Qysh je? How are you? How are you? Flamuri jôn âsht kuq e zi. Our flag is red and black. The flag is red and black. Nashta. Maybe. Twilight. Qysh t'thush ti. Whatever you say. By the time you cut it. T'due. I love you. You should. Qysh? How? What? E kam pas ândërr me t'pa. It was a dream of mine to see you. I had him first. Ajo fol edhe frangjisht. She speaks French too. She even speaks French. Mue m'ka hup nji libër. I have lost a book. I lost a book. Ajo âsht e bukur! She is beautiful! It is beautiful. Po m'dhemb kryt. My head hurts. It's hurting me. Shpija e prindve tu âsht shum larg! Your parents' house is too far! It's too far for your parents to drive! Qe sa mrrína. I just arrived. It's so dark. Qysh jeni? How are you? How are you? T'lutna. Please. You're welcome. Gjuha shqipe âsht fort e bukur. The Albanian language is very beautiful. It's a beautiful Albanian language. Tungjatjeta. Hello. Hello. Ku je kôn? Where were you? Where are you, kôn? Maria i ka te tân librat. Mary has all the books. Mary has her books with you. A je kôn najher n'Shqipní? Have you ever been to Albania? Are you kôn once in Albanian? Qysh je kôn? How have you been? How are you? Kur jom kôn i ri... When I was young... When we're young kôn... Kur je kôn për herë t'fundit n'Kosovë? When was the last time you were in Kosovo? When's the last time you're in Kosovo? Qysh e ki emnin? What's your name? What's your name? A âsht kjo shpija e Tomit? Is this Tom's house? Is this Tom's house? A folni shqip? Do you all speak Albanian? Do you speak Albanian? Sa âsht ora? What time is it? What time is it? Nuk kemi humbur shumë. We haven't lost much. We haven't lost much. Ai qeshi. He laughed. He laughed. Çfarë po kërkonte Tomi? What was Tom looking for? What was Tommy looking for? Afrika është një kontinent. Africa is a continent. Africa is a continent. Jo, nuk jam mësues. Jam vetëm nxënës. I am not a teacher. I am just a student. No, I'm not a teacher, I'm just a student. A ti do të di sekretin tim? Ai është shumë i thjeshtë... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... Do you want to know my secret? Tom, ku je? Unë po vdes këtu. Tom, where are you? I'm dying here. Tom, where are you? Punoj për McDonald's. I work for McDonald's. I work for McDonald's. Tomi doli jashtë për të ngrënë. Tom went out to eat. Tommy went out to eat. Mbaje ne mend qe ju mund te vdisni. Keep in mind that you must die. Remember, you could die. Nganjëherë nuk e kuptoj atë. Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I don't understand that. Ti vrapon. You run. You run. Ajo meriton më shumë. She deserves more. She deserves better. Nuk lejohesh të flasësh frëngjisht këtu. You're not allowed to speak French here. You're not allowed to speak French here. E vërteta qëndron në mes. The truth lies in the middle. The truth lies in the middle. Ai gjithmonë arrin në kohë. He always arrives on time. He always arrives on time. Të gjithë ishin jashtë qytetit. Everybody was out of town. Everyone was out of town. E vizitova Parisin para shumë kohe. I visited Paris long ago. I visited Paris a long time ago. Po të kisha mjaftueshëm para, do ta bleja atë makinë. If I had enough money, I'd buy that car. If I had enough money, I'd buy that car. Thuaj djathë. Say cheese. Say cheese. Ti vërtetë je trap. You really are a jerk. You really are an asshole. Ata po zihen. They are fighting. They're fighting. Nuk je i lejuar të flasësh frengjisht këtu. You're not allowed to speak French here. You're not allowed to speak French here. Përshëndetje, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hello, Tom. Ajo u zhduk. She disappeared. She disappeared. Ji i arsyeshëm. Be reasonable. Be reasonable. Gëzuar Ditën e Nënës! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day. Kur shkove në shtëpi? When did you go home? When did you go home? Anglishtja është një gjuhë. English is a language. English is a language. Të lutem largohu. Please leave. Please leave. Nuk mund të bësh këtë! You can't do this! You can't do this! Ai është më mirë se unë. He is better than me. He's better than me. Egzistojn energji te reja per tu shfryteyuar, vende te reja pune te krijuara, shkolla te reja per te ndërtuar, dhe kërcenime për te takuar, aleanca për tu riparuar. There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair. There's new energy to use, new jobs, new schools to build, and dance to meet, alliances to repair. Millie po ha një banane. Millie is eating a banana. Millie's eating a banana. Dëshiron një portokall? Do you want an orange? You want an orange? Është shum shpejt për të folur për martesë, ne akoma jemi duke njohur njëri -tjetrin. It's too soon to think about marriage, we're still getting to know each other. It's too soon to talk about marriage, we're still getting to know each other. Unë jam i lodhur. I'm tired. I'm tired. Si është e mundur ajo? How is that possible? How is that possible? Z(oti). Brown është babai i saj. Mr Brown is her father. Mr. Brown is her father. Kafshët vrapojnë. The animals run. Animals run. Është mjaftueshëm hekur në trupin tënd për të marrë një gozhdë. There is enough iron in your body to make a nail. That's enough iron in your body to get a nail. Greqia është shtet i vjeter. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Nuk ka zot tjetër përveç Allahut dhe se Muhammedi është i Dërguari i Allahut. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Fjalët vranë krenarinë e tij. The words hurt his pride. Words killed his pride. Të gjithë e duan macen time. Everybody loves my cat. Everybody loves my cat. Në fund të çdo lënde kam një provim. At the end of every subject i have an exam. At the end of every subject, I have a test. Do të kemi një grup të talentuar këtu. We'll have a talented group here. We're going to have a talented group here. Nuk e pëlqej shumë atë , në fakt unë e urrej atë. I don't like him much, in fact I hate him. I don't really like him, actually I hate him. Njeriu është i fortë. The man is strong. Man is strong. Une e di qe nuk e di. I know that I do not know. I know I don't know. Mos harroni të bleni bukë. Don't forget to buy bread. Don't forget to buy bread. E vetmja punë që ka pasur ndonjëherë Tomi është ajo që ka tani. The only job Tom has ever had is the one he has now. The only job Tommy's ever had is what he's got right now. Unë nuk isha atje. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. Ajo ha një mollë të kuqe. She eats a red apple. She eats a red apple. A do ta përdorësh këtë? Will you use this? Will you use this? Ai vrapon. He runs. He runs. Kjo është shtëpia ime e tretë. This is my third home. This is my third house. Ndërtesa e re më zuri pamjen e dritares. The new building cut the view from my window. The new building filled my window. Pa marrë parasyshë pasojat. With no regard for the consequences. No matter the consequences. Eja shpejtë. Come quickly. Come quickly. Rumania është një vend ballkanik. Kryeqyteti i saj është Bukureshti. Romania is a Balkan country. Its capital is Bucharest. Romania is a Balkan country, and its capital is Bucharest. Ajo qau. She cried. She cried. Hap zjarr! Open fire! Open fire! Ka mijëra pjesëmarrës në ngjarjen e sotme. There are thousands of participants at today's event. There are thousands of participants in today's event. Cila është gjuha jote e preferuar? What's your favorite language? What's your favorite language? Dera po lyhet nga ai. The door is being painted by him. The door is being painted by him. Nuk më pëlqejnë fishekzjarret. I don't like fireworks. I don't like fireworks. Përformanca e kompjutërit tuaj ndoshta është shumë e dobët. Computer performance maybe very poor. Your computer's performance is probably too weak. Tomi pa një luan në kopshtin zoologjik. Tom saw a lion at the zoo. Tom saw a lion in the zoo. E vetmja gjë që pashë në tavolinë ishte një mollë. The only thing I saw on the table was an apple. The only thing I saw on the table was an apple. Dje ishte e martë. Yesterday was Tuesday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Darka ishte e shijshme. Mua më pëlqeu fort. The dinner was tasty. I liked it a lot. I loved it. Prisja më shumë nga ti. I expected better from you. I expected more from you. Pashë të dashurën tënde duke puthur Tomin. I saw your girlfriend kissing Tom. I saw your girlfriend kiss Tommy. A do ta përdorësh këtë? Are you going to use this? Will you use this? Ndonjë e re? Anything new? Any news? Shpëto veten! Save yourself. Save yourself! Prusishtja është gjuhë baltike. Prussian is a Baltic language. Prussus is baltic. Kemi punë për të diskutuar. We have business to discuss. We have work to discuss. Nuk mund ta bëj të lumtur Tomin. I can't make Tom happy. I can't make Tommy happy. Nuk është as koha as vendi. This is not the time or the place. It's not time or place. Të lutem ulu. Please sit. Please sit down. Uji i mjaftueshëm është kusht i nevojshëm për jetën. Enough water is a necessary condition for life. Enough water is a necessary condition for life. Të tregosh gënjeshtra është një zakon shumë i keq. Telling lies is a very bad habit. Lying is a very bad habit. Jam shumë i kënaqur të njihem me ju. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. I'm very pleased to meet you. Tomi ishte ulur vetëm, po lexonte një libër. Tom was sitting alone, reading a book. Tommy was sitting alone, reading a book. Ndryshon forma, por në parim ngelesh vetëm. The form varies, but in principle you remain alone. It changes shapes, but in principle you're left alone. Unë të dua. I love you. I love you. Kishe të drejtë për shumë gjëra. Megjithatë bëre disa gabime. You were right about several things. However, you made a few errors. You were right about a lot of things, but you made some mistakes. Sistemi ekonomik islamik nuk është zbatuar në shkollat islamike me konvikt deri më sot. The Islamic economic system hasn't been put into practice in Islamic boarding schools up to now. The Islamic economic system has not been implemented in Islamic boarding schools to date. Ata e vazhduan eksperimentin ditë e natë. They continued the experiment day and night. They continued the experiment day and night. Ai u tha prindërve se i donte fort. He told his parents that he loved them a lot. He told his parents that he loved them dearly. Jemi kënaqur vërtet. We are truly pleased. We really enjoyed ourselves. Kjo frikë është e kuptueshme. This fear is understandable. Such fear is understandable. Nuk mund të lësh që të ndodhë ajo. You can't let that happen. You can't let that happen. Nuk kam frikë vetëtimën. I'm not afraid of lightning. I'm not afraid of the lightning. Ëmbëlsira e vetme të cilën vërtetë e pëlqej është akullorja. The only dessert I really like is ice cream. The only candy I really like is ice cream. Shpesh mendoj për vendin ku të kam takuar ty. I often think about the place where I met you. I often think about where I met you. Thuhet se ai ka qenë një burrë me pozicion të respektueshëm. He is said to have been a man of respectable position. It's said he was a man with a respectful position. I ke kompletuar detyrat e shtëpisë? Have you completed your homework? Did you complete your homework? Faleminderit qe me keni shpjeguar me ne fund pse njerzit me marrin mua per nje idiot. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. Thank you for finally explaining why people take me for an idiot. Do të doja të flisja spanjisht. I wish I spoke Spanish. I'd like to speak Spanish. Provuat. You tried. You tried. Emily nuk është studente. Emily is not a student. Emily's not a student. Mund të lë një mesazh? May I leave a message? Can I leave a message? Askush nuk ishte në dhomë. No one was in the room. Nobody was in the room. Udhëtim të mbarë. Have a pleasant trip. Have a safe trip. Unë shoh kalin tënd. I see your horse. I see your horse. Ata e kishin kete problem me perpara. They had had that problem before. They had this problem before. Mirë u pafshim! Goodbye! Good-bye. Xhazi nuk ka vdekur, thjesht duket qesharak. Jazz isn't dead, it just smells funny. Jazz's not dead, it just looks ridiculous. Muzika është e mrekullueshme për shpirtin. Music is wonderful for the soul. Music is wonderful to the soul. Çfarë bëni ju në kohën e lirë? What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your spare time? Sa e turpshme! How embarrassing! Oh, that's embarrassing. Kjo lule ka një erë shumë të bukur. This flower smells so nice. This flower smells so good. Nuk e ke shijuar Shejkspirin derisa ta kesh lexuar në origjinal. You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original. You haven't tasted Shakespeare until you read it in the originals. Pershendetje, emri im eshte Pekka. Si eshte emri juaj? Hi, my name is Pekka. What is your name? Hello, my name is Pecka. Nuk jam duke mbajtur frymën. I'm not holding my breath. I'm not holding my breath. Unë hyj në Tatoeba çdo javë. I log into Tatoeba weekly. I enter Tatoeba every week. Plagët e Tomit nuk ishin të vetëshkaktuara. Tom's wounds weren't self-inflicted. Tom's injuries were not self-inflicted. Shikova në pasqyrë. I looked in the mirror. I looked in the mirror. A mund të kthehem në shtëpi? Can we go back home? Can I go home? Ata fituan. They won. They won. Deni doli nga stacioni i trenit në orën shtatë e gjysëm. Dan exited the train station at seven thirty. Danny got out of the train station at seven and a half. Tomi nuk përdor kripë në gatimet e tij. Tom doesn't use salt in his cooking. Tom doesn't use salt in his cooking. Ai qe nuk di si te mbaj qetesi , nuk di si te flase gjithashtu. He who does not know how to remain silent, does not know how to speak either. The one who doesn't know how to keep quiet doesn't know how to speak either. Natyra në Shqipëri është shumë e pasur. In Albania, nature is very wealthy. Nature in Albania is very rich. A je ti dadoja e re? Are you the new nanny? Are you the new babysitter? Kjo është gruaja ime. That's my wife. This is my wife. Ai jeton në Angli. He lives in England. He lives in England. Shiko atje. Look there. Look over there. Nqs do te kishe ngritur telefonin, do te kisha ftuar ne shtëpinë e Paulos. If you had picked up the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. If you'd raised the phone, I would have invited you to Paulo's house. Ajo është akoma një pyetje e hapur. That's still an open question. It's still an open question. Pse nuk shkon të shohësh se çfarë do Tomi? Why don't you go see what Tom wants? Why don't you go see what Tommy wants? Tom e sqaroi atë në detaj, por unë akoma nuk e kuptoj. Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't get it. Tom explained it in detail, but I still don't understand it. Ra shi. It rained. It rained. Pse nuk erdhe me mua? Why didn't you come with me? Why didn't you come with me? Tomi më pyeti nëse isha i zënë apo jo. Tom asked me whether I was busy or not. Tommy asked me if I was busy or not. Gjumë të ëmbël, Timi. Sleep well, Timmy. Sleep well, Tim. Ajo nuk ka më shumë se dymbëdhjetë këlyshër. She has no more than twelve cubs. She doesn't have more than twelve cubs. Tomi ka punësuar një avokat. Tom has hired a lawyer. Tommy hired a lawyer. Nuk mund të shoh asgjë, pa syzet e mia. I can't see anything without my glasses. I can't see anything without my glasses. Është për turistë. It's for tourists. It's for tourists. Pua po këndon në kishë. Pua is singing at church. Pua's singing in church. Bëra çaj mbrëmë. I made tea last night. I made tea last night. Jo gjithçka mund të shpjegohet. Not everything can be explained. Not everything can be explained. Ai iku. He left. He's gone. Të lutem nxito! Please hurry! Please hurry! Ne shikuam fishekzjarret së bashku. We watched fireworks together. We looked at the fireworks together. Ai është gjithmonë i përpiktë. He's always punctual. He's always punctual. Mos rreshqisni. Don't slip. Don't slip. Faleminderit! Thanks! Thank you. Unë jam Gregor. I am Gregor. I'm Gregor. Si e thirrin ata? What do they call it? How do they call him? Mund të jetë një kurthë. It could be a trap. It could be a trap. Tomi kurrë nuk tha se donte të ikte. Tommy never said that he wanted to leave. Tommy never said he wanted to leave. Çfarë mendon se do të ndodhë? What do you think will happen? What do you think's gonna happen? Ajo vdiq e bashkë me të edhe ëndërrat e saj. She died and with her so did her dreams. She died with her dreams. Fëmija im ka lindur sot. Today my baby was born. My baby was born today. Do të vij. I will come. I'll be there. Shkruaje emrin tend me shkronja kapitale. Write your name in capitals. Write your name in capital letters. Tomi pati një ditë vërtetë të keqe. Tom had a really bad day. Tommy had a really bad day. Ma tregoi lajmin Hashimoto-i. I was told the news by Hashimoto. Hashimoto told me the news. Kam nevojë për një kompjutër të ri. I have to get a new computer. I need a new computer. Askush nuk vdiq. Nobody died. No one died. Nga dritarja e burgut Agroni pa një zog që fluturonte i lirë dhe ndjeu një dëshirë të flaktë që edhe ai të shijonte lirinë. From the prison window Agron saw a bird flying free and felt a burning desire that he had to enjoy freedom too. From the prison window, Agron saw a bird flying free and felt an intense desire to share his freedom. Më ler të të ndihmoj. Let me help you. Let me help you. Ajo u fsheh pas derës dhe mbajti frymën. She hid behind the door and held her breath. She hid behind the door and held her breath. Zogjtë fluturojnë. Birds fly. Birds fly. Kam një biçikletë të vjetër. I have an old bicycle. I got an old bike. Mirë se vini. Welcome. Welcome. Psherëtima e parë e dashurisë është e fundit e urtësisë. The first sigh of love is the last of wisdom. The first sigh of love is the last of wisdom. E dimë. We know. We know. I respektoj pikëpamjet tuaja. I respect your views. I respect your views. Unë jam Tom. I am Tom. I'm Tom. Maria humbi çelësin. Mary lost the key. Maria lost the key. Jemi më keq tani se sa përpara. We're worse off now than before. We're worse now than before. Ajo ka perdorur mollët për të bërë reçelin. She used the apples to make the jam. She used apples to make jam. Ai kishte një mace të bardhë. He had a white cat. He had a white cat. Mirësevini në Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Dëgjo me kujdes. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. Dikush erdhi. Someone came. Someone's here. Ha ngadalë. Eat slowly. Eat slowly. Shampanjë, të lutem. Champagne, please. Champagne, please. Unë nuk jam kush mendon ti se jam; Nuk jam kush mendoj se jam; Jam kush mendoj se ti mendon që jam. I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am. I'm not who you think I am; I'm not who I think I am; I'm who I think you think I am. Të gjithë qeshën. Everyone laughed. Everyone laughed. Një intelektual është një person i cili ka zbuluar dicka me interesante se seksin. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. Punoj si kuzhinier. I work as a cook. I work as a cook. Unë dua të jem një fotograf i natyrës. I want to be a nature photographer. I want to be a photographer of nature. Tomi do të përfundojë në burg. Tom is going to end up in jail. Tommy's going to jail. Maria u nda me të dashurin. Mary broke up with her boyfriend. Maria broke up with her boyfriend. Ajo e këndon në mënyrë të mahnitshme. She sings it in an astonishing way. She sings it so amazing. Kur Di Ma provoi për të 966-tën herë, kishte tashmë filluar të humbiste shpresat. When Di Ma tried for the 966th time, he had already begun to lose hope. When Di tried to prove it to me 966 times, he was already starting to lose hope. Çfarë gjuhë po flasin ata? What language are they speaking? What language are they speaking? Unë nuk do të këndoj sot. I'm not going to sing today. I'm not singing today. Jam ende mirë. I'm still good. I'm still fine. Vullkani eshte bere aktiv perseri. The volcano has become active again. The volcano has become active again. Hëngra drekë rreth orës njëmbëdhjetë sepse kisha uri. I had lunch around eleven because I was hungry. I had lunch about eleven 'cause I was hungry. Balena e madhe blu është gjallesa më e madhe që jeton. The great blue whale is the largest animal to have ever existed. The big blue whale is the largest living creature. Pershendetje, emri im eshte Pekka. Si eshte emri juaj? Hello, my name is Pekka. What's your name? Hello, my name is Pecka. Suksesi jot është rezultat i punës tënde të vështirë. Your success is the result of your hard work. Your success is the result of your hard work. Tomi më shkruan të paktën një herë në javë. Tom writes to me at least once a week. Tommy writes me at least once a week. A do të bie shi sot akoma? Is it still going to rain today? Is it going to rain today? Prindërit e Tomit jetojnë në një shtëpi të madhe. Tom's parents live in a large house. Tom's parents live in a big house. Jam shumë i uritur tani. I'm very hungry now. I'm so hungry right now. Tomi është këtu për të na ndihmuar, apo jo? Tom is here to help us, isn't he? Tommy's here to help us, isn't he? Unë hyj në Tatoeba një herë në javë. I log in to Tatoeba once a week. I enter Tatoeba once a week. Tomi u zhduk. Tom disappeared. Tommy's gone. Dje Maria pastroi shtëpinë dhe lau rrobat. Yesterday, Mary cleaned the house and washed clothes. Yesterday, Mary cleaned the house and washed her clothes. Të lutem eja. Please come. Please come. Shtëpia juaj ka nevojë për riparim. Your house needs repairing. Your house needs repair. Doni një birrë? Would you like a beer? Would you like a beer? Ky qytet është i shëmtuar. This city is ugly. This town is ugly. Ne moshen 6 vjece ai kishte mesuar to perdorte makinen e shkrimit dhe i tregoi mesuesit qe nuk kishte nevoje te mesonte te shkruante me duar. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. At age six, he had learned to use the typewriter and showed the teacher that he didn't need to learn to write with his hands. Fatkeqësisht, asnjëherë se pata mundësinë ta takoja atë. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to meet her. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to meet her. Qetësohu! Calm down! Calm down! Ajo ka lule të kuqe. She has red flowers. She has red flowers. Të pasurit kanë nevojë për mua, të varfërit kanë shumë nga unë dhe në qoftë se unë e ha atë do të vdes. Kush jam unë? The rich need me, the poor have lots of me, and if I eat it I will die. What am I? The rich need me, the poor have a lot of me and if I eat it will die. I thashë Tomit vetëm të paguajë faturën. I only asked Tom to pay his bill. I just told Tommy to pay the bill. E vërtetë është, unë nuk kam ndonjë problem me të. The truth is, I don't have any problem with it. The truth is, I don't have a problem with it. A e doni nënën tuaj? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Frëngjishtja është gjuha e saj e parë. French is her first language. French is her first language. Ti nuk mund të vras veten duke mbajtur frymën. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't kill yourself holding my breath. Më pëlqen të mësoj gjuhë të vjetra. I like learning old languages. I like to learn old languages. Ai ka nëntë palë këpucë. He has nine pairs of shoes. He's got nine pairs of shoes. Nuk duhet të thuash gjëra të tilla në mes të njerëzve. You ought not to say such things in public. You don't have to say things like that between people. Gëzuar ditëlindjen, Rumani! Happy Birthday, Romania! Happy birthday, Romania. Unë kam lindur në këtë spital. I was born in this hospital. I was born in this hospital. Sa filxhane kafe pi ti në ditë? How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? How many cups of coffee do you have a day? A ju kujtohet kjo lojë? Do you remember this game? Do you remember this game? Babi im nuk kthehej kurrë para orës 9 apo 10. My father never came back home before 9 or 10. My dad never came back before 9:00 or 10. Të gjithë qeshën. Everybody laughed. Everyone laughed. Une dua te te puthe. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Ajo eshte nje pjese shume e bukur e vendit. That's a very beautiful part of the country. That's a beautiful part of the country. Vëllai im ka një llogari në Twitter. My brother has a Twitter account. My brother has an account on Twitter. Unë nuk jam mjek. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Tomi nuk është student. Tom isn't a student. Tommy's not a student. babai im mungon mua dhe nënën time My mom and I miss my dad. My father misses me and my mother. Ne shkuam në stadium, ku shijuam lojën emocionuese. We went to the stadium, where we enjoyed the exciting game. We went to the stadium, where we enjoyed the exciting game. Nuk do të të them përsëri. I won't tell you again. I'm not gonna tell you again. Bën mirë të respektosh rregullat këtu, zonjushë. You'd do well to follow the rules around here, young lady. You better follow the rules here, young lady. Këto kamera janë prodhuar në Japoni. These cameras are made in Japan. These cameras were made in Japan. Je duke u tallur me mua ? Are you shitting me ? Are you kidding me? Unë nuk flas shqip. I don't speak Albanian. I don't speak Albanian. kjo eshte motra ime, Aynur This is my sister, Aynur. This is my sister, Aynur. Gratë ndryshojnë botën. Women change the world. Women change the world. Shtëpia ime është në rrethinat e qytetit. My house is on the outskirts of the city. My house is on the outskirts of the city. Ata të dy po punojnë tek dyqani i kafshëve shtëpiake. They are both working at the pet store. They're both working at the pet store. Ndjeva keq. I felt bad. I felt bad. Por miqtë e tij u bashkuan për ta ndihmuar. But his friends got together to help him. But his friends joined in helping him. Eja këtu. Come here. Come here. Na tregoni se kush jeni ju. Tell us who you are. Tell us who you are. Tom përbërë një sonet. Tom composed a sonnet. Tom made up a sonnet. Tomi dhe Maria po konsiderojnë divorcin. Tom and Mary are considering divorce. Tom and Maria are considering divorce. Çfarë tjetër janë duke fshehur ata? What else are they hiding? What else are they hiding? Unë shoh se vajza është e bukur. I see the girl is beautiful. I see the girl is beautiful. Ideja jote nuk mund te jetë krej e re. Unë kisha dëgjuar përrreth sajë nga një burim tjetër vitin e kaluar. Your idea cannot be brand new. I heard about it from another source last year. I had heard about it from another source last year. Nuk i kuptoj rregullat e lojës. I don't understand the rules of the game. I don't understand the rules of the game. Jam gjithmonë krenar me familjen time. I am always proud of my family. I'm always proud of my family. Është fotografi e bukur. It's a beautiful picture. It's a beautiful picture. Unë pa ty si nje trup pa shpirtë. Me without you is like a body with no soul. I saw you as a soulless body. Tomi ishte xheloz për suksesin e Marisë. Tom was jealous of Mary's success. Tom was jealous of Mary’s success. Vajza e vogël pa një peshk të artë dhe shprehu një dëshirë. The little girl saw a gold fish and made a wish. The little girl saw a golden fish and expressed a wish. S'kam fjetur. I haven't slept. I haven't slept. Nuk ka aq shumë rëndësi se nga cila shkollë e lartë je diplomuar. It doesn't matter all that much what college you graduated from. It doesn't really matter which high school you graduated from. Eja në shtëpi. Come home. Come home. A do të hapësh restorantin e vet? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? Do you want to open your own restaurant? Unë dhe kjo kompani kemi nënshkruar një kontratë trevjeçare. This company and I have signed a three-year contract. Me and this company have signed a three-year contract. E vetmja gjë që dua të bëj tani është të fle. The only thing I want to do right now is sleep. All I want to do now is sleep. Zgjidh një. Choose one. Pick one. Unë nuk jam francez. I am not French. I'm not French. Nuk mund të të shoqëroj. Më mungon para. I cannot keep you company. I'm short of money. I miss the money. Dua që të më duash. I want you to love me. I want you to love me. Vajza është e bukur. The girl is beautiful. The girl is beautiful. Gota ime është e plotë. My glass is full. My glass is full. Ia gatoi darken. He cooked dinner for her. He cooked her dinner. Ishte e vështirë për mua te gjeja apartamentin tënd. It was very hard for me to find your flat. It was hard for me to find your apartment. Cili ishte rezultati yt final? What was your final score? What was your final score? Jetoj afër Tomit. I live close to Tom. I live near Tom. Tomi u përpoq të vriste veten dje. Tom tried to kill himself yesterday. Tommy tried to kill himself yesterday. Skllevërit konsideroheshin pronë. Slaves were considered property. Slaves were considered property. Tomi është në dhomën e tij tani, apo jo? Tom is in his room now, isn't he? Tommy's in his room right now, isn't he? Jo, nuk jam mësues. Jam vetëm nxënës. No, I'm not a teacher. I'm only a student. No, I'm not a teacher, I'm just a student. Gjermanishtja është gjuhë gjermanike. German is a Germanic language. German is German. Çfarë jeni duke bërë? What are you doing? What are you doing? O Zot, qeni im do të binte në dashuri me ty. Oh my God, my dog would fall in love with you. God, my dog would fall in love with you. Latinishtja është gjuhë e vdekur. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Jam i lumtur sepse duke filluar nga sot, nuk kemi shkollë deri në shtator. I'm happy because beginning today, we have no school until September. I'm happy because from today, we don't have school until September. Nuk është efektive. It's not effective. It's not effective. Tomi shkroi një shënim në frëngjisht. Tom wrote the note in French. Tommy wrote a note in French. Një krim i caktuar është i dënueshm nëse je përjekur, por jo e dënueshme nëse kryer. Çfarë është kjo? A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it? A certain crime is punishable if you are experienced but not punishable if it is committed. Ajo s'ka aq durim sa ti. She doesn't have as much patience as you do. She doesn't have as much patience as you do. Unë isha mësues. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Tomi ec tre milje në ditë. Tom walks three miles a day. Tom walks three miles a day. Nuk llogaritet ajo që thua, por ajo që bën. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. It's not what you say that counts, it's what you do. Mendoj se Tomi nuk qëllonte të bëntë atë. I think that Tom didn't mean to do that. I think Tom didn't shoot to do that. Biftek, të lutem. Beef, please. Steak, please. Harroje atë. Forget him. Forget about it. Unë nuk dua të punoj në këto kushte. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. Ai është i përsosur. He is impeccable. He's perfect. Unë të dua, Millie! I love you, Millie! I love you, Millie! Çfarë do të bësh nesër? What do you want to do tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Heq dorë. I quit. I quit. Kjo fjali është shumë e lehtë për të përkthyer. This sentence is very easy to translate. This sentence is too easy to translate. Të gjithë flasin një gjuhë. Everyone speaks a language. Everyone speaks a language. Tomi duket i shqetësuar. Tom appears distressed. Tommy looks worried. Ata nuk po vijnë. They aren't coming. They're not coming. Ti po i frikëson fëmijët. You're scaring the kids. You're scaring the kids. Tomi e bëri me qëllim, mendoj. Tom did it on purpose, I think. Tommy did it on purpose, I guess. Tomi mësoi gjuhën e shenjave. Tom learned sign language. Tom learned sign language. Sot është e diel. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. Mamaja ime është në guzhinë. My mother is in the kitchen. My mom's in the kitchen. Do të jetë një provim i vështirë ? Will it be a difficult exam? Is this gonna be a tough exam? Fantazmat ekzistojnë. Ghosts exist. Ghosts exist. Tomi po punon në një bankë. Tom is working at a bank. Tommy's working in a bank. Nuk duhet të humbasim shpresën. We shouldn't lose hope. We must not lose hope. Babai im na do My dad loves us. My father loves us Cila është më e madhe, Japonia apo Britania? Which is bigger, Japan or Britain? Which is bigger, Japan or Britain? Mund te me telefononi perseri me vone ju lutem? Could you call again later, please? Could you call me back later, please? Për herë të fundit ata i kam parë në Shqipëri. I last saw them in Albania. For the last time, I've seen them in Albania. Për çfarë? What for? For what? Unë pashë atë me sytë e mi. I saw him with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. Hëna nuk ka një dritë të vet. The moon doesn't have light of its own. The moon does not have its own light. Ai flet pesë gjuhë. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Të paktën gjashtëqind burra vdiqën në aksion. At least six hundred men died in action. At least six hundred men died in action. Mund ta shoh menunë, ju lutem? Can I see the menu, please? Can I see the menu, please? Ivy Bean, perodoruesi me i vjeter i Facebook dhe Twitter , vdekur 104 vjec. Ivy Bean, the oldest user of both Facebook and Twitter, died at 104. Ivy Bean, the oldest Facebook and Twitter user, dead 104. Dyqani është tashmë i mbyllur. The store is already closed. The store is already closed. Nuk jam diktator. I'm not a dictator. I'm not a dictator. Vetëm pse është e mundur për ta bërë, nuk do të thotë që duhet ta bësh. Just because it's possible to do it, doesn't mean you should do it. Just because it's possible, it doesn't mean you have to. Problemi është që nuk e dimë se ku është Tomi. The problem is we don't know where Tom is. The problem is we don't know where Tommy is. Supozova që do ta merrja vesh herët a vonë. I supposed that I would hear about it sooner or later. I figured I'd find out sooner or later. Ju nuk mund te gjeni fjalite qe keni shtuar tani sepse ato nuk jane indeksuar akoma. Indeksimi i fjalive nuk eshte akoma i egekutueshem , kjo behet cdo jave. You may not be able to find sentences that have been added recently because they have not been indexed yet. Indexation of sentences is not yet executed on-the-fly, only every week. You can't find the sentences you've added now because they haven't been indexed yet. Motra ime nuk është kuzhiniere e mirë, as unë nuk jam. My sister isn't a good cook, and neither am I. My sister's not a good cook, nor am I. Unë kam një llogari Facebook-u. I have a Facebook account. I have a Facebook account. Vazhdo leximin. Keep reading. Keep reading. Mos u shqetëso. E kam qepur gojën. Don't worry. My lips are sealed. Don't worry. I njeh ata meshkujt atje? Do you know those men over there? You know those men over there? Mos harro të sjellësh kostumin e banjës. Don't forget to bring your bathing suit. Don't forget to bring your bathing suit. Unë nuk kam forcën tuaj. I don't have your strength. I don't have your strength. Rusishtja është gjuhë sllave. Russian is a Slavic language. Russian is Slavic. Diçka ndodhi. Something happened. Something happened. Tomi punon aq shumë sa çdonjeri tjetër. Tom works as hard as anybody else does. Tommy works as hard as anybody else. Bëhu realist! Be realistic! Be realistic! Akoma besoj në dashuri. I still believe in love. I still believe in love. Mund ta përballoj Tomin. I can handle Tom. I can handle Tommy. Ndjeva sikur do të vdisja. I felt like I would die. I felt like I was gonna die. A po qeshin ata me mua? Are they laughing at me? Are they laughing at me? Qesha. I laughed. I laughed. Ajo është mësuesja ime. She is my teacher. She's my teacher. Maria është e shkëlqyeshme. Ajo gatoi një darkë të mrekullueshme për mua dhe madje lau vetë pjatat. Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful dinner for me and even washed the dishes herself. Maria made a wonderful dinner for me and even washed her own dishes. Paç fat. Good luck. Good luck. Tomi ka frike se mos Meri ndryshon mendjen. Tom is afraid that Mary might change her mind. Tommy's afraid Mary's gonna change her mind. A do të pish çaj apo kafe? Do you want to drink tea or coffee? Do you want some tea or coffee? Twitter eshte me i mire dhe me shum i sigurtë se Facebook. Twitter is better and more secure than Facebook. Twitter is better and safer than Facebook. Nuk do të kem nevojë për ty. I won't need you. I won't need you. Mos harro të blesh bukë. Don't forget to buy bread. Don't forget to buy bread. Ajo do të jetë lëvizja më e zgjuar që ke bërë ndonjëherë. It will be the smartest move you ever made. That'll be the smartest move you've ever made. Mbajta anën time të marrëveshjes. I held up my end of the bargain. I kept my side of the deal. Mamaja qau. Mama cried. Mother cried. Ska problem. No problem. No problem. Dua të shoh këtë film. I want to watch this film. I want to see this movie. Po qeshin me mua? Are they laughing at me? Are they laughing at me? Nuk kam parë kurrë një vajzë kaq të bukur. I've never seen such a beautiful girl. I've never seen such a pretty girl. Kërkoj ndjesë. I apologize. I'm sorry. Një paraqitje e shkurtëer e përjetsisë. A fleeting glimpse of eternity. A brief representation of survival. Ai pyeti personin e parë me të cilin u takua afër fshatit. He asked the first person he met near the village. He asked the first person he met near the village. Çfarë metode ke përdorur per të ndalur duhanin? What method did you use to give up smoking? What method did you use to stop smoking? Bukuria e njeriut është sjellja në shoqeri. A person's beauty is their conduct in society. Man's beauty is society's behavior. Është sëmundja e Tomit serioze? Is Tom's illness serious? Is Tom's disease serious? E vlerësoj përkushtimin tënd. I appreciate your candor. I appreciate your commitment. Frëngjishtja është gjuhë e vështirë. French is a difficult language. French is a difficult language. Unë te dua me shumë seç më do ti mua. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. Kam një fjalor. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Tomi u bë doktor, si i ati. Tom became a doctor, like his father. Tommy became a doctor, like his father. Ne po mësojmë gjuhën kineze. We're learning Chinese. We're learning Chinese. Faleminderit! Thank you! Thank you. Ishte e imja. It was mine. It was mine. Ti nuk do të keshë arsye që mos të hipësh mbi të. You won't have a reason to not want to get on it. You won't have a reason not to get on it. Ai erdhi herët në shtëpi në mënyrë që te shihte fëmijët përpara se ata të shkonin në krevat. He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed. He came home early so he could see the kids before they went to bed. E di. I know. I know. Ji vetvetja. Be yourself. Be yourself. Më përqafo. Hug me. Give me a hug. Bleva një çadër. I bought an umbrella. I bought an umbrella. Nuk të lejohet të flasësh frëngjisht këtu. You're not allowed to speak French here. You're not allowed to speak French here. A e solle këtë në shtëpi? Did you bring this home? Did you bring this home? Të lutem buzëqesh. Please smile. Please smile. Askush nuk erdhi. Nobody came. No one came. Pse je aq e shqetësuar? Why are you so concerned? Why are you so worried? A do të ta rregulloj këtë orën? Do you want this watch mended? Do you want me to fix this watch for you? Dua të ju them diçka. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. Ai flet vetëm një gjuhë. He only speaks one language. He speaks only one language. Mëlçia nuk po funksionon më. The liver is no longer functioning. The liver is no longer working. Dikush duhet që ta punësojë Tomin. Somebody needs to hire Tom. Someone has to hire Tommy. Sapo theva një brinjë. I just cracked a rib. I just broke a rib. Unë dua të kem një motër. I want to have a sister. I want to have a sister. Tomi sugjeroi që të bënim një mbrëmje lamtumirë për Merin. Tom suggested that we have a farewell party for Mary. Tommy suggested we say goodbye to Mary. Rri pas. Stay back. Stay back. Dil jashtë. Get out. Get out. Të gjithë njerëzit lindin të lirë dhe të barabartë në dinjitet dhe në të drejta. Ata kanë arsye dhe ndërgjegje dhe duhet të sillen ndaj njëri tjetrit me frymë vëllazërimi. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans are born free and equal in dignity and righteousness, having reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Unë e dua gjuhën shqipe. I love the Albanian language. I love Albanian. Gjithmonë kam menduar që ajo ishte e çuditshme. I always thought that was weird. I always thought that was weird. Emri im është Ichiro. My name is Ichiro. My name is Ichiro. Tomi ishte shumë i dehur. Tom was really drunk. Tommy was so drunk. Nuk kam qejf të vrapoj deri tek stacioni. I don't feel like running all the way to the station. I don't want to run to the station. Tirana është kryeqyteti i Shqipërise. Tirana is the capital city of Albania. Tirana is the capital of Albania. Këpucet e mija jane shum te vogla. Kam nevojë për nje parë të reja. My shoes are too small. I need new ones. My shoes are too small, I need a new look. E them këtë që të kuptosh. I say this so that you understand. I say that so that you understand. Burri i pafajshëm doli nga salla e gjyqit duke ndier një peshë të madhe të ngrihej nga supet e tij, një buzëqeshje fitimtare tek buzët. The blameless man walked out of the courtroom feeling a great weight lift off his shoulders, a triumphant smile on his lips. The innocent man came out of the courtroom feeling a great deal of weight to lift from his shoulders, a winning smile to his lips. Edhe unë. Me, too. Me too. Nuk më bëri dyshues ajo çfarë tha ai, por mënyra se si e tha. It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious. It didn't make me suspicious what he said, it was the way he said it. Ai erdhi. He came. He came. Keni është i mirë në not. Ken is good at swimming. Kenny's good at swimming. Jemi të mërzitur për këtë humbje. We're upset about this loss. We're upset about this loss. E mrekullueshme! Wonderful! That's great! Biftek, ju lutem. Beef, please. Steak, please. Tomi do që unë t'i jap ndonjë këshillë për blerjen e aksioneve. Tom wants me to give him some advice on buying stocks. Tom wants me to give him some advice about buying stock. U zgjodhën gjashtëdhjetë deputete. Sixty delegates were elected. Sixty deputies were elected. Në çfarë ore vjen treni? What time does the train get in? What time's the train coming? Doja ta qartësoja këtë me ju. I wanted to clear that up with you. I wanted to clear this up with you. A është ajo e martuar? Is she married? Is she married? Mendova se Tomi ishte i ndryshëm. I thought Tom was different. I thought Tommy was different. Gjithashtu, më vjen mirë që u takuam. Likewise, it was nice to meet you. Also, it's nice to meet you. Shiko librin mbi tryezë. Look at the book on the desk. Look at the book on the table. Xhimi nuk është çka ishte. Jim is not what he was. Jimmy's not what it was. Ajo është e martuar me një të huaj. She is married to a foreigner. She's married to a stranger. Ndihmo veten. Help yourself. Help yourself. "Çfarë do të thuash?" ajo qau. "What do you mean?" she cried. "What do you mean?" she cried. Je ose me ne ose kundër nesh. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us or against us. Jo keq. Not bad. Not bad. Unë do të vij në orën pesë. I'll come at five o'clock. I'll be back at 5:00. Kur nuk mund te beni cfare doni,ju beni cfare mundeni. When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. Zonjat të parat. Ladies first. Ladies first. Dua të shkoj të fle. I want to go to sleep. I want to go to sleep. Nuk kam qenë këtu më parë. I have not been here before. I've never been here before. Islanda është një ishull. Iceland is an island. Iceland is an island. Si e thirrin atë? What do they call her? How do they call him? Maria i tregonte fëmijëve të saj të njejtën përrallë të cilën ia kishte treguar e ëma kur ajo ishte fëmijë. Maria told her children the same fairytale her mom had told her when she was a child. Maria told her children the same story her mother had told her when she was a child. Më pëlqejnë gjuhët. I like languages. I like languages. Ndoshta duhet t'i tregosh asaj të vërtetën. Maybe you should tell her the truth. Maybe you should tell her the truth. Ajo pa një ylber të bukur dhe u lumturua. She saw a beautiful rainbow and got happy. She saw a beautiful rainbow and was happy. Vozit ngadalë. Drive slowly. Drive slowly. Tomi është i vëmendshëm. Tom is a good listener. Tom's paying attention. Faleminderit! Thank you. Thank you. Franca është në Evropën Perëndimore. France is in Western Europe. France is in Western Europe. Ata u përpoqën të zbulonin të vërtetën. They tried to find out the truth. They tried to find out the truth. Me puth. Kiss me. Kiss me. Si u zure? How were you caught? How did you catch up? Mirëmëngjes, të gjithë. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everybody. Cili ushqim ju pëlqen më shumë? Which food do you like best? Which food do you like best? Nuk më vjen turpi për asgjë. I'm not ashamed of anything. I'm not ashamed of anything. Unë jam vegjetarian. I am a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Millie po shkon në shkollë. Millie is going to school. Millie's going to school. Zogjtë këndojnë. Birds sing. Birds sing. Kam një vëlla. I have a brother. I have a brother. Nuk jam një notar i shkëlqyer. I'm not a great swimmer. I'm not a great swimmer. Asaj i shkruaja shpesh kur isha student. I often wrote to her when I was a student. I would write to her often when I was a student. E di që kjo është e rëndë. I know that this is strange. I know this is heavy. Mund ta kuptoj gjuhën tënde. I can understand your language. I can understand your language. Do të jem më i kujdesshëm herën tjetër. I'll be more careful next time. I'll be more careful next time. Tomi e shkroi numrin e telefonit të Marisë. Tom wrote down Mary's telephone number. Tom wrote Maria’s phone number. Duhet të jesh e fortë. You need to be strong. You have to be strong. Dardha bie nën dardhë. The pear falls under a pear. The pear falls under the pear. Yangzi iu shmang pyetjes që i bëra unë. Yangzi avoided the question I asked him. Yangz avoided the question I asked him. Eshte errsire jashte. It's all dark outside. It's dark out there. Pse je aq i shqetësuar? Why are you so concerned? Why are you so worried? Kosova është shteti më i ri në Evropë. Kosovo is the youngest country in Europe. Kosovo is the youngest state in Europe. Shqiponja është e bardhë. The eagle is white. Eagle's white. Tomi është në pushim tani, apo jo? Tom is now on vacation, isn't he? Tommy's on vacation now, isn't he? Do ta gjesh dyqanin midis nje banke dhe nje shkolle. You'll find the shop between a bank and a school. You'll find the store between a bank and a school. Hobi im janë gjuhët. My hobby is languages. My Hobbit are languages. Leximi i librave nuk ishte më një privilegj i një pakice. Reading books ceased to be a privilege of a minority. Reading books was no longer a privilege to a few. Tomi nuk do të jetë gati për të ikur deri në orën 2.30. Tom won't be ready to leave until 2:30. Tommy won't be ready to leave till 2:30. Layla vdiq e vetmuar në shkretëtirë. Layla died alone in the desert. Layla died alone in the desert. Ky libër është i shkruar në shqip. This book is written in Albanian. This book is written in Albanian. Si të quajnë? What's your name? What's your name? Ajo nuk ka kthyer përgjigje. She has not replied. She didn't answer. Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës bëjnë pjesë në Këshillin e Sigurimit të Organizatës së Kombeve të Bashkuara. The United States of America is part of the Security Council of the United Nations. The United States is part of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization. Kjo është arsyeja pse unë të pëlqej ty. That's why I like you. That's why I like you. Tomi është heroi im. Tom is my hero. Tommy's my hero. Mirëmëngjes, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Ai flet dy gjuhë të huaja. He speaks two foreign languages. He speaks two foreign languages. Burj Khalifa është aktualisht qiell gërvishtësja më e lartë në botë. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the highest scratcher in the world. Dua të vdes. I want to die. I want to die. Melanie tha se ajo e pëlqen të notoj. Melanie said that she likes to swim. Melanie said she likes to swim. Ose shkon Tomi ose shkoj unë. Either Tom goes or I go. Either Tommy goes or I go. Ju dueht te studioni shum. You need to study harder. You must study hard. Qyteti është plot me turistë. The town is full of tourists. The city is full of tourists. Nuk jam një njeri i mirë. I'm not a good person. I'm not a good person. Ajo kishte nevojë për dikë që do të kuptojnë atë. She needed someone who would understand her. She needed someone who would understand it. Ka pasur një ndryshim të planit. There's been change of plan. There's been a change of plan. Kjo ishte ideja ime. This was my idea. That was my idea. Ajo jetoi një jetë të gjatë e të trishtë. Vdiq duke shpresuar që do ta shihte të birin qoftë edhe një herë. She had a long and a sad life. She died hoping that she would see her son at least one more time. She lived a long and sad life and died hoping to see her son again. Tomi vjodhi një unazë diamanti shumë të vlefshme. Tom stole a very valuable diamond ring. Tommy stole a very valuable diamond ring. Durrësi është një qytet shumë i vjetër. Durrës is a very old city. Durres is a very old city. Degjova që tashmë keni kontaktuar ndërmjetësin. I hear you've already contacted the broker. I heard you've already contacted the middleman. Gjithçka është OK në fund. Nëqoftë se nuk është OK , ath ky nuk është fundi. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. It's all OK at the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end. Policia kërkoi për kompjuterat e vjedhur por ata nuk u gjetën asnjëherë. The police searched for the stolen computers but they were never recovered. Police searched for stolen computers, but they were never found. Unë flas pesë gjuhë. I speak five languages. I speak five languages. Prindërit e Tomit jetojnë në një shtëpi të madhe. Tom's parents live in a big house. Tom's parents live in a big house. Tomi u betua për hakmarrje. Tom vowed revenge. Tommy swore revenge. ajo nuk vjen ne ekskurzion sepse nuk e lejojne prinderit She's not coming on the trip because her parents won't let her. She doesn't come out because her parents don't let her. Eja shpejtë! Come quick! Come quickly! Të lutem, më jep një gotë ujë. Please give me a glass of water. Please, give me a glass of water. Le të pastrojmë tavolinën. Let's clear the table. Let's clean the table. Tomi tha që ishte e vërtetë. Tom said that it was true. Tommy said it was real. Rrini të qetë. Stay calm. Stay calm. Qëndro në shtëpi. Stay home. Stay in the house. Po lexoj librin tënd. I'm reading your book. I'm reading your book. Ti po flet gjuhën time. You're speaking my language. You're speaking my language. Dua që të ikësh nesër në avion për në Boston. I want you to leave for Boston on a plane tomorrow. I want you to fly to Boston tomorrow. Mos harro të fikësh zjarrin! Don't forget to put out the fire! Don't forget to put out the fire! Vajza e vogël pa disa kuaj nga dritarja. The little girl saw some horses from the window. The little girl saw some horses through the window. Ku është biblioteka? Where's the library? Where's the library? Po të jetë i zënë, ndihmoje atë. If he should be busy, help him. If he's busy, help him. Kur u ktheva në shtëpi, ai po gatuante darkë. When I came home, he was cooking dinner. When I got home, he was cooking dinner. Duket sikur ju me njihni mua, por une nuk ju njoh ju. It seems like you know me, but I don't know you. It's like you know me, but I don't know you. I dua gjuhët gjermanike. I love Germanic languages. I love German languages. Dëgjo. Listen. Listen. Pajtohemi. We agree. We agree. Rri në shtëpi. Stay home. Stay home. Faleminderit që më mësuar si ta bëj këtë. Thank you for teaching me how to do this. Thank you for teaching me how to do this. Unë mendova nqs nuk do të shkoj me të nuk do ta dij asnjëherë nqs ai është apo jo i rrezikshëm. I thought if I don’t go with him I’ll never know if he's dangerous or not. I thought if I didn't go with him he'd never know if he was dangerous or not. Ëeshtë një mjergull që mund ta presësh me thikë. It's a fog that you can cut with a knife. It's a gem you can cut with a knife. Mary mendon të mos lindë më shumë se dy fëmijë. Mary intends not to give birth to more than two children. Mary thinks she can't have more than two children. Tomi flet shumë gjuhë. Tom speaks many languages. Tom speaks a lot of languages. Gjithashtu, më vjen mirë që u takuam. It's nice to meet you too. Also, it's nice to meet you. Ti s'ke asnjë hall në botë. You haven't a care in the world. You have no trouble in the world. Nikotina është helm. Nicotine is a poison. Nicotine's poison. Ajo flet tre gjuhë. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. Melanie tha se ajo e pëlqen të notoj. Melanie said that she likes swimming. Melanie said she likes to swim. E sheh qiellin? Do you see the sky? See the sky? Ju do te futeni në telashe nqs shpenzoni kohë me të. You’ll get into trouble if you spend time with him. You'll get in trouble if you spend time with him. Kosova është tani një shtet i pavarur. Kosovo is now an independent country. Kosovo is now an independent state. Janë mësues. They're teachers. They're teachers. Mirëdita. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Nënë Tereza u lind në Jugosllavi në vitin 1910. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. I dua gjuhët uralike. I love Uralic languages. I love Ural languages. Zana e Malit është krijesë e bukur. The mountain fairy is a beautiful creature. Mountain fairy is a beautiful creature. Mirë, koha mbaroi. / Mirë, boll me kaq. Le të mbarojmë mësimin tani. Well, time is up. Let's finish the lesson now. Okay, time's up. Mos e kërko lumturinë. Ajo nuk ekziston. Don't seek happiness. It does not exist. Don't seek happiness, it doesn't exist. Tomi mendon se ato këpucë do të jenë shumë të mëdha. Tom thinks those shoes will be too big. Tommy thinks those shoes are gonna be too big. Ju nuk e dini të vërtetën. You don't know the truth. You don't know the truth. Zakonisht macet urrejnë qentë. Cats usually hate dogs. Cats usually hate dogs. Shkon në punë çdo mëngjes në të njejtën kohë? Do you always leave for work at the same time every morning? You go to work every morning at the same time? Mbase do të iki nesër. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow. Maybe I'll leave tomorrow. Vet-koncepti i një fëmije është se si fëmija i sheh karakteristikat perrreth tij apo sajë. A child's self-concept is how the child characteristically sees or feels about him/herself. A child's self-conception is how a child sees the characteristics around him or her. Rumania quhet "România" në rumanisht. Romania is called "România" in Romanian. Romania is called "România" in Romanian. Jo, nuk më pëlqen aq shumë. No, I really don't like it that much. No, I don't like it that much. Unë isha duke ecur kur pashë atë. I was walking when I saw her. I was walking when I saw him. A të pëlqen ngjyra e verdhë? Do you like the yellow colour? Do you like the yellow one? Më trego ku ka shkuar Tomi. Tell me where Tom has gone. Tell me where Tommy went. Vrasin dy zogj me një gur. They kill two birds with one stone. They kill two birds with one stone. Jap dorëheqje. I resign. I quit. Shoqëria është e ndarë. Society is divided. Society is divided. Kur do të përfundojë kjo? When will this end? When will this end? Pra, duhet të jesh një besimtar. So you've got to be a believer. So you must be a believer. Në asnjë rast nuk duhet ta prekësh atë çelës. On no account must you touch that switch. In no case should you touch that key. Ai vdiq nga i ftohti mbrëmë. He died from the cold last night. He died of the cold last night. Vitet kaluan. Years passed. The years have passed. Shyqyr Zoti. Thank God. Thank God. Ditëlindja e Tomit ishte pardje. Tom's birthday was the day before yesterday. Tom's birthday was the day before yesterday. Tomi ishte ulur vetëm, duke lexuar një libër. Tom was sitting alone, reading a book. Tommy was sitting alone reading a book. Ai është i çmendur por megjithatë ajo ende e dashuron. He is crazy but eitherway she still loves him. He's crazy, but she still loves him. Po planifikojmë ndryshime në procesin e prodhimit. We are planning changes to the manufacturing process. We are planning changes in the production process. Askush nuk do të na shohë. No one's going to see us. Nobody wants to see us. Ju përdorni një thikë për të më prerë kryet dhe pastaj qani pasi unë kam vdekur. Kush jam unë? You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. What am I? You use a knife to cut off my head and then you cry after I'm dead. Eshte se ju nuk doni ta bene ate , jo sepse ju nuk jeni i lejuar ta bene ate. It is because you do not do it, not because you are not able to do it. It's that you don't want to do that, not because you're not allowed to do it. Tomi shkon në shkollë publike. Tom attends public school. Tommy goes to public school. Tani egziston vetëm nje mundësi. There exists only one option now. Now there's only one chance. Ku ka qenë duke u fshehur Tomi? Where has Tom been hiding? Where's Tommy been hiding? Ajo u mundua shumë të hiqte dyshimet nga mendja. She tried hard to clear her mind of doubts. She tried hard to get rid of her doubts. Dua një kollar që i shkon këtij kostumi. I want a tie to go with this suit. I want a tie that fits this suit. Vazhdo drejtë! Keep straight on! Keep it straight! Xhorxhi është kapiteni i ekipit tonë. George is the captain of our team. George is the captain of our team. Doktori këshilloi babanë tim të ndalte duhanin. The doctor advised my father to give up smoking. The doctor advised my father to stop smoking. Tomi erdhi në Boston kur ishte fëmijë. Tom came to Boston when he was a child. Tommy came to Boston when he was a kid. Mos shkruani asnjëherë fjalët "borsh" dhe "supë me lakra" në gjermanisht! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "snow" and "loose soup" in German! Ky nuk është futboll, ky është futboll amerikan! This isn't football, this is soccer! This isn't football, this is American football! Askush nuk e di. Nobody knows. No one knows. Sa thellë? How deep? How deep? Tomi beson gjithçka që thotë Mary. Tom believes everything that Mary says. Tommy believes everything Mary says. Nje per gjith, gjith per nje. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. Problemet janë probleme. Problems are problems. Problems are problems. Humba. I lost. I lost. Ai do të bëhet një doktor i mirë. He will make a good doctor. He'll be a good doctor. Unë jam shumë i lumtur në Gjeorgji. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. Rroftë Bashkimi Sovjetik! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Krishti u ngjall! Christ is risen! Christ's alive! Djali u shtirë se ishte aq i sëmurë që nuk mund të shkonte në shkollë. The boy pretended that he was so sick that he couldn't go to school. The boy pretended to be so sick he couldn't go to school. Askush nuk pyeti. Nobody asked. No one asked. Ke kryer detyrat e shtëpisë? Is your homework finished? Have you done your homework? Po e konsideroj seriozisht. I'm considering it seriously. I'm taking it seriously. Ai e adhuron atë. He worships him. He loves it. Ai u zgjodh kryebashkiak përsëri. He was elected mayor again. He was elected mayor again. Nuk mund të besoj se kjo po ndodh. Të lutem, më thuaj se është një gënjeshtër! I can't believe that this is happening. Please tell me that it's a lie! Please tell me it's a lie! Une isha duket te shkruajtur, por isha shum i zene. I was going to write to you, but I was too busy. I was obviously written, but I was very busy. Tomi pagoi faturën e tij vonë. Tom paid his bill late. Tommy paid his bill late. Ai lexon shumë. He reads a lot. He reads a lot. Puna që jam duke bërë në këtë moment është shumë interesante. The work I'm doing at the moment is very interesting. The work I'm doing right now is very interesting. Ata nuk po vijnë. They are not coming. They're not coming. Ky telefon nuk po funksionon siç duhet. This phone is not working as it should. This phone is not working properly. Tomi e dinte që isha skeptik. Tom knew I was skeptical. Tom knew I was skeptical. Nuk kam para, por kam ëndërra. I have no money, but I have dreams. I have no money, but I have dreams. Më jep mua një minut jam i mirë. Nqs kam një orë, jam i shkëlqyer. Ti me jep gjashtë muaj, jam i pathyeshëm. Give me a minute and l'm good. lf l've got an hour, l'm great. You give me six months, l'm unbeatable. If I have an hour, I'm brilliant, you give me six months, I'm invincible. Tomi ishte i zënë tërë ditën. Tom was busy all day. Tom was busy all day. Shumica e popullit këtej nuk ka energji elektrike. Most people here don't have electricity. Most people around here have no electricity. Ti e di që nuk është e vërtetë. You know it's not true. You know that's not true. E kam bërë jetën tënde shumë më të lehtë. I made your life a whole lot easier. I've made your life a lot easier. Ti gjithmonë ishe një djalë shumë i lumtur. You were always such a happy boy. You were always a very happy boy. Vera ka ardhur herët. Summer has come early. Summer's early. Emri im është Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Esperanto, gjuhë zyrtare e Bashkimit Evropian, tani! Esperanto, official language of the European Union, now! Esperanto, official European Union language, now! Më ndihmo. Help me. Help me. Jo. I kam kërkuar për më shumë se një orë. No. I looked for them for more than an hour. I've been looking for them for over an hour. Unë do të të ndihmoj. I will help you. I'll help you. Jeta është e vetmja rrugë që nuk udhëtohet dy herë. Life is the only road that can't be traveled twice. Life is the only road that doesn't travel twice. Të shkokan ata syze. Those glasses suit you. Let's go with those glasses. Ato kërkonin të drejta të barabarta. They seeked equal rights. They demanded equal rights. I thashë Tomit që jemi miq. I told Tom we're friends. I told Tommy we were friends. Nuk jam një anëtar. I'm not a member. I'm not a member. Gëzuar ditëlindjen Muriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muriel. Të lumtë! Well done! Well done! Nëqoftëse ti nuk do të ma thuash, mirë është. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. If you don't want to tell me, it's fine. Vajza po nuhat lulet. The girl is smelling the flowers. The girl's smelling flowers. Ajo mund të mos jetë bijë e mirë, por të paktën është njeri i mirë. She may not be a good daughter, but at least she is a good person. She may not be a good girl, but at least she's a good man. Për mendimin tim, biznesi po përmirësohet. To my thinking, business is improving. In my opinion, the business is improving. Paraja flet. Money talks. Money talks. Ka një zgjidhje tjetër. There's another solution. There's another way. Nuk kam ndonjë pyetje tjetër. I don't have any other questions. I don't have any other questions. Nuk e dija atehere, por e di tani. I didn't know it back then, but I know it now. I didn't know it then, but I know now. Është duke u rregulluar. It's being repaired. It's being arranged. Beduinë jetojnë në shkretëtirën. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedwines live in the desert. Shumë vonë. Too late. Too late. A është Tomi anëtar? Is Tom a member? Is Tom a member? Emri im është Dan. My name is Dan. My name is Dan. Ishte një vejushë lufte. She was a war widow. She was a war widow. Librat janë mbi bankë. The books are on the bench. The books are on the bank. Mos më bërtit. Don't yell at me. Don't yell at me. Cila është e vërteta? What is truth? What is the truth? Shtëpia të cilës mund ti shihni çatinë është e z. Baker. The house whose roof you can see is Mr Baker's. The house you can see the roof is Mr. Baker's. Tomi më kërkoi ta zgjoj në orën gjashtë e gjysëm. Tom asked me to wake him at six-thirty. Tommy asked me to wake him at six and a half. Atëherë, a ke vendosur? Well, have you decided? So, have you decided? Unë nuk jam këtu. I'm not here. I'm not here. E dua shtëpinë time I love my house. I love my house. Më par emigrantët, pastaj ti. Solidariteti është përgjigja jonë për kanibalizëm sociale. First the emigrants, then you. Solidarity is our response to social cannibalism. Before the immigrants, then you, solidarity is our answer to social cannibalism. Lërna rehat! Leave us alone. Leave us alone! Unë jam në shtëpi. I'm at home. I'm home. Kjo është gruaja ime. This is my wife. This is my wife. Dikush thirri. Someone called. Someone called. Shpresoj që të mos jem i vetmi që do të jetë aty. I hope I'm not the only one who'll be there. I hope I'm not the only one standing there. Do të më duhet pak më shumë kohë. I'm going to need a little more time. I'm gonna need a little more time. Të gjithë gënjejnë. Everybody lies. Everybody's lying. Peshk, ju lutem. Fish, please. Fish, please. Kryeministri ra në Danub dhe u mbyt. The prime minister fell into the Danube and drowned. The prime minister fell on the Danube and drowned. Nuk mund të lë që Tomi të futet në burg për diçka që nuk e bëri. I can't let Tom be put in prison for something he didn't do. I can't let Tommy go to jail for something he didn't do. Të lutem vazhdo. Please continue. Please go on. Zhduku! Get lost! Get lost! Ti nuk je spiun, apo jo? You aren't a spy, are you? You're not a spy, are you? Ku janë paratë e mia? Where's my money? Where's my money? Si thuhet "të lutem" në italisht? How do you say "të lutem" in Italian? How do you say "please" in Italian? Le të fillojmë në 2:30. Let's start at 2:30. Let's start at 2:30. Nuk është e lehtë për të zgjidhur problemin. It's not easy to solve the problem. It's not easy to solve the problem. Zgjohu! Wake up! Wake up! Sigurisht! Of course! Of course! Ke parë filma Disney më parë? Have you watched Disney movies before? Have you seen Disney before? Ajo kishte shumë nevojë për paratë. She badly needed the money. She really needed the money. Unë po shikoj në televizor. I am watching TV. I'm watching on TV. Mua më pëlqejnë gjuhët e huaja! I like foreign languages! I like foreign languages! Ju lutem vazhdoni. Please continue. Please proceed. Ajo është zgjuar. She is awake. She's awake. Nuk kemi përgjigje. We don't have answers. We don't have an answer. I dhashë disa libra Tomit. I gave some books to Tom. I gave Tommy some books. Millie ka sy të kaltër. Millie has blue eyes. Millie has blue eyes. Si ju quajnë? What's your name? What's your name? Të mësosh gjuhë është interesante. Learning languages is interesting. Learning language is interesting. A mund të ngasësh një makinë? Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? Menyra me e mire te realizoni enderrat tuaja eshte te zgjoheni. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. The best way to achieve your dreams is to wake up. Ajo ka një karakter i fortë. She has a strong character. She has a strong temper. Askush nuk mund të shqetësojë një miqësi të vërtetë. Nobody can disturb a true friendship. No one can bother a true friendship. Nuk dua të shkoj në shkollë. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Kam një vëlla. I have one brother. I have a brother. Jam i kënaqur që nuk jam grua. I'm glad I'm not a woman. I'm glad I'm not a woman. Çfarë nuk shkon me këtë fotografi? What's wrong with this picture? What's wrong with this picture? Tomi nuk ka nevojë për asgjë. Tom doesn't need anything. Tommy doesn't need anything. Unë po shikoj në televizor. I'm watching television. I'm watching on TV. Duhet të shkosh ne komisariat. You should go to the commission. You have to go to the commissioners. Mbyllja e syve ju ndihmon të mendoni më mirë. Closing your eyes helps you think better. Shutting your eyes helps you think better. Ajo flet dhjetë gjuhë. She speaks ten languages. She speaks ten languages. Nuk duhet të dalësh pas darkës. You must not go out after dinner. You don't have to go out after dinner. Ajo cfare ju thate eshte shum e ndryshme nga ajo qe degjova nga ai. What you say is quite different from what I heard from him. What you said is so different from what I heard from him. Prishtina është kryeqyteti i Kosovës. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. Do të shëndoshesh po të hash aq shumë. You'll fatten up if you eat that much. You'll get fat if you eat that much. Nqs do kisha me shum kohe, une do te shkruaja ju. If I had had more time, I would have written to you. If I had more time, I would have written you. Tomi është aktivist për të drejtat e njeriut. Tom is a human rights activist. Tom is a human rights activist. Unë kam një llogari në Twitter. I have a Twitter account. I have an account on Twitter. Çfarë gjuhë flet Tomi? What languages does Tom speak? What language do you speak, Tommy? Tomi dhe Maria kanë vetëm një fëmijë. Tom and Mary have only one child. Tom and Maria have only one child. Ke parë ndonjëherë ndonjë fantazmë? Have you ever seen any ghost? Have you ever seen a ghost? Ne donim te flisnim me presidentin e kompanise, por ai refuzoi te fliste me ne. We wanted to speak to the president of the company, but he refused to speak to us. We wanted to talk to the president of the company, but he refused to talk to us. Ajo është shumë krenare për aftësitë e saj. She's very proud of her abilities. She's very proud of her skills. Ky libër nuk është i shkruar në anglisht. This book is not written in English. This book is not written in English. Ata po punojnë. They're working. They're working. Është serioze sëmundja e Tomit? Is Tom's illness serious? Is Tom's disease serious? A keni parë ndonjëherë atë duke notuar? Have you ever seen him swimming? Have you ever seen him swim? Kur Mikeli është në shtëpi, ai merret me pastrimin e dritareve. When Mikel is at home, he works on cleaning the windows. When Michael is home, he handles cleaning windows. Breshkat nuk kanë dhëmbë. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles have no teeth. Ai ka avancuar shumë në Anglisht. His English has gotten a lot better. He's made a lot of progress in English. Kthehu djathtas. Turn right. Turn right. Mennadi e trajton Bajan shume keq. Mennad treats Baya like crap. Mennad treats Baya very badly. Miqt e mirë janë si yjet. Jo gjithmonë i sheh ata, por ti e di ata janë gjithmonë atje. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Good friends are like stars, not always you see them, but you know they're always there. Ai është duke kërkuar për një punë në programim kompjuteri. He's looking for a job in computer programming. He's looking for a computer programming job. Ku mund t'i vë këto birra? Where can I place these beers? Where can I put these beers? Vetëm po kërkoj të dijë cfarë bën ti për tu argëtuar ? I'm trying to figure out what you do for fun. I'm just trying to know what you do for fun? Tomi me shumë mundësi akoma është duke u fshehur. Tom is probably still hiding. Tommy's probably still hiding. Numri im i telefonit është 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Ky turist duket si Jezusi. This tourist looks like Jesus. This tourist looks like Jesus. Gëzuar Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Gruas! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day. A keni nevoje te jap para? Do you need me to give you some money? Do you need me to give you money? Shiko çfarë do Tomi. See what Tom wants. Here's what Tommy wants. Asgjë nuk ndodhi. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. Harroje. Forget it. Forget it. Shkruaj diçka. Write something. Write something. Mua më pëlqen të rri me ty. I like to stay with you. I like being with you. E pabesueshme! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Dy minuta për nxehje. I made your life a whole lot easier. Two minutes to warm up. Je një idiot. Mos u kthe. You're an idiot. Don't come back. Don't come back. Ajo buzëqeshi. She smiled. She smiled. Me mire te jesh i urryer per ate qe je se sa i dashur per ate qe nuk je. Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not. Better to be hated for what you are than dear to who you are not. Ata pinë kafe në shtëpi. They drink coffee at home. They drink coffee at home. Mendova se Tomi po flinte. I thought Tom was sleeping. I thought Tommy was sleeping. Mirë, në atë zonë, natyrisht gjërat janë ndryshe per burrat dhe gratë. Well, in that area, of course things are different for men and women. Well, in that area, of course things are different for men and women. "Më beso, Jack!" ajo qau. "Trust me, Jack!" she cried. "Trust me, Jack!" she cried. Lexoje këtë në mbrëmje. Read this in the evening. Read this in the evening. Të pëlqejnë kuajt? Who likes them? You like horses? Por kur gjithçka është thënë dhe bërë, ata kanë një gjë të përbashkët. But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. But when everything is said and done, they have one thing in common. Duke u mbajtur ne menyre te vendosur ne litare, erdha i sigurte ne toke. Holding on to the rope firmly, I came safely to land. Carrying firmly on the rope, I came safely to the ground. Dan, Linda, Matt dhe Rita janë miqtë e mi të rinj. Dan, Linda, Matt, and Rita are my new friends. Dan, Linda, Matt and Rita are my new friends. Eja në Shqipëri, ne gjithmonë bëjme kafe të mira atje. Come to Albania, we always make good coffee there. Come to Albania, we always make good coffee there. Unë jam anglez. I am English. I'm English. Më ndiq. Follow me. Follow me. Ishujt janë në det. There are islands in the sea. The islands are at sea. Mund të ma shpjegosh të lutem. Can you explain it to me, please? Can you explain that to me, please? Prona është e imja. The property is mine. The property is mine. Ai flet dhjetë gjuhë. He speaks ten languages. He speaks ten languages. Mary e vizitoi bashkëshortin në burg. Mary visited her husband in prison. Mary visited her husband in prison. Tomi po ha një dardhë. Tom is eating a pear. Tommy's eating a pear. Ndoshta Tomi nuk do që ti të shqetësohesh. Maybe Tom doesn't want you to worry. Maybe Tom doesn't want you to worry. Vazhdoni te beni te njejtin gabim here pas here. You continue making the same mistakes time after time. Keep making the same mistake from time to time. Me jep mua lirine ose me jep vdekjen. Give me liberty or give me death. Give me freedom or give me death. Kam kërkuar azil politik. I've requested political asylum. I've been seeking political asylum. Tingëllon e çuditshme, apo jo? That sounds strange, doesn't it? Sounds weird, doesn't it? Thika ime është e mprehtë. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Tomi është më i fortë se unë. Tom is stronger than I am. Tommy's stronger than me. Ai numëroi deri në 100. He counted to 100. He counted to 100. Ai ka një kalë të kaftë. He has a brown horse. He's got a brown horse. Breshkat s'kanë dhëmbë. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles have no teeth. Nuk jam një fangirl. I'm not a fangirl. I'm not a fangirl. "Ku është libri i tij?" "Ai është mbi tryezë." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." "Where's his book?" "He's on the table." Nxito. Hurry up. Hurry up. Tomi shkon në shkollë me biçikletë, si shumë nxënës të tjerë. Like many other students, Tom rides a bicycle to school. Tom goes to school on his bicycle, like many other students. Kam pasur shumë punë për të bërë kohët e fundit. I've had a lot of work to do lately. I've had a lot of work to do lately. Nuk do të dorëzohem sepse kam diçka për të cilën ia vlen të luftoj. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I'm not giving up because I have something worth fighting for. I dua gjuhët keltike. I love Celtic languages. I love Celtic languages. Do ta shoh ate pasi te kthehem. I will see him after I get back. I'll see him when I get back. Shpresoj ti arrijme deri ne fund keti misteri sebashku. I hope we will get to the bottom of this mystery together. I hope we get to the bottom of this mystery together. Dua të ju them diçka. I want to tell you something. I want to tell you something. Kuptoj. I understand. I see. Heshtja nuk është marrëveshje. Silence is not agreement. Silence is not a deal. Nuk kanë fjetur gjumë për dyzetetetë orë. They haven’t slept for forty-eight hours. They haven't slept for forty hours. Tomi po planifikon një udhëtim në Australi me Marian. Tom is planning a trip to Australia with Mary. Tom's planning a trip to Australia with Marian. Unë jam këtu. I am here. I'm here. Më falni, çfarë është ora? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Duaj shoket e klases! Duaj prinderit e tu! Duaj vendin tend! Have love for your classmates! Have love for your parents! Have love for your country! Love your classmates, love your parents, love your country. Më the që ne të dy do të jemi së bashku përgjithmonë. Pastaj u largove. You told me we two would be together forever. Then you left. You told me the two of us would be together forever and then you left. Kjo kuti do të shërbejë si tavolinë. This box will serve as a table. This box will serve as a table. Ti din diçka. You know something. You know something. A po qani ju? Are you guys crying? Are you crying? Ajo gjithmonë vishet shumë thjesht. She always dresses very simply. She's always dressed very simply. Duam të njohim Tomin. We want to meet Tom. We want to meet Tom. Shum njerez pelqejne te shohin ne pikture cfare ata do pelqenin te shihnin ne realitet . Most people like to see in pictures what they would like to see in reality. A lot of people like to see in their painting what they'd like to see in reality. Patjetër! Of course! Of course! Sipas shkencatarve, atmosfera ngrohet vit pas viti. According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year. According to scientists, the atmosphere warms year after year. Ti nuk e di të vërtetën. You don't know the truth. You don't know the truth. Kemi filluar të riciklojmë gazetat. We have started to recycle our newspapers. We've started recycling newspapers. Ai hëngri kërpudha helmuese. He ate poisonous mushrooms. He ate poisonous mushrooms. Një gjuhë asnjëherë nuk është mjaft. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Kam dy mace. I have two cats. I have two cats. Çfarë studion një sovietolog? What does a Sovietologist study? What does a Soviet student study do? A mund të ndihmoj me ndonjë gjë? Can I help with anything? Can I help you with something? Ikeda është mbiemri im, dhe Kazuko është emri. Ikeda is my last name, and Kazuko is my first name. Ikeda is my last name, and Kazuko is the name. Jam shumë e uritur tani. I'm very hungry now. I'm so hungry right now. Nqs do te vini ndonjehere ne qytet, ejani te me vizitoni. If you ever come to town, come to see me. If you ever come to town, come visit me. Gëzuar ditëlindjen! Happy birthday! Happy birthday. Prit këtu. Wait here. Wait here. Mund të ulesh në karrigen time. You can sit in my chair. You can sit in my chair. Libri yt më ka ndryshuar jetën. Your book has changed my life. Your book has changed my life. Unë lexova librin e tij. I read his book. I read his book. Jeta është e bukur. Askush nuk tha që ishte e thjeshtë. Life is beautiful. No one said it was simple. Life is beautiful, no one said it was simple. Shkuam në një piceri italiane. We went to an Italian pizzeria. We went to an Italian pizzeria. Unë kisha një ide e mirë. I had a good idea. I had a good idea. A ke një vëlla binjak? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? Emri i përhapur në anglisht i pitaja-s, "fruta dragua", e pasqyron emrin e saj popullor në shumë gjuhë aziatike. The pitaya's common English name of "dragon fruit" reflects its vernacular name in many Asian languages. The popular English name of the pithaya, "Fruta Dragon", reflects her popular name in many Asian languages. U takova me një plake. I met with an old woman. I met an old lady. Ai ka një makinë japoneze. He has a Japanese car. He's got a Jap car. Mos harro të fikësh zjarrin! Don't forget to put out the fire. Don't forget to put out the fire! Millie po ha bukë. Millie is eating bread. Millie's eating bread. Nuk bëj asgjë. I don't do anything. I don't do anything. Kam goxha prej tyre. I have plenty of them. I have plenty of them. Me mire vone se kurr. Better late than never. Better late than never. Shpesh üne ha bukë me gjalpë dhe mjaltë. I'm eating bread with butter and honey. Oftenüne eats bread with butter and honey. Vërtetë? Really? Really? Gëzohem që u njohëm. It was nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Unë e urrej botën sepse bota më urren mua. I hate the world because the world hates me. I hate the world because the world hates me. Dua të bëhem astronaut. I want to become an astronaut. I want to be an astronaut. Nuk mund të shkosh në Boston këtë fundjavë. You can't go to Boston this weekend. You can't go to Boston this weekend. Pse është ende në shkollë Tomi? Why is Tom still at school? Why is Tommy still at school? Isha shumë i shqetësuar ndërsa po ngrihej avioni. I was very nervous as the plane took off. I was very worried while the plane was taking off. Më duhet të vajtem në punë herët sot. I must go to work early today. I have to go to work early today. Ajo kishte shumë ëndërra. She had a lot of dreams. She had a lot of dreams. Ai është student i mjekësisë. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Duke e konsideruar bashkëpunimin rajonal dhe marrëdhëniet e fqinjësisë së mirë, si shtylla që garantojnë paqen. Considering the regional cooperation and good neighborly relations as pillars that guarantee peace. Viewing regional co-operation and good neighbourly relations as a pillar that guarantees peace. M'u kujtua. I remembered it. I remembered. Djali i asaj gruas është i sëmurë. That woman's son is sick. That woman's son is sick. Nuk mund të dalësh. You can't go out. You can't get out. Më pëlqen gjuha ime. I like my language. I like my tongue. Lëre gazetën dhe dëgjo atë që të them. Forget the newspaper and listen to what I'm telling you. Leave the newspaper and listen to what I say. Ku flitet gjuha jote? Where is your language spoken? Where does your language speak? Çfarë prisni për vitin e ri? What are you expecting for the new year? What do you expect for the new year? Gjëja më e vështirë të bësh është të shohësh atë që ti do,që do dikë tjetër. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else. The hardest thing to do is see what you love, that you love someone else. Isha i kujdesshëm. I was careful. I was careful. Breshkat janë zvarraniket. Turtles are reptiles. Turtles are reptiles. Millie ka një libër. Millie has a book. Millie has a book. Nuk jam një foshnjë. I'm not a baby. I'm not a baby. Kam dhimbje në krah. My arm hurts. I have a pain in my arm. Çfarë u bë? What happened? What's the matter? Unë e kuptoj gjuhën tënde. I understand your language. I understand your language. Njeriu është një skllav ndaj zakonave. Man is a slave to habits. Man is a slave to custom. Sot është pushim. Today is a holiday. Today is a vacation. Ma kalo mua kripen. Pass me the salt. Pass me the salt. Ky lloj pune kërkon shumë durim. This kind of work requires a lot of patience. This type of work requires great patience. Pas teje. After you. After you. Duhet të më kishe besuar. You should've trusted me. You should have believed me. Provove. You tried. You tried. Tungjatjeta. Unë quhem José Silva. Si të quajnë? Hello. My name is José Silva. What's your name? Hi, my name is José Silva. Bëj kujdes me mënyren që ju përdorni fjalën "larg" kur përshkruani distanca. Ju mund ta përdorni në pyetje ose në fjalitë negative. Be careful with the way that you use the word "far" when describing distances. You can use it in questions or in negative sentences. Be careful with the way you use the word "far" when you describe distances. Jam britanez. I am a Briton. I'm British. Unë nuk mund të këndoj. I can't sing. I can't sing. Të lutem hape dritaren. Please open the window. Please open the window. Mua më pëlqen të mësoj gjuhë. I like learning languages. I like to learn language. Anglishtja është gjuhë internacionale. English is an international language. English is an international language. Ti po më gënjen. You are lying to me. You're lying to me. Kryeqyteti i Rumanisë është Bukureshti. Romania's capital is Bucharest. Romania's capital is Bucharest. Mbulohu, do të ikim. Cover up, we're going to leave. Cover up, we're leaving. Gjyshi im ishte arkeolog. My grandfather was an archaeologist. My grandfather was an archaeologist. Ajo iku në Amerikë. She has gone to America. She fled to America. Tomi zakonisht fiton. Tom usually wins. Tom usually wins. E kanë arrestuar. They've arrested him. He's been arrested. Yotube është një vend i mirë për te gjetur muzikë me lyrics ne vidio. Youtube is a great place to find songs with the lyrics in the video. Youtube is a good place to find warp music in the video. Shkuam bashkë në Laramie, por pastaj u ndamë. We went to Laramie together, but afterwards we parted. We went to Laramia together, but then we broke up. I varfer nuk eshte ai qe ka shum pak , por ai i cili kerkon shum. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. Poor is not the one who has very little, but the one who wants too much. Është e vështirë të mësosh. It's hard to learn. It's hard to learn. Qyteti ku unë jetoj është shumë i vogël. The town where I live is quite small. The town where I live is very small. A keni fëmijë? Do you have children? Do you have children? Ti nuk je spiun, apo jo? You aren't a spy, right? You're not a spy, are you? Ulu! Sit down! Sit down! Pjesa dërrmuese e kinezëve nuk janë takuar kurrë me të huajt, kështu që u ndihet çuditshëm, si një takim me jashtëtokësorët. The vast majority of Chinese people have never met foreigners before, so it feels odd for them, like meeting space aliens. Most Chinese have never met strangers, so they feel strange, like meeting aliens. Kjo është e lehtë. This is easy. That's easy. Kam një copë lajmi të keq. I have a bit of bad news. I have a piece of bad news. Më pëlqen shumë gjuha japoneze. I like the Japanese language very much. I love Japanese. Ai u ankua se dhoma ishte shumë e vogël. He complained that the room was too small. He complained that the room was too small. Kush ju mëson? Who teaches you? Who taught you? Ora ime duket se është e prishur. My watch seems to be broken. My watch looks broken. Nëse nuk të pëlqen aq shumë mënyra ime për të bërë gjërat, pse nuk i bën vetë? If you dislike my way of doing things that much, why don't you just do it yourself instead. If you don't like my way of doing things so much, why don't you do it yourself? Nëna qau. Mama cried. Mother cried. Kur fillon ndeshja? When does the game start? When does the fight start? Shkojmë të bëjmë një shëtitje në park. We're going for a walk in the park. Let's go take a walk in the park. Jam nëntëmbëdhjetë vjeç. I am 19 years old. I'm nineteen years old. Unë jam dentisti i Tomit. I'm Tom's dentist. I'm Tom's dentist. Unë nuk mund të ha aq shumë ushqim vetëm. I can't eat that much food by myself. I can't eat that much food alone. Disa nga studentat ishin nga Azia dhe te tjeret ishin nga Europa. Some of the students were from Asia and the others were from Europe. Some of the students were from Asia and the others were from Europe. Të pëlqente të notosh. You liked to swim. You liked to swim. Jam nga Rusia. I am from Russia. I'm from Russia. Oh, shiko, ata po puthen! Oh, look, they're kissing! Oh, look, they're kissing! Sot nuk është aq e ftohtë. Today is not so cold. It's not that cold today. Ku je duke u fshehur tani? Where are you hiding now? Where are you hiding now? Ajo tha se ajo vete ishte e alkolizuar. She said he herself was an alcoholic. She said that she herself was an alcoholic. Sa ore gjume keni nevoje? How many hours of sleep do you need? How many hours of sleep do you need? Çfarë gjuhë është kjo? What language is this? What language is that? Të gjith ikën. All gone. Everyone's gone. Nuk jam duke u fshehur nga ndonjëri. I'm not hiding from anybody. I'm not hiding from anyone. Ke bere shum gabime te njejta. You have made the very same mistake again. You've made a lot of same mistakes. Ne kemi një tavolinë katrore. We have a square table. We have a square table. Ju e dini që nuk është e vërtetë. You know it's not true. You know that's not true. Ditën e mirë! Have a nice day. Have a nice day. Luani është mbreti i xhunglës. The lion is the king of the jungle. Lion is king of the jungle. Tirana është në Shqipëri. Tirana is in Albania. Tirana is in Albania. Unë jam mësues. I'm a teacher. I'm a teacher. Thjesht thuaj atë që do të thuash. Just say what you want to say. Just say what you mean. Qeni im ka një pasaportë daneze. My dog has got a Danish passport. My dog has a Danish passport. Njeriu është i ri. The man is young. Man is young. Tomi urren punën e tij për shumë arsye. Tom hates his job for a lot of reasons. Tommy hates his job for so many reasons. Vetem nje moment ne jeten time ishte i mjaftueshe per te njohur dhe dashur juve, por gjith jeta ime nuk do te jete e mjaftueshme per te te harruar . Only one moment of my life was enough to get to know and love you, but all my life will not be enough to get to forget you. Just one moment in my life was enough to know and love you, but my whole life won't be enough to forget you. Ti duhet të ndalosh pijen dhe cigaren. You should give up drinking and smoking. You have to stop drinking and smoking. Qeni yt ka putra të stërmëdhaja. Your dog has huge paws! Your dog has huge paws. Ramudi shkoi në shkollë. Ramudu went to school. Ramud went to school. Një biskotë është nën tryezë. A cookie is under the table. A cookie's under the table. A ka këtu ndonjë pagesë të fshehur? Are there any hidden fees? Is there any hidden payments here? Punon. It works. It works. Puno ngadalë. Walk slowly. Work slowly. Pse unë? Why me? Why me? "Faleminderit." "S'ka gjë." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "It's okay." Më pëlqen ky qytet. I like this city. I like this town. Ana ishte një vajzë e bukur. Ana was a beautiful girl. Anna was a beautiful girl. A flisni anglisht? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Tomi as nuk ishte këtu dje. Tom wasn't even here yesterday. Tommy wasn't even here yesterday. Tomi u pajtua të ndihmonte. Tom agreed to help. Tom agreed to help. Unë jam nga Rumania. I'm from Romania. I'm from Romania. Rumanishtja është gjuhë latine. Romanian is a Romance language. The Romanian is Latin. Lashë një dhuratë nën jastëkun e saj. I left a gift under her pillow. I left a gift under her pillow. Nuk shoh analogji midis problemit tend dhe te timit. I see no analogy between your problem and mine. I don't see the analogy between you and mine. Mund te tingelloj cuditshem , por eshte e vertete. It may sound strange, but it is true. I might sound weird, but it's true. Të dua. I love you. I love you. Nuk jam mësues. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Gëzuar Krishtlindjet. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. Nuk flas as frëngjisht as anglisht. I can speak neither French nor English. I don't speak French or English. Kush mendon se je? Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? Unë mund të merrem me Tomin. I can handle Tom. I can handle Tommy. Do të jetë Tomi këtu sot? Will Tom be here today? Is Tom gonna be here today? A flet shqip? Do you speak Albanian? Do you speak Albanian? Puthja juaj eshte me e embel se mjalta. Your kiss is sweeter than honey. Your kiss is sweeter than honey. Ku janë çelësat e tu? Where are your keys? Where are your keys? Ti flet gjuhën time. You speak my language. You speak my language. Unë lexova një libër. I read a book. I read a book. I vetmi vend ku dua të jem tani është me ty. The only place I want to be right now is with you. The only place I want to be right now is with you. Tomi pagoi tre dollarë për një senduiç. Tom paid three dollars for a sandwich. Tommy paid three bucks for a sandwich. Greqishtja është gjuhë e vështirë. Greek is a difficult language. Greek is a difficult language. Mos hyj aty, është me rrezik! Don't enter there, it's dangerous! Don't go in there, it's dangerous! Cila është gjuha më e vështirë? What's the hardest language? What is the most difficult language? Ju flisini i pari; Une do te flas pastaj. You speak first; I will speak after. You talk first; I'll talk then. Dikush në shtëpi? Anybody home? Anybody home? Ide jeshile pa ngjyrë flenë shpejt. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green idea sleeps fast. Për kë është ky mesazh? Who's this message for? For whom is this message? Nuk lexova asnjë libër dje. I didn't read any books yesterday. I didn't read any books yesterday. Njeriu për njeriun është ujk. Man is wolf to man. Man is a wolf to man. Departamentet federale janë goditur me një ndalim punësimi në një përpjekje për të ulur kostot e stafit qeveritar. Federal departments have been hit with an official hiring freeze in an attempt to bring down government staffing costs. Federal departments have been hit with a ban on employment in an effort to cut government staff costs. Nuk është ideja e tij, është e imja. It's not his idea, it's mine. It's not his idea, it's mine. Situata akoma ka mundësi të përmirësohet. The situation is still capable of improvement. The situation still has a chance to improve. Tomi më ofroi një filxhan kafe. Tom offered me a cup of coffee. Tommy offered me a cup of coffee. Kjo gjuhë tingëllon bukur. This language sounds beautiful. That language sounds good. Çfarë mendon për teorinë time? What do you think of my theory? What do you think of my theory? Do ta mbaroj në dy ose tre minuta. In some rural areas, the Internet is important for agricultural information, as well as being particularly useful for the purposes of agricultural production technologies and pricing. I'll finish in two or three minutes. Njerzit shpesh jane shum skeptik ndaj gjerave derisa kane prova te besueshme. People are often quite skeptical about things unless given believable proof. People are often very skeptical of things until they have reliable evidence. Mirëmbrëma. Good evening. Good evening. Keni mënduar ndonjëherë për lidhjen midis frymarrjes, mendjes, dhe trupit ? Have you ever thought about the connection between the breath, the mind, and the body? Have you ever thought about the connection between the breathing, the mind, and the body? Mua më pëlqejnë të gjitha gjuhët. I like all languages. I like all languages. Pasi e pimë çajin, filluam një diskutim. After we had tea, we began the discussion. After we had the tea, we started a discussion. Ka shume para. He has a lot of money. There's a lot of money. Ai pothuajse vdiq. He almost died. He almost died. Kësaj supe i duhet një çik kripë. This soup needs a touch of salt. This soup needs salt. Nuk do të doja që të plagosesh. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt. Mos shkruani asnjëherë fjalët "supë me panxhar" dhe "supë me lakra" në gjermanisht! Never write the words "bortsch" and "shchi" in German! Never write the words "pocket soup" and "loose soup" in German! Laje mollën para se ta hash. Wash the apple before you eat it. Wash the apple before you eat it. A shkon te muzeu ky autobusi? Does this bus go to the museum? Does this bus go to the museum? Gegërishtja flitet në veri të lumit Shkumbin. Gheg is spoken north of Shkumbin river. The tiger is spoken north of the Shkumbin River. Ai kishte shumë fjalë e pak vepra. He had lots of words and few actions. He had many words and few deeds. Nuk jam një njeri i keq. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a bad person. Menjëherë, zotëri. Coming right up, sir. Right away, sir. Ndonjë gjë tjetër? Anything else? Anything else? Shtëpia i përket atij. The house belongs to him. The house belongs to him. Oqeani Paqësor është një nga pesë oqeanet. The Pacific Ocean is one of the five oceans. The Pacific Ocean is one of five oceans. Më fal. Forgive me. I'm sorry. Unë jam Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Pse gjithçka po shkon keq? Why does everything go wrong? Why is everything going wrong? Mos të bezdisemi. We're not to be disturbed. Don't bother. Nuk mund te ndalojmë ketu. We can't stop here. We can't stop here. Shpik ndonjë gjë. Make something up. Make up your mind. Faleminderit që më shtuat në grup. Thank you for adding me to the group. Thank you for adding me to the group. Kush do të jetë i pari të jetojë deri në lindjen e stër-stër-stër-nipin e tij? Who will be the first to live until the birth of his great-great-great-grandson? Who will be the first to live to the birth of his great-great-nip? Muzeu kombëtar Brukenthal është muzeu i parë që u hap zyrtarisht në Rumani. The national Brukenthal Museum is the first museum that opened officially in Romania. The Brukenthal National Museum is the first museum to officially open in Romania. Ata ishin të organizuar. They were organized. They were organized. Duket se m'u ngul në grykë një kockë peshku. It looks like a fish bone got stuck in my throat. Looks like I got a fish bone in my throat. Duhet të kisha ngrënë mëngjes. I should've eaten breakfast. I should have had breakfast. Ti e ke parë shtëpinë e tyre të re, apo jo ? Si është ajo ? You've seen their new house, haven't you? What's it like? You've seen their new house, haven't you? Une dua shumë më tepër. I want much more. I want so much more. Nje dite endrra jote do behet realitet. Your dream will come true some day. One day your dream will come true. Thuaji babait tim se unë kam mbërritur. Tell my father that I've arrived. Tell my father I'm here. A janë ato vathët e mia? Are those my earrings? Are those my earrings? Tomi nuk me lejon t`i përgjigjem pyetjes së Merit. Tom didn't let me answer Mary's question. Tommy won't let me answer Mary's question. Nuk e kisha menduar kurrë që do të ishte e lehtë. I never thought it would be easy. I never thought it would be easy. Nje qen vrapon pas nje mace, dhe nje mace pas nje mini. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog runs after a cat, and a cat after a mini. Më vjen keq që theva premtimin tim. I'm sorry that I broke my promise. I'm sorry I broke my promise. Je zgjuar shumë herët sot. A ke diçka? You're waking up quite early today. Do you have something? You're up too early today. Ajo ka njëzet fëmijë. She has twenty children. She's got twenty kids. Të lutem, buzëqesh. Please, smile. Please smile. Athina është në Greqi. Athens is in Greece. Athens is in Greece. Unë mendoj që unë të po bie në gjumë. I think I'm falling asleep. I think I'm falling asleep. Ia thashë. I told him. I told him. Shumë të falemnderit! Thank you very much! Thank you very much. Mendoj se diçka e frikësoi Tomin. I think something scared Tom. I think something scared Tommy. Ky dimire kishte me pak debore sec kishim pritur. We had less snow this winter than we had expected. This dimira had less snow than we expected. Nuk i pushonte goja. Her mouth wouldn't shut up. She kept quiet. Z. Brown është babai i saj. Mr Brown is her father. Mr Brown is her father. Mendoj se kam thyer këmbën. I think I've broken my leg. I think I broke my leg. Sa e bezdisshme. How annoying! That's annoying. A është e vështirë gjuha e tyre? Is their language difficult? Is their language difficult? Nuk e kam takuar atë si person , por unë di për të. I haven't met him in person, but I know of him. I haven't met him as a person, but I know about him. Kam tre herë më shumë libra se Tomi. I have three times more books than Tom has. I have three times as many books as Tom. Thjesht nuk e kuptoj. I simply don't understand it. I just don't get it. Ai vrapo. He ran. He runs. Kur shkuat në shtëpi? When did you go home? When did you go home? Pse më shikon ashtu, Jack? Why do you look at me like that, Jack? Why are you looking at me like that, Jack? Flisni ju spanjisht? Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? Ai eshte i pasur. Ai nuk ka nevoje per para! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He doesn't need money! Emri im është Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. Çfarë thanë ata për këtë? What do they say for this? What did they say about it? Ti nuk ke sy të kafe. You don't have brown eyes. You don't have brown eyes. Tomi kurrë nuk ka qenë i përpiktë. Tom has never been punctual. Tommy's never been punctual. Ne qofte se nuk do kishte uje, ne nuk mund te jetojme. If it were not for water, we could not live. If there's no water, we can't live. Të dëgjoj me vështirsi. I can hardly hear you. I can hardly hear you. Gëzuar Pashkët! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Macja është nën tryezë. The cat is under the table. The cat's under the table. Thanë që janë të etur. They said they're thirsty. They said they're thirsty. Anglishtja është gjuhë gjermanike. English is a Germanic language. English is German. Zoti është. God is. God is. Kishte lule gjithandej. There were flowers all around. There were flowers everywhere. Më falni? Pardon me? Excuse me? Buzëqesh. Smile. Smile. Bora zgjati katër ditë. The snow lasted four days. Snow lasted four days. Stilolapsi është gjuha e shpirtit. The pen is the tongue of the soul. The pen is the language of the soul. Natën e mirë! Good night! Good night. Shpresoj ti arrijmë deri në fund këti misteri sëbashku. I'm hoping we can get to the bottom of that mystery. I hope we can get to the bottom of this mystery together. Na u bashko. Join us. Join us. Une e humba filmin pa e pare. E keni pare u ? I missed seeing the film. Did you see it? I missed the movie without seeing it. Ne duhet te dime. Ne do te dime. We must know. We will know. We need to know, we'll know. Tomi ka frike se Meri mund te ndryshoje mendjen. Tom is afraid that Mary might change her mind. Tom's afraid Mary could change her mind. Të dashuroj. I love you. I love you. Të dy e keni gabim. Both of you are wrong. You're both wrong.