bugün bağlıdır. The shop is closed today. It's today. Bu çay sürətlə axır. This river flows rapidly. This tea is over. Biz kahı yuyuruq. We wash lettuce. We're having breakfast. Tomun üç əmisi var. Tom has three uncles. There's three things for Tom. Dəmiryol vağzalının yaxınlığında günəbaxan tarlası var. There is a sunflower field near the train station. There is a day - to - day season in the south of the North. 1992-ci ildə Bosniya və Herseqovinada vətəndaş müharibəsi başladı. A civil war began in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992. In 1992, Bob and Herzegovina began to attend a school in Bulgaria. Sənə təzə paltarlar lazımdır. You need new clothes. You need new clothes. Bu xanım Müllerdir. This is Ms. Müller. This is the case with Medo - Persia. Britaniya İtaliyadan soyuqdur. Britain is colder than Italy. The Ethiopian is from Italy. Otağındakı pəncərəni açmaq yadından çxmasın. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Don't forget the window size. Biz burada qalacağıq. We'll stay here. We're here. Özünü məcbur et. Force yourself! Take it easy. Mən payızı sevirəm. I love autumn. I love money. Biz qan qardaşlarıyıq. We're blood brothers. We would not want to make it difficult for fellow believers to heed that counsel. Saat neçədir? What is the time? What time is it? Axşam yeməyi saat altıdadır. Dinner's at six. It's six hours in the evening. Tom yaşıl çay içmir. Tom isn't drinking green tea. Tom does not drink wine. Burnum tutulub. My nose is stuffed up. It's my place. Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi haqqında nə düşünürsən? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What do the facts indicate about the condition of the dead? Siktir. Fuck off! Fuck. Nyu-York böyük şəhərdir. New York is a big city. It's a big city. Adam pişiyi bəsləyir? Does the man feed the cat? The man's shit? Mənim atam Miçiqanda doğulub. My father was born in Michigan. My father was born in Mozambique. Ağlayırsan? Are you crying? Are you crying? Biz Afrikanı həmişəlik tərk etdik. We left Africa forever. We left Africa. Kubada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Cuba? How true is the truth of the parable of the sheep and the goats? Toma vəziyyəti izah etdiniz? Did you explain the situation to Tom? Did Tom understand the situation? O mənə cavanlığında yazdığı şerləri göstərdi. She showed me the poems that she had written in her youth. In my early teens, he showed me wine at the age of three. Burada su çox dayazdır. The water here is very shallow. There's a lot of water here. Sən gözəl qızsan. You're a beautiful girl. You're beautiful. Biz oğruyuq. We're thieves. We are slaves. Başınızı işlədin! Use your head! You've done it! O cavandır. She is young. He's a young man. Alyaskada milyonlarla vəhşi heyvan yaşayır. Millions of wild animals live in Alaska. In Alicia, there are millions of animals. Tom süngəri sıxdı. Tom squeezed the sponge. Tom was in the middle of a long tunnel. Daha yuxulu deyiləm. I'm no longer sleepy. I can't sleep anymore. Nyu-York xoşunuza gəlir? Do you like New York? What's going on? Mən adətən belə yerlərdə yemirəm. I don't usually eat at places like this. I often enjoy taking care of my home. Salam, mən Yaponiyadan Tomoko Satoyam. Hello, I'm Tomoko Sato from Japan. Hello, I'm Tomo Stotototoo. Öyrənməyi sevərəm. I love learning. I love study. Mən alma yığıram. I am picking apples. I'm going to buy it. Papua Yeni Qvineya alman koloniyası idi. Papua New Guinea was a German colony. Paolo was an incucucucucu. Mən Bolqarıstandanam. I'm from Bulgaria. I don't know. Onlar bişirlər. They're cooking. They're ready. Mən sənin müəllimən olacam. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Tom ukulelesini götürdü və oxumağa başladı. Tom picked up his ukulele and started to sing. Tom took him to the hospital and started to study the Bible with him. Çox sürətli gəzmə. Don't walk so fast. Do not be quick to take offense. Mən Kolumbiyadanam. I am from Columbia. I can't stand in Colombia. Tomun pişiklərdən xoşu gəlmir. Tom doesn't like cats. Tom is happy to enjoy the things he was learning. Bizim sinifdə 41 şagird var. Our class has 41 students. We have 41 students. Tom pişikləri sevir. Tom loves cats. Tom loves the rats. Bu maşınlar Yaponiyada istehsal olunub. These cars are made in Japan. These are just a few examples of the countless sacrifices made by servants of Jehovah. Tələsək. Let's hurry. By all means. Çünki mən çin dilində danışıram. Because I speak Chinese. Because I do not speak English. Qadın oyanır. The woman awakens. She's woke up. İsveçdən yenicə qayıtmışam. I've just come back from Sweden. As a result, the country was restored again. Ümid edirəm ki, oxumayacaqsan. I hope you won't sing. I'm sure you're not going to read. Sinəniz necədir? How's your chest? How do you feel? Kito Ekvadorun paytaxtıdır. Quito is the capital of Ecuador. Kyoto is a regular pioneer in Ecuador. Məncə Tom yalan danışır. I think Tom is lying. I'm Tom, I'm lying. İnsanların əbədi yaşamağı mümkün deyil. It's not possible for humans to live forever. Humans cannot live forever. Bu işi çətinləşdirir. That's complicating the matter. It's difficult to do it. Mənim soyadım Smitdir. My surname is Smith. I'm locked up, Scully. Tom qan itirir. Tom is losing blood. Tom died. Sənin üç qələmin var. You have three pens. You have a copy. Mən pişikləri sevirəm. I love cats. I love the birds. Mənim bacım hər səhər saçını yuyur. My sister washes her hair every morning. My sister will take care of me every morning. Onun atası niyə Yaponiyaya getdi? Why did her father go to Japan? Why did his father go to Canaan? Roma İtaliyadadır. Rome is in Italy. Roman law was in Rome. Siz öz kədərinizi allahsız olmaq üçün bəhanə edə bilməzsiniz. You can't use your sadness as an excuse to be ungodly. You cannot control your emotions. Bu məktəb şagirdləri dərsliklərlə təmin edir. This school supplies students with textbooks. These schools provide an abundance of training to train students. Mənim sürücüm hanı? Where's my driver? What's my car? Sevgi hər şeyə cavabdır. Love is the answer to everything. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look Tom lülqənbərdir. Tom is dead drunk. Tom was born in the United States. Sən qaydaları pozdun. You broke the rules. You broke the rules. Sən hamiləsən? Are you pregnant? Do You Remember? Bu böyük problemdir? Is it a big problem? Is that really a problem? Yanğının səbəbi hələ məlum deyil. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. You're still not even aware of the reason. Mən zombiyəm! I'm a zombie! I'm a pig! Film 2 saat çəkdi. The film lasted 2 hours. The movie was two hours. Onlar İrlandiyaya gedəcəklər. They'll go to Ireland. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. Mən daha sənin müəllimin deyiləm. I'm not your teacher anymore. I'm not your teacher. Tom istedadlı müğənnidir. Tom is a talented singer. Tom is the one who wants it. Tehran İranın ən böyük şəhəridir. Tehran is the biggest town of Iran. The largest city in the Middle East. Tom Uelsdə yaşayır. Tom lives in Wales. Tom lives in the Golden Age. Sən çox gözəlsən. You're very beautiful. You are beautiful. Mən ancaq banan yedim. I ate only bananas. I just ate the fish. Bizim qatar birdən dayandı. Our train stopped suddenly. We were standing before a livestock watering trough. Onu sədr təyin elədilər. They appointed him chairman. He had been appointed a ministerial servant. İslandiya möhtəşəm idi. Iceland was fantastic. It was wonderful. Artıq səhərdir. It is already morning. It's early. Cənab Smit öz otağını təmizləyir. Mr. Smith is cleaning his room. Scully, she cleans herself. Lüksemburq balaca ölkədir. Luxembourg is a small country. Lithuanian is a small country in the Philippines. Tom üzünü və əllərini yudu. Tom washed his face and hands. Tom turned his back on the things he had seen. Mən İsveçə getdim. I went to Sweden. I went to Switzerland. Tomun qalın saqqalı var. Tom has a thick beard. There's a shit on Tom's side. Restoran hanı? Where is the restaurant? The nurse? Sən bunu qəsdən etdin! You did this intentionally! You did it! Texas Meksikayla həmsərhəddir. Texas borders on Mexico. Mexico is now well - known for its use in Mexico. Mənə elə gəlir ki, nəyisə səhv edirəm. I think that I'm doing something wrong. I think I'm wrong. O, bəhanələr gətirməyə başladı. He began to make excuses. He began to attend Christian meetings regularly, to study the Bible diligently, and to make daily Bible reading a habit. Bu Qazaxıstanda istehsal olunub. This is made in Kazakhstan. This was done in the Sermon on the Mount. Mən dünən gecə yaxşı yatdım. I slept well last night. I went to sleep late at night. Mən davam edəcəm. I will continue. I'll continue. O ona nifrətlə baxdı. She looked at him with hatred. He loved her. Yaponiya sənaye ölkəsidir. Japan is an industrial nation. The country’s zeal is seen in the country. Mənim dostum yoxdur. I have no friends. I don't have a friend. Siz qaydaları pozdunuz. You broke the rules. You're breaking the rules. Qəmginsiniz. You're sad. You're tired. Şimali Dakotada böyük neft yataqları tapılmışdı. Large oil deposits were found in North Dakota. In the Philippines, there was a large crowd in the town of Hirschberg. Mən Kanadaya getdim. I went to Canada. I went to Canada. Onun köməyə ehtiyacı var. She needs help. He needs his help. Bu gün bazar ertəsidir. It is Monday today. Today, there is a lot of money in this world. Onun burnu qanayır. Her nose is bleeding. No blood. O vaxtlar biz çox cavan idik. We were so young at that time. At that time, we were very young. Biz indi Bostondayıq. We're in Boston now. We're now in the window. Çətirini itirdin. You've lost your umbrella. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent. ” Əminsən? Are you sure? Do You Recall? Sizi tanımıram. I don't know you. I can't help you. Mənim əkiz bacım var. I have a twin sister. I've got a sister. Onlar sizə heç nə vermədilər. They gave you nothing. They did not give you anything. Payız gəldi. Autumn is here. He's gone. Tom iş tapmaq ümidiylə Bostona gəldi. Tom came to Boston hoping to find a job. Tom wanted to find work that did not come true. O səni ələ salır. She's making fun of you. He is angry with you. Mən Syuzan Qrinəm. I'm Susan Greene. I'm Sullivan. Məncə sən acmısan. I think you're hungry. I don't think you're. Uşağın burnundan qan gəlir. The child's nose is bleeding. The blood of the child is blood. Oynaqlarım ağrayır. My joints ache. I don't cry. Biz o haqda etibarlı mənbələrdən öyrəndik. We learned about that from reliable sources. We received a letter from the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Lyublyana Sloveniyanın paytaxtıdır. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. Lloyd Scully is a symptomist. Buş bütün dinlərə hörmət edir. Bush respects all religions. The same is true of all religions. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları respublikadır. The United States is a republic. The United States is a U.S.A. of the United States. Mən bunu sizə verə bilərəm? Can I give you this? Can I afford you this? Dovşanlar yerkökü yeməyi sevərlər. Rabbits like to eat carrots. The tax collectors loved the place where they lived. Tomun ispanaqdan zəhləsi gedirdi. Tom hated spinach. To my surprise, he was very friendly and offered the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Səncə biz haradayıq? Where do you think we are? Where are you going? Tom bunun haqqında heç nə bilmir. Tom doesn't know anything about that. Tom had no idea of that. Türkiyə 29 oktyabr 1923-cü ildə müstəqil respublika oldu. Turkey became an independent republic on October 29th 1923. Turkey was born in 1923. Siz onu incidirsiniz. You're hurting him. You hurt him. Mən suyu içdim. I drank the water. I'm drinking water. Marsdakı zooparklarda yerdən heyvanlar vardır. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In Margarita, there are animals. Mənim qardaşım İtaliyaya getdi. My brother went to Italy. My father left us the village where I was born. Alma stolun üstündədir. The apple is on the table. It's on the top. Mən sadəcə Tomu alçaltmaq istəyirəm. I just want to humiliate Tom. I just want to talk about Tom. Bilmirəm nə edəcəm. I don't know what I'll do. I don't know what I'm going to do. Tom yazıçıdır. Tom is a writer. Tom's up. Ona dəsmal lazımdır. He needs a towel. He needs to be careful. Bu komediyadır. It's a comedy movie. It's a nasty. Biz yenə görüşəcəyik. We'll meet again. We'll see you again. Mən hazırammı? Am I ready? Am I ready? Maşınınız var? Have you got a car? You got your family? Tom yəqin ki, biraz yorğundur. Tom is probably a little tired. Tom may have a little bit of time. 105-ci otaq haradadır? Where is Room 105? It's 105-year-old? O musiqi təhsili almaq məqsədiylə Avstriyaya getdi. He went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. He had to leave behind his previous employment, the comforts of home, and the freedom to travel — until the death of the high priest. Bu çox balacadır. It's too small. It's very small. Biz kasıbıq. We're poor. We're poor. "Sağolun, uşaqlar." "Dəyməz." "Thanks, guys." "Don't mention it." "Don't worry, kids." Mən işləmirəm. I'm not working. I work. Tom sərçələrin cikkiltisini eşidir. Tom hears the chirps of sparrows. Tom was listening to the men who had been sent to him. Xəstəxana haradadır? Where is the hospital? Have you ever wondered about the answers to questions such as these? Bədəvilər səhrada yaşayırlar. Bedouins live in the desert. They're alive in the living room. Bizim üç təyyarəmiz var idi. We had three airplanes. We had three children. Sən bunu bacararsan ya yox? Can you do it or can't you? Would you not be able to do that? Mən itə iki tikə ət verdim. I gave the dog two pieces of meat. I gave my first public talk as a circuit overseer in front of a village store out in the open. Mən buna öyrəşmişəm. I'm used to it. I felt that I had lost everything, and I was very scared. Reqbi oynayırdıq. We were playing rugby. We went from door to door asking for accommodations, saying that we were missionaries, and we offered our magazines on the street O, tibb bacısıdır. She is a nurse. He is the One who is sent as King. Mən demək olar ki hər gün süd alıram. I buy milk almost every day. I can tell you every day that I eat a meal every day. Çay təhlükəlidir. The river is dangerous. A child’s job is to avoid contact with him or her. O qazax dilini bilmir. He doesn't know Kazakh language. He does not speak the language. Soğandan zəhləm gedir. I hate onions. My self - righteousness got the better of me, so I quit the truth. ” Mənim yoldaşım burada. My friend is here. My wife is here. Şərabı içdim. I drank the wine. I drank wine. Bakı Azərbaycanın paytaxtıdır. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. The girl's daughter's chagrin. Səsini kəs və otur! Shut up and sit down. Get your voice and sit down! İndi göbələk mövsümüdür. Mushrooms are in season now. Now, it's a little bitch. Siz Tomaşın dostusunuz, elə deyil? You're Tomasz's friend, aren't you? You're a friend of Thomas, aren't you? Ağ badımcan olur? Is there a white eggplant? How about you? Mən Azərbaycanda yaşayıram. I live in Azerbaijan. I am on my way to the camp. Mən burada yatacam. I'll sleep here. I'm going to sleep here. Mənim dostlarımın heç biri qolf oynamır. None of my friends play golf. I don't play any of my friends. Oxu! Read! Read! Marsda da pişiklər var. There are cats on Mars, too. There's also a lot of pediatrics. Mən işləməyi sevirəm. I like to work. I love working. Mən Tom kimi məşğul deyiləm. I'm not as busy as Tom. I don't work like Tom. Mənə bir-iki gün vaxt ver. Give me a day or two. Give me one day. Qanun axmaqları qorumur. Law doesn't protect the fools. The Law has no protection. Mən sadəcə sənlə danışmaq istəyirəm. I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. Mən daha sizin müəlliminiz deyiləm. I'm not your teacher anymore. I'm not your teacher. Çaşıb qalmışam. I'm confused now. I'm tired. Teleqram göndərmək istəyirəm. I want to send a telegram. I want to watch TV. Sizdə Ermənistan haqqında hər hansı bir kitab var? Do you have any books about Armenia? What kind of book do you have with regard to the resurrection hope? "Gələn dəfə", o dedi. "Next time," he said. He said, "Go with me." He said, "Go with you." Biz həmişə birlikdə idik. We were always together. We always had together together. Sən Portuqaliyada yaşayırsan yoxsa Braziliyada? Do you live in Portugal or Brazil? Are you in school or at our place of employment? Mən bu gün heç nə tərcümə etmək istəmirəm. I don't want to translate anything today. I don't want to do anything today. Mən kitabı oxumağa başladım. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. Toy deyir ki, bu təcilidir. Tom says it is urgent. Too says, that's important. Qız gözəldir. The girl is beautiful. It was lovely to see how seriously some of them took their assignment. Onun bacısı Şotlandiyada yaşayır. His sister resides in Scotland. She was raised in a Chinese - language congregation. Mən Suriyadanam. I'm from Syria. I'm not thirsty. Tom Meriylə evlənmək üçün çox kasıbdır. Tom is too poor to marry Mary. Mary’s husband, Mary, is very poor. Tom Avstraliyada yaşayır. Tom lives in Australia. Tom lives in Australia. Siz mənim dediyimə fikir vermirsiniz. Sizin fikriniz başqa yerdədir. You're not paying attention to what I'm saying. Your mind is elsewhere. You don't think I'm here. Mən jurnalistəm. I'm a journalist. I'm a writer. Bu kitabda çox şəkillər var. There are many pictures in this book. There are many accounts in this book. Siz gərək qapınızı bağlayasınız. You should lock your door. You're going to open your door. Biz dostuq. We're friends. We're friends. Əminsən ki Tom ölüb? Are you sure Tom is dead? Would you expect Tom to be there? Mənə biraz yatmaq lazımdır. I need some sleep. I need to sleep some time. Seçim sənindir. The choice is yours. The choice is yours. Bir fahişəxanada işləməyi planlaşdırıram. I plan to work in a brothel. One teacher put it this way: “A child usually won’t resent being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses just because of not having a piece Səni görməyimə şadam, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. I'm glad you don't, Tom. O müəllim olmaq istəyir. He wants to become a teacher. He wants to be a teacher. Macarıstan və Slovakiya qonşudurlar. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. They are going to a nearby village to preach in the village of São Paulo. O dedi ki, xoşbəxtdir. She said that she was happy. He said that happiness is the key to happiness. O səndən iki yaş böyükdür. She's two years older than you. He's two years older than you. Onlar dünən avtobusla zooparka getdilər. They went to the zoo by bus yesterday. They traveled the islands by boat and bicycle, and they well remember their first trip. Sən Portuqaliyada xoşbəxt idin? Have you been happy in Portugal? Are you happy in court? Keyt çox cazibədardır. Kate is very charming. The key is to keep on serving Jehovah with a sense of urgency. Öyrədərək öyrənirik. By teaching, we learn. Learn to study. Onlar üç saatdan çox danışdılar. They spoke for more than three hours. They worked three hours a day. Mən ət yeyirəm. I eat meat. I'm interested in it. Siz optimistsiniz. You're an optimist. You're pissed. Qəribə bir yuxu gördüm. I dreamt a strange dream. I saw a tree staring down. Bu zal çox böyükdür. This hall is very big. It's too big. O Toma inandı. She believed Tom. He believed that Tom. O öz otağını təmiz saxlayır. He keeps his room clean. He is clean in the eyes of the wicked ones. Burada içəridə qaranlıqdır. It's dark in here. There's a dark light in here. Deyirlər ki, o varlıdır. She is said to have been rich. They say that he is rich. Onlar yenə uduzdular. They lost again. They're sick again. O, yazda günəbaxan əkir. He plants sunflowers in the spring. He begins to attend Christian meetings regularly, to study God’s Word earnestly, and to make daily prayer a habit. Sən Ermənistana nə vaxt gedəcəksən? When will you go to Armenia? When will you be resurrected? Biz İtaliyadayıq. We're in Italy. We are in Italy. Sənə ehtiyacım olmayacaq. I won't need you. I'm not gonna need you. Mən dörd aylıq hamiləyəm. I am four months pregnant. I am a four - year - old girl. Sizin üçün pis xəbərim var. I have bad news for you. I've got a bad news for you. Onları tanıyırsan? Do you know them? Do you know them? Bu mənə çox kömək oldu. It helped me a lot. That really helped me. Bir günə neçə siqaret çəkirsən? How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? How many days do you think? Quşlar uçurlar. Birds fly. The birds will fly. Hələ başlama. Don't start yet. Don't start late. Tom səni gördü? Did Tom see you? Tom saw you? Bir alma yeyirəm. I'm eating an apple. I'm going to take a break. Tom aqressiv sürücüdür. Tom is an aggressive driver. Tom is a chromosome. Gül sarıdır. The flower is yellow. It's sweet. Məryəmin İsadan başqa uşaqları var idi? Did Mary have any other children besides Jesus? What else was involved in Mary’s being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Mən sənə dedim ki, onlarla danışma. I told you not to talk to them. I told you that I would not like to talk to them. Tom evə gəldi. Tom came home. Tom came home. Siz hər şeyə hazır olmalısınız. You have to be prepared for anything. You have to be ready for everything. Siz harada tennis oynayırsınız? Where do you play tennis? Where are you from? Mən homoseksualam. I'm a homosexual. I'm drunk. Bütün alma ağacları kəsilmişdi. All the apple trees were cut down. He didn't eat all the fruit. Onların toyu sabah olacaq. Their wedding will be tomorrow. There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow. Tom üç gündür ki xəstəxanadadır. Tom has been in the hospital for three days. Tom worked three days a day. Biz çox yorğun idik. We were very tired. We were very sad. Tom tək idi. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Sami İsaya inanmağa başladı. Sami started believing in Jesus. Samuel began to believe in Jesus. Filmin bu hissəsindən zəhləm gedir. I hate this part of the movie. The film's on my head. Ümid edirəm məni başa düşürsən. I hope you understand me. You make me understand. Rumıniyanın paytaxtı Buxarestdir. Romania's capital is Bucharest. The original - language term literally means that he had been “the master of this system of things. ” Onların heç biri sürücü deyil. None of them are drivers. No one has been able to cross the finish line. O, sinif otağına qaçdı. He ran into the classroom. He was assigned as a missionary to Chile, where he again served as a circuit overseer. Sən məktəbə getməlisən. You must go to school. You are on your way to school. Çay quruyur. The river is running dry. It's going to be done. Dəlisən? Are you crazy? Do you? Doğurdan? Really? It's cold? Dəniz suyunun tərkibində duz var. Seawater contains salt. There's a lot of water in the water. Tom yaxşı sürücüdür. Tom is a good driver. Tom's a good driver. Alma dadlı idi. The apple was tasty. There was no need for her to do so. O, qozbeldir. He is hunchbacked. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise. Tomun ötən gecə nə etdiyini bilirsən? Do you know what Tom was doing last night? What did Tom know about the night before his death? Tom çox varlıdır. Tom is very wealthy. Tom was a rich man. Sabah ona həqiqəti deməyə məcbur olacağam. I will have to tell him the truth tomorrow. Do not let him succeed — he does not let his light shine. Öyrənməyə nifrət edirəm. I hate studying. I hate to study. O, məni bütün dostlarına təqdim etdi. He introduced me to all his friends. He gave me all my friends. O məndən bir az gödəkboyludur. He's a bit shorter than me. It's a little bit of me. Mən Tomu başa düşürəm. I understand Tom. I understand Tom. Tırtıl gözəl bir kəpənəyə döndü. The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly. It turned out to be a beautiful one. O Fransada maşın satır. He sells cars in France. He moved to France where there was a greater need for Kingdom publishers. O, taksi sürücüsüdür. She is a taxi driver. He is the One who is the Source of dynamic energy. O döyüşdə öldü. He died in battle. He's dead. Bizim su ehtiyatlarımız tükənir. Our water supplies are dwindling. Our water supply gives us fresh water. Niyə adamlar səndən qorxurlar? Why are people scared of you? Do You See the Need to Train Others? Xoşbəxtlikdən siz evdə idiniz. Luckily, you were at home. At first, you were home. Mən Nyu-Yorkda yaşayıram. I live in New York. I'm on my way to South Lansing. Mən sizi qardaşıma təqdim edərəm. I'll introduce you my brother. I will give you advice with my eye upon you. Çoxdandır səni görmürəm. I haven't seen you for a while. I am very grateful to you for all that I have done for you. Mən özümü gücsüz hiss edirəm. I feel powerless. I feel weak. Mən həqiqətən Misirə getmək istəyirəm. I really want to go to Egypt. I really want to go to town. O, müvafiq görünmürdü. It didn't seem appropriate. He did not look to any written code of laws made by imperfect men as a basis for determining what was just and Terrorizm, bir ölkənin bölünməsi və muxtar bölgələrin meydana gəlməsi üçün ən əhəmiyyətli faktordur. Terrorism is the most important factor in the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions. It is one of the most widely known evidence of violence, violence, and violence in the world. Onlar burun buruna idilər. They were nose to nose. They were like this. Tom Merinin oğludur. Tom is Mary's son. Thomas is the son of Mary. Biz filmdən sonra davam edəcəyik. We’ll continue after the film. We'll continue after the movie. Ətrafıma göz gəzdirdim. I looked around me. I was on my way to the store. Qarpız almısan? Have you bought a watermelon? Will you take it? Bütün lüğətlərdə səhvlər olur. All dictionaries contain errors. All things are wrong in themselves. Sürünənlərə nifrət edirəm. I hate reptiles. I hate horses. Siz ondan daha gözəlsiniz. You're more beautiful than her. You're better than that. Bu it ağdır. This dog is white. This is a call. Texas Yaponiyadan təqribən iki dəfə böyükdür. Texas is nearly twice as large as Japan. What is more, Jehovah will continue to mold us by means of his Word, spirit, and organization so that one day we will be able to stand before him as perfect “children O oğlan tamamilə dəlidir. That boy is completely crazy. He's a young boy. Onun zarafatları mənasızdır. His jokes are meaningless. It's his legs. Kopenhagen Danimarkanın paytaxtıdır. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. In fact, it's a symptom. Oyun nə vaxt başlayır? What time does the game start? When does the game appear? Bir dil kifayət deyil. One language is not enough. A language is not enough. Tom səni tapacaq. Tom will find you. Tom will find you. Bu heç də asan deyil. It's not at all easy. This is not always easy. Mən ondan qorxmuram. I'm not afraid of her. I can't. Mən emalatxanada işləyirəm. I am working at the workshop. I'm on my way to the store. Limon sarıdır. The lemon is yellow. Let's say it's sweet. Bizim komandamız uduzdu. Our team lost. Our teacher was blind. Tom evə qayıtdı. Tom returned home. Tom returned home. Gözlərini aç. Open your eyes. Open your mouth. Tom uduzacaq. Tom is going to lose. Tom's gonna be sick. Bayrağı dəyişin zəhmət olmasa. Change the flag, please. It doesn't work to change the change. Mən sizin müəlliməniz olacam. I'll be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Məni gözlə! Wait for me! Wait for me! İrəvan Ermənistanın paytaxtıdır. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia. The body of an animal is made up of the earth’s surface. Burnum axır. My nose is running. It's my place. Yorğunam. I'm tired. I'm tired. Barmağımı yandırdım. I burned my finger. I burned my bar. Mən gəncəm. I'm young. I'm young. Futbol İspaniyada çox populyardır. Soccer is very popular in Spain. Federation is very popular in Spain. Bu gün bazar ertəsidir. Today is Monday. Today, there is a lot of money in this world. O mənim ağlımı başımdan alır. She drives me crazy. He's taking me out of my mind. Bu asan deyil. It's not easy. It's not easy. Qusmaq istəyirəm. I want to vomit. I want to make fun of it. Hər yerdə qan var idi. There was blood everywhere. There was blood everywhere. Şunu təkrarlaya bilərsiniz? Could you repeat that? Can you take that to heart? Onun hirslənməyə səbəbi yoxdur. He has no reason to be angry. There is no reason to become impatient about him. Bizim ortaq heç nəyiminiz yoxdur. We have nothing in common. We have nothing to say. Minnesotaya getmək istəyirəm. I want to go to Minnesota. I want to go to Minnesota. Ona etibar etmək olar. He can be counted on. You can trust him. Mənim üç kameram var. I have three cameras. I have three cameras. Mən onlara yazacam. I'll write to them. I'll write them. Hələ Floridasan? Are you still in Florida? Are you still in Florida? Ayaqlarım donur. My feet are freezing. My feet are full. O, çemodanı daşıya biləcək qədər güclüdür. She is strong enough to carry the suitcase. He will continue to carry his load of responsibility in the congregation. O Kanadadan qayıtdı. He returned from Canada. He was from Canada. Evdəyəm. I'm home. I'm at home. Əminəm ki, Tom sənə nifrət etmir. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Albaniya Avropa birliyinə qoşulmaq istəyir. Albania wants to join the European Union. Alvin wants to move to Europe. İngilis dili mənim ana dilim deyil. English is not my native language. The English language isn't my language. Mənim daha buna ehtiyacım yoxdur. I no longer need it. I don't need that anymore. Mağazalar nə vaxt açılır? When do the shops open? When Do They End? Mayk gülümsədi. Mike smiled. He's in the car. Mən heç vaxt Parisdə olmamışam. I have never been to Paris. I have never been in Paris. Mən üzr istədim. I apologized. I asked for a request. Xain deyiləm. I'm not a traitor. It's not a mistake. Tom oxumağa başladı. Tom started singing. Tom began to attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Tom bir çox vampirlər kimi tabutda yatmır. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom won't sleep as long as they're late. Mən yavaş danışdım ki onlar məni başa düşə bilsinlər. I spoke slowly so that they could understand me. I quickly recognized that they understood me. Bu müharibədir. This is a war. This is war. Mən şifrəni bilmirəm. I don't know the password. I don't know. Bayquşlar müdrikdirlər. Owls are wise. The birds are wise. May apreldən sonra gəlir. May comes after April. After the death of a loved one, he returned to life. Tom qulançar yeyir, amma qardaşı yox. Tom eats asparagus, but his brother doesn't. Tom was a slave of a different sort, but he did not stand fast in the truth. Siz də ona qabaqcadan deyə bilərsiniz. You may as well say it to him in advance. You can say it to him. Müharibə sona çatdı. The war ended. The end was completed. Çində istehsal olunub. Made in China. It's in China. O sizi istəyir. She wants you. He wants you to. Sən məni həmişə təəccübləndirirsən. You always surprise me. You are always there to comfort me. Film nə vaxt başlayır? When does the movie start? When does the film begin? O, əlini qaldırdı. She raised her hand. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments. ” Siz onların qanını qaraldırsınız. You're upsetting them. You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men. ” Gəncə Azərbaycanın ən böyük şəhərlərindən biridir. Ganja is one of the biggest cities in Azerbaijan. The town of Aqua is one of the biggest cities in the world. Tom əməlli-başlı yorulmuşdu. Tom was pretty tired. Tom didn't know what was going on. Tomun məktəbdən zəhləsi gedir. Tom hates school. To my surprise, he was very friendly and offered the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Tezliklə yağış yağacaq. O qara buludlara bir bax. It's going to rain soon. Look at those black clouds. He will rain down upon you in the morning, and he will give you rain from the cloud, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part İndi yağış yağır? Is it raining now? Is it rain now? Biz üç müharibə görmüşük. We have seen three wars. We fought three wars. Onun bu pişiklərdən xoşu gəlir. She likes these cats. He is pleased to see how much he has done for those who put faith in him. İsveçin paytaxtı Stokholmdur. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. It's the vampires of the vampires. Televizoru söndür. Turn off the TV. Put the TV off. Ümid edirəm ki, arzum reallaşar. I hope my dream will come true. I believe that I have a desire to do what I want. Onu sevirəm. I love her. Love him. Naoko ağ evdə yaşayır. Naoko lives in the white house. Nakoko's at home. Mən sandviç yeyirdim. I was eating a sandwich. I've been a symptom. Təbriklər. Congratulations! Congratulations. Bəzi şeylər heç vaxt unudulmur. Some things are never forgotten. Some things are very different. Mən onun lüğətini ona geri qaytardım. I gave her her dictionary back. I returned to her. Nə etdin? What did you do? What Did You Learn? Mən qulaq asmadım. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Sənin haqqında danışacağam. I'll talk about you. I will speak to you about me. Biraz incidəcək, çox yox. It will hurt a little, but not much. It's gonna hurt you, it's not too much. Bəzən kinoteatra gedərəm. I sometimes go to the cinema. Sometimes I'm on my way to the hospital. Bu lüğət 12 cildlikdir. This dictionary has 12 volumes. That's 12 years old. Mən tələsmirəm. I am not in a hurry. I'm on my way. Mən bildiyimə görə o İtaliyada doğulub. For all I know, he was born in Italy. I don't know, he was born in Italy. Mən Tomun sürücüsüyəm. I'm Tom's driver. I'm Tom. Tom, mən darıxıram. Tom, I'm bored. Tom, I'm in trouble. Niderland səfirliyi haradadır? Where is the Dutch embassy? What's going on? Dəri ayaqqabı istehsalı üçün xammaldır. Leather is raw material to produce shoes. It's not an easy way to get it out of it. Mən heçvaxt ümidimi itirməyəcəm. I'll never lose hope. I'll never give up. Mən təhsil almaq üçün Amerikaya getdim. I went to America to study. I went to America to take up education. Bob ilbizi yedi, sonra da qusdu. Bob ate the snail, then vomited. He ate the pig, and then he broke it. Pişik balası masa altında süd içirdi. The kitten was drinking milk under the table. She ate a baby under the table under the tree. Hava soyudu. The weather got cold. The air was cold. Yeniyetmə deyiləm. I'm not a teenager. I don't know. Bu hər payız baş verirdi. This was happening every autumn. All of this made a difference. Bu otaqda siqaret çəkmək olmaz. Smoking is not allowed in this room. It's not going to be in that room. Ətrafıma baxdım. I looked around me. I've seen it. Meri idman dərsinə getdi. Mary went to her fitness class. Mary studied the Bible with the Witnesses. Tom yapon dilini yaponlardan yaxşı danışır. Tom speaks Japanese better than Japanese do. Tom was well - known for his work, and he made good use of the language he learned. Gəl qarpız yeyək! Let's eat a watermelon! We're gonna eat meat! Qatarı saxlayın! Stop the train. Let's get out of here! Tehran haradadır? Where is Tehran? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Mən küçəyə işədim. I peed on the street. I worked in the office. Dənizdə adalar var. There are islands in the sea. There are many islands. Biz öyrəndik ki, ay yerin ətrafında fırlanır. We learned that the moon goes around the earth. We knew that we would fall in the middle of the month. Yaponiyada yayda hava çox isti olur. In Japan, it is very hot in summer. In India, there is a lot of cool air in the middle of the winter. Mən zarafat etmirdim. I wasn't joking. I didn't do it. Bu şey diri. This thing is alive. This thing's alive. Tom kitabı yerə qoydu. Tom put the book down. Tom set up a book. Böyük Britaniyanın Kiprdə iki hərbi bazası var. Great Britain has two military bases in Cyprus. Two types of IUDs have come to the fore. Demək olar ki. Almost. It can be said that you have “a heart to know ” Jehovah. Mən bu fabrikdə işləmişəm. I have worked in this factory. That was my job at work. Mən Londondayam. I am in London. I'm in London. Biz heç bir şey görmədik. We didn't see anything. We didn't see anything. Qoca kişi yerə yıxıldı. The old man fell down on the ground. The men were not to leave the city. Qorxun. Çox qorxun. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Thank you very much. Mən fransız dili müəllimiyəm. I'm a French teacher. I'm a French teacher. Onun xalası Avstriyada yaşayır. His aunt lives in Austria. She lives in Austria. Bunun haqqında fikirləşməməyə çalışıram. I try not to think about it. I try not to think about it. Tom barmağını kəsdi. Tom cut his finger. He's got to go. Yeməyə nə məsləhət görərdin? What would you recommend we eat? What advice did you give? Tom nə gözləyirdi? What did Tom expect? What did Tom find? Maşın istəyirsiniz? Do you want a car? Do you want your family? Mən də orada düşürəm. I get off there, too. I'm there too. Misirdə hansı dildə danışırlar? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language was commonly spoken in Egypt? Makiyajsız belə çox xoşdur. Even without makeup, she's very cute. It is very unlikely that he would have used apostates to get out of the house! Evə getmək istəyirsən? Do you want to go home? Will I go home? Tom çox tənbəldir. Tom's very lazy. Tom is a high - ranking man. Şəkil bu kitabın içindədir. The picture is in this book. It is in the book of Revelation. Sən çox gözəlsən. You are very beautiful. You are beautiful. Çox solğun görünürsən. You look very pale. You're on the left. Mən Norveçə getdim. I went to Norway. I went to Northern Ireland. İrlandiya çox gözəl ölkədir. Ireland is a very beautiful country. The country is blessed with a well - paying job. Tomun qanaxması var. Tom is bleeding. Tom has a blood attack. Atamın bacısı mənim bibimdir. The sister of my father is my aunt. My father is my mother’s grandfather. Sabah hava günəşli olacaq? Will it be sunny tomorrow? What morning light will be? Qəbristanlığa gedirik. We are going to the cemetery. We're on the road. Cənab Vayt Hindistana gedib. Mr White has gone to India. Oh, man, go to India. Afina Yunanıstandadır. Athens is in Greece. He's in Greece. Mən hava limanına taksi ilə getdim. I went to the airport by taxi. I went to the airport where I was staying. Sandviç yeyirdim. I was eating a sandwich. I've been a lawyer. Vaxt qazanmaq üçün komputerdən istifadə etdik. We used the computer in order to save time. In time, we were able to spend a lot of time together. Tom xəfifcə gülümsədi. Tom smiled slightly. Tom grew up in a Middle Eastern country. Dam yağış buraxır. The roof lets in rain. He's going to get out of the water. İsrail səfirliyi harada yerləşir? Where is the Israeli embassy? Where in Israel was Israel? Bu lüğət mənim deyil. This dictionary isn't mine. That's not mine. Emili hal-hazırda məşğuldur. Emily is busy right now. I don't know what's going on. Sox içivə Shut the fuck up! may not be able to read music İzah etməyə ehtiyac yoxdur. There's no need to explain. There is no need to be overly anxious. Niyə bizimlə qalmadın? Why didn't you stay with us? Are you one of them? Tom tərəddüd edir. Tom is wavering. Tom is taking the lead in his life. Tom və Merinin üç qızı var. Tom and Mary have three daughters. Thomas and Mary, a three - year - old girl, had been married for three years. Mən açanda qutu boş idi. The box was empty when I opened it. When I opened the door, I was empty. Hər ailədə biri var. Every family has one. Each of us has his own names. Gözləməkdən zəhləm gedir. I hate to wait. My self - righteousness got the better of me, so I quit the full - time ministry. Mən nə üçün buradayam? What am I here for? Why am I here? Uşaqlar xarici dillər öyrənməlidirlər. Children have to learn foreign languages. Teach your children Bible truth whenever possible. Səncə balıqlar eşidə bilir? Do you think fish can hear? Do you know the fish? Sənin yerində olsaydım onun məsləhətinə qulaq asardım. If I were you, I'd follow his advice. If I had been there, I would have listened to his counsel. Xəstəxanada bir həftə keçirdim. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week in the hospital. Mən həkim dəyiləm. I'm not a doctor. I'm a teacher. Bu qədər nifrət nə üçün? Why so much hate? Why is this so hated? Məktub yazıram. I'm writing a letter. I can't write it. Mən qalmağı getməkdən üstün tuturam. I prefer staying to going. I am going to make a lot of progress. Tom qan qusdu. Tom vomited blood. Tom put it on me. Öldü? Dead? He's dead? Pet çox dilavərdir. Pat is very talkative. Probably, very few of the languages are spoken. Tom duş qəbul edir. Tom is taking a shower. Tom accepts. Bu bir çox adamı təəccübləndirdi. This surprised many people. That was a big contrast to many of them. Biz tənbəlik. We're lazy. “ We are not ignorant of [God’s] designs. Niyə ora getdiniz? Why did you go there? Have you arrived there? Tom onları tapmayıb. Tom hasn't found them. Tom did not find them. Mən ərəb dilini sevirəm. I love Arabic. I was assigned to a circuit that covered a huge area of central Mexico City. Mən burada olacağam. I'll be over here. I'm not here. Tom çin ədəbiyyatı müəllimidir. Tom is a teacher of Chinese literature. Tom is a student of the Theocratic Ministry School. Ermənistanda çoxlu turist var? Are there many tourists in Armenia? How many times are there? Syuzan pişikləri sevir. Susan likes cats. That's what you're talking about. İt qaradır. The dog is black. It's crazy. Onlara qoşulmaq istəyirsiniz? Do you want to join them? Do you want them to? O mənim dostum idi. He was my friend. He was my friend. Buralarda bir aptek yoxdurmu? Isn't there a pharmacy nearby? Aren't there a stupid idiot here? Tom Yaponiyaya getmək istəyir. Tom wants to go to Japan. Tom wanted to move to Russia. Mən Papua Yeni Qvineyadayam. I'm in Papua New Guinea. I was assigned to a circuit that covered a huge area of central Asia Minor. O, zarafatı başa düşmədi. He didn't get the joke. He did not understand the seriousness of what he was doing. Çay bütün dünya özrə məşhur bir içkidir. Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. The world around us has a drinking problem. Bratislava Slovakiyanın paytaxtıdır. Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Bravava Steint is a symptomist. Britaniyada banklar səhər saat 9-da açılır. In Britain, the banks open at 9:00 in the morning. The bank bank is at 9:00 a.m. at nine o'clock. O, çətirini itirdi. He has lost his umbrella. She was unable to start a Bible conversation with anyone, so she said to some Bethelites, “The last place on earth I would Mənim qardaşım Fransada işləyir. My brother works in France. I'm in France. Emili biraz rumın dili öyrənib. Emily studied some Romanian. It's a little bit of my language. Mən ətrafa baxdım amma heç kimi görmədim. I looked around, but saw nobody. I looked at it, but I never saw it. Mərakeşin paytaxtı Rabat şəhəridir. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. It is referred to as “the city having real foundations, the builder and maker of which city is God. ” Mən Yeni Zelandiyada olmamışam. I have not been to New Zealand. I'm not in New Zealand. Tom daha yaxşı idi. Tom was better. Tom was a better person. Oxumanı sevirəm. I like reading. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Pişiyə bax. Look at the cat. Let's see. Portuqaliyanın birinci paytaxtı hara idi? What was the first capital of Portugal? In the first century C.E., what was the history of the Roman Empire? Kitablarınızı bağlayın. Close your books. Read your books. O, müəllimdir. He is a teacher. He is a teacher. İsa nə edərdi? What would Jesus do? What Did Jesus Say? Bu ruçkadır. This is a pen. That's a deal. Mən gələn həftə İspaniyaya gedirəm. I'm going to Spain next week. I am on my way to Spain for the last week. O uşaqlarının qayğısına qalmır. He doesn't take care of his children. He needs to consider what will bring long - term results. Tomun bir qızı var idi. Tom had one daughter. Tom had a daughter. Külqabını boşalt, içi siqaret kötüyü ilə dolub. Empty the ashtray, because it's full of cigarette butts. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; and in his bosom he will carry them. ” Nyu-York xoşuna gəlir? Do you like New York? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Gecədir. Ailə şam edir. It is night. The family is eating dinner. It's night. It's a family. Süngər suyu özünə çəkir. A sponge absorbs water. The clay is referred to as water. Tom tərpənmirdi. Tom wasn't moving. Tom did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this suggestion. Duz çəkiylə satılır. Salt is sold by weight. The device has been used for over a period of time. Biz onun dəvətini qəbul etdik. We accepted his invitation. We accepted his invitation. Mən payızda İspaniyaya gedirəm. I am going to Spain in the fall. I am on my way to Spain. Mən eybəcərəm. I'm ugly. I feel like I am. Mən bu lüğəti istəyirəm. I want this dictionary. I want to do this. Mən hələ qəlyanaltı etməmişəm. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I still remember the first time I went preaching from house to house. Gəmi dənizdədir. The ship is at sea. The sea is a watery sea. İclasda nə danışıldığını qısaca deyə bilərsən? Can you briefly sum up what was said at the meeting? What do you think you're talking about? Mən bilirəm ki, siz də bilmirsiniz. I know you don't know either. I know you don't. Müharibə həmişə bədbəxtlik gətirir. War always brings tragedy. Self - discipline often comes in the form of criticism. Ondan pis iy gəlir. He smells bad. It's bad. Qılınc bədəni qorumaq üçün istifadə oluna bilər. The sword can be used to protect the body. A soldier can use a variety of tools to make sure that his wife will not only speak but also act in harmony with her Bible - trained conscience. Qızımız yox. We don't have a daughter. We're not our daughter. Finiks Arizonanın paytaxtıdır. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. The Federation of Armstrong's Aquarta. Mən soyunuram. I'm undressing. I'm locked up. Bu alma ağacıdır. This is an apple tree. It's a tree. Səhər açılır. Day breaks. Names have been changed. Bu qırmızı həblərdən ikisini götür. Take two of these red pills. Take both sides of this street. Bütün gün boyu günəbaxan tumu yeyirəm. I eat sunflower seeds all day. I'm on my own every day. Qələm qılıncdan güclüdür. The pen is mightier than the sword. Make it easier for you to avoid falling victim to pride. Müəllim deyiləm. I'm not a teacher. I don't know. Düşünürəm ki, sən haqlısan. I think you're right. I think you're making sense. Biz Tomun dostlarıyıq. We're Tom's friends. We're friends of Tom. O, qadını salamladı. He greeted the woman. He invited her to join him in the field ministry. O, Taronun qardaşıdır. He is Taro's brother. He is a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Onlar hamısı qucaqlaşdılar. They all hugged. They all fell asleep. Fransa Qərbi Avropadadır. France is in western Europe. France is in Europe. Biz qorxuruq. We are afraid. We're on our way. Mən Yunanıstandanam. I'm from Greece. I'm not from the chromosome. Məncə bu Tomun xoşuna gələcək. I think Tom will like it. I think that will be a happy future for Tom Tom. Alma istəyirəm. I want an apple. I don't want to. O cadugərdi. She was an enchantress. He'd be mad. İtaliya çox gözəl ölkədir. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a country where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. O yaşlı adam dəhşət yeyəndir. That old man is a fussy eater. The old man eats food. Səninlə yaşamaq istəmirəm. I don't want to live with you. I don’t want to be with you. Niyə kosmos qaradır? Why is space black? Do You See “the One Who Is Invisible ”? Mən kor deyiləm. I'm not blind. I don't care. Siz onun atasını tanıyırsınız? Do you know her father? Do you know her? Tom mahnı oxumağa başladı. Tom started to sing. Tom began to attend Christian meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Siz Avstriyanın harasında böyümüsünüz? Where in Austria did you grow up? Are you growing up in Australia? Qırmızı bir maşınım var. I have a red car. I've got a book. Bizim shəhərimizdə her il tedrici deyisiklikler bas verir . Gradual changes take place in our city every year. This is how We explain Our signs in diverse ways . Mən bunu dəyişə bilmirəm. I can't change this. I can't change it. Tom deyir ki, daha belə yaşamaq istəmir. Tom says he doesn't want to live like this anymore. Tom says that he did not want to live like that. Bir çox insan hökumətə güvənmir. Many people do not trust the government. Many people refuse to trust a human government. Səudiyyə Ərəbistanı Ərəbistan yarımadasında ən böyük ölkədir. Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula. The Central African Republic is the largest country in the country. O, Sendayda yaşamır. He does not live in Sendai. He lives in you. Ken nə yeyir? What is Ken eating? What is it? Mənimlə oturun. Sit with me. Stay with me. Brayan Nyu-Yorka yola düşdü. Brian left for New York. Bravo's on the road. Xoş bir payız axşamı idi. It was a lovely autumn evening. A week later, the circuit overseer asked me to move to El Salvador to help with the harvest work. Bu lüğət yaxşıdır. This dictionary is good. That's good. Ölkəmdə heç kim zəngin deyil idi. Nobody was rich in my country. No one in my school had the desire to be rich. Qış gəlir. Winter is coming. It's dark. Bu çantadır. This is a bag. That's the bag. Uşağı yeməyə məcbur etmə. Don't force the child to eat. Do not eat fresh food. Tom Meridən məsləhət almaq istəmir. Tom doesn't want to take advice from Mary. Thomas does not have to seek advice from Mary’s husband. Onlar Yaponiya vətəndaşı oldular. They became citizens of Japan. They were the ones “whose spirit the true God had stirred ” to leave behind the security of their homes Bizim sarı almalarımız var. We have yellow apples. We've got our shoes. Biz bunu bilirik. We know this. We know that. Tomas mənim qardaşımdır. Tom is my brother. Tommy's my name. Bu Yaponiyadır. This is Japan. That's the law. Mənim bacım həkimə ərə gedib. My sister married a doctor. My sister agreed to accompany me to attend the convention. Ağlın başında olsun. Be reasonable. Let's just be calm down. Neapol cənubi İtaliyada ən böyük şəhərdir. Naples is the largest city in southern Italy. Nineveh is the greatest city in the history of the world. Əminsən? Really? Do You Recall? Əsgər əzab içində çarpayıda uzanmışdı. The soldier lay in agony on the bed. In an effort to get them to buy political party cards, a violent mob beats them, causing them to miss meetings, and even kill them. Yupiter günəş sistemində ən böyük planetdir. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. The universe is the greatest of all stars in the universe. Elə də yaxşı deyildi. It wasn't very good. And it wasn't good. İsa ağladı. Jesus wept. Jesus cried. O, ölümdən qorxur. She is afraid of death. He will not die. O, imtahanı keçdi. She passed the examination. She tried to test her faith, but she was not alone. Musiqi təhsili almaq üçün Fransaya getdi. She went to France in order to study music. In France he returned to France to teach the truth. Məni öldürmək istəyərsən? Do you want to kill me? Will you kill me? Bu sevgidir? Is this love? Is it love? Sən uddun. You won. You did. Çin haqqında kitab yazdım. I wrote a book about China. I wrote a Chinese book about China. İt necədir? How's the dog? How so? Çimərlikdəki qum ağ idi. The sand on the beach was white. It was a white hole in the middle of the night. Deyirlər ki, qıjılar çiçək aça bilir. They say that ferns can have flowers. They say that they can open the door to a better understanding of the original writings. Zaqreb Xorvatiyanın paytaxtıdır. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Zhezzzi is a type of chromo in the chromosomes of the chromosomes. Siz yaxşı müəllimsiniz. You're a good teacher. You're a good teacher. Biz ikimiz də ağladıq. We both cried. We both cried. O mənə pıçıldadı ki, acdır. She whispered to me that she was hungry. She told me that she was interested in me. O evi görürsən? O mənim evimdir. Do you see that house? That's my house. He's my home. Dənizçilər yanan gəmini tərk etdilər. The sailors abandoned the burning ship. During the following years, the guards left him, unable to continue. Barmağımı kəsmişəm. I've cut my finger. I didn't know who I was. Mən sənə İraqdan yazdım. I wrote to you from Iraq. I wrote you. Tom yeni motosiklet almağı planlaşdırır. Tom plans to buy a new motorcycle. Tom worked in a new boat at the same time. O yatmır. He doesn't sleep. She's not sleeping. Ancaq bir yastıq var. There is only one pillow. But there is a point. Pişləşir. It gets worse. Hey, hey, hey. Bütün insanlar bərabərhüquqludurlar. All men are equal. All people are equal. Bu cümlə əyləncəli. This sentence is funny. That is so whether we are together at a meeting or in an informal setting. Mən adətən piyada gedirəm. I usually walk. I often go from door to door. İndi nə edəcəyimi bilmirəm. I don't know what to do right now. Now I don't know what to do. Mən bunu sənə verə bilərəm? Can I give you this? Can I be able to do that? O müəllimədir. She is a teacher. He is a teacher. Mən it gördüm. I saw a dog. I saw it. Mən sizin həyatınızı xilas etdim. I saved your life. I saved you your life. Barselona İspaniyadadır. Barcelona is in Spain. Barbara is in Spain. Yunanıstan qədim ölkədir. Greece is an old country. An ancient land is a country of ancient times. Quşların qanadları olur. Birds have wings. The birds are the birds. Qəndqabı boşdur. The sugar canister is empty. It's empty. Tom əla adam idi. Tom was a wonderful person. Tom was a man. Bu nədir? What is this? What is it? Siz burada qalmalısınız. You should stay here. You're not here. O, olduğundan xeyli cavan görünməyə çalışırdı. She tried to look much younger than she really was. As a young person, she felt that it was the best thing for her to do. Ruhlar mövcuddurlar. Ghosts exist. There are spirits. Melani həqiqəti bilir. Melanie knows the truth. She knows the truth. Tomu öpmək istəyirəm. I want to kiss Tom. I want to kiss Tom. Onlar qulaqlarını yudular. They washed their ears. They took away their hearing. Bu bıçaq çox itidir. This knife is very sharp. It's too short. Tom mənə yaxşı bir iş tapdı. Tom found me a good job. Tom gave me a good job. Ət istəmirəm. I don't want meat. I don't want to. O uşaqları sevir. She loves children. He loves his children. Tom sirr saxlaya bilir. Tom can keep a secret. Tom knows how to handle the situation. Mən gələn həftə Mərakeşə yola düşəcəm. I will be leaving for Morocco next week. I'll go to the hospital for a week. Bu gün şənbədir. Today is Saturday. Today, we are in the race for life, and we face opponents who want to distract Şu sənin problemin. That's your problem. That's your problem. Ona pul lazımdır. He needs money. He needs money. Braziliyada heç bir idman futbol kimi məşhur deyildir. No other sport in Brazil is so popular as soccer. It is not like playing a meal together. Moskva xoşunuza gəldi? Did you like Moscow? Did Moses come to Egypt? O daha sənin problemin deyil. That's not your problem anymore. It's not your problem. Dörd kişi mahnı oxuyur. Four men are singing. Four men sang the song. Tom qız kimi geyinir. Tom dresses like a girl. Tom is like a girl with milk. Tomun heç vaxt sürücülük vəsiqəsi olmayıb. Tom has never had a driver's license. Tom was never distracted by nature. Doloresin dörd bacısı var. Dolores has four sisters. We've got four of them. Ata evə gəldi. Father came home. My father came home. Bu şişmanlıq haqqında kitabdır. This is a book about obesity. This is the book of the wine. Nənə bizə bir qutu alma göndərdi. Grandmother sent us a box of apples. He sent us a copy of the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Qan al-qırmızı idi. The blood was bright red. It was a red-five. Bir dəstə uşaq parkda oynayırdı. A group of children were playing in the park. Some children were on a bus. Mən də yaxşıyam. I am also fine. I'm fine. O çox şey bilir. He knows many things. He knows so much. Heç kim sizin xoşbəxt olmağınızı istəmir. Nobody wants you to be happy. Nobody wants you to be happy. Tom ağır xəstədir. Tom is gravely ill. Tom is sick. Mən Lüksemburqda yaşayıram. I live in Luxembourg. I live in Lebanon. Tom burnunu sındırdı. Tom broke his nose. Tom's got your fucking shit. Mən kitab yeyirəm. I eat a book. I'm writing the book. Mənimlə konsertə gələcəksənmi? Will you come with me to the concert? Will you meet with me? Bu salat limon dadı verir. This salad tastes of lemon. This idiot gives me my ass. Saxlama onu! Don't stop him. Don't shoot him! O nə vaxt evə gedəcək? When will he go home? When will that be? O mənim yoldaşımmı? Is she my friend? Is that my wife? Tom razılaşmadı. Tom disagreed. Tom didn't agree. Yıxılana balta vuran çox olar. The dead are always wrong. It is very easy to fall into the trap of cold water. Bir dil öyrənməyə minlərlə saysız sözləri yadda saxlamaq daxildir. Learning a language involves memorizing countless thousands of words. Keep in mind, too, that thousands of new Bible students are required to follow that pattern. Çiməndə süngərdən istifadə edirsən? Do you use a sponge when you take a bath? When was the last time that you were born, you used to say, “I’m sorry, ” or“ I’m sorry. ” Mən Avstriyadanam. I'm from Austria. I'm from Austria. Su qaynamağa başladı. The water began to boil. The water was very, very cold. Tom son anda fikrini dəyişdi. Tom changed his mind at the last minute. Tom finally arrived at the end of his life. Başqa dil danışa bilmirəm. I can't speak another language. In other words, speaking is not another language. Şəkər suda həll olur. Sugar is soluble in water. The answer is obvious. Mən onu dünən gördüm. I saw her yesterday. I saw him. Bu küçə necə adlanır? What's this street called? What is the lesson for us? Onu haradan aldın? Where did you buy that? Where did you get her? Ölüb? Dead? Death? O, tezdən oyanmağa vərdiş edib. He makes it a habit to wake up early. He quickly sought refuge in the tent of refuge. O, boyda məndən bir az gödəkdir. He's a bit shorter than me. He is a little over my head. Restoran haradadır? Where is the restaurant? To the nurse? Mən televizora baxacam. I'll watch television. I'm on TV. Sən yaxşı anasan. You're a good mother. You're good. Niyəsini bilmək istəyirəm. I want to know why. I want to know what's going on. Yeni Zelandiya səfirliyi haradadır? Where is the New Zealand embassy? The New Zealand — How Does It Work? Bizim üç həftəmiz var. We have three weeks. We have three weeks. Mən Bakıda yaşayıram. I live in Baku. I can't live in the Bee. O almanca danışır. She speaks German. He's talking about it. O səni istəyir. She wants you. He wants you to. Tom Merinin sevgilisidir. Tom is Mary's lover. Mary is her beloved husband. Səni sikərəm. Fuck you! I will give you advice with my eye upon you. Mən Tomun gözlərinə baxdım. I looked in Tom's eyes. I looked at Tom Tom. Tom qan verdi. Tom gave blood. Tom's blood. O sənin bilməyini istəmir. He doesn't want you to know. He does not want you to know. Qapı açıqdır. The door is open. It's open. Qulaqlarıma inana bilmədim! I couldn't believe my ears! I believed in my Master! O nahaq yerə ölməyib. He didn't die in vain. The earth was to be an ideal home for men and women created in God’s image. Portuqaliya istisna deyil. Portugal is no exception. The police aren't alone. Bu maşın qaradır. This car is black. That's the size. Onun bacısı Şotlandiyada yaşayır. Her sister lives in Scotland. She was raised in a Chinese - language congregation. Xristiyanlar İsa Məsihə inanırlar. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Christendom’s clergy have rejected Jesus Christ. Xoşbəxtlik nədir? What is happiness? What is integrity? İrqçilər axmaq adamlardır. Racists are dumb people. The men of the city are getting tired. Tomun tələsməyinə ehtiyac yoxdur. There's no need for Tom to hurry. There is no need to be in Tom’s mind. Səhvdir. Wrong. It's serious. Hal-hazırda o yoqa müəllimidir. At the present time, she is a yoga instructor. Whether he is still a teacher. O, maşını yuyur. He is washing the car. He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain Niyə mənimlə qalmadın? Why didn't you stay with me? Have you been with me? Sabahınız xeyir, xanımlar vә cәnablar! Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Your blessing, the birds of heaven! Bağışlayın... Sorry... Get out of here. Tom getmək istəmirdi amma Meri onu getməyə vadar etdi. Tom didn't want to go, but Mary made him go. Thomas had to flee from her, but now she had decided to leave. Kürsülər ağacın altındadır. The chairs are under the tree. The trees are under tree. Al, mənim paltomu götür. Here, take my coat. Here, take me my bag. Köməyə ehtiyacım var! I need help! I need help! Nyu-York necə idi? How was New York? How was he afraid? Bayquşlar qaranlıqda görə bilirlər. Owls can see in the dark. The birds are seen in the dark. O limon sıxdı. She squeezed a lemon. He was close to my sister. O, Yaponiyaya yeddi il əvvəl gəlib. He came to Japan seven years ago. He died seven years ago. Soğan xoşlamıram. I don't like onions. I'm happy to enjoy it. Müharibə davam etdi. The war continued. She continued her study and later got baptized. Sənədlərinizi göstərin! Show me your papers! You have to check your document! O, mağazada kitab aldı. She bought a book at the shop. He took a copy of the book in his library. Onlar mənim xoşuma gəlir. I like them. They like me. Siz acsınız. You're hungry. You're on your way. Geri gəlmə. Don't come back. He won't be back. Mən məmuniyyətlə sizə kömək edərəm. I will gladly help you. I want you to help me. İldönümümüzü unutdum. I forgot our anniversary. I forgot my company. Reykyavik İslandiyanın paytaxtıdır. Reykjavík is the capital of Iceland. It's the chromosome of the receptors. Bu sizin itinizdir. This is your dog. It's yours. Mən Koreyaya getmək istəyirəm. I want to go to Korea. I want to go to Korea. Siz çox istedadlısınız. You're very talented. You've got a lot of need. Onlar hələ buradadırlar? Are they still here? Are they still here? Hələ hə deməmişəm. I haven't said yes yet. I'm still on my way. Xoşbəxt idim. I was happy. It took me quite some time to clean myself up. Sizin məktəbiniz haradadır? Where is your school? Your school? Yaponiyadan qayıtmısınız? Are you back from Japan? Would You Welcome a Visit? Niyə sadəcə üzr istəmirsiniz? Why don't you just apologize? Do you not agree that it is easy to apologize? Tom dördyarpaqlı yonca tapdı. Tom found a four-leaf clover. There's a four-year-old squirrel. Litva Avropa Birliyinin üzvüdür. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Liva is a member of Europe. Ukrayna böyük ölkədir. Ukraine is a big country. The largest country in the world. Aydındır ki. Obviously. It's obvious. Şirin yuxular! Sweet dreams! They're fucking sleep! Tom axırıncı dəfə səninlə nə vaxt danışıb? When was the last time Tom talked to you? Have you ever experienced the truth of Thomas’s words? Tələs və hazır ol! Hurry up and get ready. Be Ready and Ready! Tom evdə idi. Tom was home. Tom was home. Günəş enerjisi yeni enerji mənbəyidir. Solar energy is a new source of energy. Sun energy is new energy energy. Nə yeyirsən? What are you eating? What Did You Learn? O burada gizli bir dəfinə olduğunu söyləyir. She says there is a hidden treasure here. He tells us that he has a secret place. Çilidə minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Chile? How far - reaching is it? Ağzınızı açın! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Mənim itim pişikləri sevir. My dog likes cats. I love my teeth. Bu şeiri kim tacik dilinə tərcümə edib? Who translated this poem into the Tajik language? Who made the King’s English translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures? Bu kitabı oxumaq yaxşı fikirdir. It is a good idea to read this book. That book is a good idea. Sənin yekə burnun var. You have a big nose. You have your food. O belə şeylərdə yaxşıdır. He's good at this sort of thing. That's a good thing. Siz kobudsunuz. You are rude. You're on your way. Belqrad Serbiyanın paytaxtıdır. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is a type of vampire. Avstriyanı Avstraliya ilə səhv salmayın. Don't confuse Austria with Australia. Do not blame yourself for what happened in Australia. O qələbə milli qürur mənbəyinə çevrildi. That victory became a source of national pride. He did not seize upon his victory to take a stand for Jehovah. Bu daş o birisindən ikiqat ağırdır. This stone is twice as heavy as that one. This stone is a two - edged sword. Biz qalib gələcəyik. We'll win. We'll win. Görməmiş olma! Don't be greedy. Don't see it! Atalar işləyir. The fathers work. Fathers. Mən onu hətta yuxularımda da görürəm. I see her even in my dreams. I even laughed at him when he was in bed. Heç kimə heç nə demə! Don't say anything to anybody. Nothing! Səni gözləmirdim. I didn't expect you. I didn't expect you. Ərəb dilini sevirəm. I love Arabic. Mexico is a language commonly spoken. Tom mələk deyil. Tom is no angel. Thomas is not an angel. Sen anani sevirsenmi? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Səhv yoxdur. There's no mistake. Could not close temporary folder: %s Kiyev Ukraynanın paytaxt şəhəridir. Kiev is Ukraine's capital city. It's a city in the south. Bunu içmək fikrim yoxdur. I'm not going to drink this. I don't think so. Mən əlimdən gələni edəcəm. I will do my best. I'll do my job. Slovakiyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Slovakia? How much money is there in Sri Lanka? Tom Avstraliyaya getdi. Tom went to Australia. Tom left Australia. Bu konstitusiyaya ziddirmi? Is it unconstitutional? Is this a deal about it? Bunu etmək asan olmayacaq. It's not going to be easy to do this. This may not be easy. Oxumam lazımdır. I have to read. I need to read. Yox, mən evdə idim. No, I was at home! No, I was home. Pulu gizlət! Hide the money. Hey, hey, hey! O başını yastığa qoydu. She laid her head down on the pillow. She went to bed. Mən yapon dili öyrənirəm. I am learning Japanese. I have learned a foreign language. Pişik yeyir. The cat eats. It's light-up. Stol yaşıldır. The table is green. Stoly, Stoic. Pişik qaradır. The cat is black. It's black. Tom sabah səhər məşğul olacaq. Tom will be busy tomorrow morning. Tom will work early in the morning. Dəməşq Suriyadadır. Damascus is in Syria. It was the Sermon on the Mount. Tom yenə cəhd etdi. Tom tried again. Tom tried again. İki oğlum var. I have two sons. I got two boys. Kitab ən yaxşı hədiyyədir. The book is the best present. The Bible is the most beautiful gift we could ever receive. Çin Yaponiyadan böyükdür. China is bigger than Japan. China's bigger than China. Çox yaxşı. Necəsən? Very good. How are you? How are you doing? Onun uzun burnu var. He has a long nose. He's got a long shot. Melani alma yeyir. Melanie is eating an apple. Take care of it. Yolu keçərkən mesaj yazmaq təhlükəlidir. Texting while crossing the street is dangerous. A message of warning is dangerous. Yara hələ də məni incidir. The wound still hurts me. I still feel hurt, even hurt. Bu çox təhlükəlidir! It's too dangerous! How dangerous! Biz portağal şirəsi satırıq. We sell orange juice. We're in the middle of the class. O Fransada idi. He was in France. He was in France. Heç kim mənə kömək etmədi. No one helped me. Nobody helped me. O, ora dünən gedib. She went there yesterday. He went there. "Yaş?" "16." "Age?" "16." "Yeah"? Londonda olmusan? Have you been to London? Are you in London? Qoy işimi görüm! Let me do my job. Keep Your Place! Mən ət yemirəm. I don't eat meat. I'm hungry. Bu onun evidir. This is her house. That's his home. Mən qəmgin deyiləm. I'm not sad. I don't. Sənin problemini başa düşürəm. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Əvvəllər bu bina xəstəxana idi. Formerly this building was a hospital. The building was on a building, and the temple was to be built. Mənə öz pulumu necə xərcləyəcəyimi öyrətmə! Don't tell me how to spend my money. I don’t have to teach my money to pay for my money! Mənə kömək etməyə məcbur deyilsən. You don't have to help me. I don't want to help me. Meymunlar ağıllıdırlar. Apes are intelligent. They're wise. Hürən itlər heç dişləmirlər. Barking dogs never bite. It is not like getting on a bus that simply carries those on board to victory. Gözlərinizi açın. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Dənizdə üzərkən ehtiyatlı olmalısan. You must be careful when swimming in the sea. You must be careful when you are faced with a situation that does not conflict with Jehovah’s standards. Mən qəhvə içə bilmirəm. I can't drink coffee. I don’t drink alcohol. Aydaho kartofu ilə məşhurdur. Idaho is famous for potatoes. In the month, the card is in the middle of the month. Uşaqlarınız var? Do you have children? Hey, hey, hey. Çay içərsinizmi? Do you drink tea? Do You Remember? Pul kisəmi itirmişəm. I have lost my wallet. I don’t want to pay for my money. Bu kimin çemodanıdır? Whose suitcase is that? Who's this? Qəza baş verdi. There's been an accident. That was a big contrast to the treatment I had received at a local church. Üç uşağım var. I have three kids. I have three children. Tom hər yaz günəbaxan əkir. Tom plants sunflowers every spring. All day long it is my custom to read a portion of the Bible every day. O müğənni olmaq istədi. She wanted to be a singer. He wanted to be like that. Moldova üçün darıxacam. I will miss Moldova. I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. ” Əlbəttə ki qala bilərsən. Of course you can stay. Of course. Çox ağsan! You are so white! Thank you very much! Mən o çantanı istəyirəm. I want that bag. I want that bag. O pis sürücüdür. He is a bad driver. It's a bad bus. Məni hər kəs sevir. Everyone loves me. Everyone loves me. Xəbərlərdə eşitdiyin hər şeyə inanma. Don't believe everything you hear on the news. Do not be convinced that everything you hear at the meetings is from Jehovah’s organization. Sizdə hansı şərabdan var? What kind of wine do you have? What kind of wine do you have? Heç kəs bədbin bir adamı öpmək istəmir. No one wants to kiss a pessimist. No human could kiss another person. Mən hazıram. Bəs sən? I'm ready. And you? I am ready, are you? O dostları ilə oynayır. He's playing with his friends. He draws close to his friends. Mən Moskvada yaşayıram. I live in Moscow. I'm in Moscow. Bıçağım itidir. My knife is sharp. It's my knife. O səkkiz dildə danışa bilir. He can speak eight languages. He has eight English - speaking brothers and sisters who speak their language. Tom heç vaxt ispanaq yemir. Tom never eats spinach. Tom never ate Spanish. O Fransadandır. He is from France. He's from France. Portuqaliyanın ancaq bir qonşusu var, o da İspaniyadır. Portugal has only one neighbor and it's Spain. There's only one neighbor, and he's Spain. Əsl qəhrəmanlar bizik. The real heroes are us. After we had served all the congregations in the circuit one time, we received a telephone call from the branch office. Mən bunu izah edə bilmirəm. I can't explain it. I can't explain it. Onlar içmir. They don't drink. They're not drinking. Mən sizin sözlərinizi başa düşürəm. I understand your words. I understand your words. Bu lüğət mənimdir. This dictionary is mine. That's me. Çox sağ olun! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Sən niyə Yaponiyaya gəldin? Why did you come to Japan? Why did you come to Italy? Ən azı 250 söz yazın. Write at least 250 words. At least 250 words. Mənə Tom haqqında danışa bilərsən? Can you tell me about Tom? Can you talk to me about Tom? Prezidentin nitqi haqqında nə düşünürsən? What do you think about the president's speech? What is the story of the Central African Republic? Tanış olmağımıza şadam. Pleased to meet you. I'm glad to meet you. Almanı mən yedim. I ate the apple. I ate German. Xuanitonun dörd bacısı var. Juanito has four sisters. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Bu qız Yaponiyadandır. This girl is from Japan. This girl is the girl’s daughter. Tom evini satdı. Tom sold his house. Tom sold his house. Cəfəngiyyat! Nonsense! Cultural! Duz qalmayıb. The salt ran out. It's gone. Mən sadəcə zarafat edirəm. I'm just joking. I'm just going to do it. Fransa İtaliya ilə həmsərhəddir. France borders Italy. In France, France, a young woman in her early 20 ’ s left John’s work as a missionary, took a close look at her circumstances and tried to hide her feelings. Atanın nə dediyini eşitdin. You heard what your father said. You have heard of your father’s voice. Qəlbinin səsinə qulaq as, o heç vaxt yalan danışmır. Follow your heart, for it never lies. Listen to your voice and listen to what you have to say. İnəklər bizə süd verirlər. Cows give us milk. We are surrounded by evidence that this is the case with respect to self - sacrificing spirit. Dəniz göy. The sea is blue. The sky. Mən Yaponiya haqqında heç nə bilmirəm. I don't know anything about Japan. I don't know about the law. Mən bilirəm qatil kimdir. I know who the killer is. I know who you are. Mən taksidən düşdüm. I got out of the taxi. I taught her the names of fruits and vegetables in English, and she repeated the words after me. Bizim səndən xoşumuz gəlmir. We don't like you. We don’t want you to be happy. Onlar bizə işgəncə verəcəklər. They're going to torture us. They are not suffering or in any kind of pain. Tom həmişə şikayətlənir, elə deyil? Tom always complains, doesn't he? Tom does not always get tired, isn't it? Devid evdədir. David is at home. David's home. Bu sənin otağındır? Is this your room? Is it yours? Mənə maraqlıdır, o gəmi hara istiqamətlənir. I wonder where that ship is headed. It's interesting to me, it's a place where it's going. Tom və Meri eyni yaşdadırlar. Tom and Mary are the same age. Thomas and Mary are still in their early teens. Uşaqlar ev tapşırıqlarını unudublar. The children have forgotten their homework. The children’s home are often referred to as the children’s home. Birincisi, sən özünü müdafiə etməlisən. First, you must protect yourself. First, you must guard yourself. Sevgi seksdən daha yaxşıdır. Love is better than sex. Love is better than sex. Almaniya İtaliyaya yaxındır? Is Germany near Italy? Is it close to Germany? Yox, bunu mən yazmamışam. No, I didn't write it. No, I wrote it. Onun ailəsinin heç nəyə ehtiyacı yoxdur. His family lacks for nothing. He has nothing to do with his family. Mən İrlandiaya çox yerdə olmuşam. I've been to many places in Ireland. I was too close to Ireland. Bu mənim haqqında danışdığım qadındır. That's the woman about whom I talked. That's what I'm talking about. Qanımı yoxlatmaq istərdim. I'd like to have my blood examined. I'd like to test my pain. Bu kitablar köhnədirlər. These books are old. These books are written by men. Mən bir də ora getməyəcəm. I won't go there again. I'll go there too. Bir az köməyə ehtiyacım var. I need some help. I need some help. Tom uddu. Tom won. Tom's gone. Səninlə olmağıma şadam. I am glad to be with you. I am happy to be with you. Mən burda ölmək istəmirəm. I don't want to die here. I don't want to die here. O, Norveçdə yük maşını sürücüsü işlədi. He worked as a truck driver in Norway. He worked hard in Norfolka. Birlikdə çimərliyə getdik. We went to the beach together. One of the men was a woman who came in contact with a woman who was not her father’s wife. Duz qalıb? Is there salt left? Hey, hey, hey, hey. O əsl ifritədir! She is a true witch! He is a liar! Sizin ürəyiniz yoxdur. You have no heart. You don't have hearts. Tom niyə mənə nifrət edir? Why does Tom hate me? Why does Tom hate me? Çin dilini öyrənirik. We're learning Chinese. Learn Chinese. Onun otuz üç yaşı var. She's thirty-three. He was 30 years old. Mən Tom adlı heç kimi tanımıram. I don't know anyone named Tom. I didn’t like Tom. Meri qarpız daşıyır. Mary is carrying a watermelon. Mary was deeply concerned. Bu alma daha qırmızıdır. This apple is redder. It's more reder than that. O, heyvanları sevir. He loves animals. He loves animals. Bu kitabdan bir şeylər öyrəndim. I've learnt something from this book. There was something new about this book. Mənim çoxlu diskim var. I have many discs. I have a lot of discs. İnqilabdan sonra Fransa respublika oldu. After the revolution, France became a republic. After his death, France became an atheist. Payızda uşaqlar məktəbə qayıdırlar. Children go back to school in autumn. They don't want kids to go to school. Ən böyük ilham mənbəyiniz nədir? What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is the most powerful force in your life? Moskva Rusiyanın paytaxtıdır. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow was the capital of the Soviet Union. Hər şeyin öz vaxtı var. There is a right time for everything. There's a time for everything. Oklend Yeni Zelandiyada bir şəhərdir. Auckland is a city in New Zealand. It's a city in New Zealand. Süngər mayeləri özünə çəkir. A sponge absorbs liquids. Consider the example of a man who was sent to care for his sheep. Bizim bədənimiz dörd elementdən formalaşıb: torpaq, od, su və hava. Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. Our body is made up of four living cells: rain, water, water, and air. Biz onu görmüşük. We've seen him. We saw him. 1975-ci ildə Anqola müstəqil dövlət oldu. In 1975, Angola became a free nation. In 1975, U.S.A. became the government of the United States. Bunu duzəltmək mümkünsizdi. It's impossible to fix. It was impossible for me to give up. Mən yazıçıyam. I'm a writer. I'm an adult. O sürməyi İrlandiyada öyrəndi. He learnt driving in Ireland. We went from village to village until we had visited the hundreds of villages in the region. Vodka hanı? Where is the vodka? Vodder? Tom və Meridən başqa hamı artıq buradadır. Everyone except Tom and Mary are already here. Thomas and Mary are still here. O çəhrayı pomidorlar əkdi. He planted pink tomatoes. It was a bat in the middle of the night. Heç kim məni başa düşmür. Nobody understands me. Nobody will know me. Bunu təmir edəbiləcək birisi varsa, o da Tomdur. If anyone can fix this, it's Tom. If someone is able to do this, he's Tom Tom. Mən Zambiyadanam. I'm from Zambia. I can't live in Zambia. Bizə qoşul. Join us. It's us. Bu qadın bir fahişədir. This woman is a prostitute. This woman is a woman. İcazə ver səninlə gedim. Allow me to go with you. I'm here to give you a ride. Çox qəribədir. Very strange. It's very sad. Onu unutma. Don't forget it. Don't forget him. Ölməyəcəyəm. I won't die. He will not die. Mən Yaponiyaya qayıtdım. I returned to Japan. I was assigned to a circuit that covered a huge area of central Asia Minor. Vilnüs Litvanın paytaxtıdır. Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. Vice Litch is a symptom of the L.A. Con Nyu-Yorkda yaşayır. John lives in New York. Concept is in Conway. Əla! Perfect! Aah! Nensi Londondandır. Nancy is from London. It's from London. Mən pis bir şəxs deyiləm. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a bad person. Hörümçək məni qıdıqlayır. The spider tickles me. To my surprise, one day my teacher tried to shame me by saying that I was a slave. Ən yaxın pivəxana haradadır? Where is the nearest pub? Are you among those who are in the best position to get the most out of your time? Mən adımı kağıza yazdım. I wrote my name on the paper. I wrote my name. Sizin haqqınızda danışıram. I'm talking about you. I'll tell you the truth. Mən qısqanc idim. I was jealous. I didn't mean it. Tom hələ də burda işləyir? Is Tom still working here? Is Tom still here? Mən Avstraliyanı sevirəm. I love Australia. I love Australia. Mənə yaxşı bir lüğət lazımdır. I need a good dictionary. I need a good job. Hansı dilləri bilirsən? What languages do you know? What Did You Learn? Sənin WhatsApp-ın varmı? Do you have WhatsApp? Do you have a W-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A? Çox adam Cənubi Dakotaya Raşmor dağını görməyə gedir. Many people go to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. Many people go to David at David’s table. Yayda yumurtalar tez xarab olur. In the summer, eggs go bad quickly. It is common for a person in that situation to give up. İspanağını ye! Eat your spinach. Take your Spanish! Mən sənin yaşında olanda artıq evli idim. When I was your age, I was already married. I was still married when I was nine years old. Onlar yola getmədilər. They didn't get along. They did not go away. Mın bayrağı dəyişdim. I changed the flag. I've heard of the fish. Yalnız səni eşidirəm. I hear only you. I'm just listening to you. Dəqiq? Really? Do You Recall? Mektəbinizə getdim. I went to your school. I've gone to the station. Hələ kahı əkməmişəm. I still haven't planted any lettuce. I still don't have breakfast. Körpə hələ yeriyə bilmir. The baby is not capable of walking yet. There's still no place to go. O mayda Çinə gedir. He goes to China in May. He is in China, where he goes. Şotlandiya suyuna görə məşhurdur. Scotland is famous for its water. It's a watery watery water. Mən də sizinlə tanışlığıma çox şadam. It's nice to meet you too. I am so happy to meet you too. Səni sikmək istəyirəm. I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you. Mən onlardan heç nə istəmirəm. I don't want anything from them. I don't want them. Soyuq müharibə davam etdi. The Cold War continued. The war continued. Pişiklərin yaş olmaqdan xoşları gəlmir. Cats dislike being wet. Young people like to enjoy life to the full while at the same time learning to follow Jehovah’s guidance. Bu onun səhvi idi. It was her fault. That was his fault. İsrail haqqında nə bilirsən? What do you know about Israel? What Did You Learn About Israel? Zirzəmidədir. It's in the basement. It's in my heart. Kitab mənimdir. The book is mine. It's my book. Onun atasıyla tanış olmaq istəyirəm. I'd like to meet her father. I want to get to know his father. Lopezin dörd qardaşı var. López has four brothers. There's four brothers on the L.A. Tom səni istəmir. Tom doesn't want you. Tom doesn't want you. Tirana Albaniyadadır. Tirana is in Albania. Travia is in Colonel. Əfsanədə deyildiyinə görə, o, su pərisi idi. The legend says that she was a mermaid. The water was very, very cold in the morning. O mənim müəllimimdir. He is my teacher. He's my teacher. İtalyan dili eşqin dilidir. Italian is the language of love. English is the official language of the country. O heç vaxt başını itirmir. He never loses his head. He never gives up. Məktəb birisi gün başlayır. School begins the day after tomorrow. One day, she began to study the Bible with the Witnesses. Onu bilirəm. I know that. I don't know him. Mən aşpazı gördüm. I saw the cook. I saw it. Ona kömək etməlisən. You must help her. You should help him. Başın hələ də ağrıyır? Does your head still ache? Is your head still suffering? Tom Avstraliyaya yola düşdü. Tom left for Australia. Tom was on his way to Australia. Mənə öz şirkətiniz haqqında danışa bilərsən? Could you tell me about your company? Can you tell me about your own personality? Esperanto, beynəlxalq və asan dil! Esperanto is an international and easy language! Erichs, language, and language! Səndən xoşum gəlir. I like you. I love you. Siz burada ingiliscə danışmalısınız. You have to speak English here. You've got to talk here. Mənə külqabı lazımdır. I need an ashtray. I've got to take care of it. Yarpaq düşür. A leaf is falling. He's getting hurt. Bu Serbiyanın üçüncü böyük şəhəridir. It's the third biggest city of Serbia. This is the third largest city in the history of God’s people. Mən bunu elə indicə açdım. I just opened it. I felt that I was not alone. Bu mənim sualımdır. This is my question. That's my problem. Səni tanımıram. I don't know you. I'll show you. «Səyahət etməyi sevirsənmi?» «Bəli.» "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." “ Do You Love Me? ” Şir cəngəlliyin kralıdır. The lion is the king of the jungle. The king is the king. Mən müharibənin əleyhinəyəm. I'm against the war. I'm not at war. Mən onsuz yaşamağı öyrəndim. I learned to live without her. I was unable to find a way to live. Tamamilə razıyam. I quite agree. I'm all right. Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi haqqında nə düşünürsünüz? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? What does the Bible say about the condition of the dead? Siz hardan bildiniz ki, mən kanadalıyam? How did you know I was Canadian? Did you know that I was in the middle of the country? Mən buradan təxminən bir mil uzaqlıqda yaşayıram. I live about a mile from here. I'm going from here to here a little far away. Mən ilk baxışdan ona aşiq oldum. I fell in love with her at first sight. When I first saw him, I was moved to love him. Bu gün bazar günüdür. It's Sunday today. Today is a day of rest. Polis nəfəri deyiləm. I'm not a cop. I don't know the police. Tomun ikili vətəndaşlığı var. Tom has dual citizenship. There's a sign of Tom. Əhməd tələbədir. Ahmed is a student. There is no need to be overly concerned about what might happen in the future. Mən qan itirirəm. I'm losing blood. I'm lost. Mənim iki pişiyim var. I have two cats. I've got two pigs. Biz burada buğda yetişdiririk. We grow wheat here. We grow up here. İt əti yemədi. The dog didn't eat the meat. Could not close temporary folder: %s Ürəyim ağrıyır. My heart's aching. It's gonna hurt. Ötən gecə lülqənbər idim, çimmədən yatdım. Last night I was dead drunk and fell asleep without having a bath. The night before I left, I fell asleep on my bed. İspaniya Avropa ölkəsidir. Spain is a European country. Spanish is the country in Spain. Mən orada doğulmuşam. I was born there. I was there. Hələ qərar vermədim. I haven't decided yet. I still went to church every Sunday. Livanda minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Lebanon? How far - reaching is the truth of the parable? Biz sizdən heç nə istəmirik. We want nothing from you. We are not born with such joy; nor does it develop automatically. İtaliya yarımadadır. Italy is a peninsula. Italy is half half a half. Niyə məni dayandırdın? Why did you stop me? Did you leave me alone? O çoxlu şeirlər yazdı. She wrote a lot of poems. He wrote so many letters. İsrail demokratik ölkədir? Is Israel a democratic country? Israel of Israel? Bu çox ciddi problemdir? Is it a very serious problem? Is that really a serious problem? Mən bu axşam ona zəng vuracam. I'll phone her tonight. I'm gonna hit him tonight. Bu qələmdir. This is a pen. It's written. Qiymətlər düşür. Prices are falling. It's obvious. Dərmanı aldınmı? Did you buy the medicine? Have you taken a break? Bu körpü Nyu-Yorkdadır. This bridge is in New York. That's what's going on. Eleyn xəstəxanada. Elaine is in hospital. He's on his way. Mənim xalamın üç uşağı var. My aunt has three children. I've got three children. O biseksualdır. He's bisexual. He's a fool. Bizim əsas problemimiz həll edilməmiş qalır. Our main problem remains unsolved. Our main concern is the solution. O, akrobatdır. He is an acrobat. It's disgusting. Mən müharibənin əleyhinəyəm. I am against war. I'm not at war. O, lülqənbərdir. He is dead drunk. He is the One who is the Source of life. Körpə hələ yatır. The baby is still sleeping. Keep your eyes open. İsa sizi sevir. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you. Mən artıq iki saatdır ki buradayam. I've already been here two hours. I'm here two hours now. Mən kaktus aldım. I bought a cactus. I got a box. O Azərbaycanda dörd il yaşadı. He lived in Azerbaijan for 4 years. He lived four years in the Netherlands. Dağ yaşıldır. The mountain is green. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. Qatar gəlir! Here comes the train! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Bu mənim kompüterimdir. This is my computer. That's my experience. Kahını yumalıyam? Should I wash the lettuce? Should I take your breakfast? Bir səhər o gözəl bir qız gördü. One morning he saw a pretty girl. One morning she saw a beautiful girl. Mən bunu özüm etmişəm. I've done it myself. I did it myself. Ermənistan dağlıq ölkədir. Armenia is a mountainous country. IT IS a very dangerous country in the middle of the land. Ağac yaşıldır. The tree is green. It's a little bitch. Bu balıq deyil. It's not a fish. This is no fish. Mən məktəbə gedirdim. I used to go to school. I went to school. İndi bişirsiniz. You're cooking now. Now you're ready. Milliyətiniz nədir? What's your nationality? What is your relationship with God? Bakirə Məryəm İsanın anasıdır. The Virgin Mary is Jesus' mother. Mary was the mother of Jesus. Sən gözəl qadınsan. You're a beautiful woman. You're a beautiful woman. Təcili yardım gələnə qədər Tom mənimlə qaldı. Tom stayed with me until the ambulance arrived. During the meeting, Tom received a telephone call from the branch office asking me to help him. İmtahanı keçə bilmədi. He couldn't pass the examination. Could not close temporary folder: %s O kahı yuyur. She washes lettuce. He's a fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck Mən pis adam deyiləm. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a bad man. Mən qulyabanı deyiləm. I am not a monster. I'm not a slave. Yeni bir velosiped almaq ücün kifayət qədər pulum yoxdur. I don't have enough money to buy a new bicycle. I don't have enough money to buy a new one. Bunu istəyirsənmi? Do you want this? Is that what you're going to do? Dostum Azərbaycanda yaşamaq istəyir. My friend wants to live in Azerbaijan. My friend wants to live in the hospital. O kitabı bir gündə oxudu. She read the book in one day. That book was read one day. Hava soyuqdur. It is cold. It's air. Spirt heç bir problemi həll etməz. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. There's no solution. Qatil Tomdur. Tom is the killer. Qilian Tom. O atasından daha qısa. He's shorter than his father. He's far more than his father's. Çox qapılma. Don't get so carried away. There will be plenty of time. İzaha ehtiyac yoxdur. There's no need to explain. There is no need for you. Bu bizim əsas məqsədimizdir. This is our main goal. That is our main purpose. O bunu necə edir? How does he do it? How does he do this? Hamamdayam. I was in the bath. I'm in the hospital. Bilmirəm sənə necə təşəkkür edim. I don't know how to thank you. I felt that I had lost everything, and I was very grateful to Jehovah. ” Onu istəməm lazımdır. I have to want it. I'm gonna need him. Mən Maltada yaşayıram. I live in Malta. I'm in Malawi. Hər şey hazır! Everything is ready! Everything's ready! Sen ananı sevirsen? Do you love your mother? What if you love your mother? Şərqi Montana qışda xüsusilə küləkli və soyuq olur. Eastern Montana is especially windy and cold in the winter. It is particularly impressive and hard to deal with. Tualet haradadır? Where is the toilet? Couple? Sən bilirsən necə. You know how. How do you know? Bu günəbaxandır. It's a sunflower. It's the day of the day. Meri dörd yarpaqlı yonca tapdı. Mary found a four-leaf clover. Mary had four children. O Avropaya nə vaxt getdi? When did he go to Europe? When did he leave Europe? Hamı hazırdır. Everyone is ready. It's all right. Məncə səni həqiqətən sevirəm, Tom. I think I really love you, Tom. I think I'm real you, Tom. Mən Avstraliyadanam. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. Portuqaliyanın çox yaxşı komandası var. Portugal has a very good team. There's a lot of good news for the police. Tom Fransızca anlaya bilər. Tom might understand French. Tom may understand the meaning of our words. Biz eşitdik. We heard. We heard. Sənin üç pişiyin var. You have three cats. You've got three pigs. Mən hazıram. Bəs siz? I'm ready. And you? I'm ready, are you? O, kitabı oxumadı. She did not read the book. He did not read the book. O indi bişir. She's cooking now. She's right now. Dostum dünən evdə deyildi. My friend was not at home yesterday. My friend was not at home. Yox, bu o deyildi. No, it wasn't her. No, it wasn't. Onun ambisiyası sərhəd tanımır. His ambition knows no bounds. It is common for a person in that situation to give up. Avstraliya Tomun xoşuna gəldi. Tom liked Australia. To my surprise, he was very friendly and offered the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life. Tom velosipedi oğurladığını boynuna aldı. Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike. Tom Scully took his hand off his father's bag. Sənin külqabını qırdım. I broke your ashtray. I've taken your ass. İtim çox təmizdir. My dog is very clean. I'm very clean. Hə, onu öpdüm. Yes, I kissed him. I kissed him. Mən açarlarımı itirmişəm. I've lost my keys. I don't know what I'm going to do. Timi tapa bilmirəm. I can't find Tim. No TIFF found. Bu stol ağdır. This table is white. That's a cry. Bizim iki televizorumuz var. We have two television sets. We've got two of us on TV. Serbiyanın müttəfiqlərindən biri Rusiya idi. One of Serbia's allies was Russia. One of the men was a group with whom we studied now serves on the Branch Committee. Onlar Tennessidə qaldılar. They remained in Tennessee. They had been in the circuit work for some years, as well as for others of Jehovah’s Witnesses. İtim təmizdir. My dog is clean. I'm clean. Tom mənə göz vurdu. Tom winked at me. Tom looked at me. Mən çox yorğun idim. I was very tired. I was so excited. Tom yanğınsöndürəndir. Tom is a firefighter. Tom is a fireman. Mən Misirdənəm. I am from Egypt. I'm Egypt. Alisaya yaşıl yaraşır. Green suits Alice. Alia's getting hurt. Körpüdə dayanan adamı tanıyırsan? Do you know the man standing on the bridge? Do you know someone in the audience who's in the car? Tom bura hər gün gəlir. Tom comes here every day. Tom is here every day. Mən artıq Toma sabah bura gəlməyinə ehtiyac olmadığını demişəm. I've already told Tom that he doesn't need to come here tomorrow. I still don't need Tom tomorrow tomorrow. Sənin burnun axır. Your nose is running. It's the end of your command. Mən almanca danışa bilmirəm. I cannot speak German. I can't talk. Sizin burnunuz qanayır. Your nose is bleeding. You're not bloody blood. Hava soyuqdur. It's cold. It's air. Məşğulsunuz? Are you busy? Are you rich? Mənim bıçağım itidir. My knife is sharp. It's my experience. Merinin "Frozen" filmindən xoşu gəlir. Mary loves the movie Frozen. Mary's like the "Friend" movie. Hesaba bir az pul qoymaq istəyirəm. I'd like to put some money into my account. I want to spend a little money on it. Kitab yazacağam. I'll write a book. I'll write it. Ölüm yuxuya bənzəyir. Death is similar to sleep. The death of a loved one. Onun problemi nədir? What's his problem? What is it? Sürücümü gözləyirəm. I am waiting for my driver. I'm waiting. Mən polis nəfəri deyiləm. I'm not a cop. I'm not a cop. Bu qadını harada gördünüz? Where did you see this woman? Where did you come from? Mənə taksi lazımdır! I need a taxi! I'm gonna need a ride! Skopye Makedoniyanın paytaxtıdır. Skopje is the capital of Macedonia. The Stoptotodo is a chromo in the chromosome. Mən çox diqqətli idim. I was very careful. I learned a lot from the Bible that God wants me to live. Bu göbələk yeməli deyil. This mushroom is not good to eat. This is not to say, of course, that the heavens have blinded the earth. Sizin şərabınız var. You have wine. You have wine. Mənim burnum qanayır. My nose is bleeding. I'm not bloody. Kim azadlıq istəyir? Who wants freedom? Who wants to get the facts? Ona sahib olmaq istəyirəm. I want to have it. I want him to be. Tom pendir xoşlamır. Tom doesn't like cheese. Tom doesn't like it. Nikbin olmağa çalış. Try to be optimistic. Try to work hard. Bu onun evidir. This is his house. That's his home. Sörfinq əyləncəlidir. Surfing is fun. It's fun. Niderland balaca ölkədir. The Netherlands is a small country. Nanda is a small country in the Netherlands. Biz mənzildə yaşayırıq. We live in an apartment. We are not born with such joy; nor does it develop automatically. Meri Tomun əkiz bacısıdır. Mary is Tom's twin sister. Mary’s assignment was to type Watchtower study articles and other literature on stencils that served to produce Bible literature. Tom başa düşməyə başladı. Tom began to understand. Tom began to understand. Tomun valideynlərinin çoxlu pulu var. Tom's parents have a lot of money. Tom had a lot of money. O daha yeriyə bilmir. He can't walk any more. He doesn't have a place yet. Mən Tomu gözləyirdim. I was expecting Tom. I'm Tomo. Mən otağımı təmizləməyə məcbur deyiləm. I don't have to clean my room. I don’t want to clean my clothes. İngilis əlifbasını dəyişdirə bilərəmmi? Can I change the English alphabet? Can I change my English style? Sənin ürəyin yoxdur. You don't have a heart. You have no heart. Siz Milanda işləyirsiniz. You work in Milan. You're in the Mayan. Səni düşünürəm. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Mənim atamın çoxlu kitabları var. My father has many books. My father has plenty of money. O İtaliyaya gedib. She has gone to Italy. He went to his home in Nazareth. Onlar azaddırlar. They're free. They are free. Onları məyus edirsən. You're upsetting them. You're looking at them. Tom yük avtomobili sürücüsüdür. Tom is a truck driver. Tom is a high-power model. Mən bu gün heç kimi görmək istəmirəm. I don't want to see anybody today. I don't want to see anyone today. Bu turist İsaya oxşayır. This tourist looks like Jesus. It was Jesus. İt qırmızıdır. The dog is red. It's white. Mən çirkinəm. I'm ugly. I'm angry. Məri qapını açıb. Mary opened the door. Imagine the feelings that must have felt when Peter, who was present at the temple, told Jesus: “ Tunes balığı çox sürətlə üzə bilir. Tuna can swim very fast. There's a lot of fish in the fish's fish. Bizim iki uşağımız var. We have two children. We have two children. O satqındır. He's a traitor. It is the treasure of the life of this world. Bu sizin edə biləcək hərşeydi. It's all you can really do. That's all you could do. O Portuqaliya idi. That was Portugal. She was Polish, and she was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. İstəyirəm məni onların yanına aparasan. I want you to take me to them. I want you to be with me as long as I am. Heç vaxt maşınım olmayıb. I never had a car. I never had an opportunity to get to know him. Mən həmişə bitkiləri sevmişəm. I've always loved plants. I always loved it. Bu lüğətdir. It's a dictionary. That's the point. Danışmağa hazıram. I'm ready to talk. I'm ready to go. Sən həqiqəti deyirdin, elə deyilmi? You were telling the truth, weren't you? Are you not saying the truth? Mənim ağ pişiyim var. I have a white cat. I've got my brother's teeth. Günəş Yerə ən yaxın ulduzdur. The Sun is the star that's nearest to Earth. The earth’s vast universe is near. O həm ingiliscə, həm də almanca danışa bilir. He can speak both English and German. He also knows that he can do the same for you, whether you like him or not. Barselona Kataloniyanın paytaxtı və İspaniyada ikinci böyük şəhəridir. Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia and the second largest city in Spain. Barbara was born in Spain in the second century B.C.E., and it was a big city in Spain. Yatmadan əvvəl pivə içmə! Don't drink beer before going to bed! Don't drink before your bed! Mən Çində doğulmuşam. I was born in China. I'm in China. Tom Meridən qorxmur. Tom isn't afraid of Mary. Mary from Mary’s late teens. Burnunu sil. Wipe your nose. Get it out of here. O, Afrikaya getmək istəyir. He wants to go to Africa. He wants to go to Africa. Mən onun yanında oturdum. I sat down next to him. I sat with him. O Fransanın Portuqaliyadakı səfiridir. She's the French ambassador to Portugal. It is the French government in France. Tom onu oxuyur. Tom is reading it. Tom called him. Makedoniya və Bolqarıstan dost deyildirlər. Macedonia and Bulgaria are not friends. It's not a friend of Antonio and B.C.E.. Ukraynada mən həmişə Ukrayna dilində danışıram. In Ukraine I always speak Ukrainian. I have always loved what I have learned, and I’ve always tried to apply what I taught. Siz ölümdən qorxursunuz. You are afraid of death. You're not going to die. Verqa məşhur yazıçıdır. Verga is a famous writer. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. O bacardığını edəcək. He'll do whatever he can. She'll be able to do it. Mən Malayziyada yaşayıram. I live in Malaysia. I'm in Malawi. On yaşında ikən o yetim qaldı. He became an orphan when he was ten. When she was ten years old, she gave birth to a baby boy. Mariyanın dörd qardaşı var. Maria has four brothers. Marelius is a four - year - old brother. İtaliyada nə baş verir? What's happening in Italy? What happens in Italy? Mən İsraildə doğulmuşam. I was born in Israel. I didn’t know what to do. Niyə Ermənistana getmək istədin? Why did you want to go to Armenia? Would you like to move to the hospital? Leykositlər qan hüceyrələridir. Leukocytes are blood cells. It's bloody bloody blood. Bu gümüş deyil. This isn't silver. This is not silver. Qara sənə yaraşır. Black suits you. You're hurting you. Mən bilirəm ki, sən də bilmirsən. I know you don't know either. I know you, I know you. Bax! Dördyarpaqlı yonca! Look! A four-leafed clover! It's four-fives! Quşlar oxudular. The birds sang. The birds were reading aloud. Hava və su olmadan heç nə yaşaya bilməz. Without air and water, nothing could live. There is no way to live without air and water. Bəs Portuqaliya? What about Portugal? What about Polish? Onlar hara getmək istəyirlər? Where do they want to go? Where are they going? O pəncərədir. That is a window. He's a window. Məncə, biz hələ də Polşadayıq! I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland! Onun Belçikada iki əmisi var. She has two uncles in Belgium. He's got two hands in the Belgrade. Məktəbə səhər səkkizdə gedirəm. I go to school at eight in the morning. I was only eight years old at the time. Mən bir dulam. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Onlar Toma kömək etdilər. They helped Tom. They helped Tom. Kim razılaşmadı? Who disagreed? Who didn't agree? Pis deyil. It's not bad. It's not bad. Sən nə üçün Yaponiyaya gəldin? Why did you come to Japan? Why did you come to Italy? Mənim əmim İspaniyanın şərqində yaşayır. My uncle lives in the east of Spain. My life is in Spain in the middle of Spain. O öskürdü. He coughed. He grew up. Yunanıstan qərb sivilizasiyasının beşiyi idi. Greece was the cradle of western civilization. He was five years old when he was released from prison and was released from prison. Toma de ki, bu səhv idi. Tell Tom it was a mistake. Tom says that it was wrong. Toylardan zəhləm gedir. I hate weddings. I'm on my feet. O, gitara çala bilər. She can play the guitar. He can play the game. Bazar həftənin sonuncu günüdür. Sunday is the last day of the week. The last week of the week. Mənim sürücüm hara getdi? Where did my driver go? Where am I going? O, təkcə ispanca yox, fransızca da danışır. He speaks not only Spanish, but also French. He speaks not only of Spanish Spanish but also of French French. Baxmaq istəmirəm. I don't want to look. I don't want to. Kaktuslar quru yerlərdə bitən bitkilərdir. Cacti are plants that live in dry places. It's almost over and over here. Sən Sankt Peterburqda yaşayırsan. You live in St. Petersburg. You are in Peter’s situation. Ümid edirəm ki haqlısan. I hope you're right. I don't think you're. Tom avtobus sürücüsüdür. Tom is a bus driver. The TomBook sound is empty. Mən gözləmirəm. I'm not waiting. I'm waiting. Bir maşın istərsinizmi? Do you want a car? Would you like to read a book? Rahat ol, Tom. Biz məzuniyyətdəyik. Relax, Tom. We're on vacation. Be calm, Tom. Napoleon Bonapart Korsikada doğulub. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica. Napolon Napola is born in Korea. Mən sabah Danimarkaya getməliyəm. I have to go to Denmark tomorrow. I'm gonna go to Daniel in the morning. Məktub əllə yazılmışdı. The letter was written by hand. It was written over a thousand years in advance. Mən Şimali Afrikadanam. I'm from North Africa. I'm not from Africa. Mən casus deyiləm. I'm not a spy. I'm not an expert. Mən qəhvəyə nifrət edirəm. I hate coffee. I hate it. O gənc idi. He was young. He was young. Bu Bostonun ən yaxşı otellərindən biridir. This is one of Boston's finest hotels. This is one of the best rooms in the room. Soğan supu istəmirəm. I don't want onion soup. I don't want to drink water. İsrail inkişaf etmiş ölkədir. Israel is a developed country. The land of Israel was born in the land of Israel. O varlı bir tacirin oğlu idi. He was the son of a wealthy merchant. He was a wealthy man of the tribe of Manasseh. Rumıniyaya yenə gəlin. Come to Romania again. Let us take a look at what you can do to increase your interest and enjoyment. Biz yağ-çörək yeyirik. We eat butter on bread. We're raining. İt çox hürdü. The dog barked a lot. She was a very religious girl. Gələn həftə gedə bilərəm. I can go next week. I can still hear them relate. O dedi ki, köhnə bir maşın alıb. He said that he bought an old car. He said that he had been blinded by a ‘ rafter ’ of himself. Çəhrayı qızılgüllər gözəldirlər. Pink roses are beautiful. The gold coin is beautiful. Yayda cənubi İspaniyada çox isti olur. In the summer it's very hot in southern Spain. In Spain, there is a lot of famine in Spain. İngiliscə danışırsan. You speak English. You're talking English. Tomun hətta sürücülük vəsiqəsi belə yoxdur. Tom doesn't even have a driver's license. Tom had no such goal. Bu yer boşdur? Is this seat empty? Is this empty? Bilmirəm niyə ondan xoşun gəlmir. I don't know why you don't like her. I don’t know why I like it. İtalyanca danışırsan? Do you speak Italian? Do You Recall? Biz alma yeyirik. We're eating apples. We don't get it. O gedib. He has gone out. Get out of here. Öküz döyüşü çox maraqlı bir səhnədir. Bull fighting is a very interesting spectacle. A battle is a common sight indeed. Ona nəisə pis bir şey olub. Something bad happened to her. There was something wrong with him. Niyə pis şeylər baş verir? Why do bad things happen? Will bad things happen? Mənə təxminən bu böyüklükdə bir qutu lazımdır. I need a box about this big. I'm going to need something to be done on this point. Tom və Meri eyni ofisdə işləyirlər. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Thomas and Mary also shared in the same construction work. Mən geyəm. I'm gay. I'm afraid. Sən mənimçün hərşeysən. You are everything to me. You're all mys. Mən gələn ay təzə maşın alacam. I will buy a new car next month. I'll take a new month. Onlar gəlməyəcəklər. They won't come. They're not. Müəllimin bəzi şagirdlərə digərlərindən daha çox üstünlük verməsi düzgün deyil. It is not fitting for a teacher to overly favor certain pupils over others. Some students may not be able to do as much as they once did in God’s service. Mən mübahisə etmirəm. I'm not arguing. I'm not gonna have a problem. Tom bilirdi? Did Tom know? Did Tom know? Almanı o yedi. He ate the apple. He ate the German. Üç kişi var idi. There were three men. There were three men. Sən o adam kimi varlı deyilsən. You are not as rich as that man. You are not like that man. Hava qaralır. It's getting dark. It's cool. Kürsülər ağacın altında. The chairs are under the tree. The trees are under tree. Müharibə haqqında nə düşünürsünüz? What do you think of war? What is the meaning of the illustration about the mustard grain? Onlar qərbə üz tutdular. They headed westward. They turned their backs on him. Mən ispanca danışmıram. I don't speak Spanish. I'm not gonna be Spanish. Tarakanlar gündüzlər gizlənirlər. Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Cultures are concealed in the day - to - day day day day. Bu restoran açıqdır? Is this restaurant open? Is it open to this doctor? O nə dedi? What did he say? What did he say? Mən çex deyiləm. I am not Czech. I don't get it. Onlar əsgər idilər. They were soldiers. They were the ones “whose spirit the true God had stirred ” to leave Mən mükəmməl deyiləm. I'm not perfect. I'm not perfect. Mən əzbər öyrənirəm. I learn by heart. I learned to read. Mən Tomu idarə edə bilmirəm. I can't control Tom. I can't control Tom. Mən orta əsr İspaniyası haqqında kitab axtarıram. I am looking for a book about medieval Spain. I'm going to write a book about Spanish Spanish. Mənim saatım dördü göstərir. It's four o'clock by my watch. My number is four. Əminəm ki, Tom sizə nifrət etmir. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Bloqdakı hər şəkil kor oxucular üçün hərfi təsvirlər ehtiva edir. Each picture in the blog includes textual descriptions for blind readers. Each picture contains a picture of pictures of pictures that are used for reading. Sizin mənə nə edəcəyimi deməyə haqqınız yoxdur. You have no right to tell me what to do. You don't have any idea what I'm going to do with you. Siz həqiqəti deyirdiniz, elə deyilmi? You were telling the truth, weren't you? Aren't you telling the truth? Bu gün Polşada seçki günüdür. Today is election day in Poland. Today is the day in Poland. Paxıl insanlar ölür, amma paxıllıq yox. Envious people die, but envy never does. The death of a loved one is no longer a part of the world. Bu alma ağacı deyil. This isn't an apple tree. It's not a tree. Onun atasını tanıyırsan? Do you know her father? Do you know what that means? O uşaq istəmir. He doesn't want kids. He doesn't want to be a child. Kişilər qadınlar haqqında heç nə bilmirlər. Men know nothing about women. There is nothing wrong with a wife about her husband. Mən gözləyə bilərəm. I can wait. I can wait. Kimyaya nifrət edirəm. I hate chemistry. I hate it. Bu rüşvət deyil. It's not a bribe. This isn't an invitation. Mən mətbəxdə sup yeyirəm. I'm eating soup in the kitchen. I am very proud of being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Onun iki qızı var. She has two daughters. She's two girls. O, məktəbə getdi. He went to school. He left school at age seven in order to work. Məndən nə istədiyimi soruşmaq istəmirsiniz? Don't you want to ask me what I want? What do you want me to ask you? Tomun Merini incitməsinə icazə vermə! Don't let Tom hurt Mary. Don't allow Tom to hurt you! Mən təhlükəliyəm. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Kataloniyanın müstəqilliyi barəsində nə fikirləşirsən? What do you think about Catalunya's independence? How do you feel about the issue of integrity? Gözləyə bilmədim. I couldn't wait. The answer was not what we personally found convenient. Marsın iki peyki var : Fobos və Deymos. Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos. You know, there's two pigs, Mars and Desbys. O Yaponiyadan maşın gətirdi. He brought a car from Japan. He received a copy of the first two books of the Bible. Cim dərhal xəstəxanaya getməlidir. Jim must go to the hospital immediately. I'm gonna need to go immediately. Lixtenşteyn Avropa ölkəsidir? Is Liechtenstein a European country? What is the country’s country in the Soviet Union? Onlar kahı yuyurlar. They wash lettuce. They're a fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck Tom işıq açıq vəziyyətdə yuxuladı. Tom fell asleep with the light on. Tom fell asleep early in the morning. Mən Marsa getmək istəyirəm. I want to go to Mars. I want to move to Maria. İsa sizə nifrət edir. Jesus hates you. Jesus hates you. Bu oyundan xoşum gəlir. I like this game. I like this game. Tom mənim köhnə dostumdur. Tom is an old friend of mine. Tom is my friend. O ölüb? Is he dead? Is that it? Tom iş axtarır. Tom is looking for a job. Tom works. Onları hamı istəyir. Everybody wants them. All of them want to. "Niyə?" "Niyə də yox?" "Why?" "Why not?" And he said, "What's the matter?" Tatoeba çoxdilli lüğətdir. Tatoeba is a multi-language dictionary. The bus driver who took me to South Lansing, New York, U.S.A. Emili susayıb. Emily is thirsty. The water was poured out. Quşlar məni qorxudar. Birds scare me. The soldiers are awe - inspiring for me. Mən gəlməyəcəyəm. I will not come. I'm not going to die. Meri mənə kömək etdi. Mary helped me. Mary helped me. Mən jurnalistəm. I am a journalist. I'm a writer. Mən başım ağrıyır. My head aches. I'm sick. Kanada yaxşı buğda istehsal edir. Canada produces good wheat. Canada is a well - known country in Canada. "O səni öpdü?" "Yox, mən onu öpdüm!" "Did he kiss you?" "No, I kissed him!" He said, "Yeah, I kissed you, I kissed him!" O kitab oxumaq istəyir. She wants to read a book. That book is available to you. Mən almaları sevirəm. I love apples. I love them. Fransa İspaniya ilə həmsərhəddir. France shares a border with Spain. French is the official language of Spain. Acsan. You're hungry. Don't worry. Tom kolleci üç il əvvəl bitirib. Tom graduated from college three years ago. Tom's finished three years ago. Müharibə başlayanda o, Londonda yaşayırdı. He was living in London when the war broke out. On his way home, he met London. Sənin ətin var. You have meat. You've got your favor. Sami Laýlany polisiýa mälim etdi. Sami reported Layla to the cops. Samuel had been assigned to serve as an elder for ten years. Mən bir az ispanaq yedim. I ate some spinach. I bought a little Spanish. Sən çox istedadlısan. You're very talented. You're very interested in it. O 1956-cı ildə Afinada doğulub. He was born in Athens in 1956. She was born in 1956, and she was born in Austria. Sabah burada olacaqsan? Will you be here tomorrow? Will he be here in the morning? Siz haqlı idiniz. You were right. You're on your way. Mən bir qara və bir ağ itim var. I have a black and a white dog. I've got a dark and dark voice. Bu limon ağacıdır. This is a lemon tree. It's a tree. Bu gün bazar günüdür. Today is Sunday. Today is a day of rest. İran və Şimali Koreyanın nüvə potensialı digər dünya dövlətlərini narahat edir. Iran's and North Korea nuclear capabilities worry the rest of the world. The world’s spirit, with its influence, is so increasingly focused on the social and political affairs of this world. Bir halda ki, İtaliyadasan, Neapolu görməlisən. Now that you are in Italy, you must see Naples. On the other hand, if you are in Italy, you might see Natara. Mənim yaxşı bir lüğətə ehtiyacım var. I need a good dictionary. I need a good job. Biz ona deməməliydik. We shouldn't have told her. We didn't need him. Qulançardan zəhləm gedir. I hate asparagus. The slave class is very interested in how fellow believers are reflecting Jehovah’s glory. Mən İtaliyadanam. I'm from Italy. I can't go to Italy. Mən elə bilirdim ki, hamı xoşbətdir. I thought everyone was happy. I knew that everyone was happy. Müəllimimiz bizi iki qrupa ayırdı. Our teacher separated us into two groups. Our teacher directed us to two groups. O taksi sürücüsüdür? Is she a taxi driver? Does he have the power to do so? Biz birlikdə yeyirik. We eat together. We're together. Tom idman zalına getməlidir. Tom should go to the gym. Tom's gonna go to the room. Səsin batsa belə oxumağı dayandırma. Don't stop singing even if you get hoarse. Do not let that happen to you. Onu sevirsən? Do you love her? Do you love him? İspan dili onun ana dilidir. Spanish is her native language. Spanish is the official language of Spanish. Avstraliyaya xoş gəlmişsiniz! Welcome to Australia. Welcome to Australia! Sənin anan pox yeyir. Your mum eats shit. Your mother's yours. Tom barmağını kəsib. Tom has cut his finger. He's going to get out of there. Braziliyadan salamlar! Greetings from Brazil! Thank you very much! Bir həftə sonra Almaniya Polşaya hücum etdi. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. A week later, Germany was attacked by Germany. O gün güclü külək var idi. There was a strong wind that day. It was a very powerful force in that region. O heç nə başa düşmədi. He didn't understand anything. He did not understand what he was doing. Ad gününə nə istəyirsən? What do you want for your birthday? What Is the Day of Judgment? O düşünmədən hərəkət etdi. He acted without thinking. He had to leave behind his previous employment, the comforts of home, and the freedom to travel — until Tom gəncdir. Tom's young. Tom is a young man. Beləliklə mən bir güllə ilə iki dovşan vururam. That way I kill two birds with one stone. So I'm going to spend a couple of minutes with a smile. Sizdən xoşum gəlir. I like you. I like you. Nəisə gördüm. I saw something. I saw something. Axşamınız xeyir. Good evening. Yours is yours. Bugün gündəliyinə nəisə yazdın? Did you write anything in your diary today? What Did You Learn From Reading Today? Beynəlxalq Qadınlar Gününüz Mübarək Olsun! Happy International Women's Day! May all of us, young or old, keep on “having plenty to do in the work of the Lord ”! Bıçaq iti deyil. The knife is not sharp. It's not a symptom. Pişik stolun üstündə oturdu. The cat sat on the table. He's sitting on the table. Qusmağım gəlir. I want to vomit. I'm on my way to sleep. Siz böyük səhv edirsiniz. You're making a big mistake. You're a big mistake. Bu asan deyildi. It wasn't easy. That was not easy. Anam otağı təmizləyir. My mother cleans the room. My mother cleaned up. Tom qapını açmağa cəhd etdi, amma o bağlı idi. Tom tried opening the door, but it was locked. Tom tried to keep his job, but he did not do it. Atam çox yorğundur. My father is very tired. My father is very much. Mənim burnum çox böyükdür. My nose is too big. My nose is too big. Mən tamamilə ciddiyəm. I'm completely serious. I'm serious. Elektrikli isidicimizə nəsə olub. Something is wrong with our electric heater. What we have done is what we ought to have done. Bayquşların böyük gözləri olur. Owls have big eyes. Mr. Scully, it's a big eye. Burnum qaşınır. My nose itches. It's broken down. Mən onun evə girdiyini gördüm. I saw him enter the house. I saw him in his house. Tom qısqanc deyil. Tom isn't jealous. Tom is not up-to-date. Mən indicə Tomun Merini öpdüyünü gördüm. I just saw Tom kissing Mary. I saw my brother Tom, who was now my sister, Tom, kissed me. Qadın otaqdadır. The woman is in the room. She's in her room. Mən o restoranı məsləhət görürəm. I recommend that restaurant. I'm going to offer that doctor's advice. Qardaşı ondan daha səbirlidir. His brother is more patient than he is. He is more patient than his brothers. Mən Serbiyadanam. I'm from Serbia. I can't sing. Mən Qazaxıstanda yaşayıram. I live in Kazakhstan. I'm going to live in the Iceland. O, çayı keçdi. He crossed the river. She took a cup of tea. Sadəcə gözlə! Just wait! Wait! İcazə ver izah edim. Allow me to explain. Explain. Tələsək. Let's hurry up. By all means. Biz hələ ki Şotlandiyada yaşamırıq. We don't live in Scotland yet. We're still living in Switzerland. Kimsə nə baş verdiyini gördü? Did anybody see what happened? Have you seen someone happen to you? Siz buddistsiniz? Are you a Buddhist? Are you the fucking buddy? Emilinin soğandan zəhləsi gedir. Emily hates onions. It is common for a person in that situation to give up. O yağışı xoşlayır. He likes the rain. He was in the audience at the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. O sağdır! She is alive! He's right! Sən məni aldatdın və təhqir etdin. You fooled and insulted me. You have broken my heart and my heart. Bir kənd yerində yaşayıram. I live in a rural area. I can't live in a town. Radioya qulaq asıram. I'm listening to the radio. Listen carefully. Ölmək istəmirəm! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Bir xəritə almaq istəyirəm. I'd like to buy a map. I'd like to take a copy of it. Referendum tezliklə Korsikanın müstəqilliyini geri qaytaracaqmı? Will a referendum soon give Corsica back its independence? Will I return to South Korea soon? Pul lazımdır. Money is needed. Money. Mən onu oyatdım. I woke him up. I did it. On, on bir, on iki, on üç, on dörd, on beş, on altı, on yəddi, on səkkiz, on doqquz, iyirmi. Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Four, four, four, four, four, four, eight, eight, eight, eight, one. Dostum Naritadan Parisə yola düşdü. My friend departed from Narita for Paris. My friend Nicodemus took me to Paris. Tom çin yeməklərini xoşlayır. Tom likes Chinese food. Tom eats food. Yaxşı yemək ve yeterli yuxu, yaxşı bir sağlamlıq üçün tamamile vacibdir. Good food and enough sleep are absolutely necessary to good health. Good food and sufficient rest are essential if we are to get well enough sleep and rest. Çox xoşsan. You're too cute. Thank you very much. Tezliklə bilərik. We'll know soon. We can. Tom niyə sizə dedi? Why did Tom tell you? Why did Tom tell you? Onun üç qızı var. He has three daughters. She's three girls. Köhnə ev yanıb külə döndü. The old house was burned to ashes. She returned home to her house. Bugün səhər başağrısı ilə oyandım. I woke up with a headache this morning. I woke up early in the morning. Onlar Avstraliyanı sevirlər. They love Australia. They love Australia. Siz çox arıqsınız. You're too skinny. You're very busy. Bu mənim lüğətimdir. This is my dictionary. That's my experience. Mən dünən kitab aldım. I bought a book yesterday. I bought a book. Marağımı itirdim. I lost interest. I didn't know my sister. Sizin seçiminiz yoxdur. You have no choice. You don't have your choice. İstəmirəm ki, məni unudasınız. I don't want you to forget me. I want you to be kind to me. Tom eynəksiz oxuya bilmir. Tom can't read without glasses. Tom is unable to read. Tom da yəhudidir. Tom is also a Jew. Tom was also Jewish. Biz heç vaxt burada yaşamamışıq. We've never lived here. We never lived here. Rio'danım. I'm from Rio. I'm Rio. Nauru nauru dilində "Naoero" adlanır. Nauru is called "Naoero" in Nauruan. Nauru Nauru's "Nauro". Bu müqəddəs torpaqdır. This is holy ground. This is the holy place. Tom Merini çox gözlətmədi. Tom didn't keep Mary waiting too long. Mary did not wait until she was two years old. Səndən asılıdır. It's up to you. You are on your way to an important appointment. Mən Estoniyadanam. I'm from Estonia. I can't go to Estonia. Səfəvilər sülaləsi 1501-ci ildə İranı yenidən birləşdirdi. The Safavid dynasty reunified Iran in 1501. In the 150th century, more than 150 countries were returned to Ireland. Ruslar əsla gülümsəmir. Russians never smile. They're not hungry. İsa kapitalist idi. Jesus was a capitalist. Jesus was a Christian. Kitab almaq istəyirəm. I want to buy a book. I'd like to take a book. Bütün quşlar uça bilmir. Not all birds can fly. All cells don't exist. Avropa Yupiterin peykidir. Europa is a moon of Jupiter. Europe's the chromosome. Bu çaydır? Is this a river? Is that tea? Mən məktəbə Tomla getdim. I went to school with Tom. I went to Gilead with Tom. Partiyaları sevirəm. I love parties. The party's love. Fikrim var. I have an idea. I have a idea. Mənim iki kitabım var. I have two books. I have two books. Bu həmişə asan olmayıb. It hasn't always been easy. This has always been easy. Məhəmməd Məkkədə doğulub. Muhammad was born in Mecca. The original - language term literally means “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing Qadınların bığlı kişilərdən xoşu gəlir. Women like men with mustaches. A man who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation. ” Mən Ficidə yaşayıram. I live in Fiji. I'm on my way to the Fascist. Mən Danimarkadanam. I'm from Denmark. I'm from Denmark. Sakit! Quieter! Fuck! O səndən iki yaş böyükdür. She is two years older than you. He's two years older than you. Cənab Braun həkimdir. Mr Brown is a doctor. That's Braz. Meri qan itirir. Mary is losing blood. Mary struggles with numerous health problems. Yupiterin neçə peyki var? How many moons does Jupiter have? How many things do you have? Mənim bacımı gördün? Did you see my sister? Did you see my sister? Mən sənin uduzmağını istəmirəm. I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to beat me. İrlandiyada minimal əmək haqqı nə qədərdir? What's the minimum salary in Ireland? How much money is really worth it? Maşındakı kim idi? Who was in the car? Who was it? Bu alma pisdir. This apple is bad. That's bad. Ürəyinə qulaq as! Listen to your heart. Listen to those who are taking the lead! Bu onun doğulduğu evdir. This is the house in which he was born. That's his birthday. Sizinlə Bostona getmək istəmirəm. I don't want to go to Boston with you. I don't want to go with you. Bu mənim qızımın məktəbidir. This is my daughter's school. That's my daughter's school. Başım partlayır. My head is exploding. My head's over. Kiyev Ukraynanın paytaxtıdır. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's the chromosome of the chromosomes. Mən İndoneziyada yaşayıram. I live in Indonesia. I'm in the middle of the Soviet Union. Hovuza gedirik. We're going to the pool. We're on our way. Biz təxminən 6 kilometr piyada getdik. We walked for about 6 kilometers. We moved to a village some 20 miles (6 km) away. Salam Bil. Necəsən? Hi, Bill. How are you? How do you know? Həyat necə də qısadır! How short life is! What a relief that will be! O, əlində qələm tutmuşdu. He held a pen in his hands. In his letter, he wrote: “I put you under oath by the living God to tell you what Mən Limburqdanam. I'm from Limburg. I'm from Lum. İnəklər bizi südlə təmin edirlər. Cows supply us with milk. The Philistines are preparing us for food. Bu ABŞ səfirliyidir. This is the American Embassy. This is the United States. Tanış olmağıma çox şadam. Mən bir qarışqayeyənəm. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. I'm very glad to meet you. Kobudsan. You are rude. You're a Colonel. Tom günahkardır? Is Tom guilty? Tom is wrong? Hə, artıq başlayıb. Yes, it has already started. Yes, it's already. O vaxtdan bəri ağlamaq qadağan olunub. Since that time, crying has been forbidden. In time, she was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral depression. Mən axmaq kimi görünmək istəmirəm. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look like shit. Mən danışaram. I'll talk. I'm talking. O çox adam tanıyır. He knows a lot of people. That man was a man of great faith. Onu mən özüm tapacam. I'll find him myself. I'll find him. Heç Koreya yarımadasında olmusan? Have you ever been to the Korean Peninsula? Have you ever been in Korea? Bizim çətirlərimiz haradadır? Where are our umbrellas? Do we have a hard time exercising self - control? Oğlan ağır divanı tərpətməyə cəhd etdi. The boy tried moving the heavy sofa. He tried to get him to the meetings, to get up, and to finish his preaching work. Bəzi ölkələrdə qadın olmaq yaxşı bir şey deyil. In some countries, being a woman is not a good thing. In some lands, it is not good to be married to a woman. O bunu eşitdi. He heard it. He heard that. Onlar evə getmək istəyirlər. They want to go home. They want to go home. Tom mənim burnumu qırdı. Tom broke my nose. Tom, don't worry about me. İspanaqdan zəhləm gedir. I hate spinach. In Spain, I was surrounded by a few words of encouragement from religious leaders. Yeganə bilik mənbəyi təcrübədir. The only source of knowledge is experience. Knowledge of food is essential. Mənim Macarıstanda Borat adında bir dostum var. In Hungary I have a friend called Borat. I've got a friend in the Mac. Ukraynada yaşamaq istərdin? Would you like to live in Ukraine? Would you like to live in a place like that? Tom kartofları soydu. Tom peeled the potatoes. Tom's got the cards on the card. Meymun ağaca dırmaşdı. The monkey climbed up a tree. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mem-hmm. Bayırda qar yağır. It snows outside. No, it's raining. Nəğd ödəmək istərdim. I would like to pay with cash. I'd like to sing the song. Yum ağzını! Shut up! Put your mouth in your mouth! Öl! Die! He's dead! Biz səni eşitdik. We heard you. We heard you. Atlantik okeanı kiçik deyil də, hə? The Atlantic Ocean isn’t small, is it? It's not small, is it, isn't it? Sən tezliklə başlamalısan. You must start soon. You should start soon. Onun qırmızı çiçəkləri var. She has red flowers. And he has his eyes and ears with which he knows nothing. Mayk çox yaxşı üzür. Mike swims very well. It's very good. Tom səni incidəcək. Tom is going to hurt you. Tom will hurt you. Buş Əfqanıstanda, İraqda və Quantanamoda nə baş verdiyini bilmir. Bush doesn't know what's going on in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo. In this case, I don't know what's happening in China and China. İngiltərə və Şotlandiya qonşudurlar. England and Scotland are neighbours. They are the neighbor of the village and the neighboring village. Emilinin lüğəti var? Does Emily have a dictionary? Is there any evidence? O Ohayoda doğulub. He was born in Ohio. He's born in Central Asia. Mən televizora baxırdım. I was watching TV. I looked at TV. Mən universitetdə oxuyuram. I study at the university. I went to college in college. Mən Danimarkaya getdim. I went to Denmark. I went to Dana. Biz sizi qorumaq üçün buradayıq. We're here to protect you. We are here to protect you. Mən maşında qalacam. I'll stay in the car. I am in the middle of the night. Yaxşı, mən getməliyəm. Well, I must be going. Well, I'm going to go. Sən Almaniyadan zəng vurursan? Are you calling from Germany? Is that a goal that you pray about? Səfərləri sevirəm. I love trips. Give examples of how some are showing faithfulness in their use of unrighteous riches. Quşun qanadları olur. A bird has wings. They'll become birds. Mən hörümçəklərdən qorxuram. I'm afraid of spiders. I am afraid that I will not be able to stand up for my lot in life. Məni dayandıra bilməzsən. You can't stop me. You can't stop me. Mən dünən kinoya getdim. I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to Japan. O üç dildə danışır. She speaks three languages. He spoke three foreign languages. Biz Nyu-Yorkda yaşayırıq. We live in New York. We're in the south. Bu sərçə uça bilmir. Qanadları qırılıb. This sparrow can't fly. Its wings are broken. You don't know how to fly. Bu heç nəyi dəyişməyəcək. It won't change anything. That will not be the time for him to show compassion for those whom he has judged to be wicked. Uilyam polis tərəfindən tutuldu. William was arrested by the police. My brother's been taken from the police. Mənim böyük bacımın yaxşı oxuma qabiliyəti var. My older sister is good at singing. My older sister has the right to read to me. Qaşlarımdan zəhləm gedir. I hate my eyebrows. My back was turned toward them, and I did not hear their language very much. Onun ürəyi xəstədir. His heart is sick. His heart is in his power. Hava soyuqdur. The weather is cold. It's air. Yazıq pişik. Poor cat. It's a little bitch. Mən səbirli bir kişi deyiləm. I'm not a patient man. I'm not patient. Bir şüşə pivə neçəyədir? How much does a bottle of beer cost? How many are there? Ciddi olun! Be serious. Be serious! Pişiklər siçovulları öldürürlər. Cats kill rats. They're going to kill the chromosomes. Avstriya mərkəzi Avropada yerləşir. Austria is situated in Central Europe. In Europe, in western Europe. Tom bir qədəh qırmızı şərab içdi. Tom drank a glass of red wine. Tom was drinking wine. Şotlandiya İngiltərədən ayrılmaq istəyir. Scotland wants to break away from England. He wants to leave the city. Çay sakitcə axır. The river flows calmly. The peace we can enjoy with one another goes deeper than merely refraining from doing harm Yeni iliniz mübarək! Happy New Year! Your new year! Restoranımıza xoş gəlmişsiniz! Welcome to our restaurant! You were welcome to our visit! Seks mənim üçün vacibdir. Sex is important to me. It's important to me. Bütün şəhər suyun altında idi. The entire town was under water. All the cities were surrounded by water. Hər yay mən kənd yerinə gedirəm. Every summer I go to the countryside. I am doing my utmost to preach and teach the good news of the Kingdom. Biz əvvəl görüşmüşük. We met before. We've met first. Bir sovetoloq nə təhsil alır? What does a Sovietologist study? What do you want to learn from a professor? Onun bazarlıq etməkdən zəhləsi gedir. He hates shopping. Its emphasis on having a good time can be a threat to our spirituality. Payız yerini qışa verdi. Autumn changed into winter. He gave the pig to the pig. Mən bayquşlardan qorxuram. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of the birds. İsa Məsih mənim xilaskarımdır. Jesus Christ is my Savior. Jesus Christ is the means by which we are saved. Bəzi minerallar insan sağlamlığı üçün vacibdirlər. Some minerals are important for human health. Some people need to be raised in order to become believers. İtə sümük atmayın! Don't throw bones to the dog! Don't shoot! Mən qırmızı damlı ev gördüm. I saw a house with a red roof. I saw a red house. Biz həmişə qaydalara tabe olmalıyıq. We always have to obey the rules. We must always be on guard. Biz Misirdə gizlənəcəyik. We'll hide in Egypt. We were concealed in Egypt. Biz komandayıq. We're a team. We're on our way. Tom otaqdadır. Tom is in the room. Tom's in the room. Tom kitabxanaya getdi. Tom went to the library. Tom took his book to the library. Mən yaxşı bir şəxs deyiləm. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Biz Londona getdik. We went to London. We called London. Mayk pişikləri sevir. Mike likes cats. It's kind of love. O, başını işlətdi. He used his head. He applied the lessons he learned. İsveçin öz dili var. Sweden has its own language. You have your own language. Tirana Albaniyanın paytaxtıdır. Tirana is the capital city of Albania. Colonel is a symptom at the top of the train station. Gecə çox isti olur. It is very hot at night. The night is very cold. Yaponiya iqtisadiyyatını yenidən qurmalıdır. Japan has to reconstruct its economy. It should be done again. O mükəmməl deyil. He isn't perfect. It's not perfect. Cənab Yamaha dilənçiyə bir neçə qoz verdi. Mr Yamaha gave some walnuts to a beggar. Cain received a number of gifts from his father, Cain, and Jacob. Latın dili ölü dildir. Latin is a dead language. The language of the common people is the language of the country. Onların qara saçları var. They have black hair. They have their hair. O, təkcə Yaponiyada yox, bütün dünyada məhşur bir fizikdir. He is a famous physicist not only in Japan, but in the world. He is not alone in the universe; it is just a physical structure. Demək olar bir-birimizi tanımırıq. We hardly know each other. So they're two each other's. Onlar Tomu tutdular. They caught Tom. They're Tom. Onların iki oğlu və bir qızı var. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and daughters. Mən sənin həyatını xilas etdim. I saved your life. I have saved you your life. Bu cib lüğətidir. This is a pocket dictionary. That's the type. Badımcanları yu və uclarını kəs. Wash eggplants and cut their endings. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. Salam! Hello! Hey! Hansını xoşlayırsan, yaşıl çay yoxsa qara çay? Which do you like, green tea or black tea? If so, what kind of fruit would you like to eat from it? Dənizdə adalar yerləşir. There are islands in the sea. The islands are located on the islands of the mountains. Xəstəxana izdihamlı. The hospital is crowded. The size of the theme. O Britaniya vətəndaşıdır amma Hindistanda yaşayır. He's a British citizen, but he lives in India. He is in India, but he is in India. Nəyə baxırsan? What are you looking at? What do you think? Mən peyğəmbər deyiləm. I am not a prophet. I am not a prophet. Bu aktyordur? Is this an actor? That's what he's talking about? Bu məqaləni düzəltmək istətirəm. I want to correct this article. I would like to ask you, ‘ Why do you want to take that step? ’ Anqolanın rəsmi dili portuqal dilidir. Angola's official language is Portuguese. The Portuguese language is the Portuguese language. Fındıq payızın ortalarında yığılır. Hazelnuts are harvested in mid-autumn. It's going to be in the middle of the middle of the middle. O gəlib! He has come! That's it! Siz onu nə vaxt gördünüz? When did you see her? When did you see him? Bu torpaq kral ailəsinə mənsubdur. This land belongs to the Royal Family. This land is the northern kingdom of Israel. Tom dünən mənə yazdı. Tom wrote to me yesterday. Tom wrote to me. Sən hamını tanıyırsan. You know everybody. You know. O, xəstəxanadadır. He is in hospital. He is the Most High over all things. Qatarımız gecikir. Our train is delayed. We're late for night. Avstraliya respublika deyil. Australia is not a republic. Australia isn't a chromosome. Bu otağı Tom təmizləyib. This room is cleaned by Tom. He cleaned up the clothes, cleaned up, and well built up in the ground. Allah xətrinə! For God's sake! God Is With You! Mən qorxmaqdan qorxuram. I'm afraid of being afraid. I am afraid of what he will do. Həmin vaxtda, Etelbert Kentdə krallıq edirdi və güclü idi. At that time, Ethelbert ruled as king in Kent, and was powerful. At that time, there was a king on his throne, and he was strong and powerful. O mənim indiyə kimi tanıdığım ən darıxdırıcı qızdır. She is the most boring girl I ever knew. He is the most young person I have ever met. Qız pəncərəni sındırdı. The girl broke the window. She's hurting her daughter. Qulaqlarım ağrıyır. My ears hurt. My servants are sick. O bağbandır. He's a gardener. It's a tree. Karl çox xoşbəxt görünürdü. Carl looked very happy. His wife, a spiritually strong person, had no problem answering the questions, but Robert found himself constantly embarrassed, not knowing İt itin ayağını basmaz. A wolf doesn't bite a wolf. It's not gonna put a foot on your head. Ana, mən acam. Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I can't. Mən birbaşa evə gedirəm. I'm going straight home. I'm going home. Bu mənim qardaşımdır. This is my brother. That's my point. Hamı ona nifrət edir. Everybody hates her. Everybody hates him. Həyətimdə alma ağacı əkdim. I planted an apple tree in my yard. It was a tree of life to those taking hold of it, and those keeping fast hold of it are to be called happy. ” Cümə günü günorta boşsan? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Did you waste the rest of your life each day? Qapı dəhlizin sonundadır. The door is at the end of the corridor. At the end of the sixth century B.C.E., the fifth century B.C.E. Bu xətt uzunluq dairəsini göstərir. This line shows the longitude. This is the length of the long - term history of the human race. Mən getməyə qorxuram. I'm afraid to go. I'm afraid I'm not. Mənim bu mətni tərcümə etməyə vaxtım yoxdur. I don't have time to translate this text. I don't have time for this translation. Biz yağış xoşlamırıq. We don't like rain. We don't like rain. İsa sənə nifrət edir. Jesus hates you. He hates you. Filin uzun burnu olur. An elephant has a long nose. The filter's gonna be long. "Aulday" çin markasıdır. Auldey is a Chinese brand. It's called the "Arm." Bu mənim velosipedimdir. This is my bicycle. It's my chromosome. Braziliyada qiymətlər yüksəkdir. Prices are high in Brazil. It is high - ranking. Yaponiyanın iqlimi İngiltərəninki kimi deyil. The climate of Japan is not like that of England. This is not the case with Joshua, who wrote: “I have come to know that you are able to obey me. ” Mən danışarkən, o anidən telefonu qoydu. He suddenly hung up the phone while I was speaking. I replied, “I don’t know anyone who’s faithful or wants to be. ” Burnumla nəfəs ala bilmirəm. I can't breathe through my nose. I don't know what I'm looking for. Gitaraçı mənim qardaşımdır. The guitar player is my brother. It's my game. Başını işlət! Use your head! Use your head! Ciddi ol! Be serious. Be serious! Mən özümlə fəxr edirəm. I'm proud of myself. I am generous with my life. Bayquşlar gecələr ov edirlər. Owls hunt at night. By the time they were in the habit of getting drunk, they had been told: “You don’t know what to do with your life. ” Qatar dayandı. The train stopped. He's up there. Sənin üçün əla xəbərim var. I have great news for you. I have a reputation for you. Sizә söz verirәm. I give you my word. I promise you. Bu fabrikada işlədim. I worked in this factory. I worked in this factory. Kitab stolun üstündədir. The book is on the table. The record of their deeds is (recorded) in a record. Bu ondan balacadır. This is smaller than that. That's a little bit small. Fağırlara qida verdiyimdə mənə müqəddəs deyirlər. Fağırların niyə qidası yox deyə soruşduğumda isə mənə kommunist deyirlər. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give them my food, when I tell them why I don't want them to eat, they tell me why they don't eat. O qırmızı paltarı seçdi. She chose the red dress. She cleaned the clothes that she had cleaned. Küçəyə işədim. I peed on the street. I worked hard. Mən kitab oxumuram. I do not read books. I don't read the book. Mən qusmağa başladım. I started to vomit. I started to cry. Televizoru aç. Turn on the TV. Open the TV. Biz Fransadanıq. We are from France. We are French. Biz Osakaya srağagün çatmışıq. We arrived in Osaka the day before yesterday. We went from village to village until we had visited the hundreds of villages in the region. Bu bir balıq deyil. This is not a fish. It's not a fish. Mən onu artıq yoxlamışam. I've tried that already. I've already studied it for now. Zəhmət olmasa, mənə külqabı verin. Please give me an ashtray. If it's bad, give me a break. Batareyalar daxil deyildir. Batteries not included. I don't have to go to school. Mənim bacımı gördünüz? Did you see my sister? Did you see my sister? Onlar buna layiqdirlər. They deserve it. They don't do that. Zürafələr hardadırlar? Where are the giraffes? Are the wicked ones having insight? Mən Melaniyəm. I'm Melanie. I'm with you. Siz öz vəzifənizi yerinə yetirməlisiniz. You must perform your duty. You need to work hard to fulfill your responsibilities. Avstraliyada ingilis dilində danışırlar. In Australia, they speak English. In Australia, English is the official language of the country. Tom məşq edir. Tom is training. Tom grew up in a Middle Eastern country. Bunu eşitdiyimə təəssüf edirəm. I am sad to hear it. I don't want to hear that. Tom cavan deyil. Tom is not young. Tom is not young. Mən Çarliyəm. I am Charlie. I'm not. Tom özündənrazıdır. Tom is big-headed. Tom's a self-defensive. Biz müharibənin əleyhinəyik. We are against war. We are fighting a war - torn enemy. İt ət istəyir. The dog wants meat. He wants to do it. Mən hər şeyi eşidə bilirəm. I can hear everything. I know everything. Mən Gürcüstanda çox xoşbəxtəm. I am very happy in Georgia. I am happy to be honest in my conduct. O mənim sualıma müsbət cavab verdi. He gave a positive answer to my question. She answered my questions straight from the Bible. Vermont Kanadayla sərhəddə yerləşir. Vermont is located on the border with Canada. By the time I was five years old, I was able to travel to Canada. Ata, sən hardasan? Father, where are you? Father, Are You Taking Refuge? Təkbir bir-birimizi supermarketdə görərik. We see each other at the supermarket now and then. When we see each other, we see each other. Yaponiya Asiyada yerləşir. Japan is situated in Asia. The work of Jehovah’s people has grown in scope and complexity. Sən orduda zabit idin? Were you an officer in the army? Have you been a soldier in the army? Mən Azərbaycanca danışıram. I speak Azerbaijani. I'm going to talk about it. Sizə yazılı icazə lazımdır. You need written permission. You must write a letter. Mən Portuqaliyadanam. I am from Portugal. I can't go to Poland. Meri Aydaho dağlarında skunsları öyrənir. Mary studies skunks in the mountains of Idaho. Mary's in the mountains in the mountains. Səninlə fəxr edirəm. I am proud of you. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. ” Syuzan ingilis adıdır. Susan is an English name. The driver who took Maria from the Kingdom Hall to the branch office told her: “Don’t be afraid. Bu butulkanı su ilə doldur. Fill this bottle with water. Please fill in the water with it. O bir dənə alma yedi. She ate one apple. She took a break. Şaxta Baba şimal qütbündə yaşayır. Santa lives at the North Pole. He lives in the house - to - house work in the district of Asia. Yaponiya Kaliforniyadan portağal idxal edir. Japan imports oranges from California. In California, California, from California, U.S.A., she was able to attend the meetings at the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Mən bir həftə evdə qaldım. I stayed home for a week. I spent a week in the home. Bugün elə də isti deyil. It isn't so hot today. The same is true today. Qadınların bığlı kişilərdən xoşu gəlir. Women like men with moustaches. A man who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation. ” "Hazırsan?" "Düşünürəm ki, hə." "Are you ready?" "I think so." "What do you mean?" "I say, "I know." Lazanyanı sevirəm. I love lasagna. Uh-huh. Çox güman ki, o, emalatxanadan qayıdıb. Mostly likely, he's come back from the workshop. He may feel that he has the right to do whatever he wants and that no one can tell him what to do. Pinokkionun uzun burnu var idi. Pinocchio had a long nose. He had a long shot. Onlar İtaliyadandırlar. They are from Italy. They are from Italy. O mənim gözlədiyimdən daha yaxşı idi. She was better than I expected. He was far better than I had ever done. Fincan doludur. The cup is full. It's full of memory. Riqa Latviyanın paytaxtıdır. Riga is the capital of Latvia. The city was almost full of ancient Israel, and it was the center of pure worship in the land. Onun tünd qəhvəyi saçları var idi. He had dark brown hair. His hair was white with white hair. En şokoladı çox sevər. Ann likes chocolate very much. She's very lovely. Qara idi. It was black. He was dead. Məncə sən bundan da artığına layiqsən. I think you deserve more than this. I think you are too proud to accept that. Kim burada deyildi? Who was not here? Who wasn't here? Sami İsanı təriflədi. Sami praised Jesus. Samuel praised Jesus. Ona de ki, mən bugün məktəbə getmirəm. Tell her that I am not going to school today. And I'm going to go to school today. Hər ehtimala qarşı telefon nömrəni mənə ver. Give me your phone number, just in case. I'll give you my phone to the phone. Sən burada qalmalısan. You should stay here. You're here. Bugün hava necədir? What is the weather like today? What is the air today? Bunu kim alacaq? Who will do it? Who's gonna do this? Mən axmaq deyiləm. I'm not a fool. I don't have to. Hansısa cənab İto səni görmək istəyir. A Mr. Itoh wants to see you. In any case, herein lies a real danger — becoming ensnared by materialism, wanting more and more things, whether we need them or not and whether we can afford them or not. Bu stoldur. It is a table. That's the way. Biz hamımız ölməliyik. We all have to die. We all die. İran Birləşmiş Ştatlara müharibə elan etdi. Iran proclaimed war against the US. During World War II, the United States forged an attack on God’s people. Göy bir evim var. I have a blue house. I've got a house. Onlar bizə nifrət edirlər. They hate us. They hate us. Mən Meriyə şokolad verdim. I gave Mary chocolate. I was on my way to Mary’s camp. O həmişə qara geyinir. She is always dressed in black. He always has the right to set the standards of dress and grooming. Bu vacib deyil. This is not necessary. That's not important. Allah bilir, o hara gedib. God knows where he has gone. God knows where he is. Kimsə Texas haqqında soruşdu. Someone asked about Texas. Someone asked me to talk to. Klaviaturam pişiyimin xoşuna gəlir. My cat likes my keyboard. I like my company. Səndən daha az güclü bir kişi deyiləm. I'm not a man less stronger than you. You're not more powerful than you are. Sən onu şəxsən tanıyırsan? Do you know him personally? Do you know him? Merinin qum kimi sarı saçları var. Mary has sandy blonde hair. Mary’s hair is hairy hair. Lift bugün işləmir. The elevator is out of order today. IT IS not a job today. Mən burada işləyirəm. I work here. I'm here. Qalx yatağan! Wake up, sleepy-head! It's in bed! Ata minə bilərəm. I can ride a horse. I can't go for a minute. Payız uzun və mülayim idi. The autumn was long and mild. He was long - suffering and kind. Onların hamısı güclüdür? Are they all strong? Are all of them? Tom'un çox xəstə olduğunu düşünürəm. I think Tom is very sick. I think Tom's sick. Qu quşları işarələri başa düşürlər. Swans understand signs. They recognize the sign of Christ’s presence. Bu çay yaşıl çay adlanır. This tea is called green tea. The type of wine that we drink is not unique. İçəridə heç kim yoxdur. There's nobody inside. There is no one in the universe. Mən sənin həyatını xilas etməyə çalışıram. I'm trying to save your life. I am trying to save you your life. Tomun bığı var. Tom has a moustache. Tom's got a light. Mətbəxin qapısı açıldı. The kitchen door opened. The foundation was laid. Mən bir partlayış gördüm. I saw an explosion. I saw a party. Qapılar bağlı idi. The doors were closed. It was written over a thousand years in advance. Tom barmaqlarını yaladı. Tom licked his fingers. Tom was hurting. Bütün dünya Braziliyanı sevir. The whole world loves Brazil. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Pişiklərin doqquz canı var. Cats have nine lives. There's nine to nine. "İrəli Ukrayna!", azarkeşlər qışqırdılar. "Go Ukraine!", screamed the fans. "Let's get out of here." Bağışla... Sorry... Send... Tom külqabını Merinin qabağına qoydu. Tom put the ashtray in front of Mary. He had to put up with his fleshly - minded brother, Esau, who intended to kill him. Biz dost deyildik. We weren't friends. We had close association and upbuilding spiritual discussions with many who were fully involved in Bu mahnını kim oxuyur? Who sings that song? Who wrote this song? Yanğın birinci mərtəbədə idi. The fire was on the first floor. At first, it seemed that he worked so hard because he wanted our family to have the very best. Bizim qızımız yox. We don't have a daughter. We're not our daughter. Nikson Kaliforniyada doğulub. Nixon was born in California. Nelson was born in California. Tom evə tərəf qaçdı. Tom ran toward the house. Tom returned home from work. Siz İrlandiyaya gedəcəksiniz. You'll go to Ireland. You're going to go to school. Bütün almalar qırmızıdırlar. All apples are red. They're all black. Mənim quşlarımı görməmisən? Didn't you see my birds? Do you not see my face? Saat neçədir? What's the time? What time is it? Mənim itim təmizdir. My dog is clean. My appearance is pure. İsa suyun üzərində yeridi. Jesus walked on water. Jesus was on earth. Греция иҫке ил. Greece is an old country. The Greek Empire. Ташбаҡаларның тештәре юҡ. Turtles don't have teeth. They have to support a paid clergy, as well as a multitude of other employees. Минең мәктәпкә барғым килмәй. I don't want to go to school. Looking back on my life from before I got baptized in that watering trough until now, I thank Jehovah for the wise ones who assist Беҙ итте ашаныҡ. We ate the meat. At that time, she gave me a piece of candy and asked if we could be Тәбиғийерәк яңғырай. It sounds more natural. We need to make sure that we allow God’s Word to reach our heart and strengthen our faith. Мин үлмәйәсәкмен. I won't die. I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. Рәхмәт! Thank you. Thank you! Хәйерле иртә! Good morning! Good morning! Хәйерле көн! Good day! This is a day of great hardship. Һин – Эмили. You're Emily. Andrew, a father of three, aged five. Мэри - китап ҡорто. Mary is a bookworm. Mary’s assignment was to type Watchtower study articles and other literature on stencils that served to produce Bible literature. Ике бесәйем бар. I have two cats. I had two children. Һаумыһығыҙ! Hello! Keep on holding fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. Балалар — тормошобоҙҙоң сәскәләре. Children are the flowers of our lives. “ Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls Бурдж-Хәлифә әлеге ваҡытта донъяның иң бейек бинаһы булып тора. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. This is the most important event in the history of the U.S. history of the world. Бурдж-Хәлифә әлеге ваҡытта донъяның иң бейек бинаһы булып тора. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is the most important event in the history of the U.S. history of the world. Том өй эштәрен эшләргә онотҡан. Tom forgot to do his homework. Run in such a way that you may attain it. Мостафа Кәмал Ататөрк Төркиә Йөмһүриәтен 1923 йылда иғлан итә. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. In the 1920 ’ s, Joseph’s father, Jr., was anointed by his Father, declared to the Jews of the 1920 ’ s. Рәхмәт! Thanks! Thank you! Был беҙҙең проблема түгел. The problem isn't ours. ( b) How do we know that today’s commercial system was not part of Jehovah Үлмәйәсәкмен. I won't die. I'm not dead. Был уның яҙыуы түгел. This is not his handwriting. In fact, that faithful man is the only person specifically referred to that way in the Bible. Бурдж-Хәлифә әле донъяның иң бейек бинаһы. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is the most widely built building building in the world. Диңгеҙҙә утрауҙар бар. There are islands in the sea. We have to admit that at one time or another, every person displays one or more of Уның аҡсаһы юҡ, ти. She had no money. She has no money. Миңә штраф һаласаҡтар. I'll be punished. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. ” Мостафа Кәмал Ататөрк Төркиә Республикаһының 1923 йылда иғлан итә. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. For example, in the late 1920 ’ s, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania were sentenced to ten years in prison. Был һүрәттә нисә ҡыҙ бар? How many girls are there in this picture? The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. Эсперанто әлифбаһында егерме һигеҙ хәреф бар. The Esperanto alphabet has 28 letters. There are many examples in the Bible of faithful servants undergoing extreme trials that may have involved discipline and that trained them. Эйе. Yes. Yes. Ул – Лори. She's Laurie. ( For fully formatted text, see publication) Мин – Мелани. I'm Melanie. That's me. Табип түгелмен. I'm not a doctor. ( See opening image.) Бу һүрәттә нисә ҡыҙ бар? How many girls are there in this picture? How many girls are there? Ашыҡма. Don't rush. Do not give up. Ҡотлайым! Congratulations! Many have found that, with humility, they can just forgive and forget. Мин һине яратам. I love you. Now both groups serve unitedly under one King — the glorified Jesus Christ, who Халыҡ-ара ҡатын-ҡыҙҙар көнө менән! Happy International Women's Day! You can see and hear them on every day. Хәйерле кис! Goodnight! So leave them alone. Ши оройдоо үбэштээрөөгши? Are you stark raving mad? Will I get up in the morning? Минии гэдэһэм үлдөө! I'm hungry! Of course not! Ойлгооб. I understood. The answer is yes. Түрэһэн үдэрэй мэндэ! Happy birthday! It's dark! Ажалгγйгөөр алганашье барихагγйш. You can not easily catch a perch. It was as if my whole world were falling apart because I knew that we would go our separate ways. Томой таһалгын үүдэн хаалгаатай байгаа. Tom's bedroom door was closed. The key is to keep our eyes focused on the prize. Түрэһэн үдэрэй мэндэ хүргэе! Happy birthday! Let him call the older men of the congregation to him! Ши ехэ сүлөөгүй шэнги харагдааш. You looked like you were busy. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego saw the need to train others to do the same. Том энээниие хэзээшье хэхээ һанаагүй. Tom said he never wanted to do that. Tom had no such stories to tell. Мэлхэй шүдэгүй. Turtles don't have teeth. Not at all. Таатай морилогты! Welcome! You have to! Сайхан морилогты! Welcome! That was wonderful! Энээниие абаад тиишээ ошо. Pick this up and go over there. That's how you're going to do it. Би шэбэнээб. I whispered. To my surprise, he did. Том тон салдаган. Tom is stark naked. So, um, let's go. Морилжо хайрлыт. Welcome. Love is not jealous. Манай дэлхэй ондоо болоно. Our world is changing. Our territory and our environment are very busy. Том пысӑк та хӑватлӑ. Tom is big and strong. They also enjoy a united brotherhood, a wholesome lifestyle, and a happy hope. Мана шкулта пурте кураймаҫҫӗ. Everybody at school hates me. As a result, I too decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah. Вӑл лайӑх акӑлчанла калаҫаканӗ. She is a good English speaker. It is English, and it is an English translation. Ҫынсем вӗсем кӑткӑс. People are complicated. They are enemies of mankind and have contributed to much of the suffering on Эпӗ Стамбулта пурӑнатӑп. I live in Istanbul. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Рехмет! Thanks! Thank you! Вӑл мана пӗр яардран кӗтет. He is waiting for me in the yard. I still doubted that Jehovah could love me, but I began thinking about Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice. Эпӗ хирӗҫлетӗп мана упӑтӗ тесен I object to being called a monkey. The apostle Paul wrote: “I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a Паян мӗн кун? What day is it today? What a day that will be! Жан Рено манӑн юратнӑ актёр. Jean Reno is my favorite actor. It’s true that I have never found anyone in the territory who loves me. Том пыӑк та вӑйлӑ. Tom is big and strong. I feel like Hezekiah, who said: “I love Jehovah. Санӑн ВатсАп пур и? Do you have WhatsApp? Are You Known? Том каҫхи апатчченех килти ӗҫӗ туса пӗтерчӗ. Tom finished doing his homework before dinner. My assignment in the home was to help with the preparations and to obtain wood for cooking meals. Сассуна пӗчӗклет. Lower your voice. The little boy in that story displayed a quality that adults could benefit from — practical wisdom. Вӑл юлташӗсенчен пулӑшу ыйтрӗ. He asked his friends for help. Still, she reasoned, others had gone abroad for a time, and their families seemed to survive spiritually. Ку санӑн сӑмахсару и? Is this your dictionary? Is that true of you? Том ачаран ҫӳллех мар. Tom is no longer a child. Never get so busy that you do not have time for your child. Пирӗн кушакӑмӑр кухняра. Our cat is in the kitchen. We eagerly look forward to the day when Jehovah will bring to life all his loyal friends who have died. Чӗй ҫук. We don't have tea. Not at all. Шӑлӑм ыратать. My tooth hurts. He takes no pleasure in our suffering; nor does he want us to die as “children of wrath, Пӑх унта ҫӳле тӳпене! Look up there at the sky! Be determined never to encourage — or even tolerate — her! Кӗтмен те эпӗ сире ҫакӑнта тӗл пулма. I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. I am sorry to say that when I was little, I didn’t fully appreciate the truth. Никам та пӗлместь. No one will know. These are questions that many loving parents ask themselves when a child expresses the desire to get Толерантлӑ пул. Be tolerant. Vary your approach. Ҫавӑнпа кунта эпӗ. That's why I'm here. So I went. Пушмак тӑхӑнмашкӑн чарӑнчӗ. He stopped to put on his shoes. I was on the night shift for several weeks, printing a tract related to the persecution that Jehovah’s people were experiencing in Canada. Айта ҫӑрӑлса пӑхар! Let's have a try. Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Вӑл сан пекех чӑтӑмлӑ мар. She is not as patient as you. Not one word of them has failed. ” Еретика кӑвайтра ҫунтарса ячӗҫ. The heretic was burned at the stake. A circuit overseer wrote: “As a teenager, I had many more questions or doubts than I ever put into words. Кӗнеке сӗтел ҫинче выртать. The book is on the table. Thinking ahead about what could happen, that man built his house on rock. Ҫак информаци конфиденциаллӑ. This information is confidential. For example, a person may in a relatively short time be able to read and understand the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Мӗншӗн Джеймс хӑйӗн арӑмӗнче пӗрмай япӑххине шырать ӑнланмастӑп. I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife. Why not take the initiative to welcome these new ones, no matter what their circumstances may be. Ах! Ugh! Oh, yeah! Том арӑма юратать. Tom loves his wife. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. ” Кушак ҫури сӗтел айӗнче сӗт ӗҫетчӗ. The kitten was drinking milk under the table. My construction group is like a circuit overseer. Вӑл тула тухса кайнине куртӑн и? Did you see him go out? Will he put forth effort to rid himself of such emotions that could make his heart unresponsive? Зоопаркра ӗҫлетӗп. I work at the zoo. Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate. Ан ятласам уна. Вӑл ытла ҫамрӑк ха ӑнланма. Don't scold her. She's too young to understand. And when I prayed to Jehovah, I felt that I had to preface everything with an apology for what I had done. ” Ан куллян ҫӳҫ касни ыраттармасть. Don't worry, cutting your hair doesn't hurt. This issue of The Watchtower discusses how the ride of the four horsemen can mean good news for us. Пӳлӗм мӗн хак? What's the room's price? What is my key interest in life? Аманнисем пур и? Anyone hurt? But are there other people? Эпир театӑрта тӗл пулӑпӑр. We'll meet in the theater. We too may face a challenging situation. Манӑн пӳрт пур. I have a home. I have many good reasons. Ман шутпа ку сӑхман санӑн ҫинче чипер курӑнӗ. I think this sweater will look good on you. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. ” Ку, чӑннипе, вӑхӑт ҫухатни анчах. This is obviously a waste of time. That, of course, is the time to ‘ set things straight ’ with their young ones. Хӗлле эпӗ икӗ утиялпа ҫывӑратӑп. I sleep with two quilts in the winter. When I said that I would be glad to help, she said: ‘ All right, but I am telling you now: I will never be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. ’ Эсӗ каламастӑн. You don't speak. You have sayings of everlasting life. ” Уна кил тесе каларӑм. I told him to come. She explained that she was beset by personal and family problems. Том каланӑ тӑрӑх эсӗ хулари чи лайӑх саккунҫӑ. Tom told me you're the best lawyer in town. You do not have to be in Jesus ’ physical presence to benefit. Ӑна савӑт капӑрлӑхе килӗшрӗ. She likes the design on the plate. Jehovah was no doubt pleased to hear his worshippers enthusiastically praising him in song. Вӑл гомофоб. He's a homophobe. (Alphabets of the Arabic language – Allah and to whomever He reveals, know their precise meanings.) Каҫарсам, станцие ҫул кӑтартаймастӑр и? Excuse me, but could you show me the way to the station? So ask yourself: ‘ Do my priorities and decisions reflect that I truly believe that I am part of the only organization that Jehovah has approved to accomplish his will? Ҫак вӑхӑтра сире шӑнкӑравланӑшӑн каҫарӑр. Sorry for calling you at this hour. At times, the publisher you are working with may not be your regular preaching partner. Манӑн аттем ҫамрӑк. My father is young. My father was born, and my mother was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Том сирӗн босс. Tom is your boss. You're a dog. Ку музыкӑччӗ. There was music. That was my first experience in leaving things behind to follow the Master. Тӗрӗс. Yes. That's right. Томсӑр пуҫне пурте галстук тӑхӑнса ҫӳренӗ. Everyone except Tom was wearing a tie. I grew up in a lowly family and had just five years of schooling. Ӗҫ! Drink! Work! Ку пулӑ. That is a fish. We need to guard against losing sight of this vital issue. Уна ӳкетлеме пултаракан ҫын эс кӑна. You're the only person that can persuade him. Only with the introduction of DNA evidence in a review of the case have some been freed after spending decades in prison for crimes they did not commit. Босс Тома ӗҫе костӳмпа галстук тӑхӑнма каласа хушрӗ. The boss told Tom that he had to wear a suit and tie to work. To my surprise, one day my teacher tried to shame me by saying that I was a slave. Кӗнеке вулать. He reads a book. Give examples of how some are showing faithfulness in their use of Ку кӗнекере нумай ӳкерчӗксем пур. There are many pictures in this book. There are countless examples of how Jehovah used his angels to do the unexpected. Сырсӑр сентвич ҫиессӗм килет. I want a sandwich without cheese. As a young man, I gave little thought to the purpose of life or to the future. Эсӗ Бостонта. You're in Boston. You are from Bhutan. Мӗншӗн эсӗ Французла ҫав терри лайӑх калаҫатӑн? Why do you speak French so well? Why are you so eager to learn the French? Том хушамачӗ мӗнлеччӗ? What was Tom's last name? How did I feel? Унӑн акӑлчанла калаҫӑвӗ лайӑх. She speaks good English. Many have found it helpful to consider the brochure The Origin of Life — Five Questions Worth Asking and the book Том ӗҫместь. Tom isn't drinking. The reality is that they do not. Сире никама та манмастӑп. I won't forget any of you. You are not alone. Санӑн ҫыру ҫыраспӑть. You should write a letter. Read the lyrics out loud in a strong, confident voice. Ҫемье социумӑн чи пӗчӗк пайӗ. A family is the smallest unit of society. I feel that it is the most important thing in my family. Кукаҫӑм вӑрҫӑ пирки сайра калаҫать. My grandfather rarely talked about the war. A soldier whose loyalty to his leader is weakened has tried to keep him separate from his enemies. Вӑл кунта килтӗр тесе эпӗ ал султӑм. I made motions at him to come here with my hand. Because I did not really understand all that they were talking about, I decided to leave. Ҫак ӗҫе чӗрем тӗппипех юрататӑп. I love this job from the bottom of my heart. It’s true that I have never found anyone in the territory who progressed to baptism, but others have. Вӑл ӗҫнӗ пек курӑнать. He looks like he's drunk. It was not easy for them to do so, for several reasons. Тӗрӗс мар. No. Not at all. Вӑл кӑшкӑра пуҫларӗ те эпӗ чупса тартӑм. She started screaming, and I ran away. When I said that I would be glad to help, she said: ‘ All right, but I am telling you now: I will never be one of Jehovah’ Кашни ҫынӑн ҫакна пӗлмелле. Everyone should know this. Each person should think the matter through. Тома каламалли сӑмах ҫук. I don't have anything to say to Tom. It doesn't contain words. Эпӗ сана саватӑп. I love you. I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. Хӑвӑн шӑл щёткуна манса ан кай. Don't forget your toothbrush. Remember, of prime importance about a home is, not that it is fancy, but that it is orderly, clean, and inviting. Прӗн бейсбол комантинче икӗ ҫӳллӗ вылякан пур. We have two tall players in our baseball team. On the other hand, there is another type of scroll closely described in the image as “the scroll of life. ” Вӑл пысӑккӑ. He's so big! He is with us too. Эпӗ сана юрататӑп та сана кача тухасшӑн. I love you and I want to marry you. I promise you that I will love you. Тепӗр кунне юр кӗлетки ирӗлсех кайрӗ. The next morning, the snowman had completely melted. The next day, the wife visited the couple at home. Унӑн укҫа ҫукччӗ. She had no money. But there was nothing I could do. Мана чӑх килӗшет. I like chicken. I like it. Квартира тара пама эп шухӑшлӑ мар. I have no idea of letting the house. The grieving process can vary greatly from person to person. Кӳлӗ кайса сик. Go jump in the lake. Focus on what you can do, not on what you cannot do. Вӑл урӑх хӗр ачине чуп тунине куртӑм. I saw him kissing another girl. The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. Пӑх ха, виҫ пуҫлӑ упӑте! Hey, look, a three-headed monkey! Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. ” Пӗтӗм ыйту ҫине хурав - юрату Love is the answer for everything. The answer to that question reveals much about the depth of our love for Jehovah. Томӑн мӗнле хушаматччӗ? What was Tom's last name? How did I come to be in this predicament? Ку шӳт мар! It's not a joke. Not at all! Ҫак шывӗ юҫӗ. This drink tastes sour. This publication is not for sale. Пӗр кило сухан мӗн хак? How much does a kilo of onions cost? What did one brother find lacking with regard to his inheritance? Ырӑ кун пултӑр! Good morning! Good day! Вӑт ку хӗрсем! These are the girls! Ever since, mankind has experienced the truthfulness of these inspired words: “Woe Тархасшӑн. Please. ( See opening image.) Вӑл япӑх шухӑшччӗ. It was a bad idea. She had a bad attitude. Ирсерен шкула ҫӳретӗп. I go to school every morning. His wife tried to calm him but without success. Манӑн санпа пӗр фото та ҫук. I don't have any pictures of you. I don’t have a photo. ” Шӑнкӑравлас килсессӗн шӑнкӑравла. Call me whenever you want. As it turned out, the face - to - face meeting was not as difficult as Joseph may have imagined. Манӑн тус пур. I have a friend. I have many friends. Эп каланине Том пӗлет. Tom knows what I'm talking about. Eric, quoted earlier, recalls: “I realized that something was missing in my life. Манӑн ҫакӑн пирки калаҫмашкӑн тус ҫук. I don't have a friend with whom I can talk about this. I have no relationship with him. Акӑлчанла манса кай. Forget English. Remember that it is not wrong to make a mistake. Телейлӗ Ҫӗнӗ Ҫул! Happy New Year! The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures — With References! Сухан нумай апатра усӑ кураҫҫӗ. Onions can be used in many dishes. In many cases, water is used for food. Ку пулӑ. That's a fish. We need to guard against losing sight of this vital issue. Ҫапла, санӑн кунсерен ӗҫлемелле. Yes, you need to practice every day. Indeed, you will find yourself cherishing your quiet times when you are absorbed in Jehovah’s precious thoughts. Шотлантири чи сахал ӗҫ укҫи мӗн чухлӗ? What's the minimum salary in Scotland? How involved are you in the most important work being done on earth today? Вӑл апельсин юратать и? Does she like oranges? Does she feel that she set the right goal and made the correct decision as a teenager? Кунтан ҫывӑхах пурӑнатӑп. I live near here. We have been provided with a number of tools that can help you to do that. Санӑн пӳрт пур и? Do you have a house? Do You Have “a Heart to Know ” Jehovah? Мария юбкӑпа блузка туяннӑ. Mary bought a skirt and a blouse. Mary struggles with numerous health problems. Эпӗ вилмӗп. I won't die. I don’t want to. Эпӗ шыва кӗме кайнӑ. I went for a swim. I symbolized my dedication to God by water baptism. Биологи нихӑҫан та юратман. I never liked biology. The truth is that everyone can experience the joy of being “a cheerful giver. ” Хӗвел ҫутатать. The sun is shining. tree is not new in the absolute sense. Киле шӑнкӑравла. Call home! As it turned out, the face - to - face meeting was not as difficult as Joseph Тата тепӗр ӗҫ шыраса тупатӑп. I'll find another job. I also sought medical help, made changes in the way I managed my time, and set aside time to relax and exercise Тимĕр шапасен шӑлӗсем ҫук. Turtles don't have teeth. Others have not done anything so bad, but they wonder whether some of their choices in life were really the best. Тӗрлӗрен хӗрарӑмсем мана хавхалантараҫҫӗ. All kinds of women inspire me. My wife and I were separated three times and were in the process of getting divorced. Эпӗ шанӑҫсӑрлӑччӗ. I was skeptical. I did it just to make more money. Эпӗ акӑлчанла калаҫатӑп. I speak English. I have learned a new language. Шӑл ыратнипе аптӑрать. He is suffering from toothache. whatever the outcome, you can be sure that Jehovah will be pleased with your sincere efforts to gain your brother — God’s friend. Йӳҫлӗк тем тепӗр ҫине те витӗм кӳрет, метал ҫине те. Acids act on many things including metals. It can affect the attitude and actions of each individual. Вӑл вӗрентӳҫӗ патне кайса килчӗ. She visited the teacher. That led to a Bible study, and this young man became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ҫак ҫӳреве кӗтетӗп. I'm waiting for this trip. I still doubted that Jehovah could love me, but I began thinking about Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice. Вӗҫмеке хӑпарчӗҫ. They got onto the plane. I prayed to Jehovah, asking him to help me to cope and to reach my goal of having more time for spiritual activities Тх. Паттерссон: вӑл кушак валли паллашка тӑвать. Dr. Patterson: She made the sign for cat. Brian: Thank you for making it a point to be able to do what you want to do to him. Унӑн ятне мӗнле пӗлтӗн? How do you know his name? What is the meaning of his name? Ма эсир макӑратӑр? Why are you crying? Do you feel that way? Музыка пурччӗ. There was music. Music is a gift from God. Радиона кура ыран ҫумӑр пулать. According to the radio, it'll rain tomorrow. For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses Also available at www Хӑйсен мӗн пур янтӑ велосипед сутса пӗтерчӗҫ. They sold out their whole stock of bicycles. We had to make many trips to the post office to pick up the boxes of magazines and carry them to our accommodations. Ку ӳкерчӗкре миҫе хӗр ача пур? How many girls are there in this picture? Why did she give birth to a baby boy? Ку урам тӳрӗ. This street is straight. That's right. Шӑпӑрт калаҫ. Speak quietly. Be willing to admit a fault and work on it with God’s help. Ӗненӗр ӗнте мана! Come on, trust me. Puerto Rico had done away with me! Эпӗ сире курасшӑнччӗ кӑна. I just wanted to see you again. I belong to you. I have conquered the world. Ҫынсем хаяр. The people are angry. Human rule has been unable to solve the problem of crime Тони каҫхи апат хыҫҫӑн вӗренет. Tony studies after dinner. Tony did not know whether to laugh or to cry at this suggestion. Ку мана килӗшменччӗ. I didn't like it. I didn’t want to. Эпӗ ӑна юрататӑп, анчах та вӑл гей. I love him, but he's gay. I don’t love her, but I don’t believe in her. ” Германири чи пысӑк кулӗ хӑшӗ? What's Germany's largest lake? What is the greatest form of recognition? Вӑл юлташӑсене пулӑшма ыйтрӗ. He asked his friends for help. I needed to make more adjustments when I was assigned as a district overseer. Эпӗ станцине ҫитрӗм анчах. I've just arrived at the station. I don’t know what to do. Ачасем пурнӑҫӑмӑрӑн чечекӗсем. Children are the flowers of our lives. Life is like a journey, and the time to plan where you want to go is when you are young. Эпӗ ишме кайнӑ. I went for a swim. I did it just to make more money. Эпир пӗрле ӗҫлесен ҫак ӗҫе тӑваятпӑр. We can do this if we work together. In the meantime, we cannot force people to accept the “good news of the Kingdom. ” Романӑн 20'000 яхӑн копи сутӑннӑ. The novel has sold almost 20,000 copies. Nearly 20 years have passed since the Roman Empire was on its way back to the U.S. Supreme Court of Human Rights. Кулӑш мар ку! It's not funny. Not at all! Эсӗ мана илтместӗн. You're not listening to me. You have heard me! Эсӗ манӑн пайӗ. You're part of me. You are my part. Чаплӑ ӗҫ турӑн. You did a splendid job. Jehovah’s worshippers had long understood that Christians should not fight for one nation against another. Манӑн ӗне пур. I have a cow. I have to admit that at one time or another, every person displays one or more of those traits. Эпӗ хамӑн пӳлӗме таврӑнасшӑн. I want to go back to my cubicle. I wanted to get married. I wanted to get married. Эпир кӑҫта пытанма пултарнине сана кӑтартатӑп. I'll show you where we can hide. ( a) What convinces you that the Devil has influenced people to ignore Bible prophecy? Ку мана валли ӗҫлеть. It works for me. I still doubted that Jehovah could love me, but I began thinking about Jesus ’ ransom sacrifice. Радиона кура ыран ҫумӑр пулать. According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses Also available at www.jw. Урамра уна тӗл пулаймастӑп. Ҫумӑр ҫӑвать. I cannot meet him out. It's raining. She was unable to start a Bible conversation with anyone, so she said to some Bethelites, “The last place on earth I would want to live is Portugal. ” Ташӑ вӑл горизонтал кӑмӑлсене вертикаллӗ палӑртни. Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire. The shepherd finds his way into the camp so that he knows how to handle it. Манӑн Том пек пулассӑм килет. I want to be like Tom. To be honest, there have been times when I felt frustrated and wanted to give up. Тӗрӗс мар. Wrong. Not at all. Том Бостонра пурӑнать та ӗҫлеть. Tom lives and works in Boston. But Jehovah does not change, and I will never forget the sacrifices I make for him. ” Мана алшӑлли кирлӗ. I need a towel. I don’t have any regrets. ” Тархасшӑн, ҫакна ҫырса хурӑр. Please take note of that. We have to admit that at one time or another, every person displays one or more of those traits. Энциклопеди пӗлӳлӗхпе ӑслӑлӑх склачӗ. An Encyclopedia is a repository of knowledge and wisdom. In his wisdom and knowledge, Jehovah has given us the strength to do what is right. Томӑн урӑх укҫа ҫук. Tom doesn't have enough money. All of us have done things that we wish we could do over and do differently. Сире мӗн кумпек шухӑшлатталать? What made you think so? What does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind? Сыватӑша сана леҫсе яратӑп. I'll accompany you to the hospital. I will keep supplying you and your little children with food. ” Тухтӑр, эпӗ Мутас ятлӑ. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. For example, let me tell you something about Me. Джейн хаярччӗ. Jane was boiling. I felt that I had lost everything, and I was very scared. Эсӗ курман проблем пур. There's a problem there that you don't see. You have a document that needs a certain person’s attention by the end of the day. Эпӗ эсперантҫӑ. I am an Esperantist. I remember the first time I went preaching from house to house. Келанттан Анӑҫ Малайси штачӗсенчен пӗрри. Kelantan is one of the states in West Malaysia. One of the scientists who helped to advance the good news was the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Пӑрӑн! Мана ан тӗкӑн урӑх! Get out! And don't ever touch me again! Do not let it worry you! Эсӗ халь манӑн хӗр. You're my girl now. You are my daughter. Эсӗ выҫӑ и? Are you hungry? Do You Have “a Heart to Know ” Jehovah? Паян шкула каймастӑп! I'm not going to school today! I am not going to leave you! Кашни йӑнӑш мана вӑйлантарать. Every mistake made me stronger. Each of us needs to take Enoch’s warning to heart and share it with others. Эрнере ҫичӗ кун. There are seven days in a week. It's about seven days. Шоколад юрататӑп. I like chocolate. strongly believe that God’s Kingdom is the only government that will bring an end to all wickedness and Унран хӑҫан ыйтатӑн. When are you going to ask her? At times, we may feel that we are accomplishing little, or we might wonder whether Jehovah is pleased with our efforts Ҫын калаҫнине ӗненместӗп. He didn't believe the rumor. Faith is not a quality that sinful humans are born with; nor does it develop naturally. Хӑвӑн ӗҫне турӑн и? Did you do your work? Do you have a burning desire to do Jehovah’s will? Анюк Хенрин сӗневе килӗшрӗ. Anne accepted Henry's proposal. Toñi was not invited, but she heard about the good time that everyone had. Ку урамра универмаг пур-и? Is there a department store on this street? Do you have a newer one? Эрнере миҫе кун? How many days are there in a week? What day? Чӑнах и? Are you sure? How is that possible? Ҫакна хамах татса параятӑп. I can handle it myself. That line of reasoning will be discussed in the following article. Сан Тома кивҫен укҫа памалла мар. You shouldn't lend Tom any money. Real Estate: Salable real estate donated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses, either by making an outright gift or, in the case Эпӗ сана курасшӑнччӗ кӑна. I just wanted to see you again. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. ” Пысӑк тав! Thank you very much! Thank you! Мостафа Кемаль Ататюрк Турци Республики 1923 ҫулта никӗсленӗ пирки пӗлтернӗ. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. The information was presented in The Golden Age, U.S.A., found in the 1920 ’ s. Албанла калаҫмастӑп. I don't speak Albanian. You don’t have to be ashamed. Эпӗ уна ятран пӗлетӗп, анчах та сӑнлан пӗлместӗп. I know him by name, but not by sight. I don’t know him, but I love him. Судра ҫӗнтермешкӗн мӗн кирлӗ? What is needed to win a lawsuit? What is needed in order to win the battle against temptation? Экрана ҫивӑх ларма юратмастӑп. I don't like to sit too close to the screen. Could not close temporary folder: %s Анне, шыва кӗмӗ юрать и? Mom, can I go swimming? Should I get baptized without baptism? Мӗн чухлӗ укҫа сире кирлӗ? How much money do you want? How much money do you need? Санӑн шухӑшупа эпӗ Том пек? Do you think I look like Tom? Do you feel that way? Эпир ҫӗнтерсе илнине кӑмӑллатӑп. I want us to win. We want to be like him. Хӗр ача хӑйӗн ҫамрӑк ҫулӗсенчех косметикӑпа усӑ курать. Girls use makeup in their low teens. Young people quickly progress to adulthood. Хӑйӗн ӑнтӑлӑва кӑтартрӗ. He showed his real intentions. Out of the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king, he will rescue you. Хаҫат илмешкӗн кайатӑп. I am going out to buy the newspaper. At times, I want to throw my hands up and stop fighting. Пирӗнпе покер вылямастӑр пулсан, кунта ан ларӑр. You can't sit here if you're not going to play poker with us. If we stay close to our dress and grooming, we will not get puffed up. Хӑҫан вӑл таврӑннине эпӗ пӗлместӗп. I don't know when he'll come. While there, I made frequent trips back to appear before the draft board. Хӑҫан та пулин курнӑ и? Have you ever seen her? Have you ever experienced a situation that appears similar to yours? Эпӗ ун палла уйрӑмӑн калаҫасшӑн. I would like to talk with him in person. I want him to feel free to talk to me about anything, even about his pain. ” Ан ыйт. Don't ask. Ask God to help you focus on your brother’s positive Эпӗ Том пек пуласшӑн. I want to be like Tom. To me, it sounded like a dream. Пурӑнӑҫ вӑл парнеллӗ арча. Life is a little box of surprises. Indeed, it is “God’s gift ” that we be“ saved through faith. ” — Rom. Паян юн кун. Today is Wednesday. Today. Вӗсем пулла кайрӗҫ. They went fishing. Jehovah’s Witnesses progressively refined their understanding of the issue of Christian neutrality. Ку пысӑк больница. It's a big hospital. It's a big chromosome. Тинӗсре утравсем пур. There are islands in the sea. Hundreds of congregations took part, and the branch office received many good reports about this arrangement, even from close friends. Том сана Машукпа мӗн пулнӑ пирки каламарӗ вӗт, ҫапла и? Tom didn't tell you about what happened to Mary, did he? Has anyone ever wondered about Christ? Бурдж-Халиф хальхи вăхăтра тĕнчере чи çÿлĕ тÿпе-хырçă. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is part of the Erich-Hi-Hubi-Ha-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-Hi-Tuf-Tuf-hyr, and today's part-to-fo-fo-shirt. Эсӗ вӗренетӗн и? Are you a student? Do You Have “a Heart to Know ” Jehovah? Калатӑп анчах! I'm just saying! Yes, but not without a struggle! Мӗншӗн пуҫламастӑн. Why don't you start? One reason is that the Bible specifically says so. Ыйт! Ask! Absolutely! Ҫак хӗр пирки каласа парсам. Tell me about this girl. Let me explain. Эпир мӗнле ишмеллине пӗлетпӗр. We know how to swim. The answer is no. Эпӗ кӗнеке илтӗм. I bought a book. He said, “I don’t know what I’m doing. Мӗн тума кунта килтӗн? Why did you come here? What is it? Тархасшӑн эпӗ Тома ыран ирхине тепре шӑнкӑравлатӑп тесе калӑр. Please tell Tom I'll call again tomorrow morning. I told the officer that I had already been in prison because I would not fight. Джим адвокат мар, вӑл тухтӑр. Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor. When he was suffering, he did not go threatening, but kept on committing himself to the one who judges righteously. ” Вӗҫмек шӑп тӑхӑр сехетре тухса вӗҫсе кайрӗ. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. I was on the night shift for several weeks, printing a tract related to the persecution that Jehovah’s people were experiencing in Canada. Вӑл чипер. She is beautiful. Jehovah can give us the wisdom to cope. Симӗнс. Ҫемье пирӗнсӗр ҫук. Siemens. No family can do without us. We all suffer from inherited sin, and when our actions do not reflect our keen desire to please Jehovah, we may feel miserable. Вула куна тата тепӗр хут. Read it once more. You might compare it to another day. Францире мана пит лайӑхах мар. I'm not very good at French. My father did not want my mother to talk to me about what she was learning. Вӑл телейлӗ курӑнать. He looks happy. It is truly awe - inspiring. Эпӗ сана юрататӑп та манпа авлантарасшӑн. I love you and I want to marry you. I want you to know that when you spoke in such a kind way, both from the platform and in person, I felt that it was a gift from Jehovah. Том хаяр ҫын. Tom is a grumpy old man. God’s Word says: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to Хаҫат тупаймастӑп. I can't find the newspaper. I can no longer lie awake. Компьютер ҫак ӗҫе ҫӑмӑллӑн тӑвать. Computers can do the job with ease. The computer is easily understood. Мӗн пулнине пӗлетӗп. I know what happened. ( See opening picture.) Эпӗ математика вӗренетӗп. I study mathematics. Later, I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers. Мӗн ӗҫлетӗн? What do you do? What is it? Пӗр темиҫе ача ӗҫчен, ыттисем вара кахал. Some boys are diligent, others are idle. Some of them serve within their local territories; others move to where the need is greater. Кама та пулин унта куртӑн и? Did you see anybody there? Do you find it difficult to share in meaningful personal study of God’s Word? Вӑл мана ҫурҫӗрте шӑнкӑравларӗ. He gave me a ring at midnight. Then she stopped talking to me altogether. He invited me to her home for a cup of tea. Аннӳ вӑрҫсасӑн ан хирӗҫле. When your mother scolds you, don't talk back. If there is no smile in return, it could mean that there is a problem, and just listening to the other person may bring comfort. Аннӳ вӑрҫнӑ чух ан хирӗҫле. When your mother scolds you, don't talk back. Keep in mind that being specific of all things is important to us. Паттинче унпа паллашнӑран вӑл питӗ савӑннӑчӗ. She was happy to be introduced to him at the party. It was lovely to see how seriously some of them took their assignment. Ырă каç пултăр. Good evening. As we will see, this involved distinguishing between what they could not do and what they could do and then acting accordingly. Мӗн тӑватӑн? What do you do? What was it? Тома политикӑ кӑсӑклантармасть. Tom has no interest in politics. Give an example of how some are showing faithfulness in their use of unrighteous riches. Унран нуммай мӗн вӗрентӗм. I learned a lot from him. My father did not want my mother to talk to me about what she was learning. Том Машука пӗр лайӑх сӗнӳ пачӗ. Tom gave Mary some good advice. Now, I feel that I can approach Jehovah without anything being in the way. ” Шыв тиспенсӗрӗнчен шыв ӗҫме анчах пултаратӑн. You can only drink water from the water dispenser. After baptism, they may at times be tempted to return to their former practices. Вӑл хӑй пӗлменни пирки тесе каларӗ. He said that he didn't know. Because he was their dwelling, they did not want to get as close to the world as they could. Пурнӑҫӑмри чи телейлӗ ҫулсем пулчӗҫ. These were the best years of my life. The more we learn about it, the greater our appreciation for Jehovah’s “perfect mercy ” works will be. Вӗренмелле ши? Do I have to study? Did he learn from the Bible? Ҫак пӗлӳ конфитенциаллӑ. This information is confidential. The knowledge gained by paying close attention to accurate knowledge. Тавах, йӗкӗтсем! Thanks, guys! Five, five, four, one! Кӗнеке вулатӑп. I am reading a book. The gift of joy. Эпӗ классра пӗчченччӗ. I was alone in the class. We had grown to love the people of Africa and hoped to return someday. Эп Том тӗрмерен тухнине пач кӗтменччӗ. I never expected Tom to get out of prison. As I worked in the Service Department, I was sentenced to ten years in prison because I refused to join the army. Вӑл мана хӑйӗн лӗпӗш пуххи кӑтартрӗ. He showed me his collection of butterflies. She told me that she asked her preacher to study the Bible with her, but he never did. Манӑн вырӑнта пулсассӑн мӗн тӑвӑтӑр ха? What would you do if you were in my place? What do you think? Дисӗл каяшӗсемпе сывлама сывлӑхшӑн сиенлӗ. Inhaling diesel exhaust is bad for our health. Each month, congregations forward these amounts to the office of Jehovah’s Witnesses that serves their country. Кукка Вйетнам вӑрҫи ветеранӗ. My uncle is a veteran of the Vietnam War. I was the second of eight children, and my grandparents had taken me to live with them when I was eight years old. Яту мĕнле? What's your name? How do we know that it is possible to do so? Пӑрӑн! Мана текех ан тӗкӗн! Get out! And don't ever touch me again! Do not give up! Сирӗн ҫыру ҫырмалла. You should write a letter. You need to write a letter. Ҫӗнӗ япала тунӑран пурте хӑраҫҫӗ. Everyone is afraid of doing new things. Over the years, the older ones in our midst have personally experienced some of the organizational adjustments that have increased the beauty of the Bible’ Том айӑплӑ. Tom's guilty. Despite all that God had done for Adam and Eve. Унран ыйтма манса кайрӑм. I forgot to ask him. I prayed to Jehovah, asking him to help me to cope and to reach my goal of having more time for spiritual activities Питӗ аван ӗҫ турӑн. You did a splendid job. But making disciples is especially joyful because it helps you to become more familiar with the Scriptural basis for your faith Асатте вӑрҫӑ пирки сайра калаҫать. My grandfather rarely talked about the war. “ Do not be afraid because of the words that you heard,... with which the attendants of the king of Assyria blasphemed Вӑл французла калаҫать тесе шутламастӑп. I don't think she can speak French. Thinking back, she says: “The many experiences we have had in helping out in a foreign - language field, along with the friendships Ку чӑн тӗрӗс! That's the absolute truth. How true! Вӑл уйрӑм пӳлӗмре пурӑнать. He lives in a separate room. Still, she reasoned, others had gone abroad for a time, and their families seemed to Манӑн унпа кайма юрать и? May I go with him? Will I be able to support myself? Санпа калаҫмашкӑн пӗр ҫивӗч калаҫу пур. I have something important to tell you. There is a difference between communication and communication. Ушкӑнра вылятӑп. I play in a band. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him. ” Эпӗ сана курасшӑнччӗ анчах. I just wanted to see you again. I know you, I know your sins, I know your heart — and I love you. ” Том сӗтел умӗнче. Tom is at his desk. Music is a gift from God. Хытӑ ҫилленмешкӗн унӑн лайӑх сӑлтав пур. He has good reason to get very angry. Jehovah has good reason for showing patience. ФБРтан пӗр паллакан ачана шӑнкӑравласа пулӑшу ыйтрӑм. I called a guy I know in the FBI and requested help. They had heard of the crisis from others on the bus, and they offered to help. Санӑн ҫыру ҫырмалла. You should write a letter. You need to write down. Ирхи апата касатилла ҫирӗм. I ate quesadillas for breakfast. His wife tried to calm him but without success. Ку чӑн тӗрӗс! That is the absolute truth! How true! Паян тухсассӑн Бостона ыран ҫитӗн. If you leave now, you'll be in Boston by tomorrow evening. Today, most people refuse to listen to the good news of God’s Kingdom that is being preached throughout the earth for a witness to all the nations before this system is brought to Рехмет! Thanks. Thank you! Томшӑн кӑшт куллянтӑм. I'm a little worried about Tom. After a few months there, I was permitted to leave. Ку, чӑннипе, вӑхӑт ҫухатни кӑна. This is obviously a waste of time. It is also a time to show the truthfulness of what we read in the Bible. Эсӗ ҫакна каличчен шухӑшларӑн и? Did you think before you said that? Are you ready to die before it comes to you? Пӗр япалана та тӗкӗнмелле марччӗ ман. I shouldn't have touched anything. I learned to accept any sort of work, and we cut down on all unnecessary expenses. Эпир мӗн тӑвассине эпӗ пӗлместӗп. I don't know what we'll do. When I said that I would be glad to help, she said: ‘ All right, but I am telling you now Ҫак япала мана яланах култарать. This always makes me laugh. This ongoing battle has affected every aspect of my life. Наципе кам эсир? What's your nationality? Who Are You? Пӗр ача ҫӗҫӗпе вылянине тӗлӗкре куртӑм. I had a dream where a baby was playing with a knife. Some time later, the boy was reinstated. Мӗн каламалла пӗлместӗп. I don't know what I should say. If there is no smile in return, it could mean that there is a problem, and Ку вӑл асамлӑ вӑйӑ. It's a fabulous game! As a result, he read our publications, studied the Bible, and got baptized. Калатӑп кӑна! I'm just saying! How quickly things had happened! Ҫак пире кирлӗ пулӗ. We'll need that. But how can we be sure that true worship will prevail in this world filled with ungodliness? Манӑн икӗ кушак пур. I have two cats. I have two hands that support. Иртнӗ уйӑхра эпир Манилана кайнӑ. Last month we went to Manila. We arrived in Manhattan, in the village of Manhattan. Эпӗ мӗн тӗрӗс мар тесе ыйтрӑм. I asked what was wrong. I kept asking myself if I had not been in the wrong. Мӗншӗн эсӗ мана пӑрахса хӑвартӑн? Why have you abandoned me? Because you did not really want to leave, I decided to leave you. Шанс пулсассӑн хӑвӑр пуштӑ ещӗккине тӗрӗслӗр. If you have a chance, please check your mailbox. You have to decide what to do with the rest of your life. Пӳлӗмре туртма юрамасть. It is not allowed to smoke in the room. Be willing to admit a fault and work on it with God’s help. Пӗр минутра утмӑл ҫеккунт. A minute has sixty seconds. One minute, she had her hands up to her bed. Шухăшлатăп, эппин эпĕ пур. I think, therefore I am. On the other hand, there may be a need to adjust our thinking when it comes to caring for elderly ones. Кайӑк тӳпере. The bird is in the sky. Mankind is not able to eliminate crime. Ҫын ӗмӗрепе пурӑнаймасть. Humans were never meant to live forever. The race for everlasting life is one of the best ways to stay close to God. Эпӗ ҫӑрса пӗтертӗм. I finished writing. I replied: “I don’t want to listen to anything else about your religion. Мӗн те пулин ӗҫетӗн и? Do you want something to drink? Do you share in these activities? Йытӑсене кураймастӑп. I hate dogs. Vary your approach. Ҫак каҫ эсӗ аван курӑнатӑн. You look very nice tonight. But what if you feel that your heart is not in your activity, that you are just going through the motions? Санӑн паян ӗҫе каймалла мар. You don't have to go to work today. That will not be the time for him to show compassion for those whom he has judged to be wicked. Сирӗн ҫыру ҫыраспӑть. You should write a letter. Your singing voice will become fuller, and that is a good thing. Эпӗ сире курасшӑнччӗ анчах. I just wanted to see you again. I want you to know that when you spoke in such a kind way, both from the platform and in Вӑл акӑлчанла лайӑх калаҫать. She is good at speaking English. It is the official language at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Вӗсем пӗрле ҫӳреттчӗҫ. They walked together. She and her husband decided to adopt a child. Эпир саншӑн куллянатпӑр. We are worried about you. The satisfaction we have is due, in large part, to the fine examples that were set for us and that we have endeavored to Томсӑр пурӑнаймастӑп. I can't live without Tom. I am no longer here. Хӑямата! Fuck you all to hell! Yes, indeed! Уй куҫлӑ, вӑрман хӑлхаллӑ. Field with eyes, forest with ears. Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the Кӑҫта манӑн атте? Where's my father? Was my father referring to me? Том комаран нихӑҫан та тухман. Tom never came out of his coma. My father did not want my mother to talk to me about what she was learning. Вӗсем питӗ ҫамрӑк пулнӑ чух вӑл уна палатччӗ. She has known him since they were very young. After that, we preached throughout that village, and to our delight, the people were very receptive. Урӑх ҫӗршывсенче эпир пурте ют ҫӗршыв ҫыннисем. We are all foreigners in other countries. Our international brotherhood includes people from all walks of life. Том тепӗр пӳлӗмре кулнине илтетӗп. I heard Tom laughing in the next room. The man took out his wallet, removed some paper money, held it up, and proudly said, “This is my god! ” Бу онынъ язысы дегиль. This is not his handwriting. This is the original - language text that is written in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Siz aqlısıñız. You're right. You're smart. Geceler hayır! Goodnight! No night! Bir padişanıñ altı oğlu bar eken. A monarch had six sons. A king has a six - year - old son. Ötmek taze degil. The bread is not fresh. It's not a waste. Kim? Men? Who? Me? Who am I? Sen dilimde laf etesiñ. You speak my language. You're in English. Sen menim dilimde laf etesiñ. You speak my language. You're my tongue. Bu bizim evimiz. This is our home. It's ours. Bu bayraq çoq güzel. This flag is very beautiful. It's beautiful. Deñizde adalar bar. There are islands in the sea. You're on the island. Hoş keldiñiz! Welcome. Welcome! Men ayvanları sevem. I love animals. I don't like animals. Kitaphanede doquz qız ve üç oğlan bar. There are nine girls and three boys in the library. There are three girls and three boys in the book. Keçken yaz çoq sıcaq edi. Last summer was very hot. When I was a kid, it was a little bitch. O yigirmi yaşında. She is twenty years old. She's old. Menim beş arqadaşım bar. I have five friends. I've got five brothers. Menim vaqtım yoq. I don't have time. I don't have time. Bu onıñ yazısı degil. This is not his handwriting. This is not a remote location. Men Qazahstanda doğdım. I was born in Kazakhstan. I was born in Hong Kong. Qalkara qadın-qızlar küni qutlı bolsın! Happy International Women's Day! Let the women of the city be careful of (your duty to) Him. Hayırlı yaşlar olsun, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! No, young, Mulder!