تعال لتأخذنا. Come get us. Come and get us. הוא רוחץ את האופניים כל שבוע. He washes the bike every week. He washes his bike every week. אינני יודע איפה. I don't know where. I don't know where. הם מכבדים אותו. They respect him. They respect him. אני בטוחה שזה יהיה כיף. I'm sure that it'll be fun. I'm sure it'll be fun. قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I have met him on several occasions. بدأ روبرت يشتكي من ألم في الصدر. Robert began complaining about chest pain. Robert began to complain of chest pain. بدأ سامي الأكل. Sami started eating. Sammy started eating. חירות היא מה שאת עושה עם מה שעשו לך. Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you. Freedom is what you do with what you've been made. התוכל לספר לי אודות צפרות? Would you please tell me the story about bird watching? Can you tell me about the birds? هذه الجملة ليس لها أي معنى. This sentence doesn't make sense. This sentence has no meaning. אם תרטיב את הרגלים תצטנן. If your feet get wet, you'll catch a cold. If you wet your feet, you'll catch a cold. תום עשוי להיות ברירה טובה. Tom would be a good choice. Tom might be a good choice. أفسد سامي الحفل. Sami ruined the party. Sammy ruined the party. עלינו לשאוף לשמר את אוצרותינו הטבעיים. We must try to conserve our natural resources. We must strive to preserve our natural treasures. אני לוקחת את זה לתום. I'm taking this to Tom. I'm taking this to Tom. زيري موريتاني. Ziri is Mauritanian. Ziri Moritani. הבטחתי. I promised. I promised. يقطن زيري في ناحية بعيدة من القرية. Ziri lives in a remote part of the village. Ziri lives in a remote part of the village. המחזמר הזה מגיעה לווסט אנד? Is that musical coming to the West End? Is this musical coming to West End? ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Can you put it another way? قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. You may not eat the gauze from Kocha, you may not want to eat more. أنتَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. You must find work. You have to find a job. ትፈልግሃለች። She wants you. She's looking for you. أمضى سامي و ليلى بعض الوقت معا في مطعم محليّ للوجبات الخفيفة. Sami and Layla hung out at the local diner. Sammy and Leila spent some time together in a local snack restaurant. اشتغلت ليلى في نادٍ للتّعرّي آملة أن تربح المال بسرعة. Layla worked at a strip club, hoping to earn a quick buck. Layla worked at a strip club hoping to make money fast. חשבתי שתום רווק. I thought that Tom was single. I thought Tom was single. زيري يستريح. Ziri is resting. Ziri's resting. سامي مسلم منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami has been Muslim for six years. Sam has been a Muslim for six years. أختلف معك. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Are you doing this on purpose? قمت فقط بتنظيف جميع الطاولات I just cleaned all the tables. I just cleaned all the tables. זה היה מדהים. That was amazing. That was amazing. היא חבקה את התינוק לחזה. She hugged the baby to her breast. She hugged the baby to the chest. سامي عليه الانتظار أكثر. Sami should wait a little bit. Sammy has to wait longer. כשהגעתי, כולם כבר עזבו. By the time I arrived, everybody had already gone. When I arrived, everyone had already left. اشترت رطليْ زبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. I bought two pounds of butter. היא באמבטיה. She's in the bath. She's in the tub. لست كبيرا بما يكفي لتحصل علي رخصة قيادة. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. You're not old enough to get a driver's license. נהניתם מההופעה? Did you like the show? Did you enjoy the show? זאת חגיגה. It's a celebration. It's a celebration. תסתכלי על התמונה הזאת. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. زيري ليس هنا. Ziri is away. Ziri's not here. لمن هذين الحذائين؟ Whose shoes are these? Whose shoes are these? ساعد يانّي سكورة في قطف ثمار التّين. Yanni helped Skura pick figs. Help Yanni Skoura pick the fruit of the fig. هو الوحيد لي نبغيه. He's the only one I love. He's the only one I need. אני חייב לו את הצלחתי. I owe my success to him. I owe him my success. תום בוודאי השתוקק לדעת. Tom was obviously dying to know. Tom wanted to know. شعر زيري بالمرض. Ziri felt sick. Ziri felt sick. يعرف توم المدينة جيدا Tom knows the city very well. Tom knows the city well. ماذا طبختن؟ What did you cook? What did you cook? בילדותי היה לי כלב שאהב לאכול אבטיח, מנדרינות ושסק. In my childhood I had a dog that loved to eat watermelon, mandarins and loquats. When I was a kid, I had a dog who liked to eat watermelon, mandarins and sashek. ያቺ መኪና ስንት ነው? How much does that car cost? What's that car? كانت ليلى بمثابة عمود عند أهل البلدة. Layla was a pillar of the community. Leila was a pillar of the town. תום כבאי מתנדב. Tom is a volunteer fireman. Tom is a volunteer firefighter. אינני חושבת שאיש מכם מודע לחשיבות של זה. I don't think any of you realize the importance of this. I don't think any of you are aware of the importance of this. لا تعاملني وكأني طفل. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like a child. כבר אין לי טלפון נייד. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. شربت القهوة. I drank the coffee. I drank coffee. واصل زيري نزهتة. Ziri continued his walk. Ziri continued his picnic. אז אני יכול לישון עדיין עוד חמש דקות. Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep. So I can still sleep in five minutes. لقد أعددت لك الفطور I cooked breakfast for you. I made you breakfast. Ma nifhimx. I don't get it. I don't understand. لا يمكن لمال سامي أن يقتني له السّعادة. Sami's money can't buy him happiness. Sammy's money can't buy him happiness. زيري بحبّ المال. Ziri loves money. Visit with love of money. כתוצאה מתאונת הדרכים הנהג נפצע קשות ונוסע אחד קיפח את חייו. As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died. As a result of the car accident, the driver was seriously injured and one passenger lost his life. تمّ اعتقال زيري. Ziri was apprehended. Ziri was arrested. مدرّسنا للرّساضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. Our math teacher sucks. אתה שם בהחלט המון סוכר בקפה שלך. You sure do put a lot of sugar in your coffee. You definitely put a lot of sugar in your coffee. תום לא יכול לנצח והוא יודע זאת. Tom can't win and he knows it. Tom can't win and he knows it. زيري يذهب للتخييم كل صيف. Ziri goes camping every summer. Ziri goes camping every summer. تفضّل طلبك. Here's your order. Here's your order. لا يحترق البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not burn easily. Plastic does not burn easily. היא התעלפה כשהיא ראתה דם. She fainted when she saw blood. She fainted when she saw blood. سيكون الغد أفضل! Tomorrow will be better! Tomorrow will be better! عيناي تؤلمانني. My eyes hurt. My eyes hurt. دعونا نبدأ على الفور. Let's get started right away. Let's get started right away. הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא ישן. He pretended to be sleeping. He pretended to be asleep. גנבו לי את הארנק באוטובוס. I had my purse stolen in the bus. My wallet was stolen on the bus. صنعت لي أمي حقيبة. My mother made me a bag. My mom made me a bag. لن يكون أبي مشغولاً غداً. My father won't be busy tomorrow. My dad won't be busy tomorrow. الحاسوب موضوع على يسار السيدات. The computer is placed to the left of the women. The computer's on the left of the ladies. ألم تعد تحبّني؟ Aren't you in love with me anymore? Don't you love me anymore? لقد اختفى فاضل. Fadil is missing. Fadel is gone. ተቈጥቼ ነበር። I was angry. I was angry. אני לא חושב שג'ון מתאים לתפקיד הזה. I don't think John is suited for the job. I don't think John's fit for this job. كانت عند سامي كلاب حراسة. Sami had guard dogs. Sammy had guard dogs. הגבעה היתה מכוסה כולה בשלג. The hill was all covered with snow. The whole hill was covered with snow. زيري طويل حقا. Ziri is real tall. Cherry's really tall. فاتته الحافلة. He missed the bus. He missed the bus. سوف ننطلق عندما يخفّ هطول المطر. We set out when the rain had eased. We'll go when the rain's gone. استعمل هاتفك. Use your phone. Use your phone. زيري ثري. Ziri is wealthy. Cherry's rich. أخبرتني أنها تريد كلباً أليفاً. She told me that she wanted a pet dog. She told me she wanted a pet dog. أخي صغير لكنه قوي. My brother is small but strong. My brother is young but strong. למה נפטון כחול? Why is Neptune blue? Why Neptune Blue? هذه السيارة أكبر من تلك. This car is bigger than that one. This car is bigger than that. رأى زيري دما في كل مكان. Ziri saw blood everywhere. Ziri saw blood everywhere. هل لك أن توصلني إلى البيت؟ Will you drive me home? Can you drive me home? راني نسالهالك. I have a bone to pick with you. Rani Nsalhak. كانت لدى سامي حياة خفيّة. Sami had a secret life. Sammy had a hidden life. هل يوجد متجر هناك؟ Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? אני לא זוכר שום דבר. I can't remember a thing. I don't remember anything. הוא אחד מהמוחות הטובים במדינה. He is one of the best brains in our country. He's one of the best minds in the country. קח את הכובע ואת המעיל. Get your hat and coat. Take your hat and coat. توم زاد في أستراليا و كْبَر ثمّاك. Tom was born in Australia and grew up there. Tom grew up in Australia. הוא הסתיר את יגונו מאחורי חיוך. He hid his grief behind a smile. He hid his grief behind a smile. תבלו בנשף! Have a ball at the ball! Have fun at the ball! اتّصل زيري بالأمن. Ziri called security. Ziri called security. זאת הייתה שגיאה לשמור את הדבר בסוד. It was a mistake to keep that matter secret. It was a mistake to keep it a secret. أُغْلِقَتْ نوافِذِي. My windows were closed. My windows are shut. הטקסט הזה מיועד למתחילים. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is for beginners. אתה פשוט אוהב לעשות רע לאנשים, נכון? You just love to hurt people, don't you? You just like to do bad to people, don't you? אתה יכול לראות את הכוכבים הלילה? Can you see the stars tonight? Can you see the stars tonight? אנו צריכים לעשות את הכל בעצמנו. We should do everything ourselves. We have to do everything ourselves. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّسة بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after school. كان زيري يبيع البسكويت. Ziri sold cookies. Ziri was selling biscuits. حان وقت الإستيقاظ. Time to get up. It's time to wake up. פשוט צלצל אליו. Just call him. Just call him. أحبّ ذلك المغنّي حقّا. I really dig that singer. I really like that singer. את פנויה הערב? Are you free tonight? You free tonight? زيري يحب الشّعر. Ziri loves poetry. Ziri likes the hair. מוטב שנבדוק את זה. We'd better check it out. We'd better check it out. افترس سامي انفتاح ليلى و ضعفها, Sami preyed on Layla's openness and vulnerability. Sami preyed on Layla's openness and weakness, لدي شعور أنه محق. I have a feeling he is right. I have a feeling he's right. كان زيري طلاقا. Ziri was free. Ziri was divorced. דבורים מספקים לנו דבש. Bees provide honey for us. Bees give us honey. كان يتصرّف بشكل غريب. He acted strange. He was acting weird. אני משוכנע ביושרו. I am convinced of his honesty. I'm convinced of his honesty. كان ماثيو بحب التنزه في الغابة الكثيفة التي كانت بجوار منزله. Matthew loved to hike through the dense forest near his home. Matthew was fond of hiking in the dense forest that was next to his house. أنا غنيتُ أغنيةً. I sang a song. I sang a song. Fil-ktieb hemm għaxart eżerċizzji. There are ten exercises in the book. There are 10 exercises in the book. لم نرى ما كنا نريد أن نراه. We haven't seen what we need to see. We didn’t see what we wanted to see. من الواضح انه خرب . It's obviously ruined. It's obviously ruined. باريس إحدى أكثر مدن العالم زيارةً. Paris is one of the world’s most visited cities. Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world. هذا أول رمضان لياني في الجزائر. This is Yanni's first ever Ramadan in Algeria. This is the first Ramadan in Algeria. אני נבוכה. I'm confused. I'm embarrassed. אני מאמין בשיטה הזו של הוראה. I believe in this method of teaching. I believe in this method of teaching. הם התבלבלו כשהם אמרו לכם את זה. They got confused when they said that to you guys. They got confused when they told you that. أنا مستعدة! أيمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? I'm ready, can we go? עברתי בקרונות הרכבת כדי למצוא מקום. I walked through the cars of the train to find a seat. I went by the train cars to find a place. እኔ ከሲንጋፖር ነኝ። I'm from Singapore. I am from Singapore. היא אוהבת לשיר. She loves singing. She likes to sing. האוצר נהיה גלוי אחרי שהים הזיז את החול. The treasure became visible after the sea moved the sand. The treasure became visible after the sea moved the sand. فعل ما طلبت منه تماماً. He did exactly what I told him to do. He did exactly what I asked him to do. אני רוצה להישאר פה. I want to stay here. I want to stay here. أين الفتيات؟ Where are the girls? Where are the girls? צחקתי. I was laughing. I was kidding. מה שם ההר הגבוה בגרמניה? What's the name of the highest mountain in Germany? What is the name of the highest mountain in Germany? نظرا للوقت المتأخّر، ألحّ سامي على ليلى كي تمضي اللّيلة في شقّته. Because it was late, Sami encouraged Layla to spend the night in his apartment. Due to the late hour, Sami urged Layla to spend the night at his apartment. أنا على يقين أنه هكذا جرى الأمر. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened. I'm sure that's how it happened. טום ראה מה מרי עשתה. Tom saw what Mary did. Tom saw what Mary had done. טום לא סופרסטאר. Tom isn't a superstar. Tom's not a superstar. אין לי זמן למשחקים. I have no time for games. I don't have time for games. توم أيضا كان هنا. Tom also was here. Tom was also here. سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sammy's calling the police. הכל הצביעו בעד. איש לא הצביע נגד. Everyone voted yes. No one objected. No one voted against. תום התריס. Tom was defiant. Tom the blind. توسّلت ليلى من أجل إعتاق حياتها. Layla pleaded for her life. Layla begged for her life to be spared. سامي ينتظر إدانته. Sami is waiting to be sentenced. Sammy's waiting for his conviction. عليك أن تساعدها. You must help her. You have to help her. ידע לא ניתן לרכוש, אלא דרך לימוד. Knowledge can only be obtained by study. Knowledge cannot be acquired, but through learning. אל תשתי יותר מדי, אוקיי? Don't drink too much, okay? Don't drink too much, okay? غسل توم وجهه وكلتا يديه. Tom washed his face and hands. Tom washed his face and both his hands. كنت مشغولاً الأسبوع الماضي. You were busy last week. I was busy last week. כולכם רבתם כשהיא עזבה? Had you all been fighting when she left? You all had a fight when she left? مزقت الصحيفة إلى قطع. I tore the newspaper into pieces. I tore the newspaper to pieces. המחיר עלה. The price rose. The price went up. توم حجز المقعدين الأوّلين في الصف الأول بالمسرح. Tom booked two seats in the first row at the theater. Tom booked the first two seats in the first row of the theater. אנא, אל תגיד שום דבר מביך. Please don't say anything embarrassing. Please, don't say anything embarrassing. ከምዚ ዓይነት ናይ ዕሽነት ተግባር ንምግባር ክንድዚ ኽትደክም ኣይነበራን። She went out of her way to do such a foolish thing. We should not have become tired of doing such foolish things. טום יהרוג אותי. Tom is going to kill me. Tom's gonna kill me. איזה רעיון יש לכם? What's your idea? What idea do you have? شرب زيري ماءه, Ziri drank his water. Drink ziri water, אנו מקצצים. We're downsizing. We're cutting back. كانت المخلوقات الفضائية أكبر عددا من جيش زيري. Aliens outnumbered Ziri’s army. The aliens were the largest number of Zerri's army. עליך להיות כאן לכל המאוחר בשתיים וחצי. You need to be here by 2:30 at the latest. You must be here by 2:30 at the latest. ومنذ ذلك الوقت عاشوا جميعا بسعادة. And they all lived happily ever after. Since then, they have all lived happily ever after. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? How long is the bridge? זו שאלה טובה מאד. That's a very good question. That's a very good question. את לא רוצה לדעת! You don't want to know it! You don't want to know! תום לא מרוצה מזה. Tom is not happy about it. Tom is not happy about it. תום התגורר ב-2013 בבוסטון. Tom was living in Boston in 2013. Tom lived in Boston in 2013. איפה יש יציאת חירום? Where is the emergency exit? Where's the emergency exit? איפה נמצאת המאפיה? Where's the bakery? Where is the Mafia? תום עצבני. Tom is jittery. Tom is nervous. سألعب الشطرنج مع توم اليوم. I'm going to play chess with Tom today. I'm playing chess with Tom today. אני כאן בגללך. I'm here because of you. I'm here because of you. מרי יכולה לשחות. Mary can swim. Mary can swim. يا زّح! ولّاه انتيك! Damn! It's not bad! Oh, my God, Antique! قبل زيري فورا بريمة كفرد من أسرته. Ziri immediately accepted Rima into his family. Ziri immediately accepted Prima as a member of his family. תום היה כנראה מרוצה מהמתנה של מרי. Tom was probably happy with Mary's gift. Tom must have been pleased with Mary's gift. لماذا أخبرتهم بأنه كان خطئي؟ Why did you tell them it was my fault? Why did you tell them it was my fault? هل عرض توم مساعدتنا؟ Did Tom offer to help us? Did Tom offer to help us? من فضلك أغلق الباب. Please close the door. Please close the door. Paul isuq semitrejler. Paul drives a semi. Paul drives a semi-trailer. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى قاعة مثلّجات. Sami took Layla to an ice cream parlor. Sammy took Layla to an ice cream parlor. كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right leg while riding a bike on Friday in France. كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. באתי בגלל בקשת תום. I came at Tom's request. I'm here because of Tom's request. توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom's coming for you. استحممن من فضلكن. Please take a bath. Take a shower, please. ما يقوله ليس له علاقة بهذه المشكلة. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. እናትህን ትወዳታለህ፧ Do you love your mother? "Do you love your mother?" של מי הבירה הזאת? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is this? הוא נולד באנגליה, אבל למד באמריקה. He was born in England, but was educated in America. He was born in England, but studied in America. زيري يذهب دائما للتخييم بمفرده. Ziri always goes camping alone. Ziri always goes camping on his own. אני בטוח שלעולם לא אזכור את כל זה. I'm sure I'll never remember all of this. I'm sure I'll never remember any of this. איך עבר עליך היום? How was your day? How was your day? שכבת האוזון עוזרת לנו להתגונן בפני הקרניים העל-סגוליות של השמש. The ozone layer helps protect us from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The ozone layer helps us protect against the sun's ultraviolet rays. كل من في هذا الموقع رأى مدى عدوانية انفصاليي فرحات مهني. Everyone on this website has seen how aggressive Ferhat Mehenni's separatists are. Everyone on this site has seen how aggressive separatists are professional joys. הם צריכים את הכסף. They need the money. They need the money. האש מתפשטת. The fire is spreading. The fire is spreading. أهو أمريكي؟ Is he American? Is he American? هي تركتهُ يذهب. She let him go. She let him go. אתה מוכן בבקשה להביט הצידה? Can you please look the other way? Would you please look away? تقبّل هذا. Accept that. Accept this. أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. I need your help. I need your help. אני רוצה שיודיעו למר בראון בפייג'ר שלו. I want Mr Brown paged. I want Mr. Brown notified on his pager. סיימתם את מלאכתכם. You're done. You've finished your work. لدينا مدرّس رياضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. We have a bad math teacher. Tom ġieli kien jiżbalja attapposta waqt il-lezzjonijiet sabiex l-għalliema tagħti kasu. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom sometimes made mistakes during the lessons in order for the teachers to pay attention to him. הקונצרט היה להצלחה. The concert was a success. The concert was a success. اعملا معا. Work together. Work together. ماذا تطبخ؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? لا أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. זה יהיה נחמד אם תוכלי להכין לי משהו לאכול. It would be nice if you could make me something to eat. It would be nice if you could make me something to eat. دمر المال زيري. Money destroyed Ziri. Destroy the money, Zeri. העניין יתבהר במשך הזמן. It will clear up by and by. It will clear up over time. نجا توم. Tom has survived. Tom survived. ኣብ ጥቓ ትኪ ዘሎ ዓይኒ ኣይተብኪ። Next to smoke, don't make someone cry. Do not let the eye of the Lord trouble you. Do not let the spirit of trouble you. لم آكل مذ أفطرت، وأنا جائع جدا. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten since I broke, and I'm so hungry. בידדנו חולה אחד מהשאר. We have isolated one patient from the rest. We isolated one patient from the rest. እሱ በጣም ጥሩ ሐኪም ነው። He is a very good doctor. He is a very good doctor. הוא סוכן FBI. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. فرّت ليلى إلى مصر. Layla flew to Egypt. Leila fled to Egypt. سامي غير راضٍ بوظيفته. Sami's job isn't making him happy. Sammy's not happy with his job. ما عندي فكة I don't have change. I don't have change. تمتم زيري. Ziri mumbled. Mutter my vizier. כמה תלמידים יש בבית הספר? How many students are there in the school? How many students are in the school? لا تطلب مني مالا. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. رأى إيفو حبة العنب تلك. Ivo saw the grape. Ivo saw that grape. מה אתה רוצה לדעת עלי? What do you want to know about me? What do you want to know about me? هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something specific? קחו את האספירין הזה. Take this aspirin. Take this aspirin. הצורך שלך באינטימיות עשוי לגדול. Your need for intimacy may increase. Your need for intimacy may grow. وصلوا واحداً خلف الآخر. They arrived one after another. They got one behind the other. אתה רוצה לתבוע? Do you want to press charges? You want to sue? أنا لا ألومك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. אני שמחה כעת שבאת. I'm happy now that you've arrived. I'm glad you're here now. זה לא עלה על דעתי. It didn't cross my mind. It didn't occur to me. هذه الساعة مكسورة This watch is broken. This watch is broken. أنتَ ربحتها. You've earned it. You won it. ነቲ ድስታት ምሕጻብ ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. And they saw that the washing of the balsam of Miryam was common. إنه دائم الضحك. He is always laughing. He's always laughing. זה לח. That is wet. It's damp. B היא האות השנייה באלפבית. "B" is the second letter of the alphabet. B is the second letter in the alphabet. תום לא יודע זאת. Tom doesn't know that. Tom doesn't know that. لا يبدو أنه يفهم ما تقوله له. He does not seem to be able to catch on to what she is saying. He doesn't seem to understand what you're saying to him. בוא ננסה לעשות את זה יחד. Let's try doing this together. Let's try to do this together. אתה יכול לחזור בשבוע הבא? Can you come back next week? Can you come back next week? لا زلتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية. I still learn Berber. I'm still learning Amazigh. يعتمد هذا البحث على الكتاب المقدس كمرجع. This research is Biblically based. This research is based on the Bible as a reference. הבט בציפור המזמרת בעץ. Look at the bird singing in the tree. Look at the singing bird in the tree. כדור הארץ חולה. The earth is sick. Earth is sick. Ma nifhimx. I do not understand. I don't understand. الطريق انخفض الى وادٍ، من ثم ارتد ارتفاعاً الى اعلى التلة. The road dipped into a valley, then swept up over a hill. The road went down into a valley, and then bounced up the hill. لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. ראיתי את הוידאו שלה. He saw her video. I saw her video. هل أعرفك؟ Do I know you? Do I know you? סופסוף האבן היקרה הייתה בידיו. At last, the gem was in his hands. Finally, the precious stone was in his hands. هل تعلم من اشترى لوحتك؟ Do you know who bought your painting? Do you know who bought your painting? افضل صديق كتاب My best friend is a book. Best Friend Book עלצו, פן תמותו בלי עונג. Rejoice, lest pleasureless ye die. Be brave, lest you die without pleasure. הבעיה היא שתום לא מסתדר עם מרי. The problem is that Tom doesn't get along with Mary. The problem is, Tom doesn't get along with Mary. أنا أكبر منك قامة بقليل. I'm a little taller than you. I'm a little older than you. למה שלא ישחררו את מרי? Why won't they release Mary? Why don't they let Mary go? ذلك الفستان يبدو جميلاً عليك. That dress looks good on you. That dress looks good on you. טום פוטר. Tom lost his job. Tom was fired. איכשהו ידעתי שתצליח. Somehow, I knew you would make it. Somehow I knew you'd make it. תום קם מהספסל. Tom got up from the bench. Tom stood up from the bench. سآخذك للبيت. I am going to take you home. I'll take you home. هي ستكون بخير she's gonna be okay She'll be fine. הוא ניסה לשים קץ לחייו. He tried to commit a suicide. He tried to end his life. אני תומך בצרפת במשחקי הגביע העולמי. I'm supporting France in the World Cup. I support France in the World Cup. ربما ستتحسن الأمور. Maybe things would get better. Maybe things will get better. أعطني الملح من فضلك. The salt, if you please. Give me the salt, please. תבקשו את אחותכם לציית לחוקים. Ask your sister to follow your rules. Ask your sister to follow the rules. لكل شخص بصفته عضوا في المجتمع الحق في الضمانة الاجمتماعية وفي أن تحقق بوساطة المجهود القومي والتعاون الدولي وبما يتفق ونظم كل دولة ومواردها الحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والتربوية التي لا غنى عنها لكرامته وللنمو الحر لشخصيته. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and to achieve, through national efforts and international cooperation and in accordance with the regulations of each State and its resources, the economic, social and educational rights indispensable to his dignity and the free development of his personality. اتّصلي بي حالما تجدين توم. Call me as soon as you find Tom. Call me as soon as you find Tom. تزوّج سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami remarried. Sammy got married again. و أخيرا وجدتها. Finally, I've found her. I finally found her. טום ראה לי בשמי הפרטי. Tom called me by my first name. Tom called me by my first name. אתה יכול לראות את שלי. You can look at mine. You can see mine. أمسك زيري بريمة و ضمها إليه. Ziri caught Rima and held her close. Ziri grabbed a rim and attached it to it. דבר מה נורא עלול להתרחש. Something terrible is about to happen. Something terrible could happen. תשתמשו בקרשים של הרפסודה כדי להגדיל את האש. Use the planks of the raft to increase the fire. Use the raft boards to increase the fire. في الحقيقة، هذا هو سبب وجودي هنا. Actually, that's why I'm here. Actually, that's why I'm here. חמתו בוערת בו. He is burning with anger. His fury burns in him. رحلة فاضل إلى القاهرة أتاحت له الفرصة كي يحسّن مستواه في العربيّة. Fadil's trip to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his skills in Arabic. Fadel’s trip to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his Arabic. עזוב את זה מאחור. Leave it behind. Leave it behind. لن يروق لك ما سأقول. You're not going to like what I'm going to say. You're not gonna like what I'm saying. إنها لأخي. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. אני יודע שנפתחת יותר לעניינים האלה. I know you've become more open-minded about these things. I know you're more open to these things. אנו לא מאשימים אתכם. We're not blaming you. We don't blame you. ירד גשם כל כך חזק שהחלטנו לבקר אותו במועד אחר. It rained so hard that we decided to visit him on another day. It was raining so hard that we decided to visit it at a different time. اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami approached. Sam came closer. لم أعد بلا مأوى I'm not homeless anymore. I'm not homeless anymore. لُسع زيري. Ziri was stung. My brother-in-law's been bitten. لا تغيّر نفسك بسبب الآخر. كن نفسك و ستعجب الشّخص الحسن على ما أنت عليه. Don't change because of someone. Be yourself and the right one will like you as you are. Do not change yourself because of the other. Be yourself and you will admire the good person for who you are. شعر سامي بالوحدة. Sami felt lonely. Sammy felt alone. هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا . I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy you know nothing about. יש לך דמיון פורה. You have a fertile imagination. You have a vivid imagination. من هو زعيم المغرب الحقيقي؟ Who is the true leader of Morocco? Who is the real leader of Morocco? חייבת להיות איזושהי שגיאה. There must be some mistake. There must be some kind of mistake. אולי נאחר לבית הספר. We may be late for school. Maybe we'll be late for school. من الممكن أن أليس ستأتي. Alice may possibly come. Alice could be coming. בנסיבות רגילות אינני משקר. I don't normally lie. Under normal circumstances, I am not lying. لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. ما رانيش حايب ننسا ليزيدي ديالي، مام ادا شوييا فيهوم اكسترام. I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme. Ma Ranesh Haib Ninsa Lizidi Diyala, Mama Ada Shuya Vihom Xtram. لدي كل البوماتك I have all your albums. I have all your albums. זה על רשימת המטלות שלי. It's on my list of things to do. It's on my to-do list. اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة العالم. English is the world's language. English is the language of the world. אני חושב שמוטב שאעזור לך. I think I'd better help you. I think I'd better help you. השתגעת? Have you lost your mind? Are you crazy? عرض سامي على الشّرطة أن يخبرهم بكلّ ما يعلم. Sami offered to tell police everything that he knew. Sammy offered the police to tell them everything he knew. הייתי אומר לך את זה מוקדם יותר, אבל לא האמנתי שתבין. I would have told you earlier, but I didn't think you'd understand. I'd have told you sooner, but I didn't think you'd understand. תום צובע. Tom's painting. Tom is painting. قل جبنة يا زيري. Ziri, say cheese. Say cheese, Zeri. ارتدى سامي الملابس التي عادة ما يرتديها للعمل. Sami wore his regular work clothes. He usually wears the clothes he usually wears to work. تبادل للصواريخ النووية بين روسيا و الولايات المتحدة بإمكانه أن يؤدّي لنهاية العالة كما نعرفه اليوم. A nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States would mean the end of the world as we know it. A nuclear missile exchange between Russia and the United States could lead to the end of the world as we know it today. תעשה את זה מן הסתם. Just do that. You'll probably do it. תום לא תמיד מצליח לכפות את דעתו. Tom doesn't always get his way. Tom doesn't always manage to force his opinion. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the cops. Sammy called the police. توم حلّاب. Tom is womanizer. Tom's milk. كل شخص متهم بجريمة يعتبر بريئاً إلى أن تثبت إدانته قانوناً بمحاكمة علنية تؤمن له فيها الضمانات الضرورية للدفاع عنه. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Any person charged with an offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by law of a public trial in which he shall be guaranteed the guarantees necessary for his defence. زيري من المالي. Ziri is Malian. My money's worth. תעזור לי. Help me. Help me. היא נראתה כאילו היא עומדת לפרוץ בבכי. She looked like she was going to start crying. She looked like she was going to burst into tears. נקווה שנוכל לעשות זאת בשנה הבאה. We hope we'll be able to do that next year. Hopefully we can do it next year. يجب أن تذهب غربا You should head west. You have to go west. הייתי רוצה להשאר כאן אתה. I'd like to stay here with her. I'd like to stay here with you. הוא ברח כשראה את השוטר. He ran at the sight of the policeman. He ran away when he saw the cop. آمل أن تخطئ توقعات توم. I hope Tom's predictions are wrong. I hope you're wrong about Tom's expectations. ما الأمر معك؟ What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? مساء الخير. Good evening. Good evening. يعيش عمي في شقة سكنية. My uncle lives in an apartment. My uncle lives in an apartment. كان ينظر إليها. He was looking at her. He was looking at her. توقفت الساعة عن العمل. The clock stopped. The clock stopped working. זה עשוי להמצא מועיל ביום מן הימים. That could come in handy someday. It might come in handy someday. היא סוף סוף הגיעה! She finally arrived! She's finally here! يمكنك اختيار أي واحد منهم. You may choose any of them. You can choose any one of them. זה לא היה כל כך קל לעשות את זה. It wasn't easy to do that. It wasn't that easy to do. لا تُصلحهُ إذا لم يكن منكسراً. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. Don't fix it if it's not broken. أريد أن أشاركك هذا. I want to share this with you. I want to share this with you. אני אוהב את הקפה שלך. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. أتريد صورتي؟ You want my picture? You want my picture? سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sammy's going to college this year. نييّا حاجا شابا. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Nija Haji is a young man. كيف حال زيري؟ How's Ziri? How's Ziri? קריאת ספרים תהפוך אותך לחכם יותר. Reading books will make you smarter. Reading books will make you smarter. راني قادَر نخمَّم و نحلَم بلونجلي. I am able to think and dream in English. I've been able to redecorate and dream long. אני קרובה שלכם. I'm related to you. I'm related to you. יש לי יום די מוזר. I'm having kind of a weird day. I'm having a pretty weird day. מר ווייט צלצל לשוליה שלו ואמר: Mr White called his assistant over and said the following: Mr. White called his apprentice and said: יהיה לו קשה אם הוא יחשף. It will go hard with him if he is found out. It'll be hard for him if he gets out. قضى الملك على أعدائه. The king crushed his enemies. The king killed his enemies. توم مات. Tom died. Tom is dead. ወደ ቤልጂየም ለመሄድ ወሰነች። She decided to move to Belgium. She decided to go to Belgium. אני לא יודע לשחק ברידג'. I don't know how to play bridge. I don't know how to play bridge. أهدتني آن هذه الهدية. I was given this present by Ann. Anne gave me this gift. واصل زيري تجاهل ريمة. Ziri continued to ignore Rima. Ziri continued to ignore Rima. את יכולה להביא לי כוס מים? Can you get me a glass of water? Can you get me a glass of water? בוא לפחות בשש. Come at least at six. Come at least six. لا يبدون كأمريكيين. They don't seem to be Americans. They don't look like Americans. غطت أشعة الشمس التلال. The hills are bathed in sunlight. The sun covered the hills. תום שואל אותי שאלות לעתים תכופות. Tom often asks me questions. Tom often asks me questions. ارتكب توم عديد الجرائم. Tom committed many crimes. Tom committed many crimes. كشف زيري عن نفسه. Ziri exposed himself. Ziri revealed himself. أسرع زيري إلى المنزل. Ziri hurried home. Hurry up and visit me at home. ها هو مفتاحك. This is your key. Here's your key. זה נמצא בחזית מסעדה שברחוב 42. It's in front of a restaurant on 42nd street. It's in front of a restaurant on 42nd Street. ليس من المفترض بك أن تدخن هنا. You are not supposed to smoke here. You're not supposed to smoke in here. הייתה פעם מסעדה מול תחנת האוטובוס הזאת. There was once a restaurant across from this bus station. There used to be a restaurant in front of that bus stop. הוא צועד תמיד עם ידיים בכיסים וראש בעננים. He always walks around with his hands in his pockets and his head in the clouds. He always walks with his hands in his pockets and his head in the clouds. אני רוצה לשתות מים מינרליים. I like to drink natural mineral water. I want to drink mineral water. ስሜ ጀክ ነው። My name is Jack. My name is Jake. كان سامي بالجوار، ينتظر ليلى بصبر كي تنهي الحديث مع صديقاتها. Sami was close-by, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking with her girlfriends. Sammy was nearby, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking to her friends. أنا جوعان. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. איש לא שם לב לאזהרתו. No attention was paid to his warning. No one noticed his warning. רימה התחילה להתאפר. Rima started to do her makeup. Rima started to make up. سيأخذك هذا الباص إلى المطار. This bus will take you to the airport. This bus will take you to the airport. عيّطلي فلبيرو. Call me at the office. Give me Philbero. תום איבד קצת ממשקלו. Tom lost some weight. Tom lost some of his weight. نحن لا نعرفه We do not know him. We don't know him. جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? Did you get a bullet? هل تشعر بتحسن يا زيري؟ Do you feel a little better, Ziri? Are you feeling better, Zeri? رأيت النّافذة تنزل. I saw the window roll down. I saw the window come down. أَعرِض عن الحرصِ والطَّمع ما دُمتَ حيًّا. Be detached from desire your whole life long. Take care and hope as long as you live. רציתי לומר דבר בעל משמעות. I wanted to say something meaningful. I wanted to say something meaningful. توم مستعد لمساعدتك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom is ready to help you. هو بحاجة لذلك المال. He needs that money. He needs that money. كان زيري يجمع الكتب. Ziri collected books. Ziri was collecting books. عانت ليلى من اكتئاب شديد. Layla suffered from a severe depression. Layla suffered from severe depression. אבוט הרג את מרי. Abbott killed Mary. Abbott killed Mary. نحن نكبر. We are aging. We're growing up. תראה אותו! הוא צנום, הוא בקושי יכול להרים בקבוק מים. Look at him! He's bony, he can barely pick up a bottle of water. He's scrawny, he can barely lift a bottle of water. אתה צריך להפסיק לעשן. You must quit smoking. You need to stop smoking. תקליקי כדי לערוך. Click to edit! Click to edit. تزوّجت أمّي مرّة أخرى. My mom remarried. My mother married again. תניח את הנשק שלך! Put down your weapons! Put your weapon down! טום הוא חבר מאוד קרוב שלי. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Tom is a very close friend of mine. כמה ילדים משחקים על החוף החולי. Several children are playing on the sandy beach. Some kids play on the sandy beach. توم ظهر فجأة من الهواء. Tom appeared out of thin air. Tom suddenly appeared out of the air. אין למה לחכות. There's no point in waiting. There's nothing to wait for. قُتِل زيري. Ziri was killed. Ziri was killed. הוא קרוב יותר. He's closer. He's closer. لفّ سامي حبلا حول عنق ليلى و خنقها حتّى الموت. Sami put a cord around Layla's neck and strangled her to death. Sammy wrapped a rope around Layla's neck and strangled her to death. أهل أبدو أنيقا؟ Do I look okay? Do I look elegant? הסרט פופולרי בקרב הנוער. The movie is popular among the youngsters. The film is popular among young people. من المؤكد أنه ممكن. It's definitely possible. It's certainly possible. כולם חיבבו אותך. Everybody liked you. Everyone liked you. أعدّ سامي فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami made a video on Youtube. Sammy made a video on YouTube. הציפור חיפשה תולעים. The bird was looking for worms. The bird was looking for worms. والدنا يذهب الي العمل بالسيارة. Our father goes to work by car. Dad goes to work by car. אל תלעג לי! Don't make fun of me! Don't make fun of me! لست سمينا! I am not fat! You're not fat! יש לך טיפה חום היום, נכון? You've got a bit of a fever today, don't you? You're having a little bit of heat today, aren't you? ישנת? Have you been sleeping? Did you sleep? أي كتاب أحسن؟ Which book is better? Which book is better? شمّ زيري تلك الرّائحة. Ziri smelt that. Zeri smelled that smell. عاش زيري دائما بالقرب من المناطق الغابية للبليدة. Ziri has always lived near the forested areas of Blida. Ziri always lived near the forested areas of Blida. لنذهب إلى المسرح مبكرا كي نجد مقاعدا جيدة. Let's go to the theater early so that we can get good seats. Let's go to the theater early so we can find some good seats. سامي هو مدير العيادة. The clinic director is Sami. Sammy is the clinic manager. زيري يكره ذلك. Ziri hates that. Ziri hates it. زيري بحاجة للماء. Ziri needs water. Ziri needs water. اشتريت كمبيوتر جديد الشهر الفائت. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. عاد قط زيري و معه سحلية ميتة. Ziri's cat came home with a dead lizard. Ziri's cat came back with a dead lizard. אנו לא מרוצים. We're not satisfied. We're not happy. תני לתום את מבוקשו. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. מרי נערה נאה. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary is a pretty girl. היא אוהבת קפה. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. היא פילסה את דרכה דרך ההמון. She pushed her way through the crowd. She made her way through the crowd. أنا لا اعرف ما يحصل هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. كان زيري يرسم لوحة. Ziri was painting. Ziri was painting a painting. شكر سامي ليلى على مساعدتها. Sami thanked Layla for helping him. Lily thanked him for his help. תום בגדה הנגדית של הנהר. Tom is on the other side of the river. Tom's on the other side of the river. על לא דבר. Don't mention it. You're welcome. زيري يلعب بمفرده. Ziri plays alone. Ziri's playing alone. אני מצטער שהלכתי לשם. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. עצה מספר 4 לזכויות יוצרים: הדרך הבטוחה ביותר היא תמיד לקבל רשות מבעלי הזכויות. ציון המקור של חומר מוגן אינו מהווה תחליף לקבלת הרשות. Copyright tip #4: The safest course is always to get permission from the copyright owner. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission. Copyright Tip <0x23>4: The safest way is always to get permission from the rights holders. Specifying the source of protected material is not a substitute for receiving permission. תום המתין. Tom waited. Tom waited. אני מעדיף להשאר בבית. I'd rather stay in the house. I'd rather stay home. أفضل ركوب الدراجة. I prefer biking. I prefer to ride a bike. كان سامي يخطّط لإنهاء حياة ليلى. Sami was plotting to end Layla's life. Sammy was planning on ending Layla's life. אני יודע שאתה עורך בטאון מדעי פופולרי. I know that you're the editor of a popular scientific magazine. I know you're editing a popular science tuner. فقط أراد زيري استعمال ريمة. Ziri just wanted to use Rima. Ziri just wanted to use Reema. هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak English? Do you speak English? את מביישת אותה. You're embarrassing her. You're embarrassing her. تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Pretend he's a doctor. אני קוראת את פרק ג' בספר. I'm reading chapter three of the book. I read chapter 3 of the book. انجذب سامي لسحر جمال جيني الجنوبي. Sami was attracted by Jenny's Southern charm. Sammy was attracted to the Southern beauty of Jenny. آن لديها الكثير من المعجبين. Anne has many admirers. Anne has a lot of fans. زيري يسافر بإيقاف السّيّارات المارّة. Ziri is hiking. Ziri travels by stopping passing cars. قفزت ليلى عبر النّافذة كي تنجو بحياتها. To save herself, Layla jumped out the window. Lily jumped through the window to save her life. אני יכול להגיד לך איפה למצוא את תום. I can tell you where to find Tom. I can tell you where to find Tom. המשא ומתן החל. The negotiations have begun. Negotiations have begun. لماذا بحق السماء قام بهذا؟ Why on earth did he do that? Why the hell would he do that? لا أبالي إن كان الجو باردا نوعا ما. I don't mind if it's a little cold. I don't care if it's a bit cold. عقد حصّة. He held a session. Hold a class. אני קמה מוקדם בבוקר. I get up early in the morning. I get up early in the morning. תום שנא את זה. Tom hated it. Tom hated it. הם נטשו את התוכנית. They abandoned the plan. They abandoned the plan. תום לא הובן כראוי. Tom is misunderstood. Tom was not well understood. אתה צריך להשיג לעצמך אחד. You should get one. You need to get yourself one. إسرائيل بحاجة إلى الضّفّة الغربيّة. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. عاد زيري للمنزل. Ziri got home. Ziri's home. הבית הזה נראה נטוש. That house appears deserted. This house looks abandoned. הייתי כותב מכתב ארוך יותר לו רק היה לי יותר פנאי. I would have written a longer letter if I'd had more time. I'd write a longer letter if only I had more time. תן את זה חזרה! Give it back! Give it back! توجه زيري نحو العابة. Ziri headed off into the forest. Ziri headed towards the game. أنت لم تقم بغسل يديك إلي الآن ،أليس كذلك؟ You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? Ziri pprova jorqod. Ziri tried to sleep. Ziri tried to sleep. תודה רבה על כך שטרחת להגיע רחוק כל כך כדי להיפרד ממני. Thank you very much for coming so far to see me off. Thank you so much for going so far as to say goodbye to me. كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sammy was waiting near there. هل زيري نائم؟ Is Ziri asleep? Is Ziri asleep? زيري يصور. Ziri is filming. Ziri's filming. في البداية، فكّرت ماري بتأجير منزلها، ولكن الجميع نصحها ببيعه عوض تأجيره. At first Mary had thought of renting out her house; but everyone advised her to sell it. At first, Mary thought about renting her house, but everyone advised her to sell it instead of renting it. את זקוקה לחופש. You need a holiday. You need freedom. שאף אחד לא יתקרב לאש. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Don't let anyone near the fire. ጽቡቕ ዘረባ ዓጽሚ ኣጋንንቲ ይሰብር። Good speech will break the bones of a ghost. Good deeds are done by demons. כבר קראתי את הרומן הזה. I've already read that novel. I've already read this novel. أحبّ زيري ريمة. Ziri liked Rima. I love Zerry Rima. תחתום על זה. Sign this. Sign it. תום נראה מוטרד. Tom seems preoccupied. Tom seemed upset. طُلب من سامي أن يحذف الفيديو من قناته على اليوتوب. Sami was asked to take his YouTube video down. Sami was asked to delete the video from his YouTube channel. إذاً سأسأله عن ذلك غداً. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. Then I'll ask him about it tomorrow. מהו הדבר שהשארתי מאחור? What was it I left behind? What did I leave behind? אתה עייף, לא כן? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? تقيأنا في الحافلة. We vomited on the bus. We threw up on the bus. إن الأرضية الخشبية جميلة. A wood floor is beautiful. The wooden floor is beautiful. هوايتي هي صنع مجسمات للطائرات. My hobby is making model planes. My hobby is making models for airplanes. من المهم أن تتذكر من هم أصدقاؤك. It is important to remember who your friends are. It’s important to remember who your friends are. ملامح ماري أقرب للبيض علما أن عائلتها أفريقية. Mary facial traits are closer to white knowing her parents are African American. Mary's features are closer to the whites knowing that her family is African. أحب السباحة. I like to swim. I like to swim. ينبغي على زيري أن يغادر. Ziri should leave. Ziri should leave. אני אגיע כשאגיע. Expect me when you see me. I'll be there when I do. חסרים לי מאוד מורי בית הספר היסודי שלי. I miss my elementary teachers very much. I miss my elementary school teachers very much. זה מאוד כיף לטייל. Traveling is a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun to travel. הפלת את זה? Did you drop it? You dropped it? الورد ده رحته مميزة. These flowers have a unique smell. The roses are special. אני אוהב כדור בסיס. I love baseball. I like baseball. كانت ليلى تموت. Layla was dying. Lily was dying. صححها زيري. Ziri corrected it. Corrected by Zeri. ليه توم قلقان جدا؟ Why does Tom worry so much? Why is Tom so worried? كان هناك تبن في كل مكان. There was hay everywhere. There was adoption everywhere. نحن نتقابل مرة في الشهر We see each other once a month. We meet once a month. كانت زوج سامي ألطفَ النساء على الإطلاق. Sami's wife was the nicest lady ever. Sammy's husband was the nicest woman ever. أقفل زيري البوابة. Ziri locked the gate. Lock the gate. המצב ממאיר לאחרונה. The situation has gotten worse lately. The situation has been murky lately. אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאני אידיוטית. I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm an idiot. Trid tissegwa r-regoli ta' l-iskola. You must follow school rules. The rules of the school must be followed. אני לא רוצה לחלוק את החדר במלון עם מישהו זר. I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. בזמנם של הסובייטים, כל ממשלה הייתה עושה תעמולה. In Soviet times, each government made propaganda. In Soviet times, every government would do propaganda. המורה סיפר שהארץ היא כדור. The teacher said that the earth is round. The teacher said that the earth is a sphere. תנסה לגלות מתי יום ההולדת של טום. Find out when Tom's birthday is. Try to find out when Tom's birthday is. הכאב נרגע קצת. The pain has lessened a little. The pain calmed down a bit. סיימתי את העבודה בעצמי. I finished the work by myself. I finished the job myself. הוא גבר נאה ומקסים. He's handsome and charming. He's a handsome, charming man. אף אחד לא רוצה להראות טיפש. No one wants to look like a fool. No one wants to look stupid. أريد أن أعرف من سيأتي معنا. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. من فضلك ناولني الزبدة. Pass me the butter, please. Please hand me the butter. תום בלש. Tom is a detective. Tom is a detective. כבר חצות הלילה. It's already midnight. It's midnight tonight. يجب أن تجيد نحو الأمازيغية لتتكلم هذه اللغة. You have to know Berber grammar to speak this language. You must be good at Amazigh to speak that language. תהיה יד ימיני. Be my right-hand man. Be my right hand. يمضي سامي كلّ يوم في الحانة. Sami spends every single day at the bar. Sammy spends every day at the bar. هل اشتريت ذلك من السوق السوداء؟ Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy that on the black market? شرب سامي العشرات من الأقراص و زجاجة تيكيلا. Sami has swallowed dozens of pills and a bottle of tequila. Sami drank dozens of tablets and a bottle of tequila. תום הכה את מרי. Tom struck Mary. Tom beat up Mary. הו רומאו, רומאו, למה אתה רומאו? O Romeo Romeo, why are you Romeo? Oh Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? איפה באוסטרליה טום גר? Where in Australia does Tom live? Where in Australia does Tom live? በሳምንት ከሁለት እስካስር ብር ነው። It is from two to ten birrs a week. It's worth about 2 cents a week. אנו צריכים להגיע לשם מוקדם. We need to get there early. We need to get there early. لا أحد يعيش هنا بعد الآن. No one lives here anymore. Nobody lives here anymore. خان فاضل حبيبته. Fadil betrayed his love. Khan Fadel is his girlfriend. سأبقى في المنزل في حال أمطرت غداً. I'll stay home in case it rains tomorrow. I'll stay home if it rains tomorrow. פשוט התברכתי. I'm just really blessed. I was just blessed. ואדוז היא בירת ליכטנשטיין. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. תום עשה זאת בקלות. Tom did it easily. Tom did it easily. لا شك أن شاحنة ياني تشبه شاحنة ريمة. Yanni's truck sure looks like Rima's. There is no doubt that a Yanni truck is like a limousine. عليّ الذّهاب يا سامي. I've got to go, Sami. I gotta go, Sammy. ما الذي حصل لأختك؟ What has become of your sister? What happened to your sister? الحبل تمدّد ثم عاد لحالته الطبيعة. The rope stretches and springs back into shape. The rope extended and then returned to its natural state. خمس عشرة دقيقة فقط. Only fifteen minutes. Just 15 minutes. הוא חשב שכל העסק אינו אלא בדיחה גרועה. He thought the whole thing a bad joke. He thought the whole thing was just a bad joke. إن الكلب أبيض. The dog is white. The dog is white. אלה לא מילים. These aren't words. Those aren't words. זה רץ רק על חלונות. It only works on Windows. It only runs on windows. لم يفهم سامي. Sami didn't understand. Sammy didn't understand. הוא השאיל לי שני ספרים. He lent me two books. He gave me two books. زيري في طريقه للمدرسة. Ziri is on his way to school. Ziri's on his way to school. أريد تعلم الفرنسية حقا. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. آمُل ألا أضطر إلى استخدام هذا المسدس. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use that gun. מאות המתינו לפני נקודת המכירה של הכרטיסים. Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office. Hundreds waited before the point of sale of the tickets. مش فاهمة. I do not understand. Not understanding. אני חושב שאת בכסא שלי. I think you're in my chair. I think you're in my chair. זיהו את תום רץ ברחוב פרק, כאשר מכונית שחורה עוקבת אחריו. Tom was spotted running east on Park Street, followed by a dark sedan. Tom was spotted running down Park Street, with a black car following him. لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. אני תוהה איך זה נראה. I wonder what it looks like. I wonder what it looks like. מדענים עובדים קשה למגר את מגיפת האיידס. Scientists are working hard to put an end to AIDS. Scientists are working hard to eradicate the AIDS epidemic. ما هو السبب الرئيسي للذهاب إلى المدرسة؟ What is the principle reason for going to school? What is the main reason to go to school? פיהקתי. I yawned. I yawned. تصرّف زيري جيّدا. Ziri did well. Zeri behaved well. הדגדגן הוא האיבר הרגיש ביותר אצל האישה. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ of a woman. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ in a woman. אני יודע שהסיכויים שתרצי לצאת אתי אי פעם לא ממש גבוהים, אבל בכל זאת אני צריך לבקש לפחות פעם אחת. I know that it is highly unlikely that you'd ever want to go out with me, but I still need to ask at least once. I know the odds of you ever wanting to date me aren't very high, but I still have to ask at least once. اقترب سامي من ليلى. Sami approached Layla. Sammy approached Layla. הלכנו לנהר. We walked to the river. We went to the river. عْلَى وَاشْ؟ About what? On a hook? אבקש את סליחתך, אבל האם תסכימי לחזור על מה שאמרת? I beg your pardon, but would you repeat what you said? I beg your pardon, but will you repeat what you said? كل الأوراق النقدية الأمريكية لديها نفس اللون. All American bills are similar in color. All American banknotes have the same color. Kważi għandi kull m'għandi bżonn. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. הוא הנהג שלנו. He is our driver. He's our driver. أنا عطشان. I got thirsty. I'm thirsty. אף על פי כן, אני גאה באופן קיצוני. Nevertheless, I'm extremely proud. Nevertheless, I am extremely proud. أوقف زيري ريمة. Ziri stopped Rima. Stop Ziri Rima. اليوم هو الأحد Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. لماذا لم تسطيع أن تأتي بالأمس؟ Why couldn't you come yesterday? Why couldn't you come yesterday? بدأ زيري يصنع عصير الكرز. Ziri started making cherry juice. Ziri started making cherry juice. غادر القطار للتو. The train has already left. Just left the train. זה נשמע הוגן. That sounds fair. That sounds fair. علينا أن نكشف تستّر الحكومة بشأن ظاهرة الأجسام الطّائرة المجهولة. We need to expose the government cover-up of the UFO phenomenon. We have to expose the government's cover-up of the UFO phenomenon. كنتُ لأحب كتابة مئات الجمل في تتويبا، لكن، عندي أشياء عليّ عملها. I would love to write hundreds of sentences on Tatoeba, but I've got things to do. I'd love to write hundreds of sentences in Tutuba, but I have things to do. أعاد فاضل التّفكير في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. Fadel reconsidered the matter. ארדואן זה נשיא טורקיה. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. Erdogan is the President of Turkey. הממשק אינטואיטיבי מאד. The interface is very intuitive. The interface is very intuitive. هل تطبخون أكلا حلالا؟ Do you cook halal food? Do you cook a halal meal? אני לא יכול לחזור למה שהיה. I can't go back to the way it was. I can't go back to the way it was. أمسك زيري بذراع ريمة. Ziri grabbed Rima's arm. He grabbed my ass with a sledgehammer's arm. ወደ ትምህርት ቤት መሄድ አልፈልግም። I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. לתום שיער חום ארוך. Tom has long brown hair. Tom has long brown hair. מאז לא שמעתי ממנה עוד. I haven't heard from her since then. I haven't heard from her since. ሳሊ፡ ንሚስተር ታይለር ዓዲማቶ። Sally called on Mr Taylor. It's time for Mr. Taylor. هل تذهبون إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو؟ Do you guys go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou? Are you going to be born at the University of Batesi-Wuzu? قُتِلَ سامي من طرف صديق فريد المقرّب، رامي. Sami was murdered by Farid's best friend, Rami. Sami was killed by a close friend of Farid, Rami. توم ماكانش قادر باش يكمّل واش بْدا. Tom wasn't able to finish what he'd started. Tom McCann's capable bash completes what he looks like. كان بيل في اليابان. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. كان سامي يلعب لعبة خطيرة للغاية. Sami was playing a very dangerous game. Sammy was playing a very dangerous game. كان زيري طويل القامة. Ziri was tall. He was a tall man. أبي مهندس كهربائي. My father is an electric engineer. My dad's an electrical engineer. זהו כשלון מאגדות. This is an epic fail. It's a failure of legends. השמיים היו מכוסים ערפילים. The sky misted over. The sky was covered with clouds. أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Sweet dreams! كان سامي يحبّ مساعدة النّاس. Sami liked to help people. Sammy loved to help people. אשלם לך בשמחה, בכל זמן. I'll gladly pay you anytime. I'll gladly pay you, anytime. זה נראה יחיד במינו. This seems unique. It looks unique. يوجد حمام سياحة وصالة بولينج. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There is a tourist bathroom and a bowling alley. ضحّت ليلى بسامي كي تخرج نفسها من المأزق. Layla threw Sami under the bus. Layla sacrificed Sammy to get herself out of trouble. מי עשה אותם? Who made these? Who made them? لا بدَّ أن أنتهزها لرفع قدري اللّغويّة. I must take advantage to enhance my language ability. I must use it to elevate my linguistic ability. טום בחר להישאר. Tom chose to stay. Tom chose to stay. هز زيري الشجرة. Ziri shook the tree. Ziri shook the tree. אבדוק. I'll check. I'll check. תום ערער על התחרות. Tom pleaded no contest. Tom challenged the competition. فحص الدّكتور صادق المرضى. Dr. Sadiq checked on the patients. Doctor's honest examination of patients. ንቡዙሕ መዋአል እቲ እንዳ ዓሳ ጥርሑ ተሪፉን ዓሳ ተነፊግዎን። The fishery remained empty and devoid of fish for many centuries. They gathered the food that was left for the big fish, like the fish that was caught in the big fish of the world. قرر زيري ان يواصل سيره عائدا إلى الغابة. Ziri decided to continue his way back to the forest. Ziri decided to continue his walk back into the forest. أحدهم سرق حقيبتي. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my bag. زيري يشاهد كرة القدم الأمريكيّة. Ziri watches football. Ziri's watching American football. ذهبت إلى أوروبا مرة. I went to Europe once. I went to Europe once. הם אוהבים את השיר הזה. They love this song. They love this song. אתה יוצא עם מישהי? Are you dating anybody? Are you seeing someone? لقد أعجبتما سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. بدأ سامي يحضر حلقة في الثّانويّة. Sami started attending a halaqa at high school. Sammy started attending a seminar in high school. לא ידעתי מה להגיד לו. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to tell him. ما الذي تقوله؟ What're you saying? What are you saying? كان فاضل يستهلك المخدّرات. Fadil used drugs. Fadhel was a drug user. המעטתי בערכך, תום. I underestimated you, Tom. I underestimated you, Tom. زيري آسف. Ziri is sorry. I'm sorry. מה הבנין הענק הזה? What is that huge building? What is this huge building? لن أنساه أبدا. I'll never ever forget him. I'll never forget it. אני חושבת שאסע לבוסטון בקיץ הבא. I think I'm going to go to Boston next summer. I think I'll go to Boston next summer. הבטחתי לעצמי שלא אשתה יותר. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. העיתוי הוא קריטי. The timing is critical. Timing is critical. زيري يريد هذا. Ziri wants this. Ziri wants this. كانت شخصية زيري غامضة. Ziri was mysterious. Ziri's character was mysterious. אין כסף בתיק שלי. There is no money in my bag. There's no money in my bag. كان زيري يسرق مجوهرات. Ziri stole jewelry. Ziri was stealing jewelry. روى سامي لنا قصّة حياته. Sami told us his life story. Sam tells us the story of his life. كان زيري يدخن آنذاك. At the time, Ziri was smoking. Ziri was smoking at the time. אנו מצפים להצלחה. We anticipate success. We look forward to success. ביליתי את כל היום בניקוי החדר. I've spent the entire morning cleaning my room. I spent the whole day cleaning the room. كان زيري مصدوما. Ziri was shocked. Ziri was shocked. اشترى زيري جواهرا. Ziri purchased jewelry. Ziri bought jewels. اترك لي بعض المثلجات. Save me some ice cream. Leave me some ice cream. איך נפגשת עם תום לראשונה? How did you and Tom first meet? How did you first meet Tom? أراد زيري أن يبكي. Ziri wanted to cry. Ziri wanted to cry. توقّف زيري عن التّوسّل. Ziri stopped begging. Ziri stopped begging. כריסטופר קולומבוס בז לפיראטים, אבל הוא אהב את הרטיות שהיו להם על עיניהם. לפעמים הוא היה עונד רטייה כזאת - סתם בשביל התענוג. Christopher Columbus despised pirates, but he loved their eyepatches. Sometimes, he would wear one - just for fun. Christopher Columbus despised the pirates, but he loved the abrasions they had on their eyes. Sometimes he would wear such a patch - just for pleasure. إن لم تُنهِ حساءَك، فلن تُشاهِد التِّفاز اللّيلة. If you don't finish your soup, there will be no TV tonight. If you don't finish your soup, you won't be watching TV tonight. حمايتك هي مسؤوليتنا من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. Protecting you is our responsibility from now on. كان زيري يصطاد السّمك. Ziri was fishing. Ziri was fishing. Madrid hija l-belt kapitali ta' Spanja. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. אני לגמרי מסכים עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I totally agree with all of you. זהו תצלום של משפחתי. This is a picture of my family. This is a picture of my family. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. בליל כל הקדושים היא התחפשה לשודד ים. She wore a pirate costume for Halloween. On Halloween, she disguised herself as a pirate. مهلاً ، تجنب المدير اليوم ، يبدو حقاً منزعج من شيء ما . Hey, steer clear of the boss today, he seems really ticked off about something. Hey, avoid the manager today, he seems really upset about something. כשהייתי בניו יורק, פגשתי במקרה מכר ותיק. When I was in New York, I happened to meet my old friend. When I was in New York, I happened to meet an old acquaintance. من غير المفاجئ أنّ النّظام السّعوديّ المضطهِد صديق للنّظام الإسرائيلي العنصري ذو النّزعة العسكريّة. It comes as no surprise that the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia is friends with the militaristic and racist regime of Israel. Unsurprisingly, the oppressed Saudi regime is a friend of Israel’s militaristic racist regime. لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. تمّ طرد زيري من العمل. Ziri was fired. Ziri was fired from the job. أنا وتوم نعيل بعضنا. Tom and I are dependent on each other. Tom and I are in each other's shoes. האם זה בטוח לאכול את זה? Is it safe to eat this? Is it safe to eat it? أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want to know your opinion. I want to know what you think. Jien minn Malta. I'm from Malta. I'm from Malta. كان فيليكس في جهته من البحيرة. Felix was in his part of the lake. Felix was on his side of the lake. זה מבלבל מאד. It's very puzzling. It's very confusing. האקסיומה של קול: סך האינטליגנציה על כדור הארץ הוא קבוע; האוכלוסיה גדלה. Cole's Axiom: The sum of the intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing. Cole's axiom: The total intelligence on Earth is constant; the population is growing. המלך גר בטירה. The king lives in the castle. The king lives in the castle. לפתע, הבנתי שאני חייבת ללמוד פולנית. All of a sudden, I realized I must learn Polish. Suddenly, I realized I had to learn Polish. مش شايف انه غريبة حبتين؟ Don't you think it's too strange? I don't know. He's weird. Two pills? היא אוהבת שמלות תכולות. She likes blue dresses. She likes gifted dresses. 11 בלילה הוא הזמן שבו בדרך כלל אני עולה על יצועי. Eleven o'clock is my regular time for going to bed. 11 a.m. is the time when I usually get on my mat. كانا سامي و فريد يتبادلان الملابس. Sami and Farid swapped clothes. Sammy and Fred were exchanging clothes. היו ברשותו רק מאה ין. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had a hundred yen. יש לה בובה יפה. She has a pretty doll. She has a beautiful doll. אני חייב לאהוב אותו. I have to love him. I have to love him. חג המולד מעבר לפינה. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas is around the corner. فقد ابنين في الحرب. He lost two sons in the war. He lost two sons in the war. لم يسمع زيري شيئا. Ziri heard nothing. Ziri didn't hear anything. الرياضيات أساس الحرية. The essence of liberty is mathematics. Mathematics is the basis of freedom. תום עצר לפתע. Tom suddenly stopped. Tom suddenly stopped. הוא אולץ לחתום החוזה נגד רצונו. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He was forced to sign the contract against his will. אני לא צריך אותך. I don't need you. I don't need you. מרי נהדרת. היא בישלה לי ארוחה נהדרת ואפילו שטפה בעצמה את הכלים. Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful meal for me and even washed the dishes herself. She cooked me a great meal and even washed the dishes herself. هذا ليس وقت الإحتفال. This is not a time for celebration. This is not the time to celebrate. אני יודע מה לעשות. I'll know what to do. I know what to do. لم يكن عند زيري أي ماء في المتناول. Ziri didn't have any water on hand. Ziri had no water at his disposal. ليس هناك ما هو أسوأ من الحرب. Nothing is worse than war. There is nothing worse than war. راتبي لا يسمح لنا أن نعيش برفاهية. My salary doesn't allow us to live extravagantly. My salary does not allow us to live in luxury. هم سعداء They are happy. They're happy. בהתחשב במה שניסית לעשות לו, זה לא מפתיע. Considering what you tried to do to him, it's not surprising. Given what you've been trying to do to him, it's no surprise. أخبارك ايه يا توم؟ How are you, Tom? Tell you what, Tom? ሕጂ ኬድካ ተዘናጋዕ። እቲ ስራሕ ክጸንሕ ይኽእል እዩ። Now, go and have a good time. The work can wait. Your good deed is finished. What is done can be done can be done now. إنك في خطر! It's dangerous! You're in danger! תום היה יכול לנסח את תשובתו יותר בנימוס. Tom could have phrased his answer more politely. Tom could have said his answer more politely. لا يمكن معالجته كلياً. It cannot be completely cured. It can't be completely cured. قفز سامي من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني. Sami jumped out of the second storey window. Sammy jumped out of the second floor window. لا تتكلم باليابانية. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. אינני מכירה איש בשם תום. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. بدا سامي و كأنّه مسكون. Sami looked possessed. Sammy looked like he was haunted. تديپاندي علا لكۆنتكست. It depends on the context. Tdepandi is on the rise for Connecticut. هذا واجبي. It's my job. It's my duty. המשכורת תועלה מאפריל. The salary will be raised from April. The salary will be raised from April. את אוהבת מה שאת רואה? Do you like what you see? Do you like what you see? השאירו הודעה. Leave a message. Leave a message. كان زيري مستاءا. Ziri was upset. My secretary was upset. קרא לי טארו, בבקשה. Please call me Taro. Call me Taro, please. את לא זוכרת מי נתן לך את זה? Don't you remember who gave you that? You don't remember who gave it to you? אתם רוצים פוני? Do you want a pony? You want a pony? מעולם לא חשבתי שזה ייגרר לכך. I never thought it would come to this. I never thought it would get that way. كان سامي يحبّ الشّجار. Sami liked to fight. Sammy liked to fight. ترك توم البوابة مفتوحة. Tom left the gate open. Tom left the gate open. أخذهم زيري. Ziri took them. Ziri took them. يتسلق اللبلاب جذوع الأشجار. Ivy climbs tree trunks. Ivy climbs the trunks of trees. תום חבש את כובעו ויצא החוצה. Tom put his hat on and went outside. Tom grabbed his hat and walked out. ليس لديّ أب. I don't have a daddy. I don't have a father. هل بإمكانك تسلق تلك الشجرة؟ Can you climb up that tree? Can you climb that tree? אני לא יכולה לשמוע אותך, גבריאל, דבר יותר חזק. I can't hear you, Gabriel. Speak up. I can't hear you, Gabriel. Speak louder. אני מקווה שתום עושה את אותו הדבר. I hope Tom does the same thing. I hope Tom does the same. سأنتظر في الدّاخل. I'll be waiting inside. I'll wait inside. اضطرّ سامي على قضاء اللّيلة في الأدغال. Sami had to spend the night in the jungle. Sammy had to spend the night in the jungle. תנקה את הידיים שלך. Clean your hands. Clean your hands. وكأنني كنت أحدث الحائط It's like I was talking to a wall. It's like I've been building the wall. أطلق فاضل عيارين. Fadil fired a couple of rounds. He fired two shots. يدرس توم في المكتبة الآن. Tom is now studying in the library. Tom's studying at the library now. אל תתייחס בשיטחיות כזאת לנושאים רצינים כאלה. Don't treat such serious subjects so superficially. Don’t take such things seriously. היא אמרה שהיא לא רוצה להיות אמא, אבל אני כן, אני רוצה הרבה ילדים. She said she doesn't want to be a mother, but I do; I want a lot of children. She said she didn't want to be a mother, but I do. I want a lot of kids. זו שעת חירום. This is a time of emergency. It's an emergency. מה שלומך, טום? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? أستطيع عزف مقطوعات لشوبان. I play Chopin. I can play Chopin pieces. אני לא אוהב ערים גדולות. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. יצחק ניוטון היה פיזיקאי אנגלי. Isaac Newton was an English physicist. Isaac Newton was an English physicist. خلع سامي حذاءه. Sami took his shoes off. Sammy took off his shoes. סליחה, אבל זה המחבט שלי. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Sorry, but it's my bat. لا يمكن إيقاف زيري. Ziri is unstoppable. Ziri can't be stopped. בתי המלון כאן נשמרים לא כרגיל נקיים. The hotels here are kept unusually clean. The hotels here are not normally kept clean. הם היו לגמרי מופתעים. They were completely surprised. They were totally surprised. لديّ أخ واحد. I have one brother. I have one brother. כתוב את התשובה שלך בשדה הכחול הבא. Write your answer into the following blue field. Write your answer in the next blue field. تقوم أمي بإعداد كعكة لأجل أبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom makes a cake for my dad. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's happening here? What's going on here? תחזיקי את החבל. Hold the rope. Hold the rope. האיש הגבוה יצא מהבית. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man left the house. מי היה מעוניין לפגוע בך? Who'd want to hurt you? Who would want to hurt you? إن أردت ان تتكلم عن الطيور، فتكلم عنها. If you want to talk about birds, talk about birds. If you want to talk about birds, talk about them. בדיוק קבלנו את תום לעבודה. We just hired Tom. We just got Tom to work. האסירים ניסו להימלט. The prisoners tried to escape. The prisoners tried to escape. אל מי תום מדבר? Who's Tom talking to? Who is Tom talking to? علم زيري بذلك. Ziri knew it. Ziri knew about it. أهلاً و سهلاً! Welcome. Hello and easy! كانت سيارة شرطة متوقفة ليس بعيدا عنا. A police car was parked not too far from us. A police car was parked not far from us. الرب واحد. The Lord is one. God is one. זה יתגלה אם יהיה צורך. That's on a need-to-know basis. It'll come out if it's necessary. لقد تغيّرت الأمور نوعا ما. Things have changed a bit. Things have kind of changed. لست مختبئا. I'm not hiding. I'm not hiding. هذا الماء لا يتجمّد أبدا. This water never freezes. This water never freezes. ذهب سامي إلى الحمّام ليفرش أسنانه. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Sammy went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. שילמתי מאתיים דולר מסים. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200 in taxes. את חושבת שתום אינו אדיב? Do you think Tom is unkind? You think Tom's not kind? זווית של 90 מעלות נקראת ישרה. An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle. הוא חילץ את הילדה מהאש. He rescued the child from the fire. He pulled the girl out of the fire. Jien miżżewweġ. I'm married. I'm married. אנו צייתנים. We're obedient. We are obedient. אני מושח קרם נגד דלקת על ברכי הימנית. I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee. I'm rubbing anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee. ربّما تخبرني عن مكانٍ أجد فيه توم. Maybe you can tell me where I can find Tom. Maybe you can tell me where I can find Tom. عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. Sammy and Leila had a perfect life. תום לומד קשה כדי שיוכל לעבור את הבחינות. Tom is studying hard so that he can pass the exams. Tom is studying hard so he can pass the exams. زيري يتصل بالشرطة. Ziri is calling the police. Ziri's calling the police. התשלח את המכתב הזה בדואר אוויר? Will you mail this letter by airmail? You sent this letter by air mail? تعرّف سامي على ذلك السّلاح. Sami recognized the gun. Sammy recognized that weapon. يبدو زيري لطيفا. Ziri looks nice. My secretary seems nice. هل الحمّام جاهز؟ Is the bath ready? Is the bathroom ready? יש להם אמונות משותפות. They share their same beliefs. They have common beliefs. אתה כתב. You're a reporter. You're a reporter. اقتربت ليلى نحو سامي و قبّلته. Layla moved toward Sami and kissed him. Layla approached Sammy and kissed him. ما نوع السيارة التي يقودها؟ What kind of car does he drive? What kind of car does he drive? תהיתי אם אתה יודע צרפתית. I was wondering if you can speak French. I was wondering if you knew French. تحبّ النّساء جلب الانتباه. Women like attention. Women like to get attention. מי יכול לסרב? Who could refuse? Who can refuse? מתי מתחיל מסע העסקים שלך? When does your business trip begin? When does your business journey start? תום חבט בפרצופו של ג'ון ואחר כך עזב את החדר. Tom punched John in the face then left the room. Tom punched John in the face and then left the room. في النهار، كان المكان جميلا. During the day, the area was beautiful. During the day, the place was beautiful. كانت تلك نفس العربة من جديد. It was that same van again. It was the same car again. كان زيري منطويا على نفسه. Ziri was introverted. Ziri was self-involved. נמריא בתוך דקות ספורות. We will take off in a few minutes. We'll take off in a few minutes. تبدو أوروبا الآن مثل الجنة. Europe looks like a paradise now. Europe now looks like paradise. אני אוהבת את אופן החשיבה שלכם. I like the way you think. I like the way you think. نستطيع أن نسافر في الزمن. ونحن نفعل هذا بمعدل مذهل مقداره ثانية واحدة لكل ثانية. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do this at an amazing rate of one second per second. אתה בטוח שנעלת את הדלת? Are you sure that you locked the door? You sure you locked the door? عاد سامي للعيش في منزله. Sami moved back home. Sam came back to live in his house. تعرّض زيري للاعتداء. Ziri was assaulted. Ziri was assaulted. אני אוהב לטייל. I like to travel. I like to travel. أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟ Can you speak French? Can you speak French? تحدث زيري عن الصعوبات التي يعيشها الفلسطينيون في الضفة الغربية و غزة. Ziri spoke about the hardships endured by the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Zeri spoke about the difficulties Palestinians face in the West Bank and Gaza. زيري يمشي. Ziri is walking. Ziri's walking. سيصبح عمرها سبعة عشر عاماً السنة المقبلة. She will be seventeen next year. She'll be 17 next year. سأشاهد التلفاز هذا المساء. I am going to watch TV this evening. I'm gonna watch TV tonight. הייתי פה זמן ממושך. I've been here a long time. I've been here a long time. הוא נותר קר רוח אל נוכח הסכנה. He remained calm even in the presence of danger. He was cold in the face of danger. הוא תמיד יוצא לעבודה בשעה 08:00. He always leaves for work at 8:00 a.m. He always leaves for work at 8:00. لقد أُغوِيَت ليلى. Layla was seduced. Lily's been seduced. הם הלכו לפונדק דרכים. They went to a motel. They went to a road inn. אני מסתייג מהרמז שלך. I resent your implication. I disapprove of your hint. كان سامي لطيفا مع ليلى. Sami was cool with Layla. Sammy was nice to Lily. אני נמוכה מדי. I am too short. I'm too low. ניתוח יעזור לזה? Will surgery help it? Will surgery help? عليك عدم الخوف. You need not have such fear. You mustn't be afraid. لم يرد توم الذهاب إلى هناك. Tom didn't want to go there. Tom didn't want to go there. זה לא יוצא דופן שאנשים מוסרים נתונים מזוייפים כשהם נרשמים לאתרי אינטרנט. It's not uncommon for people to give fake personal information when registering to use websites. It’s not unusual for people to give out fake data when they sign up for websites. لم يكن روبرت يشتري أبدا ألعابا لساندرا. Robert never bought Sandra toys. Robert never bought games for Sandra. استجوبت الشّرطة بعض سكّان الحيّ. Police asked questions around the neighborhood. The police questioned some of the neighborhood's residents. המשיכה היתה הדדית. The attraction was mutual. The attraction was mutual. הוא רצה להבטיח ביטחון. He wanted to promise safety. He wanted to ensure security. كان الجميع في حيرة. Everyone was perplexed. Everyone was confused. ابق! Stay! Stay! אני לא יודע אם יש לי זמן לכך. I don't know if I have the time. I don't know if I have time for this. زيري مكتئب. Ziri is depressed. My father is depressed. توقف زيري عن الصراخ. Ziri stopped screaming. Ziri stopped screaming. هذه الوردة هي أجمل الورود على الإطلاق. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This rose is the most beautiful rose ever. شْكُونْ أحسَنْ قنّاص؟ Who's the better hunter? Would you rather be a sniper? تحوّلت الدّقائق إلى ساعات. Minutes turned into hours. The minutes turned into hours. אתם מתוקים. You're sweet. You guys are sweet. سامي يعلم الآن. Now Sami knows. Sammy knows now. תודה על המאמץ שלך. Thanks for your effort. Thank you for your effort. אני לא מרוצה מזה. I'm not happy with this. I'm not happy about it. בואי נסתתר מהגשם הזה. Let's get out of this rain. Let's hide from this rain. מצאתי את מקום המחבוא של תום. I found Tom's secret hiding place. I found Tom's hiding place. תאכלי איתי? Would you dine with me? Eat with me? كان سامي يعيش حياة محترمة. Sami had a respectable life. Sammy was living a decent life. יש להם כעת שלושה ילדים. They now have three kids. They now have three children. היא בהריון עם תאומים. She's pregnant with twins. She's pregnant with twins. انسَ الأمر. Forget it. Forget it. أينما كنت تعيش, هناك العاصمة. Wherever you live, there's the capital. Wherever you live, there's the capital. כולנו נכנסנו למכונית. We all got in the car. We all got in the car. Ħallini! Leave me alone! Let me! هوَ أحضر الطعام لضيفهُ وقدم لهُ المأوىَ. He brought food to his guest and provided him shelter. He brought food to his guest and gave him shelter. השינוי חיוני ואפשר. Change is necessary and possible. Change is possible and necessary. أزعج زيري ريمة. Ziri disturbed Rima. I'm disturbing my sister-in-law. הרכבת נסעה בחיפזון. The car traveled quickly. The train was in a hurry. אנו מאמינים באל. We believe in God. We believe in God. كان سامي هو روح الحفلة. Sami was the life of the party. Sammy was the spirit of the party. אילו ידענו מה אנחנו עושים, זה לא היה נקרא מחקר, נכון? If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it? מדוע אתה מנקה את המשרד? Why are you cleaning the office? Why are you cleaning the office? أنا لا أهتم للربح I don't care about profit. I don't care about profit. היינו תקועים שעות בפקק תנועה. We were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. We were stuck in traffic for hours. لقد شدّدت إسرائيل حصارها على غزّة. Israel has intensified its siege on Gaza. Israel has tightened its siege on Gaza. הילד לא בוכה עוד. The child is not crying anymore. The kid doesn't cry anymore. ذهب بلال إلى المدرسة. Bilal went to school. Bilal went to school. تقاعد زيري. Ziri retired. Ziri retired. توقّف زيري فجأة. Ziri suddenly stopped. Ziri suddenly stopped. هلا توقفت عن تتبعي من فضلك The leveret runs in the steppe. Will you stop following me, please? هل انت مع توم؟ Are you with Tom? Are you with Tom? انا فقط لا اعلم ماذا اقول I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. תום לא נראה משוכנע. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom is not convinced. بيحبها. He loves her. He loves her. يئس المدرّسون من سامي. Teachers gave up on Sami. The teachers despaired of Sammy. תום יליד בוסטון. Tom is a native of Boston. Tom was born in Boston. כולם אומרים זאת אבל אינני מאמין לאיש מהם. Everybody says that, but I don't believe one of them. Everyone says so, but I don't believe any of them. اسمي محذوفٌ من القائمة. My name is omitted from the list. My name's off the list. أحتاج طابعاً بريدياً. I need to get a stamp. I need a postage stamp. אני יודע שתום רוצה לעשות רושם טוב. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. I know Tom wants to make a good impression. מרי בלונדית. Mary is blonde. Mary Blondie. إدا كانت النّار، عيّطو لـ119. In case of fire, call 119. If it's fire, give it to 119. كان سامي يتعاطى المخدّرات. Sami took drugs. Sammy was on drugs. תחזור מתי שתרצה. Come back anytime. Come back any time you want. تتكلم الأمازيغية مع أبنائها. She speaks Berber to her kids. Amazigh people talk to their children. תודה עבור כל מה שעשיתם. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for everything you've done. אחרי שכולם עזבו, הוא נשאר, בלי חברים. After everyone left, he remained, friendless. After everyone left, he stayed, no friends. אנו ניקח לתשומת ליבנו את הרגשות שלך. We'll take your feelings into account. We'll take your feelings to heart. אני אוהבת את הגשם כשאני לומדת בחדרי. I love the rain while I'm studying in my room. I like the rain when I study in my room. היית החבר היחיד של תום. You were Tom's only friend. You were Tom's only friend. ظهر زيري بدون سلاح. Ziri appeared unarmed. Ziri showed up without a weapon. ابدأ في الاستماع. Start listening. Start listening. يتوجب عليك أن تشكره. You ought to thank him. You should thank him. أُعجب سامي بهذا المكان. Sami liked it here. Sammy likes this place. يتساءل زيري لماذا. Ziri wonders why. Ziri wonders why. استمع! Listen! Listen! أين كنت ذاهب؟ Where were you going? Where were you going? את לא עושה עלי רושם. You're not impressing me. You're not making an impression on me. הם נראים בסדר. They seemed OK. They look fine. يملك زيري مالا. Ziri has cash. Ziri has money. تعرضنا للضرب. We were hit. We were beaten. הובר הורה לחיילים האמריקניים לסגת מניקרגואה. Hoover withdrew American forces from Nicaragua. Hoover ordered American troops to withdraw from Nicaragua. سيروق لك ذلك. You'll love this. You'll like it. أتمنىَ أن الصيف لا ينتهىِ ابداً. I wish summer would never end! I hope summer never ends. למה אתה כל כך מרוצה? Why are you so happy? Why are you so happy? أتمنى لك نومًا هادئًا يا تِمِي.‏‏ Sleep well, Timmy. Have a good night's sleep, Timmy. الجو حار جداً It is too hot. It's so hot. لا تنجو أقوى الأنواع، ولا أذكاها، بل أكثرها استجابةً للتغيير. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Not the strongest, not the smartest, but the most responsive to change. הלוואי שהייתי כל כך מאושרת כל יום. I wish I were this happy every day. I wish I was so happy every day. اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق. The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side. The meeting was cancelled because there was no hope that the parties would reach an agreement. האחות פגעה בוריד. The nurse hit a blood vessel. The nurse hit the vein. يواجه زيري مشاكل. Ziri has problems. Ziri's having problems. קשה לי לקום מוקדם בבקרים קרים. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. It’s hard to get up early in the morning. אני לא יכול להרשות לך. I can't let you. I can't let you. תום ואני עזבנו מיד, אבל מרי נשארה לחכות לג'ון. Tom and I left right away, but Mary stayed behind to wait for John. Tom and I left right away, but Mary stayed to wait for John. אני לא יכול לעשות את העבודה הזאת בלעדיך. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. لم يكن زيري يشعر بالثّقة في نفسه. Ziri was insecure. Ziri wasn’t confident in himself. زيري يحب مشاهدة النجوم ليلا. Ziri likes to watch the stars at night. He likes to watch the stars at night. אני רואה שזה מטריד אותך. I can see that bothers you. I see it's bothering you. יש שם חנות? Is there a shop there? Is there a store there? היא מחשיבה את עצמה כאדם נבון. She thinks of herself as an intelligent person. She considers herself a wise man. لم يكن سامي يعمل آنذاك. Sami didn't have a job at that time. Sam wasn’t working at the time. يحبّ الجزائريّون التّين. Algerians love figs. The Algerians love the fig. אני הייתי הראשון. I was first. I was the first. לכל דבר ועניין, דונלד טראמפ הוא פשיסט. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. איש לא זכר את סדר האירועים. Nobody could remember the sequence of events. No one remembers the order of events. هو بحاجة للمساعدة فحسب. He just needs help. He just needs help. هي صارت غنية . She became rich. She became rich. יום אחד אולי תרצה את עזרת טום. You may need Tom's help someday. Someday you might want Tom's help. جدك لسه عيان؟ Is your grandpa still sick? Your grandfather's just an eyeball? كان فاضل يريد أن يستغلّ ليلى. Fadil looked to take advantage of Layla. Fazl wanted to take advantage of Layla. איזה לחם אתם אוכלים? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread do you eat? ليس بإمكاني تحمل هذا الضجيج. I can't stand the noise. I can't stand that noise. ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي. First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website. For the first time, I've seen that we're running something that's on the Internet. הנה הקבלה שלך. Here's your receipt. Here's your receipt. נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה תגיד לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Let's say she's coming back. كان سامي يعتبر حياته ممتعة. Sami thought life was good. Sammy thought his life was fun. אתה לא מפסיק להרשים אותי. You never cease to impress me. You keep impressing me. תזהר שמא תכווה את עצמך. Be careful not to burn yourself. Be careful if you burn yourself. لم نسمعه يغني الأغنية قط. We have never heard him sing the song. We never heard him sing the song. זה היה גדול. That was great. That was great. استمتعنا بالأمس. Yesterday we had fun. We had fun yesterday. הייתי רוצה לדעת איפה קנית את זה. I'd like to know where you bought that. I'd like to know where you got it. رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Please wait before opening. ייתכן שטום טוב יותר בצרפתית ממה שאתה חושב. Tom might be better at French than you think he is. Tom might be better at French than you think. אני צריך עפרון. אפשר לקבל בהשאלה אחד שלך? I need a pencil. Can I borrow one of your pencils? I need a pencil, can I borrow one of yours? אני קצר רוח לצאת מפה. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm impatient to get out of here. אני שונא את ליל כל הקדושים. I hate Halloween. I hate Halloween. אף אחד לא רוצה להקשיב לדעותיי. No one wants to listen to my opinions. No one wants to listen to my opinions. אני פתוח להצעות. I'm open for suggestions. I'm open to suggestions. كان سامي يحبّ ليلى لملامحها الأوروبيّة. Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Sammy loved Layla for her European looks. כשרון הרקוד שלו הרשים את כולם. His talent for dancing impressed everyone. His dancing talent impressed everyone. אני אוהב את המקום שלך. I love your place. I love your place. יש לי חבר שאבא שלו הוא פסנתרן מפורסם. I have a friend whose father is a famous pianist. I have a friend whose dad is a famous pianist. אל תעשני פה. Don't smoke here. Don't smoke in here. سأُحوّل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'll transfer the money. "אמא, מותר גלידה?" "בשום אופן לא, זה יקלקל לך את ארוחת הערב." "Mom, can I buy me an ice cream?" "No way, because if I let you, it will spoil your dinner." "Mom, is ice cream allowed?" "No way, it'll spoil your dinner." هي طالبة She's a student. She's a student. זה היום הכי הגרוע בחיי. This is the worst day of my life. This is the worst day of my life. زيري يكره المراقهين. Ziri hates teenagers. Ziri hates the Storks. يستعمل زيري الماء المقطّر. Ziri uses distilled water. He uses distilled water. يكتب زيري رسائل حب قصيرة لريمة. Ziri writes Rima love notes. Ziri writes short love letters for Reema. בואי נאפה עוגת יום הולדת. Let's bake a birthday cake. Let's bake a birthday cake. יש סיכוי שלא תעבור את הבחינה. You may not pass the test. There's a chance you won't pass the exam. أكل زيري برتقالا. Ziri ate oranges. Eat orange ziri. כולנו צריכים להזהר יותר. We all have to be very careful. We all need to be more careful. נשארתי ער כל הלילה. I stayed up all night. I stayed up all night. سامي يحبّ الشّوكولاتة. Sami enjoys chocolate. Sammy likes chocolate. أنا حُرّ. I'm free. I'm free. كان زيري يعمل بجدّ. Ziri worked hard. Ziri was working hard. הייתי בת הזוג של תום. I was Tom's partner. I was Tom's girlfriend. אין שום חדש תחת האופק. There is nothing new on the horizon. There is nothing new on the horizon. תום תמיד כה אדיב. Tom is always very polite. Tom is always so kind. هل لديك أي اهتمام بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you have any interest in sports? לתום טעם יקר. Tom has expensive tastes. Tom has an expensive taste. لا شك أن زيري يعد شيئا. Ziri is definitely up to something. There is no doubt that Ziri is something. زلق زيري إلى داخل القاعة. Ziri slipped into his room. Slide Ziri into the hall. חייבו אותי בחמישה דולר עבור התיק. They charged me five dollars for the bag. I was charged $5 for the case. המחשב הזה עובד עם בטריות. This computer runs on batteries. This computer works with batteries. فاضل عربي. Fadil is Arab. Arab Fadil. لا يحبّ يانّي حبّات التّين الرّخوة. Yanni doesn't like squishy figs. He doesn't like soft figs. يجب أن يبقى سامي مع ليلى. Sami should stay with Layla. Sammy should stay with Lily. كان سامي يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Sami wanted Layla to marry him. Sammy wanted to marry him, Leila. السماعات دي منغير سلك. These earphones are wireless. The headphones are de-wired. ها هي دراجتي. Here is my bicycle. Here's my bike. هل هذا حلم؟ Is this a dream? Is that a dream? לתום יש כתובת קעקע. Tom got a tattoo. Tom has a tattoo. أُمي, توم يضربني. Mom, Tom's hitting me! Mom, Tom's hitting me. מה את ממליצה לי? What are you suggesting to me? What do you recommend to me? سيموت ياني. Ziri is gonna die. He's gonna die, Yanni. אל תזכיר לי. Don't remind me. Don't remind me. אנו רוצים להגיע לגבול. We want to get to the border. We want to get to the border. هل تتذكر كيف كانت تبدو؟ Do you remember what she was like? Do you remember what she looked like? תוכל לתת יד לתום? Give Tom a hand, will you? Can you give Tom a hand? خيم زيري في غابة وطنية. Ziri camped in a national forest. Ziri camped in a national forest. טום לא יכול להרשות זאת לעצמו. Tom can't afford it. Tom can't afford it. إنه سهل جدا. It's as easy as pie. It's so easy. ماذا للعشاء؟ What's for dinner? What's for dinner? لا تقلق علي Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. שקלנו היטב את שתי הברירות. We've given careful thought to both alternatives. We carefully considered both options. تفاجأ زيري. Ziri was surprised. Surprised, my friend. הוא תפס לי את השדיים. He grabbed my breasts. He grabbed my breasts. תום מת שלושה ימים לאחר מכן. Tom died three days later. Tom died three days later. هي أكسل من أعرف. She is the laziest person I know. She's the most axl I know. אני מוסיפה את המשפט הזה כעת. I'm adding this sentence now. I am adding this sentence now. הם הפסיקו לייצר את הטלפון הזה כי הוא נפיץ. They stopped producing this phone because it explodes. They stopped making that phone because it exploded. إنها ثاني أعلى المُعدَلات في العالم. It's the second-highest in the world. It's the second highest in the world. نظّم نفسك. Get organized. Organize yourself. זה אדום? Is it red? Is it red? هل هذه هي حقا الحقيقة؟ Is this the real truth? Is that really the truth? لاحظ زيري ذلك. Ziri noticed that. Ziri noticed that. אין לי אף אויב. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemy. أبلغت ليلى عن الحريق. Layla reported the fire. Layla reported the fire. أتناول الغداء عند الظهيرة مع أصدقائي. I have lunch at noon with my friends. I have lunch at noon with my friends. علي أن أنهض على كل حال. I have to get up anyways. I have to get up anyway. כשאנשים נפגשים, הרושם הראשוני קובע יותר מ-50% של כל מה שעומד להתרחש לאחר מכן. When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next. When people meet, the first impression determines more than 50% of what is going to happen next. אתה בטח מחבב את תום מאד. You must really like Tom. You must like Tom very much. هل نحن بحاجة إلى لغة عالمية؟ Do we need a world language? Do we need a universal language? זוכיתי. I was acquitted. I won. ذلك يتوقف على السياق. It depends on the context. It depends on the context. המרמיטה היא אלמותית. The marmot is immortal. The bed is immortal. תום עזר לכולם. Tom helped everybody. Tom helped everyone. מה שלומה? How is she? How's she doing? كان المكان محاطا بأشجار من ثلاث جوانب. There were trees on three sides. It was surrounded by trees on three sides. רוב המפתחים שונאים את שלב ניפוי השגיאות; זה יותר כיף ליצור באגים מאשר לתקנם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most developers hate the debugging phase; it’s more fun to create bugs than to fix them. כאזרח העולם, אני מכיר דרכים לעקוף מחסומי תרבות. As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers. As a citizen of the world, I know ways to get around cultural barriers. אתם הולכים לדוג באגמים? Do you go fishing on the lakes? You're going fishing in the lakes? كان فاضل يضرب أطفاله. Fadil would hit his children. Fadhel was beating up his children. جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. We made him go. أنا متزوّج بامرأة فلسطينية. I am married to a Palestinian woman. I am married to a Palestinian woman. כל כמה זמן את אוהבת ללכת לחוף הים? How often do you like to go to the beach? How often do you like to go to the beach? هناك من ينظر إليك. Someone is watching you. Someone is looking at you. תפסיקי לשיר. Stop singing. Stop singing. אין לי שום התנגדות. I don't have any objections. I have no objection. اتّصلت ليلى بصديقتها. Layla called her friend. Lily called her friend. הוא נענש על פשעיו. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. חיי החולה הזה בסכנה. This patient's life is in danger. This patient's life is in danger. بدأ زيري يمشي. Ziri started walking. Ziri began to walk. יש לי כמה הקלטות של הסמפוניה החמישית של בטהובן. I have several recordings of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I have some tapes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. واصل زيري. Ziri continued. Carry on, Zeri. هم الذين يطلق عليهم ضحايا الحرب. They are the so-called victims of war. They are called victims of war. למעשה, לטום אין ביטוח. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. אמתין למטה. I'll be waiting downstairs. I'll wait downstairs. متى ستبدأ المباراة؟ What time will the game start? When does the game start? هربت ليلى من المكان قبل وصول الشّرطة. Layla fled the scene before the police arrived. Lily ran away from the scene before the police arrived. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. زيري يتمرّن. Ziri is exercising. My brother is training. لا تلتمسْ ذوقَ الناعمَ من الطَّعام. Do not pursue the taste of good food. Do not seek the soft taste of food. אני רוצה לנסות מחדש. I want to try again. I want to try again. من الافضل ان تقول الحقيقة It's best to tell the truth. You better tell the truth. لا يحتاج جامس لأية حمية. James doesn't need any diets. James doesn't need any diet. شكلنا وقعنا ففخ. It looks like we fell into a trap. We've been booby-trapped. תעביר לי סריקה על השטח לראות אם יש נחשים Scan the area for me to see if there are any snakes. Give me a scan of the area to see if there's any snakes. صعد ياني على متن الحافلة. Ziri boarded a bus. Yanni got on the bus. بدأت الأمور تصبح غريبة. Things started to get crazy. Things are starting to get weird. ما نعرفوش جيرانّا. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. אתה צוחק?! הכלב שלך נראה מסוכן. You kidding?! Your dog seems dangerous. Are you kidding?! Your dog looks dangerous. Għin Ziri. Help Ziri. Help Ziri. الأفكار المبدعة أصبحت قليلة للغاية مؤخّراً. Creative ideas have been thin on the ground lately. Creative ideas have become too few lately. תום אכל הרבה גלידה. Tom ate a lot of ice cream. Tom ate a lot of ice cream. قال سامي أنّه لديه من سيوصله بسيّارته. Sami said he had a ride. Sammy said he had someone to drive him. العشب بحاجة إلى التجديب. The grass needs cutting. The grass needs to be mowed. התחביב שלי הוא האקווריום שלי. My hobby is my aquarium. My hobby is my aquarium. كلبي ينبح. My dog is barking. My dog barks. كان زيري يرقص. Ziri was dancing. Ziri was dancing. كان ياني بحاجة للتدريب. Ziri needed practice. Yanni needed training. הקשר הרומנטי הארוך ביותר שלי נמשך ארבעה חודשים. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want your opinion. I want to know what you think. אתה מתכנן לנסוע לחו"ל? Do you plan to go overseas? Are you planning to go abroad? תום כנראה לא רעב. Tom is probably not hungry. Tom is probably not hungry. ברוך הבא לביתנו. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. היה לכם סופשבוע נעים? Did you have a nice weekend? Did you have a nice weekend? أنا مسرورة لعدم وجودي هناك. I'm glad I wasn't here. I'm glad I'm not there. תלמד את שפתך. Learn your language. Learn your language. يجلس زيري هناك. Ziri sits there. Ziri is sitting there. توقفت ريمة وراء الحافلة. Rima stopped behind the bus. Reema stopped behind the bus. תום רוצה לדעת מתי תגיעי לכאן. Tom wants to know what time you'll be getting here. Tom wants to know when you're gonna get here. תום צריך להזהר שלא לזלזל במרי. Tom should be careful not to underestimate Mary. Tom needs to be careful not to disrespect Mary. لا أسامحكِ مطلقا. I do not forgive you at all. I don't forgive you at all. אתה עדיין ירוק. You're still green. You're still green. واصل زيري التقدم. Ziri continued moving forward. Ziri continued to advance. أرسل سامي رسالة بيجر لليلى. Sami paged Layla. Sammy sent Bigger's message to Layla. תום התחבא מאחורי עץ. Tom was hiding behind a tree. Tom was hiding behind a tree. أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The child felt safe in his mother’s arms. سأساعدك في توفير بعض الوقت. I'm going to help you save some time. I'll help you save some time. היא עשתה זאת כשהייתה שיכורה. She did it while she was drunk. She did it when she was drunk. אין לי פנאי לצפות בטלוויזיה. I don't have any time to watch TV. I don't have time to watch TV. רשמתי לך את הכתובת. I wrote down the address for you. I wrote you the address. התוכנית שלי זה ללמוד באוסטרליה. My plan is to study in Australia. My plan is to study in Australia. ما هي السعادة؟ What is happiness? What is happiness? فتح سامي الباب. Sami opened the door. Sammy opened the door. كان زيري جادّا. Ziri was serious. Ziri was serious. ضربته قلم. She slapped his face. I hit him with a pen. أوقف السيارة Stop the car. Stop the car! ألا تبعد يدك عني؟ Will you take your hand off me? Don't you take your hand off me? فعلتُ ذلك دون استشارة أحد. I did that without consulting anyone. I did it without consulting anyone. אני נותן גם שיעורים בפורטוגזית של ברזיל. I also teach Brazilian Portuguese classes. I also teach Portuguese in Brazil. سمع سامي صوت أمّه. Sami heard his mother's voice. Sammy heard his mother's voice. انهار جامس على الأرض. James collapsed to the floor. James fell to the ground. לא כל הילדים אוהבים תפוחים. All children do not like apples. Not all kids love apples. ربّما سأصنع لنفسي زيّا كهذا لحفل هالووين القادم. Maybe I'll have a costume made like that for next Halloween. Maybe I'll make myself a costume like this for the next Halloween party. כובעים חוזרים לאופנה. Hats are coming into fashion. Hats are back in fashion. كان زيري جائعا. Ziri was hungry. Ziri was hungry. يُقال أنها وُلدت في ألمانيا. They say that she was born in Germany. She is said to have been born in Germany. شروق الشمس جميل هذا الصباح. The sunrise is beautiful this morning. The sunrise is beautiful this morning. רבים נספו בתאונה. Many people were killed in the accident. Many died in the accident. לקצב הזה יש את הבשר הכי טוב. This butcher has the best meat. That butcher's got the best meat. אתה נשמע ילדותי. You sound childish. You sound childish. אל תשכחו את כלל מס' 72. Don't forget rule number seventy-two. Don't forget rule number 72. بقى عازف بيانو. He became a pianist. He remained a pianist. أكلهم زيري. Ziri ate them. Eat 'em, Zeri. يلعب بمهارة. He plays very well. Playing skillfully. تناول سامي أقراص النّوم. Sami took sleeping pills. Sammy took the sleeping pills. هذا الطالب نشيط جدًا. That student is very active. This student is very active. אתמול תאמנו עם ראש המחלקה לארגן מסיבה. Yesterday we coordinated with the department head to organize an office party. Yesterday, we were training with the head of the department to throw a party. ما هو السبب الحقيقي لعدم رغبتك بعمل هذا؟ What's the real reason you don't want to do this? What's the real reason you don't want to do this? למריה קאלאס יש קול נהדר. Maria Callas has a beautiful voice. Maria Callas has a great voice. انتقلي للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move in here. هذه منطقة من الغابة أقل كثافة This is a thinner part of the forest. This is an area of less dense forest. نامت ريمة في الحافلة. Rima slept on the bus. Rima slept on the bus. اصطدم سامي بشجرة لأنّه لم يكن قادرا على رؤية شيء. Sami ran into a tree because he couldn't see a thing. Sammy ran into a tree because he couldn't see anything. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. Can I use your pencil? We can use your pen. حاول زيري جاهدا. Ziri tried hard. Ziri tried hard. ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's taste in dresses is different from mine. מה אני אמור לאכול? What should I eat? What am I supposed to eat? وقف سامي خارج غرفة المستشفى. Sami stood outside the hospital room. Sammy stood outside the hospital room. إنها دائماً تشتري ثياباً ثمينة. She always buys expensive clothes. She always buys expensive clothes. وقع سامي في حبّ فتاة مسلمة اسمها ليلى. Sami fell in love with a Muslim girl named Layla. Sammy fell in love with a Muslim girl named Layla. واصل جامس الاعتذار. James kept apologizing. James continued to apologize. لقد تغيّرت القاهرة. Cairo has changed. Cairo has changed. درب زيري. Train Ziri. Ziri's trail. الحب شيء و الزواج شيء آخر. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love is one thing and marriage is another. كان زيري بمفرده. Ziri was alone. Ziri was alone. אני אוהבת מאוד סרטי קולנוע. I like movies a lot. I love movies very much. את חושבת שתום נבון? Do you think Tom is wise? You think Tom's smart? عايز أموت مع جتر ياني. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I'd like to die with Jeter Yanni. אני צריך מתנדבים. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. ידידי, ג'ורג', נוסע הקיץ ליפן. My friend George is going to Japan this summer. My friend, George, is going to Japan this summer. متى رأيت الفلم؟ When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand while pouring hot water. והוא יצא מזה ללא פגע? And he's gonna get away with it? And he came out of it unscathed? התפשרתי על ירוק בשביל הווילונות. I have settled on green for the curtains. I compromised on green for the curtains. אני הייתי צריכה ספרים כדי ללמוד אנגלית. I needed books to learn English. I needed books to learn English. دعينا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's share the expenses. אתה פשוט אוהב לגרום נזק לאנשים, נכון? You just love to hurt people, don't you? You just like to hurt people, don't you? كانت ليلى لا تزال في عداد المفقودين. Layla was still missing. Lily was still missing. زيري لا يعلم من يراقبه. Ziri doesn't know who is watching him. Ziri doesn't know who's watching him. היא רמזה שהיא אולי תלמד בחו"ל. She hinted that she might study abroad. She suggested she might study abroad. ترجمت النص حرفياً. She translated it word for word. The text was translated literally. הפגישה התפזרה בתשע. The meeting broke up at nine o'clock. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00. אתה באמת חושב להתפטר מהעבודה שלך? Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job? Are you really thinking about quitting your job? حان وقت النوم. It's bedtime. It's bedtime. תזכרי בבקשה לשלוח את המכתב בדרכך הביתה. Please remember to mail the letter on your way home. Please remember to send the letter on your way home. كلامه واعماله متاناقضان. His words and deeds do not match. His words and actions are contradictory. אינני יודעת אם כספי יספיק. I don't know if my money is enough. I don't know if my money will be enough. لكل فرد الحق في التمتع بنظام اجتماعي دولي تتحقق بمقتضاه الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان تحققا تاما. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Everyone has the right to an international social order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the present Declaration are fully realized. انتظرتك لساعتين. She waited for you for two hours. I waited for you for two hours. كان سامي في العمل عندما اتّصلت به ليلى. Sami was at work when Layla called him. Sammy was at work when Lily called him. هيّا يا زيري. Go ahead, Ziri. Come on, Zeri. חזרו. Come back. Come back. הוא לא מברך את השכנים לשלום. He doesn't greet his neighbours. He doesn't greet the neighbors. היא שלפה אקדח ואמרה: ... She drew her gun and said: She pulled out a gun and said: אני חושבת שאנו יכולים למנוע את זה. I think we can avoid that. I think we can prevent that. החתול נראה מאושר ביותר. The cat seems extremely happy. The cat looks very happy. תודה רבה שהזמנת אותי. Thank you very much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. היא לא רצתה שהוא יעזוב את החדר. She didn't want him to leave the room. She didn't want him to leave the room. זה מספיק לעכשיו. This will do for now. That's enough for now. أعدها! Give it back! Give it back! لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. أظهر دافيد الحزن الذي كان يخفيه بداخله. David showed the sadness he had been carrying within. David showed the sadness he was hiding inside of him. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? אני מתכונן ללכת למיטה. I'm going to go to bed. I'm getting ready to go to bed. הוא אוהב את הגיטרה הזאת. He likes that guitar. He loves that guitar. תבוא צמא בבקשה. Please come thirsty. Please come thirsty. أحدث سامي إنفجارا في المنزل. Fadil started an explosion in the house. Sammy made an explosion at home. من الغائب؟ Who's missing? Who's missing? לעת עתה כוונתי להתאכסן במלון. For the time being, I intend to stay at a hotel. For now, I intend to stay at the hotel. שמי ג'יסונג. My name is Jisung. My name is Jisong. الدعم من مُتحدث اللُغة الأصلي سيكون موضع تقدير. Support from a native speaker would be appreciated. Support from the native speaker will be appreciated. זו היתה השגיאה הגדולה של חיי. It was the biggest mistake of my life. It was the biggest mistake of my life. חזרתם. You're back. You're back. هذه سيارة أبي. This car is my father's. This is my dad's car. الامتحان كان جد صعب بنسبتي لي. The assignment was too much for me. The exam was very difficult for me. كانت ليلى في غاية السّعادة. Layla was overjoyed. Lily was very happy. ضُبِط سامي في مستشفى و هو يعرض نفسه كطبيب. Sami was caught at a hospital pretending to be a doctor. Sammy's in a hospital, and he's presenting himself as a doctor. طلب توم شيء للأكل Tom ordered something to eat. Tom asked for something to eat. אם נמתין עוד שלושים דקות לפני שנצא, נוכל להימנע מלהיקלע לשעת העומס בתנועה. If we wait for thirty minutes before leaving, we can avoid the rush hour traffic. If we wait another 30 minutes before we leave, we can avoid traffic jams. سقط زيري فجأة. Ziri suddenly fell. Ziri fell down suddenly. פושעים רבים בארה"ב מכורים לסמים. Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. Many criminals in the United States are addicted to drugs. عايز ايه؟ What do you want? What do you want? شيء مذهل ! ، سائح امريكي كان يقول : كل كلمة "حصان" تلفض باللغة الهنغارية مثل لفضة كلمة "منخفض" بالانكليزية . It's amazing! – an American tourist was saying: In Hungary, every "horse" is "low"! Something amazing!, an American tourist used to say: every word "horse" is uttered in Hungarian as silver for the word "low" in English. כל ערב אני עושה אמבטיה. I take a bath every night. Every night I take a bath. אני מכיר את תום זה עידן ועידנים. I've known Tom forever. I've known Tom for ages. توفي ابني الوحيد بالسرطان. I had my only son die of cancer. My only son died of cancer. אסתר היא לסבית יהודיה. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. هل لديك خبرةً في العمل؟ Do you have work experience? Do you have work experience? תום מעורר גועל. Tom is obnoxious. Tom is disgusting. הוא לא תלוי בהוריו. He is independent of his parents. He's not dependent on his parents. كنت أبلغ الثلاثين عاما فقط آنذاك. I was only thirteen years old at that time. I was only 30 years old at the time. عذر توم كان ضئيلاً. Tom's excuse is pretty thin. Tom's excuse was small. اركض! Run! Run! بعد أن أنهيت عملي، خرجت لأتنزه. Having finished the work, I went out for a walk. After I finished my work, I went for a walk. قام سامي بالحراسة. Sami kept guard. Sammy's been guarding. אנו די טובים בזה. We're pretty good at this. We're pretty good at this. تعال إلى منزلي. Come home. Come to my house. ضرب زيري ريمة. Ziri hit Rima. Zeri hit Reema. الظل الذي رآه زيري في الغابة كانت بنفس قامته. The shadow Ziri saw in the forest was the same height as him. The shadow that Ziri saw in the forest was of the same height. بدأ سامي تحقيقه الخاص. Sami began his own investigation. Sammy started his own investigation. חכית? תודה! You waited? Thank you! You wait? זה ענק. This is great. It's huge. لا أريد أن أعمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. نحن قاسون. We are tough. We're tough. Int miġnun? Are you crazy? You're mad? ولكن أنا لا أريد الهروب, أنا أريد أن أرى إيطاليا. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. תזהרי מהדבורים. Look out for bees. Watch out for the bees. רציתי לתפוס את הציפור, אך התברר לי שזה קשה מדי. I wanted to catch the bird, but I found it too difficult. I wanted to catch the bird, but it turned out to be too hard. בכל מקום שהוא עצר, הוא התקבל בסבר פנים יפות. Everywhere he stopped, the people welcomed him warmly. Wherever he stopped, he was greeted with a beautiful face. كانت ليلى جالسة في السّيّارة. Layla sat in the car. Lily was sitting in the car. זה נראה טוב. It looked good. It looks good. אני מתכוון לארגן מסיבה. I'm going to throw a party. I'm gonna throw a party. تحرك عقرب الثواني الخاص بالساعة . The clock ticked. Move the second hand of the hour. وسمو؟ What's his name? And His Highness? הם שחקני כדור בסיס. They are baseball players. They're baseball players. תום כותב נאומים מקצועי. Tom is a speech writer. Tom writes professional speeches. אני לומדת צרפתית מאז שהייתי בת שלוש עשרה. I've been studying French since I was thirteen. I've been learning French since I was thirteen. أنا مدرّسكم البديل. I am your substitute teacher. I'm your substitute teacher. المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. الجزائر هي أكبر بلد في إفريقيا. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't stop his tears. Ejja miegħi. Come with me. Come with me. מה שאני באמת רוצה, זה משהו חם לאכול. What I really want is something hot to eat. What I really want is something hot to eat. سقطت نخلة تمر. A date palm tree fell. The date palm fell. תזהר עם תום. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. תן לי קצת. Give me a little. Give me some. من أين أنت؟ Where do you come from? Where are you from? كان سامي يعيش في حيّ ذو معدّل جريمة عالٍ. Sami was living in a neighborhood where there was a lot of crime. Sammy was living in a neighborhood with a high crime rate. אני עסוקה מאוד. I am very busy. I'm very busy. هل اعتذر زيري؟ Did Ziri apologize? Did Ziri apologize? אני חייב להודות לו. I must thank him. I have to thank him. توم كان قد أعتقل, حوكم, ثم قطع رأسه لخيانته. Tom was arrested, tried, and beheaded for betrayal. Tom had been arrested, tried, and then beheaded for treason. هل تحتاج أية مساعدة ؟ يارفيقي . Do you need any help, buddy? Do you need any help? كيف حال ماري؟ How is Mary? How's Mary? הציפור פרחה לה ונעלמה מהאופק. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird fell out of sight and disappeared. זה אסון העומד להתרחש. That's a disaster waiting to happen. It's a disaster that's about to happen. השעה כמעט שלוש. It'll soon be three o'clock. It's almost three o'clock. أنت تسمع هذه الأصوات في رأسك فقط. You're only hearing that voice in your head. You only hear these sounds in your head. אני צריך שתלך לדואר ושתשלח את המכתב הזה. I need you to go to the post office and mail this letter. I need you to go to the post office and send this letter. زيري لا يشتكي أبدا. Ziri never complains. My father never complains. מדוע אתה לא עונה? Why aren't you answering? Why aren't you answering? عودوا إلى أماكنكم. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. זה היה בשבילי הלם כביר. It was a great shock to me. It was a huge shock to me. לא נראה שיש לך בעיה כלשהי לתקשר בצרפתית. You don't seem to have any problem communicating in French. You don't seem to have any trouble communicating in French. אהבתי כל רגע מזה. I loved every minute of it. I loved every minute of it. דבר בשם עצמך. Speak for yourselves. Speak for yourself. راني فرحان كي درت هاذ الشي على جالي. I'm happy that you did that for me. I was so excited to see this thing on my plate. واصل زيري ضرب ذلك الأنبوب. Ziri continued hitting the pipe. Ziri continued to hit that pipe. תום הצליח לחצות את הנהר בשחיה. Tom was able to swim across the river. Tom was able to swim across the river. و كيف أجبت؟ How did you reply? And how did you answer? أريد مشغل MP3. I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3 player. טום הוא בחור סימפתי. Tom is a likeable person. Tom's a sympathetic guy. أود أن أعبر عن امتناني لما قدمته لهذه البلدة. I would like to express my gratitude for what you have done for this town. I would like to express my gratitude for what I have done for this town. أنشأ مايكل مزرعة صغيرة. Michael opened a small farm. Michael built a small farm. אין לו אומץ לומר שום דבר. He doesn't have the strength to say anything. He doesn’t have the courage to say anything. ما كنت وحيداً. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. תום רוצה שתעזור לו עם שיעורי הבית. Tom wants you to help him do his homework. Tom wants you to help him with his homework. أحدهما ياباني و الآخر إيطالي. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. תום התחזק. Tom has grown in strength. Tom is getting stronger. أوقفن العمل. Stop working. Stop the work. כן, מאמינים לך! I don't believe you! Yes, they believe you! גנבו חלק מהכסף שלי. Some of my money has been stolen. They stole some of my money. غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه البنكي. Fadil changed his bank account details. He changed his bank account details. أصبحت ليلى مشهورة في ثانويّة باكر. Layla became very popular at Bakir High School. Layla became famous at Baker High. תום נעץ את מבטו בתמונה של מרי. Tom stared at Mary's photo. Tom stared at the picture of Mary. لا أحد يريد أن يلعب مع تانغو باستثناء صبي صغير. No one wanted to play with Tango except the little boy. No one wants to play with Tango except for a little boy. زيري يقطن في غابة وطنية. Ziri lives in a national forest. Zeri lives in a national forest. של מי הספרים האלה? Whose books are those? Whose books are these? תודה שבאתם. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming. קשה להגיד להם לא. It's hard to say no to them. It's hard to say no to them. ليس هناك طريقة أخرى. No other way. There's no other way. زيري في المكتبة. Ziri is in the library. Ziri's in the library. الأمازيغية هي جزء مني. Berber is a part of me. Amazigh is a part of me. من الممكن أن ينهار زيري. Ziri may collapse. It's possible that Ziri will collapse. بدأ سامي يتخلّف على المدرسة. Sami started skipping school. Sammy started dropping out of school. אני די בטוח שתום לא גמר את שיעורי הבית שלו עדיין. I'm pretty sure that Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. I'm pretty sure Tom hasn't finished his homework yet. הם אמרו לא. They said no. They said no. إنه قوي كالحصان. He's as strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. أنت فتاة جميلة. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. أعطني كل التفاصيل. Give me all the details. Give me all the details. את שמה סוכר בתה? Do you put sugar in your tea? You put sugar in your tea? دفع زيري. Ziri pushed. Push Ziri. بقي الباب مغلقًا طوال اليوم. The door remained closed all day. The door was locked all day. עדיין יש לי כאב ראש. I still have a headache. I still have a headache. הם התקבצו כולם מסביב לכוכב הקולנוע. They all flocked around the movie star. They were all gathered around the movie star. بس انت مش موجود هناك. But you're not there. But you're not there. הפורץ נגח עם המצח שלו באף שלי. The burglar hit my nose with his forehead. The intruder rammed his forehead into my nose. كتب توم قصة عن ذلك. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about it. لا يحق لك أن تكسر اللوائح المتبعة. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You don’t have the right to break the rules. كان سامي قرّة عين أمّه. Sami was the apple of his mother's eye. Sammy was his mother's eyeball. יורד גשם חזק אבל אני חייב ללכת. It's raining hard and yet I must go. It's raining hard, but I have to go. אני נוהגת מהר. I drive fast. I drive fast. عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sammy had a wonderful life. אתם מקוממים. You're outrageous. You're outrageous. كتب "مع تحياتي" في ذيل الخطاب ثم قام بتوقيع اسمه. He wrote "regards" at the end of the letter and then signed his name. He wrote "With Greetings" at the bottom of the letter and then signed his name. פייסבוק מתה. Facebook is dead. Facebook is dead. لا تستخدم قلمي. Don't use my pen. Don't use my pen. الوقت ينفذ. Time is running out. Time's running out. עדיף שתיסוג לאחור. You'd better stand back. You'd better back off. תום חזר למשרד שלו. Tom returned to his office. Tom went back to his office. اتبع قلبك فحسب. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. אני אהיה רעב. I'll get hungry. I'll be hungry. سامي و ليلى يعيشان في عالمين مختلفين. Sami and Layla live in separate worlds. Sammy and Layla live in two different worlds. الجزائر مثيرة للاهتمام. Algeria is interesting. Algeria is interesting. التقى سامي بليلى عام ١٩٩٦. Sami met Layla in 1996. He met Sammy Blylyly in 1996. لم يستطع زيري ان يحضر ريمة من المطار. Ziri couldn't pick Rima up from the airport. Ziri couldn't bring Reema from the airport. إنني قلق عليه. I worry about him. I'm worried about him. سامي مدرّسنا في رقص الهيبهوب. Sami is our hiphop teacher. Sammy's our hip-hop teacher. الجو بارد. It's cold. It's cold. كيف تجرأ على شتم أختي! How dare you insult my sister! How dare you insult my sister! מיהם המוזיקאים המפורסמים בארצך? Who are the famous musicians in your country? Who are the most famous musicians in your country? אמא שלך בבית? Is your mother at home? Is your mom home? بحث سامي عن الفيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami searched the video on Layla's YouTube channel. Sami searched for the video on Leila’s YouTube channel. טום רשם את ההצעה של מרי ברשימת המשימות שלו. Tom put Mary's suggestion down on his to-do list. Tom put Mary's offer on his to-do list. אני אוהבת להרגיז אותך. I like making you mad. I like to upset you. אנחנו מכירים? Are we acquaintances? Do we know each other? يبدو زيري حزينا. Ziri looks sad. Ziri looks sad. אתה חושב שכל עובדי הצבור מושחתים? Do you think all officials are corrupt? You think all public servants are corrupt? للخنازير بعض الميزات المشتركة مع البشر. Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings. Pigs have some common features with humans. הכאב בלתי נסבל. The pain is unbearable. The pain is unbearable. يتلف التّين بسرعة كبيرة. Figs deteriorate really fast. The figs are damaged very quickly. نحن مدرسون. We are teachers. We are teachers. غيّر سامي الموضوع. Sami changed the subject. Sammy changed the subject. Fejn hu l-bank? Where is the bank? Where's the bank? وين راهي دّوش؟ Where are the showers? Wayne Rahi Douche? אני עבד. I'm a slave. I'm a slave. إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What're you looking at? What are you looking at? אני לא טיפש. I am not stupid. I'm not stupid. سأدفع بالشيك. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay by check. בוא נראה מה אנחנו יכולים למצוא. Let's see what we can find. Let's see what we can find. كان إهمالا منها أن تنسى. It was careless of her to forget it. It was her neglect to forget. ايبان راو واعي بواش راني نحّس. He seems to be aware of my feelings. Iban Rao is aware of my sensibilities. תפנה ימינה ברמזור הראשון. Turn right at the first traffic light. Turn right at the first light. תום לא ענה. Tom didn't answer. Tom did not answer. תום יושב על שמיכת פיקניק. Tom is sitting on a picnic blanket. Tom is sitting on a picnic blanket. راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل. She's asking how that's possible. I'm sure you'll find a way to be kinder. كانت تمطر عند إقلاعنا، لكن، عندما وصلنا، كان الجو مشمسا. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny. It was raining when we took off, but when we arrived, it was sunny. لقد خدعت نفسك. You betrayed yourself. You fooled yourself. מי שולח היום מכתבים בדואר? היום יש לנו דואר אלקטרוני. Who sends letters by mail? These days we have e-mail. Who sends mail today? Today we have e-mail. توم يحب لعب الشطرنج Tom likes playing chess. Tom likes to play chess. تحافظ على غرفتها مرتبة دوماً. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room tidy. אני צריך שתעשי זאת. I need you to do that. I need you to do this. קן אוהב לגור באוהל. Ken likes camping. Ken likes to live in a tent. לפתע פרץ תום בבכי. Suddenly Tom began to cry. Suddenly, Tom burst into tears. ستبدأ المسرحية الساعة الثانية مساءً. The play begins at 2 p.m. The play starts at 2 p.m. נחזור אחרי הפרסומת הזאת. We'll be back after this commercial. We'll come back after that commercial. لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. أعجب ذلك زيري. Ziri likes it. I like that, Ziri. شكرت ريمة زيري على الشكولاتة. Rima thanked Ziri for the chocolates. I thanked Reema Ziri for the chocolate. הם קיבלו החלטה משותפת בדבר הגירושין. They made a joint decision to divorce. They made a joint decision about the divorce. ወረ፡ ስሩዕ ንብረት ኮነ። The rumor became common property. The property has been turned into a luxury property. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? תום היה מלצר בזמן זה. Tom was a waiter at that time. Tom was a waiter at the time. كان حذاء سامي ضائعا. Sami's shoes were missing. Sammy's shoes were lost. אבא של תום היה שיכור מרושע. Tom's father was a mean drunk. Tom's dad was a mean drunk. אבי היה מהנדס. My father was an engineer. My father was an engineer. أتريد الخروج لاحتساء شيء؟ Do you want to go out for a drink? You want to go out for a drink? تكدب عليك كل وقت. She lies to you all the time. It's bothering you all the time. אל לו לעיוור לשחק קלפים. A blind man shouldn't play cards. Don't let the blind man play cards. Ċaw! Goodbye! Chow! شكرا على القهوة يا عزيزتي. Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Thanks for the coffee, honey. إسمي بوب. They call me Bob. My name's Bob. أمي أكبر من أبي سناً. Mom is older than Dad. My mother is older than my father. אינני חושבת שהיית עושה את זה. I don't think you would do that. I don't think you'd do that. מאורע יוצא דופן קרה. Something remarkable happened. An extraordinary event happened. لغتي معقدة للغاية. My language is very complicated. My language is very complicated. تناول سامي بعض الأقراص. Sami took some pills. Sammy took some pills. إنه لا يسكن في حيي. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. لماذا تخلّى سامي عنّي؟ Why did Sami abandon me? Why did Sammy abandon me? التغيير هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يظل ثابتاً. Change is the only constant. Change is the only thing that remains constant. בוא נלך למקום בו נוכל לדבר. Let's go someplace where we can talk. Let's go somewhere we can talk. يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. It seems obvious. אַבֶּל טַסמן היה האירופי הראשון שראה את טסמניה ב-1642. In 1642, Abel Tasman became the first European to see Tasmania. Abel Tasman was the first European to see Tasmania in 1642. או, תראה לי בבקשה! Oh! Show me, please. Oh, show me, please! נפגשתי איתה לפני שבוע בדיוק. I saw her a week ago today. I met her exactly a week ago. نمنا في الحافلة. We slept on the bus. We slept on the bus. جيم ضرب لها البيانو. Jim accompanied her on the piano. Jim hit her piano. سقط زيري إلى الوراء. Ziri fell back. Ziri fell back. מערערים על פסק הדין. The judgment is being appealed. Appealing the verdict. تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was 10. نادني هاري رجاء. Call me Harry, if you don't mind. Call me Harry, please. قد كنت في المحطة. I've been at the station. I was at the station. يجب أن نلتزم بمبادئنا. We must be loyal to our principles. We must abide by our principles. استفسر زيري. Ziri cried. Inquire Ziri. איפה משחת השיניים? Where is the toothpaste? Where's the toothpaste? لحظة من فضلك. Just a moment, please. A moment, please. ماذا إن كان أحد في الخيمة؟ What if there was someone in the tent? What if someone's in the tent? الملك أعدم بالمقصلة خلال الثورة الفرنسية. The king was guillotined during the French Revolution. The king was executed by guillotine during the French Revolution. תום סמך על מרי. Tom trusted Mary. Tom trusted Mary. إنك حنون. You are so kind. You're affectionate. سنتزوّج يوما ما. One day we shall be married. We'll get married one day. مات زيري وحده. Ziri died alone. Ziri died alone. أحرقت ليلى فاضل حيّا من أجل ماله. Layla burned Fadil alive for his money. Lily burned Fadel alive for his money. كان زيري أبلها. Ziri is goofy. Ziri was an idiot. הגעתי לתחנה בשעה שש. I reached the station at six. I arrived at the station at six o'clock. תום לא שמע דבר. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn’t hear anything. إتفقوا على سعر. They agreed on a price. Agree on a price. لماذا بكيت؟ For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? Is-Sena t-Tajba! Happy New Year! It's the good year! אנו יודעים שאתם לא מטומטמים. We know that you are not stupid. We know you're not stupid. בטנו הייתה שטוחה ושרירית. His abs were flat and toned. His stomach was flat and muscular. הוא לא היה שם בשבוע שעבר. He wasn't there last week. He wasn't there last week. הכנסת אורחים: לגרום לאורחים שלך להרגיש בבית, אפילו שאתה רוצה שהם יהיו בדיוק שם. To welcome guests is to make them feel at home, even though that's exactly where you wish they were. Make your guests feel at home, even though you want them to be right there. تخلّى سامي عن الدّراسة كي يركّز كامل الوقت على ربح المال في النّادي. Sami dropped out of school to focus full-time on making money at the club. Sammy gave up studying to focus all the time on making money at the club. جامل سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a compliment. Sammy Layla's beautiful. أفلت كارل أميليا. Karl let go of Amelia. Carl Amelia got away. قطع زيري جناحي الذبابة. Ziri cut off the fly's wings. Ziri cut the wings of the fly. טום הוא נהג אוטובוס. Tom is a bus driver. Tom is a bus driver. טום נתקע בפקק תנועה. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. Tom got stuck in traffic. בחדר הזה אין הרבה אור שמש. This room does not get much sun. This room doesn't have much sunlight. רציתי להרשים את תום. I wanted to impress Tom. I wanted to impress Tom. ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. نعم، لكن لست مجبرا على البقاء حتى النهاية. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yeah, but you don't have to stay till the end. كان زيري في البستان، يتأمل الغابة. Ziri was in the backyard, admiring the forest. Ziri was in the orchard, contemplating the forest. لقد كنت صادقاً عندما قلت أريد الزواج بكِ. I was sincere when I said I want to marry you. I was honest when I said I wanted to marry you. كثيرا ما يأتي زيري. Ziri comes often. I often come to visit. تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. The temperature in summer ranges from thirty to forty degrees. عندها نفس عدد الكتب مثل الذي عندي. She has as many books as I. I have as many books as I have. جلس زيري على المقعد الذي يطل على الغابة. Ziri sat on the bench overviewing the forest. Ziri sat on the bench overlooking the forest. أسرع سامي كي يقلّ ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Hurry up, Sammy, and get Layla out of school. תום שונא חתולים. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. الرجل الذي يجلس هناك مغن شهير. The man sitting over there is a famous singer. The man who sits there is a famous singer. איזה סוג של מוזיקה טום לא אוהב? What kind of music does Tom not like? What kind of music doesn't Tom like? سامي يشرب. Sami drinks. Sammy's drinking. نحن لا نستطيع الإنتظار للعشاء. We can't stay for dinner. We can't wait for dinner. האיש ההוא מסוכן. That man is dangerous. That man is dangerous. زيري بحاجة لذلك. Ziri needs that. Ziri needs it. החיים דומים לרומנים יותר מאשר הרומנים משקפים את החיים. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. Life is more like romance than romance is like romance. تأخر عن الموعد بسبب حادث سير. His delay of coming here on time is due to a traffic accident. He was late due to a car accident. تجاهل ما قاله. مقد كان يمزح فقط. Ignore what he said. He was only joking. Ignore what he said. Moqed was just kidding. אתה צודק לגבי כל יום פרט לאחד. That's true for every day except one. You're right about every day except one. תחתום על זה בבקשה. Please sign these. Sign it, please. ركبت القطار الخطأ. I got on the wrong train. I took the wrong train. אמרתי לתום שאני צריכה לעזוב מוקדם. I told Tom I had to leave early. I told Tom I had to leave early. הייתי חייבת לשקר לו. I had to lie to him. I had to lie to him. ما هدفك الحقيقي؟ What's your real purpose? What's your real goal? אתה אל תכנע! Don't give up now. You don't give up! دخل زيري إلى الداخل. Ziri went inside. Ziri went inside. استدعيت اللجنة فوراً . The committee was summoned at once. The committee was called immediately. زيري يعرف ذلك. Ziri knows that. Ziri knows that. نسي زيري ذلك. Ziri forgot that. Ziri forgot that. יש צורך שאענוד עניבה? Do I need a tie? Do I need to wear a tie? وقف زيري. Ziri stood up. Stop, Zeri. ראיתי עצם בלתי מזוהה. I have seen a UFO. I saw an unidentified object. توم يعلم أنني في البيت Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. בדיוק גזזתי את ציפורני. I just clipped my nails. I just clipped my fingernails. اعطيني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! تفضل الزرافات الأماكن المشجرة. Giraffes prefer wooded areas. Giraffes prefer wooded places. صفق الجمهور للممثلة. The audience applauded the actress. The audience applauded the actress. תום היה האסיסטנט של מרי. Tom was Mary's assistant. Tom was Mary's assistant. فقط اذهب و خذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Just go and get some rest. Just go get some rest. הערב את עייפה. You're tired this evening. You're tired tonight. انظر مرة أخرى Look again. Look again. Stefan jorqod l-ġurnata kollha. Stefan sleeps all day. Stephanie sleeps all day. لماذا تعتقدان أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? היא נראית לי בן אדם רציני ומהימן. She seems to me a serious and reliable person. She seems like a serious and reliable person to me. وضع سامي كلّ هذا خلفه. Sami put all that behind him. Sammy put all this behind him. תלונות הן נדירות. Complaints are rare. Complaints are rare. כל מה שאתה צריך לעשות זה לשמור על עצמך. All you have to do is to take care of yourself. All you have to do is take care of yourself. ليس عليك الاعتذار. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. هل لديك أي مجلات يابانية؟ Do you have any Japanese magazines? Do you have any Japanese magazines? מידורי אכלה הכי הרבה תפוזים. Midori ate the most oranges. Midori ate the most oranges. لقد عدت إلى البيت I'm home. I'm home. كان زيري يجري. Ziri was running. Ziri was going on. אני הולך להחזיר את הכל למקומו. I'm going to put everything back where it belongs. I'm going to put it all back. אתה צמא? Are you thirsty? You thirsty? كان زيري عجيبا. Ziri was amazing. Ziri was a wonder. מרי נפצעה אתמול. Mary hurt herself yesterday. Mary was injured yesterday. ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? המצב החמיר. The situation has worsened. Things got worse. אני מבקש קמומיל. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking for chamomile. אכן היינו שבעה אנשים. Indeed, there were seven of us. We were seven people. מגרד לי בעיניים. My eyes feel itchy. It's itchy in my eyes. את זוכרת אותי, נכון? You remember me, don't you? You remember me, don't you? إذا نظرت إلى نفسك فانظر إليها نظرة استخفاف، وإذا نظرت إلى العالم فانظر إليه نظرة تَدَبُّر. Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world. If you look at yourself, look at it with contempt, and if you look at the world, look at it with care. سُرقت للتو. I was just mugged. Just got robbed. הייתי רוצה לראות מה קורה. I'd like to see what happens. I'd like to see what happens. سرق سامي بطاقات اعتماد ليلى. Sami stole Layla's credit cards. Sammy stole Lily's credit cards. اسمحلي، تقدر تعاونني؟ Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, can you help me? היופי הוא בעיני המתבונן. Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. אנו עובדים קשה כדי לסיים את המיזם עד אוקטובר. We're working hard to get the project finished by October. We are working hard to complete the project by October. زيري يربح مالا. Ziri earns money. Ziri's making money. אתם אל תצאו לשם. Don't go out there. You guys don't go out there. יש כאן דפקט. There's a defect here. There's a defect here. הבאת פעם את הכלב שלך אל החוף? Have you ever brought your dog to this beach? You ever bring your dog to the beach? هل سيارتك بالقرب من بيتك؟ Is your car next to her house? Is your car near your home? تبوّل زيري على نفسه. Ziri pissed himself. Ziri peed on himself. لم يسمع ويليام لأي شيء آخر. William didn't hear anything else. William didn't hear anything else. תום החל לתחוק בקול רם כששמע על כך. Tom started laughing loudly when he heard about that. Tom started giggling loudly when he heard about it. ذهبت ليلى إلى الحمّام. Layla went to the bathroom. Lily went to the bathroom. يأكلون بالشوكة و السكين. They eat with a knife and fork. They eat fork and knife. משהו חסר. There's something missing. Something's missing. פשוט תלכי בעקבות הלב שלך. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. شعر زيري بالراحة. Ziri felt good. Ziri felt comfortable. חתולים הם חיות הפכפכות. Cats are fickle creatures. Cats are volatile animals. لماذا بوستن مقصد سياحي مشهور بهذا القدر . Why is Boston such a popular destination for tourists? Why is Boston such a popular tourist destination? תום נפוח מחשיבות. Tom is pompous. Tom is important. صارع سامي بشدّة من أجل حياته. Sami fought hard for his life. Sammy struggled hard for his life. כשאני מבקר את הנכד שלי, אני תמיד נותן לו משהו. When I go to see my grandson, I always give him something. When I visit my grandson, I always give him something. תום הפיץ שמועות על מרי. Tom has been spreading rumors about Mary. Tom spread rumors about Mary. "את יכולה להעביר לי את הסוכר?" - "בבקשה". "Could you pass me the sugar?" "Here you go." "Can you pass me the sugar?" هذا قلم. This is a pen. That's a pen. يمكنك اختيار أيا كان ما تريد. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose whatever you want. كان زيري يستمع. Ziri was listening. Ziri was listening. מה אומַר? What can I say? What do I say? هل تستطيع أن تعُدّ بالإيطالية؟ Can you count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? בני נסע ללונדון, למקום שבו נולדתי. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. በአሁኑ ወቅት ቡርጅ ከሊፋ የአለማችን ረጅሙ ሰማይ ጠቀስ ሕንጻ ነው። Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Today, Burj is the tallest skyscraper in the world. תום לא יכול היה לכבוש את חיוכו. Tom couldn't help but smile. Tom couldn’t hold on to his smile. תודה לך על האהבה שלך. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your love. טום איבד את כובעו והרגיש שהיה עליו לקנות אחד חדש. Tom lost his cap, and he felt that he had to buy a new one. Tom lost his hat and felt he had to buy a new one. سامي يحبّ الحلويّات. Sami likes cookies. Sammy likes sweets. איך אתה הלילה, תום? How are you tonight, Tom? How are you tonight, Tom? متى تنام؟ What time do you usually go to bed? When do you sleep? ليس عندي حساب في هذه المنتديات. I do not have an account in these forums. I don’t have an account in these forums. לממשלה הנוכחית בעיות רבות. The present government has many problems. The current government has many problems. أحس بالخطر فهرب. Sensing danger, he ran away. He was in danger and fled. "למה אתה לא מגיע?" "כי אני לא רוצה." "Why aren't you coming?" "Because I don't want to." "Why don't you come?" "Because I don't want to." אין סיבה לבהלה. There's no reason for panic. There's no reason to panic. תום סחב שקית ממתקים גדולה. Tom was carrying a big bag of candy. Tom was carrying a big bag of candy. نحن لا نتواعد. We're not dating. We're not dating. איפה נמצאת שגרירות שוודיה? Where is the Swedish embassy? Where is the Swedish Embassy? سامح زيري ريمة. Ziri forgave Rima. Forgive Zeri Rima. הכית אותה זה עתה? Did you just hit her? Did you just hit her? החיים לפעמים כל כך לא הוגנים! Life is so unfair sometimes. Life is so unfair sometimes! האם כבר שלחת לו כרטיס ברכה לחג המולד? Have you sent him a Christmas card yet? Have you sent him a Christmas card yet? יש לנו יבול טוב של עגבניות השנה. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. מסעות תגלית הם הראשונים בהיסטוריה של מדע האוקיינוס. Voyages of exploration were the earliest in the history of studying the ocean. Discovery voyages are the first in the history of ocean science. רוצה חלב? How about some milk? You want milk? אבא שלי היה אומר שהכסף הוא לא הכול. My father used to say that money is not everything. My dad used to say that money isn't everything. יש בקושי כמה פרחים בגינה שלנו. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. There are hardly any flowers in our garden. عْلى حْساب الشوفة الحرب مازال ما خلاصتش. It seems that the war is not over yet. On the count of the war, the war is still not over. אני יכול לנוח. I can take a rest. I can rest. صحيح! Right! Oh, right! سؤال جيد. It's a good question. Good question. אנו מוכנים. We're prepared. We're ready. אני הולכת לטייל, משום שמזג האוויר היום מעולה. I'm going out for a walk because the weather today is marvelous. I'm going for a walk, because the weather is great today. אנו לא מתכוונים לעשות את זה. We're not going to do that. We're not gonna do that. أمسك يدي. Grab my hand. Hold my hand. أتى زيري. Ziri came. Ziri's here. إنقطع دان علاقاتٍ مع ابنته. Dan severed ties with his daughter, Linda. Dan broke up with his daughter. لم يتخاصما سامي و ليلى أمام أطفالهما. Sami and Layla didn't argue in front of the kids. Sammy and Layla didn't fight in front of their kids. יצאנו מסכנה. We're out of danger. We came out poor. זה לא יפתיע אותי אם זה קרה. If that happened, it wouldn't surprise me. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened. תרשום את שם הנמען למעלה במכתב. Write the recipient's name at the top of the letter. Write the name of the recipient above in the letter. עבודה טובה! Good job! Good job! لماذا الجودو الخيار الأفضل لطفلك؟ Why is judo the best choice for your child? Why judo is the best choice for your child? أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟ English is difficult, isn't it? Isn't English difficult? بقي زيري خارجا. Ziri stayed outside. Ziri stayed out. Kif int? How are you? How are you? אתה צריך למצוא לעצמך עבודה אמיתית. You need to get a real job. You need to find yourself a real job. הייתי בת מזל בכך שזכיתי להכיר אותו. I was fortunate to make his acquaintance. I was lucky to get to know him. لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. No shame in consulting. דבורים עושות דבש. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. אני לא יכולה עוד להתאפק. איבדתי לגמרי את השליטה העצמית. I can't take this anymore. I've lost my temper completely. I can't help it anymore, I've lost all self-control. أنا أري الفتاة. I see the girl. I'm seeing the girl. הייתי רוצה להשאר קצת יותר. I'd like to stay a little bit longer. I'd like to stay a little longer. אני לא יכולה להבדיל ביניהם. I can't tell them apart. I can't tell them apart. איך אשלים את זה בלי העזרה שלך? How am I going to get this done without your help? How can I do this without your help? على زيري أن يبدأ هناك. Ziri needs to start there. Ziri has to start there. ابتزّ سامي ليلى. Sami blackmailed Layla. He blackmailed Sammy Layla. טום אוהב ללמוד מוסיקה. Tom loves studying music. Tom likes to learn music. העשירים לעיתים קרובות קמצנים. The rich are often misers. The rich are often cheap. جلب زيري سحلية. Ziri brought in a lizard. Bring Zeri a lizard. עליך לשאול את תום לגבי זה. You should ask Tom about that. You should ask Tom about that. תן לי לדבר על זה עם טום. Let me talk to Tom about this. Let me talk to Tom about this. أعطه إياها. Give it to him. Give it to him. הוא נרדף על ידי המשטרה. He is hunted by the police. He's being pursued by the police. أعلن سامي حربا على سكّان الحيّ بأكمله. Sami declared a war to the whole neighborhood. Sammy declared war on the entire neighborhood. كيف يمكنني أن أساعدك؟ How can I help you? How can I help you? تزوّجت أمّ سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami's mother remarried. Sammy's mom got married again. كانت تلك التفاحة حقا لذيذة. That apple was really tasty. That apple was really delicious. קביליה היא ארץ זית. Kabylia is a land of olives. Cabilia is an olive country. הגג הועף מהפיצוץ. The roof was blown off by the explosion. The roof was blown out of the explosion. ماذا طبختي؟ What did you cook? What did you cook? אני תמים דעים עם ההערכה שלך. I agree with your assessment. I agree with your assessment. أنقذني زيري. Ziri saved me. Save me, Zeri. كان سامي يريد أن يستعيد حياته. Sami wanted his life back. Sammy wanted to get his life back. זה כל מה שעשינו. That's all we did. That's all we did. אקנה סרט הקלטה. I'll buy a tape. I'll buy a tape. من سيصبح الضّحيّة التّالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who's gonna be the next victim? غادر زيري فورا. Ziri left immediately. Ziri left immediately. אני יודע איפה למצוא אתכם. I know where to find you. I know where to find you. יש לי פגישה הערב. I have a date tonight. I have an appointment tonight. كاني رايت تلك الفتاة من قبل. I may have seen that girl somewhere. I've seen that girl before. טום פתח את המטרייה. Tom put up his umbrella. Tom opened the umbrella. Il-belt hija żgħira. The city is small. The city is small. הוא לא התנגד כלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. وافق زيري في النهاية. Ziri eventually agreed. Ziri finally agreed. يحدث ذلك كثيراً. Such a thing occurs frequently. It happens a lot. أنت موهوبٌ حقاً. You are really talented. You're really talented. لا تقم بأمور تتنافى مع مبادئك. Don't take actions against your integrity. Don’t do things that go against your principles. الطلبة في استراحة الآن. The students are having a recess now. Students are on break now. היא לקחה מונית לבית החולים. She took a taxi to the hospital. She took a taxi to the hospital. هل بإمكانِكَ مساعدتي لإيجاد نظّاراتي؟ Could you help me find my glasses? Can you help me find my glasses? أقنع سامي ليلى بان تأتي إلى منزله. Sami convinced Layla to come over. Sammy convinced Lily to come to his house. טום פוטר. Tom was fired. Tom was fired. زيري مصرّ على موقفه. Ziri is adamant. Ziri insists on his position. قفز زيري إلى الماء. Ziri jumped into the water. Ziri jumped into the water. בוא לא נמהר להסיק מסקנות. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's not rush to conclusions. אנו מסובבים את הגלגלים שלנו. We're spinning our wheels. We turn our wheels. كانوا يترقبون اشارة الانطلاق. They were watching for the signal to start. They were waiting for the launch signal. شكّل زيري الرّقم تسعة واحد واحد. Ziri dialed 911. My Ziri formed the number nine one by one. אני לא מסכים. I don't agree. I don't agree. لم يكن عليك فعل هذا. You shouldn't have done that. You didn't have to do that. תום מתעייף בקלות. Tom gets tired easily. Tom gets tired easily. كان بإمكان فاضل أن يتّصل بالشّرطة. Fadil could have called the police. Fadel could have called the police. ישנן ראיות המצביעות על כך שתום היה אחראי למותה של מרי. There seems to be evidence suggesting Tom was responsible for Mary's death. There's evidence to suggest that Tom was responsible for Mary's death. תום אמר שהוא יכין את שיעורי הבית שלו. Tom said he would do his homework. Tom said he'd do his homework. אלוהים, אני כל כך שמן. Oh my God, I look so fat. God, I'm so fat. האדם הוא החיה היחידה העושה שימוש באש. Humans are the only living creatures that make use of fire. Man is the only animal that uses fire. מי מסוגל לשכוח את זה? Who could forget it? Who can forget that? החל מרגע זה אתרום אך ורק בטורקית. From this very moment on, I will only contribute in Turkish. From this moment on, I will donate exclusively in Turkish. הם הפסיקו לצחוק. They stopped laughing. They stopped laughing. لكم سامي ليلى في وجهها، متسبّبا في انتفاخ عينها إلى حدّ الانغلاق. Sami punched Layla in the face, causing her eye to swell shut. Sammy Layla punched her in the face, causing her eye to swell to the point of closing. תום הרגיש עצמו שוטה. Tom felt foolish. Tom thought he was a fool. اشتهرت كاليفورنيا بفواكهها. California is famous for its fruit. California is famous for its fruit. תום לא גמר את כל שיעורי הבית שלו. Tom hasn't finished all his homework yet. Tom didn't finish all his homework. يتعرّض سامي للمضايقة لكونه مسلما. Sami is being picked on for being Muslim. Sami is harassed for being a Muslim. תזיז כבר את התחת שלך! Get your ass in gear! Move your ass! تَبِعْتُها إلى الغرفَة. I followed her into the room. I followed her into the room. لا أحد يفهمني. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. החלף את החלק הישן בחדש. Exchange the old part for a new one. Replace the old part with the new. כשהטלפון צלצל, הוא רץ לענות. When the phone rang, he ran to answer it. When the phone rang, he ran to answer. أعلى، لو سمحت، لا أستطيع أن أسمع جيدا. Louder please, I cannot hear well. Higher, please, I can't hear very well. هي تكتب الألحان وهو يكتب الكلمات. She writes the melodies and he writes the lyrics. She writes melodies and he writes words. عملت امي بجد لكي تربينا . My mother worked hard in order to rear us. My mother worked hard to raise us. በባሕሩ ውስጥ ደሴቶች አሉ። There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. תתחיל לכתוב. Start writing. Start writing. زيري من فعل هذا. Ziri did this. Ziri did this. מעל לכל, ההגיון דורש הגדרות מדויקות. Above all, logic requires precise definitions. Above all, logic requires precise definitions. في اكثر الاحيان تكون المنطقة المخصصة للدراجات الهوائية في مؤخرة القطار . The dedicated bike zone is most often at the rear of the train. Often the designated area for bicycles is at the back of the train. לכל המאוחר הוא יחזור ביום שני. He'll be back by Monday at the latest. He'll be back on Monday at the latest. לדודי ידע מרשים בצרפתית. My uncle has a good knowledge of French. My uncle had an impressive knowledge of French. كان سامي صديق ليلى. Sami was Layla's boyfriend. Sammy was Lily's friend. תשוקתו לכח חסרת גבולות. His desire for power has no limits. His passion for power is limitless. אחד החסרונות לגור בעיר התחתית הוא הרעש הבלתי פוסק כל היום, כל השבוע. One of the downsides of living downtown is the noise you hear all day long every day of the week. One of the disadvantages of living in the downtown area is the constant noise all day, all week. ها قد أَتَوْا. Here they come. Here they come. فعلت هذا بنفسي. I did it myself. I did it myself. אני מתנצל לגבי אתמול. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. תום עדיף על מרי. Tom is better than Mary. Tom is better than Mary. בוא נקווה שזה לגמרי נכון. Let's hope it's all true. Let's hope that's completely true. אני ממש ראיתי רוח רפאים. I actually saw a ghost. I actually saw a ghost. كانت عند زيري مقابلة كرة القدم في الجزائر العاصمة. Ziri had a soccer match in Algiers. Ziri had a football interview in Algiers. من أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة؟ Where did you buy that hat? Where'd you get that hat? يسهل نطق اسم توم Tom's name is easy to pronounce. It's easy to say Tom's name. أين بيته؟ Where is his house? Where's his house? اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى. Sami bought Layla a dog. Sammy bought a dog for Layla. ركبنا حافلة. We caught a bus. We got on a bus. הם לא תמיד מצייתים להוריהם. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always obey their parents. ጥሩ ተማሪ ነው። He is a good student. He is a good student. كان سامي مخمورا. Sami was drunk. Sammy was drunk. زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. The co-worker claimed he missed the bus. أحتاج إلى أن أركز. I need to concentrate. I need to focus. עוניו קטע את המשך לימודיו. Poverty prevented him from continuing his studies. His poverty interrupted his further education. התבוננתי בה מזווית העין. I observed her from the corner of my eye. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. טום ומרי אמרו שהם יעשו את זה בשבילנו. Tom and Mary said they'd do this for us. Tom and Mary said they'd do it for us. עליך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You need to watch this tape. טום בגן כרגע. Tom's in the garden right now. Tom's in the garden right now. כשירדתי מהרכבת פגשתי חבר. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I met a friend. מי שנשאר בעמק לא יעבור את הגבעה לעולמים. He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill. Those who remain in the valley will not cross the hill forever. قفز زيري من مقعده و هب ليساعد ريمة. Ziri jumped up from his bench and rushed to help Rima. Ziri jumped out of his seat and hipped to help Reema. ሴቷ ወጣት ነች። The woman is young. The woman is young. كان سامي في المنزل. Sami was home. Sammy was home. اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as you can. עשיתי זאת שוב, נכון? I did it again, didn't I? I did it again, didn't I? دغدغنا نوجة. We tickled Nuja. Tickle us nougat. הספר יצא לאור לאחר מותו של המחבר. The book was published posthumously. The book was published after the author's death. שחררו אותה! Let her go! Let her go! אל תנסה אפילו להכחיש את זה. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Rak's embarrassing her! מי החבר המעניין ביותר שלך? Who's your most interesting friend? Who's your most interesting friend? أين بيتها؟ Where is her house? Where's her house? أحب أكثر الأمريكيين روزفلت. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. I love the American Roosevelt. زيري غبي. Ziri is silly. My brother's an idiot. זה עומד לקרות בקרוב. It's going to happen soon. It's going to happen soon. אני רוצה שכולם ישמרו על שקט. I want everyone to be quiet. I want everyone to keep quiet. מה קרה לשניכם? What happened to you two? What happened to you two? הוא רוצה את זה. He wants one. He wants it. אני לא יודעת מה לומר. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. אני זוכרת את זה. I remembered it. I remember that. ኣቶ ዉድ፡ ናብቲ ማዕጾ ቀሪቡ ምስ ወላዲት ቶኒ ተዛረበ። Mr Wood came to the door and spoke to Tony's mother. Mr. Wood approached the door and went to talk to Tony's parents. تمّ إغلاق العيادة. The clinic was closed down. The clinic is closed. كان سامي عالقا في القبو. Sami was trapped in the basement. Sammy was stuck in the basement. ماذا ستفعلان بهذه الكاميرا؟ What'll you do with this camera? What are you gonna do with that camera? משוך אותי פנימה. Pull me in. Pull me in. لم يكن سامي مسيحيّا قطّ. Sami was never a Christian. Sam was never a Christian. كان أمرا رائعا اللّقاء معك وجها لوجه! It was awesome to meet you in real life! It was great to meet you face to face! זו ההמצאה הטובה ביותר מאז הלחם הפרוס! לא ברור לי מה הייתה ההמצאה הטובה ביותר לפני הלחם הפרוס. This is the best thing since sliced bread! I don't know what the best thing was before sliced bread, however. It's the best invention since sliced bread! I'm not sure what was the best invention before sliced bread. אתם ואני נשרוד. You and I will survive. You and I will survive. سامي بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami needs to rest. Sammy needs to rest. أمي لديها رخصة قيادة و لكنها لا تقود سيارة. My mother has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive. My mom has a driver's license, but she doesn't drive a car. השוד תוכנן בכשרון רב. The heist was expertly planned. The robbery was planned with great talent. بدا زيري قلقا. Ziri looked worried. Ziri seemed worried. אני לא יכול להגיד לך איזה כבוד גדול זה עבורי. I can't tell you what an honor this is. I can't tell you what a great honor this is for me. የት መብላት ተፈልጋለህ? Where do you want to eat? Where do you want to eat? زيري طبيب. Ziri is a doctor. See a doctor. زيري سيتطوع. Ziri is volunteering. Ziri will volunteer. אפשר לבחור את השיר הבא? Can I pick the next song? Can I choose the next song? לא מתחשק לי ללכת לבית הספר. I don't feel like going to school. I don't feel like going to school. תום לא בן דוד שלי. Tom isn't my cousin. Tom's not my cousin. من فضلك اكتب ما سأقوله. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write what I say. ביליתי את סוף השבוע עם החברים שלי. I spent the weekend with my friends. I spent the weekend with my friends. עד מתי תהיה בבית? Until when will you be home? How long will you be home? ليس ذنبي. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. אי-סדר היה הרתיעה הכפייתית שלו. Untidiness was his bugbear. Disorder was his compulsive reluctance. أخذ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. Sammy took Layla from the airport. هذه المشاكل تجعلني أفكّر في مغادرة المنزل. These problems make me wanna leave home. These problems make me think about leaving the house. كان سامي يعيش سامي حياة بدون أخلاق. Sami led an immoral life. Sammy was living a life without morals. يجب نقل كارل إلى المستشفى. Karl needs to be taken to the hospital. Carl should be taken to the hospital. שתוק, או שתגיד משהו ששווה לשמוע. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Shut up or say something worth hearing. أنا صادق. I'm an honest person. I'm being honest. כך שמעתי. Thus I have heard. So I've heard. يعقد المجلس اجتماعا مرتين في الشهر. The committee meets twice a month. The Council meets twice a month. هل تعتقد أننا سنجد بيتها؟ Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we'll find her house? أحقا مات أبي؟ Did my father really die? Is my father really dead? לפעמים מאוחר מדי להתנצל. Sometimes it's too late to apologize. Sometimes it's too late to apologize. לא ראינו דבר. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. هناك على الأقل ثلاثون طالب في صفنا. There are at least thirty students in our class. There are at least 30 students in our class. אני מקווה שנפגש שנית בעתיד. I hope we'll see each other again sometime. I hope we meet again in the future. هنالك ايضا سياح فرنسيون . There are also French tourists. There are also French tourists. أن الوقت قد تأخرّ لمساعدة توم. It's too late to help Tom now. It's too late to help Tom. אני שולט על הענין. I've got it under control. I got this under control. ده تقليد. That's an imitation. It's a tradition. لم تكن أول مرة. It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time. היא הלכה לישון כבר? Did she go to bed already? Has she gone to bed yet? واصل سامي الرّكض. Sami kept running. Sammy kept running. كان زيري يقوم بكل ما يشاء في الغابة. Ziri did anything he wanted in the forest. Ziri was doing whatever he wanted in the woods. نتا ما تصبرش معايا ڨع. You're so impatient with me. You don't want to mess with me. ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your hobby? תוכל לתת לי דוגמא? Can you give me an example? Can you give me an example? לא תספרו להם, נכון? You won't tell them, will you? You're not gonna tell them, are you? متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did Fadel leave the hotel? هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? How <0xE2><0xB8><0xAE> How <0xE2><0xB8><0xAE> جعل الضباب الكثيف رؤية الطريق أمرا صعبا. The thick fog made it hard to see the road. Heavy fog made it difficult to see the road. כולנו חושדים בו ברצח. We all suspect him of murder. We all suspect him of murder. את חושבת שתום מקריח? Do you think Tom is going bald? You think Tom's bald? بالنّسبة لفاضل، لم تكن العربيّة شيئا جديدا فحسب، بل كانت أيضا صعبة للغاية. To Fadil, Arabic was not only new, but very complicated. For Fadel, Arabic was not only something new, it was also very difficult. עבור שני בניינים ופנה שמאלה. Walk two blocks, and turn left. For two buildings and turn left. תום סבור שמרי שגתה שגיאה גסה. Tom thinks Mary made a big mistake. Tom thinks Mary made a big mistake. قَرَأُوا كِتَابَهَا. They read her book. They read her writings. هذه السكين حادة للغاية. This knife is very sharp. This knife is very sharp. אני שמחה שמישהו סיפר לי. I'm glad someone told me. I'm glad someone told me. هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. אתה עדיין חסר לי. I still miss you. You're still missing me. فاضل ليس بالدّاخل. Fadil isn't in. Fadil is not inside. ארוז את הביצים תריסרים תריסרים. Pack eggs in dozens. Pack the eggs a dozen dozen dozen. لا تتركني وحدي! Don't leave me by myself! Don't leave me alone! تقيأ في الحافلة. He vomited on the bus. Vomiting on the bus. שכחתי כמה יפה את. I had forgotten how beautiful you are. I forgot how beautiful you are. هل تأخّرت كثيرا يا رفاق؟ Am I too late, guys? Are you guys too late? אנשים החיים בעיר הגדולה נוטים שלא להתעמל. People living in a big city tend to lack exercise. People who live in the big city tend not to exercise. פאסטה עשירה בפחמימות. Pasta is high in carbohydrates. Pasta is high in carbs. אני לא ראוי לזה. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve this. הרחקתי לכת עד גרמניה, אבל לא היה לי זמן לבקר אצל אלכסנדר. I went as far as Germany but I didn't have time to visit Alexander. I went as far as Germany, but I didn't have time to visit Alexander. הם נכנסו לגור כאן רק שלשום. They moved in just the other day. They just moved in the other day. هل تريد حقا أن تعلم؟ Do you genuinely want to know? Do you really want to know? لا يزال فاضل يتمتّع بحياته إلى حدّ أقصى. Fadil still lives life to the fullest. Fadel still enjoys his life to the fullest. هذا هو أفضل كتاب قرأته في حياتي. It's the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I have read in my life. טום ביקר במכון עיסוי. Tom went to the massage parlor. Tom visited a massage parlor. بحث زيري عن الحطب. Ziri searched for firewood. Ziri's looking for firewood. إنك لست جباناً. You are not a coward. You're not a coward. كان فاضل في المنزل بمفرده مع ليلى. Fadil was home alone with Layla. He was at home alone with Lily. אני יכול להשיג לך אקדח תוך חמש שעות. I can get a gun for you within five hours. I can get you a gun in five hours. انطلق متجها إلى لندن أمس الأول. He departed for London the day before yesterday. Went to London yesterday. كان زيري يعرف جزءا لا بأس به من ذلك المطار. Ziri was familiar with a good portion of that airport. Ziri knew a good part of that airport. תגידו אתם מוכרים פה קולבים? Say, do you sell hangers here? Do you sell dogs here? انتا تتعلم العربي You are learning Arabic. You're learning Arabic. ابتسم دائما. Always smile. Always smile. כמה נאה! How lovely! How handsome! נתתי את זה לאמא שלי. I gave it to my mommy. I gave it to my mom. أين الكتاب؟ Where is the book? Where's the book? الاطار الخلفي لعجلتي ضارب. The rear tire of my bicycle is flat. The rear tire of my wheel is striking. תום מתרגז בקלות רבה. Tom gets upset very easily. Tom gets angry very easily. הוא יכול להשיג את המידע על יד קריאת המכתב. He could get the information by reading the letter. He can get the information by reading the letter. ساعدني في حمل هذا إلى الأسفل من فضلك. Please help me take this down. Help me take this down, please. لقد فعل ما وعد ان يقوم به He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised to do. لم يتحقق حلم الفرص المتاحة للجميع بالنسبة لكل فرد في أمريكا ولكن الوعد هو قائم بالنسبة لجميع من يصل إلى شواطئنا ويشمل ذلك ما يضاهي سبعة ملايين من المسلمين الأمريكان في بلدنا اليوم. ويحظى المسلمون الأمريكان بدخل ومستوى للتعليم يعتبران أعلى من المعدل المتوسط The dream of opportunity for all people has not come true for everyone in America, but its promise exists for all who come to our shores – that includes nearly seven million American Muslims in our country today who enjoy incomes and education that are higher than average. The dream of opportunities for everyone in America has not been realized, but the promise is there for all who reach our shores, including the equivalent of seven million American Muslims in our country today. American Muslims have an income and a level of education that is higher than the average. تم العثور على زيري حيا. Ziri was found alive. Ziri was found alive. هل تتحدث السويدية؟ Do you speak Swedish? Do you speak Swedish? אני מצטער, יש לי התחייבות קודמת. I'm sorry I have a previous appointment. I'm sorry, I have a prior engagement. אני רוצה שהוריי יהיו גאים. I want to make my parents proud. I want my parents to be proud. אני שונאת את העניבה שעליך. I dislike the tie you have on. I hate that tie on you. هل تلك الأشياء لك؟ Are these your things? Are those things yours? أنا من أُستراليا. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. המהירות מהשטן. Haste makes waste. The speed of the devil. אני לא אומרת שמה שהיא עשתה היה המעשה הנכון לעשותו. I'm not saying what she did was the right thing to do. I'm not saying what she did was the right thing to do. תום מחליף ערוצים בזמן הפרסומות. Tom changes channels during commercials. Tom switched channels during the commercials. أنا هو الشخص الذي يحبك. I'm the one who loves you. I'm the one who loves you. جلست لوري على الكرسي. Laurie sat on the chair. Laurie sat in the chair. היא העמידה פני חולה. She feigned an illness. She was standing in front of a patient. Paul reġa’ mar lil-kantina Paul returned to the basement. Paul went back to the basement טום מזג קצת יין לתוך הכוס. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom poured some wine into the glass. אני עייף מהתלונות שלה. I'm tired of her complaints. I'm tired of her complaints. علم سامي أنّ ليلى كانت حيّة. Fadil realized that Layla was still alive. Sammy knew Lily was alive. אין הרבה מה לאמר. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. אני סומך על תום כמו על כל אחד אחר. I trust Tom as much as anyone. I trust Tom as much as anyone else. أحب الموسيقى التي يشغلانها توم وماري. I like the kind of music that Tom and Mary play. I love the music Tom and Mary play. אינני צעירה כתום. I'm not as young as Tom. I am not a young orange. زيري استجوب رؤساءا. Ziri interviewed presidents. Ziri questioned the presidents. לא נראה שזה משנה. It doesn't seem to matter. Doesn't seem to matter. قفز زيري من الجسر. Ziri jumped off the bridge. Ziri jumped off the bridge. ما يزال يذكر اليوم الذي اكتشفت فيه أمه أنه يدخن. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. לא רציתי לערב אותם. I didn't want to involve them. I didn't want to involve them. זה לא חשוב. It's not important. It's not important. هل مظهري جيد؟ Do I look okay? Do I look good? הווירוס הזה הונדס במעבדה. This virus was engineered in a lab. This virus was engineered in the lab. הוא מורגל בטיפוס הרים. He's used to mountain climbing. He's used to mountain climbing. انت من فين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You're from Finn, Canada? زيري بطّال. Ziri is jobless. My guest is a hero. המצב יותר גרוע ממה שחשבנו. The situation is worse than we thought. Things are worse than we thought. كان الكلب ميتاً. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. و أخيراً أتى الجمعة. Finally, it's Friday. Finally came Friday. לא נראה שתום חושב כך. Tom doesn't seem to think so. Tom doesn't seem to think so. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? החמצתי את הסרט. את ראית אותו? I missed the movie. Did you see it? I missed the movie. בוא נצא מפה כל עוד אנו יכולים. Let's get out of here while we can. Let's get out of here while we can. حاجا ماشي مليحا؟ Is it bad? Haji Mashi Mleiha? أنا سأنزل في المحطّة القادمة. I get off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. כשאנשים קטנים מתחילים להטיל צל גדול, זה אומר שהשמש שוקעת. When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set. When small people start casting a big shadow, it means the sun is setting. يريد توم الذهاب إلى أستراليا. Tom wants to go to Australia. Tom wants to go to Australia. היא תאהב אותו עד קץ הדורות. She'll love him forever. She will love it for generations to come. שטח האדמה הזה שייך לי. This land is my property. This land belongs to me. התה הזה מריר מדי. This tea is too bitter. This tea is too bitter. טום עשה את כל הכביסה ותלה אותה שתתייבש. Tom washed all the laundry and hung it up to dry. Tom did all the laundry and hung it to dry. רציתי לשמור על העבודה שלי, אז עשיתי את רצונו של הבוס. I wanted to keep my job, so I did what the boss told me to do. I wanted to keep my job, so I did the boss's bidding. אל תעזוב אותי. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. لستِ حامل. You're not pregnant. You're not pregnant. لن يفوز توم. Tom isn't going to win. Tom won't win. أوافقه الرأي. I agree with his opinion. I agree. עם מי דיברת? Who were you speaking with? Who were you talking to? هذه الفكرة ليست منطقية. This idea is not rational. This idea doesn't make sense. אם לא תלך, יהיה עליך להתנצל. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. X'inhi din? What is that? What is it? هلا ساعدتني؟ سأكون مسرورا بذلك. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Will you help me? I'll be glad of it. לניר יש שובר הנחה לתערוכה במוזיאון. Nir has a discount coupon for the museum's exhibition. Nir has a discount voucher for the museum exhibition. קרני רנטגן שימושיות לגילוי שברים בעצמות. X rays are used to locate breaks in bones. X-rays are useful for detecting bone fractures. كانت ليلى لا تزال تتعافى. Layla was still recovering. Lily was still recovering. הוא עדיין שותה, אבל רק מידי פעם. He still drinks, but only once in a while. He still drinks, but only occasionally. تهانينا على وجهك. Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. ضحك زيري برعونة. Ziri scoffed. Ziri laughed brilliantly. אחרי הסערה הים נרגע. After the storm, the ocean was calm. After the storm, the sea calmed down. تساءل النّاس لما كان فاضل يتكلّم بالعربيّة. People wondered why Fadil spoke in Arabic. People wondered why Fadel was speaking in Arabic. كان زيري يسير شؤون شركته بطريقة جادة. Ziri seriously took care of his business. Ziri was running his company in a serious way. هل أنت في علاقة؟ Are you in a relationship? Are you in a relationship? كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the clouds. لم صفّ توم سيّارته هناك؟ Why did Tom park there? Why did Tom park there? زيري جزائري. Ziri is Algerian. Ziri is Algerian. أتصل بها كل يوم. I call her up every day. I call her every day. انتقلت ليلى للعيش في مكان آخر. Layla moved away. Leila moved to another place. אפשר לשאול אותך שאלה לא דיסקרטית? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you a non-discretionary question? كنت متعبا و، ما هو أسوأ من ذلك ، كنت نائمة I was tired and, what is worse, I was sleepy. I was tired and, worse than that, I was asleep. ماذا يسبب الإجهاد للكلاب؟ What stresses dogs? What causes stress for dogs? אינשא לך. I will marry you. I'll marry you. تعرّض زيري للمضايقة. Ziri was bullied. Ziri was harassed. حافظي على جسم نحيف. Stay thin. Keep a lean body. لا يستطيع أحد التفوق عليه. Nobody can surpass him. No one can beat him. لم كلّ هذا؟ Why all this? What's all this about? את יכולה לשמוע את הגלים על החוף? Can you hear the noise of the waves on the beach? Can you hear the waves on the beach? رجاءً لا ترسل لي أي صور فاضحة لكي لا أرفض طلبك. Please don't send me any nude pictures or I will reject your request. Please do not send me any obscene pictures so that I do not refuse your request. מיד נהיה למטה. We'll be right down. We'll be right down. الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! Arabic is hard. أنا أعرف أني في مشكلة الآن. I know I'm in trouble now. I know I'm in trouble now. إن جيم يتعلم القيادة. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim is learning to drive. אוקיי, תקשיבו. OK, listen up. Okay, listen up. תודה ששיחקתם בבלוג פוסט הזה! Thank you for playing this blog post! Thank you for playing this blog post! شعر زيري بتجدد. Ziri felt rejuvenated. Ziri's hair is renewed. كان سامي أكبر أبناء رامي و ليلى صادق. Sami was the oldest of all the children born to Rami and Layla Sadiq. Sammy was Rami's eldest son and Leila Sadiq. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، شعرت بالذّنب. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I slapped Lily, I felt guilty. كان إلياس فخورا بنفسه. Elias felt so proud of himself. Elias was proud of himself. تغيّرت حياتي بشكل هام. My life has changed quite a lot. My life has changed significantly. لقد انهارت حياة سامي كلّيّة. Sami's life totally fell apart. Sammy's entire life has collapsed. אתה עומד לשלם עבור זה? Are you gonna pay for it? You gonna pay for that? חזירי בר ניצודים בלילה. Wild boar are hunted at night. Wild boars are hunted at night. תום עלול לדבר. Tom might talk. Tom could talk. أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to rent a bus. אל תשני דבר! Don't change a thing. Don't change anything! המעיל שלו ישן. His overcoat is worn out. His coat is old. הוא חוקר ימים. He's an oceanographer. He's a day researcher. לא ציפיתי לפגוש מישהו בשממה הזאת. I didn't expect to meet anyone in this wasteland. I didn't expect to meet anyone in this wilderness. מתי שינית כתובת? When did you change your address? When did you change your address? دعني أذهب وحدي. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. الحقيقة أني أخاف البرق I'm really scared of thunderstorms. The truth is, I'm afraid of lightning. אתמול דגתי שלושה דגים. I caught three fish yesterday. Yesterday I caught three fish. هزم زيري ريمة. Ziri beat Rima. Ziri defeated Rima. كان زيري قاسيا. Ziri was tough. Ziri was tough. היא שאלה אם מתחשק לי לבשל משהו. She asked if I felt like cooking something. She asked me if I wanted to cook something. אנחנו נדאג לכך בעצמנו. We'll take care of this ourselves. We'll take care of it ourselves. אני לא זוכר לחלוטין את השם שלו. I don't entirely remember his name. I don't remember his name at all. אנו מצייתים לחוקים. We obeyed the rules. We follow the rules. יש! Got it! Yay! יש לנו די כסף. We have enough money. We have enough money. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at eight-thirty. School starts at 8:30. جلس سامي مقابل ليلى Sami sat in front of Layla. Sammy sat across from Layla. أخطر سامي الشّرطة. Sami alerted police. Sam alerted the police. أنا قط، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I'm a cat, and I don't have a name yet. لم أكن أريد أن أحدث أية ضجة. I didn't want to make any noise. I didn't want to make any noise. מחיר הנפט ירד. The price of oil went down. The price of oil has gone down. תום נותן לי הרבה עצות. Tom gives me lots of advice. Tom gives me a lot of advice. أراءه وأفكاره غيرت منظوري للحياة. His opinions and ideas changed my perspective on life. His thoughts and opinions changed my perspective on life. אני לובש תחתונים. I wear boxers. I'm wearing underwear. أنا سوف ألبس النظارات الشمسية. I will wear sunglasses. I'll wear sunglasses. אתם לא אוכלים? Don't you eat? You're not eating? לא עשינו שום דבר פסול. We've done nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. أتى السيد سميث. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith is here. عكس المدرّس عيناه. The teacher squinted his eyes. The teacher turned his eyes. كان زيري غاضبا. Ziri was mad. Ziri was angry. أفلس مطعم زيري. Ziri's restaurant went out of business. Ziri's restaurant broke down. זה נחמד מצדו להביא מתנות כאלה. It's nice of him to bring such gifts. It's nice of him to bring gifts like that. هناك غابة أخرى هناك. There is another forest over there. There's another forest there. غادر زيري بسيّارته. Ziri drove away. Ziri left with his car. منظر رائع، أليس كذلك؟ A wonderful view, isn't it? Great view, isn't it? سامي يتعلّم العربيّة منذ سنتان. Sami has been learning Arabic for about two years. Sami has been learning Arabic for two years. بدأ زيري يستيقظ. Ziri started to wake. Ziri started to wake up. من أين تشتري الكتب؟ Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? ענה על השאלה פעם נוספת, בבקשה. Answer this question again, please. Answer the question once more, please. ريمة ذكيّة. Rima is smart. Smart Reema. תום נראה חביב. Tom seems kind. Tom seems nice. احتاج توم الطعام . Tom needed food. I need Tom to eat. אני רוצה לוודא באיזו שעה אני אמור לצאת. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. את מביישת אותו. You're embarrassing him. You're embarrassing him. كانت عربة سامي متوقّفة في ممرّ المنزل. Sami's van was parked in the driveway. Sammy's car was parked in the driveway. התינוק הזה לא עושה שום דבר מלבד לבכות. That baby does nothing but cry. This baby does nothing but cry. מה בעצם קרה לה? Whatever happened to her? What actually happened to her? מותו של טום היה צפוי. Tom's death was predictable. Tom's death was expected. תעקוב אחרי באינסטגרם, אם אתה רוצה. שם המשתמש שלי שם הוא tatoebamaniac1002xyz. Follow me on Instagram if you want. My username there is tatoebamaniac1002xyz. Follow me on Instagram, if you want. My username there is tatoebamaniac1002xyz. חופש הדיבור חשוב במיוחד לשדרנים. Freedom of speech is especially important to broadcasters. Freedom of speech is especially important for broadcasters. الحاجة تفتق الحيلة. Necessity is the mother of invention. The need taps the trick. الطَبعْ يغلبُ التطبّع. Old habits die hard. The character beats the character. תוכל להסביר לי את הכלל? Will you explain the rule to me? Can you explain the rule to me? תום יישר את מטפחתו. Tom unfolded his napkin. Tom straightened out his handkerchief. أخبرتها عنك. I told her about you. I told her about you. כמה המצב מסוכן? How dangerous is the situation? How dangerous is it? كان يسميني اتشيرو. He called me Ichiro. He used to call me Echiro. אתה חייב לציית. You must comply. You must obey. ولما كنت صبيا قضيت عدة سنوات في إندونيسيا واستمعت إلى الآذان ساعات الفجر والمغرب As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk. When I was a boy, I spent many years in Indonesia and listened to the morning hours of Morocco. أنا أحبه، لكنه مثلي الجنس I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's gay. بقي مارك نشيطا. Mark kept active. Mark is still active. הוא אימץ את עיניו בקריאה רבה מדי. He strained his eyes by reading too much. He took his eyes off too much reading. הסהרה היא מדבר עצום. The Sahara is a vast desert. The Sahara is a vast desert. أنا وأنت نشكل فريقا جيدا. You and I make a good team. You and I make a good team. הוא הבטיח לעולם לא לשקר עוד. He promised that he would never lie again. He promised never to lie again. لا يمكنني. I can't. I can't. לא קורה הרבה. Nothing much is happening. Doesn't happen much. غرفة زيري نظيفة تماما. Ziri's room is spotless. Ziri's room is completely clean. שום מעשה טוב לא עובר בלי עונש. No good deed goes unpunished. No good deed goes unpunished. לתום עדיין שיער רטוב. Tom still has wet hair. Tom still has wet hair. كان فاضل خائفا بالتأكيد. Fadil was definitely afraid. Fadel was definitely scared. زيري يلعب. Ziri is playing. Ziri's playing. لا آكل الفواكه. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. هل تعتقد أن هذا الكتاب يستحق القراءة؟ Do you think this book is worth reading? Do you think this book is worth reading? בואו כולנו נוריד את המסיכות ונהיה גלויים האחד עם השני. Let us all take off our masks and be frank one to another. Let's all take off our masks and be honest with each other. وصلتُ إلى البيت متأخرا. I got home late. I got home late. אני יודעת שאתה מעריך את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. بنتعلم من التاريخ إننا مبنتعلمش من التاريخ. We learn from history that we do not learn from history. By learning from history, we are learning from history. האם אתם יודעים למה הגעתי אליכם? Do you all know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? لماذا لا تأتي كي تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Why don't you come to work for this clinic? Why don't you come work in this clinic? ילד פוחד מהחשיכה. A child is afraid of the dark. A child is afraid of the dark. את אור חיי. You're the light of my life. You are the light of my life. أتحس بوجع في بطنك؟ Do you feel any pain in your stomach? You feel a pain in your stomach? رمى سامي الملابس التي استداها أثناء الجريمة. Sami dumped the clothes he had worn during the crime. Sami threw away the clothes he had worn during the crime. למה את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you in such a hurry? האביב הוא העונה שאני הכי אוהבת. Spring is the season I like the best. Spring is my favorite season. זה עדיין סיכון גדול. It's still a big risk. It's still a big risk. هل تحمل مطريتك معك؟ Do you have your umbrella with you? Do you carry your raincoat with you? אינני אוהב מה שעשית לתום. I don't like what you did to Tom. I don't like what you did to Tom. أنا خائف جداً من الذهاب إلى هناك بنفسي. I'm too scared to go there by myself. I'm so scared to go there myself. لنناقش هذه المشكلة لاحقاً. Let's discuss that problem later. Let’s discuss this problem later. טום בגן כרגע. Tom's in the garden now. Tom's in the garden right now. אני כותב שיר בגרמנית. I'm writing a song in German. I write a song in German. سرعان ما تعرّف سامي على أصدقاء جدد. Sami made friends immediately. Sam soon made new friends. جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Jane Jett from Australia. أثار سامي بعض الشّكوك. Sami raised some suspicion. Sam raised some doubts. איפה את נמצאת? Where are you? Where are you? أطفئ توم الأنوار. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights, Tom. זה כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות. That's all I want to do. That's all I want to do. הזמנתי פעמיים תה ושלוש קפה. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered two teas and three coffees. هرب زيري. Ziri ran out. Ziri escaped. قال المعلم ان الارض كروية. The teacher said that the earth is round. The teacher said the ground is spherical. מצבו קריטי. His condition is critical. He's critical. היא החליטה לקבל ייעוץ משפטי. She decided to take legal advice. She decided to seek legal advice. שילמתי עבור הרכש במזומן. I paid for my purchases in cash. I paid for the purchase in cash. תום לוחם? Is Tom fighting? Tom's a fighter? האם תשתי תה או קפה? Do you drink tea or coffee? Would you drink tea or coffee? لم أرى قط غروبا جميلا للشمس مثل هذا. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. לא צריך לענות על המכתב הזה. There is no need to reply to that letter. You don't have to answer that letter. لنبدأ يا زيري. Let's begin, Ziri. Let's go, Ziri. دافع زيري عن نفسه. Ziri defended himself. Ziri defended himself. لم يرى زيري شيئا في الكاميرا. Ziri didn't see anything on the camera. Ziri didn't see anything on camera. أعمل لدى شركة نفط. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. اطلق زيري النار عدة مرات. Ziri fired repeatedly. He shot me several times. תרצי לשתות משהו? Would you like something to drink? Would you like a drink? دعونا نتكلم عن شخص ٱخر . أ Let's talk about somebody else. Let's talk about someone else. إنه ليس هنا ، أليس كذلك؟ He isn't here, is he? He's not here, is he? בעלי חיים רבים שחיו אלפי שנים אינם קיימים עוד. Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are now extinct. Many animals that have lived for thousands of years no longer exist. أنا أعرفه I know him. I know him. ננשכתי על ידי כלב. I was bitten by a dog. I was bitten by a dog. זה מדהים. This is amazing. It's amazing. መራመድ እችላለሁ። I can walk. I can walk. מי יאמין לך? Who's going to believe you? Who's gonna believe you? شكر زيري ريمة. Ziri thanked Rima. Thank you, Ziri Rima. عندك المعلومات اللّي تكفي باش تكملي؟ Do you have enough information to go on? You have enough information to complete? نستيقظ مبكرت. We wake up early. We wake up early. תעבירי לי את הסוכר בבקשה. Pass me the sugar, please. Pass me the sugar, please. שנינו שונאים אותך. We both hate you. We both hate you. מתכנתים מנסים לשחזר את השגיאה כדי לפתור אותה. Programmers are trying to reproduce the error in order to correct it. Programmers try to recover the error to solve it. הדקדוק של אספרנטו פשוט מאוד. The grammar of Esperanto is very simple. Esperanto's grammar is very simple. אני אסע, יקרה מה שיקרה. I'll go no matter what. I'll go, whatever happens. مكعب سكر واحد من فضلك. One lump of sugar, please. One sugar cube, please. تعال لتتعرف على القس زيري. Come meet Pastor Ziri. Come and meet Pastor Ziri. لا تسخر من الأجانب. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. את לא מקלקלת את בגדיך. You're not ruining your clothing. You're not spoiling your clothes. הוא אמיץ וישר. He's brave and honest. He's brave and honest. תום רבץ על הספה ונחר. Tom lay on the couch sound asleep. Tom sat on the couch and snorted. לא ידעתי מה לעשות אחר כך. I didn't know what to do after that. I didn't know what to do next. شعر زيري بالهزيمة. Ziri felt defeated. Ziri felt defeated. ידעתי שזה חורג מטווח המחירים שלנו, אבל רציתי לקנות את זה בכל זאת. I knew it was out of our price range, but I wanted to buy it anyway. I knew it was beyond our price range, but I wanted to buy it anyway. ראיתי את האישה בשעה שרצחה את בנה. I watched the wife kill her own son. I saw the woman while she murdered her son. אני יודע את הכל על החומר הזה. I know all about this stuff. I know all about this stuff. واصل زيري الكلام. Ziri continued talking. Ziri kept talking. בכמה בתי ספר שונים ביקרת? How many different schools have you attended? How many different schools have you visited? أُختي لَديها سَيطَرَةٌ جَيدةٌ عَلى كُلِّ مِنَ الإنجليزيةِ و الفَرنسية My sister has a good command of both English and French. My sister has a good command of both English and French. أعدّ زيري العشاء. Ziri prepared dinner. My minister's making dinner. ماري تريد الخضوع لجراحة تكبير الصدر. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Mary wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery. علم سامي أنّ ليلى لم تكن تحبّه. Sami realized that Layla didn't love him. Sammy knew Lily didn't like him. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. كانت رسالة سامي مكتوبة يدويّا. Sami's letter was handwritten. Sammy's letter was handwritten. למרי בעיות משלה. Mary has her problems. Mary has her own problems. لن يقوم توم بفعل ذلك أبدا. Tom will never do that. Tom would never do that. העיתוי קריטי. The timing is critical. Timing is critical. يوجد في مصر أفضل طعام و أفضل موسيقى في العالم العربي. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. הקונצרט עומד להתחיל. The concert's about to start. The concert is about to begin. ابقى منتبها لترصد الحلول. Keep your ears open for solutions. Keep an eye out for solutions. يحاول الانفصاليون تطوير سرد زائف من أجل تبرير مشروعهم السياسي. The separatists are trying to develop a pseudoscientific narrative to justify their political project. The separatists are trying to develop a false narrative in order to justify their political project. אני צריך סרט הדבקה. I need the tape. I need a duct tape. بالكاد يستطيع كتاب اسمه. He can scarcely write his name. He could barely write his name. الألمانية هي لغة جرمانية. German is a Germanic language. German is a Germanic language. מה תרצי לקינוח? What would you like for dessert? What would you like for dessert? أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sammy wanted to know Muslims. بيت السيد جونسون بالقرب من بيتي. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is near my house. بمن اتّصل فاضل؟ Who did Fadil contact? Who did Fadel call? يعرف توم ماري ، أليس كذلك؟ Tom knows Mary, doesn't he? He knows Tom Marie, doesn't he? למוזיקאי יש חברים רבים. The musician has many friends. The musician has many friends. لم يسيء إليك أحد. Nobody hurt me. No one has hurt you. ليلى مدرّسة في روضة. Layla is a kindergarten teacher. Leila's a kindergarten teacher. أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. Sammy shot a homeless dog. أنا آتٍ I'm coming. I'm coming. הם רוצים לראות אותך מת. They want to see you dead. They want to see you dead. سأكون هنا طوال اليوم I'll be here all day. I'll be here all day. תום מנסה להדביק את מרי. Tom is trying to outdo Mary. Tom tries to catch up with Mary. הוא הולך לספרייה כדי לקרוא ספרים. He goes to the library to read books. He goes to the library to read books. תום היה סרבן. Tom was disobedient. Tom was a recalcitrant. أين هم؟ Where are they? Where are they? ההצעה שלך השפיע מאד על ההחלטה הזאת. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your proposal has had a major impact on this decision. صفّ كليتيّ وقلبي‎. Try out my reins and my heart. Describe my kidneys and my heart. יש לי צרבת נוראית. I have horrible heartburn. I have terrible heartburn. خيبَةُ أملها كانت جليّة للجميع. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Her disappointment was obvious to everyone. أنا تعب. سأذهب إلى السرير. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. למה אתה תדיר מתערב? Why do you constantly have to get involved? Why do you always get involved? ביום שישי אני עוזרת לאמא להכין חלות לשבת. On Friday I help Mother make Challa for Sabbath. On Friday, I'm helping my mom prepare her Saturday mornings. أيٌّ قلمك؟ Which is your pen? Which one's your pen? لدي سعال. I have a cough. I have a cough. بوسطن ماشي كيما شيكاڤو ڤاع. Boston is not at all like Chicago. Boston Machi Kima Chikavo Va. אינני חושב שמישהו אי פעם עשה את זה בעבר. I don't think anyone has ever done this before. I don't think anyone's ever done this before. אני חושבת שזה היה די מרשים. I think it was quite impressive. I think it was pretty impressive. טום תמיד אוכל את אותו הדבר. Tom always eats the same thing. Tom always eats the same thing. شعرها جاف. She has dry hair. Her hair is dry. היום ראיתי ירח מלא בשמים. Today I saw the full moon in the sky. Today I saw a full moon in the sky. هذا العمل هام جدا بالنسبة لهم. The task is of great importance to them. This work is very important to them. לא נותרו לכם ימי מחלה. You have no sick days left. You don't have any sick days left. هذه المرّة سنفوز بكأس كرة القدم. This time, we'll win the football cup. This time we're gonna win the football cup. אתם מזהים את האיש בתמונה? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man in the photo? يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. Seems to me you're all wrong. أتساءل إن كان يحبني. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he likes me. הם חגגו את ההצלחה בפתיחת בקבוק יין. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. They celebrated the success of opening a bottle of wine. לא אשוב הביתה. I won't come home. I'm not going home. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار شْبَابْ. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met them in a couple in Kabbalistic country and we had a young man's day. يعتبرونه بطلاً. They consider him a hero. They consider him a hero. كانت ليلى ابنة فاضل الصّبيّة. Layla was Fadil's baby girl. Layla was Fadel's daughter. هو لن يكونَ مُسْتَعدّاً. He will not be ready. He won't be ready. أهلاً و سهلاً بك في تتويبا. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tutuba. כולנו אוהבים לרכוב על אופנים. We all like cycling. We all like to ride bikes. אתה מדבר כאילו זו אשמתי. You talk as if it's my fault. You talk like it's my fault. זה יכול להגיע לכל מקום. It could go either way. It could go anywhere. زيري يكره الأطفال. Ziri hates kids. Ziri hates kids. תום התקרב קמעה. Tom moved a little closer. Tom came a little closer. נורוז שמח! Happy Nowruz! Happy Norrows! ستشعر بتحسن إذا شربت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You will feel better if you drink this medicine. አንቺ ተማሪ ነሽ። You are a student. You are a student. איננו יכולים לחיות ממאה חמישים אלף ין בחודש. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. אני מתרגלת לעשות את זה. I'm getting used to doing this. I get used to it. التقيا في مطعم في الضّفّة اليسرى. They met in a restaurant on the Left Bank. They met at a restaurant on the left bank. سامي سعيد لكونه يسكن في مدينة ليون، بفلوريدا. Sami is happy to call Leon, Florida, home. Sami is happy to be living in Lyon, Florida. תום בז למרי. Tom detests Mary. Tom despises Mary. ابتل توم بشدة. Tom got soaking wet. Tom got really wet. لطالما عانى توم من تلك المشكلة. Tom has always had that problem. Tom has always had that problem. يصعب عليّ جدا أن أفهم هذا الكتاب. This book is too difficult for me to understand. It’s hard for me to understand this book. אני מחבבת אותך יותר מאשר אי פעם. I love you more than ever. I like you more than ever. دعه ينه جملته! Let him finish his sentence! Let him finish his sentence! أكل زيري تينا. Ziri ate figs. Ziri ate Tina. הם צודקים. They're right. They're right. תום שיתף פעולה במידה רבה. Tom was very cooperative. Tom was very cooperative. קיבלת את מכתבה? Did you get her letter? Did you get her letter? אל תלכו כל כך מהר! אני לא יכולה לעמוד בקצב. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. Don't go so fast, I can't keep up. תום בא לכאן לבד. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. توم مذعور قليلا. Tom's a bit freaked out. Tom's a little paranoid. صراع العروش هو مسلسلي المفضّل. Game of Thrones is my favorite series. Game of Thrones is my favorite show. שום דבר לא חסר. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. אין לי שום קשר לבעיה הזאת. I don't have anything to do with that problem. I have nothing to do with this problem. لم أبحث عنك أبدا. I never looked for you. I never looked for you. هى ولدت في العام 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. عليك أن تعيد تقييم سلوكك. You need to reassess your behavior. You need to reevaluate your behavior. אתה משפטן? Are you a lawyer? You're a lawyer? أفعله مباشرة Do it right away. Do it right. لا يستطيع توم أن يقرر هل يشتري حاسوبًا جديدًا الآن أم ينتظر بضعة أشهر. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait for a couple of more months. Tom can’t decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait a few months. ارتبط زيري. Ziri got engaged. Linked to Ziri. אלוהים עשה את זה. God did it. God did it. תום יודע שיש רק תגובה אפשרית אחת. Tom knows there's only one course of action possible. Tom knows there's only one possible response. عاش فاضل حياة أحلامه لمدّة سبع سنوات. For seven years, Fadil lived his dream life. He lived the life of his dreams for seven years. מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶֽיךָ, מֶֽלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּים, שֶׁהֶֽחֱזַֽרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה. רַבָּה אֱמֽוּנָתֶֽךָ. I thank You, living and enduring King, Who has returned my spirit to me with compassion. Great is Your trust. I give thanks before thee, O King, living and enduring, whose spirit thou hast treasured in me, in compassion: great is thy faithfulness. توفيت أمي عندما كنت طفلة. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. أريد أن أعرف ما يحدث هنا. I want to know what's going on out here. I want to know what's going on here. هذا الكتاب صعب الفهم This book is difficult to understand. This book is hard to understand. لا يمكنني إعطائك جواباً نهائياً اليوم. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a definitive answer today. כולם מוגנים. Everybody's safe. They're all safe. أنا لا أسخّن منزلكم. I'm not heating your house. I'm not heating your house. طلبت منه ألا يقود بسرعة. I asked him not to drive so fast. I told him not to drive too fast. زيري هو الرّئيس. Ziri is boss. Ziri's the boss. אני צריך משהו נוסף. I needed something more. I need something else. הוא היה מאד עני. He was very poor. He was very poor. מאחוריך! Look back! Behind you! بعض الأطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في جميع الأوقات. Some children play video games all the time. Some children play video games at all times. هو ضليعُ في علم الهندسة . He is well versed in geometry. He's well versed in engineering. بعد مرور بضعة أشهر، أصبح فاضل يتحكّم في كلّ مظهر من حياة ليلى. Within a few months, Fadil controlled every aspect of Layla's life. A few months later, Fadel became in control of every aspect of Layla’s life. يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟ Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Man, I'm just watching the news. You doubting me? إن قطرة واحدة من السم كافية لقتل ١٦۰ شخصًا. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is enough to kill 160 people. הם מתלמדים. They're interns. They're training. هل رخصتك معك؟ Do you have your driver's license? Is your license with you? כמה אנשים צריך כדי להחליף גליל נייר טואלט ריק? אף אחד לא יודע, זה אף פעם לא קרה. How many men does it take to replace an empty toilet roll? No one knows, it's never happened. How many people do you need to replace an empty toilet paper roll? لدى أمي ثلاثة كلاب. My mum has three dogs. My mother has three dogs. החמצתי הזדמנות פז. I missed a golden opportunity. I missed a golden opportunity. اقطع الشجرة الميتة دي، وإلا هتقع على بيتك. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut down the dead tree, or you'll fall on your house. هو أصم، لكنه يعرف كيف يقرأ الشفاه. He is deaf, but knows how to read lips. He's deaf, but he knows how to read lips. זה נראה מוכר. This looks familiar. It looks familiar. أكيليز بطل أسطوري عند الإغريق. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Aquiles is a legendary hero of the Greeks. لن تستفيد من المقاومة فلا تحاول. It's useless to try and resist. You won't benefit from resistance. Don't try. זה מעניין. למה לך לעשות את זה? That's interesting. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? كان زيري يحلم. Ziri was dreaming. Ziri was dreaming. באתי להתנצל. I came to apologize. I'm here to apologize. من هؤلاء الأشخاص؟ Who are those people? Who are these people? هل أنت قادم على السادسة أم على السّابعة؟ Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming at 6:00 or 7:00? נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Let's say she's coming back. השתמש בשיניים שלך. Use your teeth. Use your teeth. תזדקקי לעזרתם. You'll need their help. You'll need their help. هلا جلبت لي كأسا من الماء من فضلك؟ Could you get me a glass of water, please? Can you get me a glass of water, please? أكل زيري البيتزا. Ziri ate pizza. Eat my pizza zir. מעולם לא נזפתי בך. I never blamed you. I've never scolded you. אתה שומר סוד. You're secretive. You keep a secret. בואי נגיע לפשרה. Let's compromise. Let's come to a compromise. طلب سامي من الله أن يساعده. Sami asked God to protect him. Sammy asked God to help him. איכפת לך על הסביבה? Do you care about the environment? Do you care about the environment? أحدث النمر ضجة كبيرة. The leopard was making a huge ruckus. The tiger made a big noise. הייתי פופולרי בתיכון. I was popular in high school. I was popular in high school. טום בוגד באשתו. Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom cheats on his wife. كان سامي راغبا في إنجاب ولد كي يرث إسمه و ثروته. Sami wanted a son to inherit his name and fortune. Sammy wanted to have a son to inherit his name and wealth. كم يجني السبّاكون؟ How much do plumbers make? How much does a plumber make? استمر زيري في الضغط على ريمة كي تتناول ذلك المشروب. Ziri kept pressuring Rima to take that drink. Ziri continued to press Rima to have that drink. أين المصعد؟ Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? أنا صديق روبرتس. I am a friend of Robert's. I'm a friend of Roberts'. חשבתי שאנו פה כדי לדבר על תום. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. לא פוטרתי. I wasn't fired. I wasn't fired. ذلك اللحم لحم دجاج. That meat is chicken. That's chicken meat. شكلها فاتن في ذلك الفستان. She looks pretty in that dress. She looks so cute in that dress. اترك ليلى و تعال لتعيش معي. Leave Layla and come to live with me. Leave Lily and come live with me. سحب سامي ليلى على الطّريق. Sami dragged Layla onto the road. Sammy Layla pulled out on the way. سأل زيري إن كانت ريمة بخير. Ziri asked if Rima was OK. He asked if Ryan was okay. יידיש אינה עברית. Yiddish isn't Hebrew. Yiddish is not Hebrew. أنا تأخرت. I am already late. I'm late. مستنقعات المنغروف نظام بيئي فريد بقع في المناطق التي يلتقي فيها البر بالبحر. Mangrove swamps are a unique ecosystem that exist in areas where the land meets the sea. Mangrove swamps are a unique ecosystem of spots in areas where land meets the sea. واصل كارل اتباع اللافتات. Karl continued to follow the signs. Carl continued to follow the signs. קבעתי פגישה עם מאיוקו. I made an appointment with Mayuko. I made an appointment with Maioko. صلّى النّاس صلاة الغائب لسامي. A funeral prayer in absentia was held for Sami. People prayed for Sammy's absentee prayer. אני חייב להגיד לך משהו עכשיו. I must say something to you now. I have to tell you something right now. لديها ابن يحبه الجميع. She has a son everybody loves. She has a son that everyone loves. טום קנה מצלמת מִרְשֶׁתֶת. Tom bought a webcam. Tom bought a surveillance camera. تفضل بالدخول Come inside. Come on in. سأل زيري ريمة إن كانت راغبة في الذهاب معه. Ziri asked Rima if she wanted to go with him. Ziri asked Rima if she would like to go with him. הוא שונה ממה שאני דימיתי. He's different from how I imagined him. He's different than I imagined. لم هذا مهمّ حتّى؟ Why is this even a thing? Why is that even important? אני גרה באתיופיה. I live in Ethiopia. I live in Ethiopia. كانت على وشك الخروج. She was about to go out. She was about to come out. אתה צריך לבקר. You should come over. You should visit. תנסי לא לדאוג מה אחרים חושבים. Try not to worry about what others think. Try not to worry about what others think. ماذا فعلت في الإجازة الماضية؟ What did you do last vacation? What did you do last vacation? تهجم الكلب على الصغير. The dog attacked the little boy. Attack the dog on the little one. אינני סופר את הכסף שלך. I'm not counting your money. I'm not counting your money. מעולם לא רציתי באמת לעשות את זה. I never really wanted to do that. I never really wanted to do that. תוכלו לתת לי הנחה? Would you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? מגיע לתום יותר מזה. Tom deserved more than that. Tom deserves more than that. فكّرت الشّرطة في جميع الاحتمالات. Police thought of all possibilities. I thought about the police in all probability. כל בני האדם נולדו בני חורין ושווים בערכם ובזכויותיהם. כולם חוננו בתבונה ובמצפון, לפיכך חובה עליהם לנהוג איש ברעהו ברוח של אחווה. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in value and rights. All are endowed with reason and conscience, so they must treat one another in a spirit of brotherhood. زيري يزور ريمة. Ziri visits Rima. Ziri visits Rima. קניתי פרחים כי אני הולך לבקר את הסבתא שלי אחרי הצהריים. I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. I bought flowers because I'm going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. بإمكانك استخدامها في أي وقت. You can use it anytime. You can use it anytime. كيف إستطاع الزواج من سيدة أخرى بعد يومٍ واحد من وفاة زوجته السابقة! How could he marry another woman one day after his previous wife death! How he got married to another woman a day after his ex-wife's death! أنا معجبةٌ بمهارته في القيادة. I admire his skill at driving. I admire his leadership skills. אוי, הם כל כך חמודים ביחד. Aww, they are so cute together. Oh, they're so cute together. הוא סומך על ההורים שלו שישלמו את שכר הלימוד שלו באוניברסיטה. He depends on his parents for his university fees. He's counting on his parents to pay his tuition at the university. הנחש הוא שפיתה את חווה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. It was the snake that lured Eve. אני כל כך מרוצה שתום הסתלק. I'm so glad that Tom is gone. I'm so glad Tom's gone. תום רעב? Is Tom hungry? Is Tom hungry? Immur l-iskola fit-tmienja ta' filgħodu. I go to school at eight in the morning. I go to school at 8 a.m. כשקרתה רעידת האדמה הגדולה הייתי רק בן עשר. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. When the earthquake struck, I was only ten years old. هولندا بلد صغير. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. تتفحص البنت مؤخرة دراجتها الهوائية . The girl is checking out the rear of the bicycle. The girl looks at the back of her bicycle. واصل زيري سيره نحو الشمال. Ziri continued north. Ziri continued his march to the north. كانت تنبعث رائحة نتنة من ذلك اللحم المتعفن. The decomposing flesh was stinking. She was smelling a stink of that rotten meat. شم زيري بولا. Ziri smelt urine. Xerry Paula sniffed. ميلادا سعيدا يا زيري. Merry Christmas, Ziri. Merry Christmas, Cherry. היא מהירוקים. She is an environmentalist. She's the green one. العديد من أنواع البرمائيات لديها اماكن تكاثر خاصة كالأحواض و المستنقعات. Many amphibian species will breed in specific breeding grounds, such as shallow ponds or marshes. Many amphibian species have special breeding grounds, such as ponds and swamps. فضل يبص عليّه. He fixed his eyes on me. Thanks for looking at him. أحب توم تسريحة شعر ماري الجديدة. Tom liked Mary's new hairstyle. I love Mary's new hair. روى فاضل للشرطة كلّ شيء. Fadil told police everything. Roy Fadel told the police everything. لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. No one knows his address except Tom. תפסיק לנעוץ בי מבטים. Stop staring at me. Stop staring at me. ወደ ተማሪው ቤት ሄደ። He went to the student's house. He went to the student's house. هو أطول مني He's taller than me. He's taller than me. تبين أنا الرجل محقق خاص. The man turned out to be a private detective. Turns out I'm a private investigator guy. أدار فاضل مقبض الباب بهدوء و دخل إلى المنزل. Fadil quietly turned the doorknob and entered the house. Fadel quietly turned the doorknob and entered the house. אני חושב שזאת טעות גדולה. I think this is a big mistake. I think it's a big mistake. بالرغم من أن هذا البيت ليس قلعة أو قصرا، إلا أنه يجعلك تحس بالأمان. This house is no fortress or castle, but it still instills a sense of security. Although this house is not a castle or palace, it makes you feel safe. אני תוהה אם תום קלט את הרמז. I wonder if Tom got the hint. I wonder if Tom got the hint. يمكنني قراءة الأسبانية بسهولة. I can read Spanish easily. I can read Spanish easily. قلت ذلك. I said that. I said so. הקבוצה הורכבה מארבעה גברים צעירים. The group was made up of four young men. The group consisted of four young men. תום מתכוון לעלות עליך. Tom is out to get you. Tom's gonna get you. نظّف غرفتك. You must clean your room. Clean your room. أراد زيري أن يستقيل. Ziri wanted to quit. Ziri wanted to quit. לכולכם התנהגות דומה. You all display similar behavior. You all have similar behavior. אני מודאג לגבי ביטוח בריאות. I'm concerned about health care. I'm worried about health insurance. שבי בבקשה! Please take a seat. Sit down, please! Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. It's cold today. אני יכולה לעזור להם. I can help them. I can help them. אל תקל ראש ברצינות הבעיה. Don't underestimate the problem. Don't take the problem seriously. למה שיקרת? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? תום תמיד מפשל. Tom always makes a mess of things. Tom always screws up. هذا الشعور سهل. This feeling is easy. This feeling is easy. ڨـ‬ع واش ندير، هييا تقول بلّي نقدر ندير خير. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. אני לא יודע מדוע היא נעדרה. I don't know the reason for her absence. I don't know why she's missing. ذهبت مع أختي إلى القلعة. My sister and I went to the castle. I went with my sister to the castle. لم يكن جيدا لأوكرانيا أن تتخلص من أسلحتها النووية. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. It was not good for Ukraine to get rid of its nuclear weapons. سُرق مدّس سامي منه. Sami's gun was stolen from him. A Sami teacher was stolen from him. תוריד את זה. Take that down. Take it off. אין ארוחות חינם. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. There are no free meals. רק תודה שאין לך בעיות כמו של תום. Just be thankful you don't have all of Tom's problems. Just admit you don't have any problems like Tom's. יש לי כאן מעט חברים. I have few friends here. I have a few friends here. لا تقف في طريق جامس. Don't stand in James's way. Don't stand in the way of James. علق زيري في تلك الغابة بمفرده بعد غروب الشمس. Ziri was caught in that forest alone in the dark. Ziri was stranded in that forest alone after sunset. احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. Fadel kept prostitutes in the basement of his house. נערות יפות חולמות עליו. Beautiful girls dream of him. Pretty girls dream about him. צעדתי שלושת רבעי מייל. I walked three-fourths of a mile. I walked three-quarters of a mile. كيفَ سأسدد ديونى الآن؟ How will I pay my debts now? How do I repay my debts now? אני מבקש בבונג. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking for bong. בקיצור בבקשה. Be brief, please. In short, please. أهذا أول امتحان لك؟ Is this your first examination? Is this your first exam? נשאר לי רק שבוע לפני שבית הספר מתחיל. I've got only a week left before school starts. I only have a week left before school starts. لا يريد جمال أن يعلم هذا. Jamal doesn't want to know about it. Jamal doesn't want to know that. تغير كثيرًا منذ المرة الأخيرة. He changed a lot since the last time. A lot has changed since the last time. أُلقي القبض على زيري. Ziri got caught. Ziri was arrested. زيري يحفز ريمة. Ziri motivates Rima. Ziri stimulates Reema. אני יכולה לדבר אנגלית. I can speak English. I can speak English. اليوم، حياة سامي أفضل بكثير. Today, Layla's life is much better. Today, Sammy's life is much better. شعر زيري و كأنه بدأ يصاب بالجنون. Ziri felt as if he was going insane. He felt like he was going crazy. من الأفضل أن ترتدي قبعة على رأسك خلال أشتية موسكو الباردة. It's best to wear a cap on your head during the cold Moscow winters. It is best to wear a hat on your head during the cold Moscow winters. בדרך כלל ילדים אוהבים גלידה. In general, kids like ice cream. Kids usually like ice cream. أقفل كارل كل شيء. Karl sealed everything off. Carl shuts everything down. سيستعمل زيري مسدسه إن كان ذلك ضروريا. Ziri will use his gun if he must. Ziri will use his gun if necessary. ישנתי עד מאוחר. I slept late. I slept late. سأكون في الحمام. I'm going to be in the bathroom. I'll be in the bathroom. هل تريدُ أن تبيعَ سيّارتك؟ Would you like to sell your car? Do you want to sell your car? يدرّب الفريق مدرّب جيّد. A good coach trains this team. The team trains a good coach. كان سامي يأخذ دروسا جامعيّة عاديّة. Sami took regular college classes. Sammy was taking regular college classes. הוא הסיר את הכובע וקד קידה. He took off his hat and made a polite bow. He took off his hat and a bow. تخلّت ليلى عن سامي. Layla left Sami. Layla gave up on Sammy. هذا رقم سحري. It's a magic number. That's a magic number. كنا نسبح كثيرا في هذا النهر. We used to swim in this river a lot. We used to swim a lot in this river. תום בעל עוצמה. Tom is powerful. Tom is powerful. هذا الطبق ممتاز. This dish is terrific. This dish is excellent. زيري لا يحب الرياضة. Ziri hates sports. Ziri doesn't like sports. הם הפקירו את הגבעה לכוחות האויב. They abandoned the hill to enemy forces. They abandoned the hill to the enemy forces. ተማሪዎቹን ታያለሽ። You'll see the students. You see the students. אנא, שמור על עצמך. Please take care of yourself. Please, take care of yourself. נתכעסתי. I got upset. I got mad. Ma naqbel ma' kważi xejn milli għadu kif qal Tom. I disagree with almost everything Tom just said. I don't agree with almost anything Tom said. كان سامي خارج المدرسة. Sami was outside school. Sammy was out of school. היא יצאה לקניות. She went shopping. She went shopping. אפשר להבין את הכעס שלו. His anger is understandable. You can understand his anger. هذه وسادة سامي. وسادتك على الأريكة. This is Sami's pillow. Yours in on the couch. This is Sammy's pillow, and your pillow is on the couch. كانت حياة سامي في بدايتها. Sami's life was taking off. Sammy’s life was at the beginning. نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. את תגזים באכילה. Don't eat to excess. You'll overeat. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكِ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd give you money. لا أتذكر اين اوقفت السيارة I can't remember where I parked the car. I don't remember where you parked the car. من الممكن أن تتجمد الأسبوع القادم. It may freeze next week. It might freeze next week. لنجلس أين يوجد ظل. Let's sit where there is some shade. Let's sit where there's a shadow. נשמע כאילו אתה מסתדר. It sounds like you're doing OK. Sounds like you're getting along. אתה דומה לתום בהרבה מובנים. You're a lot like Tom. You look like Tom in a lot of ways. مْشينا وحْد الثْلاث ساعات. We walked about three hours. We've only been gone three hours. ترجم سامي القرآن من العربيّة إلى الإنجليزيّة. Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English. Sami translated the Qur'an from Arabic into English. البعض يحب أن يكافئ نفسه، وأن لا ينتظر هدية من أحد. Some people like rewarding themselves, not expecting reward from others. Some like to reward themselves and not wait for a gift from anyone. أنتَ يمكنكَ دائماً القدوم هنا. You can always come here. You can always come here. שלח אותה. Send her over. Send her. טום חטף ממרי בעיטה במפשעה. Mary kicked Tom in the groin. Tom took a kick from Mary in the groin. اعطني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! أتمنى لك يوماً لطيفاً. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. هل نظاراتك طبية؟ Are your glasses prescription? Are your glasses medical? إن كانت لديك أية أسئلة، أخبرني. If you have any questions, ask me. If you have any questions, let me know. ሐቁን አላውቅም። I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. دعني أساعدك في عملك. Let me help you with your work. Let me help you with your work. הצוות שלנו זקוק לעזרתכם. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. הנשיא בוש נשא נאום חשוב אתמול בטלוויזיה וברדיו. President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday. President Bush gave an important speech yesterday on television and radio. يجري العلماء تجاربا. Scientists do experiments. Scientists are experimenting. תום התקרב. Tom moved closer. Tom is getting closer. انضمّ سامي إلى نادي الإعلام الآلي. Sami joined the computer club. Sammy joined the automated media club. إنهم في المكتبة. They're in the library. They're in the library. אני רואה שעשית רושם טוב. I see you made a good impression. I see you made a good impression. ניסיתי הכול, אבל נכשלתי פעם נוספת. I have tried everything but failed again. I tried everything, but I failed again. צום קל. Have an easy fast. Easy fast. ابنتي تدرُس في تلك المدرسة. My daughter studies in that school. My daughter teaches at that school. אני מזועזע בדיוק כמוך. I'm as shocked as you are. I'm just as shocked as you are. لا أتكلم الألمانية. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. أفضل ألا أخرج اليوم. I'd rather not go out today. I'd rather not go out today. لست جاهزاً بعد. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. تبدأ الأوبرا في الساعة السابعة. The opera starts at seven. The opera starts at 7 o'clock. نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. Let's be happy, let's see what's killing my soul. لا يدان أي شخص من جراء أداة عمل أو الامتناع عن أداة عمل إلا إذا كان ذلك يعتبر جرماً وفقاً للقانون الوطني أو الدولي وقت الارتكاب، كذلك لا توقع عليه عقوبة أشد من تلك التي كان يجوز توقيعها وقت ارتكاب الجريمة. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. No person shall be convicted of an instrument of labour or of refraining from an instrument of labour unless it is considered an offence under national or international law at the time of the commission of the offence, nor shall he be liable to a heavier penalty than that which might have been imposed at the time of the commission of the offence. النساء مثلنا ينبغي أن يعملن سويا. Women like us should work together. Women like us should work together. هل خرّبت شيئًا؟ Did you break something? Did you ruin something? למה את לא מנגנת לי משהו? Why don't you play something for me? Why aren't you playing something for me? سلوكه يشعرني بالغثيان. His behavior makes me sick. His behavior makes me nauseous. היא גאה בכישרון הקולינרי שלה. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. She is proud of her culinary talent. ואת, מה איתך? את סומכת על האדם הזה? What about you? Do you trust this man? And you, what about you, do you trust this man? سمع زيري تشقّقات. Ziri heard cracks. Ziri heard cracks. سنفسّر. We will explain. We'll explain. أحبك و أريد الزواج بك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. The cost of financial services is rising in every country. الح زيري. Ziri insisted. He's a Ziri. خلاص على كده. This is the end. It's all over. المسؤولون يجب أن يبنوا تواصل قريب مع الموظّفين. Administrators need to build close contact with employees. Officials should build up close contact with the staff. حقاً أُريد زيارتك أنتِ و أطفالك, لكن يبدو انني لم أعثر على الفرصة المناسبة. I keep meaning to visit you and your kids. I just never seem to get around to it. I really want to visit you and your kids, but it seems I haven't found the right opportunity. الغابة ليست كثيفة جدا. The forest is not very dense. The forest is not very dense. אתה חייב לבחור. You have to make a choice. You have to choose. من أجل ذلك أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. המדען חקר את שרידי הדינוזאורים בעמק. The scientist searched for the bones of the dinosaurs in the valley. The scientist studied the remains of the dinosaurs in the valley. أنا لا أعرف السلاح الذي سيستخدمه الإنسان في الحرب العالمية الثالثة، لكني أعرف أنه سيستخدم العصا والحجر في الحرب العالمية الرابعة I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know what kind of weapon man will use in World War III, but I do know that he will use sticks and stones in World War IV. לפי נסיוני, דרושה שנה כדי להתמחות בדקדוק הצרפתי. According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar. In my experience, it takes a year to specialize in French grammar. لعب زيري بشكل أحسن. Ziri played better. Ziri played better. זה ענייני האישי. That is my own affair. It's my personal business. העברתי שעות בקריאת ספרים. I spent hours reading books. I spent hours reading books. אטיל עליו לתקן את השעון. I'll have him fix the clock. I'll have him fix the watch. كيف حال أخيك؟ How's your brother? How's your brother? מה הפחיד אותך? What scared you? What scared you? سُجِنت ليلى لثلاث سنوات طِوال. Layla was jailed for three long years. Layla's been locked up for three years. אני שמח שאני רואה אתכם, אבל אין שום דבר שאתם יכולים לעשות פה. I'm glad to see you, but there's nothing you can do here. I'm glad I see you, but there's nothing you can do here. سقط زيري إلى الخلف. Ziri fell backwards. Ziri fell back. אתה מוזמן תמיד. You are always welcome. You're always welcome. زيري كان يعطي. Ziri was sneezing. Ziri was giving. לא ציפיתי לך כה מוקדם. I didn't expect you so soon. I wasn't expecting you this early. הסרתי את כובעי ונכנסתי לכנסיה. I took off my hat and entered the church. I took off my hat and went to church. اِبقَ هادئاً عند شرح الدرس. Be quiet during the lesson. Stay calm when explaining the lesson. أفزعنا نوجة. We scared Nuja. We freaked out Noga. أشعر بالجوع. I am hungry. I'm hungry. היא אוהבת למשוך תשומת לב. She likes to attract attention. She likes to draw attention. אני חושש להיות מבוהל. I'm afraid of being afraid. I'm afraid to be scared. אתה צודק. אסע במונית. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right, I'll take a cab. أشتاق جدّا لأخي لقد تزوّج وسافرَ إلى دولة الإمارات. I miss my brother so much. He got married and moved to the UAE. I miss my brother very much. He got married and traveled to the UAE. הסיפור היה משעשע. The story was amusing. The story was amusing. תום היה נאמן לאמת. Tom was truthful. Tom was loyal to the truth. في الحقيقة، لم تغادر فرنسا أبدا إفريقيا. France never actually left Africa. In fact, France never left Africa. שמעת מה שאמרתי? Did you hear what I said? Did you hear what I said? X'nistgħu nixorbu? What can we drink? What can we drink? طلبت منه المساعدة. She asked him for help. I asked him for help. אתה יכול לבדוק? Can you find out? Can you check? היא פרצה בבכי. She burst into tears. She burst into tears. لقد واجهَت الكثير من الصعوبات. She has gone through many difficulties. I've had a lot of difficulties. הם משכילים יותר, בריאים יותר ואמידים יותר לעומת דור ההורים שלהם כשהיו בגילם. They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age. They are more educated, healthier and more affluent than the generation of their parents when they were their age. אני לא רוצה להכיר את שמותיהם. I don't want to know their names. I don't want to know their names. أعلم مع من تكلم توم. I knew who Tom had talked to. I know who Tom talked to. הוא איבד את מראה הציפור הזאת. He lost sight of that bird. He lost sight of that bird. لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't talk out loud here. הם חברי כיתתי. They are my classmates. They're my classmates. אינכם יכולים לעזוב אותי. You can't abandon me. You can't leave me. ללמוד איך מתקשרים ביעילות שווה את הזמן. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Learning how to communicate effectively is worth the time. אני מסתייג מהרמז שלכם. I resent your implication. I disapprove of your hint. بدأ زيري يضحك مع ريمة. Ziri started laughing with Rima. Ziri started laughing with Reema. توم يعمل في بوسطن. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. הממשלה משקיעה מעט בחינוך. The government invests little in education. The government invests a little in education. ضربنا. We were hit. We hit. ביליתי ביום ראשון האחרון בניחותא בבית. I spent last Sunday relaxing at home. I spent the last Sunday relaxing at home. שפת האם שלי היא המתנה היפה ביותר שאימי העניקה לי. My native language is the most beautiful gift my mother gave me. My mother tongue is the most beautiful gift my mother has ever given me. כמה אופנועים חונים בחוץ. There are several motorcycles parked out front. Some motorcycles are parked outside. טום בגן כרגע. Tom is in the garden at the moment. Tom's in the garden right now. היא מוכנה להאבק על אמונותיה. She is willing to stand up for her beliefs. She's willing to fight for her beliefs. كفى. That's enough. That's enough. ترجم الجملة التي أنت بصدد ترجمتها ترجمةً جيدةً، ولا تتأثر بالترجمات إلى اللغات الأخرى. Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you. The sentence you are translating is well translated, and is not affected by translations into other languages. الاف السياح يحتشدون عند هذا المعبد كل سنة . Thousands of tourists flock to this temple every year. Thousands of tourists flock to this temple every year. لا أستطيع القيام بكل شيء بنفسي. I can't do everything on my own. I can't do everything myself. ניסיון נושא פרי. Experience pays off. Experience bearing fruit. راهو كاين الجليد في الطريق. ما تخلّيهش يصوق. The road is frozen! Don't let him drive! There's an iceberg on the way. יש משהו בחדר שצריך לשטוף. There's something to wash in the room. There's something in the room that needs to be washed. الرواية دي عندها تلت أجزاء. This novel consists of three parts. The novel has parts. תום לבש את מקטורנו. Tom put on his jacket. Tom was wearing his jacket. بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter loves the summer fruit: the love of kings, torches, peaches. היא אף פעם עוד לא סיפרה לי. She never told me. She never told me. هل بإمكانك أن تعطيها هذا الكرسي؟ Can you give that chair to her? Can you give her this chair? אני בוודאי נראית נורא ואיום. I must look a sight. I must look awful. استيقظ سامي أخيرا من الغيبوبة. Sami finally emerged from the coma. Sammy finally woke up from a coma. أحسن زيري التّصرّف. Ziri did well. My best man, behave yourself. يقسم نهرٌ المدينةَ إلى جزء شرقي و آخر غربي. A river separates the city into east and west. A river divides the city into an eastern and a western part. لا أحد يقطن هناك. Nobody lives there. No one lives there. היא מתייפחת ללא הרף. She won't stop sobbing. She keeps sobbing. הוא אמר "שלום לכם, ידידיי" והלך. He said, "So long, my friends," and left us. He said, "Hello, my friends," and left. אתה מזויין? Are you armed? You fucking? انصرف من هنا يا زيري. Fuck off, Ziri. Get out of here, Zeri. המקום הזה דוחה לחלוטין. This place is downright creepy. This place is totally disgusting. הייתה דקה של שקט ואז כולם התחילו לצעוק. There was a minute of silence and then everybody started screaming. There was a minute of silence, and then everyone started screaming. لم يستحقّ سامي موتة مأساويّة كتلك. Sami didn't deserve a tragic death like that. Sammy didn't deserve such a tragic death. اقتربوا أيها الأوغاد الجبناء. Come at me, you pussy motherfuckers! Come closer, you cowardly bastards. ذهبت إلى المقهى بالأمس. I went to the coffee shop yesterday. I went to the cafe yesterday. בסופו של דבר הכל נגמר בכי טוב. Everything came out okay in the end. In the end, it all ended well. האוכל פה מעולה. The food here is excellent. The food here is great. כולנו מרוויחים את המוניטין שלנו ביושר. We all earn our reputations. We all earn our reputation. بصق زيري. Ziri spat. Spit Zeri. ليس لديها مال. She is broke. She has no money. תום עשה כמיטב יכולתו להסתיר את אכזבתו. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. לא ניתן היה למצוא פתרון משביע רצון באמת. It was impossible to come up with a really satisfactory solution. A truly satisfying solution could not be found. הוא מעל בן שמונים. He is over eighty years old. He's over 80. زيري مبرمج. Ziri is a computer programmer. Ziri's a programmer. אני פונה למילון לעתים קרובות. I often refer to the dictionary. I go to the dictionary often. היא הבטיחה לפגוש אותו אמש. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. זה הזמן ללכת למיטה. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. يانّي يستعد. Yanni is getting ready. Yanni's getting ready. אני רוצה לבדוק את מחירי המניות מאתמול. I would like to check yesterday's stock prices... I want to check the stock prices from yesterday. העוזרת מרותקת למיטתה. The maid is confined to her bed. The maid is confined to her bed. عاد سامي إلى محلّه للبيتزا. Sami returned to his pizza joint. Sammy went back to his place for pizza. أعدك بذلك I give you my word. I promise. في تلك الدولة الحكومة تتحكم بالاسعار. In that country the government controls prices. In this country, the government controls prices. زيري يحب البطيخ الأحمر. Ziri loves watermelon. Ziri likes red watermelon. تزوج زيري من ريمة و أنجبت أربعة أطفال. Ziri married Rima who gave birth to four children. Ziri married Reema and had four children. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we will be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. هذا الطريق فخ قاتل. This road is a death trap. This road is a killer trap. זה מוכיח שאני צודק. That proves that I'm right. That proves I'm right. תודה על התגובה המועילה. Thanks for the useful comment. Thanks for the helpful response. האי סבאטיק הוא אחד האיזורים בהם אינדונזיה ומלזיה גובלים. Sebatik Island is one of the regions where Indonesia and Malaysia share a border. The island of Sabatik is one of the areas where Indonesia and Malaysia border each other. תום לא פגע במרי. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. لم أكن أرغب أن أخيّب آمال سامي. I didn't want to disappoint Sami. I didn't want to disappoint Sammy. קח את הדברים שלך. Grab your stuff. Take your stuff. زار سامي العديد من الدّول الإسلاميّة. Sami visited many Muslim countries. Sami has visited many Islamic countries. ألا تريد إيقاف توم؟ Don't you want to stop Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? يشعر زيري بالراحة. Ziri feels comfortable. Ziri feels comfortable. أحببتُ دائمًا الشخصيّاتِ الغامِضَةَ أكثر. I always liked mysterious characters more. I've always liked the more mysterious characters. אני צמאה. I'm thirty. I'm thirsty. תום נדרס. Tom got run over. Tom got hit. מה שלא הורג - מחשל. What does not kill me, makes me stronger. What doesn’t kill, it kills. اشترك سامي في قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami subscribed to Layla's YouTube channel. Sami participated in the Layla channel on YouTube. תום לא אוהב מתמטיקה. Tom doesn't like mathematics. Tom doesn't like math. ايه المبنى اللي بسقف أخضر ده؟ What is that building with the green roof? Which building has a green roof? דובי קואלה אפשר לראות רק באוסטרליה. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Koala bears can only be seen in Australia. זה משתמש באנרגיה סולרית. It uses solar power. It uses solar energy. אל תדאג. אני אטפל בזה. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. אם אתה לא יכול להיות טוב, היה זהיר. If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't be good, be careful. በአስመራ ውስጥ ተወለድኩ። I was born in Asmara. I was born in Asmara. לאן נעלם כל הלחם? Where did all the bread go? Where did all the bread go? אני ממתינה לך מול הדלת. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. كان زيري يلعب كرة القدم. Ziri played football. Ziri was playing football. الي راتور⸮ الي برك. Round trip? Only one-way. To Rator <0xE2><0xB8><0xAE> to Pool. كان بوسع ليلى أن تقتل سامي. Layla could have killed Sami. Layla could have killed Sammy. קיראי את המאמר בעמוד השני! Read the article on page two. Read the article on page 2! מוטב שתעשה את זה בהקדם. You'd better do it soon. You'd better do it soon. شكرت ليلى سامي على الورود. Layla thanked Sami for the flowers. I thanked Lily for the roses. كسرت لوري الزجاج. Laurie broke the glass. Lori broke the glass. ربما علينا جلب توم معنا. Maybe we should take Tom with us. Maybe we should bring Tom with us. كان سامي يعيش حياة سعيدة في القاهرة. Sami had a happy life in Cairo. Sammy was living a happy life in Cairo. אני רוצה שבני יהיה מהנדס מכונות. I want my son to become a mechanical engineer. I want my son to be a mechanical engineer. תום אמר שהיית מגניב. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. من الأرجح أن يكون سامي قد قضى نهاية الأسبوع مع صديقته. Sami probably spent the weekend with his new girlfriend. Sammy is more likely to have spent the weekend with his girlfriend. התינוק הזה הוא תום. That baby is Tom. This baby is Tom. ספריו של הסטודנט הזה חדשים. This student's books are new. This student's books are new. היא מאד בודדה. She's very lonely. She's very lonely. טום לא יודע הרבה על שיט, מה? Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about shit, does he? نحن ذاهبون إلى المسجد. We're going to the mosque. We're going to the mosque. لا أحد يعرف إسمه. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his name. على زيري ان يتعلم كيف يصلح عربته الصغيرة. Ziri needs to learn how to fix his minivan. Ziri has to learn how to fix his little cart. יש הרבה טילטולים. There's a whole lot of shaking going on. There's a lot of trolls. لدي كلبين, واحد أبيض و الآخر أسود I have two dogs. One is white and the other black. I have two dogs, one white and one black. لقد تم قصف المنطقة المحيطة هنا. The area around here was bombed. The surrounding area has been bombed here. אמרתי לכם שנחסר להם. I told you they'd miss us. I told you they'd be missed. لا تمشي على الزجاج. Don't trample on the grass. Don't walk on glass. ሳዕሲዐ ኢልካ ዲኻ? You call that dancing?! Are you up to date? اتصل بزيري. Call Ziri. Call my secretary. زيري لا يحب ريمة. Ziri dislikes Rima. Ziri doesn't like Reema. לא נראה שקראת את החוזה בעיון רב. You don't seem to have read the contract very carefully. You don't seem to have read the contract very carefully. لا أملك إلا نصف ما عنده من كتب. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half the books. طلب مني توم مسامحته. Tom asked me to forgive him. Tom asked me to forgive him. ماذا إذا كنت على حق؟ What if I'm right? What if I'm right? تَقَدَم. Come forward. She's coming. תן לי מה שיש לך. Give me what you've got. Give me what you got. יש צורך למצוא פשרה מתקבלת על הדעת. A reasonable compromise must be found. It is necessary to find a reasonable compromise. זה די טוב. It's pretty good. That's pretty good. אם אתה רוצה, אתה יכול לצלצל אליי. If you want, you can phone me. If you want, you can call me. في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. In the end, he went to jail. بدأ زيري يصرخ. Ziri started yelling. Ziri began to scream. لقد خدعهُ. He swindled him. He fooled him. הוא שאל אם הוא עשיר. He asked whether he was rich. He asked if he was rich. علي الذهاب الآن. I have to go now. I have to go now. توم يرغب بالوقوف إلى جانبك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom wants to stand by you. قابلته يوما. One day I met him. I met him one day. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው። I'm going to school. I'm going to the nursing home. لا يوافق والديَّ على خياري المهني. My parents don't approve of my career choice. My parents don’t approve of my career choice. يعلم فاضل الكثير. Fadil knows too much. Fadel knows a lot. سمعت صوت ضجة غريبة. I heard an unusual noise. I heard a strange noise. ارتكبت خطأً فادحاً. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a big mistake. إنها جميلة جداً. She is very pretty. It's so beautiful. درس سامي الطّب. Sami studied medicine. Sammy studied medicine. زينب سمينة جداً. تاكل خمسة وجبات في اليوم. وزن زينب ١٠٠ كيل. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Zainab is very fat. Eat five meals a day. Zainab weighs 100 kilos. نسي سامي تلك الكلمة. Sami forgot the word. Sammy forgot that word. عليك أن تنام. You should sleep. You have to sleep. أريدكم أن تذهبوا جميعا إلى مؤخّرة الحافلة. I want you all in the back of the bus. I want you all to go to the back of the bus. اعتذر توم لماري عن تأخره. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. Tom apologized to Mary for his lateness. eng I stayed there for three days. I stayed there for three days. eng I stayed there for three days. أعلن مصطفى كمال أتاتورك قيام الجمهورية التركية في سنة 1923 م. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk proclaimed the Turkish Republic in 1923. Mustafa Kemal Atat<0xC3><0xBC>rk declared the Turkish Republic in 1923. صفع سامي ليلى. Sami slapped Layla. Slap Sammy Leila. تعلم زيري كيف يحترم الببور. Ziri has learnt to respect tigers. Ziri learns how to respect tigers. اشترى زيري دواءا. Ziri purchased medicine. Ziri bought medicine. لقد تغيّرت الأوقات كثيرا. Times have changed a lot. Times have changed a lot. מצאתי את זה באקראי. I found it by chance. I found this at random. فقدت شجرة أوراقها. The fig tree lost its leaves. The tree lost its leaves. לא תום דואג עכשיו לדבר הזה? Doesn't Tom take care of all this stuff now? Isn't Tom worried about this now? كان سامي ينفق المال. Sami was spending money. Sammy was spending money. חליתי. I got sick. I got sick. أين ضربتهم؟ Where did you beat them up? Where did you hit them? תום כבר היה צריך להיות פה. Tom should have been here by now. Tom should have been here by now. أربيل هي عاصمة كردستان العراق. Erbil is the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. Erbil is the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. זה בדיוק הדבר שאינני רוצה לשמוע אותך אומר. That's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to hear you say. That's exactly what I don't want to hear you say. لابد أنه كان مؤلماً للغاية It must've been extremely painful. It must have been so painful. "هل هذا فتى أو فتاة؟" "اسأله". "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask them." "Is that a boy or a girl?" "Ask him." بإمكانك أن تتحدث بالصينية، وستترجم لي ليلي. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You can speak Chinese, and Lily will translate for me. إنه موجود في البيت الآن. He's at home right now. He's home now. בלעדיך אני לא כלום. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I am nothing. كان سامي يشاهد فيديوهات على اليوتوب. Sami was watching YouTube videos. Sammy was watching videos on YouTube. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you! Welcome back. We missed you! טום מאמין שלעשיר מגיע להיות עשיר, ולעני מגיע להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich, and the poor deserve to be poor. أحب القطط والكلاب. I like both dogs and cats. I love cats and dogs. هل نحن مستعدون للذهاب Are we good to go? Are we ready to go? من أخذ مفاتيحي؟ Who took my keys? Who took my keys? ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي. Don't underestimate my power. What you're saying to Phuwar Diyala. משקאות הם חצי מחיר עד שש. The drinks are half price until six. Drinks are half price by six. תום מתנהג כשורה? Is Tom behaving himself? Is Tom doing well? باختصار شديد، هي ربحت و أنا خسرت. To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. In short, she won and I lost. تمثال حي يسترح على دكة و تمثالان لحرية الكلام مع السياح . A living statue rests on a bench and two statues of liberty talk with tourists. A living statue resting on a pedestal and two statues for freedom of speech with tourists. יש לו דיעה קדומה נגד יהודים. He has a prejudice against Jews. He has a prejudice against Jews. לקחתי את הילדים לבית הספר. I took the children to school. I took the kids to school. من الأفضل لك التوقف عن التدخين. You had better stop smoking. You better stop smoking. لذلك قد فصلنا توم. That's why we fired Tom. So we separated Tom. את אוהבת בייסבול? You like baseball? You like baseball? איך תום ידע כל כך הרבה מה קרה פה? How did Tom know so much about what went on here? How did Tom know so much about what was going on? توقّف عن شدّ شعري Stop pulling my hair! Stop pulling my hair. אני דואג לכולם. I'm worried about everybody. I take care of everyone. הייתי מאוכזב מִבְּנִי. I was disappointed in my son. I was disappointed in my son. יום ההולדת שלי הוא בשניים עשר ביוני. מגדלנה נולדה באתו יום ובאותה שנה כמוני. My birthday is June 12. Magdalena was born on the same day and year as me. My birthday is June 12th. Magdalena was born on the same day and the same year as me. טום ומרי מתאימים אחד לשני. Tom and Mary are a match made in heaven. Tom and Mary are perfect for each other. יש הרבה מינים בסיכון. There are many endangered species. There are many species at risk. אני מבין את טום. I understand Tom. I understand Tom. الدخول للموظفين فقط. Admittance to staff members only. Entry for staff only. رائع! Brilliant! Oh, great! תזרז את זה. Hurry it up. Hurry it up. מה לא בסדר בעולם? What's wrong with the world? What's wrong with the world? وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? What's the page? سيقدّم سامي بعض الدّواء لليلى. Sami is going to give Layla some medicine. Sammy's offering some medicine for Layla. אני מתכוון ללכת איתו. I'm going to go with him. I'm gonna go with him. את מאמינה בהורוסקופ? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in the horoscope? ما الذي تعاقبهم عليه؟ What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? תודה ששטפת את הכלים. Thanks for doing the dishes. Thanks for washing the dishes. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذه الإستمارة. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill out this form. أنا مغرم بامرأة أخرى. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with another woman. البيت كان محترقاً تماماً من جراء النار. The house was completely burnt down by a fire. The house was completely burned by the fire. אני יודע שאת לא אוהבת אותי. I know you don't like me. I know you don't love me. אני חייב להזהיר אותך פן תלך עם תום. I must strongly caution you against going with Tom. I have to warn you that you won't go with Tom. מתי טום ומרי הולכים להיפגש? What time are Tom and Mary going to meet? When are Tom and Mary going to meet? لو لم يشأ توم أن يكون هنا، لما أتى. If Tom didn't want to be here, he would not have come. If Tom hadn't wanted to be here, he wouldn't have come. أتساءل أيّ طريق هو الأقصر. I wonder which way is the shortest. I wonder which way is the shortest. خيم زيري هنا. Ziri camped here. Ziri's tent is here. אתה מאוד תלותי בכולם. You are very dependent on everyone. You're very dependent on everyone. أخذني سامي إلى مكان ما وحاول اغتصابي. Sami took me to a place and tried to rape me. Sammy took me somewhere and tried to rape me. لما عم الهدوء في الغرفة ، فقط يمكن سماع صوت التكتكة لساعة قديمة . As the room fall silent, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard. When the room is quiet, only the ticking sound of an old clock can be heard. הוא הואשם בקשירת קשר. He was charged with conspiracy. He was charged with conspiracy. אתה מוכן לתת לי את מספר הטלפון שלך? Would you give me your work number, please? Will you give me your phone number? قام المدرّس بمناداة الحاضرين. The teacher took attendance. The teacher invited the attendees. המדד עלה למאה ועשרים נקודות וחצי, עלייה של ארבעה אחוזים לעומת החודש הקודם. The index advanced to 120.5, up 4% from the preceding month. The index rose to one hundred and twenty-and-a-half points, up four percent from the previous month. "نظّاراتي." "لا تقلق، سنجِدُها." "My glasses." "Take it easy, we'll find them." "My glasses." "Don't worry, we'll find her." הרומנים שהוא כתב מעניינים. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. לחוות בודדות היה חשמל. Few farms had electricity. A single farm had electricity. זה מגוחך. That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous. אנא השאר את חפציי כמו שהם. Please leave my things as they are. Please leave my things as they are. החדר שלך קר? Is your room cold? Is your room cold? אין ספק שהאירועים האחרונים היו קשים. There's no doubt that recent events have been difficult. There is no doubt that recent events have been difficult. متأكد بأن توم سيفعل ذلك. I'm sure that Tom will do that. I'm sure Tom will. הוא מקדים אותנו במתמטיקה. He is ahead of us in mathematics. He's ahead of us in math. بإمكان زيري أن يفهم الأمازيغية، لكن لا يتكلمها بسلاسة. Ziri can understand Berber but cannot talk fluently. Ziri can understand Amazigh, but he doesn’t speak it smoothly. إنه من محبي القطط. He's a cat lover. He's a cat lover. مزيان يكتب جملة على السبورة البيضاء. Mezian is writing a sentence on the whiteboard. He writes a sentence on the white board. أضاعَ سامي نظّاراتِهِ في المسبح. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. Sammy lost his glasses in the pool. نسحقُّوك. We need you. We crush you. רק תכנס. Just go inside. Just come in. لم يكن زيري قادرا على الجري بسرعة. Ziri wasn't much of a runner. Ziri wasn't able to run fast. الشيء الوحيد الذي يخشاه الأسود هو الفيلة. The only thing lions fear is elephants. The only thing black people fear is elephants. أود التحدث إلى رئيس الممرضين. I would like to speak to the head nurse. I'd like to speak to the head nurse. אני לא מבינה מה אתה אומר. I cannot understand what you say. I don't understand what you're saying. היא איבדה ספר. She lost a book. She lost a book. אני רוצה שיעצרו את טום בגין רצח. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom arrested for murder. لا تحب الببور أن تورط نفسها في مشاكل مع البشر. Tigers don't like to mess with people. She doesn't like tigers getting themselves into trouble with humans. لم يكن زيري يعلم أنّه كانت لديه تلك القدرة. Ziri didn't know he had that ability. Ziri didn't know he had that ability. إذا أخذت حبّت الدواء هذه, قد تظهر بعض الأعراض الجانبيّة. If you take this pill, side effects may result. If you take this medicine, there may be some side effects. الفئران حيوانات خجولة. A mouse is a timid creature. Rats are shy animals. إلّي بّلاش كَتّر مِنّو.‏‏ If it's free, get as much as you can. It's been too much for me. ما هو اللّون الذي نجمعه مع الأزرق كي نحصل على الأخضر؟ What color do we blend with blue to get green? What color do we combine with blue to get green? לא יכולתי לשלוט בכעס שלי. I couldn't control my anger. I couldn't control my anger. הגיע זמני לעזוב. It's time for me to leave. It's time to leave. סבא שלי ישב בשבי הרבה זמן. My grandpa sat in captivity for a long time. My grandfather was in prison for a long time. شعر زيري بالدوار. Ziri felt dizzy. Ziri felt dizzy. لم يكن سامي مغرما بليلى. Sami was not in love with Layla. Sammy wasn't in love with Lily. شخص ما يأكل. Somebody is eating. Someone's eating. איזה הוא הנכון? Which is correct? Which is right? הרבה מילים אנגליות נגזרו מלטינית. A lot of English words are derived from Latin. Many English words are derived from Latin. سنأكل كثيرًا الليلة، آمل أنك لست على حمية. We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet. We're gonna eat a lot tonight. I hope you're not on a diet. הוא בכל זאת רוצה לבוא. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I don't regret coming here. أولادي نعمة. My children are a blessing. My children are blessed. زيري يحتاج هذه الأغراض للحفل. Ziri wants this stuff for the party. Ziri needs these things for the party. תום הבטיח שיחזיר את הכסף. Tom promised he'd pay back the money. Tom promised to return the money. הרחוב החדש בתהליך בנייה. The new street is being built. The new street is under construction. لا يعلم زيري إن تبعته ريمة أم لا. Ziri doesn't know if Rima followed him. Ziri doesn't know if Rima followed him or not. אל תדאגי אם אין באפשרותך. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. ذكر هاتوياما أنه يعيل عائلته بالمراهنة على سباق الخيل. Hatoyama says that he supports his family by gambling on horse racing. Hatoyama stated that he supported his family by betting on horse racing. אני מקווה זו לא בעיה. I hope that it's not a problem. I hope that's not a problem. מה שאני רוצה יותר מכל, הוא שתהיה מאושר. What I want, more than anything else, is for you to be happy. What I want most of all is for you to be happy. טום קפץ לביתה של מרי כל יום לארוחת הצהריים. Tom dropped by Mary's home every day for lunch. Tom went to Mary's house every day for lunch. هو صار غني . He became rich. He became rich. أنا أُحب أن أُجرب لأفعل أشياء جديدة. I love trying to do new things. I like to try new things. ኣብዚ ክትህልዉ ምደለኹ። Wish you were here. I wanted you to be here. أودّ أن أمضي المزيد من الوقت مع خالتي. I would like to spend more time with my aunt. I'd like to spend more time with my aunt. ከም ዘይ-ወዲዓዲ ኬንካ ናይ ወጻኢ ቛንቋ ንኽትምሃር ብዙሕ ጻዕሪ ዘድሊ እኳ እንተኾነ፡ ካብ እተፈልየ ሃገር ምስ ዝመጸ ብቛንቋኡ ክትረዳዳእ ከምእትኽእል ኣብ ዝፈለጥካሉ እዋን፡ ጻማኻ ከምዝረኸብካ ይቚጸር። Learning a foreign language as a non-native speaker is hard work, but all that effort pays off when you realise you can communicate with someone from a completely different country in their language. It’s necessary for people to understand a foreign language. However, you should also understand the meaning of that language. If you don’t, you might be able to understand someone else’s language, after they come from a different place. מתי היה המשפט של תום? When was Tom's trial? When was Tom's trial? ذهب زيري إلى الحمام. Ziri walked to the bathroom. Ziri went to the bathroom. منزل توم صغير جدّا. Tom's house is very small. Tom's house is too small. أطفئ توم المصابيح. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off the lights. אני זקוקה שתסיעי אותי. I need you to pick me up. I need you to drive me. רהיטי הסלון היו בסגנון מודרני. The living room furniture was modern in style. The living room furniture was in modern style. أين بيتك؟ Where is your house? Where's your house? Skużani, se jkolli mmur. Sorry, I've got to go. Sorry, I'll have to go. ذاك المنزل صغير جداً. That house is very small. That house is so small. לא תוכל עכשיו לסגת. You can't turn back now. You can't back down now. מעל סוכת המציל מתנוסס דגל שחור, המציין שהרחצה בים מסוכנת. Above the lifeguard station, a black flag was flying to indicate that swimming in the ocean was dangerous. Above the lifeguard's hut is a black flag, indicating that bathing in the sea is dangerous. غنّى زيري بشكل جيّد. Ziri sang well. He sang my song well. الإنترنت مفيد جدا لمعرفة ظروف كل جزء من العالم. The Internet is very useful for knowing the circumstances of each part of the world. The Internet is very useful to know the circumstances of every part of the world. מה אתם אוהבים בו? What do you guys like about him? What do you like about him? אנחנו שמרנו לך מקום. We saved you a seat. We've reserved a place for you. سكن زيري هناك. Ziri lived there. Ziri lived there. أنا كبير بما فيه الكفاية لأصوت. I'm old enough to vote. I'm old enough to vote. هل تلك الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black briefcase yours? Is that your black bag? يلعب توم وماري كرة المضرب. Tom and Mary are playing tennis. Tom and Mary play tennis. יש להם שני בנים ובת אחת. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. هو أقرب. He's closer. It's closer. אני אוהבת לבלות! Love to party! I like to hang out! واجِه الحياة بابتسامة! Face life with a smile! Face life with a smile! הנהנתי בחיוב. I nodded yes. I nodded yes. اتّبع تعليمات الممرضة، من فضلك. Please follow the nurse's directions. Follow the nurse's instructions, please. سامي و ليلى أبناء عم. Sami and Layla are cousins. Sammy and Lily are cousins. נכנענו. We surrendered. We surrendered. את טבחית ממש גרועה. You're a really bad cook. You're a really bad cook. ما ميعاد إقلاع طائرتك؟ What time does your plane leave? What's your take-off date? توم خائف جداً. Tom was very scared. Tom's so scared. كان سامي يدرّس العربيّة في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. هؤلاء الثلاثة بناته. Those three are his daughters. These three are his daughters. ቤቶቹ እዚህ ናቸው። The houses are here. The houses are here. انهُ مقصد سياحي مشهور. It's a popular tourist destination. It's a popular tourist destination. חשבתי שהייתם מצחיקים. I thought you were funny. I thought you were funny. تحفظ الثلاجة الأكل من الفساد. The refrigerator preserves food from decay. Refrigerator keeps food from corruption. شفت هادي؟ Did you see that? Hadi's lips? במילה הזאת לא משתמשים בדרך כלל. That word isn't in common use. This word is not usually used. אני מוכנה לצאת מפה. I'm ready to get out of here. I'm ready to get out of here. كيف تشعر الآن؟ How do you feel now? How do you feel now? חשבתי שתום ראה אותי. I thought Tom had seen me. I thought Tom saw me. لم يأتي أحد. Nobody came. No one came. سار زيري بسرعة بين الأشجار. Ziri rushed through the trees. Ziri walked quickly through the trees. أنا لم أذُقِ الطعامَ منذُ أيامٍ. I haven't eaten anything for days. I haven't tasted food in days. הקופסא שהיא מצאה היתה ריקה. The box she found was empty. The box she found was empty. كان سامي يتخيّل عن ليلى. Sami fantasized on Layla. Sammy was imagining Leila. يقول توم بأنه ليس هو من كسر النافذة Tom says that he wasn't the one who broke the window. Tom says it wasn't him who broke the window. لكن هذه ليست الصورة الكاملة. تتويبا ليس مجرد قاموس جمل مفتوح، وتعاوني، ومتعدد اللغات فحسب. بل إنه جزء من نظام نريد بناءه. But that's not the whole picture. Tatoeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of an ecosystem that we want to build. But that's not the whole picture. Tatweeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual sentence dictionary. It's part of a system that we want to build. الى متى سنقف مكتوفى الايدى. When will we stop sitting by and watching? How long will we stand idly by? كيف نِمتَ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? رفع قبّعته اِحتراماً. He raised his hat in respect. Raised his hat respectfully. עדיף להיות חירש מאשר לשמוע את זה. Better to be deaf than to hear that. It's better to be deaf than to hear it. صلى زيري. Ziri prayed. PRAY, ZERI. אף אחד לא אמר שהחיים הוגנים. No one said life was fair. No one said life was fair. زيري يحاول. Ziri is trying. Ziri's trying. لا يمكنك التحكم في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't control my life. אני לא יודע בדיוק למה זה. I don't know exactly why that is. I don't know exactly why that is. كان إطلاق سراح سامي مقرّرا. Sami was scheduled for release. Sammy's release was scheduled. عليك أن تتحدث معهم. You have to go talk to them. You need to talk to them. המאמר הזה לא מצטט את המקור. The article doesn't cite the source. This article does not mention the source. هل لديك أدنی فكرة عن سبب كره "توم" لي ؟ Do you have any idea why Tom doesn't like me? Do you have any idea why Tom hated me? הייתי רוצה ללמוד את השפה הזאת, אבל אין לי צורך מעשי בה. I'd like to learn that language, but I have no practical reason to. I'd like to learn that language, but I don't have a practical need for it. אני תוהה מה משכורתו של תום. I wonder what Tom's salary is. I wonder what Tom's salary is. انها ابنتي. She's my daughter. She's my daughter. אתה עוזב? Are you leaving? You're leaving? وجد الدّكتور صادق الزّرنيخ في قياء ليلى. Dr. Sadiq found arsenic in Layla's vomit. Dr. Sadiq found arsenic in Layla's vomit. את יכולה לתאר מה הייתה עבורך החוויה הזאת? Can you describe what that experience was like for you? Can you imagine what that experience was like for you? דן לא מחבב את מתי בגלל שהוא גס וקהה רגש. Dan dislikes Matt because he's blunt and insensitive. Dan doesn't like Matty because he's rude and numb. זה עשוי לקחת כמה חודשים. That could take a few months. It might take a few months. زيري أسود. Ziri is black. My minister is black. نحن ندرس العربي You teach Arabic. We are studying Arabic. ليس من السهل العيش مع توم. Living with Tom isn't easy. It's not easy living with Tom. אנו חייבים שלוש שנות מס. We owe three years worth of taxes. We owe three years of tax. אנו הולכים למסעדה יפנית! We go to a Japanese restaurant! We're going to a Japanese restaurant! توم مطلوب بتهمة القتل. Tom is wanted for murder. Tom's wanted for murder. قال سامي ذلك لليلى. Sami told Layla that. Sammy said that to Layla. هو ولد ذكي جدا. He is a very smart boy. He's a very smart boy. תום השתגע, את יודעת. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom's gone crazy, you know. מדינת ישראל היא "דמוקרטיה" ליברלית גזענית. Israel is a racist liberal "democracy". The State of Israel is a racist liberal “democracy.” זוהי אינפורמציה שימושית! That's useful information! This is useful information! لا تكون شريرا. Do not be evil. Don't be evil. תום נתן לנהג המונית תשר. Tom tipped the cab driver. Tom gave the cab driver a tip. ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ ድስትታት ምሕጻብ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. Take a look at Mary's regular dishes. هل ترى الراكون؟ Do you see the raccoon? Do you see the raccoon? نحتاج شاحنة جديدة. We need a new truck. We need a new truck. لقد أعجبتنّ سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. אני מדבר עליך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. לעולם אל תפתח את דלת המכונית בתנועה. Never open the door of a car that is in motion. Never open the car door. أردتُ أن أتأكد أنك ستأتي إلى هنا. I needed to make sure you'd come here. I wanted to make sure you came here. رأيت الرجل يقفز. I saw the man jump. I saw the man jump. תום נע בפסיעות מדודות. Tom shuffled out. Tom moves on from aunties. אגיד לכם מתי להפסיק. I'll tell you when to stop. I'll tell you when to stop. אינני יודע מדוע הם עשו זאת. I don't know why they did that. I don't know why they did it. הוא איבד את קור רוחו. He lost his temper. He lost his cool. אני הבעלים של הבית הזה. I'm the owner of this house. I own this house. ماذا يوجد في الجانب الآخر من الطّريق؟ What is that across the street? What's on the other side of the road? كتب سامي رسالة طويلة لليلى. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. Sammy wrote a long letter to Layla. בואו נלך עם זה עד הסוף. Let's go the whole hog. Let's go through with this. מזג אוויר היפה הוסיף להנאתינו מן הטיול. Fine weather added to the joy of our trip. The beautiful weather added to our enjoyment of the trip. أعطاني أبي لعبةً. My father gave me a game. My dad gave me a toy. هل يوجد شيئ في ذهنك؟ Is something on your mind? Is there something in your mind? اقترح سامي المساعدة. Sami offered help. Sammy offered to help. לא השיער המאפיר או מספר השנים הם שעושים את ה"גיל"; אדם הוא זקן כאשר איבד את חוש ההומור ואינו מתעניין עוד בשום דבר. It isn't the graying hair nor the number of years which makes "age"; a person is old when they've lost their sense of humour and aren't interested in anything anymore. It is not the gray hair or the number of years that make up the “age”; a person is old when he has lost his sense of humor and is no longer interested in anything. كان زيري في الجوار. Ziri was around. Ziri was in the neighborhood. هل تذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص؟ Do you go to school by bus? Do you go to school by bus? הם צריכים ללכת. They need to go. They have to go. Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. فاجأ زيري ريمة. Ziri surprised Rima. Ziri Rima was surprised. לעולם אל תהסס לומר את האמת. Never hesitate to tell the truth. Never hesitate to tell the truth. השמיים יתבהרו בקרוב. The sky will clear soon. The sky will clear soon. كان زيري سيّء الخلق للغاية. Ziri was mean as hell. My secretary was very ill-conceived. אהלן. Hello. Howdy. שהיתי כאן כבר חודש. I've been here a month now. I've been here a month. הוא בחר זוג גרביים שיתאימו לחליפה שלו. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. He chose a pair of socks to fit his suit. اعترف سامي بكلّ شيء. Sami confessed everything. Sammy confessed to everything. כולם יודעים שהירח הוא בסך הכל גוש של גבינה צהובה. Everyone knows that the moon is only a block of yellowish cheese. Everyone knows that the moon is just a lump of yellow cheese. אסור לך לקרוא מכתבים פרטיים של מאן דהוא ללא רשות. You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. You can't read Mandhue's private letters without permission. תוכל בבקשה להסביר לי את זה בפירוט רב יותר? Can you please explain that in more detail? Could you please explain this to me in more detail? יש לי די כסף כדי לקנות אוטו. I have enough money to buy a car. I have enough money to buy a car. لعب زيري التّنس. Ziri played tennis. Playing tennis ziri. كان زيري يمشي. Ziri was walking. Ziri was walking. أفضل الغناء على الرقص. I would rather sing than dance. I'd rather sing than dance. كانت ليلى محبطة جدّا. Layla was very depressed. Lily was very disappointed. היא חריפת שכל. She is sharp. She's a prick. לא ידעתי מה לעשות. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. את מה פותח המפתח הזה? What does this key unlock? What does this key open? הנברשת הירוקה משרה קרינה חמה בחדר. The green lampshade casts a warm glow in the room. The green chandelier emits hot radiation in the room. سرقْتُ حقيبتك لأنني نفذتُ من النقود I stole your bag because I ran out of money. I stole your bag because I ran out of money. زيري يحب لبلابه كثيرا. Ziri loves his ivy so much. Ziri likes his ivy a lot. متى يُغلق المطعم؟ When does the restaurant close? When is the restaurant closed? רעדתי. I was shivering. I was shaking. كان زيري غريب الأطوار. Ziri was weird. Ziri was an eccentric. زيري ابتسم فحسب. Ziri only smiled. Ziri just smiled. ראיתי דברים רבים בהיותי שם. I saw many things by being there. I saw a lot of things while I was there. אינני שונה מכם. I'm no different than you. I'm no different than you. תשובתו הייתה שלילית. His reply was negative. His answer was negative. יש לכם מושג על מה אני מדבר? Have you got any idea what I'm talking about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? סנייפ הורג את דמבלדור. Snape kills Dumbledore. Snape kills Dumbledore. ذهبت إلى المستشفى لزيارته. I went to the hospital to visit him. I went to the hospital to visit him. בוא נקבע ל-3:00. Let's make it 3:00. Let's set for 3:00. لم يقتلني أحد بعد. Nobody's killed me yet. No one's killed me yet. اختفت ليلى. Layla went missing. Layla's gone. עיתונים אחדים עיוותו את החדשות. Some newspapers distorted the news. Some newspapers have distorted the news. תום נראה קצת אבוד. Tom looked a little lost. Tom seems a little lost. زيري رأى من كان هناك. Ziri saw who was there. Ziri saw who was there. מכתב האהבה היה צריך כבר להגיע. The love letter ought to have reached her. The love letter should have arrived by now. سمع زيري كل شيء. Ziri heard everything. Ziri heard everything. אני רוצה לעשות את זה כראוי. I want to get it right. I want to do it right. תתפוס! Catch it! Grab it! אשתי אמרה לי לזרוק את הכובע הישן הזה. My wife told me to throw this old hat away. My wife told me to throw that old hat away. כולם אוהבים אתכם. Everybody likes you. Everybody loves you. هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is this a recent photo? Has this picture been taken recently? كان زيري يعلم أنه لن يتمكن من الفرار من نمر جريا. Ziri knew he couldn't outrun a leopard. Ziri knew he wouldn’t be able to escape from a tiger running. وضعت والدتي الأطباق قرب النافذة. My mother put the plates near the window. My mother put the dishes by the window. أسعدتني رسالتك. Your letter made me happy. I'm pleased with your message. رائحة زيري نتنة. Ziri smells. Zeri's stinking. היה כבר מאוחר, לכן חזרתי הביתה. It was already late, so I went back home. It was late, so I went home. הוא ביקש שנעזור לו. He asked us to help him. He asked us to help him. لم يرغب أحد في محادثتي بالأمازيغية. No one wanted to speak Berber to me. No one wanted to talk to me in Amazigh. لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? You didn't marry him? أصبح زيري خائفا. Ziri became afraid. Ziri got scared. הכלב זלל במהירות את כל תכולת הכלי שלו. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. The dog quickly devoured all the contents of his vessel. እኔም አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a teacher. I am a teacher. אתה יוצא החוצה? Are you going out? You coming out? إنه يعرف كيف يلعب البوكر. He knows how to play poker. He knows how to play poker. דפקתי את המרפק בקיר. I banged my elbow against the wall. I banged my elbow against the wall. أريد أن أُلقي نظرة أفضل على اللوحة, أريد أن أقف أقرب. I want to take a better look at that painting. I want to stand closer. I want to take a better look at the painting. I want to stand closer. הם אמרו שהוא היה הסופר הטוב ביותר בחבורה. They said he was the best writer in the group. They said he was the best writer in the bunch. זה הנהר השני באורכו ביפן. This is the second longest river in Japan. It is the second longest river in Japan. سامي لا يقلّ أيّ شخص. Sami won't pick up just anybody. Sammy's not saying anything to anyone. نسى زيري. Ziri forgot. Forget about Zeri. كان والدا لنكولن فقيرين طول حياتهما . Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Lincoln's parents had been poor all their lives. تعرض زيري للطعن. Ziri got stabbed. Ziri was stabbed. أتعرف كم الساعة؟ Do you know what the time is? Do you know what time it is? Tgħallimt kollox mingħandha. I learned everything from her. I learned everything from her. מישהו בבית? Anybody home? Is anyone home? لا تثق بأحد عدى نفسك. Don't trust anybody but yourself. Trust no one but yourself. "هي، هل تحاول مخادعتي؟" "لا، أنا أحاول أن أذهب في نزهة. أنا لا أعرف من أنت حتّى." "Hey, are you trying to trick me?" "No, I'm trying to go for a walk. I don't even know who you are." "Hey, are you trying to trick me?" "No, I'm trying to go for a walk. I don't even know who you are." אף פעם אין לי הזדמנות לעשות משהו כיפי. I never get to do anything fun. I never get a chance to do anything fun. מחצית מהתפוחים נרקבו. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of the apples have rotted. حبّيت بابور يدّيني بعيد علا هنا. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I fell in love with Babur. He's got me out of here. עונש המוות בוטל בשנה שעברה. The death penalty was done away with last year. The death penalty was abolished last year. היא אחותו של טום. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. هل تريد فنجانا آخر من الشاي؟ Would you like another cup of tea? Do you want another cup of tea? كان لزيري مشكل صغير. Ziri had a little problem. My father had a small problem. אני בלונדון. I am in London. I'm in London. בוא החוצה. Come out here. Come on out. كلا سامي و مجيد مثليّان. Sami and Majid were both gay. Both Sami and Majid are gay. الصندوق فارغ تقريبا The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. يبلغ عمق النهر نحو ستة أميال في بعض الأماكن والطريقة الوحيدة لعبوره هي الحبل والبكرة The river is six miles deep in some areas and the only way to cross it is using a pulley and a rope. The river is about six miles deep in some places, and the only way to cross it is with the rope and the pulley. بدأ سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. אתם אל תתרגשו יותר מדי! Don't get too emotional. Don't get too excited! سيأخذ هذا وقتا طويلا. This will take a lot of time. This is gonna take a long time. شرب زيري. Ziri drank. Drink up, Ziri. אני חייב למחות. I must protest. I have to protest. لقد صعد جبل فوجي. He went up Mt. Fuji. He went up Mount Fuji. אפריל הזמן הטוב ביותר לרוב זרעי הירקות. April is the best time to plant most of your vegetable seeds. April is the best time for most vegetable seeds. מפלגתם זכתה בבחירות במירב הקולות. Their party won the most votes in the election. Their party won the election with the most votes. אני נחלש והולך! I am getting weak! I'm getting weaker and I'm going! منّاد لا يزال في منزل صديقته. Mennad is still at his girlfriend's house. Manad is still at his girlfriend's house. היא עסוקה בהכנה למבחן. She is busy preparing for an examination. She's busy preparing for the test. הם מופתעים. They're surprised. They're surprised. אני צריך ללכת עכשיו. I have to leave now. I have to go now. زيري يحب الفنون. Ziri likes arts. Jerry loves the arts. أودّ زيارة عمتي هذا الأسبوع. I want to visit my aunt this week. I'd like to visit my aunt this week. زيري شخص مراع لشعور الآخرين. Ziri is considerate. Someone who is sensitive to the feelings of others. حذف سامي صورة ليلى من ذلك الحاسوبِ. Sami deleted Layla's photo from the computer. Sammy deleted Lily's photo from that computer. أعرف أستاذا للإنجليزية جاء من كندا. I know an English teacher who comes from Canada. I know a professor of English who came from Canada. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy started crying. The boy cried. نسيتُ شراء السكّر. I forgot to buy sugar. I forgot to buy sugar. הניסוי נכשל. The experiment failed. The experiment failed. תום דמם את המנוע וכיבה את האורות הקדמיים. Tom turned off the engine and shut off the headlights. Tom bled the engine and turned off the headlights. ذهبوا لتناول العشاء في مطعم راق. They went out for dinner at an upscale restaurant. They went to dinner at a fancy restaurant. يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. He's cold. أقلق هذا زيري. This annoyed Ziri. I'm worried about this, Zeri. آمُل أنكَ لست غاضباً. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not mad. سامي مدين جدّا. Sami is so thankful. Sammy's very indebted. מדי כמה זמן אתה עושה מקלחת? How often do you shower? How long have you been taking a shower? אנו נעמוד. We'll stand. We'll stand. לאנשים הסולדים ממתן כסף, תלוש מתנה הוא רעיון טוב. For people who dislike the idea of giving money, a gift certificate is a good idea. For people who dislike giving money, a gift slip is a good idea. سامي يقرأ كتبا طبّية. Sami reads medical books. Sammy reads medical books. במידה שמשהו משתבש, שמור לי בבקשה על הילדים. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. If anything goes wrong, please save the kids for me. הוא גר עם שותף לחדר. He shares a room. He lives with a roommate. كانت ليلى تريد جلب الانتباه. Layla wanted to attract attention. Lily wanted to get attention. دعى سامي ليلى للأكل في الخارج. Sami invited Layla out for food. Sammy invited Layla to eat outside. أخبر منّاد ليلى أنّه كان يقطن في منزل. Mennad told Layla he lived in a house. Tell Manad Leila that he lived in a house. הפעם אני אשלם. This time I'll pay. This time I'll pay. ذهبت لوري للأكل في مطعمها المفضّل. Laurie went to her favourite restaurant to eat. Laurie went to eat at her favorite restaurant. كان سامي عالقا في الدّاخل. Sami was trapped inside. Sammy was stuck inside. احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. זה שם. It is there. It's over there. لِنُفَكّر بأسوأ ما يمكن أن يكون قد حصل. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Let's think about the worst that could have happened. איזו שמלה מכוערת! What an ugly dress! What an ugly dress! دعنا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some rest. אני נהיה די צמא. I'm getting pretty thirsty. I'm getting pretty thirsty. שניהם מאד מבריקים. Both of them are very brilliant. They're both very bright. אתם יכולים לעזור. You can help. You can help. שינוי הוא לטובה. Change is good. Change is for the better. השכירה גנבה כסף מהקופה. The employee stole money from the cash register. The rent stole money from the register. נראה שהוא לא יודע לשחות. He seems unable to swim. Looks like he can't swim. בסתיו משנים העלים את צבעם ונושרים. In autumn, leaves change color and fall. In the autumn, the leaves change color and fall. لم يكن إلاّ سوانا. There was just me and him. It was just us. ضحّى سامي بليلى كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Sammy sacrificed Lily to get himself out of the jam. חם יותר. It's warmer. It's warmer. زيري يسوق. Ziri is driving. Ziri's driving. زيري طبيب أعين. Ziri is an eye doctor. Visit an ophthalmologist. תום לימד את מרי איך להתגונן. Tom taught Mary how to defend herself. Tom taught Mary how to defend herself. אתה לא יכול להכחיש את האמת. You can't deny the truth. You can't deny the truth. אין אל חוץ מאלוהים. There is no god but God. There is no god but God. لقد حدث هذا الحادث بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. This incident was caused by his negligence. كان زيري يشرب السكوتش. Ziri drank scotch. Ziri was drinking scotch. صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It is difficult to destroy the salt of Rumiya in 2 and not in 3 years. اعتنق زيري الإسلام بسبب ريمة. Ziri accepted Islam because of Rima. Ziri converted to Islam because of Reema. توم يحتاج الى محامٍ جيد. Tom needs a good lawyer. Tom needs a good lawyer. لديهم برنامج علمي ممتاز. They have an excellent science program. They have an excellent scientific program. تظاهر توم بأنه لم يرى ماري. Tom pretended he didn't see Mary. Tom pretended not to see Mary. אני רוצה לדעת איך זה אפשרי. I want to know how that's possible. I want to know how that's possible. לא ידעתי מה לעשות עוד, אז עזבתי. I didn't know what else to do, so I just left. I didn't know what else to do, so I left. تعلم لغة أجنبية صعب. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is difficult. צריך לעשות ספירת מלאי נראה לי חסרים לנו הרבה דברים We need to check the inventory, I think we are missing a lot of things. We need to do inventory. I think we're missing a lot of things. كان سامي في المرحاض. Sami was in the toilet. Sammy was in the toilet. الطبيب غير موجود الآن للأسف. I'm afraid the doctor is out. The doctor is not here right now. زيري يريد أن يتأكد فحسب. Ziri just want to make sure. Ziri just wants to be sure. ماذا تعني؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? מדוע אתה לא מצטרף אלינו? Why don't you join us? Why don't you join us? לבסוף הוא ויתר. At last he yielded. Eventually he gave up. "איפה הספר שלו?" "מונח על השולחן." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." "Where's his book?" "Placed on the table." פשוט תאיט. Just slow down. Just slow down. ماذا تعتقدون؟ What do you think? What do you think? من هنا، سيدي. This way, Sir. This way, sir. לא אכפת לי אם תום מאשר או לא. I don't care if Tom approves or not. I don't care if Tom approves or not. יש לנו פה צוות טוב. We've got a good team here. We have a good team here. הם נראים עצובים. They look sad. They look sad. תום ומרי שרו את השיר שזה עתה כתבו. Tom and Mary sang the song they had just written. Tom and Mary sang the song they just wrote. صفع سامي ليلى مجدّدا. Sami slapped Layla again. Slap Sammy Layla again. זה היה בלגן. It was chaotic. It was a mess. תיקנו לו את המכשיר הישן. He had the old machine fixed. We fixed his old device. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. واجه زيري ملاحقيه. Jonas faced off his pursuers. Ziri faced his pursuers. טום יודע בדיוק איך אתה מרגיש. Tom knows just how you feel. Tom knows exactly how you feel. أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? Do you know where Tom hid? יש לו שמיעה חדה. He has sharp hearing. He's got sharp hearing. هل تحب الجري؟ Do you like to run? Do you like running? لماذا السماء زرقاء؟ Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? לפני ארבע שנים עזב את אלג'יריה כדי ללמוד בגרמניה. Four years ago he left Algeria to study in Germany. Four years ago he left Algeria to study in Germany. أريد أن أشرب فنجاناً من القهوة. I want to have a cup of coffee. I want to have a cup of coffee. لم يكن سامي مستعدّا للنّطق بالشّهادة. Sami wasn't ready to say the shahada. Sammy wasn't ready to speak at the deposition. هل تريد أن تخرج إلى مكان ما؟ Do you want to go out somewhere? Do you want to go out somewhere? אף פעם לא הייתי פוגע בהם. I would never hurt them. I would never hurt them. תום נראה בסדר. Tom seems fine. Tom seems fine. لم أكن واثقا مما يجري. I wasn't sure what was going on. I wasn't sure what was going on. كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. Fadil was a careless father. اذهب لمشاهدة ذلك الفيلم. Go watch the movie. Go watch that movie. كان زيري ميّتا. Ziri was dead. Ziri was dead. كانت دايمن هاكدا. This is always the way it has been. It was Damon Hackda. היא מוזיקאית בדם. She is a natural musician. She's a bloody musician. כל אחד יכול להשתמש במילון הזה. Anyone may use this dictionary. Anyone can use this dictionary. لن أنس ذلك اليوم أبدا. I won't forget that day. I will never forget that day. לפול יש שלושה בנים. הם דומים מאוד זה לזה. Paul has three sons. They look very much alike. Paul has three sons. They're very similar. شرب زيري ماءا. Ziri drank water. Drink some water. ردّ توم على الإتصال. Tom answered the phone. Tom answered the call. أعجبني هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I like that question. كيف حضّرت هذا الحساء؟ How did you make this soup? How did you make this soup? אני לא מרגיש מוכן לזה עדיין. I don't feel ready for that just yet. I don't feel ready for it yet. זו כנראה חתונה. It appears to be a wedding. It's probably a wedding. لقد فقد الأمل بشكل تام. He lost all hope. He completely lost hope. ماذا احتاج توم؟ What did Tom need? What do I need, Tom? השופט הורה למושבעים לא לדון בתיק. The judge told the jury not to discuss the case. The judge ordered the jury not to discuss the case. איזה סוג של מידע אתה מקבל ממרשתת? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information do you get from a network? زيري من فعل ذلك. Ziri did it. Ziri did it. אני יודע שזה דורש עיכול רב. I know it's a lot to digest. I know it takes a lot of digestion. אני יכולה להגיע לבית הספר בעשר דקות הליכה. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can get to school in a ten-minute walk. لقد أكلنا هناك ثلاث مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. هل اشتقت لي؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? הדבר הזה נראה טוב. This looks good. This thing looks good. הם מתווכחים. They're arguing. They're arguing. אני צריך להסתפר. I need to get a haircut. I need a haircut. هذا التّين جيّد و لذيذ. These figs are nice and sweet. This figs is good and delicious. התינוק בדיוק בעט. The baby just kicked. The baby just kicked. אנו זקוקים לחיזוקים רבים של הצוות. We need many additions to our staff. We need a lot of support from the team. كان زيري يسير نحو مخرج المطار. Ziri was walking towards the airport's exit. Ziri was walking towards the exit of the airport. مشيا سامي و ليلى على طول الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla walked down along the beach. Sami and Layla walk along the beach. لم يكن زيري قادرا على تحريك رجليه. Ziri could not get his legs to move. Ziri was not able to move his legs. אני נותנת גם שיעורים בפורטוגזית של ברזיל. I also teach Brazilian Portuguese classes. I also teach Portuguese in Brazil. סברתי בטעות שהוא אחי. I mistakenly thought that he was my brother. I mistakenly thought he was my brother. بدأ زيري يستكشف الغابة. Ziri started to explore the forest. Ziri began exploring the forest. نسيتُ عنوان بريدي الإلكتروني. I forgot my email address. I forgot my email address. אני עצלנית מדי להכין את שיעורי הבית שלי. I'm too lazy to do my homework. I'm too lazy to do my homework. נסענו להקונה ביום ראשון שעבר. We drove to Hakone last Sunday. We went to the store last Sunday. هناك ستون ثانية في الدقيقة. There are sixty seconds in a minute. There's 60 seconds in a minute. فاضل يقود درّاجته. Fadil is riding his bicycle. Fadhil drives his bike. זה היה כמעט קל מדי. It was almost too easy. It was almost too easy. زيري يعرف الكتابة. Ziri can write. Ziri knows how to write. ምስ ቆልዓ ኣይትምከር፡ ምስ ከልቢ ኣይትተሓባእ። Do not confide in a child; do not hide yourself with a dog. Don’t treat a girl as if she were your own. Don’t treat her as if she were your own. كان زيري يدهن. Ziri was painting. Ziri was painting. علاقدّاش لحق طوم لّهنا. What time did Tom get here? It's Tom's right here. يجلس زيري هنا. Ziri sits here. Ziri's sitting here. אני מאמין שתרגמתי את כל המשפטים. I believe I translated all of the sentences. I believe I've translated all the sentences. למרות שארצות הברית מדינה מפותחת, יש שם עדיין אנשים עניים מאוד. Even though the United States is a developed country, it still has some very poor people. Although the United States is a developed country, there are still very poor people there. תוכל להסביר לי את הקטע האחרון ביתר דיוק? Could you explain the last section more precisely? Can you explain the last part to me more precisely? ينبغي أن تتقيد بمبادئك. You should live up to your principles. You have to stick to your principles. آمل ألا تنشب الحرب. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope the war doesn't break out. البرنامج سوف ينتهي بالنشيد الوطني . The program will finish with the national anthem. The program will end with the national anthem. اتصلت مينج بصديقها ليلة البارحة. Ming called her friend yesterday evening. Ming called her boyfriend last night. האף שלך מדמם. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose is bleeding. هل تريد أن تشرب؟ Do you want a drink? Do you want to drink? תום חלה. Tom got sick. Tom got sick. انشر الخبر Spread the news! Spread the word. מה הסיבה? What's the reason? What's the reason? מה תום עשה לעזור למרי? What did Tom do to help Mary? What did Tom do to help Mary? الحجز مطلوب. Reservations are required. Booking is required. תום היה לא חברותי. Tom was unsociable. Tom was unfriendly. إن كنت تحب اللغة الأمازيغية، فاذهب إلى الجزائر. If you love the Berber language, go to Algeria. If you like Amazigh, go to Algeria. انا مجرد سائح . I'm a mere tourist. I'm just a tourist. היא העמידה את ביתה למכירה. She has put her house up for sale. She put her house up for sale. לא ידעתי איך לעשות את זה עד שמלאו לי שלושים. I didn't know how to do that until I was thirty years old. I didn't know how to do it until I was 30. طلبت من توم ألّا يلاحقنا أكثر. I asked Tom to stop following us. I told Tom not to come after us anymore. طلب فاضل من ليلى أن تصوّب المسدّس نحو رامي. Fadil told Layla to hold the gun on Rami. Fadel asked Layla to point the gun at Rami. جاء زيري متأخرا. Ziri came late. Ziri came late. מה שם מקום המפגש שהלכנו אליו אמש? What's the name of the joint we went to last night? What's the name of the meeting place we went to last night? את חיובית. You're positive. You're positive. בקשי את עצתה. Ask for her advice. Ask for her advice. قال الصايب: "نعم، هذا أنا، لكن هناك على الأقل واحد منا في كل بلد. و جميعنا نحب الفانتا، و نحب أن نضع المبتدئين عند حدّهم." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." He said, "Yes, it's me, but there's at least one of us in every country, and we all love the Fanta, and we like to put beginners on the line." أريد أن أنتظر حتى أتزوج. I want to wait until I'm married. I want to wait until I get married. تسلق زيري جبل إيفرست. Ziri climbed Everest. Climb Mount Everest. תום בערך בגילה של מרי. Tom is roughly the same age as Mary. Tom was about Mary's age. תום החליט להשאר אחורנית. Tom has decided to stay behind. Tom decided to stay back. لا أحد جائع. Nobody is hungry. Nobody's hungry. كان من الممكن أن أرى كيلي، لو أنني وصلت مبكرا. Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly. I could have seen Kelly, if I'd been here early. הוא חושב שמשחקי חברה יצאו מהאופנה. He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now. He thinks social games are out of fashion. כל שפה יקרה במידה שווה לדובריה. Every language is equally precious and valuable to its speakers. Each language is equally valuable to the speaker. لم أكن أتوقّع أن يحدث هذا. I wasn't expecting this to happen. I didn't expect this to happen. אל תגיד לו את זה, בבקשה! Don't tell him that, please! Don't tell him that, please! הייתה לי תאונה בעבודה. I had an accident at work. I had an accident at work. היא בעטה בו בחוזקה. She kicked him hard. She kicked him hard. איך אנו יכולים להרשות לעצמנו את כל זה? How can we afford all of this? How can we afford all this? יש להן סל מלא תפוחים. They have a basket full of apples. They have a basket full of apples. מה שלומך? How are you? How are you? ኣቶ ጆንስ ዝሃነጾ ኣፍ-ደገ ርኣዩ። There you see the gate which Mr Jones built. He saw a door opened by Mr. Jones. היינו שכנים. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. יש לו עתיד מזהיר. He has a bright future. He has a bright future. أنا أرى وأسمع. I see and hear. I see and I hear. זה בגלל שלא אכפת להם. That's because they don't care. That's because they don't care. جيم في ورطة. Jim is in trouble. Jim's in trouble. كان زيري يكره تلك الثانوية. Ziri hated that high school. Ziri hated that high school. هل أنت متزوجة؟ Are you married? Are you married? بدا زيري رائعا. Ziri looks amazing. My vizier looked great. היות שאתה כאן, תוכל לעזור לי. Since you're here, you can help me. Since you're here, you can help me. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تموت. Sami watched Layla die. Watch Sammy Layla die. אני אוכל בפי ומריח באפי. I eat with my mouth and smell with my nose. I eat my mouth and smell my nose. טום נהיה חולה קורונה. Tom got COVID-19. Tom got sick of Corona. لن يصبغ سامي شعره أبدا. Sami would never dye his hair. Sammy will never dye his hair. هل يحب توم الطماطم؟ Does Tom like tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? כמעט אף אחד לא חושב שאנו אחיות. Almost no one thinks that we are sisters. Almost no one thinks we're sisters. كتب التقرير. He wrote the report. The report was written. كانت ليلى نائمة نوما عميقا. Layla was sound asleep. Layla was a deep sleeper. אתם עוברים לבוסטון? Are you moving to Boston? You're moving to Boston? ماذا ستفعلين بهذه الكاميرا؟ What'll you do with this camera? What are you gonna do with that camera? ברור שיש לתום מה להסתיר. Tom clearly has something to hide. Tom has something to hide. נא להכניס שם משתמש וסיסמה. Please enter your username and password. Please enter your username and password. انتظرت ليلى الشّرطة. Layla waited for the cops. Lily waited for the police. خسرنا تلك المباراة. We lost the game. We lost that game. التّين يقلّل الإجهاد. Figs reduce stress. It reduces stress. يجب ترك الطبيعة على حالها. Nature needs to be left as it is. Nature must be left alone. ما هذا الخذش على وجهك؟ What's this scratch on your face? What's that scratch on your face? אני כבר לא מאמין באלוהים. I don't believe in God anymore. I don't believe in God anymore. غرق زيري. Ziri drowned. Zeri's sinking. הוא הוכיח עצמו כבעל אידאלי. He proved to be an ideal husband. He has proven himself to be an ideal husband. חזרתי, תום. Tom, I'm back. I'm back, Tom. אתה לא תוחקרת היום, נכון? You were not interrogated today, were you? You're not being questioned today, are you? هيَ تذهبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. She goes to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. She's going to be born in the University of Batesi Wuzhou. אמי יכלה לדבר חמש שפות. My mother could speak five languages. My mother could speak five languages. האונייה יצאה מן הנמל ולא נראתה עוד מאז. The ship left the port, never to be seen again. The ship left the port and has not been seen since. متى ينتهي اليوم الدراسي؟ When do studies finish When does the school day end? أين أستطيع أن أشتري طوابعا؟ Where do I get stamps? Where can I buy stamps? لدينا حادث في ورشة البناء. We've got an accident at the construction site. We have an accident at the construction workshop. אין בזה היגיון. It just makes no sense. Doesn't make any sense. לסוזי יש חיוך יפה. Susie has a nice smile. Susie has a beautiful smile. Naf. I know. I know. סע בזהירות. Drive carefully. Drive safe. המטוס הזה שלו. This plane is his. This plane is his. תום מנשק מעולה. Tom is an excellent kisser. Tom's a great kisser. كان جبل فوجي مغطى بالثلج. Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. Mount Fuji was covered with snow. תום עזב את בית העלמין לפני תום הלווייתה של מרי. Tom left the cemetery before Mary's funeral was over. Tom left the cemetery before Mary's funeral. هل حدث أي شيء؟ Has something happened? Did anything happen? אם אתה לא רוצה להסתבך אל תגיד כלום לתום ומרי. If you don't want to get into a mess, don't say anything bad about Tom and Mary. If you don't want to get in trouble, don't say anything to Tom and Mary. كان زيري يلقي القمامة في كل مكان. Ziri littered everywhere. Ziri was throwing trash everywhere. נפצעת, תום? Are you hurt, Tom? Are you hurt, Tom? بماذا توصي؟ What do you recommend? What do you recommend? شاهد زيري كرة المضرب. Ziri watched baseball. Watch Ziri's tennis. אני חושב שתום עושה כמיטב יכולתו. I think Tom is doing his best. I think Tom's doing the best he can. ألغى زيري كلّ شيء. Ziri canceled everything. Ziri canceled everything. لقد حدَقَت بعينين نصف مُغمضتين. She squinted. She stared with half-closed eyes. הם ניסו להרוג אותך. They were trying to kill you. They tried to kill you. Ċaw! Bye! Chow! سلّم سامي نفسه للشّرطة. Sami surrendered to police. Sammy turned himself in to the police. هيّا يا جيم. Come on, Jim. Come on, Jim. כל החברים היו נוכחים בישיבה? Were all the members present at the meeting? Were all the members present at the meeting? ידענו זאת. We knew that. We knew it. ከምኡ ሓደ ዓይነት ክወስድ እየ። I'll have the same. I will take the same kind of thing. الكره لا يظهر بكل بساطة من فراغ. إنه بالعادة يبدأ من الحسد أو الخوف. Hatred doesn't just appear out of thin air, it usually starts from envy or fear. Hate does not simply appear in a vacuum. It usually starts with envy or fear. אתייחס לכך כאל תשובה חיובית. I'll take that as a yes. I'll take that as a positive answer. أجابت و هي تبكي. She answered in tears. She answered, crying. ስምህ ማን ነው? What is your name? What's your name? לוח השנה היוליאני היה בתוקף ברוסיה. The Julian calendar was in force in Russia. The Julian calendar was in effect in Russia. انا لست عدوك. انا صديقك. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. למה לתום להרשים את מרי? Why would Tom want to impress Mary? Why would Tom impress Mary? העיר מורכבת משני חלקים. The city consists of two parts. The city is made up of two parts. سُرقت مني حقيبتي. I was robbed of my bag. My bag was stolen from me. אפשר להגיע לשם בהליכה? Is it possible to get there on foot? Can we go there for a walk? לא יכולתי להבחין בצבע של החולצה שלו כי היה חשוך מדי בחוץ. I couldn't tell what color his shirt was because it was too dark outside. I couldn't see the color of his shirt because it was too dark outside. הביטי, אנו צריכים להיות זהירים. Look, we must be careful. Look, we need to be careful. هذا المنتزه جميل و نظيف حقاً. This park is really beautiful and clean. This park is really nice and clean. قال زيري لا لريمة. Ziri said no to Rima. Ziri said no to Reema. كيف يمكنني أن أغيّر هذا؟ How can I change that? How can I change that? חשתי לכוד. I felt trapped. I felt trapped. طُرد زيري من العمل. Ziri got fired. Ziri was fired from work. איך אוכלים את זה? How does one eat this? How do you eat it? זה קרה היום. It happened today. It happened today. لم أعلم بهذا الأمر. I didn't know that. I didn't know about that. תום התחיל לנהוג. Tom started driving. Tom started driving. كيف تعرف أن توم وماري لا يكذبون؟ How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? هو التقرير ممكن يبقى صادق؟ Can the report be true? Is the report possible to remain true? כובעי פרח ברוח. I had my hat blown off by the wind. Flower hats in the wind. אינני קוראת צרפתית. I cannot read French. I don't read French. لقد احتاج الأمر لحملة تلفزيونيّة وطنيّة من أجل تعقّب سامي و العثور عليه أخيرا. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Sami down. It took a national television campaign to track down Sammy and finally find him. אני סבורה שלא הייתם צריכים לעשות את זה. I think you shouldn't have done that. I don't think you should have done that. החודש הקודם היה גשום מאוד. The preceding month was very rainy. Last month was very rainy. כל הספרים האלה שלי. All of these books are mine. All these books are mine. لديك فقط 24 ساعة أخرى لتقرّر. You only have 24 hours left to decide. You only have 24 hours to decide. אשמח לסייע לו. I'll be glad to help him. I'd be happy to help him. جاك بيعرف يكّلم فرنساوي. Jack can speak French. Jack Beaver speaks French. اقولو بلّ 'هاملت' پياس تع تيياتر لّي ژامي ما كتبو خير منها. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. I’d say it’s better than what I’ve written. מעולם לא שיקרתי לה. I've never lied to her. I never lied to her. אני לא במיוחד אוהבת כלבים. I don't really like dogs all that much. I don't particularly like dogs. את עומדת לאבד את הכול. You'll lose everything. You're about to lose everything. أخبر زوجتك بي. Tell your wife about me. Tell your wife about me. ליפן הרים יפים רבים. Japan has a lot of beautiful mountains. There are many beautiful mountains in Japan. ماذا تطبخين؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? אני חושב שהוא מזייף. I think he's faking. I think he's faking. خرج سامي. Sami went outside. Sammy's out. أقام سامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sammy had an affair with a married woman. אז מי אומר שיש לי רובה? Who says that I have a gun? Who says I have a gun? הבט כלפיה. Look toward her. Look at her. هل تحتاج حقا لكلب إضافي؟ Do you really need one more dog? Do you really need an extra dog? كان سامي منشغلا إلى حدّ أنّه اتّصل بسيّارة إسعاف. Sami was worried enough to call an ambulance. Sammy was so busy that he called an ambulance. להעתיק זה לא לגנוב. Copying is not theft. Copying is not stealing. ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة. He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3. Maclach for one puddle. Burk, both three. لم أنت تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? Why are you crying? دفعت ليلى بسامي إلى الحائط. Layla pushed Sami to the wall. Layla pushed Sammy against the wall. أذاهب أنت معنا؟ Will you be going with us? Are you going with us? هذا سؤال صعب. That's a hard question to answer. That's a tough question. יש שדה יפה של אזוביון בצרפת. This is a beautiful field of lavender in France. There's a beautiful field of lavender in France. أظنه جيدًا أن الكتب ما تزال موجودة، لكنها تجعلني نعسانًا. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. I think it’s good that books still exist, but they make me sleepy. لقد درّب سامي خيول ليلى القزمة. Sami trained Layla's poneys. Sammy trained Lily's midget horses. התשתתף בפרויקט? Would you take part in the project? Participated in the project? أريد تعلم الأيرلندية. I want to learn Irish. I want to learn Irish. כל שפה רואה אחרת את העולם. Every language sees the world differently. Every language sees the world differently. חשבתי שזה היה ממש רע. I thought it was really bad. I thought it was really bad. الكرة الآن في ملعبك! Now the ball is in your court! The ball is in your court! فاضيل يتحدث العربيه Fadil speaks Arabic. Fadil Speaks Arabic תקשיב לי טוב, טוב? Listen to me very carefully, OK? Listen to me carefully, okay? هل كان ذلك زلزالا؟ Was it an earthquake? Was that an earthquake? توقف دونالد عن القيام بأشغاله المنزليّة. Donald stopped doing his chores. Donald stopped doing his homework. سأصلح دراجتي في البيت. I'll fix my bicycle in the house. I'll fix my bike at home. תום היה משועשע. Tom was amused. Tom was amused. אני צריך לתקן את הבגדים שלי כי ירדתי במשקל. I have to alter my clothes because I've lost weight. I have to fix my clothes because I lost weight. ما رأيك في اللغة اليابانية؟ What do you think about the Japanese language? What do you think of Japanese? منّاد لا ينشط في مجال الإنتاج التّلفزيوني. Mennad is not in the business of producing television. Manad is not active in the field of television production. رأى زيري سيارة أجرة توقفت أمام متجر ريمة. Ziri saw a taxi pull up by Rima's store. Ziri saw a taxi parked in front of the Rima store. יש מנהגי שטות. Some traditions are dumb. There are silly habits. أنا حقاً لستُ جائعة. I'm really not hungry. I'm really not hungry. אנו בוטחים בו. We trust him. We trust him. אנחנו נחצה את הנהר בסירה. We'll cross the river in a boat. We'll cross the river by boat. يانّي يأكل التّين. Yanni is eating figs. Yani eats the figs. נתראה ביום רביעי הקרוב. I'll see you next Wednesday. See you next Wednesday. כל החיים על פני כדור הארץ מכילים פחמן. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All life on Earth contains carbon. גדלתי סמוך לנהר. I grew up near a river. I grew up near the river. ሰው ነኝ። I'm a man. I am a man. لن يتعمق زيري كثيرا في الغابة. Ziri won't go far into the forest. Ziri won't go too deep in the woods. حفظ سامي سورة من القرآن الكريم. Sami memorized a surah. The Holy Qur’an is revealed in the Qur’an. لم نتوقّف عند قبلة فقط؟ Why stop at a kiss? Didn't we just stop at a kiss? תום דיווח בפרוטרוט על התאונה שעבר. Tom reported his accident in detail. Tom reported the incident in detail. הניצחון הפך אותו לגיבור. The victory made him a hero. The victory made him a hero. היום זורחת השמש אז כולם משתמשים במשקפי שמש. Today it's very sunny, so everyone is wearing sunglasses. Today the sun is shining so everyone uses sunglasses. ما نخافش مالرتايل. I'm not afraid of spiders. We're not afraid of Martel. هو يعارض هذا المشروع. He opposes this project. He is opposed to this project. מי אמור להתחיל? Who should start? Who's supposed to start? זה רק ניחוש. It's only a guess. It's just a guess. תום עזר למרי לצאת מהבריכה. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Tom helped Mary out of the pool. اتصل زيري للتو. Ziri just called. Ziri just called. لماذا يوجد منزل هنا، وسط الغابة؟ Why would there be a house here, in the middle of a forest. Why is there a house here, in the middle of the woods? شعر زيري بالارتياح. Ziri felt reassured. Ziri felt comfortable. הייתי רוצה לדבר אנגלית שוטפת. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak fluent English. הערב אנו הולכים לכנסיה. This evening we will go to church. Tonight we go to church. كان زيري لوحده. Ziri was alone. Ziri was alone. شعر زيري بالحزن. Ziri experienced sadness. Ziri felt sad. بدا ذلك النمر و كأنه في وضعية دفاعية. The leopard looked defensive. That tiger looked like it was in a defensive position. הנר אזל וכבה. The candle burned out. The candle ran out and went out. אנחנו לא לקראת חתונה. We're not getting married. We're not for a wedding. זה יכול להכיל כארבעה גלונים. This can hold about 4 gallons. It can hold up to four gallons. האוכלוסיה של סין ושל הודו מגמדת לידה את אוכלוסייתה של כל אומה אחרת. The populations of China and India dwarf those of every other nation. The population of China and India dwarfs the population of any other nation. למה אתה אומר שזה פועל? Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say it works? החיילים נקשו בעקביהם. The soldiers clicked their heels together. The soldiers followed in their footsteps. بنبغي أن يتحرى زيري الأمر. Ziri should investigate. Ziri should look into it. הזמנתי כמה אורחים מיוחדים. I've invited some special guests. I invited some special guests. አሰልቺ ነኝ። I am boring. I'm bored. היא לומדת גרמנית. She's learning German. She's learning German. كنت خائفاً من أن أضيع في الظلمة. I was afraid of getting lost in the dark. I was afraid of being lost in the dark. אני אוהב חומות שיער. I like brunettes. I like hairlines. هذه المرة، هدفي هو باريس. This time my goal is Paris. This time, my goal is Paris. לא נשאר בארנק שלי כסף. There was no money left in my wallet. There's no money left in my wallet. אתה רוצה לצפות בסרט צרפתי, נכון? You want to watch a French film, right? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? זה מטופש. This is foolish. It's stupid. נעליים נמכרות בזוגות. Shoes are sold in pairs. Shoes are sold in pairs. الأمازيغية هي لغتي الأولى. My first language is Berber. Amazigh is my first language. لا يمكن أن يكون ذلك صحيحاً. It can't be true. That can't be right. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary is not useful at all. This dictionary is useless. يظن توم أن على ماري الاعتذار من جون. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. Tom thinks that Mary should apologize to John. בסביבות הצהריים השמש כבר שלחה לעמק את קרניה המחממות בנעימות, דבר ששינה את הבעות פניהם של האיכרים שפגשתי בדרך. In the middle of the day, the sun sent its warm, pleasant rays into the valley, which transformed the expressions on the faces of the farmers we met along the way. Around noon the sun had already sent its pleasantly heated rays into the valley, which had changed the expressions of the peasants I had met along the way. המטוס טס מעל להר. The plane flew over the mountain. The plane flew over the mountain. لا أحد يأتي لزيارتي بعد الآن. No one comes to visit me anymore. No one comes to visit me anymore. جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have dark hair. كانت للمشروع بداية سيئة. The project began terribly. The project had a bad start. אני בטוחה שיקבלו אתכם בסבר פנים יפות. I'm sure you'll be welcome. I'm sure they'll welcome you kindly. هي تسبح مثل السمكة She swims like a fish. She swims like a fish. כוחו רב הרבה יותר מאשר של אדם רגיל. His strength is much greater than that of an ordinary man. His power is far greater than that of an ordinary man. أنا ما شربت الحليب. I didn't drink the milk. I didn't drink the milk. هل أثلجت البارحة؟ Did it snow yesterday? Did you snow last night? صديقي لا يلعب كرة المضرب. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend doesn't play tennis. احترس: الأرض مبللة Caution: wet floor Watch out: the ground is wet אני חושב שהוא צודק. I think he's right. I think he's right. جون ماكانشو هنايا. John isn't here. John Macanchu is here. نظرت ليلى من النّافذة. Layla looked out the window. Lily looked out the window. ذهب زيري إلى ريمة و حياها. Ziri walked up to Rima and said hi. Ziri went to Reema and revived her. كان زيري يطرق على الباب. Ziri was knocking. Ziri was knocking on the door. اهلا وسهلا Welcome. Hey, easy. נכון! Right! Oh, right! لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. I'm not the woman Sammy deserves. אנא, אמץ את גור הכלבים הזה. Please adopt this puppy. Please, adopt this puppy. عبر زيري المستنقع كي يصل إلى هناك. Ziri crossed the swamp to get there. My brother crossed the swamp to get there. יש משהו שאני צריכה. There's something I need. There's something I need. ניפגש איתו הלילה. We are going to meet him tonight. I'll see him tonight. كان سامي يتعرّض للمضايقة. Sami was being bullied. Sammy was being harassed. אני לא יכול לשתות קפה. I can't drink coffee. I can't drink coffee. أين أخوك؟ Where is your brother? Where's your brother? אתה רץ כל יום? Do you run every day? You run every day? اللغة الإنجليزية ليست سهلة و لكنها مثيرة للإهتمام. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it is interesting. سبح زيري في البحر. Ziri swam in the sea. Swim Ziri in the sea. תרגע, טוב? Relax, will you? Calm down, okay? وقد صرحت بمدينة أنقرة بكل وضوح أن أمريكا ليست ولن تكون أبدا في حالة حرب مع الإسلام. وعلى أية حال سوف نتصدى لمتطرفي العنف الذين يشكلون تهديدا جسيما لأمننا In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security. Ankara has made it clear that America is not and will never be at war with Islam. In any case, we will confront violent extremists who pose a serious threat to our security. קראתי כל ספר בספריה הזאת. I've read any and every book in this library. I've read every book in this library. אני אוהבת לראות אותך מבשל. I love watching you cook. I love watching you cook. لاحظ ريري ريمة. Ziri noticed Rima. He noticed Reyre's rime. אל תהיו כל כך תינוקיים! Don't be so immature. Don't be so baby! هذا العلم جميل جدا. This flag is very pretty. This flag is so beautiful. يعلم زيري أن أباه ليس قديسا. Ziri knows his dad isn't a saint. Ziri knows that his father is not a saint. את השאר תשאיר לעצמך. Keep the rest for yourself. Leave the rest to yourself. קיבלת את ההזמנה שלה? Have you received her invitation? Did you get her invitation? إنها غاضبة عليّ. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. שטיח ירוק לא ילך עם וילון כחול. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet won't go with a blue curtain. تجشّأ زيري. Ziri burped. Ziri burped. يشرب توم القهوة يوميا. Tom drinks coffee every day. Tom drinks coffee every day. لقد استعرت سيارة. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed a car. ذهبت ليلى إلى الخارج. Layla went outside. Lily went outside. נהגתי לבוא לחוף הזה כשהייתי נער. I used to come to this beach when I was a boy. I used to come to this beach when I was a kid. أكل زيري حلويّات. Ziri ate pastry. Ziri ate sweets. אין לי אפשרות לתת לך היום תשובה מוחלטת. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a definitive answer today. احضره في وقت قريب. Bring it over soon. Bring him in soon. אתה מאד לא הוגן. You're being very unfair. You're very unfair. לא הכרתי בכלל את האישה הזאת. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't even know this woman. كان بوب سعيداً للغاية. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. صب بعض القهوة لتوم. Pour some coffee for Tom. Pour some coffee tom. أنا مدرّس بديل. I am a substitute teacher. I'm a substitute teacher. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تعيده إلى الحانة بسيّارتها. Sami talked Layla into driving him back to the bar. Sammy convinced Layla to bring him back to the bar with her car. قام زيري بتنظيف الحوض. Ziri cleaned up the pond. Ziri cleaned the sink. קראתי לך לכאן כדי לעזור לי. I called her here in order to help me. I called you here to help me. قطتي وكلبي متعايشان. My cat and dog get along. My cat and my dog live together. הם בכל מקום. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. אסתדר. I'll manage. I'll manage. תום יעשה שגיאות. Tom is going to make mistakes. Tom will make mistakes. ارتح جيدا يا زيري. Rest well, Ziri. Rest well, Zeri. لم يتبقّى لزيري الكثير كي يموت. Ziri is dying. There's not much left for my minister to die. זה אפילו לא עלה בדעתי. It didn't even cross my mind. It didn't even occur to me. אני רק צריך לנוח קצת. I just need to rest a little. I just need to get some rest. ጀግና ነኝ። I'm a hero. I'm a hero. עם מי אתה רוצה לדבר? Who would you like to speak with? Who do you want to talk to? תום בילה את הלילה על הספה. Tom spent the night on the couch. Tom spent the night on the couch. ليس بإمكانك أن تُعلّم كلباً عجوزاً حركات جديدة. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new moves. Ir-raġel huwa qawwi. The man is strong. The man is strong. تعرّض النّظام للتّخريب. The system has been sabotaged. The system was compromised. هل يمكننى أن أخرج للعب؟ Can I go out to play? Can I go out and play? الفاتورة من فضلك. The check, please. The bill, please. ليست لديّ شهية. I have no appetite. I don't have an appetite. יש יותר מידי פרסומות ביוטיוב. There are too many adverts on youtube. There are too many ads on YouTube. מה הצליל הזה? What's that sound? What's that sound? توم يمشي ببطئ. Tom walks slowly. Tom walked slowly. איך אפשר לפרש את המשפט הזה? How should this sentence be interpreted? How can this sentence be interpreted? هل هذا أمر؟ Is that an order? Is that an order? זה לא ייקח הרבה זמן. It won't take long. It won't take long. אין לי זמן להכין את שיעורי הבית. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to do my homework. أسانج لديه الملايين من المناصرين. Assange has millions of supporters. Assange has millions of supporters. אין כאן מספיק מקום לארבעים אנשים. There's not enough space here for 40 people. There's not enough room here for 40 people. שיניתי את הגדרות המחשב שלך, כך שהתצורה החדשה תגרום לו לרוץ חלק יותר. I have changed the settings of your computer, so that the new configuration will make it run smoother. I changed your computer settings, so the new configuration will make it run smoother. עזרה לזולת אף פעם איננה בזבוז זמן. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never a waste of time. לא, אתה לא מאוהב, כי מה שאתה קורא לו אהבה הוא רק יציר פסיכולוגי הנועד להשכיח מהאנשים את מורשתם הבהמית. No, you aren't in love, for what you call love is just a psychosocial construct to make people ignore their animalic heritance. No, you're not in love, because what you call love is just a psychological creation designed to make people forget their animal heritage. لماذا تركت عملك في المزرعة؟ Why did you leave your job on the farm? Why did you quit your job on the farm? شعر زيري بالوحدة. Ziri felt alone. Ziri felt alone. حقن سامي ليلى بالسّم. Sami injected Layla with poison. Sammy Leila was injected with poison. תום אושפז? Was Tom hospitalized? Tom was hospitalized? היא לא יפיפיה גדולה. She is no beauty. She's not very pretty. لمّا متحبش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوك. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. When you're in love with people, they're not in love with you. صنعت لي أختي دميةً جميلة. My sister made me a beautiful doll. My sister made me a beautiful doll. قرّر سامي أن يؤجّل ذهابه إلى الجامعة. Sami made the decision to postpone college. Sammy decided to postpone going to college. הגבירו את הביטחון בעיר. Security was increased in the city. Increase security in the city. פרות מספקות לנו חלב. Cows provide us with milk. Cows give us milk. ماما قطعت الكيكة. My mother cut the cake. Mama cut the cake. אשתך עדיין בארה"ב? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in the U.S.? Mhux problema. No problem! Not a problem. תום גנב את ארוחת הצהרים של מרי. Tom stole Mary's lunch. Tom stole Mary's lunch. אני מצטער שהחמצתי את הכיף. I'm sorry I missed the fun. I'm sorry I missed the fun. זה קר לי מדי. It's too cold for me. It's too cold for me. تفاصيل المشروع لم تكن واضحة في الشهرين الماضيين. The details of the project have not been clear for the last two months. The details of the project have not been clear in the past two months. אולי לא. Maybe not. Maybe not. תום קורא רומנים בכל פעם שיש לו זמן. Tom reads novels whenever he has time. Tom reads novels whenever he has time. رفض زيري. Ziri refused. Refuse my sire. كان سامي يدلّك ظهر ليلى. Sami was giving Layla a back massage. Sammy was showing you Lily's back. دعني أفسر لك هذا. Let me break this down for you. Let me explain this to you. איננו חיים על-מנת לאכול, אלא אוכלים על-מנת לחיות. Not for eating do we live, but for living, we eat. We don’t live to eat, we eat to live. בואו רק נסתלק מפה. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get out of here. השוטרים עקבו אחרי כל רמז, אבל חזרו בידיים ריקות. The police followed up all their leads, but came up empty handed. The cops followed every lead, but they came back empty-handed. هي لم تأتِ لأن صديقها لم يأتِ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't come because her boyfriend didn't come. الخميرة ستجعل العجين ينتفخ. Yeast will make the dough rise. The yeast will make the dough swell. بدا مارك أسعد من أي وقت مضى. Mark looked happier than ever. Mark seemed happier than ever. أصلي في المسجد ليس في البيت. I pray in the mosque, not at home. I pray in the mosque not at home. אני רק חזרתי מהעבודה. I just got back from work. I just got back from work. لأننا نحبك، فها نحن نحدث تتويبا لتحصل أنت على تجربة استخدام أحسن. أترى؟ نحن نحبك، هاه؟ Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh? Because we love you, so we're doing a little tweeting to get you a better use experience. בית הספר מתחיל באפריל. School begins in April. School starts in April. إنه يحب مدرسته كثيراً. He likes his school a lot. He loves his school so much. ركبوا حافلة. They caught a bus. They got on a bus. איפה הטבעת שלי? Where is my ring? Where's my ring? L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda, hu? The watch is on the table, isn't it? The clock is on the table, isn't it? لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. You're a little late. وصلت البارحة. I arrived here last night. I arrived yesterday. מנדרינות מכילות הרבה ויטמין C. Mandarin oranges have a lot of vitamin C. Mandarins contain a lot of vitamin C. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ Which bed do you want to use? What bed do you want to sleep on? كان واضحا أن توم رجل غني. Tom was obviously a rich man. It was clear that Tom was a rich man. كاين زوج طونوبيلات ف لڨاراج ديالو. There are two cars in his garage. Kayne is a pair of TONUBILAT V for Varag Diallo. هل تسمحين لي أن أمسك يدك؟ May I hold your hand? May I hold your hand? لم تكن غلطتي. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. התאכזבתי מהמוצר החדש. I was disappointed with the new product. I was disappointed with the new product. התקשרתי אליו אתמול. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. תום נפגע. Tom's hurt. Tom was hurt. נקנה לכם קצת זמן. We'll buy you some time. We'll buy you some time. أتعلم ما يعني هذا؟ Do you know what this means? You know what that means? كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. Sam and Lily spent as much time together as they could. היה נורא נחמד לראות אותך שוב. It was very nice seeing you again. It was so nice to see you again. לא יכולתי להבין דבר ממה שהוא אמר. I could not understand anything he said. I couldn't understand anything he said. תודיע לי, כשתהיה מוכן! Let me know, when you are ready! Let me know when you're ready! זה לא לגמרי כל הסיפור. That's not the entire story. That's not quite the whole story. אתה טועה בגדול. You're making a big mistake. You're making a big mistake. התחלתי לכבד את טום. I started to respect Tom. I began to respect Tom. من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page. אני עדיין עומדת בלוח הזמנים. I'm still on the clock. I'm still on schedule. תום היה ללא חת. Tom was fearless. Tom was fearless. לא ראיתי את פול זה זמן רב. פעם אחרונה שראיתי אותו היתה לפני ארבעה חודשים. I haven't seen Paul for a long time. The last time I saw him was four months ago. I haven't seen Paul in a long time, last time I saw him was four months ago. שתיתי רק שתי כוסות יין. I only had two glasses of wine. I only had two glasses of wine. እሞክራለሁ። I will try. I'm trying. يعمل سامي في العيادة البلديّة. Sami works for the municipal clinic. Sammy works at the municipal clinic. زيري مستعد. Ziri is prepared. Zeri's ready. הו, פנסי הרחוב נדלקו. Oh, the streetlights have turned on. Oh, the streetlights are on. נא לא לדבר ללא רשות. Please refrain from speaking without permission. Please do not speak without permission. شعر طوم صح قصير. Tom's hair is really short. Short, healthy hair. ואף על פי כן נוע תנוע! And yet it moves! But still moving! בנסיבות העכשוויות, אני לא מתעתד לחזור למולדת. Under present circumstances, I don't intend to return to my country. Under the current circumstances, I am not planning to return to my homeland. אמא אומרת שאני מדברת חלש מדי. Mum says that I speak too quietly. Mom says I talk too weak. הייתי רוצה לדעת יותר על זה. I'd like to know more about it. I'd like to know more about that. ما هي اللغة التي يتكلمونها في المكسيك؟ What is the language spoken in Mexico? What language do they speak in Mexico? הסערה שככה. The storm has died down. The storm's gone. השביל הזה מסוכן. This path is dangerous. This path is dangerous. بدآ سامي و ليلى يتغازلان و يمضيان وقتا معا. Sami and Layla began flirting and spending time together. Sammy and Layla started flirting and spending time together. ?Teɛṛef asmawat-hum Do you know their names? Do you know how to pronounce asmawat-hum? لم تكن لدى زيري أشغال منزليّة. Ziri didn't have any chores. Ziri didn't have housework. كان سامي يسبح في المال. Sami was rolling in money. Sammy was swimming in the money. كان ثمة شيء يلاحق زيري. Something followed Ziri. There was something following Ziri. فقدهم زيري. Ziri lost them. Ziri lost them. תום הראה למרי תמונה. Tom showed Mary a picture. Tom showed Mary a picture. איך אוכל אי פעם לסלוח לתום? How can I ever forget Tom? How can I ever forgive Tom? ارتدت معطفها ثم خرجت. She put on her coat and went out. She put on her coat and walked out. היא מבשלת עבורו. She cooks for him. She's cooking for him. نعم، فعلت. Yes, you did. Yes, I did. لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sammy turned to alcohol and drugs to stop the pain. تتكلم و كأنك رئيسنا. You talk as if you were the boss. You talk like you're our boss. ኣየናይ ወዲ? Which boy? Which boy? لست بارعا في الكذب. I'm not good at lying. I'm not very good at lying. كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. All people will inevitably die. אני אוהבת לערוך קניות בקניון הזה. I like to shop at that mall. I love shopping at this mall. הוזמנתי על ידי חבר ותיק. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. Għandi żewġ qtates. I have two cats. I have two cats. عايز أسمع أخبار حلوه. I want to hear good news. I want to hear some good news. מדוע לא הקשבת? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? קח אותי אתך. Take me with you. Take me with you. היא עצלנית. She's lazy. She's lazy. دائماً ما تنتقدني! You're always criticizing me! You're always criticizing me! אני לומד אוקסיטן. I'm learning Occitan. I'm studying oxytocin. زيري مجنون. Ziri is crazy. Ziri's crazy. كان سامي يريد أن يقيم علاقة صداقة مع ليلى. Sami wanted to be friends with Layla. Sammy wanted to have a friendship with Lily. זאת בטוח השיטה הטובה ביותר. This is definitely the best method. It's definitely the best method. ولدت في 18 من مارس عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. She was born on March 18, 1994. اجزوا الآن. Book now. Cut now. מה מנע ממנה להגיע אתמול? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What kept her from coming yesterday? كان جامس أكبر منافس لوليد. James was Walid's biggest competition. James was Walid's biggest rival. القهوة حارة. The coffee is hot. Coffee is hot. جاء الحادث في اعقاب تبني تنظيم القاعدة في بيان نشره الهجوم الذي استهدف القصر الجمهوري في مدينة المكلا بجنوب اليمن واسفر عن مقتل 30 ضابطا وجنديا. The incident came in the wake of Al-Qaeda's admission of responsibility, in a statement published by the organization, for an attack that targeted the republican palace in the city of Al-Mukalla in southern Yemen and resulted in the deaths of 30 officers and soldiers. The incident followed the adoption of al-Qaeda in a statement published in the attack on the Republican Palace in the southern Yemeni city of Mukalla, which killed 30 officers and soldiers. הדיו הזה הכי טוב. This is the best ink. This ink is the best. זה חלום? Is this a dream? Is it a dream? يعجبه الاستماع إلى المذياع. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. הוא רוצה לעבוד במפעל. He wants to work in a factory. He wants to work in a factory. אין אחריות. There are no guarantees. No responsibility. يعرف زيري الكتابة. Ziri can write. Ziri knows how to write. حاول مايكل إيذاء ليندة. Michael tried to hurt Linda. Michael tried to hurt Linda. כמה פיצות הזמנת? How many pizzas did you order? How many pizzas did you order? גם אני הייתי רוצה לדעת. I would like to know as well. I'd like to know, too. وصل زيري إلى عين المكان. Ziri arrived at the spot. Ziri arrived at the scene. خلقت لتكون شاعرًا. You are made to be a poet. You were created to be a poet. אחי הקטן מתמודד עם קשיים חברתיים. My little brother struggles with social difficulties. My little brother is having social problems. زيري يلعب لعبة البينغو. Ziri plays bingo. Ziri plays the bingo game. كان زيري يحبك. Ziri loved you. Ziri loved you. תום היה אולי מוטרד. Tom might have been annoyed. Tom might have been upset. بدا زيري خائفا. Ziri seemed spooked. Ziri looked scared. انهار زيري على الكنبة. Ziri collapsed onto the couch. Ziri collapsed on the couch. تقدري تحكِّيلي دهري. Can you rub my back? You can manipulate my ephemeral. هذه ليست زوجتي. That's not my wife. That's not my wife. غادر سامي إلى منزله. Sami left to head home. Sammy left for his house. איש לא אוהב מלחמה. Nobody loves war. No one likes war. كنت أواعد مدرّستي في الثّانويّة. I was dating my high school teacher. I used to date my high school teacher. شاهد زيري اليوتوب. Ziri watched YouTube. Watch Ziri YouTube. كان سامي يحبّ حياة الحفلات. Sami liked the party life. Sammy loved the party life. تسلّقت ليلى السّلّم. Layla climbed the ladder. Layla climbed the ladder. أنقذ فاضل حياته. Fadil saved his life. Fadhel saved his life. كنت أقرأ رواية حينها. I was reading a novel then. I was reading a novel then. أعلم أنّك تحبّين القهوة. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. הלכתי לישון מאוחר מאוד. I went to bed very late. I went to bed very late. זה היה מאמץ התנדבותי. It was a volunteer effort. It was a voluntary effort. אלוהים שלך, איפה הוא עכשיו? Your god—where is He now? Your God, where is he now? حاول أن تحسن من لغتك الإنجليزية. Try to improve your English. Try to improve your English. לורי עדיין בבית הספר. Laurie's still at school. Laurie's still at school. היא מסרה לו מפתח. She handed him the key. She gave him a key. הייתי אומר לך את זה מוקדם יותר, אבל לא האמנתי שתבין. I would've told you earlier, but I didn't think you'd understand. I'd have told you sooner, but I didn't think you'd understand. ليس في قاموسي كلمة مستحيل. I don't know the word 'impossible'. Not a word in my dictionary is impossible. אלה שרוצים להצטרף למועדון צריכים לחתום כאן. Those who want to join the club should sign here. Those who want to join the club must sign here. ثمّة أمور لا يمكن التعبير عنها بالكلمات. There are some things that cannot be expressed in words. There are things that cannot be expressed in words. את עלולה למצוא את עצמך בסכנה מוחשית. You could be in real danger. You may find yourself in real danger. אין לו את היכולות. He is incompetent. He doesn't have the abilities. אני לא יכול להסתיר את רגשותיי כלפיך. I can't hide my feelings for you. I can't hide my feelings for you. ستنجب ليلى طفلا. Layla is going to have a baby. Layla's having a baby. יש לכם גנים טובים. You have good genes. You have good genes. يجب عليك البدأ قريبا. You must start soon. You should start soon. בורותו גורמת לבעיות שלה. His ignorance causes her problems. His ignorance causes her problems. خذ هذه الأقراص. Take these pills. Take these pills. سامي سيتطيع ربط حذائه. Sami can tie his shoes. Sammy will be able to tie his shoes. האם יש לכם את הנעליים האלו במידה שלי? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have these shoes in my size? لاحظت أنها جلست في الصف الأول. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was sitting in the first row. הנעליים שלי התבלו. My shoes are worn out. My shoes are worn out. כן, זה אנטוני. Yes, this is Anthony. Yeah, it's Anthony. בדיוק היום הגענו לכאן. We just got here today. We just got here today. נלך לקחת את תום. We'll go get Tom. Let's go get Tom. יש עכשיו המון הריסות במקום שבו עמד קודם בניין בית הספר. There is a large pile of rubble where the school building used to be. There's a lot of debris right now where the school building was before. אני שרה. I sing. I'm Sarah. מה המהומה? What's the commotion? What's the fuss? شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of websites depends on their content. The popularity of websites depends on their content. لماذا لا يأكل أحد بطاطتي؟ Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why doesn't anyone eat my potatoes? አንተ ትደክማለህ። እኔም እደክማለሁ። You're tired. I'm also tired. You're tired. I'm tired. מה את רוצה לראות בבוסטון? What do you want to see in Boston? What do you want to see in Boston? אלמלא נפטר בגיל צעיר, הוא היה הופך למדען דגול. If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist. If he had not died at a young age, he would have become a great scientist. יש לי דברים לומר. I've got things to say. I have things to say. את לא ממהרת, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're in no hurry, are you? תהנו מהיום. Enjoy the day. Enjoy the day. לא עלה בידה לענות על השאלה. She couldn't answer the question. She could not answer the question. تفضل مخلوقات البيغفوت الأماكن العميقة و العذراء في الغابات. Bigfoots prefer the deeper and undisturbed parts of the forest. Pegfoot creatures prefer deep, virgin places in the forests. أنا سائح. I'm a tourist. I'm a tourist. أنا أستخدم تويتر. I'm using Twitter. I use Twitter. הרבה אנשים מתאסלמים מדי שנה. Many people convert to Islam every year. A lot of people convert every year. አደገኛ ነኝ። I'm dangerous. I'm dangerous. היה לי יום גרוע. I had an awful day. I had a bad day. מי חושבות ככה? Who thinks that way? Who thinks that? كانت المرحلة التالية هي الدخول إلى مدرسة للفنون. The next stage was to enter a good arts school. The next step was to go to an art school. הם מעניינים. They're interesting. They're interesting. لا أعرف إن كنا نحتاج ذلك. I don't know if we needed that. I don't know if we need that. ما ذاك خلف الشجرة؟ What's that behind the tree? What's behind the tree? كان سامي يبدّل ملابسه كلّ يوم. Sami changed clothes on a daily basis. He changed his clothes every day. אתה יכול לסמוך עליה. You can rely on her. You can trust her. Naqbel miegħek. I agree with you. Agree with you. أنا أعرف أين يعمل توم. I know where Tom works. I know where Tom works. لا نريد الذهاب مبكرا جدا. We didn't need to come so early. We don't want to go too early. עזוב אותו הוא מטורלל, עדיף שלא תדבר איתו בכלל. Leave him alone, he's mad, it's better not to talk to him at all. Let him go. He's crazy. You better not talk to him at all. תהיתי מה שלומו של תום. I wondered how Tom was. I wondered how Tom was doing. אני אוהבת את התמונה הזאת. I love that picture. I love that picture. הוא נאם נאום ובו תמך בהשקפות שלי. He made a speech that supported my opinions. He made a speech in which he supported my views. أفكر في الذهاب إلى الجبال. I am thinking of going to the mountains. I'm thinking of going to the mountains. فضّلت ليلى قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Leila preferred to spend her time outside the house. كيف هي الحياة في غزّة؟ How's life in Gaza. How is life in Gaza? قامت ليلى بحرق كلّ كتب آرت المتعلّقة بالأدب العنصري. Layla burned all of Aart's books about racist literature. Layla burned all of Art's books on racist literature. אני ממתינה לתשובתך. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. قبل زيري. Ziri said yes. Before Ziri. نظر إليّ شزرًا. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. He looked at me a little bit. ما هي طبيعة عملك في المكتب؟ What do you actually do in the office? What is the nature of your work in the office? تظاهر زيري بالجنون. Ziri pretended to be crazy. Ziri pretended to be crazy. היא רוצה להיראות צעירה יותר. She wants to look younger. She wants to look younger. قالت صاحبة المحل: "أعتقد أن كود لبنان هو 961". "I believe that the code for Lebanon is 961," the shopkeeper said. The shopkeeper said, “I think the code for Lebanon is 961. لقد أنهيت عملي للتو. I just finished the work. I just finished my job. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تعاني. Sami watched Layla suffer. Watch Sammy Layla suffer. לסבתא של מרי אין שיניים. Mary's grandmother doesn't have any teeth. Mary's grandmother doesn't have teeth. أنا شريكك. I'm your partner. I'm your partner. ثاح زيري. Ziri shouted. Zachary. بدا ذلك السنوري كحيوان هجين بين الببر و النمر. The cat looked like a cross between a tiger and a leopard. That swallow looked like a hybrid animal between tiger and tiger. זה קשה. That's hard. It's hard. الأطعمة الملئية في الدهون ممكن أنت تسبب أمراض مثل السرطانات و أمراض القلب. High-fat foods can cause many diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. Fat-filled foods are possible you are causing diseases such as cancers and heart disease. كانت الشّرطة تعتقد أن ليلى كانت متورّطة في الجريمة بشكل ما. The police believed that Layla was somehow involved in the murder. The police thought that Leila was involved in the crime in some way. תום ירה באקדחו שלוש פעמים. Tom fired his gun three times. Tom shot his gun three times. מעודי לא התכוונתי לעשות את זה. I never meant to do that. I never meant to do that. אלך עם תכריחו אותי. I'll go if you make me. I'll go if you make me. زيري يحتاج واحدا. Ziri needs one. Ziri needs one. دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sam entered the mosque. Merħba! Welcome. Welcome! Felix kela u ħasel snienu. Felix ate and brush his teeth. Felix ate and brushed his teeth. لا أستطيع تذكر اسمِهِ. I can't remember his name. I can't remember his name. וְנָתַתִּי אֶת-לִבִּי, לִדְרוֹשׁ וְלָתוּר בַּחָכְמָה, עַל כָּל-אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשָׂה, תַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם; הוּא עִנְיַן רָע, נָתַן אֱלֹקים לִבְנֵי הָאָדָם--לַעֲנוֹת בּוֹ. I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the children of mankind to be afflicted with. And I gave my heart to seek and investigate with wisdom, on all that we do, under heaven; it is an evil task, God has given to the sons of men to afflict him. هذا حقا ممتع This is really interesting. This is really fun. هم يعرفون توم They know Tom. They know Tom. אין הגבלת מהירות בכביש המהיר בגרמניה. There's no speed limit on the Autobahn in Germany. There is no speed limit on the motorway in Germany. תום לא יכול לקבל את המתנה שלך. Tom can't accept your gift. Tom can't have your gift. אני גרה בריו. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio. فكرنا انه طبيعي لازم يتعاقب. We thought it natural that he should be punished. We thought it was natural to have a succession. ትማሊ ፈረስ ገዚአ Yesterday I bought a horse A horse's tail لا يعيرونني انتباهًا. They don't pay me attention. They don't pay attention to me. استمرّ سامي في عيش حياته. Sami went on with his life. Sammy continued to live his life. תום ומרי רבו ריב נוראי. Tom and Mary had a horrible fight. Tom and Mary had a terrible fight. كان الصبي يبحث عن المفتاح المفقود. The boy was searching for the lost key. The boy was looking for the missing key. كلما أتصل به ، يكون قد خرج. Whenever I call, he is out. Whenever I call him, he's out. תום מסתתר בבנין נטוש ברחוב פרק. Tom is hiding in an abandoned building on Park Street. Tom's hiding in an abandoned building on Park Street. אלמד אותך מעט קראטה. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'll teach you some karate. هم يدرسون في مدرسة عمومية. They attend state school. They study in a public school. كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sammy was distracted. אתה תרגיש כמו האדם הכי מאושר בעולם. You will feel like the happiest person in the world. You will feel like the happiest person in the world. להעריץ אותם. They're adorable. Admiring them. زيري بحاجة لهذا. Ziri needs this. Zeri needs this. لقد حدث حادث في ورشة البناء. There has been an accident at the worksite. There was an accident at the construction workshop. لم يكن لدى سامي أحد كي يساعده. Sami didn't have anybody to help him. Sammy had no one to help him. كنت أشاهد التلفاز حينها. I was watching TV then. I was watching TV then. אני מקווה שיהיה שקט. I hope it will be quiet. I hope it's quiet. אני מקווה שאני לא מפריע. I hope I'm not being a bother. I hope I'm not interrupting. Ziri jħobb jħalli ħwejġu fl-art. Ziri likes to leave his clothes on the floor. Ziri likes to leave his clothes on the ground. האדם הוא בעל החיים היחיד המסוגל לצחוק. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal that can laugh. كل قططها جالسة على سقف سيارتها. All her cats are sitting on the roof of the car. All her cats are sitting on the roof of her car. אנו צריכים לגלות מה זומם תום. We need to find out what Tom is up to. We need to find out what Tom's up to. اشترى زيري كوخا بجوار غابة كثيفة. Ziri purchased a cabin bordering a thick forest. Ziri bought a cottage next to a dense forest. בימי ראשון לעתים רחוקות הוא נשאר בבית. He rarely stays home on Sunday. On Sundays, he rarely stays at home. אני אוהב תפוחים. I like apples. I like apples. موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. Facebook and Twitter are governed by the U.S. Constitution and California laws. أخي أحمق. My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. هل سيعود يوماً ما؟ Will he ever come back? Will he ever come back? الحق معك You are right. Right with you. توم لم يأخذها معه. Tom didn't take it with him. Tom didn't take her with him. אתה לא עוזב, נכון? You're not leaving, are you? You're not leaving, are you? ده الكتاب بتاع توني. This is Tony's book. This is a book by Tony. قدّم سامي بطاقته لليلى. Sami gave Layla his card. Sammy gave his card to Layla. אני רק צריכה לדעת שאתה בסדר. I just need to know you're OK. I just need to know that you're okay. אתה בטוח שזה מה שאתה רוצה? Are you certain that's what you want? You sure that's what you want? ذاقت ليلى دم سامي. Layla tasted Sami's blood. Lily tasted Sammy's blood. מתמטיקה היא המקצוע האהוב עליי. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Mathematics is my favorite profession. عاد سامي إلى عاداته القديمة. Sami fell back into his old ways. Sam returned to his old habits. عليك أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You need to call Sammy. تتحدث مثل أمك. You speak like your mother. You talk like your mother. لم يحضر سامي إلى موعده في المحكمة. Sami failed to appear at his court date. Sammy didn't show up for his court date. הופתעתי מהופעתו הפתאומית. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. התפתחות המיניות האנושית מתחילה בגיל צעיר. The development of human sexuality starts at an early age. The development of human sexuality begins at a young age. تمنيت لو أنه كان بإمكاني الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could go to the concert. תום הודה בתבוסה. Tom admitted defeat. Tom admitted defeat. لكم سامي فريدا في قضيبه. Sami punched Farid in the dick. You punched Sammy Frieda in the dick. דברי אליי. Talk to me. Talk to me. תעקבי אחריו. Follow him! Follow him. أنا لست متعباً. I'm not tired. I'm not tired. توقّفا عن العمل. Stop working. Stop working. شكراً لله. Thank God. Oh, thank God. عندي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. Tom asked Mary if she planned to swim or not. תום הציע ללוות אותי הביתה. Tom has offered to walk me home. Tom asked me to take him home. ذهب إبني إلى لندن، أين ولدت. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. كانت هناك لطخات دم في كلّ مكان من الغرفة. There was blood spatter everywhere in the room. There were bloodstains everywhere in the room. חלב אפשר להפוך לחמאה, לגבינה ולהרבה דברים אחרים. Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things. Milk can be turned into butter, cheese and many other things. لم أكن أنوِ أن أخبره. I wasn't going to tell him. I wasn't going to tell him. شريت دلاّعة؟ Have you bought a watermelon? You bought a flare? חליפתי אפורה. My suit is gray. I changed gray. הסערה תזיק ליבולים. The storm will damage the crops. The storm will damage the crops. هل لي أن أُلقي نظرة على جواز سفرك؟ May I look at your passport? May I take a look at your passport? وجدنا الباب الأمامي مغلق. We found the front door locked. We found the front door locked. ذلك خارق للعادة. That's extraordinary. That's extraordinary. سيكون فعل ذلك خطرًا. Doing that would be dangerous. Doing so would be dangerous. هذا الكرسي قبيح. This chair is ugly. This chair is ugly. لست مهتمًّا بفعل ذلك. I'm not interested in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. בקשתי ממנו לשמור על החפצים שלי. I asked him to watch my things. I asked him to keep my things. زيري لطيف. Ziri is kind. My minister is nice. حضر ياني في عدد هائل من عمليات الإطفاء. Ziri saw insane amounts of firefights. Yanni attended a huge number of firefights. תום הגיע בהליקופטר. Tom arrived in a helicopter. Tom was in the helicopter. أحب صوت الغيث أثناء هطوله علی السقف. I love the sound of rain on the roof. I love the sound of it falling on the ceiling. אני מוכן לסיים את זה. I'm ready to get this over with. I'm ready to end this. אני לא יכול עוד לסבול את הרעש הזה. I can't stand that noise any longer. I can't stand that noise anymore. המתנכל לא יקשיב לך, הוא כבר הפך את המקום הזה לבית שלו. The settler won't listen to you; he has already made this place his home. The charlatan won't listen to you, he's already turned this place into his home. הם מסוכנים מאד. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. זה היה מקום מדהים. It was an amazing place. It was an amazing place. בבקשה תאמיני לי. Please believe me. Please believe me. إنهم يتحدثون عن هذا و ذاك. They are talking about this and that. They're talking about this and that. زيري لديه خبرة في الغابات و الطبيعة. Ziri is experienced with the forest and nature. Ziri has experience in forestry and nature. ممكن تخدني السيما؟ Could you take me to a movie? Can you give me a sema? كل الطيور تأتي إلى الحوض. All the birds come to the pond. All the birds come to the pond. يعمل زيري بجدّ. Ziri works hard. Zeri's working hard. لم ينتبه زيري لتلك الأشياء التي كانت من المفروض أن تثير شكوكه. Ziri never spotted those red flags. Ziri did not pay attention to those things that were supposed to arouse his suspicions. חשוב על עתידך. Think about your future. Think about your future. كرم مدرس جديد. Karam is a new teacher. Honoring a new teacher. اسمي جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. עלינו לנתח באופן מיידי. We have to operate immediately. We need to operate immediately. هل تشارك في هذه الفعالية؟ Would you take part in this event? Are you participating in this event? אתה פוחד? Are you afraid? You scared? נהיה הרבה יותר חם. It has become much warmer. It's getting a lot hotter. האם תזכיר לי לשלוח את המכתבים האלה? Will you remind me to mail these letters? Will you remind me to send these letters? باع يانّي كلّ ما عنده كي يشتري تذكرة للعودة إلى منزله. Yanni sold everything he had to raise money for a ticket home. Yanni sold everything he had to buy a ticket to go home. لأجلِ صداقتنا For our friendship! For our friendship. אתה יודע מה היא עמדתו בחברה? Do you know his status in the company? You know what his position is in the company? زيري لا يحبّ الإعلانات. Ziri hates commercials. Ziri doesn't like ads. هل يمكنك وضع السيارة في المرآب؟ Can you keep the car in the garage? Can you put the car in the garage? הגעתי לשם במהירות האפשרית. I just got there as fast as I could. I got there as fast as I could. أنتَ قد ترغب في التحدُث إلى توم. You might want to talk to Tom. You might want to talk to Tom. كتب سامي رقم هاتفه على قطهة من ورق و قدّمها لليلى. Sami wrote his phone number on a note and gave it to Layla. Sammy wrote his phone number on a cat of paper and gave it to Layla. אני לא יכול לחכות כל היום. I can't wait all day. I can't wait all day. אבי הפסיק לעשן. My father stopped smoking. My father quit smoking. ما يقوله ليس له أي معنى. What he says does not make any sense. What he says makes no sense. עובדים לא מרוצים יכולים להיות בעיה גדולה. Disgruntled coworkers can be a big pain. Unsatisfied employees can be a big problem. فاضل يتكلّم كثيرا. Fadil talks too much. Fadil talks a lot. יש לי ספקות. I have doubts. I have doubts. كان فاضل طليقا فالعربيّة حتّى ظنّت ليلى أنّه عربي. Fadil was so fluent in Arabic that Layla thought he was Arab. Fadel was at large in Arabic until Layla thought he was an Arab. הסתבר שטום היה מרגל. Tom turned out to be a spy. It turns out Tom was a spy. תום עדיין לא מרגיש לגמרי נוח בקשר לזה. Tom still isn't entirely comfortable with this. Tom still doesn't feel very comfortable about it. نظر سامي إلى الأسفل. Sami looked down. Sammy looked down. את שמה סוכר בקפה? Do you put sugar in your coffee? You put sugar in your coffee? אינני אוהב לצאת לבד בערב. I don't like going out by myself at night. I don't like going out alone tonight. זה הכובע שלך, נכון? This is your hat, isn't it? That's your hat, right? הוא ביקש ממני עזרה. He asked me for help. He asked me for help. אני נמצא על שפת הים. I'm at the beach. I'm on the beach. اعتدى زيري على ريمة. Ziri assaulted Rima. Ziri attacked Rima. טום ומרי אוחזים יד ביד. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Tom and Mary hold hands. شعرنا بالقليل من الذعر. We panicked a little bit. We felt a little panic. זכור לי שהזכרתי זאת פעם או פעמים. I remember mentioning it once or twice. I remember mentioning it once or twice. בגלל שעשית טעות בפרויקט שלך, אתה צריך להתחיל מאפס. Since you made a mistake in your project, you have to start over from scratch. Because you made a mistake in your project, you need to start from scratch. תום נהג לבוא לבקר אותי לפחות פעם בחודש. Tom used to come to see me at least once a month. Tom used to come visit me at least once a month. تقيات ريمة في الحافلة. Rima vomited on the bus. Reema's on the bus. منّاد يقطن في منزل رائع. Sami lives in a wonderful house. Manad lives in a great house. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. فوّتت ليلى درس مدرسة الأحد. Sami missed Sunday school. Lily missed Sunday school. زيري متشرّد. Ziri is homeless. Ziri's a vagabond. ما الأمر؟ What gives? What's the matter? لا أحد كانت لديه شهيّة. No one had much of an appetite. No one had an appetite. تستخدم الضفادع هذا الحوض لأسبوع أو أسبوعين للتزاوج. The frogs use this pond for a week or two to do their mating ritual. Frogs use this pelvis for a week or two to mate. الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk, talk and talk. فتحت ليلى حنفيّة الماء. Layla turned the water on. Layla opened the water tap. سامي يذهب إلى الكنيسة. Sami goes to church. Sam goes to church. أنا أغنّي بالأمازيغيّة. I am singing in Berber. I sing in Amazigh. هرب معمر القذافي سليمًا. Muammar Kaddafi escaped unharmed. Muammar Qaddafi escaped unharmed. زيري عنده خبز. Ziri has bread. My brother has bread. מה תרצה לאכול? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? הכניסה היתה חופשית. Admission was free. The entrance was free. لن تغادر المنزل مرّة أخرى. You're not to leave this house again. She's not leaving the house again. שלום עליכם Shalom aleichem. Peace be upon you. אני חושב שטום עני. I think Tom is poor. I think Tom's poor. אני הולכת הביתה. I go home. I'm going home. שלום. איך אפשר לשרת אותך? Hello. How can I help you? How can I serve you? زيري عدائي. Ziri is aggressive. My father is hostile. אני א-מינית. I'm ace. I'm asexual. لقد ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. דמיינתי את זה. I imagined that. I pictured it. מי פה? Who's here? Who's here? زيري هو من وضع أب ريمة في السجن. Ziri put Rima's dad in jail. Ziri is the one who put Reema's father in jail. אני מטיל ספק אם תום הוא זה ששבר את החלון. I doubt seriously that it was Tom who broke the window. I doubt it was Tom who broke the window. اتركني و شأني. Go away. Leave me alone. הוא החמיא לעצמו, באמרו שהוא היה השחקן הטוב ביותר. He flattered himself that he was the best actor. He flattered himself, saying he was the best player. اقرأ! Read! Read! كان سامي يتلقّى علاجا. Sami went through treatment. Sammy was getting treatment. הוא שוכנע להיות יותר רגיש. He was persuaded to be more sensible. He was convinced to be more sensitive. לא משנה מה תגיד, אני לא אוותר. No matter what you say, I won't give up. Whatever you say, I won't give up. עקיצה של מי כואבת יותר: דבורה או צירעה? Whose sting is more painful: a bee's or a wasp's? Whose bite hurts the most: a bee or a bee sting? أنا ذاهب إلى الحديقة I go to the park. I'm going to the park. زيري مذنب. Ziri is guilty. Zeri's guilty. علينا أن نقطع أشجار الغابات. We need to chop down forests. We have to cut down the forest trees. תום יצא מהבקתה בהליכה. Tom walked out of the hut. Tom walked out of the cabin. אני יודע שתעשי מה שצריך. I know you'll do what needs to be done. I know you'll do whatever it takes. تحرّكت ليلى نحو سامي. Layla moved toward Sami. Layla moved toward Sammy. הוא עשה את העבודה בעצמו. He did the work on his own. He did the job himself. زيري يحتاج لريمة في الحين. Ziri needs Rima right now. Ziri needs a Reema in time. عمرها يناهز الأربعين. She is about forty. She's 40 years old. אני הולך מכאן. I'm leaving. I'm out of here. يمكن أن أحاوله مرة أخرى. I may give it another try. I could try it again. دفع سامي بالكلب إلى الخارج. Sami pushed the dog out. Sammy pushed the dog out. اختبر زيري دم ذلك المخلوق الفضائي سريا. Ziri secretly tested the alien's blood. Ziri secretly tested the alien's blood. أمسكه! Get him! Grab him! تبدو وكأنك فعلت شيئا ما كان عليك فعله. You look like you've been doing something you shouldn't. You look like you did something you should have done. العصافير تغرّد Birds sing. The birds are tweeting. الجزائر أولا Algeria first! Algeria First قل لي أي نوع من الخبز تريد أكله. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me what kind of bread you want to eat. הם תפסו את תום. They caught Tom. They caught Tom. תום פחד מאד. Tom was very frightened. Tom was very scared. التقطلي صورة. Take a picture of me. Snap a picture. היא קונה כל מה שהיא רוצה, בלי להתחשב במחיר. She buys what she wants regardless of the cost. She buys whatever she wants, regardless of the price. אני יודע לקלף תפוח. I can peel an apple. I can peel an apple. הילדים משחקים בחוץ. The children are playing outside. The kids are playing outside. אל תתקרבי לכלב. Don't go near the dog. Don't go near the dog. كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. זה ממש מרשים! That's really impressive. That's really impressive! استقلت كينيا عام 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. ህዉኽ ዝብኢ ቀርኒ ይነክስ። A hasty hyena bites the horn. The undead will be wiped out. سأحاول ما استطعتُ ألّا أُقاطِع مذاكرتك. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try my best not to interrupt your study. እፎቅላይ ነው። It's upstairs. It's flammable. אתה לא "עובד" עלי. You don't fool me. You're not fooling me. دعونا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some rest. אני צופה בטלוויזיה בערבים. I watch television in the evening. I watch TV in the evenings. כנות לא תמיד משתלמת. כך דרכו של עולם. Honesty does not always pay. Such is the way of the world. Honesty doesn't always pay off. That's the way of the world. علمنا أن توم لن يتأخر. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. We knew Tom wouldn't be late. توجب على توم أن يتخذ قرارا. Tom had to make a decision. Tom had to make a decision. לא אכפת לי מי עושה את זה. I don't care who does that. I don't care who does it. اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Sammy called. חשבתי שאתה עובד. I thought you were at work. I thought you were working. أرهب سامي ليلى مجبرا إيّاها أن تكون معه. Sami terrorized Layla into being with him. Sammy terrorized Layla, forcing her to be with him. אל תסתירי את פניך. Don't hide your face. Don't hide your face. פתרון הבעיה היה בהישג יד. The resolution to the problem was close at hand. The solution to the problem was at hand. كان ذلك الضّجيج صاخبا. That noise was deafing. That noise was loud. توم شخص إجتماعي للغاية. Tom is such a social butterfly. Tom's a very social person. لديها ابن وابنة. She has a son and a daughter. She has a son and a daughter. كلبي سريع. My dog is fast. My dog is fast. אבוקדו עשיר בוויטמין E. Avocados are rich in vitamin E. Avocados are rich in vitamin E. سامي هو أملنا الوحيد. Sami is our only hope. Sammy is our only hope. تعيش جدتي وحدها. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. אני עייף. I'm tired. I'm tired. ידעתי את זה כבר זמן רב. I've known this for a long time. I've known that for a long time. למה טום לא רצה לבוא? Why didn't Tom want to come? Why didn't Tom want to come? ניסיתי לשכנע את מרי לא לעזוב. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. I tried to convince Mary not to leave. אני לא רוצה לדבר אתך. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. عنده ثلاثة أولاد. He has three sons. He has three children. هل يمكنك مساعدتي في العثور على توم؟ Could you help me find Tom? Can you help me find Tom? اذا كانت لدينا مشاكل مالية ، نستطيع دائماً الاستعانة بمدخراتنا. If we have money problems we can always dip into our savings. If we have financial problems, we can always use our savings. זה היה די לא נוח. It was rather uncomfortable. That was pretty uncomfortable. חַד, תְּרֵין, תְּלָתָה, אַרְבְּעָה, חַמְשָׁה, שִׁתָּה, שַׁבְעָה, תְּמָנְיָא, תִּשְׁעָה, עַסְרָה. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Tammania, nine, Asra. אתה נראה נרגש. You seem excited. You look excited. אני גר בריו. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio. توم عندو ماشينة تاع لا كريم. Tom has an ice cream machine. Tom has a machine that's not generous. כבר עשיתי סידורים. I've already made arrangements. I've already made arrangements. הרבה יוונים גרים בגרמניה. Many Greeks live in Germany. Many Greeks live in Germany. אני לא הולכת להתחתן עם טום. I'm not going to marry Tom. I'm not going to marry Tom. انتحرت عن عمر ينازه الثلاثين عاماً. She killed herself at the age of thirty. She committed suicide at the age of 30. لم يكن من الضروري القيام بذلك. There was no need to do that. It was not necessary to do so. التطورات الاخيرة في الدواء جديرة بالملاحظة Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent developments in medicine are noteworthy. عليك بمساعدته، و بسرعة. You have to help him, and quickly! You have to help him, quickly. למה להשתמש בזה? Why use it? Why use it? رؤية الدم جعلها تنفعل. The sight of blood made her excited. Seeing the blood made her nervous. אינך אשמה בתאונה. You are not to blame for the accident. You're not to blame for the accident. יש משהו בחדר שצריך לשטוף. There's something in the room that needs to be washed. There's something in the room that needs to be washed. ארצות הברית הכריזה רשמית על מצב חירום. The United States officially declared a state of emergency. The United States has officially declared a state of emergency. תום נראה לא נינוח ומעוצבן. Tom seems uncomfortable and annoyed. Tom was very uncomfortable and angry. זה רעל. That stuff is poison. It's poison. זה מובן שאתה מרוגז. It is natural that you should get angry. Of course you're upset. هو لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't my teacher. السكوت علامة عن الرضا. Silence gives consent. Silence is a sign of satisfaction. زيري غني. Ziri is wealthy. Ziri's rich. החיים הם חידה, והאהבה היא התשובה. Life is a riddle and love is the answer. Life is a riddle, and love is the answer. مليار شخص يتكلمون الإنجليزية. One billion people speak English. One billion people speak English. من هذه الفتاة؟ Who is this girl? Who's this girl? ספר לי איפה אתה גר. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. אתה עצמאי? Are you independent? Are you independent? كان زيري يسرق المال من الناس. Ziri stole cash from people. Ziri was stealing money from people. كان سامي نفسه أبا. Sami was a dad himself. Sam was a father himself. גיהקתי בקול. I burped loudly. I burped out loud. אתה לא מתכוון לאכול את זה? Aren't you going to eat it? You're not gonna eat that? أرسل سامي لعشيقته 3000 رسالة صوتيّة. Sami sent his mistress 3000 voice messages. Sammy sent his girlfriend 3,000 voicemails. נסעתי לטוקיו כדי לראות את טוני. I travelled to Tokyo to see Tony. I went to Tokyo to see Tony. كان لدينا ثلاث طائرات. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. הם שבו. They came back. They're seated. اقتفى زيري الآثار حتى وصل إلى الحوض. Ziri followed the trail up to a pond. Ziri followed the relics until he reached the aquarium. كان المدرّس يمشي حول القسم. The teacher went around the class. The teacher walked around the room. .Tom kan nsa lpaṛapelwi taɛ-u mala selleft-lu waḥed men ɛend-i Tom had forgotten his umbrella so I lent him one of mine. Tom can't help but think of a better way to go. لا يمكنني العيش من دون تلفاز. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without a TV. הציפורים מצייצות בקול גדול תוך מעופה מואצת. The birds chirp loudly while flying rapidly. The birds chirping in a loud voice while flying faster. בוא נדרבן את תום בקשר לזה. Let's bring Tom up to speed on this. Let's talk to Tom about it. هل تعرف إذا تتحدث الإنغليزية؟ Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if you speak English? هاذ الشاشيّة مخدومة في أستراليا. This hat was made in Australia. That's a sledgehammer in Australia. פרטים נוספים מוצגים להלן. Further details are presented below. More details are presented below. הוא לא התנגד בכלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. سامي يكره السّيجارة. Sami hates cigarettes. Sammy hates the cigarette. זה לא היה כל כך טוב. It wasn't all that great. It wasn't that good. القطط حيوانات في غاية النظافة. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are very clean animals. يتمثل عملهن في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their job is to beautify the artists. ቀጠሮው ከማን ጋር ነው? With whom is the appointment? Who's appointment is it with? אל תאכזב אותי כמו שעשית לפני כמה ימים. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't let me down like you did the other day. أعتقد أنكَ فكرتَ في ما كنتُ سأفكر فيه. I think you thought what I'm going to think. I think you thought about what I was going to think. אין לי שום אויב. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemy. טום אינו יכול לקנות מה שהוא רוצה לקנות מפני שאין לו די כסף. Tom can't buy what he wants to buy because he doesn't have enough money. Tom can't buy what he wants to buy because he doesn't have enough money. البحيرة بعيدة جداً عن هنا. The lake is a long way from here. The lake is far from here. אני סביר. I'm reasonable. I'm likely. אולי זה גורל. Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's fate. آمل ألّا يكون توم في إثرنا. I hope Tom isn't looking for us. I hope Tom isn't after us. טום נשאב לתוך זה. Tom got sucked into it. Tom was sucked into it. כוח ואחריות הולכים ביחד. Power and responsibility go hand in hand. Power and responsibility go together. אף מילה לאף אחד. Don't breathe a word of it to anyone. Not a word to anyone. אני חושב שהייתה לנו שנה טובה. I think we had a good year. I think we had a good year. توم وماري متشابهان كثيراً. Tom and Mary are a lot alike. Tom and Mary are very similar. مرة تانية. Once again. One more time. كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. זה לא יפריע לנו אם תצלם מבחוץ. It doesn't matter to us if you take a photo from the outside. It won't bother us if you take a picture from the outside. הם העלו נקודה יפה. They made a good point. They made a nice point. أعتقد أنك صائب. I think you're right. I think you're right. תום הלך לפתוח את הדלת אבל גילה שהיא כבר פתוחה. Tom went to unlock the door, but found that it was already unlocked. Tom went to open the door but found out it was already open. נא להודיע לי מה לעשות. Please advise me what to do. Please let me know what to do. زيري ليس بعيدا جدا عن ريمة. Ziri is not too far from Rima. Ziri's not too far from Reema. اطرد زيري. Fire Ziri. Fire Ziri. זה לא ארך יותר משלוש דקות. It didn't last more than three minutes. It didn't take more than three minutes. אני מקווה שהמשימה שלך באנגליה הצליחה. I hope your assignment in England was successful. I hope your mission in England has been successful. עליך להרים את קולך. You've got to speak up. You must raise your voice. תום החביא משהו מאחורי גבו. Tom was hiding something behind his back. Tom hid something behind his back. תום נכנס בהליכה. Tom walked inside. Tom walked in. בוא נקפוץ על ההזדמנות הזאת. Let's make a break for it. Let's jump at this opportunity. رأى سامي ذلك المنزل. Sami saw the house. Sammy saw that house. زيري مسلم. Ziri is Muslim. Ziri is Muslim. אן לא מצליחה למצוא עבודה. Ann can't find a job. Anne can't find a job. تقبّل زيري ذلك. Ziri accepted that. Ziri accepted that. أنا أسف جداً أنكَ لديكَ برد وأنكَ في السرير. أنا لعِبت مع ماري اليوم لبعض الوقت. آمل أنكَ غداً ستكون قادر على النهوض. أنا سعيد اليوم أن البرد الذي لدي تحسن. I am very sorry you have a cold and are in bed. I played with Mary today for a little while. I hope by tomorrow you will be able to be up. I am glad today that my cold is better. I'm so sorry you have a cold and you're in bed. I've been playing with Mary today for a while. I hope you'll be able to get up tomorrow. I'm happy today that my cold is getting better. اِنهالت بالبكاء. She began crying. She was crying. تدمر عشرة ملايين هكتار من الغابات القديمة أو تزال كل سنة. فكر بالبيئة رجاءً قبل طباعة هذه الرسالة. Ten million hectares of ancient forest are being cleared or destroyed every year. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Ten million hectares of old forest are destroyed or cleared every year. Please think about the environment before printing this letter. עותק זה שונה מהמקור. That copy differs from the original. This copy is different from the original. לאיזה סוג של בית ספר טום הולך? What kind of school does Tom go to? What kind of school does Tom go to? ليلى في سنّ الإنجاب. Layla is old enough to have children. Layla's of childbearing age. توم لم يسمح لميري بالدخول. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. Tom wouldn't let Mary in. הרומן הזה לא כל כך טוב כמו הרומן האחרון שלו. This novel isn't as good as his last one. This novel is not as good as his last. لقد شاهدت كل أفلامه I've seen all his movies. I've seen all his movies. הקבוצה התרשמה. The group was impressed. The team was impressed. وصل توم إلى المحطة متأخرا و لذا فاته القطار. Tom got to the station too late, so he missed the train. Tom arrived at the station late so he missed the train. هل كان الكتاب شيقاً؟ Was the book interesting? Was the book interesting? Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. زيري يعيش في الأدغال. Ziri lives in the jungle. Ziri lives in the bush. بكى منّاد. Mennad cried. He cried a handkerchief. إياك أن تخبرني، دعني أخمن. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Don't you tell me, let me guess. איך פתרת את הבעיה? How did you solve the problem? How did you solve the problem? كان زيري قريبا حقا من ريمة. Ziri was really close with Rima. Ziri was really close to Reema. הים סוער. The sea is rough. The sea is stormy. طوم صغير بشويّة برك على ماري. Tom is only a little older than Mary. Little Tom with a pool grill on Mary. היער בער במשך ימים. The forest burned for days. The forest burned for days. زيارة جميع المعالم السياحية حقاً ترهقني كثيراً . Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out. Visiting all the tourist attractions really takes me a long time. تبدأ الدراسة في أوروبا شهر سبتمبر. School starts in September in Europe. Studying in Europe begins in September. זה סיפור גדול. It's a great story. It's a big deal. תעיר את תום עכשיו. Wake Tom now. Wake up Tom now. لم يتعرّف سامي بتاتا على صوت ليلى. Sami didn't recognize Layla's voice at all. Sammy never recognized Layla's voice. أنا أعلّمهم السباحة. I'm teaching them to swim. I teach them to swim. אני אשטוף את הכלים כי את בישלת. I'll do the dishes, since you've cooked. I'll wash the dishes because you cooked. ژامي ما عندك لوقت ل حوايج امپۆرتانت! You never have time for important things! You don't have time for an EmpireTant! בואו נְתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used to it. متى قال زيري أن الفيلم سيُعرض؟ When did Ziri say that movie is playing? When did Ziri say the film would be released? החוד של המפתח נשבר. The tip of the key broke. The key's point is broken. يوجد كتاب عن الرقص على المنضدة . There's a book about dancing on the desk. There's a book about dancing on the table. איך אתה מעז לבקש עזרה ממני? How dare you ask me for help! How dare you ask me for help? دخل سامي تدريجيّا حياة ليلى. Sami drifted into Layla's life. Sammy gradually entered Layla's life. هل كان توم بحاراً؟ Was Tom a sailor? Was Tom a sailor? אתה ניצחת. You won. You won. הוא ניסה להרשים אותה. He tried to impress her. He tried to impress her. לאליס יש רגליים מהממות. Alice has stunning legs. Alice has gorgeous legs. ትፈልገዋለች። She wants him. She needs it. דנו על הבעיה. We discussed the problem. We discussed the problem. واصل زيري بحثه. Ziri continued his search. Ziri continued his search. זה מזויף? Is this fake? Is it fake? ماذا أفعل الآن؟ What should I do? What do I do now? הייתי חולה. I was ill. I was sick. بدت ليلى نعسانة. Layla seemed sleepy. Layla seemed sleepy. عليك أن تعتذر لها منه. You are to apologize to her for it. You have to apologize to her. دخل زيري المبنى. Ziri entered the building. Ziri entered the building. هل يوجد أي شيء أخر تريد أن تُخبرني به؟ Is there anything else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? המפלגה התפצלה לשתי סיעות עויינות. The party split into two warring factions. The party split into two hostile factions. ምስ ወለዱ ዓብዩ። He grew up with his parents. They grew up with their parents. افعله يا فاضل. Do it, Fadil. Do it, Fadel. نظر سامي حوله. Sami looked around. Sammy looked around. كلبي يأكل العنب. My dog eats grapes. My dog eats grapes. אף אחד לא אמר שהחיים הוגנים. Nobody said that life was fair. No one said life was fair. هل تحب أن تُشتَم؟ Do you love being insulted? Do you like to be insulted? كان زيري يخرج قمامته. Ziri was taking his trash out. Ziri was taking out his trash. رأى زيري امرأة تمشي في الغابة. Ziri saw a woman wandering around the forest. Ziri saw a woman walking in the woods. أبقى زيري النمر محجوزا في قفص. Ziri kept the leopard locked in a cage. I kept my tiger Ziri locked in a cage. عاد زيري للمنزل في منتصف الظهيرة محضرا معه شامبانيا. Ziri came home in the middle of the afternoon with champagne. Ziri came home in the middle of the afternoon and brought champagne. انخفضت الأسعار في سوق الأسهم اليوم. The stock market has dropped today. Prices have fallen in the stock market today. לטום יש פנס בעין. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a black eye. האם זה נכון? Is it true? Is that true? אני רוצה לקפוץ לנהר. I want to dive into the river. I want to jump into the river. أراد سامي أن يكون صديقا لنا. Sami wanted to be friends with us. Sammy wanted to be our friend. زمجر زيري. Ziri frowned. Ziger Ziri. ركض سامي إلى غرفة نومه بأقصى سرعة ممكنة. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. Sammy ran to his bedroom as fast as he could. אני חושבת שהוא אכל משהו כמו עשר צדפות. I think he ate about 10 oysters. I think he ate, like, ten oysters. زيري يستحق بقشيشا. Ziri should be given a tip. Ziri deserves a tip. أيمكنني الحصول على قطعة من تلك الكعكة؟ Could I get a little piece of that cake? Can I have a piece of that cake? איפה אבא שלי? Where is my dad? Where's my dad? אני יכול להביא לך משקה? Can I get you a drink, Tom? Can I get you a drink? אני הרגשתי ממש אותו הדבר. I had the exact same feeling. I felt exactly the same. أحدهم على الهاتف يريدك. You're wanted on the phone. Someone on the phone wants you. טיסה נגד הרוח היא עבודה קשה מאוד. Flying against a strong wind is very difficult. Flying against the wind is hard work. מבריק! Brilliant! Brilliant! هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. This is a real story. מה קרה עם היתר? What happened to the others? What happened with the rest? תרגיע. Calm down. Calm down. יש שם המון כסף. There is a lot of money. There's a lot of money in there. הוא היה לנטל על הוריו. He was a burden to his parents. He was a burden to his parents. استعارت ليلى مسدّسا من سامي. Layla borrowed a gun from Sami. Lily borrowed a gun from Sammy. أنا تلميذ. I'm a student. I'm a student. أنا آسف I am sorry. I'm sorry. איבדתי את דרכי ביער. I lost my way in the forest. I lost my way in the woods. היא נהנית לטבול באמבט חם. She enjoys soaking herself in a hot bath. She enjoys taking a hot bath. בואו נשתעשע! Let's have some fun. Let's have fun! اعملن معا. Work together. Work together. خرج زيري عن الموضوع. Ziri is digressing. Ziri got out of it. جربه يا زيري. Try it, Ziri. Try it, Zeri. ما هي الجُمل التي تفضلها ؟ What is your favorite sentence? Which camel do you prefer? אני בתוך חנות. I'm inside a store. I'm in a store. אני צמחוני שחזר לסורו. I am a lapsed vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian who's gone back. يبدو سامي مثلك. Sami looks like you. Sammy looks like you. ما هي أكثر جملة تفضل؟ What is your favorite sentence? Which phrase do you prefer the most? את דקדקנית. You're finicky. You're meticulous. يجب أن تتم هذا التقرير قبل يوم الأثنين. You must have the report done by Monday. This report must be completed by Monday. הם התפעלו מהנוף הנשקף מהגבעה. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They were admiring the view from the hill. באותם ימים הייתי תינוק. I was a baby in those days. In those days I was a baby. قام فاضل بتنزيه الكلب. Fadil walked the dog. Fadhel teased the dog. תום מוכרח לברר את זה בעצמו. Tom has got to sort it out himself. Tom has to find out for himself. هي تأخذ مسافات. She takes distances. She's taking distances. على أية حال، ليس ذاك بالشيء المهم. Either way, it's not important. Anyway, that's not a big deal. الرائحة من مميزات الثوم. The smell is characteristic of garlic. The smell of garlic. تذهب زوجته معه أينما ذهب. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. هل تعتقد أنه قام بالعمل وحده؟ Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he did it alone? פתאום מכתבים התחילו להעלם מתיבת הדואר האלקטרוני שלי. Emails have started suddenly disappearing from my inbox. Suddenly letters began to disappear from my e-mail box. מִקְדָּשׁ שֵׁנִי מִפְּנֵי מָה חָרַב? מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהָיְתָה בּוֹ שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם. Why was the Second Temple destroyed? Because there was baseless hatred in it. A second sanctuary because of what's ruined? Because there was hatred in it for nothing. לפעמים כואבת לי הבטן. I sometimes have pain in my stomach. Sometimes my stomach hurts. אני מתערבת שאין לטום שום תוכניות. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. مات سامي بحادثة. Sami died accidentally. Sammy died in an accident. ስራሕ እደሊ ኣሎኹ። I'm looking for work. I want a job. أعددت لك قليلا من الحساء. I'll make some broth for you. I made you a little soup. زيري قذر. Ziri is dirty. Zeri's dirty. העתיד היה טוב יותר פעם. The future was better before. The future was better once. אני יודעת שאתה אוהב אותי. I know you love me. I know you love me. האהבה היא עיוורת אבל הקנאה יכולה לראות אפילו דברים דמיוניים. Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things. Love is blind but jealousy can see even imaginary things. رجاء اهتم بأمورك. Kindly mind your own business. Please take care of yourself. درس زيري بجد أكبر. Ziri studied harder. Ziri studied harder. اطلقت القوات الإسرائيلية النار على الجسر. Israeli troops fired on the bridge. Israeli forces opened fire on the bridge. אני נותן לך כל דבר שאתה מבקש, אבל לא נראה שאתה אי פעם מרוצה. I give you everything you ask for, but you never seem satisfied. I give you everything you ask for, but you don't seem to ever be satisfied. أخذت تبكي. I began to cry. I was crying. ሙት አይደለሁም። I'm not dead. I'm not dead. توم عزف سوناتة ضوء القمر على البيانو Tom played Moonlight Sonata on the piano. Tom playing the moonlight sonata on the piano خَطهُ رديء. His handwriting is poor. His plan sucks. كان زيري يغنّي. Ziri sang. Ziri was singing. רק תסתלק. Just go away. Just get out. עדיין אתה לא משוכנע? Are you still not convinced? Still not convinced? حصل الطلاب على منحة دراسية قيمتها 15,000 يورو لرحلة العودة ومصاريفهم اليومية. The students receive a 15,000 euro scholarship for their return trip and daily expenses. Students received a scholarship of <0xE2><0x82><0xAC>15,000 for the return trip and their daily expenses. תום קפץ למים הקפואים. Tom jumped into the freezing water. Tom jumped into the frozen water. كنا متأكدين. We were sure. We were sure. הגעתי מאוחר משום שאחרתי לאוטובוס. I came late because I missed the bus. I arrived late because I was late for the bus. وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. An apple fell when I opened the refrigerator door. המיטה של תום ריקה. Tom's bed's empty. Tom's bed is empty. زيري قاس. Ziri is tough. Zeri's tough. ماذا حدث لي يا رفاق؟ What happened to me, guys? What happened to me, guys? اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. עיני טום נפקחו. Tom's eyes opened. Tom's eyes are open. كان سامي راغبا في أن تبقى ليلى بعيدة عن فريد. Sami wanted Layla to stay away from Farid. Sammy was willing to keep Layla away from Fred. أكل زيري السّمك. Ziri ate fish. My porridge ate the fish. נא לצאת מיד. Please leave right away. Please leave immediately. תלבש את המעיל. Put on your coat. Put your coat on. אף הר ברחבי תבל לא גבוה יותר מהאוורסט. No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest. No mountain on Earth is higher than Everest. הוא מעריך את התרבות היפנית. He appreciates Japanese culture. He appreciates Japanese culture. واصل جوناس الصراخ. Jonas continued screaming. Jonas continued to scream. לא היה להם מושג לְמה לצפות. They had no idea what to expect. They had no idea what to expect. אני הייתי צריך ספרים כדי ללמוד אנגלית. I was in need of books to learn English. I needed books to learn English. טום שונא אותי. Tom hates me. Tom hates me. اهدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّين . Guide us to the straight path – the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger or of those who are astray. You have shown us the right way to live. It is something that will help those who are not Jews but are now living in sin. אני מודה בטעות. I admit my mistake. I'm admitting an error. عندي مشاكل. I have problems. I have problems. مهما قلت فإنه سيبكيها. Whatever you say will set her off crying. Whatever you say, he'll cry it out. على زيري غرس بعض الأشجار. Ziri has to plant some trees. My father planted some trees. سامي ينام هنا. Sami sleeps here. Sammy's sleeping here. הייתי אומר כן. I would have said yes. I'd say yes. בוא לבד. Come alone. Come alone. هناكَ شرخٌ في الكوب لذلك فإن المحتويات تتسرب. There's a crack in the cup so the contents are leaking. There's a crack in the cup, so the contents are leaking. أعلم أن خبزها سيكون لذيذا. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know her bread will be delicious. ارتدي معطفك . Wear your coat. Put your coat on. האם הצמידה את תינוקה לחזה. The mother clasped her baby to her breast. The mother pinned her baby to the chest. الآن، بإمكان الشركة أن تبرر هذه المصاريف. Now the company can justify such expenditure. Now, the company can justify these expenses. سيقضي سامي بقيّة حياته في السّجن. Sami will spend the remainder of his life in jail. Sammy's gonna spend the rest of his life in jail. إنه والدي. He's my father. He's my father. ابتعد زيري. Ziri moved away. Get away, Ziri. حقاَ ! Duh. Oh, yeah! أنت أدنى مني منزلة. You are inferior to me. You're inferior to me. בוקר טוב! Good morning. Good morning! הקווים הכחולים על המפה מסמלים נהרות. The blue lines on the map represent rivers. The blue lines on the map represent rivers. من سيعتني بزيري؟ Who's going to take care of Ziri? Who's gonna take care of my brother? תום קצת מזועזע. Tom is a little shocked. Tom was a bit shocked. كان زيري يتحدّث. Ziri was speaking. Ziri was talking. بيرو هي ثالث دول أمريكا الجنوبية مساحةً بعد البرازيل والأرجنتين. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. ابن ثقتك في نفسك. Build your confidence. Build your confidence in yourself. הנוף היה שטוח ומשמים. The landscape was flat and monotonous. The view was flat and sunny. تعال معنا. Come with us. Come with us. תום הגיש את קערת הפופקורן בחמאה למרי. Tom handed the bowl of buttered popcorn to Mary. Tom served the bowl of buttered popcorn to Mary. אדוני הנכבד, נא למלא את הטופס. Sir, please fill out this form. Your Honor, please fill out the form. יש לי הרבה דברים לעשות. I have many things to do. I have a lot of things to do. עדיין לא בשלה בי ההחלטה. I still haven't decided yet. I'm not ready to make the decision yet. איך העבודה שלך? How's your job? How's your job? את האחת. You are the one. You're the one. እኔ ከቶክዮ ነኝ። I'm from Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. אילו סיפר לי את האמת, היתי סולח לו. If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. מעולם לא הייתי טוב מאד במתמטיקה. I never was very good at math. I've never been very good at math. بيونسي و جاي زي سمّيا لابنتهما بلو أيفي. Beyoncé and Jay-Z called their daughter Blue Ivy. Beyonc<0xC3><0xA9> and Jay-Z named their daughter Blue Ivy. الزُجاجة على الرف العُلوي. The bottle is on the upper shelf. The glass is on the top shelf. תום הודה שהוא גנב את הכסף. Tom admitted that he had stolen the money. Tom admitted he stole the money. أنت لم تعمل بما فيه الكفاية. You didn't work hard enough. You haven't worked enough. أظنه يختلف حين تفكر فيه على المدى البعيد. I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. I think it's different when you think about it in the long run. عبس زيري. Ziri frowned. Abs Ziri. הסמוראי כרת את ראשו של היריב באִבְחָה חדה. The samurai decapitated his opponent in one fell swoop. The samurai cut off the opponent's head in a sharp embrace. سامي مقتنع أنّ الجميع يكرهه. Sami is convinced that everybody hates him. Sammy is convinced that everyone hates him. מה התוצאה? What's the score? What's the score? مصر مش بس أهرامات. There is more to Egypt than just pyramids. Egypt is nothing but pyramids. حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. Sammy investigated Lily's past. אנו יכולים כל בוקר לשמוע את שעון הכנסיה. We can hear the church bell every morning. We can hear the church clock every morning. بعض الأحيان لا أسطتيع فهم أبي عندما يتكلم مع جدي وجدّتي. Sometimes, I don't understand my dad when he talks to my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I can't understand my father when he talks to my grandparents. עשינו תגלית מדהימה. We've made a shocking discovery. We made an amazing discovery. كان من الخطأ رفض مساعدته. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was wrong to refuse to help him. دعينا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. חשתי מבוכה. I felt confused. I felt embarrassed. كانت ريمة وحدها. Rima was alone. Rima was alone. واصل زيري الركض. Ziri continued running. Ziri kept running. אז מה קורה לגיבור בסוף? So what happens to the protagonist at the end? What happens to the hero in the end? كم كلّفت التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost? How much did the tickets cost? ما نقدرش نعيش بلا لاتالا. I can't live without a TV. What we do is we live in Latala. يبدو زيري مجنونا. Ziri sounds crazy. Ziri seems crazy. X'ħin hu? What's the time? What time is it? קרעתי רצועה בברך והייתי זקוק לניתוח. I tore a ligament in my knee and had to have surgery. I tore a ligament in my knee and needed surgery. זה לא נשמע כמוה. It doesn't sound like her. That doesn't sound like her. كيف حال الجميع؟ How is everyone? How's everybody doing? زرت طوني البارحة. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony last night. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. This dictionary is better than that. كان زيري يأكل. Ziri was eating. Ziri was eating. אל תחזור שוב על אותה טעות. Don't make the same mistake again. Don't make the same mistake again. טום שמח לעבוד בגן. Tom was happy working in the garden. Tom is happy to work in the garden. هل لي أن أساعدك؟ May I help you? May I help you? אני חושש שהסיכויים ירדו קצת. I'm afraid the odds will go down a bit. I'm afraid the odds are down a little. Berlin hija l-belt kapitali Ġermaniża. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the capital of Germany. أعادت الشّرطة فتح القضيّة عام 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. Police reopened the case in 2006. עצור אותם. Stop them. Stop them. لم يكن توم متأكداً مما إذا كان عليه تقبيل ماري أم لا ، لذا لم يفعل. Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom wasn’t sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn’t. ركبت سيارة أجرة من المطار إلى منزل نوجة. I have taken a taxi from the airport to Nuja's house. I took a taxi from the airport to Nougat’s house. לא, אני לא מכיר אותו. כמובן, אני יודע מי הוא אבל אני לא מכיר אותו אישית. No, I don't know him. Of course, I know who he is, but I'm not personally acquainted with him. Of course, I know who he is but I don't know him personally. هذه نكتة. This is a joke. That's a joke. راح نهدر مْعا الشيخ. I'll speak with the teacher. Let’s go with the Sheik. אני סבורה שהוא צודק. I think he is right. I think he's right. התכנית היתה מלאכת מחשבת של הונאה. The plan was a masterpiece of fraud. The plan was a craft of deception. أعرفه. I know him. I know him. أنت تأكل اللحم. You are eating meat. You eat meat. הוא ישב, וסביבו התלמידים. He was sitting surrounded by the students. He sat down, and the students were around him. מתי תבואי הביתה? When will you come home? When are you coming home? هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ الطاولة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. גמור את שיעורי הבית כמה שיותר מוקדם. Get your homework done as soon as you can. Do your homework as early as possible. شكراً جزيلاً! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! הרימו ידיים! Raise your hands! Hands up! אתה חיב לשלוח את התשובה למכתב מיד. You must send the answer to the letter right away. You must send the answer to the letter immediately. التقى زيري بريمة. Ziri met Rima. He met Ziri Prima. כמה מזל יש לך! How lucky you are! How lucky you are! הוא תמיד שומר על קור רוח. He is always cool. He's always keeping his cool. תום אכל מהר. Tom ate quickly. Tom ate fast. هذه هديّة لفاضل لنرحّب به في أسرتنا. It's a gift for Fadil to welcome him into the family. This is a gift for Fadel to welcome into our family. לקרוא לאמבולנס? Should you call an ambulance? Call an ambulance? אינני בטוחה מה תום מתכוון. I'm not sure what Tom means. I'm not sure what Tom means. أين الكتب؟ Where is the book? Where are the books? نادراً ما تبتسم نانسي. Nancy seldom smiles. Nancy rarely smiles. ساق زيري. Ziri drove. Ziri's leg. كان سامي مسيحيّا قبل أن يعتنق الإسلام. Before his conversion to Islam, Sami was Christian. Sami was a Christian before he converted to Islam. هل أنت مدخنة؟ Are you a smoker? Are you a smoker? לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. לא הייתי צריך לשאול את הפטיש של טום. I shouldn't have borrowed Tom's hammer. I shouldn't have borrowed Tom's hammer. كان لدى زيري شعور غريب. Ziri felt weird. Ziri had a strange feeling. אנחנו די דומים. We're quite similar. We're pretty much alike. עשיתי הרבה שגיאות מטופשות. I've made a lot of stupid mistakes. I made a lot of stupid mistakes. لا يحب أحداً الحرب. No one loves war. No one likes war. سمع زيري صفارات سيارات الشرطة من بعيد. Ziri heard police sirens in the distance. Ziri heard the sirens of the police cars from afar. תום ניזוק במוחו. Tom is brain damaged. Tom was brain-damaged. احتاج فاضل لممارسة العربيّة مع ناطقين أصليّين. Fadil needed to practise Arabic with native speakers. I need Fadil to practice Arabic with native speakers. כמה זמן יש לנו עדיין? How much longer do we have? How much time do we still have? זה סרט פורנו. The movie is X-rated. It's a porno. ذهب سامي في عطلة. Sami went on vacation. Sammy went on vacation. האם זה רחוק? Is it far away? Is that far away? اعتذر زيري للزابون. Ziri apologized to the customer. I apologize to the customer. הוא נתן תשר כאות הוקרת תודה. He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude. He gave a thank-you note. متىَ أتيتِ؟ When did you come? When did you come? ما فيش وقت نضيعو. There is no time to be lost. There's no time to waste. بعض الأحيان أضطر لذهاب مشيا على الأقدام Sometimes I happen to go on foot. Sometimes I have to walk. زيري يسبح بمفرده. Ziri swims alone. Ziri swims alone. كانت ليلى تنتظر في الظّلام. Layla was waiting in the darkness. Lily was waiting in the dark. كان سامي يعيش في مجمّع مسوّر. Sami lived in a gated community. Sammy was living in a fenced-in compound. Ziri għereq. Ziri drowned. Ziri drowned. زيري يحب الكوكتالات. Ziri loves cocktails. Ziri likes cocktails. ماذا؟ لا أستطيع سماعكم أيها الرفاق. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you guys. היא פחדה לחצות את הרחוב. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. אל תלך לשם עכשיו. Don't go there now. Don't go there now. تعرّض زيري لإصابة. Ziri got hurt. Ziri was injured. באופן היסטורי, המפרץ הפרסי שייך לאירן. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. لم يسبق لنا و أن قمنا بهذا من قبل. We have never done it before. We've never done this before. كيف جرى الأمر؟ How did it go? How'd it go? أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. The game was cancelled due to a change in weather. أعتذر لعدم الرد عليك أبكر. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I'm sorry I didn't answer you sooner. לא אראה אותו לעולם. I'll never see him again. I'll never see him again. תום בעל עסק למכוניות. Tom owns a car dealership. Tom owns a car business. ماذا طبختن؟ What have you cooked? What did you cook? أنقذت حياتي. She saved my life. You saved my life. הילדים יתעוררו אם תעשה רעש. The children will wake up if you make noise. The kids will wake up if you make a noise. تبرع باموالك الى الفقراء وسوف تمتلك كنز فى الجنة Donate your money to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven. Donate your money to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. كان زيري سريعا. Ziri was quick. Ziri was quick. يمكن للجميع أن يشارك. Everyone is free to contribute. Everyone can participate. أين المخرج؟ Where's the exit? Where's the exit? אחי מדבר מהר מאוד. My brother speaks very fast. My brother speaks very quickly. חייתי את רוב חיי בשפלה, היכן שגבעות ועצים הם מצרך נדיר. I've lived most of my life in the plains where trees and hills are scarce. I have lived most of my life in the lowlands, where hills and trees are a rare commodity. האם שמעת את זה? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? המראה מפסגת ההר היה עוצר נשימה. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? What's the price of this hat? فرضت ليلى الكثير من القيود الدّينيّة على أولادها. Layla placed many religious restrictions on her children. Laila has imposed many religious restrictions on her children. אנא הגבילו את המצגת שלכם לשלושים דקות. Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes. Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes. האם חיות אוכלות תפוזים? Do animals eat oranges? Do animals eat oranges? ابتعد عن طريقي يا فتى. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, boy. ناقشنا الخطة معه. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. لا أعرف أين توجد نظاراتي الشمسية I don't know where my sunglasses are. I don't know where my sunglasses are. איבדתי את ילדיי בהמון האדם שהמתין לאונייה האחרונה בדרך אל החופש. I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom. I lost my children in the crowd of people waiting for the last ship on the way to freedom. תוכל להראות לי את הדרך לספריה? Can you tell me the way to the library? Can you show me the way to the library? אני ג'נדרקוויר. I'm genderqueer. I'm Gendraquier. زيري يحسن السّباحة. Ziri can swim. Ziri improves swimming. החלטת החלטה טובה. You made a good decision. You made a good decision. אני לא יודע כלום עליו. I don't know anything about it. I don't know anything about him. אני סתם מתעלם מתום. I just ignore Tom. I'm just ignoring Tom. חשבתי שהכל נגמר. I thought it was all over. I thought it was all over. החולה נראתה בריאה. The patient seemed to be healthy. The patient looked healthy. עדויות רבות מספרות על כך שהוא היה אדם מאוד עצבני כול חייו. Many testimonies say that he was a very angry person his whole life. A lot of evidence tells us that he was a very angry man all his life. انتقل زيري مجددا إلى ذلك المنزل. Ziri moved back into the house. Ziri moved back into that house. אתה לא צריך לשכנע אותי. You don't need to convince me. You don't have to convince me. תום עושה עבודה טובה. Tom does good work. Tom is doing a good job. سألتني سؤالاً. She asked me a question. You asked me a question. הרומן הזה משעמם. This novel is boring. This novel is boring. نجى زيري. Ziri lived. Ziri survived. תום היסס להרוג את הכלב הנגוע. Tom hesitated to kill the infected dog. Tom hesitated to kill the infected dog. مفاصلي تؤلمني. My joints ache. My joints hurt. מסתבר שזאת האמת לאמיתה. It happens to be the truth. Turns out that's the real truth. على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, this doesn't concern you. תודה שנזכרתם. Thank you for remembering. Thank you for remembering. תחנת הכוח יצאה מכלל שימוש בגלל הטכנולוגיה המיושנת שלה. The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology. The power plant is out of use because of its outdated technology. למה אתה לבד? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? ሴት ነኝ። I'm a woman. I am a woman. يمكن لتوم توضيح ذلك. Tom could explain that. Tom can explain that. לא ידעתי שאתה ותום קרובים. I didn't know you and Tom were related. I didn't know you and Tom were close. תן לי הזדמנות שנייה. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. את נראית אדישה. You seem unconcerned. You seem indifferent. كان زيري يراقب الطيور. Ziri watched birds. He was watching the birds. برشاقة القطّ، قفز نحو الرّف لكنّه أخفق و سقط إلى الأرض. With cat-like grace he leapt toward the ledge, missed it and fell to the ground below. With the cat's agility, he jumped to the shelf but failed and fell to the ground. راقب الجزء الخلفي . ساراقب انا الجزء الامامي. Watch the rear. I'll watch the front. Watch the back. I'll watch the front. من الذى ترجم القرآن إلى العبرية؟ Who translated the Quran in Hebrew? Who translated the Qur’an into Hebrew? הוא העניק לה בובה. He presented her with a doll. He gave her a doll. إنه سريع الكلام. He is a fast speaker. He's quick to talk. הוא גרוע בכימיה. He is poor at chemistry. He's bad at chemistry. سامي يتسوّق. Sami is shopping. Sammy's shopping. نفضّل فندق قْريب للمطار. I'd prefer a hotel close to the airport. We prefer a hotel close to the airport. متى سترجع إلى المنزل؟ When will you come home? When are you coming home? انقاذ الجنس البشري يبدأ بالعائلة. The salvation of human race starts with the family. Saving the human race starts with family. لا أحب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. עכבישים מפחידים אותי. Spiders scare me. Spiders scare me. יש לנו שלושה כלבים, אחד לבן ושניים שחורים. We have three dogs, one white and two black. We have three dogs, one white and two black. אתמול פגשתי באוטובוס באופן בלתי צפוי חבר ותיק. I unexpectedly met an old friend of mine on the bus yesterday. Yesterday I met an old friend on the bus unexpectedly. لن يستطيع أن يدرس من شدة التعب. He is too tired to study. He will not be able to study from the intensity of fatigue. تمتعنا بالسباحة في النهر. We enjoyed swimming in the river. We enjoyed swimming in the river. إنَّها تَعتَقِدُ أنَّهَا أعْلَمْ. She thinks she knows best. She thinks she knows. תום לא זיהה איש בתצלום. Tom didn't recognize anyone in the photo. Tom didn’t recognize anyone in the photo. الرجاء فتح حقيبتك. Please open your suitcase. Please open your bag. هل شاهد أحدٌ ذلك الفِلم؟ Has anyone seen that movie? Has anyone seen that movie? أنا لست أحمقا، أليس كذلك؟ I'm not stupid, am I? I'm not an idiot, am I? יאני הסכים. Yanni agreed. Yanni agreed. אינני מוכן עדיין. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. היא מתה מסיבות טבעיות. She died of natural causes. She died of natural causes. אל תמהר. Take your time. Don't be in a hurry. התנהגות לא נאותה מובילה לפשע: שורשי שניהם נעוצים בחוסר התחשבות בזולת. Bad manners shade imperceptibly into crime: both have their roots in an absence of concern for others. Inappropriate behavior leads to crime: the roots of both are indifference to others. لا أريد أن أخسركَ. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. يا رجل, إذا لم يكن الأكبر, فبالتأكيد هو أخطر الحيوانات المفترسة. إنه يقتل من أجل المتعة. Man, if he is not the largest, is certainly the most dangerous of ferocious animals. He kills for pleasure. Man, if he's not the oldest, he's definitely the most dangerous predator. يقطن سامي في منطقة بعيدة من البلد. Sami lives in a remote part of the country. Sami lives in a remote part of the country. السيارات وصلت واحدة تلو الأُخرى. Cars arrived there one after another. The cars came one by one. השר אישר את תכניות הבינוי. The minister approved the building plans. The Minister approved the construction plans. هل تتذكر؟ Do you remember? Do you remember? אני מורה עכשיו. I'm a teacher now. I'm a teacher now. فقد زيري عقله. Ziri lost his mind. Ziri lost his mind. قلّل سامي من احترام ليلى. Sami disrespected Layla. Sammy disrespected Layla. אני מעצבן אותך לפעמים? Do I annoy you sometimes? Do I ever piss you off? הייתי בטירוף חושים. I was ecstatic. I was insane. عن ماذا سأكتب اليوم؟ What should I write about today? What am I going to write about today? جلس زيري هنا. Ziri sat here. Ziri sat here. תום משליך אבנים לעבר הציפורים. Tom is throwing stones at birds. Tom throws stones at the birds. كان زيري يتدرب باستمرار. Ziri trained consistently. Ziri was constantly training. לקצב הזה יש את הבשר הטוב ביותר. This butcher has the best meat. That butcher has the best meat. ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? What do you want to order? ליוויתי אותה בטיול הרגלי. I accompanied her on a walk. I accompanied her on a walk. ראיתי אותה מטיילת בחצות בפארק. I saw her taking a walk in the park at midnight. I saw her walking around the park at midnight. سأحاول وضع أفكاري في كتاب. I'll try to shape my ideas into a book. I will try to put my thoughts into a book. ذهب إلى لندن لتعلم الإنجليزية. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. לאשתי הרגל מוזר לסחוב בוחטות נייר טואלט מבתי שימוש ציבוריים. My wife has the strange habit of pilfering wads of toilet paper from public restrooms. My wife has a weird habit of carrying toilet paper from public toilets. እቲ ማዕበል ኣብ ገምገም ጸፍዒ ይፈጥር ነይሩ፣ ባህ ዘብል ትርኢት እዩ። The waves were crashing on the shore; it was a lovely sight. For the storm was at the side of the cliff, so that it was like a waterfall. إنها ساعة متأخرة. It's late. It's late. אף אחד לא מאושר. Nobody's happy. No one's happy. أريد الإجابةَ على السؤال الأخير أولاً. I want to answer the last question first. I want to answer the last question first. في أي سن بدأت عندك الدورة الشهرية؟ At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you start your period? حاول سامي أن يبني حياة مثاليّة لنفسه و لأسرته. Sami tried to make a picture perfect-life for himself and his family. Sammy tried to build a perfect life for himself and his family. הכרחתי אותו ללכת. I forced him to go. I made him go. אנחנו לעתים קרובות שומעים אותך שרה. We often hear you sing. We often hear you sing. אל תחתום על החוזה בעפרון. Don't sign the contract with a pencil. Don't sign the pencil contract. لم يقدر سامي على تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't stand that noise. האיש התוודה לבסוף. The man finally confessed. The man finally confessed. راه يهدَر مْعاهم بالأمازيغية. He's talking to them in Berber. He saw them wasting away with Amazigh. أخبرتني ذلك بنفسك. You told me so yourself. You told me so yourself. لقد زار زيري كل هذه الغابات من قبل. Ziri has been all throughout those forests before. Ziri has visited all these forests before. אני רוצה לחזור לכאן בשנה הבאה. I want to come back here next year. I want to come back here next year. אמש היה קר באופן יוצא דופן. Last night was exceptionally cold. Last night was unusually cold. איש לא הולך לשום מקום. Nobody's going anywhere. Nobody's going anywhere. האם שפעת העופות נמוגה? Is the bird flu eradicated? Is the bird flu gone? أنت تقف في طريقي. You are in my way. You're standing in my way. عُد إلى منزلِك. Go back to your house. Go back to your house. كان سامي يتحرّك. Sami was moving. Sammy was moving. زيري تحت تأثير المخدّرات. Ziri is high. My brother's on drugs. מי הסופר? Who's the author? Who's the writer? זה מפתיע ביותר. This is very surprising. That's very surprising. הוא היה אמיץ. He was brave. He was brave. אני מקווה שזה יכול לקרות עכשיו. I'm hopeful that can happen now. I hope it can happen now. لم لم تردّ على رسالتي الهاتفيّة؟ Why didn't you text me back? Why didn't you answer my phone? سأنتقل الشهر التالي. I'm going to move next month. I'll move next month. الجدة ذهبت الي السوق لشراء طعام للأسرة. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family. انفجرت العجلة و تعرض غونتر لحادث. The tire punctured and Gunter crashed. The wheel exploded and G<0xC3><0xBC>nther was in an accident. هو الآن في المستشفى. He is in the hospital at present. He's in the hospital now. قتل سامي ليلى. Sami took Layla's life. He killed Sammy Leila. لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل من مركز البريد. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send messages from the post office. האם זה המקום בו ארעה התאונה? Is this the place where the accident happened? Is this where the accident happened? קברתי את כלבי בבית הקברות לחיות מחמד. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in a pet cemetery. هل تعارض التدخين؟ Do you object to smoking? Are you against smoking? אני חושבת שאנו חייבים לתום התנצלות. I think we owe Tom an apology. I think we owe Tom an apology. حتى الأطفال بإمكانهم قراءة هذا الكتاب. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. الشيء الوحيد الذي ندم عليه فاضل هو إلقاء القبض عليه. The only remorse Fadil showed was for the fact he was caught. The only thing I regret is his arrest. בואו נתחיל, בכל מקרה. Let's get started anyway. Let's get started, anyway. תן לי הזדמנות! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! هل سبق أن ذهبت إلى أمريكا؟ Have you ever been to America? Have you ever been to America? היא נעדרה מבית הספר לחמישה ימים. She has been absent from school for five days. She was out of school for five days. مايكل بحاجة لكلية. Michael needs a kidney. Michael needs a kidney. لا تبذر مالك في شراء أشياء لست بحاجة إليها. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don’t waste your money buying things you don’t need. כולם צפו בתום בזהירות. Everyone watched Tom carefully. Everyone watched Tom carefully. زيري بحاجة للفيتامينات. Ziri needs vitamins. Ziri needs vitamins. هناك المشكلة، دبابة المياه المجارية تَفِيضُ. There's a problem; the sewage tank is overflowing. There's the problem, the water tank drains. אתה חייב להגיד את זה בצורה ברורה. You have to say it clearly. You have to say it clearly. האם זה שחקן? Is this an actor? Is it an actor? היא בחרה כובע שיתאים לשמלה החדשה שלה. She selected a hat to match her new dress. She chose a hat to fit her new dress. הילדה הפנתה את גבה לגבר. The girl turned her back to the man. The girl turned her back on the man. الم یکن هذا واضحا؟ Was that not clear? Wasn't that obvious? كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy that Lily was out of his life. אני חש קודח. I feel feverish. I feel feverish. יופי! Fine! Oh, good! זה כנראה חשוב. This must be important. It's probably important. لنذهب بالحافلة. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. תלמדו את שפתכם. Learn your language. Learn your language. טום לא יוכל להיות שוטר. Tom won't be able to become a policeman. Tom can't be a cop. كانوا واقفين في صفّ. They were standing in a line. They were standing in line. توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار. I always liked mysterious characters more. Tucour loved Cutter Liparsianagh to me about the ominous Mystar. أنت تعلَمُ جيّدا ما تُريدُهُ هيَ. You know very well what she wants. You know very well what she wants. أهلاً بعودتك. لقد اشتقنا إليك! Welcome back. We missed you. Welcome back. We missed you! قال سامي أنّه لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami said that he didn't like Muslims. Sammy said he doesn't like Muslims. תקן את המשפטים הבאים. Correct the following sentences. Correct the following sentences. نحن آسفون جداً We're very sorry. We're so sorry. אתה לא יכול לקרוא את הרומן הזה בלי להתייפח. You cannot read this novel without crying. You can't read this novel without sobbing. האוכל כאן מצוין. The food here is excellent. The food here is great. هذا الحلم سَيَتَحَقَّق. This dream will come true. This dream will come true. אח שלי מחזיק בידו מצלמה. My brother is holding a camera in his hand. My brother has a camera in his hand. خنق سامي ليلى بواسطة وسادة. Sami smothered Layla with a pillow. Sammy Layla was strangled by a pillow. استمتع زيري بإخراج ذلك الفيلم. Ziri had fun making that movie. I enjoyed making that movie. אני לא יכולה לטפל בכך כרגע. I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle this right now. هل لديك حذاءً بحجم قدمي؟ Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have shoes the size of my feet? احترق سامي بينما كان في غيبوبة. Sami was burned while he was in a coma. Sammy was burned while he was in a coma. لقد وعدتني. You promised me. You promised. أثق بك. I trust you. I trust you. זאת מכונית קטנה נהדרת. It's a great little car. It's a great little car. وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived the moment I left. أين الألم؟ Where is the pain? Where's the pain? לך ועשה מה שברצונך. Go do as you like. Go and do what you want. كان مارك يميل للجشع. Mark tended to act with greed. Mark was greedy. אנ לא רוצה שמישהו יראה את זה. I don't want anyone to see it. I don't want anyone to see it. תן לי לאכול במנוחה בבקשה. Let me eat in peace, please. Let me eat, please. אני לא מבין למה פיצה פפרוני כל כך פופולרית. I don't understand why pepperoni pizza is so popular. I don't understand why pepperoni pizza is so popular. הוא חסם את הדרך בפניי. He blocked my way. He blocked the way in front of me. אני אקשיב לך, במיוחד כשאנחנו לא מסכימים. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. I'll listen to you, especially when we disagree. رنّ الهاتف لكن لم يجب أحد. The phone rang, but nobody answered it. The phone rang, but no one answered. כמה זמן הם חיו באנגליה? How long did they live in England? How long did they live in England? أجبته تلقائياً عندما سمعت اسمي. I replied automatically when I heard my name. I answered it automatically when I heard my name. رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. The teachers welcomed the little boy. לא תדעו אפילו שאני נמצא שם. You won't even know I'm there. You won't even know I'm there. אני יכולה לראות את המגדל מהמקום בו אני עומדת. I can see the tower from where I stand. I can see the tower from where I stand. הפגישה היתה ארוכה היום. The meeting was long today. The meeting was long today. هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أنا وأنت أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when you and I first met? Do you remember the day you and I first met? سيقتلني توم إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom would kill me if he knew I told you that. אני חושב לחזור לדיאטה אחרי החגים. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I'm thinking about going back to the diet after the holidays. سأغادر المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. האם אתה שוקל פחות? Have you lost weight? Do you weigh less? אני הולך מהר. I walk fast. I'm going fast. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك, أنا سأذهب بنفسي. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. نحتاج قواعد! We need rules! We need rules! واضح أنّه مذنب. Clearly, he's guilty. He's clearly guilty. أوقف ذلك Stop that. Stop it. באמת אהבתי אותך. I really loved you. I really loved you. ستعطيني بطانية إضافية. She'll give one more carpet to me. You're gonna give me an extra blanket. هل أخبرت سارة؟ Did you tell Sarah? Did you tell Sarah? هناك نافذة على يسارك. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. الجزائر بحاجة إلى الزراعة. Algeria needs agriculture. Algeria needs agriculture. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. I'm from England. اعتقد انه كان من الخطأ أنك لم تأخذ بنصيحتي. I think it was a mistake that you didn't take my advice. I think it was wrong that you didn't take my advice. اضطر زيري لأخذ أمه للمستشفى. Ziri had to take his mother to the hospital. Ziri had to take his mother to the hospital. טום הוא אדם ממוצע. Tom is average. Tom is an average person. זאת היהירות האיומה שלך שעושה אותך בלתי נסבל לחלוטין. It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable. It's your horrible arrogance that makes you completely unbearable. توقف زيري في الحين. Ziri froze instantly. Ziri stopped in time. עלינו להשתמש בכל האמצעים כדי לשכנע אותו. We have to use every means to persuade him. We have to use all means to convince him. זה נשמע טעים. It sounds delicious. That sounds delicious. أنا قبائلية I'm Kabyle. I'm a tribe. أصبح زيري بدون مأوى. Ziri became homeless. My brother is homeless. لم يستطع سامي تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't stand that noise. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتنظر. Sami should have waited. Sammy should have been watching. تجشّأ سامي. Sami burped. Sammy burped. أنت حتى لا تحدق فيَّ. You don't even look at me. You're not even staring at me. أحب هيتومي. I love Hitomi. I love Hitomi. אני יכול להבין את מבוכתך. I can understand your confusion. I can understand your embarrassment. دخلت ليلى في اكتئاب عميق بسبب فقدانها لصديقتها المقرّبة، سليمة. Layla slipped into a deep depression over the loss of her best friend, Salima. Layla is deeply depressed by the loss of her best friend, Slim. ربما ستمطر غداً. It may rain tomorrow. Maybe it'll rain tomorrow. هو يشرب النّبيذ الأحمر. He drinks red wine. He drinks the red wine. תום אינו מתרשם. Tom isn't impressed. Tom is not impressed. محمد يحب أن يأکل ناسي ليماك. Muhammad likes to eat nasi lemak. Muhammad likes to eat Nasi Lemak. هذه جنازتك. That's your funeral. This is your funeral. תום נראה נרגז. Tom looks exasperated. Tom was angry. عمت أصوات الغابة العادية مجددا. The forest resumed its regular noises. The sounds of the forest are normal again. مَهمَا يَطلُبُ مِنكَ، يَجِبُ أَلّا تُجِيبَهُ. Whatever he asks you, you mustn't answer. Whatever it asks of you, you mustn't spare it. תאלץ להשאיר את זה מאחורי הגב. You have to get past this. You're gonna have to leave it behind. لم أيقظتني لتخبرني شيئًا بهذه الأهمية؟ الآن، لن أستطيع التركيز على عملي البتّة! Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work! Why did you wake me up to tell me something so important? Now, I can't focus on my work at all! אני לא יכול למצוא את העיתון. I can't find the newspaper. I can't find the paper. היה לי חלום נורא. I had a nightmare. I had a terrible dream. استمرّ سامي في التّحديق. Sami still stared. Sammy kept staring. האם טום לא אמר שמרי עזבה? Didn't Tom say Mary left? Didn't Tom say Mary left? تعرّف سامي على صوت ليلى. Sami recognized Layla's voice. Sammy recognized Layla's voice. חשדנו שהוא שיקר. We suspect him of telling a lie. We suspected him of lying. استمر المطر بالهطول طوال اليوم. The rain continued all day. The rain continued throughout the day. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة يوما بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami called the police one day after Layla's death. Sammy called the police the day after Layla's death. החבר שלה עשה זאת למענה. Her boyfriend did it for her. Her boyfriend did it for her. עלי לעזוב מחר בבוקר. I must leave tomorrow morning. I have to leave tomorrow morning. حاول إيجاد استراتيجية للخروج من هذا الوضع. Try to find an exit strategy. Try to find a strategy to get out of this situation. هل عندك خطط لليوم؟ Do you have any plans for today? Do you have plans for today? العربية المستعملة دي للبيع. This used car is for sale. Used Arabic for sale. زيري يكره الكلاب. Ziri hates dogs. Ziri hates dogs. يكتب زيري بأسلوب حر. Ziri writes in a casual style. Ziri writes in a free style. קפצתי ממקומי בהפתעה. I jumped up in surprise. I jumped out of my seat in surprise. מרי קינאה בפופלריות של קייט. Mary was jealous of Kate's popularity. Mary was jealous of Kate's popularity. טום לא יכול לבוא לפגישה. Tom can't attend the meeting. Tom can't come to a meeting. זה אצל תום. Tom has it. It's Tom's. إنها قديمة قِدم العالم. It's as old as the world. It's as old as the world. أنت آخر شخص في العالم سيسرني رؤيته مستنسخاً؛ إنك ممل بما فيه الكفاية من دون نسخة. You're the last person in the world I would like to see cloned; you're boring enough on your own. You're the last person in the world I'd be happy to see copied; you're boring enough without a copy. أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of the swimming club. لا تحزن إن الله معنا. Don't be sad, indeed Allah is with us. Don’t worry, God is with us. ما زلت نعسان ، صحيح؟ Still sleepy, right? You're still sleepy, right? הוא אמר שהם אחראים לבעיה הנוכחית. He said they were responsible for the present problem. He said they were responsible for the current problem. אני בכלל לא מרוצה מההכנסה הנוכחית שלי. I am by no means satisfied with my present income. I am not happy with my current income. אני מצטער על הטרחה. I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sorry for the trouble. את רוצה לדעת איך עשיתי את זה? Do you want to know how I did it? You want to know how I did it? אתה יכול לתאר לי את זה? Can you describe it to me? Can you describe that to me? האם אתה יכול להמליץ לי על איזו מצלמה טובה? Can you recommend me a good camera? Can you recommend me for a good camera? يحاول سامي أن يتأقلم مع حياة سيعيشها من الآن فصاعدا على كرسيّ متحرّك. Sami is trying to adjust to a life that will now be lived in a wheelchair. Sami is trying to adapt to a life he will live from now on in a wheelchair. تحدى ياني سكورا أن يصوم اربعة أيام خلال رمضان. Yanni challenged Skura to fast for four days during Ramadan. Yani Skura was challenged to fast for four days during Ramadan. خذ وقتك ،يا يوشيدا.. Take your time, Yoshida. Take your time, Yoshida. לאחר זמן מה תום החל להאמין לשקרים שלו. After a while, Tom started to believe his own lies. After a while, Tom began to believe his lies. إرجع! Get back, get back! Get back! ليس بإمكانك تفويته. You can't miss it. You can't miss it. אני רוצה חברה. I want a girlfriend. I want company. توم و أصدقاؤه يلعبون البوكير. Tom and his friends are playing poker. Tom and his friends play poker. התכנית נדחתה בהיותה בלתי מעשית. The plan was rejected as being impractical. The plan was rejected as impractical. L-unika kilwa li għandi qed taħdem aħjar minn meta kelli tnejn. The only kidney I have is functioning better than the two I had. It's the only one I've had that works better than when I was two. لا يحب توم هذا اللون. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like that color. سأفعلها بنفسي. I'll do it myself. I'll do it myself. اقترب زيري. Ziri approached. Come closer, Ziri. מצטער שעיכבתי אותך כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I've held you up for so long. أريد أن أعرف المزيد عن توم. I want to learn more about Tom. I want to know more about Tom. زيري يعرف حارس غابات. Ziri knows a forest ranger. Ziri knows a forest ranger. لا يمكنني السماح لك بفعل ذلك. I can't allow you to do that. I can't let you do that. قعدو بلا لسان. They were left speechless. Without a tongue. היא מדברת אנגלית טוב מאוד. She speaks English very well. She speaks very good English. התואיל לומר לי מה השעה? Won't you tell me what time it is? Will you tell me what time it is? أُحضر سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. I'm bringing Sammy to the clinic. لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom doesn't think about others. Tom doesn't think of others. زيري مسيحي. Ziri is Christian. My brother's a Christian. أنا أضحك فقط. I am only joking. I'm just laughing. أتمنى لك يوماً طيباً. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. זה היה מהיר. That was quick. That was quick. سأوصلك إلى البيت. I'll drive you home. I'll drive you home. إن رايت ابن آوى ذاك، فأخبرنا فورا. If you see that jackal again, let us know immediately. If you see that jackal, let us know immediately. תום ומרי מתרחקים והולכים אחד מהשניה. Tom and Mary are growing further and further apart. Tom and Mary walk away from each other. ברוסית הוא יודע הן לדבר והן לכתוב. He can both speak and write Russian. He knows how to speak and write in Russian. היית צריך לשמור על כך בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it a secret. ממש הרגע חשבתי עליך. I was just now thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. ماذا كُنتِ ستقولينَ لو كنتِ في مكاني؟ What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say if you were in my place? نفد السكر. We're out of sugar. Sugar's out. הוא היה דוגמה לספורטאי מפורסם בזמנו. He was an example of a famous athlete, in his days. He was a famous sportsman at the time. ערב טוב, כולם. Good evening, everyone. Good evening, everyone. أصبح زيري عرضة للخطر. Ziri became vulnerable. Ziri has become vulnerable. يجب أن يغادر زيري. Ziri must go. Ziri must leave. אי אפשר גם לאכול את העוגה וגם להשאיר אותה שלמה. You can't have it both ways. You can’t eat the cake and keep it whole. وجد محرر بطاقات التذكرة حقيبة وضعت تحت مقعد في القاعة ، و صوت التكتكة بداخلها جعله قلقاً. The ticket clerk found baggage placed under a bench in the hall, and the ticking sound inside it made him worried. The ticket editor found a bag under a seat in the hall, and the ticking sound inside made him anxious. אתה רוכב על אופניים ואתה מטפס על סולם, אבל מה אתה עושה עם חישוק הולה-הופ? You ride a bike and climb a ladder. But what do you do with a hula hoop? You ride a bike and you climb a ladder, but what do you do with a hollah-hop hoop? אני רוצה לראות כל אחד מהם. I want to see them all. I want to see every one of them. زيري يوشك على الموت. Ziri is dying. Ziri's about to die. توم هو اللي قالي وقتاش الاجتماع. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom's the one who said the meeting's adjourned. شْحَال كايَنْ؟ How many are there? What's up, Caen? הכרנו בשנת 2008. שנה לאחר מכן נישאנו. We met in 2008. A year later, we got married. We met in 2008. A year later we got married. ساق جايجاي عائدا إلى قصر جيسيكا. Jayjay drove up to Jessica's mansion. Jayjay's leg returns to Jessica's palace. אינני יודעת איך עשיתי את זה. I don't know how I did that. I don't know how I did it. صفّر زيري. Ziri whistled. Zero my ziri. غنّى زيري جيّدا. Ziri sang well. Sing my song well. היא דומה בדיוק לאמא שלה. She closely resembles her mother. She looks exactly like her mother. إنه قوي كالحصان. He is strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. הלן שחזרה את אירועי היום. Helen reviewed the day's happenings. Helen repeated the events of the day. فاضيل عربي Fadil is Arab. Fadhil Arabi سمعت اليوم شيئاً جديداً. I heard something new today. I heard something new today. كشف سامي عن معلومات صادمة في غرفة الاستجواب. Sami dropped a bomb in the interrogation room. Sami revealed shocking information in the interrogation room. رجال و نساء قاتلوا للدفاع عن وطنهم. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Men and women fought to defend their homeland. היא ישיג אותנו תוך שעה. He'll catch up with us in an hour. She'll get us in an hour. אני צריך להתקדם. I need to make progress. I need to move on. كان لديه شعر أشيب. He had grey hair. He had gray hair. من يحمل العلم الجزائري؟ Who is carrying the Algerian flag? Who has the Algerian flag? استمر زيري يخسر. Ziri kept losing. Ziri continued to lose. לקולנוע הזה יש שתי קומות. This movie theater has two floors. This movie has two floors. Il-waranofsinhar it-tajjeb. Good afternoon. The Good Afternoon. אנו יכולים לשלם. We can pay. We can pay. מרי נמנמה את שנת הטיפוח שלה לפני המסיבה הגדולה. Mary took her beauty sleep before the big party. Mary napped her grooming year before the big party. طلب زيري ورودا. Ziri ordered roses. Ziri ordered a rose. اسمح لي كي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Allow me to take you off. אנו יודעים היטב מה הסיכויים שלנו. We know very well what our chances are. We know what our chances are. انا اترقب زيارتك خلال العطلة الصيفية . I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation. I'm looking forward to your visit during the summer break. מה הייתי עושה בלעדיך? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? היית צריך להיות זהיר יותר עם בריאותך. You should have been more careful with your health. You should have been more careful with your health. האם תסעי לארה"ב בשנה הבאה? Will you go to America next year? Will you go to the US next year? הסתובבנו ללא מטרה באזור הקניות. We wandered aimlessly around the shopping district. We wandered aimlessly around the shopping area. أقنعناه بالذهاب. We argued him into going. We convinced him to go. متى كانت آخر مرة ركبت بها دراجة هوائية ؟ When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time you rode a bike? אנו צריכים להתרכז להגות תכנית חדשה. We need to concentrate on coming up with a new plan. We need to concentrate on coming up with a new plan. גברת טנקה! את גרה עם שותפים לדירה גברים! אנא הימנעי מלהסתובב בלי מכנסיים! Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen house mates! Please refrain from being pantless! Mrs. Tanaka, you live with male roommates, please don't walk around with your pants on! הגשר רוחבו שלושים מטר. The bridge is thirty meters in width. The bridge is 30 meters wide. ذهب إبن سامي إلى الجامعة. Sami's son went to college. Sammy's son went to college. אינני בטוחה שאני מרגישה אותו הדבר. I'm not sure I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel the same way. זוהי סימטה ללא מוצא. This is a dead-end alley. It's a dead end alley. אמא שכחה להוסיף מלח לסלט. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Mom forgot to add salt to the salad. ג'יין לפעמים רצה לבית הספר. Jane sometimes runs to school. Jane sometimes runs to school. لقد أمضى مدة حسبه لحيازة المخدّرات. He has served time for drug possession. He spent a lot of time on drugs. הם הגיעו למבוי סתום. They have reached a deadlock. They've reached a dead end. ولدت ليلى إبنها السّادس. Layla gave birth to baby number six. Layla gave birth to her sixth son. تقدر تسنّا شويّا. Can you wait a bit? You can have a grilled tooth. זו אנגלית טובה? Is this good English? Is that good English? من أين اشتريت مربّى التّين هذا؟ Where did you buy this fig jam? Where'd you get that dragon jam? اذى توم نفسه بمنشارِ خشب. Tom hurt himself with a wood saw. Tom hurt himself with a saw. لم يتمكّن أحد من الاغتيال هتلر. No one managed to kill Hitler. No one was able to kill Hitler. تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver accelerates his car. اعمل بجد كل يوم. Work hard every day. Work hard every day. אין לי סמכות לתת לך אור ירוק. I don't have the authority to give you the green light. I have no authority to give you a green light. تلك كتبهم. Those books are theirs. Those are their books. حملت الحديد فلم أجد أثقل من الدَيْن. I carried iron, but didn't find anything heavier than debt. I picked up the iron and couldn't find a heavier debt. حدث ذلك كما قال توم It happened the way Tom said it did. It happened, as Tom said. وأخيراً قرر أن يتزوج. He finally decided to get married. He finally decided to get married. אינני יכול לנהוג במכונית. אין לי רשיון נהיגה. I cannot drive a car. I don't have a driver's license. I can't drive a car, I don't have a driver's license. كيف يرى الناس الأمور في غزة؟ How do people in Gaza see things? How do people see things in Gaza? אני מלמד גם שיעורים בפורטוגזית של ברזיל. I also teach Brazilian Portuguese classes. I also teach Portuguese in Brazil. רעדתי. I shivered. I was shaking. كان فاضل مهتمّا بالخيول. Fadil was interested in horses. Fadel was interested in horses. אחותי תמיד בודקת את המשקל שלה. My sister is always weighing herself. My sister always checks her weight. زيري متوتر. Ziri is nervous. Zeri's nervous. كان سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. Sammy knew that Lily was looking for him. رفعت صدرها. She heaved her chest. Raised her chest. "هل يستطيع أحدٌ مساعدتي؟" "سأفعل". "Can somebody help me?" "I will." "Can someone help me?" "I will." أحضر لنا يانّي سلّة تين من الجزائر. Yanni brought us a basket of figs from Algeria. He brought us a basket of figs from Algeria. הבחנת במשהו יוצא דופן? Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Did you notice anything unusual? ביקשתי כמה פרטים נוספים. I asked for a few more details. I asked for some more details. Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Millie read her book. قدّم سامي بلاغا للشّرطة. Sami filed a police report. Sammy gave a call to the police. כן, פגשתי אותה אתמול בספריה. Yes, I met her in the library yesterday. Yeah, I met her yesterday at the library. حتى الآن، كل شيء كان ناجحا. So far everything has been successful. So far, everything has been successful. אני מניח שאצטרך להיות זהיר יותר בעתיד. I suppose I'll have to be more careful in the future. I guess I'll have to be more careful in the future. הייתי רוצה לקנות את המחשב הזה, אבל הוא עולה הון! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs an arm and a leg! I'd like to buy this computer, but it's costing a fortune! لا أريد أن أبدو سخيفا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look silly. اعتقلتها الشرطة. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. אמא שלי כועסת. My mother is angry. My mom's mad. הבן שלי הוא כאב הראש הכי גדול שלי. My son is my biggest headache. My son is my biggest headache. לעולם אינני משאיר אותה לבד. I'd never leave her alone. I never leave her alone. اتصلت به بالأمس. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. لدينا ثلاثة حراس أمن يتبادلون الأدوار. We have three security guards who take shifts. We have three security guards on duty. לא קל כל כך לעבוד על טום. Tom won't be so easy to deceive. It's not that easy to work on Tom. دعنا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. עכשיו הכל בסדר. Now everything's OK. Everything's fine now. زيري ناضج. Ziri is mature. My cherries are ripe. את חושבת שתום עשה את זה? Do you think Tom did it? You think Tom did this? אני אוהבת את הצבע הכחול. I like blue. I like the blue color. בכך אין שום היגיון. That doesn't make sense at all. That makes no sense. كان ماثيو مرعوبا للغاية. Matthew was extremely terrified. Matthew was terrified. ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אך לשווא. I tried in vain to convince her. I tried to convince her, but in vain. תום קפץ בחזרה לתוך המשאית שלו. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom jumped back into his truck. سامي شابّ جامعيّة عاشق للحفلات. Sami is a hard-partying college kid. Sammy's a young college prom-loving guy. זה שטיח יפה מאד. It's a beautiful rug. It's a very nice rug. אני מקווה שתהנו בטיול. I hope you had a nice trip. I hope you enjoy your trip. يجب ان تذهب للبيت ؟ Shouldn't you go home? You have to go home? وقف زيري هناك. Ziri stood there. Ziri stopped there. ابتسم. Smile. Smile. حضر علي إفطار عند سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. I had breakfast at Sam's. هل تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Do you work in this clinic? Do you work in this clinic? غالباَ ما يتجاوز توم حد السرعة بقيادته بشكل طفيف Tom often drives slightly over the speed limit. Tom often oversteps the speed limit by driving a little bit. טום לא אמר שמרי עזבה? Didn't Tom say Mary left? Didn't Tom say Mary left? كانت أمّ سامي مسلمة. Sami's mother was Muslim. Sammy's mother was a Muslim. كم مجلة على المكتب؟ How many magazines are on the desk? How many magazines are on the desk? يحب توم كعكة الأناناس المقلوبة كثيرا. Tom just loves pineapple upside-down cake. Tom likes the upside-down pineapple cake a lot. היא הזמינה כל אחד מאיתנו לגלידה. She treated each of us to an ice cream. She invited each of us for ice cream. وجد زيري بعض الأغراض القديمة التي كانت لأبيه. Ziri found some of his dad's old stuff. Ziri found some of the old stuff that his father had. هل تشاهد الأخبار؟ Do you watch the news? Do you watch the news? بإمكانها الكلام. She can speak. She can talk. كفّا عن العمل. Stop working. Stop working. لا تحكم بظواهر الأمور. Don't judge by appearances. Do not judge the phenomena of things. את יודעת שאני לא רוקד. You know I don't dance. You know I don't dance. جعلت مدرّسي يتعثّر دون قصد. I accidentally tripped my teacher. I made my teacher stumble unintentionally. تعلم لغتك Learn your language. Learn your language رائحة زيري مقززة. Ziri smells disgusting. The smell of ziri is disgusting. Il-fkieren m'għandhomx snien. Turtles don't have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth. אנחנו מקווים שנוכל לעשות זאת בשנה הבאה. We hope we'll be able to do that next year. I hope we can do it next year. هل تحب ذلك أم لا؟ Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? אוכל לקבל כוס יין? Could I have a glass of wine? Can I have a glass of wine? אלף ובית מטילים לסירוגן קוביה בת N פאות, אלף תמיד מטיל ראשון. מפסיד במשחק מי שלראשונה הטלתו אינה עדיפה על הטלת קודמו. מה ההסתברות שאלף ינצח? A and B alternately roll an N-sided die, A always first. A game is lost by the first roll failing to better the previous. What is the probability that A wins? A thousand and a house cast for a N-wig, a thousand always cast first. Losing in a game who for the first time cast is no better than casting his predecessor. What is the probability that a thousand will win? يعرف الذئب التاسماني في اللغة العامية باسم "الببر التاسماني". The thylacine is known colloquially as the "Tasmanian tiger." The Tasman wolf is known in colloquial language as the Tasman tiger. كان زيري يحبّ ريمة. Ziri loved Rima. Ziri was in love with Reema. אני לא קורא לזה עכביש; הייתי קורא לזה מפלצת. I don't call this a spider; I would call it a monster. I wouldn't call it a spider; I'd call it a monster. مطار كندي من فضلك. Kennedy Airport, please. Canadian airport, please. מתי בפעם האחרונה שמעת את טום מדבר על מרי? When was the last time you heard Tom talking about Mary? When was the last time you heard Tom talk about Mary? وإلى كل هؤلاء الذين يشاهدوننا هذه الليلة فيما وراء حدودنا، من البرلمانات وقصور الحكم، إلى هؤلاء الذين يتجمعون حول أجهزة الراديو في أركانٍ منسيةٍ في عالمنا، أقول: حكاياتنا تختلف في تفردها، إلا أن المصير الذي يجمعنا واحدٌ، وأن فجر قيادةٍ أمريكيةٍ جديدة قد أطل علينا. And all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. To all those who are watching us tonight beyond our borders, from parliaments and palaces of government, to those who gather around radios in forgotten corners of our world, I say: Our stories differ in their uniqueness, but the fate that unites us is one, and the dawn of a new American leadership has dawned upon us. لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي. I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy. I didn't buy everything Sammy asked me to. זה אחד הדברים שאני אוהב אצלך. It's one of the things that I like about you. That's one of the things I love about you. لماذا أنت غير محبوب هنا؟ Why aren't you liked here? Why are you unloved here? من أخبر زيري؟ Who told Ziri? Who told Ziri? أنا في عجلة من أمري. I'm in a hurry today. I'm in a hurry. תחביא את הכסף. Hide the money. Hide the money. על המיטה יש חתול. There is a cat on the bed. There is a cat on the bed. ليس بتلك الصعوبة. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. بخصوص هذه المسألة، أنا راض تماما. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. On this issue, I am completely satisfied. هذا قاموسي. This is my dictionary. This is my dictionary. مات زيري فجأة. Ziri suddenly died. Ziri died suddenly. خذ مفاتيح سيّارته. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. תום נזקק לזמן. Tom needed time. Tom needed time. زيري يكره حين تدخن ريمة في السيارة. Ziri hated Rima smoking in the car. Ziri hates it when she smokes a rayma in the car. השאר בכוננות. Stay alert. Stay alert. استعار سامي مئات الدّولارات من أمّه. Sami borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. Sammy borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. תוכלי לומר זאת שוב? Can you say that again? Can you say that again? מתי הלכת לישון? When did you go to sleep? When did you go to sleep? زيري متأكد. Ziri is positive. Ziri's sure. عليك أن تعترف بتصرّفك السّيّء. You need to acknowledge your bad behavior. You have to admit your bad behavior. זה איום ונורא. That's horrible. It's horrible. אתה שותה דיאט? Do you drink diet soda? Do you drink a diet? سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard that from you. ادا تشوف غلطا، مادا بيك تسڨّمها. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If it's a mistake, Mada Beck is using it. إتصل بي حين ترجع. Give me a telephone call when you get back. Call me when you get back. انهار اقتصاد أوكرانيا. Ukraine's economy has crashed. The economy of Ukraine collapsed. אתה בטוח שאין דרך? Are you sure there's no way? Are you sure there's no way? הייתי רוצה להפקיד בחשבוני קצת כסף. I'd like to put some money into my account. I'd like to deposit some money in my account. قدم زيري ريمة لنا. Ziri introduced Rima to us. Ziri gave Rima to us. إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. لا شيء هاجم زيري. Nothing attacked Ziri. Nothing attacked Ziri. המדינאי סולק ממשרתו. The politician was removed from office. The statesman was dismissed from his post. קחי את זה בקלות. Don't sweat it. Take it easy. תום סנילי. Tom is demented. Tom senile. العلم نقطة كثرها الجاهلون. Knowledge is a dot multiplied by the ignorant. Science is the point of many ignorant people. הייתי מודעת למצב. I was aware of the situation. I was aware of the situation. أسوأ طريقةٍ للإضرار بقضيةٍ ما هي بالدفاع عنها باستخدام حجج خاطئة عمدًا. The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. The worst way to harm a cause is to defend it using deliberately wrong arguments. أنا أضيع وقتي. I'm wasting my time. I'm wasting my time. ينبغي ألّا نجعل تحيزاتنا تأثر في قراراتنا. We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. We should not let our biases be influenced by our decisions. كان سامي مختبئا في منزل أمّه. Fadil was holed up at his mother's house. Sammy was hiding in his mother's house. אנחנו נשואים כבר שלוש שנים. We've been married for three years now. We've been married three years. האם דנתם בכמה מהבעיות העומדות על סדר היום? Did you discuss any of the issues on our list? Have you discussed some of the problems on the agenda? كان ياني معالجا جنسيا. Ziri was a sex therapist. Yanni was a sex therapist. زيري يتحرّك. Ziri is moving. Ziri's moving. أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what he told you. غادر فاضل المستشفى. Fadil left the hospital. Fadhel left the hospital. شعر زيري بالحزن حين رأى ريمة في تلك الحالة. Ziri was sad to see Rima's condition. Ziri felt sad when he saw Reema in that situation. כולם מהרו החוצה. Everyone rushed outdoors. Everybody hurry out. פה אני גר. I live here. This is where I live. لم يكره الفرنسيّين لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why does he hate the French so much? Why did the French hate this class? إن كنت تريد تينا طازجا، فعليك بالذّهاب إلى منطقة القبائل في الجزائر. If you want good fresh figs, you need to go to Kabylie, Algeria. If you want a fresh fig, you have to go to the Kabylie region of Algeria. הוא גר בסביבה הזאת. He lives in this neighborhood. He lives around here. כלבים יודעים לשחות. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. אף אני איני בטוח בכך. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure about that either. הוא לא מבחין בי. He's not paying any attention to me. He doesn't notice me. أنا مهندس حاسب آلي. I'm a computer scientist. I'm a computer engineer. ارم العصى وشاهد الكلب يجلبها. Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. Throw the stick and watch the dog bring it. תטפל בזה בשבילי, טוב? Take care of that for me, will you? Take care of it for me, okay? הוא מוכר וויסקי. He sells whisky. He sells scotch. עדיין לא הופיעו סימני אביב. There were still no visual signs of spring. There are no signs of spring yet. غزّة هي إحدى الجيوب الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسّكّان في العالم. Gaza is one of the world's most populous enclaves. Gaza is one of the most densely populated enclaves in the world. لازم تتكلم بالإنجليزي هنا. You have to speak English here. You need to speak English here. הוריו אינם בחיים. Both his parents are dead. His parents are not alive. ربما ذهبت لفتره I may be gone for a while. Maybe she went away for a while. يجب أن تُنَمِّيَ شجاعتك. You must build up your courage. You must develop your courage. בטוח שלא אמליץ על תום לתפקיד. I would definitely not recommend Tom for the job. I wouldn’t recommend Tom for the job. الصورة دي اتّاخدت في نارا. This photo was taken in Nara. The photo was taken in Nara. دهسته سيارة. He was run over by a car. He was run over by a car. תגיד משהו. Say something. Say something. زيري يتحدث. Ziri is talking. Ziri's talking. طوم و ماري راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary Rahum play poker. אם יש לך מזל, תוכל לצור קשר עם קרוב משפחה, שהשקיע יותר מאמצים במחקר תולדות משפחתך, מאשר אי פעם תוכל בעצמך. If you're lucky, you'll be able to connect yourself to a relative who has put more effort into studying your family's genealogy than you ever could. If you are lucky, you can contact a relative who has put more effort into researching your family’s history than you will ever be able to do on your own. אתה יכול לקחת את החלק שלי. You can have my share. You can take my cut. הישאר בתור. Stay in line. Stay in line. הרגשתי די מאושרת. I felt pretty happy. I felt pretty happy. عائلتي مشتركة في جريدة. My family subscribes to a newspaper. My family is in a newspaper. אתם רשאים להשתמש בספר בתנאי שתשמרו על נקיונו. You can use the book as long as you keep it clean. You may use the book as long as you keep it clean. Ziri malajr mar jorqod. Ziri soon went to sleep. The man quickly went to sleep. זירי ורימה ליוו את הילדים לבית הספר. Ziri and Rima accompanied the children to school. Ziri and Rima accompanied the children to school. את משעשעת. You're fun. You're funny. اتّصل مدير المدرسة بمدرّستنا و أخبرها أنّه سيدعنا نعود إلى قسمنا. The principal called our teacher and told her that he was sending us back to class. The headmaster called our teacher and told her he'd let us go back to our department. יצאתי למסע והשארתי את הבית להשגחתה. I went on the trip, leaving the house in her care. I went on a journey and left the house to look after her. כולם יודעים שהירח עשוי מגבינה. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows that the moon is made of cheese. עוד אל תפתחי את המתנה. Don't open the present yet. Don't open the present yet. מותר להם לעבור. They may pass. They're allowed through. هل هذا الراديو لك؟ Is this radio yours? Is that your radio? אנחנו לא לבד. We aren't alone. We're not alone. ماذا نسيت؟ What did you forget? What did you forget? في فصل الخريف تغير الأوراق ألوانها و تتساقط. In autumn, leaves change their color and fall. In the autumn, the leaves change colors and fall. كلفونا بهذا العمل. They assigned the task to us. They gave us this job. יש לי דיעה אחרת בנושא. I have a different opinion on that subject. I have a different opinion on this. היא הפנתה את המאמצים שלנו לכיוון הנכון. She steered our efforts in the right direction. She directed our efforts in the right direction. ما زلتُ في الجامعة. I'm still at the university. I'm still in college. האורות כבים אוטומטית. The lights automatically turn off. The lights are off automatically. لا تكن غبيا. Don't be a dick. Don't be stupid. אנא סילחי לי. Please forgive me! Please forgive me. تعرضنا للسب. We were insulted. We were insulted. ما دْخَلْتْشْ الفْرَاشْ حتى فات نُصّ اللِيل. I didn't get to bed until after midnight. You didn't even go to bed till the night was over. طلب زيري زيادة هامة في راتبه. Ziri asked for a substantial raise. Ziri asked for a significant increase in his salary. حضر علي إفطارا في منزل سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. I had breakfast at Sam’s house. سامي مشترك في قناة اليوتوب هذه. Sami is subscribed to this YouTube channel. Sami is a member of this YouTube channel. התוכל לשלוח מכתב זה בדואר מהיר? Will you express this letter? Can you send this letter by express mail? סידרתי שתהיה לנו קצת פרטיות. I've arranged for a bit of privacy. I arranged for us to have some privacy. אינני זקוק מכם לשום דבר. I don't need anything from you. I don't need anything from you. يسكن فاضل و ليلى تماما بجوار فندق رامي. Fadil and Layla are living right next door to Rami's hotel. Fadel and Layla live right next to the Rami Hotel. اغتُصب زيري. Ziri was raped. Ziri was raped. بتبص علي ايه بظبط What specifically are you looking for? Look at me exactly. غزة بحاجة للوازم الطبية. Gaza needs medical supplies. Gaza needs medical supplies. رايحا تسقاملك € 30. This will cost €30. I'll give you <0xE2><0x82><0xAC>30. يجب على الدول العربية تجريم زواج القاصرات. Arab countries have to criminalize child marriage. Arab countries should criminalize child marriage. عليك أن تبدأ حالاً. You should begin right away. You have to start right now. ناموا في الحافلة. They slept on the bus. They slept on the bus. اذهب لمساعدة أخيك! Go help your brother! Go help your brother! الآن، اسمح لي أن أطرح عليك سؤالاً. Now, let me ask you a question. Now, let me ask you a question. מחר אלמד בספרייה. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. Tomorrow I will go to the library. كان زيري بحاجة لذلك. Ziri needed this. Ziri needed it. תום נראה טוב. Tom looks nice. Tom looks good. انقطعت الكهرباء. The power went out. Power's out. זה ממש רחוק. It's very far away. It's really far. למרות זאת, אנשים רבים רואים בזמבואנגה את עיר הפרחים. Still, many people consider Zamboanga as the City of Flowers. However, many people see Zambwanga as the city of flowers. تمنّيت لو فاز توم. I would have liked that Tom succeeded. I wish Tom had won. זה טיפשי לחשוש מפני מה שאת/ה לא יכול/ה למנוע. It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid. It’s foolish to fear what you can’t prevent. لعلمك، إنها تحب الحيوانات. She likes animals, you know? You know, she loves animals. יש לך סדינים? Do you have blankets? You got any sheets? هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. لقد قفز من السيارة. He jumped out of the car. He jumped out of the car. جاء ليطلب منا أن نساعده. He came to ask us to help him. He came to ask us to help him. תום הסתיר את הספר מאחורי הגב. Tom hid the book behind his back. Tom hid the book behind his back. הספר הזה מעניין הרבה יותר מההוא שם. This book is way more interesting than that one. This book is much more interesting than it is there. هل تعتقد أن الاحترار العالمي هو نتيجة لعمل البشر؟ Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions? Do you think global warming is the result of human action? ممكن أسأل شوية أسئلة؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask you some questions? תום לא התכוון לפגוע ברגשותיה של מרי. Tom didn't intend to hurt Mary's feelings. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feelings. תום גנח בקול. Tom groaned loudly. Tom moaned loudly. هل انت طالب مستجد؟ You're a new student? Are you a freshman? אני בהריון. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. אין פלא שאמרו לי שאתה מטורלל, תראה איך אתה מתנהג. No wonder they told me that you're crazy, look how you act. No wonder I'm told you're crazy. Look how you're acting. הוא ככל הנראה לא יאשר את הצעתך. He probably won't approve your proposal. He probably won't approve your offer. لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. The man wore a tiger mask. ريمة فاتتها الحافلة. Rima missed the bus. Missed the bus. هل أنتِ ابنة سامي؟ Are you Sami's daughter? Are you Sammy's daughter? אני חייב לספר לו את זה. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him that. لم يحل زيري تلك المسألة الرياضية. Ziri didn't solve the math problem. Ziri didn't solve that mathematical problem. يعيش البدو في الصحراء. Bedouins live in the desert. The Bedouin live in the desert. زيري هو الوحيد الذي تخرج. Only Ziri graduated. Ziri's the only one who gets out. خرج زيري. Ziri went out. Ziri's out. צר לי, אך אינני יכול לענות מיד. I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away. I'm sorry, but I can't answer right away. كان زيري يحبّ ريمة. Ziri liked Rima. Ziri was in love with Reema. هرب سامي. Sami escaped. Sammy ran away. נשוב מאוחר יותר. We'll come back later. We'll come back later. لن يحدث ذلك. That won't happen. It's not gonna happen. את רוצה לראות אותו שוב? Do you want to see him again? You want to see him again? אני בחופשה. I am on vacation. I'm on vacation. שבו קרוב לכאן. Sit near here. Sit close to here. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. תום שונא ללכת לבית הספר. Tom dislikes going to school. Tom hated going to school. كان سامي جالسا مع صديقه. Sami was sitting with his friend. Sammy was sitting with his friend. سأزوره غداً. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. מעולם לא התכוונתי להעמיד אותך בסכנה. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never meant to put you in danger. اختر الخيار الصحيح. Pick up the right option. Choose the right choice. אף פעם אל תשחקי פה. Never play here. Never play here. האם מישהו מכם קרא את הספר הזה? Have any of you read that book? Have any of you read this book? תום לא יודע בכלל לשחות. מצד שני הוא שחקן כדור בסיס טוב. Tom can't swim at all. On the other hand, he is a good baseball player. Tom can't swim at all, but he's a good baseball player. العنف ضد النساء هو أحد أكثر اختراقات حقوق الإنسان تكراراً حول العالم. Violence against women is one of the most frequent violations of human rights worldwide. Violence against women is one of the most frequent human rights violations around the world. عرض سامي بعض المال على ليلى. Sami offered Layla some money. Sammy offered some money to Layla. תפסיק להכאיב לי. Stop hurting me. Stop hurting me. חמש מאות דולר הם סכום קטן עבורו. Five hundred dollars is a small sum for him. Five hundred dollars is a small amount for him. אולי אפשר לארגן את זה. Maybe that could be arranged. Maybe we can arrange it. سامي يتخاصم معي دائما. Sami is always arguing with me. Sammy's always fighting with me. ירד גשם מאז יום ראשון. It has been raining since Sunday. It has been raining since Sunday. ما علاباليش واش نقول. I just don't know what to say. What the hell do we say. لم يتوقّع أحد أن يفوز توم. No one expected Tom to win. No one expected Tom to win. راسل توم ماري. Tom messaged Mary. Russell Tom Marie. زيري يعلم السبب. Ziri knows why. Ziri knows why. ماذا إن كان زيري يكذب؟ What if Ziri was lying? What if Ziri's lying? لن أغادر حتّى تخبرني بما أريد معرفته. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I want to know. I'm not leaving until you tell me what I need to know. كان سامي يسوق. Sami drove. Sammy was driving. سمع سامي أربعة طلقات متفرّقة. Sami heard four distinct gunshots. Sammy heard four separate shots. יש מעט תקווה. There is little hope. There's little hope. ما رانيش حايب نسّنّا بزّاف كيما هاكدا. I don't want to wait that long. We've forgotten how to fake Kima Hakda. إنّ صوت ليلى يتناسب حقّا مع وجهها. Layla's voice really matches her face. Lily's voice really fits her face. אני אעשה זאת. I'll do it. I'll do it. بوسع زيري العزف. Ziri can play. Ziri can play. زيري لا يسقي اللّبلاب أبدا. Ziri never waters the ivy. Ziri never watered the ivy. אתם יוצאים? Are you going out? You're dating? لدي سيارة I have a car. I have a car. عند زيري مشاكل. Ziri has issues. Ziri's in trouble. كان سامي في مكان لا تُسمح فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a place where swimming was not allowed. אל תבזבז תחמושת. Don't waste ammunition. Don't waste ammunition. התרגשתי עד כדי דמעות. I was excited to tears. I was moved to tears. הפסק מיד! Stop that immediately. Stop right now! اجتنب زيري كليا. Avoid Ziri entirely. Avoid Ziri altogether. מזלו של תום בסופו של דבר התהפך. Tom's luck eventually changed. Tom's luck finally turned around. بدأ سامي يقرأ و هو في الثّالثة من عمره. Sami started reading at three years old. Sammy started reading when he was three years old. הכלב ירוק ויפה. The dog is green and beautiful. The dog is green and beautiful. اعتذر زيري. Ziri apologized. I'm sorry, Ziri. حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء. According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology. From what I've heard, he's gone to America to study biology. لا يمكنك أن تفعل شيئين في الوقت ذاته. You can't do two things at once. You can’t do two things at the same time. נורית. You've just been shot. You were shot. أنا أتعلم اللغة التشيكية. I learn Czech. I am learning the Czech language. Ziri jipprova jgħin in-nies. Ziri tries to help people. Ziri tries to help people. אני הולך לשחות לעתים קרובות בנהר. I often go swimming in the river. I often swim in the river. לטום ואישתו שלושה ילדים. Tom and his wife have three children. Tom and his wife have three children. אני פה כי אני רוצה. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to. هادا لقط ديالي. That's my cat. That's it, Daley. מה ג'יין עומדת לעשות מחר בבוקר? What is Jane going to do tomorrow morning? What's Jane gonna do tomorrow morning? הייתי מודעת לסכנה. I was aware of the danger. I was aware of the danger. الحرّيّة لكردستان! Free Kurdistan! Freedom for Kurdistan! אני לומד סינית. I am learning Chinese. I'm learning Chinese. هل تريدني أن اتحدث إليهم؟ Do you want me to talk to them? Do you want me to talk to them? תעזבו אותי בשקט! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! هل تستطيع أن تريني غرفة أخرى؟ Can you show me another room? Can you show me another room? لم يكن سامي يعلم بعلاقة ليلى مع فريد. Sami didn't know about Layla's relationship with Farid. Sammy didn't know about Layla's relationship with Fred. هذا التّين أصفر اللّون. These figs are yellow. This is a yellow tint. سامحني من فضلك. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. אני אתלטית. I'm athletic. I'm an athlete. אילו משימות קשורות לעבודתך? What does your job entail? What tasks are related to your work? תום יהיה ככל הנראה הראשון שיופיע. Tom will most likely be the first one to show up. Tom will be the first to appear. شعر سامي بالارتباك. Sami got nervous. Sammy was confused. هناك ما أريد قوله لك. I have something that I want to say to you. There's something I want to tell you. طوم رقيق بزّاف. Tom is very slim. Psychedelic Tom. كانت ليلى معلّمة في مدرسة الأحد. Layla was a Sunday school teacher. Leila was a Sunday school teacher. أصبحنا أصدقاء على الفور. We immediately became friends. We became friends immediately. יש אדמה חקלאית פוריה בדרך כלל בדלתה של נהר. The basin of a river usually has rich farmland. There is usually fertile agricultural land at the door of a river. اتصلت بي بعد الظهر. She called me in the afternoon. She called me this afternoon. לראות אותה ולהתאהב. To see her is to love her. To see her and fall in love. אין לנו זמן לחכות עד הבחירות והממשלה החדשה. We don't have time to wait until the election and the new government. We don't have time to wait until the election and the new government. سامي وحيد. Sami is lonely. Sammy's alone. لدي أخوات I have sisters. I have sisters. فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. He opened the door for us and brought us into his house. מרק סנפירי כריש מוגש בדרך כלל בחתונות ונשפים סיניים. Shark fin soup is commonly served at Chinese weddings and banquets. Shark fin soup is usually served at Chinese weddings and dances. טום קנה טנדר חדש. Tom bought a new pick-up. Tom bought a new truck. ليس في قاموسي كلمة مستحيل. I don't know what the word 'impossible' means. Not a word in my dictionary is impossible. אני בטוחה שהכוונות שלך טהורות. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are pure. كثيرا ما يكون التّواضع مربحا أكثر من الفخر. Humility often gains more than pride. Too often, they are more profitable than proud. هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is it a recent picture? Has this picture been taken recently? הם מכוערים. They're ugly. They're ugly. كان فاضل فردا محترما جدّا عند أهل الحي. Fadil was a highly regarded member of the community. Fadil was a very respected person among the people of the neighborhood. مايك هو قائد الفريق. Mike is the team's captain. Mike is the team leader. אה, תודה, יקירי. Ah, thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, darling. תספר לי איך ההרגשה להיות מאוהב. Tell me what it feels like to be in love. Tell me what it feels like to be in love. انا صديقك. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. אבא הגיע למשרדו בזמן. Father got to his office on time. Dad came to his office on time. هل تحبني؟ Do you love me? Do you love me? كان فاضل مصري الأصل و كان يعمل بجدّ. Fadil came from Egypt and he worked hard. He was of Egyptian origin and worked hard. هل جُنِنْت؟ Have you lost your reason? Are you crazy? سأذهب إلی الشاطئ. I will go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. نهض زيري. Ziri stood up. Ziri's up. إن تمكنت من إسكات الملك، فأنت هو الملك. If you can silence the king, you are the king. If you can silence the king, you are the king. אין לי זמן לעשות את זה. I don't have time to do it. I don't have time to do this. נעלתי את עצמי בחוץ. I locked myself out. I locked myself out. كنت أعلم أنه أنت. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. אין צורך באיומים. There's no need for threats. There is no need for threats. הושארתי מאחור. I was left behind. I was left behind. يمكن لعلاقة حبّ أن تصبح علاقة غير سليمة. Love can turn toxic. A love relationship can become an unhealthy relationship. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكنها كانت تكذب. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but she was lying. توم أقترحَ هذا. Tom suggested it. Tom suggested this. שרדת את כל מה שאירע לך עד כה. You have survived everything that has happened to you so far. You've survived everything that's happened to you so far. סליחה, אוכל להשתמש בטלפון? Excuse me, but may I use the phone? Excuse me, can I use the phone? את הרסת את חיי. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. יהודי עונה לשאלה בשאלה. A Jew answers a question with another question. A Jew answers a question with a question. عددهم كبير. Their number is great. They're big. ביתנו הנוכחי קטן מדי, אז החלטנו לעבור. Our present house is too small, so we decided to move. Our current house is too small, so we decided to move. كان سامي يستعير المال من شركته طوال الوقت. Sami borrowed from his company all the time. Sammy was borrowing money from his company the whole time. غرفته أكبر بمرتين من غرفتي. His room is twice as large as mine. His room is twice as big as mine. الكتاب هُنَا The book is here. The book's here. مشى سامي نحو الباب. Sami walked towards the door. Sam walked to the door. لدى زيري ضيوف. Ziri has guests. Ziri has guests. كيف تجرء على قول شيءٍ كهذا؟ How dare you say such a thing! How dare you say something like that? الله هو من خلق الدينصورات. God created the dinosaurs. God created the dinosaurs. سمع سامي صوتا بداخله. Sami heard an inner voice. Sam heard a voice inside him. يمكنك أن تطلب منه أن يساعدك. You can ask him for help. You can ask him to help you. ذهب زيري إلى مساحة اللعب الخاصة بالأطفال. Ziri went to the children's playground. Ziri went to the children's play area. מסיבת יום הולדתה תערך בערב הבא. Her birthday party will be given next evening. Her birthday party's next night. הילד הזה צובע פרחים. The child painted flowers. This kid's painting flowers. أمي لا يمكنها ركوب الدراجة. My mother can't ride a bicycle. My mom can't ride a bike. ليتني كنت أستطيع الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could go to the concert. لا أحد أعرفهُ يرتدي ربطة العُنُق بعد الآن. No one I know wears a tie anymore. No one I know wears a tie anymore. תום לא רוצה להחמיץ את טיסתו. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. Tom doesn't want to miss his flight. אני מרגישה מרועננת להפליא. I am feeling wonderfully refreshed. I feel wonderfully refreshed. השמיים בהירים כמעט בכל יום. The sky is clear almost every day. The sky is clear almost every day. تبدو هذه اللّعبة خطيرة نوعا ما. This game seems a bit dangerous. This game looks kind of dangerous. زيري لم يرى و لم يسمع شيئا. Ziri heard and saw nothing. Ziri didn't see or hear anything. لقد وصلت الحرب ضدّ المخدّرات إلى حيّنا. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. כל השובתים יצאו מהבניין זועמים. All the strikers came out of the building in indignation. All the strikers came out of the building furious. מחובתם של התלמידים לנקות את כיתותיהם. It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms. It is the responsibility of the students to clean up their classrooms. إنك ثري جدا. You are very rich. You're so rich. אני לא רוצה לדבר על כך כרגע. I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to talk about it right now. אשמח לראות זאת. I would like to see it. I'd love to see that. אגיד לכם מה אעשה. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll tell you what I'll do. زيري يطير. Ziri is flying. Ziri's flying. هل نسينا مالنا؟ Did we forget our money? Have we forgotten our money? תום השאיר תשר נדיב על השולחן. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a generous tip on the table. حنا حباب قدم. We're old friends. Hanna's a toenail. תום חשד שמרי מתלוצצת. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspected that Mary was joking. אני רוצה את דעותיכם. I need your opinions. I want your opinions. تركتُ محفظتي في المنزل. I left my wallet in the house. I left my wallet at home. אבא קנה בשבילי ספר. Dad bought a book for me. Dad bought me a book. התקציב קוצץ עד עצם. The budget was cut to the bone. The budget is cut to the bone. أرى أنك تعمل. I can see that you are working. I see you're working. يذهب والديه إلى الكنيسة كل يوم أحد. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. سئمت من تحمل تباهيه بنفسه. I'm tired of listening to his boasts. I'm tired of taking pride in himself. نام زيري. Ziri fell asleep. Sleep, Zeri. הצבא האמריקני מדגיש את האחדות. The US Army is big on uniformity. The U.S. military emphasizes unity. זאת הדרך הנכונה להגיד את זה? Is this the right way to say it? Is that the right way to say it? שֶׁקֶר הַחֵן וְהֶבֶל הַיֹּפִי. Beauty is but skin deep. The lie of grace and the beautiful vanity. كان زيري عدائيا. Ziri was aggressive. Ziri was hostile. האם שניהם מבינים יפנית? Do they both understand Japanese? Do they both understand Japanese? سامي شديد الخجل. Sami is extremely shy. Sammy is so ashamed. אולי מוטב שנתחיל. We might as well get started. Maybe we should get started. كانت عند زيري احتياجات. Ziri had needs. Ziri had needs. אנשים זועקים נגד המס החדש. People are crying out against the new tax. People are crying out against the new tax. لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. Fadhel didn't question anything. תום לא אוהב אותי במיוחד. Tom doesn't like me much. Tom doesn't like me very much. غمست اصبعي في العسل. I dipped my finger into the honey. I dipped my finger in honey. أنا أعرف ما الذى تحاول فعله. I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do. אם הוריי יגלו שהיית כאן, הם מסוגלים לבצע מעשה של טירוף. If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy. If my parents find out you were here, they can commit an act of madness. איפה אני מוצא את משחת השיניים? Where can I find toothpaste? Where do I find the toothpaste? סליחה, אנחנו סגורים. Sorry, we are closed. Sorry, we're closed. توصّل فاضل من إصابة رامي بطلقة في الظّهر. Fadil managed to shoot Rami once in the back. Fadhil got shot in the back. أكل زيري خبزا. Ziri ate bread. Eat some bread. גברים טובים בזה יותר מנשים. Men are better at this than women. Men are better at this than women. سمعت أن جِم رفض الاقتراح. I've heard Jim rejected the proposal. I heard that Jem rejected the proposal. זה עלול לקרות גם לי. That could happen to me, too. It could happen to me, too. אני שומע שאתה נוסע לארצות הברית. I hear that you are going to the United States. I hear you're going to the United States. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. آسف لا يمكنني سماعك جيداً. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. Sorry, I can't hear you very well. أنا أعرف أباك I know your father. I know your father. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami was fired. Sammy got fired from work. תום לא קנה דבר ממה שביקשתי אותו. Tom didn't buy everything we asked him to buy. Tom didn't buy anything I asked for. אכפת לי מטום. I care about Tom. I care about Tom. سامي موظف استقبال. Sami is a receptionist. Sammy's a receptionist. توقف وراء الحافلة. He stopped behind the bus. Stop behind the bus. صحح زيري ذلك. Ziri corrected that. That's right, Ziri. הם יודעים מה קורה. They know what's going on. They know what's going on. اصابة توم تبدو خطيرة. Tom's injury seems serious. Tom's injury looks serious. الشفرة الكاملة أكبر من أن توضع في مقالة، بإمكانكم تنزيلها مع ملف Makefile للينكس من هنا. The full code is far too large to fit in an article; you can download it along with a Makefile for Linux from here. The full code is too big to be placed in an article, you can download it with the Makefile for Linux file here. أحضر لي فنجاناً من القهوة؟ Bring me a cup of coffee, will you? Get me a cup of coffee? אני לא צריך את זה. I don't need it. I don't need this. كان زيري محاطا بغابة عم فيها صمت كامل. Ziri was surrounded by a completely silent forest. Ziri was surrounded by an uncle’s forest where there was complete silence. أين أقرب معرض فني؟ Where's the nearest art gallery? Where is the nearest art gallery? اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Be patient. We're almost done. מהעבר ועד היום זה, לא הייתה ממלכה שלא יכולה ליפול. In all of human history, there has never been a kingdom that couldn't fall. From the past to this day, there was no kingdom that could not fall. אני לא יודעת לאן היא הלכה. I don't know where she went. I don't know where she went. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I have something to tell you. I want to tell you something. جعلت المدرّس يتعثّر بدون قصد. I accidentally tripped the teacher. I made the teacher stumble unintentionally. הראי בחיים. Look alive. The mirror's alive. אני חושב שהוא יבוא. I think he'll come. I think he'll come. את מי אימן דיאגו מרדונה? Who did Diego Maradona train? Who coached Diego Maradona? יש לך דירה ריקה? Do you have a vacant apartment? Do you have an empty apartment? هل تعلم ماذا فعل؟ Do you know what he has done? You know what he did? هل تملِكنَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبِكُنَّ؟ Do you girls have the berber keyboard on your computers? Do you have the Amazigh keyboard on your computers? הכפר שרוי בהרים. The village is in the mountains. The village is in the mountains. נשדדתי. I was robbed. I was robbed. מרי פמיניסטית. Mary is a feminist. Mary's a feminist. תום התנצל. Tom apologized. Tom apologized. אינני מחתימה את הגלויות שלהם. I'm not stamping their postcards. I'm not signing their postcards. פרצה תגרה בין הגנב למוכר. A fight broke out between the thief and the seller. A fight broke out between the thief and the seller. انا راهب . I am a monk. I'm a monk. היא לא בת גילה של מרי. She's not as old as Mary. She's not Mary's age. Is-surmast qal: "Il-gimgħa d-dieħla se tkun vaganza" The headmaster said: "Next week is a holiday'" The man said: "It's going to be a holiday." ما هو تاريخ ميلادك؟ What is your date of birth? What is your date of birth? أريد أن أكتب كتاباً. I want to write a book. I want to write a book. הנעלים שלך רטובות. שים אותן ליד האש. Your shoes are wet. Put them near the fire. Your shoes are wet, put them next to the fire. זה אמין? Is it credible? Is that reliable? إذا حصلت على علامة جيدة في المدرسة, سأدعُك تذهب لبوستن الصّيف المقبل. If you get good grades at school, I'll let you go to Boston next summer. If you get a good grade at school, I'll let you go to Boston next summer. זו רוח הלחימה. That's the spirit. It's the fighting spirit. أنا أذهَبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. I go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. I'm going to be born at the university of my age, Tizi Wuzhou. سامي ينتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Sami is moving. Sam moved to another place. זה מה שעומד עכשיו לקרות. That's what's going to happen right now. That's what's going to happen now. ادخل, الباب مفتوح. Come in. The door is open. Come in. The door's open. لم يكن توم اكبرمن ماري بكثير Tom was not much older than Mary. Tom wasn't much older than Mary. منزلي في الجبل. My house is in the mountains. My house is on the mountain. لن يضع زيري نفسه في مشاكل. Ziri wouldn't get into trouble. Ziri won't put himself in trouble. ابتعد زيري. Ziri pulled away. Get away, Ziri. غير مسموح لك أن تصعد إلى سيارته. You are not allowed to climb into his car. You're not allowed in his car. كيف تقول " شكراً لك " باليابانية؟ How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? أتذكر طفولتي بوضوح. I remember my childhood clearly. I remember my childhood clearly. פצעתי את עצמי. I injured myself. I hurt myself. אינני יודעת מה לעשות לגבי תום. I don't know what to do about Tom. I don't know what to do about Tom. خذ وقتك ، لسنا مستعجلين. Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time, we're not in a hurry. אתה באמת אוהב את זה כאן? Do you really like it here? You really like it here? أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a physician in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. תום הפציר במרי להיות יותר זהירה. Tom urged Mary to be more careful. Tom urged Mary to be more careful. أستخدمه. I use it. Use it. اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا. Sami's dog smelt something. Sammy's dog smelled something. أنت صديق توم، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? אתה צריך להודות לי על זה. You should thank me for that. You should thank me for that. دائما ما يحاول زيري أن ينجز وعوده. Ziri always tries to keep his promises. Ziri is always trying to make good on his promises. יש ברשותך את דרכונך? Do you have your passport? Do you have your passport? ספרות מלמדת אותנו על אנושיות. Literature teaches us about humanity. Literature teaches us about humanity. كانت الشجرة لا تزال تهتز. The tree was still shaking. The tree was still shaking. أفلح سامي. Sami was successful. Sammy's working. אני מבקשת שתביא לי כוס קפה. I'd like you to get me a cup of coffee. I'm asking you to get me a cup of coffee. يجب ان تحافظ علي نظافه غرفتك You should keep your room clean. You need to keep your room clean. מה הדבר שלמדנו? What is it that we learned? What did we learn? سيدي، لقد تركت ولاّعتك على الطاولة. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, I left your lighter on the table. الجو حار جداً في جنوب اسبانيا في فصل الصيف. In the summer it's very hot in southern Spain. It is very hot in the south of Spain in the summer. عليك أن تتجهز بسرعة. You must get ready quickly. You need to get ready quickly. מה עושה טום במרתף? What's Tom doing in the basement? What's Tom doing in the basement? بقي سامي حيّا لبضع ساعات قبل أن يموت أخيرا في المستشفى. Sami lingered for a few hours before eventually dying at the hospital. Sami stayed alive for a few hours before finally dying in the hospital. תום נפגע? Was Tom hurt? Is Tom hurt? אני רוצה לעשות רושם חיובי. I want to make a good impression. I want to make a positive impression. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who will be his next victim? פחמימות הן אחת מחמשת אבות המזון. Carbohydrates are one of the five essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are one of the five nutrients. كانت ليلى عطشة. Layla was thirsty. Lily was thirsty. מכשולים רבים עומדים בפניו. He faces many obstacles. There are many obstacles facing him. خرجا زيري و ريمة من المطعم بسرعة. Ziri and Rima hurried out of the restaurant. Ziri and Reema left the restaurant quickly. من حظنا وجود توم هنا ليساعدنا. We're lucky Tom is here to help us. We're lucky to have Tom here to help us. كيف خطرت ببالك فكرة المعرض هذا؟ How did you come up with the idea for this exhibition? How did you come up with this show idea? הוא יאבד זמן. He'll lose time. He'll lose time. בואו נרקוד על עלות השחר! Let's dance till the break of dawn! Let's dance at dawn! Il-qattus tiegħek huwa iswed. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. אני לא רדום. I'm not sleepy. I'm not a sleeper. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي قتل نفسه. Sami must have committed suicide. Sammy must have killed himself. לקורות העץ הלבוד האלה יש עוביים שונים. These plywood beams are of different thicknesses. These wooden beams have different thicknesses. تلقّى فاضل حكمين بالمؤبّد. Fadil got two life sentences. Fadel received two sentences of life. ሴቶች ዓለምን ይለውጣሉ። Women change the world. Women are changing the world. הוא אמר שיהיה שמונה עשרה ביום הולדתו הבא. He said that he would be eighteen on his next birthday. He said he'd be 18 on his next birthday. אני צריך להתקלח. I need to take a shower. I need to take a shower. תום גער במרי. Tom scolded Mary. Tom scolded Mary. زيري لاحظ ذلك. Ziri noticed that. Ziri noticed that. زيري يكره الحفلات. Ziri hates parties. Ziri hates parties. أيمكنني استعارة هذا الكتاب؟ May I borrow this book? Can I borrow this book? הוא עובד עצמאי. He's self-employed. He's a freelancer. أعتقد أنه ثمة طرقة أخرى. I believe that there are other ways. I think there's another way. تخلّي زيري عن ابنه. Ziri abandoned his child. Ziri abandoned his son. אינני בטוח לגבי זה. I'm not sure about it. I'm not sure about that. زيري يحب البرقوق. Ziri loves plums. Ziri likes plums. אורח החיים שלהם שונה משלנו. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their lifestyle is different from ours. لا يستحقّ سامي أكثر ممّا أستحقّه أنا في الحياة. Sami doesn't deserve more than what I deserve from life. Sammy doesn't deserve more than what I deserve in life. أقنعته إنه ينسى الموضوع ده. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I told him he was forgetting about it. תום מדושן עונג. Tom is overjoyed. Tom is a delight. قفز فاضل إلى العمل. Fadil jumped into action. Fadhel jumped to work. אני צריכה מתרגם. I need a translator. I need a translator. אני מחפש את המפתח הזה. I'm looking for this key. I'm looking for that key. תום מתחרט על מה שקרה? Does Tom regret what happened? Does Tom regret what happened? من من المفروض استقبال فلسطينيّي الضّفّة الغربيّة و غزّة إن تمّ طردهم؟ Who is supposed to receive the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza if they were expelled? Who is supposed to receive the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza if they are expelled? לא, זה עדיין לא מספק אותי. No, that still doesn't satisfy me. No, it still doesn't satisfy me. ב-1984, קוקה קולה התחילו להשתמש בסירופ תירס עשיר בפרוקטוזה כתחליף לסוכר. In 1984, Coke started using HFCS instead of sugar. In 1984, Coca-Cola began using high-fructose corn syrup as a substitute for sugar. היא עקשנית. She is obstinate. She's stubborn. لعلّه من الأفضل المغادرة. It might be best for me to leave. Maybe it's better to leave. אני בבעיה. I have a problem. I'm in trouble. ينبغي فقط على لوكاس السياقة إلى منزله بتأني. Lukas should just drive home slow. Lucas should just drive to his house carefully. هل رأيت هذا يا جمال؟ Did you see that, Jamal? Did you see that, Jamal? מה אתה מעדיף, ריצה קלה או אופניים? Which do you like better, cycling or jogging? Which do you prefer, running or cycling? زيري يحاول مساعدة النّاس. Ziri tries to help people. Ziri's trying to help people. يجمع النمل الغذاء لمستعمرته. Ants collect food fot their colonies. Ants collect food for their colony. نظر زيري إلى إحدى النوافذ. Ziri stared at one of the windows. Ziri looked at one of the windows. هل زيري مسلم؟ Is Ziri Muslim? Is Ziri Muslim? أقدر أشتري البيت ده على كام؟ How much could I buy this house for? Can I buy this house on cam? كان سامي يعلم أين هو صفّه. Sami knew where his class was. Sammy knew where his class was. اللغة الصينية أصعب من اللغات الأجنبية الأخرى. Chinese is harder than other foreign languages. Chinese is more difficult than other foreign languages. הם רצים. They run. They're running. מי שמחריב את ביתו עצמו יירש שממה. Whoever destroys his house will inherit the wind. He who destroys his own house shall inherit desolation. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Hawking chose to focus on mathematics and physics, refusing to let his father urge him to study medicine. קודם כל ננתח את המציאות. First of all, we'll analyze the facts. First, let’s analyze the reality. את מרוצה? Are you content? Are you happy? זה מטריד אותך? Are you annoyed by this? Does that bother you? כולם מביעים עניין. Everyone's interested. Everybody's interested. اعتقد سامي أنّ ليلى هي من هجمت عليه. Sami believed Layla attacked him. Sammy thought Layla was the one who attacked him. تبدو في الستينات من عمرها على الأقل. She looks at least sixty. She's at least in her 60s. הכלב היה במצב גסיסה. The dog was dying. The dog was in a dying state. הייתי חסר הגנה. I was defenseless. I was defenseless. ستضمن جُدُر النار أمان الإنترنت. A firewall will guarantee Internet security. The firewall will ensure the security of the Internet. لم أشتري زوجاً من الأحذية لستة أشهر; أنا أستحق زوجاً جديداً لذلك أنا أعتقد أني سأذهب لشرائهم. I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them! I haven’t bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I’m going to go buy them. يعطيك الصحة. Thank you. It gives you health. አንተስ? And you? What about you? אשתי הייתה באותו זמן בהריון. My wife was pregnant at the time. My wife was pregnant at the time. أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. אני מעריך את הערותיך. I appreciate your comments. I appreciate your comments. استمع زيري للحوار. Ziri listened to the conversation. Listen to the conversation. מים הם חשובים. Water is important. Water is important. אני טרנסג'נדרי. I'm trans. I'm transgender. أذهب أحياناً ، وأحياناً أُخْرى لا أذهب. Sometimes I go and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't go. חיכיתי לה כל חיי. I've waited for her all my life. I've been waiting for her my whole life. איך הכרת את הורי? How did you know my parents? How did you meet my parents? أنا حقّا أفتقد جمال. I really miss Jamal. I really miss Jamal. את נראית כל כך חיוורת. You look so pale. You look so pale. את יודעת מי היא? Do you know who she is? Do you know who she is? ربح سامي بعض المال. Sami made some money. Sammy made some money. زيري مريض. Ziri is sick. Ziri's sick. תום אחז בידיה של מרי ולפת אותם בחוזקה. Tom took Mary's hands and held them tightly. Tom held Mary’s hands and held them tightly. هل بإمكانك تفسير ما تريده؟ Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you want? איזו אכזבה! What a letdown! What a disappointment! آمل أن سيساعدني. I hope that he will help me. I hope it helps me. אני יוצא לטוקיו מחר. I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow. لا أعرف أحد في هذه المنطقة لذلك عليك المحاولة بتشكيل صدقات. I don't know anybody in this area, So you have to try making friends. I don't know anyone in this area so you should try to form a charity. كل ما تفعله هو الشكوى. You are always complaining. All you do is complain. كان زيري يشاهد البيسبول. Ziri watched baseball. Ziri was watching baseball. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami realized that. Sammy figured it out. سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? كان سامي متعطّشا لذلك. Sami craved that. Sammy was hungry for it. אני רוצה להראות לך את הציורים שלי. I want to show you my drawings. I want to show you my paintings. دعى فتى آخر ليلى للرّقصة. Another boy invited Layla to the dance. Invite another boy to the dance. إنه لا يخاف من الموت. He isn't afraid of death. He is not afraid of death. אני צריכה להחנות את האוטו כאן. I have to park my car here. I need to park my car here. הילד דג דג גדול. The boy caught a large fish. The kid's a big fish. נשארתי מאחור. I remained behind. I stayed behind. نجت بعض نخلات التمر. Some date palm trees survived. Some date palms survived. לשמונה בחורים יש עיניים. Eight guys have eyes. Eight guys have eyes. كان سامي يحبّ الإسلام. Sami loved Islam. Sammy loved Islam. فحص الطبيب المرضى. The doctor examined the patients. Examination of the sick doctor. תום ומרי יושבים בחדר האורחים ומדברים. Tom and Mary are sitting in the living room talking. Tom and Mary sit in the guest room and talk. زيري يملك ذلك. Ziri has that. Ziri's got it. אני גדולה וחזקה. I'm big and strong. I'm big and strong. היא נסעה איתו לבוסטון. She went with him to Boston. She went with him to Boston. كان سامي يعلم أنّ تلك النّافذة لا تُقفل. Sami knew the window didn't lock. Sammy knew that window wasn't locked. אקר הוא יחידת מידה; אקרה, בירת גאנה, ואקרה, מדינה בברזיל. An acre is a unit of measurement; Accra, the capital of Ghana, and Acre, a Brazilian state. Accra is a unit of measure; Accra, the capital of Ghana, and Accra, a country in Brazil. طبعاً! Of course. Of course! الجبن أصفر. The cheese is yellow. The cheese is yellow. حاولت أن أجعل تشارلز يساعدني لكنه لم يفعل. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he wouldn't. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he didn't. ጤና ይስጥልኝ! Hello! Greetings to me! תום האדים קמעה. Tom flushed slightly. Tom's steaming a bit. مَا هُوَ مَجَال عَمَلُك؟ What's your field of work? What's the point of your work? אחרי הצומת תעלה על הכביש המהיר. After the intersection, drive onto the highway. After the intersection, you'll be on the freeway. ستمطر. It is going to rain. It's gonna rain. كرفس الورقا أو دار بيها بولا. He crushed the sheet of paper up into a ball. Paper celery or bih paula house. كان سامي يخرج الكلب لتمشيته. Sami walked the dog. Sammy was taking the dog for a walk. هل هذه أختك؟ Is that your sister? Is that your sister? اضغطن على الجرس مرتين. Press the bell twice. Press the bell twice. هل لي ببعض الأسئلة؟ May I ask some questions? Can I ask you a few questions? لدي بعض الأصدقاء في القاهرة. I've got some friends in Cairo. I have some friends in Cairo. هيا. دعنا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Come on, let's get out of here. اقبل هذا. Accept that. Take this. إنتحرت. She committed suicide. She committed suicide. כייסים כמעט תמיד עובדים בקבוצות. Pickpockets almost always work in groups. Pickpockets almost always work in groups. זוקפים את גילוי הקוטב הצפוני לזכותו של פירי. We credit Peary with having discovered the North Pole. The discovery of the North Pole is credited to Perry. אף אחד לא אמר שהחיים הוגנים. No one said that life was fair. No one said life was fair. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. لا أظنك تفهم يا زيري. Ziri, I don't think you understand. I don't think you understand, Xerry. كان هناك مدرّسون بالقرب. Teachers were around. There were teachers nearby. كنت أبحث عن عصير الليمون طيلة اليوم. I have been looking for lemon juice all day long. I've been looking for lemonade all day. אם אתה חושב שאתה קטן מדיי בשביל ליצור שינוי, נסה לישון עם יתוש. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. חלמתי. I was dreaming. I dreamt. תום יצר קשר עם מרי. Tom contacted Mary. Tom contacted Mary. איך נודע לך? How did you know? How did you find out? תום אוהב לאכול ביצה רכה לארוחת בוקר. Tom likes eating a soft-boiled egg for breakfast. Tom likes to eat a soft egg for breakfast. وعد زيري. Ziri promised. Ziri's promise. يلعب التلفاز دوراً هاماً في الحياة اليومية. TV plays an important part in everyday life. Television plays an important role in everyday life. לכו לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go meet Tom. אני מקווה שכולם יהיו בסדר. I hope everyone will be OK. I hope everyone's gonna be okay. كان سامي معرّضا لحكم تلقائيّ بالسّجن المؤبّد إن أُدين. Sami faced an automatic term of life in prison if convicted. Sami was subject to automatic sentencing to life in prison if convicted. טום הרבה יותר מגניב ממך. Tom is a lot cooler than you are. Tom's a lot cooler than you. היה לי קושי לפתור את הבעיה הזאת. I had difficulty in solving this problem. I had a hard time solving this problem. اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" Dima objected: “But that’s ridiculous! Coup<0xC3><0xA9>s have not been used for ages! And 0.99 is not even a natural number!” אל תמהר להגן עלי. Don't rush to my defense. Don't rush to protect me. كان سامي آتيًا من هناك. Sami was coming from there. Sammy came from there. صعد زيري إلى الحافلة المدرسية. Ziri got onto the school bus. Ziri got on the school bus. את משתטה. You're just being silly. You're fooling around. תוכל אולי לדבר עם תום יותר מאוחר היום. You might be able to talk to Tom later today. You might be able to talk to Tom later today. מצורפת מפה אל המשרד שלנו. Attached is a map to our office. Attached here to our office. قام زيري بتقليم نبات اللبلاب ذاك. Ziri had the ivy trimmed. Ziri's been trimming that ivy plant. هذا هو الفتى الذي أفكر به. This is the boy I think about. That's the boy I'm thinking about. لست مرتاحا لهذا. I don't feel good about it. I'm not comfortable with that. אלה מחשבים מסוגים שונים. These are different types of computers. These are different types of computers. קפה ושוקולד טובים ביחד. Coffee and chocolate go together well. Coffee and chocolate are good together. אתה צריך להיות זהיר יותר. You should be more careful. You need to be more careful. התעטשתי. I sneezed. I sneezed. እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a student. I am a student. אל תתני אמון בזרים. Don't trust strangers. Don't trust strangers. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she will not come. You may not come. علم سامي أنّ اللّه قد هداه أخيرا إلى دين حق. Sami knew that God finally guided him to a true religion. He knew that God had finally led him to the right religion. ስራ እየፈለግሁኝ ነው። I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. هل يعتنون بالكلب؟ Do they take care of the dog? Do they take care of the dog? חתולים אינם אוהבים להרטב. Cats don't like getting wet. Cats don't like to get wet. فنجانا قهوة بالحليب من فضلك. Two coffees with milk, please. A cup of coffee with milk, please. תפוחי אדמה מאוד זולים. Potatoes are very cheap. Potatoes are very cheap. אני אהיה מופתע לדעת שטום ומרי התחתנו. I'd be surprised if Tom and Mary got married. I'd be surprised to know that Tom and Mary got married. تسلق كارلوس الجبل. Carlos climbed the mountain. Carlos climbed the mountain. Deher onest. He appeared honest. Seemed honest. سأشتاق إليك. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. غادر زيري مبكّرا. Ziri left early. Ziri left early. אתם יכולים לדבר קצת יותר חזק? אני לא שומע אתכם כל כך טוב. Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well. Can you talk a little louder? I can't hear you very well. كان دكتور فاوست ضليعاً في الكيمياء. Dr. Faust was well versed in alchemy. Dr. Faust was well versed in chemistry. كان زيري أول من ذهب. Ziri went first. Ziri was the first to go. كان زيري يكره ذلك. Ziri hated that. Ziri hated it. הייתי מזהה את תום בכל מקום. I'd recognize Tom anywhere. I'd recognize Tom anywhere. واصل زيري المشي متوجها نحو الحوض. Ziri kept walking to make it to the pond. Ziri continued to walk towards the basin. مات السنة الماضية. He died one year ago. He died last year. إنك مخطئ بشأن ذلك. You are mistaken about that. You're wrong about that. جلس زيري. Ziri sat down. Sit down, Ziri. أنا أريد فقط الحصول على المتعة. I just want to have fun. I just want to have fun. אני לא יכולה ללכת מהר יותר. I can't go any faster. I can't go any faster. توم يفقد كثيرا من الدم. Tom is losing blood. Tom loses a lot of blood. قرأت كتابك. I read your book. I read your book. אני הולך לתאטרון בפינה. I'm going to the theater on the corner. I'm going to the theater in the corner. לו יכולת להיות שם. I wish you could have been there. If you could be there. سبق أن أعطيت توم هدية عيد ميلاده. I've already given Tom his birthday present. I already gave Tom his birthday present. هل تتحدث التركية؟ Do you speak Turkish? Do you speak Turkish? جريمة توم التالية ستكون الأخيرة. Tom's next crime will be his last. Tom's next murder will be the last. אני אוהב את הבית כפי שהוא. I like this house as it is. I love the house as it is. أود معرفة سبب حذف اسمي من القائمة. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. I would like to know why my name was removed from the list. אני הולך להודיע למשרד הדואר על שינוי בכתובתי. I am going to inform the post office of the change of my address. I'm going to notify the post office of a change of address. لقد رسّخ سامي احترام الآخرين في ذهن أبنائه. Sami instilled respect for others in his children. Sami has established the respect of others in the minds of his children. لستُ مشغولًا مثل يوشيو. I am not as busy as Yoshio. I'm not as busy as Yoshio. רק רציתי לתת לך שיעור. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. I just wanted to give you a lesson. لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا. Their communication may be much more complex than we thought. We have our own accounts, as well as our own accounts. בישול גוזל זמן רב מדי. Cooking takes too much time. Cooking takes too long. פרסום המאמר תואם לחפוף ליום הולדתו של הפרופסור. Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The publication of the article coincides with the professor's birthday. كان سامي منزعجا. Sami was annoyed. Sammy was upset. תמתין שניה, תום. Wait a minute, Tom. Hold on a second, Tom. אני לא יודע מה שמך האמיתי. I don't know your real name. I don't know your real name. ברור שתום שיקר. Tom was obviously lying. Of course Tom lied. למפגר הזה שיניים חדות. This imbecile has sharp teeth. This retard has sharp teeth. استخدم زيري الحوض للاختباء. Ziri used the pond to hide. Use the pelvis to hide. Mary rasha iebsa wisq biex tiskuza ruħha. Mary is too stubborn to apologize. Mary is too hard to bear. توم أكل الكعكة الأخيرة من البرطمان. Tom ate the last cookie in the jar. Tom ate the last cake from the jar. תוכניתו של תום לאמיתו של דבר עבדה. Tom's plan actually worked. Tom's plan actually worked. زيري جاهز. Ziri is available. Zeri's ready. كان سامي يبدو كطبيب أو محام. Sami looked like an attorney or a doctor. He looked like a doctor or a lawyer. אבא יצא לדוג. Father has gone fishing. Dad went fishing. لم يتعلم شيئا في المدرسة. He learned nothing at school. He learned nothing in school. המשפט הזה חף מטעויות דקדוקיות. There are no grammatical mistakes in this sentence. This sentence is free from grammatical errors. חשבתי שתום נמצא בסכנה. I thought Tom was in danger. I thought Tom was in danger. للرجل والمرأة متى بلغا سن الزواج حق التزوج وتأسيس أسرة دون أي قيد بسبب الجنس أو الدين، ولهما حقوق متساوية عند الزواج وأثناء قيامه وعند انحلاله. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. When men and women reach the age of marriage, they have the right to marry and to found a family without any restriction on the grounds of sex or religion, and they have equal rights when they marry, during their marriage, during their marriage and at its dissolution. قدّم سامي وثائقا تثبت أنّه قد زار حقّا ذلك المستشفى. Sami produced paperwork that shows that he really had been to the hospital. Sami provided documents proving that he had actually visited that hospital. كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. She was an enchanted Dane. هذا الأمر لن يُقبل أبدا من طرف موظفي المكتب. The people in the office will never agree. This will never be accepted by the staff of the Office. אני קורא את המסמכים הישנים. I read the old documents. I'm reading the old papers. איך מגיעים לתחנה? How do I get to the bus station? How to get to the station? كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. Sammy was in college. كيف عرفت مكان تواجدي؟ How did she know where to find me? How did you know where I was? תום התפטר אתמול. Tom resigned yesterday. Tom resigned yesterday. ليلى تحبّ التّجميل. Layla likes makeup. Lily likes to beautify. ريمة و سكورة تشاهدان كرة القدم. Rima and Skura watch football. Reema and Skoura watch football. אתה רוצה לשמוע עוד? Do you want to hear more? You want to hear more? תגלו איך תום מתכנן לבלות את סוף השבוע. Find out how Tom plans to spend his weekend. You'll find out how Tom plans to spend the weekend. فاضل ثرثار. Fadil talks too much. Good talker. אתה רץ מהר מאד. You run very fast. You're running very fast. תום שלומיאל. Tom is awkward. Tom Shlomiel. كانت ليلى بين الموت و الحياة. Layla was barely clinging to life. Layla was between death and life. رآها زيري. Ziri saw her again. Zeri saw her. وجد يانّي دودا بداخل تلك التّينة. Yanni found larvae inside the fig. He found Yanni Doda in that sample. راسل زيري ريمة عبر الهاتف. Ziri texted Rima. Russell Zeri Rima over the phone. אנו מאחלים לך טיסה נעימה. We wish you a pleasant flight. We wish you a pleasant flight. צריכה הייתי לבדות משהו מליבי? Should I make something up? Should I have left something out of my heart? كان يحمل علبة كبيرة بين ذراعيه He had a big box in his arms. He had a big box in his arms. טעויות עושים כל הזמן. Mistakes are made all the time. Mistakes are made all the time. יש כמה ביצים באריזה. There are some eggs in the box. There's some eggs in the package. كان سامي يقيم حفلا. Sami was having a party. Sammy was having a party. תיזהר! הסכין חד מאוד. Careful! The knife is very sharp. The knife is very sharp. توم مات من كام يوم. Tom passed away a few days ago. Tom died of Cam Day. תום לבש חליפת צלילה. Tom was wearing scuba gear. Tom was wearing a scuba suit. ציפור זו יכולה לחקות קול אנושי. This bird can imitate the human voice. This bird can imitate a human voice. لن يصل إلى الاجتماع في الوقت المحدد. He won't be in time for the meeting. He won't get to the meeting on time. המאמן אמר לשחקנים לא לאכול יותר מדי לפני המשחק. The coach told the players not to eat too much before the game. The coach told the players not to eat too much before the game. اشتريته بالأمس. I bought this yesterday. I bought it yesterday. בתאטרון היה קהל גדול. There was a large audience in the theater. The theater had a large audience. سار إلى الأمام. Ziri walked forward. Walked forward. أنا أدرس الطّب. I study medicine. I'm studying medicine. كان فاضل منهكا. Fadil was all in. He was an exhausted philanthropist. سأعود بعد ساعة. I'll be back in an hour. I'll be back in an hour. أنا ممتن لك لاستضافتك إياي في الحفلة. I am grateful to you for inviting me to the party. I'm grateful to you for hosting me at the party. כולם קמו לעזוב. They all got up to leave. Everyone got up to leave. אני קוראת את המשפט הזה. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this sentence. هل يمكننا أن ننسى أن ذلك قد حدث؟ Can we forget that that just happened? Can we forget that this happened? قالت أنه ينبغي علي أن أعود للبيت مبكرا. She said that I should come home soon. She said I should be home early. הייתה לו שנאה תהומית למורו. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. He had a deep hatred for his teacher. המספרים האלה לא נכונים. These numbers aren't right. Those numbers are wrong. ספר לי איפה היא. Tell me where she is. Tell me where she is. صام ياني شهر رمضان بأكمله. Yanni fasted for the whole month of Ramadan. The entire month of Ramadan. "لقد جئت لزيارة جمال." "تفضّل بالدخول." "I've come to see Jamal." "Come in." "I've come to visit Jamal." "Please come in." عادت ليلى في قطار إلى القاهرة. Layla caught a train back to Cairo. Layla returned by train to Cairo. רק רציתי לראות איך תגיבי. I just wanted to see how you'd react. I just wanted to see how you'd react. نناديه مايك. We call him Mike. We call him Mike. הוא עשה המון כסף. He made a lot of money. He made a lot of money. أعجبتني رائحته. I liked the way it smelled. I like the smell of it. يعقد الآن المعرض الفني في كيوتو. The art exhibition is now being held in Kyoto. The art exhibition is now held in Kyoto. مَن؟ Who is it? Who? Who? איך אתם יכולים סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? שקלת שבעים קילו. You weighed seventy kilograms. You weighed 70 pounds. ክታምካ ዝገበርካሉ ሓደ ክፋል ብኽብረትካ ናባና ስደዶ። Please return one set to us with your signature. Send some of your money to us with your money so that we can help you. ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! What a shame when I believed him! خُنق زيري. Ziri was strangled. Throttle Ziri. نبدو سعداء We look happy. We look happy. אל תדאגו. Don't worry. Don't worry. بدأ زيري يتكلّم. Ziri started speaking. Ziri began to speak. מה פסול בכך שאני אשלם את החשבון? What's wrong with me paying the bill? What's wrong with me paying the bill? لم يسبق لسامي و أن ملك كلبا. Sami has never had a dog. I've never owned a dog. مرّر إليّ الزبدة إذا سمحت. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter, please. הם פקפקו במפקדם. They had some doubts about their commander. They doubted their commander. זאת דרך מהירה יותר. That's a faster way. It's a faster way. لقد قاربت الساعة على الثالثة. It is almost three. It's almost three o'clock. תום בדק בעצבנות את המסרונים בטלפון שלו, וחשש שמא שלח תמונות לא כשרות שהיה שיכור בלילה שעבר. Tom nervously checked the text messages on his phone, fearing that he might have sent inappropriate images or texts when he was drunk the night before. Tom nervously checked the text messages on his phone, fearing that he might have sent out incompetent photos that he was drunk last night. معذرة، كيف تعرف إسمي؟ Excuse me. How do you know my name? Excuse me. How do you know my name? أين تقع عيادته؟ Where is his clinic situated? Where is his clinic located? הייתה לו דעה קדומה נגד נשים מאחורי ההגה. He had a prejudice against women drivers. He had a prejudice against women behind the wheel. אמרתי לתום שלא לספר לכם. I told Tom not to tell you. I told Tom not to tell you. יש עליך עט? Do you have a pen on you? You got a pen on you? אני יודע שאת רוצה ללכת הביתה. I know you want to go home. I know you want to go home. يجب عليهم حل النزاعات بين الدول. They have to solve conflicts among nations. They must resolve disputes between states. مهمتي هي الإهتمام بالطفل. Taking care of the baby is my job. My job is to take care of the baby. إذا أردت, يمكنني أن أُريك كيف تفعل ذلك. If you want, I can show you how to do that. If you want, I can show you how to do it. هذه الجملة تصف بالتحديد مشاعر الكاتب. This sentence states exactly how the writer feels. This sentence specifically describes the feelings of the writer. Ma nitkellimx bl-Ispanjol? I don't speak Spanish. Don't speak Spanish? كان الحذاء الذي أعطيته لسامي صغيرا عليه. The shoes I gave Sami were too small for him. The shoes I gave Sammy were too small for him. תום שמנמן, לא? Tom is plump, isn't he? Tom's fat, isn't he? פרד, תתנהג, אני לא מתלוצצת. Fred, behave, and I'm not joking, either. Fred, behave. I'm not kidding. אתה רומז שאולי זאת לא הייתה תאונה? Are you suggesting it might not have been an accident? Are you suggesting that maybe it wasn't an accident? תום שר הרבה יותר טוב ממני. Tom is much better at singing than I am. Tom sings a lot better than me. سمع زيري للحركة. Ziri heard movement. Ziri heard the movement. قام يانّي بحفظ مربّى التّين في الثّلاّجة. Yanni stored the fig jam in the fridge. Yanni saved the dragon jam in the fridge. התנאים וההגבלות ניתנים לשינוי בכל עת. The terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. The Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time. היום החלטנו שניסע להרים. We decided to go to the mountains today. Today we decided to go to the mountains. תום אמר למרי שהוא יעזור לה לשטוף את הכלים. Tom told Mary that he'd help her wash the dishes. Tom told Mary that he would help her wash the dishes. מעודי לא הצטרכתי לעבוד קשה מאד. I've never had to work very hard. I never had to work very hard. كان ذلك خيارك أنت. It was your own choice. That was your choice. אנחנו ייחודיים. We're particular. We're unique. הערים צפופות מאד בימינו. Towns are very crowded today. Cities are very crowded these days. באתי לכאן כדי לדבר איתך. I came here to talk to you. I came here to talk to you. אני עובדת כל יום, מלבד ימי א'. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sundays. אני מסכימה לחלוטין עם זה. I agree completely with that. I totally agree with that. قدّم سامي ليلى مفاتيح الباب الأساسي للنّادي. Sami gave Layla the keys to the main door of the club. Sami Layla gave the keys to the club's main door. אתה יצירתי. You're creative. You're creative. انتقلن للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved here. يحترق الخشب بسهولة. Wood burns easily. The wood burns easily. እኔ ከሳፖሮ ነኝ። I'm from Sapporo. I'm from Sapporo. התחלנו שוב ללכת מיד לאחר החלמתה. We began to walk again as soon as she was recovered. We started walking again immediately after her recovery. המשכתי לקוות שאפגוש את תום. I kept hoping I'd meet Tom. I was hoping to meet Tom. هل يُمكنني استعارة سيارتك لهذه الليلة؟ Can I borrow your car tonight? Can I borrow your car for the night? إن زيري بخير. Ziri is fine. Zeri's fine. למדתי מהטובים ביותר. I've learned from the best. I learned from the best. הם באו לכאן אתמול. They came here yesterday. They came here yesterday. أنت لا تعلم بالقصة كاملة. You don't know the whole story. You don't know the whole story. אני מספיק מבוגרת. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. הוא אשמאי זקן. He's dirty minded. He's an old scoundrel. מלחמה איננה אסון טבע בדומה לרעש אדמה או לצונאמי. היא מופיעה בלי שום אזהרה מוקדמת. War is not a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tsunami. It does not come without warning. War is not a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tsunami. It appears without any warning. לדעתי עליך לספר להוריך שאנו נשואים. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. I think you should tell your parents we're married. اشترىت عدد قليل من الكتب من المكتبة. I bought a few books from the bookstore. I bought a few books from the library. מעבדי מזון שימושיים לחיתוך ירקות. Food processors are convenient for slicing vegetables. Food processors are useful for cutting vegetables. איזה זעזוע! What a shock! What a shock! אני צריכה מחשב. I need a computer. I need a computer. لو لم تساعدني، لما كنت سأنجح. Were it not for your help, I could never succeed. If you hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have succeeded. בוקר טוב. זה הזמן לקום מהשינה. Good morning. It's time to wake up. It's time to get out of bed. סצ'יקו אמרה תמיד: "עדיף שתשאיר קצת כסף בצד, למקרה שתחלה". Sachiko always said: "You'd better set some money aside in case you get sick." Sichiko always said, “It’s better to leave some money aside, in case you get sick.” אתם ניצחתם. You won. You guys won. זה יהיה משעשע מאוד. That would be really entertaining. That would be very amusing. קח את זה החוצה. Take it outside. Take it outside. وقتاش رحتو؟ When did you go? And they're gone? أصبح مدرّس رياضيّات. He became a math teacher. He became a math teacher. הוא הופיע בשעה חמש, על הדקה. He appeared at 5 o'clock to the minute. He showed up at 5:00, about the minute. כולם צועקים עלי. Everybody yells at me. Everybody's yelling at me. הוא קיבל את המשרה. He got the job. He got the job. الصحراويون يريدون الاستقلال. Sahrawis want independence. The Saharawis want independence. Ziri ma damx mar jorqod. Ziri soon went to sleep. Ziri soon went to sleep. أظن بأن توم يحبني. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom loves me. אתמול נרדמתי מול הטלוויזיה הפועלת. Last night I fell asleep with the television on. Yesterday I fell asleep in front of the TV. المهم هو العمل. What's important is work. The important thing is work. אנחנו מוכנים למשא ומתן. We're ready to negotiate. We're ready to negotiate. لا يمكنني شرحهُ أكثر. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it anymore. לפעמים הוא בחור מעניין. He's sometimes an interesting fellow. Sometimes he's an interesting guy. عليك أن تزور طبيباً. You must see a doctor. You should see a doctor. كان سامي ينتظر استدعاءه. Sami waited to be called. Sammy was waiting to call him. Kważi għandi kull ma rrid. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I want. אני לא יכול לסבול ילדים רעשניים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand noisy kids. هل تعرفني؟ Do you know me? Do you know me? زيري يذهب إلى الروضة. Ziri goes to nursery school. Ziri goes to kindergarten. טום לא עובד כרגע בשום מקום. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's not working anywhere right now. המסעדה הזאת ידועה בבישול המעולה שלה. This restaurant is famous for its excellent cuisine. This restaurant is known for its excellent cuisine. הוא בגד במולדת שלו. He betrayed his country. He betrayed his homeland. אני האדם היחידי שטום מכיר בעיר הזאת. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. أنا أرفض الموافقة على تلك الخطة. I refuse to consent to that plan. I refuse to agree to that plan. من الممكن أنها ستأتي. She might come. She could be coming. מרי לבשה גרביים בגובה הברך. Mary wore knee-high socks. Mary was wearing knee-high socks. אנו צריכים ללכת להזהיר את תום. We've got to go warn Tom. We need to go warn Tom. إنه بريطاني. He is British. He's British. إنا سعداء. We are happy. We're happy. ما اسم هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's that bird's name? زيري يخدم الزّبائن. Ziri is serving. Ziri serves clients. אני קונה לאחותי כובע חדש. I'm buying my sister a new hat. I'm buying my sister a new hat. بالرّغم من مشاركة جميع سكّان المدينة في البحث، لا أحد وجد الطّفل الصّغير فاضل. Even with the whole town searching, no one found little Fadil. Despite the participation of all the inhabitants of the city in the search, no one found the little boy virtuous. كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد كلّ يوم. Sami went to the mosque every day. Sammy went to the mosque every day. لم تكن للشّرطة أيّة أدلّة أخرى ضدّ ليلى. The police had no other evidence against Layla. The police had no other evidence against Layla. تواجه اليابان أزمات اقتصادية قاسية. Japan is confronted with severe economic problems. Japan is facing severe economic crises. السماء صافية. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. תום עצבני קמעה. Tom's a little nervous. Tom's a little nervous. נא לא להפריע לנו. We're not to be disturbed. Please don't disturb us. לימדתי אותך איך מתנים אהבים. I taught you how to make love. I taught you how to give love. תום נער רגיל. Tom is a normal teenager. Tom is an ordinary boy. احسّ سامي بالحقد. Sami felt resentlful. Sammy's got a grudge. أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. كان سامي يركب نفس الحافلة التي تركبها ليلى. Sami rode the same bus as Layla. Sammy was riding the same bus as Layla. Narak iktar tard! See you later! I'll see you later! يبدو عليك المرض. You look sick. You look sick. حلم زيري. Ziri dreamt. Ziri's dream. كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة يمكن أن تصل في أية لحظة. Fadil knew that police could show up at any second. Fazil knew the police could arrive at any moment. תן לי לראות איך ארגיש מחר. Let me see how I feel tomorrow. Let me see how I feel tomorrow. من فضلك فكر في الموضوع. Please think about it. Please think about it. ما الذي حصل له؟ What happened to him? What happened to him? ما خطبك الليلة يا توم ؟ Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? What's wrong with you tonight, Tom? وجد سامي ملابس ليلى معلّقة في غرفته. Sami found Layla's clothes hanging up in his room. Sammy found Lily's clothes hanging in his room. الصحراء الغربية بلد مجاور Western Sahara is a neighboring country. Western Sahara is a neighboring country تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learnt Berber at home. I learned Amazigh at home. שינון צרופי לשון הוא צעד נוסף לקראת דיבור כמו יליד. Learning collocations is one step towards sounding like a native speaker. Tongue memorization is another step towards native speech. ربات البيت في أيامنا هذه لا يعرفن إلا الشكوى من ارتفاع الأسعار. Today's housewives do nothing but complain of high prices. Today’s housewives can only complain about rising prices. انهض! Get up! Get up! היא צבעה את הקיר בורוד. She painted the wall pink. She painted the wall pink. תום הניח את ידו על המיקרופון. Tom put his hand over the microphone. Tom put his hand on the microphone. זה הבית שלי, לא שלך. This house is mine, not yours. This is my house, not yours. واصل زيري دراسته. Ziri continued his studies. Ziri continued his studies. تمّ احتجاز ليلى من أجل تلقّيها للعلاج. Layla was locked up for treatment. Layla was detained for treatment. ذلك رائع حقاً! That's really great! That's really cool! كنت هنا من قبل. I've been here before. You've been here before. זה כל כך טוב. It feels so good. That's so good. هو كتب رسالةً. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. ما هي فرقَتُكَ الموسيقيّة المفضّلة؟ What is your favorite music group? What's your favorite band? השעה כעת שלוש וחצי. It's three-thirty. It's 3:30. אפילו אם הבוס מתקיף אותך ואומר לך להסתלק, אתה צריך לעמוד על דעתך. Even if you boss attacks you and tells you to go away, you should make your point. Even if the boss attacks you and tells you to get out, you have to make up your mind. كانت ليلى أمّا مشغولة. Layla was a busy mom. Lily was busy. איך כולם מרגישים? How's everyone doing? How's everybody feeling? خبّأ سامي سيّارته بين مجموعة من الأشجار. Sami hid his car in a grove of trees. Sammy hid his car among a bunch of trees. الجميع سعداء. All are happy. Everyone's happy. אנחנו טסים לגרמניה ביום ראשון. We are flying to Germany on Sunday. We're going to Germany on Sunday. זה חסר כל היגיון דפוק. It makes no fucking sense. It makes no fucking sense. انت تعمل بمشقة كبيرة . استرح لبعض الوقت . You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working so hard. Get some rest. غادرالقطار قبل أن يصلوا إلى المحطة. The train left before they got to the station. Leave the train before they get to the station. האם אי פעם ירד לך דם מהאף בקיץ? Have you ever had a nosebleed in summer? Have you ever had blood from your nose in the summer? פדיל ולילה פתחו דף חדש. Fadil and Layla were celebrating a fresh start. Padilla and Leela opened a new page. תום נעים. Tom is personable. Tom is pleased. היא התחנכה בארה"ב. She was educated in the United States. She was educated in the United States. هذه المدينة تعجبني جداً. I like this city very much. I really like this town. أين هي السّفارة الألمانيّة؟ Where is the German embassy? Where is the German Embassy? תום היה עקשן. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. בסדר, בוא נעבור את זה. All right, let's get this over with. All right, let's get through this. راني باغي نشري موطو جْديد. I want to buy a new motorcycle. Rani Baghi is publishing a new memoir. بدأ فاضل يواعد فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil started dating a Muslim girl from Egypt. Fadel began dating a Muslim girl from Egypt. טום אמר שהוא לא מפחד. Tom said he wasn't scared. Tom said he wasn't afraid. هل بإمكانك أن توصلني لمنزلي؟ Could you give me a ride home? Can you drive me home? أصبح سامي أشهر مدرّس في ثانويّتنا. Sami became the most popular teacher at our high school. Sammy became the most famous teacher in our high school. أنت عار. You're not dressed. You're a disgrace. غير زيري خطته. Ziri changed his plans. Changed his plan. בוא נטייל על החוף אחרי ארוחת הערב. Let's walk on the beach after dinner. Let's take a walk on the beach after dinner. لا تأت هنا. Don't come here. Don't come here. أتذكر أسمه، كلما استمعت إلى هذه الأغنية. Every time I hear this song, I think of his name. I remember his name, every time I listen to that song. אמרתי זאת בבדיחותא. I meant that as a joke. I said it in a joke. הם המשיכו לאכול כאילו לא קרה שום דבר. They continued eating as if nothing had happened. They continued to eat as if nothing had happened. هل أنت متأكد أنك لم تنسَ شيئاً؟ Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? أدعمه. I'm behind him. Back him up. سامي يحبّ مادّة التّصوير. Sami loves photography class. Sammy likes the picture stuff. מחר אקח לי חופש אחר הצהריים. I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off. Tomorrow I'll take the afternoon off. زيري يعاني حقّا من اضطرابات ناجمة عن خوفه من الهجران. Ziri does have abandonment issues. Ziri really suffers from disorders caused by his fear of abandonment. أقوم ببعض التمارين الخفيفة كل صباح. I take light exercise every morning. I do some light exercise every morning. قدّموا لك وثيقة كان ينبغي أن يمضيها أبوك، أليس كذلك؟ They gave you a document your dad was supposed to sign, didn't they? They gave you a document that your father should have passed on, didn't they? זו היתה הצלחה רבה. It was a complete success. That was a big success. כבה את האור לפני שתלך לישון. Turn off the light before you go to bed. Turn off the light before you go to sleep. יש לנו בעיות גדולות יותר לטפל בהן. We have bigger problems to deal with. We have bigger problems to deal with. אני לא יכולה להתאפק מלהיכנס לשם. I can't wait to get in there. I can't wait to get in there. مشكور! Thanks! Thanks! אני מתקשר הרבה לתום. I call Tom a lot. I call Tom a lot. عادة ما كنا نذهب معا لصيد السمك. I often went fishing with him. We usually go fishing together. أريد أن أرسل هذا الطرد إلى كندا. I'd like to mail this package to Canada. I want to send this package to Canada. תביא בבקשה את האחרים. Please bring the others. Please bring the others. בשר חזיר גורם לי לבחילה. Pork doesn't agree with me. Pork makes me sick. המאמץ השתלם, כי עברתי את הבחינה. The hard work was worthwhile because I passed the exam. The effort paid off, because I passed the exam. היא עזרה לו. She helped him. She helped him. لن أبيعه. I'm not going to sell it. I'm not selling it. תבדוק שהכול במקום. Check if everything is in place. Make sure everything is in place. מי המציא את הדינמיט? Who invented dynamite? Who invented dynamite? شعرت بالحزن. I felt sad. I felt sad. תום לקח את הבקבוק ממרי והביט בתווית. Tom took the bottle from Mary and looked at the label. Tom took the bottle from Mary and looked at the label. איך אני חוצה את הנהר? How do I get over the river? How do I cross the river? אני משוכנע בתמימותה. I am convinced of her innocence. I'm convinced of her innocence. بدأنا في الصياح. We started yelling. We started yelling. أعرف أباك. I know your father. I know your father. تزوّج زيري بريمة. Ziri married Rima. Ziri married Prima. تزوّج سامي من فتاة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim girl. Sami was married to a Muslim girl. كشف سامي عن أمره في فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami snitched on himself in a YouTube video. Sami revealed it in a YouTube video. תום נראה עייף. Tom looked tired. Tom looks tired. وقتاش شْرى توم هاذْ التريكو؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? Is this Tom Tricot? كان فاضل الطّبّاخ الرّئيسي. Fadil was the head chef. He was a chef’s chef. מתי אתם סוגרים? When do you guys close? When are you closing? היא יצאה הבוקר לרכיבה על סוס. She went horse-riding this morning. She went for a horse ride this morning. كان سامي يريد أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give Leila more money. كانت ليلى تتألّم من عينيها. Layla's eyes hurt. Leila was hurting from her eyes. מה את רוצה? What do you want? What do you want? מרי גננת. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary is a gardener. הוא חיפש אותי? Has he been looking for me? He was looking for me? لم لا تقبل بذلك؟ Why don't you accept that? Why don't you take it? זה הבית בו נולדתי. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. زيري متحفز. Ziri is motivated. Ziri's motivated. שנלך עכשיו? Shall we go now? Shall we go now? לך על זה, טום! Run for it, Tom! Go for it, Tom! عمري ما نشرب لاتاي. I never drink tea. I don't drink lattes. הייתה לו תאונה בעבודה. He had an accident at work. He had an accident at work. الأقربون أولى بالمعروف. Charity begins at home. Those closest to him are first-rate. אני רוצה ללמוד גרמנית בנוסף לאנגלית. I want to study German in addition to English. I want to learn German in addition to English. אני אוהבת לזייף בקול רם. I like singing loud and out of tune. I like to fake out loud. שנינו צחקנו. We both laughed. We both laughed. אנו מצפוניים. We're conscientious. We're conscientious. زيري غريب. Ziri is strange. Zeri's a stranger. لم يعد من الممكن التّعرّف على زيري. Ziri was unrecognizable. Ziri can no longer be identified. הנער כרכם את פניו זרועות הפצעונים. The boy screwed up his pimply face. The boy wrapped his face in the arms of the pimples. הלכתי עם אחותי לגן החיות. I went to the zoo with my sister. I went to the zoo with my sister. الوالد ينتظر. Father is waiting. The father is waiting. טום הוא הכי טוב במה שהוא עושה. Tom is the best at what he does. Tom is the best at what he does. תום אינו הגיוני. Tom is illogical. Tom doesn't make sense. زيري يحسن الغناء. Ziri can sing. Ziri's singing better. هذه متعة. It's a pleasure. This is fun. إنها من فرنسا. She is from France. She's from France. بالصّح عجبكم؟ But do you like it? Right. You like it? سامي من قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. הלאומנות היא מחלת המוח. Nationalism is a disease of the brain. Nationalism is a brain disease. בוא נראה איך תום מגיב לזה. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom reacts to this. استدارت بابتسامة. She turned around and smiled. Turned around with a smile. دخلتُ الغرفة التي كانت مليئة بالناس. I entered the room, which was full of people. I entered the room that was full of people. أكل زيري كشمشا. Ziri ate gooseberries. Ziri ate cashmere. مات سامي في السّجن بسبب مشكل صحّي. Sami died in prison from a health-related issue. Sammy died in prison because of a health problem. اشعل زيري حريقا في الغابة. Ziri started a forest fire. Ziri set fire to the forest. החנות הזאת הכילה כמעט כל דבר שהצטרכנו. That store had just about everything we needed to buy. This store contained almost everything we needed. تملك روسيا أسلحة و أدمغة. Russia has weapons and brains. Russia has weapons and brains. ياني كان قذر للغاية لدرجة الأطفال الآخرون كانوا يخافوا منه ولم يسبق لهم أن لعبوا معه. Yanni was so filthy that other children were scared of him and never played with him. Yani was so dirty that other children were afraid of him and had never played with him. המוסיקה שלו כובשת את כל המדינה. His music is sweeping the whole country. His music has taken over the country. هي حقيقة ملحوظة في اغلب الاحيان ، ان الرجال كتبوا قصائد جيدة تحت الهام العاطفة ، الامر الذي لايمكنهم كتابته في ظل ضروف اخرى. It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under other circumstances. It is often a remarkable fact that men have written good poems under the inspiration of emotion, which they cannot write under other circumstances. أيّام زيري معدودة. Ziri is dying. Ziri's days are numbered. ماذا طبخت؟ What did you cook? What did you cook? أخبرني بذلك يا جمال. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me about it, Jamal. ينبغي أن يكون كل نص من نوع مختلف. Each text should be of a different type. Each text should be of a different type. בתקווה שנוכל לעשות זאת בשנה הבאה. Hopefully, we can do that next year. Hopefully we can do it next year. מעולם לא היית כמוהו. You were never like him. You've never been like him. بدأ سامي يفكّر بأنّ منزله كان مُراقَبا. Sami started to believe that his house was being watched. Sammy began to think that his house was being watched. זה לא תמיד קיץ. It isn't always summer. It's not always summer. אנו מחמירים. We're strict. We're getting worse. אהבתי אותך. I loved you. I loved you. פעם הייתי כמו תום. I was once like Tom. I used to be like Tom. نحتاج للماء كي نعيش. We need water to survive. We need water to live. ندم زيري على ذلك. Ziri regretted that. I feel sorry for Ziri for that. הוא הציץ בעיתון לפני שהלך לישון. He took a look at the newspaper before going to bed. He looked at the newspaper before he went to sleep. לאן הלכת אתמול? Where did you go yesterday? Where did you go yesterday? תום נתן למרי להשתלט על השיחה. Tom let Mary do all the talking. Tom let Mary take over the conversation. אני הולך לרופא. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to the doctor. אני רוצה לדעת מי בא איתנו. I want to know who's coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. מנועי הסילון החדשים יפיקו כוח דחף חזק יותר במהירויות שיא. The new jet engines that will deliver more thrust at top speeds. The new jet engines will produce more powerful thrust at peak speeds. اختفى زيري. Ziri disappeared. Ziri's gone. היא הגיעה אל המטרה. She reached her goal. She got to the target. لم تخبرني بعد لماذا قررت ألا تذهب. You still haven't told me why you decided not to go. You haven't told me yet why you decided not to go. يتعلم توم الجودو. Tom is learning judo. Tom learns judo. Ommi tnaddaf il-kamra. My mother cleans the room. My mother cleaned the room. أتوقع منك أن تساعدني. I expect your help. I expect you to help me. أنت كنتَ مدلّل. You were spoilt You were spoiled. متى سترجع؟ When will you be back? When are you coming back? ما علاباليش كيفاش رايح نبيّنها، لاخاطرش باينا كي شّمس! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! We'll show it, because we're here to sunbathe! הוא עשיר אבל הוא לא מאושר. He's rich, but he's not happy. He's rich, but he's not happy. لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand anything about what's going on here. أين ستكون يوم الإثنين؟ Where will you be on Monday? Where will Monday be? لقد غيرَ داروين الطريقة التي نري بها العالم. Darwin changed the way we see the world. Darwin changed the way we see the world. زيري مدهوش. Ziri is surprised. Ziri's amazed. הוא שינה כמה מילים. He changed a few words. He changed a few words. אני עוזב את בוסטון. I'm leaving Boston. I'm leaving Boston. أين فصل توم؟ Where is Tom's classroom? Where's Tom's class? איך הייתה הפגישה שלך בלילה ההוא? How was your date the other night? How was your meeting that night? זה מתחיל להיות הגיוני. It's all beginning to make sense. It's starting to make sense. הוא התיישב לבדו. He was seated all alone. He sat alone. كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher ignored me. תום אמר שהוא היה צריך להיות עם המשפחה שלו בחג המולד. Tom said he had to be with his family on Christmas. Tom said he should have been with his family at Christmas. يقلقني سامي. Sami worries me. I'm worried about Sammy. אני מתכנן להישאר בעיר. I'm planning on staying in the city. I plan on staying in town. ماذا تود أن تشرب؟ What would you like to drink? What would you like to drink? يحب اليابانيون السفر كمجموعات. The Japanese like to travel in groups. The Japanese love to travel as a group. יש לי שגרון. I have arthritis. I have a larynx. لا يوجد إقبال كافٍ على هذه البضاعة. There is not enough demand for this product. There's not enough demand for this stuff. את נוכחת לדעת? Do you realize that? Can you tell? גברת סאטו דרבנה את בנה ללמוד קשה. Mrs. Sato pushed her son to study hard. Mrs. Sato encouraged her son to study hard. أنا صنعت قراري. I've made my decision. I made my decision. טום לא ילך לישון אם לא תקרא לו סיפור. Tom won't go to sleep unless you read him a story. Tom won't go to sleep if you don't read him a story. "أنا أتدوّر جوعا." "هناك بعض بقايا الأكر في الثلاجة." "I'm starving." "There are some leftovers in the fridge." "I'm starving." "There's some acker residue in the fridge." أفضل أن لا أذهب. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. הצטרכתי מנוחה. I needed rest. I needed rest. הכלב שלנו ינשך זרים. Our dog will bite strangers. Our dog will bite strangers. أنزل ريمة. He dropped Rima off. Put it down. אני רוצה להודות לכולם על תמיכתם. I want to thank everyone for their support. I want to thank everyone for their support. انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? יְהֵא שְׁמֵהּ רַבָּא מְבָרַךְ לְעָלַם וּלְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַיָּא. May His great name be blessed forever and ever. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever. מדד המניות ירד 200 נקודות אתמול. The stock price index was off 200 points yesterday. The stock index fell 200 points yesterday. אתה אוהב גולף? Are you fond of golf? You like golf? ما الجديد؟ What's up? What's new? הירח כבר זורח. The moon is already out. The moon is already shining. המשאית שפכה חול על הארץ. The truck dumped the sand on the ground. The truck spilled sand on the ground. شرب منّاد. Mennad drank. Drink a handkerchief. בואי לא נעשה את זה יותר. Let's not do that anymore. Let's not do this anymore. توم شعر في المغص قبل الإمتحان. Tom got butterflies before the exam. Tom felt in the colic before the exam. كان زيري يكره ريمة. Ziri hated Rima. Ziri hated Reema. سأريك بعض الصور. I will show you some pictures. I'll show you some pictures. אינני יכול פשוט להעיף את תום החוצה. I can't just kick Tom out. I can't just kick Tom out. חברי קוראים לי פרדי בדרך כלל. My friends generally call me Freddy. My friends usually call me Freddie. תום בן זוגי. Tom is my partner. Tom is my partner. תום שתוי עד היסוד. Tom is sloshed. Tom was drunk to the core. انا احبك I love you. I love you. على سامي دفع تكلفة العلاج من ماله الخاص. Sami has to pay for the treatment out of his pocket. Sammy has to pay for the treatment of his own money. חשבתי שהקונצרט שלך הצליח אתמול. I thought your concert went well yesterday. I thought your concert was a success yesterday. هذا كبير جدا This is very big. That's too big. זה לא מושך. It's not attractive. It's unattractive. أنا الآن في الثلاثين من عمري. I'm thirty now. I am now 30 years old. תום חיכה בחוסר סבלנות. Tom waited impatiently. Tom waited impatiently. هذه صديقتي ماري. She is my friend Mari. This is my friend Mary. أسمح لك بالذهاب إلى هناك إذا أردت. You may go there. I'll let you go there if you want. أحب مواقع الشبكات الاجتماعية. I like social networking web sites. I love social networking sites. قرر أن يبقي خطته سراً. He made up his mind to keep his plan secret. He decided to keep his plan a secret. אני לא ממש יכול לתאר את זה. I can't really describe that. I can't really describe it. كان سامي يعلم أنّ الشّرطة كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew the police were looking for him. Sammy knew the police were looking for him. كان فاضل على علاقة مع ليلى. Fadil was having an affair with Layla. He had an affair with Lily. لا يذيع المسلمون الموسيقى في المساجد. Muslims don't play music at the mosque. Muslims do not broadcast music in mosques. شعر زيري بالاشمئزاز. Ziri is disgusted. Ziri felt disgusted. עזוב אותי! Let me go! Let go of me! כולם רצו לדבר עם תום. Everyone wanted to talk to Tom. Everyone wanted to talk to Tom. אני לא רוצה לגרום לשום אי-נוחות. I don't want to cause any inconveniences. I don't want to cause any inconvenience. زيري يتمتم. Ziri is mumbling. My sire mutters. متى استيقظت؟ When did you get up? When did you wake up? מרי עדיין לא התחילה. Mary has not started yet. Mary hasn't started yet. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy began to cry. The boy cried. عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. كان سامي مدرّسا بوذيّا. Sami was a Buddhist teacher. Sammy was a Buddhist teacher. זה לוקח זמן רב. It doesn't take very long. It takes a long time. زيري يثق بريمة. Ziri trusts Rima. Ziri trusts Prima. באוניברסיטה שלי יש פנימיה. My university has a dorm. My university has a boarding school. أنهى زيري الأكل. Ziri finished eating. Ziri finished eating. شكراً لحبك. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your love. تعرّض سامي لعدّة جروح خطيرة في جسمه. Sami suffered several severe injuries to his body. Sami suffered several serious injuries to his body. דומני שלא אוכל לעזור לך. I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't think I can help you. הילדים שלי באמת אוהבים בעלי חיים. My children really like animals. My kids really love animals. אני מרוצה מכל דבר. I'm satisfied with everything. I'm satisfied with everything. התחביב שלי הוא קריאת רומנים. My hobby is reading novels. My hobby is reading novels. እቲ ስራሕ ብሓድ መዓልቲ ተፈጺሙ። The job was completed in one day. And this work was completed in one day. أستمطر اليوم؟ Will it rain today? Is it raining today? لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sami did not hate Muslims. ما افتكرش ان في أي عيب ف كون أي حد فقير. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t think there’s any harm in being poor. שאל את עצמך מדוע. Ask yourself why. Ask yourself why. كان زيري في الرّابعة عشر من عمره. Ziri was fourteen. Ziri was 14 years old. أصِرَّ على الأفضل. Insist on the best. Insist on the best. راشيل كوري أمريكيّة قُتلت في غزّة. Rachel Corrie was an American who was killed in Gaza. Rachel Corrie, an American, was killed in Gaza. הדיעה הרווחת שיינות גרמניים רבים מתוקים ואינן מתאימים לבישול. The impression that many German wines are sweet, and don't go well with food, is widespread. It is widely believed that many German wines are sweet and not suitable for cooking. תום שיטתי. Tom is methodical. Tom is methodical. אנו חברים? Are we friends? Are we friends? قال سامي أنه حتى لو كان في السجن، فإنه سيُرسل أحدا ليقتلها. Sami told that even from jail he would send somebody to kill her. Sammy said that even if he was in prison, he would send someone to kill her. הוא קם והושיט יד לכובעו. He stood up and reached for his hat. He got up and reached for his hat. رافق زيري ريمة. Ziri accompanied Rima. Accompanied by Ziri Rima. אין לי ידידים שיעזרו לי. I have no friends to help me. I don't have any friends to help me. ההיסטוריה היא המורה של החיים. History is the teacher of life. History is the teacher of life. "م" تشتم "د" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "د" يشتم "م" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "م" و "د" يتعادلان و الجميع يستفيد. M insults D - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D insults M - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D and M are even, and everyone else wins. "M" denigrates "D" and the Tweepa database becomes the richest sentence. "D" denigrates "M" and the Tweepa database becomes the richest sentence. "M" and "D" equalize and everyone benefits. العبرية لغة صْعِيبَة. Hebrew is a difficult language. Hebrew is a difficult language. أنا ميت م الجوع. I'm very hungry. I'm starving to death. كانت ليلى مغطّاة بالدّم. Layla was covered in blood. Lily was covered in blood. فقد زيري وعيه. Ziri blacked out. Ziri lost consciousness. תום מאמן איום. Tom is a terrible coach. Tom is a terrible coach. בלי לראותו תחילה, לא אוכל לזהות אותו. Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him. Without seeing him first, I won't be able to identify him. תהיתי אם תרצה לצאת אתי לנשף. I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me. I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom with me. הקרדינל ברגוליו נבחר לאפיפיור על ידי הקונקלווה. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave. אמרי משהו. Say something. Say something. ماري اقنعت توم بالذهاب معها الي بوسطن Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. هو قرأ ترجمة القرآن بالعبرية فى أقل من إسبوع. He read the translation of the Quran in Hebrew in less than a week. He read the translation of the Qur'an in less than a week. لقد انذهل السائحون بالمشهد الرائع . The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. The tourists were amazed by the beautiful scenery. מתי תתחיל הפגישה? When does the meeting start? When will the meeting start? רתחתי מכעס. I was furious. I was furious. הייתי זה עתה בתחנת סאפורו כדי ללוות את אמי לדרכה. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I was just at the Saporo station to walk my mother on her way. كان مايك الشّخص الوحيد الذي نجى من سقوط الطّائرة. Mike was the only person who survived the plane crash. Mike was the only person who survived the plane crash. ينضج زيري مشملته في المستودع. Ziri ripens his medlars in the garage. Ziri matures his reunion in the warehouse. صدرت مذكّرات توقيف ضدّ ليلى. Layla had warrants for her arrest. Arrest warrants were issued against Layla. טום ומרי התפקעו מצחוק. Tom and Mary were cracking up. Tom and Mary laughed. הרגשתי צורך לשוחח עם מישהו. I felt like talking to someone. I felt the need to talk to someone. אני חי במדינה שבה מחיר ליטר בנזין זול יותר מליטר מים. I live in a country where the cost of a liter of gasoline is cheaper than the cost of a liter of water. I live in a country where a liter of gasoline is cheaper than a liter of water. בואו נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. كانت ليلى عالمة آثار شرعيّة. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. هذه الطاولة مصنوعة من الخشب. This table is wooden. This table is made of wood. فكر فيما قلته لك. Think about what I said to you. Think about what I told you. בוא שוב. Come again. Come again. كان زيري يمشي وحيدا. Ziri walked alone. Ziri was walking alone. لم يكن يعرف شيئا. He didn't know anything. He knew nothing. קומיקאי קנדי טוען שהטבעות המפורסמות של שבתאי עשויות כולן ממזוודות שהלכו לאיבוד בטיסה. A Canadian comedian claims that the famous rings of Saturn are made up entirely of lost aeroplane luggage. A Canadian comedian claims that Saturn's famous rings are all made up of suitcases lost in flight. Hu ma għandux xkubetta. He doesn't have a gun. He doesn't have a gun. תום התעלף. Tom's fainted. Tom fainted. الأطفال مرآة للجو العائلي. Children reflect the family atmosphere. Children are a mirror of the family atmosphere. لن يُلقى القبض عليّ. I won't get caught. I'm not gonna get arrested. دائماً ما يصل الأبطال متأخّرين. Heroes always arrive late. Heroes always arrive late. נתחיל בכך מיד. We'll get right on it. We'll get right on it. טום לא השאיר מקום למקריות. Tom left nothing to chance. Tom didn't leave room for chance. היא בחרה שמלה בצבע כחול בהיר. She chose a light blue dress. She chose a bright blue dress. אתה בעצמך לא יודע על מה אתה מדבר. You yourself don't know what you're talking about. You yourself don't know what you're talking about. أين تقترح أن نذهب؟ Where would you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? החדר שורץ עכבישים. The room is crawling with spiders. The room is crawling with spiders. שיעור האבטלה הגיע לחמישה אחוזים. The unemployment rate has reached five percent. The unemployment rate has reached 5 percent. تبدو حزيناً. You look down. You look sad. زيري خشن الخلق. Ziri is rude. Ziri's a rough creation. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us or against us. You're either with us, or against us. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ Then what? What then? Bħalissa Burj Khalifa huwa wieħed mill-itwal skajskrejper fid-dinja. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently one of the longest skyscrapers in the world. תום אוהב כדורגל. Tom loves soccer. Tom loves football. زيري متوتر. Ziri is puzzled. Zeri's nervous. ישנתי אתמול במשך כל היום, משום שזה היה יום ראשון. I slept all day yesterday, because it was Sunday. I slept all day yesterday because it was Sunday. אני יכול לקחת אתכם לשם. I can take you there. I can take you there. היי, אתה! Hey, you! Hey, you! באמת רציתי את העבודה הזו. I really wanted that job. I really wanted this job. لقد وجّه الكساد الكبير ضربة قويّة لعائلة سامي. The Great Depression hit Sami's family hard. The Great Depression dealt a severe blow to the Sami family. ניו יורק זו עיר גדולה. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. هي لا تعرفني حتى. She doesn't even know me. She doesn't even know me. اتصل بالشرطة! Call the police! Call the police! לא אגן על תום. I won't defend Tom. I'm not going to protect Tom. أُصيبت كايت بالبرد. Kate had a cold. Kate's cold. ليس فقط انت بل انا ايضا كنت المعني As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved. Not only you, but I was involved. אני מניח שתום כבר יודע זאת. I suspect that Tom knows this already. I guess Tom already knows that. תום יודע לשחות. Tom can swim. Tom can swim. መጽሃፉን ስጠኝ። Give me the book. Give me the book. נאלצנו להיכנע לדרישתם. We had to yield to their request. We had to give in to their demands. كان آرت عنصريّا. Aart was racist. Art was racist. הוא בטח אוהב אותך. He must love you. He must love you. زيري يحب ممارسة الجنس. Ziri loves sex. Ziri likes to have sex. ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. Fadel left Layla out in the open. ومما زاد الطين بلةً، أن زوجها توفي. To make matters worse, her husband died. To make matters worse, her husband died. كان سامي يتعاطى الماريخوانا. Sami did marijuana. Sammy was on marijuana. لا تنمْ والأنوار مضاءة. Don't sleep with the light left on. Don't sleep and the lights are on. תפוחי אדמה התבשלו במטבח, על ידי הבנות. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. Potatoes were cooked in the kitchen by the girls. الأسرة هي الوحدة الطبيعية الأساسية للمجتمع ولها حق التمتع بحماية المجتمع والدولة. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. The family is the fundamental natural unit of society and has the right to the protection of society and the state. أضمن لك أنّ هذه المعلومات صحيحة. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee you this information is correct. כולנו נתגעגע אליך. We'll all miss you. We'll all miss you. أريد من توم أن يخبركَ لماذا فعلَ ذلك. I'd like for Tom to tell you why he did what he did. I want Tom to tell you why he did it. في هذا العالم يعاني بعضُ الناسِ الجوعَ. Some people in the world suffer from hunger. In this world some people suffer from hunger. Ma kienx tort tiegħi. It was not my fault. It wasn't my fault. من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? הנה הסיבה למה טום עזב. Here's the reason Tom left. Here's why Tom left. كدبت علييّا من قبل، وعلاش نامنك دوركا؟ You've lied to me before. Why should I trust you now? You've talked to me before, and now you're a Dorka? החלום שלו התממש. His dream has realized. His dream came true. إن احتجت المال سأطلبه من والدي. If I need money, I'll ask my father. If I need the money, I'll ask my father. תום נעדר רק יום. Tom has only been gone a day. Tom's only been gone a day. سمعا ليلى و سامي ضجّة غريبة. Layla and Sami heard a strange noise. Lily and Sammy heard a strange noise. אסתר היא מורה לעברית. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. Esther is a Hebrew teacher. أنت والدي. You are my father. You're my father. אני מקווה שלא נעשה את זה שוב. I hope we don't do this again. I hope we don't do this again. دعى سامي عددا كبيرا من النّاس. Sami invited too many people. Sammy invited a large number of people. לא הכרתי כלל את הגברת. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't even know the lady. الّان هوا پۆات. Allen is a poet. Now it's time. ليلى سافلة. Layla is a bitch. Layla's a bitch. زيري يهتم حقا. Ziri does care. Ziri really cares. سكّان غزّة و الضّفّة الغربيّة لا يمثّلون إلاّ نصف الشّعب الفلسطيني. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are only half of the Palestinian people. The residents of Gaza and the West Bank represent only half of the Palestinian population. התנהג כפי גילך. Act your age. Act your age. لهذا أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. אין כבר חלב. There's no milk left. There is no more milk. ‫هي لديها بيت صغير. She has a small house. She's got a little house. إن الذين ينسون كل شيء سعداء. Those who forget everything are happy. Those who forget everything are happy. מסוכן לקפוץ למים רדודים. It's dangerous to dive in shallow water. It's dangerous to jump into shallow water. הוא תמיד מתבלבל. He's always getting mixed up. He's always confused. אני מוכרח למצוא אותו. I've got to find it. I have to find him. كان زيري يشاهد. Ziri watched. Ziri was watching. المنزل الواقف على التلة قديم جداً. The house standing on the hill is very old. The house on the hill is very old. ظنّ سامي أنّ هذا كان مفيدا له. Sami thought that that was beneficial for him. Sammy thought it was good for him. האחריות מוטלת עליי. The responsibility is mine. I have the responsibility. תום כבר לא יכול לסבול את זה יותר. Tom can't take it any longer. Tom can't take it anymore. ייתכן שהצלחתי בבחינה אתמול אך התוצאות עוד לא פורסמו. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. I may have passed the exam yesterday, but the results have not yet been published. זה נראה לא מיושב. It looks uninhabited. It looks uninhabited. לעתים קרובות הוא מצטט את שייקספיר. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quotes Shakespeare. هل تؤمن بإلاه ما؟ Do you believe in some god? Do you believe in a God? זה נראה כמו גשם. It looks like rain. It looks like rain. من المستحيل العيش بدون ماء. It is impossible to live without water. It is impossible to live without water. למה שבכלל יהיה לי אכפת? Why should I even care? Why would I even care? זו בוודאי עוגת יום הולדת! It must be a birthday cake! It must be a birthday cake! دعى سامي للرّبّ كي يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Pray to God to forgive him. לכן אנו נותנים לך לעזוב. That's why we let you go. That's why we're letting you leave. חשבתי שיהיה נחמד לגור בבוסטון שנה או שנתיים. I thought it would be fun to live in Boston for a year or two. I thought it would be nice to live in Boston for a year or two. עברה לי העייפות. I'm no longer tired. I'm getting tired. היא חתכה את העוגה לשתיים. She cut the cake in two. She cut the cake in two. את העבר אפשר רק להכיר, לא לשנות. את העתיד אפשר רק לשנות, לא להכיר. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. من لا يَهمّه المال؟ Who doesn't care about money? Who doesn't care about money? המכבים היו הטליבאן היהודי. The Maccabees were the Jewish Taliban. The Maccabees were the Jewish Taliban. እተን ሰማያዊ ዝሕብረን ዓሰርተው ክልተ ሓጺናት እነሀለዋ። There go the twelve bars blues. The two angels are like the two angels who made the big knife and went down to the place where they were made. من أين لك هذا الولد؟ Can you explain me this child? Where did you get this boy? תום נתן לנו טרמפ במשאית שלו. Tom gave us a lift in his truck. Tom gave us a ride in his truck. لم أكن أريد أن أقول لك هذا. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you this. أكل زيري الإجّاص. Ziri ate pears. Eat my pear ziri. أراد سامي أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give Leila more money. أصيب زيري بالملل. Ziri grew tired. Ziri got bored. غضب توم جدا. Tom got very mad. Tom's too angry. הזדעזעתי מהתנועה בבנגקוק, אבל תיירים סיפרו לי שבטאיפיי היה יותר גרוע. I was appalled by the traffic in Bangkok, but travellers told me Taipei was worse. I was shocked by the traffic in Bangkok, but tourists told me that Taipei was worse. كيف توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? הערכת את המצב בשלמות. You've assessed the situation perfectly. You assessed the situation perfectly. אף אחד לא יודע מה גורלו מכתיב לו. Nobody knows what his destiny has in store for him. No one knows what his fate dictates to him. اقترح دافيد لمارثا صلصة أخرى. David suggested Martha another sauce. David suggested Martha another sauce. نشأ سامي في مدينة جامعيّة نابضة بالحيويّة. Sami grew up in a vibrant college town. Sammy grew up in a vibrant university town. הפרופסור ווידא שהבחינה נבדקה כשורה. The professor made sure the test was checked carefully. The professor made sure the exam was properly tested. قدمت لزيري أدوار في أفلام كوميدية. Ziri was cast in comedy movies. She gave Ziri roles in comedies. جمع خيل هو خيول. The plural of horse is horses. A horse is a horse. פשוט התנצלי. Just apologize. Just apologize. أنا اعتدت أن أفكر أنه من واجبي أن أساعد توم. I used to think it was my responsibility to help Tom. I used to think it was my duty to help Tom. وضع سامي حدّا لحياته في السّجن. Sami took his own life in prison. Sammy put an end to his life in prison. استأنف قراءة الكتاب. He continued reading the book. Continue reading the book. من الأفضل أن تلازم البيت لأنك لديك حمى. As you have a fever, you'd better stay home. It’s best to stay home because you have a fever. ذهب سامي إلى مستشفى في نهارة المطاف. Sami ended up going to the hospital. Sammy went to a hospital in the middle of the day. זאת רק דעה פרטית. That's just a personal opinion. It's just a private opinion. המנהל העניק תעודה לכל אחד מהבוגרים. The principal presented each of the graduates with diploma. The director gave a certificate to each of the graduates. الي ماذا تنظر تحديدا What specifically are you looking for? What exactly are you looking at? من هو أب سامي؟ Who is Sami's father? Who's Sammy's father? ذهب زيري بسرعة. Ziri rushed away. Ziri went quickly. هل أحسنت التصرف اليوم؟ Did you behave today? Did you behave yourself today? يعجبه الاستماع إلى الراديو. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes to listen to the radio. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ And then? What then? كانوا يتكلّمون بالألغاز. They were speaking in riddles. They were talking about mysteries. واصلت رسائل التّعاطف في الوصول بأعداد كبيرة. Letters of sympathy kept flooding in. Messages of sympathy continued to arrive in large numbers. מייק הוא הצעיר ביותר במשפחה. Mike is the youngest in his family. Mike is the youngest in the family. انتقل سامي للعيش في ولاية آخرى. Sami moved states. Sammy moved to another state. لم يتمكّن المحقّقون من إيجاد من أطلق النّار. Investigators couldn't find who pulled the trigger. Investigators couldn't find the shooter. دعينا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. لمن هذه الكتب؟ Whose books are those? Whose books are these? ذاك الشخص يظن أن قطي يعيش على الشجرة. That person thinks that my cat lives on the tree. That guy thinks my cat lives on the tree. ماشي لغلطا ديالهم. It's not their fault. It's their fault. رجاءً لا ترسل أي صور عارية لك حتى لا أرفض طلبك. Please don't send me any nude pictures or I will reject your request. Please do not send any nude photos of you so that I do not refuse your request. أكل زيري جبنا. Ziri ate cheese. Ziri ate our cheese. إنتظرتك. I waited for you. I've been waiting. אני רוצה אותו. I want him. I want him. عديد من دول العالم تسمح للأشخاص المصابون بامراض مزمنة أن يختاروا الموت الرحيم. Many countries allow people with chronic diseases to choose to die a merciful death. Many countries in the world allow people with chronic diseases to choose euthanasia. أوشك زيري على السقوط. Ziri almost fell. Ziri's about to fall. אפילו תרנגולת שחורה מטילה ביצים לבנות. Even a black hen lays white eggs. Even a black chicken lays white eggs. היית צריכה לבוא קצת יותר מוקדם. You should've come a little earlier. You should have come a little earlier. אנא, תני לנו לעזור לך. Please let us help you. Please, let us help you. אנו הגיוניים. We're rational. We're reasonable. كان زيري بحاجة للتّمرّن. Ziri needed practice. Ziri needed to practice. أنا عادة ما أذهب للمدرسة من الإثنين إلى الجمعة. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. I usually go to school Monday through Friday. ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. I don't have a brother. הביטי במגדל העומד על הגבעה. Look at that tower standing on the hill. Look at the tower standing on the hill. أتحدث الإنجليزية يومياً. I speak English daily. I speak English every day. أنا أطهو, ولكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I cook, but without much fun. واشْ كَايَن فَمَّا؟ What's up there? What the hell was that? אחוז בי חזק יותר. Hold me tighter. Hold me tighter. ما نقدروش نخلّو هاذ الشي يْزيد يصرى. We can't let this happen again. What we're going to do is let this thing go further. בכל זאת חבל שאינך קורא מכתבים. Anyway, it's a shame that you do not read letters. It's a shame you don't read letters. תני קצת יותר זמן. Give me some more time. Give me a little more time. אני אדאג שיכניסו אותך למעצר. I'm going to have you arrested. I'll have you arrested. אני רוצה להודות לכולם. I want to thank everyone. I want to thank everyone. كان فاضل ينتظر ليلى كي تدخل. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. He was waiting for Lily to come in. الأب عائد إلى البيت غداَ. Father is coming home tomorrow. Daddy's coming home tomorrow. مازالت الكنيسة قائمة. كل شيء آخر دُمر. The church is still standing. Everything else was destroyed. The church still stands. Everything else is destroyed. تدور الأرض. The earth rotates. Earth spins. سآخذ نصيحتك بعين الاعتبار. I will keep your advice in mind. I'll take your advice into consideration. הזעתי. I was sweating. I was sweating. لا تعترف إسبانيا باستقلال كوسوفو. Spain rejects Kosovo's independence. Spain does not recognize Kosovo's independence. אני לומדת. I'm studying. I'm studying. لا يبدو هذا عادلا إطلاقا. That doesn't seem right at all. That doesn't seem fair at all. كانت ليلى تعمل في ناد للتّعرّي. Layla worked at a strip joint. Layla used to work at a strip club. انصرف زيري. Ziri walked away. Ziri's gone. أطلقت ليلى النّار على سامي لإنقاذ حياتها. Layla shot Sami to save her life. Lily shot Sammy to save her life. הוא אוהב לנסוע לחו"ל. He likes to travel abroad. He likes to go abroad. אנו צריכים להזהר. We've got to be careful. We need to be careful. הוא נהג גרוע. He's a terrible driver. He's a bad driver. למה היינו רוצים לנסוע לבוסטון? Why would we want to go to Boston? Why would we want to go to Boston? ماذا تشاهد؟ What are you watching? What are you watching? השווה את התרגום שלך לשלו. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation to his. أتفق معك. I agree with you. I agree. كلّ شيء أكبر في تيكساس بما فيه نظّارات ليلى. Everything is bigger in Texas, including Layla's glasses. Everything's bigger in Texas, including Lily's glasses. התלמידים פרצו בצחוק. The students burst out laughing. The students laughed. אני רוצה לאכול מנגו. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat mango. اقتاد زيري ريمة إلى مقعد و جلسا معا. Ziri led Rima to a bench and they sat down. Ziri took Rima to a seat and sat down together. "מסעות גוליבר" נכתב על ידי סופר אנגלי נודע. Gulliver's Travels was written by a famous English writer. Gulliver's Travels was written by a well-known English writer. كان الغطاء النباتي الكثيف لمستنقعات المنغروف يوفر ملاذ آمنا للحيوانات الصغيرة التي تفر من المفترسين. The dense vegetation of the mangrove swamp provided excellent cover for small animals trying to evade predators. The dense vegetation of mangrove swamps provided a safe haven for small animals fleeing predators. הן מתבלבלות, הן רצו להגיד משהו אחר. They're mixed up; they wanted to say something else. They were confused, they wanted to say something else. يبدو من منظر السماء أنها من الممكن أن تمطر اليوم بعد الظهر. Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain this afternoon. It seems from the sight of the sky that it may rain this afternoon. أنتم أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than me. من أي سورة هذه الاَية؟ From which Surah is this Ayah from? What kind of surah is this? فَتَحَتْ الفَتَاةُ عَيْنَيْهَا وَرَأَتْ الدُّبَّ وَهَرَبَتْ إِلَى النَّافِذةِ. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled to the window. The girl opened her eyes, saw the dove, and ran to the window. يجب ان تلتزم الصمت You must keep quiet. You must remain silent. אנו בהחלט לא זוג. We're definitely not a couple. We're definitely not a couple. מה זה "Tatoeba"? האם זה איזשהו טרנד חדש? What is "Tatoeba"? Is it some kind of new trend? What is "Tatoeba"? Is this some new trend? إفتح فمك! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! اتصل بي توم مرات كثيرة الأسبوع الماضي. Tom has called me many times this past week. Tom called me many times last week. زيري مدين لي. Ziri owes me. Ziri owes me. راك سور⸮ Are you sure? RAKSUR<0xE2><0xB8><0xAE> תום יגיד מה שהוא תמיד אומר. Tom will say what he always says. Tom will say what he always says. أعطيت أختي قاموساً. I gave my sister a dictionary. I gave my sister a dictionary. סנקציות עשויות להועיל. Sanctions might work. Sanctions can be helpful. بعد أن اعتنق جيم الإسلام، اتّخذ اسما مسلما. After Jim converted to Islam, he took a Muslim name. After Jim converted to Islam, he took a Muslim name. كان سامي مدمنا على الكحول خارج عن السّيطرة. Sami was an alcoholic out of control. Sammy was an out-of-control alcoholic. زيري شخص مراع لمشاعر الآخرين. Ziri is considerate. Someone who is sensitive to the feelings of others. הוא עשה זאת להנאתו. He did it for fun. He did it for his pleasure. שתוק, חמור גרם! Shut up, dumbass! Shut up, asshole! מה זומם תום בבוסטון? What's Tom up to in Boston? What's Tom up to in Boston? أنا هروح لوحدي I'll go on my own. I'm running alone. آمل أن أحصل على نسختين من هذا الكتاب. I am hoping to get two copies of this book. I hope to get two copies of this book. תום שרבט משהו במחברת שלו. Tom scribbled something in his notebook. Tom scribbled something in his notebook. أ أنت جائع ؟ Are you hungry? Are you hungry? איו לך דבר יותר יקר מבריאות. Nothing is more valuable than health. You have nothing more precious than health. ספר לי על כך! Tell me about it! Tell me about it! אתה טרחן חסר תקנה. You are hopelessly, endlessly annoying. You're an irreparable burden. ذهبت إلى بيتي. I went home. I went to my house. انتقلت ليلى للعيش هنا. Layla moved in. Lily moved here. טום צריך ללכת למכון הכושר. Tom should go to the gym. Tom needs to go to the gym. לא ידוע לי. I don't know. I don't know. ما العجب في ذلك؟ What is the matter of surprise in it? What's the point? שבוע מכיל שבעה ימים. A week has seven days. A week is seven days. علي أن أخبر جمال بما سمعته. I should tell Jamal what I heard. I have to tell Jamal what I heard. كيف تجرؤ على قول شيء كهذا لي؟ How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say something like that to me? שלוש כפול ארבע שווה שתים עשרה. Three times four is twelve. Three times four is 12. זאת אשמתכם. This is all your fault. It's your fault. גם זה לא תפוז. That is not an orange, either. It's not an orange either. زيري في الاستماع. Ziri is listening. Ziri's listening. هل كان جمال هنا؟ Has Jamal been around? Was Jamal here? سامي يشاهد فيديو ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami is watching Layla's YouTube video. Sammy watches Layla's video on YouTube. هذا ما قاله توم لماري. That was what Tom told Mary. That's what Tom told Mary. תום נתקף סערת חושים. Tom was in a temper. Tom was in a state of shock. سوف أعود بعد قليل. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. دراعي بيوجعني My arm hurts. Bjogni תוכל להראות לי משהו אחר? Can you show me something else? Can you show me something else? לא ציפיתי לשום מתנה. I didn't expect any gift. I wasn't expecting any gift. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao is standing up for his astronomy. عوقب زيري. Ziri was punished. I'm being punished. הם מזוייפים. They're fake. They're fake. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You're either with us or against us. You're either with us, or against us. هل يمكنك إعطائي رقم الشرطة رجاءً. Could you please give me the police number. Can you give me the police number, please? איש אינו יכול להשיב לשאלה הזו. No one can answer this question. No one can answer that question. אני מבטיח שאגן עלייך. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. כולם מזדקנים. Everybody gets old. Everyone's getting old. החיים אינם הוגנים. Life is not fair. Life is not fair. סטודנטים רבים עשו את אותה טעות. Many students made the same mistake. Many students have made the same mistake. فقد الأمريكيون ثقتهم في تويوتا. Americans have lost their trust in Toyota. Americans have lost faith in Toyota. רגלו של תום נתונה בגבס זה כמה שבועות. Tom has had his leg in a cast for a few weeks now. Tom's leg has been in a cast for several weeks. החולה גבר בסופו של דבר על המחלה. The patient finally conquered his illness. The patient eventually succumbed to the disease. توم قال بماذا يريد هو دائما. Tom said that's what he's always wanted. Tom said what he always wanted. לעולם אזהר פן אאחר. I'll be careful never to be late again. I'll never be late. בָּרוּךְ שֶׁלֹּא עָשַׂנִי אִשָּׁה. Blessed for not making me a woman. Blessed is the one who did not make me a woman. أخبروني عنه. They told me about it. Tell me about it. سامي حقّا أحمق. Sami really is an idiot. Sammy's really an idiot. ገንዘብ እንተ ዚደልይ፡ ካባይ ምወሰደ። If he wants money, he'd take it from me. If I have money, take it from me. غرفة الاستعجالات في الطّرف الآخر من العيادة. The emergency room is at the other end of the clinic. The emergency room's on the other end of the clinic. رأيت بيتاً سطحه أحمر. I saw a house whose roof was red. I saw a house with a red roof. המצלמה תעלה לפחות 500$. The camera will cost at least $500. The camera costs at least $500. זאת נערה שאני מכיר היטב. This is a girl I know well. This is a girl I know very well. ستتزوج ابنتي في يونيو My daughter is getting married in June. My daughter's getting married in June. كانت الرّسالة مُمضاة من طرف دان. The letter was signed by Dan. The message was delivered by Dan. ينبغي -على الأقل- أن تكون معهم خريطة. At least they should have a map. At least they have a map. بقى عمرها واحد و تمنين. She turned eighty-one. She's only one year old and wishes. נשק אותי, תום. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. תום פחס את אפו אל החלון. Tom pressed his nose against the glass. Tom slammed his nose into the window. האם אתם יודעים למה הגעתי אליכם? Do you guys know why I've come to you? Do you know why I came to you? חסר לך יותר מדי מידע. You don't have enough information. You're missing too much information. لم يكن توم هنا البارحة. Tom wasn't here yesterday. Tom wasn't here yesterday. لا تتحدى من ليس لديه ما يخسره. Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose. Don’t challenge someone who has nothing to lose. بقي زيري لمدة في الغابة Ziri stayed in the forest for a while. My brother stayed in the woods for a while. אני עשיתי את זה? Did I do that? Did I do it? תגידי לתום שאת אוהבת אותו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. אולי תום ומרי יעזרו. Maybe Tom and Mary will help. Maybe Tom and Mary will help. رائحة كلب سامي كريهة. Sami's dog stinks. Sammy's dog stinks. عليك أن تكون صبوراً. You have to be patient. You have to be patient. אני בן שמונה עשרה. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. هناك مستشفى بالقرب من هنا. There is a hospital nearby. There's a hospital near here. כינור, פסנתר ונבל הם כלי נגינה. The violin, the piano, and the harp are musical instruments. Violin, piano and harp are musical instruments. هزم زيري. Ziri was defeated. He defeated Ziri. كم رائعة أنتِ! How nice of you! How wonderful you are! את אוכלת גרנולה לעתים קרובות? Do you often eat granola? Do you eat granola often? جئت سيراً على الأقدام. I came on foot. I came on foot. هي، أنت! Hey, you! Hey, you! كان فاضل متعطّشا للشّهرة. Fadil craved notoriety. Fadel was hungry for fame. سامي يكتب كتابا حول كيفية ربح المال. Sami is writing a book about money-making. Sammy writes a book about how to make money. سامي من مصر. Sami is from Egypt. Sami from Egypt. سرِقَ كتابُك؟! متى وأين؟ Your book was stolen?! Where and when? Stealing your book?! When and where? לפיל יש אף ארוך. An elephant has a long nose. Phil's got a long nose. خاط سامي جيبه المثقوب. Sami sewed up the hole in his pocket. Sami sewed his pierced pocket. איך הכרתם אותה? How did you meet her? How did you meet her? זה יעלה 30 יורו. This will cost €30. It'll cost 30 euros. زيري كريم. Ziri is generous. Cherry cream. אין דבר אותו אני שונא. I don't hate anything. There's nothing I hate. وين جاية بلاد القبايل؟ Where's Kabylie? Where's the tribal country? تمّ حذف فيديوهات سامي على اليوتوب. Sami's YouTube videos were taken down. Sammy's videos were deleted on YouTube. היא כתבה לי מכתב ארוך. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. אין בי שום פגם. Nothing's wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me. תגיד לתום שאני יוצאת לנסיעה. Tell Tom I'm going out for a drive. Tell Tom I'm going for a ride. يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. Fadel could be dead. תום מהמר. Tom is a gambler. Tom's a gambler. אל לך לאבד תקווה. You should not give up your hope. You mustn't lose hope. ماذا عنك؟ Fine. And you? What about you? زيري رائع. Ziri is awesome. My hair is great. עטלף אינו עוף אלא יונק. A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. A bat is not a chicken, but a mammal. זאת בוודאי שגיאת דפוס. That's probably a misprint. It must be a typo. בנוסף למבחנים אנו צריכים להגיש עבודה. In addition to taking the tests, we have to hand in an essay. In addition to the tests, we have to submit work. أتريد مني مساعدتك في الطبخ؟ Do you want me to help you with the cooking? You want me to help you cook? מי חושב ככה? Who thinks that way? Who thinks so? ጋዜጠኛ ነኝ። I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. אראה לך. I'll show you. I'll show you. አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a teacher. I am a teacher. إنه راعي كأبيه. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's a shepherd like his father. نظر زيري. Ziri looked. Look, Zeri. לאן מוליך השביל הזה? Where does this trail lead? Where does this path lead? سامي وفيّ. Sami is faithful. Sammy's loyal. طوم عمرو ما ينسى يقول صحّا. Tom never forgets to say thank you. Tom Amr forgets what he says right. رائحة زيري نتنة. Ziri stinks. Zeri's stinking. ما زال توم في المستشفى. Tom is still in the hospital. Tom is still in the hospital. שכחתי את הקוד הסודי. I forgot the PIN number. I forgot the secret code. لي أخت واحدة. I have one sister. I have one sister. רגע אחד. אני מקווה שאתה לא מנסה לומר לי שאינך מתכוון להחזיר את הכסף. Now just a minute there. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to pay the money back. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to return the money. הם חופרים בור. They're digging a hole. They're digging a hole. הם יפים. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. אינני בטוחה שאני גם מרגישה ככה. I'm not sure I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel that way either. كوت قمصانه. She ironed his shirts. Coat his shirts. סאמי לא צריך להיות מורה. Sami doesn't need to be a teacher. Sammy doesn't have to be a teacher. هل يمكنني أن أسأل, إلى أين أنتَ ذاهب؟ May I ask where are you going? May I ask, where are you going? לא קינאת. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. שלום, איך אוכל לעזור לך? Good day, how may I help you? Hello, what can I do for you? תום הראה למרי את העבודה. Tom showed Mary the paper. Tom showed Mary the job. אין לי שום דבר אחר לאכול. I've got nothing else to eat. I have nothing else to eat. لم يكن سامي يقول الحقيقة. Sami wasn't telling the truth. Sammy wasn't telling the truth. ההשקפה שלך יותר מדי אופטימית. Your view is too optimistic. Your view is too optimistic. هذا كتاب للقراءة. This is a book to read. This is a book to read. מי שמתאגד לא מפחד! Those who unite are not afraid. He who unites is not afraid! لم يسمع فاضل من ليلى. Sami didn't hear from Layla. I haven't heard from Lily. הם צריכים את תום. They need Tom. They need Tom. هل شربت عصير البرتقال هذا؟ Did you drink this orange juice? Did you drink that orange juice? אמרתי לך שתום היה רעב. I told you Tom was hungry. I told you Tom was hungry. كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها. Sami walked the dogs. Sammy was taking the dogs for a walk. חלזונות זזים לאט. Snails move slowly. Snails move slowly. בכל מקרה, זה לא מוצא חן בעיני. Anyway, I don't like it. Anyway, I don't like it. كان الجميع يعلم أنّ سامي كان في العيادة. Everyone knew that Sami was at the clinic. Everyone knew Sammy was in the clinic. היא שוכבת על הרצפה. She's lying on the floor. She's lying on the floor. الموسيقى لديها سحر لتهدئة الحيوان المتوحش. Music has charms to soothe the savage beast. Music has a charm to soothe a wild animal. טום לא הזכיר בפניי את התאונה. Tom didn't mention the accident to me. Tom didn't mention the accident to me. תום היה צריך לקנות ביטוח נגד הצפות. Tom should have purchased flood insurance. Tom had to buy flood insurance. عندما هب الريح، انطفأت الشمعة. The moment the wind blew in, the candle went out. When the wind blew, the candle went out. عليّ أن أتحدّث مع الطّبيب فورا. I need to talk to the doctor immediately. I have to talk to the doctor immediately. הטכס התקיים בבית הקברות. The services took place at the cemetery. The ceremony took place in the cemetery. أفهم قصدك. I understand what you mean. I know what you mean. لا تبدو سعيدا جدا لرؤيتي. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. كان عليّ أن أحاول. I had to give it a try. I had to try. زيري يستمع. Ziri is listening. Ziri's listening. עדיף לי להיות ציפור מאשר דג. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. دخل زيري القسم. Ziri walked into the classroom. Ziri entered the department. אינכם אחראים. You're irresponsible. You're not responsible. איש מאיתנו לא עשה את מה שתום רצה שנעשה. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. إنه لمن دواعي شرفي أن أزور مدينة القاهرة الأزلية حيث تستضيفني فيها مؤسستان مرموقتان للغاية أحدهما الأزهر الذي بقي لأكثر من ألف سنة منارة العلوم الإسلامية بينما كانت جامعة القاهرة على مدى أكثر من قرن بمثابة منهل من مناهل التقدم في مصر. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. It is an honour to visit the ancient city of Cairo, where I am hosted by two very prestigious institutions, one of which is Al-Azhar, which has remained a beacon of Islamic science for more than a thousand years, while Cairo University has for more than a century been a beacon of progress in Egypt. תן לי לבדר אותך. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. אני נורא עייף, אבל אני לא מצליח להביא את עצמי ללכת לישון. I'm very tired, but I can't seem to bring myself to go to sleep. I'm really tired, but I can't get myself to go to sleep. Inti miżżewweġa? Are you married? You're married? كانت رائحة زيري غريبة. Ziri smelt weird. Zeri's smell was strange. הבה נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. أصلح سامي نافذة مكسّرة في الحمّام. Sami repaired a broken window in the bathroom. Sammy fixed a broken window in the bathroom. הכרת אותם, לא? You knew them, didn't you? You knew them, didn't you? המדריך שלנו הוא תום. Our guide was Tom. Our guide is Tom. دخل زيري إلى حسابه. Ziri logged in. Ziri went into his account. تعافى سامي كليّة. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy's all recovered. أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان. Police sent a dog in. The police sent a dog into that place. أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I believe what you said is true. I think what you're saying is true. זה עלול לקרות. It could happen. It could happen. תום מאבד את קור רוחו בקלות. Tom loses his temper easily. Tom loses his temper easily. סמכנו עלייך. We trusted you. We trusted you. أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the repair shop. אני מעדיפה להתקלח בבוקר. I prefer to take a shower in the morning. I'd rather take a shower in the morning. חשוב לעזור זה לזה. It is important to help each other. It's important to help each other. מה שמך האמיתי? What's your real name? What's your real name? هل تمانع أن أدخن هنا؟ Do you prevent me from smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke in here? توم ليس جيد للحديث مع الاطفال Tom isn't good at talking to children. Tom's not good at talking to kids. إن ما قاله لا يجدي نفعاً . What he said counts for nothing. What he said doesn’t work. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." أنا لا أغني. I do not sing. I don't sing. אני לא מאמין ששכחתי. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. كان سامي نائما في حفرة حفرها في الرّمل. Sami was sleeping in a hole that he dug in the sand. Sammy was sleeping in a hole he dug in the sand. אני רואה ספר על שולחן הכתיבה . I see a book on the desk. I see a book on the writing table. غطس زيري. Ziri dived. Ziri snorkeling. لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so sullen? مانيش ارتيست، ژامي ما كانت عندي لاّم تاعها. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. Manish Artist, I didn't have the money. זה יועיל. This'll help. It'll do. طلبت منه أن يكون هنا عند السادسة. I asked him to be here by six. I asked him to be here at 6:00. فتح ويليام الباب كي يخرج. William opened the door to go out. William opened the door to get out. זו הייתה רק היפותיזה. It was just a hypothesis. It was just a hypothesis. زيري يلحم. Ziri is welding. Ziri's welded. החיות לא היו שקטות. The animals were restless. The animals were not silent. תהיה אדיב אבל תקיף. Be polite, but firm. Be kind but firm. אני עדיין צריך למלא את תפקידי. I've still got to do my job. I still have to do my job. أخبر سامي بتلك السّرقة. Sami reported the theft. Tell Sammy that robbery. אני חושבת שאנו צריכים הפסקה. I think we need some time off. I think we need a break. לא אגיד את זה פעמיים. I won't say that twice! I won't say it twice. هل تعرف كيف تستخدم معجمًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a dictionary? نزع زيري نظاراته الشمسية. Ziri took off his sunglasses. Ziri took off his sunglasses. הקרבן נדקר שוב ושוב על ידי הרוצח. The victim was stabbed repeatedly by the killer. The victim was repeatedly stabbed by the killer. הסרט הזה משעמם. This movie is boring. This movie is boring. لست بحاجة لتكشف أدنى التّفاصيل في العمل. You don't need to overcommunicate in detail at work. You don't need to reveal the slightest detail at work. وصل زيري إلى المستشفى. Ziri arrived at the hospital. Ziri arrived at the hospital. מי המטורלל שחנה פה את הרכב שלו? Who is the crazy person who parked his car here? Who's the lunatic who parked his car here? معرض الدينصورات الجديد جيد. The new dinosaur exhibit is cool. The new dinosaur exhibit is good. אני מצפה בקוצר רוח לתשובתך. I'm looking forward to your reply. I look forward to your answer. كان زيري ضعيفا. Ziri was weak. My father was weak. زيري على ما يرام. Ziri is fine. Zeri's fine. לא אטריח אותך יותר. I won't bother you anymore. I won't bother you anymore. إنه يركلني! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! היא לא עשתה דבר מלבד לילל כל היום. She's done nothing but cry all day. She didn't do anything but howl all day. ذهب زيري إلى حوض في الجوار. Ziri went to a nearby pond. Ziri went to a tub in the neighborhood. תום עילג. Tom is inarticulate. Tom nodded. ברצונו להגיע להחלטה מהירה, היו"ר קרא להצבעה. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. He wanted to make a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. ኣብ ኣስመራ ተወለድኩ። I was born in Asmara. I was born in Asmara. لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. I was never allowed to drive his car. نمت البلدة و أصبحت مدينة. The town grew into a city. The city grew and became a city. كان زيري يسبح. Ziri was swimming. Ziri was swimming. لن يستطيع المجيء لأنه مريض. Because he's sick, he can't come. He can't come because he's sick. בילינו כל כך טוב. We had such a great time. We had such a good time. أين المدرسة؟ Where is the school? Where's the school? עיר הבירה של יוון היא אתונה. The capital of Greece is Athens. The capital of Greece is Athens. המלון ממוקם עמוק בהרים. The hotel is located deep in the mountains. The hotel is located deep in the mountains. This is an abomination This is an abomination. This is an abomination اعطى مركز المعلومات السياحية خريطة المدينة لكل من طلبها . The tourist information center gave a city map to whoever asked it. The Tourist Information Center gave the city map to everyone who requested it. איפה אני? Where am I? Where am I? תום לא זוכר את מרי. Tom doesn't remember Mary. Tom doesn't remember Mary. אנחנו מתכננים לבוא לביקור אצל מר סמית' מחר. We plan to visit Mr. Smith tomorrow. We're planning to visit Mr. Smith tomorrow. אכלתי משהו משונה כשהייתי בסין. I ate something funny when I was in China. I ate something weird when I was in China. הבאר עמוקה? Is the well deep? The well is deep? תגידו לתום שזה בעדיפות ראשונה. Tell Tom it's a priority. Tell Tom it's a priority. لقد أضفت جملة أخرى و أضفت لها علامة "قديم". ما الذي تريده بعد ذلك، أن أعطيك دمي؟ I've added an alternative sentence and I've tagged it as 'old fashioned'. What more do you want, blood? I added another sentence and I added an "old" sign. What do you want next, to give you my blood? לא תכננתי לעשות את זה, אבל עכשיו שאתה מציע, אולי אנסה. I wasn't planning on doing that, but now that you suggest it, I may give it a try. I wasn't planning on doing this, but now that you're suggesting, maybe I'll try. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami wasn't going to survive anyways. Sammy didn't make it anyway. تعبت من الرقود في السرير طوال اليوم. I got tired of lying in bed all day. I was tired of sleeping in bed all day. أُريد الحياة الأبدية! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! سيبقى زيري. Ziri will stay. He'll remain my vizier. كيف بإمكاني مساعدتك ؟ How can I help? How can I help you? אין לי כוונה להתפטר. I have no intention of resigning. I have no intention of resigning. כולם נראים באי נוחיות. Everyone looks uncomfortable. They all seem uncomfortable. كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? הפעמון מצלצל בדלת. The doorbell is ringing. The bell rings at the door. أنا أرى توم I see Tom. I see Tom. الآن، لن يأخذني أحد على محمل الجدّ. No one is gonna take me seriously now. Now, nobody's gonna take me seriously. האסיר נמלט מהכלא. The prisoner escaped from jail. The prisoner escaped from prison. زيري معزول. Ziri is isolated. Ziri's isolated. אמא בכתה. Mama cried. Mom was crying. رفض زيري. Ziri said no. Refuse my sire. אינך חייבת לעשות כל דבר שתום מורה לך. You don't have to do everything Tom tells you to do. You don't have to do anything Tom tells you. خذ راحتك. Make yourself at home. Make yourself comfortable. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at half past eight. School starts at 8:30. חם מאוד. It's very hot. Very hot. אני כבר לא טירון. I'm no longer a rookie. I'm not a rookie anymore. قابلت بوب صباح اليوم. I saw Bob this morning. I met Bob this morning. زيري يدخن الحشيش. Ziri smokes weed. Ziri smokes weed. חשתי את עצמי עילוי. I felt myself lifted up. I felt myself elevated. طلب سامي من الله أن يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Jesus asked God to forgive him. הוא היה צריך לעשות זאת כך. He should have done it that way. He should have done it that way. كان سامي يرمّم منزله. Sami was renovating his home. Sammy was renovating his house. زوجتي خائفة من قيادة سيارة جديدة. My wife is afraid to drive my new car. My wife is scared to drive a new car. كان أحدهم ينتظر فاضل. There was someone waiting for Fadil. Someone was waiting for Fadil. أحضر النُسخة الإحتياطية. Bring backup. Get the backup. זו לא טיסה כזו ארוכה. It isn't such a long flight. It's not that long a flight. אני צריכה למהר? Must I hurry? Do I have to hurry? אין כאן מעבר. No passage this way. There's no passage here. هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? הוא החריב לא רק את עצמו מבחינה כספית, אלא גם את המשפחה. He has financially ruined not only himself but his family. He destroyed not only himself financially, but also his family. سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. שתיתי רק כמה בירות. I only had a couple of beers. I only had a few beers. אל תלכי לשום מקום, מסכימה? Don't go anywhere, OK? Don't go anywhere, okay? נשמח לראותכם בחתונתנו. We'll be glad to see you at our wedding. We look forward to seeing you at our wedding. האם הכרת אותו מקרוב? Did you know him well? Did you know him closely? אני יודע הרבה על תום. I know a lot about Tom. I know a lot about Tom. كان سامي يريد أن يعيش حياته. Sami wanted to live his life. Sammy wanted to live his life. الطريق طويل. The road is long. It's a long way. دخل سامي إلى المستشفى. Sami went to the hospital. Sammy went to the hospital. אולי אני משוגעת, אבל אינני מטומטמת. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تناديني توم. You can call me Tom. You can call me Tom. الكثير من الفلسطينيين ممنوعين من العيش مع أزواجهم في إسرائيل لكن، و بطبيعة الحال، يواصل البعض في الادّعاء أن إسرائيل ليس دولة تمارس سياسة الأبارتايد. Many Palestinians are banned from living with their spouses in Israel, but of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state. Many Palestinians are barred from living with their husbands in Israel but, of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state. هذا زيري. This is Ziri. That's my button. זה לא יכול לקרות שוב ושוב. This can't keep happening. It can't happen again and again. קווצת שיער בצבצה מתחת לכובע המצחיה שלה. A tuft of hair showed from underneath her cap. A strand of hair tucked under her forehead hat. אני אוהב מאוד מסעות. I love traveling. I love travel very much. מרי הופיעה בתכנית הטלוויזיה "אמא עֶשְׂרֵה". Mary appeared on the TV show 'Teen Mom'. Mary appeared on the television show "Ten Mother". كان لزيري جدّ و جدّة. Ziri had grandparents. My father had a grandfather and a grandmother. سأظل هنا هذا الشهر بأكمله. I will stay here all this month. I'll be here all month. אף שהיא עניה, היא מאושרת. Though she is poor, she is happy. Even though she is poor, she is happy. تنمو مباتات الخلنج تحت الأشجار. Heathers grow underneath trees. Plants grow under the trees. טלפנתי כדי להתנצל שלא יכולתי לבוא. I called to apologize for not being able to come. I called to apologize for not being able to come. בשעה שחציתי את הכביש בדרכי לבית הספר קרתה תאונה. While crossing the street on my way to school, I met with an accident. While I was crossing the road on my way to school, there was an accident. תום עושה כמה דברים משונים מידי פעם. Tom does do some goofy things from time to time. Tom does some strange things from time to time. لن نشتري سراويل الجين هذه. هذا تبذير فادح للمال. We're not buying those jeans. It's throwing good money after bad! We're not buying these gene pants. That's a huge waste of money. أحسّ زيري بالمرض. Ziri felt sick. I feel sick. استمتع جامس بالوجبة. James enjoyed the meal. Enjoy the meal. إن جمال يسوق سيارته عبر الجسر. Jamal is driving across the bridge. Jamal drives his car across the bridge. هذا هو المفتاح الذي يفتح الباب. This is the key that opens that door. This is the key that opens the door. חלק לנו את הקלפים. Deal us the cards. Hand us the cards. أراد سامي أن يسمع صوت ليلى. Sami wanted to hear Layla's voice. Sammy wanted to hear Lily's voice. رأيته يمزّق الرسالة. I saw him tear up the letter. I saw him rip up the letter. زيري هو أول من ذهب. Ziri went first. Ziri is the first to go. غادر زيري. Ziri left. Ziri left. האם לאכול פחות בשר זה רעיון טוב? Is eating less meat a good idea? Is eating less meat a good idea? تهدّمت بناية في القاهرة. A building collapsed in Cairo. A building was demolished in Cairo. أشجار الخوخ تتطلب الكثير من أشعة الشمس. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Peach trees require a lot of sunlight. لا يوجد أي شيء مدعاة للفخر. There is nothing to be proud of. There is nothing to be proud of. يجب أن نبقى منتبهين. We need to stay focused. We have to stay alert. تعال الى هنا من فضلك. Please come here. Come here, please. Il-kelma biex tidħol hija twila. The password is long. The word to enter is long. תבדוק את זה, בבקשה, ותודיע לי מה דעתך על זה. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. Check it out, please, and let me know what you think about it. הוא רוצה להיפטר מספריו. He wants to dispose of his books. He wants to get rid of his books. איך את יודעת לגבי תום? How do you know about Tom? How do you know about Tom? הסתכלי לאן קופץ החתול. See which way the cat jumps. Look where the cat jumps. מי מאיתנו מושלם? Who among us is perfect? Which one of us is perfect? لا يفضل أحدًا على أحد. He shows partiality to no one in particular. No one prefers anyone. עלינו לדעת מיד. We have to know right away. We need to know right away. غطست في المسبح. She dived into the swimming pool. I dived in the pool. خرج زيري. Ziri walked out. Ziri's out. אין ספק לגבי היושרה שלו. There are no doubts regarding his integrity. There is no doubt about his integrity. Il-belt hija kbira. The city is big. The city is big. إننا نشجع مساهمتكم. We encourage your participation. We encourage your contribution. יום אחד אולי תרצה את עזרת טום. You may want Tom's help someday. Someday you might want Tom's help. أعطتني الممرضة حقنة. The nurse gave me a shot. The nurse gave me a shot. דבר באיטיות ובבהירות. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. رحل زيري. Ziri went away. Ziri's gone. ትናንትና መጣሁ። I came yesterday. I came in yesterday. בת דודי היא רק בת ארבע, אבל היא אוכלת לפחות כמוני. My cousin is four years old, but she eats as much as I do. My cousin is only four years old, but she eats at least as much as I do. היו לו עיניים כהות ויפות בעלות ריסים ארוכים. He had handsome dark eyes with long lashes. He had dark, beautiful eyes with long eyelashes. הם אינם מתכוונים לעזור לך. They aren't going to help you. They're not going to help you. إزيك يا عم؟ What's up, dawg? Is it you, uncle? سأكلّمه بموضوع الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about the loud music. אני בטוח שהם מדברים על מה שקרה. I'm sure they're talking about what happened. I'm sure they're talking about what happened. תום ומרי לא מדברים אחד עם השניה. Tom and Mary don't speak to each other. Tom and Mary don't talk to each other. אני תמיד נהנה מאד כשאני בא לכאן. I always have a lot of fun when I come here. I always enjoy myself when I come here. בוא נלך לאכול חטיף נקניקיה או משהו כזה. Let's go grab a hot dog or something. Let's go get a hot dog or something. من الصّعب أن تجد ناطقين أصليين بالعربية في دبي أين غالبيّة النّاس تتكلّم بالإنجليزيّة. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. It’s hard to find native Arabic speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. سامحني أرجوك. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. هو يقسم بالله و يكذب. He swears by God and lies. He swore to God and lied. أكل زيري طماطما. Ziri ate tomatoes. Eat a tomato ziri. سآتي. I'm coming. I'm coming. לא היו שם שום חתולים. There weren't any cats there. There were no cats there. لا يشرب أغلب الناس ما يكفيهم من المياه. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people don’t drink enough water. يبلغ عدد سكان اليابان حوالي مئة و عشرون مليون نسمة. The population of Japan is about 120 million. Japan has a population of about 120 million. حاول سامي الفرار من العدالة. Sami tried to escape from justice. Sam tried to escape justice. הם לא ראו עניין רב באיגודים מקצועיים. They saw little need for labor unions. They didn't see much interest in trade unions. هل تستطيع إثبات وجود رجال النظافة؟ Can you prove the existence of garbagemen? Can you prove the presence of cleaners? האם מישהו אחר ראה את זה? Did anybody else see it? Has anyone else seen this? لم تكن قارورة الأقراص تلك كافية لقتل سامي. The small bottle of pills wasn't enough to kill Sami. That pill wasn't enough to kill Sammy. رأيتُ طائراً يُحلّقُ فوقَ شجرةٍ. I saw a bird flying over a tree. I saw a bird flying over a tree. وعد زيري ريمة. Ziri promised Rima. Ziri Reema's promise. הבית הזה קטן מאוד. That house is very small. This house is very small. زيري واثق من ذلك. Ziri is sure about that. Ziri's sure of it. زيري يطالع. Ziri reads. Ziri's looking. إلى أين تذهب Where're you going? Where are you going? هذا الضّجيج يصمّ الآذان. This noise is deafening. This noise is deafening. תום צחצח את שיניו. Tom brushed his teeth. Tom brushed his teeth. كانت ليلى ترتدي فستانا أسودا. Layla wore a black dress. Lily was wearing a black dress. אני מקווה שאני לא טועה. I hope I'm not making a mistake. I hope I'm not mistaken. هذا مفتاحك. This is your key. That's your key. أعجب ذلك زيري. Ziri likes that. I like that, Ziri. איפה היא הייתה באותו רגע? Where was she at that moment? Where was she at that moment? الوحدات السّكنية الغير مكلفة تنتشر كثيراً في تكساس. New affordable housing developments are springing up all over Texas. Inexpensive housing units are very common in Texas. אני אבין. I'll understand. I'll understand. أتى ليطلب منا المساعدة. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask us for help. לא אוהבת חזיר. I don't like pork. I don't like pork. תזדהי. Identify yourself. Identify yourself. כשנמצאים בטיול, קל ללכת לאיבוד. When traveling, it is easy to get lost. When you're on a trip, it's easy to get lost. تنمو نباتات الخلنج في الغابات الصنوبرية. Heathers grow in coniferous forests. Mulberry plants grow in coniferous forests. التقطلي صورة أخرى. Take another picture of me. Take another picture. תום מריח מוזר. Tom smells weird. Tom smells weird. نحن نسجل. We were recording. We're recording. המחוז הזה בנוי בצורת אגן. This district forms a basin. This county is built in an pelvis. השפה הרשמית של אנגולה היא הפורטוגזית. Angola's official language is Portuguese. The official language of Angola is Portuguese. מצטער, מוחמד! שכחתי את שמך! I'm sorry Mohammed, I forgot your name! I'm sorry, Muhammad, I forgot your name! سمعك زيري. Ziri heard you. Heard you, Ziri. הוא וויתר על נסיעה בחו"ל בגלל מחלה פתאומית. He gave up traveling abroad because of his sudden illness. He gave up traveling abroad because of a sudden illness. אני צריך להיות בבוסטון ביום שני. I have to be in Boston by Monday. I have to be in Boston on Monday. שיחקת אתמול טניס? Did you play tennis yesterday? Did you play tennis last night? البيت مسكون بالأشباح. The house is haunted. The house is haunted by ghosts. بحث سامي عنه في غوغل. Sami googled it. Sammy searched for him at Google. دخل زيري إلى المدرسة. Ziri entered the school. Ziri went to school. حين استيقظ زيري، كان في الغابة، متمددا على الأرض. When Ziri woke up, he was in the forest, lying on the ground. When Ziri woke up, he was in the woods, lying on the ground. אף אחד לא רוצה להראות טיפש. Nobody wants to look like a fool. No one wants to look stupid. ماذا كنت تفعل في ذلك الوقت؟ What were you doing at that time? What were you doing at the time? טום רצה לדעת מה שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. Tom wanted to know Mary's last name. واجب علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We have to do this every day. We have to do this every day. לא היו שם חתולים. There weren't any cats there. There were no cats there. في ولاية كاليفورنيا، عليك دراسة تربية الأطفال الصّغار كي تعمل في روضة. In California, you have to study early childhood education to work at a daycare. In California, you have to study raising young children to work in a kindergarten. ملّ سامي من حياته. Sami is tired of his life. Sammy's bored of his life. אם אינך יכול להביס אותם, הצטרף אליהם. If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't beat them, join them. أنتِ فاكهتي المحرّمة You are my forbidden fruit. You're my forbidden fruit. طيور ليست حقيقية Birds aren't real. Birds are not real. أجبروا على الانسحاب. They were forced to withdraw. They were forced to withdraw. لا تذهب لطبيب نباتات مكتبه ميتة . Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. Don't go to a botanist's office dead. לא קנאתם. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. הוא מביט בך. He's looking at you. He's looking at you. שפתה הרשמית של אנגולה היא הפורטוגזית. Angola's official language is Portuguese. The official language of Angola is Portuguese. התנצלת בפניהם? Did you apologize to them? You apologized to them? زيري نيجيري. Ziri is Nigerien. Ziri is Nigerian. هل كان زيري محقا؟ Was Ziri right? Was Ziri right? זהו צייר. That's a painter. It's a painter. זכרון תאונת הדרכים עדיין טרי בזכרונו. The traffic accident is fresh in his memory. The memory of the car accident is still fresh in his memory. ستنتصر جبهة البوليساريو. The Polisario Front will prevail. The Polisario Front will win. أنا مستعد! أيمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? I'm ready, can we go? אני בטוח שהוא יגיע למסיבה. I'm sure that he'll come to the party. I'm sure he'll make it to the party. החיים הם כמו בועת סבון. Life is like a soap bubble. Life is like a soap bubble. كان زيري يسوق. Ziri drove. Ziri was driving. هو أغلق عينيه. He closed his eyes. He closed his eyes. באמת דחפתי את חוטמך בחרא. I sure rubbed your nose in shit. I really pushed your nose in the shit. יש שם ציפור. There's a bird over there. There's a bird in there. اقتنى زيري جواهرا. Ziri purchased jewelry. Buy Ziri Jawaharra. למה הוא עזב את העבודה שלו? Why did he quit his job? Why did he quit his job? ربّما تريد التّحدّث على انفراد. Maybe you want to talk in private. Maybe you want to talk in private. מישהו יכול לעזור לי פה? Can someone help me here? Can someone help me here? תמתין דקה. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. כל פעם שאני מבשל ספגטי אני מכוון שעון ביצה. Whenever I cook spaghetti noodles, I set an egg timer. Every time I cook spaghetti, I set an egg clock. كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. אתה יכול לעשות את העבודה או לא? Can you do the job or not? Can you do the job or not? הלכנו לשיט מפרשים. We went sailing. We went sailing sails. أكلتُ نملة بالخطأ. I ate an insect by accident. I accidentally ate an ant. بإمكان زيري الذّهاب. Ziri can go. Ziri can go. هل تحبه ؟ / هل تحبينه ؟ Do you love him? Do you love him? - Do you love him? كانت النعجة في الفناء. The ewe was in the yard. The sheep was in the yard. ذقت المرارات كلها فلم أجد أمر من الحاجة إلى الناس. I suffered through all sours but didn't find bitter than needing people. I've tasted all the bitterness and I haven't found a thing out of the need for people. لم يُعذّب أحد بالطّريقة التي عُذّب بها سامي. No one has ever been tortured the way Sami was. No one was tortured the way Sammy was tortured. ייצור המוני מוריד את המחיר של מוצרים מסויימים. Mass production lowers the cost of certain goods. Mass production lowers the price of certain products. תום הסיק שזה נגמר. Tom figured it was over. Tom thought it was over. תישארו שם. Stay there. Stay there. أعرف أنك كنت في بوسطن. I know you've been in Boston. I know you were in Boston. זאת הרגשה נפלאה. That feels wonderful. It's a wonderful feeling. كَم أحببت الكتاب الذي اشتريته بالأمس. I liked the book which I bought yesterday very much. I love the book I bought yesterday. توم لم يلمس أي شيء. Tom didn't touch anything. Tom didn't touch anything. لايستطيع توم أن يكف عن شرب الكحول Tom cannot stop drinking alcohol. Tom can't stop drinking. הם משחקים כדורסל. They play basketball. They play basketball. ביקרתי אצל דן. I visited Dan. I went to Dan's. نحن نبيع عصير البرتقال. We sell orange juice. We sell orange juice. ابن خالي بارع في الخدع السحرية. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. My cousin's good at magic tricks. مات الشاه! Checkmate! The Shah is dead! היא הייתה בזירת הפשע. She was at the scene of the crime. She was at the crime scene. תום ומרי התחילו לאכול צהרים בפארק. Tom and Mary started taking their lunches together in the park. Tom and Mary started eating lunch in the park. התנהגותו הפתיעה אותי באמת. His behavior truly surprised me. His behavior really surprised me. ما الذي تخشاه ؟ What are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? و أنت أيضا You too. You, too. זה לא לגמרי מפתיע. That's not entirely surprising. That's not entirely surprising. يبدو زيري بخير. Ziri looks good. Zeri looks fine. لا يمكن لمخلوق أياً كان أن يعيش في الفضاء. No creature whatsoever can live in space. No creature can live in space. لم ذهبت إلى هناك بدوني؟ Why did you go there without me? Why did you go there without me? הוא רוקן את הקופסא מתכולתה. He emptied the box of its contents. He emptied the box of its contents. אני כל כך אוהבת אותך! I love you a lot. I love you so much! מי צריך אותם. Who needs them? Who needs them. אני נשאר בבית בימי ראשון. I stay at home on Sundays. I stay home on Sundays. أتمنى أن أراك مرة أخرى. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. حساباتلي خوه. I mistook him for his brother. My account's blank. اربط يديه خلفه. Tie his hands behind him. Tie his hands behind him. اعترف بالهزيمة. He admitted defeat. Admit defeat. كان فاضل يثق بليلى بشكل كامل. Fadil trusted Layla completely. Fadel was completely confident in Lily. הייתי רוצה שטום לא יקלל כל כך הרבה. I wish that Tom wouldn't swear so much. I wish Tom hadn't cursed so much. كانت وظيفة النساء الرئيسية حتى زمن قريب هي أن يتزوجن ويلدن الأطفال. Until recently, the main function of women was to marry and give birth to children. Until recently, women’s main job was to marry and have children. زيري لا يعلم من أولائك الناس. Ziri doesn't know who all those people were. Ziri doesn't know who those people are. ارتبط سامي عاطفيّا مع إحدى مريضاته. Sami became romantically involved with one of his female patients. Sammy was emotionally attached to one of his patients. በዚ ሐዚ ግዘ ቡርጅ ከሊፋ ናይ ዓለምና እቲ ዝነወሐ ህንፃ እዩ። Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. This is the building that has become the cornerstone of our world, the world’s most beautiful city. תום אימפולסיבי. Tom is impulsive. Tom is impulsive. أين الصبيان؟ Where are the boys? Where are the boys? אני מתרשם מהעיצוב שלך. I'm impressed by your design. I'm impressed with your design. الميزانية قليلة جدا. The budget is extremely small. The budget is very low. ضيّعهنّ زيري. Ziri lost them. They've been lost, Zeri. عمل سامي في مطعم أبيه و هو يقشّر البطاطا لساعات طويلة. Sami worked at his father's restaurant, peeling potatoes for hours on end. Sami worked at his father's restaurant peeling potatoes for long hours. בוא נראה מה יקרה. Let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. M'għandniex tifla. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. أين السفارة البريطانية؟ Where is the British embassy? Where is the British Embassy? توقّع زيري هذا. Ziri expected this. Zeri predicted this. إلى أين أنت ذاهبٌ يا أبي؟ Where are you going, Dad? Where are you going, Dad? אתה לא נכנע בקלות, נכון? You don't give up too easily, do you? You don't give up easily, do you? طبخت ليلى العشاء لفاضل. Layla cooked Fadil dinner. Lily cooked dinner for Fadel. لا بد لي من التحدث معها حول الخطة الجديدة. I have to talk with her about the new plan. I have to talk to her about the new plan. اني مديون له. I owe him a debt. I owe him. كان زيري أوّل من تكلّم. Ziri spoke first. Ziri was the first to speak. أخرجت قلماً من جيبها. She took a pen out of her pocket. She took a pen out of her pocket. הם פטרו את הביקורת שלו בתור צביעות. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They dismissed his criticism as hypocritical. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب توم. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. זה מדכא כל כך. This is so depressing. It's so depressing. كان سامي يعتقد أنّ مجيدا كان تهديدا خطيرا لحياته. Sami thought that Majid was a dangerous threat to him. Sami believed that Majida was a serious threat to his life. תום קילף את החסיל. Tom shelled the shrimp. Tom cut the crap. أين هي نعالي؟ Where are my slippers? Where's Naali? من خرّب البستان؟ Who destroyed the garden? Who ruined the garden? الكتاب هِنا The book is here. The book's here. אתה לא קרוב משפחה שלי. You're not related to me. You're not related to me. ראית כמה הם עסוקים, הלא כן? You saw how busy they are, didn't you? You've seen how busy they are, haven't you? من فاز؟ Who won? Who won? لا أعتقد أنها ستمطر غدا. I don't think that it will rain tomorrow. I don't think it's going to rain tomorrow. لقد خسروا الكثير. They have lost a lot. They lost a lot. המרכול היה יחסית ריק בהשוואה לימים אחרים בשעה זו. The supermarket was relatively empty for that time of day. The shop was relatively empty compared to other days at this time. ሐኪም የለሁም። I'm not a doctor. I don't have a doctor. אתה יוצא עוד מעט? Are you leaving soon? You coming out soon? תום מעודו לא היה מרשה את זה. Tom would never allow it. Tom never would have allowed it. אתה תהיה בלב שלי לתמיד. You'll always be in my heart. You will be in my heart forever. نصدق هذا. We believe this. We believe that. אני יודע להשתמש בכל סוגי הנשק. I know how to use every kind of weapons. I know how to use all kinds of weapons. אני גר במיאמי. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. قد ينزل الثلج It may snow. It might snow. הכנסייה הזו מאוד גדולה. This church is very big. This church is very big. תום הפחיד אותי. Tom frightened me. Tom scared me. علينا عمل هذا بأنفسنا. We have to do this by ourselves. We have to do this ourselves. زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. The kaz increased in sodomy. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Please show me something cheaper. Show me something cheaper, please. مين أكتر حد بتحترمه في حياتك؟ Whom do you respect most in your life? Who do you respect the most in your life? بعض المناطق الرطبة مثل مستنقعات المنغروف تحمي السواحل من العواصف و الانجراف. Some wetlands, such as mangrove swamps, provide important coastal protection against storms and erosion. Some wet areas, such as mangrove swamps, protect the coast from storms and drift. ما عرض هذا الشارع؟ What's the width of this road? What is this street? أراد سامي أن يتزوّج من امرأة مسلمة. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. He wanted to marry a Muslim woman. ألم أقل ذلك؟ Didn't I say that? Didn't I say that? بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health began to deteriorate. لا أستطيع تذكر اللحظة التي وضع زوجي يديه على عنقي و ضمّني بقوة. I can't remember the moment my husband put his hands around my neck and hugged me tightly. I can't remember the moment my husband put his hands on my neck and hugged me hard. אנו צריכים לעשות את זה שוב. We have to do it again. We need to do it again. كان زيري يسرق الجواهر. Ziri stole jewelry. Ziri was stealing the jewels. תום דיבר בחוסר נימוס. Tom spoke impolitely. Tom spoke disrespectfully. على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always did the best he could to help Mary. פתח את לוח הבקרה. Open the panel. Open the control panel. ليس غبياً. He is not stupid. Not stupid. لدي أخت I have a sister. I have a sister. تبيّن في النهاية أنّني كنت على حق. It turned out that I was right. Turns out I was right. إن النساء يغيرن العالم. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. אני מצטער בשבילו. I feel sorry for him. I'm sorry for him. لا يشعر توم بالثقة لتحدّث مع الأشخاص الآخرين. Tom doesn't feel confident in his ability to talk with other people. Tom doesn’t feel confident talking to other people. קיוויתי שנעשה חברים. I'd hoped that we'd become friends. I was hoping we'd make friends. הם ירו בתום. They shot Tom. They shot Tom. لقد آذى سامي الجميع. Sami hurt everyone. Sammy hurt everyone. علينا أن نجدها في الحين. We need to find her right away. We have to find her in time. מי ערך את הסקר? Who did the survey? Who conducted the survey? מדוע לא צלצלת לי אמש? Why didn't you call me yesterday evening? Why didn't you call me last night? הם נראים מאושרים. They look happy. They look happy. אני משוכנעת שתום אמר לך את זה. I'm sure Tom told you that. I'm sure Tom told you that. توم و ماري ديسيداو يتزوجو في بوسطن. Tom and Mary have decided to get married in Boston. Tom and Mary DiSedao are married in Boston. תשאיר את המנוע מופעל. Leave the engine running. Keep the engine on. اقترب عيد الميلاد. Christmas drew near. Christmas is approaching. ماذا يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? האם תרצה להיות משרת שלי וללכת בעקבותיי? Do you want to be my servant and follow me? Would you like to be my servant and follow me? نحن نحتفل الليلة. Tonight we celebrate. We're celebrating tonight. רק אל תספר להם שאני שלחתי אותך. Just don't tell them I sent you. Just don't tell them I sent you. מספר תאונות הדרכים בעליה. There has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents. Number of road accidents on the rise. אני הייתי נחוש למלא את חובותיי בכל מחיר. I was determined to fulfill my duties at any cost. I was determined to fulfill my duties at all costs. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לחשוב עליך. I don't know what made me think of you. I don't know what made me think of you. הם ממש מפוחדים. They're really afraid. They're really scared. አላውቅም። I don't know. I don't know. פשוט תתחיל לעבוד. Just start working. Just get to work. كان عليك أن تفكر في هذا قبل أن تتسبب بحمل ليلى. You should have thought about that before you got Layla pregnant. You should have thought of that before you got Layla pregnant. سامي جرّاح تجميلي. Sami is a plastic surgeon. Sammy's a plastic surgeon. אני אוהב רומנים רומנטיים. I love romance novels. I love romance novels. انتبه، ذاك الرجل معه مسدس. Watch out, the man has a gun. Look out, that guy's got a gun. אתה רואה טלוויזיה? Do you watch TV? Do you watch TV? ماذا تعلّمتنّ؟ What have you learned? What did you learn? زيري و ريمة افترقا. Ziri and Rima parted. Ziri and Reema parted ways. واصل زيري السير. Ziri continued walking. Keep walking, Zeri. سامي على اليوتوب. Sami is on YouTube. Sammy's on YouTube. كل الحضور انفجر ضحكا. The entire crowd burst out laughing. Everyone in the audience burst out laughing. أين كتبي؟ Where are my books? Where are my books? תום אמר למרי שהיא לא צריכה לעשות את זה. Tom told Mary that she didn't need to do that. Tom told Mary she didn't have to do it. تورّي برك بلّي نتا ماشي رۆبۆ. It only shows you're not a robot. Tory ponds Bly Neta Mashi Rebbe. זה היה לפני שנתיים. That was two years ago. That was two years ago. جئنا. We came over. We're here. עד שהגעתי, כולם כבר עזבו. By the time I arrived, everyone had already left. By the time I got there, everyone was gone. הפסיקי לדחוף. Stop pushing. Stop pushing. ألا تبالي إن دخنت؟ Does it bother you if I smoke? Don't you care if I smoke? אנו קבוצה פעילה. We're an active group. We are an active group. كان ذلك الدينصور متوجها نحو الفندق. The dinosaur was heading towards the hotel. That dinosaur was heading towards the hotel. أعتذر منك، لم أقصد إخافتك. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. את עדיין בסכנה ללקות במחלות מין. You are still at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. You're still in danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. הוא הגבוה ביותר בין השלושה. He is the tallest of the three. He's the highest of the three. זוהי מילה שהייתי מעוניין למצוא לה תחליף. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. That's a word I'd like to replace. منذ ١٩٩۰م و حتّى الآن ، استلم الجائزة إحدى عشرة طالبةً. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since 1999, eleven students have received the award. אני חושבת שאשאר בבית היום. I think I'll stay in today. I think I'll stay home today. تعرّف زيري على ريمة. Ziri met Rima. Ziri recognized Rima. مقبول Fair enough! Accepted يا لك من ملاك! You're an angel! What an angel! למי אתה חושב אותי? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? أظن أنه يمكنني الركض بمثل سرعة توم. I think I can run as fast as Tom. I think I can run as fast as Tom. شعر زيري بالقرف. Ziri felt disgusted. Ziri's hair is shit. Narak għada. See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. هذه المرة ، كان الصوت أعلى. This time, the sound was louder. This time, the sound was louder. لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I quit my job. أعتمد عليك. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. يقطن زيري في قرية تقع داخل الغابة. Ziri lives in a village inside the forest. Ziri lives in a village located inside the forest. عليّ أن أنام. I have to go to sleep. I have to sleep. זה לא מוצא חן בעיני כלל וכלל. I don't like it one bit. I don't like it at all. ንሚስተር ጆንስ ከም ዝመርጽዎ ተኣሚኑ እዩ። He is convinced that they will vote in favour of Mr Jones. You can trust Mr. Jones to make a choice. على رغم من أسلوبه حديثه الناضج، لكن في الحقيقة هو مجرد طفل بعمر ٩ سنوات. Despite his mature way of speaking, he is just a nine-year-old. Despite his mature style, he is actually just a 9-year-old boy. شعر زيري بالألم. Ziri experienced pain. Ziri felt pain. אבין זאת כתשובה חיובית. I'll take that as a yes. I'll take that as a yes. لم يكن سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى مسلمة. Sami didn't know that Layla was Muslim. Sammy didn't know that Layla was a Muslim. لو كنت أخبرتَك الحقيقة, كنتَ ستُفاجأ. If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised. If I told you the truth, you'd be surprised. كان سامي في غرفة استعجالات أحد المستشفيات. Sami was in a hospital ER. Sam was in an emergency room at a hospital. אני כל כך כועסת שאני רוצה לצעוק ולשבור את הכל! I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything! I'm so angry that I want to scream and break everything! الموسيقى لغة عالمية. Music is a universal language. Music is a universal language. بيتي تعزف البيانو. Betty can play the piano. Betty's playing the piano. تحدّث سامي عن ليلى بإعجاب شديد. Sami spoke about Layla with great admiration. Sammy spoke of Layla with great admiration. لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We have to do this ourselves. ظنت أني طبيب. She thought that I was a doctor. I thought I was a doctor. כששמש התרבות בשקיעה, אפילו גמדים מטילים צל ארוך. When the sun of culture is low, even dwarfs will cast long shadows. When the sun of civilization sets, even dwarfs cast a long shadow. هذه التفاحة حمراء جداً. This apple is very red. This apple is so red. עומדת בפני תום דילמה. Tom faces a dilemma. Tom has a dilemma. تجمد العالم بأسره. The entire world was frozen. Freeze the whole world. أصيب سامي بجروح. Sami got wounded. Sammy got hurt. האינסטינקט שלי היה נכון. My instinct was right. My instinct was right. טום היה יותר מדי בתדהמה מכדי לענות. Tom was too astonished to reply. Tom was too surprised to answer. كان يعيش هنا. He used to live here. He lived here. هل أنتَ خائف؟ You're afraid? Are you scared? انفقع بالوني! My balloon popped! Spend a balloon! بإمكاننا المسامحة، لكن من المستحيل أن ننسى. We can forgive, but forgetting, it's impossible. We can forgive, but it's impossible to forget. كان يشير توم إلى ماري. Tom was pointing at Mary. Tom was referring to Mary. أنا أعرفها I know her. I know her. تعافى سامي بشكل كامل. Sami made a full recovery. Sammy recovered completely. القلعة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور . The old castle is a popular tourist attraction. The old castle is a popular tourist destination. نحن رجال. We are men. We're men. אנחנו מקווים שנוכל לעשות זאת בשנה הבאה. We hope to be able to do that next year. I hope we can do it next year. איבדנו במידת מה את התחושה. We just kind of lost touch. We somehow lost the feeling. لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. Sammy doesn't deserve your tears. يجب عليك الانضمام لي. You must join me. You should join me. اكتشف زيري الأمر. Ziri found out. Ziri found out. שכב בשקט. Lie still. Lie still. התלמידים שלך העניקו לנו תקווה חדשה. Your students have given us new hope. Your students have given us new hope. انتظرتْ ردي. She waited for my reply. I waited for my reply. كان سامي يتكلّم. Sami was talking. Sammy was talking. شحال راك باغي تخلص؟ How much do you want be paid? Rak Baghi's dead? מסוכן לשחות בלילה. It's dangerous to swim at night. It is dangerous to swim at night. אתה מרשה לי לנגן בפסנתר? Will you allow me to play the piano? You're letting me play the piano? טום שינה את דעתו לאחר שחשב על העניין במשך זמן רב. Tom changed his mind after thinking over the matter for a long time. Tom changed his mind after thinking about it for a long time. تَعْجبنا نَفس الموسيقى. We like the same music. We liked the same music. תתכונן לנסיעה מיד. Get ready for the trip at once. Get ready for the ride right now. החבר הכי טוב שלי הוא וולשי. My best friend is Welsh. My best friend is Walshy. لليد خمسة أصابع. A hand has five fingers. The hand has five fingers. هذه كتبي، وتلك كتبه. These are my books, and those are his books. These are my books, and those are his books. لا أزال راغبة في أن أنجب أطفالا. I still want to have kids. I still want to have children. في موسم السياحة ، ترفع العديد من الفنادق اسعارها . In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. In the tourist season, many hotels raise their prices. قفوا مع فلسطين. Stand with Palestine. Stand with Palestine. إن القطار قد غادر. The last train has already gone. The train has left. אנשים רבים שעד כה בזבזו כספים ובילו בנעימים צריכים עכשיו להזהר יותר בממונם. A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money. Many people who have so far spent money and had a good time should now be more careful about their finances. أريد أن أذهب إلى أمريكا في يوم من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America one day. הוא לא התקדם יפה באנגלית. He didn't make much progress in English. He didn't do well in English. Tajjeb, grazzi! I'm fine, thank you. That's good, thank you! رأيتك تطبخين. I saw you cooking. I saw you cooking. תום פוסח לעתים קרובות על ארוחות. Tom often skips meals. Tom often skips meals. عندها نظارة شمسية. She has sunglasses. She's got sunglasses. نحن صديقان. Me and him are friends. We're friends. אני לא בטוח איך להמשיך. I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm not sure how to proceed. بدا سامي عاديّا جدّا. Fadil appeared completely normal. Sammy seemed so normal. הכובע שלי מונח ישר? Is my hat on straight? Is my hat straight? خطير جداً لكِ أن تكوني هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. It's too dangerous for you to be here. لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sammy didn't want to be the losing end of the divorce. استعمل فاضل بطاقة اعتماد ليلى. Fadil used Layla's credit card. Use a nightly credit card. ماذا ستفعلان بآلة التصوير هذه؟ What'll you do with this camera? What are you going to do with this camera? על איזה כוכב לכת אתה חי? What planet do you live on? What planet are you living on? كان سامي قبيحا جدّا. Sami was so ugly. Sammy was so ugly. زيري يتكلم. Ziri is speaking. Ziri's talking. אבוא. I'll come. I'll come. فقط تنفس طبيعي. Just breathe normally. Just breathe normally. زيري يتفهّم الوضع. Ziri understands. Ziri understands the situation. الرجاء إغلاق الباب عند الخروج. Please will you close the door when you go out. Please close the door when you leave. كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil got an airtight alibi. Fadhel had a strong excuse. ليس هناك حاجة للاستعجال. لدينا متسع من الوقت. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. There's no need to rush. We have plenty of time. لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. She's been wearing the hijab her whole life. אני מאוהב כמו ביום הראשון. I am as much in love as on the first day. I'm in love like the first day. אני חושב איך פגעת בי. Think about how you did me wrong. I'm thinking about how you hurt me. تصرّف زيري بمسؤوليّة. Ziri behaved responsibly. Ziri acted responsibly. לקחתי יום חופש. I took a day off. I took the day off. בוא נשמור על שקט. Let's keep quiet. Let's keep quiet. أمضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. Sammy spent the night at the clinic. توم يريد أن يأكل هنا الليلة. Tom wants to eat here tonight. Tom wants to eat here tonight. ما رأيك في بعض البيض و البيكون؟ How about some eggs and bacon? How about some eggs and bacon? إنه كبير بما فيه الكفاية ليقود سيارة. He is old enough to drive. It's big enough to drive a car. אתה מתכוון להשאר במיטה כל היום? Are you going to stay in bed all day? You gonna stay in bed all day? הוא ליקק את אצבעותיו. He licked his fingers. He licked his fingers. כמה שהיא נאה! How pretty she is! How handsome she is! أين المحطة؟ Where is the station? Where's the station? دخل زيري إلى منطقة ببر. Ziri ran into the territory of a tiger. Ziri entered the area of Pepper. אנו מתגעגעים לתום. We miss Tom. I miss Tom. هذه تبدو كاليونانية لي، لكن و بالنسبة للناطقين بلغة الإسبرانتو، فهذه تبدو كلغة الفولابوك. It's all Greek to me, but to the Esperantist it's Volapük. This sounds like Greek to me, but for Esperanto speakers, this sounds like Volabook. كانت تلك السحلية تبدو كدينصور. The lizard looked like a dinosaur. That lizard looked like a dinosaur. ظننتك تملك معايير أسمى. I thought you had higher standards. I thought you had higher standards. يعرف الجميع النص " الولد كان صارماً في الاستجواب " ، لكن في وقتنا هذا لا يعرف الكثير من الناس التكملة : هي قصيدة بخصوص ولد مات بعد ان رفض التخلي عن عضوية كومسومول الخاصة به . Everybody knows the line “The boy didn't crack under interrogation”, but nowadays many people don’t know the continuation: it is a verse about a boy who died, having refused to renounce his Komsomol membership. Everyone knows the text "The boy was strict in interrogation", but nowadays not many people know the sequel: a poem about a boy who died after refusing to give up his Komsomol membership. ساعد زيري. Help Ziri. Help Ziri. אנו יכולים להתחיל הלילה. We can begin tonight. We can start tonight. המיים נקיים? Is the water clean? Is the water clean? למרות הסתייגויותיכם נעשה את מה שהחלטנו. Despite your reservations, we will do what we decided to do. Despite your objections, we will do what we have decided. אני רק צריכה חיבוק. I just need a hug. I just need a hug. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a scientist. הוא הזדרז כדי לפצות על הזמן שאבד. He hurried on to make up for lost time. He was quick to make up for lost time. أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you make a list of the issues to be discussed? الحياة في هذه الكلية ليست كما توقعت البتة. Life at this college is nothing like I expected. Life in this college is not what I expected. غزى اللبلاب تلك الشجرة بكاملها. Ivy took over the entire tree. The Ivy invaded that whole tree. نجى زيري من طلقة نار أطلقتها عليه ريمة. Ziri survived a gunshot from Rima. Ziri survived a shot fired at him by Reema. تعال معنا. Come along. Come with us. זה התניע תגובת שרשרת. It started a chain reaction. It triggered a chain reaction. אני מיומן בשתי ידי באותה מידה. I'm ambidextrous. I'm equally skilled at both hands. אתה עייף? Are you tired? Are you tired? من مالك هذا البيت؟ Who owns this house? Who owns this house? ما يحتاجه حقاً هو وظيفة جيدة. What he needs most is a good job. What he really needs is a good job. شنو؟ What? Schno? כמה אתה שוקל? What do you weigh? How much do you weigh? بقي الأولاد هادئين. The boys kept quiet. The boys remained calm. كان سامي يقضي المزيد من الوقت في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at Leila's house. كان سامي متعطّشا للشّهرة. Sami craved notoriety. Sam was hungry for fame. נזכרתי איך ביום א' האחרון נסעתי הביתה במשאית קטנה. I remembered riding home in a pickup truck last Sunday. I remember last Sunday I drove home in a small truck. هل تقرأ العربيّة؟ Do you read Arabic? Do you read Arabic? שלחתי לך דוא"ל. I sent you an e-mail. I e-mailed you. كانا سامي و ليلى يخطّطان لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع معا. Sami and Layla were planning to spend the holiday weekend together. Sammy and Leila were planning on spending the weekend together. انصرف من ملكيتنا! Get the fuck off our property! Get out of our property! מרי התלבשה בצניעות. Mary dressed modestly. Mary dressed modestly. בסדר. Alright. Oh, okay. نظر سامي إلى باب ليلى. Sami looked at Layla's door. Sammy looked at Lily's door. خسر وظيفته لذاك السبب. For that reason, he lost his job. He lost his job for that reason. لا يجب علي أن آتي هنا. I shouldn't have come here. I don't have to come here. "قسما!" "إني لا أصدّقك!" "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" "Bye!" "I don't believe you!" איך נדע שהוא לא האמיתי? How do we know this isn't the real one? How do we know he's not real? הפארק הזה היה פתוח לציבור מאז שנת 2013. This park has been open to the public since 2013. The park has been open to the public since 2013. בדיוק כאשר עמדתי ללכת לישון, הטלפון צלצל. I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. Just as I was about to go to bed, the phone rang. כתבי את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. ביקשתי מהגנן לשתול כמה עצים. I had the gardener plant some trees. I asked the gardener to plant some trees. בוב גבה 3 דולרים לשעה עבור כיסוח דשא. Bob charged 3 dollars an hour for mowing lawns. Bob was charging $3 an hour for mowing lawns. أعتقد أننا يجب أن نفعل المزيد. I think we should do some more. I think we should do more. טום רוצה לשמוע את שני הצדדים לסיפור. Tom wants to hear both sides of the story. Tom wants to hear both sides of the story. מי מהמהם? Who's humming? Which one? הוא לא יכול היה לבוא אתנו כי הוא חלה. He couldn't come with us because he was sick. He couldn't come with us because he got sick. אה, תני לי להראות לך. Oh, let me show you. Oh, let me show you. سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay there until 6:00. תודה על העצה. אנסה. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice. אפשר לשבת לידך? Can I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? يجلب التّين النّاضج كلّ أنواع الحشرات. Ripe figs attract all sorts of insects. Mature figs bring in all kinds of insects. انتهيت للتوّ. Just finished it. I'm just finished. وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. أنا طالب. I'm a student. I'm a student. علم نفسه الفرنسية. He taught himself French. He taught himself French. למה את מתחפשת בפורים? Why do you dress up on Purim? Why are you dressed as Purim? יש לך עכשיו כאבים? Are you in pain now? Do you have pain now? سأحضّر بعض القهوة. I will make some coffee. I'll make some coffee. אויב הגיע לארץ שלנו. The enemy has come to our country. An enemy has come to our country. "توم، ماذا تفعل؟" "ماذا يبدو أنني أفعل؟" "Tom, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" "Tom, what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?" אני חשבתי שתאבד (תלך לאיבוד). I thought you'd get lost. I thought you'd be lost. אתם ערים? Are you up? Are you awake? احتفظ بالصّورة. Keep the picture. Keep the picture. مدرّس الرّياضة يناديني بالسّمين. The gym teacher calls me "fat." The math teacher calls me fat. שפת האם של טום היא צרפתית. Tom's native language is French. Tom's mother tongue is French. لم أرى مثل هذا البطيخ الكبير من قبل. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big watermelon before. صلّى سامي صلاة الظّهر مع فاضل. Sami performed the noon prayer with Fadil. I prayed the Lord’s Prayer with my son. كان زيري يضحك. Ziri was laughing. Ziri was laughing. איזה באסה. It's such a pain in the ass. What a bummer. ليس لدي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. قدّم فاضل ليلى لرامي. Fadil introduced Layla to Rami. Fazil Layla presented to Rami. توقّف زيري. Ziri has stopped. Stop, Ziri. سيستغرق المشروع سنة على الأقل. This project will take at least a year to finish. The project will take at least a year. המון דוברי אספרנטו חדשים משמחים אותי. The huge number of new Esperanto speakers makes me happy. A lot of new Esperanto speakers make me happy. بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. الخطاب الذي ألقاه الرئيس أمس أسعد أنصاره. The speech made by the president yesterday delighted his supporters. The speech delivered by the President yesterday delighted his supporters. אני לא יכולה לראות בלי משקפיים. I can't see without glasses. I can't see without my glasses. يعرف جاك كيف يتكلم الفرنسية. Jack can speak French. Jack knows how to speak French. מר דייוויס נראה עייף מאוד. Mr Davis looks very tired. Mr. Davis seems very tired. ሴቷ ቆንጆ ናት። The woman is beautiful. The woman is beautiful. האם קראת את המאמר הזה? Have you read this article? Have you read this article? כולם יוצאים מן הכלל. They're all extraordinary. They're all extraordinary. أنا مستعد للمغادرة الآن. I'm ready to leave now. I'm ready to leave now. תוכל לבוא לכאן לדקה? Can you come here for a minute? Can you come here for a minute? אתה נראה טוב בבגדים האלה. You look good in those clothes. You look good in those clothes. شكراً لدعوتكِ لي إلى الحفلة. Thank you for inviting me to the party. Thank you for inviting me to the party. صدّقني زيري. Ziri believed me. Believe me, Zeri. תום טוב במתמטיקה. Tom is good at mathematics. Tom is good at math. איך אנו יכולים למצוא את תום? How can we find Tom? How can we find Tom? הוא זכה באזרחות אמריקאית. He acquired American citizenship. He won American citizenship. عليك أخذ حبة مع كأس من الماء مرتين أو ثلاث مرات يوميا. You have to take a tablet with a glass of water two or three times a day. You should take a pill with a glass of water two or three times a day. دعونا نقلب العملة. Let's flip a coin. Let's flip the coin. המחיר של זה פשוט הזוי. The price is simply mind blowing. The price of it is just ridiculous. שלושה דברים בחיים לעולם לא חוזרים: חץ שנורה, מילה שנאמרה, והזדמנות שהוחמצה. There are three things that won't come back in life: the shot arrow, the pronounced word, and the missed chance. Three things in life never come back: an arrow that was shot, a word that was said, and an opportunity that was missed. لازَم نْفَرّحْ بابا. I have to make my dad happy. We've got to have fun, Daddy. زيري ساحر. Ziri is charming. My father is a magician. سوف اذهب للتسوق بعد الغداء. I'm going to go shopping after lunch. I'll go shopping after lunch. زيري يتذكّرهم. Ziri remembers them. Ziri remembers them. ናታ ጽቡቕ ነገራት ጥራይ ክኣምን ይደሊ እኳ እንተኾንኩ፡ እቲ ባህሪኣ ግን ብሓቂ ሕማቕ እዩ። I'd like to believe only good things about her, but her behaviour is really rude indeed. I wish but the good to be persuaded by the honorable behavior, that also the behavior of her is evil. ينبغي أن تعمل بنصيحته. You may as well follow his advice. You should follow his advice. أنا لست سعيداً. I'm not happy. I'm not happy. واصل سامي إرسال الرّسائل لليلى. Sami continued to send letters to Layla. Sami continued to send messages to Layla. ليس كل سؤال يستحق الاجابة. Not every question deserves an answer. Not every question is worth answering. שמרתי על טום. I was watching Tom. I was watching Tom. עדיף שתיקח אתך מטרייה. You'd better take an umbrella with you. You'd better take an umbrella with you. תום לבש ג'ינס וכובע בוקרים. Tom wore jeans and a cowboy hat. Tom wore jeans and a cowboy hat. תהיתי מה קרה לזה. I wondered what happened to it. I was wondering what happened to that. ألا تشعر بالبرد؟ Don't you feel cold? Don't you feel cold? كانت ليلى مشجّعة مثيرة في الجامعة. Layla was a sexy college cheerleader. Lily was a hot cheerleader in college. .أنا بحاجة إلى ثوب سباحة جديد I need a new bathing suit. I need a new swimsuit. בדוק את הדואר הנכנס שלך. Check your inbox. Check your inbox. נתפסתי בגשם שוטף. I was caught in a shower. I was caught in the pouring rain. הרחובות מוצפים. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! Hard work didn’t kill anyone. But why take the risk?! أصيب زيري بالعمى. Ziri got blind. Ziri went blind. יש לנקוט באמצעי זהירות. Take precautions. Precautions must be taken. أريد أن أنساها. I want to forget her. I want to forget her. لا أحد كان قادرا على التّنبّؤ بذلك. No one could have predicted this. No one was able to predict that. يَجِبُ أن إبنٌ يطُعُ وَالدَهُ. A son must obey his father. A son must obey his father. تمّت إقالة زيري. Ziri was fired. Ziri's been fired. "Kayak" هي مثال على القَلْبِ المُستوي. "Kayak" is an example of a palindrome. "Kayak" is an example of a level heart. احتضنته و هو يبكي. She hugged him while he cried. I hugged him and he was crying. أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Tom gave the money back to Mary. שיניתי את התאוריה שלי. I revised my theory. I changed my theory. لغته الفرنسية ضعيفة. His knowledge of French is poor. His French is weak. Jiena miżżewweġa. I'm married. I'm married. ألا تتذكره؟ Don't you remember him? Don't you remember him? لم يسمح لنا البستاني بالمشي على العشب. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The gardener wouldn't let us walk on the grass. אבא שלי שקט. My father is quiet. My dad's quiet. تنهّد زيري. Ziri sighed. Zeri sighs. أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from December 8th through the 12th. I'm on strike from December 8th to 12th. שכחתי לשלם את שכר הדירה. I forgot to pay the rent. I forgot to pay the rent. תוסיפו סוכר לתה. Add sugar to the tea. Add sugar to tea. لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know that she was ill. I wasn't aware of her illness. اعترف سامي بذلك. Sami admitted that. Sammy admitted it. הוא אוהב חיות. He likes animals. He loves animals. زيري حارس غابات. Ziri is a forest ranger. Ziri's a forest ranger. אכלתי את הנזיד שבישלנו לפני כמה ימים. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I ate the stew we cooked the other day. זה היה בלתי אפשרי לשלוף את הפקק. It was impossible to pull out the cork. It was impossible to pull the plug. كان زيري يتساءل. Ziri was wondering. Ziri was wondering. ستتغيّر حياة ليلى للأبد. Layla's life will change for ever. Layla's life will change forever. ألم يخطر لك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Didn't it occur to you to close the windows? حاول أن يكتب أقصوصة. He tried writing a short story. Try to write stories. هذه التفاحة شديدة الحمرة. This apple is very red. This apple is very red. הם השתגעו. They went crazy. They've gone crazy. למה אתה שונא את החופש? Why do you hate freedom? Why do you hate freedom? أنتهيت من فطورك؟ Have you finished breakfast yet? You done with your breakfast? رأى سامي ذلك الكلب. Sami saw the dog. Sammy saw that dog. זה לא אנושי. That's inhumane. It's not human. למה אין לך חברה? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? טום לא סבור שזו מקריות. Tom doesn't think this is a coincidence. Tom doesn't think it's a coincidence. ልጆች የሕይወታችን አበባዎች ናቸው። Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. .לֹא כָל- כָךְ טוֹב Not so good. - Not all. - You're good. ניפגש בבוקר. I'll see you in the morning. I'll see you in the morning. أفهم لغتك. I understand your language. I understand your language. أحببت طوني. I liked Tony. I loved Tony. إنهُ صغير جداً. He's so young. It's too small. غادر سامي النّادي في سيّارة. Sami left the club in his car. Sammy left the club in a car. سامي و ليلى كانا مسيحيّين قد عادى من مهمّة تبشيريّة. Sami and Layla were Christians coming back from a mission. Sammy and Leila were Christians who were used to a missionary mission. ኩሉ ይሓልፍ፡ ፍቕሪ ይተርፍ። Everything passes. Love remains. Let's all live, let's live, let's live, let's live, let's live, let's live. תום אינטליגנטי. Tom is intelligent. Tom is intelligent. تصرّف زيري بشكل سيّء. Ziri behaves badly. Zeri behaved badly. كان زيري يقدّم الأكل للزّبائن. Ziri served customers. Ziri was serving food to the customers. لم يكن سامي شرطيّا صادقا. Sami was a crooked cop. Sammy wasn't an honest cop. سأُحَلِق إلى المانيا. I will fly to Germany. I'm flying to Germany. ما مدي ارتفاعها ؟ How high is it? How high is it? תום יכול לנגן את "עמק הנהר האדום" במפוחית. Tom can play "Red River Valley" on the harmonica. Tom can play "Red River Valley" in the harmonica. َو قُلِ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكُمْ فَمَن شَاء فَلْيُؤْمِن وَمَن شَاء فَلْيَكْفُر. Say: the truth from the Lord of you all. Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. Tell the truth to those who are in the presence of the Lord. Then, if you want to, you can be trusted. And if you want to, you can be proud of it. יש לו לסת שבורה והוא איבד כמה שיניים. He got a broken jaw and lost some teeth. He's got a broken jaw and he's lost some teeth. آمُلُ ذلك. I do hope so. I hope so. بماذا تحدّق؟ What are you staring at? What are you staring at? نُقِل سامي فورا إلى المستشفى. Sami was immediately rushed to the hospital. Sami was immediately taken to the hospital. לא עשיתי זאת לבד. I didn't do this alone. I didn't do it alone. أُغلق مطعم سامي. Sami's restaurant was shut down. Sammy's restaurant is closed. לא שיקרתי אלא אתה. I didn't lie. You did. I wasn't lying. You were. هذه هي الساعة التي اشتريتها امس . This is the watch I bought yesterday. This is the watch I bought yesterday. ليس لديه مصداقية He has no credibility. He has no credibility. زيري يكره الطيور. Ziri hates birds. I hate birds. توم لم يذهب ابدا الى المدرسة Tom has never gone to school. Tom never went to school. الوردة دي حلوة. This rose is beautiful. The rose is sweet. نمن في الحافلة. They slept on the bus. We sleep on the bus. تسبّب مرض سامي النّفسي في إيقاف مشواره في عرض الأزياء. Sami's mental illness cut his modeling career short. Sami's mental illness caused him to stop his fashion career. كولّ ما نلقا حاجا تعجبني، تكون غاليا بزّاف. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. As much as we've met, I like it. It's expensive. היינו רוצים שלא נצטרך לעמוד בבחינות באנגלית. We wish we didn't have to take a test in English. We don’t want to have to take the English exam. ذهبت ليلى إلى الكنيسة كي تصلّي من أجل سامي. Layla went to the church to pray for Sami. Lily went to church to pray for Sammy. شكرني. He thanked me. Thank me. תום היה סוכן נדל"ן. Tom was a real estate agent. Tom was a real estate agent. השרת נפל. The server was down. The server's down. لا تقلق. At ease. Don't worry. את יכולה לספר לנו על תום? Can you tell us about Tom? Can you tell us about Tom? תום אמר משהו בצרפתית שלא הבנתי. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. Entry price is $10 per person. הרדיו שידר את החדשות בפרוטרוט. The radio broadcast the news in detail. The radio broadcast the news in detail. איפה הדברים שלך? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? אני יכול לשים אותך במעצר אם צריך. I can arrest you if I have to. I can put you in jail if I have to. خنق زيري ريمة. Ziri strangled Rima. Throttle Zeri Rima. אציית. I will obey. I will. מה לקחו? What was taken? What did they take? لن أؤذيك. I won't harm you. I won't hurt you. שים את זה בשקית נייר חומה. Put it in a brown paper bag. Put it in a brown paper bag. ቤት አለህ? Do you have a house? Do you have a home? لا تقلق. أنا لدي تأمين. Don't worry. I have insurance. Don't worry. I have insurance. הוא מבין מהר. He's a quick study. He understands quickly. حلقت الطيور في كل اتجاه. The birds flew away in all directions. The birds flew in every direction. אני עובד הרבה. I work a lot. I work a lot. شاهدنا فلماً مضحكاً يوم الأحد الماضي. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We watched a funny movie last Sunday. الجميع مرتبك. Everybody is confused. Everybody's confused. איך אני מגיע לשער 33? How do I get to Gate 33? How do I get to gate 33? האם היית פעם באופרה? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to an opera? הוא מאמין שהוא יישאר. He believes he's gonna stay. He believes he will stay. لا أستطيع فهم تلك التعليقات. I can't understand those comments. I can't understand those comments. لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار. I can only wait. I can only wait. צבא חזק הגן על העיר. A strong army protected the city. A strong army protected the city. בורא עולם הוא כל יכול. God is omnipotent. The Creator of the world is almighty. شكراً جزيلاً لك يا دكتور. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. תום נוהג באוטובוס ומרי מדריכת תיירים. Tom drives a bus and Mary is a tour guide. Tom drives the bus and Mary guides the tourists. אנחנו גאים. We're gay. We're proud. زيري بدرب الكلاب. Ziri trains dogs. Ziri's on the dog trail. أنت لم تُرِِد أن تدرس أبداً على أي حال. You have never wanted to study anyway. You never wanted to study anyway. اشترى زيري بعض الماء المقطّر. Ziri bought some distilled water. Ziri bought some distilled water. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. Check, please. The account, please. زيري على ما يرام. Ziri is OK. Zeri's fine. و أخيراً حقق هدفه. At last he achieved his goal. He finally achieved his goal. بسرعة. Hurry up. Quick. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You look happy today. تحسنت. It's gotten better. I'm better. אני לא אוהב אותה. I don't love her. I don't like her. ماذا تريد هى؟ What does she want? What do you want? ነጭ ድመት አለኝ። I have a white cat. I've got a white thread. لم يرى زيري من كان يحدث تلك الضحة. Ziri didn't see who was making the noise. Ziri didn't see who was making that sacrifice. انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole there. בקושי ריסנתי את הדחף להכות אותו. I barely restrained the impulse to strike him. I barely restrained the urge to hit him. איש לא יעשה את זה. No one will do this. No one's gonna do it. הם נישאו והשתקעו סמוך לבוסטון. They got married and settled near Boston. They got married and settled near Boston. شعر توم قصير حقا. Tom's hair is really short. Tom's hair is really short. إنها فكرة جيدة. That's a great idea. It's a good idea. הוא הסביר את המשמעות המילולית של המשפט. He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. תהיי כנה אתי. Be sincere with me. Be honest with me. תום שינה את הטקטיקה שלו. Tom changed his tactics. Tom changed his tactics. אתמול חל יום ההולדת שלי. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. كيما تولّي تشبه ل تّصويرا ديالك ف لپاسۆپر، تمّاك تقدر تڥواياژي. When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday. To take over is similar to portraying Dialect F to Passe-Pierre, Tamak appreciates Tahwaihi. منينك؟ Where are you from? Minnick? كان هناك شخص مريض عقليا يعيش في تلك الغابة. A seriously deranged person lived in that forest. There was a mentally ill person living in that forest. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is she? תום מצחקק. Tom is giggling. Tom is giggling. منذ ان استلمت النساء المزيد من المسؤوليات في العمل و في المجتمع ، يقال ان عدد النساء الذين يعانون من الاجهاد من تربية الاطفال و العمل اخذ بالتصاعد . Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. Since women have taken on more responsibilities at work and in society, the number of women struggling with child-rearing and work is said to be on the rise. היא פרצה בבכי. She burst out crying. She burst into tears. ذهبت الأم إلى المدينة لجلب بعض الخبز. Mother went to town to get some bread. The mother went to town to get some bread. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami got fired. Sammy got fired from work. أشعر بارتباكٍ في حضوره. I feel awkward in his presence. I feel confused in his presence. אל תשכח להזמין את תום. Don't forget to invite Tom. Don't forget to invite Tom. אני לבד. I'm alone. I'm alone. הכל תלוי בהחלטה שלך. Everything depends upon your decision. It all depends on your decision. הכל בשליטה. Everything's under control. Everything's under control. אתה אידיוט! You're an asshole! You're an idiot! תום רוצה שכולם יאהבו אותו. Tom wants everybody to like him. Tom wants everyone to love him. أنا في المطار الآن. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. من ارتكب هذه الجريمة حتماً فقد عقله. Whoever committed this crime was surely out of his mind. Whoever committed this crime must have lost their mind. תום אהב את זה. Tom liked it. Tom loved it. אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים שלך. You can't be too careful in choosing your friends. You cannot overstate the importance of choosing your friends. أين كتابي؟ Where's my book? Where's my book? תום כיסה את אפו ואת פיו עם הממחטה. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. תהיה סבלני. Be patient. Be patient. كان كلا من توم وماري غائبان اليوم. Both Tom and Mary were absent today. Tom and Mary were both absent today. ንሳ እንግሊዘኛ ብዘይ ሰጋእ መጋእ ትዛረብ። She speaks English fluently. The but one in the English language speaking, without quarreling; אם תחלה לך לרופא. If you get sick, go to the doctor. If you get sick with a doctor. האווירון נחת בחווה של אבי. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The plane landed on my father's farm. בית הספר נמצא על הכבעה. The school is on the hill. The school is on the hat. אני חיה בריו דה ז'ניירו. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. من يعزف على البيانو؟ Who's the man playing the piano? Who plays the piano? أمشي إلى المدرسة. I walk to school. I walk to school. لم يذهب فاضل بعيدا. Fadil didn't get far. Fadel didn't go away. זה היה רק חלום. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. הוא יותר עשיר מכל אדם בעיר. He is richer than anybody else in town. He's richer than any man in the city. רוב המתכנתים שונאים את שלב הדיבוג. הרבה יותר מהנה ליצור באגים מאשר לתקן אותם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most programmers hate the debugging phase. Much more fun to create bugs than to fix them. ليس بإمكانك أن تبرهن هذا You can't prove that. You can't prove that. يسكن زيري بالقرب من مدرسة نوجا. Ziri lives near Nuja's school. Ziri lives near Noga School. تناول سامي بعض الأقراص النّوم. Sami took some sleeping pills. Sammy took some sleeping pills. لماذا لا تأكل الخضروات؟ Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? האמת היא שהצרפתית של טום לא טובה כל כך. The truth is that Tom's French is not so good. The truth is, Tom's French isn't very good. كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Leila would rather spend her time outside the house. זו פסולת. תשליך את זה. That's junk. Throw it away. It's garbage, throw it away. אני לא יכולה לתת לך את זה. I can't give it to you. I can't give you that. كان زيري يتحدّث. Ziri was talking. Ziri was talking. إنه من فرنسا. He is French. He's from France. היא מבשלת זוועה. She is an appalling cook. She cooks a horror. كان سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami was just waiting. Sammy was just waiting. لماذا لا يستطيع أبدا فعل شيء؟ Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? هل تتكلم ... الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak... English? Do you speak... English? מה אתה זוכר מאמש? What do you remember from last night? What do you remember from last night? زحف سامي عبر نافذته. Sami crawled in through this window. Sammy crawled through his window. זה לא אמיתי. It's not real. It's not real. قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said, “Please sit down.” عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was young, he was a hard worker. לא הייתה לך שום זכות להגיד את זה לתום. You had no right to tell Tom that. You had no right to say that to Tom. توقفنا عن الصراخ. We stopped shouting. We stopped screaming. היא לא קוראת לעולם. She never reads. She never reads. ما تزيدش تعيط لطوم. Don't call Tom anymore. What you give to Tom. ما قاله عن الإنجليزية صحيح. What he said about England is true. What he said about English is true. אם יתגלעו בעיות, קיראי לי. If there are difficulties give me a call! If there's trouble, call me. אני לא חושב שרבים יכולים לומר שהם מרוצים מהמשכורת שלהם. I don't think many people can say they are satisfied with their salary. I don't think many people can say they're happy with their paycheck. ليس صحيحًا بالضرورة أن كل ما يقوله المعلم صحيح دائمًا. It is not necessarily true that what the teacher says is always correct. It is not necessarily true that everything the teacher says is always true. انظر إلى الصورة. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. הם לא ימצאו את זה. They won't find it. They won't find it. Fejn hu t-tojlit? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? أعدك أنّي سأكلّمه. I promise I'll talk to him. I promise I'll talk to him. أنتِ فقط تهربين من مشاكل الحياة. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. החלומות שלך התגשמו. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have come true. מה עליי לעשות? What should I do? What should I do? אני נפגשת פה עם מישהו מאוחר יותר. I'm meeting someone later. I'm meeting someone here later. أريد كتاباً لأقرأ I want a book to read. I want a book to read. תום מפסיד בקרב. Tom is losing the fight. Tom lost the fight. האם השמוק הזה עובד עבור הממשלה? That sumbitch work for the gummint? Does this prick work for the government? כמה הוא מרוויח לחודש? How much money does he make a month? How much does he earn per month? زيري تحت تأثير المخدّرات. Ziri is stoned. My brother's on drugs. هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. This will never end. ان النشيد الوطني المجري هو قصيدة فرانس كولجاي ، مع تلحين الموسيقي لفرانس إيركيل. Hungary's national anthem is Ferenc Kölcsey's poem, with the music composed by Ferenc Erkel. The Hungarian national anthem is a poem by France Colgay, with a musical composition by France Erkel. واصل زيري المشاهدة. Ziri watched on. Ziri continued to watch. אני חושבת שהכל בסדר. I think it's going well. I think everything's fine. אחזיר לך מיד לאחר שאקבל את המשכורת. I'll pay you back once I receive my salary. I'll pay you back as soon as I get my paycheck. מסרת לתום את הודעתי, נכון? You gave Tom my message, didn't you? You gave Tom my notice, didn't you? תום ומרי בילו יחד נהדר. Tom and Mary had a wonderful time together. Tom and Mary had a wonderful time together. שקי לי בתחת. Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. بالطبع، يجب ان اخبرها. Of course, I have to tell her. Of course, I have to tell her. תום הוא משפחתי היחידה. Tom is the only family he's got. Tom is my only family. يانّي يحبّ التّين. Yanni loves figs. Yani likes the figs. פגשתי את תום בינואר. I met Tom this January. I met Tom in January. תום הכניס את הכל לתוך התיק. Tom put everything back into the bag. Tom put it all in the bag. המצב הביטחוני הרעוע בסוריה משפיע גם על תורכיה. The unstable security situation in Syria also affects Turkey. The precarious security situation in Syria also affects Turkey. ما خلاّوناش ندّخلو لهاداك الكاف. We weren't allowed to go into that cave. Let's go to Hadak K. תום איננו מה שהיה לפני שלוש שנים. Tom isn't what he was three years ago. Tom is not what he was three years ago. سُميّتُ على خالي. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. תגידי לתום שאנחנו בדרך. Tell Tom we're on our way. Tell Tom we're on our way. דגתי בנהר התיימס. I fished in the Thames River. I fished in the River Thames. אני יכול להשיג הישג טוב יותר. I can top that. I can do better. أمضينا وقتاً ممتعاً و نحن نلعب الورق. We had a good time playing cards. We had a good time playing cards. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar sound. Leila heard a familiar voice. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful. כעסתי שלא עניתי לך. I've been upset not having written you a reply. I was angry that I didn't answer you. لعب زيري كرة القدم. Ziri played soccer. Play Ziri football. كنّا نتشاجر أنا و ليلى. Layla and me were arguing. Lily and I were fighting. מה משמעותם של החיים? What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of life? مسح زيري الغابة بعينيه. Ziri scanned the woods. Wipe Ziri the forest with his eyes. التّين ليّن جدّا. Figs are very delicate. The figs are so soft. ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he fails? לתום יש תואר בפיננסים. Tom has a degree in finance. Tom has a degree in finance. لا أريد أن أراه. I don't wanna see him. I don't want to see him. الكتاب على المكتب. The book is on the table. Book on the office. אנשים רוצים שלום. People want peace. People want peace. אולי זה מזל רע. Maybe it's bad luck. Maybe it's bad luck. אני בבית מדי ערב. I am at home every evening. I'm home every night. את ממלמלת. You're babbling. You're muttering. מיץ תפוזים הוא המיץ הפופולרי ביותר באמריקה. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. גלי חום נהיו תכופים יותר וחזקים יותר, בעיקר במערב. Heat waves have become more frequent and intense, especially in the West. Heat waves have become more frequent and stronger, especially in the West. واصلت الكلاب النّباح. The dogs kept barking. The dogs kept barking. שימי את הספרים בכוננית. Put the books in the bookcase. Put the books in a bookcase. מילותיו פגעו בה. His words hurt her feelings. His words hurt her. كادت شاحنةٌ تدهسُنِي. I was nearly run over by a truck. I almost got run over by a truck. הוא עמד ליד השער עם היד בכיס. He was standing by the gate with his hand in his pocket. He was standing by the gate with his hand in his pocket. كان زيري قلقا. Ziri was worried. Ziri was worried. لا يستطيع توم التكلم بالفرنسية كثيرا. Tom can't speak very much French. Tom can't speak much French. سألتني عن عمري. She asked me how old I was. You asked me my age. מכל דבר את עושה שעשוע. You make everything fun. You make fun of everything. אני חוזר בי. I take it back. I take it back. إحدى أمنياتي هي أن أتعلم اللغة الآيسلندية. One of my dreams is to learn Icelandic. One of my wishes is to learn Icelandic. إسراء و معراج مبارك. Have a blessed Isra and Mi'raj. Israa and Meraj Mubarak. إنتهت المسرحية. This play has ended. The play's over. "سامحني." "و ماذا عليّ أن أسامح؟" "Forgive me." "What do I have to forgive?" "Forgive me." "And what should I forgive?" תום צעיר מוכשר. Tom is a capable young man. Tom is a talented young man. מי שרוצה להלך בשביל התבונה אל לו לחשוש מהכשלון, לא משנה כמה הוא מתקדם, מטרתו נשארת רחוקה מהשגה. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Anyone who wants to walk in the path of reason should not fear failure, no matter how advanced it is, its goal remains far from being achieved. اختفى سامي لسبب غامض. Sami has mysteriously gone missing. Sammy disappeared for a mysterious reason. هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's nice. That's nice, too. زيري يحب الفنون. Ziri loves arts. Jerry loves the arts. خيم الصمت على الغابة. The woods went silent. Silence in the forest. אי אפשר לעשות את העבודה ביום אחד. The work cannot be done in a day. You can't do the job in one day. טום מרר בבכי. Tom wept. Tom was crying. ينبغي أن تلغى منهجيا المشاريع الضارة بالبيئة. Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically. Projects that are harmful to the environment should be systematically eliminated. قلتَ لي أنّك لن تتركني لوحدي أبدا. You said you'd never leave me alone. You told me you'd never leave me alone. اكتشف سامي قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami found Layla's YouTube channel. Sami discovered Layla's YouTube channel. אחרי שהוא גמר את שיעורי הבית, הוא צפה בטלוויזיה. After he had done his homework, he watched TV. After he finished his homework, he watched TV. رأيت فتاة واقفة تحت الشجرة. I see a girl standing under that tree. I saw a girl standing under the tree. אינני מאמינה לסיפור הזה. I don't believe that story. I don't believe this story. هل يبدو هذا مألوفا لك؟ Does this look familiar to you? Does that sound familiar to you? قال لي ألا أقود بسرعة. He told me not to drive too fast. He told me not to drive fast. לא ממש ראינו את התאונה. We didn't actually see the accident. We didn't really see the accident. يمكنك زيارتي متى ما أحببت. You can come visit me whenever you like. You can visit me whenever you like. מר טנאקה התקשר כשנעדרתם. Mr. Tanaka called while you were out. Mr. Tanaka called when you were gone. الجميع يحبها. Everybody likes her. Everybody loves her. הייתי עייפה מאוד. I was very tired. I was very tired. היום הזה נראה כמו מבחן מאמץ. It's looking like a treadmill kind of day. This day looks like a test of effort. לא אכפת לי מה חושבים אנשים על הבגדים שלי. I don't care what people think about the way I dress. I don't care what people think about my clothes. دخلت ماري. Mary came in. I entered Mary. كان عمر فاضل سبعة عشر سنة آنذاك. Fadil was about seventeen years old at the time. Fadel was 17 years old at the time. איך זה שייך? How is this relevant? How does that belong? אני לא מבינה שום דבר בניהול עסק. I don't know a thing about running a business. I don't know anything about running a business. זה מעורר הערצה. It's admirable. It's admirable. אני רוצה שתישארי הלילה. I want you to stay tonight. I want you to stay the night. לקרוא לו גאון זה אבסורדי לחלוטין. To call him a genius is downright absurd. Calling him a genius is completely absurd. את מכירה את שמי? Do you know my name? You know my name? היא, מה שמכנים אישה מוכשרת. She is what we call a talented woman. She's what they call a talented woman. האם זה לא שטוח? Isn't it flat? Isn't it flat? زيري خائف. Ziri is scared. Ziri's scared. לא נתתי לו לחכות. I didn't keep him waiting. I didn't let him wait. عليك النوم. You should sleep. You need to sleep. لا تلعب هنا. Don't play here. Don't play here. غزّة هي أكبر سجن في العالم. Gaza is the biggest prison on Earth. Gaza is the largest prison in the world. شعر زيري بالنّعاس. Ziri got sleepy. Ziri felt drowsy. رأى زيري جسما صخما بين الأشجار. Ziri saw a huge figure in the trees. Ziri saw a boisterous body among the trees. እኔ ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. יש לנו כמה בעיות חוקיות שעלינו לברר. We have some legal problems to work out. We have some legal issues we need to find out. פשוט התעלפתי. זה הכל. I just fainted. That's all. I just passed out, that's all. הוא לא יודע דבר על פוליטיקה. He knows nothing about politics. He knows nothing about politics. טום הסביר את המצב למשטרה. Tom explained the situation to the police. Tom explained the situation to the police. ראיתי אישה בשחור. I saw a woman in black. I saw a woman in black. הם פתאום שמו לב לרעש בחלקו האחורי של החדר. They were suddenly aware of a noise in the back of the room. They suddenly noticed the noise in the back of the room. طلب زيري الطعام. Ziri ordered food. Ziri asked for food. كان منزل منّاد مكتضّا بالنّاس. Mennad's house was packed. It was a packed house. يريد فاضل أن يعرف ما هي حقيقة المسلمين. Fadil wants to know what Muslims really are. Fadel wants to know what Muslims really are. لم تملك أي مال، لذا لم تستطع الذهاب معي. She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me. You didn't have any money, so you couldn't go with me. المنافسة قوية. The competition is fierce. Competition is strong. לינדה אוהבת שוקולד. Linda loves chocolate. Linda loves chocolate. אני צריך עוד. I need more. I need more. هي غادرتنا. She has left us. She left us. הפוליטיקאי חלקלק כצלופח! The politician is as slippery as an eel! The politician is as slippery as a eel! اللغة اليابانية لغتي القومية. Japanese is my native language. Japanese is my national language. האם כולם מוכנים? Are all of them ready? Is everyone ready? فقد سامي حياته. Sami lost his life. Sammy lost his life. لدي أشياء أهم لأفعلها. I have more important things to do. I have more important things to do. הם לא יימלטו מעומסי התנועה. They can't avoid the traffic. They won't escape the traffic jams. لا يزال زيري لا يعلم من التقط تلك الصور. Ziri still doesn't know who took those pictures. Ziri still doesn't know who took those photos. لاماجۆريتي تاع نّاس تامن بلّي انا مهبول. Most people think I'm crazy. I don't know. I'm a madman. I'm a madman. كل شيئ سيتغير. Everything will change. Everything's gonna change. קיבלת את המכתב? Did you receive the letter? Did you get the letter? אני כופר באשמה. I plead not guilty. I'm a heretic. كلّ النّساء يعشقن الألماس. All women like diamonds. All women love diamonds. אני שומע שאתה מנגן על פסנתר. I hear that you play the piano. I hear you're playing the piano. כל הבנים הביטו למטה. All the boys looked down. All the boys looked down. تبوّل سامي. Sami urinated. Sammy's peeing. أمي لا يمكنها المجيء. My mother can't come. My mom can't come. תשכיבי בבקשה את התינוק. Please put the baby to bed. Please put the baby down. تحدثت ماري باليابانية ببطئ. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. أعطت ليلى لسامي رقم هاتفها. Layla gave Sami her phone number. Layla gave Sammy her phone number. نطق سامي بالشّهادة الأسبوع الماضي. Sami took his shahada last week. Sammy gave the testimony last week. תום יודע על כך משהו. Tom knows something about this. Tom knows something about it. אין שם שום דבר. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. منزل زيري تحيط به غابة. Ziri's house is surrounded by a forest. Ziri's house is surrounded by a forest. أنا أتتطلع لحفلة عيد القديسيين خاصتك. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. كان سامي يخطّط لحياة أخرى. Sami was planning a new life. Sammy was planning another life. צריך להשקות את העציצים. The plants need watering. We need to water the plants. אתם מוכנים להרגע? Would you all relax? You guys ready to relax? אנשים מחפשים את מעיין הנעורים. The men are searching for the Fountain of Youth. People are looking for the fountain of youth. الشرطيَة كانت خائفة على حياتها. The female police officer was in fear for her life. The police officer was afraid for her life. אבא שלי מקריח. My father is getting bald. My dad's balding. תום תולה את הבגדים שלו, ואחר כך מארגן אותם לפי צבע. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them by color. Tom hangs up his clothes, then arranges them by color. מכשיר ה- DVD החליף את מכשיר הווידאו. The DVD player replaced the videotape player. The DVD replaced the video. غادر زيري فجأة. Ziri suddenly left. Ziri suddenly left. ماتكونش جايح. Don't be so stupid. It's not gonna be easy. تلقى زيري اللقاح. Ziri got vaccinated. Ziri received the vaccine. كان زيري يكتب بوضوح و باختصار. Ziri wrote clearly and concisely. He wrote clearly and succinctly. תום ניסה להתניע את המנוע. Tom tried to start the engine. Tom tried to start the engine. למה לי בכלל לדאוג? Why do I even care? Why should I even worry? היא שכחה לכתוב לו. She forgot to write him. She forgot to write to him. كان سامي بمثابة عمود لأهل الحي. Sami was a pillar of the community. Sammy was like a pillar for the people of the neighborhood. هل يمكنني ان اتكلم معك للحظة؟ Can I talk to you a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? הם נסעו להם. They drove away. They went to them. هو يأمل أن يجعلها تفعل ما يريده. He hopes to entice her into doing what he wants. He hopes to make her do what he wants. בוא נחליף בינינו מקומות ישיבה. Let me exchange seats with you. Let's switch seats. الغصن مال عليها وضربها. The branch sprang back and hit her. The twig paid for it and hit her. خسروا من جديد. They lost again. They lost again. لبس سروالاَ نظيفاَ. He put on clean trousers. Wearing clean pants. לאוניברסיטה שלי יש מעונות סטודנטים. My university has dormitories. My university has student dorms. בבקשה אל תיגע בזה. Please don't touch this. Please don't touch that. תום קורא ספר היסטוריה. Tom is reading a history book. Tom is reading a history book. هل هذا واضح؟ Am I clear? Is that clear? كان سامي راغبا في أن تجيبه ليلى عن بعض الأسئلة الصّعبة حول ماضيها. Sami wanted Layla to answer some tough questions on her past. Sammy wanted Layla to answer some difficult questions about her past. תום כמעט הרג את שניהם. Tom nearly killed both of them. Tom almost killed them both. حَنْدِير لاتاي. I'll make the tea. Latay's bead. מְעֻוָּת לֹא יוּכַל לִתְקֹן וְחֶסְרוֹן לֹא יוּכַל לְהִמָּנוֹת. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. It cannot be broken, and it cannot be broken, and it cannot be broken. הוא מתעייף בקלות. He gets tired easily. He gets tired easily. رجع زيري. Ziri returned. Ziri's back. بدأ يشعر بالمرض. He began to feel ill. He started to feel sick. אל תדבר מהר כל כך, בבקשה. Please don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast, please. שב בבקשה על הכיסא הזה ותמתין. Please sit on this chair and wait. Please sit in that chair and wait. התפוזים עשירים בויטמין C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. אתם לא נראים מרוצים מדי. You don't seem very pleased. You don't seem too happy. أطفأ زيري الروبوت. Ziri shut down the robot. Turn off my robot button. عاد زيري إلى شريكه. Ziri walked back to his partner. Ziri returned to his partner. תני לי להסביר לך את זה באמצעות תרשים. Let me explain it with a diagram. Let me explain this to you using a diagram. قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sammy did something. הסירה התקרבה לתעלת למנש. The boat was approaching the English Channel. The boat was approaching the Mansch Canal. إهدأ: إنهُ فقط يغيظك. Calm down; he's just teasing you. Calm down, he's just teasing you. خيموا على حافة الماء. They camped at the water's edge. They camped on the edge of the water. كان زيري قلقا. Ziri was annoyed. Ziri was worried. תפסיק להתעמר בתום. Stop teasing Tom. Stop bitching about Tom. أفضل الخروج على البقاء في البيت. I prefer going out to staying at home. I'd rather go out than stay home. لم يفز زيري قط. Ziri never won. Ziri never won. أعِد لي قَلمي. Give me my pen back. Give me back my pen. זאת טעות כל כך חמורה. This is such a mistake. It's such a big mistake. بدا زيري غاضبا. Ziri sounded angry. Ziri looked angry. أظن أننا تحادثنا عبر الهاتف. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we talked on the phone. أوقات كتير باخد برد. I often catch colds. Very cold times. עולם טוב יותר הוא אפשרי. A better world is possible. A better world is possible. הפרחים נבלו כי לא היו להם מים. The plants withered because they had no water. The flowers wilted because they had no water. عندي تذكرة زائدة. I have an extra ticket. I have an extra ticket. Skużani, se jkolli nħallik. Sorry, I've got to go. Sorry, I'll have to leave you. הוא חורק בשיניו ובולם את פחדו הגואה. He grits his teeth and forces back his growing fear. He gritted his teeth and held back his fear. זו לא טיסה כזו ארוכה. It's not such a long flight. It's not that long a flight. תום טען את התותח שלו. Tom was reloading his gun. Tom loaded his gun. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكَ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd give you money. راح يجي غدوا؟ Will he come tomorrow? What's tomorrow? הוא מכפר על חטא. He is doing penance. He's atoning for sin. كانت ليلى ترتدي حجابا. Layla wore a hijab. Layla was wearing a hijab. זה משפט. This is a sentence. It's a trial. صوت بتي جميل. Betty has a sweet voice. My daughter's voice is beautiful. צריך לקחת בחשבון את הגרוע ביותר. We must assume the worst. You have to consider the worst. זכור לשים את הכסאות על השולחנות לאחר השיעור. Remember to put the chairs onto the tables after the lesson. Remember to put the chairs on the tables after the lesson. אין לי עלי בגדים. I don't have any clothes on. I don't have any clothes on. ليلى فتاة. Layla is a girl. Layla's a girl. تقأت في الحافلة. She vomited on the bus. I threw up on the bus. واصل دافيد إطلاق النار. David continued shooting. David continued to shoot. לא עשינו שום דבר רע. We did nothing wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. لا يوجد طرق مختصرة إلى القمة. تلك الطرق تؤدي إلى الهاوية. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There are no shortcuts to the top. Those paths lead to the abyss. سامي مسؤول على العيادة كلّها. Sami is responsible for the whole clinic. Sammy's in charge of the entire clinic. هل تعرف كيف تصلح التلفاز؟ Do you know how to fix this TV? Do you know how to fix TV? הוא נדחק קצת הצידה כדי לפנות מקום. He squashed up a bit to the side to leave a seat free. He was pushed aside a little to make room. إننا نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We eat apples. אולי זה לא בטבע שלך, אבל לפחות תשתדל להיות אדיב קצת. It may not be natural for you, but at least try to be a little more gracious. Maybe it's not in your nature, but at least try to be a little kind. הוא תמיד מצליח. He always succeeds. He always succeeds. دعونا نأخذ تصويت. Let's take a vote. Let's take a vote. اخبرتك ان لم اريد ان افعل هذا. I told you I didn't want to do this. I told you if I didn't want to do this. هل ستكون في البلاد وقت عيد الميلاد؟ Will you be home for Christmas? Will you be in the country by Christmas time? لقد كنت مسرورا جدا لكى أنام. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy to sleep. המשאית המשוריינת נושאת זהב. That armored truck is carrying gold. The armored truck carries gold. أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? Can I buy you another drink? لا تقلق بشأن ذلك. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. لا أحد كان يعلم ماذا يقول. Nobody knew what to say. No one knew what he was saying. אני עובד אפילו ביום ראשון. I work even on Sunday. I work even on Sundays. אני לוקח הלוואה. I borrow money. I'm taking out a loan. إن حدث زيري ريمة بالأمازيغية، فستضحك عليه. If Ziri speaks Berber to Rima, she's gonna laugh at him. If Ziri Rima happens to be in Amazigh, she'll laugh at him. אין לי עוד שאלות. I have no further questions. I don't have any more questions. תום יחלים. Tom will recover. Tom will recover. בחן אותם. Examine them. Test them. הציפור ההיא יפה מאוד. That bird is very beautiful. That bird is very pretty. اشمأزّ زيري. Ziri was disgusted. I resent my sire. خذ كل الوقت الذي تحتاجه . Take all the time you need. Take all the time you need. إزاي يحصل لي كده؟ How could this happen to me? How's he getting to me? לא הייתי מסוגל לגמור את שיעורי הבית בלי עזרת תום. I couldn't have finished my homework without Tom's help. I couldn't finish my homework without Tom's help. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. תבדקי את זה. Check this. Check it out. إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. If you eat too much, you become fat. اليوم لا اشعر أنني بحالة جيدة Today I'm not feeling well. Today, I don't feel so good. מוקשים הורגים 15,000 עד 20,000 אנשים מידי שנה, הרבה מהם ילדים. Landmines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people every year, many of them children. Mines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people every year, many of them children. قال الصائب: "نوبز، إن قتلت أنت يا ديما 25 شخصًا فلا بد أنهم كانوا نوبز". "Noobs," Al-Sayib stated. "If 25 people got killed by you, Dima, then they must have been noobs." “Nobbs, if you, Dima, killed 25 people, they must have been Nobbs,” he said. Kont ili nafha għaxar snin meta żżewwiġtha. I had known her for ten years when I married her. I had known her for ten years when I married her. وأيضا السبب وراء خوض الحكومة الأمريكية إجراءات المقاضاة من أجل صون حق النساء والفتيات في ارتداء الحجاب ومعاقبة من يتجرأ على حرمانهن من ذلك الحق That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it. It is also the reason why the U.S. government has taken legal action to safeguard the right of women and girls to wear headscarves and punish those who dare to deny them that right. דברים שאינך יודע עלולים לפגוע בך. What you don't know can hurt you. Things you don't know can hurt you. תום הצביע על נעליו. Tom pointed down at his shoes. Tom pointed at his shoes. סדרו את מיטותיכם. Make your bed. Make your beds. ארוחת הבוקר הייתה מצויינת. Breakfast was very good. Breakfast was great. אני לא לסבית. I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. يبالغ توم دائما. Tom always exaggerates. Tom always exaggerates. بدأ سامي يرتعش. Sami started shaking. Sammy began to tremble. كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? How do you like me in English? أيّها سيارة توم؟ Which car is Tom's? What's Tom's car? הוא חי מהיד לפה. She is living from hand to mouth. He lives from hand to hand. كان زيري يتوق للحب. Ziri craved love. Ziri was yearning for love. اليوم بارد Today it is cold. Today is cold. شفت هادا؟ Did you see that? That's it. לא הייתי עוצר את נשימתי. I wouldn't hold my breath. I wouldn't hold my breath. אני אוהבת סקי. I like skiing. I like skiing. לצוף זה קל. Floating is easy. Floating is easy. قال لابنه أن ينزل عن السلم. He told his son to get down from the ladder. He told his son to come down the stairs. سمع زيري ذلك. Ziri heard that. Ziri heard that. زيري لا يحبّ الإشهار. Ziri hates commercials. Ziri doesn't like publicity. تحدث معي بالإنجليزية رجاءً. Please speak to me in English. Speak to me in English, please. ידידות אמיתית לא תסולא בפז. True friendship is priceless. True friendship is priceless. הסוס רחוק מהבית. The horse is far from the house. The horse is far from home. سامي يعمل في العيادة. Sami is working at the clinic. Sammy works at the clinic. שתיתי כוסית עם תום באותו יום. I had a drink with Tom the other day. I had a drink with Tom that day. حجب توم ماري. Tom blocked Mary. Blocking Tom Mary. טום בדרך כלל מאזין למוזיקה קלאסית. Tom usually listens to classical music. Tom usually listens to classical music. يصبح جبل فوجي مغطًى بالثلج في الشتاء. Mt. Fuji is covered with snow in winter. Mount Fuji becomes snow-covered in winter. توم ليس مؤهلاً لتدريس المدرسة الثانوية. Tom isn't qualified to teach high school. Tom is not qualified to teach high school. תום עוזר בזמן האחרון בסופי שבוע כשאני בעבודה. Tom has been helping out on weekdays while I'm at work. Tom's been helping out lately on weekends when I'm at work. توقف زيري عن المحاولة. Ziri stopped trying. Ziri stopped trying. خلال رمضان، يمكن للمسلمين الأكل مجددا بعد غروب الشمس. During Ramadan, Muslims can eat again after sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims can eat again after sunset. מה פירוש גאדג'ט? What is a gadget? What does Gadget mean? أنا سعيد جداً الآن. I'm very happy now. I'm so happy now. איך הם יגלו? How are they going to find out? How will they find out? עכשיו אקח אותך ביד. Now I'll take you by the hand. Now I'll take you by the hand. אנו פועלים בלי חשש או משוא פנים. We act without fear or favor. We act without fear or favour. إنتظر Hang on. Hold on. היא נראית חסרת שמחה. She looks unhappy. She seems unhappy. יש לי גשר בשיניים. I have braces. I have a bridge in my teeth. تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل. That job was handled by Fadil. Fadel took over doing that work. ماذا تعتقد أفضل طريقة لتشجيع توم علىَ دراسة المزيد؟ What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? أنا حقّا بحاجة لأطلب منك معروفا. I really need to ask you a favor. I really need to ask you a favor. ذهب زيري. Ziri walked away. Ziri's gone. הזכירו את השם שלך. Your name was mentioned. Mention your name. לא כולם מסכימים. Not everyone agrees. Not everyone agrees. نظر سامي إلى الخارج. Sami looked outside. Sam looked outside. ما سبب كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ What's all the noise about? What's with all the noise? هل كنت تواعدها؟ Did you use to go out with her? Were you dating her? המסמר קרע את המעיל שלו. The nail tore his jacket. The nail tore his coat. אתה נראה לא טוב. You don't look well. You look bad. ينبغي على سامي أن يهتمّ بشؤونه. Sami should mind his fucking business. Sammy has to take care of his own business. لقد سأمت من الحياة إلى أبعد الحدود. I am really tired of living. I am tired of life to the fullest. נוכל לסמוך על טום? Can we trust Tom? Can we trust Tom? נראה שהוא טועה. It appears that he is mistaken. Looks like he's wrong. سيقام العرس في الربيع القادم. The wedding will take place next spring. The wedding will take place next spring. احتقر زيري ريمة. Ziri belittled Rima. Ziri despised Rima. ربّما ستتعلّم درسا من ذلك. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from that. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Sammy drank six glasses of wine. מי רוכש סגנון אמנות כזה? Who buys this type of art? Who buys such an art style? העתיקות שאבי השאיר לאחר מותו נתגלו כגרוטאות חסרות ערך. The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk. The antiquities my father left after his death were discovered as worthless scraps. אני די מחבב את תום. I kind of like Tom. I kind of like Tom. اقترب فاضل و أخرج مسدّسه ثمّ وجّه طلقة إلى قلب رامي. Fadil approached, pulled his gun out and fired once into Rami's heart. Fadhel approached and took out his gun and fired a shot at Rami's heart. وين ساكن؟ Where are you living? Wayne's a resident? ظننت توم ميّتا. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. زيري هو صاحب المستودع. Ziri owns the garage. Ziri is the owner of the warehouse. המחסור בדלק עורר את המדינה לצורך בפיתוח אנרגיה אטומית. The fuel shortage awoke the country to the need for developing atomic energy. The fuel shortage has fueled the country’s need to develop atomic energy. فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. Phrases of words appear in sentences. Phrases express characters. Phrases can be funny, intelligent, silly, profound, touching, or hurtful. אנו רוצים להיות סבירים. We want to be reasonable. We want to be reasonable. ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء؟ What's everyone eating for lunch? What are you having for lunch? أغلق الباب من فضلك. Close the door, please. Close the door, please. لما لم تأتِ إلى الغذاء؟ Why didn't you come for lunch? Why didn't you come to lunch? כל הבקתות נשארות הרוסות. All the cabins remain shuttered. All the cabins remain destroyed. فقط انتظر هنا. Just wait right here. Just wait here. למה אנשים מוסיפים משפטים פשוטים ורגילים כמו "שלום", "מה שלומך?", וכו'? Why do people add simple and common sentences such as "hello", "how are you", etc.? Why do people add simple, ordinary phrases like "hello", "how are you?", etc.? היא העלתה התנגדות חשובה לטיעון שלו. She raised an important objection to his argument. She raised significant objections to his argument. כבד את הוריך. You have to respect your elders. Respect your parents. אתה זקוק לזה. You need this. You need it. הנה הסיבה למה טום עזב. Here's why Tom left. Here's why Tom left. אין לי אלרגיות. I have no allergies. I don't have allergies. רק מלאתי את תפקידי. I was just doing my duty. I was just doing my job. المكان ليس بعيداً عن باريس. It is not far to Paris. It is not far from Paris. אולי אנו צריכים ללכת ולראות את תום. Maybe we should stop by and see Tom. Maybe we should go see Tom. היא מתוחכמת מאד. She's very sophisticated. She's very sophisticated. רק בסרטים רואים אנשים על רפסודה עוברים את הים הגדול! Only in movies do you see people on a raft crossing the great sea! Only in the movies do you see people on a raft crossing the Great Sea! وجّه زيري تهما. Ziri pressed charges. Zeri's filed charges. מרי כל כך יפה! Mary is so pretty. Mary is so beautiful! המשטרה תגיע למקום עוד מעט. The police will soon arrive on the scene. The police will be on the scene shortly. مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place in this clinic. توقفوا وراء الحافلة. They stopped behind the bus. Stop behind the bus. לא להתקרב לזה! Don't go near that. Don't go near it! بدا سامي مستاءا جدّا. Sami appeared to be very upset. Sammy seemed very upset. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذا النموذج. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill out this form. أشعل كين الشمع. Ken lit the candles. Ken lit the wax. היא האיצה בי. She made me hurry. She urged me. لا يجوز القبض على أي إنسان أو حجزه أو نفيه تعسفاً. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. No one shall be arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled. بدأ سامي يصوم. Sami started fasting. Sammy started to fast. لدي كُتب قرأتها مرارا وتكرارا. I have books that I've reread several times. I have books that I have read over and over again. את באה לכאן כל ערב? Do you come here every night? You come here every night? לפעמים, הסימפטום הראשון של מחלת לב וכלי דם הוא מוות. Sometimes the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is death. Sometimes, the first symptom of cardiovascular disease is death. אתה יכול לאכול הכל כל עוד אינך אוכל יותר מדיי. You may eat anything so long as you don't eat too much. You can eat anything as long as you don’t eat too much. كانت ليلى تعيش حياتها فقط. Layla was just living her life. Lily was just living her life. ستخسر كثير من الوزن إذا مارست الرياضة كل يوم لمدة ١٥ دقيقة. You will lose a lot of weight if you just exercise every day for 15 minutes. You will lose a lot of weight if you exercise every day for 15 minutes. זאת איננה טעות. It's not an error. It's not a mistake. لدي ألم في قدمي. I have a pain in my foot. I have pain in my feet. האם אתה יכול לספק לי כל מה שאני זקוק לו? Can you supply me with everything I need? Can you provide me with everything I need? يا له من مغامر ! How adventurous! What an adventurer! لم يكن سامي يستحمّ أبدا. Sami never showered. Sammy never took a shower. انفجر زيري غضبا. Ziri snapped. Ziri exploded in anger. هي تريد التعلم. She wants to learn. She wants to learn. הוא יכול לנגן בפסנתר, בחליל, בגיטרה וכן הלאה. He can play the piano, the flute, the guitar, and so on. He can play piano, flute, guitar and so on. ما كانت النتيجة النهائية؟ What was the final score? What was the end result? كان زيري يرقن. Ziri was typing. Ziri was glaring. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We are responsible for protecting you from now on. זה כל מה שתום מדבר עליו. That's all Tom talks about. That's all Tom talks about. صديقي شخص ثرثار. My friend is a chatty man. My friend's a talker. مش دي سودا؟ Isn't it black? Not de Souda? נשאתי את התיק הכבד על גבי. I carried the heavy bag on my back. I carried the heavy bag on my back. היא נשתתקה לפתע. She fell silent suddenly. She suddenly shuts up. הן חיות בעיר הזאת. They live in this town. They live in this town. אני חושב שתום ניגן טוב מאד. I think Tom played very well. I think Tom played very well. מוות היא חלק אינהרנטי של חיים. Death is an integral part of life. Death is an inherent part of life. נטפליקס נגישה עכשיו באירופה. Netflix is now available in Europe. Netflix is now available in Europe. أتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية؟ Are you not able to speak English? You can't speak English? هل لديها بيانو؟ Does she have a piano? Does she have a piano? Ħriġtux mill-forn kmieni wisq? Did you take it out of the oven too soon? Didn't you get out of the oven too early? يسكن زيري جنوب الجزائر العاصمة. Ziri is a resident of southern Algiers. Ziri lives in the south of Algiers. عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. ذهب سامي إلى منزل ليلى كي يقضي المزيد من الوقت معها. Fadil went to Layla's house to spend more time with her. Sammy went to Layla's house to spend more time with her. אל תספר שקרים. היה כנה. Don't tell a lie. Be honest. Don't tell lies. من هؤلاء النَّاس؟ Who are these people? Who are these people? אני צריך לעזוב עכשיו. I have to leave now. I need to leave now. أيمكنني أخذ صورة؟ May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? معظم الوقت بيلعب في الجنينه He often plays in the garden. Most of the time, he plays in the embryo. بكى زيري. Ziri just cried. Ziri cried. قررت أن أترك المدرسة. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. לא חפפתי ראש. I haven't washed my hair. I didn't shake my head. אח שלי מסוכסך עם כולם בעבודה. My brother is conflicted with everybody at work. My brother's in conflict with everyone at work. מה קנית לחברה שלך לחג המולד? What have you bought your girlfriend for Christmas? What did you get your girlfriend for Christmas? እኔ ሐኪም ነኝ። I'm a doctor. I am a doctor. התקשר אלי מיד במקרה של תאונה. Wire me at once, in case there should be an accident. Call me immediately in case of an accident. הם אמרו לי, שז'ואו נסע לחיות בארגנטינה. They told me João went to live in Argentina. They told me that Zhou went to live in Argentina. קיוויתי שנעשה חברות. I had hoped we would become friends. I was hoping we'd make friends. תום אמר שרציתם מים. Tom said you wanted water. Tom said you wanted water. كان الببر يترصد زيري و يستعد للانقضاض عليه. The tiger was stalking Ziri, preparing to pounce. The tiger was stalking Ziri and preparing to pounce on him. אני לא חושב שזה רעיון טוב. I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think that's a good idea. سار زيري باتجاه ريمة و حياها. Ziri walked up to Rima and said hi. Ziri walked towards Rima and her life. سيارتي مزودة بمشغل أقراص مدمجة. My car is equipped with a CD player. My car is equipped with a CD player. האם כיבית את התנור? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn off the oven? انعطف زيري للخلف. Ziri turned around. Turn my button back. زيري نائم. Ziri is asleep. Ziri's asleep. ክልተ ሰባት ክጻወትዎ ይኽእሉ እዮም። Two can play at that game. Two men will be able to make friends with him. تكلم زيري. Ziri spoke. Speak, Zeri. أيهما كتابك؟ Which is your book? Which one's yours? زيري من شركة بيجو. Ziri is from Peugeot. Ziri from Peugeot. יש לו תמונה של פיקאסו. He has a Picasso. He's got a picture of Picasso. Jien kuntenti. I am happy. I'm happy. Le, grazzi. No, thank you. No, thank you. תום שתה כוס וודקה. Tom drank the glass of vodka. Tom drank a glass of vodka. زيري عنده ماء. Ziri has water. Ziri's got water. אני חשוד? Am I a suspect? Am I a suspect? אתה מרוצה מזה? Are you satisfied with that? Are you happy with that? תום היה חייב לשנות את העתיד. Tom had to change the future. Tom had to change the future. زيري في رحلة تخييم. Ziri is camping. Ziri's on a camping trip. إسحاق ناشط سلام إسرائيلي عادة ما يزور أصدقاءه في غزّة. Yitzhak is an Israeli peace activist who regularly visits his friends in Gaza. Isaac is an Israeli peace activist who usually visits his friends in Gaza. تم كَسْرُ المِرْآة The mirror has been broken. The mirror has been broken. סגור אחריך את הדלת. Close the door after you. Close the door behind you. אין לנו מושג היכן הוא. We have no clue where he is. We have no idea where he is. אני עושה לך טובה. I'm doing you a favor. I'm doing you a favor. كان العديد من عمّال سامي مسلمون. Many of Sami's workers were Muslims. Many of the Sami workers were Muslims. كان زيري مسلحا بسكّين. Ziri was armed with his knife. Ziri was armed with a knife. אקח שלוש מכל סוג. I'll take three of each kind. I'll take three of each. قابلتها في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met her on my way to school. I met her on the way to school. אזהר יותר בפעם הבאה. I'll be more careful next time. I'll be more careful next time. فجأة بدأ المطر بالهطول. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly the rain started to fall. واصل زيري التدريب. Ziri continued to train. Ziri continued training. إن كانت ثمّة طريقة لأستمتع بالدراسة، هلّا أخبرتني عنها؟ If there's some way to enjoy studying, could you teach me how? If there's a way to enjoy studying, will you tell me about it? تحب البرتقال. She likes oranges. She likes oranges. נלכדת. היכנעי! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. استأذنَتني كي تستعمل الهاتف. She wanted my permission to use the telephone. She asked me to use the phone. لا تعبث بإنفك! Don't pick your nose! Don't mess with your nose! שמעתי את זה קורה. I heard that happen. I heard it happen. היי חברים, אני טום, ואני כאן עם מרי. Hello guys, I'm Tom and I'm here with Mary. Hey, guys, I'm Tom, and I'm here with Mary. أفهم كل شيء I understand everything. I understand everything. يَڤْعَرْ! That's fucking cool. Come on! كادت أن تصدمني سيارة. I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got hit by a car. החווילה שלה ממוקמת על הגבעה. Her villa sits on the hill. Her farm is located on the hill. הוא סופסוף הרוויח כסף. He finally made money. He finally made money. הוא חי בתפוח. It lives inside an apple. He lives in an apple. יום ההולדת שלי קרב. My birthday is coming near. My birthday's coming up. لم يكن زيري متأكدا. Ziri wasn't sure. Ziri wasn't sure. التدخين قد يكون قاتلاً. Smoking may be fatal. Smoking can be deadly. انتحر سامي. Sami ended his own life. Sammy committed suicide. סוכר החליף את הדבש כממתיק. Sugar replaced honey as a sweetener. Sugar replaces honey as sweetener. כעת הזמן לעבוד יחד. Now is the time when we must work together. Now is the time to work together. אני רוצה גלידה. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. לעיתים קרובות יש לי סיוטים. I often have nightmares. I often have nightmares. תוכל ללמד אותי? Would you teach me? Can you teach me? תום מוצב בבוסטון. Tom is stationed in Boston. Tom is based in Boston. علينا أن نخلي العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to evacuate the clinic. קבלתי התרעה בטלפון לגבי רעידת אדמה. I've received a warning about an earthquake on my phone. I got an earthquake alert on the phone. אני מביעה הזדהות. I sympathize. I'm expressing identification. נגמרה לנו הגבינה. We don't have any more cheese. We're out of cheese. أقصى مدة انتظار يمكنني تحملها هي أربعة أيام. I can wait four days at the longest. The maximum waiting time I can afford is four days. קשה לילד מתבגר לא לזוז במשך שעה תמימה. It is impossible for a growing child to keep still for an hour. It's hard for a teenager not to move for an hour. توم فقير ولكنه سعيد. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom is poor, but he is happy. אני צריך עוד זמן. I need more time. I need more time. امتلأت حقيبته بالماء. His bag was filled with water. His bag was filled with water. משהו רמז לי לא להרים את זה. Something told me not to pick it up. Something suggested to me not to pick it up. نحن بمأمن الآن. We're safe now. We're safe now. كان زيري متزوّجا. Ziri was married. Ziri was married. מחיר הנפט עלה. The price of oil went up. The price of oil has gone up. חשתי בקור. I felt cold. I felt cold. سأنزل من القطار عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I'm getting off the train at the next station. هذه السكين أفادتني كثيرًا. This knife was very useful to me. This knife helped me a lot. הגיע הזמן להוציא את העוגה מהתנור. It's time to take the pie out of the oven. It's time to get the cake out of the oven. שאלתי את אגף הלוגיסטיקה אם הם יכולים לספק לנו עוד ציוד. I asked the logistics department if they could supply us with more equipment. I asked the logistics department if they could provide us with more equipment. Dur fuq il-lemin. Turn right. Turn on the right. קראתי בעיתון שהיא נרצחה. I read in the newspaper that he had been murdered. I read in the paper that she was murdered. לקח לה זמן רב לבחור כובע. It took her a long time to choose a hat. It took her a long time to pick a hat. נגן בבקשה בכינור. Please play the violin. Please play the violin. הבנות משחקות כדורעף חופים. The girls are playing beach volleyball. The girls play beach volleyball. כואב לי בכל הגוף. I have aches and pains all over my body. It hurts my whole body. תום בא פנימה. Tom came inside. Tom came in. מיקדתי את מבטי. I squinted. I focused my eyes. قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. من أين لك بالمال؟ How did you come by the money? Where'd you get the money? كان سامي يرتدي بلوزا أزرقا. Sami was wearing a blue sweatshirt. Sammy was wearing a blue blouse. عَنْدِي أَصْدِقَاء كُثُرْ I have many friends. I have many friends. האם זה לא שלהם? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami spent more time with Layla. Sammy was spending more time with Lily. תצביעי לנו! Vote for us! Vote for us! ראיתי את הכל. I saw everything. I've seen it all. إنهُ يبدو بحالة جيداً جداً. He looks very good. He's looking pretty good. מסרי את שלושת גליונות הנייר יחד. Hand in the three sheets of paper together. Put the three sheets of paper together. הוא נפגע. He was hurt. He's hurt. لقد قام بقتل ذاك الرجل. He killed that man. He killed that man. האם תציג לה אותי? Will you introduce me to her? Will you introduce me to her? אנו רגישים. We're sensitive. We're sensitive. لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I've been a teacher for two years. واصل زيري السير في الأدغال. Ziri pushed through the jungle. Ziri continued to walk in the bush. אנו פעורי פה. We're flabbergasted. We're wide open. لا تكن سخيفا! فنحن أصدقاء جيدون. Don't be silly! We're just friends. Good friends. We're good friends. המלך פקד לשחרר את השבוי. The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free. The king ordered the release of the prisoner. ما كُنتش فالخدم اليُوم. I wasn't at work today. The servants were not here today. كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom’s words were wonderful. זה לא אמור להפתיע אף אחד. This should surprise no one. It shouldn't surprise anyone. טום כרגע מובטל. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom is currently unemployed. هل تظن حقا أن توم لن يأتي؟ Do you really think that Tom won't come? Do you really think Tom's not coming? توم في الخارج يلعب لعبة الصحن الطائر مع كلبه. Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog. Tom's out playing the flying saucer game with his dog. אני מצייר. I'm painting. I paint. كاد توم أن يُطرد من العمل. Tom almost got fired. Tom was fired from his job. لم يكن زيري قادرا على التركيز في المدرسة. Ziri couldn't concentrate in school. Ziri was not able to concentrate in school. אל תשנא את מה שאינך מבין! Don't hate what you don't understand! Don't hate what you don't understand! كان زيري يتمتم. Ziri was mumbling. Ziri was muttering. زيري غاضب. Ziri is mad. Ziri's angry. אביא לך מיד את החשבון. I'll bring you the bill immediately. I'll get you the check right away. توقّف عن العمل. Stop working. Stop working. הלוואי לו הייתי יותר כמותם. I wish I were more like them. I wish I was more like them. كان زيري فصيحا. Ziri is articulate. Ziri was sober. הילדים האלה בסכנה. These kids are in danger. These kids are in danger. في كل الأحوال، إياك أن تنطلقَ من هوى نفسك. Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling. In any case, don't go off on your own. אם תעבוד קשה, תצליח במבחן. If you work hard, you'll pass your exam. If you work hard, you'll pass the test. أنا مترجم I'm a translator. I'm a translator. בלי ספק היו אלה זכרונות מחיים קודמים. Those were without a doubt memories from my past life. It was definitely memories of a previous life. שנאתי לשקר. I hated lying. I hated lying. האחד דובר אנגלית, השני יפנית. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. One speaks English, the other Japanese. لقد بقى سامي حيّا بالكميّة الضّئيلة من الطّعام و الماء الّتي قدّمها إيّاه مختطفيه. Sami survived on what little food and water his abductors gave him. Sammy survived with the meagre amount of food and water that his captors gave him. אין לנו שום דבר אחר פה. There's nothing else for us here. We don't have anything else here. תום עונד תגית זיהוי. Tom is wearing a name tag. Tom's wearing an I.D. badge. بين الإخوة كثير من التوتر. There's a lot of tension among the siblings. There is a lot of tension between brothers. האם החבר שלך אוהב תה? Does your friend like tea? Does your friend like tea? תום משבח אותך מאד. Tom speaks highly of you. Tom praises you very much. אל תגיד לי מה לעשות! Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me what to do! كلّ المدرّسين كانوا هنا. All the teachers were here. All the teachers were here. علمت أن شيئا طريفا قد يحدث. I knew something funny might happen. I knew something funny might happen. אחי בריא. My brother is healthy. My brother's healthy. هل تعرف كيف تفتح هذا الصندوق؟ Do you know how to open this box? Do you know how to open this box? زيري يلعب وحده. Ziri plays alone. Ziri's playing alone. يبلغ عدد سكان تلك الدولة نحو ثلاثة أرباع من هم في اليابان. The population of that country is about three-fourths of that of Japan. The population of this country is about three-quarters of those in Japan. سامي لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami doesn't like Muslims. Sammy doesn't like Muslims. أكيد أنّي أحبّها. Of course I love her. I sure do. قُد بحذر. Drive carefully. Drive safe. إلى اللقاء See you again. Bye. Bye. حاول زيري الاختباء. Ziri tried to hide. Ziri tried to hide. سمع زيري همسات بين الأشجار. Ziri heard whispers between the trees. Ziri heard whispers among the trees. قضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. Sammy spent the night at the clinic. أنتَ جلبتَ العار علىَ عائلتنا. You have brought shame upon our family. You brought shame on our family. יכול להיות שיום אחד אתה תצטרך את עזרתו של טום. You may need Tom's help someday. Maybe one day you'll need Tom's help. لا تُخبِر أحداً. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش. There are many words that I don't understand. Cain, I'm just saying what we don't understand. لولا مساعدتك لفشل أبي. If it had not been for your help, my father would have failed. If it hadn't been for your help, my father would have failed. توم يحب الخروج Tom loves going out. Tom likes to go out. איפה הסתפרת? Where did you get your hair cut? Where'd you get your hair cut? אל תתבייש ברגשותיך. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. יש בעירנו מספר מקלטים אטומיים. There are a few nuclear bomb shelters in the city. There are several atomic bomb shelters in the city. هادي لقطّا ديالي. That's my cat. Hadi Lecta Diyala. תום לא מבין את הסיבה. Tom doesn't understand why. Tom doesn’t know the reason. ברור שהיא חולה. It's obvious that she's sick. Of course she's sick. لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. היא נכשלה בנסיונה לחצות את התעלה. She failed in her attempt to swim the Channel. She failed in her attempt to cross the Channel. אני חושב שדיבור פורמלי זה החלק הכי קשה ביפנית. I think honorific language is the hardest part of Japanese. I think formal speaking is the hardest part of Japanese. סגרתי את המטריה שלי. I closed my umbrella. I closed my umbrella. توم لا يحب الأشخاص الذين يغضبون بسهولة. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. بقي سامي شخصا بارزا في حيّه. Sami maintained a visible profile in his neighborhood. Sami remained a prominent person in his neighborhood. האיש הזה ידע יותר מדי. That man knew too much. This man knew too much. כמה שאתה גבוה! How tall you are! How tall you are! בואי נסתלק מפה עכשיו. Let's get out of here now. Let's get out of here now. أحاول المساعدة فحسب. I'm trying to help. I'm just trying to help. תתקדמי בבקשה! Move along, please! Come on, please! אני מתכוון לערוך מסיבה. I'm going to throw a party. I'm gonna throw a party. שמעת כבר שהוא סוף סוף חזר הביתה? Have you already heard that he has finally returned home? Did you hear he's finally home? יש לי חברה שעושה את זה. I have a friend who does that. I have a friend who does that. תן לי כוס חלב בבקשה. Please give me a cup of milk. Give me a glass of milk, please. החיים זה לא פייר. Life is unfair. Life is not fair. لازَم عْلينا نْروحو في اللخَر تاع الشْهَرْ. We have to leave at the end of the month. We have to wait until the end of the month. קולו של תום התחיל להצטרד. Tom's voice began to crack. Tom’s voice began to shake. لم يكن يعد توم يطيقه أكثر من ذلك. Tom couldn't stand it any longer. Tom couldn’t stand it any more. זה נשמע מקומם. That sounds outrageous. That sounds outrageous. לא אמרת להם מה כתבת במאמר ההוא. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. الجو بارد اليوم! It's cold today! It's cold today! كان سامي يسبح في مسبحه. Sami was swimming in his pool. Sammy was swimming in his pool. אני רוצה שתום ידע שאני לא מעוניין להתקוטט אתו. I want Tom to know I've got no beef with him. I want Tom to know I don't want to fight with him. האם הוא נגע בך? Did he touch you? Did he touch you? עכשיו אינך רשאי לעשות זאת. You must not do it now. Now you're not allowed to do that. הוא סוטה מהנושא כמו סיני. He talks too obliquely like a Chinese. He's going off topic like a Chinese. حقا أريد رؤيتك اليوم. I really wish to see you today. I really want to see you today. لم يكن ذلك المطار مألوفا عندهم. They were unfamiliar with that airport. The airport was unfamiliar to them. لن أنس أبدا ما فعلته من أجلي. I'll never forget what you did for me. I will never forget what you did for me. תום נורא רגיש. Tom's awfully sensitive. Tom is very sensitive. טום היה מוחרם. Tom was ostracized. Tom was banned. أتى أخيرا. At last he came. He finally came. كل البرامج دي ببلاش. All of these programs are free. All programs are free. تستخدم سيارتي الكثير من الوقود. My car burns a lot of gas. My car uses a lot of fuel. عينا توم كعيني أبيه. Tom has his father's eyes. Tom's eyes were like his father's. תום חש לפתע קור. Tom suddenly felt cold. Tom suddenly felt cold. נשארתי רגוע. I stayed calm. I stayed calm. לא יכולתי לשמוע את תום. I couldn't hear Tom. I couldn't hear Tom. كان مدرّسيّ يحبّونني دائما. My teachers always liked me. My teachers have always loved me. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان كثيرا. Sami and Layla argued a lot. Sammy and Leila were fighting a lot. كان زيري يتأمل البحر. Ziri was watching the sea. Ziri was meditating on the sea. הוא אכל ביס אחד, ועוד אחד. He ate one bite, and then another. He ate one bite, and another. מרי ביקרה אצל מגדת עתידות שנים רבות. Mary went to a fortune teller for many years. Mary has been visiting a fortune teller for many years. ربما يكون قد مات. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. "שכחתי," היא אמרה. "I forgot," she said. “I forgot,” she said. كلب سامي لديه براغيث. Sami's dog has fleas. Sammy's dog has fleas. לו ידעתי אז את כתובתה, הייתי מבקר אותה. If I had known her address at the time, I would have visited her. If I knew her address, I would have visited her. מה אגיד לתום על המטרה של זה? What should I tell Tom it's for? What do I tell Tom about the purpose of this? הייתי רוצה להיות יותר גבוה. I wish I were taller. I'd like to be taller. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد فرّت من المنزل مرّة أخرى. Layla has probably run off again. Lily may have run away from home again. היא קמה מוקדם. She gets up early. She got up early. نبدو حزينين. We look sad. We look sad. مرحبا بكم في ويكيبيديا. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. كان زيري وحده. Ziri was alone. Ziri was alone. أجبر الحادث ليلى على التّنقّل بالكرسي المتحرّك. The accident forced Layla into a wheelchair. The accident forced Layla to move in the wheelchair. كان سامي يعيش أفضل أوقات حياته. Sami was living his best life. Sammy had the best time of his life. מרי היא די שטחית. Mary is quite superficial. Mary is quite superficial. המצפון שלי שקט. My conscience is clear. My conscience is silent. תום שחקן שחמט הרבה יותר טוב ממני. Tom is a much better chess player than me. Tom's a much better chess player than I am. رأى زيري سيارة شرطة تقترب. Ziri saw a police car approaching. Ziri saw a police car approaching. لن يتركك مرضاك. Your patients won't abandon you. Your patients won't leave you. لم لا تقول له ذلك؟ Why don't you tell him that? Why don't you tell him that? وصل زيري إلى موقف السيارات الخاص بالثانوية. Ziri reached the school parking lot. Ziri arrived at the parking lot of the high school. אני רוצה לעזור לך. I am willing to help you. I want to help you. אני צוחק עלייך. I am laughing at you. I'm making fun of you. እሱም አማርኛን እየተመርኩ ነው። I'm also learning Amharic. I'm looking for Amharic. لقد فقدت قواي كلها. My strength is all gone. I've lost all my powers. האם ישנם נהרות גדולים בגרמניה? Are there big rivers in Germany? Are there big rivers in Germany? اشترينا مطعم نوجة. We bought Nuja’s restaurant. We bought a nougat restaurant. جرب هذا في قسمك. Try this in your classroom. Try this in your department. אני רוצה שתתחתני איתי. I want you to marry me. I want you to marry me. أتظنّ أنّ توم رأى ماري؟ Do you think Tom saw Mary? You think Tom saw Mary? بعد الاستماع إلى أغنية عربية عشرين ثانية هذه المرة -لأنه لو سمعها عشر ثوان لكانت هذه جملة مكررة- سمع ديما أخيرًا صوتًا مألوفًا يقول: "السلام عليكم!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time - for if he listened for ten this would be a duplicate sentence - Dima finally heard a familiar voice say, "As-Salamu Alaykum!" After listening to an Arabic song for twenty seconds this time – for if he had heard it for ten seconds, it would have been a repeating sentence – Dima finally heard a familiar voice saying, “Peace be with you!” تلك الموسيقى تذكرني دائماً بك. That music always reminded me of you. That music always reminds me of you. משתמשים במלח להמסת קרח. Salt is used to thaw ice. Salt is used to melt ice. يستطيع طفلها أن يسير. Her baby can walk. Your child can walk. سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. ابق في المنزل يا زيري. Stay home, Ziri. Stay at home, Zeri. تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. Clock's down. منذ أن كذب عليّ ماريو، لم أعد أكلمه. Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore. Since Mario lied to me, I don't talk to him anymore. תום מסוקרן? Is Tom intrigued? Is Tom curious? זה נשמע כמו תפקיד לתום. This sounds like a job for Tom. That sounds like a job for Tom. אנא היה בשקט, למען השם, לאורך השיעור. Please be quiet for mercy's sake during the lesson. Please be quiet, for God's sake, throughout the lesson. לשתי האומות קשרי מסחר חזקים. The two nations have strong trade ties. Both nations have strong trade ties. زيري حاقد على ذلك. Ziri resents that. Ziri hates it. גלילאו מת ב-8 בינואר 1642. Galileo died on January 8, 1642. Galileo died on January 8, 1642. كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reason to suspect Sammy. اذهب أولا يا جمال. You go first, Jamal. Go first, Jamal. פגשתי את המורה שלי במקרה במסעדה אמש. I met my teacher by chance at the restaurant last night. I met my teacher by chance at a restaurant last night. אתם עשויים להפגש איתו. You might meet him. You may meet with him. سمع زيري. Ziri overheard. Heard Zeri. انتبه لما تقوله يا توم. Watch your mouth, Tom. Watch what you say, Tom. ቤት አላችሁ? Do you have a house? Do you have a home? אני אוהב לצאת להליכה. I like taking walks. I like to go for a walk. كان سامي يحبّ ألعاب الطّاولة. Sami liked board games. Sammy loved table games. זה בסדר אם אעשה מקלחת מהירה? Would it be OK if I took a quick shower? Is it okay if I take a quick shower? بمقدور زيري الكلام. Ziri can talk. Ziri can talk. ينبغي على سامي أن ينتظر. Sami should wait. Sammy has to wait. كيف يمكنني أن أنساها؟ How do I forget her? How could I forget her? أرسلت العيادة فاتورة أخرى. The clinic sent another bill. The clinic sent another bill. اوكي Okay. Okay. היא לא מספיק טובה בשבילו. She isn't good enough for him. She's not good enough for him. נהנתי מזה מאד. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. תום לקח את מרי לתחנה. Tom drove Mary to the station. Tom took Mary to the station. كان زيري أصمّا. Ziri was deaf. My father was deaf. החל ממחר כתובת המייל הזאת לא תהיה בתוקף. As of tomorrow, this e-mail address will be invalid. As of tomorrow, this e-mail address will not be valid. תום לא יכול היה שלא להתרשם. Tom couldn't help but be impressed. Tom couldn't help but be impressed. רסיס פגז עבר דרך זרועה השמאלית שלי זירי. A piece of shrapnel passed through Ziri's left arm. A shell fragment passed through my left arm. Ziri. עלינו לדבוק בעיקר. We've got to stick to the point. We have to stick mostly. من فضلك لا تشتّت ذهني عن العمل. Please don't take my mind off the work. Please don't distract me from work. אנא, הכנסו! Do come in! Please, come in! كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sammy was upset. באתי להרוג אותך. I have come to kill you. I'm here to kill you. היה לנו כיף להחליק על גלגיליות. We had a lot of fun skating. We had fun skating on roller skates. بإمكانك أن تختار أيّ طريق تريده. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any path you want. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا فاضل. You can count on me, Fadil. You can count on me, Fadel. متميز Brilliant! Distinctive יש תפוז על השולחן. There is an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. זה היה הלילה של חיי. It was the best night of my life. It was the night of my life. איש אינו יודע שזה היה שייך לימדה. Nobody knows that it belonged to Yamada. No one knew it belonged in the lesson. زيلينسكي ليس متحمسا للسلام. Zelenskyy is not keen for peace. Zelenskiy is not passionate about peace. לא היה בדעתי לעשות זאת. I didn't mean to do that. I had no intention of doing that. תהיו מאושרות! Be happy! Be happy! هذه الساعة أفضل من تلك. This watch is superior to that one. This watch is better than that. שמתם לב שהוא עזב את הבית? Did you notice that he left home? Did you notice he left the house? حُجِر زيري. Ziri got grounded. Ziri's stone. لم نصب بأذى. We are uninjured. We're not hurt. توم ليس مستعداً بعد. Tom isn't ready yet. Tom's not ready yet. قابل سامي مسلمين من مختلف الدّول. Sami met Muslims from various countries. Sami met Muslims from different countries. طلب زيري مشروبات. Ziri ordered drinks. Ziri ordered drinks. تصرف بطريقة مختلفة. Act differently. Act differently. إنها ليست مزحة. أنتَ سوف تدفع السعر كاملاً. It is not a joke, you will have to pay the full price. It's not a joke. You'll pay the full price. הוא תלש את חולצתו. He tore off his shirt. He ripped off his shirt. حان الوقت لأن تشتري سيارة جديدة. It's time for you to buy a new car. It’s time to buy a new car. شعر زيري و كأن أحدهم يتبعه. Ziri felt followed. It felt like someone was following him. זה מובן. That's understandable. It's understandable. התוכנית שלך עבדה. Your plan worked. Your plan worked. لاحظ وجودَ ثقبٍ في سترته، لكنه حاول تجاهله. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but tried to ignore it. אז מה תום אמר? So what did Tom say? What did Tom say? الورقة مكتوبة بالأمازيغية. The paper is written in Berber. The paper is written in Amazigh. למה שלא נברח פשוט? Why don't we just elope? Why don't we just run? أحتاج بصلة واحدة فقط لهذه الوصفة. I only need one onion for this recipe. I only need one onion for this recipe. حان الوقت لفعل شيئاً ما. It's time to do something. It's time to do something. ضايق زيري ريمة. Ziri annoyed Rima. Ziri Rima's been harassed. استدار المدرّس. The teacher turned around. Turn the teacher around. بلده الأصلي هو ألمانيا. His home country is Germany. His country of origin is Germany. تمّ إطلاق سراح فاضل بكفالة. Fadil was released on bail. Fadel was released on bail. ينتظر العنكبوت هناك الحشراتِ الصغيرة كالفراشات واليعاسيب حتى تقع في شباكه. There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped. The spider waits there for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to fall into its net. توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sandwiches. نقل سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sammy Layla was transferred to the clinic. رجاء عرفني على توم. Please introduce me to Tom. Please introduce me to Tom. הצטרכתי לטפל בה. I had to deal with her. I had to take care of her. لم أنس. I didn't forget. I haven't forgotten. אתם מגיבים בצורה מוגזמת. You're overreacting. You are overreacting. טום עדיין לא החליט. Tom hasn't yet made up his mind. Tom hasn't decided yet. אנו משחקים גולף. We were playing golf. We play golf. متى تخرّجت من الكليّة؟ When did you graduate from college? When did you graduate from college? موضوعنا هذا الأسبوع هو: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. This week’s theme is ___. העיתון פרסם פרודיה משעשעת על נאומו של הנשיא. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The newspaper published a humorous parody of the president's speech. תבקשי מטום להמתין עד שאגיע. Ask Tom to wait till I come. Ask Tom to wait until I get there. מה קרה שם? What happened over there? What happened in there? انتظرَت الحافلة. She waited for the bus. I waited for the bus. היא בישלה לו ארוחות. She cooked him meals. She cooked him meals. أعطِني ساعتان. Give me two hours. Give me two hours. في البندقية , دائما هنالك الكثير من السياح . In Venice, there are always lots of tourists. In Venice, there are always plenty of tourists. شجّع زيري ذلك. Ziri encouraged that. Ziri encouraged that. لماذا تعتقد أنّ كلّ المسلمين إرهابيّين؟ Why do you believe that all Muslims are terrorists? Why do you think all Muslims are terrorists? هل رأيت أختك؟ Have you seen your sister? Have you seen your sister? تبع النمر زيري من حديقة الحيوانات إلى المنزل. The leopard followed Ziri home from the zoo. The tiger followed Ziri from the zoo to the house. תום לקח תוספת ממחית תפוחי האדמה. Tom helped himself to another serving of mashed potatoes. Tom took an extra potato masher. كان سامي يعدّ فيديوهات لليوتوب. Sami was making YouTube videos. Sammy was making YouTube videos. كان سامي خارج البلدة، في موعد مع الطّبيب. Sami was out of town at a doctor's appointment. Sammy was out of town, on a date with the doctor. زيري يتدور جوعا. Ziri is starving. Ziri's going hungry. נגעת - נסעת. Once you begin, you must continue. You touched - you drove. اتضحك عليك. You've been deceived. Laughing at you. إنت بتشوفه دايما؟ Do you see him often? You're seeing him, Dima? توم حقيقة لا يعيش داخل حدود مدينة بوسطن. Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits. Tom actually doesn't live within the city limits of Boston. האם תרצה לאכול משהו? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? لستن أهلا للثقة. You are not trustworthy. You're not trustworthy. איפה הילדים? Where are the children? Where are the kids? יש לו זקן. He has a beard. He's got a beard. أقنعته أنه كان مخطئا. I convinced him that he was wrong. I convinced him he was wrong. احتاج سامي لبعض المال. Sami needed some money. Sammy needs some money. פגשתי בחור צעיר בשם תום. I met a young man whose name was Tom. I met a young man named Tom. هل هذه الأشياء لك؟ Are these yours? Are these things yours? טום נהיה חולה קורונה. Tom got covid. Tom got sick of Corona. وضع يانّي التّين في الثّلاّجة. Yanni put the figs in the refrigerator. Putting Yani Altin in the fridge. האריה הוא מלך הג'ונגל. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. الْبَحْرُ أَخْضَرُ. The sea is green. The sea is green. היא עומדת בתוקף על כך שבנה חף מפשע. She insists on her son being innocent. She insists her son is innocent. הסל היה מלא וגדוש בתותי שדה עד גדותיו. The basket was filled to the brim with strawberries. The basket was full and full of fields until its banks. هو يعلم العربيه He is teaching Arabic. He knows Arabic. كان سامي ينبّه ببوق سيّارته. Sami was honking. Sammy was alerting him to the horn of his car. هذه التفاحة طعمها حامض. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes sour. اين هى ذهبت؟ Where did she go? Where'd she go? הוא רצה לקנות את הספר. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. إنها باردة كالثلج. It's as cold as ice. It's as cold as snow. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sammy noticed that. لا أشرب خمر الفودكا! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! قاع التواقي راهُم مغلوقين. All of the windows are closed. The bottom of the constrictors are screwed. من هو صاحب القاموس الموضوع على الطاولة؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who has the dictionary on the table? אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be naive! איפה הבנות? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? و كيف لي أن أعرف؟ How should I know? And how would I know? ዕባይ ከተማ ዶ ማሕረስ ይኽእል፧ Can city-boys plough? Is it possible to build a city with a wall? אתה טס, או נוסע ברכבת? Are you going by air or by train? Are you flying, or traveling by train? غادر فاضل البلد في الثّالث و العشرين من أغسطس. Fadil left the country on August 23. Fadhil left the country on the 23rd of August. למה אתם מספרים לנו עכשיו? Why are you telling us now? Why are you telling us now? ألستِ والدة توم؟ Aren't you Tom's mother? Aren't you Tom's mother? أغلقت ليلى الباب. Layla shut the door. Layla closed the door. אני נהנית לקרוא רומנים. I enjoy reading novels. I enjoy reading novels. زري فقير. Ziri is poor. My button is poor. ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا باكراً هكذا؟ What made you come here so early? What brings you here so early? תום נטש את מרי. Tom dumped Mary. Tom abandoned Mary. كان يبعد منزل فاضل بخمس دقائق فقط من هناك. Fadil's home was just five minutes away. It was only five minutes from there. הפלה היא זכות האדם. Abortion is a human right. Abortion is a human right. הייתי בכלא יותר מפעם אחת. I've been in prison more than once. I've been to prison more than once. אדם הגיע לראשונה לירח בשנת 1969. Men first visited the moon in 1969. Adam first came to the moon in 1969. הצירים הצביעו תשעים וחמש פעמים ללא הצלחה. The delegates voted ninety-five times without success. The delegates voted ninety-five times without success. إننا جائعون. We are hungry. We're hungry. قاتل سامي من أجل حياتيه. Sami fought for his life. Sammy fought for his life. אל תלך לשום מקום, ברור? Don't go anywhere, OK? Don't go anywhere, understand? מחוג הבנזין מורה על ריק. The gas gauge is on empty. The gasoline hand is pointing at Rick. אין כמו בבית. No place like home. There's nothing like home. لن يسيء لكم أحد. Nobody is going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt you. כולנו שמענו את הרכילות. We've all heard the rumors. We've all heard the gossip. חכה עוד קצת. Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. حفظ الطلبة هذه القصيدة. The students learned this poem by heart. The students memorized this poem. טום זה עתה חזר מהעבודה. Tom just got back from work. Tom just got back from work. أيهما أثقل، الذهب أم الرصاص؟ Which is heavier, lead or gold? Which is heavier, gold or lead? אבא ואמא הלכו למסיבה. Mom and Dad went to a party. Mom and Dad went to the party. אל תתקרבי לזה! Don't go near that. Don't go near it! وضعت مضاد للتعرق على كل جسمي . اذ بدء العرق بالبخ من اعلى راسي ، انت تعرف السبب. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why. I put an antiperspirant all over my body, as the sweat started to blow from the top of my head, you know why. אין אף מסעדה טובה בשכונה. There is no good restaurant in the neighborhood. There is no good restaurant in the neighborhood. חברי הטוב ביותר דובר אירית. My best friend is an Irish speaker. My best friend speaks Irish. יום שני היום. Today is Monday. Monday's today. ክሳዕ ሕጂ ብኣካል ዘይበጻሕናየን ክልተ ኣዝየን ግኑናት ቦታታት ቱሪዝም ጠቒሶሙልና። They mentioned two famous tourist spots, neither of which we have visited yet. They took two small towns with them and settled them down as far as the edge of the desert. أين هو زيري؟ Where is Ziri? Where's Ziri? أقام سامي صداقة مع طلبة آخرين من السّنة الأولى. Sami made friends with other freshmen. Sammy made friends with other first-year students. لا يقوم زيري بالبستنة. Ziri doesn't garden. Ziri doesn't do gardening. תירגע! Calm down. Calm down! אני הולך עכשיו לצפות בחדשות בטלוויזיה. I'll now watch the news on TV. I'm going to watch the news on TV now. إنه لا يشرب الكحول على الإطلاق. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't drink alcohol at all. هذا ليس عدلاً. That isn't fair. That's not fair. أنا لا أريد أن تتأخر على الصف. I wouldn't want you to be late for class. I don't want to be late for class. אלפי סליחות. I'm terribly sorry. Thousands of apologies. היא לא יכולה עדיין לרכוב על אופניים. She can't ride a bicycle yet. She can't ride a bike yet. את יכולה להגיד מה לא נכון? Can you tell what's wrong? Can you say what's wrong? آمل أن تمطر غداً. I hope that it rains tomorrow. I hope it rains tomorrow. أنت بلاشك اللاعب الأفضل في الفريق. You're undoubtedly the best player on the team. You are definitely the best player on the team. ذوق هذا التّين رائع. These figs taste amazing. The taste of this fig is wonderful. אני שמח שעזבתי את בוסטון. I'm glad I left Boston. I'm glad I left Boston. كان سامي يحاول أن يقوم بشيء متميّز لليلى. Sami was trying to do something special for Layla. Sammy was trying to do something special for Layla. كيف تعرفين هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? من هذا الصبي؟ Who's that boy? Who is this boy? يجب أن تواجه الحقائق. You must face the facts. You have to face the facts. يبدو زيري طيبا. Ziri looks good. Looks good to me. אם תום הולך, אני לא. If Tom goes, I won't. If Tom goes, I don't. אינני יכולה להאמין שאני מנשקת אותך. I can't believe I'm kissing you. I can't believe I'm kissing you. זה חשוב לאכול פחמימות. It is important to eat carbohydrates. It's important to eat carbs. لقط ديالي ينبح. My cat barks. Dialy's cat is barking. לא מעט אמריקנים אוהבים סושי. Quite a few Americans like sushi. Not many Americans like sushi. عندي مفاجأة لفاضل بمناسبة نهاية الأسبوع الّتي تزامنت مع عيد الشّكر. This Thanksgiving weekend, I have a surprise for Fadil. I have a surprise for Fadel on the occasion of the weekend that coincided with Thanksgiving. سامي يحبّ النّاس. Sami loves people. Sammy loves people. أيمكنك إخباري بما يحدث هنا؟ Would you tell me what's going on here? Can you tell me what's going on here? سامي يتذكّر اسم ليلى. Sami remembers Layla's name. Sammy remembers Lily's name. حاول مرة تانية. Try it again. Try again. זה לא מעניין אותי! It's none of my business! I don't give a shit! عليك أن ترتدي معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. תום אומר לי שאתה חכם. Tom tells me you're smart. Tom tells me you're smart. הם הפכו את אחד המסגדים לבית כלא. They have turned one of the mosques into a prison. They turned one of the mosques into a prison. מאיפה אפשר לבצע שיחת טלפון? Where can one make a phone call? Where can I make a phone call? אני אאמין רק למראה עיניי. I'll believe it when I see it. I will believe only in the sight of my eyes. لدي صداع في رأسي. I've got a headache. I have a headache in my head. תן לי לספר לך על תום. Let me tell you about Tom. Let me tell you about Tom. מדוע אתה מתפטר? Why are you resigning? Why are you quitting? أنا أعلم أين تسكن I know where you live. I know where you live. הייתם צריכים לשמור את זה בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it a secret. הם גילו אותך? Have they spotted you? Did they find you? معظم الناس يظنون أني مجنون. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. את יכולה לנבא לי את העתיד? Can you tell me my future? Can you predict the future for me? אני מלמד הולנדית. I teach Dutch. I teach Dutch. זה כדורסל. That's a basketball. It's basketball. Is-surmast saqsieni jekk il-gimgħa d-diehla hux se tkun vaganza. The headmaster asked me whether next week was a holiday. He asked me if it was going to be a holiday. من الأفضل لك أن تعرف الحقيقة. You should really tell her. You better know the truth. يحبّ سامي الحيوانات الأليفة. Sami loves pets. Sammy loves pets. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تُكره. Layla deserved to be hated. Lily deserved to be hated. אתמול היה קר מאד אז חבשתי כובע. Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat. Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat. تصبح على خير يا توم. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. المدينة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور. The old city is a popular tourist destination. The old town is a popular tourist destination. ظنّ فاضل أنّ ذلك الدّواء كان سمّا. Fadil thought the medication was poison. Fadel thought that medicine was poison. ورث جون ثروة كبيرة. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. ما الذي تريدهُ هى؟ What does she want? What does she want? شكراً ، من فضلك أعد الزيارة. Thanks, please come again. Thank you, please return the visit. היום לא אקבל אי-מייל מאיש. I won't get an email from anyone today. I'm not getting an e-mail from anyone today. אילו היית עוזרת לי, הייתי מצליחה. If you had helped me, I would have succeeded. If you had helped me, I would have succeeded. هل مصر في الشرق الأوسط أم في شمال إفريقيا؟ Is Egypt in the Middle East or in North Africa? Is Egypt in the Middle East or North Africa? توم كان قد قتل بشكل مروع خلال الأيام الأخيرة من الحرب. Tom was horribly killed during the last days of the war. Tom had been horribly killed during the last days of the war. جون ليس أخي ، بل ابن عمي. John is not my brother, but my cousin. John is not my brother, but my cousin. תום בוודאות לא מרוצה. Tom is certainly not satisfied. Tom is not satisfied. إحذر! Look out! Watch out! אתם לא ממהרים, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You guys aren't in a hurry, are you? הוא מנצל היטב את הפסיונים שהוא צד. לכל חלק של העוף יש לו ייעוד. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. אני נתקלתי בו פעם. I met him once. I ran into him once. هي على وشك المغادرة. She is about to leave. She's about to leave. لن يسدّده سامي. Sami isn't going to pay it. Sammy won't pay him back. ما رأيها في ما توصل إليه المؤتمر من نتائج؟ What does she think about the conference results? What do you think of the outcome of the conference? ماذا تحب أن تأكل؟ What do you like to eat? What would you like to eat? תום הכין אורז. Tom made rice. Tom made rice. זה היה מבחינתי בסדר. I was cool with that. It was fine with me. בוב צופה בחרקים בהנאה. Bob derives pleasure from observing insects. Bob watches insects with pleasure. בדוק אתו. Check with him. Check with him. كان سامي يرحّب بالزّوّار في الاستقبال. Sami greeted visitors at the reception. Sammy would welcome visitors at the reception. הפסיקו לנסות. Stop trying. Stop trying. عم الصمت في الغابة و كان ذلك غريبا. The forest was, for some strange reason, quiet. The silence in the woods was strange. تنظبف هذا الحوض شبه مستحيل. It's almost impossible to clean this pond. Cleaning this sink is almost impossible. إنّها قصة معقّدة. It's a complicated story. It's a complicated story. أعدك أنّني لن أخذلك. I promise I won't let you down. I promise I won't let you down. המחיר תלוי במידה. The price depends on the size. The price depends on the size. أين أنت؟ Where are you? Where are you? لم يكن سامي ينتبه أثناء الدّرس. Sami wasn't paying attention in class. Sammy wasn't paying attention during school. صالَحَت مَعَ صَدِيقَتِها. She reconciled with her friend. She was right with her friend. אני גרה בריו דה ז'ניירו. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. אתה הולך וקרב. You're getting close now. You're going into battle. توم بالاك كان قادر يقتل ماري لوكان ما حبّسوش جون. Tom probably would've killed Mary if John hadn't stopped him. Tom Balak was able to kill Mary Lucan. He didn't lock John up. السيد إيتو رجل متعلم. Mr Ito is a highly educated man. Mr. Ito is an educated man. ذهبت ليلى للمدرسة كي تصبح ممرّضة ذات شهادة. Dania went to school to be a certified nurse. Layla went to school to become a certified nurse. ספטמבר מתקרב. It will soon be September. September is approaching. טום הוא יצור לילי. Tom is a creature of the night. Tom is a nocturnal creature. ההר הזה גובהו כ-3000 מטר. That mountain is about three thousand meters high. This mountain is about 3,000 meters high. اعتدى فاضل على ليلى. Fadil assaulted Layla. Fazil assaulted Layla. את לא צריכה לענות על השאלה הזאת. You don't need to answer that question. You don't have to answer that question. أنا توم هانتر. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. تقتني كيت كلباً. Kate keeps a dog. Kate's got a dog. ألا تستطيع مساعدتي بأي شيء؟ Can't you do anything to help me? Can't you help me with anything? أمي تكبر أبي عمراً. Mom is older than Dad. My mom is older than my dad. את מי תום נשך? Who did Tom bite? Who did Tom bite? أنا سوف ازور المتحف اليوم. I'll visit a museum today. I'm going to visit the museum today. אני אוהבת דברי מסתורין. I like mysteries. I like mystery words. ראיתי את זה. I've seen it. I've seen it. لن يواعد زيري ريمة مجددا. Ziri will never date Rima again. He won't date Ziri Rima again. מוטב שזה לא יהיה הם. That better not be them. It better not be them. تريد كأساً آخر من الشاي؟ أعددت لك كأساً منذ لحظات قليلة! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! You want another cup of tea? I made you a cup a few moments ago! טום המשיך לדבר. Tom continued to speak. Tom continued to talk. אנו עולים להרים, אז למה שלא תבואו אתנו? We're going up into the mountains, so why don't you come with us? We're going up to the mountains, so why don't you come with us? واصل سامي مراقبة ليلى. Sami kept eying Layla. Sammy continued to watch Layla. أنا أُحِب هاري, ليس أكثر من دراكو طبعاً, ولكن ما زلتُ أعتقد أنه لطيف. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I love Harry, nothing more than Draco, of course, but I still think he's cute. יש לך אפשרות למצוא את זה? Can you find it? Do you have a chance to find it? ידעתי שתום לא מתכוון להזיק. I knew Tom meant no harm. I knew Tom didn't mean any harm. כישרון מוזיקלי פורח, בדרך כלל, בגיל מוקדם. Musical talent usually blooms at an early age. Musical talent usually flourishes at an early age. زيري يدرب الكلاب. Ziri trains dogs. Ziri trains dogs. אני תמיד מקשיב לך. I always listen to you. I always listen to you. מכונת הכביסה הוא המצאה נפלאה. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. Il-flixkun huwa vojt. The bottle is empty. The bottle is empty. מה את אוהבת לעשות כשאת פנויה? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do when you are free? قامت الشرطة بتعءيب ياني. Yanni was tortured by police. The police have tortured Yanni. هنالك العديد من الفنادق في هذه البلدة المشكلة أن جميعهم باهظي الثمن. There are many hotels in this town, The problem is they are all expensive. There are a lot of hotels in this town. The problem is, they're all expensive. למה אתה כועס עליי? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? אתה חי כאן? Do you live here? You live here? אתמול הייתי בבית הספר. I was present at school yesterday. Yesterday I was at school. انتقلوا للعيش هنا. Move in here. They moved here. הנכים החשיבו אותה כעורכת דין הטובה ביותר. The disabled considered her their best advocate. The disabled considered her to be the best lawyer. بدا زيري غريبا. Ziri seemed off. Ziri seemed strange. אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. לראות את מצעד ראש השנה הסיני ממרומי המרפסת זה כל כך נחמד. Watching the Chinese new year parade seated on the balcony is so pleasant. Seeing the Chinese New Year parade from up the balcony is so nice. سأبذل جهدي ألا أزعجك وأنت تدرس. I'll try not to disturb you while you're studying. I'll do my best not to disturb you while you're studying. رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. We have told you in the past what you should do, and what you should do when you are gone. השריון של הלוחמת השאיר מקומות רבים בגוף שלה חשופים. The female warrior's armor seemed to leave many parts of her body unprotected. The warrior's armor left many places in her body exposed. תום נפצע בטיפוס הרים. Tom injured himself mountain climbing. Tom was injured in a mountaineering accident. جاءت أسرة فاضل إلى المدينة. Fadil's family has come to town. Fadhel's family came to the city. مشى سامي. Sami walked. Sammy walked. ليس لدي وقت لأنهي فروضي. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to finish my homework. אחזיר את זה מיד. I'll give it right back. I'll get it right back. لا تعطه شيئا من هذا الحساء. Don't give him any of that soup. Don't give him any of that soup. היא לא פחות יפה מאמא שלה. She is no less beautiful than her mother. She's just as beautiful as her mother. ما رأيها في سيارتي؟ What does she think about my car? What do you think of my car? תום היה זה שצץ במוחו הרעיון. Tom was the one who came up with the idea. Tom was the one who came up with the idea. أليس أسوداً؟ Isn't it black? Isn't he black? אני מעדיף ללכת מאשר לדווש. I'd rather walk than pedal. I'd rather walk than pedal. אנחנו יעילים. We're efficient. We're efficient. לא ערבה לך ארוחת הבוקר היום? Didn't you like breakfast today? Won't you have breakfast today? תקישי על עץ! Touch wood! Knock on a tree! واصل زيري التجديف. Ziri resumed paddling. Keep rowing. كانت الصحراء الكبرى فسيفساءا من الأنهار و المستنقعات في عصور ما قبل التاريخ. In prehistory, Sahara was a patchwork of rivers and swamps. The Sahara Desert was a mosaic of rivers and swamps in prehistoric times. سقطت منّي مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. My keys fell off. كان زيري يتخلف عن المدرسة. Ziri was skipping school. Ziri was dropping out of school. أعمل كل يوم عدا يوم الأحد. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except on Sundays. انه مجرد خيال . It's just a fantasy. It's just a fantasy. לא הייתי צריך לבטוח בך. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. قرّر فاضل أن يتابع دروسا في العربيّة. Fadil decided to take an Arabic class. He decided to pursue lessons in Arabic. من فضلك إخلع قبعتك. Please take off your hat. Please take off your hat. תום נראה מוטרד. Tom seems disturbed. Tom seemed upset. זאת סיבה טובה כמו כל אחת אחרת. That's as good a reason as any. That's as good a reason as any. كان سامي يشرب. Sami drank. Sammy was drinking. טום לא אמר ולו מילה אחת. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say a word. هناك سياج حول المنزل. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. תום ומרי כנראה יתחתנו יום אחד. Tom and Mary will probably get married one day. Tom and Mary will probably get married one day. لم يسكن توم في بوسطن العام الماضي. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. התעצבנתי כי היא ישנה עדיין. I was annoyed that she was still asleep. I was upset because she was still sleeping. פסע קדימה לתוך האור. Step into the light. Step forward into the light. תום אמור להיות בסדר עד יום שני. Tom should be OK by Monday. Tom's supposed to be fine by Monday. שיעור האבטלה הגיע ל-5%. The unemployment rate has reached 5 percent. The unemployment rate has reached 5%. أستمع إلى المذياع كل ليلة. I listen to the radio every night. I listen to the radio every night. אני רוצה להודות לכל הנוכחים. I want to thank everybody here. I want to thank everyone present. زيري يحتاج ريمة. Ziri needs Rima. Ziri needs Reema. אני מעדיפה לתכנן את פעילותי בשעות קבועות, על מנת שאוכל להסתדר עם הזמן. I prefer to plan my activities at fixed times so I can manage my time. I prefer to plan my activities at regular hours, so that I can manage with time. أعطني دماً، أعطيكَ حريّةً. You give me blood, I will give you freedom. Give me blood, give you freedom. أصبح زيري شهيرا. Ziri became famous. Ziri became famous. ماذا طبخت؟ What have you cooked? What did you cook? בואו נחצה כאן. Let's cross here. Let's cross over here. لّي عايشين ف دار تع زجاڨ، ما لازمش يرميو لحجر. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I live in the house of Zajag, so I don't have to throw a stone. أصبحت ريمة شهيرة. Rima became famous. I became famous. הוא ניגש לצד השני. He went over to the other side. He went to the other side. اعتبر زيري الأمر شخصيا. Ziri took it personally. Ziri took it personally. زيري مشرّد. Ziri is homeless. Ziri's homeless. يجب التحدث بأسلوب لائق عن شخص توفي. Speak politely about someone who has passed away. You have to speak in a proper manner about someone who has died. لعلّك بامكانك مساعدتي فعلها. Maybe you can help me do that. Maybe you can help me do it. أحب سماع الموسيقى معك. I love playing music with you. I love listening to music with you. חיפשת אותי? Have you been looking for me? You were looking for me? ما من حياة بدون كهرباء و ماء. There is no life without electricity and water. There is no life without electricity and water. הוא יצא מהחדר. He went out of the room. He's out of the room. لكن للقصّة جانب آخر. But there is another side to the story. But the story has another side. היינו צריכים לתכנן יותר ביסודיות. We should've planned more carefully. We should have planned more thoroughly. أعرف. I know. I know. أشجار المنغروف مكيفة للعيش في المياه المالحة، لذا فهي تستطيع العيش في المناطق الساحلية. The mangrove trees in the swamp are adapted to living in salty water, which is why they are able to survive in coastal areas. Mangroves are adapted to live in saltwater, so they can live in coastal areas. זה טבעי לגמרי. It's completely natural. It's completely natural. سمم زيري ريمة. Ziri poisoned Rima. Zeri Rima's poison. הצלחתי לשכנע אותו לנקות לי את החדר. I got him to clean my room. I managed to get him to clean my room. ينبغي أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You should call Sammy. אני לא יכולה לעצור. הבלמים... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. كان روبرت يبدو قبيحا. Robert looked ugly. Robert looked ugly. يحمل زيري غرزا. Ziri has stitches. Ziri holds a stitch. תום קיווה שמרי תאהב את המתנה שהוא קנה לה. Tom hoped that Mary would like the gift he bought her. Tom hoped Mary would like the gift he had given her. ተኹላታት፡ ኣብ ጫካ ዘወን ይብሉ። Wolves wander in the woods. They're hanging out in the woods. صفق زيري بحماس. Ziri clapped excitedly. Zeri applauded enthusiastically. كان سامي يشغل منصبا جيّدا في العيادة. Sami had a good position at the clinic. Sammy had a good job at the clinic. חשבתי שהיית חבר שלי. I thought you were my friend. I thought you were my friend. سيكون من السهل إيجاد شخص يقوم بذلك من أجلك. It'll be easy to find someone to do that for you. It will be easy to find someone to do it for you. هو يعيش في كارديف. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. אכלת ארוחת בוקר היום? Did you eat breakfast today? You had breakfast today? أخبره بأن ينتظر Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. הוא נעמד והושיט את ידו לכובעו על השולחן. He stood up and reached for his hat on the table. He stood up and put his hand to his hat on the table. كان زيري متأخرا. Ziri was late. Ziri was late. افتح الباب. Open the door! Open the door. انسني. Forget me. Forget it. ليس من عادتنا فعل ذلك. We're not used to doing that. It's not our habit to do that. آمل أنّ سامي محقّ. I hope Sami is right. I hope Sammy's right. דיון פתוח עם אתאיסט התקיים באחרונה במסגד בקהיר. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently at a mosque in Cairo. זה בכלל לא קשור. That's completely irrelevant. It has nothing to do with anything. رأى زيري نمرا في الحظيرة. Ziri spotted a leopard in the park. Ziri saw a tiger in the barn. أشعر بالدوار كلما وقفت. I feel dizzy every time I stand up. I get dizzy whenever I stand up. سامي يكبر. Sami is getting old. Sammy's growing up. قدم زيري لريمة اقتراحا. Ziri gave Rima a suggestion. Ziri gave Rima a suggestion. תום קפץ עלי בחימה שפוכה. Tom sprang at me in a rage. Tom jumped on me in a raging rage. בכל כוורת יכולה להיות רק מלכה אחת. In each beehive there can only be one queen. In every hive there can only be one queen. متى خلدت إلى النوم ليلة الأمس؟ What time did you go to bed last night? When did you go to sleep last night? אתם חוששים, נכון? You're scared, aren't you? You're afraid, aren't you? من الصعب أن نراك هنا. We hardly ever see you around here. It's hard to see you here. דיברתי איתו על בעיה מתמטית. I spoke with him about a math problem. I talked to him about a math problem. תום הוא לא זה שעזב את המסיבה מוקדם. Tom isn't the only one who left the party early. Tom wasn't the one who left the party early. איפה המשפחה שלך? Where's your family? Where's your family? والديَّ يكرهانه. My parents hate him. My parents hate him. אנו לא מסתדרים אחד עם השני. We don't get along with each other. We don't get along with each other. אני לא יכול להאמין שטום אמר כן. I can't believe Tom said yes. I can't believe Tom said yes. زيري مجنون. Ziri is mad. Ziri's crazy. تفقّد سامي رسائل ليلى الإلكترونية. Sami checked Layla's e-mails. Sammy checked Lily's e-mails. שתיתי הרבה בירה. I drank a lot of beer. I drank a lot of beer. لم يعجبني ذلك. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. המטופל היה בסיכון. The patient was in danger. The patient was at risk. توم لم يرد أن يرقص مع ماري Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. עכשיו זה הגיוני. It makes sense now. Now it makes sense. איפה אתה גר? Where do you live? Where do you live? Il-ktieb huwa ġdid. The book is new. The book is new. لم تكن التفاصيل جاهزة مباشرة. Details weren't immediately available. The details were not immediately ready. كرسيّك مثل كرسيي تمامًا. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is just like mine. המאמן אמר לי שאני צריך להתאמן יותר. The coach told me I needed to practice harder. Coach told me I needed to practice more. שמעתי שתום התאכזר לחברה האחרונה שלו. I heard that Tom was mean to his last girlfriend. I heard Tom was cruel to his last girlfriend. أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm an honest man. אני לא אמורה לעשות את זה. I'm not supposed to be doing this. I'm not supposed to do that. יש לכם אוזניות? Do you have earphones? Do you have ears? רק תגידי לי למי לטלפן. Just tell me who to call. Just tell me who to call. خط أمي جميل. My mother has good handwriting. Mom's line is beautiful. هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Did you know that men who regularly take birth control pills don’t get pregnant? שטח בבניה: יש להשתמש בקסדות מגן. Construction area: hard hats required. Area under construction: protective helmets should be used. هذا القارب صالحاً للإبحار. This boat is seaworthy. This boat is seaworthy. מישהו יכול לעזור לי בבקשה? Can someone help me, please? Can someone help me please? لن أنس مراسلة أمّي. I will not forget to write to my mother. I won't forget my mother's correspondence. صاح زيري على الأسد و أبعده. Ziri shooed the lion away. Ziri yelled at the lion and pushed him away. התואיל לשלוח עבורי את המכתב הזה? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Will you send me this letter? وُلد في هذه الغرفة بالتحديد. He was born in this very room. He was born in this very room. מחיתי. I protested. I protested. الحفلة التي دُعينا إليها ستكون غدا، ليس اليوم. The party that we've been invited to is tomorrow, not today. The party we were invited to will be tomorrow, not today. كان فاضل الوحيد الذي كان يعلم ما حدث لليلى. Fadil was the only one that knew what happened to Layla. He was the only one who knew what happened to Lily. شكراً لكِ على لطفكِ. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your kindness. توم و ماري يقولون بانهم لم يفعلوا ذلك ابدا. Tom and Mary say they never did that. Tom and Mary say they never did. هو يتعلم الالمانية. He's learning German. He's learning German. תמשיך בבקשה. Please go on. Please continue. أتذكرُ ما فعلتَ الجمعة الماضية؟ Do you remember what you did last Friday? Remember what you did last Friday? إنه يوم الإثنين, كما تعلم It's Monday, you know. It's Monday, you know. أيقظ زيري السائق Ziri woke the driver up. Wake up the driver. فرّ زيري. Ziri fled. Ziri escaped. هي تتدرب على البيانو كل يوم . She practises the piano every day. She's practicing the piano every day. يُقال أن البندقيّة مدينة جميلة. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. Venice is said to be a beautiful city. تخدرت يدي من البرد. My hand are benumbed with cold. I got my hands numb from the cold. יש לי מספיק זמן לזה. I have enough time for this. I've got plenty of time for this. أراد سامي ماله. Sami wanted his money. Sammy wanted his money. خنت ظني فيك. You disappointed me. I betrayed my belief in you. زيري يرقص بمفرده. Ziri dances alone. Ziri dances alone. חלמתי לבוא לשיעור ערום. I dreamed of coming to class naked. I dreamed of coming to a naked class. هل أستطيع أن أرى جواز سفرك؟ Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? פחד לא יתקיים בלי תקווה לא תקווה בלי פחד. Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear. Fear will not exist without hope, not hope without fear. כמה פעמים בשבוע אתה יוצא לקניות? How many times a week do you go shopping? How many times a week do you go shopping? היום יום ההולדת שלך, נכון, יורי? It's your birthday, isn't it, Yuri? It's your birthday today, isn't it, Yuri? سوف نذهب إلى بوسطن حتى نرى توم. We're going to Boston to see Tom. We'll go to Boston until we see Tom. השפה היחידה שתום מדבר היא צרפתית. The only language Tom knows how to speak is French. The only language Tom speaks is French. عدد سكان الصين أكبر من اليابان. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. China's population is larger than Japan's. لكل فرد الحق أن يلجأ إلى بلاد أخرى أو يحاول الاتجاء إليها هربا من الاضطهاد. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Everyone has the right to seek refuge in another country or to seek refuge in another country in order to escape persecution. הילד האבוד זוהה על פי בגדיו. The lost child was identified by his clothes. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. هل غسلت يديك؟ Have you washed your hands yet? Did you wash your hands? لا أحب هذه المدينة على الإطلاق. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. כמה זמן אתה עוסק בזה? How long have you been at this? How long have you been doing this? على زيري أن يظهر في المزيد من الأفلام. Ziri should be in more movies. Ziri has to appear in more movies. מי יכול היה להפיץ את השמועה הזאת? Who could have spread that rumor? Who could have spread that rumor? الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will clutch at a straw. The sinking is about a straw. תעמיד פנים כאילו אתה יודע משהו. Pretend you know something. Pretend like you know something. שמו היה ג'פטו, אך ילדי השכונה קראו לו פולנדינה, בשל הפיאה שלבש תמיד על ראשו, בצבעו הצהוב של התירס. His name was Geppetto, but to the boys of the neighborhood he was Polendina, on account of the wig he always wore which was just the color of yellow corn. His name was Geppetto, but the neighborhood children called him Polandina, because of the wig he always wore on his head, the yellow color of the corn. ماذا حدث في بيت بولوك الليلة؟ What happened at Bullock's this evening? What happened at Bullock's house tonight? ما قعدتش بزاف. She didn't last long. It's not a bad idea. معيش حاجه من دول I don't own one of those things. Living in need of countries زيري يطبخ. Ziri is cooking. Ziri's cooking. ألم ننس شيئاً؟ Aren't we forgetting something? Haven't we forgotten something? توم يشتغل في شركة نفطية. Tom works for an oil company. Tom works for an oil company. אני יודע שאת בהלם. I know you're shocked. I know you're in shock. لا أعتقد أنه قادم. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. كان سامي كامنا في انتظار ليلى. Sami lied in wait for Layla. Sammy was waiting for Layla. توم أتىَ يوم الإثنين وعاد إلىَ البيت في اليوم التالي. Tom came on Monday and went back home the following day. Tom came on Monday and came home the next day. ثملَ زيري. Ziri got drunk. Ziri's drunk. הם היו חולים. They were sick. They were sick. "أنا أفهم الإيطالية بشكل رائع," لقد تباهت بينما تختار طبق من قائمة الطعام, ولكن عندما قُدم الطعام, كان كما لم تكن تتوقع. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. “I understand Italian wonderfully,” she bragged while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was like she didn’t expect. אני לא חייבת לכם כלום. I don't owe you guys anything. I don't owe you anything. אני שכחן. I'm forgetful. I'm forgetful. بدأ المال يتدفّق. Money started pouring in. The money began to flow. בן האדם היחיד שידע את זה יותר טוב ממני זה טום. The only person who'd know that better than me is Tom. The only person who knew that better than me was Tom. איש אינו מסוגל לרוץ מהר כמו תום. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. No one can run as fast as Tom. عرج زيري. Ziri limped. Ziri's limp. أصغى زيري لقلبه. Ziri listened to his heart. Ziri listened to his heart. שמחת להיווכח שהמשפט הזה נמחק, נכון? You were pleased to see that sentence deleted, weren't you? You were happy to find out that this trial was over, weren't you? זאת היתה עבודה דחופה. It was a rush job. It was urgent work. תום גרם למרי לבכות. Tom made Mary cry. Tom made Mary cry. האם לעולם לא תרפה מתום? Aren't you ever going to ease up on Tom? Will you never let go of Tom? تعجبني اللغة اليابانية كثيرا. I like the Japanese language very much. I like the Japanese language a lot. אחרי 2013 תום חי וגר בבוסטון. After 2013, Tom lived and worked in Boston. After 2013, Tom lived and worked in Boston. لقد منحتني حياة جديدة. You have given me a new life. You gave me a new life. הוא מת בגיל 70. He died at the age of 70. He died at age 70. תום מטייל טיול ממושך על החוף כל יום אחרי הצהרים. Tom takes a long walk along the coast every afternoon. Tom takes a long walk on the beach every day after noon. אשמור מרחק מתום להבא. I'm avoiding Tom from now on. I'll stay away from Tom for the next time. كان زيري صغير الحجم. Ziri was little. Ziri was small in size. لكلّ عالِم هفوة. Even Homer sometimes nods. Every scientist has a gag. זה עתיד להיות הרה גורל. It can be fatal. It's going to be fate. תום ישב ליד מרי ופתח את אלבום התמונות. Tom sat beside Mary and opened the photo album. Tom sat next to Mary and opened the photo album. زيري مثير للشفقة. Ziri is pitiful. My ziri is pathetic. אני שפחה. I'm a slave. I'm a slave. יש חור במעילי. There's a hole in my coat. There's a hole in my coat. הוא היה חולה אבל הלך לבית הספר. He was sick, but he went to school. He was sick but went to school. أين أقرب فندق؟ Where's the nearest hotel? Where is the nearest hotel? تفاجأ جامس بردة فعل أماندا. James's reaction surrpised Amanda. James was surprised by Amanda's reaction. أعطيته كل ما كان عندي من المال. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all my money. דברים נשברים. Things break. Things break. ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድክ ነው? Are you going to school? Are you going to school? يؤمن فاضل بربّ الإسلام. Fadil believes in the God of Islam. I believe in the Lord of Islam. אני מצטער, אמא. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry, Mom. اشتريت بعض البيض الطازج الذي أتى من المزرعة للتو. I bought some fresh eggs which had just come from the farm. I bought some fresh eggs that just came from the farm. Iva. Yes. Yes, sir. אני לא מאמינה בזה. I don't believe this. I don't believe that. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? الأنثروبولوجيا تدرس التاريخ الإنساني من خلال تفحص الأشياء المدفونة مثل الفخّار و الأدوات. Archaeology studies human culture by examining the ancient objects found buried such as pottery and tools. Anthropology studies human history by examining buried objects such as pottery and tools. حلق الطائر بعيداً حتى غاب عن الأنظار. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird flew away until it was out of sight. تنهد ديما وقال: "فهمت، آسف على اللخبطة إذن. استمتع بالفانتا. ويومًا سعيدًا". "I see," Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day." Dima sighed and said, “I get it, sorry for the mess. Enjoy the Fanta. Have a nice day.” لا يمكن لتوم أن ينسى الماضي. Tom can't let go of the past. Tom can't forget the past. نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. He rarely laughs, never laughs. המבצעים כבר בתהליכים. Operations are already underway. Operations are already in progress. كان عند سامي العديد من الأصدقاء المسلمين. Sami had many Muslim friends. Sammy had many Muslim friends. قرر أن يصبح محامياً He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. عليك العودة. You have to come back. You should go back. הראש שלו שרוי במים. His head is soaked in water. His head is in the water. اختفى زيري في الأدغال. Ziri disappeared into the jungle. Ziri disappeared into the jungle. היי, אתה! אסור לרוץ ליד הבריכה! Hey, you! No running by the pool! Hey, you, you can't run by the pool! كان سامي يأخذ دروسا. Sami was taking classes. Sammy was taking classes. هناك العديد من ربات البيوت اللاتي يشتكين من الأسعار المرتفعة. There are many housewives who complain about high prices. There are many housewives who complain about high prices. شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, rainbow. אמנים מפורסמים רבים חיים בניו יורק. Many famous artists live in New York. Many famous artists live in New York City. מי לא משתמש בשפתון? Who isn't wearing lipstick? Who doesn't use lipstick? פרופסור בראון מסביר דברים טוב מאד. Professor Brown explains things very well. Professor Brown explains things very well. לא התכוונתי שזה יתדרדר עד כדי כך. I didn't mean for it to go this far. I didn't mean for it to get that bad. זה אולי לא נדרש ממך לעשות את זה, אבל אני חושב שאתה צריך. It may not be necessary for you to do that, but I think you should. It may not require you to do it, but I think you should. إجلسي يا كيت. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. היא חזרה על מה ששמעה לאמא שלה. She repeated what she had heard to her mother. She repeated what she heard to her mother. רצתי מהר ככל האפשר. I ran as fast as possible. I ran as fast as I could. إنها تعيش في نيويورك. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. كان سامي راغبا في إخراج ليلى من الصّورة. Sami wanted Layla out of the picture. Sammy wanted to take Lily out of the picture. زيري يحب الطبيعة. Ziri loves nature. Ziri loves nature. على المرء أن يفعل كلّ ما بوسعه. One must do one's best. One has to do everything one can. ידעתי שתספר לתום מה עשינו. I knew you would tell Tom about what we did. I knew you'd tell Tom what we did. هو يحبّها و هي تحبّه أيضا. He loves her; she loves him, too. He loves her and she loves him too. لا تنسَ أن تضع طابعاً على رسالتك. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don’t forget to put a stamp on your message. הוא יהיה פה בקרוב. He will be here soon. He'll be here soon. טום בגן כרגע. Tom is in the garden right now. Tom's in the garden right now. זו הבת שלה. She's her daughter. That's her daughter. الجسر بني على يدي الرومان. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happily. كان سامي يتابع ليلى على الإنستغرام و كانت تتابعه هي أيضا. Sami followed Layla on Instagram and she followed him back. Sammy was following Layla on Instagram and she was following him, too. لم لن تأتِ معنا؟ Why aren't you coming with us? Why aren't you coming with us? انا بخلفه . I am at the rear of him. I'm behind him. ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What are you up to? المسلم الصّالح يحاول إرضاء الله و ليس النّاس. A good Muslim tries to please God, not people. A good Muslim tries to please God, not people. كم تستغرق من الوقت؟ How long does it take? How long does it take? זה חורה לתום. Tom is not happy with this. It's a hole for Tom. تبدو صحيحة بالنسبة لي. It seems right to me. Sounds right to me. למה טום לא רצה להגיע? Why didn't Tom want to come? Why didn't Tom want to come? زيري متأخّر. Ziri is late. Zeri's late. הוא ביקש מתום לנגן בגיטרה. He asked Tom to play the guitar. He asked Tom to play the guitar. وصلت للتوّ. I just arrived now. I just got here. אני רוצה לשקם את חיי. I want to get my life back together. I want to rebuild my life. هناك أمور عليّ فعلها في المنزل. I have some stuff to do at home. There are things I have to do at home. أنا أغسل الأواني. I'm doing the dishes. I'm washing pots. لم يستحقّ سامي أن يموت هكذا. Sami didn't deserve to die like that. Sammy didn't deserve to die like this. الحروب لا تبدأ هكذا كما يبدأ الشتاء، بل الناس هم من يبدأون الحروب. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don’t start like winter, people start wars. هل فهموا؟ Did they understand? Do they understand? תום לבש כפפות אגרוף. Tom put on a pair of boxing gloves. Tom was wearing boxing gloves. במקרה היום יום הולדתי. It so happens that today is my birthday. It just so happens it's my birthday. رائحة زيري غريبة. Ziri smells funny. Zeri's smell is strange. אתה נמרץ. You're energetic. You're energetic. زيري تلميذ في المتوسطة. Ziri is a middle school kid. He is a middle school student. אתה עלול שלא לאהוב את הספר הזה. You may not like this book. You might not like this book. سامي بحاجة لليلى. Sami needs Layla. Sammy needs Layla. المجوهرات و العطور أمور ثانوية الإنسان الطبعي ليس بحاجة لها. jewelries and perfumes are unessential things, Normal humans don't need them. Jewelry and perfumes are secondary things that humans naturally do not need. زيري يشرب وحده. Ziri drinks alone. Ziri's drinking alone. טום אף פעם לא מחסה את הפה כשהוא מתעטש. Tom never covers his mouth when he sneezes. Tom never covers his mouth when he sneezes. לא אספר לאף אחד. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. למה גברת יאמאדה פופולרית בבית הספר שלך? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular at your school? تهدر سبنيوليّا؟ Do you speak Spanish? You're wasting Spinolia? كان مارك كبير الحجم و قويا. Mark was big and strong. Mark was big and strong. لم يأتِ بعد. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. لن يعمل الراديو. The radio will not work. The radio won't work. תסחבו את זה. Carry this. Carry it. لقد خشيَ أن يقضي عيد الميلاد في المستشفى. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. He was afraid he'd spend Christmas in the hospital. זה היה מספיק. That was enough. That was enough. Is-sena t-tajba! Happy New Year! It's the good year! רוב התאונות, לאחר הכל, קורות בסביבה ולא בג'ונגל. Most accidents, after all, happen around the corner, not in the rainforest. Most accidents, after all, happen in the vicinity and not in the jungle. راها جزايرية. She's an Algerian woman. He saw her as an islander. תום לקח על עצמו אחריות נוספת. Tom has taken on additional responsibilities. Tom took on another responsibility. אהיה אסיר תודה אם תוכל לעשות למעני את זה. I'll be grateful to you if you can do that for me. I'd be grateful if you could do that for me. طُرد زيري من مسكنه. Ziri was evicted. Ziri was evicted from his home. הקמנו את האוהל על שפת הנהר. We set up the tent next to the river. We set up the tent by the river. كان هاتف ليلى في النّفايات. Layla's phone was in the garbage. It was Layla's phone in the trash. كانت غرفة الضيوف فارغة. The guest bedroom was empty. The guest room was empty. בביגמיה זו אישה אחת יותר מדי. במונוגמיה כנ"ל. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. In bigamy, it's one woman too many, in monogamy as well. جُمِعت العيناتُ من مائتي مؤسسة طبية في جميع أنحاء العالم. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. The samples were collected from 200 medical institutions around the world. أريد الذهاب لأستراليا لمرة أخرى قبل أن تنتهي صلاحية جواز سفري. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia again before my passport expires. אדם זה לווֶה כסף ממלווים רבים. That man borrows money from many lenders. This man borrows money from many lenders. مالارازمان راهي صح. It is unfortunately true. Malarazman Rahi is right. אני אוהבת הפתעות. I love surprises. I like surprises. بدأ زيري يبكي. Ziri started cooking. Ziri started crying. الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار على سيّارات الإسعاف الفلسطينيّة. The Israeli army shoots Palestinian ambulances. The Israeli army is shooting at Palestinian ambulances. بدأ الدراسة في ثانوية أخرى. He started going to a new high school. He started studying at another high school. היא שיפצה את הבית. She renovated a house. She remodeled the house. ካብ ዘይትፈልጦ መልኣኽ ትፍልጦ ሸይጣን። Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. We have been rescued from an angel who doesn't know anything about you. ساعدني في تنظيف البيت من فضلك. Please help me clean the house. Help me clean the house, please. זהו הרומן הארוך ביותר שקראתי אי פעם. This is the longest novel that I have ever read. It's the longest novel I've ever read. نؤمن بهذا. We believe this. We believe that. كان زيري مذعورا. Ziri was terrified. Ziri was terrified. זה לא הלך כל כך. It didn't go that well. It didn't go so well. أحضر لي الجريدة من فضلك. Bring me the newspaper, please. Bring me the newspaper, please. لقد دعوتك إلی هنا لأسألك سؤالا I called you in here to ask you a question. I invited you here to ask you a question. توجه زيري نحو الشجرة. Ziri walked up to the tree. Ziri headed towards the tree. תום הטיב לעשות ממרי. Tom has done better than Mary. Tom did well with Mary. أمضينا وقتاً ممتعاً و نحن نلعب الشطرنج. We had a good time playing chess. We had a good time playing chess. היא היתה אדיבה עד כדי להלוות לי סכום כסף גדול. She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money. She was kind enough to lend me a lot of money. קוריאה הצפונית שיגרה טיל בליסטי לעבר יפן. North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan. North Korea launched a ballistic missile into Japan. זה לא מוצא חן בעיני. I don't like this. I don't like it. አንድ ቤት አለህ? Do you have a house? Do you have a house? هل أنتِ تخونيني؟ Are you cheating on me? Are you cheating on me? دخل ذلك الطائر بين أغصان الشجرة. The bird went inside the tree. That bird entered between the branches of the tree. البنت لا قالت شيء. The girl didn't say anything The girl didn't say anything. הוא פצע את הכתף. He was wounded in the shoulder. He hurt his shoulder. إنها تتحدث ثلاث لغات. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. טום הוא גדול. Tom is awesome. Tom is great. أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها. Layla responded with a letter of her own. Leila responded with a message from her. הוא רגיל לשאול הרבה שאלות. He tends to ask a lot of questions. He's used to asking a lot of questions. واصل زيري السير. Ziri kept going. Keep walking, Zeri. حضرت الشرطة خلال دقائق Police were on the scene within minutes. The police came in a few minutes. היא יצאנית. She's a hooker. She's a hooker. אני כל כך שמחה שהם כאן. I'm so glad they're here. I'm so glad they're here. הוא סיים את חייו בקפיצה מהגשר. He ended his life by jumping off the bridge. He ended his life by jumping off the bridge. زيري يرتعش. Ziri is shaking. Ziri's shivering. ابتلع زيري الماء بسرعة. Ziri swallowed the water quickly. Ziri swallowed the water quickly. من فضلك أعرني كتابك. Lend me your book, please. Please lend me your book. توم أغلق الصنبور Tom turned the faucet off. Tom, turn off the tap. كان سامي حاضرا عندما انتحرت والدته. Sami was there when his mother committed suicide. Sammy was present when his mother committed suicide. ليلى بعيدة عن الخطر. Layla is out of danger. Lily's out of danger. بإمكان زيري المحاولة. Ziri can try. Ziri can try. شعر زيري بالارتياح. Ziri felt good. Ziri felt comfortable. متى يصل هذا القطار إلى يوكوهاما؟ What time does this train reach Yokohama? When does this train arrive in Yokohama? ساعد زيري. Help Ziri out. Help Ziri. חובתנו לציית לחוק. It is our duty to obey the law. It is our duty to obey the law. لديهم بعجة في الباب الخلفي . They had a dent in the rear door. They have an omelet in the back door. توني ولد مهذب. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a good boy. أين كنت؟ Where were you? Where have you been? יש לך כישרון ללא ספק, רק חבל שלא למדת יותר. You have talent, no doubt; it's just a pity that you haven't learned more. You've got talent, no doubt. It's a shame you didn't learn any more. ادي الكتاب للي عايزه. Give the book to the guy who wants it. Give the book to me. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami got fired. Sammy was fired from his job. לתום לא אכפת מכאן או מכאן. Tom doesn't care one way or the other. Tom doesn't care about here or here. انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا I never could say no to you. I'm not gonna tell you, no, not at all. החלפתי את הדגל. I changed the flag. I changed the flag. هي أنقذت حياتي. She saved my life. She saved my life. שמור מרחק מהכלב ההוא. Stay far away from that dog. Stay away from that dog. أكل زيري الفرولة. Ziri ate strawberries. Eat a strawberry zir. احفظ المال في مكان آمن. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money in a safe place. משטרים עריצים משליכים את יריביהם הפוליטיים לכלא לעתים קרובות. Tyrannical governments frequently put their political opponents in prison. Tyranny regimes often throw their political opponents in jail. היא תמיד מתנהגת באדיבות כלפי כולם. She always acts politely toward everybody. She's always being nice to everyone. لقد فقدت حذائي في الحريق. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoes in the fire. قاست الممرضة حرارته. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse measured his temperature. היא התעלמה ממנו. She gave him the brush off. She ignored him. אתה מריח נפלא. You smell wonderful. You smell wonderful. יתכן שזה נכון. It may be true. That might be true. מלכה התנצרה. Malka converted to Christianity. The Queen is saved. رائحة زيري كريهة. Ziri smells bad. Zeri smells bad. أنهى سامي تلك العلاقة غير الشّرعيّة. Sami ended the affair. Sammy ended that illegal relationship. הבעיה שלנו יותר גדולה מסתם מחסור בכסף. Our problem is more than just a lack of money. Our problem is bigger than a lack of money. בוא נשמע את התירוץ שלך. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. היא נערה עובדת. She's a sex worker. She's a working girl. لم يُسمح لباية أن تكون في ذلك المنزل. Baya wasn't permitted to be in that house. Baye was not allowed to be in that house. הוא נראה משועמם. He looks bored. He seemed bored. كانت سيّارة سامي تتقلّب بينما كان هو بداخلها. Sami's car was tumbling while he was still inside. Sammy's car was flipping while he was in it. תהיה אדיב לאחרים. Be kind to others. Be kind to others. ניסיתי לא להסתכל. I was trying not to look. I tried not to look. في عمري 25 سنا. I'm 25 years old. I'm 25 years old. أنا من شيكوكو. I am from Shikoku. I'm from Shikoku. אני לומד איסלנדית. I'm learning Icelandic. I'm learning Icelandic. تعال من فضلك Please come. Come on, please. اصبر، ها أنا قادم! Hold on, I'm coming! Hold on, here I come! דומה שהוא מעולם עוד לא נפגש עם אביו. It seems like he had never met his father before. He has never met his father. سيضربني فاضل. Fadil is gonna hit me. Fadel will hit me. נתתי לתום לקנות את זה ממני. I let Tom buy it for me. I let Tom buy it from me. ما نقدرش نعيش حيات كيما هادي. I can't live that kind of life. What we do is live our lives as a pacifist. בוא ניגש לעניין. Let's get with it. Let's cut to the chase. من فضلك لا تتحدث عني أثناء غيابي. Please don't talk about me when I'm gone. Please don't talk about me while I'm gone. אנו לא יכולים לחיות בלי שינה כפי שאין אנו יכולים לחיות בלי מזון. We can no more live without sleep than without food. We cannot live without sleep as we cannot live without food. הכורח קורא לי. Duty is calling me. Necessity is calling me. مرَ الوقت المخصص بسرعة . The alloted time ticked away quickly. The allotted time passed quickly. صديقك هنا. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. In-nagħġa tħobb tistaħba fil-maqjel. The ewe likes to hide in the barn. The sheep likes to hide in the fold. ואיך מוצאת חן בעיניך העבודה הזאת? And how do you like this work? And how do you like this job? لا أستطيع القيام بهذا العمل بمفردي. I can't do this work alone. I can't do this work on my own. اتّهم سامي ليلى برمي آجرّة عبر نافذته. Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window. Sammy accused Layla of throwing a fare through his window. הסכמנו? Do we have an agreement? Agreed? تعبتُ من هذه اللغات الجرمانية. I'm tired of this Germanic language. I'm tired of these Germanic languages. אמרתי לך שאגן עליך. I told you I'd protect you. I told you I'd protect you. איפה אפשר לשכור תחפושת? Where can I rent a costume? Where can I rent a costume? קח את הדברים שלך ולך. Pack your stuff and go. Take your stuff and go. כנראה שהקרב בין מיקרוסופט לאפל לא ייגמר לעולם. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. The battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. איפה נמצאת שגרירות נורווגיה? Where is the Norwegian embassy? Where is the Embassy of Norway? قام قاتل سامي بتنظيف الأظراف الفارغة. Sami's killer cleaned up the shell casings. Sammy's killer cleaned up the empty envelopes. أنا سعيدٌ بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to know you. ذهب زيري. Ziri went. Ziri's gone. كان زيري رجلا. Ziri was a man. Ziri was a man. هرب زيري فجأة. Ziri suddenly fled. Ziri suddenly ran away. كانوا واقفين في طابور. They were standing in a queue. They were standing in line. من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please calm down when you have a roadblock in front of you. ظننتك قلت أنك لا تحب توم. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. I thought you said you didn't like Tom. היום היה מעורר. Today has been exhilarating. Today was a wake-up call. ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? המורה איתר תלמיד שהעתיק במבחן. The teacher found a pupil cheating in the examination. The teacher found a student who had taken the test. سامي يتكلّم العربيّة. Sami speaks Arabic. Sami speaks Arabic. كانت عند زيري سيّارة. Ziri had pictures. There was a car at my house. حاول أن تصبح زعيما. Try to establish yourself as a leader. Try to become a leader. למה עשית את זה מלכתחילה? Why have you done that in the first place? Why did you do it in the first place? "סיימת?" "להפך, אפילו לא התחלתי עדיין." "Have you finished?" "No, I haven't even started." "Are you done?" "On the contrary, I haven't even started yet." إذا ما كان هناك من لا يزال يشك في كون أمريكا هي البلد الذي فيه كل الأشياء ممكنة، أو لا زال يتساءل عما إذا كان حلم آبائنا المؤسسين لا يزال حياً في زماننا هذا، أو لا زال يتساءل عن قوة ديمقراطيتنا، فإن ما يحدث في هذه الليلة هو جوابك. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. If anyone still doubts that America is the country where all things are possible, or still wonders whether the dream of our Founding Fathers is still alive in our time, or still questions the strength of our democracy, what is happening tonight is your answer. הביטי בתמונה הזאת שנית. Look at this picture again. Look at that picture again. هل سبق لك و أن زرت المكسيك؟ Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever been to Mexico? כמה ברברי! How barbaric! How barbaric! התנהגותו זעזעה אותנו. His behavior shocked us. His behavior shocked us. אני לא מתרגמת בחינם. I don't translate for free. I don't translate for free. لا يوجد آثار حياة فوق سطح كوكب المريخ. There is no sign of life on Mars. There are no signs of life on Mars. אם זה לא בטטואבה, זה לא משפט. If it isn't on Tatoeba, it isn't a sentence. If it's not Tatuba, it's not a trial. תום הימר על הסוס הלא נכון. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. تحسن الوضع. It's gotten better. The situation has improved. بدأت أحب الصورة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. I've come to like the picture more than ever. I love the picture more than ever. אני בקושי רואה את זה. I can barely see it. I can barely see it. أَحَبُّ نظريّة علمية إليّ هي أن حلقات زحل مكونة بالكامل من الأمتعة المفقودة. The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage. I like the scientific theory that Saturn's rings are made up entirely of lost luggage. ماذا سنفعل ؟ What are we gonna do??? What are we gonna do? שלום! תודה שטסתם אתנו. מה שלומכם היום? Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Hello! Thank you for flying with us. How are you today? דגים רבים נכחדו. A lot of fish perished. Many fish are extinct. تقع المحطة غرب الفندق. The station is to the west of the hotel. The station is west of the hotel. لا أحب أياً من هذا. I don't like any of this. I don't like any of this. هل سبق وكنت هناك من قبل ؟ Were you there before? Have you ever been there before? היא קמה ועזבה באמצע השיחה בינינו. She got up and left in the middle of our conversation. She got up and left in the middle of our conversation. אני מרגיש נפלא. I feel wonderful. I feel great. זו מצלמה של אחותי. This is my sister's camera. It's my sister's camera. אני יודע שזה לא מספיק טוב. I know it's not good enough. I know it's not good enough. תום ינסה לפוצץ את המקום. Tom is going to try and blow the place up. Tom's gonna try and blow this place up. اِنتبه! Look out! Watch out! ሃይ! እግረይ! Ouch! My foot! Hey, my foot! كانت ردّة فعل سامي عنيفة. Sami reacted violently. Sammy's reaction was violent. لربّما كنت كبير السن ولكنني لا زلت أستطيع ركوب الدراجة. I may be old, but I can still ride a bike. Maybe I was old, but I can still ride a bike. אני רואה לאן זה מוליך. I see where this is going. I see where it leads. לתום רק עין טובה אחת. Tom only has one good eye. Tom has only one good eye. אתה בטוח שזה נבון? Are you sure that's wise? Are you sure that's wise? عندي منزل. I have a house. I have a house. لسببٍ ما، المايكروفون لم يعمل سابقًا. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphone didn't work before. מצאתי את זה. I found it. I found it. استرجعت ليلى صحّتها. Layla regained her health. Lily recovered her health. היא עדיין לא התרגלה לטלפון נייד. She still hasn't gotten used to cell phones. She's not used to a cell phone yet. هل لي بركوب الدرّاجة؟ May I ride a bicycle? Can I ride a bike? מה מסתתר שם? What's hidden in there? What's hiding in there? ينبغي أن تدرك أن هذا جد. You should understand, this is serious. You should know that this is serious. ركبت القطار السريع من طنجة إلى الرباط. I took the high-speed train from Tangiers to Rabat. I rode the high-speed train from Tangier to Rabat. ננסה לא לעמוד בדרכך. We'll try not to get in your way. We'll try not to stand in your way. תפקידם היה לפברק הזמנות, כדי לסבך את החברה המתחרה. Their job is to make fake orders, in order to cause trouble for the rival company. Their job was to fabricate invitations, to complicate the rival company. נראה לך שאני מרוצה? Do I look like I'm happy? You think I'm happy? גילו עניין רב באופן מפתיע. There was a surprising amount of interest. They showed a surprising amount of interest. את שותה? Do you drink? Are you drinking? بارك الله فيك. Bless you! God bless you. הארץ הזאת שייכת לתום. This land belongs to Tom. This country belongs to Tom. ניסיתי לצור איתך מגע. I've tried to contact you. I tried to contact you. אני לא יודעת מה זה. I don't know what it is. I don't know what that is. הוא סבר שדבר זה דומה לכלוב ציפורים. He thought that it was like a bird cage. He thought it was like a birdhouse. لم يسبق لأبي أن سافر إلى الخارج. My father has never been abroad. My father never went abroad. مانهدرش الفرنسية. I don't speak French. Manhdrash French. מוזר מכדי לחיות, נדיר מכדי למות He's too weird to live, too rare to die. Too weird to live, too rare to die إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. She loves Tom. עשית המון שגיאות. You have made many mistakes. You've made a lot of mistakes. هل ساعتك على التوقيت الصحيح؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch on time? كانت تلك جريمة من أجل المال. This was a murder for money. It was a crime for money. إنك مجنون. You're crazy. You're crazy. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. كان فاضل يعبر الطّريق. Fadil was crossing the street. Fadhel was crossing the road. سيفوز زيري. Ziri will win. Ziri will win. היא הבטיחה להיפגש אתו בליל אמש. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. أكل زيري تفّاحا. Ziri ate apples. My ziri ate apples. איש זה גנב את תיקי. That man stole my bag. This man stole my bag. أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة التي كنت ترتديها البارحة؟ Where did you buy that hat you were wearing yesterday? Where did you get that hat you were wearing yesterday? אני זקוקה לעצה. I need some advice. I need some advice. عم الصمت في الغابة. The forest has gone silent. Silence in the forest. من فضلك أخبرني كيف أكون على تواصل معها. Please tell me how I can get in touch with her. Please tell me how to get in touch with her. لديكم الكثير من الأصدقاء. You have lots of friends. You have a lot of friends. البيتزا باردة. The pizza is cold. Pizza's cold. وُلد سامي في مصر. Sami was born in Egypt. Sami was born in Egypt. صرخت على المدرّسة. She yelled at the teacher. I yelled at the school. بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. Layla started consuming drugs and alcohol too much. כמה זמן יש לנו להשלים את המיזם הזה? How long do we have to finish this project? How long do we have to complete this project? هو مثليّ. He is gay. He's gay. ሐኪም ነኝ። I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. سجّل والدي فاضل ابنهما في مدرسة راقية في القاهرة. Fadil's parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in Cairo. Fadel’s parents enrolled their son in a prestigious school in Cairo. עשו משהו בבקשה. Please do something. Please do something. من الممكن أن تربح المسابقة. It is possible that you'll win the competition. You could win the contest. Paul iħobb jivvjaġġa. Paul loves traveling. Paul loves to travel. أبتسم سامي بسخريّة. Sami smirked. Sammy smiled sarcastically. أعيش بالقرب من هنا. I live near here. I live near here. لا غِنى لنا عن مساعدته. His help is indispensable to us. We can't help it. طلب زيري شيئا. Ziri ordered something. Ziri asked for something. תום הגיוני. Tom is rational. Tom makes sense. أعطنا هذا القط. Give that cat to us. Give us that cat. نجلس و ننتظر. We sit and wait. We sit and wait. כשראיתי את דודי אתמול, הוא בישר לי שהוא חזר מלונדון שלושה ימים לפני כן. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me that he had returned from London three days before. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me he had returned from London three days earlier. היא תיכשל בסופו של דבר. She will fail eventually. She'll fail eventually. لدي سيارة قديمة. I have an old car. I have an old car. נדרש אומץ לעשות מה שתום עשה. It took courage to do what Tom did. It takes courage to do what Tom did. كان الجرو يلحس خدّها. The puppy licked her cheek. The puppy was licking her cheek. أحضر زيري أسلحة نارية Ziri brought guns. Get Ziri a firearm. هل ستبيع منزلك له؟ Will you sell your house to him? You're gonna sell your house to him? لم يصدر سامي أيّة ضجّة. Sami didn't make any noise. Sammy didn't make any noise. لا أريد أن تحرق جثتي. I don't want to be cremated. I don't want my body burned. תום מפחיד. Tom is scary. Tom is scary. המים כאן רדודים מאוד. The water here is very shallow. The water here is very shallow. איך והיכן נפטר תום? How and where did Tom die? How and where did Tom die? מקדם השבירה של חומר הוא היחס בין מהירות האור בריק לבין מהירותו בתווך של אותו חומר. The refractive index of a material is the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and its speed in the medium of said material. The refractive index of a substance is the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed in the medium of that substance. አንተ ተማሪ ነህ? Are you a student? Are you a student? אני מסכים אתך. I agree with you. I agree with you. יש לך תוכניות להשכלה נוספת? Do you have plans for additional education? Do you have plans for further education? ספרי לי את גרסתך שלך לאירועים. Tell me your version of the events. Tell me your version of events. אני לא נכנסת לפרטים. I'm not going into details. I'm not getting into the details. כתבתי לטום מאוסטרליה. I wrote to Tom from Australia. I wrote to Tom from Australia. زيري بحاجة إلى ورق. Ziri needs paper. Ziri needs paper. توم كان وحده في المنزل. Tom was the only one in the house. Tom was home alone. חוששני שיש חדשות נוראות. I'm afraid there's been some awful news. I'm afraid there's some terrible news. أنتِ لا يمكنكِ تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنكِ؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? لا تخف من أي شيء Fear nothing. Don't be afraid of anything. زيري تونسي. Ziri is Tunisian. Ziri is Tunisian. كيف تجرؤ؟ How dare you? How dare you? مدرسة الرياضيات فاجأتنا باختبار. The math teacher sprang a surprise on us and gave a quiz. The math school surprised us with a test. فتحت ليلى بابا. Layla opened a door. Lily opened up to Daddy. עכשיו תנסה שוב. Now try again. Now try again. عليها المغادرة باكراً وإصطحاب أطفالها من المدرسة. She has to leave early and pick up her kids at school. She has to leave early and pick up her kids from school. את יכולה עדיין לשמוע אותי? Can you still hear me? Can you still hear me? زيري يضرط. Ziri farts. Ziri farts. הוא ירה בי. He shot at me. He shot me. حسن السؤال نصف العلم. A good question is half of knowledge. The question is half science. אני רוצה ללמוד רומנית. I want to learn Romanian. I want to learn Romanian. אתה לא כמו שהיית בעבר. You're not the person you used to be. You're not like you used to be. هل البنك بعيد عن هنا؟ Is the bank far from here? Is the bank far from here? لا أعرف كيف سأبدأ. I wouldn't know how to begin. I don't know how I'm gonna start. הוא חושש לבריאותה. He is anxious about her health. He's afraid for her health. إنها ليس ما تعتقد. It's not what you think! It's not what you think. מחד גיסא הוא אדיב לכולם ומאידך גיסא הוא לא יפגין לעולם קירבה רבה. On the one hand he is kind to everyone, but on the other hand he never behaves with too much familiarity. On the one hand, he is kind to everyone, and on the other hand, he will never show much closeness. يخضع الفرد في ممارسته حقوقه وحرياته لتلك القيود التي يقررها القانون فقط، لضمان الاعتراف بحقوق الغير وحرياته واحترامهـا ولتحقيق المقتضيات العادلة للنضام العام والمصلحة العامة والأخلاق في مجتمع ديمقراطي. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. In the exercise of one’s rights and freedoms, the individual shall be subject only to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law, to ensure that the rights and freedoms of others are recognized and respected and to meet the just requirements of public order, public interest and morality in a democratic society. טום אוהב לאפות לחם. Tom likes to bake bread. Tom likes to bake bread. تم التأكد من أن المسؤول عن مقتل تلك الغزلان هو نمر. The killer of the gazelles has been confirmed to be a leopard. It has been confirmed that the person responsible for the killing of those deer is a tiger. اصطاد الولد الطائر بالشبكة. The boy captured the bird with a net. The bird boy caught the net. سيكون زيري بخير. Ziri is gonna be OK. Ziri's gonna be fine. טום עושה קיצורי דרך. Tom is cutting corners. Tom's making shortcuts. سام ، ماذا تفعل؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? לך לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go meet Tom. מה עושה התחרות טוב יותר? What's the competition doing better? What makes the competition better? אתה הססני. You're indecisive. You're the Hessian. אני לא יכול לרוץ מהר כמוהו. I can't run as fast as he can. I can't run as fast as him. كانت ليلى تكره سامي. Layla hated Sami. Lily hated Sammy. لم يكن لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء في الحيّ. Sami didn't have very many friends in the neighborhood. Sammy didn't have a lot of friends in the neighborhood. בחנות זו מוכרים בשר. In this shop we sell meat. The store sells meat. سكّان غزّة يعيشون تحت حصار خانق. The people of Gaza are living under a crippling blockade. Gazans live under a suffocating siege. הם חופשיים. They're free. They're free. سامي يعمل في عيادة محلّيّة. Sami works at a local clinic. Sammy works at a local clinic. دع كاميرتي و شأنها. Leave my camera alone. Leave my camera alone. תום טלפן בשעה שמרי נכנסה לחדר. Tom was talking on the phone when Mary walked into the room. Tom called when Mary entered the room. هل نسيت الإمضاء مجدّدا؟ Did you forget to sign your name again? Did you forget to sign up again? خرج زيري مسرعا من المطعم. Ziri hurried out of the restaurant. Ziri rushed out of the restaurant. איך פועלים מגנטים? How do magnets work? How do magnets work? كانت ليلى تقطن في حيّ سكني. Layla lived in a residential area. Layla lived in my neighborhood. יש מקומות בילוי רבים בערים גדולות. Big cities have lots of amusements. There are many places of entertainment in large cities. מתנדבים מקבלים חולצת טי. Volunteers get a T-shirt. Volunteers get a T-shirt. האם אתה גם רוצה לקחת חלק בקורס הזה? Do you also want to take part in this course? Do you also want to take part in this course? أنفقت ليلى 8000 جنيه على الملابس ذلك الشّهر. Layla spent 8,000 pounds on clothing that month. Layla spent <0xC2><0xA3>8,000 on clothes that month. אתה לא אמרת לו שום דבר? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him anything? رائع! Fantastic! Oh, great! הוא שמר על החלון סגור. He kept the window closed. He kept the window closed. בני תלמיד טוב יותר מאי פעם. My son is a better student than I ever was. My son is a better student than ever. אינני סולח לך. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. אני טיפשה? Am I stupid? Am I stupid? הם הלכו להרים? Did they go to the mountains? They went to the mountains? היא הרימה יד. She raised her hand. She raised a hand. أعلنت ليلى أنّها ضابطة شرطة. Layla announced that she was a police officer. Leila said she was a police officer. אתה צריך לאכול יותר בשר. You need to eat more meat. You should eat more meat. للننتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Let's move away. Let's move to another place. زيري حالفه الحظ. Ziri got lucky. Zachary's lucky. እኔ ከብራዚል ነኝ። I'm from Brazil. I'm from Brazil. הם רקדו עד עשר בבוקר. They danced until ten in the morning. They danced until ten in the morning. يمّا ما تقْدرش تسوق الفيلو. My mother cannot ride a bicycle. Either way, you're going to be shopping for the elephant. لم يعلم سامي ماذا كان يعمل. Sami didn't know what he was doing. Sammy didn't know what he was doing. זה אמור להספיק. This should do it. That should do it. זה נכון. This is true. That's right. هو متهور. He is a daredevil. He's reckless. אינני מבין את המתימטיקה. I don't understand the math. I don't understand mathematics. אל תחשוש לטעות כשאתה מדבר אנגלית. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak English. لماذا تريني هذه الصّورة؟ Why are you showing me this picture? Why are you showing me this picture? لديّ إحساس أني كنت هنا من قبل. I have a feeling that I have been here before. I have a feeling I've been here before. תום נתן לנוסע ללון את הלילה. Tom put the traveler up for the night. Tom let the passenger stay the night. كان زيري في الدّاخل. Ziri was inside. My brother was inside. آكل كتاباً. I eat a book. I'm eating a book. أنا أنام في الساعة العاشرة. I sleep at ten o'clock. I sleep at 10 o'clock. אני אוהבת את הסגנון שאתם מדברים. I love the way you talk. I like the way you guys talk. הוא ענה לי תשובה סתומה. He gave me a vague answer. He gave me a vague answer. "إنّ جمال ليس قدّيسا." "بالرّغم من ذلك، أنا أثق به." "Jamal is not a saint." "Yet I trust him." Jamal's not a saint, though. I trust him. הנהר שזורם בלונדון נקרא תיימס. The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river that flows in London is called the Thames. הטרוריסטים הביאו עמם חבל כדי לקשור את בני הערובה. The terrorists brought rope with them so that they could tie up all the hostages. The terrorists brought a rope with them to tie up the hostages. חשבתי שהמכללה תהיה מקום מעניין. I thought college would be a more interesting place. I thought college would be an interesting place. من فضلك أنزِل المسدّس. Please put the gun down. Please put the gun down. אני מצטער, לא התכוונתי להפחיד אותך. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. חיכינו לך שעות, עד שתופיע. We've been waiting for hours for you to show up. We've been waiting for hours for you to show up. הלכנו לפארק כדי לצלם. We went to the park to take pictures. We went to the park to take a picture. קשת בלי חיצים לא שווה כלום. A bow is no use without arrows. A bow without arrows is worth nothing. في تتويبا، عليك دائمًا أن تستمع إلى الأعضاء المُحَنَّكِين، فهم سيخبرونك بما لا ينبغي لك فعله والسبب، ثم افعله. In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tutuba, you always have to listen to the experienced members, they will tell you what you shouldn’t do and why, and then do it. كان زيري يمشي بجانب الأشجار. Ziri was walking along the trees. My father walked by the trees. חשבתי שזה היה טוב מאד. I thought it was very good. I thought it was very good. أنا لا أنتقدك. I'm not criticizing you. I'm not criticizing you. هي تملك منزلا ضخما. She owns a gigantic house. She owns a big house. אפשר לדבר איתך שניה? Can I talk to you a sec? Can I talk to you for a second? هوما كُبار. They are big. They're big. يسغيّر زيري مسكنه. Ziri is moving. Ziri's changing his place. استدار زيري. Ziri turned around. Turn around, Ziri. قضى زيري صيفه كله في تلك الغابة. Ziri spent his whole summer in that forest. Ziri spent his entire summer in that forest. قوة الريح جعلت المشي صعباً. The force of the wind made it difficult to walk. The wind made it difficult to walk. هل أنت غير مشغول غداً؟ Are you free tomorrow? Are you not busy tomorrow? الأهم فالمهم. First things first. What's important is important. תפסיק לייבב. Stop sniffling. Stop whining. أريد أن تخرج من المدينة. I want you to get out of town. I want you out of town. نجى زيري من هجوم من طرف نمر. Ziri has survived a leopard attack. Ziri survived an attack by a tiger. הוא מאמן גדול. He's a great coach. He's a great coach. هي طالبة. She's a student. She's a student. أحضر كلبه إلى المدرسة. He brought his dog to school. Bring your dog to school. حجز مقعداً لي. He kept a seat for me. He reserved a seat for me. هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? Have you returned that message yet? לא קל להיפטר מהרגל גרוע. It's not easy to get rid of a bad habit. It’s not easy to get rid of a bad habit. كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? How much time is there? زيري أبيض. Ziri is white. My button's white. هذا هو المكان الذي يعيش فيه. This is where he lives. This is where he lives. هل كانت قصتها حقيقية؟ Was her story true? Was her story real? התאוששת מההלם? Have you recovered from the shock? You recovered from the shock? הייתי בחוץ. I was outside. I was outside. ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אבל נכשלתי. I tried unsuccessfully to persuade her. I tried to convince her, but I failed. كان لدى سامي جهاز تنصّت تحت ملابسه. Sami had a wire underneath his clothing. Sammy had a wire under his clothes. كان هناك نفق مخفي بين الحوضين. There was a hidden tunnel between the two ponds. There was a tunnel hidden between the basins. كان سامي أشرس مفترسي الشّوارع. Sami was the ultimate street predator. Sammy was the fiercest street predator. הנה התמונה שלה. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. מרי יכולה לבשל כל דבר בלי מתכון כתוב. Mary can cook anything without recipes. Mary can cook anything without a written recipe. أنا متزوجة. I'm married. I'm married. מדי פעם אני נשאר בלי כסף. Sometimes I run out of money. From time to time I have no money. زيري حجول. Ziri is shy. Ziri is shy. אני חושב שהגיע הזמן שאתחיל לעשות את שיעורי הבית שלי. I think it's time for me to start doing my homework. I think it's time I started doing my homework. כבר אמרתי לך שלא תעשן בחדר שלך. I already told you not to smoke in your room. I already told you not to smoke in your room. لست طالباً. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. רשמתי מען שגוי על גבי המעטפה. I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I wrote the wrong address on the back of the envelope. كبير على جاين بعامين. He is older than Jane by two years. Big on Jane in two years. ده كتابك. It's your book. It's your book. עליך להשתדל לדבר צרפתית ככל שניתן. You should try to speak French as much as you can. Try to speak French as much as possible. وصل روبرت إلى الغابة. Robert reached the forest. Robert went into the woods. ذكّرني كي أجدّد جواز سفري. Don't forget to remind me to renew my passport. Remind me to renew my passport. لدينا فرصة. We have a chance. We have a chance. תום ממש גאה במרי. Tom is really proud of Mary. Tom is very proud of Mary. أنتَ مخطئ, تلك ليست القضية. You're wrong. That's not the case. You're wrong. That's not the case. הרעיון שלה טוב יותר משלך. Her idea is better than yours. Her idea is better than yours. يجب ان تحافظ علي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You need to keep your office clean. فتحت ليلى صنبور الماء. Layla turned the water on. Lily opened the water tap. הממ, עכשיו זה באמת מוזר... Uh, now it's really weird... Hmm, now it's really weird... هل تهتم بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you care about sports? إنه يشبه أباه كثيراً. He closely resembles his father. He's a lot like his father. תום נוצרי. Tom is a Christian. Tom is a Christian. ما على زيري إلا الاستفادة من ذلك بأقصى ما يمكن. Ziri will just have to make the best of it. I just want to make the most of it. إنها تمسك شيئاً. She has something in her hand. She's holding something. ניגנתי ג'ז. I played jazz. I played jazz. هاجم سامي ليلى. Sami assaulted Layla. Sammy attacked Layla. עכשיו אני פנוי. I'm available now. Now I'm free. זה לא יהיה קל. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. هل أنت متأكد بأنك لست بحاجة فعل هذا؟ Are you sure you don't need to do that? Are you sure you don't need to do this? ቴክኖሎጂ፡ ነቲ ኣብ መንጎ ወዲ ሰብን ተፈጥሮን ዘሎ ግጭት ከህድኦ ኣይከኣለን። Technology has failed to ease the conflict between man and nature. Technology has not been able to stop the conflict between human beings and nature. إن القواقِم أسوأ عدوّ للطيور في نيوزلندا. Stoats are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. The pygmies are New Zealand’s worst bird enemies. يُقال أن الحب أعمى. They say love is blind. Love is said to be blind. إنها مسالة حياة أو موت. It's a matter of life and death. It's a matter of life and death. الصمت علامة على الرضا. Silence is a sign of consent. Silence is a sign of satisfaction. استقال زيري من منصبه في المطار في اليوم التالي. Ziri quit his job at the airport the next morning. Ziri resigned from his post at the airport the next day. لقد رأينا نمورا في المنطقة. We had sightings of leopards recently in the area. We saw tigers in the area. ראיתי את תום בוכה I saw Tom cry. I saw Tom crying. قاد هتلر بلاده إلى الحرب. Hitler led Germany into war. Hitler led his country into war. האם את רוצה עוד מזה? Do you want more than that? Do you want more of this? תום נהיה כפייתי לגבי מרי. Tom became obsessed with Mary. Tom became obsessed with Mary. لم يحتج زيري أبدا. Ziri never protested. Ziri never protested. הערצת גיבורים זה עניין מסוכן. Hero worship is a dangerous thing. Honoring heroes is a dangerous thing. لا تحتفظْ بمتاعٍ لم يعدْ لك فيه حاجة. Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need. Don't keep stuff you don't need anymore. בחירה זה עניין של טעם. Choice is a matter of taste. Choice is a matter of taste. لم يقرأ سامي رسالة ليلى حتّى. Sami didn't even read Layla's letter. Sammy didn't even read Leila's letter. بقيت سمعة زيري نظيفة. Ziri's reputation stayed intact. Ziri's reputation remained clean. وصل زيري إلى المحطة. Ziri arrived at the station. Ziri arrived at the station. لا يهتمّ سامي باليوتوب. Sami wasn't into YouTube. Sammy doesn't care about YouTube. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. Sammy and Leila were close friends of a husband they met in church. هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟ May I go with him? Can I go with him? زيري يكتب مقالات تنتقد الولايات المتحدة. Ziri writes articles that are critical of the US. Ziri writes articles critical of the United States. إنه لا يحتاج إلى أن يعمل. He doesn't need to work. He doesn't need to work. יש לה בטחון מופרז. She's overconfident. She's overconfident. عاد سامي إلى العيادة. Sami went back to the clinic. Sam went back to the clinic. הפופולריות של אתרי אינטרנט תלויה בתכנים שלהם. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of websites depends on their content. هل تحب أن تتجول في الخارج؟ Do you love walking outside? Would you like to go outside? ברור מה צריך לעשות. It is clear what must be done. Clearly what needs to be done. אני לא אוהב במיוחד קפה. I don't care much for coffee. I don't particularly like coffee. زيري من قام بذلك. Ziri did it. Ziri did it. שיעורי הבית לקחו יותר זמן ממה שציפיתי. My homework took longer than I expected. Homework took longer than I expected. טום סבור שהעשיר ראוי להיות עשיר, והעני ראוי להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich, and the poor deserve to be poor. סגור את החלון. Shut the window. Close the window. אתה נראה יפה מאד היום. You look very nice tonight. You look very pretty today. سامي يمشي. Sami is walking. Sammy walks. אילו הייתי יודע על כך, הייתי אומר לך. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew about it, I'd tell you. هل يجب ان تُكتْب هذه الرسالة بالإنجليزية Does this letter have to be written in English? Should this letter be written in English? كان سامي طفلا متضرّرا. Sami was a damaged child. Sammy was a damaged child. טום לא ניגן על פסנתר במשך שנים. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. ما الغرض من رحلتك؟ What's the purpose of your trip? What's the purpose of your trip? سامي ينتظر سيّارة أجرة. Sami is waiting for a taxi. Sammy's waiting for a cab. كان زيري في الاستماع. Ziri was listening. Ziri was listening. תום השתתף בישיבה ההיא. Tom attended that meeting. Tom attended that meeting. كان سامي يعيش حياة إجراميّة. Sami lived a life of crime. Sammy was living a criminal life. לא לקשקש כאן. Don't scribble here. Don't bullshit around here. ما تلفّش و تدور. Don't avoid my question. You don't squirm and spin. نطقا سامي و ليلى بالشّهادة معا. Sami and Layla took their shahada together. Sammy and Leila both testified. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sammy asked Layla to meet him in person. לא ידעתי שהרגל שלי שבורה. I didn't know my leg was broken. I didn't know my leg was broken. המתנתי כמעט חצי שעה. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I waited almost half an hour. ليس لديّ إخوة. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any brothers. بروح المدرسة الساعة سابعة. I go to school at seven. In the spirit of school, it's seven o'clock. أُصيب المدرّس بصدمة. The teacher was shocked. The teacher was shocked. הנה, קח את מעילי. Here, take my coat. Here, take my coat. גן החיות בעיר שלנו גדול וחדש. The zoo in our city is large and new. The zoo in our city is big and new. זה העיפרון שלך? Is this pencil yours? Is that your pencil? آسف لما حدث. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry about what happened. ג'ון עזב לצרפת אתמול. John left for France yesterday. John left for France yesterday. أقفل سامي النّوافذ. Sami locked the windows. I'm closing the windows. התרגום שלו נאמן למקור. His translation is faithful to the original. His translation is faithful to the original. נגן את זה שוב. Play it again. Play it again. תעריפי הביטול בעליה מהירה. Cancellation fees are rising fast. The cancellation rates are on the rise fast. Paul inqatel minnufih. Paul was killed instantly. Paul was killed instantly. אני רוצה את מרי. I want Mary. I want Mary. התנהגתי לא יפה. I behaved badly. I behaved badly. תום היה מצפוני. Tom was conscientious. Tom was conscientious. يبدو شاباً. He looks young. He looks young. انقر على الرابط. Click the link. Click on the link. اقترب زيري من الحوض. Ziri approached the pond. Ziri approached the sink. עקבתי אחרי תום. I followed Tom. I followed Tom. היית טוב מאד אלי. You've been really good to me. You were very good to me. زيري ينام دائما و مصباحه مشتعل. Ziri always sleeps with the light on. My brother always sleeps with his lamp on. أيمكنني أن أقول شيئاً؟ May I say something? Can I say something? الرسالة بالأمازيغية. The letter is in Berber. The letter in Amazigh. היא נתנה לי לחכות למשך חצי שעה. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She let me wait for half an hour. أكل زيري هلاليّات. Ziri ate croissants. He ate my chrysalis. המאמר הזה שם את הצמחונים ללעג ולקלס. This article makes fun of vegetarians. This article makes the vegetarians laugh and laugh. כוסות וכלים נשברו. Glasses and dishes were broken. Glasses and tools were broken. תהיה דיפלומט טוב. You will be a good diplomat. Be a good diplomat. أريد أن أعيش في نيويورك. I'd like to live in New York. I want to live in New York. سامي لم يقتل أحدا قطّ. Sami never killed anyone. Sammy never killed anyone. يعجبني جهلك. I admire your ignorance. I like your ignorance. فلسطين يقولولها بالعربية "فلسطين". Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Palestine means "Palestine" in Arabic. אל תבזבזי כסף על בגדים, ג'ולי. תחסכי כסף! Don't waste money on clothes, Julie. Save money! Don't spend money on clothes, Julie. איזה מהם אתה מעדיף? Which one do you like better? Which one do you prefer? هل توم قبّلَ مريم؟ Did Tom kiss Mary? Did Tom kiss Mary? חומת ברלין נפלה ב-1989. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989. תום חשד שזאת עלולה להיות מלכודת. Tom suspected it might be a trap. Tom suspected it might be a trap. እታ ቆልዓ ተሓጺባ። The little girl washed herself. And the little girl was healed. لقد وجدت اجنحة الفندق واسع ، الأرائك مريحة ، الشطائر وفيرة. I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious. I found the hotel suites are spacious, the sofas are comfortable, the sandwiches are plentiful. את באמת סבורה שאני מפחדת מחושך? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? You really think I'm afraid of the dark? نفى زيري هذا. Ziri denied this. Ziri denied this. הם התעלפו. They passed out. They fainted. كان زيري يتكلم الأمازيغية. Ziri spoke Berber. Ziri was speaking Amazigh. خنق زيري وليد بعمامته. Ziri strangled Walid with his turban. Ziri choked Walid with his turban. من رمى بذلك الحجر؟ Who threw that rock? Who threw that stone? عبر جوناس النهر. Jonas crossed the river. Across the Jonas River. حاول فاضل أن يخفي جثة دانية. Fadil tried to hide Dania's body. Fadel tried to hide a dead body. אזכור אתכם לתמיד. I'll always remember you. I will remember you forever. התבלבלתם, אסור לזרים להיכנס לפה You got mixed up; foreigners can't come in here. You're confused. Strangers can't come in here. القرار قرارك. It's up to you to decide. The decision's yours. أُسمَحُ أن أُملِكَ رأياً شخصيّاً؟ Can I have a private opinion? May I have a personal opinion? בקיץ חם והשמש מאירה. In the summer it's warm and the sun is shining. The summer is hot and the sun is shining. Ziri jħobb jara l-istilel billejl. Ziri likes to watch the stars at night. He likes to watch the stars at night. أحضر لي شيئاً لآكله. Bring me something to eat. Get me something to eat. אחרי הסערה השתרר שקט. After the storm, it was calm. After the storm, there was silence. الجيران الجدد قد وصلوا. The new neighbours have arrived. The new neighbors have arrived. היא אוהבת לרוץ. She likes to run. She likes to run. אני טוב מאד במה שאני עוסק. I'm very good at what I do. I am very good at what I do. אחות רחמניה לבושה לבן. A nurse wears white. A white-clad, compassionate nurse. هي دي النهاية. This is the end. She's de end. ተለፎናት ተዘይህሉ አይምጠዓመን ኔሩ። If there were no telephones, it would be inconvenient. The undead will not be able to escape. "أأنت زيري؟" "نعم." "Ziri?" "Talking." "Are you Ziri?" "Yes." ההחלטה לא היתה הפתעה. The decision wasn't a surprise. The decision was no surprise. אני שומעת אתכם היטב. I hear you very well. I can hear you very well. אבי יבשל לי מחר בבוקר ארוחה טעימה. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My dad's gonna cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. בבקשה תמסור לתום את מיטב איחולי. Please give Tom my best. Please give Tom my best wishes. היה לי סופשבוע די טוב. I had a pretty good weekend. I had a pretty good weekend. عليك أن تدرس جاهداً. You must study hard. You have to study hard. הנייר לבן. The paper is white. White paper. זה חלומו של תום לגור בהרים. It's Tom's dream to live in the mountains. It's Tom's dream to live in the mountains. غير أنني على يقين من أنه يجب علينا من أجل المضي قدما أن نعبر بصراحة عما هو في قلوبنا وعما هو لا يقال إلا وراء الأبواب المغلقة But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors. But I am sure that in order to move forward, we must openly express what is in our hearts and what is said only behind closed doors. האם סטרואידים הורגים בסופו של דבר אנשים? Do steroids ultimately kill people? Do Steroids Eventually Kill People? إنها تمطر. It's raining. It's raining. אני אוהב ללכת לחוף. I love going to the beach. I like going to the beach. סוג המידע שאנו צריכים לא תמיד זמין. The sort of information we need is not always available. The type of information we need is not always available. האם התקשרת? Did you call? Did you call? اللّبلاب بحاجة للماء و الأسمدة. Ivy needs water and fertilizer. Ivy needs water and fertilizer. מעטים הם האנשים היודעים כיצד להשתמש בכלי נשקו של האויב נגדו. Few people know how to use an enemy's weapon against him. Few people know how to use the enemy’s weapons against them. היא אמרה "להתראות". She said goodbye. She said "good-bye." زيري و ريمة توقفا. Ziri and Rima stopped. Ziri and Reema, stop. "يا توم!" "يا ماري!" “Tom!” “Mary!” "Hey Tom!" "Hey Mary!" حلّ الدّولتين ليس هو الأفضل في فلسطين. The two-state solution is not the good one in Palestine. The two-state solution is not the best in Palestine. תום לקח הלוואה כדי לקנות מכונית. Tom took out a loan in order to buy a car. Tom took out a loan to buy a car. لم أذهب إلى الشّاطئ منذ وقت طويل. It's been forever since I didn't go to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a long time. أظن أننا ما زلنا في بولندا. I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland. أنا من مصر. I am from Egypt. I am from Egypt. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا من ابنة فريد. Sami received a call from Farid's daughter. Sammy got a call from Fred's daughter. ما مهنتك؟ What do you do for a living? What's your occupation? كانت لدى سامي درّاجة ناريّة. Sami had a motorcycle. Sammy had a motorcycle. אני לומד נאבאחו. I'm learning Navajo. I'm studying Navajo. אני מקווה שיהיה לך יום הולדת נפלא. Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. תום סוף סוף כאן. Tom is finally here. Tom is finally here. אל תעלמי לי שוב. Don't disappear on me again. Don't disappear on me again. عم الصمت في الغابة مجددا. The forest was silent again. Silence in the forest again. بإمكان زيري أن يسمع طنين النحل الآن. Ziri can hear the buzzing of the bees already. Ziri can hear the bees whining now. كان توم منهكا. Tom was worn out. Tom was exhausted. دهش سامي. Sami's jaw dropped. Sammy's surprised. הסכמתי איתה. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. واصل سامي المحاولة. Sami kept trying. Sam continued to try. שמחתי לראות אנשים שנהנים ואוהבים אחד את השני. I was happy to see people having fun and loving one another. I’m glad to see people enjoying and loving each other. ما أدري. I don't know. I don't know. أصبحنا مشهورين. We became famous. We became famous. היא משתכרת היטב. She is well paid. She's getting really drunk. לדעתי, הוא סתם שוטה. In my opinion, he is just a fool. I think he's just a fool. אני חושב שאת צודקת. I think that you're right. I think you're right. أحب الماء بقشور البرتقال. I like water with orange peel. I like water with orange peels. אתה האשם בתאונה. You are to blame for the accident. You're to blame for the accident. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us, or against us. هذا اللبلاب لديه جذور صغيرة. This ivy has baby roots. This ivy has small roots. הבטחת לא לעשות את זה. You promised not to do that. You promised you wouldn't do that. אני לא עשיתי שום דבר בלתי חוקי. I did nothing unlawful. I didn't do anything illegal. ان شلالات نياغارا مشهورة كمنتجع سياحي رائد في العالم . The Niagara Falls are famous as a world leading tourist resort. Niagara Falls is famous as the world’s leading tourist resort. لن يناسبني هذا الفستان. This dress is not going to fit me. I'm not gonna fit in this dress. אל תזוז, תרים ידיים! Stand still, put your hands up! Don't move, put your hands up! זה ברור. That's obvious. It's obvious. أنت أحْسَنُ منّي. You are better than me. You're better than me. مضى شهران منذ وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It has been two months since I arrived in Tokyo. תום לא ייחלץ מזה. Tom isn't getting away with it. Tom won't get away with it. ألا تزال تلك العيادة موجودة؟ Does that clinic still exist? Is that clinic still there? لو تزوّجت بأمّها لما دخلت مستشفى للأمراض العقليّة. If I was married to her mother, I'd go to a psychiatric hospital. If she married her mother, she wouldn't have gone to a mental hospital. הלכנו במהירות רבה יותר מהרגיל. We walked more quickly than usual. We went faster than usual. תפסי אותו והביאי אותו לדרווין. Catch it and bring it to Darwin. Get him and get him to Darwin. את בסכנה כאן. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. الانثروبولوجيا الثقافية تدرس العادات و التقاليد للأفراد و القواعد التي صنعوها مثل كيف يتواصلون مع بعضهم أو كيف يتصرفون في بعض الأمور. Cultural Anthropology studies the tradition and norms of people and the rules they made as how they interact with one another or behave in some cretin ways. Cultural anthropology studies the habits and traditions of individuals and the rules they have made, such as how they communicate with each other or how they behave in certain things. תום לא מעוניין בי בכלל. Tom has no interest in me whatsoever. Tom is not interested in me at all. נצור את הכנסיה. Defend the church. Save the church. את יכולה עדיין לזכור את הפעם שבה נפגשנו לראשונה? Can you still remember the time we first met? Can you still remember the time we first met? يشعر زيري بالملل. Ziri is bored. My brother is bored. יש לה צחקוק חמוד. She has a cute giggle. She's got a cute giggle. سيتقاعد أبي في سن الستين. My father will retire at the age of sixty. My father will retire at the age of 60. عايز اشوفك قبلمّا تمشي. I want to see you before you go. I want to see you before you walk. יש לי רעיה וילדים. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and children. لا يمكنه الركض بسرعة. He can't run very fast. He can't run fast. أجرت ريمة و سكورة امتحانهما للباكالوريا عام 2013. Rima and Skura did his school-leaving exams in 2013. Reema and Skoura took their baccalaureate exam in 2013. בוא נתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used to it. لدي أربعة أضعاف ما عندك من الأقراص المدمجة. I have four times more CDs than you do. I have four times as many CDs as you have. ممنوع تدخلو لهتا. You aren't allowed in here. You're not allowed to interfere. לתום צלקת על הבטן. Tom has a scar on his stomach. Tom has a scar on his stomach. השאר בבית. Stay at home. Stay home. كان هناك العشرات من الغزلان في المنطقة. There were dozens of gazelles in the area. There were dozens of deer in the area. אני לא פציינט. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. אני משער שלא תאהב את זה. I suspect that you won't like it. I guess you won't like it. תום שמע קריאה לעזרה. Tom heard a cry for help. Tom heard a call for help. أبي مهندس مدني. My father is a civil engineer. My father's a civil engineer. كانا فاضل و دانية يتخاصمان بصوت عال. Fadil and Dania were arguing loudly. They were very friendly and friendly, fighting loudly. הנה אנו פה. Here we are. Here we are. سحب سامي كلبه إلى الخلف. Sami pulled his dog back. Sammy pulled his dog back. הזמנתי מקום. I have a reservation. I made a reservation. נמאס לי לאכול פסט פוד. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of eating pasta. האם אתה חושב שטום בעל כישרונות? Do you think Tom is talented? Do you think Tom's talented? אני צריך לצאת לדרך עכשיו. I need to be on my way now. I need to get going now. תום אומר שזה מה שהוא צריך באמת. Tom says this is what he really needs. Tom says that's what he really needs. ممنوع تدخلو لهاد البيت. You aren't allowed in this room. It is forbidden to enter the house. אנו לא תמיד צודקים. We're not always right. We're not always right. תום ומרי ישבו על החוף ודברו אחד אל השניה. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. بدا زيري مجنونا. Ziri sounded crazy. Ziri looked crazy. העץ מטיל צל לאורך הרחוב. The tree cast a shadow across the road. The tree casts a shadow along the street. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. اللجنة تتالف من عشر اعضاء. The committee is comprised of ten members. The committee consists of ten members. انحرفت ليلى عن الطّريق. Layla ran off the road. Layla swerved off the road. الفلسطينيّون هم السّكاّن الأصليّون في فلسطين. The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. The Palestinians are the original inhabitants of Palestine. נהג האוטובוס הזהיר את התלמידים לא להוציא את הראש דרך החלון. The bus driver warned the pupils not to stick their heads out the window. The bus driver warned the students not to head out the window. كان سامي يخاطر. Sami took chances. Sammy was taking a risk. אשאר עוד יום או יומיים. I'm going to stay for another day or two. I'll stay another day or two. אנו מחויבים להשתפר. We're committed to doing better. We are committed to improving. ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a loyal animal. It is a faithful animal of the heart. خفّف زيري السّرعة. Ziri slowed down. Slow down. Slow down. آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom that. سامي طويل، إذا يحتاج لسيّارة كبيرة. Sami is tall, so he needs a big car. Sammy's tall, if he needs a big car. هل تذكر جريمة القتل الغامضة؟ Do you remember the mysterious murder? Do you remember the mysterious murder? كان سامي ملازما الفراش. Fadil was bedridden. Sammy was a bed lieutenant. מר ווד אהב את לינדה בכל לבו. Mr. Wood loved Linda from the bottom of his heart. Mr. Wood loved Linda with all his heart. תהיה חסר רחמים. Be merciless. You'll be merciless. هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? כשהיא נשארה לבד פרצה הילדה הקטנה בבכי. Left alone, the little girl began to cry. When she was alone, the little girl burst into tears. الكل يوافقك الرأي. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. زيّن سامي المكتب. Sami decorated the office. The office's decorated. لا أوافقك الرأي. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. أنا لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. تفضّل خذ واحدة. Please take one. Here, take one. أسألها سؤالاً. I ask her a question. Ask her a question. لم يشعر سامي قطّ بأنّه مسيحي. Sami never felt Christian. Sammy never felt like a Christian. כל מה שנאמר על ידה זו אמת טהורה. Everything she says is pure truth. All that is said of her is pure truth. אני חושב שאוכל עוד גביע גלידה. I think I will have one more ice cream cone. I think I'll have another ice cream cone. أرسل سامي هدية لليلى. Sami sent Layla a gift. Send a gift to Lily. אני מרותק כעת. I'm tied up now. I'm grounded now. ג'ון הוציא מפתח מהכיס שלו. John took a key out of his pocket. John pulled a key out of his pocket. לא עבר זמן רב, ומר ימזאקי החלים. It wasn't long before Mr. Yamazaki recovered. It wasn't long before Mr. Yamazaki recovered. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לעשות את זה. I don't know what made me do that. I don't know what made me do it. סליחה על כל זה. Sorry about all this. Sorry about all this. ماذا تتوقع أن تجد هنا؟ What do you expect to find here? What do you expect to find here? لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. טום לא רצה שאתה תעשה את זה. Tom didn't want you to do that. Tom didn't want you to do it. אינני אוהב מתמטיקה. I don't like math. I don't like math. كان سامي يتحكّم في حياة ليلى. Sami was dominating Layla's life. Sammy was in control of Layla's life. يؤمن المسلمون أنّه هناك ربّ واحد فقط. Muslims believe there is only one God. Muslims believe that there is only one God. זה לא מצחיק! That's not funny! It's not funny! هي مرنة في آرائها. She is flexible in her opinions. She is flexible in her opinions. אל תיגעי. Don't touch. Don't touch. هل أى ينظر أحد؟ Is anyone looking? Is anyone looking? كان فاضل يريد أن يراه العالم و هو يقتل ليلى. Fadil wanted the world to see that he was killing Layla. Fadel wanted the world to see him kill Layla. ليس بالضرورة. It is not necessarily so. Not necessarily. هي طبيبة الآن. She’s a doctor now. She's a doctor now. زيري صحراوي. Ziri is Sahrawi. Desert Ziri. سامي يستمع لليلى. Sami listens to Layla. Sammy listens to Layla. ساعدني! Help me! Help me! توجه زيري مباشىة نحو المدرس. Ziri went straight to the teacher. Ziri went straight to the teacher. אני רק רוצה את זה. I just want it. I just want it. ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. You should forget about Sammy. كان جالسا، يحتسي النبيذ. He was sitting drinking wine. He was sitting, drinking wine. كان سامي راغبا في أن تعود ليلى إلى مصر. Sami wanted Layla to go back to Egypt. Sam was willing to have Layla return to Egypt. הוא היה איש זקן נמוך קומה בעל משקפיים עבות. He was a little old man with thick glasses. He was a low-level old man with thick glasses. כשקרב זמן הפסח, ישו עלה לירושלים. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. When the Passover was over, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. تحقق حولها. Check around. Check around. لم يكن سوى ثلاثة بالغين في تلك القاعة. There were only three adults in the room. There were only three adults in that room. هذه الرسالة موجهة إليك. This letter is addressed to you. This letter is addressed to you. טום כותב שוב. Tom is writing again. Tom is writing again. איך גילית שטום לא פרע את חשבונותיו? How did you find out that Tom hadn't paid his bills? How did you find out Tom hadn't hacked his accounts? צדק נמצא בבית המשפט. Justice is found in a courtroom. Justice is in court. تكلم زيري مجددا. Ziri spoke again. Zeri spoke again. تسليم البضاعة يتم بعد شهر من تسجيل الطلب. Delivery of goods is done after a month of placing the order. Delivery of the goods takes place one month after the order is registered. زيري يذهب و يعود من المدرسة بالحافلة. Ziri never rides the bus to and from school. Ziri goes back and forth from school by bus. سامي يسعل. Sami is coughing. Sammy's coughing. חשבתי שתום קיבל זריקה. I thought Tom had a shot. I thought Tom got shot. تعهّد سامي أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلته. Sami vowed to never contact his family again. Sammy vowed never to contact his family. תום נראה ממש כמו אביו. Tom looks just like his dad. Tom looks just like his father. מי שיגיע ראשון יזכה במקומות הטובים ביותר. Whoever comes first will get the best seats. Whoever comes first wins the best places. תום היה צריך להציע את עזרתו למרי. Tom should've offered to help Mary. Tom had to offer his help to Mary. كان سامي يتناول الدّواء. Sami was on medication. Sammy was on medication. נא ללמוד כאן. Please study here. Please study here. هناك إحتمال أن تندلع الحرب. There's a possibility of war. There's a chance the war will break out. أَضْحَك الناس على أستاذه. He made a fool of his teacher. I make people laugh at his teacher. איך תום מסתדר בעבודה החדשה? How's Tom doing at his new job? How's Tom doing in the new job? انه يحب الشاي. He likes tea. He likes tea. אני חייב להזהיר את טום לגבי מה שעלול לקרות. I have to warn Tom about what might happen. I have to warn Tom about what might happen. أين هي الوثائق التي كانت على طاولتي؟ Where are the documents that were on my desk? Where are the documents on my desk? החתול קימר את גבו. The cat arched its back. The cat raised its back. את מוכנה להסביר על מה את מדברת? Can you explain what you're talking about? Would you mind explaining what you're talking about? ذكرنا ذلك. We mentioned that. We mentioned that. هذا الكتاب لديه الكثير من الكلمات الأمازيغية النافعة. This book has a lot of useful Berber words. This book has a lot of useful Amazigh words. قتلت ليلى ابنها. Layla murdered her own child. Layla killed her son. תום מוערך מאד בקהילה שלו. Tom is well respected in his community. Tom is highly respected in his community. משכתי בכתפיי. I shrugged. I shrugged. መፍቻውን ስጠኝ። Give me the key. Give me your love. תגנו על ילדים טרנסג'נדרים. Protect trans kids. Protect transgender children. לביתו של תום יש שלושה חדרים. Tom's house has three rooms. Tom's house has three rooms. תום הסביר למרי טוב טוב על כך. Tom explained it to Mary very carefully. Tom explained Mary well about it. እኔ ከአሜሪካ ነኝ። I'm from America. I'm from America. قُتلن في المعركة. They died in battle. They were killed in battle. סופה מתמשמשת ובאה. A storm is imminent. A storm is coming. תום נכנס לבית שלי. Tom went in my house. Tom came into my house. توقع توم حدوث ذلك. Tom expected this to happen. Tom expected that to happen. الطاليانية ماشي واعرة. Italian isn't difficult. Italian's a bumpy walker. לכן אני מאוכזבת. That's why I'm disappointed. That's why I'm disappointed. תום מציית לפקודות. Tom follows orders. Tom obeys orders. لماذا زيري؟ Why Ziri? Why Ziri? אני לא אשתתף במסיבה. I will not attend the party. I'm not going to the party. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! יש מסורות מטופשות. Some traditions are dumb. There are stupid traditions. הכלב שלי ברכב. I've got my dog in the car. My dog's in the car. למלון אווירה ביתית. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. The hotel has a home atmosphere. תום לא יתן לי לסייע לו. Tom won't let me help him. Tom won't let me help him. אתם אמינים. You're believable. You're reliable. אני אוהבת טניס יותר מכל סוגי הספורט. I like tennis the best of all sports. I love tennis more than any other sport. אני בדרך כלל די מאורגן. I'm usually quite organized. I'm usually pretty organized. أنا مدين لك كثيرًا لكل ما فعلته لأجلي. I am greatly indebted to you for all you have done for me. I owe you so much for everything you've done for me. المدخَلُ ليس من هنا. This is not the entrance. The entrance's not from here. سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami's life is wonderful. Sammy has a wonderful life. אני עושה את זה מדי פעם. I do that from time to time. I do this every now and then. تعرّف فاضل على امرأة مسلمة. Fadil met a Muslim woman. He met a Muslim woman. كان زيري حرا في اختيار مهنته. Ziri was free to choose his career. Ziri was free to choose his career. سامي خائف جدّا. Sami feels so scared. Sammy's so scared. ቤቱን ዛሬ ታያላችሁ። You'll see the house today. You'll see the house today. لا تدري ماذا تفعل، أليس كذلك؟ You don't know what you are doing, do you? You don't know what you're doing, do you? הם המשיכו בהליכה. They resumed walking. They kept walking. כולם טבעו. They all drowned. They all drowned. شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. witnessed the crime. احجز تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Book those dogs. وضح لي ما تريدني أن أفعل. Tell me what you want me to do. Explain to me what you want me to do. ቡርጅ ኽሃሊፋ ኣብ ዓለም አቲ ዚለዓለ ህንጻ ኢዩ። Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. لا تشتم الاصم وقدام الاعمى لا تجعل معثرة. بل اخش الهك. انا الرب. You shall not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall fear your God. I am the Lord. Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind; but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD. הנהר הזה עומד להציף את גדותיו. This river is going to overflow. This river is about to flood its banks. זה כולו בעבר כעת. That's all in the past now. It's all in the past now. كان زيري يحلم. Ziri dreamt. Ziri was dreaming. على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sammy has to eat. أيّهما تفضّل، أهذه أم تلك؟ Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which do you prefer, this one or that one? هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ المنضدة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. إنهم يأكلون التفاح. They're eating apples. They eat apples. وسادة منّاد مبلّلة جدّا. Mennad's pillow is soaking wet. A very wet handstand pillow. برجاء إرفاق شهادة جودة. Please attach a certificate of quality. Please attach a quality certificate. אנחנו התשעים ותשעה אחוז. We are the ninety-nine percent. We're ninety-nine percent. أنتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنك؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? תודה רבה, זה היה מושלם. Thank you very much; that was perfect. Thank you, that was perfect. את כבר מבוהלת? Are you frightened yet? Are you scared yet? "לכולם יש פגמים." "לא לי." "Everyone has flaws." "I don't." <0xE2><0x99><0xAA> Everybody's got flaws <0xE2><0x99><0xAA> <0xE2><0x99><0xAA> Not me <0xE2><0x99><0xAA> אינני רוקד בשבילכם. I'm not dancing for you. I'm not dancing for you. אני חשה שאני מבינה לרגשותייך. I feel like I understand your feelings. I feel like I understand your feelings. שקלתי את זה בכובד ראש. I have considered that very carefully. I've seriously considered it. עשיתי את כל שיעורי הבית והייתי רוצה לצאת להפסקה קצרה. I have done all of my homework and I'd like to take a short break. I've done all the homework and I'd like to take a little break. זאת הארונית של טום. This is Tom's locker. This is Tom's locker. أنت غبي. You're a fucking idiot! You're an idiot. אנחנו הגיבורים האמיתיים. The real heroes are us. We are the real heroes. תום בחור מקסים ביותר. Tom is an extremely charming guy. Tom's a very charming guy. هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - Do you know me? لنجرب شيئاً! Let's try something. Let's try something! أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I am in Dubai. تمّ القبض على زيري. Ziri got caught. Ziri's been arrested. אפילו גליונות דקים של אמריציום 241 יכולים ליצור תגובת שרשרת. Even thin sheets of Americium-241 can sustain a chain reaction. Even thin sheets of American 241 can create a chain reaction. هل هذه كلابك؟ Are these your dogs? Are those your dogs? מר בראון פועל כשגריר. Mr Brown was acting in the capacity of ambassador. Mr. Brown works as an ambassador. אסתדר. I'll manage it. I'll manage. الكل كان سعيداً. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. أين مالكَ؟ Where's your money? Where's your money? كان زيري معجبا بريمة. Ziri liked Rima. Ziri was a fan of Prima. הוא התיישב על הספסל. He seated himself on the bench. He sat on the bench. نحن هنا يا جمال. We're here, Jamal. We're here, Jamal. הם חצו את הדלאוור הקפוא למחצה. They crossed the partly-frozen Delaware River. They crossed the half-frozen Delaware. שנים חלפו. Years passed. Years have passed. حط الخاتم في صباع ماري. He put the ring on Mary's finger. The ring landed in Mary's finger. אני רוצה ללכת לטייל למקום נדח שלא הרבה אנשים מטיילים בו. I want to hike to a remote place where not many people hike. I want to go for a walk to a remote place where not many people travel. بكي سامي. Sami wept. Sammy cried. אני לא רוצה להיכנס לבית סוהר. I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go to jail. يجب أن يرحل زيري. Ziri must go. Ziri has to go. أين هي الفواتير التي تريد أن أدفعها؟ Where are the bills that you want me to pay? Where are the bills you want me to pay? תוכל לבחור איזה ספר שרק תרצה. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose any book you want. رجاءً لا تصوري هنا. Please do not take photos here. Please don't picture me here. חשבתי שאוכל להשתלט על זה בעצמי, אבל טעיתי. I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. I thought I could handle it myself, but I was wrong. هاهي قوتك. Here's your coffee. Here's your strength. أُنْشِئَتْ مدارس. Schools were built. Schools have been established. היית כל כך טובה אלי. You've been so good to us. You were so good to me. המתנתי לך. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book is about a king who lost his crown. היא מסתכלת איך הילדים האחרים משחקים, אך לעולם אינה מצטרפת. She watches the other kids playing, but she never joins in. She looks at how the other kids are playing, but never joins. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I expect him to come. I hope he comes. صادف سامي مشاكلا. Sami ran into trouble. Sammy got into trouble. זה ממש כמו להילחם בטחנות רוח. It's like fighting windmills. It's just like fighting windmills. ممنوع تدخلي لهاد البيت. You aren't allowed in this room. It's forbidden to enter the house. מזלג נפל מהשולחן! A fork fell off of the table. A fork fell off the table! לטענתו, קיים קשר הדוק בין סדר הלֵידה לבין האישיות. His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality. According to him, there is a close connection between the order of birth and personality. الضجة أتت نتيجة إنفجار. The noise resulted from an explosion. The noise came from an explosion. تكون ماري زوجتي. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. תום לבש חליפת שרד. Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Tom was wearing a survival suit. جاء ليطلب مساعدتنا. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask for our help. שאלי את שאלתך. Ask your question. Ask your question. تغير المطر إلى ثلج. The rain changed to snow. The rain changed to snow. لا يوجد شيء هناك. There's nothing there. There's nothing there. למה לתום לבוא עכשיו? Why would Tom come now? Why would Tom come now? توم أرسل ماري إلى بوسطن. Tom sent Mary to Boston. Tom sent Mary to Boston. איזה מזל רע יש לי! I have such bad luck. What bad luck I have! אולי יש לך חלק באשמה. Possibly you share some blame for this problem. Maybe you have a part to play. יכולתי לשמוע הכל. I could hear everything. I could hear everything. אני חושב שנבלה יפה מאד. I think we're going to have a very nice time. I think we're gonna have a really good time. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل هذا الصوت. I can't put up with this noise. I can't stand that sound. أين أقرب محطة قطار؟ Where is the closest train station? Where is the nearest train station? ስሜ አሕመድ ነው። My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmed. الباب مغلق. The door is locked. The door's closed. للأرانب آذان طويلة. Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits have long ears. שיחדתי את השוטר. I bribed the policeman. I bribed the cop. بدأ زيري يخلط الأمور. Ziri started mingling. Ziri started mixing things up. תום כמעט אף פעם לא שואל שאלות. Tom almost never asks questions. Tom never asks any questions. תצטרף לתחרות. Join the competition. Join the competition. אני טרנסג'נדרית. I'm transgender. I'm transgender. ليس ذلك من شأنك. It's none of your business. It's none of your business. الأفضل أن تذهب بالحافلة. You'd better go by bus. You better get on the bus. واصل سامي السّير. Sami continued walking. Sammy kept walking. לא יכולתי לזוז. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. זה זול, אבל מצד שני זה לא טוב. It is cheap, but on the other hand it is not good. It's cheap, but on the other hand, it's not good. המהירות המקסימלית של הרכב הייתה חמישה קילומטר לשעה. The maximum speed reached by the vehicle was 5 kilometers per hour. The vehicle's maximum speed was five kilometers per hour. أنا متعبة. لقد كان يوماً طويلاً. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm tired. It's been a long day. لا تضف جملا من مصادر محفوظة الحقوق. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add sentences from copyrighted sources. האם אתם יכולים לספק לי כל מה שאני זקוקה לו? Can you supply me with everything I need? Can you give me everything I need? توم لم يكن مدعوّاً إلى المأدبة. Tom wasn't invited to the banquet. Tom wasn't invited to the banquet. אני לא זוכר איך מצאנו את עצמנו בבוסטון. I don't remember how we ended up in Boston. I don't remember how we found ourselves in Boston. השופט ביקש מן המושבעים לקבוע את גזר הדין. The judge asked the jury to reach a verdict. The judge asked the jury to determine the verdict. رأيتك تطبخ. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. أين تعلمت الإنجليزية؟ Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? אולי היא תספר לך יותר. Maybe she can tell you more. Maybe she'll tell you more. كرهته. She hated him. I hated him. תום לא הרעיל את מרי. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. أنت تجعلني سعيداً. You make me happy. You make me happy. הסנגור היה בטוח שיוכל לענות על טענות התובע בתשובתו. The defense lawyer was confident that he would be able to answer the prosecutor's arguments in his rebuttal. The attorney was confident that he could answer the plaintiff's claims in his answer. كان سامي آتيًا من ذاك المقهى. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. Sammy was coming from that caf<0xC3><0xA9>. אתה לא צעיר כמו טום. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. נתת לתום את מה שביקש? Have you given Tom what he asked for? Did you give Tom what he asked for? سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listens to Christian music. Sammy listens to Christian music. הוא שר שיר. He sang a song. He sang a song. في ماذا تفكر؟ What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? تعرّف زيري على ريمة. Ziri recognized Rima. Ziri recognized Rima. جورج بوش هو الرئيس الواحد والأربعون للولايات المتحدة. Mr George Bush is the forty-first president of the United States. George W. Bush is the 41st President of the United States. הסוללות מוסיפות למחיר. The batteries are extra. The batteries add to the price. إنهُ ليس خنزير; إنهُ قرد. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. He's not a pig; he's a monkey. הוא נפצע ברגלו השמאלית בתאונה. He was injured in his left leg in the accident. He injured his left leg in an accident. لدينا مشاكل. We have issues. We have problems. الثلج يتساقط في الجبال. Snow is falling on the mountains. Snow falls in the mountains. תיזהר לא להירדם על ההגה! Be careful not to fall asleep at the wheel. Be careful not to fall asleep at the wheel! كان سامي يعيش حياة قاسية. Sami has a difficult life. Sammy was living a hard life. עדיף שתלך הביתה. You'd better go home. You'd better go home. Il-ġurnata t-tajba. Have a nice day. The good day. בנוסף לערפל הסמיך היה גם גל ענק. In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell. In addition to the thick fog, there was also a huge wave. ما الذي يُبَثُّ الآن؟ What's on the air now? What's being broadcast now? אנחנו אומה עצמאית. We are an independent nation. We are an independent nation. دفعني المدرّس بعيدا. The teacher pushed me away. The teacher pushed me away. لديها عينان جميلتان. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful eyes. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? אתה היחידי כאן ששותה קפה בלי סוכר. You're the only one here who drinks coffee without sugar. You're the only one here who drinks coffee without sugar. أنا أتعلّم كثيرا من كتب الأمازيغية للأطفال. I learn a lot from Berber kids books. I’m learning a lot from children’s books. سررت بعودتك. I'm glad to see you back. Nice to have you back. لا تذكر خطتنا لأي أحد. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't mention our plan to anyone. كان سامي يسرنم. Sami was sleepwalking. Sammy was a jerk. أنا متعب الآن. I'm tired now. I'm tired now. It-tazza hija nadifa. The glass is clean. The cup is clean. החלוצים האמריקניים הראשונים הגיעו במאה ה-17. The first American colonists arrived in the 17th century. The first American pioneers arrived in the 17th century. אתה בטוח בכך? Are you sure about this? You sure about that? מה הגובה שלך? How tall are you? What's your height? إنهُ طويل القامة مِثل والدهُ. He's as tall as his father. He's as tall as his father. أختي تشبه جدتي. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister looks like my grandmother. جميع طلبتها يحبون حقا مطالعة الكتب. All her students really love to read books. All her students really like to read books. הייתי כמעט עירומה. I was almost naked. I was almost naked. ماذا تفعلن؟ What are you doing? What are you doing? ما فعلتيهِ أنتِ كان خاطئاً. What you did was wrong. What you did was wrong. אתה באמת נראה נפלא. You really do look great. You do look wonderful. هل افتقدتني؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? דודני הסתכל על החיות בגן החיות. My nephew watched the animals in the zoo. My cousin looked at the animals at the zoo. أُقيل زيري. Ziri was fired. My vizier was fired. תחי הלשון הפרסית! Long live Farsi! Long live the Persian tongue! كان الهبوط متقنا. The landing was perfect. The landing was perfect. لم أعرت مالا لشخص مثلها؟ Why did you lend money to someone like her? I didn't lend money to someone like her? እንግሊዝኛን እየተማርኩ ነው። I'm learning English. I am learning English. לעולם אינני מתכנן דבר. I never plan anything. I never plan anything. אני רעב. ואת? I'm hungry. What about you? I'm hungry. ظننتُكَ تحب تعلم أشياءَ جديدة. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. لم يلتقط زيري أبدا صورا في تلك الحديقة. Ziri never took pictures at that park. Zerry never took pictures in that park. תום הגיע קצת אחרי 2:30. Tom arrived a little after 2:30. Tom arrived shortly after 2:30. كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في البلدة. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Dr. Sadiq was a hero in town. يحتاج اكتساب اللغة إلى الإبداع. Language acquisition requires creativity. Language acquisition requires creativity. توم شخص خجولٌ نوعاً ما. Tom is sort of a shy guy. Tom's kind of shy. כמה מנגואים תרצי? How many mangos will you want? How many mangoes would you like? هو قادر على نسيان وعده. He's apt to forget his promise. He's able to forget his promise. نحن نتوقّع من التّجربة أن تحدث نتائج. We are expecting the experiment to produce results. We expect experience to produce results. מתי היא תצטרך לנסוע לחו"ל? When will she have to go abroad? When will she have to go abroad? بدا سامي و كأنّه يشعر أنّه محاصر. Sami seemed to feel trapped. Sammy looked like he felt trapped. תלוי בהקשר. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter jet dropped a bomb. لذا، فإننا في تتويبا نبني الأساسات فحسب... لجعل الوِب مكانًا أفضل لتعلم اللغات. So ultimately, with Tatoeba we are only building the foundations… to make the Web a better place for language learning. So, at Tutuba, we're just building the foundations... to make the Web a better place to learn languages. أنا مشغول اليوم. I'm not free today. I'm busy today. دعونا نرى الفيلم. Let's watch a movie. Let's see the movie. תום בהה בהם. Tom glared at them. Tom stared at them. עלינו לחגור חגורת בטיחות תמיד פן תקרה לנו תאונה. We should always wear a seatbelt in case we have an accident. We should always wear seat belts so we don't get into an accident. אהבתי את זה. I liked it. I like that. إنه آخر من أطلب منه المساعدة فهو شخص لا يعتمد عليه. He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable. He's the last person I ask for help from. He's someone I don't trust. وصل القطار. The train has arrived. The train arrived. يعرف زيري القراءة. Ziri can read. Ziri knows how to read. عقدتُ العزم على أن أكون عالمًا في العلوم الطبيعية. I am determined to be a scientist. I was determined to be a scientist in the natural sciences. הניחי לזה כאן. Leave it there. Leave it here. עכשיו תורי. It's now my turn. Now it's my turn. أنا من المملكة العربية السعودية. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I am from Saudi Arabia. ضل زيري الطريق في الغابة. Ziri got lost in the forest. Ziri lost his way in the woods. أثير فضول زيري. Ziri became curious. I'm curious, Zeri. كان تساقط الشّعر في ذلك السّنّ أمرا محزنا بالنّسبة لها. Suffering from hair loss at her age is so sad. The hair loss at that age was a sad thing for her. أنتِ أُمّي. You are my mother. You're my mother. سمح زيري لريمة بمشاهدة فيلم "هانغر غايمز". Ziri let Rima watch Hunger Games. Ziri allowed Reema to watch "Hunger Games". זאת המכונית שלי. This is my car. That's my car. لا تكذب على نفسك. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. هذه أختي الصغرى. This is my younger sister. This is my little sister. זה חסר תכלית. This is pointless. It's pointless. רגלי כואבות מישיבה. My legs ache from sitting. My feet hurt from sitting. لقد أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. زيري و ريمة يدرسان في مدرسة القانون. Ziri and Rima are at law school. Ziri and Reema are in law school. זה על רגליו האחרונות. It's on its last legs. It's on his last legs. شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. He drank from that cup. زيري في منطقة تعيش فيها النمور. Ziri is in leopard territory. Ziri is in an area where tigers live. طلّق زيري ريمة. Ziri divorced Rima. Ziri Rima divorced. תום שונא אותך. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. زيري عطشان. Ziri is thirsty. Ziri's thirsty. אינני מכיר אותה כלל. I didn't know her at all. I don't know her at all. תום חיבק את בנו. Tom embraced his son. Tom hugged his son. ليس هناك حل. There isn't any solution. There's no solution. לך לישון מוקדם היום. Go to sleep early today. Go to bed early today. البارحة كان برداً. It was cold yesterday. Yesterday was cold. البحر هائج. The sea is rough. The sea is raging. אהרוג את תום אם אצטרך. I'll kill Tom if I have to. I'll kill Tom if I have to. השוטר פעל בצורה מושלמת! The policeman has done very well. The officer acted perfectly! صدم الكلب شاحنة. A truck hit the dog. The dog hit the truck. ירדנו במורד הנהר עם בוצית. We went down a river by canoe. We went down the river with a mud. אני מקווה שזה הועיל. I hope this has been helpful. I hope that's been helpful. איזה אפשרויות אחרות יש לי? What other option do I have? What other options do I have? سرق الولد فلوسا من محفطة والدتها. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy stole Flosa from her mother's stash. אולי תרצה קצת מזה. You might want some of this. You might want some of this. ואז נדם המנוע לפתע. Then the motor suddenly died. Then the engine suddenly stopped. من فضلك إلغِ هذا الملفّ. Please delete this file. Please delete this file. הם חזקים. They're strong. They're strong. لا أمانع في كلتا الحالتين. I don't mind either way. I don't mind either way. واصل زيري التدريس. Ziri continued teaching. Ziri continued teaching. أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? שמענו קול נפץ רם. We heard a loud explosion. We heard a loud explosion. ينبغي لها أن تستمع إلى آراء الآخرين أكثر. She should listen more to other people. They should listen to the opinions of others more. ירד גשם זלעפות, אז שיחקנו בפנים. It was raining hard, so we played indoors. It was raining, so we played inside. לקח לי שלוש שעות להשלים את שיעורי הבית שלי. It took me three hours to do my homework. It took me three hours to finish my homework. هل أنت تلميذ؟ Are you a student? Are you a student? ומה נעשה? And what are we going to do? And what do we do? الفتاة حررت الطيور من القفص. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl freed the birds from the cage. תום זועם. Tom's angry. Tom is furious. هىَ ليست أختي. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. سآخذ هذا. I'll take this one. I'll take this. אנו רצים ביחד. We jog together. We run together. عليك أن تبقي غرفتك نظيفة. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. שערה מטבעו מתולתל. Her hair is naturally curly. Hair is naturally curly. تعب زيري. Ziri got tired. Tired, Zeri. على سامي أن يعتاد على الأمر. Sami will have to get used to it. Sammy has to get used to it. האם אבא שלו רופא? Is his father a doctor? Is his father a doctor? איזה נס! What a miracle! What a miracle! زيري يسكن هنا. Ziri lives here. Ziri lives here. غداً عيد الأم. Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Tomorrow's Mother's Day. הם נראים נחמדים. They look pretty. They look nice. אני צריכה לדעת מי יגיע. I need to know who'll be coming. I need to know who's coming. אני רוצה ליטר חלב. I would like a quart of milk. I want a liter of milk. أجاب زيري ببرودة و تعجرف. Ziri responded coldly and arrogantly. Ziri responded coldly and arrogantly. نضف المرايا. Clean the mirror. Clean up the mirrors. هذه الكتب لي. These books belong to me. These books are for me. ارتخى زيري. Ziri relaxed. Relax, Ziri. الحائط مطلي بالأخضر. This wall is painted green. The wall is painted green. היא החביאה את המכתב בקפידה כדי שאיש לא יוכל לראות אותו. She hid the letter carefully so no one would see it. She hid the letter carefully so that no one could see it. سيُطلَق سراحك. You will be released. You'll be released. כשהייתי ילד אמרו לי שחמאה מזיקה לבריאות. When I was a kid, I was told that butter is bad for one's health. When I was a kid, I was told butter was bad for my health. عندما كان أحمد صغيرا، كان يستطيع تسلّق الأشجار العالية. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. When Ahmed was young, he could climb tall trees. እኔ ከአውስትራልያ ነኝ። I'm from Australia. I am from Australia. በቲ እተዛረብክዎ ኾርዩ ገጹ መሊሱ ኸይዱ። He took offense at what I said and turned on his heels. So don't go back to what you were saying. أنا أطبُخ, لكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I'm cooking, but without much fun. אם לומר את האמת, אני מתעב אותו. To tell the truth, I despise him. To tell the truth, I despise him. سامي بعيد عن الخطر. Sami is out of danger. Sammy's out of danger. هل يهم؟ Does it matter? Does it matter? توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on board the ship. Tom's on board. إنّي خائف جدّاً. I'm so afraid. I'm so scared. استمرّ زيري. Ziri continued. Carry on, Ziri. أيها الناس! أيها الناس، لو سمحتم! شكرًا على حضوركم. Everybody! Everybody, please! Thank you for coming. People! People, please! Thank you for coming. הפרה היא חיה קדושה בהודו. In India, the cow is a sacred animal. The cow is a sacred animal in India. هذه هي آخر ليلة في المخيم، إذا ثمنوا وقتكم. This is the last night of camp, so treasure your time. This is the last night in the camp, if they value your time. ماعليك إلا أن تضغط على الزر. You have only to push the button. You just have to press the button. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what it will do in the West Bank, but it doesn’t seem to know what it will do in Gaza. תום היה מטושטש לגמרי לאחר שהוא התעורר מהניתוח. Tom was away with the fairies for a while when he woke up after his surgery. Tom was completely fuzzy after he woke up from surgery. هل كل شيء على ما يرام؟ Is everything all right? Is everything okay? סגור את זה. Shut it down. Close it. لدي كحة. I have a cough. I have a cough. أنت تقوم بعمل جيد. You are doing very well. You're doing a good job. כשצריך ליצור משהו, יש לי שתי ידיים שמאליות. When it comes to making things, I'm all thumbs. When it comes to making something, I have two left hands. اعملوا معا. Work together. Work together. بيّنت صاحبة المحل: "رئيسنا يصر على ذلك السعر، ولكن كما تعلم، ليس عليك أن تدفع لي 0.99 بالكوبيكات. بإمكانك أن تدفع أكثر إن أردت". "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." “Our boss insists on that price, but you know, you don’t have to pay me 0.99 in a cupcake. You can pay more if you want.” היה רק מקרה אחד של אבעבועות בבית הספר. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. There was only one case of smallpox at school. אינני יודע כיצד לתרגם נכונה משפט זה. I don't know how to translate that sentence correctly. I don’t know how to translate this sentence correctly. גש חזרה למושב שלך. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. ليس ذلك بمقدوري. I can't. I can't. جلس ياني على مقعد. Ziri sat on a bench. Yanni sat on a seat. ماذا ستفعلن بهذه الكاميرا؟ What'll you do with this camera? What are you gonna do with that camera? אני בתל אביב. I'm in Tel Aviv. I'm in Tel Aviv. متى وصلت إلى لندن؟ When did you get to London? When did you arrive in London? وسمك؟ What's your name? And fish? תום הזהיר את מרי. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. ذهب أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father went to China. הוא לעולם לא פותח את הפה מבלי להתלונן על משהו. He never opens his mouth without complaining about something. He never opens his mouth without complaining about anything. אתה בלש מעולה. You're an excellent detective. You're a great detective. אתה רומז שאני לא יכול לעשות זאת בעצמי? Are you suggesting that I can't do it by myself? Are you suggesting I can't do this myself? كفّ زيري عن التّدخين. Ziri stopped smoking. Stop smoking. הם כפי הנראה לא יעשו את מבוקשנו. They probably won't do what we ask. They probably won't do what we want. תום אמר לי ללכת צפונה. Tom told me to head north. Tom told me to go north. עשיתי מה שרציתי. I did what I wanted to do. I did what I wanted. دعونا ننقسم إلى فرق. Let's split up into teams. Let’s divide into teams. سامي يستحقّ أكثر من ذلك. Sami deserves more than that. Sammy deserves more than that. تريد عبور النفق؟ You want to go via the tunnel? You want to cross the tunnel? شو كلمه؟ What is a word? What's the word? اينما تذهب ، سوف تجد سياح يابانيون . Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you will find Japanese tourists. قال زيري أنه رأى فتاة تبدو كريمة. Ziri claimed he saw someone who looked just like Rima. Ziri said he saw a girl who looked generous. הוא בן אדם אדיב. He's a kind person. He's a kind man. "مفكرة الموت" هو واحد من أفضل عشرة مسلسلات تلفزيونية عندي. "Death Note" is one of my top ten favourite TV series. The Death Note is one of my top ten television series. افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We missed you so much! אתם לא מוסרים. You're unethical. You're not giving up. اتّصل زيري بريمة. Ziri called Rima. Ziri called Prima. תום ציפה לכך. Tom anticipated that. Tom was expecting it. يجب أن تعمل بجد حتى لا تفشل. You must work hard in order not to fail. You have to work hard to not fail. אתה רוצה ילדים? Do you want kids? You want kids? המורה נתן לנו עשר בעיות לשיעורי בית. The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework. The teacher gave us ten homework problems. אני צריך הפסקה. I need a break. I need a break. كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في الحي. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Dr. Sadiq was a hero in the neighborhood. توم جاء الى هنا قبل الغروب Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before sundown. ידעתי שנהיה ידידים. I knew we would be friends. I knew we'd be friends. بدّل فاضل نتائجه المدرسيّة الجيّدة بعصابات الشّوارع. Fadil swapped good grades with street gangs. Fadhel switched his good school results to street gangs. سوف تحصد ما زرعت. You reap what you sow. You will reap what you have sown. רצתי. I was running. I ran. إستطلاع يُظهر أن العديد من رجال الأعمال يتخطون الغداء. A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch. A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch. לתום ציונים יוצאים מן הכלל. Tom got extraordinary grades. Tom has excellent grades. هل ستبيعه بيتك؟ Will you sell your house to him? Will your house sell it? أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom a few questions. هذا كبير جدا This is too big. That's too big. أذّن سامي. Sami recited the adhan. Sammy's permission. اشترى زيري ألعابا نارية. Ziri bought fireworks. Ziri bought fireworks. ואלה היו מילותיה האחרונות. And those were her last words. And those were her last words. لقد ناما بنفس السرير They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. למה לך לעשות את זה? Why would you need to do that? Why would you do that? אני בטוח שהיא הייתה מסכימה. I'm sure she would approve. I'm sure she would have agreed. הָיֹה הָיָה פעם באנגליה מלך רע. Once upon a time, there was a bad king in England. Once upon a time there was a bad king in England. ليس سبب من الخوف. There's no reason to be afraid. No reason to be afraid. كان زيري صادقا. Ziri was honest. Ziri was honest. המספר הזה זכה בפרס. This number has won a prize. That number won a prize. زيري من اكتشف ذلك. Ziri discovered that. Ziri's the one who found out. זו צריכה להיות טעות. This must be a mistake. This has to be a mistake. הרגשתי קצת לא במקום. I felt a little out of place. I felt a little out of place. قرأ زيري. Ziri read. Read Ziri. لديك بعض الكتب. You have some books. You have some books. علينا إخلاء العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We need to evacuate the clinic. أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like to break things down to see how they work. אני משחקת עכשיו כדור עף. I am playing volleyball now. I'm playing volleyball now. شرب زيري عصيرا. Ziri drank juice. Drink ziri juice. זה לא מבהיל. That's not scary. It's not scary. אפשר לקבל את שמך ואת מספר הטלפון? Could you give me your name and phone number? Can I have your name and phone number? אין שום נאום היכול למחוק שנים של חשדנות, וגם לא אוכל בזמן הנתון לענות על כל השאלות המסובכות שהביאו אותנו עד הלום. No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. There is no speech that can erase years of suspicion, nor can I at the time answer all the complicated questions that have brought us so far. لست مشغولاً، صحيح؟ You aren't busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? على سامي تنظيف هذه الفوضى. Sami has to clean up this mess. Sammy has to clean up this mess. ما الذي تحدّثت عنه؟ What did you talk about? What did you talk about? أعطني الكتاب Give me the book. Give me the book. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sammy didn't have anyone to ask for help. אני זקוקה לעזרה ממישהו. I need help from someone. I need help from someone. سيحسم الله الأمور. God will decide. God will decide things. هل أصبح الحديث عن فلسطين تابوّا اليوم؟ Is it a taboo to talk about Palestine today? Is talking about Palestine a taboo today? خرجت قطة من تحت المكتب. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came out of the office. سأبقى هنا هذا الشهر كله. I will stay here all this month. I'm gonna be here this whole month. تناول زيري العشاء. Ziri ate dinner. Ziri's having dinner. هيا لنشرب. Let's get drunk. Come on, let's drink. خطير جداً بالنسبة لكَ أن تكون هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. It's too dangerous for you to be here. استمع إلى أمك Listen to your mother. Listen to your mother. אם החברה שלך בראש ובראשונה עושה עסקים עם ארה"ב, עליך ללמוד אנגלית עם דובר ילידי מארה"ב. If your company primarily does business with America, then you should be studying English with a native speaker from America. If your company is primarily doing business with the U.S., you must learn English with a native speaker from the U.S. غضب. He got angry. Anger. هل تحتاج للمفاتيح؟ You need the keys? Do you need keys? ברכות לרגל הצלחתך! I congratulate you on your success. Congratulations on your success! هل لديكِ أيّة دروس هذه الظّهيرة؟ Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any classes this afternoon? اقسى انواع الكذب هو غالباً ما يقال في صمت. The cruelest lies are often told in silence. The worst kind of lying is often told in silence. دخل زيري إلى الغابة. Ziri started off into the forest. Ziri entered the forest. האשמה מוטלת על הטבח. The blame rests with the cook. The blame rests on the massacre. ידעת על זה משהו? Did you know anything about this? Did you know anything about that? زيري يتوق لرسومه المتحركة. Ziri misses his cartoons. Ziri longs for his cartoons. لقد وعدته. I promised him. I promised him. עשה מה שאמא אומרת לך. Do what your mom is telling you. Do what your mother tells you. אני נשארת בקשר עם תום. I keep in touch with Tom. I'm staying in touch with Tom. פאדיל ניסה לדבר אל לבם של השודדים. Fadil tried to reason with the robbers. Fadil tried to speak to the hearts of the robbers. איפה עצרת אותם? Where did you book them? Where did you stop them? לא דחוף; יש לך חמישה ימים כדי לשקול את העניין. There is no hurry; you have five days to think the matter over. Not urgent; you have five days to consider the matter. أنا وهو أولاد عَم. Him and me are cousins. He and I are cousins. הידעת שבהר הזה חיים שועלים? Did you know that foxes live on this mountain? Did you know that this mountain lives in foxes? היא אמרה, "כמה שהוא נראה בטוח!" She said, "How confident he looks!" She said, "How safe he seems!" תום לא יכול לעשות את זה לבד. Tom can't do it alone. Tom can't do it alone. טרומן הגיע לבית הלבן תוך דקות. Truman arrived at the White House within minutes. Truman arrived at the White House within minutes. ما الذي جعلك تعتقد ذلك؟ What led you to believe so? What made you think that? سينظّف سامي كلّ شيء. Sami is gonna clean it all up. Sammy's gonna clean everything up. زيري يعمل هناك. Ziri works there. Ziri works there. אני מצטער שנתתי לך לחכות זמן רב כל כך. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait so long. يوما الإثنين والثلاثاء القادمين عطلة. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. Next Monday and Tuesday are holidays. תום עובד מהר. Tom is working fast. Tom works fast. انا اربي الماشية . I rear cattle. I'm raising cattle. תום אפסן דברים בביתי. Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom's got stuff in my house. قل لزيري. Tell Ziri. Tell my minister. לפרטים נא לעיין בחוברת. Please look at the pamphlet for the details. For details, please refer to the brochure. بعض الثعابين سامة. Some snakes are poisonous. Some snakes are poisonous. عليك الانتباه إلى إشارة المرور. We must pay attention to the traffic light. You have to pay attention to the traffic light. אתה לא יכול לראות מי זה? Can't you see who it is? Can't you see who it is? لا تشكرني من فضلك. Please don't thank me. Don't thank me, please. كانت الإشارة حمراء. The signal was red. The signal was red. איך קוראים לאמא שלך? What's your mother's name? What's your mom's name? بغيت نريّح قدّام التاقة. I want to sit near the window. Let's get to the front of the pack. ليست لديّ أوشام. I don't have tattoos. I don't have tattoos. عديد من دول العالم تسمح للأشخاص المصابون بامراض مزمنة أن يختاروا الموت الرحيم. Many countries in the world allow people with chronic diseases to choose euthanasia. Many countries in the world allow people with chronic diseases to choose euthanasia. نام زيري. Ziri slept. Sleep, Zeri. قرّر سامي القيام بذلك عملا بنصيحة أحد المدرّسين. Sami, on the advice of a teacher, decided to do that. Sammy decided to do this on the advice of one of the teachers. حلمت بالمستقبل الخاص بهما وهم معاً She dreamed of their future together. I dreamt of their future together. هل أقلع مايك عن الشرب؟ Has Mike quit drinking? Did Mike give up drinking? تبدو ليلى جميلة اليوم. Layla looks pretty today. Lily looks beautiful today. هل تعرف هذه الثانوية؟ Do you know this high schooler? Do you know this high school? תום התקבל להרוורד. Tom was accepted into Harvard. Tom got into Harvard. لنغني هذه الأغنية بالإنجليزية. Let's sing the song in English. Let's sing this song in English. هل يمكنك غناء النشيد الوطني الارجنتيني؟ Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem? Can you sing the Argentine national anthem? هذه اليرقانات تأكل الأوراق. These caterpillars eat leaves. These caterpillars eat leaves. שם אהובתי לורי. My girlfriend is named Laurie. Name's my love Laurie. יש לנו דברים לעשות. We've got things to do. We have things to do. אתה חושב שבלתי אפשרי לגמור את זה עד חמש? Do you think it's impossible to finish this by five o'clock? You think it's impossible to finish it by five? זה מה שגרם לו להתרגז. That's why he got angry. That's what got him mad. אתה נראה רע. You look bad. You look bad. ሰውዬው አባቱን መጥራት ፈለገ። The man wanted to call his father. The man wanted to call his father. עשיתם מה שהייתם צריכים לעשות. You did what you had to. You did what you had to do. מישהו תמיד בכוננות. Someone is always on duty. Someone's always on alert. لقد تم سرقتها. It's been stolen. It's been stolen. ستتعلم كيف تفعلها عاجلًا أو آجلًا. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You’ll learn how to do it sooner or later. מישהו בדיוק צלצל. Somebody just called. Someone just called. كان زيري يركض. Ziri was running. Ziri was running. استمرت اضطرابات زيري. Ziri's troubles continued. Ziri's troubles continued. أين وُلد؟ Where was he born? Where was he born? תשטפי ידיים. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. سامي يحبّ التّعرّف على أصدقاء جدد. Sami likes making friends. Sammy likes to make new friends. אתה בטח השתגעת. You must be crazy. You must have gone crazy. תום נכנס עם הילדים לפארק. Tom enters the park with the children. Tom went to the park with the kids. توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي. Tom swims very fast. Tom swims fast. Ow. הם היו משרתים. They were servants. They were servants. ساند سامي ليلى. Sami supported Layla. Sammie Leila. ما سبب غضبهم؟ Why are they angry? Why are they angry? אני חייב ללכת. I have to go. I gotta go. لوكان غير جِيت مسرّح في ڤاع اللغات. If only I was fluent in all the languages. If you don't get it, it's a play in many languages. يجب أن تعثر عليها. You need to find her. You have to find her. הקהל נרגע. The crowd calmed down. The crowd calmed down. محاولته باءت بالفشل. His attempt ended in failure. His attempt failed. أنت لا تعلم ما قله لي. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what he told me. אני לא רוצה שתיפגש עוד עם הבת שלי. I don't want you to see my daughter anymore. I don't want you seeing my daughter anymore. أستطيع تقشير تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can peel an apple. يشعر جمال بتحسن طفيف. Jamal feels a little better. Beauty feels a little better. לא ציפיתי מתום לעזרה. I didn't expect help from Tom. I wasn't expecting Tom to help. אני מתכוון להשתמש בזה. I intend to use it. I'm going to use it. كان زيري يطالع. Ziri was reading. Ziri was watching. האמת היא שהצרפתית שלי לא טובה כל כך. The truth is that my French isn't so good. The truth is, my French isn't very good. נסיעה לירח כבר איננה חלום. A trip to the Moon is no longer a dream. Traveling to the moon is no longer a dream. أصبحت ممرضة. She became a nurse. I became a nurse. טום הנמיך את הלהבה. Tom turned down the flame. Tom lowered the flame. جميع هذه الأمور بحاجة لنقاش. All of these things need to be discussed. All these things need to be discussed. יש לתום ייצוג משפטי? Does Tom have an attorney? Is there any legal representation for Tom? איכפת לך מאד? Do you mind much? Do you mind very much? טום עוזר לי בחווה. Tom helps me on the farm. Tom's helping me on the farm. هل سيتمكن من القدوم غداً؟ Will he be able to come tomorrow? Will he be able to come tomorrow? أيمكنك كتابة الرسالة بالإنجليزية؟ Can you write a letter in English? Can you write the letter in English? לקח לי כמעט שלוש שעות לגמור את שיעורי הבית במתמטיקה. It took me almost three hours to finish my math homework. It took me almost three hours to finish my math homework. נדיר שתום צוחק. Tom seldom laughs. It's rare for Tom to laugh. אסור לך לעשות את זה בלי רשיון. You aren't allowed to do that without a permit. You can't do this without a license. ريّح ما تشوف فييّا شغول انسان "نۆرمال". Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! It is the work of a human being, Nisrmal. תהיה מציאותי! Be realistic! Be realistic! أتخطّى الإعلانات على الفيديوهات كلما أمكن. I skip ads on videos whenever I can. Skip ads on videos whenever possible. אנו מעריצים אותך. We admire you. We admire you. في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. At the time, it was nothing more than talk of Haramiyah and the murder of Graeme and the people who died of hunger. تفوّقت ليلى على سامي ذكاءا. Layla outsmarted Sami. Layla outsmarted Sammy. יש לי עור יבש. I have dry skin. I have dry skin. שם הספר צריך להכתב באותיות נטויות. The title of the book should be italicized. The name of the book should be written in letters. توقفت عن التدخين I quit smoking. I stopped smoking. لدى زيري خبرة. Ziri has experience. Ziri has experience. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? كان باستطاعة أحمد تسلُّق الأشجار العالية عندما كان طفلاً. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. Ahmed was able to climb tall trees when he was a child. كان زيري مغلولا. Ziri was handcuffed. Ziri was tied up. אני יכולה לדבר איתכם למעלה? Can I talk to you upstairs? Can I talk to you upstairs? عاد سامي. Sami got back. Sammy's back. היא באמת כה יפה? Is she really that pretty? Is she really that pretty? هو أخي He is my brother. He's my brother. חזרת. You came back. You're back. فتح زيري حاضونه. John opened the laptop. Ziri opened his incubator. אתה לא צריך לעשות ממנו צחוק. You don't need to make fun of him. You don't have to make fun of him. تطوّع زيري. Ziri volunteered. Volunteer, Zeri. الفضاء مليئ بالغموض. Space is full of mystery. Space is full of mystery. سأحضر بعض النظارات . I'll get some glasses. I'll get some glasses. تعقّبت الشّرطة فاضل. Police tracked Fadil down. The police tracked Fadel. העבודה הסתיימה איך שהוא. The work got finished somehow. The work ended somehow. ማንኪያውን ስጠኝ። Give me the spoon. Give me the spoon. كتبت كتاباً عن الطيور. She wrote a book about birds. I wrote a book about birds. הרגשתי אבוד בלעדיה. I felt lost without her. I felt lost without her. אמילי אוהבת לבצע קאברים של שירים. Emily loves doing covers of songs. Emily likes to make covers of songs. תום לא צריך לעסוק ברפואה. Tom shouldn't be practicing medicine. Tom doesn't need to be in medicine. סלחי לי, את יודעת מה השעה? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? "هل أنت أمريكي؟" "نعم، من تيكساس" "و أنا من أوهايو" "إسمي بول" "أنا تيد. سعدت بلقائك." "Are you American?" "Texas." "Ohio." "Paul." "Ted. Nice to meet you." "Are you American?" "Yes, from Texas," "I'm from Ohio," "My name is Paul," "I'm Ted. Nice to meet you." איך אתה יודע שתום מעודו לא היה בבוסטון? How did you know that Tom had never been to Boston? How do you know Tom's never been to Boston? אף אחד לא יודע למה טום עשה את זה. No one knows why Tom did this. No one knows why Tom did it. طول محنا عايشين لازم نشتغل. As long as we live, we have to work. The length of our lives we have to work. بلغ البلل بدني. I got wet to the skin. I got wet physically. הלכתי אתמול לשחות בנהר. I went swimming in the river yesterday. I went swimming in the river yesterday. לא סיפרתי אפילו לאשתי. I haven't even told my wife. I didn't even tell my wife. אני בטוח שניתן לסדר את זה. I'm sure it could be arranged. I'm sure we can work this out. הוא לא עיוור מלידה. He isn’t blind from birth. He's not blind by birth. هل أنت متأكد يا زيري؟ Are you sure, Ziri? Are you sure, Zeri? אמרתי להם שזה דחוף. I told them it was urgent. I told them it was urgent. كان أبي مستلقيا، يشاهد التلفاز. My father was lying down while watching TV. My father was lying there, watching TV. היום אני מרגיש טוב במיוחד. I feel especially good today. Today I feel especially good. هنا ، حيث توجد هذه المنازل ، اعتادت أن تكون أراضٍ زراعية. Here, where these houses are, it used to be farmland. Here, where these houses are located, they used to be agricultural land. ألا يزعجك ذلك؟ Doesn't that bother you? Doesn't that bother you? تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Sammy and Layla argue over who's going to take care of their kids. טום ישן הרבה יותר מאשר הוא תכנן. Tom slept much longer than he had intended. Tom's sleeping a lot longer than he planned. ضرب سامي ليلى على رأسها. Sami struck Layla on the head. Sammy Layla hit her head. אני מפציר בכם לעשות זאת בתשומת לב. I beg you to do it carefully. I urge you to do so with attention. خْرَا! Fuck! Get out! לפני כמה שנים ביום האם, נתתי לחמותי ענק כמתנה. A few years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave my stepmother a locket as a present. A few years ago on Mother's Day, I gave my mother-in-law a huge gift. ניסיתי להכין את שיעורי הבית, אבל לא ידעתי איך, אז נכנעתי. I tried to do my homework, but I didn't really know how to do it, so I gave up. I tried to do my homework, but I didn't know how, so I gave up. תום התהלך. Tom was walking. Tom walked. لقد تحدّثت مع مدرّسيك. I've spoken to your teachers. I talked to your teachers. יאני מחליף הילוכים לאט מדי. Yanni changes gears too slowly. Yanni's switching gears too slow. היא תעבה אותו. She despised him. She condensed it. תום אף פעם לא עצר. Tom never stopped. Tom never stopped. כפי שמשתקף מהנתונים, העישון לא פוחת בקרב הנוער. As is evident from the data, smoking is not decreasing among the young. As shown by the data, smoking does not decrease among young people. איפה אני מכינה את שיעורי הבית שלי? Where do I do my homework? Where do I do my homework? אני מוכרח לדעת. I must know. I have to know. אני חלוק בדעתי. My mind is torn and undecided. I disagree. תום נרדם במשך הצגת מצפה הכוכבים. Tom fell asleep during the show at the planetarium. Tom fell asleep during the Star Observatory show. ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. She's gone, too. أثارت بعض الأشياء ذكوك زيري. Ziri spotted some red flags. Some things aroused your intelligence, Ziri. הוא גר מעבר לכביש. He lives across the street. He lives across the street. הם נתקלים במים שוצפים על נהר מדרגה חמש. They're experiencing white water rafting on a class five river. They come across water floating on a 5th degree river. بدا سامي منزعجا. Sami was like annoyed. Sammy seemed upset. אל תלך בלי כובע. Don't go without a hat. Don't go without a hat. بقيَ واحد وذهب الآخر. One stayed and the other went away. One left and the other went. لم يلبث و أن أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. Sammy Zabuna didn't stay around and become familiar in Layla's shop. אנו לא גמישים. We're inflexible. We're not flexible. אתה באמת חושב כך, לא? You really think so, don't you? You really think so, don't you? اعتنِ بنفسك. Take care of yourself. Take care. אני ממש רוצה להשתפר. I really want to do better. I really want to get better. יש לשנות את סדר המילים. The word order needs to be changed. The order of words must be changed. קשה לי במתמטיקה. Mathematics is difficult for me. I'm having trouble with math. מצטער, אני אף פעם לא מתנצל. ‎I am sorry, but I never apologize. Sorry, I never apologize. جرب اشياء مختلفة. Try different things. Try different things. היא שרה די טוב. She sang pretty well. She sings pretty good. شربهنّ زيري. Ziri drank them. Drink them up, Ziri. كنت في انتظارك. I have been waiting for you. I was waiting for you. كانت ليلى مدرّسة محبوبة في الرّوضة. Layla was a beloved kindergarten teacher. Laila was a beloved kindergarten teacher. לא אכלתי את זה. I didn't eat it. I didn't eat it. אי אפשר לראות את האטומים בעין בלתי מזוינת. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. You can't see the atoms in the naked eye. אני רוצה להבהיר את זה בשלמות. I want to make this perfectly clear. I want to make this perfectly clear. כל הילדים נרדמו לגמרי לפני החשיכה. All of the children were completely asleep before it got dark. All the children fell asleep before dark. لقد أثمر عمل ليلى الجاد. Layla's hard work paid off. Lily's hard work has come to fruition. كان زيري يسافر. Ziri traveled around. Ziri was traveling. أنت تستخف به . You are selling him short. You're underestimating him. שמע, ישראל. אדוני אלוהינו. אדוני אחד. Hear, O Israel. The Lord is our God. The Lord is One. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, one Lord. عندما سَمِعَ الأخبار, تحولَ شاحباً. When he heard the news, he turned pale. When he heard the news, he turned pale. תום מאמין שמרי רצחה את ג'ון. Tom believes Mary killed John. Tom believes Mary killed John. كان زيري أزّل من ضحك. Ziri laughed first. My father was laughing out loud. تبدو مريضاً. You look sick. You look sick. תום לא ממש נהנה מלימודי הצרפתית. Tom didn't really enjoy studying French. Tom doesn't really enjoy studying French. אנחנו צריכים לצאת מכאן. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. فتح توم الباب وسأل فيما إذا كانت ماريا مشغولة. Tom opened the door and asked Mary if she was busy. Tom opened the door and asked if Maria was busy. לכלב הקטן הייתה כרית משלו. The little dog had his own cushion. The little dog had his own pillow. אתה הכי מבוגר. You're the oldest. You're the oldest. ساق سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. Sammy quickly drove to the hospital. תנעל שוב אי פעם את המגפיים האלה? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? Will you ever wear those boots again? עכשיו, גם אני חושב ככה. Now I also think so. Now, I think so, too. ساعدوني. لا أعرف السّباحة. Help me. I can't swim. I don't know how to swim. لحم الخنزير أكثر إستهلاكاً من لحم الأبقار في روسيا. Pork is more consumed than beef in Russia. Pork is more consumed than beef in Russia. X’jismek? What's your name? What's your name? اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Sami was reported missing. Sami was reported missing. אני חושבת שזה יהיה נפלא. I think that would be awesome. I think that would be great. هل عندك سيارة؟ Do you have a car? Do you have a car? تريد ماء. She wants water. You want water. عُيّن منّاد طبيبا مساعدا. Mennad was appointed co-director. He was appointed an assistant doctor. רוב התאונות קורות במרחק של עד 18 ק"מ מהבית. Most accidents happen within 10 miles of your house. Most accidents happen up to 10 miles from home. صَحِح الأخطاء, إذا كان هناك أي منها. Correct the errors, if there are any. Correct errors, if there are any. هل تَعَلَمَ اليابانية أيضاً؟ Did he learn Japanese as well? Did you know Japanese, too? كم هذا محرج! How embarrassing! How embarrassing! إن أحببت، فسأعلمك كيف تلعب الشطرنج. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you like, I'll teach you how to play chess. ارفع القلم من على الأرض. Pick up the pencil from the floor. Lift the pen off the floor. كان سامي يعذّب القطط. Sami tortured cats. Sammy was torturing the cats. הונו אותי. I got scammed. I've been conned. لدي أسبوع لأنهي واجبي. I have a week to do my homework. I have a week to finish my homework. أريد أن أكون هنا I want to be here. I want to be here. أنا أتتطلع لقضاء وقت مع عائلتي. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. I look forward to spending time with my family. زيري محطم. Ziri is broken. Cherry's broken. تقول أنها تحب الأزهار. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. This is not a white candle. أقنعته أن يتخلى عن الموضوع. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him to drop it. ما يأتي سهلا يذهب سهلا. Easy come, easy go. What comes easy goes easy. אנא התקשרי אלינו כשתראי את החתול שבתמונה הזאת. Please call us when you see the cat in this picture. Please call us when you see the cat in this photo. אני עדיין לא מרוצה. I'm still not satisfied. I'm still not happy. استنى لحظة. Wait just a moment. Have a second. إن فكرته تتجاوز قدرتي على الفهم. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. His idea is beyond my comprehension. أصبح زيري ممرضا. Ziri became a nurse. Ziri became a nurse. أنت تواعد طالبةً من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a student from Keio, aren't you? אתה לא תעבוד עליי בקלות כזו. You can't fool me so easily. You're not gonna fool me that easy. תום מדופרס. Tom is downhearted. Tom Meadows. למה אתה מיחס חשיבות לאירוע הזה? Why do you consider that event important? Why do you attach importance to this event? M'iniex tabiba. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. תיצמד לימין. Keep to the right. Stick to the right. عليك أن تتحكم بنزواتك. You must control yourself. You have to control your freaks. במקום לקטר עשי משהו! Don't just whine, do something! Instead of whining, do something! אלה שלך? Are those yours? These yours? أحب رسوم الأنمي جدا. I like anime very much. I love the cartoons very much. تلك الدراجة دراجتي. This bicycle is mine. That bike's my bike. ما عنديش لانتانسيۆن نكون اڨۆيست. I don't intend to be selfish. We don't have to be atheists. קניתי חולצת T חדשה אתמול. I bought a new t-shirt yesterday. I bought a new T-shirt yesterday. מה אתה חושב שאתה עושה? What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? איפה אתה רואה אותו? Where do you see him? Where do you see him? بدأ سامي يمضي المزيد من الوقت مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. المكيّف لا يعمل. The air conditioner doesn't work. The air conditioner's not working. זה חשוב לה מאד. It's very important to her. It means a lot to her. הפעלת פעם את המנוע הזה? Have you ever started this engine? You ever run this engine before? הוא ישב והאזין לרדיו. He sat and listened to the radio. He sat and listened to the radio. التفاصيل ليست مهمة. The details aren't necessary. Details are not important. كتب زيري ذلك. Ziri wrote that. Ziri wrote that. لم ينتقل زيري أبدا. Ziri never moved. Ziri never moved. טום עשה זאת חינם. Tom did it for free. Tom did it for free. يودّ توم شراء منزلًا. Tom would like to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. توقفنا وراء الحافلة. We stopped behind the bus. We stopped behind the bus. תום מתוסכל. Tom is frustrated. Tom is frustrated. אני רק רוצה שתדעו שאני מתחרטת. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. في الأشهر الأولى من حياتها، تعتمد صغار الدّببة كلّيّة على أمّهاتها. In the first months of their lives, bear cubs are completely dependent on their mothers. In the early months of her life, young bears depend entirely on their mothers. البيت صغير. The house is small. The house is small. سأظل حتى يرحل توم. I'll stay until Tom leaves. I'll stay until Tom leaves. خرج زيري من الحوض. Ziri walked out of the pond. Ziri came out of the tub. وجد زيري ريمة. Ziri found Rima. Ziri found Reema. את חשובה. You're important. You're important. اومبعد، رحت، وشنو مرڨت بلّي نسيت ساكادۆ ديالي ف دارهوم. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. I'm far away, I'm gone, and I'm sorry, I forgot about Sakadji Diyala F Darhum. هي لا تستحقّه. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. دي مشكلة كبيرة That's a serious problem. Dee's a big problem. يؤسفني أن أقول إنها الحقيقة. It is unfortunately true. I'm sorry to say it's true. תום נלחם בגבורה. Tom fought bravely. Tom fought bravely. زيري مستاء. Ziri is upset. My minister is upset. הדלת נפתחה שנית. The door opened again. The door opened again. מה מספר החדר שלי? What is my room number? What's my room number? إفعل ما يخبرك توم به لتفعله وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. עוד לא גמרתי איתך. I am not finished with you yet. I'm not done with you yet. زيري يريد أن يتزحلق. Ziri wants to ski. Ziri wants to skate. توم هو الذي دفع ثمن التذاكر. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. Tom is the one who paid for the tickets. لم تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? You didn't cry? הם ראו שיכור רובץ ברחוב. They saw a drunk lying in the street. They saw a drunk on the street. كنت في زيارة لبعض الأصدقاء في طنجة. I was visiting some friends in Tangiers. I was visiting some friends in Tangier. البُعد يُنسي. Out of sight, out of mind. Distance is forgotten. היא מתפתלת מכאבים. She's in pain. She's writhing in pain. زيري يحب ان يمضي أياما كاملة في الغابة. Ziri likes to go to the forest for days at a time. Ziri likes to spend whole days in the woods. אני לא אוהבת את האביב. I don't like spring. I don't like spring. كانت السلة مليئة بالأزهار. The basket was filled with flowers. The basket was full of flowers. תראה את הבנק משמאל לבית החולים. You'll see the bank on the left hand side of the hospital. Look at the bank to the left of the hospital. האם ישנת איתה? Did you sleep with her? Did you sleep with her? אל תעשני יותר מדי. Don't smoke too much. Don't smoke too much. صحَّحت روحي. I corrected myself. Corrected my soul. גניבה מחנות זה מגניבה. Shoplifting is cool. Shoplifting is cool. يبدو زيري بخير. Ziri looks fine. Zeri looks fine. תוסיף אותי בפייסבוק, אם תרצה. שמי שם הוא Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Put me on Facebook, if you want. My name is Ryck Vernaut. خرج زيري من الغابة و دخل حقلا شاسعا. Ziri exited the forest into a huge field. Ziri went out of the forest and entered a vast field. هذه صورة شقيقتي. This is a picture of my sister. This is my sister's picture. غاز زيري المدرسة . Ziri left the school. Zeri's school gas. אל תשכחו להכין את שיעורי הבית שלכם. Don't forget to do your homework. Don’t forget to do your homework. עלינו לעבוד קשה להסרת מחסומים חברתיים. We must work hard to break down social barriers. We have to work hard to remove social barriers. لنتظاهر بأننا مخلوقات فضائية. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. זוהי דמגוגיה ותו לא. This is pure demagogy. It's just demagoguery. תום לא מבקר כאן כל כך בתכיפות כמו בעבר. Tom doesn't come here as often as he used to. Tom doesn't visit here as often as he did before. מרי באמת מתה, או שזאת שמועה? Did Mary really die? Or is that a rumor? Is Mary really dead, or is that a rumor? מצאתי את הסרט מעניין. I found the film interesting. I found the film interesting. תום זקוק לעזרה בהתקנת אנטנת הטלוויזיה על הגג. Tom needs help putting a TV antenna on his roof. Tom needs help installing a TV antenna on the roof. يكتب زيري باختصار. Ziri writes concisely. Ziri writes briefly. היית צריך להשאיר לי לטפל בכך. You should've left it to me. You should have let me handle that. ما الذي تريده؟ What is it that you want? What do you want? سُجن سامي مدى الحياة. Sami was jailed for life. Sami was imprisoned for life. إذا سجلت في الفيس بوك، فسترسل معلوماتك لوكالات الاستخبارات. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register on Facebook, you will send your information to the intelligence agencies. פגם בתכנון גרם לקריסת המחשב שלי. A design flaw made my computer crash. A design flaw caused my computer to crash. أمسكت فراشة جميلة. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I caught a beautiful butterfly. הסירה התהפכה. The boat capsized. The boat turned. استأجر محامي سامي طبيبا شرعيّا. Sami's attorney hired a forensic pathologist. Sammy's lawyer hired a forensic doctor. ماتنسناش! Don't forget about us! Matsensnash! استمر. Go on. Go on. سامي من هواة اليوتوب. Sami is a YouTuber. Sammy's a YouTuber. كان زيري يرسكل البطاريات. Ziri recycled batteries. Ziri was kicking off the batteries. תביא דלי עם תפוחים. Bring a bucket of apples. Get a bucket of apples. الطريق الوطني تحده غابة من كلا الجهتين. The forest borders the highway on two sides. The national road is bordered by a forest on both sides. תגידי לתום שלא קראתי את זה. Tell Tom I didn't read it. Tell Tom I didn't read it. كانت لدى سامي بوليصتي تأمين على حياته. Sami had two life insurance policies. Sammy had two life insurance policies. הוא תלותי בסמים. He is dependent on drugs. He was addicted to drugs. טום רוצה להיות מוצלח. Tom wants to be successful. Tom wants to be successful. يقول البعض أنه يجب مقاطعة إسرائيل بسبب ممارستها لنظام الأبارتايد. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its apartheid system. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for practicing apartheid. كفّ عن العمل. Stop working. Stop working. תום נרגז עד מאד. Tom is extremely upset. Tom was very angry. كان زيري يخاف النمور. Ziri was afraid of leopards. Ziri was afraid of tigers. شارفت الساعة على الثالثة. It's nearly three o'clock. It's almost three o'clock. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي بالكامل. Sami's whole life changed. Sammy's life has completely changed. האם טום באמת היה צריך ללכת לאוסטרליה? Does Tom really need to go to Australia? Did Tom really have to go to Australia? هل تتذكرنا؟ Do you remember us? Do you remember us? "بالمناسبة، ماذا بشأن اختبار الحمل ذلك؟" "كان سلبيّا." "By the way, what happened with that pregnancy test?" "It came out negative." By the way, what about that pregnancy test? It was negative. أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You are in Europe! את שמרנית. You're conservative. You're conservative. בוא נחכה ונראה מה אחרים חושבים. Let's wait and see what other people think. Let’s wait and see what others think. بابايا بيحب البيتزا. My father loves pizza. Papaya likes pizza. מה יחשוב תום? What'll Tom think? What would Tom think? ركب زيري سيارة أجرة قبل أن تلحق به ريمة. Ziri got into a taxi before Rima could catch him. Ziri got in a taxi before Rima caught up with him. אני לומד באסקית. I am learning Basque. I'm studying in Eski<0xC5><0x9F>ehir. أَحدْ أجدَاد توم عَاشَ في هذهِ القلْعَة. One of Tom's ancestors lived in that castle. One of Tom's grandparents lived in this castle. איפה בשר הבקר שלך? What's your beef? Where's your beef? استراح زيري. Ziri rested. Relax, Ziri. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا غريبا من شخص لم يتعرّف عليه. Sami got a strange call from someone whose voice he didn't recognize. Sammy got a strange call from someone he didn't recognize. תום ניהל אורח חיים פרוע. Tom has an extravagant lifestyle. Tom had a wild life. תום שם את הקערה במיקרוגל ולחץ על כפתור ההפעלה. Tom put the bowl into the microwave and pushed the button to start it cooking. Tom put the bowl in the microwave and press the start button. כדאי שתסתלק מפה. You'd better get out here. You better get out of here. תום הביט לעבר הדלת. Tom looked out the door. Tom looked at the door. قدّم سامي قرصا لليلى. Sami gave Layla a pill. Sammy made a pill for Layla. سأذاكر. I'm going to study. I'll study. טבעי הדבר שהיא תתרגז עליך. It is quite natural for her to be angry with you. It's natural for her to get mad at you. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When are you going on summer vacation? When did you cut off your summer vacation? الله وحده يعلم. Only God knows. God only knows. הנח הצידה רעיון כה מטופש. Put away such a foolish idea. Put aside such a stupid idea. كان توم هنا أيضاً. Tom was also there. Tom was here, too. היא היתה ביסורים. She was in agony. She was in agony. מה פירוש כל זה? What does it all mean? What does all this mean? הם גרים בקרבת מקום. They live nearby. They live nearby. אתם מרושעים. You're mean. You guys are mean. تاكشي يكتب مذكرة يومية باللغة الإنجليزية. Takeshi keeps a diary in English. Takeshi writes a daily note in English. كان صبوراً جداً. He was very patient. He was very patient. בהנחה שהיא חוזרת, מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Assuming she comes back, what would you tell her? مرحباً ، أهل شيكاغو! Hello, Chicago! Hello, people of Chicago! هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. لدى زيري خلايا في البستان. Ziri has hives in the backyard. Ziri has cells in the orchard. אנו יכולים להמשיך. We could continue. We can go on. תפוֹס! Catch it! Take it! אתה לא אוהב אותי? Don't you like me? You don't like me? נשמעה נקישה בדלת. "מי שם?" שאל תום. "זו אני," ענתה מרי. There was a knock on the door. "Who's there?" asked Tom. "It is I," answered Mary. There was a knock at the door. "Who's there?" asked Tom. "It's me," Mary replied. ذهب سامي ليحضر حصّة لتعلّم الطّبخ المصري. Sami went to a Egyptian cooking class. Sami went to attend a class to learn Egyptian cuisine. הספינה בדרכה לפינלנד. The ship is on its way to Finland. The ship is on its way to Finland. أنا نباتي. I am vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. תרשום את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. نحتاجو كرّوسة. We need a car. We need a crutch. يوحي صوتك اليوم بأنّك متعب. You sound tired today. Your voice today suggests you're tired. מתי חזרת מטוקיו? When did you come back from Tokyo? When did you get back from Tokyo? יומי תשתמש במצלמה הזאת מחר אחר הצהריים. Yumi will use this camera tomorrow afternoon. Yomi's gonna use that camera tomorrow afternoon. هي تخفي أمرًا ما. She's hiding something. She's hiding something. ፓሊስ ነኝ። I'm a policeman. I'm Paul. ذهب سامي لإحضار الدّواء بسرعة. Sami went to get the medicine quickly. Sammy went to get the medicine quickly. אתה אח שלו, נכון? You are his brother, right? You're his brother, right? אני יודע שאולי אתה חושב, שאני צעיר מדי. I know you might think I'm too young. I know you might think I'm too young. ظرف و طابع بريد من فضلك. An envelope and a stamp, please. An envelope and a postage stamp, please. ليس لديّ عذر. I don't have an excuse. I have no excuse. كان زيري يحب أن يتسبب في الشجارات. Ziri liked to create arguments. Ziri liked to cause fights. מי יכתוב את הדוח? Who'll write the report? Who will write the report? אגיע ב-23 במאי. I'll arrive on May 23rd. I'll be there on May 23. מה קרה לשיער שלך? What happened to your hair? What happened to your hair? يا ليتني عندي أصدقاء كثر. I wish I had more friends. I wish I had a lot of friends. أخبرني توم أن الوقت نَفَذَ منّا. Tom told me that we were out of time. Tom told me we were running out of time. זה לא מה שאנחנו רוצים. It's not what we want. That's not what we want. نحن نكبر. We're aging. We're growing up. לכפר היו יותר מאלף תושבים. The village had more than a thousand residents. The village had more than a thousand inhabitants. טום לא ידע שמרי החליטה להתפטר. Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to resign. هُم يذهبُونَ إلى جامعة تِيزي وزّو. They go to Tizi Ouzou University. They're going to Tizi Wuzhou University. قروتُ كتابه. I read his book. I read his book. إسمي ريكاردو. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. תגידי לי שאת מתכוונת לכך. Tell me you mean that. Tell me you mean it. החדר שלך מלוכלך. Your room is dirty. Your room is dirty. لماذا تتأخر دائما؟ Why is it that you're always late? Why are you always late? לא, אינני מתחרט על דבר. No, I don't regret anything. No, I don't regret anything. טום הביא לי חתיכת פאי. Tom brought me a slice of pie. Tom brought me a piece of pie. מחר הוא ינחת על הירח. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow it will land on the moon. אינני מכין את המזוודות שלך. I don't pack your suitcases. I'm not making your bags. اجلس هناك يا زيري. Sit there, Ziri. Sit there, Ziri. سامي و ليلى يسكنان بجوار فندق فريد. Sami and Layla are living right next door to Farid's hotel. Sammy and Leila live next door to a unique hotel. אתה חי רק פעמיים. You only live twice. You only live twice. متوحش! Wild! Wild! أيمكنك أن تغلّف هذا كالهدايا، من فضلك؟ Can you gift-wrap this, please? Can you wrap this up as gifts, please? הוא נשא שחקנית לאישה. He married an actress. He married an actress. אחיו היה נהג משאית במשך שלושים שנה. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. He was a truck driver for 30 years. شكراً لك Thank you. Thank you. לציפור יש כנפיים. A bird has wings. The bird has wings. הם הסיתו את הבן שלי להתבריין על הילד הזה. They incited my son to bully this boy. They incited my son to bet on this boy. انهى زيري الصلاة. Ziri finished praying. Ziri finished the prayer. واصل زيري النزول. Ziri continued downwards. Ziri kept coming down. כולנו אמהות. We're all mothers. We're all mothers. כל מה שנותר לנו לעשות הוא לקוות שהעניינים ישתפרו. All we can do is hope things get better. All we have to do is hope things get better. تقيؤوا في الحافلة. They vomited on the bus. Throw up on the bus. אין מקום מסתור. There's no place to hide. There's no hiding place. כמה מהחברים של טום בכלא. Several of Tom's friends are in prison. Some of Tom's friends are in jail. سوسن فقدت ذاكرتها. Sawsan lost her memory. Susan lost her memory. אני אוהב את זה מאוד. I like it very much. I like it a lot. تفطّنت ليلى للخطأ الذي قامت به. Layla realized the mistake she made. Lily realized the mistake she had made. لا أنصح بذلك. I don't recommend that. I wouldn't recommend it. واحدة وقعت من مركب في البحر. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. One fell from a boat into the sea. תארי את ארוחת הבוקר האידאלית שלך. Describe your ideal breakfast. Describe your ideal breakfast. لم يجد زيري زيه. Ziri couldn't find his suit. Ziri couldn't find his uniform. دفعني سامي. Sami pushed me. Sammy pushed me. قبِلته الكلية كطالبٍ. The college accepted him as a student. College accepted him as a student. سامي يدين لي مالا. Sami owes me money. Sammy owes me money. إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going to? Where are you going? فقدهنّ زيري. Ziri lost them. They've lost Ziri. אני מצטער. אני אחראי לכך באופן חלקי. I'm sorry. I'm partly responsible for it. I'm partly responsible for this. ካብ ዘይትፈልጦ ሸይጣን እትፈልጦ ሸይጣን። Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. We know nothing about Satan, but you know nothing about him. بني منزل زيري في الأربعينيات. Ziri's house was built in the 40s. Ziri's house was built in the 1940s. איך עברה הבחינה? How did the exam go? How'd the exam go? جلس زيري هناك لبضعة دقائق. Ziri sat there for a few minutes. Ziri sat there for a few minutes. كان زيري يكتب. Ziri was writing. Ziri was writing. واصل سامي المشاهدة. Sami kept looking. Sam continued to watch. ان حقيقة بريطانيا كانت لا تملك نشيداً وطنياً قبل ١٧٤٥ هي بحد ذاتها شأن يذكر. The fact that Britain had no national anthem before 1745 is in itself of little consequence. The fact that Britain did not have a national anthem before 1745 is of little importance. זה יהיה פשוט. This will be easy. It'll be simple. كانت جثة فاضل مرمية في القمامة. Fadil's body was in the garbage. It was a dead body in the trash. غيري العلم، لو سمحت. Change the flag, please. Change the flag, please. لم يروك منذ أن كنت في المتوسطة. They haven't seen you since secondary school. They haven't seen you since I was in middle school. תום שב. Tom's returned. Tom, sit down. هذه هي الطريقة الخطأ للقيام بهذا. It's the wrong way to do it. This is the wrong way to do this. بعد فوز بايدن في الانتخابات, طار الديمقراطيين من السعادة. After Biden won the election, the Democrats were walking on air. After Biden won the election, Democrats flew out of happiness. زيري يعرف ريمة. Ziri knows Rima. Ziri knows Reema. الحب شيئ مهم. Love is an important thing. Love is important. נהגתי ללכת לכנסייה בימי ראשון. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sundays. متى سنقيم الحفلة؟ When shall we have the party? When are we having the party? طلبت مني المساعدة. She asked me for help. You asked me to help. ربما توم لديهُ شيئاً لإخفائه. Maybe Tom has something to hide. Maybe Tom has something to hide. למרות שעייפתי, עשיתי כל מה שיכולתי. Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do. Even though I was tired, I did everything I could. Grazzi ħafna! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! לשוטרים בתפקיד אסור לשתות אלכוהול. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. Police officers are not allowed to drink alcohol. אנו פונים לראש העיר בשאלות. We are asking the mayor questions. We're asking the mayor questions. אבדתי את עשתונותי והתחלתי לצווח. I freaked out and started screaming. I lost my temper and started screaming. ركبتُ سيارة أجرة. I got into a taxi. I got in a cab. غادر سامي المنزل و هو يبدو كباحة خردة. Sami left the place looking like a junkyard. Sammy left the house looking like a piece of junk. طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو. It's too late to do anything about that now. Trottar Drak, what we appreciate is Nderu Wallo. כל מה שנאמר על ידה זו האמת לאמיתה. Everything she says is pure truth. All that has been said about her is the truth. زيري يكبر. Ziri is aging. Ziri's growing up. היא כמו מלאך. She's an angel. She's like an angel. ما اسم حصانك؟ What's your horse's name? What's your horse's name? תום נראה קצת מאוכזב מהחדשות. Tom seems a little disappointed by the news. Tom seems a little disappointed with the news. زيري حارس غابات متطوع. Ziri is a voluntary forest ranger. Zerri is a volunteer forest ranger. אני מתעב את כולם, וכולם מתעבים אותי. I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. I hate everyone, and everyone despises me. اختفى أبناء آوى أولائك في الغابة. The jackals disappeared into the forest. These jackals disappeared into the woods. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I have a dinar ace. أنا واقع في حبك I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. רפרוף מהיר ואני יכול להגיד לך כל מה שרשום בדף הזה. A quick skim and I can tell you everything that is written on this paper. Quick flicker and I can tell you everything that's on this page. בעיה מדומה זו מנופחת מעל ומעבר לכל יחס. This virtual problem is blown out of proportion. This imaginary problem is inflated above and beyond any relation. إنه لا يعرف كيف يقود سيارة. He does not know how to drive a car. He doesn't know how to drive a car. أتى الولد راكضاً. The boy came running. The boy came running. روى فاضل للشرطة ما حدث. Fadil told police what happened. Rudy told the police what happened. השעה כבר חמש?! איך שהזמן טס! Is it already five o'clock?! How time flies! It's five o'clock! How time flies! لن أتجاوز عن أخطائك ثانيةً. I'll never overlook your mistakes again. I'm not gonna let go of your mistakes again. كن محبوبا في العمل. Be likable at work. Be loved at work. הלכתי פעמיים. I went twice. I went twice. לא קר היום. It is not cold today. It's not cold today. אולי שגיתי. Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe I was wrong. لفها ، اخذها بين ذراعيه ، حنى ضهرها ، و اعطاها قبلة هوليوودية كبيرة. He spun her around, took her in his arms, dipped her back, and gave her a big Hollywood kiss. He wrapped her up, took her in his arms, bent her back, and gave her a big Hollywood kiss. איך אתה יכול סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? אני גם יהודי. I'm also a Jew. I am also Jewish. هل من أحد يستطيع أن ينطق هذه الكلمة؟ Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Can anyone say that word? أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I'm very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. הם מדהימים. They're cool. They're amazing. הר אוורסט הוא ההר הגבוה ביותר בעולם. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. احضرتُ لها مثلَّجات لكي لا تحزن I got her an ice cream so that she wouldn't get depressed. I brought her ice cream so she wouldn't be sad. כמעט בכיתי. I almost cried. I almost cried. زيري مرتبط. Ziri is engaged. Ziri's connected. אתה בטוח שנעלת את הדלתות? Are you sure that you locked the doors? You sure you locked the doors? גיליתם את הסוף. You gave away the ending. You have discovered the end. לאן נלך? Where should we go? Where are we going? תום שכחן. Tom is forgetful. Tom forgot. הוא קצת מעבר לארבעים. He is a little over forty. He's a little over 40. لدي منها رسالة لك. I have a message for you from her. I have a message for you. אני מצטער שהנחתי לך לחכות כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long. زيري مصرّ على رأيه. Ziri is adamant. Ziri insists on his opinion. יש לה לחמניה. She has a roll. She's got a bun. بقي زيري مكانه. Ziri stayed put. Ziri stayed where he was. אני עדיין גאה ששרתתי עם תום. I'm still proud to have served with Tom. I'm still proud to have served with Tom. غادر فاضل المنزل. Fadil left the house. Fadel left the house. متى بدأت When did you begin? When did it start? الجو بارد جدا فى استانبول. The weather is very cold in Istanbul. It's very cold in Istanbul. ጠቕላላ ናይታ ሃገር ናይ ወጻኢ ንግዲ፡ ኣብዚ ወደብ'ዚ እተመርኮሰ እዩ። The country's foreign trade depends entirely on this port. The mainstay of the city's tourism industry is located here. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. She speaks very fluent English. من توفي؟ Who died? Who died? من فضلك أبق الأمر سراً. Please keep it secret. Please keep it a secret. אין אפשרות שתום אי פעם ינשא למרי. There's no way Tom would ever marry Mary. There's no way Tom would ever marry Mary. لا تقلق إذا لم تستطع. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. אני מבינה איך את מרגישה. I understand how you feel. I understand how you feel. لا أحد يعلم من أين أتى ذلك الكلب. No one knows where that dog came from. No one knows where that dog came from. אני יודעת כמה מסוכן זה יהיה. I know how dangerous it'll be. I know how dangerous that would be. وضع سامي نفسه في الخطر بفعله هذا. Sami put himself in danger by doing so. Sammy put himself in danger by doing this. ما اسمكِ؟ Do you have a name? What's your name? שמור על קור רוח. Keep your cool. Keep your cool. למאדים שני ירחים. Mars has two moons. Mars has two moons. البيت انهدم في هزة أرضية. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house was demolished in an earthquake. תום פענח את התעלומה. Tom solved the mystery. Tom solved the mystery. لم تكن الحرب أبدا وسيلة للسلام. War was never a means to peace. War has never been a means to peace. טום הוא רודף שמלות. Tom is a womanizer. Tom is a dress-chaser. لم تكن لدى سامي أظافر. Sami had no nails. Sammy didn't have nails. מה העומק? How deep? What's the depth? لماذا لم يهجم النمر على زيري؟ Why didn't the leopard attack Ziri? Why didn't the tiger attack Ziri? توم غاضب على مارى. Tom is angry at Mary. Tom's mad at Mary. كان زيري يتمتع بالشعبية. Ziri was popular. Ziri was popular. حمل زيري ريمة. Ziri carried Rima. Carry Zeri Rima. شكراً جزيلاً! Thanks a lot! Thank you so much! דמיין לעצמך שאתה מתחיל לשהק ולא יכול להפסיק. Imagine if you started hiccoughing and you couldn't stop. Imagine you're starting to hiccup and can't stop. العقلية القائلة "لا بأس طالما أنا بخير." هي أكثر ما أكره. The mindset that "It's OK as long as I'm OK." is the one I hate the most. The "it's okay as long as I'm okay" mentality is what I hate the most. أنت متقلب المزاج. You're moody. You're moody. תלך למסיבה במקומי? Will you go to the party instead of me? You're gonna go to a party for me? أنتِ كسرتِ قلبي. You broke my heart. You broke my heart. زيري مصاب بمرض الكلب. Ziri has got rabies. Ziri has a dog disease. את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You should stop playing. You need to stop playing. יש אפשרות שלא נצטרך לסגור את המפעל. There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory. There's a possibility we won't have to shut down the plant. בני אדם לא היו מגיעים לאן שהגיעו ללא האגודלים. Humans wouldn't have gotten where they are without opposable thumbs. Humans wouldn't have gotten where they got without their thumbs. أفكّرت في الأمر؟ Did you think about it? Have you thought about it? אכלנו ארוחת צהריים במסעדה. We ate dinner at a restaurant. We had lunch at the restaurant. אוסמו דאזאי התאבד. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. Osmo Dzai killed himself. פעילות מאומצת גורמת להזעה. Vigorous exercise makes you sweat. Vigorous activity causes sweating. وقف زيري هناك للحظة، محتارا. Ziri stood there for a moment, perplexed. Ziri stood there for a moment, confused. توم قاعد بيمشي على مهله. Tom walks slowly. Tom is on his way. את חושבת שזה יתאים לכאן? Do you think it will fit here? Do you think it'll fit in here? لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Titkellem bl-Ingliż? Do you speak English? Do you speak in English? هناك ما يقارب الثّلاثة آلاف مسجد في إسطنبول. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. הספר הדק הזה הוא שלי. This thin book is mine. This thin book is mine. إنه ليس ما تعتقد! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! לעיתים נדירות אני חושבת כך. I scarcely think so. I rarely think so. היה לי חזיון. I had a revelation. I had a vision. لا أحد يفهم ماذا يجري. Nobody understands what's going on. No one understands what's going on. علينا توضيح السبب فحسب. We just have to explain why. We just need to explain why. አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ። You're a teacher. You are a teacher. المحل مغلق يوم الأحد. The shop is closed on Sunday. The shop is closed on Sunday. הוא גר בבית רחב ידיים. He lives in a large house. He lives in a large house. يذهب زيري لصيد السمك. Ziri goes fishing. Ziri goes fishing. אני יכולה לזהות שזה הוא על פי האופן שהוא מדבר. I can tell it's him by the way he speaks. I can tell it's him by the way he talks. هل تضمّنت كل ما أردت آن تقوله في النصّ؟ Did you include everything you wanted to say in the text? Did you include everything you wanted to say in the text? جمع زيري قليلا من الخشب. Ziri collected some wood. Gather a little bit of wood. ما تقوله صحيح. What you say is true. What you're saying is true. אני שוכב על הדשא. I lie on the grass. I'm lying on the grass. بيتي بارد جدا. It's very cold in my house. My house is so cold. זה עשוי חלקית מעץ. It is made partly of wood. It's partly made of wood. אינני שואלת לדעתן. I'm not asking for their opinion. I'm not asking their opinion. أراد سامي أن يأخذ تلك الدّروس. Sami wanted to take those classes. Sammy wanted to take that class. הם חיקו אותה. They took off after her. They imitated her. אני אוהב אותם. I love them. I love them. תגידו לתום להכניס את הכלב. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Tell Tom to let the dog in. أنتَ كيف تعرف هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? اسم ابنهما هو جون. Their son's name is John. Their son's name is John. אתה עשית את עיצוב הפנים? Did you do the decorating? You did the interior design? ما الذي قلبها عليك؟ What turned her against you? What is it that turned her on you? انه مجرم قذر و قاتل متسلسل, أتمنى أن يرسل لسجن لبقيّة حياته. He's a dirty criminal and a serial killer. I hope he will be sent to prison for the rest of his life. He's a dirty criminal and a serial killer. I hope he's sent to prison for the rest of his life. הוא התחיל לכתוב רומן. He has started to write a novel. He started writing a novel. אם כך, אל תהססו. So don't hesitate. Then don't hesitate. תום אמר שהוא יטפל בהכל. Tom says he'll take care of everything. Tom said he'd take care of everything. לא הייתי מתקרב לזה אם הייתי אתה, זה נפיץ אחרי הכול. I wouldn't go near it, it's explosive after all. I wouldn't be anywhere near it if I were you. It's gonna spread after all. לא הייתה התנגדות מצד הנוכחים. There was no objection on the part of those present. There was no objection from those present. למציאות יש העדפה לליברליות. Reality has a liberal bias. Reality has a preference for liberalism. أنزِل يديك! Put your hands down! Put your hands down! אני טרנסג'נדרית. I'm trans. I'm transgender. עמדנו בכניסה כדי לקבל את פני אורחינו. We stood at the door to welcome our guests. We stood at the entrance to greet our guests. תום אמר שהוא ראה את מרי יושבת לבדה בפרק. Tom said he saw Mary sitting in the park by herself. Tom said he saw Mary sitting alone in the park. Ma nixrobx alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. למרי אין זמן לכביסות. Mary doesn't have time to do the laundry. Mary doesn't have time for laundry. بحثَ فاضل في المنزل كي يعثر عن المال. Fadil hunted around the house to find the money. He searched the house to find the money. تسبّب الكساد الكبير في زيادة حادّة في معدّل الجريمة. The Great Depression triggered a great surge in crime. The Great Depression caused a sharp increase in crime. כולם בסדר? Is everybody OK? Is everyone okay? איפה הכובע שלי? Where's my hat? Where's my hat? תום זקוק לקצת שינה. Tom needs some sleep. Tom needs some sleep. وجدت الشّرطة مسرحا لمجزرة فظيعة. Police encountered a scene of unspeakable carnage. The police found the scene of a terrible massacre. לפחות תשתדל להיזהר. At least try and be careful. At least try to be careful. انها ليست الفتاة المناسبة لك. She's not the right girl for you. She's not the right girl for you. אין שום מקום שבו תוכלו להסתתר. There's nowhere for you to hide. There's nowhere you can hide. هي تعجبني. I like her. I like her. إنها من محبي القطط. She's a cat lover. She's a cat lover. תן לי קיסם שיניים. Give me a toothpick. Give me a toothpick. خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. I was afraid for Sammy's life. לכן הפסקתי. That's why I quit. That's why I stopped. كان السّجناء مضطرّين للنّوم في زنزانة واحدة، غالبا على أجنابهم. Inmates were forced to sleep in one cell, often sideways. The prisoners had to sleep in one cell, often on their sides. מעולם לא ראיתי את תום יוצא מכליו לפני כן. I've never seen Tom lose his temper before. I've never seen Tom get out of his mind before. لا يمكنني الانتظار للوصول الى المنزل والنوم في سريري. I can hardly wait to get home and sleep in my own bed. I can't wait to get home and sleep in my bed. يخلق الرّب الجمال من الرّماد. God creates beauty from ashes. God creates beauty from the ashes. يستطيعو البقاء معنا They can stay with us. They can stay with us. اختارا فاضل أن ليلى أن يمضيا وقتهما معا كحبيبان. Fadil and Layla chose to spend their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. They chose to spend their time together as lovers. زيري يكره الفنون. Ziri hates arts. Ziri hates the arts. הגעתי בגשם ונרטבתי. I was caught in the rain and got wet. I came in the rain and wet. الكثير من الناس يحلمون بعطلات خيالية . Many people dream about fantasy vacations. A lot of people dream of vacations. زيري ذكي. Ziri is clever. My minister is smart. سامي لا يستحقّ ذلك. Sami doesn't deserve that. Sammy doesn't deserve that. זה נדיב מאד מצדך. That's generous of you. That's very generous of you. وضع توم السلاح على الأرض. Tom laid the gun down on the floor. Tom put the gun on the floor. استحمّ زيري. Ziri showered. Take a shower, Ziri. זה לא אומר שאתה לא צריך להיות זהיר. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. That doesn't mean you don't have to be careful. أعطيت كتبي لهؤلاء الناس. I gave my books to those people. I gave my books to these people. رأيت رجلاً يتّجه نحوي. I saw a man coming toward me. I saw a man heading towards me. ما قاله حينها صدمني. What he said then shocked me. What he said shocked me. أود الاختلاء بتوم لبضع دقائق. I'd like to have a few minutes alone with Tom. I'd like to evacuate Tom for a few minutes. صاح مايكل متألما. Michael yelled out in pain. Michael shouted in pain. طلب الشرطى اعادة اصطفاف سيارتى The policeman told me to repark my car, and I did. The cop asked to re-arrange my car. لا شك أن دانيال لن يدرس في الجامعة. Daniel will certainly not get into college. No doubt Daniel will not be studying at the university. אני מעדיף כריך. I'd prefer a sandwich. I prefer a sandwich. אני אוהבת את הצליל של השפה הזאת. I love how that language sounds. I love the sound of that language. هذا كل ما أعرفه. I know only this. That's all I know. ربح زيري مالا. Ziri earned money. Ziri won the money. كسرهم زيري. Ziri broke them. They're broken, Ziri. الحب لا يرى عيوباً. Love sees no faults. Love sees no flaws. תפוס תנומה. Take a nap. Take a nap. يقع مطعمنا بالقرب من محطة الحافلات الجنوبية. Our restaurant is near the southern bus station. Our restaurant is located near the South Bus Station. أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you went away. لغتنا جزء مهمّ من هويّتنا الثّقافيّة. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. לא ראינו אותך כבר המון זמן. Long time, no see. We haven't seen you in a long time. يجب ان تستخدم الباب الخلفي ريثما يجري صبغ البيت . You'll have to use the rear door while the house is being painted. You should use the back door while the house is being painted. كان سامي يعمل طبيبا مقيما في مستشفى محلّي. Sami was doing his residency at a local hospital. Sami was a resident doctor at a local hospital. قدّم زيري مفسه. Ziri introduced himself. Ziri introduced him. אל תכבה את המחשב. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn off the computer. העולם זה עם אחד. The world is one people. The world is one with one. هلا منحتني بعض الوقت؟ Will you give me some time? Can you give me some time? كان بإمكان سامي أن يقيم صداقة حتّى مع صخرة. Sami could make friends with a fucking rock. Sammy could even make friends with a rock. ادرس ذلك الدرس. Take that class. Study that lesson. نظف أنفك Wipe your nose. Clean your nose. لم تعجب تلك فكرة سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. I didn’t like Sam’s idea. אני אוהב לרקוד. I love dancing. I like to dance. يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can drop him off tonight. يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. My father travels abroad sometimes. متى ذهبت إلى هناك؟ When did you go there? When did you go there? בוא נשלח לתום את המכתב. Let Tom send the letter. Let's send Tom the letter. هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These are the couples I told you about. كانت لدى زيري شكوك إزاء ريمة. Ziri suspected Rima. Ziri had doubts about Rima. قتل زيري ريمة. Ziri killed Rima. Ziri Rima was killed. תום אוהב תשבצים וחידות. Tom loves puzzles. Tom likes puzzles and puzzles. אני בטוח בכך. I'm certain. I'm sure you do. ركضت لمسافة ميل. I ran for a mile. I ran a mile. תרצי לשתות משהו? Do you want something to drink? Would you like a drink? ربطة عنقك تليق ببزتك. Your tie blends well with your suit. Your tie fits your blouse. يملك زيري مالا. Ziri has money. Ziri has money. בתו של תום נמצאת אצלו. Tom has his daughter with him. Tom's daughter is with him. سيكون الطّبيب هنا من دقيقة إلى أخرى. The doctor is going to be here any minute. The doctor will be here from minute to minute. فحص سامي جرح ليلى. Sami examined Layla's injury. Sammy checked Lily's wound. אינני אוהבת את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. شكرنا نوجة. We thanked Nuja. Thank you, Noah. הוא לא היה צריך לעשות את זה. He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have done that. דברים כאלה קורים. Things like that happen. Things like that happen. كيفَ سيدفع ديونهُ؟ How will he pay his debts? How's he gonna pay his debts? قتلت ليلى كلبها. Layla killed her dog. Layla killed her dog. كانت ليلى تمارس رقص التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Layla used to do striptease and make money. لم أرى أحدا. I didn't see a soul. I didn't see anyone. سأل ديما: "ماذا تقصد؟"، لكنه تجشأ، لأنه لو بقي صامتًا لكانت هذه الجملة بسيطةً جدا. "What do you mean?" Dima asked, but burped, for if he remained silent, this sentence would be too simple. Dima asked, "What do you mean?", but he hesitated, for if he had remained silent, this sentence would have been very simple. מקינטוש הוא אחד מסוגי מערכות ההפעלה למחשבים. Macintosh is a type of computer operating system. Macintosh is one of the types of operating systems for computers. يمنع استخدام هذه المعلومات لأغراض تجارية. It's forbidden to use this information commercially. The use of this information for commercial purposes is prohibited. لم أكن لأفعل ذلك من دون مساعدتك. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I wouldn't have done it without your help. زيري طموح. Ziri is ambitious. My father is ambitious. ربما أنت تعلم أين هي كتبي. Maybe you know where my books are? Maybe you know where my books are. את רואה דמיון? Do you see a resemblance? Do you see imagination? אני רוצה לצאת לקניות. I want to go shopping. I want to go shopping. كان على سامي أن يحضر درس التّصوير. Sami had photography class. Sammy had to take the photography class. نحن ذاهبان إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. تساهم جذور أشجار المنغروف في منع حدوث انجراف التربة. The roots of the mangrove trees in the swamp help to prevent erosion of the coastline. The roots of mangrove trees contribute to preventing the occurrence of soil erosion. احب أن اكون لوحدي I love being alone. I like to be alone. بحبك. I love you. With your love. عندي مشاكل. I've got problems. I have problems. הוא חייב לעבוד קשה. He must work hard. He has to work hard. لدينا هر أبيض. We have a white cat. We have a white cat. اللّغة مجرّد خريطة للتّفكير و المشاعر و الذّكريات البشريّة. و مثل جميع الخرائط، فإنّ اللّغة أيقونة صغيرة أصغر بمائة ألف مرّة من الشّيء الذي تمثّله. Language is just a map of human thoughts, feelings and memories. And like all maps, language is a thumbnail image a hundred thousand times smaller than what it is trying to convey. Language is just a map of human thinking, emotions, and memories. Like all maps, language is a tiny icon 100,000 times smaller than what it represents. زيري بخير. Ziri is OK. Zeri's fine. הבית ריק. The house is empty. The house is empty. הכירי את עצמך. Know thyself. Know yourself. תמיד רציתי לכתוב ספר ילדים. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I’ve always wanted to write a children’s book. يدرس زيري الأمازيغية في متوسطة. Ziri teaches Berber at a middle school. Ziri studies Amazigh in medium. كان سامي يتربّص في الشّاطئ و يبحث عن ضحيّة. Sami was stalking the beach, looking for a victim. Sammy was lurking on the beach looking for a victim. היא החליטה לעבור לבלגיה. She decided to move to Belgium. She decided to move to Belgium. מפת השולחן בארון. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. Tablecloth in the closet. ما كانش منها! It can't be! She couldn't have! תום מוכן לבוא אתנו, לא? Tom is willing to go with us, isn't he? Tom's ready to come with us, isn't he? عاش زيري في الفقر. Ziri lived in poverty. Ziri lived in poverty. شعر زيري بالحرج. Ziri felt ashamed. Ziri felt embarrassed. هل سمعت ذلك الصوت؟ Did you hear that sound? Did you hear that sound? ما علاباليش ادا مازالها عندي. I don't know if I still have it. What a mess I still have. המכונית הזאת מתפעלת היטב. This car handles well. This car works well. מה זאת אומרת? What does that mean? What do you mean? תום כתב השבוע למרי. Tom wrote to Mary this week. Tom wrote to Mary this week. لا بدّ أنّ هناك طريقة أفضل لفعل هذا. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. זהו המקדש הגדול ביותר שראיתי אי פעם. This is the largest temple that I've ever seen. It is the largest temple I have ever seen. אני במצב הלם. I'm in a state of shock. I'm in shock. אהיה במכונית. I'll be in the car. I'll be in the car. هذا الكتاب ملكٌ للمكتبة. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. העוגה בתנור עכשיו ותהיה מוכנה עוד עשר דקות. The cake is in the oven now and it should be ready to come out in about ten minutes. The cake's in the oven now and you'll be ready in ten minutes. أنا اؤمن بالله. I believe in God. I believe in God. ليس ذلك باستطاعتي. I can't. That's not what I can do. מי השופטים? Who are the judges? Who are the judges? תום לא כתב למרי אף פעם תשובה למכתבה. Tom never wrote Mary back. Tom never wrote Mary an answer to the letter. لماذا لا يدعونه "سامي" بكلّ بساطة؟ Why don't they just call him "Sami"? Why don't they just call him Sammy? אור אדום זרח באפילה. A red light was glowing in the dark. Red light shone in the darkness. هل اللغة الفرنسية أصعب من الإنجليزية؟ Is French more difficult than English? Is French more difficult than English? إنني متعب قليلاً. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. كانت ريمة تصمم فساتين قبائلية رائعة. Rima designed brilliant Kabyle dresses. Reema was designing wonderful tribal dresses. תום כבר שכנע אותי לא לעזוב. Tom has already convinced me not to leave. Tom has already convinced me not to leave. אתה חושב שאני גבוה מדי? Do you think I'm too tall? You think I'm too tall? אינני עושה זאת כל יום. I don't do this every day. I don't do that every day. لا تنم والنوافذ مفتوحة. Don't sleep with the windows open. Don't sleep and the windows are open. أريد تعلم الإنجليزية. I want to learn English. I want to learn English. Is-sħana llum. It's hot today. The heat today. تاكادا هو أغنانا كلنا. Takada is the richest out of all of us. Takada is the song of all of us. كان الجميع بملابس أنيقة. Everybody was very well dressed. They were all dressed up. رفض كارل فعل ذلك. Karl refused to do so. Carl refused to do so. طلبت ليلى الطّلاق عام 2000. Layla filed for divorce in 2000. Layla asked for a divorce in 2000. זה לא דם. זה רק צבע אדום. This isn't blood. It's just red paint. It's not blood, it's just red. كان مدرّس الفنون صارما. The art teacher was strict. The art teacher was strict. هي بتحكي عربي شويه. She speaks a little Arabic. She speaks Arabic. מה הבעיה של תום בכלל? What's Tom's problem anyway? What is Tom’s problem? لدي ثلاثة كلاب. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. אנו משלמים. We're paying. We're paying. طلب سامي الطّلاق. Sami filed for divorce. Sammy asked for a divorce. ا اومبعد⸮ So what? <0xE2><0xB8><0xAE>Remote <0xE2><0xB8><0xAE> תני לי לראות. Let me see. Let me see. תום נזקק להכוונה. Tom needed guidance. Tom needed guidance. استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Sammy used his key. وصلت إلى طوكيو البارحة. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. كانت لديّ مدرّسة مثيرة. I had a hot teacher. I had a hot teacher. تمّ استجواب زيري. Ziri was questioned. Ziri has been questioned. האם גברתי דוברת תורכית? Does the lady speak Turkish? Is my lady Turkish-speaking? يعطيها كل ما تطلبه منه. He gives her everything she asks for. Give her everything she asks of him. ההיסטוריה של כל מולדת מתחילה בלב איש או אישה. The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. The history of any country begins with the heart of a man or a woman. سامي يحبّ قيادة قارب الكانوي. Sami loves canoeing. Sammy likes to drive a canoe. אתה מדבר כל כך מהר, אני לא מבין אף מילה שאמרת. You talk so fast I can't understand a word you say. You talk so fast, I don't understand a word you said. إنها زوجتي. She's my wife. She's my wife. זה מגוחך. This is crazy. That's ridiculous. سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sammy was in the next room. سأنقذكم جميعكم. I'll save you all. I'll save you all. هناك الكثير من المرضى لدى الدكتور سميث. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. There are a lot of patients at Dr. Smith's. אחותי מנגנת בפסנתר כל יום. My sister plays piano every day. My sister plays the piano every day. أحرج سامي ليلى. Sami embarrassed Layla. Sammy Layla's embarrassed. قدم توم دروسا تدعيمية لماري. Tom tutored Mary. Tom gave supportive lessons to Mary. فر زيري كالجرذ. Ziri ran away like a rat. Ziri fled like a rat. وفرنا مساعدات إنسانية للاجئين. We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees. We have provided humanitarian assistance to the refugees. لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. Nobody's gonna hire you. בסעיף אחר הוא רשם פסיק. In another paragraph, he put in a comma. In another section he wrote a comma. سأنزل عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. איך אוכל להשיב לך טובה? How can I ever repay you? How can I repay you? רשת מסילות ברזל נפרשה ברחבי יפן. A network of railroads spreads all over Japan. A railroad network spread throughout Japan. אני רוצה שהכל יהיה כפי שהיה לפנים. I want everything back to the way it was. I want everything to be the same as it was before. תום סגר את הדלת ונעל אותה. Tom shut the door and locked it. Tom closed the door and locked it. אחי לא יכול היה לפתור את הבעיה המסובכת. My brother could not solve the complicated problem. My brother couldn't solve the complicated problem. ستصل السفينة الفضائية إلى القمر قريباً. The space ship will get to the moon soon. The spacecraft will reach the moon soon. كان في مكتب سامي أريكة. Sami had a couch in his office. Sammy had a sofa in his office. תום הנהן בהבנה. Tom nodded understandingly. Tom nodded in understanding. هي غبية, ولكن أمينة. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but honest. אנו זקוקים לאספקה. We need supplies. We need supplies. لا تخيب ظني بك! Don't disappoint me. Don't disappoint me! وقف زيري بجانب ذلك الحوض الداكن اللون. Ziri stood next to that dark pond. Ziri stood next to that dark-colored tub. כל אחד נוטה לעצלנות. Everybody tends to be lazy. Everyone tends to be lazy. אל תשתי שום דבר. Don't drink anything. Don't drink anything. אשתי אוהבת רומנים רומנטיים. My wife loves romantic novels. My wife loves romance. כמעט 80% של הארץ היא הרים. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. 80% of the country is mountainous. את עדיין זקוקה לעזרתי? Do you still need my help? You still need my help? هل عندك اعتراض على هذه الخطة. Do you have any objection to this plan? Do you have any objection to this plan? היא הייתה במצב רוח רע. She was in a bad temper. She was in a bad mood. נקלעתי לגשם ונרטבתי עד העצמות. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. I got caught in the rain and wet to the bones. Paul kien jilgħab Solitaire. Paul was playing solitaire. Paul played solitaire. عند زيري بالونات. Ziri has balloons. With my balloons. לתקשר ישירות ולנקודה היה עוזר לכולם. Communicating more to the point and directly would help everyone. Communicating directly and the point would help everyone. עליך לעיין במילון. You should consult the dictionary. You need to look at the dictionary. אתה מאשים את תום? Are you accusing Tom? Are you blaming Tom? אח שלי קנה לעצמו גיטרה חשמלית. My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought himself an electric guitar. لدينا بالونات. We have balloons. We have balloons. מחר בערב יהיו לנו חמישה אורחים. Tomorrow evening we'll have five guests. Tomorrow night we'll have five guests. انا حساس جدا من البرد. ممكن اعطائي بطانية أخرى I'm very sensitive to cold. May I have another blanket? I'm very sensitive to the cold. Can I get another blanket? مدرستنا قريبة من المحطة. Our school is near the station. Our school is close to the station. המשפט נמשך עשרה ימים אחד אחרי השני. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days. The trial lasted ten days, one after the other. ממש הגזמת שאתה חוזר בשעה כזאת. You really exaggerate returning at this time. You've gone too far to come back at this hour. أعلمُ بأني لم أعد جميلة كما كنت، إلا أنه لم يخطر ببالي مطلقًا بأنك قد تخدعني. I know I'm not pretty anymore, but I have never thought that you would cheat on me. I know I'm not as pretty as I used to be, but it never occurred to me that you would fool me. ألا تعرف إن كانت لوسي قادرة على تكلم اليابانية؟ Do you know if Lucy can speak Japanese? You don't know if Lucy can speak Japanese? علم اللاهوت, هو دراسة أساس الأديان والمعتقدات الألوهية كيف بدأت و تطورت و أثرت على المجتماعات التي تؤمن بها. Theology is the study of the origin of religions and divine faith as how they started, progressed and impacted on the societies. Theology is the study of the basis of religions and theistic beliefs in how they began, evolved and influenced the societies they believed in. Ziri pprova jimxi malajr. Ziri tried walking quickly. Ziri tried to move quickly. תני לנו דקה, טוב? Give us a minute, will you? Give us a minute, will you? הקיפוד הוא חיה קטנה. The hedgehog is a small animal. The hedgehog is a small animal. قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. They fought for their country. لأني أريد أن أصير معلمة لغة إنجليزية. The reason is that I want to be an English teacher. Because I want to become an English teacher. وقع فاضل بشكل عميق في حبّ فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. Fadel fell deeply in love with a Muslim girl from Egypt. השעון נעצר. The clock has stopped. The clock stopped. אני חושש שתום לא נמצא. I'm afraid Tom isn't here. I'm afraid Tom's not here. יש למישהו מהקהל אילו שהן שאלות? Does anyone in the audience have any questions? Does anyone in the audience have any questions? השוטרים פלשו לתוך הבית. The house was raided by the police. The police invaded the house. كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. He was good at a party. هل استرحت قليلا؟ Did you get any rest? Did you get some rest? البرتقال غني بفيتامين سي . Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. האם הוא חיפש אותי? Has he been looking for me? Was he looking for me? אני לא צריך הרבה זמן. I don't need much time. I don't need much time. استمع زيري جيدا. Ziri listened carefully. Listen to me very carefully. התלמידים היו ברובם מהחוף המערבי. The students were for the most part from the West Coast. Most of the students were from the West Coast. بحثت مطولا عن حذاء بمقاسي. It took me a while to find a pair of shoes that fit. I searched for shoes in my size. אמא מבקרת אצל רופא השיניים כל יום לסירוגין לתקן את השיניים שלה. My mother visits the dentist's every other day to get her teeth fixed. Mom visits the dentist every day on and off to fix her teeth. هاجمنا نوجة. We attacked Nuja. We attacked Nuja. אני לא יודע אם אני יכול להתמודד עם זה. I don't know if I can cope with it. I don't know if I can handle it. تخرجت في الإقتصاد. I major in economics. I graduated in economics. אני צריך כסף I need money. I need money. يا له من سؤال. أكيد أنا أحبه. What a question! Of course I love him. What a question. Of course I love him. עשוי לעזור להביט על הבעיה מזווית שונה. It may help to look at the problem from another angle. It may help to look at the problem from a different angle. ليس لدي أشقاء. I have no siblings. I don't have any siblings. תום הסתכל שנית. Tom looked again. Tom looked again. אני מניחה שזהו זה. I suppose that's it. I guess that's it. أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression of this book. אני לא רוצה לגרום לך צרות. I do not want to cause you any trouble. I don't want to cause you any trouble. لا أشارك رأيك. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. ماذا تقول الرّسالة؟ What does the letter say? What does the message say? מי יכול לעזור לכם ללמוד גרמנית? Who can help you guys learn German? Who can help you learn German? لم تر طبيباً؟ Why not see the doctor? You haven't seen a doctor? חשבתי שתום עשה את זה די טוב. I thought Tom did that pretty well. I thought Tom did it pretty well. كيف وجدت هذه الكتب النادرة؟ How did you come by these rare books? How did you find these rare books? אני מגיע כדי להרוג אותך. I have come to kill you. I'm coming to kill you. זה היה רעיון טפשי. It was a stupid idea. It was a stupid idea. ترجم الجمل الآتية إلى اليابانية. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. Translate the following sentences into Japanese. אני חושבת שלא היית צריך לעשות את זה. I think you shouldn't have done that. I don't think you should have done that. زيري يأكل الفواكه. Ziri eats fruit. My brother eats fruit. אנחנו נעשה את זה. We'll do it. We'll do it. אתה כבר יודע את הסיפור שלי. You already know my story. You already know my story. هل يعيش بالقرب من هنا؟ Does he live near here? Does he live near here? Ordna li jinġiebu d-dokumenti kollha. He ordered all the documents to be presented. Orders all documents to be submitted. אני לא רוצה אחות המתעלפת ממראה דם. I don’t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood. I don't want a blood-sucking nurse. אולי אנו צריכים לבקש ממישהו עזרה. Maybe we should ask someone for help. Maybe we should ask someone for help. ואת, מה שלומך? And you, how are you? And you, how are you? ארגוני רכיבה על אופניים שדלו לסלול כבישים חלקים לכל רחבי הארץ. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Cycling organizations that have sought to pave smooth roads all over the country. המטריה שייכת לי. That umbrella belongs to me. The umbrella belongs to me. لم تعتقد أنّه يجب أن تقوم بذلك؟ Why do you think you have to do that? Why do you think you should do that? هل عندك الفاتورة؟ Do you have a receipt? Do you have the bill? استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. I hired Layla as a dog trainer. בוא ננסה משהו! Let's try something. Let's try something! יש לי יותר מדי דברים! I have too much stuff! I've got too many things! لقد وصل سامي للتّو. Sami has just arrived. Sammy just got here. למה את מפחדת ממני? Why are you scared of me? Why are you afraid of me? למכוניות כיבוי אש יש זכות קדימה על כלי רכב אחרים. Fire engines have priority over other vehicles. Fire engines have a right of way over other vehicles. אני קורא רומן מאת סידני שלדון. I'm reading a novel by Sidney Sheldon. I'm reading a novel by Sidney Sheldon. حنا ماشي كامَل مَن بوسطن. Not all of us are from Boston. We're walking from Boston. השלום חשוב מאוד. Peace is very important. Peace is very important. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I hope he will come. I hope he comes. واضح إنك غلطان. Clearly you are mistaken. You're obviously a mistake. أكلنا هناك تلت مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there several times. ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. They've seen the prognosis. قرابة الألف شاركوا في المظاهرة. Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration. About a thousand people took part in the demonstration. התזתי פליט מחוץ לכילה. I sprayed insecticide on the outside of the mosquito net. I sprayed a refugee out of the cobwebs. הנער עמד חרד ללא ניע. The boy stood still in horror. The boy stood anxiously motionless. להתראות בקרוב! See you soon! See you soon! بنته متحمسة للذهاب معه إلى أي مكان. His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere. His daughter is excited to go with him anywhere. לא משנה כמה פעמים אני רואה את זה, זה עדיין מצחיק אותי. No matter how many times I see this, it still makes me laugh. No matter how many times I see it, it still makes me laugh. مارانيش حاب نكون بطل. I don't want to be a hero. Maranesh Hab be a hero. هي لا تعتبر اللحم لذيذا. She doesn't find meat tasty. She doesn't consider meat delicious. كانت ليلى شرطيّة ذات خبرة. Layla was a veteran cop. Layla was an experienced cop. نعم، على الأرجح أنها سوف تأتي إلى المنزل. Yes, she'll probably come home. Yeah, she'll probably come home. فقد توم حاسة الشم. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tom lost his sense of smell. دايمن يشكييو They always complain. Daimen Shkiyo زيري يعبد الشّيطان. Ziri worships Satan. Ziri worships the devil. תום גר לבד בבית קטן ליד הנהר. Tom lives alone in a small house near the river. Tom lives alone in a small house by the river. אני מוסיף את המשפט הזה עכשיו. I'm adding this sentence now. I am adding this sentence now. لقد تغيّرت الصّين و على الولايات المتّحدة أن تعترف بذلك. China has changed and the US has to acknowledge that. China has changed, and the United States must recognize that. אצטרך פשוט לקחת את הסיכון. I'll just have to risk it. I'll just have to take the risk. האם טום כתב מכתב? Did Tom write a letter? Did Tom write a letter? המשטרה תמצא אותנו אם נישאר כאן. The police will find us if we stay here. The police will find us if we stay here. היקום תעלומה. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. תתנהג. Behave yourselves. Behave. اشترى زيري ذلك. Ziri bought that. Ziri bought it. היית מודאג? Were you worried? Were you worried? بإمكان سامي أن يتناول كعكة كوكيز أخرى. Sami can have another cookie. Sammy can have another cookie. لكلّ ضيوف الحفل، مرحبا بكم في الجزائر العاصمة. To everyone attending the ceremony, welcome to Algiers. For all the guests of the party, welcome to Algiers. אתה אדיב. You're courteous. You're kind. Ziri jħobb jħalli din l-liedna fil-kamra tal-banju. Ziri likes to keep this ivy in the bathroom. He likes to leave this piece of furniture in the living room. لما لم تأتِ إلى العشاء؟ Why didn't you come for dinner? Why didn't you come to dinner? تأثّر زيري. Ziri was touched. Zeri's been affected. אולי תום לא היה רעב. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. המפעלים מייצרים בקנה מידה גדול. The factories are producing on a large scale. The plants are manufactured on a large scale. كسّر سامي نظّاراته و لا يستطيع رؤية شيء. Sami broke his glasses and he can't see anything. Sammy broke his glasses and couldn't see a thing. استمع بانتباه ولا تقاطع. Listen closely and do not interrupt. Listen carefully and do not interrupt. توم يبدوا غير قادر على فهمها. Tom just doesn't seem to get it. Tom seems unable to understand it. אנו צריכים רק להרגע. We just needed to relax. We just need to calm down. מה לא בסדר איתו? What's wrong with him? What's wrong with him? סנדרה אוכלת לארוחת בוקר פרוסת לחם וכוס קפה. For breakfast, Sandra has a slice of bread and a cup of coffee. Sandra eats a slice of bread and a cup of coffee for breakfast. عمر السيدة أربعون عامًا على الأرجح. The lady is forty years old at most. The woman is probably 40 years old. השעון שלך מונח על שלוחן העבודה. Your watch is on the desk. Your watch is on the workbench. ما زالت لديك فرصة. You still have a chance. You still have a chance. تصحق سح تسقسي لاكيستيۆن باش تعرف لاريپۆنس⸮ Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? Saheh Tsaqsei Lakhestijn Bash اثنان وخمسون بالمئة من النساء البريطانيات يفضلن الشوكولاته على الجنس. Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. Fifty-two percent of British women prefer chocolate to sex. ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It's not polite to speak with your mouth full. It's not polite to talk and your mouth is full. لا تنسى القاعدة رقم 72. Don't forget rule no. 72. Don't forget rule number 72. تدعى المعجزات معجزات لأنها لا تحصل! Miracles are called miracles because they don't happen! Miracles are called miracles because they don’t happen! אני נחוש להפסיק לעשן. I'm determined to give up smoking. I'm determined to quit smoking. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل أكثر من هذا. I cannot bear it any longer. I can't take any more of this. الخير ينتصر دائما. Good always wins. Good always wins. تحقق زيري إن كانت ريمة نائمة. Ziri was checking if Rima was asleep. Check to see if she's sleeping. እቲ ንጉስ ብሰንኪ እቲ ድንቂ ኣደራሹ ውሩይ ኮነ። The king was famous for his splendid palace. And the king, on account of the oath, became a consummation to his household; תום דרש יותר. Tom demanded more. Tom wanted more. الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Birds of a feather flock together. Birds in their forms. لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. بإمكانه الانتظار حتى الغد. He can wait until tomorrow. He can wait until tomorrow. هل سنلحق بالقطار؟ Will we be in time for the train? Are we gonna catch the train? انظر إلي Look at me. Look at me. انتحر سامي. Sami took his own life. Sammy committed suicide. מעודי לא התקפתי אף אחד. I've never attacked anyone. I've never attacked anyone before. יש לי מחשב נייד מדגם אסוס. I have an Asus laptop. I have an Essos laptop. בסדר. Ok. Oh, okay. أحيك كل يوم. I knit every day. I smile every day. شيء جميل كهذا أبدا لن يفقد قيمته. A beautiful object like that never loses its value. Such a beautiful thing will never lose its value. زيري أعزب. Ziri is single. My father is single. ليس ثمّة هواء في هذه الغرفة. There's no air in this room. There's no air in this room. سامي يحاول التّركيز على هذا الجزء من حياة روزفلت. Sami is trying to focus on that chapter of Roosevelt's life. Sammy's trying to focus on this part of Roosevelt's life. لقد كان من الواضح أنها في ألم. She was obviously in pain. She was clearly in pain. سأنزل في المحطة القادمة. I'll get off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. تمّ التّبليغ على فقدان فاضل. Fadil was reported missing. Fadel's loss has been reported. كان الصوت الوحيد المسموع هو تكتكة الساعة . The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock. The only sound heard was the ticking of the clock. אתה חייב למהר, אחרת תחמיץ את האוטובוס המהיר. You must hurry up, or you will miss the express. You have to hurry, or you'll miss the express bus. عمر ليلى الآن 13 سنة. Layla is now 13. Lily is now 13 years old. ربح مارك مليون دينار. Mark made a million dinars. Mark won a million dinars. It-tazza hija maħmuġa. The glass is dirty. The cup is dirty. אינני משעשעת אתכם. I'm not amusing you. I'm not amusing you. יום ההולדת של טום בדיוק חודש מהיום. Tom's birthday is exactly one month from today. Tom's birthday is exactly a month from today. הקיבוץ הוא סוג של קומונה. The kibbutz is a kind of commune. The kibbutz is a kind of commune. לפתע הם הופיעו משומקום. They suddenly appeared from nowhere. Suddenly they came out of nowhere. أخبر سامي الطّبيب عن هذا الأمر. Sami told the doctor about that. Tell Sammy the doctor about it. انتقل إلى هنا. Move in here. Move over here. زيري هو من قال ذلك. Ziri said that. Ziri is the one who said it. سافر توم تحت اسم مستعار . Tom traveled under an assumed name. Tom traveled under a pseudonym. הם זחלו קדימה. They crept forward. They crawled forward. قطّع يانّي حبّات التّين إلى شطرين. Yanni cut the figs in halves. Yani cut the figs into two pieces. ألم يخطر ببالك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Didn't it occur to you to close the windows? היא נתפסה עם המכנסיים למטה. She was caught with her pants down. She was caught with her pants down. اتّصل سامي بليلى، طالبا منها أن تأتي و تصطحبه. Sami called Layla to come and get him. Sammy called Lily, asked her to come and pick him up. אשגיח על המזוודה שלך עבורך. I'll keep an eye on your suitcase for you. I'll keep an eye on your briefcase for you. التفاح فاكهة لذيذة. An apple is a tasty fruit. Apples are a delicious fruit. أين يمكننى تبادل النقود؟ Where can I exchange money? Where can I exchange money? لكم زيري ريمة. Ziri punched Rima. You're Ziri Rima. העיר מוגנת על ידי גולם. The town is protected by a golem. The city is protected by a cocoon. אני לא יכול להסתיר את רגשותי. I can't hide my feelings. I can't hide my feelings. זו הייתה מתנה מטום. That was a gift from Tom. It was a gift from Tom. במקרה תאונה דווח לי על כך מיד! In case there is an accident, report it to me at once. In case of an accident, report it to me immediately! ما المجال الذي قمت بدراسته في الجامعة؟ What did you major in at college? What area did you study at university? הייתי באמת באמת מאוכזב. I was really, really disappointed. I was really disappointed. ربما سيغير رأيه. He might change his mind. Maybe he'll change his mind.