Ngiz iz-naxrix liix läxtä tiq naxrix shiz täluz raix kängx lam tumx lap kängx. I checked my watch and realized I was an hour early. That's where it's going. 你们学校有多少学生? How many students are there in your school? How many students are in your school? 这些数字总数不符。 These figures don't add up. The total number of these figures does not match. Nämzviix Khrismat kat ümcyu väx lap laüx? How many Christmas cards did you get last year? [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 你的蛋糕很美味。 Your cake is delicious. Your cake is delicious. Iz-yaq nä kämphaw äsi. I have money. [ In German ] See you soon. "他會成功嗎?" "恐怕不會。" "Will he succeed?" "I fear not." "Will he succeed?" "I'm afraid not." 哪位要热巧克力? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who's going to get hot chocolate? 幾位代表唔同意。 Several delegates disagreed. Several representatives disagreed. 我母親從來沒有懲罰過我。 My mother never punishes me. My mother never punished me. 于是出现了一个问题,哪里能找我们需要的机器。 Then arose the question of where we were to get the necessary machinery. So there's a problem where we can find the machine we need. John比我大两岁。 John is senior to me by two years. John is two years older than I am. 我的车出了点事。 Something has happened to my car. Something happened to my car. 她的媽媽給她做一件新衣服。 Her mother made her a new dress. Her mom made her a new dress. 顧客投訴量增加,可能代表生意正在走下坡。 An increase in customer complaints could signal a decline in business. There has been an increase in client complaints and it is likely that business is going downhill. 那些一无是处的废物被炒了。 Those good-for-nothing layabouts were sacked. Those waste that has nothing to do with it are fired. 他似乎不知道我父亲和我之间的纠葛。 He seems not to be aware of the conflict between my father and me. He doesn't seem to know about my father and me. 我無法讓他停止吸煙。 I couldn't get him to stop smoking. I can't let him stop smoking. 你想去旅游嗎? Would you like a tour? Do you want to travel? 現在該你發球。 Now it's your serve. Now it's your turn. 阿拉看物事勿是看伊拉个实质,而是以阿拉个主观意识来看伊拉个。 We don't see things as they are, but as we are. Allah sees what they are, not what they are, but what they see in their own eyes. 這瓶內有一點威士忌。 There is a bit of whisky in this bottle. There's a little whiskey in this bottle. Ümznäq ümbaz nä väx si tälaüx? Where do you live? Is there anything you can do about it? 那猫没死。 The cat is not dead. The cat's not dead. 我感覺有人拍了拍我的肩。 I felt somebody pat me on the shoulder. I feel like somebody shot me in the shoulder. 他说话太快了。 He speaks too fast. He's talking too fast. 我累死了。 I'm incredibly tired. I'm tired. 我买了两张音乐会的票。 I bought two tickets for a concert. I bought two tickets for concerts. 小说以女主角的死告终。 The novel ends with the heroine's death. The novel is said to end with the death of the female lead. 他故意踩我的腳。 He stepped on my foot on purpose. He deliberately stepped on my feet. 这是我喜欢汤姆的一个方面。 That's one of the things that I like about Tom. That's one of those things that I like about Tom. 那些追求和平和安全的人们,我们支持你们。那些所有怀疑美国的灯塔能否能像以前一样明亮的人们,今天晚上我们再次证明,我们国家真正的力量并非来自我们武器的威力或财富的规模,而是来自我们理想的持久力量:民主、 自由、机会、不屈服的希望。 To those who seek peace and security. We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope. Those who seek peace and security, we support you. All those who doubt that the United States can be as bright as before, and we once again prove today that our true strength does not come from the power or wealth of our weapons, but from the lasting power of our ideal: democracy, freedom, opportunity, and hope. 剛從天上降下來的雪,鋪滿了整個山頭,看起來美麗極了。 The fresh snow looks beautiful on the hill. The snow that has just come down from the sky fills the mountain, and it looks beautiful. 下面的解釋是通過比較和對比各種不同的理論。 The explanation below was achieved by comparing and contrasting a variety of different theories. The following is an explanation of the different kinds of theory through comparison to each other. 你不介意的路上捡东西回来? Would you mind picking up something on the way back? You don't mind picking up anything on your way back? 她怕獨自旅行。 She was afraid to travel alone. She's afraid of traveling alone. 我們看著夕陽西下。 We are watching the sun set. We're standing under the sun. 有美女,会好多了。 It will be far better if there were some pretty girls. There's girls, it's gonna be much better. 我19岁的时候结了婚。 I married when I was 19 years old. I married when I was 19. Irä kä tsawm hiax dawngxdiix rätawx. It was so beautiful. [ In German ] Thank you. 你必須在10點前回來。 You must be back by 10 o'clock. You have to come back by 10:00. 可怜的猫! 她无法抓住敏捷的老鼠。 Poor cat! She can't catch the nimble mouse. She can't catch a fast rat. 我不能相信。 I can't believe that. I can't believe it. 他來看我了。 He came to see me. He came to see me. 我們常常把人生比作一場旅程。 Life is often compared to a journey. We often compare life to a journey. 我會保護佢哋㗎喇。 I'll protect them. I'll protect them. 我想没这个必要。 I don't think that it's necessary. I don't think that's necessary. 他們為失敗放棄了他。 They gave him up for lost. They gave him up for failure. 對不起, 我沒有零錢。 I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have any change. "那個人在說什麼?" "他一點也無法用俄語溝通,所以我用俄語責備他。" "What was that person saying?" "He couldn't communicate in Russian at all so I told him off in Russian." "What's that guy saying?" "He can't speak Russian at all, so I accuse him in Russian." 你吹風機帶來了嗎? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring the windshield? 她和一個有錢人訂了婚。 She is engaged to a rich man. She was engaged to a rich man. 我要是有钱,立马就买这台电脑。 Had I the money, I would immediately acquire this computer. If I had money, I would have bought this computer. 他狀態真的很好。 He's really in good shape. He's in a really good state. 我的朋友正在为新的操作系统设计一个用户界面。 My friend is currently designing a user interface for the new operating system. My friends are designing a user interface for the new operating system. Thawmz kä kiimx si tawx, khälaq mäk. Tom was lucky that he didn't get killed. If you want to talk to me, please tell me. Tesawra. Thank you. I'm sorry, Tesawra. 希望架巴士快啲嚟啦。 I hope the bus comes soon. I hope the bus is coming up. Ngiz ümznäq tähaw ria khamäq dzänzbix hiax. I'm sorry for making you cry. In the future, you'll find a place to live. 我加入了海軍。 I went into the navy. I joined the Navy. 五十岁以后学一门新的语言不是那么容易。 It's not that easy to learn a new language after fifty. Learning a new language after 50 years of age is not easy. 天上没有一片云。 There was not a cloud in the sky. There's not a cloud in the sky. 更加正嘅係間屋仲有一個好靚嘅花園。 What is still better is that the house has a beautiful garden. A more perfect house or garden. 他已卧病在床四天了。 He has been ill in bed for four days. He's been in bed for four days. 我這學期修西班牙文。 I'm taking Spanish this semester. I fixed the Spanish term. 他父親不打高爾夫球。 His father doesn't play golf. His father doesn't play golf. 汤姆去年得了心脏病。 Tom had a heart attack last year. Tom had a heart attack last year. 这个学期我们有两次考试。 We have two examinations during this term. We have two examinations for this term. 我昨天住在他家。 I stayed at his place yesterday. I lived at his house yesterday. 你不再能伤害到我了。 You can no longer hurt me. You can't hurt me anymore. 我回来了。 I have returned. I'm back. 我不明白你的意思。 I don't get what you mean. I don't know what you mean. 聚会愉快,约翰。 Enjoy yourself at the party, John. Have a nice party, John. 你走得這麼快,我跟不上呀。 I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. You're walking so fast, I can't keep up. 汤姆说他累了。 Tom says he's tired. Tom says he's tired. 请您等几分钟好吗? Would you please wait for a few minutes? Could you wait a minute, please? 我見到兩堂車泊喺度。 I saw two cars parked here. I saw two cars sitting in the living room. 我通常8点钟起来。 I usually get up at 8. I usually wake up at 8:00. 你要交几张照片,填好几张表格,办好签证。 You need to hand in a few photos, fill in a form, and get a visa. You need a couple of photos, a couple of forms and a visa. 我父親很老了,耳朵也聽不清楚了。 My father is so old that he is hard of hearing. My father's old and I can't hear him. 我請我的鄰居來吃早飯。 I invited my neighbor to breakfast. I invited my neighbors to breakfast. 我今天不想吃东西。 I don't feel like eating anything today. I don't want to eat today. 許多人只說一種語言。 Many people only speaks one language. There are many people who speak only one language. 士兵們擋住了去城市的路。 Soldiers barred the way to the city. Soldiers are blocking the way to the city. 嗰班人成功噉爬咗上山頂,但係返嚟嗰陣就出咗事。 The Alpinists carried out the ascent, but they did not return safely. Where the group successfully climbed the top of the mountain, the track goes back to where it came from. 你點知你唔係一個缸入面嘅腦先? How do you know you're not a brain in a vat? Are you sure you don't have a heart first? ཁྱེད་རང་གིས་ཁོའི་ཁ་པར་ཨང་གྲངས་མ་བརྗེད་པ་ཆེད་དུ་འབྲི་དགོས་རེད། Write down his phone number before you forget. Scheduled calls are available on new chats. 那是什么? What is over there? What's that? 他答應我六點鐘的時候他會在這裡。 He promised me he would be here at six. He promised me he'd be here at 6:00. 他被奖励了一块金表。 He received a golden watch as a prize. He was rewarded with a gold watch. 兩年前我完全不懂得打籃球。 Two years ago I could not play basketball at all. I didn't know how to play basketball two years ago. 我最喜歡夏天。 I like summer the best. My favorite summer. 我吃力啊。 I was tired. I'm trying. 我们早餐做了煎饼。 We made pancakes for breakfast. We made pancakes for breakfast. 这里人太多了。咱们换个地方吧。 There are too many people here. Let's go somewhere else. There's too many people here. Let's get somewhere else. 佢幾時出世㗎? When was she born? When was he born? 我没什么可隐藏。 I had nothing to hide. I don't have anything to hide. 好多了! So much better! That's better! 我昨晚没睡好。 I did not sleep well last night. I didn't sleep well last night. Ngiz kä iz-läkyaqthiq kälawz mintsax. I'm busy with my homework. If I don't get it, I can't get it. 出世、結婚、瓜老襯;記得帶錢喎。 Be born, get married, and die; always bring money. She was born, married, and widowed; remember to bring her money. 我知道你不自在,但别急。 I understand that you feel uneasy, but don't worry. I know you're not comfortable, but don't rush. 我不是巫婆。 I am not a witch. I'm not a witch. 尼古拉斯和玛利亚彼此相爱。 Nicholas and Maria love each other. Nicholas and Maria love each other. Ngiz rayunx mawngx lamkhumx rawx täkängx. I like to walk in the rain. That's what I'm talking about. 嗰兩個人偷偷地入咗間屋,俾人見到咗。 Those two men sneaked into the house and were seen by someone. Two of them entered the house and were seen. དགོང་དྲོ་བདེ་ལེགས Good evening. Sorry, but we can't save your time. 他走了。 He walked away. He's gone. 我打算搭十點三十分的火車。 I plan to catch the 10:30 train. I'm going to take a 10:30 train. 不要忘了票。 Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the tickets. 一個時鐘最重要的是準確。 Most important of all a clock has to be accurate. One of the most important is to be precise. 虽然有逆境,建筑师仲系赢取咗享誉全球嘅荣誉。 Despite adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame. Although negative, the architects also won honours globally. Ngiz kä tingzkhu tex mängx shaq li. I am not married yet. To the extent that you're still alive. 老板对你的工作有很高的评价。 The boss has a good opinion of your work. The boss has a high level of evaluation of your work. 珍也打網球。 Jane plays tennis too. Jane plays tennis, too. 你在那里干什么? What are you doing down there? What are you doing there? 請關門。 Shut the door, please. Please close the door. 我昨天到這裡的。 I arrived here yesterday. I came here yesterday. 英國必須改善它在鐵路網的問題。 The UK must improve the problems with its rail network. The UK needs to improve its railway network. 我們開始吧! Let's go! Let's do it! 曾经在一个村落里住着一位老人。 Once there lived an old man in a village. Once lived in an old man's village. 我们有个好极了的团队。 We have a great team. We have a great team. 對於其他的六億人口而言,英語不是第二語言就是外語。 For the other 600 million people, English is either a second language or a foreign language. For the rest of the 600 million people, English is not the second language or foreign language. 请问你可以告诉我如何可以到达新宿吗? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Would you please tell me how I can get to a new destination? 我剛吃過午飯。 I've just eaten lunch. I just had lunch. 它對我來說太困難了。 It was too difficult for me. It's too difficult for me. 我父母不知道。 My parents don't know. My parents don't know. 這隻烏鴉飛走了。 The crow flew away. This crow is gone. ဒီ အကြောင်း မင်း ငါ့ကို သိသလောက် ပြောပြ။ Tell me what you know about that. You can tell me about it, and you can tell me about it. 湯姆很喜歡嘗試新事物。 Tom likes trying out new things. Tom likes to try new things. 在這個社會裡一切都是用完即丟, 用東西直到它磨損是一種美德。 In this society where everything is disposable, it is a virtue to use something until it wears out. Everything in this society is to be thrown away with it until it's lost is a virtue. 我寄給你一個航空郵件生日禮物。 I'm sending you a birthday present by airmail. I'm sending you an e-mail present. Nyäng läq. Have a drink. There's too many. 我知道我会赢。 I knew I was going to win. I know I'll win. 我们怎么付钱? How are we going to pay for that? How do we pay? 回答我的問題。 Answer my questions. Answer my question. 该国严禁进口稀有野生动物。 The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited. The import of rare wildlife is strictly prohibited. 沒人不渴望和平。 There are no people who don't desire peace. No one wants peace. Ngiz kä ngiz hawnxhawnx shämx rawx. I prefer to work on my own. That's enough for now. 我是基督徒,但我不吃豬肉。 I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. 知道你在那裡過得不錯,我替你感到高興。 Knowing that you're doing fine over there, I'm really pleased for you. I'm glad you've been there. 你自己选择了这份工作,是吗? You chose this job yourself, right? You chose the job yourself, didn't you? 聽説你不來。 I heard that you're not coming. Listen, you won't come. 他不希望你们对他谈论你们的性生活。 He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. He doesn't want you to talk to him about your sex life. 它太大了。 It's too big. It's too big. 你會講法語嗎? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? 你姑姑是做什麼的? What does your aunt do? What does your aunt do? 侬为啥发脾气? Why are you angry? Why are you so angry? 人有幾多個腎? How many kidneys does a human being have? How many kidneys are there? 她穿著舞鞋。 She is wearing dancing shoes. She's wearing dancing shoes. 中国社会科学院信息化研究中心副主任刘满强说:“信息传递能够带来巨大的附加值,中国信息发展的一个重要目标是让更多的农民从信息业发展中受益。” Liu Manqiang, deputy director of the Chinese Research Centre and College for Social Sciences and Information Technology, says "Information and communication technology has the potential for a huge increase in value; an important goal for the development of China's information technology is allowing more rural citizens to benefit from the information technology industry." The Deputy Director of the Informational Research Centre of the Chinese Institute of Social Sciences, Liu Liu, said: “The transfer of information can bring great added value, and an important objective of China's information development is to benefit more farmers from the development of the information industry. 我們兩個還相當年輕, 所以我們沒有這種問題。 The two of us are still rather young, and so we don't have this kind of problem. We're both pretty young, so we don't have that kind of problem. 不用特地來我家了。 Do not bother to come to my home. You don't have to come to my house anymore. 你进步了。 You've made progress. You're getting better. 他對我們說了一個謊。 He told us a lie. He lied to us. 你会讲普通话吗? Can you speak Mandarin? Do you speak ordinary? 我們接受支票。 We accept checks. We take checks. 他吉他彈得很好。 He plays the guitar very well. He's a good guitar player. Ngiz äyäq nä yamtä väx nguztä mi tämaz haü sham nguztä äsäp ha. I know you're probably wondering why I'm here. The next time you're here, you'll have to go over there and try something new. 但是,我沒有錢。 But I don't have money. But I don't have any money. 好工作似乎愈來愈難找了。 It seems to be becoming hard to get a good job. Good work seems to be getting harder and harder to find. Thawmz kä kiimx si hiax. Tom is really lucky. You can't just walk away. 我买不起300块美元以上的照相机。 I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't afford 300 dollars of cameras. 你日日都係做埋啲一模一樣嘅嘢,乜唔會覺得悶嘅咩? I wonder if you don't get tired of doing the same thing every day. You always do the same thing every day, don't you feel embarrassed? 把他带过来。 Bring him over. Bring him here. 它超级好玩的 It was a blast. It's super fun. 这种昆虫在英语中叫什么? What do you call this insect in English? What's this insect called in English? 谁帮帮她? Who helps her? Who helped her? 湯姆不知道那是誰。 Tom didn't know who it was. Tom doesn't know who that is. 她喜欢我的帽子吗? Does she like my hat? Does she like my hat? 我该回家了。 I need to go home. I should go home. 我窗帘拉开来个辰光,垃海落雪。 When I opened the curtains, it was snowing. I've got a light in my window and a snow in the sea. 你們會待在日本到什麼時候? Until when will you stay in Japan? When will you stay in Japan? 這個計劃徹底的失敗了。 The project was a complete failure. The plan has completely failed. 他以前都在夜晚看書。 He used to read at night. He used to read at night. Ümznäq yamlai väx thet thüx laüx? What did you order? Do you think that's the right thing to do? 那是一张近照吗? Is it a recent picture? Is that a recent photograph? 他们说他是一个很能干的人。 They say that he is an able man. They say he's a very capable man. 这个城市被称为日本的丹麦。 This city is called the Japanese Denmark. The city is known as Denmark in Japan. 把它填滿。 Fill it up. Fill it up. 他匆匆忙忙地出門,不小心把鑰匙落在家裡。 He hurried out the door, and accidentally forgot the key at home. He went out in haste and left his key at home. 他汉字写得非常好。 He writes the Chinese characters very well. He's very good at writing. 他们不会找到汤姆。 They won't find Tom. They won't find Tom. 媽媽正在忙著做晚飯。 My mother is busy cooking supper. Mom's busy making dinner. 我們在罷工。 We are on strike. We're on strike. 欲助乎? Would you be willing to help? You want to help? 别忘了我们。 Don't forget us! Don't forget us. 萨米是从南边来的。 Sami is from the South. Sammy is from the south. 我有一些朋友。 I've got a few friends. I've got some friends. 他的薪酬很高。 His salary is high. He's got a high salary. 我對她一見鐘情。 I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first sight. 我们能信任他们吗? Can we trust them? Can we trust them? 他赢得一切了。 He won everything. He won everything. 世界人口将在不久的将来增加两倍。 The population of the world will double before long. The world population will be double in the near future. 慢慢来,没那么急。 Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time, it's not that urgent. 但是他不常微笑。 But he did not often smile. But he doesn't always smile. 我每天去東京。 I go to Tokyo every day. I go to Tokyo every day. 你酒喝得太醉了不能開車。 You're too drunk to drive. You're too drunk to drive. 請來瓶紅酒。 Can I have a bottle of red wine? Have a bottle of wine, please. Ümz-yaq nä äsi nguztä ngiz räq äsäp ha. I know you have it. [ In German ] See if there's anything else I can do about it. "နင့် ထီး ကို နင် ဘယ်မှာများ ထားခဲ့ ပြန်ပြီလဲ။" "ငါ အဲ့ဒါကို ကျောင်း မှာ ကျန်ခဲ့ တာ။" "Where did you leave your umbrella?" "I left it at school." "Where did you leave your gun back?" "I left it at school." 这个男孩子很懒。 This boy is lazy. The boy's lazy. 查你的字典。 Check your dictionary. Find your dictionary. 这只狗跑得很快。 This dog runs fast. The dog runs fast. 侬有啥推荐? What do you recommend to me? What's the recommendation? 我感謝你的關心。 I appreciate your concern. I appreciate your concern. 我彈鋼琴為她伴奏。 She accompanied me on the piano. I play the piano for her. 我们现在要去睡觉。 We have to go to sleep now. We're going to bed now. 那是不公平的。 That's not fair. That's not fair. 这个旅馆的房间不像那个旅馆的房间那么干净。 The rooms in this hotel are not as clean as the rooms in that hotel. This hotel room isn't as clean as that hotel room. 他看起來像個醫生嗎? Did he look like a doctor? Does he look like a doctor? 我淨係知咁多嘅唧。 Beyond this I know nothing. I just know a lot. 他和他結婚了。 He married him. He's married to him. 伊晓得哪能做收音机。 He knows how to make a radio. I know no way to make a radio. 联盟号宇宙飞船于美国东部时间晚上9点53分脱离国际空间站,携带3人返回地球。 The Soyuz spacecraft undocked from the International Space Station at 9:53 p.m. EDT, carrying three people back to Earth. The Alliance Astronauts vessel left the International Space Station at 9:53 p.m. in the eastern part of the United States at 9:53 p.m. with three persons returning to Earth. 你和汤姆昨天做了什么? What were you and Tom doing yesterday? What did you and Tom do yesterday? 葵成為一個舞蹈家。 Aoi became a dancer. Leave it to be a dancer. 幾天之後你就可以開車了。 You'll be able to drive a car in a few days. You can drive in a few days. 佢個老公係英文老師,所以佢有得上免費英文堂。 She is married to an English teacher, so she can take lessons free of charge. His husband is English-language, so he has free English Hall. 孩子去学校就是为了学习。 Kids go to school to study. The kids go to school to learn. 佢踢咗我兩腳。 He kicked me twice. He kicked my feet. 我和家人去露營。 I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. 你认为他还想娶我吗? Do you think he still wants to marry me? Do you think he still wants to marry me? မင်း ဒီနေ့ ရေမြင်း ဘယ်နှစ်ကောင် လောက် တွေမိလိုက်လဲ။ How many hippopotami did you see today? How many horses have you had today, and how many of them have been killed? 我想問吓有冇雙人房呀? Do you have a double room? I'd like to ask if there's any room? 啊?我们说过要去公园吗?我没有印象。 Eh? We said we'd go to the park? I didn't realise. Did we say we were going to the park? I don't remember. Ümznäq Ningxraxtsix bawmx bawmdzinx tälaüx shäx? Do you speak English? I don't know what I'm talking about. 我钟意佢闻起身噶味道。 I liked the way it smelled. I thought he smelled it. 她没看到你的话就没有什么担心的。 If she didn't see you then there’s nothing to worry about. She doesn't have to worry if she doesn't see you. Tesawra mäq, ngiz mäx kixlü mawz di ke. Would you please open the door for me? You can't do that. 她的這雙山地靴是黑色的。 Her pair of mountain boots are black. Her mountain boots are black. 我今天的心情不好。 I'm feeling blue today. I'm in a bad mood today. 晚飯後她變得昏昏欲睡。 She becomes drowsy after dinner. She was unconscious after dinner. Thairia cyawngxke ra mäk. You don't have to explain. Said cyawngxke out . 那天天氣很好,但公園裏人並不多。 It was a pleasant day, but there were few people in the park. The day was nice, but there were few people in the park. Äpaiq kä äpaiq mäx khärumx kuq tälawx. She is helping him. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 我担心可能帮不了你,你需要找其他人帮忙。 I'm afraid I can't help you. You must ask someone else. I'm afraid I can't help you. You need someone else. 老師話畀我知希特勒自殺咗喇。 The teacher told me that Hitler killed himself. I was told Hitler killed himself. 天色很暗,但我們還是找到路回家。 Dark as it was, we managed to find our way home. It's dark, but we can still find our way home. 我昨天去了公园。 I went to the park yesterday. I went to the park yesterday. 他很難對付。 He is hard to deal with. He's hard to deal with. 我们三个都是学生。 All three of us are students. We're all three students. 他是一個極有禮貌的人 ﹣ 也就是說,他內心的想法永遠沒有人能看得穿! He has impeccable manners, which means you can never be sure what he actually thinks! He's a very polite man. 如用現金付款,我們給予九折優惠。 We give a 10% discount for cash. In the case of cash payments, we'll give you a nine-fold benefit. 瑪麗很容易發脾氣。 Mary loses her temper easily. Mary's hot. 觸犯法律的人受到懲罰。 People who break the law are punished. Those who violate the law are punished. 我不跟湯姆說就不知道。 I won't know until I talk to Tom. I don't tell Tom. I don't know. 越多奶酪越多洞。洞越多則奶酪越少。因此: 奶酪越多就越少奶酪。 The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese. The bigger the cheese, the lower the hole, the lower the cheese, and the smaller the cheese, the less cheese the less the cheese. 所有您必須要做的事就是努力地學好英語。 All you have to do is try hard to master English. All you have to do is try and learn English. Poi kälawz rawngx phä! Let's celebrate! I'll be right back. 她問了我一個問題。 She asked me a question. She asked me a question. 我会让你提前知道。 I will let you know in advance. I'll let you know in advance. 冇事,唔使驚! It's nothing, don't be afraid! Nothing, no surprise! 如果他知道她的电话,他会打给她。 If he knew her phone number, he could call her. If he knows her phone, he'll call her. 我們這隊5-4擊敗對手。 Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. We're team 5-4 against the opponent. 她可能迟到,然后我们就要等。 She may be late, in which case we will wait. She may be late, and then we'll wait. 佢好似對天文學幾有興趣。 It seems that he is interested in astronomy. He looks like he's interested in astronomers. 对了,前些时间你说伞不见了,现在找到了吗? Ah, I forgot to ask. Before you said you hadn't seen he umbrella. Have you found it since? By the way, you said the umbrella was gone. Now you found it? 我以前可能看過這部電影,但是我卻不怎麼記得了。 I may have seen that film before, but I can hardly remember it. I might have seen this movie before, but I don't remember much. 我的母亲从不早起来。 My mother doesn't wake up early. My mother never got up early. 她告诉他说,她想要离婚。 She told him she wanted a divorce. She told him she wanted a divorce. 这个东西必须改变。 This must be changed. This thing has to change. 我们今天得去养老院唱歌。 We have to sing at an old folks home today. We have to go to the nursing home today. 佢好大波。 She has big boobs. He's so big. 我喜欢你的家庭。 I like your family. I like your family. 汤姆现在应该抵达了。 Tom should have arrived by now. Tom should be here now. 我深深地感激你的建议和好心。 I deeply appreciate your advice and kindness. I am deeply grateful to you for your advice and good intentions. 他对西装和领带的选择非常挑剔。 He's picky about suits and ties. His choice of suit and tie was very picky. Ngiz yaq väx rawx tälaüx nguz laüx irä kä yamlai väx? What is it you want from me? If there's a problem between me and you, why don't you try something else? Ümz-mängxkhu kä yamkhäx väx? What's your first name? I don't know. Bob會做飯。 Bob can cook. Bob will cook. ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ၏ အဖွဲ့ဝင် တချို့ သည် အစည်းဝေးသို့ မတက်ရောက် ကြပေ။ Some of our members weren't at the meeting. Some of our members are not going to the organization: 六月下了很多天的雨。 We have many rainy days in June. Many days of rain in June. 他掷骰子之前让他的女友在上面吹气来给他带来好运。 He had his girlfriend blow on the dice for luck before he threw them. He let his girlfriend blow it up to bring him luck. 警方根據現場遺下的證物把賊子找了出來。 The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene. The police found the thief, according to evidence from the scene. 她因病不能出席会议。 She couldn't attend that party because she was sick. She was unable to attend because of her illness. 他们中的任何一位我都不认识。 I don't know either of them. I don't know any of them. Ümznäq kä ätsawm viq. You are beautiful. [ In German ] Thank you. 你今天晚上沒空嗎? Aren't you free tonight? Aren't you free tonight? 她七点起床。 She gets up at seven. She got up at 7:00. 比起父母的说教,小孩子会从父母的品格中习得更多知识。 Children learn more from what you are than what you teach. Children learn more from their parents' qualities than from their parents' teaching. 請開車開慢一點。 Please drive the car more slowly. Drive slowly, please. 謝謝你來接我。 Thank you for coming to meet me. Thanks for picking me up. 今天上午你們不在醫院。 You are not at the hospital this morning. You're not in the hospital this morning. 海洋底部有沙子。 There is sand at the bottom of the ocean. There's sand in the bottom of the ocean. 我諗我哋已經買晒我哋要嘅嘢喇。 I think we've bought everything we need. I've already bought something I want. 因為佢唔小心,所以先會出事。 The accident was brought about by his carelessness. You're not careful, so something's going to happen first. 佢唔識分啱同錯。 He has no sense of right and wrong. I don't know if it's wrong. 你有没有镊子? Do you have a pair of tweezers? Do you have any chopsticks? 今天下这么大的雨,土松着呢。 It is still raining a lot today, and the soil is being broken up. It's such a big rain today, and the dirt is loose. လာပါ။ Come! Come here. 让我们开始吧。 Let's get started. Let's get started. 我现在30岁了。 I am 30 years old now. I'm 30 now. 我受够英文了。 I'm fed up with English. I'm tired of English. 汤姆有高血压。 Tom has high blood pressure. Tom has high blood pressure. 太贵了吧! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! 用水沖洗灼傷的手指。 Cool the burned finger in running water. Water washes the finger of the wound. 富士山顶盖满了雪。 The top of Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. The top of the mountain is full of snow. 你必須認真學習。 You must study hard. You have to learn really. 他的口音显露出他是外国人。 His accent suggests he is a foreigner. His accent revealed that he was a foreigner. Ngiz kä tsiqshäraz rämängx. I am not a doctor. The next two pages. 山浪向有一间小房子。 There was a cottage on the side of the hill. The waves go towards a small house. 马是种很有用的动物。 The horse is a useful animal. Horses are a very useful animal. 谁也参不透。 Nobody can understand it. Nobody's involved. 湖冻冰了。 The lake was frozen. The lake is freezing. 他沒有通過他的駕駛考試。 He failed to pass his driving test. He didn't pass his driver's test. 那條裙子看起來很昂貴。 That dress seems to be very expensive. That dress looks very expensive. 如果而家停電,會發生啲咩事呢? What will happen if there's power failure now? What if there's no power out there? 我買的東西已經都送來了。 All the things I bought have already arrived. I've got everything I've got. 您想訂什麼房間? What room would you like to reserve? What room do you want? Ümznäq äkawnx cyängz nawx. You should sleep. [ In German ] See if you can find anything else. 送乜鬼嘢現金劵吖,折現好過啦! I don't want a bloody voucher. Just give me cash! It's a hell of a lot of money. It's just a little bit better. 相信我,我是工程师! Trust me, I'm an engineer! Trust me, I'm an engineer! 你乘出租車去和走路去也沒有甚麼分別。 It will make little difference whether you go there by taxi or on foot. There's no difference between going on a taxi and walking. 你可以移一移那張椅子嗎? Could you move the chair a bit? Can you move that chair? 你聽唔聽到佢講咗啲咩? Did you hear what he said? Did you hear what he said? 從這裡大約10分鐘車程。 It's about a ten-minute drive from here. It's about 10 minutes from here. သင် အလုပ်တခုကို မှန်ကန်စွာ ပြီးမြောက်စေချင်လျှင်၊ တခါတရံ မိမိကိုယ်တိုင် လုပ်ဆောင်ရမည်ဖြစ်သည်။ If you want something done right, sometimes you've just gotta do it yourself. If you want to do something right, you must do it yourself at any time. 房子一間一間地著了火。 The houses caught fire one after another. One house was on fire. 別人聽得懂你說的法語嗎? Can you make yourself understood in French? Does anyone know what you're talking about? 那是個堅固的欄杆。 This is a sturdy handrail. That's a solid fence. 牛奶很酸。 The milk is sour. Milk's sour. 他不知道为什么他的妻子要离开他。 He had no idea why his wife left him. He doesn't know why his wife's leaving him. 你可以再說一遍嗎? Could you repeat that? Can you say that again? 她骑自行车去上学。 She rides her bike to school. She's riding a bike to school. 我早上總是大約七點鐘醒來。 In the morning I always wake up around seven o'clock. I wake up around 7:00 a.m. this morning. 謝謝你,我吃飽了。 Thank you, I've had enough. Thank you, I'm full. 呢隻藥每日要食三次。 You need to take this medicine three times a day. And the medicine will eat it three times a day. 侬搿篇文章看过了伐? You read the paper? Did you read your article? Lèu kiá dịgŏ? Where do you live? How long has it been? 我怎么才能发胖? How do I gain weight? How do I get fat? Äpaiq kä äpaiq hawxhawnx li si rawx. She doesn't want to be with anyone. If there's a chance, I'll take care of it. 布萊恩正握著凱特的手。 Brian is holding Kate's hands. Brian is holding Kate's hand. 每個人都希望他當選州長。 Everybody wished he had been elected governor. Everyone wants him to be governor. 目前我问题很多。 I have a lot of problems at the moment. I've had a lot of problems at this time. 直到那時我才真正感到害怕。 It wasn't until then that I felt really frightened. I wasn't really scared until then. 他在事故中受傷。 He was injured in the accident. He was injured in an accident. 学回鹘语吧! Learn Uyghur! Go back to your language! Ümzcyaüx ranaiq rakiix mänäx. It is sunny today. [ In German ] See if you can find out more about it. 月亮不会自己发光。 The moon doesn't have light of its own. The moon doesn't shine itself. Ümznäq yamlai väx shäm tälaüx? What are you doing? Is there anything I can do about it? 佢將成道門油咗做綠色。 He painted the door green all over. It's going to be green. 我不会游泳。 I can't swim. I can't swim. 她總是信守承諾。 She always keeps her promises. She always kept her promise. Tom, 晚餐想吃啥? Tom, what would you like to have for dinner? Tom, what do you want for dinner? 一個小時前雪停了。 It stopped snowing an hour ago. The snow stopped an hour ago. 「克里奧帕特拉」這個名字已經成為了美女的代名詞。 The name Cleopatra has become a byword for a beautiful woman. The name "Criopatella" has become a name for a beautiful woman. 他放下東西,就走了。 He put his things down and left. He drops things and goes. 金星的大氣壓力非常高。 Venus' air pressure is very high. Venus's atmosphere pressure is extremely high. 你應該幫助他。 You should help him. You should help him. Kärä hali cyawng nawngz läq. Say it again. There will be plenty of time. 搓麵粉好好玩㗎。 It's fun to knead dough. It's so funny! 你只有两个选项。 You only have two options. You only have two options. 到5号轨道乘随便什么火车。 Take any train on track 5. Go to Track 5. Any train. 他去北海道了。 He has gone to Hokkaido. He's going to the North Sea. Ma kalamdwng? What are you doing? What do you want, Ma kalamdwng? 美國的太空科技十分先進。 America is ahead in space technology. In the United States, space technology is very advanced. 我會使你成為一個男子漢。 I will make a man of you. I'll make you a man. 他有没有儿子? Does he have a son? Does he have a son? 這些習俗和我們國家不同。 These customs differ from those in our country. These customs are different from our country. 他還沒有來,不知道是不是發生了甚麼意外? He has not come yet. Something may have happened to him. He hasn't come yet. Don't you know what happened? 你可以選擇你喜歡的。 You may choose what you like. You can choose what you like. 我們還沒吃完這個西瓜。 We haven't finished eating the watermelon yet. We're not finished with this watermelon. Facebook在中國是被封鎖的。 Facebook is blocked in China. Facebook in China is blocked. 把勺子给我。 Give me the spoon. Give me the spoon. 她十七岁了。 She's seventeen. She's 17 years old. 打網球很有趣。 Playing tennis is fun. It's fun playing tennis. 我哋想知。 We want to know. I want to know. 啲電影全部都好悶。 All the films are boring. All the movies are so boring. 應承我你唔會咁做。 Give me your word that you won't do that. Promise me you won't do that. တွမ် နဲ့ ငါ အချင်းချင်း ပြင်သစ် လို ပြောခဲ့ကြတယ်။ Tom and I spoke to each other in French. I talked to them like new ones. 我在学几门语言。 I'm studying several languages. I'm learning a few languages. Äpaiq kä viix shixmax 19 nä cyii tawx. He was born in the 19th century. It's about 19 years old. 你身体不舒服吗? Are you not feeling well? Are you not feeling well? 你用那本書做什麼? What did you do with that book? What are you doing with that book? 除了英文,他還說德文。 In addition to English, he speaks German. Besides English, he said German. 现在是我们回答这个问题的机会。这是我们的时刻这是我们的时代--让我们的人民重新就业,为我们的后代敞开机会之门,恢复繁荣,推进和平,重新确立“美国梦”,再次证明这样一个基本的真理:我们是一家人;只要一息尚存,我们就有希望;当我们遇到嘲讽和怀疑,当有人说我们办不到的时候,我们要以这个永恒的信条来回应他们。是的,我们能做到 This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people. Now we have the opportunity to answer this question. This is our time when we are re-employmenting our people, opening the door to opportunity for our future generations, restoring prosperity, advancing peace, re-establishing the “American dream” once again proves the fundamental truth: we are a family; we have hope as long as we exist; and when we are confronted with ridicule and suspicion, we are going to respond to them with this eternal message. Yes, we can do it. 你讀過這本書了嗎? Have you read this book already? Have you read this book? 他被取消了參賽資格。 He was disqualified from the competition. He was removed from the race. 他提速了。 He accelerated. He's speeding up. 这娃儿真可爱! This baby is really cute! This one's so cute! 孩子在母亲的怀中熟睡。 The baby was sound asleep in her mother's arms. Children sleep well in their mother's arms. 佢識唔識彈鋼琴㗎? Does she play the piano? Do you know how to play piano? Iz-yaq nä mixmix kaü naix äsi. I have two cats. [ In German ] It's not a bad time. 那部影片很叫座。 That film was a great draw. That's a great movie. 沒有人能夠活到兩百歲。 No man can live to be two hundred years old. No one can live up to the age of 200. 人收入愈高,慾望就愈大。 Men's wants become greater in proportion to the increase in their income. The higher the income, the greater the desire. 食煙對健康唔好。 Smoking is harmful to health. The smoke is not good for health. 我不知道你什麼意思。 I don't know what you mean. I don't know what you mean. အပြင်မှာ အေး လာပြီ လား။ Is it getting cold outside? Is it cold out or cold? Is it cold? 我父亲在工厂工作。 My father works at a factory. My father worked in the factory. 你可以借我一些錢嗎? Would you lend me some money? Can you lend me some money? 我一点也不会游泳。 I cannot swim at all. I can't swim at all. 我的手表每天走快五分钟。 My watch gains five minutes a day. My watch goes fast to five minutes a day. 你想再喝些啤酒嗎? Would you like some more beer? Do you want another beer? 这不是任何人都能做的事。 It's not something anyone can do. That's not what anyone can do. Ümznäq yäm nä shäx? Are you at home? Is there anything I can do about it? 撤回前言。 I take back everything I said. Withdrawal of the preamble. 昨天是星期天,不是星期六。 Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday. 啲男仔唔坐花園啲長櫈,就瞓喺啲軟草上面。 The boys do not sit on benches in the garden, but lie on the soft grass. The boys do not sit in the gardens, but they clean them up on the soft grass. 幸好,在狄馬睡覺的小巷外面,剛好有一家阿瑪尼。 Thankfully, there was an Armani store just outside the alley where Dima had slept. Fortunately, outside the alley in Dimar's bed, there's just a Amani. 我们在哪儿? Where are we? Where are we? 我依稀記得見過他。 I vaguely remember meeting him. I can hardly remember seeing him. 汤姆想知道玛丽是否有男朋友? Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. 我对你的厚颜无耻感到惊讶。 I am amazed at your audacity. I'm surprised at your shame. 我们不再需要你了 We don't need you anymore. We don't need you anymore. 春天是访问京都最好的季节。 Spring is the best season to visit Kyoto. Spring is the best visit to Kyoto. 會議將於明天舉行。 The meeting will be held tomorrow. It will take place tomorrow. 雖然Flash的內容在不能iPad顯示,只要把網頁的URL發到自己的郵箱,回家便可以在普通電腦裡觀看。 You can't view Flash content on an iPad. However, you can easily email yourself the URLs of these web pages and view that content on your regular computer when you get home. Although Flash's content is not shown on the iPad, it can be seen on ordinary computers as long as the URL to the web is sent to its own mailbox. 京都的夏天很热。 Summers are very hot in Kyoto. It's hot in Kyoto. Ümznäq tsiqrung nä kiz rawx tälaüx shäx? Do you want to go to the hospital? Is there anything you can do about it? 這個故事的女主角是一個小女孩。 The heroine of this story is a little girl. The lead actress of this story is a little girl. 那些舊法都被廢除了。 Those old laws were all done away with. The old laws are repealed. 我们知道我们的权利。 We know our rights. We know our rights. 知道真相的人只有幾個。 Only a handful of people know the fact. There's only a few people who know the truth. 佢應承咗話會返嚟,但係都係冇返嚟。 He promised to return and yet he didn't. The project will not be returned from the project. 哇,下雪了! Ah! Snow! Wow, it's snowing! 我不喜欢犯错。 I don't like to make mistakes. I don't like making mistakes. 湯姆弄傷了自己。 Tom hurt himself. Tom hurt himself. 佢唔鍾意佢老公。 She disliked her husband. I don't care about his husband. 看上去他要去喀什。 It sounds like he is going to Kashgar. Looks like he's going to Kash. 我現在正在讀一本書。 I am reading a book now. I'm reading a book right now. 我們剛剛吃完了早飯。 We've just finished breakfast. We just finished breakfast. 真糟糕! How horrible! That's bad! 你竟敢這樣對長輩說話?! How dare you speak like that to your elders and betters! How dare you! 这个问题不能以常规方法解决。 You cannot solve this problem with the usual method. The issue cannot be resolved in a conventional manner. 唔好跑。慢慢行。 Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run, slow down. 我们本该更加努力学习。 We should've studied harder. We should have worked harder to learn. 麻煩您稍待一下。 Will you wait a moment? Could you hold on a second? 我的预言是真确的。 My prediction was accurate. My prophecy is true. Thawmz kä älamz-äli äsi mäk äshiz rätawx. Tom is a reasonable person. [ In German ] Thank you. 鬱金香很快將盛開。 Tulips will bloom soon. It will soon be opened. 她口齿伶俐。 She has a fluent tongue. She's snorting. 你几点上班? What time are you going to work? What time are you at work? 你在三或四周内会习惯这个。 You'll get used to this in three or four weeks. You get used to this in three or four weeks. Ngiz ümznäq raix änap rähumx lawt mängx. I can't meet you now. Whenever you're out of your mind, you're out of your mind. 他應該感謝您。 He should thank you. He should be grateful. 這本字典是我妹妹的。 This dictionary is my sister's. This dictionary is my sister's. 汤姆能做什么? What can Tom do? What can Tom do? 你不喜欢爱情故事。 You don't like love stories. You don't like the story of love. 我們一直聊天直到天明。 We talked and talked until the day broke. We've been talking until dawn. 他的新小說將會在下個月出版。 His new novel will come out next month. His new novel will be published next month. 你和她有過性關係嗎? Have you and her had a sexual relationship? Have you ever had sex with her? 无论老幼,人们都出来迎接贵客。 People, old and young, all came out to greet the guests. People come out to meet your guests, young and old. 你開得太快了。 You're driving too fast. You drive too fast. 她的专业是法国的文学 She majors in French literature. Her profession is French literature. 独眼巨人有多少个眼睛? How many eyes had the Cyclops? How many eyes do the giants have? 我的个性还有很多方面是你不了解的。 There are a lot of things you don't know about my personality. There are many things you don't know about me. 我們家有三個臥室。 Our house has three bedrooms. We have three bedrooms. 山田老師每日都俾好多功課我哋做。 Mr Yamada gives us a lot of homework every day. Teacher Yamada has a lot of homework I do every day. 当然,为什么不? Sure, why not? Of course. Why not? 今晚的夜空星光非常明亮。 Tonight in the night sky, the stars are shining very brightly. Tonight's the night sky is very bright. 你知道為什麼他們安靜下來了呢? Do you know why they stopped talking? You know why they're quiet? 我母親在水果店買了好幾個蘋果。 My mother bought some apples at the fruit shop. My mother bought a couple of apples at the fruit shop. Laishizraz nyäng läq. Drink something. Laishzar nymphääq. 我未親眼見過巴黎鐵塔。 I've never seen the Eiffel Tower of Paris. I've never seen the Tower of Paris before. 她免費得到這張票。 She got the ticket for nothing. She's free to get this ticket. 汤姆不想一个人走。 Tom doesn't want to go alone. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Nazshiq kä kiqlaz hiiphii linx räcyängz. We need to be more aggressive. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 你識唔識用筷子㗎? Do you know how to eat with chopsticks? Do you know how to use it? 有五分之四的會員反對這個計劃。 Four-fifths of all the members were against the plan. There are five-quarters of members against the project. Kätinx khanx längläng kä tsinz mäk. It wasn't that expensive. [ In German ] See if you can find out where he is. 我还没确定找哪份工作。 I haven't decided which job to apply for. I'm not sure which job I'm looking for. 吸烟有害。 Smoking kills. It's bad to smoke. 我好肚餓。 I am hungry. I'm so hungry. 把伤者送到医院。 Carry the injured to the hospital. Take the wounded to the hospital. 佢琴日嚟探我哋。 She came to see us yesterday. He's coming to visit me. 我们偶然间乘了同一列列车。 We were on the same train by chance. We went through the same train by chance. 妈妈叫我修剪草坪。 Mother told me to mow the lawn. Mom told me to cut the lawn. 我跟父母讲了留学的事情。 I talked with my parents about my studying abroad. I told my parents about studying. 我會帶我妹妹去派對。 I'll bring my sister to the party. I'll take my sister to the party. 汤姆在会议室等你。 Tom is waiting for you in the conference room. Tom's waiting for you in the room. 有一天, 夏目漱石在倫敦迷路了。 One day, Natsume Soseki was lost in London. One day, summer rock got lost in London. 她穿那件紅色的衣服很好看。 That red dress looks good on her. She's wearing that red dress pretty good. 他到了最后的一刻才取消了约会。 He canceled the appointment at the last moment. He cancelled his date at the last minute. 湯姆昨天幫他媽媽的忙嗎? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? Did Tom help his mother yesterday? 房间里有人吗? Was there anyone in the room? Anybody in the room? 這是真的。 This is true. It's true. 繼續討論下去,也不會有甚麼結果。 Prolonging the discussion will bring us nowhere. There will be no results if we continue to discuss it. 去那裏要花一小時。 It'll take an hour to get there. Go there for an hour. 父親總是說"你盡力而為。" Father always says, "Do your best." Father always said, "You do your best." 那些花已經枯死了。 Those flowers have died. The flowers are dead. 这家店在卖蔬菜。 This store is currently selling vegetables. This store is selling vegetables. 不管怎樣,你永遠不會知道。 Anyway, you'll never know. Anyway, you'll never know. 你準備好出發就打電話俾我啦。 Call me when you are ready to go. Call me when you're ready to go. Ngiz kä ümzcyaüx Rawmaq cyezla nä. I am in Rome now. That's where I'm going. 他每天都在公园中跑步。 He runs in the park every day. He runs in the park every day. Thawmz kä cyiiz khumx hiax, rämäk shäx? Tom is extremely outgoing, isn't he? Do you know what I'm talking about? Thawz räq rawx kä äpaiq räq Meri mäx lungvii täläq khanx Meri räq mänz äpaiq mäx lungvii raüyäq nguztä rätawx. All Tom wanted was for Mary to love him as much as he loved her. Do you think it's over when you're older than me? 這是不證自明的。 It's self-evident. That's not self-identified. 她的胸很大。 She has big boobs. She's got a big chest. 吾意徹酒。 I mean to stop drinking. I mean wine. Ümznäq kä French bawmx mi tälängz haü nguztä äsäp thüx kängx. I knew you'd been studying French. [ In German ] That's why I'm here. 我想吃韩国菜。 I like to eat Korean food. I want Korean food. 我等了他一整天。 I waited for him all day long. I waited for him all day. 我有两个出去上大学的孩子。 I have two children away at university. I have two kids out to college. 别吓我!我的护照不见了! You must be joking! I can't find my passport! Don't scare me! My passport is gone! 他真的很想做穆斯林 He really wants to be Muslim. He really wants to be a Muslim. Äpaiq räq äpaiq lamx mätux cyawng tawx. She asked him to marry her. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 他們決定在下個月結婚。 They decided to get married next month. They decided to get married next month. 嗰個哥哥高過嗰個哥哥。 That elder brother is taller than that elder brother. There's a brother over there. 你見過他嗎? Have you met him already? Have you seen him? 湯姆為他所做的事道歉。 Tom apologized for what he did. Tom apologize for what he did. 一个爱花的人坏不到哪里去。 A person who likes flowers can't be evil. A guy with flowers can't go anywhere. 這需要慎重考慮。 That requires careful consideration. This needs to be carefully considered. 他没有孩子. I don't have children. He doesn't have children. 他说的我还是没有全部理解。 I still don't understand everything he says. He says I still don't understand everything. 湯姆是個胖子 Tom is a fat man. Tom's a fat guy. 我讓他修理了我的腳踏車。 I got him to fix my bicycle. I made him fix my bike. “胡同”这个词,本意是“水井”,来源于700年前的蒙古语。 The term "hutong", originally meaning "water well", came from the Mongolian language about 700 years ago. The term “huge” means “water wells”, derived from Mongolian language 700 years ago. Ngiz ümzcyaüx tädawx cyängz nawx. I have to leave now. That's the first thing I've seen in my life. 即使我們第一次不夠幸運, 我們可以就一直做愛直到我懷孕。 Even if we don't get lucky on the first try we can just keep fucking till I get pregnant. Even if we're not lucky for the first time, we can always have sex until I'm pregnant. 我可以有張公車的時刻表嗎? May I have a bus schedule? Can I have a bus schedule? 班上每個人都爬上了這個山坡。 Everyone in the class climbed the hill. Everyone in class climbed this hill. 不管我怎么努力,也达不到父母的要求。 No matter how hard I try, I can't meet my parents' expectations. No matter how hard I try, it's not up to my parents. 湯姆看來有點不適。 Tom looks a bit sick. It doesn't look right to Tom. 我還沒有看完這本書。 I haven't finished reading this book. I haven't finished reading this book yet. 无可否认她非常有能力。 There is no denying that she is very efficient. I cannot deny that she is very capable. 試吓啦。 Give it a shot. I'm scared. 汤姆环游了世界。 Tom is travelling around the world. Tom went around the world. 呢到係會議室,唔係等候室。 This is a meeting room, not a waiting room. At the meeting room, do not wait a minute. 不要擔心這樣的事情。 Don't worry about such a thing. Don't worry about that. 我们游览了所有主要城市。 We toured all the major cities. We've visited all major cities. 我而家抹地呀,你可唔可以幫手將張凳搬去個角落頭度呀? Would you do me a favor by moving that chair over to the corner so that I can sweep the floor? Why don't you help your hands move a chair to the corner? 我不知道任何有關他的事。 I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. 這是只給你的。 This is just for you. It's for you only. 明年预算的计算是基于今年的成本的。 The calculation of the budget for next year is based on the costs this year. The budget for next year is based on the cost of this year. 讓我們一點鐘見面吧。 Let's meet at one o'clock. Let's meet a little later. 「你而家身上有幾多錢呀?」「對唔住呀,我冇帶銀包。」 "How much do you have on you now?" "Sorry, I didn't bring my wallet." "How much do you have in your house?" "No, I don't have any money." Phanräp ärawng-äriz khaztäz? Did everything go well? I don't know. 我餓死喇。 I am terribly hungry. I'm starving. 她不是安娜嗎? She isn't Anna? Isn't she Anna? 我不想承担这样一个风险。 I don't want to take such a risk. I don't want to take such risks. 我唯一想做的是去釣魚。 All I want to do is go fishing. The only thing I want to do is go fishing. 纽约市的人口有多少? How large is the population of New York City? How many people are in New York City? 和我们留在一起吧! Stay with us. Stay with us! Ümzcyu naxrix nawx väx? What is the time? I don't know. 我求上主賜架單車俾我,但係我發現佢做嘢嘅方法唔係咁嘅。於是我就偷咗架單車,再求佢原諒我。 I asked God for a bike, but I realized that that wasn't his method. So I stole a bike and asked God for forgiveness. I ask the Lord to give me a car and I find it in the process that it is not the same with me. So I stole a bike, and I ask him to forgive me. 我認識的人中就他最懶了。 He's the laziest person I know. He's the lazyest man I know. 她是我所渴望的女人。 She is the woman of my desires. She was the woman I wanted. Thawmz räq laishizraz hali täbix baiq nawngz tawx. Tom broke something again. [ In German ] No, no, no, no, no. 你将要把我逼疯了! You are going to make me go crazy! You're driving me crazy! 我好似做咗電燈膽喇,都係走先。 Seems like I'm the third wheel here. I should go. I think I've made the flashlight, so go ahead. 我見到一片白雲在空中飄過。 I saw a white cloud sailing across the sky. I saw a cloud in the air. 我能理解你。 I can understand you. I can understand you. 那,我們五點後去買衣服,好嗎? Then, we will go clothes shopping after five o'clock, alright? Well, we'll go get clothes after 5:00, okay? 海伦和凯蒂在东京郊区租了个套间。 Helen and Kathy rented an apartment in a suburb of Tokyo. Helen and Katie rented a suite in the suburb of Tokyo. 汤姆在休一天假。 Tom is taking a day off. Tom's taking a day off. 把書放在那裡。 Put the book there. Put it there. 他以前常给我发信息。 He always texted me. He used to send me a message. 要掌握法语一点都不容易。 It's not easy to master French at all. It is not easy to master French. 你本应该接受他的建议。 You should have accepted his advice. You should have accepted his advice. 我跟她談了一個小時。 I talked with her for an hour. I talked to her for an hour. 這個孤獨的病人從縫紉中得到樂趣。 This lonely patient takes pleasure from sewing. This lonely patient gets pleasure from the sewing. 我昨天钓到一条大鱼。 I caught a big fish yesterday. I caught a big fish yesterday. 它也会杀死庄稼。 It can also kill crops. It'll kill the crops too. 他履行了他的承诺,并且帮助了他的兄弟。 He kept his promise and helped his brothers. He fulfilled his commitments and helped his brother. 林肯在1860年當選為美國總統。 Lincoln was elected President in 1860. Lincoln was elected President of the United States in 1860. 她是一個很好的舞者。 She is a good dancer. She's a good dancer. Tom不知道碳和煤的差別。 Tom does not know the difference between charcoal and carbon. Tom doesn't know the difference between carbon and coal. 我還好。 I'm still good. I'm okay. 努力工作才能养活自己。 Work hard so that you may earn your living. Work hard to feed yourself. Thawmz räq tämaz kä ümznäq kä Bawtsäton nä nguztä. Tom thought that you were in Boston. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 湯姆沒有做他該做的事。 Tom isn't doing what he's supposed to be doing. Tom didn't do what he had to do. 我在聽收音機。 I'm listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. 不, 我不會說英文。 No, I can't speak English. No, I don't speak English. 呢個係一個非常複雜嘅問題。 This is a very complex problem. This is a very complex problem. 那是紙嗎? Is that a paper? Is that a paper? 情人眼裡出西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The lover's eyes come out of the sky. 如果你喺我身邊就好喇。 I wish you were with me. If you're here with me. 今晚给汤姆和玛丽打电话。 Call Tom and Mary this evening. Call Tom and Mary tonight. 我很高興能和他們會面。 I am very pleased to meet them. I'm glad to meet them. 这首歌也还可以吧? This song will do too? Is this song okay? 我很有耐心。 I'm being patient. I'm very patient. 我非常同意你。 I couldn't agree with you more. I very much agree with you. 請讓我試試這個遊戲吧。 Please let me try the game. Let me try this game. 我知道生命是短暂的。 I know that life is short. I know life is short. 大约。 Probably. About. Maiqnai äsix äkhyingx diax. It was a funny moment. But it's not the same thing. 你心情好似好靚咁喎。 You look very delighted. You're in a mood like that. Ngiz bawmx sätiq kuq täkängx. Yai mäq käkhäx naq räkiq! I warn you not to do that again. Stop bawmx, you'll get an espresso. 他的名声很好。 He has a good reputation. He's got a great reputation. ခင်ဗျား ရဲ့ သတိမဲ့မှု့ တွေ ကြောင့် ဒီလို တွေ ဖြစ်ပျက် ခဲ့ရတာ။ That happened to you because you were careless. I am grateful to Jehovah for allowing me to continue in the full - time ministry. 他想立刻结婚。 He wants to get married right away. He wants to get married right away. Kiqkap nguztä ngawx rawx. I want to say goodbye. I don't know what you're talking about. 她今年秋天要結婚。 She is getting married this fall. She's getting married this fall. 我应该去做。 I should do it. I should do it. 我希望人们友好相处,世界更加美好。 If people have friendly relationships, I hope the world will be a better place. I want people to be friendly and the world is better. 我要去银行了。 I've got to go to the bank. I'm going to the bank. 你做乜鳩呀你? What the fuck do you think you're doing? What are you doing? 我真为她骄傲。 I'm so proud of her. I'm so proud of her. 祝考试好运! Good luck on the exam! Good luck with the exam! 我已經喺呢度做咗十年喇。 I've worked here for ten years. I've done it in ten years. Kärä kä vairas' rämäk. It's not a virus. [ In German ] See if you can find something. 你让我想起我过去认识的一个男孩。 You remind me of a boy I used to know. You remind me of a boy I used to know. 你还以为我作罢了,不是吗? You thought I was through doing that, didn't you? You still think I'm done, don't you? Thawmz räq kä phanshizraz paüxshänx cyängz mawz si li. Maybe Tom's got something to hide. [ In German ] You're going to be late. 我上中學的時候有寫日記的習慣。 I used to keep a diary when I was at high school. I used to write journals when I went to high school. 说和做是两码事。 Saying is quite different from doing. Say it's two things. Ngiz äphiq ma yuz täkängx. I run quickly. This is the first time I've seen you. 我乘火車去了神戶。 I went to Kobe by train. I'm on a train to the temple. 佢好似好鍾意佢尋日買嗰架新車咁。 He looks pleased with his new car which he bought yesterday. It seemed as if he had bought a new car on the day of his search. 汤姆不是不高兴。 Tom isn't unhappy. Tom wasn't upset. 你父親的書店在哪裡? Where is your father's bookshop? Where's your father's bookstore? 这对他没有影响。 It has had no effect on him. That doesn't affect him. 電話響呀! The phone is ringing! The phone's ringing! 婚禮會在一座十七世紀的教堂裏舉行。 The wedding will be held in a 17th century church. The wedding was held in a 17th-century church. 唔重要㗎! It's not important. It doesn't matter. 你回来了。 You returned. You're back. 我俾滾水淥親。 I burned myself with boiling water. I'll roll out the water, kiss. Wienczysława是這個工作場所裡最美麗的黑髮女人。 Wienczysława is the most beautiful brunette in the workplace. Wienczysæwa is the most beautiful black-haired woman in the workplace. 他对鉴品红酒很有一套。 He has a good palate for wine. He's very good at character wine. 我明天去圖書館溫習。 Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I'll go to the library tomorrow. Nämznaix kä khexkhamz nawx shäx? Are you two ready? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? ဒီ သေတ္တာ က အလွတ်ကြီး ဆိုတာ ငါ သိနေ ခဲ့တယ်။ I realized that box was empty. I have learned that this chest is empty. 我會進去。 I'll get in. I'll be in. 现在我几乎不看电视。 I almost never watch TV nowadays. Now I almost don't watch TV. 安之。 Take it easy. AII right. 助人者得人助。 He who helps others, in turn shall be helped by them. The helpers are helped. 国际野生动物基金在一九六一年创办的时候,以熊猫为象征。 When the World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1961, it took the panda as its symbol. The International Fund for Wild Animals was founded in 1996 and marked by pandas. 你什么星座啊? What's your sign? What sign are you? 每天早上当他吃早餐的时候,他的狗都看着他。 Every morning, while he is eating his breakfast, his dog looks at him. Every morning when he eats breakfast, his dogs watch him. Nancy很像我的大姐。 Nancy looks like my sister. That's what I'm talking about. Täox täkängx. You're welcome. [ In German ] Yes, ma'am. တိမ်တွေတော့ ကင်စင်း သွားပြီ။ The clouds have disappeared. The clouds are gone out of the sky. Iz-mazdänx kä hawngtha vanx tawx. My dream came true. [ In German ] That's a good thing, isn't it? 吾知其獸之名。 I know the name of this animal. I know the name of the beast. 你唔飲埋碗湯今晚就冇電視睇。 If you don't finish your soup, there will be no TV tonight. You don't have to bury the soup, you don't have to watch TV tonight. 您今天做了什么? What have you done today? What did you do today? 兩個串法都啱。 Both spellings are correct. There are both kinds of laws. 没有电视,我无法生活。 I can't live without TV. I can't live without TV. 我的右眼瞎了。 I am blind in the right eye. My right eye is blind. 我爸爸有点守旧。 My father is a bit old-fashioned. My dad's a little old. 我们午后吃了顿饭。 We had a meal after noon. We'll eat later. 所有國家嘅後生仔都想談論佢哋嘅理想、佢哋嘅經歷,但係語言仍然係一個問題;互聯網解決咗嘅,只不過係距離唧。 The youth of all countries want to talk about their hopes and experiences, but the problem of language remains; the Internet has only solved the problem of distance. All countries were invited to discuss their ideals. The language spoken by these countries was still a problem; the Internet had only been solved. 她已經住院一個月了。 She's been in the hospital for a month. She's been hospitalized for a month. 晚饭时他吃了一些米饭。 He had some rice for supper. He had some rice at dinner. အဝေးပြေးလမ်း တော်တော်များများ ပိတ်ထားတုန်းပဲ။ Many highways are still closed. A lot of distances are closed. 我儿子现在和我一样高了。 My son is now as tall as I am. My son is as tall as I am now. 你聽真啲就聽到㗎喇。 If you listen closely enough you'll be able to hear it. If you listen carefully, you'll hear the horn. 你整個週末做了什麼? What did you do over the weekend? What did you do the whole weekend? Ngiz tämaz kä käkhäx khamäq ngiz räkängx. I think, therefore I am. The next step, please. 今晚我将在朋友家过夜。 I will put up at my friend's tonight. I'll spend the night with my friends. 期望 Cobb 小姐回來的唯一一人。 The only person who is tired of waiting for Miss Cobb. I expect Miss Cobb to be the only one back. 嗰份工人工好高。 That job paid well. The workers there are very high workers. ကျွန်တော် စာအိတ် အကြီး လိုတယ်။ I need a larger envelope. I need a big bag. 你觉得这本书的哪个译本比较好?法语的还是英语的? Which translation of this book do you think is better, the French one or the English one? Do you think it's better to translate this book, French or English? 他對他的朋友教英語。 He teaches English to his friend. He taught English to his friends. 许多工作者饿死了。 Many workers starved to death. Many workers are starving. 我們應該更小心的。 We should have been more careful. We should be more careful. 胃里如同千军万马开过。 An army marches on its stomach. It's as if thousands of soldiers were driving. 你醒來的時候,發現自己躺在一個洞穴的石地上。四周一片漆黑,只有從上面透下來的一點光。你隱約能看見有幾個通往外面的洞。現在該怎麼做呢? You wake up lying on the rocky floor of a dark cave. A little light filters down from above. You can just make out a couple of openings leading away from the cave. What do you do now? When you wake up, you find yourself lying on a cave's rock, and it's dark all around, just a little bit of light coming down from it. You see a few holes out there. What do you do now? 他的胸中还有足够的斗志。 He had plenty of fight left in him. There are enough ambitions in his chest. 不要扔石頭到河裡。 Don't throw stones into the river. Don't throw stones into the river. 她常常在那兒吃早餐。 She often eats breakfast there. She used to eat breakfast there often. 這孩子跟著我去公園。 The child followed me to the park. The kid followed me to the park. 今天有不少学生缺课。 Quite a few students are absent today. A large number of students are out of school today. "他在車子旁邊嗎?" "不, 他在車子裡面。" "Is he by the car?" "No, he is in the car." "Is he next to the car?" "No, he's in the car." 日本人和中國人有時很難分辨。 It is not always easy to distinguish the Japanese from the Chinese. There are times when Japanese and Chinese are difficult to discern. 你可以给我折扣吗? Can you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? 許多種鳥類住在日本。 Many kinds of birds live in Japan. Many birds live in Japan. 去年夏天我去意大利旅行。 Last summer I traveled to Italy. Last summer I went to Italy. 是的,我有學生證。 Yes, I have student ID. Yes, I have a student ID. 事实是倔强的,但统计是柔顺的。 Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable. The fact is strong, but statistics are soft. 我非常厉害。 I'm a bad-ass. I'm very good at it. 湯姆認識他。 Tom knows him. Tom knows him. 我們需要幫助。 We need assistance. We need help. 我怀疑我是不是一个好作家。 I doubt that I'm a good writer. I doubt I'm not a good writer. 我的首席策略师大卫-艾克斯罗德,他一直是追随我的伙伴。你们组建了政治史上最好的竞选团队,是你们成就了今天,我永远感谢你们为此所作出的牺牲。 To my chief strategist, David Axelrod, who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics! You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done. My chief strategicist, David-Axrod, has been following my partner. You have formed your best campaign team in the history of politics, and you have accomplished today, and I have always thanked you for the sacrifices you have made to that end. 嘥晒! What a waste! Skinny! 我很喜欢狗。 I like dogs very much. I love dogs. 小心唔好立亂搞佢。 Be careful not to tamper with it. Be careful not to mess with him. 我唔鍾意交稅。 I don't like paying taxes. I don't want to pay taxes. 这些鸡蛋成打卖吗? Are these eggs sold by the dozen? Are these eggs sold? Ümznäq ngiz mäx khawn tälaüx khaztäz? Do you understand me? [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 所以别人的思想方法用在你身上不一定有效。 Therefore, other people's ways of thinking might not be suited to you. So someone else's thinking is not likely to be effective on you. 宗族制度是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。 The clan system is a key component of traditional Chinese culture. The ethnic system is an important component of China ' s traditional culture. 山上有個房子。 There is a house on the hill. There's a house on the mountain. 當我住在鄉下的時候,我幾乎沒有訪客。 Living in the country, I have few visitors. When I lived in the country, I almost didn't have visitors. Laizdap kä dazra thaq nä. The book is on the table. Let's get out of here. 「故事?」妇女问道。「您是什么意思?」 "'Story'?" the woman asked. "What do you mean?" "The story," "Women," what do you mean? 事实上,价格每个星期都在攀升。 As it is, prices are going up every week. In fact, prices are rising every week. 我浪費了很多時間作白日夢。 I waste a lot of time daydreaming. I spent a lot of time dreaming. 过去,她想帮他们。 She wanted to help them. In the past, she wanted to help them. 问题是怎么出现的? When did the error occur? How did the problem arise? 天色开始暗了。麻烦侬帮我开灯。 It's getting dark. Please turn the light on for me. The sky is starting to shine. 我们几乎被冻死了。 We were nearly frozen to death. We're almost frozen. 我16岁了。 I am sixteen years old. I'm 16 years old. 阿雲比佢妹妹靚。 Wan is prettier than her younger sister. Erinby's sister-in-law. Thawmz kä cyiiz täre hiax, rämäk shäx? Tom is extremely outgoing, isn't he? Do you have any idea what's going on here? 我去公園。 I'm going to the park. I'm going to the park. 我一个人住在这个房子里。 I live alone in this house. I live alone in this house. 迪个只有奥巴马晓得个。 This is only known by Obama. There's only Obama. 汤姆想告诉你一些事情。 Tom wants to tell you something. Tom wanted to tell you something. 有些人喜欢循规蹈矩,而有些人总喜欢寻求刺激。 Some people prefer conformity, while others seek novelty. Some would like to follow the rules, while others would always like to seek incentives. 和你在一起,全年都是夏天。 With you it's summer all year round. With you, it's been summer all summer. 唔使擔心。 Don't worry. Don't worry. 那个人那么小气,连谷壳都不让老鼠吃。 That person's so stingy that he won't even let the mouse have the chaff. That man is so tiny that he doesn't even let rats eat. 你在做甚麼? What are you about? What are you doing? 我好似發燒呀。 I seem to have a fever. I think I'm burning. 这邮递员有些可爱。 The mailman is cute. The postman's a bit cute. Änä liix läq! Look here. That's the last thing I've ever seen. 侬还年纪轻唻。 You're still young. He's still a kid. 不含香料、防腐劑及人造色素。 No artificial colours, preservatives or flavours. There are no spices, anti-corruption agents, and artificial colour. 從他臉上的神情來看,他似乎是成功了。 Judging from the look on his face, it seems that he has succeeded. From the look on his face, he seems to have succeeded. ကျွန်တော် ဒီ ဝဘ်ဆိုက် ကို သဘောမကျ ဘူး။ I don't like this website. I don't like this site. 她從不化妝, 但總是看起來很迷人。 She never wears makeup, but she always looks very charming. She never makes makeup, but always looks charming. 这没有任何意义。 It makes no sense at all. That doesn't make any sense. 你们全都是胆小鬼 You're all chickenshits. You're all cowards. Thawmz kä Färenz bawmx viix äshaqpuq nawx tälängz tälawx. Tom has been studying French for years. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 这个饮料的味道很明显是茶的味道。 This drink's flavor is obviously that of tea. The taste of this drink is clearly from tea. 最近有人告诉我一个语言网站,,我一定要看看。 Recently someone told me about a language website,, which I will definitely check out. Someone recently told me a language website,, I must see. 小女孩闭上了眼睛听了牧师。 The girl closed her eyes and listened to the pastor. Little girl closed her eyes and listened to the priest. 你的理由很充分。 Your reason is very good. You have a good reason. 亚洲比澳洲大很多。 Asia is much larger than Australia. Asia is much bigger than Australia. 我會再做多次。 I'm going to do that again. I'll do it again. 不要以穿著來判斷一個人。 Don't judge a man by his clothes. Don't judge someone by wearing it. 倫敦起了大霧。 We had a heavy fog in London. London's starting a fog. 這艘船掛著美國國旗。 The ship was flying the American flag. The ship is carrying American flag. 你说什么?死了? What did you say? Dead? What did you say, dead? 随着故事的进行,谜题揭开了。 As the story advances, the mystery unravels. As the story goes on, the puzzles are gone. 他们放了那个犯人。 They released the prisoner. They let that prisoner go. ကျနော်လည်း အဲ့လိုပဲ ခံစားမိတယ်။ I also feel the same way. I felt the same way. 发言人的评论极有攻击性。 The speaker's comments were highly offensive. The speaker's comments were extremely offensive. 以動物命名人的屬相,是因為我們的先民與這些動物有密切關係。 Our ancestors used animals to name the years of people's births as their lives were closely connected to these animals. It is because our people have a close relationship with these animals. 我只是試著保護你。 I was just trying to protect you. I'm just trying to protect you. ဒီလို မျိုး ဖြစ်ပျက်ခဲ့တာ ဒါ ဟာ ပထမ ဆုံး အကြိမ်ပဲ။ This is the first time that this has happened. This was the first time that this kind of thing happened. 誰也沒有出席派對。 Nobody came to the party. No one attended the party. 别去打扰她。 Let's leave her alone. Don't bother her. 你有止咳藥嗎? Do you have any cough medicine? Do you have a cough medicine? Ümznäq äyäq ätätawngvawng nguztä shäx tämaz tälaüx? Do you feel safe here? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 我一无所知。 I've no idea. I don't know anything. 我還沒和湯姆討論過那個。 I haven't discussed that with Tom. I haven't talked to Tom about that. 你有食飯無? Did you eat yet? You got any food? 母鳥叼來蟲子餵幼鳥。 The mother bird brought worms for her young ones. The mother bird comes to the worm to feed the cub. थेमा नायनि फै। Let's pick headlice. This should be done if you do not have permission to do so. 你上次考試考得怎樣? How were your last exams? How was your last exam? 呢間房唔俾食煙㗎。 You may not smoke in this room. No cigarettes in the room. 你想跟誰說話? Who do you want to speak to? Who do you want to talk to? 知情者也说,剑桥公爵夫人对近十二个月的成就也感觉“满意”。 The source also said that the Duchess of Cambridge feels "fulfilled" by her achievements over the last twelve months. The informed say also that the Duke of Cambridge feels “satisfaction with the achievements of the last 12 months.” 我三年前住在日本。 I lived in Japan three years ago. I lived in Japan three years ago. 你生日的时候,我送你一辆自行车。 I will give you a bike for your birthday. On your birthday, I'll give you a bike. 我们最好叫醒汤姆。 We'd better wake Tom up. We better wake Tom up. 他宁愿星期五去。 He'd prefer to go on Friday. He'd rather go on Friday. 秘密的禮物公開的獎勵。 Secret gifts are openly rewarded. A secret gift is a public reward. 我不相信你。你总是说谎。 I don't believe you. You're always telling lies. I don't believe you. You always lie. 但最重要的是,我永远不会忘记这场胜利真正属于谁,它属于你们,它属于你们。 But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you. But above all, I will never forget who this victory belongs to. It belongs to you and it belongs to you. 佢唔單止識講普通話,仲識講上海話。 Not only can he speak Mandarin, but Shanghainese as well. He doesn't even know to speak ordinary. He goes to Shanghai. 谣言被爆是有根据的。 There's a reason the rumor exploded. There's a basis for the rumor. 请在下个星期日休息。 Please take next Sunday off. Please rest next Sunday. Ümznäq yamlai väx phaqsiq tälaüx? What are you eating? I don't even know if it's going to work. 請幫我寄信。 Please mail this letter for me. Send me a letter, please. 我們認為他誠實。 We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. 这里的人习惯了寒冷。 The people here are used to the cold. People here get used to the cold. 我而家喺香港。 I'm in Hong Kong right now. I'm in Hong Kong. Thawmz kä hia täliix nawx. Yaqshämx rü nä mänz äkai maix nawx. Tom has completely recovered and can go back to work. [ In German ] You're going to be late, but you're going to be late. 如果我有时间有钱,我要到欧洲去旅游。 If I have time and enough money, I'd want to go traveling in Europe. If I have time for money, I'm going to Europe to travel. འདི་ནས་ཕ་གིར་སྣུམ་འཁོར་ལ་འགྲོ་ན་ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག་སྒོར་གྱི་རེད། It is an hour's drive from here to there. The font to be used for the panel items on the destination. 这学年结束。 The school year ended. This school year is over. 恐惧来源于未知。 Fear comes from the unknown. Fear comes from unknown. 下线去洗澡 Signing off, gonna take a shower. Take a shower down the line. 我们给他一个苹果。 We give him an apple. We gave him an apple. 只有得了签证才可以来中国。 You can only come to China if you’ve got a visa. Only a visa can come to China. 他們不需要知道。 They don't have to know. They don't need to know. 我唔知我幾時先到。 I don't know when I will arrive. I don't know when I'm coming. 抓住繩子。 Grab a hold of the rope. Grab the rope. 好多經濟學家都唔知道呢樣嘢。 Many economists are ignorant of that fact. Many economists don't know what to do. 別在通道上放東西。 Don't put your things in the passage. Don't put things on the street. 你还不睡觉? You're still awake? You still don't sleep? 他怎麼沒來? How come he didn't show up? Why didn't he come? 我想要个能装这些玩具的盒子。 I want a box in which to keep these toys. I want a box that can fit these toys. 是甜的還是酸的? Is it sweet or sour? Is it sweet or sour? 爲什麽騙人呢? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? 你看到那条河了吗? Have you seen that river? Did you see that river? 我的马是白色的。 My horse is white. My horse is white. 这是我的自行车。 This is my bike. This is my bike. 我们还是脆弱不堪。 We're still vulnerable. We're still weak. ကျနော်တို့ စုံစမ်းနေတုန်းပါ။ We're still investigating. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Racyax nawx. Ümznäq yäm nä kai cyängz nawx. It's late. You have to go home. Do you have any idea where you're going? 我再也不想要了。 I don't want it anymore. I don't want it anymore. 歐洲人是世界上最大的酒精消費者。 Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world. Europeans are the largest alcoholics in the world. 你很瘦。 You are skinny. You're skinny. 他們坐在公園的長椅上,談起了話來。 They sat on a park bench and began talking. They sat in the park chair and talked about it. 最好的财富是知识,一般的财富是孩子,最小的财富是物质。 The best wealth is knowledge, average wealth is children, and the smallest wealth is material objects. The best wealth is knowledge, generally the child, and the smallest is material. 原油價持續下滑。 The crude oil price is falling further. The price of crude oil has continued to decline. 真相可能比谎言更令人痛苦。 The truth can be more painful than a lie. The truth may be more painful than lies. 唔好掂我部相機。 Don't touch my camera. Don't mess with my camera. 我識佢。 I know him. I know it. 她是我的姐姐。 She's my older sister. She's my sister. 我能了解她在說什麼。 I can understand what she is saying. I can understand what she's talking about. 你有什麼不開心的事? 說出來讓大家開心一下。 What are you unhappy about? Let it out and let everyone cheer you up a bit. What's wrong with you? 汤姆逝世于2013年10月20日。 Tom passed away on October 20, 2013. Tom died on 20 October 2013. 他沒說再見就離開了房子。 He left the house without saying goodbye. He didn't say good-bye and left the house. 這是一件十分重要的事。 This is a matter of great importance. It's a very important thing. 他是一個偉大的政治家,更重要的是,他也是一個偉大的學者。 He is a great statesman, and what is more a great scholar. He was a great politician, and more importantly, he was also a great scholar. Ngiz kä äyäq ümznäq khärumx mäx nguztä liiz. I'm here to help you. When you're old enough, you can't change anything. 有人喺呢張梳化度瞓過。 Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa. Someone's been cleaning' up. 他有一個很好的性格。 He has a wonderful personality. He's got a good character. Thawmz räq kä ngiz mäx raläng mänz lungvii mäk nawx. Tom doesn't love me anymore. Do you think it's over and over again? 我傷咗佢嘅心,但係我愛佢。 I broke his heart, but I love him. I hurt someone's heart, and I love him. 你這週末在波士頓過嗎? Are you going to be in Boston this weekend? Have you been in Boston this weekend? 他们没听。 They didn't listen. They didn't listen. 麥克今天下午的會議遲到了,這是常有的事。 As is often the case, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon. Mike's meeting is late this afternoon, and that's always something. 在北海道周圍可以看到這些花。 These flowers can be seen around Hokkaido. These flowers can be seen around the North Sea. ཁོང་ཨང་ཀ་ར་ལ་ སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༠༦་ནས་ད་ལྟ་བར་དུ་བཞུགས་ཀྱི་འདུག་ He has been living in Ankara since 2006. I'm assuming I'm not available. 係咪人嚟㗎,咁都做得出嘅? What kind of monster would do such a thing? That's how they do it. Ngiz läx hawsix tälawx. I want to cry. That's the first thing I've seen. 我哥哥有時會教我做功課。 My brother sometimes helps me with my homework. My brother sometimes teaches me to do homework. 我现在忙于写一本书。 I'm now busy writing a book. I'm busy writing a book. 我唔鐘意食沙律。 I don't like salad. I don't like saliva. 而家嘅貸款利率好高。 Interest on loans is high at present. The current interest rate is high. 仆街,使多咗添。 Crap, I spent too much money. That's what I'm talking about. 她用铅笔在纸上画了一个圈。 She drew a circle on a piece of paper with a pencil. She drew a circle with a pencil. 唔好自己一個行返屋企。 Don't walk home alone. Don't let yourself go home alone. 把手举起来! Hands up! Hands up! 你和谁说话呢? Who did you talk with? Who are you talking to? 天氣真是太好了! Isn't this weather just great! It's a beautiful day! ကျွန်မကျောင်းသူပါ။ I'm a student. I am a student. 他冷酷的性格使朋友們一個一個地疏遠了他。 His coolness has alienated his friends. His cold personality left friends one of his friends distant from him. Yamtä väx yu räq mänz mi bälamxliix nguztä kä? Why would anyone care? [ In German ] Do you want to talk to me about anything else? 您能好好给我们照一张相吗? Could you take a picture of us? Can you take a good picture of us? 今年春天他從高中畢業了。 He graduated from high school this spring. He graduated from high school this spring. 市中心的交通都堵塞了。 Traffic downtown is all backed up. It's blocked by traffic downtown. 我必須說, 你的寫作達到了非常好的水準。 I must say that your writing is at a pretty good level! I must say, your writing has reached a very good level. Ngiz mänz niqri diax pyäox kängx. I also had a very good time. If you want to talk to me, please. 她不吃红苹果。 She doesn't eat the red apple. She doesn't eat red apples. 在我的部门里有七男四女。 There are seven men and four women in my section. There are seven men and four women in my department. 这狗跑得多快啊! This dog runs very fast! How fast is this dog running? 東歐嘅酒精消耗量高過西歐。 Alcohol consumption is higher in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe. Eastern Europe has more alcohol consumption than Western Europe. 我以为你想等。 I thought you wanted to wait. I thought you wanted to wait. 他满脑子想的都是立刻得到鹅体内的金蛋,所以他杀了鹅,然后他发现鹅身体里没有任何东西。 Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - nothing. All he wanted was the gold from inside the animal immediately, so he killed it, and then he found nothing inside it. 父亲让我洗汽车。 My father had me wash the car. Father told me to wash my car. 我们被要求不再这么做。 We've been asked to not do this anymore. We are asked not to do that again. Ümzyix ranaiq kä rakiix tawx. It was sunny yesterday. They're going to kill us every once in a while. 她是我的女朋友。 She is my girlfriend. She's my girlfriend. 佢捉住我隻手。 He caught hold of my hand. He grabbed my hand. 控制一个班级需要侬做老师个所有技能。 To control a class calls for all your skills as a teacher. Controling one class requires all skills to be a teacher. 因為天氣好差,所以佢嚟唔到。 Because of the bad weather, he couldn't come. Because the weather's bad, so it's not coming. 扛不動它。 It won't budge one bit. Don't touch it. 每个机场都有英文指示。 Information is given in English at every airport. Each airport has English instructions. 这终究不是一个很好主意 This wasn't such a good idea after all. It's not a very good idea. 我明天上午十點起床。 I will get up at 10am tomorrow. I'll get up tomorrow morning at 10:00. 你書架上的書太多了。 You have too many books on the shelf. You've got too many books on the shelf. 我對他的演說感到失望。 I was disappointed with his speech. I was disappointed at his speech. Iz-dzänz nä mänz käkhäx siix diax. I also feel the same way. [ In German ] See you soon. 拉丁文是宗教與文化的語言。 Latin was the language of religion and culture. Latin is the language of religion and culture. 佢淨係喺啲特別場合到先會飲酒。 He never drinks except on special occasions. He only comes to some special occasions to drink. 我们本该考虑一下行程。 We should have taken the schedule into consideration. We should have considered the schedule. 我想买这个玩具娃娃。 I want to buy this toy doll. I want to buy this toy. 這個計劃必須保持秘密。 This plan requires secrecy. The plan must remain secret. 他目前在土耳其工作。 He's working in Turkey. He is currently working in Turkey. 她明年將滿十七歲。 She will be seventeen next year. She will be 17 years old next year. 那將會使你處於危險。 That will put you in danger. That would put you in danger. 佢處理唔到緊張嘅情緒。 She could not cope with anxiety. He doesn't deal with tensions. Dazku räq ümz-va rava naizshiq rüp tawx. We got robbed last night. Get out of there! 请和夫人一起来吧! Please come over with your wife. Please come with the ma'am! 隻馬唔係白色㗎。 The horse is not white. It is not a white horse. 你的房间在哪里? Where is your room? Where's your room? 她比你大兩歲。 She is two years older than you. She's two years older than you. Ümznäq tsiqrung nä kai rawx shäx? Do you want to go to the hospital? I don't know. 屠夫的刀子在抽屉里 The butcher's knife is in the drawer. Butcher's knife is in the drawer. 何? So? What? Thawmz räq vang täkaüz väta ri baiq tawx. Tom bought the whole nine yards. Do you think it's over and over and over again, please? 他是英国人。 He is British. He's English. 我唔應該整咁多件三文治。 I shouldn't have made this many sandwiches. I shouldn't have done so much. 你係咪為你阿爸感到自豪? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? 你一直在哪里? Where have you been? Where have you been? 没事。 No worries. It's okay. 在這條河裡游泳很危險。 This river is dangerous to swim in. Swimming in this river is dangerous. 她離不開她的車。 She cannot do without her car. She can't drive her car. 行胜于言。 Deeds are better than words. It's good to say good-bye. 呢支筆係我㗎。 This pen belongs to me. And the pen is me. 我喜欢自由。 I like freedom. I like freedom. 当时我什么都不能做。 There was nothing I could do at that time. I can't do anything at that time. Thawmz kä kixtanx khiacyän yai nüx nä täpaüx tawx. Tom hid himself behind the curtain. [ In German ] Thank you. Nazshiq äkhing ra tälawx. We needed a break. I'm not sure what you're talking about. 请坐一下。 Please have a seat. Please sit down. 搞这狗屁玩意,我可是老人家了。 I'm too old for that shit. Fuck this shit, I'm an old man. 這裏的氣候和英國十分相似。 The climate here is very similar to that of England. The climate here is very similar to that of the United Kingdom. 他在課堂上心不在焉。 He had his head in the clouds in class. He's not interested in the class. 我明天要去看我叔叔。 I am seeing my uncle tomorrow. I'm going to see my uncle tomorrow. ထောမ်က နည်းနည်း ဖျားနေ သလိုပဲ။ Tom looked a bit sick. It's like a few omnipotents. 他說很可能會下雨。 He said that it would probably rain. He said it might rain. 你想知道为什么我对Tom说话吗? Do you want to know why I lied to Tom? Do you want to know why I'm talking to Tom? 我想再次见到他们。 I want to see them again. I want to see them again. 我想同一個鍾意打機嘅女仔結婚。 I'd like to marry a girl who likes to play video games. I want to marry a girl who likes to fly. 你必須在中午以前完成這個工作。 You have to get this work finished by noon. You have to finish this by noon. 這個鐘是電動的。 This clock is electric. The bell is electric. 我早饭主要吃水果。 I mostly have fruit for breakfast. I eat fruit mostly for breakfast. 您的意見對我們很重要。 Your opinion is very important to us. Your opinion is important to us. 葡萄酒是用葡萄做成的。 Wine is made from grapes. Wine is made from grapes. 在這個語言中心,教授約15種國際語言,包括英語。 At this language centre, about 15 international languages are taught, including English. In this Centre, some 15 international languages, including English, are taught. 我想去美國。 I want to go to America. I want to go to America. 他靠什么维持生活? What does he do for a living? What does he do for a living? 這本教科書不合時了。 That textbook is out of date. This school book is out of date. 没有人来了。 No one came. Nobody's coming. 我在放学後做作業。 I do my homework after school. I'm doing my homework after school. 他们尽一切手段避免战争。 They explored every avenue in an attempt to avoid war. They do everything they can to avoid war. Ümznäq kä minztsax diax nguztä ngiz kamcyaw äsäp ha. I'm sure you're very busy. [ In German ] See if there's anything you can do about it. 只迈一步,你就会落下悬崖。 A single step, and you will fall over the cliff. One step at a time, you'll fall off the cliff. 你為什麼不能來? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? 我头痛。 I've got a headache. I'm having a headache. Ngiz räq khawn täkängx. I understand. Over and over again. 我從倫敦訂購了一些書。 I ordered some books from London. I bought some books from London. 你需要这本书吗? Do you need this book? Do you need this book? Ärä kä iz-nyiz, Meri. This is my sister, Mary. - See you, Meri. 她叠好了被子。 She folded the quilt. She's packed up. 我有一個父親是魔術師的朋友。 I have a friend whose father is a magician. I have a father who's a friend of magicians. 别把狗放出去。 Don't let the dog out. Don't put the dog out. 我唔見咗條門匙,所以我入唔到間屋。 I lost the door key, so I can't enter the house. I didn't see the key, so I didn't get into the house. Ngiz kä maiqlamx ye nawx. I am married. That's what I'm talking about. 我們從那裡逃了出來。 We made it out of there. We got out of there. 我不喜歡電影。 I don't like movies. I don't like movies. 慢慢嚟啦,唔急嘅。 Take your time. There's no rush. It's slow, it's not urgent. 我們在校園附近的咖啡廳碰面。 We met in a coffee shop near the campus. We met at the cafe near the campus. 我認為我知道是誰做的。 I think I know who did it. I think I know who did it. 我侄子對雞蛋過敏。 My nephew is allergic to eggs. My nephew is allergic to the eggs. 我想到了一個好主意。 I thought of a good idea. I got a good idea. 如果我是你,我就不做那件事。 If I were you, I would not do it. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. 你有任何要申報的東西嗎? Do you have anything to declare? Do you have anything to report? 我到銀行去,很幸運地不必排隊。 I got to the bank and luckily didn't have to get in line. I'm going to the bank, and I'm lucky I don't have to line up. 汤姆很小的时候父母就都去世了。 Both of Tom's parents passed away when he was quite young. When Tom was very young, his parents died. 他的急脾气迟早会惹祸上身。 His quick temper will get him in trouble one day. He'll get into trouble sooner or later. 我会说阿拉伯语。 I speak Arabic. I'll speak Arabic. 他們都在尋找這個失蹤的孩子。 They all looked for the lost child. They're all looking for this missing child. 我们必须把它彻底检查一下。 We have to thoroughly investigate it. We must examine it thoroughly. 我赢得了我想要的。 I succeeded in getting what I wanted. I won what I wanted. 我伤心因为其他人都走了,留低我一个人。 I'm sad because everyone went away and left me alone. I'm sad because everyone else is gone, leaving me alone. Iz-rasawngx kä täliiz lawt mängx riaq. I can't get rid of my cold. [ In German ] See you soon. 這裏近幾天都在下大雨。 It's been pouring here for the last few days. There's been a lot of rain here in the last few days. 高的男人匆匆地走了。 The tall man left in a hurry. The tall man went away in a hurry. 他打算去巴黎旅行。 He contemplated taking a trip to Paris. He plans to travel to Paris. Iz-yaq nä läkkiiz äsi. I have a pen. [ In German ] See you soon. 有時候,我還是會想起她。 Sometimes I still miss her. Sometimes I think of her. 约翰甘迺迪被安葬在阿靈頓公墓。 J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery. John Kennedy was buried in Arlington's cemetery. 我勸你告訴他實話。 I urge you to tell him the truth. I told you to tell him the truth. 我要求她馬上離去。 I demanded that she should go. I asked her to leave right away. 檸檬是酸的。 Lemons are sour. The lemon is acid. 我们沿着湖岸散步。 We walk along the lakeside. We're walking along the lake. 我丈夫一边吃早餐一边读报纸。 My husband reads the newspaper while eating breakfast. My husband reads the newspaper for breakfast. 被我认作朋友的那个男人欺骗了我。 The man who I thought was my friend deceived me. The man I recognized as a friend lied to me. 他们懂了吗? Did they understand? Do they understand? 小姐,今天晚上有没有空房间? Miss, are there any available rooms for tonight? Miss, do you have an empty room tonight? 無咩嘢重要得過健康。 Nothing is more important than health. No matter how important it is, no matter what, it's important that it be healthy. 他说话咬舌。 He bites his tongue while talking. He's talking to the tongue. 你很漂亮。 You're very pretty. You're beautiful. 你係我唯一嘅希望。 You're my only hope. You're my only hope. 我没在等到你的回应之前添加了句子,真是糟糕。 Too bad I didn't wait for your response before I added the sentences. It's terrible that I didn't have the sentence added before your response. 我们保持了沉默。 We kept quiet. We kept silent. 你會說英文嗎? Can you speak English? Do you speak English? 我以前从来没有尝过中餐。 I've never eaten Chinese food before. I've never tasted Chinese before. 戒煙容易,戒你太難! Quitting smoking is easy, quitting you is too hard. It's easy to quit. It's too hard for you! 我會來你的地方。 I'll come to your place. I'll come to your place. 一些分析家認為索馬里是非常失敗的國家。 Some analysts consider Somalia as the failed state par excellence. Some analysts believe that Somari is a very failed country. 他认识很多人。 He knows many people. He knows a lot. 這個問題沒有那麼簡單。 This question is not that simple. The problem is not that simple. 我聽不到你在說甚麼。 I can't hear what you're saying. I can't hear you. 江山易改,本性难移。 A leopard never changes its spots. It's hard to change, but it's hard to move. 我有八個兄弟姐妹。 I have eight brothers and sisters. I have eight brothers and sisters. 男女搭配,干活不累。 When man and woman unite, work is no longer as tiring. Together, men and women, work hard. 我哋之間嘅相似之處多過不同之處。 There are more similarities than differences between us. We are more similar than others. 佢應該仲未放得低佢前度。 I think he's not over his ex. It should not be lowered. 业精于勤荒于嬉。 Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness. It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of work. Ngiz phä nä kämphaw sii shiz mänz ähüz. I don't have any money. More than half an hour. 她每天早上都會洗澡。 She has a bath every morning. She takes a bath every morning. 你喜歡戲劇, 電影等等嗎? Do you enjoy plays, films, and such? Do you like dramas, movies and so on? 如果我们不做更多的努力去保护雨林,很多其中的稀有物种将会灭绝。 If we don't make the utmost effort to protect the rainforests, many of the rare species in them will become extinct. If we do not do more to protect the rainforest, many of these rare species will be eradicated. 請關上門。 Close the door please. Please close the door. 我爱上了她。 I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her. 这个海滩是冲浪者的天堂。 This beach is a paradise for surfers. This beach is the paradise of the waves. 我現在非常餓。 I'm very hungry now. I'm so hungry right now. 我们晚饭吃什么? What's for supper? What do we have for dinner? 誰都知道地球是圓的。 There is no one but knows that the earth is round. Who knows the planet is round. 你可唔可以較細聲啲呀? Could you turn the volume down? Can you be more specific? 你知道東京鐵塔在哪裏嗎? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where the Tokyo Tower is? 你知唔知呢個字點解呀? Do you know the meaning of this word? Do you know what this word says? 她的脸上有了深深的皱纹。 There are deep wrinkles on his face. She's got deep tattoos on her face. 越來越多的人遷往鄉村。 More and more people are moving to urban areas. More and more people are moving to rural areas. 你开车很好。 You are a good driver. You drive fine. 你的房間在哪? Where is your room? Where's your room? 我粒聲唔出,搞到佢好嬲。 I said nothing, which made her angry. I don't give a shit about him. George 在這住了多久? How long has George lived there? How long has George been here? 多谢! Thank you very much! Thank you! Nazshiq räq ninxkunx langx cyängz ra raü kä älangx maix. We can use force if we have to. What are you talking about? 因为在甲级联赛中,所有队伍都很有实力,净胜球差异很小。 Because all of the teams in the Premier League are really strong, the goal difference is usually small. Because of the strength of all teams in class 1 leagues, the net winner is very small. 他否認打破了窗口。 He denies having broken the window. He denied breaking the window. 他聽到了叫聲。 He heard a shout. He heard a noise. Ümznäq kä ngiz mäx ra tälawx. I need you. Do you have any idea what you're doing? 他好像病了。 He seems to be ill. He seems sick. 他被稱為Kenchan。 He goes by the name of Kenchan. He was called Kenchan. Ngiz kä väkämphaw mät ti. I'm the one with the money. Just a few minutes ago. 我咳嗽。 I have a cough. I cough. 我很餓。 I'm very hungry. I'm hungry. 什么也无法解释。 Nothing can be explained. Nothing to explain. 我遇到了瑪麗的一位朋友。 I met a friend of Mary's. I met a friend of Mary's. 我哋去日本餐廳吖! Let's go to a Japanese restaurant! I'm going to the Japanese restaurant! 这是给你的礼物。 It's a present for you. It's for you. 一隻老鼠跑過房間。 One mouse ran through the room. A rat ran across the room. 我祝您好运。 I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. 奶牛为我们提供牛奶。 Cows provide us with milk. The cow gives us milk. 那个感情非常强烈。 The feeling was really strong. That feeling is very strong. 汤姆想洗个澡。 Tom wanted to take a shower. Tom wants to take a shower. 我很高興我在那裡。 I'm glad I was there. I'm glad I'm there. 你在这里。 You're here. You're here. 下了雨。 It rained. Rain. 我在校庆后打扫的时候弄掉了一把学校的钥匙,我被迫写了一份检讨。 I lost a school key when I was cleaning up after the school festival and I was then required to write an apology letter. I took off a key to a school when I was cleaning it after school, and I was forced to write a review. 我开始不喜欢她了。 I'm starting to dislike her. I'm starting to don't like her anymore. 他放我鸽子;我等了他一整晚! He stood me up; I waited all evening for him! He let me go, I waited for him all night! 今日好可能會落雨。 It is likely to rain today. Today is probably rain. 我不拍手他们。 I am not applauding them. I don't shoot them. 實際上沒有那麼難。 It's actually not that difficult. In fact, it's not that difficult. 除了约翰没人听说过这事。 Nobody but John has heard of it. Nobody's heard of it except John. 她痛哭了起來。 She cried bitterly. She's crying. 汤姆拿了玛丽给他的音乐会票。 Tom took the concert ticket Mary offered him. Tom took Mary's ticket to the concert. 如果天氣好的話,我們明天就會到達了。 Given good weather, we will reach there tomorrow. If the weather's good, we'll be there tomorrow. 可能只是巧合。 It could be just a coincidence. Maybe it's just coincidence. འདིར་ནག་ཁུང་འདུག། It's dark in here. Connection is already available. 健康勝過財富。 Health is better than wealth. Health is better than wealth. 你今天想去哪儿呀? Where do you want to go today? Where are you going today? Ngiz mäx äthuk ätsawm viq äkyingx läman rätawx. I also had a very good time. Otherwise, there's something out there between the two of you and the two of you. 我看到这张照片时总是想起我父亲。 I never see this picture without thinking of my father. When I saw this picture, I always remembered my father. Ngiz ümznäq mäx änap rähumx lawt mängx. I can't meet you now. Otherwise, there's something wrong with me. 呢個會好緊要㗎,你唔好唔嚟呀。 This is a very important meeting. You ought not to miss it. It's gonna be all right. 不管你同意还是不同意,我还是要做。 I am going to do it whether you agree or not. Whether you agree or not, I do. 你的嗓音对我来说就像是美人鱼的歌。 The sound of your voice is like siren's song to me. Your voice is like a mermaid's song to me. 我上課的時候放屁,被老師趕出了班房。 I farted in class and the teacher threw me out. When I was in class, my teacher kicked me out of the class. Nazshiq äkhing cyängz. We needed a break. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 讓他們決定。 Let them decide. Let them decide. 也有不少外國人喜歡日本料理。 Not a few foreigners like Japanese food. There are also a lot of foreigners who like Japanese cooking. 我在談我的朋友。 I'm talking about my friend. I'm talking about my friend. 你对她是不是一见钟情? Did you fall in love with her at first sight? Are you in love with her at first sight? 她穿著一雙白色絲襪。 She is wearing a pair of white, silk socks. She's wearing a white socks. 她没吃。 He doesn't eat. She didn't eat. 這位老人死於飢餓。 The old man died from hunger. The old man died of hunger. 他是不是医生? Is he a doctor? Is he a doctor? 我爱这个男人。 I love this man. I love this man. 我喜欢去学校 I like to go to school. I like to go to school. 請問有沒有雙人房? Do you have a double room? Do you have a double room? 我們正在吃蘋果。 We're eating apples. We're eating apples. 湯姆捐獻了很多錢給這間醫院。 Tom has contributed a lot of money to this hospital. Tom donated a lot of money to this hospital. 我們明天一大早出發。 We're leaving early tomorrow morning. We'll leave tomorrow morning. Ngiz räq khawn lawt täkängx. I understand. It's too late for anything else. 我踩單車返工。 I cycle to work. I stepped on a bike back to work. 这是一个寒冷的早晨。 It's a chilly morning. It's a cold morning. 經理批准了我們的計劃。 The manager approved our plan. The manager approved our plan. 她想和他約會。 She wants to go out with him. She wants to date him. 这只蜗牛将触角缩了回去。 The snail draws in its feelers. This raccoon is going back to the corner. 這本書真的很有趣。 This book is really interesting. This book is really fun. 吾妻嗜洁成癖。 My wife is obsessed with cleaning. My wife loves sex. Kärä kä äkhyek-ära. That is essential. [ In English ] See you soon. 請給我菜單。 Please give me the menu. Give me the menu, please. Hangliip äsü thüx äsi shäx? Do you have a contingency plan? Is it too late for you? 衛生紙用完了。 The toilet paper is used up. It's over. 明天我去买一只狗。 I'm going to buy a dog tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll go get a dog. 這幅畫是誰畫的? By whom was this picture painted? Who drew this painting? 惟口起羞,惟甲冑起戎。 It is the mouth that gives occasion for shame, and the coat of mail and helmet give occasion to war. It's a shame to say it, but it's a smoldering. Ümzyix vuztaiz ümzcyu pawz väx lap laüx? How many eggs could you get yesterday? I don't even know what I'm talking about. 我病了,所以那次聚会没去。 I didn't go to the party because I was sick. I'm sick, so that party didn't go. 你應該更努力學習英語。 You should study English harder. You should try harder to learn English. 我保證在一個星期內把這盤錄影帶還給你。 I promise to return this videotape within a week. I promise to return the tape to you within a week. 太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。 The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world. The Pacific is the world's largest ocean. 我沒有你那麼喜歡音樂。 I am not so fond of music as you are. I don't like music so much. 這個週末你可以抽點時間教我法文嗎? Will you have a little time this weekend to help me with my French? Can you take some time to teach me French this weekend? 南希有一架鋼琴。 Nancy has a piano. Nancy has a piano. 你在工作。 You are at work. You're working. 工厂的面积是1000平方米。 The area of the factory is 1,000 square meters. The plant area is 1,000 square metres. 我應承咗佢話我好快就會返嚟。 I promised that I would return soon. I promise I'll be back soon. 如果你没办法买饭、衣服、住处这种日常需要等,你并不会得安心。 If you have no way to buy food, clothing, accommodation and other such daily necessities, you definitely won't be able to have peace of mind. If you don't have the means to buy food, clothes, and the daily needs of your place of residence, you won't be satisfied. 这里只有我一个人。 There's no one but me here. There's only me alone. 你明天想去那里? Where do you want to go tomorrow? Where do you want to go tomorrow? 他去了奧地利讀音樂。 He went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. He went to Austria to read music. 冇事,唔使驚! It'll be fine, don't be afraid! Nothing, no surprise! 你朋友离婚了吗? Has your friend divorced? Is your friend divorced? 我想聽清楚演講內容,便坐在了前面。 I sat at the front in order to hear the lecture clearly. I wanted to hear the speech, and I sat in front of it. 他说中文。 He speaks Chinese. He said Chinese. Thawmz räq Meri mäx shäx dzänzyäm täläq? Does Tom have a crush on Mary? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 这儿有人去过夏威夷吗? Has anybody here been to Hawaii? Has anyone been to Hawaii? 我们去了我告诉过你的咖啡店。 We went to the café that I told you about. We went to the coffee shop I told you about. 我接受了报价。 I accepted the offer. I accepted the offer. 他經常在晚上熬夜。 He often stays up late at night. He spent the night all the time. 我在吃个苹果。 I am eating an apple. I'm eating an apple. 白兔喜歡吃胡蘿蔔。 Rabbits like to eat carrots. White rabbits like carrots. 好可愛! How cute! It's so cute! 你的家长原来很爱我们. Your parents used to really love us. Your parents loved us very much. 那天晚上,大學给留学生和中国的学习外语学生举行一个会议。 That evening, the university held a meeting for foreign students and Chinese students studying foreign languages. The same night, the University held a meeting for retention students and foreign-speaking students in China. 他一拿了信就去了紐約。 He went to New York as soon as he got the letter. He went to New York as soon as he took the letter. 露西來自美國。 Lucy is from America. Lucy is from the United States. 塔林离这里很远吗? Is it a long way to Tallinn? Is Tarin far away from here? 我们的数学老师在黑板上画了一个圆。 Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. Our math teacher drew a circle on the blackboard. 他們三年前搬到了這裡。 They moved here three years ago. They moved here three years ago. 我很滿意我的工作。 I'm satisfied with my work. I'm happy with my job. 为什么不订些批萨呢? Why don't we order pizza? Why don't we order some pizzas? 我聞如是。 Thus I have heard. I smell it. Tony幾多歲呀? How old is Tony? How old is Tony? 我忘了今天是愚人节。 I forgot that today was April Fool's Day. I forgot it's the fool's day. 他正睡着,像个婴儿一样。 He's sleeping like a baby. He's sleeping, like a baby. Thawmz kä yaqshämx rü nä mintsax yawng läx. Tom has been busy at work. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 他怕犯錯。 He is afraid of making mistakes. He's afraid of mistakes. 湯姆現在真的需要幫助。 Tom really needs help now. Tom really needs help right now. 我从来没看见过你做饭.有你会做的东西吗? I've never seen you cook. Can you cook anything at all? I've never seen you cook. Is there anything you can do? 哪个比较贵? Which one is more expensive? Which one's more expensive? 巴黎在秋天的時候最美。 Paris is best in autumn. Paris is most beautiful in the fall. 睇跣! Caution! Wet floor. See 1 here! 明天您想作什么? What do you want to do tomorrow? What do you want to do tomorrow? Pharamp想要Trang完全为了她自己。 Pharamp wants Trang all for herself. Pharamp wants Trang to be all for herself. 苹果买不了了! You can't buy apples any more! Apples don't buy anymore! 我上機之前打了電話給兒子,叫他去機場接我。 I phoned my son before boarding the plane, telling him to come to the airport to pick me up. I called my son before I got on the plane, told him to pick me up at the airport. 我已經等咗你成個幾鐘喇。 I've been waiting for you for over an hour. I've waited for you to become a couple of beers. 伊有两只猫。一只是白颜色个,另一只是黑颜色个。 She's got two cats. One's white and the other is black. I have two cats, one white and the other black. 你喜欢的歌手是谁? Who is your favourite singer? Who's your favorite singer? 架巴士仲未嚟。 The bus hasn't come yet. The bus is still out. 跟住又有三個人上咗架巴士。 Three more passengers got on the bus. Three men followed up on a bus. 我是唯一一個認識他們的人。 I'm the only one who knows them. I'm the only one who knows them. နင်ဆီမှာ ရှိတယ်ဆိုတာ ကျနော် သိတယ်။ I know you have it. I knew there was something in the sun. 他问我喜不喜欢数学。 He asked me whether I like math. He asked me if I liked math. Ngiz raix kiz räx. Come with me. Just a second. 她去了意大利學習音樂。 She went to Italy to study music. She went to Italy to study music. 长胡子的是汤姆。 The guy with a beard is Tom. The mustache was tom. Ngiz väranaiq tek yuz täkängx. I run every day. In the future, I'll tell you something. 你覺唔覺啱啱個地喺度震呀? Did you feel the earth shake just now? Don't you feel like you're on a shock? 佢唔鍾意食魚。 He doesn't like to eat fish. He doesn't like fish. Ümz-dzänzyii naq ümtächix kiq. Don't let your feelings show. [ In German ] Thank you. 你咬我,我就咬返你。 If you bite me, I'll bite back. You bite me, I'll bite you back. 他越说越兴奋。 As he talked, he got more and more excited. The more he says, the more excited he is. 我來自四國。 I am from Shikoku. I'm from Four Countries. 我们谁也没看见。 We haven't seen anyone. We didn't see anyone. 南北朝所以不治,文采勝質厚也。 The reason the Northern and Southern Dynasties had failed in their rule was that they allowed literary splendor to surpass real substance. That's why North-South is unsatisfying, and so is the victory. 我不知道他比我大还是小。 I don't know whether he's younger or older than me. I don't know if he's older or smaller. 綠燈先好過馬路。 Only cross the street on the green light. Green lights go across the street. 她不得不放弃梦想。 She had to give up her dream. She had to give up her dream. 他很久以前已經知道了。 It was long before he knew it. He knew a long time ago. Ärä kä iz-nyiz, Mezriz. This is my sister, Mary. If you don't mind, I'll take care of it. 已經下了兩天的雨。 It has been raining for two days. It's been two days of rain. 我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的命为圣。愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们,免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债,不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶。 Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our Father in heaven, let your soul be blessed with life. May your kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is on earth. Our daily food and our food is given us today, and it is our debt to save us from the debt of men, and it is not for us to see the trial, and to save us from the evil. မယ်ရီ လို့ ခေါ်တဲ့ ကနေဒါသူ နဲ့ တွမ် လက်ထပ်ထိမ်းမြှာ ခဲ့ သည်။ Tom is married to a Canadian named Mary. She was married to her husband, Mary, who was called Mary. 等等我。 Wait for me. Wait for me. 她该接受她的命运。 She had to accept her fate. She should accept her destiny. 離開這裡。 Get out of here. Get out of here. 請帶我到處看看。 Please show me around. Take me around, please. 他三年前死了。 He died three years ago. He died three years ago. 我们优化了数据库索引,结果系统效率提高了50%。 We have optimized the database indexing, and as a result, system efficiency has improved by 50%. We optimized the database index, which resulted in more efficient systems of 50 per cent. 你不應該吃這麼多冰淇淋。 You shouldn't have eaten so much ice cream. You shouldn't eat so much ice cream. 你有义务还债。 You are liable for the debt. You're under obligation to pay your debts. 我們的老師總是準時來上課。 Our teacher is always on time for class. Our teachers are always here on time. 我們取笑了他這一點。 We made fun of him about this. We're making fun of him for that. 我丢了我的钢笔。 I've lost my pen. I lost my pen. 他可能錯過了最後一班火車。 He may have missed the last train. He may have missed the last train. Äpaiq yüräyuz ria rätawx. She was swimming. I'm sorry, I'm late. 我认为我们没有机会赢。 I don't think we'd have any chance of winning. I don't think we have a chance to win. 一滴一滴的水能聚成湖泊。 Drop by drop, the water can conglomerate into a lake. A drop of water can be gathered into a lake. 牛是一种反刍类的哺乳动物。 Ruminants are a group of mammals. The cow is an anti-septic mammal. 生命确实是好的东西。 Life is indeed a good thing. Life is really good. Äpaiq kä yamlai väx shäm täläq? What does he do? I don't know. 我好後悔以前無好好咁對佢。 I wish I had treated the girl more kindly. I'm sorry I haven't done anything to him before. 他身肩重任。 A great responsibility lies on his shoulders. He's shoulder to shoulder. 明代十五世纪初紫禁城是北京的中心。 In the Ming Dynasty (early 15th century) the centre of Beijing was the Forbidden City. The Vigilante City, which was the center of Beijing, was the beginning of the fifteenth century. 你好似知道好多關於我嘅嘢噉喎。 You seem to know a great deal about me. You seem to know a lot about me. 不要在這裏跑來跑去。 Don't run here. Don't run around here. 山中的小徑舖滿了柔軟的落葉,十分好走。 The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. The little vertebrae in the mountains is full of soft leaves and very good to go. 这样真的值得吗? Is this really worth it? Is it really worth it? 我去參加舞會,母親就幫忙照顧嬰兒。 My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance. I went to the dance, and my mother helped take care of the baby. 他有一架單車。 He has a bicycle. He's got a bike. 為了健康,我不再抽菸。 I stopped smoking for the sake of my health. I don't smoke for health. 他是我最年轻的兄弟。 He is my youngest brother. He's my youngest brother. 本月结束之前请等待。 Please wait until the end of this month. Please wait before the end of this month. 我知道啦。 I know! I know. 我們從印度進口茶葉。 We import tea from India. We're in tea from India. 他設法在天黑前回家。 He managed to get home before dark. He's trying to get home before it's dark. 汤姆不会同意的 Tom isn't going to give me that. Tom wouldn't agree. 她几乎没有说完话,就被他打断了。 She had scarcely finished speaking when he cut in. She almost didn't finish it and was interrupted by him. 如果它是高品質的東西我會很樂意多付一點錢。 I'd gladly pay more for something if it's of high quality. If it was high quality, I'd be happy to pay more. 别担心,她不懂德语。 Don't worry. She doesn't understand German. Don't worry, she doesn't understand German. 不知道。 Don't know. I don't know. Ally喜欢和她的双胞胎妹妹Anne一起玩。 Ally loves playing with her twin sister Anne. Ally likes playing with her twin sister Anne. 邊度痛呀? Where is the pain? Does it hurt? 他没见到任何人。 He didn't see anybody. He didn't see anyone. 好了,不要再说了。 Okay, let's say no more about it. Okay, don't say another word. 你的電話是哪裡的? Where is your phone? Where's your phone? 你喜歡吃魚嗎? Do you like eating fish? Do you like fish? 佢係一個好聰明嘅人。啫係我嘅意思係我贊成佢嘅睇法。 He is a smart person. By which I mean, I agree with his opinions. He is a very wise person. His idea is that I approve of him as well. 他花了一上午的時間看書。 He spent the morning reading a book. He spent a morning reading. 不如休息一下吧? What do you say to taking a rest? Why don't we take a break? 肯點燃了蠟燭。 Ken lit the candles. Ken lit a candle. 我們期望今年豐收。 We're expecting a good harvest this year. We look forward to collecting this year. 早餐是從幾點到幾點? When is breakfast? What time is breakfast? 你病了,该休息了。 You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, it's time to rest. 我能给她打电话。 I can call her. I can call her. 消息在城里传遍了。 In the city, the information is flooding. The news has been spread throughout the city. 美国国旗的颜色是红白蓝。 The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue. The color of the United States flag is red and white. 「我哋去跑步囉?」「咪搞。」 "Let's go for a run." "Let's not." "I'm going for a run"? 男孩學會了閱讀。 The boy has learned to read. Boys learn to read. 「喂,點解個窗開咗嘅?」「哦,我諗住通吓風吖嘛。你凍就閂咗佢啦。」 "Hey, why is the window open?" "I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it." "Hey, what's the window open?" Oh, I'm in a panic. You're freezing. 聽說你兒子參與了學生運動。 Your son took part in the student movement, I hear. I heard your son was involved in the student movement. ငါ စာအိတ် အကြီး တစ်အိတ် လောက် လိုတယ်။ I need a larger envelope. I need a big bag. 我試著不去想了。 I try not to think about it. I tried not to think. 愛麗絲穿綠色的衣服很好看。 Green looks good on Alice. Alice's wearing green clothes very nice. 看看这天气会不会持续,会很有意思。 It will be interesting to see whether this weather continues. See if the weather will last, it'll be interesting. 啲叻嘅人通常都好目中無人。 Intelligent people are often arrogant. Some of these people are usually unseemly. 我每六小时要服一次药。 I have to take my medicine every six hours. I have to take my medication every six hours. 日本不像加拿大那么大。 Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. 现在才中午。 It is just noon. It's only noon. 汤姆没有错过一场玛丽的音乐会。 Tom hasn't missed any of Mary's concerts. Tom didn't miss a Mary concert. 他的作文有很多文法錯誤。 He made many grammatical mistakes in his composition. His essay has a lot of legal errors. 因為我好眼瞓,所以就走咗去瞓。 As I was sleepy, I went to bed. Because I'm so clean, I walk away. 你几点下班? When are you getting off work? What time are you off work? 我需要更多的錢。 I need more money. I need more money. 她一心一意地工作。 She works with single-minded determination. She worked with all her heart. Ärä kä iz-naw, Meriz. This is my sister, Mary. If you don't mind, I'll call you. 来吧,我们一起去。 Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. 公共设施有眼啥? What public equipment is there? What's in the public facilities? မင်းဥယျဉ်ထဲက နှင်းဆီပန်းတွေ ဘယ်တော့ပွင့်မှာလဲ When will the roses in your garden bloom? What about the flowers in your garden? 你今早有沒有吃早餐? Did you have breakfast this morning? Did you have breakfast this morning? 我喜欢和父亲一起去钓鱼。 I like to go fishing with my father. I like to go fishing with my father. 去年的今天是星期幾? What day of the week was it this time last year? Last year, what day was it? 晚餐是幾點? What time is dinner? What time is dinner? 蕾拉嘗試自殺。 Layla tried to commit suicide. Leila tried to kill herself. 在澳洲,人们说英语。 In Australia, one speaks English. In Australia, people speak English. 你喜欢这本书吗? Do you like this book? Do you like this book? 行胜于言,但并不是所有情况都是这样。 Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often. This is not the case in all cases. 我來自哥倫比亞。 I come from Colombia. I'm from Colombia. 我認為那會很有意思。 I think that would be fun. I think that would be interesting. 这是奇妙的体验。 It's been an amazing experience. It's a wonderful experience. 我去不了,也不想去。 I can not go, nor do I want to. I can't, I don't want to go. Iz-phänä khia äsiix äsamx cyängz raläng mänz ähüz nawx. I don't have any clean clothes to wear. [ In German ] See you soon. Phaq rawngx phä. Let's eat. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. 其他人正在离开呢,要不要等他们走完了我们聊聊? The others are leaving. What do you say we wait for them to go away and talk for a while? The others are leaving. Should we talk when they're done? 他唱了些老歌。 He sang some old songs. He sang some old songs. 我在海边捡了个漂亮贝壳。 I picked up a pretty shell at the seaside. I picked a pretty shell on the beach. 阿 Jane 有好多衫要洗。 Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. Jane has a lot of clothes to wash. 我不认为是你做的。 I don't think you did this. I don't think you did. 我有一个大家庭。 I have a large family. I have a big family. 哇塞! Wow! Wow! 没关系,我可以等。 No problem, I can wait. It's okay, I can wait. 你不必著急。 You don't need to hurry. You don't have to rush. 你出席了我的婚礼。 You were at my wedding. You were at my wedding. 汤姆对玛丽笑了笑,她也笑着回应了。 Tom smiled at Mary, and she smiled back. Tom laughed at Mary, and she laughed. 我的房間是不可侵犯的避難所。 My room is an inviolable refuge. My room is an inviolable shelter. 我們住在學校附近。 We live close to the school. We live near the school. 饥饿促使他偷窃。 Hunger urged him to steal. The hunger prompted him to steal. 我事孔庶。 I am very busy. I'm in the middle of something. 新娘来了! Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride! ང་འཇིག་རྟེན་བྱེད་མཁན་ལ་ཡིད་ཆེས་བྱེད་ཀྱི་མེད། I don't believe in God. Colours for writing. If you don't mind, change it. 起初我們並不熟悉,漸漸地就熟悉起來了。 At first, we weren't familiar at all. Over time we got to know each other. We didn't get familiar at first, and gradually we got familiar. 爱都是嫉妒的。 There's no love without jealousy. Love is jealous. 我的舅舅爱好打板球。 My uncle's hobby is playing baseball. My uncle loves to play cricket. Pati kä yu mäx väx? Who's the party for? I don't know. 我要怎麼停用我在這個網站上的帳戶? How can I deactivate my account on this site? How am I supposed to shut my account on this site? 在墨西哥有很多貧民窟。 There are many slums in Mexico. In Mexico, there are many slums. 汤姆一定会准时来的。 Tom is certain to come on time. Tom will be here on time. 她買了一件新抹胸。 She bought a new "moxiong". She bought a new bra. 我向你们承诺——我们作为一个整体将会达成目标。 I promise you, we as a people will get there. I promise you, "We will achieve our goal as a whole." Ngiz iz-kawfi nä ngaxcyuq väyamx thii kängx. I put some milk in my coffee. That's why I've got to get out of here. 你昨天喝茶了吗? Did you drink tea yesterday? Did you have tea yesterday? 我叫傑克。 My name is Jack. I'm Jack. 這本書是你的嗎? Does this book belong to you? Is this book yours? 我不知道明天會不會下雨。 I don't know if it will rain tomorrow. I don't know if it'll rain tomorrow. 他把交通事故通知了警察。 He notified the police of the traffic accident. He informed the police about the traffic accident. 我烤了蘋果派。 I baked some apple pies. I baked the apple pie. Dzaix vanx tälawx. They were dying. Dzaix váwx. 他可能已經離開京都了。 He may have left for Kyoto. He may have left Kyoto. နင့် ထီးက ဘယ်လောက် တောင် ကြာ ခဲ့ ပြီလဲ။ How old is your umbrella? How long have you been in prison for? 她非常恨他。 She really hates him. She hates him very much. Ngiz räq mänz käkhäx siix tämaz täkängx. I also feel the same way. If it's too late, it'll be too late. 今天沒有昨天潮溼。 It is less humid today than it was yesterday. It's not yesterday's tide. Naq paqlaq. Don't bother me. It's all over the place. 你給你父母看了嗎? Did you show it to your parents? Did you show it to your parents? 我對現代藝術冇乜興趣。 Modern art doesn't interest me. I'm not interested in modern art. 生活怎么样? How's life? How's life? 离别总是让人悲伤。 Goodbyes are always sad. It's always sad to be away. 我昨晚讀書。 I read a book last night. I read last night. 我开车去办公室。 I drive to the office. I'm driving to the office. 我希望湯姆能同意。 I wish that Tom would agree to do that. I hope Tom agrees. Awznawx, ngiz tämaz ähia lap kängx. OK, I get the idea. [ In German ] That's why we're here. 那位技师技术很好。 That technician is highly skilled. The technician's good. 他的英语有了小小的进步。 He has made little progress in his English. There has been a slight improvement in his English language. ခါလီဖာ မိုးမျှော်တိုက် အဆောက်အဦသည် ယခုအချိန်တွင် ကမ္ဘာ့အမြင့်ဆုံးမိုးမျော်တိုက်ဖြစ်သည်။ Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. It is now the largest flood in the world. 我忘了问汤姆。 I forgot to ask Tom. I forgot to ask Tom. 可唔可以借幾張 CD 俾我聽吓呀? Do you think you could lend me some of your records? How many CDs can I borrow? 你能演奏管风琴吗? Are you able to play organ? Can you play the pianist? Tatoeba个用户老和气个。 The users of Tatoeba are kind. Tatoeba's user-friendly. 約翰和湯姆在摔角。 John is wrestling with Tom. John and Tom are wrestling. 我可唔可以喊呀? Can I cry? Why don't I just shout? 有一部分人不同意。 There is a group of people who don't agree. Some disagree. Muiriel 是印第安人。 Muiriel is an Indian. Muiriel is Indian. 这条路是不是直接通往普拉多博物馆? Is this the direct way to the Prado? Is this road straight to the Plador Museum? 這本書是圖書館的。 This book belongs to the library. This book is from the library. 这就是昨天Linda提到的那个车。 This is the car Linda mentioned yesterday. That's the car Linda mentioned yesterday. 她把她的傘留在公車上了。 She left her umbrella on the bus. She left her umbrella in the bus. 他很快就适应了新的环境。 He soon got used to the new surroundings. He soon adapted to the new environment. Kecyu mäq, ümz-pawnxcyawng kuq läq täz. Please let me know your new address. Don't worry, it's over. 我不知道他甚麼時候會出現。 I'm not sure as to when he will turn up. I don't know when he'll show up. Kecyu mäq, kham kuq vanx phä. Water, please. See if you can find something. 他得了肺炎,难怪他在不停的咳嗽。 He's got pneumonia no wonder he is coughing nonstop. He's got tuberculosis. No wonder he's coughing. နင် ငါ့ အတွက် ရေ တစ်ခွက် လောက် ယူခဲ့ ပေးပါ လား။ Could you bring me a glass of water? Can you bring me some water, please? Can you get me some water? 别把鲜花插在牛粪上。 Don't cast pearls before swine. Don't put the flowers on the cattle. 那場大火把整個小鎮燒成了灰燼。 That fire burned the entire town to ashes. The fire burned the whole town into ashes. 刚才桌子上有一本书吗? Was there a book on the desk a moment ago? Is there a book on the table? 如果有人支持的話,生意是會成功的。 If there is somebody to back me up, the business will be successful. Business will succeed if there is support. သူတို့ လိုက်နာကြတယ်။ They obeyed. And he said unto them, Hear them. 你認為如何? What do you think of that? What do you think? 我正在为我的妈妈寻找礼物。 I am looking for a present for my mother. I'm looking for a present for my mom. 我是匈牙利人。 I am Hungarian. I'm Hungarian. 唔好掂我部打字機呀。 Keep your hands off my typewriter. Not on my typewriter. 我在这里总感到约束。 I feel always restricted here. I'm always bound here. 我們的乳牛沒有給我們任何牛奶。 Our cow doesn't give us any milk. Our cows didn't give us any milk. 我好似喺邊度見過你。 It seems that I met you somewhere. I've seen you on the edge. 不跟我们玩扑克就不要坐在这里。 Don't sit here if you're not going to play poker with us. Don't sit here without playing poker with us. 第一次攻击错过了目标。 The first attack missed the target. The first attack missed its target. 你真是太對了。 You're so right. You're so right. Thawmz kä cyämzcyäo rähumx ruq. Tom always seem to be in trouble. [ In German ] Thank you. 这个能吃吗? Can you eat this? Can't you eat this? 自有生民以來,未有孔子也。 Since there were living men until now, there never was another Confucius. There have been no pupils since they were born. Ngiz kä ümzcyaüx rava kawnz lawt mängx mi räq. I won't be able to sleep tonight. For the first time in a while, I'll be right back. 您为什么惩罚他们? What are you punishing them for? Why are you punishing them? Naizshiq räq cyitlix cyitla yaqshämx shäm täkaix. We do very demanding work. That's what I'm talking about. 她在节食。 She's dieting. She's on diet. 您学英语吗? Do you study English? Do you learn English? Ngiz kä ngiz huzsisi mäq shämx rawx täkängx. I prefer to work on my own. If you want to talk to me about anything else, you need to know what's going on. Iz-mängx kä Jek. My name is Jack. [ In German ] See you soon. 汤姆最近死了。 Tom died recently. Tom's recently dead. 这几天我脑袋里的事情太多了。 I have too many things on my mind these days. I've had a lot of things in my head these days. 他休息两天。 He rests for two days. He's resting for two days. 今晚的天气不错。 Weather's pretty nice tonight. It's a nice day. 等到周围只有她一个人的时候,她迫不及待地打开了那封信。 The moment she was alone, she opened the letter. Until she was alone around, she could not wait to open that letter. 湯姆在說甚麼? What's Tom saying? What's Tom talking about? 我坚信他在商业界会有所作为。 I'm sure he will go far in the business world. I am convinced that he's doing something in the business community. Ärä lamlux änap räcyawng ämaix shäx? Can we talk about this tomorrow? Is there something wrong with that? Thawmz räq ngiz kä phaqläm nä täyaiqkuq tawx. Tom patted me on the shoulder. Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? 他现在出去了。 He's out now. He's out now. 汤姆没有感受到玛丽的热情。 Tom doesn't share Mary's enthusiasm. Tom didn't feel Mary's enthusiasm. 他不在家。 He isn't home. He's not home. 凡事行中庸之道。 Moderation in all things. The way of every course is in vain. 他們在小學時就是朋友了。 They became friends in elementary school. They were friends when they were in primary school. 他不能回答他们的问题。 He can't answer their questions. He can't answer their questions. 她上學幾乎遲到。 She was almost late for school. She's almost late for school. 我会把钱还给你。 I will pay the money to you. I'll give you back the money. 我哋喺間學校附近住。 We live in the neighborhood of the school. I'm staying near the school. 站在那儿的女人是谁? Who's that woman standing over there? Who's the woman standing there? 你在昨晚的聚會上盡興了嗎? Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night? Are you excited at last night's party? 經過長久的爭論,我終於說服了她去露營。 After a long argument, I finally persuaded her to go camping. After a long debate, I finally convinced her to go camping. 他們並沒有放棄。 They haven't given up at all. They didn't give up. Iz-khawk mawng nä yamlai väx rätälaüx? What are you doing in my room? I don't know. 愛和希望幫助她迅速復原。 Love and hope helped her to recover quickly. Love and hope to help her recover quickly. 鲍勃第一个到达终点线。 Bob reached the finish line first. Bob was the first to reach the terminal. 我們得到了我們想要的。 We've got what we need. We got what we wanted. 呢個問題等下次開會先傾。 The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. This is a question that waits for the next meeting. 我們從酒店裏可以把整個公園看得清清楚楚。 We could see the full extent of the park from the hotel. We can see the whole park clearly from the hotel. 個會淨係得六個人去咗。 There were only six people at the meeting. One will only have six people left. 南希喜歡室內遊戲。 Nancy enjoys indoor games. Nancy likes indoor games. 他没事。 There is nothing wrong with him. He's fine. 佢噉樣做嘅動機係咩呢? What was his motive for doing it? Does it serve as a engine? 我让我哥修理我的自行车。 I had my brother repair my bicycle. I told my brother to fix my bike. 我工作數小時。 I work long hours. I work for hours. 日本人不會做這種事。 A Japanese wouldn't do such a thing. The Japanese don't do that. 呢座建築物就起完㗎喇。 This building is near completion. And the building is finished. 很高興見到你。 I'm glad to see you. Nice to meet you. 讓我一個人去。 Let me go alone. Let me go alone. 我喜欢独自旅行。 I like to travel alone. I like to travel alone. 你太大方了。 You're too generous. You're too big. 他喜欢旅行. 我也是. He likes traveling and so do I. He likes to travel, too. 她讲话很多。 She talks a lot. She spoke a lot. 我們說我們所知道的,為我們所看到的作證;你們卻不接受我們的見證。 We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. We say that we know what we have seen, and you do not accept our witness. 我的妹妹还没到上学的年龄。 My sister is too young to go to school. My sister's not at the age of school. 我會給你任何你想要東西。 I will give you anything you want. I'll give you anything you want. 奈良是个非常古老的城市。 Nara is a very old city. Niña is a very ancient city. ယခု ဘယ်နှနာရီ ရှိပြီလဲ? What time is it now? What minute is there? 冇問題。 No problem. No problem. 少了一个戒指和一点现金。 A ring and some cash are missing. There's less of a ring and a little cash. 我沒有錢,但是我有夢想。 I don't have money, but I have dreams. I don't have money, but I have dreams. 你能把門關上嗎? Could you shut the door? Can you close the door? 保險有很多種,例如健康保險、火災保險、人壽保險等等。 There are many kinds of insurance such as: health insurance, fire insurance, life insurance, etc. There are many insurance policies, such as health insurance, fire insurance, human life insurance, etc. 消息在數小時內就傳遍了全世界。 Within hours, the world knew the news. The news spread around the world in hours. 干的好! Well done! Good job! 我睡眠不足。 I'm not getting enough sleep. I don't sleep too much. 等她回来的时候问问她。 Wait for her to return then ask her. Ask her when she comes back. 她帶我參觀了校園。 She showed me around the campus. She took me to the campus. 我們才剛搬進來。 We just moved in. We just moved in. 电脑为我们节省了很多时间,解决了很多问题。 Computers save us a lot of time and trouble. Computers save us a lot of time and solve many problems. 老人們很早就起床。 Old people get up very early. Old people get up early. 水星是我們的太陽系中最小的行星。 Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. 我喜歡幸子勝過明子。 I like Sachiko better than Akiko. I like it when you're lucky to win. Thawmz räq ngiz mäx rayix dungx sia mätux hiaz thüx tawx. Tom invited me over for dinner. Do you think it's time to go? 當我回家的時候,湯姆正在讀書。 When I came home, Tom was studying. When I came home, Tom was reading. 我哥哥喜歡恐怖電影。 My brother likes horror movies. My brother likes horror movies. 我工作得太多了。 I work too much. I've worked too much. 你真粗魯! How rude of you! You're rude! 任何床都比沒有床好。 Any bed is better than no bed. No bed is better than no bed. 軔車。 Stop the car. Get out of the car. 我不會吃冰淇淋。 I will not eat ice cream. I won't eat ice cream. 請留神看著我的手提箱。 Please keep an eye on my suitcase. Keep an eye on my suitcase, please. 他们互赠礼品。 They give presents to one another. They have each other's gifts. 我姐姐每天早上都會洗頭。 My big sister washes her hair every morning. My sister washes her hair every morning. 我明天回來的時候會跟他們聯絡。 I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. I'll call them when I get back tomorrow. 這個數據一點也不準確。 This data isn't accurate at all. This data doesn't make any sense. 汤姆是个护士。 Tom was a nurse. Tom's a nurse. 他把书放在了桌上。 He put the book on the table. He put the book on the table. 出席者都是日本人。 Those who are present are all Japanese. All Japanese attendees. 这个年级的法方代表是谁? Who is the current representative from France? Who is the legal representative of this grade? 鳥兒在森林裏歌唱。 Birds were singing in the woods. The bird sings in the woods. 樂者樂也。 Where there is music there is joy. A musician too. 我每天早上都會浸浴。 I always take a bath in the morning. I wash every morning. 我觉得我很聪明。 I think I'm intelligent. I think I'm smart. 我老豆係生cancer死嘅。 My father died of cancer. I'm a live cancer dead. 你曾經愛過一個男人嗎? Have you ever loved a man? Have you ever loved a man before? 汤姆比我大。 Tom is bigger than me. Tom's older than me. 它包含了什么? What does it contain? What does it contain? Naq bawm! Shut up! - No, no, no, no, no. 正如身體需要鍛煉,所以心靈需要刺激才能保持健康。 Just as the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to stay healthy. As the body needs exercise, so the mind needs stimulation to remain healthy. 内心世界很丰富,不知该如何表达了! Deep down, everyone is rich and beautiful, but we don't know how to express it! The world is rich in heart. I don't know how to express it! 他很喜歡一邊洗澡一邊唱歌。 He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing along with a bath. 這位建築師顯然是一位無微不至的建築師。 You can see that the architect paid scrupulous attention to detail. The architect is clearly an inexhaustible architect. 你昨天有打網球嗎? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis yesterday? 我突然想到他可能是個商業間諜。 It occurred to me that he might be an industrial spy. I suddenly thought he might be a business spy. 伊应该超过六十岁了。 He must be over sixty. I should be over 60 years old. 你现在是名人了。 You're a celebrity now. You're famous now. 唔好搞亂「效能」同埋「效率」。 Don't confuse "efficacy" with "efficiency". Not to be confused, to be effective, and to be efficient. 这个政客是典型的香槟社会主义者。 This politician is a typical champagne socialist. This politician is a typical champagne socialist. 船上有醫生嗎? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on the boat? 我根本不累。 I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired. 沒錯,我在說這個句子的錯誤。 That's right, I am talking about the mistake in this sentence. Yeah, I'm saying this sentence's wrong. 那時你在學校嗎? Were you at school at that time? You were at school? 水果放久了,就会收缩。 Fruit that has been left for a long time will shrink. The fruit's long enough, it'll come down. 我没朋友帮我。 I have no friends to help me. I don't have any friends to help me. 就算明天下雨,我也會去的。 I will go even if it rains tomorrow. If it rains tomorrow, I'll be there. 食飯時間唔好講公事啦。 Don't talk about business while we're dining. It's not good to talk about business. 汤姆爱玛丽很久了。 Tom has loved Mary for a long time. Tom's been with Mary a long time. 汤姆住在这里。 Tom lived there. Tom lives here. 根據我的估計,她現在應該在印度了。 According to my calculation, she should be in India by now. According to my estimates, she's supposed to be in India now. 現在言論自由被當作是理所當然的事。 Freedom of speech is now taken as a matter of course. Now freedom of speech is considered a matter of course. 我將在六月跟他結婚。 I'm getting married to her in June. I'll marry him in June. 各位,請安靜。 Everyone, please be quiet. Gentlemen, please be quiet. 你能感受到不同之處嗎? Can you feel the difference? Can you feel anything? Maiq äpaz kaw kä mawz ruq shaq li. Many people are still missing. I'll be right back. 佢仲嬲緊。 He is still angry. It's okay. 喝一杯水。 Drink a cup of water. Have a drink of water. 我非常喜欢咖啡。 I like coffee very much. I love coffee very much. 中国和印度的人口超过了其他任何国家。 The populations of China and India dwarf those of every other nation. China and India have more people than any other country. 我覺得啱啱幾好吖。 I thought it went well. I don't think it's a good idea. 對唔住呀模罕默德!我唔記得咗你叫咩名! I'm sorry Mohammed, I forgot your name! I can't remember your name! Kiqkap liiz! Goodbye! Killakap liiz! 我们应该把学生的名字跟着字母顺序来安排。 We ought to sort the students' names alphabetically. We should follow the alphabetical order of the student name. 对于这份工作来说,我的年龄太老了。 I'm getting too old for this job. My age is too old for this job. 我前幾天遇見了他。 I met him the other day. I met him the other day. 最晚十點前來這裡。 Come here by ten at the latest. Come here by 10:00 at the latest. 美國組成五十州。 America is made up of 50 states. The U.S. is made up of 50 states. 汤姆有低血压。 Tom has low blood pressure. Tom has low blood pressure. 咪郁!你行一步我就殺咗你! Don't move! You take a step and you die! You go ahead and I'll kill you! 你怎麼到那的? How did you get there? How did you get there? 这一次不一样。 This time, it's different. It's different this time. 她从车里出来了。 She got out of the car. She's out of the car. 你身邊有很多關心你的朋友。 You have many caring friends. You have a lot of concerns around you. အဲ့ဒီ ဇာတ်ကားက ကြောက်ဖို့ ကောင်းတယ်။ It was a scary movie. That's a good thing I'm afraid of. 他尊貴如國王。 He commands the respect of a king. His honour is like a king. 我姑姑給了我一本相簿。 My aunt gave me an album. My aunt gave me a album. 我想知道在他身上发生什么事了。 I wonder what happened to her. I want to know what happened to him. 史蒂夫收到了一封珍的信。 Steve received a letter from Jane. Steve received a precious letter. 佢話:「我架車成日都死火。」 He said, "My car is always breaking down." He said, "My car dies all day." 当我离开家的时候天空很明朗。 The sky was clear when I left home. When I left home, the sky was clear. 你向她求助了吗? Have you asked her for help? Did you help her? 我開始懷疑他陳述的準確性。 I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement. I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement. 我覺得你驚咗。 I think you panicked. I think you're surprised. 有人叫我嚟,我先嚟咋。 It's because I was asked to come that I'm here. Somebody told me to come in first. 我感觉困得几乎不能睁开我的眼睛了。 I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I feel like I can hardly open my eyes. 我让一个有着奇怪玻璃眼珠的老太太帮我算了命。 I had my fortune read by an old lady with an eery-looking glass eye. I let an old lady with strange glass eyebrows count for my life. 吃生蛋可能是危險的。 Eating raw eggs could be bad for you. Eggs may be dangerous. 我不清楚這裡發生了什麼事? I have no idea of what's going on in there. I don't know what's going on here. 他将要成为中国驻法国大使馆的外交官。 He is about to become a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in France. He will be a diplomat at the Chinese Embassy in France. 七夕在漫畫裡常常出現所以我也了解它的意思。 Tanabata comes up in manga a lot so I also know it fairly well. I also know what it means to be in comics, so I know what it means. Ähia shäx? How are you? What do you mean by "shäx"? 他走在我的面前。 He walked before me. He's walking in front of me. 我能借你的车吗? Can I borrow your car? Can I borrow your car? 没有人在阻止你。 No one's stopping you. Nobody's stopping you. 做得好! Well done! Good job! 他不会违背他的原则。 He couldn't go against his principles. He will not violate his principles. 我記不起我把它給了誰。 I can't remember who I gave it to. I can't remember who I gave it to. 火车因大雪被耽搁了。 The train was delayed because of heavy snowfall. The train was delayed as a result of the big snow. 侬欢喜做啥? What do you like to do? What are you doing? 我把剩下的东西给我的狗吃。 I fed the leftovers to my dog. I gave the rest to my dogs. Julián錯了嗎? Julian was wrong? Is Julián wrong? 你會游泳嗎? Do you know how to swim? Can you swim? 健太郎與他的朋友待在京都。 Kentaro is staying with his friend in Kyoto. He's staying in Kyoto with his friends. 他是我的如意郎君。 He is my Mr Right. He was as good as mine. 我不想跟你去波士頓。 I'd really like to go to Boston with you. I don't want to go to Boston with you. 我不能等你。 I can't wait for you. I can't wait for you. 办公桌上面有一张地图。 There is a map on the desk. There's a map on the desk. 他的智慧和經驗使他能處理這個麻煩。 His intelligence and experience enabled him to deal with the trouble. His wisdom and experience enabled him to deal with this problem. 我通常骑自行车或乘公交车去上班。 Usually I cycle or get the bus to work. I usually ride a bike or a bus to work. 中国的版图大概是日本的二十五倍。 China is about twenty-five times as large as Japan. China's draft map is probably 25 times more than in Japan. Yamtä väx? Why? Is there anything I can do about it? 她唯一的樂趣就是聽音樂。 Her only pleasure is listening to music. Her only pleasure was to listen to music. 我不知道他是否愛我。 I wonder if he loves me. I don't know if he loves me. 我爱蛋黄\\(≧▽≦)/ I love egg yolks. I love eggs! 我没有你那么乐观。 I'm not as optimistic as you are. I'm not as optimistic as you are. 我今年沒錢買新車。 I can't afford a new car this year. I don't have any money to buy new cars this year. 你真的一点没变。 You haven't changed at all. You really haven't changed a bit. 你想一起去吗? Do you want to come along? Do you want to come with me? 我正在用电脑。 I'm using the computer. I'm using the computer. 個天好黑,但係我哋都搵到路返屋企。 Dark as it was, we managed to find our way home. It is dark in the day that We find our way home. 搭飛機是最快的旅行方式。 Flying is the quickest way to travel. It's the fastest way to travel. 在你侍酒前最好先將白葡萄酒冷卻一下。 It's better to chill white wine before you serve it. It's better to cool the white wine before you serve. 她不喜歡壽司。 She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. 你看過這麼美的夕陽嗎? Have you ever seen such a beautiful sunset? Have you ever seen such a beautiful sunset? 观点因人而异。 Opinions vary from person to person. Views vary from person to person. 我感觉像羽毛一样轻飘。 I felt light as a feather. I feel as light as feathers. 昨天没学生去那。 No students went there yesterday. No student was there yesterday. 我们能去别的地方谈谈吗? Could we go somewhere and talk? Can we talk somewhere else? 我嗰吓真係以為自己會冇命。 For a second there I thought I was a goner. I thought I was going to die. 我們應該努力做到生活的哲學;獲得的財富也會煙消雲散。 We should try to be philosophical about life; wealth gained could also vanish. We should strive for the philosophy of life; and the riches of wealth will disappear. 我們需要他的幫忙。 We need his help. We need his help. 格雷厄姆葛林是我最喜歡的作家之一。 Graham Greene is a favorite author of mine. Graham Green is one of my favorite writers. 我整天在農場上工作。 I worked on the farm all day. I've been working on the farm all day. 幾乎所有的工作都完成了。 Almost all the work is done now. Almost everything is done. 我唔使保母。 I don't need a babysitter. I don't make a nurse. 我没有想到我们会这样分手。 I never thought we'd end up like this. I didn't think we'd break up like this. 我藏在桌子底下。 I hid under the table. I hid it under the table. 我住在喜來登酒店。 I'm staying at the Sheraton Hotel. I live in the Himalaya Hotel. 欢迎光临,现在人很多,请坐下来等一等。 Welcome. Now that many people have arrived, please take a seat and wait for a while. Please sit down and wait. 你可以依靠它。 You can count on it. You can rely on it. 这是张木桌。 This is a wooden table. It's a wooden table. 想从贼身上捞点儿什么是很难的 It's hard to steal from a thief. It's hard to pick up something from a thief. 想酒量大一些。 I want to be able to hold my liquor better. I want more wine. 湯姆買了張機票。 Tom bought a plane ticket. Tom bought a ticket. 繼續走。 Keep going Keep going. 湯姆和瑪麗會跟我走。 Tom and Mary will go with me. Tom and Mary will come with me. 他的房子又小又旧。 His house was small and old. His house is young and old. 如果我是你,我就不做那件事。 I wouldn't do that if I were you. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Tom唔知點解Mary最後會出現係波士頓。 Tom has no idea how Mary ended up in Boston. Tom has no idea that Mary will end up in a Boston state. 你不该浪费你的时间。 You should not waste your time. You shouldn't waste your time. 我覺得他有點可疑。 I am suspicious of him. I think he's a little suspicious. 但我一直都太懒了。 But I was always too lazy. But I've always been too lazy. သင် ဘယ်နှစ်မြို့ လောက် လည်ပတ် ခဲ့ဘူးသလည်း။ How many cities did you visit? How many cities have you visited? 我们没注意到她的悲伤。 We didn't notice her sorrow. We didn't notice her grief. 她游泳游得很棒。 She is a good swimmer. She's a great swimmer. 这样合法吗? Is this legal? Is this legal? 我什么都不需要。 I don't need anything. I don't need anything. 我哋上個禮拜好忙。 We were very busy last week. I've been busy last week. 我不知道这个词的意思。 I don't know this word's meaning. I don't know what that word means. 我无法相信汤姆真的打算做这事儿。 I can't believe Tom is really planning to do this. I can't believe Tom really wants to do this. 汤姆将他自己和玛丽的名字添加到了名单上。 Tom added both his and Mary's name to the list. Tom added his name and Mary to the list. 湯姆想報仇。 Tom wanted revenge. Tom wants revenge. 唔好意思,我蕩失咗路。 Excuse me, I'm lost. I don't mean to, I lost my way. 父親是好的。 The father is good. Father's good. 我明天要跟他見面。 I'm going to meet him tomorrow. I'm meeting him tomorrow. 没有空气,人无法存在。 Men can not exist without air. Without air, man can't exist. 飞机预计几点到? What's the flight's scheduled arrival time? What time does the plane have to be here? Nancy怕狗。 Nancy is afraid of dogs. Nancy Mill. No, no, no, no. 湯姆在胸上有個頭骨文身。 Tom has a tattoo of a skull on his chest. Tom had a skull on his chest. 要對自己的小孩好一點! Do be kind to your children! Be nice to your kids! Ümznäq äkhärumx rawx shäx? Do you want to help? Is there anything I can do about it? 扔掉 Throw out Throw it away. 我跑得尽可能快。 I ran as fast as possible. I'm running as fast as I can. 圣诞节的时候,我们送圣诞卡给朋友。 At Christmas we send Christmas cards to our friends. On Christmas, we send Christmas cards to our friends. 我不知道。你怎麼想? I don't know. What do you think? I don't know. What do you think? 做那事是浪费你的时间。 Doing that is a waste of your time. To do that is waste your time. 在长时间的缺席后,他终于来上学了。 He came to school after a long absence. After a long absence, he finally came to school. 我忙死了。 I'm incredibly busy. I'm busy. 侬欢喜听音乐还是欢喜听歌手? Do you like listening to music or singing songs? Do you hear music or do you sing music? 你大學時主修什麼? What did you major in at college? What did you build in college? 她塗了眼影。 She's wearing eye shadow. She's covered with eyes. 看到这些作业,我毫无压力。 Seeing those tasks, I did not feel the burden. I'm not under any pressure to see these operations. 不好意思,请问我可以开窗吗? Excuse me but, would you mind if I opened the window? Excuse me. Can I open the window, please? 佢試咗啖芝士蛋糕。 He tasted the cheesecake. He tried a cheese cake. 请上车。 Please get into the car. Please get in the car. 他着凉了。 He caught a cold. He's cold. 在Tatoeba,你必須總是傾聽資深成員。他們會告訴你什麼不能做,以及為什麼。然後你去做。 In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tatoeba, you must always listen to the deep members. They will tell you what you can't do and why. Then you do it. 國際救難隊伍隨時待命準備前往日本。 National rescue teams are on standby ready to fly to Japan. The international rescue team is ready to travel to Japan at any time. 他肯定是吃了兴奋剂才会跑得那么快。 He must have been on steroids to have run that fast. He must have got stimulants so fast. 我去年夏天到訪的是一個位於長野縣的小村落。 The village which I visited last summer was a small one in Nagano Prefecture. I visited a small village in Nagoya County last summer. 我们把我们的狗叫做Pochi。 We call our dog Pochi. We call our dog Pochi. 那些俄罗斯人啊 Ah, those Russians! The Russians. Bob也會開車。 Bob is also able to drive. Bob's driving too. 請原諒我問了這樣一個私人的問題。 Please forgive me asking such a personal question. Please forgive me for asking such a personal question. 当他问道是谁打碎了玻璃时,所有的男孩子们都装作一副无辜的样子。 When he asked who had broken the window, all the boys put on an air of innocence. When he asked who broke the glass, all the boys pretended to be innocent. 接受现金捐赠。 Cash donations will be accepted. Cash donations are received. 我不喜欢那家熟食店里的食物。 I don't like the food at that deli. I don't like the food in that food shop. 佢鍾意旅行,我都係喎。 He likes traveling and so do I. He's traveling long distances, I'm good at it. 如果你没有尝试过失败的角色,那么人们也就不会相信你。 If you have no character to lose, people will have no faith in you. If you didn't try to fail, then people wouldn't believe you. Äpaiq känä läkphat hiazshiz viazshiz ngax ruq ngax tälawx. She often sits there reading a book. They'll kill you if you don't want to. 這口井乾涸了。 The well has run dry. The well's dry. 錯的是你。 It was you that were wrong. The wrong one is you. 上週六我去購物。 I went shopping last Saturday. I went shopping last Saturday. တွမ် က သူ့ သူငယ်ချင်း တွေကို လှည့်စား တတ်တယ်။ Tom liked to play tricks on his friends. He knows how to lie to his friends. 你为什么喜欢夏威夷? Why do you like Hawaii? Why do you like Hawaii? 请给我看看其他的。 Please show me another one. Show me the rest, please. 英文比日文更難嗎? Is English more difficult than Japanese? Is English harder than Japanese? 安非常喜歡音樂。 Ann likes music very much. Anne likes music very much. 我明天不在这儿。 I won't be here tomorrow. I'm not here tomorrow. Thawmz kä räriztsiz lap mäk Tom wasn't consulted. For the first time in my life, there is no such thing as a mäk. 愛得深,恨得也深。 Those who love too much, hate in like extreme. Love is deep, hate is deep. မေရီလည်း ငှက်ပျောသီးကြိုက်တယ်။ Mary also likes bananas. Meri also likes chickens. Tom正在找工作。 Tom is looking for a job. Tom's looking for a job. 村里有一头母牛。 There is a cow in the village. There's a cow in the village. 汤姆现在是认真的。 Tom is serious now. Tom is serious now. 您的房间很大。 Your room is very big. Your room is big. 我只能给你十分钟。 I can only give you ten minutes. I can only give you ten minutes. 阿拉从头开始先伐。 Let's start at the beginning. Allah's over at the beginning. 女人的思维很有跳跃性:从仰慕到爱慕,从爱慕到结婚都是一眨眼间的事。 A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, in a moment. Women's minds are leapy: from envy to love, from envy to marriage are things of the eye. 你今天要做什麼? What are you going to do today? What are you doing today? 我在哪儿都没找到他。 I can't find him anywhere. I didn't find him anywhere. 我哋逼咗入間細房度。 We were crowded into the small room. I pushed it into a cell. 你坐飛機吧。 Sit on the plane. Why don't you take a plane? 汤姆绝没有敌人。 Tom has absolutely no enemies. Tom has no enemies. 我喜歡逗人笑。 I love to make people laugh. I like to make people laugh. Ngiz kä dungx sia liiz. I am eating rice. Stay where you are. 我感觉我来过这里。 I feel like I have been here before. I feel like I've been here. 我們把門塗成了綠色。 We painted the door green. We built the door into green. 这些人讨厌所有的外国人。 These people hate all foreigners. These people hate all foreigners. 大部分人迟早要结婚。 The majority of people marry sooner or later. Most people are getting married sooner or later. 我入咗幾日醫院。 I was in the hospital for a few days. I've been in the hospital for a few days. 他病了,所以沒有上學。 He was absent from school because of illness. He's sick, so he's not going to school. 從前,村裏面住咗一個孤寒嘅阿伯。 Once upon a time, there lived a stingy old man in the village. Once, he lived in the village of Abe, a lonely house in the village. 欢迎再来。 Do come again. Welcome again. 他好像做甚麼事也順順利利的。 Everything seems to go right with him. He seems to have done well. 我认为我们有麻烦。 I think we're in trouble. I think we're in trouble. 啥? Say what? What? 愚蠢骑着没有闸的单车。 Stupidity is riding a bike that doesn't have brakes. It's stupid to ride in a single car without dinghy. 我幫你洗碗啦。 Let me help you with the dishes. I'll wash your dishes for you. 眼睛是心灵的镜子。 The eye is the mirror of the soul. Eyes are the mirror of the mind. 我不知道我們會到達哪裡。 I don't know where we'll arrive. I don't know where we're going. 你買咗啲咩手信呀? What souvenirs did you buy? Did you buy those handbags? 这个磁带录音机不是新的。 This tape recorder is not new. This tape recorder is not new. 佢尋晚俾人偷咗架車。 He had his car stolen last night. He stole a car last night. 我躲在了床底下。 I hid myself under the bed. I'm hiding under the bed. 我感觉自己很聪明。。。可惜。。。这只是个感觉。。。 I feel smart... Pity... It's just a feeling... I feel smart. "A shame." It's just a feeling." 比爾一如往常上學遲到。 Bill was late for school as usual. Bill's always late for school. 骗子们必须有好记性。 Liars must have a good memory. The liars must be careful. 這個男孩喜歡繪畫。 The boy enjoyed painting a picture. The boy likes to draw. Thawmz räq kärä chiz tawx. Tom found that. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 我们好久没有联系了,很高兴能给你写信。 We haven't contacted each other for quite a while. I am very happy to write to you. We haven't been in touch for a long time. It's nice to write you a letter. 他要钱。 He wants the money. He wants money. 這個問題留待下次開會才討論。 The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. This issue will not be discussed until the next meeting. 汤姆做了个三明治。 Tom made a sandwich. Tom made a sandwich. 她对自己的才能很自豪。 She is very proud of her talent. She's proud of her talent. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 Better tools make good work. And do what is good in the sight of others, and do what is good in the sight of others. 我有一些法语说得好的朋友。 I have a few friends who speak French well. I have some good French-speaking friends. 無你幫手,個計劃就成功唔到㗎喇。 Your help is indispensable for the success of the scheme. Without your help, a plan won't succeed. Kärä tätiirii maüx shäx rälaüx? Don't you recognize it? I don't know. 她很忙。 She's busy. She's busy. 你最喜欢什么样的人? What kind of people do you like best? What's your favorite one? 能行則能舞,能語則能歌。 The one who can walk is able as well to dance, and the one who can talk, to sing. You can dance, you can dance, you can sing. 汤姆总是说话声音太小,我几乎听不懂他在说什么。 Tom always speaks in such a low voice that I can barely understand what he says. Tom always speaks too small, I hardly understand what he's talking about. တွမ် က သူ့ သူငယ်ချင်း တွေကို လှည့်စား ရတာ ကြိုက်တယ်။ Tom liked to play tricks on his friends. I like to deceive his friends. 寧為貓頭不為獅尾。 Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion. It's better to be a cat than a lion's tail. 如果你加啲七度落呢首歌嘅和弦到,聽落就會突然間好有爵士樂嘅感覺。 If you add sevenths to the chords in this piece, it suddenly sounds very jazzy. If you add seven degrees of song or edges, it's all going to be better if you don't like jazz. 他們說法語說得不太好。 They didn't speak French very well. They say it's not good in French. 如果你不想,那你便没有这个必要去告诉汤姆。 You don't have to tell Tom if you don't want to. If you don't want to, you don't have to tell Tom that. 无论通过行纳粹礼还是将手放在胸前,我认为这种爱国主义的表现是一种病的症状,而病因和治疗方法有待进一步研究。 Whether by a Hitler salute or a hand on your heart, I consider the expression of patriotism to be the symptoms of a disease, whose cause and cure should be more closely studied. Whether through the Nazi ceremony or by putting your hands in front of my chest, I believe that the manifestations of this patriotism are a symptoms of illness, and the causes and methods of treatment are subject to further study. 如果我没会错意的话,你是想和我分手。 If I understood you right you want to break up with me! If I'm not wrong, you're trying to break up with me. Tsängxshiq räq naizshiq mäx ärawt rätawx. They lied to us. [ In German ] See if you can find anything you want. 去地铁的路上差点踩到一只壁虎。 Almost stepped on a gecko while going to the metro. The road to the subway almost stepped on a wall. 日本在高科技產業方面的競爭力很強。 Japan is highly competitive in high technology industries. Japan’s competition in high technology industries is strong. 你可以把地球和月亮之間的距離計算出來嗎? Can you compute the distance of the moon from the earth? Can you calculate the distance between the Earth and the moon? 在书中,我们可以跟各个时代、各个地方的智者仁人同行。 By reading books we can walk with the great and the good from every place and every era. In it, we can walk with the wise and the merciful in all places. 你為什麼哭? Why did you cry? Why are you crying? 別和這個人打交道。 Don't get involved with that guy. Don't go through with this man. 我同意。 I agree. I agree. 她发现她已经断盐了。 She discovered that she had run out of salt. She found out she's out of salt. 把收音機調大聲點。我聽不清楚。 Turn up the radio. I can't hear it. "I can't hear you," he said. 不要打斷我們的談話。 Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. 倫敦是世界上最大的城市之一。 London is among the largest cities in the world. London is one of the largest cities in the world. 我已经试过那个了。 I have already tried that. I've tried that. 他第一次來到日本是在十年前。 It was ten years ago that he first came to Japan. The first time he came to Japan was 10 years ago. 他习惯了团队合作。 He is used to teamwork. He's used to teamwork. 我差點被車撞倒。 I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. 我們放學後會去踢足球。 We will play soccer after school. We'll play football after school. 老师说:“咱们现在就出发。” The teacher said: "Let's set off right now." The teacher said, "Let's go now." ဘယ်နှနာရီရှိပြီလဲ။ What time is it? What moment has you been here? 根據我的經驗,掌握法語語法需要一年的時間。 According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar. According to my experience, the rule of French law takes one year. 下班时间还没,大家就想溜走。 It still isn't time to leave work, and everyone wants to escape. We don't have time for this. We just wanna get out of here. 這些畫很美。 These paintings are beautiful. These paintings are beautiful. 看!她來了! There! She comes! Look, she's coming! 他做了一個書架給她。 He made her a bookshelf. He made her a bookshop. 哈利今年才四十歲。 Harry is only 40. Harry is 40 years old. 那是個美麗的地方。 That is a beautiful place. That's a beautiful place. 佢究竟匿埋咗喺邊呢? I wonder where he is hiding. Is it buried there? 你能幫我一個忙嗎? Would you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? 你知道怎麼說英語嗎? Do you know how to speak English? Do you know how to speak English? 我在找你。 I am looking for you. I'm looking for you. 我不懂你在说什么。 I don't understand what you are saying. I don't understand what you're talking about. 她更着急了。 She grew even more worried. She's in more hurry. 看到他的帽子,她笑了。 She laughed at the sight of his hat. I saw his hat, she laughed. ང་ཚོའི་ལས་ཁུངས་ལ་ཐ་མག་མ་འཐེན་པའི་ཁྲིམས་སྲོལ་ཅིག་ཡོད་རེད། Smoking in the office is against our rules. You are not a suitable source of software. 恐怕他要一點鐘以後才能來到。 I'm afraid he won't be here until 1:00. I'm afraid he'll be here in 1:00. 任何簡單到可以被了解的宇宙便太過簡單而無法產生可以了解它的心靈。 Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. It is too simple for any universe to be understood to create a mind that can understand it. Ähiax nguzliz yamtä väx hiaz maüx. Why didn't you just call? That's what I'm talking about. 啲花你買俾邊個㗎? Who did you buy those flowers for? You buy the flowers? 你跑哪去了? Where did you run to? Where have you been? 我要你把窗戶打開。 I want you to open the window. I want you to open the window. 我能看到光線。 I can see the light. I can see the light. 我會做的。 I will do it. I'll do it. 我突然想不起她的名字。 I can't recall her name at the moment. I suddenly can't remember her name. 照片使我憶起了很多往事。 The picture brought back a lot of memories. Photos remind me of a lot of past events. 她明年會去美國嗎? Will she go to America next year? Is she going to America next year? 我今晚想出去吃。 I want to eat out tonight. I want to go out and eat tonight. 保羅去年賺了很多錢。 Paul made a lot of money last year. Paul made a lot of money last year. 我是英國人. I am British. I'm British. 他很高兴。 He is happy. He's happy. 我咁夜先返真係對唔住呀。 I'm very sorry I came home so late. I can't live until I've returned so late. 你没必要马上去做。 You don't have to do it right away. You don't have to do it right away. 他们四十分钟之后下课。 They'll get out of class in forty minutes. They'll be off in 40 minutes. 我哋可唔可以喺二月廿八號三點到見面呀? Can we meet February 28, around 3:00 pm? Can I meet you at 3:00 on February 28? 开始下雪了。 It began to snow. It's starting to snow. 我关机前忘了存盘。 I forgot to save the file before switching off. I forgot the inventory before I turned off. 我讨厌星期一。 I hate Mondays. I hate Monday. 瑞士位于法国、意大利、奥地利和德国之间。 Switzerland is located between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Switzerland is located between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. 你午饭吃的什么? What did you have for lunch? What did you eat for lunch? 我们还可以再见面吗? Could I see you again? Can we meet again? 泪水沿着我的面颊流了下来。 Tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears flowed along my cheeks. 當然。 Of course. Of course. 所有的医药费我大概要付多少? About how much will I have to pay for all the treatments? How much do I pay for all this medicine? 約翰和瑪麗相愛。 John and Mary loved each other. John and Mary are in love. 我是海倫卡特賴特的女兒。 I'm Helen Cartwright's daughter. I'm Helen Carter Little's daughter. Poi kälawz rawngx i! Let's celebrate! I'll be right back. 如果明天下雨的话,我们就不去。 If it rains tomorrow, we won't go. If it rains tomorrow, we're not going. 我很高兴见到你。 I'm delighted to see you. I'm glad to see you. Linda是世上最美的女人。 Linda is the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Linda is the most beautiful woman in the world. 你活着,但是却不知道为什么活着。 You will exist but you will never know what it is to live. You're alive, but you don't know why you're alive. 我心里充满着快乐。 My heart was filled with happiness. My heart is full of joy. 她不仅讲德语、法语,还讲英语。 She speaks German and French, not to mention English. She speaks not only German, French, but English. 有咩需要我會喺度。 I'm available in case you need something. If there's need for me to stay here. 這車是你朋友的嗎? Is this your friend's car? Is this your friend's car? 委員會是由三男七女組成的。 The committee is composed of three men and seven women. The committee is composed of three men and seven women. 水星是太陽系八大行星中最小的。 Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets in the Solar System. Mercury is the smallest of the eight planets in the solar system. 我有一只蛋。 I have an egg. I have an egg. 現在父親在他的辦公室已經得到了一個上級的地位。 Father has now got a superior position in his office. The father has now acquired a superior position in his office. Kärä kä yamlai väx äcyawngx nguzliz cyawng läq. Just tell me what it is. The first thing I've seen in my life. 对于是否要去医院探望Mary,Tom有点犹豫不决。 Tom is hesitant to visit Mary in the hospital. Tom was somewhat hesitated to visit Mary at the hospital. 我有一位父亲是著名小说家的朋友。 I have a friend whose father is a famous novelist. I have a father who is a friend of a famous novelist. 我們不應該把金錢看得太重。 We should not make too much of money. We shouldn't have seen too much money. 盡力而為。 Do your best. Do as you can. 我听过这首歌的法语版。 I've heard the French version of this song. I've heard the French version of this song. 说实话,他没有任何音乐天分。 To be honest, he doesn't have any musical talent. To be honest, he doesn't have any musical talent. Yamlai yaqnex väx rawx tälaüx? What kind of gift do you want? Yamlai yaqnex välaüx? 我唔知要點做。 I don't know how I should do it. I don't know what to do. 他討厭南希。 He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. 止! Stop it! Stop! 看,厨房间里有一只猫。 Look, there's a cat in the kitchen. Look, there's a cat in the kitchen. 在一个下雨的早晨,他很早出门为的是及时到学校。 On a rainy morning he left his house early so as to be in time for school. In the morning of the rain, he left early to go to school in time. 浴室干净吗? Is the bath clean? Is the bathroom clean? Thawmz kä hia täliix nawx. Yaqshämx rü nä mänz ävax maix nawx. Tom has completely recovered and can go back to work. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 請你在這本書上簽名好嗎? Could you please autograph this book? Would you sign this book, please? 他去了美國讀美國文學。 He went to America for the purpose of studying American literature. He went to America to study American literature. "Tesawra." "Täox täkängx." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Täox täkängx." 我沒有打算停留太久。 I don't plan to stay very long. I'm not going to stay long. 時人爲之語曰:「閣龍海路,前無古人,後無來者。」 Contemporaries said about him: “No one before has ever navigated like Columbus does, and no one ever will.” The people of the time are saying, "The sea, the sea, the sea, the ancients, and no one else." 汤姆在后院砍伐了一棵树。 Tom cut down a tree in his yard. Tom cut down a tree in the backyard. 讓我們等一會兒看看你怎麼做。 Let's wait for a while and see how you do. Let's wait for you to see what you're doing. 我買咗枝筆,但係唔見咗。 I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen. I don't see it anymore. 你写这份报告花了多长时间? How long did it take you to write this report? How long did you write this report? 我哋尋日唔喺屋企。 We weren't at home yesterday. I don't want to be at my family's house. 石头、剪子、布。 Rock, paper, scissors. Rocks, cuttings, cloths. Ärä bawmxdziz kä Gärik bawmx väx. This word comes from Greek. [ In German ] Please don't do that. Ümznäq ähaixtawx ranaiq thunx shäpyäox tälaüx shäx? Are you enjoying the holidays? Or is there something wrong with me? 我能試一下這個嗎? Could I try this on? Can I try this? 我告訴她你是個很好的女孩。 I told her that you're a nice girl. I told her you were a good girl. 幸好她沒有死。 Luckily she did not die. Fortunately she didn't die. 我是那樣說的。 I said that. That's what I said. 他出生於長崎。 He was born in Nagasaki. He was born in Nagasaki. 你可以在這房間吃午飯。 You can eat lunch here in this room. You can have lunch in this room. Ngiz kä tingzkhu maiq rämäk. I am not married. We're still in the middle of the night. 每個人都跳進了游泳池。 Everybody jumped into the pool. Everybody jumped into the pool. Ümznäq Cyexpanx bawmx dzinx tälaüx shäx? Do you speak Japanese? I don't even know if it's going to work. 他在一周前离开去往欧洲,就是说,是在五月十号。 He left for Europe a week ago, that is, on the tenth of May. He left for Europe a week ago, just to say it was May 10. 嗯。。。老师说我们必须加入一个3-5人的小组,所以我们没办法开始工作 Well... the teacher said that we have to go into a group of 3-5 people, so this isn't going to work. The teacher said we have to join a three-to-five team, so we can't get to work. Nöx känä liix läq! Look over there. [ In English ] No, you can't. 我是哆啦A夢。 I am Doraemon. I'm a sleepwalker. 你若是傷害別人,你也會傷害到自己。 When you hurt others, you also hurt yourself. If you hurt someone, you hurt yourself. 经济萧条是一段时间内,当这样的经济活动普遍增长而造成的一种临时性的经济活动衰退。 Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing. Economic depression is a temporary economic recession caused by the general growth of such economic activity over a period of time. 你必须把无视这些声音。 You have to put up with all these noises. You have to ignore these sounds. 你話今年聖誕會唔會落雪吖嗱? Do you think we'll have a white Christmas this year? Don't you think it's going to fall for Christmas this year? 我得找人商量一下。 I need someone to talk with. I need to talk to someone. 予知。 We know. Announcements. 我認識那個正在跑步的男孩。 I know that boy who is running. I know the boy who's running. 我們去打棒球吧。 Let's play baseball. Let's go play baseball. 我被工作困住了。 I'm stuck in my job. I'm trapped at work. 我忙于应付期末考试。 I was busy with work for the term exam. I'm busy meeting the final exam. 請告訴我該怎麼做。 Please advise me what to do. Please tell me what to do. 你能借我你的CD播放機一小時嗎? Will you lend me your CD player for an hour? Can you lend me your CD player an hour? 「 & 」這個符號是「和」的意思。 The sign ' & ' stands for 'and'. " &" means "and" 意大利到了夏季,21点前是不会天黑的。 In Italy, during summer, it doesn't get dark until about nine o'clock. Italy reached the summer, and it wasn't dark until 21:00. 抱歉,我现在很忙。 I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. 我絶不會讓你去做。 I'll never allow you to do that. I won't let you do it. 不要和我說話! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me! 你求他帮忙没有用。 It's no use your begging him for help. You begged him for help. 我們提供了難民們毛毯。 We furnished the refugees with blankets. We provided the refugees' blankets. 突然間她開始用尖銳的聲音大喊。 All at once she began to shout in a shrill voice. Suddenly, she started shouting with a loud voice. 她儿子在车祸中丧生。 Her son was killed in the accident. Her son died in a car accident. 他怕蛇。 He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. 他们信任汤姆。 They trust Tom. They trust Tom. 我们有一只白色的猫。 We have a white cat. We have a white cat. 她二十五歲時結婚了。 She got married when she was twenty-five. She was married when she was 25 years old. Ümzyix vaz täq naw maiqvezsez irä kä iz-naw läx. The boy who came yesterday was my younger brother. They're going to kill you but they're going to kill you. 嗰家人活喺貧窮之中。 The family lived in poverty. There are families living in poverty. 他參加攝影社。 He belongs to the camera club. He's in the studio. 我自己走進了樹林裡。 I walked in the woods by myself. I walked into the woods myself. 冰島沒有加入歐盟。 Iceland has not joined the European Union. Iceland is not a member of the European Union. 她可能不來。 She may not come. She might not come. 汤姆一定是波士顿人。 Tom must be from Boston. Tom must be Boston. ထတော့။ Wake up! ( b) What will we discuss in this article? 你妄想。上床睡覺去! You're delusional. Go to bed! You want to go to bed! ဒါ က သိပ် ခက်တယ် ဆိုတာ ကျွန်တော် မငြင်း ပါဘူး။ I won't deny it was difficult. I don't deny that this is very difficult. 风险太大。 The risk is too great. The risk is too big. 人人需要学习的不仅仅是语言。 What one has to learn is more than the language. It is not just language that everyone needs to study. 她住在他的隔壁。 She lives next door to him. She lives next door to him. 迈克是组长。 Mike is the team's captain. Mike is leader. 你会乐器吗? Can you play any musical instruments? Do you have an instrument? 他停下来抽根烟。 He stopped for a quick cigarette. He stopped for a smoke. 他尋求他的朋友的幫助。 He asked his friends for help. He asked for his friend's help. Ümzmängx yamkhäx väx? What's your name? I don't know. ဘာဖြစ်ဖြစ် ဘဲ ရိုင်း ကို ပေါင်မုန့် ကျွေးတာ ထက်တော့ ပိုကောင်းမှာ ကြီးပါပဲ။ It's better to feed wild ducks grain than bread. What's the matter? It's better than feeding a wildebeest. 无论我如何努力。。 No matter how hard I try... No matter how hard I try. 他也会说俄语。 He can speak Russian as well. He speaks Russian, too. 沒有水,沒有東西能生活在這個地球上。 Without water, nothing could live on this earth. There's no water, there's nothing that can live on this planet. Ngiz kä maiq mäx vax ye nawx. I am married. But if it's too late, I'll be right back. 为什么你每天都学习呢? Why do you study every day? Why do you study every day? 这本单词本子上记的1000个英语单词,七月份之前要全部背下来。 There are 1,000 English words written down in this vocabulary book, and they all have to be memorized by July. The 1,000 English words that were written in the text of this text were to be backed up by July. 對不起,但圖書館在哪裡? Excuse me, but where is the library? I'm sorry, but where's the library? 我祝你生日快乐。 I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. 谢谢侬拿搿个故事从头到底讲拨阿拉听。 Tell us the story from beginning to end. Thank you so much for your story and for listening to it in the end. 我是人类学的研究学生,课题是“在英国的中医”。 I'm an anthropology research student, and my topic is 'Chinese medicine in Britain'. I'm a student in an anthropology, and the subject is “Medical medicine in the United Kingdom”. 我的手和腳都腫了。 My hands and legs are swollen. My hands and feet are gone. 我們用木材做雕像。 We made statues out of wood. We make statues with wood. 泳池是對公眾開放的。 The swimming pool is open to the public. The pools are open to the public. 这首诗是昨晚写的。 This poem was written last night. This poem was written last night. 我聽到一個不尋常的聲音。 I heard an unusual sound. I heard an unusual voice. 进来吧,外面很冷。 Come in, it's cold outside. Come on in. It's cold out there. 我哋生活喺文明社會。 We live in a civilized society. I live in a civilized society. 如果把瑞士熨了,会比德国还要大。 If you ironed Switzerland, it would be bigger than Germany. If Switzerland is crushed, it'll be bigger than Germany. 她哥哥很认真学习。 Her brother takes studying very seriously. Her brother's a very serious student. 我的行李丢了。 I have mislaid my baggage. I lost my luggage. 我和一些朋友喝酒。 Me and a few friends are drinking wine. I'm drinking with some friends. 我听到电话响了。 I heard the telephone ringing. I heard the phone. 嗯.. Hmm. Well... 我真的知道他說了什麼。 I really know what he said. I really know what he said. Banz väx kämphaw raläng lamx cyängz äsi. I have to get some money out of the bank. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 我哋飛的去啦,好冇? Let's go by taxi, OK? I'm flying, okay? 他們沒有東西吃了。 They have nothing to eat. They don't eat. 我很饿。 I was very hungry. I'm hungry. 湯姆和瑪麗在這裡做了甚麼? What were Tom and Mary doing here? What did Tom and Mary do here? 說日語對我來說很容易。 Speaking Japanese is easy for me. It's easy for me to speak Japanese. 汤姆给我们的问题想出了个答案。 Tom came up with an answer to our problem. Tom's got an answer to our question. 上海人普通话说得怎么样? What does Shanghai people's Mandarin sound like? What do the Shanghais say? 這兩個禮拜一滴雨也沒下過。 We have not had a single drop of rain for two weeks. There's never been rain in these two weeks. 我母親不喜歡看電視。 My mother doesn't like watching TV. My mother doesn't like TV. 最近对外贸易活动减少了。 The activity of foreign trade has been declining of late. Foreign trade activities have recently decreased. 他要负责任,这责任可担待不了。 He had to be responsible, but this was a responsibility that he couldn’t bear. He is responsible and this responsibility cannot be met. 你用那些書做什麼? What did you do with those books? What are you doing with those books? Ngiz mäx romocyaüx kuq läq näx. Why don't you give me a ride? That's the first thing I know about romocyaquex. 你的保險公司叫甚麼名字? What's the name of your insurance company? What's your insurance name? 他学习非常努力。 He studied very hard. He studied very hard. 收音机关掉了。 The radio is powered off. The radio's off. 让我们告诉你我们知道的。 Let us tell you everything we know. Let's tell you what we know. 你係唔係講世界語㗎? You speak Esperanto, right? You don't speak the world language. 谁喜欢豆子? Who likes beans? Who likes beans? 房子被大火烧成了灰烬。 The fire reduced the house to ashes. The house was burned to ashes. 我明天会很忙。 I'll be busy tomorrow. I'll be busy tomorrow. 有些月份有三十天,有些月份有三十一天。 Some months have thirty days, others thirty one. In some months, there were 30 days, and in some months there were thirty days. 他獨自在那裡。 He was alone there. He was there alone. 我睇咗佢本書。 I read his book. I read the book. 嚴格地說你錯了。 Strictly speaking, you are wrong. Frankly, you're wrong. 从某种意义来说,你是对的。 You're right in a sense. In a way, you're right. 食物的味道讓我餓了。 The smell of food made me hungry. The taste of food makes me hungry. 去踢足球吧。 Let's play soccer. Go play football. 由于台风个原因,交关航班被取消脱了。 Many flights were canceled, owing to the typhoon. For one reason, the switching flights were cancelled. 吃过了没? Have you eaten yet? Have you eaten? ဘယ်ဟာ ပိုကြိုက်လဲ, ပန်းသီးလား ဒါမှမဟုတ် ငှက်ပျောလား? Which do you prefer, apples or bananas? Which one's more fonder, or any of the flowers, or the crumbs? 現代的北京给了我深刻的印象,也激起了我的好奇心。 Today's Beijing has given me a very deep impression and aroused my curiosity. The modern Beijing gave me deep impressions and sparked my curiosity. 森美吟吟沉沉啱講咗啲嘢,但係我聽唔到佢講咩。 Sami muttered something that I couldn't hear. I can't hear him. 介紹個靚女俾我識啦。 Please introduce me to a cute girl. I'd like to introduce you to my daughter-in-law. 你有十岁吗? Are you ten years old? Do you have a 10-year-old? 子女培养全社会都很关心,教育要进行改革。 The raising of children is something that concerns the entire community. There will be an education reform. The development of children is of great interest in society, and education needs to be reformed. 我想你見吓我阿爸阿媽。 I want you to meet my parents. I want you to scare my dad, Mom. 日本的人口比英国多。 The population of Japan is larger than that of Britain. There are more people in Japan than in the United Kingdom. 我和露西不是同事,是同學。 Lucy and I are not colleagues, we are classmates. Lucy and I aren't colleagues. We're classmates. Tom不喜欢Mary。 Tom didn't like Mary. Tom doesn't like Mary. 低温使水变成冰。 Low temperatures turn water into ice. Low temperature makes water ice. Ken有两只猫。 Ken has two cats. Ken has two cats. 我哋有太多嘢做喇。 We have way too much work to do. I've got too much to do. 這張票的有效期是三天。 This ticket is good for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. 他威胁要公开。 He threatened to make it public. He's threatening to make it public. 你真想让我马上到那里去吗? Do you really want me to go there right now? Do you really want me to go right there? ဘီယာ သာ အခု အချိန် အေးနေ ရင် ငါ အံသြမိ မှာပဲ။ I wonder if the beer is cold now. Beja is my baby when I'm cold right now. 没什么好怕的。 There's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. 他一面開車一面聽收音機的音樂。 He drove the car, listening to music on the radio. He drives a car listening to radio music. 我打算買輛車。 My plan is to buy a car. I'm gonna buy a car. 當你年輕的時候, 你應該多讀點兒書。 While you're young, you should read a lot. When you're young, you should read some more. 我想打個國際電話。 I'd like to make an overseas call. I'd like to make an international call. 格林先生是一位歷史老師。 Mr. Green is a history teacher. Mr. Green is a history teacher. 她向我求助。 She asked me for help. She asked me for help. 你能证明吗? Are you able to prove it? Can you prove it? 那个时候,我还在上法语课。 At that time, I was still taking French lessons. At that time, I was still in French class. 湯姆現在跟他叔叔住在一起。 Tom is living with his uncle now. Tom lives with his uncle now. 東京是日本的首都。 Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 佢係一個好靚嘅女人。 She is a woman of great beauty. He's a good woman. 那只会在电影里发生。 That only happens in the movies. That'll only happen in the movies. 我冇胃口。 I have no appetite. I don't have an appetite. 他現在在圖書館讀書。 He is studying in the library now. He's in the library now. 很大, 不是嗎? Large, isn't it? Big, isn't it? 擦擦你的眼睛。 Wipe your eyes. Wipe your eyes. 你唔應該食太多雪糕同埋意大利粉。 You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. You shouldn't eat too much ice cream and Italian powder. 個阿伯坐擁巨額身家。 The old man possesses great wealth. He's sitting in a big house. 佢彈咗首自己作嘅歌比個女仔聽。 He played the girl a piece of music of his own writing. He played his first song so that she could hear it better than a girl. 我等緊你幫我。 I'm waiting for you to help me. I'll wait for you to help me. ငါ တွမ် ရဲ့ အပြုံး ကို မြင်ချင် လိုက် တာ။ I wanted to see Tom smile. I wanted to see my husband’s smile, but I didn’t want to talk to him. 你啲同學覺得噉上網課點阿? What do your classmates think of taking online courses like this? Your classmates think you're going to watch the online class? 我聽過她的故事。 I have heard her story before. I've heard her story. 你们这些人帮不了自己。 You people can't help yourselves. You guys can't help yourselves. 我住在國外十年了。 I lived abroad for ten years. I've lived abroad for 10 years. 這些電池,雖然是新的,但是沒用。 Although these batteries are new, they don't work. These batteries, though new, but useless. 在这儿等一会儿。 Wait here for a while. Wait here for a minute. 你触犯了规则。 You broke the rules. You broke the rules. 我阿爸後生過我阿媽兩年。 My father is two years younger than my mother. My father gave birth to my mother for two years. 排好队,不要插队! Queue up properly, no queue jumping! Get in line, don't put it in! 你侥幸了。 You got off easy. You're lucky. 對不起,但是我只會用這種漂亮的語言說一句話而已。 I'm sorry, but the only thing I know how to say in this beautiful language is this sentence. I'm sorry, but I can only say one word in such a beautiful language. ကျနော့် နာရီ ကြည့်တော့မှပဲ ကျနော် တနာရီ စော နေမှန်း သတိထားမိတော့တယ်။ I checked my watch and realized I was an hour early. When I look at the clock, I'm sure it's one hour away. 那个穿棕色大衣的女人是谁? Who is that woman in the brown coat? Who's the woman in the brown coat? 你的作文有一些錯誤。 Your composition has a few mistakes. Your essay's got some mistakes. 他對他的新業務感到緊張。 He was tense with his new business. He was nervous about his new career. 你知道哪一條路到我家嗎? Do you know which road leads to my house? Do you know which way to my house? 您現已切換至手動呼吸模式。 You are now breathing manually. You are now switching to manual breathing patterns. 海非常宽。 The sea is very wide. The sea is very wide. 风从北边来。 The wind is blowing from the north. Wind's coming from the north side. 我喜欢这些。 I like these. I like these. 我反對他付帳單。 I objected to his paying the bill. I'm against paying his bills. 这是什么意思? What does it mean? What does that mean? 她怕過馬路。 She was afraid to cross the road. She's afraid of passing the road. 到了最後,大家一定要靠自己學習。 Everyone must learn on their own in the end. At the end of the day, you must learn on your own. थाब फै। Come fast. You can watch this if you want to. 他們每星期日都去教堂做禮拜。 They go to church on Sunday morning. They go to church every Sunday. 沒有人在家。 There wasn't anybody in the house. Nobody's home. 如果今天是星期日,我會去釣魚。 If today was Sunday, I would go fishing. If it's Sunday, I'll go fishing. 她邊走邊談。 She talked as she walked. She's walking and talking. 湯姆為這個禮物感謝我。 Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom thanked me for this gift. 今天天气很好。 It's fine today. It's a nice day. 在書店工作。 Working at the bookstore Work at the bookstore. Thawmz tanyungz kä vähanz. Tom's wife's pregnant. [ In German ] Thank you. 請給我看看這件綠色的襯衫。 Please show me the green shirt. Show me this green shirt, please. 你们怎么读这个词? How do you pronounce this word? How do you read that? 我把雨伞留在电车上了。 I left my umbrella on the train. I left the umbrella on the train. 我想告訴你一件怪事。 I want to tell you a strange thing. I want to tell you something weird. 美斯入咗球世界波。 Messi scored a spectacular goal. Mys went to the world waves. Kärä tätiirii maüx shäx? Don't you recognize it? I don't know. 尤其是要有耐心。 Above all, be patient. In particular, patience. 我從中國到日本。 I came to Japan from China. I'm from China to Japan. 邮局在哪儿? Where's the post office? Where's the post office? 你應該聽佢講吖嘛。 You should've listened to him. You should listen to him. 那家伙让我发疯。 That guy drives me crazy. That guy drives me crazy. 「你哋冇晒牛角包嗱?」「賣晒喇。」 "You don't have any more croissants?" "All sold out." "You don't know what you're talking about?" "Sold light." 我去了公共游泳池應徵當救生員。 I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. I went to the public swimming pool as a lifeguard. 他们说她是在德国出生的。 They say that she was born in Germany. They said she was born in Germany. 在俄羅斯的貝加爾湖是世界上最深的湖泊。 Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Lake Begall in Russia is the most deep lake in the world. 把車停在這裡是違法的。 It's illegal to park your car here. It's illegal to park here. 我的兄弟是老师。 My brother is a teacher. My brother is a teacher. 試衣間在哪裏? Where's the changing room? Where's the trial room? 有些東西在變化。 Something is changing. Something's changing. 他死後已經過了十年的時間了。 Ten years have gone by since his death. It's been 10 years since he died. 不要逃避,我要你回答我的問題。 Don't dodge the issue, I want you to answer my question. Don't run away, I want you to answer my question. 我的手臂斷了。 I broke my arm. My arm's broken. 我今天感觉好多了。 I feel much better today. I feel much better today. 隻紙鷂𠽤咗喺棵樹度。 The kite got caught in the tree. A piece of paper and it's in the tree. 她写了一本关于鸟类的书。 She wrote a book about the bird. She wrote a book on birds. 海龟的寿命很长。 Sea turtles have a long lifespan. The turtles live a long life. 老闆在哪裡? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? 媽媽有一個咖啡廳。 Mother has a coffee shop. Mom has a coffee shop. Ümznäq yaq nä noztoz äsi shäx? Do you have a car? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 最近這個區域的國際形勢很緊張。 Recently, this area's international relations have become very tense. The recent international situation in this area is tense. 我的室友在學中文。 My roommate is learning Chinese. My roommate's studying Chinese. 我已經打掃完我的房間了。 I have finished cleaning my room. I've finished cleaning my room. 您在家吗 Are you home? Are you home? 你们俩之间是不是出现了什么问题?他怎么最近都不来接你了? Did something happen between the two of you? Why hasn't he been coming to pick you up recently? Did something happen between the two of you? Why didn't he come and pick you up lately? 他看到一位漂亮小姐。 He saw a pretty girl. He saw a pretty lady. 法语说得快,我就难以理解。 It's difficult for me to understand French when it's spoken quickly. In French, it's hard to understand. 我要我所有的家人離開家。 I made my whole family leave home. I want all my family out of the house. 他对结果很满意。 He's very much satisfied with the result. He was satisfied with the results. 他的腿受伤了。 He was injured in the leg. His leg's hurt. 不要担心! Don't worry! Don't worry! 估下今日我撞到邊個! Guess who I met today! I'll hit the other side today! 我想喝冷飲。 I want to drink something cold. I want a cold drink. 我妹妹21岁,是个大学生。 My sister is twenty-one years old and a college student. My sister's 21, she's a college student. 凱西也去了嗎? Did Cathy go, too? Did Casey go too? 我會親自拜訪您。 I'll personally visit you. I'll see you myself. 直到那时,他才意识到他已经上当受骗。 Only then did he realize he had been deceived. Until then, he realized that he had become a liar. 这是他们应得的。 They deserve it. That's what they deserve. 没有人知道地震何时会来。 Nobody knows when the earthquake will occur. No one knows when the earthquake will come. 你相信他吗? Do you trust him? Do you believe him? 你出國看看,才會知道日本是多麼的細小。 It is not until you go abroad that you realize how small Japan is. Take a look at the country before you know how small Japan is. 我知道你在做什么。 I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. Thawmz kä Meri kawngztivez rätawx ngawx cyängz. Tom must be Mary's boyfriend. [ In German ] Do you know where I'm going? 应该说“你”还是“您”? Should one say "thou" or "ye"? Should I say "you" or "you"? 你有深海恐惧症吗? Do you have deep sea phobia? Do you have deep-sea fear? 最好的鱼三天就要发臭。 The best fish smell when they are three days old. The best fish will stink in three days. 你真的會游泳嗎? Can you really swim? Do you really know how to swim? 我觉得我和你一起住影响了你生活的方式。 I think that our living together has influenced your habits. I think I live with you the way it affects your life. 她不停地工作。 She kept working. She kept working. 你的鉛筆差點戳到我的眼睛了。 You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil. Your pen was almost in my eyes. 汤姆给我发了一条有趣的短信。 Tom sent me an interesting text. Tom sent me an interesting text. 我遇见一个朋友。 I met a friend. I met a friend. 加藤先生教我们英语。 Mr. Kato teaches us English. Mr. Kato taught us English. 噢拜托了! Oh please! Oh, please! 那些数字是什么? What are those numbers? What are those numbers? 我也管理自己的网站,试试记录我的进步而且给别人帮助。 I also run my own website, to try and record my progress and to help other people a little bit. I also manage my own website, try to document my progress and help others. 我們三小時後見吧。 We'll meet in three hours. I'll see you in three hours. 湯姆今天太累,不能幫你。 Tom is too tired to help you do that today. Tom is too tired to help you today. 别浪费时间。 Don't waste your time. Don't waste time. Ärä lawngzshaz lamlux kä ümznäq mäx yu räq väx cyawngkuq täq? Who told you about this cave? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? Thawmz kä äsäng mätux diax shäcyaq tawx. Tom tried to keep calm. Do you know why I'm here? 這裡的土壤肥沃。 The soil here is fertile. Here's the soil fatness. 我们没有收到电报。 We haven't received a telegram. We didn't get a telegram. 人们以前笑话我们。 People used to laugh at us. People used to laugh at us. ကျွန်တော် အဲ့ဒီလောက် မသောက် ပါဘူး။ I didn't drink that much. I didn't drink that much. 尼日尔仍然有50万孩子面临着营养不良。 Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Half a million children still face malnutrition in Niger. Naizshiq mäx khex läq. Wait for us. Naizshiq mäx haq. 我唔知應該點形容。 I can't really describe it. I don't know what to describe. 你减肥了,不是么? You've lost weight, haven't you? You lost weight, didn't you? နင် ဘဲ ဘယ်နှစ်ပွေလောက်နဲ့ ကစ်ဆင်​ဆွဲ ဘူးလဲ။ How many boys have you kissed? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think? 我來自義大利,會說義大利文。 I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I come from Italy, I say Italian. 请打开收音机。 Put the radio on, please. Please open the radio. 那兩個是一模一樣的。 Those two are exactly alike. Those two are the same. 其予昆矣。 He's my older brother. It's Qinqun. 丹想让你知道他不恨你。 Dan wanted you to know that he didn't hate you. Dan wants you to know he doesn't hate you. Rämäk. No. I'm sorry, Rämäk. 我不知道,也不想知道。 I don't know her, nor do I want to. I don't know, and I don't want to know. 我今天无法给您一个最终的答复。 I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a final answer today. 俗話說:邪不壓正;可俗話又說:道高一尺,魔高一丈! As the saying goes: "good always triumphs over evil". But there's another saying that: "the fight against evil is a constant struggle". And they say, "The evil is not good," and they say, "It is high, it is high!" 他們為他們的女兒取名海倫。 They named their daughter Helen. They named their daughters Helen. 讓他們照顧自己。 Let them take care of themselves. Let them take care of themselves. 船開過蘇伊士運河。 The ship sailed through the Suez Canal. The boat passed the Suez Canal. 请问您老人家高寿? May I ask how old you are? What about your old man's life? 我之前從未到過那兒。 I've never been there before. I've never been there before. 讓我們講個人語及靈用語吧! Let's speak Vabungula and Yuelami! Let's speak personal and spiritual terms! Ngiz kä Käneda phan maiq äshiz mäx cyii vanx tawx nguzraü yäq. I wish I'd been born a Canadian. But the next thing I want to know, I want to know about the case. 他們在名古屋住過一段時間。 At one time they lived in Nagoya. They lived in the Nagoya for a while. 我認為在有風暴的時候裡登山很危險。 I think it's dangerous to climb a mountain on a day when it's stormy. I think it's dangerous to climb in the mountains when there's a storm. 她是一名无人能敌的歌手。 She is a singer without equal. She's an enemy singer. 你明天有什么安排啦? What do you have planned tomorrow? What's your plan for tomorrow? 学门外语勿容易个。 It is not easy to learn a foreign language. Don't be easy to learn outdoors. 蛇年开始了。 The year of the snake has begun. Snake year starts. 下週日將有一場音樂會。 There will be a concert next Sunday. There will be a concert next Sunday. 你好湯姆!你什麼時候來的? Hello Tom! When did you come? Hello, Tom. When did you get here? 她穿著白色的鞋子。 She had white shoes on. She's wearing white shoes. 別太操心了,不然會掉頭髮的。 Don't worry too much, or you'll go bald. Don't worry too much, or you'll turn your hair off. 他繼續看書。 He continued reading the book. He continues to read. 她和她父亲的争吵爆发了。 An argument erupted between her and her father. She and her father's quarrel broke out. 課堂上所有的男生都很用功。 All the boys in class worked hard. All the boys in the classroom are doing their job. 野生動物住在森林裡。 Wild animals live in the forest. Wild animals live in the forest. 我要去楼上。 I'm going upstairs. I'm gonna go upstairs. 我向往着和她一起看那部电影. I am looking forward to seeing the film with her. I went to see that movie with her. 除了我每個人都被邀請了。 Everyone was invited, except for me. Everyone except me was invited. 他因為下雪所以遲到了。 He was late because of the snow. He's late for snow. 你的母语是什么? What is your native language? What's your mother tongue? 我從他身上學會了很多東西。 I learned a lot from him. I learned a lot from him. 他不打电话给我真是无礼。 It is rude of him not to give me a call. He doesn't call me rude. 这个馓子太好吃了! This sanza is really good! This one's so good! 你能游得比他快吗? Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you swim faster than him? 你可以简单地做一下自我介绍吗? Could you give a simple self-introduction? Can you simply introduce yourself? 我們上同一所學校。 We go to the same school. We went to the same school. 我會同我老豆傾吓呢件事㗎喇。 I'll talk the matter over with my father. I'll freak out with my old bean. 這不是小黑嗎? This isn't Little Black is it? Isn't this Blacky? 款式很不錯,不過有沒有別的顏色? The style is nice, but do you have it in a different color? It's a good one, but do you have any other colors? 祖国到处是春天 It's spring everywhere in the motherland. It's spring all over the country. 我在東京站換火車。 I changed trains at Tokyo Station. I'm at Tokyo Station for the train. 吉姆一邊駕著車,一邊愉快地吹著口哨。 Jim drove his car, whistling merrily. Jim was driving with his car and blowing his whistle with pleasure. 學習不該被強迫,而是該被鼓勵。 Learning should not be forced, but rather encouraged. Learning should not be forced, but should be encouraged. 把你的牙刷干净。 Brush your teeth clean. Clean your toothbrush. 我不会喝咖啡。 I don't like to drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. 很高兴再次见到您。 I am very happy to see you again. It's good to see you again. Tom買咗部好似你嗰部嘅相機。 Tom bought a camera like yours. Tom bought a camera. 他只顾自己的利益。 All he thinks about is himself. He only cares about his own interests. 我有个黄鱼脑袋。 I have a memory like a goldfish. I have a fish head. Azhex! Cheers! Azhex! 你好快就會明我哋喺呢度做緊啲咩㗎喇。 You can get an idea what we are doing here soon. You're going to tell me where I'm going to do the "dick" thing. 湯姆可能是素食者。 Tom might be a vegetarian. Tom could be vegans. 是Edward。 This is Edward. It's Edward. 我驚聽日會落雨。 I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow. I'm surprised it's going to rain. 玛丽在哪里? Where is Mary? Where's Mary? 我有很多朋友住在波士顿。 I have a lot of friends living in Boston. I have a lot of friends living in Boston. 穿那么薄,小心感冒。 You'll catch cold in such thin clothing. Get dressed like that, be careful about the cold. 我不敢做这种事。 I don't dare to do that kind of thing. I can't do that. Ümznäq naix ümznäq tähangz cyängz. You must control yourself. [ In German ] Do you speak English? 能让我过去吗? Can I get by you? Can you let me through? 我習慣在沒有空調的房間裏睡覺。 I'm accustomed to sleeping in a room without air conditioning. I used to sleep in an empty room. 凯尔特人在公元前600年首先到来。 First came the Celts in 600 B.C. At the beginning of 600 B.C., the Kelts arrived. 他買了一件洋裝給他女兒。 He bought his daughter a dress. He bought a dress for his daughter. 毫無疑問,人們最初崇拜的都是那些最常見、與人們生活關系最緊密的動物,例如馬、牛、羊、雞、犬等等。 Without doubt, what people worship first is what they see most often; for example, the animals that had the closest connection to people's lives, like the horse, the cow, the sheep, the rooster, the dog and so on. There is no doubt that the original worship of the animals most often associated with life, such as horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs, and dogs. 我希望她戒煙。 I wish that she would stop smoking. I want her to quit smoking. 汤姆拿起铅笔。 Tom picked up a pencil. Tom picks up the pencil. 不要隐瞒你对此的想法。 Don't conceal what you feel about it. Don't hide what you think about it. Kecyu mäq ngax läq. Please sit down. Keep an eye on the magnificence. 他什麼都不做只是看漫畫。 He does nothing but read comics. He didn't do anything but watch comics. 我们走的时候下着雨,到的时候有太阳。 It was raining when we left; it was sunny when we arrived. When we left, there was the sun. 佢識唔識彈琴㗎? Does she play the piano? Do you know how to play? 他被啪啪的敲門聲吵醒了。 He was roused by a loud knocking at the door. He was woken up by a squeezing door. 我等了你很久! I have waited for you for a long time! I've been waiting for you a long time! 我們去年冬天在倫敦。 We were in London last winter. We were in London last winter. 沒有必要說話這麼大聲。 There's no need to speak so loud. There's no need to talk so loud. 你頂帽可以照戴住。 You can leave your hat on. You can wear your hat. 今天很冷。 It's cold today. It's cold today. 布賴恩讓門開著。 Brian left the door open. Brian let the door open. 喊都無謂啦。 There's no use crying over spilled milk. It doesn't matter. 你們要米飯嗎? Do you want some rice? Do you want rice? 她從早上工作到夜晚。 She worked from morning till night. She worked from morning to night. 我从来没有看到她笑过。 I've never seen her laugh. I never saw her laugh. 当更多的纸币投入使用,价格就下跌了。 As more paper money came into use, the value fell. The price fell when more paper money was invested. 我們甚麼時候出發? When will we go? When do we leave? 我想租一輛車。 I'd like to rent a car. I want to rent a car. 她最愛的裙子已經不合身了,所以她母親得重新造一件給她。 She's grown out of her favorite dress, so her mother will have to make it over for her. Her favorite dress is no longer fit, so her mother has to re-create her. 他生活很忙。 He lived a busy life. His life is busy. 南西邀請他去派對。 Nancy invited him to a party. Nancy invited him to the party. 這家牙醫太貴了。 This dentist was too expensive. The dentist is too expensive. Ngiz räq Thawmz mäx yamlai väx phat tälaüx nguztä vai kängx. I asked Tom what he was reading. If it's too late, it'll be too late. 京都有很多所大学。 Kyoto has many universities. Kyoto has a lot of universities. 我們爬上陡坡。 We climbed a sharp slope. We climbed the slope. 快点! Hurry up. Come on! 他被強迫簽了約。 They made him sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign the contract. 您会告诉我吗? Could you tell me? Will you tell me? 他不理解我。 He didn't understand me. He doesn't understand me. 你嗰啲歌我全部都識背㗎。 I know all your songs by heart. You have some of these songs, and I know all about them. ငါ နင့်ကို အဲ့ဒီလို လုပ်ခွင့် ပြုမယ် လို့ နင် တစ်ကယ် မထင်ခဲ့ဘူးမလား၊ ဟုတ်တယ်ဟုတ်။ You don't actually think I'm going to let you do that, do you? Did you really think I would let you do that? Yes, I did. 他是我邻居。 He is my neighbour. He's my neighbor. 他强调了教育的重要性。 He placed emphasis on the importance of education. He stressed the importance of education. 我们没有做好。 We've not done well. We're not doing anything. 她过着富足的日子。 She lives in abundance. She lives a rich life. 我在深夜遇見了她。 I met her late in the evening. I met her late at night. Iz-ti räq kä noztoz räp mäk nawx. My grandfather no longer drives. [ In German ] See you soon. 尽管有逆境,建筑师还是获得了享誉全球的荣誉。 Despite adversity, the architect achieved worldwide fame. Despite the rebellion, the architects were honored globally. 他們稱他膽小鬼。 They called him a coward. They call him a coward. 葡萄酒的味道很受天氣影響。 The taste of wine is largely dependent upon the weather. The smell of wine is very affected by the weather. 她習慣星期天去參觀博物館。 She's used to going to the museum on Sundays. She used to visit museums on Sundays. 如果这歌成名,我不会太惊讶。 I wouldn't be too surprised if this song became a hit. If this song was famous, I wouldn't be too surprised. 谁能揭开海洋的奥秘? Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea? Who could reveal the mystery of the ocean? Täyai raix kängx laz nä tähängzkuq vanx phä. Please forgive me for being late. The other day, we're going to the front door. 能不能請你告訴我Wi-Fi的密碼呢? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password? Could you please tell me Wi-Fi's password? 我好肯定係邊度見過佢,但係又唔認得佢。 I am sure I met him somewhere, but I do not remember who he is. I'm sure I've seen him on the edge, and I don't recognize him. 我從來沒有吃過中國菜。 I've never tried Chinese food. I've never had Chinese food before. 他不打算买一个摄像机。 He isn't going to buy a camera. He's not going to buy a camera. 我想汤姆不会来。 I think Tom won't come. I don't think Tom's coming. 我不够钱去旅行。 I am short of money for my trip. I don't have enough money to travel. 快一点,你就能赶上火车了。 Hurry, and you will catch the train. Come on, you'll catch up to the train. 今天的西藍花做過頭了,不是很好吃。 The broccoli is overcooked today -- it's not very good. It's the blues today. It's not delicious. 為了觀測星象,他建了一座瞭望台。 He built an observatory to study the stars. In order to observe the stars, he built an observation platform. 我今天看來很幸運。 I seem to be unlucky today. I seem lucky today. Thawmz kä äyaq nä väsänit täm mäq dzaix tawx. Tom died with a gun in his hand. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 不少人有兩輛汽車。 Quite a few people have two cars. Many people have two cars. 台幣上漲,造成台灣的出口貿易萎糜不振。 The Taiwanese dollar appreciated, causing Taiwanese exports to slump. The currency was high, and the export trade in Taiwan was in a state of disrepair. 你对那是认真的吗? Were you serious about that? Are you serious about that? 从这儿看景色很美。 It is a nice view from here. It's a beautiful view from here. 湯姆和我生在同一個城市。 Tom and I were born in the same city. Tom and I were born in the same city. 您真是太热情了。 You're really too kind. You're so passionate. 佢連我哋啲名都唔知。 He didn't even know our names. He doesn't even know my name. 他們恨湯姆。 They hated Tom. They hate Tom. 他出去散步。 He's out taking a walk. He went for a walk. "妈妈,我能吃一块饼干吗?" "不行,不该在3餐间吃。" "Mum, can I have a biscuit?" "No, you shouldn't eat between meals." "Mama, can I have a piece of cookie? 如果再係咁就打俾我啦。 If that happens again, call me. If that's the way it is, call me. 她给孩子们读了个有趣的故事。 She read an amusing story to the children. She read a funny story to the children. 我该帮她。 I'm supposed to help her. I should've helped her. Thawmz kä ävangx cyängz. Tom looks amazing. [ In German ] Thank you. 我没有你那么乐观。 I am not as optimistic as you are. I'm not as optimistic as you are. 「我得買點新衣服了,」狄馬想。 "I really need some new clothes," thought Dima. "I'm gonna have to buy some new clothes, "Dima." 湯姆不是好人。 Tom isn't a good person. Tom's not a good guy. 好多人都覺得意大利文係世界上最靚嘅語言。 Many consider Italian to be the world's most beautiful language. Many people think Italian is the world's most widely distributed language. 汤姆很紧张。 Tom is nervous. Tom's nervous. 我的姐姐就像我的祖母。 My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister's like my grandmother. 我妈在的时候别讨论这件事。 Don't talk about it in my mother's presence. My mom doesn't discuss this at the time. 很多学生买了这本书。 Many students bought the book. A lot of students bought this book. Ümznäq yamlai phaqsia rawx väx? What would you like to eat? I don't know. I don't know. 我三個鐘前見到佢。 I saw her three hours ago. I saw him three hours ago. နင်တို့က ထောမ်ရဲ့ ကျောင်းသားတွေ၊ ဟုတ်တယ်နော။ You're Tom's students, right? The students of our team, yes, of course. 没有人知道为什么她不喜欢我。 Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. Nobody knows why she doesn't like me. 这场减价活动会持续三天,从今天开始。 The bargain sale will run for three days, beginning today. This reduction activity will last for three days, beginning today. 友好点。 Be friendly. Be kind. 我們的學校是在一九九零年創立的。 Our school was founded in 1990. Our school was founded in 1990. 她昨天臥病在床。 She was sick in bed yesterday. She was in bed yesterday. 要是那灯泡不照我的眼就好了。 If only that lamp weren't shining in my eye. If only it didn't look me in the eye. 我们将会输了吗? Are we going to lose? Are we gonna lose? 我们宁愿明天吃蜗牛。 We would rather eat snails tomorrow. We'd rather eat the buffalo tomorrow. 往返还是单程? Round trip or one-way? A ride or a one-way? 这本书是托尼的。 This book is Tony's. This book is Tony's. 五加二喺七。 Five plus two equals seven. Five plus two is on seven. 我希望我们有更多时间呆在一起。 I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we had more time together. 你朋友幾點鐘回家? What time did your friend go home? What time is your friend coming home? 在美国人们说哪些语言? What languages are spoken in America? What language do they speak in the United States? 小孩在這個水池旁邊玩會很容易發生意外的。 It is dangerous for children to play near this pond. It's easy for kids to play next to this pool. 女王为公爵夫人费心做了很多。 The Queen has gone to a lot of trouble for the Duchess. The Queen has done a lot for the Duke. 在井底很難找到真理。 Truth is difficult to find at the bottom of a well. It's hard to find the truth on the bottom of the well. 我肩膀痛。 My shoulder hurts. My shoulder hurts. 火車十分鐘後離開。 The train leaves in ten minutes. The train left in 10 minutes. 城市居民的死亡率高于农村里的人。 City dwellers have a higher death rate than country people do. Urban inhabitants have higher mortality rates than those in rural areas. 兔子有长耳朵和短尾巴。 A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. Rabbits have long ears and tails. 我認為我做得夠了。 I think I've done enough. I think I've done enough. 昨日夜里跟侬一道垃海个人是啥人? Who was that you were with last night? Who was the man who went to the sea on the night of last night? 村裏的每一個人都認識這位醫生。 The doctor is known to everyone in the village. Everyone in the village knows this doctor. 你必须为自己的行为负责。 You must account for your conduct. You must be responsible for your actions. 我呒没办法相信自家个眼睛。 I can't believe my eyes. I couldn't trust my own eyes. 您的朋友会想您的。 You'll be missed by your friends. Your friend will miss you. 不要再犯同樣的錯了。 Don't make the same mistake again. Don't make the same mistake. 我怀疑那家酒馆的啤酒兑水了。 I suspect that they water down the beer in that pub. I doubt the bar's beer's coming up. 在大廳裡有一支電話。 There's a telephone in the hall. There's a phone in the hall. 别让他人干你自己不喜欢的事。 Don't let others do what you yourself don't like. Don't let people do things you don't like. 中國有日本二十倍咁大。 China is twenty times as large as Japan. In China, 20 times as big as Japan. 辣点儿没关系。 I don't mind if it's hot and spicy. Hotter doesn't matter. 买房要量力而行,但也要把握时机。 One needs to buy a house that's within one's means, but one also needs to grasp an opportunity. It's a lot of money to buy houses, but it's a little bit of time. 英式英語的「to get the sack」是被解僱的意思。 In British English, "to get the sack" means to be fired from your job. "to get the sack" means "to get the sack" in English. 倫敦人對這座橋感到非常自豪。 The people of London are very proud of this bridge. Londoners are very proud of this bridge. 按照我跟侬讲个搿能做。 Do as I told you to do. As far as I'm concerned, I can do it. 出租车司机没有受重伤。 The cab driver wasn't seriously injured. The cab driver is not seriously injured. 没人知道她在哪里。 Nobody knows where he is. Nobody knows where she is. Thawmz lai, ngiz mäx yamtä väx hiaz maüx, ? Why don't you call me Tom? Do you have any idea what this is about? 我七点左右来就可以了吧? Would it suffice if I came around 7? Can I come around 7:00? 我父親每天早上去散步。 My father takes a walk every morning. My father went for a walk every morning. 在炎熱的季節時,有些食品很容易變壞。 During hot season, perishables go bad easily. In the hot season, some foods are easily corrupt. 今日係全年最熱嘅一日。 Today is the warmest day of the year. Today is the most hot day of all years. 我在流眼淚。 My eyes are watering. I'm crying. 我喜欢你。 I like you. I like you. 你说普通话不好的包括你自己。 You yourself belong to this group of people that you're talking about - the one that doesn't speak standard Mandarin well. You say things you don't like about yourself. 他没办法买车。 He is unable to buy a car. He can't afford to buy a car. 她親自過問了此事。 She gave it her personal attention. She asked the question herself. 书架和桌子齐平。 The bookcase is level with the table. Book shelves and tables together. 你認識傑克多久了? How long have you known Jack? How long have you known Jack? 台食之? How does one eat this? The tablet? 这就是真爱。 This is true love. That's true love. 我从此再也呒没见过伊了。 I haven't seen her since then. I've never seen him again. 佢阿爸係咪醫生嚟㗎? Is her father a doctor? His father is a doctor? 我想访问韩国。 I want to visit South Korea. I want to visit Korea. 出去的时候把门关上。 Close the door on your way out. Close the door when you're out. 你必須回答這些問題。 You must answer these questions. You have to answer these questions. 麥克上週做了牙齒檢查。 Mike had his teeth checked last week. Mike made a dental examination last week. 议员受到了议会道德委员会的谴责。 The senator was censured by the congressional ethics committee. Members of Parliament were condemned by the Parliamentary Ethics Committee. 錢不會從樹上長出來。 Money does not grow on trees. Money won't grow out of trees. 湯姆拿出錢包付了賬。 Tom took out his wallet and paid the bill. Tom took out his wallet and paid. 沙烏地阿拉伯有非常豐富的石油。 Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil. Saudi Arabia has very rich oil. 我这个笑话没得到。 I didn't get the joke. I didn't get this joke. Ngiz kä maiq mäx vaz mängx shaq li. I am not married yet. Otherwise, I'll be right back. 你需要個假期。 You need a vacation. You need a holiday. 他害怕你會開槍打他。 He was scared you would shoot him. He's afraid you'll shoot him. 我不想不及格。 I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to fail. 今晚會很冷。 It is going to be cold tonight. It's gonna be cold tonight. 他看起來是個好男孩。 He looks like a good boy. He looks like a good boy. 真希望科学家们能早点找到艾滋病的治疗方法。 I hope that some scientist will soon discover a cure for AIDS. I wish scientists could find early solutions to AIDS. 你该安静几天。 You must keep quiet for a few days. You should be quiet for a few days. 汤姆真瘦,不是么? Tom is quite thin, isn't he? Tom's skinny, isn't he? 我和金同年。 Kim and I are the same age. I was in the same year as Kim. 我从我的错误里学到了这么多,现在我想再犯几个错! I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making a few more!! I learned so much from my mistakes. Now I want to make a few more mistakes! 如果沒有你的忠告,我大概已經失敗了吧。 If it had not been for your advice, I would have failed. I guess I've failed without your advice. 她的書非常有趣。 Her book is very interesting. She's very interesting. 湯姆老得不能工作了。 Tom is too old to work. Tom's getting too old for his job. 湯姆是我們班裡唯一的男孩。 Tom is the only boy in our class. Tom was the only boy in our class. 人们怎么能在飞机上睡觉? How do people manage to sleep on the plane? How can people sleep on the plane? 指著別人是不禮貌的。 It is rude to point at others. It means someone else is rude. “好人不长命”是句或真或假的老话。 "The good die young" is an old saying which may or may not be true. “Good people don't live long” is a word or a true or false old story. 龜係冇牙㗎。 Turtles don't have teeth. Satan has no teeth. 别瞧不起人。 Don't underestimate me. Don't look down on people. Ümznäq kä ädzi täsäp shat kähatä. You're obviously sick. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. Thawmz räq Färenz bawmx äsäp shäx? Does Tom know French? I don't know. Ümznäq yaq nä noztoz äsi shäx? Have you got a car? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 在面汤里有个苍蝇。 There's a fly in the noodle broth. There's a fly in the soup. 我们应该互相帮助。 We should help each other. We should help each other. 他不願意為同胞作證。 He is not willing to testify for his compatriot. He is not willing to testify to his fellow citizens. 今天沒有像昨天那麼冷。 It isn't anything like as cold as it was yesterday. Not today as cold as yesterday. 索性勿要拿我车过去了。 In the end, just don't drive me there. Don't take my car anymore. 该起床了。 Time to get up. Time to get up. 罗马人的黄金时代已过去了。 The Golden Age of the Romans is in the past. The Golden Age of Romans has passed. 我買了一個新的調色盤和幾支水彩筆。 I've bought a new palette and a few paint brushes. I bought a new dressboard and a couple of waterNames. 史密斯太太坐車去教堂。 Mrs. Smith goes to church by car. Mrs. Smith rides to church. 汤姆上了什么学校? Where did Tom go to school? What school did Tom go to? 唔好唔記得Tom聽日生日。 Don't forget that it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. I don't remember Tom's birthday. 超過二十個男孩去了那裡。 More than twenty boys went there. Over 20 boys went there. Ümznäq kä älam räkhaq liz nüx nä diax. You're on the right track. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 你可以把我的早餐送到305房间吗? Could you bring my breakfast to room 305? Can you take my breakfast to 305 rooms? 一般來說,狼不會攻擊人。 Wolves won't usually attack people. Generally, wolves don't attack people. 湯姆日語說得很流利。 Tom is a fluent speaker of Japanese. Tom's Japanese is very fluent. བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་ Good day! ^Boot from command line 彼得是一个利他主义的游戏玩家,他会把东西给需要的人,而不是为一己之私利出售。 Peter was an altruistic video game player; he would give items to people who needed them, rather than selling them for personal profit. Peter was a Literal player who would give things to those who needed them, rather than sell them for one's own gain. 這刀不鋒利。 The knife is not sharp. The knife is not sharp. 他的故事可能是真的吗? Can his story be true? Is his story real? မနေ့ကလာတဲ့ ယောကျ်ားလေးက ကျနော့် ညီလေးပါ။ The boy who came yesterday was my younger brother. The boy, Joe, who came from yesterday, is a big boy. 老师给我们布置了家庭作业。 The teacher gave us homework. The teacher set us up for homework. 对不起,你打错电话了。 Sorry, you have the wrong number. I'm sorry, you called the wrong phone. 在这里见到您真是太好了。 It was nice meeting you here. It's great to see you here. 他专心致志地学习拉丁语。 He is absorbed in the study of Latin. He was interested in studying Latin. 他没有任何幽默感。 He has no sense of humor. He has no sense of humor. 於戲! Too bad. It's a play! 汤姆说了他什么也没看到。 Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he didn't see anything. 我一定要同阿 Ann 講對唔住。 I must apologize to Ann. I have to talk to Ann. 天突然转阴了。 All of a sudden the sky became overcast. All of a sudden, it's getting ugly. 請相信我的話。 Just take my word for it. Please believe me. 小老虎很象猫。 Young tigers resemble cats. Little tiger looks like a cat. 昨天星期幾? What day was yesterday? What time was it yesterday? 每天我骑自行车或者坐公车上班。 Every day I either ride a bike or get the bus to work. Every day I ride a bike or a bus to work. 一鳥在手勝過二鳥在林。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird wins two birds in the woods. 請問火車站怎麼走? Could you please tell me how to get to the station? How to get out of the station, please? 邊度? Where? Edges? 我以前在山里。 I was in the mountains. I used to be in the mountains. 我講咩都改變唔到Tom嘅諗法。 There's nothing I could ever say that would make Tom change his mind. I didn't say anything to Tom. 没有欲望就等于拥有。 Not wanting is the same as having. Without desire, you'd have it. Thawmz naix ngiz kä kärä lam nä ämären siix. Tom and I have that in common. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 接著又有三個人上了巴士。 Three more passengers got on the bus. Then there were three more on the bus. Ken中午以前會在家。 Ken will be at home until noon. Ken will be home by noon. 吃完晚飯後,我做作業。 After dinner, I did my homework. After dinner, I do my homework. 我從廣播中聽到它。 I heard it on the radio. I heard it from the radio. 我會說中文。 I can speak Chinese. I'll speak Chinese. 我除了星期天外每天都上班。 Other than Sundays, I work every day. I work every day except Sunday. “上周你看电视了吗?”“没有,我没看。” "Did you watch TV on the weekend?" "No, I didn't." "Did you watch TV last week?" "No, I didn't. 讓我看看。 Let me see it. Let me see. 森美承認兩項控罪。 Sami confessed to both crimes. Sammi admitted that he was guilty of two crimes. 电脑死机了。 My computer has frozen. The computer's dead. 熱是一種能量。 Heat is a form of energy. Hot is an energy. 我没有向波士顿走。 I'm not moving to Boston. I'm not going to Boston. 没有人相信我说的话。 Nobody believes what I say. No one believes what I'm saying. 留喺屋企好無聊。 It's boring to stay at home. Stay boring at home. 唔好上當。 Don't be fooled. Not good enough. 嗰間大學學費好貴。 That is an expensive university. The university is expensive. 你必须遵守规则。 You have to follow the rules. You have to keep the rules. 我今朝晏咗起身。 I got up late this morning. I'm falling in the face now. 来加入我们吧。 Join us. Come join us. 謝謝您今晚的光臨。 Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming tonight. 我毕业快两年了。 I will graduate in two years. I've graduated almost two years. 我不太喜歡這水果的氣味。 I don't like the way this fruit smells. I don't like the smell of this fruit. 我已經發現它了! I found it! I already found it! 你今日唔使返工咩? Aren't you working today? You don't get back to work today? 汤姆把头撞到车顶了。 Tom bumped his head on the roof of the car. Tom hit his head on the roof. 我吃了这个苹果。 I ate that apple. I ate this apple. 还有谁用这个房间? Who else uses this room? Who else used this room? 你们两个在一起多久了? How long have you two been together? How long have you two been together? 你的英語說得很好。 You speak good English. Your English is good. 你最鍾意邊首聖誕歌呀? What's your favorite Christmas carol? What's your favorite Christmas song? 他完全丧失了责任心。 He has completely lost all sense of duty. He has completely lost his responsibility. 我昨天完成了工作。 I finished the work yesterday. I finished my job yesterday. 大家都以為西園寺會勝出那場決鬥的,但他卻輸了。 Kyouichi Saionji, who he supposed would win the duel, has lost. Everyone thought that the West Gardens would win the battle, but he lost it. 我很想吃餃子。 I feel like having some dumplings. I'd love to eat some raccoons. 世界就像一本书,不旅游的人只读了一页。 The world is like a book, and those who don't travel read only one page. The world is like a book where people who do not travel read only one page. 我幾乎看不見你。 I can barely see you. I can hardly see you. 小张人不错! Little Zhang is a good guy! Little Chang is nice! ငါ့မှာ လက်ထပ် လက်စွပ် တော့ ရှိထား ပြီးပြီ။ I already have the wedding rings. I have left my ring at home. 阿Tom唱歌比我想像中好好多。 Tom sang a lot better than I thought he would. A tom sings a lot more than I thought. 吾過矣。 I made a mistake. I'm through. 你喜欢去哪儿就可以去哪儿。 You may go anywhere you like. You can go wherever you like. 昨天我遇見了瑪麗。 I met Mary yesterday. I met Mary yesterday. 他倒霉极了。 He is shit out of luck. He's bad luck. 父亲总是不确定。 The father is always uncertain. Fathers are always not sure. 她漂亮的外表赢得了很多男士的好感。 Her good looks gained her the favor of many men. Her beautiful appearance won a lot of men's feelings. 我也不喜欢谷歌翻译,但是我经常会使用它作为参考。 I don't like to use Google's auto-translation, but I do use it for comparison. I don't like Google Translation, but I often use it as a reference. 汤姆写了两本书。 Tom wrote two books. Tom wrote two books. 你應該去驗眼。 You should get your eyes checked. You should've been there. 我可以不慌不忙吃牛奶面包鸡蛋,或者泡饭酱菜。 I could eat some beef noodle soup, or some reheated rice with soybean paste like that, no problem. I can't panic because I'm not too busy eating milky eggs, or bubbling caviar. 我好像丢了我的钥匙。 It seems that I've lost my keys. I think I lost my key. 她照顧我的孩子。 She takes care of my children. She took care of my kids. 买单。 The bill, please. The bill. 他快死了。 He almost died. He's dying. 离这里远不远? Is it far from here? Far away? 時間還早不必這麼早起床。 It's still too early to get up. There is no need to get up so early. 「是的,」狄馬一邊回答,一邊把黏在他右邊衣袖的一塊吃剩的魚肉撥走:「我想要那邊的那一件。」 "Yes," Dima replied, brushing off a piece of half-eaten fish that had gotten stuck to his right sleeve. "I'd like to buy that one there." "Yes," Dima replied, "I want that one over there." 你怎么这么慢! How come you're so slow?! Why are you so slow? 電影院內不准吸煙。 Smoking is not permitted in the cinema. No smoking in a movie theater. 他為無尾熊拍照。 He took a picture of the koala. He took pictures for no bear. 你通常幾點起床? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? 他是一个优秀的作家。 He's an excellent author. He's a good writer. 他在回家路上遇到了小萨米·戴维斯先生。 He met Sammy Davis, Jr. on his way home. He met little Mr. Sammy Davis on his way home. 你的舉止不是很好。 Your manners aren't very good. You're not doing well. 當他進來的時候, 我正在寫信。 I was writing a letter when he came. When he comes in, I'm writing a letter. 你做的比我好。 He can do it better than me. You're doing better than I do. 一杯咖啡。谢谢! One cup of coffee, please. A cup of coffee. Thank you! 你只是做了你的功课。 You have just done your homework. You just did your homework. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite TV show? 你能告訴我湯姆在哪裡嗎? Could you tell me where Tom is? Can you tell me where Tom is? 這裡有些有趣的連結。 Here are some interesting links. There's some interesting links here. 钟还呒没响。 The bell has not rung yet. The clock isn't ringing. 失業之後他捱過了一段非常艱苦的日子。 After losing his job, he went through a very difficult time. He spent a very hard day after unemployment. 你昨天看到的那个男人是我伯伯。 The man you saw yesterday was my uncle. The man you saw yesterday was my Uncle. 你看得懂德语,对吧? You understand German, right? You know German, don't you? 那会有关系。 That would be relevant. That'll have to do with it. Ümznäq kawfi nyäng tälaüx shäx? Do you drink coffee? [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 我可能犯了个错。 I may have made a mistake. I might have made a mistake. 你是中国人还是日本人? Are you Chinese or Japanese? Are you Chinese or Japanese? 你什么时候有空? When are you free? When are you free? 你是她的女兒。 You are her daughters. You're her daughter. 花子和太郎去吃了寿司。 Hanako and Taro went to eat some sushi. Hana and Toro went to eat sushi. 我为他打了10年的工。 I worked for him for ten years. I worked for him for 10 years. 我需要去厕所。 I need to go to the bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom. 佢應承咗六點鐘嚟。 He promised to be here at 6. It's committed to six o'clock. အဲလစ် ထက် မယ်ရီ က ပို လှတယ် လို့ ငါ ထင်တယ်။ I think that Mary is more beautiful than Alice. I think it's better than Elephants. Ümzcyaüx ranaiq mätux tesawra. Thank you for today. [ In German ] See you soon. 我在家裡。 I am in the house. I'm at home. 太陽都要下山了。 The sun is about to set. The sun's going down. 我並不打算把結果告訴你。 I have no intention of telling you the result. I'm not going to tell you the results. 快手啲啦,我哋無乜時間淨㗎喇。 Hurry up. We've little time to waste. Come on, I don't have time for that. 你可以拿你喜歡的東西。 You may take anything you like. You can take what you like. 他告诉我不论发生什么,他都准备好了。 He told me that whatever might happen, he was prepared for it. He told me that whatever happened, he was ready. 讓我們今晚留在這裡吧。 Let's stay here tonight. Let's stay here tonight. 他在回家途中出了意外。 He had an accident on his way home. There was an accident on his way home. 我找不到我三件套的背心。 I can't find the waistcoat of my three piece suit. I can't find my three jackets. 自己試試看吧。 Try it out yourself. Try it yourself. 阿John好肥,跑唔得快。 John is too fat to run fast. John is fat and running fast. 揸慢啲。 Drive slowly. Slow down. အားလုံးက နွား ကို ပလာတာ ကျွေးတာ ထက် တော့ ပိုကောင်းမှာ ပဲလေ။ It's better to feed wild ducks grain than bread. All are better than to feed their cows. 我在暑假里早晨学习。 I studied in the morning during the summer vacation. I studied in the morning of summer. 她為她的父親感到非常驕傲。 She was very proud of her father. She was very proud of her father. 並不是每個住在這裡的人都是富有的。 Not everyone who lives here is rich. Not everyone who lives here is rich. 汤姆应该很快就到。 Tom should be here soon. Tom should be here soon. 你的旅行是怎么开始的? How did your journey begin? How did your trip start? 沒有仁愛的美麗毫無用處 Beauty without bounty avails naught. There's no point in being kind. 我们穷,但是很快乐。 We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but happy. 过河拆桥。 Danger past, God forgotten. Over the river to open the bridge. Thawmz mäx cyawng laüx kä kärä shäx ? Is that what you told Tom? I don't know, I don't know. 我高興得跳了起來。 I jumped for joy. I'm happy to jump. 父亲在浇花。 Father is watering flowers. Father's on the flower. 佢唔記得咗鎖門。 He forgot to lock the door. He doesn't remember the lock. 你應該要更快警告他的。 You should have warned him sooner. You should warn him more quickly. 领主对他的臣民有绝对权力。 The lord held absolute power over his subjects. The Lord has absolute authority over his subjects. 她很忙。 She is very busy. She's busy. 如果我有個好得意嘅細佬或者好型嘅阿哥就好喇。 I wish I had a cute little brother or a cool older brother. If I have a good seed or a good brother. 他对我很好。 He is good to me. He's nice to me. 我昨晚寫了三封信。 I wrote three letters last night. I wrote three letters last night. 夏日的阳光照在我们身上。 The summer sun glared down on us. Summer sunlight is on us. 让窗子关着。 Keep the window closed. Let the window close. 貝蒂搿座山登过了三趟了。 Betty has climbed the mountain three times. Bettie's been on the mountain three times. 社會不是在進步,而是在退步。 Social conditions are going backward rather than forward. Society is not progressing, it is retreating. 留在家中很無聊。 Staying at home is boring. It's boring at home. ဘယ်သူ မှ မရနိုင် တဲ့ နေရာမှာ အဲ့ဒါက ရှိတာ။ It's where no one can get it. It is not surprising, then, that in some parts of the world, Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their zeal and zeal for preaching the good news. 这个词是什么意思? What does this word mean? What do you mean by that? 我的家離這裏只有一英里。 My house is only a mile from here. My home is only a mile away. 我觉得你觉睡得很好。 I think that you sleep very well. I think you're sleeping well. 此謂是乎非乎? Is it a yes or a no? What's that supposed to mean? 中國係亞洲最大嘅國家。 China is the largest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. 你一共花了多少钱? What is the total amount of money you spent? How much did you spend together? 我不喜欢。 I don't like this. I don't like it. 你瞓覺之前最好整熄啲火先。 You had better put out the fire before you go to bed. You better pull out the fire before you clean it up. 我喜欢阅读。 I like to read. I like to read. 汤姆说玛丽饿了。 Tom said Mary was hungry. Tom said Mary was hungry. 我花好多時間聽音樂。 I spent a lot of time listening to music. I spent a lot of time listening to music. 您的头发是什么颜色的? What color is your hair? What color is your hair? 我想跟格特‧嘉尼一道死。 I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Gert Karney. 她急忙地清掃了她的房間。 She cleaned her room in a hurry. She had to clean her room in a hurry. 不幸降临到他的头上。 A misfortune befell him. Unfortunately, it came to his head. 他会说日语。 He's able to speak Japanese. He'll speak Japanese. 我对电影感兴趣。 I am interested in movies. I'm interested in movies. 你出國係去玩定係去做嘢呀? Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business? Do you want to go abroad or do something? Nazshiq räq yiiqshiz rix hali shäkut nawngz cyängz nguztä ngiz räq kiqriz täkängx. I agree with you that we should try again. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 我深信事情会往更好的方向转变。 I am convinced that things will change for the better. I am convinced that things will change in a better direction. 点击图片进入下一页! Click the picture to go to the next page! Click the image to the next page! 反正要做了,就好好做。 Anyway, if you want to do it, then you should do it. Do it anyway, do it. 這是我的第一次。 This is my first time. It's my first time. 我贊成你的說法。 I think you're right. I agree with you. 快点! Hurry up. Come on! 别忘了明天七点到这里来。 Don't forget to come here at seven tomorrow. Don't forget to come here tomorrow at 7:00. 獲得諾貝爾獎後,她仍謙虛如昔。 After winning the Nobel prize, she remained as modest as ever. When she won the Nobel Prize, she was still humble. 佢住喺隔籬村。 He lives in the next village. He lives in the village. 我现在不能解释。 I can't explain it now. I can't explain it now. 拜拜! Bye! Bye! 他迟到没有理由。 He has no reason to be late. He's late for no reason. 我上次计算,估计我已经学会了两千五百个汉字左右。 Last time I counted, I estimated that I know around 2500 Chinese characters. My last calculation, it is estimated that I've learned about 2,500 Chinese words. 我还没做完作业。 I have not finished my homework yet. I haven't finished my homework yet. 她把头垂在她母亲的肩上。 She rested her head on her mother's shoulder. She put her head on her mother's shoulder. 我会在回家的路上顺便去邮局。 I'll drop by the post office on the way home. I'll go to the post office on the way home. 阿Tom教咗我好多有用嘅嘢。 Tom taught me a lot of useful things. A tom taught me a lot of useful things. 閂咗道門佢。 Close that door. - Thank you. - Thank you. 我们何不回家呢? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? 你比他好。 You're better than him. You're better than him. 我可唔可以指住粒蘋果嚟定義咩叫紅色? Is it possible to define the colour red by pointing to an apple? Can I not refer to the particle apple as the red one? 她想知道是谁送的花。 She wants to know who sent the flowers. She wants to know who gave the flowers. 你冇嘢吖嘛?係咪好大壓力呀? Are you okay? Are you stressed? Don't you have enough pressure? 她生病了。 She is sick. She's sick. 你最好想別的辦法。 You better think of another way. You better think about something else. 我们的世界正变得越来越小。 Our world is getting smaller and smaller. Our world is becoming increasingly small. Liix läq! Look! Let's go! 他害怕父親。 He's afraid of his father. He's afraid of his father. 汤姆救了玛丽的命。 Tom saved Mary's life. Tom saved Mary's life. 佢身体好弱。 His health is fragile. He's so weak. 汤姆把伞落在了巴士上。 Tom left the umbrella on the bus. Tom left the umbrella on the bus. 這幾乎不值得討論。 It is hardly worth discussing. It's almost not worth the discussion. 大家好! Hi, everybody! Hello, everyone! 她買了兩雙波點絲襪。 She bought two pairs of polka dot stockings. She bought two popsticks of silk. 我原谅汤姆。 I do forgive Tom. I forgive Tom. 不怕虎一樣的敵人,就怕豬一樣的隊友。 Don't be afraid of having tigers for enemies; be afraid of having pigs for friends. And fear not like a tiger's enemy, lest a pig's company be like the flock. 不要在陽光下逗留太久。 Don't stay in the sun too long. Don't stay in the sun for too long. 她的头发长回原来的长度了。 Her hair grew back to it's original length. Her hair went back to her old length. 你必須派人去請醫生來。 You must send for the doctor. You have to send someone to get a doctor. 我肯定这是淡水鱼。 I'm sure that this is a fresh water fish. I'm sure it's freshwater fish. 除非雨停了,阿拉才会得出去。 We won't go out unless it stops raining. Allah's gonna have to go out unless the rain stops. 每个月还清信用卡负债很重要。 It makes sense to pay off your credit card balance every month. The monthly credit card liability is also important. 他叫了一盘杂碎。 He ordered a chop suey. He called a piece of shit. 遊客到瑞士欣賞阿爾卑斯山。 Visitors to Switzerland admire the Alps. In Switzerland, tourists are fond of the mountains. 她再次弄壞了烤麵包機。 She has broken the toaster again. She broke the bakery again. 這座城堡是甚麼時候建成的? When was the castle built? When did this castle be built? 这些高官和富商的大四合院常常有精美雕刻并粉刷的横梁和柱子,而且有精心修剪的花园。 The large siheyuans of these high-ranking officials and wealthy merchants often featured beautifully carved and painted roof beams and pillars and carefully landscaped gardens. These high-ranking and large-scale quadrillages of the rich often have fine sculptors and sculptors, and gardens with fine fabrication. 佢嬲爆爆噉砰埋咗道門。 He banged the door in anger. It's "explosion blasted the door." 很不幸,没有人在身边。 Unfortunately, there was no one around. Unfortunately, no one's around. 他的名字不在名单里。 His name is not on the list. His name is not on the list. 我們因為只有一個地球,所以我們更要懂得愛護它。 Because we only have one earth, we need to understand more how to care for it. We only have one planet, so we need to know better how to love it. 再差嘅我都見過。 I've seen worse. I've seen anything worse. 他累了,但是他繼續工作。 He was tired, but he kept working. He's tired, but he's still working. 我媽媽的廚藝很好。 My mother is a very good cook. My mom's cook's good. 對我嚟講梗係三更半夜喇! If you ask me, that's clearly the middle of the night! It's three and a half nights to talk about me! 不要放棄英語。 Don't give up English. Don't give up English. 我們遲早也會死。 We must die sooner or later. We'll die sooner or later. 耶稣是圣母玛利亚生的。 Jesus was born of Mary. Jesus was born of Mary the Virgin. 週六,東京街上人滿為患。 The streets in Tokyo are full on Saturdays. Saturday, the streets of Tokyo are full of people. 别被杀了。 Don't get yourself killed. Don't get killed. 你去到美國就會掛住日本啲嘢食㗎喇。 You will miss Japanese food in the United States. If you go to the US, you'll hang up some Japanese foods. Rämri rayix. Good evening. Yes, Rämri rayix. 考得如何? How did you do in your exam? How's the pass? 我是同志。 I'm gay. I'm gay. 咩話?我聽唔到你講咩呀。 What? I can't hear you. I can't hear you! 他沒有孩子。 He doesn't have any children. He doesn't have children. 这些汉字对我们来说不太难。 These Chinese characters are not too difficult for us. These words are not very difficult for us. 我对这个政府的印象是,他们需要强一点儿的经济政策,要不然将来会遇到很大的问题。 My impression of this government is that they need a more forceful economic policy, otherwise they'll encounter large problems in the future. My impression of this Government is that they need a stronger economic policy, or they will face a great deal of problems in the future. 請寄信給我。 Please send me a letter. Send me a letter, please. 他错过了7点30分的车。 He was late for the 7:30 bus. He missed the car at 7:30. 航空专家详细分析了统计数据。 The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail. The data are analysed in detail by aviation experts. 侬要么出去要么进来。 Either go out or come in. Whether to go out or to come in. 我头疼。 My head hurts. I'm having a headache. Ümznäq kä ngawxhiax diax phyenzlaz yax rawx shäx? Do you really want to be a soldier? I don't know. 我家很远。 My home is far away. My place is far away. 沒有人能剝奪你的人權。 No one can deprive of your human rights. No one can take away your human rights. 一群年輕人在操場上打手球。 A group of young men are playing handball in the playground. A group of young people playing handballs at the stadium. 我帶了一個驚喜給你。 I have a surprise for you. I brought you a surprise. 我睇電視睇到厭喇。 I'm tired of watching television. I'll see the TV and see what it's like. 我開會嗰陣咁啱得咁橋坐正喺佢隔籬。 It happened that I sat next to her at a meeting. That's how I sat on the bridge when I was in a meeting. 我不能收下这个礼物。 I cannot accept this gift. I can't take this gift. 这是谁的茶? Whose tea is this? Whose tea is this? 他有一大家子要養。 He has a large family to support. He's got a son to feed. 笑是人类特有的吗? Is laughter a quality of man only? What's so special about laughing? 汤姆等着每个人都离开。 Tom is waiting for everyone to leave. Tom's waiting for everyone to leave. 我很少这么生气。 I'm rarely this angry. I rarely get so angry. 我的名字叫Ricardo, 你呢? My name's Ricardo, and you? My name is Ricardo, and you? 讓我們在戲院前面碰面。 Let's meet in front of the theater. Let's meet in front of the theater. 售票窗口在哪裡? Where is the ticket window? Where's the ticket window? 你知唔知點解我成日都咁嬲呀? Do you know why I'm angry all the time? Do you know what I'm doing all the time? 佢仲記得你。 He still remembers you. He still remembers you. 放屁闲话! That's bullshit! Bullshit! 你太年輕,不能退休。 You're too young to retire. You're too young to retire. 您想吃点什么吗? Would you like to eat something? Would you like something to eat? 春天了再來 Spring days have come again. Come back in the spring. 我載你去機場吖。 I'll drive you to the airport. I'll take you to the airport. Ngiz Cyexpanx bawmx bawm mängx. I don't speak Japanese. Cyexpanx bawmx mängx. 他的专业是经济学。 He is majoring in economics. His profession is economics. သူ သူငယ်မပါ။ She's a girl. He is not a child. 你對他說的話讓他感覺好多了。 Whatever you said to him made him feel better. You made him feel much better with what he said to him. 他白天睡觉,晚上工作。 He sleeps during the day and works at night. He sleeps during the day and works at night. ငါ ငါ့အိမ်စာတွေနဲ့ အလုပ်ရှုပ်နေတယ်။ I'm busy with my homework. I am busy with my homework. 你对音乐感不感兴趣? Are you interested in music? You're not interested in music? 他是因为母亲病了而不能来学校。 It is because his mother is ill that he cannot come to school. He was unable to come to school because his mother was sick. 她為他做了一套新衣服。 She made him a new suit. She made him a new dress. 我们只是朋友。 We're just friends. We're just friends. 我想答應的,但是⋯⋯ I'd like to say yes, but... I'd like to, but.. 你會參加嗎? Will you join us? Are you going to join us? 他必须被免职。 That person needs to be relieved from his/her post. He must be dismissed. 她對於我送的禮物感到很開心。 She was very happy with my gift. She was happy with the gift I gave her. 还剩多少时间? How much time is left? How much time is left? 汤姆是我们的法语老师。 Tom is our French teacher. Tom is our French teacher. 她總是穿著黑色的衣服。 She always dresses in black. She's always wearing black clothes. 我没见过也没听过这样的事。 I have neither seen nor heard of such a thing. I've never heard of anything like this before. Crouch 先生,你在做什么? Mr. Crouch, what are you doing? Mr. Crouch, what are you doing? 阿拉伯盛产石油。 Arabia abounds in oil. Arab oil production. 如果我有佢把聲就好喇! I wish I had a voice like his! If I have him! Änap ranaiq kä ähinx ranaiq nawx mi räq. Tomorrow is another day. [ In German ] No, no, no, no. 我今天上午到了車站。 I got to the station this morning. I arrived at the station this morning. 在假期中我什麼都沒有做。 Over the holidays I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything during the holidays. 他可能不高兴。 He may not be happy. He might not be happy. 我一直想学习如何游泳。 I've always wanted to learn how to swim. I've always wanted to learn how to swim. 我不喜歡啤酒。 I do not like beer. I don't like beer. Ngiz räq ex-kärä yecyäk nyungz kärä chiz kängx. I saw the girl. The next time you're there, try the next time you're there. 他十年前去了那‘里。 He went there ten years ago. He went to that house 10 years ago. George住這多久了? How long has George lived here? How long has George lived here? 湯姆己經知道了真相。 Tom already knew the truth. Tom knows the truth. 她把蘋果切成了兩半。 She cut the apple in half. She cut the apple into half. 佢漏咗啲錢喺屋企。 He left the money at home. He leaked the money at his home. 一樣嘅嘢嚟。 It's the same thing. One thing is real. 你在這裡的時候,我感到更安全。 When you're here, I feel safer. When you're here, I feel safer. 不論發生了什麼事,我會永遠愛你。 I'll always love you, no matter what happens. Whatever happens, I'll always love you. 她曾经夸口说一个月之内要减掉5公斤赘肉。 She once proudly stated that she was going to lose 5 kilos of fat in a single month. She said she was going to cut 5 kg of meat within a month. 我讓他刷房子。 I made him paint the house. I told him to brush the house. 咱们现在走吧。要不咱们要迟到了。 Let’s go now. Otherwise, we'll be late. Let's go. We're gonna be late. 这我受够了。 I'm fed up with this. I've had enough. 我對此真不高興。 I'm really not happy about it. I'm really not happy about this. 她丈夫是個優秀的廚師。 Her husband is an excellent cook. Her husband is a good cook. 银行周日不营业。 The bank is not open for business on Sundays. Banks don't do business on Sundays. 父母爱自己的孩子。 Parents love their children. Parents love their children. 佢個阿哥上個月過咗身。 His older brother passed away last month. He's been over the last month. Rämri rava! Good night! R-R-m-m-r-m-r-m-m-r-m-r- 我們期望能再見到你。 We look forward to seeing you again. We look forward to seeing you again. 我的祖父说话非常慢。 My grandfather speaks very slowly. My grandfather spoke very slowly. 代我向你家人问好。 Please give my regards to your family. Give my best to your family. 你必需马上去那儿。 It is necessary for you to go there immediately. You have to go right there. 她是我的姊妹。 She's my sister. She's my sister. 這前所未聞, 犯罪嫌疑人的律師竟然是真正的罪魁禍首。 It's totally without precedent for the suspect's attorney to be the true culprit. This has not seen before that the lawyer of the suspect is the real perpetrator of the crime. 我有辆新车。 I have a new car. I've got a new car. 關閉所有的門和窗戶。 Shut all the doors and windows. Close all doors and windows. 已经9点了。 It is already nine o'clock. It's nine o'clock. 护士很生病。 The nurse is ill. Nurses are sick. 公司的職員設法隱瞞,但真相不久便水落石出了。 The staff at the company tried to cover up the truth, but soon it came to light. The work of the company was hidden, but the truth soon came to a standstill. Yamlai kawngxphiq väx rawx tälaüx? What kind of gift do you want? Yamai kawngphiq väx ckx tälaüx? 师傅,方向反了,我要去东边,你怎么往西边开? Driver, you're driving in the opposite direction. I want to go east. Why are you driving west? Master, I'm going east. How are you going to drive west? 選擇你喜歡的球拍。 Choose your favorite racket. Choose the ball you like. 我對他的問題感到非常困惑。 I was awfully confused by his question. I was very confused about his problems. 湯姆皺著眉頭。 Tom frowned. Tom's got an eye. 我想和你讨论一些事情。 I'd like to discuss something with you. I want to talk to you about something. 他的雙腳被交叉捆綁著。 His legs were crossed. His feet were crossed. 他还会说俄语。 He can speak Russian as well. He would also speak Russian. 她一開門,一隻貓就跑了出來。 As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out. As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out. 時光飛逝。 Time flies. Time flys away. 苹果在发售日期和价格上口风仍然很紧。 Apple is still very secretive with regard to the release date and the price. Apples continue to be tight on the date and price of their sale. 佢去到個火車站嗰陣,班火車已經走咗差唔多半粒鐘。 When he reached the station, the train had already left almost half an hour before. He went to a train time, and the train was almost halfway through the water. 你想要知道如何避免皺紋嗎? Would you like to know how to prevent getting wrinkles? Do you want to know how to avoid tattoos? 他們取笑了傑克的髮型。 They made fun of Jack's haircut. They made fun of Jack's hair. 用手指別人是不禮貌的。 It's not polite to point at others. It's not polite to use your fingers. 他有点活泼。 He's a bit energetic. He's a little active. 你會說納美語嗎? Can you speak the Na'vi language? Do you speak Nami? 他打着见我的幌子来了我家。 He came to my house on the pretext of seeing me. He came to my house. 我哋希望可以喺天黑之前上到山頂。 We hope to reach the summit before it gets dark. I wish I could go up to the top of the mountain before dark. 我们必须遵纪守法。 We ought to obey the law. We must follow the law. 开火! Open fire! Fire! Tom是二零一零年五月五日出生的。 Tom was born on May 5, 2010. Tom was born on May 5, 2001. 我可以用哪些信用卡? Which credit cards can I use? What credit card can I use? 他好心地把我送到医院。 He was kind enough to take me to the hospital. He took me to the hospital with all his heart. 她迷路了,紧接着天开始下雨了。 She lost her way and on top of that it began to rain. She's lost, and it's starting to rain. ကျနော့်ဆီက လိုချင်တယ်ဆိုတာက ဘာလဲ? What is it you want from me? What is it that you want to do it? 我們總是有說不完的話。 We always have something to say. We always say things that don't work out. 我前幾天買了這本書。 I bought this book the other day. I bought this book the other day. 五千元是很多钱。 5000 yuan is a lot of money. 5,000 dollars is a lot of money. 我仲以為佢好信得過添。 I was mistaken in thinking that he was a trustworthy man. I still thought he was trusted. 你識唔識揸車㗎? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know Cars? "山洞裡發生了什麼事?" 我很好奇。"我不知道。" "What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." "What happened in the cave?" I wonder. "I don't know. Tom尖叫。 Tom screamed. Tom screamed. 我去到邊都帶住部相機。 I take my camera wherever I go. I'm going to stay with the camera. 他比我高三英寸。 He's three inches taller than I am. He's three inches older than me. 你喜歡什麼類型的電影? What types of films do you like? What kind of movie do you like? 你喝茶吗? Do you drink tea? Do you have tea? Ümznäq mänäx niix hiax ngawx cyängz. You look very tired. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 蕾拉行咗去個停車場到。 Layla walked to the parking lot. Leila went to a parking lot. 今天非常酷熱。 The heat is terrible today. It's really cool today. 別談這種事。 Don't talk about such a thing. Don't talk about that. Ngiz ümznäq raix kiq räriz mängx. I don't agree with you. Whenever you're out of your mind. 我看了這部電影,但它沒有那麼好。 I saw the film, which was not so good. I saw this movie, but it wasn't that good. Ngiz iz-ime pawnxcyawng laq baiq rat kängx I forgot my email address. ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no 不要放棄英語。 Don't quit English. Don't give up English. 我是个化妆师,每当我把一个姑娘变成大美女。 I'm a make-up artist. I can turn any girl into a beautiful woman. I'm a make-up artist, and whenever I turn a girl into a beautiful girl, 佢食極都唔肥。 However much she eats, she never gains weight. He's not fat. 就算下雨,比赛也将照常进行。 Even if it rains, the game will be played. Even if it rains, the race will be done as usual. 我很受惊吓的。 I was terribly frightened. I'm scared. 我會帶你逛逛這個鎮。 I'll show you around the town. I'll take you around this town. 我這樣想是對的嗎? Am I correct in thinking thus? Am I right about that? 你好嗎? How are you? How are you? 我會幫你把戒指找回來的。 I will find you your lost ring. I'll get you the ring. Ngiz räq yamlai väx kälawz vanx kängx kärä thunx mäx ngiz äbix lap täkängx. I'm sorry for what I did. If it's too late, it's going to be too late. တဘက်က ရေချိုးခန်းထဲမှာ။ The towel is in the bathroom. The other side is in the bathroom. Tom對烹飪很在行。 Tom is quite good at cooking. Tom's good at cooking. 個海灘好靚。 The beach was beautiful. The beach is good. 看,这是我的名片。 Look, this is my business card. Look, this is my card. 比赛前我一直都很紧张。 I always get nervous just before a match. I was always nervous before the game. ကျွန်တော် ခင်ဗျား ကို ဖုန်းဆက်ဖို့ မေ့သွားမိလို့ ကျွန်တော် တောင်းပန် ပါတယ်နော်။ I'm sorry that I forgot to call you. I beg you, I forgot to call you. 這名士兵在黑暗中保持戒備。 The soldier kept a sharp lookout in the darkness. The soldier remained alert in the dark. 你的项目需要一大笔钱。 Your project needs a large amount of money. Your project needs a lot of money. 他把梯子倚著柵欄放。 He placed the ladder against the fence. He held the ladder to the fence. 对个,我有桩事体要跟侬讲。 By the way, I have something to tell you. By the way, I have something to talk to. Ärä kä ächüxsez li mi räq. This might be over soon. I'll be right back. 我在那里碰见一个朋友。 I met a friend there. I met a friend there. 我想要离开这里! I wanna get out of here! I want to get out of here! 他承認沒有參加考試。 He was admitted without taking the exam. He admitted he didn't go to the exam. 他們以他們的女兒為榮。 They are proud of their daughter. They were proud of their daughters. 那是我的照片嗎? Is that a picture of me? Is that my picture? 日本是由四個大島和三千多個小島組成的,面積和加州差不多。 Japan consists of four major islands and over 3,000 small islands, and is about equal to California in area. Japan is made up of four large islands and more than 3,000 small islands, similar to California. 我买两朵漂亮的花。 I buy two pretty flowers. I bought two beautiful flowers. 她偶爾有憂鬱的心情。 She sometimes goes into a mood of depression. She sometimes has a sad mood. 但是,雖說是安全期,但好像也不代表體內射精不會懷孕。 However, it seems that just because it's a 'low risk day' doesn't mean that you won't get pregnant from intravaginal ejaculation. However, although it is said to be a safe period, it does not seem to mean that internal radiation will not be pregnant. 别再跟我说话了! Don't ever talk to me again! Stop talking to me! 从网上退下来去洗个澡吧。 Get off the internet and take a shower. Get off the Internet and take a shower. 那就是他生气的理由。 That's the reason he became angry. That's why he's angry. 每个傍晚我都会喂我的狗狗们。 I've always fed my dogs in the early evening. I feed my dogs every evening. Äpaiq kä yu raix mänz haixngax rawx mäk. She doesn't want to be with anyone. I'll be right back. 我想讓我們一起做。 I want us to do it together. I want us to do it together. 现在每个人都在这里。 Everyone is here now. Everyone's here now. 伊垃书一方面花交关钞票。 She spends a lot of money on books. It's on the one hand, and it's on the other. 我不想谈这件事。 I prefer not to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. 我在草地上直躺下来了。 I laid myself on the grass. I'm lying straight down on the grass. 他說:「我們休息一下。」 He said, "Let's take a short rest." He said, "Let's take a break." 我現在能睜眼嗎? May I open my eyes now? Can I open my eyes now? 你在這裡做什麼? What are you doing here? What are you doing here? 一旦爆發核戰爭,受苦的將會是全人類。 All humanity will suffer if a nuclear war breaks out. Once a nuclear war has broken out, the suffering will be human. 他们像老朋友一样交谈。 They talk as though they were old friends. They talk like old friends. 我不能接受這個計劃。 I cannot accept this plan. I can't accept this plan. 到那边需要多长时间? How long will it take to get there? How long will it take to get there? 我和往常一样起得很早。 I got up early as usual. I'm as early as ever. 我感覚我的頭要炸了。 I feel like my head is going to explode. I feel, "My head's going to blow." 米价下跌了。 The price of rice has come down. Michael's down. 那家店卖报纸和杂志。 That store sells newspapers and magazines. The store sells newspapers and magazines. 请唱歌。 Please sing. Please sing. 我感覺你將來會成為一名優秀的律師。 I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I feel like you're gonna be a good lawyer. 他应当受到惩罚。 He needs to be punished. He should be punished. 我不知道什么更糟糕。 I don't know what is worse. I don't know what's worse. 要是我错脱个闲话被人家评论,我勿管个。 I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong. If I fail to comment, I will not take care of myself. 我不懂他的意思。 I can't figure out what he means. I don't know what he means. 冷空氣疾風席捲整棟房子。 A blast of cold air swept through the house. A cold air strike took place throughout the house. 湯姆說瑪麗害羞。 Tom said Mary is shy. Tom said Mary was shy. 現在我們有藍莓、黑莓、櫻桃、草莓、桃子和油桃。 Right now, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. Now we have blueberry, blackberry, peacock, strawberry, peach and peach. Thawmz, ärä kä iz-phuz. Tom, this is my brother, John. Do you know what I'm talking about? 我要安作我的秘書。 I made Ann my secretary. I want to be my secretary. Ümznäq yamlai väx tämaz tälaüx? What are you thinking about? I don't want to talk about it. 您能好好给我们照一张相吗? Can you take a picture of us? Can you take a good picture of us? 她彎低身子,把錢幣撿了起來。 She bent down and picked up the coin. She's down and picks up the money. 請不要在圖書館的書籍上寫字。 Please do not write in this library book. Please don't write on the library's books. 汤姆一定很能讲。 Tom sure talks a lot. Tom must be very capable. 我每天去上班。 I go to work every day. I go to work every day. 我想睡觉。 I want to sleep. I want to sleep. ကျမ နင့်ကို နက်ဖြန် မတွေ့နိုင်ဘူး။ I can't meet you now. Can't be found to tomorrow. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? When a friend comes from afar, is that not delightful? There's friends coming from far away, aren't you happy? 不要把你的燈藏在斗笠下。 Hide not your light under a bushel. Don't hide your light under the buffalo. 我以為他一定會考試合格。 I took it for granted that he would pass the exam. I thought he was going to be qualified. 我们当时很累。 We were very tired at the time. We were tired. 我隨時樂意付錢給你。 I'll gladly pay you anytime. I'll pay you as soon as I can. 我叔叔住在國外很多年了。 My uncle lived abroad for many years. My uncle lived abroad for years. 我也喜歡這個顏色。 I like this color, too. I like the color, too. 不要掉了这个杯子。 Don't drop this cup. Don't lose this cup. 我把这个杯子倒满了牛奶 I filled this glass with milk. I've filled this cup with milk. 我应该写信吗? Do I have to write a letter? Should I write? “你不能用问题来回答我的问题。” “为什么不能?” "You can't answer my question with a question." "Why not?" “You can't answer my question with a question. Why not? 我会想你。 I'll miss you. I'll miss you. 你今天去不去健身房? Are you going to the gym today? Are you going to the gym today? Ümz-shäraz kä yu väx? Who is your teacher? I don't know. 他喜欢回顾老录像带。 He likes re-watching the old videotapes. He likes to look back on the old tape. 「老實講吖,其實我畏高㗎。」「正一無膽鬼!」 "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "To be honest, I'm afraid of heights." 你聖誕假諗住去邊玩呀? Where are you going for Christmas vacation? Why don't you stay next to Christmas? 我不了解你在說什麼。 I don't understand what you are saying. I don't know what you're talking about. 我不是很喜歡那裡的商店。 I don't really like the stores there. I don't like the store there. 你不该在这里吃饭。 You shouldn't eat here. You shouldn't eat here. 祝贺你 Congratulations! Congratulations. 你應該幫他工作的。 You should have helped him with his work. You should work for him. 我喜歡去滑雪。 I'd like to go skiing. I like to ski. 他們讓我們工作了一整天。 They made us work all day long. They let us work all day. 我們跑了三公里。 We ran three kilometers. We ran three miles. 我拥有一匹马。 I own a horse. I have a horse. 我們為該寫些甚麼而爭論了好幾個小時。 We disputed for hours about what to write. We've been arguing for hours about what to write. 剛才和你說話的人是誰? Who is the man that you were talking with? Who was that guy you were talking to? 我已经道歉了。 I already apologized. I'm sorry. 您住在哪里? Where do you live? Where do you live? 你老得做不了这种事了。 You're too old to be doing this kind of thing. You don't have to do this anymore. 最近的警察局在哪里? Where is the nearest police station? Where's the nearest police station? 不管他离开还是跟我们在一起, 都可以。 It doesn’t matter whether he will stay with us or leave. Whether he leaves or stays with us, all right. 据传总统下个月要辞职了。 It is rumoured that the prime-minister will resign next month. It is reported that the President will resign next month. 他们总是为了小事吵架。 They always fight over little things. They're always fighting for small things. Shäm rawngx phä. Let's work. [ In German ] I'll be right back. 她对当下的流行很敏感。 She follows the latest craze. She's sensitive to the current epidemic. 每年世界人口都有 2% 的平均增長。 Each year the world's population increases on average by two percent. Each year, the world's population has an average growth rate of 2 per cent. 你不热吗? Aren't you hot? Aren't you hot? 谁是你的老师? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? 搿药呒没副作用。 This medicine does not have side effects. "There's no side effect on the pharmacy." 你觉得她最想要什么纪念品? What souvenir do you think she would like most? What do you think she wants most? 湯姆和露絲訂婚了。 Tom is engaged to Ruth. Tom and Ruth are engaged. 我相信湯姆是對的。 I believe Tom is right. I'm sure Tom's right. 他叫胡安,我們是同事。 He is called Huan, we are colleagues. His name is Juan, and we work together. 懂得用電腦是一種優勢。 It is an advantage to be able to use a computer. You know, using a computer is an advantage. Ümznäq ümzcyu ranaiq väx si laüx? How long did you stay? Is there anything I can do about it? Ähaix rawx ti thunx kä ähaix maix. Those who want to stay can stay. [ In German ] Do you know what I'm talking about? 我母亲已经五十岁了。 My mother is fifty years old. My mother is 50 years old. Ümznäq äphax nä äkhäx yiiqshiz mänz chiz maüx shaqli mäk shäx? You've never seen one of these before, have you? I don't know. I don't want to talk about it. 安娜和何塞是同學。 Anna and Hesai are classmates. Anna and José are in school together. 月球表面冇空氣,所以冇風,亦都冇聲音。 Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. There is no air on the Moon, so there is no wind, and there is no sound. ကျွန်တော် လူပါ။ I'm a man. I am a man. 這是一種再加工茶葉。 This is a type of reprocessed tea. It's a reprocessing tea leaf. 这个寺庙是何时造的? When was this temple built? When did this temple be built? 我喜欢他们每一个。 I like each of them. I like every one of them. 我正在洗澡。 I wash myself. I'm taking a shower. 有人在看著你。 Someone is watching you. Someone's looking at you. 你在土耳其哪儿生活? Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? 请在一米线外等候。 Please stand one meter away. Please wait on the one-mile line. 能告诉我你的婚姻状况吗? What's your marital status? Can you tell me your marital status? 我还在看。 I am still reading. I'm still watching. 妈妈想念她在读大学的女儿。 The mother missed her daughter who was away at college. Mom misss her daughter at the university. 我知道你对他评价很高。 I know you think highly of him. I know you're very good at him. 我想學印尼話。 I want to learn Indonesian. I want to learn Indonesian. 仅太平洋的面积就比所有的大陆的总和面积还要大。 The Pacific Ocean alone covers an area larger than that of all continents put together. The Pacific alone is larger than the total size of all continents. 你们在听我说吗? Are you all listening to me? Are you guys listening to me? 我不是故意的。 I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't mean to. 呢隻錶我尋日買嘅。 This is the watch I bought yesterday. It's a watch I buy day-to-day. 水位上升得非常快。 The water level rises very quickly. The water is rising very quickly. Kärä kä mängxkhu shä äta mängx väx? Is that your first name or your last name? I don't know. Ümznäq räq tai tälaüx khaztäz? Are you winning? [ In German ] Do you have anything to say? 你永远也成为不了计算机科学家。 You will never become a computer scientist. You'll never be a computer scientist. 她把小毕卡思的绘画放在画间的墙上。 She hung a little Picasso on the wall of the drawing room. She put Picás' painting on the wall of the studio. 草莓汁对记忆力有利。 Strawberry juice is good for the memory. Strawberry juice is good for memory power. Ngiz Thawmz mäx yam mänz kuq mängx. I didn't give Tom anything. Do as you're told. Do you understand? 真相很快就會水落石出了。 It won't be long before we know the truth. The truth will soon come to an end. 我很累,还有点心烦。 I'm tired, and a bit annoyed. I'm tired and I'm a little upset. 看,这是我的问题。 Look, it's my problem. Look, that's my problem. 我今晚给你打电话。 I'll ring you up tonight. I'll call you tonight. 我想我的右手臂斷了。 I think my right arm is broken. I think my right arm is broken. 他差点在雪中冻死。 He almost froze to death from the snow. He almost died in the snow. 我穿三十七號。 I wear a size 37. I'm wearing the 37th. 我們叫我們的狗Johnnie。 We call our dog Johnnie. We call our dog Johnnie. 我不喜欢他笑的方式。 I dislike how he smiles. I don't like the way he smiles. 我們很快就可以知道事情的真相了。 It will not be long before we can know the truth of the matter. We'll know the truth soon enough. Steve看上去很高兴。 Steve looks quite happy. Steve looks happy. 你最鍾意邊個哲學家? Who's your favorite philosopher? You want to be a philosopher? 我們等了好久,但是她還是沒有出現。 We waited a long time, but she didn't show up. We waited a long time, but she didn't show up. 我不是想打扰你。 I didn't mean to disturb you. I'm not trying to disturb you. 她很受朋友歡迎。 She's loved by her friends. She's popular with friends. 我呢,就鍾意咖啡多過茶。 As for me, I prefer coffee to tea. I'm just, like, a cup of coffee. Ähinx nä kiz haw läq. Go away. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. 国际货币基金组织不考虑再借款给该国。 The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country. The International Monetary Fund does not consider second borrowing to that country. 我弟弟小的时候,我常常陪他去公园。 When my brother was young, I often used to take him to the park. When my brother was little, I often went to the park with him. 孤獨的人會孤獨,是因為他畏懼他人。 Lonely people perpetuate their own loneliness through their fear of others. Lonely people will be lonely because he fears others. Ümznäq räq ärä liix ra tälawx nguztä tämaz täkängx. I think you should see this. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 你或许可以依靠他来帮助你。 You may depend on him to help you. You might depend on him to help you. 佢係咪的士司機嚟㗎? Is she a taxi driver? She's a booby driver. 她是医生了。 She’s a doctor now. She's a doctor now. ငါက အပေါ်ထပ်မှာ။ I was upstairs. I am upstairs. 我听见她唱歌了。 I heard her singing. I heard her sing. 我认为你考虑久了就会不一样了。 I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. I think you're going to be different after all. 我明年想去國外。 I want to go abroad next year. I'd like to go to a foreign country next year. 我最近沒甚麼時間看書。 I've got little time for reading these days. I haven't had time to read these lately. 足球比網球更受歡迎。 Soccer is more popular than tennis. Football is more popular than football. 高卡路里的食物對我的身體不好。 High calorie foods are bad for my health. The food in Kokala is not good for my body. 她不太會煮飯。 She can't cook well. She doesn't cook much. Siq rawngx phä. Let's eat. It's all over the place. 那只鸟的体积有半只老鹰那么大。 The bird was half the size of a hawk. That bird's half the size of an eagle that big. 你有任何比較小的尺寸嗎? Do you have any smaller sizes? Do you have any smaller sizes? 他聲嘶力竭地叫道:「這場仗,我們不可以輸!」 He shouted at the top of his voice, "This is a battle we cannot lose." He cried out with all his heart: "We shall not lose this battle!" 她很长时间没见过他。 She has not seen him for a long time. She's seen him for a long time. 告訴我該做什麼。 Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. 汤姆和玛丽互相拥抱。 Tom and Mary hugged each other. Tom and Mary hugged each other. 一只贱骨头照顺时针方向垃海转。 The top is turning clockwise. It's a bitch's bone that's going straight in the direction of the needle. 我昨天没工作。 I didn't work yesterday. I didn't work yesterday. 自从我认识她的时候,我就恨她。 From the moment that I met her, I hated her. I've hated her since I met her. Täyaix raix kängx khamäq äbix naq lap rawngx kiq yawx. Sorry for being late. Over there, over there, over there, over there, over there. 他呆在他阿姨家。 He stayed at his aunt's house. He's staying at his aunt's. 汤姆经常在孩子们不在家时阅读。 Tom often reads when his children aren't at home. Tom often read at home when the kids are not there. 我是汤姆的老婆。 I'm Tom's wife. I'm Tom's wife. 约翰·列侬是1940年出生个。 John Lennon was born in 1940. John Lewyn was born in 1940. Tā lìkè jiù láile. 她立刻就来了。 She came at once. She's coming right away. Ümznäq yamlai rawx väx? What do you want? I don't know. 幸存者在一个岛上被找到了,正因饥饿频临死亡。 The survivors were found on an island, dying of starvation. The survivors were found on an island and were still dead due to hunger. 他竟然还给我装傻。 Despite everything he is still playing dumb. He's still playing stupid for me. Tom的房子有三個房間。 Tom's house has three bedrooms. Tom's house has three rooms. 我想教間同學好有動力嘅學校。 I'd like to teach in a school with highly-motivated students. I want to teach in a very dynamic school. 你很聪明。 You're very smart. You're very smart. 这本书的内容是什么? What is the book about? What's the content of this book? 滚出我家! Get out of my house! Get out of my house! 突然,我停下腳步。 Suddenly, my feet stopped. Suddenly, I stopped. 麵條下鍋前要先掰成小塊。 Before you put the noodles in the pot, you have to break them up into small pieces. Let's make a piece of it before the noodles come down. 這個大約跟那個一樣大。 This is about as large as that. This is about as big as that one. Terawyü nä yühiazlawng thunx äsi There are islands in the sea. ♪ Teawy ünä yühiazwang thunx äsi ♪ ငါ အဲ့ဒီလောက် မသောက် ပါဘူး။ I didn't drink that much. I didn't drink that much. 瑪麗亞和納塔利婭去購物。他們為自己買些東西。 Maria and Natalia go shopping. They buy something for themselves. Maria and Natalia go shopping. They buy something for themselves. 我的哥哥在树下。 My brothers are under the tree. My brother's under the tree. 我有点不能集中注意力。 I kind of lost my focus. I'm kind of not focusing. 我認為大家都應該學另外一種語言。 I think that everyone should study a foreign language. I think that everyone should learn another language. 下一班火車將在第二月台, 於下午四點三十五分前往澀谷。 The next train arriving at platform 2 will depart for Shibuya at 4:35pm. The next train will be on the second platform at 4:35 p.m. for the valley. 在這兒等著,直到我回來。 Wait here till I come back. Wait here until I come back. 你的头发自然发色是什么颜色? What is your natural hair colour? What color is your hair color? 直到下周。 See you next week. Until next week. 這是本好書,但那本更好。 This is a good book, but that one is better. It's a good book, but it's better. 你生气了吗? Are you angry? Are you angry? 在我看来,这次会议很成功。 In my opinion, the meeting was a success. In my opinion, this meeting has been a success. 洛杉磯是我想去的其中一個地方。 Los Angeles is one of the places that I'd like to visit. Los Angeles is one of the places I'd like to go. 我每天跑步。 I run every day. I run every day. 我住在塔什干。 I live in Tashkent. I live in Tarshish. 佢喺法國住咗一排,跟住就走咗去意大利。 He lived in France for some time, then went to Italy. He lived in a line in France, and then moved to Italy. 今天幾號? What's today's date? What day is it? 我打算买新雨伞。 I will buy a new umbrella. I'm going to buy a new umbrella. Thawmz dänxhawnx vai rawngx i täz. Why don't we ask Tom's advice? Do you have any idea what you're doing? 他設法穿過了人群。 He made his way through the crowd. He's trying to get through the crowd. 我希望他會等我。 I hope he will wait for me. I hope he'll wait for me. 我知道他叫什么名字。 I know what his name is. I know his name. Ngiz kuxkux rawx täkängx. I like dogs. Get back in there, please. 我被他的故事感染了。 I was very impressed by his story. I was infected with his story. 你會教我彈吉他嗎? Will you tell me how to play the guitar? Will you teach me to play guitar? 露西不会用筷子。 Lucy can't use chopsticks. Lucy won't use a cane. 你知唔知你個仔最近使咗幾多錢? Are you aware of how much money your son has been spending? Do you know how much you've been making lately? Änyängx mäx phanshizraz lamz läq. Have something to drink. [ In German ] Thank you. 我确定汤姆会尽力去做。 I'm sure Tom will do his best. I'm sure Tom will do his best. 這兩個學生都通過了所有的測驗。 Both those students passed all the tests. Both students have passed all tests. 判决对他不利。 The judgement went against him. The judgement was against him. Sawmxrax! Congratulations! Sawmxrax! 因为一起事故,我上学迟到了。 I was late for school on account of an accident. Because of an accident, I'm late for school. 我看見他游過了河。 I saw him swim across the river. I saw him swim across the river. 我們到車子後面推車。 We got behind the car and pushed. Let's go back to the car and push the car. 没有什么是不劳而获的。 Nothing is achieved without effort. There's nothing wrong with it. 她是由她的祖母带大的。 She was brought up by her grandmother. She's brought by her grandmother. 我喜欢饭后散步。 I like to take a walk after meals. I like to take a walk after dinner. 今天的西藍花不是很新鮮。 The broccoli today isn't very fresh. Today's blues aren't very fresh. 他們看不見我。 They can't see me. They can't see me. 我校校长很老了。 Our school's principal is very old. I'm an old school principal. 她需要幫助。 She is in need of help. She needs help. Ärä lamlux kä ümzcyaüx ranaiq räcyawngx maix li yawx. Let's not talk about this today. The next article will be for us. 小明唔識控制自己。 Xiaoming doesn't know how to control herself. Ming doesn't know how to control himself. 月光真美。 The moonlight is really beautiful. The moonlight is beautiful. 你的考试通过了吗? Did you pass your exams? Did you pass your exam? 少贫嘴。 Quit chattering. Small mouths. 別急,時間還多著呢。 There's no need to panic. There's plenty of time. Don't worry, there's still more time. 我们在公园里跑了步。 We ran in the park. We ran in the park. 我準時到達了車站。 I arrived at the station on time. I arrived at the station on time. 我不覺得她適合做這份工作。 I don't think she is fit for the job. I don't think she's right for this job. 是什么使他如此心烦? What got him so upset? What makes him so upset? 你像你说的那些人一样都属于说不好普通话的人。 You yourself belong to this group of people that you're talking about - the one that doesn't speak standard Mandarin well. You're like those people you're talking about. 这种问题该有补救办法。 This type of problem should be able to be solved. Such a problem should be remedied. 他把他的襯衫穿反了。 He had his shirt on inside out. He put his shirt back on. 从现在开始,你要更加理智。 Starting from now, I am going to be more rational. From now on, you have to be more rational. Thawz kä ä-khiiqliip nä kämphaw ähüz. Tom has no money in his pocket. [ In English ] Do you know why I'm here? 汤姆被送到全国最差的监狱。 Tom was sent to the worst prison in the country. Tom was taken to the worst prison in the country. 我能跑得比肯快。 I can run faster than Ken. I can run faster than Ken. 这个程序缺陷满多。 This process has a lot of inconveniences. This procedure is overhauled. 母親原諒了他的過錯。 My mother excused his mistake. Mother forgave him for his faults. "不要哭", 她說。 "Don't cry," she said. "Don't cry." She said. 侬个通信地址个前五个字母是啥? What are the first five letters of your email? What's the first five letters? 實驗失敗了。 That experiment was a failure. The experiment failed. 汤姆当然没想过会赢。 Tom certainly didn't expect to win. Tom certainly didn't think he'd win. 貝絲很喜歡在別人說話的時候插嘴。 Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking. Beth likes to shut up while people talk. 那么,您决定了吗? Well then, have you decided? So, did you decide? 没人要伤害你。 No one would hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. 我会告诉她开会的时候说些什么。 I will tell her what to say at the meeting. I'll tell her what to say when she meets. 呢條係一條好深嘅數學題。 This is a difficult math problem. A type of maths is a very deep one. 你整喊咗你阿媽。 You made your mother cry. You've been yelling at your mom. 你什麼時候回家? When are you coming home? When are you coming home? 火星有兩個天然衛星。 Mars has two natural moons. Mars has two natural satellites. 唔使驚,佢唔會傷害你嘅。 There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you. Unless it's a surprise, it won't hurt you. Ngiz räq kärä shiip kängx. I borrowed it. This is far too far. 又开始下雨了。 It has started raining again. It's starting to rain again. 搿个是史密斯先生。 This is Mr. Smith. "Mr. Smith." 我忘了你的電話號碼。 I forget your phone number. I forgot your phone number. 今天的最低氣溫是三度。 Today's low was 3 degrees. Today's minimum temperature is three degrees. 「小说啊?我就讨厌看小说。」缪斯,请原谅她的亵渎行为。 "Novels? I hate novels." Oh muse, forgive her blasphemy. I hate novels. 老师也会犯错。 Teachers also make mistakes. Teachers also make mistakes. 他的要求很合理。 He is reasonable in his demands. His request was reasonable. 水龙头在滴水。 The tap is running. Water dragon heads in the water. Ramxdzi nawx shäx? Are you hungry? Ramxdzi nawx shäx? Lisa詐諦聽唔到。 Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa can't hear me. 我得走了。 I should go. I gotta go. 离放暑假还有五天。 We have five days to go before the summer vacation. It's five days away from summer vacation. 要是你喜欢啤酒,你可能喜欢葡萄酒。 If you like beer, you might like wine. If you like beer, you might like wine. 多漂亮的花啊! What a beautiful flower! What a beautiful flower! 你英语说得很流利。 You speak fluent English. You speak very fluently in English. 医生给我把脉。 The doctor felt my pulse. The doctor gave me the pulse. 当我听到我的名字时,我的心都快跳出来了。 My heart beat when I heard my name called. When I heard my name, my heart jumped out. 我不知道这个词什么意思。 I don't know what this word means. I don't know what that means. 應該為這些花遮擋風雨。 These flowers should be sheltered from the rain. It's worth the effort, but it's worth the effort. Kawngxphiq ke khamäq tesawra. Thank you for the present. I don't know what you're talking about. 邊度有得買磚呀? Where can I buy bricks? Is there a way to buy bricks? 我绝不能原谅她。 I can on no condition forgive her. I must never forgive her. 佢做埋啲咁嘅嘢,我真係頂佢唔順。 I can hardly stand his behavior. It's not good for me to bury them. 我在桌面上建了一个快捷方式。 I created a shortcut on the desktop. I built a shortcut on the desktop. မယုံနိုင်စရာ မြင်ကွင်း ပါ လား။ What an incredible view! Is there any hope for the future, or is there any hope for the future? 那頂帽子花費了大約五十美元。 That hat cost around fifty dollars. The hat's cost about $50. Thuk tawx! Well done! Tuk tawx! 他的声音很悦耳。 His voice is pleasant to listen to. His voice was loud. 顺便问一句,你今晚有空吗? By the way, are you free tonight? By the way, are you free tonight? 這些樹是他們種的。 These trees were planted by them. These trees are what they grow. 我感覺有人拍了拍我的肩。 I feel that someone tapped my shoulder. I feel like somebody shot me in the shoulder. 我唔知你唔識法文。 I didn't realize you couldn't understand French. I don't know if you know French. 她很漂亮。 She is beautiful. She's beautiful. Ngiz naiyumz naiyix räkängx. I smiled. That's a new idea. 我们的婴儿出生得健康。 Our baby was born healthy. Our baby was born healthy. 這真的跟我所預期的不同。 It's really different from what I expected. It's really different than I expected. 你隨時都可以來看我。 Come and see me whenever you like. You can come to me anytime. 请告诉我你的名字。 Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. 蜗牛一直在吃我们的莴苣。 Snails have been eating our lettuces. The buffalo's been eating our raccoons. Thawmz kä Meri raix rächix mäk viix dzäm nawx. Tom hasn't seen Mary in three years. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我要是知道就告诉你了。 If I knew the truth, I would tell you. I'll tell you if I know. 那该让你高兴。 That should make you happy. That should make you happy. 汤姆暗中笑玛丽。 Tom snickered at Mary. Tom was laughing at Mary. 我的朋友十七岁了。 My friend is seventeen years old. My friend's 17 years old. 我們的媽媽買了一隻小狗給我們。 Our mother bought us a puppy. Our mom bought us a dog. 他們彼此相愛嗎? Do they love each other? Do they love each other? 我16岁了。 I turned 16. I'm 16 years old. 他们生活得很幸福。 They lived a happy life. They live happily. 學校在星期六中午之前放學。 School finishes before noon on Saturdays. The school went to school before noon on Saturday. 她看起來好像有很多朋友。 She appears to have a lot of friends. She looks like she's got a lot of friends. 嫉妒是謀殺的動機。 Jealousy was the motive for the murder. Jealousy is a motive for murder. 你让我想起了汤姆 You remind me of Tom. You remind me of Tom. 肯跳過了牆。 Ken jumped over the wall. Ken jumped through the wall. Khawqriiq shishiiq ravüxchix ranaiq! Happy birthday! ♪ Where the hell is he? ♪ 她缺乏常识。 She is lacking in common sense. She lacks common sense. 請借我你的刀。 Please lend me your knife. Please lend me your knife. 你今日晏晝去圖書館嘅話,可唔可以順便幫我還兩本書呀? If you are going to the library this afternoon, would you please return two books for me whilst you are there? Why don't you go to the library today and give me two books? "要雇用一個好的律師?" Al-Sayib問。 "To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked. "To hire a good lawyer?" Al-Sayib asked. 他解释了句子的字面意思。 He explained the literal meaning of the sentences. He explained the meaning of the sentence. 这次考试比较容易。 The exam was relatively easy. This examination is easier. 她想他跟她說我愛你。 She wanted him to tell her that he loved her. She wants him to tell her I love you. 頭髮想怎麼弄? How would you like your hair done? What do you want to do with your hair? 你點解係都要講晒我啲秘密俾人知㗎? Why must you give away all of my secrets? You've got to tell me all about my secrets. 你實係估都估唔到會喺啲噉嘅地方度撞到你個老師啦。 You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place. You don't think it's time to hit you a teacher at all. 巴士不总是能准点到达。 The bus doesn't always come on time. The bus doesn't always reach a point. 你记不记得我们认识的那一天? Do you remember the day when we first met? Do you remember the day we met? 罐子是空的。 The jar is empty. The cans are empty. आफाया माय सौदों। Father is hulling rice. It's up to you. CEO对结果非常满意。 The CEO is very satisfied with the result. The CEO is very satisfied with the results. 我見到一架紅車同一架白車。架紅車好睇過架白車。 I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one. I saw a red car with a white car, a nice red car, and I saw a white car. 我們在中午吃了飯。 We took lunch at noon. We ate at noon. 她死了。 She has died. She's dead. 你做晒啲英文功課未呀? Have you done all your English homework yet? Did you finish your English homework? 饭做好了。 The food is ready. The meal's ready. 你同唔同我一齊去聽音樂會呀? Will you come with me to the concert? Aren't you going to a concert with me? 那持续了多久了? How long did that take? How long has it been? 拍照片光线不够亮。 There is insufficient light to take pictures. Photolight is not bright enough. 呢啲古老嘅習俗都係一代一代噉傳落嚟嘅。 These old customs have been handed down from generation to generation. These old customs are used to describe the coming of a generation from. 你只好隐伏几个星期。 You’d better lie low for a few weeks. You've only got a few weeks to hide. ပြင်သစ် မှာ ဘယ်လို အစားအသောက်မှာ ရမယ် ဆိုတာ ကို ငါ သင် ချင် တယ်။ I want to learn how to order food in French. I want to learn how to eat and drink outside in the new world. 一切都在变。 Everything is changing. Everything's changing. 我叫你的名字的時候,請你把手舉起來。 Raise your hand when I call your name. Put your hands up when I call your name. 英國人把貨車叫作「lorry」。 In Britain a truck is referred to as a lorry. The British call the van "Lorry." Ngiz äsäp rawx. I want to know. That's enough. 我可以用你的筆嗎? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? 我和他谈得很愉快。 I enjoyed talking with him. I had a great time talking to him. “这些车是你的吗?”“是的,是我的。” "Are these your cars?" "Yes, they are." "Are these your cars?" "Yes, it's mine. 以毒攻毒 Fight fire with fire. Counter-narcotics. 帮帮我们吧! Help us. Help us! Ümznäq äsia rawx shäx? Do you want to eat? Is there anything I can do about it? 她差點要說「我不知道」了。 She was within an ace of saying "I don't know". She almost said, "I don't know." 這班有三十五個學生。 This class is made up of thirty-five pupils. There are 35 students in this class. Thawmz kä kawnxrälaq nawx ngawx cyängz. Tom is already sound asleep. No, no, no, no, no, no. 那是另一回事。 That is quite another matter. That's another thing. བྱི་ལ་དོམ་ཆེན་རྒྱ་ནག་ལ་འབའ་ཞིག་ཡོད་རེད། Giant pandas live only in China. Resume are beautiful. I'm sure you're still after it. 想出去呼吸一下新鮮空氣嗎? Wouldn't you like to get some fresh air? Would you like to go out and breathe some fresh air? 你是何时与她见面的? When did you meet her? When did you meet her? 航班取消了 The flight was cancelled. The flight's off. Vaz räx, vänumz i! Come dance! Go, go, go! 他怕狗。 He's afraid of dogs. He's afraid of dogs. ငါ့ကိုမုန်းနေကြတဲ့ သူတွေကိုတစ်ခုပဲ ပြောစရာရှိတယ်။ အဲဒါမင်းတို့ကိစ္စပဲ I just have one thing to say to those who hate me: It's your problem. I only have one word of people who hate me. That's what you do. 蕾拉輸咗好多錢。 Layla lost a lot of money. Leila lost a lot of money. 就我所知,铃木先生还没从夏威夷回来。 Mr Suzuki, as far as I know, has not returned from Hawaii yet. As far as I know, Mr. Bell Ming hasn't returned from Hawaii yet. 她现在正在工作。 She is at work right now. She's working now. 她几乎每周都给她的母亲写信。 She always writes to her mother every week. She wrote to her mother almost every week. 他也只是个政治家而已。 He's also just a politician. He's just a politician. 我的嗜好是做模型飛機。 My hobby is making model planes. My passion is to make model planes. တွမ် သည် မယ်ရီ အမည်ရှိ ကနေဒါသူ နှင့် အိမ်ထောင်ကျ ခဲ့သည်။ Tom is married to a Canadian named Mary. Tom married a person named Millie. 我明天會去拜訪布朗先生。 I'll visit Mr. Brown tomorrow. I'm going to visit Mr. Brown tomorrow. 如果时间够了,我会做得更好。 I could have done better if I had had more time. If it's time enough, I'll do better. 我借錢。 I borrow money. I'm borrowing. 别再往Facebook上发私人照片了。 You need to stop posting private photos on Facebook. Don't send personal photos on Facebook anymore. Sally 把前一天買的隱形眼鏡弄不見了。 Sally lost the contact lenses she had bought the day before. Sally lost the invisible glasses we bought the previous day. 我等緊佢。 I'm waiting for him. I'll wait for him. Jim还没回家。 Jim has not yet returned home. Jim's not home yet. 嘴里有东西的时候不准说话。 You must not speak with your mouth full. Don't talk when there's something in your mouth. 我肯定事情会往好的方向发展。 I am sure the condition will turn for the better. I'm sure things will go well. 他和他班上其他男生一樣高。 He's just as tall as the other boys in his class. He's as tall as other boys in his class. 可以原谅我吗? Can you forgive me? Can you forgive me? 請回到你們各自的座位。 Go to your respective seats. Please return to your seats. 自从我脚伤塔以后,我就撑拐杖走路了。 Since I broke my foot, I'm walking with crutches. Since my foot wound tower, I've been walking on my staff. “我的车不需要排队阿,”他提议。 "You don't have to queue for my car," he offers. "My car doesn't need to line up." He proposed. 我们没有足够的时间了。 We just don't have enough time. We don't have enough time. 你需要在星期一前註冊。 You need to register by Monday. You need to register before Monday. 艾美努力地站起來。 Amy made an effort to stand up. Amy stood up hard. 我为此对你生气。 I'm angry with you about this. I'm mad at you for this. 這是只有我們能知道的秘密。 Only we know this secret. It's the only secret we can know. 我不会喝咖啡。 I don't drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. “Tom受不了我了。”“胡说八道!你在异想天开!” "Tom can't stand me." "Nonsense! You're just imagining things!" "Tom can't stand me. 有幾多人應該會出現㗎? How many people are likely to show up? How many people are supposed to show up? 我女兒打算在六月結婚。 My daughter is to get married in June. My daughter's going to get married in June. 如果他們知道會發生那樣的事,一定會改用別的計劃的。 Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans. If they knew something like that was going to happen, they'd have to change their plans. 汤姆要求有人解释。 Tom demanded an explanation. Tom asked for an explanation. 总线速度逐步回升。 The bus picked up the speed gradually. There's a gradual rise in the overall line. 我愛你。嫁給我好嗎? I love you. Will you marry me? I love you. Will you marry me? 汤姆有残疾。 Tom is handicapped. Tom has a disability. 我可以打扰你一下吗? May I bother you for a moment? May I excuse you for a moment? 法官判了他一年有期徒刑。 The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year ' s imprisonment. 我觉得世界语很难学。 In my opinion, Esperanto is very difficult. I don't think it's easy to learn the words of the world. 我設法讓自己能懂法語。 I managed to make myself understood in French. I'm trying to make myself understand French. 我很快就趕上了他們。 I caught up with them soon. I'll catch up with them soon. 沒有人能控制我們。 Nobody can control us. No one can control us. 我自己能够证实那是真的。 I can verify that that's the truth myself. I myself can confirm that's true. 我怕你没法跟她结婚。 I'm afraid you can't marry her. I'm afraid you can't marry her. 欢迎光临! Welcome. Welcome! 最近的電話亭在哪裡? Where's the nearest telephone booth? Where's the last call? 我有種衝動想買嘢。 I have an urge to buy something. I want to buy something. 我們才一到家就下起雨來了。 It started raining as soon as we got home. As soon as we get home, it's raining. Ngiz ümznäq raix kiq räriz täkängx. I agree with you. Whenever you're out of your mind, you're out of your mind. 我保證這些資料是無誤的。 I guarantee that this information is correct. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with this information. 他们把我们当成摇钱树。 They're taking us for cash cows. They think we're rock trees. 勿管阿拉选阿里条路,侪会得有危险个。 Whichever way we choose will involve danger. If you don't take Ali's path, there'll be danger. 我在这里。 I am here. I'm here. 她也学习汉语。 She learns Chinese too. She also studied Chinese. 他不像他的兄长那样聪明。 He is not as smart as his older brother. He's not as smart as his brother. 快看那個煙。 Look at that smoke. Look at that smoke. 我的父親買了一輛新車。 My father bought a new car. My father bought a new car. 我认为我没犯任何严重的错误。 I don't think I've ever made any serious mistakes. I don't think I made any serious mistakes. 我等緊的士。 I was waiting for a taxi. I'm waiting for the taxi. 你殺了我父親,我今天要為他報仇。 You killed my father, and today I'll have my vengeance. You killed my father, and I'm going to take revenge for him today. 我什么都知道。 I know everything. I know everything. 她花很多錢買衣服。 She spends much money on dresses. She spent a lot of money buying clothes. 汤姆不在这儿。 Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. 秘书把信塞到一个信封里。 The secretary stuffs the letter into an envelope. The Secretary has inserted the letter into a envelope. 他總是在挑剔別人的毛病。 He is always finding fault with others. He's always picking up other people's problems. 只有學習才能獲得知識。 Knowledge can only be obtained by study. Only learning can gain knowledge. Ngiz tätsängx tälaüx shäx? Do you remember me? Is there anything I can do about it? 你知道我是誰。 You know who I am. You know who I am. 我們輪流駕駛。 We took turns with the driving. We're going to drive. 他為遲到找了很多的藉口。 He made many excuses for being late. He's got a lot of excuses for being late. 我知道她是西班牙人。 I know that she is Spanish. I know she's Spanish. Ümznäq yam mänz kälawz maüx. You didn't do anything. [ In German ] Thank you. 呢啲書唔係我嘅。 They aren't my books. These are not my books. 唔該借你本書俾我吖。 Lend me your book, please. You shouldn't have given me a book. 炒鍋在哪裡? Where is the wok? Where's the crumb? 我上週買了它。 I bought it last week. I bought it last week. Betti räq äpaiq dzat baiq tawx. Betty killed him. Over there, over there, over there, over there, over there. 你在哪里学的意大利语? Where are you studying Italian? Where did you learn Italian? 我当时不孤单。 I wasn't alone then. I wasn't alone. 他的房子在我的對面。 His house is across from mine. His house is opposite me. 汤姆和他的朋友们在公园喝醉了 Tom got drunk with his friends in the park. Tom and his friends were drunk in the park. 自由有價。 One must pay for freedom. Free will cost. 洋子昨日去购物了。 Yoko went shopping yesterday. Yoko went shopping yesterday. 我昨天經過她家。 I passed by her house yesterday. I passed through her house yesterday. 據我所知,他是一個誠實的人。 So far as I know, he is an honest man. As far as I know, he is a truthful man. 今天我同学看到你们在欧尚买东西。 Today, my classmate saw you guys shopping at Auchan. Today, I'm here with my classmates to see what you're buying in O'shan. 佢特登講咗個錯嘅地址俾我聽。 She told me a wrong address on purpose. He told me the wrong address. 由于缺水,花园里所有的花都死了。 Due to the water shortage, all the flowers in the garden have died. Because of the lack of water, all the flowers in the garden are dead. 4在日本是一个不幸的数字。 'Four' is an unlucky number in Japan. 4 In Japan is an unfortunate figure. Вә бущихуан кафый. I dislike coffee. Here's what I'm trying to do. 巨能其言? How can you say that? How can you say that? 大家早上好。 Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. 我要環遊世界。 I want to travel around the world. I'm going around the world. 他住在苹果里面。 He lives inside an apple. He lives in an apple. 這些畫是他畫的。 These pictures were painted by him. These are the paintings he drew. 不用客氣。 You're welcome. You're welcome. 她在那地方待了片刻。 She stayed in that area for a short while. She was there for a moment. 我迫切需要冷饮。 I am dying for a cold drink. I'm in urgent need of cold water. 你甚麼時候必須去睡覺? When do you have to go to bed? When do you have to go to bed? 你要喺下一個站度轉車。 You have to change trains at the next stop. You're moving your car at the next stop. 可能整個週末都下雨。 It's likely to rain all weekend. It's probably rained all weekend. 我父親沒有吃很多的水果。 My father didn't eat much fruit. My father didn't eat a lot of fruit. 她看上去十分优雅。 She looks very elegant. She looks very elegant. 他應該為他兒子買一台新的腳踏車。 He should buy a new bicycle for his son. He should buy his son a new bike. 他问我是否很忙? He asked me whether I was busy. He asked if I was busy? 她父亲在她三岁时死了。 Her father died when she was three. Her father died when she was three. 人造語言也是語言。 Constructed languages are also languages. It is the language of the people, and the language of the people is the language. 他們嚐了麵包。 They tasted the bread. They're making bread. 有人可以回答我的問題嗎? Can anyone answer my question? Can anybody answer my question? 你读完那本书了吗? Have you finished reading that book? Have you finished reading the book? 我会警告汤姆。 I'll alert Tom. I'll warn Tom. 侬有手机勿啦? Do you have a cellphone? Do you have a cell phone? 我們在一家小咖啡店吃午飯。 We had lunch at a little coffee shop. We had lunch at a little coffee shop. 比爾在日本。 Bill was in Japan. Bill's in Japan. 放風箏可以是危險的。 Flying a kite can be dangerous. It can be dangerous to send a kite. 我們該吃午飯了吧? Should we have some lunch? Should we have lunch? 你能帮忙寻找丢失的钥匙吗? 我打不开食品柜。 Could you please find the missing key. I can't open the pantry. Can you help find the lost key? 比尔下周会回来。 Bill will return next week. Bill will be back next week. 我得嘅。 I can do this, can't I? I got to go. 阅读一本书可以比作一次旅行。 Reading a book can be compared to a journey. Read a book that can be compared to a trip. 汤姆在起居室里。 Tom is in the living room. Tom's in the living room. 可能我就該告訴湯姆真相。 Maybe I should just tell Tom the truth. Maybe I should tell Tom the truth. 我让伊拿地扫脱了。 I made him sweep the floor. I'm letting Elna take it off. 我是記者。 I am a journalist. I'm a reporter. Nämznaix väta kä cyanxbit mänäx kaiq tälinx. You're both awfully quiet. [ In German ] [ In German ] [ In German ] No. 请说可以! Please say ‘yes’! Please say yes! 这只猫比我更喜欢坐在椅子上。 The cat likes sitting in the chair more than I do. This cat likes to sit on a chair more than I do. 她又盲又聾又啞。 She was blind, deaf, and dumb. She was blind and deaf and deaf. 你今天最好不要出門。 You'd better not go out today. You better not go out today. 「呢個人係邊個嚟㗎?」「呢個唔係人嚟㗎,係我構思出嚟嘅機械人嚟㗎!」 "Who's this man?" "That's not a man. It's a robot I thought up!" The man is invalid. This is not a person. It is not a human, is it that I have conceived that the robot who is here? 她現在應該已經到了。 She ought to have arrived by now. She should be here now. 你為甚麼買日本車? Why did you buy a Japanese car? Why did you buy a Japanese car? 你噉嘅諗法有冇根據㗎? Do you have any grounds for thinking so? You're making no sense at all? 我不能忍受這個噪音。 I can't put up with this noise. I can't stand the noise. 我不知道那是不是汤姆想要的。 I don't know if that's what Tom wants or not. I don't know if that's what Tom wants. Yam väx ra täq? What happened? Do you know what I'm talking about? 你闻吗? Are you listening? You smell that? 佢已經諗到個答案。 He already thought of the answer. He's already got an answer. 这件事与我无关。 I am not concerned with this affair. This has nothing to do with me. 他抬頭望著天空。 He was looking upward to the sky. He looked up to the sky. 我去哪里都开车。 I drive everywhere. I drive everywhere. 你有地圖嗎? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? 她一个朋友都没有。 She doesn't have any friends. She doesn't have a friend. 愛不過是發明。 Love is only an invention. Love is a invention. Ümznäq yamtä väx yiaxsix raix tälaüx? Why are you afraid? I don't even know what I'm talking about. 我不想晒黑。 I don't want to get a suntan. I don't want to be dark. “你怎么知道我的电话号码的?” “汤姆告诉我的。” "How did you get my phone number?" "Tom gave it to me." "How do you know my phone number?" "Tom told me. Ümznäq yaq nä mozbai fon äsi shäx? Do you have a cellphone? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 我们给这个故事配了插图。 We have illustrated the story with pictures. We got a picture for this story. 你聽說了昨天的火災嗎? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear of yesterday's fire? မင်း ဒီနေ့ ရေမြင်း ဘယ်နှစ်ကောင် လောက်များ မြင်မိလဲ။ How many hippopotamuses did you see today? How many horses have you seen today, and how many of them have been killed? 他是個膽小怕事的人。 He is a timid man. He's a coward who's afraid of things. 到机场有多远? How far is it to the airport? How far to the airport? 她愛孩子。 She loves children. She loves kids. 唔。我有預感我走哪邊都會迷路。 Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take. Well, I've got a feeling I'm gonna get lost somewhere. 啲相係專業攝影師影嘅,所以唔會有問題。 The photos are taken by a pro, so they'll turn out well. These are professional photographers, so it is no problem. 太阳在西边下山。 The sun sets in the west. The sun goes down west. 火已經灭了。 The fire has gone out. Fire's gone. 我好好照顾她了 I took care of her. I took good care of her. Yamkhäx pin vanx cyängz väx nguztä ngiz tämaz rawx nawx. I don't want to think about what could've happened. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 有好的也有坏的。 Some are good, some aren't. There's good and bad. Rawq shiz, rawq naix, rawq dzäm, rawq bälaix, rawq bängix, rawq tärawk, rawq mäshi, rawq täcyat, rawq täkaüz, shix shiz. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Rawq sieve, pawq bälaix, pawq bängix, pawq bäwk, swq mäshi, swq täcyat, swqäkaüz, sissyz, switq bälax swiz, switq bäwx swiz, switq mäshi, switq mäshi, präcyat, swqäkaüz, switz swim, switz switz swim, switz swiz. 你知道他們是誰嗎? Do you know who they are? Do you know who they are? 我现在在这所学校任教。 I'm currently a teacher at this school. I'm now teaching in this school. 明天早上六點把我叫起來。 Please wake me up at 6 tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.. 你應該即刻做晒啲功課佢。 You ought to finish your homework at once. You should do something about it right away. Thawmz räq ngiz kä änä ümznäq tawz ke mäx täkiz tawx. Tom sent me here to protect you. Do you have any idea where you're going? 你需要吃早饭。 You need to have breakfast. You need breakfast. 他及時赴約了。 He was in time for the appointment. He's on time. 他盡力地利用了他的機會。 He made the most of his opportunities. He made the best possible use of his opportunity. 我會為你帶路。 I'll show you the way. I'll show you the way. 埃翁多语是客麦隆埃翁多部落所说的语言。 Ewondo is the language spoken by the Ewondo tribe of Cameroon. The Eondo language is the language spoken by the Melon elondo tribe. 这些布是全羊毛的。 These garments are made of 100 percent wool. These are all wooly. 電腦可以節省您的時間。 Using a computer can save your time. Computer can save your time. 我看書看得入神,聽不到你叫我。 I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call. I can't read. I can't hear you calling me. Ngiz phaqsia rawx. I want to eat. That's what I'm talking about. 沒有聰明人喝了酒再開車。 No intelligent person drinks and then drives. Nobody's smart enough to drink and drive. 牙医用X光检查你的牙齿。 Dentists take x-rays to examine your teeth. Dentist X-ray checks your teeth. ထောမ်က ငါတို့ သူငယ်ချင်းပါ။ Tom is our friend. Kom is our friend. 他反对妻子在外工作。 He objected to his wife working outside. He was opposed to his wife working outside. 我的外公想安静地度过晚年。 My grandfather wants to live quietly for the rest of his life. My grandfather wanted to spend his late years quietly. Ümznäq ävax rawx shäx? Do you want to go? Is there anything I can do about it? Iz-naw kä skeik cyaüx ädzinx viq. My brother is a good skater. I don't know what they're talking about. 我坐嗰架飛機六點開。 My plane leaves at six o'clock. I'm on that plane there at 6:00. 我不像你想的那么傻。 I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm not as stupid as you think. Ngiz kä iz-naw raix minphawngz. I am eating lunch with my sister. Just a second. 在威爾斯,我們有一個句諺語。 In Wales we have a proverb. In Wales, we have a speech. 这儿连空气都有辣味儿 Even the air's spicy here. There's too much air here. 我学习汉语。 I'm learning Chinese. I'm learning Korean. 我哋選咗佢做總統。 We elected him president. I'm going to be president. 年輕人通常都是充滿活力的。 Young people are usually full of energy. Young people are usually full of dynamism. 我是岩本和人。 I am Kazuto Iwamoto. I'm Rockburn and Man. 她不喜欢这条裙子的样子。 She doesn't like how the skirt looks. She doesn't like the look of this dress. ཉིན་གུང་བདེ་ལེགས་ Good afternoon. Azul 这是我吃过的最好的餐馆之一。 This is one of the best restaurants I've ever eaten in. This is one of the best restaurants I've ever eaten. 我坐过站了,怎么办? I missed my stop. What should I do? I've been standing by. What do we do? 我在旅行中用了地图。 I made use of the maps during my journey. I used the map on the trip. 他们的想法太老式了。 Their way of thinking is behind the times. They're too old to think. 你對我說了謊, 沒有嗎? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? 請取回我乾洗的衣服。 Please pick up my dry cleaning. Please get back my dry laundry. 我正准备打电话给你。 I was just about to call you. I was just about to call you. 誰找到了我的包? Who found my bag? Who found my bag? 轮到我了。 It's now my turn. My turn. 这不是我拿手的。 That is not my line. It's not my hand. 立刻起床, 否則你上學會遲到。 Get up at once, or you will be late for school. Get up right now, or you'll be late for school. 告訴我你要什麼。 Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. 桌子上有個痕跡。 There is a trace on the table. There's a trace on the table. 猫有两只眼睛。 Cats only have two eyes. The cat has two eyes. 明天幾月幾號? What is the date tomorrow? What day is tomorrow? 我請邁克幫助我。 I asked Mike to help me. I asked Mike to help me. 他自杀了。 He committed suicide. He killed himself. Tom看了看周圍,但沒看到任何人。 Tom looked around, but saw no one. Tom looked around, but he didn't see anyone. 快速火车比区间车快一个钟头。 The express train is an hour faster than the local. Quick train's about a hour away from the inter-zone. 我未蠢到借錢俾佢。 I'm not stupid enough to lend him money. I'm not stupid to lend him money. 你買了一個哈密瓜? Have you bought a cantaloupe? You bought a hambu? 史蒂芬·科拜尔是一个好疯狂的家伙。 Stephen Colbert is a pretty crazy guy. Stephen Cobal is a really crazy guy. 他把雨伞忘在公交车上了。 He left his umbrella on the bus. He left the umbrella on the bus. 汤姆你能给那些饥肠辘辘的人们一些吃的吗? Tom, would you please give these starving people something to eat? Tom, can you give the hungry people something to eat? 她正在給嬰兒洗澡。 She is giving the baby a bath. She's showering the baby. 聾啞的人用手語說話。 Deaf-mute people talk using sign language. The deaf talk in sign language. Kärä kä äshax cyängz shaq li diax. It's still for sale. The old days are over. 孩子们已经去上学了。 The children have gone to school already. The kids have gone to school. 鳩到講唔出口嘅說話就會變成歌詞。 Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung. If you don't talk about it, you're going to become a song. 我知道,要相信这件事很难。 I know that it's hard to believe. I know it's hard to believe this. 我十年前參觀了福岡。 I visited Fukuoka ten years ago. I visited Fuguang 10 years ago. 我节约我有的钱。 I save what money I got. I save my money. 你们有哪一种红酒? What kind of wine do you have? What kind of wine do you have? 我擅長滑雪。 I'm good at skiing. I'm good at skiing. 我每朝早都會剃鬚。 I shave every morning. I shave every morning. 佢開美容院。 She runs a beauty shop. He's opening the beauty theater. 它真的很便宜。 It is really cheap. It's really cheap. Ngiz kä rathap nä. I was upstairs. That's enough. 他买一个刀行,我买就不行了吗? If it's okay for him to buy a knife, then why on earth can't I? He buys a knife. Can't I? 我差一点淹死。 I came near to being drowned. I almost drowned. 他會說五種語言。 He is able to speak five languages. He'll speak five languages. 十年是一段漫长的岁月。 Ten years is a really long period of time. Ten years are a long time. 屋里有人吗? Is there anybody in the house? Anybody in the house? 我叫咗阿Tom唔好咁做。 I've asked Tom not to do that. I told Tom not to do that. 你昨天晚上出去了嗎? Did you go out last night? Did you get out last night? 人,水也。 Man is water. Man, water too. 啥个原因呢? What's the reason? What's the reason? 我在家。 I am at home. I'm home. 我的一个朋友委托一位知名画家给他的妻子画肖像。 A friend of mine commissioned a well-known artist to paint a portrait of his wife. A friend of mine entrusted a famous painter with the portrait of his wife. 花子又忘記她的傘了。 Hanako has forgotten her umbrella again. The flower again forgot her porcupine. 我找到了我要的书。 I was able to find the book I was looking for. I found my book. 我不关心财富和名声。 I don't care for wealth and fame. I don't care about wealth and reputation. 伊还呒没到。 She hasn't come yet. I haven't arrived yet. 你的計劃一定會成功的。 Your plan is sure to succeed. Your plan will succeed. Tom会做意大利粉。 Tom knows how to cook spaghetti. Tom's making Italian powder. ကုလားမနိုင် ရခိုင်မဲ Pick on the Arakanese because you can’t dominate the Indian. Is that how you feel? Is that how you feel? 我哋要專心。 We need to pay attention. I need to focus. 士兵們守衛著這座橋。 The soldiers were guarding the bridge. Soldiers guard this bridge. 我還不想睡覺,所以我還在看書。 I don't want to sleep yet, so I'm still studying. I don't want to sleep, so I'm still reading. 唔好意思,你可唔可以講多次呀? I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? I don't know. How many times can you say it? 他沒有去,我也沒去。 He didn't go and I didn't either. He didn't go, I didn't go. 请稍等一下。 Please wait a bit. One moment, please. 看你并不感到惊讶,你肯定已经知道了。 You're not even phased, you must have known all along! See, you're not surprised, you must have known. 如果人人都識得關心環境嘅話,就唔會有噪音污染啦。 Noise pollution could be avoided if only people were more sensitive to the environment. If everyone knows what's going on in the environment, there's no noise pollution. 湯姆跑得快。 Tom runs very fast. Tom ran fast. 我匆忙地吃了午飯。 I ate lunch in a hurry. I ate lunch in a hurry. 我想去美國。 I would like to go to America. I want to go to America. Käyäq kä ümznäq hawnxhawnx li kä rämäk mi räq. You won't be the only one there. The last thing I've seen in my life. 我认为电脑会帮助学生以高效方式使学得更好。 I think that computers can help students use more effective study methods. I think computers will help students to learn better in an efficient manner. 她就是所谓的书虫。 She is a so-called bookworm. She's the so-called booklist. 英格兰的守门员因为自己失球过多而被批评。 England’s goalkeeper was criticized for the amount of goals he conceded. The doorkeepers in England were criticized for losing too many balls. 我叫杜莎娜。 My name is Dusanna. I'm Dushana. Ngiz tälängzlaz rawx täkängx. I want to learn. Get out, get out, get out. 他好像知道這個秘密。 It seems like he knows the secret. He seems to know this secret. 广东的夏天很长。 Guandong summers are long. The summer of Guangdong is a long time. 滾。 Leave now. Get out. 媒体近几个月只讨论一件事:经济危机。 The media has only discussed one thing in the last few months; the economic crisis. Only one thing has been discussed in the media in recent months: the economic crisis. 她警告他晚上不要一个人出去。 She warned him not to go out at night alone. She warned him not to go out alone at night. 谢谢您的迅速回复。 Thanks for your quick answer. Thank you for your quick response. 請你開門好嗎? Would you please open the door? Can you please open the door? 杰克快速掷界外球给他的队友。 Jake quickly threw the ball in to his teammate. Jack threw out the ball for his teammates. 汤姆住在城市的中心。 Tom lives in the heart of the city. Tom lives in the center of the city. 从这里到那里驾车一小时。 It is an hour's drive from here to there. From here to there, driving for an hour. 你們那時候看起來在生氣。 You guys looked mad. You look angry. 我買咗個新袋。 I bought a new bag. I bought a new bag. 我们对你很失望。 We're very disappointed in you. We're disappointed in you. Awx, äbix naq lap kiq yawx. I'm sorry. Ahx, erbix is running off at yawx. 我星期日唔喺屋企。 I'm not in on Sunday. I'm not at home on Sunday. 讓我們去河裡游泳吧。 Let's go and swim in the river. Let's go swimming in the river. 别打岔! Don't interrupt! Don't interrupt! 我不會給湯姆買那東西。 I wouldn't buy that for Tom. I'm not buying that for Tom. 他去了某個地方。 He went to some place or other. He went somewhere. 酒喝太多很危险。 It is dangerous to drink too much. Too much alcohol is dangerous. 汤姆不认为这是一个巧合。 Tom doesn't think this is a coincidence. Tom doesn't think it's a coincidence. 那個古老的傳統已經不復存在了。 That old tradition has disappeared. The old tradition no longer exists. 佢仲細,唔應該自己一個人去。 He is too young to go there alone. He doesn't have to go alone. 炎炎夏日來杯冰涼的啤酒,人生一樂也! There is nothing like cold beer on a hot day. Let's have a cold beer in the summer and enjoy our lives! 他是日本最伟大的艺术家之一。 He is one of the greatest artists in Japan. He was one of the greatest artists in Japan. Ngiz kä äyuz rawx täkängx. I like to run. Get in the car, get in the car. 我被她甜美的聲線迷倒了。 I was fascinated by her sweet voice. I was lost by her sweet voice. 只要推门就好了。它自己会锁上的。 Just pull the door shut. It'll lock by itself. Just push the door. It'll be locked. 我看书的时候睡着了。 I fell asleep while reading a book. I fell asleep when I read the book. 我想要现在睡觉。 I would like to go to sleep now. I want to sleep now. 我肯定你会喜欢我们今晚的菜肴。 I'm sure you'll love what we have on the menu tonight. I'm sure you'll like our meal tonight. 我为她翻译了好几次这个词。 I helped her translate this sentence so many times. I translated it for her several times. 你的電腦怎麼了? What happened to your computer? What happened to your computer? 我祇睡了兩小時。 I slept only two hours. I slept for two hours. 我每個星期一都覺得很憂鬱。 I always feel blue on Mondays. I'm worried every Monday. 你要喝點咖啡嗎? Would you like to have some coffee? Would you like some coffee? 她有7个孩子。 She has seven children. She's got seven kids. 世界上有超過八十萬人講巴斯克文。 There are over 800,000 Basque speakers in the world. More than 8 million people in the world speak Basque. 在明天前完成报告几乎是不可能的。 Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible. The completion of the report by tomorrow is almost impossible. 有人来了。 Someone came. Someone's coming. 你在家吃过了吗? Did you already eat at home? Have you eaten at home? 汤姆知道怎么玩麻将,我觉得。 Tom knows how to play mahjong, I think. Tom knows how to play mahjong, I think. 很高兴再见到你。 I'm glad to see you back. Nice to see you again. 本地人老好客个。 The locals are very hospitable. Local man's best friend. 我餓死了! I'm starving! I'm starving! 已经是11点了。 It's already 11. It's 11 o'clock now. 我喜歡做我的作業。 I like to do my homework. I like to do my homework. 我需要個可以讀書的地方。 I need a place where I can study. I need somewhere to read. 那個喜劇演員說的全都是我們以前已經聽過的老笑話。 That comic's jokes are all old hat and we've heard them before. The actor said all the old jokes we've heard before. 你没告诉我玛丽这么漂亮。 You didn't tell me Mary was so beautiful. You didn't tell me Mary was so pretty. 你有车吗? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? 我不愛她。 I don't love her. I don't love her. 他沒有辦法生火,便只好把魚活生生的吃掉。 As he had no way of making fire, he ate the fish raw. He did not have the means to create a fire, so he had to eat the fish alive. 我把旅费耗光了。 I have run out of my traveling expenses. I'm running out of travel. 他喜歡火車。 He loves trains. He likes trains. 我們不該期望從Tom那得到太多幫助。 We shouldn't expect too much help from Tom. We should not expect too much help from Tom. 这本书对我来说很难读。 It is difficult for me to read the book. This book is hard to read to me. 你女朋友是谁? Who's your girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? 我要坐下。 I'm going to go sit down. I'm gonna sit down. 我刚去过那里。 I went there recently. I've just been there. 雖然我很累,但我也會努力工作的。 Though I am tired, I will work hard. I'm tired, but I'll work hard. 總統不由自主地笑了起來。 The president laughed in spite of himself. The president didn't laugh at himself. 从苏黎世到波士顿坐飞机要八个小时,但是返回时只要六个。 It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip. It takes eight hours from Zurich to Boston, but only six hours at the time of return. 你喜欢吗 ? Like it? Do you like it? 你吃了什么? What did you eat? What did you eat? 我們為她舉辦了一個歡迎會。 We had a welcome party for her. We had a party for her. 呢支匙羹係俾茶用嘅。 This spoon is for tea. The key is music as a tea element. 簡單來說,他的文筆並沒有流露出那種對自己的論文充滿信心的人應有的直率和坦誠。 He does not, in short, write with the candor of a man who is completely confident of his thesis. In short, his notes do not reveal the integrity and honesty of those who have full confidence in their own essays. 我現在在加拿大很開心。 I'm having a great time in Canada. I'm happy in Canada now. 滾! Get away! Get out! 这辆车去静安寺吗? Does this car go to Jingan temple? Is this car going to the Hive? 我有点紧张。 I was a little bit nervous. I'm a little nervous. 我会说一点儿苏格兰盖尔语。 I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I'll talk a little bit of Scottish. 我介绍一下。 Let me introduce it. Let me introduce you. 我在解決這個問題上有困難。 I had difficulty working out the problem. I'm having a hard time solving this problem. 这本字典包含了约4万个词条。 This dictionary has about 40,000 entries. This dictionary contains some 40,000 words. Thawmz räq ngiz kä änä ümznäq tawz ke mäx tävax tawx. Tom sent me here to protect you. Do you have any idea where you're going? 这是我的最终回答。 That's my final answer. This is my final answer. 那部叫“鬼影实录”的电影并没那么好。 The movie called "Paranormal Activity" was not that much good. It's not that good. 进厕所前先敲门。 Knock before entering the bathroom. Knock on the door before you get in the bathroom. 他聽從了我的建議。 He listened to my suggestion. He listened to my advice. 除了接受报价,我别无选择。 I had no choice but to accept the offer. I have no choice but to accept the offer. 他們狀告政府賠償損失。 They sued the government for damages. They accused the government of losing it. 六個成員中有三分之一是女性。 Out of the 6 members, a third are women. One third of the six members were women. 广泛的安全措施实施了。 Broad safety measures were put into effect. A broad range of security measures has been implemented. 點解你啲英文咁勁嘅? How are you so good at English? Is that what you're doing in English? 布朗夫人寫了一本關於政治的書。 Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. 我的書每一本都可以借給你,只要你不把它們弄髒就行了。 I will lend you any book that I have, so long as you keep it clean. I can borrow every book of mys, as long as you don't get them dirty. 请拼一下您的名字。 Please spell your name. Please spell your name. 你在大学碰到他了? You met him at the university? You ran into him in college? 我認識一個不錯的律師,他可以幫你。 I know a good lawyer who can help you. I know a good lawyer who can help you. 我决定出国留学。 I made a decision to study abroad. I decided to leave the country. 我只是不想失去你。 I just don't want to lose you. I just don't want to lose you. 你要在咖啡上加些奶油嗎? Would you like some cream in your coffee? Do you want some cream on the coffee? 這個不行。 This is not okay. This can't be. 弘美正穿着一条新的连衣裙。 Hiromi is wearing a new dress. She's wearing a new dress. Luke,我是你的堂哥。 Luke, I am your cousin. Luke, I'm your cousin. 我买勿起300块美金以上个照相机个。 I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I don't buy more than $300. 我完全不要牛奶。 I do not want any milk at all. I don't want milk at all. z这个理论很有争议。 This theory is very controversial. The theory is controversial. 在中国,提到过年,许多人想到的都是一家围在一起包饺子。 If you mention New Year in China, the image that many people will think of is a family gathered around wrapping dumplings together. In China, it's been years, and many people think that they're all together. 我心情都唔係好靚。 I'm not in a good mood either. I'm not in a good mood. 翻译垃海试图拨尽可能多个细节跟消息。 The interpreter tries to give the most detail and information possible. The translation of the sea is trying to allocate as many details as possible. 女孩的眼睛充滿了淚水。 The girl's eyes were filled with tears. Girls' eyes filled with tears. 远亲不如近邻。 A close neighbor is better than a distant relative. Far from next door. 我要看看我能做甚麼。 I'm going to see what I can do. I want to see what I can do. 这儿有没有比较安静的地方我可以学习的? Is there a quiet corner in here where I can study? Is there anything more quiet here that I can learn? 鸟有翅膀。 Birds have wings. Birds have wings. 戴上你的安全帽。 Go get your helmet. Put your helmet on. 我每天都给他打电话。 I phone him every day. I call him every day. 佢而家開緊會啊。 She's in a meeting right now. He's having a meeting. 锤子在哪里? Where is the hammer? Where's the hammer? 这对我来说很重要。 To me, it is important. It's important to me. 我想你迟早会知道在桌面建立一个快捷方式是有多方便。 I think you will find it convenient to put a short-cut on the desktop. I think you'll soon know how convenient it is to establish a shortcut on the desktop. 他十分正直。 He is very honest. He's very straight. 他从早吃到晚。 He eats around the clock. He's been eating from morning till night. 我不喜歡讓事情懸而未決。 I don't like to leave things up in the air. I don't like keeping things down. 灰暗的天空突然下起了一大滴一大滴的雨來。 All of a sudden, large drops of rain began falling from the dark sky. There's a huge drop of rain in the dark sky. Kecyu mäq ngiz mäx kixlü di kuq läq näz. Would you please open the door for me? I'll be right back. 日内瓦大学有一间很好的阅览室。 The Geneva University Library has a good reading room. The University of Geneva has a nice library. 條條大路通羅馬。 All roads lead to Rome. A road to Rome. 你雖然考試不及格,但也不必自卑。 You needn't be ashamed because you failed the exam. You don't have to be proud, though you don't have to. Thawmz vänumz tawx. Tom danced. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 走開。 Go away. Go away. Thawmz dänxhawnx yamkhäx väx vai rawngx i. Why don't we ask Tom's advice? Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? 海倫正在院子裡玩。 Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the yard. 当工作时间被延长时,工人们忍不住开口抱怨起来。 The workers complained when their working hours were extended. When the working hours were extended, the workers could not stop complaining. 你们俩真扫我的雅兴。 You two are harshing my marshmellow. You guys really cleaned me up. 男人没了妻子就一点价值都没有了。 Without a wife, a man is worth nothing. Men don't have a wife, they don't have any value. 我不喜欢出去玩,常常在家泡壶咖啡,跟朋友下围棋象棋。 I don't like going out to have fun. Usually, I make my own coffee at home, and have a game of chess with a friend. I don't like playing out, often making coffee at home and playing chess with friends. 当我们明白真正的自己时,生活开始了。 Life begins when we realize who we really are. Life starts when we know what we really are. 只能是她的。 It can only be her. It's only hers. 我們很匆忙。 We're in a hurry. We're in a hurry. 如果你有一百萬円,你會用它來做甚麼? Supposing you had one million yen, what would you do with it? What would you do with it? 这只燕子的翅膀受伤了。 This swallow's wings are broken. This monkey's wings were hurt. ကျွန်တော် ချယ်လို ကောင်းကောင်း တီးတတ် ဖို့ မျှော်လင့် တယ်။ I wish that I could play the cello better. I hope to be able to play as well. 她是巴西人。 She's Brazilian. She's Brazilian. 汤姆很担心。 Tom is really worried. Tom's worried. 他是香港人。 He is a Hongkonger. He's from Hong Kong. 我不是太有钱、不是太胖,也不是太快乐。 I am not too rich, too fat or too happy. I'm not too rich, I'm not too fat, I'm not too happy. 我是上个月来的北京。 I came to Beijing last month. I'm Beijing last month. 在结冰的街道上我们很难保持平衡。 It is hard to keep our balance on icy streets. It's hard to balance us on an iced street. 我假期哪里都没去。 His head broke the surface. I didn't go anywhere on vacation. 我很忙。 I am very busy. I'm busy. 伊垃当地个医院当护士做工。 She works as a nurse in the local hospital. Isu local hospital works as a nurse. 我没想到今天居然会哭的。 I never expected I would end up crying today. I didn't think I'd cry today. 你點解唔信我呀? Why didn't you believe me? You don't believe me? 房間有沒有空調? Does the room have air conditioning? Do you have any air conditioning in the room? 他相信我们中间有间谍。 He believes there is a spy among us. He believes there are spies among us. 箱子裡有蘋果嗎? Are there any apples in the box? Is there an apple in the case? 你们什么时候开始学英语的? When did you begin studying English? When did you start learning English? 老實說,我其實想留在家中,不想出外的。 Frankly speaking, I actually wanted to stay at home, instead of going out. To be honest, I really want to stay home, and I don't want to leave. 是, 我立刻就來。 Yes, I'll come at once. Yeah, I'll be right there. 他身上的錢全被強盗搶走了。 A mugger robbed him of all of his money. The money on him was robbed. 树在哪里? Where is the tree? Where's the tree? 我跟你說段歷史。 I am talking to you about history. I told you about history. 想要被爱就得去爱。 Love if you want to be loved! If you want to be loved, you have to love. 我马上离开。 I'll leave immediately. I'll be right away. 原來阿Tom喺賊嚟嘅。 Tom turned out to be a thief. So tom they are locked in the canals. 他是学校网球俱乐部的成员。 He is a member of the tennis club in our school. He's a member of the school tennis club. 我的父母准备买一个新的光盘。 My parents are going to buy a new CD. My parents are gonna buy a new CD-ROM. 您叫什么名字? What is your name? What's your name? 我希望会看见她。 I hope that I'll see her. I wish I'd seen her. Väkämphaw mäq ti kä ngiz. I'm the one with the money. [ In German ] See if you can find something. 修理我的腳踏車花了我一千日圓。 It cost me a thousand yen to get my bicycle fixed. I'm gonna fix my bike for a thousand days. 嗰位小姐喺一個月之前搬咗嚟呢度。 The lady moved here a month ago. There are some women there that moved out a month ago. 我睡觉前总要洗个澡。 I always take a bath before going to bed. I always have to take a shower before I go to bed. 真不好意思,让您久等了。 I'm really sorry to make you wait. Sorry to keep you waiting. 外语很多,时间很短 So many languages, so little time... It's a lot of foreign language. It's short. 佢哋唔食肉。 They don't eat meat. They don't eat meat. 你要跟我睡觉吗? Do you want to go to bed with me? Are you going to sleep with me? 糖溶于热水。 Sugar melts in hot water. Sugar melts in hot water. 秋天树叶会掉落。 The leaves fall off the trees in the fall. The tree will fall in the fall. 他们阻止不了他。 They cannot stop him. They can't stop him. 我猜明天会是好天气。 My guess is that it will be fine tomorrow. I guess tomorrow's gonna be good weather. 攰死人喇! I am tired! - Dead Man's Raptor! 您在日本生活多久了? Have you lived in Japan for long? How long have you been living in Japan? 你早该睡了。 It is high time you were in bed. You should be asleep. 我們投降。 We surrender. We surrender. 我想學跳舞。 I would like to learn how to dance. I want to learn to dance. 請把他確實的地址告訴我。 Tell me exactly where he lives. Please tell me his real address. 我有一点失望。 I was mildly disappointed. I'm a little disappointed. 我昨天晚上到了这儿。 I arrived here last night. I came here last night. 世界上学习英语的人很多,所以英国人习惯学习者的不标准的口音、语法错误等等。 There are many people in the world studying English, so English people are used to learners' non-standard accents, their grammatical errors and so on. There are a large number of people in the world who learn English, so British people are accustomed to study with unstandard accents, speech errors, etc. "多謝"。 "唔使唔該。" "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "No way." 这儿除了我,一个人也没有。 Except for me, there wasn't a single person there. There's no one here except me. 鹽可以幫助保存食物避免腐爛。 Salt helps to preserve food from decay. The salt can help keep food from sterile. 生活的偉大奧秘其中之一是貓如何決定下一步要做什麼。 One of the great mysteries of life is how a cat decides what to do next. One of the great secrets of life is how cats decide what to do next. 在我们看来,太阳能电池是一项很好的投资。 In our opinion, solar panels are a good investment. In our view, solar batteries are a good investment. Awx, äbix naq lap kiq yawx. Don't feel bad. Ahx, erbix is running off at yawx. 你開玩笑吧! You're kidding! Are you kidding me? 学习其他国家的文化很有趣。 Learning about other countries' cultures is very interesting. Learning the culture of other countries is interesting. 熊猫是一种很美的动物。 Pandas are beautiful animals. Panda is a beautiful animal. Tämaz ähia cyawngx ke khamäq tesawra. Thank you for the suggestion. I don't care if there's a chance. 我在名古屋生活了1个多月。 I lived for more than a month in Nagoya. I lived in Nagoya for over a month. 懂么? Do you get it? You know what? 呢隻襪穿咗個窿。 There's a hole in this sock. And the socks are stuck in a sledge. 请出示您的票子。 Please show your ticket. Please show your votes. 佢走咗之後,佢就話咗佢個名俾我聽。 She told me his name after he had left. After he left, he said a personal name to me. 你有計劃嗎? Do you have a plan? Do you have a plan? थेमा नायनि फै। Let's pick nits. This should be done if you do not have permission to do so. 我記得給了他鑰匙。 I remember giving him the key. I remember giving him his keys. 你個傷風記住快啲好返呀,你下個禮拜就又要準備好㗎啦,我哋冇咗你唔得㗎。 Make sure you get rid of your cold. You've got to be ready again next week. We can't do without you. Remember your wound and come back, and you will be ready again next week, and I will not have you. 我忘记他叫什么名字了。 I forgot what his name was. I forgot his name. 您能帮我吗? Can you help me? Can you help me? 五十步笑百步。 The pot calls the kettle black. 50 gadgets. 不要告訴任何人這件事。 Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone about this. 母亲给我做了一个娃娃。 Mother made me a doll. Mother made me a doll. “没门!”“有个。” "No way!" "Way." "No door!" "There's a door." 你這樣的人不該在這裡。 People like you shouldn't be here. People like you shouldn't be here. 他把我當成陌生人來看待。 He treats me as if I am a stranger. He treats me like a stranger. 汤姆不喜欢波士顿。 Tom doesn't like Boston. Tom doesn't like Boston. 我要見經理。 I demand to speak to the manager. I need to see the manager. 老師把學生狠狠地罵了一頓。 The teacher scolded his students severely. Teachers beat their students to death. 你怎麼還關心這個? Why do you even care about this? Why do you still care? 我很想你! I miss you! I miss you! 那是值得自豪的事。 That's something to be proud of. That's something to be proud of. 我想認識你姐姐。 I want to meet your older sister. I want to know your sister. 这次我们不去好市多可以吗? Is it OK if we don't go to Costco this time? Can we not go back to town this time? 個個都知啦。 Everyone knows that. Everyone knows. 我能回答您的问题。 I can answer your question. I can answer your question. 她多停留了五天。 She extended her stay by five days. She stayed for five days. 要听老师的话。 Obey your teachers. Listen to the teacher. 他今年畢業嗎? Is he graduating this year? Is he graduated this year? 时间不等人。 Time waits for no one. Time is not waiting. 我在流血。 I'm bleeding. I'm bleeding. 她十分鐘前離家。 She left home ten minutes ago. She left home ten minutes ago. 那是你昨天买的毛衣吗? Is that the sweater you bought yesterday? Is that the sweater you bought yesterday? 約翰現在應該隨時會在這裡。 John should be here any minute now. John should be here any minute. 我没法忍受这种痛苦。 I cannot bear this pain. I can't bear this pain. ဒီ သွားတိုက်တံ က နင့် ဟာ ထင်တယ်။ I think this toothbrush is yours. This toothbrush is what you think. 你不應該在這麼暗的房間裏看書。 You shouldn't read a book in a room this dim. You shouldn't be reading in such a dark room. 没有什么永远,没有什么很久,找个借口谁都可以先走。 Nothing lasts forever, not for a long time, anyone can find an excuse to go ahead. There's nothing forever, there's no long excuse for anyone to leave. 有人告诉我这个男孩耳聋。 Someone told me that this boy cannot hear. Somebody told me about this boy's ear. 我很喜歡你為人設想的性格。 I love how you think of other people's needs before your own. I love your character. 佢將佢嘅理論應用係某啲情況。 He applied his theory to some cases. It is his theory that should be used in some way. 你不应该在学校大楼里奔跑。 You must not run in the school buildings. You shouldn't run in the school building. 不是每一个孩子喜欢吃苹果。 Not every child likes apples. Not every kid likes apples. 他说:“日本管理层必须学会如何处理美国员工。” Japanese management must learn how to deal with American workers, he said. He said: “The management of Japan must learn how to deal with United States employees. Ümznäq äsäp rawx shäx? Do you want to know? Is there anything I can do about it? 所有人都喝醉了。 Everyone was drunk. Everyone was drunk. 他們在不同的領域取得了卓越的成就。 They have achieved excellent results in different fields. They have achieved remarkable achievements in different areas. 你的靈魂已墜進了地獄。 Your soul has been condemned to hell. Your soul has fallen into hell. 伊有交关历史书籍。 He has a lot of books on history. I have a related history book. 煲滾啲水。 Bring the water to a boil. Roll out of the water. 这是什么东西? What is that? What is this? 我整喊咗阿Tom。 I made Tom cry. I cried "Tom." 他只不过是个政治家。 He is nothing more than a politician. He's just a politician. 这张桌子是木的。 This table is wooden. This table is wood. 佢每個禮拜都會搵日去同佢啲朋友打網球。 She plays tennis with her friends once a week. On the other hand, every week he looks for a day to play tennis with his friends. 他在他舅舅那裏過夜。 He spent the night at his uncle's place. He spent the night with his uncle. 这是谁的主意? Whose idea was it? Whose idea is that? Ümznäq ümbaz nä väx? Where are you? I don't know. 我知道你的感情受伤了。 I know your feelings are hurt. I know your feelings are hurt. 我不能忍受這個噪音。 I can't stand this noise. I can't stand the noise. 这本字典对我很实用。 The dictionary is of great use to me. This dictionary is very practical for me. 我通常八點起身。 I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at 8:00. 老實講,我其實真係唔係好鍾意佢。 Frankly speaking, I don't like him. To be honest, I don't really like him very much. Kämänäx, Thawmz kä pedziz naix viashaüz-nyiimyaq li phaq tälawx ikhäx. It seems that Tom only eats fruits and vegetables. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 不论如何,我认为它不错。 In spite of everything, I think it's not bad. Anyway, I think it's good. 船到桥头自然直。 We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. The ship goes straight to the bridge. 我們在2008年相遇。一年後,我們結婚了。 We met in 2008. A year later, we got married. We met in 2008, and a year later, we got married. 佢係一個老實人,所以我請咗佢。 As he was an honest man, I employed him. He is an old man, so I invite him. 爹地喜歡講有趣的事。 Daddy loves to say funny things. Daddy likes to talk about funny things. 他们同时到了巴黎。 They arrived in Paris at the same time. They went to Paris at the same time. 我唔識讀呢個字。 I don't know how to pronounce this word. I don't know how to read this word. 鸡蛋至少要煮5分钟。 Eggs should be boiled for at least five minutes. Eggs need to cook at least five minutes. 你是最快的。 You are the fastest. You're the fastest. 我忘不了她。 I can't forget her. I can't forget her. 鮑伯一定出意外了。 Bob must have had an accident. Bob must have been in an accident. 你必須吃什麼? What did you have to eat? What do you have to eat? ငါ‌ တော့ အဲလစ် ထက် မယ်ရီ က ပို လှတယ် လို့ ထင်တယ်။ I think Mary is more beautiful than Alice is. I think I'm better than I am. 你可能是最後一個見湯姆的人。 You may have been the last person to see Tom. You may be the last person to see Tom. 他按下了緊急按鈕。 He pushed the emergency button. He pushed the emergency button. 这太贵了。 It is too expensive. It's too expensive. 如果您不愿意的话,就不必回答。 If you don't want to speak, you don't have to answer. If you don't want to, you don't have to answer. 等她回来的时候问问她。 Ask her when she comes back. Ask her when she comes back. 把你的袜子脱了。 Take off your socks. Take your socks off. 生意停頓了以後,許多公共浴堂都添置了桑拿浴室、健身器材等的新設備,希望能吸引多點人來光顧。 After business came to a halt, many bathhouses added new facilities, such as saunas and exercise equipment, in an effort to attract customers. After business was shut down, many public bathrooms put in new equipment such as sauna baths, gym equipment, etc., and wanted to attract more people to look. 我還不知道。 I don't know yet. I don't know yet. 據說鯨魚以前是在陸地上生活的。 Whales are said to have lived on land long ago. It is said that whales used to live on land. 我答应汤姆我会到那里。 I've promised Tom that I'd be there. I promised Tom I'd be there. 這封信是寄給你。 This letter is addressed to you. This letter is for you. 他晚回来了两天。 He came back two days late. He's late for two days. 獨角獸是一種美麗的怪物。 The unicorn is a fabulous monster. The Licorne is a beautiful monster. 上個月他們爬了富士山。 They climbed Mt. Fuji last week. They climbed Mount Fuss last month. 無知並唔代表愚蠢。 Ignorance is not an indication of stupidity. Not knowing is not stupid. 我听说英国的草在冬天也还是绿的。 I hear the grass in England is green even in the winter. I heard the British grass was still green in winter. 我們的分店佈滿全國。 Our branches extend all over the country. Our subsidiaries are all over the country. 如果勿用考试,阿拉个校园生活该有多快乐啊! If it were not for examinations, how happy our school life would be! If you don't use the test, how happy is Aryan's school life! 他把信從我的手中搶了過去。 He wrenched the letter from my hand. He took the letter from my hand. Ngiz kä renx tälawx nguztä yuz raix täkängx. I am running in order to catch the train. The next step will be for you. 你鍾意幾時嚟就幾時嚟啦。 You may come whenever you like. When's the time? 我买不起自行车。 I could not afford to buy a bicycle. I can't afford a bike. Ümznäq räq Thawmz kä pyäoxläox mäk nawx räbaiq laüx känäz. You've made Tom unhappy. [ In German ] See if you can find out where they're going. 湯姆不在床上。 Tom wasn't in bed. Tom's not in bed. 不要說廢話! Don't talk nonsense! Don't talk nonsense! 汤姆不打算给你做任何事。 Tom wasn't going to do anything to you. Tom's not gonna do anything for you. 我會在三天之內回覆。 I will answer within three days. I'll be back in three days. 這是我的人生嗎? Is this my life? Is this my life? 我昨天买了这个打印机。 I bought this printer yesterday. I bought this printer yesterday. Kärä kä ümznäq riix shäx? Is it yours? I don't know. 「你可以幫忙把門關上嗎?」「可以,當然可以。」 "Would you mind shutting the door?" "No, not at all." "Can you help close the door?" "Yes, of course." 日夜相替。 Day alternates with night. Day and night match. 这只是你的想象。 It's just your imagination. It's just your imagination. 無論如何,我也盡了我的責任。 In any case, I did my duty. Anyway, I do my duty. 你知道顯微鏡和望遠鏡有甚麼分別嗎? Do you know the difference between a microscope and a telescope? You know what's the difference between microscopes and telescopes? 火车应当准点到。 The train should be on time. The train should be on schedule. 你必须马上行动。 It is imperative for you to act at once. You have to move now. 他們都是好學生。 They are both good students. They're all good students. Ätawz ke laz nä äpaiq räq pextax mäx cyawng tawx. She asked the police for protection. She doesn't even have to talk about it at all. 今天晚上吃糖醋排骨。 I will eat sweet and sour spareribs tonight. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 甚至是不相信天主教的人也把教皇敬为一个象征性的领导者。 Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader. Even those who do not believe in the Catholic faith respect the Pope as a symbolic leader. 棵樹生得好高喎。 The tree grew very tall. The tree was born so high. 我去过伦敦。 I went to London. I went to London. 你总是迟到。 You're always late. You're always late. ခဏစောင့်ပါ။ Wait a minute. A little. 你俾你阿媽鬧嗰陣,唔應該噉樣駁嘴。 You shouldn't answer your mother back like that when she scolds you. Why don't you say something to your mom? 你愛我嗎? Do you love me? Do you love me? 目前谁占上风? Who has the edge now? Who now has the upper hand? 那篇關於佛教的文章勾起了我對東方宗教的興趣。 The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions. The article on Buddhism has drawn my interest in Eastern religions. 这是我见过的最高的树。 This is the tallest tree I have ever seen. This is the highest tree I've ever seen. 試圖勸她是沒有用的。 It's no good trying to persuade her. Trying to convince her is useless. 我喜歡你笑得樣子。 I like the way you smile. I like you to smile. 我不知道他今晚會不會來。 I don't know if he can come tonight. I didn't know he was coming tonight. 汤姆不在。 Tom isn't here. Tom's not here. Nick不需要來我辦公室。 Nick doesn't need to come to my office. Nick didn't need to come to my office. 你能解決這個問題呢嗎? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? 他無法回答這個問題。 He could not answer that question. He can't answer the question. 強盗似乎是在上層破窗而入的。 It seems that the burglar broke in through an upstairs window. There seems to be a break-in on the top. 别说谎! Don't tell lies. Don't lie! 美國的小孩聽著這些話長大。 American children grow up hearing those words. The children of America are growing up listening to these things. 他下了公車。 He got off the bus. He's off the bus. 物价持续上涨。 Prices continued to rise. Prices continue to rise. 蘋果被用來當作甜點。 Apples were served as the dessert. Apple is used as dessert. 她的女儿都很漂亮。 All of her daughters are beautiful. Her daughters are beautiful. 他們正在討論這個問題。 They are discussing the problem. They are discussing the issue. 垃海城市里向开个车子数量增加了。 The number of cars running in the city has increased. There has been an increase in the number of cars to open in the city of Qinghai. 105号房间在哪里? Where is Room 105? Where's room 105? 做,定唔做,呢個就係問題。 To be, or not to be, that is the question. Do it, don't do it, it's a question. ကျနော်က အပေါ်ထပ်မှာ။ I was upstairs. And I'm on top. 十減二等如八。 Subtract two from ten and you have eight. Ten decreases are as high as eight. 由于我生病了,我便没去上学。 Since I was sick, I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school because I was sick. 湯姆的書比瑪麗的還多。 Tom has more books than Mary. Tom has more books than Mary's. 在墨西哥有很多美國人。 There are many Americans in Mexico. There are many Americans in Mexico. 一個墨西哥人教了他西班牙文。 A Mexican taught him Spanish. A Mexican taught him Spanish. 我已經和這位學生說過了 I have already talked with this student. I've already told this student about it. 我跟她去过波士顿。 I once went to Boston with her. I went to Boston with her. 她看上去很幸福,但是在她内心深处,她受着痛苦。 She looks happy, but deep down, she suffers. She seemed very happy, but deep inside, she suffered. 你什麼時候獲知瑪麗離婚? When did you learn of Mary's divorce? When did you get a divorce? 还剩下几个三明治? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches are left? Kärä kä bix mäk linx shaq li. It's not that bad yet. The next step, please. 恶魔摧毁了广岛和长崎。 The devil destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The devil destroyed the Amazon and Nagasaki. 如果我哋再多少少錢,就買到嗰架車㗎喇。 We could have bought the car with a little more money. If I don't have any more money, I'll buy a car. 行。 All right. All right. 洋子下週將去京都。 Yoko will go to Kyoto next week. Yoko is going to Kyoto next week. 祝贺你。 Congratulations! Congratulations. 你個新髮型望落好似老咗。 Your new hair style makes you look older. Your new hair looks old. 多丢人啊! How shameful! It's embarrassing! 她很容易受到感情上的伤害。 Her feelings are easily hurt. She is vulnerable to emotional harm. အဲ့ဒီနေ့က သူ ဘယ်မှာ ရှိနေတယ် ဆိုတာကို တွမ် လိမ်ထား ခဲ့တယ်။ Tom lied about his whereabouts that day. I lied about where he was that day. 神話讓我們能透悉古文明。 The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization. The word of God will make us understand the civilization of ancient times. 我哋返緊屋企。 We're on our way home. I'm on my way home. 人類是自然的一部分。 Humans are part of nature. Humanity is a natural part. 如果我有自己一間房就好喇。 I wish I had a room of my own. If I had a room in my own. 不懂。 Don't understand. I don't understand. 我们不知道他们乘哪趟列车来。 We didn't know on which train they'd be coming. We don't know which train they're on. 這是湯姆叔叔的農場。 This is Uncle Tom's farm. This is Uncle Tom's farm. 屋檐上正滴下雨水。 The eaves are dripping. The roof is dropping rain. 他撞车是因为有人在刹车上做了手脚。 He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He hit the car because someone did it on a brake. 你好似好攰咁喎。 You look very tired. You look good. 這是我的真心話。 I say this from my heart. That's what I mean. 我剛才吃了壽司喝了啤酒。 I just ate sushi and drank beer. I just ate sushi and drank beer. 佢好似好興奮。 He/she looks excited. He seems to be excited. 那頓飯簡直好極了。 That meal was simply divine. That's great. 我哋可以回顧過去,但係唔可以改變過去;我哋可以改變未來,但係唔可以預知未來。 The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. We can look back and do not change our way of life; we can change the future and the functions do not predict the future. 他一邊等火車,一邊在月台上走來走去。 He walked back and forth on the platform while waiting for the train. He waited for the train and walked on the platform. 这个房子是我的。 This house is mine. This house is mine. 沒有什麼東西是跟愛一樣珍貴的。 Nothing is as precious as love. Nothing is as precious as love. 杯子里的水干净吗? Is the water in the glass clean? Is the water in the glass clean? 我还是写不好汉语。 I still don't write Chinese well. I still can't write English. 務必要買一些牛奶。 Be sure to pick up some milk. Must buy some milk. 电使蜡烛在我们的生活中变得没什么用了。 Electricity made candles of little use in our life. The electricity makes candles useless in our lives. 顧客永遠是對的。 The customer is always right. The customers are always right. 汤姆站在我后面。 Tom stood behind me. Tom's standing behind me. 殺了他們 Kill them. Kill them. Äpaiq kä viix shixmax 19 nä äcyii. He was born in the 19th century. I can't believe I'm 19 years old. 你准备待多久? How long do you plan to stay? How long are you staying? 帶佢走。 Take him away. Take him away. 切記! Be sure to remember! Take it! 汤姆是法语母语者。 Tom is a native French speaker. Tom is French-speaking. 電腦現在是一個絕對必要的東西了。 A computer is an absolute necessity now. The computer is now a absolutely necessary thing. 她为了他竭尽所能。 She did everything she could for him. She did everything she could for him. 在印度,人们在餐桌上用右手传递食物。 In India, people pass food at the dinner table with the right hand. In India, people transmit food on the table with their right hand. 這手錶有防震功能。 This watch is shock-proof. The watch has a shock function. 那座老桥正面临坍塌的危险。 The old bridge is in danger of collapse. The old bridge is in danger of collapse. 他在工作中出了意外。 He had an accident at work. He had an accident at work. 「去唔去唱 K 呀?」「遲啲先啦。」 "Wanna go karaoke?" "Sorry, later." "Go or not, K? 你能在我们的婚礼上唱歌就太好了。 It would be wonderful if you could sing at our wedding. You can sing at our wedding. 我平常早上八点钟起床。 I usually get up at 8. I usually wake up at 8:00 in the morning. 你會失敗。 You will fail. You're gonna fail. 這是一個晾衣服的器具。 This is an appliance for drying clothes. It's a lying gear. 你什么时候离开? What time will you leave? When are you leaving? 釜底游鱼。 A fish out of water. Undernourished fish. 我不否认这件事发生了,可是一个例子算不上证据。 I'm not denying it happened, but one example can't be called proof. I do not deny that this has happened, but it is an example that is unsubstantiated. 我的收入減少了百分之十。 My income has decreased ten percent. I've lost 10 per cent of my income. 人是从语言里学会语法,而非从语法里学会语言的。 One learns grammar from language, not language from grammar. People learn the language from the language rather than from the language. 大部分男生欢喜棒球。 Most boys like baseball. Most boys celebrate baseball. 教育从家庭开始。 Education starts at home. Education starts with the family. 工作都全由我做。 I do all the work. It's all I have to do. 那太稀少了。 That's very rare. That's too rare. 你沒白死。 Your death was not in vain. You're not dead. 你可唔可以車我去醫院呀? Will you drive me to the hospital? Why don't you take me to the hospital? “单独二胎”政策已经在上海实施,将来可能会在全国推行。 The “One Only Child Parent for Two Children” policy is already in effect in Shanghai. In the future, it's possible that it will be implemented throughout China. The policy of “one-second birth” has been implemented in Shanghai and is likely to be implemented throughout the country in the future. 隻馬跑得好快。 The horse ran fast. A horse's running fast. 他全吃光了。 He ate it all up. He ate all of it. 我们看不见他们。 We cannot see them. We can't see them. 我们需要开发新的能源、创造新的工作岗位,我们需要修建新学校,应对众多威胁、修复与许多国家的盟友关系。 There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair. We need to develop new energy sources and create new jobs, and we need to build new schools to respond to numerous threats and restore allied relations with many countries. 无聊得我都睡着了。 I was bored, so I fell asleep. I'm tired and I'm asleep. 他在欄杆之後。 He is behind the railing. He's after the fence. 我昨天钓了一条大鱼。 I caught a big fish yesterday. I caught a big fish yesterday. 說她美不如說她可愛。 She is more pretty than beautiful. Say she's better than she's cute. 学而优则仕。 Who excels in studies can follow an official career. EDUCATION OF TERRITORIES. 我想吃 I would like to eat. I'd like to eat it. 你告訴湯姆你的問題了嗎? Did you tell Tom about your problems? Did you tell Tom your problem? 你什么时候放暑假? When are you going on summer vacation? When are you off summer? Thawmz räq Meri mäx sawmxrax tawx. Tom congratulated Mary. [ In German ] Thank you. 請問您要等嗎? Excuse me. Do you have to wait? Would you like to wait? 她的廚藝差得透頂。 She is terrible at cooking. She's a very poor cook. 請打開收音機。 Please turn on the radio. Please open the radio. 我漏低咗啲嘢喺間房度。 I left something in the room. I missed something in the room. 在死球期间,路易斯跑向球,一脚踢上去。 When the ball was dead, Luis ran up to the ball and booted it. Lewis ran to the ball while he was dead, and kicked him in the head. 我们去电影院怎么样? How about going to the cinema? How about we go to the theater? 佢住喺我屋企附近。 He lives near my house. He lives near my home. 你要是願意就留在這裡。 You can stay here if you like. If you want to stay here. 她坐在長椅上。 She sat on a bench. She's sitting on the bench. 日本是一個非常嘈雜的國家。 Japan is an extremely noisy country. Japan is a very complicated country. 隻雀喺個天空度。 The bird is in the sky. Disassemble in an sky. 這本書就行了。 This book will do. This book will be fine. 她晚了起床。 She got up late. She got up late. 最近嘅銀行喺邊呀? Where is the nearest bank? Recent bank on the other side? 他幾乎從來沒揭開過一本書。 He hardly ever opens a book. He almost never opened a book. 你院子裡有桌子嗎? Do you have a table on the patio? Do you have a table in your yard? 我很失望我沒能和她一起去。 I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to go with her. I'm disappointed I couldn't go with her. 你有地址嗎? Do you have an address? Do you have an address? 我们结婚吧! Let's get married! Let's get married! 猫弓起背,伸了个懒腰。 The cat arched its back and stretched itself. The cat's back, and he's got a lazy back. 他給了他的孩子們良好的教育。 He gave his children a good education. He gave his kids good education. 讓我們握手吧。 Let's shake hands. Let's shake hands. 魚爛頭先臭。 A fish rots from the head down. The fish stink first. “Tom偷我的钱包。” “是肯定的吗?” "Tom stole my wallet." "Are you sure about that?" "Tom stole my wallet. 問題是湯姆。 The problem is Tom. The problem is, Tom. 你說太多了。 You talk too much. You're saying too much. 狗轻轻地叫了。 The dog barked softly. Dogs scream easily. 她或许知道我们在这儿。 She might know that we are here. She might know we're here. 跟很多人一樣, 他喜歡假期。 In common with many people he likes holidays. Like many people, he likes vacations. 嗰度啲風景真係靚到唔知點形容。 The beauty of the scene was beyond description. It's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's like, it's just, it's just, it's like, it's 幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭卻各有各的不幸。 Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Happy families are similar, and unfortunate families have various regrets. ပန်းခြံ ထဲ မှာ တော့ ကလေး အနည်းငယ် သာ ရှိနေခဲ့ တယ်။ There were only a few children in the park. I have only a few children in the park. 知道如何使用电脑对我们来说变得很重要。 It is becoming important for us to know how to use a computer. It's important to know how to use computers to us. 有什么不对吗? Is something wrong? What's wrong? 你将为我们唱英文歌吗? Are you going to sing an English song for us? Will you sing English for us? 过度的谦逊就是骄傲。 Too much humility is pride. Overdue is pride. 他問我那幅畫是誰畫的。 He asked me who had painted the picture. He asked me who drew that painting. 他很害羞,都不敢和女孩子说话。 He is too shy to talk to girls. He was shy and could not speak to the girls. 你很少有這麼早起床。 You rarely ever wake up this early. You rarely wake up so early. 我需要一些郵票。 I need to get some stamps. I need some mail. 就连最黑暗的夜晚都会结束,太阳仍会照常升起。 Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise. ဟုတ်ကဲ့။ Yes. Yes, God’s Kingdom is a real government. 我買咗部新嘅剃鬚刨。 I bought a new shaver. I bought a new sledge. 我全家來自波士頓。 My whole family's from Boston. My whole family is from Boston. 汤姆很不好意思去求帮忙。 Tom was embarrassed to have to ask for help. Tom's sorry to ask for help. 是不可能做的。 It is impossible to do it. It's impossible. 那个四年计划必须获得批准。 That four-year plan has to be approved. The four-year plan must be approved. 鳥能飛。 A bird can fly. A bird can fly. 她开始哭泣。 She began crying. She started crying. 他去了商店。 He went to the store. He went to the store. 她专注在她的新工作上。 She applied her mind to her new job. She's focused on her new job. 你明天这个时候会是在做什么? What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? What would you be doing at this time tomorrow? 點解阿Tom要咁做? Why does Tom need to do that? Is that what Tom's gonna do? 她告訴我把窗戶打開。 She told me to open the window. She told me to open the window. Ngiz phanphan bawmx-äsax rawx täkängx! I like languages! For the first time in a while, we'll have a bawmx. 知情者说,“她从来不会评判自己的成就,但是她成功地做好了她第一年决心做的事。” "She would never judge her own accomplishments, but she has succeeded in achieving what she set out to do in her first year," the source said. The informed person said: “She will never judge her achievements, but she has succeeded in doing what she was determined to do for her first year. Ümznäq Italiyan bawmx bawm tälaüx shäx? Do you speak Italian? [ In German ] See if you can answer the following questions: Ärä kä hiazshiz li mi räq. This might be over soon. The two of you. 我兩天前感冒了。 I caught a cold two days ago. I had a cold two days ago. 肯把他的腳踏車漆成白色的。 Ken painted his bicycle white. I'm gonna paint his bike into white. 鳥類飛行。 Birds fly. A bird's flight. 他對我說:「請你幫我一個忙。」 He said to me, "Please do me a favor". He said to me, "Please do me a favor." 保存在陰涼的地方。 Keep it in a cool place. Save in the dark. 這是一個沒有陽光的世界。 This is a world where the sun doesn't shine. It's a world without sunlight. 我完全不懂德语。 I don't understand German at all. I don't understand German at all. 查出了抽烟对身体不好。 It has been found that smoking is bad for your health. It's not good for the body. 你爱音乐吗? Do you love music? Do you love music? 您太好了。 You're the best. You're wonderful. 我對日本歷史有興趣。 I am interested in Japanese history. I'm interested in Japanese history. 我们没有打断。 We didn't break in. We didn't interrupt. 有錢的話,我會多去旅遊。 Because I have a lot of money, I can travel a lot. I'll travel more if there's money. 來了。 I'm here Coming. 你开车很好。 You're a good driver. You drive fine. 我冷。 I am cold. I'm cold. 我都快要说出他的名字了,可就是记不起来。 His name was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't remember it. I'm about to say his name, but I can't remember. 汤姆看他在镜中的映像。 Tom looked at his reflection in the mirror. Tom saw his image in the mirror. 请问可以给您拍张照片吗? May I take a photo? May I take a photo of you? 为什么你企图逃走? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to escape? 你會說流利的中文嗎? Do you speak Chinese well? Do you speak fluent Chinese? 只要你微笑,我就会高兴。 If you smile, I'll be happy. As long as you smile, I'll be happy. 我每周登录 tatoeba 一次。 I log into Tatoeba weekly. This post is part of our special coverage Tetoeba once a week. 请让我静一静。 Please leave me alone. Leave me alone, please. 她在图书馆读一本书。 She is reading a book in the library. She's reading a book in the library. 我看到你開著你的新車。 I saw you driving your new car. I saw you driving your new car. 我個女好鍾意食蛋黃。 My daughter likes egg yolks. I'm a woman who's so eager to eat eggs. Ärä kä iz-naw, Mezriz. This is my sister, Mary. - See you, Mr. Mezriz. 假使侬呒没搿只程序,侬现在就可以去下载。 If you do not have this program, you can download it now. If there is no, only a procedure, it can be downloaded now. 法兰克高兴地等待着他晚上的约会。 Frank was waiting with pleasure for the date in the evening. Frank is happy to wait for his evening date. 你订这报纸了吗? Are you subscribed to the newspaper? Did you make the paper? 这酒杯是用金做成的。 This goblet is made of gold. It's made of gold. 他到了火车站,就叫了辆出租车。 On his arrival at the station, he called a taxi. He arrived at the train station, and he called a cab. 你不應該借錢給這樣的人。 You should not have lent the money to such a person. You shouldn't lend money to someone like this. 你还没到可以拿驾驶执照的年龄。 You're not old enough to get a driver's license. You're not old enough to take a driver's license. 七日天四十块美金。 40 dollars for seven days. Forty dollars a day. 我真的很喜歡法國菜。 I really like French cooking. I really like French. 專職作家沒有固定的收入。 Professional writers do not have a regular income. A professional writer has no fixed income. 他們面帶微笑向我打招呼。 They greeted me with a smile. Their faces smile and say hello to me. Ngiz kä kärä ähuk rawx rävanx kängx. I wanted to steal it. If you're going to the front door, you'll have to get back to the front door. 我們有足夠的時間趕上那班火車。 We have enough time to catch the train. We have enough time to get to that train. 我好嬲。 I'm angry. I'm good. 你疯了吗? Are you mad? Are you crazy? 你五月尾就要報稅㗎啦。 You'll need to file your taxes by the end of May. You're going to pay taxes at the end of May. 韩国随着朝鲜的外患而在边界附近集结军队。 As North Korea displays aggression, South Korea concentrates its forces near the border. The Korean army is organized around the border with the country's foreign population. 这不是真的。 This is not true. It's not true. 六點之前好返屋企喇。 Come home before six. I'll be home by 6:00. 香橙含有豐富的維他命 C。 Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Orange contains a large vitamin C. 我們不是一個政治性的組織。 We do not belong to a political organisation. We're not a political organization. 很抱歉! I'm really sorry! I'm sorry! 你應該道歉。 You've got to apologize. You should apologize. 我也能去 I can come, too. I can go, too. 再來點蛋糕嗎? Would you care for some more cake? Would you like some more cake? 湯姆還沒吃完他的晚飯。 Tom hasn't finished his lunch yet. Tom hasn't finished his dinner yet. 我十歲的時候學會了彈結他。 I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to block him when I was 10. 今日嘅嘢今日做。 Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Do you want to do it today? 你认为今年在维基百科上被最多人阅读的日文版本的文章是哪篇? What do you think was the most read article this year on the Japanese version of Wikipedia? What is this article that you think is read by the largest number of people in Wikipedia this year? 他被卷进了是非中。 He was involved in the trouble. He's in the middle of something. 你收到我寄俾你封信未呀? Did you get the letter I sent you? Did you get my letter? 你到底是用了什么办法在短期内提高了你的汉语? Exactly what method did you use to improve your Mandarin in such a short space of time? What the hell did you do to raise your hankies in the short term? Ngiz räq mänz käkhäx siix chiz täkängx. I also feel the same way. Whether you're old or old, just a few. 这么拼命工作有什么意义? What's the sense of working so hard? What's the point of working so hard? 你想得美! In your dreams! You think you're beautiful! 我希望我能知道如何刪除我的Facebook帳號。 I wish I could figure out how to delete my Facebook account. I wish I could know how to delete my Facebook account. 一级了! Great! Level one! 你并不完全错误。 You are not at all wrong. You're not completely wrong. 這是兩件裡便宜的那個。 This is the cheaper of the two. That's the cheap one in two. 對不起, 那不關我的事。 Sorry, that was none of my business. I'm sorry, that's none of my business. ကျွန်တော် ဆယ့်သုံးနှစ် သား အရွယ်လောက်က ကျွန်တော် ပထမဦးဆုံး ဘီယာ ကို သောက်ဖူးခဲ့တာပဲ။ I drank beer for the first time when I was thirteen years old. I was the first to drink beer when I was three years old. 我不能忍受那個噪音。 I can't stand that noise. I can't stand that noise. Yamlai väx nguz laüx? What did you say? Yamlai váx laüx? 他們無家可歸。 They have no house to live in. They have no home. 他已經不再是以前那個快樂的男孩了。 He is not the cheerful man he was. He's no longer the happy old boy. 呢條河有一咪闊。 This river is one mile across. And the river's got a hole in it. 他的头撞倒了一块岩石。 He hit his head against a rock. His head ran down a rock. 隔锅个饭香。 The grass is always greener on the other side. Let's have a meal. 確保這個孩子不生病。 Make sure that the child is not sick. Make sure the kid's not sick. 三天一直下雨。 It's been raining non-stop for three days. Three days have been raining. 直到我游览了澳大利亚之后,我才意识到日本是多么小。 It wasn't until after visiting Australia that I realized Japan was so small. Until I visited Australia, I realized how small Japan was. 明天是星期天。 It is Sunday tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday. 我姑姑給了我一張唱片專輯。 My aunt gave me an album. My aunt gave me a record album. Ümz-mängx yamkhäx väx? What is your name? I don't know. 我总是想有兄弟姐妹会怎么样。 I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings. I always wanted to have a brother and sister what would happen. 我在人來人往的街道上走著,突然聽見一下尖銳的叫聲。 I was walking along the crowded street when all at once I heard a shrill cry. I was walking down the street, and suddenly I heard a loud voice. 谁要是忽略这一点,谁就得犯错误。 Whoever ignores that point will make mistakes. Whoever ignores it makes mistakes. 教法語的是懷特老師,不是格林老師。 French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. The French are Mr. White, not Mr. Green. 佢哋唔肯相信我話俾佢哋聽嘅嘢。 They refused to believe what I told them. They don't believe me and tell me what they hear. 傑克買了一個禮物給他的朋友。 Jack bought a present for his friend. Jack bought a gift to his friend. Äpaiq räq älam lap tawx diax. She's got a point. If it's too late, it's going to be a bit late. 我們能開始。 We can begin. We can start. 慢慢交来好唻。 You can take your time. It's nice to have a good time. 湯姆把黏土塑成了一個花瓶。 Tom worked the clay into a vase. Tom turned the clay into a vase. 那男人把她推到一旁。 That man pushed her to the side. That man pushed her aside. 他會講英語和法語。 He speaks both English and French. He'll speak English and French. 学中文的学生只有他们几个。 They are the only students who study Chinese. There are only a few of them who learn Chinese. 年紀大的夫妻往往喜歡禮金勝於禮物, 因為他們既不需要禮物也沒有空間放禮物。 Older couples often appreciate cash more than gifts because they neither need nor have room for them. Older couples often like gifts because they don't need gifts, and they don't need gifts. 我一整天都在看这本小说。 I spent the whole day in reading the novel. I've been watching this novel all day. Yam väx pin täq? What happened? I don't know. ကျနော် နင့်ကို နက်ဖြန် မတွေ့နိုင်ဘူး။ I can't meet you now. Illumination cannot be found tomorrow. 美国是一个民主国家。 The United States of America is a democratic country. The United States is a democratic country. Tom冇錢。 Tom had no money. Tom has no money. 你可以告訴我如何到火車站嗎? Can you tell me how to get to the train station? Can you tell me how to get to the station? 那两个部门有时候意见相左。 Those two departments are sometimes at odds with each other. The two departments sometimes agree on a point of view. 没有上下文就没有词义。 No context, no text. There is no justification without the following. Ümznäq yamlai väx rätälaüx? What are you doing? Do you think it's too late? 快啲啦,你仲慢吞吞噉我哋就遲到㗎喇。 Come on, we'll be late if you don't hurry up. Hurry up and you'll be late to "Luck" until you've swallowed me up. 我要感謝我的選舉搭檔,這位先生全心全意競選,為與他在史克蘭頓街頭一起長大的男男女女代言。在前往德拉瓦州的路上,和我一起以火車為家,他就是副總統當選人,拜登先生。 I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton, and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. I would like to thank my electoral partner for his full commitment to the campaign, Mr. Biden, in order to speak with men and women who he grew up on the streets of Sclanton, on his way to Drawa, and to take a train home with me, as Vice-President, as Vice-President, Mr. Biden. 聽日係我生日。 Tomorrow is my birthday. It's my birthday. 他的畫並不是畫得很好,所以沒有獲得人們的讚賞。 His painting wasn't particularly good, so no one praised him for it. His paintings are not good, so there is no reward for them. Toma table ni gahayao gaoni glasses nagirgasinw Tom is under the table, looking for his glasses. Toma table ni bayao gaoni glasses noirgasinw Rätä yamlai väx? So what? Is there anything I can do about it? 呢個消息係唔係真㗎? Is this information right? The message is not true? 有点恶心,但是吐不出来。 Feel a little nauseous, but unable to puke. It's a little sick, but I can't throw up. 哦!那太糟糕了。 Oh! That's too bad. Oh, that's too bad. 她们只是胡说八道。 They're just talking shit. They're just bullshit. 我哋啲會好少準時開始。 Our meeting rarely starts on time. We'll start on less time. 我可以彈鋼琴嗎? May I play the piano? Can I play the piano? 貝蒂有一把甜美的聲音。 Betty has a sweet voice. Betty has a sweet voice. 嗰座橋好靚。 That bridge is very beautiful. There's a good bridge. 你不妨告訴我一切。 You may as well tell me all about it. You can tell me everything. ဒါက ခင်ဗျား သွားတိုက်တံ လား။ Is this your toothbrush? Is that your teeth, your teeth, your teeth, and your teeth? 她每個星期天打網球。 She plays tennis every Sunday. She plays tennis every Sunday. 他不但学习英语,他也学习德语。 He studies English, but he also studies German. Not only did he learn English, but he also studied German. 他也會說俄語。 He can also speak Russian. He'll speak Russian, too. 我们必须走了。 We have to go. We have to go. 你每个月洗几次车? How often do you wash your car a month? How many cars do you wash every month? 公園裡有很多樹嗎? Are there many trees in the park? Is there a lot of trees in the park? 呢本書都幾得意。 This book is pretty interesting. It's all very interesting. 我有一个哥哥,也有一个姐姐。 I have an older brother and an older sister. I have a brother and a sister. Nazshiq Ningxraxtsix bawmx tälängz täkaix. We learned English. [ In German ] Do you know anything about it? 我副眼鏡喺邊呀? Where are my glasses? Can I have my glasses on the other side? 比尔给我带来了这本书。 Bill brought me this book. Bill brought me this book. 我希望我的梦想实现。 I hope my dream will come true. I want my dreams to be fulfilled. 福者,何也? What is happiness? Fountain, what is it? 人家通常认为钞票会得带来喜气个。 It is generally believed that money brings happiness. People usually think that money will bring pleasure. 他抱怨房间太小。 He complained that the room was too small. He complained about the room too small. 他的话深深触动了我们。 His speech impressed us very much. His words touched us deeply. 舉例說,倫敦現在是早上七時。 For example, it is 7:00 a.m. in London now. For example, London is 7 a.m. in the morning. Ärä kä dzänzrawx äsix mänäx. This sounds interesting. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 我愛我父親。 I love my father. I love my father. 你相信上帝吗? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? 在冬天,很多老人在冰上滑倒。 In the winter, many older people slip on ice and fall down. In winter, a lot of old people slipped on the ice. 他会跟我来。 He'll come with me. He'll come with me. 如果你有问题,请来我的办公室几小时。 If you have questions, please come to my office hours. If you have a problem, come to my office for a few hours. 我好攰。 I am tired. I'm good. 狗会对陌生人叫。 A dog will bark at strangers. Dogs will cry to strangers. 我很抱歉那么晚回家。 I'm very sorry that I came home so late. I'm sorry I came home so late. Ümznäq äniix nawx, mäk shäx? You are tired, aren't you? I don't know. I don't know. 邮局还关着门吗? Is the post office still closed? Is the post office still closed? 你没什么可抱歉的。 You have nothing to be sorry about. You have nothing to be sorry about. 为何大声喧嚷? Why are you speaking loudly? Why are you whispering? Ümz-kiimx si lomxbot kä yamlai väx? What's your lucky number? Is there anything I can do about it? 我不知道你要去哪。 I don't know where you want to go. I don't know where you're going. 信不信由你。 Believe it or not. Believe it or not. 一公斤香蕉多少錢? How much does a kilo of bananas cost? How much is a kilo of bananas? 汤姆通常早饭只吃燕麦。 Tom usually only eats oatmeal for breakfast. Tom usually eats only wheat in the morning. 呢道門點鎖都鎖唔到。 This door won't lock. Can't even lock the door. 我喜歡硬木地板勝過地毯。 I prefer hardwood floors to carpet. I like hardwood floors above the carpet. 胡安,他叫林峰,我和林峰是朋友。 Huan, he is called Linfeng, Linfeng and I are friends. Juan, he's Ring Peak, and I'm a friend. 我前幾天買了一台照相機。 I bought a camera the other day. I bought a camera the other day. 這輛公車客滿了。 The bus was filled to capacity. The bus's full. 瑕不早謂矣? Why didn't you say so earlier? Don't you think it's a long time ago? 佢五歲嗰陣就已經背到首詩喇。 He could learn the poem by heart at the age of five. He went back to the poem when he was five years old. 首先,我要听听双方的意见。 First, I should hear both sides. First, I would like to hear the views of both sides. 她們都是大學生。 They are all studients. They're all college students. 谢谢那天晚上请我吃了饭。 Thanks very much for having me to dinner the other night. Thank you for inviting me to dinner that night. 有足夠的時間很快地吃一下點心。 There's enough time for a quick snack. Have enough time to eat a bite quick enough. 她的丈夫死後,她就獨力把兩個孩子養大成人。 After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. After her husband died, she raised her two children alone. 午飯很快就會準備好了。 Lunch will be ready soon. Lunch will be ready soon. 她嘗試把老師說的每一句話都記下來。 She tried to take down every word the teacher said. She tried to remember everything she said. 他是個好人。 He is a good fellow. He's a good guy. 她是个非常好的老师。 She is a very good teacher. She's a very good teacher. 我知道她很可爱。 I know she is very lovely. I know she's cute. 汤姆自从2003年就住在这里。 Tom has lived here since 2003. Tom has lived here since 2003. 六点二十分了。 It's twenty past six. It's 6:20. 就我所知,他是个很用功的学生。 He is an industrious student to the best of my knowledge. As far as I know, he's a very good student. 我們上週參觀了博物館。 We visited the museum last week. We visited the museum last week. 红颜色勿行了。 Red is out of fashion. Red colors don't go any further. 我一直都好尊重你。 I've always treated you with respect. I've always respected you. 她幫我打包我的手提箱。 She helped me pack my suitcase. She helped me pack my suitcase. 他没帮助我的话,我就失败了。 If it had not been for his help, I would have failed. If he hadn't helped me, I'd have failed. 她是個女孩,但她勇敢。 She's a girl, but she's brave. She's a girl, but she's brave. 她是個和藹可親的人。 She is good-natured. She's a man of composure. 我们不能高估健康的价值。 We cannot overestimate the value of health. We cannot overestimate the value of health. 燃油表坏了。 The fuel gauge is broken. The fuel sheet's broken. 火车站离这里不远。 The station is not far from here. It's not far from here. 委员会由四个成员组成。 The committee consists of four members. The Committee is composed of four members. 總統目前在邁阿密。 The president is presently in Miami. The president is currently in Miami. 我一返到屋企就開始落雨喇。 As soon as I got home, it began to rain. I started dropping rain as soon as I got home. 因为中文的博客常常是用许多俚语写的,我往往看得不太懂,但是我还是觉得这个活动对我的中文水平有好的影响。 Because Chinese blogs use a lot of slang, I usually don't understand them that well, but I still think it's good for my Chinese. Since Chinese bloggers are often written in many languages, I do not see very well, but I still feel that this activity has a good effect on my Chinese level. 她妹妹也唱得很漂亮。 Her sister also sings very beautifully. Her sister's a pretty girl too. 这方案听起来不错。 That sounds like a fairly good proposal. It sounds good. 事实上,这个项目需要大家。 And actually, this project needs everyone. In fact, this project needs everyone. 我今天晚上離開東京到大阪。 This evening, I am leaving Tokyo for Osaka. I left Tokyo to Okinawa tonight. Ngiz räq yamlai mi kälawz ha nguztä väx tämaz tälaüx? What do you think I'm going to do? Do you think there's ever been a time when I'd like to talk to you? Tom正在喝蘋果汁。 Tom is drinking apple juice. Tom's drinking apple juice. 我一星期前意外受傷,現在不能出外。 I can't go out, because I was injured a week ago in an accident. I was hurt a week ago, and I can't go out now. 当里奥梅西射门时,球员们筑起一道人墙。 The players made a wall as Lionel Messi went to shoot. When Leomesi shot at the door, the players set up a human wall. 你什么时候需要的? When do you need it? When do you need it? 我們聽到遠處老虎的怒吼。 We heard tigers roaring in the distance. We heard the tiger's rage from far away. 为了弄到一个好位子,我很早就出门了。 I left home early so as to get a good seat. To get a good spot, I'm out of here a long time ago. 啲政客好識賺錢。 Politicians are good at raising money. Some politicians are well-known to earn money. 每个人都听腻了那个故事。 Everyone's tired of hearing that story. Everyone listened to that story. 我那天碰到了我其中的一个老朋友。 I met an old friend of mine the other day. I met an old friend of mine that day. 我答應你我永遠不會離開你。 I promise you I won't ever leave you. I promise you I'll never leave you. 我们再也不能一起回到从前了。 We will never be able to return to the way things were in the past. We can never go back together again. 我們都被他的笑話逗得很開心。 We were all greatly amused by his jokes. We're all having fun with him. 她被哈佛錄取了。 She was accepted by Harvard. She was recorded by Harvard. 这张桌子不好。 This table is not good. This table is bad. Ümznäq kä tingzkhu maiq shäx? Are you married? I don't know. 芭芭拉昨天考駕照考得怎樣? How did Barbara do on her driver's test yesterday? What happened to Barbara's driver's license yesterday? 養兒育女,係社會上下都關心嘅議題。我哋會推行教育改革。 The raising of children is something that concerns the entire community. There will be an education reform. A parenting issue is of social concern for children. I have promoted educational reforms. 他沒有做錯。 He did nothing wrong. He didn't do the right thing. 你想喝點東西嗎? Do you want something to drink? Do you want something to drink? 喬治很傷心。 George was broken-hearted. George is sad. 我现在还没有吃过午饭。 I haven't eaten lunch yet. I haven't had lunch yet. 一只箱子里向除脱龌龊衣裳呒没别个。 The suitcase contained nothing but dirty clothes. There's nothing else in a box to remove undressed clothes. 他缺乏常识。 He is lacking in common sense. He lacks common sense. Tom有說什麼嗎? Did Tom say anything? Did Tom say anything? 如果您還沒付錢是因為我們做了什麼讓您不高興的事,可以請您告訴我們嗎? If you have not paid because you are displeased with something we have done, would you tell us what it is? If you haven't paid for what we've done to upset you, will you please tell us? 我们需要更多员工。 We need more staff. We need more employees. Vänumz rawngx i. Let's dance. I don't know what you're talking about. 我倒是很想去看这场比赛,可是不知道有没有时间。 I do really want to watch this match, but I'm not sure if I have the time. I'd love to see this game, but I don't know if there's time. 昨晚我还没有睡觉家里就被小偷光顾了 Last night my house was robbed while I was still awake. I didn't sleep at home last night. 很难判断是孩子的笑声还是哭声。 It's hard to tell if that's the sound of children laughing or screaming. It's hard to judge whether it's a child's laugh or a cry. 我怕坐飛機。 I am afraid of flying. I'm afraid to fly. 湯姆告訴瑪麗他有很多錢。 Tom told Mary he had a lot of money. Tom told Mary he had a lot of money. Ümrä baz nä väx dzi täläq? Where does it hurt? Is there anything I can do about it? 他戴著面具以至於沒有人認出他。 He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him. He was wearing masks, so no one recognized him. 梅格买了一罐西红柿。 Meg bought a can of tomatoes. Meg bought a can of tomatoes. 到底怎么了? What on earth is the matter? What's going on? 你怎么敢指责我做这种事?我决不会动手打我的儿子。 How can you accuse me of such a thing? I would never lay a hand on my child. How dare you accuse me of doing this? I will never beat my son. 伊好几趟回过头看阿拉结果最后跑脱了。 He looked back at us many times and walked away. I went back several times to look at the result of Allah and ran away. 汤姆在客厅,躺在长沙发上睡觉。 Tom is in the living room, sleeping on the couch. Tom's in the living room, lying on a couch. 伊帮伊拉姆妈写信。 He writes letters to his mother. I'm writing for Iram's mother. 他出生在非洲。 He was born in Africa. He was born in Africa. Ngiz äräyäq tsaixyix tem ämaix shäx? Can I take a picture here? I'm going to have an espresso. ကျမက အပေါ်ထပ်မှာ။ I was upstairs. "%s" on bottom. 上马。 Get on the horse. Get in the horse. 其闋之樂。 They stopped the music. It's a pleasure. 汤姆隐藏着一个可怕的秘密。 Tom is hiding a terrible secret. Tom's got a terrible secret. ကျွန်တော် နဲ့ စစ်တုရင် ကစားဖို့ တယောက်ယောက် ကို ရှာ နေ တာ ပါ။ I'm looking for somebody to play chess with. I'm looking for someone to play with me. 请在7点叫我起床。 Please wake me up at 7. Please wake me up at 7:00. 秘鲁的共通语言是什么? What is the common language in Peru? What is the common language of Peru? 尽管在剑桥学习压力很大,很多学生还是有时间出去玩儿。 Although the pressure of studying at the University of Cambridge is very high, many students still have time to go out and have fun. Despite the pressures of learning in Cambridge, many students still have time to go out and play. 搿生活看上去蛮简单个,不过花了我一个礼拜。 The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week. Life seems simple, but it took me a week. 母亲从来没有因为我们而不耐烦。 Mother is never impatient with us. Mothers never got tired because of us. 真奇怪。 Very strange. That's weird. 汤姆是我们最大的儿子。 Tom is our oldest son. Tom is our biggest son. 重有重之,無功。 He tried again and again, but didn't succeed. Heavy weight, no power. 如果我是你,我将会非常努力的学习。 Were I you, I would study harder. If I were you, I'd try hard to learn. 這是一個高度發展的文明。 This is a highly developed civilisation. This is a highly developed civilization. Ümznäq yaq nä laizdap pax hiax mänäx. You have many books. [ In German ] See if there's anything else I can do about it. 店前排起了长龙。 A long queue had formed in front of the shop. The store has set up a long dragon. 好久不见了。记得上次我什么时候看见你的吗? I haven't seen you for ages. Do you remember when I saw you last? It's been a long time. Remember when I saw you last time? 老人閉上雙眼,在長凳上坐著。 The old man sat on the bench with his eyes closed. The old man closes his eyes and sits on the bench. 汤姆掉进了池塘。 Tom fell into the pool. Tom fell into the pool. 何如斯謂之人? What is "man"? What kind of man? 保拉和我週日煮晚餐。 Paula and I cooked dinner on Sunday. Paula and I cook dinner on Sunday. 這件衣服花了我40000日元。 This dress cost me over 40,000 yen. This clothes cost me 40,000 yen. 我想請你幫忙。 I look to you for help. I want to ask you for help. 謬。 That's nonsense. Duh. 你該買一輛新車了。 It's time for you to buy a new car. You should get a new car. 问题是那天我们的车不能用。 The problem is we can't use our car on that day. The problem is that our car could not be used that day. Thawmz kä äräching thüx ümkhäx mäq li väx täyai tälawx. Tom is seldom late for appointments. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 她給了我這個光碟。 She gave me this compact disc. She gave me this disk. 你和我都是這個學校的學生們。 You and I are both students at this school. You and I are both students of this school. 我應該把我要洗的衣服放在哪裡? Where should I put my laundry? Where should I put the clothes I'm going to wash? 旧村屋有它自己一定的魅力。 The old cottage has a certain charm about it. The old villagehouse has its own charm. 你的袜子上有个洞。 There is a hole in your sock. There's a hole in your socks. 好的。 Okay. All right. Thawxhex ruq shaq li. An investigation is ongoing. Tawxhex ruq . 十、二十、三十、四十、五十、六十、七十、八十、九十、一百。 Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. 你会说克林贡语吗? Can you speak Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? 没有我们能还做的事。 There's nothing else we can do. Nothing else we can do. 我好餓! Am I hungry! I'm so hungry! 汤姆不是傻瓜。 Tom isn't a fool. Tom's not a fool. Ngiz räq käkhäx rawxsix cyängz shäx kuq kängx täz? Did I give you that impression? I don't know. 婴儿开始哭了。 The baby started to cry. The baby's starting to cry. 他不是意大利人吗? Isn't he Italian? Isn't he Italian? 旅游的时候我可以通过网吧保持联系。 I can keep in touch when I travel by finding an internet café. I can keep contacts through the Internet when I travel. 每一位選手都有義務遵守規則。 Every player is under obligation to keep the rules. Every candidate has a duty to comply with the rules. 所有鸟都会飞吗? Can all birds fly? Will all birds fly? 她自言自語地說:「我接著該到哪兒去呢?」 She said to herself, "Where shall I go next?" She said in her own words, "Where shall I go then?" 該法案在兩議院獲得通過。 The bill passed both Houses. The bill was passed in both Houses. “我会回来,”汤姆说。 "I'll be back," said Tom. "I'll be back," Tom said. 进来吧。 Come in. Come on in. 昆虫有一层坚硬的表皮。 Insects have a hard skin. Insects have a tough skin. 热死了! Damn, it's hot! It's hot! 佢雖然年輕,但係好有經驗。 He is young, but experienced. He's young and experienced. Ngiz kä London cyezla nä. I am in London. -l don't know anything about London. 當她看到媽媽沒在生她的氣,她的雙眼因為幸福而閃爍了。 Her eyes shone with joy when she saw that her mother was not mad at her. When she saw that Mom wasn't angry with her, her eyes faded because of happiness. 要花多久時間? How long does it take? How long will it take? 這個故事是根據真人真事寫成的。 This story is based on facts. This story is based on the truth of the story. 现在才6点半,怎么会堵车呢? How can there be a traffic jam now, as late as 6 o'clock? It's only 6:30. How can you block the car? 汤姆不会让你进他的屋子。 Tom won't let you in his house. Tom won't let you in his house. 我每晚都給你打電話。 I'll call you every night. I'll call you every night. 他大我一倍。 He is twice as old as I am. He's twice the size of me. 那个建筑师创建了非常现代的房屋。 That architect builds very modern houses. The architect created a very modern house. Thawmz kä känä räcyängz. Tom should be there. [ In German ] Thank you. 我沒有參與這個談話。 I didn't participate in the conversation. I'm not involved in this conversation. 多少錢? How much money? How much? 他從收音機聽到了這個消息。 He heard the news on the radio. He heard this from the radio. 那就是那台他用来写文章的电脑。 That's the computer he used to write the article. That's the computer he used to write the article. 有多少人能做? How many people can do that? How many people can do it? 你乘公車去的話,可以省掉三分之二的時間。 If you go by bus, you can get there in about one-third of the time. If you take the bus, you can save two-thirds of the time. 鳥獸好悲聲,耳與人耳同也。 Birds and beasts like tragic sounds, their ears are identical with the human ones. The birds are so sad, their ears are with their ears. 你空闲时间喜欢做什么? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do for free time? 嘩!咁抵?! Wow! That's cheap! That's it? 我留在希尔顿宾馆。 I'm staying at the Hilton Hotel. I stayed at Shelton Hotel. “Juma会和Hasani一起去赶集么?”“不,他会一个人去。” "Will Juma go to the market with Hasani?" "No, he will go alone." “Juma's going to catch up with Hasani?” “No, he's going alone. Ärä hatä, ümzyix Thawmz räq cyawng rat täq laizdap kä. This is the book that Tom was talking about yesterday. The second thing I've heard from him is: 佢依家成隻老鼠咁匿埋。 Now, he's hiding like a mouse. He buried it in his home as a mouse. 汤姆在这里工作了几年? How many years did Tom work here? How many years have Tom been working here? 起初誰也不相信我。 No one believed me at first. Nobody believed me at first. 我寧願去游泳。 I'd rather go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. 无事掘小,小事掘大。 No matter how low the target, always aim higher. There's nothing to do, there's nothing to do. 你的家人好么? Is your family doing well? How's your family? 不共戴天的敵人是不朽的朋友。 Mortal enemies are immortal friends. The enemy who does not wears the sky is an immortal friend. Wood先生到农田里来了。 Mr Wood came into the field. Mr. Wood is coming to the farm. 阿Tom瞓咗半個鐘晏覺。 Tom took a nap for thirty minutes. Tom's clean half a bell. 我们要尽力而为。 We have to do our best. We have to do everything we can. Ogai是他最喜欢的作者。 Ogai is his favorite author. Ogai was his favorite author. 她给我讲了一个有趣的故事。 She told me an interesting story. She told me a funny story. 阿Tom想佢啲仔女接受優良嘅教育。 Tom wants his children to have a good education. ATom wants his daughters to receive an excellent education. 下一次我會早一點到。 Next time I'll come earlier. Next time I'll be there sooner. 让我们谈谈你在波士顿做的事。 Let's talk about what you did in Boston. Let's talk about what you're doing in Boston. 佢叫錯咗個法官做「法官陛下」。 He called the judge 'Your Majesty'. He called the wrong judge as Judge. 我後生嗰陣成日去打棒球。 I often played baseball when I was young. I went to baseball when I was born. Thawmz kä cyiiz nä kai hiax, rämäk shäx? Tom is extremely outgoing, isn't he? Do you have any idea what's going on here? 我很高兴你能来参加派对。 I'm glad you could come to the party. I'm glad you could come to the party. 让我们坠入爱河。 Let's fall in love. Let's fall in love. 蘇珊一個小時前離開了。 Susan left an hour ago. Susan left an hour ago. 你必须按照你的计划行事。 You must go through with your plan. You have to do what you plan to do. 佢根本就對人完全冇好感,係鍾意人啲錢咋嘛。 She doesn't give a shit about him. It's his money she's after. He doesn't feel good at all, he listens to people's money. 我今天有點發燒。 I have a slight fever today. I got a little fever today. 你为什么来这儿? What have you come here for? Why are you here? 男人在自己的办公室里工作。 The man works in his office. Men work in their own office. 王令稅囚。 The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free. King's Tax Prison. 给我说说你去过的一些地方。 Tell me about some of the places you've visited. Tell me some places you've been. 噉改變唔到任何嘢。 That changes nothing. It doesn't change anything. 你离开家有多久了? How long have you been alienated from your family? How long have you been away? 为了提高我的汉语水平,我想去中国学习。 I'd like to study in China to improve the level of my Chinese. To raise my Chinese level, I want to study in China. 我梦到宝宝在玩刀。 I had a dream where a baby was playing with a knife. I dreamt the baby was playing with the knife. 唔好讀大學啦。 Don't go to college. I don't want to go to college. 請記住! Remember! Remember! 拜託你開門讓我進來吧。 Open the door and let me in, please. Please open the door and let me in. Yamkhäx väx ngiz mäx tächix kuq läq. Show me how. [ In English ] This is the first time you've heard it. Oix, hiazshiz. Excuse me. Oix, hiazshiz. 沸水蒸发成气体。 Boiling water evaporates and turns into a gas. Oxygen is refrigerated into gas. 你对中国的印象是什么? What's your impression of China? What's your impression of China? 我偷偷单恋她。 I'm secretly in love with her. I'm sneaking in on her. 你還不太晚。 You're not too late. You're not too late. 你哋屋企聖誕節通常會食咩做晚餐㗎? What does your family eat for Christmas dinner? You usually eat dinner at your family's Christmas party? 空气污染将会威胁我们的生存。 Air pollution will be a threat to our survival. Air pollution will threaten our survival. 我们无法改变过去。 We cannot change the past. We can't change the past. 我要去给她生日买点东西。 I will do the shopping for her birthday. I'm gonna go get her something for her birthday. 她相信他說的任何事。 She believes whatever he says. She believed everything he said. 哈佬。 Hello! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Äpaiq räq äyawngvez kä ümtäkäq mänz chiz mäk nawx. She never saw her brother again. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? Tsängxshiq yüräyuz tawx. They swam. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 我們學校有五十年的歷史了。 Our school is fifty years old. Our school has been in history for 50 years. 你在搞什么鬼。 What the devil are you doing? What the hell are you doing? 佢好受朋友歡迎。 She's loved by her friends. He's so popular with friends. 汤姆在一个马戏团当训象师。 Tom works as an elephant trainer in a circus. Tom was a trainer at a circus. 我的孩子不會說" kikugobo。" 它總是被說成" kikubogo。" My child can't say "kikugobo." It always comes out as "kikubogo." My kids don't say "kikugobo." It's always called "Kikubogo." 我想飲啲凍嘢。 I want something cold to drink. I want to drink some cold stuff. 要孩子滿足父母的期望總是很難的。 It is always difficult for a son to live up to the expectations of his parents. It's always hard for children to meet their parents' expectations. Ngiz kä iz-yämtivez raix dungx sia. I am eating dinner with my husband. Get out of here. 阿Tom好鍾意一路聽歌一路做功課。 Tom likes to listen to music while he's doing his homework. ATom listened to the music and did his homework. 你在波士顿住了多久? How long have you lived in Boston? How long have you been in Boston? 他在五年前,也就是十二歲的時候來了東京。 He came to Tokyo five years ago, that is to say, when he was twelve years old. He came to Tokyo five years ago, when he was 12 years old. 蠢人一下子就把箭射完。 A fool's bolt is soon shot. Stupid man shoots the arrow at once. 他去过法国。 He has been to France. He's been to France. Tom唔知Mary識講法文。 Tom didn't know that Mary could speak French. Tom doesn't know Mary speaks French. 我从来没去过美国。 I have never been to the States. I've never been to America. Rämri ranaiq! Good day! R-R-m-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- A...kärä kä bäräkshaq hiax. Well, it's complicated. A...äääääräkshaq hiax. 琳達伸咗條脷出嚟。 Linda stuck her tongue out. Linda reached out. 呢本書係我嘅。 This book is mine. The book is my own. 敏夫喜歡幸子嗎? Does Toshio like Sachiko? Do Minve likes to be lucky? 他現在這個年紀,就已經在國際比賽中取勝,前途實在無可限量。 His victory at this age in an international competition is a good indication of a bright future. He is now a year old and has won in international contests, and his future is infinite. 搿眼是阿拉个书。 These are our books. It's a book in Allah's eyes. 我父親已經回來了嗎? Has my father already come back? Is my father back already? 我们请女孩带着募捐箱来到舞台。 Would the girls please bring the donation boxes up to the stage? We invite girls to the stage with a fundraiser. 我身无分文。 I don't have any money. I don't have a clue. 因為喝酒喝太多,所以我生病了。 I got sick from drinking too much. I drank too much, so I'm sick. 你真是太好了。 You're really wonderful. You're so sweet. 我住在城市中的一間公寓裡。 I live in an apartment in the city. I live in an apartment in the city. 這房子位於山坡上。 The house stands on the hill. This house is on the hill. 人生會繼續。 Life goes on. Life goes on. 緊急聯絡電話幾多號呀? What is the emergency telephone number? What's the emergency number? 你應該當咗你啲電郵係會俾人睇到嘅先。 You should assume that email messages aren't private. You should be able to see those e-mails before they are received. 警察抓著小偷的胳膊。 The policeman took the thief by the arm. The police took hold of the thief's arm. 我覺得這張床相當地舒適。 I found the bed quite comfortable. I think this bed is pretty comfortable. 今日在德国,反暴力集会着落到了德国的很多城市,包括周一在汉堡附近一场纵火袭击中3名突厥人被杀害的地方。 In Germany today, anti-violence rallies took place in several cities, including one near Hamburg where three Turks were killed in an arson attack on Monday. In Germany today, anti-violence gatherings have landed in many German cities, including three surprises killed on Monday in a fire attack near Hamburg. 听着。 Listen. Listen. 在澳洲的人說英語。 English is spoken in Australia. People in Australia speak English. 我們一起洗澡,好嗎? Shall we take a bath together? Let's take a shower together, okay? Naq haisawng kiq yawx. Don't be afraid. Two kids at a time. 您是學生。 You are a student. You're a student. 如果可能的话,我想环游世界。 If possible, I'd like to travel around the world. If possible, I want to go around the world. 予知。 I know. Announcements. 爸爸今朝老勿耐烦个。 Dad's in an impatient mood today. Dad's getting old and tired. 我參加戲劇社。 I belong to the drama club. I'm at the theater. 她真是让我莫不着头脑。 I couldn't make her out at all. She really makes me lose my mind. Tom總是在做白日夢。 Tom is always daydreaming. Tom's always dreaming. 他喝酒醉無法開車回家。 He is too drunk to drive home. He's drunk and can't drive home. 我很忙。 I'm very busy. I'm busy. 他当然不可能回到娘胎里再出生一次了! Surely he can not enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born! Of course he can't be back in the womb again! 所有的人都知道那件事。 Everyone knows that. Everyone knows about that. 他们没必要谈论我们的学校。 They didn't have to speak about our school. They don't have to talk about our school. 你好似唔係好開心噉喎。 You don't look like you're having a good day. You don't seem as happy as you are. 佢作感冒。 He has a cold. He's a cold. 今天天氣很好。 It's a nice day. It's a nice day. 如果你喜歡吃海鮮的話,你就來對地方了! If you like seafood, you've come to the right place! If you like seafood, come to the right place! 人体的组织是由细胞构成的。 Human tissue is made up of cells. Human organization is made up of cells. 汤姆有办法自己把问题解决了。 Tom was able to solve the problem by himself. Tom had a way to resolve the problem himself. 他们不教他们说英语。 They do not teach them to speak English. They don't teach them English. 讓你等了這麼久,真不好意思。 I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. 他很老。 He was very old. He's old. 策划很重要。 Plot is important! Planning is important. 我們和朋友一起度過週末。 We spent the weekend with friends. We spent the weekend with our friends. 在他倒下前我抓住了他的手臂。 I caught him by the arm before he could fall. I caught his arm before he fell. 井底之蛙。 A frog in a well doesn't know the ocean. At the bottom of the well. Jimmy经常周末来看我。 Jimmy often comes to see me on weekends. Jimmy comes to see me every weekend. 让我们留下。 Let us stay. Let's stay. 你吃饭了没有? Did you already have a meal or not? Have you eaten yet? 你觉得明天天气会变好吗? Do you think the weather will be fine tomorrow? Do you think the weather will change tomorrow? 我認為你該在今天回家前做。 I think you should do that before you go home today. I think you should do it before you go home today. 佢走到去邊,佢個仔就跟到去邊。 Wherever she goes, her child follows her. He went to the side, and his boy followed him. 我唔鍾意食沙甸魚,因為我覺得佢太鹹。 I don't like to eat sardines, because I think they taste too salty. I don't like sandfish because I think it's too much. 叫救护车。 Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance. 科技的進步為我們的生活帶來了巨大的轉變。 The progress of science has brought about great change in our lives. The progress of technology has brought about a huge change in our lives. Dzänz täsäng läq. Calm down. [ In German ] Do you understand? 他穿衣服一向很随便,颜色、样式都无所谓。 He always dresses very casually, and doesn't care about color or style. He wears clothes all the time and color and styles don't matter. 你必须在九点之前回来。 You must come back before nine o'clock. You have to come back by 9:00. 我认为你比你想象的更强。 I think you're a lot stronger than you know. I think you're stronger than you think. 开车其乐无穷。 It is a lot of fun to drive a car. He drives his own pleasure. 她對音樂有興趣。 She is interested in music. She's interested in music. 你的姓氏怎么写? How is your family name written? What's your last name saying? 棵老橡樹差唔多仲高過間屋。 The old oak was almost higher than the house. The old rubber tree doesn't have much to do with the house. 湯姆遺失了他的鑰匙。 Tom has lost his keys. Tom lost his key. 你畢咗業之後諗住做啲咩呀? What will you do after graduation? What do you do after you've finished your career? 我收返我頭先講過嘅嘢。 I take back what I said. I went back to my first conversation. 我們在雪地裡迷了路。 We got lost in the snow. We got lost in the snow. 你能来我真高兴。 I'm really glad you're here. I'm so glad you're here. 腳踏車雙載是危險的。 Riding double on a bicycle is dangerous. The bikes are dangerous. 这些话,他听过不止一次,唯其不止一次,才忍无可忍。 He’d heard this more than once, but once was once more than he could bear. These words, he has heard more than once, and only once will he be able to endure them. 我的做法是要行动不要空话。 My way is action not words. My approach is to act without word. 你嘗過真正飢餓的滋味嗎? Do you know what it is like to be really hungry? Have you ever tasted the real hunger? Ümz-tämaz kä ähia linx ngawx cyängz. Your idea sounds like a good one. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? Tatoeba:句子永遠是句子,除非他們不是。 Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't. Tatoeba: The sentence is forever, unless they are not. 我怕它是行不通的。 I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid it won't work. 如果汤姆不吃处方药,他的健康状况可能会恶化。 If Tom doesn't take the prescribed medicine, his state of health might deteriorate. If Tom does not take prescription drugs, his state of health may worsen. 我唱歌唱得很好。 I'm good at singing. I sing very well. 你有冇打火機呀? Have you got a lighter? You got no lighter? 她周遊世界各地。 She has traveled all over the globe. She travels around the world. 我用英語和他說話,但是他聽不懂。 I spoke to him in English, but I couldn't make myself understood. I spoke to him in English, but he didn't understand. 我肚子疼。 I have a stomachache. My stomach hurts. 他用英文寫信嗎? Does he write letters in English? Is he writing letters in English? 我住在东京。 I'm alive in Tokyo. I live in Tokyo. 我无法确定我是高兴还是难过。 I can't decide if I'm happy or sad. I can't be sure I'm happy or sorry. 汤姆请玛丽允许他早走。 Tom asked for Mary's permission to leave early. Tom asked Mary to allow him to leave early. Khawqriiq shishiiq cyängz äkyingx ranaiq rätawx. I also had a very good time. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 我非常想离开。 I would very much like to go. I'd really like to leave. 前人铺路,后人行路。 One generation builds the street that the next will travel on. Man-to-man's way to the front, back to the road. 我马上要上QQ。 I'll go on QQ immediately. I'm going up to QQ right now. 桌上有个苹果。 There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. 我已經被警告過不要去那裡。 I have been warned against going there. I've been warned not to go there. 他的化学很差。 He is poor at chemistry. He's got bad chemistry. Naizshiq räq puvawngpawk phaq täkaix. We're eating popcorn. That's what I'm talking about. 这个科幻故事似乎很有趣。你看完的时候能不能借给我? This science fiction story seems interesting. Will you lend it to me when you have finished reading it? It's an interesting story. Can you lend it to me when you're done? 我試了,但我沒有成功。 I tried, but I did not succeed. I tried, but I didn't. 跳下来!没有任何别的可作的! Jump down! There is nothing else you can do! Jump off! There's nothing else to do! 她的孩子不少于10个。 She has no less than ten children. Her children are not more than 10. 印度是世界第七大的國家。 India is the seventh largest country in the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world. ကျားကြီးတော့ ခြေရာကြီး The bigger the tiger, the larger the footprints. The tiger is big. 我一收到錢就馬上還錢給你。 As soon as I get paid I will pay you back. I'll pay you back as soon as I get the money. 她每天早上自己起床。 She makes herself up every morning. She gets up every morning. 吸煙的人請病假的日數比不吸煙的人多兩倍。 Smokers take twice as many days off sick as non-smokers. People who smoke are granted sick leave twice as many days as those who do not smoke. 团结、公正和自由是幸福的保证。 Unity, justice and freedom are the pledge of fortune. Unity, justice and freedom are guarantees of happiness. 玛丽是汤姆的秘书。 Mary is Tom's secretary. Mary is Tom's secretary. 能不能请您给我一公斤牛排? Can you give me a kilo of steak? Can I have a kilo of steak, please? 他真的告诉你吗? What did he really tell you? Did he really tell you that? 汤姆想做个更好的教师。 Tom wanted to be a better teacher. Tom wanted to be a better teacher. 法蘭克用暗號留下了一則訊息。 Frank left a message by means of a secret code. Frank left a message with a code number. 他們擁吻著。 They are hugging and kissing. They're kissing. 我父亲逐渐好转了。 My father is getting better by degrees. My father was getting better. 我不相信汤姆的说法。 I don't believe Tom's version of the story. I don't believe Tom. 我哋唔係個個都好似你咁攰。 We're not all as tired as you are. I don't want to be anything like you. 讓我在這打斷你。我們不想聽那個話題。 Let me stop you right there. We don't want to hear about that. Let me interrupt you here. We don't want to hear that. 他关了门。 He closed the door. He shut the door. 賣完了! All sold out! We're done! 孩子们在丛林中迷路了。 The children got lost in the jungle. The kids got lost in the jungle. 昨天的天氣壞透了。 The weather yesterday was horrible. Yesterday's weather was bad. 雨停了我們就會去。 We'll go when it quits raining. We'll stop the rain and we'll go. 我去旅行通常都唔會帶好多嘢。 I don't usually carry much with me when I travel. I usually go on a trip without a lot of things. 他把东西留给了他的儿子。 He left behind some things for his son. He left the things to his son. 你喺嗰度做咗啲咩呀? What did you do there? Where did you do that? 这是我的妈妈. This is my mom. This is my mom. 我能帮助她。 I was able to help her. I can help her. 你们俩在同一所学校? Do you guys go to the same school? You two at the same school? 我父親非常喜歡披薩。 My father likes pizza very much. My father loved pizza very much. 他会再一次提醒人们说,这个不仅是他一个人的决定,而是很多其他人的决定。 He would remind people again that it was decided not only by him but by many others. He will remind you once again that this is not only his one-man decision, but also the decision of many others. Thawmz räq kärä humx tawx. Tom found that. Whether you're old or old, you can't see anything. 选择朋友一定要十分谨慎。 You should choose your friends very carefully. It must be very careful to choose friends. 我係基督徒,但係我唔食豬肉。 I'm a Christian, but I don't eat pork. I'm a Christian, and I don't eat pork. 我注册了,现在该干什么呢? What do I have to do now that I'm registered? I'm registered. What am I supposed to do now? 你想要什麼嗎? Do you want anything? What do you want? 加藤先生是一位老師。 Mr Kato is a teacher. Mr. Kato is a teacher. 明天是她五岁生日。 It's her fifth birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow is her fifth birthday. 我啱啱收線,個電話又響喇。 As soon as I hung up, the phone started ringing again. I'm on the line, I'm on the phone again. 他很倔。 He is very stubborn. He's a tough guy. 他正在开会。 He is in conference. He's in a meeting. 你尋晚有冇睇電視呀? Did you watch TV last night? Did you watch TV late? 汤姆可能错过了最后一班列车。 Tom might've missed the last train. Tom may have missed his last train. 我正在大学里读经济。 I'm studying economics at university. I'm studying the economy in college. 世间没有一种具有真正价值的东西,可以不 经过艰苦辛勤的劳动而能够得到的。 Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty. There is nothing in the world that has real value that can be achieved without hard work. 她的嗜好是集郵。 Her hobby is collecting stamps. She has a passion for mailing. 我一生中从没那么糗过。 I was never so humiliated in my life. I've never been like that in my life. 我们没迟到。 We're not late. We're not late. 我们能在这里游泳吗? May we swim here? Can we swim here? 我的车是德国产的。 My car is German. My car is from Germany. Ümznäq Fesäbuk nä shäx? Are you on Facebook? Is there anything I can do about it? Ümznäq kä Cyexpanx phan shäx? Are you Japanese? I don't know. 他喜欢迪士尼。 He likes Disney. He likes Disney. 伊只勿过是嫉妒侬年轻。 She's just jealous of your youth. I've never been jealous of young men. 那對他依然奏效。 This still applies to him. That's still working for him. 这条路上的车辆不多。 There is not much traffic on this road. There are few vehicles on this road. 你怎麼樣? How about you? How are you? 不要把所有东西都放到包里面。 Don't put anything in the bag. Don't put everything in the bag. 她給了我一個漂亮的洋娃娃。 She gave me a pretty doll. She gave me a pretty doll. 我今天早上起来的时候雨下得很大。 It was raining heavily when I got up this morning. I got up this morning with a lot of rain. 我知道戒烟很困难。 We know it's hard to quit smoking. I know it's hard to quit. 她照顧孩子。 She took care of the children. She took care of the child. 别怕犯错啊。 Don't be scared of making mistakes. Don't be afraid of mistakes. 法國人在滑鐵盧之役吃了敗仗。 The French lost the battle of Waterloo. The French were defeated in the battle of Slippera. 别看他们。 Don't look at them. Don't look at them. 他母親是美國人。 His mother is American. His mother was an American. အဲ့ဒီ အချိန် လောက်က ဆို၊ ကျွန်တော် ပြင်သစ် စကားပြော သင်တန်း တက်နေတုန်းလောက်ပဲ။ At that time, I was still taking French lessons. It was almost that time that I was attending my new chat class. 大家帮我这么大的忙,真心向大家道谢。 You have helped me so much, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude. Thank you all for helping me so much. 我不小心拿錯了他的傘。 I accidentally mistakenly took his umbrella. I didn't take it wrong. 他不确定他怎么到哪里,以及什么时候。 He was unsure how he would get there, and when. He's not sure where he goes, and when. 我登上去伦敦的火车。 I got on the train for London. I'm on the train to London. 1美元相当于110日元。 One dollar is equivalent to 110 yen. One dollar is equivalent to 110 yen. 他獨自一人。 He is alone. He's all alone. 我坐在我车里。 I'm sitting here in my car. I'm sitting in my car. 我們喝了些雞湯。 We had some chicken soup. We had some chicken soup. 我尋晚冇乜點瞓過,所以今日成日返工都喺度瞌眼瞓。 I didn't get much sleep last night so I was nodding off all day at work. I've been out of the night, so day-to-day work is now clean. Bawmxtai ke khamäq tesawra. Thank you for listening. I don't know what you're talking about. 你或者我会被选中。 You or I will be chosen. You or I'll be chosen. 那只是你的想象。 It's just your imagination. That's your imagination. 演唱會上有許多人。 There were many people at the concert. There were a lot of people at the concert. 请把您的护照给我看一下。 Show me your passport, please. Please give me your passport. 会不会只有我一个人去聚会? Will I be the only one going to the party? I'm the only one who's going to the party? 按住痛处。 Rub salt in the wound. Hold on to the pain. 我带了一把雨伞但是我朋友没有带。 I had an umbrella with me but my friend did not. I brought a umbrella, but my friend didn't. ကျနော် ကော်ဖီ သောက်ဖို့ အထဲကို ဝင်လာတာပါ။ I come inside to drink coffee. I came inside to drink coffee. 汤姆很喜欢巧克力蛋糕。 Tom likes chocolate cake a lot. Tom likes chocolate cake. 记者租了间很贵的房。 The reporter rented an expensive room. Journalists rented a very expensive room. 這個湖有多深? What is the depth of the lake? How deep is this lake? 笨蛋! Idiot! Idiot! 请往后退一退。 Please move back. Please step back. 湯姆是甚麼時候讓你去做的? When did Tom ask you to do that? When did Tom let you do it? 我們沒有失去太多。 We haven't lost much. We didn't lose too much. 没人能阻止我去那儿。 No one can stop me from going there. Nobody can stop me from going there. Yamkhäx rävanx cyängz väx nguztä tämaz rawx mängx. I don't want to think about what could've happened. [ In German ] See you soon. Ümznäq räq Thawmz mäx khrumxkuq rawx tälaüx nguztä ngiz räq äsäp ha. I know you want to help Tom. [ In German ] See if you can find out where they're going. 跟往常一样,他来迟了。 He was late as usual. As usual, he's late. 我們仍然有更多的時間。 We still have more time. We still have more time. 開 party 啲嘢就全部等你嚟搞喇。 I will leave everything about the party up to you. Open the party all the time when you're here to pick it up. 我被各國語言及文字的愛好者所圍繞。 I'm surrounded by linguaphiles! I am surrounded by lovers of languages and words. 茄汁意粉是小朋友的最愛。 Kids love pasta in tomato sauce. Cigarette powder is one of the favorites of little children. 好大一颗钻。 The demand is huge. It's a big drill. 凱倫在跳蚤市場買了很多東西。 Karen bought a lot of things at the flea market. Karen bought a lot of stuff at the jump market. 學生們把老師說的話一字不漏地記了下來。 The students noted down every word the teacher said. The students keep a note of what the teacher said. 阿Tom除咗副黑超。 Tom took off his sunglasses. ATom eliminated the ball. 薩米只有投降一途 Sami had no choice but to surrender. Sammy is the only one who surrenders. 手髒的時候千萬不要揉眼睛。 Never rub the eyes when the hands are dirty. Don't open your eyes when your hands are dirty. 他是家族中的異類。 He is the odd one of the family. He's different from the family. 书桌上有一个包。 There is a bag on the desk. There's a bag on the desk. 他給了我們信號讓我們開始。 He gave us the signal to begin. He gave us a signal to start. 货物运到,我会通知你们的。 I will notify you of the arrival of the goods. The cargo is coming, and I'll let you know. 龙年结束了。 The year of the dragon has ended. Dragon year is over. 在盒子里有些空瓶。 There are some empty bottles in the box. There's some empty bottles in the box. 我以前听过这个故事。 I've heard this story before. I've heard this story before. 别说谎! Don't you lie! Don't lie! 他們昨天學習英語。 They studied English yesterday. They studied English yesterday. 男孩第一次骑了马。 The boy rode a horse for the first time. The boy rides the horse for the first time. Tom沒有孩子。 Tom had no children. Tom doesn't have kids. 汤姆害怕晚上一个人出门儿。 Tom is afraid to go out alone at night. Tom was afraid of going out by himself at night. 珍妮不会游泳。 Jane is not able to swim. Jenny won't swim. 夫復何求? What more could I ask for? What do you want from me? 她請他寄那封信。 She asked him to mail that letter. She asked him to send that letter. 我有很多事想问汤姆。 There were so many things I wanted to ask Tom. I have a lot of questions to ask tom. 美国的首都是华盛顿。 Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States of America. The American capital is Washington. 那不是猪,而是猴子。 It's not a pig; it's a monkey. It's not a pig, it's a monkey. 那个老太太摔倒了爬不起来。 The old woman fell and could not get up. The old lady can't get up. 不知是谁在敲门。 Someone is knocking on the door. I don't know who's knocking. 喝水。 Drink water. Drink water. "失火了!" 他大叫。 "Fire!", he cried. "Fire out!" He screamed. 侬绝对好依靠伊个。 You can certainly rely on him. There's absolutely no need to rely on Ii. 沒人回答我的問題。 No one answered my question. No one answered my question. 個細路捉住咗隻貓條尾。 The child caught the cat by the tail. A child caught a cat. 小心惡犬! Beware of the dog! Watch out for the dog! 呢啲咁嘅事都唔係未發生過。 It's not unprecedented. None of these things have happened. 我把我的相機借給了湯姆和保拉。 I lent Tom and Paula my camera. I borrowed my camera to Tom and Paula. 佢間房幾時都係咁企理。 His room is always tidy. It's been a long time since I was a kid. 他同我说德语。 He spoke to me in German. He speaks German with me. 这是一个小偷。 He is a thief. It's a thief. Ümznäq vänumz laüx. You danced. [ In German ] Do you understand? 一點果汁,麻煩你。 A bit of juice, please. A little juice, please. 我過了這麼久才回信,真的十分不好意思。 I'm extremely embarrassed that it has taken so long to reply. It's been so long since I sent it back. I'm really sorry. 谁写了这个故事? Who wrote this story? Who wrote this story? 這本書是打算給不以日語為母語的學生所使用的。 This book is intended for students who do not speak Japanese as a native language. This book is intended to be used for students who do not speak Japanese. 看到他那可笑的样子,大家忍不住笑了。 Upon seeing how ridiculous he looked, everyone could not help but laughing. It's funny to see him, and everyone can't stop laughing. 她以轻柔的语调说话。 She spoke in soft tones. She spoke with a soft voice. 你能給我來點茶嗎? Could you get me some tea? Can you get me some tea? 日元的價值大幅上升。 The value of the yen has soared. The value of Japanese yen has increased significantly. 看來湯姆在說謊。 It seems that Tom is lying. Looks like Tom's lying. 他的论文总结了电脑,人造卫星和火箭三个的新成就。 His thesis summed up the new achievements made in computers, artificial satellites and rockets. His paper summarized the new achievements of computers, artificial satellites and rockets. 你应该找到他们。 You'd better find them. You should find them. 伊长远勿看见伊了。 She has not seen him for a long time. Y'all don't want to see I anymore. 如果我早點到,就能遇到凱莉了。 Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. If I'd arrived earlier, I'd have met Kelly. 那会儿你干嘛呢? What did you do at that moment? What are you doing later? 佢想去美國。 She wants to go to America. He wants to go to America. 出去之前記住熄晒啲燈佢喎。 Make sure to turn off all the lights before going out. Put out the lights before he gets out. བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་ Hello! ^Boot from command line 二零零九年我高中毕业了可是还没上大学。 In 2009, I had graduated from high school but I still hadn't started university. I graduated from high school in 1999 but I haven't been to college yet. 你怎麼拼你的名字的? How do you spell your name? How did you spell your name? 當這位女士得知她已經贏得了百萬美元, 她真的樂瘋了。 The lady really flipped out when she learned she had won a million dollars. When the lady learned that she had won millions, she was really happy. 我想解決這個問題,可是白費功夫。 I tried in vain to deal with the problem. I'm trying to solve this problem. It's a waste of time. 她在五點鐘前做完了她的工作。 She got through her work before five. She finished her job by 5:00. 我应该寻找什么? What should I look for? What should I look for? ကျနော် ကျနော့် ကားပေါ်မှာ အနားယူနေတယ်။ I am taking a rest in my car. A little sleep is on the other side of the car. 點解部電腦喺呢到嘅? Why is this computer here? The decrypted computer will be permanently lost? 知道这首歌吗? Do you know this song? You know this song? 父亲很健康。 Father is very healthy. Father's healthy. 湯姆說他很高興瑪麗畢業了。 Tom said he's glad Mary has finally graduated. Tom said he was happy that Mary graduated. 我們在這裡羅列了通常有關世界語的問題。 We give here a list of the usual Esperanto-related questions. We're on the same page here, and we're on the other side of the world's language. 商店从周一开到周六。 Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. The store started from Monday to Saturday. 吉姆喜欢打鼓。 Jim likes to play the drum. Jim likes drums. 你知道那是你的责任。 You know that's your duty. You know it's your responsibility. 中國是亞洲最大的國家。 China is the largest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. 球是圆的。 Balls are round. The ball is round. Alice 不知道書本放了在哪裏,於是便去問母親。 Alice, not knowing where to find the book, asked her mother where it was. Alice doesn't know where the books are and then she goes to ask her mother. 他一個人住在公寓裡。 He lives alone in an apartment. He lives alone in the apartment. 你吸烟吗? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? 剑桥的三十一个学院中,以彼得学院最为古老。 Peterhouse is the oldest of the 33 colleges of Cambridge. Cambridge's thirty-one colleges are the oldest at Peter's. 他们会轮流教课。 They'll be taking turns teaching the class. They'll teach on rotation. 我不知道他什么时候来。 I don't know when he'll come. I don't know when he's coming. 現在你可以進去了。 You may go in now. You can go in now. 她不喜欢这条裙子的样子。 She doesn't like the look of the skirt. She doesn't like the look of this dress. 我從上個星期日開始一直在忙。 I have been busy since last Sunday. I've been busy since last Sunday. 执子之手,与子偕老。 Today I take your hand so that we may grow old together. The hand of the consul, and the hand of the son-in-law. 他的病使她非常傷心。 His illness caused her great misery. His illness made her very sad. 他們考試不及格。 They flunked their exams. They won't be able to do it. 我老闆想佔我便宜,我便一掌拍了在他的手上,讓他不能再毛手毛腳。 My boss tried to cop a feel but I slapped his hand before he got any further. My boss wanted to take advantage of me, and I took him in his hand, and he couldn't have hairy feet anymore. 昨天這個時候我在學校學習。 I was learning at school at this time yesterday. I studied at school yesterday. 顺便问一句,你们已经去过北海道了吗? By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido? By the way, have you been to the North Sea? Tom今晚必须早点睡觉。 Tom has to go to bed early tonight. Tom has to sleep early tonight. 冬季是一年中最冷的季节。 Winter is the coldest season in a year. Winter is the coldest season of the year. 她想在医院工作。 She wants to work at the hospital. She wants to work in the hospital. 那幅画有多少年了? How old is that painting? How many years has that painting been? 佢舊年開始喺嗰間公司度返工。 He began to work for that company last year. In his old years, he has worked in a company that has worked in that company. 對不起,我找不到座位了。 Sorry, I could't find my seat. I'm sorry, I can't find my seat. 就像你们知道的那样,毅力是成功的关键。 Perseverance, as you know, is the key to success. As you all know, resilience is the key to success. 對不起,我愛你。 I'm sorry, I love you. I'm sorry, I love you. 他說謊。 He is telling a lie. He's lying. 有什么比失明更不幸的呢? What greater misfortune is there than to go blind? What's worse than being blind? 舊石遠睇好似人樣。 Seen from distance, the rock looked like a human face. The old rocks look like human beings. တွမ် က အဲ့ဒီလို မျိုး လုပ်တတ် တဲ့ လူစားမျိုး မဟုတ် ဘူး။ Tom isn't the kind of guy who'd do that. Thailand is not a kind of human being that can do that. 你是一个人来这儿的吗? Did you come here alone? Are you here alone? 你不能把這規則應用在所有事上。 You can't apply this rule to every case. You can't apply this rule to everything. 我的父母不理解我。 My parents don't understand me. My parents don't understand me. 請讓我為你拍照。 Please let me take your picture. Please let me take a picture of you. 我保證你一年之後就會加人工。 I promise you that you'll get a raise after a year. I promise you you'll be working again in a year. 你介唔介意借你架車俾我幾日呀? I wonder if you would mind lending me your car for a couple of days. Would you mind sending me a car for a few days? 我還有个問題。 I still have a question. I have a question. 因为下雨了,球场上没有很多观众。 There weren't many spectators at the game because of the rain. Because it's raining, and there's not a lot of audience on the field. 这房子在附近,两室一厅,装修也不错,一个月1500。 This house is nearby, it has two bedrooms and a living room, and the decoration isn't bad; it's 1500 a month. The house is nearby, two rooms in one room, it's good for repairs, 1500 a month. 這是三十年以來雨下得最少的六月。 It has been the driest June for thirty years. This is the least rain in 30 years in June. 我想去那裡。 I wanted to go there. I want to go there. 你想在这里呆多久都可以。 You can stay here as long as you like. You can stay here as long as you want. Äkhyingx saüx raüyäq, mi säp haü. In time, you will understand. That's why I'm here. Kate的爸爸從車站走路回家。 Kate's dad walks home from the bus stop. Kate's dad walked home from the station. 明天再说可以吗? Would you mind leaving it until tomorrow? Can we talk tomorrow? 事情总比我们想的要复杂得多。 Things are always more complex than we think. Things are much more complex than we thought. Äpaiq yäm nä khum vanx tawx. He walked to the house. It's just a little late. 這些是人。 These are people. These are people. 寒冷乾燥,燦爛的陽光,多麼美麗的冬日天氣! Cold and dry, splendid sunshine, what beautiful winter weather! The cold, the cold sun, the beautiful winter weather! 你係咪喺東京住㗎? Do you live in Tokyo? What is your name? 你要是听我的意见就去看医生。 If you take my advice, you'll see a doctor. If you listen to me, you'll see a doctor. Awz. Yes. Awz. 你的作業做完了嗎? Is your homework finished? Did you finish your homework? 每個人都認識她。 Everybody knows her. Everybody knows her. 他比湯姆矮。 He's shorter than Tom. He's shorter than Tom. 在百货商店前有个书店。 There is a bookstore in front of the department store. There's a bookstore in front of the department store. 我们表达希望,他们再一次能出国学习地理。 We expressed the hope that they could go abroad again to study geography. We express our hope that they will once again be able to learn geography from the country. 他武装到牙齒。 He is armed to the teeth. He's armed to the teeth. 你为什么会出现在我工作单位? Why would you appear in my unit? Why are you in my office? 呼吸困難。 Breathing was difficult. It's hard to breathe. 你真丢脸! Shame on you! You're embarrassing me! 一个男人过来问我怎么了。 A man came over and asked if I was OK. A man came to ask me what's going on. 如果沒有你,我的人生就會變得空白一片。 Life would become bland without you. My life would be blank without you. 他是营销部的负责人。 He is the manager of the marketing department. He's the head of the marketing department. 男不坏,女不爱。 Nice guys finish last. It's not bad for men, it's not for women. 早安,邁克。 Good morning, Mike. Good morning, Mike. 雖然Jane的手提箱比我的少一個, 她還是說她要提的東西太多了。 Although Jane had one suitcase less than me, she still said she had too much to carry. Although Jane's suitcase is less than mine, she says she's got too much to talk about. 若可以每晚都在餐廳吃飯,他們會這麼做的。他們討厭下廚。 If they could eat in a restaurant every night, they would. They hate cooking. They do that, if they can eat in restaurants every night. They hate cooking. 他好好的使用了​​這筆錢。 He made good use of the money. He's working well on the money. 以前讀高中的時候﹐我每天早上六點起床。 Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning. When I was in high school, I woke up every morning at 6:00 a.m. 照顾他们是你自己的事儿。 It is your business to take care of them. Taking care of them is your own business. 他們一整年都必須工作。 They had to work all year round. They have to work for the whole year. 他系上了领带 He put on a tie. He's got a tie. ငါ့ ကို မင်း ဥ ဘယ် နှစ်လုံး လောက် ဝယ် စေချင်တာလဲ။ How many eggs do you want me to buy? How many dogs do you want to buy me, and how many dogs do you want me to buy? Spot也去了嗎? Did Spot go, too? Does Spot go too? 我跟那些高個子的女孩很熟稔。 I know those tall girls quite well. I know those tall girls very well. 我們還會在波士頓待三個月。 We'll be in Boston for another three weeks. We'll stay in Boston for three months. 这里有点吵,请你讲话大点声。 It's noisy around here, so speak a little louder. There's a bit of noise here, please. 他們排隊等公車。 They waited in line for the bus. They're lined up and waiting for the bus. 仅三分之一的成员出席了会议。 Only one third of the members turned up at the meeting. Only one third of the members attended the meeting. 她疼得哭了。 She gave a cry of pain. She's crying. 他給了她一張紙。 He gave her a piece of paper. He gave her a paper. 汤姆在这宾馆待了三周。 Tom stayed at this hotel for three weeks. Tom spent three weeks in this hotel. 我的声音让我想起了我已故的祖母。 Your voice reminds me of my late grandmother. My voice reminds me of my late grandmother. 我每天做兩個小時的練習。 I get two hour's exercise every day. I do two hours a day. ང་ཚོར་ཁོ་རང་མོའི་ཕ་ལགས་ཡོད་པའི་གསར་དུ་རྙེད་བྱུང་། We found out that he was her father. Where do you want to find me? 我一定要給湯姆投票。 I'll definitely vote for Tom. I must vote for Tom. 佢到咗嗰陣我會話你知。 I'll let you know when she arrives. I'll tell you when he's gone. 一言既出,駟馬難追。 You cannot take back what you have said. A word of advice, horse chase. 聽到這件悲劇,他倆盡皆哭泣。 They both cried after hearing the tragic news. Listening to this tragedy, they're all crying. 這投資保證有 6% 的回報。 A 6% yield is guaranteed on the investment. This investment ensures that there's 6% return. 我唔想生仔。 I don't want children. I don't want to have a baby. 你不懂这句句子,不是吗? You can't understand this sentence, can you? You don't understand the phrase, do you? 我的祖父相信登月是一個騙局。 My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax. My grandfather believed the moon was a fraud. 房間裡沒有人。 There was no one in the room. There's no one in the room. 出去的时候把门关上。 Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you're out. 你去过京都吗? Have you ever visited Kyoto? Have you ever been to Kyoto? 講就容易,做就難。 Easier said than done. It's easy, it's hard. 我喜歡你笑得樣子。 I like your way of smiling. I like you to smile. 你似乎對來自國外的想法有偏見。 You seem to be prejudiced against ideas that come from foreign countries. You seem to be prejudiced about the idea of a foreign country. 用剪刀剪图片。 Use scissors to cut out the pictures. Scissors. 但是歌手并不否认她的出身。 However, the singer does not deny her ancestry. But the singer doesn't deny her origin. “汤姆,我得告诉你点事。我爱某个人。他的名字以T开头以M结尾。”“呃,那能是谁?我认识吗?” "Tom, I have to tell you something. I love someone. His name starts with T and ends with M." "Er, who would that be? Is it someone I know?" "Tom, I have to tell you something. I love someone. 汤姆看起来一点也不开心。 Tom didn't look happy at all. Tom doesn't look happy. 不能根据服装来判断一个人。 You can't judge a person based on clothing. No one can be judged on the basis of clothing. 我没时间阅读。 I don't have time for reading. I don't have time to read. 同我哋一齊食晏啦。 Come to lunch with us. We'll eat together. 那個箱子太小了,裝不下這麼多的東西。 That box is too small to hold all these things. That box is too small to fit so much. 你做完功課了嗎? Have you finished your homework yet? Did you finish your homework? 請問你全名同地址係咩呀? Would you please tell me your full name and address? What's your full name and address? 我的梦想是成为医生。 My dream is to be a doctor. My dream is to become a doctor. Naw kä lairäp sez nä ranphan ähüz. The boy didn't have an appetite. It's not over, it's over. 我们很担心你。 We are worried about you. We're worried about you. 他不辭而別。 He left without saying goodbye. He doesn't say goodbye. 因为风暴,他们晚到了。 They arrived late because of the storm. Because the storm, they're late. 这些产品质量同等。 These products are of the same quality. These products are of equal quality. 他授權給我解僱了他們。 He gave me authority to fire them. He asked me to release them. 树叶在风中簌簌作响。 The leaves rustle in the wind. The leaves are in the wind. 我昨天沒有打網球。 I didn't play tennis yesterday. I didn't play tennis yesterday. 有隻蝴蝶在廚房裏。 There is a butterfly in the kitchen. There's a butterfly in the kitchen. 我确定你遇见汤姆了。 I'm certain that you saw Tom. I'm sure you met Tom. 问问汤姆吧。 Just ask Tom. Ask Tom. 这是我的父亲。 This is my father. This is my father. 我希望如此。 I hope so. I hope so. တွမ်က နိုင်ငံ အတော်များများ မှာ တောင်တက် ခဲ့ တယ်။ Tom has climbed mountains in many different countries. I went up to many countries in Thailand. Ähiax nguzliz hiaz läq näx. Why didn't you just call? This is the first time we've seen each other. 爷帮儿子一道垃海,真焐心啊。 The father is together with his son, how cozy it is! His grandfather helped his son join the sea. He's so sweet. 人类是唯一使用火的动物。 Humans are the only animals that can use fire. Human beings are the only animals that use fire. 我们现在缺乏库存。 We're out of stock now. We now lack stock. 做嘢唔使勤力,用腦就得。 Work smarter, not harder. If you don't do something, you have to use your brain. 他只是跟你開玩笑。 He is just pulling your leg. He's just joking with you. 今天早上發生了地震。 There was an earthquake this morning. An earthquake occurred this morning. 天空中繁星点点。 The sky is full of stars. The sky is filled with stars. Thawmz kä ümbaz nä väx? Where is Tom? I don't know. 王先生是中國人。 Mr. Wang is Chinese. Mr. Wang is Chinese. 他在对什么大发雷霆啊? What is he so angry about? What's he up to? 我知道它有困難。 I know it's hard. I know it's hard. 我一直在找我的三腳架。 I've been looking for my tripod. I've been looking for my three feet. 醫生而家唔得閒。 The doctor is not available now. Doctors don't have to be alone. 當你到的時候發一份電報給我們。 Send us a telegram when you arrive. You sent us a telegram when you arrived. 你们经常旅行吗? Do you travel a lot? Do you travel a lot? 你需要可以幫助你的朋友。 You need to have friends who can help you out. You need to help your friends. 你唔使對我隱瞞啲咩㗎。 You don't have to hide anything from me. You don't want to hide from me. 我有一个家。 I have a home. I have a home. 今晚我們打算去聽音樂會。 Tonight we are planning to go to the concert. We're going to the concert tonight. 她的筆跡很美。 She writes an excellent hand. She's a beautiful note. 我今天去理发。 I'm going to the barber today. I'm going to the haircut today. 那不是隻馬,是隻驢子。 That's not a horse, it's a donkey. That's not a horse. It's a donkey. 話時話,你今晚得唔得閒呀? By the way, are you free tonight? You don't need to be busy tonight, do you? 無論你到哪裡,我都會跟著你。 Wherever you go, I will follow. Wherever you go, I'll follow you. 那个男孩否认偷了自行车。 That boy denies stealing the bicycle. The boy denied stealing a bike. 我住在广州。 I live in Canton. I live in Guangdong. 他開卡車到達拉斯。 He drove the truck to Dallas. He's driving a truck to Lass. 尤其是要注意你吃的和喝的东西。 You have to pay special attention to what you eat and drink. Pay particular attention to what you eat and drink. 这个婴儿直到吃饱了才停下不哭。 It was not until the baby was fed that he stopped crying. The baby stopped until it had eaten. 我跑著從他們面前經過。 I went running past them. I ran from them. 昨天買了這塊球拍的人是米高。 It was Mike that bought this racket yesterday. The guy who bought this ball yesterday was Michael. 佢有潔癖。 He's obsessed with cleanliness. He's got hygienics. 金钱万能。 Money talks. Money for money. 不可理喻 Nonsense! It's impossible. 我今天忘记给他打电话了。 I forgot to call him today. I forgot to call him today. 嗰位作家用過嘅傢俬全部擺晒喺呢間博物館度。 The writer's furniture is all shown in this museum. There's a writer sitting there who's been there and who's been there all over the museum. 我們對他期望很多。 We expect a lot from him. We're expecting him a lot. 我們在港口裡看到了許多船。 We saw many ships in the harbor. We saw a lot of boats in the port. 你喜歡中國嗎? Do you like China? Do you like China? 好久不见! Long time no see! Long time no see! 她与他相濡以沫。 She stayed by his side through thick and thin. She's with him and she's with him. 直接回家。 Go straight home. Go straight home. 船到橋頭自然直。 It'll come all right in the end. The ship goes straight to the bridge. Ngiz kä laqngiiq dziz sia. I am eating a banana. So far for the rest of us. 她可以为她的女儿感到骄傲。 She may be proud of her daughter. She could be proud of her daughter. 日本嘅人口密度好高。 Japan has a high population density. Japan's population density is very high. 我在想有多少加拿大人住在波士頓。 I wonder how many Canadians live in Boston. I was wondering how many Canadians live in Boston. 有外口袋的卡其短裤不能把你变成冒险家。 Khaki shorts with cargo pockets do not make you an adventurer. I can't turn you into a adventurer with a card in my pocket. 我識講少少日文。 I speak a little Japanese. I know less Japanese. Äkaiq viq. It's cold. [Groaning] [Groaning] [Groaning] 你最好坐公共汽車去。 You'd better go by bus. You'd better take the bus. 對不起,我沒講清楚。 I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear. 我正在听音乐。 I'm listening to music. I'm listening to music. 我今年沒做多少事。 I haven't done very much this year. I haven't done much this year. 那部电影值得一看。 That movie is worth seeing. That movie deserves a look. 肯喜歡露營。 Ken likes camping. Ken likes camping. 我把水倒入了桶子裡。 I poured water into the bucket. I put water in a bucket. 在这条河里游泳很危险。 It is dangerous to bathe in this river. Swimming in this river is dangerous. 他對政治沒有興趣。 He has no interest in politics. He's not interested in politics. 你好吗? How're you doing? How are you? 我出生於1960年2月14日。 I was born on February 14, 1960. I was born February 14, 1960. 对方球员在禁区内组成一道防线,试图阻截梅西的射门。 The opposition formed a line in the box to try and block Messi from scoring. The two players formed a line of defence within the restricted zone, trying to block Messy's launch doors. 為了保護自己,我們只好說謊。 To defend ourselves, we had to tell a lie. To protect ourselves, we have to lie. 佢可以同時間聽七個人講嘢。 He could listen to seven people at once. He can listen to seven people in the same time. 湯姆昨晚睡得不太好。 Tom didn't sleep very well last night. Tom didn't sleep very well last night. 她開始在我的記憶中消散。 She had begun to recede in my memory. She started to disappear in my memory. 幾點了? What time is it? What time is it? 不要欺骗你自己。 Don't deceive yourself. Don't lie to yourself. 當我看見他們在約會,我問他們:"我聽到婚禮的鐘聲了嗎?" When I saw them on a date, I asked them, "Do I hear wedding bells?" When I saw them dating, I asked them, "Did I hear the wedding bell?" 她喜欢为她的家人做饭。 She likes cooking for her family. She likes cooking for her family. 我相信規律的運動。 I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in the rules. 今天的匯率是多少? What's the exchange rate today? What's the rate today? 劳动不仅是一种需要,而还是一种愉快。 Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure. Work is not only a need, but also a pleasure. 春天到了。 Spring has come. Spring's here. Ärä kä laizdap. This is a book. If you don't mind, I'll take care of it. 我枪杀了那匹马,因为他已呼吸困难。 I shot the horse because it had trouble breathing. I shot the horse because he's breathing hard. 挑選少油、少糖、少鹽和高纖的食物。 Pick food that are less in oil, sugar, salt and foods with high fibre. Select less oil, less sugar, less salt and high-palm foods. 由於他的財富,他能夠成為這個俱樂部的成員。 Because of his wealth, he was able to become a member of that club. With his wealth, he could become a member of this club. 我從英國訂了這本書。 I ordered the book from England. I booked this book from England. 我再也不要汤姆留下来。 I don't want Tom to stay any longer. I don't want Tom to stay anymore. 佢食早餐之前去咗公園放狗。 She took her dog to the park before breakfast. He went to the park to put dogs before breakfast. 我祖父五年前去世了。 My grandfather died five years ago. My grandfather died five years ago. 你们被骗了。 You've been had. You're being deceived. 我们在严肃地谈论你的未来。 We are having a serious talk about your future. We're talking seriously about your future. 她沒有審美感。 She has no sense of beauty. She didn't examine the beauty. 他高。 He is tall. He's tall. 她儿子是个天才。 Her son is a genius. Her son was a genius. 你建議我們跟誰講話? Who do you suggest we talk to? Who do you suggest we talk to? 刚刚发生了什么? What just happened? What just happened? Ngiz mäx hali tächix kuq nawngz läq. Show me again. This is the first time I've seen them. 约翰是个好朋友。 John is a good friend. John was a good friend. 女孩不太喜歡洗碗,但也盡力而為。 The girl did not like to wash dishes, but she made the best of it. Girls do not like dishes, but they do the best they can. 那國家的人口正在增長,所以他們需要的食物量也愈來愈大。 They have a growing population; therefore they need more and more food. The population of that country is growing, so the amount of food they need is increasing. 侬生日几月几号? When is your birthday? What's your birthday? 湯姆已經雇了新律師。 Tom has already hired a new lawyer. Tom already hired a new lawyer. 我喉嚨痛。 I have a sore throat. My throat hurts. 無門則不通,無窗則無光。 One cannot get through if there is no door; there is no light if there is no window. There is no way out, no window, no light. 你不会说英语,是吗? You can't speak English, can you? You don't speak English, do you? 他知道怎么玩棒球。 He knows how to play baseball. He knows how to play baseball. 我试图画条纹图形,但是当我画圆的时候我失败了。它看起来像一个椭圆的圆环。 I tried to draw a stick figure, but I failed when I started to draw the circle. It looked like a loop-sided oval. I tried to draw a tattoo, but when I drew the circle, I failed. It looked like a circle. 下雪了。 It snows. It's snowing. 功課做了沒有? Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework? 我發燒了。 I have a high temperature. I got a fever. 她的英語說的很好。 She can speak English very well. She spoke very well in English. 汤姆打哈欠了。 Tom yawned. Tom owes it. 这天刮着暴风雪,雪下得很大。 It was a stormy day, and the snow was falling fast. It's a storm and it's a lot of snow. 那两个人一遇到彼此就开始吵架。 Those two people start arguing whenever they meet. The two people started fighting as soon as they met. 你們要去哪裡? Where do you want to go? Where are you going? 我阿哥睇書睇到出晒神,我入咗間房度佢都唔知。 My brother was so absorbed in reading that he did not notice me when I entered the room. And I saw in my brother's book the sun, and he didn't know it when I entered the room. 故事嘅教訓係講大話係唔啱嘅。 The moral of the story is that it's wrong to lie. The training course is short-lived. 她昨天来看我们。 She came to see us yesterday. She came to see us yesterday. 无可厚非,他是穷,不过他却知足。 It is true that he is poor, but he is contented. He was poor, but he was satisfied. 他不需要工作。 He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need a job. 她问了我们好几个问题。 She asked us several questions. She asked us a few questions. 我很开心你喜欢。 I'm glad you liked it. I'm glad you like it. 我們突然聽見外面傳來了一下槍聲。 All at once we heard a shot outside. We heard the shots coming out. 用吓你個腦啦! Use your head! You're freaking me out! 攞多兩三張凳嚟吖。 Bring a couple more chairs. There are two or three chairs on the table. 這個俱樂部有50位成員。 There are 50 members in the club. This club has 50 members. 医生认为病人的脉搏有点快。 The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid. The doctor found the patient's pulse a little fast. 汤姆的孩子不会说法语。 Tom's children can't speak French. Tom's kids don't speak French. 阿拉阿妹唱歌老好听个。 My sister sings songs very well. Alaa's singing a good old song. 我認為我們不應該允許湯姆去做。 I think we shouldn't allow Tom to do that. I don't think we should allow Tom to do it. 好嘞! Fine! All right! 誰是行政助理? Who is the Administrative Assistant? Who's an administrative assistant? 你快啲執好啲嘢啦,我哋十分鐘之後就走㗎喇。 You'd better get your stuff together now because we're leaving in ten minutes. Let's get this over with. I'll be out in 10 minutes. 我不懂这些. I don't understand these. I don't understand this. 把書放在最上面的架子上。 Put the book on the top shelf. Put the book on top top shelves. Ümznäq kä London cyezla nä shäx? Are you in London? I don't know. 不少的美國人喜歡壽司。 Quite a few Americans like sushi. A lot of Americans like sushi. 我希望汤姆让玛丽完成。 I want Tom to let Mary finish. I hope Tom let Mary finish it. 如果你离开日本,我会非常想你的。 I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. If you leave Japan, I'll miss you very much. 我們已經準備好應付千年蟲。 We've already prepared for the millennium bug. We're ready to deal with the thousands of bugs. 我是记者。 I'm a journalist. I'm a reporter. 我不怕死。 I do not fear death. I'm not afraid to die. 大家过来和我们一起喝喝酒跳跳舞聊聊天交交朋友吧! Come everyone and join us in drinking, dancing, chatting, and making new friends! Come on, drink and dance with us and make friends all the time! 这些人是做什么事的? What are these people doing? What are these people doing? 开口要有礼貌,不讲下流话。 One must be respectful when speaking, and not say obscene things. You have to be polite, you don't speak snoopy. 不要把本末倒置。 Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't turn this down. မကြာခင် ဘတ်စ်ကား ထွက်ခွာပါတော့မည်။ The bus will be leaving soon. Soon the bus will leave. 他喜欢看报纸。 He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read the paper. 你保证吗? Do you promise? You promise? 我们的车走了。 There goes our bus. Our car's gone. 問心無愧是一個非常柔軟的枕頭。 A clear conscience is an extraordinarily soft pillow. Asked for nothing but a very soft pillow. 方法并不重要,结果才重要。 It is not the means which matters, it is the end. The methodology is not important and the results are important. 我決定不學法語。 I decided not to study French. I decided not to learn French. Naizshiq qhiqkämungz nä pawzkävit tädza kai mäx kiz kaix. We went to the park to play baseball. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 他甚至骂我傻瓜。 He even called me an idiot. He even called me stupid. Ümznäq shäraz kä yu väx? Who is your teacher? Is there anything I can do about it? 他們都在尋找這個走失的孩子。 They all searched for the lost child. They're all looking for this lost child. 他對女人沒有眼光。 He has no eye for women. He has no eyes on women. 不理她。 Don't pay attention to her. Ignore her. 否極泰來。 After a storm comes a calm. No, no, no, no, no. 他好像对音乐剧什么的很感兴趣,而且还非常内行。 He seems very interested in musical theatre and the like, and he also seems quite adept. He seems to be very interested in music plays or anything, and he's also very intrusive. 那个看着你的男人,你认识吗 ? That man who is looking at you, do you know him? The man who looked at you, you know him? 兩個女孩都有一雙藍眼睛。 Both girls have blue eyes. Two girls have a blue eye. 他有很多钱。 He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. Xуан-ин чинлэ Татоэба! Welcome to Tatoeba! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 我鍾意聽好音樂。 I like to listen to good music. I'd like to hear the music. 我弟弟很富有。 My brother is rich. My brother's very rich. 我嗰個冇你嗰個咁好。 Mine is not so good as yours. I wasn't there for you like that. 我去巴黎讀書之前要先練好我的法文。 I have to brush up my French before I go to Paris to study. I have to practice my French before I go to Paris. 你是学生吗? Are you a student? Are you a student? 我不能忍受。 I can't stand it. I can't bear it. 我會看著你。 I'll be watching you. I'll watch you. “怎么了?” “我找不到我的钥匙了。” “什么钥匙?” “我的自行车钥匙。” "What's the matter?" "I can't find my keys." "Which ones?" "My bicycle ones." "What's wrong?" "I can't find my key." "What key?" "My bike key." 他们卖体育产品。 They sell sporting goods. They sell sports products. 我已經得到了一切你想要的東西。 I've got everything that you want. I've got everything you want. 一個醉了的男人在長椅上睡觉。 A drunken man was sleeping on the bench. A drunk man sleeps in a chair. Tom喝我的蘋果汁。 Tom drank my apple juice. Tom drank my apple juice. 佢份人講得好聽啲就係知慳識儉。 He is frugal, to say the least of it. His client is very good at listening to them. 汤姆和玛丽说他们愿意去。 Tom and Mary said they'd be willing to go. Tom and Mary said they'd like to go. 我們看不到月亮的另一邊。 We cannot see the other side of the moon. We can't see the other side of the moon. 我去公园散了步。 I went for a walk in the park. I went to the park for a walk. 除了那些我们尝试过的政府形态,民主是最差的那种了。 Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. In addition to those forms of government that we've tried, democracy is the worst. 新年是大吃大喝的好時節。 New Year is the time for a lot of eating and drinking. New year is a good time to eat and drink. 海參崴是俄罗斯的一个城市。 Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Shanghai is one of the cities of Russia. 汤姆没走。 Tom didn't go. Tom didn't leave. 請告訴我下一步該做什麼。 Please show me what to do next. Please tell me what to do next. 湯姆根本不明白為甚麼他的妻子離開了他。 Tom doesn't have any idea why his wife left him. Tom doesn't understand why his wife left him. 他们一个接着一个地离开了。 They left one after another. They left one after another. 他把一個包裹挾在腋下。 He held a package under his arm. He's putting a package under the counter. 我們不相信那個。 I don't believe that. We don't believe that. 汤姆抛弃了他们。 Tom abandoned them. Tom abandoned them. 汤姆对结果不满。 Tom was unsatisfied with the results. Tom was not satisfied with the results. 我成日都醒唔起佢個名。 Her name often escapes me. I never woke up his name. 等會兒見。 I'll see you later. I'll see you later. 有什么新鲜事吗? What's new? Anything new? 他被淹死了。 He was drowned. He's drowned. 殺死一個人差啲,定係由得五個人死差啲? Which is worse, killing one person or letting five people die? Killing a person is bad, is it supposed to be five dead? XXX kärä Ningxraxtsix bawmx mäq yamkhäx väx nguz tälaüx? How do you say XXX in English? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? Ümznäq kä äkawnx cyängz nawx. You should sleep. [ In German ] See if you can find anything else. 露西喜歡打網球。 Lucy likes playing tennis. Lucy likes to play tennis. 佢嚟緊喇。 She's on her way. It's coming up. 我會再試一次, 謝謝您。 I will try again, thank you. I'll try again, thank you. 把梯子靠墙放着。 Stand the ladder against the wall. Put the ladder on the wall. 我喜欢拍照。 I enjoy taking pictures. I like taking pictures. 請接受我對您今天的成功最誠摯的祝賀。 Please accept my sincere congratulations on your success today. Please accept my sincerest congratulations on your success today. 恭喜你的臉。 Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. 我哥哥已在倫敦住了很多年。 My brother has been living in London for many years. My brother lived in London for years. 把帽子戴上。 Put on the hat. Put your hat on. 汤姆掉进了冰冷的河水里。 Tom fell into the ice-cold water of the river. Tom fell into a cold river. 您的手机号码是多少? What is your phone number? What's your phone number? 我父親每天早上去慢跑。 My father goes jogging every morning. My father goes jogging every morning. Änä vaz räx. Come here. [ In German ] Thank you. ကျွန်းကိုင်းမှီ၊ ကိုင်းကျွန်းမှီ Islands rely on reeds, just as reeds rely on islands. [ Picture on page 26] 我会尽可能帮你的。 I will help you as far as I can. I'll help you as much as I can. 他否认鄙视了她 He denied he despised her. He refused to look down on her. 你有冇睇到佢齣新片呀? Have you seen his new film? Did you see his new movie? 這是什麼語言? What is this language? What is this language? 啲叻嘅人通常都好自大。 Intelligent people are often arrogant. Some of these people are usually complacent. 我遇到了故障。 I came across an error. I've been in trouble. 他们到位了实行新概念的广告策略。 They implemented a communication policy so as to promote their new concept. They have reached a advertising strategy that introduces the new concept. 你说意大利语吗? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? 计划是在下月底之前招聘5名Java工程师。 The plan is to recruit 5 Java engineers before the end of next month. It is planned to recruit five Java engineers by the end of next month. 你被不公平地對待。 You were treated unfairly. You're being treated unfairly. 務必在三點鐘來。 Be sure to come at 3. It must come at 3:00. 踩單車係好好嘅運動,仲唔會排放廢氣添。 Cycling is good exercise. Moreover, it doesn't pollute the air. Flat feet (also called pes planus) is a good movement and it does not release waste. Ra mi yun. It may rain. I'm sorry, Ra mi yun. Ngiz mäx lungvii tälaüx shäx? Do you love me? Is there anything I can do about it? Ngiz räq kärä ngawxhiaxshaq diax tämaz kängx. I really do think that. That's when you're old enough. 他昨晚一定是喝多了。 He must have drunk too much last night. He must have had too much to drink last night. ဘာဆိုလိုတာလဲ။ What do you mean? What do you mean? 我不得不向她道歉。 I must make an apology to her. I had to apologize to her. 房間除了一張破舊的床以外,就甚麼也沒有了。 The room was empty except for a shabby bed. There's nothing in the room except an old bed. 有没有一个国家比美国更提倡爱国主义? Does any other country fan the flames of patriotism as much as America? Is there a country that promotes patriotism more than the United States? Thawmz räq Meri mäx chiz mäk viix dzäm nawx. Tom hasn't seen Mary in three years. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我刚才在洗澡. I was showering a moment ago. I was in the shower. 咱们停止争吵和好吧。 Let's patch up our argument. Let's stop fighting and all right. 我是新來的。 I'm new here. I'm new here. 湯姆試著用滅火器把火撲滅。 Tom used a fire extinguisher to try and put the fire out. Tom tried to put the fire down with the firefighter. 學校離我家有五公里遠。 The school is five kilometers from my home. The school is five miles away from my home. 你们全都是胆小鬼 You're all cowards. You're all cowards. 见到你真好。 Good to see you. It's good to see you. 他去钓鱼了,而没去打网球。 He went fishing instead of playing tennis. He went fishing and didn't go to tennis. Ümznäq mäx shumxmiix ti mäx äbix naq täyängz kiq. Do good to those who hate you. The second thing I told you, there's something wrong with me. 在那里。 It's over there. There. Kärä ädamz nä shämx rawx shäx? Do you want to do it together? I don't know. 我當時在國外。 I was overseas at the time. I was abroad. 大智不形,大器晚成,大音希聲。 The greatest wisdom has no shape; the greatest vessel is the latest to be completed; the greatest music has the most tenuous notes. Magnetic inescapable, giant incriminating, loud sound. 你打算去哪些地方旅行?怎么去?为什么? What places are you planning to visit in your travels? And how? And why? Where are you going to travel? 这么漂亮啊! So beautiful! It's so beautiful! Tom让我等了一下午 Tom kept me waiting all afternoon. Tom asked me to wait one afternoon. 他信守了他的承诺。 He kept his promise. He kept his promise. 我喊咗成晚。 I cried all night long. I cried out late. 你還在收集郵票嗎? Are you still collecting stamps? Are you still collecting stamps? 请问鸡蛋在哪里? Where are the eggs, please? Where's the egg, please? 這支鉛筆比那隻好。 This pencil is better than that one. This pen is better than that. 我的兒子是士兵。 My sons are soldiers. My son is a soldier. 為了增添節日的氣氛 ,那裡的人用盆栽裝飾他們的家。 People there decorate their homes with potted flowers to add to the festival atmosphere. In order to add the atmosphere, there's people dressed in basins of their homes. 不是,你誤會了。 No, you misunderstood. No, you misunderstand. 你挡我路? You get in my way? You're on my way? 主人死後車子歸誰呢? Who does the car belong to when the owner dies? Who goes back to the owner's dead car? Rawmaq cyezla nä ümztäkäq väx mi kiz haü? When are you leaving for Rome? When is the last time you're here? 我好想快點再去英國。 I am anxious to visit Britain once again. I'd love to go to England soon. 我走之后他到达了。 He arrived after I had left. He arrived after I left. 你咪唔見呢几張紙啊! Don't lose these sheets of paper! Why don't you see some paper? 佢飲咖啡唔鍾意落糖。 He likes coffee without sugar. He didn't like sugar when he drank coffee. Kärä kä ätak lamxlamx li. It's just a guess. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 那個作家正在寫新書。 The writer is working on a new book. The writer is writing a new book. 这会打击我们的生意。 This could hurt our business. It'll hit our business. 我在一間貿易公司工作。 I'm working for a trading firm. I work at a trading firm. 他看起来像个运动员,但是其实是个作家。 He looks like a sportsman, but he is a writer. He looks like a athlete, but he's actually a writer. 我可以用旅行支票支付嗎? May I pay with a travelers' check? Can I pay it with a travel check? Tom每天早上去散步。 Tom goes for a walk every morning. Tom goes for a walk every morning. 我記得我以前看過這部電影。 I remember having seen this movie before. I remember I've seen this movie before. 他從早上工作到夜晚。 He worked from morning till night. He worked from morning to night. 猴子爬上了树。 The monkey climbed up a tree. Monkey climbed up a tree. 我期待很快就能收到你的信。 I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to receiving your letter soon. 人生是有趣的。 Life is fun. Life's fun. 請你隨便吃點水果。 Please help yourself to some fruit. Have some fruit, please. 我對他的問題感到非常迷惑。 I was terribly confused by his question. I was very confused about his problems. 我偶然找到了它。 I found it by chance. I found it by chance. 再来一次! One more time! Do it again! 竄改證據係嚴重罪行。 Tampering with evidence is a serious offense. The evidence of prosthesis is a serious crime. 哲学家苏格拉底在监狱里和他的朋友们讨论死亡。 The philosopher Socrates discussed death with his friends in prison. The philosopher Sugradi and his friends discussed death in prison. 你的來信使我快樂。 Your letter made me happy. Your letter makes me happy. 他一到伦敦就给我发了个电报。 On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram. He sent me a telegram as soon as he got to London. 你看起来很紧张。 You look tense. You look nervous. 他試著統一不同的團體。 He tried to unify the various groups. He's trying to form a different group. 我的车里有伞。 I have an umbrella in my car. There's umbrella in my car. ဒီ မျက်မှန် က ကျွန်တော် နဲ့ လိုက် မယ် လို့ ခင်ဗျား ထင်သလား? Do you think that these glasses look good on me? Do you think this is the right eye to go with me? 你会说英语吗? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? 她在演唱会的场地贩卖毒品。 She's selling drugs at concerts. She's selling drugs on the stage of the concert. 你知道這是一個句子嗎? Did you know that this is a sentence? Do you know that's a sentence? 你有博客吗? Do you have a blog? Do you have a blog? 过两三天就要开花了。 The blossoms will be out in a few days. It's gonna take two or three days. 男孩子在那里。 The boy is over there. There's the boy. 他永远不会打败我的。 He'll never beat me. He'll never beat me. 让我想想。 Let me think for a minute. Let me think about it. 请勿加注释。 Don't add annotations. Please don't comment. Thawmz kä bixkhiq vänumz tälawx. Tom is a lousy dancer. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 你可以轉小聲一點嗎? Could you turn it down? Can you turn it down a little bit? 他吃了一盒巧克力。 He ate a box of chocolates. He ate a box of chocolate. 他說:“我想成為科學家。” He said, "I want to be a scientist." He said, "I want to be a scientist." 汤姆无所畏惧。 Tom's fearless. Tom has no fear. 海倫去年從高中畢業了。 Helen graduated from high school last year. Helen graduated from high school last year. 收音機廣播充斥著有關最近爆炸的新聞。 News of the recent blast is all over the radio. The news of the recent explosion was broadcast on the radio. 你如果咬我,我也要咬你。 If you bite me, then I'll bite you, too. If you bite me, I'll bite you. 我听说你在试图帮助汤姆的时候受伤了。 I heard you were injured trying to help Tom. I heard you were hurt when you tried to help Tom. 他承認他有罪。 He admitted his guilt. He admitted he was guilty. 奥斯陸係挪威嗰最多人嗰城市。 Oslo is the most populous city in Norway. San Francisco is the largest city in Norway. 穿絲襪! Wear silk socks! Put your socks on! 我聽見一聲怪響。 I heard a strange sound. I heard a noise. 他认识市长。 He is acquainted with the mayor. He knows the mayor. 汤姆买了张彩票。 Tom bought a lottery ticket. Tom bought a ticket. 搿个月是几月? What month is this? - How many months? 那輛車子太貴了,我買不起。 The car is too expensive for me to buy. That car is too expensive. I can't afford it. 你需要朋友的时候,汤姆在那里。 When you needed a friend, Tom was there. When you need friends, Tom's there. 空中有一大片乌云。 There is a mass of dark clouds in the sky. There's a lot of clouds in the air. 雪化了。 The snow is melted. It's snowing. 我昨天拜訪了我的朋友湯姆。 I visited my friend Tom yesterday. I visited my friend Tom yesterday. 我也喝茶。 I drink tea, too. I also drink tea. 這項工作已經完成了一半。 The job is half done. That's half done. 良藥苦於口,忠言逆於耳。 Good medicine tastes bitter, good advice is hard to listen to. And the medicine is bitter, and the faithfulness is in the ears of the deaf. 我会出席会议的。 I will be at the meeting. I'll be there. 我宁可死,也不想看见你哭。 I'd rather die than see you cry. I'd rather die than see you cry. 给我另一个例子。 Give me a different example. Give me another example. 你最喜欢哪一个网络浏览器? What's your favorite web browser? What's your favorite web browser? 他付了两倍的费用。 He paid double fare. He paid twice the cost. 講清楚並大聲地讓別人聽到你說話。 Speak clearly and make yourself heard. Let's make it clear and make people hear you. 请侬跟㑚夫人一道来啊。 Please come over with your wife. Please come with Madam. 我們不知道他們會乘哪一班列車。 We didn't know what train they'd be on. We don't know which train they'll take. 侬该摆脱侬个坏习惯。 You must rid yourself of bad habits. It's supposed to get out of a bad habit. 我在学西班牙语。 I'm learning Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗。 We must learn to accept the people around us. A chicken married a dog with a dog. 我登入唔到我個帳號。 I can't log in to my account. I'm not going to my account. 侬垃海搿耷做了点啥阿? What did you do there? What'd you do? 把你的钥匙给你。 Here are your keys. Give you your keys. Vaz räx, phaqsiq i! Come eat! Go, go, go! 你想保持匿名身份。 You want to remain anonymous. You want to keep an anonymous identity. 清潔窗戶後,我能很清楚的從窗戶看出去。 After I cleaned the window, I could see through it clearly. After the clean windows, I can look out the window very clearly. 你经常去国外旅行吗? Do you often travel abroad? Do you travel abroad often? 我父亲可能会乘下一列火车来。 My father will possibly come on the next train. My father might come by the next train. 她很想要一条新的连衣裙。 She wants a new dress badly. She wants a new dress. 我們要在海邊烤肉。 We'll have a barbecue at the beach. We're going to roast meat on the beach. 伊垃伊阿姨屋里向等了。 He stayed at his aunt's house. Aunt Imei's waiting in the house. 垃海实战当中,侬要晓得三心两意是老危险个。 In real combat, you must not forget that hesitation is a very dangerous thing. In the real war of the Sea, he had to know that he was in danger. 百分之十五的房屋将是经济适用,所以低收入家庭会在这个地区买或者租房子。 Fifteen per cent of the housing will be affordable, so that low-income families will be able to buy or rent homes in the area. Fifteen per cent of houses will be economically applicable, so low-income households will buy or rent houses in this area. 快來這裡。 Come here quickly. Come here. 我請你。 I'll treat you. I'm asking you. Ümzsäq linxlinx nä saüx liz ngiz kä mintsax hiax. I've been very busy lately. They're going to kill us every once in a while. 那個囚犯在牢裡待了兩個月。 The prisoner was behind bars for two months. The prisoner was in prison for two months. 今晚出去吃怎么样? How about going out to eat tonight? Why don't you go out and eat tonight? 西班牙队很擅长控球。 The Spain is great at keeping possession. The Spanish team is very good at running the ball. 我有一个挺蠢的问题。 I have a completely stupid question. I have a pretty stupid question. 乜撚嘢嚟㗎? What the bloody fuck is that? What's going on? 可以唱首披頭四的歌給我聽嗎? Will you sing me a Beatles' song? Can you sing four songs for me? 那棵樹隨時會倒下來。 The tree was ready to fall at any moment. The tree will come down at any time. 我的興趣是收集錢幣。 My hobby is collecting coins. I'm interested in collecting money. 事實上,我說西班牙語。 As a matter of fact, I do speak Spanish. Actually, I speak Spanish. 谣言[最后]证明是假的。 It turned out that the rumor was false. The rumors [lastly] prove false. 自由旨在能够做所有不伤害其他人的事。 Liberty consists of being able to make everything as harmless as possible. Freedom is designed to do everything that does not harm others. 由你來決定。 It is up to you. It's up to you to decide. 我不会参加舞会。 I'm not going to go to the party. I'm not going to the prom. 呢個袋邊個架? Whose bag is this? Do you have a fight on the side of this bag? 我先要去银行,然后去买票。 First I'll go to the bank, and then I'll buy the tickets. I'm going to the bank and I'm going to buy tickets. 现在的贷款利率很高。 Interest on loans is high at present. Loan interest rates are now high. 床占了很多空間。 The bed takes up a lot of space. The beds account for a lot of space. 想把字写得漂亮一些。 I want to improve my penmanship. You want to write nice words. 有人说,玛丽·安托瓦内特对法国大革命有着不可推卸的责任。 They say that Marie Antoinette was responsible for the French Revolution. It has been said that Mary Antonette is irrevocable to the French Revolution. 你打算看什么书? What book do you plan on reading? What book are you going to read? 佢哋啱。 They are right. They're off. 信赖域的算法越来越常用。 The use of trust-region algorithms is becoming more and more frequent. The algorithms of the Trust Area are increasingly being used. 人造卫星从河内上空飞过。 The satellite came flying over Hanoi. The artificial satellite flew over the river. 个人自由是民主的精髓。 Individual freedom is the soul of democracy. Personal freedoms are the essence of democracy. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我在这个泳池里游过泳。 When I was a child, I used to swim in that pond. When I was a kid, I swimd in this pool. 他们想拍京都的照片。 They wanted to take pictures of Kyoto. They want photos of Kyoto. 我不想和一个陌生人分享旅馆房间。 I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. I don't want to share hotel rooms with a stranger. 我剛洗了所有的碗盤。 I have just washed all the dishes. I just washed all the bowls. 他們有危險。 They're in danger. They're in danger. 现今人们没有空调无法生活。 Without an air conditioner, people nowadays cannot live. People are not able to live without air conditioning. 我们会及时准备好。 We'll be ready in time. We'll be ready in time. Läk tälängx khawk yai nüx väx cyawngmang äbi kä ädzi sez mäq nai vi tawx. Several students in the back of the classroom laughed quietly. If there's a chance to find a way out of there, there's no way out of there. 佢好似係咁諗。 He seemed to have thought so. It's what it looks like. 看见这副景象,我不禁叹了口气。 Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but sigh. I don't give a shit about the sights. 他坐在長凳上。 He sat on the bench. He's sitting on a bench. 我都唔知自己係掛住佢吖,定純粹係掛住有女朋友嗰種感覺。 I'm not sure if I miss her or just miss having a girlfriend. I don't know if I'm hanging on to it, but I don't feel that I'm just hanging out with a girlfriend. 蕾拉食緊早餐。 Layla was having breakfast. Leila's ordering breakfast. 她给花园除了草。 She weeded the garden. She gave the garden away from the grass. 孩子学钢琴要具备哪些条件? What conditions must a child meet to be able to learn the piano? What are the conditions for children to learn piano? 我的兄弟是个笨蛋。 My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. 我餓死了! I'm so hungry! I'm starving! 水果以苹果为最佳。 Apples are the best fruit. Fruits are the best for apples. 我有一个兄弟跟两个姐妹。 I have one brother and two sisters. I have a brother and two sisters. 廚房裡有一隻貓。 There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. 今天是周一。 It is Monday today. Today is Monday. ང་ཁྱོད་ལ་ཆུ་ཚོད་ལྔ་སྒུག་བསྡད་ཡོད། I've been waiting for you for 5 hours. I'm staying with you. 你的母亲现在在家吗? Is your mother at home now? Is your mother home now? 抓住他。 Grab him. Get him. 音乐是人类共通的语言。 Music is a common speech for humanity. Music is a common language. 别对我放肆,小姑娘! Don't get sassy with me young lady! Don't do this to me, little girl! 他們兩個人都在房間裡。 Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. Ümznäq raix yamväx sengx täq! It's none of your business. They're going after us. 時間能夠加深友誼,但是卻會沖淡愛情。 Time, which strengthens friendship, weakens love. It's time to deepen friendship, but it's too weak to love. 我總是忙於功課。 I'm always busy with my homework. I'm always busy with homework. 間屋喺教堂對面,你去到就會見到㗎喇。 The house is opposite the church. You can't miss it. On the other side of the church, you'll see The Horn. 是那家。 It is he. It's the house. 我也去了。 I also went. I'm going too. 湯姆不跟任何人說話。 Tom doesn't talk with anyone. Tom doesn't talk to anybody. 她五點鐘才會回來。 She won't be back till five. She won't be back till 5:00. 死開! Go away! Go to hell! 邊個係你個袋? Which one is your bag? That's your bag, isn't it? 阿Tom唔鍾意寵物。 Tom is not fond of pets. A Tom doesn't like pets. 这个让我惊讶到了! It caught me by surprise. This surprises me! 你常常晚餐吃魚嗎? Do you often have fish for dinner? Do you eat fish often? Ngiz räq Thawmz mäx kämphaw raläng kuq kängx. I gave Tom some money. That's where the rest of us are. མི་ཚང་མས་འདིའི་སྐོར་ལ་ང་ལ་རྟག་པར་སྐད་ཆ་འདྲི་ཀྱི་འདུག། Everyone always asks me that. Life is short. I'm speechless. 湯姆晚餐遲到了。 Tom was late for dinner. Tom's late for dinner. 加入蜂蜜,檸檬汁,切碎的杏仁和切碎的蘋果。 Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples. Join honey, lemonade, broken almonds and broken apples. 你真是个大好人! You're really a great person. You're such a good man! 真是精神可嘉! That's the spirit! That's the spirit! ཁོང་ཤི་དགོས་འདུག། He shall die. You do not know. 他结婚了,而且有三个孩子。 He's married and has three children. He's married and has three children. 我会留疤吗? Will I have a scar? Do I have a scar? 有人能发这个词的音吗? Can anyone pronounce this word? Can anybody say that? 昨天我們討論了這個計劃。 We discussed the plan yesterday. Yesterday we discussed the plan. 我舅舅给我买的这本书。 My uncle bought me this book. My uncle bought me this book. 語言表達唔到我嘅情感。 I lack the words to describe my emotions. I don't know how I feel. 我父亲在哪里? Where is my dad? Where's my father? 我以前每天在這裡游泳。 I used to swim here every day. I used to swim here every day. Thawmz räq nazshiq mäx lungvii tälawx. Tom loved us. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我一到上海就打电话给你。 I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. I'll call you as soon as I get to Shanghai. Thawmz kä ädzi-äsi linx mänäx. Tom looked a bit sick. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我们处理第二个问题吧。 Let's take up the second problem, shall we? Let's deal with the second. 实际高头上海闲话是种基于吴方言、下江闲话、搭英文借词个混杂语言。 Shanghainese is actually a kind of pidgin, based on Wu dialects, Lower Yangtze Mandarin, and English loanwords. The actual high-frequency sea speech is a hybrid language based on U-do-yeon, swan-doo, and English-speaking. 我是世界公民。 I'm a citizen of the world. I'm a citizen of the world. 太好了。没有一个人缺席。 Good. No absentees. Great. No one's absent. 汤姆有点醉。 Tom was a little drunk. Tom's a little drunk. ငါ က တွမ် ပျော်နေတာ ပဲ မြင်ချင်တာ။ I wanted to see Tom happy. I just want to be happy, I want to be happy, I want to be happy, I want to be happy, I want to be happy. Kärä ädamz nä kälawz rawx shäx? Do you want to do it together? I don't know. 喬治感覺到火車開始移動了。 George felt the train begin to move. George felt the train started moving. 我不知道你不喜欢汤姆的理由。 I don't know why you don't like Tom. I don't know why you don't like Tom. 你是哪国人? Which country are you from? What country are you from? “还要咖啡吗?”“不了,谢谢。” "More coffee?" "No, thanks." "Do you want more coffee?" "No, thanks. 我父親住在鄉下。 My father lives in the country. My father lives in the country. Tom是加拿大人嗎? Is Tom Canadian? Is Tom Canadian? Thawmz kä dzit hiax. Tom is very chatty. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 他们争吵后,一周都没有再说话。 After they argued, they didn't speak to each other for a week. They didn't talk a week after the argument. 她在桌子底下找到了她的錢包。 She found her purse under the desk. She found her wallet under the table. 他买不起汽车,更不要说买房子了。 He cannot buy a car, still less a house. He couldn't afford a car, let alone a house. 我8年前就结婚了。 I married eight years ago. I got married eight years ago. 耽誤你的假期了。 It delayed your holiday. Delayed your vacation. 要想学好中文, 就应该多跟中国人交流. If you want to study Chinese well, you should communicate with Chinese people more often. If you want to learn Chinese, you should communicate more with the Chinese. Phanräp mäx tesawra. Thank you for everything. I've never seen anything like it. 它本質上是一個時間的問題。 It is essentially a question of time. It is essentially a question of time. 那是甚麼聲音? What's that sound? What's that sound? Ngiz ävax rawx. I want to go. Get in there! Ngiz kä maiqlamx mängx shaq li. I am not married yet. But don't worry, I'll be right back. 做得很好。 It's well done. Well done. Thawmz kä säpdzinx hiax kä rämäk, mäk shäx? Tom isn't very talented, is he? Do you think it's too late? 熊猫是中国的国宝。 The panda is China's national treasure. The panda is China's national treasure. 她在這裏有不少朋友。 She has a good many friends here. She's got a lot of friends here. 邁克今天晚上會來吃晚飯。 Mike is coming to dinner this evening. Mike's coming for dinner tonight. 我們的老師喜歡他的新車。 Our teacher likes his new car. Our teachers like his new car. 我們相信他是無辜的。 We believed him to be innocent. We believe he's innocent. 星期天不是我的工作日。 Sunday is not a workday for me. Sunday is not my day of work. 首先,我要你跟我一起去百貨公司的特價活動。 First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale. First of all, I want you to come with me to the store price event. 只有四匹馬參加了比賽。 Only four horses were in the race. There are only four horses in the race. 湯姆爬上了墙。 Tom climbed over the wall. Tom climbed up to the wall. 我爸爸明年春天就要退休了。 My father is retiring next spring. My father's gonna retire next spring. 生嘅魚好易變壞。 Raw fish easily goes bad. The fish that are born are vulnerable to worse fish. 汪汪汪! Woof, woof, woof! Cocksucker! 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Early bird gets the worm. Early birds have worms. 这不实用。 It's not practical. It's not working. 沒有防傻的安全系統。 No security system is foolproof. There's no stupid security system. 他把蒼蠅拍走了。 He flapped the flies away. He took the camel off. 有人叫你來這嗎? Did anybody ask you to come here? Has anyone asked you to come here? 我不會告訴任何人我藏宝的地方。 I'll never tell anyone where I've hidden the treasure. I won't tell anyone where I hid my treasure. 我為一本書寫了內容提要。 I made an abstract of a book. I wrote for a book. 菜單上有各種各樣的菜色。 There was a great variety of dishes on the menu. There are various kinds of dishes on the menu. 她想方设法以一己之力完成了工作。 She managed to finish the work on her own. She wanted to work with her own hands. 我看他们是特别好玩。 I think that they're a lot of fun. I think they're so funny. 我哥哥很富有。 My brother is rich. My brother is rich. 如果我们知道我们在做什么,那么这不能称之为研究,是吗? If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? If we know what we're doing, then we can't call it research, can we? 我喜欢您的车。 I like your car. I like your car. 我確定他們能聽見我們的聲音。 I'm sure they can hear us. I'm sure they can hear us. 我倒从来呒没看到过垃拉唯一个心里向搿能样子个坏水! Never had I seen such evil in a single heart! I never saw the only heart of Cora, it looks like a bad water! 我必须赶上头班火车。 I must catch the first train. I have to catch up to the first train. 我又熬夜了。 I stayed up all night again. I'm in the middle of the night again. 他們對他們的員工保證就業。 They guaranteed regular employment to their workers. They promised their employees their employment. 跨國企業遠勝於傳統的單一國家企業。 Multinational corporations outperform traditional corporations operating in just one country. In the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of foreign firms that are far out of traditional individual national enterprises. 我没有钱,也没有朋友。 I don't have any money and I don't have any friends either. I don't have money, I don't have friends. 我醒来,打算准备早饭。 I've woken up and I intend to prepare my breakfast. I wake up and I'm ready for breakfast. 天快亮了,我要动身了。 It will soon be daybreak and I have to leave. It's almost dawn, I'm going to move. 当我看到这张图片的时候总是哭。 I always cry when I see this picture. I always cry when I see this picture. Tsängxshiq kä yüräyuz ria rätawx. They were swimming. [ In German ] That's right. 天太冷了,以至于没人想去外面。 It was so cold that no one wanted to go outside. It's too cold, so no one wants to go outside. 你確定你沒有忘記什麼嗎? Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? 游戏结束。 The game finished. Game over. 「有冇見過我部電話呀?」「咪喺張枱度囉!」 "Seen my cell phone?" "On the table!" "Have you seen my phone?" Ümznäq yamlai bawmx mäq li räqräq ävaiq maix. Thatox-ebaq nä bawmx vätarü kä ämärenx siix. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. [ In German ] Thatox-ebaq nostalgia is no more than an espresso. 打了這針,你就不會那麼痛了。 This shot will help numb the pain. That's why you won't hurt that much. Ngiz kawfi nyängx mäx ämawng nä nyäp vaz kängx. I come inside to drink coffee. If you're looking at an old man, he's not going anywhere. Iz-yäm kä lux hiax nä. My house is far away. [ In German ] See you soon. 她奇怪地看了我一眼。 She gave me a strange look. She looked at me strangely. 她把她的房间指给我看了。 She showed me her room. She showed me her room. မင်းဥယျာဉ်ထဲက နှင်းဆီပန်းတွေ ဘယ်တော့ပွင့်မှာလဲ When will the roses in your garden bloom? Why don't the flowers come out of your garden? 你衬衣的纽扣快掉了。 Your shirt button is coming off. Your shirt's about to fall off. 這個男孩從窗戶進去了。 The boy got in through the window. The boy went through the window. 這封信必須用英文寫嗎? Does this letter have to be written in English? Does this letter have to be written in English? 我不得不一整天都待在床上。 I have to stay in bed all day. I had to stay in bed all day. 为什么他生气? Why is he angry? Why is he angry? 网球是我最喜欢的运动。 Tennis is my favorite sport. tennis is my favorite sport. 我觉得你是时候该懂事了。 I think it's time for you to grow up. I think you're time to get to know things. 約翰的法文比他的同學都來得好。 John is head and shoulders above any of his classmates in French. John's French is better than all his classmates. 你喜歡英語嗎? Do you like English? Do you like English? 医生在给病人看病。 The doctor was giving a patient a checkup. Doctors are treating patients. 我請他在這裡等。 I asked him to wait here. I asked him to wait here. 我們有信心獲勝。 We are confident of victory. We have faith in winning. Sun nä yamlai väx? What is in the garden? I don't know. 那位求職者能勝任工作嗎? Does the applicant have suitable abilities to carry out the job? Can the job seeker succeed? 她很漂亮,聪明,并且最重要的是,她有一颗善良的心。 She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. She's beautiful, smart and, most importantly, she has a good heart. 我俯身撿起了掉在地上的筆。 I bent over to pick up my pen which had fallen on the floor. I picked up the pen that fell on the ground. 我哋會考慮到你嘅情感。 We'll take your feelings into account. I'll think about your feelings. 我听到这个很开心。 I'm glad to hear that. I heard this was fun. 不是因为读者对某本书不感兴趣,这本书就肯定是有问题的了。 Just because a certain book does not interest readers does not mean that the fault lies in the book. Not because readers are not interested in a book, it must be a problem. 每周六鲍勃在杂货店做店员。 Bob worked as a clerk in the grocery store on Saturday. Saturday Bob works as a shopkeeper at the grocery store. 她經常上學遲到。 She was often late for school. She's always late for school. 我剛剛去了我叔叔家。 I've just been to my uncle's house. I just went to my uncle's house. 有時我會跟她打網球。 I sometimes play tennis with her. Sometimes I play tennis with her. 愛是什麼? What is love? What is love? Naiyumz naiyix räläq. Smile. Let's get out of here. 我再也不相信他了。 I do not trust him any longer. I don't believe him anymore. 汤姆看来难缠。 Tom seems tough. Tom seems to be in trouble. 没有对外语的认识,你永远无法理解外国人的沉默。 Being unfamiliar with foreign languages, you'll never be able to understand the foreigner's silence. Without knowledge of foreign languages, you will never be able to understand the silence of foreigners. 在郊区很安静。。。 It's quiet in the suburbs... It's quiet in the suburb. 未经许可,我不能喝酒。 I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. I can't drink without permission. 我肯定玛丽会做得很好。 I'm sure that Mary will do very well. I'm sure Mary will do well. 送比萨的人还没来。 The pizza delivery guy hasn't come by yet. The pizza sender hasn't arrived yet. 要是你老打游戏的话,你的视力会下降的。 You're going to wreck your eyesight if you play games all the time. If you play the game, your vision will fall. 我没有认出来他们。 I did not recognise them. I didn't recognize them. 你钱或者信用卡带来没有? Did you bring cash or your credit card with you? Did you bring any money or credit cards? 她知道您的電話號碼嗎? Does she know your telephone number? Does she know your number? 用英文寫情書是不容易的。 To write a love letter in English is not easy. It's not easy to write love letters in English. 我們很節省地旅行。 We are traveling on a tight budget. We're on a very provincial trip. 我們討論那個問題討論了很久。 We discussed the problem for a long time. We discussed that issue for a long time. 我聽到車站外的人群中有人在叫我的名字。 I heard someone in the crowd outside the station call my name. I heard that some of the people outside the station are calling my name. 這種種類的蝴蝶已經絕種了。 This species of butterfly has already gone extinct. This kind of butterfly is out of order. 文章的发表被预定在教授生日那天。 Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The publication of the article is scheduled for the day of the professor ' s birthday. 汤姆把他的夹克挂在大厅衣柜里。 Tom hung his jacket in the hall closet. Tom hangs his jacket in the lobby closet. Tsängxshiq räq naizshiq mäx laüx tawx. They lied to us. [ In German ] See if you can find out. 你最喜欢哪一种酸奶。 What sort of yogurt do you like best? What's your favorite form of sour milk? 我不喜欢这个操作系统的页面。 I didn't like the interface of that operating system. I don't like the page of this operating system. ཁོང་སྲིད་འཛིན་སྒོ་འབྱེད་བྱེད་སོང་། He was inaugurated as President. Oh, I'm sure we're all ready. 我给你钱。 I'll give you money. I'll give you money. 电话运营商提示来电人等候接通。 The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made. The telephone operator indicated that the telegraphs were waiting for access. 他因為發燒而滿臉通紅。 Fever flushed his cheeks. His face was red because of the fever. 我被迫吃了藥。 I was forced to take medicine. I was forced to take pills. 她留了很多钱给她儿子。 She left her son a lot of money. She left a lot of money for her son. 有人正在彈鋼琴。 Somebody is playing the piano. Somebody's playing the piano. 湯姆和我現在在澳洲。 Tom and I are in Australia now. Tom and I are in Australia right now. 我想吃奶酪。 I want to eat the cheese. I want cheese. Ngiz kä yäm nä liiz. I am at home. Just a second. 我独自待在教室里。 I was alone in the classroom. I'm alone in the classroom. 第二天早上,狄馬從垃圾箱裏走了出來,但卻發現自己全身的衣服都沾上了垃圾的臭味。 The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima walked out of the dumpster, but found his clothes covered with garbage. 我给我姐姐一个洋娃娃。 I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. 语法是很复杂的。 Grammar is a very complex thing. The syntax is complicated. 這張照片真漂亮! What a beautiful picture! This is a beautiful picture! 他是作家,還是政治人物。 He is an author and a politician. He's a writer, or a politician. 汤姆在一家快餐店工作。 Tom works at a fast-food restaurant. Tom works at a diner. 我有几个朋友在国外。 I have some friends abroad. I have friends abroad. 我赚钱养家。 I sustain my family. I make a living. 这是对的。 It's true. That's right. 他把對手擊倒了。 He knocked his opponent out. He knocked the opponent down. 现在我自由了。 Now I am free. Now I'm free. Inä, yaqlawsez. Excuse me. All right, let's go. 给予汤姆一些你力所能及的帮助。 Give Tom any help you can. Give Tom some help you can. Ümznäq kä koizlaz diax mänäx. You are very brave. [ In German ] See if you can find out. Ädzaix vanx nawx. They were dying. Oh, dzaix vanx nawx. 德国人诡计多端。 The Germans are very crafty. The Germans have a lot to do with it. 當我們在做愛的時候,她看起來很厭煩。 She looked bored while we were making love. When we were having sex, she looked tired. ထောမ်က အရမ်းဆိုးတဲ့ ကောင်။ Tom's a very bad guy. It’s not easy to be a good person, but it’s a good thing. ” 或许是因为他有胡子而让他乍看之下很可怕,其实他是个非常好的人。 Possibly because he's got a beard, he looks scary at first glance but he's really a kind man. Maybe it's because he has a beard that scares him, actually he's a very good man. 狗和猫你更喜欢哪一个? Which do you prefer, dogs or cats? What more do you like about dogs and cats? 密碼是「Muiriel」。 The password is "Muiriel". The password is Muiriel. 这个说法一下子就流行开来了。 This saying suddenly became popular. That's what it's all about. 我知道你不想跟我说话。 I know you don't want to talk to me. I know you don't want to talk to me. Ngiz iz-noztoz mawngz nä niix tädzäk täkängx. I am taking a rest in my car. This is not the first time we've seen each other. Ümznäq äkawnx rawx shäx? Do you want to sleep? Is there anything I can do about it? 老師很容易對學生發脾氣。 The teacher easily loses his temper with the students. Teachers are easily angry with students. 走快一點,不然你會錯過火車。 Walk faster, or you'll miss the train. Go faster or you'll miss the train. 你想死在這裡嗎? Do you want to die here? Do you want to die here? 但我想要一部車。 But I want a car. But I want a car. 我希望能再見到你。 I hope to see you again. I wish I could see you again. ချစ်ခြင်း ရော မုန်းခြင်း ရော က သိပ် အားကြီးတဲ့ ခံစားချက်တွေ ပဲ။ Love and hate are both strong emotions. Love and hatred are very strong feelings. 這全都是假新聞。 It's all fake news. It's all fake news. 下个月就要进行硕士论文答辩了。 The defense of the master thesis is just happening next month. The Master's paper will be answered next month. 我覺得他不能幫你。 I don't think he can help you. I don't think he can help you. 不要边走边看书。 Do not read while walking. Don't walk around and read. 我是个学生。 I am a student. I'm a student. 我叔叔讓我擔任翻譯。 My uncle made me serve as interpreter. My uncle made me translate. 我很爱你,妈妈! I love you so much, Mom! I love you so much, Mom! 這次是真心話。 This time, I really mean it. This time it's true. 我沒有夥伴。 I don't have a partner. I don't have a partner. 佢做咩無嚟到嘅? What prevented him from coming? You're not here? 我们做个蛋糕吧。 Let's make a cake. Let's make a cake. 他說你最好去。 He said that you had better go. He said you'd better go. 我在打棒球。 I'm playing baseball. I'm playing baseball. ငါ တွမ် ကို ပြောရာ တစ်ခုခု ရှိတယ်။ I need to say something to Tom. I've got something to say to me. Tom 和 John 是好朋友。 Tom and John are good friends. Tom and John were good friends. 你是不是老师? Are you a teacher? Are you a teacher? 那是例外。 That's an exception. That's an exception. 拨我一张白纸。 Give me a white piece of paper. Give me a white paper. Tatoeba:比起没有句子,没有感觉更好。 Tatoeba: Better to make no sense than no sentence! Tatoeba: Nothing better than having no sentence. 我認為我們己經同意了。 I thought we had agreed on this. I think we agreed. 我都唔係好肯定。 I'm not sure of it either. I'm not so sure. 那对你来说应该不难。 That shouldn't be hard for you. That shouldn't be hard for you. 這兩天我沒時間洗碗,現在廚房已經堆滿了碗碗碟碟。 I haven't had time to do the dishes for two days; they are in a pile in the kitchen sink. I don't have time for these two days to wash the dishes, and now the kitchen is full of bowl dishes. 非方矩阵的逆阵是一个危险的东西。 The inverse of a non-square matrix is a dangerous thing. The turbulence is a dangerous thing. 我想学阿拉伯语。 I want to learn Arabic. I want to learn Arabic. 我走一步算一步吧。 I'll see as I walk along. I'll take a step. 我啲龍喺邊度呀? Where are my dragons? Do I have dragons on the edge? 晚饭后我听收音机。 I listen to the radio after dinner. I heard the radio after dinner. 你肯定认为我傻。 You must think I'm stupid. You sure think I'm stupid. 我一得到一大笔钱就捐一部分给慈善机构。 Whenever I get a large sum of money, I donate some of it to charity. As soon as I got a lot of money, I gave some to a charity. 他是個糟糕的司機。 He is a bad driver. He's a bad driver. 价钱是二十五元五毛。 The price is 20.5 yuan. The price is $25.50. 那种鞋子用来登山是不行的。 Those shoes won't do for climbing. Those shoes can't be used to climb mountains. မင်း အခုထိ မသွား သေးဘူးလား၊ ဟုတ်ရဲ့လား။ You aren't going out now, are you? Aren't you going so far? Is that right? 我昨晚睡得很好。 I had a good sleep last night. I slept very well last night. 你们家去北海道旅游是真的么?我羡慕你。 Is it true that your family will travel in Hokkaido? I envy you. Is it true that your family travels to the North Seas? I envy you. 昨晚我的自行车被偷了。 My bike was stolen last night. My bike was stolen last night. 我的祖父活到九十歲。 My grandfather lived to be 90 years old. My grandfather lived nineteen years. 還有兩個星期就到聖誕節了。 Christmas is just two weeks from now. There are two more weeks to Christmas. 呢個音應該諗做sharp 15,而唔係flat 9。 This note is better construed as a sharp fifteenth rather than a flat ninth. The sound should be sharp 15 instead of flat 9. Ümz-cyawng kä ümrä baz nä väx? Where is your school? I don't know. 这位老师用试验论证了这个想法。 The teacher demonstrated the idea with an experiment. The teacher proved the idea with tests. ဒါက အမှား တစ်ခု ဆိုတာ အတော့်ကို ကျွန်တော် သေချာ နေပြီ။ I'm fairly certain that it's a bug. I am sure that this is one error. 她站在镜子前。 She stood before the mirror. She's standing in front of the mirror. Thawmz räq tähawx bawmxhuk kärä diix lawt mäk diax. Tom couldn't decode the secret message. You're right, you're wrong. 我喜歡和你在一起。 I like to be with you. I like to be with you. 有可能將電腦工作擴展到銀行業務, 會計業務等等。 It's possible to branch out from computing to jobs in banking, accountancy and so on. It might be possible to expand computer work to banking, account for business, etc. 我十點之前就會煮好飯㗎喇。 I'll have the meal ready by 10 o'clock. I'll cook dinner by 10:00. 他慢慢地啜飲熱咖啡。 He sipped the hot coffee slowly. He's slowly drinking hot coffee. 今天是一個在海灘上跑步的好日子。 Today is a good day for taking a walk on the beach. Today is a good day to run on the beach. 我不确定,但我认为我知道要去哪里。 I'm not sure, but I think I know where to go. I'm not sure, but I think I know where to go. 天氣咁熱,要戴返頂帽先好出街呀。 Don't go out in this heat with a bare head. It's so hot and it's better to get back on the hat. 我發現了一隻翅膀受了重傷的鳥兒。 I found a bird whose wing was severely damaged. I found a winged bird. 雄辯如銀,沉默如金。 Speech is silver, but silence is golden. Absent as silver, silent as gold. 我鼓励学生们更努力地学习。 I inspired my students to work harder. I encourage students to work harder to learn. 馬尼拉在哪裡? Where is Manila? Where's Manila? 無徼幸矣。 There is no hope. No, I'm glad you're here. 我今天有輕微的頭痛。 I have a slight headache today. I have a slight headache today. 侬最欢喜啊里个绕口令? What's your favorite tongue twister? What's so funny about it? 箱子残破。 The box is broken. The box's broken. 要是去北京的话,一定要看一下天安门广场。 If you go to Beijing, definitely have a look at Tiananmen Square. If you're going to Beijing, you're gonna have to take a look. 在我们公司每月都会举办社团活动。 Every month at our company, they run a community activity. Associations are organized every month in our company. 这个犯罪和我一点关系都没有。 I have nothing to do with this crime. This crime has nothing to do with me. 他故意射偏, 因为不想射死我。 He missed on purpose so as not to kill me. He didn't mean to shoot me, because he didn't want to shoot me. 湯姆突然看起來在擔心。 Tom suddenly looked concerned. Tom suddenly seemed worried. 佢手車好屎。 He's a shitty driver. He's a piece of shit. 伊拿自家个皮夹子落了地浪向,现在是我个了。 He dropped his wallet, and now it's mine. Ena's own wallet fell off the ground, and now it's me. 你爸爸什麼時候回家? When did your father come home? When's your dad coming home? 我可以为你调杯热饮料吗? Can I fix you a hot drink? Can I get you a hot drink? 汤姆说他不知道要做什么。 Tom says he didn't know what to do. Tom says he doesn't know what to do. Ümznäq kä maiq vätarü räq cyawng rat täläq Thawmz irä nguztä tämaz täkängx. I assume you're the Tom everybody's been telling me about. If there's a chance to find out where you're going, there'll be a chance. 你也不是省油灯。 You're no prize yourself. You're not saving the light either. 他高興地笑了起來。 He grinned with delight. He was happy to laugh. 明天要下雪。 It'll snow tomorrow. It's snowing tomorrow. 他經常出國洽商。 He often goes abroad on business. He's been on national contacts a lot. 没有人要去找你。 No one's going to find you. No one's going to look for you. Vaz räx, ngiz raix vänumz i! Come and dance with me! Stop it, stop it, stop it! 他一直都说话算话。 He was always as good as his word. He's always been talking. 让我们享受这平静和安宁。 Let's just enjoy this peace and quiet. Let's enjoy this calm and quiet. 從清晨開始一直下雨。 It's been raining since early morning. It has rained since the morning. ငါလည်း အဲ့လိုပဲ ခံစားမိတယ်။ I also feel the same way. I feel the same way. 我哋買咩俾佢做生日禮物好呀? What shall we buy him for his birthday? Why don't I buy it for my birthday? 前天發生了火災。 A fire broke out the day before yesterday. There was a fire the other day. 老少人搿能认为。 Few people think so. Young man, you can think. Datch bawmx mäq XXX kä yamkhäx väx nguz täläq? How do you say XXX in Dutch? Is there something wrong with that? 這不是我點的食物。 This isn't what I ordered. It's not my food. 那么,这次发生了什么? So, what happened this time? So, what happened this time? 鳳凰城是亞利桑那州的首府。 Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix City is the capital of Arizona. 我不能相信汤姆要结婚了。 I can't believe Tom is getting married. I can't believe Tom's getting married. 他是我们队上最优秀的选手。 He is the best player on our team. He's the best artist on our team. 我咩事呀?我喺咪喪失緊自己嘅性格? What is happening to me? Am I losing my personality? What's wrong with me? I'm losing my character? 我先想跟你见个面。 I want to see you first. I'd like to meet you first. 他雖然有許多缺點,但卻很受人歡迎。 Despite all his faults he is popular. Despite many shortcomings, he was popular. 他們為他們的嬰兒命名為珍。 They named their baby Jane. They named their baby Jane. 这个问题不简单。 This question isn't easy. This is not a simple question. 湯姆需要很小心。 Tom needs to be very careful. Tom needs to be careful. Bob是我朋友。 Bob is my friend. Bob's a friend. 他昨天在公園裡散步。 He walked in the park yesterday. He took a walk in the park yesterday. 雖然我很累,但是我已經做了我能做的了。 Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do. I'm tired, but I've done what I can. 這本書很實用,而且價錢也很相宜。 This is a useful book and, what is more, it is not expensive. The book is very practical and the price is appropriate. 他們沒死。 They aren't dead. They're not dead. 先谢谢了。 Thanks in advance. Thank you. 他有个很有意思但很费功夫的工作。 He has an interesting job but it requires a lot of skill. He's got a very interesting but expensive job. 她英语成绩很好。 Her grade in English was very good. She's good in English. 我们已经开了一整夜的派对了。 We've already partied all night. We've been having a party all night. 少一把刀。 There is a knife missing. A little knife. 你可以把你的袋子留在這裡。 You may leave your bag here. You can leave your bag here. 這口井裡沒有水。 There was no water in the well. There's no water in this well. 因為車子壞了,他們只好步行。 The car broke down, so they had to walk. Because the car broke, they had to walk. 她的缺点让我更爱她。 I love her all the more for her faults. Her shortcomings make me love her more. 他保持現在這種速度溫習的話,考試合格絕對沒問題。 He is sure to pass the exam if he studies at this rate. If he maintains his current temperature at this rate, there is absolutely no problem with qualifications. 当我无家可归的时候,我常在那张长椅上睡觉。 I often slept on that bench when I was homeless. When I was homeless, I often slept on that bench. Thawmz kä yai nä yamlai kälawz cyängz väx säp mäk Tom didn't know what to do next. ♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪ 我比你帅。 I am more handsome than you. I'm better than you. 她很漂亮。 She's pretty. She's beautiful. 請你不要不敲門就進來。 Please don't enter the room without knocking. Please don't knock or come in. 曾經有一個意外。 There's been an accident. There was an accident. ཏོམ་པགས་པ་ནག་པོ་འདུག། Tom has dark skin. Dark Cork. 有奶便是娘 If it gives milk, then its your mother. It's your mother's daisy. Ümzcyaüx ümzcyu naxrix nawx väx? What time is it now? I don't know. I don't know. 我搵緊眼鏡呀。 I'm looking for my glasses. I'm looking for glasses. 我要一杯冰红茶。 I want a cup of iced-tea. I'll have an iced tea. Khawqriiq äyawng rähumx täkaix väx. Nice to meet you. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 湯姆最近變瘦了。 Tom has lost weight recently. Tom's been skinny lately. 生氣的時候,由一數到十;若氣得不得了,就數到一百。 When angry, count ten; when very angry, a hundred. And when they are angry, they are numbered from one to ten, and if they don't get angry, they are counted to one hundred. 这份报纸是免费的。 This newspaper is free. The paper is free. 没人试图帮汤姆。 Nobody tried to help Tom. Nobody's trying to help Tom. 小姐!我觉得不舒服。 Miss! I feel sick. I'm not feeling well. 她會打鼓。 She can play the drum. She'll play drums. 杰克是我的一個朋友。 Jack is one of my friends. Jack's a friend of mine. 唔好意思呀,我唔小心拆咗你封信。 I'm sorry I opened your mail by mistake. I didn't mean to, I broke your letter. Kixlü senztax dzüx tai maüx shäx? Didn't you hear the doorbell? I don't know. 她会说中文,却不会说普通话。 She can speak a type of Chinese, but she can't speak Mandarin. She speaks Chinese but doesn't speak ordinary. 那只鳥是死還是活的? Is the bird alive or dead? Is that bird dead or alive? 下周一开学。 School starts next Monday. Next Monday. Thawmz kä ähia viq vez läx. Tom is a very nice boy. The next time you're there. 他的眼里流出了泪水。 Tears fell from his eyes. His eyes came out of tears. Ngiz kärä laq baiq namz. I nearly forgot it. The next day, please. 你应该带护照去银行。 You should bring your passport to the bank. You should take a passport to the bank. 这本书有精美的插图。 This book is beautifully illustrated. The book has excellent illustrations. 为什么我们应该要帮助? Why should we help? Why should we help? 我成晚都聽到隻狗喺到吠。 I could hear the dog barking all night long. I heard a dog on the floor all night long. 我父母不让我和男生约会。 My parents won't let me go out with boys. My parents don't let me date boys. 我觉得他不在家。 I think he is not home. I don't think he's home. 换句话说,他就背叛了我们。 In other words, he betrayed us. In other words, he betrayed us. 天空飘的云很美。 The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful. It's beautiful in the sky. 但是他很幸運。 But he was lucky. But he's lucky. Ngiz räq tämaz kä Thawmz räq yamlai väx kälawz täläq kä äthuk diax. I think what Tom is doing is great. The next time you're there, the next time you're there. 我是在二十三歲的時候畫這幅畫的。 When I painted this picture, I was 23 years old. I drew this painting when I was 23 years old. 侬勿应该垃海搿搭吃饭。 You shouldn't eat here. I don't know what to do, I don't want to eat, I don't want to eat. 他们收养了那个小女孩。 They adopted the little girl. They adopted the little girl. 我間唔中都幾鍾意騎吓馬咁㗎。 I like to ride a horse now and then. I didn't even want to ride a horse in a few hours. 我的牙很痛。 I have a toothache. My teeth hurt. 我每天都會花一小時來學英文。 I study English an hour every day. I'll spend an hour in English every day. 不要取笑人。 Don't make fun of people. Don't make fun of people. 你去过九州吗? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you ever been to Nine States? 你觉得我在干吗呢? What do you think I was doing? What do you think I'm doing? Ümznäq äkhing rawx shäx? Do you want to rest? I don't know. 我今天早上不想散步。 I don't feel like taking a walk this morning. I don't want to take a walk this morning. 今天我来请客。 It's my treat today. I'm here for you today. 她买了新手套。 She bought new gloves. She bought a new glove. 我們打牌玩得很開心。 We had a good time playing cards. We had fun playing cards. 在那邊游泳的男孩是誰? Who's the boy that's swimming over there? Who's the boy who swims over there? 你愛上了我嗎? You've fallen in love with me? Are you in love with me? Kiqkap yawx! Goodbye! Kiqkap yowx! 你可能比你想的更聪明。 You're probably smarter than you think. You might be smarter than you think. 我哥哥是一名教師。 My older brother is a teacher. My brother was a teacher. 服务器有点儿慢。 The server is a bit slow. The server's a bit slow. 教堂位于山脚。 The church is at the foot of a mountain. The church is in the foot of the mountain. 他把出发推时到明天了。 He has postponed his departure until tomorrow. He's pushing his way up till tomorrow. 他不情愿地启动引擎开车走了。 Reluctantly, he started the engine and drove off. He didn't want to start the engine. 你得等一等看。 You will have to wait and see. You have to wait and see. 偶尔偷偷地去想这个问题,还是很有意思的。 Sometimes it's fun to creep yourself out thinking about it. Sometimes it's interesting to think about it. ထောမ်က စကားအရမ်းပြောတယ်။ Tom is very chatty. I don't know what I'm talking about. 我穿著我的睡衣吃早餐。 I ate breakfast in my pajamas. I'm wearing my nightgown for breakfast. 我同意您的意見。 I agree with your opinion. I agree with you. 火是非常危險的。 Fire is always dangerous. Fire is very dangerous. 他們怕這隻大狗。 They were afraid of the big dog. They're afraid of the big dog. 让我们马上讨论这个问题吧。 Let's discuss the matter right now. Let's talk about this right now. 你好。 Hello! Hello. 据说《哈姆雷特》是写出来的最有意思的剧本。 It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. "Hamret" is said to be the most interesting script written. 你母親在家嗎? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? 他有強烈的責任感。 He has a strong sense of responsibility. He has a strong sense of responsibility. 我想吃點新鮮的魚。 I want to eat fresh fish. I want some fresh fish. 我很高兴见到他。 I was happy to see him. I'm glad to see him. 他在交通意外中受了傷。 He was injured in a traffic accident. He was injured in a traffic accident. 我有一点困惑了。 I'm a little confused. I'm a little confused. 今天我也会努力的。 I'll try my best today, too. I'll do my best today. Ngiz kä cyawngmang. I'm a student. I'll be right back. 我除了星期天外每天都上班。 I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sunday. 我没跟汤姆结婚。 I'm not married to Tom. I didn't marry Tom. 我不想长大。 I don't want to grow up. I don't want to grow up. 他開車去辦公室。 He goes to the office by car. He's driving to his office. 我要一夸脫的牛奶。 I want a quart of milk. I'm gonna take a drop of milk. 我要這項工作在五點前完成。 I want this work finished by five. I want to finish by 5:00. 你有心脏病。 You have heart disease. You have a heart attack. 他准会忘。 He's bound to forget. He's gonna forget. 皇后的后冠是用黃金鑄成的。 The Queen's crown was made of gold. The queen's crown is made of gold. 如果我是你,我就不做那件事。 If I were you, I wouldn't do it. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. 麻烦给我点晕机药。 Please bring me some medicine for airsickness. Please give me a little smoky medicine. 我洗澡了。 I showered. I'm taking a shower. 他們在紐西蘭講英語。 They speak English in New Zealand. They speak English in New Zealand. 你还是去看病吧。 You'd better see a doctor. You better go see the sick. 老人在駱駝的背上放上了一個個裝滿了沙的袋子。 The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand. The old man put a bag full of sand on his back. 佢都廿歲喇,但係都仲係唔夠膽同女仔傾計。 Even though he has turned twenty, he's still too timid to chat with girls. He is now 20 years old and is less willing to listen. 關於這件事,我必須負上責任。 In relation to this, I am to blame. I have to bear responsibility for this. 不错。 Not bad. Nice. 我们把他称为“臭鼬人”。 We call him "Skunk Man". We call him the "Small Man." Ngiz ävänumz rawx. I want to dance. Get in the car. 那就是汤姆想要的。 That's what Tom requested. That's what Tom wants. 他恢复了意识,还能开口说话了。 He regained consciousness and was able to talk. He's conscious and he can talk. ခင်ဗျား ရဲ့ ဂရုမစိုက်မှု့ တွေကြောင့်သာ ဒီလိုမျိုးတွေ ဖြစ်ပျက်ခဲ့ ရတာ။ The reason that happened was because you weren't careful. That’s what happened to your attention, and that’s what happened to you. 你為什麼不聽我的忠告? Why didn't you follow my advice? Why don't you listen to my advice? 她非常了解汉字。 She knows the Chinese characters very well. She knows Chinese very well. འདིར་རྐྱལ་རྒྱབ་ཆོག་གི་མ་རེད། Swimming is prohibited here. Reboot is not a suitable boot disk. 睡好,迪米。 Sleep well, Timmy. Sleep tight, Dimmy. 全速前進! Move forward at full speed! Full speed! 我们为表演者鼓掌。 We gave the performer a clap. We applaud the performers. 其他人的期望會影響我們的行為。 Other people's expectations affect how we behave. The hope of others will affect our actions. 一張卡片被附在了禮物上。 A card was attached to the gift. A card was attached to a gift. 我不知道我們什麼時候可以吃。 When can we eat, I wonder. I don't know when we can eat. 他有权出入美国大使馆。 He has access to the American Embassy. He has the right to enter and leave the United States Embassy. 我能在哪裡洗澡? Where can I take a bath? Where can I take a shower? Ümz-sak ümzcyu väx? How old are you? I don't know. 你很快就會習慣新工作了。 You'll soon get accustomed to the work. You'll get used to new jobs soon. 他朝着狗扔了块石头。 He threw a stone at the dog. He threw stones at a dog. 你有什么问题? What's your problem? What's your problem? 王兄,你现在在做什么生意了? Mr. Wang, what kind of business are you engaged in? Brother, what business are you doing now? Ngiz kä äyuz rawx täkängx. I like running. Get in the car, get in the car. 我们在机场为她送行。 We saw her off at the airport. We're sending her off at the airport. 尽管有金钱和名誉,他还是不幸福。 Even with all his wealth and fame, he's unhappy. Despite his money and reputation, he was not happy. 这些工具是用来造房子的。 These tools are used for building a house. These tools are for building houses. 我们尝试达到标准。 We tried to come up to the standard. We're trying to meet the standards. 你为什么那么高兴? Why are you so happy? Why are you so happy? 玩这些电脑游戏要反应灵敏。 You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. Play these computer games to respond to the mindset. 他将协助这个计划。 He will assist this project. He will assist the plan. 当幸福来敲门的时候。 When happiness comes knocking at your door. When happiness comes to knock on the door, 你工作得太辛苦了。放輕鬆一下。 You are working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working too hard. Just relax. 我弄清楚她在哪儿了。 I found out where she was. I know where she is. 他受到學生的歡迎。 He's popular with the students. He was popular with the students. 我将要飞到波士顿去。 I'll be flying to Boston. I'm going to fly to Boston. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。 In me the tiger sniffs the rose. There's a tiger in the heart, babysitting. 佢好快就會嚟㗎喇。 He will come soon. He'll be here soon. 汤姆亲了玛丽脸颊。 Tom kissed Mary on the cheek. Tom kissed Mary's face. 請用鉛筆寫下你的名字。 Please use a pencil to write down your name. Please write your name on the pen. 她非常注意地看著他打開了珠寶盒。 She was all eyes as he opened the jewelry box. She looked very carefully at him and opened the jewel box. 他可能喜欢他的工作。 It may be that he likes his job. He might like his job. 科学和数学我都喜欢。 I like both science and math. Science and mathematics are my favorites. 我七岁时,我父亲去世了。 My father died when I was seven. My father died when I was seven. 我看見他洗車。 I saw him wash the car. I saw him wash his car. 你是有所有錢的人。 You're the one with all the money. You're with all the money. 别让他打到你。 Don't let him hit you. Don't let him hit you. 没关系,我可以等。 It's all right. I can wait. It's okay, I can wait. 你應該自己跟老師說。 You should talk to the teacher yourself. You should tell the teacher yourself. 我指望你了。 I am counting on you. I'm counting on you. 迪克講起話來好像他什麼都知道。 Dick talks as if he knew everything. Dick's talking like he knows everything. 酒的消费每年都在上升。 Alcohol consumption is increasing every year. The consumption of alcohol is rising every year. 來吧,讓我們來談談花。 Come on, let us talk about flowers. Come on, let's talk about flowers. 我有两辆车。 I had two cars. I've got two cars. 他沒有給我任何東西吃。 He didn't give me anything to eat. He didn't give me anything to eat. Ngiz raix vaz i. Come with me. Get out of there. 衛生紙用完了,我必須去買。 We're out of tissue paper, so I need to go buy some. It's done. I have to go get it. Ümznäq mängx yamkhäx väx? What is your name? Is there anything I can do about it? 我們知道會發生什麼。 We know what's going to happen. We know what's going to happen. 這水能喝嗎? Is it safe to drink this water? Can we drink this? 尽管下着雨,他还是出去了。 He went out in spite of the rain. He went out despite the rain. 食煙有害健康。 Smoking is harmful to health. It's harmful to health. 我有十只钢笔 I have ten pens. I have ten pens. 我在錯誤的車站下車。 I got off at the wrong station. I got off the wrong station. 过去我们每个周末都去溜冰。 We used to go skating every weekend. We've been skating every weekend. 得到他的幫助,我的工作現在很順利。 Thanks to his help, my work is going well now. With his help, my work is now working very well. 她上個月嫁給了湯姆。 She married Tom last month. She married Tom last month. 我希望你能长大。 I want you to grow up. I want you to grow up. 我们去看电影吧! Let’s go to the movies! Let's go to the movies! 这是因为你总是全身心处理每一件事情,没有让鸡毛蒜皮的问题分散了你的目标。 This is because you approach everything as a total person, with no loose ends hanging out to signify divided intentions. This is because you've always dealt with everything, and you don't let the problem of chicken fur divide you. 日本的夏天很热。 It is very hot in the summer in Japan. Japan's summer's hot. အဲ့ဒီ မနက် က တွမ်‌ ဂေါက် ရိုက် နေတယ်။ Tom was playing golf that morning. That morning, I was hit with a bullet. 我係食齋嘅。 I am a vegetarian. I'm a eater. 现在谈这件事还为时过早。 It's still too early to talk about this now. It is still too early to talk about it. 將近三點了。 It's nearly three o'clock. Almost 3:00. 你们是几位? How many of you are there? Who are you? 他的主意不足挂齿。 His proposal is not worth talking about. He's not getting enough ideas. 我想念伊。 I miss him. I miss him. 有一天这会让你遗憾的。 You will be sorry for it some day. One day it'll make you sorry. 我相信他是個能幹的人。 I'm sure he is a man of ability. I'm sure he's a capable man. 你出价多少? How much did you bid? How much do you offer? 怎么样? How? How's it going? 你们 班 有 韩国 学生 吗 ? Are there any students from Korea in your class? Do you guys have Korean students? 随着时间的推移,比赛增加了规则以使之更安全。 As time went on, rules were added to the game to make it safer. Over time, the race has added its rules to make it safer. 你有沒有發現動作片主角的子彈好像永遠都不會用完? Notice how the hero in an action flick never seems to run out of ammo? Have you ever noticed that a bullet from the main players of action seems never to be done? 汤姆坐在玛丽旁边。 Tom sat beside Mary. Tom sat next to Mary. 我在棋盤上把一個棋子在向前移動一步。 I moved a chess piece on the board one forward. I put a chess move forward on the board. 他的爸爸和媽媽都不在人世了。 Both his father and mother are dead. His dad and mom aren't here anymore. သူတို့ ရေကူးနေခဲ့ကြတယ်။ They were swimming. They're swimming. 我的朋友相信阴谋论,我该试着向他指出他错了吗? My friend believes conspiracy theories; should I try to prove him wrong? My friends believe in conspiracy. Should I try to tell him he's wrong? 在美国,由于投资者纷纷涌向包括黄金和美国国债在内的安全港,因此主要的股票价格指数在星期一一度下跌了3个百分点。 In the United States, the major stock market indices at one point were down three percentage points on Monday, as investors rushed to safe havens, including gold and U.S. Treasury bonds. In the United States, the major stock price index fell by three percentage points on Monday, owing to the influx of investors to safe ports, including gold and United States national debt. Thawmz kä yäm nä vax rawx shäx? Does Tom want to go home? I don't know. 昨晚你累了嗎? Were you tired last night? Did you get tired last night? 我想跟你叔叔談談。 I want to talk with your uncle. I want to talk to your uncle. 硫磺燃燒著藍色的火焰。 Sulfur burns with a blue flame. Sulphur is burning the blue flame. 我觉得今天会很热。 I think it will be hot today. I think it's gonna be hot today. 我不喜欢你。 I don't like you. I don't like you. 這是因為日本人和美國人對禮貌的觀念有所不同。 This is because of the difference between Japanese politeness and American politeness. This is because Japanese and Americans have different views of courtesy. 关于网站的新设计,我们乐于接受任何建议。 We are open to all suggestions regarding the new design of the website. With regard to the new design of the website, we are open to any recommendation. 唔好喺度亂噏廿四! Don't speak nonsense! I don't have to do this. I don't want to do this. 凱特的臉色這麼差,一定是生病了。 Kate must be sick, for she looks pale. Kate's face is so bad, it must be sick. 沒,我什麼都沒在吃。 Nothing, I'm not eating anything right now. No, I'm not eating anything. 你确定这就是你想要的吗? Are you certain this is what you want? Are you sure this is what you want? 我经常听音乐。 I have often listened to the music. I listen to music a lot. 要飛幾耐㗎? How long is the flight? How long do you want to fly? 你应该来访问我们! You should come visit us! You should've come to visit us! 您在忙吗? Are you busy? Are you busy? “我必须检查下伤口,”医生说道。 "I need to inspect the wound," said the doctor. “I have to check the wound,” the doctor said. 我返緊屋企嗰陣撞到佢。 On my way home, I met him. I ran into him while I was at home. 可是这不是最后一班火车,对吧? But that's not the last train, right? But it's not the last train, is it? 请进。 Do come in, please. Come in. 因为你我们才迟了。 It's because of you that we were late. Because you're late. 进来之前请敲门。 Please knock before you come in. Please knock on the door before you come in. 他患了重感冒。 He is suffering from a bad cold in the nose. He's got a cold. Kärä kä ngiz diax ra raix kängx. That was naive of me. If you don't mind, you can go back in time. 你似乎没有明白他们的意图。 You don't seem to understand their good intentions. You don't seem to understand their intentions. 我在想你今天会不会来。 I was wondering if you were going to show up today. I was wondering if you'd come today. མོའི་ལག་པ་ལ་ཅི་ཞིག་འདུག། She has something in her hand. What is your name next to your system? 英語對我來說並不容易。 As far as I'm concerned, English is not easy. English is not easy for me. 他去和他的表弟待在一起了。 He went to stay with his cousin. He went to stay with his cousin. 你收到這封信可能會有點驚訝。 You may be surprised to receive this letter. You may be surprised to receive this letter. 多麼強的風啊! What a strong wind! What a powerful wind! 64位的软件在32位架构的系统上跑不起来。 Sixty-four-bit software will not run on 32-bit architecture. 64 softwares can't get off the system of 32 structures. 我今天有空。 I'm free today. I'm free today. 原版很好,然而葡萄牙语译文有误。 The original edition is great, but the Portuguese translation contains errors. The original version was good, but the Portuguese translation was wrong. 我希望我再年輕一次。 I wish I was young again. I hope I'm young again. Tom達唔到Mary嘅期望。 Tom couldn't live up to Mary's expectations. Tom reached Mary's expectations. 你好快就會學識游水㗎喇。 You'll soon be able to swim. You'll soon learn to swim. 我们小时候,所有的一切对我们来说都显得那么大。。。 When we're children, everything around us looks so big. When we were little, everything seemed so big for us. 我的綽號是“Itch。" My nickname is "Itch." My nickname is "Itch." CEO对结果非常失望。 The CEO is very disappointed with the result. The CEO is very disappointed in the outcome. 婴儿在睡觉。 The baby is sleeping. The baby's sleeping. 她擅長打網球。 She is good at playing tennis. She's good at tennis. 你真是自己造了这栋房子吗? Is it true that you built this house by yourself? Did you really build this house by yourself? Täyai hiax nawx. Ümznäq yäm nä kai cyängz nawx. It's late. You have to go home. There's no question about it, there's no way around anything. 请给我盐。 Pass me the salt. Please give me salt. 我觉得很热。 I am hot. I feel hot. ဒီလို ဖြစ်ပျက်ခဲ့တာ ဒါ ပထမ ဆုံး အကြိမ်ပဲ။ This is the first time this has happened. It's the first time that this happened. 您成家了吗? Are you married? Are you home? 他提出了幾個改變事物的方法。 He gave several examples of how we could change things. He proposed several ways to change things. 你别生我的气啊。 Don't get angry at me! Don't be mad at me. 她也許會來。 She might come. She might come. 沒有甚麼比看見動物被虐打更能惹起我的怒火。 Few things are more enraging to me than the sight of an animal being beaten. There is nothing more to provoke me than seeing animals being raped. 所有人都喝醉了,除了我。 Everyone was drunk, except me. Everybody's drunk, except me. 冷飲更佳。 Best served chilled. Cold drinks are better. Änap ranaiq ra mi mai shäx mai mäk väx kä äcyawngx mäx äha. It's hard to say what the weather will be like tomorrow. It's just that when you're out there, you'll have to go out and talk to her. 说法语对他来说很自然。 It comes natural to him to speak French. It's natural to say that French is for him. 你一個禮拜沖幾多次涼㗎? How often a week do you take a bath? How many times have you been in a week? 湯姆現在正在外面哭。 Tom is crying outside right now. Tom's crying outside now. 老師再次恢復健康了。 The teacher got quite well again. Once again, the teacher is in good health. Muirial kä äsak rawq naix nawx. Muiriel is 20 now. - What's that? 他在大學主修戲劇。 He majored in drama at college. He's building a major drama at the university. 这收音机不比火柴盒大。 This radio is no bigger than a matchbox. This radio isn't bigger than a matchbox. 你咳嗽了,最好帶一條圍巾。 You're coughing, better bring a scarf. You're coughing. You better bring a scarf. སེམས་ཅན་འདི་ཁྱད་མཚར་པོ་འདུག་ It's a very bizarre animal. My first contact's here and there's no cover available. 我的裙子比我姐姐多。 I have more dresses than my sister. My dress is more than my sister. 眼見為憑。 To see is to believe. It's a sign. 我肯定我沒見過她。 I was sure I had never seen her before. I'm sure I haven't seen her. 她的英文成績很好。 She got good grades in English. She did well in English. 個杯入面冇乜牛奶淨喇。 There's almost no milk left in the glass. There is no milk in one cup. 她很快地打開了信。 She opened the letter quickly. She opened the letter very quickly. Tom冇興趣。 Tom isn't interested. Tom's not interested. Tom係我呀哥。 Tom is my older brother. Tom is my brother. 我们很乐意帮你。 We're willing to help you. We're happy to help you. တွမ် က သူတို့ ရဲ့ အနမ်း တွေ ကို ထာဝရ တည်မြဲ စေချင် ခဲ့တာ။ Tom wished that their kiss would last forever. I wanted to keep their kiss forever, but I didn’t want to be a part of it. 我想見你哋經理。 I want to speak to your manager. I want to see your manager. 你喝咖啡嗎? Do you drink coffee? Do you have coffee? 我想我最好留在這裏。 I think I'd better stay here. I think I better stay here. 她接下来说你应该遵守你的承诺。 She continued that you should keep your promise. She then said that you should abide by your commitments. 这个俱乐部里有50个会员。 There are fifty members in this club. There are 50 members in this club. 你不會需要它。 You won't need it. You won't need it. 食物冷的。 The food is cold. The food's cold. 当他还是个学生时,他只去过迪厅一次。 When he was a student, he went to the disco only once. When he was a student, he only went to the disco once. 他来了。 He came. Here he comes. 不要虐待动物。 Don't be cruel to animals. Don't abuse animals. 数十人仍然失踪。 Dozens are still missing. Dozens of people are still missing. 係咪所有雀仔都識飛㗎? Can all birds fly? That's how all the sparrows know "fly"? Thawmz kä pyäoxläox mäk ngawx cyängz. Tom doesn't seem to be having fun. [ In German ] Thank you. 科学发明并不总是使世界变得更美好。 Scientific discoveries don't always make the world a better place. Scientific inventions do not always make the world a better place. 当然了。 Of course. Of course. 他的儿子有才能,但是考不上大学。 His son has talent, but cannot pass the college entrance exam. His son has talent, but he can't get into college. 我可以去洗手間嗎? May I go to the restroom? Can I go to the bathroom? 由此可見,英文已經不再是專屬英國人的語言了。 It shows that English is no longer the language only of the people of England. As can be seen, English is no longer a language of the British. 你應該認真考慮吓做蓋圖紋身師傅。 You should seriously consider a career as a tattoo cover-up artist. You should think seriously about freaking out as a tattoo teacher. 今天下午我會再見到你。 I'll see you again this afternoon. I'll see you this afternoon. 想再要一点蛋糕吗? Would you care for some more cake? Would you like another cake? 沒有人有勇氣跟他說。 Nobody had the courage to say it to him. No one has the courage to tell him. 她请了我吃晚饭。 She invited me to dinner. She invited me to dinner. 我会开车送你去机场。 I'll drive you to the airport. I'll drive you to the airport. 要是我死了,谁来照顾我的孩子们? Were I to die, who would look after my children? If I'm dead, who's gonna take care of my kids? 再試一次。 Try it once more. Try again. Ngiz äkai rawx. I want to go. That's what I'm talking about. 我一到伦敦就会给你留言的。 As soon as I get to London, I'll drop you a line. I'll send you a message as soon as I get to London. ငါ နင့်ကို ဖုန်း ခေါ်ဖို့ မေ့သွားခဲ့လို့ ငါ တောင်းပန် ပါတယ်။ I'm sorry that I forgot to call you. I beg you, I forgot to call you. 蓋我自己的房子超出了我的能力範圍。 It is beyond my power to build my own house. I build my own house beyond my capabilities. 他到底躲在甚麼地方呢? I wonder where he is hiding. Where the hell is he hiding? 請給我一杯茶。 I'd like some tea, please. Give me a cup of tea, please. 我相信辩论会继续进行。 I believe that the debate should be carried on. I believe that the debate will continue. 自然中没有什么是无用的。 Nothing in nature is useless. There's nothing to do with nature. 他額頭上的疤痕很醒目。 The scar on his forehead really stands out. He's got a lot of scars on his head. 你不明白。他会杀了你的。 You don't understand. He'll kill you. You don't understand. He'll kill you. 这个问题很容易回答。 It is easy to answer the question. The question is easy to answer. 深吸一口氣然後屏住氣。 Take a breath and hold it. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. 给我们弹一手。 Play us a tune. Give us a hand. 佢唔想係噉肥落去,所以咪戒食蛋糕囉。 She does not eat cake, so as not to put on any more weight. He doesn't want to get fat, so he's having his cake. Ümz-mängx tälawt liz kä yamkhäx väx? What's your full name? I don't know. 你怎么完成的? How did you accomplish this? How'd you do that? 我觉得汤姆有外遇。 I think Tom's cheating. I think Tom's having an affair. 這裏到車站約十分鐘路程。 It is about ten minutes' walk to the station. This is about ten minutes away from the station. 所監不遠,視邇所代。 What one cannot see is what is distant; instead, look at what is near. It's not far, it's the way it is, it's the way it is. 我觉得我这个星期要度假了。 I think I will take a vacation this week. I think I'm on vacation this week. 你在家里不说英语。 You don't speak English in your home. You don't speak English at home. 雖然她節食, 巧克力蛋糕仍然誘惑著她。 Even though she is dieting, the chocolate cake still tempts her. Despite her diet, chocolate cake still seduced her. 那棟房子是我的。 That house is mine. That house is mine. 我們想再來一瓶葡萄酒。 We'd like another bottle of wine. We want another bottle of wine. गोखरै फै। Come fast. It's okay, it's okay. 侬真是太好了。 That's very sweet of you. It's so good. 香港是一九九七年迴歸中國的。 Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997. Hong Kong is home to China in 1997 and is home to China. 誠實是他成功最重要的因素。 Honesty was the most important factor in his success. Honesty is the most important factor in his success. Ngiz pati nä kai cyängz. I should go to the party. I've never seen anything like it. 走開! Get away! Go away! 我们这里没有任何乘橇的人。 We don't have any sledders here. We don't have anybody in it. 我很快樂能參加你的派對。 I will be happy to attend your party. I'm happy to be at your party. 许多欧洲的大都市饱受“甜甜圈现象”困扰。 Many of Europe's metropolises are plagued by the doughnut phenomenon. Many of the cities in Europe are plagued by “the donut phenomenon”. 麥根沙士可算係一種經典嘅美式碳酸飲品。 Root beer is considered a classic American carbonated soft drink. Megan Sands are a classic American acid drinker. 佢唔單止靚女,仲好有才華添。 She was not merely beautiful, but also talented. He's not just a girl, he's got talent. 我知道自己是个累赘,你没必要反复提。 I know I'm a burden; you don't have to repeat it. I know I'm tired, you don't have to repeat. 看起來要下雪了,不是嗎? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Looks like it's going to snow, isn't it? 这条裙子就是玛丽昨天买的那条 That was the skirt that Mary bought yesterday. This dress was the one Mary bought yesterday. 我们有自己的问题要解决。 We have our own problems to solve. We have our own problems to resolve. 睇吓嗰座建築物。係咪廟嚟㗎? Look at that building. Is it a temple? See, it's all right. What's the building? 所有的參加者都得註冊。 All participants must be registered. All participants will have to register. 别担心。我们有大量水和食物。 Don't worry. We have plenty of water and food. Don't worry, we have lots of water and food. 我们点了中餐。 We ordered Chinese. We ordered Chinese. Ngiz kä ngam-ängiq phaq mängx. I am a vegetarian. When you get older, you get better. Maiq äpaz kaw kä humx vi mäk shaq li. Many people are still missing. I'll be right back. 夠腳開枱喇。 Now we have enough people to play mahjong. That's enough to open the horn. 书桌上一叠专业书里有几本卡通书混在里面。 There were some graphic novels mixed into the pile of specialty books on the desk. There are several cartoons mixed on the table. 我在學校前面等你。 I'll wait for you in front of the school. I'll wait for you before the school. 你买不来朋友,你只能交朋友。 You cannot buy friends, you can only make friends. You can't get friends, you can only make friends. 我們上星期天看了一場很有趣的電影。 We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We watched a fun movie last Sunday. 我將主修法文。 I am going to major in French. I'll build the French. 巴士司機有責任保護乘客的安全。 A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of passengers. 他说:“我五天前见过她。” "I saw her five days ago," he said. He said, "I saw her five days ago." 該走了。 It's time to go. Time to go. Ümznäq mäx ngiz ra vanx tawx. You needed me. I'm trying to get out of there right now. 侬脱Paula讲了啥物事啊? What did you say to Paula? What did Paula talk about? 当时进法国馆,有一种不用排队的办法,就是去吃法国馆里的食品,但是实在太贵了。 During this period, there was a way to get into the French clubhouse without standing in line: you had to eat the products inside, but it was really expensive. When we entered the French Embassy, there was a way to go and eat the food in the French Embassy, but it was too expensive. 我要和张先生、李先生谈谈。 I would like to have a discussion with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Li. I'd like to speak to Mr. Zhang Lee. 他們為他們的孩子命名為托馬斯。 They named their child Thomas. They named their children Thomas. 他拉著我走到了二樓。 He caught my hand and pulled me to the second floor. He pulled me to the second floor. 我們已經結婚五年了。 We've been married for five years. We've been married for five years. 他反對我們的計劃。 He objected to our plan. He's against our plan. 我好想知道佢個名。 I really want to know her name. I'd like to know his name. Ngiz räq tämaz kä ümznäq kä teng tawx ngawx cyängz. I think you're right. When you're old enough, you're old enough. 佢媽咪嚟接佢喇。 His mother came to pick him up. His mom's here to pick him up. 個鐘每日都會快五分鐘。 The clock gains five minutes a day. It's almost five minutes a day. 她不喜歡她的丈夫。 She didn't like her husband. She doesn't like her husband. 我想親吻你。 I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you. 我們急忙跑向火。 We raced toward the fire. We're in a hurry to the fire. 我想沉到海裏去,在這個世界上消失,這樣就不會再有人看見我了。 I want to submerge myself in the ocean depths, and to disappear there so as to never be seen again. I want to sink into the sea, disappear in the world, so no one will ever see me again. 一年有四季。 There are four seasons in one year. There are four seasons a year. 我將啲行李擺咗喺個車尾箱入面。 I put my suitcase in the trunk. I left these bags in a trunk. 他看起来像是睡着了,其实已经死了。 He looked asleep, but he was really dead. He looks like he's asleep, actually dead. 开始很难。 Getting started was difficult. It's hard to start. 在教養上,他們可以說是和野蠻人差不多。 With regards to culture, you could say they're like barbarians. In their upbringing, they can say it's similar to the savages. 那個小男孩戴眼鏡。 That little boy wears glasses. The boy wears glasses. 我累得很,所以馬上就睡著了。 I was very tired, so I fell asleep right away. I'm tired, so I'll be asleep. 很抱歉,我們無法記錄您的參與。這可能是由於您已經參加過這個機會,或涉嫌違反我們的服務條款。您將被重新導向網站。 Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform. I'm sorry that we cannot record your involvement. This may be because you have taken this opportunity or are suspected of violating our service provision. You will be redirected to the website. 中国乒乓球队进行了一个月的封闭式冬训。 The China National Table Tennis Team had a month's closed training in winter. A month of closed winter training was conducted by the China Ping Football team. 請給我一卷彩色膠片。 One roll of color film, please. Give me a color film, please. 我在七時十五分吃晚飯。 I have my supper at a quarter past seven. I'm having dinner at 7:15. 英語是我的母語。 English is my native language. English is my native language. 你本应该来得更早的。 You should have come earlier. You should have come sooner. 我在晚上工作。 I work in the nighttime. I work at night. 你知唔知差館喺邊呀? Do you know where the police station is? Do you know where the hotel is? 她提前一小时完成了工作。 She finished her work an hour in advance. She completed her work one hour in advance. 她住在倫敦。 She is living in London. She lives in London. 你怎么可能会说这种语言? How come you're able to speak this language? How could you speak like that? 我哋諗緊好冇喺間屋到間多一間睡房。 We're thinking of adding on another bedroom to the house. I didn't have any sleep rooms in the house. "Tesawra." "Yam ra mäk." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Tesawra." 你要留言嗎? Would you like to leave a message? You want a message? 他画了谷仓。 He painted the barn. He drew barns. 请原谅! Forgive me! Excuse me! 我諗住介紹佢俾阿 Beatrice 識。 I planned to introduce him to Beatrice. I'd like to introduce him to Beatrice. 不必在意。 Forget it. Don't worry. 在我看来,你错了。 In my opinion, you're wrong. In my opinion, you're wrong. 我爸爸變老了。 My father became old. My dad's getting old. 你可以幫我訂一些規矩.讓大家遵守。 You can help me make some rules for everyone to follow. You can set some rules for me. 她烫了他的衬衫。 She ironed his shirts. She burned his shirt. 佢同我講話:「今晚不如出去食吖。」 He said to me, 'Let's eat out tonight.' He said to me, "Let's go out to dinner tonight." 我老是写白字读破句。 As usual, I mispronounced words and broke my sentences up in the wrong places. I'm always writing letters and breaking up. 这部恐怖片很吓人,我一看就睡不着觉了。 This horror movie is really scary. I couldn't sleep after I watched it. This horror film was scary. I couldn't sleep as soon as I looked. 他不怕死。 He didn't fear death. He's not afraid to die. 真是物美價廉。 It's a real bargain. It's so cheap. 你从哪里照的相? Where did you have your picture taken? Where did you take the picture? 马可后悔做了错事。 Marc regrets his mistake. Marco regretted doing the wrong thing. Ümznäq räq mi kälawz tang haü. You can do it. [ In German ] Do you know what I'm talking about? Maix raü yäq, läpan ranaiqshiz täsii nä kiz räx. Come on Monday afternoon, if possible. But then, before you go, I'll tell you something. Kecyu mäq, änä vaz räx. Please come here. See if there's anything wrong with me. 早! Good morning! Good morning! 你可能不記得我了,但我記得你。 You may not remember me, but I remember you. You may not remember me, but I remember you. 他很討厭蛇。 He has an abhorrence of snakes. He hates snakes. 真正的友谊比金钱更有价值。 Real friendship is more valuable than money. Real friendship is more valuable than money. 我們身處核能時代。 We are in the age of nuclear energy. We're in the nuclear age. 我無法表達我對你的感謝。 I can't thank you enough. I can't express my gratitude to you. 给我拿两根粉笔来,谢谢。 Please bring me two pieces of chalk. Get me two powders, please. 一切都很顺利。 Everything went well. Everything's going well. 喺度游緊水嗰個男仔就係我細佬嚟㗎喇。 The boy who is swimming is my younger brother. There's a boy in the swimmer's water who's here to pick me up. 我發誓再也不跟她說話了。 I vowed that I would never speak to her again. I swear I'll never talk to her again. 明天我得购物。 Tomorrow I have to go shopping. I'll have to buy tomorrow. 我所知道的是他放棄了這個計劃。 All that I know is that he gave up the plan. All I know is he gave up on the plan. 我知道你喜歡咖啡 I know that you like coffee. I know you like coffee. Ngiz kham nyängx dzi tälawx. I'm thirsty. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? Ngiz läx älamz chiz mängx. I don't see the relevance. That's the first thing I've ever seen. 我一定要講啲嘢。 I must say something. I have to say something. 可憐! How unfortunate! Poor thing! 他今天從雪梨回來。 He comes back from Sydney today. He came back from Sydney today. 噉樣做為咗搵佢出嚟。 This way is to find him out. as a result of search for results. 有甚麼事要做嗎? Is there anything that needs to be done? Do you have anything to do? 收皮啦死八婆! Shut up, bitch! Skinny bitch! 天氣真熱。 The weather is really hot. It's hot. 吉隆坡值得一遊。 Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur deserves a tour. 你估吓我有幾高? Guess how tall I am. How high do you think I am? 代我向你父親問好。 Say hello to your father for me. Say hello to your father for me. 可能确实搞错了。 It may, indeed, be a mistake. It could be a mistake. 这家饭馆的餐具很讲究 This restaurant is particular about cutlery. This restaurant is a very interesting restaurant. David Beckham是英国人。 David Beckham is English. David Beckham is British. 他是學生,他在帕爾瑪大學學中文。 He is a student, he studies Chinese at the Università degli Studi di Parma. He's a student. He's studying Chinese at Palmer University. 我阿爺農場啲火雞成日喺度嘈生晒,真係想佢哋快啲俾人食咗去。 The turkeys in my grandfather's farm are very noisy, I can't wait for them to get eaten. My grandfather's chickens have grown hot on the day they were born, and they really want to hurry and eat. 读书是人生一大快事。 Reading is one of life's great pleasures. Reading is a big step in life. 他是跟他爸爸去杭州的吗? Did he go to Hangzhou with his dad? Is he going to Seoul with his dad? 你什麼時候要去? When do you want to go? When are you going? 鈴木先生幾時離開日本呀? When will Mr. Suzuki be leaving Japan? When did Mr. Ming leave Japan? 那是原创的想法。 That's an original idea. That's the original idea. 把你的肩膀借给我让我依靠。 You lent me your shoulder for support. Give me your shoulder. Give me your shoulder. 你可以帶我去嗎? Will you take me there? Can you take me? 我会在一个月后回来和你们见面。 I will be back to join you in one month. I'll come back and meet you in a month. 你舊年聖誕收過最正嘅禮物係咩呀? What was the best present you got last Christmas? What is the most holy gift from your old Christmas? 他明天將飛往巴黎。 He is flying to Paris tomorrow. He'll fly to Paris tomorrow. 讓我們去俱樂部吧。 Let's go to the club. Let's go to the club. Nazshiq räq shämx tälängz ämaix. We can try. [ In German ] See if you can find out. 我一把孩子抱在手里,他就开始哭了。 The moment I held the baby in my arms, it began to cry. I had a child in my hand, and he started to cry. 虽然今天是愚人节,但是你的玩笑开得太过分了,我真的很生气! Today may be April Fool's Day, but your prank went overboard. Seriously, I'm pretty angry! It's a fool's day, but you're making a joke too much. I'm really mad! 這個區域有很多商店。 There are many stores in this area. There's a lot of shops in this area. 晚上六點到上午八點在家。 I'm at home from six o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning. At 6 p.m. until 8 a.m. at home. 这里有个更好的。 Here's an even better one. There's a better one here. 我想將這些寄送到日本。 I'd like to send these to Japan. I want to send these to Japan. 火车晚点了,所以我不能准时赶到那里。 The train was delayed, so I could not arrive there on time. The train's late, so I can't get there on time. 通过创造一个更像家乡并有许多绿色植物和社区建筑物的城市地区,住在城市里快要代表想到在爱丁堡水边地生活,工作也娱乐的两万个人会有更简单、没有压力生活方式。 With the creation of a city area that's more like a town, with plenty of greenery and community buildings, living in the city will soon mean simpler, stress-free lifestyles for the 20,000 that are expected to live, work and play in Edinburgh's Waterfront. By creating urban areas that are more like home and have many green plants and community buildings, living in cities quickly represents the idea of living in the waterlands of Edinburgh, and the 20,000 people who work at ease will be more simple and unrepressive. 法语太难了,我不想学。 French is too hard. I don't want to learn it. French is too hard, I don't want to learn. 這個是你的。 This one's yours. This is yours. 我尋晚發咗個惡夢。 I had a horrible dream last night. I've had a bad dream. Tatoeba上似乎有超过两万个维吾尔语句子了。 It looks like there are now over two thousand Uyghur sentences on Tatoeba! At Tatoeba, there seem to be more than 20,000 Uighur sentences. 我想知道,你这个夏天干了些什么? I want to know what you did this summer. I want to know what you've been up to this summer. 兩個拼法都對。 Both spellings are correct. Both spellings are right. 汤姆会在几天后后到达那里。 Tom will be there for a few days. Tom will be there in a few days. 能到这里来一下吗。 Would you come here a moment? Can you come here for a minute? 这个晚上发生了什么? What happened that night? What happened this evening? နောက်ပြန်လှည့်ဖို့ သိပ် နောက်မကျသေးဘူး။ Is isn't too late to turn back. I'm not too late to reply. Äthiiz kätinx khanx kaü kä tsinz mäk. It wasn't that expensive. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this is about? 你的父母是如何相處的? How are your parents getting along? How did your parents get along? Thawmz räq kärä rätawx nguztä tätiirii mängx diax. I wasn't aware Tom had done that. Do you think it's over and over? 今朝天气哪能? What's the weather like today? What can we do in the weather today? 他能解決這個問題。 He was able to solve the problem. He can solve this problem. 我尋日放學返屋企嗰陣突然間落大雨。 Yesterday I was caught in a shower on my way home from school. I was on my way home from school, and suddenly it rained. Ümz-vez ümbaz nä väx? Where is your father? I don't know. 你話過你有合約。 You said you had a contract. You said you had a contract. 唔好喊啦。你喊我又喊㗎喇。 Don't cry. I'll start crying too. Don't shout. Don't shout at me again. Vaz rawngx phä! Let's go! Go, go, go, go! 這公司主要做進口貨物的生意。 That company deals mainly in imported goods. The company is the main product-infested business. 我們今天晚上可以運送它。 We can deliver it this evening. We can transport it tonight. 你會參加這個儀式嗎? Will you take part in the ceremony? Are you going to attend this ceremony? 湯姆拒絕回答任何問題。 Tom refused to answer any questions. Tom refused to answer any question. 你在哪里看见他了? Where did you see him? Where did you see him? 他的書掉在地板上了。 He dropped his books on the floor. His book fell on the floor. 冇人會再嚟探我喇。 No one comes to visit me anymore. Nobody's gonna pick me up again. 因为是用法文写的,所以这本书很难读。 This book is difficult to read as it is written in French. Because it's written in French, so it's hard to read. 真要命啊! Oh, my God! Holy shit! 他说话时,显然带着高兴的表情。 He spoke with evident glee. When he spoke, he obviously had a happy look. 你在私立学校读书吗? Do you study at a private school? Are you reading at a private school? 我想你的答案是對的。 I think your answer is correct. I thought your answer was right. 要决定在节日的时候穿什么是件累人的事。 It's a hassle trying to decide what to wear to the party. It must be decided what to wear at the time of the holiday. 個總統忍唔住笑咗出嚟。 The president laughed in spite of himself. The president can't stop laughing. 汤姆想要一杯水。 Tom wants a glass of water. Tom wants a glass of water. 我們的辦公室之間有扇門。 We have a door between our offices. There's a door between our offices. 啲男仔唔驚佢。 The boys are not afraid of him. The boys didn't surprise him. 我失業又沒錢。真不知該何去何從。 I lost my job and I have no money. I'm at my wit's end. I lost my job and I don't know where to go. 左转! Turn left! Turn left! 珍看起來很高興。 Jane looks very happy. Jane looks happy. 汤姆小声对玛丽说了什么,玛丽笑了。 Tom whispered something to Mary and she smiled. What did Tom whisper to Mary and she laughed? 我去伦敦了。 I went to London. I'm going to London. 那离欧洲有点远,你不觉得吗? That's kind of far from Europe, don't you think? That's a little far from Europe, don't you think? 他在國際象棋比賽中取得了冠軍。 He carried off the first prize at the chess tournament. He won the title in the chess match. 你會守承諾的,對吧? You will keep your word, won't you? You're gonna make a promise, aren't you? 2010这个数字里有两个零。 There are two zeros in the number "2010." There are two zeros in this figure for 2010. 你想去哪儿? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? 阿Steve打過嘅工一係就悶到抽筋,一係就人工唔高,一係就悶到抽筋加人工唔高。 All of Steve's jobs were boring or not well-paid or both. Asvetts are a unit of work that is neither a lift nor a better working group. 水在攝氏0度時結成冰。 Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. Water flows into ice at 0 degrees Celsius. 我该怎么做才能让你更注意我? What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me? What am I supposed to do to make you pay more attention to me? 他在澳大利亚长大。 He was brought up in Australia. He grew up in Australia. Thawmz räq nazshiq mäx täshämxrawx mäk kärä rairairiirii cyawng thüx tawx. Tom made it quite clear what he didn't want us to do. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 湯姆的目的很明顯。 Tom's intentions were quite clear. Tom's purpose is obvious. 他對你非常生氣。 He's very angry with you. He's very angry with you. 也許他會是一個很好的老師。 Maybe he will be a good teacher. Maybe he'll be a good teacher. 我不想在这些条件下工作。 I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these conditions. 我爱音乐。 I love music. I love music. 我想住近啲你間屋。 I'd like to live near your house. I want to live close to your house. Kecyu thaq, ngiz mäx map kuq vanx phä. Please forgive me. That's the best map I've ever seen. 汤姆还用打字机。 Tom still uses a typewriter. Tom also used a typewriter. 真丢人! What a shame! Oh, that's a shame! 大部分是年轻人。 They were for the most part young people. Mostly young people. 大量生產降低許多商品的價格。 Mass production reduced the price of many goods. The prices of many commodities have been reduced by a large number of productions. 沒有辦法贏。 There's no way to win. There's no way to win. 我哋喺邊到集合呀? Where are we assembling? I'll be there when I'm on the other side? 佢哋見親面都要嗌返場交先至安樂。 They can not meet without quarreling with each other. They're going to have to go back to the party before they're going to have a good time. Ngiz kä dungx sia. I am eating rice. That's exactly what I'm talking about. 每個人都可以找到他的另一半 。 Every Jack must have his Jill. Everyone can find the other half. 我仍然记得他的名字。 I still remember his name. I still remember his name. 你舊年聖誕收過最正嘅禮物係咩呀? What was the best present you received last Christmas? What is the most holy gift from your old Christmas? 五十年前,電視、電腦這種東西簡直是天方夜譚。 Such things as television and computers could not have been dreamed of fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, TV, computer stuff such as this was the night of the sky. 所有迹象表明她好起来了。 All the signs are that she is getting better. All the signs indicate she's getting better. 先起小人之議,漸招同室之譏。 Initially this gave rise to gossip among petty people, and it gradually provoked criticism from members of our family. We'll start with a small deal. We'll start with the same room. 勿是个,是我儿子个DVD。 No, this is my son's DVD. No, it's my son's DVD. 我真的不懂这个问题。 I really don't understand this problem. I really don't understand that. 計程車費將在下個月漲價。 Taxi fares will go up next month. The cost of taxis will be at the next month. 我不明白你想說甚麼。 I have no idea what you mean. I don't understand what you want to say. 你能派人拿一些衣服,好吗? Could you send someone up to pick up some laundry? Can you get some clothes, please? 如果我有佢咁靚仔就好喇。 If only I were as handsome as he is. If I had a kid like that. ကျွန်တော်ဆရာဝန်မဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. 谢谢你烤的美味蛋糕。 Thank you for baking this delicious cake. Thank you for the cake. 安迪一定練習得很辛苦。 Andy must have practiced very hard. Andy must have had a hard time studying. 我不在乎将来。 I don't care a bit about the future. I don't care about the future. 告诉我们你的想法。 Tell us your thoughts. Tell us what you think. 呢度有冇人識講日文㗎? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Is there anyone who knows Japanese? 我有啲朋友講英文講得好好。 Some of my friends can speak English well. Some of my friends spoke English well. 我唔知我有無時間搞呢件事。 I don't know if I'll have time to do it. I don't know if I have time for this. 我已經食咗早餐喇。 I've already eaten breakfast. I already ate the breakfast light. 侬要多少钞票? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? သီးသန့် မင်္ဂလာပွဲလေး ပဲ ကျင်းပ မယ်လို့ ငါတို့ ဆုံးဖြတ် လိုက် ပြီ။ We've decided to have a private wedding ceremony. We decided to celebrate only a little wedding. 他是个画家,但他不会画国画。 He is a painter, but he can't paint in the traditional Chinese style. He's a painter, but he won't draw the country. 幾時食飯呀?好鬼肚餓呀! When are we eating? I'm hungry! What time is it? You're hungry! 她也許來。 She may come. She might come. 在假期中我無所事事。 I did nothing during the holidays. I had nothing to do with the holidays. 他的車在掉進河裡前翻轉了好幾次。 His car flipped over several times before it fell into the river. His car turned around several times before falling into the river. 她朝我丢葡萄,我试着用嘴接住它们。 She tossed me grapes and I tried to catch them with my mouth. She threw grapes at me, and I tried to catch them with my mouth. 佢玩緊隻塔防遊戲。 He's playing a tower defense game. It's a tight tower game. 小心碰头。 Watch your head. Watch your head. 他哥哥仍然比較高。 His brother is still taller in comparison. His brother is still higher. တွမ် ရဲ့ ဒေါသ ကို ငါနားမလည်ခဲ့ဘူး။ I don't understand Tom's anger. I don't understand Taiwan’s anger. 我感觉我被强制帮助她。 I feel like I am being forced to help her. I feel like I'm being forced to help her. 這個航空公司的飛機怎麼樣? How are this airline's airplanes? What about this airline? 冇乜嘢衰得過半途而廢。 Leaving something unfinished is the worst thing you can do. I'm not sure what to do, but I don't know what to do, and I don't think I'm going to lose my job. 我们发现很难决定买哪个。 We are finding it difficult to decide which one to buy. We found it difficult to decide which to buy. 我在书商Maruzen那里买了这本书。 I bought this book at Maruzen Bookstore. I bought this book at the bookstore Marzen. 你係時候買返架新車喇喎。 It's time for you to buy a new car. When you bought a new carrot. 不同之處在於: 他比你更努力工作。 The difference is this: he works harder than you. On the other hand, he worked harder than you. 她可能不來。 Maybe she will not come. She might not come. 最近都发生了哪些事? So, what else is new? What have you been up to lately? 现在是秋天。 It's fall now. It's autumn now. 她上学从不迟到。 She is never late for school. She's never late for school. 是的,當然。 Yes, of course. Yes, of course. 我想付现金。 I would like to pay with cash. I want to pay cash. 真傷腦筋。 It really is a headache. That's crazy. Ngiz kä tingzkhu maiq nawx. I am married. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. 他的兒子連自己的名字也不會寫。 His son cannot so much as write his own name. His son won't even write his own name. Ngawxhiax shäx? Are you sure? I don't know. 你可唔可以教我法文呀? Can you teach me French? Can you teach me French? 你幫我真好。 It's very kind of you to help me. It's nice of you to help me. 由于人力不足,我们需要比预期更多的时间来承担这项任务。 Due to lack of manpower, we need more time than expectations to handle this task. Owing to insufficient human resources, we need more time to undertake this task than is expected. 湯姆的泳術比我們所有人都要好得多。 Of us all, Tom was by far the best swimmer. Tom's swimmer is much better than all of us. 去馬啦! Go for it! Get out of the way! 我会尽量不打扰你复习。 I will try not to interrupt you while you are studying. I'll try not to disturb you. Äpaiq kä äsak raix mänz cyaw mäk. He doesn't look his age. I'll be right back. 愛愛愛。 Love loves love. Love. 他还没回我的信。 He still hasn't answered my letter. He hasn't returned my letter. 汤姆比玛丽年轻许多。 Tom is a lot younger than Mary is. Tom was much younger than Mary. 你会发现它用几页纸进一步作了说明。 You will find it stated a few pages further on. You will find it further explained in a few pages. 蕾拉俾人打死咗。 Layla was beaten to death. Leila was killed. 我需要在学校去找托马斯。 I have to go look for Thomas at school. I need to find Thomas at school. Kiz rawngx phä! Let's go! Kiz rawx projection! 你打算去哪儿过夜? Where are you planning to spend the night? Where are you going to spend the night? 我不相信你已經遇到了他。 I don't believe you've met him. I don't believe you've met him. 想坐就坐。 You can sit if you want. Take a seat if you want. 做任何事,你必须要做到最好。 In doing anything, you must do your best. Do anything you have to do best. 我認為明天不會下雨。 I think it won't rain tomorrow. I don't think it's gonna rain tomorrow. 你應該更努力學習。 You should study harder. You should try harder to learn. 我受夠了你的自吹自擂。 I've had enough of your boasts. I'm sick of your bullshit. 快来,Emilia! 你爸爸在等你呢。 Come, Emilia! Your father is waiting for you. Your dad's waiting for you. 我很冷。 I was so cold. I'm cold. 佢屋企好多人。 His family is large. He's a lot of people at home. 阿拉爷勿吃多少烧酒个。 My father doesn't drink so much sake. Don't eat too much wine. 他倆想要一個孩子。 They both want a child. They both want a baby. 入實驗室㩒緊急掣。 Enter the laboratory and press the emergency button. It's an emergency. 我九月份就十六岁了。 I'll be sixteen in September. I was 16 years old in September. 我们是两个通情达理的人。 We're both reasonable people. We're two reasonable people. 我认为考试破坏教育。 I think exams ruin education. I think the examination undermines education. Ümznäq räq yamlai väx rawx tälaüx ngiz räq khon mängx. I don't understand what you want. If there's anything wrong with me, it'll be fine. 汤姆想知道玛丽在哪里学会了法语。 Tom wondered where Mary had learned French. Tom wanted to know where Mary learned French. 他在火旁烘干他的湿衣服。 He dried his wet clothes by the fire. He's drying up his wet clothes by the fire. 那些是我的褲子。 Those are my pants. Those are my pants. 这个房间太棒了,难道不是么? This room's pretty awesome, eh? This room is amazing, isn't it? 我的錢包和護照不見了。 My wallet and passport are missing. My wallet and passport are gone. 你想聽聽我是怎麼想的嗎? Do you want to hear what I think? You want to hear what I think? 有空的時候,請過來玩兒。 When you have free time, please come and play. Come over and play while you're free. 没关系。 It doesn't matter. It's okay. 你係唔係經常嚟呀? Do you come here often? You don't usually come in? 请拼一下您的名字。 Spell your name, please. Please spell your name. 我可以做啲咩嚟減低呢個城市嘅空氣污染呢? What can I do to reduce the air pollution in this city? Can I do something to lower this city's air pollution? 伊个国籍是啥? What is his nationality? What's a nationality? 天空晴朗,布满了星辰。 The sky is clear and full of stars. The sky is bright and full of stars. 你有冇睇晒成本書呀? Did you read the whole book? You didn't see the cost books? 對、對不起。 You're right, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. 你喜欢哪一种法国红酒? What's your favorite French wine? Which French wine do you like? 这条狗死了。 The dog's dead. The dog is dead. 我把我自己用力拉起來。 I heaved myself up. I pull myself up. 一切按計劃進行。 Everything went according to plan. Everything is going according to plan. Jean和Kate是雙胞胎。 Jean and Kate are twins. Jean and Kate are twins. 這位老人下了公車。 The old man got off the bus. The old man got off the bus. 他可能搭錯火車了。 He may have taken the wrong train. He's probably on the wrong train. 我常常在这个地方。 I'm often here. I'm always in this place. 慍慍然。 He's very angry. But... 他正在做功课。 He is doing the homework. He's doing homework. 跟我们来。 Come with us. Come with us. 我开始想起汤姆。 I started thinking about Tom. I'm starting to think about Tom. 湯姆說他會讓瑪麗去做。 Tom said he'll ask Mary to do that. Tom said he'd let Mary do it. 佢連我哋叫咩名都唔知。 He didn't even know our names. He doesn't even know my name. 史密斯先生不會說英語,是嗎? Mr. Smith doesn't speak English, does he? Mr. Smith doesn't speak English, does he? 努力。 Try hard. Work. 太多了。 That's too much. Too much. 如果你能就來吧。 Come if you can. If you can do it. 这还算什么! You ain't seen nothing yet. That's nothing! 那天我不行。 That's a bad day for me. I couldn't that day. 这里夏天非常热。 It's really hot here in the summer. It's hot in the summer. 我每晚洗澡。 I take a bath every night. I take a bath every night. 我会给我的母亲寄封信。 I'll send a letter to my mother. I'll send a letter to my mother. 我不知道如何使用它。 I do not know how to use it. I don't know how to use it. 警官逮捕了竊賊。 The police officer arrested the burglar. Police officers arrested thieves. 我諗住送呢隻錶俾你。 This watch is meant for you. I've got a watch on you. 她批准了我的方案。 She approved of my plan. She approved my programme. 你是不可抗拒的。 You are irresistible. You can't resist. 我想和貴公司合作。 I want to work with your company. I want to work with your company. 許多亞洲人以英語作為共用的語言。 Many Asians have English as a common language. There are many Asians who use English as common languages. 但是地震仍然是最可怕的事。 But earthquakes are still as frightening as ever. But the earthquake remains the most terrible thing. 当一个陌生人来和玛丽说话时,她不知道该说什么了。 When Mary was spoken to by a stranger, she was at a loss for words. When a stranger came to talk to Mary, she didn't know what to say. 這本書是他熱心研究的成果。 This book is a result of his enthusiastic research. The book was a product of his interest in research. 世俗之人,皆喜人之同乎己,而惡人之異於己也。 Usual folks like when other people are similar to themselves, and hate when they are different. The people of the world are the ones who rejoice, and the wicked are different from themselves. 話事話,今日係六月八號,我老婆生日。 By the way, today is the 8th of June — my wife's birthday. Today is June 8th, my wife's birthday. 我喜欢数学。 I like mathematics. I like math. Nämzshiq kä Thawmz cyawngmang, rämäk shäx? You're Tom's students, right? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 没有愿望是最大的障碍。 Having no will is the worst handicap. No wish was the greatest obstacle. 你在哪里看到Nancy的? Where did you see Nancy? Where did you see Nancy? 我沒有你高。 I'm not as tall as you. I don't have you tall. 誰會相信你? Can anyone believe you? Who will believe you? 你没有保护我。 You didn't protect me. You didn't protect me. 前幾天,東京郊外發生了件可怕的事情。 The other day something horrible happened in a Tokyo suburb. A few days ago, a terrible thing happened outside Tokyo. 汤姆从不准时。 Tom has never been punctual. Tom's never allowed. 也許下午會下雨。 Perhaps it will rain in the afternoon. Maybe it'll rain in the afternoon. 你在说我有生命危险吗? Are you saying my life is in danger? Are you saying I'm in danger of life? 你有帶雨傘嗎? Did you bring an umbrella with you? Did you bring the umbrella? 你能猜到我的年龄吗? Can you guess how old I am? Can you guess my age? 我不明白他想要什么。 I can't make out what he wants. I don't know what he wants. 你曾經結過婚嗎? Did you ever get married? Have you ever been married? 他没有女朋友。 He has no girlfriend. He doesn't have a girlfriend. 毕加索是个人尽皆知的著名艺术家。 Picasso is a famous artist whom everyone knows. Picasso is one of the most famous artists he has ever known. 我沒有懷疑任何事。 I didn't suspect anything. I don't doubt anything. Äräshinxcyawngx kä nawzsez re mäx ähia shäx? Is competition good for kids? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 工作之后我直接回家。 After work I go straight home. I went straight home after work. 我不喜歡在清晨開的會議。 I don't like early morning meetings. I don't like meeting in the morning. 如何,其信乎? What about you? Do you trust this man? Well, what do you think? 蕾拉鍾意咗一個靚仔,仲同佢結埋婚。 Layla fell in love with a handsome man and got married. Here is a son of God, and he's still married to him. 湯姆看了文件。 Tom saw the file. Tom saw the document. 我有两只猫 I have two cats. I have two cats. 我会参加下次的会议。 I'll attend the next meeting. I will attend the next meeting. 我已經吃過了我的早餐。 I have already had my breakfast. I've already eaten my breakfast. 我们经常讨论天气。 We often talk about the weather. We're always talking about weather. 今晚天气冷死了。 It's awfully cold this evening. It's cold tonight. 我想要见见Terry Tate先生。 I would like to see Mr Terry Tate. I want to see Mr. Terry Tate. 我希望你很健康。 I hope that you are very well. I hope you're healthy. 我们需要有才华的人。 We need talented people. We need someone with talent. 你點解學法文嘅? Why are you learning French? Are you explaining French or something? 我保證我會把你送進牢裡。 I promise that I will send you to prison. I promise I'll put you in jail. 間屋冇乜特別。 The house wasn't particularly remarkable. There's nothing special about the house. Tädza rawngx i. Let's play. I'm sorry. Ümznäq räq yamlai väx nguz laüx irä cyawng nawngz läq täz. Can you please repeat what you just said? If there's anything wrong with me, there's something wrong with me. Nämzshiq saüxvax khamäq tesawra. Thank you for coming. [ In German ] See if you can find anything. 面对这个机会不能犹豫,要赶快行动。 When facing this opportunity, you can't hesitate to take advantage of it. This opportunity cannot be hesitated and we need to move quickly. 你星期幾學漢語? Which day of the week do you study Korean? How many times do you teach in Korean? 我不是很喜歡它。 I didn't enjoy it very much. I don't like it. 你要學的是實實在在的技能,而不單是表面的知識。 You have to acquire real skills, not just superficial knowledge. You have to learn the truth about the skills, not the knowledge of the face. 卡羅回到了她的旅館。 Carol returned to her hotel. Carol went back to her hotel. Äkhyingx mi thum. It took time. I don't know what you're talking about. 我平常早上八点钟起床。 I usually get up at eight. I usually wake up at 8:00 in the morning. 我們没有笑話你。 We weren't making fun of you. We didn't laugh at you. 我什麼都沒看見。 I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything. 他们喝可乐。 They drink cola. They drink Coca-Cola. 我可以試穿這件外套嗎? Can I try on this jacket? Can I try this? 吾不得有為。 There's nothing I can do. I can't do anything. 我大概懂了。 I sort of understand. I got it, I got it. 佢細妹係一個好出名嘅電視明星嚟㗎。 His younger sister is a well-known TV star. He's baby brothers and sisters are so famous for their TV stars. Ngiz räq ümznäq mäx rawx täkängx. I love you. Whenever you're out of your mind, you'll have to take care of it. 因為一份獎學金,Tom得以上大學。 Tom was able to go to college thanks to a scholarship. Because of a scholarship, Tom was able to go to college. 看来他只有在睡觉时不吃东西。 It seems that the only time he isn't eating is when he's sleeping. Looks like he doesn't eat only when he's asleep. 这就是事情的本质。 That is the essence of the matter. That's the nature of things. 我是西班牙人。 I'm Spanish. I'm Spanish. 愛存在嗎? Does love exist? Love exists? 总金额达到了两万日元。 The sum came to over 20,000 yen. The total amount reached 20,000 yen. 我的父親經營一家餐館。 My father runs a restaurant. My father runs a restaurant. 我沒把真相全告訴你。 I didn't tell the whole truth. I didn't tell you everything. တွမ်ဟာ အတော်စိုးရိမ်နေပုံပဲ Tom looked a bit worried. Tum seems to be very worried. 旅行前,我剪了头发。 Before taking a journey, I got a haircut. Before the trip, I cut my hair. 没有错误。 There were no mistakes. No mistakes. Yamlai? What? Yamlai? 汤姆没说他想要什么。 Tom didn't specify what he wanted. Tom didn't say what he wanted. 考虑到他缺乏经验,他做得[已经]非常好了。 He is doing very well considering he lacks experience. In view of his lack of experience, he has done very well. 別被雨淋了。 Stay out of the rain. Don't get showered. အဲ့ဒါက တကယ့် အစီအစဥ် မဟုတ်ခဲ့ဘူး။ It wasn't really a plan. It wasn't really a plan. 这本导游册子或许会对你的旅行有帮助。 This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guidebook might be helpful to your travel. 你可以做任何你想做的事。 You can do whatever you want to. You can do whatever you want. 一辆出租车等着。 A cab is waiting. A cab wait. ငါ ဆယ့်သုံးနှစ် သား မှာ ပထမဆုံး အကြိမ် ဘီယာ စသောက်ဖူး ခဲ့တယ်။ I drank beer for the first time when I was thirteen years old. The first time I drank beer in my teenager's year of age, 你去哪站? Which station are you going to? Where are you standing? 我現在在工作無法離開。 I can't get away from work now. I can't leave my job now. 请考虑一下,最大值在有些情况下是不存在的。 Please think it over. The greatest value under these circumstances doesn't exist. Please consider that in some cases the maximum value does not exist. 经鉴定,此人三观不正。 After authenticating,this people's ideology is not healthy. This person has been identified in three ways. 你本應該更明白的。 You should have known better. You should have known better. 我寫了一封信給我的母親。 I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a letter to my mother. 我一无所知。 Beats me. I don't know anything. 目前哈里發塔是世界上最高的摩天大樓。 Currently Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Harri-Harri tower is currently the world's highest mooring building. 我可不能把阿渚交给这种文弱的男人。 I can't hand Nagisa over to such a weak man. I can't give her to this weak man. 這場交通意外讓他失明了。 The traffic accident deprived him of his sight. The traffic accident made him blind. 她日语说的很好。 She spoke Japanese well. She spoke very well in Japanese. Ken的書比你多多了。 Ken has a lot more books than you. Ken has more books than you. 他送她一個洋娃娃。 He presented her with a doll. He sent her a doll. 佢搞到阿爸阿媽好擔心。 He caused his parents a lot of anxiety. He's so worried about Mom and Dad. 我的猫会爱上这个。 My cats will love this. My cat will fall in love with this. 我覺得我有點要發燒了。 I think I'm coming down with a fever. I think I'm kind of going to burn. 我整晚都开着窗户。 I left the window open all through the night. I've been opening the window all night. 你有口臭。 You have foul breath. You're stinking. 我發現了一件驚人的事! I've found something amazing! I found something amazing! 今天不比昨天悶熱。 It is less muggy today than it was yesterday. Today's not as hot as yesterday. 从这儿开到东京我花了五个小时。 It took me five hours to drive from here to Tokyo. It took me five hours from here to Tokyo. 你对什么都太怀疑了。 You're too suspicious about everything. You're so suspicious of everything. 她想擁抱他。 She wants to hug him. She wants to hug him. 你有个朋友叫汤姆吗? Do you have a friend named Tom? Do you have a friend named Tom? 我可以喝酒吗? Can I drink alcohol? May I have a drink? 靜香好可愛喔。 JingXiang is so cute. It's so cute. Tom aa kajwna kangraniprai takumadwng Tom is hiding from the tax collectors. Tom akakuna kangraniprai takumadwng. 托尼个英文讲了跟侬一样好。 Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony speaks the same way in English. 你可以選擇任何你喜歡的書。 You may choose any book you like. You can choose any book you like. 你識唔識講英文? Do you speak English? Do you know English? 我知道有人认识我的可能性微乎其微。 I know that it is highly unlikely that anyone knows me. I know someone knows me very little. 我決定要去外國讀書,把父母嚇了一跳。 My decision to study abroad surprised my parents. I decided to go to a foreign school and scare my parents. Lisa扮聽唔到。 Lisa pretended not to hear. Lisa can't pretend to be here. Bob帮助了我。 Bob helped me. Bob helped me. 你对他的回答不感到惊讶吗? Aren't you surprised by his answer? Aren't you surprised about his answer? 問題是, 太陽能太貴了。 The problem is that solar energy costs too much. The question is, the sun is too expensive. 大家都喜欢他。 Everybody likes him. Everybody likes him. 天俄黑。 All of a sudden the sky became dark. It's dark. 你不必吃。 You don't have to eat it. You don't have to eat. 他們互相幫忙寫作業。 They helped each other do homework. They help each other write their homework. Tom刚吃完晚饭。 Tom has just finished eating dinner. Tom just finished dinner. 分支和合併是版本控制的兩種基本操作。 Branching and merging are two basic operations of revision control. Branches and mergers are two basic operations in the English version. 地球的表面有七成是水。 The surface of the earth is 70% water. Seven percent of the Earth's surface is water. 這是個很重要的會議。 This is a very important meeting. It's a very important meeting. 2016年是有记录以来最热的一年。 2016 was the hottest year on record. In 2016 it was the warmest year ever recorded. 她周末病倒了。 She got sick this weekend. She's been sick for the weekend. 我的爷爷喜欢散步。 My grandfather likes going for walks. My grandpa likes to walk. 知道学生不能回答这个问题就不要问他。 Don't ask a question to students who you know cannot answer. To know that students cannot answer the question, don't ask him. 他用盡九牛二虎之力也開不了那道門。 No matter how he tried, he could not open the door. He won't be able to open that door with the strength of the Nine Bulls. 他们的旅行因为火车延期了。 Their journey was delayed because of the train. Their travel was delayed by the train. 這間房間對你來說夠大嗎? Is the room big enough for you? Is this room big enough for you? 为什么你花了所有钱? Why did you use up all the money? Why did you spend all the money? 我其實做得很好。 I'm actually doing quite well. I actually did good. 笑談之中有至理。 Many a true word is spoken in jest. It's all right to laugh. 格陵兰岛比德国冷。 In Greenland it's colder than in Germany. Greenland is colder than Germany. 我们没有别的选择。 We don't have another choice. We don't have any other options. 我覺得自己像是不請自來似的。 I felt as if I were an uninvited guest. I feel like I'm not invited. 你要去哪裡? Where do you want to go? Where are you going? 水在華氏32度結成冰。 Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Water flows to an ice at 32 degrees. 究竟谁要负责? Who exactly is responsible? Who is responsible? 喺嗰度睇緊書嗰個就係我阿爸喇。 The man reading a book over there is my father. There's my father's voice in the telegram. 迷路的渔船安全地返回了港口。 The fishing boat that had been missing returned to its port safely. The lost fishing vessel returned safely to the port. 相信我。 Trust me. Trust me. 是的,我是小雨,你呢? Yes, I am Xiaoyu. Who are you? Yes, I'm Little Rain. And you? 湯𡡡想知道我們在這裡做甚麼。 Tom wants to know what we're doing here. Tom. Want to know what we're doing here. 我真的不知道。 Damned if I know. I really don't know. 你做你的部份, 其他的我來做。 You do your part and I'll do the rest. You do your part, the rest I do. 他们以摇头表示不同意,而其他国家的人可能以摇头表示同意。 They express disagreement by shaking their heads, which may indicate agreement in other countries. They did not agree with him at all, while others might agree with him. 鲍勃忘记带通行证,这使得他上学迟到了。 Bob forgot to bring the pass, which made him late for school. Bob forgot his pass, which brought him late to school. 我要求南西留在家裡。 I asked Nancy to stay at home. I asked Nancy to stay home. 你得行動了。 You have to move. You gotta move. 多么有趣啊! How interesting! How funny! 汤姆做了许多大事。 Tom did a lot of great things. Tom did a lot of work. 我不再相信他了。 I don't trust him any more. I don't believe him anymore. 我已经吃过早饭了。 I've already eaten breakfast. I've had breakfast already. 他去过很多地方。 He has been to many places. He's been to a lot of places. 你把我的行李放到哪裡去了? What did you do with my luggage? Where did you put my luggage? 真不好意思,辛苦你了! I'm really sorry to trouble you! I'm so sorry. Sorry to bother you. 有时候,真希望自己可以适时的穿越回去,去见见那个还是个小孩子的自己。 Sometimes, I wish I can walk through timely, and meet the back was still a child. Sometimes, I wish I could go back on time and meet the person who was a little child. 她彈吉他,他唱歌。 She played the guitar and he sang. She plays guitar, he sings. 愛麗絲笑了。 Alice smiled. Alice laughed. Bob是我个朋友。 Bob is my friend. Bob's a friend. Nämzshiq saüxvax khamäq kecyu äyawng. Thank you for coming. [ In German ] See if you can find something. 你出门了吗? Did you go out? Are you out? 一路順風! Bon voyage! Good luck! 莠草易長, 惡習易染。 Ill weeds grow apace. "Different, sickening." 個阿哥同個細佬一啲都唔似樣。 The two brothers are quite unlike in their appearance. My brother doesn't look like one of them. 我們準備離開。 We're ready to leave. We're ready to leave. 人徐有長短。 Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Man Xu has a long time. 這個箱子裏裝滿了蘋果。 This box is filled with apples. This box is full of apples. 侬开了太快了。 You're driving too fast. It's too fast. 我的房间号是多少? What is my room number? What's my room number? 啲叻嘅人通常都好沙塵。 Intelligent people are often arrogant. These people are usually good sand dust. 他们现在都不在家 They are not all at home right now. They're not home now. 日本有很多漂亮的地方。 There are a lot of beautiful places in Japan. Japan has a lot of beautiful places. 父親給我買了最新型的摩托車。 Father bought me the latest model motorcycle. Father bought me a new type of motorcycle. 您在暗示什么? What are you driving at? What are you suggesting? 旁边一排衣服跟这里的衣服没什么不一样。 There is no difference between this row of clothes and the one next to it. There's nothing different in the next row. 那麼,如果不是呢? Then, what if it's not? Well, what if it isn't? 但願我知道他在哪裡。 I wish I knew where he was! I wish I knew where he was. 哀面个书是伊拉个。 That book is theirs. It's for them. 别忘了带上急救箱。 Don't forget to take the first-aid kit. Don't forget to bring the first aid kit. 生肖文化深深植根於人們的日常生活和語言文化中。 The culture of the Chinese zodiac is deeply rooted in people's lives, language and literature. The birth culture is deeply rooted in the daily life and language culture of people. 佢依家傷風。 He has a cold now. He was hurt by his family. နုတ်ဆက်ပါတယ်လို့ ပြောချင်တယ်။ I want to say goodbye. I'd like to say yes. နောက်ပြန်လှည့်ဖို အရမ်းနောက်မကျ သေးဘူး။ It's still not too late to turn back. The last one, it's too late. 我想花点时间斟酌斟酌再作决定。 I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision. I would like to take some time to make some further decisions. 我們還是有點疑惑。 We're still a little confused. We're still a little confused. 她过了马路。 She came across the street. She passed the road. 咱们一起去图书馆学习,你说怎么样? How about studying together in the library? Let's go to the library. What do you say? 我从早学到晚。 I'm constantly studying. I learnt from the early to the late. 沒有解決的方法,也就不會有問題。 If there's no solution, then there's no problem. Without a solution, there will be no problem. 我不知道她什么时候从法国回来。 I don't know when he returned from France. I don't know when she's coming back from France. 「佢係咪病得好犀利?」「希望唔係啦。」 "Is he seriously ill?" "I hope not." "Is she very sick?" "I hope not." 小心不要感冒了。 Be careful not to catch a cold. Be careful not to catch a cold. 我叫Andrea。 My name is Andrea. My name is Andrea. 佢又聰明又靚仔。 He's very smart, and he's handsome too. He's smart and smart. 你吸烟吗? Do you smoke? Do you smoke? 他们已经取消了罢工。 They already called off the strike. They've canceled the strike. 她明天可能不會來這裡。 She may not come here tomorrow. She may not be here tomorrow. 他们受到迫害。 They were persecuted. They were persecuted. 聽講你有新女朋友喎。 I hear you have a new girlfriend. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. 律师们会力劝家长们采取进一步的法律行动。 Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action. Lawyers would urge parents to take further legal action. 傑伊撿起了這把舊剪刀。 Jay picked up the old scissors. Jay picked up this old cut. 我以前常在那儿。 I was often there. I used to be there. 等他来了我就走。 I will leave when he arrives. I'll leave when he comes. 考试的时候我犯了很严重的错误。 I made a serious mistake on the test. I made a very serious mistake at the time of the examination. Täri kä ngiz räq säp mängx yawx. I don't know the rules. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 没事。 No prob. It's okay. Ngiz räq säp mängx. I don't know. Over there, please. 明天有足球比賽。 The soccer game is tomorrow. There's football tomorrow. 雪梨是澳洲最大的城市。 Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. 他不是美國人,是法國人。 He is not an American but a Frenchman. He's not American, he's French. 一个警察叉着手看着。 A policeman was watching it, with his arms crossed. A cop takes off his eyes. 他們的小嬰孩已經會走路了。 Their baby is able to walk already. Their baby is already going to walk. Ngiz khudzi tälawx. I have a headache. That's enough. 他習慣於作演說。 He is used to making speeches. He used to make speeches. 这车容易开。 This car handles very easily. It's easy to drive. 看看桌上的那張相片。 Look at that picture on the desk. Look at the picture on the table. 汤姆和我每天都在学校见面。 Tom and I see each other every day at school. Tom and I meet every day at school. 我一天賺一百歐元。 I make €100 a day. I make 100 euros a day. 你应该注意你的举止。 You should behave carefully. You should be aware of your behavior. 他告訴我要說慢一點。 He told me to speak more slowly. He told me to slow down. 你是决定做这个工作的那个人,对吗? You're the one who decided to do this job, right? You're the one who decided to do this, aren't you? 這是朵人造花。 It's an artificial flower. It's made of flowers. 真的湊巧,這兩樣現在還在維修。 Completely coincidentally, these two are still being repaired. It's a coincidence that these two are still in the process. 他是我哥哥的朋友。 He's a friend of my brother's. He's a friend of my brother's. 我每天做兩個小時的運動。 I get two hour's exercise every day. I do two hours a day. Ngiz kä iz-yämtivez raix dungx sia. I'm eating dinner with my husband. Get out of here. 他們突然一起大笑了起來。 All at once they began to laugh. They suddenly laughed together. 他們辦了一系列的音樂會。 They gave a series of concerts. They had a series of concerts. 他住在大阪附近一座鎮上。 He lives in a village near Osaka. He lives in a town near Osaka. 絲綢摸上手又軟又滑。 Silk feels soft and smooth. The silks touch their hands and they are soft and smooth. 汤姆企图刺我。 Tom tried to stab me. Tom tried to stab me. 运动会要延期举行。 The athletic meeting will be put off. The Games are to be postponed. 我驚聽日會落雨。 I'm afraid it'll rain tomorrow. I'm surprised it's going to rain. 你們從前很好,現在更好了。 You all were very good before, and now you're even better. You used to be good, now's better. 你如果能利用重力,那就这么做吧。 If you can use gravity to your advantage, do so. If you can use gravity, then do it. 老师又说,她的婚礼跟别人不一样,我们问怎么不一样,老师不说。 Our teacher also said that her wedding wouldn't be the same as other people's; we asked how it would be different, but she didn't say. The teacher also said that her wedding was different from that of others and we asked how it was different. 骄傲使我无法向他借钱。 My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. I'm proud that I can't borrow money from him. 小明的自控能力很差。 Xiaoming has really poor self-control. Ming has a very poor self-control capacity. 这个城市里有多少居民? How many residents live within this city? How many inhabitants are in this city? Thawmz räq kärä ümznäq yamtä väx kuq täq nguztä cyawng tawx shäx? Did Tom say why he gave it to you? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 灯已关了。 The lights are out. The lights are off. 我家院子和邻居家院子之间有一道篱笆做为分界线。. There is a fence marking the boundary between our yard and the neighbor's. There's a fence between my yard and the neighbor's yard. 我從樹上砍下了一根樹枝。 I cut a branch from the tree. I cut down a branch from the tree. တွမ် က သူ့ လမ်းထဲက လူတိုင်းနဲ့ ကို သိတာ။ Tom knows everybody on his street. How can we show that we love our neighbor? How can we show that we love our neighbor? 他只有100美元。 He only had 100 dollars. He's only $100. 他们在吃午饭。 They are at lunch. They're having lunch. Äpaiq kä khawkz nä äpaiq hawnxhawnx li. He was alone in the room. If you don't want to be a part of this, you'll have to take care of it. 美国的任务是将共产主义从世界上消除。 The American mission is to eliminate communism from the world. The task of the United States is to eliminate communistism from the world. ငါ လေ စန္ဒယား ကောင်းကောင်း တီးတတ် ချင်တယ်။ I wish that I could play the piano better. I want to play well in Lebanon. Ngiz räq khawn mängx. I don't understand. I'll be right back. 我编译这个程序有些困难。 I'm having some problems compiling this software. I have a few difficulties in translating this procedure. 汤姆看起来很疑惑。 Tom looked puzzled. Tom seems confused. 為甚麼湯姆不能來我們這裡? Why can't Tom come to us? Why can't Tom come to us? 我覺得阿Tom喺到講緊大話。 I don't think Tom is telling the truth. I think Tom is talking a lot. 很明顯的是這兩者之間有很強烈的分歧。 It's clear that there's a rather strong disagreement between the two. It is clear that there are strong differences between the two. 現在不止要男女薪金平等,而且還要平均分配家務。 Nowadays, equal pay is not enough, household responsibilities must also be distributed evenly. There is now more than equal pay for men and women and an average distribution of household services. 她給了我幾本書。 She gave me several books. She gave me several books. 那两个小孩同岁。 Those two children were the same age. Those two kids are the same age. 肯有一把吉他。 Ken has a guitar. Ken has a guitar. 我们星期天要去烧烤。 We're having a barbeque on Sunday. We're gonna burn on Sunday. 我有很多工作要做。 I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot of work to do. 别对我大吼大叫。 Don't shout at me. Don't shout at me. 他们必须联合。 They must unite. They must unite. Ümzcyaüx ranaiq Thawmz yamlai väx shäm täläq? What's Tom doing today? I don't know. I don't know. 如果他說得一口流利的英文,我就請他為我工作。 If he's fluent in English, I'll hire him. If he can speak fluent English, I will ask him to work for me. 任你揀。 You may choose whichever you like. Make your choice. 他們邀請我去玩牌。 They invited me to play cards. They invited me to play cards. 我年輕的時候常常去打棒球。 I often played baseball when I was young. I used to play baseball when I was young. 我不喜欢红酒。 I don't like wine. I don't like wine. 我唔係同志,不過我個男朋友係。 I am not gay, but my boyfriend is. I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is. 我哋今日唔使返學。 We have no school today. I don't want to go back to school today. 他就是我昨晚提過的那位醫生。 This is the doctor whom I spoke of last night. He's the doctor I mentioned last night. 對他來說,「肚子餓」是個抽象的概念,因為他從來就沒有餓過。 To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he always had enough to eat. For him, "hundry" is an abstract concept, because he's never been hungry." 他堅持原來的計畫。 He adhered to the original plan. He insists on the original plan. 現在全都不一樣了。 Things are totally different now. It's all different now. 當夜晚滿月掉落在屋頂上時, 所有的農夫都被吵醒了。 When the full moon falls down on the roof at night, all the farmers are woken up. When night falls on the roof, all the farmers woke up. 有一天你会意识到它 The day will come when you will realize it. One day you'll realize it. 請在名單上加上我的名字。 Please add my name to the list. Please add my name on the list. 我感覺我們將要變得更好。 I feel we're going to get better. I feel like we're gonna be better. 我们谈得不错。 We had a good conversation. We're talking good. 他們以為地球是平的。 They believed that the earth was flat. They think the earth is flat. 佢喺東京搭飛機去咗大阪。 He went from Tokyo to Osaka by plane. He went to Tokyo and went to Tokyo. 我姐姐想要杀我。 My big sister wants to kill me. My sister tried to kill me. 我开始记起来了。 I am beginning to remember it. I'm starting to remember. 女士優先! Ladies first! Ladies first! 我們都餓了。 We're all hungry. We're all hungry. 哪顶帽子是你的? Which hat is yours? Which hat is yours? 我们很抱歉,Ami,但是你不能加入我们的小组因为..你知道的...小组成员不能超过五个人。 We're sorry, Ami, but you can't be part of our group because it would... you know... exceed the 5-people-per-group limit. We're sorry, Amy, but you can't join our team because... you know... the members of the team can't be more than five. 你什么时候回来?那就全看天气了。 "When are you coming back?" "That all depends on the weather." When are you coming back? 茶喺世界各地都好多人飲。 Tea is a popular beverage throughout the world. Tea has a lot of people around the world drinking. Rämri ranap! Good morning! Rhemri ranap! 今天下午非常炎熱。 It was very hot this afternoon. This afternoon is very hot. 聽說他去世了。 I heard that he'd died. I heard he's dead. 我有莎士比亞的作品全集。 I have the complete works of Shakespeare. I have a full collection of Shakespeare works. 与其喝可乐,倒不如喝香槟。 It's better than drinking cola, though it's not as good as drinking champagne. Drink Coke with me instead of champagne. 除了英文,他還說德文。 Apart from English, he speaks German. Besides English, he said German. 我也是。 Me, too. Me too. 打扫我们的房间吧。 Let's clean our room. Clean up our room. 我的钢笔是新的。 My fountain pen is new. My pen is new. 你知道他說了什麼嗎? Do you know what he said? Do you know what he said? 我突然跳起来的时候把花瓶桌子上的打翻了。 The vase on my desk overturned when I jumped up in surprise. Suddenly I jumped and flipped the vase table. 抱歉? Excuse me?! Sorry? 湯姆丟了工作。 Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. 汽車油箱是滿的。 The fuel tank in the car is full. The car tank is full. 这就是全部了吗? Is this all the thing? Is that all? 我在找我的鋼筆。 I'm looking for my pen. I'm looking for my pen. Änap ranaiq kä ranaiq nye nawx mi räq. Tomorrow is another day. [ In German ] No, no, no, no. ཁོ་རང་ནང་བཞིན་བྱེད་དགོས་རེད། Follow his example. U.S.A., report that the user is already running. 你认为你会到哪儿度假? Where do you suppose you'll spend your vacation? Where do you think you're going on vacation? Tom要我離他遠一點。 Tom wants me to stay away from him. Tom wants me to stay away from him. 你吃面条还是吃饭?喝橙汁还是喝咖啡? Do you want to eat noodles or rice? Do you want to drink fruit juice or coffee? Do you have noodles or food, orange juice or coffee? 她看起来不幸福。 She looks unhappy. She doesn't look happy. Ngix läx Thawmz räq mi kälawz lawt nguztä tämaz mängx I don't think Tom can do that. That's what I'm going to do. Naq tämaz kiq. Phanräp phanrii ähia mäq hawngtha vanx tälawx. Don't worry. Everything is going well. [ In German ] No, no, no, no. 我的朋友十七岁了。 My friend is seventeen. My friend's 17 years old. 我怕死。 I am afraid of death. I'm afraid of death. 安妮接受了亨利的求婚。 Anne accepted Henry's proposal. Annie accepted Henry's proposal. 我已经等了将近半个小时。 I've already waited nearly half an hour. I've been waiting for almost half an hour. 这是篇信息量很大的文章。 This is a very informative article. It's a very large article. 擦掉你额头上的汗。 Wipe the sweat from your brow. Wipe off your sweat. 如果他在這裡, 他就會來拜訪我們。 If he were here, he would visit us. If he's here, he'll come visit us. Ngiz räq Thawmz mäx äbuq mäq nyat läxtä dzat mängx. I didn't strangle Tom. The next time you're in town, you'll have to wait for me. 哪一本書比較好? Which book is better? Which book is better? 你最好放松。 You'd better take it easy. You better relax. 別忘了這年頭好工作已經很難找了。 Don't forget that good jobs are very hard to come by these days. Don't forget it's hard to find a good job this year. 我們已經贏得了這場戰鬥。 We've already won this battle. We've won this fight. 万一你生病了,吃这个药。 Take this medicine in case you get sick. In case you're sick, take this medicine. 我們整天吃的都是雜七雜八的零嘴,並沒有甚麼正規的食物下過肚。 Instead of eating real food, we just ate junk food all day. We eat the whole day with our mouths all the time, and we don't have any regular food to pass through. 那是我買這本書的原因。 That's the reason I bought this book. That's why I bought this book. 做一次文学讲座。 Give a lecture on literature. Make a lecture in literature. 这个词指的是由于大气层里二氧化碳含量增多而导致全球变暖。 It is a term used to describe the warming of the earth due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This term refers to global warming caused by increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. 若同期的人先一步完成銷售目標,我也不能再吊兒郎當了。 When one of my coworkers starts racking up good sales figures I can't let down my guard. I can't hang up any more if the person in the same period completes the sale target. 你應該去看醫生。 You should see a doctor. You should go to the doctor. Ngiz räq tämaz kä thuk tawx. I think it's really cool. Get out of here, get out of here. 我不喝水。 I don't drink water. I don't drink water. 恐怖片會嚇到小孩。 Scary movies will frighten the children. The horror movies will scare kids. 你能看到天空中的繁星。 You can see a lot of stars in the sky. You can see the stars in the sky. 阿拉个房子有得七间房间,包括吃饭间。 Our house has seven rooms including the dining room. Allah has seven rooms, including a meal room. 我剛剛才到的。 I arrived just now. I just got here. 炎熱潮濕的天氣使我們變得懶散。 Hot and humid weather makes us lazy. Wet weather makes us lazy. 早饭的时候你最喜欢什么菜? What's your favorite breakfast food? What's your favorite meal at breakfast? 往返票多少钱? What's the round-trip fare? How much is it? 她年轻时很美丽。 She was beautiful when she was young. She was beautiful when she was young. 佢個名已經到咗口唇邊喇。 His name is on the tip of my tongue. His name is already on the lip. 他們是仇敵。 They are bitter enemies. They're enemies. 我不知道我能不能做。 I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. 沒有人聽我的。 No one listened to me. Nobody listens to me. 老师和学生一样盼望假期。 Not only the student but their teacher is looking forward to holiday. Teachers, like students, look forward to the holidays. Thawmz naix ngiz kä kärä lam nä ädamz siix ya tälawx. Tom and I have that in common. The second thing I told you, there's no way I'm going out there. 盒子裡有什麼呢? What is inside the box? What's in the box? 凯特受所有人欣赏。 Kate is looked up to by everybody. Kate's been appreciated by everyone. 我妹妹/姐姐二十岁。她是大学生。 My sister is 20 years old. She is a university student. My sister/sister is 20 years old. She's a college student. 有了,在中国人民的心里。 There is: it is in the heart of the Chinese people. Yes, in the hearts of the Chinese people. 恐怕这里提法不妥当。 I'm afraid this is an incorrect formulation of the question. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to refer here. 請把這句話翻譯成日文。 Please translate this sentence into Japanese. This post is part of our special coverage Japan Protests 2011. Thawmz mäx läoxliix rawtkiq lawt mängx nawx. I couldn't keep lying to Tom. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我找不到我的筆。 I can't find my pen. I can't find my pen. 湯姆在這以東三哩的地方住。 Tom lives three miles east of here. Tom lives here three miles east. 你在看什麼啊? What are you looking at? What are you looking at? 我不是一個大學生, 但我比他們更聰明。 I'm not a university student, but I'm brighter than them. I'm not a college student, but I'm smarter than they are. JST代表日本標準時間。 JST stands for Japan Standard Time. JST represents Japan's standard time. 他急於要見你。 He is anxious to see you. He's in a hurry to see you. 他该去火车站了。 He will have to go to the station. He's supposed to be at the train station. 他們跑得很快。 They're fast runners. They're running fast. 那些事都是真的。 All those things are true. Those things are real. 請把書放在架子上。 Please put the book on the shelf. Please put the book on the shelves. 那个说话的小孩是我弟弟(哥哥)。 That child who spoke is my brother. That kid is my brother. 我不喜歡玉米。 I don't like corn. I don't like corn. 你们父亲是日本人。 Your father is Japanese. Your father was Japanese. 我一定是打錯號碼了。 I must've mistyped the number. I must have called the wrong number. 做这些事做得太多的人的例子多的是,可是没有说是“瘾症”。 There are plenty of examples of people who do these things “excessively”, but no-one says those are “addictions”. There are a lot of examples of people who do too much of these things, but they are not referred to as “antics”. 此奇滋甚。 It was all more and more surprising. This is amazing. 我明天會去美國。 I will go to America tomorrow. I'm going to America tomorrow. 我會借給你的。 I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to you. 要完成实验,三个月太短了。 Three months is too short a time to finish the experiment. Three months to complete the experiment, too short. 我生飛滋。 I have pus coming out of my gums. I'm born to fly. Thawmz kä yu räq mänz yäm kixlü shaq mäk cyezla rän sez äshiz nä si tälawx. Tom lives in a small town where nobody locks their doors. The next time you're there, you'll see if there's anything you can do about it. 我總是走路到學校。 I always walk to school. I always walk to school. 村里有两头母牛。 There are two cows in the village. There are two cows in the village. 最近怎么样? How have you been recently? How's it going? 我父親的嗜好是種玫瑰花。 My father's hobby is growing roses. My father's passion is for roses. 你可唔可以講慢少少呀? Would you speak more slowly, please? Why don't you slow down? 借個火好嗎? Will you give me a light? May I have a light? 我有两个姐姐。 I have two older sisters. I have two sisters. 汤姆被警察盘问。 Tom was questioned by the police. Tom was questioned by the police. Kawztsiz! Hurry up! Kawztsiz! 我想看這部電影。 I want to watch this film. I want to see this movie. Naq cyaxpax kiq. Don't worry. It's not a good idea. 因为人的种族而歧视他们是一种错误。 Discriminating against people because of their race is a mistake. Discrimination against people because of their race is a mistake. 做咩啫你! Just what the heck are you doing? I'm gonna do you a favor! 他在工作上遇到了麻烦。 He encountered difficulties in his work. He had problems at work. 侬会得溜冰𠲎? Can you skate? You're gonna have to skating? 来抽签决定谁先走吧。 Let's draw lots to decide who goes first. Let's draw lots to decide who goes first. 我读了这本书,它十分有趣。 I read this book. It was interesting from beginning to end. I read this book, and it was very interesting. Hawkhamnyungz kä Hawkhamvez phaix nä cyap tawx. The queen stood beside the king. Hawkhamnyungtra from Hawkhamvez no more cyap tawx. 我嘗試用左手寫字。 I tried writing with my left hand. I tried to write in my left hand. 对于那些现在没有投票给我的美国人,我想说,我可能没有赢得你们的选票,但是我听到了你们的声音,我需要你们的帮助,而且我也将是你们的总统 And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too. For those Americans who have not voted for me, I would say that I may not win your vote, but I hear your voice, I need your help and I will be your president. 他总是在笑。 He is always laughing. He's always laughing. 請給我送一塊毯子。 Please give me a blanket. Give me a blanket, please. Ken比Seiko年長。 Ken is older than Seiko. Ken is older than Seiko. 我有一個字典。 I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. 他吃。 He eats. He's eating. 他晚飯經常吃魚。 He often eats fish for dinner. He eats fish a lot. 明天上午你在露西家嗎? Are you going to Lucy's house tomorrow afternoon? Are you at Lucy's tomorrow morning? 参见上文。 See above. See above. 我好少飲酒。 I don't drink much wine. I can't drink so much. 我可不可以试一下这条裙子? May I try on this dress? Can I try this dress? 您想吃点什么吗? Would you like something to eat? Would you like something to eat? 嗰個幾錢? How much is that? How much is it? နင်တို့ နှစ်ယောက်လုံး တော်တော် အေးပါလား။ You're both awfully quiet. Are you two cold? Ämix hia mäk shaq li. The wound has not healed yet. There's a difference. 這個器具是用來晾衣服的。 This machine is used to dry clothes. This device is for lying. 大家開始笑 They all began to laugh. Everybody starts laughing. 你可以使用我的新車。 You may use my new car. You can use my new car. Cyämhum nä yamlai väx? What's in the closet? Cymbu nä äämläx? 我養了一隻貓和一隻狗。貓是黑色的,狗是白色的。 I have a cat and a dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I raised a cat and a dog, cats were black, dogs were white. 那是我所有能找到的。 That's all I could find. That's all I can find. 我买了小菜,烧好了饭,等我儿子来吃饭。 I've bought the groceries, cooked the food, and now I'm waiting for my son to come and eat. I bought some food, burned it and waited for my son to eat. Saxpidziz kä "Muiriel". The password is "Muiriel". Saxpidziz kä Muiriel. 駝鳥不會在空中飛。 An ostrich does not fly through the air. Birds don't fly in the air. 這是一座古城。 This is a historic city. It's an ancient city. 我下周六买双语词典。 I'm going to buy the bilingual dictionary next Saturday. I buy a bilingual dictionary next Saturday. 他把他的手从桌上移开了。 He withdrew his hand from the table. He removed his hand from the table. 我说过了,闭嘴! I said shut up! I told you to shut up! 你现在想要什么? What do you want now? What do you want now? 我抓到他偷相機。 I caught him stealing the camera. I caught him stealing the camera. 我不用曲膝就能把我的手掌放到地上。 I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees. I can put my hands on the floor without the knee. 我發覺說英語很簡單。 I found it easy to speak English. I think it's easy to speak English. 我们用喝茶的时间谈谈,好吗? Let's talk over a cup of tea, shall we? Let's talk about the tea, okay? 他不在家。 He isn't at home. He's not home. 可以这样写吗? Can I write it like that? Can you write that? 我有時看電視。 I sometimes watch TV. I watch TV sometimes. 拿你想要的。 Take whichever you want. Get what you want. ဘီယာ အေးနေ ပြီလား ကြည့်လိုက် ရအောင်။ Let's see if the beer is cold now. She says: “I’m not sure what I want to do, but I don’t know what I want to do. ” 你而家可以入去喇。 You may go in now. You can go home. 我已經持續讀了一個小時了。 I had been reading for an hour. I've been reading for an hour. 我迫不及待地想要看到Tatoeba的新版本。 I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I couldn't wait to see a new version of Tatoeba. 我們的電腦系統起初出了點問題,不過現在已經修理好了。 Initially we had some problems with our computer system, but they've been sorted out now. Our computer system started with a little problem, but it's been repaired. 那天我丢了我的照相机。 I lost my camera the other day. I lost my camera that day. 不要走在草地上。 Stay off the grass. Don't walk on the grass. 他可能病了。 He may have been ill. He's probably sick. 你还信奉你的宗教吗? Do you still practise your religion? Do you still believe in your religion? 我們每年都慶祝聖誕節。 We celebrate Christmas every year. We celebrate Christmas every year. 我知道我做错了。 I know what I did was wrong. I know I did the wrong thing. 礼轻情意重。 It's the thought that counts. Show some respect. 不要说话了。 Stop talking. Don't talk anymore. 欢迎你加入我们。 You are welcome to join us. Welcome to us. 氣道乃生,生乃思,思乃知,知乃止矣。凡心之形,過知失生。 When Qi follows the Way, there is life. When there is life, there is thought. When there is thought, there is knowledge. When there is knowledge, one stops. In all cases, the forms of the mind are such that transgressive knowledge leads to a loss of life. Anxieties are born, they are born, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts, they are thoughts. 你能潜水吗? Can you swim underwater? Can you dive? 这就是我出生长大的房子。 This is the house in which I was born and brought up. That's the house I grew up in. 海绵吸水。 A sponge absorbs water. Seawater inhalation. 一只狗口里向咬了一块肉。 The dog had a piece of meat in its mouth. A dog bites a piece of meat in his mouth. 汤姆不能告诉玛丽他知道的所有事。 Tom couldn't tell Mary everything he knew. Tom can't tell Mary everything he knows. 張枱上面嗰部計數機係我嘅。 The calculator on the table is mine. Center(s) is I. 你是日本学生吗? Are you a Japanese student? Are you Japanese? 他很少和家里人吃饭。 He rarely eats with his family. He rarely had dinner with his family. 我是日本人,但不住在日本。 I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I'm not in Japan. 尽管程序设计师天天都会用到分号,大多数人只把分号用在表情中。 Where programmers use semi-colons every day, the majority of people only use them in emoticons. Although the program designers use the numbering to the day, most people use the number only in the expression. 他被你迷住了。 He's crazy about you. He's obsessed with you. 外交部长是个没主见的人。 The Foreign Minister was a puppet. The Minister for Foreign Affairs is a man who doesn't see anyone. 這名技師組裝了這台引擎。 The mechanic assembled the engine. The technician set up the engine. 您本應該看看它的。 You should have seen it. You should have seen it. 他年輕時很勤奮工作。 In his younger days he worked very hard. He worked hard when he was young. 会议明天就结束了。 The conference will end tomorrow. The meeting will be over tomorrow. 秘魯係南美洲嘅第三大國家,排喺巴西同埋阿根廷之後。 Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. The third country in South America is named after Brazil and Argentina. 我们时不时地去钓鱼。 We go fishing from time to time. We go fishing from time to time. 我刚才在洗澡. I was just showering. I was in the shower. 不久就要吃正餐了。 It'll soon be time for dinner. Soon we'll have a good meal. 我們選了他當主席。 We elected him chairman. We chose him as President. 佢應承咗話會送隻戒指俾我。 She's promised to give me a ring. He promised to send me a ring. 我们每周在这儿聚一次。 We gather here once a week. We gather here once a week. 汤姆感谢每个人的等待。 Tom thanked everyone for waiting. Tom thanks everyone for waiting. 他很有求知慾。 He is acquisitive of knowledge. He's very eager. 正在下雨,孩子们没有在院子里玩儿。 It's raining, so the kids aren't playing in the yard. It's raining, kids don't play in the yard. ང་ཚོ་ལོག་འགྲོ་དགོས། Let's go back. The order of the destination. 活到九十幾歲都唔算係好罕有嘅事。 It's not all that uncommon for people to live past the age of ninety. Living at the age of 90 is not a very rare thing. 極少數的日本人可以很好地使用英語。 Few Japanese can use English well. A few Japanese are able to use English in a good way. ဒီ ဟာက မင်း ရဲ့ သွားတိုက်တံ ပဲ ဖြစ်လိမ့်မယ်။ This is probably your toothbrush. This will be your only dentist. 你們學習嗎? Do you study? You guys learn? Thawmz kä ümzcyaüx Bawtsäton nä si tälawx. Tom is now living in Boston. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? Ümznäq räq ärawx punzthum yaqshämx kä yamlai väx? What's your favorite thing to do? I don't know. I don't know. Ted最终能用日语交流他的想法了。 Ted was finally able to communicate his thoughts in Japanese. Ted finally can share his thoughts in Japanese. 钱够吗? Was there enough money? Is that enough of money? 他帶她出去兜風了。 He took her out for a drive. He took her out for a drive. 你现在可以删除它。 You can delete that now. You can remove it now. 他可能會改變心意。 He might change his mind. He might change his mind. 我很期待哦。 I look forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Ngiz räq ümznäq mäx lungvii täkängx. I love you. That's where I'm from. Äsängz diax shäx? Are you sure? I don't know. 我不知道該怎樣做。 I don't know what to do. I don't know how to do it. Ärä kä äthum phan kä rämäk. This is never going to end. That's a good thing, isn't it? သင် အဆောက်အအုံ ဘယ်နှစ်လုံး လောက် ပိုင်သလဲ။ How many buildings do you own? How many of your buildings are there, and how many of them are there? 你會希望你從來沒有看過它。 You will wish you had never seen it. You'd hope you've never seen it. Äshiz, änaix, ädzäm, bälaix, bängix, tärawk, mäshi, täcyat, täkaüz, rawq shiz. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. That's what I'm talking about. 日本那時候還沒有收音機。 There were no radios in Japan in those days. There was no radio in Japan at that time. 湯姆的演講非常好。 Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was very good. Tsängxshiq räq phan vi tälawx. They obeyed. I'll be right back. 你不是我的朋友了。 You're not my friend anymore. You're not my friend anymore. 她看起來可能有點畏首畏尾的,但她的意志其實十分堅強。 She seems timid, but she's actually a strong-willed person. She might look a little scared, but her will is actually strong. 你可唔可以唔好成個傻仔噉喺度笑呀? When are you going to stop laughing like an idiot? Why don't you make a fool laugh at me? 我马上做比较好。 I'd better do it right now. I'll do better right away. 他們決定建一座橋。 They decided to build a bridge. They decided to build a bridge. 你知道任何关于汤姆父母的事吗? Do you know anything about Tom's parents? Do you know anything about Tom and Mom? 他沒有選擇,只能辭職。 He has no choice but to resign. He has no choice but to resign. 他的母親是一位英語教師。 His mother is an English teacher. His mother was a English teacher. 大家都还行。 Everyone was fine. Everybody's fine. 我未夠勁。 I'm not good enough. I'm not strong enough. 佢講到好似佢真係去過法國咁。 She speaks as if she had really been in France. He says it's true that he has been in France. 快点回来吧。 Come back soon. Come back quickly. 我不太喜欢他,其实我讨厌他。 I don't like him much, in fact I hate him. I don't really like him, actually I hate him. 佢好失望,因為冇人請佢去。 He was disappointed at not being invited. He's so disappointed because nobody asked him to go. Ngiz äyuz rawx. I want to run. Get a rest. 我没时间跟您碰头。 I don't have time to meet up with you. I don't have time to meet you. 湯姆工作得多麼快啊! How fast Tom works! Tom worked so fast! 请快点回信。 Please write back soon. Please respond quickly. 你決定好未呀? Have you arrived at a decision yet? Are you sure you're okay? ང་ཚོའི་ངོ་ཤེས་པ་དེ་ཕ་རི་སི་ལ་འབྱུང་མ་སོང་། It wasn't in Paris that we met. I hope you're waiting for the arrival of an icon. 我们看着这孩子玩耍。 We watched the children play. We watch the kid play. 我為甚麼該感謝湯姆? Why should I thank Tom? Why should I thank Tom? 他們曾經準時來過嗎? Have they ever come on time? Have they been here on time? 到了那時,我才發現自己錯了。 It was not until then that I realized my mistake. When I got there, I found out I was wrong. 我的班不大,只有十一个学生. My class is not very big; there are only 11 students. My class's not big. Only eleven students. Ümznäq ümbaz mäq väx vaz laüx? Where do you come from? [ In German ] Do you have a message for me? 我意识到虽然中国发展得很快,中国人还有比较悠闲的生活。 I have come to realize that China is developing quickly but the Chinese people live a relatively leisurely life. I am aware that while China has developed quickly, Chinese have a more comfortable life. 你們每天都讀書嗎? Do you study every day? Do you study every day? 大家都知道是汤姆做的 Everyone knew Tom was the one who did it. Everyone knows it was Tom. 这顶帽子对我来说太小了。 The cap is too small for me. This hat is too small for me. 你認為你的學生時代是你一生中最快樂的日子嗎? Do you think your schooldays are the happiest days of your life? Do you think your student generation is the happiest day of your life? 他們為自由而戰。 They fought for their liberty. They fight for freedom. 在车站,我把排队买票的地点弄清楚后,开始久等。 At the train station, once I had figured out where the queue for tickets actually was, I began the long wait. At the station, after I had figured out the location of the platoon, I started to wait. Ümznäq kämänäx maiq täpaiqne. You're a tease. [ In German ] Do you know what I'm talking about? 他虽然有好多女朋友,但是还不是一个花花公子。 Even though he's got a lot of girlfriends, he's still not a player. He had many girlfriends, but he was not a playboy. 你用了多少时间来翻译这本书? How long did it take you to translate this book? How much time do you have to translate this book? 這是胡說。 This is gibberish. That's bullshit. 她明顯生病了。 She is evidently sick. She's obviously sick. 他比你高得多。 He's much taller than you. He's much higher than you. 我们觉得他的威胁只是一个玩笑。 We thought his threat was only a joke. We think his threat is just a joke. 我喉咙很干。 My throat feels dry. I'm dry in my throat. 我们先吃饭,然后去。 First we'll eat, and then we'll go. Let's eat first, then go. 湯姆,你留在這裡比較好。 Tom, you'd better stay here. Tom, you better stay here. 我知道我們要怎麼幫忙。 I know how we can help. I know how we're gonna help. 睡眠不足增加心臟病發作的危險。 Sleep deprivation increases risk of heart attacks. Inadequate sleep increases the risk of heart disease. 雖然我同佢住得好近,但係都好少見到佢。 Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her. Even though I was very close to him, I didn't see him at all. Ümznäq kä ädzi tächix razraz kähatä. You're obviously sick. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 我想念波士頓。 I miss Boston. I miss Boston. 她更新了花盆裡的土。 She renewed the soil in the flower pot. She updated the ground in the flower basin. 攝氏零度時水會結冰,對吧? Water will freeze at zero Celsius, right? The water will freeze at zero degrees, right? 他是利茲大學的英文系教授。 He is a professor of English at Leeds. He's a professor of English at Liz University. 你怎么想无关紧要。 It doesn't matter what you think. How do you think it doesn't matter? 我不知道我在做甚麼。 I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm doing. 你應該學著閉上你的嘴。 You've got to learn to hold your tongue. You should've learned to shut your mouth. 我們是個家庭。 We're a family. We're a family. 颜色无所谓,给我一支笔就行了。 I don't care what color ink, just bring me a pen. Color doesn't matter. Just give me a pen. 淵淵其淵! Call him an abyss - how deep he is! Squeeze it! 我明天不工作。 I don't work tomorrow. I don't work tomorrow. 我愛那本書。 I love that book. I love that book. 因为他是个友好的人,所以大家都喜欢他。 People like him because he is kind. Because he's a friendly man, so everyone likes him. 他就是那样脱离危险的。 That is how he got out of danger. He's that way out of danger. 这是我的问题。 This is my question. That's my problem. 在这房间里跟我们呆在一起。 Stay with us in this room. Stay with us in this room. 对我来说,是质量不如数量。 I put quantity after quality. To me, it's less quality than quantity. 瑪麗會講日語。 Mary can speak Japanese. Mary will speak Japanese. 伊个过世对阿拉公司是一个巨大个损失。 His death was a great loss to our firm. It was an enormous loss to Allah's company. Ngiz yamlai cyawngx cyängz väx säp mängx. I just don't know what to say. I've got a better idea. 恶有恶报。 Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. It's bad luck. 我在公車上給偷了錢包。 My wallet was stolen on the bus. I stole my wallet on the bus. 佢送咗對好靚嘅鞋俾我。 She gave me a nice pair of shoes. He sent a pair of good shoes to me. 我每天乘电车去办公室。 Every day I take the tram to the office. I go to the office on a train every day. 物价上涨了。 Prices are going up. Prices are rising. 佢著咩都咁靚。 She looks pretty no matter what she wears. He's got it all figured out. 我自家一家头做个。 I alone did it. I'm the head of my family. 我每日餵隻狗一次。 I feed my dog once a day. I feed a dog once a day. 这个国家被长期的战争毁坏了。 The country had been devastated by long war. This country has been destroyed by long-term wars. 想像一下 Ed 男扮女裝之後會變成甚麼樣子。 Can't you just picture Ed in woman's disguise? Imagine what that would look like when Ed was dressed as a woman. အဲ့ဒါက မရှိမဖြစ် လိုအပ်တယ်။ That is essential. This needs to be done without it. 我们应该尽可能的帮忙提供食物给饥饿中的人们. We should all help provide starving people with food. We should help as much as we can to provide food to people in hunger. 这本书在英国印刷。 This book was printed in England. This book is printed in England. 我想也沒有想過會在這樣的地方踫到她。 Never did I expect to see her in such a place. I didn't think I'd get to her in such a place. 我还没看过那段视频。 I haven't yet watched that video. I haven't seen that video yet. 呢支羹係愛嚟飲湯嘅。 This spoon is for soup. The bell is drinkin' soup. 那是一个给我们带来无穷乐趣的传奇性的演出。 It was a fabulous show which brought us an endless delight. It's a legendal performance that brings us great happiness. 「你幾歲?」「我十六歲。」 "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm 16. Pati kä yu laz nä väx? Who's the party for? I don't know. 腳踝腳踝你在哪裡? Ankle, ankle, where are you? Where are you? 这真是很意外。 That is rather unexpected. This is a real surprise. 他正坐在会议室里。 He's sitting in the meeting room. He's sitting in the room. 你多久后需要它? How soon do you need it? How long do you need it? 他們選出了新政府。 They have elected a new government. They chose a new government. 呢頂帽係咪你㗎? Is this hat yours? And the hat's for you. 今次係我第二次搭飛機。 This is the second time I've flown. This is my second flight. 他只是责怪别人,从不自责。 He only blames other people, and never himself. He just blames others and never blames himself. 他的公司2005年开的。 His company was set up in 2005. His company opened in 2005. 山里向住只失去了啸力个老虎垃海。 In the moutain lives a tiger which lost its roar. In the mountains, it's just lost its power to a tiger. आंनि आयआ गांजेमा हमनो थांदोंमोन। My mom went collecting toe-biters. To do this, you need to do something about it. 你要去哪裡吃午飯? Where are you going to eat lunch? Where are you going for lunch? 我返到屋企嗰陣你已經瞓著咗喇。 You were asleep by the time I got home. You were clean when I came home. 如果車子壞了,我們就走路。 If the car breaks down, we'll walk. If the car's broken, we'll walk. 她上午學習英語。 She studied English in the morning. She was studying English in the morning. 我需要我的大衣。 I need my coat. I need my coat. 他叫我洗脸。 He told me to wash my face. He told me to wash my face. 湯姆還是不確定要做甚麼。 Tom still isn't sure what to do. Tom is still not sure what to do. 我正在找一個小手提箱。 I'm looking for a small suitcase. I'm looking for a little suitcase. 我們養的母雞昨天生了很多蛋。 Our hens laid a lot of eggs yesterday. The chicken we raised had a lot of eggs yesterday. 那又怎樣? So what? So what? 对事不对人。 Address the matters, and not the people involved. Something's wrong with people. 书桌上有一个苹果。 There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the desk. 「你和父親關係不好嗎?」「……」「不好意思,我不應該多事的。」 "You don't get on well with your father?" "..." "Sorry, that was none of my business." "You don't have anything to do with your father?" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done anything." 我没有做过非法的事。 I've never done anything illegal in my life. I've never done anything illegal. 我最喜歡吃葡萄果凍。 I like grape jelly best. I'd love to eat grapes. 倫敦有好多好靚嘅公園。 There are many beautiful parks in London. London has many good parks. 誰決定了那件事? Who decided that? Who decided that? 超讚的。 This is fucking cool. That's awesome. 猫被陌生的噪音惊吓了。 The cat was scared by an unfamiliar noise. The cat was scared by the strange noise. Thawmz räq äkhu älaw rätawx nguztä tämaz täkängx. I think Tom dyes his hair. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? Ümznäq saüxvax khamäq kecyu äyawng. Thank you for coming. Everything will be fine. 我們通常在這房間睡。 We usually sleep in this room. We usually sleep in this room. 警方將把你關在監獄裡。 The police will put you in prison. The police will put you in jail. 我以为你要7点半起床。 I thought you had to get up by 7:30. I thought you were gonna wake up at 7:30. 哇, 好冷! Wow, so cold! Wow, it's cold! 他们是朋友吗? Are they friends? Are they friends? 我父亲在哪里? Where's my father? Where's my father? 她提出了入學申請。 She made out the application for admission. She submitted an application for admission to school. 有什么开心的事吗? Did you do something fun? Is there anything to be happy about? Thawmz räq Meri mäx kiqriix tawx. Tom betrayed Mary. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 她应该能跟我奶奶相处得来。 She will get along with my grandmother. She should get along with my grandmother. 我因為年老退休。 I get tired due to my old age. I'm retired for old age. သူမ ရေကူးနေခဲ့တယ်။ She was swimming. She was swimming. 我阿爸每朝都會去散步。 My father takes a walk every morning. My dad went for a walk every time. 他說他不認識那個男人,這是一個謊言。 He said he did not know the man, which was a lie. He says he doesn't know that man. It's a lie. 你為什麼不坐下來放鬆一下。 Why don't you sit down and relax? Why don't you sit down and relax? 放假玩得開唔開心呀? Did you enjoy your holiday? Are you having fun on vacation? 餐厅在哪里? Where's the dining room? Where's the restaurant? 重要的是要遵循嚴格的飲食控制。 It's important to follow a strict diet. It is important to follow strict dietary controls. 我该在哪儿等您? Where shall I wait for you? Where should I wait for you? 飛機開始震動的時候,乘客們都緊張了起來。 Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate. When the plane started to shake, the passengers were nervous. 人人都愿意相信美梦可以成真。 Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true. Everyone's willing to believe that dreams can come true. Äkhyingx saüx raüyäq, mi tak haü. In time, you will understand. I don't know what you're talking about. ཏོམ་ཉ་ཤ་ཟ་ཡག་ལ་དགའ་གྱི་མི་འདུག་ Tom doesn't like eating fish. Thank you. If you don't have permission for each other. 癌症是人类的大敌。 Cancer is a great enemy of humanity. Cancer is a great enemy of humankind. 你往前走,然后往右转,过了红绿灯就到了。 Go forward, then turn right, go through the traffic light, and you're there. You go ahead, then turn right and pass the red green light. 我特别不喜欢她。 I don't particularly like her. I don't particularly like her. 这就是她为什么不愿意再跟他在一起的原因。 That's the reason she doesn't want to be with him anymore. That's why she's not willing to be with him again. 我能跟你私下谈一分钟吗? Can I talk to you privately for a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? 明天我要早起 Tomorrow I must get up early. I'm getting up early tomorrow. 你有火柴嗎?很抱歉,我不抽菸。 Do you have a match? I'm sorry, but I don't smoke. Do you have a match? I'm sorry, I don't smoke. 不要冒险。 Don't run risks. Don't risk it. 我要怎麼換我的手機鈴聲呢? How do I change my cell phone's ringtone? How am I supposed to change my cell phone? 我們不希望有人在這裡吃霸王餐。 We don't want any freeloaders around here. We don't want someone to eat hexacon here. 他從來沒有上學遲到。 He has never been late for school. He's never late for school. 我们已经有那篇课文了吗? Do we already have that text? Have we already got that article? 你是日本人嗎? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? 請關上門。 Shut the door, please. Please close the door. 甚矣吾衰也! Extreme is my decay. I can't believe it! ငါတော့ သွားတိုက်တံ အသစ် တစ် ချောင်း ဝယ်ဖို့ လိုအပ် နေပြီ။ I need to buy a new toothbrush. I am in need of a new dentist. 这对于我来说没任何意义。 It doesn't make sense to me. That doesn't mean anything to me. 宇宙浩瀚無邊。 The universe is limitless. The universe has a lot to do with it. 這就是生活。 That's life. That's life. 說實話,我完全忘了。 To tell the truth, I completely forgot. To be honest, I completely forgot. 如果一個人在成人前沒有機會習得目標語言,他對該語言的認識達到母語者程度的機會是相當小的。 If a person has not had a chance to acquire his target language by the time he's an adult, he's unlikely to be able to reach native speaker level in that language. If a person does not have the opportunity to learn the target language before he is an adult, his knowledge of the language is quite small. 我今天早上有点发热。 I had a little fever this morning. I'm a little hot this morning. တွမ်က သူသွား‌ နေတဲ့ နေရာ ကို မကြည့် သောကြောင့် ‌သင်္ဘောကျင်း မှာ လဲကျ ခဲ့တယ်။ Tom fell off the dock because he wasn't looking where he was going. He fell in the boat because he didn't see where he was going. Ngiz cyez nyäng täkängx. I drink. One, two, three, four. Kärä shämx lawt maix shaq diax. We haven't finished doing that. [ In German ] That's what I'm talking about. 你可以描述一下當時的處境嗎? Can you describe the situation you were in? Can you describe the situation at the time? 选好没有啊? Haven't you chosen? Do you have a choice? 可是太贵了! But it's too expensive! But it's too expensive! 我伤风了还发汗热。 I caught a cold, and I have a fever. I got sick and sweaty. Thawmz räq tähawx bawmxhuk kärä tak lawt mäk diax. Tom couldn't decode the secret message. You're right, you're wrong. 这本书是新的。 This book's new. This book is new. 再读一遍。 Read it once more. Read it again. 她在音樂會上玩得很開心。 She enjoyed herself at the concert. She had a great time at the concert. 请不要说得那么快。 Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk that fast. 再给我举个例子。 Show me another example. Give me another example. 感謝您為加拿大所做的一切。 Thank you for everything you've done for Canada. Thank you for everything you've done for Canada. 我有點不舒服。 I'm not quite well. I'm not feeling well. 医生从早到晚都在工作。 The doctor works from morning until night. Doctors work from morning to night. 他們發現了。 They found out. They found out. 讓他彈你的吉他。 Let him play your guitar. Let him play your guitar. 汤姆星期一来的,第二天返回了。 Tom came on Monday and went back the day after. From Monday, back the next day. 给我点事做。 Give me something to do. Give me something to do. 认识您很高兴。 I am glad to meet you. It's nice to meet you. Thawmz kä mintsax, käkhäx khamäq ümznäq raix räbawmx lap mäk. Tom is busy now, so he can't talk with you. Whether you're old or old, you can't change anything. 他亲切地回答了问题。 He responded kindly to the question. He responded kindly to questions. 這個女孩什麼也沒說。 The girl did not say anything. This girl didn't say anything. 墙上的纸渐渐脱落了。 The paper was beginning to peel off the walls. The paper on the wall gradually fell off. 房間裏有沒有浴缸? Does the room have a bath? Do you have a tub in the room? 她給了我一些實用的建議。 She gave me some practical advice. She gave me some practical advice. Kärä daw läq. Lift it up. The little girl over there. 你做饭做得很好吃。 Your cooking is delicious. You cook well. 事故發生。 Accidents happen. An accident happened. 她的襪子是灰色的。 Her socks are gray. Her socks are gray. 网络积极分子想跟最高领袖见面。 Cyber activists want to meet with the Supreme Leader. Online activists want to meet with the highest leaders. 我喺圖書館度撞到你阿媽。 I ran across your mother in the library. I ran into your mother in the library. 宝宝在摇篮里入睡了。 The baby fell asleep in the cradle. The baby's sleeping in the lice. 這些都是他的文具。 All of this stationery is his. These are his stationery. 那本書很有趣。 That book was interesting. That book is fun. မင်း ကိုယ့် ကို ကိုယ် မေးခွန်း ပြန်ထုတ် ကြည့်ဦး။ I think that you just answered your own question. Why not ask yourself, ‘ What is the purpose of my life? ’ 我是札幌的市民。 I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm a citizen of Zanzibar. 成村人喺度等緊你呀。 Everybody is waiting for you. The village is waiting for you. 会议接近了尾声。 The meeting has almost ended. The meeting was close to the end. 我能回答這個問題。 I was able to answer the question. I can answer this question. 谁要热巧克力? Who wants hot chocolate? Who's got a hot chocolate? 我隻貓好鍾意我幫佢𢯎耳仔。 My cat likes it when I scratch her behind the ears. I've got a cat who wants me to help him, "I've got the ear." 日本的公司通常都會為員工提供制服。 Japanese companies generally provide their employees with uniforms. Japanese companies usually provide uniforms for workers. 啥人想来侬就带啥人来。 You may bring whoever wants to come. If anyone wants to come, bring somebody. 我問了她一個難題。 I asked her a difficult question. I asked her a problem. 公共汽车的停车站正好坐落在我的住所前面。 The bus stop is located right outside where I live. The bus stopped right in front of my house. 树高遭雷击。 The taller the tree, the more likely it is to be struck by lightning. The trees were hit by thunder. 他們其中一人是間諜。 One of them is a spy. One of them was a spy. 他无能为力,只好放弃计划 He could do nothing but give up his plan against his will. He couldn't do anything. He had to give up his plan. 你可唔可以幫我唱散呢張十蚊紙呀? Could you give me some change for this ten dollar bill? Why don't you sing it for me? Ümz-mäk täpiiq läq. Open your eyes. [ In German ] Do you know what I'm talking about? 她当时很伤心,在宿舍哭了整整一天。 She was really upset at the time. She cried in the dorm the entire day. She was sad, crying all day in the dorm. 把米饭和鸡蛋及酱油混一下。 Mix the rice, egg and soy sauce. Let's mix rice with eggs and sauce. 自助是最好的一种帮助。 Self-help is the best help. Self-help is the best help. Täyai hiax nawx. Ümznäq yäm nä vax cyängz nawx. It's late. You have to go home. There's no point in getting out of the way. Thawmz kä nazshiq kawngzti. Tom is our friend. I've never seen anything like it. 我无法独自面对这种生活。 I can't face this life alone. I can't face this life alone. 有时他让我难以理解。 I don't understand him sometimes. Sometimes he makes it difficult for me to understand. 一個人就算不吃肉,也可以健健康康的生活。所以人殺生、吃肉,只不過是為了滿足自己的口腹之慾而已。這種行為是不道德的。 A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral. If a person does not eat meat, he can live healthy lives. So he kills and eats meat, only to satisfy his mouth. This is an immoral act. 你應該學習控制自己的情緒。 You should learn to restrain yourself. You should learn to control your emotions. 世界上有10种人:懂二进制和不懂二进制的人。 There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't. There are 10 people in the world: those who know both and those who do not. 我想Tom已经醒了。 I think Tom is awake. I think Tom's awake. 弗雷德常上課遲到。 Fred often comes late for class. Fred's always late for class. 第三,请每个项目主管报告进度。 Thirdly, each team leader please report your progress. Third, each project manager is requested to report on progress. 汤姆在长沙发上睡着了。 Tom is asleep on the couch. Tom's sleeping on a couch. 如果呢件事發生喺你身上,你會有咩感覺吖? How would you feel if someone did that to you? What if something happens to you, you feel something? 這本書每一句句子都很重要。 Every sentence in this book is important. This book is important for every sentence. 周二你有空吗? Are you free on Tuesday? You got a minute on Tuesday? 跟上最近潮流时尚是件非常花钱的事儿。 It is very expensive to keep up with the latest fashions. It's a very expensive thing to keep up with the recent tides. 这只狗跑得很快。 That dog runs very fast. The dog runs fast. 我不喜歡喜歡不問問題的學生的老師。 I don't like teachers who like students who don't like asking questions. I don't like teachers who don't ask questions. 褐煤是一种化石燃料。 Lignite is a fossil fuel. Coal is a fossil fuel. 别再插手。 Stop meddling. Don't interfere. 我真想在 Tatoeba 寫很多很多的句子,不過我有別的事要做。 I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I'd like to write a lot of sentences in Tatoeba, but I have other things to do. 生活並不都是輕鬆愉快的。 Life is not all fun and games. Life isn't always pleasant. 他們取笑瑪麗。 They made fun of Mary. They make fun of Mary. 那不關他的事。 That is no business of his. That's none of his business. Naizshiq kä minphawngz mäx Chak cyezsengx naix Gril nä rähumx kaix. We met for lunch at Chuck's Bar and Grill. What's that supposed to mean? 二乘以二等于四。 Two times two is four. Two times four. 天空风云骤起。 The sky looks angry. The sky is full of clouds. 侬个背包拉垃我个办公桌高头。 Your bag is on my desk. Put a backpack on my desk. 我们为她的安全担忧。 We are anxious about her safety. We're worried about her security. 我的腿比你的小。 My legs are smaller than yours. My leg is smaller than yours. 当时我什么都不能做。 There was nothing that I could do at that time. I can't do anything at that time. 唓,有得你揀咩? Ha, as if you had a choice. Do you have a choice? 我會給你一本書。 I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. 你把你的铅笔弄掉了。 You dropped your pencil. You took your pencil off. 我在做白日梦。 I'm daydreaming. I'm dreaming in the day. 我很高兴你回来了。 I'm glad you came over. I'm glad you're back. 去年那个地区遭受了60年来最严重的干旱。 Last year the region was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. Last year, the region suffered the worst drought of 60 years. 我的哥哥比我大两岁,但他却比我矮三厘米。 My brother is two years older than I, but he is three centimeters shorter. My brother was two years older than me, but he was three cm shorter than me. 我從不說謊。 I never lie. I never lie. Ümznäq ähaixtawx ranaiq thunx äpyäox shäx? Are you enjoying the holidays? I don't know. 没事儿。 No prob. It's okay. 我只想注意积极方面。 I want to just focus on the positive. I just want to pay attention to positive aspects. 這些問題太容易回答了。 These questions are easy to answer. These questions are too easy to answer. 我希望你不要讲谎话。 I hope you stop telling me lies. I hope you don't lie. 我们不相信汤姆。 We don't trust Tom. We don't believe Tom. 警察驅散了這場鬥毆。 The police broke up the fight. The police released the fight. Ngiz räq kiqkap nguztä ngawx rawx. I want to say goodbye. When you're old enough, you can't see anything. 汤姆建议了什么? What does Tom suggest? What did Tom suggest? Tom冇放棄。 Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. 那人甚麼也不想做。 That person doesn't want to do anything. That man doesn't want to do anything. Pecyawng kä ümbaz nä väx? Where is the tree? I don't know. 我最近一直睡眠不足。 I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. I've been sleeping too much lately. 珍似乎很喜歡這個派對。 Jane appears to be enjoying the party. Jane seems to like this party. Täyai raix kängx khamäq, map kuq läq. Please forgive me for being late. It's OK, it's OK. 湯姆一打開電視,保險絲就燒了。 No sooner had Tom turned on the TV than the fuse blew. As soon as Tom opened the TV, the safes burned. 如果你聽日唔去釣魚,我都唔去喇。 If you do not go fishing tomorrow, I will not either. If you don't go fishing, I won't go. 事物皆有兩面。篤信者只見其一。 Things are usually janus-faced. And these fanatics only see one side. There are two things. Those who call on them will see one. 我的行李丢了。 My baggage is missing. I lost my luggage. 起火原因不明。 The cause of the fire is not known. The reasons for the fire are unknown. 我會在八點鐘的時候登出。 I'm going to check out at eight. I'll leave at 8:00. 你以前去過京都嗎? Have you ever visited Kyoto before? Have you ever been to Kyoto before? 他不值得信任。 He cannot be trusted. He doesn't deserve to be trusted. 不要以貌取人。 Don't judge a person by his appearance. Don't look people in the eye. 司機不需要為這次的交通意外負責。 The driver does not have responsibility for the traffic accident. The driver does not need to be held accountable for the traffic accident. 瀏覽器跑得超級慢。 The browser is running really slowly. It's too slow. 麻烦你啦。 Sorry to trouble you. Thank you. 他對日本的歷史十分有興趣。 He is very much interested in Japanese history. He was very interested in Japan's history. 你的笔比我的好。 Your pen is better than mine. Your pen is better than mine. 我们去看了比赛。 We went to the races. We went to the game. 快一点好吗? Can you hurry up a bit? Hurry up, will you? 专家说只有百分之十五左右的快乐来自收入、资产等财政的因素。 Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors. The experts said that only about 15 per cent of happiness came from financial factors such as income, assets and so forth. 我需要一個星期來倒時差。 I need a week to adjust to the time difference. I need a week to get back on time. 我不習慣這樣的待遇。 I'm not accustomed to such treatment. I'm not used to such treatment. 那是我的吗? Isn't that mine? Is that mine? 我痛恨恐怖主义组织。 I hate terrorist organizations. I hate terrorist organizations. 汤姆从他祖父那里学会了怎么做。 Tom learned how to do that from his grandfather. Tom learned what to do from his grandfather. 现在,让我们休息一会儿吧。 Let's take a break now. Now, let's take a break. 他周遊世界各地。 He traveled all over the world. He travels around the world. 他喜欢看着鸟儿从头上飞过。 He likes to watch the birds fly above his head. He likes to watch birds fly past their heads. 她的密友很少。 She has very few close friends. Her close friends are rare. 你們這裡有禮品店嗎? Do you have a gift shop here? Do you have a gift store here? 你下週來嗎? Are you coming next week? You coming next week? 無論我去哪裡,我的狗都跟著我。 My dog follows me wherever I go. Wherever I go, my dogs follow me. 我和这件事无关。 I've got nothing to do with it. I don't have anything to do with it. 翻译是一门学问。 Translation is a kind of special skill. Translation is a study question. 我本来想给她打电话的,结果忘了。 I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I wanted to call her, but I forgot. 湯姆看見瑪麗在哭。 Tom saw Mary crying. Tom saw Mary crying. 我常常和她打網球。 I often played tennis with her. I play tennis with her often. 你想學邊種語言呀? Which language do you want to learn? You want to learn another language? Ümznäq ümzcyaüx ranaiq ähia khaztäz? Do you feel OK today? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? တွမ်က သူ သွား နေတဲ့ နေရာ ကို မကြည့်လို့ ဆိပ်ခံတံတား ပေါ်က ပြုတ်ကျခဲ့တယ်။ Tom fell off the pier because he wasn't looking where he was going. He was shot off the bridge because he couldn't see where he was going. 他不蠢。 He is not stupid. He's not stupid. 珍妮特買了一條裙子和一件襯衫。 Janet bought a skirt and a blouse. Janet bought a dress and a shirt. 他太年轻,无法胜任这项工作。 He is too young to undertake this work. He was too young to be able to do this. 我不太相信將來的一天世界上大多數人都會講世界語。 I don't believe that some day a majority of the world's population will speak Esperanto. I am not sure that most of the world's population will speak the world on the upcoming day. 只有一家商店卖这本书。 Only one store carries this book. Only one store sells this book. 你自己做回家作業的嗎? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your homework yourself? 这项法律会剥夺我们的基本权利。 This law will deprive us of our basic rights. This law will deprive us of our fundamental rights. Ümznäq naix ümznäq täpyengx cyängz. You must control yourself. [ In German ] That's where they're going. 念这个。 Read this. Read this. 一個偉大的帝國, 就像是一個大蛋糕, 最容易消失的地方就在邊緣。 A great Empire, like a great Cake, is most easily diminished at the Edges. A great empire, like a cake, the most easily disappearing place on the edge. 昨天我发高烧了 Yesterday I had a high fever. I got a high fever yesterday. 这一结果证实了我的猜想。 The result confirmed my hypothesis. That result confirmed my guess. 我相信,知识就是力量。 It's my belief that knowledge is power. I believe knowledge is power. 你最近去哪裡旅遊了嗎? Have you traveled anywhere recently? Have you been on a tour lately? 为了参加划船比赛,一支新的队伍组成了。 A new team was formed in order to take part in the boat race. A new team is formed in order to participate in the boating competition. 酗酒是导致阳痿的一个因素。 Excessive drinking is one of the causes of impotence. Alcoholism is a factor leading to sedentary turbulence. 佢賣車。 He sells cars. He's selling cars. 你了解它吗 Did you not know that? Do you know about it? 你一流嘅工作令我感到慚愧。 Your excellent work puts me to shame. I'm ashamed of what you've done. Ümznäq yam mänz shäm maüx. You didn't do anything. [ In German ] Thank you. 我喜欢世界语歌曲。 I like songs in Esperanto. I like World-language songs. 我出门了。 I'm gone. I'm out. 我不明白他的感受。 I can't understand his feelings. I don't understand how he feels. 尊严不值钱,却是我唯一真正拥有的! Dignity doesn't cost anything, but I'm the only one who truly possesses it! It's worth nothing, but it's the only thing I really own! 祝你早日痊愈! I wish you a speedy recovery! Good morning! 感謝您的邀請。 Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for your invitation. 一点问题都没有! No problem at all! There's no problem! 我发现问题比我原以为的容易。 I find this problem easier than I originally thought. I found the problem easier than I thought. 我唔想清理狗屎。 I do not want to clean up dog poop. I don't want to clean shit. 我可能漏咗把遮喺巴士度。 I may have left my umbrella in the bus. I may have missed the cover in the bus. 该由你来决定我们去不去那儿。 It's up to you if we go. It's up to you to decide where we're not going. 我们将要整理房间,这样妈妈就会满意了。 We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied. We're going to clean up the room so mom will be happy. 马是黑色的。 The horse is black. Horses are black. Ngiz ümznäq mäx khärumx ke ämaix shäx? Can I help you? I don't know. 我們老師開車來學校。 Our teacher comes to school by car. Our teacher drove to school. 波士頓對我來說已經太冷了,更遑論是芝加哥。 Boston is too cold for me, let alone Chicago. Boston is too cold for me, even more concerned about Chicago. 他被迫在文件上簽字。 He was forced to sign the document. He was forced to sign the document. 對我來說法語比英語說起來簡單得多。 I find it much easier to speak French than English. For me French is much more simple than English. 这里是湖最深的地方。 The lake is deepest at this spot. Here's the deepest part of the lake. 他是老师。 He is a teacher. He's a teacher. 湯姆剛從郵局回來。 Tom has just returned from the post office. Tom just got back from post office. 我們希望湯姆沒事。 We hope Tom is OK. We hope Tom's okay. 这个女人生了一个女婴。 The woman gave birth to a baby girl. This woman gave birth to a baby girl. 我听音乐。 I listen to music. I listen to music. 我们都睡着了。 We all fell asleep. We're all asleep. Ümzcyaüx rava ra mi yun. It will rain tonight. Get out of there! 你今年買咗聖誕禮物俾幾多個人呀? How many people did you buy Christmas presents for this year? How many people have you bought Christmas gifts this year? 我学习了两个多小时,然后就去睡觉了。 I studied for more than two hours, and afterward I went to bed. I've been studying for more than two hours and then I'm going to bed. 我知道问题。 I know the problem. I know the problem. အချစ် နှင့် အမုန်း နှစ်ခုလုံး သည် ပြင်ထန်သော ခံစားချက်များ ဖြစ်သည်။ Love and hate are both strong emotions. Both love and hate are external feelings. 我很喜欢我的黄色套衫。 I love my yellow sweater. I love my yellow shirt. 呢間學校而家已經變咗做男女校。 This school is now coeducational. The school has changed since it became a school for men and women. 我已经好久没有去锻炼了。 I haven't exercised in a long time. I've been out of practice for a long time. 她指責我說謊。 She accused me of telling a lie. She accused me of lying. Nazshiq räq cyitlix cyitla yaqshämx shäm täkaix. We do very demanding work. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 我自己写了它。 I wrote it myself. I wrote it myself. 玛丽把她的衣服挂在晾衣绳上。 Mary hung her clothes on the clothesline. Mary hangs her clothes on a sledge. 我正要出門的時候,電話就響起了。 I was about to go out when the phone rang. When I was going out, the phone was ringing. 你喺邊到學法文㗎? Where did you learn French? You're on the edge to learn French? 你是對的。 You're quite right. You're right. 时间就是金钱。 Time is money. Time is money. 慍慍然。 He is very angry. But... Bill有很多朋友。 Bill has many friends. Bill has a lot of friends. 孩子们洗了他们的脚。 The children washed their feet. The kids washed their feet. Ümznäq ngiz mäx kam ämaix. You can believe me. [ In German ] Thank you. 我隻錶每個禮拜慢三分鐘。 My watch loses three minutes a week. I watch every week for three minutes. 請你把你的名字和電話號碼告訴我。 Please tell me your name and telephone number. Please tell me your name and number. 可與不可,其相非明。 Acceptable and unacceptable are clearly in opposition to each other. It's not possible, it's inconceivable. 猫在凳子上还是凳子下? Is the cat on or under the chair? A cat on a bench or a bench? 我们非常难过的时候就会哭。 When we are very sad, we will cry. We'll cry when we're very sad. 今晚有空嗎? Are you available tonight? Do you have a minute tonight? 请问最后一次开信箱在什么时间? Excuse me, when was the mailbox last opened? What's the last time you've opened the mailbox? 写字台底下有没有任何书? Are there any books under the desk? You don't have any books under the desk? 昨天相当的冷啊! It was terribly cold yesterday. It was pretty cold yesterday! 如果佢準時嚟到,我就切個頭落嚟俾你當凳坐。 I'll eat my hat if she turns up on time. If it's on time, I'll cut my head for you to sit down. Kiqkap! Goodbye! Kiqkap! 你知道汤姆在哪里等我们吗? Do you know where Tom is waiting for us? Do you know where Tom's waiting for us? Kecyu mäq, kixlü shaq läq! Close the door, please! Don't worry, don't worry. 我认为你知道那不是真的。 I think you know that's not true. I think you know that's not true. 三角形有三个角,而六边形有六个角 A triangle has 3 corners, and a hexagon has 6 corners. There's three corners in the triangle, and six in the six corners. 你嘅心情我諗我明白嘅。 I feel that I understand your feelings. You're in a mood for me to understand. Ümznäq kä hanzhia mäk nguztä täsäp shat kaü kähatä. You're obviously sick. [ In German ] [ In German ] See if you can find something. 她现在忙,不能跟你说话。 She's busy now and can't speak to you. She's busy right now. She can't talk to you. 哦。 Duh. Ooh. တီဗီ မှာ လာတဲ့ ပြင်သစ် အစီစဥ် တွေ ကြည့်ပြီး ပြင်သစ် စကား သင်ခဲ့တာ။ I learned French by watching French programs on TV. I learned a new language, looking at French programs in TV. 她问我是不是发生了什么事。 She asked me if anything was the matter. She asked me if something had happened. 她拒絕了他的邀請。 She turned down his invitation. She refused his invitation. Tom差唔多個個星期六都嚟呢度。 Tom comes here almost every Saturday. Tom doesn't have more Saturdays. 鳥下蛋。 Birds lay eggs. Bird down. 他迫不及待地想试一下他的新冲浪板。 He couldn't wait to try out his new surfboard. He couldn't wait to try his new surfboard. Nyungz-rü sez änaix äsi. I have two cousins. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 凡因至果。 Every action has its consequence. And every cause and fruit. 湯姆完全筋疲力盡了。 Tom was all worn out. Tom's totally exhausted. တွမ် က သူ့ သမီးတွေ ကို အလွန် အကာအကွယ် ပေးတယ်။ Tom is very protective of his daughters. Twani is very protective of her daughters. 跟她說我正在吃東西。 Tell her that I am eating. Tell her I'm eating. 你應該道歉。 You should apologize. You should apologize. 日本自然资源贫乏。 Japan is poor in natural resources. Japan is poor in its natural resources. 你在這里逗留多久? How long are you going to stay here? How long have you been here? 那麼做很難。 It's difficult to do that. It's hard to do that. 明天举行典礼。 The ceremony will take place tomorrow. The ceremony will be held tomorrow. 我们的时间不够。 We don't have enough time. We don't have enough time. 現代人太仰賴手機。 People rely too much on phones these days. Modern people depend too much on mobile phones. 您只需填写这个表格就可以了。 All you have to do is fill in this form. You just have to finish this form. 汤姆没做解释。 Tom didn't give an explanation. Tom didn't explain it. 玩牌作弊是錯誤的。 It is wrong to cheat at cards. It's wrong to cheat on cards. ကျွန်မမိန်းမပါ။ I'm a woman. My woman. 鲍勃几乎把他所收集的所有邮票给了缇娜,只留了一点给他自己。 Bob gave Tina almost all the stamps he had collected, and kept only a few for himself. Bob almost gave her all his stamps to Tina, leaving him only a little. 我的狗總是跟著我。 My dog goes everywhere with me. My dog always follows me. 我没有敌人。 I don't have any enemies. I don't have an enemy. 我仲未食早餐。 I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. 今天即使再忙,也要做完这些事情才走。 Even though it's busy today, this bit of work must be finished before leaving. Even if we're busy today, we're going to do these things. 你曾爬過槍岳嗎? Have you ever climbed Mt. Yari? Have you ever climbed a gun? 很多車經過了。 Many cars passed by. Lots of cars passed. 他走過這棟房子。 He walked past the house. He went through this house. 發生了什麼好事嗎? Has something good happened? Is something good going on? Naq paqlaq. Go away. It's all over the place. 祝你新年快樂! May the new year bring you happiness! Happy New Year to you! 律師警告過他的當事人反對作證, 但是他還是這麼做了。 The lawyer warned his client against testifying, but he did it anyway. The lawyer warned his client against testifying, but he did. 酒被放在桶里发酵。 Wine is put in barrels to mature. The wine was put in a bucket and talked. 佢啲駕駛技術好差,但係都勉強通過咗個駕駛考試。 He managed to pass his driving test even though he was a poor driver. His driver was poor, and his job had almost passed a driver's test. སྔ་དྲོ་བདེ་ལེགས Good morning! Mosses: 火车好象脱班了。 It seems to me that the train is late. The train looks like it's out of work. 我父亲去美国了。 My father has gone to America. My father went to America. 有人在呼救。 Someone is calling for help. Somebody's calling for help. 我好奇想問吓呢,你會點做呀? Just out of curiosity, what would you do? I was wondering if you could ask me. You'd do it? 她不困。 She's not sleepy. She's not tired. 那个相当能说得通。 That actually makes a lot of sense. That'll make sense. 他往右边移了书桌。 He moved the desk to the right. He moved to the right. 我没出息。 I have no future. I'm not giving in. 他有多少册图书? How many books does he have? How many books does he have? 怎么你昨晚没有给我打电话? Why didn't you call me yesterday evening? Why didn't you call me last night? 今天在地上,明天在地下。 Today above ground tomorrow under. Today on the ground, tomorrow on the ground. ထောမ်က အရမ်းဆိုးတယ် သူပဲ။ Tom's a very bad guy. Commodore is a very bad person. 我把房子给你了。 I gave the house to you. I'll give you the house. 他们同意. They agree. They agree. 他是美国人。 It's American. He's American. 一切就绪。 Everything is ready. Everything's ready. 他们震惊了。 They were surprised. They were shocked. 我們要兩輛出租車。 We want two taxis. We want two cabs. 你想喝什么? What would you like to drink? What do you want to drink? 我想做醫生。 I want to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor. 我快饿死了。 I'm starved. I'm starving. 我认为你傻。 I think you're stupid. I think you're stupid. 我母亲会说五种语言。 My mother could speak five languages. My mother would speak five languages. 你隻錶準唔準㗎? Is your watch correct? You're a watcher, aren't you? 他死了我真难受。 I am very sad that he has died. He's dead, I'm sick. 我拉垃乌克兰个辰光,总规讲乌克兰语个。 When in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. I pull out of Ukraine and speak Ukrainian in general. 我会尽快给你打电话的。 I'll call you as soon as I can. I'll call you as soon as I can. 我们那时是孩子。 We were kids then. We were kids. 你今天怎么样? How are you doing today? How are you today? 我只睡了三个小时觉。 I only slept for three hours. I only slept for three hours. 個花園比我想像中大。 The garden was larger than I had expected. The garden is bigger than I thought. 然。 Yep. That's right. 在2015年七月,伊拉克首都巴格達出現攝氏51.1度的高溫。 In July of 2015, the highest temperature in the capital city of Iraq, Baghdad, was 51.1 degrees Celsius. In July 2015, 51.1 degrees of temperature in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. 佢拯救咗件事。 He saved the situation. It saved something. 她把這個工作派給他做。 She assigned the work to him. She sent him this job. 她快速地刷了下我的鞋子。 She gave my shoes a quick brush. She quickly brushed off my shoes. 花園中一片花枝累垂的樣子。 A flower in the garden is wilting. Like a flower in the garden, 別忘了拿溜冰鞋。 Don't forget your ice skates. Don't forget to take skates. 他擅于抢劫。 He is capable of robbery. He's not good at robbery. 她周遊世界各地。 She traveled around the world. She travels around the world. 希望我們不需要等太久。 Hope that we need not to wait for a long time. I hope we don't have to wait too long. 我識去嗰度。 I know how to get there. I know where it is. 你在说话前应该先思考。 You should think before you speak. You should think before you talk. 我不想接受手術。 I don't want to have an operation. I don't want to undergo surgery. 請把這個桶子裝滿水。 Please fill this bucket with water. Please fill this bucket with water. 如果你彩票中一千万美金的话,你会用那点钱干什么? If you won ten million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with that money? What would you do with that money if you were $10 million in the lottery? 看起来像个苹果。 It looks like an apple. Looks like an apple. 山顶被雪覆盖了。 The top of the mountain is covered in snow. The top of the mountain is covered with snow. 那年轻人很喜欢骑自行车。 That young man is very keen on cycling. The young man loved riding bikes. 你少臭美了! You're full of yourself. Don't be so stinky! 他回来了。 He is back. He's back. 蕾拉係一個十五歲嘅正常女仔。 Layla was a normal fifteen-year-old girl. Lara is a fifteen-year-old normal girl. 你能请她打电话给我吗? Could you ask her to call me? Can you get her to call me? 靠你的收入你不能過活嗎? Can't you get by on your salary? Can't you live by your income? 我們彼此認識沒有很久。 We haven't known each other long. We haven't known each other for a long time. 我呒没拜访伊,因为我感冒了。 I didn't call on him because I had a cold. I didn't visit him because I had a cold. 这是场长久的战争。 It's been a long war. It's a long war. Ngiz räq ärä yamtä väx mi rawx täz? Why would I want this? Do you have the two of you out there? 我们一日三餐。 We eat a meal three times a day. We eat three meals a day. 侬成勿成功,就要看侬努力勿努力了。 Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts. If you don't succeed, you'll have to see that you don't try. 我现在有空了。 I'm free now. I'm free now. 很多小学生学不好代数。 Many pupils are poor at algebra. A lot of primary school students do not know algebras. 我住在这区。 I live in this area. I live in this district. 讓我們開始這個派對吧。 Let's start the party. Let's start this party. 佢絕對唔係嗰種下巴輕輕嘅人。 He is the last man to break his promise. It is not an existing light source. 放棄吧。 Forget it. Give up. 非常谢谢你的礼物。 Thank you very much for your gift. Thank you very much for the gift. 汤姆帮我修好了我的手表。 Tom helped me fix my watch. Tom helped me fix my watch. 我们去办一下手续吧。 Let's deal with the formalities. Let's do the paperwork. 你的回答是错的。 Your answer is wrong. Your answer is wrong. 我会带你到公交车站。 I'll take you to the bus stop. I'll take you to the bus station. 谁能做这件工作? Who can do this work? Who can do this? 太貴喇我覺得。 I think that's too expensive. I think. 玛丽把那个秘密告诉给了约翰。 Mary told John the secret. Mary told John that secret. 他做的这件事真是精神可嘉! What he did really shows the right spirit! What he's doing is spiritual! 您應該學會控制自己的情緒。 You should learn how to control that mood of yours. You should learn to control your emotions. 我甚至沒考慮過。 I didn't even consider that. I didn't even think about it. Ümznäq kä ümz-yämti vez äsi nawx shäx? Are you married? Is there anything I can do about it? 我唔見咗我條鎖匙。 I lost my key. I missed my key. 他用淺顯的英語演講。 He made a speech in plain English. He spoke in a clear English language. 不可能! No way! No way! 我对于上大学有一种渴望。 I feel a yearning for the university. I have a desire to go to college. 你把你的鞋怎么了? What did you do with your shoes? What did you do to your shoes? 花園裏有些漂亮的花朵。 There are pretty flowers in the garden. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. 我可以跟你一起跑嗎? May I run with you? Can I run with you? 我害怕一個人去。 I'm afraid to go alone. I'm afraid of going alone. 很有可能还会下雨。 It is likely to rain again. It's probably gonna rain. Tsängxshiq räq yamväx mi rälawt? What can they do? I don't know. 眼下我不得不和我朋友同住这间房间。 I have to share this room with my friend at present. Now I have to live in this room with my friends. 你唔好蝦我呀,知唔知。 You don't fool me, you know. You don't like me, you don't know. 雨讓我們沒有辦法去散步。 Rain prevented us from taking a walk. Rain gives us no way to go for a walk. 好的,您想咨询什么事情? OK, what would you like advice on? Okay, what would you like to consult? မယ်ရီ က အဲလစ် ထက် ပို လှတယ် လို့ ငါ ထင်တယ်။ I think that Mary is more beautiful than Alice is. Mary is more beautiful than I thought. 我也和你想的一样。 We think alike. I'm the same as you think. 她的手錶慢了十分鐘。 Her watch is ten minutes slow. Her watch slowed down for ten minutes. 这双鞋子太小了。 These shoes are too small. These shoes are too small. 狗在地毯上睡过。 The dog fell asleep on top of the blanket. The dog slept on the carpet. 我總是梦想著成為億萬富翁。 I always dreamed of being a billionaire. I've always dreamed of becoming a billionaire. 史密斯小姐是英語老師嗎? Is Miss Smith an English teacher? Is Miss Smith an English teacher? 所以,友情也是幸福的一个要素。 So friendship is also a requirement for happiness. So friendship is also an element of happiness. 我對你的臉很熟悉。 Your face is familiar to me. I know your face very well. 立刻派人去請醫生來, 否則病人可能變得更糟糕。 Send for the doctor at once, or the patient may get worse. Send someone to the doctor immediately, or the patient may become worse. 我对此负有责任。 I'm responsible for that. I have responsibility in that regard. 我厌恶他。 I am disgusted with him. I hate him. 你喜歡旅行嗎? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? 你做什么都无所谓。 It doesn't matter what you do. You don't care what you do. 我好掛住小學啲老師。 I miss my elementary teachers very much. I'm so glad to hang up with the teachers. 我是个自由的灵魂。 I have a free spirit. I'm a free soul. 多謝你借本書俾我哋喎。 Thank you for lending us the book. Thank you for sending me the book. Thawmz mäx kärä bawmxvai kä naq vai kiq nguztä ngiz räq cyawngx rawx. I suggest you don't ask Tom that question. You're going to ask me if you're going to leave. 因为是急煞勿煞写个,搿封信里向有得交关错别字。 Having been written in a hurry, this letter has many mistakes in it. Because it's a matter of urgency to write, "I have the wrong words in my letter." Iz-phuz kä skeik cyaüx ädzinx viq. My brother is a good skater. [ In German ] See you soon. 在你讀完後,把書還給我。 After you have read it, give the book back to me. Give me back your book after you've done it. 我是有志向的人——清楚自己的目標。 I'm someone ambitious - someone who knows very well what she is after. I am someone who wants to know what I'm after. 我們昨天不在家。 We weren't at home yesterday. We weren't home yesterday. 如果你想要那把水槍,你必須自己存錢買。我沒有辦法一直買玩具給你。錢不會從我背上長出來。 If you want that water pistol you'll just have to save money and buy it yourself. I can't constantly buy toys for you. I'm not made of money. If you want that water gun, you have to save your own money, and I can't always buy toy for you. ငါ ဆယ့်သုံးနှစ် သား မှာ ပထမဆုံး အကြိမ် ဘီယာ စသောက်ဖူး ခဲ့တယ်။ I drank beer for the first time when I was thirteen. The first time I drank beer in my teenager's year of age, 你的测验怎么样? How did your test go? How's your test? 我的一個朋友在白天的時候來看我。 A friend of mine came to see me during the day. A friend of mine came to see me during the day. 请再说一遍。 Say it again, please. Say it again, please. နင် ကောင်လေး ဘယ်နှစ်ယောက်လောက် နဲ့ နမ်းခဲ့ဘူးလဲ။ How many boys have you kissed? How many girls have you kissed? 邊度有得買呀? Where can I buy it? Is there anything you can buy on the edge? 汤姆应该更清楚。 Tom should've known better. Tom should know better. 你每天走路去學校嗎? Do you go to school on foot every day? You walk to school every day? 他们组装飞机。 They assemble planes. They're gathering planes. 他的弟弟很认真学习。 His little brother takes studying very seriously. His brother studied very carefully. Tom成日懶係型咁。 Tom is always trying to be cool. Tom's assymptomous as it is. 有兩種狐狸精神:好狐狸和壞狐狸。 There are two kinds of fox spirits: good fox and bad fox. Two foxes: Good foxes and bad foxes. 湯姆不想去做那件事。 Tom didn't want to do that. Tom doesn't want to do that. 谢谢你。 Thank you. Thank you. Mi rähumx nawngz i! See you later! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 接受对方的准则就是给予他权力。 Accepting the other's norms is submitting to the other's power. The principle of acceptance of the other is to give him power. 我收集郵票。 I collect stamps. I collect stamps. 加拿大位於美國的北面。 Canada is to the north of the United States. Canada is north of the United States. 我估计我无法及时赶到。 I don't think I'll be able to get there on time. I guess I can't get there in time. Jean和Paul为他们孩子的教育吵了起来。 Jean has fallen out with Paul over the education of their children. Jean and Paul argued for their children's education. 你來自加拿大的哪裡? Where are you from in Canada? Where are you from from Canada? 吉姆搭公車去學校。 Jim goes to school by bus. Jim took the bus to school. 跟我一起来唱吧。 Come sing with me. Come on, sing with me. ဒီ မျက်မှန် က ကျွန်တော် နဲ့ လိုက် မယ် လို့ ခင်ဗျား ထင်သလား? Do you think these glasses look good on me? Do you think this is the right eye to go with me? 一杯咖啡紓解了我的頭痛。 A cup of coffee cleared up my headache. A cup of coffee dissipated my headache. 為甚麼我們不吃晚飯? Why don't we have dinner? Why don't we have dinner? 给我你的电话号码。 Give me your phone number. Give me your number. 這個女孩做了一把很難使用的弓。 The girl made an awkward bow. This girl made a difficult bow. ကျွန်တော့် သွားတိုက်တံ ကို ရှာ မတွေ့ ဘူး။ I can't find my toothbrush. I couldn't find my toothbrush. 他让我做他的助理。 He made me his own assistant. He made me his assistant. 蕾拉瞓得好稔。 Layla was sound asleep. Leila's clean, isn't she? 他在她的旁邊。 He's at her side. He's next to her. 我该回家了。 I have to go home. I should go home. 世界就像是一本书,走一步等于翻了一页。 The world is just like a book, and every step you take is like turning a page. The world is like a book, and a step is a page. 這件事很重要。 This matter is of great importance. It's important. 我們在十八歲的時候從高中畢業了。 We graduate from high school at eighteen. We graduated from high school when we were 18. 请问您要点儿甜味酱。 I am asking you if I could have some of that sweet sauce. I'd like to ask you a few points of sweet sauce. 她看起来很伤心。 She looks sad. She looks sad. 雖然猩猩不懂得開口說話,但牠們能用其他方式和人類溝通。 Gorillas cannot use their lips and tongues to speak, but they can communicate with people in other ways. Although the gorillas can't speak, they can communicate with humans in other ways. 他開了先河。 He set a precedent. He's driving the river. 殺了她 Kill her. Kill her. 要不要再來一塊蛋糕? How about another piece of cake? Would you like another piece of cake? 我知道阿Tom會咁問。 I knew Tom would ask that. I knew Tom would ask. 我已經認識她很久了。 I've known her for a long time. I've known her for a long time. ကျမလည်း အဲ့လိုပဲ ခံစားမိတယ်။ I also feel the same way. I feel like I'm saying. 我的剑虽然是钝的,但应付你的话是绰绰有余的。 My sword may be blunt, but that's more than enough for someone like you. My sword is lame, but to thee shall it go a long way. 你在釧路多久了? How long have you been in Kushiro? How long have you been on the road? 汤姆被玛丽说的话给难倒了。 Tom was puzzled by what Mary said. Tom got shot by Mary's words. 他完全錯了。 He is totally wrong. He's completely wrong. 她决定长期住在美国。 She has decided to live in America for good. She decided to live in the United States for a long time. Ümznäq äphaq rawx shäx? Do you want to eat? Is there anything I can do about it? 曾经在县城里作恶多端的土匪今日终于被警方捕获,当地民众喜大普奔 ! The evil robber in the county who did all kinds of evil bandits is under arrested today, the locals are all happy to hear this, spreading the good news and celebrating for this event ! The bandits who used to do many evil things in the city today are finally captured by the police, and the local population rejoices! 他们沿着非洲西岸航行了。 They sailed along the west coast of Africa. They sailed along the West Bank in Africa. 天花板上有洞。 There are holes in the ceiling. There's a hole on the ceiling. 我諗我明㗎喇。 I think I understand. I'm squeezing 'em. 湯姆在閣樓裡。 Tom is in the attic. Tom's in the attic. 我为Ann做了个娃娃。 I made a doll for Ann. I made a doll for Ann. 下了三小時大雨。 It has been raining heavily for three hours. Three hours of heavy rain. မိုးကတစ်နေကုန်ရွာတာပဲ။ It rained all day. It's going to rain, it's going to rain, it's going to rain. 一起出去喝杯怎么样? Would you like to go out to have a drink somewhere? Would you like to go out for a drink? 我走不惯远路。 I am not accustomed to walking long distances. I can't walk far. 她用一把刀杀死了他。 She killed him with a knife. She killed him with a knife. 网速很慢。 Internet is very slow. The net is slow. 你会待在家吗? Will you stay at home? Will you stay home? Naizshiq Ningxraxtsix bawmx tälängz täkaix. We learned English. That's what I'm talking about. 漫長的一天過去了。 A long day has passed on. Long day passed. 你啲英文進步咗好多。 Your English has improved a lot. You've made a lot of progress in English. 好心你講少句粗口啦,教壞細路呀。 Can you please cut down on the swearing? You're setting a bad example for the kids. That's nice of you to say a few words and teach bad kids. 汤姆没有很多钱。 Tom doesn't have a lot of money. Tom doesn't have much money. 呢個係我嘅公司地址。 This is my business address. This is my company address. 他幫我把手錶修理好了。 He fixed the watch for me. He helped me fix my watch. 你覺唔覺得Tom冇嘢? Do you think Tom is all right? Don't you think Tom's okay? Khexkhamz nawx shäx? Are you ready? I don't know. 船逆流航行。 The boat is going against the current. The ship's refrigeration. Thawmz kä maitaiz raix rähumx tawx. Tom is tempted. Do you know what I'm talking about? 她无法看着他的脸。 She cannot see his face. She can't look at his face. 如果你買六合彩贏咗一千萬,你會用啲錢嚟做咩? If you won ten million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with that money? If you win 10 million dollars, will you use the money to do it? 我唔知買咩俾佢做生日禮物好。 I don't know what to buy him for his birthday. I don't know if I'd bought a birthday present. 汤姆把一叠信放在玛丽桌上。 Tom put a stack of letters on Mary's desk. Tom put a bunch of letters on Mary's table. 你不介意我們早點走吧? Do you mind our leaving a little earlier? Do you mind if we leave early? 每个人都很惊讶马德里竞技会战胜巴塞罗那,因为他们在西班牙联赛中总是失败者。 Atletico Madrid surprised everyone with their win against Barcelona as they’ve always been the underdogs in the Spanish league. Everyone was surprised that the Madrid Games had won Barcelona because they had always failed in the Spanish league. Äpaiq yaq nä mungyinx läkmat äsi shäx? Does she have a passport? I don't know. I don't know. 你不能跟我们进来。 You can't come in with this. You can't come in with us. 戴维先生好像很累。 Mr David seems tired. Mr. David seems tired. 他們在看一部電影。 They are watching a movie. They're watching a movie. 我不知道這本書的作者是誰,但他肯定是個天才。 No matter who it was that wrote this book, he's very clever. I don't know who the author of this book is, but he must be a genius. 我养过一只猫。 I had a cat. I raised a cat. 一月份这里很冷。 It's very cold here in January. It's cold here in January. 我認為我要坐巴士去。 I think I'll go by bus. I think I'm going to take the bus. 他被殴打得快死。 He was beaten to within an inch of his life. He was beaten to death. 誰在乎她何時結婚? Who cares when she gets married? Who cares when she's married? 她还没听到这个消息。 She still hasn't heard this news. She hasn't heard that yet. 你缺乏耐心。 You're impatient. You lack patience. 我个房子绝对保险。 My house is fully insured. My house is absolutely safe. 规则要少,并且最重要的是要简单。 The rules must be few, and more importantly, simple. The rules are low and, most importantly, simple. 你以前住的是哪一座房子? Which house did you live in? Which house did you live in? 你仍然很年輕。 You're still young. You're still young. 别忘了我们。 Don't forget us. Don't forget us. 不是所有外星人都坏。 Not all aliens are bad. Not all aliens are bad. 我和TOM没有共同点。 Tom and I have nothing in common. I don't have a thing in common with TOM. 我無意辭職。 I have no intention of resigning. I didn't mean to quit. Ümznäq kawzphiz nyängz tälaüx shäx? Do you drink coffee? [ In German ] Do you have anything to say? 有人被困在车里。 There's someone trapped in the car. Somebody's trapped in the car. 我打算洗个澡。 I'm going to take a bath. I'm gonna take a shower. 尽早让我知道结果。 Let me know the result as soon as you can. Let me know the results as soon as possible. Thai ke ra mäk. You don't have to explain. I don't have to. 佢話佢識得嗰個出名嘅女演員,但係佢講緊大話。 He said he knew the famous actress, which was a lie. He described himself as "one of the most famous actors in his life", but he has worked closely with them. 虽然在钢琴上她的造诣不是很深,但是她勤而好学。 Her repertoire on the piano is not very large, but she has learned every piece by heart. She's not very deep on the piano, but she's good at learning. 报警! Call the police. Call the police! 我对语言很感兴趣。 I'm very interested in languages. I'm very interested in language. 這個小女孩讓小鳥脫逃了。 This little girl let the birds escape. This little girl got the bird away. 我唔係要你道歉,我要你解釋。 I don't want an apology. I want an explanation. I don't want you to apologize, I want you to explain. Täox täkaix. Welcome. Yes, ma'am. 我把我的公事包留在公車上了。 I left my briefcase in the bus. I left my wallet in the bus. 我们夏天的计划成型了。 Our plans for the summer are taking shape. Our summer plan's coming up. Thawmz räq tawqtan saq kä tawqtan lawt mäk. Tom couldn't make an immediate decision. Do you think that's the right thing to do? 他严格按照原则办事。 He is a stickler for principles. He works in strict accordance with the principles. 这辆车是最新款。 This car is the latest model. The car is the latest. 一百, 二百, 三百, 四百, 五百, 六百, 七百, 八百, 九百, 一千。 One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, 1,000. 汤姆的主意我不太感兴趣,这个我们之间说说就好。 Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't appeal to me very much. I'm not interested in Tom's idea. That's just what we're talking about. 她是什么时候出生的? When was she born? When was she born? 她不会操作这台机器。 She cannot work this machine. She won't run this machine. 我觉得她很勇敢。 I think she is very brave. I think she's brave. 你可唔可以用呢部相機幫我哋影幅相呀? Would you take a picture of us with this camera? Why don't you use a camera to make a picture of me? ငါ့ ငွေ ပေါ်က မင်း လက်ကို ဖယ် လိုက် စမ်း။ Keep your hands off my money. The Bible says: “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and 一整个月没看到他们让我感觉很难过。 Not seeing them for a whole month makes me sad. The whole month didn't see them making me feel sad. 我没想吓唬你。 I didn't want to surprise you. I'm not trying to scare you. 如果他不來了,我們不會去。 If he doesn't come, we won't go. If he's not coming, we're not going. 短语是句法单位。 Phrases are syntactical units. The phrase is the rule of law unit. 湯姆說他的家裡有把槍。 Tom said that he keeps a gun in his home. Tom said he had a gun in his house. 汤姆和玛丽在同一个班级。 Tom and Mary are in the same class. Tom and Mary are in the same class. 我不知道你为什么听他的话。 I don't know why you listen to him. I don't know why you listened to him. 這篇小說的中心點是南北戰爭。 The novel is centered on the Civil War. This little story is at the centre of the North-South war. 如果我弄丟了我的鑰匙,我就無法鎖門了。 If I lost my key, I wouldn't be able to lock the door. If I lost my key, I wouldn't be able to lock the door. 吃水果。 Eat fruit. Have some fruit. 他不是罗马大学的研究生吗? Isn't he the graduate student of the University of Rome? Isn't he a graduate of Rome University? 他把我妹妹的玩具都搶走了。 He deprived my little sister of all her toys. He took all my sister's toys. 我自問唔係啲咩感性嘅人,但係都睇到眼濕濕。 I wouldn't call myself a sentimental person, but it brought tears to my eyes. I don't ask those emotional people, all of them look wet. ထောမ် ရေထဲ ချော်လှဲမိတယ်။ Tom fell into the water. I threw it into the closet. 为享受和生命激活而读书,和为知识和教化而读书,是两码事。 There's a big difference between reading for pleasure and stimulation and reading for knowledge and education. Reading for the enjoyment and survival of life, and reading for knowledge and teaching is two things. 儘管莊不斷發誓她不變的愛情,斯賓塞仍然害怕有一天她會不愛他了。 Despite Trang's constant affirmations of love, Spenser is still afraid someday she will fall out of love with him. Although her love never changed, Spencer was afraid that one day she wouldn't love him. 我们经营各种书籍,包括新的和旧的。 We handle all type of books, both new and old. We run books, including new and old ones. 她下了車。 She got out of the car. She's out of the car. 你話佢鍾意啲咩顏色吖嗱? What color do you think she likes? You're saying he's squeezing the colors? 你是不是有两台电脑? Don't you have two computers? Do you have two computers? 这是被警察认为有嫌疑的男子。 This is the man who's suspected by the police. This is a suspected man by the police. 英國人叫貨車做「lorry」。 In Britain a truck is referred to as a lorry. The English is calling the van "Lorry." Ümznäq kä tingzkhu tex ye nawx shäx? Are you married? I don't know. 我不懂音乐。 I don't understand music. I don't know music. 三点给她打电话。 Call her at 3. Call her at 3:00. 任何人都可以做到。 Anyone can do that. Anyone can do it. 你昨天晚上忘了鎖門嗎? Did you forget to lock the door last night? Did you forget the lock last night? 在一連串可怕的事件中, 哥倫布曾經咬緊牙關撐過去。 In a horrifying chain of events, Christopher Columbus once bit his own lip. In a series of terrible events, Columbus once chewed his teeth to get through. 我和老闆沒有問題。 I have no problem with my boss. There's no problem with me and the boss. Ümznäq saüxvax khamäq tesawra. Thank you for coming. [ In German ] Do you understand? 湯姆坐在桌前,装作在學習。 Tom sat at his desk, pretending to study. Tom's sitting at the table, pretending to be studying. 你个傻子! You're an idiot! You idiot! 为什么你假装无辜! Why are you feigning innocence! Why do you pretend innocent? Vänumz rawngx phä. Let's dance. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. ငါတို့ မှာ ဘီယာ မကျန် တော့ဘူး နော်။ We don't have any more beer. We have no more beer, no more food, no more food, no more food, no more food. 他家在这儿某处。 His house is somewhere about here. He's here somewhere. 我们知道,汤姆被枪杀。这就是我们所知道的一切。 We know that Tom has been shot. That's all we know. We know that Tom got shot. That's everything we know. 我们村里所有的村民几乎彼此都是亲戚。 Almost everyone in our village is related to one another. All the villagers in our village are close to each other. 他儿子想当律师。 His son wants to be a lawyer. His son wants to be a lawyer. 這個相機多少錢? How much is this camera? How much is this camera worth? 這是一條魚。 This is a fish. It's a fish. 我的家在那座城市的郊外. My home is in the outskirts of that city. My home is on the outskirts of that city. 《Tom和Mary离开了。》《这是的从前的故事。》 "Tom and Mary have broken up." "That's ancient history." "Tom and Mary left." That was an old story. Phanshizraz nyäng läq. Drink something. [ In German ] Do you know what I'm talking about? 她送给我们一台洗衣机。 She gives us a washing machine. She sent us a laundry machine. Cyezpat ranaiq shiz tähawng naxrix 2 rix minit 30 nä ümznäq ümbaz nä väx? Where were you at 2:30 on Monday afternoon? I don't know. I don't know. 你依然爱汤姆吗? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? အဲ့ဒါက ထိပ်လန့်ဖွယ်ရာ ဇာတ်ကားပါ။ It was a scary movie. This is the most exciting story I've ever seen. 請寫下你的名字。 Please write down your name. Write your name down. 她说她病了。 She said that she was ill. She says she's sick. 他今晚將抵達函館。 He will reach Hakodate tonight. He will arrive at the embassy tonight. 說英語的人比說任何其他語言的人多。 English is spoken by more people than any other language. There are more people speaking English than any other language. 我的爷爷喜欢大清早的散步。 My grandfather is fond of taking a walk early in the morning. My grandpa likes to take a walk in the morning. 汤姆可能知道我是谁。 Tom probably knew who I was. Tom might know who I am. 我倒是很想去看电影,可是不知道有没有时间。 I’d certainly like to go and watch a film, but I’m not sure if I have time. I'd love to go to the movies, but I don't know if I have time. 我看见她在打扫房间。 I see her sweeping the room. I saw her cleaning the room. 她大約跟我同年紀。 She is about my age. She's about the same age as me. 他受邀做俱乐部的主席。 He was invited to be the chairman of the club. He was invited to chair the club. 我啱啱由嗰邊嚟。 I just came from there. I'm in trouble from there. Thawmz kä ädziax cyängz lamlux raläng äsi shaq. Tom still has a few options. There's something wrong with that. 無論外面多麼寒冷,房間始終既舒適又溫暖。 No matter how cold it is outside, the rooms are comfortably heated. No matter how cold out there, the room is always comfortable and warm. 她把她的名字改為安。 She changed her name to Ann. She changed her name to Ann. 孩子们在尘土里游戏。 The children were playing in the dirt. Children play in the dust. 我不知道湯姆拿到了甚麼。 I don't know what Tom got. I don't know what Tom got. 我不知道我还有没有。 I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if I have any more. 孩子从山上滚了下来。 The children rolled down the hill. The kid got off the mountain. 湯姆需要洗他的車。 Tom needed to wash his car. Tom needs to wash his car. 我要这本日中词典。 I want this Japanese-Chinese dictionary. I want this day's dictionary. 别胡说。 Don't talk rubbish. Don't be ridiculous. 湯姆幾乎每個週末都回家。 Tom comes home almost every weekend. Tom came home almost every weekend. Maiq kä läkmat ri mäx lencyap vi tälawx. People were lined up to buy tickets. I'll be right back. 那是一座宝塔。 That is a pagoda. That's a baby tower. 瑪莉很喜歡那個小女孩。 Mary is very attached to the little girl. Mary loves that little girl. 这个还头一回听说。 This is the first time I have heard about it. This is the first time to hear about it. 我再也忍受不了她了! I can't bear to deal with her anymore. I can't stand her anymore! 你隨時可以回家。 You are free to go home. You can go home anytime. 因为你们公司的业务能够发挥我的特长。 Because your business can play to my strengths. Because your company's business can be my specialty. 水中的冰溶掉了。 The ice in the water melted. The ice in the water is melted. 事情比我们最初想象的更严重。 It was much worse than we initially thought. Things are worse than we originally imagined. 你以为这是拍电影。 You think it's a scary film. You think it's a movie. Ngiz äpaiq mäx yiiqhiaz yizviaz tämaz täkängx. I think about her often. In the future, you'll find a way to get to know him. 哪儿有出租车? Where is the taxi? Where's the cab? 他是法国人。 He is French. He's French. 他今天在家。 He is at home today. He's home today. Ra mi läm shaq nä cyiiz nä kiz rawngx phä. Let's go out before it gets hot. Let's get out of here. 他的英语很好。 He speaks English very well. He's good in English. 這項法案安全的通過。 This bill is safe to pass. This bill is safe and secure. 别离开房间。 Don't leave the room. Don't leave the room. 佢擺明講大話。 He obviously lied. He's talking a lot. 目前正在考虑是否由她来做这项工作。 She's being considered for the job. Consideration is being given to whether or not she will do this work. 這本護照的有用期限為五年。 This passport is valid for five years. This passport is useful for five years. 佢就係我尋日見到嗰個人。 He is the person whom I saw yesterday. He asked me to meet him on the day I met him. 晝夜思之。 I think of her day and night. Night thinking. 在新加坡的人說英語。 English is spoken in Singapore. People in Singapore speak English. 於是我停止閱讀。 So I stopped reading. So I stopped reading. Tom买了辆崭新的车。 Tom bought a brand-new car. Tom bought a new car. 係呀,呢啲嘢耐唔耐會發生。 Yes, it happens once in a while. Yes, but things don't happen. 琴晚你喺唔喺屋企呀? Were you home last night? Are you still not at home? 阁楼上积了灰。 There is a lot of dust in the attic. There's a lot of ash on the floor. 她把她的座位让给了一个老人。 She gave her seat to an elderly person. She gave her seat to an old man. 我对自己说,“那是个好主意。” I said to myself, "That's a good idea." I said to myself, "That's a good idea. 她總是低聲地說話。 She always speaks in a low voice. She's always whispering. 我喜欢在纽约第五大街购物。 I like shopping on Fifth Avenue in New York. I like shopping on Fifth Avenue, New York. 你的履歷給我留下深刻的印象。 Your résumé has really impressed me. Your record gives me deep impressions. དེར་ཡར་ཕེབས་རོགས་གནང་། Come on up here. United States Mission. 我没法忍住我的眼泪。 I could not keep the tears from my eyes. I can't hold my tears. 我期待收到您的來信。 I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving your letter. 別忘了我。 Don't forget about me. Don't forget me. 房子裏放滿了五顏六色的藝術品。 The house was full of colorful art objects. The house has five- and six-color artifacts. 兩個老人打牌消磨著時間。 The two old men while away the time playing cards. Two old people played cards and lost their time. မျောက်တွေက ငှက်ပျောသီးကြိုက်ကြတယ်။ Monkeys love bananas. The peacocks love the hulls. 养大一个宝宝是一项艰难的工作。 Bringing up a baby is hard work. It's a difficult job to raise a baby. 他把他的狗带到学校去了。 He brought his dog to school. He took his dog to school. 這本書會讓你發揮想像力。 This book will awaken your imagination. This book will make you think. Kecyu äyawng. Thank you. Yes, ma'am. 我覺得這計畫不是很聰明。 I felt that the plan was unwise. I don't think the plan is very smart. Ümznäq yamlai väx rit tälaüx? What are you looking for? I won't bet on it. 我去那裡很多次了。 I went there many times. I've been there a lot. 我找到一個裝有幾枚古錢幣的鍋子。 I found a pot in which there were several old coins. I found a spoon with a couple of coins. 大家都渴望知道前冠军得主发生了什么。 Everyone is anxious to know what has become of the former champion. We all want to know what happened to our former champion. 我让Tom在做完作业后看一点电视。 I let Tom watch a little TV after he finished his homework. I told Tom to watch some TV after he finished his homework. 我得找点有意思的事做。 I need to find something interesting to do. I have to find something interesting to do. 汤姆没明白老师说了什么。 Tom didn't understand what the teacher said. Tom doesn't understand what the teacher said. 他馬上戴上了他的帽子。 He put on his hat at once. He's right on his hat. "来杯茶怎样?" "嗯,好的。" "Would you like some tea?" "Yes, please." "How about a cup of tea?" "Well, okay." 起初,他不會說英語。 At first, he could not speak English at all. At first, he didn't speak English. 我很抱歉用这种方式把你请来。 I apologize for the methods used to get you here. I'm sorry I invited you in this way. 不要害怕意外,但要有準備。 Do not fear the unexpected, but be prepared for it. Don't be afraid of accidents, but be ready. 他终于达到了自己的目标。 Finally, he reached his goal. He finally reached his goal. 拿走。 Take away. Take it. 啲人望住我哋又點啫? What difference does it make if people are looking at us? They're looking at me and they're squeezing? 她进屋前擦了鞋。 She scraped her shoes clean before she entered the house. She went into the house and washed her shoes. 因为只得我一个,所以觉得有啲孤单。 Since I was all by myself, I felt a bit lonely. Because I only have one, so I feel a little lonely. 貝蒂總是設法得到她想要的東西。 Betty always managed to get what she wanted. Betty always managed to get what she wanted. 客观的历史存在吗? Does objective history exist? Is there an objective history? 真想在雨中放声歌唱。 I feel like singing in the rain. I really want to sing in the rain. Naizshiq kä dzänztsinz. We're persistent. [ In German ] Do you understand? 所有這些會議都是以英語進行的。 All of these meetings are in English. All these meetings are conducted in English. 能不能请你拿着这端? Will you please hold this edge? Could you please take this? 居民走後,房子就空了。 After the residents leave, the house is empty. When the residents left, the house was empty. 我啱啱買咗啲紙板。 I just bought some cardboard. I bought the cards. 昨天我去电影院。 I went to the cinema yesterday. Yesterday I went to the cinema. 我聽說瑪麗想離婚。 I heard that Mary wants a divorce. I heard Mary wanted to divorce. 我昨天买了一支像你那样的笔。 I bought a pen like yours yesterday. I bought a pen like you yesterday. 社會地位較高的公民被允許住在較靠近市中心的地方。 Citizens of higher social status were permitted to live closer to the center. As a result, citizens with higher social status are allowed to live in areas closer to the central centre. 我和他同年。 I'm as old as he is. I was the same age. 这个工作不适合年轻女孩。 This work is not suited to young girls. This job is not for young girls. Ümzcyu naxrix nawx väx? What time is it? I don't know. 这药会让你好受点。 This medicine will make you feel better. It makes you feel better. 我不可以吵。婴儿在睡觉。 I cannot make noise. The baby is sleeping. I can't argue. Baby's sleeping. 汤姆可能已经走了。 Tom may have left already. Tom may have gone. ထောမ်ကို ဆက်ပြီး မလိမ်ညာနိုင်တော့ဘူး။ I couldn't keep lying to Tom. You can't keep lying to me. 佢有時會唔記得將啲書還返去圖書館。 He sometimes forgets to take books back to the library. He sometimes does not remember returning books to the library. 你竟然做出那樣的事來,你還是人嗎? It is wicked of you to do such things. You did something like that. Are you still human? 嚴格嚟講平假名係一種音節文字,唔係一套字母。 Technically hiragana is a syllabary, not an alphabet. The strict term is a type of sound writing, not a set of letters. थाब फै/गोखरै फै Come fast You can also use this option if you want to. 你们是哪里人? Where are you from? Where are you from? 我不喜欢茶,所以我早餐大致上都喝咖啡。 I do not like tea, so I generally drink coffee for breakfast. I don't like tea, so I drink coffee pretty much in breakfast. Ngiz räq tämaz kä kärä kä langx mäx ära sham nguztä. I thought it might be useful. If it's too late, it's going to be too late. 就好似一隻手綁喺背脊同人打交咁。 This is like fighting someone with one arm tied behind your back. It's like a hand tied to the back to the back. 那個家具是我母親的。 That furniture is my mother's. That furniture is my mother's. 今天早上天氣嚴寒。 We had a heavy frost this morning. This morning, the weather was cold. 我等我的一个朋友等了一小时。 I waited for my friend for an hour. I waited for a friend of mine for an hour. 你怎么敢这样跟我说话! How dare you speak to me like that! How dare you talk to me like that! 玛丽不穷,相反,她相当富裕。 Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich. Mary's not poor. On the contrary, she's quite rich. 你用多少糖? How much sugar do you use? How much sugar are you taking? 你昨天沒來學校, 是嗎? You didn't come to school yesterday, did you? You didn't come to school yesterday, did you? 我們不能分辨那對雙胞胎。 We could not tell the twins one from the other. We can't tell the twins. 我吃惊了。 I was surprised. I'm surprised. 有时候和你妹妹一起更好。 It can be better with your younger sister. Sometimes it's better with your sister. 我在我爸的公司一直感觉不自在。 I never felt at ease in my father's company. I've always felt like my dad's company wasn't there. 打我吖。 Hit me. Hit me. 你們在哭嗎? Are you guys crying? Are you crying? 我們不止需要足夠的食水,還需要乾淨的食水。 We need not only adequate water but clean water. We need more than enough water and clean water. 那艘船失去平衡,翻了過來。 Due to a lack of balance the ship turned over. That ship lost balance and turned over. 我聖誕節冇乜特別嘢想要。 I don't want anything for Christmas. I don't want anything special for Christmas. 苏珊,我很抱歉让你抱有希望,但事实是我就是不感兴趣。 Susan, I'm sorry if I led you on but the truth is that I'm just not interested. Susan, I'm sorry to give you hope, but the truth is that I'm not interested. 这个真好吃。 This is really delicious. This is delicious. 我非常想你。 I miss you very much. I miss you so much. 參觀所有觀光勝地累壞了我。 Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out. I'm tired of seeing all the sights. 您是乌鲁木齐人吗? Are you from Urumqi? Are you Urumish? 有學生票嗎? Do you have a student ticket? Any student tickets? 长袖比较适合冷的天气。 Long-sleeved shirts are good for cold weather. Long-distance is better for cold weather. 我是一個自由的人。 I'm a free man. I'm a free man. 明早九点给我打电话。 Call me at nine tomorrow morning. Call me tomorrow morning at 9:00. 這本書受到學生的歡迎。 This book is popular with students. The book is popular with students. 兴奋到了极点。 The excitement reached its peak. I'm excited. 卡羅非常用功,亨利也是。 Carol studies very hard. So does Henry. Carol's very good, and henry, too. 你跟人约会吗? Are you dating anyone? Are you dating someone? 咱们点两瓶吧。 Let's order two bottles. Let's order two bottles. 我講因特語。 I speak Interlingua. I speak Int. 我覺得你在笑我們。 I feel like you are laughing at us. I think you're laughing at us. 蘋果掉落的地方不會離樹幹很遠。 The apple does not fall far from the trunk. Apples don't fall far away from the trees. 湯姆的名字在名單上。 Tom's name was on the list. Tom's name is on the list. 早餐準備好未呀? Is breakfast ready? Are you ready for breakfast? Ümznäq räq ärä vez mäx chiz laüx shäx? Have you seen this man? [ In German ] Do you have anything to say? 猫咪被洗后很生气,看到我就跑。 The cat was very angry after having been washed. As soon as it saw me it ran. The cat was washed and angry and he saw me run away. 那是你自己的主意嗎? Is that your own idea? Is that your own idea? 这个词现在不用了。 The word is no longer in use. I don't need that word now. 你可以進來。 You can come in. You can come in. 麥克在佛羅里達州有一些朋友。 Mike has a few friends in Florida. Mike has some friends in Florida. 他正在洗他的车。 He is washing his car. He's washing his car. 你在那儿见了谁? Who did you meet there? Who did you meet there? 你要來杯咖啡嗎? Would you like a cup of coffee? Would you like some coffee? 你喜欢哪个就买哪个,但不能两个都买。 You can buy whichever you like, but not both. You can buy whatever you like, but you can't both. 我有一个问题得问你。 I have a question I need to ask you. I have a question to ask you. 㑚还年纪轻咾。 You're still young. "A little boy." 她羞怯地看了一眼那個年輕人。 She glanced shyly at the young man. She was ashamed to look at the young man. 汤姆不喜欢下棋。 Tom doesn't like chess. Tom doesn't like chess. 我吃了湯姆的三明治。 I ate Tom's sandwich. I ate Tom's sandwich. 他們沒有甚麼可能會結婚。 They're unlikely to get married. They don't have any chance of getting married. 何謂也? What does this mean? What do you mean? Naizshiq tero yü nüx nä khum kiz kaix. We walked to the river. Do you know why I'm here? 勉之。 Do your best. By the way. 佢哋啲蘋果冇我哋嘅咁甜。 Their apples aren't as tasty as ours. They're not as sweet as I am. 她每两个月给在伦敦的笔友写一封信。 She writes to her pen pal in London twice a month. She writes a letter every two months to her pen in London. 多美好的家庭啊! What a wonderful family. What a wonderful family! 是人都會犯錯。為你自己的錯誤指責別人,更是人類會做的事。 To err is human. To blame someone else for your mistakes is even more human. It's all human beings who make mistakes and blame others for your own mistakes, and even human beings for what they do. 看书很有意思。 Reading a book is interesting. It's fun reading. 讓他們鬧去。 Let them have their fun. Let them do it. 瑪麗的背不好, 她很難把東西舉起來。 Mary has a bad back. It's hard for her to lift things. Mary's back is bad, and it's hard to keep things up. 它不容易。 It hasn't been easy. It's not easy. 马上做,不要忘记。 Do it now, so you don't forget it. Do it now, don't forget. Ngiz ümznäq mäx cyawcyi täkängx. I'm proud of you. The next day you're gone. 價錢很合理。 The price is reasonable. The price is reasonable. 他老婆很有才。 His wife is quite a talented woman. His wife's very talented. 他是个天才。 He is a genius. He's a genius. 能让我过去吗? Can you let me pass? Can you let me through? 她没怀孕。 She isn't pregnant. She's not pregnant. 小山后面有个美丽的山谷。 A beautiful valley lies behind the hill. There's a beautiful valley behind the hill. 他劳无所获。 He wasn't given any reward for his service. He has nothing to lose. 这个电视节目看起来很好玩。 This TV program seems to be very entertaining. This TV show looks fun. 他到名古屋洽談業務。 He went to Nagoya on business. He went to Nagoya to talk about business. 我要求他明天去那裡。 I asked him to go there tomorrow. I'm asking him to go there tomorrow. 你是何塞嗎? Are you Jose? Are you Jose? 我总是很忙。 I am forever busy. I'm always busy. Kärä kä ätätsuqnex rätawx. It's a compliment. [ In German ] Thank you. 对勿起,现在啥辰光了? Excuse me, what time is it? Don't get up. What's going on? 你是从哪个国家来的? What country are you from? Which country are you from? 她把随附的支票寄给了我。 She sent me the enclosed check. She sent the accompanying check to me. 你最好请教一下医生。 You'd better consult the doctor. You'd better ask the doctor. 你寫好晒啲賀年咭未呀? Have you written all the New Year's cards already? You've written a lot of sleek years? 你在看什麼? What are you reading? What are you looking at? 你要什麼甜點? What would you like for dessert? What's the dessert you want? “那不要了,”我回答。 "Then I don't want it," I reply. "That's enough," I said. 我能確定地說他恨我。 I can say with certainty that he hates me. I can be sure he hates me. 這張桌子不錯,不過有一個美中不足的地方 ﹣ 我的房間放不下它。 This table is fine except in one respect - it will not fit into my room. It's a nice table, but there's a place where there's not enough for me to put it in my room. 我也会做饭。 I also know how to cook. I'll cook too. 昨天是星期四。 Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday was Thursday. 你會說簡單的英語嗎? Could you say that in plain English? Do you speak simple English? 这个位子空着吗? Is this seat available? Is this place empty? 係,啲人係捧佢捧得誇張咗啲,但係呢個漫畫係唔錯㗎啵。 Overrated, yes, but it is a good manga. The fact that they are using their power in the project is different from that of them. They do not perform this kind of comic book. 我吃得太多了。 I ate too much. I ate too much. 如果你想安享晚年,現在就要開始儲蓄了。 If you want security in your old age, begin saving now. If you want to have a good night's rest, you're going to start hiding now. 唔係佢個人樣衰,而係佢啲衫核突。 It's not the person that's ugly, but the clothes. It is not his personal failing, but is his throts. 在中国乡村和工业区,有的人还是很穷的。 In China's agricultural and industrial areas, some people are still very poor. In rural and industrial areas, people are still poor. Irä kä tsawm bäliiq dawngxdiix. It was so beautiful. [ In German ] Thank you. Ни фә хуа. You speak. Oh, no, no, no, no. 已经这么晚了? Is it already so late? Has it been so late? 昨晚我作了一個可怕的夢。 I had a terrible dream last night. Last night I had a terrible dream. 她比Tom年轻得多。 She is much younger than Tom. She's much younger than Tom. 他父母对他期望过高。 His parents expect too much of him. His parents were too high on him. 我找不到她。 I couldn't find her. I can't find her. 授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。 It's better to teach someone how to fish than to give someone a fish. It is given to fish rather than fish. 他在看电视。 He is watching TV. He's watching TV. 我整个一日天看了搿本小说。 I spent the whole day reading that novel. I've seen this novel all day. 汤姆童心未泯。 Tom maintained his innocence. Tom's child is still alive. 他远远地看着。 He watched from a distance. He's far from watching. Ra ümzcyu väx si laüx? How long did you stay? What's your name? 啲人成日認錯我做我阿哥。 People often take me for my brother. They're always mistaken for me being my brother. 他在那次意外中失去了他的視力。 He lost his eyesight in that accident. He lost his sight in that accident. 汤姆喜欢狗。 Tom loves dogs. Tom likes dogs. 为什么你想到外国读书? Why do you want to study abroad? Why did you think of a foreign book? 她廿五歲嗰陣已經喺五個唔同嘅國家住過。 She lived in five different countries by age 25. She was 25 years old and has lived in five countries. 您可能找不到。 You might not find it. You may not be able to find it. 可。 Yes. Can not open message 佢介紹咗我俾佢細佬識。 She introduced me to her brother. He introduced me to him. 脚踏两条船,必定落空。 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. And it shall be, when they shall tread, they shall be lost. 别紧张。 Don't be nervous. Relax. 每條規則都有例外。 There are exceptions to every rule. There are exceptions to each rule. Thawmz räq kä manzphanx samhia phan dzü mäk. Tom doesn't tell stories very well. Do you think it's time to go? 你不怕鬼,不是麼? You aren't afraid of ghosts, are you? You're not afraid of ghosts, are you? 用雙手拿著它。 Hold it with both hands. Take it with your hands. 我是在北京学习中文的。 I studied Chinese in Beijing. I studied Chinese in Beijing. 根據她所說的, 他是有罪的。 According to what she said, he's culpable. According to her, he's guilty. 如果我有時間我會來。 I will come, time permitting. If I had time I'd come. 天快要下雨了。 It is going to rain. It's gonna rain soon. 你想要更多嗎? Do you want more? Do you want more? 我們到了! Here we are! We're here! 他把球踢進了球門。 He kicked the ball into the goal. He kicked the ball in the door. 这场爆炸中有三人丧生。 Three people were killed in the explosion. Three people were killed in the explosion. 大部分观众是年幼的儿童。 The audience was largely made up of very young children. Most of the audience were young children. 非吾事也。 This doesn't concern me. It's not mine either. Thawmz mäx khrumxkuq rawx tälaüx nguztä äsäp ha. I know you want to help Tom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 醫生繼續觀察病人的一舉一動。 The doctor continued to observe the patient's behavior. The doctor continues to observe the patient's behavior. 我看到桌上有本书。 I see a book on the desk. I saw a book on the table. 他對室內灰塵過敏。 He is allergic to house dust. He's allergic to the dust inside the room. Ngiz kä maiq mäx vaz hüz. I am not married. But if you want to talk to me, please. 不管是学生还是老师,两个都必须不停地学习下去。 Neither students nor teachers should ever stop learning. Whether a student or a teacher, the two must continue to study. 我想在這條河裡游泳。 I'd like to swim in this river. I want to swim in this river. Thawmz kä Färenz mäq läkvaiq raü yäq ümtäkäq mänz yiq mäk linx. Tom almost never makes mistakes when writing in French. Do you have any idea where you're going? 我想我該是時候買間房子了。 I think it's time for me to buy a house. I think it's time I bought a house. 你幾時返嚟呀? When will you be back? When are you coming back? 那个没你想象的那么难。 It is not so difficult as you think. That wasn't so hard for you to imagine. 它有四條腿,是木製的而且站在廚房裡。 It has four legs, it is made of wood and it lives in the kitchen. It has four legs, wood and standing in the kitchen. 開學了,目前感覺還不錯。 School has started and I like it so far. It's starting. It's feeling good at the moment. 那是我的爱好。 That's my hobby. That's my favorite. Ümznäq yam ra mäk khaztäz? Are you all right? [ In German ] Do you have anything to say? [ In German ] Do you have something to say? 我姑姑做了一條新裙子給我。 My aunt made me a new skirt. My aunt made me a new dress. 我住在我姑姑家。 I'm staying at my aunt's. I live at my aunt's house. Thawmz naix ngiz kä cyiiz nä lamkhumx kai. Tom and I are going out for a walk. Do you have any idea what this is about? 祸不单行。 Misfortunes never come singly. I can't wait for you. 他们冒着倾盆大雨出发了。 They started in spite of the heavy rain. They're coming up with the rain. 有一只小狗在商店门口等着。 There's a small dog waiting at the door of a store. There's a puppy waiting at the store door. 他跟她说这样的话真是太残忍了。 It is cruel of him to say such things to her. It's very cruel to say that to her. 唔好貪。 Don't be greedy. Not too greedy. 我就知道你会这么说。 Somehow I thought you'd say that. I knew you'd say that. 你是对的吗? Were you right? Are you right? 它是一個很好的問題。 It's a good question. It's a good question. 我盖了栋新房子。 I built a new house. I built a new house. 我認識這裡的每個人。 I know everybody here. I know everyone here. 城市中心有很多高高的建筑。 At the city center, there are many tall buildings. City centres have many high buildings. 我在电视上看到过他,不过没有看到过他本人。 I have seen him on TV but not in the flesh. I saw him on TV, but I didn't see him personally. Ümznäq Ningxraxtsix bawmx dzinx tälaüx shäx? Do you speak English? I don't know what I'm talking about. 你的指紋怎麼會在這個玻璃杯上? How come your fingerprints are on this glass? How'd you get your fingerprints on this glass? 我喜欢看电影。 I am fond of the cinema. I like to watch movies. 现在道歉也迟了。 It's too late to apologize. It's too late to apologize. 如果可能的话,在明天前做好这个工作。 Do this work by tomorrow if possible. If possible, do this by tomorrow. 他雖然只學了兩年的英文,但也說得不錯。 His English is not bad, seeing that he has studied for only two years. He's been studying English for only two years, but he's a good one. 她的確是正確的。 She's correct for sure. She's certainly right. 我寫下他的電話號碼了。 I wrote down his phone number. I'm writing down his phone number. 一於擺棵聖誕樹喺嗰到啦。 Let's put up the Christmas tree there. It's on a Christmas tree. 佢坐咗喺佢隔籬。 He sat next to her. He's sitting down. 你交報告了嗎? Have you turned in your report? Did you submit the report? 他對藝術一點也不感興趣。 He is not interested in art at all. He's not interested in art. 你為什麼想殺我? Why do you want to kill me? Why did you want to kill me? 這份工作絕對沒有可能在一個月之內完成。 It is utterly impossible to finish the work within a month. This job is definitely not possible within a month. 所有的家具都佈滿了灰塵。 All the furniture was covered with dust. All the furniture is covered with dust. 好呀,不過唔好去太耐喎。 Sure, but don't take your time. Good, but not too hard. 现在让我们谈谈严肃的事情吧! Now let us talk about serious matters! Now let's talk about serious things! 谢谢侬帮我搿张纸头浪向画个草图。 Can you sketch it for me on this piece of paper please? Thank you for helping me with a piece of paper and drawing a straw. 我的思想里不停地翻腾着这个问题。 I constantly went over this problem in my mind. I've been thinking about it all the time. 我不怪你那樣做。 I don't blame you for doing that. I don't blame you for doing that. 瑞典有自己的语言。 Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. 父亲很健康。 The father is very healthy. Father's healthy. 除了雾我看不见任何东西。 We could see nothing but fog. I can't see anything except the fog. 我得走了。 Gotta go. I gotta go. 我堅信他是無辜的。 I have a firm belief in his innocence. I believe he is innocent. 天气的预报是很科学的。 The weather is forecast scientifically. The weather forecast is science. 她終於到達了酒店。 She finally reached the hotel. She finally arrived at the hotel. 我想要一樓的座位。 I'd like seats on the first floor. I want a seat on the first floor. 装病是没用的。 There is no point in pretending to be sick. It's no use pretending sick. 讓我來處理。 Let me handle this. Let me handle this. 他知道你愛他嗎? Does he know that you love him? Does he know you love him? Thawmz äyä si tälawx nguztä kä säp mängx diax. I didn't know Tom lived here. Do you think it's too late? 这就是我所说的。 That's what I said. That's what I'm talking about. 伊个村屋垃海海岸高头。 His cottage is on the coast. Impressed by the high seas off the coast of the village house. 你一般中午饭吃什么? What do you usually eat for lunch? What do you usually have for lunch? 我想要去。 I'd like to go. I want to go. 一件传统式样的旗袍是完全手工制作的,也需要劳动密集的裁缝业技术,为了增加而显示每种独一无二的女性体态。 A qipao in the traditional style is made entirely by hand and requires labour-intensive manual tailoring techniques to enhance and exhibit every unique female form. A traditional sculptor was fully crafted and required labour-intensive tailoring techniques showing every single female figure in order to increase. 他只是哭。 He did nothing but cry. He's just crying. 他㥃說威尼斯是個漂亮的城市。 They say that Venice is a beautiful city. He says Venice is a beautiful city. 我整天待在图书馆。 I spent all day in the library. I've been in the library all day. 阿Tom同Mary都唔識游水。 Neither Tom nor Mary can swim. Tom and Mary have no idea how to swim. Fabien有很多好点子。 Fabien has a lot of good ideas. Fabien has a lot of good ideas. 我们在教堂里遇到。 We met at the church. We met in church. 他说的词典图书馆没有. The dictionary he talked about isn't available in the library. He said he didn't have a dictionary library. 我没把我的车卖给汤姆。 I didn't sell Tom my car. I didn't sell my car to Tom. 我走上山了。 I walked up the hill. I'm going up the hill now. 請改正劃線字詞。 Correct the underlined words. Please correct the line. Ümz-mängx mi cyawng kuq lawt haü shäx? Can you tell us your name? [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 我沒有你那麼喜歡音樂。 I don't like music as much as you do. I don't like music so much. 红旗代表存在危险。 The red flag indicated the presence of danger. The red flag represents a danger. 喝這果汁。 Drink this juice. Drink this juice. 我滴酒不沾。 I never touch beer. I don't have any wine. 我被外星人绑架了。 I was abducted by aliens. I've been kidnapped by aliens. 太难了。 It's so hard. It's too hard. 我不會再犯那錯了。 I won't make that mistake again. I won't make that mistake again. 呢樣正正就係阿Tom想要嘅嘢。 That's exactly what Tom wants. A function or a object that ATom wants. 有人偷了我的行李。 Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Somebody stole my luggage. 久美子跑得跟湯姆一樣快。 Kumiko runs as fast as Tom. Chimiko ran as fast as Tom. 我們下棋玩得很開心。 We had a good time playing chess. We had a great time playing. 我想吃法国菜。 I want to eat French cuisine. I want French food. 他的胃口很好。 He has a good appetite. He's got a good appetite. 伊开了三枪。 He fired three shots. I fired three shots. 她把牆壁都塗成了白色。 She painted the walls white. She painted all the walls into white. 两三年就想掌握法语是很困难的。 It is very difficult to master French in just two or three years. It is difficult to have French in two or three years. 你花多少時間在Facebook上? How much time do you spend on Facebook? How much time do you spend on Facebook? Ümznäq räq Thawmz mäx dzänz nawx täbix laüx känäz. You've made Tom unhappy. [ In German ] See if you can find out where they're going. 这个是枝叶而已。 It's only leaves and branches. It's just a leaf. 湯姆三個月前死了。 Tom died three months ago. Tom died three months ago. 我想知道她的故事是否是真的。 I wondered if her story was true. I want to know if her story is true. 隨時問任何問題都可以。 Feel free to ask any questions. You can ask any question at any time. 那个男人年纪很大。 The man is old. That man was very old. 許多人在排隊等候。 Many people were waiting in line. Many are waiting in line. 他昨天抵達東京。 He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. 我需要个朋友。 I need a friend. I need a friend. 呢隻乳酪醬邊有啲人講到咁好食唧! This yogurt dip is completely overrated! And on the other side of a cheese sauce, some people say it's so good! 牆上有一幅畫。 There is a picture on the wall. There's a painting on the wall. 他答應會來,但並沒有。 He promised to come, and didn't. He promised to come, but he didn't. 你了解汤姆多少? How well do you know Tom? How much do you know about Tom? 整个小区对这个消息很惊讶。 The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news. The whole town was surprised by the news. 日本人一般都覺得自己的生活比以前過得好。 The Japanese at large consider themselves better off than they used to be. Japanese generally feel that their lives are better than they used to be. Thawmz kä äsez mätux cyawcyi tälawx. Tom is proud of his son. Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? 湯姆喜歡游泳。 Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. ထောမ်ဟာ ချိန်းချက်မှုကို နောက်ကျတာ ကြုံတောင့်ကြုံခဲပါပဲ။ Tom is seldom late for appointments. Commodity is extremely shortsighted. 湯姆不會吹短笛。 Tom can't play the piccolo. Tom won't sound short. 这倒是事实。 That’s actually the truth. That's true. 所有動物一律平等,但係有啲動物比其他動物更平等。 All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. All animals are equal and some are equaler than others. 對湯姆來說一切都開始錯得離譜。 Everything is going horribly wrong for Tom. For Tom, everything started to go wrong. 我係啱嘅。 I'm right. I am. 中国大陆的沿海城市普遍比内陆城市发达。 Chinese coastal cities are generally more developed than the inland ones. Coastal cities in mainland China are generally more developed than inland cities. 我沒有腳踏車。 I don't have a treadmill. I don't have a bike. 湯姆害怕每個人。 Tom is afraid of everyone. Tom was afraid of everyone. 可以让我骑一会儿这匹马吗? Can I ride this horse for a while? Can you let me ride this horse for a while? 棄船呀! Abandon ship! Leave the ship! 我想要个有空调的房间。 I would like an air-conditioned room. I want a room with air conditioning. 我记得你以前跳舞的方式。 I remember the way you used to dance. I remember the way you used to dance. 傷口流出膿液。 The wound discharged pus. The wound's coming out of the lymphocytes. 他習慣早起。 He is used to getting up early. He used to get up early. 今天晚上出去吃怎樣? How about eating out this evening? Why don't you go out tonight? 公交车迟到了。 The bus was behind schedule. The bus is late. 学生去学校,肩上背着书包 He is going to school, carrying a schoolbag on his back. The students go to school, carry a bag on their shoulders. 我在咖啡店里喝了一杯咖啡。 I had a cup of coffee at the cafe. I had a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. 每个人都有第二次机会 Everybody gets a second chance. Everyone has a second chance. 勿行其誤。 Don't make such a mistake. Don't make a mistake. 您要什麼樣的蛋? How do you like your eggs done? What kind of egg do you want? 我怎麼知道? How do you know? How should I know? 把蛋放入沸水中。 Put the egg into boiling water. Put your eggs in the bottle. 汤姆太老实了,连撒谎都不会。 Tom is too honest a boy to tell a lie. Tom's too honest, not even a lie. 很可能等待着我们的幸福根本不是我们要的那种幸福。 It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want. It is likely that waiting for our happiness is not the kind of happiness we want. 他完全不會游泳,但卻是一個滑雪高手。 He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best. He can't swim at all, but he's a skirmisher. 你看,那邊正在冒煙,那棟大廈一定是失火了。 Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire. Look, it's smoking over there, and it's gonna be a fire. 教育的最终目的是什么? What is the ultimate purpose of education? What's the ultimate purpose of education? 你可以看,可以聽,但手腳不要亂動。 Hear and see and be still. You can see, you can listen, but don't move. 你必须注意他。 You must pay attention to him. You have to keep an eye on him. 我这么说的话是不是像个傻瓜? Do I sound like an idiot if I talk like this? Isn't that what I'm saying like a fool? 他们的计划我一无所知。 I am quite ignorant of their plan. I don't know anything about their plans. 俾我死咗去算啦。 Let me die. I don't care if I'm dead. 你最近忙唔忙呀? Have you been busy lately? You've been busy, haven't you? 許多網路公司为求生存而需要新颖的商业模式。 Many on-line companies need to have a new approach to business to survive. Many Internet companies need new business models to survive. 美利堅合眾國於1776年宣布其獨立於大不列顛王國。 The US declared independence from Great Britain in 1776. The United States of America declared itself independent of Great Britain in 1776. 你不喜歡生魚片,是嗎? You don't like sashimi, do you? You don't like fish, do you? 他們兩個都喝醉了。 They were both drunk. They both were drunk. 我说我爱你时是认真的。 I was serious when I said I love you. I mean it when I say I love you. 對不起打擾你了。 I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry to bother you. 什么时候开始? What time does it start? When do we begin? Ümznäq yamtä väx nai siq tälaüx? Why are you laughing? [ In German ] Do you have something to say? 日本歷史是我最喜歡的科目。 Japanese history is my favorite subject. Japanese history is my favorite subject. 這頓飯讓他充饑解餓了。 The meal satisfied his hunger. This dinner made him hungry. 说谎总是一种罪吗? Is it always a sin to tell a lie? Is lying always a sin? 侬啥地方人? Where are you from? Who are you? 你總是跟蜜蜂一樣地忙碌。 You are always as busy as a bee. You're always as busy as bees. 我呒没办法回答所有问题。 I couldn't answer all the questions. I couldn't answer all the questions. 我每次听这首歌都会听到哭。 Every time I listen to this song, I cry. Every time I hear this song, I hear it cry. John比我大两岁。 John's two years older than me. John is two years older than I am. 我觉得这本书很简单。 I think this book is easy. I think it's very simple. 战争不会使任何人幸福。 War doesn't make anybody happy. War will not make anyone happy. 五年太漫長而無法等待。 Five years is too long to wait. Five years were too long and could not wait. 火車擠得要命,我們都找不到位子坐。 The train was so crowded that none of us could get a seat. The train's stuck. We can't even find a seat. Allen是个诗人。 Allen is a poet. Allen's a poet. 我们在哪里集合? Where are we assembling? Where are we gathered? 公車將在五分鐘後開動。 The bus leaves in five minutes. The bus will be opened in five minutes. ကျနော် အဲ့ဒီ မိန်းကလေးကို တွေ့တယ်။ I saw the girl. I found that girl. 这只火鸡味道很好。 This turkey tastes good. This turkey smell's good. 我不想吃晚饭。 I don't want dinner. I don't want to eat dinner. 汤姆告诉我他想当医生。 Tom told me that he'd like to become a doctor. Tom told me he wanted to be a doctor. 所有十八歲以上嘅人都算係大人。 Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as an adult. All 18-year-olds or older are adult. 這則謠言令人信以為真。 The rumor is believed to be true. It's a lie, and it's a lie. 他叫什么名字? What is his name? What's his name? 早饭在何时何地用? When and where is breakfast served? What's for breakfast? 我告诉汤姆我认为他的房子要刷漆。 I told Tom that I thought his house needed to be painted. I told Tom I thought his house was gonna paint. 您的牙要拔掉。 Your tooth must be extracted. Your teeth are taking off. 你有紅色的鉛筆嗎? Do you have a red pencil? Do you have a red pen? 昨天他寫信給我。 He wrote to me yesterday. Yesterday he wrote to me. 侬昨日为啥离开教室? Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? Why did you leave the classroom on Friday? 三的立方是二十七。 Three cubed makes twenty-seven. The three cubes are twenty-seven. 他問我我的叔叔住在哪裡。 He asked me where my uncle lived. He asked where my uncle lives. 我再也不和他说话了。 I don't talk to him anymore. I'm not talking to him anymore. 我試圖改變話題。 I tried to change the subject. I'm trying to change the subject. 他會是一個好丈夫。 He'll be a good husband. He'll be a good husband. 你現在不好好儲蓄金錢的話,終有一天會後悔的。 Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving. If you don't spend your money right now, one day you'll regret it. 是, 我來了。 Yes, I'm coming. Yes, I'm coming. 我想喝點熱的飲料。 I want something hot to drink. I want a hot drink. 此藥只供外用。 The medication should be administered topically. The medicine is only extra-use. 狼嚇到了我。 Wolves scare me. The wolf scared me. 他正在和一个外国学生交往。 He is in a relationship with a foreign student. He is dating a foreign student. 我聽不懂他的笑話。 I couldn't understand his joke. I don't understand his joke. 琴日我俾人偷咗錢。 I had some money stolen yesterday. Jing, I've been stolen. 我吃了一半三明治了。 I'm halfway through my sandwich. I ate half the sandwich. 不難理解。 It's not hard to understand. It's not hard to understand. 我喺架火車度俾人撻咗嘢。 I had my pocket picked on the train. I was hit by a train. 天氣酷熱難當。 It's unbearably hot. The weather is so hot. ဒီ သွားတိုက်တံ က မင်း ဟာ လို့ ထင်တယ် နော်။ I think that this toothbrush is yours. If you have a toothbrush or a toothbrush or a toothbrush, do you feel that you are too old to use it? 这个号码你默记了吗? Have you committed this number to memory? Do you remember this number? 仲有兩個禮拜就到聖誕節喇。 Christmas is just two weeks from now. It's two weeks to Christmas. ကျွန်တော် သွားတိုက်တံ အသစ် တစ် ချောင်း ဝယ်ရတော့မယ်။ I need to buy a new toothbrush. I'm going to buy a new toothbrush. 她没有试图掩盖真相。 She didn't try to hide the truth. She didn't try to hide the truth. 很难找到合适的翻译。 It's hard to find a suitable translation. It is difficult to find suitable translation. 咦,押韻喎! Hey, that rhymes! Hey, let's go! 還有很多東西要做。 Much still remains to be done. There are a lot of things to do. 他有時煮晚飯給我們吃。 He sometimes makes dinner for us. He sometimes cooks dinner for us. 我本不应该做的。 I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have done it. 我都好愛你。 I love you, too. I love you so much. 一公斤的番茄酱等于两公斤的西红柿。 A kilo of ketchup is equivalent to two kilos of tomatoes. A kilo of ketchup is two kilos of tomatoes. 我永遠不會忘記那景象。 Never shall I forget the sight. I'll never forget that. 你去上學,不是嗎? You go to school, don't you? You went to school, didn't you? 有辰光口误对政治家来讲是致命个。 A slip of the tongue is sometimes fatal to a politician. There was a misappropriation of the politicians. 我很抱歉, 但它就是不可能的。 I'm sorry, but it's just not possible. I'm sorry, but it's impossible. 他说法语说得很流利。 He speaks French fluently. He says it's easy to speak French. 我現在很忙,沒空和你玩。 I am busy now and can't play with you. I'm busy right now, I don't have time to play with you. 還沒有任何評論。 There are no comments yet. No comment yet. 連我都不知道怎麼說,更別說你了! I don't know how to say it, let alone you! I don't even know what to say. 個醫生叫我慢慢噉深呼吸。 The doctor told me to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Doctors asked me to take a deep breath. 我想看醫生。 I'd like to see a doctor. I want to see a doctor. Änyängx mäx laishizraz lamz läq. Have something to drink. [ In German ] Do you understand? 個老師喺黑板度寫咗啲法文字。 The teacher wrote French words on the blackboard. Scheduled teachers have written these words in blackboards. 我爸爸告诉我去哪儿。 My father told me where to go. My dad told me where to go. 股票價格跌至歷史新低。 Stock prices plunged to a record low. The price of stock fell to a new low in history. 我们不得不给你一点帮助了 We've got to get you some help. We have to give you a little help. 我不喜歡給人當成小孩子般看待。 I don't like being treated like a child. I don't like to treat people like children. 我真的非常期待暑假。 I'm really looking forward to summer vacation. I'm really looking forward to summer vacation. 那是一匹公馬還是母馬? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a horse or a horse? 國際救難隊伍隨時待命準備前往日本。 International rescue teams are at the ready to fly to Japan. The international rescue team is ready to travel to Japan at any time. 这儿有地铁站吗? Is there a metro station here? Is there a subway station? 她很喜欢猫。 She adores cats. She likes cats. 阿Tom兩點半走呀可? Tom is leaving at 2:30, isn't he? Tom's leaving at 2:30? 是我个,勿是伊个。 It's mine, not his. It's me. Don't be Ey. 不管这个问题重不重要,你必须解决它。 No matter how important the question may or may not be, you must solve it. No matter what this problem matters, you have to deal with it. 我買了一台新的縫紉機。 I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewer. 它没吃。 It isn't eating. It's not eating. ငါ ချယ်လို ကောင်းကောင်း တီးတတ် စေရမယ်။ I wish I could play the cello better. I have to be as good as I want to play. 我们有一节关于环境污染的讲座。 We had a lecture on environmental pollution. We have a lecture on environmental pollution. 我不知道應該說什麼才好。 I'm at a loss for words. I don't know what to say. 五千元是一大笔钱。 5000 yuan is a lot of money. 5,000 dollars is a lot of money. 木匠带著他的工具。 The carpenter brought his tools along. Carpenters carry his tools. 我覺得會發生。 I think it could happen. I think it's gonna happen. 你現在有甚麼是一定要做的? What must you do now? What do you have to do now? 她吃了中藥,所以症狀減輕了。 She took Chinese medicine, which relieved her symptoms. She took the medicine, so the epilepsy was eased. 瑞典有自己的语言。 Sweden has a language of its own. Sweden has its own language. 在奥运会的竞赛中,金牌代表第一名,银牌代表第二名,铜牌是第三名。 In Olympic competitions, a gold medal is for first place, a silver medal for second, and a bronze medal is for third place. In the Olympic Games, the gold medal represented the first, the second, and the third. 你滑雪比我好。 You're a better skier than me. You ski better than me. ဘယ်လမ်းကသွားတာအကောင်းဆုံးလဲ What is the best road to go? What's the best way to go? 猫坐在桌子上。 The cat is sitting on the table. Cats sit on the table. 侬啥辰光喝咖啡个? When do you drink coffee? What kind of coffee do you want? 暴风雨袭来, 气温随之下降。 The storm sent the temperature down. Storms come, the temperature goes down. 瀴唻! How cold it is! It's all right, it's all right. 她整晚都在看那本书。 She read the book all night. She's been watching that book all night. 這條裙子挺漂亮的,可以試穿嗎? I like this skirt. May I try it on? This dress looks pretty. Can I try it? 我们喝了很多。 We had a lot to drink. We drank a lot. 你什麼時候會在線上? When will you be online? When will you be on the line? 他的回应出乎我们的意料。 His response was contrary to our expectations. His response is not what we expected. 慢慢来!别紧张。 Take it easy! Don't be so nervous. Take it easy, don't be nervous. 我盡量留肚食甜品。 I'm trying to save room for dessert. I try to keep the sweets. 哪一個國家擁有生產玉米的絕對優勢? What country has the absolute advantage in the production of corn? Which country has the absolute advantage of producing corn? 加拿大的犯罪率下降了。 Canada's crime rate is decreasing. Canada's crime rate has declined. 這家商店有各種香料。 This store has a variety of spices. This store has all sorts of spices. 对我自己来说,每个人应该有学知识的爱好,也应该对体育活动感兴趣。 In my view, everyone should have intellectual hobbies as well as an interest in physical activities. For myself, everyone should be well educated and should be interested in sports. Ngiz iz-sez tiim äsi. I have children. I've never seen anything like it. Tsängxshiq kä ädzaix vanx nawx. They were dying. [ In German ] See you soon. 那是一個叫人心碎的故事。 It was a heartbreaking story. That's a story called a broken heart. 我们战争胜利了。 We won the battle. Our war won. 他不在的時候每一件事都出錯了。 Everything chose to go wrong during his absence. Everything went wrong while he was away. 今晚会下雪吗? Is it going to snow tonight? Is it going to snow tonight? 这是我的书。 This is my book. This is my book. 我通常騎自行車去上學。 I usually go to school by bicycle. I usually ride a bike to school. 原来你很倔。 Originally, you were very stubborn. It turns out you're a tough guy. 我們每天洗澡。 We take a bath every day. We wash every day. 纸很容易被烧。 Paper burns easily. Papers are easily burned. 自從她在廚房裡摔倒後,她不曾再到那裡。 Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she hasn't been all there. She has never been there since she fell into the kitchen. 汤姆的严酷考验远没有结束。 Tom's ordeal was far from over. Tom's harsh test isn't over. 这种表达方式很中国化。 This expression is very Chinese. This expression is very Chinese. 布什继里根之后当上了总统。 Bush followed Reagan as president. Bush Reagan became president. 你还认识我吗? Do you know me? Do you still know me? 你的狗非常胖。 Your dog is very big. Your dog is very fat. 他移开,让卡车通过。 He pulled aside to let a truck pass. He's moving away, let the truck pass. 這個季節食物很容易變壞。 Food goes bad easily in this season. This season's food is easy to get bad. 你每天也在家聽收音機嗎? Do you listen to the radio at home every day? Do you listen to the radio every day? 他是個好學生。 He is a good student. He's a good student. 對唔住呀,我知我之前講過嘅嘢,就當我冇講過啦。 I'm sorry, I know what I said earlier, but forget it. Don't worry, I know what I said before, when I didn't say anything. 如果发生了什么,请让我知道。 If anything should happen, please let me know. If anything happens, let me know. 在台灣,季節的變化越來越不明顯。短春與短秋逐漸成為現在四季的特徵。 In Taiwan, the differences between the four seasons have become less and less obvious. A short spring and autumn have gradually become part of the features of the four seasons. In Taiwan, the changes in seasons have become more and more apparent, short- and fall-out features of the current four-week period. 天才们有一个重要的缺点: 他们不会输。 Brilliant people have one major drawback - they don't know how to lose. The geniuses have an important drawback: they won't lose. 他有三名兄长。 He has three brothers. He's got three brothers. 湯姆對孩子們生氣。 Tom got angry at the children. Tom was angry with the children. 我會等到四點。 I'll wait till four o'clock. I'll wait till 4:00. 我去到医院。 I went to the hospital. I'm going to the hospital. Ümznäq kä äkhux viq mänäx. You are very brave. If you don't mind, I'll be right back. 你睡觉的时候,一个女人来看过我们。 A woman visited us while you were sleeping. When you were sleeping, a woman came to see us. 我丈夫一年收入10萬美元。 My husband earns $100,000 a year. My husband earns US$ 100,000 a year. 他写了本关于美国南北战争的书。 He wrote a book about the American Civil War. He wrote a book on the United States North-South war. 26号已经有预约了。很抱歉。 Number 26 is already reserved, sorry. There's been an appointment. I'm sorry. 他生在希臘。 He was born in Greece. He was born in Greece. 我们今天去一所中学监考了。 We went to a secondary school to invigilate today. We went to a high school ombudsman today. 其实,他也爱着她。 In fact, he too loved her. Actually, he's in love with her, too. 它會讓你思考起在你思想裡考慮的事情。 It will make you think about the things you think about in your thoughts. It'll make you think about what you think. 我饿得跟饿虎扑羊似的。 I'm as hungry as a horse. I'm starving like a geese sheep. 好暗。 It was so dark. Good to be. 我們只是需要個計畫。 We just need a plan. We just need a plan. Melissa喜欢吃桃子挞。 Melissa is fond of eating peach tarts. Melissa likes to eat peach. 你們不接受信用卡? You don't accept credit cards? You don't accept credit cards? 我諗住下年去法國。 I plan to go to France next year. I'm staying in France next year. 把一疊撲克牌的排列次序背熟,雖然絕不是一件易事,卻也不是沒有可能的。 Memorising the cards in a deck in order is certainly a difficult task, but manageable. It is not easy, but it is not possible. 我刚刚读完这本书。 I just finished reading this book. I just finished reading this book. 这是一个愚蠢的问题。 That's a stupid question! It's a stupid question. 她在銀座搭乘了地鐵。 She got on the subway at Ginza. She's on the subway at the silver seat. 被判严重违反新的行为准则的青少年将失去免费乘坐公交车的权利,如果想重新取得必须做无报酬的社区工作。 Youths who are caught violating the new rules on behaviour will lose their right to free travel, and will have to complete unpaid community work to earn it back. Young people convicted of serious violations of the new code of conduct would lose their right to travel by bus free of charge if they wanted to re-acquisition of unremunerated community work. 從一個人在某件事上肯花多少時間,就能看出這件事對這個人有多重要。 The amount of time someone is willing to spend on something may communicate how important it is to him. A person can see how important this is to him from the time he spends on something. 我部電腦好舊喇。 My computer is antiquated already. My computer is so old. 你们想坐一下吗? Do you want to sit down? Would you like to sit down? 我不喝咖啡。 I do not drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. 無論黑暗有幾遼闊,我哋都要提供自己嘅光。 However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. No matter how great the darkness is, I must give myself light. 你有多少支球拍? How many rackets do you have? How many balls do you have? 进来。 Step inside. Come in. 你对女人有一套。 You have a way with women. You have a way with women. 这是一个误导性的标题 It's a misleading title. It's a misleading title. 她回家了。 She went home. She's home. 這是通往大海的通道。 This is the passage to the sea. This is the link to the ocean. 我们必须把这些脏盘子全部洗掉。 We must wash all these dirty plates. We have to clean up all these dirty dishes. 明天要看流星雨啊! Tomorrow we are going to see the meteor shower! Tomorrow it's going to look at the shooting rain! 有没有比这些稍微大一点的? Do you have one a little bigger than these? Is there a little bigger than this? Ngiz kä ümzcyaüx ranaiq Tokyo cyezla nä. I am in Tokyo today. The next day, I'll have to go to Tokyo ceezla. 大自然很慷慨。 Mother Nature is generous. Nature is generous. 在公開場合開你老闆的玩笑是無禮的。 It's rude to make fun of your boss in public. It's rude to hang out with your boss in public. 你大约认识多少英文词? About how many English words do you know? How many words do you know? Ümz-sak ümzcyu raviix nawx väx? How old are you? I don't know. 以前在這個池塘裡有許多青蛙。 There used to be a lot of frogs in this pond. We used to have a lot of frogs in this pool. 祝你美夢成真。 I hope your wish will come true. Good luck with your dreams. Naüx känä liix läq! Look over there. No, it's over! 汤姆正在看书。 Tom is reading a book. Tom's reading. 教室里没剩下几个学生了。 There were few students remaining in the classroom. There are no more students in the classroom. 他试着赢得竞赛。 He endeavored to win the contest. He's trying to win the race. 在那裡見我。 Meet me there. Meet me there. 有没有人认识Florence? Anybody knows who Florence is? Anyone know Florence? 行與行之間要留一個空間。 Leave a space between the lines. There must be a space between lines and lines. 汤姆,发生了什么?为啥哭泣呢? Tom, what happened? Why are you crying? Tom, what happened? Why are you crying? 你可以開慢一點嗎? Could you drive more slowly? Can you slow down a little bit? 我很擔心我的體重。 I'm very worried about my weight. I'm worried about my weight. 莫莉有一個大時鐘。 Molly has a large clock. Molly has a big clock. 这件事非常感动了我。 I was really moved by this. This is really touching me. 因为我家庭还在工作,所以他们就去不了德克萨斯。 My family is still working, so they can't go to Texas right away. Because my family is still working, so they can't go to Texas. 意外是因為他不小心駕駛而引起的。 The accident was due to his careless driving. The accident was caused by his car accident. 因為一些小事故,兩、三班機被延遲了。 A couple of flights were delayed on account of a minor accident. As a result of some minor accidents, two or three flights were delayed. 湯姆是個好人。 Tom is a good person. Tom's a good man. 佢次次都遲到。 She is never on time. He's late all the time. 現在長裙不流行了。 Long skirts are out of fashion now. Now it's no longer popular. 痛过,但是没现在这么厉害。 It's ached before, but never as badly as right now. It hurts, but it's not that good now. Thawmz kä nyäp vaz dzü mäk. Tom can't come in. I've never seen anything like it. 我想活着。 I want to live. I want to live. 我宵夜食咗公仔麵。 I had instant noodles as a midnight snack. I ate bread at night. 他误认为我是一个英国人。 He took me for an Englishman. He misunderstands that I'm an Englishman. 我應該把我的相機帶來。 I should've brought my camera. I should've brought my camera. 呢幾年啲天氣好唔正常。 We've been having strange weather the past few years. It's not normal for years. 我怎樣才能連絡到你? How can I reach you? How can I get in touch with you? 他解释了句子的字面意思。 He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. He explained the meaning of the sentence. 你们在喝什么? What are you guys drinking? What are you drinking? 她應該中午到那裡。 She should be there at noon. She should be there at noon. 我不知道他什麼時候能來。 I don't know what time he can come. I don't know when he can come. 你會開車送我回家嗎? Will you drive me home? Will you drive me home? 我對日文不大了解。 My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor. I don't know Japanese very well. Thawmz kä phyenx nä nawx shang vanx tawx. Tom enlisted in the Army. No, no, no, no, no, no. 汤姆不再是俱乐部的成员了。 Tom is no longer a member of this club. Tom is no longer a member of the club. 我难受三周了。 I was sore for three weeks. I'm in trouble for three weeks. Thawmz kä paqlaq shäkshaq raix rähumx tawx ngawx cyängz. Tom looked annoyed. Do you think it's too late? 中场比分是多少? What was the score at halftime? What's the middle ratio? 今天天气挺冷的。 It's rather cold today. It's a cold day. 我有兩個女兒和兩個兒子。 I have two daughters and two sons. I have two daughters and two sons. 你为什么不和我们一起来? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? 他不必上學。 He doesn't have to go to school. He doesn't have to go to school. 您每天都讀書嗎? Do you study every day? Do you read every day? 我們不在波士頓。 We're not in Boston. We're not in Boston. 他去歐洲旅行了。 He took a trip to Europe. He's on a trip to Europe. Äpaiq bixshaq ma mäq naiyumz naiyix rätawx. She smiled sadly. [ In German ] Please don't worry. 哦,呢度你行得到? Oh, you can walk here? Oh, what do you think you can do? 她不会开车。 She can't drive. She won't drive. 这不是普通话,而是上海话。 This isn't Mandarin, it's Shanghainese. It's not ordinary, it's Shanghai. 西班牙语比德语简单多了。 Spanish is much easier than German. Spanish is much more simple than German. 我買貴的東西時總是賒帳。 I always buy expensive items on credit. I always pay for what I buy. 我想睇戲。 I want to go to see a movie. I want to see the show. 我媽媽很喜歡茶。 My mother likes tea very much. My mom loves tea. Ngiz mäx cyawng läq! Tell me! Get out of here! Ümznäq äphax nä lakshiz mänz äkhäx chiz maüx shaqli mäk shäx? You've never seen one of these before, have you? Is there anything I can do about it? Ümznäq äkai rawx shäx? Do you want to go? Is there anything I can do about it? 他很会教育人。 He is very good at teaching people. He's very educated. 他抱怨菜的味道不好。 He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complains about the taste of food. 你可以做到,不是嗎? You can do it, can't you? You can do that, can't you? 一个月后,天气就不会像现在这么热了。 In a month, the weather won't be as hot as it is now. A month later, the weather's not as hot as it is now. 她为他做了所有她能做的事。 She did everything she could for him. She did everything she could for him. Ümznäq yaq nä sänit äsi shaq li shäx? Do you still have a gun? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 她在那裡買的是一台照相機。 What she bought there was a camera. She bought a camera there. 有駕照者優先得到這個職位。 Having a driver's license is an advantage for this job. With a driver's license, he takes the position first. 不要那么懒啊! Don't be so lazy. Don't be lazy! 我們必須考慮它。 We have to think about it. We have to think about it. 社區是安靜的。 The neighborhood was silent. The community is quiet. 你是人。 You're a person. You're human. 汤姆认为那没有好处。 Tom doesn't think that will do any good. Tom doesn't think that's good. 会议将在下周日召开。 The meeting will take place next Sunday. The meeting will be held next Sunday. 紅色,相對於綠色,是危險的標誌。 Red, as opposed to green, is a sign of danger. Red, for green, dangerous. 我想你將我認成別人了。 I think you've mistaken me for someone else. I thought you recognized me as someone else. 他就是所谓的活字典。 He is what we call a walking dictionary. He's the so-called live dictionary. 冇人請佢去,所以佢好失望。 He was disappointed at not being invited. No one asked him to, so he was so disappointed. 他不是总来晚。 He doesn't always come late. He's not always late. 他們全都叫到沙啞了。 They were all hoarse from shouting. They're all on the couch. 汤姆告诉我要照顾好我自己。 Tom told me to take good care of myself. Tom told me to take care of myself. 那是你的想法。 That's your opinion. That's what you think. Tatoeba:加入黑暗的一面。我们有巧克力曲奇饼。 Tatoeba: Join the dark side. We have chocolate cookies. Tatoeba: join the dark side "We have chocolate cookies." 我爸爸退休了,以便为更年轻的人让路。 My father retired to make way for younger people. My father retired in order to make the way for the younger. 我凭韧性克服了困难。 I got over the difficulty with my characteristic tenacity. I have overcome the difficulties on the basis of weakness. 他們一定發生了意外。 They must have had an accident. They must have had an accident. 我們學校在車站的附近。 Our school is near the station. Our school is near the station. 湯姆說他很高興他能做。 Tom said he's glad he could do that. Tom says he's glad he can do it. 你不想用我的嗎? Don't you want to use mine? Don't you want to use mine? 请你给我看一下这条裙子好吗? Can you show me this skirt please? Could you show me this dress, please? 逐字地翻譯這個段落。 Translate the passage word for word. Translate this paragraph verbatim. 你會唔會覺得我份人太過物質呀? Do you think I'm too materialistic? Don't you think I'm too material? 这很对我的味口。 That's quite to my taste. It's very good for me. 搿个物事侬个是𠲎? Is that thing yours? "What's wrong with things?" 他的处女作受到了大家的极大欢迎。 His first work gained great popularity among people. His virgin daughter was greatly welcomed. 晚飯後她變得昏昏欲睡。 She became drowsy after supper. She was unconscious after dinner. 保羅這幾天很用功讀書。 Paul studies very hard these days. Paul has been studying for the last few days. 別去想它。 Put it out of your mind. Don't think about it. Rayun tälawx. It is raining. Rayn tälawx. 我的懷疑沒有根據。 My suspicions were unfounded. My suspicion is unsubstantiated. 晚会很成功。 The party was a success. It's gonna be very successful. Ümznäq ümbaz mäq väx kiz laüx? Where do you come from? [ In German ] Do you have a message for me? 公园里有很多人。 There are many people in the park. There's a lot of people in the park. 我今天沒看到她。 I didn't see her today. I didn't see her today. 他是个极其自私自利的人。 He is a lump of selfishness. He's a very selfish man. 食物、衣服和住所都是生活的必需品。 We need food, clothes and a home in order to live. Food, clothing and shelter are essential for life. 吉米在一場交通事故中受傷了。 Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a traffic accident. 到頭來,我們記得的不是敵人的話語,而是朋友的沉默。 In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. In the end, we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. 意义的原句是相反。 The original sentence means the opposite. The original wording of the meaning is the opposite. 我是義大利人。 I am Italian. I'm Italian. 男孩們,不要製造任何噪音。 Boys, don't make any noise. Boys, don't make any noise. 我的頭髮比珍的長。 My hair is longer than Jane's is. My hair is longer than Jean's. Tatoeba:是一個引述都去死的地方。 Tatoeba: Where quotes go to die. Tatoeba: It's a quote to die. 橙甜過檸檬。 Oranges are sweeter than lemons. Orange's had lemonade. 我的兄弟買了電子吉他。 My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought an electronic guitar. ကျွန်တော် ဒီ ဝဘ်ဆိုက် ကို မကြိုက် ဘူး။ I don't like this website. I don't like this site. Khum rawngx phä. Let's walk. It's all over the place. 我认为你了解我。 I think you understand me. I think you know me. 天勿怕,地勿怕,就怕温州人讲温州闲话。 Do not fear the heavens and the earth, but be afraid of hearing a person from Wenzhou speak in their local tongue. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Ärä kä äthix li mi lun. This might be over soon. They'll call you later. Thawmz naix Meri kä ngiq pünz kai ädamz nä kiz tawx. Tom and Mary went fishing together. Do you know why I'm here? 我很高興見到你。 I'm very glad to see you. I'm happy to see you. 你還買彩票嗎? Do you still buy lottery tickets? Do you still buy tickets? 你应该每天睡八个小时觉。 You should sleep for eight hours a day. You should sleep eight hours a day. 我完全不负任何责任。 I don't take any responsibility at all. I have no responsibility at all. 她把她的雨傘留在火車上了。 She left her umbrella in the train. She left her umbrella on the train. 甘地是对的。 Gandhi was right. Gandhi's right. 听讲座时,你应该保持安静。 When listening to a lecture, you should be quiet. When you're listening, you should be quiet. 我不能一心二用。 I can't do two things at a time. I can't be double-use. 我的木床实在很笨重。 My wooden bed is actually quite heavy. My bed is so stupid. 看来汤姆热恋着玛丽。 It looks like Tom has a crush on Mary. It looks like Tom is in love with Mary. 他這個人很難相處。 He is hard to get along with. He's a hard man to get along. ဘီယာ ရှိလား။ Do you have any beer? Do you have a beer? 嗱我呢,就廚師嚟嘅唧。我淨係負責煮嘢食㗎咋。 As far as I go, I'm a cook. The only thing I do is prepare the food. I'm the cook. I'm the cook. I'm the cook. 這本書是給母語不是日語的學生的。 This book is for students whose native language is not Japanese. This book is for students who are not Japanese students. 你知道顯微鏡是誰發明的嗎? Do you know who invented the microscope? Do you know who invented the microscope? 苹果是成打卖的。 The apples are sold by the dozen. Apples are sold. 控制自己会说的语言太不简单呀! It's not easy to control the languages that you can speak! It's too simple to control your language! 他说的话根本毫无意义。 What he says is total nonsense. The words he said meant nothing at all. 谣言被证明是假的。 The rumor turned out false. The rumor is proved false. 你能不说那个了吗? Could you stop saying that? Would you stop talking about that? 关于那件事你欠我一个道歉。 You owe me an apology for that. You owe me an apology for that. 在如此漫长的时期内,曾经有如此众多的人们对我们说:对于我们的成功,我们应该淡漠,应该害怕,应该不相信。但是,历史之轮如今已在我们手中,历史之轮将又一次在我们手中驶向美好未来。 It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long, by so many, to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve, to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day. In such a long period of time, it has been said to us that, for our success, we should turn our backs, we should be afraid, we should not believe. But history is now in our hands, and the cycle of history will once again lead to a better future in our hands. 希望他明天會來吧。 I hope he comes tomorrow. I hope he comes tomorrow. 汤姆恨运动。 Tom hates sports. Tom hates movement. 這樣的話,我想他是對的。 In this case, I think he is correct. That way, I think he's right. 行动比语言更有说服力。别发牢骚多做事。 Actions speak louder than words. Stop complaining and do it. It's much more convincing than language, and don't worry about what you're doing. 我是来自兵库大学四十岁的大学生。 I'm a forty-year-old student at Hyogo University. I'm a 40-year-old student from Hyogo University. 湯姆可能不會做蠢事。 Tom probably wouldn't do something that stupid. Tom might not be doing anything stupid. 你只要每天練習就可以了。 You have only to practice every day. You just have to practice every day. 非常谢谢你的礼物。 Thank you very much for your present. Thank you very much for the gift. 莊子之楚。 Zhuangzi went to the kingdom of Chu. I'm so glad you're here. 我收到了生日礼物。 I received my birthday present. I got a birthday present. 我想學吓呢個字用阿拉伯文點樣講。 I want to learn how to say this word in Arabic. I want to learn to scare this word in Arabic. 今天的雲比昨天多。 There's more cloud today than yesterday. Today's more than yesterday. Ngiz räq kärä siix li cyawng ruq ihatä. I've been saying the same thing. This is the next day you're going to die. 您是学生吗? Are you a student? Are you a student? 我怀疑汤姆是单身。 I doubt if Tom is single. I doubt Tom was single. Bob也會開車。 Bob can also drive. Bob's driving too. 这是你的信。 Here is a letter for you. That's your letter. 终于,公众关于空气污染的意见成为直言不讳得。 Public feeling against air pollution has at last became vocal. Finally, the public ' s views on air pollution have become unsolved. 去教堂參加禮拜,不會馬上就變成一個基督徒,就好像站在車房裏,不會變成一輛車一樣。 Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Go to church or become a Christian soon, as if you're standing in the car, and you're not going to become a car. 街道上擠滿了人。 The street was crowded with people. The streets are full of people. 他是个很棒的网球选手。 He's an excellent tennis player. He's a great tennis player. 我興奮得說不出話來。 I held my breath in excitement. I'm excited I can't say anything. 我們有三個孩子。 We have three kids. We have three kids. 請把門打開。 Please open the door. Please open the door. 借個火,好嗎? Give me a light, would you? Give me a light, will you? 飛機快來了 The plane came quickly. The plane's coming. 你見工見成點呀? How did your interview go? What do you think it's gonna be? Rayun siq tawx. It was raining. Rayun saq uswx. 我穿好衣服以后就吃早饭。 I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I get dressed and eat breakfast. 早饭准备好了。 Breakfast is ready. The breakfast's ready. 近来咖啡的短缺造成了许多问题。 The recent shortage of coffee has given rise to a lot of problems. The recent shortage of coffee has caused many problems. 他會酒後失控。 He is out of control when drunk. He'll lose control of the wine. 十七歲的男孩常常長得和他父親一樣高。 A boy of seventeen is often as tall as his father. 17-year-old boys are often as tall as his father. 雖然失敗了很多次,但是他仍從不放棄。 Having failed many times, he never gave up the plan. Although he failed many times, he never gave up. 她们在说什么? What are they saying? What are they saying? တွမ် က မယ်ရီ လို့ ခေါ် တဲ့ ကနေဒါ အမျိုးသမီး နဲ့ အိမ်ထောင်ကျ ခဲ့ သည်။ Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. She married a woman named Millie. 我決定唔去。 I decided not to go. I decided not to go. 即使有比你漂亮的,也不会太多。 If there even are people more beautiful than you, there won't be many of them. Even with your beauty, it won't be too much. 英語和德語是兩種相關的語言。 English and German are two related languages. English and German are two related languages. 我們捐血來幫助這個孩子。 We gave blood to help the child. We donated blood to help this child. Kärä kä ngawxhiaxshaq äkämung thüx kä rämäk. It wasn't really a plan. [ In English ] See if you can find something. 他在心里反复思量这件事。 He turned over the matter in his mind. He has been thinking about it over and over again. Ümznäq yaq nä vazcyü äsi shaq li shäx? Do you still have a gun? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 美國的罪犯大多是吸毒成癮的癮君子。 Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. In the United States, most of the criminals are drug addicts. 汤姆的上司真的非常生气。 Tom's boss was really angry. Tom's boss is really very angry. Rayunx hawx nawx. It's about to rain. Rayunx hawx. बेखौ माव Do it I don't know what to do. Ümznäq kä yu väx? Who are you? I don't know. 我認為湯姆還活著。 I think Tom is still alive. I think Tom's still alive. 選你喜歡的。 Choose whichever you like. Choose what you like. 他是瑞士人。 He is Swiss. He's Swiss. 四體既正,血氣既靜,一意摶心,耳目不淫,雖遠若近思索生知。 When the four limbs are placed correctly and the vital energy of blood is tranquil, the thoughts will be unified, and mind will be concentrated: ears and eyes will not be flooded, and what is distant will be like what is close, - the knowledge will be born out of thinking. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. 拉我屋里向有个果园。 My house has a fruit garden. Pull me in to a fruit garden. 她穿著山地靴。 She is wearing hiking boots. She's wearing mountain boots. 我梦到你了。 I dreamed about you. I dreamt of you. 汤姆把电视调大声。 Tom turned up the TV. Tom turned the TV up. 他住的离我家很远。 He lives far away from my house. He lives far away from my house. 我们该怎么从这里出去。 How do we get out of here? How do we get out of here? 你指的是哪个? Which one are you referring to? What do you mean? 直樹年紀跟香織一樣大。 Naoki is as old as Kaori. The straight tree age is as old as Shannon. 我要同你講拜拜喇。 I must say good-bye to you. I'm going to say goodbye to you. 他星期一去了紐約。 He went to New York on Monday. He went to New York on Monday. 玛丽对政治感兴趣。 Mary is interested in politics. Mary is interested in politics. Mayuko早餐吃麵包。 Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. Mayuko had breakfast. 为什么你这么喜欢黑中国? Why do you like smearing China so much? Why do you like China so much? 我用我的字典查了那幾個字。 I looked up the words in my dictionary. I checked those words in my dictionary. 我不敢殺動物。 I don't dare to kill animals. I can't kill animals. 她穿了一條白色的洋裝。 She wore a white dress. She's wearing a white dress. 除了真相,我什么都不说。 I speak nothing but the truth. I don't say anything except the truth. 太陽提供我們光和熱。 The sun gives us light and heat. The sun gives us light and heat. Вә бәщён чў щүәтон. I don't want to go to school. He's in the trash, he's in the back, he's in the back, he's in the back, he's in the back, he's in the back, he's in the back. 我哥哥給了我一個可愛的娃娃。 My brother gave me a cute doll. My brother gave me a cute doll. 她坐在長椅上。 She's sitting on the bench. She's sitting on the bench. 我們不能在這裡待很長時間。 We can't stay in here very long. We can't stay here for a long time. 晴天,海滩总是很拥挤。 On sunny days, the beach is very crowded. In the morning, the beach is always crowded. 今日的生活是迅息萬變和複雜的。 Life today is fast-moving and complex. Today's life is changing and complex. 明天怎么样? How about for tomorrow? How's tomorrow? 中国处理于其他国家的联系中,我们欢迎他们重视国与国平等的原则。 In China’s approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principle of equality of states. China is in the process of dealing with the links between other countries, and we welcome the importance they attach to the principle of equality between States. 我現在在羅馬. I am in Rome now. I'm in Rome now. 抱歉那么晚来。 Please pardon me for coming late. I'm sorry I'm so late. 彼得看起來很年輕。 Peter looks very young. Peter looks very young. 那輛是他的車子。 That is his car. That's his car. 你的領帶鬆了。 Your tie has come undone. Your tie's loose. Yu mänz vangx mäk mänäx. Nobody seemed surprised. [ In German ] Thank you. 我盡晒人事㗎喇。 I did all I could. I'll do the best I can. 婚礼上饮料和食物那么丰富以至于那对年轻的新人开始怀疑他们本不该邀请更多的客人。 Food and drink were served in such profusion at the wedding that the bride and groom began to wonder if they should not have invited more guests. Drinking and food at the wedding were so rich that the young newcomers began to doubt that they should not have invited more guests. Ngiz ümznäq mäx kam täkängx. I believe you. The next step, please. 食過則肥。 If you eat too much, you'll become fat. When you eat, you get fat. 阿Tom同佢老豆一樣咁高。 Tom is as tall as his father. ATom is as tall as his old bean. 這個節目九點開始。 The program starts at nine o'clock. The show starts at 9:00. 我要去銀行嚹。 I have to go to the bank now. I'm going to the bank. 她在她的袋子裡裝滿了蘋果。 She filled her bag with apples. She's full of apples in her bag. 一个好的程序员会影响他身边的每一个人。 A good programmer will influence everyone around him. A good programr will affect everyone around him. 你有多少部車? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? လူစုလူဝေး ထဲက အချို့သော သူများ က အလံများ ကို ဝှေ့ရမ်း နေကြတယ်။ Some people in the crowd were waving flags. Some of the crowd are praising the flag. 呢樣嘢遲啲先搞。 Let's leave that matter for later. It's going to be a little late. 美国有50个州。 There are fifty states in the United States. There are 50 states in the United States. 湯姆和瑪麗在圖書館一起學習。 Tom and Mary are studying together in the library. Tom and Mary studied together in the library. 丈夫去世时她十分绝望。 She was in despair when her husband died. She was desperate at the time of her husband's death. 我爸爸不喝多少烧酒。 My father doesn't drink so much sake. My dad doesn't have much to drink. 雖然他道歉了,但我還是很生氣。 Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. I'm sorry, but I'm still angry. Tom非常渴望见到你。 Tom is anxious to see you. Tom's very eager to see you. 我不知道這是不是真的。 I don't know if it is true. I don't know if it's true. 我明天不會在這裏。 Tomorrow I won't be here. I won't be here tomorrow. 參賽門檻非常高。 The contest has very strict eligibility requirements. The Simons are very high. 瑪麗正在幫忙她的母親。 Mary is helping her mother. Mary is helping her mother. 瑪麗把她的頭髮染成藍色。 Mary dyed her hair blue. Mary dyed her hair in blue. 她现在忙,不能跟你说话。 She's busy now and can't talk with you. She's busy right now. She can't talk to you. 不要留下我一个人! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! 你被抢劫过吗? Have you ever been robbed? Have you ever been robbed? 我連企都唔係好企得穩。 I can barely stand. I'm not even a good businessman. 我觉着老热个。 I'm hot. I feel the old heat. 他告訴我他的祖父已經有九十多歲了。 He told me that his grandfather is over ninety. He told me his grandfather was over 90 years old. 誰也說不準實際上將會發生什麼事。 What'll actually happen is anyone's guess. Who says it's going to be something that's going to happen? 他是长子。 He's the oldest son. He's the oldest. 我在這裏住了十年。 I have lived here for ten years. I live here for 10 years. 他有一幅畢卡索的畫。 He has a Picasso. He's got a Picasso painting. 他没他哥哥聪明。 He is less clever than his elder brother. He doesn't have his brother smart. 佢個個禮拜一都唔出街。 He is always at home on Mondays. He didn't go out on Monday. 富人有时会看不起穷人。 The rich sometimes despise the poor. The rich can sometimes lose sight of the poor. 湯姆最近找到了一份好工作。 Tom recently found a good job. Tom recently found a good job. 我有好多嘢要做。 I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot to do. 交通事故的数量似乎在增长。 The number of traffic accidents seems to be on the increase. The number of accidents appears to be increasing. 你不要跟我一起走嗎? Aren't you going to go with me? Don't you want to come with me? 不关我的事。 I don't care. It's none of my business. 我对这些故事很感兴趣。 I am very interested in these stories. I'm very interested in these stories. 我個頭好暈。 I'm feeling dizzy. I'm out of my head. 你认识他吗? Do you know him? Do you know him? 风暴减弱了。 The storm abated. The storm's down. Ngiz räq lamshiaxti shiip kängx. I hired a guide. Whether you're old or old, you can't see anything. 后天见。 See you in two days. See you the next day. 我很幸福。 I'm very happy. I'm very happy. 我看见那儿有个很美的瀑布。 I saw a beautiful waterfall there. I saw there's a beautiful fall. Ümznäq äkhyingx äshaqpuq shäx ra täläq? Do you need more time? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 您的行李箱有多重? How heavy is your suitcase? How many are your suitcases? 個出名嘅詩人計劃喺佢間書房到自殺。 That famous poet planned on killing himself in his library. The famous poet planned to kill himself in his office. 你试过吗? Did you ever try? Have you tried? 你們的效率太低了。 It is inefficient of you. Your efficiency is too low. 已經五點了,我還沒有睡覺。 It is already five, and I have still not gone to sleep. It's 5:00. I haven't slept yet. 我依家諗唔到個計劃呀。 I can't come up with a plan right now. I don't have a plan at home. 你们一般几点下班? When do you usually get off work? What time do you usually leave work? 我要走了。 I'm going to go. I'm leaving. 他的文章寫得完美無瑕。 His composition leaves nothing to be desired. His post was perfected. 其言謬矣。 What he says is nonsense. It's absurd. 你是在公园里看到他的吗? Did you see him at the park? Did you see him in the park? 明天他們將舉行派對。 They are having a party tomorrow. Tomorrow they'll have a party. 小事聰明,大事糊塗。 Penny wise, pound foolish. It's smart, it's confusing. 他的主意总是可行的。 His ideas are always practical. His idea is always feasible. 人生真是奇妙! How strange life is! Life is amazing! Ngiz äthix mi yängzvaz kängx. I will be back soon. That's where we're going. 我想你坐到我的座位了。 I think you're sitting in my seat. I want you to sit in my seat now. 如果明天下雨,我就待在家。 If it rains tomorrow, I'll just stay at home. If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay home. 我们边喝茶边等。 We're drinking tea and waiting. Let's have tea. 這個小孩身體很燙。 The child's body felt feverish. This kid is hot. 她很温柔。 She has a tender heart. She's very gentle. 汤姆应该有很多时间。 Tom should have plenty of time. Tom should have a lot of time. 我需要知道我们什么时候需要到那里。 I need to find out when we need to be there. I need to know when we need to get there. 我有时候喝茶。 I often drink tea. I sometimes drink tea. 为了赶上那趟火车,我特意起了个大早。 I got up early so as to be in time for the train. I was thinking about a big morning to catch up on that train. 我早餐通常吃得很清淡。 I usually have a light breakfast. I usually eat fresh breakfast. 谁帮助你母亲? Who helps your mother? Who helped your mother? 我還住在我父親的房子裏。 I still live at my dad's place. I still live in my father's house. 侬从搿搭过去到哀面,穿过第二条横马路就是。 You can get there by crossing the street at the second intersection. It's the second cross-road. 我希望他現在在這裡。 I wish he were here now. I hope he's here right now. 我该帮汤姆吗? Am I supposed to help Tom? Should I help Tom? Ngiz äkawnx cyängz nawx. I have to go to sleep. Get out of here now. 我可以免费获取一份注册表格。 I am able to obtain a registration form for free. I can get a registration form free of charge. 我们什么时候会到? When will we have arrived? When are we gonna be here? 明天天氣不好,不是晴天,要下雪,很冷。 Tomorrow's weather won't be so good, with cloudy skies, heavy snow, and very cold temperatures. It's not daytime, it's snowing, it's cold. 不要欺骗我! Don't try to trick me! Don't lie to me! Thawmz kä naizshiq kawngzti. Tom is our friend. I've never seen anything like it. 刹车失灵了。 The brake stopped working. The brake's out. 先生,我們可以檢查一下您的行李嗎? Sir, can we quickly inspect your luggage please? Sir, can we check your luggage? 他昨晚在家中安詳地離世了。 He passed on quietly at his home last night. He died in peace at home last night. 我的手錶在哪裡? Where is my watch? Where's my watch? 你现在有几块电池呀? How many batteries do you have right now? How many batteries do you have right now? 你上次全家一齊慶祝聖誕係幾時嘅事呀? When was the last time you celebrated Christmas with your whole family? When was the last time you came to celebrate Christmas together? 呢個問題關你事多過關我事。 The problem has more to do with you than with me. That's more about you than I do. 我好無知,但係至少我知道自己識嘅嘢唔多。 I'm ignorant, but at least I recognize the limits of my knowledge. I don't know. At least I know something I know. ခင်ဗျား ဂရုမစိုက်ခဲ့ လို့သာ ခင်ဗျား မှာ ဒီလိုတွေ ဖြစ်ခဲ့ ရတာပဲ။ The reason that happened to you was because you weren't careful. But you didn't take care of it. It's like this. 湯姆不吃肉,瑪麗也是。 Tom doesn't eat meat and neither does Mary. Tom doesn't eat meat, so does Mary. 如果一个人没有坚强的意志,那么他也不会拥有高深的智慧。 If a person doesn't have a strong will, he will be unable to embrace profound wisdom. If a man did not have a strong will, then he would not have great wisdom. 我也紧张。 I was nervous, too. I'm nervous too. 我好餓! I'm really hungry! I'm so hungry! 南希來自倫敦。 Nancy is from London. Nancy from London. နင့် အခန်းက ဟောခန်း ရဲ့ အဆုံးမှာပါ။ Your room is at the end of the hall. In your room, the end of the room. 你教西班牙語嗎? Are you teaching Spanish? You teach Spanish? 我想應該在這附近。 It must be around here somewhere. I think I should be around here somewhere. 佢唔識揸車㗎。 He does not know how to drive a car. I don't know about the car. Thawmz kä lüzshawq äpyäox-äläox nguztä ähüz. Tom is always in a bad mood. Do you have any idea what you're going to do with your life? 你可以永遠信賴湯姆。 You can always count on Tom. You can always trust Tom. Look停刊了。 The magazine Look is no longer being published. Look, it's stopped. 不要和顾客调情。 Don't flirt with the customers. Don't flirt with customers. 你應該偶爾照顧孩子。 You should look after the children from time to time. You should take care of the child sometimes. 唔好意思呀,幫你唔到。 I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Doesn't mean I can't help you. 很多球队在主场都会踢得更好。 Most teams perform better when they have a home game. A lot of teams would kick better on the premises. 西爾維奧·貝盧斯科尼除了是一位意大利政治家和現任的意大利總理,也是一個成功的商人。 Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician, the current Prime Minister of Italy, as well as a successful entrepreneur. He was a successful businessman, in addition to being an Italian politician and a current Italian Prime Minister. Tätawngvawng ke laz nä äpaiq räq pextax mäx cyawng tawx. She asked the police for protection. Between two and a half and a half years ago, there's no such thing as bloodthirsty. 請你把鹽遞給我好嗎? Will you pass me the salt? Could you hand me the salt, please? 小孩子们喜欢蛋糕。 Children are fond of cake. Kids like cake. 我需要洗个澡。 I need to take a shower. I need to take a shower. 她卖花。 She sells flowers. She sells flowers. Ümznäq äyäq shäx si tälaüx? Do you live here? Is there anything I can do about it? 從那時起,他就把他整個靈魂投入到他的工作。 Since then he had put his whole soul into his work. From then on he put his whole soul into his work. 这只梨闻上去很香。 This pear smells nice. This smell smells good. 欧洲人统一有可能吗? Is a common European identity possible? Could European unity be possible? Ngiz kä pedziz phaq. I am eating fruit. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. 搶劫銀行的後果就是在監獄裏蹲十年。 Bank robbery will cost you ten years in prison. The outcome of the robbery was 10 years in prison. 我为我父亲而自豪。 I am proud of my father. I'm proud of my father. 我找你老闆。 I want to see your boss. I'm looking for your boss. 聽起來或許有點怪,但她說的是真的。 It may sound strange, but what she said is true. That might sound a little weird, but she's telling the truth. 您是在这儿用餐,还是给您打包带走? Are you going to eat here or do you want us to wrap it? Are you here for dinner or are you gonna pack your bags? 车票多少钱? How much is the ticket? How much is the ticket? 匪兕匪虎,率彼曠野。 I am not a rhinoceros, I am not a tiger, but I am led into this barren wild... The bandits, the tigers, the animals. 我欢喜我个闲话。 I like my language. I love my mouth. 我轉動了門把。 I turned the doorknob. I turned the door. 这个我们明天能解决吗? Can we take care of this tomorrow? Can we fix this tomorrow? 春节,即农历新年。 Spring Festival is also known as Chinese New Year. Spring, i.e., a new year of agricultural calendar. 汽车准备好了。 The car is ready. The car is ready. 在你出門之前,把你的頭髮梳一梳。 Comb your hair before you go out. Before you go out, brush your hair. 我會在明天之前把你的手錶修理好。 I will have repaired your watch by tomorrow. I'll fix your watch by tomorrow. 今年的蘋果特別甜。 Today's apples are particularly sweet. This year's apple's very sweet. Ngiz ümznäq ähüz mäq si lawt mängx. I can't live without you. Otherwise, I'd like to speak to you. 再给我五分钟。 Give me five more minutes. Give me five more minutes. Äshazhoix! Hello! Shazhoix! 這個會議很重要的,你不要不來。 This is a very important meeting. You ought not to miss it. This meeting is important, you don't want to come. 說的比做的簡單。 Easier said than done. It's easier to say than do it. 行兩步路就到㗎喇! Right around the corner! I'll be there in two steps! 我摧毁了所有的证据 I destroyed all the evidence. I destroyed all the evidence. 这辆车在银行前面停下来了。 This car came to a stop in front of the bank. The car stopped in front of the bank. 我想要按摩。我需要放松。 I want a massage. I need to relax. I want massage. I need to relax. 他的演说打动了我们。 His speech moved us. His speech moved us. 如果你听到她讲的英语,你会以为她是美国人呢。 If you heard her speak English, you would take her for an American. If you hear her speak English, you'll think she's American. 英語對我來說太難理解了。 English is too difficult for me to understand. English is too difficult for me. 我用咗一千円修理我架單車。 It cost me a thousand yen to get my bicycle fixed. I've spent a thousand dollars to fix my bike. 你有什么需要买的吗? Do you need to buy anything? Do you need anything? 他自己的生存现在更重要了。 His own survival is more important now. His own survival is now more important. 我为我前途奋斗。 I am fighting for my future. I fought for my future. 媽媽帶我去公園。 My mother took me to the park. Mom took me to the park. 瑪莉不讓母親知道,自己做了一個蛋糕。 Mary made a cake without her mother's knowledge. Mary wouldn't let her mother know she made a cake. 這場戰爭持續了將近十年。 The war lasted nearly ten years. The war has continued for almost 10 years. 她寫了一手漂亮的好字。 She writes a very good hand. She wrote a pretty good one. 他有2个孩子,一个4岁,另一个1岁。 He has two children, aged 4 and 1. He has two children, a four-year-old and another one-year-old. 很好吃。 Delicious. It's good. 你身上有零錢嗎? Do you have small change with you? Do you have any change? 大象是巨大的动物。 The elephant is an enormous creature. Elephants are huge animals. 玛丽穿着深蓝色的裙子。 Mary was wearing a navy blue skirt. Mary's wearing a dark blue dress. 我个头矮。 I am short. I'm a short head. 要想身体健康, 就应该多锻练身体. If you want to keep healthy, you should do more exercises. To be healthy, you should practice your body more. 種的是風,而收獲的是旋風。 Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. It's wind, and it's wind. 滾! Go away! Get out! 这件事很难以相信的。 This is difficult to believe. It's hard to believe. 我替他害臊。 I feel bad for him. I killed him. 你为什么不去加入她? Why don't you go and join her? Why don't you join her? 潔西的法語說得不好,德語說得更差。 Jessie spoke bad French and worse German. Jess's French isn't good. German is worse. 她特地來拜訪我。 She made a point of visiting me. She came to visit me. 我想要的就是这个。 That is just what I wanted. That's all I want. Thawmz kä yäm nä yängz rawx shäx? Does Tom want to go home? I don't know. 有些人每天都洗澡,有些人不是。 Some people wash themselves, some people don't. Some people take a bath every day, others are not. 你有足够的食物吗? Do you have enough food? Do you have enough food? 森美冇啲人諗到佢咁老。 Sami is younger than most people think he is. Sammi didn't know how old he was. 如果你想去,就去好了。如果你不想去,那也没什么大不了的。 If you want to go, then go. If you don't want to, then it's no big deal. If you want to go, go. If you don't want to go, that's not a big deal. 我個仔搭親巴士都會暈車浪。 My son always gets sick when he rides a bus. I don't know what to do, but I don't know what to do, but I don't know what to do. 这次我不会回去。 This time I will not come back. I'm not going back this time. 我不懂你的心。 I don't understand your mind. I don't understand your heart. 我只想查一下我的电子邮件。 I just wanted to check my email. I just want to check my e-mail. 这些年空气质量恶化了。 Air quality has deteriorated these past few years. The air quality has deteriorated over the years. 众目睽睽之下的人生,正是我想要的。 This fishbowl life is all I need. The life under the eyes of the whole world is exactly what I want. 你是哪裡人,凱倫? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? 他健康的身体使他能在生活中成功。 His health has enabled him to succeed in life. His healthy body enables him to succeed in life. 你认为这是个预兆吗? Do you think it's a sign? Do you think it's a sign? 你不能來真是太糟糕了。 It's too bad that you couldn't come. It's too bad you can't come. 湯姆和我相識很久了。 Tom and I have known each other for a long time. Tom and I have known each other for a long time. 請把酒遞給我。 Pass me the wine, please. Please pass me the wine. 他幾乎每天打電話給我。 He called me up almost every day. He called me almost every day. 你要对结果负责。 You are responsible for the result. You're responsible for the results. 她放下手中的针线活,并站了起来。 She put aside the sewing and stood up. She put down the needlework in her hands and stood up. 停咗電三日喇。 We've been without power for three days now. Cut off three days' light. 你要喺佢哋返嚟之前做好啲功課。 Finish your homework by the time they return. You have to do your homework before they get back. 我记得我母亲教我认字。 I remember my mother teaching me the alphabet. I remember my mother taught me to write. 站在那儿的女人是谁? Who is the woman standing there? Who's the woman standing there? 战争不是轻易就应该开始的,所以也不能够因为像打仗就改变宪法。 War isn't something to be done lightly, also changing the constitution isn't something that should be done because "I just really want to go to war". War was not supposed to start easily, so it was not possible to change the Constitution because of war. 我知道你为什么高兴。 I know why you're happy. I know why you're happy. 貨車走了。 The truck is gone. The van's gone. 我們從不放棄。 We never gave up. We never give up. 汤姆没原谅过任何人。 Tom hasn't forgiven anybody. Tom never forgives anyone. འདི་མོ་རང་གི་རེད། མ་རེད་པས། It is hers, is it not? This is not a question. 游泳選手們凍僵了。 The swimmers were numb with cold. The swimmers are frozen. 不, 我沒有。 No, I don't have it. No, I didn't. 飛機快要起飛的時候,我聽到了一個奇怪的聲音。 The plane was about to take off when I heard a strange sound. When the plane was about to fly, I heard a strange voice. 请不要惊讶我讲这种语言,请注意我讲的内容。 Please don't be so surprised that I'm speaking this language and listen to the content of what I'm actually saying. Please don't be surprised that I speak this language and take note of what I have said. 我要怎麼解釋? How am I going to explain this? How can I explain that? 你想要找一个高学历、高收入、姿容和性格都很好的人,但这难道不是太奢望了吗? You want to find someone with a good education, a good salary, good looks, and a good personality. Don't you think that that's aiming a bit too high? You want to find someone of high-school, high-income, facety and character, but isn't that too ambitious? Ümznäq häx? How about you? What are you doing here? 你们明白他想说些什么吗? Can you make out what he is trying to say? Do you understand what he's trying to say? 有可能已經讀過這本書了。 It is possible that you have already read this book. It's probably already read it. 她不愿松开我,直到我同意和她去电影院。 She wouldn't let up until I agreed to go to the movies with her. She wouldn't let me go until I agreed to go to the movies with her. 这本小说的作者是谁? Who's the author of this story? Who's the writer of this novel? 來一下! Come here! Come on! Ken 是游泳健將。 Ken is a good swimmer. Ken is a swimmer. 超,份糧又唔係多,我真係睬你都有味。 I'm sorry, but I'm not paid enough to give a damn. Super, Nao isn't much, I really like you. 穿上衣服,然后跟我们来! Put on clothes and come with us! Get dressed and come with us! 他們昨天到這裡的。 They got here yesterday. They came here yesterday. 請坐。 Take the weight off your feet. Have a seat. 她練習英語以找更好的工作。 She's practicing English so she can get a better job. She practiced English to find better jobs. 一年四季,我最鍾意夏天,你呢? There are four seasons in a year, and the one I like most is summer. How about you? In the fourth quarter of a year, I love summer. How about you? 他不喝咖啡。 He doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't drink coffee. 如果您移過去一點, 每個人就可以有空間了。 If you would move over, there would be room for everyone. If you move over a little bit, everybody can have space. 汤姆问了玛丽一些问题,但是她拒绝回答。 Tom asked Mary some questions, but she refused to answer them. Tom asked Mary some questions, but she refused to answer. 湯姆大概知道要怎麼去瑪莉家吧。 Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. Tom probably knows how to get to Mary's house. 这所学校建于1650年。 The school was established in 1650. The school was built in 1650. 我們知道我們在做什麼。 We know what we're doing. We know what we're doing. 那就是我想要的。 That's what I want. That's what I want. 籃子裡有一些蘋果。 There are some apples in the basket. There's some apples in the basket. Ärä kä iz-kubuta. This is my computer. If you don't want to go, I'll take care of it. Vaz täläq Febuvari lü nä, ngiz Awsäteriliya mung nä viix shiz pinxyax tälängx kai nawx mi räq. Next February, I'll be going to Australia for one year to study. [ In German ] See if you can find a way to save your life. 我們做多一點。 Let's make some more. Let's do a little more. 伊会得模防其它屋里人个样子。 He can imitate the rest of the family. I'll have to watch out for other people in the house. 冇嘢做就搵人陪;冇人陪就搵嘢做。 If you are idle, be not solitary, if you are solitary, be not idle. If you don’t do anything, look for someone; if you don’t have anyone, do something. 聽到呢單新聞我起晒雞皮,點解會有啲咁牙煙嘅嘢噶? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. How could there be such a dangerous thing? Can you hear me on the single news, do you want something like that? 他一周没有来工作了。 He has been absent from work for a week. He hasn't come to work in a week. 你夠大了知道不要那樣做。 You are old enough to know better than to act like that. You're big enough to know you don't do that. 她會做糖果。 She knows how to make candy. She'll make candy. 太郎說英語,不是嗎? Taro speaks English, doesn't he? Tafu speaks English, doesn't he? 你看起来什么都知道。 You seem to know everything. You look like you know everything. 我感覺到地震了。 I felt the earth shake. I feel an earthquake. 我们看见了小山。 We came in sight of the hill. We saw the mountain. 他会讲日语。 He's able to speak Japanese. He speaks Japanese. 你認為我瘋了,不是麼? You think I'm mad, don't you? You think I'm crazy, don't you? 搿个房间里向有个电视机。 There is a television in this room. "There's a television in a room." 我的願望是成為一個老師。 My wish is to become a teacher. My wish was to be a teacher. 我們要一個。 We want one. We want one. 他從早上九點工作到下午五點半。 He works from nine to five-thirty. He works from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FSI人員:"長官,有一個網站,任何人都可以加上一個外國語言的句子!"。FSI主席:"什麼? 炸掉他們!"。 FSI officer: "Sir, there is a website where ANYONE can add a sentence in a foreign language!". FSI president: "What?! Bomb them!". FSI member: "Sir, there's a website that anyone can add a sentence in a foreign language!" "President FSI: "What? Blow them up!" 你好似唔係好明森美講緊啲咩。 You didn't seem to understand what Sami was saying. You don't seem to be so tight. 有機菜安全好食,所以咁多人食。 Organic vegetables are popular because they're safe and tasty. There's food safe and so many people eat it. 我们的孩子喜欢狗,但我更喜欢猫。 Our child likes dogs, but I prefer cats. Our kids love dogs, but I prefer cats. 饶了我吧! Please give me a break. Forgive me! 你給他寫了一封信? Did you give him a letter? Did you write him a letter? Ngiz räq ümznäq kä äkhäx chix rawx. I like seeing you this way. That's where they're going. 如果你有意應徵,應該在面試前明白公司的主張以及公司如何對待員工。 If you are a potential employee then you should be aware of what the company stands for and how it treats its employees before attending an interview. If you have an intention to do so, you should know before the interview how the company is headed and how the company treats the staff. 哦,我个白裤子!伊是新个。 Oh, my white pants! And they were new. Oh, I'm white pants! I'm new! 確認訂單。 Confirm the order. Confirm the order. 我從來沒有坐過飛機。 I've never flown in an airplane. I've never been on a plane. 侬可以带我去伐? Will you take me there? Can you take me to the bottom? 我明天要去北海道。 I will go to Hokkaido tomorrow. I'm going to the North Seaway tomorrow. 誰負責今天的派對? Who was in charge of today's party? Who's in charge of today's party? 你听过别人说世界语吗? Have you ever heard someone speaking Esperanto? Have you heard people speak the world? 我知道你是什么意思。 I know what you meant. I know what you mean. 当时街上很安静。 Then the street was quiet. The street was quiet. 唔好意思,我要走喇。 I am afraid I must be going now. I don't mean to, I'm gonna walk. 現在是十時正。 It's ten o'clock sharp. Now it's 10 seconds. 我把他看待为老板。 I looked on him as the boss. I saw him as the boss. 經濟情況惡化。 The economic situation grew worse. The economic situation has deteriorated. 我不能再向你多说什么了。我已经透露太多了。 I can't tell you any more, I've already said too much. I can't say much to you anymore. I've told you too much. 唯一能听到的声音是钟的滴答声。 The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock. The only voice that I can hear is a tick. 這個小女孩住在巴西。 The little girl lived in Brazil. This little girl lives in Brazil. 佢呃咗個阿婆啲錢。 The man cheated the old woman out of her money. He's, uh, hit a granny's money. 你最近怎樣? How are you getting along these days? How are you? 他常常彈吉他。 He often plays the guitar. He plays guitars often. 佢高過晒第二啲男仔。 He is taller than any other boy. He's better than the second boys. 我昨天生病了。 I was ill yesterday. I was sick yesterday. 阿Tom想喺食晚飯之前瞌一陣。 Tom wanted to take a nap before dinner. Tom wants to spend a while before dinner. 他思考的方式缺乏深度,这个我们知道就好。 Between you and me, he has a shallow way of thinking. He has a lack of depth in his thinking, that's all we know. 我不想再見到你! I don't ever want to see you again. I don't want to see you again! 医生们尽力控制汤姆的病情了但可惜无法奏效。 The doctors did all they could to control Tom's disease but, sadly, to no avail. Doctors tried to control Tom's condition, but unfortunately it wasn't working. 萬一發生火災,按鈴。 In case of fire, ring the bell. In case of a fire, ring the bell. 我們現在人手不足。 We need more workers. We don't have enough hands right now. 春天快來了。 Spring is just around the corner. Spring's coming soon. 我买了两条裤子。 I bought two pairs of trousers. I bought two pants. 她四处环顾了一下。 She looked all around. She looked around. 你件恤衫粒鈕就嚟甩喇。 Your shirt button is coming off. That's why you threw your shirt at me. 你是怎么认识他的? How did you get to know him? How do you know him? Yaguatí說西班牙語和瓜拉尼語。 Yaguatí speaks Spanish and Guaraní. Yaguatí says Spanish and Guaraní. 天神是什么? What is a god? What is it? 湯姆想去日本。 Tom wants to go to Japan. Tom wants to go to Japan. Chex mäq, ümz-mängx yamkhäx väx? Sorry, what's your name? [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 汤姆在他的小屋里等着。 Tom was waiting inside his cabin. Tom waits in his cabin. Ra täläq väta lap kängx nawx. I've got everything I need. Let's get out of there before it's too late. 隻貓食咗隻老鼠。 The cat ate the mouse. A cat ate a mouse. 把这句句子翻成英语。 Put this sentence into English. Turn the sentence into English. 從前人們害怕未來。現在,是未來該害怕人們。 People used to be afraid of the future. Today, it is the future that should be afraid of people. In the past, people were afraid of the future, and now, they should be afraid of people. 那隻鳥叫什麼名字? What is the name of that bird? What's that bird's name? 我曾两次试图自杀未遂。 Twice I have tried to kill myself. I tried twice to commit suicide. Thawmz mäx Meri änaiyüm tek, Thawmz kä dzänzpyäox. Every time Mary smiles at him, Tom feels happy. I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about. 他們有工作。 They have jobs. They have jobs. Ümznäq räq ärawx punzthum shämxlamx lam kä yamlai väx? What's your favorite thing to do? I don't know. I don't know. 他以偷竊罪入獄。 He was in prison on a charge of robbery. He went into prison for a theft. འདི་གནས་ཚུལ་མ་རེད། མི་ཚང་མས་སྔ་ས་ནས་འདི་ཤེང་གི་ཡོད་རེད། This is not a discovery, everybody knows it! This is not information. Do you know what you're reading? Ngiz räq khawn lawt mängx. I don't understand. I'll be right back. 这是一条狗。 This is a dog. It's a dog. 我請你飲嘢吖。 I'll buy you a drink. I'll buy you a drink. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Rome wasn't built in a day. Iced three feet, not the cold of the day. 我数学学的很好。 I'm good at math. I'm good at math. 唔好意思,我都知我解釋得好差,但係你明就得啦。 Sorry, that was a terrible explanation, but you get the idea. I don't know what I'm trying to explain. You're going to do your job. 看著我的眼睛。 Look into my eyes. Look in my eyes. 我想他会来的吧。 I think he'll come. I think he's coming, right? 阿里似乎对蚁类研究很感兴趣。 It seems that Ali is very interested in Myrmecology. Ali seems to be interested in ant study. Thawmz kä cyez nyäng tälawx. Tom drinks. Do you have any idea what you're doing? ငါတို့ တော့ ဂျင်း မိပြီ လို့ ငါထင်တယ်။ I think that we got ripped off. I think we're having a jockey. 他从没去过法国。 He has not been to France. He's never been to France. 他中途在洛杉磯和芝加哥停留。 He stopped over at Los Angeles and Chicago. He stayed in Los Angeles and Chicago. 笔在桌上。 The pen is on the desk. Pen on the table. 替我向你的孩子們問好。 Give my love to your kids. Say hello to your children for me. 我現在就要它! I want it now! I want it now! 我步進咖啡室,看見兩個年輕人正在電視上看摔角比賽。 As I entered the café, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television. I went into the coffee room, and I saw two young people watching the wrestling on TV. 我早餐一定会喝牛奶。 I always drink milk with my breakfast. I'm gonna drink milk for breakfast. 你应该要尝试著忘掉不快乐的过去。 You should try to forget your unhappy past. You should try to forget the unhappy past. 我三天前第一次见汤姆。 I met Tom for the first time three days ago. I saw Tom for the first time three days ago. 我告诉过你出去。 I told you to get out. I told you to go out. 我會讓你看照片。 I will show you some pictures. I'll show you the pictures. Ärä kä ümz-yaqshämx rämäk. It's none of your business. [ In German ] Thank you. Maix raü yäq, läpan ranaiqshiz täsii nä vaz räx. Come on Monday afternoon, if possible. So far, two or three times. 他因公出差到名古屋。 He's gone to Nagoya on business. He went to Nagoya for his official travel. 我养了一只母猫。 I keep a female cat. I raised a female cat. 这些进食模式是习得性行为。 These eating patterns are a learned behavior. These diet patterns are sexual practices. 穿黃色雨衣的女孩是誰? Who's the girl in a yellow raincoat? Who's the girl in the yellow rainshirt? 伊让我看到了伊个房间。 She showed me her room. I let me see an IA room. 连小孩儿都会做。 Even a child could do it. Even kids do it. Yäpsäng misäng! Good night! There's too many of them! 吉姆还没来。 Jim hasn't come yet. Jim's not here yet. 您的孩子是男是女? Is your child a boy or a girl? Is your child a man or a woman? 你可以幫忙找找嗎? Could you help me to find it? Can you help me find it? 對事情比較正經嚴肅。 Take things a little more seriously. It's more serious than anything else. 我该回家了。 I must go home. I should go home. Thawmz räq kä khiasamx änyaq sam ruq diax. Tom often wears black. Do you think it's over when you're old enough? 这是个蛋。 This is an egg. It's an egg. 我吃片面包。 I eat a slice of bread. I'm eating a piece of bread. 他愛他的狗,那隻小狗真的很可愛。 He loves his puppy. His puppy is really adorable. He loves his dog, that dog is really cute. ထောပတ်ပြော့တယ်။ Butter is soft. I don't know what to say, but I don't know what to say. Ngiz hiz rawx täkängx. I like dogs. Get back, get back, get back, get back, get back! 湯姆打算回來。 Tom plans to return. Tom's coming back. 至今我去過多過九個國家。 I have visited more than nine countries so far. So far I've been in more than nine countries. 湯姆修好了他的自行車。 Tom repaired his bicycle. Tom fixed his bike. 那几只小猫特别可爱。 Those kittens are so cute. Those little cats are especially cute. John 繼承了一大筆財產。 John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a lot of property. 我现在进来方便么? Is it OK for me to come in now? Can I come in now? 有人說,真理必勝。 It is said that truth always triumphs. Some say that the truth shall prevail. 他今晚会来我家。 He is to come to my house tonight. He'll come to my house tonight. 咖啡是冷的。 The coffee is cold. Coffee is cold. 他们抵御入侵者,保卫了国家。 They defended their country against the invaders. They stood up against the invaders, and protected the nation. 他的思維方式很幼稚。 His way of thinking is very childish. He's a childish way of thinking. 你認為從這裏去東京要花多久時間? How long do you think it takes to go from here to Tokyo? How long do you think it's gonna take you to Tokyo from here? 你离开时我会照看你的孩子 I'll look after your child while you are away. When you leave, I'll look after your kids. 我屏住了呼吸等待着。 I held my breath and waited. I'm holding my breath waiting. Ärä kuxkux phaix nä naq kiz kiq. Don't go near this dog. The rest of the story is over. 佢冇乜機會會係你想像中咁蠢。 It's unlikely she's as stupid as you think. He didn't get the chance to be as stupid as you thought. 法兰克高兴个等了海伊夜到个约会。 Frank was waiting with pleasure for the date in the evening. Frank is pleased to have waited for the day to come to a date. 這是瑪麗的狗。 This is Mary's dog. This is Mary's dog. 我是个有缺点的人,但这些缺点很容易就能被改正。 I am not without my shortcomings, but these shortcomings can easily be amended. I am a person with shortcomings, but those shortcomings can easily be corrected. 他很擅長彈吉他。 He's very good at playing guitar. He's good at playing guitars. 这真是真的吗? Is this really real? Is that really true? 我早就有感覺到這可能會發生。 I had a feeling this might happen. I have long felt that this might happen. 他偷了她的手表。 He stole her watch. He stole her watch. Ngiz raix kiz läq. Come with me. Get out of the way. 我和她交往幾個月了。 I've been going out with her for months. I've been with her for months. 共產主義喺失敗嘅,而無產階級專政宜家亦都已經被淘汰啦。雖然資本主義逐漸取而代之,但喺現時嘅資本主義對於人類嚟講重喺一個威脅。 Since communism became obsolete and the dictatorship of the proletariat is out of date, capitalism proves to be the best so far, even though it itself is still a threat for humanity. Communistism is a failed and non-profit politician who has been eliminated. Despite the fact that it has been replaced by a new capitalism, it is now human as a threat to human beings. 我想知道天会不会变晴。 I wonder if it will be sunny outside. I want to know if it's gonna get bright. Tom今天早上寫了封信給Mary。 Tom wrote a letter to Mary this morning. Tom wrote this morning a letter to Mary. 你游水游得好過佢好多。 You can swim much better than he can. You've been swimming a lot. 因为没人有兴趣听,所以我闭上嘴。 Since no one was interested to listen to me, I just kept quiet. Because no one's interested in listening, so I shut up. 我要书。 I want the book. I want a book. 我唔鍾意啲後生女仔咁濃妝。 I don't like heavy makeup on a young girl. I don't care what the girls do when they're born. 她為我們煮了豐盛的一餐。 She cooked us a wonderful meal. She's made a delicious meal for us. 她對繪畫有很好的鑑賞力。 She's got a good eye for paintings. She has good incentives for drawing. 他寻找一切可能的逃生途径。 He looked for every possible means of escape. He was looking for all possible escape. Ngiz mäx hali cyawng kuq nawngz läq. Tell me again. That's the first thing I've seen in a long time. Maria Callas 以前是一位著名歌剧演员。 Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Maria Callas used to be a famous opera actor. 我从来没想到他能做到那么残忍的事。 I never thought he was capable of doing something so cruel. I never thought he could do that cruel. ကျွန်တော် စာမေးပွဲ မှာ အဆင့် ကောင်းကောင်း ရလိမ့် မယ် လို့ ကျွန်တော် မထင်ဘူး ဗျ။ I don't think that I got a good grade on the exam. I didn't think I would be able to take good care of my exams, did I? 不要擔心。 Don't worry. Don't worry. 我真的很喜歡你的陪伴。 I really enjoyed your company. I really like your company. 如果你是只松鼠,你会怎么做? If you were a squirrel, what would you do? What would you do if you were a squirrel? 我無法彎曲我的右手臂。 I can't bend my right arm. I can't bend my right arm. 过来和我跳舞啊! Come and dance with me! Come dance with me! 他网球打得很烂。 He is rather poor at tennis. He's a bad tennis player. 过奖了。 I'm flattered. I'm glad. 我不想去那儿,他也不想。 I don't want to go there. He doesn't want to go either. I don't want to go there, and he doesn't want to. 但你喜欢! But you like it! But you like it! Thawmz kä yü nä kü raix tawx. Tom fell into the water. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 我爱吃哈密瓜。 I like eating Hami melons. I love the hambu. 我们有一位非常好的厨师。 We have a really good cook. We have a very good cook. 死撚開啦! Get the fuck out! Let's go! 有位年轻人在门前唱歌. A young man is singing in front of the door. A young man sings in front of the door. 我失业垃海。 I'm unemployed. I'm unemployed. 一提到愛因斯坦,我們就會想起相對論。 We associate the name of Einstein with the theory of relativity. Once we mention Einstein, we'll think of relativity. 54岁去世。 She died when she was 54 years old. She died at 54 years of age. Youtube不是个好网站。 YouTube is not a good website. Youtube's not a good website. 他们今天下午2点会举行一个会议。 They will hold a meeting at 2 o'clock this afternoon. They will hold a meeting this afternoon at 2 p.m. 没有人住在这栋楼里。 No one lives in this building. No one lives in this building. 他叫我一郎。 He called me Ichiro. He called me one-man. 個男人好老。 The man is old. That's an old man. 我開始學習世界語了。 I began to learn Esperanto. I'm starting to learn the world language. ငါ တွမ် နဲ့ စျေးဝယ်ထွက် ဖို့ ရှိတယ်။ I have to go shopping with Tom. I have to get out of the business with the market. 他畫了一隻狗。 He painted a dog. He drew a dog. 我打电话给你,一来是想请你吃饭,二来是想告诉你我儿子要结婚了。 I called you, on the one hand to invite you out to eat, and on the other to tell you my son is going to get married. I called you, and I wanted you to eat, and I wanted to tell you that my son was getting married. 希望我没有烦到你。 I hope I'm not boring you. I hope I'm not tired of you. 我們打算明天去遠足。 We plan to go hiking tomorrow. We're going to be far tomorrow. 我每隔一天去購物。 I go shopping every other day. I go shopping every other day. 我寧願是一隻鳥勝過一條魚。 I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. 我嘅人生目標係要成為一個作家。 My goal in life is to be a novelist. My life's goal is to be a writer. 邊到有得截的? Where can I find a cab? Is there anything we can do about it? 你年龄足够大了,该了解更多。 You're old enough to know better. You're old enough, you should know more. Ümz-mängx väta kä yamkhäx väx? What's your full name? Is there anything I can do about it? Ümzrä ti väx ärawx linx, rämpum shä laqngiiq väx? Which do you prefer, apples or bananas? I don't know. I don't know. ဒီ မျက်မှန် က နင် နဲ့ လိုက်တယ်။ Those glasses look good on you. That's exactly what I'm looking at. Täox täkängx. Welcome. [ In German ] Yes, ma'am. Tom是一個好人。 Tom is a good person. Tom's a good man. 你们害怕。 You are scared. You're scared. 汤姆现在住在波士顿。 Tom is now living in Boston. Tom lives in Boston now. 昆蟲破蛹而出變成成蟲。 The insect grew out of a pupa into an imago. Insects break, and they turn into worms. 我寧願死也不要跟你结婚! I'd rather die than marry you! I'd rather die than marry you! 汤姆不会游泳。 Tom couldn't swim. Tom can't swim. Ngiz cyezpat tek ngiq siq täkängx. I eat fish every week. Just a second you'll think about it. 他们自给自足。 They're self-sufficient. They're self-sufficiency. 從那個時候開始,我們就沒見過他了。 Since that time we have not seen him. We haven't seen him since then. 「電話響喎。」「我聽吖。」 "The phone is ringing." "I'll get it." "I'm listening." 這個嬰兒盯著我的原子筆看, 並且伸手要拿它。 The baby caught sight of my ballpoint pen and reached out for it. The baby looked at my atomic pen and reached out to get it. 你起床早嗎? Did you get up early? Are you up early? 瑪麗亞不喜歡在公開場合說話。 Maria doesn't like speaking in public. Maria doesn't like talking in public. 当飞机穿越强风时,它们会像这样摇晃,但是别担心。 Passing through the strong wind, the planes rock like this, but don't worry. When planes cross a strong wind, they shake like this, but don't worry. မယ်ရီ အိမ် ပြန်ရောက် တဲ့ အထိ တွမ် နေဖို့ ဆုံးဖြတ် လိုက် သည်။ Tom decided to stay up until Mary got home. I decided to stay at home until I got home. 那天早上我五點起床。 I got up at five that morning. I woke up that morning at 5:00. 麻煩再來一瓶葡萄酒。 One more bottle of wine, please. Would you like another bottle of wine? 這個消息沒有道理。 This message doesn't make sense. This message doesn't make any sense. 擘大口! Open your mouth! Big mouth! 我跟他闲逛过。 I've been hanging out with him. I've been around him for a while. 我不太同意你的看法。 I don't quite agree with you. I don't quite agree with you. Ngiz ärä yäq shang ämaix shäx? Am I allowed to be in here? How old is she? ”别给我那个“ "I'm leaving tonight." "Don't give me that!" "Don't give me that." 他迅速瞥了一眼杂志。 He took a quick look at the magazine. He had a quick look at the magazine. 狗是人类最好的朋友。 Dog is man's best friend. Dogs are human best friends. Äkhyingx saüx raütiq, mi khon haü. In time, you will understand. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 我还是为那生气。 I'm still angry about that. I'm still mad at that. 「去完邊到嚟呀你?」「去咗跑步囉。」「你件T恤乾㗎啵,仲要冇味㖭。」 "Dear, where have you been?" "I've been running." "But your T-shirt is dry and doesn't smell at all." "You're going to run away." "You're a T-shirt, and you don't smell it." 她違背了她父親的意願結了婚。 She got married against her father's will. She married in violation of her father's will. 不用麻煩在這樣的雨天來。 Don't bother coming in this rain. Don't bother in such a rain day. 我们尽力而为。 We're doing the best we can. We do everything we can. 湯姆有點擔心。 Tom is a little worried. Tom's a little worried. 她無法回答這個問題。 She couldn't answer the question. She can't answer the question. 我走了后汤姆接手了。 Tom took over after I left. Tom took over when I left. 我母親肯定會反對。 My mother is certain to say no. My mother would definitely object. 我不知道該怎麼回答,便乾脆甚麼也不說。 Not knowing what answer to make, I kept silent. I don't know how to answer it, but I don't say anything. 她在车子里睡觉。 She sleeps in the car. She's sleeping in the car. 她用繩子把包裹緊緊綁好了。 She tied up the parcel with string. She bound the package with a rope. 再见,祝好运。 Goodbye and good luck. Good luck. 昨天她裝作沒有聽見他。 She pretended not to hear him yesterday. Yesterday she pretended she didn't hear him. 可以啊。 Could be, could be. Yeah. 我有一个设想。 I had a vision. I have a vision. 佢讀夜校。 She goes to night school. He's at night school. 哎呀- 我忘了我的藥。 Oops - I forgot my medicine. Oh, I forgot my meds. 今日唔使上堂。 There are no classes today. We don't have to go to the lobby today. 我不嬲都鍾意啲神秘啲嘅人物。 I always liked mysterious characters more. I don't even care about some mysterious people. 他一直住在東京。 He's always been living in Tokyo. He's been living in Tokyo. 这所大学是什么时候建的? When was this university founded? When did this university be built? 请安装 Linux! Install Linux! Install Linux! 麦克以建议的口气说了些话。 Mike said a few words by way of suggestion. Mike spoke with the suggested tone. 您会开车吗? Do you know how to drive a car? Do you know how to drive? Ärä yai nä tiq äräcyawngx ämaix shäx? Can't we talk about this later? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 全世界有超过4000多种的语言。 There are more than 4000 languages in the world. The world has more than 4,000 languages. 但願我可以買那把吉他。 I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Azhex Azhex Azhex! Happy New Year! Azhex Azhex! 讓我們再聚在一起! Let's get together again! Let's be together again! 她需要我們的幫忙。 She needs our help. She needs our help. 睇睇下書,我瞓著咗。 While I was reading, I fell asleep. See if you can see the next book. I'm clean. 手甲的生長速度比腳甲快四倍。 Fingernails grow nearly four times faster than toenails. The armours are four times faster than the feet. 我们还没考虑。 We haven't thought about it. We haven't considered it yet. 他把信交給了秘書。 He handed the letter to the secretary. He gave the letter to the secretary. 在大博弈期間,阿富汗是一個緩衝國。 During the Great Game, Afghanistan was a buffer state. In the midst of the Great War, Afghanistan is a short country. 太陽落到地平線下了。 The sun went below the horizon. The sun falls to the horizon. 侬勿要帮我发脾气,我是为了抬侬好。 Don't be angry with me, for I did it for your sake. Don't be angry with me, I'm trying to be nice. 那只鸟凭借自己巨大的翅膀能飞得很快。 This bird's large wings enable it to fly very fast. That bird can fly fast with its huge wings. 他救了那個嬰兒,但是卻犧牲了自己的生命。 He saved the baby at the cost of his life. He saved the baby, but he sacrificed his life. 你下一步想去哪裡? Where would you like to go next? Where are you going next? 他喜欢睡觉。 He likes sleeping. He likes to sleep. 他向那位女士问好。 He said hello to the woman. He said hello to that lady. 我能看看這個嗎? Can I see this one? Can I see this? 從天色看起來,下午可能會下雨。 From the look of the sky, it may rain in the afternoon. It looks like it's gonna rain in the afternoon. 不知道为什么没有人告诉过我。 I wonder why nobody told me. I don't know why nobody told me. 烦不烦人呀! Isn't that annoying? I'm sick of you! 就在沙发上。 It's just there on the sofa. Right on the couch. 他很高兴能通过各种方法在人生中取得成功。 He was glad to avail himself of any means to succeed in life. He was pleased to be able to succeed in life through various methods. 後家庭偶有閑言,吾母疑其述事不當,乃不令代筆。 Later, it happened that there was some gossip at home, and my mother suspected that she had written something improper; after that she would not have her letters written for her. My mother wondered whether it was wrong or wrong to call me a pen. 我有很多钱。 I have a lot of money. I've got a lot of money. 握著我的手。我們兩個將要建立一個烏托邦。 Take my hand. The two of us are going to construct a utopia. Take my hand. We're both going to create a Utopia. 你今朝有冇練琴呀? Did you practise the guqin this morning? You don't have a piano today? 你的爱情留下的疤痕使我想起我们。 The scars of your love remind me of us. Your love leaves me with the scars that remind me of us. 英语不是我的母语。 English is not my first language. English is not my mother tongue. 那是一個月前了。 That was a month ago. That was a month ago. 他们今天关闭。 They're closed today. They shut down today. 你知道银行什么时候关门吗? Do you have any idea when the bank closes? Do you know when the bank shuts down? 當你穿越交通繁忙的街道時要小心注意。 Be careful when you pass through the street's busy traffic. Be careful when you cross a busy street. 現在是我必須告訴你真相的時候了。 The time has come when I must tell you the truth. Now it's time I have to tell you the truth. 真的? Is that true? Really? 我不知道你不會游泳。 I didn't know you didn't know how to swim. I didn't know you wouldn't swim. 汤姆的妈妈是一名护士,她所在的医院就在玛丽住的那条街的对面。 Tom's mother is a nurse at the hospital that's across the street from where Mary lives. Tom's mother was a nurse, and her hospital was right across Mary's street. Ngiz raix kiz i. Come with me. Let's go. 唔好浪費時間。 Don't waste time. We don't have time to waste. Ümznäq äsak kä ümzcyu väx? How old are you? Is there anything I can do about it? 这些天John喝得太多了。 These days John drinks too much. These days John's drinking too much. 我喜歡讀美國小說。 I like reading American novels. I like to read American novels. 君無戲言。 Monarchs do not joke. There's nothing funny about him. 你这个畜牲,给我滚开! You filthy beast, get out of here! Get the fuck out of here, you son of a bitch! 他們兩年前搬到了這裡。 They moved here two years ago. They moved here two years ago. 她通常睡八個小時。 She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps for eight hours. 我很高兴没有买这样的东西。 I'm glad that I didn't buy something like this. I'm glad I didn't buy anything like this. 玩泥的人会弄脏自己的双手。 People who play with mud will get their hands dirty. The guy playing the mud would dirty his hands. 你保证? Do you promise? You promise? 你为什么哭? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? 这辆卡车最大的载重量是5吨。 This truck has a maximum load of 5 tons. This truck has the largest load of 5 tons. 你和我一样高。 You are as tall as I am. You're as tall as me. 那到底是什么声音? Whatever is that noise? What the hell was that? 你如果有疑问,就问汤姆吧。 Ask Tom if you have any doubt. If you have questions, ask Tom. 我記得我有一次喺街度見過佢。 I remember seeing her once on the street. I remember I met him on the street once. 我有一個朋友, 他的父親是老師。 I have a friend whose father is a teacher. I have a friend, and his father is a teacher. 我想吃奶酪。 I want to eat cheese. I want cheese. 琳達站起來唱歌。 Linda stood up to sing. Linda, get up and sing. 他偶爾逃學。 He is sometimes absent from school. He gets away from school sometimes. 昨天我帮了他。 I helped him yesterday. Yesterday I helped him. 我確定他會準時來。 I'm sure that he'll come on time. I'm sure he'll come on time. 车站前面有个邮局。 There is a post office in front of the station. There's a post office in front of the station. 這是我吃過的最好的比薩。 This is the best pizza I've ever eaten. It's the best pizza I've ever eaten. 很快你就会不想她了。 Pretty soon you will stop thinking of her. Soon you'll miss her. 她今天晚上將在這裡。 She will be here this evening. She'll be here tonight. 他們兩人好像又和好如初了。 It looks like they have made up again. They seem to be getting along again. 我今天忘了打電話給他。 I forgot to telephone him today. I forgot to call him today. 你一般和誰去看電影? Who do you usually go to the movies with? Who do you usually go to movies with? 你想用呢支筆,我就借俾你啦。 If you want this pen, I will lend it to you. You want to use a pen, I'll lend it to you. 我老惊讶㑚竟然介天真。 I'm surprised that you're so naïve. I'm surprised. 真好。 That's really nice. That's nice. 我在想那個問題。 I am thinking about that matter. I was thinking about that question. 如果你冇錢,根本咩都買唔到。 You can't buy anything if you have no money. If you don't have money, you can't even buy it. 汤姆还不能做完你认为他能的事。 Tom can't have done what you think he did. Tom can't do what you think he can. 除了雾我什么都看不见。 I could see nothing but fog. I can't see anything except the fog. Naizshiq räq thawxhex ruq shaq li. We're still investigating. Let's see what we can do. 我當老師已經15年了。 I have been a teacher for 15 years. I've been a teacher for 15 years. Ngiz skeik cyaüx rawx täkängx. I love to skate. Let's see if it's going to work. 我的計劃一個接一個的失敗了。 My plans failed one after the other. My plan for another failed. 妳回來了嗎? Have you returned? Are you back? 我妹妹去北海道之前, 完成她的功课. My sister will have finished her homework before she goes to Hokkaido. My sister finished her homework before she went to the North Seaway. Thawmz kä bawmx hiax. Tom is very chatty. The bawmx. 你用跑的。 Run. You run. 请给我一杯水。 Please give me a glass of water. Give me a glass of water, please. 他担心他父亲的身体。 He is concerned about his father's illness. He's worried about his father's body. 我不明白。 I don't get it. I don't understand. 我們在世界人口問題上爭辯了一番。 We debated on the question of world population. We have argued on the world's demographic issues. 你的手帕掉了。 You dropped your handkerchief. Your handkerchief's off. 它是危險的! It's dangerous! It's dangerous! 你確定那是你想要的嗎? Are you sure that's what you want? Are you sure that's what you want? 公車一輛一輛地開出了。 The buses left one after another. A bus got out of the driveway. 她所说的话是不真实的。 What she said wasn't true. What she said is not true. 请专心做你正在做的事情。 Give your whole attention to what you are doing. Please focus on what you're doing. 今年,山田先生教二年班。 Miss Yamada is in charge of the 2nd year class this year. Mr. Yamada taught him a second-year class this year. 我哋諗住去行山,你一唔一齊呀? We're going up into the mountains, so why don't you come with us? Don't you want me to live together? 我们的眼睛需要时间来适应黑暗。 Our eyes take time to adjust to the dark. Our eyes need time to adapt to the darkness. 佢永遠都會咁愛佢。 He will always love her. He'll always love him as much as he loves him. 你工作很忙嗎 ? Are you busy at work? Are you busy at work? Iz-yaq nä mixmix äsi. I have a cat. [ In German ] Iz-yaq no more mix äsi. 他們甚至不知道為什麼。 They don't even know why. They don't even know why. 我们应该根据他的作为来评判他。 We should judge him according to his actions. We should judge him on the basis of his actions. 他真的說得很好。 He does speak well. He really said it was great. 無論我母親去哪裡,弗雷德就跟著她去哪裡。 Fred followed my mother wherever she went. Wherever my mother goes, Fred goes with her. 除非有人跟他說話,他從來不說話。 He never speaks unless spoken to. He doesn't talk to anyone unless someone speaks to him. 火自然熄滅了。 The fire went out by itself. The fire went out naturally. နင် တွမ် နဲ့ အမြဲတူတူ တောင်တက် ဖြစ် သလား။ Have you ever climbed a mountain with Tom? Is it always the same, or is it the same as it was? 树欲静而风不息,子欲养而亲不在! As the trees crave tranquility in the ever-persistent wind, the child craves the care of its ever-absent parents. The trees, the trees, the trees, the trees, the trees, the trees. 难怪连他自己都害怕这个字眼儿了。 No wonder that even he feared this word himself. No wonder he's afraid of that word himself. 啄木鸟正在使劲地啄树干。 The woodpecker is pecking the tree trunk vigorously. The maggots are drying up the ground. 你不是學生。 You are not a student. You're not a student. Ümznäq yamlai väx shawngzlum tälaüx? What are you cooking? I don't know, I don't know. 你認為誰是錯誤的? Who do you think made the mistake? Who do you think is wrong? 湯姆已經失去學習法語的興趣。 Tom has lost interest in studying French. Tom has lost interest in learning French. 她有一个钢琴家女儿。 She has a daughter who is a pianist. She had a pianist daughter. Ümznäq kä iz-kawngzti. You are my friend. I'll be right back. 以前,玛丽想和一位有雄心壮志的男人结婚。 Mary wanted to marry a man with ambition. Before, Mary wanted to marry an ambitious man. 他明天能来吗? Will he be able to come tomorrow? Can he come tomorrow? 去年我有五辆汽车。 Last year I had five cars. Last year I had five cars. 他们没有吃。 We have not eaten. They didn't eat. 汤姆感觉手机震荡了。 Tom felt his phone vibrate. Tom felt that his cell phone was blown off. 这些餐巾颜色相同,但大小不同。 The colours of the napkins are the same, but the sizes are not. These towels are the same color, but of different sizes. 他们买了跟你同款的相机。 They bought the same camera as you. They bought a camera with your share of the money. 那是学英语最好的方法。 That's the best approach to the study of English. That's the best way to learn English. 我什么时候到达东京? When will I get to Tokyo? When do I get to Tokyo? 我的喉嚨好像被火燒一樣。 My throat burns. My throat's burning like a fire. 她問我知不知道他的地址。 She asked me if I knew his address. She asked me if I knew his address. 我将不出席派对。 I will not attend the party. I'm not going to the party. 告訴我這些書要放在哪裡。 Tell me where to put these books. Tell me where these books are going. 计划被执行了。 The plan was executed. The plan was implemented. 你要走了。 You have to leave. You're leaving. 我该取消通话吗? Should I cancel the call? Should I cancel the call? Garvey毫无保留地宣扬种族主义。 Garvey speaks up for racial pride. Garvey promotes racism without reservations. 请你把这张表填一下,等我们的通知。 Please fill out this form and wait for us to notify you. Please fill in this form for our notice. 我叔叔给了我一份礼物。 My uncle gave me a gift. My uncle gave me a gift. 他在靠近。 He's coming closer. He's getting close. Ningxraxtsix bawmx mäq XXX kärä yamkhäx väx nguz tälaüx? How do you say XXX in English? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 我們是誰? Who are we? Who are we? 我收到了请帖。 I received an invitation. I got your invitation. 坚持。 Hold on. Hold on. 佢起得比平時早。 He got up earlier than usual. He's up earlier than usual. 他是我的爸爸。 He is my dad. He's my dad. 算一算你花了多少錢買書。 Try to estimate how much you spent on books. Let's figure out how much you've spent on books. 你聽到了點擊聲嗎? Did you hear the click? Did you hear the hit? 不好意思,你可以再說一次嗎? I'm sorry, could you repeat that please? Excuse me, can you say that again? Yu mäx mänz phiakuq lawt mängx. I can't share it with anyone. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我现在在上班,所以晚点打给你。 I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. I'm at work now so I'll call you later. 汤姆跑得很快。 Tom can run fast. Tom ran fast. 我想和你一起走。 I want to go with you. I want to go with you. 我有一双鞋。 I have a pair of shoes. I have shoes. 无论从哪方面看,她很健康。 To all appearances, she is healthy. Anyway, she's healthy. Thawmz räq pedziz rawx tälawx. Tom likes fruit. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 春天是我最喜歡的季節。 I like spring the best of the seasons. Spring is my favorite season. 現在幾點? What time is it? What time is it? 慢慢来。 Take it slowly. Take your time. 他不信教。 He is not religious. He doesn't believe in religion. 她担心你的安全。 She has anxiety for your safety. She's worried about your safety. 咩聲嚟? What's that sound? Who's that? 我去嗰幾間書局全部都冇我想要嗰本書。 None of the shops I went to had the book I wanted. I didn't go to all the books there. I didn't want to have them. 我很渴。 I'm very thirsty. I'm thirsty. 汤姆和玛丽住在同一个屋檐下。 Tom and Mary live under the same roof. Tom and Mary lived under the same roof. 你們冷靜下來,從頭開始跟我說。 Calm down, and listen to me speak from the beginning. Calm down and tell me from the beginning. 他有很多外國郵票。 He has a lot of foreign stamps. He has a lot of foreign stamps. 這本書裡的每一個句子都是重要的。 Every sentence in this book is important. Every sentence in this book is important. 我通常在晚上洗澡。 I usually take a shower in the evening. I usually take a shower at night. 你没必要马上去做。 You don't have to do it immediately. You don't have to do it right away. 他们今晚看了电视连续剧。 They have watched TV serials this evening. They watched the TV series tonight. 她收下了他的礼物。 She accepted his gift. She took his gift. ཁོང་ཚོ་སློབ་གཉེར་བ་རེད། They're students. Azul Ärä liix läq! Look at this! That's the last thing I've ever seen. Maiqpaq maiqlaq linx rätawx. I was quite annoyed. Don't worry, it's over. 很多中國人認為红色是最好的顏色。 Many Chinese people consider red to be the best colour. Many Chinese think the red is the best color. 我豎起了耳朵聽。 I pricked up my ears. I had my ear set up. Dzäkdzi rämri! God bless you! I'm sorry. 這首曲子叫什麼名字? What's the name of this tune? What's the name of this song? 我们应该做到最好。 We have to do our best. We should do the best we can. 那个男孩儿跑得太快了。 That boy runs too fast. The boy ran too fast. 别让汤姆躺在地板上。 Don't let Tom lie on the floor. Don't let Tom lie on the floor. 「你攰做咩唔去瞓覺呀?」「因為我而家去瞓呢,就會早得濟醒㗎喇。」 "If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?" "Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early." "You're not going to clean up, you're going to wake up because of me." 静静的,别动。 Be still. Quiet, don't move. 我擔心他。 I worry about him. I'm worried about him. 我在叠我的连衣裙。 I'm folding my dress. I'm circling my dress. 假期快要结束了。 The vacation is close to an end. The holiday's almost over. 把書放回它原來的地方。 Put the book back where it was. Put the book back where it came from. 他们在加拿大安家落户。 They settled in Canada. They left home in Canada. 嗰份報告書係咪你寫㗎? Are you the writer of that report? Where is the report? Вә бущихуан кафый. I don't like coffee. Here's what I'm trying to do. 嗰個幾錢? How much does that cost? How much is it? Mayuko 受不了一個人的生活。 Mayuko can't bear living alone. Mayuko can't stand a man's life. 唔該即刻將啲傢俬送晒去我哋屋企吖。 I want all of the furniture taken to our house right away. Why don't you send them to my aunt's house right away? 我父亲和我时不时地去钓鱼。 My father and I go fishing from time to time. My father and I go fishing from time to time. 四月春雨,五月花。 April showers bring May flowers. April rain, Mayflake. Maiq äpaz kaw kä chiz maix shaq li. Many people are still missing. I'll be right back. အချို့သော ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ အဖွဲ့ဝင်များ သည် အစည်းဝေးသို့ မတက်ရောက် ကြပေ။ Some of our members weren't at the meeting. Some of our members are not going to the meeting. 汤姆帮我搬了家。 Tom helped me with the move. Tom helped me move. 巴士還沒來。 The bus hasn't come yet. The bus's not here yet. 我才不管别人怎么想我。 I don't give a damn what people think about me. I don't care what people think about me. 你非常美丽。 You're very beautiful. You're very beautiful. 他注意到我在場,但是沒向我打招呼。 He was aware that I was around, but didn't come to greet me. He noticed I was there, but he didn't say hello to me. 他說他幾點鐘會來? What time did he say he'd come? What time does he say he'll be here? 她来了! She's coming! Here she comes! 即使我承认你说的是真的,但这并不是借口。 Even if I grant that what you say is true, it is no excuse. Even if I admit that you're telling the truth, that's not a excuse. 侬个生日日节啥辰光? What is your date of birth? What's a birthday holiday? 它有二十个孩子 It has twenty children. It's got 20 kids. 音樂會即將開始。 The concert is about to start. The music is about to start. 每个人都做了那事。 Everybody did that. Everybody did that. 佢哋好襯。 They are a good couple. They're so bad. 我晚上很晚就寢。 I go to bed late at night. I've been up all night. Thawmz mäx kärä shämx mätux cyawng kängx. I told Tom to do it. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 我们的东西被偷走了,而且我们错过了火车。 Our stuff got stolen, and we missed our train. Our stuff was stolen and we missed the train. 個細路女囈佢阿媽陪佢。 The girl begged her mother to accompany her. Child. His mother was with him. 湯姆看來完全輸了。 Tom seems to be completely lost. Tom looks like he's completely lost. 這張照片裡的女孩是誰? Who's the girl in this picture? Who's the girl in this picture? 許多日本的年輕人吃麵包當作早餐。 Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many Japanese young people eat bread as breakfast. 她強迫他做這個工作。 She saddled him with the work. She forced him to do the job. 請喺啲度寫上你嘅連絡地址。 Please write down your contact address here. Please write your contact address at this time. 你认为我能帮忙吗? Do you think I can help? You think I can help? 伊面孔高头个笑容,代表伊已经原谅我了。 Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. I've got a big smile on my face, and I've already forgiven you. 我的哥哥是很狂热的足球迷。 My older brother is a very enthusiastic soccer fan. My brother's a hot fan of football. 乘客全都登上了船。 The passengers all went aboard the ship. All passengers boarded the ship. 他們看起來好像要哭了。 They looked as if they would cry. They look like they're gonna cry. 今天下午會下雨嗎? Will it rain this afternoon? Is it going to rain this afternoon? 你仲嬲緊我呀? Are you still mad at me? You still want me? 我以为你是我的朋友。 I thought you were my friend. I thought you were my friend. 他明天会在家。 He'll be back home tomorrow. He'll be home tomorrow. 她以她母親的名字被取名為凱特。 She was named Kate after her mother. She was named Kate in her mother's name. 我不是来了吗? I came, didn't I? Didn't I come? 她看起来不幸福。 She seems to be unhappy. She doesn't look happy. 你认为他是自己独立完成这份工的吗? Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he did this on his own? 他父親在花園裏。 His father is in the garden. His father is in the garden. 我想要另一個。 I want the other one. I want another one. Ngiz huzsi mäq dizai äklawz ha. I designed it myself. Otherwise, I'd like to speak to you. 我点了青蛙加面条。 I ordered frogs and noodles. I ordered frogs and noodles. 以我之见,我无话可说。 As for me, I have nothing to say. As far as I'm concerned, I can't say anything. 我是我们办公室的头儿。 I am the boss in my office. I'm the head of our office. ပြင်သစ် မှာ အစားအသောက် ကို ဘယ်လို မှာ ရမယ် ဆိုတာ ငါ သင် ချင် တယ်။ I'd like to learn how to order food in French. I want to learn how to eat and drink outside in the new world. 好撚熱呀。 It's fucking hot. Okay, it's hot. 吃了没。 Have you eaten? Have you eaten? 醫生立刻被請來了。 A doctor was sent for at once. The doctor was immediately invited. “等他回来,我要让他给你打电话吗?”“是的,谢谢。” "Shall I have him call you when he gets back?" "Yes, please." "Can I ask him to call you when he comes back?" "Yes, thank you. 再不早点睡觉,明天醒来就会有黑眼圈。 If you go to bed late again, tomorrow you'll wake up with shadows under your eyes. Sleep sooner or later, there will be black circles to wake up tomorrow. 吻我,你个白痴! Kiss me, you fool! Kiss me, you idiot! 你哋都唔可靠嘅。 You guys are untrustworthy. You're not reliable. Äpaiq käläx ümzcyaüx kä cyäthe nawx ngawx cyängz. He seems to be rich now. [ In German ] See if there's anything else I can do about it. 為了什麼目的? For what purpose? For what? 不存在诺贝尔数学奖。 There is no Nobel Prize in mathematics. No Nobel Prize. 我要几个土豆。 I want some potatoes. I want some potatoes. 医生告诉史密斯先生他要长寿的话就得戒烟。 The doctor told Mr Smith to give up smoking if he wanted to live long. The doctor told Mr. Smith that if he had to live, he had to quit smoking. 总的来说,我对这个结果很满意。 On the whole I am satisfied with the result. In general, I am very pleased with this outcome. 失敗是成功之母。 Failure is the mother of success. Failed is the mother of success. 前幾天我遇到了珍。 I met Jane the other day. I met Jane the other day. 我有很多照片。 I have a lot of pictures. I have a lot of photos. 我想要大家伙帮我个忙。 I want you guys to do me a favor. I want the big guy to do me a favor. 我週四去馬德里。 Going to Madrid on Thursday. I went to Madrid Thursday. Ümznäq ätädza rawx shäx? Do you want to play? Is there anything I can do about it? 半個麵包總比沒有好。 Half a loaf is better than none. Half bread's better than no. 请让我看一下日程安排! Please show me the schedule. Please let me see the schedule! 湯姆告訴他們不要去做那事。 Tom told them not to do that. Tom told them not to do that. Kecyu thaq, ngiz mäx tälawq kuq vanx phä. Please forgive me. That's why I'm here. 兩組在比賽中的表現都不太好。 Neither team played well in the game. Both groups are not doing very well in the game. 我在里昂,不过没准去巴黎找工作。 I am in Lyon, but maybe I'll go to Paris for hunting a job. I'm in Lyon, but I can't go to Paris to find a job. 我唔知呢件事幾時會發生,但係我都幾肯定佢會發生。 I don't know when it'll happen, but I'm pretty sure that it'll happen. I don't know when it's gonna happen, and I'm sure it's gonna happen. 友谊与快乐不可分。 Friendship and happiness cannot be separated. Friendship and happiness are indistinguishable. 那个茶壶很脏啊! That teapot's pretty dirty. That teapot's dirty! 我太忙了,無法幫助他。 I'm too busy to help him. I'm too busy to help him. 他感覺到危險就逃跑了。 Sensing danger, he ran away. He felt dangerous and escaped. 我们打算赢。 We expect to win. We're going to win. 除了星期天我每一天都工作。 Other than Sundays, I work every day. I work every day except Sunday. 那是一個許多人連聽也沒有聽過的小國。 It's a tiny country that most people have never heard of. It's a small country where many people don't even listen. 有人刚才在这里。 Someone's been here recently. Somebody was just here. 他不接受我的道歉。 He did not accept my apologies. He doesn't accept my apology. 其實我未見過。 I've actually never seen it. I haven't actually seen it. 唔該俾杯水我吖。 I'd like a glass of water. Don't give me a glass of water. 我的父親開一輛舊車。 My father drives a very old car. My father drives an old car. 欲知。 I want to know. To know. 意外是在他家附近發生的。 The accident took place near his home. The accident happened near his house. 你们这些家伙想去干什么? What are you guys going to do? What do you guys want to do? 純子是一个美女。 Junko is a beautiful girl. Pure woman is a beautiful woman. 我的家与他的隔着一条江。 My home is separated from his by a river. My home is in line with him. 我父親為我做了個架子。 My father made a shelf for me. My father made a fight for me. 本来这间房间里没有家具。 The room originally had no furniture. There was no furniture in this room. မယ်ရီ က ကျွန်တော့ အဒေါ်ပါ။ Mary is my aunt. Mary said to me, "My mom." 西班牙人最愛在晚上外出散散步、乘乘涼。 Spaniards love to stroll around in the evening cool. The Spanish love to go out for a walk at night. 她为自己的粗心感到羞耻。 She was ashamed of herself for her carelessness. She's ashamed of herself. 让我想一想。 Let me see. Let me think about it. 他十分鐘後會回來。 He'll be back in ten. He'll be back in ten minutes. 我很高興他們修復了暖氣系統,但現在太熱了。 I'm glad that they fixed the heating system, but now it's too hot. I'm glad they fixed the heat system, but it's too hot now. 今天我走了10公里。 I walked 10 kilometers today. I'm 10 miles away today. 一会儿再告诉我。 Tell me later. I'll tell you later. 一個老人在樹蔭下休息。 An old man was resting in the shade of the tree. An old man is resting under a tree. 动物怕火。 Animals are afraid of fire. Animals are afraid of fire. 我不記得他們的名字了。 I couldn't remember their names. I don't remember their names anymore. Ngiz cyiiz nä kiz mängx diax, kaiq hiax khamäq. I didn't go out because it was very cold. She's still here. She's not there yet. 他在这方面不是很严格。 He's not very strict about this. He is not very strict in this regard. 他们工作的很辛苦。 They work really hard. They work hard. ཁྱོད་ངའི་ཕ་ལགས་རེད། You are my father. You are searching for a blank boot disk. 佢應承咗琴晚去見佢㗎。 She promised to meet him last night. He was supposed to come to see him at night. 萨米期待变成一个父亲了。 Sami was looking forward to being a father. Sammy looks forward to becoming a father. 复制/粘贴是很有用的。 Copy-and-paste is very useful. It's useful to copy/ like it. 問題是我爸爸媽媽會不會同意。 The problem is whether my parents will agree or not. The problem is that my parents wouldn't agree. 她过马路的时候被车撞了。 She was hit by a car while she was crossing the street. She got hit by a car while passing by. 失败的责任在他。 He is to blame for the failure. The responsibility for failure is with him. 你怕虫子吗? Are you afraid of bugs? Are you afraid of bugs? 她在上廁所。 She's in the restroom. She's in the bathroom. 我現在在成田機場。 I'm at Narita Airport right now. I'm at Hing Hing's airport right now. 你是汤姆吗? Are you Tom? Are you Tom? 你说的话在逻辑上有问题。 What you're saying isn't logical. There's a logical problem with what you said. 你應該要更小心的。 You should have been more careful. You should be more careful. အံသြဖွယ်ရာ မြင်ကွင်း ပါလား။ What an incredible view! Do You Have a Beautiful View? ဗမာစကား သင်နေတယ်။ I'm learning Burmese. You are learning the message. Tom处理了卡片。 Tom dealt the cards. Tom took care of the card. 或许我是第一个给你祝贺的人。 May I be the first to offer my congratulations. Maybe I'm the first to congratulate you. 食以生,非生以食。 We eat to live, not live to eat. Eating for food, not for food. Ngiz äkai hawx nawx. I'm going to go. That's what I'm talking about. 我昨晚一整夜沒睡好,因為有許多事情縈繞在我的心頭。 I couldn't sleep well last night because there were lots of things on my mind. I didn't sleep all night because there were a lot of things going on in my heart. 她摸索著一張紙。 She fumbled with a piece of paper. She touched a paper. 蘇格蘭蓋爾文我識聽唔識講。 I understand Scottish Gaelic, but I can't speak it. Scotland, I can't hear you. 他们在餐厅里看菜单。 They're at the eatery looking at the menu. They read the menu in the restaurant. 我今晚想早啲瞓。 I want to go to bed early tonight. I want to clean up early tonight. Ümzhq. No. What are you doing here? 他點了一杯啤酒。 He ordered a beer. He ordered a beer. 我试过去联系汤姆。 I've tried to contact Tom. I tried to reach out to Tom. 要是我能去音乐会就好了。 If only I can go to the concert! If only I could go to the concert. 喺山頂度可以睇到好靚嘅海景。 You can get a fine view of the sea from the mountaintop. A view of the sea at the top of the mountain can be seen. 湯姆告訴我我應該去做。 Tom told me that I should do that. Tom told me I should do it. Nazshiq kä dzänztsinz. We're persistent. [ In German ] Do you understand? 您不能使用這台洗衣機。 You can't use this washing machine. You can't use this machine. 我之前見過佢,所以一眼就認得。 Having met him before, I recognized him at once. I met him before, so I knew him. Ngiz ümznäq tsaixyix tem ämaix shäx? Can I take a picture of you? Do you understand that there's something out there between the two of you and the three of you? 現在是七點半。 It is 7:30. It's 7:30 now. Ärä kä ätätawngvawng äsi viq baz. This is the safest place I know. [ In German ] See if there's anything else I can do about it. 她給了他一個溫柔的吻。 She gave him a tender kiss. She gave him a gentle kiss. 那幅畫是印象派的大師級作品。 That painting is a masterpiece of impressionist art. The painting was made by an impressive master. Nazshiq räq säphukraz ämaix. We can try. [ In German ] See if you can find out. 我春天嗰陣抹乾淨咗啲窗,但係佢哋而家又污漕返喇。 I cleaned the windows in the spring but they're dirty again. And We wiped out the windows in the spring, and they defiled their homes and returned to them. 佢尋日做咩唔嚟嘅? What prevented her from coming yesterday? He doesn't want to do that? Khärumx ke khamäq tesawra. Thank you for your help. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. 邊度有得買郵票呀? Where can I buy stamps? Is there any way to buy stamps on the side? 我們為甚麼不幫他們? Why don't we help them? Why don't we help them? 你要唔要多舊蛋糕呀? Would you like another piece of cake? You want more old cake? 汤姆开始说话。 Tom began talking. Tom started talking. 他去过夏威夷几次。 He has been to Hawaii several times. He went to Hawaii a few times. 看那个房子。 Look at that house. Look at that house. 我能叫你Bob吗? Can I call you Bob? Can I call you Bob? 他不肯聽我的勸告。 He would not listen to my advice. He won't listen to my advice. Thawmz kä Jawn naix Meri cyiiz nä räching chiz raütä ämäox rätawx. Tom was surprised to see John and Mary out on a date. Do you think it's over and over? 脚上的伤是怎么回事? Where did that injury on your foot come from? What's wrong with the foot injury? 阿Tom已經睇完Mary尋日俾佢嗰本書喇。 Tom has finished reading the book that Mary gave him yesterday. Tom has finished reading Mary's book. 我會擺埋個作者名同埋個出版社名落去。 I will include the author's and publisher's names. I will bury a author's name and a publisher's name. Ngiz räq äsäp ha. I know. Over there. 過馬路小心點總沒有錯的。 You cannot be too careful in crossing a street. There's nothing wrong with taking care of the road. 你了解多少我寫在這裡的東西? How much of what I've written here do you understand? Do you know how much I write here? 坐下!別站起來。 Sit down! Don't stand up. Sit down! Don't stand up. 我想成为哲学家。 I wanted to become a philosopher. I want to be a philosopher. 她盡可能地快跑。 She ran as fast as possible. She ran as fast as she could. Thawmz kä phyenx nä nawx shang vanx tawx. Tom enlisted in the army. No, no, no, no, no, no. 我该带些什么? What should I bring? What am I supposed to bring? 佐佐木貞子死於1955年10月25日。 Sadako Sasaki died on October 25, 1955. On October 25, 1955, Zozo Mutsuko died. 我們之所以罷工是因為公司沒有改善我們的工資。 We're on strike because the company hasn't improved our wages. Our strike was due to the company's failure to improve our wages. 蜿蜒的小路爬上了陡坡。 The path zigzagged up the steep slope. Stretching up on the slopes. 我不知道该怎么办。 I have no idea of what to do. I don't know what to do. 尽管中文学起来不容易,可是比你想的简单。 Although it seems very difficult to study Chinese, it's not as hard as you think. It's not easy to learn Chinese, but it's easier than you think. 你们这些家伙去哪儿了? Where did you guys go? Where'd you guys go? 我能看那個嗎? Can I see that one? Can I see that? 法文好难,不想学了。 French is too hard, I don't want to learn it. French is difficult, I don't want to learn anymore. 医生,请帮搿小人急救。 Doctor, please give this child first aid. Doctor, please help the little one. Ngiz bawmx-äsax tälängxlax shärira rawx täkängx. I like learning languages. That's what I'm going to do. 敌人从北边进攻! Enemies are approaching from the north side! The enemy's coming from the north! 我想喺阿爸阿媽返嚟之前執乾淨間屋。 I want to clean the house before my parents return. I want a clean house before Mom and Dad get back. 我覺得都可以搏下嘅。 I think it's still worth a try. I think I can do it. 我稍後會打電話給你。 I will call you in a while. I'll call you later. 有人找你。 There is someone looking for you. Someone's looking for you. 你知道一个好飯店嗎? Do you know a good restaurant? Do you know a good hotel? 請記得把信寄出去。 Please remember to mail the letter. Please try to send the letter out. 汤姆还是喝,但不像以前那么多了。 Tom still drinks, but not as much as he used to. Tom's still drinking, but not as much as he used to be. 他们会跟着她。 They will follow her. They'll follow her. 湯姆和我要做完了。 Tom and I are almost done. Tom and I are done. 你故意犯那個錯的嗎? Did you make that mistake on purpose? Did you make that mistake on purpose? 他無法跑得非常快。 He couldn't run very fast. He can't run very fast. 這是我去睡覺的地方。 This is where I sleep. This is where I go to bed. 心血少唔好睇! Not for the faint-hearted! I don't want to see it in my heart! 只有四匹马参加了比赛。 Only four horses participated in the competition. Only four horses participated in the competition. 未来属于我们当中那些仍然愿意弄脏自己双手的少数人。 The future belongs to the few among us who are still willing to get their hands dirty. The future belongs to a few of us who are still willing to break their hands. 那個正在彈鋼琴的男人是誰? Who is the man playing the piano? Who's that guy playing the piano? 他是 Taro 的弟弟。 He's Taro's younger brother. He's Taro's brother. 他肯定要去美国。 He'll definitely go to the U.S. He's definitely going to America. 她聽到那個消息,失望地嘆了一口氣。 When she heard the news, she sighed disappointedly. She heard the news and then she deplored it. 我在加拿大生活了近五年。 I have been living in Canada for almost five years. I've lived in Canada for almost five years. 我冇時間煩埋啲咁芝蔴綠豆嘅嘢。 I don't have time to be bothered by such small things. I don't have time to bury green beans like that. 那个男孩儿很聪明. That boy is intelligent. The boy's smart. 你到底怎么回事嘛 What is the matter with you? What the hell is wrong with you? 他把我從頭到腳打量了一番。 He stared at me from head to foot. He doubled me from head to foot. 你想去野生動物園就乘五號巴士吧。 If you are going to the safari park, take the No.5 bus. Take a bus number five if you want to go to the zoo. 是的,柳橙汁,麻煩你。 Yes, orange juice, please. Yes, orange juice, please. 你喜歡看電影嗎? Do you like to watch movies? Do you like movies? 對於這個計劃我同意他的意見。 I agreed with him on the plan. I agree with him on the plan. Ümznäq räq yamlai väx rawx tälaüx ngiz räq tak mängx. I don't understand what you want. They're waiting for me. 我待在東京的舅舅家。 I am staying in my uncle's house in Tokyo. I'm staying in Tokyo's uncle's house. Ümznäq yamtä väx haisawng raix tälaüx? Why are you afraid? [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 事情發生之前都會有先兆。 Coming events cast their shadows before them. There will be a sign before it happens. 我一週去圖書館兩、三次。 I go to the library two or three times a week. I went to the library two or three times a week. 自她去了倫敦後,就沒再打電話了。 She hasn't phoned since she went to London. I haven't called since she went to London. 此不同科矣。 It's not the same thing. This is different. 他留給了他的兒子一大筆財富。 He left his son a large fortune. He left his son a lot of money. 他們每年夏天都會去露營。 They go camping every summer. They go camping every summer. Thawmz mäx kärä kälawz mätux cyawng kängx. I told Tom to do it. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what you're doing? 我实际高头看电影去个次数比我想去看电影个次数少。 I don't go to the movies as often as I'd like. I actually went to the movies less often than I wanted to go to. 她可以來。 She may come. She can come. 我儿子下周要去法国了。 My son is going to leave for France next week. My son's going to France next week. 我瞓覺好易醒。 I'm a light sleeper. I'm so clean. 我會考慮一下。 I'll think it over. I'll think about it. 這天氣在海裏游泳太冷了。 The weather is too cold to swim in the sea. It's too cold to swim in the sea. 我是网球俱乐部的会员。 I am a member of the tennis club. I'm a member of the tennis club. 人类是唯一使用火的动物。 Man is the only animal that uses fire. Human beings are the only animals that use fire. 这个地区的人工作很勤奋。 Everyone around the area works hard. People in this area work hard. 火车向车站驶去。 The train headed for the station. The train drove to the station. 您想去电影院还是去剧院吗? Do you want to go to the cinema or the theater? Do you want to go to the theater or to the theater? 我非常喜歡你。 I like you very much. I like you very much. 我想吃法国菜。 I want to eat French cuisine. I want French food. 我们想听听。 We want to hear it. We want to hear it. 我真是饿了。 I was pretty hungry. I'm really hungry. 昨天的派對你玩得開心嗎? Did you enjoy the party yesterday? Did you have fun at the party yesterday? 你为什么说要去公园散步? Why are you saying you want to walk in the park? Why did you say you were going for a walk in the park? 一個女人帶了一張她去世的丈夫的舊照片給攝影師,照片中她的丈夫戴著一頂帽子。 A woman brought an old picture of her dead husband, wearing a hat, to the photographer. A woman took an old photograph of her deceased husband to the photographer, her husband wearing a hat. 我们的结论基于之前对这个问题的研究。 Our conclusion is based on previous studies into the problem. Our conclusions are based on previous studies on this issue. 他们等得了。 They can wait. They can wait. 你是這所學校的學生嗎? Are you students at this school? Are you a student at this school? 這附近有郵局嗎? Is there a post office near here? Is there a post office around here? 我知道他忙。 I know that he was busy. I know he's busy. ကျေးဇူးပဲ။ Thanks! Thank you. 我很抱歉這麼遲才回復。 I'm sorry for the delay in responding. I'm sorry I got back so late. 我怕死。 I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid of death. 我聽日就死喇,所以後日唔得閒。 I'm going to die tomorrow, and so I won't be free the day after. And I shall die, when I hear it, and it shall not come to pass. အဲဒါက မင်းထင်သလောက်လည်း ကြောက်စရာမကောင်းပါဘူး It's not as scary as you think. That's not bad for you as much as you think. 我們能比他們做得多。 We can do more than they can. We can do more than they do. 我們聽見自己說話的回音從山谷的另一邊傳了回來。 We heard the echo of our voices from the other side of the valley. We heard the sound of our voice coming back from the other side of the valley. 她死于胃癌。 She died of stomach cancer. She died of stomach cancer. 他告诉我他不怕蛇。 He told me that he wasn't scared of snakes. He told me he wasn't afraid of snakes. 你想太多了。 I think you worry too much. You think too much. Iz-saizvasez änaix äsi. I have two cousins. [ In English ] Yes, ma'am. 请问新桥饭店离这儿远不远? Excuse me, is Xinqiao Restaurant far from here? Is the new bridge hotel far away? 在民主国家,报刊的独立是很重要的。 In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. In a democratic country, the independence of the press is important. 他們有時幫我們。 They sometimes help us. They sometimes help us. 我把我的成功歸功於他。 I owe my success to him. And I came to him for my success. ကျွန်တော် ငါး မိနစ် ပဲ နောက်ကျ တာ ပါ ခင်ဗျား။ I was only five minutes late. I’m only five minutes late, and I don’t know what I’m talking about. ” 如果我知道的,会告诉你的。 If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew, I'd tell you. 你知道那么多关于中文的东西,就好像你是中国人一样啊。 You know so many things about the Chinese language... It's just as if you were Chinese yourself. You know so much about Chinese, like you're Chinese. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? What is your favourite colour? What's your favorite color? 派对延期了一周。 The party was put off for a week. The party was postponed for a week. 人們看待事情的角度不同取決於他們是富裕或貧窮。 People look at things differently depending on whether they are rich or poor. There is a difference between people who see things differently depending on their wealth or poverty. 你还不够经验。 You still don't have enough experience. You don't have enough experience. 我們胡鬧太久了, 現在該是我們考慮基本事實的時候了。 We've been horsing around too much; it's high time we got down to brass tacks. We've been fucking around for so long, it's time we're thinking about the basic facts. 除非他们事先修好刹车,我才会买车子。 I will only buy the car if they repair the brakes first. I can't buy a car unless they fix the brakes in advance. 我們討論了那個問題。 We discussed the problem. We discussed that question. 隻材料好唔好? Is it a good material? How's it going? 这个国家的政府压迫人民。 The government of this country oppresses its people. The government of this country has oppressed the people. 你知道怎么说吗? Do you know how to speak? You know what to say? 他是第一個來到的。 He was the first to arrive. He was the first to come. 我只知道那个绅士的名字。 I know that gentleman only by name. All I know is the name of that gentleman. 入嚟啦! Come on in! Get in! 已而,已而! Beat it. It's over, it's over! 我感到背上有东西动。 I felt something moving on my back. I feel something moving on my back. 我興奮得吃不下任何東西。 I'm too excited to eat anything. I'm excited I can't eat anything. 女孩把鳥兒從籠中放了出來。 The girl released the birds from the cage. Girls let the birds out of the cage. 謝謝你,我明白了一切. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you, I understand everything. 阿爾巴尼亞想加入歐盟。 Albania wants to join the European Union. Albania wants to join the European Union. 我本来应该读一下这本书。 Of course I should read this book. I should have read this book. 珠穆朗玛峰有多高? How high is Mount Everest? How high is Jomorama? 你叔叔给你阿姨剪头发。 Your uncle gives your aunt a haircut. Your uncle cut your hair for your aunt. 我能跟護士長說話嗎? Can I speak to the head nurse? Can I talk to the nurse? 你到了以后等一会儿。 When you get there, wait for a while. You'll be there for a while. 伊昨日呒没事体做。 She had nothing to do yesterday. I-I-I didn't do anything yesterday. 人類識得諗嘢同講嘢,但係動物就唔識。呢個就係人類同動物嘅分別喇。 Human beings differ from animals in that they can think and speak. The humans know something and talk about it. The animals know nothing about it. It is a difference between humans and animals. 請給我們更多訊息。 Please send us more information. Please give us more. 苹果树上挂着美丽的花朵。 The apple tree has a beautiful blossom. A beautiful flower on an apple tree. 一般來說, 男人比女人跑得快。 Generally, men run faster than women. Generally, men run faster than women. 在空無一物的地方, 皇帝再大的權力也無用。 In an empty place, an emperor has no power. In places where there is nothing, the Emperor has no further power. 您可以给我重新做一遍吗? Can you re-do it for me? Can you do that again for me? 猫喜欢追着毛线球跑。 Cats love to run after balls of wool. The cat likes to follow the hairy ball. 啲唔開心嘅人,同啲瞓得差嘅人一樣都以呢樣嘢為榮。 Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact. Some unhappy people, like those who are poor, are proud of what they are. 我准备好了。 I'm ready. I'm ready. 很多士兵在戰鬥中受了傷。 Many soldiers were wounded in the battle. Many soldiers were wounded in battle. 我不在乎炎熱的天氣。 I don't mind hot weather. I don't care about the hot weather. 没有共产党就没有新中国 There would be no New China without the communist party. There's no new China without the Communist Party. 我們在派對上玩得很開心。 We enjoyed ourselves at the party. We had a great time at the party. 這個傳聞後來被證明是真的了。 The rumor turned out to be true. The story was later proved to be true. 今朝一日天瞎嗲。 Today is a fabulous day. Today is a day of blindness. 人固有一死。 Everybody will die. There's a dead man. 你不得不制造一些借口。 You'll have to manufacture some kind of excuse. You had to make some excuses. 我喜歡咖啡. I like coffee. I like coffee. 我今天下午不想出外。 I don't want to go outside this afternoon. I don't want to leave this afternoon. 你什么时候离开? When will you leave? When are you leaving? 这本书很小。 This book is very small. This book is small. 我只想休息一下 I just need a break. I just need a break. 请跟着我们。 Follow us. Please follow us. 这个组织跟任何政党没有联系。 The organization is not connected with any political parties. The organization has no contact with any political party. 汤姆不想失去玛丽。 Tom doesn't want to lose Mary. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. 你就想呀! You wish! That's what you want! 係又點呀屌你老母? So fuckin' what. What's wrong with that? 我哋夠時間唱多一首歌。 We have time to sing one more song. I've had enough time to sing more songs. 我的車子很耗油。 My car burns a lot of gas. I've got a lot of oil in my car. 现在是你决定是不是真要结婚的时候。 Now's the time to decide whether you really want to get married or not. Now is the time when you decide whether or not to get married. 永遠要對自己誠實。 Always be true to yourself. Always have to be honest to yourself. 他还没回我的信。 He still hasn't responded to my letter. He hasn't returned my letter. 願大能與你同在。 May the force be with you. May the Lord be with you. 她没她看上去那么年轻。 She is not as young as she looks. She's not as young as she looks. 有时候我帮不了自己。 Sometimes I can't help myself. Sometimes I can't help myself. 商店5点关门了。 The shop closed at 5. The store closed at 5:00. 我喝醉了,但是还会说德语。 I'm drunk, but I can still speak German. I'm drunk, but I can speak German. 你要接電話。 You'll be answering the phones. You're gonna pick up the phone. 被闹钟唤醒没有被鸟唤醒的好。 Much better to be woken by the birds than by an alarm. It's good to be awakened by the bells without being awakened by the birds. 佢炒咗個入學試。 He failed the entrance exam. He fired a entrance to school. 這棟別墅的主人是誰? Who owns this villa? Who's the owner of this house? 谁给了你这些东西? Who gave them to you? Who gave you this stuff? 他探索一切逃走的可能性。 He is exploring the possibility of all escapes. He's exploring the possibility of getting away. 有啲蘋果喺棵樹度跌咗落嚟。 Some apples fell down from the tree. Some apples are falling in a tree. 她對音樂情有獨鍾。 Music is her passion. She's got nothing to do with music. 如果你是我,你會怎麼做? If you are me, how can you do it? What would you do if you were me? 这个男孩子在跑步。 That boy is running. The boy's running. 请给我一杯咖啡。 Could I have a cup of coffee? Give me a cup of coffee, please. 你信仰上帝么? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? 明天,明天,只是不是今天-所有的懶惰的人都這麼說。 Tomorrow, tomorrow, just not today - say all lazy people. Tomorrow, just not today - all the lazy people say that. သူတို့ ရေကူးခဲ့ကြတယ်။ They swam. They're swimming. 因为他认为美剧镜头很血腥,所以他不喜欢看美剧。 Because American dramas are very bloody, he doesn't like watching them. Because he thinks it's bloody, so he doesn't like it. 我想你。我需要见你。我能来吗? I miss you. I need to see you. Could I come over? I miss you. I need to see you. Can I come? 我的公寓在四樓。 My apartment is on the fourth floor. My apartment is on the fourth floor. རྒན་ཚད་ལོངས་པ་འབའ་ཞིག། Adults only. Grapefruit 你还年轻。 You're still green. You're still young. 我是中国人。 I am Chinese. I'm Chinese. 汤姆不需要再戴眼镜了。 Tom doesn't need to wear glasses anymore. Tom doesn't need to wear glasses anymore. 周围太吵了,我无法专心学习。 It is too noisy around here; I can't concentrate. It's too loud around here, I can't concentrate on learning. 她把头发拍整齐了。 She patted her hair into shape. She's got her hair full. 她对古董很感兴趣。 She has a great love for antique goods. She's interested in antiques. 也许我会马上放弃然后去睡一觉。 I may give up soon and just nap instead. Maybe I'll just give up and go to bed right away. 他一定没有多考虑就说了。 He must have said so without giving it much thought. He must have not given much thought to it. 其他个一切侪好。 Everything else is fine. All the others are fine. 快到晚飯時間了。 It's about time for dinner. It's almost time for dinner. 在钢铁大厦的旁边有许多的雏菊。 There are daisies next to the steel building. There's a lot of dicks on the side of the steel building. ငါ သူနဲ့ စတွေ့ စက တွမ် ပြင်သစ် စကား သိပ် မပြောတတ် သေးဘူး။ Tom hardly spoke any French when I first met him. I still don't speak French to him. 我們到的時候正在下雨。 It was raining when we arrived. We're coming down to the rain. 他唱最高音部。 He sings treble. He's singing the top sound. 我们队进了第一个球。 Our team scored the first goal. We're in the first ball. 要是他们没有发现,就没问题了。 If they hadn’t noticed, there wouldn’t have been any problems. If they don't find out, they're fine. 打架解決不了問題。 Fighting won't settle anything. The fight can't solve it. 這裡在二月時非常冷。 It's very cold here in February. This place was very cold in February. 我知道你会的。 I know you will. I know you will. 這車不值得修了。 The car isn't worth repairing. The car isn't worth repairing anymore. Tsängxshiq kä dzaix vanx tälawx. They were dying. [ In German ] See you soon. 一片寂静无声。 There was complete silence. Quietly. 呢間屋入面有幾多隻貓呀? How many cats are there in this house? How many cats are in the house? 當房東不在, 房客就會大玩特玩。 When the landlord's away, the tenants will play. When the landlord's not there, the tenants will play a lot. Irä ätsawm viq rätawx. It was so beautiful. [ In German ] Thank you. Ümznäq raix sengx mäk. It's none of your business. [ In German ] See if you can find out where he is. 汤姆想待在家休息而不是和他的孩子们出去远足。 Tom wanted to stay home and relax instead of hiking with his children. Tom wanted to stay at home and not go far away with his kids. 我永遠不會再看到他。 I will never see him again. I'll never see him again. 我希望再次見到你。 I want to see you again. I want to see you again. 上帝不存在。 God does not exist. God doesn't exist. 不好意思。。。 I'm sorry. Excuse me, sir. 你怎麼全都知道? How did you know all that? How do you know all of this? 解决问题最简便的方法往往是最好的办法。 The simplest way is often the best way to solve a problem. The simplest solution to the problem is often the best solution. 我让他扫地了。 I made him sweep the floor. I told him to clean up. 如果你知道这个问题的答案的话,就请告诉我。 If you know the answer to this question, please tell me. Tell me if you know the answer to this question. 这是书。 This is a book. It's a book. 他們作夢也想不到會輸掉這場比賽。 Little did they dream of losing the game. They had no dreams of losing it. 春天快來了。 It will be spring soon. Spring's coming soon. Kawztsi. Hurry up. I'm sorry, Kawztsi. 天快要下雨了。 It's going to rain. It's gonna rain soon. 甚至沒有一輛計程車停下來。 Not even one taxi stopped. There's not even a cab stop. Nazshiq räq kälawz tälängz ämaix. We can try. [ In German ] Do you understand? 有草的地方无水,有水的地方无草。 Where there is grass, there is no water. Where there is water, there is no grass. There is no water in the grass, there is no grass. Ngiz mä tsaixyix tähawx kuq läq näx? Could you send me a picture? Do I have an espresso? 成为一个人是最难的。 Nothing is as difficult as becoming a person. It's the hardest thing to be a man. 木须肉是我的拿手菜。 Mu shu pork is my speciality. Mushu's my handshake. 好似好得意噃。 This looks kind of cute. Like a good man. 月球表面沒有空氣,所以沒有風,也沒有聲音。 Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon. There is no air on the Moon's surface, so there is no wind and no sound. 佢感動到喊咗。 She was moved to tears. He's crying. 我讨厌那种事。 I don't go in for that sort of thing. I hate that kind of thing. 这是你的收音机吗? Is this radio yours? Is this your radio? 我朝朝食粥。 I have congee every morning. I'm heading towards the hull. 可能你们中的许多人在动物园都看过熊猫。 Maybe a few of you have seen pandas in the zoo. Perhaps many of you have seen pandas in the zoo. 他是法国人。 He is from France. He's French. 老实说,我们是来抓你们的。 To be honest, we came to capture you. To be honest, we're here to arrest you. 时间还早着呢,大家坐下来侃一会儿吧。 It's still early. We should all just chill for a bit. It's early. Let's sit down for a little while. 我寧願搭飛機旅行。 I prefer to travel by air. I'd rather take a flight. 她忙着照料孩子。 She is busy with the care of her children. She's busy caring for the children. 讓我們明天再在這裡見面吧。 Let's meet here again tomorrow. Let's meet here tomorrow. 他以前是教授,后来当了系主任。 He used to be a professor, but now he is the dean. He was a former professor and later a head of department. 你訂閱了什麼報紙? What newspaper do you take? What do you have in the paper? 完全忽视汤姆不会是明智的。 It wouldn't be wise to ignore Tom completely. It would not be wise to completely ignore Tom. 望咩呀望,未見過靚女呀? What are you staring at? Never seen a pretty lady? You've never seen a girl before? 丹尼尔看起来像个维吾尔族。 Daniel looks like an Uyghur. Daniel looks like a Uighur. 第一眼望落去,嗰條題目好似好易噉。 At first sight, the question seemed easy. The first look goes down, and there's an item in it that seems to be pretty obvious. 如果我有錢,我會買一個新房子。 If I had the money, I'd buy a new house. If I had money, I'd buy a new house. 禮拜天我去教會。 I go to the church on Sundays. Sunday I went to church. Ngiz kä taktawt rämängx. I am not a doctor. I've never seen anything like it before. 有什么事是你能做的吗? Is there anything you can do? Is there anything you can do? 他遇到了交通事故。 He met with a traffic accident. He was in a traffic accident. 你知道這是一個問題嗎? Did you know that this is a question? Do you know that's a problem? 獒追狐。 The hounds are in pursuit of the fox. Let's go get the fox. 對於這些國家的人民來說,捱餓是很正常的事。 In these countries hunger is the rule. For people in these countries, hunger is normal. မယ်ရီ လို့ ခေါ် တဲ့ ကနေဒါ အမျိုးသမီး နှင့် တွမ် လက်ထပ် ခဲ့ သည်။ Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Mary was married to a Tatian woman called Mary. 大家说这家饭馆儿的菜又好吃又便宜。 Everyone says the food in this restaurant is both delicious and inexpensive. They say the restaurant is delicious and cheap. Ngiz laizyäm nä kiz rawx mängx. I don't want to go to school. That's where we're going. 這是常有的事。 This happens all the time. It's always something. 你必須在後天以前完成回家作業。 You must get this homework finished by the day after tomorrow. You have to finish your homework before the next day. 你為什麼在那裡? Why were you there? Why are you there? 我們昨晚沒有出去。我們可以出去看電影的, 但是我們決定留在家裡。 We didn't go out last night. We could have gone to the movies, but we decided to stay home. We didn't go out last night. We could go out and see a movie, but we decided to stay home. 我有一个愿景。 I had a vision. I have a vision. 汤姆不会来了。 Tom won't be coming. Tom's not coming. 无风不起浪。 There are no waves without wind. There's no swinging. 湯姆跑得不如比爾快。 Tom doesn't run as fast as Bill. Tom didn't run faster than Bill. 你太谦虚了。 You are much too modest. You're too modest. 你只是在聽講,沒有思考。 You were just listening to the talk, without thinking. You're just listening, you don't think. 你打算在哪裡留宿? Where are you planning to stay? Where are you staying? 這個釘子撕破了他的夾克。 The nail tore his jacket. This dagger ripped his jacket. 这是一只蝴蝶还是一只飞蛾? Is it a butterfly or a moth? Is this a butterfly or a flyfly? 他到了火車站的時候,火車已經開出了差不多半小時。 When he reached the station, the train had already left almost half an hour before. When he arrived at the station, the train had been driving for almost half an hour. Iz-yaq nä noztoz äsi. I have a car. [ In German ] Thank you. 正如我愛她,所以她愛我。 As I love her, so she loved me. As I loved her, so she loved me. Ümz-mängx mäkshaq kä yamkhäx väx? What's your first name? I don't know. 我们问老师:“婚礼在哪里举行?” We asked our teacher: "Where will the wedding be held?" We asked the teacher, "Where does the wedding take place?" 到你開波喇。 Now it's your serve. Let's get you out of the pot. 你洗吗? Have you washed? Do you wash? 真奇怪,他竟然被安排入住這種廉價酒店。 It is strange that he should be put up at such a cheap hotel. It's weird that he was arranged to stay at such a cheap hotel. 我們讓他養狗。 We let him keep the dog. Let's get him a dog. 他把蛋糕分成了七份。 He cut the cake into seven pieces. He divided the cake into seven. 這是我讀過最長的一本小說。 This is the longest novel that I have ever read. It's the longest novel I've ever read. 你們想吃什麼? What would you all like to eat? What do you want to eat? “你什么时候回来?”“这取决于天气如何。” "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you coming back?" "It depends on the weather. 你的工作進行得怎麼樣? How is your work coming along? How's your job going? 你想同我傾啲咩呀? What do you want to talk to me about? You want to eat with me? 她爱汤姆,而不是我。 She loves Tom, not me. She loved Tom, not me. 我喜歡吃。 I like to eat. I like to eat. 日本欢迎您。 Welcome to Japan. Japan welcomes you. 女人在说什么? What is the woman saying? What are women saying? 她是个倔强的女孩。 She's a stubborn girl. She's a strong girl. 找到汤姆。 Get Tom. Find Tom. 珍今天沒有上學。 Jane is absent from school today. Jane didn't go to school today. 但是,当然啦,事后诸葛亮总是好当。 But, of course, hindsight is 20-20. But, of course, tomorrows will always be good. 我是有志向的人——清楚自己的目標。 I'm someone ambitious - someone who knows very well what he is after. I am someone who wants to know what I'm after. 這之後他與他的母親、兄弟和門徒們一起去了迦百农。 After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. After that, he went with his mother, brothers and disciples to Garpaon. 一萬日元夠嗎? Is ten thousand yen enough? Ten thousand yen? 如果你和Tom呆在一起,结果会更好 It would've been better if you'd stayed with Tom. It would be better if you stayed with Tom. 您有兄弟姐妹吗? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Ümznäq äniix nawx shäx? Are you tired? Is there anything else I can do? 你想要來些炒蛋嗎? Would you like some scrambled egg? You want some fired eggs? 我不完全肯定。 I'm not absolutely sure. I'm not completely sure. 它们吃这些东西。 They eat these things. They eat these. 他的父親去世了,所以他很傷心。 He felt sad because he lost his father. His father died, so he was sad. 我想去歐洲的某個地方。 I want to go somewhere in Europe. I want to go somewhere in Europe. 你今天上午看起來很高興。 You look very happy this morning. You seem happy this morning. 上个月我买了一台新电脑。 I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. 我在睡觉。 I'm sleeping. I'm sleeping. 我們幫小貓取了一個名字,叫做 Mimi。 We named the cat Mimi. We picked up a name for the cat, Mimi. 他把他的女兒介紹給我認識。 He introduced his daughter to me. He introduced me to his daughter. 我讀過許多現代作家的作品。 I have read many modern authors. I read many of the works of modern writers. 这些人共同的目标是把这个项目做成功。 Their common aim was to make the project successful. The common goal of these people is to make the project a success. 你可以隨意把相片送給想要它的人。 You may give this picture to whoever wants it. You can give the photos to the people you want. 几天前我在站看到了他。 I saw him at the station a few days ago. I saw him a few days ago. 當我在塞勒姆的時候, 我常常和約翰打網球。 When I was in Salem, I would often play tennis with John. When I was in Salem, I used to play tennis with John. 我们必须团结起来才能战胜敌人。 We need to band together to beat the enemy. We must stand together in order to defeat the enemy. 對教師來說,教她很有趣。 For the teacher, teaching her was fun. For teachers, it's fun to teach her. 昨天的董事會會議是一個大成功。 Yesterday's board meeting was a big success. Yesterday's board meeting was a big success. 顺着这条街走大约50米,就会看到邮局。 Follow the street for about 50 meters, and you will see a post office. Take this street about 50 metres, and you'll see the post office. 子過矣。 You're wrong. Overdoing. 轮胎漏气了。 The tire leaks air. The tires are leaking. 如果你有意見請舉手。 If you have a thought, please raise your hand. If you have a problem, raise your hand. 我也想要和你身上那件同样的外套。 I want the same jacket as you are wearing. I want that same coat on you too. Ümznäq äkai rawx nguzraü kä kawngzkhu hiaz läq. If you want to come over, call first. If you want to talk to me, you need to know where I'm going. 你們呢? How about you? What about you? 我在派对上度过了一段快乐的时光。 I had a good time at the party. I spent a happy time at the party. 明天下午你忙嗎? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? 他真的很爱好语言。 He really likes languages. He really loves languages. ဒီ ထီး က ဘယ်လောက် ကြာ ပြီ လဲ။ How old is this umbrella? How long has this lion been in existence, and how long has it been? 生病很無聊。 Being sick is very boring. Sick is boring. 我連你叫什麼都不知道。 I don't even know what you are called, mate. I don't even know your name. 他们一定很恨我。 They must really hate me. They must hate me very much. 她有两只猫。一只是白色的,另一只是黑色的。 She has two cats. One is black, and the other is white. She had two cats, one was white, and the other was black. 无解。 There isn't any solution. Nothing. 香橙含有豐富的維他命 C。 Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Orange contains a large vitamin C. 謝謝你大老遠在這樣的雨天來。 Thank you for coming all the way in this rain. Thank you for coming all the way from such rain. 公司有五百個職員。 The company employs 500 workers. The company has 500 employees. Terawyü nä yühiazlawng tiim äsi. There are islands in the sea. [ In German ] See if you can find a way to get to know him better. 我叫佢唔好煩我。 I asked him not to bother me. I told him not to bother me. 我無法完成我的作業。 I was unable to finish my homework. I couldn't finish my homework. 纽约当地个辰光几点钟? What is the local time in New York? What time is the local fish in New York? 湯姆看來感冒了。 Tom seems to have a cold. Tom seems to have a cold. 有備無患。 Forewarned is forearmed. There's no point. 我諗極都諗唔起佢叫咩名。 I'm trying hard, but can't think of her name. I don't even know what his name is. 我父亲不允许我嫁给他。 My father will not let me marry him. My father wouldn't allow me to marry him. Tsängxshiq räq naizshiq mäx älaüx rätawx. They lied to us. [ In German ] See if you can find out where you're going. Ärä kä yamlai väx täz? What's this? Do you know anything about me? 看看我的新車。 Look at my new car. Look at my new car. 宇宙是怎样形成的? How was the universe formed? How did the universe come up? 他们没有一个人承认自己是犯人。 None of them would admit to being the culprit. None of them recognized themselves as prisoners. 她穿了一件白色的洋裝。 She wore a white dress. She's wearing a white dress. 嗰個男人搶走咗Susan身上所有嘅錢。 The man robbed Susan of all her money. There was a man who took all of Susan's money. 她是我的初恋。 She is my first love. She was my first love. 你住在东京吗? Do you live in Tokyo? Do you live in Tokyo? Kärä kä äcyara rämäk. It was no coincidence. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 昨天晚上我做了惡夢 Yesterday evening I had a terrible nightmare. I had a nightmare last night. 我欠你10美元。 I owe you ten dollars. I owe you $10. 我應該登記這堂課嗎? Should I register for that class? Should I sign up for this class? 太阳从地平线上升起。 The sun appeared on the horizon. The sun rises from the horizon. 蕾拉每日都會去放狗。 Layla walked her dogs every day. Leila goes to play dogs every day. 一种语言永远不够。 One language is never enough. A language is never enough. 你怎麼確定你的女朋友沒有假裝高潮? How can you be sure your girlfriend isn't faking her orgasms? How do you make sure your girlfriend doesn't pretend she's gone? 与邻居相亲相爱。 Love your neighbour. He was in love with his neighbor. 这本小说的作者是谁? Who is the author of this story? Who's the writer of this novel? 我的爱好是游览古老的庙宇。 My hobby is visiting old temples. My love is a tour of ancient temples. 把你的孩子带来。 Bring your children along. Bring your kid. 你進入了危險區。 You're stepping into dangerous territory. You're in the danger zone. 当我学习的时候不要打扰我。 Don't disturb me while I'm studying. When I'm studying, don't bother me. 我的觀點和你的類似。 My opinion is similar to yours. My point is the same as yours. 庸庸。 Employ the employable. Never mind. 痛吗? Does that hurt? Does it hurt? Ümz-mängx khumxkhumx tsuptsup kä yamkhäx väx? What's your full name? I don't know. 我痛恨他的黄段子。 I really hate his dirty jokes. I hate his yellow paragraph. 对不起。 Excuse me. I'm sorry. 两点怎么还不睡觉,你这个夜猫子! You stay up until two in the morning. You're such a night owl! Why aren't you sleeping at 2:00, you fucking cat! ཁྱེད་རང་གུང་སེང་ལ་ག་རེ་བྱེད་པ་ཡིན། What did you do over the weekend? Encryption is not available. If you don't have permission to finish the volume, please. 我搞砸了第一個音符。 I screwed up the very first note. I screwed up the first note. 他让我气得头疼了。 He made me so angry that I got a headache. He gave me a headache. 脫歐就係脫歐。 Brexit means Brexit. Out of the O'Hare. Naizshiq ümz-va rava dazku mäx tärüp raix kaix. We got robbed last night. [ In German ] Do you have any idea where you're going? ငါ နင့်ကို နက်ဖြန်မတွေ့ နိုင်ဘူး။ I can't meet you now. I can't find it tomorrow. 我被你逗乐了。 You made me laugh. I'm having fun with you. 在这个问题上,我们的看法不一样。 Concerning this problem, our views are not the same. We agree differently on this issue. 昨天是歷史,明天是謎團,只有今天是天賜的禮物。那就是它為什麼被稱作「當下」的原因。 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present". Yesterday is history, tomorrow is the League, and only today is the gift of God. That's why it is called 'The Right Time'. 我还没有钱到老能买便宜东西的地步。 I'm not rich enough to buy cheap stuff. I don't have any money to buy cheap things. 我今天起床的時候脖子很痛。 I got up today with a pain in my neck. My neck hurts when I get up today. 你的眼镜掉在地上了。 Your glasses fell on the floor. Your glasses fell on the ground. 他到伦敦去修读英文。 He went to London to study English. He went to London to read English. 你為甚麼還不結婚? Why are you still unmarried? Why aren't you married? 为什么你做饭那么拿手呢? Why are you so good at cooking? Why do you do that? 我累得只想躺在床上。 I was too tired to care for anything but bed. I'm just tired of lying in bed. 他们一起旅游。 They traveled together. They travel together. 您好吗? How are you doing? How are you? 艾米莉恨攀登。 Emily hates climbing. Emily hates climbing. 湯姆給了我一枝筆。 Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a pen. 你最喜歡哪個季節? What season do you like the best? What's your favorite season? 汤姆再也不做了。 Tom will never do it again. Tom never did it again. 等朋友等太久时,会感到烦躁. I feel restless when I have to wait too long for my friend to show up. When your friends wait too long, they'll be upset. "他昨天寫了一封信嗎?" "是的, 他寫了。" "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he wrote." 她有心臟病。 She was ill with heart disease. She has a heart attack. 他的視力很好。 He has good eyesight. He's got a good vision. 關我撚事咩。 I don't give a shit. It's none of my business. 他命令我早点上床睡觉。 He ordered me to go to bed early. He ordered me to go to bed early. 她年紀夠大該懂事了。 She is old enough to know better. She's old enough to understand things. 你能給我你的電話號碼嗎? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your number? 你喜欢赌博吗? Do you like to gamble? Do you like gambling? 瑪麗懂中文。 Mary understands Chinese. Mary understood Chinese. 學校需要一個新的老師。 The school needed a new teacher. School needs a new teacher. 湯姆和南西上個月分手了。 Tom and Nancy broke up last month. Tom and Nancy broke up last month. 她的眼里涌出了泪水。 Her eyes gushed with tears. She had tears in her eyes. သူ့မှာ ဖိနပ်ကိုးရံ ရှိတယ်။ He has nine pairs of shoes. He has a phantom wall. 那是一座塔。 That's a tower. That's a tower. 湯姆住在波士頓某地。 Tom is living somewhere in Boston. Tom lives in Boston somewhere. 他们奋斗的目标是消灭天花。 They are struggling with the goal of wiping out smallpox. Their goal is to eradicate the flowers. 我从没见过一条那么大的鲸鱼。 I never saw so big a whale. I've never seen a whale that big. 他在一家工廠工作。 He works in a factory. He works at a factory. 他认为太极拳改善了他的生活。 He believes that Tai Ji has improved his life. He thinks too much boxing to improve his life. 我猜你是對的。 I guess you are right. I guess you're right. 明天天氣可能很好。 It is likely to be fine tomorrow. Tomorrow's gonna be great. 我在阅读他的报告。 I'm looking over his report. I'm reading his report. 他反對種族歧視。 He fought against racial discrimination. He is against racial discrimination. 你头疼吃两片阿司匹林吧. Take two aspirins for your headache. You'll have two aspirins in your head. 有人形容,跟異性交往就好像在海邊撿石頭,大家都能撿喜歡的那一個。 The way some people see it, associating with the opposite sex is just like going to the seaside and gathering stones; everyone can pick up the ones they like. It has been described as having an opposite sex like picking stones by the sea and everyone can pick them up. 谁告诉你我和汤姆在交往的? Who told you that Tom and I are dating? Who told you that Tom and I were dating? Khe mung kä Cyexpanx mung namx mäx äyawng. China is bigger than Japan. We're talking about the cyexpanx in front of you. 明天就开学了。 School begins tomorrow. I'll start tomorrow. 今天的激进也许是明天的老生常谈。 What's radical today may be cliché tomorrow. Today's radical may be tomorrow's old story. 你打算和你的家人去做什么? How is it going with your family? What are you going to do with your family? Ngiz pati nä vax cyängz I should go to the party. [ In German ] No, no, no, no! တွမ် က မယ်ရီနဲ့ အိမ်မှာ ပဲ နေရ တော့မယ် ထင်တယ်။ Tom is supposed to be at home with Mary. I think it would be only in millimeter and house. 我不懂音樂。 I don't have an ear for music. I don't know music. 今天你看起来很迷人啊。 You look very charming today. You look lovely today. Jawn naix Meri kä cyiiz nä ärähumx chiz raütä Thawmz kä ämäox. Tom was surprised to see John and Mary out on a date. [ In German ] Do you know where I'm going? 请问这条街的街名叫什么? What's the name of this street, please? What's the name of this street? 生意蒸蒸日上 Business is booming in Algeria. It's getting out of business. ང་གྲོང་ཁྱེར་འདི་ལ་རྩ་བ་ནས་དགའ་པོ་མེད། I don't like this city at all. The invalid drag is too long. 这个好像说一个人上瘾了“交通”,“艺术”或“政治”。 It’s like saying that someone is addicted to “transport”, “art” or “politics”. This seems to suggest that one person has an addiction to “transport”, “art” or “political”. 這是你的書嗎? Is this your notebook? Is this your book? 以眼还眼以牙还牙 deal with a man as he deals with you. I went back to my teeth with my eyes open. 她看起來不快樂。 She looks unhappy. She doesn't look happy. 他没有早起。 He did not get up early. He's not up early. 我本该在买下这个电动剃须刀之前试一下的。 I should have tried out this electric shaver before buying it. I should have tried it before I bought this electric shave. 她當選為委員會主席。 She was elected chairman of the committee. She was elected Chairman of the Committee. 一路平安! Bon voyage! Have a safe trip! 她會永遠愛着他。 She'll love him forever. She'll always love him. 這是誰的車? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? 我希望有人能教我英语作文。 I wish someone would help me with English composition. I wish someone could teach me English. 明白了。 I got it. Got it. 我回答您之前要好好考虑一下。 I will need to think for a while before I answer you. I would like to give you some thought before I answer. 我忍不住要大笑。 I could hardly keep from laughing. I can't help laughing. 我並不總是正確的,我只是總在你犯錯的時候糾正你。 I'm not always right, I just always correct you when you make mistakes. I'm not always right, I'm just always right when you make mistakes. 我一点法语都不懂。 I don't understand any French. I don't understand any French. 我有一个阿哥跟一个阿妹。 I have one elder brother and a younger sister. I have a brother and a sister. 他尖刻的话语仍然在我心中挥之不去。 His bitter words still rankle in my mind. He's scribbling in my heart. 從這裏步行到車站要多少時間? How long does it take to walk from here to the station? How much time will it take to walk from here to the station? 笔在桌子上。 The pen is on the table. Pen on the table. Tom出去辦事了。 Tom is out on an errand. Tom's out on business. 这不是我们的错……大家都是逼不得已才这么做。 It wasn't our fault... We all had to do it. It is not our fault... that we all are forced to do so. 湯姆不知道如何表達自己。 Tom was at a loss how to express himself. Tom doesn't know how to express himself. 我想要聽聽你的意見。 I want your opinion. I want to hear your opinion. 我头疼。 I've got a headache. I'm having a headache. 阿Tom十三歲先開始學結他。 Tom didn't learn how to play the guitar until he was thirteen. At the age of 13, Atom started studying him. 他1970年去了伦敦。 He went to London in 1970. He went to London in 1970. Phanräp kä dzänz nä äpyäox diax. Everything's quite satisfactory. [ In German ] See you soon. 這份工作錄取仍然有效。 The job offer still stands. This job is still valid. 他們改變了制度。 They changed the system. They changed the system. 夏天我穿短袖衬衫。 In the summer I wear short-sleeved shirts. I wear short shirts in the summer. Änap kä äpaiq vüxchix ranaiq. Tomorrow is her birthday. [ In German ] No, no, no, no, no. 我仲讀緊書。 I'm still in school. I still read my book. 個樽入面仲有少少牛奶淨。 There is a little milk left in the bottle. There is little milk in the rinse. 请给我一张芝加哥的往返票。 Please give me a round-trip ticket to Chicago. Please give me a return ticket for Chicago. 湯姆今晚不能工作。 Tom can't work this evening. Tom can't work tonight. 「你哋係唔係學生嚟㗎?」「係呀。」 "Are you students?" "Yes, we are." "You're not a student, are you?" - Yes. 男女老幼都好鍾意喺當地啲公共浴室到聚一聚。 Both young and old, men and women, regularly get together at the local bathhouses. Both men and women are interested in gathering together in public baths in the local areas. 你知不知道他们是谁? Do you know who they are? Do you know who they are? 你可唔可以話我知我錯喺邊呀? Will you tell me where I am wrong? Can you tell me I was wrong? 你必須醒醒。 You've got to wake up. You have to wake up. 我走不了。 I can't walk. I can't go. 匈牙利和斯洛伐克是邻国。 Hungary and Slovakia are neighbors. Hungary and Slovakia are neighbouring countries. 可唔可以同你講兩句? Can I speak to you for a moment please? Can I have a word with you? 同意。 I agree. Agreed. "Ngiz kä mintsax vax li." "Mintsax! Yam shämx väx täz?" "I've been busy." "Busy doing what?" [ In English ] 如果我忘記了請提醒我。 In case I forget, please remind me. If I forget to remind me. တွမ်မာရိကို မကြောက်ဘူး။ Tom isn't afraid of Mary. I'm not afraid of her. 我會盡力而為。 I will do my best. I'll do my best. “我今晚就走了” "I'm leaving tonight." "Don't give me that!" "I'm leaving tonight." 這個回家作業很容易就做完了。 The homework was easily done. It's easy to get this homework done. Ümznäq ümbaz nä kai väx? Where are you going? Do you have any idea where you're going? 如果签证过期,你就必须离开中国。 If your visa expires, you must leave China. If the visa expired, you would have to leave China. 由美子是網球俱樂部的成員。 Yumiko belongs to the tennis club. Mayo is a member of the tennis club. 他生于19世纪。 He was born in the 19th century. He was born in the 19th century. 綦善。 This is very good. Be nice. 那药不会管用。 That medicine isn't going to help. That drug won't work. 你怎么了? What's up with you? What's wrong with you? 你俾咗邊個呀? Who did you give it to? Did you call the other one? 我在骑自行车溜达。 I'm out riding my bike. I'm riding a bike. 一個人幫唔到一班人,但係一班人幫到一個人。 One can't help many, but many can help one. A man can't help a group, and a group of men can help one another. 男孩向我鞠了个躬。 The boy bowed to me. The boy bowed at me. 服务器重启预定在今晚9点。 The server reboot is scheduled at 9 o'clock this evening. The server is scheduled to be relaunched at 9:00 p.m. tonight. မင်္ဂလာပါ။ နေကောင်းလား။ Hi! How are you? How are you? How are you? 我爸爸送了一塊電子錶給我作為生日禮物。 My father bought me a digital watch for birthday present. My dad sent me an electronic watch for my birthday present. 人类登上月球、柏林墙倒下,世界被我们的科学和想像被连接在一起。 A man touched down on the moon. A wall came down in Berlin. A world was connected by our own science and imagination. Humans went to the moon and the Berlin Wall fell, and the world was linked to our sciences and imaginations. 请坐! Please sit down! Have a seat! 她有勇气去查询考试的结果。 She had the courage to go and inquire about the results of the exam. She had the courage to look into the results of the examination. သူက ခုတော့ ချမ်းသာနေပုံပဲ။ He seems to be rich now. He seems to be safe. 他朝着大狗扔了块石头。 He threw a stone at the big dog. He threw stones at a big dog. 愛因斯坦喜歡拉小提琴。 Einstein loved playing the violin. Einstein likes to play the violin. 他止住了呼吸。 He held his breath. He stopped breathing. 老师叫玛丽闭嘴。 The teacher told Mary to shut up. The teacher told Mary to shut up. 親愛的,我可以解釋。 Honey, I can explain. Honey, I can explain. 小心地滑! Caution! Wet floor. Watch out for the slide! 我们发现他是她的父亲。 We found out that he was her father. We found out he was her father. 不要吵醒熟睡中的孩子。 Don't wake up the sleeping child. Don't wake up the kids in bed. 她每天練習彈鋼琴。 She practiced the piano every day. She practice playing piano every day. 他天生就是一個和藹可親的人,所以很受住在附近的孩子歡迎。 He is by nature a kind person and is popular with the children in his neighborhood. He was born to be a man of compassion, so he was popular with children living nearby. 汤姆真正想要的是有足够的钱给玛丽买一些花。 What Tom really wanted was enough money to buy Mary some flowers. Tom really wants enough money to buy Mary some flowers. ငါ စန္ဒယား ကောင်းကောင်း တီး တတ် ချင်တယ်။ I wish I could play the piano better. I want to play well. 我們談了各種話題。 We talked about a variety of topics. We talked about all kinds of things. 不要和我开玩笑。我是很严肃的。 Don't make fun of me. I'm serious. Don't joke with me. I'm serious. 我瞓覺之前較咗七點鐘鬧鐘。 Before I went to bed, I set the alarm clock for seven. It was seven o'clock before I was clean. 你跟我聊了这么久不知道我叫什么?! You've been talking to me for so long, don't you know my name?! You've been talking to me so long and you don't know what my name is! Ngiz raix vaz räx. Come with me. Just a second. 我讓門開著。 I left the door open. I let the door open. 你的皮膚真好。 You have nice skin. You're so skiny. 这杆旗子很漂亮。 This flag is very beautiful. This flag is pretty. 頭腦的結構很複雜。 The structure of the brain is complicated. The structure of the brain is complicated. 麻煩開燈一下。 Turn on the light, please. Lights out, please. 汤姆是怎么说服玛丽照顾他的小孩的呢? How did Tom talk Mary into babysitting his children? How did Tom convince Mary to take care of his children? 她比其他人都漂亮。 She was more beautiful than all the others. She's prettier than anyone else. 他有極大的潛力。 He has enormous potential. He's got a huge potential. 约翰对我的建议置若罔闻。 John ignored my advice. John's advice to me was euphoric. 加利福尼亞州和內華達州相互接界。 California and Nevada border on each other. In California, U.S.A., and Nevada, U.S.A., they cross the border. 試吓從我個角度去諗吖。 Try to look at it from my point of view. I've been trying to scare you from my angle. 我的怀疑没有根据。 My suspicions were unfounded. My suspicions are unsubstantiated. 喂,做緊咩呀你? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? Ümznäq kä älam diax nguztä thexngex rawngx phä. Let's hope you're right. If you want to know what's going on here, you need to know what's going on. 我們整個月都要待在波士頓。 We're going to stay in Boston all month. We've been staying in Boston all month. 与其仅仅营销部成功地完成自己的工作目标,不如所有部门一起合作,共同实现所有目标。 Instead of just the marketing department completing all their work objectives is not as effective as all the departments working together and mutually realising all the objectives. Unlike the Department of Marketing alone, which has successfully completed its own work objectives, it has worked together with all departments to achieve all of its objectives. 我覺得好似變咗第二個人咁。 I feel like I've become someone else. I think it's like the second person has changed. 比起小说,他更喜欢诗歌。 He prefers poetry to fiction. He likes poetry more than a novel. 我有个在波士顿的兄弟。 I have a brother in Boston. I have a brother in Boston. 肯恩一定已經到家了。 Ken must be home by now. Ken must have been home. 她在聚會上玩得很開心。 She enjoyed herself a lot at the party. She had a great time at the party. 与朋友吵架是件很伤感情的事。 Fighting with your friends can really hurt your feelings. An argument with a friend is a very emotional matter. 有一个人住在福冈,其他人住在新泻。 One lives in Fukuoka, and the others live in Niigata. One lives in Fuguang and others in Xinjiang. 汤姆要帮助我们。 Tom is going to help us. Tom's gonna help us. 到目前为止,我们还是相当成功的。 So far we have been quite successful. So far, we have been quite successful. 我没时间跟你玩游戏。 I don't have time to play games with you. I don't have time to play games with you. 冇凳坐。 There's no chair to sit upon. No seats. 請用掛號寄這個。 Please send this by registered mail. Please send this to the registration number. 我会战斗至死。 I will fight to the death. I'll fight to death. 狐狸是一種野生動物。 A fox is a wild animal. The fox is a wild animal. 我妹妹比你矮。 My sister is shorter than you. My sister is shorter than you. Äluz nä kiz haw läq. Go away. -l don't know. 這個議案合符我們的政策內容。 This measure is in accord with our policy. This proposal is in harmony with our policy content. 我的工作是什么? What are my tasks? What's my job? 我们只能滥用善良的。 We can only abuse of things that are good. We can only abuse the good. 那片云是鱼的形状。 That cloud is in the shape of a fish. The cloud is the shape of the fish. Kärä kä maiqcyawk phan. That stuff is poisonous. The first thing I've seen, it's just the last time I've seen it. 上帝創造了天地。 God created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. 规矩点。 Behave yourself. Do as you're told. Thawmz kä Meri raix rähumx mäk viix dzäm nawx. Tom hasn't seen Mary in three years. [ In German ] Do you have any idea who you're dealing with? 你喜不喜欢没关系。 Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. You like it. It's okay. 我丢了我的伞。 I lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. 我已经知道了呀,别在一旁瞎BB。 I got it, so no bullshit, okay? I already know. Don't be blind about the BB. Äpaiq kä känä yamlai väx rätäläq? What's he doing over there? Do you think it's too late? 車子經過的時候把泥水濺到了我的身上。 The passing car splashed muddy water on me. The car ran into me with mud. Nämz-mängx mi cyawng kuq lawt hän shäx? Can you tell us your name? I don't know what I'm talking about. ဒါက အမှား တစ်ခု ဆိုတာ ကျွန်တော် တော်တော်‌ကလေး သေချာ နေ တယ်။ I'm fairly certain it's a bug. I'm sure that this is one of the mistakes. 凶杀案于凌晨三到五点间发生。 The murder happened between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. The homicide took place between 3 and 5 a.m. in the morning. 离开屋里有多长辰光了? How long have you been alienated from your family? How long have you been out of the house? 看起来这都是天书。 That was all Chinese to me. Looks like it's all a book. 有时我真的不知道他在想什么。 Sometimes, I don't understand him. Sometimes I really don't know what he's thinking. 谁都希望世界和平。 We are all longing for peace in the world. Everyone wants peace in the world. 汤姆穿着跟昨天穿的衣服。 Tom is wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. Tom was wearing the clothes he wore yesterday. Thawmz kä Meri mäx phanshizraz kälawzke cyängz rätawx. Tom ought to do something for Mary. [ In German ] Thank you. 她已經死了十年了。 She has been dead for ten years. She's been dead for ten years. ငါ နင့်ကို ဖုန်း ခေါ်ဖို့ မေ့သွားခဲ့တာ ငါ တောင်းပန် ပါတယ်။ I'm sorry I forgot to call you. I beg you, I forgot to call you on the phone. Thawmz kä tämaitaiz raix tawx. Tom is tempted. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? 咪大個呀,伏嚟㗎。 Don't grow up. It's a trap! Big Mike, hang in there. 今天跟昨天一樣熱。 It is as hot a day as yesterday. Today's as hot as yesterday. 我们也是帮助他们的。 We helped them as well. We're also helping them. 你永遠都唔俾我做我想做嘅嘢。 You never let me do what I want to do. You'll never give me anything I want to do. 你不去吗? Won't you go? Aren't you going? 這房子鬧鬼。 The house is haunted. This house is full of ghosts. ကျွန်တော် ချယ်လို ကောင်းကောင်း တီးတတ် ဖို့ ဆန္ဒ ရှိတယ်။ I wish that I could play the cello better. I would like to play as well. 我打算八點在房裡吃早餐。 I'd like breakfast in my room at 8 sharp. I'm going to have breakfast in my room at 8:00. 我早晨总是喝两杯咖啡。 I always have two cups of coffee in the morning. I always had two coffees in the morning. 你后天有空吗? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Do you have a minute in the day after tomorrow? 汤姆一个月来这里三四次。 Tom comes here three or four times a month. Tom came here three or four a month. 我鍾意白玫瑰多過紅玫瑰。 I like white roses better than red ones. I love white roses more than red roses. 我姓王。 My name is Wang. My last name is King. 不要害羞。 Don't be shy. Don't be shy. 他的母親不想做。 His mother didn't want to do it. His mother doesn't want to do it. 汤姆把线拴在了风筝上。 Tom attached the string to the kite. Tom put the wire on the windshield. 阿Tom以前從來都唔食煙㗎,不過而家開始食咯。 Tom never used to smoke, but he does now. "Atom never ate anything before." But his family started eating. 就在那时,巴士停住了。 Just at that time, the bus stopped. Just then, the bus stopped. Vai rawngx i. Let's ask. Go get it. 嗯,仅此而已。 Yea, that's all it is. Well, that's all. 我当时在卫生间。 I was in the bathroom. I was in the bathroom. 你醒来了吗? Are you awake? Did you wake up? 交通是都市的一個主要問題。 Traffic is a major urban problem. Transport is a major problem in the city. 你曾經夢想在天空飛翔嗎? Do you ever dream about flying through the sky? Have you ever dreamed of flying in the sky? 请诸位斟满酒,为新郎和新娘干杯! Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom! Ladies and gentlemen, drink to the bride and groom! 你想吃什么? What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat? 飛機在雲層上飛著。 The plane flew above the clouds. The plane flew on the cloud floor. 我不能做體力勞動。 I'm unable to do manual labour. I can't do physical labor. Phaxcyet kä yürähex cyängz khawk nä. The towel is in the bathroom. [ In English ] No, no, no, no. 给我谈谈你未来的计划。 Tell me about your program for the future. Tell me about your future plan. 星期一截止報名。 Applications are due by Monday. Monday is closed. 你喜欢音乐吗? Do you like music? Do you like music? 他突然變得非常開心。 He suddenly became very happy. He suddenly became very happy. 這位老人家非常仁慈。 The old man is very kind. The old man is very kind. တွမ် ‌ပျော်နေတာပဲ ငါ မြင်ချင် တယ်။ I wanted to see Tom happy. I want to see it when I'm happy. 我頭痛得厲害。 I'm suffering from a bad headache. I have a lot of headaches. 你可不可以帮我把这些句子翻译成中文? Can you help me to translate these sentences into Chinese? Can you help me translate these sentences into Chinese? 我们早饭的面包刚够吃。 We have barely enough bread for breakfast. Our breakfast bread just ate enough. 这周我一直在工作。 I worked all this week. I've been working this week. “我想打牌。”“我也是。” "I feel like playing cards." "So do I." "I want to play cards." "So do I. 你喜欢做菜吗? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? 非常感謝你幫忙。 Thank you very much for your help. Thank you so much for helping. 他摘下了眼鏡。 He took off his glasses. He took off his glasses. 你上个夏季在波士顿吗? Were you in Boston last summer? Are you in Boston last summer? 我喜欢有幽默感的人。 I like people with a sense of humour. I like people with a sense of humor. 你的行為引起了許多的麻煩。 Your behavior is creating a lot of problems. Your behavior has caused a lot of trouble. 佢仲係懷疑緊。 He is still having doubts. Is he still in doubt? Ngiz mäx romocyaüx mi kuq haü shäx? Why don't you give me a ride? I don't know, I don't know. 你認為如何? What do you think about that? What do you think? 我們建議提高收費。 We suggest raising the fees. We recommend that the collection be increased. 我一定接近了。 I must be getting close. I'm sure I'm close. 有多少人知道我們? How many people know about us? How many people know about us? 我们之间有个叛徒。 We have a traitor among us. There's a traitor between us. 我觉得你应该考虑到未来。 I think you need to think about the future. I think you should take into account the future. 湯姆應該知道有誰可以教我們法文。 Tom probably knows someone who can teach us French. Tom should know who can teach us French. 她,這麼說好了,是個活字典。 She is, so to speak, a walking dictionary. She, well, it's a live dictionary. Jack这次肯定会成功。 Jack is bound to succeed this time. Jack will certainly succeed this time. 哥伦布发现了美洲。 Columbus discovered America. Columbus found America. 我希望当我在想我希望我是谁的时候我就是谁。 I wish I were what I was when I wished I were what I am. I wish I was who I wanted when I was thinking who I was. 今早又是在孩子的哭闹声中醒来的。 This morning, I woke up yet again to the sound of crying children. This morning, he woke up in the crying of his children. 我常常嗳气。 I often hiccup. I don't know what I'm talking about. 不要拉我的腿! Stop kidding me. Don't pull my leg! 革命的时候他被吊死了。 He was hanged during the Revolution. He was hanged at the time of the revolution. Ümznäq yamkhäx nawx väx? How have you been? I don't know. 我对这些都没有印象。 I don't remember any of it. I don't remember that either. 不要在這裡打棒球。 Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. 你去哪儿了?我去了理发店。 "Where have you been?" "I've been to the barber's." Where have you been? 我買了一條紅色的領帶。 I bought a red tie. I bought a red tie. 宇宙的實際大小至今無人知道。 To date nobody knows the actual size of the cosmos. The real size of the universe has so far been unknown. 後天是湯姆的生日。 The day after tomorrow is Tom's birthday. The day after is Tom's birthday. Delbert 好像有點神不守舍。 I think that Delbert is crazy. Delbert seems a little inconspicuous. 佢哋問我叫咩名、喺邊到嚟、嚟做咩。 They asked me what my name was, where I came from, and why I had come. They asked me, "What's my name?" It's here to do. Thawmz räq Meri mäx cyawng tawx, äkawngzti vez räq äpaiq mäx rit tälawx nguztä. Tom told Mary that her boyfriend was looking for her. You're right, there's no way out of here. Ngiz mäx cyawng läq. Tell me. Get out of here. 傳統唔一定啱。 Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it's right. The tradition is not certain. 他和她結婚十年了。 I have been married to her for ten years. He's been married to her for 10 years. 她故意把窗戶弄壞了。 She broke the window on purpose. She deliberately broke the window. 湯姆擅長烹飪。 Tom is good at cooking. Tom's good at cooking. 你放学以后干什么? What do you do after school? What are you doing after school? 这不关你的事。 That is no business of yours. It's none of your business. 汤姆不喜欢我。 Tom doesn't like me. Tom doesn't like me. 放在保險箱裏面的文件不見了。 The papers that were in the safe are gone. The document that is inside the wallet is missing. 湯姆也剛離婚。 Tom just got divorced, too. Tom just got divorced. 我要去看電影。 I want to go to see a movie. I'm gonna go see a movie. 一边站着。 Stand aside. Stand by. 我高兴你喜欢我的朋友们。 I'm glad you liked my friends. I'm glad you like my friends. 怎么办? What am I to do now? What do we do? Thawmz räq Jawn mäx Meri äta mängx kä yamkhäx väx rätäq kärä vai tawx. Tom asked John what Mary's last name was. [ In English ] Do you have any idea where you're going? 佢哋幫唔到我哋。 They were unable to help us. They can't help me. 他十年中第一次回家。 He returned home for the first time in ten years. He came home for the first time in 10 years. 我們還剩下很多時間。 We have plenty of time to spare. We've got a lot of time left. 乔纳森吃牌了,因为与对方球员打架。 Jonathan was booked because he got into a fight with a player on the other team. Jonathan got his cards because he fought with the other players. 我哥哥上個星期寄了一封信給我。 My brother sent me a letter last week. My brother sent me a letter last week. 我想在五點前到家。 I'd like to get home by five. I want to come home by 5:00. 亚娜在叶卡捷琳堡学习天体物理学。 Yana studies astrophysics in Yekaterinburg. Ana studied astrophysics in Yekaterinburg. 他们变得很紧张。 They became very nervous. They're getting nervous. 你介意我在這裏抽煙嗎? Would you mind me smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke here? 他知道怎么玩扑克。 He knows how to play poker. He knows how to play poker. 地球有幾多人住呢? How many human beings live on Earth? How many people live on Earth? 我覺得這張桌子低了點。 This desk is a little low for me. I think it's a little lower. 小孩一般來說都喜歡吃糖果。 In general, children are fond of candy. Children usually like candy. Tatoeba是一本辭典。 Tatoeba is a dictionary. Tatoeba is a dictionary. 我通常在十點前上床睡覺。 I usually go to bed before ten. I usually go to bed by 10:00. 如果他們必須先學拉丁文的話,是沒有機會讓羅馬人征服世界的對吧。 The Romans would never have had the chance to conquer the world if they had first been required to study Latin. If they had to learn Latin, there was no chance that the Romans would conquer the world, right? 我們在公園裏踫到她。 We happened to meet her in the park. We got her in the park. 没时间解释。 There is no time for explanation. There's no time to explain. 想吃一点巧克力奶酪吗? How about some chocolate cheese? Would you like some chocolate cheese? 由于最初设计中的一个缺陷,我们的网站易受到SQL注入攻击。 Because of a flaw in the original design, our website is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. As a result of a defect in the original design, our website is vulnerable to SQL injecting. 搿是喋喋骨骨苏州刺绣。 This is an authentic Suzhou embroidery. "It's the phantom of the Olympian. " 湯姆買六合彩贏咗一皮嘢。 Tom won $10,000 in the lottery. Tom bought a six-pronged piece of it. 阿尔及尔是一座有着超过三百多万人口的繁华都市。 Algiers is a bustling city of over three million people. Algiers is a city with more than 3 million people. 我要看病。 I'd like to see a doctor. I'm gonna be sick. 你膽子很大。 You've got a lot of guts. You've got a lot of balls. 我在這裡吃。 I eat here. I'm eating here. 我發現了一個很棒的東西! I've found something amazing! I found something wonderful! 她給了我們一個模糊的答案。 She gave us a vague answer. She gave us a vague answer. 她热忱地投身于这份光荣的事业。 He enthusiastically engaged himself in this honorable undertaking. She's in this glorious cause. 请把盐和胡椒粉拿给我。 Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Please bring me salt and pepper. འདི་མོ་རང་གི་སྐྱོན་རེད། It was her fault. This is the meaning of the change. 我的朋友是吃素的,可是我沒有告訴他湯裏有肉。 Even though my friend was a vegetarian, I didn't tell him that the soup had some meat in it. My friend is a vegan, but I didn't tell him there's meat in the soup. 寇至今相羊。 The criminal is still at large. Lots of sheep to date. 我有一点时间,但总是不多... I have some time, but never very much... I've got a little time, but I don't have much time. 泰国菜怎么样? How about Thai food? How's Thai food? 一些人批评了我们的决定。 Some people criticized our decision. Some have criticized our decision. 你不是他的对手。 You're no match for him. You're not his opponent. Rämri Viixnye! Happy New Year! Rämri Viixnye! 你能冷冻它吗? Can you freeze it? Can you freeze it? 彩虹橋有多長? How long is the Rainbow Bridge? How long is the Rainbow bridge? 他想做甚麼就能做甚麼。 He was able to do everything at will. He wants to do whatever he can. 祝你胃口好! Enjoy your meal! Bon appétit! 也許她明天會來。 Perhaps she will come tomorrow. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. 情况一天比一天差。 The situation is getting worse and worse day by day. The situation is worse a day than a day. 我放棄喇,開估啦。 I give up - tell me the answer. I give up, I'll do it. 这是你的帽子吗? Does this cap belong to you? Is this your hat? 邁克當選為主席。 Mike was elected chairperson. Mike was elected Chairman. 约翰对自己的能力很有自信。 John has confidence in his ability. John is confident in his ability. Ngiz kä mintsax vax li. I've been busy. I'll be right back. 你就是荒唐。 You're just being ridiculous. You're ridiculous. 我不介意在雨中漫步。 I don't mind walking in the rain. I don't mind walking in the rain. 他停止了读报。 He stopped reading the newspaper. He stopped reading. 你是我的生命当中最重要的人。 You're the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. 在去剧院的路上,我看到了一起车祸。 On my way to the theater I saw a traffic accident. On the way to the theater, I saw a car accident. 你今天準時上班了嗎? Were you on time for work today? Did you get to work today? Ümznäq yamlai väx cyawng rat tälaüx? What are you talking about? I don't know what I'm talking about. 這張木製的椅子六十英鎊。 This wooden chair costs sixty pounds. This wooden chair is 60 pounds. 不下50个乘客死了。 No fewer than 50 passengers were killed. No more than 50 passengers died. 看来他很好。 It seems that he is fine. Looks like he's fine. 就一個老師而言,她教書教得很快樂。 As far as the teacher was concerned, she was a joy to teach. In the case of a teacher, she's happy to teach. 她父母很漂亮,而她却长得一般。 Her parents are very beautiful, but she looks ordinary. Her parents were beautiful, and she looked normal. 你做咩咁夜先嚟探我哋呀? How come you call on us so late at night? Why did you come here to visit me so late? 我可以再要些咖啡嗎? May I have some more coffee? Can I get some more coffee? 對不起, 我錯開了你的信。 Excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. I'm sorry, I missed your letter. 我真係好想喺 Tatoeba 寫好多好多句句子,但係我有第二啲嘢要做。 I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I would really like to write a lot of sentences in Tatoeba. 你们在写什么? What are you writing? What are you writing? 那些是爆炸物嗎? Are those explosives? Are those explosives? 我哋幾時可以傾吓呢樣嘢呀? When can we have a discussion about this? When can I scare you? 我妈妈小心翼翼地打开门。 My mother opened the door very carefully. My mom's watching the door. 約翰很忌妒你有新車。 John is envious of your new car. John was jealous of you having a new car. 对他自己的成就他从不感到满意。 He was never content with his success. He was never satisfied with his own achievements. 湯姆明天早上離開神戶。 Tom is leaving Kobe tomorrow morning. Tom leaves The House tomorrow morning. 我的興趣是彈吉他。 My hobby is playing the guitar. I'm interested in playing guitar. 没有你这个城市孤单又冷清。 This city is cold and lonely without you. Without your city alone and cold. 她让我等了半小时。 She made me wait for half an hour. She asked me to wait half an hour. 那位選手在這次比賽中取得了三連勝。 That athlete won three times in a row in this tournament. The candidate won a three-way victory in this race. 不要碰我的車。 Leave my car alone. Don't touch my car. 他決定娶她。 He decided to marry her. He decided to marry her. 我也听过一个类似的故事。 I also heard a similar story. I've heard a similar story too. 汤姆说他吃腻了中国菜。 Tom said he's tired of eating Chinese food. Tom said he ate Chinese food. 你想吃什麼作晚餐? What would you like to eat for dinner? What would you like for dinner? 他在手上貼了一塊膠布。 He put a Band-Aid on his hand. He's got a piece of film on his hand. 趴下! Get down! Get down! 我和吉姆跑得一樣快。 I run as fast as Jim. I ran as fast as Jim did. 我觉得这难以置信。 It is hard for me to believe this. I don't think that's incredible. 山坡让滔滔的洪水往西流 The hillside had torrential flooding from the west. The slopes have led the flood to the west. Yamlai väx ra täläq? What do you want? Is there anything I can do about it? Ümznäq ävax rawx nguzraü kä kawngzkhu hiaz läq. If you want to come over, call first. If you want to know what's going on here, you'll have to take care of it. 他們視喬叟為英詩之父。 They referred to Chaucer as the father of English poetry. They see Joon as the father of the poem. Ümznäq kä ümbaz väx väx? Where are you from? Is there anything I can do about it? 他不喜欢我们。 He does not like us. He doesn't like us. 我有那么多衣服,以至于我不知道明天穿什么了。 I have so many clothes I don't know what to wear tomorrow. I have so many clothes that I don't know what to wear tomorrow. 这是落户。 That settles that. It's a drop. Kecyu mäq, änä kiz räx. Please come here. See if you can find out. 我没打算和她做朋友。 I made no attempt to make friends with her. I'm not going to be friends with her. 喏!伊来了! There! She comes! I'm coming! 你做乜喵喵叫? Why are you meowing? You've been screaming? Ngiz raix vaz läq. Come with me. Stop it, stop it, stop it. 我是大学生。 I'm a university student. I'm a college student. 我知道那種感覺。 I know the feeling. I know how that feels. မင်း ကိုယ့် အမေး ကို ကိုယ် ပြန်ဖြေ သင့်တယ် လို့ ကျွန်တော် ထင်တယ်။ I think that you just answered your own question. I think you should answer my question. 真希望我會游泳。 How I wish I could swim. I wish I could swim. 她坐在長椅上。 She sat on the bench. She's sitting on the bench. 我知道,您也很忙。 I know, your busy too. I know you're busy, too. 他不是大衛,他叫丹尼爾。 He is not David. His name is Daniel. He's not David. His name is Daniel. 我指望你的帮助。 I'm counting on your help. I count on your help. 你是我的救命恩人。 You are my saviour. You're my salvation man. 我俾你決定啦。 I'll let you decide. I'll take your decision. 揚名於後世,以顯父母,此孝之大者。 To raise one's name in later generations and thereby glorify one's parents, this is the greatest expression of filial piety. In the Hereafter, the father and the mother, the greater. 單人房還是雙人房? Single or double room? Single room or double room? 我幫了他那麼多的忙,他卻連一句感謝的話也沒有。 He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. We helped him so much, and he did not say a word of thanks. 我们就点十二个烤肉串吧! Let's order twenty shish kebabs! Let's order 12 grills! 你能以大约1000日元买下它。 You can buy it for a thousand yen or so. You can buy it for about 1000 yen. 可惜你不知道如何跳舞! It's a pity you don't know how to dance! Too bad you don't know how to dance! 我遇見了許多新的人。 I've met so many new people. I met a lot of new people. 佢哋實係蕩失咗路啦,如果唔係佢哋應該到咗好耐㗎喇。 They lost their way; otherwise, they would have arrived long ago. They are completely lost if they don't reach their own home and kids. 我在公交车上睡觉了。 I slept on the bus. I slept in the bus. 我的汽車不是紅色的, 而是藍色的。 My car is not red, it is blue. My car is not red, it's blue. 这本书的价格是5美元。 The price of the book was $5. The price of this book is $5. မိန်းမတွေ ကို ပျော်ရွှင်အောင် လုပ်ဖို့ ဆိုတာ မလွယ်လှ ဘူး။ It isn't easy to make women happy. It's not easy to make women happy. 你跟Paula說了什麼? What did you say to Paula? What did you tell Paula? 湯姆看來不是加拿大人。 Tom doesn't seem to be a Canadian. Tom seems not Canadian. 我喜歡運動。 I love sports. I like sports. 這件襯衫跟那條領帶不搭。 This shirt doesn't go with that tie at all. This shirt doesn't match that tie. 他没有孩子. He has no children. He doesn't have children. 把它放回桌子上。 Put it back on the desk. Put it back on the table. 不要過量捕殺地球上的鳥類和動物。 Don't kill too many birds and animals on earth. Don't go too far to kill birds and animals on Earth. 我今朝要准备夜饭。 I have to cook dinner today. I'm going to prepare dinner today. 我们能去别的地方吗? Could we go somewhere else? Can we go somewhere else? 我唔信你已經遇到拒。 I don't believe you've met him. I don't believe you have. 限制白糖和盐的消费。 Limit the consumption of white sugar and salt. Limit consumption of white sugar and salt. 是一幅漂亮的畫。 It's a beautiful painting. It's a pretty painting. 我对自己发誓今后不会再那么做。 I promised myself that I would never do that again. I swear to myself I'll never do that again. 汤姆和玛丽对那件事挺自豪的。 Tom and Mary are pretty proud of that. Tom and Mary were pretty proud of that. 母親以前很喜歡打網球。 My mother used to be into tennis. Mother used to like to play tennis. 你在那边见到的男人是我伯伯。 The man you see over there is my uncle. The man you saw over there was my Uncle. 我得去医院。 I have to get to the hospital. I have to go to the hospital. 喬治在事業上失敗了。 George failed in business. George failed in his career. 有個女人從船上掉進了海裏。 A woman fell from a ship into the sea. A woman fell into the sea from the ship. 这些都是很早的故事了。 These are very early stories. These are early stories. 這幾年的天氣很反常。 We've been having strange weather the past few years. The weather has been extremely severe for years. 这是我从来吃过最好吃的蛋糕。 This is the best cake that I have ever eaten. That's the best cake I ever had. 我们失去了它。 We lost it. We lost it. 你係咪真係鍾意我㗎? Do you really love me? You really like me? Thawmz yamlai väx pin täq nguztä säp rawx. I wish I knew what happened to Tom. Do you know why I'm here? 我大學畢業之後未試過玩得咁開心。 I haven't had that much fun since I left college. I haven't tried so much since college. 佢彈琴彈得好過我。 He plays the piano better than I do. He played so well over me. 湯姆大概不知道為什麼野餐取消了。 Tom probably doesn't know why the picnic was canceled. Tom probably doesn't know why the picnic was canceled. 我想看看。 I want to have a little look. I want to see it. ကျနော် နင့်ကို နက်ဖြန် မတွေ့နိုင်ဘူး။ I can't meet you tomorrow. Illumination cannot be found tomorrow. 我是从京都来的。 I'm from Kyoto. I'm from Kyoto. 現在只剩下這個方法了。 There's no other way than this now. Now that's the only way. 他說的話跑題了。 What he said was beside the point. He said something's gone wrong. 湯姆不想讓我們幫忙。 Tom doesn't want our help. Tom didn't want us to help. 時間就喺咁樣白白浪費嘞。 This is how time is all wasted. It's just a matter of time, and it's a waste of time. 遵守法律是每个人的责任。 To obey the law is everyone's duty. Compliance with the law is the responsibility of everyone. Ngiz phiqyaq rawx täkängx. I like tea. One, two, three, three. 在下雨。 It's raining. It's raining. 我明白。 I get it. I understand. 侬还活垃海,斯斯克? Are you still alive, Sysko? He's still alive, Skee? 這家賓館建於大約五十年前。 That hotel was established about 50 years ago. The hotel was built about 50 years ago. 你最喜歡哪一個哲學家? Who's your favorite philosopher? What is your favorite philosopher? 汤姆在爆炸中受伤。 Tom was injured in the blast. Tom was injured in the explosion. Ümznäq kä khushüx rakiix mänäx. You look very dignified. One, two, three, four, five, five, ten. 詹姆士遇上了陣雨。 James was caught in a shower. James met the rain. 飛機飛過了富士山的上空。 The plane flew over Mt. Fuji. The plane flew over Mount Fussan. 我弹钢琴。 I play the piano. I play the piano. 我们很想去。 We would like to go very much. We'd love to go. ကျွန်တော့် မှာ လက်ထပ် လက်စွပ် တော့ ရှိထား ပြီးပြီ။ I already have the wedding rings. My 14-year-old daughter is now getting a ring on her wedding ring. 孟子曰:「大人者,不失其赤子之心者也。」 The great one always has a pure heart. The children of men say: "The people of the land do not lose their hearts, nor do they lose their souls." 有人在這張沙發上睡過。 Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa. Someone's slept on this couch. 我覺得他是一個優秀的作家。 I consider him a great writer. I think he's a good writer. Iz-yaq nä phaqsia cyängz äsi. I have food. [ In German ] Thank you. 你的言行必须一致。 Your words must correspond with your actions. Your words must be consistent. 我對他的第一印象果然沒有錯。 My first impression of him proved to be correct. I'm not wrong with his first impression. 他也是推销员。 He's a salesman too. He's also a salesman. 你所要做的便是好好把握這千載難逢的機會。 All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. All you have to do is take good care of it. 我告訴了警察我所知道的。 I told the policeman what I knew. I told the cops what I know. 我不知道把拐杖放哪去了,你有看到嗎? I don't know where my crutches are. Have you seen them? I don't know where I put the staff. Did you see that? 他竟然叫你笨蛋。 He unexpectedly called you stupid. He calls you stupid. 我正在在波士顿读博士。 I'm in Boston going for my Ph.D. right now. I'm reading doctor in Boston. 我昨晚没睡好。 I didn't sleep well last night. I didn't sleep well last night. Ümznäq kä ümbaz väx väx? Where do you come from? Is there anything I can do about it? 我用五分鐘就算好了那道題。 The solution of the problem took me five minutes. I finished that question in five minutes. 寫下他的地址。 Put his address down. Write down his address. 这个画框能让画升值。 This picture frame can make the picture rise in value. This picture box will raise the value of the painting. 他來自一個小山城。 He came from a tiny mountain town. He's from a little mountain town. 波斯猫在桌子下面睡觉。 A Persian cat was sleeping under the table. The Persian cat's sleeping under the table. 除非是大活動,否則我是從不喝酒的。 I never drink unless there's a big event of some kind. Unless it is a big event, I never drink. 他绝不是说人坏话的人。 He is the last person to speak ill of others. He is not one of those who speak bad things. Äpaiq naiyumz naiyix rätawx. She smiled. That's what I'm talking about. 有大的嗎? Do you have big ones? Is it big? 垃韩国伊垃讲啥个语言? What languages do they speak in Korea? What language are you talking about? 汤姆和玛丽猎鹿去了。 Tom and Mary went deer hunting. Tom and Mary went hunting deer. 好容易噃。 It's easy. It's so easy. 鮑伯每個月寫一次信給我。 Bob writes to me once a month. Bob wrote to me every month. “哈哈哈!我们要让它下雨,小子们!下周这时候,我们就在钱里游泳了!” "Hahaha! We're going to make it rain, boys! By this time next week, we'll be swimming in cash!" "Haha! We'll let it rain, boys! Next week, we'll swim in the money!" 呢度附近有無郵政局? Is there a post office around here? There are no e-mails around here. 今天出现了很多问题。 Today, many problems were encountered. There are many problems today. 汤姆需要更新他的网站。 Tom needs to update his website. Tom needs to update his website. 我的傘在哪? Where is my umbrella? Where's my umbrella? 誰把這個弄壞了? Who broke this? Who broke this? 那笔钱改变了他的生活。 That money changed his life. That money changed his life. 今晚我將與你在一起。 I will be with you tonight. I'll be with you tonight. 我不能破例。 I can't make an exception. I can't make an exception. 這裏離東京很遠。 It is far from here to Tokyo. It's a long way from Tokyo. 你爸呢? How about your father? Where's your dad? 她昨天離開去倫敦。 She left for London yesterday. She left London yesterday. 我的家离学校很近。 My house is close to the school. My family is close to school. 食藥啦。 Take medicine. The medicine's gone. 我讀緊大學。 I'm a college student. I'm in college. 我没说。 I didn't say it. I didn't say. 你做咩喊呀?話俾我知啦。 Tell me what you're crying about. What are you talking about? 溫度計上的溫度跌到了零度以下。 The thermometer went down below zero. The temperature in the temperature figure fell below zero. 为躲避风暴,我们躲到了附近的一个谷仓内。 We took refuge from the storm in a nearby barn. To avoid the storm, we're hiding in a barn nearby. 我一直以您为荣。 I have always been proud of you. I've always been proud of you. 你想吃几串烤羊肉? How many kebabs will you have? What kind of roasted lamb do you want? 你不在的时候谁在照看狗? Who is looking after the dog while you are away? Who's looking after dogs when you're gone? Ümznäq kä cyawngmang shäx? Are you a student? I don't know. 我喺街度撞到個舊朋友。 Walking along the street, I met an old friend. I ran into an old friend in the street. 這間房子很大。 It's big for a house. This house is big. 你為什麼需要這筆錢? Why do you need this money? Why do you need this money? 如果我去中国的话,是为了尽可能多地说中文。 If I go to China, it'd be to speak Chinese as much as possible. If I go to China to speak Chinese as much as I can. 您想要多少工资? How much do you want in terms of salary? How much do you want? 把你的腿抬起來 Raise your leg. Keep your legs up. 我曾在一家饭店工作过。 I once worked in a restaurant. I used to work at a hotel. 谢谢侬吐脱伊。 Please spit. Thank you for vomiting off. 搿顶帽子对我讲起来忒小了。 The cap is too small for me. The hat is small to me. 呢個係我見過最靚嘅景。 This is the finest view I have ever seen. This is the biggest scene I've ever seen. 极度的放任会宠坏孩子。 Excessive indulgence spoiled the child. It's extremely liberal, it's bad for children. 這隻鷹抓到一隻老鼠。 The hawk caught a mouse. The eagle caught a mouse. 他企图说谎。 He tends to lie. He's trying to lie. 用英语说。 Say it in English. Speak in English. 我昨天碰到的男人是Hill先生。 The man I bumped into yesterday was Mr. Hill. The man I met yesterday was Mr. Hill. 你是在甚麼時候聽到那一下槍聲的? At what time did you hear the gunshot? When did you hear that shot? 谢谢你邀请我吃饭。 Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Thank you for inviting me to dinner. 饭菜不太好。 The meals are not too good. The food's not good. 這場生意正面臨著赤字。 The business is in the red. The business is facing a deficit. 她為孩子們做了餅乾。 She made cookies for the children. She made cookies for the kids. 佢好易攰。 He gets tired easily. He's so easy. 我想要更便宜点的双人间。 I would like a less expensive double room. I want to be more cheaply double-crossed. 告訴她我只是在跟她開玩笑。 Tell her that I am just joking with her. Tell her I'm just joking with her. 我不知道它是好是坏。 I do not know whether it is good or not. I don't know if it's good or bad. 他是個性格強、穩定且可靠的男人。 He is a man of strong, stable and trustworthy character. He is a powerful, stable and reliable man. 给我香槟,谢谢。 Champagne, please. Give me champagne, thank you. 我当然有资格这么说啦。 I am certainly entitled to speak like this. Of course I'm entitled to that. Ngiz ärä mätux cyezpat dzäm nawx shäm täkängx. I've been working on this for three weeks. That's the first thing I've seen in my life. 吉姆為他的女朋友瘋狂。 Jim is crazy about his girlfriend. Jim's crazy for his girlfriend. Ärä kä iz-naw, Meri. This is my sister, Mary. - See you, Meri. 我把空閒時間全都花在閱讀上。 I spend what time I can spare reading. I spent all my spare time reading. 她很努力工作。 She works very hard. She worked hard. 我知道要说什么。 I know what to say. I know what to say. 她用绘画来装饰墙。 She decorated the wall with pictures. She's using painting to dress up the wall. 你要小心一點。 You need to be more careful. You have to be careful. 我看見他逃跑了。 I saw him run away. I saw him run away. 湯姆現在沒在電視。 Tom isn't watching TV now. Tom's not on TV right now. 我学习的时候不要打扰我。 Don't distract me while I am studying. Don't bother me when I'm studying. 不可殺人! Don't kill people! You can't kill anyone! 他在遺囑裏說要把他的財產全部留給他的妻子。 He left all his property to his wife in his will. He said in his will he'd leave all his property to his wife. 猫在桌子底下。 The cat is under the table. Cat's under the table. 我們上社會課的時候談到了槍械管制的問題。 We discussed gun control in social studies class. We talked about the control of firearms while we were at social classes. 汤姆把钥匙拿出了口袋。 Tom took his keys out of his pocket. Tom took the key out of his pocket. 他們談論了愛情。 They talked about love. They talked about love. 我很高兴听到你知道她叫什么。 I am glad to hear that you know how she is called. I'm glad to hear you know her name. 他为他最要好的朋友的死感到悲伤。 He grieved at the death of his best friend. He was sad about the death of his best friend. 湯姆是一個非常好的網球選手。 Tom is a very good tennis player. Tom's a very good tennis player. 明天会下一场大雪。 Tomorrow there will be a big snowfall. Tomorrow's gonna be a big snow. 你生日嗰陣,我送架單車俾你吖。 I will give you a bike for your birthday. Your birthday, I'm sending a bike to you. 他勸她去報警。 She was advised by him to go to the police. He urged her to call the police. 她25岁就结婚了。 She got married at the age of 25. She was 25 years old and married. 对我们来说,最重要的是领会领导意图。 For us, what’s most important is understanding the intention of the leadership. Most important of all for us is the leadership of the Council. 我不再跟他一起生活了。 I'm not living with him anymore. I don't live with him anymore. 我退出。 I quit. I quit. 我弟弟似乎在大学过得很愉快。 My brother seems to enjoy himself at college. My brother seems very happy in college. 唔好咁貪心啦。 Don't be greedy. Don't be so greedy. 他迟早会回来的。 He will come back sooner or later. He'll be back sooner or later. 我不知道是否該同意或拒絕。 I do not know whether to accept or to refuse. I don't know if I should agree or refuse. 我任何地方都找不到我的傘。 I can't find my umbrella anywhere. I can't find my umbrella anywhere. 别在吃饭时读书。 Do not read during the meal. Don't read during dinner. 我爸爸在花园里。 My father's in the garden. My dad's in the garden. 那是不會發生的。 That won't happen. That's not gonna happen. 萨米准备去机场。 Sami is ready to leave for the airport. Sammy is going to the airport. 我能不能够订一个圣诞节时去夏威夷的位子? Can I reserve a seat to Hawaii for Christmas? Can I not have a seat in Hawaii for Christmas? 学校里有多少位教西班牙语的老师呢? How many teachers of Spanish are there at this high school? How many teachers in Spanish in school? 汤姆把伞落在了巴士上。 Tom left his umbrella on the bus. Tom left the umbrella on the bus. 这研究会怎么样? How was the seminar? What's going to happen to that? 我哋都係唔好再見面喇。 It would be better for both of us not to see each other anymore. I don't want to see you again. 請考慮一下。 Please think it over. Please think about it. 但是他喜欢长期的学校假期。 But he likes the long school holidays. But he likes long school holidays. 语言是人们与他人交流的手段。 Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Language is the means of communication between people and others. 哎呦好难受啊,全身发痒! Grr! I'm itchy all over, and it's driving me crazy. It's so hard. It's itchy. 其实,书面语我搞得相当好,但是口语中,我经常会记不起来某个字的音调。 I'm actually relatively good at written language, but with spoken language I often can't remember the tone on some word. In fact, it's pretty good for me to write, but I can't always remember a word. 件蛋糕喺我返到屋企之前已經俾人食晒。 The cake was all eaten up before I got home. The cake was eaten before I got home. 加拿大國歌的歌詞最初是用法文寫的。 The text of the national anthem of Canada was first written in French. The lyrics of Canadian national songs were originally written in French. Thawmz naix Meri kä ngiq pünz vax ädamz nä vaz tawx. Tom and Mary went fishing together. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Tom嘅太公天生係盲嘅。 Tom's great-grandfather was born blind. Tom's Tung is a blind person. 我唔肯定。 I don't know for certain. I'm not sure. 你很快就会习惯吃日本料理了。 You will soon get used to eating Japanese food. You'll get used to Japanese food soon. 没人能够预言这次合作的结果。 No one could predict the outcome of this cooperation. No one can predict the outcome of this cooperation. 只有少数的人是无忧无虑的。 Few people are free from cares. Only a few will have no concern. ငါ့ဆီက လိုချင်တယ်ဆိုတာက ဘာလဲ? What is it you want from me? What is it that you want from me? 我洗緊碗而家。 I'm washing the dishes. I cleaned up the bowl and the house. 汤姆是糖尿病患者。 Tom is diabetic. Tom's a diabetes patient. 他住在東京郊區。 He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo. 剩低兩日咋。 There are only two days left. Two days less. Cyap läq! Stand up! - Let's go! - Let's go! 隻雀仔好靚喎! What a beautiful bird it is! A birdie's so cute! Rämpumdziz kä ngiz räq ärawx punzthum. I like apples best. [ In German ] See if you can find something else. 人都是要死的。 Everyone dies. People are dying. 那本书在哪儿? Where is the book? Where's that book? 对现有代码做出任何修改前,你需要考虑后果。 You need to consider the consequences before making any modifications to existing code. The consequences need to be taken into account before any changes are made to the existing code. 你想去吗? Do you want to go there? Do you want to go? 我另有计划。 I made other plans. I've got another plan. ཁོང་ལ་དངུལ་མང་པོ་འདུག་། ཡིན་ནའང་ཁོང་སྐྱིད་པོ་མི་འདུག་། He has money, but he's not happy. I'm so dark. I'm so sorry. Thawmz räq ä-khuz-äkhia kärä räthap raütä khiathawngx nä thii baiq tawx. Tom folded his clothes and put them in his suitcase. Do you have any idea what you're going to do with your life? 这张照片有五个人。 There are five people in this photo. There are five people in this picture. 我弟弟手里拿着一个摄像机。 My brother is holding a camera in his hand. My brother's got a camera in his hand. 我不喜欢小孩。 I don't like kids. I don't like kids. 我哋以前住嗰間屋俾人拆咗喇。 The house in which we lived was torn down. I've been living in that house before. Ümznäq ngiz mäx mi khärumx haü shäx? Can you help me? Is there anything I can do about it? 图像在镜片中呈反向。 Through the lens the image was inverted. The image is redirected in the mirror. 一知半解很危險。 A little learning is a dangerous thing. I know it's dangerous. 你帮我把这两封信寄掉好吗? Help me send out these two letters, all right? Can you send these two letters off for me? 当心自家噢。 Take care. Be careful of yourself. 您最好穿一件雨衣。 You'd better put on a raincoat. You better wear a rainshirt. 我必須把我的電腦拿去給人家修理。 I have to get my computer repaired. I had to get my computer to fix it. 此外,中國人喜歡睡午覺。 What's more, Chinese people like taking naps. Moreover, the Chinese love to sleep. Thawmz naix Meri kä cyiizphaix nüx mäq äshaq puq ma khum vi tawx. Tom and Mary took a long walk through the countryside. Do you think it's time for me to take over? 你為什麼這麼晚回家? Why did you come home so late? Why are you coming home so late? 您该为您的粗鲁道歉。 You should apologize for your rudeness. You should apologize for your rudeness. 你想再來些醬汁嗎? Would you like some more gravy? Do you want some more sauce? 開始下雪了。 It was beginning to snow. It's starting to snow. Thawmz räq kä dapkaü thunx raläng raz nawx vaiq tawx. Tom has written a few textbooks. Do you think it's over and over again? 你尋日有無打電話俾佢? Did you call him up yesterday? Did you call him on the day you found him? 有冇攪錯? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with that? 应当多学东西。 You should learn more. More study should be done. 喺張檯度。 It's on the table. In China. 佢哋做完啲嘢就出咗去。 After they had finished their work, they went out. They went out when they were done. 她跟我說不要告訴任何人。所以我沒有說。 She told me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. She told me not to tell anyone, so I didn't. 小狗擺著尾巴。 The dog was wagging his tail. Dog's on the tail. 別擔心! 即使我喝酒了, 它對我的駕駛沒有影響。 Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. Even if I drink, it doesn't affect my driving. 我仲需要一啲時間準備。 I still need some time to prepare. I'm gonna need a little time to get ready. 十一時了,你該上床睡覺了。 It's already eleven. It's high time you were in bed. It's 11 o'clock. It's time for you to go to bed. 你的狗怎麼了? What's become of your dog? What happened to your dog? 那事已提前安排好了。 It had been arranged beforehand. That was scheduled in advance. 汤姆说他同情玛丽。 Tom said that he felt sorry for Mary. Tom said he felt sorry for Mary. 买新的电视不会让你幸福。 Buying a new TV won't make you happy. Buying new TV doesn't make you happy. 南希從來沒有不準時到達。 Nancy never fails to arrive on time. Nancy has never arrived on time. 唔,有啲難搞喎。 That's a bit of a problem. Well, something's hard to get off. Ngiz mäx tächix kuq läq. Show it to me. That's the first thing I've seen. ကျမဆီက လိုချင်တယ်ဆိုတာက ဘာလဲ? What is it you want from me? What does it want? 汤姆欠我们个情。 Tom owes us a favor. Tom owes us a favor. Naz-nyungz räq nazshiq mäx kuxkux sez mi ri kuq. Mom will buy us a puppy. You're going to ask me if I want to talk to you. 我餵我的孩子母乳。 I'm breast-feeding my baby. I feed my baby's milk. 侬啊有啥个食物是特别欢喜个或者勿欢喜个伐? Do you have strong likes and dislikes for certain food? What food is special or not? 人生苦短,我用 Python! Life's short, so I use Python! Life's short, I use Python! တွမ် သည် သူ၏ သူငယ်ချင်းများ နှင့် အပြင်ဘက်တွင် ကစား နေ သည်။ Tom is playing outside with his friends. Tum is playing outside with his friends. 吾袒。 I'm undressing. I love you. 如果佢諗住公司會畀佢五日嘅有薪假期,咁佢就要失望喇。 If she expects them to give her five days off work with pay, she's going to be disappointed. If he stays with his company for five days, it will be disappointed. 扔了這個爛香蕉。 Throw this rotten banana. Throw this bad banana. 人民的困难就是我们的困难。 The people's hardships are our hardships. The difficulties of the people are our difficulties. 我要戴頭盔。 I'd wear a helmet. I'm gonna wear a helmet. 這是我第一次看這麼可怕的電影。 This is the first time I have seen such a horrible movie. It's the first time I've seen such a horrible movie. 我再三申明无罪,但是没人听我讲。 I keep saying that I'm innocent, but no one will listen. I repeat the innocence, but no one listens to me. 跟我一起去钓鱼。 Come along with me and go fishing. Go fishing with me. 我哋喺度睇緊電視。 We are watching TV. I'm watching TV. 冇一個特徵係所有遊戲都有嘅。 There are no common properties shared by all games. No special traits have been found in all games. 中国是一个新兴市场。 China is an emerging market. China is an emerging market. Thawmz räq muzlaz kärä kiiq tawx. Tom peeled the carrots. Do you know where I'm going? 這瓶酸奶不含乳糖。 This bottle of yogurt is lactose-free. This sour milk doesn't contain sugar. Äpaiq khawqriiq hiax naiyumz naiyix rätawx. She smiled happily. If I don't drink too much, I won't drink too much. 我没有两只猫。 I don't have two cats. I don't have two cats. Äpaiq kä äsham naix äsak raix rängiax mäk He doesn't look his age. That's what they call "Rängiax". 有时候,我们应该后退一步想一想。 Once in a while, we should take a step back and think. Sometimes we should go back and think about it. 法国队守门员扑到地上截住了罗纳尔多的射门。 The goalkeeper for France dived to the ground and saved Ronaldo’s shot. The French guard arrived and stopped Ronaldo's shoot. 语言就是意识。 Language is awareness. Language is awareness. Jane在运动会之前把头发剃短了。 Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet. Jane cut her hair short before the Games. Bawsäton kä yamkhäx väx rawx tälaüx? How did you like Boston? I don't know. 希臘人以前是信奉多神的民族。 The Greeks used to worship several gods. Greek used to be a people of multiple gods. 他在她的旁邊。 He is at her side. He's next to her. 他看上去已经睡着了。 He seems to be asleep. He looks like he's asleep. 有恐為敗。 If there be fear, it would cause failure. I'm afraid of losing. 他裝作沒在聽。 He pretended not to be listening. He's pretending he's not listening. 做你認為正確的事。 Do what you think is right. Do what you think is right. 这些点都是病毒集中的地方。 All those dots are viral focuses. These point is where the virus is concentrated. 努力工作和敬业精神使你成功。 Hard work and dedication will bring you success. Working hard and working spirit has made you successful. 我哋不如唞陣先啦。 Shall we take a short rest? I don't think I'd like to start a game. 你什么时候回意大利? When will you come back to Italy? When are you going back to Italy? Ümznäq naix ümznäq tätämzhämz cyängz. You must control yourself. [ In German ] See if you can find out where they're going. 吾學也。 I study. I'm learning, too. 如果汤姆不服用处方药,他的健康状况可能会恶化。 If Tom doesn't take the prescribed medicine, his state of health might deteriorate. If Tom does not take prescription drugs, his state of health may worsen. Naq tämaz kiq. Don't worry. I'll be right back. Emi將學習英語。 Emi will study English. I will learn English. 他住在这里吗? Does he live here? Is he staying here? 几乎每个人都来了。 Almost everyone came. Almost everyone's coming. 我勿会得输个喔! I won't lose! I don't want to lose! 我不能幫你了。 I couldn't help you. I can't help you anymore. 他們要他作隊長。 They made him captain of the team. They want him to be captain. 凶手承认了自己的犯罪。 The murderer confessed his crime. The killer admitted his crime. Juddy 看着我。 Judy looked at me. Judy, look at me. 你放假的時候有要去哪裡嗎? Are you going anywhere for vacation? Where were you going when you were on vacation? 魔高一尺,道高一丈。 Good always wins over evil. One step at a time, one step at a time. 你在阁楼上做了什么? What were you doing in the attic? What are you doing upstairs? 这是我的照相机。 This is my camera. This is my camera. 她在鏡前停下腳步,自我欣賞了一番。 She stopped before the mirror to admire herself. She stopped in front of the mirror and I enjoyed it. 你可以為我把這份報告翻譯成意大利文嗎? Could you put this report into Italian for me? Can you translate this report into Italian for me? 不動心有道乎? Is there any way to an unperturbed mind? What's wrong with you? 讓我們去海邊吧。 Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. 如果你少说多听的话,你一定能学到点什么。 If you spoke less and listened more, you'd definitely be able to learn something. If you don't listen too much, you'll learn something. Muiriel现在20岁了。 Muiriel has turned twenty. Muiriel is 20 years old. 我忘記了這是誰說的。 I forget who said it. I forgot who it was. 唔好企咁埋。 Don't stand too close. I didn't want to bury it like this. 你什么时候去伦敦的? When did you go to London? When did you go to London? 如果汤姆没有做他应当做的事,请让我知道。 If Tom doesn't do what he's supposed to do, please let me know. If Tom didn't do what he was supposed to do, let me know. Ngiz läx vüz hiax vüz vanx kängx. I'm so fat. This is the last time I've seen it. 你住在那裡多久了? How long did you live there? How long have you been living there? 我細個嗰時差唔多日日都好早起身。 When I was a boy, I always got up early. It's not too late for me to get up. 他們甚麼也不會告訴我們。 They won't tell us anything. They won't tell us anything. 我一見到你就會想起你已故的父親。 I cannot see you without thinking of your late father. I'll remember your late father as soon as I see you. 富士山有多高? How high is Mt. Fuji? How high is Mount Fuss? 那飞机真大! How huge that airship is! That plane is huge! 早餐时间在七点到九点。 Breakfast is from seven to nine. The breakfast is between 7:00 and 9:00. 没有他的帮助,我会失败。 Without his help, I will fail. Without his help, I'll fail. 我吹次中音薩克斯風。 I play the tenor saxophone. I'm going to blow in the middle of the sound sax. 我很高興在這裡看到你。 I am happy to see you here. I'm glad to see you here. 这间宿舍住着两个美国留学生。 Two American students live in this dorm. This dorm is inhabited by two American retention students. 你識唔識用呢部相機呀? Do you know how to use this camera? Do you know how to use a camera? 什麼阻止你早點來了? What prevented you from coming earlier? What stopped you earlier? 请在7、8点之间打给我。 Please call me up between seven and eight. Call me between 7 and 8:00. 我必須在9點前到那裡。 I must get there by 9 o'clock. I have to get there by 9:00. 一萬加五千再加五角,加起來就是一萬五千零五角。 Ten thousand plus five thousand and five cents make fifteen thousand and five cents. One thousand plus 5,000 plus five, plus 15 thousand and five. 日本和英格兰哪个大? Which is larger, Japan or England? How big is Japan and England? 当我是个孩子的时候,我会把大部分时间都用于室内阅读。 When I was a child, I spent most of my time indoors reading. When I'm a kid, I'll spend most of my time indoor reading. Thawmz kä yäm nä kai rawx shäx? Does Tom want to go home? I don't know. 你不可以和我们一起去。 You can't come with us. You can't come with us. 我会给你开个药方。 I'll give you a prescription. I'll give you a prescription. 我唔識講康納達話。 I can't speak Kannada. I don't know what Connor says. 没事。 No problem. It's okay. 汽车旅馆可以接待多达400名客人。 The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests. The motel can receive up to 400 visitors. 你的學校有多少個學生? How many pupils are there in your school? How many students are in your school? 鞋子是一對一對的賣的。 Shoes are sold in pairs. Shoes are for sale. 那棟房子很大。 That house is big. The house is big. 他独自生活。 He lives by himself. He lives alone. 整个国家被大雪覆盖了。 The whole country was covered in snow. The entire country is covered by snow. 雪从周一下到周五。 It snowed from Monday to Friday. Snow from Monday to Friday. 富士山是日本最高的山。 Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. Mount Fussan is the highest mountain in Japan. 我很寂寞。 I'm very lonely. I'm lonely. 我搵咗好多人幫手,但係到目前為止都仲未有人幫到我。 I asked many people for help, but so far I haven't had any luck. I have been looking for help and no one has been able to help me until now. 我学习汉语。 I am learning Chinese. I'm learning Korean. 她有膽量說出來。 She had the nerve to speak out. She's got the guts to say it. 别忘了把垃圾拿出去。 Don't forget to take out the garbage. Don't forget to take the garbage out. 你不必這麼大聲說話。 You don't need to speak so loud. You don't have to speak so loud. 當牛舍的暖氣壞了, 你就會有牛奶味的冰塊。 When the heater in the barn fails, you get milk-flavoured ice cubes. When the cow's heat is broken, you'll have milky ice. 你什么时候喝咖啡? When do you drink coffee? When are you having coffee? 你為什麼說了這樣的事? Why did you say such a thing? Why did you say that? 肯去年在日本。 Ken was in Japan last year. Ken was in Japan last year. 在那裏放下來。 Set it down there. Put it down there. 明天我会问他的。 I will ask him tomorrow. I'll ask him tomorrow. 让我摸摸你的额头。 Come feel my forehead. Let me touch your head. 我尋日啱啱收到你嘅信。 I just got your letter yesterday. I'm looking for a date to receive your letter. 你们去哪里? Where are you going? Where are you going? 我有啲嘢想俾你睇呀。 There's something I'd like to show you. There's something I want to show you. 不要踐踏草地。 Don't trample on the grass. Don't hit the grass. 我們取得進步了嗎? Have we made progress? Have we made progress? 他已經失去了他的工作。 He has lost his job. He's lost his job. 我發現了我辦公桌上有張字條, 但是我不知道是誰寫的。 I noticed a note on my desk, but I do not know who wrote it. I found a note on my desk, but I don't know who wrote it. 他說的話不是真的。 What he said is not true. He's not real. 你認真㗎? Do you really mean that? Are you serious? Tsängxshiq räq tai vi tälawx. They obeyed. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 嗰兩個人偷偷地入咗間屋,俾人見到咗。 The two men were seen to steal into the house. Two of them entered the house and were seen. 我可唔可以講兩句呀? May I say something? Can I say something? 人們常說日文很難學。 Japanese is often said to be a difficult language to learn. People often say it's hard to learn Japanese. 這個男孩有一張紅潤的臉。 The boy had a red face. The boy has a red face. 我的房間就在樓上。 My room is just above. My room is upstairs. 那个包是我的。 That bag is mine. That bag is mine. 汤姆不想来。 Tom didn't want to come. Tom doesn't want to come. 汤姆在周一被埋了。 Tom was buried Monday. Tom was buried on Monday. 这是汉语书。 This is a Chinese language book. It's a Chinese book. 我真的很想要它。 I really do want that. I really want it. 我諗都冇諗過會喺啲噉嘅地方度撞到佢。 Never did I expect to see her in such a place. I have no idea where they will hit him where they are. 媽媽買了一條新的裙子給我。 My mother bought me a new dress. Mom bought me a new dress. 我爸爸不喜歡夏天炎熱的天氣。 My father does not like the heat of summer. My dad doesn't like the hot weather of summer. 你或许想和汤姆讨论一下。 You might want to discuss it with Tom. You might want to talk to Tom. 他用兩隻手抓住了繩子。 He grasped the rope with two hands. He's got the rope with two hands. 我哋要考慮呢個問題。 We have to take this problem into consideration. I'd like to consider this question. 我聽日去圖書館溫書。 Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. I went to the library every day. 各國有不同的飲食習慣。 Eating habits differ from country to country. There are different dietary habits in various countries. Thawmz räq tämaz kä ümznäq kä Bawtsäton nä nguztä. Tom thought you were in Boston. [ In German ] Do you understand why I'm here? 吃些火腿。 Have some ham. Have some hams. 不用害怕啦,這樣他才不會覺得你帶了什麼違禁品然後翻箱檢查耽誤時間。 Don't fear! This way he certainly won't think that you've brought any contraband, and won't cause a holdup by checking over your luggage. Don't be afraid, so he doesn't think you're carrying any contraband and checking the box for a short period of time. 就我所知,他是个很用功的学生。 As far as I know, he's a diligent student. As far as I know, he's a very good student. 她答應不單獨外出。 She promised not to go out alone. She promised not to go out alone. 講清楚啲。 Say it clearly. Let's get this straight. 用你的鼻子呼吸。 Breathe through your nose. Breathe with your nose. 女孩變魔術一樣地消失了。 The girl vanished like magic. The magic of girls disappears the same way. 人要衣裝。 Clothes make the man. People want to get dressed. 欧洲人喜欢喝酒。 Europeans like to drink wine. Europeans like to drink. 請你篇文用英式英文。 Please use British English in your text. Please read in English. 我不知道有没有时间。 I don't know whether I have time or not. I don't know if I have time. 他站在那里,一脸茫然。 He was standing there with a vacant look. He's standing there, all naked. 「而家幾點呀?」「三點四。」 "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." What time is it? 他又弄丟了雨傘。 He lost his umbrella again. He lost the umbrella again. 我什么都不需要。。。只要一条新裤子。 I don't need anything... just a new pair of pants. I don't need anything. Just a new pants. 你可以用肉眼睇星星,用望遠鏡嘅話,仲可以睇得清楚啲添。 You can see the stars with your naked eye, and even better through a telescope. You can view the stars, and use telescopes to see them clearly. 修飾名詞的東西(形容詞,或形容詞相等語)。 Things that modify nouns (adjective, or adjectival equivalent). something to be corrected (definitely, or otherwise). 春天,万物复苏。 In summer, everything will recover. In the spring, everything is recovered. 你的船不大。 Your ferry is not big. Your boat's not big. ခင်ဗျား ကိုယ့် ကို ကိုယ် ဂရုမစိုက် လို့ ဒီလိုတွေ ဖြစ်ခဲ့ရတာ။ That happened to you because you weren't careful. You don’t care about yourself. It’s like this: You don’t care about yourself. 她驚訝得說不出話來。 Her surprise was so great that she could not speak. She's surprised she couldn't say anything. 句子里有一个错误。 There is a mistake in the sentence. There was a mistake in the sentence. 聽日會唔會落雨㗎? Will it rain tomorrow? I don't think it's gonna rain. 我不会卖这个树影。 I won't sell this tree shade. I'm not selling this tree. 麻煩你俾個餐牌同酒單我吖唔該。 May I have the menu and the wine list? I don't think so, please. 你尋日喺我辦工室度見到嗰個人係比利時人嚟嘅。 The man you saw in my office yesterday is from Belgium. You'll see someone in my room when the people are relative to Billy. 存乎亡乎,豈不惑哉! To be or not to be, that is the question. What a shame! 我再也吃勿牢了。 I cannot eat any more. I don't want to go to jail anymore. 我会让你幸福的。 I will make you happy. I'll make you happy. 看,厨房里有一只猫。 Look, there's a cat in the kitchen. Look, there's a cat in the kitchen. Nyungzrüsez änaix äsi. I have two cousins. [ In German ] Yes, ma'am. 那麼, 你決定好了嗎? Well, have you decided? So, did you decide? 他是个有为的青年。 He is a promising young man. He's a good young man. 他在日本也很有名。 He is also very famous in Japan. He is also famous in Japan. 我爸爸参加了料理竞赛并得了第一名。 My father participated in a cooking contest and came in first. My dad took part in the Equator competition and won the first. 這棟老房子被拆除了,以騰出空間給超級市場。 The old houses were torn down to make room for a supermarket. The old house was demolished to open up space for the supermarket. 我明年17岁。 I'll be seventeen next year. I'm 17 years old. 汤姆给她看了圣诞老人寄来的信。 Tom showed her the letter from Santa Claus. Tom showed her the letter from Santa. 你到底在这儿做什么? Whatever are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? 她養一隻鸚鵡作為寵物。 She keeps a parrot as a pet. She raised a camel as a pet. 爱迪生不是个优秀的学生。 Edison was not a bright student. Edison is not a good student. 请你给我一杯水。 Please give me a cup of water. Give me a glass of water, please. Ngiz vawkdzi. I have a stomachache. I'll be right back. 你喺邊度秤㗎? Where did you weigh them? You won on the edge? 我想让你给汤姆带个信。 I want you to bring Tom a letter. I want you to get tom a message. 我們明天會有客人。 We will have guests tomorrow. We'll have guests tomorrow. Ngiz äpaiq mäx yiiqnaix yiiqdzäm nawx rähumx täkängx. I met him several times. That's the first time I've seen him. 不要对狗丢石头。 Don't throw a stone at the dog. Don't throw rocks on dogs. 很多貧窮的学生得到会计科。 Many poor students are given bursaries. Many poor students have access to the Accounting Section. 操你媽。 Fuck your mom. Fuck you. 係咪呀,都唔係真係咁難啫? See, that wasn't so difficult, was it? Isn't it that difficult? 谢谢侬拿水瓶灌满。 Please fill this water bottle. Thank you for the water bottle filled. 历史课总是根据时间和地点的差异在不同情况下显示出不同的结论,即便是现在发生的也可能是相反的。 The lesson of history is always that things have been otherwise in different times and places and thus could now be otherwise as well. History courses have always shown different conclusions in different contexts depending on the differences between time and location, even if they are now happening. 你的行李超重了。 His luggage is overweight. Your luggage is too heavy. 你為什麼不聽他的忠告? Why don't you listen to his advice? Why didn't you listen to his advice? 小镇被暴风雨后的洪水摧毁了。 The town was destroyed by the flood after the storm. The town was destroyed by the floods following the storm. 七点叫醒我。 Wake me up at seven. Wake me up at 7:00. 當流浪漢有錢了, 就被稱為遊客。 The vagabond, when rich, is called a tourist. When the homeless have money, they are called tourists. 湯姆不喜歡這個主意。 Tom didn't like the idea. Tom doesn't like the idea. 我不知你是否知道,但在美国你要给服务员付小费。 I don't know if you know or not, but here in America you're expected to tip the waiter. I don't know if you know, but in the United States you're gonna pay for the waiter. 新教徒對聖經感到厭煩了嗎? Are Protestants tired of the Bible? Are the Protestants sick of the Bible? အိမ်မှာပဲနေပါ။ Stay home. Stay at home. 今天她满10岁了。 Today she turns ten years old. She's 10 years old today. 吃早餐之前先澆花。 Water the flowers before you have breakfast. Before breakfast. 呢啲睡衣好吸汗。 These pajamas absorb sweat well. Nice sweatin' on those nightgowns. 要我打網球打贏佢唔係冇可能都好難啦。 It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to beat him at tennis. It's never gonna be easy for me to win a tennis game. 我要預約。 I'd like to make a reservation. I want an appointment. 汤姆笑了。 Tom smiled. Tom laughed. 我喺警署。 I'm at the police station. I'm in the police station. 愛人者眾,知愛人者寡。 There are many of those who love people; those who know people are few. And the beloved, the beloved, the widow. Thawmz lam räcyawngx cyängz yam mänz ähüz. That's no way to talk about Tom. [ In German ] Do you have any idea what this means? 正确! Correct! That's right! 我好久没见我父母了,老板派我去英国出差,我趁这个机会回家看望父母 I have not seen my parents in a long time, my boss has sent me to England for a business trip, I'll use the opportunity to visit my parents. I haven't seen my parents for a long time. 他畫了一幅玫瑰的畫。 He painted a picture of roses. He drew a rose. Tom對我很好。 Tom is good to me. Tom was nice to me. 听那些只看CCAV的老百姓进行全球经济的个人分析一直是很有趣的。 Listening to the personal analysis about global economy made by people who watch only CCAV has always been kinda funny. Personal analysis of the global economy by the people who only look at CCAV has always been interesting. 由于两个竞争对手的一项新协议,我们需要重新调整战略。 In consequence of a new agreement between two competitors, we need to readjust our strategies. As a new agreement between the two competitors, we need to realign the strategy. 我甚至不知道汤姆有没有上过大学。 I don't even know if Tom went to college or not. I don't even know if Tom ever went to college. 我愛大自然。 I love nature. I love nature. 她的女朋友真算飞机场。 Her girlfriend is completely flat-chested. Her girlfriend really count the airport. 他弄丟了一本書。 He lost a book. He lost a book. 始則移東補西,繼則左支右絀。 At first, we could make ends meet, but as it continued we became unable to cover our expenses. They move to the east and the left to the right. 如果你唔想考試肥佬,就要勤力啲溫書喇。 You'll have to work hard if you want to pass the exam. If you don't want to test the fat guy, you're gonna have to work on the spaghetti. Thawmz, ärä kä iz-naw. Tom, this is my brother, John. [ In German ] Thank you. 京都有老多个神社。 There are many shrines in Kyoto. There are many old shrines in Kyoto. 這是一個歷史的轉折點。 This is a turning point in history. This is a turning point for history. 哀面一眼勿是㑚个书? Those books aren't yours? Is it a book? 這本書看起來很有趣。 This book looks interesting. The book looks fun. Tsängxshiq räq ra mi yun nguztä nguz tawx. They say it will rain. Whether you're out of your mind or out of your mind. 比爾拿了一杯水給我。 Bill brought me a glass of water. Bill took me a glass of water. 没问题! No problem! No problem! 火车站离这里不远。 The train station is not far from here. It's not far from here. 这张照片是在奈良市拍的. This photo was taken in Nara. This picture was taken in the Nile City. 我不同意你的看法。 I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. 这么做没什么好处。 Doing things in this way has no benefit. It's not good to do that. 我以为你知道所以我就问问。 I asked because I thought you knew. I thought you knew that so I asked. 你知道Rie Miyazawa是誰嗎? Do you know who Rie Miyazawa is? Do you know who Rie Miyazawa is? 您將在這裡待多久? How long will you be staying here? How long are you gonna be here? 我就算說上三天三夜,恐怕也不能把一切解釋清楚。 It would take forever for me to explain everything. I'd say three days and three nights, and I'm afraid I can't explain anything. 我们还得回去。 We'll have to go back. We have to go back. Iz-khawk mawng nä yamlai väx rätälänx? What are you doing in my room? I don't know. 所有傑克做的事就是睡覺。 All Jack does is sleep. All Jack did was sleep. 現今每個人都對天花免疫了。 Everybody is immune to smallpox nowadays. Today everyone is immune to the flowers. 高中毕业之后我就没那样做过了。 I haven't done that since high school. I haven't done that since high school. 今天下午天氣會很好。 It will be fine this afternoon. The weather will be fine this afternoon. 您愿意跟我换座位吗? Will you switch seats with me? Would you like to change seats with me? 如果我出咗去嗰陣有人打俾我,就話俾佢聽我五點前會返嚟。 If anyone calls me up while I'm away, tell them I'll be back by five. If I go out and someone calls me, he'll be back by 5:00. 不用客氣,隨便坐吧。 Please make yourself comfortable. You're welcome. Have a seat. 你怎样作出的解释? How do you account for that? How did you explain it? 我可以用支票付吗? May I pay by check? Can I pay it with a check? 他要多少? How many does he want? How much does he want? 床下有一只猫。 There is a cat under the bed. There's a cat under the bed. Ümznäq kä iz-khrumx ra mäk nguztä kä äsängz diax shäx? Are you sure you don't need my help? I don't know. I don't want to talk about it. 你怎么知道? How do you know? How do you know? 我不會說日語。 I couldn't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. 我知道我欠你錢。 I know I owe you money. I know I owe you money. 你不應該把水混入葡萄酒裡。 You should not adulterate wine with water. You shouldn't have mixed water into wine. 您可以使用此电话。 You can use that phone. You can use this phone. 为什么汤姆叫我玛丽? Why does Tom call me Mary? Why does Tom call me Mary? 個差人拉咗個賊。 The police officer arrested the burglar. The police pulled a thief. 我們誤以為他是美國人。 We mistook him for an American. We thought he was an American. 你对复合碳水化合物有什么了解吗? Do you know anything about complex carbohydrates? Do you know anything about metrocarbon compounds? Shäm rawngx i. Let's work. Let's get out of here. 她很想知道那束花是誰寄來的。 She is curious to find who sent the flowers. She wants to know who sent the flowers. 他和一个美国女人结婚了。 He is married to an American lady. He's married to an American woman. 你走得好快啊! How fast you walk! You're moving fast! 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 Once bitten, twice shy. One towards being bit by snakes, ten years afraid of a rope. 阿 Tony 打網球真係好勁呀! What a good tennis player Tony is! Tony, that's a good game! Thawmz kä bas'noztoz law mäk rätawx. Tom was late for the bus. I don't know what you're talking about. 只要有你在我的身邊,我就別無他求了。 If you are by my side, I don't need anything else. As long as you're around me, I'll leave him alone. ငါ ဒီ အတန်း ကို မကြိုက် ဘူး။ I don't like this class. I don't like this class. 我可以獨自做。 I can do it alone. I can do it alone. 存在係一個冇意義嘅概念。 Existence is a meaningless concept. A concept that does not mean anything. 我哭了一整晚。 I cried all night long. I cried all night. 那是一個十分傳統的儀式。 It was a very traditional ceremony. It's a very traditional ritual. 人類適應環境變化的能力很強。 Man has a great capacity to adapt to environmental changes. Human capacity to cope with environmental change is strong. 九月我將滿十六歲。 I'll be sixteen in September. I will be 16 years old.