Nie winię ciebie. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Не съм виждал тези снимки преди. I haven't seen these pictures before. I've never seen these pictures before. Я очень надеюсь, что вы сможете прийти. I really hope you can come. I really hope you can come. Víme, že dokážeme zvítězit. We know that we can win. We know we can win. Podařilo se mi to Tomovi rozmluvit. I managed to talk Tom out of it. I managed to talk Tom out of it. Děkuju mnohokrát! Thank you very much. Thank you very much! Łazarzove deti si myslia, že ich mama Felicja je najkrajšia žena na svete. Children of Łazarz think their mother Felicja is the most beautiful woman in the world. Lazarus’ children think their mother Felicia is the shortest woman in the world. Tráva je zelená. The grass is green. The grass is green. Klucze od garażu zniknęły The keys to the garage are gone. The garage keys are gone. Она медлительна, как черепаха. She is as slow as a turtle. She's slow as a turtle. Ты ответил на вопрос Тома? Did you answer Tom's question? Did you answer Tom's question? В по-добра форма си от мен. You're in better shape than I am. You're in better shape than I am. Стотици хора са умрели от глад в този район. Hundreds of people have starved to death in that district. Hundreds of people have starved to death in the area. Где ты её в последний раз видел? Where did you see it last? Where did you last see her? Ты сомневаешься, что это хорошая идея? Do you doubt that it's a good idea? You don't think that's a good idea? Вы мужчина, а ведёте себя как ребёнок. You are a man, but you act like a child. You're a man, and you're acting like a child. Несмотря на простуду, Том пошёл на работу. Even though Tom had a cold, he went to work. Despite the cold, Tom went to work. Czy masz listę hoteli? Do you have a list of hotels? Do you have a list of hotels? Тя е доста по-висока от мен. She's way taller than me. She's a lot taller than me. Том был оштрафован. Tom was fined. Tom was fined. У Канадзе размаўляюць на французскай? Do they speak French in Canada? Do you speak French in Canada? Тя беше висока, стройна блондика. She was a tall, slender blonde. She was a tall, slender blonde. Мы ничего не делаем сейчас. We aren't doing anything right now. We're not doing anything right now. Я більше про це не думаю. I never think about it anymore. I don't think about it anymore. Právě jsem našel Toma. I just found Tom. I just found Tom. Tom potřebuje nějaké povyražení. Tom needs some amusement. Tom needs some excitement. Я не хотів танцювати. I didn't want to dance. I didn't want to dance. Kolik má Tom psů? How many dogs has Tom got? How many dogs does Tom have? Дом - это не место, это чувство. Home isn't a place. It's a feeling. Home is not a place, it’s a feeling. Živimo v miru. We live in peace. We live in peace. Одноразові чашки в школі заборонені. Single-use cups are banned at school. Disposable cups at school are prohibited. А вы учитель, да? And you're a teacher, right? You're a teacher, aren't you? Где ты купил эти полотенца? Where did you buy these towels? Where did you buy those towels? Гледај напред. Look ahead. Look ahead. Има само уште едно колаче. There's only one cookie left. There's only one more cookie. Odkąd wiem, że istnieje uniwersytet, chcę tam iść. As long as I've known about the existence of the university, I've wanted to go there. Since I know there is a university, I want to go there. Чувај се! Take care! Take care! Не смееш да го отпуштиш. You can't fire him. You can't fire him. Ты уже звонил Люси? Have you called Lucy yet? Have you called Lucy yet? Czy Tom wie, co tu robisz? Does Tom know what you're doing here? Does Tom know what you're doing here? Мэри теперь взрослая женщина. Mary is now a grown woman. Mary is now a grown woman. Ничего не бросайте из окна. Don't throw anything out of the window. Do not throw anything out of the window. Има многу големи градови во Бразил. There are many big cities in Brazil. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. Трябва да занеса нещо на Том. I have to take something to Tom. I need to get something to Tom. Nie zapominaj swoich rzeczy. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. Я не розмовлятиму з Томом французькою. I won't speak French with Tom. I'm not going to talk to Tom in French. Ще се съгласим само при едно условие. We will only consent on that condition. We'll only agree on one condition. Ничего не выбрасывай из окна. Don't throw anything out of the window. Don't throw anything out the window. Има некој во мојата соба. Someone's in my room. There's someone in my room. Добив на лотарија. I've won the lottery. I won the lottery. Без паспорта путешествовать нельзя. You cannot travel without a passport. You cannot travel without a passport. Posyp cukrem podczas pieczenia. Sprinkle sugar on when they are baked. Sprinkle with sugar while baking. On umie grać w bejsbola. He knows how to play baseball. He can play baseball. Собака лает на незнакомцев. The dog barks at strangers. The dog barks at strangers. Пада снег. It snows. It's snowing. Она хранила все его письма. She kept all his letters. She kept all his letters. Когато се изправя ми се вие свят. I get dizzy spells when I stand up. When I face the world, you face me. Я вчора був на зустрічі. I attended the meeting yesterday. I went to a meeting yesterday. Помогите мне его отодвинуть. Help me move it. Help me move him. Изчакайте докато светне зелено. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait until it turns green. Често играм одбојка. I often play volleyball. I often play volleyball. Бурж Халифа е понастоящем най-високият небостъргач в света. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Vydíral tě? Did he blackmail you? He blackmailed you? На этот раз вы зашли слишком далеко. This time you went too far. You've gone too far this time. Давненько мы не разговаривали. It's been a while since we talked. We haven't spoken in a while. Что делают эти дети? What are those children doing? What are these kids doing? Барселона розташована в Іспанії. Barcelona is in Spain. Barcelona is located in Spain. Tom neumí pomoct sám sobě, natož druhým. Tom cannot help himself, let alone others. Tom can't help himself, let alone others. Вас хотели убить. Somebody wanted to kill you. They wanted to kill you. Pred vstupom do chrámu sa vyzujte. Take your shoes off before going into a temple. Be careful before you go into the Temple. Дружба в политике существует. Friendship does exist in politics. There is friendship in politics. Дано да си прав. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. Jakou barvu měly Tomovy ponožky? What color were Tom's socks? What color were Tom's socks? Той винаги държи чисто в стаята. He always keeps his room clean. He always keeps the room clean. У русалки нет ног. Она не может сидеть, она может только лежать. The mermaid has no legs. She cannot sit, she can only lie. The mermaid has no legs. She can not sit, she can only lie down. Том не хотів прощатися. Tom didn't want to say goodbye. Tom didn’t want to say goodbye. Зири стал звездой. Ziri became a star. Ziri became a star. Zavolám zpátky o něco později. I will call back a bit later. I'll call you back later. Próbowałam udawać, że wszystko mi jedno. I tried to pretend that I didn't care. I tried to pretend that I didn't care. Кутията е твърде тежка за носене. The box is too heavy to carry. The box is too heavy to carry. Tom nie chciał słyszeć tego, co miałem do powiedzenia. Tom didn't want to hear anything I had to say. Tom didn't want to hear what I had to say. Со Том сме сега во брак. Tom and I are married now. Tom and I are married now. Z té knihy můžeme získat hodně cenných informací. We can get a lot of valuable information from the book. We can get a lot of valuable information from that book. Мій поїзд від'їжджає за десять хвилин. My train leaves in ten minutes. My train leaves in ten minutes. Я знаю его много лет. I've known him for years. I've known him for years. Це кіт. It is a cat. It's a cat. Žijem v Białystoku. I live in Białystok. I live in Bialystok. Том не любить публічні промови. Tom doesn't like speaking in public. He doesn’t like public speaking. Я хорошо знаю своих соседей. I know my neighbors well. I know my neighbors very well. Она была удивлена, что уже так поздно. She was surprised that it was that late. She was surprised it was so late. Обичам да ходя на плаж. I love going to the beach. I love going to the beach. Может ли наука объяснить, почему до сих пор среди людей не было найдено идентичных отпечатков пальцев? Can science explain why to this day no identical fingerprints have been found among human beings? Can science explain why no identical fingerprints have been found among humans so far? Подобро е да бидеш сам. It's better to be alone. It's better to be alone. У него каждый день - праздник. For him, everyday is a party. He has a party every day. Имам три сина. I have three sons. I have three sons. Вы хоть знаете, кто он? Do you even know who he is? Do you even know who he is? У меня мало, а у тебя? I have little, and you? I don't have much, do you? Chciałem wrócić do twojej wioski. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to your village. А ну топай отсюда. So get out of here. Get out of here. Наш класс стал больше. Our class has gotten bigger. Our class is bigger. Мері не така гарна, як я. Mary isn't as pretty as I am. Mary's not as pretty as I am. Kdy odcházíš z práce? When do you get off work? When are you leaving work? Wszyscy troje nienawidzili siebie nawzajem. All three hated one another. The three of them hated each other. Вы готовились к экзамену? Did you study for the exam? Are you preparing for the exam? Што се реши? What did you decide? What's the solution? Як ти витратив гроші, які я тобі дала? How did you spend the money I gave you? How did you spend the money I gave you? У Тома піднесений настрій. Tom is upbeat. Tom is in a good mood. Powiedz Tomowi, że powinien się upewnić, że nie zapomni odnowić paszportu. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he should make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Єдина особа, про кого Том взагалі говорить, — це Мері. The only person Tom ever talks about is Mary. The only person Tom talks about is Mary. Tom řekl, že to pro mě udělá, pokud budu chtít. Tom said that he'd do that for me if I wanted him to. Tom said he'd do it for me if I wanted to. Це школа, що якої я ходила. That's the school I went to. This is the school I went to. Nemůžeš dovnitř s tím klackem. You can't come in with that stick. You can't go in there with that stick. Je čas, aby ses nechal ostříhat. It is time you had a haircut! It's time for you to get a haircut. Том довольно застенчивый человек. Tom is quite a shy person. Tom is a very shy man. Я цалкам упэўненая, што яны не ведаюць, пра што спяваюць. I'm quite sure they don't know what they are singing about. I'm pretty sure they don't know what they're singing about. Эти две команды соревновались в финале. The two teams competed in the final game. The two teams competed in the final. Cvjetača i brokula su slični. Cauliflower and broccoli are similar. Cauliflower and broccoli are similar. Небото е ведро. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. В прошлый понедельник я увидела вас с Томом. I saw you with Tom last Monday. I saw you and Tom last Monday. Это много переводов. That's a lot of translations. That's a lot of translations. Мальчик идет в город с девушкой. The boy goes to the city with the girl. A boy goes into town with a girl. Том си ги врза врвците. Tom tied his laces. Tom's tied up. Готовка - это искусство. Cooking is an art. Cooking is an art. Предвидлив си. You're predictable. You're predictable. Ти граєш у футбол чи регбі? Do you play football or rugby? Do you play football or rugby? Tom svůj útěk z vězení pečlivě naplánoval. Tom carefully planned his escape from the prison. Tom carefully planned his escape from prison. Тичаш. You run. You're running. Nie mam pojęcia, jak przenieść pliki mp3 na mojego iPoda. I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod. I have no idea how to transfer mp3 files to my iPod. Podjąłem decyzję. I made my decision. I've made my decision. Вы тут не видели коричневый бумажник? Have you seen a brown wallet round here? Have you seen a brown wallet? Я правильно понимаю, что ты заблудился? Am I right to assume that you're lost? Do I understand that you're lost? Na celém světě mizí lidé beze stopy. People disappear without leaving a trace anywhere in the world. All over the world, people are disappearing without a trace. Как человек ответственный, он не пустил это дело на самотёк. A man of responsibility, he didn't leave the matter alone. As a responsible person, he didn't let this case go by itself. Я каждую зиму катаюсь на лыжах. I ski every winter. I go skiing every winter. Jazbec je ugriznil fanta. The badger bit the boy. Badger bit the boy. Potknąłem się. I tripped. I tripped. Tom ma w przyszłym tygodniu zaplanowany przyjazd do Bostonu. Tom is scheduled to come to Boston next week. Tom's scheduled to be in Boston next week. Все молчат. Everyone is silent. Everybody's quiet. Поезд был задержан из-за сильного снега. The train was delayed on account of a heavy snow. The train was delayed due to heavy snow. Попитай пак по-късно. Ask again later. Ask me again later. Том чинит мою машину. Tom is fixing my car. Tom's fixing my car. Svetloba moti moje oči. The light hurts my eyes. The light disturbs my eyes. Týká se to i naší rodiny? Does it apply to our family as well? Does this apply to our family as well? Чому ти хочеш відвідувати цей університет? Why do you want to attend this university? Why do you want to attend this university? Има ли грешки в това упражнение? Are there any mistakes in this exercise? Are there any errors in this exercise? Znałeś Toma lepiej ode mnie. You knew Tom better than I did. You knew Tom better than I did. Znamy się od wielu lat. We have known each other for many years now. We've known each other for years. Я хотів поговорити зі своїм адвокатом. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. I wanted to talk to my lawyer. Я тоже врач. I, too, am a doctor. I'm a doctor, too. Mam skarpetki, ale nie mam żadnych butów. I have socks, but I have no shoes. I have socks, but I don't have any shoes. Нарисуй всё, что ты видел. Draw everything you saw. Draw everything you've seen. Nie ma nic gorszego niż to. Nothing can be worse than that. There's nothing worse than that. Hezky jsme si to v Austrálii užili. We had a very interesting time in Australia. We had a great time in Australia. Moj nož je oštar. My knife is sharp. My knife is sharp. Почни с бројањем. Start counting. Start with the counting. Ти їм про це казала? Did you tell them about this? Did you tell them that? Косата ти мириса на пролет. Your hair smells like spring. Your hair smells like spring. Имам да ти задам един въпрос. I have a question to pose you. I have a question for you. Дали иднината ќе биде како научна фантастика? Will the future be like science fiction? Will the future be like science fiction? Кто вас толкнул? Who pushed you? Who pushed you? Мы бы не нашли дорогу без карты. Without the map, we wouldn't have found the way. We couldn't have found a road without a map. Прийдеш до мене на млинці? Want to come over to my place for pancakes? Will you come to my place for a pancake? Zabierz Toma do domu. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Харесва ми колата ти. I like your car. I like your car. Приближается Рождество. Christmas is coming. Christmas is approaching. Ми вміємо говорити. We can talk. We can talk. Нема преживеани. There are no survivors. No survivors. Nevím, čí to byl nápad. Asi Toma. I don't know whose idea it was. Probably Tom's. I don't know whose idea it was. Да го уапсиме ли Том? Should we arrest Tom? Should we arrest Tom? По-моему, Том хорошо играл. I think Tom played well. I think Tom played well. Zrcadlo se rozbilo. The mirror broke. The mirror broke. Якби я лише мав карту, я показав би вам дорогу. If only I had a map, I could show you the way. If I only had a map, I'd show you the way. Имам болка во градите. I have a chest pain. I have chest pain. Не говоря японски. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Мне скучно. Давай займёмся чем-нибудь другим. I'm bored. Let's do something else. I'm bored, let's do something else. Tohle je doutník. This is a cigar. This is a cigar. Можеш ли да ми кажеш как се случи? Can you tell me how it happened? Can you tell me how it happened? Ќе го јадам. I'm going to eat it. I'll eat it. Она была очень резка со мной. She was very harsh with me. She was very harsh with me. Том отпи още една глътка бира от чашата си. Tom took another sip from his glass of beer. Tom took another sip of beer from his glass. Вели дека претходниот забар му рекол дека ќе му ги отстрани флеките од никотин ако престане да пуши. He said that his previous dentist told him that he'd remove nicotine stains if he stopped smoking. He says the previous dentist told him he would remove his nicotine stains if he stopped smoking. Фінляндія завтра офіційно стане членом НАТО. Finland will officially join NATO tomorrow. Finland will officially become a member of NATO tomorrow. Powiedziałem im wszystko. I've told them everything. I told them everything. Ти хто такий? Чого ти хочеш? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want? Дайте нам инструменты, и мы закончим работу. Give us the tools, and we'll finish the job. Give us the tools and we'll finish the job. Я не знал, что Том этого не сделает. I didn't know that Tom wouldn't do that. I didn't know Tom wouldn't do that. Баш вчера те мислев. I was just thinking about you yesterday. I was just thinking about you yesterday. Почему они надо мной смеются? Why are they laughing at me? Why are they laughing at me? Ona mě zná. She knows me. She knows me. Важно учить немецкий. It is important to learn German. It is important to learn German. Я надеюсь, Том в хорошем настроении. I hope Tom is in a good mood. I hope Tom's in a good mood. Mnohokrát děkuji! — Není zač. Thank you very much! — You're welcome. Thank you very much! — You are welcome. Он больше не поёт. He does not sing anymore. He doesn't sing anymore. Tom byl příliš nervózní na to, aby něco řekl. Tom was too nervous to say anything. Tom was too nervous to say anything. Интересно, сколько людей в парке. I wonder how many people are in the park. I wonder how many people are in the park. Да хапнем. Let's eat. Let's eat. Бостон вреди да се види. Boston is worth seeing. Boston is worth seeing. Поволі, будь ласка. Slowly, please. Slowly, please. Muszę wam się przyznać, że chrapię... I must admit that I snore. I have to tell you, I snore... Кажи му на Том дека не смее да заборави да си го обнови пасошот. Tell Tom that he needs to make sure he doesn't forget to renew his passport. Tell Tom he can't forget to renew his passport. Том го проба виното. Tom tasted the wine. Tom tried the wine. Bolí mě noha. My leg hurts. My leg hurts. Prawdopodobnie zostanie wybrany. He's likely to be chosen. He'll probably be elected. Зрозуміло, що мають бути якісь місцеві лікарні. Of course there should be local hospitals. Of course, there are local hospitals. У нас общий предок. We have a common ancestor. We have a common ancestor. Byl v Paříži. He was in Paris. He was in Paris. S kým šel Tom do kina? Who did Tom go to the cinema with? Who did Tom go to the movies with? Туристы посетили дом известного художника. The tourists have visited the house of the famous painter. Tourists visited the house of a famous artist. Mluví Tom hodně? Does Tom talk a lot? Does Tom talk a lot? Вы сможете переправить меня через границу? Can you get me across the border? Can you get me across the border? Pojawiają się w nocy. They appear at night. They appear at night. Mam sałatkę z oliwą, octem i solą. I have a salad with oil, vinegar, and salt. I have a salad with olive oil, vinegar and salt. Tom posílá fax. Tom is sending a fax. Tom's sending a fax. Том отключил свой сотовый телефон. Tom turned his cellphone off. Tom turned off his cell phone. Девочки плачут. Girls cry. The girls are crying. Все гаразд, Томе. It's OK, Tom. It's okay, Tom. Влезе ли некој друг во собата? Did anyone else come into the room? Has anyone else entered the room? Chciałbym śpiewać tak dobrze jak Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. I wish I could sing as well as Tom. Nasze ciała zbudowane są z komórek. Our bodies are made of cells. Our bodies are made of cells. Мора да ги почитуваме правилата. We have to abide by the rules. We have to respect the rules. Це підробка. That's an imitation. It's a fake. Всички са гладни. Everyone's hungry. Everybody's hungry. У вас есть список участников? Do you have the list of participants? Do you have a list of participants? Zatrzymajmy się i odpocznijmy. Let's stop and rest. Let's stop and rest. Это мои дедушка с бабушкой. These are my grandparents. This is my grandfather and my grandmother. Bio sam sretan. I was happy. I was happy. Ona nejde? Doesn't she go? She's not coming? Она пропустит следующий матч. She will miss the next match. She'll miss the next game. Тази е любимата камера на Том. This camera is Tom's favorite. This is Tom's favorite camera. Jestem gotowy na śmierć. I am ready for death. I'm ready to die. Я прокинувся сьогодні о п'ятій ранку. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up this morning at 5 a.m. Tom každý víkend jezdí na pláž na kole. Tom rides his bicycle to the beach every weekend. Tom rides his bike to the beach every weekend. Ме нервираат. They're bothering me. They're pissing me off. В этом предложении, точно так же, как и в его переводах, ровно восемьдесят семь знаков. This sentence comprises of exactly eighty-seven characters, and so do its translations. In this sentence, just as in his translations, exactly eighty-seven characters. Potrebujem učebnicu bulharčiny. I need a textbook on the Bulgarian language. I need a Bulgarian textbook. Том помогает моей маме мыть окна. Tom is helping my mother wash the windows. Tom's helping my mom wash the windows. Už jsem začal. I have already started. I've already started. Вы когда-нибудь жили в Греции? Did you ever live in Greece? Have you ever lived in Greece? Вулкан Кілауеа почав виплескувати лаву в неділю після двох років відносної тиші. Kilauea volcano began spurting lava Sunday after two years of relative silence. Volcano Kilauea began splashing lava on Sunday after two years of relative silence. Ти дозволи Том да избега. You let Tom get away. You let Tom get away. Tom nás nikdy nezastaví. Tom will never stop us. Tom will never stop us. Я забула права вдома. I left my driving licence at home. I forgot my rights at home. Я був у джинсах. I had jeans on. I was in jeans. Кога учиш? When do you study? When are you studying? Сальма утверждала, что помнит все подробности, связанные с её немецкой семьёй, которую она имела в своей прошлой жизни. Salma claimed that she remembers details of her German family in her previous life. Salma claimed to remember all the details related to her German family, which she had in her past life. Том знає, що помиляється. Tom knows that he's wrong. Tom knows he’s wrong. Не се сами. They're not alone. They're not alone. Проверь, все ли на месте. Check if everybody is in place. See if everything's in place. Він друг мого брата. He's a friend of my brother's. He's a friend of my brother's. Nepokládej to moc hluboko. Don't bury it too deep. Don't put it too deep. Нищо не съм пипала. I haven't touched anything. I didn't touch anything. Многу убаво си поминувам тука во Ванкувер. I'm having a wonderful time here in Vancouver. I'm having a great time here in Vancouver. Том се приближува. Tom is getting close. Tom is approaching. Pies Tomka na nikogo nie szczeka. Tom's dog never barks at anyone. Tom's dog doesn't bark at anyone. Говорят, она хороший врач. They say she's a good doctor. They say she's a good doctor. Восенню месяц сапраўды прыгожы. In autumn, the moon is really beautiful. Autumn is a beautiful month. Президент США Дональд Трамп на прошлой неделе издал три указа, касающихся иммиграции. U.S. President Donald Trump has issued three executive orders that pertain to immigration in the past week. U.S. President Donald Trump last week issued three executive orders on immigration. Откуда вы знали, что Том болен? How did you know that Tom was sick? How did you know Tom was sick? Nevzdávejte se! Don't give up! Don't give up! Това място си заслужава да се посети поне веднъж. That place is worth visiting at least once. This place is worth visiting at least once. Первой девушкой Тома была Мэри. Tom's first girlfriend was Mary. Tom's first girlfriend was Mary. Сите зборуваа. They all talked. Everybody was talking. Де ти його знайшов? Where did you find him? Where did you find him? Том лише початківець. Tom is only a beginner. Tom is just a beginner. Том не привык к подобной работе. Tom isn't used to this kind of work. Tom is not used to this kind of work. On robí kópiu. He's making a copy. He's making a copy. Вы были удивлены? Were you amazed? Were you surprised? On zabił dzika. He killed a boar. He killed the boar. Kje si? Where are you? Hey, where are you? Пингвинов е многу сладок. This penguin is really cute. This penguin is so cute. Ты знаешь меня? — Нет, не знаю. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - Do you know me? - No, I don't. Jak możemy znaleźć Toma? How can we find Tom? How can we find Tom? Пытанне Кэна збянтэжыла спадара Хасімота. Mr Hashimoto was confused by Ken's question. Ken's question puzzled Mr. Hashimoto. Někdo ty dveře otevřel násilím. Somebody forced open the door. Someone forced the door open. Меня это не раздражает. That isn't annoying to me. It doesn't bother me. Имам някъде адреса на Том. I have Tom's address somewhere. I have Tom's address somewhere. Зателефонуй нам, якщо щось почуєш. Call us if you hear anything. Call us if you hear anything. Medvedi si pogosto praskajo svoje hrbte ob lubje dreves. Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees. Bears often scratch their backs against the bark of trees. Na co potřebuješ peníze? What do you need money for? What do you need money for? Боляче. It hurts. Hurts. Dan je lingvist. Dan is a linguist. Dan is a linguist. Искам да уча в чужбина догодина. I want to study abroad next year. I want to study abroad next year. Ты не будешь возражать, если я одолжу у тебя ручку? Do you mind if I borrow your pen? Do you mind if I borrow your pen? Co kdybychom odešli, než nás někdo uvidí? Why don't we leave before anybody sees us? Why don't we leave before someone sees us? Він кричав "рятуйте!" He screamed for help. He shouted, “Save me!” Том начинает меня бесить. Tom is starting to irritate me. Tom is starting to piss me off. Значи все пак успя. You managed it after all. So you did it. Я познакомился с ним, когда был студентом. I got to know him when I was a student. I met him when I was a student. Dlho som na teba čakal. I waited for you a long time. I've waited a long time for you. Tom wydłubuje kozy z nosa. Tom is picking boogers out of his nose. Tom picks the goats out of his nose. Тя беше перфектна. She was perfect. She was perfect. Сегодня жарче, чем вчера. Today is hotter than yesterday. It's hotter today than it was yesterday. У книзі багато сторінок. This book has a lot of pages. There are many pages in the book. Půjčím ti tuto knihu. I'll lend you this book. I'll lend you this book. Palisz za dużo.Przestań palić dużo You smoke too much. Don't smoke so much! You smoke too much. Stop smoking too much. Що ти сьогодні робила? What were you doing today? What did you do today? Це кит? Is that a whale? Is that a whale? Том с трудом встал. Tom had trouble getting up. Tom had difficulty getting up. Niestety, muszę pana rozczarować. nie mam ochoty brać udziału w tej dyskusji. I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't feel like participating in this discussion. Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. I do not wish to participate in this discussion. Wygląda na to, że nikogo nie ma w domu. It looks like no one's home. Looks like there's no one home. Том есць больш марозіва за мяне. Tom eats more ice cream than I do. He's eating more ice cream than I am. Ты знал, что Том с Джоном братья? Did you know that Tom and John were brothers? Did you know that Tom and John were brothers? Донесе ли фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a hair dryer? Kupił sobie skuter śnieżny. He bought himself a snowmobile. He bought a snowmobile. Ты правильно угадала. You guessed correctly. You guessed right. Пореметен си! You're sick! You're deranged! Я шчаслівы. I am happy. I'm happy. Рекоа дека се жедни. They said they're thirsty. They said they were thirsty. Я услышал эту фразу на улице около часа назад. I heard this sentence on the street about an hour ago. I heard that phrase on the street about an hour ago. Хотите чего-нибудь купить? Do you want to buy anything? Want to buy something? Том пере пари. Tom launders money. Tom's a money launderer. Je mi to ukradený! I don't give a damn about it! I don't care! Tom byl jako dítě velmi plachý. Tom was very shy when he was a kid. Tom was very shy as a child. «Я так возбуждён, что трахнул бы осьминога!» – «Правда?» – «...Нет». "I'm so horny I could fuck an octopus!" "Really?" "...No." “I’m so excited to fuck an octopus!” – “Really?” – “...No.” Ќе ги премијам садовите. I'll wash the dishes once again. I'll get the dishes. Нашата кола се развали миналата нощ. Our car broke down last night. Our car broke down last night. Był jednym z moich najlepszych przyjaciół. He was one of my best friends. He was one of my best friends. Я бразилійка, а ти? I'm Brazilian, and you? I'm Brazilian, and you? Mary zmarła przy porodzie. Mary died in childbirth. Mary died in childbirth. Ты выбрал не того человека. You've got the wrong person. You picked the wrong guy. Jest kwadrans po osiemnastej. It's 6:15pm. It's a quarter past 6:00. Prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu może być niebezpieczne. Drinking and driving can be dangerous. Driving under the influence of alcohol can be dangerous. Hovoří spolu. They're talking to each other. They're talking to each other. Кніга ружовая. The book is pink. The book is pink. Гледај го димон. Look at that smoke. Look at the diminutive. Existuje dobrý důvod k tomu, proč děti lžou. There's a good reason why children lie. There is a good reason why children lie. Закатайте рукава. Roll up your sleeves. Roll up your sleeves. Ја сакаме убавината. We love beauty. We love the beauty. У тебе є план, так? You have a plan, right? You have a plan, right? Je načase, abys Tomovi řekl pravdu. It is time you told Tom the truth. It's time you told Tom the truth. Tom je zachránil od smrti. Tom saved them from death. Tom saved them from death. Powiedziałem Tomowi to, co powiedziała mi Mary. I told Tom what Mary told me. I told Tom what Mary told me. Он плачет, только когда голодный. He only cries when he is hungry. He only cries when he's hungry. Том, вероятно, будет приговорён к смерти. Tom is likely to be sentenced to death. Tom will probably be sentenced to death. Я їх не бачила. I didn't see them. I haven't seen them. У меня на рубашке пуговица оторвана. A button came off my shirt. My shirt button is off. Jego oceny są zawsze lepsze od moich, mimo że nie uczy się zbyt dużo. His scores are always better than mine, even though he doesn't study very much. His grades are always better than mine, even though he doesn't learn much. Музеят си заслужава да бъде посетен. The museum is worth visiting. The museum is worth a visit. Том в порядке. Tom is doing well. Tom's fine. Нема да биде лесно да го извршиме тоа без голема помош. It's not going to be easy to do that without a lot of help. It won’t be easy without a lot of help. Автобусът закъснява. The bus is behind time. The bus is late. Солта свърши. There's no more salt. The salt's gone. 100 років ти мені снився! I couldn't care less about you. I've been dreaming for 100 years! «Привет, как дела?» – «Всё хорошо». "Hi! How are you?" "I'm doing well." “Hello, how are you?” – “It’s all right.” Он попытался переплыть реку. He attempted to swim across the river. He tried to cross the river. У тебе дуже охайна кімната. Your room is very clean. You have a very neat room. Он поехал туда с ней. He went there with her. He went there with her. Тебе нельзя отпускать Тома одного. You can't let Tom go alone. You can't let Tom go alone. Это вас пугает, не так ли? That does scare you, doesn't it? That scares you, doesn't it? Cały dzień próbuje się dodzwonić do Toma ale jego telefon jest wiecznie zajęty. I've tried calling Tom all day, but his phone is always busy. He's been trying to reach Tom all day, but his phone is always busy. Я боюсь умереть одиноким. I'm afraid of dying alone. I'm afraid to die alone. Мы только что как раз говорили о тебе. We were just talking about you. We were just talking about you. Знам како најверојатно ти звучи. I know how it must sound. I know how it probably sounds to you. Том почув, як Мері кричить. Tom heard Mary yelling. Tom heard Mary screaming. Том разбил Мэри сердце. Tom has broken Mary's heart. Tom broke Mary's heart. Малко чай, моля. I'd like some tea, please. Some tea, please. Nie mogłem poprosić Toma o pieniądze. I couldn't ask Tom for money. I couldn't ask Tom for money. Мне падаравалі электронную кнігу на Каляды. I received an ebook Reader for Christmas. I was given an e-book. Башо е най-великият поет. Basho was the greatest poet. Basho is the greatest poet. O čemu pričaš? What're you talking about? What are you talking about? Vypadalo to, že Tom se Mary vyhýbá. Tom seemed to be avoiding Mary. Tom seemed to be avoiding Mary. Том изгледа решително. Tom looks determined. Tom looks determined. Знай Том, он нам бы сказал. If Tom had known, he would've told us. You know, Tom, he would've told us. Я повинна сплатити рахунок за воду. I have to pay the water bill. I have to pay the water bill. Było tam wiele osób. A lot of people were there. There were a lot of people there. Не правя така. I don't do that. I don't do that. Ми вже десять років одружені. It is already ten years since we got married. We have been married for ten years. Tom prý špatně zachází se svojí ženou. Tom is said to mistreat his wife. He says he mistreats his wife. Święta są niedługo, nieprawdaż? Christmas is soon, isn't it? Christmas is coming soon, isn't it? Проблема документальних фільмів полягає в тому, що люди дивляться їх і думають, що вони говорять правду, не перевіряючи інформацію самотужки. The problem with documentaries is people watch them and think they're telling the truth, without verifying the information themselves. The problem with documentaries is that people watch them and think they’re telling the truth without checking the information themselves. Data ważności jest wydrukowana pod zakrętką. The expiry date is printed under the bottle cap. The expiration date is printed under the cap. Příští rok to už bude deset let, co u té firmy pracuji. Next year, I will have been working with that firm for ten years. Next year it will be 10 years since I work for this company. Тебе надо быть строгой. You have to be strict. You have to be strict. Svi smo željni vidjeti film. We are all eager to see the movie. We all want to see the movie. Będziesz musiał się trochę bardziej skoncentrować. You'll have to concentrate a bit more. You're gonna have to focus a little more. Том запел. Tom started to sing. Tom was singing. Pravda ne vždycky zvítězí. The truth doesn't always win. Truth doesn't always win. Rodiče byli šokováni. Parents were shocked. The parents were shocked. Я расскажу вам, как это произошло. I'll tell you how that happened. I'll tell you how it happened. Возови у Србији су ужасно спори. The trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Trains in Serbia are terribly slow. Станаха три години, откак той почина. He has been dead for three years. It's been three years since he died. Не могла бы ты быть более точным? Could you be a little more exact? Could you be more specific? Мы заблудились на улицах. We got lost in the streets. We got lost in the streets. Ми купили нову пральну машину. We've bought a new washing machine. We bought a new washing machine. Powinna wcześnie kłaść się i wcześnie wstawać. She must keep early hours. She should go to bed early and get up early. Koja je šifra Wi-Fi-ja. What's the Wi-Fi password? What's the Wi-Fi code? Powinniśmy z nim tam być. We should be there with him. We should be there with him. Doktorům se podařilo Tomovi snížit tlak. The doctors managed to bring Tom's blood pressure down. The doctors were able to lower Tom's blood pressure. To wszystko zdarzyło się tak szybko, że nie umiem tego wyjaśnić. It all happened so fast, I can't really explain it. It all happened so fast that I can’t explain it. Ще посетим леля си идната неделя. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. We'll visit our aunt next Sunday. Том видел, как Мэри столкнула Джона с пирса. Tom saw Mary push John off the pier. Tom saw Mary push John off the pier. Исто сум квалификуван како Том. I'm about as qualified as Tom. I'm just as qualified as Tom. Мэри уже убралась у себя в комнате? Has Mary cleaned her room yet? Has Mary cleaned her room yet? Я иногда хожу туда. I go there sometimes. I go there sometimes. У него очень низкий голос. His voice is really deep. He has a very low voice. Нема ти мене да ми командаш, човече. I'm not having you boss me around, man. You're not gonna give me orders, man. У нас насправді немає вибору. We really don't have a choice. We really have no choice. «Какой у Тома родной язык?» — «Английский». "What is Tom's native language?" "It is English." "What is Tom's native language?" - "English". Изабери једно. Choose one. Pick one. Я вже знала, чим все скінчиться. I already knew the outcome. I already knew how it would end. Jestem dentystą. I'm a dentist. I'm a dentist. В хоккее не таймы, а периоды. In hockey, there are periods rather than halves. In hockey, it's not the times, it's the periods. Какое преступление вы совершили? What crime did you commit? What crime did you commit? Tom býval velmi nesmělý. Tom used to be very shy. Tom was very shy. Она беспокоится о твоём здоровье. She is anxious about your health. She's worried about your health. Tom jí jenom zeleninu. All Tom eats is vegetables. Tom only eats vegetables. Життя повне таємниць. Life is full of secrets. Life is full of secrets. Германские языки такие красивые. Germanic languages are so beautiful. The German language is so beautiful. Nie mogę zmienić tego, kim jestem i co zrobiłem. I can't change who I am or what I've done. I can't change who I am or what I've done. Одягни на нього наручники. Put handcuffs on him. Put your handcuffs on him. Не може да бъде. You don't say. It can't be. Tom byl na všechny hrubý. Tom was rude to everybody. Tom was rude to everyone. Cožpak si na nic nevzpomínáš? Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember anything? Šest je mongolskih rečenica na Tatoebi zasada. There are six sentences in Mongolian in Tatoeba as of now. There are six Mongolian sentences on the Tatoeba principle. Prišiel som z Číny. I came from China. I came from China. Надевайте пижаму и идите чистить зубы. Put your pajamas on, and go brush your teeth. Put on your pajamas and go brush your teeth. Gdje su naši kišobrani? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Кошка ест мышей. The cat eats mice. A cat eats mice. Bardzo dziękuję! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Zůstal bych a povídal si, ale musím jít. I'd stay and chat, but I have to go. I'd stay and talk, but I have to go. Pročpak tu sedíš? Why are you sitting there? Why are you sitting here? Я все одно вважаю, що це нечесно. I still don't think it's fair. I still think it’s unfair. Ось чому ти повернувся з Бостона, так? That's why you came back from Boston, right? That's why you're back from Boston, right? Зошто не слушаш? Why don't you listen? Why aren't you listening? Widziałem ją wczoraj. I saw her yesterday. I saw her yesterday. Остани тука, добро? Stay right here, OK? You stay here, okay? Они просто играли. They were just playing. They were just playing. Nemohl jsem za to. That wasn't my mistake. It wasn't my fault. Musíš to dokončit. You've got to finish doing that. You have to finish this. Brzy si na to zvykneš. You'll get used to it soon. You'll get used to it soon enough. Трябва да се размърдам. I have to get moving. I need to move. Самый эффективный способ улучшить свою игру - это практика. The most effective way to improve your game is to practice. The most effective way to improve your game is practice. Както и да е, къде е Том? Where's Tom anyway? Anyway, where's Tom? Многумина го прават ова. Many people do this. A lot of people do this. Рейтинги падают. Ratings are dropping. Ratings are falling. Пользователи могут удалять свои собственные предложения, но только если у них нет переводов. Users can delete sentences their own sentences, but only if they have no translations. Users can delete their own offers, but only if they do not have translations. Tohle s tebou nemá co dělat. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. Не напрежи се! Don't strain yourself! Don't strain yourself! Seděla pod stromem. She was sitting under a tree. She was sitting under a tree. Našel jsi ten deštník, o kterém jsi říkal, že jsi ho nedávno ztratil? Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day? Did you find that umbrella you said you lost recently? Nie zaprosili mnie na ślub. They did not invite me to their wedding. They didn't invite me to the wedding. Я заплатив за них по тридцять доларів. I paid thirty dollars each for these. I paid thirty dollars for them. Tyto rostliny vypěstoval Tom. These plants were raised by Tom. These plants were grown by Tom. Ова не е сребро. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Кошки едят мясо. The cats are eating meat. Cats eat meat. Plotka okazała się być fałszywa. The rumor turned out false. The rumor turned out to be false. Tom opatrně smazal otisky svých prstů z nože. Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. Tom carefully wiped his fingerprints off the knife. Nie będę pił, bo prowadzę. I will not drink because I'm driving. I'm not drinking because I'm driving. Tom nechce číst knihu. Tom doesn't want to read a book. Tom doesn't want to read a book. Zamierzam spróbować złapać tego królika. I'm going to try to trap that rabbit. I'm going to try and catch this rabbit. Поезд через час. The train is in an hour. Train in an hour. Те молам извести ги. Please inform them. Please let them know. Отидоа на прошетка. They took a walk. They went for a walk. Где бы Вы предпочли сидеть? Where would you prefer to sit? Where would you prefer to sit? Uhádneš, kolik mi je? Can you guess how old I am? Can you guess how old I am? Каде е блузичката што ти ја купив? Where's the blouse I bought you? Where's the blouse I bought you? Chcete to počuť? Do you want to hear it? You want to hear it? Хотів би я жартувати, але я не жартую. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. Myślę, że jeszcze jest dla ciebie nadzieja. I think there's hope for you yet. I think there's still hope for you. Когда я был маленький, мне нельзя было рыбу. When I was little, I couldn't eat fish. When I was a kid, I couldn't have fish. Тобі все це потрібно? Do you need all this? Do you need all this? Їж добре. Eat well. Eat well. Czy możesz mi powiedzieć gdzie jest kościół? Muszę porozmawiać z księdzem. Can you tell me where the church is? I have to speak with the priest. Can you tell me where the church is? Мы все сели за стол. We all sat around the table. We all sat down at the table. Па нели рече дека знаеш да пливаш? I thought you said you could swim. I thought you said you could swim. Ты играть умеешь? Do you know how to play? Can you play? Pies goni za kotem, a kot za myszą. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog chases a cat, a cat chases a mouse. Czy ja działam ci na nerwy? I make you nervous, don't I? Am I getting on your nerves? Spokojnie. Take it easy. Whoa, whoa. «Если позволишь мне, бабушка, я хотела бы задать три кое-каких вопроса». — «Ладно, — сказала старая ведьма, — но только помни, что всякий вопрос до добра не доводит. Много будешь знать — скоро состаришься. Так что ты хочешь спросить?» "If thou wilt allow me, grandmother, I wish to ask thee some questions." "Well," said the old witch, "only remember that every question does not lead to good. If thou knowest overmuch, thou wilt grow old too soon. What wilt thou ask?" “If you’ll let me, Grandma, I’d like to ask you three questions.” “Okay,” said the old witch, “but just remember that any question doesn’t do any good. You’ll know a lot — you’ll be old soon. So what do you want to ask?” Дали това е жребец, или кобила? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is it a stallion or a mare? Proč chceš být pořád sám? Why do you want to be alone all the time? Why do you always want to be alone? To je vše, co můžeme dělat. This is all we can do. That's all we can do. Мій кіт такий милий. My cat is so adorable. My cat is so cute. Коли ти йдеш у відпустку? When are you going on vacation? When are you going on vacation? Tom mě pozval na oběd. Tom invited me for lunch. Tom invited me to lunch. Она сказала мне, что умеет это делать. She told me she knew how to do that. She told me she could do it. Snížil bych minimální věkovou hranici trestní zodpovědnosti. I would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. I would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Падам си по такива истории. That kind of story appeals to me. I'm into stories like that. Стеклоочистители не работают. The wipers don't work. The wipers aren't working. Кто-нибудь хочет пойти? Does anybody want to go? Anybody want to come? Вы выяснили, кто та женщина? Did you find out who that woman was? Did you find out who that woman is? Дано за тебе нещата да се оправят, Том. I hope it works out for you, Tom. I hope things work out for you, Tom. Меня не было на той встрече. I wasn't at that meeting. I wasn't at that meeting. Няма нищо между Том и Мери. There's nothing going on between Tom and Mary. There's nothing between Tom and Mary. У цьому випадку ти помиляєшся. You're wrong in this case. In this case, you are wrong. Баш сега го видов. I saw him just now. I just saw him. Они встречаются во вторник 11 июля в 19 часов. They're meeting on Tuesday, 11 July at 7 p.m. They meet on Tuesday, July 11 at 7 p.m. Не думаю, что они нас слышали. I don't think that they heard us. I don't think they heard us. Не ги замолив да дојдат тука. I didn't ask them to come here. I didn't ask them to come here. Баба ми беше оперирана в Германия. My grandmother had an operation in Germany. My grandmother was operated on in Germany. Tom je hladový jako vlk. Tom could eat a horse. Tom's as hungry as a wolf. Моцарт помер у 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Mozart died in 1791. Два тела не могут занимать одно и то же место в пространстве. Two bodies cannot occupy the same place in space. Two bodies cannot occupy the same place in space. Byli s výsledkem spokojeni. They were satisfied with the result. They were satisfied with the result. Nie mam za dużo czasu. I don't have a whole lot of time. I don't have much time. Извини, но мне пора идти. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'm sorry, but I have to go. Том научил Мэри читать по губам. Tom taught Mary to read lips. Tom taught Mary to read lips. Том је погледао лево и десно пре него што је прешао улицу. Tom looked both ways before crossing the road. Tom looked to the left and right before crossing the street. Веднаш ќе се фатиме за тоа. We'll get right to it. We'll get right on it. Том міг це зробити вчора. You could've done that yesterday. Tom could have done it yesterday. Это великий русский писатель. This is a great Russian writer. He is a great Russian writer. ABBA po čtyřiceti letech vydává nové album. ABBA is releasing a new album after forty years. ABBA has released a new album after 40 years. Немам никакво пенкало. I haven't got any pen. I don't have any pen. Řekl jsi Tomovi, co potřebuje koupit? Did you tell Tom what he needs to buy? Did you tell Tom what he needed to buy? Kim jest ten mężczyzna, z którym rozmawiałeś? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who is this man you were talking to? Це крісло. This is an armchair. It's a chair. Мері сказала, що хоче піти Mary said she wants to go. Mary said she wanted to go. Zítřejšek byl zrušen kvůli nedostatku zájmu. Tomorrow has been canceled due to a lack of interest. Tomorrow was cancelled due to lack of interest. Tvoje meno, prosím. Your name, please. Your name, please. Nikt nie przyszedł. Nobody came. No one came. Том попытался высказаться. Tom tried to speak up. Tom tried to speak. Том, можливо, у в'язниці. Tom might be in jail. Tom's probably in jail. Гледав телевизија кога дојде Том. I was watching TV when Tom came. I was watching TV when Tom came in. Візьміть шматочок тортику, будь ласка. Please help yourself to a piece of cake. Take a piece of cake, please. Staj w knihowni. They are in a library. Stand in the library. Czy nie chcesz spotkać się z Tomem? Don't you want to meet Tom? Don't you want to meet Tom? Одолжи мне ручку. Lend me a pen. Lend me a pen. Я не хочу всё испортить. I don't want to spoil everything. I don't want to ruin it. Таа предава англиски на напредни ученици. She teaches English to advanced students. She teaches English to advanced students. Elektrownia zaopatruje odległą dzielnicę w prąd elektryczny. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. Том очень строг к детям. Tom is very strict with his children. Tom is very strict with children. Чия це машина? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? Том не уходит. Tom isn't leaving. Tom's not leaving. Смее ли да те допрам? Can I touch you? Do you mind if I touch you? Kolik lidí žije v tomhle městě? How many people live in this town? How many people live in this town? Тому зараз краще. Tom is better now. Tom is better now. Я был очень разочарован, узнав, что Том нас обманул. I was very disappointed to find out Tom had lied to us. I was very disappointed to learn that Tom had deceived us. Mám rád kávu. I like coffee. I like coffee. Jeden zbyl. There's one left. There's one left. Не можам да го изгасам. I can't shut it down. I can't turn it off. Хайде да отидем до някои храмове утре. Let's visit some temples tomorrow. Let's go to some temples tomorrow. Вы уверены, что вы этого не говорили? Are you sure that you didn't say that? Are you sure you didn't say that? Tom mluvil s Marií. Tom was speaking to Mary. Tom talked to Maria. На дороге собачка. There's a small dog in the road. There's a dog on the road. Tom se zdál být laskavý. Tom looked like he was attentive. Tom seemed to be kind. Jak mohu zhubnout? How can I lose weight? How can I lose weight? Vzal si moc hezkou holku. He married a very pretty girl. He married a very pretty girl. На исто рамниште сме. We are on the same level. We're on the same level. Ми всі йдемо. We're all going. We're all going. Она разбила вазу специально, чтобы меня разозлить. She broke the vase on purpose to make me angry. She broke the vase to make me angry. Так говорят? Does anyone talk like that? Is that what they say? У пульті сіла батарейка. The remote's battery is dead. There's a battery in the box. Tom jest zmęczony i głodny. Tom is tired and hungry. Tom is tired and hungry. Nebojím se skutečnosti. I'm not afraid of reality. I'm not afraid of reality. У вас трохи підвищена температура. Your temperature's a little high. You have a slightly elevated temperature. Посылка пришла быстрее, чем я ожидал. The parcel arrived sooner than I had imagined. The package arrived faster than I expected. Послушаа. They obeyed. You did. Moje práce je starat se o naše dítě. My job is taking care of our baby. My job is to take care of our baby. Przepraszam, że muszę iść. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry I have to go. Јави ни се. Call us. Give us a call. Зири пришёл к Риме. Ziri came to Rima. Ziri came to Rome. Tom nadal kocha swoją pracę. Tom still loves his job. Tom still loves his job. Том играет в куклы, а его сестра нет. Tom plays with dolls, but his sister doesn't. Tom plays dolls, but his sister doesn't. Не хвилюйтеся, ви в безпеці. Don't worry. You're safe. Don’t worry, you are safe. Я боялся, что ты скажешь что-нибудь подобное. I was afraid you'd say something like that. I was afraid you'd say something like that. Мы рады, что Тома нет. We're glad that Tom isn't here. We're glad Tom's not here. Tato kniha je nudná. This book is boring. This book is boring. Mi smo brat i sestra. We are brother and sister. We're brother and sister. Tom nás přivítal a pak se zhroutil. Tom greeted us and then he collapsed. Tom greeted us and then collapsed. Чувствам се така, сякаш познавам Том от години. I feel as if I've known Tom for years. I feel like I've known Tom for years. Аз съм опасен. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Ти маєш добрі стосунки з новими однокласниками? Do you get along well with your new classmates? Do you have a good relationship with your new classmates? Изобщо не съм уморен. I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired at all. Ты такой высокий! You're so tall. You're so tall! Зачем ты его слушаешь? Why are you listening to him? Why are you listening to him? Ты поедешь поездом? Will you go by train? You're taking the train? Tom má rád dobrodružné příběhy. Tom likes adventure stories. Tom likes adventure stories. Tom říká, že Mary je opilá. Tom says Mary is drunk. Tom says Mary's drunk. Дурня вчити, що мертвого лічити. Trying to teach a fool is like providing medical treatment for a dead man. It is foolish to teach that the dead can be counted. Узімку я заўсёды прастуджваюся. I always catch a cold in the winter. I always have a cold in the winter. Білі починають і виграють. White to play and win. White starts and wins. В этой комнате два комода. There are two dressers in this room. There are two chests of drawers in this room. Gdje si kupila ovaj sok od ananasa? Where did you buy this pineapple juice? Where did you get this pineapple juice? Nagle zaczęło padać. Suddenly, it started to rain. Suddenly it started raining. Почему ты не спишь? Время три часа ночи. What are you doing up? It's three in the morning. Why aren't you sleeping? Ко зна шта ће се догодити сутра? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Я спробувала переконати Тома. I tried to persuade Tom. I tried to convince Tom. Здесь очень опасно. It's very dangerous here. It's very dangerous here. Мисля, че наистина ще ви хареса. I think you're really going to like it. I think you'll really like it. Oddaj swoją pracę domową Turn in your homework. Give up your homework Proč Toma ignoruješ? Co ti udělal? Why do you ignore Tom? What did he do to you? Why are you ignoring Tom? Tom rád nakupuje v Kauflandu. Tom likes shopping in Kaufland. Tom likes to shop in Kaufland. Нам надоело, что с нами так обращаются. We're tired of being treated this way. We are tired of being treated this way. Том штотуку доби отказ. Tom just got fired. Tom just got fired. Том не знал, что Мэри нужна его помощь. Tom didn't know that Mary needed his help. Tom didn't know Mary needed his help. Ладно, решайтесь. Well, make up your mind. All right, make up your minds. Том до сих пор не вернулся. Где же он? Tom is still not back. Just where is he? Tom hasn't come back yet. Остани смирена. Stay calm. Stay calm. Вы ведь любите джаз? You like jazz, don't you? You like jazz, don't you? Ne každý z nich je Kanaďan. Not all of them are Canadians. Not all of them are Canadian. Переплыть эту реку будет непросто. Swimming across this river will be challenging. Crossing the river will not be easy. Jsem roztleskávačka. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. Том все ще вважає, що Мері збрехала? Does Tom still think Mary lied? Tom still thinks Mary lied? Том мені вже сказав. Tom already told me. Tom told me. Tom se rozvedl s mojí sestrou. Tom divorced my sister. Tom divorced my sister. Często rozmawialiśmy o polityce japońskiej. We often talked about Japanese politics. We talked a lot about Japanese politics. Ти вважаєш що тут нудно? Do you think it's boring here? You think this is boring? Мері — освідчена жінка. Mary is an educated woman. Mary is a well-known woman. Я не розумію австралійців. I don't understand Australians. I don't understand Australians. У твого собаки глисти. Дай йому вітаміни. Your dog has worms. Give him vitamins. Your dog has worms. Give him vitamins. Мне приснилось, что я выиграл гонку. I dreamed of having won the race. I dreamt I won the race. Nevěděl jsem, komu mám věřit. I didn't know who I should trust. I didn't know who to trust. Він повернеться до Японії в середині травня. He will come back to Japan in the middle of May. He will return to Japan in mid-May. Памылковая погляды на матэматыку сустракаюцца яшчэ часцей, чым памылкі ў напісанні майго імені. Having misconceptions of what mathematics is is even more ordinary than not knowing how to spell my name. Misconceptions about math are even more common than mistakes in writing my name. Proč byl Tom zabit zůstává záhadou. Why Tom was killed is still a mystery. Why Tom was killed remains a mystery. Przekonał mnie. He convinced me. He convinced me. Сфатив дека се уште немав јадено. I realized I still hadn't eaten anything. I realized I hadn’t eaten yet. Мне некогда ей писать. I have no time to write to her. I don't have time to write to her. Tom má v plánu si koupit další auto. Tom plans to buy another car. Tom is planning to buy another car. Це його нав'язлива ідея. It's an obsession of his. This is his obsession. Ali si bil v Kjoto? Have you been to Kyoto? Have you been to Kyoto? Мэри хочет задать тебе вопрос. Mary wants to ask you a question. Mary wants to ask you a question. Ово траје читаву вечност. This is taking forever. This takes forever. Эта сумка не подходит к тем туфлям. This bag doesn't match those shoes. This bag doesn't fit those shoes. Je dobré, že mám dceru. It's good that I have a daughter. It's good that I have a daughter. Я всё тот же, каким был раньше. I'm still the same person I used to be. I'm still the same person I was before. Сега во Бостон работам. I'm working in Boston now. I work in Boston. Ще се отзовете ли? Are you volunteering? Will you respond? Мені зараз немає чого робити. I have nothing to do now. I have nothing to do now. Не би го препорачал тоа. I wouldn't advise it. I wouldn't recommend that. Чим ви зазвичай замаєтеся на Різдво? What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What do you usually do for Christmas? Защо той изглежда ядосан? Why does he look so black? Why does he seem angry? O čem mluvíš,Tome? What are you talking about, Tom? What are you talking about, Tom? Obstawała przy swojej niewinności. She insisted on her innocence. She stood by her innocence. Повеќето растенија умреа. Most of the plants died. Most of the plants have died. Chtěl jsem zjistit, co se děje. I wanted to find out what was going on. I wanted to find out what was going on. Вам лучше туда не возвращаться. You'd better not go back there. You'd better not go back there. Я чекав більше тижня. I waited over a week. I waited over a week. Neodpověděli jste. You didn't answer. You didn't answer. Они не придут, даже если смогут. They are not coming even if they can. They won't come, even if they can. Том си го избриша челото. Tom wiped his forehead. Tom wiped his forehead. Я пішов спати голодним. I went to sleep hungry. I went to sleep hungry. Для одного дня достатньо. It is enough for one day. One day is enough. Nie jestem jeszcze gotowy. I am not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Вы забыли вопросительный знак. You've forgotten the question mark. You forgot the question mark. Вас больше волнует, что люди скажут. You care more about what people will say. You care more about what people say. Сильно на бухло не налягай. Go easy on the booze. Don't push too hard. Tom i Mary su odlučili posvojiti Johna. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. Tom and Mary decided to adopt John. Он одновременно учит четыре языка. He is learning four languages simultaneously. He also teaches four languages at the same time. Вони коштували копійки. They cost peanuts. They cost pennies. Могут возникнуть проблемы. Problems may arise. There could be problems. Волим када ме загрлиш. I like it when you put your arms around me. I love it when you hug me. Том підтвердив, що ніхто не постраждав. Tom confirmed that no one was injured. Tom confirmed that no one was hurt. Когда шёл дождь в последний раз? When was the last time it rained? When was the last time it rained? Brzo si na to zvykneš. You'll soon get used to it. You'll get used to it soon enough. Я не заперечував. I didn't mind. I didn't mind. Naučila sam francuski. I learned French. I learned French. Чаму ваш кот такі вялікі? Why is your cat so big? "Why is your cat so big?" Всего вам знать не нужно. You don't need to know everything. You don't need to know everything. Я перакладчыца, праграмістка і музыкантка. I am a translator, programmer and musician. I am a translator, programmer and musician. Няма връщане назад. There is no going back. There's no going back. Он позвонил мне на следующее утро. He called me the next morning. He called me the next morning. Ви молодий та здоровий. You're young and healthy. You are young and healthy. Зошто ме сакаш? Why do you love me? Why do you love me? Мамо! Ще ми подадеш ли тоалетната хартия? Mum! Can you pass me the toilet paper? Mom, can you pass me the toilet paper? Po zemi se válelo několik kýblů. Several buckets were scattered around the floor. There were several buckets lying on the ground. Ідіть обоє до біса! To Hell with both of you! Both of you go to hell! Nie będę pożyczał pieniędzy od tamtych ludzi. I will not borrow money from those people. I'm not borrowing money from those people. Кто подал вам эту идею? Who gave you that idea? Who gave you this idea? Тоя пич е стабилен. This guy's tough. This guy's stable. Он пострадал в происшествии. He was hurt in the accident. He was injured in the accident. Личи на јајце. It looks like an egg. It looks like an egg. Трябва да откажеш пушенето. You should quit smoking. You should quit smoking. Том археолог. Tom is an archaeologist. Tom the archeologist. Każdy umiera. Everyone dies. Everybody dies. Покажешь мне город? Will you show me the city? Can you show me the city? Это моё? Is that mine? Is that mine? Смотри, вон он. Look, he's coming. Look, there he is. A tohle Tom pořád dělá. And that's what Tom always does. And that's what Tom's always doing. Tom hrával na kytaru. Tom used to play guitar. Tom was playing the guitar. Neuvědomovali si, že je Tom nenávidí. They didn't realise that Tom hated them. They didn't realize that Tom hated them. Nie jestem pewien, czy potrafię to zrobić. I'm not sure I can do it. I'm not sure I can do that. Ці ты размаўляеш па-нямецку? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Je mu osm let. He's eight years old. He's eight years old. Не заслужавам нищо. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve anything. Мислам дека Том е конзервативен. I think Tom is conservative. I think Tom's conservative. Tom nepsal tak často. Tom didn't write so often. Tom didn't write that often. Kdybych byl znal její adresu, byl bych ji mohl navštívit. If I had known her address, I could have visited her. If I had known her address, I could have visited her. Tom nešel ke dveřím. Tom didn't come to the door. Tom didn't go to the door. Jestem już całkiem dobry w pływaniu. I'm already pretty good at swimming. I'm pretty good at swimming now. Я блізка вакзала. I am near the station. I'm close to a vacation. Я ещё не ужинал. I haven't had my dinner yet. I haven't had dinner yet. Zniszczenie środowiska jest duże. The destruction of the environment is big. The destruction of the environment is great. Ты такое мерзотное днище. You're such a disgusting mug. You're such an ugly bottom. Tom nemohl přesvědčit Mary, aby zůstala. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to stay. Tom couldn't convince Mary to stay. Націсніце на выяву і абярыце размяшчэнне. Націсніце на «Адчыніць», каб адчыніць выяву. Націсніце на «Выхад», каб выйсці з праграмы. Опцыя «Размяшчэнне» дазваляе выбраць рэжым паказу выявы. Open an image and select an image layout. Click "Open" for opening an image. Click "Quit" for quitting the program. "Image Layout" feature allows you to view in any layout. Click on the image and select the location. Click on "Open" to open the image. Click on "Exit" to exit the program. The option "Location" allows you to select the display mode of the image. Это кошка, да к тому же оранжевая. It's a cat, and moreover an orange one. It's a cat, and it's orange. Я маю морську свинку. I have a guinea pig. I have a guinea pig. Nemám nič viac než desať anglických učebníc. I have no more than ten English textbooks. I have no more than ten English teachers. Tom omdlel. Tom passed out. Tom fainted. Když se Tom dostal na poštu, už bylo zavřeno. By the time Tom got to the post office, it was already closed. By the time Tom got to the post office, it was already closed. To nie je také jednoduché. It's not that simple. It's not easy either. Том ми беше дечко. Tom was my boyfriend. Tom was my boyfriend. Нащо ти так вчинив? Why did you do it? Why would I do that to you? Wydajesz się niespokojny. You seem anxious. You seem restless. Мы с тобой братья. We are brothers, you and I. You and I are brothers. Вы не могли бы показать мне камеру дешевле, чем эта? Would you show me a less expensive camera than this one? Could you show me a camera cheaper than this one? «С каким полом вы себя отождествляете?» – «Я мужчина, разве не видно?» "Which gender do you identify with?" "I'm a man. Isn't it obvious?" “What gender do you identify with?” – “I’m a man, can’t you see?” Všichni se musí snažit. Everyone has to make an effort. Everyone has to try. Том меня утомил. I'm tired of Tom. Tom made me tired. Ты об этом слышал? Did you hear of it? You've heard of it? Бойся собственной тени. Fear your own shadow. Be afraid of your own shadow. Что ты делал с Томом? What were you doing to Tom? What were you doing with Tom? Возможно, она так сказала. She may have said so. Maybe that's what she said. Мне она нужна здесь. I need it here. I need her here. Никого не видов. I didn't see anyone. I didn't see anyone. Zemřeli v boji. They died in battle. They died in battle. Том — младший брат Марии. Tom is Mary's younger brother. Tom is Maria's younger brother. Я вже дочитав цю книжку. I have already finished this book. I have already finished this book. Tom hrá na klavír veľmi dobre. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom plays the piano very well. Я сумуватиму за тобою. I will miss you. I'm gonna miss you. Boston jest przepięknym miastem. Boston is a very beautiful city. Boston is a beautiful city. У Тома есть ключ от этой двери. Tom has the key to this door. Tom has the key to that door. Вы держите её кверх ногами. You're holding it upside down. You're holding her up. Náš pes byl nemocný, ale teď už je zdravý. Our dog was ill but he is already well now. Our dog was sick, but he's healthy now. Том — простий хлопець із села. Tom is a simple country man. Tom is a simple guy from the village. У меня есть подруга, которая живёт в Англии. I have a friend who lives in England. I have a friend who lives in England. Сядай і пагавары са мною. Sit down and talk to me. Sit down and talk to me. Кошки чёрные. The cats are black. The cats are black. Není z tohoto světa. She's not of this world. He's not of this world. Díky jejímu vytrvalému úsilí jsme dosáhli našeho cíle. Thanks to her tireless efforts, we reached our goal. Thanks to her hard work, we have achieved our goal. Месяц сёння надзвычайна прыгожы. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. It's a beautiful month today. Не кажувам пакосни работи за нивните деца. I don't say nasty things about their children. I don't say mean things about their kids. Dubina rijeke je desetak metara. The depth of the river is about ten meters. The depth of the river is about 10 meters. Тази риза трябва да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt needs to be washed. Він викликав мене. He called me out. He called me. Chtěl jsem se tomu vyhnout. I wanted to avoid this. I wanted to avoid it. Zvolila si mě. She chose me. You chose me. Účastnil se toho Tom také? Was Tom involved in it too? Did Tom take part, too? Я зову его по имени. I call him by name. I call him by his name. Дякую за інформацію. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. Это срочно, вы должны идти сейчас же. It's urgent, you have to go now. It's urgent, you have to go now. На нас чекають темні часи. There are dark times ahead. We have dark times ahead of us. Том вообще не пьёт зелёный чай. Tom never drinks green tea. Tom doesn't drink green tea at all. Ale neměla jsem strach. But I wasn't afraid. But I wasn't afraid. Ты умеешь играть? Do you know how to play? Can you play? Google Translate изучает латынь. Google Translate is learning Latin. Google Translate is learning Latin. Том напоследък е в дупка. Tom's in a slump lately. Tom's been in a hole lately. Vím přesně, co se děje. I know exactly what's going on. I know exactly what's going on. Někdo zaútočil na Toma. Someone attacked Tom. Someone attacked Tom. Токипона очень прикольный язык. Toki Pona is a very cool language. Tokipona is a very funny language. Эти буквы так похожи, что я их всё время путаю. These letters are so similar that I get them mixed up all the time. These letters are so similar that I confuse them all the time. Poľsko je veľká krajina. Poland is a big country. Poland is a big country. Winda dziś nie działa. The lift is out of order today. The elevator isn't working today. Мыло кончилось. There's no more soup. Soap's over. Брат ми каза, че не страхува от тъмното. My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark. My brother said he wasn't afraid of the dark. Отвечай по-английски. Answer in English. Answer in English. Šel jsem na týden bez jídla. I went without food for a week. I went a week without food. Tenhle stroj ovládá Tom. Tom controls this machine. This machine is controlled by Tom. Jego syn jest geniuszem. His son is a genius. His son is a genius. Что Том дал вам на этот раз? What did Tom give you this time? What did Tom give you this time? Пера си чорапите. I wash my socks. I'm washing my socks. Louis Braille, slijep od treće godine, je izumio način kako slijepi mogu čitati. Louis Braille, who was blind from the age of three, invented a way for the blind to read. Louis Braille, blind from the age of three, invented a way for the blind to read. Říká Tom pravdu? Is Tom telling the truth? Is Tom telling the truth? Не съм се къпал от три дена. I haven't showered in three days. I haven't bathed in three days. В морето има острови. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. Том сказав, що не робитиме цього. Tom said he's not going to do that. Tom said he wouldn’t do that. Забудьмо минуле. Let's forget the past. Forget the past. Кнїжка желєна. The book is green. The book is coveted. Радвам се, че си доволен. I'm happy you're happy. I'm glad you're happy. Tom został zniesiony z boiska na noszach. Tom got carried off the field on a stretcher. Tom was removed from the field on a stretcher. Ja živim na ovom planetu. I live on this planet. I live on this planet. По този въпрос имам много за казване. I have much to say about it. I have a lot to say about that. Том ѝ ѕвони на Мери. Tom is calling Mary. He called Mary. Doufám, že to brzy skončí. I hope this will end soon. I hope this ends soon. Газета дешевле книги. The newspaper costs less than the book. Newspapers are cheaper books. Učitel napíše text úkolu na tabuli. The teacher will write the text of the task on the board. The teacher writes the text of the task on the blackboard. Вона випила кави. She drank coffee. She drank coffee. Cítím se jako blázen. I feel like a fool. I feel like a fool. Он попытался сочинить короткую историю. He tried writing a short story. He tried to write a short story. Maria zauważyła, że jedno krzesło w mieszkaniu Toma już nie stało tam, gdzie dzień wcześniej. Mary noticed that one chair in Tom's flat was not in the same place anymore as it had been the day before. Maria noticed that one chair in Tom’s apartment was no longer where it had been the day before. Išli su zrakoplovom od Berlina do Istanbula. They took an airplane from Berlin to Istanbul. They were on a plane from Berlin to Istanbul. Том сказал, что не хочет устраивать свой день рождения. Tom said he didn't want to throw a party on his birthday. Tom said he didn't want to have his birthday party. Љут сам. I'm furious. I'm angry. Mluvil jsem s nim anglicky a zjistil, že se dokážu domluvit. I spoke to him in English and found I could make myself understood. I spoke to him in English and found that I could communicate. Kiedy twój brat się żeni? When is your brother getting married? When is your brother getting married? Jesteś pewien, że ona nie kłamie? Are you sure that she's not lying? Are you sure she's not lying? Галилео го осудиле на доживотна затворска казна во 1633. Сепак, поради неговата возраст и кревко здравје, му дозволиле да ја одлежи таа казна во домашен притвор. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. However, due to his age and frail health, he was allowed to serve that sentence under house arrest. Изглежда дъждовният сезон ще започне по-следващата седмица. It looks like the rainy season is going to start after next week. It looks like the rainy season will start next week. Идите за своими мечтами, они знают дорогу. Follow your dreams, they know the way. Follow your dreams, they know the way. Меня кто-то отравил. Somebody poisoned me. Someone poisoned me. Do kolikáté třídy chodí tvá sestra? What grade is your sister in? What class does your sister go to? Сигурна ли си, че наистина искаш да бъдеш тук? Are you sure you really want to be here? Are you sure you really want to be here? Где в Бостоне можно купить пахту? Where can I buy buttermilk in Boston? Where in Boston can you buy groats? Кто мы на самом деле? Who are we in fact? Who are we really? Я не завистливый. I'm not envious. I'm not jealous. Седеше пред мене. He sat in front of me. He was sitting in front of me. Ништо не е доволно добро за Том. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Nothing's good enough for Tom. Коли ти хочеш поїхати? When do you want to go? When do you want to leave? Kvet nie je čierny. The flower is not black. The flower is not black. Вы можете идти домой. You can go home. You can go home. Губитак памћења је више психолошки него физички. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. Memory loss is more psychological than physical. Взел съм предвид всичко. I've taken everything into consideration. I've taken everything into account. Гэта не партугальская. This is not Portuguese. It's not Portuguese. Будынак ААН вельмі вялікі. The U.N. building is very impressive. The building is very large. Поезд уходит, а мы ещё не купили билеты! The train is taking off and we haven't bought our tickets! The train's leaving and we haven't bought the tickets yet! Том был со мной не совсем честен. Tom wasn't entirely honest with me. Tom wasn't entirely honest with me. Я не ахти какой механик. I'm not much of a mechanic. I am not a mechanic. Никад нема да го заборавам. I'll never forget him. I'll never forget him. Тору был так пьян, что не мог идти прямо. Toru was so drunk that he couldn't walk straight. Toru was so drunk that he couldn't walk straight. Шахматы похожи на взгляд через океан. Шашки - это как смотреть в колодец. Chess is like looking across an ocean. Checkers is like looking down a well. Chess is like looking across the ocean, checkers are like looking into a well. Tom nic nevyřeší, věřte mi. Tom won't resolve anything, believe me. Tom's not gonna solve anything, trust me. Ми хочемо Тома. We want Tom. We want Tom. Po wzięciu tego lekarstwa ból brzucha znacznie zelżeje. After you take the medicine, your stomachache will be much relieved. After taking this medicine, the abdominal pain will be significantly reduced. Líbil se mi Tony. I liked Tony. I liked Tony. Zastanawiam się co malarz chciał przekazać. I wonder what the painter wanted to convey. I wonder what the painter was trying to convey. У нас закінчився сир. We've run out of cheese. We're out of cheese. Zdálo se mi o přítelkyni kolegy z práce. I dreamt about my workmate's girlfriend. I had a dream about a friend of a colleague at work. Jak dlouho vydrží to hezké počasí? How long will that nice weather last? How long will the good weather last? Ne morem ti poslati vabila. I cannot send you the invitation. I can't send you an invitation. Mají všichni draci křídla? Do all dragons have wings? Do all dragons have wings? Vezmi si tohle. Take this. Take this. Том оди во град. Tom is going to town. Tom's going into town. Tom nie miał pojęcia z kim Mary była w związku małżeńskim. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Tom had no idea who Mary was married to. Uwielbiam zwiedzać piękne zamki i pałace. I love to visit beautiful castles and palaces. I love to visit beautiful castles and palaces. Да, донеси ми каша. Yes, bring me gruel. Yeah, bring me some porridge. Вместо того, чтобы идти в ресторан, давай поедим дома! Rather than going to a restaurant, let's eat at home! Instead of going to a restaurant, let's eat at home! Čovjek je dio prirode. Man is part of nature. Man is a part of nature. Ми знаходимося в зоні евакуації. We are in the evacuation zone. We are in the evacuation zone. Пожалуйста, прочитайте с 1-ой по 17-ую страницу. Please read pages 1 to 17. Please read from page 1 to page 17. Я подожду до вечера. I am going to wait until evening. I'll wait till tonight. Vůbec jsem nečekal, že přijedete. I didn't expect at all that you would come. I didn't expect you to come. Едвај чекам да го запознаам. I've been dying to meet him. I can't wait to meet him. Вярвам в редовните упражнения. I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in regular exercise. Ти знаєш, де Том помер? Do you know where Tom died? Do you know where Tom died? Мало ли чего вам хочется. Then want must be your master. There's not much you want. Vrátilo se mi sebevědomí. I've got all my confidence back now. I've regained my confidence. Помислих си, че Том може да го направи. I thought Tom might do that. I thought Tom might do it. Rozumíš ženám a dětem, kteří jsou zde? Do you understand the women and children who are here? Do you understand the women and children who are here? Śpiewasz mi piosenki. You sing songs to me. You're singing songs to me. Думаю, нам треба це зробити. I think that we need to do that. I think we should do it. Prosím, polejte kvety. Please water the flowers. Please, pour the flowers. Я до сих пор в шоке. I am still in shock. I'm still in shock. Minulý týden u nás hodně pršelo. We had a lot of rain last week. It rained a lot last week. Вы не против, если я открою окно и проветрю комнату? Do you mind if I open the window and air the room? Do you mind if I open the window and ventilate the room? Słyszałem, że trudniej zadowolić kobietę niż mężczyznę. Ciekawe, czy to prawda. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I've heard it's harder to please a woman than a man. Том - капиталист. Tom is a capitalist. Tom is a capitalist. Супермаркет сегодня не работал. The supermarket was closed today. The supermarket didn't work today. У вас двое детей. You've got two kids. You have two children. Отдалече прилича на човек. Seen from a distance, it looks like a man. From a distance, he looks like a man. Кой е твоят учител? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Сколько раз я тебе говорила так не делать! How many times did I tell you not to do that?! How many times have I told you not to do that! Многу сме слични со Том. Tom is a lot like me. We're very similar to Tom. Всеки път, когато Мери му се усмихва, Том се чувства щастлив. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. Да си го заштитиме мирот! Let us protect our peace! Let's protect our peace! Том зможе прийти завтра? Can Tom come tomorrow? Can Tom come tomorrow? Čo je otázka? What's the question? What's the question? Jsi nejlepší. You are the best. You're the best. Именно я мыла посуду. I was the one who washed the dishes. I was the one who washed the dishes. «Давай деньги!» – «Только через мой труп». "Give me the money!" "Over my dead body!" "Give me the money!" - "Only through my dead body." Páči sa mi, čo si urobila s mojimi vlasmi. I like what you did to your hair. I love what you did to my hair. Я планую застацца ў горадзе. I plan to stay in the city. I plan to stay in the city. Wiem, że ona nigdy nie wróci. I know that she will never return. I know she's never coming back. Я студент, а він — ні. I am a student, but he isn't. I am a student and he is not. Мислам подобро да му помогнам. I think I'd better help him. I think I'd better help him. Короната е символът на кралете. The crown is the symbol of kings. The crown is the symbol of kings. Wyglądam okej? Do I look OK? Do I look okay? Почему бы тебе не надеть носки? Why don't you put on a pair of socks? Why don't you wear socks? Vtáci majú ostrý zrak. Birds have sharp vision. The birds have sharp eyes. Мы все тебя любим. We all love you. We all love you. Можна я щось запитаю? Can I ask something? Can I ask you something? К сожалению, телефон не работал. Unfortunately, the telephone was out of order. Unfortunately, the phone did not work. Шрифт слишком мелкий. The font is too small. The font is too small. Том наморщил нос. Tom wrinkled his nose. Tom wrinkled his nose. Добро. А ти? Fine. And you? Okay, how about you? Ти маєш сказати Тому, що ти не можеш цього зробити. You ought to tell Tom that you can't do that. You have to tell Because you can't do it. Извини, немам молив. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. Sorry, I don't have a pencil. Вы никогда не замечали, как Том на вас смотрит? Have you never noticed how Tom looks at you? Have you ever noticed how Tom looks at you? Odpověď zná pouze Tom. Only Tom knows the answer. Only Tom knows the answer. Če prideš v Rio me ne pozabi poklicat za vodiča! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me to be your guide! If you come to Rio, don't forget to call me for a guide! Ne bodi neumen. Don't be foolish. Don't be stupid. Если Вы согласны, распишитесь здесь. If you agree, sign here. If you agree, sign here. Jak to się zakończy? How's this going to end? How's this gonna end? Tohle nám dřív šlo. We used to be good at this. We used to be good at this. Я поздно ложусь. I go to bed late. I'm going to bed late. Вони всі повернулися, щоб подивитися на Тома. They all turned to look at Tom. They all came back to look at Tom. Никого сюда не впускай. Don't let anybody in here. Don't let anyone in here. Ні в якому разі! No way! Not at all! Хіба ви не починаєте нудьгувати? Aren't you getting bored? Are you starting to get bored? Скарга була надіслана. The complaint has been sent. The complaint was sent. Я на вашому боці, Томе. I'm on your side, Tom. I'm on your side, Tom. Tohle je ten kluk, jehož otec je doktor. This is the boy whose father is a doctor. This is the boy whose father is a doctor. Изгледаш доста лошо. You look pretty bad. You look pretty bad. Ты сегодня вечером идёшь на концерт? Are you going to the concert tonight? Are you going to a concert tonight? Doufal jsem, že přijdete všichni. I hoped you all would come. I was hoping you'd all come. Odvedli ho násilím. They took him by force. They took him by force. Оставь на потом. Save it for later. Save it for later. Mięso źle smakuje. The meat tastes bad. The meat tastes bad. Я зварила спагеті. I made spaghetti. I cooked spaghetti. Искам да отида в чужбина. I want to go abroad. I want to go abroad. За што станува збор? What is this about? What's this about? Tento závod je spozorován firmou Toma. This race is sponsored by Tom's company. This race is observed by Tom's company. Поезд дальше не идёт. Просьба выйти из вагона. The train won't go through here. Please leave the car. The train's not going any further, please get out of the car. Je online; čo spravím? She's online; what do I do? It's online; what can I fix? Том ја посетуваше Мери еднаш годишно. Tom visited Mary once a year. He visits Mary once a year. Wyjrzałem przez okno. I looked outside through the window. I looked out the window. На ней красные носки. She's wearing red socks. She's wearing red socks. Здесь никого нет. There isn't anybody here. There's no one here. Toto je poprvé, co jsem si kdy zdřímnul ve třídě. This is the first time I've ever had a nap in the classroom. This is the first time I've ever taken a nap in class. Мне нужно с тобой об этом поговорить. I need to talk to you about that. I need to talk to you about this. Tom má rád zvířata. Tom likes animals. Tom likes animals. Jesteś również zobowiązany do pomocy swojemu podopiecznemu w utrzymaniu porządku w domu. You are also required to help your client keep his or her home tidy. You are also obliged to help your ward to maintain order in the house. Шашки - это очень познавательное времяпрепровождение, поскольку они развивают необычайную способность к размышлениям. Checkers is a highly educational pastime due to the extraordinary power of reflection it develops. Checkers are a very informative pastime, as they develop an unusual ability to think. Почему никто не хочет думать? Why doesn't anyone want to think? Why does no one want to think? Je tu pro tebe hovor z Akemi. There's a phone call for you from Akemi. There's a call for you from Akemi. Máme s Tomem dobrý vztah. We have a good relationship with Tom. Tom and I have a good relationship. Она уступила место пожилой женщине в поезде. She made room for an old woman on the train. She gave way to an elderly woman on the train. Vyjasnieva sa. It's getting brighter. Let's get this straight. Я зазвичай ходжу до супермаркету по понеділках. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. I usually go to the supermarket on Mondays. Čo si mal na obed? What did you have for lunch? What did you have for lunch? Gdzie znalazłeś jej zdjęcie? Where did you find her photo? Where did you find her picture? Tom myslí jen na práci. Tom only has work in mind. All Tom thinks about is work. Сложих го в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. To jídlo až tak strašně nechutnalo. The food didn't taste all that bad. The food didn't taste that good. Аз съм почти на трийсет. I'm almost thirty. I'm almost thirty. Všichni se moc bojíme. We're all very scared. We're all too scared. Лагите пораѓаат други лаѓи. Lies beget more lies. Lies give birth to other ships. Neměli jsme jinou možnost, než jít pěšky. We had no choice but to go on foot. We had no choice but to walk. Ти можеш іти, куди хочеш. You can go wherever you want. You can go wherever you want. Не смееш да оставиш бебе само. You can't leave a baby alone. You can't leave a baby alone. Tomovo vysvětlení Mary neuklidnilo. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom's explanation did not reassure Mary. Не се изправяй твърде бързо. Don't get up too quickly. Don't get up too fast. Їй, мабуть, за сорок. She's probably over forty. She's probably in her 40s. Nadal myślę, że Tom nam pomoże. I still think Tom will help us. I still think Tom's gonna help us. Я голодна, тому що не пообідала. I am hungry because I did not eat lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Sme jeho deti. We are his children. We're his children. Tom má jednoho mladšího bratra. Tom has one younger brother. Tom has one younger brother. Tom nesnáší zabíjení zvířat. Tom hates killing of animals. Tom hates killing animals. Ты окно не забыл закрыть? Did you remember to close the window? Did you forget to close the window? Mogę zostawić wiadomość? May I leave a message? Can I leave a message? Нико те није питао за мишљење. No one asked your opinion. No one asked you for your opinion. Nie, nie gniewam się na ciebie, jestem tylko zawiedziony. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. No, I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed. V lahvi je trochu mléka. There's some milk in the bottle. There's some milk in the bottle. Добавьте столовую ложку оливкового масла. Add a tablespoon of olive oil. Add a tablespoon of olive oil. Том — один із співробітників Мері. Tom is one of Mary's co-workers. Tom is one of Mary's co-workers. Ты тоже заслуживаешь счастья. You deserve happiness, too. You deserve happiness, too. Вони хочуть повернутися. They want to go back. They want to return. Той е много по-стар от Кен. He is much older than Ken. He's much older than Ken. Obloha je pokrytá černými mraky. The sky is full of dark clouds. The sky is covered with black clouds. V každom prípade, ak chceš vedieť viac o mojej krajine, pošlem ti list, keď budem u seba doma. Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home. In any case, if you want to know more about my country, I will send you a letter when I am at home. ’ Том займатиметься цим завтра. Tom is going to be doing that tomorrow. Tom will do it tomorrow. Том не спел ту песню, которую просила Мэри. Tom didn't sing the song Mary requested. Tom didn't sing the song Mary asked for. В саду цвели тигровые лилии. Tiger lillies bloomed in the garden. Tiger lilies bloomed in the garden. Авария произошла прямо на наших глазах. The accident happened right before our eyes. The accident happened right in front of our eyes. Čini se da Cathy voli glazbu. It seems that Cathy likes music. Looks like Cathy likes music. Ја отвори вратата, иако му бев кажал да не ја отвора. He opened the door, though I told him not to. He opened the door, even though I told him not to. Jak używa się tego urządzenia? How is this device used? How is this device used? Први корак је најтежи. The first step is the hardest. The first step is the hardest. Tom vylezl na knihovnu a odtud na vrch šatní skříně, aby skočil na postel. Tom climbed the bookshelf onto the top of the wardrobe in order to jump on the bed. Tom climbed to the library and from there to the top of the wardrobe to jump on the bed. Мері завтра буде зайнята. Mary's going to be busy tomorrow. Mary will be busy tomorrow. Я знаю, что вам не стоит этого делать. I know that you shouldn't do that. I know you shouldn't be doing this. Jablka a hrušky jsou ovoce. Apples and pears are fruit. Apples and pears are fruits. Nie rań nikogo. Don't hurt anyone. Don't hurt anyone. Tom je na ty studenty pyšný. Tom is proud of the students. Tom's proud of the students. Mogłeś przynajmniej powiedzieć "Dziękuję" kiedy ktoś ci pomógł. You might at least have said, "Thank you", when someone helped you. You could have at least said "thank you" when someone helped you. Том ги собу чорапите. Tom removed his socks. Tom put on his socks. Я не могу найти свой валенок. I can't find my felt boot. I can't find my valenok. Мне нравится Бразилия, но тем не менее я еду в Украину. I like Brazil, but nevertheless I'm going to the Ukraine. I like Brazil, but I’m going to Ukraine anyway. Колко пъти годишно ходите до брега? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to the beach? Роман переведён на немецкий. The novel has been translated into German. The novel has been translated into German. Эти перчатки принадлежат мне. These gloves belong to me. These gloves belong to me. Не будьте такими простодушними! Don't be so naive! Don't be so simple-minded! To bi morali prepovedati z zakonom. There should be a law against that. This should be prohibited by law. Nyní je to jen otázka času. Now it's only a matter of time. Now it's just a matter of time. Robí niečo Tom? Does Tom do anything? Is Tom doing anything? Том обідав? Has Tom had lunch? Tom ate lunch? Знищ її. Destroy it. Destroy it. Том нецензурно выражался. Tom was cursing. Tom was rude. Had svléká kůži několikrát do roka. The snake sloughs its skin several times a year. The snake takes off its skin several times a year. Как долго они встречаются? How long have they been dating? How long have they been dating? Moc mě mrzí, že jsem nemohl jít Tomovi na pohřeb. I am very sorry that I couldn't attend Tom's funeral. I'm so sorry I couldn't go to Tom's funeral. Том не се изненади кога ја виде Мери со Џон. Tom wasn't surprised to see Mary with John. Tom was not surprised to see Mary with John. Я не знаю, хто вбив Тома. I don't know who killed Tom. I don't know who killed Tom. Ви купили Тому собаку? Did you buy Tom a dog? Did you buy Tom a dog? Tom je kreten. Tom is a stupid jerk. Tom's a jerk. Ходьба предпочтительнее сидения. Walking is preferable to sitting. Walking is preferable to sitting. Tom nás opakovaně zastrašoval. Tom repeatedly intimidated us. Tom has repeatedly threatened us. Tom se rozvedl před třemi měsíci. Tom got divorced three months ago. Tom divorced three months ago. Аз имам три пораснали сина. I have three grown sons. I have three grown sons. Я перепутал дату. I got the date wrong. I confused the date. Tom nemá vůbec žádný smysl pro humor. Tom has absolutely no sense of humor. Tom has no sense of humor. Можеби ќе помине долго време пред да ме видиш повторно. It might be a long time before you see me again. It may be a long time before you see me again. Я не понимаю, почему вы передумали. I don't understand why you changed your mind. I don't understand why you changed your mind. Vaše šlechetnost nezná hranic. Your generosity knows no bounds. Your generosity knows no bounds. Nic mi nevysvětluj. Don't explain anything to me. Don't explain anything to me. Oba dědové Toma byli farmáři. Both of Tom's grandfathers were farmers. Both of Tom's grandfathers were farmers. Nemůžeš postrádat něco, co jsi nikdy neměl. You can't miss what you never had. You can't miss something you never had. Она повредила спину, играя в теннис. She injured her back playing tennis. She hurt her back playing tennis. Я был где-то ещё. I was somewhere else. I was somewhere else. Как вы могли это проморгать? How could you miss it? How could you miss that? Я решил снова попробовать. I decided to try again. I decided to try again. Считам се за късметлийка. I consider myself lucky. I consider myself lucky. Żaden ze studentów nie narzekał nigdy na bóle w przednim płacie lewej półkuli mózgu. No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain. None of the students ever complained of pain in the anterior lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain. Инжир содержит пищевые волокна. Figs contain dietary fibre. Figs contain dietary fiber. Нас никому не остановить. No one will be able to stop us. There's no one to stop us. Tvoje rodné mesto je veľmi pekné. Your hometown is very pretty. Your hometown is very beautiful. Зошто не можеш да земеш? Why can't you get one? Why can't you take it? Я слеп на левый глаз. I'm blind in the left eye. I'm blind in my left eye. Горещо ли ти е? Are you hot? Are you hot? Sotva vyjdu schody. Jsem tlustý, jako prase. I can hardly climb stairs. I'm as fat as a pig. I'm as fat as a pig. Сколько минут перерыв? How many minutes is break? How many minutes break? Прекалено усърдно работиш. You work too hard. You're working too hard. Не. Ён не любіць воду! No. He doesn't like water! No, he doesn't like water! Wielu z was mówi po francusku, prawda? Many of you speak French, right? Many of you speak French, don't you? Мой медвежонок помог мне с домашним заданием по математике. My teddy bear helped me with my math homework. My teddy bear helped me with my math homework. Biorąc wszystko pod uwagę, nie możemy stwierdzić, że to błąd. All things considered, we cannot say that it is wrong. All things considered, we cannot say that this is a mistake. Приготвих закуска. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Имаат семејства. They have families. They have families. Tom i Mary są za starzy, żeby robić to sami. Tom and Mary are too old to be doing that on their own. Tom and Mary are too old to do it alone. Том хочет покрасить волосы. Tom wants to dye his hair. Tom wants to dye his hair. Планета Сатурн завершает свою орбиту за тридцать лет. The planet Saturn completes its orbit within thirty years. Saturn completes its orbit in 30 years. Мой дом находится на берегу реки. My house is on the riverbank. My house is on the river bank. Нам нужно подготовиться к тому, что может произойти. We need to be prepared for what might happen. We need to prepare for what might happen. Дав обещание, ты должен его выполнять. Once you've made a promise, you must keep it. When you make a promise, you have to keep it. Strażnicy pilnują, aby wszystkie drzwi w muzeum były zamknięte. The guards make sure all the doors in the museum are locked. The guards ensure that all the doors of the museum are closed. Я посадил эту липу тридцать лет назад. I planted this linden tree thirty years ago. I planted this linden tree 30 years ago. Wiem, że to trudne. I know it's hard. I know it's hard. Шта ће се сада десити? What will happen now? What's going to happen now? Не вер яму. Don't trust him. Don't believe the hole. Tohle se snažím vysvětlit. That's what I'm trying to explain. That's what I'm trying to explain. Том п'є не горілку. Tom isn't drinking vodka. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Вы правда думаете, что Том вам помог бы? Do you really think that Tom would help you? Do you really think Tom would help you? Ви вмієте лаятися французькою? Do you know how to swear in French? Do you know how to speak French? Мои дочери вам помогут. My daughters will help you. My daughters will help you. Предполагам, че не ти си купил това. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy that. Яна праграмістка? Is she a computer programmer? She's a scoundrel? Učitel pochválil našeho syna. The teacher complimented our son. The teacher praised our son. Він подружився з кількома селянами. He got acquainted with some villagers. He befriended several farmers. Миналия месец изстинах. I caught a cold last month. I was cold last month. Môj byt leží na prvom poschodí. My flat is located on the first floor. My apartment is on the first floor. Czy we francuskim istnieje podobne wyrażenie? Does French have a similar expression? Is there a similar expression in French? Мне нужно продать этот велосипед. I need to sell this bicycle. I need to sell this bike. Tom na to nebyl zvyklý. Tom wasn't used to that. Tom was not used to it. Ти врятувала мені життя. You have saved my life. You saved my life. У нас с Томом одна и та же группа крови. Tom and I have the same blood type. Tom and I share the same blood type. Rád bych vydělával více peněz. I'd like to earn more money. I'd like to make more money. Вам нужно их подождать. You need to wait for them. You have to wait for them. Я думала, Том зрозумів. I thought Tom understood. I thought Tom understood. Я заблужусь. I'll get lost. I'll get lost. Četl jsem, že prezidentem Brazílie je žena. Jmenuje se Dilma. I read that the president of Brazil is a woman. She's called Dilma. I've read that the President of Brazil is a woman, her name is Dilma. Oni skorzystali z pełnomocnika, żeby się z nami skontaktować. They used a proxy to contact us. They used a proxy to contact us. Можеби ќе најдеме помош во најблиското село. Maybe we'll find succor in the nearest village. Maybe we can get help in the nearest village. Нет, я не так сказал! No, that's not what I said. No, I didn't say that! Передай мені гаєчний ключ. Hand me the spanner. Give me the wrench. Tom se snažil upoutat pozornost těch dětí. Tom tried to catch the children's attention. Tom was trying to get the kids' attention. Pravidelně začínám při sledování filmů usínat. I regularly start to fall asleep while watching a movie. I often fall asleep while watching movies. Niečo páchne. Something smells bad. Something stinks. Zupa była wodnista. The soup was watery. The soup was watery. Де ви зараз мешкаєте? Where are you living now? Where do you live now? Kako mogu znati da me nećeš prijaviti nakon što ti pomognem? How do I know you won't turn me in after I help you? How do I know you won't report me after I help you? Він дав свою кров, щоб допомогти сестрі. He gave his blood to help his sister. He gave his blood to help his sister. Твоја грешка беше. It was your mistake. It was your fault. Вам нравятся мои тарелки? Do you like my plates? Do you like my dishes? Теперь я должен его найти. Now I have to find him. Now I have to find him. Моля те веднага да започнеш. Please begin immediately. I'm asking you to start right now. Они не едят свинину. They don't eat pork. They don't eat pork. Идеите му винаги са много практични. His ideas are always practical. His ideas are always very practical. Вино на рынке. The wine is in the market. Wine in the market. Я марна спрабаваў яе пераканаць. I tried to persuade her in vain. I tried to convince her. Дай-но перевірю. Let me check. Let me check. Почему вы раньше мне об этом не говорили? Why didn't you tell me about that earlier? Why didn't you tell me this before? Потерявшихся детей нашли. The kids that got lost were found. The missing children were found. Tom není ženatý. Je svobodný. Tom isn't married. He is single. Tom's not married, he's single. Tom podniósł swoją szklankę i wziął łyk wody. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Tom picked up his glass and took a sip of water. Чому в цьому місті так багато бродячих котів? Why are there so many stray cats in this city? Why are there so many stray cats in this city? Pravidelně Toma navštěvujeme. We regularly visit Tom. We visit Tom regularly. Táta přišel domů. Father came home. Dad came home. Кукі хоче ввійти. Cookie wants in. Cookie wants to come in. Tom si myslel, že nikomu chybět nebude. Tom thought that nobody would miss him. Tom thought no one would miss him. Купи мені цукерок. Buy me some sweets. Buy me some candy. Nikt tam nie mieszka. Nobody lives there. No one lives there. Том не подавлен – он думает. Tom isn't depressed. He's thinking. Tom is not depressed, he thinks. Radim u bolnici. I work in a hospital. I work in a hospital. Мамо, можна я поплаваю? Can I go swimming, Mother? Mom, can I go swimming? Не можна заперечити той факт, що він цього не зробив. The fact that he did not do it cannot be denied. I can’t deny the fact that he didn’t. Я не могу лишить его этой радости. I cannot bereave him of this pleasure. I can't take that joy away from him. Змея большая. The snake is big. The snake is big. Она умерла мгновенно. She died instantly. She died instantly. Proč jsi to začal dělat? Why did you start doing that? Why did you start doing that? Почему у Тома нет девушки? Why doesn't Tom have a girlfriend? Why doesn't Tom have a girlfriend? Кто-нибудь ещё хочет пойти в зоопарк? Does anyone else want to go to the zoo? Anybody else want to go to the zoo? Měl jsem za nemožné, že by ten problém vyřešil on. I thought it impossible for him to solve the problem. I thought it was impossible for him to solve the problem. Неважно, забудет ли меня весь мир – лишь бы помнила ты. I don't care if the rest of the world forgets me, so long as you remember. It doesn't matter if the whole world forgets me, as long as you remember. Tom jest w wystarczającym wieku, aby decydować o sobie. Tom is old enough to decide for himself. Tom is old enough to decide for himself. Я рада, что нашла тебя. I'm glad I've found you. I'm glad I found you. У Тома немає грошей. Tom has no money. Tom has no money. Со мной всё в порядке. I'm OK. I'm fine. Při svém prvním zaměstnání musel do práce dojíždět. He had to commute to his work at his first job. At his first job, he had to commute to work. Попросите Тома, чтобы он мне перезвонил. Ask Tom to call me back. Ask Tom to call me back. Расслабься. Бога нет. Relax; there is no God. Relax, there's no God. Ви й досі неодружений, так? You're still single, aren't you? You're still single, aren't you? Все они призывники. They're all conscripts. They're all conscripts. Mars to Czerwona Planeta. Mars is the Red Planet. Mars is a red planet. Alice nie widziała tego psa. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see the dog. W tej posiadłości robią świetny ocet. At this property, they make excellent vinegar. They're making great vinegar at this place. Падала је киша. It rained. It was raining. Зачем была построена Берлинская стена, и почему её разрушили? Why was the Berlin Wall built, and why was it destroyed? Why was the Berlin Wall built and why was it destroyed? Я живу в столице. I live in the capital. I live in the capital. Подобро сам да одам. I'd better go myself. I'd better go. Можна сісти поруч? Can I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Tom přišel domů velmi pozdě a opilý. Tom came home very late and he was drunk. Tom came home very late and drunk. Zadzwoń do mnie, kiedy skończysz. Ring me when you've finished. Call me when you're done. COVID-паспорта нарушают права человека. COVID passports violate human rights. COVID passports are a violation of human rights. Máš rád hudbu. You like music. You like music. Свърши ли с домашното? Have you finished your homework? Are you done with your homework? Kto kazał ci pisać lewą ręką? Who told you to write with your left hand? Who told you to write with your left hand? Всички те чакат. Everybody is waiting for you. Everybody's waiting for you. Drby poškodily jeho pověst. The gossip hurt his reputation. Rumors damaged his reputation. Rodiče Toma podporovali během jeho studia. Tom's parents were supporting him during his studies. Tom's parents supported him during his studies. Этих денег мало. This money isn't enough. This money is not enough. Можна побачити винну карту? May I see the wine list? Can I see the wine list? Kdy začalo sněžit? When did it start snowing? When did it start snowing? Мне нужно в туалет. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. Ние трябва да защитим нашите деца. We must protect our children. We have to protect our children. Połóż się na swojej prawej stronie. Lie on your right side. Lie down on your right side. Я йду додому, Томе. I'm coming home, Tom. I'm going home, Tom. Цукіні зялёныя. Zucchinis are green. Zucchini is green. Drak je bytost fantazie. A dragon is a creature of fancy. The dragon is a creature of fantasy. Дівчата люблять Тома. Girls love Tom. The girls love Tom. Я па-ранейшаму лічу, што гэта найлепшы выбар. I still believe this is the best choice. I still think it's the best choice. Ти не любиш купатися? Don't you like swimming? You don't like swimming? Ты говоришь на румынском? Are you speaking Romanian? You speak Romanian? Včera byla neděle. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday. Я маю велику кішку. I have a big cat. I have a big cat. Те молам, проветри ја собата. Please air the room. Please ventilate the room. Се надевам дека е корисно. I hope it's useful. I hope it's useful. Я брудна. I'm dirty. I'm dirty. Том се навали нанапред. Tom leaned forward. Tom leaned forward. Я сегодня его увижу. Today I am going to see him. I'll see him tonight. Chcę porozmawiać z Tomem w samotności. I'll talk to Tom alone. I want to talk to Tom alone. Го користам секој ден. I use it every day. I use it every day. On był dżihadystą. He was a jihadist. He was a jihadist. Tom nie musi iść jutro do szkoły. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Это многое объясняет. It explains a lot. That explains a lot. Já vím, jak těžce Tom studoval. I know how hard Tom has studied. I know how hard Tom studied. Не їж сиру свинину. Don't eat raw pork. Do not eat raw pork. Tom nezavřel dvířka od lednice. Tom didn't close the fridge door. Tom didn't close the refrigerator door. Це дуже смачно. This tastes very good. It's very tasty. Се надеваме дека е добро. We hope it's good. We hope he's okay. Помогите мне, пожалуйста, открыть эту дверь. Please help me open this door. Please help me to open this door. Určitě nastydnu. I'm definitely going to catch a cold. I'm sure I'll catch cold. Том хотел доказать, что может это сделать. Tom wanted to prove that he could do it. Tom wanted to prove that he could do it. Я лишь говорю, что мы не можем доверять Тому. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. I'm just saying we can't trust Tom. У неё в руке бутылка пива. She's got a bottle of beer in her hand. She's got a bottle of beer in her hand. Каде оди волот? Where is the ox going? Where's the ox going? Ubiti ću te! I will kill you! I'll kill you! To, co Tom udělal, bylo vážně nechutné. What Tom did was really disgusting. What Tom did was really disgusting. Я почти уверен, что это сделал не Том. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't Tom who did this. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Tom. Občas váhá, než odpoví. She sometimes hesitates before answering. Sometimes he hesitates before answering. У него один глаз не видит. He's blind in one eye. He can't see with one eye. Вона щойно приїхала. She's just arrived. She just got here. Студентів, які люблять письмові завдання, можна порахувати на пальцях однієї руки. Students who like writing are few and far between. Students who love writing assignments can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Усвояването на английския е трудно. Mastering English is difficult. Learning English is difficult. Къде сте ги изхвърлили? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Курка недоварена. The chicken is undercooked. Chicken not cooked. Надворі світить сонце? Is it sunny outside? Is the sun shining outside? Том надеется, что Мэри знает, что ей не стоит делать того, что Джон ей велел. Tom hopes Mary knows that she shouldn't do what John told her to do. Tom hopes Mary knows she shouldn't do what John told her to do. Почему бы нам не пойти с Томом? Why don't we go with Tom? Why don't we go with Tom? Тек смо почели. We're just getting started. We're just getting started. Toma už to nebaví. Tom is already tired of it. Tom doesn't like it anymore. Припиніть перекручувати мої слова. Stop twisting my words. Stop twisting my words. Studenti Toma zbožňovali. Tom's students adored him. The students loved Tom. Мы провели ночь, смотря фильмы. We spent the night watching films. We spent the night watching movies. Напиши своё имя на обложке тетрада. Write your name on the notebook cover. Write your name on the cover of the notebook. Tom postavil nový kurník. Tom has built a new henhouse. Tom built a new chicken coop. Том отпустил лисицу. Tom set the fox free. Tom released the fox. Я купив це у Тома. I bought this from Tom. I bought it from Tom. На краще, чи на гірше, але телебачення змінило світ. For better or for worse, television has changed the world. For better or worse, television has changed the world. Было шесть «дамэ» очков: они не принадлежали ни одному из игроков, поскольку ни белым, ни черным их не удалось завоевать. There were six "dame" points: they didn't belong to either of the two players, as neither White nor Black had managed to conquer them. There were six "dame" points: they did not belong to any of the players, since neither white nor black managed to win them. Иска ми се да можех да говоря на френски. I wish I could have spoken French. I wish I could speak French. Homosexualita je přirozená. Homosexuality is natural. Homosexuality is natural. Том на времето јадеше месо. Tom used to eat meat. Tom used to eat meat. Správa o jeho náhlej smrti nás veľmi prekvapila. We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death. The news of his sudden death took us by surprise. Расследования начались в прошлом году с конфискации компьютерных архивов человека из немецкого города Магдебурга. The investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer files belonging to a man from Magdeburg, Germany. Investigations began last year with the confiscation of the computer archives of a man from the German city of Magdeburg. Сколько всего слив? How many plums are there? How many drains? Ты уверена, что ему можно доверять? Are you sure he can be trusted? Are you sure he can be trusted? Янні стомився жити брехнею. Yanni is tired of living a lie. Jannie was tired of living a lie. Де мама? Where's my mama? Where's Mom? Ме здоболе. I don't give a fuck, not even a flying one. I'm sick of it. Вы видели видео? Have you seen the video? Have you seen the video? Отивам с Том. I'm going with Tom. I'm going with Tom. To jest niebezpieczne wychodzić na spacer nocą? Is it dangerous to go out for walks at night? Is it dangerous to go out for a walk at night? Osprchuj se, hned! Take a shower, now! Take a shower, now! Nie jesteś spóźniony? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? Не забудь спросить Тома, что он собирается делать. Don't forget to ask Tom what he's going to do. Don't forget to ask Tom what he's going to do. Том преведе писмото на френски. Tom translated the letter into French. Tom translated the letter into French. Слон ходит по диагонали. The bishop moves diagonally. The elephant walks diagonally. Двигун ввімкнено. The engine is running. Engine's on. Том сказав, що це складна і багатогранна задача. Tom said it was a complex and multifaceted problem. Tom said that this is a complex and multifaceted task. Jakou barvu mají ty jablka? What color are the apples? What color are the apples? Его кто-то укусил. Something bit him. Someone bit him. Mám pas. I have a passport. I have a passport. Оставь кошку в покое. Leave the cat alone. Leave the cat alone. Тука е бучно. It's noisy in here. It's noisy in here. Mám jednoho syna. I have a son. I have one son. Я ніколи не використовую пластикові пакети, коли ходжу по магазинах. Натомість я завжди ношу кошик. I never use plastic bags when I go shopping. I always carry a basket, instead. I never use plastic bags when I go shopping. Instead, I always carry a basket. Той беше тук по това време. He was here at that time. He was here at the time. У Тома на это ушло всего около трёх минут. It only took Tom about three minutes to do that. It only took Tom about three minutes. Dziewczyna włożyła klucz do kieszeni. The girl put the key in her pocket. The girl put the key in her pocket. Эта еда халяльная? Is the food halal? Is this food halal? Nie wstawaj. Stay down. Don't get up. Umoran sam. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired. Pokupila je lijepa kamenja. She picked up beautiful stones. She picked up some pretty rocks. Я поставлю вопрос иначе. I'll put the question another way. I'll put the question another way. Сегодня утром прохладно, не так ли? It's cool this morning, isn't it? It's cold this morning, isn't it? Tom řekl, že se tu nesmí kouřit. Tom said that smoking isn't allowed here. Tom said you can't smoke in here. Сѐ е минливо, но убавите спомени остануваат. Everything is perishable, but the good memories live. Everything is fleeting, but the good memories remain. Сейчас несколько рановато пить спиртное, не правда ли? It's a bit early to be drinking, isn't it? It's a little early to be drinking, isn't it? Stane se z Alžírska kapitalistický stát? Is Algeria going to turn into a capitalist country? Will Algeria become a capitalist country? Колку си очаен? How desperate are you? How desperate are you? To ima smisla. That makes sense. That makes sense. Не турбуйся про нас. Don't worry about us. Don't worry about us. Wszystko już wyjaśniłem. I've got it all sorted. I've already explained everything. Тиск в одній із шин занадто високий. The pressure in one of the tyres is too high. The pressure in one of the tires is too high. Вы должны заплатить вперёд. You must pay in advance. You have to pay in advance. Tom píše knihu o svém dědečkovi. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tom is writing a book about his grandfather. Tyhle hodinky se vyrábí ve Švýcarsku. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. This watch is made in Switzerland. Можеш ли да нам помогнеш? Can you give us a hand? Can you help us? Беше чудесен ден. It was a perfect day. It's been a great day. Сам набрах тези цветя. I picked these flowers myself. I picked these flowers myself. Новая машина Тома разгоняется до ста сорока километров в час. Tom's new car can do 140 kilometres per hour. Tom's new car accelerates to one hundred and forty kilometers per hour. Легкая атлетика – самая интересная часть Олимпийских игр. Track and field is the most interesting part of the Olympic Games. Athletics is the most interesting part of the Olympic Games. Ты маеш волю падарожнічаць туды, куды захочаш. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You have the freedom to go wherever you want. Най-накрая спечелих неговото сърце. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Вы предпочитаете путешествовать автобусом или поездом? Would you rather travel by bus or by train? Do you prefer to travel by bus or train? Ти вивчаєш валлійську мову? Are you learning Welsh? Do you study the Welsh language? Začínám se cítit trochu provinile. I'm starting to feel a little guilty. I'm starting to feel a little guilty. Tady nás vychovali. This is where we were raised. This is where we were raised. Nevěřím, že se člověk vyvinul z opice. I don't believe that man evolved from apes. I don't believe man evolved from a monkey. Держите руки на руле. Keep your hands on the wheel. Keep your hands on the wheel. Думаю, машина и так достаточно поломана. Я не могу ничего сделать голыми руками. I think that machine doesn't need any more broken parts. I can't achieve anything with my bare hands. I think the car's broken enough, I can't do anything with my bare hands. Том е на деловно патување. Tom is away on business. Tom's on a business trip. Бросьте пепел в текущий ручей. Cast the ashes toward a flowing stream. Throw the ashes into the current stream. Bzdury! Nonsense. Bullshit! Nikdy jsme nezjistili, na co Tom zemřel. We never found out what Tom died of. We never found out what Tom died of. Смотрите, что вы наделали! Look what you've done! Look what you've done! Turcja zablokowała dostęp do Twittera. Turkey has blocked access to Twitter. Turkey has blocked access to Twitter. Любиш троянду — терпи й колючки. Love me, love my dog. If you love roses, endure the thorns. У меня к тебе есть предложение. I have a suggestion for you. I have an offer for you. Oče je prišel domov. Father came home. My father came home. Я не специалист. I'm no expert. I'm not an expert. Tom by to bez mého souhlasu býval neudělal. Tom wouldn't have done it without my consent. Tom wouldn't have done it without my permission. Мэри ещё в куклы играет. Mary still plays with dolls. Mary's still playing dolls. У неё фиолетовая юбка. Her skirt is purple. She's wearing a purple skirt. Такого слова нет. There's no such word. There's no such word. Zrobił wszystko, co w jego mocy, żeby ją przekonać. He did his best to persuade her. He did everything in his power to convince her. «Ты яго пацалаваў?» — «Так, я яго пацалаваў». "Did you kiss him?" "Yes, I kissed him." “Did you kiss him?” – “Yes, I kissed him.” Дали го измисли тоа, Том? Did you make that up, Tom? Did you make that up, Tom? Том вече не е тук. Tom isn't here anymore. Tom's not here anymore. У Тома есть выбор? Does Tom have a choice? Does Tom have a choice? Она молодая и красивая. She's young and pretty. She's young and beautiful. Вы уверены, что хотите это сделать? Are you sure you want to do that? Are you sure you want to do this? Obsluhoval jsem v té polévkárně za rohem. I used to serve food at the soup kitchen around the corner. I was serving at the soup kitchen around the corner. Мої курки несуть величезні коричневі яйця. My hens lay very large brown eggs. My chickens are laying huge brown eggs. Как запомнить китайские иероглифы? How can I remember Chinese characters? How to memorize Chinese hieroglyphs? Какой смысл в жизни, если мы все в конце концов умрем? What's the point of life if we all eventually die? What's the point of life if we all end up dead? Mýlím se? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Звідки в тебе цей ключ? Where did you get this key? Where did you get that key? Месть - исповедь боли. Revenge is a confession of pain. Vengeance is a confession of pain. Ubijeno je nekoliko ljudi. Several people were killed. A few people were killed. Nemám ty lidi rád, obzvlášť Toma. I don't like those people, particularly Tom. I don't like these people, especially Tom. Я поел варёных яиц. I've eaten boiled eggs. I ate boiled eggs. Том на пару дюймов выше Мэри. Tom is a couple of inches taller than Mary. Tom's a couple inches taller than Mary. Teď máme dezinformace, strach a paniku, což je stejně, nebo ještě více nakažlivé, nežli ten virus. We now have misinformation and fear and panic, which is as contagious or more contagious than the virus. Now we have disinformation, fear and panic, which is just as, or even more contagious than the virus. Том има карта. Tom has a map. Tom has a map. Я хочу, чтобы все мне завидовали. I want everyone to envy me. I want everyone to be jealous of me. Я не могу сказать правду? Can't I tell the truth? I can't tell you the truth? Табе падабаецца твая начальніца? Do you like your boss? Do you like your boss? Тоа му беа последните зборови на Том. Those were Tom's last words. Those were Tom’s last words. Ти вмієш грати у шашки? Do you know how to play checkers? Can you play checkers? Je příliš mnoho bojovníků. There are too many warriors. There are too many fighters. Много съм ти задължен заради твоята доброта. I'm very much obliged to you for your kindness. I owe you so much for your kindness. Потому-то твоё имя и последнее в моём списке. That's why your name is last on my list. That's why it's your name and the last one on my list. Ми пројде главоболката. My headache is gone. My headache's gone. Я не имбецил. I'm not an imbecile. I'm not an imbecile. Ona će platiti najviše 50 dolara. She will pay 50 dollars at most. She'll pay a maximum of $50. Pozdrów pająka. Say hello to the spider. Say hello to the spider. Nech mě zaplatit tvoje kafe. Let me pay for your coffee. Let me pay for your coffee. Sviđaju mi se tvoje naočale. I like your glasses. I like your glasses. Деца се играју напољу. The children are playing outside. The kids are playing outside. Nechtěli mě pustit do budovy. They wouldn't let me in the building. They wouldn't let me into the building. Никога не бих те излъгал. I would never lie to you. I would never lie to you. Хто нам допоможе? Who's going to help us? Who will help us? Том пішов туди після уроків. Tom went there after school. Tom went there after school. Дан најверојатно ја убил Линда со тоа што ја задушил. Dan likely smothered Linda until she died. Dan probably killed Linda by strangling her. Не треба ми ништа. I don't need anything. I don't need anything. Куда бы вы хотели поехать в эти выходные? Where would you like to go this weekend? Where would you like to go this weekend? Nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez ciebie. I could never imagine a life without you. I can't imagine my life without you. Proč si všichni myslí, že jsem hloupý? Why does everyone think I am stupid? Why does everyone think I'm stupid? Што зборував? What was I saying? What was I saying? Odmah počnite. You are to start at once. Start now. Я знал, что Тома нет в Австралии. I knew that Tom wasn't in Australia. I knew Tom wasn't in Australia. Ты им ответил? Have you replied to them? Did you answer them? Dlaczego zawsze spóźniasz się do szkoły? Why are you always late for school? Why are you always late for school? Nikam nejdem. I am not going anywhere. We're not going anywhere. Не йди додому одна. Don't walk home by yourself. Don't go home alone. Деньги украли. The money was stolen. The money was stolen. Od kdy se učíš latinu? Since when have you been learning Latin? Since when do you learn Latin? Tom se snažil nakrájet maso, ale neměl dost ostrý nůž. Tom tried to cut the meat, but his knife wasn't sharp enough. Tom tried to cut the meat, but he didn't have a sharp enough knife. Ona chodzi do szkoły wieczorowej. She goes to night school. She goes to night school. В нашем доме пусто. Our home is empty. Our house is empty. Что за херню ты только что сказал? What the fuck did you just say? What the fuck did you just say? Том ще не замовляв. Tom hasn't ordered yet. Tom hasn't ordered yet. Дай ѝ ги. Give them to her. Give it to her. Я никогда до этого не был в Австралии. I'd never been to Australia before that. I had never been to Australia before. Дан имаше бурни односи со Линда. Dan had a very stormy relationship with Linda. Dan had a tumultuous relationship with Linda. Мейнфрейм компютрите днес са загубили онова значение, което имаха, когато никой работен компютър не можеше да се побере на едно бюро. Mainframes are much less important now than they were when no working computer would fit on a desk. Mainframe computers today have lost the meaning they had when no working computer could fit on a desk. Пчела не птица. A bee is not a bird. A bee is not a bird. Už nemůžeme mlčet. We can't be silent anymore. We can't keep quiet anymore. Мені завжди подобалося грати у футбол. I've always liked playing football. I have always loved playing football. Każdy ma swoją cenę, ważne jest, by ustalić jaką. Everyone has their price; the important thing is to find out what it is. Everyone has their price, it is important to determine what. Свобода слова не даёт права кричать "Пожар!" в переполненном театре. Free speech doesn't mean you're allowed to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. Freedom of speech does not give the right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Се е многу чудно. It's all very strange. It's all very strange. Её волосы мокрые от пота. Her hair is wet with sweat. Her hair is wet with sweat. Myślałem o kupnie nowego aparatu. I was thinking about buying a new camera. I was thinking about buying a new camera. Přidejte si mě na Facebook, jestli chcete. Mé jméno je Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me to Facebook if you want. My name is Ryck Vernaut. Почему вы думаете, что Тома сегодня нет? Why do you think Tom isn't here today? Why do you think Tom's not here today? Burdž Chalífa je v současnosti nejvyšší mrakodrap na světě. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Sami je vidio Lejlinu reakciju Sami saw Layla's reaction. He saw Leila's reaction. Я успел на поезд. I made the train. I got on the train. Путін казав, що терористів треба «мочити в сортирах». Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john’. Putin said that terrorists should be “soaked in sorters.” Tom přešel ulici. Tom crossed the street. Tom crossed the street. В библиотеке есть книги. The library has books. There are books in the library. Ти маєш добре серце. You've got a good heart. You have a good heart. Мій брат любить музику. My brother likes music. My brother loves music. Чух те как ме окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encouraging me. Мислех, че са безработни. I thought they were unemployed. I thought they were unemployed. В Западной Сахаре есть нефть? Does Western Sahara have oil? Is there oil in Western Sahara? Том сказав, що, на його думку, Мері буде соромно. Tom said he thought that Mary would be embarrassed. Tom said that, in his opinion, Mary would be ashamed. Взгляни на книги, которые я купил. Have a look at the books I bought. Look at the books I bought. Берн е столицата на Швейцария. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Bern is the capital of Switzerland. Што сакаше да види Том? What was it Tom wanted to see? What did Tom want to see? Нам было не слышно, что вы говорите. We couldn't hear what you were saying. We couldn't hear what you were saying. Те молам врати ми се. Please come back to me. Please come back to me. Dowiedziałem się, że Tom lubi romanse. I found out Tom likes romance novels. I found out that Tom likes romance. Знаєте, що купив Том? Do you know what Tom bought? Do you know what Tom bought? Мені потрібно зателефонувати батькам. I need to call my parents. I need to call my parents. Ты точно хочешь продать гитару своего отца? Are you absolutely sure you want to sell your father's guitar? Are you sure you want to sell your father's guitar? Кавомашина знову потребує видалення накипу. The coffee machine needs descaling again. The coffee machine again needs to remove the scale. Я для вас ничего не значу. I mean nothing to you. I mean nothing to you. Tomova rodina uprchla ze země. Tom's family fled the country. Tom's family fled the country. Řekl jsem ti, že už tě nechci vidět. I told you I don't want to see you anymore. I told you, I don't want to see you anymore. Онази вратовръзка наистина ти стои добре. That tie really suits you. That tie really suits you. Не ми се прави това сега. I don't feel like doing that now. I don't feel like doing this right now. Мне его на Рождество подарили. I got it for Christmas. I got it for Christmas. Вони пірати. They're pirates. They are pirates. Stavíme dřevěný dům. We're building wooden houses. We are building a wooden house. Не все мои друзья любят петь. Not all of my friends like singing. Not all of my friends like to sing. Мне надо было остаться с ней. I should've stayed with her. I should have stayed with her. Я пытался разбудить Тома. I've been trying to wake Tom up. I tried to wake Tom up. Obloha nad námi je jasně modrá. The sky above us is real blue. The sky above us is blue. У нас були сумніви. I was having doubts. We had doubts. И отведал распорядитель пира воду, превратившуюся в вино. And the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. And the steward of the feast tasted the water that had become wine. Той би могъл да си промени мнението. He might change his mind. He could change his mind. Musím to udělat znovu. I need to do this again. I have to do it again. Ne mijenjaj tako često svoja mišljenja. Don't change your mind so often. Don't change your mind so often. Мені дуже страшно. I'm very scared. I'm very scared. Он вас не слышит. He can't hear you. He can't hear you. Přeprava povozem taženým koňmi je už zastaralá. Transport with horse-drawn carriages became obsolete. Horse-drawn carriages are obsolete. Ты мне её переведёшь? Will you translate it for me? Will you translate it for me? Мы хотим фактов. We want facts. We want facts. Зошто е толку битно да бидеме таму денес? Why is it so important to be there today? Why is it so important to be there today? Я купив десять яєць. I bought ten eggs. I bought 10 eggs. Её дом стоит у реки. Her house is by the river. Her house is by the river. Ја чекав надвор. I waited outside for her. I was waiting for her outside. Том не разликува помеѓу стварноста и фантазијата. Tom cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. There is no difference between reality and fantasy. Ему нужна жена. He needs a wife. He needs a wife. Když ne ty, tak kdo? If not you, then who? If not you, then who? Ти неупереджений. You're unbiased. You're impartial. Все двери закрыты? Are all the doors shut? Are all the doors closed? To miriše ukusno. That smells delicious. That smells delicious. Том сделал заточку из ручки зубной щётки. Tom made a shiv out of the handle of a toothbrush. Tom made a sharpener out of a toothbrush handle. Вам, наверное, это не понравится. You're probably not going to like this. You probably won't like it. Я не обязан перед тобой оправдываться. I owe you no explanation. I don't have to make excuses for you. Він приязний. He's friendly. He's friendly. Зелена команда програла. The green team lost. The green team lost. Іди повільніше. Walk more slowly. Go slow. Какъв силен вятър! What a strong wind! What a strong wind! Za chvilku mám hodinu klavíru. Musím cvičit. I've got a piano lesson in a minute. I just need to practise. I've got a piano lesson in a minute. Го читам сега. I'm reading it now. I'm reading it now. Няхай будзе з табою сіла. May the force be with you. May the power be with you. Том ответил, что не знает. Tom replied that he didn't know. Tom said he didn’t know. Том го проголта бивото. Tom downed his beer. Tom ate the bean. Денес е сончево, но и студено. Today it's sunny but cold. It's sunny today, but it's cold. Френският ти става все по-добър. Your French is improving. Your French is getting better. Tom je tvůrcem populární mobilní hry "Šťastné veverky." Tom is the creator of the popular mobile game "Happy Squirrels." Tom is the creator of the popular mobile game "Happy Squirrels." Том наотрез отказался со мной разговаривать. Tom flat out refused to speak to me. Tom refused to talk to me. Cena ropy klesá. The oil price is falling. The price of oil is falling. Том няма да изнася реч днес. Tom won't be making a speech today. Tom's not giving a speech today. Dobré ráno. Good morning! - Good morning. - Good morning. Том и Мери живеят на една и съща улица. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Tom and Mary live on the same street. Том завжди хоче їсти. Tom's always hungry. Tom always wants to eat. Когато се срещнах за пръви път с Том, той не можеше да говори френски. Tom couldn't speak French when I first met him. When I first met Tom, he couldn't speak French. Мені, мабуть, треба провести трохи часу з Томом. I should probably spend some time with Tom. I think I need to spend some time with Tom. Завтра буде гірше. It will be worse tomorrow. Tomorrow will be worse. Мне не нравится, как Том смотрит на тебя. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. I don't like the way Tom looks at you. Siedzieli na sofie w naszym salonie. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. They were sitting on the sofa in our living room. "Почему ты мне вчера не перезвонил?" - "Прости, забыл". "Why didn't you call me back yesterday?" "Sorry, I forgot." "Why didn't you call me back yesterday?" "I'm sorry, I forgot." Сколько у нас ещё осталось времени? How much more time do we still have? How much time do we have left? Да ли могу да добијем твој имејл, молићу? May I have your email, please? Can I have your e-mail, please? Vedle mého domu stojí kostel. There is a church beside my house. There's a church next to my house. Далеко нам до школы? How far are we from the school? Are we far from school? Jaka jest różnica między manhuą, manhwą i mangą? What is the difference between manhua, manhwa and manga? What is the difference between manhua, manhwa and manga? Том запросив тебе на побачення? Did Tom ask you out? Tom asked you out? Myślę, że mógłbym to zrobić. I think I could do that. I think I could do that. Вона хотіла їм допомогти. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Љут сам на Тома. I'm angry with Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Tom nechce, aby tam byli. Tom doesn't want them to be there. Tom doesn't want them there. Не жалуйся, пожалуйста. Please don't complain. Don't complain, please. Ќе пробам да се обуздам. I'll try to control myself. I'll try to contain myself. Шта пишу новине? What do the papers say? What does the newspaper say? Nie pokazał się na wczorajszej imprezie. He didn't show up at the party last night. He didn't show up at last night's party. Ти екстраверт. You're extroverted. You extrovert. Најдоа изолирана плажа па таму го проведоа денот. They found a secluded beach where they spent the day. They found an isolated beach and spent the day there. Máš dobrou knihovnu. You have a good library. You have a good library. У тебе ніколи немає грошей. You never have any money. You never have money. Подобро прашај ги прво. You'd better ask them first. You better ask them first. Говори ясно. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. Zdá se, že Tom ztratil smysl života. Tom seems to have lost his meaning of life. Tom seems to have lost the meaning of life. Припаркуватися нема де. There's no place to park. There is no parking. Мы выезжаем в шесть утра двадцатого августа. We leave on 20 August at 6 a.m. We leave at 6 a.m. on August 20th. Да ли Том једе рибу? Does Tom eat fish? Does Tom eat fish? Среда идёт после вторника. Wednesday is after Tuesday. Wednesday is after Tuesday. Tom usilovně předstíral, že rozumí. Tom tried his best to look like he understood. Tom pretended to understand. Oblíbil jsem si maďarštinu. Je to krásný, ale poněkud těžký jazyk na učení. I grew fond of Hungarian. It is a beautiful language but a little difficult to learn. I love Hungarian, it's a beautiful but rather difficult language to learn. Я никогда не спрашивала её. I never asked her. I never asked her. Изгледа многу вкусно. It looks delicious. It looks delicious. V knižnici. At the library. In the library. Не слушай този човек. Don't listen to this man. Don't listen to this man. Его предложения широко читаются, но мало переводятся. His sentences are widely read, but little translated. Its proposals are widely read, but little translated. Я тебе это не просто так говорю. I'm telling you this for a reason. I'm not just saying that. Proszę przynieść główny klucz. Please bring the master key. Please bring the master key. Вы знаете пароль? Do you know the password? Do you know the password? Не дивись визначення. Don't look that up. Don't look at the definition. Вы действительно испугались? Were you really scared? Are you really scared? Я только что проехала шестьдесят километров. I've just driven sixty kilometres. I've just driven 60 kilometers. Од каде доаѓаме? Накаде сме тргнале? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Where are we from? Where are we going? Не те мразя. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. Я пообедаю с подругами. I'll eat lunch with my friends. I'll have lunch with my friends. Кучетата са разрешени. Dogs are permitted. Dogs are allowed. Моя гитара намного лучше вашей. My guitar is a lot better than yours. My guitar is much better than yours. Нам треба дiяти швидко. We have to act quickly. We need to act fast. Otevřel jsem to okno násilím. I forced the window open. I forced the window open. Вина Тома - це не моя вина. Просто пам’ятайте це. Tom's actions aren't my fault. Just remember that. Tom's fault is not my fault. Just remember that. «Как я счастлива», – сказала она. "How happy I am," she said. “How happy I am,” she said. Я сел среди них. I sat among them. I sat among them. Це тероризм. It's terrorism. It's terrorism. Том очень известный человек. Tom is a very well-known person. Tom is a very famous man. Я от тебя больше не уйду. I will not leave you again. I'm not leaving you again. Я заплющив очі й заснув. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Я здесь единственная, кто не умеет этого делать? Am I the only one here who doesn't know how to do this? Am I the only one here who can't do that? По-моему, они Вам маловаты. I think they're a bit too small for you. I think they are too small for you. Выберите между этим и тем. Choose between this and that. Choose between this and that. Он хочет купить цепочку. He wants to buy a chain. He wants to buy a chain. Ќе треба да седиш мирен. You'll need to hold still. You're gonna have to sit tight. Učí je nenávidět. They teach them to hate. He teaches them to hate. Może powinieneś pozwolić Tomowi jechać do Bostonu, tak jak tego chce. Maybe you should let Tom go to Boston like he wants to. Maybe you should let Tom go to Boston the way he wants. Том ја запали завесата, сосем случајно. Tom, by accident, set the curtain on fire. Tom lit the curtain, quite by accident. У нас нет абсолютно никаких шансов на победу. There's absolutely no chance that we'll win. We have absolutely no chance of winning. Разбуди меня перед тем, как проснёшься. Wake me up before you wake up. Wake me up before you wake up. Tom wziął zimną kąpiel. Tom took a cold bath. Tom took a cold bath. Хобито ми е да колекционирам марки. My hobby is collecting stamps. My hobby is collecting stamps. Nezval jsem tě. I didn't invite you. I didn't invite you. Посмотрите на ту девчонку. Look at that girl. Look at that girl. Тя му купи куче. Той обаче имаше алергия към кучета и им се наложи да го дадат на други. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs, so they had to give it away. She bought him a dog. However, he was allergic to dogs and they had to give it to others. Tom nám chce něco říct. Tom wants to tell us something. Tom has something to tell us. Ако дадеш на някого 20 долара и повече никога не го видиш, значи вероятно си е заслужавало. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. If you give someone $20 and never see them again, it's probably worth it. Gdzie jest najbliższy posterunek? Where is the nearest police station? Where's the nearest station? Stále byl na své posteli. He was still on his bed. He was still on his bed. Přivedu vás k bankrotu. I'll bankrupt you. I'm going to bankrupt you. Na Tomovy výlevy už jsme zvyklí. We are already used to Tom's outbursts. We're used to Tom's outbursts. Франсуа-Андре Даникан Филидор (07.09.1726 - 31.08.1795) был одним из самых выдающихся шахматистов, которых когда-либо видел мир. François-André Danican Philidor (07.09.1726 - 31.08.1795) was one of the most distinguished chess players the world has ever seen. Fran<0xC3><0xA7>ois-André Danican Philidor (September 7, 1726 – August 31, 1795) was one of the most outstanding chess players the world has ever seen. Да ли си успела да урадиш то сама? Were you able to do that by yourself? Did you manage to do it yourself? Я никогда не говорила ему, что я его люблю. I never told him that I loved him. I never told him I loved him. Мојата мачка е гладна. My cat is hungry. My cat is hungry. Том, може бути, позичив гроші, які йому були потрібні, у когось іншого. Tom might've borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Tom may have borrowed the money he needed from someone else. Démon slíbil Tomovi pomoct pod podmínkou, že mu bude po smrti sloužit. The demon promised Tom to help him on condition that he would serve him after his dead. The demon promised to help Tom on the condition that he would serve him when he died. Том не может это исправить. Tom can't fix it. Tom can't fix it. Я все ще не зробив того, про що попросив Том. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. I still haven't done what Tom asked me to do. Почему мы остановились? Why did we stop? Why did we stop? Její dcera je zdravotní sestra. Her daughter is a nurse. Her daughter is a nurse. Эта комната была тихой. Конечно, она не осталась такой. The room was quiet. Of course, it didn't stay that way. This room was quiet, of course it didn't stay that way. Познају те. They know you. They know you. Ти можеш вивчати французьку онлайн? Can you learn French online? Can you learn French online? Я ещё многого о Томе не знаю. There are still a lot of things I don't know about Tom. I don't know much more about Tom. Чух те да говориш на Том. I heard you talking to Tom. I heard you talking to Tom. Тя роди момченце. She gave birth to a baby boy. She gave birth to a boy. Февраль – месяц влюбленных. February is the month of lovers. February is the month of lovers. Драго ми е што си на безбедно. I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad you're safe. Рыбацкие лодки покинули порт. The fishing boats left harbour. The fishing boats have left the port. Ты когда домой возвращаешься? When are you coming back home? When are you coming home? Nigdy już ich nie posłucham. I'll never listen to them again. I'll never listen to them again. Сам ќе возам. I'll drive myself. I'll drive myself. За това ще трябва да платитш допълнително. That'll cost you extra. You'll have to pay extra for that. Не давай Тому больше печенья. Don't let Tom eat any more cookies. Don't give Tom any more cookies. Přinesl jsem Tomovi nějaké dřevo. I brought Tom some wood. I brought Tom some wood. Měl by sis stanovit limity. You should set the limits. You should set limits. Получих писмото ѝ вчера. I received her letter yesterday. I received her letter yesterday. Они хотят, чтобы я с вами поговорил. They want me to talk to you. They want me to talk to you. Asi ale tušíš, co se stane. You can probably guess what happens though. I guess you know what's going to happen. Budete si muset na výsledky počkat do zítra. You will have to wait for the results until tomorrow. You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the results. Ја не говорим јапански. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Ладно, пора идти. Well, it's time to go. All right, time to go. Како се ти зовеш? What's your name? What's your name? Nerozuměl jsem ani slovo z toho, co Tom říkal. I didn't understand a single word from what Tom was saying. I didn't understand a word of what Tom was saying. Я не смогу прийти на вашу свадьбу. I won't be able to attend your wedding. I can't come to your wedding. Хто з іх лепей спявае? Which of them can sing better? Who's the best singer? Я переплыл озеро. I swam across the lake. I swam across the lake. Він знайшов фунт у метро. He found a pound on the underground. He found a pound in the subway. Кімната нагрівається. The room is warming up. The room is heating up. Это сложная задача. It is a difficult problem. It's a difficult task. Mám velkou motivaci učit se francouzsky. I'm very motivated to learn French. I have a lot of motivation to learn French. Я перезвоню. I'll call back later. I'll call you back. Snažím se vést aktivní život. I try to lead an active lifestyle. I try to lead an active life. Тут ніхто не живе. Nobody lives here. No one lives here. Все эти факторы важны. All of these factors are important. All these factors are important. Я перестала це робити. I've stopped doing that. I stopped doing that. Ты п'яны. You're drunk. You're drunk. У Тома никогда нет на меня времени. Tom never has time for me. Tom never has time for me. Ова е од нас. This is from us. This is from us. Přestaň se vytahovat. Quit bragging. Stop bragging. Він дуже пихатий. He's really arrogant. He's very haughty. Том дал мне список покупок для супермаркета. Tom gave me a list of things that he wanted me to buy at the supermarket. Tom gave me a shopping list for the supermarket. Том не хоче, щоб Мері поїхала. Tom doesn't want Mary to leave. Tom doesn't want Mary to go. Он всеми уважаемый человек. He's a man respected by everyone. He's a respected man. Як і завжди, дякую. Thanks, as always. As always, thank you. Tom si mohl vybrat něco jiného. Tom could've chosen something else. Tom could have chosen something else. Не сакам да изгледам будалесто. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to look foolish. Je pol deviatej. It's half past eight. It's half past nine. В Япония практически всяко семейство има пералня. In Japan, practically every family has a washing machine. In Japan, almost every family has a washing machine. Мразот се стопил. The ice has melted. The ice has melted. Том работеше цела ноќ. Tom worked all night. Tom worked all night. Стекло дешевле, чем алюминий. Glass is cheaper than aluminum. Glass is cheaper than aluminum. Том — мій старший брат. Tom is my elder brother. Tom is my older brother. Я хотел бы вступить в клуб. I would like to join the club. I would like to join the club. Яны прыйшлі да вываду, што ён збрахаў. They concluded that he had told a lie. They came to the conclusion that he had lost. Я мусив піти особисто. I had to go myself. I had to go in person. Том неохоче вийшов із кімнати. Reluctantly, Tom left the room. Tom reluctantly left the room. Она любит читать книги? Does she like reading books? Does she like to read books? Я ніколи не дивлюся телевізор. I never watch TV. I never watch TV. Я предпочитаю перепелиные яйца. I prefer quail eggs. I prefer quail eggs. Мы можем победить Тома. We can beat Tom. We can beat Tom. Stej w knihowni. They are in the library. They're in the library. Я тобі більше не друг. I'm not your friend any more. I'm not your friend anymore. Том дошол да помогне. Tom is here to help. Tom came to help. За кілометр є заправка. There's a petrol station a kilometre further up. There's a gas station a mile away. Сите сме пиони. We're all pawns. We're all pawns. Me zanima če bo moral Tom narediti to. I wonder if Tom will need to do that. I wonder if Tom's gonna have to do it. И не засни в ванне! And don't fall asleep in the bathtub! Don't fall asleep in the bathroom! Mary to jedna z najśliczniejszych dziewczyn, jakie znam. Mary is one of the cutest girls that I know. Mary is one of the most beautiful girls I know. Wzdłuż alei znajduje się wiele drogich sklepów. There are many expensive shops along the avenue. There are many expensive shops along the avenue. При секоја разделба ја вкусуваме смртта. Every separation is a taste of death. Every time we part, we taste death. Я гарніший, ніж ви. I am more beautiful than you. I'm prettier than you. Том добре співає. Tom is a good singer. Tom sings well. Вы сказали, что поможете ей. You said you'd help her. You said you'd help her. Tom šel ke své skříňce. Tom went to his locker. Tom went to his locker. Dan nie zasłużył na śmierć. Dan didn't deserve to die. Dan didn't deserve to die. Ты безнадёжен. You're hopeless. You're hopeless. Vyčistil si Tom zuby? Did Tom brush his teeth? Did Tom brush his teeth? Том любить хлібні кнедлики. Tom likes bread dumplings. Tom likes bread dumplings. Размислував за твојот проблем со Том. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. I've been thinking about your problem with Tom. Všechny tyto knihy budou mít jednou cenu zlata. All these books will be worth their weight in gold someday. All these books will one day be worth gold. Nie będę jeść lodów. I will not eat ice cream. I'm not eating ice cream. Tom nigdy nie miał szansy. Tom never had a chance. Tom never had a chance. Zelo bi bil vesel, če bi on prišel. I would be very happy that he came. I'd be very happy if he came. Колку чудно! How strange! How strange! Калі ён захварэў? When did he fall ill? When did he get it? Някой казвал ли ви го е? Did anyone tell you? Has anyone ever told you that? Ты шчаслівая? Are you happy? You're happy? Tom jest winny. Tom is guilty. Tom is guilty. Я обычно ношу чёрные носки. I usually wear black socks. I usually wear black socks. Том знав, що ось-ось станеться щось погане. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Tom knew something bad was about to happen. Том е човекът, който ми даде това колело. Tom is the one who gave me this bicycle. Tom is the man who gave me this bike. Zemdlała, gdy usłyszała straszliwe wieści. She fainted when she heard the terrible news. She fainted when she heard the terrible news. Я зробила все, що могла. I've done all I can. I did everything I could. Сегодня я очень устал. Today, I am very tired. I'm very tired today. Když jsem dorazil, Tom už byl pryč. By the time I arrived, Tom had already left. By the time I got there, Tom was gone. Що ти їй сказав? What did you say to her? What did you tell her? Nevěřte lžím o Tomovi. Don't believe the lies about Tom. Don't believe the lies about Tom. Это, должно быть, где-то здесь. It must be somewhere around. It must be here somewhere. Нет, я совсем не устал. Why, no, I'm not tired. No, I'm not tired at all. Налей мне в чай молока, пожалуйста. Please put some milk in my tea. Pour me some milk in the tea, please. Svoji paměť můžete trénovat. You can train your memory. You can train your memory. Mary powiedziała, że chciałaby, bym był bardziej jak Tom. Mary said she wished I was more like Tom. Mary said she wanted me to be more like Tom. Он её управляющий. He's her manager. He's her manager. Её аргумент был логичен. Her argument was logical. Her argument was logical. У яго шмат кніг? Does he have many books? Do you have a lot of books? Potřebuje manželku. He needs a wife. She needs a wife. Otrok zůstane otrokem. A slave remains a slave. The slave will remain a slave. Покупать книги дорого. Buying books is expensive. Buying books is expensive. Ісус мене втомлює. Jesus bores me. Jesus makes me tired. Руке су ми хладне. My hands are cold. My hands are cold. Мы можем лучше! We can do better than that! We can do better! Víš, že s tím nemohu souhlasit. You know I can't agree to that. You know I can't agree with that. Том не ответил на сообщение Мэри. Tom didn't respond to Mary's text message. Tom did not respond to Mary's message. Je to prostý člověk. He is a simple man. He's a simple man. Хто ваша улюблена актриса? Who's your favorite actress? Who is your favorite actress? Том живе тут неподалік. Tom lives near here. Tom lives nearby. Молодой человек живет в Нью-Йорке. The young man lives in New York. The young man lives in New York. "Помогите! Помогите! - закричала Пьеретта. - Убивают!" "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette, "I'm being murdered!" "Help! Help!" cried Pierrette. "They're killing!" Я вже сказала про це Тому. I've already told Tom about it. I told Tom about it. Tom vešel do kuchyně a otevřel lednici. Tom walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Tom went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Słyszałem, że masz piękny głos. I heard you have a beautiful voice. I hear you have a beautiful voice. У меня к вам один последний вопрос. I have one last question for you. I have one last question for you. Жаль, что я не начала учить чешский на несколько лет раньше. I wish I'd begun to learn Czech a few years earlier. It is a pity that I did not start learning Czech a few years earlier. Не люблю звучание моего голоса. I don't like how my voice sounds. I don't like the sound of my voice. Я хочу начать с небольшого опроса. I want to start with doing a small survey. I want to start with a little survey. Не думаю, що він щирий. I don't think he is sincere. I don't think he's sincere. Ma duży dom i dwa samochody. He has a large house and two cars. He has a big house and two cars. Том делает это чаще, чем Мэри? Does Tom do this more often than Mary? Does Tom do it more often than Mary? Tom nemohl dělat nic jiného, než čekat. Tom couldn't do anything but wait. Tom could do nothing but wait. Będą się bić? Are they going to fight? Will they fight? Byly časy, kdy jsem měl Toma rád. There were times when I liked Tom. There was a time when I loved Tom. Wydaje mi się, że ona jest odrobinę samolubna. It seems to me that she is a little selfish. I think she's a little selfish. Денес ми е шеснаесетти роденден. Today is my sixteenth birthday. Today is my 16th birthday. Чайки у нас белые. Our seagulls are white. The gulls are white. С тобой всё что угодно может случиться. Anything may happen to you. Anything can happen to you. Ислам по отношению к христианству является тем же, чем христианство является по отношению к иудаизму. Islam is to Christianity as Christianity is to Judaism. Islam in relation to Christianity is what Christianity is in relation to Judaism. Как вы пьёте кофе, с сахаром или без? How do you take your coffee, with or without sugar? How do you drink coffee, with or without sugar? Koja je cijena ovoga kišobrana? What's the price of this umbrella? What is the price of this umbrella? Жив ещё курилка! He's still going strong. There's still a smoker! Се обидувам да работам. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to work. Tom nevstává brzy. Tom doesn't get up early. Tom doesn't get up early. Другия месец ще ни се ражда дете. We are going to have a baby next month. We're having a baby next month. Если бы Вы могли подождать еще немного, я была бы признательна. If you could wait a little longer, I would appreciate it. If you could just wait a little longer, I'd appreciate it. Ты бы на моём месте то же самое сделал. You would've done the same if you were me. You would have done the same thing if you were me. У мене божевільник графік. My schedule is insane. I have a crazy schedule. Tom se možná najedl než Mary přišla. Tom might've eaten before Mary came. Tom may have eaten before Mary came. Скажи ему, что все здесь. Tell him that everyone is here. Tell him it's all here. З п'ятницею! Happy Friday! With Friday! Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej usankcjonował nowe prawo. The President of the Republic sanctioned the new law. The President of the Republic has sanctioned the new law. Изгледаш замислено. You look troubled. You look premeditated. Jaké bylo počasí, když jsi byl v Bostonu? How was the weather when you were in Boston? How was the weather when you were in Boston? Скажи нам, в чём Том был. Tell us what Tom was wearing. Tell us what Tom was up to. Co mógłbym dla Ciebie zrobić? What could I do for you? What can I do for you? Сколько букв в этом слове? How many letters does this word have? How many letters are in that word? Budeme na to potřebovat Toma. We will need Tom for it. We're gonna need Tom for this. Мораш да се обидеш, Том. You have to try, Tom. You have to try, Tom. Tom vůbec neumí mluvit francouzsky. Tom can't speak French at all. Tom can't speak French at all. Току-що го съобщиха по радиото. They just announced that on the radio. It's just been reported on the radio. Здесь нет ни одного дерева. There isn't a single tree here. There's not a single tree here. Tom ještě nakupuje. Tom is still shopping. Tom is still shopping. Tomovi se to líbí. Tom likes it. Tom likes it. Перакладзі гэта, калі ласка, на англійскую. Translate this into English, please. Please translate it into English. Bсеки човек има право на закрила на моралните и материалните си интереси, които са резултат от каквото и да е научно, литературно или художествено произведение, на което той е автор. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to the protection of his moral and material interests as a result of any scientific, literary or artistic work of which he is the author. Myslí si, že je lepší než ostatní. She thinks she's better than everyone else. He thinks he's better than the others. Dobrze się bawiliśmy, grając w karty. We had a good time playing cards. We had fun playing cards. Это всё лишь разговоры. That's all just talk. It's just talk. Они никуда не ходили. They didn't go anywhere. They didn't go anywhere. Мені пощастило, що ніхто не бачив, як я цим займалася. I'm lucky no one saw me do that. I was lucky that no one saw me do it. Nie wiem jeszcze dokładnie. I don't know exactly yet. I don't know exactly yet. Не дихайте. Don't breathe. Don't breathe. Том је имао неколико ствари које је желео да пита Мери. Tom had several things he wanted to ask Mary. Tom had a few things he wanted to ask Mary. Ваша красота не оставляет меня равнодушным. Your beauty doesn't leave me indifferent. Your beauty does not leave me indifferent. «Том – пропащий человек». – «Я же тебе только что сказал. Он никогда не изменится». "Tom is a lost cause." "I just told you that. He's never going to change." “Tom is a lost man.” – “I just told you. He will never change.” Potrzebujemy więcej wykwalifikowanych opiekunów. We need more skilled caregivers. We need more qualified caregivers. Вы скоро получите его письмо. You'll get his letter soon. You will receive his letter soon. Я оставляю книги здесь. I'll leave the books here. I leave the books here. Греалка на струја ги топли керамичките плочки од подот на купатилото. An electric heater warms up the ceramic tiles of the bathroom floor. The electric heater heats the ceramic tiles from the bathroom floor. Tom to se svým žertem trochu přehnal. Tom went too far with his prank. Tom took his joke a little too far. Tantal je chemický prvek se značkou Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element of the symbol Ta. Tantalum is a chemical element with the brand name Ta. Забравих. I have forgotten. I forgot. Вы хотите сохранить игру? Do you want to save your game? Do you want to keep the game? Разменио сам мишљења са Томом. I compared notes with Tom. I had an exchange with Tom. Už dlouho jsem o Tomovi nepřemýšlel. I haven't thought about Tom in a long time. I haven't thought about Tom in a long time. Tom tu brzy bude. Tom will soon be there. Tom will be here soon. Дословный перевод этого предложения был глупой ошибкой. Смысл был совершенно другим. Translating that sentence literally was a stupid mistake. The meaning was totally different. The literal translation of this sentence was a stupid mistake. The meaning was completely different. Naj bo kratko in jedrnato. Make it short and sweet. Keep it short and concise. Вам нужны ключи? You need the keys? Do you need keys? Ja sam iz Hrvatske. I'm from Croatia. I'm from Croatia. Не си поканет. You aren't invited. You're not invited. Я решил сдаться. I've decided to give up. I've decided to give up. Этот нож очень мне пригодился. This knife was very useful to me. This knife was very useful to me. Мене це влаштовує. That's fine by me. It suits me. Я добавила немного молока и яиц. I added some milk and eggs. I added some milk and eggs. Никто не бьет Тома. Nobody beats Tom. No one beats Tom. Ты такой смешной, хоть помирай. You're so funny I could die. You're so funny, at least die. Jesteś zbyt słaby, żeby to zrobić. You're too weak to do that. You're too weak to do that. Изглежда на Том му харесва просто да си седи на пристанището и да наблюдава чайките. Tom seems to enjoy just sitting on the dock and watching the seagulls. Looks like Tom likes to just sit in the harbor and watch the seagulls. Том хоче стати лікарем? Does Tom want to become a doctor? Does Tom want to be a doctor? Я не знаю їхніх імен. I don’t know their names. I don't know their names. Том три дні гостив у нас. Tom stayed with us for three days. Tom stayed with us for three days. Чия е тази къща? Who owns this house? Whose house is this? Том свири и на китара. Tom also plays guitar. Tom also plays the guitar. Том никому не верит. Tom doesn't believe anybody. Tom doesn't trust anyone. Co ode mne čekáš, Tome? What do you expect from me, Tom? What do you expect from me, Tom? Том спря да ръкопляска. Tom stopped clapping. Tom stopped applauding. Skończ to i wyślij cały ten kram na mój telefon. Finish that, and then send the whole caboodle to my cellphone. Finish this and send all this junk to my phone. Видях гъбата в мивката. I saw the sponge in the sink. I saw the sponge in the sink. Том спал? Was Tom asleep? Tom was asleep? Довољно знамо. We know enough. We know enough. Ајде пешки. Let's walk. Let's walk. Том попытается тебя убить. Tom will try to kill you. Tom will try to kill you. Се обидувам да му помогнам на Том. I'm trying to help Tom. I'm trying to help Tom. У Тома жирные волосы. Tom has greasy hair. Tom's got oily hair. Париж далеко? Is Paris far away? Is Paris far away? Почему мы не можем остаться здесь? Why can't we stay here? Why can't we stay here? Том передал мне микрофон, и я стал говорить. Tom handed the microphone over to me and I started speaking. Tom handed me the microphone and I started talking. Ты не думал попросить помощи у Тома? Have you considered asking Tom to help you? You didn't think to ask Tom for help? Co dzieje się z ludźmi, gdy umierają? What happens to people when they die? What happens to people when they die? У нашым доме два вольныя пакоі. We have two unused rooms in our house. There are two free rooms in our house. Дай мне открыть дверь. Let me open the door. Let me open the door. Не мешай Тому, пожалуйста. Please don't bother Tom. Don't bother Tom, please. Tom řekl, že se poradí s právníkem. Tom said that he would consult a lawyer. Tom said he'd consult a lawyer. Вони нічого не дають. They give nothing. They give nothing. Том почувствува дека треба да се искупи. Tom felt he needed to make amends. Tom felt that he needed to be redeemed. Nemám z toho lepší pocit. That's not making me feel better. It doesn't make me feel any better. Potřebuju zhubnout. I need to lose some weight. I need to lose weight. Czy to jest białe? Is it white? Is it white? Може ли да ме погледнеш? Can you look at me? Can you look at me? Як праца? How's work? How's the work? Почему ты просто не сказал им? Why didn't you just tell them? Why didn't you just tell them? Я живу в Канаде почти пять лет. I've been living in Canada for nearly five years. I have lived in Canada for almost five years. Они быстро адаптировались к новой среде обитания. They adapted quickly to their new surroundings. They quickly adapted to their new habitat. Я у него спросил, но он не ответил. I asked him but he didn't answer. I asked him, but he didn't answer. Сапунот ми ги изгоре очите. The soap hurt my eyes. The soap burned my eyes. Не разговаривай на уроке! Don't talk during class! Don't talk in class! Авто на драже. A car is outside. Dragee's car. Я хочу поступить в колледж в Бостоне. I want to go to college in Boston. I want to go to college in Boston. Tom doi krowy. Tom is milking the cows. Tom milks the cows. Я очень больной человек. I'm a very sick person. I'm a very sick man. Toto je jedno z možných řešení. This is one possible solution. This is one of the possible solutions. Nesmíme volně cestovat. We aren't allowed to freely travel. We must not travel freely. Я говорю на словацком. I speak Slovak. I speak Slovak. Самолет пролетел над Афинами. The airplane flew over Athens. The plane flew over Athens. Што правеа? What were we doing? What were they doing? Том ги испита предметите на масата. Tom examined the objects on the table. Tom examined the objects on the table. Tom kòżden dzénj zjé do frisztëkù tã jistnõ rzecz. Tom eats the same thing for breakfast every day. Tom every dzenj eats to friszt<0xC3><0xAB>k<0xC3><0xB9> t<0xC3><0xA3> sure thing. Тома потрібно відвезти до лікарні. Tom needs to be taken to a hospital. Tom needs to be taken to the hospital. Навистина сме во опасност. We're really in danger. We're really in danger. Это вообще имя? Is this even a name? Is that even a name? Они даже не пригласили их на свою свадьбу. They didn't even invite them to their wedding. They didn't even invite them to their wedding. К сожалению, вчера был дождь. Unfortunately, it rained yesterday. Unfortunately, it was raining yesterday. Это Том научил Мэри водить. Tom was the one who taught Mary how to drive. It was Tom who taught Mary to drive. Калі Вы ствараеце на Татоэбе сказы на турэцкай і эстонскай, вельмі верагодна, што Вы — boracasli. If you create sentences in Turkish and Estonian on Tatoeba, there's a large chance that you're boracasli. If you create tales in Turkish and Estonian on Tatoeba, it is very likely that you are boracasli. Навіщо ти це робиш, Томе? Why do you do it, Tom? Why are you doing this, Tom? Вона хоче почекати до весілля. She wants to wait until the wedding. She wants to wait until the wedding. Ты всё это уже забыл? Did you already forget all of it? Have you forgotten all this already? Том не знав, куди дивитися. Tom didn't know where to look. Tom didn’t know where to look. Джейн чакаше, подпряна на дървото. Jane was waiting with her back against the tree. Jane waited, leaning against the tree. Měli bychom Tomovi nějak pomoct. We should help Tom anyhow. We should help Tom somehow. Играйте с кошками. Play with the cats. Play with cats. Чаму Вы не прыйшлі? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? В этом году в феврале всего двадцать восемь дней. There are only 28 days in February this year. There are only 28 days in February this year. Dnes mají chlapci svá vlastní kola. Boys have their own bikes these days. Today the boys have their own bikes. Одного ранку, коли Віктор прокинувся після неспокійного сну, він виявив, що перетворився на великий клубок спагеті прямо у себе в ліжку. One morning, when Victor woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a big mess of spaghetti. One morning, when Victor woke up from a restless sleep, he discovered that he had turned into a large ball of spaghetti right in his bed. Arogantní lidé nikdy nemotivují ostatní lidi. Arrogant people never motivate other people. Arrogant people never motivate other people. Том умеет водить машину, а Мэри нет. Tom knows how to drive, but Mary doesn't. Tom can drive a car, but Mary can't. Никто не знает, почему Том хотел это сделать. No one knows why Tom wanted to do that. No one knows why Tom wanted to do this. Казах, че ще отида. I said I'd go. I said I'd go. Том сделал Мэри воздушного змея. Tom made Mary a kite. Tom made Mary a kite. Я никого не впущу. I won't let anyone in. I'm not letting anyone in. Вы не в том состоянии, чтобы вести машину. You're in no condition to drive. You are not in a position to drive a car. Je posedlý pořádkem. He's obsessed with order. He's obsessed with order. Той пътуваше по работа. He traveled on business. He was traveling on business. Сейчас слишком поздно что-то менять. It's now too late to make any changes. It’s too late to change something now. Развързали са ти се обувките. Your shoes are untied. Your shoes are untied. Твоята жена блондинка ли е, или е брюнетка? Is your wife a blonde or a brunette? Is your wife blonde, or is she brunette? Poglej nas! Look at us! Look at us! У меня было сотрясение мозга. I had a concussion. I had a concussion. Ви з Томом зустрічаєтеся? Are you and Tom dating? Are you going to meet Tom? Celá ta věta je špatně. Everything about that sentence is wrong. The whole sentence is wrong. Je čas zbavit Toma funkce. It's time to remove Tom from office. It's time to get rid of Tom. Том ждал у себя дома. Tom was waiting in his house. Tom was waiting at home. Chováš se arogantně. You are being arrogant. You're being arrogant. Моя ещё хуже. Mine is even worse. Mine's worse. Наша улица более шумная, чем ваша. Our street is noisier than yours. Our street is louder than yours. Это заебенная возможность. That's a fucking great opportunity. This is a fucked-up opportunity. Твоя подруга втомилася. Your friend is tired. Your friend is tired. Tom si poranil koleno. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. Фати ме за рако само. Just take my hand. Just grab my arm. Я приехал в Крым. I came to Crimea. I came to Crimea. Він дуже напився. He got very drunk. He was very drunk. Jste velmi statečný. You're very brave. You're very brave. Ten nowy odtwarzacz zrobił na mnie duże wrażenie. I was impressed by the new MP3 player. This new player made a big impression on me. Ти переміг? Did you win? Did you win? Tom by si měl učesat vlasy. Tom should comb his hair. Tom should be combing his hair. Том проспав. Tom overslept. Tom's asleep. Я боюсь её потерять. I'm afraid of losing her. I'm afraid of losing her. У Тома есть отчим. Tom has a stepfather. Tom's got a stepfather. Tom dnes neměl čas na oběd. Today, Tom had no time for lunch. Tom didn't have time for lunch today. Jesu li oni prijatelji? Are they friends? Are they friends? Tom má mobil. Tom has a cellphone. Tom's got a cell phone. Mám rád astrologii. I like astrology. I like astrology. Sexuálně ho obtěžovali. He was sexually harassed. He was sexually harassed. Не сакам да одам да пазарам денес. I don't want to go shopping today. I don't want to go shopping today. Гладни кучићи лају на улици. Hungry puppies are barking on the street. Hungry dogs barking in the street. Тебе надо было остаться с нами. You should've stayed with us. You should have stayed with us. Лесно ми е со нив да разговарам. I find them very easy to talk to. It's easy for me to talk to them. Мері умилася. Mary washed her face. Mary washed up. K mému zklamání už začal. To my disappointment, he had already started. To my disappointment, it has already begun. Я щойно поміняв пароль. I just changed my password. I just changed my password. Ona nie podda się łatwo. She won't give up easily. She won't give up easily. Tom s námi dnes obědvat nebude. Tom won't have lunch with us today. Tom's not having lunch with us tonight. To si nenalhávej. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. To psát neměli. They shouldn't have written that. They shouldn't have written that. Я оставил дома права. I left my driver's license at home. I left the law at home. Шегата му беше страхотна. His joke was great. His joke was great. Соціопати брешуть, щоб нашкодити іншим. Sociopaths lie to hurt others. Sociologists lie to hurt others. А што има врска? Why does it matter anyway? What does it matter? Мисля, че ми дължиш обяснение. I think you owe me an explanation. I think you owe me an explanation. Отидох на италианска пицария. I went to an Italian pizzeria. I went to an Italian pizza place. Они такие же женщины, как и мы. They are women like us. They are women just like us. Кто из мальчиков самый умелый? Which boy is the most skillful? Which of the boys is the best? Kde ses to naučil dělat? Where did you learn how to do this? Where did you learn to do that? Нам нужно взять напрокат машину. We need to rent a car. We need to rent a car. Nerozumí italsky, že? He doesn't understand Italian, does he? He doesn't speak Italian, does he? Ќе објаснам после. We'll explain later. I'll explain later. Usmívej se dál. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. Машта је битнија од знања. Знање је ограничено. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Я з Північної Америки. I'm from North America. I am from North America. Всъщност аз не съм сигурен кой е Том. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Том не человек, а идея. Tom isn't a person, but rather an idea. Tom's not a man, he's an idea. Я открыл калитку. I opened the gate. I opened the gate. Ima tiste slabe tetovaže in zdaj mu je žal. He got those horrible tattoos and now he regrets it. He's got those bad tattoos, and now he's sorry. Nudíš se? Are you bored? Are you bored? Tom má skvělou práci. Tom has a great job. Tom has a great job. У нас закінчився сир. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. Чух, че Том ти дал цигулката на дядо си. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. I heard Tom gave you his grandfather's violin. Tom měl zájem. Tom cared. Tom was interested. Том може зіграти на саксофоні. Tom can play the saxophone. Tom can play the saxophone. Казвала съм ти го и друг път, нали? I've told you that before, haven't I? I've told you that before, haven't I? Разве погода не чудесная? Isn't the weather great? Isn't the weather wonderful? Nekoliko ljudi je ubijeno. Several people were killed. Several people were killed. Ты весьма шаловливый мальчик. You're a very naughty boy You're a very naughty boy. Tomova matka je velmi přísná. Tom's mother is very strict. Tom's mother is very strict. Так будет лучше для вас. That will be better for you. It will be better for you. Ty šarlatáne! You charlatan! You charlatan! Вон тот дом мой. That house over there is mine. That's my house over there. Каде е поштенското сандаче? Where is the mailbox? Where's the mailbox? Мајко, ти благодарам што си ме родила. Mom, thank you for giving birth to me. Mother, thank you for giving birth to me. Я заплатив за все це тридцять доларів. I paid thirty dollars for all of these. I paid thirty dollars for all this. Musisz to zrobić sama. You must do this yourself. You have to do it yourself. Јеси ли спреман? Are you ready? Are you ready? Попрво би одел со метро отколку со воз. I'd rather go by subway than by train. I'd rather take the subway than the train. Dania je nastavila slijediti Fadilov primjer. Dania continued to follow Fadil's lead. Dania continued to follow Fadil's example. Так вы оба не сдали экзамен? So you both failed the exam? So you both didn't pass the exam? Ти запросив Тома на вечірку? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Znam trzy języki. I speak three languages. I know three languages. Я таким народився. I was born like this. I was born that way. Idziemy tańczyć dzisiaj wieczorem. We're going dancing tonight. We're going dancing tonight. Alespoň sis neublížil. At least you didn't hurt yourself. At least you didn't hurt yourself. Я не люблю ни под кого подстраиваться. I don't like to adapt to anyone. I don't like to fall for anyone. Той беше много търпелив. He was very patient. He was very patient. Школярам подобається ця пісня. The pupils like this song. The students love this song. Дай мне красную ручку. Give me a red pen. Give me the red pen. Морські свинки милі. Guinea pigs are cute. Guinea pigs are cute. Бывает ли так, что ты жалеешь, что не можешь ещё раз пережить что-то, как в первый раз? Do you ever wish you could experience something 'for the first time' again? Is it possible that you regret not being able to relive something as you did the first time? «Девчонка не фея!» – «Да ладно?» "The girl is no fairy!" "You don't say?" “A girl is not a fairy!” – “Come on?” Том явился на свадьбу к Джону и Мэри. Tom showed up at John and Mary's wedding. Tom went to John and Mary's wedding. Schopnost nebrat se vážně je úžasná vlastnost. It's a wonderful trait to be able to not take yourself seriously. The ability to not take yourself seriously is an amazing trait. Ги замолив да престанат. I asked them to stop. I asked them to stop. Myślałem, że będziesz sam. I thought you'd be alone. I thought you'd be alone. Wygląda na to, że Tom nie wie, co Mary zrobiła. Tom doesn't seem to know what Mary did. Looks like Tom doesn't know what Mary did. Uniezależnił się finansowo. He became financially independent. He became financially independent. Určitě byla hodně mladá, když napsala tuhle báseň. She must have been very young when she wrote this poem. I'm sure she was very young when she wrote this poem. Хората бяха озадачени от неочакваната ситуация. People were bewildered by the unexpected situation. People were shocked by the unexpected situation. Столица Чехии – Прага. The capital of Czechia is Prague. The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague. Закопчайте колана си, моля. Fasten your seat belt, please. Fasten your seat belt, please. У вас сейчас какой рост? How tall are you now? How tall are you now? Jego nagła śmierć wielce nas zaskoczyła. His sudden death surprised us greatly. His sudden death took us by surprise. Co zapomínám? What am I forgetting? What am I forgetting? Подарок ей не понравился. She didn't like the present. She didn't like the gift. Moim zdaniem jest to niemożliwe, aby tacy kosmici jakich spotykamy w filmach, kiedykolwiek odwiedzili nasza planetę. In my opinion, it's impossible for aliens, such as those in films we watch, to ever visit our planet. In my opinion, it is impossible that such aliens as we meet in the movies, ever visited our planet. Tom wypił samemu całą butelkę wina. Tom drank the whole bottle of wine all by himself. He drank a whole bottle of wine. Это не пародия, а дружеский шарж. This is not a parody, but a friendly caricature. It's not a parody, it's a friendly cartoon. Нам не страшно. We're not afraid. We're not scared. Byl bych to takhle neřešil. I wouldn't have handled it that way. I wouldn't have handled it that way. Tom wrzucił swój śpiwór do namiotu. Tom tossed his sleeping bag into the tent. Tom threw his sleeping bag into the tent. Jaki jest dzisiejszy kurs? What's today's exchange rate? What's today's course? В холодильнику є молоко. There's milk in the fridge. There is milk in the refrigerator. Добре рано! Good morning! All right, early! Стекло - это металл? Is glass a metal? Is glass a metal? Byłem z nimi cały dzień. I was with them all day. I was with them all day. Том ме гаѓаше со камен. Tom threw a rock at me. Tom hit me with a rock. Моя дочь выросла. My daughter grew up. My daughter has grown up. Слободен си. You're free. You're free. Том живе не один. Tom doesn't live alone. Tom is not alone. Имате ли нещо против да отворим прозореца? Would you mind opening the window? Do you mind if we open the window? Лименкава е празна. This can is empty. The can is empty. «Знаешь, что я думаю?» – «Нет, что?» "Do you know what I think?" "No, what?" “You know what I think?” – “No, what?” Budem sa učiť. I will be learning. I'm going to study. Chci jen tebe. I want only you. All I want is you. Je Tom hotov? Is Tom finished? Is Tom done? Мигель Найдорф скончался в июле 1997 года в Малаге в возрасте 87 лет. Miguel Najdorf passed away in July 1997, in Malaga, at the age of 87. Miguel Najdorf died in July 1997 in Málaga at the age of 87. Ти треба ли помош со ова? Do you need help doing this? Do you need help with this? Ты трухлявая развалина. You are a rotting wreck. You're a rotten wreck. Opowiesz mi w końcu o Tomku czy nie? Are to going to tell me about Tom or not? Will you finally tell me about Tomek or not? Заљубен сум во девојка му на Том. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. I'm in love with Tom's girlfriend. Колку склекови правиш дневно? How many push-ups do you do every day? How many push-ups do you do a day? Я не могу тебе заплатить. I can't pay you. I can't pay you. Тома только футбол и интересует. Tom is only interested in soccer. Tom's only interested in football. Нам все ще слід це робити? Do we have to do this anymore? Do we still have to do this? Мэри сказала, что ей нравится кататься на лыжах. Mary said that she liked skiing. Mary said she likes to ski. Nemyslíš, že si zasloužíme Tomův respekt? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Jest mi ciepło. I'm warm. I'm warm. Htio bih razgovarati s Tonijem. I'd like to talk with Tony. I'd like to talk to Tony. Что ты здесь делаешь? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Ён злодзей. He is a thief. He's a thief. Mělo se to udělat už dávno. This ought long ago to have been done. It should have been done a long time ago. Škola bola založená v roku 1650. The school was established in 1650. The school was founded in 1650. Не по-малко от 100 души присъстваха на срещата. No less than 100 people attended the meeting. At least 100 people attended the meeting. Děsím se pomyslet, s čím Tom přijde. I dread to think what Tom will come up with. I'm scared to think what Tom's coming up with. Сделана ли она из меди? Is it made of copper? Is it made of copper? Том и кажа на Мери дека е среќен. Tom told Mary that he was happy. Tom told Mary he was happy. Koho bych se měl zeptat? Who should I ask? Who should I ask? Гарне татуювання! Nice tattoo! What a beautiful tattoo! Му направив услуга. I did him a favor. I did him a favor. Umyliśmy je w słonej wodzie. We washed them in salty water. We washed them in salt water. Я мог бы поехать в Бостон с Томом, но не захотел. I could've gone to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. I could have gone to Boston with Tom, but I didn't want to. Musím zistiť, kedy Tom plánuje odísť. I have to find out when Tom plans to leave. I need to know when Tom's planning to leave. Gdje ste kupili ovaj sok od ananasa? Where did you buy this pineapple juice? Where did you buy this pineapple juice? Опять вынюхиваете, как я погляжу. Snooping as usual, I see. You're smelling the way I look again. В течение двух лет у него была процветающая администрация. For two years he had a prosperous administration. For two years he had a prosperous administration. Hrám v záhrade. I'm playing in the garden. I play in the garden. Нећемо то трпети више. We won't take it anymore. We're not gonna put up with this anymore. Бобовые ростки в Америке едят как салат. Bean sprouts are eaten as a salad in America. Bean sprouts in America are eaten as a salad. Všichni už mají Toma dost. Everyone is already tired of Tom. They've all had enough of Tom. Вас там видели. You were seen there. You were seen there. Нет ни малейших сомнений, что этот человек виновен. There isn't the slightest doubt that this person is guilty. There is no doubt in my mind that this man is guilty. Лікарю, в мере болить спина. Doctor, my back hurts. Doctor, my back hurts. Мой дедушка был солдатом на войне. My grandfather was a soldier in the war. My grandfather was a soldier in the war. Они нас не забыли. They didn't forget us. They haven't forgotten us. Moja ciotka pokazała mi, jak zrobić dobrą kawę. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. My aunt showed me how to make good coffee. Я могу прочитать надпись на стене. I can read the writing on the wall. I can read the writing on the wall. Nie jestem z tego dumny. I am not proud of this. I'm not proud of it. Динамит изобрел Альфред Нобель в 1857 году. Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1857. Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1857. Це вже не моя проблема. It's not my problem anymore. It's not my problem anymore. Эта книга, похоже, интереснее, чем та. This book seems more interesting than that one. This book seems to be more interesting than this one. Вы американец или европеец? Are you an American or a European? Are you American or European? Analýza je hodně omezena nedostatkem pochopení toho, co dělám. The analysis is severely limited by my lack of understanding of what I am doing. The analysis is very limited by the lack of understanding of what I am doing. Zrób co możesz! Do what you can. Do what you can! To, co Tom řekl, mě velmi urazilo. What Tom said offended me a lot. What Tom said offended me a lot. Ќе можевме да се снајдеме. We could've managed. We could've handled it. Ви повинні зареєструвати свою домашню тварину. You must register your pet. You must register your pet. Kiedy wychodzisz z pracy? When do you get off work? When do you leave work? Если к вам цепляются, зовите на помощь! If someone is being pushy, call for help! If you get stuck, call for help! Што си намерил? What're you up to? What'd you find? Можеш да я видиш сутринта. You can see her in the morning. You can see her in the morning. Musíš být méně netrpělivý. You must be less impatient. You have to be less impatient. Кітайскія іерогліфы вельмі прыгожыя. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Chinese characters are very beautiful. Wstawaj, Tom. Muszę z tobą porozmawiać. Wake up, Tom. I've got to talk to you. Get up, Tom, I need to talk to you. Ви не занадто молоді, щоб палити? Aren't you too young to smoke? Are you too young to smoke? Jak dojść do NHK? How do I get to NHK? How to get to NHK? Ајде да го сработиме ова. Let's get this done. Let's do this. Они не знают, что я канадец. They don't know I'm Canadian. They don't know I'm Canadian. Кветкам і дрэвам патрэбныя свежае паветра і чыстая вада. Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water. Flowers and trees need fresh air and clean water. Нисам фин. I'm not nice. I'm not nice. Где и когда? Where and when? Where and when? Jesteś szczery. You're sincere. You're being honest. Мы узнали их. We recognized them. We recognized them. Kupila sam kaktus. I bought a cactus. I bought a cactus. Јас сум само земјоделец. I'm just a farmer. I'm just a farmer. Колата му е на две години. His car is two years old. His car is two years old. Этот писатель создал новый язык. This writer created a new language. This writer created a new language. Tom okamžitě zamířil ke dveřím. Tom immediately headed for the door. Tom immediately headed for the door. У вас в городе есть театр? Is there a theater in your town? Do you have a theatre in town? Вратата щракна и се затвори. The door clicked shut. The door clicked and closed. Skoči! Jump. Jump! Я його не бачив близько трьох років. I haven't seen him for about three years. I haven’t seen him in about three years. Нам довелося застрелити наших коней. We had to shoot our horses. We had to shoot our horses. Nemůžete to vyřešit rozmluvou? Can't you settle this through dialogue? Can't you solve it by talking? Отворила је врата. She opened the door. She opened the door. Якщо щось може піти не так, так і станеться. If anything can go wrong, it will. If something can go wrong, it will happen. Naravni logaritem e-ja je 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. The natural logarithm of e is 1. Сколько недель назад это случилось? How many weeks ago did that happen? How many weeks ago did this happen? Uniwersytet nosi imię swego założyciela. The university bears the name of its founder. The university bears the name of its founder. Том пішов за покупками. Tom is shopping. Tom went shopping. Би требало да пробам да им помогнам. I should try to help them. I should try to help them. Ти маєш робити те, що маєш робити. You have to do what you have to do. You have to do what you have to do. Прашањето е кога. The question is when. The question is when. Це не єдина проблема. That's not the only problem. That's not the only problem. Zaczęła rozkładać talerze na stole. She started laying down plates on the table. She began to spread the plates on the table. Ми звикли до цього. We're used to it. We're used to it. Семь гномов были добры. The seven dwarfs were good-hearted. The seven dwarves were kind. Вам нужно вырвать зуб. Your tooth must be extracted. You need to pull out your tooth. Нам потрібно поговорити з Томом знову. We need to speak to Tom again. We need to talk to Tom again. Я цябе шукала. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Chci si koupit český svetr. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech sweater. Grem domov. I go home. I'm going home. Том все ще хотів їсти. Tom was still hungry. Tom still wanted to eat. Ми атеїсти. We're atheists. We are atheists. Tomovo chování mě deprimuje. Tom's behaviour depresses me. Tom's behavior depresses me. Рубашка, которую он купил, дорогая была? Was the shirt he bought expensive? The shirt he bought was expensive? Ось і потяг. Here comes the train. Here is the train. Я був слабкий. I was weak. I was weak. Аз едва съм започнала. I've only just begun. I'm just getting started. Tomova matka Toma vykoupala. Tom's mother gave him a bath. Tom's mother bathed Tom. Грабитель вошёл в дом через эту дверь. The burglar came into the house through this door. The robber entered the house through that door. Nikdo se vtipům Toma nesmál. Nobody laughed at Tom's joke. No one laughed at Tom's jokes. Из этого замка сделали музей. This castle was made into a museum. This castle was turned into a museum. Погледни ме. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. На Хелловін він одягнувся пожежником. He dressed as a fireman for Halloween. On Halloween, he dressed as a firefighter. Мне приснился сон о луке. I had a dream about a bow. I had a dream about Luke. Первое, что тебе надо сделать, - это связаться с Томом. The first thing you have to do is contact Tom. The first thing you need to do is contact Tom. Слишком много вопросов. That's a bit much to ask. Too many questions. Что ж, я надеюсь, это принесет пользу. Well, I hope this will do some good. Well, I hope it'll do some good. Мы хотим провести отпуск в тихом месте. We want to spend the holidays in a quiet place. We want to spend our holidays in a quiet place. Myslím, že se přibližujeme. I think that we're getting closer. I think we're getting closer. Nancy je podobná mé sestře. Nancy resembles my sister. Nancy is similar to m<0xC3><0x83><0xC2><0xA9>s<0xC3><0x83><0xC2><0xA9> sest<0xC3><0x83><0xC2><0xA9>e. Jak by měl vypadat? What is he supposed to look like? What's he supposed to look like? Вклучи го радиото, те молам. Put the radio on, please. Turn on the radio, please. Нікуди не ходи. Don't go anywhere. Don't go anywhere. Том начал проводить больше времени с Мэри. Tom has begun spending more time with Mary. Tom started spending more time with Mary. Porozmawiajmy o tym problemie później. Let's discuss that problem later. Let's talk about this problem later. Bojíte se ticha? Are you afraid of silence? Are you afraid of silence? Я сегодня чуть на поезд не опоздал. I have nearly missed the train today. I was almost late for the train today. Ja ci postawię. I'll treat you. I'll buy you one. Изглежда си постигнал значителен успех от последният път в който те видях. You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last. Seems like you've had a lot of success since the last time I saw you. Ти маєш сказати це йому. You have to tell it to him. You have to tell him that. Помнишь ту песню, которую они играли по радио? Do you remember that song that they had played on the radio? Remember that song they played on the radio? Мы завтра улетаем в Австралию. We're leaving for Australia tomorrow. We're leaving for Australia tomorrow. Та всім насрати. Nobody gives a damn. Fuck all of you. Сьогодні буде спекотно, тоді чому ви носите з собою шерстяний светр? Today will be hot, so why are you carrying a wool sweater around with you? It's going to be hot today, so why are you wearing a wool sweater? Такое я никогда не забуду. That's something that I'll never forget. That's something I'll never forget. Он творчески мыслящий человек. He's a creative thinker. He is a creative thinker. Mohl bys mi to prosím přeložit? Would you be so kind as to translate this for me? Could you translate it for me, please? Křičela jsem na něho. I yelled at him. I screamed at him. Мне хочется говорить по-итальянски! I feel like speaking Italian! I want to speak Italian! Многу филозофи биле од Грција. Many philosophers come from Greece. Many philosophers were from Greece. Я знал, что это произойдёт. I knew it would happen. I knew this would happen. Это замечание касалось вас. This remark was about you. This comment was about you. Išli smo gledati kornjače na plaži. We went to see turtles on the beach. We went to see turtles on the beach. Він живе у квартирі. He lives in a flat. He lives in an apartment. Polovina obecenstva usnula. Half the audience fell asleep. Half the audience fell asleep. Je mi jedno, kam Tom odešel. I don't care where Tom went. I don't care where Tom went. Кто написал книгу, которую ты читаешь? Who wrote the book that you're reading? Who wrote the book you are reading? Том завърши гимназия след три години без нито един пропуснат ден или закъснение. Tom attended high school for three years without missing a single day or ever being late. Tom graduated from high school after three years without a single missed day or delay. Měl bych nechat flákání se. I should stop procrastinating. I should just let go of the slack. Отдавна не ти се е ходило там, нали? You have wanted to go there for a long time, haven't you? It's been a long time since you've been there, hasn't it? Chci zavřít dveře. I want to close the door. I want to close the door. Мері вже зробила те, що мала зробити. Mary has already done what she had to do. Mary had already done what she had to do. Я заеду за тобой в пять. I'll pick you up at five. I'll pick you up at five. Мы падаем и встаем. We fall and we get up. We fall down and get up. Půjdeme tam s Tomem. We will go there with Tom. We'll go with Tom. Napravit ćemo ono što uvijek napravimo. We'll do what we always do. We'll do what we always do. Француски учам. I'm studying French. I'm learning French. W łazience są karaluchy. There's a cockroach in the bathroom. There are cockroaches in the bathroom. Powiedziałem Tomowi, że pomogę. I told Tom I'd help. I told Tom I'd help. Я покупаю только мягкую туалетную бумагу. I only buy soft toilet paper. I only buy soft toilet paper. Тргај го оттука. Get him away from here. Get him out of here. У нас закінчилася картопля. We're out of potatoes. We ran out of potatoes. Давно ты ходил на лыжах кататься? How long has it been since you've gone skiing? How long have you been skiing? Мы идём в магазин вдвоём. We're going to the store together. We're going to the store together. Šel jsi k doktorovi? Have you gone to see a doctor? Did you go to the doctor? Не вмирай. Don't die. Don't die. Udělám všechno, co bude třeba. I'll do whatever is necessary. I'll do whatever it takes. Дзе твой дом? Where is your house? Where's your house? Я директор. I'm a director. I'm the director. Tom nie jest głupi. Tom isn't stupid. Tom's not stupid. Цей чай добрий на смак. This tea's got a nice taste. This tea tastes good. Ти слабак. You're a weakling. You weakling. Минатиот месец имав инфекција на мочниот меур. I had a bladder infection last month. Last month, I had a bladder infection. Proboha, Tome, co je k sakru tohle? For God's sake, Tom, what the hell is this? Oh, my God, Tom, what the hell is this? Мы продолжим над этим работать. We'll continue to work on this. We will continue to work on that. Zamierza kupić im to na prezent. She's going to buy them that as a gift. He's going to buy them this as a gift. Za jejich vlády se nic k lepšímu nezmění. Nothing will change for the better under their reign. Nothing will change for the better under their government. Возьмите другое, если хотите. Take the other one if you want. Take another one if you want. Зрабі гэта заўтра. Do that tomorrow. Do it tomorrow. Tom řekl, že Mary je v nemocnici. Tom said that Mary's in the hospital. Tom said Mary's in the hospital. Tom może nie mieć racji. Tom might be wrong. Tom may be wrong. Мэри носила сапоги до колена. Mary wore knee-high boots. Mary wore her boots to the knee. Вас этому в школе учили? Were you taught that at school? Did you learn that in school? Остави го заради друг мъж. She left him for another man. Leave it for another man. Je mi skoro dvakrát tolik, co tobě. I'm almost twice your age. I'm almost twice as old as you. Я не политик, я учёный. I'm not a politician. I'm a scientist. I'm not a politician, I'm a scientist. Я здорово испугался. I got really scared. I was so scared. Тому не слід так часто дивитися телевізор. Tom shouldn't watch so much TV. Don’t watch TV so often. Neříkala jsi, že Tom zemřel? Didn't you say Tom died? Didn't you say Tom died? Все, що тобі треба зробити, — це натиснути на червону кнопку. All you have to do is push this red button. All you have to do is press the red button. У Англии нет врагов, только интересы. England doesn't have friends, only interests. England has no enemies, only interests. Це не те, що нам потрібно робити. That isn't something we need to do. That’s not what we need to do. Żądali by burmistrz zrezygnował ze stanowiska. They demanded that the mayor should resign. They want the mayor to resign. Buďte ticho, abyste nevzbudili Toma. Be quiet so as not to wake Tom. Be quiet so you don't wake Tom. У мене не така важка валіза, як у Тома. My suitcase isn't as heavy as Tom's. I don't have a suitcase as heavy as Tom's. Díky za vaší pomoc vyřešit ten problém. Thank you for helping us solve the problem. Thanks for your help to solve this problem. Evropané jsou největšími konzumenty alkoholu na světě. Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. Policja podejrzewa, że Tom próbował otruć Mary. The police suspect that Tom was trying to poison Mary. The police suspect that Tom tried to poison Mary. Останься здесь со мной, пожалуйста. Please stay here with me. Stay here with me, please. Здається, що у Тома та Мері все в порядку. Tom and Mary seem fine. Tom and Mary seem to be fine. Opravdu potřebuješ pomoc? Do you really need help? Do you really need help? Како си поминавте на одмор? How was your holiday? How was your vacation? Нас десятеро. There are ten of us. Ten of us. Том будет в числе последних уходящих. Tom will be one of the last ones to leave. Tom will be among the last to leave. Ты не знал, что Том жил в Бостоне, когда был ребёнком? Didn't you know Tom lived in Boston when he was a kid? Did you know that Tom lived in Boston when he was a kid? Próbował otworzyć drzwi. He tried opening the door. He tried to open the door. Ништо никогаш не се менува. Nothing ever changes. Nothing ever changes. Jsi moje dcera. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Был ли в Греции король? Did Greece ever have a king? Was there a king in Greece? Tom neslyšel toho kohouta kokrhat. Tom couldn't hear the cock crowing. Tom didn't hear the rooster crow. Чи вмієте ви передбачати проблеми до того, як вони виникнуть? Are you good at anticipating problems before they happen? Can you anticipate problems before they arise? Jsem s ním ve sdružení deset let. I have been associated with him for ten years. I've been with him for ten years. Děkuji ti za všechno, co jsi pro mě udělal. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Я попросила Тома не вдягати одяг сестри. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. I asked Tom not to wear his sister's clothes. Вы же сказали, это шутка. You said it was a joke. You said it was a joke. Jesteś trudny. You're difficult. You're tough. Tato velikost je pro mě příliš velká. This size is too large for me. This size is too big for me. Měl bys to zkusit. You ought to try it. You should try it. Moc se mi líbí tvé šaty. I like your dress very much. I really like your dress. Каква свиња си. You're such a pig. What a pig you are. Она моя любовница! She is my mistress! She's my mistress! Она всегда выбирает в меню самое дорогое блюдо. She always chooses the most expensive thing on the menu. She always chooses the most expensive dish on the menu. Има алги во морето. There are algae in the sea. There's algae in the sea. Myslím, že zůstane. I think he'll stay. I think he'll stay. Том готовит гораздо лучше меня. Tom cooks a lot better than I do. Tom cooks much better than I do. Мне интересно, для кого этот конверт. I wonder who that envelope is for. I wonder who that envelope is for. А почему Вы сами ей не позвоните? Why don't you call her yourself? Why don't you call her yourself? Мері втримала рівновагу. Mary kept her balance. Mary kept her balance. Том не хотел, чтобы кто-то знал. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Tom didn't want anyone to know. Изглежда, че той ще победи. It looks like he's winning. Looks like he's gonna win. Nyamal šla k rieke po vodu. Nyamal went to fetch some water from the river. Nyamal went to the river to fetch water. Він порізав собі палець ножем. He cut his finger with the knife. He cut his finger with a knife. Самолетът ми отлита в шест часа. My plane leaves at six o'clock. My plane leaves at six o'clock. Коли ти підеш до Тома? When are you going to Tom's place? When are you going to see Tom? Хтось постукав у двері Тома. Someone knocked on Tom's door. There was a knock on Tom’s door. Nikt nie jest na tyle biedny, żeby nie móc sobie pozwolić na bycie schludnym. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. No one is poor enough not to be able to afford to be neat. Не мога да направя това. I can't do this. I can't do that. Той прави копие. He's making a copy. He's making a copy. Прекрати меня всё время перебивать. Stop interrupting me all the time. Stop interrupting me all the time. Вчера меня поймали на превышении скорости. I was caught speeding yesterday. I was caught speeding yesterday. Bez nauki nie ma przyszłości. Without science, there is no future. Without science, there is no future. Иди скорей! Come quick! Go, go, go! Tom s tebou držet krok nezvládne. Tom won't be able to keep up with you. Tom can't keep up with you. Не забудь указать индекс. Do not forget to write the postcode. Don't forget to include the index. У вас тут часто бывает снег? Do you often get snow here? Do you get snow here often? Почему нам нельзя поехать с тобой? Why can't we go with you? Why can't we go with you? Я положу деньги в свой бумажник. I'll put the money in my wallet. I'll put the money in my wallet. Tom mě nemůže urazit. Tom cannot offend me. Tom can't insult me. Незважаючи на це, вона врешті-решт заснула. Nevertheless, she eventually fell asleep. Despite this, she eventually fell asleep. Vyžehli tu košili, prosím. Please iron the shirt. They burned the shirt, please. Nikt nie wie, jak się czuję. Nobody knows how I feel. No one knows how I feel. Да наблюдаваш диви птици е много забавно. Watching wild birds is a lot of fun. Watching wild birds is a lot of fun. Цім дітям потрібна наша допомога. Those kids need our help. These kids need our help. Я капітан цього корабля. I'm the captain of this ship. I am the captain of this ship. Dlužíš mi pivo. You owe me a beer. You owe me a beer. У Канадзе размаўляюць на англійскай. English is spoken in Canada. In Canada, they speak English. Она сказала, что он ей нравится. She said she liked him. She said she liked him. Это неправда. It's not true. That's not true. Забављајте се док можете. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Máš životný cieľ? Do you have a life goal? Do you have a life purpose? Urodziliśmy się tego samego dnia. We were born on the same day. We were born on the same day. У меня не все симптомы. I don't have all the symptoms. I don't have all the symptoms. Ќе соработувам. I'll cooperate. I'll cooperate. Зашто то одмах ниси рекао? Why didn't you say that in the first place? Why didn't you say so right away? Освен това безработицата се увеличава. Besides that, unemployment is increasing. In addition, unemployment is increasing. Я сказал тебе, что передумал. I told you I'd changed my mind. I told you I changed my mind. Це насправді нерозумно. That's really stupid. That's really stupid. Сигурно била таа. It must've been her. Must have been her. Давай сегодня вечером посидим за чаем снаружи? How about having tea outside this evening? Why don't we sit outside for tea tonight? Трипати ме ограбија месецов. I've been burgled three times this month. I've been robbed three times this month. On ne puši i ne pije votku. He doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink vodka. He doesn't smoke or drink vodka. Ты мне не это обещал. That's not what you promised me. That's not what you promised me. Tom przedawkował leki i teraz ma straszną gorączkę. Tom overdosed his medication and now he has a severe fever. Tom overdosed on his meds, and now he's got a terrible fever. Dávame si cukor do čaju. We put sugar in our tea. We put sugar in our tea. Том має повну грошей валізу. Tom has a suitcase full of money. He has a suitcase full of money. Môžeš mi, prosím, urobiť láskavosť? Could you please do me a favor? Can you please be kind to me? ’ Jě. He eats. Oh, yeah. Я начальник. I'm the manager. I'm the boss. Глубина воды была 30 метров. The water was 30 meters deep. The water depth was 30 meters. Кто будет оперировать Тома? Who will operate on Tom? Who's gonna operate on Tom? Том сказал, что ещё не хочет спать. Tom said that he isn't sleepy yet. Tom said he didn't want to sleep yet. Или ти тях, или те тебе! Get 'em before they get you! It's either you or them! Вам слід попросити у нього поради. You ought to ask him for advice. You should ask him for advice. Нам надо с ними поговорить. We should talk to them. We need to talk to them. Зошто си уморен? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? Жизнь в городе очень отличается от жизни за городом. Living in town is very different from living in the country. Life in the city is very different from life outside the city. Я устану. I'm going to be tired. I'll get tired. Том та Мері скінчили? Are Tom and Mary done? Tom and Mary finished? Не хвилюйся. Ти можеш на мене розраховувати. Don't worry. You can count on me. Don't worry, you can count on me. С твоей стороны было ошибкой сюда приходить. It was a mistake for you to come here. It was a mistake on your part to come here. Что вы поёте? What're you singing? What are you singing? У меня нет ни малейшего представления. I haven't the faintest idea. I have no idea. Шта није у реду са вама? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Няма тоалетна хартия. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Nemohl bych se jí podívat do očí. I couldn't look her in the eye. I couldn't look her in the eye. Czy twoja dziewczyna lubi kwiaty? Does your girlfriend like flowers? Does your girlfriend like flowers? Если бы она знала номер её телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could ring her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Это было общее решение. It was a joint decision. It was a general decision. Дуже часто відкриті атаки не помічаються шахістами-початківцями. It is often the case that discovered attacks go unnoticed by beginning chess players. Very often, open attacks are not noticed by beginner chess players. Си пукал ли со пиштол досега? Have you ever shot a gun before? You ever shoot a gun before? Ще раз, будь ласка. One more time, please. One more time, please. Помоги мне с уборкой. Help me clean up. Help me clean up. Видишь макаку с детёнышем? Do you see the macaque with its baby? See the macaque with the baby? Je jednou nohou v hrobě. He has one foot in the grave. He's got one foot in the grave. Малку бев оптеретен со друго. I've been a little distracted. I was a little overwhelmed with something else. Остання точка зору має багато прихильників в Японії. The latter view has many supporters in Japan. The latter point of view has many supporters in Japan. Том се готвеше да ме застрела. Tom was going to shoot me. Tom was about to shoot me. Przegrywamy. We're losing. We're losing. Можливо, проблема - це Том. Maybe Tom's the problem. Maybe the problem is Tom. Годі волати! Stop screaming! Stop crying! Тобі не слід на нього кричати. You shouldn't shout at him. You shouldn't yell at him. Все думают, что Том - гений. Everybody thinks that Tom is a genius. Everyone thinks Tom's a genius. Комната Тома оказалась гораздо меньше, чем я думал. Tom's room was a lot smaller than I expected it to be. Tom's room was much smaller than I thought. Я бы хотела десять печений. I would like ten cookies. I'd like ten cookies. Има премногу киселина во портокалов. There is too much acid in this orange. There's too much acid in oranges. Máte o čtvrtkách volno? Are you free on Tuesdays? Are you free on Thursdays? Они готовятся к отъезду. They're getting ready to leave. They're getting ready to leave. Jem kolację piętnaście po siódmej. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner at 7:15. Не искам да продавам душата си. I don't want to sell my soul. I don't want to sell my soul. Трябва да се владееш. You must control yourself. You've got to control yourself. Северяне рассчитывали на победу в сражении при Булл-Ран. Northerners had expected to win the Battle of Bull Run. The Northerners hoped to win the Battle of Bull Run. Это последний раз, когда я её видел. That's the last time I saw her. That's the last time I saw her. Kdo povolal Toma do práce? Who recalled Tom to work? Who invited Tom to work? Tom czuł się winny. Tom felt guilty. Tom felt guilty. Том слушна како Мери му вика на Џон. Tom heard Mary yelling at John. Tom heard Mary calling out to John. Дэн признался, что был под воздействием марихуаны, когда переехал Линду. Dan admitted that when he ran Linda over, he was under the influence of marijuana. Dan admitted that he was under the influence of marijuana when he moved to Linda. Извинете, къде е тоалетната? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? To se mi na tobě líbí, Tome. I like that about you, Tom. I like that about you, Tom. Tom se zeptal Mary, jestli zná Johnovu ženu. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's wife. Tom asked Mary if she knew John's wife. Америка была ошибкой. America was a mistake. America was a mistake. Tom wyglądał, jakby miał wszystko, czego potrzebuje. Tom seemed to have everything he needed. Tom looked like he had everything he needed. Я провожу много времени на пляже. I spend a lot of time on the beach. I spend a lot of time at the beach. Ты меня достал! You piss me off! You got me! Суходіл займає меншу частину земної поверхні. Land occupies the minor portion of the earth's surface. Sukhodil occupies a smaller part of the Earth's surface. Dlho som na vás čakala. I waited for you a long time. I've waited a long time for you. Не знаш ни како се он зове, зар не? You don't even know his name, do you? You don't even know his name, do you? Jesteś inspiracją dla nas wszystkich. You're an inspiration to us all. You are an inspiration to us all. Почему на флаге Словении шестиконечные звёзды? Why are there six-pointed stars on the flag of Slovenia? Why are there six-pointed stars on the flag of Slovenia? Dítě lezlo po čtyřech. The baby was crawling on all fours. The child climbed on four. Цю камеру важко сфокусувати. It's hard to get this camera to focus. This camera is hard to focus. Тому й запитую. That's why I'm asking. That's why I'm asking. Моя кішка розуміє французьку, але вдає, що не розуміє. My cat understands French, but she pretends not to. My cat understands French, but pretends not to. Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji rocznicy! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary to you! В дикой природе осталось менее четырёхсот сибирских тигров. There are less than 400 Siberian tigers left in the wild. In the wild there are less than four hundred Siberian tigers. Реших, че може да сте ми ядосани. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Была попытка. There was an attempt. There was an attempt. Поліція попросила дівчину зробити грубу замальовку її пса, який пропав. The police asked the girl to make a rough sketch of her lost dog. The police asked the girl to make a rough sketch of her missing dog. Мені тридцять років. I'm thirty years old. I am thirty years old. Мері, що ти робиш? Mary, what are you doing? Mary, what are you doing? Забравих го. I forgot it. I forgot it. А ось і Том, знову клеїть із себе дурня. There goes Tom with his tomfoolery again. And here's Tom, fooling around again. Ќе најдам некој друг да ни помогне. I'll find someone else to help us. I'll find someone else to help us. Се заљубив во тебе. I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. Vyhrožoval jí po telefonu. He threatened her on the phone. He threatened her on the phone. Хотів би я знати, що ви шукаєте. I wish I knew what you're looking for. I'd like to know what you're looking for. Момчете, не вдигайте никакъв шум. Boys, don't make any noise. Guys, don't make any noise. Колку време поминуваш пред компјутер? How much time do you spend on a computer? How much time do you spend in front of a computer? Он опьянел и стал болтлив. He got drunk and became talkative. He got drunk and started talking. Се насмевнаа. They smiled. They smiled. Мы боимся Тома. We're afraid of Tom. We're afraid of Tom. Я завжди плутаю Джона з його братом-близнюком. I always confuse John and his twin brother. I always confuse John with his twin brother. Я не думаю, що Том уміє їздити на одноколісному велосипеді. I don't think Tom knows how to ride a unicycle. I don't think Tom knows how to ride a unicycle. Овие панталони ми се точни. These pants fit me well. These pants are perfect for me. Том быстро закончил работу. Tom finished the job quickly. Tom finished the job quickly. Наша планета больна. Our planet is ill. Our planet is sick. Колку јазика зборуваш? How many languages can you speak? How many languages do you speak? On je nestao bez traga. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Она уже пошла спать? Did she go to bed already? Has she gone to bed yet? Что-то здесь не то. Something is off about this. Something's not right here. Том изгледаше бесно. Tom looked furious. Tom looked angry. У мене немає часу. I don't have time. I don't have time. Tom si dal klystýr. Tom gave himself an enema. Tom had an enema. Zveme tě. We're inviting you. We invite you. Что, если Том обманывает? What if Tom cheats? What if Tom's cheating? Дан го виделе како зборува со непознат човек во близина на ресторанот. Dan was seen talking to an unknown man near the restaurant. Dan was seen talking to a stranger near the restaurant. Ќе откријам кој го сторил ова. I'm going to figure out who did this. I'm gonna find out who did this. Като си в Рим, прави като римляните. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do. Что бы ни произошло, тебе надо сохранять спокойствие. Whatever happens, you have to stay calm. Whatever happens, you need to stay calm. Pozwól, że jej to wytłumaczę. Let me explain it to her. Let me explain it to her. Не те обвинявам. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Мэри сняла солнечные очки. Mary took off her sunglasses. Mary took off her sunglasses. Zapomeň na tuto smutnou událost. Forget this sad event. Forget about this sad event. Zapomněl jsem si penál doma. I forgot my pencil case at home. I forgot my pencil case at home. Spokojnie! Take it easy! Easy, easy! Ты не знаешь, как отсюда выйти? Do you know how to get out of here? You don't know how to get out of here? Ходімо сьогодні до кінотеатру? Shall we go to the cinema tonight? Want to go to the cinema today? Они нас здесь скоро найдут. They'll find us here soon. They'll find us here soon. У тебе є солом'яний капелюх? Do you have a straw hat? Do you have a straw hat? Hledáte práci, že? You're looking for work, aren't you? You're looking for a job, aren't you? Мисля, че в Бостън ще ви хареса. I think you'd like it in Boston. I think you'll like it in Boston. Никој не дојде овде. No one came up here. No one came here. Zhorší se to, když vstanu. It gets worse when I stand up. It gets worse when I get up. Tom přišel o práci a má velké dluhy. Tom lost his job and he is heavily in debt. Tom's lost his job and he's in a lot of debt. Jestliže dnes bude pršet, nepůjdeme k moři. If it rains today, we will not go to the sea. If it rains today, we won't go to the sea. Здесь прекрасная акустика. The acoustics here are marvelous. It's got great acoustics. Mój starszy brat jest naprawdę wysoki, około 1,8m. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really tall, about 1.8m. Які колер лепей за ўсё адлюстроўвае святло? What color reflects light the best? What is the best color to reflect light? Ќе го решиме тоа. We'll sort it out. We'll figure it out. Я почти каждый день после школы вижу Тома. I see Tom almost every day after school. I see Tom almost every day after school. Я зламала ніготь I broke my fingernail. I broke my fingernail. Престани или ще ти дам да разбереш. Stop that, or I'll fix your wagon. Stop it or I'll let you know. Хотів би я, щоб ти не був таким йобаним мудаком. I wish you weren't such a fucking dick. I wish you weren't such a fucking asshole. Zdobyłem się na odwagę i poszedłem tam (said by a man) I mustered up my courage and went there. I got the courage and went there (said by a man) Wątpię w to. I doubt it. I don't think so. Nevěřil jsem, že se to doopravdy stalo. I didn't believe that it really happened. I didn't believe it really happened. Вино не для детей. Wine is not for children. Wine is not for children. Volim grožđe. I love grapes. I like grapes. Tom často ponocuje. Tom often stays up late. Tom often spends the night. Це була легка перемога. It was an easy win. It was an easy victory. Я тобі дам ці гроші. I'll give you that money. I'll give you the money. Что ты почувствовала, когда победила? What did you feel when you won? How did you feel when you won? Они дошли до острова по замёрзшему озеру. They walked to the island on the frozen lake. They reached the island by a frozen lake. Został w tyle ze względu na możliwe niebezpieczeństwo. He stayed behind in view of possible danger. He was left behind because of the possible danger. У него не было ни гроша. He didn't have a penny. He didn't have any money. Он не мог уйти далеко. He can't have gone far. He couldn't have gone far. Ten vyšší z těch dvou mužů odešel dříve. The taller of the two men went out first. The taller of the two men left early. Російській армії немає чого робити в Україні. The Russian army has no business in Ukraine. The Russian army has nothing to do in Ukraine. Твоје ципеле су овде. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Повеќето пари си ги чувам во банката што е во близина на мојата канцеларија. I keep most of my money at the bank near my office. I keep most of my money in the bank near my office. Таксистка ли е? Is she a taxi driver? Is she a cabbie? Я багато чого дізналася. I learned a lot. I learned a lot. Не съм получил дори и едно писмо от нея. I didn't even receive one letter from her. I didn't even get a letter from her. Сколько лет вашему старшему брату? How old is your older brother? How old is your older brother? Нам ей позвонить? Should we call her? Should we call her? Мне очень везло. I was very lucky. I was very lucky. Souhlasila? Did she agree? Agreed? Можешь ли ты быть быстрее своей тени? Can you be faster than your shadow? Can you be faster than your shadow? Все перекладывали вину друг на друга. Everyone shifted blame onto each other. Everyone blamed each other. Пойдем купаться после школы. Let's go swimming after school. Let's go swimming after school. Я не могу залогиниться. I can't log in. I can't log in. Какого ответа вы ожидаете? What kind of reply are you expecting? What answer do you expect? Мне надо вернуться в Бостон. I have to return to Boston. I have to get back to Boston. Том показав Мері свій фотоальбом. Tom showed his photo album to Mary. Tom showed Mary his photo album. Том написав дві книжки. Tom wrote two books. Tom has written two books. Исчисти го. Clean it up. Clean it up. Изглежда кучето иска да яде нещо. It looks like the dog wants something to eat. Looks like the dog wants to eat something. Це Том знайшов мою кішку. Tom is the one who found my cat. Tom was the one who found my cat. Стой, ты же не так держишь палочки для еды, а? И давно ты так делаешь? Hey, aren't you holding your chopsticks wrong? How long have you been doing that? Wait, that's not how you hold your chopsticks, is it? Захарта е сладка. Sugar is sweet. Sugar is sweet. Вы не имеете права вторгаться в чужую жизнь. You have no right to invade someone else's life. You have no right to invade someone else's life. Tańsza nie zawsze znaczy gorsza. Cheaper doesn't always mean worse. Cheaper doesn’t always mean worse. Я играю в баскетбольной команде. I play in the basketball team. I play on a basketball team. Я купіла новы камп’ютар. I bought a new computer. I bought a new computer. Тријаголниците немаат четири агла. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangles do not have four angles. Том повернувся до готелю. Tom went back to the hotel. Tom went back to the hotel. Тој е паметен. He's smart. He's smart. Том и ги објасни на Мери правилата во подробности. Tom explained the rules to Mary in detail. Tom explained the rules to Mary in detail. Я не хочу с тобой разговаривать. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Нито пък съм казала това. I didn't say that either. I didn't say that either. Да погледаме од поблизу. Let's take a closer look. Let's take a closer look. Я нашёл для вас учителя французского. I found a French teacher for you. I found a French teacher for you. Я хачу, каб ты рабіў гэта правільна. I want you to do this right. I want you to do it right. Ste v knižnici. You are in a library. You're in the library. Защо боядиса пейката в червено? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? Tito ptáci nemigrují. These birds don't migrate. These birds don't migrate. Я здаю кімнату на місяць. I'm renting out a room for a month. I rent a room for a month. Tom nezná rozdíl mezi zeměpisem a geologií. Tom doesn't know the difference between geography and geology. Tom doesn't know the difference between geography and geology. Teď se cítím silnější. I feel stronger now. I feel stronger now. Хороші хлопці перемогли. The good guys won. The good guys won. Он дал уклончивый ответ. His reply was evasive. He gave a evasive answer. Это не так очевидно. It's not that obvious. It's not that obvious. Ништо не ми должиш. You owe me nothing. You don't owe me anything. Вам есть во что переодеться? Do you have something to change into? Do you have anything to change? Pochybuji o tvém zdravém rozumu. I doubt your good sense. I doubt your sanity. Том зараз у саду. Tom is in the garden at the moment. Tom is in the garden. Джейн съвсем не беше наясно кога и къде да отиде. Jane was quite at a loss when and where to go. Jane had no idea when or where to go. Cały czas korzystamy z Internetu. We use the Internet all the time. We use the internet all the time. Я люблю картофель фри. I love french fries. I love French fries. Том не хотел говорить о своей болезни. Tom didn't want to talk about his illness. He didn’t want to talk about his illness. Czy Tom płakał? Was Tom crying? Did Tom cry? Má velké kozy. She has big boobs. She's got big tits. Двенадцатичасовое путешествие меня измотало. The twelve-hour journey had tired me out. The twelve-hour journey was exhausting. Szef Justyny nie dba o jej samopoczucie. Justyna's boss doesn't care about her well-being. Justin's boss doesn't care about her well-being. Будь ласка, покажіть мені, як це робиться. Please show me how to do that. Please show me how it is done. Ми її впізнали. We recognized her. We recognized her. У Тома на ногах одиннадцать пальцев. Tom has eleven toes. Tom has 11 toes. Том у дуже поганій формі. Tom is in very bad shape. Tom is in very bad shape. Nic nie robimy. We're not doing anything. We're not doing anything. Шри-Ланка - красивый остров. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island. Починай. Start. Go ahead. Я теж так думаю. I think so, too. I think so, too. Як ти перенесла загальну анестезією? How did you get through anaesthesia? How did you survive general anesthesia? Если смешать соляную кислоту и гидроксид натрия, получится вода и поваренная соль. Интересно, безопасно было бы её пить? When you mix hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide, you get water and table salt. I wonder if it'd be safe to drink? If you mix hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, you get water and table salt. I wonder if it would be safe to drink it? Том та Мері наздогнали Джона. Tom caught up with Mary and John. Tom and Mary caught up with John. Musím ji dostat zpět. I have to get her back. I have to get her back. Крвта тече по крвните садови. Blood flows through blood vessels. Blood flows through the blood vessels. Поскольку я простужен, я ничего не чувствую на вкус. Since I have a cold, I can't taste anything. Since I have a cold, I can't taste anything. Nigdy nie odpowiadałeś na moje telefony. You never returned my calls. You never answered my calls. Kdes celou tu dobu byl? Where have you been all this time? Where have you been all this time? Jak długo zostaniesz z ciocią? How long will you stay with your aunt? How long will you stay with your aunt? Mogłabym cię uszczęśliwić. I could make you happy. I could make you happy. Том ничего не скажет, даже если его будут пытать. Tom won't say anything, even if they torture him. Tom won't say anything, even if he's tortured. У комп'ютері вірус. The computer has a virus. There is a virus in the computer. Jak zwykle, położył klucze na biurku. He put the key on the desk as usual. As usual, he put the keys on his desk. Чух, че членството на Том е било прекратено. I heard Tom's membership has been revoked. I heard Tom's membership was terminated. Время обниматься! It's hug time! Time to hug! Восхищаясь его храбростью, я доверял ему. Because I admired his courage, I trusted him. Admiring his bravery, I trusted him. Тобі потрібно бути терплячішою. You must be more patient. You need to be patient. Som Berlínčan. I am a Berliner. I'm a Berliner. Rozejrzyj się wokoło. Look around. Look around you. Z oblohy padal sneh s dažďom. A mixture of snow and rain was falling from the sky. Rain and snow fell from the sky. Ти любиш дивитися порнографічні фільми? Do you like watching porn movies? Do you like watching pornographic movies? Мері звинувачувала батьків. Mary blamed her parents. Mary blamed her parents. Вы знаете, насколько я ценю нашу дружбу. You know how much I value our friendship. You know how much I appreciate our friendship. Я плохо спал прошлой ночью, но хорошо спал этой. I didn't sleep well the night before last, but I slept well last night. I didn't sleep well last night, but I did sleep well this one. Најпрвин, да зборуваме што треба да направи Том. First, let's talk about what Tom needs to do. First of all, let's talk about what Tom needs to do. Jak na to? How to do it? How's that? Helsinky jsou hlavní město Finska. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Може ли да Ви взема палтото? May I take your coat? Can I take your coat? Они, возможно, не знают об этом. They may not know about it. They may not be aware of it. Их встреча была неизбежна. Their meeting was inevitable. Their meeting was inevitable. Здесь нельзя жить. One cannot live here. You can't live here. Touha vede k utrpení. Desire leads to suffering. Desire leads to suffering. Все гаразд? Is everything in order? Is everything okay? Já jen doufám, že tentokrát se nic zlého nepřihodí. I just hope nothing goes wrong this time. I just hope nothing bad happens this time. Вогонь згас. The fire is out. The fire went out. Том рече дека не му е ладно. Tom said he didn't feel cold. Tom said he wasn't cold. Ми атеїстки. We're atheists. We are atheists. Я очень надеюсь, что Том не выиграет. I sure hope that Tom doesn't win. I really hope Tom doesn't win. Ko dam revnim hrano, mi pravijo svetnik. Ko vprašam, zakaj revni nimajo hrane, mi pravijo komunist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint, and when I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist. Ты не можешь скрыть этого от Тома. You can't hide the fact from Tom. You can't hide it from Tom. Я с детства питаю к этому страсть. I have a passion for this since childhood. I have had a passion for this since childhood. Ця виделка зроблена з чистого срібла. This fork is made of pure silver. This fork is made of pure silver. Kdo je ta dívka, kterou máte s sebou? Who is this girl that you have with you? Who's the girl you have with you? Tyto tužky jsou nové. These pencils are new. These pencils are new. Это ты сделала? Did you do this? Did you do that? Да здравствует Дэн! Long live Dan! Long live Dan! Nienawidzę być sam o tej porze roku. I hate being alone this time of year. I hate being alone at this time of year. Wiele grup etnicznych tradycyjnie daje pieniądze jako prezent ślubny. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Many ethnic groups traditionally give money as a wedding gift. Какие вещи тебя больше всего раздражают? What kind of things bother you the most? What things annoy you the most? Dnes podává jídlo Tom. Tom is serving the food today. He's serving food today, Tom. Какой из себя её муж? What does her husband look like? What kind of husband is she? Это правда, что ты уже не хочешь замуж за Тома? Is it true you don't want to marry Tom anymore? Is it true you don't want to marry Tom anymore? С тобой всё только делается лучше! You being there makes it all better! Everything is only getting better with you! Данія хацела абараніць хлопца, якога яна кахала. Dania wanted to protect the guy that she loved. She wanted to protect the man she loved. У нас гости. We have some houseguests. We have guests. Не си ги осеќам нозете. My feet are numb. I can't feel my legs. Она начала петь. She began to sing. She started singing. Мария Кюри была полькой, а не француженкой. Marie Curie was Polish, not French. Marie Curie was Polish, not French. Прозорецът се отвори. The window opened. The window opened. У этого фильма есть французские субтитры? Does this film have French subtitles? Does this movie have French subtitles? Зачем Тому всё это? Why does Tom need all this? Why is Tom doing all this? Постоји ли објективна историја? Does objective history exist? Is there an objective history? Ты их боишься. You're afraid of them. You're afraid of them. Отвали! Я занят! Shove off! I'm busy! I'm busy! Rozmawiam po francusku z moimi nauczycielami. I speak French with my teachers. I speak French with my teachers. Якою мовою розмовляють у Східному Тукрестані? What language is spoken in East Turkestan? What language is spoken in East Turkestan? Нямаше друго място, на което да отида. I had no place else to go. There was no other place I could go. Он не выключил двигатель. He didn't turn off the engine. He didn't turn off the engine. Ајде да зборуваме за тебе. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about you. Не сме престапници. We're not criminals. We're not delinquents. Они знают моих родителей. They know my parents. They know my parents. Nogi Toma były poważnie skaleczone, ale udało mu się doczołgać do bezpiecznego miejsca. Tom's legs were seriously injured, but he managed to crawl to safety. Tom’s legs were severely cut, but he managed to crawl to a safe place. Том така душка. Tom is a real peach. Tom's so sweet. На щастя, ніхто не намокнув. Luckily nobody got wet. Fortunately, no one got wet. Скажите мне, пожалуйста, что вы будете делать. Please tell me what you'll do. Please tell me what you're going to do. Dveře se nechtěly zavřít. The door didn't want to close. The door wouldn't close. Поход обернулся катастрофой. The expedition was fraught with disaster. The trip turned into a disaster. Daj mi to! Give it to me! Give me that! Ano, jmenuji se Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Трябва да викнем полицията. We have to call the police. We need to call the police. To je pes, co vypadá jako kůň. That is a dog that looks like a horse. It's a dog that looks like a horse. Далеко вперёд не уезжай. Don't go too far ahead of me. Don't go too far ahead. Мои родители не поняли бы. My parents wouldn't understand. My parents wouldn't understand. Když jsem přišel domů, děti už spaly. By the time I got home, the children were already asleep. By the time I got home, the kids were already asleep. Нема да го кажам тоа пак. I won't say it again. I won't say it again. Нам надо помыть рыбу и её сварить. We need to wash and boil the fish. We need to wash the fish and boil it. Niebo jest zachmurzone. It's cloudy. The sky is cloudy. Том сказал тебе, где он нашёл свои ключи? Did Tom tell you where he found his keys? Did Tom tell you where he found his keys? Поврзи се со неа. Contact her. Get in touch with her. Том уехал три года назад. Tom left three years ago. Tom left three years ago. Možná požádám Toma, aby to pro nás udělal. Maybe I'll ask Tom to do that for us. Maybe I'll ask Tom to do it for us. Мы можем съездить, если хочешь. We can go if you want. We can go if you want. Nisam te ovdje prije vidjela. I haven't seen you in here before. I've never seen you here before. Пра што вы гаварылі? What did you talk about? What were you talking about? Učinimo nekome uslugu. Let's do someone a favor. Let's do someone a favor. Якого кольору хмарина? What colour is the cloud? What color cloud? Пообещай мне, Мэри. Promise me, Mary. Promise me, Mary. Герої такого не роблять. Heroes don't do that. Heroes don’t do that. Мій кіт великий. My cat is big. My cat is big. Я сказал Тому, чтобы он приезжал пораньше. I told Tom to arrive early. I told Tom to get here early. У нас было недоразумение. We had a misunderstanding. We had a misunderstanding. Tom má vysoký tlak. Tom's got high blood pressure. Tom's got high blood pressure. Я щойно знайшла це. I've just found this. I just found this. Скажи ему, чтобы пришёл в двенадцать. Tell him to come at noon. Tell him to come at twelve. Можешь спеть песню. You can sing a song. You can sing a song. Tom měl sestru, která zemřela když jí byli tři roky. Tom had a sister who died when she was three. Tom had a sister who died when she was three years old. Краще дати йому відпочити. Best to let him rest. It is better to give him rest. Ён штодня голіцца. He shaves himself every day. He shaves every day. Jak to się stało, że tak dobrze znasz angielski? How come you know English so well? How did you come to know English so well? Как это здесь уместно? How is that relevant here? How is that appropriate here? Том пообещал, что изменится. Tom promised he would change. Tom said he would change. Я стараюсь быть откровенным. I'm trying to be sincere. I try to be honest. Я не всех этих учеников знаю. I don't know all of those students. I don't know all these students. Не бойся. Don't be afraid. Don't be scared. Том надеялся, что его не обвинят в случившемся. Tom hoped he wouldn't be blamed for what happened. He hoped he would not be blamed for what happened. Они едут домой. They are on their way home. They're going home. Chceš, aby som ti zaspievala uspávanku? Do you want me to sing you a lullaby? You want me to sing you a lullaby? Тоні його зламав. Tony broke it. Tony broke it. Tom to ještě nepochopil. Tom hasn't realized it yet. Tom didn't get it yet. Татко ми е многу строг. My dad is very strict. My father is very strict. Я бачила, як ти на це дивився. I saw you look at it. I saw the way you looked at it. Я ем это мясо. I'm eating the meat. I eat this meat. Солнце палит. The sun is burning. The sun is burning. Nie szukaj dziury w całym. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Don't look for a hole in everything. Budeš tam muset asi hodinu čekat. You will have to wait there about an hour. You'll have to wait there for about an hour. Изкачвал съм връх Фуджи два пъти. I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice. I've climbed Mount Fuji twice. Chce bojovať proti rasizmu. He wants to fight racism. He wants to fight racism. Porozmawiają z nami jutro rano. They will talk to us tomorrow morning. They'll talk to us tomorrow morning. Що нам робити — це залежить від вас. What we do is up to you. What we do is up to you. Zrobił się blady ze strachu. He turned pale with fright. He became pale with fear. Том ја плукна гумата за џвакање. Tom spit out his gum. Tom spit out the chewing gum. Nikt nie umarł. No one died. No one died. Tom byl vykázán ze soudní síně. Tom was banished from the courtroom. Tom was thrown out of court. Я не даю обіцянок. I make no promises. I'm not making any promises. Сегодня мой день рождения. Today is my birthday. It's my birthday. Chceš to probrat? Do you want to discuss it? You want to talk about it? Звідси далеко до Бостона? Is it far from here to Boston? Is it too far from Boston? Мислех, че Том не ви харесва. I thought you didn't like Tom. I thought Tom didn't like you. Если беспокоишься, пусть тебя проверят на эндоскопии. If you're worried, go for an endoscopy to have it checked out. If you're worried, have you tested for endoscopy. Tom chciałby, by Mary wiedziała, że on nie planuje prosić jej o rękę. Tom wants Mary to know he's not planning on asking her to marry him. Tom wants Mary to know that he's not planning on asking her to marry him. Ме префати гадна настинка од него. He gave me a bad cold. I got a bad cold from him. Я гэтага не бачыла. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. Том довіз Мері до Бостона. Tom drove Mary to Boston. Tom took Mary to Boston. Его что-то беспокоит. Something's bothering him. He's worried about something. Можешь говорить, я слушаю. You can speak, I am listening. You can talk, I'm listening. Когато враговете пред теб са много, погледни зад себе си - ти имаш и много съюзници. When many enemies appear in front of you, look back, you have many allies as well. When there are many enemies in front of you, look behind you - you also have many allies. Помоги мне подвинуть диван. Help me move the sofa. Help me move the couch. Hledáte práci? Are you looking for work? Looking for a job? Indonezja składa się z wielu wysp i dwóch półwyspów. Indonesia consists of many islands and two peninsulas. Indonesia is made up of many islands and two peninsulas. Nevzdávej se naděje. Don't give up hope. Don't give up hope. Він на три роки старший від неї. He's three years older than she is. He is three years older than her. Осенью я поеду в Париж. I'm going to Paris in the fall. I'm going to Paris in the autumn. Але яму пашанцавала. But he was lucky. But he was lucky. Правило гласит: сначала I, потом E, если перед ними не стоит C, но его не стоит принимать слишком всерьёз. The rule is I before E except after C, but that rule should really be taken lightly. The rule is: first I, then E, if they do not have C in front of them, but it should not be taken too seriously. Постарайтесь понять Тома. Try to understand Tom. Try to understand Tom. Мне ни один из них не нравится. I like neither of them. I don't like any of them. Тому все ще подобається Бостон? Does Tom still like Boston? Do you like Boston? На седлото е самотно, откакто конят умря. It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died. It's been lonely on the saddle since the horse died. Те молам, движи се брзо. Please move quickly. Please, move fast. Vím, že jsi učitelem rád. I know you like being a teacher. I know you like being a teacher. В стакане было пусто. The glass was empty. The glass was empty. Изглежда, че си права. Действително Том е откраднал цигулката на Мери. It looks like you were right. Tom was the guy who stole Mary's violin. It looks like you're right, actually Tom stole Mary's violin. Той е нещо малко знаменитост. He is something of a celebrity. He's a little celebrity. Ona jest w toalecie. She's in the restroom. She's in the bathroom. Вы хотите, чтобы я начала заново? Do you want me to start again? You want me to start over? Она ещё не убралась у него в комнате. She hasn't cleaned his room yet. She hasn't cleaned his room yet. Принимайте это лекарство между приёмами пищи. Take this medicine between meals. Take this medicine between meals. Почнав да размислувам за него. I started thinking about him. I started thinking about him. Pajác! Buffoon! Hey, buddy! Tom navrhl, abychom tam šli spolu. Tom suggested that we go there together. Tom suggested we go there together. Ты никогда не моешь пол. You never wash the floor. You never wash the floor. Dom ma siedem pełnych łazienek. The house has seven full bathrooms. The house has seven full bathrooms. Том — єдиний чоловік у комітеті. Tom is the only man on the committee. Tom is the only man on the committee. Nechoď k Tomovi. Mohl by ti ublížit. Don't go to Tom's place. He could hurt you. Don't go to Tom, he could hurt you. Нажмите на кнопку. Push the button. Press the button. Це дуже нечемне запитання. That's a very impolite question. That's a very bad question. В Вашем номере кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Tom řekl, že nesouhlasí. Tom said that he disagrees. Tom said he disagreed. Sním to. I'm going to eat this. I'll eat it. Тебя арестовали. You were arrested. You've been arrested. Њам! Похован сир. Yum. Fried cheese. Yummy! Buried cheese. Ne potrebuješ mojega dovoljenja. You don't need my permission. You don't need my permission. Překvapilo mě, když jsem viděl Tomovo auto na příjezdové cestě Mary. I was surprised to see Tom's car in Mary's driveway. I was surprised to see Tom's car on Mary's driveway. Tyle wiem na pewno. I know that much. That much I know for sure. Думаєш? Do you reckon? You think? Он втюрился в свою учительницу китайского языка. Но, со всеми этими гормональными делами, он втюривался почти в каждого встречного. He had a crush on his Chinese teacher; but what with all the hormones, he had a crush on just about everyone. He's got a crush on his Chinese teacher, but with all this hormonal stuff, he's got a crush on almost everyone he meets. Tom nikomu nie powiedział. Tom didn't tell anyone. Tom didn't tell anyone. Тези не ги пипай! Don't touch these. Don't touch those! Ми говоримо нижньонімецькою, а ви? We speak Low German. Do you? We speak German, how about you? Vyprávějte o něčem, co chcete v blízké budoucnosti změnit. Tell us about something you want to change in the near future. Talk about something you want to change in the near future. Молим вас, седите. Please sit. Please, sit down. Предназначено для повседневного использования. This is designed for everyday use. Designed for everyday use. Вы не возражаете, если я буду записывать этот разговор? Would you mind if I record this conversation? Do you mind if I record this conversation? Да не би нещо да те плаши? Are you afraid of something? Is there something that scares you? Tom zawahał się. Tom hesitated. Tom hesitated. Том отиде во Бостон со авион. Tom went to Boston by plane. Tom went to Boston on a plane. Чому поїзд затримується? Why is the train delayed? Why is the train delayed? Провери дали си изключила телевизора, преди да заспиш. Be sure to switch off the television before you go to sleep. Make sure you turn off the TV before you go to sleep. Нудистите ја сметаат голотијата за нормална. Nudists regard nudity as normal. Nudists consider nudity to be normal. Zachorowała na grypę. She is down with influenza. She got the flu. Wiele nas łączyło. We had a lot in common. We had a lot in common. Том никогда не подозревал, что Мэри и Джон встречались друг с другом. Tom never had an inkling that Mary and John were dating each other. Tom never suspected that Mary and John were dating each other. Na pięć dni tyle wystarczy. It's enough for five days. Five days is enough. Скільки буде сімнадцять плюс шістдесят? What is 17 plus 60? What's seventeen plus sixty? Идеме накај Бостон. We're on our way to Boston. We're going to Boston. Что ты планируешь делать? What are you planning on doing? What are you planning to do? Нема да го искористам Том. I'm not going to take advantage of Tom. I'm not taking advantage of Tom. Чух как някой влиза. I heard someone come in. I heard someone coming in. «Ты уже придумал, что мы сегодня будем есть?» – «Давай опять фаршированный перец?» – «С удовольствием!» "Have you thought about what we're going to eat today?" "Do you fancy some more stuffed peppers?" "Oh, not half!" “Have you thought about what we’re going to eat today?” – “Let’s have stuffed peppers again?” – “With pleasure!” Он знает её со средней школы. He's known her since middle school. He's known her since high school. Ти мені більше не подобаєшся. I don't like you anymore. I don't like you anymore. Я думаю, моя ідея ліпша. I think that my idea is better. I think my idea is better. Доведи, що ти не боягуз. Prove you're not a coward. Prove you're not a coward. Том се испијани со текила. Tom got drunk on tequila. Tom's been drinking tequila. Не се ли радвате да ме видите? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you glad to see me? Матэматыка — добры урок. The mathematics class is good. Math is a good lesson. Том мене уникає. Tom avoids me. Tom is avoiding me. Я його десь заховав. I hid it somewhere. I hid it somewhere. Нам некогда было отдохнуть. We had no time to rest. We didn't have time to rest. Vlak vykolejil a způsobil paniku mezi cestujícími, ale nebyly hlášeny žádné oběti. The train derailed causing panic among the passengers, but no casualties were reported. The train derailed and caused panic among passengers, but no casualties were reported. Догадайтесь, кого я видела на заправке. Guess who I saw at the gas station. Guess who I saw at the gas station. Je to odplata za špatné skutky v předchozím životě. It's payback for wrongdoing in a previous life. It's payback for bad deeds in a previous life. Powědam dolnoserbski. I speak Lower Sorbian. I speak Lower Sorbian. Родители не разрешают нам встречаться. Our parents won't let us meet. My parents won't let me meet them. Труди се да не му обрнуваш внимание на Том. Try to ignore Tom. Try not to pay any attention to Tom. Mój pies, Cookie, rozumie komendy po francusku i po angielsku. My dog Cookie understands French and English commands. My dog, Cookie, understands commands in French and English. Я хочу написать письмо. У меня есть конверт, но нет марок. I want to write a letter. I have an envelope, but I don't have any stamps. I want to write a letter. I have an envelope, but no stamps. Moje psy są białe. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. О том, чтобы это сделать, не могло быть и речи. Doing that was out of the question. There could be no question of doing so. Itálie je daleko od Brazílie. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Я хочу проводить вас домой. I want to walk you home. I want to take you home. «Я в порядке». – «Нет, не в порядке». "I'm fine." "No, you're not." "I'm fine." "No, I'm not fine." Скільки донатів з'їв Том? How many doughnuts did Tom eat? How many donuts did Tom eat? Наклонет сум кон тоа да ти верувам. I'm inclined to believe you. I'm inclined to believe you. Czy mogę dostać dżin i kolę? Can I have a gin and coke please? Can I have a genie and a Coke? За неа беше. It was for her. It was for her. Я помер. I am dead. I'm dead. Беднейшая страна ЕС беднее самого бедного штата США? Is the poorest country in the European Union poorer than the poorest state in the United States? Is the poorest country in the EU poorer than the poorest state in the US? Том нашёл на земле нож. Tom found a knife on the ground. Tom found a knife on the ground. Заметно, что этот текст — перевод. You can tell that this text is a translation. It is obvious that this text is a translation. Це його машина. That is his car. It's his car. Все члены должны соблюдать эти правила. All members need to observe these rules. All members must abide by these rules. Кнїжка на карсцелю? Is the book on the chair? A book on karstel? Тебе нравится панк-рок? Do you like punk rock? Do you like punk rock? Poszedł do baru wypić kilka piw. He went to a bar to drinks some beers. He went to the bar to have a few beers. Се очекува дека облакодерот ќе потоне во мочуриштето. The skyscraper is expected to sink into the bog. The skyscraper is expected to sink into the swamp. Вы не можете меня заставить. You can't make me. You can't make me. Chcę ci pomóc, jakkolwiek mogę. I want to help you however I can. I want to help you as much as I can. Моя мать уже умерла. My mother is already dead. My mother's already dead. Мислам дека Том е ситничав. I think Tom is petty. I think Tom's petty. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнеш с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Давайте перевіримо. Let's check. Let's check it out. Je mi jedno, co si o mně lidé myslí. I don't care what people think of me. I don't care what people think of me. Вот-вот должно было взойти солнце. The sun was about to rise. The sun was about to come up. Это машина нашего учителя по китайскому языку. This is our Chinese language teacher's car. It's our Chinese teacher's car. Mně se zdá, že se mýlíš. It seems to me that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Главнот град на Франција е Париз. The capital city of France is Paris. The capital of France is Paris. У холодильнику лише молоко. There's only milk in the fridge. There's only milk in the fridge. Жаль, что с нами сейчас нет Тома. I wish Tom were with us now. Too bad Tom's not with us right now. Nemohu se dívat na to, jak Tom ničí moji práci. I cannot watch Tom destroying my work. I can't watch Tom ruin my work. Я жил в этом доме в детстве. I lived in this house as a kid. I lived in this house when I was a kid. Я прочёл Вашу книгу, и мне она показалась очень интересной. I read your book and I found it very interesting. I read your book and found it very interesting. Это было многообещающе. That was promising. That was promising. Още не смятам да се отказвам. I'm not giving up yet. I'm not giving up yet. Nikdy bych se Tomovi nesvěřil. I would never confide in Tom. I would never confide in Tom. Посмотрим, что тебе есть сказать. Let's see what you have to say. Let's see what you have to say. Я захоплююся тим, як ти завжди можеш залишатися таким спокійним. I admire the way you can always stay so calm. I admire how you can always stay so calm. Заўтра я еду з Осакі ў Токіа. I'll leave Osaka for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. Už mám toho vedra dost. I am weary of this hot weather. I've had enough of the heat. Скажите Тому, чтобы ничего не трогал. Tell Tom not to touch anything. Tell Tom not to touch anything. Это электроприбор. This is an electrical appliance. It's an electrical appliance. Не се притеснявайте. Don't worry. Don't worry about it. Она пьет чай с небольшим количеством молока. She drinks tea with a little milk. She drinks tea with a small amount of milk. Ты сегодня взвешивался? Have you weighed yourself today? Did you weigh yourself today? Я теж не зайнятий. I'm not busy either. I'm not busy either. Tom šel do kuchyně. Tom went down to the kitchen. Tom went into the kitchen. Už se vám někdy zdálo o Tomovi? Have you ever dreamed about Tom? Have you ever dreamed of Tom? Tom znalazł klucz, którego szukał. Tom found the key he had been looking for. Tom found the key he was looking for. Ale ja nie mam pieniędzy. But I don't have money. But I don't have any money. Кукі — сенбернар. Cookie is a St. Bernard. Cooky is St. Bernard. Vždycky můžete přidat alternativní překlad. You can always add an alternative translation. You can always add an alternative translation. Tentokrát Tom neuspěl. Tom failed this time. This time, Tom failed. Трябва да си събуя чорапите. I have to take off my socks. I have to take my socks off. Jestem aresztowany. I'm being arrested. I'm under arrest. Нејзиното здолниште има шлиц од едната страна. Her skirt has a slit on one side. Her skirt has a slit on one side. Je mi fuk, kdy to uděláš. I don't care when you do that. I don't care when you do it. Uleví se mi, až bude Tom pryč. I will be relieved when Tom is gone. I'll be relieved when Tom's gone. «Кто побеждает?» – «Мы не ведём счёта». "Who's winning?" "We're not keeping score." “Who wins?” – “We don’t keep score.” Czy muszę robić, co mówi Tom? Do I have to do what Tom says? Do I have to do what Tom says? Ці справжні. These are genuine. These are real. Я думаю, Том добре говорить французькою. I think Tom speaks French well. I think Tom speaks French well. Можеш да разчиташ на мен. You can rely on me. You can count on me. Какво искате да ми кажете? What is it you want to tell me? What do you want to tell me? Абсолютно ничто даже не приближается к ячейкам по содержанию и качеству информации. Absolutely nothing even comes close to the cells in terms of content and quality of information. Absolutely nothing even approaches the cells in terms of content and quality of information. Мисля, че е по-добре да седнете. I think you'd better sit down. I think you'd better sit down. Почему вы избегаете Тома? Why have you been avoiding Tom? Why are you avoiding Tom? Grci također jedu mnogo ribe. The Greeks also eat fish often. The Greeks also eat a lot of fish. Piwo zwykle pije się na zimno. Beer is usually drunk cold. Beer is usually cold. Будь ласка, чекайте назовні! Please wait outside. Please wait outside! Тя напредва с английския. She is making progress with her English. She's progressing with English. То, что вы здесь пишете, - правда. What you are writing here is true. What you write here is true. Bude velké odhalení. There will be a big disclosure. There's gonna be a big reveal. Jesteś jedynym człowiekiem prócz mnie, który interesuje się takimi rzeczami. You're the only person I know besides me who is actually interested in this kind of thing. You're the only person besides me who's interested in that sort of thing. Мислам дека ќе имаш работа до гуша. I thought you'd be hard at work. I think you're gonna be busy. Tom nechtěl nosit košili, kterou mu matka koupila k Vánocům. Tom didn't want to wear the shirt that his mother had gotten him for Christmas. Tom didn't want to wear the shirt his mother bought him for Christmas. Vůbec tomu nerozumím. I can't understand this at all. I don't understand it at all. Нашата работа никога не свършва. Our work never ends. Our work never ends. Я не горжусь тем, что я американец. I'm not proud to be an American. I am not proud to be an American. Том швидко відчинив двері. Tom quickly opened the door. Tom quickly opened the door. Думаешь, вечером будет дождь? Do you think it'll rain tonight? Do you think it's gonna rain tonight? Если Том хочет поехать, пусть едет. If Tom wants to go, let him. If Tom wants to go, let him go. Proč existuje otroctví? Why is there slavery? Why is there slavery? Том всё утро провёл в поисках ключей. Tom spent the whole morning looking for his keys. Tom spent all morning looking for the keys. Кога ще тръгваш? When will you leave? When are you leaving? Мы должны встать на рассвете. We must get up at dawn. We have to get up at dawn. Прииска ми се да изкрещя. I felt like screaming. I wanted to scream. Саме ти сказав, що я мушу це зробити. You're the one who said I should to that. You're the one who said I had to do it. Ovo je moj pisaći stol. This is my desk. This is my writing desk. Думаю, я нашёл то, что вы ищете. I think I found what you're looking for. I think I found what you're looking for. Tom doufal, že vyhraje. Tom had hoped he could win. Tom was hoping to win. Больно трогать. It hurts when I touch it. It hurts to touch. Nie chcę grać z Tomem. I don't want to play with Tom. I don't want to play with Tom. Мы пришли помочь Тому. We came to help Tom. We're here to help Tom. Знаев дека Том ќе паничи. I knew that Tom would panic. I knew Tom would panic. Я маю готуватися до тесту. I have to study for the test. I have to prepare for the test. Obvykle obědváme v poledne. We usually have lunch at noon. We usually have lunch at noon. Отправил, но вложение забыл. I sent it, but I forgot the attachment. I did, but I forgot to invest. Директор это заметил. The principal noticed that. The director noticed. Byłem zmęczony, ale pracowałem dalej. Tired out, I carried on working. I was tired, but I kept working. Я оставил права дома. I left my driving licence at home. I left the rights at home. Прекрати создавать суету на пустом месте. Stop making a fuss over nothing. Stop creating havoc in an empty space. Гэта найлепшае кіно, якое я калісьці глядзела. This is the best movie I've ever seen. It's the best movie I've ever seen. Obydwoje zaczęli śmiać się. Both of them started laughing. They both began to laugh. Moim miastem jest Algier. Algier is my town. My city is Algiers. Kukurydza to główny składnik tej sałatki. Corn is the main ingredient of this salad. Corn is the main ingredient in this salad. Я думал, в комнате кто-то есть. I thought there was somebody in the room. I thought there was someone in the room. Proč je vždycky všechno tak složité? Why is everything always so complicated? Why is everything always so complicated? Tom zgodził się wykonać tę pracę. Tom has agreed to do the job. Tom agreed to do the job. Вы сделали то, о чём они вас просили? Did you do what they asked you to do? Did you do what they asked you to do? Taro, obiad na stole. Taro, dinner is ready. Tara, dinner's on the table. Я набагато більша від вас. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I am much bigger than you. Сёння дзень кампліментаў. Заўтра будзе дзень абраз. Today is a day of compliments. Tomorrow will be a day of insults. Today is the day of compliments. Tomorrow will be the day of the icon. Той е добър шофьор. He is good at driving. He's a good driver. Я забув, як вас звуть. I've forgotten your name. I forgot your name. Том зачинив дверь. Tom shut the door. Tom closed the door. Том не хоче носити джинси. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Tom doesn't want to wear jeans. Заняття у школі починаються у квітні. School starts in April. School starts in April. Кај тебе ли се клучевите? Do you have the keys? Do you have the keys? Razumijem. I understood. Yes, sir. Кога се случила пљачката? When did the robbery happen? When did the robbery happen? Том хочет того же, что и ты. Tom wants the same thing you do. Tom wants what you want. Wyglądało na to, że był chory. It seemed that he had been ill. It looked like he was sick. Ima lijepu patinu na sebi. It has a nice patina on it. He's got a nice patina on him. Чоловіки повзають біля її ніг. Men grovel at her feet. Men crawling at her feet. Potřebuji devět hodin spánku. I need nine hours of sleep. I need nine hours of sleep. Я купив Тому годинник. I bought a clock for Tom. I bought Tom a watch. Он простоял 28 лет. It stood for 28 years. He stood for 28 years. Kam chcete cestovat? Where do you intend to travel to? Where do you want to travel? Глупо даже пытаться это сделать. It's stupid to even try to do that. It's stupid to even try. Калі ласка, застанься. Please stay. Please, please stay. Я оформил себе страховой полис. I got myself an insurance policy. I have an insurance policy. Ты нас любил. You loved us. You loved us. Изглежда, че Том успя да получи това, което искаше. It looks like Tom was able to get what he wanted. Looks like Tom got what he wanted. Том не пам'ятає нічого з тієї ночі. Tom doesn't remember anything from that night. Tom can't remember anything from that night. Jak dlouho pro vás Tom pracoval? How long has Tom worked for you? How long did Tom work for you? Tom wydłubuje gluty z nosa. Tom is picking boogers out of his nose. Tom's digging up the glutes from his nose. Dítě sebralo malý kámen. The kid picked up a little stone. The child picked up a small stone. Czy to jest łoś? Is that a moose? Is that a moose? Vůbec se neopovažuj Toma budit. Don't even dare to wake Tom up. Don't you dare wake Tom up. On lubi grać w piłkę nożną. He likes playing football. He likes to play football. Ciężko zapracowaliśmy na to, co mamy. We've worked hard for what we have. We have worked hard for what we have. Я хотел поесть пиццы. I wanted to eat pizza. I wanted to eat pizza. Prezident Trump je často špatně pochopen. President Trump is often misunderstood. President Trump is often misunderstood. Том, вопросы есть? Tom, do you have any questions? Tom, do you have any questions? Я не знаю, куда Том поставил наши чемоданы. I don't know where Tom put our suitcases. I don't know where Tom put our suitcases. Křičel jsem na něj. I yelled at him. I yelled at him. To jsi nečekal, že? You didn't expect that, did you? You didn't expect that, did you? Я ненавиджу стереотипи. I hate stereotypes. I hate stereotypes. Kdybych tak byl trávil více času trénováním svého psa, dokud byl ještě štěně. I wish I'd spent more time training my dog when he was still a puppy. If only I had spent more time training my dog while he was still a puppy. Я всю жизнь искала такого, как ты. I've spent my life searching for someone like you. I've been looking for someone like you all my life. Том знае нешто што не ни го кажува. Tom knows something he's not telling us. Tom knows something he's not telling us. Мисля, че това е ужасно. I think that's horrible. I think that's terrible. Zostawiłem gdzieś swój paszport. I left my passport somewhere. I left my passport somewhere. Иска ми се да можех да говоря френски като тебе. I wish I could speak French like you. I wish I could speak French like you. У всех есть враги. Everyone has enemies. Everyone has enemies. Musíme udělat to samé. We need to do the same. We have to do the same. Постмодернизм отличается от модернизма. Postmodernism is different from modernism. Postmodernism is different from modernism. Tom už tolik nekouří. Tom doesn't smoke as much as he used to. Tom doesn't smoke that much anymore. Kdysi jsem maso jedl. I used to eat meat. I used to eat meat. Ręce mi się kleją. My hands are sticky. My hands are sticking together. Danas imam puno toga za obaviti. Today I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot to do today. Ги нападнале. They were attacked. They've been attacked. Том не сакаше Мери да плаче. Tom didn't want Mary to cry. Tom didn't want Mary to cry. Искам нещо за ядене. I'd like something to eat. I want something to eat. Na miejscu czy na wynos? Is that to eat here or take out? On-site or off-site? Ако човечеството не се грижи за околната среда, околната среда ще унищожи човечеството. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. If humanity does not care about the environment, the environment will destroy humanity. Почуствах се като отхвърлен сред тези хора. I felt like an outcast among those people. I felt rejected by these people. Ён прастудзіўся. He has a cold. He's got a cold. Реков дека можеби ќе заврне. I said it might rain. I said it might rain. Co nám chceš říct? What do you want to tell us? What are you trying to tell us? Tom zemřel ve věku třiceti let. Tom passed away at the age of thirty. Tom died at the age of 30. Утре почнувам. I begin tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. Ќе дојде ли полиција? Will the police come? Will the police come? Я не знаю, и Том тоже. I don't know, and neither does Tom. I don't know, and neither does Tom. Tomův předek byl anglický šlechtic. Tom's ancestor was a member of England's landed gentry. Tom's ancestor was an English nobleman. Nie każdy ptak umie śpiewać. Not every bird can sing. Not every bird can sing. Тебе коли-небудь штрафували за перевищення швидкості? Have you ever had a speeding ticket? Have you ever been fined for speeding? Я не хотел, чтобы вы рассказывали Тому о том, что мы сделали. I didn't want you to tell Tom about what we did. I didn't want you to tell Tom what we did. Понекогаш е тешко да се одреди дали е Том среќен или не. Sometimes it's a little hard to tell if Tom's happy or not. Sometimes it's hard to tell if Tom's happy or not. Им се јавив вчера. I called them yesterday. I called them yesterday. Ми мормони. We're Mormons. We're Mormons. Французский оказалось учить труднее, чем я ожидал. French was more difficult to learn than I expected. French was harder to learn than I expected. Я ушкодив спину. I hurt my back. I hurt my back. Budeš šťastný. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Том изгледа толку среќно. Tom looks so happy. Tom looks so happy. Вы недооцениваете Тома. You underestimate Tom. You're underestimating Tom. Если оно тебе не нужно, не покупай его. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Вероятно утре ще вали сняг. Probably it will snow tomorrow. It's probably going to snow tomorrow. Я з’еў картапляных чыпсаў. I ate some potato chips. I ate the potato chips. Ненавижу пустыню. I hate the desert. I hate the desert. Отцы современной науки – Коперник, Галилей, Кеплер, Ньютон, Бойль и многие другие – видели явные доказательства замысла во Вселенной и, по сути, были вдохновлены на открытие законов природы своей верой в трансцендентного законодателя. The fathers of modern science – Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, and many others – saw clear evidence of design in the universe and, in fact, were inspired to discover the laws of nature by their faith in a transcendent lawgiver. The fathers of modern science—Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, and many others—saw clear evidence of design in the universe and were essentially inspired to discover the laws of nature by their belief in a transcendent legislator. Прокомментируйте, пожалуйста. Please comment. Comment, please. Mama! Ta teta i čovjek se drže za ruke, oni su jako dobri prijatelji, zar ne? Mama! That lady and man are holding hands, they're great friends aren't they! That aunt and the man are holding hands, they're very good friends, aren't they? Ví Tom a Mary, že jsem tady? Do Tom and Mary know I'm here? Does Tom and Mary know I'm here? Цяжка скардзіцца на такіх добрых людзей. It's hard to complain against such good people. It's hard to complain about such good people. Се имам заљубено во тебе. I've fallen in love with you. I've fallen in love with you. Не ми се сърди за това. Don't hold it against me. Don't be mad at me about it. Том поскользнулся на банановой шкурке. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom slipped on the banana skin. Свободу китам! Free the whales! Freedom to whales! Не биди педер. Don't be a dick. Don't be a faggot. Цены снизятся. The prices will come down. Prices will go down. Я не хотел, чтобы соседи видели меня голым. I didn't want my neighbors to see me naked. I didn't want my neighbors to see me naked. Вакцинации от коронавируса – бизнес миллиардеров. Covid vaccination is a billionaire business. Coronavirus vaccinations are the business of billionaires. На сликата се гледаат шишиња со разновидни зеленчукови масла. In the photo, some bottles with different types of vegetable oils are seen. The picture shows bottles with a variety of vegetable oils. Ти бачив його нове кіно? Have you seen his new film? Have you seen his new movie? Какую музыку вы обычно слушаете в машине? What kind of music do you usually listen to while driving? What kind of music do you usually listen to in the car? To była matka wszystkich bitew. That was the mother of all battles. She was the mother of all battles. Tom pracoval jako novinář. Tom has worked as a journalist. Tom worked as a journalist. Скоро ще се върна. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. Он уже прочёл эту книгу. He's already read this book. He's already read the book. Poslední dobou jsem hodně snil. I've been dreaming a lot lately. I've been dreaming a lot lately. Разбојниците му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The robbers tied his mouth. To nietypowa prośba. This is an unusual request. It's an unusual request. Його дурна відповідь вразила усіх. His stupid answer surprised everybody. His stupid response surprised everyone. Убав викенд. Enjoy your weekend. Have a nice weekend. Можеш ли да вземеш това, ако обичаш. Could you take this, please? Can you take this, please? После того Том никогда не видел Мэри. Tom never saw Mary after that. After that, Tom never saw Mary. Том обично не ради то тако понедељком. Tom usually doesn't do that like that on Monday. Tom doesn't usually do that on Mondays. Přijď, prosím, domů co nejrychleji. Please come home as quickly as possible. Please come home as soon as possible. Чому б нам не відвідати Тома? Why don't we go visit Tom? Why don't we go see Tom? Кто подал тебе эту идею? Who gave you that idea? Who gave you this idea? Мэри сказала, что чувствует себя очень уставшей. Mary said that she was feeling very tired. Mary said she felt very tired. Скажи Тому, що я знаю, що відбувається. Tell Tom I know what's going on. Tell Tom I know what's going on. Мы разулись. We took off our shoes. We broke up. Dzielny strażak uratował chłopca z płonącego domu. The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. A firefighter rescued a boy from a burning house. Udělal bych to rád. I would be happy to do it. I'd like to do that. Ако трябва да избираш между пиано и цигулка, кое би избрала? If you had to choose between piano and violin, which would you prefer ? If you had to choose between a piano and a violin, which would you choose? Почему бы тебе не пойти и убить себя? Why don't you go kill yourself? Why don't you go kill yourself? Ништо не може да нѐ сопре. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop us. Čas hojí zlomené srdcia. Time heals broken hearts. Time heals broken hearts. Том виріс у маленькому селі. Tom was raised in a small village. He grew up in a small village. Půjdu se obléct. I'll go get dressed. I'm gonna go get dressed. Зачем ты за мной шёл? Why did you follow me? Why did you follow me? Том не направи опит да убеди Мери, че е невинен. Tom made no attempt to convince Mary that he was innocent. Tom didn't try to convince Mary that he was innocent. Беше толкова хубав ден, че решихме да се разходим. It was such a pleasant day that we went for a walk. It was such a beautiful day that we decided to go for a walk. Vše jste sami viděli. You saw everything yourself. You've seen it all. Proszę rzuć mi piłkę. Please throw me the ball. Please throw me the ball. Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón. You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone. You're wrong: he plays the double bass, not the trombone. Том навидум знае се. Tom seems to know everything. Tom seems to know everything. Chce wypić twoją krew w północ. I want to drink your blood at midnight. He wants to drink your blood at midnight. Spacerując w ogrodzie, znalazłem żółwia. Walking in the garden I found a turtle. Walking in the garden, I found a turtle. Kdyby náhodou přišel Tom tak mu řekni, že nejsem doma. If Tom should happen to come, tell him that I'm not at home. If Tom comes by, tell him I'm not home. «Где ты?» – «Здесь!» "Where are you?" "Here!" “Where are you?” – “Here!” Том научил меня это делать. Tom taught me how to do this. Tom taught me how to do that. У тебя все получится, если ты попытаешься. You'll succeed if you try. You can do it if you try. Переключіть на CNN. Put CNN on. Switch to CNN. Роуз поднялась удобрить розовой икрой свои ряды роз. Rose rose to put rose roes on her rows of roses. Rose rose to fertilize her rows of roses with pink caviar. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła. Poland is not yet lost. Poland is not yet dead. Защо непрекъснато повтаряш, че има предостатъчно време? Why do you keep saying there's ample time? Why do you keep saying there's plenty of time? Не говори так, ты меня не знаешь. Don't say that, you don't know me. Don't say that, you don't know me. Направих първата крачка. I've taken the first step. I took the first step. Zajímalo by mě, jak moc je to pro Toma důležité. I wonder how much important it is for Tom. I wonder how important this is to Tom. Jakou funkci má klávesnice F5? What does the F5 key do? What is the function of the F5 keyboard? Том имаше уште неколку работи за кажување. Tom had a few more things he wanted to say. Tom had a few more things to say. У шта верујеш? What do you believe in? What do you believe in? Ты научишься, просто имей терпение. You will learn, but be patient. You'll learn, just be patient. Její vlasy byly tak dlouhé, že sahaly na zem. Her hair was so long that it reached the floor. Her hair was so long that it reached to the ground. Це не твоя найсильніша сторона. It's not your cup of tea. It’s not your strongest side. Jaki jest tytuł rozdziału? What is the title of the chapter? What is the title of the chapter? Кот меня поцарапал. The cat scratched me. The cat scratched me. Co chtěl, aby udělali? What did he want them to do? What did he want them to do? Želim meč! I want to fight! I want a sword! Masz jakieś zdjęcia Toma, kiedy był dzieckiem? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Do you have any pictures of Tom when he was a kid? Том е монах. Tom is a monk. Tom's a monk. Vím, že mě nesnášíte, ale nevím proč. I know you hate me, but I don't know why. I know you hate me, but I don't know why. Если бы он знал его номер телефона, он мог бы ему позвонить. If he knew his phone number, he could call him. If he knew his phone number, he could have called him. Я гадаю, що есперанто - складна мова. I think that Esperanto is a difficult language. Esperanto is a complex language. Откъде знаеш френски толкова добре? How come you know French so well? How do you know French so well? Тя слезе по стълбите. She went down the stairs. She went down the stairs. Ви вивчаєте валлійську мову? Are you learning Welsh? Do you study the Welsh language? Никад нећеш да погодиш кога сам видела данас. You'll never guess who I saw today. You'll never guess who I saw today. У нас закінчилося паливо. We ran out of gas. We are out of fuel. Tom se stal na tom léku závislým. Tom became dependent on that drug. Tom became addicted to the drug. Я не знаю, нравится вам мексиканская кухня или нет. I don't know whether you like Mexican food or not. I don't know if you like Mexican food or not. Мама зараз грає у теніс. Mum is playing tennis now. My mom is playing tennis. Что станет с Томом? What'll become of Tom? What will happen to Tom? Слободата на израз била строго ограничена. The freedom of expression was strictly limited. Freedom of expression was severely restricted. Більшість магазинів зачиняється в районі десятої години. Most stores close at around ten. Most shops close at 10 a.m. Я лично прослежу за этим. I'll see to that personally. I'll keep an eye on it myself. Что за фантастическое везение! What fantastic luck! What fantastic luck! Я смогу быть там через час. I can be there in an hour. I can be there in an hour. Proč ses rozhodl neříct mi vše, co o Tomovi víš? Why did you choose not to tell me everything you know about Tom? Why did you decide not to tell me everything you know about Tom? Díky bohu, že jsi tu. Thank goodness you're here. Thank God you're here. Я уже приготовила завтрак. I've already prepared breakfast. I already made breakfast. Ключ от моей квартиры не открывает. My apartment key isn’t working. The key to my apartment won't open. Zawsze tu mieszkałeś? Have you always lived here? Have you always lived here? Забавите се док можете. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Ted' nemám čas. I don't have time now. I don't have time now. Том весит больше, чем мы двое вместе взятые. Tom weighs more than both of us put together. Tom weighs more than the two of us put together. Snad ten vlak nezmeškáme. Let's hope that we don't miss the train. Hope we don't miss the train. Mòrmònji majõ zakôzóné pòligamjijé, le chtërni adepcë dërch jã praktikùjõ. The Mormons have outlawed polygamy, but some adherents still practice it. M<0xC3><0xB2>rm<0xC3><0xB2>nji maj<0xC3><0xB5> zakoz<0xC3><0xB3>né p<0xC3><0xB2>ligamjije, le <0xC5><0xA1>t<0xC3><0xAB>rni adepc<0xC3><0xAB> d<0xC3><0xAB>rch j<0xC3><0xA3> j<0xC3><0xB9>j<0xC3><0xB5>. Том не може да се справи с това. Tom can't handle this. Tom can't handle this. Я не дал ей уйти домой пораньше. I didn't let her go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Do wypadku doszło z powodu zaniedbania. The accident happened due to negligence. The accident was due to negligence. Как ты думаешь, где было бы безопаснее всего? Where do you think the safest place would be? Where do you think it would be safest? Някога поздравявал ли си Pfirsichbäumchen на немски? Have you ever greeted Pfirsichbäumchen in German? Have you ever greeted Pfirsichb<0xC3><0xA4>umchen in German? Tom wygląda na naprawdę zakłopotanego. Tom seems really embarrassed. Tom looks really embarrassed. Многие мужчины отращивают бороду, потому что им лень бриться. Many men grow beards because they're too lazy to shave. Many men grow a beard because they are lazy to shave. Дојден сум тука со Том. I came here with Tom. I came here with Tom. Sami nigdy się nie goli. Sami never shaves. He never shaves himself. Том би можел да се повреди. Tom could get hurt. Tom could get hurt. Můžete mluvit pomaleji? Could you speak a bit more slowly? Can you speak more slowly? Przyszedłem najszybciej, jak mogłem. I came as soon as I could. I came as soon as I could. Я на четвёртом месяце. I am four months pregnant. I'm in my fourth month. Używamy teleskopów, aby widzieć odległe obiekty. We use telescopes to see far-away objects. We use telescopes to see distant objects. Я сказала Тому, что вы голодны. I told Tom you were hungry. I told Tom you were hungry. Том доби питичка. Tom got a little pie. Tom got a drink. Ми повинні робити це частіше. We must do this more often. We should do it more often. Опасен съм. I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. Можеме да почнеме вечерва. We can begin tonight. We can start tonight. Mała dziewczynka się nie bawiła. The little girl was not playing. The little girl wasn't having fun. Имамо пет прстију на свакој руци. We have five fingers on each hand. We have five fingers on each hand. Он купил быструю машину. He bought a fast car. He bought a fast car. Tom nemá svou macechu rád. Tom doesn't like his stepmother. Tom doesn't like his stepmother. Том розшукується за вбивство. Tom is wanted for murder. Tom is wanted for murder. Том сказал мне то же самое, что и Мария. Tom told me exactly the same thing Mary did. Tom said the same thing to me as Maria did. Nie rozumiem po polsku. I do not understand Polish. I don't understand Polish. Jak tylko znajdę przyzwoitą kamerę, zaczynam kręcić filmy do internetu. As soon as I can get a decent video camera, I'll start making videos to put online. As soon as I find a decent camera, I start making movies on the Internet. Шта треба да урадиш? What should you do? What are you supposed to do? Ребёнок потянулся за игрушкой. The baby reached for the toy. The child reached for the toy. Můj otec ji znal. My father knew her. My father knew her. Том си ја става раката околу Мери. Tom puts his arm around Mary. Tom puts his hand around Mary. Не е обично пенкало. It's not just a pen. It's not an ordinary pen. Те молам повтори. Please repeat. Please repeat. Нам нельзя заводить хомяка, потому что у нас кошки. We can't have a hamster because we have cats. We can't have hamsters because we have cats. Мне не нравились едкие замечания Тома. I didn't appreciate Tom's snide remarks. I didn’t like Tom’s comments. Вы могли просто сказать ему. You could've just told him. You could have just told him. Дети получили подарки. The children got some presents. The children received gifts. Кто сейчас мэр? Who's the mayor now? Who's the mayor now? Studiujemy arabski. We study Arabic. We study Arabic. Kde se nachází hřbitov? Where's the cemetery? Where is the cemetery? Ještě nejsi unavený? Aren't you tired yet? Aren't you tired yet? Не го гледам крајот. I can't see the end. I don't see the end. Tom zajechōł na tanksztela zatankować swoji auto. Tom drove to the petrol station to fuel his car. Tom went to the tank to refuel his car. Я смотрел, как они уходят. I watched them leave. I watched them leave. Diskutovali jste dlouho? Did you discuss for a long time? Have you discussed for a long time? Том хочет избавиться от татуировок. Tom wants to get rid of his tattoos. Tom wants to get rid of the tattoos. Тобі потрібно їсти набагато більше овочів. You should eat a lot more vegetables. You need to eat more vegetables. Tom sięgnął po jeszcze jedną kartę. Tom reached for another card. Tom picked up another card. Tomasz jest zawsze śpiący. Tom is always sleepy. Thomas is always asleep. Я купила журнал в магазине. I bought a magazine in a store. I bought the magazine at the store. Viděl jsem ho. I saw him. I've seen him. Musimy przygotować się na najgorsze. We need to prepare for the worst. We have to prepare for the worst. Zaczęło już padać. It's already started to rain. It's starting to rain. Оно в шкафу висит. It's hanging up in the closet. It's hanging in the closet. Том мислеше, че Мери е свободна, но не беше съвсем сигурен. Tom thought Mary was single, but he wasn't really sure. Tom thought Mary was free, but he wasn't quite sure. Колко дълго останахте? How long did you stay? How long did you stay? Том не может исправить этого. Tom can't fix it. Tom can't fix it. Когда я вырасту, я тоже буду учителем. When I grow up I will be a teacher, too. When I grow up, I will be a teacher. Тот, кто проиграет, должен будет мыть посуду. The one who loses is going to have to do the dishes. Whoever loses will have to wash the dishes. Я доверилась вам, потому что вы мои друзья. I trusted you because you are my friend. I trusted you because you're my friends. Tom poinformował Mary o swojej decyzji sprzedaży domu. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Tom informed Mary of his decision to sell the house. Tom nas je jučer posjetio. Tom visited us yesterday. Tom paid us a visit yesterday. Překonal jsem svůj strach. I overcame my fear. I overcame my fear. Есть серьёзная проблема. There is a serious problem. There's a serious problem. Мне звонила твоя учительница. Your teacher called me. I got a call from your teacher. „Si v poriadku?“ „Nie.“ "Are you okay?" "No." "Are you all right?" "No." Почетник сам. I'm a beginner. I'm a beginner. W awaryjnej sytuacji ważne jest zachowanie zimnej krwi. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. In an emergency situation, it is important to maintain cold blood. Якого кольору шини? What color are the tires? What color is the tire? Само тоа ли прави Том? Is that all Tom does? Is that all Tom does? Тачно када си то урадио? When exactly did you do that? Exactly when did you do that? Підозрюю, що Том до цього ніяк не причетний. I suspect that Tom had nothing to do with that. I don't think Tom has anything to do with it. Це, мабуть, жарт, еге ж? It's gotta be a joke, right? This must be a joke, right? Jesteś zaangażowany. You're involved. You're involved. Том сказав, що йому цікаво. Tom said that he was interested. Tom said he was interested. Том почистил зубы? Did Tom brush his teeth? Did Tom brush his teeth? Дървото гори. Wood burns. The tree is burning. Сега уча френски. I'm studying French now. Now I'm learning French. Том набрзо се изгуби во толпата. Tom quickly disappeared in the crowd. He quickly got lost in the crowd. Nigdy się ponownie nie ożeniłem. I've remarried. I never got married again. Czy możesz się obejść bez angielskiego słownika? Can you do without an English dictionary? Can you do without an English dictionary? Witaj w domu! Welcome home! Welcome home! Проснувшись, Скура увидела, что Янни её тискает. Skura woke up to find Yanni fondling her. When Skin woke up, she saw Yanni pressing on her. Том харесва катерици. Tom likes squirrels. Tom likes squirrels. Zmizel v davu. He disappeared into the crowd. He disappeared into the crowd. Він любить апельсини? Does he like oranges? Does he like oranges? Vystydlo mi kafe. My coffee cooled down. My coffee's getting cold. Я не вмію кататися на лижах. I can't ski. I can't ski. Обычно он клал зонт возле двери. Usually he put the umbrella near the door. He used to put an umbrella by the door. Токипона - очаровательная барышня. Toki Pona is a charming young lady. Tokipona is a charming lady. Nigdy nie widziałem nikogo, kto byłby zdolny rozwiązać ten problem bez pomocy. I have never seen anyone who could solve that problem without help. I have never seen anyone who would be able to solve this problem without help. Том и Мэри часто обедают вместе. Tom and Mary often eat lunch together. Tom and Mary often have dinner together. Мені цікаво, чи Том їде до Бостона наступного тижня. I wonder whether or not Tom is going to Boston next week. I wonder if Tom's going to Boston next week. Вы на три сантиметра выше меня. You're three centimeters taller than me. You're three inches taller than me. Их цена ниже, чем у нас. Their price is below ours. Their price is lower than ours. Том ради шта хоће. Tom does what he pleases. Tom does what he wants. Почему бы вам не поздороваться со всеми? Why don't you say hello to everyone? Why don't you say hello to everybody? Посадка лесов приносит пользу окружающей среде. Planting forests is good for the environment. Planting forests benefits the environment. Mam nadzieję, że Tom to załatwi. I hope that Tom can get that sorted out. I hope Tom can handle this. Tom ví, že to nesnáším. Tom knows that I hate it. Tom knows I hate it. Можно сделать так. You can do it like that. You can do that. Měla jsi pravdu o Tomovi. You were right about Tom. You were right about Tom. Starałem się ją uratować. I tried to save her. I was trying to save her. To bylo opravdu nudné. That was really boring. That was really boring. Kaj delajo tu? What are they doing here? What are they doing here? Я позвал сына. I called my son. I called my son. Давайте возьмём напрокат машину. Let's rent a car. Let's rent a car. Ти идваш от Швеция. You come from Sweden. You're from Sweden. Мы сказали о том, что могли бы сделать. We talked about what we could do. We talked about what we could do. Каждый месяц я получаю зарплату. I get paid every month. I get paid every month. Имаме много големи лотусови листа. We have very big lotus leaves. We have very large lotus leaves. Давно я так долго не спал. I haven't slept as long as this for a long time. I haven't slept in so long. Стаорците се мали. Rats are small. Rats are small. Je těžké porozumět některým lidem. Some people are hard to understand. It’s hard to understand some people. Никто не намерен возводить стену. Nobody has the intention of building a wall. No one wants to build a wall. Велат дека модрите патлиџани содржат многу никотин. They say that an eggplant has lots of nicotine. They say that eggplants contain a lot of nicotine. Tom tě neposlouchá. Tom isn't listening to you. Tom's not listening to you. Коли ти сьогодні обідав? Where did you have breakfast today? When did you have lunch today? Tom mi v tom nemůže zabránit. Tom cannot prevent me from doing that. Tom can't stop me. Помогите мне, пожалуйста! Я плохо себя чувствую. Help me, please! I don't feel well. Help me, please, I'm not feeling well. Не мешкай. Don't dawdle. Don't hang around. Я правильно понимаю, что Вы заблудились? Am I right to assume that you're lost? Do I understand that you are lost? Ви мене переслідуєте? Are you following me? Are you following me? Ми розуміємо чому. We understand why. We understand why. Вчора вона проспала більше 10 годин. She slept more than ten hours yesterday. She slept for more than 10 hours. То́му следует быть более терпеливым. Tom needs to be more patient. He should be more patient. Tom był trochę zaskoczony, gdy zobaczył Mary i Johna całujących się. Tom was a bit surprised when he saw Mary and John kissing. Tom was a little surprised when he saw Mary and John kissing. Nie dawaj Tomowi swojego numeru. Don't give Tom your number. Don't give Tom your number. Nikde jsem to nečetla. I haven't read that anywhere. I haven't read it anywhere. Том се обърна към мен на френски. Tom spoke to me in French. Tom spoke to me in French. Jestli bude špatné počasí, nepůjdeme na procházku. If the weather is bad, we won't go out for a walk. If the weather is bad, we're not going for a walk. Температура је овде виша него у Токију. The temperature here is higher than that of Tokyo. The temperature here is higher than in Tokyo. Браќа ли се? Are they brothers? Are they brothers? Měla v plánu to udělat sama. She planned to do that by herself. She had planned to do it herself. Вона ідіотка. She's an idiot. She's an idiot. Я мог бы лошадь съесть, и это не преувеличение. I could eat a horse, and that's not hyperbole. I could eat a horse, and it's no exaggeration. Ми вдягли шкарпетки. We put our socks on. We put on socks. ТВ не работает. The television is not working. The TV's not working. Можете брать мою машину, когда хотите. You can borrow my car whenever you want. You can take my car whenever you want. Na Toma se můžete vždy spolehnout. You can always count on Tom. You can always count on Tom. Я не хочу жить без моих лучших друзей. I don't want to live without my best friends. I don't want to live without my best friends. Я не сел в автобус. I didn't get on the bus. I didn't get on the bus. Nie zawiodę cię. I won't let you down. I won't let you down. Вы когда-нибудь видели, как Том танцует? Have you ever seen Tom dance before? Have you ever seen Tom dance? Мы посетили Вьетнам. We visited Vietnam. We visited Vietnam. Ты в последнее время сама не своя. You haven't been yourself lately. You haven't been yourself lately. Наступного понеділка у нас екзамен із французької. We have a French exam on Monday. Next Monday we have a French exam. Том не смог это сделать. Tom couldn't do that. Tom couldn’t do that. Tom řekl, že to udělá někdy jindy. Tom said that he would do it some other time. Tom said he'd do it some other time. Куда бы вы хотели пойти в выходные? Where would you like to go on the weekend? Where would you like to go this weekend? Самолёт через час. The flight is in an hour. The plane's in an hour. Яна не робіць дамашняе заданне, яна чытае кнігу. She isn't doing her homework. She's reading a book. She's not doing her homework, she's reading a book. Идея нямам как става. I have no idea how it works. I have no idea how it works. Musím Tomovi něco ukázat. I have to show Tom something. I need to show Tom something. Сколько это будет стоить? How much will it cost? How much will it cost? Czemu ktoś miałby tego chcieć? Why would anyone else want this? Why would anyone want to do that? Kdysi jsem bydlel s Tomem. I used to live with Tom. I used to live with Tom. Без працы не вылавіш і рыбку з сажалкі. No pain, no gain. You can't get a fish out of a pond without a job. Мама любит готовить. My mom likes to cook. Mom likes to cook. Co myślisz o tej nowej restauracji? What do you think of that new restaurant? What do you think of this new restaurant? To ti nemůžu udělat. I can't do that to you. I can't do that to you. Я не знал, что Мария — дочь Тома. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. I didn't know Mary was Tom's daughter. Před jídlem si umyla špinavé ruce. She washed her dirty hands before the meal. She washed her dirty hands before eating. Далеко до Киева? How far away is Kyiv? Far from Kiev? Це кінець світу. This is the end of the world. It's the end of the world. Několik přátel Toma je ve vězení. Several of Tom's friends are in prison. Several of Tom's friends are in jail. Koupíš mi to? Will you buy me that? Will you buy it for me? Самодовольная Кэрол думает, что ей все должны и что она нравственно всех превосходит и потому заслуживает особого отношения. Carol is an entitled, self-righteous person who thinks she's morally superior to everyone else and deserves special treatment. Self-satisfied Carol thinks that she owes everything to her and that she is morally superior to everyone and therefore deserves special treatment. Co jsi schoval? What did you hide? What did you hide? Chtěl bych být teď v Paříži. I wish I were in Paris now. I'd like to be in Paris now. Том заплатил авансом. Tom paid in advance. Tom paid in advance. У Майка есть друзья во Флориде. Mike has some friends in Florida. Mike has friends in Florida. Долго не гуляй. Don't stay out late. Don't take a long walk. Овај чај је добар. This tea is good. This tea is good. Když Toma spatřili, začali plakat. When they saw Tom, they started crying. When they saw Tom, they began to cry. Mohu si to půjčit? Can I borrow it? Can I borrow this? Какие профессии тебе нравятся? Which professions do you like? What professions do you like? Видях една червена кола и една бяла. Червената изглеждаше по-добре от бялата. I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car and a white one, and the red one looked better than the white one. С Международным днём переводчика! Happy International Translation Day! Happy International Translation Day! Звідки приїхали всі ці машини? Where did all these cars come from? Where did all these cars come from? Каква е минималната заплата в Дания? What's the minimum salary in Denmark? What is the minimum wage in Denmark? Я расскажу вам, как это случилось. I'll tell you how that happened. I'll tell you how it happened. Кто взял Ваш паспорт? Who took your passport? Who took your passport? Том сказав Мері, що, на його думку, Джон вдома. Tom told Mary that he thought John was at home. Tom told Mary that he thought John was home. Ljubim špagete. I love spaghetti! I love spaghetti. Budu zase překládat filmy. I am going to translate movies again. I'll be translating movies again. Kiež by som ťa mohol objať. I wish I could hug you. I wish I could hold you in my arms. Я её час ждал. I waited for her for an hour. I waited for her for an hour. Тому в то время было тринадцать. Tom was 13 at the time. Tom was thirteen at the time. Tom stále ještě nepochopil, jak to funguje. Tom still hasn't understood how it works. Tom still didn't understand how it worked. Престана ли Мајк да пие алкохолни пијалаци? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic beverages? Дайте мне красную ручку. Give me a red pen. Give me the red pen. Том каза, че вероятно няма да отнеме твърде много време. Tom said that it probably wouldn't take too much time. Tom said it probably wouldn't take too long. Това се превръща в проблем. That's becoming a problem. This is becoming a problem. И двата метода сработиха добре. Both methods worked well. Both methods worked well. Tom i Maria kłócą się dość często. Tom and Mary argue quite often. Tom and Maria fight quite often. Оно красное. It's red. It's red. Пригощайтесь тортиком, будь ласка. Please help yourself to a piece of cake. Have a cake, please. Немає правил. There are no rules. There are no rules. Видишь корабль на горизонте? Do you see a boat on the horizon? See the ship on the horizon? Tomův pes by nikdy nikoho nekousl. Tom's dog would never bite anyone. Tom's dog would never bite anyone. Я намагався вам додзвонитися. I tried to phone you. I tried to call you. Svět mluví anglicky. The world speaks English. The world speaks English. Zbožňuju tě. I adore you. I love you. Je to banální záležitost. It's a trivial matter. It's a trivial matter. Я радий, що ти мені допоміг. I am glad that you have helped me. I'm glad you helped me. Nie pozwól mu tego zjeść. Don't let him eat this. Don't let him eat it. Том се молеше. Tom was praying. Tom was praying. Proč jsi mě políbil? Why did you kiss me? Why did you kiss me? Делай что должно, и будь что будет. Do your duty, come what may. Do what you have to do, and whatever happens. Она позвонила мне на следующий день. She called me the following day. She called me the next day. Ten słownik mi się bardzo przydaje. This dictionary has been of great use to me. This dictionary is very useful to me. Вы разве не хотите с ним познакомиться? Don't you want to meet him? Don't you want to meet him? Вот, бери. Here, take it. Here, take it. Перед тобой два варианта. Выбирай разумно. You have two options here. Choose wisely. You have two options, so choose wisely. Ten słownik na biurku jest mój. The dictionary on the desk is mine. That dictionary on my desk is mine. Не сакам да зборувам за времето. I don't want to talk about the weather. I don't want to talk about the weather. Забравих вашия номер. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Том не знаеше дали е прав или не. Tom didn't know whether he was right or wrong. Tom didn't know if he was right or not. Jak daleko jest granica? How far away is the border? How far is the border? Слава богу, я атеїст. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Wszyscy popatrzyli na Toma. They all looked at Tom. Everyone looked at Tom. Всички това казват. They all say that. That's what everybody says. Простите, я не могу поехать. Sorry, but I can't go. I'm sorry, I can't go. Том ме научи. Tom taught me that. Tom taught me. Се прашуваш што си се задржал толку. I wondered what was taking you so long. You wonder why you've stayed so long. Я правильно понимаю, что Вы потерялись? Am I right to assume that you're lost? Do I understand that you are lost? Том ещё не уехал, и Мэри тоже. Tom hasn't left yet, and Mary hasn't either. Tom hasn't left yet, and neither has Mary. Protagonistą tego nowego filmu jest dziecko-anioł. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The protagonist of this new film is an angel child. Я просто хотел пожелать вам удачи. I just wanted to wish you luck. I just wanted to wish you good luck. Pozoroval, jak děti plavou. He was watching how the children were swimming. He watched the children swim. Моя мама каже : "Привіт". My mom says hi. My mom says, "Hi." Ještě to nikdo nemá. No one has gotten it yet. Nobody's got it yet. Я — Том, дедушка Марии. I'm Tom, Mary's grandfather. I'm Tom, Maria's grandfather. Я хотів заплатити. I wanted to pay. I wanted to pay. Nezasloužím si tě. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you. Нямам рак. I don't have cancer. I don't have cancer. Мама підсмажить нам кілька кільок на підвечірок. Mum's going to fry us some sprats for tea tonight. Mom's gonna fry us a couple of bites for dinner. Jesteś tylko studentem. You are nothing but a student. You're just a student. Сигурна съм, че Том даже не е забелязал, че ти закъсня. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. I'm sure Tom didn't even notice you were late. Na tohle si zvyknout nemůžu. I can't get used to this. I can't get used to this. Musím se naučit být více trpělivý. I need to learn to be more patient. I need to learn to be more patient. Вспомни, что ты мне сказал. Remember what you said to me. Remember what you told me. Я не собираюсь его продавать. I don't plan to sell it. I'm not gonna sell it. Mám raději angličtinu než matematiku. I like English better than Math. I prefer English to mathematics. Uwielbiam chipsy. I love chips. I love chips. Я свиснув. I whistled. I whistled. В таком случае я не могу пойти с тобой. Such being the case, I can not go with you. In that case, I can't go with you. Если бы Том меня не пригласил, я бы не пришла. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. If Tom hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. Том із Мері разом чекали на ліфт. Tom and Mary waited together for the lift. Tom and Mary were waiting for the elevator. Tom wczołgał się pod łóżko. Tom crawled underneath the bed. Tom crawled under the bed. Ви знали, що він нам зателефонував? Did you know he called us? Did you know he called us? Pokoušela se se svým mužem o dítě. She and her husband were trying to have a baby. She and her husband were trying to have a baby. Прошу якийсь час мене не перебивати. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Please don't interrupt me for a while. Ми повинні впевнетися у тому, що люди знову розпочнуть працювати. We have to make sure people get back to work. We need to make sure that people start working again. Ми з Томом не їдемо. Tom and I aren't going. Tom and I are not going. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том не е дошъл. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't come. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom didn't show up. Том не мог себе позволить такую дорогую машину, поэтому он решил её угнать. Tom couldn't afford such an expensive car, so he decided to steal it. Tom could not afford such an expensive car, so he decided to steal it. Том сакаше да си оди. Tom wanted to leave. Tom wanted to go. Хтось перефарбував міст. Someone repainted the bridge. Someone repainted the bridge. Ти вже закінчив роботу? Have you finished the work yet? Have you finished your work yet? Мері розклала велику карту на столі. Mary spread the big map on the table. Mary laid out a large map on the table. Specializuje se na převoz dobytka. He's specialized in the transport of cattle. He specializes in transporting cattle. Зупиніть Тома. Stop Tom. Stop by Tom. Mamy tylko jedną możliwość. We've only got one option. There's only one option. В чём она была? What was she wearing? What was she in? Я ждал звонка. I waited for the call. I've been waiting for a call. Он вставил батарейки не той стороной. He put the batteries the wrong way in. He put the batteries on the wrong side. У вас такой же компьютер, как у меня. Your computer is the same as mine. You have the same computer as me. Nie mogę znaleźć Toma. Już poszedł? I can't find Tom. Has he gone already? I can't find Tom. Я забыла, як іх завуць. I forgot their names. I forgot their names. Том буде готувати. Tom will cook. Tom is cooking. Том не має родини. Tom doesn't have a family. Tom has no family. Tom to pizda. Tom is a twat. Tom's a cunt. Том всё отрицал. Tom denied everything. Tom denied it. Давай не будемо ворогами. Let's not be enemies. Let's not be enemies. Диявол мертвий. The Devil is dead. The devil is dead. Эта книга обошлась мне в три доллара. This book cost me three dollars. This book cost me three dollars. Марионетите ги управуваат со жици. The puppets are controlled by wires. The marionettes run them with wires. Три в кубі - двадцять сім. Three to the third power is twenty-seven. Three in a cube is twenty-seven. Ještě musíš umýt nádobí. You still need to wash the dishes. You still have to do the dishes. Ložnice jsou nahoře a obývák je dole. The bedrooms are upstairs and the living room is downstairs. The bedroom is upstairs and the living room is downstairs. Vy ste policajt? Are you a policeman? You're a cop? Это заняло примерно один час. It took one hour roughly. It took about an hour. Сколько вы спали? How long did you sleep? How long have you been asleep? Діти ростуть так швидко. Children grow up so fast. Kids grow up so fast. Я трачу кучу времени, строя воздушные замки. I waste a lot of time daydreaming. I spend a lot of time building air locks. Nasza miłość nie ma granic. Our love has no limits. Our love has no boundaries. Кто украл мои деньги? Who stole my money? Who stole my money? Co si o tom myslet? What to think of this? What do you think? Mluví spolu. They're talking to each other. They talk to each other. Мы сидим дома. We stay at home. We're sitting at home. Я знаю, что Вы очень любите мужа. I know that you love your husband a lot. I know you love your husband very much. Имам работа в сряда. I have work on Wednesday. I have work on Wednesday. Я ніколи не грав у крикет. I have never played cricket. I have never played cricket. Вы приедете в Бразилию? Will you be coming to Brazil? Are you coming to Brazil? Zašto je džudo najbolji izbor za vaše dijete? Why is judo the best choice for your child? Why judo is the best choice for your child? У шаховій партії обидва гравці ходять по черзі. In a chess game, both players take turns making a move. In a chess game, both players move in turn. Имаш прекрасни усни. You have beautiful lips. You have beautiful lips. Je tu dost místa pro všechny. There's enough space for everybody. There's plenty of room for everyone. Вы когда-нибудь купались в этой реке? Have you ever swum in this river? Have you ever been swimming in the river? У них нет билетов. They don't have tickets. They don't have tickets. Благослови Господь Россию! God bless Russia! God Bless Russia! Коти наполегливі. Cats are persistent. Cats are persistent. Spędziłam tydzień w szpitalu. I spent a week in hospital. I spent a week in the hospital. Том собирается в Австралию следующей весной. Tom is going to Australia next spring. Tom's going to Australia next spring. Том упал и ранил колено. Tom fell and hurt his knee. Tom fell and injured his knee. Гледам како стојат работите. I can see which way the wind's blowing. I see how things are. Каждый новый пользователь должен, в качестве меры защиты от спама, подождать пять минут, прежде чем сможет посылать сообщения. As an anti-spam measure, all new users must wait five minutes before they're allowed to send messages. Each new user must, as a measure of protection against spam, wait five minutes before being able to send messages. Nevěřil bys, jaké věci lidi vyhodí. You wouldn't believe the stuff people throw away. You wouldn't believe the things people throw away. Вам понадобится наша помощь. You will need our help. You will need our help. Jeśli zauważysz, że w domu Twojego podopiecznego panuje wyjątkowy bałagan, powiadom o tym swojego przełożonego. If you notice your client's home is exceptionally messy, notify your supervisor. If you notice that there is a special mess in your client’s home, notify your supervisor. Он был осторожен. He was careful. He was careful. Tom už na nás čekal v baru. Tom was already waiting for us in the bar. Tom was waiting for us at the bar. Мы крыху спазніліся. We've arrived a little late. We're a little late. Vypadni! Get away! Get out! Каков возраст слона? What is the elephant's age? How old is the elephant? Не познавам нито едното, нито другото момче. I don't know either boy. I don't know either one or the other boy. Czy znasz hymn Grecji? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Он его любил. He loved him. He loved him. Я могу пройти за кулисы? Can I come backstage? Can I go behind the scenes? Sem Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. Японската икономика се разви бързо. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. The Japanese economy developed rapidly. Релиз должен быть завтра. The release should be tomorrow. The release should be tomorrow. Tom je na útěku a ozbrojený. Tom is on the run and armed. Tom's on the run and armed. Jak se chováš ty ke mně, tak se chovám já k tobě. As you treat me, I treat you. The way you treat me, I treat you. Mamy niepozałatwiane sprawy między sobą. You and I have unfinished business. We've got a lot going on between us. Том боится, что его кто-нибудь узнает. Tom is afraid someone will recognize him. Tom is afraid that someone will recognize him. Nemáme o tom mluvit. We're not supposed to talk about that. We're not supposed to talk about it. Rozumiem trochę po niemiecku. I understand a bit of German. I understand a little bit of German. Kolik vypil piv? How many beers did he drink? How much beer did he drink? Ангола раней была тэрыторыяй Партугаліі. Angola was once a Portuguese territory. Angola used to be a territory of Portugal. Это не считается ошибкой. It isn't considered a mistake. This is not considered a mistake. Rozmawiałem z księżycem. I was talking to the moon. I talked to the moon. Powiedziałem ci, byś nie grał na wiolonczeli w nocy, ale ty nie posłuchałeś i teraz sąsiedzi się skarżą. I told you not to play your cello late at night, but you did and now the neighbors have complained. I told you not to play the cello at night, but you didn't listen and now the neighbors are complaining. Moja mama ciągle się martwi. My mom worries all the time. My mom's still worried. Том ја навреди Мери. Tom insulted Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Jesteśmy w dwudziestym drugim roku dwudziestego pierwszego wieku. We are in the twenty-second year of the twenty-first century. We are in the twenty-second year of the twenty-first century. Kdyby vám na Tomovi doopravdy záleželo, byli byste mu pomohli. If you really cared about Tom, you would have helped him. If you really cared about Tom, you would have helped him. На Том му беше многу топло. Today was very hot. Tom was very warm. Том не очень хорошо себя чувствует. Tom isn't feeling very well. Tom is not well. Musíš se ukrýt. You've got to hide. You need to hide. Том знаеше дека е лоша идеја. Tom knew that it was a bad idea. Tom knew it was a bad idea. Том вернулся в Бостон после трёхдневного отсутствия. Tom came back to Boston after being away for three years. Tom returned to Boston after a three-day absence. Baví mě matematika. I like mathematics. I enjoy mathematics. Потпуно си у праву. You are absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Видов како Том го прави тоа. I saw Tom do it. I've seen Tom do it. Том — антигерой. Tom is an antihero. Tom is an anti-hero. Мері запросила Тома на білий танець. Mary asked Tom to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Mary invited Tom to a white dance. Автомобилните продажби претърпяха влошаване към края на финансовата година. Automobile sales suffered a setback at the end of the financial year. Car sales suffered a deterioration towards the end of the fiscal year. Билета у Тома не было. Tom didn't have a ticket. Tom didn't have a ticket. Том не сказал, когда здесь будет. Tom didn't say when he'd be here. Tom didn't say when he'd be here. Ты можешь получить нужную нам информацию? Can you get the information we need? Can you get us the information we need? Том прејде на наредното прашање. Tom proceeded to the next question. Tom moved on to the next question. Я видела, как она играет на пианино. I have seen her playing the piano. I saw her play the piano. Бев тажен. I was sad. I was sad. To jest sprzeczne z rozsądkiem. It is contrary to reason. That's against reason. Nechci, aby Toma vyrušovali. I don't want them to disturb Tom. I don't want Tom disturbed. Ile miałeś lat, kiedy nauczyłeś się zawiązywać sobie sznurówki? How old were you when you learned to tie your own shoes? How old were you when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Мы находимся в трудном положении. We're faced with a difficult situation. We are in a difficult situation. Вы можете поцеловать невесту! You can kiss the bride! You can kiss the bride! Zwierzyła mu się ze swoich problemów. She told her troubles to him. She confided in him about her problems. Сім разів по сім — сорок дев'ять. Seven times seven is forty-nine. Seven times seven is forty-nine. Это подарок-шутка, который мне подарили. This is a gag gift somebody gave me. It's a joke gift they gave me. В атаку! Attack! Let's attack! Поїзд прийде вчасно? Will the train arrive on time? Will the train arrive on time? Рада знову вас бачити. I'm happy to see you again. It's good to see you again. Hodně lidí mi říká Tome. Lots of people call me Tom. A lot of people call me Tom. Тепер можете вимкнути радіо. You can turn off the radio now. Now you can turn off the radio. Візьміть це. Take this. Take this. Na pravé oko nic nevidím. I can't see anything with my right eye. I can't see anything in my right eye. Том се бореше. Tom fought. Tom was struggling. Дети учатся, задавая вопросы. Kids learn by asking questions. Children learn by asking questions. Omlouvám se, ale došla nám zásoba. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, but we're out of supplies. Постой-ка, ты это серьёзно? Whoa, are you serious? Wait, are you serious? Ne možeš si pomoći, zar ne Tome? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? You can't help yourself, can you, Tom? Јас сум алкохоличар. I'm an alcoholic. I'm an alcoholic. Чей это шарф? Whose scarf is this? Whose scarf is this? Не свађај се са мном. Don't argue with me. Don't argue with me. Czytałem wiele rodzajów książek. I've read many kinds of books. I have read many kinds of books. Litoval, že si ode mě nenechal poradit. He regretted not having taken my advice. He regretted not taking my advice. Трябва да уча през цялото време. I have to study all the time. I have to study all the time. Co Bóg dla ciebie znaczy? What does God mean to you? What does God mean to you? Nigdy nie myślałem, że moje umiejętności prawnicze posłużą do obrony Toma. I never imagined that my skills as a lawyer would be used to defend Tom. I never thought my legal skills would be used to defend Tom. Это не по твоей части. It's not your cup of tea. It's not your thing. Когда-то я являлся ярким представителем диванных войск в интернете. I used to be a stark example of an armchair Internet warrior. Once I was a bright representative of the sofa troops on the Internet. Поракава е за нив. This message is for them. This is a message for them. Fred spryskał Billy'ego wężem ogrodowym. Fred squirted Billy with the garden hose. Fred sprayed Billy with a garden hose. Wciąż jem tę potrawkę, którą ugotowaliśmy kilka dni temu. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I'm still eating that dish we cooked a few days ago. Тоа не беше смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Я видел такое же кафе в Лондоне. I saw a cafe just like that in London. I've seen the same cafe in London. Боб го видя отново. Bob saw him again. Bob saw him again. Ten dům mému bratrovi již nepatří. The house doesn't belong to my brother anymore. That house doesn't belong to my brother anymore. Єноти теж ссавці. Raccoons are mammals as well. Raccoons are mammals too. Trzyma książki pod ramieniem. He is holding his books under his arm. He has books under his arm. Hlas lidu, hlas boží. The voice of the people is the voice of god. The voice of the people, the voice of God. Еве, брат, по пола. Here, bro, halfsies. Here, brother, half. Они решили пожениться. They decided to marry. They decided to get married. Jeśli lubiłeś uczyć się rosyjskiego, z pewnością polubisz też polski. If you enjoyed studying Russian, you will certainly enjoy Polish too. If you liked to learn Russian, you will definitely like Polish too. Я ўчора прачнуўся позна. I woke up late yesterday. I woke up late yesterday. Obdrželi jsme děkovný dopis. We received a letter of thanks. We received a thank-you letter. Том провів час із Мері. Tom spent time with Mary. He spent time with Mary. Я майже забув, що то був його день народження. I almost forgot that it was his birthday. I almost forgot it was his birthday. Elon Musk nezačal s PayPalem ani s Teslou. Elon Musk didn't start PayPal or Tesla. Elon Musk didn't start with PayPal or Tesla. Wszystkie te jabłka są bardzo słodkie. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. Викендичката беше целосно опремена, со базен, скара, фудбалско игралиште и маса за билијард. The country house was complete, with a swimming pool, a barbecue, a soccer field and a pool table. The cottage was fully equipped, with a swimming pool, barbecue, football field and billiard table. Мікі Маўс – мыш. Mickey Mouse is a mouse. Mickey Mouse is a mouse. Zaśmiał się uprzejmie. He smiled politely. He laughed politely. Том проверил своё зрение. Tom got his eyes tested. Tom checked his eyes. Том убил крысу. Tom killed the rat. Tom killed the rat. Том прыгнул в воду и поплыл на тот берег. Tom jumped into the water and swam to the other side. Tom jumped into the water and swam to the shore. Утром я выпиваю полстакана молока. I drink half a glass of milk in the morning. I drink half a glass of milk in the morning. Policie pátrá po uprchlém vězni. The police is searching for an escaped prisoner. Police are searching for the escaped prisoner. Опитах се да споря с Том. I've tried to reason with Tom. I tried to argue with Tom. Ніщо більше мене не лякає. Nothing scares me anymore. Nothing scares me anymore. Wszystko co musisz zrobić to zadbać o siebie. All you have to do is to take care of yourself. All you have to do is take care of yourself. Ова е уцена. This is extortion. This is blackmail. У него есть возможность сделать это. He has the ability to do it. He has a chance to do that. Zajímalo by mě, kdo to stojí vedle Toma. I wonder who is standing next to Tom. I wonder who's standing next to Tom. Ты помнишь, сколько она стоила? Do you remember how much it cost? Do you remember how much it cost? Том хотів би, щоб Мері була до нього добрішою. Tom wished Mary wouldn't be so mean to him. Tom would have liked Mary to have been kinder to him. Я криком позвал на помощь. I screamed for help. I screamed for help. У коал пушистые уши. Koalas have fluffy ears. Koalas have fluffy ears. Почнімо урок. Let's begin the class. Let's start the lesson. Вы мой двоюродный брат. You're my cousin. You're my cousin. Я відповів за нього. I answered for him. I answered for him. Я позвоню тебе, когда появятся новости. I'll phone you when there's any news. I'll call you when the news gets out. Том зрадив тебе. Tom has betrayed you. Tom betrayed you. Что это за девушка с Томом сидит? Who is the girl sitting next to Tom? Who's that girl sitting with Tom? Мне от этого очень грустно. That makes me very sad. It makes me very sad. Имам два апарата. I have two cameras. I've got two cameras. Кот на столе спит. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. Dovol mi, abych ti pomohl. Let me help you. Let me help you. Кому вы только что звонили? Who did you just call? Who did you just call? Мне надоели ваши дурацкие вопросы. I'm tired of your stupid questions. I'm tired of your stupid questions. Reklamujeme své produkty v televizi. We advertise our products on TV. We advertise our products on TV. Myslím, že Tom si zaslouží lepší postavení. I think that Tom deserves a better position. I think Tom deserves a better position. Я не брезгливая. I'm not squeamish. I'm not sloppy. Том простягнув Мері пиво. Tom handed Mary a beer. He handed Mary a beer. Щасливої дороги. Enjoy your trip. Have a nice trip. Завтра у нас будет хорошая погода. We'll have good weather tomorrow. We'll have good weather tomorrow. Mamo, zrobiłem samolot z papieru. Mom, I made a paper airplane. Mom, I made a plane out of paper. Někteří lidé přešli na syrovou stravu. Some people have switched to raw food. Some people have switched to raw food. Pojechaliśmy z bratem odprowadzić Johna na lotnisko. My brother and I went to see John off at the airport. My brother and I went to take John to the airport. Мы наконец достигли вершины. We've finally reached the summit. We finally reached the top. Budem nablízku zajtra poobede, takže prosím zastav sa. I'm going to be around tomorrow afternoon, so please drop in. We'll be around for lunch tomorrow, so please stop by. Kto jest Twoją ulubioną gwiazdą telewizji? Who is your favorite TV star? Who is your favorite TV star? Той възрази срещу плана ѝ. He objected to our plan. He objected to her plan. Пожалуйста, скажи им, что это срочно. Please tell them it's urgent. Please tell them it's urgent. Немам време денес. I don't have time today. I don't have time today. Mám rád polievku. I love soup. I like the soup. Го превидов тоа. I anticipated that. I overlooked that. Я боюсь уверенных в себе людей. I am afraid of self-confident people. I am afraid of confident people. Она не умеет читать написанное. She is not able to read what is written. She can't read what's written. Я хотел, хоть и с опозданием, поздравить тебя со сдачей экзамена. I wanted to congratulate you, albeit belatedly, on passing your exam. I wanted, albeit late, to congratulate you on passing the exam. Tom to udělá, až ho ty požádáš. Tom won't do that until you ask him. Tom will do it when you ask him. Блаславі цябе Бог! God bless you! God Bless you! Já zaplatím. I'm going to pay. I'll pay. Благодаря ти, Господи. Thank you dear Lord. Thank you, Lord. Možná toho máme společného více, než si myslíš. We may have more in common than you think. Maybe we have more in common than you think. Ну ж бо! Час вже йти. Come on. It's time to leave. Come on, it's time to go. Том быстро доделал работу. Tom finished the job quickly. Tom did the job quickly. Уђи брзо. Enter quickly. Come in quick. Turečtina je blízko k tomu, stát se druhým nejužívanějším jazykem na Tatoebě, překonaná pouze angličtinou. Turkish is about to become the second most used language in Tatoeba, surpassed only by English. Turkish is close to becoming the second most used language on Tatoba, surpassed only by English. Rozhodl se vzdát se práva kvůli umění. He decided to abandon law for art. He decided to give up law for art. Забрави да нахрани кучето. He forgot to feed the dog. He forgot to feed the dog. Это текущий план. That's the current plan. This is the current plan. Nikdo z nás by Toma nenapadl bezdůvodně. None of us would attack Tom for no reason. None of us would have attacked Tom for no reason. Будешь платить наличными? Will you pay cash? Are you gonna pay in cash? Я ем только один раз в день. I only eat one meal a day. I only eat once a day. Том розумний. Tom is bright. Tom is smart. Potřebujeme mnohem víc, než jen tohle. We'll need a lot more than this. We need a lot more than that. Je mi do breku. I feel like crying. I'm sick of crying. Tom dnes nebral děti do školy. Tom didn't take the kids to school today. Tom didn't take the kids to school today. В мире сильных слабые погибают. In the world of the strong, the weak perish. In the world of the strong, the weak die. To bude drahé. This is going to be very expensive. That'll be expensive. Оставьте свои советы при себе. Keep your advice to yourself. Keep your advice to yourself. У Пиноккио нос длиннее, чем у меня. Pinocchio has a longer nose than I do. Pinocchio's nose is longer than mine. Wspięliśmy się wyżej, żeby mieć lepszy widok. We climbed higher so that we might get a better view. We climbed higher to get a better view. Хвала ти пуно.Ти би такође требало да се осетиш слободним и затражиш помоћ у будућности. Thank you very much. You should also feel free to ask me for help in the future. Thank you very much. You should also feel free and ask for help in the future. Лепота је у оку посматрача. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Что ты думаешь на этот счёт? What is your opinion on this subject? What do you think of that account? Kam se spolu můžeme dostat? Where can we get together? Where can we get together? Искам да останеш тук. I want you to stay here. I want you to stay here. Väzni utiekli z koncentračného tábora. The prisoners fled from the concentration camp. The prisoners escaped from the concentration camp. Wszyscy byliśmy pod wrażeniem szkieletu płetwala błękitnego w muzeum. We were all impressed by the blue whale skeleton in the museum. We were all impressed by the blue whale skeleton in the museum. Jest mądrzejsza od Mary, ale nie tak piękna. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful. Иронично, но ремикс песни стал в несколько раз популярнее оригинала. Ironically, the remix ended up several times more popular than the original song. Ironically, the remix of the song became several times more popular than the original. Це завжди провина батьків. It's always the parents' fault. It's always the parents' fault. Zbývá nám jenom trocha rýže. We only have a little rice left. We only have a little rice left. Хто врятує Тома? Who'll save Tom? Who's going to save Tom? Я уже бывал в Америке. I have already visited the United States. I've been to America before. Ты просишь меня о помощи? Are you asking me for help? Are you asking me for help? Tom zaczął grę na puzonie gdy miał dwanaście lat. Tom began trombone lessons when he was twelve years old. Tom started playing the trombone when he was twelve years old. Co jedliście rano? What did you eat in the morning? What did you eat this morning? Pogosto mislim na svojo pokojno mati. I frequently think about my mother who passed away. I often think of my late mother. Думай перед тим, як думати. Think before you think. Think before you think. Tom na mě trpělivě čekal ve svém autě. Tom was patiently waiting for me in his car. Tom waited patiently for me in his car. Przegapiłem mój przystanek. Jak daleko jest do następnego? I missed my stop. How long does it take to reach the next stop? I missed my stop. How far is it to the next one? Занадта малое! It's too small. Too small! Не время шутить. This isn't the time for joking. This is no time to joke. Может, вы её у себя в комнате оставили? Maybe you left it in your room. Maybe you left it in your room? Nesnáším domácí práce. I hate housekeeping. I hate housework. Все живые существа состоят из одной или более клеток. All living beings are made up of one or more cells. All living things are made up of one or more cells. Tom si na mě stěžoval šéfovi. Bude toho litovat. Tom complained about me to the boss. He will regret it. Tom complained to his boss about me, and he's gonna regret it. Гол не засчитан, так как игрок коснулся мяча рукой. The goal was disallowed because the player had touched the ball with his arm. The goal is not counted, as the player touched the ball with his hand. V té lucerně došel olej. The lantern has run out of oil. The lantern ran out of oil. Это самый сильный снегопад, какой у нас когда-либо был. This is the heaviest snowfall we've ever had. This is the heaviest snow we have ever had. Чому ти йому не допомогла? Why didn't you help him? Why didn't you help him? Діти Тома говорять лише французькою. Tom's children can only speak French. Tom’s children speak only French. Он надел черное пальто. He put on the black coat. He's wearing a black coat. Zgadzam się, że powinniśmy spróbować ponownie. I agree with you that we should try again. I agree that we should try again. Нема да ти помогне тоа. It won't help you. That's not gonna help you. Она сейчас отдыхает. She is resting now. She's resting now. Мислам дека знаеш кој сум. I think you know who I am. I think you know who I am. Том нерадо појде. Tom reluctantly went. Tom's reluctant to go. Никто не имеет права указывать тебе, как жить твою жизнь. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life. Tom je na vás určitě naštvaný. Tom must be mad at you. I'm sure Tom's mad at you. Вы уверены, что оставили сумку здесь? Are you sure that you left your bag here? Are you sure you left your bag here? Ви знаєте, що таке туманність? Do you know what a nebula is? Do you know what a cloud is? Co jest stolicą Finlandii? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Она тебя боится. She's afraid of you. She's scared of you. Это было его единственной надеждой. It was his only hope. That was his only hope. Слушам дека си богат. I hear you're rich. I hear you're rich. Лучше прийти пораньше. It is better to come earlier. It's better to come early. Том — один із колег Мері. Tom is one of Mary's co-workers. Tom is one of Mary's colleagues. Магнус Карлсен известен как один из величайших шахматных талантов, которые когда-либо жили. Он стал гроссмейстером в возрасте 13 лет, 4 месяцев и 27 дней. Он выиграл множество турниров и неизменно занимает первое место в мире с 2011 года. Magnus Carlsen is known as one of the biggest chess talents that ever lived. He became a grandmaster at the age of 13 years, 4 months, and 27 days. He has won numerous tournaments and has been the world's number one player continuously since 2011. Magnus Carlsen is known as one of the greatest chess talents who ever lived. He became a grandmaster at the age of 13 years, 4 months and 27 days. He has won many tournaments and has consistently ranked first in the world since 2011. Ani trochu to nebolelo. It didn't hurt a bit. It didn't hurt a bit. Я радий, що у тебе все гаразд. I'm glad you're all right. I'm glad you're okay. В Европе много стран. There are many countries in Europe. There are many countries in Europe. Твоё мнение о Томе изменилось? Has your opinion of Tom changed? Has your opinion of Tom changed? Ты мне никогда ничего об этом не рассказывал. You never told me anything about it. You never told me anything about it. Срећан мајчин дан! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day! Potrzebujesz rękawiczek? Do you need gloves? You need gloves? Пожалуйста, зови меня Таро. Please call me Taro. Please call me Taro. Krave daju mlijeko. Cows give milk. Cows give milk. Я что-то сломал. I've broken something. I broke something. Tom tu sochu povalil. Tom knocked down the statute. Tom toppled the statue. Що вийде, якщо додати 17 до 60? What do you get when you add 17 to 60? What happens if you add 17 to 60? Chci vědět, proč to děláš. I want to know why you're doing this. I want to know why you're doing this. V našem jazyce používáme dvojitý zápor. We use double negatives in our language. We use a double negative in our language. Го осеќам тоа во твојот допир. I can feel it in your touch. I can feel it in your touch. Мора да бидам казнет. I have to be punished. I must be punished. Под мостом пожар. There is fire under the bridge. There's a fire under the bridge. Dovedeš si vzpomenout na první slovo, které ses naučila v angličtině? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Јас ја направив салатата. Ти се допаѓа ли? I made the salad. Did you like it? I made the salad, do you like it? Том хочет стать богатым и знаменитым. Tom wants to become rich and famous. Tom wants to be rich and famous. Том злегка підштовхнув Мері. Tom nudged Mary. Tom nodded a little to Mary. Kdyby nezasáhla policie, byli by Toma nejspíš zabili. If the police hadn't intervened, they would probably have killed Tom. If the police hadn't intervened, they'd probably have killed Tom. Он его рассмешил. He made him laugh. He made him laugh. Том започна да учи френски преди три години. Tom started studying French three years ago. Tom started learning French three years ago. Toto je moje první výletní plavba. This is my first cruise. This is my first cruise. Ми плекаємо надію, що ніхто не буде поранений. We're hoping no one gets injured. We hope that no one will be hurt. Птах співає, навіть якщо в нього обрізані крила. The bird sings even if it has its wings clipped. The bird sings, even if its wings are cut off. Je to velmi ostrý nůž! That is a very sharp knife! It's a very sharp knife! Им не нужно твоё золото. They don't want your gold. They don't want your gold. Naciśnij enter. Press Enter. Press Enter. Я ценю Вашу поддержку. I appreciate your support. I appreciate your support. Ты можешь сделать это сам? Can you do it by yourself? Can you do it yourself? - Czy mu się powiedzie? - Obawiam się, że nie. "Will he succeed?" "I fear not." - Will he succeed? - I'm afraid not. Сталіца Венгрыі — Будапешт. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. Том ще не прийняв рішення. Tom hasn't yet made a decision. Tom hasn't made his decision yet. У них были одинаковые фамилии. They had the same last name. They had the same names. Имам трима тинейджъри. I have three teenagers. I have three teenagers. Ona to chystá udělat. She's going to make it. She's going to do it. Ти добре вмієш друкувати? Are you good at typing? Are you good at typing? Myliłeś się jednak. You were wrong after all. You were wrong, though. Од каде го знаеш ти тоа? How do you know that? How do you know that? Zaczynam sobie przypominać. I am beginning to remember it. I'm starting to remember. Мы будем прокляты. We'll be damned. We'll be damned. Наконец, она решила эту проблему. At last, she solved the problem. Finally, she solved the problem. Tahle koťata se narodila před třemi týdny. These kittens were born three weeks ago. These kittens were born three weeks ago. Настави да се трудиш. Keep trying. Keep trying. Се прашував дали би можел да ми помогнеш утре попладне. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon. В чем же просто загадка этого места под названием «здесь»? What is this simple mystery of a place called here? What is the mystery of this place called “here”? Miluju palačinky. I love pancakes. I love pancakes. Том не має багато грошей у банку. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Tom doesn't have a lot of money in the bank. Этого человека не существует. This person doesn't exist. This man does not exist. Том і толькі Том можа гэта зрабіць. Tom and only Tom can do it. Tom and only Tom can do it. Tom nikdy nebyl tak zlý. Tom was never that bad. Tom's never been so bad. Вы можете сказать нам, что происходит? Can you tell us what's going on? Can you tell us what's going on? Я вирощую орхідеї в оранжереї. I grow orchids in my greenhouse. I grow orchids in the greenhouse. В праздничные дни увеличивается количество самоубийств. On holidays, the number of suicides increases. During the holidays, the number of suicides increases. Выигрыш в лотерее не принёс Тому счастья. Winning the lottery didn't bring Tom happiness. Winning the lottery didn't make Tom happy. Да не се е случило нещо? Did something happen? Did something happen? Страшно е скъпо. It's terribly expensive. It's awfully expensive. Tom lubi świece zapachowe. Tom likes scented candles. Tom likes scented candles. Tom je rád venku. Tom loves being outside. Tom likes to be outside. Живеат во беда. They are living in misery. They live in trouble. Этим утром я встал позже обычного. This morning I got up later than usual. This morning I woke up later than usual. Я буду там три недели. I will be there for three weeks. I'll be there for three weeks. Том когда-то был знаменитым певцом. Tom used to be a famous singer. Tom was once a famous singer. Z dvaceti studentů jen jeden četl tu knihu. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Of the 20 students, only one read the book. Том имеет на вас зуб. Tom has a grudge against you. Tom's got a tooth on you. Том сразу же согласился заплатить выкуп. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Tom immediately agreed to pay the ransom. Она шла быстро, чтобы догнать остальных. She walked fast to catch up with the others. She was quick to catch up with the others. W wieku 20 lat została nauczycielką. She became a teacher at the age of twenty. At the age of 20, she became a teacher. Tom próbował tego. Tom tried it. Tom tried that. Нам ещё рано этим заниматься. It's too early for us to do that. It's too early for that. Těžko se mi dnes soustředí. It's hard for me to concentrate today. I find it hard to concentrate today. Вчера беше моят рожден ден. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Передвинь этот камень отсюда туда, пожалуйста. Please move this stone from here to there. Move that rock from here to there, please. Nech mé věci na pokoji. Leave my stuff alone. Leave my things alone. Uwaga na kieszonkowców. Beware of pickpockets here. Watch out for the pickpockets. Он был слишком стар, чтобы сопротивляться. He was too old to resist. He was too old to resist. С ними ни о чём не договоришься. You'll never get anywhere with them. You can't make a deal with them. Синий кит, самое крупное из существующих млекопитающих, достигает в среднем 30 метров в длину и может весить до 200 тонн. The blue whale, the largest mammal in existence, averages 30 meters in length and can weigh up to 200 tons. The blue whale, the largest of the existing mammals, reaches an average length of 30 meters and can weigh up to 200 tons. Окна открыты, и в нашем доме светло. The windows are open and our house is bright. The windows are open and the house is light. Я не так це бачу. That isn't how I see it. That's not how I see it. Alkohol neřeší žádné problémy. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol does not solve any problems. Мы тебя надолго не задержим. We won't keep you too long. We won't keep you for long. Pomogę mamie pozmywać po kolacji. I'll help my mother wash the dishes after supper. I'll help my mom clean up after dinner. Ќе ти кажам тајна којашто ќе ти го смени животот. I'll tell you a secret that will change your life. I'm gonna tell you a secret that will change your life. Зі мною ніхто не приїхав. No one came with me. No one came with me. Nie mów Tomowi co dzisiaj robiliśmy. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Don't tell Tom what we did today. Dôstojnému koňovi nezáleží na štekajúcom psovi. A noble horse doesn't care about a barking dog. A decent horse doesn't care about a barking dog. Этот город построен из стеклянных замков. This city is made out of glass castles. This city is built of glass castles. Mary odmítla Toma živit. Mary refused to support Tom. Mary refused to feed Tom. Што е најлошото што би можело да се случи? What's the worse that could happen? What’s the worst that could happen? У тебе є щось погризти? Do you have anything I could munch on? Do you have something to bite? Z pewnością się cieszą. They must be happy. I'm sure they're happy. Je vdaná? Is she married? Is she married? Он завоевал её любовь. He earned her love. He won her love. Она не всегда голодная. She's not always hungry. She's not always hungry. Dziś są wybory w Polsce. Today is election day in Poland. Today there are elections in Poland. Tom není váš sluha. Tom isn't your servant. Tom's not your servant. Její zornice jsou rozšířené. Her pupils are dilated. Her pupils are dilated. Мы играем в шахматы каждый вечер. We play chess every evening. We play chess every night. Pachatelem byl Kanaďan. The perpetrator was Canadian. The perpetrator was a Canadian. Tom je odličen govorec. Tom is an excellent speaker. Tom's a great speaker. Выведите своих коней, прежде чем развивать слонов. Bring out your knights before developing the bishops. Bring out your horses before you develop elephants. Musíme si uvědomovat hodnotu času. We need to be aware of the value of time. We need to understand the value of time. Co robi Ciarán? What is Ciarán doing? What's Ciaran doing? Я відповіла на твоє питання? Have I answered your question? Did I answer your question? Я не хочу обговорювати деталі. I don't want to discuss the details. I don't want to discuss details. Доктор, у меня болит спина. Doctor, my back hurts. Doctor, my back hurts. Я непопулярная. I'm unpopular. I'm unpopular. Jaki był pierwszy prywatny kanał w Turcji? What was the first private channel in Turkey? What was the first private channel in Turkey? Коли ти навчилася плавати? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? Я боюсь диких зверей. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild animals. Přinesli jste vše, oč jsem žádal? Did you bring everything I asked for? Did you bring everything I asked for? Къде отиваме? When do we go? Where are we going? Jest lipiec. It's July. It's July. V listopadu se žením. I'm getting married in November. I'm getting married in November. Přišel jsem pro tebe, Tome. I came for you, Tom. I'm here for you, Tom. Жао ми је, нисам запамтила твоје име. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. I'm sorry, I didn't remember your name. Я сохранил все ее письма. I kept all her letters. I saved all her letters. Posaď se támhle. Sit over there. Sit over there. Я отримала від тебе два повідомлення. I received two of your messages. I got two messages from you. Tu knihu chci. I want the book. I want the book. Не ешь столько мяса. Don't eat so much meat. You don't eat that much meat. Почео је да урла. He began to shout. He began to scream. Том си ги крена клучевите. Tom picked up his keys. Tom picked up his keys. Мы сняли солнцезащитные очки. We took our sunglasses off. We took off our sunglasses. Tom nemůže být o mnoho starší než já. Tom can't be much older than I am. Tom can't be much older than me. Jak si můžu zdokonalit svoji angličtinu? Je k osvojení nějaký snadný způsob, jak ji zlepšit? How can I improve my English, is there any easy way that I can adopt to improve it? How can I improve my English? Is there an easy way to improve it? Немој да пушиш тука. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. Том нам не довіряє. Tom doesn't trust us. Tom doesn't trust us. Я тобі не довіряю. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Ujdzie. This will pass. He'll get away. Ненавижу убираться и стирать. I hate cleaning and doing laundry. I hate cleaning and washing. Вона чекали годинами. She waited for hours and hours. She waited for hours. Ты всё ещё работаешь в пекарне на полставки? You're still working part time at a bakery? You're still working at the bakery on a part-time basis? Je třetího října. It's October the third. It's the third of October. Imamo dvije kćeri i dva sina. We have got two daughters and two sons. We have two daughters and two sons. Трябва ми нов USB кабел. I need a new USB cable. I need a new USB cable. Я люблю зялёны колер. I like the colour green. I love the green color. Вони хворі. They're ill. They're sick. Už je to skoro za námi. It's almost over. It's almost over. Я була безробітною. I was unemployed. I was unemployed. Мисля, че ще одобриш. I think you will approve. I think you'll approve. У тебя есть ваза для цветов? Do you have a vase for the flowers? Do you have a flower vase? Poslouchej Toma, a nic zlého se ti nemůže stát. Listen to Tom and nothing bad can happen to you. Listen to Tom, and nothing bad can happen to you. Я нет, а Том курит. I don't smoke, but Tom does. I don't, and Tom smokes. Я зрозумів, у чому моя помилка. I realized what my mistake was. I realized what my mistake was. Mieszkam sam w tym domu. I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. Она любит принимать ванну с лепестками роз. She likes to take a bath with rose petals. She likes to take a bath with rose petals. To wspaniały początek. It's a great start. It's a great start. Я вас последний раз прошу. I'm asking you for the last time. I'm asking you one last time. Tom jest w stanie znieść prawie wszystko. Tom can handle just about anything. Tom can handle almost anything. Tom je tak bohatý, že ani neví kolik domů vlastní. Tom is so rich that he isn't even sure how many houses he owns. Tom's so rich, he doesn't even know how many houses he owns. Чому тут немає ваших дітей? Why aren't your children here? Why aren't your children here? Kde je kladivo? Where is the hammer? Where's the hammer? Учитель задал нам несколько вопросов, на которые никто из нас не смог ответить. The teacher asked us some questions which none of us could answer. The teacher asked us some questions that none of us could answer. AlphaZero - это шахматный компьютер совершенно нового типа, созданный британской компанией Deep Mind, занимающейся искусственным интеллектом (ИИ). AlphaZero is a totally new kind of chess computer created by British artificial intelligence (AI) company Deep Mind. AlphaZero is a chess computer of a completely new type, created by the British company Deep Mind, engaged in artificial intelligence (AI). Mówiłem ci, że tego nie chcę. I told you I didn't want this. I told you I didn't want that. Новият учител е в класната стая. The new teacher is in the classroom. The new teacher is in the classroom. Проблемът изглежда много по-сложен. The issue seems much more complicated. The problem seems much more complicated. Я велел им быть в шляпах. I told them to wear hats. I told them to wear hats. Na śniadanie zeszła o ósmej. She came down to breakfast at eight. She left for breakfast at eight. Gdzie można wymienić dolary na funty? Where can dollars be exchanged for pounds? Where can you exchange dollars for pounds? Czy masz jakąś rodzinę? Do you have any family? Do you have any family? Ты скоро будешь бабушкой. You're going to be a grandma soon. You'll be a grandmother soon. Како е тоа различно? How is it different? How is that different? Nevstupujte! Don't come in. Don't come in! У нас є гіпопотам. We have a hippopotamus. We have a hippo. Myslím, že tato událost by mohla Toma přivést zpátky domů. I think that this event might bring Tom back home. I think this event could bring Tom back home. Тебя кто-нибудь ещё видел? Did anybody else see you? Has anyone else seen you? Имамо озбиљан проблем. We have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. Кто этот ребенок впереди? Who is the child in front? Who is the child in front? Tom si čte v knihovně. Tom is reading in the library. Tom's reading in the library. Све је спремно. All systems are go. It's all set. Она так и не ответила ему на письмо. She never wrote him back. She never replied to his letter. Ztratil ji. He lost her. He lost it. У младенца маленькие уши. The baby has small ears. The baby has small ears. Chłopcy i dziewczynki bawią się w ogrodzie. Boys and girls play in the garden. Boys and girls playing in the garden. Эти книги старые. These books are old. These books are old. Тичате. You run. You're running. Ważne są czyny, nie słowa. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. Actions are important, not words. Бих искал да купя колата, която продавате, но в момента нямам достатъчно пари. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. I'd like to buy the car you're selling, but I don't have enough money right now. Cieszę się, że podoba się wam. Glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Vypadáš nějak zkormouceně. You look kind of down. You seem a little upset. Том сигурно се чувствува осамено. Tom must feel lonely. Tom must be feeling lonely. Nočem iti v šolo. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Jorge dokáže hovoriť štyrmi jazykmi. Jorge is able to speak four languages. Jorge can speak four languages. Он в шкафу висит. It's hanging up in the closet. He's hanging in the closet. Том вже почав працювати на новій роботі? Has Tom already started his new job? Has Tom started a new job? Bardzo dobrze Ci w tym krawacie. That tie suits you very well. You're very good at that tie. Він нічого не сказав. He didn't say anything. He said nothing. Это снег? Is that snow? Is that snow? Ľúbim ťa. I love you. I love you. Na chodbě je telefon. There's a telephone in the hall. There's a phone in the hallway. Ему платят по часам. He is paid by the hour. He gets paid by the hour. Musel jsem si nechat vytrhnout zub. I had to have a tooth pulled out. I had to have my tooth pulled. Пробвах всичко, което ми е известно. I've tried everything I know of. I've tried everything I know. Люди люблять весну. People like spring. People love the spring. Я відішлю тобі копію цього зображення. I'll send you a copy of this picture. I will send you a copy of this image. Мне знакома эта традиция. I know this tradition. I know this tradition. Вы заметили, во сколько Том вошёл? Did you notice what time Tom came in? Did you notice what time Tom came in? Наша планета прекрасна. Our planet is beautiful. Our planet is beautiful. Защо не сте с Том? Why aren't you with Tom? Why aren't you with Tom? Если бы я не хотел тебя, меня бы сейчас здесь не было. If I didn't want you, I wouldn't be here now. If I didn't want you, I wouldn't be here right now. Как вы переведёте это предложение на английский? How do you translate this sentence in English? How do you translate this sentence into English? Сербская — яе родная мова. She is a native speaker of Serbian. Serbian is her native language. Они не это хотели знать. That wasn't what they wanted to know. That's not what they wanted to know. Я люблю плохих мальчиков. I like bad boys. I like bad boys. Том любит икру. Tom likes caviar. Tom likes caviar. Ты именно тот, с кем я хотел поговорить. You're just the man I wanted to speak to. You're exactly who I wanted to talk to. Някой от вас виждал ли е Том някога? Have any of you ever met Tom? Have any of you ever seen Tom? Ви відвезете мене додому? Will you drive me home? Will you take me home? Сигурно знаеш, че си изправен пред криза. You must know you're faced with a crisis. I'm sure you know you're facing a crisis. Том сказал, когда пойдёт в магазин? Did Tom say when he'd go shopping? Did Tom say when he was going to the store? Няма място за притеснение. There's nothing to be worried about. There's no need to worry. Učitel mi řekl, že bych si měl dát ostřihat vlasy. The teacher told me that I should have my hair cut. My teacher told me I should get my hair cut. До начала игры ещё два часа, а он уже сидит у телевизора. Какой фанат! There are still two hours until the game starts and he's already sitting in front of the TV. What a fanatic! It's two hours before the game starts, and he's already sitting by the TV. Leze mi to na nervy. It's getting on my nerves. It's getting on my nerves. Ви привид? Are you a ghost? You a ghost? Jestli mi ukážeš tvůj jazyk, možná ti ukážu můj. If you show me your tongue, I might show you mine. If you show me your tongue, maybe I'll show you mine. Ми з Томом у одній команді. Tom is on the same team that I am. Tom and I are on the same team. Neurčili rok. They didn't specify the year. They didn't set a deadline. Ljeto je gotovo. Summer is over. Summer's over. Snaž se trochu. Try a little. Try a little. Колко пшеница това поле ражда? How much wheat does each field yield? How much wheat does this field produce? Ти загалом оптиміст, еге ж? You're pretty optimistic, aren't you? You're an optimist, aren't you? Привикнала съм към това. I'm accustomed to this. I'm used to it. Я видел это в Твиттере. I saw it on Twitter. I saw it on Twitter. Я не понимаю местный диалект. I don't understand the local dialect. I don't understand the local dialect. Tom neměl důvod mít podezření, že Mary lže. Tom had no reason to suspect that Mary was lying. Tom had no reason to suspect that Mary was lying. Nie możemy niczego obiecać. We can't promise anything. We can't promise anything. Niestety nie zdążyłem na jego wystąpienie. Unfortunately I was not in time for his speech. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend his speech. Калі ласка, абярыце мову інтэрфейсу Image Viewer. Please select a language for the Image Viewer interface. Please select the language of the Image Viewer interface. Я не знаю, что вы ищете. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Том сохранил все свои пароли в текстовом файле на компьютере. Tom saved all of his passwords in a text file on his computer. Tom saved all his passwords in a text file on the computer. Мы должны немедленно перевязать рану. We must bandage the wound immediately. We need to bandage the wound immediately. Том терпеливо выслушал до конца. Tom listened patiently until the end. He listened patiently to the end. Мне нужно закончить работу. I need to finish my work. I need to finish my work. Я сел в кресло. I sat down in the armchair. I sat in a chair. Bydlíme blízko řeky. We live near a river. We live near the river. Hroši milují vodu. Hippopotamuses love water. Beetles love water. Батьки Тома весь час сваряться. Tom's parents fight all the time. Tom's parents fight all the time. Ми втратили майже всі свої гроші. We lost almost all our money. We lost almost all of our money. Позавчера мы ходили в оперу, а вчера - на балет. The day before, we went to the opera; yesterday we went to the ballet. Yesterday we went to the opera and yesterday we went to the ballet. Том сказав тобі, де проходить вечірка? Did Tom tell you where the party is? Did Tom tell you where the party was? Що ти придбав? What did you buy? What did you get? Чем больше я изучаю эсперанто, тем больше мне нравится этот язык. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like that language. The more I learn Esperanto, the more I like the language. Днес няма да може да видиш Том. You won't be able to see Tom today. You won't be able to see Tom today. Žádám, aby se mi ty peníze vrátily! I demand that my money be returned to me! I'm asking for my money back! Все это знают, кроме вас. Everyone knows except you. Everyone knows it except you. Која е твојата порака? What's your message? What's your message? Miluji je všechny stejně. I love them all equally. I love them all equally. У слонів великі вуха. Elephants have big ears. Elephants have big ears. Nikad nisam voljela biologiju. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. Я на вахте уже три дня. I have been on duty for three days. I've been on watch for three days. Toma napadl vlk. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Tom was attacked by a wolf. Nigdy nie prowadziłem pamiętnika. I've never kept a diary. I never kept a diary. Том понимает всё слишком буквально. Tom is too literal about everything. Tom takes it too literally. Это не война, а ссора двух алкоголиков. This is not a war, this is an argument between two alcoholics. It's not a war, it's a fight between two alcoholics. Za den vypije litr kávy. She drinks a liter of coffee in a day. He drinks a liter of coffee a day. Мы должны принять ответные меры. We need to retaliate. We must respond. Nechci tohle, ale tamto. I don't want this, but that. I don't want this, I want that. Како тоа си направил таква грешка? How come you made such a mistake? How did you make such a mistake? У реальному житті так ніхто не розмовляє. Nobody talks like that in real life. In real life, no one talks like that. Tom se nezmění. Tom won't change himself. Tom won't change. Nie ma dzieci, ale prowadzi całkiem szczęśliwe życie. He has no children, but he is leading an otherwise happy life. She has no children, but lives a very happy life. Вы не могли бы рассказать мне что-нибудь о себе? Could you tell me something about yourself? Could you tell me something about yourself? Том — мой сосед. Tom is a neighbor of mine. Tom is my neighbor. Ќе ја користам мечтата. I'll use my imagination. I'll use the dream. Том — відомий мовознавець. Tom is a famous linguist. Tom is a well-known linguist. Том пропустив обід. Tom skipped lunch. Tom missed lunch. Дай мені знати, якщо є щось, що я можу зробити. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Ta písnička byla velmi oblíbená před třemi lety. That song was very popular three years ago. That song was very popular three years ago. Zapoměl jsem Tomovi říct něco důležitého. I forgot to tell Tom something important. I forgot to tell Tom something important. Зручно жити так близько від вокзалу. It's convenient living so close to the station. It is convenient to live so close to the station. Я думав, Том з тобою. I thought Tom was with you. I thought Tom was with you. Том не е многу среќен. Tom isn't very happy. Tom's not very happy. Вони вас не забудуть. Tom won't forget you. They will not forget you. Російський алфавіт не такий вже й важкий для мене. The Russian alphabet is not that difficult to me. The Russian alphabet is not so difficult for me. Они совсем не родственники. They are entirely unrelated. They're not related at all. Началното училище ще бъде задължително. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Primary school will be mandatory. Это не имеет к вам никакого отношения. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. Вы видите панель инструментов внизу экрана? Can you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Do you see the toolbar at the bottom of the screen? Материнська любов більша від усього. Maternal love is greater than anything else. Motherly love is greater than anything. Čekám na to, abych si s tebou promluvil. I've been waiting to speak with you. I'm waiting to talk to you. Proč jsi mě opustil? Why have you abandoned me? Why did you leave me? To nie je môj problém. Not my problem. That's not my problem. Bojíš se Toma, co? You're scared of Tom, aren't you? You're scared of Tom, aren't you? Ці ты ганарышся сваім бацькам? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Ми беше чест. It was an honor. It's been an honor. Благодарение на хемијата имаме пластика. Chemistry gave us plastics. Thanks to chemistry, we have plastic. Cestovala po Japonsku. She traveled around Japan. Traveled all over Japan. Нямам никаква представа какво означава това. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what that means. Я знал, что делают Джексоны. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. I knew what the Jacksons were doing. Зачем мне им говорить? Why should I tell them? Why would I tell them? Том у апошні час шмат хварэў. Tom has been sick a lot lately. He's been sick a lot lately. Tom nie mógł nadążyć. Tom couldn't keep up. Tom couldn't keep up. Поток лавы уничтожил всё на своём пути. The lava flow destroyed everything in its path. The lava flow destroyed everything in its path. Ці быў ты ўчора вечарам дома? Were you home last night? Were you at home last night? Nechali Toma, ať si s tím poradí. They left Tom to it. They let Tom handle it. Комбинация - это запланированная серия ходов, которые предназначены для того, чтобы заставить оппонента ответить определенным образом и привести его в нежелательное положение. A combination is a planned series of moves that are intended to force certain responses from the opponent, and lead them into an undesirable position. A combination is a planned series of moves that are designed to make an opponent respond in a certain way and put him in an undesirable position. Том понял, что что-то не в порядке. Tom realized something wasn't right. Tom knew something was wrong. Она была взята с поличным. She was caught red handed. It was taken with a drawer. Terroryści uwolnili zakładników. The terrorists released the hostages. The terrorists released the hostages. У мене не було жодних друзів у Австралії. I had no friends in Australia. I didn’t have any friends in Australia. Даже на солнце есть пятна. There are spots even on the sun. Even in the sun there are spots. Вспомни, что ты мне сказал. Remember what you told me. Remember what you told me. Тя не обръща много внимание на това, как се облича. She doesn't pay much attention to how she dresses. She doesn’t pay much attention to how she dresses. Zamieszki trwały 3 dni. The unrest lasted three days. The riots lasted three days. Я вже тобі все сказав. I've already told you everything. I've already told you everything. Ви ненадійні. You're unreliable. You are unreliable. Jest już jedenasta. It is already eleven. It's eleven o'clock. Этот поисковик очень медленный. This search engine is really slow. This search engine is very slow. Strajk trwał czterdzieści dwa dni. The strike lasted forty-two days. The strike lasted forty-two days. Zbytek dne máme pro sebe. We have the rest of the day to ourselves. We have the rest of the day to ourselves. И двамата ли разбират френски? Do they both understand French? Do they both understand French? Всё утро лил дождь. It rained hard all morning. It rained all morning. Tam ho nenajdeš. They won't find him there. You won't find him there. Znám Tomovu ženu. I know Tom's wife. I know Tom's wife. Nevěř Tomovi, důvěřuj mě. Don't trust Tom, trust me. Don't trust Tom, trust me. Přečti si tu knihu. Read this book. Read the book. Ještě jsem toto video nesestříhal. I haven't yet edited this video. I haven't edited this video yet. Всегда улыбайся. Always smile. Always smile. Ми в меншості. We're in the minority. We are in the minority. Toma takovéto věci nezajímají. Tom isn't interested in things like that. Tom's not interested in that sort of thing. Najde si mě, ať půjdu kamkoliv. He'll find me wherever I go. He'll find me wherever I go. Nerad sleduji dabované filmy. I don't like watching dubbed movies. I don't like watching dubbing movies. To nie może być trzymane w tajemnicy w nieskończoność. It can't be kept secret forever. It can't be kept secret indefinitely. Не турбуйся, ми вже їдемо. Don't worry, we're on our way. Don't worry, we're on our way. Том што ќе прави сега? What'll Tom do now? What's Tom gonna do now? Знаев дека не можеш да ме повредиш. I knew you couldn't hurt me. I knew you couldn't hurt me. У меня осталось несколько минут. I've got a few minutes left. I have a few minutes left. Byl bych jel na hory, kdybych byl měl peníze. I would have gone to the mountains had I had the money. I'd go to the mountains if I had the money. Не дивись так на мене. Don't give me that look. Don't look at me like that. Не можам да му ги дадав овие. I can't give him these. I can't give him these. Tom nosí klobouk zřídkakdy. Tom seldom wears a hat. Tom rarely wears a hat. Том не сака млеко. Tom doesn't like milk. Tom doesn't like milk. Problém byl v tom, že Tom chtěl všechno pro sebe. The problem was that Tom wanted everything for himself. The problem was that Tom wanted everything for himself. Он умеет писать. He knows how to write. He can write. Kdo je viděl, jak to kradou? Who saw them stealing that? Who saw them steal it? Он способен к математике. He is good at mathematics. He is capable of mathematics. Що думаєш, подруго? What do you think, my friend? What do you think, friend? Už si nepamatuji, co se událo. I don't remember what happened anymore. I don't remember what happened. Chcieliśmy przestać to robić, ale nam nie pozwolili. We wanted to stop doing that, but they wouldn't let us. We wanted to stop, but they wouldn't let us. Ваша машина находится за этим банком. Your car is behind this bank. Your car is behind that bank. «Кем ты хочешь быть, когда вырастешь?» – «Миллионером». "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "A millionaire." “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Отвезите меня на Площадь Героев, пожалуйста. Please take me to Heroes' Square. Take me to Heroes' Square, please. Dostal jsem od ní telegram. I received a telegram from her. I got a telegram from her. V obchodním domě mě obsluhovala velice příjemná mladá žena. A very pleasant young woman waited on me in the department store. I was served by a very pleasant young woman in the department store. Tom je poslouchal s velkým zájmem. Tom listened to them with a great interest. Tom listened to them with great interest. Я поменял кран на кухне. I've replaced the kitchen tap. I changed the faucet in the kitchen. Если бы она знала её номер телефона, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could ring her. If she knew her phone number, she could have called her. Почему Вы не христианин? Why aren't you a Christian? Why aren't you a Christian? Мне так сильно не хватает Бостона. I miss Boston so much. I miss Boston so much. Tom už nepije alkohol. Tom doesn't drink alcohol anymore. Tom doesn't drink alcohol anymore. Електрически поток може да генерира магнитно поле. An electric current can generate magnetism. An electric current can generate a magnetic field. Зошто нѐ отпушти? Why did you fire us? Why did you fire us? Sám jsi navštívit Toma chodit neměl. You shouldn't have gone to visit Tom alone. You shouldn't have come to see Tom yourself. Это же электрик? Is that the electrician? It's an electrician, right? Jeho stín na zdi vypadal smutně. His shadow on the wall looked sad. His shadow on the wall looked sad. Kот и собака играют. The cat and the dog are playing. The cat and the dog are playing. Я не собираюсь говорить Тому. I'm not going to tell Tom. I'm not gonna tell Tom. Игроки по очереди должны кинуть кубик. The players need to take turns throwing a die. Players in turn must throw the cube. Tom měl znepokojený výraz. Tom had a worried look on his face. Tom had a worried expression. Tom powiedział, że nie zna Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary. Я жил в трёхкомнатной квартире, когда находился в Бостоне. I lived in a three-room apartment when I lived in Boston. I lived in a three-room apartment when I was in Boston. Срамно е ,че трябваше да напусна работа точно когато започвах да навлизам надълбоко в нея. It's a shame that I had to quit my job just when I was getting the hang of things. It's a shame I had to quit my job just as I was starting to dig deep into it. Скептик є людиною, що ні про що не підозрює. A sceptic is a person who suspects nothing. A skeptic is a person who does not suspect anything. Я бы никогда не стал носить такой пиджак. I would never wear that jacket. I would never wear a jacket like that. Какво мислите за този пуловер? What do you think of this sweater? What do you think of this sweater? Bezpečnú cestu. Safe journey. Safe journey. Mógłbyś patrzeć w inną stronę, podczas gdy ja się przebiorę? Would you mind looking the other way while I change my clothes? Would you mind looking the other way while I change? Mogę usiąść obok Toma? May I sit next to Tom? Can I sit next to Tom? Chcę by umarł. I want him to die. I want him dead. Што им е целта? What's their purpose? What's their purpose? Tys to opravdu udělal. You really did it. You really did it. Здрасти. Малко ми е лошо. Hi. I feel kind of sick. I'm a little sick. Я вища від тебе на вісім сантиметрів. I'm eight centimetres taller than you. I'm six inches taller than you. Тоа не беше моја идеја. That wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea. Том хоче свої гроші сьогодні. Tom wants his money today. Tom wants his money today. Го чекам да се врати. I'm waiting for him to return. I'm waiting for him to come back. Tom tam musí zůstat ještě týden. Tom has to stay there for another week. Tom has to stay there for another week. Мы говорим друг с другом по-французски, когда наши дети рядом. We speak French to each other when our children are around. We speak to each other in French when our children are around. Итальянский язык часто хвалят за фонетическую орфографию. Слова пишутся в соответствии с произношением, вне зависимости от этимологии. The Italian language is often praised for its phonetic orthography. Words are written according to their pronunciation, regardless of their etymology. Italian is often praised for its phonetic spelling. Words are written according to pronunciation, regardless of etymology. Егати лузъра! What a loser! Fuck the loser! Тебе пора в парикмахерскую. It's time you went to the barber's. You should go to the barbershop. Když bylo Tomovi třináct, utekl z domova. When Tom was thirteen, he ran away from home. When Tom was 13, he ran away from home. Dinozaury wymarły sześćdziesiąt pięć milionów lat temu. Dinosaurs went extinct sixty-five million years ago. Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Jeje nan je wohjowy wobornik. Her father is a firefighter. Its nan is a very special wrapper. Те молам не мрдај. Please don't move. Please don't move. Moje nehty jsou příliš krátké. My nails are too short. My nails are too short. Stát neřeší naše problémy. Stát samotný je problém. The state doesn't solve our problems. The state is the problem. The state does not solve our problems, the state itself is the problem. Имаше среќа што го преживеа нападот. You were lucky to survive the attack. He was lucky to survive the attack. Види го местово. Look at this place. Look at this place. Зошто не може Том да дојде кај нас? Why can't Tom come to us? Why can't Tom come to us? Tomovi prarodiče byli velmi chudí. Tom's grandparents were very poor. Tom's grandparents were very poor. Tom chodíval s mojí sestrou a chtěl si ji vzít. Tom used to date my sister and wanted to marry her. Tom went out with my sister and wanted to marry her. Калі ласка, дапамажыце мне. Please help me. please help me. Мері галаслива, чи не так? Mary is loud, isn't she? Mary's noisy, isn't she? Том поставив Мері багато запитань про Австралію. Tom asked Mary many questions about Australia. Tom asked Mary a lot of questions about Australia. Кто ты такой? Чего тебе надо? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you, what do you want? Это нужно сделать немедленно. It needs to be done immediately. This must be done immediately. Янні був чоловіком Скури. Yanni was Skura's husband. Janny was Skin's husband. Chudoba je politické rozhodnutí. Poverty is a policy decision. Poverty is a political decision. Превосходящие силы противника заключили нашу армию в кольцо. The enemy's superior forces have encircled our army. The superior forces of the enemy have encircled our army. Чи можу я поговорити з ним? May I speak with him? Can I talk to him? Kolik má Tom kytar? How many guitars does Tom have? How many guitars does Tom have? Ничья устраивала обоих игроков. The tie suited both players. The draw was good for both players. Я люблю цябе болей, ніж учора, і меней, ніж заўтра. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I love you more than yesterday and me more than tomorrow. Можно сделать таким образом. You can do it like that. It can be done this way. Мъжът с червената вратовръзка е единственият тук когото не познавам. The man wearing the red tie is the only one here I don't know. The man in the red tie is the only one here I don't know. На лугу растут цветы. Flowers are growing in the meadow. Flowers grow on the grass. Dzisiaj jest pochmurno. It's cloudy today. It's cloudy today. Вони хворі. They're sick. They're sick. Myslel jsem, že budeš o dost starší. I thought you'd be a lot older. I thought you'd be a lot older. Dustin Moskovitz je židovský podnikatel. Je jedním ze spoluzakladatelů Facebooku. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur and co-founder of Facebook. Молодой музыкант никогда не думал о том, чтобы присоединиться к симфоническому оркестру. The young musician has never considered joining the symphonic orchestra. The young musician never thought about joining the symphony orchestra. Том няма да отстъпи. Tom won't back off. Tom won't back down. Zemřel před deseti lety. He died ten years ago. He died ten years ago. Nevím, o čem mluvíte. I have no idea what you're referring to. I don't know what you're talking about. Moja staršia dcéra je Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zarębówna. My elder daughter is Magdalena Zar<0xC4><0x99>b<0xC3><0xB3>wna. Tom nechtěl, aby Mary řídila jeho auto. Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car. Tom didn't want Mary driving his car. Писк оглушал. The squeaking was deafening. The squeak was deafening. Чух те как го окуражаваше. I heard you cheering. I heard you encouraging him. Учил съм френски три години. I've studied French for three years. I studied French for three years. Где ты обычно плаваешь? Where do you usually swim? Where do you usually swim? Орасположи се! Cheer up! Cheer up! Tento stůl je na zvedání moc těžký. This table is too heavy to lift. This table is too heavy to lift. Тому потрібна дружина. Tom needs a wife. Tom needs a wife. Мой начальник сегодня очень радостный. My boss is very cheerful today. My boss is very happy today. To okno było otwarte. The window was open. That window was open. Це не має значення, зробите ти це чи ні. It doesn't matter if you do that or not. It doesn’t matter whether you do it or not. Можете сделать телевизор потише? Can you turn your TV down? Can you turn the TV down? Ми смо Аустралијанци. We are Australians. We are Australians. Давайте подождём до завтрашнего утра. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Let's wait till tomorrow morning. Трябва да го боядисам. I have to paint it. I have to paint it. Já jsem jen ventiloval. I was just blowing off steam. I was just ventilating. Nevím, co s nimi mám dělat. I don't know what to do with them. I don't know what to do with them. Я почав кашляти. I began coughing. I started coughing. Том живе біля річки. Tom lives near a river. Tom lives by the river. Nehodlá se zabít. She won't kill herself. He's not going to kill himself. Brad Pitt jest aktorem. Brad Pitt is an actor. Brad Pitt is an actor. Том каждый день навещает Мэри в больнице. Tom goes to see Mary in the hospital every day. Tom visits Mary in the hospital every day. Ты маніш. You are lying. You're manny. Slnko je žlté. The sun is yellow. The sun is yellow. Не кажіть, що я вас не попереджав. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't say I didn't warn you. Том пригласил Мэри на свою вечеринку. Tom invited Mary to his party. Tom invited Mary to his party. Učím se učit. I'm learning how to learn. I'm learning to learn. "Том!" - "Что?" "Tom!" "What?" "Tom!" - "What?" Я молюся за тебе. I'm praying for you. I'm praying for you. Где ти је пријатељица? Where's your friend? Where's your friend? Fizyka kwantowa jest zbyt trudna do zrozumienia dla zwykłego śmiertelnika. Quantum physics is too difficult for a mere mortal to understand. Quantum physics is too difficult for an ordinary mortal to understand. Он је љубазан. He is kind. He's kind. Этот перевод сложно читать. This translation is difficult to read. This translation is hard to read. Popatrz na tego skaczącego psa. Look at the dog jump. Look at that jumping dog. Деньги меня никогда не интересовали. I've never been interested in money. I was never interested in money. Він говорить про свободу. He speaks of liberty. He is talking about freedom. Он смотрел, как она уезжает на своей машине, пока та не превратилась лишь в точку в дали. We watched her drive her car away, until it was no more than a dot in the distance. He watched her drive away in her car until it was just a point in the distance. Вы когда-нибудь ели лягушачьи лапки? Have you ever eaten frog legs? Have you ever eaten frog legs? Nedáme jim nic. We won't give them anything. We're not giving them anything. Играчката е изработена од дрво. The toy is made of wood. The toy is made of wood. Sprzedajecie to na kilogramy? Do you sell this by the kilogram? You're selling this for pounds? Какую кружку мне взять? Which cup should I use? Which mug should I have? Мій батько працює в банку. My father works for a bank. My father works in a bank. Перестань говорить о них. Stop talking about them. Stop talking about them. Tato práce je velmi stresující. Už ji nechci dělat. This job is too stressful. I don't want to do it anymore. This job is very stressful. I don't want to do it anymore. Я считаю, это очень умильно. I find it very cute. I think that's very sweet. Ме боли стомакот по оброци. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after meals. Тому остро не хватает эмпатии. Tom is sorely lacking in empathy. There is a lack of empathy. Jesteś gotowy na rywalizację? Are you ready to compete? Are you ready to compete? Tom hledá vetřelce. Tom is looking for the intruder. Tom's looking for an intruder. Mam białaczkę. I have leukaemia. I have leukaemia. Почему там так темно и тихо? Why is it so dark and quiet there? Why is it so dark and quiet? Tom hasí požár. Tom is fighting a fire. Tom's putting out the fire. Добрый вечер, леди и джентльмены! Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Зири - звезда. Ziri is a star. Ziri's a star. Ја спасија целата екипа. The whole crew was saved. They saved the whole team. Я никогда не видела её в джинсах. I've never seen her wearing jeans. I've never seen her in jeans. Jez, pokud máš hlad. Eat if you're hungry. Eat if you are hungry. Мені слід зробити те, що запропонував Том. I should do what Tom suggested. I should do what Tom suggested. Помисли си за това, моля те. Please think about it. Think about it, please. Я забыл сказать тебе это. I forgot to tell you that. I forgot to tell you that. Том и Мэри скучают по родителям. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Tom and Mary miss their parents. Ты очень умна. You are very smart. You're very smart. Не мога да поправя хладилникът. I cannot repair this refrigerator. I can't fix the fridge. Tom je arogantní sráč. Tom is an arrogant piece of shit. Tom's an arrogant asshole. Приготовься к худшему. Get ready for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Neboj se. Můžeš mi důvěřovat. Don't worry. You can confide in me. Don't worry, you can trust me. Том е зафатен со своето истражување. Tom is busy with his research. Tom is busy with his research. Обавештаваћу те. I'll keep you updated. I'll keep you posted. Я купив собі трубу. I've bought myself a trumpet. I bought a pipe. Odmítám Toma vézt domů. I refuse to drive Tom home. I refuse to take Tom home. У нас уйдёт какое-то время на то, чтобы подготовиться. It'll take us a while to get ready. It will take some time to prepare. Тази риза има нужда да бъде изпрана. This shirt needs to be washed. This shirt needs to be washed. Все още съм малко заета. I'm still a little busy. I'm still a little busy. Odkurzyłem samochód. I vacuumed the car. I vacuumed the car. Помогнах на Том един път. I helped Tom once. I helped Tom once. Не спиј во кадата. Don't sleep in the bathtub. Don't sleep in the tub. Не слишком ли солёное? Does it have too much salt? Is it too salty? Мне всё равно, что ты делаешь со своими деньгами. I don't care what you do with your money. I don't care what you do with your money. To przysłowie brzmi tak: The proverb runs as follows. The proverb goes like this: Tom był złym chłopcem. Tom was a bad boy. Tom was a bad boy. Нет большего вора, чем сон: он крадёт у нас половину жизни. There's no greater thief than sleep, which takes half our life from us. There is no greater thief than a dream: it steals half our lives. Они отклонили приглашение. They declined the invitation. They declined the invitation. Мисля, че трябва да се срещнете с Том. I think you should meet Tom. I think you should meet Tom. Том жил в Австралии. Tom lived in Australia. Tom lived in Australia. Когда ты туда доберешься? When are you going to get there? When will you get there? Том спит. Мне его разбудить? Tom is asleep. Should I wake him up? Tom's asleep, should I wake him up? Може ли да отворя една консерва? Can I open a can? Can I open a can? Том сака да го види. Tom wants to see it. Tom wants to see it. Ten pes patří mně. The dog is mine. That dog belongs to me. Не мога да повярвам, че Том постъпи така с Мери. I can't believe Tom did that to Mary. I can't believe Tom did that to Mary. Светозвуковая граната так называется потому, что при взрыве производит яркую вспышку и громкий звук. The flashbang grenade got its name from the bright flash and loud bang it generates upon explosion. The so-called light-sound grenade is so called because it produces a bright flash and a loud sound when it explodes. Tohle mi Tom řekl. This is what Tom said to me. That's what Tom told me. Том си ја продаде куќата во Бостон. Tom has sold his house in Boston. Tom sold his house in Boston. Knjigu možemo uporediti s prijateljem. A book can be compared to a friend. You can compare the book to a friend. Ми не маємо паперу. We don't have paper. We have no paper. Я зроблю все, що ти мені кажеш. I'll do everything you tell me to do. I'll do whatever you tell me. Моя любимая картина — «Поцелуй». My favorite painting is The Kiss. My favorite painting is “Kiss.” Лікар, перепрошую. Excuse me, Doctor. Doctor, I'm sorry. Я зазвичай встаю о восьмій. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at eight. Musel jsem Tomovi dát za pravdu. I had to admit that Tom was right. I had to tell Tom the truth. Матч перенесли из-за снега. The match was postponed because of snow. The match was postponed due to snow. Како би ја опишал? How would you describe her? How would you describe her? Я держал его за воротник. I held him by the collar. I held him by the collar. Do tej pory byłem w Europie pięć razy: w 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, i 2004. So far, I've been to Europe five times: 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004. So far, I have been to Europe five times: in 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004. Ти можеш поговорити з Томом, правда? You can talk to Tom, right? You can talk to Tom, right? Так была создана наша компания. That's how our company was set up. This is how our company was created. Том ми кажа дека треба да се погрижи за некои ствари. Tom told me he has a few things to take care of. Tom told me he needed to take care of some things. W pokoju jest pianino. There is a piano in the room. There's a piano in the room. Tom má nepříjemný, silný hlas. Tom has an unpleasant, loud voice. Tom has an unpleasant, strong voice. Я хочу, чтобы ты держался подальше от Тома. I want you to stay away from Tom. I want you to stay away from Tom. Гэта найлепшая кніга, якую я калісьці чытала. This is the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. Я замужем за адвокатом. I'm married to a lawyer. I'm married to a lawyer. Припини балачки і слухай. Cut the talking and listen. Stop talking and listen. Гэта той хлопчык, якога я бачыў учора. That's the boy I saw yesterday. That's the guy I saw yesterday. Я позвонил в дверь. I rang the doorbell. I rang the doorbell. Ова ми се родителите. These are my parents. These are my parents. Вряд ли он поедет туда один. It's unlikely he will go there alone. I don't think he's going there alone. Кто получил первый приз? Who won first prize? Who won the first prize? Где она изучала польский? Where did she learn Polish? Where did she learn Polish? Автобусы ходят раз в десять минут. Buses come every ten minutes. Buses run every 10 minutes. Том нечасто це робить. Tom rarely does that. Tom doesn’t do that very often. Musimy ciężko pracować. We must work hard. We have to work hard. Говорят, что Энн их руководитель. It is said that Ann is their leader. They say Anne's their handler. Я хочу сам рассказать Тому. I wanted to be the one to tell Tom. I want to tell Tom myself. Я таксама граю на сінтэзатары ў маім гурце. I also play keyboard in my band. I also play synthesizers in my band. Oni kopaju rupu. They're digging a hole. They're digging a hole. До аеропорту, прошу. To the airport, please. To the airport, please. Nitko nema dušu. No one has a soul. No one has a soul. Tomasz powiedział mi, że był smutny. Tom told me he was sad. Thomas told me he was sad. Том почна да ја брка Мери околу игралиштето. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Tom started chasing Mary around the playground. Червеният светофар означава "Спри". The red traffic light indicates "stop". The red light means "Stop." Je hodně podobná svému otci. She's very similar to her father. She looks a lot like her father. Аз не съм управителката. I'm not the manager. I'm not the manager. Я знаю, что Том хочет, чтобы вы это сделали. I know Tom wants you to do that. I know Tom wants you to do it. Учитель сказал нам прочитать эту книгу. Our teacher told us to read that book. The teacher told me to read this book. Тоа ми е специјалноста. That's my specialty. That's my specialty. Muszę się przygotować do szkoły. I've got to get ready for school. I have to get ready for school. Мы передали возможные концепции на ваше рассмотрение. We have submitted these possible designs for your consideration. We have submitted possible concepts for your consideration. Вы знаете, как я был занят? Do you know how busy I've been? Do you know how busy I was? Кој е одговорен? Who's responsible? Who is responsible? Что стало с деньгами? What happened to the money? What happened to the money? За золотыми словами часто идут свинцовые дела. Golden words are often followed by leaden acts. Gold words are often followed by lead deeds. Ти треба пријател. You need a friend. You need a friend. Том сказав, що ти говориш французькою. Tom said you speak French. Tom said you speak French. Самі любить суниці. Sami likes wild strawberries. Sami loves strawberries. Том побіг, щоб наздогнати Мері. Tom ran to catch up to Mary. Tom ran to catch up with Mary. З нами нікого немає. There's no one with us. There is no one with us. Я хочу посвятить эту песню Тому. I want to dedicate this song to Tom. I want to dedicate this song to Tom. Как е брачният ти живот? How's your married life? How's your married life? Ширина коридоров должна быть не менее двух метров. Corridors should be no less than two meters wide. The width of the corridors should be at least two meters. Musíme si najít práci. We need to find work. We have to get a job. Таа седеше на клупата. She sat on the bench. She was sitting on the bench. Это моё место или твоё? Is this my seat or yours? Is this my place or yours? Tomovo auto je novější, než to Mary. Tom's car is newer than Mary's. Tom's car is newer than Mary's. Czy on mnie zna? Does he know me? Does he know me? Я хочу поиграть в настольный футбол. I want to play table football. I want to play table football. Хочеш, щоб я приніс тобі склянку води? Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? You want me to get you a glass of water? После шести месяцев вам может потребоваться дополнительная доза. You may need a supplementary dose after six months. After six months, you may need an additional dose. Konačno je ispunio moj zahtjev. He finally fulfilled my request. He finally complied with my request. Автобусная остановка в пяти минутах ходьбы отсюда. The bus stop is a five-minute walk from here. A bus stop is a five-minute walk away. Мировой судья принял решение. The magistrate made his decision. The justice of the peace has made a decision. Я маю йти на зустріч. I have to go to a meeting. I have to go to a meeting. Не Вы один так думаете. You're not the only one who thinks that. You're not the only one who thinks that. Zegar się popsuł. The watch broke down. The clock is broken. Не поправяй това, което не е развалено. Let well enough alone. Don't fix what isn't broken. Chłopcy, nie róbcie żadnego hałasu. Boys, don't make any noise. Boys, don't make any noise. Я хочу, чтобы он умер. I want him dead. I want him dead. Америка има врагове. America has enemies. America has enemies. Slyšel jsem nahoře nějaký hluk. I heard a noise upstairs. I heard a noise upstairs. Том не беше толкова лош. Tom wasn't that bad. Tom wasn't so bad. Том повісив сумку собі на плече. Tom slung his bag over his shoulder. Tom put his bag on his shoulder. Ми це знали від самого початку. We've known that from the beginning. We knew that from the beginning. Oslo je hlavní město Norska. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Oslo is the capital of Norway. Што предмет беше? What item was it? What was the object? Бев спокоен се додека не го видов шприцот. I was calm until I saw the syringe. I was calm until I saw the syringe. Мы должны закончить нашу работу. We must finish our work. We have to finish our work. Jak tam? Jaki dzisiaj masz dzień? How are you? What sort of day are you having today? What's your day like? Они доверяли Тому. They trusted Tom. They trusted Tom. Tom założył agencję reklamową. Tom started an advertising agency. Tom started an advertising agency. Вам нужно терпение. You need patience. You need patience. Тобі треба поговорити з Томом. You should speak with Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Том сердитий, а Мері ні. Tom is angry, but Mary isn't. Tom is angry, but Mary is not. В 1951 году во Дворце советских пионеров британский международный мастер Роберт Уэйд провел сеанс одновременной игры с 30 местными детьми до 14 лет. После семи часов игры MI Wade сумел сделать 10 ничьих, проиграв остальные 20 матчей. In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British International Master Robert Wade played a simultaneous game with 30 local children up to 14 years old. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, having lost the other 20 matches. In 1951, at the Palace of Soviet Pioneers, British international master Robert Wade held a simultaneous game session with 30 local children under 14 years of age. After seven hours of play, MI Wade managed to make 10 draws, losing the remaining 20 matches. Сейчас я слишком занят, чтобы с тобой разговаривать. I'm too busy to talk to you now. I'm too busy right now to talk to you. Víte, proč jsem k vám přišel? Do you guys know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? Měl bys jít na chvíli ven, Tome. You should go out for a while, Tom. You should go outside for a while, Tom. I Magdalena i Ania su iz Poljske. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Both Magdalena and Ania are from Poland. Том отглежда домати в градината си. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Tom grows tomatoes in his garden. Я ніколи про це не згадував. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned it. Моравме да бараме каде да отседнеме додека ни се реновира куќата. We had to look for a place to stay while our house is under renovation. We had to look for a place to stay while our house was being renovated. Врач попросил меня прийти ещё раз через три дня. The doctor asked me to come back in three days. The doctor asked me to come back in three days. Tom kdysi prodával auta. Tom used to sell cars. Tom used to sell cars. Том навидум се обидуваше да ја убеди Мери да преземе нешто. Tom seemed to be trying to convince Mary to do something. Tom seemed to be trying to convince Mary to do something. Ми підемо на світанку. We'll set off at daybreak. We'll go at dawn. Месяц зроблены з сыра. The moon is made out of cheese. The month is made of cheese. Ти вже попісяла? Are you done peeing? Have you peed yet? Ви виграє́те. You're winning. You will win. Виждал съм Том да прави някои забележителни неща. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. I've seen Tom do some remarkable things. Она непременно сюда придёт. She is bound to come here. She's definitely coming here. Том сака да му приредам роденденска забава следниот понеделник вечер. Tom wants me to throw him a birthday party next Monday evening. Tom wants me to throw him a birthday party next Monday night. Он, должно быть, где-то здесь. It must be somewhere around. He must be here somewhere. Что вы видите? What do you see? What do you see? Ogółem wygląda świetnie. Tylko ten jeden szczegół mi nie pasuje. It looks great for the most part. Just this one detail seems off to me. Overall, it looks great. Only this one detail does not suit me. Це чудово! That's great! That's great! Фадель пошёл в школу. Fadil went to school. Fadel went to school. Ви одружена? Are you married? You married? Kdo vymyslel karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Who invented karaoke? У меня зудят вкусовые сосочки! My taste buds are tingling! My taste buds are itching! Вы можете писать все, что хотите. You can write whatever you want. You can write whatever you want. Не ме забравяйте. Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Още не мога да повярвам. I'm still not buying it. I still can't believe it. Имам три деца. I have three kids. I have three kids. Nosim čarape. I wear socks. I'm wearing socks. Udělal jsem nějaké chyby. I made some mistakes. I made some mistakes. Хочете їсти? Hungry? Want to eat? Просто чекайте нас тут. Just wait for us here. Just wait for us here. Ste v knižnici. You are in the library. You're in the library. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že odejdu z práce dříve. I told Tom that I would leave work earlier. I told Tom I'd leave work early. Они меня не помнят. They don't remember me. They don't remember me. Больше дел нет. There's nothing more to do. No more cases. Ти нічого не можеш довести. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Ми були надто повільні. We were too slow. We were too slow. Доста со глупостите. Cut the nonsense. Enough of this nonsense. Tá majonéza je samá chemikália! That mayo is nothing but chemicals! That mayonnaise is a chemical! Оцените приложение. Rate the app. Evaluate the application. Není co dodat! Nothing to add! There's nothing to add! Перепрошую, що я тебе потурбувала. I'm sorry that I bothered you. I'm sorry to bother you. Нам нужно сделать это сегодня. We need to do that today. We need to do this today. Препорачливо е да провериш дали може да има некакви негативни ефекти ако пиеш алкохол додека го пиеш лекот што ти го препишале. It's advisable to check whether there'll be any adverse affects if you drink alcohol while taking the medication you've been prescribed. It is advisable to check whether there may be any negative effects if you drink alcohol while taking the medicine prescribed for you. Я говорю по-французски так же хорошо, как ты. I speak French as well as you do. I speak French as well as you do. Вторият урок е много лесен. The second lesson is very easy. The second lesson is very easy. Kdo dnes ráno vzbudil Toma? Who woke Tom up this morning? Who woke Tom up this morning? Това е Copacabana! This is Copacabana! It's Copacabana! Трябва да започнете веднага. You are to start at once. You have to start now. Ви знаєте, як зробити салат із сирої риби? Do you know how to make a raw fish salad? Do you know how to make a salad from raw fish? Пан Танака — наш викладач англійської. Mr Tanaka is our teacher of English. Mr. Tanaka is our English teacher. Hiszpański to jej język ojczysty. Spanish is her native language. Spanish is her mother tongue. Соня собрала своих учеников и сказала: "Я даю вам 123 слова. Теперь посмотрим, сможете ли вы создать новый язык, использующий только эти слова". Ms. Sonja gathered her students together and said, "I am giving you 123 words. Now see if you can build a new language with just these words." Sonia gathered her students together and said, "I'm giving you 123 words. Now let's see if you can create a new language that only uses those words." Я видел, как Том танцевал с Мэри. I saw Tom dancing with Mary. I saw Tom dancing with Mary. Мы ходим вокруг озера. We are walking around the lake. We walk around the lake. Том ги собра срчите. Tom picked up the broken glass. Tom picked up the hearts. Почему ты пришла одна? Why did you come alone? Why did you come alone? Dej mi prosím tě pokoj. Give me a break, please. Please leave me alone. Об этом Тому рассказали . Tom was told about it. Tom was told about it. "У Вас есть дети?" - "Да, сын". "Do you have kids?" "Yes, I have a son." "Do you have children?" - "Yes, son." Я була сором'язлива. I was shy. I was shy. Разбирам го прекрасно. I can understand him perfectly. I understand that perfectly. Tvůj dopis mě potěšil. Your letter made me happy. Your letter pleased me. Тебе нужно больше заниматься. You should study more. You need to do more. Тази история ме накара да се замисля върху бъдещето на Токио. That story made me think over the future of Tokyo. This story made me think about the future of Tokyo. Co jí krokodýli? What do alligators eat? What's with the crocodiles? Co za lidi zde původně žilo? Who were the original people here? What kind of people originally lived here? Где твой дух искателя приключений? Where's your spirit of adventure? Where is your spirit of adventure? Працюй повільно. Work slowly. Work slowly. Вы пьёте ? Do you drink? Are you drinking? Ми не могли би йти швидше? Я спізнююся. Could we go faster? I'm late. Can we go faster? I'm late. Думаешь, это правильно? Do you think it's right? You think that's right? Го грабнав Том за лакт. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. Pesymista to po prostu dobrze poinformowany optymista. A pessimist is merely a well-informed optimist. A pessimist is simply a well-informed optimist. Я збирався тобі написати, але забув. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. I was going to write to you, but I forgot. Она плакала, слушая эту историю. She cried while listening to this story. She was crying when she heard that story. Том ми показа писмото, което Мери беше написала на френски. Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French. Tom showed me the letter Mary had written in French. Она в том же платье, в котором была вчера. She's wearing the same dress she had yesterday. She's in the same dress she was in yesterday. Интернетот е сериозна работа. The Internet is serious business. The internet is a serious business. Я попросив Тома припинити розмовляти. I asked Tom to stop talking. I asked Tom to stop talking. Таа е многу индивидуалистички настроена. She's very individualistic. She's very individualistic. Електрокари змінять світ. Electric cars will change the world. Electric cars will change the world. Китай — найбільша країна в Азії. China is the biggest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. Мы с ними завтра увидимся. I'm going to see them tomorrow. I'll see them tomorrow. Він видавався збентеженим з якоїсь причини. He seemed embarrassed for some reason. He seemed confused for some reason. Это не так уж важно. That isn't so important. It's not that important. Все делают это, так что всё в порядке. Everyone's doing it, so it's OK. Everyone's doing it, so it's okay. Kto povedal Tomovi, čo má robiť? Who told Tom what to do? Who told Tom what he should do? ” Snažte se příště být originálnější. Try to be more creative next time. Try to be more original next time. Гроші не ростуть на деревах. Money does not grow on trees. Money does not grow on trees. Tom je schopen se francouzsky domluvit. Tom speaks enough French to get by. Tom is able to communicate in French. Я певна, що всі хочуть їсти. I'm sure everyone's hungry. I’m sure everyone wants to eat. У тебе є словник? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Nebudeš sám. You won't be on your own. You won't be alone. Лут сум ти. I'm angry at you. I'm mad at you. Ти абсолютно права. You're absolutely right! You're absolutely right. Да ли је неко чуо Тома да је напустио кућу? Did anyone hear Tom leave the house? Did anyone hear Tom leave the house? Teď jste na Starém Městě, tak to budete mít asi nejlepší pěšky přes Karlův most a pak Mosteckou na Malostranské naměstí. Now you are in Old Town, so it will be best to go by foot across Charles Bridge and then along Mostecká Street to Malostranské Square. Now you are in the Old Town, so you will probably have the best walk across Charles Bridge and then Mostecká on Malostranská Square. Я чула кожне слово. I heard every word. I heard every word. Це буде цікаво. That'll be interesting. It'll be interesting. Том свършва работа в 5:00. Tom gets off work at 5:00. Tom gets off work at 5:00. Я оказался быстрее. I was faster. I was faster. Я стараюсь не слишком злорадствовать. I’m trying not to gloat too much. I try not to gloat too much. Jesteś taka gorąca. You're so hot. You're so hot. Gdybym był bogaty, to bym ci pomógł. If I were rich, I would help you. If I was rich, I'd help you. Переконайся, що за тобою не стежать. Make sure you're not being followed. Make sure you're not being watched. У нас долго стояла жара. We've had a long spell of hot weather. It's been hot for a long time. Том очень легко выходит из себя. Tom gets angry very easily. Tom is easily distracted. Не шуметь в библиотеке. Be quiet in the library. No noise in the library. Лаура може да е била болна. Laura may have been sick. Laura could have been sick. Hlavní město Polska je Varšava. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Я очень недовольна. I'm very angry. I'm very unhappy. Можеби Том игра шах со Мери во моментов. Tom might be playing chess with Mary right now. Maybe Tom's playing chess with Mary right now. Аз не ревнувам. I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous. Этот кот похож на щенка. That cat is like a puppy. This cat looks like a puppy. Výpadek proudu poškodil počítač. The power outages damaged the computer. The power outage damaged the computer. У меня нет открывашки, поэтому я не смогу открыть эту банку. I don't have a can opener, so I can't get this can open. I don't have an opener, so I won't be able to open this jar. Jest z nami coraz lepiej. We're getting better. We're getting better. Я придумаю, как сказать Тому. I'll figure out how to tell Tom. I'll figure out a way to tell Tom. Том ни на секунда не помисли да се обиде да ја убеди Мери да го направи тоа. Tom never for one instant thought of trying to convince Mary to do that. Tom didn’t think for a second to try to convince Mary to do so. Интересно, сколько это будет стоить. I wonder how much that'll cost. I wonder how much it will cost. Proč nechceš, aby ti Tom pomohl? Why don't you want Tom to help you? Why don't you want Tom to help you? Powinnam odpowiadać? Should I reply? Should I answer? Я не знаю флаг этой страны. I don't know this country's flag. I don't know the flag of this country. Лодка была большая. The boat was big. The boat was big. Tom je vyděsil. Tom scared them. Tom scared them. Мы этого пока не сделали. We haven't done it yet. We haven't done that yet. Upuściłeś ołówek. You dropped your pencil. You dropped your pencil. Забравих за това. I forgot about that. I forgot about that. Сите соништа ќе ми се остварат. All my dreams will come true. All my dreams will come true. Byłem pod wrażeniem pracy Toma. I've been impressed with Tom's work. I was very impressed with Tom’s work. Я уважна. I'm attentive. I'm paying attention. Как вы думаете, сколько они заплатят мне за это? How much do you think they'll pay me to do that? How much do you think they're gonna pay me for this? За Ай е трудно да се сприятели с Кен. Ai finds it difficult to make friends with Ken. It's hard for Ai to be friends with Ken. Сакам специфични информации. I want specific information. I want specific information. Не меняй это. Don't change that. Don't change that. Ты либерал или консерватор? Are you a liberal or conservative? Are you a liberal or a conservative? Хто хоча какаву? Who wants hot chocolate? "Who wants cocoa?" Sy w knihowni. You're in a library. You're in the library. Том недостатньо співпрацює. Tom doesn't cooperate enough. Tom doesn't cooperate enough. Zróbmy to później. Let's do this later. Let's do it later. Футляр для очков лежит на буфете. The glasses case is on the sideboard. The case for glasses is on the buffet. Nie powinieneś wychodzić. You shouldn't go out. You shouldn't have left. Dodaj ją do listy. Add her to the list. Add it to the list. Potrzebuję zimnego prysznica. I need a cold shower. I need a cold shower. Несите весть о моих великих деяниях по всему миру. Это ослабит сопротивление, когда я буду их завоёвывать! Spread the word of my great deeds to the rest of the world. It will make them resist less when I conquer them! Bring the news of my great deeds all over the world. It will weaken the resistance when I conquer them! Да ли је то оно што желите? Is this what you want? Is that what you want? Som vyčerpaný. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Není snadné být hvězdou. It's not easy being a star. It's not easy being a star. Отойдите от двери, пожалуйста. Please move away from the door. Step away from the door, please. Твоите синови се доста згодни. Your sons are quite handsome. Your sons are quite handsome. Имаш ли кибритче? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? Jak se anglicky řekne "Americký fotbal"? What is "American football" in English? How do you say "American football" in English? Разве это не то, чего так хочет человек? Isn't that what people want? Isn't that what a man wants? Не е толкова дълбок. It's not that deep. It's not that deep. Он поклялся отомстить своим обидчикам. He vowed to take revenge on those who wronged him. He swore vengeance on his oppressors. Ние сме като братя. We're like brothers. We're like brothers. Ајде пак! Do it again! Let's do it again! Я сказал Тому всё, что об этом знал. I told Tom everything that I knew about that. I told Tom everything I knew about it. Наставите да слушате. Keep listening. Keep listening. Я повернуся двадцятого жовтня. I'll be back on October 20th. I will be back on October 20th. Девушка была озадачена. The girl was puzzled. The girl was puzzled. Почему я всегда голоден? Why am I always hungry? Why am I always hungry? Она је учитељица. She is a teacher. She's a teacher. Мне в понедельник нужно быть в Бостоне. I need to be in Boston on Monday. I have to be in Boston on Monday. Скроз си у праву. You're right on the money. You're absolutely right. И я тоже часто злюсь. I, too, am often angry. I get angry a lot too. Tom a Mary si spolu hodně hráli, když byli dětmi. Tom and Mary played together a lot when they were children. Tom and Mary used to play together a lot when they were kids. Tom se rozhodl to udělat. Tom decided to do it. Tom decided to do it. Хедер ми верује. Heather believes me. Heather trusts me. Всичко мина по план. Everything went according to plan. Everything went according to plan. Ты можешь представить меня Тому? Can you introduce me to Tom? Can you introduce me to Tom? Ти нормальна людина? Are you a normal person? Are you a normal person? Не знаю, смогу ли я тебе помочь. I don't know if I'll be able to help you. I don't know if I can help you. Ako im ne smetaš, ni oni tebi neće smetati. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Вы не должны тратить свои деньги на подобные вещи. You shouldn't waste your money on things like that. You don’t have to spend your money on such things. Невозможно предусмотреть всё. It is impossible to foresee everything. It is impossible to foresee everything. Wybacz Tom. Forgive Tom. I'm sorry, Tom. Zastanawiam się, czy zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. I was wondering if you'd do something for me. Tatoeba je populárnější než kdy dřív. Tatoeba is more popular than ever. Tatoeba is more popular than ever. Я уже не помню, сколько я за это заплатил. I can't remember how much I paid for it. I don't remember how much I paid for it. Это очень необычно. This is very unusual. It's very unusual. Ви цілитеся недостатньо високо. You're not aiming high enough. You're not aiming high enough. Объркани ли са? Are they confused? Are they confused? Neměli jsme v úmyslu z plánu vynechat Mary. We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan. We didn't mean to leave Mary out of the plan. Czułem się całkiem nieźle. It felt pretty good. I felt pretty good. Какая цель у Тома? What's Tom's goal? What's Tom's purpose? Это не совсем то, что я искал. This isn't exactly what I was looking for. That's not exactly what I was looking for. Мы елі яйкі. We ate eggs. We ate eggs. Они не дадут вам этого сделать. They won't let you do that. They won't let you do that. Влези внатре. Step inside. Get in there. Я вроде ясно выразился. I thought I made that clear. I think I made myself clear. Dnes v noci zemřu. I'm going to die tonight. I'm gonna die tonight. Няма да ме има известно време. I won't be back for a while. I won't be here for a while. Tom nás opustil. Tom abandoned us. Tom left us. Rozmraz to maso, než ho začneš vařit. Thaw out the meat before cooking it. Unfreeze the meat before you start cooking it. Żaden z nas nie chce tego robić. Neither one of us wants to do that. None of us want to do that. Есть из чего выбрать. There are a lot to choose from. There's plenty to choose from. Таа е жизнерадосна девојка. She is a lively girl. She's a cheerful girl. Я наблюдал за ними. I was watching them. I've been watching them. Том сказал, что все очень пьяные. Tom said everyone was very drunk. Tom said they were all very drunk. У Тома фамилия есть? Does Tom have a last name? Does Tom have a last name? Nikdo Toma nepřivítal. Nobody welcomed Tom. No one greeted Tom. Последний автобус отходит через тридцать минут. The last bus will be leaving in thirty minutes. The last bus leaves in 30 minutes. Ты действительно местная? Are you really from here? Are you really local? Nemám nic proti lidem černé pleti. I'm not prejudiced against black people. I have nothing against black people. Би сакал да ти бидам дечко. I'd like to be your boyfriend. I'd like to be your boyfriend. Bůh je kruh, jehož obvodem je přímka. God is a circle whose circumference is a straight line. God is a circle whose circumference is a line. Он мне верил. He believed me. He believed me. Chciałbym iść z wami. I would like to go with you. I'd like to go with you. Благодаря на г-н Нагата. Thanks to Mr Nagata. Thank you, Mr. Nagata. Вам придётся подождать здесь. You'll have to wait here. You'll have to wait here. Том спие на грб. Tom sleeps on his back. Tom sleeps on his back. Bude mě Tom potřebovat? Will Tom need me? Will Tom need me? Благодаря набору инновационных технологий и методик, день за днем открываются новые чудеса биологического мира. Thanks to a collection of innovative technologies and techniques, day after day new wonders of the biological world are revealed. Thanks to a set of innovative technologies and techniques, new wonders of the biological world are being discovered day by day. Мені варто скасувати поїздку до Лос-Анжелеса. I should cancel my L.A. trip. I should cancel my trip to Los Angeles. Małe grupy ludności obawiają się imigracji. Small populations fear immigration with reason. Small groups are afraid of immigration. Mogę dać ci kilka wskazówek, jak wygrać mecz. I can give you a few tips on how to win the game. I can give you some tips on how to win the game. Ён жыве ў Марока. He lives in Morocco. He lives in Morocco. Купил ли Том подароци? Did Tom get any gifts? Did Tom buy presents? Могу я остаться у вас? Меня выбросили из моего дома, поскольку я не платил арендную плату. Can I stay with you? I was kicked out of my house because I didn't pay the rent. I was thrown out of my house because I didn't pay the rent. Сигурна ли си, че не искаш още едно безалкохолно? Are you sure you don't want another soda? Are you sure you don't want another soda? Том се прашуваше колку добра пеачка е Мери. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary really was. Tom wondered how good a singer Mary was. Klidně můžeš počkat tady. You're welcome to wait here. You're welcome to wait here. Ona je Ukrajinka. She's Ukrainian. She's Ukrainian. Ты не знал, что Том и Мэри - родители Джона? Didn't you know Tom and Mary were John's parents? Did you know that Tom and Mary are John's parents? Том принёс Мэри букет роз. Tom brought Mary a bouquet of roses. Tom brought Mary a bouquet of roses. Това бяло палто много ще Ви отива. This white coat will look very nice on you. This white coat will suit you very much. Žive vsi narodi, ki hrepéne dočakat’ dan: da, koder sonce hodi, prepir iz sveta bo pregnan, ko rojak prost bo vs’ak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak, ko rojak prost bo vs’ak, ne vrag, le sosed bo, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak. God’s blessing on all nations, who long and work for that bright day, when o’er earth’s habitations no war, no strife shall hold its sway; who long to see that all men free no more shall foes, but neighbours be, who long to see that all men free no more shall foes, but neighbours, no more shall foes, but neighbours be. Long live all the nations that yearn to see the day: yes, where the sun walks, strife will be banished from the world, when the compatriot is free to be all, not the devil, only the neighbor will be the border, when the compatriot is free to be all, not the devil, only the neighbor will be, not the devil, only the neighbor will be the border. Што я табе казала пра тое, што ты еш над клавіятурай? What did I tell you about eating over the keyboard? What did I tell you about what you eat on the keyboard? У меня голова разболелась от шума. The noise is giving me a headache. I have a headache from the noise. Усі посміхалися, крім Тома. Everybody smiled but Tom. Everyone was smiling, except Tom. Tom není schopen tu firmu náležitě řídit. Tom isn't able to run that company properly. Tom's not capable of running the company properly. Tom jest ogrodnikiem Jacksonów. Tom is the Jacksons' gardener. Tom is a Jackson gardener. Ten samochód wygląda jak mój. This car looks like mine. This car looks like mine. Я чуть не забыл про собрание. I almost forgot about the meeting. I almost forgot about the meeting. Нам пришлось спать на полу. We had to sleep on the floor. We had to sleep on the floor. Він не боїться небезпеки. He is fearless of danger. He is not afraid of danger. Мэри хочет ещё одного ребёнка. Mary wants to have another child. Mary wants another baby. Сколько тебе нужно галстуков? How many ties do you need? How many ties do you need? Ja ne pjevam. I don't sing. I don't sing. Видела сам Тома како умире. I saw Tom die. I saw Tom die. Widziałem pięciu mężczyzn. I saw five men. I saw five men. Набрзо ќе стигнат. They'll be here soon enough. They'll be here soon. Том не е подготвен. Tom isn't prepared. Tom's not ready. У нього два коти. He has two cats. He has two cats. Mogłybyśmy być tu szczęśliwe. We could be happy here. We could be happy here. Nie pchaj nosa w moje prywatne sprawy. Keep your nose out of my business. Don't stick your nose in my private affairs. Обичаш ли френските вина? Do you like French wines? Do you like French wine? Плескав со рацете. I clapped my hands. I clapped my hands. Sretan sam kao mačka u pidžami. I am as happy as a cat in pajamas. I'm as happy as a cat in pajamas. Она никогда не спит. She never sleeps. She never sleeps. Чаму Гогаль спаліў другую частку «Мёртвых душ»? Why did Gogol burn the second part of "Dead Souls"? Why did Gogol burn the second part of “Dead Souls”? Солнце только что село. The sun had just set. The sun has just set. Они испугались и убили Тома. They got scared and killed Tom. They got scared and killed Tom. Nehledě na to, jak to uděláš, výsledek bude stejný. However you do it, the result will be the same. No matter how you do it, the result will be the same. Кој ја изработил куклата? Who made the doll? Who made the doll? Что именно вы хотите, чтобы я сделал? What exactly do you want me to do? What exactly do you want me to do? Ти такий нетерплячий зі мною. You're so impatient with me. You're so impatient with me. Кветкі засыхалі без вады. The flowers were dying without water. The flowers are dried without water. Исаак Ньютон знал массу вещей. Isaac Newton knew a ton. Isaac Newton knew a lot of things. Той е отличен мозъчен хирург. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. Tom určitě nezastavil. I'm sure Tom didn't just stop. I'm sure Tom didn't stop. Вы дочитали эту книгу? Have you finished reading this book? Have you finished this book? Было видно, что это его первый день. You could tell it was his first day. It was evident that this was his first day. Убиецът можеше да бъде спрян. The killer could have been stopped. The killer could have been stopped. Няма да позволя на Том да го направи. I won't let Tom do that. I'm not gonna let Tom do that. Мені цікаво, чи Том колись питав Мері, чому вона це зробила. I wonder whether or not Tom has ever asked Mary why she did that. I wonder if Tom ever asked Mary why she did it. Просто сравните факты. Just compare the facts. Just compare the facts. "Почему Вы не идёте?" - "Не хочу". "Why aren't you going?" "I don't want to." "Why aren't you coming?" "I don't want to." Tom lubi siadać z tyłu klasy, przy drzwiach. Tom likes to sit in the back of the classroom next to the door. Tom likes to sit in the back of the class, at the door. K víře v Boha nemusíte vyznávat žádné náboženství. You don't need to be religious to believe in God. You do not have to believe in God. Mít dlouhé vlasy mi nesluší. Having long hair doesn't suit me. It's not good for me to have long hair. Тиждень лише розпочався. The week has just begun. The week has only just begun. Děti nemám. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Не им придиряй толкова. Cut them some slack. Don't be so hard on them. Вимкни світло, коли закінчиш. When you're done, turn off the light. Turn off the lights when you're done. Возможно, именно это нам всем следует делать. Maybe that's what we all need to do. Perhaps that is what we should all be doing. Сподіваюся, це неправда. I hope it's not true. I hope that's not true. Многу дрва се срушија. Many trees fell down. A lot of trees fell down. Ќе бидам кај своето биро. I'll be at my desk. I'll be at my desk. Једна од врата била су отворена. One of the doors is open. One of the doors was open. Nie jestem zdenerwowany I'm not uptight. I'm not upset. Nerozumí tomu. They do not understand. He doesn't understand. Тому нравилось учить французский. Tom liked learning French. He liked to learn French. Naše oči ne mogu vidjeti infracrvene zrake. Our eyes can't see infrared light. Our eyes can't see infrared rays. Скучно ми е. I am bored. I'm bored. Подобро е да бидеш оптимист и да се залажуваш отколку да бидеш песимист и да бидеш во право. It's better to be an optimist and be wrong than to be a pessimist and be right. It is better to be an optimist and a liar than to be a pessimist and be right. Bol som naozaj hladný. I was really hungry. I was really hungry. Nikdo normální se tím řídit nebude. Nobody sane will follow that. No normal person will follow this. Ви вже щепилися від грипу в цьому сезоні? Have you had your flu jab this season? Have you had the flu this season? Молоко кисловатое на вкус. The milk tastes a little sour. Sour milk to taste. Рыба гатовая. This fish is done. Fish is ready. Jakie piękne miejsce! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! Za to tě miluju. I love you for that. That's why I love you. Я ем кускус. I'm eating couscous. I eat couscous. Ann ráda píše básně. Ann likes to write poems. Ann likes to write poems. Проси прощения. Apologize. Apologize. У меня три младших брата и две младших сестры. I have three younger brothers and two younger sisters. I have three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Я без вас не справлюся. I can't make it without you. I can't do this without you. Говорят, немецкий - сложный язык. They say German is a difficult language. They say that German is a complicated language. Мне разрешено вносить изменения? Am I permitted to make changes? Am I allowed to make changes? Я не хотел беспокоить маму с папой. I didn't want to make my mother and father worry. I didn't want to bother Mom and Dad. Když jsem tam přišel, Tom už byl pryč. When I arrived, Tom was already gone. By the time I got there, Tom was gone. Это не особо смешная история. That isn't a very funny story. It's not a particularly funny story. Jak często chodzisz do kina? How often do you go to the cinema? How often do you go to the movies? Съдията обяви затворника за виновен. The prisoner was found guilty by the judge. The judge found the prisoner guilty. После операции вас лечили от инфекции? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? After the surgery, you were treated for infections? Французский язык так прост, что я выучила его за три дня. Единственная проблема заключается в том, что другие не понимают моего французского. French is so easy that I learned it in three days. The only problem is that people can't understand my French. The French language is so simple that I learned it in three days. The only problem is that others do not understand my French. Сідайте тут біля мене. Sit down here beside me. Sit here next to me. Мария има дълга коса. Maria has long hair. Maria has long hair. У нас с тобой одинаковая фамилия. You and I have the same last name. You and I have the same last name. Це можна купити приблизно за тисячу ієн. You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. You can buy it for about a thousand yen. Мы ценим вашу поддержку. We appreciate your support. We appreciate your support. Nechoď k Tomovi, prosím. Don't go to Tom's place, please. Don't go to Tom's, please. Я слышал, что женщине труднее доставить удовольствие, чем мужчине. Мне интересно, правда ли это. I've heard it said that it's harder to please a woman than to please a man. I wonder if that's true. I've heard it's harder for a woman to give pleasure than it is for a man. Vypadáš směšně. You look ridiculous. You look ridiculous. Я сейчас заплачу! I am about to cry! I'll pay you! Почему ты так быстро сдаёшься? Why are you giving up so soon? Why are you giving up so fast? Kto nie chce kochać ludzi, musi kochać drzewa i psy. He who doesn't want to love people must love trees and dogs. Who does not want to love people, must love trees and dogs. Трябва да попреча това да се случи. I have to stop that from happening. I have to stop this from happening. Бог вездесущ. God is omnipresent. God is omnipresent. Я много чего люблю. I like a lot of things. I like a lot of things. Новац није мерило успеха. Money is not a criterion of success. Money is not the measure of success. Tom mi pomohl najít práci. Tom helped me find a job. Tom helped me find a job. Том - храбрый парень. Tom is a brave guy. Tom's a brave guy. Те, кто нарушает правила, будут наказаны. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who break the rules will be punished. Девочка ничего не сказала. The girl did not say anything. The girl said nothing. Не казвай на никой. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. Je jim jedno, že jejich zbraně zabíjí nevinné lidi. They don't care that their weapons kill innocent people. They don't care that their guns are killing innocent people. To nie jest mój samochód. This isn't my car. This isn't my car. Můžu ho teď vidět? Can I see him now? Can I see him now? «Дзякуй!» — «Калі ласка!» "Thank you." "You're welcome." “Thank you!” – “Please!” Jutro są jej urodziny. Tomorrow is her birthday. It's her birthday tomorrow. У вас в отеле есть француз или англичанин? Do you have a Frenchman or an Englishman in your hotel? Do you have a Frenchman or an Englishman at your hotel? Не говорите Тому, как вы это сделали. Don't tell Tom how you did that. Don't tell Tom how you did it. Давайте подождем, пока не услышим, каково мнение Тома. Let's wait until we hear what Tom's opinion is. Let's wait until we hear what Tom thinks. Я видел, как вы шпионили за Томом. I saw you spying on Tom. I saw you spying on Tom. Začněme! Let's get started. Let's go! Перестань притворяться спящим. Stop pretending to be asleep. Stop pretending to be asleep. Запосли Тома. Hire Tom. Hire Tom. Ještě si s námi chceš jít příští týden zaplavat? Do you still want to go swimming with us next weekend? Do you want to go swimming with us next week? Děkuji, to je vše. Thanks, that's all. Thank you, that's all. С каким цветом у вас ассоциируется ваше детство? What colour do you associate with your childhood? What color do you associate your childhood with? Zgubiłem telefon komórkowy. I lost my mobile phone. I lost my cell phone. Зошто не одиш по него? Why aren't you going after him? Why don't you go get him? Изкарах много пари този месец. I earned a lot of money this month. I made a lot of money this month. Ziri strasznie się bał ciemności. Ziri was terribly afraid of the dark. Ziri was terrified of the dark. Чух Том да влиза. I heard Tom come in. I heard Tom coming in. Te kolory się gryzą. Those colors clash. These colors bite. Můžete aktualizovat moje programy? Can you update my software? Can you update my programs? Mám ve své knihovně mnoho knih, ale žádná z nich není v češtině. I have a lot of books in my library but none of them is in Czech. I have many books in my library, but none of them are in English. Том так і не вміє керувати машиною. Tom can't drive a car yet. Tom does not know how to drive a car. Забелязах, че Том обикновено не си заключва вратата. I've noticed that Tom doesn't usually lock his door. I noticed that Tom doesn't usually lock his door. Это лучший ресторан из тех, что я знаю. This is the best restaurant I know. This is the best restaurant I know. Przyjemnie się z tobą rozmawia, lecz naprawdę muszę już iść. It's been nice talking to you, but I really must go now. It's nice talking to you, but I really have to go. Когда-то я был моложе, чем сейчас. I used to be younger than I am now. I used to be younger than I am now. Jestem z Shizuoka. I am from Shizuoka. I'm from Shizuoka. Cítím to. I feel it. I can feel it. Оргуларот беше постар човек. The organist was elderly. The clerk was an older man. Tom zostal v Austrálii. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom stayed in Australia. Свідки були? Were there any witnesses? Were there witnesses? Strom je zelený. The tree is green. The tree is green. Tom stále čeká na odpověď. Tom is still waiting for an answer. Tom is still waiting for an answer. Нямам търпение да те видя. I'm anxious to see you. I can't wait to see you. Почему это незаконно? Why is that illegal? Why is that illegal? Том був у магазині. Tom was in the shop. Tom was in the store. Воно працює. It works. It works. Rat stoji 2 000 milijuna dolara mjesečno. The war cost 2,000 million dollars every month. The war costs $2,000 million a month. Я потратил целый день на уборку у себя в комнате. I spent a whole day cleaning my room. I spent the whole day cleaning my room. Videli ste môjho mladšieho brata? Did you see my younger brother? Have you seen my little brother? Ona na mě nečeká. She's not waiting for me. She's not waiting for me. Ви продаєте будильники? Do you sell alarm clocks? Do you sell alarms? Я подчеркнул самые важные слова. I underlined the most important words. I emphasized the most important words. Myslel jsem, že tě zabili. Jsem rád, že jsem se zmýlil. I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong. I thought they killed you, I'm glad I was wrong. Буря попречи на самолета да излети. A storm prevented the plane from taking off. A storm prevented the plane from taking off. Том вполне счастлив. Tom is quite happy. Tom is very happy. Просто позвони мне. Just call me. Just call me. Каковы ваши впечатления от новых сотрудников? What are your impressions of the new staff members? What are your impressions of the new employees? Вся семья завтракает на балконе. The whole family are having breakfast on the balcony. The whole family eats breakfast on the balcony. Я познакомился с ней на вечеринке. I met her at a party. I met her at a party. Kde se potkají? Where are they meeting? Where will they meet? Гадаю, Тома та Мері одружені. I think Tom and Mary are married. I think Tom and Mary are married. Ден вибачився та повісив слухавку. Dan apologized and hung up. He apologized and hung up the phone. Udělal jsem to tak rychle, jak to jen šlo. I did that as quickly as I could. I did it as fast as I could. Му побара ли пари на Том? Did you ask Tom for money? Did you ask Tom for money? Mám čas. I have time. I've got time. З якого дива Том хотів би це зробити? Why in the world would Tom want to do that? What kind of miracle would Tom want to do that? Я вдячний за допомогу. I appreciate the help. I am grateful for your help. Koji kurac si rekao? What the fuck did you say? What the fuck did you say? To prawda że jest młody, ale ma dużo sensu. It is true he is young, but he has much good sense. It's true he's young, but it makes a lot of sense. Мы пойдём поговорим с ними. We'll go talk to them. We'll go talk to them. Tom jest pilnym uczniem. Tom is a diligent student. Tom is an urgent student. В парке было абсолютно пусто. The park was completely deserted. The park was completely empty. Давай я сделаю это по-другому. Let me do it in a different way. Let me do it differently. Это я украл деньги Тома. I'm the one who stole Tom's money. I stole Tom's money. Обичате ли Вашата майка? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Слишком жарко! Снеговик скоро исчезнет! It's too hot! The snowman is going to disappear soon! It's too hot! The snowman will soon disappear! Не смейся! Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Прифати го советот на Том. Take Tom's advice. Take Tom's advice. Когда-нибудь ты об этом забудешь. You'll forget about it someday. Someday you'll forget about it. Не беспокойся. Это проще простого. Don't worry. It's a piece of cake. Don't worry, it's easy. Ja nie som manažér. I'm not a manager. I'm not a manager. Jestem twoją sąsiadką. I am your neighbour. I'm your neighbor. Máš zapalovač? Have you got a lighter? You got a lighter? Tomáš sní? Is Tom dreaming? Thomas is dreaming? Як пощастило! How fortuitous! What luck! Lidé se probouzí. People are waking up. People are waking up. Вам нужно перезагрузить компьютер. You need to restart your computer. You need to restart the computer. Na knize byla černá bunda. There was a black jacket on the book. There was a black jacket on the book. Часто перевеса пешки достаточно, чтобы выиграть партию. Oftentimes, the advantage of a pawn is enough to win the game. Often a pawn's advantage is enough to win the game. Брайън накара Кейт да го чака. Brian kept Kate waiting. Brian made Kate wait for him. Tom se zajímá o hodně věcí. Tom is interested in many things. Tom is interested in a lot of things. Ты в последнее время получал известия от своей сестры? Have you heard from your sister lately? Have you heard from your sister lately? Дрво сум. I'm wasted. I'm a tree. Важко вибрати. It's hard to choose. Hard to choose. У кого ключ от этого здания? Who has a key to this building? Who has the key to this building? Не думаю, що Том хоче їсти разом із нами. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. I don't think Tom wants to eat with us. Они дали объявление, что ищут кухарку. They are advertising for a cook. They made an announcement that they were looking for a cook. Ты не знаешь, почему Том был такой злой? Do you know why Tom was so angry? Do you know why Tom was so angry? Я спостерігав за Томом. I was watching Tom. I watched Tom. Tom je akýsi unavený. Chce ísť domov. Tom is kind of tired. He wants to go home. Tom's kind of tired, he wants to go home. Vím, že už to Tom dokončil. I know that Tom has already finished doing that. I know Tom's done. Што не одиш да ги најдеш? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go find them? Почему ты такой упрямый? Why are you being so stubborn? Why are you so stubborn? Bol som už unavený. I was already tired. I was tired. Какие слова к этой песне? What are the lyrics to that song? What are the words to this song? Tom snědl krajíc chleba s máslem. Tom ate a slice of bread with butter. Tom ate a slice of bread and butter. Как часто ты чистишь ботинки? How often do you shine your shoes? How often do you clean your shoes? Я хочу, щоб Тома заарештували за вбивство. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom arrested for murder. Не ја наоѓам формулата. I don't find the formula. I can't find the formula. Я забув, як його звуть. I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. Бях зает тази седмица. I was busy this week. I've been busy this week. Це мобільний телефон. It's a cellphone. It's a cell phone. Вона може ставити питання і відповідати на них. She can ask and answer questions. She can ask questions and answer them. Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да го направиш? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Are you sure you don't want to do this? Це не дуже важливо. It's not very important. It's not that important. Potřebujeme tvoji pomoc. We need your help. We need your help. Каква храна обичате да ядете? What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you like to eat? Том сказал, что я некрасивая. Tom said I was ugly. Tom said I was ugly. На мой взгляд, у вас замечательная семья. In my opinion, you have a wonderful family. I think you have a wonderful family. Od koho utíkáme? Who are we running away from? Who are we running from? Ты нашёл кого-нибудь, кто мог бы заменить Тома? Did you find somebody to replace Tom? Did you find anyone to replace Tom? Стоях в Чикаго повече от два месеца. I stayed in Chicago over two months. I've been in Chicago for over two months. На кого говори Том? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? У тебя большой живот. You have a large stomach. You have a big belly. Том дуже кохає Мері. Tom loves Mary so much. She loves Mary very much. Том любит смотреть сериалы. Tom likes to watch soap operas. Tom likes to watch TV shows. Трябва да се срещна с Том. I have to meet Tom. I have to meet Tom. Он учит французский уже восемь лет. He has been studying French for eight years. He has been teaching French for eight years. Tomovi došel benzín. Tom is out of gas. Tom ran out of gas. Ты должен закрыть дверь на замок. You should lock your door. You have to lock the door. Je pravda, že je mrtvá. It's true that she's dead. It's true she's dead. Её там кто-нибудь видел? Did anybody see her there? Has anyone seen her in there? Том сегодня больше на себя похож. Tom seems more himself today. Tom looks more like himself today. Не забывайте это делать. Don't forget to do it. Don't forget to do it. Со временем красота увядает. Beauty fades with time. Over time, the beauty fades. Проблема — це ви. You're the problem. The problem is you. Toto je najhoršia vec, aká sa mi kedy stala! This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me! This is the worst thing that ever happened to me! Том был вынужден продать машину. Tom was forced to sell his car. Tom was forced to sell the car. Мы не слышим Тома. We can't hear Tom. We can't hear Tom. Английский — это, можно сказать, универсальный язык. English is a kind of universal language. English is, so to speak, a universal language. Годі вже глузувати з Тома. Stop making fun of Tom. Don't make fun of Tom. Tom se v Bostonu vyzná. Tom knows his way around Boston. Tom knows his way around Boston. Чого ти досяг у житті? What have you accomplished in your life? What have you achieved in life? Я не всё им рассказываю. I don't tell them everything. I don't tell them everything. Той няма деца. He doesn't have any children. He has no children. Шахматные книги были для него чем-то незаменимым. Chess books were something irreplaceable for him. Chess books were indispensable to him. Я её ещё увижу? Will I see her again? Will I see her again? Тој се критикува. He criticizes everything. He criticizes himself. Симни ја капата. Take off your cap. Take off your hat. Nemyslel jsem si, že Tom je velmi šťastný. I didn't think that Tom was very happy. I didn't think Tom was very happy. Прочети ми го. Read it to me. Read it to me. Я постоянно везде натыкаюсь на своего бывшего мужа. I keep running into my ex-husband everywhere. I'm always running into my ex-husband. Wszystko się zmienia. Everything's changing. Everything changes. Мій дідусь розмовляє дуже повільно. My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather speaks very slowly. Сливы были спелые. The plums were ripe. The plums were ripe. Jego matka była kiedyś piosenkarką. His mother used to be a singer. His mother was once a singer. Том скажет нам, что нам делать. Tom will tell us what we need to do. Tom will tell us what to do. Uważaj, by nie jechać pod prąd na drodze jednokierunkowej. Be careful not to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. Be careful not to go against the current on a one-way road. Вам надо отсюда убираться. You have to get away from here. You need to get out of here. Том із Мері все ще тут? Are Tom and Mary still here? Is Tom and Mary still here? Да ја оставиме темава. Let's drop the subject. Let's leave the subject. Хотели бы Вы когда-нибудь заняться политикой? Do you wish someday to be involved in politics? Would you ever want to do politics? Полагаю, Том ещё в Бостоне. Tom is still in Boston, I presume. I guess Tom's still in Boston. Когда Том с Марией поженились, ему было 42 года, а ей в два раза меньше. Сколько лет будет Тому, когда возраст Марии составит две трети от его возраста? When Tom and Mary got married, he was 42 years old, and she was half his age. How old will Tom be when Mary reaches two-thirds his age? When Tom and Mary were married, he was 42 years old, and she was half his age. How old will he be when Mary is two-thirds of his age? Nie jestem gotowy aby to zrobić. I'm not ready to do it. I'm not ready to do that. Я завдячую свій успіх друзям. I owe my success to my friends. I owe my success to my friends. Зашто тако мислите? Why do you think so? What makes you say that? Том има мал кур. Tom has a small dick. Tom's got a little dick. Měla ho ráda moc málo na to, aby ji zajímala jeho chvála. She liked him too little to care for his approbation. She liked him too little to be interested in his praise. Том, выходи из душа! Tom, get out of the shower! Tom, get out of the shower! Том не думає, що буде цим займатися. Tom doesn't think he'll do that. Tom doesn’t think he’s going to do that. Hovoril mi to isté. He told me the same thing. He told me the same thing. On ima jednog sina i dvije kčeri. He has one son and two daughters. He has one son and two daughters. Я теж щасливий. I'm happy, too. I'm happy too. Какой же ты циник. You're such a cynic. What a cynic you are. Netušil jsem, že je to tvoje žena. I had no idea that she was your wife. I didn't know she was your wife. Atmosféra se hlavně skládá z dusíku a kyslíku. The atmosphere mostly consists of nitrogen and oxygen. The atmosphere is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Саўрон хоча, каб кожны хобіт яго баяўся. Sauron wants every hobbit to fear him. All the Hobbits want him to be afraid. Papier je biely. The paper is white. The paper is white. Měl zlé úmysly. He had bad intentions. He had bad intentions. Jestem tylko klientem. I'm only a customer. I'm just a client. Bude to nějakou dobu trvat. It will take some time. It's gonna take a while. Я хочу научиться играть на гитаре так же, как вы. I want to learn to play the guitar like you. I want to learn to play the guitar just like you. Tom spálil všechny dopisy od ní. Tom burned all the letters from her. Tom burned all the letters from her. Мені цікаво, чи це дійсно можливо. I wonder whether or not this is really necessary. I wonder if this is really possible. Том має дві подружки. Tom has two girlfriends. Tom has two girlfriends. Зачем вы это говорите? Why are you saying this? Why would you say that? Сегодня вы обе останетесь дома. You're both staying home today. You're both staying home tonight. Том вышел из дома вслед за Мэри. Tom followed Mary out of the house. Tom followed Mary out of the house. Мне попросить помощи у Петра? Shall I ask Peter for help? Should I ask Peter for help? Как ты смогла это предсказать? How were you able to predict that? How could you have predicted that? Почему бы нам не помыть машину? Why don't we wash the car? Why don't we wash the car? Tom přežil tři manželky. Tom has outlived three wives. Tom survived three wives. Я жду письма. I'm waiting for the letter. I'm waiting for the letter. Kto biega najszybciej z tej trójki? Who runs the fastest of the three? Who runs the fastest of the three? Возможно, это проблема. That might be a problem. Maybe it's a problem. Wszyscy podziwiali Hanry'ego. Everybody looks up to Henry. Everyone was admiring Henry. Том не сака да го проведе остатокот од животот во затвор. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Таа куќа е изградена од цигли. That house is built of bricks. This house is made of bricks. Колко е сложно? How complex is it? How complicated is it? У нас уже достаточно лимонада. We have enough lemonade already. We've had enough lemonade. Да якой групы ты хочаш далучыцца? Which group do you want to join? Which group do you want to join? Prezident odložil návštěvu Japonska. The president put off visiting Japan. The president has postponed a visit to Japan. Byl to malý a prostý pokoj. It was a small, unadorned room. It was a small and simple room. Такое поведение едва ли приличествует тому, кто пользуется столь глубоким уважением. Such conduct is hardly becoming of one so esteemed. This behavior is hardly appropriate for someone who enjoys such deep respect. Я не хочу сегодня вечером никуда идти. I don't want to go anywhere this evening. I don't want to go anywhere tonight. Práce na farmě vyžaduje hodně fyzické síly. Farm work requires a lot of physical strength. Working on a farm requires a lot of physical strength. Всю неделю была хорошая погода. We've had good weather all week. The weather was good all week. Ви знаєте, що мені подобається. You know what I like. You know what I like. Widźa ju. They see her. He sees her. Вставай! Get up! Get up! Necítím se být nervózní. I don't feel nervous. I don't feel nervous. Пара коробок выпала из того грузовика, когда он заворачивал за угол. A couple of boxes fell off that truck as it rounded the corner. A couple of boxes fell out of that truck when he was cornering. Чего так боится Том? What is Tom so afraid of? What is Tom so afraid of? Влажни климатски услови не се својствени за полустровот. A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula. Wet climatic conditions are not peculiar to the peninsula. Trvalo to skoro tři roky, než jsem si postavil dům. It took close to three years to build my house. It took me almost three years to build a house. Її чоловік - автомеханік. Her husband is a car mechanic. Her husband is an auto mechanic. Тома тоже пригласи. Invite Tom, too. You should invite Tom, too. Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера вечером? Why didn't you phone me last night? Why didn't you call me last night? Чи у тебе часом немає словника, який я могла би позичити? You haven't got a dictionary I could borrow, have you? Don't you have a dictionary I could borrow? Sami może sam się sobą zająć. Sami can take care of himself. He can take care of himself. Јас сум единец. I am an only child. I'm an only child. Попросите его подождать здесь. Ask him to wait here. Ask him to wait here. У тебя трое детей. You've got three kids. You have three children. Ona lubi samotne spacery. She likes to go for solitary walks. She likes to walk alone. Она всегда держит свою комнату в чистоте и порядке. She always keeps her room in good order. She always keeps her room clean and tidy. Nemělas sem chodit sama. You shouldn't have come alone. You shouldn't have come here alone. Vrátila fotku zpátky na místo. She put the photo back in its place. She put the photo back in place. Становись взрослым, Том. Grow up, Tom. Become an adult, Tom. Ви любите китайську їжу? Do you like Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food? Постарайтесь сбежать. Try to escape. Try to escape. Он прекратил сопротивляться и покорился судьбе. He stopped resisting, and resigned himself to his fate. He stopped resisting and succumbed to fate. Я знайшла ключ, який я шукала. I found the key I had been looking for. I found the key I was looking for. Колку ве бива, дечки? How good are you guys? How good are you guys? Действительность была совершенно иной. The reality was completely different. The reality was completely different. Tom se zlobí oprávněně. Tom is angry by right. Tom is justifiably angry. В английском не различаются глаголы ser и estar. English doesn't differentiate between the verbs "ser" and "estar". In English, the verbs ser and estar do not differ. Искам един портокалов сок. I'd like an orange juice. I want some orange juice. Tom puścił pawia. Tom barfed. Tom let go of the peacock. Учора ішоў дождж. It rained yesterday. Yesterday it was raining. - Co jim Tom ukradl? - Nějaké peníze. - What did Tom steal from them? - Some money. - What did Tom steal from them? На Том и Мери ни тргна од првиот ден. Tom and Mary hit it off from day one. Tom and Mary's been gone since day one. У меня большая проблема. I have a big problem. I have a big problem. Мирно смо протестовали. We demonstrated peacefully. We protested peacefully. Заборавила сам да платим рачун. I forgot to pay the bill. I forgot to pay the bill. Діти — квіти нашого життя. Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. Вы можете удалить мой аккаунт? Can you delete my account? Can you delete my account? Určitě jste zůstaly dlouho vzhůru. You must've stayed up late. I'm sure you've been up a long time. Каде е телефонот? Where's the phone? Where's the phone? Rodio se u Ohiu. He was born in Ohio. He was born in Ohio. Мы сдались. We surrendered. We gave up. Більшість людей, які загинули від тютюнового диму, не були запеклими курцями. Most people killed by smoking were not heavy smokers. Most of the people who died from tobacco smoke were non-smokers. Numer infolinii dla osób przekraczających granicę to +48 47 721 75 75. The hotline number for people crossing the border is +48 47 721 75 75. The helpline number for people crossing the border is +48 47 721 75 75. Pewnie nas by nie pozwali za taką drobną pomyłkę, ale równie dobrze możemy sprawdzić kontrakt ponownie. They probably wouldn't sue us over such a minor mistake, but we might as well double-check the contract. They probably wouldn't sue us for such a minor mistake, but we might as well check the contract again. Я збіраюся працаваць у бардэлі. I plan to work in a brothel. I'm going to work in Barclays. Я хотів зробити кілька телефонних дзвінків. I wanted to make some telephone calls. I wanted to make some phone calls. Цената включва ли закуска? Does that price include breakfast? Does the price include breakfast? Это Том тебе сказал, что меня не будет? Was it Tom who told you that I wouldn't be here? Did Tom tell you I wasn't coming? Той продължи да чете книгата. He continued reading the book. He continued to read the book. Можно я предложу другую стратегию? May I suggest another strategy? Can I suggest another strategy? Я забыла полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to water the flowers. Tom poprosił Mary, by zadzwoniła do niego później. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Tom asked Mary to call him later. Не виждам къде е проблемът. I see nothing wrong with this. I don't see what the problem is. Я не понимаю, почему ты передумал. I don't understand why you changed your mind. I don't understand why you changed your mind. Мой старший брат до сих пор боится монстров. My older brother is still afraid of monsters. My older brother is still afraid of monsters. У вас є карта Бостона? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map of Boston? Проследи, чтобы никто тебя не увидел. Make sure that no one sees you. Make sure no one sees you. Я знал, что Том вряд ли проиграет. I knew Tom wasn't likely to lose. I knew Tom wasn't going to lose. Ziri nie chciał się zbytnio przywiązać do tamtego miejsca. Ziri didn't want to get too attached to that place. Ziri didn't want to get too attached to that place. Заўтра будзе добрае надвор’е? Will the weather be good tomorrow? “Is it going to be a good day tomorrow?” Mám radši angličtinu než hudbu. I prefer English to music. I prefer English to music. Само те задевав. I was just teasing. I was just teasing you. Не стой так близко к краю. Don't stand so close to the edge. Don't stand so close to the edge. Вы и половины не знаете! You don't even know the half of it! You don't even know the half of it! Надеюсь, ты помнишь это. I hope that you remember this. I hope you remember that. Nie jestem aż tak głupi, żeby w to uwierzyć. I am not so simple as to believe that. I'm not stupid enough to believe that. Фала однапред. Thanks in advance. Thanks in advance. Пробај да бидеш оптимист. Try to be optimistic. Try to be optimistic. Той работи сутрин. He works in the morning. He works in the morning. Kolejny raz uległ pokusie. He gave way to the temptation again. Once again he was tempted. Колку пари мислиш дека можам да добијам за еден бубрег? How much do you think I can get for my kidney? How much money do you think I can get for a kidney? Это мой любимый персонаж. It's my favorite character. That's my favorite character. Цього з тобою більше не трапиться. This won't happen to you again. This will never happen to you again. Я действительно в это не верю. I really don't believe that. I really don't believe that. Nepozvali nás na hostinu. We were not invited to the feast. They didn't invite us to dinner. Том не футболіст. Tom is not a footballer. Tom is not a football player. Oni su dobri ljudi. They are good people. They're good people. Кто её придумал? Who invented it? Who invented it? Мы полчаса ждали Тома в библиотеке, но он не пришёл. We waited for Tom at the library for half an hour, but he didn't turn up. We waited for Tom in the library for half an hour, but he didn't come. Ще дойда с тебе обратно до хотела. I'll walk you back to your hotel. I'll go back to the hotel with you. Využijem túto príležitosť. I will make use of this opportunity. We'll take advantage of this opportunity. Была бы я канадкой! I wish I were a Canadian. I wish I was Canadian. Vypadáš zdravě. You look healthy. You look healthy. Skromność się na dłuższą metę nie opłaca. Modesty doesn't pay in the long run. Modesty does not pay off in the long run. Mam ciężki tydzień przed sobą. I've got a big week ahead of me. I have a tough week ahead of me. Ще прочета книгата. I'll read the book. I'll read the book. Spotkanie się odbędzie bez względu na pogodę. The meeting will take place no matter what the weather is like. The meeting will take place regardless of the weather. Nie wszyscy tutaj mówią po francusku. Not everyone here can speak French. Not everyone here speaks French. Он очень любит свою страну. He really loves his country. He loves his country very much. Не можеме да си го приуштиме ова. We can't afford this. We can't afford this. Я плохой мальчик. I'm a bad boy. I'm a bad boy. Jsem učitel angličtiny. I am a teacher of English. I'm an English teacher. Осторожно! На дороге выбоина. Careful! There's a pothole on the road. Careful, there's a pothole on the road. Том лише трохи вищий від Мері. Tom is just a little taller than Mary is. He’s a little taller than Mary. Какво ще кажеш да вечеряме заедно? How about having dinner together? How about we have dinner together? Próbowaliśmy odczytać litery napisane na murze. We tried to make out the letters written on the wall. We tried to read the letters on the wall. "Может, они что-нибудь такое покупают, что можно тайком выпить, сидя в последнем ряду?" - "Это вполне возможно. Они всегда украдкой пиво с собой в кино берут". "Maybe they are buying drinks to hide and drink at the back?" "That is very likely. They always sneak beer into the cinema." "Maybe they buy something that you can secretly drink, sitting in the last row?" - "It's quite possible. They always steal beer with them to the movies." Okazał się inny niż myślałem. He was otherwise than I thought. He turned out to be different than I thought. Já netrucuju. I'm not sulking. I don't poison. Мой улюбёны колер памады — ружовы. My favorite color of lipstick is pink. My favorite color is pink. Животные его едят? Do animals eat it? Do animals eat them? Tom na nás sprostě pokřikoval. Tom shouted insults at us. Tom yelled at us. Jak długo grasz w piłkę nożną? How long have you played soccer? How long have you been playing football? Zdálo se, že mě nepoznáváš. You didn't seem to recognize me. You didn't seem to recognize me. Он видит её собаку. He sees her dog. He sees her dog. Stojíš mi v cestě. You are in my way. You're in my way. Nie chodzi o wiarę, ale o wiedzę. It's not a case of believing, but knowing. It's not about faith, it's about knowledge. Том очень обижен. Tom is very offended. Tom is very offended. Ты тэлефанаваў? Did you call? You've called? Мислам дека доста добро зборувам француски. I think I speak French fairly well. I think I speak French pretty well. Его встретили добрые известия. He was cheered by the good news. He was met with good news. Я думала, що божеволію. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was crazy. Каков вывод? What is the conclusion? What's the conclusion? Mohu vám zaplatit zítra. I can pay you tomorrow. I can pay you tomorrow. Я знаю, что вы рано ушли. I know you left early. I know you left early. Том помер за дивних обставин. Tom died in strange circumstances. He died under strange circumstances. Я бачив її на сходах. I saw her on the stairs. I saw her on the stairs. Ми тільки-но приїхали сюди. They've just got here. We just got here. Koľko rokov má Tony? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? Том и Мэри по-прежнему работают вместе? Do Tom and Mary still work together? Tom and Mary still work together? Мені треба вибачитись перед Ен. I have to excuse myself to Ann. I have to apologize to Anne. Нема излез. There's no escape. There's no way out. Этот курс английского требует больших усилий. This English course requires a lot of effort. This English course requires a lot of effort. Том не гражданин. Tom isn't a citizen. Tom's not a citizen. Гэта памылка. This is an error. It's a mistake. Tohle je represivní systém. This is an oppressive system. This is a repressive system. Почему в этой вселенной и в нашем сознании так много места? Откуда взялось все это бесконечное пространство? Why is there so much room in this universe and within our consciousness? Where did all this infinite space come from? Why is there so much space in this universe and in our consciousness? Where did all this infinite space come from? Самалёты занялі месца электрацягнікоў. Airplanes have taken the place of electric trains. The aircraft took the place of electric trains. Мы - зеркала мира, в котором живем. We are the mirrors of the world in which we dwell. We are mirrors of the world we live in. Понеділок, мабуть, буде зайнятим днем. Monday will probably be a busy day. Monday will be a busy day. Я не хочу ей больше звонить. I don't want to ring her any more. I don't want to call her again. Я просто сделал то, о чём ты меня попросил. I just did what you asked me to do. I just did what you asked me to do. Це важлива літера. This is an important letter. This is an important letter. Утре ќе им помогнеме. We'll help them tomorrow. We'll help them tomorrow. Они обращались со мной, как с рабыней. They treated me like a slave. They treated me like a slave. Він знає, ким хоче бути. He knows who he wants to be. He knows who he wants to be. Bolje ikad nego nikad. Better late than never. Better late than never. Это секрет, так что, пожалуйста, никому не говори. It's a secret, so please don't tell anyone. It's a secret, so please don't tell anyone. Nejsou příbuzní. They aren't related. They're not related. Kdy začal Tom chodit s Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? When did Tom start dating Mary? V naší rodině jsme čtyři. There are four of us in our family. There are four of us in our family. Tohle jsem nenapsal. That isn't what I wrote. I didn't write this. Тома выбрали капитаном команды. Tom was elected captain of the team. Tom was chosen as the team captain. Ти колись бачив кита? Did you ever see a whale? Have you ever seen a whale? Яна планавала паехаць у Германію? Did she plan to go to Germany? She was planning to go to Germany. Я пошел в библиотеку в понедельник. I went to the library on Monday. I went to the library on Monday. Отидох да плувам в реката. I went swimming in the river. I went swimming in the river. Том никогаш не се откажуваше. Tom never gave up. Tom never gave up. Во сколько она открывается? At what time does it open? What time does it open? Тя си закърпи чорапите. She mended her socks. She patched up her socks. Можеш ли да ги мрдаш ушите? Can you wiggle your ears? Can you move your ears? Прости, но тебе нельзя, это запрещено. Sorry, you can't. It's not allowed. I'm sorry, but you can't, it's forbidden. Няхай мох пакрые маю магілу. Let moss cover my grave. Let me cover my ass. Вы уже упаковали подарки? Are you done wrapping gifts yet? Have you packed your presents yet? Пожалуйста, хватит петь эту песню! Please stop singing that song. Please stop singing that song! Сойдем, сойдем и смешаем там язык их, так чтобы один не понимал речи другого. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. Let us go down, let us go down, and there confuse their language, that one may not understand another's speech. Я знайшла ключ! I found a key! I found the key! Го користам ова. I use this. I'm using this. Spievala som. I sang. I was singing. Му ја предаде ли белешката на Том? Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you give Tom the note? Той е студент по медицина. He is a medical student. He's a medical student. Я уже потерял ручку, которую купил вчера. I've already lost the pen that I bought yesterday. I've already lost the pen I bought yesterday. Оценявам съдействието ви. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. Někteří muži jsou velmi zlí. Bijí své přítelkyně a manželky, což je nepřípustné. Some men are very bad. They beat their girlfriends and wives, which is unacceptable. Some men are very evil. They beat their girlfriends and wives, which is unacceptable. Volite li svoju majku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Hiszpańska tortilla różni się od meksykańskiej. A spanish tortilla is different from a Mexican one. The Spanish tortilla is different from the Mexican tortilla. Не думаю, что Том может вам сейчас помочь. I don't think that Tom can help you now. I don't think Tom can help you right now. Внаслідок спеки загинуло понад 700 людей у ​​Канаді та щонайменше 16 у США. The heat has killed more than 700 people in Canada and at least 16 in the United States. The heat killed more than 700 people in Canada and at least 16 in the United States. Не можеш да го порекнеш тоа. You can't deny that. You can't deny that. Tom zwymiotował. Tom puked. Tom threw up. Я ще їм. I'm still eating. I still eat. Nejsem lékař. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Я знал, что вот-вот случится что-то ужасное. I knew something horrible was about to happen. I knew something terrible was about to happen. Tom ujíždí na koksu. Tom's a coke fiend. Tom's on coke. Вам нравятся шахматы? Do you like chess? Do you like chess? Тут дуже небезпечно. It's very dangerous here. It's very dangerous here. Aoi tańczy. Aoi dances. Aoi dances. Не запирай дверь. Don't lock the door. Don't lock the door. Завтра доиграем. We'll finish the game tomorrow. We'll finish tomorrow. Сегодня понедельник. Today is Monday. It's Monday. Той не знае нито френски, нито немски. He knows neither French nor German. He knows neither French nor German. Teď není možné Toma kontaktovat. It isn't possible to contact Tom now. There's no way to contact Tom right now. Nemohl bys mi přinést deku? Could you bring me a blanket? Can you get me a blanket? Если ты читаешь это письмо - значит, я умер. If you are reading this letter, it means that I have died. If you're reading this letter, I'm dead. Подайте мені мої окуляри, будь ласка. Pass me my glasses, please. Hand me my glasses, please. Я впав до басейну. I fell into the pool. I fell in the pool. Этот десерт подозрительно похож на макароны. This dessert looks suspiciously like pasta. This dessert looks suspiciously like pasta. Jestliže Tom nebude pracovat, nedostane najíst. If Tom doesn't work, he won't get anything to eat. If Tom doesn't work, he won't eat. Заранее спасибо тебе за поддержку. Thanks in advance for your support. Thank you in advance for your support. Той не ѝ хареса. She didn't like him. She didn't like him. Nie zapomnij sprawdzić, czy nie ma wysypki i siniaków. Don't forget to check for rashes and bruises. Do not forget to check for rashes and bruises. Всі собаки вірні. All dogs are faithful. All dogs are loyal. Я больше не пью вино. I don't drink wine anymore. I don't drink wine anymore. Что вы изучаете? What did you study? What are you studying? Работехме заедно. We were working together. We worked together. Když nám nemůžete pomoct, tak nám alespoň nepřekážejte. If you cannot help us, don't at least hinder us. If you can't help us, at least don't get in the way. С какой скоростью ты пишешь? How quickly can you write? How fast are you writing? Ми подивимося. We'll take a look. We'll see. Mary ztratila peněženku. Mary has lost her purse. Mary lost her wallet. Я сказала дружині, що Том добре розуміється на математиці. I told my wife Tom is good at mathematics. I told my wife that Tom was very good at math. Wiśnie właśnie mają kwitnąć. The cherry trees are about to blossom. The cherries are about to bloom. On je chorý. He is sick. He's sick. Въпреки че аз съм стар, ти си все още млада. Though I am old, you are still young. Even though I'm old, you're still young. Ты попал в ловушку. You've walked into a trap. You're trapped. Том изобразил равнодушие. Tom feigned indifference. Tom showed indifference. Кој би сакал да ме убие? Who'd want to kill me? Who would want to kill me? O tomhle jsme nikdy nemluvili. That's not something that we've ever talked about. We never talked about this. Я не хотел, чтобы ты рассказывал Тому о том, что мы сделали. I didn't want you to tell Tom about what we did. I didn't want you to tell Tom about what we did. Překvapilo by vás, co se můžete naučit za týden. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You’ll be surprised at what you can learn in a week. Bez ohľadu na všetko, Tom je šťastný. In spite of everything, Tom is happy. No matter what, Tom is happy. Widziałam jak wchodził do pokoju. I saw him enter the room. I saw him enter the room. Нямам намерение да го правя. I have no intention of doing that. I have no intention of doing that. Je to můj bývalý student. He's a former student of mine. He's my ex-student. Уходи из этого дома! Leave this house! Get out of this house! Proč brečíš? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Обычно я езжу на работу на автобусе. I usually take the bus to go to work. I usually go to work on the bus. Musí si všímat tvých chyb. He's bound to notice your mistake. He needs to notice your mistakes. Mohl byste mi donést něco k jídlu? Could you bring me something to eat? Can you get me something to eat? Dny strávené s Tomem mě totálně vyčerpaly. The days spent with Tom exhausted me completely. The days I spent with Tom totally drained me. Ці ты п'яны? Are you drunk? "Are you drunk? Všechny tyhle výhody existují jen na papíře. All of these benefits exist only on paper. All these benefits exist only on paper. Том хотел посмотреть, как Мэри танцует. Tom wanted to see Mary dance. Tom wanted to see Mary dance. Muškarac je jeo hljeba. The man ate the bread. The man ate the bread. Том и Мери се ожениха три години, след като се срещнаха за първи път. Tom and Mary got married three years after they first met. Tom and Mary got married three years after meeting for the first time. Я не влюблён в Мэри. I'm not in love with Mary. I'm not in love with Mary. Можешь делать с ним всё, что хочешь. You can do whatever you want with it. You can do whatever you want with him. Proszę czytać między wierszami. Please read between the lines. Read between the lines. Môžem bežať. I can run. I can run. Ще си намериш. You'll find one. You'll find one. Когда-нибудь я расскажу вам, как всё это было. Someday I'll tell you how it all happened. Someday I will tell you how it all happened. Сейчас полтретьего. It's half past two now. It's half past three. Болота здесь в основном покрыты папоротником и вереском. The moors round here are mainly covered in bracken and heather. The swamps here are mostly covered with ferns and heather. Пролетта скоро ще бъде тук. Spring will be here soon. Spring will be here soon. Эти овощи много стоят? Are these vegetables expensive? Are these vegetables worth a lot? Ešte jeden! Another! One more! Том нічого не буде купувати. Tom won't buy anything. Tom won't buy anything. Miał na sobie czerwone spodnie. He wore red trousers. He was wearing red pants. Tom se vrátil do svého auta a přinesl baterku. Tom went back to his car and got a flashlight. Tom went back to his car and brought the flashlight. Kate odznaczyła zadania na swojej liście rzeczy do zdobienia. Kate checked the tasks off of her to-do list. Kate marked the tasks on her to-do list. Том был изобретателем. Tom was an inventor. Tom was an inventor. To jest zatrważające. That's creepy. It's terrifying. Почему мы не можем быть просто счастливы? Why can't we just be happy? Why can't we just be happy? Он больной, бедный человек. He is a sick, poor man. He's a sick, poor man. Некултурен си. You're rude. You're uncultured. Он нас боится. He's afraid of us. He's scared of us. Bądź ostrożny, gdy przekraczasz drogę. Be careful when you cross a road. Be careful when crossing the road. Родий — самый редкий метал. Rhodium is the rarest metal. Rhodium is the rarest metal. Том - воинствующий безбожник. Tom is a militant atheist. Tom is a warlike godless man. Ты опять плакал? Have you been crying again? Did you cry again? Dnes měl být doma. He's supposed to be at home today. He was supposed to be home today. Предложения с номером 10028692 нет. There is no sentence with the ID #10028692. There is no offer with the number 10028692. Том знає, що помиляється. Tom knows he's wrong. Tom knows he’s wrong. Ти не мусиш платити — він безкоштовний. You don't have to pay – it's free. You don’t have to pay, it’s free. Nemluvím italsky, znám jen pár slov. I don't speak Italian; I just know a few words. I don't speak Italian, I only know a few words. Сигурна ли си, че искаш да го изхвърлиш? Are you sure you want to throw that one away? Are you sure you want to throw it out? Я не знаю, запер Том дверь или нет. I don't know if Tom locked the door or not. I don't know if Tom locked the door or not. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo się znów zobaczymy. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Chceš k tomu, co jsem právě řekl, něco dodat? Is there anything you want to add to what I just said? Do you have anything to add to what I just said? Не умирай. Don't die. Don't die. Jsem si dobře vědom problémů, se kterými se potýkáme. I'm well aware of the problems we face. I am well aware of the problems we face. Podívala se na sebe do zrcadla. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at herself in the mirror. Tom byl také na pohřbu. Tom was at the funeral too. Tom was also at the funeral. Сосчитай до трёх. Count to three. Count to three. Я ничего ей не сделал. I didn't do anything to her. I didn't do anything to her. Мы имеем право на забастовку. We have the right to strike. We have the right to strike. Nerozbij zrcadlo. Don't break a mirror. Don't break the mirror. Героев создает время. Heroes are made by the times. Heroes make time. Меняй то, что нужно изменить. Change what needs to be changed. Change what needs to be changed. Управо сам устао. I just got up. I just got up. Tom poszedł do szkoły. Tom went to school. Tom went to school. To było rozczarowywujące. It was disappointing. That was disappointing. Эти магазины открыты круглый год. These shops are open all year round. These shops are open all year round. Се плашам од кучиња. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. Snídani jsem vynechal. I skipped breakfast. I skipped breakfast. Трябва да дам на Том това, което той иска. I have to give Tom what he wants. I have to give Tom what he wants. Ова ѝ е тешко. This is difficult for her. This is hard for her. Можеш да го прашаш Том. You can ask Tom. You can ask Tom. Zniknął bez śladu. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Spieszyłem się. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. Оно было слишком острое. It was too spicy. It was too sharp. Имам други работи што би требало да ги правам. I have other things I need to be doing. I have other things I should be doing. Изпратих ѝ една кукла. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. Ты уже упаковал подарки? Are you done wrapping gifts yet? Have you packed your presents yet? Uwielbiam piesze wycieczki. I love hiking. I love walking tours. Tom mieszka trzydzieści mil od granicy. Tom lives thirty miles from the border. Tom lives 30 miles from the border. Том стал полезным членом общества. Tom has become a useful member to society. He became a useful member of society. Том во никој случај не би можел да го направи тоа сам. Tom can't possibly do that by himself. Tom couldn't have done it on his own. Каквото и да кажете, няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Rusové nemají k Putinovi averzi. Russians don't dislike Putin. The Russians have no aversion to Putin. Къде е твоят баща? Where's your father? Where's your father? Её день рождения завтра. Her birthday is tomorrow. Her birthday's tomorrow. Tom se nabídl, že nám připraví oběd. Tom offered to prepare lunch for us. Tom offered to make us lunch. Dříve či později se to stane. Sooner or later, it'll happen. Sooner or later it will happen. Она горько заплакала. She began to weep bitterly. She cried bitterly. Не кликай по этой ссылке. Don't click on that link. Do not click on this link. Věříme mu. We trust him. We trust him. Zamilovat se je jedna věc, někoho si vzít je věc druhá. To fall in love is one thing, to get married is another. Falling in love is one thing, marrying someone is another. Tom věděl, že to vím. Tom knew that I knew. Tom knew I knew. Се врати во шест часот. He got back at six. He came back at six o'clock. Това е, което казах. That's what I said. That's what I said. Я боялся, что уже не застану её в живых. I was afraid I wouldn't make it to see her alive. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to catch her alive. Ste dobrý novinár. You are a good journalist. You're a good journalist. И Том, и Мери могат да говорят френски. Tom and Mary are both able to speak French. Both Tom and Mary can speak French. Доста бев зафатен. I've been quite busy. I've been pretty busy. Ми спробували переконати Тома це зробити. We tried to persuade Tom to do that. We tried to convince Tom to do it. Це ведмідь. This is a bear. It's a bear. Chcą, żebyś z tego nie korzystał. They don't want you to use it. They want you not to use it. Я конкурентоспособный. I'm competitive. I am competitive. Ово је први пут икад да радим нешто овако. This is the first time I've ever done this kind of thing. This is the first time I've ever done something like this. Це неправда. This is not true. That's not true. Том није имао кеш код себе. Tom had no cash on him. Tom didn't have any cash on him. У меня осталась только ты. You're all I have left. You're all I have left. Чекам аутобус. I'm waiting for the bus. I'm waiting for the bus. Za všechny moje překlady mi musíš zaplatit. You have to pay me for all my translations. You have to pay me for all my translations. Птицы любят рис. Birds love rice. The birds love rice. Spolknout žvýkačku je nebezpečné. It's dangerous to swallow gum. Swallowing gum is dangerous. Не позволяй Гуглу давать тебе врачебные советы. Don't let Google give any medical advice to you. Don't let Google give you medical advice. Někdo si dozajista vzpomene a udělá to. Someone will remember to do that, I'm sure. Someone will remember and do it. Надень свою куртку. Put on your jacket. Put your jacket on. Šlápl jsi na něco? Did you step on something? Did you step on something? Ќе ни фалиш, Том. We'll miss you, Tom. We're gonna miss you, Tom. Можно мне три стакана ананасового сока? Can I have three glasses of pineapple juice? Can I have three glasses of pineapple juice? Я, пожалуй, уже не буду ждать. I don't think I'll wait any longer. I don't think I can wait any longer. NATO posílilo svoji vojenskou přítomnost ve východní Evropě. NATO reinforced its military presence in Eastern Europe. NATO has increased its military presence in Eastern Europe. Джон зібрав книжкову шафу. John assembled the bookcase. John picked up the bookcase. Tento hrad je hezký. This castle is nice. This castle is nice. Piješ kávu s cukrom alebo bez? Do you drink coffee with sugar or without? Do you drink coffee with or without sugar? Вы когда-нибудь гуляли с Томом? Do you ever take walks with Tom? Have you ever been out with Tom? Реклама - двигатель торговли. Advertising is the driving force behind commerce. Advertising is the engine of commerce. Том меня не послушал. Tom didn't listen to me. Tom didn't listen to me. Nigdy nie widziałem tylu pieniędzy. I had never seen so much money. I've never seen so much money. V létě se teplota zvedá. In summer the temperature rises. In the summer, the temperature rises. Не буди меня до половины третьего. Don't wake me up before 2:30. Don't wake me until half past three. Chceš, abych byla šťastná? Do you want me to be happy? You want me to be happy? Как вы её потеряли? How did you lose it? How did you lose her? Том чхає. Tom is sneezing. Tom sneezes. Půjdu na nákup. I'll go shopping. I'm going shopping. Пристигнав во Бостон во два и пол. I arrived in Boston at 2:30. I arrived in Boston at two and a half. Tiber je rieka v Taliansku. The Tiber is a river in Italy. The Tiber is a river in Taliansk. Jak ci już wcześniej mówiłem, nie miałem wyjścia. As I told you before, I had no choice. Like I told you before, I had no choice. Słyszałem tę piosenkę śpiewaną po francusku. I have heard that song sung in French. I heard that song sung in French. Jak dlouho spolu chodí? How long have they been dating? How long have they been dating? Моя сестра наразі не працює. My sister isn't working at the moment. My sister is not working right now. Ona nienawidziła swojego męża. She hated her husband. She hated her husband. Его оштрафовали. He was fined. He was fined. Engleski je pun romanskih riječi. English is full of Romance words. English is full of romance words. Моя сестра сейчас не учится. My sister isn't studying now. My sister's not studying right now. Ты с тех пор видел Тома? Have you seen Tom since then? Have you seen Tom since? Надявам се, че Том не е сгрешил. I hope that Tom wasn't mistaken. I hope Tom wasn't wrong. Tom zneužil několik dětí. Tom abused several children. Tom abused several children. Биди машко. Be a man. Be a man. Том старался как мог, но не смог получить оценку выше, чем у Мэри. Tom did the best he could, but he wasn't able to get a higher grade than Mary. Tom tried his best, but could not get a higher grade than Mary. Хто пам'ятає наші десять базових принципів? Who remembers our ten basic principles? Who remembers our ten basic principles? Кажи му дека сме зафатени. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. Abys dostal nový průkaz, musíš odevzdat ten starý. You must turn in your old license in order to get a new one. To get a new I.D., you have to turn in the old one. Я им сказал то же самое. I told them the same thing. I told them the same thing. Vstani in se predstavi prosim. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Stand up and introduce yourself, please. Ходя на работа с колело. I go to work by bicycle. I go to work on a bicycle. Slunce mu opálilo bledá ramena. The sun tanned his light shoulders. The sun tanned his pale shoulders. Proszę, usiądź. Please sit down. Please, have a seat. Они живут в этой деревне. They live in this village. They live in this village. Коли початок? When does it begin? When is the start? Máš desať rokov? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Jutro będzie nowy dzień. Tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow will be a new day. Potíž je v tom, že si nepamatuji, kde jsem zaparkovala auto. The trouble is that I can't remember where I parked the car. The trouble is, I can't remember where I parked the car. Tak, musisz. Yes, you must. Yes, you do. Он мне помогает. He's helping me. He's helping me. Namaloval psa. He painted a picture of a dog. He painted a dog. Не, се уште сум беќар. No, I'm still a bachelor. No, I'm still a baker. Kdy jsi poprvé navštívil Austrálii? When did you first come to Australia? When did you first visit Australia? Nie chcę widzieć się z Tomem. I don't want to see Tom. I don't want to see Tom. В тот день я остался дома, потому что шёл дождь. I stayed at home, for it rained that day. I stayed home that day because it was raining. Tom si přivlastnil naši půdu. Tom has appropriated our land. Tom took our land. Мій годинник відстає на п'ять хвилин. My watch is five minutes slow. My watch is five minutes behind. Myslím, že tu není žádná souvislost. I don't think there's any correlation. I don't think there's any connection. Píše mi každý týden. She writes to me every week. He writes to me every week. Miała dobry pomysł. She had a good idea. She had a good idea. Големо задоволство ѝ претставуваше тоа што ја запознава својата правнука. She was delighted to meet her great-granddaughter. It was a pleasure to meet her great-granddaughter. Tom mě opět zklamal. Tom disappointed me again. Again, Tom disappointed me. Její rodiče zemřeli. Her parents died. Her parents died. Если будут проблемы, позвони мне. If there are problems, call me. If there's any trouble, call me. Słaby ze mnie aktor. I'm not much of an actor. I'm not a very good actor. Тому нужны друзья. Tom needs friends. Tom needs friends. Вы знали, что у Тома есть сын? Did you know Tom has a son? Did you know Tom had a son? У Тома есть постоянная работа. Tom has a stable job. Tom has a steady job. Почему ты игнорируешь Тома? Что он тебе сделал? Why do you ignore Tom? What has he done to you? Why are you ignoring Tom? Ти си дел од нашиот тим. You're part of our team. You're part of our team. Де можна взяти напрокат костюм для Хелловіну? Where can I rent a Halloween costume? Where can I rent a Halloween costume? Měl ses představit sám. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Она упала со стола, но не разбилась. It fell off the table, but it didn't break. She fell off the table, but she didn't crash. Том имаше 30 години. Tom was 30 years old. Tom was 30 years old. Astrologii mám rád. I like astrology. I like astrology. Spet sem zamudila rok! I missed this deadline again! I missed my deadline again! Я заплатила приблизно п'ятдесят доларів. I paid about 50 bucks. I paid about fifty dollars. Не знам дали да седам или да трчам. I don't know if I should stay or run. I don't know whether to sit or run. Nevěděl jsem, že jsi Kanaďan. I didn't know that you were Canadian. I didn't know you were Canadian. Ты не против, если я взгляну? Do you mind if I take a look? Do you mind if I take a look? Seděl tam a díval se z okna. He sat there looking out the window. He sat there looking out the window. Teď Toma nesnáší ještě více. Now they hate Tom even more. Now he hates Tom even more. Большинство шахматных книг нацелено на то, чтобы помочь читателям улучшить свою игру. Most chess books aim to help readers improve their chess. Most chess books are aimed at helping readers improve their game. Pro syna je vždycky těžké splnit očekávání svých rodičů. It is always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents. It is always difficult for a son to meet the expectations of his parents. Nesreća se dogodila u nedjelju oko 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday at about 3:00. The accident happened on Sunday around 3 a.m. Kiedy poszedł? When did he go? When did he leave? Bylo to od Toma velmi hezké, že na nás počkal. It was very nice of Tom to wait for us. It was very nice of Tom to wait for us. Сколько пользователей активно в данный момент? How many users are active at the moment? How many users are active at the moment? Je tam jen jeden polštář. There is only one pillow there. There's only one pillow. Його суворий і цинічний літературний стиль дуже популярний серед чоловіків вікової групи від 18 до 35 років. His gritty, cynical writing is very popular with men between the ages of 18 and 35. His strict and cynical literary style is very popular among men of the age group from 18 to 35 years. Ќе видиме што можеме да направиме. We'll see what we can do. We'll see what we can do. Тоа е добар одговор. That's a good answer. That's a good answer. Proszę tędy. Please come this way. This way, please. Коли я в поганому гуморі, я починаю співати. When I'm in a bad mood, I start to sing. When I'm in a bad mood, I start singing. Том без труда нашёл работу. Tom had no difficulty finding a job. Tom had no trouble finding a job. Jeśli jesteś w niebezpieczeństwie, krzycz "POMOCY!". If you are in danger, shout "HELP!". If you are in danger, shout “Help!” Винаги си добра. You're always good. You're always good. Это место не в Европе. This place is not in Europe. This place is not in Europe. Nic dalšího vidět nechci. I don't want to see anything else. I don't want to see anything else. Знам колико и ти. Your guess is as good as mine. I know as much as you do. Zdraví je důležitější než bohatství. Health is more important than wealth. Health is more important than wealth. Mám třikrát více knih než on. I have three times as many books as he does. I have three times as many books as he does. Už jsi to četl? Have you read this yet? Have you read it yet? Je mi na zvracení. I feel like vomiting. I'm sick to my stomach. Я могу отвезти тебя домой. I can take you home. I can take you home. Мајуко је уснила чудан сан. Mayuko had a strange dream. Mayuko had a strange dream. Батько вас любить. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. Учитель задал нам несколько вопросов, ни на один из которых мы не смогли ответить. The teacher asked us some questions, none of which we could answer. The teacher asked us a few questions, none of which we were able to answer. На конверте не было обратного адреса. There was no return address on the envelope. There was no return address on the envelope. Знам што ти е важно тебе и ќе дадам сѐ од себе да го уништам. I know what you love and I'll do everything I can in order to destroy it. I know what is important to you, and I will do my best to destroy it. Дождь перестал. Можно снова открыть окна. The rain's stopped; the windows can be opened again. The rain has stopped. We can open the windows again. Сигурен сум дека Том не знаел за тоа. I'm sure Tom didn't know about that. I'm sure Tom didn't know about it. Сакам да гледам фудбал на телевизија. I enjoy watching soccer on TV. I love watching football on TV. Куки хочет войти. Cookie wants in. Cookie wants in. Ти заслужаваш да бъдеш щастлив, скъпи. You deserve to be happy dear. You deserve to be happy, baby. Я слышал, что Кэрол и Уилл разошлись. I heard that Carol and Will have split up. I heard Carol and Will split up. "Kde je ta kniha?" "Ta kniha je na stole." "Where is the book?" "The book is on the desk." "Where's the book?" "The book's on the table." Nie mówili o niczym innym, tylko o nowinach z firmy. They talked about nothing but the news in the company. They didn't talk about anything else but the company's news. Больше нечем заняться. There's nothing more to do. There's nothing else to do. Підгузники дорогі. Diapers are expensive. Diapers are expensive. Tom poprosił mnie, abym obudził go o szóstej. Tom asked me to wake him up at six. Tom asked me to wake him up at six. Ми зробили все це без будь-якої допомоги. We did it all without any help. We did it all without any help. Я не получил ответа на свой вопрос. I didn't receive a reply to my question. I didn't get an answer to my question. Jsem poctivý chlap. I'm a straight guy. I'm an honest man. Будь осторожна, если будешь выходить. Be careful if you go out. Be careful if you go out. Верувам во чуда. I believe in miracles. I believe in miracles. V únoru mi zvýšili plat. My salary increased in February. I got a pay raise in February. Я знала, що ти на нас зачекаєш. I knew you'd wait for us. I knew you'd wait for us. Ние сме најдобрите. We're still the best. We're the best. Не переривайте нашу розмову. Don't interrupt our conversation. Do not interrupt our conversation. Том бросил нас. Tom abandoned us. Tom left us. Nemůžu na to přijít. I can't figure this out. I can't figure it out. Tohle s vámi nemá co dělat. This has nothing to do with you. This has nothing to do with you. Том продолжает писать. Tom is continuing to write. Tom is still writing. Он купил минибар в свою комнату. He bought a mini fridge for his dorm room. He bought a mini-bar in his room. Том е веќе тука. Tom is here already. Tom's already here. Umiem kochać. I can love. I can love. Зири знает этот фильм. Ziri knows that movie. Ziri knows this movie. Kim je oděna velice přitažlivým způsobem. Kim is dressed in a very attractive manner. Kim is dressed in a very attractive way. Том почна да ја разлистува книгата. Tom started flipping through the book. Tom began to read the book. Тебе пора ложиться спать. It's time for you to go to sleep. It's time for you to go to bed. Це написано каталонською. This is written in Catalan. It is written in Catalan. Я позвоню тебе через несколько дней. I'll ring you in a few days' time. I'll call you in a few days. Iako je postojanje ovog fenomena puka spekulacija moguće je da će u budućnosti biti dokaza koji će ga podupirati. Though the existence of this phenomenon is currently mere speculation, it is possible that there will be evidence in the future to support it. Although the existence of this phenomenon is mere speculation, it is possible that in the future there will be evidence to support it. Том - единственный, кому я доверяю. Tom is the only one I trust. Tom's the only one I trust. Właśnie skończyłem jeść. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. Том был с Мэри всё утро. Tom was with Mary all morning. Tom was with Mary all morning. Том всё это время тебе врал. Tom has been lying to you all this time. Tom's been lying to you this whole time. Не ги допирајте експонатите. Don't touch the exhibits. Do not touch the exhibits. Ви вже хочете поїхати? Do you intend to leave already? You want to leave already? Вы их не найдёте. You're not going to find them. You won't find them. Деякі люди можуть плавати краще за інших. Some people can swim better than others. Some people can swim better than others. Я не твоя дівчина. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Я не сказ. Мяне трэба выдаліць з праэкту Tatoeba. I'm not a sentence. I should be deleted from Tatoeba. I'm not a fairy tale. I need to be removed from the Tatoeba project. Tomův dům nebyl tak velký, jak jsem si myslel. Tom's house wasn't as large as I thought it would be. Tom's house wasn't as big as I thought. Том поміняв дитині памперс. Tom changed the baby's nappy. Tom changed the baby diapers. Скажи "тридцать три". Say, "thirty three." Say "thirty-three." Том не мог делать всё сам. Tom couldn't do everything by himself. Tom couldn’t do it all by himself. Ten lekarz jest miły dla pacjentów. The doctor is gentle with his patients. This doctor is kind to patients. Не доводите Тома до слёз. Don't make Tom cry. Don't make Tom cry. Přijela policie pro Toma? Did the police come for Tom? Did the police come for Tom? «Ух ты! Такое красивое утро у нас здесь сегодня! Мне в самом деле не терпится – а? Что такое?» – «Как дела, Линк?» – «Моршу, в чём дело?» – «Ха, всё просто. Благодаря денежному успеху моих предприятий и карьеры в битбоксе я разбогател!» – «Ого, и ты решил устроить нам вечеринку?» – «Ха, нет. Охрана, вышвырните этих гондонов». "Oh boy! It sure is a beautiful morning around here! In fact, I can't wait to–huh? What happened?" "What's up, Link?" "Morshu, what is going on?" "Hah, simple. With all the money I made from my successful businesses and my successful beatboxing career, I got rich!" "Wow, so you threw us a party?" "Hah, nope. Security, get those motherfuckers out." “Wow! Such a beautiful morning we have here today! I really can’t wait – huh? What’s up?” – “What’s up, Link?” – “Morsha, what’s up?” – “Ha, it’s simple. Thanks to the monetary success of my businesses and career in beatbox, I got rich!” – “Wow, and you decided to throw us a party?” – “Oh, no. Утре имам да правя разни неща. I have things to do tomorrow. I have things to do tomorrow. Jego ojciec lubi słodycze, on ma to po nim. Brought up by a weak father, he is partial to sweets. His father likes sweets, he's got it after him. Казано направо, той греши. To put it bluntly, he's mistaken. To put it bluntly, he's wrong. Давай подождём до утра. Let's wait until morning. Let's wait till morning. Šel odamtud. He has went from there. He went from there. Оно придёт. It will come. It's coming. Это вопиющее безобразие, что они не были застрахованы от пожара. It's a crying shame that they weren't insured against fire. It's an egregious outrage that they weren't insured against fire. Я виправ сорочку. I washed my shirt. I fixed the shirt. Том сказал мне, что ты недоволен. Tom told me you were dissatisfied. Tom told me you weren't happy. Том штотуку си замина. Tom has just left. Tom just left. Wygląda na szczęśliwą, ale w głębi duszy cierpi. She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. She looks happy, but deep down, she's suffering. Na to si nikdy nezvyknu. I'll never get used to that. I'll never get used to it. Не можеме да го докажеме тоа. We can't prove it. We can't prove that. Його звільнили. They've sacked him. He was fired. Го барам веќе некое време. I've been looking for him. I've been looking for him for a while. Skoro nikdy se nelíčí. She hardly ever wears makeup. She almost never wears makeup. Нужна машина Тома. Tom's car is needed. We need Tom's car. Обичам да играя баскетбол. I like to play basketball. I like to play basketball. Том ніколи цього не зробить. Tom will never do that. Tom would never do that. Se svým platem jsem spokojen. I'm content with my salary. I am satisfied with my salary. Vrátíš se zítra? Will you come back tomorrow? Are you coming back tomorrow? Потерять друга легче, чем найти. A friend is easier lost than found. Losing a friend is easier than finding one. Zkus nebýt hlupák. Try not to be stupid. Try not to be a fool. Она бежит. She is running. She's running. Я вижу вдалеке корабль. I can see a ship in the distance. I see a ship in the distance. Тому не нравится концовка фильма. Tom doesn't like the way the movie ended. I don’t like the ending of the movie. Tom może się dzisiaj spóźnić. Tom might be late today. Tom might be late tonight. Вы можете представить меня Тому? Can you introduce me to Tom? Can you introduce me to Tom? У вас продаётся клубника? Do you sell strawberries? Do you sell strawberries? Мисля, че вие сте тези, които имат нужда от помощ. I think you're the one who needs help. I think you're the ones who need help. Tom dočetl knížku, a šel se projít. Tom finished reading a book and went for a walk. Tom read the book and went for a walk. Что бы ты хотел, чтобы Дед Мороз тебе принёс? What would you like Santa to bring you? What would you like Santa to bring you? Я заказываю столик в ресторане. I'm reserving a table at the restaurant. I'm ordering a table at the restaurant. Том не француз. Tom isn't French. Tom's not French. Он точен как часы. He is as punctual as a clock. It's as accurate as a clock. Просто се държах любезно. I was just being polite. I was just being polite. Чому галактики в основному пласкі? Why are galaxies mostly flat? Why are galaxies mostly flat? Я с ней об этом поговорю. I'll talk to her about that. I'll talk to her about it. Обидва чоловіки вибачились один перед одним. Both men apologized to each other. The two men apologized to each other. Rychlost policie nás překvapila. The police officers' speed surprised us. The speed of the police surprised us. Tom grał. Tom played. Tom was playing. Хотите что-нибудь купить? Do you want to buy anything? Want to buy something? Nie mogła powstrzymać płaczu. She couldn't help from crying. She couldn't stop crying. Tom potrzebował pracy. Tom needed work. Tom needed a job. Том не ти се срди. Tom isn't mad at you. Tom's not mad at you. Šest plus dva je osm. Six plus two is eight. Six plus two is eight. Tom se nabídl, že nás vezme domů. Tom offered to take us home. Tom offered to take us home. Podejrzewam, że Tom ściągał na teście. I suspect that Tom cheated on the test. I suspect Tom took the test. Ať se ti tvé sny vyplní! May all your dreams come true! May your dreams come true! Епа, тука сум за тебе. Well, I'm here for you. Well, I'm here for you. Мама грає в теніс. Mom is playing tennis. My mom plays tennis. Зоната беше тиха. The area was quiet. The area was quiet. Stanu se americkým občanem. I will become an American citizen. I will become an American citizen. Izgleda da će Tom početi raditi ovdje. It looks like Tom is going to start working here. Looks like Tom's gonna start working here. Я сказала їм не робити цього самостійно. I told them not to do it by themselves. I told them not to do it on their own. Ako sa voláte? What's your name? What is your name? Зборувај со него. Talk to him. Talk to him. Статистиката показва, че стандартът ни на живот е висок. The statistics show that our standard of living is high. Statistics show that our standard of living is high. Nie chodziło o pieniądze. It wasn't about money. It wasn't about the money. Навіть дитина впоралась би з цим. Even a child could do it. Even a child could handle it. Věřím, že to Tom udělal jen z vypočítavosti. I believe that Tom did it only out of self-interest. I believe Tom only did it out of calculation. Том швидко прийняв рішення. Tom made up his mind quickly. Tom quickly made his decision. Я люблю старые фильмы. I like old films. I love old movies. Това ще бъде някакво начало. It'll be a start. This will be some kind of a start. Proponuję przełożenie zebrania. I suggest that the meeting be postponed. I suggest we postpone the meeting. Nakonec všechno pochopíte. You will understand everything in the end. In the end, you will understand everything. Не мора да шепоти Зири. Ziri doesn't have to whisper. She doesn't have to whisper to Zira. Dívka byla v rozpacích. The girl was puzzled. The girl was embarrassed. Я утка. Я говорю по-английски. I am a duck. I speak English. I'm a duck. I speak English. Ви занадто наївна. You're too naive. You are too naive. Czekaliśmy z pewną niecierpliwością. We waited with a faint expectation. We waited with some impatience. Tom mi ukázal fotky jídla, které jedli na hostině. Tom showed me a picture of the food they ate at the banquet. Tom showed me pictures of the food they ate at the feast. Теперь Том того же роста, что и его отец. Tom is now as tall as his father is. Now Tom is the same height as his father. Имаме среќа. We're fortunate. We're lucky. Jeśli nie chcesz zranić jej uczuć, będziesz musiał trochę nagiąć prawdę. If you don't want to hurt her feelings, you're going to have to bend the truth a little. If you don't want to hurt her feelings, you're gonna have to bend the truth a little. Знову ввімкни мізки. Turn your brain back on. Turn your brain back on. У Тома умер отец. Tom's father passed away. Tom's father died. Kiedy ktoś jest chory, goście mogą być nieco denerwujący. When one is sick, visitors can be rather annoying. When someone is sick, guests can be a bit annoying. Жестоки сте. You're cruel. You're cruel. Так всегда было. It was always like that. It's always been that way. Что вы чувствуете? What are you feeling? How do you feel? Том остановился у магазина Мэри, чтобы купить сахар. Tom stopped by Mary's store to buy sugar. Tom stopped by Mary's store to buy sugar. Myslím, teda som. I think, therefore I am. I mean, I am. Вы собираетесь продолжать с ним встречаться? Are you going to continue seeing him? Are you going to keep seeing him? Перелом без смещения, и операция не требуется. The fracture is not displaced, and no surgery is required. Fracture without displacement, and surgery is not required. Kolejny dziesięciominutowy spacer doprowadził nas nad brzeg. Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore. Another ten-minute walk led us to the shore. Мисля, че бяхме късметлии. I think we were lucky. I think we were lucky. Как запомнить кандзи? How can I remember kanji? How to remember Kanji? Drze nás přerušili. We were rudely interrupted. We've been interrupted. V koupelně jsou čisté ručníky. There are fresh towels in the bathroom. The bathroom has clean towels. Победивме. We are victorious. We won. «Написано: Линк может одолеть Гэнона, лишь одевшись в розовый». (Он взмахнул волшебной палочкой.) – «Клёво! Как я теперь выгляжу?» – «Как гомик». – «Здорово!» "It is written: Link can only defeat Ganon by wearing pink." (He waves the magic wand.) "Cool! How do I look now?" "You look like a queer." "Great!" “It is written: Link can overcome Ganon only by dressing in pink.” (He waved a magic wand.) – “Cool! How do I look now?” – “Like a homo.” – “Hello!” Я так це хочу. I want it so much. I want it so bad. В цьому місці ріка раптом звужується. The river suddenly narrows at this point. In this place, the river suddenly narrows. Я его унесу внутрь. I'll take it inside. I'll take him inside. Ми вдягаємо шкарпетки. We put our socks on. We wear socks. Připojím se k vám později. I'll join you later. I'll join you later. Чего нам ждать от Тома? What should we expect from Tom? What can we expect from Tom? Dlatego możemy przyjmować takie tyl­ko pracownice, które są dostatecznie już przygotowany­mi. That's why we can only accept those employees who are already sufficiently prepared. Therefore, we can only accept female workers who are sufficiently prepared. Том сказал, что в него стреляли. Tom said he'd been shot. Tom said he was shot. Том и кажа на Мери дека го видел Џон со Елис. Tom told Mary that he'd seen John with Alice. Tom told Mary he saw John with Ellis. Pamatuješ, co jsem ti řekl, když jsme se posledně setkali? Do you remember what I told you the last time we met? Remember what I told you the last time we met? Я нещодавно познайомилася з кимось, у кого, мені здається, я можу закохатися. I met someone the other day that I think I could fall in love with. I recently met someone I think I might fall in love with. Ani my nechápeme, jak jsme se sem dostali. Not even we understand how we ended up here. Even we don't understand how we got here. Ten pes štěká, když se bojí. The dog barks when it is afraid. That dog barks when he's scared. Zlomila sis nohu. You broke your leg. You broke your leg. Они тебя боятся. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of you. Том не допел песню. Tom didn't finish the song that he was singing. Tom didn't finish the song. Včely dělají med. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Jsem rád, že nás Tom neviděl. I'm glad Tom didn't see us. I'm glad Tom didn't see us. Мені потрібно знати, скільки це в тебе займе часу. I need to know how long you'll be. I need to know how long it'll take you. Нам эти вещи больше не нужны. We don't need these things anymore. We don't need these things anymore. Том сам дојде тука. Tom came here alone. Tom came here on his own. Opowiedz mi o swoim ojcu. Tell me about your father. Tell me about your father. Том искаше да си тръгне, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Neotravuj mě tím. Don't bother me about that. Don't bother me with that. Spousta lidí ráda cestuje. Many people like to travel. A lot of people like to travel. Ach tak. I see. Oh, yeah. Кожуру есть не нужно. You're not supposed to eat the peel. You don't have to eat the skin. Tom otočil klíčem. Tom turned the key. Tom turned the key. Де жіночий туалет? Where's the women's loo? Where's the ladies' room? Přesazené rostliny se neujaly. The transplanted plants have not taken root. The transplanted plants didn't take over. Někdo mi dýchá do tváře. Je to odporné. Somebody's breathing on my face. It's disgusting. Someone's breathing in my face. Ludzie boją się wojny. People are afraid of war. People are afraid of war. Kde je moje sestra? Where's my sister? Where's my sister? Если бы у меня была карта, я бы, наверное, не заблудился. If I'd had a map, I probably wouldn't have gotten lost. If I had a map, I probably wouldn't get lost. Našla sis sympatického chlapa. You got yourself a nice guy. You found a nice guy. Ванильное мороженое мне нравится больше, чем шоколадное. I like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate ice cream. I like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate ice cream. To był piękny letni dzień. It was a beautiful summer day. It was a beautiful summer day. Я показал ему дорогу. I showed him the way. I showed him the way. Вината не е наша. It's not our fault. It's not our fault. Реших задачата с лекота. I solved the problem easily. I solved the problem with ease. Tom to videl tiež. Tom saw that, too. Tom saw it. Цей досвід змінив Тома на краще. The experience changed Tom for the better. This experience changed Tom for the better. Изглежда, че вали сняг, нали? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Looks like it's snowing, doesn't it? Я граю у лакрос. I play lacrosse. I play lacrosse. Том гораздо ниже и весит гораздо меньше Мэри. Tom is shorter and weighs much less than Mary. Tom is much lower and weighs much less than Mary. Takhle se to dělat nemělo. It wasn't supposed to be done like this. That's not how it was supposed to be done. Давайте выйдем из такси. Let's get out of the taxi. Let's get out of the taxi. Його промова була одним з тих моментів, що вразили мене. His speech was one of the moments that impressed me. His speech was one of those moments that struck me. Tom by zákazníkovi nikdy nic takového neřekl. Tom would never have said something like that to a customer. Tom would never say such a thing to a customer. Что-то изменилось. Something has changed. Something's changed. Харесва ли ти да играеш волейбол? Do you like playing volleyball? Do you like to play volleyball? Я тоже решил остаться. I also decided to stay. I decided to stay too. Искаш ли да повторя въпроса? Do you wish me to repeat the question? Do you want me to repeat the question? Fadil je htio ukrasti Danijin novac. Fadil wanted to steal Dania's money. Fadil was trying to steal Dani's money. Те го оправиха. They fixed it. They fixed it. Má vlastní dům. He has a house of his own. He has his own house. Ten dům stojí osamocen. The house stands by itself. The house stands alone. Том не здатний виконати навіть прості обчислення. Tom can't even do simple calculations. Tom is not able to perform even simple calculations. Майк обича да играе баскетбол. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Pracują w ślimaczym tempie. They're doing their work at a snail's pace! They work at a snail's pace. Когда вы её встретили? When did you meet her? When did you meet her? Ничего плохого не случилось. Nothing bad happened. Nothing bad happened. Počítač hraje významnou roli při nabývání vědomostí. The computer plays an important role in gaining knowledge. Computers play an important role in acquiring knowledge. Zavřete tohle okno. Close this window. Close this window. Алгоритм, которому следует клетка при создании белка, чрезвычайно сложен. Грубо говоря, закодированная информация - четырехбуквенные слова - хранящаяся в ДНК, копируется, переводится на язык, алфавит которого состоит из двадцати букв, редактируется и передается в область сборки белка. The algorithm a cell follows when making a protein is extremely complex. Roughly speaking, the coded information – four-letter words – stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited, and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. The algorithm followed by the cell in making the protein is extremely complex. Roughly speaking, the encoded information - four-letter words - stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet consists of twenty letters, edited and transmitted to the protein assembly area. Какая зима без снега! A winter without snow is no winter at all. What a winter without snow! Том изнесе впечатляваща презентация. Tom made an impressive presentation. Tom gave an impressive presentation. Тайфунът ни попречи да се върнем в Токио. The typhoon prevented us from returning to Tokyo. The typhoon prevented us from returning to Tokyo. Мне больше никто не доверяет. Nobody trusts me anymore. No one trusts me anymore. Мы не очень доверяем Тому. We don't trust Tom very much. We don't trust Tom very much. Я не мог решить, что делать. I couldn't decide what to do. I couldn't decide what to do. Я написал Тому из Австралии. I wrote to Tom from Australia. I wrote to Tom from Australia. У Тома вся жизнь пронеслась перед глазами. Tom's life flashed before his eyes. Tom had his whole life ahead of him. Побърках се от притеснение. I was worried sick. I was worried sick. В этой игре только одно правило: убивай или будь убитым. This game only has one rule: kill or be killed. There is only one rule in this game: kill or be killed. Я был раздражён. I was irked. I was annoyed. Ти завжди обережний. You're always careful. You're always careful. Что-то надо сделать. Something must be done. Something has to be done. Не може да са излезли, защото вътре свети. They can't have gone out because the light's on. They can't come out because there's a light inside. У неї привабливі очі. She has attractive eyes. She has attractive eyes. Где находится твой ресторан? Where's your restaurant located? Where is your restaurant? Що ж, може ви й маєте рацію. Well, you may be right. Well, maybe you're right. Тому план понравился. Tom liked the plan. Tom liked the plan. Я сказаў, што ты робіш памылку. I said you were making a mistake. I said you're making a mistake. Ваши родители знают об этом? Do your parents know about this? Do your parents know about this? Не турбуйся пра гэта. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about that. Том се пресели во Бостон во 2003-та. Tom moved to Boston in 2003. Tom moved to Boston in 2003. Само остави нѐ на раат. Just let us be. Just leave us in paradise. Навистина требаше да ме пуштиш да викнам такси. You really should've let me call a cab. You really should have let me call a cab. Musimy rozładować tę ciężarówkę, zanim zacznie padać. We've got to unload this lorry before it starts to rain. We need to unload this truck before it starts to rain. Мы ушли в знак протеста. We left in protest. We left in protest. Том стоеше без да мърда. Tom was standing still. Tom did not move. Je to zbrusu nové. It's brand new. It's brand new. Да ли се француски учи у твојој школи? Is French taught at your school? Is French taught in your school? Tom wrócił na swoje miejsce i usiadł. Tom walked back to his seat and sat down. Tom went back to his seat and sat down. Том не знае никого тука. Tom doesn't know anybody here. Tom doesn't know anyone here. Ты невероятен! You're unbelievable! You're amazing! Я тебя когда-нибудь о чём-нибудь просил? Have I ever asked you for anything? Did I ever ask you for anything? Кукі — золотистий ретривер. Cookie is a golden retriever. Cookie is a golden retriever. Он пошёл в магазин. He went to the store. He went to the store. Том ще не вечеряв. Tom hasn't had his dinner yet. Tom hasn't had dinner yet. Це м'ясо. This is meat. It's meat. Том теж не прийшов. Tom didn't come either. Tom didn’t come either. Признание Тома было шокирующим. Tom's confession was shocking. Tom's confession was shocking. On se ubrzo oporavio od šoka. He soon recovered from the shock. He soon recovered from the shock. Jsi plešatý? Are you bald? Are you bald? Я послала ей записку. I sent her a note. I sent her a note. Том сатаніст. Tom is a Satanist. Tom is a Satanist. Iker Casillas je najlepší brankár na svete. Iker Casillas is the best goalie in the world. Iker Casillas is the best goalkeeper in the world. Я мог сделать это и без вашей помощи. I could've done this without your help. I could have done it without your help. Английский — всемирный язык. English is the world's language. English is a universal language. Нам необхідно ретельно керувати речами. We need to manage things carefully. We need to manage things carefully. Vím, že je hezká. I know that she is cute. I know she's pretty. О, какой ужас! Oh, how awful! Oh, what a horror! То боли. That hurts. It hurts. Ne govoriš engleski. You do not speak English. You don't speak English. Она не моя тётя. She is not my aunt. She's not my aunt. To powinno wystarczyć. This should be plenty. That should do it. Чому б нам не поїсти? Why don't we eat? Why don't we eat? Как только она открыла дверь, наружу выбежал кот. As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out. As soon as she opened the door, the cat ran out. Зири построил империю. Ziri built an empire. Ziri built an empire. Сёння раніцай я бачыў Ліз. I saw Liz this morning. I saw Liz this morning. Никога не си споменавал колко красива е сестра ти. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. You never mentioned how beautiful your sister is. Ты видел, кто стрелял в Тома? Did you see who shot Tom? Did you see who shot Tom? Podobają mi się te jabłka. I like these apples. I like these apples. Я бы с радостью поехал с тобой. I'd gladly go with you. I'd love to go with you. Mnoho lidí na světě hladoví. Many people in the world are hungry. Many people in the world are hungry. Krásně voníš. You smell great. You smell good. Ukradla mu hodně peněz. She stole a lot of money from him. She stole a lot of money from him. Tom má rád všechny hudební žánry kromě dechovky. Tom likes all music genres except for brass music. Tom likes all genres of music except the brass band. Jsi bez fantazie. You're unimaginative. You have no imagination. Ujel mi poslední autobus, takže jsem musel jet taxíkem. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a cab. I missed the last bus, so I had to take a taxi. Бас ловя, че Том Мери даже не я познава. I bet Tom doesn't even know Mary. I bet Tom Mary doesn't even know her. To jezioro jest wśród najgłębszych w kraju. This lake is among the deepest in the country. This lake is among the deepest in the country. Био бих вам захвалан ако бисте остали до сутра. I would be thankful to you if you stayed until tomorrow. I'd appreciate it if you'd stay till tomorrow. Говори гласно, за да могат всички да те чуят. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak out loud so everyone can hear you. Хутчіш, бо запізнишся. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up, you'll be late. Aktualizoval jsem své programové vybavení. I updated my software. I updated my software. Рекс — німецька вівчарка. Rex is a German shepherd. Rex is a German Shepherd. Wakacje? Co to jest? Holidays? What are they? What's this? Зошто Том беше таму внатре? Why was Tom in there? Why was Tom in there? Мене дуже цікавить вивчення французької. I'm very interested in learning French. I am very interested in learning French. Тут много людей и мало столов. There are a lot of people and few tables here. There are many people and few tables. Jakou hru to se mnou hraješ, Tome? What game are you playing with me, Tom? What game are you playing with me, Tom? Je to tak jednoduché. It's so simple. It's so simple. Немој да се повторуваш. Don't repeat yourself. Don't repeat yourself. Ајде да го оставиме малку сам. Let's give him some privacy. Let's leave him alone for a while. Этому нет замены. There's no substitute for this. There's no substitute for that. Ti si jako strpljiv učitelj. You are a very patient teacher. You're a very patient teacher. Yamada nie jest popularny wśród dziewczyn w swojej klasie, ale jest popularny wśród młodszych dziewczyn w szkole. Yamada isn't popular with girls in his own grade, but he's popular with the younger girls at school. Yamada is not popular with girls in his class, but he is popular with younger girls in school. Девочка-подросток выдавала себя за мальчика, ища работу, чтобы прокормить больного отца и маленького брата. The teenage girl disguised herself as a boy to look for work to feed her ailing father and small brother. A teenage girl pretended to be a boy, looking for a job to feed her sick father and little brother. Я точно знаю, что Том не прав. I know for sure that Tom is wrong. I know Tom is wrong. Тролейбус прибуде вчасно. The trolleybus will arrive on time. The trolleybus will arrive on time. Еретик был анафематствован. The heretic was anathematized. The heretic was anathematized. Сколько ещё мы будем обсуждать этот вопрос? How much longer are we going to discuss this question? How much longer are we going to talk about this? Этот ящик весит тонну. Что внутри? This box weighs a ton. What's inside? This box weighs a ton. Исправь его, пожалуйста. Please fix it. Fix it, please. Я би хотів жити в Бостоні. I wish I could live in Boston. I would like to live in Boston. Ваш пароль был изменён. Your password has been changed. Your password has been changed. Я люблю бути на самоті. I like being alone. I like to be alone. Все были мертвы. Everybody was dead. They were all dead. Том изгледа има се што му е потребно. Tom seems to have everything he needs. Tom seems to have everything he needs. По словам специалистов, это вряд ли случится. According to experts, that isn't likely to happen. According to experts, this is unlikely to happen. Požádal jsem souseda, aby mi pomohl. I asked the neighbour to help me. I asked my neighbor to help me. Но той не е ли над закона? But isn't he above the law? But isn't he above the law? Běž na druhou stranu. Go to the other side. Go to the other side. Dlaczego Tom nie lubi Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? Why doesn't Tom like Mary? Том охайний. Tom is neat. Tom's clean. Ти заслуговуєш на відпочинок. You've earned a rest. You deserve to rest. Трябва да използваш дезодорант. You should use a deodorant. You should use deodorant. Мисля, че е по-добре да легнеш. I think you'd better lie down. I think you'd better lie down. Не люблю яркую одежду. I don't like brightly colored clothes. I don't like bright clothes. Каково местоположение страны? What is the location of the country? What is the country's location? Точно сега не съм заета. I'm not busy right now. I'm not busy right now. Вызовите электрика. Call an electrician. Call the electrician. За допомогою мови можна створити нескінченну кількість речень зі скінченної кількості елементів. Languages can form an infinite number of sentences with a finite set of elements. With language, you can create an infinite number of sentences from a finite number of elements. Чорапите смърдят. The socks smell bad. The socks stink. Расскажи мне о ней. Tell me about her. Tell me about her. Те отделят част от свободното си време, за да се грижат за болните. They give part of their spare time to take care of the sick. They spend some of their free time caring for the sick. Это, вероятно, проще, чем ты думаешь. It's probably easier than you think. It's probably easier than you think. Гэта зялёнае. It's green. It's green. Kdysi jsem Toma milovala. I used to love Tom. I used to love Tom. Когда ты избавишься от всего этого хлама? When are you going to get rid of all this junk? When are you gonna get rid of all this junk? Ходімо всі до луна-парку. Let's all go to Luna Park. Let's all go to Luna Park. Byłem zbyt szybki. I was too fast. I was too fast. Posyłam Toma do szkoły w Bostonie. I'm sending Tom to school in Boston. I'm sending Tom to school in Boston. Тоа не е многу мудро. That's not very wise. That's not very wise. Остави ме! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Ќе ја натерам да ти помогне. I'll get her to help you. I'll get her to help you. Колесо вращается. The wheel revolves. The wheel rotates. Tom o tom něco říkal. Tom said something about that. Tom said something about it. Zdradziłaś mnie? Have you betrayed me? You betrayed me? Ей, момчета, айде запазете тишина! Hey guys, please be quiet. Hey, guys, keep it down! Сѐ уште не ги разбирам жените. I still don't understand women. I still don’t understand women. Се надевам дека ќе успее. I hope it works out. I hope it works. Забављај се док можеш. Have fun while you can. Have fun while you can. Макар че знам малко френски, мисля, че трябва да разговаряме на английски. Even though I know a little French, I think we should speak in English. Although I know a little French, I think we should speak English. Я пішла спати голодною. I went to sleep hungry. I went to sleep hungry. Podróżowała po całym świecie. She traveled all over the world. She traveled all over the world. Если она тебе не нужна, не покупай её. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don't need it, don't buy it. Косметическая терапия стволовыми клетками находится на ранней стадии развития. Cosmetic stem cell therapy is in the early stages of development. Cosmetic therapy with stem cells is at an early stage of development. Svejedno, on će zasigurno doći. He will certainly come, nevertheless. Anyway, he'll definitely come. Том попросив тебе щось зробити? Did Tom ask you to do something? Did Tom ask you to do something? Брани се. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Том го задржа здивот. Tom held his breath. Tom held his breath. Večírky mají být zábavou. Parties are meant to be enjoyed. Parties are supposed to be fun. Він щойно зайшов усередину. He's just gone inside. He just came in. Má tri deti. He has three children. He has three children. Він ставив банальні запитання. He asked banal questions. He asked banal questions. Ona mi ufa. She trusts me. She trusts me. Добро работи. It works fine. It's working fine. Я вирішив звільнитися. I've decided to quit my job. I decided to quit. Учудвам се, че тази сграда още стои. I'm surprised that building is still standing. I'm surprised this building is still standing. Сѐ уште не сфаќам. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. Не давай нікому грошей. Don't give money to anyone. Don't give anyone money. Bob robi rano śniadanie. Bob cooks breakfast in the morning. Bob makes breakfast in the morning. На самом деле Тома зовут не Том. Tom's actual name isn't Tom. Tom's name isn't really Tom. Испания принимала Олимпийские игры 1992 года. Spain is the host country for the Olympics in 1992. Spain hosted the 1992 Olympic Games. Він тут раніше зупинявся? Has he stayed here before? Has he stopped here before? Я замовив піцу по телефону. I ordered a pizza by phone. I ordered pizza on the phone. Přestěhovali jsme se na východ země. We moved to the Eastern side of the country. We moved to the east of the country. Те молам, најди го. Please find him. Please, find him. Которая Вы? Which one is you? Which one are you? Том фати да чисти. Tom started cleaning. Tom's got to clean up. Drewno się pali. Wood burns. The wood is burning. Šli jsme po schodech nahoru. We went upstairs. We went up the stairs. Bogatym łatwiej jest się wzbogacić. It's easier for the rich to get richer. It is easier for the rich to get rich. Мы все живем в желтой подводной лодке? Do we all live in a yellow submarine? Do we all live in a yellow submarine? Nigdy nie karmicie swego kota psią karmą. Never feed dog food to your cat. Never feed your cat dog food. Не би сакал да се утрапам. I wouldn't want to intrude. I wouldn't want to get involved. У Тома не очень хороший слух. Tom's hearing isn't very good. Tom doesn't have a very good ear. Том не довіряє поліції. Tom doesn't trust the police. Tom doesn't trust the police. Отдайте мне пульт! Give me back the remote! Give me the remote! Tom nesnědl zmrzlinu celou. Tom didn't eat all of ice cream. Tom didn't eat the whole ice cream. Я думаю, Тому треба більше їсти. I think Tom should eat more. I think Tom needs to eat more. Jsem menší, než ty. I'm shorter than you. I'm smaller than you. Не сакам работа во Бостон. I don't want a job in Boston. I don't want a job in Boston. Готов поспорить, что завтра будет дождь. I bet it'll rain tomorrow. I bet it will rain tomorrow. Это был нелёгкий выбор. It was no easy choice. It wasn't an easy choice. Považujte to za naléhavý případ. Consider it an emergency. Consider it an emergency. Ја најдов собата празна. I found the room empty. I found the room empty. Кучето ти е тук. Your dog is here. Your dog is here. Zna veliko ljudskih plesov. She knows many folk dances. He knows a lot of folk dances. Сколько ещё вина покупать? How much more wine should I buy? How much wine to buy? Želiš vedeti zakaj sem lagala Tomu? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? You want to know why I lied to Tom? Numer Ambasady Ukrainy w Polsce to +48 (22) 629-34-46 lub (+48) 22 622 47 97. The number of the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland is +48 (22) 629-34-46 or (+48) 22 622 47 97. The number of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland is +48 (22) 629-34-46 or (+48) 22 622 47 97. Скрих се под масата. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Додека имав запаление на белите дробови, само чемреев во својата соба, чекајќи да се опоравам. While I had pneumonia, I just languished in my room, waiting to recover. While I was suffering from pneumonia, I just sat in my room, waiting to recover. Важно, чтобы ты соблюдал постельный режим. It's important that you stay in bed. It is important that you observe bed rest. Я опоздал на работу, потому что забыл поставить будильник. I was late for work because I forgot to set my alarm. I was late for work because I forgot to set the alarm. Мои родители уже не молоды. My parents are not young anymore. My parents are no longer young. Не доаѓа во обѕир. It is out of the question. It doesn't come into consideration. Мені цікаво, чи Том хотів заспівати. I wonder whether Tom wanted to sing or not. I was wondering if Tom wanted to sing. Snažili se ho podvést, ale on jim na to neskočil. They tried to fool him, but he didn't fall for it. They tried to trick him, but he didn't jump on them. Ще остана до вдругиден. I'll stay until the day after tomorrow. I'll stay till the day after tomorrow. Нанси беше изненадана, че Боб спечели първа награда в състезанието. Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the contest. Nancy was surprised that Bob won first prize in the race. Co kdybyste na chvilku zůstali? Why don't you stay for a while? Why don't you stay for a while? Том — простий сільський парубок. Tom is a simple country man. Tom is a simple country boy. Мисля, че ще ти хареса там. I think you'd like it there. I think you'll like it there. Piszę bez przerwy od drugiej. I have been writing since two o'clock without a break. I write non-stop from the second. Върви си! Go away! Go away! Go away! Dobrú noc a sladké sny. Good night and sweet dreams. Good night and sweet dreams. Стигнахме бързо, понеже движението не беше натоварено. We made good time since the traffic was light. We arrived quickly, because the traffic was not loaded. Я обожнюю італійську їжу. I love Italian food. I love Italian food. Я тебя больше не оставлю. I will not leave you again. I won't leave you again. Je mu dvacet dva let. He's twenty-two years old. He's 22 years old. Сьогодні не дощило. It didn't rain today. It didn't rain today. Рейтинги падают. Ratings are falling. Ratings are falling. Nie mamy tego w Europie. We don't have that in Europe. We don’t have that in Europe. У Тома великий сад. Tom has a large garden. Tom has a big garden. Nikdy s ním nešla na rande. She has never gone on a date with him. She never went on a date with him. Nevyhazujte nic z okna. Do not throw anything out of the window. Do not throw anything out of the window. Какво пият? What are they drinking? What do they drink? Я в захваті. I'm excited. I'm thrilled. Ты родилась в октябре? Were you born in October? Were you born in October? Він хоче справедливості. He wants justice. He wants justice. У тебя есть сковородка побольше? Do you have a bigger pan? Do you have a bigger pan? Добро ти е сеќавањето. Your memory is good. You have a good memory. Том будет нашим гидом. Tom will be our guide. Tom will be our guide. Каква е истинската причина да не искаш да го правиш? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? Парламентарии не смогли достичь соглашения. The parliamentarians couldn't reach an agreement. The parliamentarians failed to reach an agreement. Что тебе нравится в самом себе? What do you appreciate about yourself? What do you like about yourself? Дан го шета своето малечко куче. Dan is walking his small dog. Dan is walking his little dog. Приходи полтретьего, пожалуйста. Please come at 2:30. Come back on the third, please. Всъщност, Том, аз съм малко зает. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Actually, Tom, I'm a little busy. Няма да се изненадам, ако Том си е тръгнал по-рано. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom left early. Ještě jsem dnes nejedl. I still haven't eaten today. I haven't eaten today. Как я могу сбросить вес? How can I lose weight? How can I lose weight? Na stole je jablko. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. Tvrdě spala. She was fast asleep. She was asleep. З ким ти живеш? With whom do you live? Who do you live with? Не пригласили только Тома. Tom was the only one who wasn't invited. It wasn't just Tom. Том не обича да говори на френски. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Пояснення Тома не заспокоїло Мері. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom's explanation did not reassure Mary. Трошкови живота расту. The cost of living is rising. The cost of living is rising. Obukao se kao žena. He dressed up as a woman. Dressed as a woman. Если бы я был американцем, я бы этим гордился. If I were American, I'd be proud of it. If I were an American, I would be proud. Мэри была матерью-одиночкой. Mary was a single mom. Mary was a single mother. Na zahradě nebyl nikdo. There was nobody in the garden. There was no one in the garden. Ти маєш бути гнучким. You have to be flexible. You have to be flexible. Tom in Mary sta hkrati vstopila v učilnico. Tom and Mary entered the classroom at the same time. Tom and Mary entered the classroom at the same time. Byla v mém pokoji. She was in my room. She was in my room. Он хотел прокутить весь свой выигрыш. He wanted to blow all his winnings. He wanted to lose all his winnings. Мне здаецца, яна дагэтуль мяне кахае. I feel she's still in love with me. I think she still loves me. Kde je sever? Which direction is north? Where's North? Ти не міг би допомогти мені це зробити? Could you help me do this? Could you help me do that? Рождество празднуется двадцать пятого декабря. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. Дан и ги даде на Линда сите пари што ги беше заштедил. Dan gave Linda all the money he had saved up. Dan gave Linda all the money he had saved. Том ексцентричний. Tom is an eccentric. Tom is eccentric. Máš velmi svůdné nohy. You have very sexy legs. You have very seductive legs. По-моему, французский язык очень сложный. I think French is really hard. I think the French language is very complicated. Да си разделим сметката. Let's split the bill. Let's split the bill. Nie może chodzić, a cóż dopiero biegać. He cannot walk, let alone run. He can't walk, let alone run. Кожен може помилитися. Everyone can be mistaken. Anyone can be wrong. Internet používáme stále. We use the Internet all the time. We are still using the internet. Мора да купам цвеќе за своето либе. I have to buy flowers for my love. I have to buy flowers for my loved ones. Гадаю, Тома тут сьогодні не буде. I think Tom won't be here today. I don't think Tom's gonna be here tonight. Том гледа японски филм със субтитри на френски. Tom watched a Japanese movie subtitled in French. Tom watches a Japanese movie with subtitles in French. Лайла шукала не проста сэксу. Яна шукала кахання. Layla was looking for more than sex. She was looking for love. Lyla was looking for more than just sex. She was looking for love. Том не обича математика. Tom doesn't like math. Tom doesn't like math. Де я можу знайти туалет? Where can I find a toilet? Where can I find a toilet? Nemamo izbora, no ubiti. I have no choice but to kill. We have no choice but to kill. Мои часы работают неправильно. My watch is not working normally. My watch is not working properly. Ти панда. You are a panda. You panda. "Как тебя зовут?" - "Меня зовут Чарльз". "What is your name?" "My name is Charles." "What's your name?" "My name is Charles." Mam wielu znajomych, którzy mówią płynnie, ale jednak nie na poziomie rodowitego użytkownika. I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers. I have many friends who speak fluently, but not at the level of a native user. Ken wygrał ze mną w szachy. Ken beat me at chess. Ken won chess with me. Я знала, що Том — зрадник. I knew that Tom was a traitor. I knew Tom was a traitor. Они очень щедры. They are very generous. They're very generous. Czekasz na kogoś? Are you waiting for someone? Are you waiting for someone? Диаметр Земли - 12 742 км. Earth has a diameter of 12,742 kilometers. The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. Имаш ли професионално искуство? Do you have professional experience? Do you have professional experience? Nigdy nie wybieraj zawodu tylko dlatego, że wygląda na prosty. Never choose a vocation just because it looks easy. Never choose a profession just because it looks simple. Том був пригнічений після того, як не здав іспит. Tom was gutted when he failed the exam. Tom was depressed after failing the exam. Arménština je jeden z nejtěžších jazyků na učení. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Armenian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. Želim živjeti u Brazilu. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Większość dużych banków wprowadza ten system. The majority of big banks are introducing this system. Most of the big banks are implementing this system. Це апельсин. It is an orange. It's an orange. Это именно то, что я им сказал. That's exactly what I told them. That's exactly what I told them. Počet turistů se zvýšil. The number of tourists has increased. The number of tourists has increased. Змії, черепахи, ящірки, алігатори та крокодили - плазуни. Snakes, turtles, lizards, alligators and crocodiles are reptiles. Snakes, turtles, lizards, alligators and crocodiles are reptiles. Я сів у таксі. I got in the taxi. I sat in a taxi. Някои жени изглеждат по-скоро мъжествено, отколкото женствено. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Some women look more masculine than feminine. Не се отказвам лесно. I'm not a quitter. I don't give up easily. Jem tylko jeden posiłek dziennie. I only eat one meal a day. I only eat one meal a day. «Азул» по-берберски значит «привет». "Azul" means in Berber "hello." “Azul” in Berber means “hello.” Proč mě neposloucháš? Why don't you listen to me? Why won't you listen to me? Бог умер. God is dead. God is dead. Том сказал мне, что его мать никогда не любила его. Tom told me his mother never loved him. Tom told me his mother never loved him. К какому району относится этот номер? Which district does this number belong to? To which area does this number belong? Он није Американац, него Енглез. He is not an American but an Englishman. He's not American, he's English. Честно казано, не го харесвам. Frankly, I don't like him. Honestly, I don't like him. Víš, kdo vynalezl střelný prach? Do you know who invented gunpowder? You know who invented gunpowder? Я так скучаю по брату. Он женился и переехал в ОАЭ. I miss my brother so much. He got married and moved to the UAE. I miss my brother so much, he got married and moved to the UAE. Учил съм френски в училище, но не го говоря много добре. I studied French in school, but I'm not very good at it. I studied French in school, but I don't speak it very well. Čekají na nás na vlakovém nádraží. They are waiting for us at the railway station. They're waiting for us at the train station. Карл изглеждаше много щастлив. Carl looked very happy. Carl seemed very happy. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom ma przezwisko. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. В этот раз плачу я. This time I'll pay. This time I'm crying. Szukasz czegoś? Are you looking for something? Looking for something? Ще те помоля да преведеш това писмо на френски. I'd like you to translate this letter into French. I'm going to ask you to translate this letter into French. На рынке представлен огромный выбор шахматных компьютеров для игроков всех уровней. There is a huge range of chess computers on the market, for players of all levels. The market offers a huge selection of chess computers for players of all levels. Měl jsi to udělat předtím. You should have done it before. You should have done it before. Nie podoba mi się jego sposób mówienia. I do not like the way he talks. I don't like the way he talks. Вона просто відбулася жартами. She just laughed it off. She was just joking. Piździ zimnem. It's funking freezing! He's fucking cold. Налейте мне в чай молока, пожалуйста. Please put some milk in my tea. Pour me a cup of milk, please. Я стамілася глядзець тэлевізар. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Я не могу тебе его сейчас дать. I can't give it to you now. I can't give it to you right now. Это их карта. That's their map. That's their map. Книгата е интересна. The book is intresting. The book is interesting. Похоже, вы были правы. It appears you were correct. Looks like you were right. Tom poznał kolegę Mary na lotnisku. Tom met a friend of Mary's at the airport. Tom met his friend Mary at the airport. Słyszałem jak schodził po schodach. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him coming down the stairs. Мері у жовтій сукні. Mary is wearing a yellow dress. Mary in a yellow dress. Кажется, я тебе это уже говорил. I think that I've already told you this. I think I've told you that before. Я б лепей была птушкай, ніж рыбай. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. Я понятия не имел, сколько там будет народу. I had no idea how many people would be there. I had no idea how many people would be there. Mary chodí na rande se dvěma různými chlapy zároveň. Mary is dating two different guys at the same time. Mary goes on a date with two different guys at the same time. Как вы могли это проморгать? How could you have missed it? How could you miss that? Я ніколи не чула, щоб Том лаявся. I've never heard Tom cuss. I've never heard Tom bark. Де туалет? Where's the restroom? Where's the toilet? Nie tak dawno miałem problem podobny do tego. I had a problem similar to that not too long ago. Not so long ago I had a similar problem. Много жизней оборвалось. Many lives were lost. Many lives were cut off. Том в ужасе наблюдал. Tom watched in horror. Tom watched in horror. To moi rodzice. These are my parents. They're my parents. Vítejte v projektu Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba. Welcome to Project Tatoeba. Ќе ме уапсат ли? Are they going to arrest me? Will they arrest me? Тя носеше кожено палто. She was wearing a fur coat. She was wearing a fur coat. Какви са фактите? What're the facts? What are the facts? Moje mieszkanie jest niedaleko. My flat is near. My apartment is nearby. Nemněte si oči, když jste předtím sahali na něco špinavého. Don't rub your eyes when you've touched something dirty. Don’t wash your eyes if you’ve touched something dirty before. Tom uszczypnął Mary w tyłek. Tom pinched Mary's butt. Tom pinched Mary's ass. Мислиш ли, че Том лъже? Do you think Tom is lying? You think Tom's lying? Tom byl ke mě zdvořilý. Tom was polite to me. Tom was polite to me. Молим вас, пожурите. Please hurry. Please, hurry. Советую вам поехать на автобусе. I recommend that you go by bus. I suggest you take the bus. У Мэри болят зубы. Marie has a toothache. Mary's teeth hurt. Шестьдесят человек стояло в очереди. There were sixty people standing in line. Sixty people stood in line. S tímto zločinem nemám nic společného. I have nothing to do with this crime. I had nothing to do with this crime. Том се јави да праша дали има како да помогне. Tom called to ask if there was anything he could do to help. Tom called to ask if there was anything he could do to help. Я знаю, що це зробив Том. I knew Tom did that. I know Tom did it. Том включи десния мигач. Tom turned on the right blinker. Tom turned on the right light. Это секрет, так что, пожалуйста, никому не говорите. It's a secret, so please don't tell anybody. It's a secret, so please don't tell anyone. Операція не може чекати. The operation cannot wait. The operation cannot wait. Том знал, где он. Tom knew where he was. Tom knew where he was. Жыццё — не пустая абалонка. Life is not an empty shell. Life is not an empty shell. Kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele. First come, first serve. The first to come, the first to grind. Это займёт какое-то время. It's going to take some time. It's gonna take a while. Как измерить счастье? How do you measure happiness? How to measure happiness? Обойдусь без ваших советов. I can manage without your advice. I can do without your advice. Таа е секогаш бездушна. She is always cold-hearted. She's always heartless. Бездомна ли си? Are you homeless? Are you homeless? Мне очень хорошо одному. I'm fine alone. I'm fine on my own. Хто гэта зробіць? Who'll do that? Who's going to do it? Том знаком с женой Джона. Tom knows John's wife. I know John's wife. Расскажи мне пожалуйста, как это сделать. Please tell me how to do that. Please tell me how to do it. Думаю, я произвёл на него впечатление. I think I impressed him. I think I impressed him. Musíš poslúchať len pár pravidiel, aby si sa vyhla nepríjemným dôsledkom. You have to follow a few rules to avoid unpleasant results. But you must obey a few rules in order to avoid the consequences. Будь ласка, принесіть мені чистий ніж. Please bring me a clean knife. Please bring me a clean knife. Jest teraz w hotelu. She's at the hotel now. He's at the hotel now. Я гарантую, що ця інформація вірна. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee that this information is correct. Навистина би било убаво да молчиш. I really wish you'd be quiet. It'd be really nice if you kept your mouth shut. Небо прояснилось. The sky cleared up. The sky is clear. Я перакладаю. I am translating. I'm translating. Вы всё усложнили. You complicated things. You've complicated things. В следующее мгновение оба мальчика катались и барахтались в пыли, сцепившись, как кошки; с минуту они трепали и таскали друг друга за волосы и за одежду, царапали и разбивали друг другу носы, покрываясь пылью и славой. In an instant both boys were rolling and tumbling in the dirt, gripped together like cats; and for the space of a minute they tugged and tore at each other’s hair and clothes, punched and scratched each other’s nose, and covered themselves with dust and glory. The next moment the two boys rolled and rattled in the dust, clutching like cats; for a moment they trembled and dragged each other by the hair and clothes, scratching and breaking each other's noses, covered with dust and glory. Том не футболіст. Tom isn't a footballer. Tom is not a football player. Том отново включи лампата. Tom turned the light back on. Tom turned on the light again. Leden už skončil. January is over already. January is over. Скажите Мэри, что у меня её ключи. Tell Mary I've got her keys. Tell Mary I have her keys. Як зробити рокировку у шахах? How do you castle in chess? How to make a castling in chess? Хто цей клоун? Who is this clown? Who is this clown? Powiedz Tomowi, że ja też chcę iść. Tell Tom that I want to go, too. Tell Tom I want to go, too. Proč jsi koupil tohle auto? Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? Персики пушисты. Peaches are fuzzy. Peaches are fluffy. Ничего, если я задам вам один вопрос? Would it be OK if I asked you a question? Is it okay if I ask you one question? Tenkrát jsi byl šťastný, že? You were happy then, weren't you? You were happy back then, weren't you? Nikoho dovnitř nepustím, kromě Toma. I won't let in anybody except Tom. I'm not letting anyone in, except Tom. Зарем не те предупредив за Том? Didn't I warn you about Tom? Didn't I warn you about Tom? Dám to Tomovi. I'll give it to Tom. I'll give it to Tom. Мы уже закончили. We're finished already. We're done here. Я тебя об этом много раз предупреждала. I've warned you about this many times. I've warned you about this many times. Наскільки мені відомо, він добрий хлопчина. As far as I know, he's a good bloke. As far as I know, he’s a good guy. А, бях болен. Oh, I was ill. Oh, I was sick. Chciałbym ci przedstawić pana Browna. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. Можливо, це, врешті-решт, не така вже й погана ідея. Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all. Maybe it’s not such a bad idea after all. Я больше не хочу ему звонить. I don't want to phone him any more. I don't want to call him anymore. У меня неприятный запах изо рта. I have bad breath. I have an unpleasant smell from my mouth. Я не змогла вирішити цю задачу. I wasn't able to solve that problem. I was unable to solve this problem. Wybacz, czy mówisz po angielsku? Pardon me, do you speak English? I'm sorry, do you speak English? Мне как-то всё равно. I don't really mind. I don't care. Nie mamy o czym rozmawiać. We have nothing to talk about. We have nothing to talk about. Nemôžeme nič urobiť. We can do nothing. There's nothing we can do. Неважно, что мы думаем. It doesn't matter what we think. It doesn't matter what we think. Не зависи од тебе. It's not up to you. It's not up to you. Коли ти повернулася з Лондона? When did you come back from London? When did you get back from London? Emily bo maturirala leta 2017. Emily will graduate from high school in 2017. Emily will be graduating in 2017. Очекује од нас да јој помогнемо. She expects us to help her. She expects us to help her. Си играме со компјутерот. We're playing with the computer. Playing with the computer. Ја замолив да игра со мене. I asked her to dance. I asked her to play with me. «Сколько до ужина?» — «Пять минут». "How long till dinner?" -"Five minutes." “How long before dinner?” – “Five minutes.” "Что это?" - прошептала она. "What is it?" she whispered. "What is it?" she whispered. Не засыпайте. Заснёте - умрёте. Don't go to sleep. If you do, you'll die. Don't fall asleep, you'll die. Poszedłem zobaczyć swoją starszą siostrę w zeszłym tygodniu. I went to see his older sister last week. I went to see my older sister last week. Я була б дуже задоволена, якби ви переклали деякі з моїх речень без перекладу. I'd be chuffed if you translated some of my sentences with no translation at all. I would be very pleased if you translated some of my sentences without translation. Toma nemůžeš brát vážně. You cannot take Tom seriously. You can't take Tom seriously. Зарем не ни веруваш? Don't you trust us? Don't you believe us? Я уже четыре года женат на Мэри. I've been married to Mary for four years. I've been married to Mary for four years. Том всё ещё дает уроки игры на фортепиано? Does Tom still give piano lessons? Is Tom still giving piano lessons? В школе Том часто бывал жертвой травли. Tom was bullied a lot in school. At school, Tom was often the victim of bullying. Я очень рад знакомству с вами. I'm very glad to meet you. I'm very pleased to meet you. Tom preferuje samotu. Tom prefers solitude. He prefers solitude. Поведінка Тома мене розлютила. Tom's behavior angered me. Tom's behavior made me angry. Подај ми го виното. Pass me the wine. Pass me the wine. Том згадзіўся пачакаць. Tom has agreed to wait. Tom agreed to wait. Kupiłem to od Toma. I bought it from Tom. I bought it from Tom. Rzuciłem palenie i picie. I have quit smoking and drinking. I quit smoking and drinking. Не са толкова лоши. They're not so bad. They're not that bad. Какво ще бъде времето утре? What'll the weather be like tomorrow? What will the weather be tomorrow? Це надійний перелік? Is this list reliable? Is this a reliable list? Внимавай с Том. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. Хотите китайскую еду? Do you want Chinese food? You want Chinese food? Год выдался непростой. It's been a tough year. The year was not easy. Сите знаат за неа. Everyone knows about her. Everybody knows about her. Том сподівається, що його не депортують. Tom hopes that he doesn't get deported. He hopes he will not be deported. Том знав, що Мері не зайнята. Tom knew Mary wasn't busy. Tom knew that Mary was not busy. Он был очень щедр. He was very generous. He was very generous. Нив ги имаше многу повеќе од нас. We were outnumbered. They had more than us. On je iskupio za svoje greške. He made amends for his mistakes. He atones for his mistakes. В холодильнике есть несколько яиц. Может, омлет сделаем? There are a few eggs in the fridge. Why don't we make an omelette? There's a couple of eggs in the fridge. Те направиха дупка в стената. They made a breach in the wall. They made a hole in the wall. Это древняя легенда. It's an ancient legend. It's an ancient legend. Том был убит шальной пулей. Tom was killed by a stray bullet. Tom was killed by a stray bullet. Це не могло йти дуже швидко. It couldn't go very fast. It couldn't have gone very fast. Она думала, что я её подведу. She thought that I'd let her down. She thought I'd let her down. Мисля, че за момента сме в безопасност. I think we're safe for a while. I think we're safe for now. Авария произошла до того, как я приехал. The accident happened before I arrived. The accident happened before I arrived. Tom byl uvržen do vězení. Tom was thrown into prison. Tom was thrown in jail. Pôjdeme pešo. We'll go on foot. Let's walk. Tom se bojí, že ztratí kontakt s lidmi, na kterých mu záleží. Tom is afraid of losing touch with people that he cares about. Tom is afraid of losing touch with the people he cares about. Буди паметан. Be smart. Be smart. Может быть, в следующий раз нам следует быть более разборчивыми. Maybe we should be more picky next time. Maybe next time we should be more selective. Ta bluzka ma długie rękawy. These blouses are long sleeved. This shirt has long sleeves. Она је моја професорка. She's my professor. She's my teacher. Musisz to zrobić jeszcze raz. You have to do it again. You have to do it again. Сколько у вас времени? How long do you have? How much time do you have? Каковы причины парникового эффекта? What are the causes of the greenhouse effect? What are the causes of the greenhouse effect? Она что-нибудь ещё говорила? Did she say anything else? Did she say anything else? Вы тоже сможете это сделать, если постараетесь. You can do this, too, if you try. You can do that too, if you try. Každý má právo se volně shromažďovat a spolčovat. Everyone has the right to assemble and associate freely. Everyone has the right to assemble and associate freely. Dobrodošao. Welcome. Welcome aboard. Я инопланетянин. I'm an alien. I'm an alien. Мы остановились, чтобы пофотографировать. We stopped to take some pictures. We stopped to take pictures. Ја вклучив ламбата. I turned on the lamp. I turned on the lamp. Каждый делает то, что может. Everyone is doing what they can. Everyone does what they can. Хіба ти не робитимеш цього сьогодні? Aren't you going to do that today? Aren't you going to do that today? Stalo se mu něco opravdu špatného. A really bad thing happened to him. Something really bad happened to him. Občas mě navštěvuje. She visits me occasionally. He visits me sometimes. Том не має чаю. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom has no tea. Заврши ли со пакувањето? Have you finished packing? Are you done packing? Если придёт Том, я уйду. If Tom comes, I'll leave. If Tom comes, I'll leave. Вона щось приховує? Is she hiding something? Is she hiding something? Діма переспав з 25 чоловіками за одну ніч, а потім вбив їх. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Мне нравится проводить время с друзьями. I like spending time with my friends. I like to spend time with my friends. Це навряд чи. It's unlikely. I don't think so. Зробімо це разом. Let's do it together. Let's do it together. Я чомусь заважаю? Am I disturbing anything? Am I interrupting something? Де ти поставив драбину? Where did you put the ladder? Where did I put the ladder? Tom se bojí. Tom is afraid. Tom is scared. Воедно испеков и торта. At the same time, I baked a cake. I also baked a cake. Tento spisovateľ je Rus. This writer is Russian. This writer is Russian. Můžeme zastavit na nejbližším odpočívadle? Can we stop at the next rest stop? Can we stop at the nearest rest stop? Снег смягчил моё падение. The snow cushioned my fall. The snow softened my fall. Розкрий штори. Open the drapes. Open the curtains. Tom tu firmu nechce vést. Tom doesn't want to run the company. Tom doesn't want to run the company. Задорого! It's too expensive. Expensive! Ты такой глупый. You're so stupid. You're so stupid. Запомните, что вы мне сказали. Remember what you said to me. Remember what you told me. Виживших не було. There were no survivors. There were no survivors. Nie ma powodu. There is no reason. There's no reason. Якби я міг сказати тобі щось позитивне. I wish I could tell you something positive. If only I could tell you something positive. Думаешь, Том будет меня ждать? Do you think that Tom will wait for me? You think Tom's gonna wait for me? Я лише хочу поговорити з ними. I just want to talk to them. I just want to talk to them. Пробао сам да убедим Тома да иде са нама. I tried to persuade Tom to go with us. I tried to convince Tom to come with us. Том купив пістолет. Tom bought a pistol. Tom bought a gun. Zastanawiałem się, kiedy wrócisz. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. Hlasy v Tomovej hlave hovoria francúzsky. The voices in Tom's head speak French. The voices in Tom's head speak French. Я не безграмотна. I'm not illiterate. I'm not illiterate. Nikt nie zna powodu. No one knows the reason. No one knows the reason. Том сказал, что видел, как Мэри это делает. Tom said that he saw Mary doing that. Tom said he saw Mary do it. Том наврядчи це для тебе зробить. Tom won't likely do that for you. Tom won't do that for you. По-моему, она сломанная. I think it's broken. I think it's broken. Тому було шкода Мері. Tom felt sorry for Mary. I felt sorry for Mary. Тома наказали за то, что он говорил в школе по-валлийски. Tom was punished for speaking Welsh in school. Tom was punished for speaking Welsh at school. Ајде да доручкуваме. Let's have breakfast. Let's have breakfast. Место есть. There's room. There's a place. Вони хворіють. They are ill. They get sick. Měl jsem zmeškaný hovor od Toma. I had a missed phone call from Tom. I missed a call from Tom. Не забудь подписать документ. Don't forget to sign the document. Don't forget to sign the document. Tom nesmí zemřít. Tom mustn't die. Tom can't die. Ještě se vám tady líbí? Do you still like it here? Do you still like it here? Тебе придётся её съесть. You'll have to eat it. You're gonna have to eat it. Просто делай то, что правильно. Just do what is right. Just do what's right. Я его ему не дал. I didn't give it to him. I didn't give it to him. Мы услышали стук в дверь. We heard a knock on the door. We heard a knock on the door. Сите тука многу те сакаат, Том. Everybody down here sure likes you a lot, Tom. Everyone here loves you, Tom. Я не человек. I'm not human. I'm not human. Wszędzie na podłodze leżały płatki. There are petals all over the floor. There were flakes everywhere on the floor. Скільки разів я повинна казати тобі не їсти цукерки перед вечерею? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before dinner? How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy before dinner? Не плачам кога сум среќен. I don't cry when I am happy. I don't cry when I'm happy. Снег шёл всю ночь. It snowed all night. It snowed all night. Уживаш ли во тоа? Are you enjoying it? Do you enjoy that? Ако искаш да опознаеш една нация, трябва да научиш нейната история. If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history. If you want to know a nation, you have to know its history. Многу си драматичен. You're so dramatic. You're very dramatic. Zostań tam. Stay there. Stay right there. На кухні кіт. There's a cat in the kitchen. The cat in the kitchen. Tento muž je Tomův pacient. This man is Tom's patient. This man is Tom's patient. Можете одолжить мне свой зонтик? Can you lend me your umbrella? Can I borrow your umbrella? Мне было немного страшно. I was kind of scared. I was a little scared. Nic jsem si nevybral. I didn't choose anything. I didn't choose anything. Капіталізм - це експлуатація людини людиною. Комунізм - це прямо протилежне. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Communism is the exact opposite. Он не мой папа. He's not my dad. He's not my dad. Čekal jsem na Toma v jeho autě. I was waiting for Tom in his car. I was waiting for Tom in his car. Чучнаа покрај неа. They crouched down beside her. They were squatting next to her. Том беше едноног. Tom had only one leg. Tom was a one-legged man. Желиш ли да учиш нешто одређено? Is there something in particular that you want to study? Do you want to learn something specific? Мої друзі вважають, що пастафаріанство — це жарт. My friends think Pastafarianism is a joke. My friends think that Pastafarianism is a joke. Сделай одолжение, выключи свет. Do me a favor and turn off the light. Do me a favor, turn off the lights. Як збольшваецца колькасць сродкаў зносін, так і слабеюць сувязі паміж людзьмі. Гэта цудоўны прыклад сітуацыі, калі блытаюць сродкі і мэты. As all kinds of communication methods are proliferating, human relationships are weakening. This is a perfect example of mistaking means for ends. As the number of means of communication increases, and weakens the ties between people. This is a great example of a situation where the means and goals are confused. Да ја ставиме елката тука. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the tree here. Я знала, що Том — зрадник. I knew Tom was a traitor. I knew Tom was a traitor. Нам нужно найти работу. We need to find work. We need to find a job. Том позволил нам это сделать. Tom allowed us to do that. Tom let us do it. Пол чистый. The floor is clean. The floor's clean. Ќе вреди. It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it. Цікаво, чи з Томом все гаразд. I wonder whether or not Tom is OK. I wonder if Tom is okay. Tko će biti prvi? Who is going to be the first? Who's gonna be first? Tom ne može svirati gitaru. Tom can't play the guitar. Tom can't play the guitar. Твой цвет кожи не должен иметь значения. The color of your skin shouldn't matter. Your skin color shouldn't matter. Твои записи нечитаемы. Your notes are illegible. Your records are unreadable. Tom i ja nie mieliśmy okazji porozmawiać. Tom and I didn't get a chance to talk. Tom and I didn't get a chance to talk. Nevíme, co je pravda. We don't know what the truth is. We don't know what's true. Ты похож на отца. You look like your dad. You look like your father. Семью семь будет сорок девять. Seven times seven is forty-nine. The family of seven will be forty-nine. Не ни знаев дека Том и Мери порано биле во брак. I didn't even know Tom and Mary used to be married to each other. I didn't even know that Tom and Mary had been married before. Dělal jsem, co jsem mohl, abych Toma zastavil. I tried everything I could to stop Tom. I was doing everything I could to stop Tom. Я сделал всё так, как мы договаривались. I did everything the way we agreed it should be done. I did everything as we agreed. Ti kdož nepracují, nemají právo jíst. Those who do not work do not have the right to eat. Those who do not work have no right to eat. W pokoju było dwieście osób. There were two hundred people in the room. There were 200 people in the room. У темряві він запалив свічку. He lit a candle in the dark. In the dark, he lit a candle. Нека внимава купувачот. Let the buyer beware. Beware of the buyer. Том ја знаеше Мери. Tom knew Mary. Tom knew Mary. Сьогодні вдень я ходив до центру міста. I went downtown this afternoon. This afternoon I went to the city center. Пак доаѓаат. They're coming again. They're coming again. Како реагираше на вестите? How did he respond to the news? How did you react to the news? Какви книги ти требаат? What kind of books do you need? What kind of books do you need? Не бих се изненадала. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Мы договорились встретиться на следующий день. We agreed to meet the next day. We agreed to meet the next day. Это попадёт на TennisTV, дружище. This is gonna be on Tennis TV, bro. It's going to be on TennisTV, buddy. Це День Святого Валентина. It's Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day. Tom próbował się uśmiechnąć, ale nie potrafił. Tom tried to smile, but couldn't. Tom tried to smile, but he couldn't. Toto je nejlepší indická restaurace v celém Tokiu. This is the best Indian restaurant anywhere in Tokyo. This is the best Indian restaurant in all of Tokyo. Чому ти не поснідав? Why didn't you have breakfast? Why didn't you have breakfast? Nahrabal jsem si nějaké peníze. I had some money squirreled away. I've been hoarding some money. Я не знаю, утро сейчас или ночь. I don't know whether it's morning or night. I don't know if it's morning or night. Гірська стежка була накрита м’якою ковдрою листя, по якій було легко йти. The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The mountain path was covered with a soft blanket of leaves, which was easy to walk on. Ги замолив да ја отклучат вратата. I asked them to unlock the door. I asked them to unlock the door. Постоянството се отплаща. Persistence pays off. Persistence pays off. Надо было видеть его лицо. You should have seen his face. I should have seen his face. Ile lat ma twój ojciec? How old is your father? How old is your father? Mám tady klienta. I'm with a client. I have a client here. Той музей зачиняється у жовтні. That museum is going to close in October. The museum closes in October. Спри да бъдеш така наивен. Stop being so naive. Stop being so naive. Hej, poczekaj! Hey, wait up! Hey, wait! Скажи ему, что я болен. Tell him I'm sick. Tell him I'm sick. Nenašel jsem na Tomovi nic pozitivního. I found nothing positive about Tom. I didn't find anything positive about Tom. Это совсем не так дорого. It isn't really all that expensive. It's not that expensive. Имах среща в 2:30, но попаднах в задръстване и не можах да стигна навреме. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time. I had an appointment at 2:30, but I got stuck in a traffic jam and couldn't get there on time. Мы пунктуальны. We're punctual. We are punctual. Мислам дека треба да му се јавиме. I think we should call him. I think we should call him. Вон то продаётся? Is that one for sale? Is that for sale? Не искам да разочаровам родителите си. I don't want to be a disappointment to my parents. I don't want to disappoint my parents. Tom se obejde bez naší pomoci. Tom can do without our help. Tom can do without our help. Том ударив мене по голові. Tom hit me on the head. Tom hit me on the head. Ајде. Немој да се срамиш. Come on. Don't be shy. Come on, don't be shy. Možná, že jsem lepší než ty. Maybe I'm better than you. Maybe I'm better than you. Вы верите в родственные души? Do you believe in soulmates? Do you believe in soul mates? Думата изразява моите чувства. The word is expressive of my feelings. The word expresses my feelings. Мы здесь с две тысячи тринадцатого года. We've been here since 2013. We've been here since the year two thousand and thirteen. Том отлично провёл время в Лас-Вегасе. Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. Tom had a great time in Las Vegas. Рахунок, будь ласка. The check, please. Account, please. Наскільки мені відомо, він неодружений. As far as I know, he is not married. As far as I know, he is unmarried. Здесь есть станция метро? Is there a metro station here? Is there a subway station? Я приму это, но с одним условием. I'll accept it, but with one condition. I'll take it, but on one condition. Том, който беше работил цял ден, искаше да си почине. Tom, having worked all day, wanted to take a rest. Tom, who had been working all day, wanted to rest. Oni nie mają auta. They don't have a car. They don't have a car. Двері відчинені? Are the doors unlocked? Is the door open? Том сидел с Джоном в одной камере. Tom shared a prison cell with John. Tom was sitting with John in the same cell. Я сберег кусок пирога для тебя. I saved a piece of pie for you. I saved a piece of cake for you. Зачем вам эти вещи? Why do you need these things? Why do you need these things? Dievča povedalo, že o takej osobe nikdy nepočulo. The girl said that she had never heard of such a person. The girl said she had never heard of such a person. Nechtěli Toma opustit. They didn't want to leave Tom. They didn't want to leave Tom. Мой компьютер медленнее черепахи. My computer is slower than a turtle. My computer is slower than a turtle. Приглашаем и вас принять участие в инициативе и внести свой вклад в создание карт. We invite you to take part in the initiative and contribute to the creation of maps We invite you to take part in the initiative and contribute to the creation of maps. Можу я відвідати цю церкву? May I visit the church? Can I visit this church? Вчера было весело. It was fun yesterday. Yesterday was fun. Давай да взимаме рейс. Let's take a bus. Let's take a flight. Ведмеді можуть лазити по деревах. Bears can climb trees. Bears can climb trees. Де твоя кредитна картка? Where is your credit card? Where's your credit card? Virus je pokosil mnogo slonov v Afriki. The virus cut down many elephants in Africa. The virus has killed many elephants in Africa. Вашата вера е гадна. Your religion is ugly. Your faith is ugly. Що у коробці? What is in the box? What's in the box? Я не бачыў цябе сто гадоў. I haven't seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in a hundred years. Никогда не заканчивай предложение предлогом. Never end a sentence with a preposition. Never end a sentence with an excuse. Я тут единственная, кто не был в Австралии? Am I the only one here who hasn't been to Australia? Am I the only one who hasn't been to Australia? У Мэри день рождения тринадцатого января. Mary's birthday is the thirteenth of January. It's Mary's birthday on the 13th of January. Ти певна, що Том це робитиме? Are you sure Tom will do that? Are you sure Tom's gonna do this? Компромисс - добродетель, которую нужно возделывать, а не слабость, которую нужно презирать. Compromise is a virtue to be cultivated, not a weakness to be despised. A compromise is a virtue to cultivate, not a weakness to be despised. Nevím, jak se tomu vyhneme. I don't know how we're going to avoid it. I don't know how to avoid it. Зошто ме праша за тоа? Why do you ask me that? Why did you ask me that? Kdo má rád hmyz? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Се онерасположувам кога го гледам со девојка му. Seeing him with his girlfriend puts me in a bad mood. I get upset when I see him with his girlfriend. Ще ти дам този диск, при условие, че не го заемаш на никой друг. I will lend you this CD on condition that you don't lend it to anyone else. I'll give you this disc, provided you don't loan it to anyone else. Musíte se vrátit. You have to go back. You have to go back. Къде се намира Париж? Where is Paris? Where is Paris? Налий Тому трохи кави. Pour some coffee for Tom. Pour Tom some coffee. Том ніколи не був швидший, ніж я. Tom has never been faster than me. Tom was never faster than I was. Stárnutí nic nestojí. Aging doesn't cost anything. Ageing costs nothing. Не бери самую дешёвую. Don't take the cheapest one. Don't take the cheapest one. Měl mi to vrátit minulý týden. He was supposed to give it back to me last week. He was supposed to pay me back last week. Час іти збирати інжир. Time to go pick some figs. It's time to collect figs. Zašto je on ovdje? Why is he here? Why is he here? Jesteś mądry. You're clever. You're smart. Możesz pożyczyć mi ołówek? Can you lend me your pencil? Can I borrow a pencil? Jsem skoro dvakrát tak starý, jako ty. I'm almost twice your age. I'm almost twice as old as you. Všechny moje věty zkontrolovali rodilí mluvčí. All my sentences were checked by native speakers. All my sentences have been checked by native speakers. Том се потруди да изгледа зафатено, за Мери да не му побара да ѝ помогне. Tom tried to look busy, so Mary wouldn't ask him to help her. Tom tried to look busy, so that Mary would not ask him to help her. Dělají z Toma idol. They idolise Tom. They're making Tom an idol. W Japonii, pełnoletniość osiąga się mając 20 lat. In Japan, people become legally of age at twenty. In Japan, the age of majority is reached at the age of 20. Сегодня вечером мы пойдем в оперу. Tonight, we will go to the opera. We're going to the opera tonight. Це Томова проблема. It's Tom's problem. It's Tom's problem. Това е най- интерената исторая която съм чел някога. This is the most interesting story that I have ever read. That's the most interesting story I've ever read. Měli si koupit nový vysavač. They should have bought a new hoover. They should have bought a new vacuum cleaner. Моя свекровь моложе меня. My mother-in-law is younger than me. My mother-in-law is younger than me. Почему ты согласился это сделать? Why did you agree to do that? Why did you agree to do that? Powiedz "trzydzieści trzy". Say, "thirty three." Say "thirty-three." Jer su proizvedene u Italiji, te traperice su vrlo skupe. Made in Italy, these jeans were very expensive. Because they are made in Italy, these jeans are very expensive. Potrzebuję insuliny. I need insulin. I need insulin. Co od ní chce? What does he want from her? What does he want with her? Му стави круна на кралот на глава. He put a crown on the king's head. He placed a crown on the king's head. Том відмовився йти. Tom refused to leave. Tom refused to go. Tom dobře věděl, co se stane. Tom knew very well what would happen. Tom knew exactly what was going to happen. Почему бы нам не поехать на такси? Why don't we go by cab? Why don't we take a taxi? Kiedy Tom pojechał do Bostonu? When did Tom go to Boston? When did Tom go to Boston? Я знаю, что тебе ещё нет восемнадцати. I know that you're under 18. I know you're not eighteen yet. Я на всякий случай спросил. I asked just in case. I asked just in case. Том слишком устал, чтобы работать. Tom was too tired to work. Tom is too tired to work. Nejsi ani přítel. You're not even a friend. You're not even a friend. Nie mogę już dłużej chodzić. I can walk no farther. I can't walk anymore. Resno, ne pripravi me do tega, da ti prdnem na juho. Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup. Seriously, don't make me fart on your soup. Ваше имя и адрес? What's your name and address? Your name and address? Де ти купила цей светр? Where did you buy that sweater? Where did you buy this sweater? Почему вы сомневаетесь в этом? Why do you doubt it? Why do you doubt this? Този пуловер струва над петдесет долара. This sweater costs more than fifty dollars. This sweater costs over fifty dollars. Приходите через три дня. Come back in three days. Come back in three days. Tom nie jadł wczoraj niczego. Tom didn't eat anything yesterday. Tom didn't eat anything last night. Tomuhle slovu nerozumím. I don't understand this word. I don't understand that word. Дали си наглув? Are you hard of hearing? Are you deaf? Может быть, Том просто забыл это сделать. Maybe Tom just forgot to do it. Maybe Tom just forgot to do it. Том намного моложе тебя. Tom is much younger than you are. Tom is much younger than you. Copak mě už nemiluješ? Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? Это украшение носят как женщины, так и мужчины. This piece of jewelry is worn both by women and men. This jewelry is worn by both women and men. Tom mě napadl. Tom assailed me. Tom attacked me. Она живёт рядом с тобой. She lives near you. She lives next to you. On je varao na ispitu biologije. He cheated on the biology exam. He cheated on a biology exam. Myślimy o powrocie do Bostonu. We're thinking of moving back to Boston. We're thinking about going back to Boston. Tento šálek je můj. This cup is mine. This cup is mine. Я мало что помню о Томе. I don't remember much about Tom. I don't remember much about Tom. Подожди, я тебя провожу! Wait, I'll walk you out! Wait, I'll walk you out! Людям нравится сюда приходить. People like to come here. People like to come here. Том извади шрафцигер од кутијата со алати. Tom took a screwdriver out of the tool chest. Tom took the screwdriver out of the toolbox. Ты аббат, я мэр – кто откроет дверь? You are the abbot, and I am the mayor. Who will open the door? You're the abbot, I'm the mayor - who's gonna open the door? Ucz się włoskiego. Learn Italian. Learn Italian. Мы по меньшей мере лет десять ей не пользовались. We haven't used it in at least ten years. We haven't used it in at least ten years. С неба падал дождь со снегом. A mixture of snow and rain was falling from the sky. It was raining snow from the sky. Тому всегда есть что сказать. Tom always has something to say. Tom always has something to say. Навіщо ви питаєте? Why are you asking? Why do you ask? To miło z twojej strony, że mi pomagasz. It's very kind of you to help me. It's nice of you to help me. Tento zámek je hezký. This castle is nice. This castle is nice. Budeme ti pomáhat. We'll be helping you. We'll help you. Така не е честно. This isn't fair. That's not fair. Трябва да намеря друга. I have to find another one. I have to find another one. Už se na Toma nezlobím. I'm not angry with Tom anymore. I'm not mad at Tom anymore. Ви туди часто ходите? Do you go there often? Do you go there often? Tom nechce, abychom tu byli. Tom doesn't want us to be here. Tom doesn't want us here. Ściany mają uszy, drzwi mają oczy. The walls have ears, the doors have eyes. Walls have ears, doors have eyes. Том не сказав нам своє прізвище. Tom didn't tell us his surname. Tom didn't tell us his last name. Оваа куќа е подобра од онаа другата. This is a better house than the other one. This house is better than the other. Я сказав Тому, щоб він приїхав до Австралії. I told Tom to come to Australia. I told Tom to come to Australia. Do Turecka sa dováža veľa tovaru z Poľska. There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey. A large number of goods from the province of Poland are being imported into Turkey. Том усё яшчэ вінаваціць цябе ў смерці Мэры. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Без тебя я бы никогда не справился. I'd have never managed without you. I could never have done it without you. Я також це зробила. I did that, too. I did that too. Chci se ujistit, že jsi připraven. I just want to make sure that you're prepared. I want to make sure you're ready. Jest tak ładna, że jak ją widzę, to kręci mi się w głowie. She is so pretty that whenever I see her I get dizzy. She's so pretty, when I see her, I get dizzy. Том загубив водійське посвідчення. Tom lost his driving licence. Tom lost his driver's license. Tom jest pod prysznicem. Tom is in the shower. Tom's in the shower. Той обича да слуша радио. He likes to listen to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. Искаш ли да ми носиш якето? Do you want to wear my jacket? Do you want to bring my jacket? Том предпочитает кофе без кофеина. Tom prefers coffee without caffeine. Tom prefers coffee without caffeine. Со мной такое впервые. This is the first time that has happened to me. This is my first time. Ці размаўляеш ты на лацінскай мове? Do you speak Latin? Do you speak Latin? Poslat ću pismo svome bratu koji živi u Sapporu. I will send a letter to my brother who lives in Sapporo. I'll send a letter to my brother who lives in Sapporo. По-моему, французский язык очень сложный. I think French is really difficult. I think the French language is very complicated. Ако ние не го направиме тоа, тогаш кој? If we don't do it, who will? If we don't do it, who will? Zjedliśmy zupę pomidorową. We ate potato soup. We ate tomato soup. Určitě tě to stálo hromadu peněz. It must have cost you a fortune. I'm sure it cost you a lot of money. Tom ho udeřil první. Viděli jsme to. Tom hit him first. We saw it. Tom hit him first, we saw it. Trudno w to uwierzyć. It's hard to believe. It's hard to believe. Мы обе можем поехать. We can both go. We can both go. Австралія — одна з націкавіших країн, у яких я коли-небудь бував. Australia is one of the most interesting countries I've ever visited. Australia is one of the most interesting countries I have ever been to. Аз съм много по-голям от тебе. I'm a lot bigger than you are. I'm much bigger than you. Ten budynek kilkakrotnie zmieniał właściciela. This building changed hands several times. The building has changed owners several times. Велике дерево впало на дорогу і, коли я їхав, загородило мені шлях. A big tree had fallen across the road and was in my way as I drove. A large tree fell on the road and blocked my way as I drove. Том вам уже заплатил? Has Tom paid you already? Tom already paid you? Tom nie jest już nastolatkiem. Tom isn't a teenager anymore. Tom is no longer a teenager. Што вы сказалі? What did you say? What did you say? Tom i Mary są chyba razem. Tom and Mary are probably together. I think Tom and Mary are together. Можеш допомогти мені знайти роботу? Can you help me find a job? Can you help me find a job? Лінда ўстала, каб заспяваць. Linda stood up to sing. Linda stood up to sing. Если тебе нужно купить ветчину, иди в мясной отдел. If you want to buy ham, go to the meat section. If you need to buy ham, go to the meat department. Я отдал карту Тому. I handed the map to Tom. I gave the map to Tom. Przesunęliśmy to wydarzenie. We postponed the event. We've postponed the event. Как у тебя дела? Всё в порядке? How are things with you? Everything all right? How are you doing? Наш город был окутан смогом. Our city was covered with smog. Our city was shrouded in smog. Го поканив Том кај себе. I invited Tom over. I invited Tom to my place. Том відмовляється піти до лікаря. Tom refuses to see the doctor. Tom refuses to go to the doctor. Том покрасил двери в синий. Tom painted the doors blue. Tom painted the door blue. Ты апошняя, каго я чакаў тут сустрэць. You are the last person whom I expected to meet here. You're the last person I expected to see here. Том с Джоном живут в одной комнате. Tom and John share a room. Tom and John live in the same room. Tom je začel prižigati sveče na mizi. Tom began to light the candles on the table. Tom started lighting candles on the table. Никој ова не го знае. Nobody knows this. No one knows that. Увек буди конструктиван када критикујеш друге. Always be constructive when you criticize others. Always be constructive when criticizing others. Uwierz mi. Believe me. Trust me. Не говорите, что Вас не предупреждали. Don't say that you weren't warned. Don't say you weren't warned. Pred dvoma dňami som dal výpoveď v práci. Two days ago I quit my job. I quit my job two days ago. Gólc jo jabłuko jědł. The boy ate the apple. Goltz ate the apple. Ви знали Тома? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Nie potrzebuję rozmawiać z Tom'em. I don't need to talk to Tom. I don't need to talk to Tom. Една дума подкрепа, когато се проваляш, струва повече от цял час хвалби, когато си успял. A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success. One word of support when you fail is worth more than an hour of praise when you succeed. Для меня эта юбка слишком широкая. The skirt is too wide for me. This skirt is too wide for me. Měl jsem problém s koncentrací. I had difficulty concentrating. I had trouble concentrating. Мы решили взять её на работу. We've decided to hire her. We decided to take her to work. Можеби Том не е во право. Tom could be wrong. Maybe Tom's wrong. Bawo ni? How are you? Isn't it fun? Невъзможен си. You're impossible. You're impossible. Stále pracuji v jejím domě. I'm still working at her house. I still work at her house. Tak, jutro biorę wolne. Yes, tomorrow is my day off. Yeah, I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Город, в котором я вырос, очень красивый. The city I grew up in is very beautiful. The city I grew up in is beautiful. Wciąż jest twoja kolejka. It still is your turn to play. It's still your turn. Я хожу, пою на греческом. I walk singing in Greek. I go, I sing in Greek. Я не могу пойти в субботу. I can't go on Saturday. I can't go on Saturday. Начиная с этого момента запрещается плакать. From this moment on it is forbidden to cry. From now on, it is forbidden to cry. Nadal nie mogę dorwać Toma. I still can't get a hold of Tom. I still can't get Tom. Má vražedné úmysly. He has murderous intentions. He has murderous intentions. Позвоните мне на домашний. Call me on my home phone. Call me at home. Тому не понравился этот фильм. Tom didn't like that movie. Tom didn’t like this movie. Я буду звонить Тому завтра. I'll call Tom tomorrow. I'll call Tom tomorrow. Том пије само кафу без кофеина. Tom only drinks decaffeinated coffee. Tom only drinks coffee without caffeine. Зири прождал целых сорок минут. Ziri waited for a good forty minutes. Ziri waited for forty minutes. Том, какво ти става тази вечер? Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? Tom, what's the matter with you tonight? Земля - планета мала, але прекрасна. The Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Earth is a small but beautiful planet. Tom zerwał się na równe nogi. Tom sprang to his feet. Tom broke off on equal footing. Что здесь делает Том? Я его не приглашал. What's Tom doing here? I didn't invite him. What's Tom doing here? V této místnosti je dvacet jedna lidí. There are twenty-one people in this room. There's 21 people in this room. Rząd powinien zrezygnować z tych przepisów. The government should do away with these regulations. The government should abandon these rules. Nevím, proč se mi to líbí. Prostě vím, že líbí. I don't know why I like it. I just know that I do. I don't know why I like it, I just know I do. Nie rozmawiaj za głośno. Obudzisz ją. Don't speak too loud. You'll wake her up. Don't talk too loud, you'll wake her up. Ja som videl zápas v televízii. I saw the match on television. I saw the game on TV. Тебе лучше самому у Тома спросить. You'd better ask Tom yourself. You'd better ask Tom yourself. Musí se to rozebrat. It must be dismantled. It's got to be taken apart. Заврте кај аголот. He turned the corner. Turn to the corner. Не верьте ничему из того, что он говорит. Don't believe anything he says. Do not believe anything he says. Vážně bys měl Tomovi pomoct. You really should've helped Tom. You really should help Tom. Том не отиде. Tom didn't go. Tom didn't go. Nečetl jsem všechny ty zprávy. I didn't read all his messages. I didn't read all the news. Kot upolował mysz. A cat ran after a mouse. The cat hunted the mouse. Том помогает жене. Tom is helping his wife. Tom helps his wife. Ти можеш да четеш на френски, нали? You can read French, can't you? You can read French, right? У нас такая уже есть. We already have one. We already have one. Новият сайт на Татоеба ще изплзва домашна "хипер" база от данни, "построена от основите" търсачка, и ще върви на татоебукс-ОС сървър с татоетелско CPU, направено изцяло от татоебий. The new Tatoeba website will use a home-made "hyper" database, a "made-from-scratch" search engine, and will run on a tatoebux-OS server with a tatoetel CPU made entirely out of tatoebium. Tatoeba’s new website will use a home “hyper” database, “built from the ground up” by a search engine, and run on a tatoebucks-OS server with a tatoetel CPU made entirely of tatoebie. One już zapomniały. They've already forgotten. They've already forgotten. Коли у тебе потяг? What time's your train? When is your train? Jest bardzo miły, to dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's very nice, which is why I like working with him. He's very nice, that's why I like working with him. Kiedy przechodziliśmy przez przejście, wziąłem młodszą siostrę za rękę. I took my little sister by the hand when we crossed the street. As we passed by, I took my younger sister by the hand. Аз купих една добра камера. I bought a good camera. I bought a good camera. Ona jest żoną Alaina. She's Alain's wife. She's Alain's wife. Я не отпустил её домой пораньше. I didn't let her go home early. I didn't let her go home early. Злых людей не так много, но они очень преданные. There aren't many evil people, but they are very dedicated. There are not many evil people, but they are very loyal. Дурак тот, кто поступает как дурак. Stupid is as stupid does. A fool is one who acts like a fool. Здесь нет никакого золота. There isn't any gold here. There is no gold here. Вы вакцинированы? Are you vaccinated? Have you been vaccinated? Wygląda perfekcyjnie. It looks perfect. It looks perfect. Вот ваш учебник французского. Here's your French textbook. Here's your French textbook. Můžeš dojíst ty hranolky. You can have the rest of the fries. You can finish your fries. Я отсюда не уеду. I won't leave here. I'm not leaving here. Turyści odwiedzili dom słynnego malarza. The tourists have visited the house of the famous painter. Tourists visited the house of the famous painter. Tom se mnou najednou přestal mluvit. Tom suddenly stopped talking to me. Tom suddenly stopped talking to me. Tom se rozhlédl po místě k sezení. Tom looked around for a place to sit. Tom looked around the seating area. Rád mluví o lásce. He likes to talk of love. He likes to talk about love. K smrti se bojím plazů. I have a deathly fear of reptiles. I'm scared to death of reptiles. Решив да одам со воз. I've decided to go by train. I decided to take the train. У мене колись була така сама проблема. I used to have that same problem. I used to have the same problem. Том пошел домой со слезами на глазах. Tom went home with tears in his eyes. Tom went home with tears in his eyes. Том сам пофарбував собачу будку. Tom painted the doghouse himself. Tom painted the doghouse himself. Ти донесов вода. I got you some water. I brought you some water. Piszesz list? Are you writing a letter? You're writing a letter? Документ је доспео у непријатељске руке. The document passed into the enemy's hands. The document fell into enemy hands. Мисля, че съм доста добър с френския. I'm pretty good at French, I think. I think I'm pretty good with French. Praktycznie nie zdawałem sobie sprawy z tego, jak bardzo ją kocham. Little did I realise how much I loved her. I almost didn’t realize how much I loved her. Оба из них сыграли важную роль в истории Европы. Both of them played an important role in the history of Europe. Both of them played an important role in the history of Europe. Смее ли да јадам? May I eat? Can I eat? Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom. Let's do what Tom says. Let's do what Tom says. Twój bagaż tam jest! Your baggage is there! Your luggage is there! Это в полутора километрах отсюда. It's a mile from here. It's a mile and a half from here. Том ја промучка супата. Tom stirred the soup. Tom sipped the soup. После рассвета он пьет кофе. After dawn, he drinks coffee. At dawn, he drinks coffee. Францускиот јазик прво бил сленг. Originally, French was slang. The French language was first slang. Кои беа тие? Who were those guys? Who were they? Сега како се чувствуваш во врска со неа? How do you feel about her now? How do you feel about her now? Tenhle stůl je čistý. This table is clean. This table is clean. Разтрепервам се като си помисля за това. I shudder to think of it. I shiver when I think about it. Ми надягли рукавички. We put on our gloves. We put on gloves. Аз би трябвало да знам, нали? I ought to know, shouldn't I? I should know, right? Wiemy, co wydarzyło się potem. We know what happened next. We know what happened after that. Марија се закикотала. Mary giggled. Maria nodded. On jest w Tokio. He's in Tokyo. He's in Tokyo. Czy mógłbym pożyczyć twoją linijkę? Could I borrow your ruler? Can I borrow your line? Я думав, ти загубила мій годинник. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost my watch. Ти задоволена своїм новим будинком? Are you pleased with your new house? Are you happy with your new home? Тобі того ж. Same to you. Same to you. Ви мій брат, Томе. You're my brother, Tom. You're my brother, Tom. Тому подобаються оповідання про тварин. Tom likes stories about animals. I like stories about animals. Все знают, кроме тебя. Everyone knows except you. Everyone knows except you. Listí začalo měnit barvu. The leaves have begun to change colour. The leaves began to change color. Ten kolor jest zwany "niebieski w poświacie księżyca o północy". We call that color "midnight blue". This color is called "blue in the moonlight at midnight". Я знаю, что ты не нарочно. I know that it wasn't intentional. I know you didn't do it on purpose. Nechtěl jsem to dělat sám. I didn't want to do that alone. I didn't want to do it alone. Co ti brání v tom, Toma oslovit? What prevents you from addressing Tom? What's stopping you from reaching out to Tom? Nie jestem pewien, czy mam wystarczająco dużo czasu. I'm not sure I have enough time. I'm not sure I have enough time. Сакаш ли кампување? Do you like camping? Do you like camping? Вам надо их поискать. You have to look for them. You have to look for them. Анфіса — грамадзянка Расіі. Anfisa is a Russian citizen. Anfisa is a citizen of Russia. Том сказав, що зрозумів. Tom said he understood. Tom said he understood. Більше нема де припаркуватися. There isn't anywhere else to park. There is no place to park anymore. Хотите китайской еды? Do you want Chinese food? Do you want Chinese food? Сколько будет стоить операция? How much will the operation cost? How much will the operation cost? Аои танцува. Aoi dances. Aoi dances. Tom nie chce z tobą rozmawiać. Tom doesn't want to speak to you. Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Spálil jsem si prsty o žhavou žehličku. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. I burned my fingers on a hot iron. Как вы могли быть такими дураками? How could you have been so stupid? How could you be such fools? Powinieneś był zobaczyć ten film. You should have seen the film. You should have seen that movie. Jsi stále příliš mladý. You're still too young. You're still too young. Я прочитав це оповідання в якійсь книзі. I have read that story in some book. I read this story in a book. Ten plan jest trudny do przeprowadzenia. It is hard to carry out this plan. This plan is difficult to implement. Том взял инициативу в свои руки. Tom took the initiative. Tom took the initiative into his own hands. Синяя куртка мне как раз. The blue jacket fits me just right. I have a blue jacket. Посевы уничтожены. The crops are ruined. Crops destroyed. Чому Том такий популярний? Why is Tom so popular? Why is Tom so popular? V poslednom čase robíte priveľa chýb. You've been making too many mistakes recently. In the last times you have become very weak. Том каже, що був зайнятий. Tom says he was busy. Tom said he was busy. Токипону нельзя выучить за пару дней. You can't learn Toki Pona in a day or two. Tokipon can't be learned in a couple of days. Родителите ми бха приключили с храненето, преди да стигна вкъщи. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. My parents would have finished eating before I got home. Sve je počelo prije godinu dana kada se on vratio doma. It all began a year ago when he returned home. It all started a year ago when he came home. Żeby nie skłamać, on raczej był nieśmiały. To tell the truth, he was rather a shy boy. To be honest, he was rather shy. Chłopiec ma na sobie okulary. The boy is wearing glasses. The boy is wearing glasses. Tom by se sem mohl dostat, kdyby chtěl. Tom could get here if he wanted to. Tom could get in here if he wanted to. Остани с мен,Том. Stay with me, Tom. Stay with me, Tom. Том пішов на прийом до знахаря. Tom went to see the witch doctor. Tom went to the doctor. Вы этого никогда не забудете. You'll never forget that. You'll never forget it. Том разозлился и ушёл. Tom got mad and left. Tom got angry and left. Какое самое вкусное? Which one tastes the best? What's the best? Tom mi bude chybět a vše, co představoval. I'll miss Tom and everything he stood for. I'm gonna miss Tom and everything he's ever been. Kiedy Mary dotarła do przystanka, autobus właśnie odjechał. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary arrived at the bus stop, the bus had just left. Невинаги съм си вкъщи в неделя. I'm not always home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Zameť to pod rohožku. Just sweep it under the rug. Sweep it under the mat. Колку билки купи? How many plants did you buy? How many herbs did you buy? Том взял с кровати одеяло и завернулся в него. Tom took a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself. Tom took the blanket from the bed and wrapped it in it. Фадзіль выхоўваўся ў такім доме, дзе яго навучылі, што каханне звязанае толькі з матэрыяльнымі рэчамі. Fadil was brought up in a home where he was taught that love was just about material things. Fadil was brought up in such a house, where he was taught that love is connected only with material things. Від якої хвороби вона страждає? What sickness does she suffer from? What disease is she suffering from? Только не оставляй меня Just don't leave me. Just don't leave me. Колку категории има? How many categories are there? How many categories are there? Wyglądałeś, jakbyś nie zrozumiał, co powiedział Tom. You didn't seem to understand what Tom was saying. You looked like you didn't understand what Tom said. Фадзіль патаемна перайшоў у іслам. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Fadil secretly converted to Islam. Когда Том был неделю прикован к постели, Мэри каждый день гуляла с его собакой. When Tom was ill in bed for a week, Mary walked his dog every day. When Tom was bedridden for a week, Mary walked with his dog every day. Это разговорник. Он поможет вам в общении. It's a phrasebook, and it will help you communicate. It's a phrasebook. It'll help you communicate. Chciałbym trochę wody. I would like some water. I'd like some water. Nie czytałem tej książki. I have never read that book. I haven't read this book. Voda je těžká. Water is heavy. The water is heavy. Я не позволю тебе забрать моих детей. I won't let you take my children away from me. I'm not gonna let you take my kids. Jak strasznie! How horrible! How awful! Пожалуйста, подпишите эту бумагу. Please sign this paper. Please sign this paper. Čtu napínavé romány. I read thrillers. I read exciting novels. Ми кращі, ніж ви. We're better than you. We are better than you. Ходять чутки. Rumors have been circulating. There's a rumor. Том сѐ уште не е способен да си го напише името? Tom isn't yet able to write his own name. Tom still can't spell his own name? Они не прислушивались ко мне. They didn't listen to me. They didn't listen to me. Восемь человек выполнят работу десятерых лучше, чем это сделают двенадцать. Eight people will do ten people's work better than twelve people. Eight people will do the work of ten better than twelve. Всі знають новину. Everybody knows the news. Everybody knows the news. Вече опитах. I've already tried. I already tried. Докторите откриха някои стряскащи факти. Doctors have discovered some startling facts. The doctors found some shocking facts. Nevím, co to znamená. I don't know what it stands for. I don't know what that means. Desperacko potrzebowała pieniędzy. She needed money desperately. She desperately needed money. Неговото глумење во никој случај не е совршено. His acting is far from being perfect. His acting is by no means perfect. Nie znam tamtych ludzi. I don't know those people. I don't know those people. Мораш да ми верујеш. You have to trust me. You have to trust me. Чым я магу карыстацца? What can I use? What can I use? Давай я заплачу. Let me pay for it. Let me pay for it. Нямахме друг избор, освен да я чакаме. There was nothing for it but to wait for her. We had no choice but to wait for her. Tenhle nástroj vymyslel Tom. Tom invented this tool. This tool was invented by Tom. Я выпиваю около трёх литров воды в день. I drink about three liters of water every day. I drink about three liters of water a day. Přesně tohle by měl Tom vědět. This is exactly what Tom should know. That's exactly what Tom should know. Tom još uvijek izgleda iznenađeno. Tom still looks surprised. Tom still looks surprised. Водили су љубав целе ноћи. They made love all night long. They made love all night. Tom nikomu nic nedluží. Tom doesn't owe anything to anybody. Tom doesn't owe anyone anything. Испоставило се да је тачно. It turned out to be true. Turned out to be true. Tom předpokládal, že Mary na večírku nebude. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. Tom assumed Mary wouldn't be at the party. У меня есть план получше. I have a better plan. I have a better plan. Tom pořád na lidech vidí jen to nejhorší. Tom always sees the worst in people. Tom still sees the worst in people. Všichni čekají. Everyone's waiting. Everybody's waiting. Поезд врезался в грузовик. The train crashed into a truck. The train crashed into a truck. Чух те да говориш. I heard you talking. I heard you talking. On vyzerá byť šťastný. He looks happy. He looks happy. Мы обе в состоянии стресса. We've both been under stress. We're both under a lot of stress. Аз знам какво искам. Просто още не съм го открил. I know what I want. I just haven't found it yet. I know what I want, I just haven't found it yet. Этому не позволят продолжаться. This won't be allowed to continue. This will not be allowed to continue. Прибери колата в гаража. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Idemo u crkvu večeras. Tonight we're going to church. We're going to church tonight. Je dobře, že jsi přišel. Co bychom si bez tebe počali? It's good that you came. What would we have done without you? It's a good thing you came, what would we do without you? Ви заплатили за оренду? Have you paid the rent? Did you pay the rent? Том побежал в свою комнату. Tom ran to his room. Tom ran to his room. Tahle práce už mi leze krkem. I'm sick and tired of this business. I'm sick of this job. Ако не сме внимателни, истото ќе ни се случи и нам. If we're not careful, the same thing will happen to us. If we are not careful, the same thing will happen to us. Мы просто так не говорим. We just don't say it that way. We just don't talk like that. Значим брой тежки и неочаквани жертви сред програмистите на C++ всяка година са причинени от грешки в сегментацията. Numerous violent and sudden casualties among C++ developers are caused by segmentation faults every year. A significant number of severe and unexpected casualties among C++ programmers each year are caused by errors in segmentation. Zvučiš veoma mlad. You sound very young. You sound very young. Се случува. It happens. It's happening. Блузата е чиста. The blouse is clean. The shirt is clean. Dlatego jest zły. That's why he got angry. That's why he's bad. Спасибо, посмеялся. Thanks for the laugh! Thank you, I laughed. Ще Ви се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you in the morning. "Może wybierzemy się w góry? Co ty na to, Bożena?" "A może nad morze?" "Maybe we'll go to the mountains? What do you think, Bożena?" "Or maybe the sea?" "Why don't we go to the mountains? What do you say, Bo<0xC5><0xBE>ena?" "How about by the sea?" Я дав Тому шанс. I gave Tom a chance. I gave Tom a chance. На чому ти добре розумієшся? What are you good at? What are you good at? Мы тебя долго не задержим. We won't keep you too long. We won't keep you long. Имаш среќа. You're lucky. You're lucky. Matematycy są jak Francuzi: cokolwiek się im powie, tłumaczą to na swój język i obracają w coś zupełnie innego. Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different. Mathematicians are like the French: whatever they are told, they translate it into their own language and turn it into something completely different. Приводи детей. Bring the kids. Bring the kids. Tom ví, co Mary řekla. Tom knows what Mary said. Tom knows what Mary said. Máma mého přítele neumí francouzsky, takže můj přítel nám musel překládat. My friend's mom doesn't speak French, so my friend had to translate for us. My friend's mom doesn't speak French, so my friend had to translate for us. Tom i Mary myślą o założeniu rodziny. Tom and Mary are thinking about starting a family. Tom and Mary are thinking about starting a family. Вы знакомы с их отцом? Do you know their father? Do you know their father? Miza v tej sobi zavzame veliko prostora. The table takes up a lot of space in this room. The table in this room takes up a lot of space. Мислам дека предолго си живеел во џунглата. I think you've been in the jungle too long. I think you've lived in the jungle too long. Tohle pivo rychle stoupá do hlavy. This beer is a little heady. This beer's going up in my head fast. Кохання не можна купити. Love can't be bought. Love cannot be bought. Не изглеждаш твърде изненадана. You don't look too surprised. You don't seem too surprised. Pozrel sa jej do očí. He looked into her eyes. He looked into his eyes. "Mary?", zašeptala Alice. "Mary?" Alice whispered. "Mary?" Alice whispered. Я чула, що не слід зустрічатися з кимось, кому менше половини твоїх років плюс сім. Тому зараз 30 років, а Мері 17. Скільки років потрібно почекати Тому, допоки він може почати зустрічатися з Мері? I've heard that you should never date anyone who is less than half your age plus seven. Tom is now 30 years old and Mary is 17. How many years will Tom need to wait until he can start dating Mary? I've heard that you shouldn't date someone who's less than half your age plus seven, so now you're 30, and Mary's 17. Вы последовали за ним, как мы сказали? Did you follow him as we said? Did you follow him like we said? Коя е любимата ви топла напитка? What's your favorite hot drink? What is your favorite hot drink? Што по ѓаволите купи? What in the world did you buy? What the hell did you buy? В колесе был гвоздь. There was a nail in the tyre. There was a nail in the wheel. Тоа е многу сувопарно објаснување. That's a very dry explanation. That's a very dry explanation. У нього глибокий голос. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Rád bych přišel, ale víte, že nemohu. I would like to come but you know that I can't. I'd love to come, but you know I can't. Избрахме Джак за председател. We elected Jack chairman. We've chosen Jack as our chairman. Пожалуйста, не звоните мне больше. Please don't phone me any more. Please don't call me again. Мэри не ест рыбы. Mary doesn't eat fish. Mary doesn't eat fish. Co to znamená pro Toma? What does it mean for Tom? What does that mean for Tom? Rád bych si tu dohodu prohlédl. I'd like to see the agreement. I'd like to review the deal. Я не боюсь себя. I'm not afraid of myself. I'm not afraid of myself. Сезанн відомий своїми пейзажами. Cezanne is famous for his landscapes. Cezanne is known for its landscapes. Не говори об этом родителям. Don't tell your parents about this. Don't tell your parents about this. Біологи вважають чупакабру сучасною легендою. Biologists view the chupacabras as a contemporary legend. Biologists consider chupacabra a modern legend. Посмотрите на того кота. Look at that cat. Look at that cat. Zklamal jsi Toma. You let Tom down. You disappointed Tom. Už jsi dojedl? Have you finished eating? Have you finished? Učitel mě začal zasypávat otázkami. The teacher began to shoot questions at me. The teacher began to question me. Приятно наконец познакомиться с тобой лично. It's nice to finally meet you in person. It's nice to finally meet you in person. Имам ли право да Ви придружавам? Do I have the right to accompany you? Do I have the right to accompany you? Тебе нужно больше спать. You need to sleep more. You need to sleep more. Я втомилась від усієї цієї брехні. I'm tired of all the lies. I’m tired of all these lies. Мъдрецът ме боли. My wisdom tooth hurts. The sage is hurting me. Život bankéře je těžký. A banker's life is difficult. The life of a banker is hard. Таа има слика. She has a picture. She has a picture. Давай купим ей такую. Let's buy her one. Let's get her one. Поэт покончил с собой в собственном кабинете. The poet committed suicide in his study. The poet committed suicide in his own office. Это был мой дед. That was my grandpa. That was my grandfather. С кем играть Тому? Who does Tom play? Who is Tom playing with? Dojčíte svoje dieťa? Are you breastfeeding your child? Will you breastfeed your baby? Аеродромот е во близина. The airport is close by. The airport is nearby. Том врятував Мері. Tom saved Mary. He saved Mary. Милее его я не встречала. He's the cutest guy I have ever seen. He's the nicest person I've ever met. Pite čaj. Drink tea. Drink your tea. Рот адкрый! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Дзе ты будзеш? Where are you going to be? Where will you be? Seděli jsme s Tomem v hospodě a popíjeli pivo. We were sitting with Tom in a pub, drinking beer. Tom and I were sitting in the pub having a beer. Јас всушност работам тука. I actually work here. I actually work here. У мене неприємності. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. Леле, навистина е доцна. Wow, it's really late. Wow, it's really late. Гледаш ли внимателно? Are you watching carefully? Are you looking carefully? Tom jí jenom maso. Tom eats only meat. Tom only eats meat. На твой замок напали. Your castle has been attacked. Your castle was attacked. Пора вздремнуть. It's time for my nap. It's time to take a nap. Си го читал ли некогаш ова? Have you ever read this? Have you ever read this? Bezdomne dziecko siedzi z psem przy torach. An unclaimed child and his dog sit by the railroad tracks. A homeless child is sitting with a dog at the tracks. Морам да им купам подароци. I've got to get them presents. I have to buy them presents. Tom mi je rekao da pokucam na vrata. Tom told me to knock on the door. Tom told me to knock on the door. Учитель предупредил нас, что тест будет сложный. The teacher warned us that the test would be hard. The teacher warned us that the test would be difficult. Уезжать никому не хотелось. Nobody felt like leaving. Nobody wanted to leave. Tom viděl svoje jméno na seznamu. Tom saw his name on the roster. Tom saw his name on the list. Том сказал тебе, где он купил свою трубу? Did Tom tell you where he bought his trumpet? Did Tom tell you where he bought his pipe? Обичам да правя снимки. I enjoy taking pictures. I love taking pictures. Не существует в мире ни единой вещи, которая не могла бы нас чему-нибудь научить. There is nothing in the world from which we can't learn something. There is not a single thing in the world that cannot teach us anything. У вас есть эта пара обуви в больших размерах? Do you have this pair of shoes in bigger sizes? Do you have this pair of shoes in large sizes? Наконец я прошел через внешние ворота. I finally got past the outer gates. Finally, I went through the outer gate. Эта песня обречена на успех. That song's bound to be a hit. This song is destined for success. Том искаше да си ходи, но Мери искаше да остане още малко. Tom wanted to leave, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Tom wanted to go, but Mary wanted to stay a little longer. Том не мог бежать быстрее. Tom couldn't run any faster. Tom couldn't run any faster. Не забудь добавить базилик. Don't forget to add basil. Don't forget to add basil. Можеби би требало да ѝ помогнам. Maybe I should give her a hand. Maybe I should help her. Pojedu výtahem. I will take the lift. I'll take the elevator. Тура завжди контролює 14 клітинок. A rook always covers 14 squares. The tour always controls 14 cells. Я знаю, што заўсёды магу на цябе разлічваць. I know that I can always count on you. I know I can always count on you. Někdo by nás mohl vidět. Somebody could see us. Someone could see us. Pan Bush je prezident. Mr. Bush is President. Mr. Bush is president. W tym sklepie można wynająć rower na godziny. You can hire a bicycle by the hour at this shop. In this shop you can rent a bike for hours. Какого цвета у тебя пижама? What color are your pajamas? What color are your pajamas? Zdecydował się na operację. He decided to have the operation. He decided to have an operation. Я тоже хочу принять участие. I want to take part, too. I want to participate too. Том има тенки усни. Tom has thin lips. Tom has thin lips. Никому нищо не правя. I don't cause trouble. I'm not doing anything to anyone. Dali se do pláče. They burst into tears. They started to cry. Wierzę, że siła ducha nigdy cię nie opuści. I believe in the power of the spirit and will never leave you. I believe that the power of the spirit will never leave you. Gram w piłkę nożną każdego dnia. I play soccer every day. I play football every day. Ты их любила. You loved them. You loved them. Том обязательно тебе поможет. Tom is sure to help you. Tom will help you. Она смотрится в зеркало. She looks at herself in the mirror. She looks in the mirror. Od początku myślałem, że się zaprzyjaźnimy. I thought that we would be good friends from the beginning. I thought we'd be friends from the beginning. Вы всем нам очень нравитесь. All of us like you very much. We all like you very much. Зачем? For what? Why? Why? Будем надеяться, это последний на сегодня. Hopefully it's the last one today. Let's hope it's the last one for today. Сотни безработных спят там днём и ночью. Hundreds of unemployed men sleep there day and night. Hundreds of unemployed people sleep there day and night. На момчето му беше невозможно да ја преплива реката. For the boy to swim across the river was impossible. It was impossible for the boy to cross the river. Tom je polupao prozor. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window. Musím se přiznat, že chrápu. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I snore. Той е известен като велик поет. He is known as a great poet. He is known as a great poet. Узнаешь завтра. You'll find out tomorrow. You'll find out tomorrow. Słyszałem, że badania dowiodły, że mężczyźni bardziej kłamią niż kobiety. I've heard research has found that men are more likely to tell lies than women. I've heard that research has shown that men lie more than women. Verjemi mi, ta situacija je neprijetna tudi zame. Believe me, this situation is unpleasant for me, too. Believe me, this situation is unpleasant for me too. Каждый имеет право сойти с ума. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Everyone has the right to go crazy. Ты имеешь право аннулировать заказ. You have the right to cancel your order. You have the right to cancel the order. Том втратив обох батьків. Tom has lost both of his parents. Tom lost both of his parents. Я граю у хокейній команді. I'm on a hockey team. I play on a hockey team. Мир жесток. The world is cruel. The world is cruel. Sním tvůj pomeranč. I'll eat your orange. I'll eat your orange. Ты изменяешь своей собаке, если идёшь гулять один. You're cheating on your dog if you go on a walk alone. You cheat on your dog if you go for a walk alone. Zašto se mi smijemo? Why are we laughing? Why are we laughing? Это неестественно. It's unnatural. It's unnatural. Prečo nie? Why not? Why not? Когда ты поедешь в Сан-Паулу? When will you go to São Paulo? When are you going to S<0xC3><0xA3>o Paulo? Я бачу кветку на стале. I see a flower on the desk. I see a flower on the wall. Том гораздо ниже и весит гораздо меньше Мэри. Tom is shorter and weighs a lot less than Mary. Tom is much lower and weighs much less than Mary. Выберите одного из двух. Choose one of the two. Choose one of the two. Мисля, че ще ви бъде много интересно. I think you'll find it very interesting. I think you'll find it very interesting. У неё волосы на голове встали дыбом, когда она увидела привидение. When she saw the ghost, her hair stood on end. The hair on her head stopped when she saw the ghost. Вы не замужем? Are you single? You're not married? Трябва да си опъна краката. I need to stretch my legs. I need to stretch my legs. Choroba zazwyczaj ma sporo przyczyn, nie tylko jedną. Illness usually has a variety of causes, not just one. The disease usually has many causes, not just one. Не пратиш. You aren't listening. You're not. Мне кажется, вы слишком дорого за это заплатили. I think that you paid too much for that. I think you paid too much for that. Эта машина новая? Is this car new? Is this car new? Участваш ли в някаква обществено полезна дейност? Do you take part in any community activities? Are you involved in any community service activities? Том злится на вас за то, что вы ему солгали. Tom is mad at you for lying to him. Tom's mad at you for lying to him. Tom neřekl ani slovo od svého příchodu sem. Tom hasn't said a word since he got here. Tom hasn't said a word since he came here. Пожалуйста, высадите меня на этой стороне от светофора. Please let me off on this side of that traffic light. Please drop me on this side of the traffic light. Цей готель був побудований два роки тому. This hotel was built two years ago. This hotel was built two years ago. Де ти маєш це зробити? Where do you have to do that? Where are you supposed to do that? Kto zrobił ten plan? Who made this plan? Who made this plan? Том медленно вошёл в дом. Tom walked slowly into the house. Tom walked slowly into the house. Синяя юбка мне велика. The blue skirt is too large for me. My blue dress is great. Ще трябва да изчакаш и да видиш. You will have to wait and see. You'll have to wait and see. Я впервые выхожу замуж. I'm getting married for the first time. I'm getting married for the first time. Как се казва неговата по-голяма сестра? What is his older sister's name? What's his older sister's name? Wszystko co powiesz może być i będzie wykorzystane przeciwko tobie w sądzie. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Том ждал детей перед школой. Tom was waiting for his children in front of the school. Tom was waiting for the kids in front of the school. Церемонија ће трајати нешто преко пола сата. The ceremony will last for just over half an hour. The ceremony will last about half an hour. Kdy jde Tom na nákup? When is Tom going shopping? When's Tom going shopping? Вы единственная, кто так думает. You're the only one who thinks so. You're the only one who thinks that. Мої оцінки у школі були середніми. My school grades were average. My grades at school were average. Mohol by si žiť v tomto meste? Could you live in this city? Could you live in this city? Hodil sem kako miljo. I walked about a mile. I walked a mile. С днём равноденствия! Happy Equinox! Happy equinox day! Направих няколко грешки на изпита. I made several mistakes in the exam. I made a few mistakes on the exam. Няма да повярваш колко популярен е станал Том. You won't believe how popular Tom has become. You wouldn't believe how popular Tom's become. Одно из важнейших умений в дебатах - чётко формулировать убедительные доводы. One of the most important skills a debater can have is to deliver cogent arguments in a clear manner. One of the most important skills in the debate is to clearly formulate convincing arguments. Колко е сметката? What does the bill amount to? What's the bill? Я думав, Том — носій мови. I thought that Tom was a native speaker. I thought Tom was a native speaker. Byl jsem unavený a spal jsem. I was tired and I slept. I was tired and sleeping. Mary to nemohla udělat. Mary couldn't have done it. Mary couldn't do it. Садитесь все за стол. Everyone, sit down at the table. Everybody sit down at the table. Не ме изненадва. It doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised. Знам, че си прав. I know you're right. I know you're right. Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka u dostojanstvu i pravima. Ona su obdarena razumom i sviješću, i trebaju jedni prema drugima postupati u duhu bratstva. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and consciousness, and should treat one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Ќе го натерам Том да го испита. I'll have Tom look at it. I'll get Tom to examine him. Я всё испортил. I ruined everything. I ruined everything. Се надевав дека ќе бидеш разумен. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. Ці шкарпетки дійсно мають теплий вигляд. Those socks look really warm. These socks really do have a warm look. Спортуваш ли нешто? Do you practice any sport? Do you play sports? Почему среди людей так много ксенофобов? Why are so many people xenophobic? Why are there so many xenophobes? Chcę zobaczyć, co znalazł Tom. I want to see what Tom found. I want to see what Tom found. Коли ви сьогодні обідали? Where did you have breakfast today? When did you have lunch today? Это было всего лишь случайностью. This was just a matter of chance. It was just an accident. Автоматските автомобиле сега се распространети. Driverless cars are now widely in use. Self-driving cars are now widespread. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že by měl něco sníst. I told Tom that he should eat something. I told Tom he should eat something. Už jsem si na tohle klima zvykl. I've gotten used to this climate. I'm used to this climate. На жаль, я не розмовляю французькою. Unfortunately, I don't speak French. Unfortunately, I do not speak French. Вълните спадат. The waves are subsiding. The waves are dropping. Сабаку звуць Кен. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Те молам, прифати ја работната понуда. Please take the job. Please accept the job offer. Том скочи. Tom jumped. Tom jumped. Mohl jsem to udělat bez vaší pomoci. I could've done this without your help. I could have done it without your help. "Вы торопитесь?" - "Не очень". "Are you in a rush?" "Not really." "Are you in a hurry?" "Not so fast." Яка катастрофа! What a disaster! What a disaster! Я от них избавилась. I got rid of them. I got rid of them. Незнаењето секогаш создава страв. Ignorance always creates fear. Ignorance always creates fear. Вор проник через окно. The thief snuck in through the window. The thief came through the window. Я не поспішаю. I'm not in a rush. I'm not in a hurry. Můj otec mi dal jako dárek počítač. My father gave me a computer as a gift. My father gave me a computer as a gift. Nemám z tebe strach, Tome. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I'm not afraid of you, Tom. Промова Тома була переповнена їдким сарказмом. Tom's speech was full of scathing sarcasm. Tom’s speech was full of sarcasm. Есть ли в твоём доме мышь? Is there a mouse in your house? Is there a mouse in your house? Мені здається, Том виграє. I think Tom is winning. I think Tom will win. Нальёте мне ещё немного вина? Will you pour me some more wine? Can I get some more wine? Давай поговорим о чём угодно, только не об этом. Let's talk about anything but that. Let's talk about anything but that. Больше никогда не буду вас слушать. I'll never listen to you again. I'll never listen to you again. Каква штета. What a pity. What a shame. Tom požadoval moji rezignaci. Tom required me to resign. Tom demanded my resignation. Це загальнонаціональна газета. It's a national newspaper. This is a national newspaper. Можа, Вы ведаеце, як адсюль дабрацца ў горад? Do you happen to know how to get downtown from here? Do you know how to get to the city? Он с лёгкостью обзаводится друзьями. It's easy for him to make friends. He easily makes friends. Почему ты не хочешь, чтобы я сходил с тобой? Why don't you want me to come with you? Why don't you want me to go with you? Мері вважає, що має рацію. Mary believes she's right. Mary thinks she's right. Nikdo si nevšiml, že chybí. Nobody noticed her absence. No one noticed it was missing. Том трохи знервований. Tom is a little nervous. Tom is a little nervous. Том не може да го търпи. Tom can't stand it. Tom can't stand it. Ты делаешь блестящие успехи. You're making excellent progress. You're making brilliant progress. Хоће ли Том бити овде вечерас? Will Tom be here tonight? Will Tom be here tonight? Он был сломан? Was it broken? Was it broken? Си размислувал ли некогаш да дадеш отказ? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever thought about quitting? Ona jest wykształconą dziewczyną. She is an educated girl. She's an educated girl. Я колись мав таку саму проблему. I used to have the same problem. I used to have the same problem. А що, якщо Том не має рації? What if Tom is wrong? What if Tom is wrong? Ты можаш вучыцца тут. You can study here. You can study here. Я ехал на вечеринку. I was on my way to the party. I was going to a party. Може би е истина, но не ми се вярва. That could be true, but I don't really think so. Maybe it's true, but I don't believe it. Я робив це просто заради розваги. I did that just for fun. I did it just for fun. Nechci být tvým přítelem. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want to be your friend. Snadź wón znaje tutu stawiznu. Perhaps he knows this story. Maybe he knows this story. Тома сегодня кто-нибудь видел? Did anyone see Tom today? Has anyone seen Tom today? Она связала ему свитер. She knit him a sweater. She tied him a sweater. Он знает о своих недостатках. He's aware of his own faults. He knows his shortcomings. Він щойно прибув. He had just arrived. He's just arrived. Я сегодня ушиб колено, поэтому не пойду на тренировку. I hurt my knee today, so I'm not going to practice today. I hurt my knee today, so I'm not going to practice. Я трохи запізнився. I was a bit late. I'm a little late. Mám hlad, protože jsem neměl oběd. I'm hungry because I haven't had lunch. I'm hungry because I didn't have lunch. Вы можете ответить на вопрос? Can you answer the question? Can you answer the question? Я из Польши. I am from Poland. I'm from Poland. Я могу подтвердить его невиновность. I can attest to his innocence. I can confirm his innocence. Конечно, ты можешь взять мою ручку. Of course you can borrow my pen. Of course you can have my pen. Вы всё это сами построили? You built that all by yourself? Did you build it all yourself? Том още не е разбрал какво направи Мери. Tom hasn't found out yet what Mary did. Tom still hasn't figured out what Mary did. Na Zemi bude trvalý mír. There will be permanent peace on Earth. There will be lasting peace on earth. Где мы должны поужинать сегодня вечером? Where should we have dinner this evening? Where are we supposed to have dinner tonight? Они назвали в честь Тома аэропорт. They named an airport after Tom. They named the airport after Tom. Я уже больше трёх лет хожу в этом пальто. I've been wearing this coat for more than three years. I've been wearing this coat for over three years. Том считал, что кровать слишком мягкая. Tom thought the bed was too soft. Tom thought the bed was too soft. В този квартал ли живеете? Do you live in this neighborhood? Do you live in this neighborhood? Ти го правиш в момента. You're doing it now. You're doing it right now. Это ведь не так, правда? That's not true, is it? That's not true, is it? Постарайся, чтобы Том тебя не увидел. Try not to let Tom see you. Make sure Tom doesn't see you. Почему кофеин помогает при головной боли? Why does caffeine help headaches? Why Does Caffeine Help With Headaches? Живот почиње онда, када схватимо ко смо ми заправо. Life begins when we realize who we really are. Life begins when we realize who we really are. On jí jablko. He's eating an apple. He's eating an apple. Синих кошек не бывает. There are no blue cats. There are no blue cats. Через погану погоду ми були змушені скасувати збори. On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly. Due to bad weather, we were forced to cancel the meeting. Можеби тоа нема да биде толку тешко колку што мислиш дека ќе биде. That might not be as hard as you think it's going to be. Maybe it won't be as hard as you think it will be. Ты памятаеш? Do you remember? Do you remember? Я пришёл на встречу на час раньше. I arrived for my appointment an hour early. I came to the meeting an hour early. Czy już nie żyję? Am I already dead? Am I dead already? Валіза Тома була не такою важкою, як моя. Tom's suitcase wasn't as heavy as mine. Tom's suitcase wasn't as heavy as mine. Мне надо это съесть? Do I have to eat this? Do I have to eat this? Сохрани его, чтобы помнить обо мне. Keep it to remember me. Save it so you can remember me. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы вы поехали. I'd really like you to go. I'd really like you to go. У Мэри на каждом пальце по кольцу. Mary has a ring on each finger. Mary has a ring on each finger. Може ли да се користи оваа страница слично како Twitter? Can't you also use this website sort of like Twitter? Is it possible to use this site like Twitter? У меня контракт на три года. I've got a three-year contract. I have a three-year contract. У тебя вообще есть девочка? Do you even have a girlfriend? Do you even have a girl? Заиста бих волела да знам шта се дешава. I'd really like to know what's going on. I'd really like to know what's going on. Тук ли живееш? Do you live here? Is this where you live? Bol som na hore. I was on the mountain. I was up there. Заслужуваше подобро. You deserved better. She deserved better. Завтра примерно в это время я буду лететь над Тихим океаном. I'll be flying over the Pacific about this time tomorrow. Tomorrow, around this time, I'll be flying over the Pacific. Kde ses naučil tak dobře česky? Where did you learn Czech so well? Where did you learn Czech so well? To, co udělali je špatné, ale to, co udělal Tom je ještě horší. What they did is bad, but what Tom did is even worse. What they did is wrong, but what Tom did is even worse. Jest zajęty nauką angielskiego. He is busy learning English. He's busy learning English. Оскар Уайльд как-то сказал: "Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать послезавтра". Oscar Wilde once said, "Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." Oscar Wilde once said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Том більше не член цього клубу. Tom is no longer a member of this club. He is no longer a member of the club. Том је дечак који прича с Мери. Tom is the boy talking to Mary. Tom is a boy who talks to Mary. Пак си правел бели! You've been up to mischief again! You've been playing white again! Наша собака очень большая. Our dog is very big. Our dog is very big. Když se usměje, má roztomilé dolíčky. She has cute dimples when she smiles. When he smiles, he has cute dimples. Они обнаружили на снегу медвежьи следы. They found the track of a bear in the snow. They found bear tracks in the snow. Urychluje se to. It's accelerating. It's accelerating. Никто в здравом уме не сделал бы этого. Nobody in their right mind would do that. No one in their right mind would do that. Lubię słuchać muzyki, w szczególności jazzu. I like listening to music, especially jazz. I love listening to music, especially jazz. Мы сегодня идём плавать? Are we going to go swimming today? Are we going swimming tonight? Холст оказался порван в трёх местах. The canvas was torn in three places. The canvas was torn in three places. Это ты её нашёл? Were you the one to find it? Did you find her? Богаче всего тот человек, чьи радости требуют меньше всего денег. That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. The richest person is the one whose joys require the least money. Učím sa angličtinu v priemere dve hodiny denne. I study English two hours a day on an average. I learn English in primemere two hours a day. Нѐ прелажале. We've been tricked. We were fooled. Я десь загубив праву рукавицю. I've lost my right glove somewhere. I lost my right glove somewhere. Ах ти ж йобаний ти на хуй! Моя колишня — злодюжка! Holy fucking shit! My old ex is a thief! You're such a fucking asshole! My ex is a thief! Её объяснение было неубедительно. Her explanation was unconvincing. Her explanation was unconvincing. Том весь день был здесь. Tom was here all day long. Tom's been here all day. Хоча Джон і вмів битися, із нас трьох найсильнішим все одно залишався Адріон. Even though John could fight, Adrion was still the strongest out of the three of us. Although John knew how to fight, of the three of us, Adrian was still the strongest. Я мав відмовити. I should've declined. I had to say no. Stíhání Toma stále pokračuje. The hunt for Tom is ongoing. The search for Tom continues. Разбра ли ме? Am I understood? Do you understand me? Ja nájdem priateľov kamkoľvek pôjdem. I'll find friends wherever I go. And I will find friends wherever I go. ’ Nemohu najít, co chci. I can't find what I want. I can't find what I want. Я знал, что Том всем расскажет. I knew Tom would tell everyone. I knew Tom would tell everyone. Jsou to zpěváci? Are they singers? Are they singers? Денес е затворено. They're closed today. It's closed today. Не играйте с ними в покер. Don't play poker with them. Don’t play poker with them. Сѐ уште не ваља. It's still not right. It's not working yet. Prodává se kosmetika snadno? Is it easy to sell cosmetics? Is it easy to sell cosmetics? Том попросил Мэри принести салат на вечеринку. Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party. Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party. Лепш позна, чым ніколі. Better late than never. Better late than never. Вони витрачали гроші. They were spending money. They spent money. Я думаў, табе падабаецца вучыць новае. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you'd like to learn something new. Это, очевидно, неизбежно. It is clearly inevitable. It's obviously inevitable. Rád mluvím maďarsky. I enjoy speaking Hungarian. I like to speak Hungarian. Те описаха момичето като малко. They described the girl as being small. They described the girl as a little girl. Направи скандал од добро стоење. She made a fuss for no good reason. Make a scandal out of good standing. Можна я відкрию консерву? Is it OK if I open a can? Can I open the can? Měli na Toma dohlížet. They were supposed to watch over Tom. They were supposed to be watching Tom. Том увидел следы колёс на снегу. Tom saw tire tracks in the snow. Tom saw the tracks of the wheels in the snow. Том е накурчен. Tom is frustrated. Tom's stoned. Když jsme spolu, tak to vypadá, že čas se zastavil. When we are together, time seems to stand still. When we're together, time seems to have stopped. Не ли сакаш да го задржиш? Don't you want to keep it? Don't you want to keep it? Маштала је да постане медицинска сестра. She dreamed of becoming a nurse. She wanted to become a nurse. Том знае ли защо не си бил на партито му? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Does Tom know why you weren't at his party? Proč vypadáš povědomý? Why do you look familiar? Why do you look familiar? Я многое повидал, пока был там. I saw a lot of things while I was there. I saw a lot while I was there. Я говорила. I was speaking. I told you. Фадль був упевнений, що Лейла більше не хотіла його вбивати. Fadil was convinced that Layla no longer wanted to kill him. Fadl was sure that Layla no longer wanted to kill him. Takhle mě už neděs! Don't scare me like that! You don't scare me like that anymore! Гэта немагчыма. It's impossible. That's impossible. Наш кіт стерелізований. Our cat is sterilized. Our cat is sterilized. Мога да плувам в реката. I can swim in the river. I can swim in the river. Японцы живут на рисе и рыбе. The Japanese live on rice and fish. The Japanese live on rice and fish. Можеби Том ќе приговори. Tom might object. Maybe Tom will object. Готовка - это тоже искусство. Cooking is also an art. Cooking is also an art. Том смета дека не треба да користи дезодоранс. Tom doesn't think that he needs to use deodorant. Tom doesn't think he should use deodorant. Děti jsou lidské bytosti. Children are human beings. Children are human beings. Тебе нравится моя шляпа? Do you like my hat? Do you like my hat? To wieś, gdzie on się urodził. This is the village where he was born. This is the village where he was born. Tom nie oglądał tyle telewizji, kiedy był młodszy. Tom didn't watch much television when he was younger. Tom didn't watch that much TV when he was younger. Я загубився у лабіринті. I got lost in the maze. I got lost in the maze. Я відішлю тобі копію цієї картинки. I'll send you a copy of this picture. I'll send you a copy of this picture. Том открыл консервную банку открывашкой. Tom opened the can with a can opener. Tom opened the can opener. Это книга, которую я порекомендовал бы прочесть всем. It's a book I'd recommend to everyone to read. This is a book I would recommend to everyone. Це буквально неможливо. That's literally not possible. It is literally impossible. Potřebuješ něco? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Върнах се у дома с влака. I returned home by train. I got back home on the train. Повертайтеся до роботи. Go back to work. Get back to work. Našli jste včera vaši kočku? Did you find your cat yesterday? Did you find your cat yesterday? У нее слишком много пар обуви, и она никогда не знает, какую из них надеть. She has too many pairs of shoes, and she never knows which ones to put on. She has too many pairs of shoes, and she never knows which one to wear. Proszę słuchać rozumu. Please listen to reason. Listen to reason. Имам со што да се занимавам. It gives me something to do. I have something to do. Смотрите, как, чтобы обмануть старых, согласны молодые! See, to beguile the old folks, how the young folks lay their heads together! Look how to deceive the old, agree the young! Ваш сын очень похож на вашего отца. Your son is a lot like your father. Your son is very much like your father. Том покрасился в жёлтый цвет. Tom has dyed his hair yellow. Tom turned yellow. Ему нравится история. He likes history. He likes history. Полиция так и не нашла тело Тома. The police never found Tom's body. The police never found Tom's body. Му го виде ли лицето? Did you see his face? Did you see his face? Tom měl s Mary velkou trpělivost. Tom has been very patient with Mary. Tom was very patient with Mary. Tomův dům je blízko hřbitova. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom's house is near the cemetery. Китай резко увеличивает свои инвестиции в исследования и разработки в области искусственного интеллекта. China is dramatically increasing its investments in artificial intelligence research and development. China is sharply increasing its investment in artificial intelligence research and development. Šel jsem na pláž s Tomem. I went to the beach with Tom. I went to the beach with Tom. Зачем вы слушаете Тома? Why are you listening to Tom? Why are you listening to Tom? To ne može biti istina. That can't be true. That can't be true. Tom si nedodělal domácí úkoly. Tom didn't completely finish his homework. Tom didn't finish his homework. Что-то здесь не то. Something is off here. Something's not right here. Nehaj govoriti. Stop talking. Stop talking. Том - профессионал в своём деле. Tom is a professional in his business. Tom is a professional in his field. Не можеш да бъдеш сериозен. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. DNA test ukázal, že bol nevinný. A DNA test showed he was innocent. DNA tests showed he was innocent. Я слишком устала, чтобы бегать. I’m too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Она не могла уйти далеко. She can't have gone far. She couldn't have gone far. Тоа е едно од моите. That's one of mine. That's one of mine. Znovu budeš šťastná. You'll be happy again. You'll be happy again. Ja môžem pomôcť ak chceš. I can help if you want me to. I can help if you want. Ти викладаєш. You teach. You're teaching. Немає свідків аварії. There are no witnesses of the accident. No witnesses to the accident. Pielęgniarka jest ubrana na biało. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse is dressed in white. Я люблю піцу з ананасами. I like pizza with pineapple. I love pizza with pineapples. Зар ниси јуче видела Тома? Didn't you see Tom yesterday? Didn't you see Tom yesterday? Не опоздай в школу. Don't be late for school. Don't be late for school. Кто лучший игрок? Who's the best player? Who's the best player? Budeme bydlet spolu. We're going to live together. We'll live together. Твоята риза ми харесва. I like your shirt. I like your shirt. Вы граждане США? Are you US citizens? Are you a U.S. citizen? Šutnja je zlato! Silence is golden. Silence is golden. Нам ще є багато про що поговорити. We have a lot left to talk about. We still have a lot to talk about. Два плюс два будет четыре. Two plus two makes four. Two plus two is four. Донес после ручек, планот ни е да се прошетаме во паркот. After lunch today, our plan is to take a walk in the park. Brought in after lunch, our plan is to take a walk in the park. Jsem černá ovce rodiny. I'm the black sheep of the family. I'm the black sheep of the family. Бях точно зад Том. I was right behind Tom. I was right behind Tom. Можете зупинитися у нас. You can stay with us. You can stay with us. Ma naładowaną broń. He keeps this gun loaded. He's got a loaded gun. Tom powiedział mi, że nie lubi Mary. Tom told me he doesn't like Mary. Tom told me he didn't like Mary. Я сам помою посуду. I'll wash the dishes myself. I'll do the dishes myself. Мне очень нужно ответить на этот звонок. I really have to take this call. I really need to take this call. Ty to zaprojektowałeś? Did you design this? You designed this? Ovo nije rečenica. This is not a sentence. That's not a sentence. Го видов Том. I saw Tom. I saw Tom. Том одеше на прошетка секој ден. Tom used to take a walk every day. He went for a walk every day. Я похож на парня, который хочет жениться? Do I look like a guy who wants to get married? Do I look like a guy who wants to get married? Том ще не готовий приймати відвідувачів. Tom isn't yet ready to receive visitors. Tom is not yet ready to receive visitors. Jurij Gagarin je bio ubijen u zrakoplovnoj nesreći prije nego je mogao drugi puta putovati u svemir. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel in space a second time. Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel to space a second time. Он је познат као велики сликар. He is known as a great painter. He is known as a great painter. «У каждого есть недостатки». – «Только не у меня». "Everybody has flaws." "I don't." “Everyone has flaws.” – “Not just me.” Vlak byl vykolejen kusem železa na kolejích. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track. The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the tracks. Не дозволяй йому торкатися цього. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch that. Можешь доесть остатки торта, если хочешь. You can eat the rest of the cake, if you want. You can finish the rest of the cake if you want. Ты когда-нибудь бывал в Бостоне? Have you ever been to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Proszę słuchać. Please listen. Listen to me. Навіщо ти поцілувала Тома? Why did you kiss Tom? Why did you kiss Tom? Я не розмовляю ані французькою, ані німецькою. I can't speak French or German. I don’t speak French or German. Pewnie. Co to? Sure. What is it? Sure, what's that? Ответьте, пожалуйста! Please answer! Answer me, please! Вам більше подобається весна чи осінь? Do you like spring or autumn more? Do you prefer spring or autumn? Дом Тома находится примерно в тридцати минутах ходьбы отсюда. Tom's house is about a thirty-minute walk from here. Tom's house is about thirty minutes' walk from here. Подготовка займёт у нас какое-то время. It'll take us a while to get ready. Preparation will take some time. На водата и требаат само три минути да зоврие. It takes only three minutes for the water to boil. It only takes three minutes to boil the water. Напоследък Том се държи странно. Tom has been acting strange lately. Tom's been acting weird lately. Никад нећу заборавити шта је Том рекао о мени. I'll never forget what Tom said about me. I'll never forget what Tom said about me. Звёзды мерцали в ночном небе. Stars were twinkling in the sky. The stars were shining in the night sky. Мислам дека тоа е ужасно. I think that's awful. I think that's terrible. Тие скандираат веќе половина час. They've been chanting for thirty minutes. They've been chanting for half an hour. Том переехал сюда три месяца назад. Tom moved here three months ago. Tom moved here three months ago. Jejich hudba je relaxační, zatímco texty vás nutí přemýšlet. Their music is relaxing, while the lyrics make you think. Their music is relaxing, while the lyrics make you think. Колькі каштуе гэта кніжка? How much is this book? How much is this book worth? Ќе ти ја донесам. I'll bring her to you. I'll get it for you. Она мой враг. She's my enemy. She's my enemy. Tom nás nepozval na svůj narozeninový večírek. Tom didn't invite us to his birthday party. Tom didn't invite us to his birthday party. Війна нікому не приносить щастя. War doesn't make anybody happy. War does not bring happiness to anyone. Hledám své brýle. I am looking for my glasses. I'm looking for my glasses. Когато Том се събуди, той откри, че Мери беше изчезнала. When Tom woke up, he found that Mary had vanished. When Tom woke up, he discovered that Mary had disappeared. Какво целите? What're you after? What are you up to? Вечірка скінчилася. The party is over. The party's over. Сегодня знойно, так что одевайся полегче. Today is scorching hot, so dress light. It's hot today, so dress easy. У меня прорезаются зубы мудрости. My wisdom teeth are coming through. I have wisdom teeth. Забравих ѝ името. I forgot her name. I forgot her name. В молодости я мог бегать. In my youth, I could run. When I was young, I could run. Я хочу, чтобы её не было в моём доме. I want her out of my house. I don't want her in my house. Nuže, pojďme se naobědvat. Well, let's have lunch. Well, let's have lunch. Тобі не подобається це робити, еге ж? You don't enjoy doing that, do you? You don't like doing that, do you? Chceš opravdu zůstat věčně mladá? Do you really want to stay young forever? Do you really want to stay young forever? Они до сих пор не проснулись. They still haven't woken up. They haven't woken up yet. Ми требаш да ми ја отвориш вратата. I need you to open the door for me. I need you to open the door for me. Wyjaśnisz to po ludzku? Will you explain it in human language? Can you explain it in human terms? Зачем я Тома послушал? Why did I listen to Tom? Why did I listen to Tom? Полагаю, Том думает, что он говорит верно, но я так не считаю. I think Tom believes what he's saying is true, but I don't think it is. I guess Tom thinks he's telling the truth, but I don't think so. Никто вас не обвиняет. Nobody's blaming you. No one's accusing you. Ќе го замолам Том да одвои време за тебе утре сабајле. I'll ask Tom to make some time for you tomorrow morning. I'll ask Tom to make time for you tomorrow morning. Povedz, že ťa to mrzí. Say you're sorry. Tell me you're sorry. Зачем ты меня обманул? Why did you trick me? Why did you lie to me? Он его не спросил. He didn't ask him. He didn't ask him. Ona također voli knjige. She also loves books. She also loves books. Очень надеюсь, что ты не обидишься. I do hope you won't be offended. I hope you won't be offended. Янні не може ігнорувати свої борги, які накопичуються. Yanni can't ignore his mounting debts. Janny can not ignore their debts that accumulate. Szerokiej drogi! Have a nice trip! Wide road! Vzpomínáš, když jsi mě prvně políbila? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Remember the first time you kissed me? Všichni se neustále učíme. We are all perpetual learners. We are all constantly learning. Вы идиоты? Are you guys idiots? Are you idiots? Jestli mě zvolí, také zapomenu, co jsem slíbil. If I am elected, I'll also forget what I promised. If he chooses me, I'll forget what I promised. Kouří Tom ještě? Is Tom still smoking? Does Tom still smoke? Сећам се кад сам те први пут пољубио. I remember the first time I kissed you. I remember the first time I kissed you. Они движутся в моём направлении. They're heading in my direction. They're moving in my direction. Именно это я и хотел знать. That's exactly what I wanted to know. That's what I wanted to know. Я іноді падаю, але ніколи не здаюся. I sometimes fall, but I never give up. Sometimes I fall, but never give up. Jesteś zły? Are you angry? Are you mad? Je ti lépe? Are you getting better? Are you feeling better? Ајде да го следиме. Let's follow him. Let's follow him. To diši kot sir. This smells like cheese. That smells like cheese. Byl to pro mě velký šok. It was a great shock to me. It was a big shock for me. "Где кошка?" - "Под диваном". "Where's the cat?" "It's under the sofa." "Where's the cat?" "Under the couch." Se mnou budeš v bezpečí. You'll be safe with me. You'll be safe with me. Има оток на главата. He has a swelling on his head. There's swelling on the head. Я буду уставшей. I'll be tired. I'll be tired. Гадаєте, це моя провина? Do you think I'm to blame? You think it's my fault? Nemiluji nikoho. I don't love anyone. I don't love anyone. Не сакам да ги деранжирам. I don't want to bother them. I don't want to derange them. Proč si myslíš, že jsem homosexuál? What makes you think I'm gay? Why do you think I'm gay? Вы билеты купили? Have you bought the tickets? Did you buy the tickets? Сећање пружа веће задовољство од заборава. Remembering is more satisfying than forgetting. Remembering gives more pleasure than forgetting. Том не дозволить Мері дражнити тебе. Tom won't let Mary tease you. Tom won't let Mary tease you. Ви завтра граєте у футбол. You're playing football tomorrow. You're playing football tomorrow. Jsem bez práce už půl roku. I have been unemloyed for six months. I've been out of work for six months. Вам понадобится бумажный пакет, сэр? Are you going to need the paper bag, sir? Will you need a paper bag, sir? Имаше гръмотевици и светкавици миналата вечер. There was thunder and lightning last night. There were thunder and lightning last night. Ten pies nie chce się ruszać, bo boli go łapa. This dog doesn't want to move because his paw hurts. This dog doesn't want to move because he has a sore paw. Я левым глазом не вижу. I am blind in the left eye. I can't see with my left eye. Помнам како ја запознав кралицата. I remember meeting the queen. I remember when I met the Queen. Все знают, кроме вас. Everyone knows except you. Everyone knows except you. Nie miałeś na sobie wczoraj tej samej koszuli? Didn't you wear that same shirt yesterday? Didn't you wear the same shirt yesterday? Jak zarabiasz na codzienne potrzeby? How will you earn your daily bread? How do you earn for your daily needs? Вы не говорите по-французски? Can't you speak French? You don't speak French? Мне очень нравится, когда мои предложения переводят. I very much enjoy having my sentences translated. I love it when my words are translated. Мать дала дочери кольцо. The mother gave the girl a ring. The mother gave her daughter a ring. Tom mi o tobě řekl. Tom has told me about you. Tom told me about you. Ne možemo više da pratimo tvoj plan. We can't follow your plan any longer. We can't follow your plan anymore. Nikdo nemá takové štěstí. No one is that lucky. No one's that lucky. Už jsme zase v práci. We are at work again. We're back at work. Вода бежит из крана в раковину. Water is running from the tap into the sink. Water flows from the tap into the sink. Mamy jenož čaj. We only have tea. We only have tea. Том сел на полу между дверью и Мэри. Tom sat on the floor between the door and Mary. Tom sat on the floor between the door and Mary. Я думаю, Том старый. I think Tom's old. I think Tom's old. Нечасто встретишь родственную душу. You don't meet a soul mate very often. You don't get to meet your soul mate very often. Том ожидает, что Мэри поможет. Tom is expecting Mary to help. Tom expects Mary to help. Chcesz się ożenić? Do you want to get married? You want to get married? У нас гнучкий підхід. We are flexible. We have a flexible approach. Аз знам, че ти си права. I know you're right. I know you're right. Jestem bezrobotny I'm unemployed. I am unemployed Як вона могла бути такою черствою? How could she be so callous? How could she be so cruel? Тома вечно не было. Tom was always absent. Tom has been gone forever. Ако го запознаам Исус, ќе му ги испитам стомачните. If I met Jesus, I'd check out his abs. If I meet Jesus, I'll examine his stomach. Чи Ви знали її з 1990 року? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known him since 1990? Дайте да сменим темата. Let's change the topic. Let's change the subject. Том знае как да направи Мери щастлива. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Tom knows how to make Mary happy. Не тостерите пекат филийки, а хората. Toasters don't toast toasts, people do. It's not the toasters that bake the toast, it's the people. Я сів на землю. I sat down on the ground. I sat down on the ground. Блискавка вдарила у башту. Lightning struck the tower. The lightning struck the garden. Не выходи под дождь. Простудишься. Don't go out in the rain. You'll catch a cold. Don't go out in the rain, you'll catch a cold. Він зробить те, що хоче. He'll do what he wants. He will do what he wants. Реших, че може да си ми ядосана. I thought you might be mad at me. I thought you might be mad at me. Nikdo neví, co bude dál. Nobody knows what'll happen next. No one knows what's next. Я не довіряв Тому, і він мені теж не довіряв. I didn't trust Tom and he didn't trust me, either. I didn't trust Tom, and he didn't trust me either. Виж какво се случи на Том. Look what happened to Tom. Look what happened to Tom. Tom walczył. Tom struggled. Tom was fighting. Почему ты пришёл один? Why did you come alone? Why did you come alone? Попугаи тихие. The parrots are quiet. The parrots are quiet. Це безкоштовне? Is this free? Is it free? Похоже, что Том при смерти. It seems that Tom is at death's door. Looks like Tom's about to die. Вы никогда этого не забудете. You'll never forget that. You'll never forget it. Nebuď zlý! Don't be evil! Don't be mean! Nikdo nežije věčně. Nobody lives forever. No one lives forever. Co když je vesmír nekonečný? What if the universe is infinite? What if the universe is infinite? Jest coś, czego nie rozumiem. There is one thing I don't understand. There's something I don't understand. Почему бы нам не поесть пиццы? Why don't we eat pizza? Why don't we have pizza? Мені починають набридати воїни за соціальну справедливість. I'm getting fed up with social justice warriors. I'm starting to get tired of warriors for social justice. Kryzys finansowy dotarł do Brazylii. The financial crisis has arrived in Brazil. The financial crisis has reached Brazil. Szkoła zaczyna się o ósmej trzydzieści. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at eight-thirty. Chciałbym dziś wieczorem z tobą wyjść. I'd like to hang out with you tonight. I'd like to go out with you tonight. Nie powinno być pomiędzy nami żadnych tajemnic. There should be no secrets between us. There should be no secrets between us. Ви не пінгвін. You are not a penguin. You're not a penguin. Tohle je další Tom. This is another Tom. This is another Tom. Только что родившемуся теленку трудно встать. The calf that has just been born has trouble getting up. The newly born calf is difficult to get up. Będąc bardzo bogatym myślał, że może wszystko. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. Being very rich, he thought he could do anything. Wojna była, jest i będzie zawsze. There has always been war and there always will be. War has been, is, and always will be. Proč jsi to Tomovi nevysvětlil? Why did you not explain it to Tom? Why didn't you explain it to Tom? Tom býval zdravý. Tom used to be healthy. Tom was healthy. Tom się zgłosił. Tom volunteered. Tom checked in. Dwa, cztery, sześć itd. to liczby parzyste. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Two, four, six, and so on are even numbers. Это кошка, да к тому же оранжевая. It's a cat, and an orange one at that. It's a cat, and it's orange. Drž ten provaz. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. Том — щаслива людина. Tom is a happy man. Tom is a happy man. Хто тобі сказав, що я це зробив? Who told you I did that? Who told you I did it? Считаете ли вы, что предыдущие поколения жили лучше? Do you think that the prior generations lived better? Do you think previous generations lived better? Токийската фондова борса отбеляза силен ръст в края на деня. The Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied at the end of the day. The Tokyo Stock Exchange recorded strong growth at the end of the day. Cítím se zavázán. I feel beholden. I feel obliged. Tento týden Tom už třikrát zaspal. Tom has already overslept three times this week. Tom's been asleep three times this week. Ја изгубивме вербата во човештвото. We've lost faith in humanity. We have lost faith in humanity. Размешай его хорошенько. Stir it well. Stir it well. Nechci mluvit o svém dítěti. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. Какая у тебя была худшая работа? What was your worst job? What was your worst job? Nedávej mi to! Don't give me that! Don't give it to me! Поміряй-но цю сорочку. Try this shirt on. Take a look at this shirt. Для кого написана эта книга? Who is this book written for? Who was this book written for? Днес влакът закъснява с десет минути. The train is 10 minutes late today. The train is 10 minutes late. Załatwmy to raz na zawsze. Let's settle this once and for all. Let's settle this once and for all. Што іх забіла? What killed them? "What killed them? Гадаєш, я гладкий? Do you think I'm fat? You think I'm smooth? Вино надо смаковать, а не пить залпом. Wine should be savored, not drunk in one gulp. Wine should be tasted, not drunk in a volley. Ви не повинні брехати. You must not tell a lie. You should not lie. Мы удивили Тома. We surprised Tom. I was surprised by Tom. Psy vyzerajú šťastní. The dogs seem happy. The dogs seem happy. Я стал стройным. I got thin. I got slim. Obezwładnił go nagły atak mdłości. A sudden wave of sickness overpowered him. He was overcome by a sudden bout of nausea. Я очень надеюсь, что никто этого не видел. I really hope no one saw that. I really hope no one saw it. Aký je presný čas? What is the exact time? What's the exact time? У Тома нет денег на новую машину. Tom doesn't have the money to buy a car. Tom doesn't have the money for a new car. Uczniowie czuli się nieswojo przed egzaminem. The students were ill at ease before the exam. The students felt uncomfortable before the exam. Он не может продолжать играть. He cannot continue playing. He can't keep playing. Това е глупава традиция. It's a stupid tradition. It's a stupid tradition. Не го прибирай още. Don't put that away yet. Don't pick him up yet. Сами всё увидите. You'll see everything yourself. You'll see for yourself. Я теж часто злюся. I, too, am often angry. I get angry a lot too. Я слышал собачий лай. I could hear the dog barking. I heard a dog barking. Нам нужно разрешение от Тома? Do we need permission from Tom? Do we need permission from Tom? Він мертвий. It's dead. He's dead. Ще съм тук. I'll be over here. I'll be right here. Ми не їстимо. We're not going to eat. We don't eat. Сегодня ровно три года, как это случилось. It happened three years ago today. Today is exactly three years since it happened. Tom nehovoril s nikým. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Tom didn't talk to anyone. Мајка ти ли е тоа? Is she your mother? Is that your mother? Ш-ш, Тома разбудите! Shhh, you'll wake up Tom! W-W-W-W-Wake Tom up! Tom nebere svoje léky. Tom hasn't been taking his medications. Tom's not taking his meds. Mary mě vůbec nepozdravila. Mary didn't even say hi to me. Mary didn't say hello at all. Řekl jsem Tomovi, že do mého vztahu s Mary mu nic není. I told Tom that my relationship with Mary was none of his business. I told Tom that it was nothing to do with my relationship with Mary. Г-дине Горбачов, срушете го ѕидов! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down the wall! Той напредва. He's making progress. He's making progress. Złap tą kaczkę i przynieś ją tu. Catch that duck and bring it here. Grab that duck and bring it here. Příběh o tom, jak se Tom s Mary poznali, je docela zajímavý. The story of how Tom and Mary met is quite interesting. The story of how Tom and Mary met is quite interesting. Извини ме на кратко. Excuse me for one moment. Excuse me for a second. To był pracowity poranek. It's been a busy morning. It was a busy morning. Тя иска да работи в болница. She wants to work at the hospital. She wants to work in a hospital. Він купається у річці. He swims in the river. He swims in the river. Сколько раз мне тебе говорить, что я не женат? How many times do I have to say I'm not married? How many times do I have to tell you I'm not married? Твоя ручка краща від моєї. Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. Ty děti si nechtějí hrát s Tomem. The children don't want to play with Tom. These kids don't want to play with Tom. Tom není v práci. Je doma. Tom isn't at work. He's at home. Tom's not at work. Хезер — очень красивая девушка. Heather is a very beautiful girl. Heather is a very beautiful girl. Поведение Тома разозлило меня. Tom's behavior angered me. Tom's behavior made me angry. Калі б я ведаў яго лепей, я б сказаў яму праўду. If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth. If I knew him better, I would tell him the truth. Myslíte si, že jim Tom mohl ublížit? Do you think Tom could've hurt them? Do you think Tom could have hurt them? Była świetna. She was great. She was great. То је било страшно. That was terrible. That was terrible. Том носит шарф. Tom wears a scarf. Tom is wearing a scarf. Мы познакомились не в Париже. We met in Paris. We didn't meet in Paris. Само што се истуширав. I just took a shower. I just took a shower. Колко епизода на One Piece си гледал? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? Líza už je osm let mrtvá. Liz has been dead for eight years. Lisa's been dead for eight years. Tom potrzebuje pomocy Mary. Tom needs Mary's help. Tom needs Mary's help. Už jsi tady zase, Tome? You're here again, Tom? Are you back, Tom? Том подёргал дверную ручку и обнаружил, что дверь заперта. Tom tried the handle of the door and found it locked. Tom tugged at the doorknob and found the door locked. Ако Том не може да го направи - никой не може. If Tom can't do it, nobody can. If Tom can't do it, no one can. Ми тебе завжди пам'ятатимо. We'll always remember you. We will always remember you. Би сакал ли да гледаме телевизија? Would you like to watch TV? Would you like to watch TV? Ете тој ми се допадна. That's the one I liked. Here's the one I liked. Том - главный подозреваемый. Tom is the main suspect. Tom is the prime suspect. Баба ми е най-възрастната в този град. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. У мене теж все гаразд, дякую. I'm fine too, thanks. I'm fine, too, thank you. Однажды Линус упрекнул Геракла в неусидчивости; тогда мальчик в ярости поднял свою лиру и со всей силы ударил по голове несчастного учителя, который, распростершись от удара, вскоре умер. И с тех пор никто не хотел браться за такую задачу. That Linus once reproached Hercules for not being studious; then, in a rage, the boy suddenly took up the lyre and struck with all his might the head of the unfortunate teacher, who, prostrated by the blow, soon after died. And no one after that wanted to take charge of such an office. One day Linus rebuked Heracles for his impatience; then the boy raised his lyre in fury and hit with all his might on the head of the unfortunate teacher, who, having spread out from the blow, soon died. And since then no one wanted to undertake such a task. Когда вы видите хороший ход, ищите лучший! When you see a good move, look for a better one! When you see a good move, look for the best one! Бъди по-точен. Be more precise. Be more specific. Opravdu Tom chce dalšího psa? Does Tom really want another dog? Does Tom really want another dog? Vůbec to nechápu. I can't understand this at all. I don't get it. Tochtli lubi królicze mięso. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Анна - полячка. Anna is Polish. Anna is Polish. Neumím parkovat. I don't know how to park a car. I can't park. І, в якості останнього штриху, посип печиво шоколадом. As a final touch, sprinkle some chocolate chips on top of the cookies. And, as a final touch, sprinkle the cookies with chocolate. Не дихай. Don't breathe. Don't breathe. Я хотів би поїхати до Лондона. I'd like to go to London. I would like to go to London. Цвеќињата брзо венеат откако ќе ги пресечеш. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers wilt quickly after you cut them. Poszedł do dentysty. He went to the dentist. He went to the dentist. Я жалею, что сказал ему это. I regret having said that to him. I'm sorry I told him that. Nejlepší by bylo, kdybys odešel. I think it would be best for you to leave. It would be best if you left. Спремни смо да идемо. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Ten mrak na obloze se podobá psovi. That cloud in the sky resembles a dog. The cloud in the sky is like a dog. Он был для меня непререкаемым авторитетом. For me, he was an unquestionable authority. He was an unquestionable authority to me. Учителката ми по френски е на моите години. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is my age. Je to zamilovaná píseň. It is a love song. It's a love song. Не го ни допрев. I never touched it. I didn't touch him. Sami béł za Laylënéwo privatnéwo mechanjika. Sami worked as Layla's private mechanic. Sami was a private mechanic for Layl<0xC3><0xAB>néwo. Ты помолилась? Did you say your prayers? Did you pray? Том си го намачка тостот со путер. Tom buttered his toast. Tom buttered his toast with butter. Лепливи ми се рацете. My hands are sticky. My hands are sticky. Ти часто носиш шапки? Do you often wear hats? Do you often wear hats? Казах ти да стоиш настрана. I said stay back. I told you to stay away. Білизна ще не висохла. The laundry isn't dry yet The laundry is not dry yet. Кого ще ви хочете бачити у себе в команді? Who else do you want in your team? Who else do you want to see on your team? Соціопати брешуть, щоб зашкодити іншим. Sociopaths lie to hurt others. Sociologists lie to hurt others. Том выбросил все письма. Tom threw all the letters away. Tom threw away all the letters. Я сегодня прекрасно себя чувствую. I'm fine today. I'm feeling great today. Čo spieval Jano na pódiu? What did John sing on the stage? What did Jano sing on stage? Им кажав кога ги видов. И нему му кажав. I told them when I saw them. I also told him. I told them when I saw them, and I told him. Не обичам да се бия. I don't enjoy fighting. I don't like to fight. Můj otec pracuje v továrně. My father works at a factory. My father works in a factory. Затова съм заета. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. Вона говорить арабською. She speaks Arabic. She speaks Arabic. Корабль был откровенной посудиной. It was a complete rustbucket of a ship. The ship was an open vessel. Есть только стоячие места. There's standing room only. There are only standing places. Rano nie myję włosów. I don't wash my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. Том дал мне и денег, и совет. Tom gave me both money and advice. Tom gave me money and advice. Ты не слишком-то надейся. Don't get your hopes up too high. Don't get your hopes up. Не вимикайте світло. Don't turn off the lights. Do not turn off the light. Tom přinesl květiny. Tom brought flowers. Tom brought flowers. Я ўпэўненая ў яго перамозе. I am sure of his victory. I am sure of his victory. Nejsem přesvědčen, že Tom říká pravdu. I'm not convinced Tom is telling the truth. I'm not convinced Tom's telling the truth. Он ничего по этому поводу не сказал. He said nothing on that point. He didn't say anything about it. Компьютер не мыслит в строгом смысле этого слова, но, кажется, думает в отношении операций логико-математической природы интеллекта. A computer does not think, in the strict sense of the word, but appears to think, with regard to the operations of a logical-mathematical nature of intelligence. The computer does not think in the strict sense of the word, but seems to think in relation to the operations of the logical-mathematical nature of intelligence. Czy ktoś jeszcze to poczuł? Did anyone else feel that? Has anyone else felt it? Можете одолжить мне карманный нож? Do you have a pocketknife I can borrow? Can you lend me a pocket knife? Uskutečni svůj plán co nejdříve. Put your plan into practice as soon as possible. Implement your plan as soon as possible. Беше по-евтино, отколкото мислех, че ще бъде. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. It was cheaper than I thought it would be. Toma už nebaví sledovat horory. Tom no longer enjoys watching horror movies. Tom's tired of watching horror movies. Je někdo doma? Anyone home? Is anyone home? Не будь маменькиным сынком! Don't be a mama's boy. Don't be a mama's boy! Ти личи ли Том на човек што се плаши од некого? Does Tom seem like he's afraid of anyone? Does Tom look like a man who's afraid of someone? Том би се спротивстави. Tom would fight back. Tom would have resisted. Сам заварыў кашу, дык сам і расхлёбвай. You must reap what you have sown. You've made a mess of it yourself, so make it your own. Jedného dňa ťa to bude mrzieť. You will be sorry for it some day. One day you'll be sorry. Суддя засудив мене до написання цього речення. The judge sentenced me to writing this sentence. The judge sentenced me to write this sentence. Musela jsem odejít. I had to go. I had to leave. Том подозревал, что Мэри употребляет наркотики. Tom suspected Mary was using drugs. Tom suspected that Mary was using drugs. На горе стоит часовня. A chapel stands on the mountain. There's a chapel on the mountain. Tom se nerad učí. Tom hates to study. Tom doesn't like to learn. Ты помнишь, каким медленным был Интернет? Do you remember how slow the Internet was? Do you remember how slow the Internet was? Czy mogę stąd wysłać e-maila? Can I email from here? Can I send an email from here? Tom si myslí, že to Mary nevyděsí. Tom thinks Mary won't be frightened by that. Tom doesn't think it'll scare Mary. Nikdy se nevezmeme. We'll never get married. We'll never get married. Hudba je největší z umění. Music is the greatest of the arts. Music is the greatest of art. On zawsze mówi prawdę. He always tells the truth. He's always telling the truth. Никогда больше не упоминай её имени. Don't ever mention her name again. Never mention her name again. Почему бы нам не перейти с французского языка на английский? Why don't we stop speaking French and switch to English? Why not switch from French to English? Можаш брахаць каму заўгодна, але ты не можаш брахаць самой сабе. You can lie to everyone else, but you can't lie to yourself. You can lie to anyone, but you can't lie to yourself. Кого они видели? Who did they see? Who did they see? Tom spravuje ledničku. Tom is fixing the refrigerator. Tom's fixing the fridge. Почему бы нам не пойти к Тому? Why don't we go to Tom's? Why don't we go to Tom's? Millie ne jede jabuku. Millie isn't eating an apple. Millie doesn't eat apples. Pan Wood nie miał synów. Mr Wood had no sons. Mr. Wood had no sons. Kočky rády loví myši. Cats like to catch mice. Cats love to hunt mice. Срещнахме се с тях в младежкото общежитие. We met them at the youth hostel. We met them at the youth hostel. Tom spędził popołudnie paprząc się w swoim garażu. Tom spent the afternoon messing around in his garage. Tom spent the afternoon babbling in his garage. Том сакаше да има поголем брод од брат му. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Tom wanted to have a bigger boat than his brother. Это предложение никогда не будет переведено. This sentence will never be translated. This proposal will never be translated. Tom sapał. Tom gasped. Tom snorted. Много е вероятно Том да не е разбрал какво направи Мери. There's a good chance that Tom doesn't know what Mary has done. It's very likely that Tom didn't understand what Mary did. Я не это имел в виду. Вы меня не так поняли. That's not what I meant. You misunderstood me. That's not what I meant. То је вероватно прво што ће им пасти на памет. It's probably the first thing they'll think of. That’s probably the first thing that comes to mind. Том має втомлений вигляд. Tom looks weary. Tom looks tired. On jest człowiekiem rozumu. He is a man of reason. He is a man of reason. Не верь слухам. Don't believe the rumors. Don't believe the rumors. Своими действиями он сам роет себе могилу. He is digging his own grave with his actions. By his actions he is digging his own grave. Jsi lechtivý? Are you ticklish? Are you ticklish? Я не понимаю своих же чувств. I don't understand my own feelings. I don't understand my own feelings. Nikdy si nemaluje rty na červeno. She never paints her lips red. He never paints his lips red. Někdy opravuji věty s drobnými chybami bez toho, aniž bych to někomu oznamoval. Sometimes I correct sentences with small errors without notifying anybody. Sometimes I correct sentences with minor errors without telling anyone. Právě jsem se osprchoval. I’ve just finished in the shower. I just took a shower. Zobaczyli mysz. They saw a mouse. They saw a mouse. Это может быть не так трудно, как ты думаешь. That might not be as difficult as you think it's going to be. It may not be as difficult as you think. Том го кутна на земја. Tom knocked him down. Tom kicked him to the ground. Mogliśmy z okna obejrzeć zachód słońca. We could see the sunset from the window. We could see the sunset from the window. Аз бях осъдена. I was convicted. I was convicted. Я потерял мать два года назад, и теперь у меня есть мачеха. I lost my mother two years ago, and now I have a stepmother. I lost my mother two years ago, and now I have a stepmother. Де мої батьки? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? Я не знаю, получится ли у тебя, но если получится, я хочу узнать об этом первой. I don't know if you'll succeed, but if you do, I want to be the first to know. I don't know if you're gonna make it, but if you are, I want to be the first to know. Na to, abych si teď bral dovolenou mám moc práce. I'm just too busy to take a vacation now. I'm too busy to take a vacation right now. Tom wyjął zatyczki do uszu. Tom took out his earplugs. Tom pulled out the earplugs. Если бы она знала её телефон, она могла бы ей позвонить. If she knew her telephone number, she could phone her. If she knew her phone, she could have called her. Я теж студент. I'm a student, too. I'm a student, too. Еукаріотичні клітини мають ядро. Eukaryotic cells have nuclei. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus. Я рассказал ей всё об аварии. I told her all about the accident. I told her about the accident. Јас би бил за. I'd be up for that. I'd be in favor. Дракон каждый день съедает более десяти свиней. The dragon eats more than ten pigs in a single day. The dragon eats more than ten pigs every day. Nikt cię nie rozumie. Nobody gets you. No one understands you. На медовый месяц мы поехали в Австралию. We went to Australia for our honeymoon. We went to Australia for our honeymoon. Я щойно почув, що Том та Мері переїжджають до Бостона. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. I just heard that Tom and Mary are moving to Boston. Я не большой любитель риса. I'm not passionate about rice. I am not a big fan of rice. Это друг детства. He's a childhood friend. He's a childhood friend. Nie wiadomo, ilu z nich przetrwało. How many of them survived is not known. It is not known how many of them survived. Том не любит оливки. Tom doesn't like olives. Tom doesn't like olives. Смотри, вон она. Look, she's coming. Look, there she is. Не можам да ти верувам. I can't believe you. I can't trust you. Відкрий цей подарунок першим. Open this present first. Open this gift first. В нём есть некоторый шарм. He has a certain charm. It has some charm in it. Ты должен слушать Тома. You ought to listen to Tom. You have to listen to Tom. Він член комітету. He is a member of the committee. He is a member of the committee. Její plán se zdá lepší než ten můj. Her plan seems to be better than mine. Her plan seems better than mine. Сколько у вас автомобилей? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? Jesteście gotowi na rok 2012? Are you ready for the year 2012? Are you ready for 2012? У него есть брат в Токио. He has a brother in Tokyo. He has a brother in Tokyo. Ještě mi nebyla přidělena žádná práce. I haven't been given any work yet. I haven't been assigned any work yet. Všichni ten názor nesdílí. Not everyone shares that point of view. Not everyone shares this view. Przestań przesadzać. Stop overreacting. Stop exaggerating. Ніякім чынам. No way. Not in any way. Думаю, на тебя можно положиться. I think you're reliable. I think I can count on you. Я тут лише на день. I'm here for just a day. I'm only here for the day. Помоги мне её найти. Help me find her. Help me find her. Czerwienisz się. You're turning red. You're blushing. Patrz przed siebie. Look ahead. Look straight ahead. Искам да отида. I want to go. I want to go. Она ме је звала веома касно последње ноћи. She called me very late last night. She called me very late last night. Том получает больше Мэри. Tom gets paid more than Mary. Tom gets more Mary. Попытка спасти Тома провалилась. The attempt to rescue Tom failed. The attempt to save Tom failed. Моя прабабушка родилась девятнадцатом веке. My great-grandmother was born in the nineteenth century. My great-grandmother was born in the 19th century. Vyžehlil jsem si kapesníky. I ironed my handkerchiefs. I ironed my handkerchiefs. Це було б жахливо. That would be awful. That would be terrible. Том не сміятиметься. Tom isn't going to laugh. Tom will not laugh. Учитель сказал нам, чтобы мы прочли эту книгу. Our teacher told us to read that book. The teacher told us to read this book. Слід було працювати старанніше. You should have worked harder. I should have worked harder. Jakiego rozmiaru szukasz? What size are you looking for? What size are you looking for? Мисля, че трябва да съобщим на родителите на Том. I think we should notify Tom's parents. I think we should tell Tom's parents. Tom se probral v márnici. Tom came around in the morgue. Tom woke up in the morgue. Замало да заборавим пасош. I almost forgot my passport. I almost forgot my passport. Том думал, ты занят. Tom thought you were busy. Tom thought you were busy. Zupełnie jasno zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że obecnie pozycja jej jest bardzo korzystna. She is quite clearly aware that her position is very beneficial now. He is well aware that his position is very favorable at the moment. Одну тебе - одну мне. Одну тебе - одну мне... One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me… One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me. Говори по-високо, ако обичаш. Please speak more loudly. Speak up, please. Pojutrze chciałbym z tobą porozmawiać. I would like to talk to you the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I'd like to talk to you. Дякуємо, що зайшла. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for coming in. Nic mi się nie podoba. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Я бы хотела помочь Тому утвердить это. I'd like to help Tom prove it. I'd like to help Tom approve. Вы такие злые. You're so mean. You're so mean. Я читал. I was reading. I've read it. Приходь якомога скоріше. Come as soon as you can. Come as soon as you can. Вошёл высокий красивый мужчина. A tall handsome man came in. A tall, handsome man came in. Можете последить за моей собакой? Can you look after my dog? Can you watch my dog? Mluv hlasitěji, aby tě každý slyšel. Speak louder so everyone can hear you. Speak louder so that everyone can hear you. Некоторые люди боятся собак. Some people are afraid of dogs. Some people are afraid of dogs. Вам слід застібнути пальто. You should zip up your coat. You should fasten your coat. Все обвинения были сняты. All the charges were dropped. All charges were dropped. Вряд ли мы найдём Тома в этой толпе. We're not likely to find Tom in this crowd. I don't think we're gonna find Tom in this crowd. Канкан, що може бути перевершений другим канканом, може перевершити другий канкан. Can-can can-can can can can can can-can. A cancan that can be surpassed by a second cancan can be surpassed by a second cancan. Словацька абетка складається з 46 літер: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, á, ä, b, c, č, d, ď, dz, dž, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, í, j, k, l, ĺ, ľ, m, n, ň, o, ó, ô, p, q, r, ŕ, s, š, t, ť, u, ú, v, w, x, y, ý, z, ž. The Slovak alphabet consists of 46 letters: a, a, <0xC3><0xA4>, <0xC3><0xA4>, b, c, <0xC4><0x8D>, d, d, d<0xC5><0xBE>, j, e, é, f, g, h, ch, i, <0xC3><0xAD>, <0xC3><0xAD>, j, k, l, <0xC4><0xBA>, <0xC5><0xBE>, m, n, n, <0xC5><0x88>, o, <0xC3><0xB3>, <0xC3><0xBD>, p, q, r, <0xC5><0xA5>, , , s, s, , , s, , Děti často nenávidí špenát. Children often hate spinach. Children often hate spinach. Njegovo mišljenje je razumno. His opinion is reasonable. His opinion is reasonable. Где ты научился управлять самолётом? Where did you learn to fly a plane? Where did you learn to fly a plane? Я хочу знати, коли ти підеш. I want to know when you're leaving. I want to know when you're leaving. Когда я начал это делать, Том сказал мне, чтобы я перестал. When I started doing that, Tom told me to stop. When I started doing this, Tom told me to stop. Z kim rozmawiam? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Ви добре граєте у теніс. You play tennis well. You play tennis well. V této městské části je mnoho pestrobarevných domů. There are many colorful houses in this area. In this part of the city there are many colorful houses. Я не знаю, как это произошло. I don't know how this happened. I don't know how it happened. Šili. They sewed. Sheila. Аз продължих да пея. I continued singing. I kept singing. Хочешь ещё кусочек торта? You want another slice of cake? You want another piece of cake? Zamierzasz pozwalać, żeby obrażała cię w ten sposób? Are you going to let her insult you like that? Are you going to let her insult you like that? Офицер вселил в своих людей храбрость. The officer inspired his men to be brave. The officer instilled courage in his men. У всех чёрных кошек жёлтые глаза? Do all black cats have yellow eyes? Do all black cats have yellow eyes? Тобі потрібна ця книга? Do you need the book? Do you need this book? Я бы на вашем месте сделал то же самое. I would've done the same thing if I were you. I would have done the same thing if I were you. Уверена, что вы не удивлены. I'm sure you're not surprised. I'm sure you're not surprised. У тебя есть какие-нибудь предположения насчёт того, где эти фотографии могли быть сняты? Do you have any idea where those pictures might've been taken? Do you have any idea where these photos might have been taken? Что вы от меня скрываете? What are you hiding from me? What are you hiding from me? У ежей есть иголки. Hedgehogs have quills. He's got needles. Возможно, Том приехал сюда, когда был молод. It's possible that Tom came here when he was young. Maybe Tom came here when he was young. Где вы её в последний раз видели? Where did you see it last? Where did you last see her? Odmawiam pójścia. I refuse to go. I refuse to go. Znám obě dívky. I know both of the girls. I know both girls. Мы всегда всё друг другу рассказываем. We always tell each other everything. We always tell each other everything. Podajcie mi swoje nazwiska. Tell me your names. Give me your names. Možeš li pročitati onaj znak ispred nas? Can you read that sign ahead of us? Can you read that sign in front of us? Čo si robil v Bostone? What were you doing in Boston? What were you doing in Boston? Я купил хлеба и пакет молока. I bought some bread and a carton of milk. I bought bread and a bag of milk. Том взял у Мэри интервью. Tom interviewed Mary. Tom did an interview with Mary. Городской воздух освобождает. Urban air makes you free. The city air is freeing. Ајде, ќе те превезам. Come on, I'll give you a ride. Come on, I'll give you a ride. Ви знаєте, які їй подобаються кольори? Do you know what color she likes? Do you know what colors she likes? Tom chce dnes večer zůstat doma. Tom wants to stay home tonight. Tom wants to stay home tonight. У Тома с Мэри один внук и три внучки. Tom and Mary have one grandson and three granddaughters. Tom and Mary have one grandson and three granddaughters. Знаш ли некога ко може да нам среди то? Do you know anybody who can do that for us? Do you know anyone who can fix that for us? Moje dcera se bude vdávat. My daughter is getting married. My daughter is getting married. Аз съм единствената, която ги познава. I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. Винаги не се съгласяваш с твоят шеф . You're always disagreeing with your boss. You don't always agree with your boss. Возможно, ты в состоянии помочь Тому. You might be able to help Tom. You may be able to help Tom. Nie masz może tu aspiryny? Do you have any aspirin on hand? You don't have any aspirin in here, do you? Tom si nemohl vzpomenout, jak se jmenuje. Tom couldn't recall his name. Tom couldn't remember his name. Мислам дека веќе не треба да чекаме. I don't think we should wait any longer. I don't think we should wait any longer. Ти маєш станцювати. You should dance. You have to dance. Jaký chytrý hoch! What a smart guy! What a clever boy! Ona mówi po angielsku. She speaks English. She speaks English. Mají tvé děti svůj vlastní pokoj? Do your children have their own rooms? Do your children have their own room? Зошто кравите преживаат? Why do cows ruminate? Why Do Cows Survive? Ця машина морально застаріла. This car is out of date. This machine is morally obsolete. Ta dziewczyna jest pielęgniarką. The girl is a nurse. That girl's a nurse. У Тома сильное похмелье. Tom has a bad hangover. Tom's got a big hangover. Том ввечері йде на гулянку. Tom's going on the lash tonight. Tom's going to a party tonight. У меня непослушные волосы. I have unruly hair. I have naughty hair. Що шукаєте? What are you looking for? What are you looking for? Przeciągnęła nić przez ucho igielne i prędko zszyła rozdarcie. She passed the thread through the eye of the needle and quickly mended the tear. She pulled the thread through the needle's ear and quickly stitched the tear. Pij čaj. Drink tea. Drink your tea. Колку години имаш, Том? How old are you, Tom? How old are you, Tom? Світло не горить. The light is off. The light does not burn. Я вечеряю о чверті по сьомій. I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner at a quarter to seven. Povídá se, že se provdala. There is a rumor that she got married. Word is she's married. Взяти шахову фігуру означає забрати її з шахівниці. Capturing a chess piece refers to removing that piece from the board. To take a chess piece is to take it from the board. Я хочу, чтобы ты была моей девушкой. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to be my girlfriend. Musíte to Tomovi říct. You need to tell Tom. You have to tell Tom. Не улази. Keep out. Don't come in. Это будет зависеть от того, что скажет Том. That'll depend on what Tom says. It depends on what Tom says. Яке ваше улюблене місце в Бостоні, де можна поїсти? Where's your favorite place to eat in Boston? What is your favorite place in Boston to eat? Nevjerovatno je. It's incredible. It's incredible. Том не мисли, че Мери прилича на майка си. Tom doesn't think that Mary looks like her mother. Tom doesn't think Mary looks like her mother. Náš lovecký pes vystartoval za velkým jelenem. Our hunting dog took off after a big deer. Our hunting dog took off behind a large deer. Torta je ukusan desert. Cake is a tasty dessert. The cake is a delicious dessert. Защо избяга? Why did you run away? Why'd you run? Czytałeś kiedyś książkę po francusku? Have you ever read a book in French? Have you ever read a book in French? Маркус воздержался. Marcus abstained. Marcus abstained. Już to wcześniej słyszałam. I've heard that story before. I've heard that before. Поставлю вопрос иначе. I'll put the question another way. I'll put the question another way. Тражио сам вас. I have been looking for you. I've been looking for you. Pożyczyłem mu książkę, ale on jeszcze jej nie oddał. I lent him a book but he still hasn't returned it. I lent him the book, but he hasn't given it back yet. Веруј ми. Trust me. Trust me. Мені цю форму треба заповнити зараз? Do I need to fill this form in now? Do I need to fill out this form now? Tom strávil dopoledne sekáním dříví. Tom spent the first half of the day chopping wood. Tom spent the morning chopping wood. Том преподава френски. Tom teaches French. Tom teaches French. Мы ничего ей не дадим. We won't give her anything. We're not giving her anything. Я едва успел к берегу. I almost didn't make it to shore. I barely made it to shore. Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary's smarter than Tom. Mary is smarter than Tom. Том не вважаю, що я маю це робити. Tom doesn't think I have to do that. Tom, I don't think I should do this. Спушти го тој пиштол. Put down that gun. Put that gun down. Я уже знаю, кто может вам помочь. I already know who can help you. I already know who can help you. Пушенето в офиса е против нашите правила. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Smoking in the office is against our rules. Ber to jen jako dobrou radu. Nic ti nenařizuji. Take it just as a piece of good advice. I don't order you anything. I'm not ordering you to do anything. Každý slyšel, co Tomáš říká. Everyone could hear what Tom said. Everyone heard what Thomas said. Том плохо учился в школе. Tom did badly at school. Tom didn't do well in school. Пола час пројде. Half an hour passed. It's been half an hour. Коли дитина народилася? When was the baby born? When was the child born? Siedziała tam bez słowa ponad godzinę. She sat there for over an hour without saying a word. She sat there without a word for over an hour. Машина плохая. The car is bad. The car's bad. Tom je lidský odpad. Tom is human trash. Tom's human waste. Што е таа миризба? What's that smell? What is that smell? Еда здесь очень вкусная. The food here is really good. The food here is delicious. Вы обе канадки? Are you both Canadians? You're both Canadian? Умножьте его на случайное отрицательное число. Multiply it by a random negative number. Multiply it by a random negative number. Мы хочам ведаць, хто найлепшая. We want to know who's the best. We want to know who is the best. Сакам да знам што преземаш за да го најдеш Том. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. I want to know what you're doing to find Tom. Сакам да ја најдеш ти. I want you to find her. I want you to find her. Почему ты не с ним? Why aren't you with him? Why aren't you with him? Я купила новий комп'ютер минулого понеділка. I bought a new computer last Monday. I bought a new computer last Monday. Nikdy nepláču. I never cry. I never cry. Tomáš žije už přes rok v Bostonu. Tom has lived in Boston for over a year. Thomas has lived in Boston for over a year. Tom se přestal starat o svojí rodinu. Tom stopped taking care of his family. Tom stopped taking care of his family. Popatrz na ten rysunek. Look at that drawing. Look at this drawing. Звенит звонок, и начинается учебный день. The school bell rings and the day begins. The phone rings and the school day begins. Вы думаете, что это самый лучший образ правления? Do you think this is the best form of government? Do you think this is the best form of government? Třídní boj je vlastně dobrý. Class struggle is good, actually. Class struggle is actually good. Ризата трябва да се изглади. The shirt must be ironed. The shirt needs to be cleaned. Том е мой приятел. Tom is my friend. Tom is my friend. Я бы показал вам, как это делается, если бы у меня было время. I'd show you how to do that if I had the time. I'd show you how it's done if I had the time. Я счастлив, что могу им помочь. I'm happy I can help them. I am happy that I can help them. Я тебя не понимаю. I don't get you. I don't understand you. Мислев дека Том добро поминал. I thought Tom did well. I thought Tom was having a good time. Kiedy przyjdziesz? When will you come? When are you coming? Я не дуже святкую свій день народження. I don't really celebrate my birthday. I don’t celebrate my birthday very much. Правила есть правила. Rules are rules. Rules are rules. Myślisz, że jestem dziwna? Do you think I'm weird? You think I'm weird? Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да се обадя на Том? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to call Tom? Не исках това. That wasn't my intent. That's not what I wanted. Повезло, что он оказался там. It's fortunate he was there. I'm lucky he was there. Šta bi Tom pomislio? What would Tom think? What would Tom think? Monocykl ma jedno koło. A unicycle has one wheel. A monocycle has one wheel. Všechno uvidíte sami. You'll see everything yourself. You'll see for yourself. Pazi se. You'd better watch out. Be careful, okay? Я должен быть в Бостоне. I should be in Boston. I have to be in Boston. Паспорт был у меня в сумке. My passport was in the bag. My passport was in my bag. Moja żona urodziła wcześniaka - półtorakilogramową córeczkę. My wife gave birth prematurely to a 1500-gram baby girl. My wife gave birth to a premature baby - a one-and-a-half-pound baby girl. Что ты делаешь с вещами, которые больше не носишь? What do you do with things you don't wear any more? What do you do with things you no longer wear? Тъкмо се върнахме и започна да вали. We had scarcely returned when it began raining. We just got back and it started to rain. Moja ciocia jest chirurgiem plastycznym. My aunt is a plastic surgeon. My aunt is a plastic surgeon. Работа Тома некачественная. Tom's work is shoddy. Tom's work is poor. Мы испекли вам пирог. We made you a cake. We made you a cake. Кто вы такие? Чего вы хотите? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want? Сколько ещё лет ты будешь ездить на этой машине? How many more years will you drive this car? How many more years are you gonna be driving this car? Nikdo nám nevěří. No one trusts us. No one trusts us. Tom jim určitě něco řekl. Tom must have told them something. Tom must have told them something. Том живёт отдельно от родителей. Tom lives apart from his parents. Tom is separated from his parents. Zabudol som nalepiť známku na obálku. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Том был крещён. Tom was baptized. Tom was baptized. Я ненавіджу матэматыку. I hate maths. I hate the math. Обичаш децата, нали? You love children, don't you? You love kids, don't you? Я не знаю, когда Том это купил. I don't know when Tom bought that. I don't know when Tom bought it. Мне было некогда объяснять это Тому. I didn't have time to explain it to Tom. I didn't have time to explain it to Tom. Тя няма да повярва. She won't believe it. She won't believe it. Pamiętam, że gdzieś już ją spotkałem. I remember meeting her somewhere. I remember meeting her somewhere. Hodně plaveme. We swim a lot. We swim a lot. Tom si pamatuje všechno. Tom can remember everything. Tom remembers everything. Я правильно понимаю, что ты потерялся? Am I right to assume that you're lost? Do I understand that you're lost? Земля больна. The earth is sick. The earth is sick. Ze všech sil se snažil na ni už nemyslet. He did his best not to think about her any more. He tried as hard as he could not think of her. Я цікавлюся музикою. I am interested in music. I am interested in music. Ще мина да те видя. I'll come see you. I'll stop by and see you. Ти си луд да си купиш такова скъпо колело. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. You're crazy to buy such an expensive bike. Том ховається під ліжком. Tom is hiding under the bed. Tom hides under the bed. Bałem się. I was scared. I was scared. Този нов модел има ли го на пазара? Is this new model available on the market? Is this new model on the market? Ты принимаешь какие-нибудь лекарства? Are you taking any medicine? Are you on any medication? Ти вже це бачив? Have you seen this yet? Have you seen this before? Сингулярность является термодинамическим тупиком и не объясняет происхождение Вселенной. A singularity is a thermodynamic dead end and does not explain the origin of the universe. The singularity is a thermodynamic impasse and does not explain the origin of the universe. Nie miałem pojęcia dlaczego wyszedł tak nagle. I haven't got a clue as to why he quit so suddenly. I had no idea why he left so suddenly. Cvičte tuto techniku. Practice this technique. Practice this technique. У мене небагато друзів. I don't have many friends. I don't have many friends. Том наехал на бугор. Tom drove over a bump. Tom ran over the hill. Где ты оставил Тома? Where did you leave Tom? Where did you leave Tom? Ты можешь доказать вину Тома? Can you prove Tom's guilt? Can you prove Tom's guilt? Я побачусь із своїм дядьком завтра. I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'll see my uncle tomorrow. Odstupi. Back off. Stand down. Торт смачний. The cake is delicious. The cake is delicious. За камаром не ганяйся з тапаром. Don't crack a nut with a sledgehammer. Don't mess with the camaraderie. Proč už mě neobjímá? Why doesn't she hug me anymore? Why isn't he hugging me anymore? Ты в новых ботинках? Are you wearing new shoes? Are you in your new shoes? Ты не выиграешь эту игру. You won't win this game. You're not gonna win this game. To by mohlo stačit. That might be enough. That should do it. Tom jí otevřel dveře. Tom opened the door for her. Tom opened the door for her. Я подготовил список того, что тебе надо сделать, пока меня нет. I've prepared a list of things for you to do while I'm gone. I've prepared a list of things you need to do while I'm gone. Я тебя последний раз спрашиваю. I'm asking you for the last time. I'm asking you one last time. Tom uvízl na malém ostrově. Tom found himself stranded on a small island. Tom is stranded on a small island. Ціна на золото змінюється щодня. The price of gold varies from day to day. The price of gold changes every day. Каде треба да се предадат овие документи? Where should these documents be submitted? Where should these documents be submitted? V Tomovej izbe je bordel. Tom's room's a mess. There's a whorehouse in Tom's room. Наша любимая команда вчера проиграла. Our favorite team lost yesterday. Our favorite team lost yesterday. «Я никогда не лгу», — гордо сказал Том. "I never lie," Tom said proudly. “I never lie,” said Tom proudly. Я думаю, это была ваша вина. I think it was your fault. I think it was your fault. Ме викаат капетан. They call me captain. They call me Captain. Едно си погодил. You got one right. You got one. Сите се подвоумија. Everyone hesitated. They all hesitated. Том - младший из троих сыновей. Tom is the youngest of three sons. Tom is the youngest of three sons. Nemysli si že nevím, co děláš. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Gospođa Klein je u osamdesetima, ali je još uvijek vrlo aktivna. Mrs. Klein is already in her eighties, but she's still very spry. Mrs. Klein is in her eighties, but she's still very active. Ця парасолька твоя. А де моя? This umbrella's yours. Where's mine? This umbrella is yours. Це найбільш очевидне запитання. That's the most obvious question. This is the most obvious question. Sledují vás. They're watching you. They're watching you. Не приписывай мне то, чего я не говорила. Don't try to put words in my mouth. Don't attribute to me what I didn't say. To je jeho. This is his. It's his. Да, это моё. Yes it's mine. Yeah, that's mine. Помоги мне, а я помогу Тому. Help me, and I will help Tom. Help me, and I'll help Tom. Если бы это произошло, я бы не удивился. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. If that happened, I wouldn’t be surprised. Cieszę się, że się cieszysz. I'm glad that you're glad. I'm glad you're happy. Наши собрания почти никогда не начинаются вовремя. Our meetings hardly ever start on time. Our meetings almost never start on time. Том е лош. Tom is bad. Tom's bad. Направете две редици. Form two lines. Make two rows. Profesor rozwiązał problem jako ostatni. The professor solved the problem at last. The professor solved the problem last. Я не читал ни одного его романа. I haven't read either of his novels. I haven't read any of his novels. Пообіцяйте мені, що прийдете. Promise me you'll come. Promise me you'll come. Каждому из нас надо завтра снова сделать это. All of us need to do this again tomorrow. We all have to do it again tomorrow. Čekám na odpověď od Toma, ale ještě o sobě nedal vědět. I've been waiting for Tom's reply, but haven't heard from him yet. I'm waiting for an answer from Tom, but he hasn't made himself known yet. Neverím tomu, čo hovorí. I don't believe to what he says. I don't believe what he's saying. Мисля, че си много талантлив. I think you're very talented. I think you're very talented. Zítra nejdu do práce a Tom tam nejde také. I'm not going to work tomorrow and Tom isn't going to either. I'm not going to work tomorrow, and Tom's not going either. Твоей матери разве нет дома? Isn't your mother home? Isn't your mother home? Máš pořád klíč? Do you still have a key? Do you still have the key? В Кабилии не так много портов. Kabylia doesn't have many ports. There aren't many ports in Kabylia. Де ти знайшов цю дивну річ? Where did you find that strange thing? Where did you find this strange thing? Ти там теж будеш? Will you be there, too? Will you be there too? Я запитав його, куди він іде. I asked him where he was going. I asked him where he was going. Не прощаючись, він зник у натовпі. Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd. Tom musi wcześnie wstać. Tom must get up early. Tom has to get up early. Чому б нам не поїхати кудись, де тихо? Why don't we go somewhere where it's quiet? Why don't we go somewhere quiet? Cestoval jsem do Londýna autobusem. I travelled to London by bus. I traveled to London by bus. Жена говорит, что хочет развестись. Что мне делать? My wife says she wants a divorce. What should I do? My wife says she wants a divorce, what do I do? Otevíráme v osm. We open at eight. We open at 8:00. Я стараюсь не пить кофе по утрам. I avoid drinking coffee in the morning. I try not to drink coffee in the morning. Máš v plánu pracovat až do 10:00? Do you plan to work until 10:00? Do you plan on working until 10:00? Треба да одиме да ги најдеме. We'd better go find them. We should go find them. Я получаю то, что хотел. I'm getting what I wanted. I get what I want. Ještě že jsi to neudělal. Thank goodness you didn't do that. It's a good thing you didn't. Ты сделала меня такой, какая я есть. You made me what I am. You made me who I am. Том не вмів користуватись вогнегасником. Tom didn't know how to use the fire extinguisher. Tom couldn't use the fire extinguisher. Хајде да се нађемо за ручак. Let's meet for lunch. Let's meet for lunch. Мені було цікаво, чи, на думку Тома, Мері хоче це зробити. I wondered whether or not Tom thought Mary wanted to do that. I wondered if, in Tom's opinion, Mary wanted to do it. Моля те, прибери го. Please take this away. Please, put it away. Думаешь, я не хочу? Do you think I don't want to? You think I don't want to? To už stačí. That's enough. That's enough. Ще се видим пак. I'll be seeing you. I'll see you again. Аз бях първият приятел на майка ти. I was your mother's first boyfriend. I was your mother's first friend. Том, імовірно, ніколи цього не робитиме. Tom is likely to never do that. Tom will probably never do that. Це робота для однієї людини. It's a one-person job. It’s a job for one person. Том не знаеше какво не е наред. Tom didn't know what was wrong. Tom didn't know what was wrong. Из-за того, что они забыли билеты в театр, они решили погулять по мостовой. Since they had forgotten their theater tickets, they decided to take a walk down the sidewalk. Due to the fact that they forgot their tickets to the theater, they decided to take a walk on the bridge. Ему нужен камень. It needs a stone. He needs a stone. Це я розмовляв з послом Польщі. It was I who spoke with the Polish ambassador. I spoke with the Polish ambassador. Я думал, Том - Ваш муж. I thought Tom was your husband. I thought Tom was your husband. Депресијата му заврши кога таа го бакна. His depression came to an end when she kissed him. His depression ended when she kissed him. Они даже не потрудились ответить. They didn't even bother to reply. They didn't even bother to answer. Вам нужно разобраться в своих предрассудках. You need to unpack your prejudice. You need to understand your prejudices. Všechny tyhle tři krásné dívky jsou moje neteře. These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine. All these beautiful girls are my nieces. Вам следует сдаться. You should surrender. You should give up. Некаторыя людзі не носяць піжам. Some people don't wear pajamas. Some people don't wear pyjamas. Řeka se vinula přes rozsáhlou, suchou planinu. The river meandered across the vast dry plain. The river swung across a vast, dry plain. Nakonec Tom všechno pochopil. Tom understood everything in the end. In the end, Tom understood everything. Квантовая теория описывает мир в математических терминах. Quantum theory describes the world in mathematical terms. Quantum theory describes the world in mathematical terms. Погрижих се за това. I've taken care of that. I took care of it. Том більше не турбуватиме Мері. Tom isn't going to bother Mary anymore. Tom won't bother Mary anymore. Он мечтает стать пожарным. He dreams of becoming a firefighter. He dreams of being a firefighter. Просто подпишитесь здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Proč to nechápeš? Why don't you understand it? Why don't you understand? Он кроме хлеба ничего не ест. He eats nothing but bread. He eats nothing but bread. Pil som víno. I drank the wine. I drank wine. Tome, ty blbe! Tom, you idiot! Tom, you idiot! Эта сумка идеально подойдёт к моему клетчатому пиджаку. This handbag will go perfectly with my checkered jacket. This bag is perfect for my checkered jacket. Chci vědět, co Vy tu děláte? I want to know what you're doing here. I want to know what you're doing here. Чекај да проверам во прирачникот. Let me check the manual. Let me check the manual. Ty si moja dcéra. You're my daughter. You're my daughter. Чей сегодня день рождения? Whose birthday is it today? Whose birthday is it? Каква е цената на този чадър? What's the price of this umbrella? What is the price of this umbrella? Слаженные действия пары слонов могут решить исход матча. Concerted action by a pair of bishops can decide a match. The coordinated actions of a pair of elephants can decide the outcome of the match. Никто не выразил несогласия. No one disagreed. No one disagreed. Они отключили Тома от аппарата жизнеобеспечения. They've taken Tom off life support. They disconnected Tom from the life support. Той беше принуден да подпише договора. He was compelled to sign the contract. He was forced to sign the contract. Чух стъпки, но не видях никой. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. I heard footsteps, but I didn't see anyone. Ты за гэта заплаціш. You're going to pay for this. You will pay for it. Mary položila koš na stůl. Mary set the basket on the table. Mary put the basket on the table. Tomovi nebylo do řeči. Tom didn't feel like talking. Tom didn't care. Ko si ti? Who are you? Who the hell are you? Аз ще ви покажа пътя до там. I'll show you the way. I'll show you the way there. "Myslíš, že Tomovi na mně záleží?" "Myslím, že Tomovi na tobě hodně záleží." "Do you think that I matter to Tom?" "I think that you matter to Tom a lot." "Do you think Tom cares about me?" "I think Tom cares about you a lot." Том зараз у саду. Tom is in the garden now. Tom is in the garden. Я принес кофе. I've brought some coffee. I brought coffee. Всеки може да опита. Anybody can try. Anyone can try. Супермаркет је отворен од понедељка до суботе. The supermarket is open Monday through Saturday. The supermarket is open from Monday to Saturday. Освободи детей! Free the children! Free the children! Том высыпал песок из ведра. Tom poured the sand out of the bucket. Tom poured sand out of the bucket. Kolik ještě musím zaplatit? How much more do I have to pay? How much more do I have to pay? Том не е като Мери. Tom isn't like Mary. Tom's not like Mary. Той следва модерна литература. He majors in modern literature. He studied modern literature. Ты павярнулася? Have you returned? You've turned around? Я останусь и присмотрю за ней. I'll stay and watch her. I'll stay and look after her. Твърде е скъпо! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Го потцртав зборот „Алис“ за да го истакнам. I put an underline under the word "Alice" to put an emphasis on it. I have underlined the word “Alice” to highlight it. Преди хората живееха на село. People used to live in villages. People used to live in the countryside. Jakiej jesteś wiary? What faith are you? What faith are you? Tom řekl Mary něco francouzsky. Tom said something to Mary in French. Tom said something to Mary in French. Ти знаєш, де Том? Do you know where Tom is? Do you know where Tom is? Том трохи нервовий. Tom is kind of nervous. Tom is a little nervous. Том продал несколько картин. Tom has sold several paintings. He sold a few paintings. Ми з Томом будемо тут весь тиждень. Tom and I'll be here all week. Tom and I will be here all week. Линда цело време носеше скромни фустани. Linda wore modest dresses all the time. Linda wore modest dresses all the time. Логика је очигледно твоја јача страна. Logic is obviously your strong point. Logic is obviously your strong suit. Я не горжусь тем, что я канадец. I'm not proud to be Canadian. I am not proud to be Canadian. Väčšinu týchto kníh som už čítal. I've read most of these books already. I have read most of these books. Я думаю, что Том может доказать это. I think that Tom can prove it. I think Tom can prove it. Mam dzisiaj mnóstwo roboty. I have much work today. I got a lot of work to do today. Náhle mne políbila. She suddenly kissed me. Suddenly she kissed me. Это вещество находится в газообразном состоянии. This substance is in gaseous state. This substance is in a gaseous state. Nie cierpię brokułów! I hate broccoli! I hate broccoli! Míč se odrazil od zdi. The ball bounced off the wall. The ball bounced off the wall. Вам не стоило ходить в лес одному. You shouldn't have gone into the forest alone. You shouldn't have gone into the woods alone. Я только что нашел Тома. I just found Tom. I just found Tom. Трудио сам се да будем љубазан. I was trying to be nice. I tried to be kind. Мислев дека Том ќе биде тука. I thought Tom was going to be here. I thought Tom would be here. Я хотіла би поїхати до Бостона. I'd like to go to Boston. I want to go to Boston. Ось приклад. Here is an example. Here's an example. Мені подобаються іноземні мови. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Я не видел Тома вчера вечером. I didn't see Tom last night. I didn't see Tom last night. Ta firma postanowiła zatrudnić dwie nowe sekretarki. The company has decided to employ two new secretaries. This company decided to hire two new secretaries. Sporty zimowe są w naszym kraju bardzo popularne. Winter sports are very popular in our country. Winter sports are very popular in our country. Как я могу это изменить? How can I change that? How can I change that? Имам същия брой книги, колкото има и той. I have the same number of books as he has. I have the same number of books as him. Od trzech lat odkładam ćwierć pensji. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've been putting off a quarter of my salary for three years. Я никогда ни в чём не уверен. I'm never sure of anything. I'm never sure of anything. Повеќето девици имаат читав химен. Most virgins have an intact hymen. Most virgins have a whole hymen. Том било во неволја многупати досега. Tom has been in trouble many times before. Tom has been in trouble many times before. Чух те как пищиш. I heard you scream. I heard you scream. Сколько времени вам нужно? How much time do you need? How much time do you need? Na čekání jsme zvyklí. We're used to waiting. We are used to waiting. Sy mój nan. You're my father. You're my nan. Musíte si uvědomit, že blahobyt netrvá věčně. You must realize that prosperity does not last forever. You have to realize that prosperity doesn’t last forever. Дзе авион? Where is the plane? Where's the plane? Оставьте её открытой. Leave it open. Leave it open. Zapni prosím televizi. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. Кен боядиса колелото си в бяло. Ken painted his bicycle white. Ken painted his bike white. Что у тебя на ужин? What are you having for dinner? What's for dinner? Дверь сейфа была открыта. The door of the safe was open. The safe's door was open. Амазонка — другая па даўжыні рака ў свеце пасля Ніла. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world after the Nile. The Amazon is the second longest river in the world after the Nile. Він не вчиться, бо він лінивий. He doesn't study because he's lazy. He doesn't learn because he's lazy. Сакам чај. I like tea. I want tea. Nevíte, kdo tam bude? Do you know who's going to be there? Do you know who will be there? Jaké je dnes počasí? What's the weather like today? How's the weather today? Няма да говоря повече за това. I won't mention it again. I won't talk about it anymore. Јеси ли пробао јогу? Have you tried yoga? Have you tried yoga? Вы нормальный человек? Are you a normal person? Are you a normal person? Мы пытаемся сообразить, что нужно сделать. We're trying to figure out what needs to be done. We're trying to figure out what to do. Это я не учёл. I didn't take that into account. I didn't take that into account. Я много раз такой видел. I saw one many times. I've seen it many times. Tento kbelík přinesl Tom. Tom brought this bucket. This bucket was brought by Tom. Хотя шашки проще шахмат, они также требуют расчета последовательности ходов и анализа структур и позиций. Although simpler than chess, checkers also require the calculation of sequences of moves and the analysis of structures and positions. Although checkers are simpler than chess, they also require calculating the sequence of moves and analyzing structures and positions. Надявам се да е добро. I hope it's good. I hope it's good. Uważamy jego zachowanie za dziecinne. We consider his behavior childish. We consider his behavior to be childish. Не го сфаќај тоа пребуквално. Don't take it too literally. Don't take it too literally. Гэта шкляная мазаіка. This is a glass mosaic. It's a glass mosaic. Мы уже можем начинать? Can we start now? Can we start now? Она часто ездит в командировки. She travels a lot for work. She often goes on business trips. У тебя есть какие-нибудь предположения насчёт того, когда эти фотографии могли быть сняты? Do you have any idea when those pictures might've been taken? Do you have any idea when these photos might have been taken? Похоже, что в молодости он был беден. It seems that he was poor in his youth. It seems that in his youth he was poor. Я живу в Латвии. I live in Latvia. I live in Latvia. Нека те запозная с Том. Let me introduce you to Tom. Let me introduce you to Tom. Ти мій кузен? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? Это перемирие. It's an armistice. It's a truce. Каде ти е детето? Where is your child? Where's your kid? Neříkej Tomovi, že se známe. Don't tell Tom that we know each other. Don't tell Tom we know each other. Bolí tě žaludek? Do you have a stomachache? Does your stomach hurt? Небо ясне. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. После ужина я долго лежал в горячей ванне, а потом пошёл спать. After dinner I took a long, hot bath and then went to bed. After dinner, I lay in a hot bath for a long time, and then went to bed. Tom nie wie, co zrobiłby bez Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Где мои лекарства? Where are my medicines? Where are my meds? Мы атрымалі скаргі ад аднаго з брусэльскіх удзельнікаў. We had complaints about one of the volunteers from Brussels. We have received a call from one of the participants. Ať se děje co se děje, budu tam. No matter what, I'll be there. No matter what happens, I'll be there. Prvně jsme nevěděli, co máme dělat. We didn't know what to do first. At first, we didn't know what to do. Том ја затвори вратата. Tom pulled the door shut. Tom closed the door. Моей соседке девяносто пять лет, и она до сих пор здорова. My neighbor is ninety-five years old and she is still healthy. My neighbor is ninety-five years old and she is still healthy. Заняття починаються у квітні. School starts in April. Classes begin in April. Ты говоришь по-английски и по-персидски. You speak English and Persian. You speak English and Persian. Это город в городе. This is a city in a city. It's a city in a city. Żaden z kolegów Toma z klasy nie zaoferował mu pomocy. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. None of Tom's classmates offered to help him. Я не сказал Тому, что у меня нет на это времени. I didn't tell Tom that I didn't have time to do that. I didn't tell Tom I didn't have time for this. Том помог Мэри? Did Tom help Mary? Did Tom help Mary? Jeżeli chcesz być kochany, sam kochaj! In order to be loved, be lovable! If you want to be loved, love yourself! Ми маємо це зробити самі. We should do it ourselves. We have to do it ourselves. Выведенное пятно всё-таки оставило след на юбке. The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt. The resulting stain still left a mark on the skirt. Zgubiłem mój długopis. Pomożesz mi go szukać? I've lost my pen. Will you help me look for it? I lost my pen, can you help me find it? Ме замоливте да помогнам. You asked me to help. You asked me to help. Тарелки и чашки из фарфора. The plates and cups are made of porcelain. Plates and cups of porcelain. Никому не говори, что я это сделал. Don't tell anyone that I did that. Don't tell anyone I did it. Твърде дебел съм. I'm too fat. I'm too fat. Ты мяне кахаеш? Do you love me? Do you love me? Добив асален. I got a good one. I got an aspen. Дан ја поканил Линда на студентска журка. Dan invited Linda to a student party. Dan invited Linda to a student party. Chceš dnes ráno ovesnou kaši? Do you feel like porridge this morning? You want oatmeal this morning? Pokračuj tam, kde jsi skončil. Continue where you left off. Go back to where you left off. Він хотів дослідити столицю Франції. He wanted to explore the French capital. He wanted to explore the French capital. Сколько кошек слишком много? How many cats is too many? How many cats are too many? Покажи мені, що робити. Show me what to do. Show me what to do. Тя натисна копчето. She pressed the switch. She pushed the button. Иногда кажется, что собака Тома умнее его самого. Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than he is. Sometimes it seems that Tom's dog is smarter than himself. Я не намеревался оскорбить честь вашей собаки посягательством на её территорию. I didn't mean to insult your dog's honor by invading its territory. I did not intend to insult your dog's honor by encroaching on her territory. Им испеков торта. I've baked a cake for them. I baked them a cake. Това е твоят дом. It's your home. This is your home. Má hlad. She is hungry. He's hungry. Мери го претставуваше својот тим во натпреварот. Mary represented her team in the competition. Mary represented her team in the match. Тебе нравятся эти брюки? Do you like these trousers? Do you like these pants? Крият се в гардероба. They're hiding in the closet. They're hiding in the closet. Павер мне, я інжынер! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm an engineer. Вчера мне пришла в голову одна идея. Yesterday, an idea hit me. I had an idea yesterday. Я забув мобільний. I've forgotten my mobile. I forgot my cell phone. Мога ли да ви задам един личен въпрос? Can I ask you a personal question? Can I ask you a personal question? Ми з тобою фембої. You and me are femboys. We're with you, femboy. Том остана спокоен. Tom remained calm. Tom was calm. Moja rodzina każdego roku jedzie do Włoch. My family goes to Italy every year. My family goes to Italy every year. Tohle bylo oznámeno ve všech novinách. This was reported in all the newspapers. This was reported in all the newspapers. Однесете ме до хотелот Хилтон. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Take me to the Hilton Hotel. Ние още работим здравата. We're still working hard. We are still working hard. Глупаво правило е. It's a stupid policy. It's a stupid rule. Musím nabiflovat fyziku. I have to bone up on my physics. I need to get into physics. Всички знаят, че Том не може да говори френски много добре. Everybody knows Tom can't speak French very well. Everyone knows that Tom can't speak French very well. За малку ќе им се јавев. I almost called them. I almost called them. Всичките съм ги виждал. I've seen them all. I've seen them all. Mam nadzieję, że nigdy go już nie spotkam. I hope I never meet him again. I hope I never see him again. Напоследък цените са паднали. Prices have dropped recently. Prices have fallen recently. По крайней мере, мои воображаемые друзья меня не подводят. At least my imaginary friends don't let me down. At least my imaginary friends don't let me down. Ніхто не читає есемески. No one reads the texts. No one reads e-mails. To je jejich mapa. That's their map. That's their map. Я хочу на каток. I want to go to the skating rink. I want to skate. Я предпочитаю чай без сахара. I prefer tea with no sugar. I prefer tea without sugar. Оние коишто ги мешаат глаголските завршетоци „-тся“ и „-ться“ ги чека посебно местенце во пеколот. For those who confuse the verb endings "-тся" and "ться", there's a special little place in Hell prepared just for you. Those who confuse the verb endings "-<0xD1><0x88><0xD1><0x8F>" and "-<0xD1><0x87><0xD1><0x8F><0xD1><0x87>" are waiting for a special place in hell. Меня попросили научить тебя всему, что я знаю. I've been asked to teach you everything I know. I've been asked to teach you everything I know. У Тома є брат. Tom has a brother. Tom has a brother. Том устроился поудобнее. Tom made himself comfortable. Tom was more comfortable. Все живые организмы состоят из одной или более клеток. All living beings are made up of one or more cells. All living organisms are made up of one or more cells. Дали имаш намера да ми помогнеш? Do you intend to help me? Do you intend to help me? Ты имеешь какое-то отношение к этой компании? Do you have something to do with that company? Do you have anything to do with this company? Том ненавидит готовить. Tom hates cooking. Tom hates to cook. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy, musisz jedynie zadzwonić. If you need help, all you have to do is call. If you need help, you just need to call. Myślę, że to nie będzie takie trudne. I think it's not going to be that hard. I don't think it's gonna be that hard. Я никогда не забуду, как мы с ней ездили на Гавайи. I'll never forget going to Hawaii with her. I'll never forget the time we went to Hawaii with her. Вы не поверите, что Том мне рассказал! You won't believe what Tom told me! You won't believe what Tom told me! Вы — полицейский? Are you a policeman? Are you a policeman? Měla bys pochopit, že tě Tom jenom využívá. You should understand that Tom only uses you. You should understand that Tom's just using you. Ти мусиш їй допомогти, і швидко! You must help her, and soon! You have to help her, and fast! Родители Тома велели ему этого не делать. Tom's parents told Tom not to do that. Tom's parents told him not to. Как ты с ним познакомилась? How did you first meet him? How did you meet him? Я дивився цей фільм дуже давно. I saw that movie a long time ago. I watched this movie a long time ago. Сколько у тебя в саду яблонь? How many apple trees do you have in your garden? How many apples do you have in your garden? Можно сказать это проще? Can it be put more simply? Can I say it easier? Я купил кресло, но пока не знаю, куда его поставлю. I bought an armchair, but I don't know where I am going to put it on yet. I bought a chair, but I don't know where to put it yet. Chciałbym podróżować po świecie, o ile będzie mnie na to stać. As soon as I can afford it, I plan to travel around the world. I want to travel the world if I can afford it. To kafe platím já. The coffee's on me. I pay for the coffee. Zastanawiam się, co się wydarzy. I wonder what is going to happen. I wonder what's gonna happen. Nevím, kam to dát. I don't know where to put this. I don't know where to put it. Том утверждает, что за ним следят. Tom claims he's being followed. Tom says he's being watched. To se mi nezdá užitečné. I don't find that helpful. I don't think that's helpful. Парня Мэри зовут Томом. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Дозвольте мені знову вас поцілувати. Allow me to kiss you again. Let me kiss you again. Кто открыл дверь в мою комнату? Who opened the door to my room? Who opened the door to my room? Proč tomu nevěříš? Why do you not believe it? Why don't you believe it? Co je tak skvělého na tom, být dospělý? What's so great about being an adult? What's so great about being an adult? Burmistrz był zdania, że trzeba zbadać przyczyny spadku dochodów podatkowych. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The mayor was of the opinion that the reasons for the decline in tax revenues should be investigated. У неё рак лёгкого. She has lung cancer. She has lung cancer. Приходите снова завтра утром. Come again tomorrow morning. Come back tomorrow morning. Не одам и точка. I'm not going, and that's that. I'm not going anywhere. Том одлута некаде. Tom wandered off somewhere. Tom is going somewhere. Том такий великий. Tom's gotten so big. Tom is so great. Моя неупереджена думка полягає в тому, що це жахливий фільм. My unbiased opinion is that the movie is awful. My unprejudiced opinion is that this is a terrible movie. Яны згубілі ўзор ДНК. They lost the DNA sample. They lost their DNA. Я хотел, чтобы Том выяснил, где Мэри была. I wanted Tom to find out where Mary had been. I wanted Tom to find out where Mary was. Това е ок. That one's OK. That's okay. Je to nepodstatná věc. It's a trivial matter. It's a trivial matter. Přestaň ji trápit. Stop tormenting her. Stop bothering her. Том сказал мне, что это реально работает. Tom told me this really works. Tom told me it really worked. Том ми напиша писмо. Tom wrote me a letter. Tom wrote me a letter. Když jsme pryč z domu, nic nás nepotěší více, jako když obdržíme balíček z domu. When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home. When we are out of the house, nothing pleases us more than when we receive a package from the house. Pokušali smo zaustaviti Toma. We tried to stop Tom. We tried to stop Tom. Tom měl na sobě tričko. Tom was wearing a T-shirt. Tom was wearing a T-shirt. Той ме погледна право в очите. He looked me straight in the eyes. He looked me right in the eye. Spadli jste. You fell. You fell. Още един скоч и вода, моля. Another Scotch and water, please. Another scotch and water, please. Никога не съм си давала сметка, че Том се интересува от френския. I never realized Tom was interested in French. I never realized that Tom was interested in French. Porzucił rodzinę i zamieszkał na Tahiti. He abandoned his family and went to live in Tahiti. He left his family and moved to Tahiti. Искам да отида в Австралия още веднъж преди да ми е изтекъл паспортът. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. Tom nemůže vždy dostat to, co chce. Tom can't always get what he wants. Tom can't always get what he wants. Бил беше в Япония. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. Собите се запуштени. The rooms are deserted. The rooms are abandoned. Тебя родители есть не учили? Did your parents not teach you how to eat? Didn't your parents teach you? Chci zapomenout, proto piji. I need to forget, therefore I drink. I want to forget, that's why I drink. Это не тот ответ, который я ожидал услышать. That isn't the response I expected. That's not the answer I expected to hear. Tyto starodávné hodiny stojí tisíc dolarů. This antique clock is worth one thousand dollars. These ancient clocks cost a thousand dollars. Ова не е ничија вина. This is no one's fault. This isn't anybody's fault. Тоа беше отфрлено. That was rejected. That was rejected. Пробвай каквото искаш, ще видиш, че е невъзможно да се отървеш от този си навик. Try as you may, you will find it impossible to give up that habit. Try what you want, you will see that it is impossible to get rid of this habit. Дајте ми кључ, и ја ћу откључати свемир. Give me a key, and I will unlock the universe. Give me the key, and I'll unlock the universe. Pogoda pogorszy się po południu. The weather will change for the worse this afternoon. The weather will get worse in the afternoon. Я забыл полить цветы. I forgot to water the flowers. I forgot to water the flowers. Ви дуже дратуєте. You're being very annoying. You are very annoying. Я ничего не сказал, потому что не знал, что говорить. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know what to say. Jak vám Tom ublížil? How did Tom hurt you? How did Tom hurt you? Кто Вы такой? Чего Вы хотите? Who are you? What do you want? Who are you? What do you want? Потупването по гърба беше дразнещо. The pat on the back was offensive. The pat on the back was annoying. Tom musel mít svého psa na vodítku. Tom had to keep his dog on a lead. Tom must have had his dog on a leash. Они классные. They're cool. They're cool. «Ты куда?» — «За степлером». — «А этот тебя чем не устраивает?» — «В нём закончились скрепки». "Where are you going?" "To get a stapler." "What's wrong with this one?" "It's out of staples." "Where are you going?" - "Behind the stapler." - "And what does this not suit you?" - "It has run out of paper clips." Teraz môžeš ísť dnu. You may go in now. You can go in now. Это кошка, и к тому же оранжевая. It's a cat, and an orange one at that. It's a cat, and it's orange. Излегов од дома во седум. I left home at seven. I left home at seven. Не забудьте запереть окна. Don't forget to lock the windows. Don't forget to close the windows. Ненавджу найманних вбивць. I hate hitmen. I hate hired killers. Wysoki budynek powstał obok mojego domu. A tall building was built next to my house. A tall building was built next to my house. Таа изгледаше возбудено. She looked excited. She looked excited. Вы мне здесь завтра не нужны. I don't need you here tomorrow. I don't need you here tomorrow. Mniej gadaj, więcej rób. Talk less, do more. Less talk, more do. Джон и Энн нравятся друг другу. John and Ann like each other. John and Anne like each other. Не телефонуй мені. Don't call me. Don't call me. И слово, и картинка представляли собой яблоко в линии. Both word and picture represented an apple by means of lines. Both the word and the picture were an apple in a line. Czy masz chłopaka? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Ваши книги на письменном столе. Your books are on the desk. Your books on the desk. Гэтыя кнігі твае? Are these books yours? "These books are yours? Tvůj bratr to nekoupí. Your brother will not buy it. Your brother won't buy it. Ona uważa go za niewinnego. She presumes him to be innocent. She thinks he's innocent. Јас сум студент. I am a student. I'm a student. Я знаю, што ты настаўнік. I know that you're a teacher. I know you are a teacher. Czasami śpię na plecach, czasami na brzuchu, a czasami na boku. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and other times on my side. Sometimes I sleep on my back, sometimes on my stomach, and sometimes on my side. Я всегда считал Тома близким другом. I've always considered Tom a close friend. I always thought of Tom as a close friend. Полиция ещё не допрашивала Тома. The police haven't questioned Tom yet. The police haven't questioned Tom yet. У тебе й досі болять ноги? Do your feet still hurt? Do your legs still hurt? Том любить поскиглити Tom is a whinger. Tom likes to cuddle. Гадаю, я знаю, що зробив би Том. I think I know what Tom would do. I think I know what Tom would do. Czy ja mogę mieć twój numer telefonowy? Can I have your telephone number? Can I have your phone number? Ты бы хотел жить в другой стране? Would you like to live in another country? Would you like to live in another country? Dokážeš rozbít vejce jednou rukou? Can you break an egg with one hand? Can you break an egg with one hand? Все женщины одинаковые. All women are the same. All women are the same. Как воздух, так и вода необходимы для жизни. Both air and water are indispensable for life. Both air and water are essential for life. Она не может меня видеть. She can't see me. She can't see me. Том очень глупый человек. Tom is a very silly person. Tom is a very stupid man. Блузата ти си подхожда много добре с тази пола. Your blouse goes beautifully with that skirt. Your blouse matches this skirt very well. Вселената е загадка. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. Чому ми просто не покінчимо з цим? Why don't we just get this over with? Why don't we just get this over with? Může být ta zpráva pravdivá? Can the report be true? Can this report be true? W końcu wszystko mi powiesz. You'll tell me everything eventually. You're gonna tell me everything. To jest hazard. It's a gamble. This is gambling. "Martyna, zapomniałaś o peruce!" - krzyknął Wojtek. "Martyna, you forgot your wig!" Wojtek shouted. "Martina, you forgot your wig!" cried Wojtek. Krepaj! Die! Get up! Vrátím se po obědě. I will come back after lunch. I'll be back after lunch. Сложная была контрольная? Was the test difficult? Was it difficult to control? Я подожду до трёх часов. I'll wait till three o'clock. I'll wait until three o'clock. Нарэшце мы адныя. We're finally alone. Finally we are alone. Тие не сфаќаат. They don't get it. They don't get it. Лето - жаркое время года. Summer is a hot season. Summer is a hot time of year. Мислам дека Том се преселил во Бостон. I think Tom moved to Boston. I think Tom moved to Boston. Где мой фонарь? Where's my flashlight? Where's my flashlight? У тебя резина совсем никакая. Your tyres have had it. You don't have any rubber. Имам ранен спомен как дядо ми си замрежва чорапите. I have an early memory of my grandmother darning socks. I have an early memory of my grandfather freezing his socks off. Nie je dôvod sa báť. There's no reason to be afraid. There is no reason to be afraid. Teraz trzyma się to kupy. It makes sense now. Now it's sticking together. Izašao je u šetnju. He has gone out for a walk. He went out for a walk. Хубілай заснаваў дынастыю Юань у 1271 годзе. Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271. Kublai founded the Yuan dynasty in 1271. Мразя го, но не знам защо. I hate him, but I don't know why. I hate it, but I don't know why. Я не пропустила жодної наради. I haven't missed a single meeting. I didn't miss a single meeting. Как ты думаешь, когда Том придёт? When do you think Tom will come? When do you think Tom's coming? Уровень его модернизации намного превысил мои ожидания. Its level of modernisation far exceeded my expectations. The level of its modernization far exceeded my expectations. Já taky nejsem fanoušek. I am not a fan either. I'm not a fan either. Перадай мне тую маленькую адвёртку. Hand me that small screwdriver. Give me that little piece of paper. Velký bratr vás sleduje. Big brother is watching you. Big Brother is watching you. Mám ještě pořád žízeň. I'm still thirsty. I'm still thirsty. Я снимаю фильм. I'm making a movie. I'm making a movie. Косата ти е лом. You hair is a mess. Your hair is brittle. Добро ти оди ова. You're good at this. You're good at this. Tom nesnáší horké počasí. Tom hates hot weather. Tom hates hot weather. Tom nás nemá rád. Tom doesn't love us. Tom doesn't like us. Всички приемахме за дадено, че Том може да говори френски. We all took it for granted that Tom could speak French. We all assumed that Tom could speak French. Zawsze dowiaduję się ostatni. I'm always the last to know. I'm always the last to know. Tom si před spaním čte. Tom reads before bedtime. Tom reads before he goes to sleep. Може ли да Ви попитам нещо? Could I ask you something? Can I ask you a question? Знайди синоніми. Find synonyms. Find the synonyms. Sežeň Tomovi nějaké jídlo. Get some food for Tom. Get Tom some food. Mír je velice důležitý. Peace is very important. Peace is very important. Ти жорстока. You're cruel. You're cruel. Я его не брал. Можете карманы проверить. I didn't take it. You can check my pockets. I didn't take it, you can check your pockets. Čtyřúhelník je geometrický útvar, který má čtyři stěny a čtyři úhly. A quadrilateral is a geometric shape with four sides and four angles. A quadrilateral is a geometric shape that has four walls and four angles. Šel jsem k prameni načerpat vodu, ale zjistil jsem, že vyschnul. I went to the spring to draw water, but I found it had dried up. I went to the spring to draw water, but found that it had dried up. Дебел сум. I'm fat. I'm fat. Колко ти дължа? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Позвоните мне, если передумаете. Call me if you change your mind. Call me if you change your mind. Nenechám to Toma udělat. I won't let Tom do this. I'm not gonna let Tom do this. Я был глубоко тронут её речью. I was deeply affected by her speech. I was deeply moved by her speech. Человек не может жить без воды. Men can't live without water. Man cannot live without water. Том отправил Мэри телеграмму. Tom sent a telegram to Mary. Tom sent Mary a telegram. Tom šel do školy, i když mu máma řekla, že je na to příliš nemocný. Tom went to school even though his mother told him that he was too sick to go. Tom went to school, even though his mom told him he was too sick to do it. Джон не знає, що робити далі. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn’t know what to do next. Ќе станам посилен. I'll become stronger. I'm gonna get stronger. Не го отричам. I don't deny it. I don't deny it. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a catch. Подождите, пока она подойдёт поближе! Wait until it comes closer. Wait till she gets closer! Вы очень заняты. You're very busy. You're very busy. Vyšetřujeme Tomovu vraždu. We're investigating Tom's murder. We're investigating Tom's murder. Чем была бы Татоэба без Тома? What would Tatoeba be without Tom? What would have happened without Tom? Вам надо спасти принцессу. You need to save the princess. You have to save the princess. Język suahili posługuje się pismem łacińskim. Swahili is written using the Roman writing system. The Swahili language is written in Latin. Я думал, вы нашли кого-то ещё. I thought you'd found someone else. I thought you found someone else. Это печальная новость. This is sad news. That's sad news. Не се оставяй това да те притеснява. Don't let it bother you. Don't let that bother you. Катер затонул. The motorboat sank. The boat sank. Человек начинает умирать с момента рождения. As soon as man is born, he begins to die. A person begins to die from the moment of birth. Можно ли мне начать? Can I begin? Can I start? Він повернувся до готелю. He went back to the hotel. He returned to the hotel. Ситуацията се е подобрила осезаемо спрямо това което беше. The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was. The situation has improved noticeably compared to what it was. Где он купил эти ботинки? Where did he buy these shoes? Where did he buy those shoes? Могу я взять выходной? Can I take the day off? Can I take the day off? Usmívejte se do fotoaparátu, prosím. Smile at the camera, please! Smile for the camera, please. Каде е најблиската работилница за поправка на диџеридуа? Where is the nearest didgeridoo repair shop? Where is the nearest DIY repair shop? Всичко, което те искат, е да изкарат много пари. All they want to do is make a lot of money. All they want is to make a lot of money. Вона говорить двома іноземними мовами. She speaks two foreign languages. She speaks two foreign languages. Зашто? Why? Why? Why? Пояснення Тома не пом'якшило Мері. Tom's explanation didn't mollify Mary. Tom's explanation did not soften Mary. Бабушка показывала нам старые фотографии. Grandmother showed us old photographs. Grandma used to show us old photos. Когда равноденствие? When is the equinox? When is the equinox? Не изгледа нешто многу различно. It doesn't look all that different. It doesn't look much different. Я сіла не в той автобус. I'm on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. Не стана дотолку лошо. It didn't get that bad. It didn't get that bad. Myslíš, že Boston je hlučné město? Do you think Boston is a noisy city? Do you think Boston is a noisy city? Mało prawdopodobne, by był takim samym człowiekiem, jakiego poznałeś 10 lat temu. It's very unlikely that he is actually the same man you met ten years ago. He's unlikely to be the same man you met 10 years ago. Реката минува низ долината. The river runs through the valley. The river runs through the valley. Zítra bude nejspíš velké teplo. It's likely to be very hot tomorrow. It's probably going to be very warm tomorrow. Była zajęta od wczoraj. She has been busy since yesterday. She's been busy since yesterday. Lubię angielski bardziej niż matematykę. I like English better than I like mathematics. I like English more than math. Темза — это река, протекающая через Лондон. The Thames is the river that flows through London. The Thames is a river that flows through London. Том отиде до продавница и купи три канти спреј за бубачки. Tom drove to the store and bought three cans of insect spray. Tom went to the store and bought three buckets of bug spray. Co jej obiecałeś? What did you promise her? What did you promise her? Що ви радите? What do you advise? What do you do? Похоже, у Тома не было выбора. It seemed that Tom had no choice. Tom didn't seem to have a choice. Римлянам была известна игра, возможно, похожая на шахматы, называемая ludus latrunculorum - игра разбойников. The Romans knew of a game, possibly similar to chess, called "ludus latrunculorum" – a game of robbers. The Romans knew a game, perhaps similar to chess, called ludus latrunculorum - a game of robbers. Můj otec byl u námořnictva. My father was in the navy. My father was in the Navy. Том купив Мері троянду. Tom bought a rose for Mary. Tom bought Mary a rose. Он был моим коллегой. He was my colleague. He was my colleague. Урадићу то са задовољством. I'll do it with pleasure. I'll do it with pleasure. В ближайшем будущем мы можем встретиться вновь. We might meet again in the near future. We may meet again in the near future. Я нічого не сказала. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. On je moj prijatelj. He is my friend. He's my friend. Мне интересно, кто поможет ему украсить снеговика? I wonder who will help him decorate the snowman. I wonder who will help him decorate the snowman? Tom si zapálil cigaretu přestože byl na místě, kde platí přísný zákaz kouření. Tom lit a cigarette despite being at place where smoking is strictly prohibited. Tom lit a cigarette even though he was in a place where there was a strict smoking ban. Том во всём обвиняет меня. Tom blames me for everything. Tom blames me for everything. Оставете ме да ида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Proč je Tom tak tvrdohlavý? Why is Tom so stubborn? Why is Tom so stubborn? Можливо, у Тома зламалася машина. Maybe Tom's car broke down. Maybe Tom's car broke down. Tom jest instruktorem jogi. Tom is a yoga instructor. Tom is a yoga instructor. Čím se to nahradí? What will it be replaced with? What will replace it? Сколько страниц в этой книге? How many pages are there in this book? How many pages in this book? Том никогаш не се разболува. Tom never gets sick. Tom never gets sick. Джейн си купи пола и блуза. Janet bought a skirt and a blouse. Jane bought a skirt and a blouse. Tom šel špatným směrem. Tom was going in the wrong direction. Tom was going in the wrong direction. Мы можем попытаться. We can give it a try. We can try. У мене немає ванної. I don't have a bathtub. I don't have a bathroom. Я познакомилась с ним весной две тысячи двадцатого года. I met him in the spring of 2020. I met him in the spring of the year two thousand and twentieth. To się polepszyło. It's gotten better. It got better. Krivica je naša. We're to blame. It's our fault. Танцюй. Dance. Dance. Том в итоге поехал в Бостон. Tom went to Boston after all. Tom eventually went to Boston. Ще ви обърна внимание след малко. I'll get back to you in a moment. I'll have your attention in a moment. Сакам да се запишам на курс. I want to enrol in a course. I want to take a class. Мы с ним дружим. I'm friends with him. He and I are friends. Бутылка в холодильнике. The bottle is in the fridge. Bottle in the refrigerator. Ты действительно сделал это бесплатно? Did you really do that for free? Did you really do it for free? Мы забыли, что вы не любите пиццу. We forgot you don't like pizza. We forgot that you don't like pizza. Тие седеа и молчеа. They sat in silence. They sat and remained silent. Miluješ svou matku? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Ten polityk mówi, że popiera rząd. This politician says that he supports the government. This politician says he supports the government. Ако го видиш Том, кажи му дека го барам. If you see Tom, tell him I'm looking for him. If you see Tom, tell him I'm looking for him. Co je to pravda? What is truth? What's the truth? Никога не те видях. I never saw you. I never saw you. Zastav to auto. Musím vystoupit. Stop the car. I need to get out. Stop the car, I have to get out. Я не хочу идти, а кроме того, уже слишком поздно. I don't want to go, and besides it's too late. I don't want to go, and besides, it's too late. Узнайте, что происходит. Find out what is happening. Find out what's going on. Mówienie po angielsku nie jest łatwe. It's not easy to speak English. Speaking English is not easy. Zboże potaniało. Grain became cheaper. The grain has sunk. Том умер на руках у Мэри. Tom died in Mary's arms. Tom died in Mary's arms. Druga wojna światowa skończyła się w 1945 roku. World War Two ended in 1945. The Second World War ended in 1945. Я просто хочу быть хорошим отцом. I just want to be a good father. I just want to be a good father. Я чекала тут тридцять хвилин. I've been waiting here for thirty minutes. I waited here for thirty minutes. Я был почти уверен, что Том этого не сделает. I was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't do that. I was pretty sure Tom wouldn't do that. Том умер через три месяца после смерти жены. Tom died three months after his wife. Tom died three months after his wife’s death. Том з тобою поговорив? Did Tom talk to you? Did Tom talk to you? Он ужасный человек. He's a horrible person. He's a terrible man. Vezměte si co potřebujete a vypadněte odsud. Grab what you need and get out of here. Take what you need and get out of here. "Это что за мерзость?" - "Это паук. Всего-навсего". "What is this disgusting thing?" "It's a spider. That's all." "What kind of abomination is this?" "It's a spider. Pokój jest sprzątany przez pana Smitha. The room is cleaned by Mrs. Smith. The room is being cleaned by Mr. Smith. Том считает, что пороть детей - вполне допустимо, и даже полезно. Tom believes that spanking children is quite acceptable, and even useful. Tom believes that flogging children is quite permissible, and even useful. Фурсьюти - це дивовижна ідея, але вони коштують занадто дорого. Fursuits are an amazing concept, but they cost too much. Fursuits are an amazing idea, but they are too expensive. Какое право вы имели меня преследовать? What right had you to follow me? What right did you have to persecute me? Rekao si mi da nećeš biti ovdje danas. You told me you wouldn't be here today. You told me you wouldn't be here today. Такого у меня нет. I don't have one of those. I don't have one of those. Он выблевал ровно столько же, сколько выпил. He barfed as much as he had drunk. He vomited just as much as he drank. Tom i Mary się nie znoszą. Tom and Mary detest each other. Tom and Mary hate each other. Tom se musí učit německy kvůli práci. Tom has to learn German because of his work. Tom has to learn German for work. Том воопшто не се прибра дома сношти. Tom never came home last night. Tom didn't come home at all last night. Nie wiem czy Tom może pomóc. I don't know if Tom can help. I don't know if Tom can help. Ќе морам внимателно да размислам за ова. I have to think this over carefully. I'm gonna have to think about this carefully. Какой ты веры? What faith are you? What kind of faith are you? Arogantní lidi urazí negativní odezva. Arrogant people are offended by negative feedback. Arrogant people are offended by negative feedback. Tvoj plan zvuči odlično. Your plan sounds great. Your plan sounds great. Zamierzasz kupić to auto? Are you going to buy that car? Are you going to buy this car? Присуствувај на состанокот. Attend the meeting. Attend the meeting. Томові сьогодні двадцять шість. Tom is twenty six today. Tom's twenty-six today. Мораш да ѝ помогнеш. You must help her. You have to help her. Мне скучно. Давай что-нибудь другое поделаем. I'm bored. Let's do something else. Let's do something else. Это яблоко? Is it an apple? Is that an apple? Как часто вы чистите ботинки? How often do you shine your shoes? How often do you clean your shoes? Хопіць гарлапаніць! Stop yelling. Stop the fussing! Том так обозлился, что показал другому водителю средний палец. Tom got so angry that he flipped off the other driver. Tom was so angry that he showed the other driver his middle finger. Ты превысил свои полномочия. You have overstepped your authority. You've exceeded your authority. Jeho žena, kterou jsem potkal na nádraží, je velice přitažlivá. His wife whom I met at the station, is very attractive. His wife, whom I met at the station, is very attractive. Том зник без сліду. Tom disappeared without a trace. Tom disappeared without a trace. Этот телевизор поддерживает разрешение 1080p. This TV supports 1080p. This TV supports 1080p resolution. Tom svým dětem nedovolil, aby s námi šli nakupovat. Tom didn't let his children go shopping with us. Tom wouldn't let his kids go shopping with us. «Кто защищает нас?» — «Мы сами!» "Who protects us?" "We protect us!" “Who is protecting us?” – “We ourselves!” "Můžeme navštívit Toma?" "Teď ne, ale můžeme ho navštívit později." "Can we visit Tom?" "Not now, but we can see him later." "Can we visit Tom?" "Not now, but we can visit him later." Pozwól, że coś powiem. Let me say one thing. Let me tell you something. Boli sme niekde inde. We were somewhere else. We were in pain somewhere else. Jeśli masz ogród i bibliotekę, masz wszystko czego potrzebujesz. If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Nemusel jsi to Tomovi říkat. You needn't have told Tom. You didn't have to tell Tom. Во сколько вы планируете вечером быть дома? What time do you plan to be home tonight? What time do you plan to be home tonight? Это не единственная причина, почему Том должен был делать это. That isn't the only reason why Tom had to do that. That's not the only reason Tom had to do it. Вчера был дождь, а сегодня солнце. Yesterday was rain, today is sunshine. Yesterday it was raining and today it is sun. Таямніца дыялектыкі Гегеля у канечным ліку толькі ў гэтым: ён абвяргае тэалогію з дапамогай філасофіі для таго, каб пасля абвергнуць філасофію з дапамогай тэалогіі. The secret of Hegel's dialectic lies ultimately in this alone, that it negates theology through philosophy in order then to negate philosophy through theology. The mystery of Hegel's dialectic is ultimately only this: he refutes theology by means of philosophy in order to then refute philosophy by means of theology. Prší teď v Bostonu? Is it raining in Boston now? Is it raining in Boston? Ще се върнем рано или късно. We will return sooner or later. We'll be back sooner or later. Мислам дека е подобро да не ја пиеме водава. I think we'd better not drink this water. I think it's better not to drink water. Кто владелец машины? Who is the owner of the car? Who owns the car? Ты привыкнешь к этому. You'll become accustomed to it. You'll get used to it. ДНК похожа на компьютерную программу, но она намного, намного более совершенна чем любое другое программное обеспечение, созданное когда-либо. DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created. DNA is like a computer program, but it is much, much more advanced than any other software ever created. Къде е баща Ви? Where's your father? Where's your father? Той започна да крещи. He began to shout. He started screaming. Я учу его голландскому языку. I'm teaching him Dutch. I'm teaching him Dutch. Я ще не отримала вашого листа. I still haven't received your letter. I haven't received your letter yet. Я не знаю её номер телефона. I don't know her telephone number. I don't know her phone number. У вас нічого немає. You have nothing. You have nothing. Ты опять плакала? Have you been crying again? Did you cry again? Том надеется, что Мэри поможет Джону. Tom is hoping Mary can help John. Tom hopes that Mary will help John. Уживао сам у певању са Томом. I enjoyed singing with Tom. I enjoyed singing with Tom. Ми вводимо його внутрішньом’язово. We inject it intramuscularly. We introduce it intramuscularly. Том і Мэры збіраюцца ажаніцца. Tom and Mary are planning to get married. Tom and Mary are getting married. V kino je šla sama. She went to the movies alone. She went to the movies alone. Том ми запрети. Tom threatened me. Tom forbade me. Винаги закъсняваш. You are always late. You're always late. Nikde jsem to nečetl. I haven't read that anywhere. I haven't read it anywhere. Tom by je nikdy trpět nenechal. Tom would never let them suffer. Tom would never let them suffer. Луна — спутник Земли. The moon is the Earth's satellite. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. Они бегут. They are running. They're running. Том скучает по своей жене Мэри. Tom misses his wife Mary. Tom misses his wife Mary. Я слышал слухи о Томе и Мэри. I've heard rumors about Tom and Mary. I've heard rumors about Tom and Mary. Gdzie jest najbliższy sklep? Where is the nearest shop? Where is the nearest shop? Всички къщи в този квартал толкова си приличат, че не мога да ги различа. All the houses in this neighborhood look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. All the houses in this neighborhood are so similar, I can't tell them apart. Винаги се оплаквате. You are always complaining. You always complain. To bude Karlova ulice. It will be Karlova street. That'll be Charles Street. Том мене умовив. Tom talked me into it. Tom talked me into it. Както и да е, никога няма да разбереш. Anyway, you'll never know. Anyway, you'll never know. Она прекрасно говорит на греческом. She speaks Greek perfectly. She speaks Greek very well. Чи не скажете, що мені робити далі? Will you tell me what I should do next? Will you tell me what to do next? Скажи Тому, що ми на нього чекаємо. Tell Tom we're waiting for him. Tell him we are waiting for him. Dveře bylo těžké otevřít. The door was difficult to open. The door was hard to open. Том собрал вещи и уехал. Tom packed his things and left. Tom packed his things and left. Том старался не поддаваться панике. Tom was trying not to panic. Tom tried not to panic. Нам некогда учиться. We have no time to study. We don't have time to study. Žijeme v surovém světě. We live in a cruel world. We live in a harsh world. Tom zaczął łaskotać Mary. Tom began to tickle Mary. Tom began to tickle Mary. Нужны добровольцы. Volunteers are needed. We need volunteers. Чому Том убив Мері? Why did Tom kill Mary? Why did Tom kill Mary? Какво искате? What do you want? What do you want? По правде говоря, Том мне не нравится. To tell you the truth, I don't like Tom. To tell you the truth, I don't like Tom. Я штомесяца даю табе шмат грошай. I give you plenty of money each month. I give you a lot of money every month. Ta riba je neužitna. That fish is not edible. This fish is inedible. Вона це сказала просто із ввічивості. She just said that to be nice. She just said it out of curiosity. Кога е изградено? When was it built? When was it built? Zdanie musi mieć orzeczenie. The sentence must have a predicate. A sentence must have a judgment. Tom ne živi ovdje, je li tako? Tom doesn't live here, does he? Tom doesn't live here, does he? Ignoruji to. I'm ignoring that. I'm ignoring it. Это вряд ли произойдёт. That's not very likely to happen. That's not likely to happen. Jsem pořád unavený. I'm tired all the time. I'm still tired. Moglibyśmy razem zaśpiewać. We could sing together. We could sing together. Торговля пчелиным воском велась ещё в Древней Греции и Риме, а в средневековой Европе это вещество было валютной единицей, используемой при сборе налогов и в других целях. The beeswax trade dates to ancient Greece and Rome, and in Medieval Europe, the substance was a unit of trade for taxes and other purposes. The trade of beeswax was conducted in ancient Greece and Rome, and in medieval Europe this substance was a currency unit used for tax collection and other purposes. Конечно же, ты можешь воспользоваться моим компьютером. Sure, go ahead and use my computer. Of course you can use my computer. Один из учеников господина Джексона был ранен. One of Mr. Jackson's students got injured. One of Mr. Jackson's students was injured. Pociąg będzie tu za chwilę. The train will be here in a moment. The train will be here any minute. Кто популярнее? Who is more popular? Who is more popular? Том каждое утро делает сто приседаний. Tom does 100 squats every morning. Tom does a hundred sit-ups every morning. Не нужно искушать судьбу. There's no need to tempt fate. No need to tempt fate. Hałas za oknem nie pozwolił mu spać. The noise outside his window prevented him from sleeping. The noise outside the window made it impossible for him to sleep. На колко си години? How old are you? How old are you? Тому потрібна кров. Tom needs blood. Tom needs blood. Чиј ракопис е ова? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Няма начин да се свържете с него. There's no way to get in touch with him. There's no way to contact him. Myslím, že je nevinný. I think he's innocent. I think he's innocent. Koľko vankúšov využívaš pri spánku? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? How many tubs do you use in your sleep? Аз купувам касети. I buy tapes. I buy tapes. Національна служба охорони здоров'я Великобританії сьогодні оновила рекомендації щодо коронавірусу. The NHS issues updated Coronavirus recommendations today. The UK’s National Health Service has today updated its coronavirus guidelines. Z powodu nadmiernej ochrony wielorybów maleje pogłowie ryb stanowiących pożywienie wielorybów, więc ryby takie też powinny podlegać ochronie. Fish stocks are declining due to over-protection of whales, so fish that whales can eat should also be protected. Due to the over-protection of whales, the number of whale-fed fish is decreasing, so such fish should also be protected. Stari učitelj je počeo nostalgično govoriti o dobrim, starim vremenima. The old teacher began to talk about the good old days. The old teacher began to talk nostalgically about the good old days. Jak dlouho na mě čekáte? How long have you been waiting for me? How long have you been waiting for me? Жаль, когда кто-то умирает. It's a pity when somebody dies. It's a shame when someone dies. Імбрык на стале. The teapot is on the table. Imprint on steel. Szkoda, że muszę pracować w ten weekend. I wish I didn't have to work this weekend. I wish I had to work this weekend. Том, імаверна, не здолеў бы зрабіць гэта сам. Tom probably wouldn't be able to do that by himself. Tom probably couldn't have done it himself. Наемате ли се? Are you volunteering? Are you hiring? Ova je taška koju sam kupila u Italiji. This is the handbag I bought in Italy. This is the bag I bought in Italy. W USA co dziesięć lat odbywa się spis ludności. In the United States there is a census every ten years. In the United States, there is a population census every 10 years. Том сприймає каву серйозно, і його стандартне замовлення - це ристрето. Tom takes his coffee seriously, and his go-to order is a ristretto. Tom takes coffee seriously, and his standard order is ristreto. Похоже, вы недопоняли. I think you've missed the point. You seem to have misunderstood. Можете ли вы помочь мне установить его на мой компьютер? Can you help me install it on my computer? Can you help me install it on my computer? Помислих си, че вероятно вече си се прибрала вкъщи. I thought you'd probably already gone home. I thought you'd probably be home by now. Не храни велосипед в сарае. Don't keep the bicycle in the barn. Don't feed the bike in the shed. Том никогда никому не доверял. Tom never trusted anyone. Tom never trusted anyone. Мы с тобой обе знаем, что этого не будет. You and I both know that that's not going to happen. You and I both know that's not gonna happen. Кто-то взял мой зонт. Someone's taken my umbrella. Someone took my umbrella. Я дал им поспать до полудня. I let them sleep until noon. I let them sleep until noon. Здесь ты дома. You are here at home. This is where you're at. Он сидел на лавке с закрытыми глазами. He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed. He was sitting on the bench with his eyes closed. Tom se nedávno rozvedl. Tom has got divorced recently. Tom recently divorced. Сядзь там. Sit there. Sit there. Proč takové věci schováváš před svojí ženou? Why do you hide things like that from your wife? Why do you hide such things from your wife? Куди подівся Том? Where's Tom gone? Where did Tom go? Widziałeś mojego syna? Have you seen my son? Have you seen my son? Hoď ten balón Tomovi. Throw the ball to Tom. Throw the balloon to Tom. Этот компакт-диск стоит десять долларов. This CD costs ten dollars. This CD is worth ten dollars. Что Вы думаете об этом платье? What do you think about this dress? What do you think of this dress? Не позволявай на Том да го извърши. Don't let Tom do it. Don't let Tom do this. Ты помнишь, в чём я была, когда мы познакомились? Do you remember what I was wearing the first time we met? Do you remember what I was in when we first met? Жадаю поспехаў. I wish you good luck. I wish you success. Pravý breh rieky sa ukázal byť strmý. The right bank of the river ended up being steep. And the right side of the river appeared to be steep. Ja sam iz Grčke. I'm from Greece. I'm from Greece. У тебя в комнате два окна? Has your room got two windows? Do you have two windows in your room? Nudím sa. I'm bored. I'm bored. Не можев да поверувам дека ова навистина ми се случува. I couldn't believe this was really happening to me. I couldn't believe this was really happening to me. В мене багато друзів. I've got plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. Мои руки чисты. My hands are clean. My hands are clean. Које часове имаш у понедељак? What classes do you have on Monday? What time do you have on Monday? Этот скандал нескоро забудут. This scandal will not soon be forgotten. This scandal will soon be forgotten. Netuším. I have no idea. I don't know. Мой дядя был портным. My uncle was a tailor. My uncle was a tailor. Це дог. It's a Great Dane. It's a dog. Я був у касці. I wore a hard hat. I was in a cage. Том узе две флаше пива из фрижидера, једну за себе и једну за Џона, и стави их на сто. Tom took two bottles of beer out of the fridge, one for himself and one for John, and put them on the table. Tom took two bottles of beer from the fridge, one for himself and one for John, and put them on the table. Мислим да је Том извукао дебљи крај. I think Tom got a raw deal. I think Tom pulled a thicker end. Адзіная розніца паміж мной і вар’ятам у тым, што я не вар’ят. The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. Вам лучше самой у Тома спросить. You'd better ask Tom yourself. You'd better ask Tom yourself. Przypadkiem wiem, że Tom sprzedał w zeszłym tygodniu swój samochód. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. I happen to know that Tom sold his car last week. На Рождество Том и Мэри подарили своему внуку велосипед. Tom and Mary bought their grandson a bike for Christmas. Tom and Mary gave their grandson a bicycle for Christmas. Мы извинились перед Томом. We apologized to Tom. We apologized to Tom. Cesta před vámi je neprůjezdná. The road up ahead is impassable. The road ahead of you is impassable. Думаю, Том хочет повышения. I think that Tom wants a promotion. I think Tom wants a raise. Том делува толку осамено. Tom seems so lonely. Tom seems so lonely. Barem je iskren. At least he's honest. At least he's honest. Mamy wszystkie potrzebne nam dowody. We have all the evidence we need. We have all the evidence we need. Насколько хорошо ты знаешь французский? How well do you know French? How well do you know French? Я так и не узнал, что Том сказал. I never knew what Tom said. I never knew what Tom said. Це був чудовий коментар. That was a great comment. That was a wonderful comment. Мы принесли воду. We brought water. We brought water. Ви впевнені, що нічого не забули? Are you sure that your haven't forgotten anything? Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anything? Я не вагітна. I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant. У матки, как у единственной половозрелой самки в колонии, есть только одна функция: откладывание яиц. As the lone sexually developed female in the colony, the queen’s only function is to lay eggs. The uterus, as the only sexually mature female in the colony, has only one function: laying eggs. Zacząłem uczyć się układania kwiatów dopiero miesiąc temu, więc wciąż jestem początkującym I just started learning flower arrangement last month, so I'm still a beginner. I started learning how to lay flowers only a month ago, so I'm still a beginner Я люблю сливы, а сливовый пирог - ещё больше. I like to eat plums, and I like to eat plum pie even more. I love plums, and plum cake is even more. Оди да спиеш, Томе. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. В тебе було багато часу. You had plenty of time. You've had plenty of time. Tom si dnes vypere. Tom is going to do the laundry today. Tom's doing the laundry today. Я ґей. I'm gay. I'm gay. Некоторые иллюстрации в этой книге очень интересные. The book has some interesting illustrations. Some of the illustrations in this book are very interesting. Следуйте моим инструкциям. Follow my instructions. Follow my instructions. "Liszt", příjmení maďarského skladatele Ference Liszta, znamená "mouka" v maďarštině. "Liszt", the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt's family name, means "flour" in Hungarian. "Liszt", the surname of Hungarian composer Ferenc Liszt, means "flour" in Hungarian. Náš pes jí ovoce a zeleninu. Our dog eats fruit and vegetables. Our dog eats fruits and vegetables. Мне надеть галстук? Should I put on a tie? Should I wear a tie? Я забыл посмотреть погоду. I forgot to check the weather. I forgot to look at the weather. Усім добрай раніцы! Good morning, everyone. Good morning to you all! Да ли се бавиш неким спортом? Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? Том сделал это специально. Tom did that intentionally. Tom did it on purpose. Дано да си права. You'd better be right. I hope you're right. У Тома немає прізвища. Tom has no last name. Tom doesn't have a last name. Několik lidí bruslilo. A few people were ice skating. A few people skated. Вчера я пошла на пляж. Yesterday I went to the beach. I went to the beach yesterday. Том болен, так что его там не будет. Tom is sick, so he won't be there. Tom's sick, so he won't be there. Ještě s námi chceš pobýt v Bostonu příští léto? Do you still want to stay in Boston with us next summer? Do you want to stay with us in Boston next summer? Це ваш будинок? Is this your house? Is this your house? Мыши проникали в его квартиру через дырку в стене. Mice have been getting into his apartment through a hole in the wall. The mice entered his apartment through a hole in the wall. Вони перемагали. They were winning. They won. Не забудь відправити листа. Don't forget to send the letter. Don't forget to send a letter. Вы что, думали, я вас не вижу? You thought I didn't see you, didn't you? Did you think I didn't see you? У меня есть деревянная расчёска, которую я купила в Бразилии. I have a wooden comb that I bought in Brazil. I have a wooden brush that I bought in Brazil. Ты слишком мал, чтобы знать, что такое логарифмическая линейка. You're too young to know what a slide rule is. You're too young to know what a logarithmic ruler is. Токму така западнав во неволја. That's exactly what got me in trouble in the first place. That's how I got into trouble. Вас когда-нибудь кусала собственная собака? Has your own dog ever bitten you? Have you ever been bitten by your own dog? Co kdybychom vystoupili z auta? Why don't we get out of the car? Why don't we get out of the car? Наша мета — виграти. Our goal is to win. Our goal is to win. Pro koho měl Tom pracovat? Who was Tom supposed to work for? Who was Tom supposed to work for? Szkoda, że nie jesteś wśród moich uczniów. I wish you'd been one of my students. I wish you were one of my students. Ему ни в чём нельзя доверять. Он очень безответственный. You can't trust him with anything. He's very irresponsible. He can't be trusted, he's very irresponsible. Тази книга има много илюстрации. This book has many pictures. This book has many illustrations. Как зовут вашего ребёнка? What is your child's name? What's your baby's name? В коя част има грешка? What part is wrong? In which part is there a mistake? Здесь растёт жёлтая роза. There's a yellow rose here. There's a yellow rose growing here. Не вы одни так думаете. You're not the only ones who think that. You're not the only one who thinks that. В молодості вона жила у передмісті Токіо. She lived in the suburbs of Tokyo when she was young. In her youth, she lived in the suburbs of Tokyo. Pijśo čaj. Drink tea. Drink the tea. To je neobvyklá situace. This is an unusual situation. This is an unusual situation. Извините, почему вы говорите по-гречески, а не по-английски? Excuse me, why do you speak Greek and not English? I'm sorry, why do you speak Greek and not English? Tom vám to může přeložit do maďarštiny. Tom can translate it into Hungarian for you. Tom can translate it into Hungarian for you. Ущелье показалось ему очень глубоким. The ravine seemed very deep to him. The valley seemed very deep to him. Я думаю, его предложение достойно рассмотрения. I think his suggestion is worth considering. I think his proposal is worth considering. Є щось, що я хочу спробувати. There's something I want to try. There is something I want to try. Jsem v Londýně. I am in London. I'm in London. Tomova nova djevojka je vrlo mlada. Tom's new girlfriend is very young. Tom's new girlfriend is very young. Едноставно прашање е де. It's just a simple question. It's a simple question. Нам нужно попытаться делать это другим способом. We need to try doing this a different way. We have to try to do it in another way. Чего они от него ждут? What do they expect from him? What do they expect from him? Tom ide do dôchodku. Tom is retiring. Tom goes to the bathroom. За пиене искам нещо топло. I want something hot to drink. I want something warm to drink. Не здавайся і продовжуй писати. Do not give up and keep writing. Don’t give up and keep writing. Том — мой первенец. Tom is my firstborn. Tom is my first child. Му ја кажав на Том вистината. I told Tom the truth. I told Tom the truth. Příští rok budu váš učitel francouzštiny. I'm going to be your French teacher next year. Next year I'll be your French teacher. Soukromé ohňostroje jsou v mnoha zemích zakázané. Private fireworks are banned in many countries. Private fireworks are banned in many countries. Myślę, że to pewne, że osiągnie sukces jako piosenkarka. I think it certain that she will succeed as a singer. I think it is certain that she will succeed as a singer. Изглежда всичките момичета са влюбени в Том. All the girls seem to have fallen in love with Tom. Looks like all the girls are in love with Tom. Он заплакал как ребёнок. He started crying like a baby. He cried like a child. Tom je velmi háklivý na kritiku. Tom is very touchy about criticism. Tom is very sensitive to criticism. Ти знаєш якісь інші рішення? Do you know of any other solutions? Do you know of any other solutions? Я бы очень хотел, чтобы Вы остались. I'd like it very much if you'd stay. I would very much like you to stay. Gdzie w tym przyjemność? What's the fun in that? Where's the pleasure in that? Он мне её даст. He'll give me it. He'll give it to me. Łopaty i szpadle sprzedawały się po dziesięć dolarów za sztukę. Shovels and spades sold for ten dollars apiece. The shovels and spades sold for ten dollars apiece. Все делают то, что могут. Everyone is doing what they can. Everyone is doing what they can. Нали няма проблем? It's not a problem, is it? It's okay, right? Сначала доешьте суп. Finish your soup first. Finish the soup first. Том не ест вредную пищу. Tom doesn't eat junk food. Tom doesn't eat junk food. Алжир не хоче війни. Algeria does not want war. Algeria does not want war. Я завжди пам'ятатиму Тома. I will always remember Tom. I will always remember Tom. Хто хоче піти зі мною? Who wants to come with me? Who wants to come with me? Ќе јадеш ли? Are you going to eat? Are you going to eat? Jeden mluví anglicky a druhý japonsky. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English and the other speaks Japanese. Nemohl jsem zaplatit za nákup, protože jsem si doma zapomněl peněženku. Musel jsem se pro ni vrátit. I couldn't pay for my shopping because I forgot my wallet at home. I had to return for it. I couldn't pay for the purchase because I forgot my wallet at home. I had to go back for it. Летом многие молодые люди будут работать в местных отелях. Many young people will work at the local hotels in the summer. In the summer, many young people will work in local hotels. Мы покупаем вашу машину. We buy your car. We're buying your car. С наступлением зимы листья опадают с деревьев. With the arrival of winter, leaves fall from the trees. In winter, the leaves fall from the trees. Почему это показалось мне таким смешным? Why did I find that so funny? Why did I find it so funny? Не думаю, что Том знает, куда Мэри хочет поехать. I don't think Tom knows where Mary wants to go. I don't think Tom knows where Mary wants to go. Когда я пользовался ксероксом, он сломался. I was using the photocopier when it broke. When I used the copier, it broke. Řekla jsi, že nekouříš. You said you didn't smoke. You said you didn't smoke. Je Tom jejich zajatec? Is Tom their captive? Is Tom their prisoner? У меня болит голова, и я иду в аптеку, чтобы купить лекарство. I have a headache and I am going to the pharmacy to buy medicine. I have a headache, and I go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Шахматы вызывают интерес у детей и взрослых во всем мире. Chess piques the interest of children and adults all over the world. Chess is of interest to children and adults around the world. Его отец посвятил жизнь науке. His father devoted his life to science. His father devoted his life to science. Мой почерк лучше, чем у Тома. My handwriting is better than Tom's. My handwriting is better than Tom's. Jakými jazyky se mluví na Filipínách? What languages are spoken in the Phillipines? What languages are spoken in the Philippines? Je teď Tom šťastný? Is Tom happy now? Is Tom happy now? Musíte odsud odejít. You have to get away from here. You need to get out of here. Кнїжка чарна. The book is black. The black book. Tom má jen jedno varle. Tom has only one testicle. Tom only has one testicle. Том побудет с вами, пока я не вернусь. Tom will stay with you until I get back. Tom will stay with you until I get back. Лікар там. The doctor is there. The doctor is there. Том любить шокувати людей. Tom likes to shock people. He likes to shock people. Я постоянно врал жене. I lied constantly to my wife. I lied to my wife all the time. Це - тварини. These are animals. These are animals. Понюхайте это. Smell this. Smell that. Майго сына завуць Том. My son's name is Tom. My son's name is Tom. "Колко свещички духна на рождения си ден?" "Петдесет и шест." "How many candles did you blow out on your birthday?" "Fifty-six." "How many candles did you blow out on your birthday?" "Fifty-six." Фала, драга. Thank you, dear. Thank you, darling. Zastanawiam się czy Tom lubi to robić. I wonder if Tom enjoys doing that. I wonder if Tom likes to do that. У меня сегодня с собой не очень много денег. I don't have much money with me today. I don't have a lot of money with me today. Переведите слова в скобках. Translate the words between the brackets. Translate the words in parentheses. Daj mi trochę luzu. Cut me some slack. Give me a break. On opuścił dom o 8.00 He left home at 8:00. He left the house at 8 a.m. Ten stůl je těžký. This table is heavy. The table is heavy. Nedivím se, že Tom tu práci nevzal. I'm not surprised that Tom didn't accept the job. No wonder Tom didn't take the job. Hočeš li ugasiti svjetlo? Will you turn on the light? Will you turn off the light? Один из полицейских пинком открыл дверь. One of the police officers kicked open the door. One of the police officers opened the door. Фадзіль яе кахае. Fadil loves her. Faded loves her. Dlatego Cię lubię. That's why I like you. That's why I like you. Doufal jsem, že to nezjistíte. I was hoping you wouldn't find out. I was hoping you wouldn't find out. Ona nie jest dobrym człowiekiem. She is not a good person. She's not a good person. Hned se ti ozvu. I'll get right back to you. I'll get back to you in a minute. Dowiedziałem się, jak rozwiązać problem. I found out how to solve the problem. I learned how to solve the problem. Говорите со своими фигурами, спросите их, куда они хотели бы пойти, не хотят ли они покинуть доску или даже пожертвовать собой ради общего блага. Talk to your pieces, ask them where they would like to go, whether they would like to leave the board or even self-sacrifice for the greater good. Talk to your figures, ask them where they would like to go, whether they want to leave the board or even sacrifice themselves for the common good. Його теорія варта уваги. His theory deserves consideration. His theory is worthy of attention. Твоє пророцтво збулося. Your prophecy has come true. Your prophecy has come true. Двері вже відчинено. The door's already unlocked. The door is already open. Те са най-добри приятели. They're best friends. They're best friends. Когда я встаю, становится хуже. It gets worse when I stand up. When I get up, it gets worse. Куришь? Do you smoke? You smoke? Sama mu pomogła ponieważ nikt inny by tego nie zrobił. She herself helped him because no one else would. She helped him because no one else would. Достаточно ли Том зарабатывает, чтобы жить в городе? Does Tom earn enough money to live in the city? Is Tom making enough money to live in the city? Я хочу написать роман. I want to write a novel. I want to write a novel. Янні їсть інжир просто з дерева. Yanni eats figs right off the tree. Janny eats figs straight from a tree. Wygląda na to, że te dane na komputerze utraciłeś już bezpowrotnie. It looks like the data you lost on your computer is irretrievable. It seems that you have already lost this data on your computer irretrievably. Plávam v oceáne. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. Ухваћена је на делу. She was caught red handed. She was caught in the act. Я вас уже три часа жду. I've been waiting for you for three hours. I've been waiting for you for three hours. Конечно, я поеду туда с вами. Of course, I'll go there with you. Of course I'll go with you. Доктора казались обеспокоенными. The doctors seemed concerned. The doctors seemed worried. Сакаш ли сирење? Do you like cheese? Would you like some cheese? Чем этот джентльмен зарабатывает себе на жизнь? What does that gentleman do for a living? What does this gentleman do for a living? Никто не хочет работать по воскресеньям. No one wants to work on Sundays. No one wants to work on Sundays. Грядёт новый мировой порядок, и нам надо его возглавить. There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. A new world order is coming, and we need to lead it. Ќе мора да зборуваш со Том во врска со тоа што очекуваш тој да прави. You'll have to talk to Tom about what you expect him to do. You're gonna have to talk to Tom about what you expect him to do. Tom už je zase šťastný člověk. Tom is a happy man again. Tom is a happy man again. Tom rozdawał autografy pod teatrem. Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater. Tom signed autographs at the theater. Ти цілком прав. You're absolutely correct. You're absolutely right. Tom zapomniał założyć dziś bieliznę. Tom forgot to put on underwear today. Tom forgot to wear underwear today. Тому нико није помогао у томе. Tom had no help doing that. No one helped Tom. Думаешь, Том не сможет это сделать? Do you think Tom won't be able to do that? You don't think Tom can do that? Nemám rád tvého přítele. I don't like your friend. I don't like your friend. Do stolicy nadchodzi zimna fala. A cold wave is coming to the capital. A cold wave is coming to the capital. Nech si ten papír. Keep the paper. Keep the paper. Вы белая как привидение. You're as white as a ghost. You're as white as a ghost. Той кръстил сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Скільки Том з'їв пончиків? How many donuts did Tom eat? How many donuts did Tom eat? Osvojenie cudzieho jazyka si vyžaduje trpezlivosť. Acquisition of a foreign language requires patience. Learning a foreign language takes patience. Ничего, если я задам тебе один вопрос? Would it be OK if I asked you a question? Is it okay if I ask you one question? Мне сразу стало лучше. I immediately felt better. I immediately felt better. Я цього ніколи не зрозумію. I'll never understand it. I'll never understand. Запомните, что вы мне сказали. Remember what you told me. Remember what you told me. Jakiego koloru jest pomarańcza? What colour is orange? What color is the orange? Номер посольства Украины в Польше: +48 (22) 629-34-46 или (+48) 22 622 47 97. The number of the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland is +48 (22) 629-34-46 or (+48) 22 622 47 97. The number of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland: +48 (22) 629-34-46 or (+48) 22 622 47 97. Pomůžeme Tomovi najít si práci. We will help Tom to find a job. We're gonna help Tom find a job. Jaké opatření Tom přijal? What measures did Tom take? What action did Tom take? Если Вы согласны, подпишитесь здесь. If you agree, sign here. If you agree, subscribe here. Что Том подарил вам на этот раз? What did Tom give you this time? What did Tom give you this time? Я не впевнений, що Том знає, що робити. I'm not certain Tom knows what to do. I'm not sure Tom knows what to do. Том теперь твой. Tom is yours now. Tom's yours now. Dnes má moja priateľka narodeniny! It's my girlfriend's birthday today! Today is my friend's birthday! Мы шли день и ночь. We walked day and night. We walked day and night. Widzimy księżyc na niebie. We can see the moon in the sky. We see the moon in the sky. Все сильные игроки тщательно изучают правильные и точные приемы, с помощью которых можно обезопасить группу или убить группу соперника. The correct, accurate plays with which to make a group secure, or to kill the opponent's group, are studied deeply by all strong players. All strong players carefully study the correct and accurate techniques with which you can secure the group or kill the opponent's group. Той не отстъпва пред никога по любовта му към музиката. He yields to nobody in love of music. He never gave up on his love of music. Obiecuję dać z siebie wszystko. I promise to give my all. I promise to give my best. Naravno, Tom je u krivu. Of course, Tom is wrong. Of course, Tom's wrong. Bylo jasné, že je Tom nemá rád. It was obvious that Tom didn't like them. It was clear that Tom didn't like them. Никад се не зна шта ће се догодити сутра. You never know what will happen tomorrow. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Він визнав свою провину. He admitted that he was guilty. He admitted his guilt. Он не относится к этому серьёзно. He's not taking it seriously. He doesn't take it seriously. Не мислите ли, че всички наши политици са твърде стари? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Я хотел бы его вернуть. I'd like to return it. I'd like to get it back. Я заплатила згідно рахунку. I paid the bill. I paid the bill. Byl Tom opravdu její milenec? Was Tom really her lover? Was Tom really her lover? Vo vesmíre sú miliardy hviezd. There are billions of stars in the universe. There are billions of stars in the universe. Говори тихо. Speak quietly. Speak softly. Бабушка добавила в начинку лук. Grandma added an onion to the filling. Grandma added onions to the filling. Это всё, что она написала. That's all she wrote. That's all she wrote. Víc o tom teď nemohu říci. I can't say any more about that now. That's all I can say right now. Кто сегодня вечером работает? Who's working tonight? Who's working tonight? Skaleczyłem sie podczsa esperymentu, zranienie okazało się dość poważne. I got hurt during an experiment, and the injury was pretty serious. I cut the undercoat of the experiment, the injury turned out to be quite serious. Не знаю, закрыл ли Том дверь. I don't know if Tom locked the door or not. I don't know if Tom closed the door. Tom věděl, co by následovalo, kdyby to neudělal. Tom knew what would have happened if he hadn't done it. Tom knew what would happen if he didn't. Tom neslyšel, jak ten kohout kokrhá. Tom couldn't hear the cock crowing. Tom didn't hear the rooster crow. Я знав, що Том на нас зачекає. I knew Tom would wait for us. I knew Tom would wait for us. Znáte nejdelší slovo ve vašem jazyce? Do you know the longest word in your language? Do you know the longest word in your language? Мы смотрели этот фильм всем классом. We watched this movie as a class. I watched this movie with the whole class. Том не спиеше добро. Tom didn't sleep well. Tom didn't sleep well. Ne odustaj! Možeš izgubiti danas, a pobjediti sutra. Don't give up. You may lose today and win tomorrow. You can lose today and win tomorrow. Том не истиот човек од пред три години. Tom isn't the same man he was three years ago. Tom's not the same man he was three years ago. Том чул сѐ што рекле. Tom heard everything they said. Tom heard everything they said. Dostal jsem nabídku k práci ve Spojených státech. I received an offer to work in the United States. I was offered a job in the United States. Je sedem hodín. It's seven o'clock. It's seven o'clock. Они улыбнулись друг другу. They smiled at each other. They smiled at each other. Дівчина боялася власної тіні. The girl was afraid of her own shadow. She was afraid of her own shadow. Па, што има во кутијата? Well, what's in the box? So, what's in the box? Jestem dzisiaj w Bostonie. I'm in Boston today. I'm in Boston today. Kocham czytanie książek. I love reading books. I love reading books. Звідки ти знаєш, наскільки це складно? How do you know how hard it is? How do you know how difficult it is? Tom nie wygląda na przerażonego. Tom doesn't look frightened. Tom doesn't seem too scared. Од каде е ова? Where's this from? Where'd this come from? Я недооцінила силу супротивника. I've underestimated the strength of my opponent. I underestimated the power of the enemy. У меня два сына и две дочери. I have two sons and two daughters. I have two sons and two daughters. Nie chce mi się pić. I'm not thirsty. I don't want to drink. Дојде време да се збогуваме. The time has come to say goodbye. It's time to say goodbye. Snažim sa ti povedať, čo sa stalo. I'm trying to tell you what happened. I am trying to tell you what has happened. ’ Я не знаю, почему он это сделал. I don't know why he did that. I don't know why he did it. Proszę spocząć. Please be seated. Please rest. Его называли философом. People called him a philosopher. He was called a philosopher. Myslím, že Tom na to sám nebude stačit. I don't think Tom will be able to manage it alone. I don't think Tom's gonna be enough on his own. Ты много работаешь. You work hard. You work a lot. Я – твой. I'm yours. I'm yours. У вас новый поклонник. You have a new admirer! You have a new fan. Čita knihu. He reads a book. He's reading a book. Nechte Toma pracovat. Let Tom work. Let Tom work. «Почему ты не пришёл?» – «Не хотел встречаться с Томом». "Why didn't you come?" "I wanted to avoid meeting Tom." “Why didn’t you come?” – “I didn’t want to meet with Tom.” Том ти е учител. Tom is your teacher. Tom's your teacher. Я пообіцяв ніколи більше не запізнюватися. I promised to never be late again. I vowed never to be late again. У них есть идея получше. They have a better idea. They have a better idea. Ако универзумот е одговорот, што е прашањето? If the universe is an answer, what is the question? If the universe is the answer, what is the question? У моей бабушки есть железная сковорода. My grandmother has an iron frying-pan. My grandmother has an iron pan. Tom spóźnił się na ostatni pociąg i musiał wziąć taksówkę do domu. Tom missed the last train and had to take a taxi home. Tom was late for the last train and had to take a taxi home. Tyto podmínky pro nás nejsou přijatelné. Those terms are not acceptable for us. These conditions are not acceptable to us. Cítili jsme se osamělí. We felt isolated. We felt alone. Если ты подождёшь до завтра, я мог бы поехать с тобой. If you wait until tomorrow, I could go with you. If you wait until tomorrow, I could come with you. В войнах по большей части нет необходимости. Most wars aren't necessary. Wars are largely unnecessary. Той наистина говори добре. He does speak well. He really speaks well. Tom a Mary nemají děti. Tom and Mary don't have any children. Tom and Mary don't have children. Мы целый день вас ждём. We've been waiting for you the whole day. We've been waiting for you all day. Nedávno jsem v supermarketu potkal Toma s Mary. I have recently met Tom and Mary in a supermarket. I recently met Tom and Mary at the supermarket. Я тобі щось покажу. I'll show you something. I'll show you something. Myślę, że Tom będzie miał problemy. I think Tom is going to have problems. I think Tom's gonna be in trouble. Jestem pływaczką. I'm a swimmer. I'm a swimmer. Ты проверил свои расчёты? Have you checked your calculations? Did you check your calculations? Ќе го земеш ли? Will you take it? Will you take it? Я не виспався. I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep. Она сшила атласную юбку и льняную блузку. She made a satin skirt and a linen blouse. She made a satin skirt and a linen blouse. Ручао сам на брзину. I ate a hasty lunch. I had a quick lunch. Мы полчаса ждали Тома в библиотеке, но он не пришёл. We waited at the library half an hour for Tom, but he didn't come. We waited for Tom in the library for half an hour, but he didn't come. Том сейчас на крыше. Tom is on the roof now. Tom's on the roof right now. Том беше мотивиран. Tom was motivated. Tom was motivated. Цел ден ми помина во чистење снег. I spent all day shoveling snow. I spent the whole day shoveling snow. Мы уехали вскоре после этого. We left soon after that. We left shortly after that. Не ги отпуштај. Don't fire them. Don't fire them. Искам да знам повече за тебе, Том. I want to know more about you, Tom. I want to know more about you, Tom. Мам, я жвачку проглотил! Mom, I swallowed my gum! Mom, I swallowed gum! Mogę pożyczyć coś do pisania? Can I borrow something to write with? Can I borrow something to write? Сподіваюся, ми зможемо там знайти воду. I hope that we can find water there. I hope we can find water there. Изглежда, че си променил цялата стая. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you changed the whole room. Я був в Токіо лише одного разу. I have been to Tokyo only once. I have only been to Tokyo once. Tomova kapela se před pár lety rozpadla. Tom's band split up a few years ago. Tom's band broke up a few years ago. Стой, этого достаточно. Stop. That's enough. Wait, that's enough. Сподіваюся, ти добре проведеш час у Європі. I hope you have a good time in Europe. I hope you have a good time in Europe. Lehnul si do trávy. He lay down on the grass. He lay down in the grass. Odídem zajtra, v každom prípade. I will leave tomorrow, in any event. I'll leave tomorrow, anyway. Все хотели, чтобы Том ушёл. Everyone wanted Tom to leave. Everyone wanted Tom gone. Tom uczył się 27 języków, ale potrafi mówić tylko po angielsku, w swoim ojczystym języku. Tom has already studied 27 languages, but he can only speak English, his mother tongue. Tom has studied 27 languages, but can only speak English, his native language. Persišćina njejo śěžka rěc. Persian is not a difficult language. Persian is not a difficult language. У тебя трое детей. You have three kids. You have three children. Nebyla to Tomova povinnost. Udělal to z dobré vůle. It wasn't Tom's duty. He did it out of good will. It wasn't Tom's duty, he did it of his own free will. Ponieważ moja matka jest chora, gotować dziś będzie mój ojciec. Because my mother is sick, my father will cook today. Because my mother is sick, my father will be cooking tonight. Той реши да отиде в чужбина. He decided to go abroad. He decided to go abroad. Tom pozval Mary na rande. Tom asked Mary out. Tom asked Mary out. У Тома никогда не было постоянной работы. Tom has never had a regular job. Tom never had a permanent job. Можаце прынесці мне гэты слоўнік? Can you fetch this dictionary for me? Can you bring me this book? Už jsi někdy zpíval ve francouzštině? Have you ever sung in French? Have you ever sung in French? Эх, кабы я была царицей! Oh, if only I were a queen. I wish I was a queen! Да го направим. Let's do it. Let's do this. Никому не говори, что я это сделал. Don't tell anybody that I did that. Don't tell anyone I did it. Kde je můj muž? Where's my husband? Where's my husband? Zakochałem się w kimś, kto nie spodobał się moim rodzicom. I fell in love with someone my parents didn't like. I fell in love with someone who didn't like my parents. Kiedy mu powiemy? When are we going to tell him? When do we tell him? Иногда мне трудно говорить по-французски. I struggle to speak French sometimes. Sometimes it's hard for me to speak French. Nie rań go. Don't hurt him. Don't hurt him. Słyszałem o tobie i Tomie. I heard about you and Tom. I heard about you and Tom. Увага, будь ласка! Attention please! Attention, please! To ich jedyny wybór. It is their only choice. It's their only choice. Вы та, кого я искал. You're the one I've been looking for. You're the one I've been looking for. Том не искаше Мери да държи ръката му. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Tom didn't want Mary to hold his hand. Madrid je hlavní město Španělska. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Ничего из того, что Том делает, меня уже не удивляет. Nothing Tom does surprises me any more. Nothing Tom does surprises me anymore. Спасибо большое за поддержку. Thanks so much for the support. Thank you very much for your support. Не дайте себя убить. Don't get yourself killed. Don't let yourself be killed. Можете помочь мне перевести этот документ на французский? Can you help me translate this document into French? Can you help me translate this document into French? Tamten inny ołówek jest mój. That other pencil is mine. That other pencil is mine. Я занимаюсь физкультурой, чтобы снять стресс. I exercise to relieve stress. I do physical exercise to relieve stress. Вчера доцна јадев. I ate late last night. I ate late last night. Я ходив у понеділок ловити рибу. I went fishing last Monday. I went fishing on Monday. Поставь себя на моё место. Что бы ты сделал? Put yourself in my shoes. What would you have done? Put yourself in my place, what would you do? Поговоріть зі мною. Speak to me. Talk to me. Том только что вышел из тюрьмы. Tom just got out of jail. Tom just got out of jail. Ak padne strom v lese a nik to nepočul, stalo sa to? Ak muž povie čo ma na mysli a žiadna žena ho nepočuje, ešte stále nemá pravdu? If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, did it happen? If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong? If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, has it happened? If a man says what I mean, and no woman listens to him, is he still right? Подними руки! Raise your hands. Put your hands up! Tak si matka pomyslela. Then his mother thought. That's what my mother thought. Které metro jezdí do centra města? Which subway goes downtown? Which subway goes to the city center? Каравай на вяселлі быў не вельмі смачны. The wedding cake didn't taste very good. The Queen wasn't very good at the wedding. Уча френски по три часа всеки ден. I study French for three hours every day. I study French for three hours every day. В бассейне нельзя носить уличную обувь. Street shoes cannot be worn in the pool. You cannot wear street shoes in the pool. Мисля, че ти трябва да се присъединиш към нас. I think you should join us. I think you should join us. Таа изгледаше како да е длабоко потресена од прашањето. She seemed surprised by the question. She seemed deeply moved by the question. Люблю инструментальную музыку. I like instrumental music. I love instrumental music. Я зробив багато помилок. I made many mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes. Пацалуй мяне. Kiss me. Kiss me. Том запитав у Мері, чи він може зачинити всі вікна. Tom asked Mary if he could close all the windows. Tom asked Mary if he could close all the windows. Muszę mniej wydawać w tym miesiącu. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to spend less this month. Било је заиста инспиришуће. It was really inspiring. It was really inspiring. Том сказал, что не собирается ждать разрешения. Tom said he wasn't going to wait for permission. Tom said he wasn't going to wait for permission. Не обичам математиката, а пък физиката съвсем. I don't like math, much less physics. I don't like math, I like physics. Мислев дека никогаш нема да го најдам Том. I thought I'd never find Tom. I never thought I'd find Tom. Они зашли в джунгли. They entered the jungle. They went into the jungle. Я всю ночь думал о том, что вчера произошло. I thought all night about what happened yesterday. I've been thinking all night about what happened last night. Мы работали с Томом. We worked with Tom. I worked with Tom. On wygląda, jakby miał się rozchorować. He looks as if he is going to be ill. He looks like he's going to get sick. Дојди да нѐ посетиш во блиска иднина. Come visit us soon. Come and visit us in the near future. Мисля, че Том спи. I think Tom is sleeping. I think Tom's asleep. Драго ми е што сум готов со тоа. I'm happy to be done with that. I'm glad I'm done with that. Kupił tę ciężarówkę z Polski. He bought this truck from Poland. Bought this truck from Poland. Chyba tak jest w porządku. I guess it's only fair. I guess that's okay. Купи ли нешто за јадење? Did you buy anything to eat? Did you buy anything to eat? Poszło świetnie. It went great. It went great. Це перетворилося на звичку. It became a habit. It has become a habit. Už dlouho jsem se takhle nepobavil. It's been a while since I had so much fun. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. Само дај ми еден ден. Just give me one day. Just give me one day. Мы не собираемся сдаваться без борьбы. We aren't going to give up without a struggle. We are not going to give up without a fight. Эта вода нормальная на вкус? Does this water taste OK? Does this water taste normal? Stále má více jablek. He still has more apples. He still has more apples. Волео бих да више времена могу да проводим са својим пријатељима. I wish I could spend more time with friends. I wish I could spend more time with my friends. Кішка дивиться з нами телевізор. The cat is watching TV with us. The cat is watching TV with us. Ти бачиш Тома? Can you see Tom? You see Tom? Он склонен давать волю эмоциям. He is apt to give vent to his feelings. He tends to give free rein to emotions. Мислам дека си испаничил. I think you panicked. I think you panicked. Той слезе от влака. He got off the train. He got off the train. Měl bys tu větu buď opravit, nebo smazat. Je nesprávná. You should either fix that sentence or delete it. It's incorrect. You should either correct that sentence or delete it. Постарайся его понять. Try to understand him. Try to understand him. Ako i provodiš mnogo vremena unutra možeš vježbati dižući koljena koliko god visoko možeš dok hodaš ili dok hodaš u mjestu. Even if you spend most of your time indoors, you can do some exercise by raising your knees as high as you can while walking or walking in place. Even if you spend a lot of time inside, you can practice by lifting your knees as high as you can while walking or while walking in place. Им носиме лоши вести. We have bad news for them. We bring them bad news. Я принял это решение сам. I made that decision on my own. I made that decision myself. Я лишила права вдома. I left my driving licence at home. I lost my license at home. Я зарано? Am I early? Is it too early? В мене багато друзів. I have lots of friends. I have many friends. На Том немаше да му се допадне тоа. Tom wouldn't have liked that. Tom wouldn't like that. I Tom z toho bude mít užitek. Even Tom will benefit from that. Tom will benefit from this. Сколько ещё людей знает об этом? How many other people know about this? How many more people know about this? Сегодня впервые выпал снег. Snow fell for the first time today. It snowed for the first time today. На каком вы этаже? What floor are you on? What floor are you on? Он её боится. He's afraid of her. He's afraid of her. Вони старі. They're old. They're old. Ты забіла іх. You killed them. You killed them. Празна је. It's empty. It's empty. Uczę się. I am studying. I'm learning. Tom je sukničkář. Tom is a philanderer. Tom's a dressmaker. Ти просто дурень! Мушу тобі все пояснювати. You are nothing but a fool! I have to explain everything to you! You're a fool! I have to explain everything to you. „Neviem,“ povedal Tom. "I don't know," said Tom. "I don't know," said Tom. Не будь занадто упертим. Don't be too stubborn. Don't be too stubborn. Вещи Тома пахнут табаком. Tom's clothes smell like smoke. Tom's stuff smells like tobacco. Бувай! Коли в тебе буде більше часу, повертайся, пограємо! Goodbye! When you have more time, come back and play! Good-bye! When you have more time, come back, we will play! Извинявам се. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Nezraňte se. Just don't get hurt. Don't hurt yourself. Тому подобається говорити про інших людей. Tom likes to talk about other people. I like to talk about other people. Zúčastnil jsem se té debaty. I participated in the debate. I took part in the debate. Słucham nowej piosenki. I'm listening to a new song. I'm listening to a new song. Нам неслыханно везёт. We are incredibly lucky. We're incredibly lucky. Za co Toma zatkli? What was Tom arrested for? What was Tom arrested for? Я позвоню тебе, как только доберусь до вокзала. I'll ring you as soon as I get to the station. I'll call you as soon as I get to the station. Яна стаяла на лесьвіцы і фарбавала столю. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She stood on the stairs and painted the table. Том се будали. Tom is being silly. Tom's fooling around. Вам нравятся эти брюки? Do you like these trousers? Do you like these pants? Я не люблю пить прямо из бутылки. I don't like drinking from the bottle. I don't like to drink straight out of the bottle. Она не сильнее меня. She's not stronger than me. She's no stronger than I am. Jedna z mých sester má problémy se spánkem. One of my sisters has trouble sleeping. One of my sisters has trouble sleeping. Я не ношу туфли. I don't wear shoes. I don't wear shoes. Не можам да излезам на крај со нив. I can't handle them. I can't deal with them. Ещё не поздно вернуться. It isn't too late to turn back. It's not too late to come back. Není snadné Toma oklamat. It's not easy to fool Tom. It's not easy to fool Tom. Кот — не чалавек. A cat is not human. A cat is not a man. Бог кіт. God is a cat. God the cat. Ваші батьки нас любили. Your parents loved us. Your parents loved us. В каква ситуация ще го направиш? In what kind of situations would you do that? In what situation would you do it? Budu tě sledovat, Tome. I will follow you, Tom. I'll be watching you, Tom. Мені байдуже, котику. I don't care, honey. I don't care, cat. Где проходит ярмарка? Where does the fair take place? Where is the fair? Это произошло несколько дней назад. That happened several days ago. It happened a few days ago. Jsem rád, že jsem zase zpátky. I'm glad to be back again. I'm glad to be back. Калі ласка, перадайце прывітанне спадарыне Адрэеску! Please say hello to Mrs. Andreescu! Please give my regards to Mrs. O'Reilly. Urobil skúšku. He passed the exam. He made a test. Часто говорят, что еженедельно в мире исчезает по одному языку. It is often said that the world loses a language every week. It is often said that every week one language disappears in the world. Це було побудовано на віки. It was built to last. It was built for ages. Большая часть моих предложений - переводы. Most of my sentences are translations. Most of my suggestions are translations. Získal jsem si hodně nových přátel. I made a lot of new friends. I made a lot of new friends. Том се плашеше да им раскаже на своите за она што се беше случило. Tom was afraid to tell his parents about what had happened. Tom was afraid to tell his family what had happened. Zrąbał drzewo. He felled the tree. He chopped down a tree. Шта си научио данас? What did you learn today? What did you learn today? Том каже, що не хоче їхати. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Tom says he doesn't want to go. Bez pýtania sa! No question! No questions asked! Матч відмінили через потужну зливу. The match has been canceled due to heavy rain. The match was cancelled due to heavy rain. Lék působil rychle. The drug acted quickly. The medicine worked quickly. Коронавирус появился в Китае. The coronavirus emerged in China. The coronavirus has appeared in China. Tom mi poslal urážlivý dopis. Tom sent me an offensive letter. Tom sent me an insulting letter. Добрый вечер, сэр. Чем могу быть полезен? Good afternoon, sir. How may I be of service? Good evening, sir, what can I do for you? Akú máš prezývku? What's your nickname? What's your last name? Ani jsem tam nebyl. I wasn't even there. I wasn't even there. To teď není podstatné. That isn't important now. It doesn't matter now. Musíme brať do úvahy želania celej rodiny v plánovaní výletu. We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip. We must take into account the desire of the whole family in planning the trip. Tom nie jest palaczem. Tom isn't a smoker. Tom is not a smoker. Bacha, kachna! Watch out! A duck! Watch out, duck! Том се върна обратно вътре. Tom went back inside. Tom went back inside. Myslel jsem, že Tom je doma a spí. I thought Tom was home asleep. I thought Tom was home sleeping. Кој ќе ти поверува? Who's going to believe you? Who's gonna believe you? Mama kupa psa, jer je prljav. Mom is washing the dog because he's dirty. Mom bathes her dog because he's dirty. Tko je to? Who is that? Who's that? На полу стояли две пары обуви. There were two pairs of shoes on the floor. There were two pairs of shoes on the floor. Что вы меня перебиваете всё время? Why do you keep interrupting me all the time? Why are you interrupting me all the time? Некоторые термины японского языка часто используются в описании го, потому что эта игра, хотя и возникла в Китае, была представлена ​​на Западе через Японию. Some Japanese language terms are often used in the description of Go because this game, although it originated in China, was introduced to the West through Japan. Some terms of the Japanese language are often used in the description of go, because this game, although originated in China, was introduced in the West through Japan. Це великий крок назад. It's a big step backward. This is a big step back. Само го довршувам извештајот. I'm just finishing up the report. I'm just finishing up my report. Czy wczoraj było zimno? Was it cold yesterday? Was it cold yesterday? Lidé jako Tom sem nepatří. People like Tom don't belong here. People like Tom don't belong here. Том не е исплашен. Tom isn't frightened. Tom's not scared. Він мені дав олівець. He gave me a pencil. He gave me a pencil. Орех твёрдый. The nut is hard. Nuts are hard. A nie zaśnij w wannie! And don't fall asleep in the bathtub! And don't fall asleep in the tub! Тому не нужно было уходить. Tom didn't need to leave. Tom didn’t have to leave. Neřiďte se radami Toma. Don't follow Tom's advice. Don't take Tom's advice. Tom by to byl sám neudělal. Tom wouldn't have done that on his own. Tom wouldn't have done it himself. Мені на вас зачекати? Shall I wait for you? Shall I wait for you? Bil je idol. He was an idol. He was an idol. Я щойно зрозуміла, що ми зробили серйозну помилку. I've just realised we've made a serious mistake. I just realized that we made a serious mistake. Я надеюсь умереть до того, как состарюсь. I hope I die before I get old. I hope to die before I grow old. Мислим да би требало да причамо о нечему мање депресивном. I think we should talk about something less depressing. I think we should talk about something less depressing. Зараз він живе в Токіо. He lives in Tokyo now. He now lives in Tokyo. Вы придёте один? Are you coming alone? Will you come alone? Они украли его у тебя. They stole it from you. They stole it from you. Би ли повторил това, ако обичаш? Could you repeat that, please? Would you do that again, please? Тоа го стеснува изборот. That narrows it down. That narrows down the choice. Dobře víš, že jsem neměl čas udělat to, oč jsi mě žádal. Nevím, proč se mě pořád ptáš, jestli je to hotové. You do know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to. I don't know why you keep asking me all the time whether it's ready. You know I haven't had time to do what you asked me to do, and I don't know why you keep asking me if it's done. Interesujące. Interesting. That's interesting. Обожнюю хом'яків. I love hamsters. I love hamsters. Убей этого ниггера. Kill that nigger. Kill that nigger. Том още не е сигурен. Tom still isn't sure. Tom's not sure yet. По пожарот, остана само пепел. After the fire, only ash was left. After the fire, all that was left was ashes. Никому не хотелось уезжать. No one felt like leaving. No one wanted to leave. Том телефонував Мері сьогодні вранці. Tom called Mary this morning. Tom called Mary this morning. Je moc roztomilé vidět a slyšet malé hlasy a přízvuky dětí, když mluví francouzsky. It's so cute to see and hear the little voices and accents of children as they speak French. It's so cute to see and hear the little voices and accents of children when they speak French. Jsme teď tady, Tome. We're here now, Tom. We're here now, Tom. Мальчики не плачут. Boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. Я увидел, как мимо меня проплывает косяк рыб. I saw a school of fish swimming by. I saw a bunch of fish swimming past me. У моего дедушки был большой нос. My grandfather had a big nose. My grandfather had a big nose. На самом деле его звали не Том Джексон. Tom Jackson wasn't his real name. His real name was not Tom Jackson. Я тобі допоможу завтра. I'll help you tomorrow. I'll help you tomorrow. Где молоток, которым вы пользовались? Where's the hammer you used? Where's the hammer you used? Názor, že četba způsobuje krátkozrakost, je v oblibě už několik století. The idea that reading makes you short-sighted has been popular for a couple of hundred years. The idea that reading causes short-sightedness has been popular for centuries. Ми можемо потребувати допомоги. We may need help. We may need help. Яка ж ти наполеглива! How persistent you are! How persistent you are! Том писал вам по-французски? Did Tom write to you in French? Tom wrote to you in French? Не думаю, что Том вернётся. I don't think that Tom will be coming back. I don't think Tom's coming back. Том е много скромен. Tom is very modest. Tom's very modest. Konečně jsem se naučil plavat naznak! I've finally learnt the backstroke! I finally learned to swim! Я украшаю страницы своей книги цветами различных флагов. I decorate the pages of my book with the colors of various flags. I decorate the pages of my book with colors of different flags. Подождите, пока он подойдёт поближе! Wait until it comes closer. Wait till he gets closer! Видях Том преди той да ме види. I saw Tom before he saw me. I saw Tom before he saw me. Я купил это в супермаркете поблизости. I bought this at a nearby supermarket. I bought this at a supermarket nearby. Это книга, которую я порекомендовал бы прочесть каждому. It's a book I'd recommend to everyone to read. This is a book I would recommend to anyone to read. До сего дня я никогда их прежде не видел. I never saw them before today. I've never seen them before. Це доволі дивно. That's quite strange. That's pretty weird. Вялікі дзякуй за ўсё, што ты для мяне зрабіла. Thanks a lot for all the things you've done for me. Thank you very much for all you have done for me. Том беше в моя автобус. Tom was on the same bus with me. Tom was on my bus. Почему у человека две ноздри? Why do humans have two nostrils? Why does a person have two nostrils? Znam tko ga je ubio. I know who killed them. I know who killed him. Её родной язык французский. French is her first language. Her mother tongue is French. Том не знаеше дека се случило тоа. Tom didn't know that happened. Tom didn't know it was happening. Tvářil jsem se jakože nechápu, co říká. I made a face like I didn't understand what he was saying. I pretended I didn't understand what he was saying. Мені вас майже шкода. I almost feel sorry for you. I almost feel sorry for you. Вы всё увидите сами. You'll see everything yourself. You'll see for yourself. Простри си ризите, преди да са се намачкали. Hang up your shirts before they wrinkle. Stretch out your shirts before they get wet. Tato kniha je určena středoškolákům. It's a book written for high school students. This book is intended for high school students. Я по ошибке взял твои ключи. I took your keys by mistake. I took your keys by mistake. Том разозлился и ушёл. Tom got angry and left. Tom got angry and left. Макдональдс всемирно известен своими гамбургерами. McDonald's is world-famous for its hamburgers. McDonald’s is well known for its hamburgers. Искаш ли да ти помогна. Do you want me to help you? You want me to help you? Руку Тома укусила мурена. Tom's hand was bitten by a moray eel. Tom's hand was bitten by a moray eel. Полагодь годинник. Fix the clock. Relax the clock. Він говорить німецькою. He speaks German. He speaks German. Том не помиляється. Tom isn't mistaken. Tom is not wrong. Не гледай директно в Том. Don't look directly at Tom. Don't look directly at Tom. У вас есть лопата, которую я мог бы одолжить? Do you have a shovel I could borrow? Do you have a shovel I could borrow? Лори дома? Is Laurie at home? Is Lori home? Умение глубоко и точно просчитывать линии важно для каждого игрока. The ability to calculate lines deeply and precisely is essential for every player. The ability to calculate lines deeply and accurately is important for every player. Я такі дурны... Я спрабую растлумачыць табе рэчы, якія сам не разумею. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid, I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand. Кога одиш на средба со девојка, мора да бидеш самоуверен. When you are meeting a girl, you have to act confident. When you go out with a girl, you have to be confident. Všechno prodali za extrémně vysoké ceny. They sold everything at extremely high prices. They sold everything at extremely high prices. Вот и осень настала. Here the fall came. Autumn has arrived. Некоторые из тех, кто вызвался помочь, не пришли. Some of the people who volunteered to help didn't show up. Some of those who volunteered to help did not come. Proč chcete, aby tam Tom jel se mnou? Why do you want Tom to go there with me? Why do you want Tom to come with me? Почему мы не можем пойти с тобой? Why can't we go with you? Why can't we go with you? Он водитель скорой. He's an ambulance driver. He's an ambulance driver. Я ніколи не цілувалася з Томом. I've never kissed Tom. I've never kissed Tom. Už jste to měli mít hotové. You should've already done that. You should have had it done by now. С тех пор, как он посетил Париж, он говорит только об этом. Ever since he visited Paris, he only talks about that. Since he’s been to Paris, that’s all he’s been talking about. Чух го днес по новините. I heard it on the news today. I heard it on the news today. Ты ведаеш адказ? You know the answer? Do you know the answer? Юпитер е планета, съставена главно от водород и хелий. Jupiter is a planet principally composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is a planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. Uczę się norweskiego. I am learning Norwegian. I am learning Norwegian. Само полако! Easy does it. Take it easy! Čím více jíš, tím více chceš. The more you eat, the more you want. The more you eat, the more you want. Я зусім нічога пра яго не ведаю. I don't know anything about him at all. I don't know anything about him at all. Používanie len "Tom" a "Mike" v mnohých vetách je veľmi čudné. Using only "Tom" and "Mike" in many sentences is very strange. The use of "Tom" and "Mike" in many vets is very strange. Шкода, що я не приніс свій комп'ютер. I wish I had brought my computer. I wish I had brought my computer. Ці ты новенькі? Are you new? You're the new ones? Komunikujte s kolegy. Interact with your co-workers. Communicate with colleagues. Je štvrť na desať. It's quarter past nine. It's a quarter to ten. Все так говорят, а что говорят все, должно быть верно. Everybody says it, and what everybody says must be true. Everyone says that, and what everyone says must be true. Braň ten kostel. Defend the Church. Defend the church. Dusza różni się od ciała. The soul is different from the body. The soul is different from the body. Уходите из этого дома! Leave this house! Get out of this house! Pójdę jeśli i Tom pójdzie. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Я носитель британского английского. I am a native speaker of British English. I am a native speaker of British English. Спой ещё раз, Том. Sing it again, Tom. Sing it again, Tom. GM играет не в поисках комбинаций, а в целях создания условий для их появления. A GM does not play looking for combinations, but with a view to creating conditions for them to appear. GM does not play in search of combinations, but in order to create conditions for their appearance. Vyrástol ste tu? Did you grow up here? You grew up here? Президент республіки обирається народом. The president of the republic is chosen by the people. The President of the Republic is elected by the people. Tom byl rád, že to má za sebou. Tom was glad that it was behind him. Tom was glad to have it over with. Купих хляб, кафе, захар и други такива неща. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and the like. I bought bread, coffee, sugar and other such things. Кто у меня ручку утащил? Who's filched my pen? Who stole my pen? Не выношу непослушных детей. I cannot tolerate naughty children. I can't stand naughty children. Ён расчараваў натоўп. He disappeared in the crowd. He disappointed the crowd. «Любите карточные фокусы?» – «Нет, терпеть их не могу». – «Я вам всё-таки покажу один». Он показал мне три. "Do you like card tricks?" "No, I hate card tricks." "I'll show you one anyway." He showed me three. "Do you like card tricks?" - "No, I can't stand them." - "I'll still show you one." He showed me three. Том пытался побить рекорд. Tom tried to break the record. Tom tried to break the record. «Глупых вопросов не бывает». – «Как мог Леонардо Дикаприо изобрести Мону Лизу, если в XIX веке не было цвета?» – «Беру свои слова обратно». "Stupid questions don't exist." "How did Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 19th century?" "I take back what I said." “There are no stupid questions.” – “How could Leonardo DiCaprio invent the Mona Lisa if there was no color in the 19th century?” – “I take my words back.” Том се прашуваше зошто Мери не сака да се мува со него. Tom wondered why Mary wouldn't French kiss him. Tom wondered why Mary didn't want to hang out with him. To njejo slobro. That isn't silver. That's not good. Myślałam, że to osa, a to była pszczoła. I thought this was a wasp and that was a bee. I thought it was a wasp, and it was a bee. Zostali zamordowani. They were murdered. They were murdered. Я мог бы его проигнорировать, но он этого не заслуживал. I could have ignored him, but he didn't deserve it. I could have ignored him, but he didn't deserve it. Том не ја видел Мери како го прави тоа. Tom didn't see Mary do that. Tom didn't see Mary do it. Преди никога не съм печелила. I've never won anything before. I've never won before. Он был удивлён неожиданным появлением своего друга. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. Як ти назвеш свою дитину? What are you going to name your baby? What would you call your child? Забрось её в стиральную машину. Chuck it in the washing machine. Throw her in the washing machine. Том — єдиний пацієнт, що лишився. Tom is the only patient left. Tom is the only patient left. Мы с ней больше двадцати лет знакомы. I've known her for over twenty years. I have known her for over 20 years. Наши куры несут много яиц. Our hens lay a lot of eggs. Our chickens lay a lot of eggs. Одного бы хватило. One would be enough. One would be enough. Го пребродив шокот. I'm over the shock. I got over the shock. Собакам нельзя давать шоколад – для них он яд. Chocolate should not be given to dogs as it is toxic to them. Dogs should not be given chocolate; it is poison to them. Сѐ е тивко пак. All is quiet again. It's all quiet again. Vidím knihu. I see a book. I see a book. Этот залив защищен от штормов, которые проходят через океан. This inlet is protected from the storms that pass across the open ocean. This bay is protected from storms that pass through the ocean. Не пцуј или ќе ти ја исперам устата со сапун. Don't curse or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Don't swear or I'll wash your mouth out with soap. Я жил в Японии три года назад. I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. Не дивись це в словнику. Don't look that up. Don't look it up in the dictionary. Убери отсюда собаку. Get the dog out of here. Get the dog out of here. Том видел и полошо. Tom has seen worse. Tom has seen worse. Не думаю, что смогу её починить. I don't think that I'll be able to fix it. I don't think I can fix it. Ta szuflada jest pełna różnych rzeczy. That drawer is full of miscellaneous items. This drawer is full of different things. Ali zašto? But why? But why? Поставь грязную посуду в раковину. Put your dirty dishes in the sink. Put the dirty dishes in the sink. Имам паметнија посла. I have bigger fish to fry. I've got smarter things to do. Моя дитина загубилася. My child is missing. My child is lost. Byl bych radši, kdyby Tom byl nepřišel. I would rather Tom hadn't come. I wish Tom hadn't come. Mám rád plody moře. I like seafood. I love the fruits of the sea. Это был несчастный случай? Was it an accident? Was it an accident? Платих двеста долара данъци. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid two hundred dollars in taxes. Я попробую выучить это наизусть. I'll try to learn it by heart. I'll try to learn it by heart. Czy dżdżownice mają łaskotki? Are earthworms ticklish? Do earthworms have tickles? Кој го донел ова? Who brought this? Who brought this? Том пошёл на почту, чтобы отправить письмо. Tom went to the post office to post a letter. Tom went to the post office to send a letter. У Вас в номере кто-то есть. There's somebody in your room. There's someone in your room. Dobře, děkuji. A vy? Fine, thank you. And you? Okay, thank you. Пути к счастью не существует. Счастье - это путь. A path to happiness doesn't exist. Happiness is the path. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Слушам дека не ти се допаѓал Том. I heard you don't like Tom. I hear you didn't like Tom. Опитай се да разбереш кога тръгва влакът. Try and find out when the train leaves. Try to figure out when the train's leaving. Той вдигна ръцете си. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. Том не хотел, чтобы Мэри говорила это Джону. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John that. Tom didn't want Mary to tell John. Это всего лишь пустые угрозы. Those are just empty threats. These are just empty threats. Ми фембої. We are femboys. We are femboys. Když Tom pláče, Mary se také rozpláče. When Tom cries, Mary starts crying, too. When Tom cries, Mary also cries. V čekárně byli tři pacienti. There were three patients in the waiting room. There were three patients in the waiting room. Думаю, ты мог бы это сделать. I think you could do that. I think you could do that. Не намагайся зробити це самостійно. Don't attempt to do this by yourself. Don’t try to do it yourself. Дождь был недостаточно сильный, чтобы потушить пожар. The rain wasn't heavy enough to extinguish the fire. The rain was not strong enough to put out the fire. Moje sestra dostala víc vánočních dárků než já. My sister got more Christmas presents than me. My sister got more Christmas presents than I did. Женщина, которая говорит, высокая. The woman who is speaking is tall. The woman who speaks is tall. Сега го прават тоа. They're doing it now. They're doing it now. Том не носил галстук. Tom didn't wear a suit. Tom wasn't wearing a tie. Кен ми се обажда всеки ден. Ken calls me every day. Ken calls me every day. Wiatr stał się silniejszy. The wind got stronger. The wind became stronger. Вы фотогеничны. You're photogenic. You are photogenic. Чому ви вивчаєте валлійську? Why are you learning Welsh? Why do you study Welsh? Нарешті ми дісталися до Міссісіпі. Finally, we got to the Mississippi. We finally got to Mississippi. Souhlasím, že to musíme opravit dnes. I agree that we need to fix this today. I agree that we have to fix it today. Tom je slabý ve francouzštině. Tom is weak in French. Tom is weak in French. Каквото и да кажете, аз няма да се откажа. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I'm not giving up. Том прізвище якесь має? Does Tom have a last name? Does Tom have a last name? Musel jsem se vrátit. I had to go back. I had to go back. У бягучы момант запісаць гульню нельга. You cannot save the game at this moment. At this point, you can't play the game. Подивіться на це. Take a look at that. Look at this. Як вам ваш новий комп'ютер? How do you like your new computer? What do you think of your new computer? Чудово! Brilliant! That's great! Odpojte všecky kabely. Unplug all the cables. Disconnect all cables. Раскажы мне што-небудзь аб сваёй сям'і. Tell me something about your family. Tell me something about your family. Где ты купил этот хлеб? Where did you buy this bread? Where did you buy this bread? Усети ли земетресението тая нощ? Did you feel the earth shake last night? Did you feel the earthquake that night? Potřebuji mluvit s Tomovým otcem. I needed to talk to Tom's father. I need to talk to Tom's father. Вот булочная. Here's the bakery. Here's the bakery. Учням нудно. The pupils are bored. I'm bored with students. Просто подпишись здесь. Just sign here. Just sign here. Naše planeta je nádherná. Our planet is beautiful. Our planet is beautiful. Nechci, abys přestala kouřit kvůli mně, udělej to pro své zdraví. I don't want you to stop smoking for my sake, do it for your health. I don't want you to quit smoking for me, do it for your health. Би изгледало добро. It'd look good. It would look good. Художница пишет картину. The artist is painting a picture. The artist paints a picture. Почему бы нам не заставить Тома уйти? Why don't we get Tom to leave? Why don't we make Tom leave? Tvoje slohová práce má chyby. Your essay has some mistakes. Your style work is flawed. Ви маєте проблеми? Are you in trouble? Do you have problems? Viděl jsem vás s Tomem. I saw you with Tom. I saw you with Tom. Як я можу з вами зв'язатися? How can I get in touch with you? How can I contact you? Вучыцца ніколі не позна. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Što ti i Tom radite? What are you and Tom doing? What are you and Tom doing? Крепость падёт. The fortress will fall. The fortress will fall. Tomáš nemá poňatia, čo urobiť so všetkými nepotrebnými vecami v jeho garáži. Tom has no idea what to do with all the junk in his garage. Thomas has no idea what to do with all the useless things in his garage. Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't contain himself. Tom couldn't resist. Эта река не настолько чистая, чтобы купаться в ней. This river isn't clean enough to swim in. This river is not clean enough to swim in. Отложихме заминаването за утре. We put off the departure till tomorrow. We've postponed our departure until tomorrow. Tom ještě neobjednal. Tom hasn't ordered yet. Tom hasn't ordered yet. Ten výraz v Tomových očích se mi nelíbí. I don't like the look in Tom's eyes. I don't like the look in Tom's eyes. Tom mě prosil za odpuštění. Tom asked me for forgiveness. Tom asked me to forgive him. При все че беше тъмно, ние успяхме да се върнем при палатката си. Dark as it was, we managed to find our way back to our tent. Although it was dark, we managed to get back to our tent. Obaj moi bracia mają żony. Both of my brothers are married. Both of my brothers have wives. Том и Мэри сказали, что у них нет машины. Tom and Mary said they didn't have a car. Tom and Mary said they didn't have a car. Останемся до наступления темноты и посмотрим салют. Let's stay until nightfall and watch the fireworks. We'll stay until dark and watch the fireworks. Він більше не може йти. He can't walk any more. He can no longer go. Mária sa priblížila. Mary approached. And Mary came near. Вам відомо, чий то автомобіль? Do you know whose car that is? Do you know whose car it is? Том е сега полнолетен. Tom is an adult now. Tom's an adult now. Na to nemůžu odpovědět. I can't answer that. I can't answer that. Если оно вам не нужно, не покупайте его. If you don't need it, don't buy it. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. В тебе немає жодної причини скаржитися ані на що. You don't have a single reason to complain about anything. You have no reason to complain about anything. Том щойно вискочив за молоком. Tom's just popped out to get some milk. Tom just jumped out for milk. Мені цікаво, чи Том переляканий, чи ні. I wonder whether Tom is frightened or not. I wonder if Tom is scared or not. Мислев дека сум ги изгубил сите пари, ама изгледа сум згрешил. I thought I'd lost all my money, but apparently I was wrong. I thought I'd lost all my money, but I guess I was wrong. Чтобы быть счастливой, ты мне не нужен. I don't need you to be happy. I don't need you to be happy. «Кто защищает нас?» — «Мы сами себя защищаем!» "Who protects us?" "We protect us!" “Who is protecting us?” – “We are protecting ourselves!” Што не одиш да го собереш? Why don't you go get him? Why don't you go pick him up? Я ніколи не турбуюся. I never worry. I never worry. Она действительно это сделала. She did do that. She really did it. Казахме си сбогом. We've said our goodbyes. We said good-bye. Будет сделано, ваше благородие! Will do, Your Honour. It will be done, Your Grace! Widziałem czerwony samochód i biały; czerwony wyglądał ładniej niż ten drugi. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one was nicer looking than the other. I saw a red car and a white one; the red one looked prettier than the other. Пътуващите през южна Германия ще видят ферми със слънчеви панели накъдето и да обърнат поглед. People driving through southern Germany will see farmhouses with solar panels everywhere they look. Travelers through southern Germany will see solar-paneled farms everywhere they look. Почему бы вам не сходить в кино? Why don't you go to the movie theater? Why don't you go to the movies? Почему бы нам не арендовать вёсельную лодку? Why don't we rent a rowboat? Why don't we rent a wedding boat? Путешествие на поезде. Traveling by train Travel by train. Tom miał na sobie sweter. Tom was wearing a sweater. Tom was wearing a sweater. Том знаеше што планира да зготви Мери за вечера. Tom knew what Mary was planning to cook for dinner. Tom knew what he was planning to cook Mary for dinner. Я познакомился с хозяином дома год назад. I met the owner of the house a year ago. I met the owner of the house a year ago. Никто из моих студентов такого бы не сделал. None of my students would do such a thing. None of my students would do that. Jsem kluk z vesnice. I'm a country boy. I'm a boy from the village. Nesadaj si! Don't sit down! Don't sit down! Давайте помоем машину. Let's wash the car. Let's wash the car. Сколько ещё времени нам понадобится? How much more time will we need? How much longer do we need? Podejrzany chciał uniknąć aresztowania. The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested. The suspect wanted to avoid arrest. Том се обиде да зборува, но не можеше. Tom tried to speak, but he couldn't. Tom tried to talk, but he couldn't. Туалеты грязные. The toilets are dirty. Toilets are dirty. Том уже изучил 27 языков, но говорит только на английском, своем родном языке. Tom has already studied 27 languages, but he can only speak English, his mother tongue. Tom has already studied 27 languages, but speaks only English, his native language. Od razu rozpoznałem Twój głos. I recognized your voice right away. I recognized your voice immediately. Белый камень был почти полностью окружен. Было только одно соседнее незанятое место. Итак, у камня была только одна свобода. The white stone was almost surrounded. It was adjacent to only one unoccupied point. Thus, the stone had only one liberty. The white stone was almost completely surrounded. There was only one neighboring unoccupied place. So, the stone had only one freedom. Dejte prosím Tomovi více času. Give Tom more time, please. Please give Tom more time. Я чув, що у цю пору року в Бостоні спекотно. I hear Boston is hot this time of year. I heard it's hot in Boston this time of year. V téhle věci s Tomem souhlasím. I agree with Tom on this matter. I agree with Tom on this. Почему все на меня смотрят? Why's everyone looking at me? Why is everyone looking at me? Ви вмієте плавати? Can you swim? Can you swim? В конце прошлого сезона мы потеряли много хороших игроков. We lost a lot of good players at the end of last season. “At the end of last season, we lost a lot of good players. Нам необходимо взаимопонимание. Mutual understanding is essential for us. We need mutual understanding. У Тома немає чаю. Tom doesn't have tea. Tom has no tea. Нам нужно, чтобы кто-то что-то сделал. We need someone to do something. We need someone to do something. Nikomu chybět nebudeš. Nobody will miss you. No one will miss you. Nevím, jestli to Tom chce udělat. I don't know if Tom wants to do that. I don't know if Tom wants to do it. Научниците тврдат дека луѓето што почесто се смеат подолго живеат од оние што ги прегазил камион. Scientists claim that people who laugh more have a longer life than those that have been hit by a truck. Scientists say that people who laugh more often live longer than those who are run over by a truck. Почему эта кнопка ничего не делает? Why doesn't this button do anything? Why doesn't this button do anything? Вы разбираетесь в абстрактном искусстве? Do you understand abstract art? Do you know anything about abstract art? Я пилососив. I was vacuuming. I'm a vacuum cleaner. Tom je epidemiolog. Tom is an epidemiologist. Tom's an epidemiologist. Похоже, Том не удивился тому, что сказала Мэри. Tom didn't seem surprised by what Mary said. Tom didn't seem surprised by what Mary said. Jako dítě jsem často chodíval plavat v moři. I would often go swimming in the sea when a child. As a child, I often went swimming in the sea. Том ја отру Мери. Tom poisoned Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. Prohráli, ale nechtějí to uznat. They lost but they refuse to admit that. They lost, but they don't want to admit it. Czy jest was siedem? Are there seven of you? Are there seven of you? Ја сметаш за чудна само затоа што не е белка. You think that she is strange because she is not just Caucasian. You think she's weird just because she's not white. Я заменю Тома. I'll replace Tom. I'll take Tom's place. Цей годинник мій. This watch is mine. This watch is mine. Легко ли научиться говорить на эсперанто? Is it easy to learn to speak Esperanto? Is it easy to learn Esperanto? Том картошку съел, а морковь нет. Tom ate the potatoes, but he didn't eat the carrots. Tom ate the potatoes, but the carrots didn't. Мисля, че този ще ти хареса. I think you're going to like this one. I think you're gonna like this one. Ten modrý batoh je těžký. This blue backpack is heavy. The blue bag is heavy. Перевод фразы на несколько языков помогает нам понять, что она означает. The translations of a sentence into multiple languages help us understand what it means. Translating a phrase into several languages helps us to understand what it means. Том больше не играет на гитаре. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Tom doesn't play guitar anymore. Я думаю, Тому нужно переодеться. I think that Tom needs to change his clothes. I think Tom needs to change. Как вы думаете, возможно ли сделать это сегодня? Do you think that it'd be possible to do that today? Do you think it is possible to do that today? Я не прочь пригласить тебя в моё любимое кафе. Это милое, спокойное местечко с приятной атмосферой. I'd like to invite you to my favourite café. It’s a nice, relaxing place with a good vibe. I'd love to invite you to my favorite cafe, a nice, quiet place with a nice atmosphere. Táta s mámou nepřijdou. Dad and mom won't come. Dad and mom aren't coming. Его кто-нибудь навещает? Does anybody visit him? Is anyone visiting him? Те не говориха. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Джексоны пригласили нас сегодня вечером на ужин. The Jacksons have invited us over for dinner tonight. The Jacksons invited us to dinner tonight. Я не уеду отсюда. I won't leave here. I'm not leaving here. Tom nás přišel zachránit. Tom came to save us. Tom came to save us. Колко е стара Айфеловата кула? How old is the Eiffel Tower? How old is the Eiffel Tower? Chci být elektrikář. I want to become an electrician. I want to be an electrician. Не время для шуток. This isn't the time for joking. This is no time for jokes. Я мало не помер сьогодні. I almost died today. I almost died today. Не делай вид, что меня не существует. Don't pretend I don't exist. Don't pretend I don't exist. Ona podziwia Johna za odwagę. She admires John for his courage. She admires John for his courage. Я забула адресу. I forgot the address. I forgot the address. Я найду вас и убью. I will find you and I will kill you. I'll find you and kill you. Том обычно был надёжным человеком, и его отсутствие на встрече было неожиданным. Tom was normally very reliable and his absence from the meeting was inexplicable. Tom was usually a reliable person, and his absence at the meeting was unexpected. Има ли някакви промени? Have there been any changes? Are there any changes? Трябва да сте внимателни. You've got to be careful. You have to be careful. Чтобы язык был всемирным, недостаточно назвать его таковым. For a language to be universal, it is not enough to call it that. For a language to be universal, it is not enough to call it such. Nerad bych, aby se ti to stalo. I'd hate to see that happen to you. I don't want that to happen to you. Před deseti lety by jeho teorie nebyla obecně akceptována. Ten years ago his theory would not have been generally accepted. Ten years ago, his theory would not have been generally accepted. Это лучший ресторан, какой я знаю. This is the best restaurant I know. This is the best restaurant I know. Уилл, завещает ли Уилл Уиллу свою волю? Will, will Will will Will Will’s will? Will, does Will bequeath his will to Will? Мисля, че направихте достатъчно. I think you've done enough. I think you've done enough. Мене понизили. I've been demoted. I've been humiliated. Том доби мала пита. Tom got a little pie. Tom got a little pie. Gdzie jest najbliższy kościół? Where's the nearest church? Where is the nearest church? Картина була намальована Пікасо. The picture was painted by Picasso. The painting was painted by Picasso. Если не знаешь ответ, попробуй угадать. If you don't know the answer, try to guess. If you don’t know the answer, try to guess. Праз дзесяць год наш горад моцна зменіцца. In ten years our town will change a lot. In ten years' time, our world will change. Том вырос в этих местах. Tom grew up around here. Tom grew up in these places. Ты уверен, что ему можно доверять? Are you sure he can be trusted? Are you sure he can be trusted? Он тебе не враг. He is not your enemy. He's not your enemy. Ми на ворожій території. We're in enemy territory. We're in enemy territory. Я слепа на левый глаз. I am blind in the left eye. I'm blind in my left eye. Имам прашања на тони. I've got lots of questions. I have a ton of questions. Koronavirus je nebezpečný pro staré a nemocné lidi. Coronavirus is dangerous to old and sick people. Coronavirus is dangerous for the elderly and sick. Odejděte, prosím. Tom vás nechce vidět. Leave, please. Tom doesn't want to see you. Please leave, Tom doesn't want to see you. Может быть, я лучше тебя. Maybe I'm better than you. Maybe I'm better than you. Свеска није твоја, његова је. The notebook is not yours. It's his. The notebook isn't yours, it's his. Jakou to má funkci? What is its function? What's the function? Трябва да ходя да си събирам багажа. I have to go pack. I have to go pack my bags. Дякую, там все добре. Thanks, everything is fine there. Thank you, it's all right. Nie powinieneś jeść niczego ostrego. You shouldn't eat anything spicy. You shouldn't eat anything spicy. Він дуже добрий робітник. He's a really good worker. He is a very good worker. На это уйдет около трех часов. Doing that will take about three hours. It'll take about three hours. У меня сегодня с собой не так много денег. I don't have much money with me today. I don't have much money with me today. Zrobił to, co musiał. He did what he needed to do. He did what he had to do. Се надевам дека ќе го најдеме. I hope we find him. I hope we find him. Не давай Тому ни есть, ни пить. Don't give Tom anything to eat or drink. Don't let Tom eat or drink. Koupila klukovi hračku. She bought a toy for the boy. She bought the boy a toy. Каждый раз, когда стучат в дверь, моя собака начинает лаять. Whenever somebody knocks on the door, my dog starts barking. Every time I knock on the door, my dog starts barking. Bratia! Brothers! Brothers! На меня снизошло вдохновение. I have had an inspiration. I've been inspired. Том любить купляти в Кауфланді. Tom likes shopping in Kaufland. Tom likes to shop in Kaufland. Marie vybírala po jednom vajíčka. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Marie was picking eggs one at a time. Вчера я встретил одного из величайших актеров нашего поколения. Yesterday I met one of the greatest actors of our generation. Yesterday I met one of the greatest actors of our generation. В конце концов она так и не перезвонила. She didn't telephone after all. In the end, she never called back. Ты помнишь, как эта штука называется? Do you remember what this thing's called? Do you remember the name of this thing? Hledej dál. Keep searching. Keep looking. Не ми текнува дека сум го купил ова. I don't remember buying this. I don't remember buying this. У нас нова сусідка. We have a new neighbor. We have a new neighbor. Не взимам никакви лекарства. I don't take any medicine. I'm not taking any medication. У вас ёсць папера? Do you have paper? Do you have a paper? Том не се шегуваше. Tom wasn't joking. Tom wasn't kidding. Він заспівав. He began singing. He sang. Člověk je postaven na vrchol potravinového řetězce. Human beings are at the top of the food chain. Humans are at the top of the food chain. Вони б це зробили? Would they do that? Would they do that? Два года назад я совсем не умел играть в баскетбол. Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. Two years ago, I didn’t know how to play basketball. Molim, ispunite taj formular. Fill out this form, please. Please fill out this form. Trier je najstariji grad u Njemačkoj. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. Той кръсти сина си Джеймс. He named his son James. He named his son James. Том с Мэри крепко спят. Tom and Mary are fast asleep. Tom and Mary are sleeping soundly. Дякую за посилання! Thanks for the link! Thank you for the link! Тя ми предостави достъп до записите си. She gave me access to her records. She gave me access to her records. Небо было ясное. The sky was clear. The sky was clear. Tomowi bardzo dobrze rozmawiało się z Mary. Tom had a good time talking with Mary. Tom had a very good conversation with Mary. Teraz znam odpowiedzi. I now know the answers. Now I know the answers. Вы планируете оставаться здесь надолго? Do you plan to be here long? Are you planning to stay here for a long time? Wojna ciągnie się już wiele lat. The war's been going on for years. The war has been going on for many years. Скунс живёт под домом. The skunk lives under the house. Skunks live under the house. Анна прие предложението на Хенри. Anne accepted Henry's proposal. Anna accepted Henry's offer. В цьому році було жахливо спекотно. This year has been terribly hot. This year it was awfully hot. Нека те гризе совест сега. Suffer pangs of conscience. Let your conscience bite you now. Не познавам всички. I don't know everybody. I don't know everybody. Я забыл, что Том учитель. I forgot that Tom was a teacher. I forgot Tom was a teacher. Хочешь заработать много денег? Do you want to earn a lot of money? You want to make a lot of money? Po prostu zrób, co radzi. All you have to do is follow his advice. Just do what he says. Как ты пришёл к такому выводу? How did you arrive at that conclusion? How did you come to that conclusion? Эта музыка помогает мне уснуть. This music helps me to fall asleep. This music helps me sleep. Ты давно играешь в шахматы? How long have you been playing chess? How long have you been playing chess? Вспомни, что ты мне говорил. Remember what you told me. Remember what you told me. Не все яблоки красные. Not all apples are red. Not all apples are red. Не ме чу ли како викам? Didn't you hear me call? Didn't you hear me scream? Канешне, я пайду туды з табой. Of course, I will go there with you. Of course I'll go there with you. Říkal jsem ti, že je to riziko. I told you it was a risk. I told you it was a risk. Том може да говори френски много по-гладко от мене. Tom can speak French much more fluently than I can. Tom can speak French much smoother than I can. Това е изключено! It's out of the question! That's off! На моём столе сидит кошка. There's a cat on my table. There's a cat on my desk. Я не совсем понимаю, в чём меня обвиняют. I don't clearly understand what I'm being accused of. I don't quite understand what they're accusing me of. Ванг Лао Ђи није пиво. Чај је. Wang Lao Ji isn't beer. It's tea. Wang Lao Ji is not beer, it's tea. Policie má v plánu zatknout Toma. The police are planning to arrest Tom. The police are planning to arrest Tom. Ввімкніть CNN. Put CNN on. Turn on CNN. Како дошло тоа таму горе? How did that get up there? How did that get up there? Кой браузър използваш? What browser are you using? Which browser do you use? Spotkałem ją późno wieczorem. I met her late in the evening. I met her late at night. Вы уверены, что это был Джон? Are you sure it was John? Are you sure it was John? Как долго продержится эта хорошая погода? How long will that nice weather last? How long will this good weather last? Тоа е пораката. That's the message. That's the message. Я всю ночь не мог уснуть из-за зубной боли. A toothache kept me awake all night. I couldn't sleep all night because of the toothache. Он не жели да изгубише целу недељу. He doesn't want you to lose a whole week. He doesn't want to lose an entire week. Luty to drugi miesiąc roku. February is the second month of the year. February is the second month of the year. Интересно, что тут делает Том. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. Tom to nikdy nikomu neřekl. Tom has never told anyone. Tom never told anyone. У меня нет ванной комнаты. I don't have a bathroom. I don't have a bathroom. Я пішов до неї за порадою I went to her for advice. I went to her for advice. Poďme do divadla spolu. Let's go to the theater together. Let's go to the theater together. Един човек дойде да ме види вчера. A man came to see me yesterday. A man came to see me yesterday. Pomahala je z obema rokama da bi jo lahko našel. She waved both her hands so that he could find her. She waved both hands so I could find her. Том сделал свою часть. Tom did his part. Tom did his part. Toma už ta práce nebaví. Tom doesn't enjoy the work anymore. Tom's tired of the job. Проблема в тому, що сонячна енергія занадто дорога. The problem is that solar energy costs too much. The problem is that solar energy is too expensive. Таа сака кратки сукњи. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Я дежурил в больнице. I was on duty at the hospital. I was on duty at the hospital. Kochanie, musimy iść do sklepu. Brakuje nam mleka. Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk. Honey, we have to go to the store. Греалката престана да работи. The heater has quit working. The heater stopped working. Я тут на неделю. I'll be here for a week. I'm here for a week. Tom mi vysvětlil něco z anglické gramatiky. Tom explained to me some English grammar. Tom explained something to me about English grammar. Это предложение очень интересно. This offer is very interesting. This proposal is very interesting. У нас совершенно платонические отношения. Our relationship is completely platonic. We have a very platonic relationship. Дај ми уште една шајка. Give me another nail. Give me another nail. Той е фотогеничен. He's photogenic. He's photogenic. Како да позовем такси? How can I call a taxi? How do I call a taxi? Это не предназначено для ежедневного использования. This isn't intended for everyday use. It is not intended for daily use. Пингвини не могу да лете, али могу да пливају. Penguins aren't able to fly, but they can swim. Penguins can't fly, but they can swim. Хайде да се поупражняваме. Let's practice. Let's practice. Tom chtěl vědět, kde Mary byla a co dělala. Tom wondered where Mary was and what she was doing. Tom wanted to know where Mary was and what she was doing. Языки - моё хобби. А у тебя какое хобби? Languages is my hobby. What's your hobby? Languages are my hobby. What's your hobby? Svemirski brod je bio uništen. The spacecraft was destroyed. The spaceship was destroyed. Zdá se, že máš stejný problém, jako já. It seems that you have the same problem as me. You seem to have the same problem as me. Это ты дал ему мой телефон? Were you the one who gave him my phone number? Did you give him my phone? У вас трое детей. You've got three kids. You have three children. Mówią, że rzuciła pracę. They say that she quit her job. They say she quit her job. Tom potřebuje ještě jedno auto. Tom needs another car. Tom needs another car. Давай закатим Тому вечеринку. Let's have a party for Tom. Let's throw Tom a party. Рядом с нашим домом есть большой парк. There's a big park close to where we live. There is a large park next to our house. Chci, abys ji viděl. I want you to see her. I want you to see her. Dostat se na vlakové nádraží trvá deset minut. It takes ten minutes to get to the railway station. It takes 10 minutes to get to the train station. Czemu już mnie nie lubisz? How come you don't like me anymore? Why don't you like me anymore? Мы раньше часто ходили в походы. We used to go camping a lot. We used to go hiking a lot. Ти предлагам да пратиш некого надвор да види што се случува. I suggest you send someone outside to see what's going on. I suggest you send someone out there to see what's going on. Нас превзошли числом. We were outnumbered. We were outnumbered. Где бы ты предпочёл сидеть? Where would you prefer to sit? Where would you prefer to sit? Udělal jsi to ty? Was it you who did it? Did you do it? Китай не має права нав'язувати свою владу народу Тайваню. China has no right to impose its rule on the people of Taiwan. China has no right to impose its power on the people of Taiwan. Том се изгуби во Бостон. Tom got lost in Boston. Tom got lost in Boston. Том знает, что неправ. Tom knows that he's wrong. Tom knows he's wrong. Musí být odstraněni rychle. They must be eliminated quickly. They must be removed quickly. Том недостатньо швидкий. Tom isn't fast enough. Tom's not fast enough. Преди няколко дена се свързах с тях, но не можах да получа отговор. I contacted them the other day, but I was not able to get an answer. A few days ago, I contacted them, but I couldn't get a response. Постарайся не есть. Try not to eat. Try not to eat. Не разбирам зошто сакаш да го направиш тоа. I don't understand why you want to do that. I don't understand why you want to do this. Странная у вас жизнь. What a strange life you have. You have a strange life. Я думал, вы хотите от меня избавиться. I thought you wanted to get rid of me. I thought you wanted to get rid of me. Ваш дедушка всё ещё болеет? Is your grandpa still sick? Is your grandfather still sick? Když něco děláš, tak to dělej pořádně. If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well. When you do something, do it right. В автобусе было много пассажиров? Were there many passengers on the bus? Were there a lot of passengers on the bus? Gdzie możemy usiąść? Where can we sit down? Where can we sit? Питала сам Тома зашто је дошао тако рано. I asked Tom why he'd come so early. I asked Tom why he came so early. Lidské dějiny jsou popsány krví. Human history is written in blood. Human history is written in blood. Tomovo chování je zvláštní. Mohl by být posedlý. Tom's behaviour is strange. He might be possessed. Tom's behavior is strange, he could be obsessed. Я никогда тебе не изменял. I never cheated on you. I never cheated on you. Ми се допаѓа како си облечен. I like your outfit. I like the way you're dressed. Имам мнение. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Има малка вероятност да не успея да дойда на заседанието. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. There's a slim chance I won't be able to make it to the meeting. Každého rádi uvítáme, když přijde. Everyone is welcome to come. We welcome everyone when they come. Придёт день, когда мы сможем полететь на Луну. The day will come when we can travel to the moon. There will come a day when we can go to the moon. Кто доставляет письмо? Who delivers the letter? Who delivers the letter? Помилосердствуйте! Be merciful. Have mercy! Когда отходит шестой автобус? When does bus number 6 leave? When is the 6th bus leaving? Хіба ти не боїшся висоти? Aren't you afraid of heights? Aren't you afraid of heights? Ta osoba jest pijana. That person is drunk. This person is drunk. Томас злоупотребляет властью. Thomas is abusing his power. Thomas is abusing his power. Asi bys raději měl jít se mnou. Perhaps you'd better come with me. I think you'd better come with me. Большинство людей подчиняются закону. Most people obey the law. Most people obey the law. Ти завжди кохав Тома, так? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? You've always loved Tom, haven't you? Виждал съм го това. I've seen that. I've seen this. Изряза ли хартията? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Mám pod postelí příšeru, jsem si tím jistý. There’s a monster under my bed, I’m certain of that. I have a monster under my bed, I'm sure. Doufal jsem, že tam potkám Toma. I was hoping to meet Tom there. I was hoping to meet Tom there. Днес е малко студено. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. Tom był niewinny. Tom was innocent. Tom was innocent. Potřeboval jsem si od Toma půjčit nějaké peníze. I needed to borrow some money from Tom. I needed to borrow some money from Tom. Її очі зупинилися на сукні. Her eyes settled on the dress. Her eyes stopped on the dress. Аз не мога да карам мотор, ти ми говориш за кола. I cannot drive a motorcycle, much less a car. I can't ride a bike, you're talking about a car. Tom zmarł w wieku dziewięćdziesięciu siedmiu lat. Tom died at the age of 97. Tom died at the age of ninety-seven. То яблуко. This is an apple. That apple. Никто не мог ответить на этот вопрос. No one could answer that question. No one could answer that question. Možeš nas ostaviti na miru? Could you leave us alone? Can you leave us alone? Я боюсь молнии. I'm scared of lightning! I'm afraid of lightning. Я думал, что могу ему доверять. I thought I could trust him. I thought I could trust him. Я хочу завтра навестить Тома. I want to visit Tom tomorrow. I want to see Tom tomorrow. Nebyla dost rychlá. She was not quick enough. She wasn't fast enough. Ви сивієте, Томе. You're going grey, Tom. You're graying out, Tom. Не бях честен с Том. I wasn't honest with Tom. I wasn't honest with Tom. Стоји тамо. Stay there. He's standing over there. Помолих го да ни изпрати книгата. I asked him to send us the book. I asked him to send us the book. Мы здесь завтра будем. We'll be here tomorrow. We'll be here tomorrow. O tom plánu jsi mu říkat neměl. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. You shouldn't have told him about the plan. A jednak nie przyszła. She didn't come after all. And yet she didn't come. У меня такая же большая комната, как у тебя. My room is as large as yours is. I have a room as big as yours. To pivo je docela silné. This beer is a little heady. The beer's pretty strong. Ester je lesbická Židovka. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Esther is a lesbian Jew. Ти змогла пристосуватися. You have to be able to adapt. You were able to adjust. Чакай малко. Hang on a sec. Hold on a second. Думаю, я никогда их раньше не видел. I think I've never seen them before. I don't think I've ever seen them before. Джейн изглежда щастлива. Jane looks happy. Jane seems happy. Мы с Томом — закадычные друзья. Tom and I are bosom buddies. Tom and I are good friends. Všichni chceme, abys byla šťastná. We all want you to be happy. We all want you to be happy. Uživali smo zajedno pjevati. We enjoyed singing songs together. We enjoyed singing together. Ніхто не робить цього краще. Nobody does it better. No one does it better. В това езерце някога имаше много жаби. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. Навистина ли мораш да работиш викендов? Do you really have to work this weekend? Do you really have to work this weekend? Tom usnul při vyučování. Tom dozed off during class. Tom fell asleep in class. Čas je vzácný. Time is scarce. Time is precious. Я получаю всё, что хочу. I get everything I want. I get what I want. Помогите мне убраться. Help me clean up. Help me clean up. Я становлюсь сентиментальной. I'm getting sentimental. I'm getting sentimental. Зачем я добавил это предложение? Why did I add this sentence? Why did I add this offer? Дан беше во врска со Линда многу кратко време. Dan dated Linda for a very short period of time. Dan was in a relationship with Linda for a very short time. Jestem pewien, że Tom nie lubi Mary. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't like Mary. I'm sure Tom doesn't like Mary. Учиш есперанто. You're learning Esperanto. You're learning Esperanto. Иска ми се да ми го беше казал по-рано. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd told me that before. Мяч попал в штангу. The ball hit the post. The ball hit the bar. Жизнь - это самовоспроизводящаяся химическая система, которая развивается как следствие взаимодействия с окружающей средой. Life is a self-replicating chemical system that evolves as a consequence of its interaction with the environment. Life is a self-replicating chemical system that develops as a result of interaction with the environment. Том почна да се смее. Tom started to laugh. Tom began to laugh. Машина угнана. The vehicle is stolen. The car's stolen. Naše zahrada je velká, a je v ní mnoho květin. Our garden is big and has a lot of flowers. Our garden is large, and there are many flowers in it. Казалось, она смотрит на стаю птиц в небе. She seemed to be looking at a flock of birds in the sky. She looked at the birds in the sky. Да ли је он наставник? Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? To nie je papier. That's not paper. It's not paper. Tom, marzną mi stopy. Proszę przynieś mi moje kapcie. Tom, my feet are freezing. Please get me my slippers. Tom, my feet are freezing, please bring me my slippers. Мэри забыла запереть машину. Mary forgot to lock her car. Mary forgot to lock the car. Том збіраецца вярнуцца праз дзень або два. Tom is going to be back in a day or two. Tom will be back in a day or two. W torbie jest trochę pieniędzy. There is a little money in the bag. There's some money in the bag. Я никого не знаю в этом районе, Так что ты должна пытаться завести друзей. I don't know anybody in this area, So you have to try making friends. I don't know anyone in the area, so you should try to make friends. Тези ръкавици са собственост на Том. These gloves belong to Tom. These gloves are Tom's property. Кубик льоду скоро розтане. The ice cube will melt in a little bit. The ice cube will melt soon. Я бы не сделал этого без согласия Тома. I wouldn't have done it without Tom's consent. I wouldn't have done it without Tom's consent. Nie zapomnij swoich rzeczy. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. Polévka se jí nebo pije? Is soup eaten or drunk? Do you eat or drink soup? Tom je můj zubař. Tom is my dentist. Tom's my dentist. Tom ví, co je pro něj dobré. Tom knows what is good for him. Tom knows what's good for him. Przestrzeganie się zasad było ograniczeniem mej kreatywności. Following the rules was a constraint on my creativity. Adherence to the rules was a limitation of my creativity. Том подивився під диван. Tom looked under the couch. He looked under the sofa. Расскажите мне, что вы думаете о фильме, который вы смотрели вчера. Tell me what you think of the movie you saw yesterday. Tell me what you think about the movie you saw yesterday. Oni są w muzeum. They are at the museum. They're in the museum. По-моему, я тебе это уже говорил. I think I've already told you this. I think I told you that before. Poczekaj, proszę, pół godziny. Please wait half an hour. Wait, please, half an hour. Ми маємо право страйкувати. We have the right to strike. We have the right to strike. Мы провели там три часа. We were there for three hours. We spent three hours there. Nezdá se mi pravděpodobné, že by Tom spáchal sebevraždu. It seems unlikely that Tom committed suicide. I don't think it's likely that Tom committed suicide. Адзінкі здароўя можна аднавіць толькі залатым яблыкам. HP can only be restored with a golden apple. Health can only be restored with a golden apple. Всем добро пожаловать. All are welcome. Everyone is welcome. Tatoeba má nedostatek vývojářů. Tatoeba lacks developers. Tatoeba has a shortage of developers. Том был невероятно зол. Tom was angry beyond belief. Tom was incredibly angry. Oni pobiorą się, gdy ona dojrzeje. When she comes of age, they are going to get married. They'll get married when she's older. Вы должны оставить меня ненадолго одного. You must leave me alone for a little while. You have to leave me alone for a while. Иди в церковь и проси Господа о прощении. Go to the church, and ask God to forgive you. Go to church and ask God for forgiveness. Ще се радвам да помогна. I'd like to help. I'd be happy to help. Той няма да напредне. He is not going to get ahead. He won't make any progress. Не забудь, что я три года прожил в Австралии. Don't forget I lived in Australia for three years. Don't forget, I lived in Australia for three years. Можеш ли да ме научиш да свирам на гајда? Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes? Can you teach me to play bagpipes? Познавам човек, който говори френски добре. I know someone who speaks French well. I know a man who speaks French well. Zawsze jest trudno zacząć pisać list. It's always difficult to start a letter. It’s always hard to start writing a letter. "Човешката глупост е безкрайна", казвам аз, и заради тази си самокритичност, се считам за изключение. "Human stupidity is endless", I say, and for this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. “Human stupidity is infinite,” I say, and because of this self-criticism, I consider myself an exception. Мій паспорт украли. Someone stole my passport. My passport was stolen. Tom mi přivezl vánoční stromek. Tom brought me a Christmas tree. Tom brought me a Christmas tree. Tom si nemůže dovolit nové kolo. Tom can't afford a new bicycle. Tom can't afford a new bike. Moja siostra wychodzi za mąż. My sister's getting married. My sister's getting married. Я прийшов побажати вам удачі. I came to wish you good luck. I came to wish you good luck. Tomuto systému nerozumím. I don't understand this system. I don't understand this system. Pojazd został skradziony. The vehicle was stolen. The vehicle was stolen. Если Том хочет пойти, пусть идёт. If Tom wants to go, let him go. If Tom wants to go, let him go. Tak se nezdráhej. So don't hesitate. Then don't hold back. Будем надеяться, что следующий год будет лучше. Let's hope next year will be better. Hopefully next year will be better. Много хора смятат,че ретро автомобилите са доста скъпи. Many people think that antique cars are overpriced. Many people think that retro cars are quite expensive. Я согласна с мнением Тома. I agree with Tom's opinion. I agree with Tom's point of view. Мне патрэбны большы пакой. I need a larger room. I need a bigger room. Ta szuflada jest pełna rozmaitych rzeczy. That drawer is full of miscellaneous items. This drawer is full of different things. Możesz to dla mnie zrobić? Can you do that for me? Can you do that for me? Zamával na ní. He waved at her. He waved at her. Kéž by se ochladilo. I wish it got colder. I wish it would get colder. Се трудевме. We've been trying. We've been trying. Можно мне ещё пюре? Could I have some more mashed potato? Can I have some more mashed potatoes? Что такое собственность? What is property? What is property? Том не герой. Tom is not a hero. Tom's not a hero. Что тебе не нравится в зиме? What don't you like about winter? What do you not like about winter? Ні! Що завгодно крім цього! No! Anything but that! No! Anything but that! Не давайте ей пить. Don't let her drink. Don't let her drink. Я вчера вернулся из Риги. I got back from Riga yesterday. I came back from Riga yesterday. Не забудьте, что я три года прожил в Австралии. Don't forget I lived in Australia for three years. Do not forget that I lived in Australia for three years. Пачынай спяваць. Start singing. start to sing. Кашлицата ми се влошава. My cough is getting worse. My cough is getting worse. Это самая глупая вещь, которую я когда-либо слышал. That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Хочешь выиграть спор – поставь против меня на мэйджоре. If you want to win a wager, bet against me in a major. If you want to win an argument, bet me on the major. Том повернувся до Бостона? Did Tom move back to Boston? Did he go back to Boston? Мы сейчас живём за городом. We live in the country now. We live outside the city now. Z čeho se skládá anglická snídaně? What does the English breakfast contain? What is an English breakfast? Мисля, че те ни познават. I think they know us. I think they know us. Начался мелкий дождик. A fine rain began to fall. A little rain has started. Пусть Том попробует, если хочет. Let Tom try it if he wants to. Let Tom try it if he wants to. Правя се, че работя. I pretended to work. Pretend I'm working. Знам дека си изморен. I know you're tired. I know you're tired. Я так хочу цього. I want it so much. I want it so bad. Вчера си купих този фотоапарат. I bought this camera yesterday. I bought this camera yesterday. W tym czasie nie miałam włączonego telewizora. I didn't have the TV on at that time. I didn’t have the TV on at the time. Мы надеемся на лучшее. We're hoping for the best. We hope for the best. Калуѓерките пеат. The nuns are singing. The nuns sing. Лети. Fly. Fly. Если вам нравилось изучать русский язык, вам наверняка понравится и польский. If you enjoyed studying Russian, you will certainly enjoy Polish too. If you liked learning Russian, you will probably like Polish as well. Tom je troslovno ime. Tom is a three-lettered name. Tom's a three-letter name. В прошлом году я прочитала двести книг. Last year I read two hundred books. I read 200 books last year. Я весь день провёл в постели. I spent the whole day in bed. I spent the whole day in bed. Tom powiedział Mary, że nie zrobi niczego niebezpiecznego. Tom told Mary that he wouldn't be doing anything dangerous. Tom told Mary he wouldn't do anything dangerous. Кто ваш юрист? Who is your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? Myslím, že víte, co mám na mysli. I think you know what I mean. I think you know what I mean. Я переконана, що можу здати цей іспит. I'm convinced I can pass this exam. I am confident that I can pass this exam. Tom cosi vykřiknul francouzsky. Tom yelled something in French. Tom shouted something in French. Ја нисам мислио да ће се Том сетити свих наших имена. I didn't think Tom would remember all our names. I didn't think Tom would remember all our names. Я теж п'ю чай. I drink tea, too. I drink tea, too. Они определили его местонахождение. They've located him. They've pinpointed his location. Я учу её голландскому языку. I'm teaching her Dutch. I'm teaching her Dutch. Nije došao na posljednji sastanak. He didn't come to the last meeting. He didn't show up for the last meeting. Musimy powstrzymać go przed dalszym piciem. We have to stop him from drinking more alcohol. We have to stop him from drinking any more. Што можеш да ми кажеш за него? What can you tell me about him? What can you tell me about him? Взгляните на это с её точки зрения. Look at it from her point of view. Look at it from her point of view. Заспах, докато четях книга. I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep while reading a book. Modlili ste sa. You were praying. You prayed. To miejsce parkingowe jest przeznaczone wyłącznie dla klientów. This parking space is for customers only. This parking space is intended only for customers. У меня тут где-то есть адрес Тома. I have Tom's address here somewhere. I've got Tom's address somewhere. Zastřelím vás oba. I'll shoot both of you. I'll shoot you both. Jest bogatszy niż ktokolwiek inny w mieście. He is richer than anyone else in this town. He's richer than anyone else in the city. Ten zajazd oferuje dobrą obsługę. This inn gives good service. This inn offers good service. Прочитай предложение, написанное на доске. Read the sentence written on the blackboard. Read the sentence written on the board. Ќе направиме да работи. We'll make it work. We'll make it work. Почему ей пришлось остановиться? Why did she have to stop? Why did she have to stop? Том сака да знае што прави Мери во Бостон. Tom wants to know what Mary is doing in Boston. Tom wants to know what Mary's doing in Boston. Pomiędzy ich poglądami zarysowywała się subtelna różnica. There was a subtle difference between their views. There was a subtle difference between their views. Російська вважається складною мовою. Russian is considered to be a difficult language. Russian is a complex language. Том не може да се изправи. Tom can't stand up. Tom can't get up. Je provdaná za cizince. She is married to a foreigner. She's married to a stranger. Том не може примусити мене зробити це. Tom can't make me do it. Tom can't make me do this. Jsem nezaměstnaný. I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. Би можеле да ме отпуштат поради ова. I could get fired for this. I could get fired for this. Tom jí téměř vše. Tom eats almost everything. Tom eats almost everything. Długie włosy wyszły z mody. Long hair is out of fashion. Long hair is out of fashion. Не волим да радим. I don't like to work. I don't like to work. У них была свадьба прошлой осенью. They got married last fall. They had a wedding last fall. Те здоболе, така? You don't give a shit, do you? You're sick of it, aren't you? Маєш скарги? Do you have any complaints? Do you have complaints? Здесь что-то не так. There's something wrong. There's something wrong here. Сите мои обиди пропаднаа. All of my attempts have failed. All my attempts have failed. Мери се метнала на мајка си. Mary takes after her mother. Mary turned to her mother. Они движутся в моём направлении. They're heading my way. They're moving in my direction. Я їх не здаю в оренду. I'm not renting them out. I don’t rent them out. Užívala si přítomnosti Toma. She enjoyed Tom's presence. She enjoyed Tom's presence. У тебя в номере два окна? Has your room got two windows? Do you have two windows in your room? Математика складна. Math is hard. Mathematics is complicated. Направих си една здравословна закуска. I had a healthy breakfast. I made myself a healthy breakfast. Обычно Том заваривает одним и тем же чайным пакетиком 2-3 чашки чая. Tom usually makes 2-3 cups of tea with one tea bag. Usually Tom brews the same tea bag 2-3 cups of tea. У Тома есть мобильный телефон. Tom has a cellphone. Tom has a cell phone. Том не п'є горілку. Tom isn't drinking vodka. Tom doesn't drink vodka. Чому ти такий зайнятий? Why are you so busy? Why are you so busy? Дорогая, уже иду! Honey, I'm coming! Honey, I'm coming! Чувството беше заемно. I felt the same way. The feeling was mutual. Том розмовляє. Tom is talking. Tom is talking. Можеби ќе најдеме нешто. We might find something. Maybe we'll find something. Эти драгоценности дорогие. These jewels are expensive. These jewels are expensive. Том пришёл вчера. Tom came yesterday. Tom came in yesterday. Вы хотите, чтобы мы поехали? Do you want us to go? You want us to go? Я зустріла його випадково. I met him by chance. I met him by accident. Každý má slabosti. Everyone has vulnerabilities. Everyone has weaknesses. Ты з Урумчы? Are you from Urumqi? Are you from Urumqi? Nagle uświadomiłam sobie, że muszę nauczyć się polskiego. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. I suddenly realized that I had to learn Polish. Tom chtěl vědět, na co to je. Tom wanted to know what it was for. Tom wanted to know what it was for. Není béžová tvoje oblíbená barva? Isn't beige your favorite color? Isn't beige your favorite color? Изаберите једно. Choose one. Choose one. Už se to neděje. That's no longer happening. It's not happening anymore. Ви усвідомлюєте, що ви щойно сказали? Do you realise what you've just said? Do you realize what you just said? То, что ты сказал, убедило ее. What you said convinced her. What you said convinced her. Том перерізав собі горло. Tom slit his own throat. Tom cut his throat. Ми одружимося у червні. We will get married in June. We are getting married in June. Защо учиш френския толкова усърдно? Why are you studying French so hard? Why are you studying French so hard? Ты знаешь кого-нибудь, кто не любит шоколад? Do you know anyone who doesn't like chocolate? Do you know anyone who doesn't like chocolate? Przystawił mu broń do głowy. He put the gun to his head. He put a gun to his head. При изучении русского важно понимать разницу между совершенным и несовершенным глагольным видом. When learning Russian, it's important to understand the difference between perfective and imperfective verbs. When learning Russian, it is important to understand the difference between a perfect and an imperfect verb form. Вратата се отвори. The door opened. The door opened. Том дуже перебірливий у їжі. Tom is very fussy about what he eats. Tom is very picky about food. Хто полагодив вікно? Who fixed the window? Who fixed the window? Можеме да го направиме ова. We can do this. We can do this. Vyjednávali s Tomem tři hodiny. They were negotiating with Tom for three hours. They've been negotiating with Tom for three hours. Откуда ты знаешь, что у меня было? How do you know what I had? How do you know what I had? Nařídil jsem svému synovi, aby rozdělal oheň. I ordered my son to make a fire. I ordered my son to start a fire. Трудно учиться в одиночку. It is hard to study alone. It is difficult to study alone. Това си беше направо глупаво. That was just plain stupid. That was so stupid. Слон има дугачак нос. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. Musieli mieć wypadek. They must have had an accident. They must have had an accident. Измислихме го. We figured it out. We made it up. Дай Боже добри вечар! May God give us a good evening! Good evening to God! Koho Tom napadl? Who did Tom attack? Who did Tom attack? Pies ugryzł mnie w rękę. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit me in the hand. Те се караха. They quarreled. They were fighting. Се омажила за нула од човек. She has married a nobody. She's married to a man for nothing. Przyszedłem do szkoły na czas. I arrived at school on time. I came to school on time. Что ты предлагаешь взамен? What do you suggest instead? What do you offer in return? Есть ли отели на острове? Are there hotels on the island? Are there any hotels on the island? Одавно је нисам видео. I haven't seen her for ages. I haven't seen her in a while. Pamiętamy. We remember. We remember. Píšete modrým alebo čiernym perom? Do you write with a blue or a black pen? Do you write with a blue or black pen? Гэтыя лекі дапамогуць табе. This medicine will help you. These treatments will help you. "Ты ведь не коммунист, правда?" - "Я коммунист". "You're not a communist, are you?" "I am." "You're not a communist, are you?" - "I'm a communist." Он не сказал ничего такого, что могло бы его рассердить. He said nothing that would make him angry. He didn’t say anything that would make him angry. Ви сказали Тому про Мері? Did you tell Tom about Mary? Did you tell Tom about Mary? Tom nechce přestat s kouřením. Tom won't stop smoking. Tom doesn't want to quit smoking. Tom ma jakąś rodzinę w Bostonie. Tom has some family in Boston. Tom has a family in Boston. Мы решили продать все наши картины. We've decided to sell all our paintings. We decided to sell all our paintings. Сделай так, чтобы я это развидел. Make me unsee it. Make sure I figure it out. Я поклялся Тому в верности. I pledged my loyalty to Tom. I swore my allegiance to him. Малко се поувлякох, докато танцувах, и се качих на масата. I got a bit carried away when I was dancing and got up on the table. I got a little carried away while I was dancing, and I got up on the table. Ми зачинили двері. We closed the door. We closed the door. Не думаю, что у Тома хватит смелости это сделать. I don't think Tom has the courage to do that. I don't think Tom has the guts to do that. Мій план кращий за ваш. My plan is better than yours. My plan is better than yours. Tom nelhal. Tom wasn't lying. Tom wasn't lying. Врешті-решт, дощ скінчився. At last it's stopped raining. Eventually, the rain ended. Том размаўляе па-англійску з паметным французскім акцэнтам. Tom speaks English with a distinct French accent. He speaks English with a French accent. Это совсем не обязательно. That isn't necessary at all. It doesn't have to be. Není možné, že to udělal právě Tom? Isn't it possible Tom was the one who did this? Is it possible that Tom did this? Кто ищет, тот находит. Who searches, finds. He who seeks, finds. Tom potřebuje nějaký čas na to, aby se zotavil. Tom needs some time to recover. Tom needs some time to recover. Jego zachowanie rozczarowało wielu z jego przyjaciół. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. Не се продаваше. It wasn't on sale. It wasn't for sale. Бегите, а то вас арестуют. Run or you'll be arrested. Run, or you'll be arrested. Libuša žije v Poznani. Libusza lives in Poznań. Libu<0xC5><0xA1>a lives in Pozna<0xC5><0x84>. Ќе ги обесевме. We were going to hang them. We'd hang them. Забравих да изключа лампите. I forgot to turn off the light. I forgot to turn off the lights. Вивчати іноземні мови нудно. Learning foreign languages is boring. Learning foreign languages is boring. Силен съм колкото тебе. I am as strong as you. I'm as strong as you. Я бачив його минулого тижня. I saw him last week. I saw him last week. Čas zmizet. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to disappear. Neschovávej se pod postel. Don't hide under the bed. Don't hide under the bed. Мислам дека го преувеличуваш проблемот. I think you're overstating the problem. I think you're exaggerating the problem. Том, поделись с братом. Tom, share with your brother. Tom, share with your brother. Я православный. I am Orthodox. I'm Orthodox. Установим несколько прожекторов. Let's install some spotlights. We'll set up some searchlights. Máte Tomovi co nabídnout? Do you have anything to offer to Tom? Do you have anything to offer Tom? Язычник живет в гармонии с природой. A pagan lives in harmony with nature. The pagan lives in harmony with nature. В компьютере вирус. The computer has a virus. There's a virus in the computer. Zelo dobro igra kitaro. He plays the guitar very well. He plays guitar very well. Извињавам се. Excuse me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Мені тридцять. I'm thirty. I'm thirty. Том продолжи да работи. Tom kept on working. Tom continued to work. Посмотрите на свои руки. Look at your hands. Look at your hands. Když ubližujete Tomovi, je to jako kdybyste ubližovali i mě. If you hurt Tom, it is like you are hurting me too. When you hurt Tom, it's like you hurt me. Том уже не тот человек, каким был раньше. Tom is no longer the man he used to be. Tom is not the man he used to be. Каква е минималната заплата във Франция? What's the minimum salary in France? What is the minimum wage in France? Имаме едно правило тука. We've got one rule around here. We have one rule here. Я повешу картину на стену. I'll hang the picture on the wall. I'll hang the painting on the wall. Том врезался в припаркованную машину. Tom hit a parked car. Tom crashed into a parked car. Jestem strasznie zajęty, ponieważ termin ukończenia raportu jest blisko. I am terribly busy because the report deadline is near. I'm terribly busy, because the deadline for completing the report is near. Имам куп прашања. I've got lots of questions. I have a bunch of questions. To naprawdę niefortunne. This is truly unfortunate. It's really unfortunate. Не успеешь и глазом моргнуть, как окажешься в газетах. The next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. You won't have time to blink if you're in the papers. Лъвът е царят на джунглата. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. Як ти можеш бути таким наївним? How can you be so naive? How can you be so naive? Чому всі говорять про Тома? Why's everybody talking about Tom? Why is everyone talking about Tom? Я пакажу табе горад. I will show you around the city. I'll show you the city. Сколько лет ты знаешь Тома? How many years have you known Tom? How long have you known Tom? Том не принимал лекарства. Tom didn't take his medication. Tom didn't take his medication. Чаму ты плачаш? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Ви не такий молодий, як Том. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. Kiedyś myślałem, że czarownice istnieją naprawdę. I used to think that witches were real. I used to think witches really existed. Кои се условите? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Проходная пешка - это пешка, перед которой больше нет (ни в её собственном столбце, ни в обоих соседних столбцах) пешка соперника, которая может (блокируя или захватив её) предотвратить её продвижение к последнему ряду доски. A passed pawn is one that no longer has in front of it (either in its own column or in both adjacent columns) an opponent pawn that can (by blocking or capturing it) prevent its advance to the last row of the board. A pass pawn is a pawn in front of which there is no longer (neither in its own column nor in both adjacent columns) an opponent's pawn, which can (blocking or capturing it) prevent it from advancing to the last row of boards. Том захихотів у бік Мері. Tom snickered at Mary. Tom grinned at Mary. Gram w grę internetową. I'm playing a game online. I'm playing an online game. Я проста і не ведаю, што сказаць... I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say... Поради ненадејната смрт на неговиот татко, тој се откажа од своите планови да живее во странство. Due to the sudden death of his father, he abandoned his plans of living outside the country. Due to the sudden death of his father, he abandoned his plans to live abroad. Гадаєш, я все ще її кохаю? Do you think I still love her? You think I still love her? Ты бессмыслен. You're pointless. You're pointless. Я увімкнув телевізор, там транслювали Гран-прі. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I turned on the TV, the Grand Prix was broadcast there. Тебе надо поговорить с нами. You've got to talk to us. You need to talk to us. Можно мне теперь спуститься? Can I come down now? Can I come down now? Ограничения моего языка ограничивают моё мышление. Я могу сказать, что что-то знаю, только если умею выразить это словами. The limitations of my language limit my thinking. I can only say that I know something if I know how to express it in words. The limitations of my language limit my thinking. I can say that I know something only if I can express it in words. На границе нет КПП. There are no checkpoints at the border crossing. There's no checkpoint at the border. Том говори френски добре. Tom speaks French well. Tom speaks French well. Proč ses pokoušel Toma zastavit? Why did you try to stop Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? Он только других винит, а себя никогда. He only blames other people, and never himself. He blames others, but never himself. Что на коробке? What's on the box? What's in the box? Скажите это по-английски. Say it in English. Say it in English. Я заставила Тома плавать. I got Tom to swim. I made Tom swim. Ten zwyczaj jest specyficzny dla Japonii. The practice is peculiar to Japan. This custom is specific to Japan. Мы относимся к этому вопросу со всей серьёзностью. We take this matter very seriously. We take this issue very seriously. Най-накрая спечелих сърцето му. I have finally won his heart. I finally won his heart. Што има на масичката? What is on the desk? What's on the table? Она купила хонду. She bought a Honda. She bought a Honda. Я не жду, что это изменится. I am not expecting this to change. I don't expect that to change. У Тома руки в крови. Tom has blood on his hands. Tom's hands are covered in blood. Kde jste byla v říjnu? Where were you in October? Where were you in October? Том сказал Мэри, что она напрасно тратит своё время. Tom told Mary that she was wasting her time. Tom told Mary that she was wasting her time. Tom nám s ničím nepomohl. Tom didn't help us with anything. Tom didn't help us with anything. Ти з нами згоден? Do you agree with us? Do you agree with us? Во время сна трудно сохранять осознанность. It is difficult to remain aware while dreaming. During sleep, it is difficult to remain conscious. Martwię się o nich. I'm worried about them. I'm worried about them. Начальник дозволив мені піти раніше сьогодні. My boss let me leave early today. My boss told me to leave early today. Уезжайте из этой страны. Leave this country. Get out of this country. Мы с Вами оба знаем, что этого не будет. You and I both know that's not going to happen. You and I both know that's not going to happen. Chystá se mě zabít. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. Kupuji máslo. I buy butter. I'm buying butter. Jego chłopak przyjdzie w odwiedziny, ubierz się ładnie. His boyfriend will come for a visit, dress up nicely. His boyfriend's coming to visit, dress nice. Я могу рассказать ему всё. I can tell him everything. I can tell him everything. Том не дозволив Мері вести його машину. Tom didn't let Mary drive his car. Tom did not let Mary drive his car. Dlaczego nie mogę być tobą? Why can't I be you? Why can't I be you? Има нещо, което трябва да обясня. There's something I need to explain. There's something I need to explain. Mary řekla, že bude stát při Tomovi. Mary said that she would stand by Tom. Mary said she'd stand by Tom. Шчаслівай Вальпургіевай ночы! Happy Walpurgis Night! Happy Walpurgisnacht! Tom nás stále ignoruje. Tom is still ignoring us. Tom's still ignoring us. Tři pizzy budou stačit. Three pizzas will be enough. Three pizzas will do. То помаранче. It is an orange. That orange. Том буде тут з хвилини на хвилину. Tom will be here any minute now. Tom will be here any minute. Без очков я не вижу. I can't see without glasses. I can't see without my glasses. Mieszka koło biblioteki. She lives near a library. He lives near the library. На Том много му се спи, защото той не можа да спи добре миналата нощ. Tom is very sleepy, because he didn't sleep well last night. Tom is very sleepy because he couldn't sleep well last night. Ovo je adresa. This is the address. This is the address. Tento starý dům je postaven ze dřeva. This old house is made of wood. This old house is built of wood. Том думає, що Янні зраджує йому з Самі. Tom thinks Yanni is cheating on him with Sami. Tom thinks Jannie is cheating on him with Sammy. Он позёр. He's a poser. He's a poser. Není jako ostatní chlapci jeho věku. He isn't like other boys his age. He's not like the other boys his age. Nemáme papír. We don't have paper. We don't have paper. Том стиже аутобусом. Tom is coming by bus. Tom's on the bus. Я спробую її полагодити. I'll try to fix it. I will try to fix it. Это будет очень трудная игра. It'll be a very difficult game. It will be a very difficult game. Изяждайте по една жива жаба всяка сутрин и през целия остатък от деня няма да ви се случи нищо по-лошо. Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. Eat one live frog every morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day. Думаете, Том не сможет этого сделать? Do you think that Tom won't be able to do it? You think Tom can't do that? Proszę, oprowadź mnie. Please show me around. Please, show me around. Ще ти се обадя утре сутринта. I'll call you tomorrow morning. I'll call you in the morning. Зарем не доби? Didn't you get one? Didn't you get it? Я послал ей письмо. I sent her a letter. I sent her a letter. Пакуль. Bye! Bye. Bye. Трябва ли ми вратовръзка? Do I need a tie? Do I need a tie? Co kdybychom šli ven na čerstvý vzduch? Why don't we go outside for some fresh air? Why don't we go outside and get some fresh air? Думаю, вы прислали мне не тот заказ. I think you have sent me a wrong order. I think you sent me the wrong order. Proszę nie zawracać głowy mojemu synowi. Please don't bother my son. Don't bother my son. Тој е газда на фирмата. He's the owner of the company. He's the boss of the company. Tento film stojí za vidění. This movie is worth seeing. This film is worth seeing. Powolni, ale systematyczni wygrają w końcu. Slow but steady wins the race. Slow, but systematic will win in the end. Для детей пяти лет и младше вход свободный. Children five and younger are free. Children 5 years and younger are free to enter. Ви б краще припинили це робити. You'd better stop doing that. You’d better stop doing that. Хачу сабе такі меч! I want a sword like this! I want a sword like that. Nikdo Toma nezastavil. Nobody stopped Tom. No one stopped Tom. Я був професором фізики. I was a physics professor. I was a physics professor. Аз познавам тези момичета. I know those girls. I know these girls. Не привлекувај внимание. Keep a low profile. Don't attract attention. Том купив Мері обручку. Tom bought Mary a ring. Tom bought Mary a wedding ring. Nemáš se čeho obávat. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. You have nothing to worry about. Včera jsme zbourali zeď. Yesterday, we demolished a wall. We broke down the wall yesterday. Tom musel dva týdny ležet v posteli. Tom had to stay in bed for two weeks. Tom had to lie in bed for two weeks. Яна папярэдзіла цябе. She warned you. She warned you. Я осознаю опасность. I'm aware of the danger. I'm aware of the danger. Остави ме да отида сам. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. Snaž se! Try! Do your best! Hned vám dám vědět. I'll get right back to you. I'll let you know right away. Ми пишаємося тим, чого досягли. We're proud of what we've accomplished. We are proud of what we have achieved. Ламјата ја здогледа. The dragon saw her. The lama saw her. Её любимая команда редко побеждает в соревнованиях. Her favourite team doesn't win many competitions. Her favorite team rarely wins the competition. Мртов пијан е. He's dead drunk. He's dead drunk. Nevěřím, že se to stane. I don't believe that that's going to happen. I don't believe that's gonna happen. Tom už byl dvakrát soudně stíhán. Tom has already been prosecuted twice. Tom has already been tried twice. Аристотель считал, что Земля - центр Вселенной. Aristotle believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Aristotle believed that the earth was the center of the universe. Takhle ten příběh skončil. That's how the story ended. That's how the story ended. Трябва да реша какво да правя. I have to decide what to do. I have to decide what to do. Pokud se nechceš zapojit, můžeš se dívat. You can watch if you don't want to partake. If you don't want to get involved, you can watch. Како си ти за тоа крив? How's that your fault? How is that your fault? Pokusil jsem se jí návrat k Tomovi rozmluvit. I tried to talk her out of going back to Tom. I tried to talk her back to Tom. Имам дванаесет години. I'm twelve. I'm 12 years old. Куки была лучшей собакой в мире. Cookie was the best dog in the world. Cookie was the best dog in the world. Виде ли што пишува во денешните весници? Have you seen today's paper? Did you see what it says in today's papers? На карусельной лошади далеко не уедешь! On a carousel horse, you will not go very far! You can't go far on a merry-go-round horse! Том никогда не признаёт свои ошибки. Tom can't ever admit being wrong. Tom never admits his mistakes. Очекувам посетители. I was expecting Tom. I'm expecting visitors. Трябва да си призная, че още не съм го чел. I must confess I haven't read it yet. I have to admit, I haven’t read it yet. Зателефонуйте йому, будь ласка. Please telephone him. Call him, please. Я не знал. I didn't know. I didn't know. Byl jsem pozván. I was invited. I was invited. Не съм виждала Том с месеци. I haven't seen Tom in months. I haven't seen Tom in months. Они сказали, что всё в порядке. They said that it was fine. They said it was okay. Мы ищем машину Тома. We're looking for Tom's car. We're looking for Tom's car. Я опять ошиблась? Did I make a mistake again? Am I wrong again? Dobré ráno! Good morning! Good morning! Właśnie tu przyjechałem. I arrived here just now. I just got here. Нема пушачи тука. Nobody here smokes. There are no smokers here. К этому инструкция не прилагается? Shouldn’t there be some instructions with this? Is there no instruction attached to this? Я велел Тому уйти. I told Tom to leave. I told Tom to leave. Био је голих прса и бос. He was bare-chested and barefoot. He was bare-breasted and bare-headed. Сегодня так же тепло, как вчера. It is as warm today as yesterday. It is as warm today as it was yesterday. Я бы сделал это, но Том мне не позволит. I would do it, but Tom won't let me. I'd do it, but Tom won't let me. Tom zabudol urobiť svoje domáce úlohy. Tom forgot to do his homework. Tom forgot to do his homework. Мені дуже потрібна ваша допомога. I really do need your help. I really need your help. Том забыл поблагодарить Вас. Tom forgot to say thank you. Tom forgot to thank you. Дети запели: «Дождик, дождик, прекрати, в другой день ты приходи». The children chanted, "Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day." The children sang: "Rain, rain, stop, the next day you come." Tom nemůže přibrat na váze, přestože jí hodně. Tom cannot gain weight even though he eats a lot. Tom can't put on weight, even though he eats a lot. Natychmiast staliśmy się przyjaciółmi. We immediately became friends. We immediately became friends. В отличие от Тома я не курю. I don't smoke, but Tom does. Unlike Tom, I don't smoke. Почему вы ненавидите свободу? Why do you hate freedom? Why do you hate freedom? Той поздрави онази госпожа. He greeted that lady. He said hello to that lady. Ќе му кажам на Том дека си овде. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. Говорят, тараканы выжили бы даже в ядерной войне. They say cockroaches could survive even a nuclear war. They say cockroaches would survive even in a nuclear war. Це занадто. It's too much. It's too much. Хорошо, что вы не поехали. It was good that you didn't go. It's a good thing you didn't go. Том не и ја прифати поканата на Мери. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Tom didn't accept Mary's invitation. Я за ними прослежу. I'll keep an eye on them. I'll keep an eye on them. Чи є хот-дог бутербродом? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Byl jsem požádán vám předat zprávu. I've been asked to give you a message. I was asked to give you a message. Приготовить тебе что-нибудь? Shall I cook something for you? Can I make you something? Ајде! Come on! Come on! Достатъчно горещо ли е за плуване? Is it hot enough to go swimming? Is it hot enough for swimming? Как стать феей? How is it possible to become a fairy? How to become a fairy? Problémy s Tomem se nashromáždily. Musel dostat padáka. The problems with Tom accumulated. He had to be fired. Tom's problems have piled up, he's got to get fired. Хоч і з запізненням, я хотіла би привітати вас із днем народження. I would like to belatedly wish you a happy birthday. Although I am late, I would like to congratulate you on your birthday. Он быстро поймет, что это не твой почерк. He is quickly going to see that that isn't your handwriting. He'll soon realize it's not your handwriting. Víme, že tu noc byl Tom s tebou. We know Tom was with you that night. We know Tom was with you that night. Я даже не знал, что вы знаете. I didn't even know you knew. I didn't even know you knew. Ќе ти напишам белешка. I'll write you a note. I'll write you a note. Он украл мой велосипед. He stole my bike. He stole my bike. Tolik ti nezaplatím. I won't pay you that much. I'm not paying you that much. Mléko je čerstvé. The milk is fresh. Milk is fresh. Добавьте его. Add him. Add it. Том неголодний. Tom is not hungry. Tom is not hungry. Ponieważ nie znali drogi, zaraz się zgubili. As they didn't know the way, they soon got lost. Because they didn't know the way, they got lost. Прыходзь, калі зможаш. Come if you can. Come if you can. Rekiny wyczuwają krew. Sharks can sense blood. Sharks can smell blood. Мені ліпше сказати вам правду. It would be better for me to tell you the truth. I'd better tell you the truth. Możesz pisać, co tylko chcesz. You can write whatever you want. You can write whatever you want. Она отвернулась, чтобы он не увидел её слёз. She turned away so that he wouldn't see her tears. She turned away so that he could not see her tears. Подожди меня здесь, пожалуйста. Please wait here for me. Wait for me here, please. Nie będę z tobą walczył. I won't fight with you. I'm not gonna fight you. Dej auto do garáže. Put the car into the garage. Put the car in the garage. Нам дуже бракує наших дружин. We really miss our wives. We miss our wives very much. Я женат, и у меня трое детей. I'm married and have three children. I am married and have three children. Изключи телевизора. Turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. Jak vás to ovlivní? How will this impact you? How will it affect you? Она ещё не убралась в его комнате. She hasn't cleaned his room yet. She hasn't cleaned his room yet. Jakie jest rozszerzenie pliku? What is the file extension? What is the P2P file extension? Гледајте наваму. Look this way. Look this way. Fotbal je stará hra. Football is an old game. Football is an old game. Направляйтесь на северо-восток! Head northeast! Head north-east! Говорите же, не робейте. Speak out, don't be diffident. Tell me, don't do it. Моя собака мяучит. My dog goes meow. My dog is meowing. Som si celkom istý. I'm pretty sure. I'm all the same. Mógłbym przysiąc, że coś widziałem. I could've sworn I saw something. I could have sworn I saw something. Том кивнул и направился к двери. Tom nodded and headed for the door. Tom nodded and headed for the door. Батьки Тома ще живі. Tom's parents are both still living. Tom's parents are still alive. On je zná. He knows them. He knows them. Někdo mi ve vlaku šlápnul na nohu. Someone stepped on my foot on the train. Someone stepped on my foot on the train. Було легко відповісти. It was easy to answer. It was easy to answer. Мне надоело, что со мной так обращаются. I'm tired of being treated this way. I'm tired of being treated like this. Чему ты улыбался? What made you smile? What were you smiling at? Вы не умеете водить. You can't drive. You can't drive. Govorite li engleski? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Меня никто нигде не ждёт. Nobody is waiting for me anywhere. No one is waiting for me anywhere. Nie wiem, co powinienem zrobić. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know what I should do. Поставь чайник, пожалуйста! Please, put the kettle on! Put the kettle on, please! Они приняли текущую ситуацию. They have accepted the current situation. They accepted the current situation. Коко знает и использует больше чем 500 слов на языке знаков, языке глухих людей. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Koko knows and uses more than 500 words in sign language, the language of deaf people. Přestal jsem kouřit. I quit smoking. I quit smoking. Тому завтра будут вырывать зуб. Tom is going to have a tooth pulled out tomorrow. Tom's going to have his tooth pulled tomorrow. Что вас так возмущает? What makes you so indignant? What's so upsetting to you? Тебе придётся позвонить в техподдержку. You'll have to call tech support. You're gonna have to call tech support. Квадратите имаат по четири агла. A square has four angles. The squares have four corners. Використовуй їх усі. Use them all. Use them all. Neříkej Tomovi, že se známe. Don't tell Tom we know each other. Don't tell Tom we know each other. Nenadechuj se přímo z lahve obsahující benzen. Don't inhale directly from the bottle containing benzene. Do not inhale directly from the benzene bottle. Я вже вимкнула свій комп'ютер. I've already turned off my computer. I've already turned off my computer. Сотрудники чувствуют давление необоснованных ожиданий. Employees feel the pressure of unreasonable expectations. Employees feel the pressure of unreasonable expectations. Банани жовті. Bananas are yellow. Bananas are yellow. Том каже, що ви здорові. Tom says that you're healthy. Tom says you're healthy. Не могли б ви дати мені номер поліції? Could you please give me the police number. Can you give me the police number? Emily će me iznenaditi. Emily will surprise me. Emily will surprise me. Время, которое вы посвятите изучению латыни, всегда будет плодотворным. The time you dedicate to the study of Latin will always be fruitful. The time you devote to learning Latin will always be fruitful. Мне надо её найти. I have to find her. I need to find her. Вы, похоже, всех здесь знаете. You seem to know everyone here. You seem to know everyone here. Весь рассказ занял бы много времени. It would take a long time to tell the whole story. The whole story would have taken a long time. Не съм си взимал душ от три дена. I haven't taken a shower in three days. I haven't had a shower in three days. Отново трябва да напусна. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. Не могу то да преболим. I can't get over it. I can't get over it. Rozhodli se vznést obvinění. They decided to press charges. They decided to press charges. Казах ви какво да направите. I've told you what to do. I told you what to do. Он предатель или герой? Is he a traitor or a hero? Is he a traitor or a hero? Этот ответ мне очень нравится. I really like this answer. I really like that answer. Как можно назвать эту Силу, сотворившую жизнь, время и столько триллионов звезд? What can be called this Power that created life, time and so many trillions of stars? How can you name this Force that created life, time, and so many trillions of stars? Nebudeš věřit tomu, co jsem právě našel. You won't believe what I just found. You're not gonna believe what I just found. Я люблю лепить снеговиков. I like to make snowmen. I love making snowmen. Rozumiesz po polsku? Do you understand Polish? Do you understand Polish? Я думал, тебе нравится со мной играть. I thought that you liked playing with me. I thought you liked playing with me. Я не под кайфом. I'm not high. I'm not high. Я пишу Тому листа. I'm writing Tom a letter. I'm writing a letter to Tom. Більше ніколи не мене не дивись. Don't ever look at me again. Don't ever look at me again. Они не ездили в Уганду. They didn't visit Uganda. They didn't go to Uganda. Если вы владеете английским языком, латынь будет для вас легким делом. If you handle English, Latin will be a piece of cake. If you speak English, Latin will be easy for you. Tom šel surfovat s Mary. Tom went surfing with Mary. Tom went surfing with Mary. Мислев дека нема да врне сношти. I didn't think it would rain last night. I didn't think it would rain last night. Tom nám nechtěl říct, co se děje. Tom wouldn't tell us what was going on. Tom didn't want to tell us what was going on. Я испекла ему печенье. I baked him cookies. I baked him a cookie. Tom je ostao skeptičan. Tom remained skeptical. Tom was skeptical. Они говорят на венгерском? Do they speak Hungarian? Do they speak Hungarian? Пускането на хвърчила може да бъде опасно. Flying kites can be dangerous. Letting go of a kite can be dangerous. Obě věty znamenají to samé. Both sentences mean the same thing. Both sentences mean the same thing. Přišel brzy ráno. He came early in the morning. He came early in the morning. Я сделаю что угодно, только не это. I'll do anything but this. I'll do anything but that. Когда ты будешь готова идти? When will you be ready to go? When are you ready to go? Какое расстояние ты можешь проплыть под водой? How far can you swim underwater? How far can you swim underwater? Том покупает Мэри подарок. Tom is buying Mary a gift. Tom buys Mary a present. Том живет за счет денег, доставшихся ему в наследство от деда. Tom lives off the money that he inherited from his grandfather. Tom lives off the money he inherited from his grandfather. Kdyby někdo dokázal přeložit tuto větu, bylo by to skvělé. If someone could translate this sentence, that would be great. If anyone could translate this sentence, it would be great. Jsem rád, že tu Tom skončil. I'm glad that Tom quit here. I'm glad Tom's done here. Słownictwo jest na biurku. The dictionary is on the desk. Vocabulary's on the desk. Мені потрібно поговорити з ними. I have to talk to them. I need to talk to them. Tom si na tu práci zvykl. Tom got used to the work. Tom's used to the job. Ona ma mało przyjaciół. She has few friends. She has few friends. Що б я без тебе робив? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? Поздравете вашите приятелки. Say hello to your friends. Say hello to your girlfriends. Opustil miestnosť. He left the room. He's left town. Chlapec hraje na klavír. The boy plays the piano. The boy plays the piano. Це принципове питання. It's a question of principle. This is a principled question. Те саме справедливо й щодо Японії. The same is true of Japan. The same is true for Japan. Myslím, že Toma dokážu najít. I think I can find Tom. I think I can find Tom. Лікарі кажуть, що Том дуже хворий. The doctors say Tom is very sick. The doctors say that Tom is very sick. Дом быў пусты, калі не лічыць котку. The house was empty except for a cat. The house was empty, except for the cat. Viděli jsme v dáli světlo. We saw a light in the distance. We saw light in the distance. У кожнага колеру ёсць значэнне. Every colour has a meaning. Every color has a meaning. Je hrubý a nevzdělaný a lidé se ho straní. He is rude and ignorant and people avoid him. He is rude and uneducated, and people shun him. Том забыл книги в школе. Tom forgot his books at school. Tom forgot his books at school. Том не умеет подтягиваться. Tom can't do a pull-up. Tom can't pull himself up. Когда в Австралии ночь, в Канаде утро. When it's night in Australia, it's morning in Canada. When it's night in Australia, it's morning in Canada. Он - нытик. He's a whiner. He's a whiner. Мне не нравится эта машина. I don't like this car. I don't like this car. Почему Том не спит? Why isn't Tom sleeping? Why isn't Tom sleeping? Тя дори не би се изпикала върху мен, ако се запаля. She wouldn't even piss on me if I were on fire. She wouldn't even piss on me if I caught on fire. Заткнись уже! Shut up already! Shut up already! Наступний місяць — жовтень, так? Next month is October, isn't it? It’s October next year, right? Z której części Kanady pochodzisz? What part of Canada do you come from? What part of Canada are you from? Не сум тука за да те повредам. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. Црвенокосе ме излуђују! Redheads drive me crazy! The redheads are driving me crazy! Tome, chci s tebou dát řeč. Tom, I want to have a little word with you. Tom, I want to talk to you. Не пили сук, на котором сидишь. Don't saw the branch that you're sitting on. Don't drink the bitch you're sitting on. Вы же меня тут не оставите? You're not going to leave me here, are you? You're not leaving me here, are you? Chci tenhle film vidět. I want to see this movie. I want to see this movie. У мене все гаразд. I am okay. I'm fine. Všichni vstoupili. They all entered. They're all in. Нещо ново на работа? What's going on at work? Anything new at work? Ovo je moja žena Edita. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife, Edith. Tom mě celý týden naprosto ignoroval. Tom ignored me for the whole week. Tom totally ignored me for a week. Есть зажигалка? Got a light? Got a lighter? Том позвонил, чтобы сказать, что опоздает. Tom called to say he'd be late. Tom called to say he was going to be late. On jest Anglikiem. He is English. He's English. Той често върви пеша до училище. He often walks to school. He often walks to school. Я ему позвонила, но трубку взяла какая-то девушка. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called him, but some girl picked up the phone. Звёзды не лгут. The stars don't lie. The stars don't lie. Я обожнюю садівництво. I love gardening. I love gardening. Том мешкає в Бостоні? Does Tom live in Boston? Does Tom live in Boston? Крис утре не може да работи. Chris can't work tomorrow. Chris can't work tomorrow. Превкусни се. They're delicious. They're delicious. Nenechej si ujít tuto příležitost. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss this opportunity. Как зовут ваших кошек? What are your cats' names? What are the names of your cats? Суэцкий канал соединяет Средиземное море с Красным. The Suez canal connects the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. Со саати дремев таму. I was there for hours. I slept there for hours. Том у глибокому нокауті. Tom's out cold. Tom in a deep knockout. Млякото е вкиснало. The milk has gone bad. The milk is soaked. Наше здание не пострадало при землетрясении. Our building wasn't damaged in the earthquake. Our building was not damaged in the earthquake. Това няма да ти помогне. That won't help you. That's not gonna help you. Dnes se zdá být tepleji. It feels warmer today. It seems warmer today. Вони торгують рибою й м'ясом. They're selling fish and meat. They sell fish and meat. Я не имею ни малейшего понятия, какая у Тома фамилия. I don't have any idea what Tom's last name is. I have no idea what Tom's last name is. Она будет здесь через минуту. She'll be here in a minute. She'll be here in a minute. Pravidelně Toma navštěvujeme. We visit Tom regularly. We visit Tom regularly. Нека помогна. Let me help. Let me help you. Je to nuda. It's boring. It's boring. Tom ma Jackson na nazwisko. Tom's surname is Jackson. Tom's name is Jackson. Не думаю, що Том нас почув. I don't think Tom heard us. I don't think Tom heard us. Не сідай на підлогу. Don't sit on the floor. Don't sit on the floor. Kéž bys to řekla dřív. I wish you'd said that before. I wish you'd said it sooner. У меня всё хорошо. I'm OK. I'm fine. Не думаю, что Том бы был рад, если бы это произошло. I don't think Tom would be glad if that happened. I don't think Tom would be happy if that happened. Приятного чаепития! Enjoy your tea! Have a nice tea! Naprawdę potrzebuję twojej pomocy. I really need your help. I really need your help. Дарем - английский город. Durham is an English city. Durham is an English city. Том втратив свого найкращого друга. Tom lost his best friend. Tom lost his best friend. Они никак не связаны между собой. They are entirely unrelated. They have nothing to do with each other. Она приняла участие в архитектурном конкурсе. She took part in an architecture competition. She took part in an architectural competition. Jak on to zrobił? How did he do it? How did he do it? Через некоторое время мужчина вошёл в комнату. After a while, the man came into the room. After a while, the man entered the room. Byliśmy umówieni. We had an appointment. We had an appointment. Този филм го гледах преди много време. I saw this movie a very long time ago. I saw this movie a long time ago. Кто прислал вам это приглашение? Who sent you this invitation? Who sent you this invitation? Я перечитувала листи, які ти мені надіслав. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I read the letters you sent me. Vím, že se nikdy nevrátí. I know she'll never come back. I know he's never coming back. Остај го Том да си го тера ќефот. Let Tom have his fun. Let Tom do his thing. Том був трохи збентежений. Tom was slightly confused. Tom was a little confused. Том ест много мороженого. Tom eats lots of ice cream. Tom eats a lot of ice cream. Viem, že je tažké uveriť tomu. I know it's difficult to believe. I know it's hard to believe. Том плаче? Is Tom crying? Tom's crying? У нього криві руки. He is clumsy with his hands. He has crooked hands. В Радянській Росії телевізор дивиться глядачів! In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience! In Soviet Russia, the TV is watching the audience! Neznal jsem správnou odpověď a tak jsem střílel od boku. I didn't know the correct answer, so I made a random guess. I didn't know the right answer, so I shot from the side. Я біженець. I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee. To właśnie jest śmieszne. That's what's funny. That's what's funny. Аз съм изключително зает. I'm extremely busy. I'm extremely busy. Przyszedłem zobaczyć jak ci idzie. I came to see how you're doing. I came to see how you're doing. Мені подобається грати в гольф. I like to play golf. I like to play golf. Том сѐ уште не може да разговара со нас. Tom can't talk to us yet. Tom still can't talk to us. Мері любить гроші. Mary loves money. Mary loves money. Ты выглядишь как девочка. You look like a girl. You look like a girl. Може ли да ви целуна? May I kiss you? Can I kiss you? Stalo se to doopravdy tak, jak Tom popsal? Did it really happen as Tom had described? Did it really happen the way Tom described it? Prohlédl si dům. He looked around the house. He examined the house. Танцуваа. They danced. They're dancing. Мислам дека сум настинат. I think I have a cold. I think I have a cold. Věděl jsi, že Tom je nešťastný? Did you know Tom was unhappy? Did you know Tom was unhappy? Je velice nemocná a leží v posteli již jeden týden. She's very ill and has been in bed for a week. She is very ill and has been in bed for a week. Я знаю, як ми можемо добре провести час. I know how we can have some fun. I know how to have a good time. Почему у Вас такие большие глаза? Why are your eyes so big? Why do you have such big eyes? Včera se jim ztratil pes a ještě ho nenašli. Their dog got lost yesterday and they haven't found him yet. They lost their dog yesterday and haven't found it yet. Анна хорошо играет в теннис. Anna plays tennis well. Anna is very good at tennis. Я нічого не знаю про Томову дівчину. I don't know anything about Tom's girlfriend. I don't know anything about Tom's girlfriend. Том ми најде такси. Tom found me a taxi. Tom got me a cab. Я кохаю її, а вона кохає його. I love her, but she loves him. I love her, and she loves him. Вопрос в том, согласится ли с нами Том. The question is whether Tom will agree with us. The question is, will Tom agree with us? Ona vyhrožovala, že nám podpálí dům. She threatened to set our house on fire. She threatened to burn down our house. Къде е асансьорът? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Тоа не е мојот потпис. That's not my signature. That's not my signature. Вы назовете мне свое имя, пожалуйста? Will you give me your name, please? Can you give me your name, please? Идите попрощайтесь с дедушкой. Go say goodbye to Grandpa. Go say goodbye to your grandfather. Побачимося у понеділок, Томе. See you Monday, Tom. See you Monday, Tom. Я мрію колись відвідати Австралію з родиною. I dream of visiting Australia someday with my family. I would love to visit Australia with my family. Казалось, неудачи преследуют его. It seemed that failures were chasing him. Failures seemed to follow him. Тук не трябва да говориш. You shouldn't talk here. You're not supposed to talk here. Tom nemá hlad. Tom isn't hungry. Tom's not hungry. Мальчик, где твой старший брат? Boy, where is your older brother? Boy, where's your big brother? Она всем говорит, что бросила курить, но я-то знаю, что каждый вечер ровно в девять она выходит на балкон и выкуривает одну или две сигары. She tells everyone she quit smoking, but I know that every evening at 9 p.m. she goes out on the balcony to have one or two cigars. She tells everyone that she quit smoking, but I know that every night at exactly nine she goes out to the balcony and smokes one or two cigars. Извините, я не говорю по-гречески. Sorry, I don't speak Greek. I'm sorry, I don't speak Greek. Роботу вже закінчено? Is the work completed? Is the work finished? Жалосно беше. It was tragic. It was sad. С чего ты взял, что мне понравится такое? Where did you get the idea that I would like such a thing? What makes you think I'd like that? Ovo je moja žena Edita. This is my wife Edita. This is my wife, Edith. Vykonávej tuto techniku. Practice this technique. Use this technique. Хіба ви не у відпустці? Aren't you on vacation? Aren't you on vacation? Имам задача за тебе. I have a job for you. I have a task for you. «Чаму ты мне хлусіш?» — «Я не хлушу». "Why are you lying to me?" "I'm not lying." “Why are you lying to me?” – “I’m not lying.” Instrukcje były bardzo proste. The instructions were very simple. The instructions were very simple. Я вам ещё нравлюсь? Do you still like me? Do you still like me? Відтак, я буду змушений лишитися тут. Hence, I shall have to stay here. So I’ll have to stay here. Том беспокоится за сына. Tom is worried about his son. Tom is worried about his son. Сколько вилок тебе нужно? How many forks do you need? How many forks do you need? Není to příliš pravděpodobné. It's rather unlikely. It's not very likely. Не так багато! Not that much! Not so much! Да ли Том једе јаја? Does Tom eat eggs? Does Tom eat eggs? Он так об этом и не узнал. He never knew that. He never found out. Том донжуан. Tom is a Don Juan. Tom donjoan. Том пішов за яйцями. Tom went to buy eggs. Tom went for the eggs. Я понимаю по-польски. I understand Polish. I understand Polish. Боги пришли с неба. Gods came from the sky. The gods came from heaven. Chwilę odpoczywał. He rested for a while. He rested for a moment. Это часы, которые я купила. This is the watch that I bought. This is the watch I bought. Том та Мері бідні, правда? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? Tom and Mary are poor, aren't they? Дан веќе не се чувствуваше безбедно во сопствениот дом. Dan no longer felt safe in his own house. She no longer felt safe in her own home. Tom nedělá pokroky. Tom isn't making progress. Tom's not making any progress. Nie wiem, po co się męczyłem z przychodzeniem tutaj. I don't know why I bother coming here. I don't know why I got so tired of coming here. Kierowca jest odpowiedzialny za bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. Я закахаўся ў яе. I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. Машина надворі. A car is outside. The car is outside. Спремни сме за борба. We're ready to fight. We're ready to fight. Тој сака на секоја свадба да биде младоженецот и на секој погреб покојникот. He wants to be a husband at every wedding, and the deceased at every funeral. He wants to be the groom at every wedding and the deceased at every funeral. Tom dal kopačky své přítelkyni. Tom dumped his girlfriend. Tom dumped his girlfriend. Wszyscy krzyczeli. Everyone screamed. Everybody was screaming. Od śmierci Toma nic nie jest takie samo. Ever since Tom passed away, things haven't been the same. Nothing's been the same since Tom died. Він повільно одужує від хвороби. He is slowly recovering from his illness. He is slowly recovering from his illness. Stavi to cvijeće gdjegod ga možemo dobro vidjeti. Put those flowers wherever we can see them well. Put those flowers where we can see them. Nemám ani matku, ani otce. I have neither a mother nor a father. I don't have a mother or a father. Його платня зросла на 10%. His salary rose 10%. His salary increased by 10%. Не было дано никакого объяснения. No explanation was given. No explanation was given. Том был в моей группе. Tom was in my group. Tom was in my group. Это мой мобильный, верни! That's my cellphone. Give it back! That's my cell phone, come back! Čas odsud vypadnout. Time to get the hell out of here. Time to get out of here. Наполеон был корсиканцем. Napoleon was Corsican. Napoleon was a Corsican. Nie martw się, wszystko jest w porządku. Don't worry, everything is all right. Don't worry, everything's fine. Mám rád rybu. I like fish. I like fish. Добри дзень! Good day! Hello! Я ем авокадо с солью. I eat avocados with salt. I eat avocado with salt. У Мэри ямочка на подбородке. Mary has a dimple in her chin. Mary has a dimple on her chin. Што ти реков? What did I tell you? What did I tell you? Ти си вярващ, нали? You're a believer, aren't you? You're a believer, aren't you? Кога беше последният път, когато ходихте на плажа? When was the last time you went to the beach? When was the last time you went to the beach? Для тебя это бесплатно. It's free for you. It's free for you. Sledovat ruské filmy v angličtině je pro mě snazší. Watching Russian movies in English is easier for me. Watching Russian films in English is easier for me. Он пьёт чай? Does he drink tea? Is he drinking tea? Próbowałem znaleźć Toma. I tried to find Tom. I was trying to find Tom. Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić? What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do about it? Nie mogę się uczyć fińskiego, ponieważ nie chcę mieszkać w Finlandii. I cannot learn Finnish because I don't want to live in Finland. I can't learn Finnish because I don't want to live in Finland. Том ел абрикосы. Tom was eating apricots. Tom ate apricots. Мне нужно больше денег, но не много. I need more money, but not much. I need more money, but not much. Nikdo tady nebere Toma vážně. Nobody here takes Tom seriously. No one here takes Tom seriously. Ovo je računar moje majke. This is my mother's computer. This is my mother's computer. Това е мястото, където е роден Том. This is the place where Tom was born. This is where Tom was born. Найгірше було ще попереду. The worst was still ahead. The worst was yet to come. Podívej se, jaké problémy jsi nám způsobil. Look at the trouble you've brought upon us. Look at the trouble you've caused us. Я впевнений, що він - чесна людина. I am sure that he is an honest man. I am sure he is an honest man. Поїзд запізнюється? Is the train late? Is the train late? Това е една от рибите, които хвана Том. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. This is one of the fish that Tom caught. Ему примерно столько же лет, сколько моей сестре. He's about the same age as my sister. He's about the same age as my sister. Tom přežil téměř smrtelnou nehodu. Tom survived a near-fatal accident. Tom survived a near-fatal accident. Tom si vydělává na živobytí pronajímáním bytů. Tom earns his living by renting apartments. Tom earns his living by renting apartments. На Томе шарф. Tom is wearing a scarf. Tom's scarf. Фадзіль вельмі любіў танцаваць. Fadil loved to dance. Faulkner loved to dance. Де було видано цю книгу? Where was this book published? Where was this book published? Кофе сегодня какой-то странный на вкус. The coffee tastes strange today. Coffee tastes a little weird today. Я був змушений іти пішки, тому що не було таксі. I had to walk because there were no taxis. I had to walk because there was no taxi. Колькі год ты ўжо гуляеш у гольф? How many years have you been playing golf? How many years have you been playing golf? Я сделаю Вам укол. I'm going to give you a shot. I'll give you an injection. Она снимает лифчик. She's taking her bra off. She's taking off her bra. Tom má velkého ptáka. Tom has a large dick. Tom's got a big dick. Ты самая красивая женщина из всех, что я когда-либо видел. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Tom trpí výkyvy nálad. Tom is prone to mood swings. Tom suffers from mood swings. Они не сказали бы мне правду. They wouldn't tell me the truth. They wouldn't tell me the truth. Žonglování je další z věcí, ve kterých nejsem moc dobrý. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Juggling is another thing I'm not very good at. Кажу да је љубав слепа. They say love is blind. They say love is blind. Я був чарівником. I was a magician. I was a magician. Sjajno! Terrific! That's great! Никто не может сделать эту работу лучше Тома. Nobody can do the job better than Tom. No one can do this job better than Tom. Tom často chodí čůrat. Tom often goes to urinate. Tom pees a lot. Перестань меня постоянно перебивать. Stop constantly interrupting me. Stop interrupting me all the time. Такси је скуп. A taxi is expensive. Taxis are expensive. Рыбацкие лодки покидали порт. The fishing boats were leaving harbour. The fishing boats left the port. Кукі покакав? Did Cookie go poop? Cookie pooped? У тебя есть родственники или знакомые в Польше? Do you have family or friends in Poland? Do you have relatives or acquaintances in Poland? Я ожидал, что Том откажется, но он, к моему удивлению, согласился. I'd expected Tom to say no, but to my surprise, he agreed. I expected Tom to refuse, but he, to my surprise, agreed. Смотрите не опаздывайте. Make sure you arrive on time. Don't be late. Jezdím do práce na kole. I cycle to work. I ride my bike to work. По-моему, французский очень сложный. I think French is really hard. I think French is very difficult. Я сделаю всё, что пожелаешь. I'll do whatever you wish. I'll do anything you want. Opravil Tom ty hodinky? Did Tom repair the watch? Did Tom fix the watch? Také jsem nezaměstnaný. I'm also unemployed. I am also unemployed. Люди, страдающие аутизмом, зачастую не смотрят в глаза собеседнику. People with autism often don't make eye contact when talking to someone. People with autism often do not look the other person in the eye. Сестра на пять лет моложе меня. My sister is five years younger than me. My sister is five years younger than me. Bzdury! Rubbish! Bullshit! Чудя се какво имаше предвид Том. I wonder what Tom meant by that. I wonder what Tom meant. Повернися на 360 градусів і йди. Turn 360 degrees and walk away. Turn 360 degrees and go. Tom będzie tęsknił za dziećmi. Tom will miss the kids. Tom's gonna miss the kids. Тебе нравятся шахматы? Do you like chess? Do you like chess? Каде ќе биде состанокот? Where's the meeting? Where will the meeting be? Přiměli ji věřit jejich lžím. They made her believe their lies. They made her believe their lies. Jesteśmy rodziną. We're a family. We're family. Kolik dní v týdnu chodíš do školy? How many days a week do you go to school? How many days a week do you go to school? Ты не совсем правильно держишь нож. You're not holding your knife quite right. You're not holding the knife properly. В какой гостинице ты обычно останавливаешься? What hotel did you usually stay at? What hotel do you usually stay at? Дякуючи Богу, всі були в порядку. Thank God everyone was OK. Thank God everyone was okay. Важно, чтобы Вы оставались в постели. It's important that you stay in bed. It is important that you stay in bed. Наше предложение было с негодованием отвергнуто. Our offer was refused with indignation. Our offer was rejected with indignation. Я купила новий комп'ютер минулого понеділка. Last Monday, I bought a new computer. I bought a new computer last Monday. У него отличные оценки. His grades are excellent. He has excellent grades. Можешь переписать это предложение, а то непонятно? Could you rewrite this sentence? It is not clear. Can you rewrite this sentence, or is it unclear? Мисля, че трябва да почакаме. I think we should wait. I think we should wait. Nemělas sem chodit. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have come here. Том ведь сейчас в школе? Tom is at school now, isn't he? Tom's at school now, right? Том спросил меня, почему мы опоздали. Tom asked me why we were late. Tom asked me why we were late. Уште што ќе добијам? What more will I get? What else am I gonna get? Мислам дека можеби можам да ѝ помогнам. I think perhaps I can help her. I think I might be able to help her. Нема чого боятися. There's no need to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of. Том знает, что такое любовь? Does Tom know what love is? Does Tom know what love is? Сколько лет Тони? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? Точка должна стоять вне кавычек. The full stop must be put outside the quotation marks. The point must stand outside the quotation marks. Я привык вставать рано. I'm used to getting up early. I'm used to getting up early. Има уште многу. I have a lot more. There's a lot more. Strojvůdce projel na červenou. The train driver went through a red light. The driver ran a red light. Той ме остави да чакам дълго. He kept me waiting for a long time. He kept me waiting a long time. Дом Тома находится недалеко от кладбища. Tom's house is close to the cemetery. Tom's house is not far from the cemetery. Спачатку я мушу выслухаць абодва бакі. First, I should hear both sides. I have to listen to both sides. Můj syn umí číst na hodinách. My son can read a clock. My son can read in class. Том — мій приятель. Tom is my buddy. Tom is my friend. Усі відповіді на це питання були неправильні. All the answers to this question were wrong. All the answers to this question were wrong. Вы самый великодушный человек из тех, что я знаю. You're the most generous person I know. You're the most generous man I know. Мы слышали, как кто-то кричал. We heard somebody scream. We heard someone screaming. На якій вулиці? On what street? On which street? По-моему, у меня гастрит. I've got gastritis, I think. I think I have gastritis. Tomovi to nepasuje. That doesn't suit Tom. Tom doesn't like it. Tko ide sa mnom? Who will come with me? Who's coming with me? В любом случае, я сейчас подумываю испробовать похожие вещи. In any case, now I'm considering trying out some likely things. Anyway, I'm thinking of trying something similar. Я не знаю, почему он не перестает улыбаться. I don't know why he doesn't stop smiling. I don't know why he doesn't stop smiling. Лошо ми е. I feel sick. I feel sick. Не думай, что я не пытался. Don't think I didn't try. Don't think I didn't try. Том обнаружил портал в другое измерение. Tom found a portal to another dimension. Tom discovered a portal to another dimension. Пожежа викликала паніку в театрі. The fire caused a panic in the theater. The fire caused panic in the theater. Давай, відповідай швидко. Come on, answer quickly. Come on, answer quickly. Скажите Тому, чтобы он меня не ждал. Tell Tom not to wait for me. Tell Tom not to wait for me. Той разтвори малко захар в кафето си. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. He dissolved some sugar in his coffee. Zemědělci si pořád stěžují na počasí. Farmers always complain about the weather. Farmers are always complaining about the weather. Инфекция попала в кровь. The infection has reached the bloodstream. The infection got into the blood. Просто не искам да те видя разочарован. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. I just don't want to see you disappointed. Mówią, że ten człowiek ma uniwersalny klucz, który otwiera wszystkie drzwi w mieście. They say that that man has a master key which opens all the doors of the city. They say that this man has a universal key that opens all the doors in the city. Nebojím se reality. I'm not afraid of reality. I'm not afraid of reality. Прочитај ги овие упатства. Read these instructions. Read these instructions. Кейт говори английски много бързо. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very fast. План хорош настолько, насколько хорош тот, кто его реализует. A plan is only as good as those who see it through. A plan is only as good as the one who executes it. Я никогда не берусь судить о том, о чём ничего не знаю. I never form opinions on a topic I know nothing about. I never make judgments about things I don't know anything about. Raumschach (по-немецки «трёхмерные шахматы») - это разновидность шахмат, изобретенная в 1907 году Фердинандом Мааком и добавляющая к доске третье измерение. Raumschach (in German, "space chess") is a modality of chess invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack. It adds a third dimension to the board. Raumschach (German for "three-dimensional chess") is a type of chess invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack and adds a third dimension to the board. Кукі вже попоїв. Cookie already ate. Cookie's already eaten. Vrátí se až za rok. She is not coming back until next year. He won't be back for another year. Ти фали нешто? Do you need anything? Is there something missing? Вали сняг. It's snowing. It's snowing. Tom musiał wiedzieć, że to się wydarzy. Tom must've known that would happen. Tom must have known this was going to happen. "Jesi li vidio moj mobitel?" "Na stolu je." "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Did you see my phone?" "It's on the table." Вы бы хотели научиться играть на гитаре? Would you like to learn how to play the guitar? Would you like to learn to play guitar? Тя става все по-хубава. She is getting prettier and prettier. She's getting prettier. Я не думал, что ты позволишь мне это сделать. I didn't think you'd let me do that. I didn't think you'd let me do that. Сѐ би направил да му помогнам. I'd do anything to help him. I would do anything to help him. Имам новини за Том. I have news about Tom. I have news for Tom. «Как я выгляжу?» – «Я на тебя запал». "How do I look?" "I'm definitely gay." "What do I look like?" - "I'm into you." Ми стримали обіцянку. We've kept our promise. We kept our promise. Поговорімо про це зараз! Let's talk about it now! Let's talk about it now! Том занимается самобичеванием. Tom practices self-flagellation. Tom is self-absorbed. Мой муж купил новый костюм. My husband has bought a new suit. My husband bought a new suit. Будь ласка, не бігай по кімнаті. Please don't run in the room. Please don't run around the room. Боље врабац у руци, него голуб на грани. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Better a sparrow in the hand than a dove on a branch. Uvidíš bílou budovu na úpatí kopce. You see a white building at the foot of the hill. You'll see a white building at the foot of the hill. Том с трудом вставал. Tom had trouble getting up. Tom struggled to get up. Ona ne govori engleski. She doesn't speak English. She doesn't speak English. Упознајмо се! Let's get to know each other. Let's meet! Pes pronásledoval králíka do lesa. The dog pursued a rabbit into the forest. The dog chased the rabbit into the forest. Когда мне надо там быть? When should I be there? When do I have to be there? Том работи за една голяма фирма. Tom works for a large firm. Tom works for a big company. Том, ты знаешь, как я могу создать новый ярлык на рабочем столе? Tom, do you know how I could create a new desktop shortcut? Tom, do you know how I can create a new label on my desktop? Моля те, внимавай повече в бъдеще. Please take more care in the future. Please be more careful in the future. Она бразильянка. She's Brazilian. She's Brazilian. Идите сядьте на диван. Come sit on the sofa. Go sit on the couch. Трябва да знам. I have to know. I need to know. Ако да не го поканам Том кај мене на забава? Would it be OK if I didn't invite Tom to my party? What if I don't invite Tom to my party? Это фото ненастоящее. Оно отфотошоплено. That picture isn't real. It was photoshopped. It's not real, it's photoshopped. У вас есть комната? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Како издржуваш? How're you holding up? How are you holding up? Ta róża jest dla ciebie. This rose is for you. This rose is for you. Тој живее онаму, на ридон. He lives over there, on that hill. He lives over there, on the ridge. Ти чуєш птахів? Do you hear birds? Do you hear the birds? То чия книга? Whose is that book? Whose book? Сьогодні я почуваюся краще, ніж учора. I feel better today than yesterday. I feel better today than I did yesterday. Том знаеше дека на Мери ќе и се допадне Џон. Tom knew Mary would like John. Tom knew Mary would like John. Koukni se. Have a look. Check it out. Твой вариант мне больше нравится. I like your version better. I like your version better. Банката ѝ позајми еден милион долари на компанијата. The bank loaned the company $1 million. The bank loaned $1 million to the company. Том перевел на новогреческий семь процентов своих английских предложений. Tom has translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Tom translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Мені здається, ти знаєш Тома. I think you know Tom. I think you know Tom. Często używamy gestów, aby przekazać proste wiadomości. We often use gestures to convey simple messages. We often use gestures to convey simple messages. Становиться старше — это здорово! Я могу говорить, что хочу, и никто ничего не говорит. Getting old is great! I can say what I want, and nobody says anything. Getting older is great! I can say what I want and no one says anything. Што ќе кажеше? What were you going to say? What's he gonna say? Не ми е пријатно да зборувам за нив. I don't like to talk about them. I'm not comfortable talking about them. В этой рыбе полно костей, не ешьте её. This fish is full of bones; don't eat it. This fish is full of bones, don't eat it. Jsi ještě naživu? Are you still alive? Are you still alive? Луѓето се поважни од парите. People are more important than money. People are more important than money. Он левша. He's left-handed. He's left-handed. Сколько животных было забито? How many animals have been culled? How many animals were slaughtered? To mnie martwi. That does worry me. That's what worries me. Czy wieczorami odrabiacie lekcje? Do you do your homework in the evenings? Do you take lessons in the evening? Я составляю список людей, с которыми мне нужно встретиться, и дел, которые мне надо сделать. I make a list of people I have to see and things I have to do. I make a list of the people I need to meet and the things I need to do. Я колись умів це робити. I used to be able to do that. I used to be able to do that. Представьте, что мы не знакомы. Imagine you don't know me. Imagine we don't know each other. Odjebi! Fuck off! Fuck off! Моя кошка обожает лизать людей. My cat loves licking people. My cat loves to lick people. Я знал, что вы на меня рассердитесь. I knew you'd be mad at me. I knew you'd be mad at me. Za tohle by Tom mohl přijít o práci. Tom could lose his job over that. Tom could lose his job for this. Pravděpodobně je pořád naživu. He is probably still alive. He's probably still alive. Том говори френски като французин. Tom can speak French like a native. Tom speaks French like a Frenchman. Я не знала, що Том колись жив у Бостоні. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom had ever lived in Boston. Masz szczęście. You're in luck. You're in luck. Ти в комисията ли си? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Oto dom, w którym mieszka. This is the house where he lives. This is the house where he lives. Мені подобається цей светр. I like that jumper. I like this sweater. Я не чудовисько. I am not a monster. I'm not a monster. Jak dużo zarabiają policjanci? How much do police officers make? How much do police officers earn? Tom jde zítra na ryby. Tom will go fishing tomorrow. Tom's going fishing tomorrow. Proč musíme čekat na Toma? Why must we wait for Tom? Why do we have to wait for Tom? Можеш позичити мені свій велосипед? Can you lend me your bicycle? Can I borrow your bike? Нам нужно это забыть. We need to forget that. We need to forget this. Oni nam zazdroszczą. They are jealous of us. They're jealous of us. Те молам, кажи им што треба да прават. Please tell them what they need to do. Please tell them what to do. Твојот пат е тежок. Your path is a difficult one. Your path is hard. Таа продава морски школи. She sells sea shells. She sells marine schools. Том багато їсть. Tom eats a lot. Tom eats a lot. Я тобі мільйон разів казала. I've told you a million times. I've told you a million times. Teď mám za úkol čekat. Now my task is to wait. Now my job is to wait. Я уберу со стола, когда ты доешь. I'll clear the table when you've finished eating. I'll take it off the table when you're done. Я не мог видеть, кто был в машине. I couldn't see who was inside the car. I couldn't see who was in the car. Myślisz, że Tom wie kim jesteśmy? Do you think Tom knows who we are? You think Tom knows who we are? To, co umiem po norwesku, nauczyłem się sam. What I know of Norwegian I have learned on my own. What I can learn in Norwegian, I learned by myself. Пригласили всех, кроме Тома. Everyone but Tom was invited. Everyone was invited, except for Tom. Я всё ей объяснил. I explained everything to her. I explained everything to her. Том никогда бы не оставил свою семью. Tom would never leave his family. Tom would never leave his family. Ён мой найлепшы сябра, таму што мы вельмі добра ладзім, і я магу даверыць яму тое, што не расказаў бы нікому іншаму. He is my best friend because we just get on well with each other and I can trust him with things that I wouldn't tell anyone else. He's my best friend because we get along very well and I can trust him with things I wouldn't tell anyone else. Я Тома уже довольно давно не видел. I haven't seen Tom for a good while. I haven't seen Tom in a long time. О котрій годині розпочнеться гра? What time does the game start? What time does the game start? Ці книжки належать мені. These books belong to me. These books belong to me. Забагато клопоту. It's too much hassle. Too much trouble. Выберите категорию. Choose a category. Choose a category. Что собирался делать Том? What was Tom going to do? What was Tom going to do? Вы можете мне что-нибудь ещё показать? Can you show me something else? Is there anything else you can show me? Я упустил эту возможность. I missed that opportunity. I missed this opportunity. Безумцы и дети всегда говорят правду. Crazy people and children always tell the truth. Fools and children always tell the truth. Том стал подозревать, что что-то не так. Tom began to suspect something was wrong. Tom began to suspect that something was wrong. Podkradł się do niej od tyłu. He sneaked up behind her. He snuck up on her from behind. Това е старо писмо. This is an old letter. It's an old letter. Начысці бульбы. Cut the potatoes. Clean up the bubbles. Opusť náš dům. Leave our house. Leave our house. Tom już na nas czekał w barze. Tom was already waiting for us in the bar. Tom was waiting for us at the bar. Zachowanie Toma na przyjęciu było niewybaczalne. Tom's behavior at the party was inexcusable. Tom's behavior at the party was unforgivable. Я никогда не видел никого, похожего на неё. I have never seen anyone like her. I've never seen anyone like her. Дасцін Москавіц — яўрэйскі бізнэсмэн. Ён адзін з заснавальнікаў сайта Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz is a Jewish entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of Facebook. Dustin Moskavitz is a Jewish businessman. He is one of the founders of Facebook. Nie mam czasu. I have no time. I don't have time. Постарайся не плакать. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Можем видзиц винску карту? Can I see the wine list? Can we get a viditz wine list? Том не би доверил никому да го направи тоа. Tom doesn't trust anyone else to do it. Tom wouldn't trust anyone to do that. Надеюсь, вы не забыли пригласить Тома. I hope you didn't forget to invite Tom. I hope you didn't forget to invite Tom. Тоа е изводливо. That's doable. That's doable. Убијен је на лицу места. He was murdered on the spot. He was killed on the spot. Мы здесь завтра будем. We will be here tomorrow. We'll be here tomorrow. Он уже прочёл эту книгу. He has already read this book. He's already read the book. Людям важко визнати, що вони мають упередження, тому що це вважається якоюсь поганою рисою людини, а не соціальною проблемою, яку ми успадкували. People have a hard time admitting they have prejudices because it's viewed as a bad thing about a person instead of a social problem we've inherited. It’s hard for people to admit that they have a bias because it’s considered a bad trait of a person rather than a social problem that we’ve inherited. Ця коробка трохи заважка. This box is a trifle too heavy. This box is a little heavy. Баща ми се разхожда в парка. My father is taking a walk in the park. My dad walks in the park. Kde je Tom zadržiavaný? Where is Tom being held? Where's Tom being held? Tato žena je učitelka. This woman is a teacher. This woman is a teacher. Не дозволяй так легко себе дурити. Don't let yourself get tricked so easily. Don't let yourself be fooled so easily. Předstíral jsem, že ho nevidím. I pretended not to see him. I pretended not to see him. Аз обичам да ходя за риба. I like fishing. I like to go fishing. Вам тоже спасибо! Вы мне очень помогли! Thank you, too! You helped me a lot! Thank you too! You have helped me a lot! Я просто хочу отплатить вам той же монетой. I just want to return the favor to you. I just want to pay you back with the same coin. Мене вбили. I was murdered. I was killed. Я привёз вам рис из Китая. I brought you rice from China. I brought you rice from China. Не забудь випустити Сірка. Don't forget to let Cookie out. Don't forget to let Sirk go. Tom jest dumny ze swoich dzieci. Tom is proud of his children. Tom is proud of his children. Nadal nie mogę zrozumieć, jak to się stało. I still can't figure out how it happened. I still can't figure out how it happened. На небе так много звёзд, я не могу пересчитать их. There are so many stars in the sky that I can't count them all. There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them. Ти не мусиш платити — воно безкоштовне. You don't have to pay – it's free. You don’t have to pay, it’s free. У Тома легко произносимое имя. Tom's name is easy to pronounce. Tom has an easy-to-pronounce name. Nasza rakiete jest budowana. Our rocket is being built. Our rocket is being built. Chciałbym mieszkać blisko twojego domu. I'd like to live near your house. I'd like to live near your house. Я абажаю лазанью. I love lasagna. I'll take the lasagna. Том не дихає. Tom's not breathing. Tom is not breathing. Moje kancelář je v jiném patře. My office is on another floor. My office is on the other floor. Спроси меня, чего я хочу. Ask me what I want. Ask me what I want. Я один так думаю? Am I the only one who thinks that? Am I the only one who thinks that? Том не захотів вступати до нашого клубу. Tom didn't want to join our club. Tom didn't want to join our club. "Proč Tom rozbil to okno?" "Potřeboval se dostat dovnitř." "Why did Tom break the window?" "He needed to get in." "Why did Tom break the window?" "He needed to get in." Už mě nebaví každému vysvětlovat proč jsem takový, jaký jsem. I am tired of explaining to everybody why I am the way I am. I'm tired of explaining to everyone why I'm the way I am. Chci, abyste na to byli připraveni. I want you to be ready for this. I want you to be ready for this. Кветкі робяць яе шчаслівай. Flowers make her happy. The flowers make her happy. Сьогодні четвер, п'яте вересня 2013-го року. Today is Thursday, 5 September 2013. Today is Thursday, September 5, 2013. Я сделаю тебе укол. I'm going to give you an injection. I'll give you a shot. Pracoval som v jednej reštaurácii. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Na pewno potrzebujemy więcej treningu. We'll definitely need some more training. We definitely need more training. Я пайшоў у аэрапорт, каб сустрэць бацька. I went to the airport to meet with my father. I went to the airport to meet my father. Она не очень страдала? She didn't suffer much? She didn't suffer much? Том умер в том же году, что и его жена. Tom died the same year his wife did. He died the same year as his wife. Tento chlapec je môj syn. This boy is my son. This boy is my son. Ahoj, Chicago! Hello, Chicago! Hey, Chicago! Беше ми тежко. I had a hard time. It's been hard on me. Если ты читаешь это письмо - значит, меня уже нет в живых. If you are reading this letter, it means that I am no longer living. If you're reading this letter, I'm dead. Raději se omlouvám, než žádám o svolení. I prefer to apologise than ask for permission. I'd rather apologize than ask permission. Въпреки че животът на хората в Китай сега става все по-добър и по-добър, все още има много какво да се желае. Although the life of Chinese people is getting better and better now, there is still room for improvement. Although the lives of people in China are now getting better and better, there is still a lot to be desired. Навошта ты вывучаеш замежную мову? What do you study a foreign language for? Why do you want to learn a foreign language? Prawie mnie zabiłeś. You almost killed me. You almost killed me. Россия и Китай - лучшие друзья Алжира. Russia and China are Algeria's best friends. Russia and China are Algeria’s best friends. Ви любите грати у відеоігри? Do you like playing video games? Do you like to play video games? На столі піца. There is a pizza on the table. Pizza on the table. Почему ты мне не сказал, что тебя уволили? Why didn't you tell me that you got fired? Why didn't you tell me you were fired? Мы это сегодня не закончим. We won't finish this today. We're not gonna finish this today. Франция славится своим вином. France is famous for its wine. France is famous for its wine. Защо устата ти е отворена? Why is your mouth open? Why is your mouth open? Где ты и когда будешь в Греции? Where are you and when will you be in Greece? Where are you and when will you be in Greece? Зачем вы дали ей мой адрес? Why did you give her my address? Why did you give her my address? Tom był naprawdę zakłopotany. Tom was really embarrassed. Tom was really confused. Обожаю, как ты это делаешь. I love how you do that. I love the way you do it. Dzień był ciepły. It was a hot day. The day was warm. Вони вигравали. They were winning. They won. Dávám přednost stříbrným prstenům před zlatými. I prefer silver rings to gold ones. I prefer silver to gold rings. Uważam, że Boston jest najpiękniejszym miastem na świecie. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. I think Boston is the most beautiful city in the world. Všechno v pořádku? Everything all right? Everything all right? Гаррі лише сорок років. Harry is only 40. Harry is only 40 years old. Йди робити домашню роботу. Go and do your homework. Go do your homework. Сегодня будет снег? Will it snow today? Is it snowing today? Прычына простая. The reason is simple. The reason is simple. Том что-то вроде знаменитости. Tom is something of a celebrity. Tom's kind of a celebrity. Przyszło mi do głowy, że on ukradł słownik. It occurred to me that he must have stolen the dictionary. It occurred to me that he stole the dictionary. Вечито је незадовољан. He's always dissatisfied. He's always unhappy. Будь я богат, я бы вам помог. If I were rich, I would help you. If I were rich, I would help you. Де нам можна сісти? Where can we sit? Where can we sit? Самі нядаўна прыняў іслам. Sami recently converted to Islam. I recently converted to Islam. Я попробовал торт, но он был для меня слишком сладок. I tried the cake, but it was too sweet for me. I tried the cake, but it was too sweet for me. Морав да останам. I had to stay behind. I had to stay. Има многу птици во шумава. There are many birds in this forest. There's a lot of birds in the woods. Таа му го даде. She gave it to him. She gave it to him. Tom jest znacznie wyższy od swojej matki. Tom is much taller than his mother. Tom is much taller than his mother. Czy możesz przeczytać dla mnie ten dokument? Can you read this document for me? Can you read this document for me? Його ніде не було. He was nowhere to be found. He was nowhere to be found. Nie pozwalają nam chodzić na dyskoteki. They don't allow us to go to disco. They don't let us go to discos. Medzi očami a ušami je vzdialenosť päť prstov. There is a distance of four fingers between the eyes and the ears. There are five fingers between the eyes and the ears. Я запишу, чтобы не забыть. I'll write it down so I won't forget. I'll write it down so I don't forget. Kiša je tako jako padala da smo odlučili posjetiti ga neki drugi dan. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day. It was raining so hard we decided to visit another day. Я играл в теннис. I used to play tennis. I played tennis. Передай мені масло, будь ласка. Pass me the butter, please. Hand me the oil, please. Том снял свою накладную бороду. Tom removed his fake beard. Tom removed his beard. Zostań tutaj! Stay here! Stay right here! Tom się o ciebie martwił. Tom was worried about you. Tom was worried about you. Кіт побіг під стіл. The cat ran under the table. The cat ran under the table. Том се осмехује. Tom smiles. Tom is smiling. Я думал, Том будет во мне разочарован. I thought Tom would be disappointed in me. I thought Tom would be disappointed in me. О котрій годині закінчиться твій останній урок? What time will your last class be over? What time will your last lesson end? Том беше прикажлив. Tom was talkative. Tom was talkative. Мы пытаемся всем угодить. We try to please everybody. We try to please everyone. Веома сам импресиониран. I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Не думаю, что кто-то ещё хочет это делать. I don't think that anyone else wants to do that. I don't think anyone else wants to do that. Я люблю як природознавчі науки, так і математику. I like both science and maths. I love both science and mathematics. Посоли ещё. Put more salt on it. More salt. Том показал Мэри письмо, которое получил от Джона. Tom showed Mary the letter he got from John. Tom showed Mary the letter he had received from John. Тя не ми върна парите. She didn't give me my money back. She didn't give me my money back. Къде си ги изхвърлил? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Tom lubi muzykę klasyczną, ale Mary nie. Tom likes classical music, but Mary doesn't. Tom likes classical music, but Mary doesn't. Мы одного возраста, но не одного роста. We're the same age, but not the same height. We are the same age, but not the same height. Můžu ji požádat o pomoc. I can ask her to help. I can ask her for help. Каждое предложение на Татоэбе уникально, потому что все повторы удаляются. Every Tatoeba sentence is unique, because any duplicates get deleted. Each sentence on Tatoeba is unique because all repetitions are deleted. У мене пронос. I have diarrhea. I have diarrhea. Том реаліст. Tom is realistic. Tom is a realist. Преобладаващото мнозинство гласува да се забрани бруталното насилие. An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. The overwhelming majority voted to ban violent crime. Том ужасно се однесуваше со мене во средно. Tom was horrible to me in high school. Tom was awful to me in high school. Цей храм було споруджено стародавньою цивілізацією. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. This temple was built by an ancient civilization. У меня ребёнок пропал. My child is missing. My baby's missing. Tipična je gotička crkva. It is a typical Gothic church. It is a typical Gothic church. Зар ти ниси из Аустралије? Aren't you from Australia? Aren't you from Australia? Благодарю тебя от всего сердца. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Мостът е безопасен; може да шофирате по него. The bridge is safe; you can drive across. The bridge is safe; you can drive on it. Том убаво се изјасни. Tom was very clear. Tom made a good point. Сложих я в стаята ти. I put it in your room. I put it in your room. Лимони жовті. Lemons are yellow. Lemons are yellow. Што зараз адбываецца ў Польшы? What's happening now in Poland? What's happening in Poland now? Це речення було видалено. This sentence has been deleted. That sentence was deleted. Това е вярно отчасти. That's partly true. That's partly true. Налийте мені келих вина. Pour me a glass of wine. Pour me a glass of wine. "В чём дело?" - "Ни в чём". "What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong." "What's the matter?" "Nothing." Том ищет работу. Tom's looking for work. Tom is looking for a job. Он в чёрной шапке. He's wearing a black hat. He's wearing a black hat. У Тома большой дом и три автомобиля. Tom has a big house and three cars. Tom has a big house and three cars. Времето се развали. The weather turned bad. Time's running out. Никой не може да ме спре да говоря с Марика. Nobody can stop me from talking to Marika. No one can stop me from talking to Marika. Она, может быть, не поедет. She may not go. She might not go. Том му стави стетоскоп на пациентот на гради. The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient's chest. Tom put a stethoscope on the patient's chest. Мне нужно сходить в туалет. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Jesteś zajęty w tym tygodniu? Are you busy this week? Are you busy this week? Ніхто не був задоволений. None were satisfied. No one was pleased. Ovo nije knjiga za djecu. This is not a book for children. This is not a children's book. Не ти побарав мислење. I didn't ask you for your opinion. I didn't ask for your opinion. Мій номер телефону: два, чотири, шість, вісім. My phone number is 2468. My phone number is two, four, six, eight. Они хотят с Вами поговорить. They want to speak with you. They want to talk to you. Підгузники дорогі. Nappies are expensive. Diapers are expensive. На самом деле это был не более чем слух. In fact, it was nothing more than a rumour. It was really nothing more than a rumor. Тука сум да ја барам. I'm here looking for her. I'm here to look for her. Є одна проблема. There is one problem. There's one problem. Ліфт не працював. The lift was not working. The elevator did not work. Вас обидели слова Тома? Were you hurt by what Tom said? Were you offended by Tom's words? Я крикнув. I shouted. I screamed. Вони хворіють. They're sick. They get sick. Она пользуется большим успехом, чем я. She's more popular than me. She's more successful than I am. Máme teď trochu času. We have some time now. We have some time now. Nie chcesz iść? Don't you want to go? You don't want to go? Potřebujeme zbraně na svoji obranu. We need weapons to defend ourselves. We need weapons to defend ourselves. Борсовите инвестиции не винаги носят печалба. Stock investments do not always yield profit. The stock market does not always make a profit. Měli byste Toma respektovat. You should respect Tom. You should respect Tom. Ваша проблема в том, что Вам не хватает терпения. Your problem is you're not patient enough. The problem is that you lack patience. Mamoj jenož čaj. We only have tea. My mom's just tea. Закройте глаза, расслабьтесь и дайте волю своему воображению и эмоциям. Close your eyes, relax and let your imagination and emotions run freely. Close your eyes, relax and let your imagination and emotions run wild. Tyto ceny jsou přehnané! These prices are outrageous! These prices are exorbitant! Ципът на панталона ти е разкопчан. Your pants are unzipped. The zipper on your pants is unbuttoned. Го избегнуваме. We're avoiding him. We're avoiding him. Znáte ta slova? Do you know the words? You know those words? Dnes je pondelok. Today, it's Monday. Today is Monday. Ми вирішили проігнорувати Тома. We decided to ignore Tom. We decided to ignore Tom. Wróć do domu. Come back home. Come home. Tom propadl hazardu. Tom is addicted to gambling. Tom's gambling. Она никого не любит. She doesn't love anyone. She doesn't love anyone. Не ни трябва това. We don't need that. We don't need that. Трябва да спазваш обещанията си. You should keep your promise. You have to keep your promises. Teď to porovnáme se situací v malém městě. Je zde méně obchodů, restaurací, a tak dále a zavírají docela brzo v noci. Okna a dveře jsou zavřeny. Nenajdete žádné části města kam by člověk mohl jít, pokud nechce "zůstat doma". We now compare that with the situation in a small town. There are less stores, restaurants and so on, and they close quite early at night. Windows and doors are closed. No other areas are found where one can go to if one doesn't want to "stay home". Now let's compare it with the situation in a small town. There are fewer shops, restaurants, and so on and close quite early at night. Windows and doors are closed. You will not find any parts of the city where a person could go if he does not want to "stay at home". Він любить тигрів. He loves the tigers. He likes tigers. Stával tu kostel. There used to be a church here. There was a church. Мэри ела, что хотела. Mary ate what she wanted. Mary ate what she wanted. Том сказал Марии, что он поцеловал Алису, но на самом деле он этого совсем не делал; он хотел заставить Марию ревновать. Tom told Mary he kissed Alice, but in actuality he hadn't done that at all; he wanted to make Mary feel jealous. Tom told Mary that he had kissed Alice, but in fact he did not do it at all; he wanted to make Mary jealous. Ľudia budú hovoriť. People will talk. » Men will speak. <0xC2><0xAB> Це ваші гроші? Is this your money? Is that your money? Том це для тебе зробив? Did Tom make this for you? Tom did this for you? Ты поэтому уходишь? Is that why you're leaving? Is that why you're leaving? Чому б не пообідати з нами? Why not have dinner with us? Why not have lunch with us? «Когда я пою, то иногда фальшивлю». – «Это называется "музыкальная глухота"». "When I sing, sometimes I get off-pitch." "That's what we call 'being tone deaf'". “When I sing, I sometimes fake it.” – “It’s called musical deafness.” Ця лисиця, мабуть, задушила курку. That fox must have killed the hen. That fox must have strangled the chicken. Не дърпай дявола за опашката. Let sleeping dogs lie. Don't pull the devil's tail. Я не могу найти один ботинок. I can't find one of my shoes. I can't find one shoe. Гэта табе. This is for you. This is for you. Ти добре говориш французькою? Do you speak French well? Do you speak French well? Тюльпан - официальный цветочный символ нашей префектуры. Tulips are our prefecture's official flower. The tulip is the official flower symbol of our prefecture. Ми приїхали потягом. We came by train. We arrived by train. Ви винесли сміття? Did you take out the rubbish? Did you take out the trash? Co ona tam robiła? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Фрэнсис Коллинз описывает геном как «книгу жизни». Francis Collins describes the genome as the "book of life". Francis Collins describes the genome as “the book of life.” Мне пришлось самому им сказать. I had to tell them myself. I had to tell them myself. У мене гарне почуття нюху. I have a good sense of smell. I have a good sense of smell. Ona godzinami leży, myśląc o nim. She lay awake for hours thinking about him. She lay there for hours thinking about him. Zastosował się do wskazówek lekarza. He followed the doctor's suggestions. He followed the doctor's instructions. Odwołano moje zajęcia. My class was cancelled. My classes have been canceled. Я действительно думал, что ты за всем этим стоишь. I really thought you were behind all this. I really thought you were behind all this. Это яблоко кислое. This apple tastes sour. It's an apple sour. Со пријател како тебе, не ми требаат непријатели. With a friend like you, one doesn't need enemies. With a friend like you, I don't need enemies. Деревня действительно близко. The village is really close. The village is really close. Proto tu nejste. That isn't why you're here. That's why you're not here. Sereš mě! You piss me off! You're shitting me! Všechno se to stalo kvůli Tomovi. It all happened because of Tom. It was all because of Tom. Какво по дяволите е това? What on earth is that? What the hell is that? Уважайте, пожалуйста, наше время. Please respect our time. Please respect our time. Tom hraje v rokenrolové kapele. Tom plays in a rock and roll band. Tom plays in a rock and roll band. Według gazet, w Nagoyi wybuchł wielki pożar. The papers say that there was a big fire in Nagoya. According to the newspapers, a huge fire broke out in Nagoya. Мері та Еліс — матері Тома. Mary and Alice are Tom's mothers. Mary and Alice are Tom's mother. Оплата будет производиться в зависимости от опыта и образования. Pay will be based on experience and educational background. Payment will be made depending on experience and education. Влітку морозиво продається краще, ніж узимку. Ice cream sells better in summer than in winter. In summer, ice cream is sold better than in winter. Lubię dźwięk dzwoneczków na wietrze. I love the sound of wind chimes. I like the sound of bells in the wind. Ви колись їли мексиканську їжу? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Have you ever eaten Mexican food? Я ударилась коленом о парту. I banged my knee on the desk. I hit my knee on the desk. Никад нећеш погодити шта сам видео данас. You'll never guess what I saw today. You'll never guess what I saw today. Neuhýbej od tématu. Don't change the subject. Don't shy away from the subject. Nawet jeśli będzie padać, zaczynam jutro wcześnie rano. Even if it rains, I will start early tomorrow morning. Even if it rains, I start early tomorrow morning. Це питна вода? Is this water okay to drink? Is it drinking water? Престани. Ставаш смешен. Stop it. You're being ridiculous. You're getting ridiculous. Все думают, что Том - гений. Everybody thinks Tom is a genius. Everyone thinks Tom's a genius. Три помножити на три — дев'ять. Three multiplied by three makes nine. Three times three times nine. Що ти бачив у Бостоні? What did you see in Boston? What did you see in Boston? Се обидував да го најдам. I was trying to find him. I was trying to find him. Кто здесь не знает, что делать? Who here doesn't know what to do? Who here doesn't know what to do? Мне жаль, я этого не заметила. Sorry, I didn't notice that. I'm sorry I didn't notice. Трябва ли да отварям прозореца? Do I have to open the window? Do I have to open the window? Том — ідіот. Tom is silly. Tom is an idiot. Это слово имеет несколько значений. This word has several meanings. This word has several meanings. Хто яны? Who are they? Who are they? Prodáváte tady brambory? Do you sell potatoes here? Do you sell potatoes here? Я без субтитров ничего не пойму. I won't understand anything without subtitles. I can't understand anything without subtitles. Ona go kocha. She loves him. She loves him. Je čas se s Tomem rozloučit. It's time to say goodbye to Tom. It's time to say good-bye to Tom. На улице тепло? Is it warm outside? Is it warm outside? Ти хочеш піти на футбольний матч? Do you want to go to a football match? You want to go to a football game? Люди вірять у те, в що хочуть вірити. Men believe what they want to. People believe what they want to believe. Я читав листа. I read a letter. I read the letter. Ještě jsem nebyl v Bostonu, ale už jsem se setkal s Tomem. I haven't been to Boston yet, but I've already met Tom. I haven't been to Boston yet, but I've already met Tom. Не знаю, смогу ли я вам помочь. I don't know if I'll be able to help you. I don't know if I can help you. Не всё съедобное стоит того, чтобы его есть. Not everything edible is worth eating. Not everything that is edible is worth eating. Певец внезапно переходит на фальцет. The singer suddenly switches into falsetto. The singer suddenly moves to falsetto. Наша страна — Алжир. Our country is Algeria. Our country is Algeria. Ты ходил вчера на вечеринку? Did you go to the party yesterday? Did you go to a party last night? Калі я сустрэў Анку ў Бухарэсце, яна была студэнткай. When I had met her in Bucharest, Anca was a student. When I met Anna in Bucharest, she was a student. Ты был всё время с Томом? Were you with Tom the whole time? Were you with Tom the whole time? Какой месяц является тринадцатым? What's the thirteenth month? What month is the 13th? Мне нужен новый стул. I need a new chair. I need a new chair. Prasa oszaleje na punkcie tej historii. The press will go crazy over this story. The press is going crazy about this story. Кой ти каза, че името ми е Том? Who told you my name was Tom? Who told you my name was Tom? Аренда здесь дорогая. Rent is expensive here. Rent is expensive here. Líbí se mi, že Tom není chamtivý. I love that Tom isn't greedy. I like that Tom's not greedy. Kiež by som aj ja vedel hovoriť anglicky. If only I was able to speak English too. I wish I could speak English too. Ще ти дам лаптопа си. I'll lend you my notebook. I'll give you my laptop. Jak duża jest Alaska? How large is Alaska ? How big is Alaska? Je to nadaný adolescent. He's a talented adolescent. He's a gifted adolescent. Оставьте её включённой. Leave it turned on. Leave it on. Они учат меня голландскому языку. They are teaching me Dutch. They teach me Dutch. Ми досаѓаат. They're bothering me. I'm bored. Я хочу піти на каток. I want to go to the ice rink. I want to go skating. Наша мечта наконец сбылась. Our dream has finally become a reality. Our dream has finally come true. Jeho angličtina je celkom dobrá. His English is quite good. His English is pretty good. Musimy uważać. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Клеопатра была в Риме в день убийства Юлия Цезаря. Cleopatra was in Rome the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. Cleopatra was in Rome the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. Сила воды вращает колесо. Water power turns the wheel. The force of water turns the wheel. Vážím si Toma jako přítele. I value Tom as a friend. I respect Tom as a friend. Tomáš nemohl přesvědčit Marii, že se mýlí. Tom couldn't convince Mary that she was wrong. Thomas could not convince Mary that he was wrong. Tutaj jest zbyt wiele osób. Pójdźmy gdzieś indziej. There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere else. There's too many people here, let's go somewhere else. Нико није подржао Тома. No one backed Tom up. No one supported Tom. Он подошёл к важному жизненному перекрёстку. He came to an important crossroads in his life. He came to an important crossroads in his life. Тај текст је слободоуман. That text is open-minded. This text is free. Взяття на проході - особливий хід пішкою у шахах. En passant is a special type of pawn move in chess. Taking the pass is a special walk in chess. Ovaj lijek će ublažiti tvoju glavobolju. This medicine will soothe your headache. This medicine will relieve your headache. До вторника! See you on Tuesday. See you Tuesday! На твоєму місці я би такого не робив. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Почему ты так удивлён? Why are you so surprised? Why are you so surprised? Tomovi hrozil trest smrti. Tom was facing the death penalty. Tom was facing the death penalty. Ваша песенка спета! Your jig is up. Your song is sung! Prosím odpusť mi. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Vývoz stoupl o třicet miliard dolarů. The exports increased by 30 billion dollars. Exports rose by $30 billion. Шахраї вимагали більше грошей. The scammers demanded more money. Fraudsters want more money. Смит поиска заплатата си. Smith demanded payment. Smith asked for his salary. Эту проблему стоит помнить. The problem is worthy of being remembered. This problem is worth remembering. Społeczeństwo nie zgadza się z tym prawem. Society does not agree with this law. Society does not agree with this law. И Том, и Мери извадиха оръжията си. Tom and Mary both drew their guns. And Tom and Mary pulled out their guns. Само се забавувам малку. I'm just having a little fun. I'm just having a little fun. Toma pozvali na vstupní pohovor. Tom was invited for an entrance interview. Tom was invited to the interview. Мисля, че френският е труден език. I think French is a difficult language. I think French is a difficult language. "Musím jít čurat," řekl Tom a odešel. "I must go pee," Tom said and then left. "I have to go pee," Tom said, and left. Tom se bojí, že bys ho mohl zradit. Tom is afraid that you might betray him. Tom's afraid you might betray him. Не, и не е ни под столицата. No, and it's not under the chair either. No, and it's not even under the capital. Эта собака не хочет двигаться, потому что у нее болит лапа. This dog doesn't want to move because his paw hurts. This dog does not want to move because her paw hurts. Náhodou jsem potkal svoji přítelkyni. Coincidentally, I came across my girlfriend. I happened to meet my girlfriend. Я не курю, а Том курит. I don't smoke, but Tom does. I don't smoke, Tom smokes. Добро, ќе го нарачам. OK, I'll order it. All right, I'll order it. Я довольно хорошо понимаю французский. I can understand French fairly well. I understand French pretty well. Musím napsat dopis. Nemáš papír? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a letter. Кто Анне звонил? Who called Ann? Who called Anne? Эту возможность нельзя исключить. This possibility can't be ruled out. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Во сколько поезд прибывает в Бостон? What time does the train arrive at Boston? What time does the train arrive in Boston? Toho zlozvyku se musíš zbavit. You must get rid of that bad habit. You need to get rid of that habit. Трябва да остана тук. I have to stay here. I have to stay here. Гэта малако. That is milk. It's a baby. Tom przedstawił Mary swoim rodzicom. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Tom introduced Mary to his parents. Tom potřeboval, abych mu něco přeložil. Tom needed me to translate something for him. Tom needed me to translate something for him. Ne dotikajte se me! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Ти був би найкращим, якби зробив це. It would be best if you did that. You'd be the best if you did. Ніхто не знає, що буде. Nobody knows what's going to happen. No one knows what will happen. Я провожу вас домой. I'll accompany you home. I'll walk you home. Нам было суждено встретиться. We were destined to meet. We were meant to meet. Я слышал, Тома исключили из школы. I hear Tom has dropped out of school. I heard Tom got expelled from school. Môžeš vstúpiť. You can come in. You can come in. Это раз плюнуть. That's dead easy. It's spitting once. Ненавижу людей, которые лезут без очереди. I really hate people who cut in line. I hate people who don't get in line. Я читал эту книгу всё утро. I've been reading this book all morning. I've been reading this book all morning. Я всегда рад вас видеть. I'm always glad to see you. It's always good to see you. «Ты на меня сердишься?» – «Почему я должен на тебя сердиться?» "Are you angry with me?" "Why should I be angry with you?" “Are you mad at me?” – “Why should I be mad at you?” Мы здесь оба по одной и той же причине. We're both here for the same reason. We're both here for the same reason. Дом красный. The house is red. The house is red. Robert je Brazilec. Jeho otec je Kanaďan. Robert is Brazilian. His father is Canadian. Robert's Brazilian, his father's Canadian. Ти не бачила, що світлофор горів червоним? Didn't you see the stoplight was red? Didn't you see the traffic light go red? Gdje si bila cijelo popodne? Where were you the entire afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Ось чому нам потрібна допомога. That's why we need help. That's why we need help. Пробачте, я забула. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Тіло було знайдено під естакадою. The body was found under the flyover. The body was found under the overpass. Я забув дати тобі свій номер телефону. I forgot to give you my phone number. I forgot to give you my phone number. S kým se Tom hádal? Who was Tom arguing with? Who did Tom argue with? Měli jsme přijet dřív. We should've arrived earlier. We should have come sooner. Весела Коледа! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Том се упати кон излезот. Tom made for the exit. Tom headed for the exit. Мій кіт виглядає сумним. My cat looks sad. My cat looks sad. Он вчера порезался ножом. He cut himself with a knife yesterday. He cut himself with a knife yesterday. Ця книжка добре продавалася в Японії. This book sold well in Japan. This book sold well in Japan. Дайте ему учебник и словарь. Give him the textbook and your dictionary. Give him a book and a dictionary. Tom občas něco uvaří. Tom sometimes cooks something. Tom cooks something sometimes. Гэта кніга. This is a book. This is a book. Ты знаешь, что произошло в прошлый раз? Do you know what happened last time? Do you know what happened last time? Кто научил вас кататься на лыжах? Who taught you how to ski? Who taught you how to ski? Tom vymyslel nový plán. Tom has come up with a new plan. Tom came up with a new plan. У вас нет времени. You don't have the time. You don't have time. Это кот, и к тому же оранжевый. It's a cat, and an orange one at that. It's a cat, and it's orange. Как далеко идти отсюда до мэрии Тосимы? How long does it take to go to the Toshima Ward Office? How far is it from here to Toshima City Hall? Том прочитал договор не так тщательно, как должен был бы. Tom didn't read the contract as carefully as he should have. Tom didn't read the contract as carefully as he should have. Zajímalo by mě, jakou bude Tom mít budoucnost. I wonder what Tom's future will be like. I wonder what Tom's future will be. Як ти зараз себе почуваєш? How do you feel now? How do you feel now? Яка чудова машина! What a wonderful machine! What a wonderful car! Не се стига по овој пат до куќата на Том. This isn't the way to Tom's house. You can't get to Tom's house this way. Том трохи голодний. Tom is a bit hungry. Tom is a bit hungry. Stanice je na západ od hotelu. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. Zvládneme to lépe. We can do it better. We can do better. Супева е пресолена. This soup is too salty. The soup is too salty. Желаю тебе отлично провести время в Австралии. I hope you have fun in Australia. I wish you a great time in Australia. Стойте там. Stay there. Stay right there. Эта книга новая. It's a new book. This book is new. Przestań mi przeszkadzać. Stop bothering me. Stop bothering me. Мы зайдём к тебе в гости. We'll come to visit you. We'll come visit you. Това е сложен проблем. It's a complex problem. It's a complex problem. Хайде да станем приятелки. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Она была написана по-французски. It was written in French. It was written in French. Některé moje zážitky s Tomem, které tady popisuji, jsou založeny na skutečných událostech. Some of my experiences with Tom, which I depict here, are based on real events. Some of my experiences with Tom, which I describe here, are based on real events. Играхме тенис вчера. We played tennis yesterday. We played tennis yesterday. Tamtej nocy byłem naprawdę smutny. That night, I was really sad. I was really sad that night. Тя е достигнала зряла възраст. He has attained to years of discretion. She has reached adulthood. Може ли да дојдеш со нас? Can you come with us, please? Can you come with us? Tom zboural zeď. Tom demolished the wall. Tom tore down the wall. Można to zrobić w jeden dzień. It can be done in a day. You can do it in one day. Jste obě v pořádku? Are you guys OK? Are you both all right? Я зайшов до пана Стоуна в офіс. I called for Mr Stone at the office. I went into Mr. Stone's office. Мой сын слишком худой. Он мало ест. My son is too thin. He eats too little. My son is too thin, he doesn't eat much. Он је Американац. He is American. He's American. Pojďme mít diskuzi z obličeje do obličeje. Let's have a face-to-face discussion. Let's have a face-to-face discussion. У летучих мышей тоже есть крылья. Bats also have wings. Bats also have wings. Нека хвърлим картите на масата. Let's put our cards on the table. Let's throw the cards on the table. V kuchyni není nic k jídlu. There is nothing to eat in the kitchen. There's nothing to eat in the kitchen. Трябва да обсъдя нещо лично с Вас. I have something personal to discuss with you. I need to discuss something personal with you. Две места за обедния бюфет, ако обичате. Two for the lunch buffet, please. Two seats for the lunch buffet, please. Мы очень гордимся нашей командой. We're very proud of our team. We are very proud of our team. Очите на Том са огромни. Tom's eyes are huge. Tom's eyes are huge. Я уже выключил компьютер. I already turned my computer off. I've already turned off the computer. Сложная учеба укрепляет интеллект. Hard studies make strong brains. Complex learning strengthens the intellect. Я там никого не узнал. I didn't recognize anyone there. I didn't recognize anyone there. Вы знаете, во сколько произошла авария? Do you know what time the accident happened? Do you know what time the accident occurred? Не искам да казвам на Том, че съм била в Бостън. I don't want to tell Tom I've been to Boston. I don't want to tell Tom I was in Boston. Po cestě jsme projeli okolo benzinky. We passed by the gas station on the way. We passed a petrol station on the way. Jsem úplně plný. I'm so full. I'm completely full. Так это по-немецки сказать нельзя. You can't phrase it like that in German. You can't say that in German.