حنا ماشي كامَل مَن بوسطن. Not all of us are from Boston. We're all Mary's from Boston. ניחשתי נכונה. I guessed right. I guessed right. בואו נרקוד על עלות השחר! Let's dance till the break of dawn! Let's dance at dawn! השוד תוכנן בכשרון רב. The heist was expertly planned. The robbery was designed with great skill. היא לא שמרה את סודי. She did not keep my secret. She didn't keep my secret. دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. אני מצטער על הטרחה. I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sorry about the trouble. سامي قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did it. املأ هذه الاستمارة من فضلك. Fill out this form, please. Please fill in this form. קח את מפתחות המכונית שלו. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. ذكّرني كي أجدّد جواز سفري. Don't forget to remind me to renew my passport. Remind me to renew my passport. תחזור מתי שתרצה. Come back anytime. Come back whenever you want. אתה ממהר מדי. You're going too fast. You're too fast. واصل سامي إرسال الرّسائل لليلى. Sami continued to send letters to Layla. Sami kept sending letters to me. كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy to get out of his life. لابد أنه كان مؤلماً للغاية It must've been extremely painful. He must have been so painful. תניח את הנשק שלך! Put down your weapons! Put your weapon down! علِمتُ أنها كانت بلاستيكًا لكن طعمها كان كطعم الخشب. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I knew it was plastic, but her taste was like wood. נהגתי לעבוד משרה שלמה במסעדה. I used to work full time in a restaurant. I used to work a whole job at the restaurant. הפרופסור ווידא שהבחינה נבדקה כשורה. The professor made sure the test was checked carefully. Professor made sure the exam was properly checked. הכסף יחולק כנראה שווה בשווה בין שניהם. The money will probably be split evenly between those two. The money would probably be worth both. החדר שורץ עכבישים. The room is crawling with spiders. The room is shaking spiders. أنا لا أعرف اسمه I don't know his name. I don't know his name. טיסה נגד הרוח היא עבודה קשה מאוד. Flying against a strong wind is very difficult. Flying against the wind is a very hard job. עכשיו תורי. It's now my turn. Now it's my turn. מה אנו אמורים לעשות? What are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to do? من يهمّه؟ Who cares? Who cares? يحب أبي البيتزا كثيراً. My father likes pizza very much. Dad likes pizza a lot. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ Which bed do you want to use? What bed do you want to sleep on? אני לא מכיר אותך. I don't know you. I don't know you. הבחנת במשהו יוצא דופן? Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary? Did you notice anything unusual? أنتَ ربحتها. You've earned it. You won it. كان لدى منّاد موعد هام. Mennad had an important appointment. I had an important appointment. سامي بحاجة لليلى. Sami needs Layla. Sami needs Lily. נפצעתי. I got injured. I'm hurt. لقد أنهت قراءة الرسالة. She finished reading the letter. I'm done reading the message. كان سامي يتخيّل عن ليلى. Sami fantasized on Layla. Sami was thinking about Lily. Naħseb għandi biżżejjed flus biex nixtri l-kompjuter li rrid. I think I have almost enough money to buy the computer I want. I think I have enough money to buy the computer I want. راقب الجزء الخلفي . ساراقب انا الجزء الامامي. Watch the rear. I'll watch the front. Watch the back. I'll watch. I'm the front part. أنا بخاف م الزلازل. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm scared of the earthquakes. אל תשכחו את כלל מס' 72. Don't forget rule number seventy-two. Don't forget rule 72. אנו צריכים לגלות מה זומם תום. We need to find out what Tom is up to. We need to find out what's up to Tom. عمل سامي في وزارة الصّحّة. Sami worked for the ministry of health. Sami worked at the Ministry of Health. אל תעלמי לי שוב. Don't disappear on me again. Don't miss me again. העט הזה הוא הטוב ביותר. This is the best pen. This pen is the best. סדרו את מיטותיכם. Make your bed. Set your beds up. כן, שמי קארן סמית. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. תלוי בהקשר. It depends on the context. Depends on the context. אני חייב לפגוש את תום. I must meet Tom. I have to meet Tom. לאנשים הסולדים ממתן כסף, תלוש מתנה הוא רעיון טוב. For people who dislike the idea of giving money, a gift certificate is a good idea. For the people who give money, a gift is a good idea. من فضلك لا تتحدث عني أثناء غيابي. Please don't talk about me when I'm gone. Please don't talk about me while I'm gone. היית עושה זאת למעני? You would do that for me? Would you do that for me? מה שלא הורג - מחשל. What does not kill me, makes me stronger. What doesn't kill-- plant. על איזה כוכב את חיה? What planet do you live on? What planet are you on? היא מאושרת. She is happy. She's happy. أنا رجل سهر. I'm a night owl. I'm a great man. כאשר חיכיתי שהגשם ייפסק, הוא, באדיבותו, הסיע אותי. While I was waiting for the rain to stop, he kindly gave me a lift. When I waited for the rain to stop, he, by his kindness, drove me away. روى فاضل للشرطة ما حدث. Fadil told police what happened. Roy worked for the police what happened. ما نوع الأكلات اليابانية التي تحبها؟ What kinds of Japanese food do you like? What kind of Japanese food you like? صنع سامي لنفسه اسما مستعارا. Sami created an alias. Sami made himself a alias. אתה שם בהחלט המון סוכר בקפה שלך. You sure do put a lot of sugar in your coffee. You're definitely there a lot of sugar in your coffee. تورّي برك بلّي نتا ماشي رۆبۆ. It only shows you're not a robot. To be blessed by Neta Machib. אינך נראה טוב מדי. You don't look too good. You don't look too good. أكيليز بطل أسطوري عند الإغريق. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. Akylise's a mythical hero at the prowl. תפסיקי לבזבז זמן. Quit screwing around. Stop wasting time. كان الحذاء الذي أعطيته لسامي صغيرا عليه. The shoes I gave Sami were too small for him. The shoes I gave to Sami were small on him. هل يمكننا أن ننسى أن ذلك قد حدث؟ Can we forget that that just happened? Can we forget that happened? האם אכן זה השתלם? Was that really worth it? Did it really pay? האיש הזה ידע יותר מדי. That man knew too much. That man knew too much. אתה עדיין ירוק. You're still green. You're still green. את מוזמנת לחכות. You're welcome to wait. You're welcome to wait. ما رأيك بمعطفي الجديد؟ What do you think of my new coat? What do you think of my new dresser? توم أدار ظهره لــنمط حياته القديمة وثم كرّسَ نفسه لأسرته. Tom turned his back on his old way of life and dedicated himself to his family. Tom ran his back to his old way of life, and then dedicated himself to his family. أنا أقرأ كتابك I am reading your book. I'm reading your book. תום נכנס לבית שלי. Tom went in my house. Tom got in my house. אתה אמין? Are you reliable? You believe it? البارَح كانْ نْهارْ شْبَابْ. It was a beautiful day yesterday. The next day there was a riot. אני הולך לתאטרון בפינה. I'm going to the theater on the corner. I'm going to the theater in the corner. أين أختك؟ Where's your sister? Where's your sister? عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was young, he was a steady worker. כשהגעתי הביתה מצאתי את מכתבך מחכה לי. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. כעסתי שלא עניתי לך. I've been upset not having written you a reply. I was angry that I didn't answer you. يا إلهي ، مبتدئ هزمني في اللعبة! omg a n00b pwned me! Oh, my God, a freshman beat me in the game! ضرب فاضل دانية مرّة أخرى. Fadil beat Dania again. One more time. ما لا يُصلَح، تركُهُ أصْلَح. What can't be cured must be endured. What's not happening, let it go. سامي مدرّسنا في رقص الهيبهوب. Sami is our hiphop teacher. Sami's our teacher at the Hepbub dance. את כמעט מוכנה? Are you almost ready? Are you almost ready? أريد أن أنساها. I want to forget her. I want to forget her. رأيت صورتها. I saw her picture. I saw her picture. እሱ በጣም ጥሩ ሐኪም ነው። He is a very good doctor. Would You Welcome a Visit? אתם ישנים? Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? תום מייצר חלקי חילוף במפעל מכוניות. Tom is making spare parts in a car factory. Tom makes spare parts in the car factory. תום נתן לחתול קצת חלב. Tom gave some milk to the cat. Tom gave the cat some milk. נסענו להקונה ביום ראשון שעבר. We drove to Hakone last Sunday. We went to the buyer last Sunday. إننا جائعون. We are hungry. We're hungry. كان مدرّسنا البديل شابّا. Our substitute teacher was young. Our replacement teacher was young. אני משוכנע שאני יכול לעשות את זה. I'm confident I can do it. I'm sure I can do this. كان سامي مقيّدا لسرير المستشفى. Sami was shackled to his hospital bed. Sami was restricted to the hospital bed. הבתים האלה הם של הדוד שלי. Those houses are my uncle's. These houses are my uncle's. אני יודעת שאתה אוהב אותי. I know you love me. I know you love me. تتكلم ماريكو الإنجليزية جيداً. Mariko speaks English excellently. The English Mariko is speaking very well. יש לך בני משפחה כלשהם בגרמניה? Do you have any family in Germany? Do you have any family members in Germany? זה לא מתמקד רק בלימוד לשון, היסטוריה או גאוגרפיה. This does not mean only the study of language, history or geography. It doesn't just focus on language, history or geography. لا تفتح الباب. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. كان فاضل يبحث عن أجوبة. Fadil was looking for answers. He was an enemy looking for answers. הייתי כמעט עירומה. I was almost naked. I was almost naked. רוצים את תום ליד השולחן שלנו. We want Tom at our table. You want Tom at our table. בקרוב נהיה יחד. We'll get together soon. Soon we'll be together. תחנת הכוח יצאה מכלל שימוש בגלל הטכנולוגיה המיושנת שלה. The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology. The power station is out of all use because of its old technology. عليك أن تأخذ هذا. You have to take this. You have to take this. הוא חזר הביתה בלי להודיע לנו. He returned home without telling us. He came home without letting us know. سأكلّمه بشأن الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about loud music. قَرَّرَتِ التوقفَ عن التدخين. She decided to stop smoking. You decided to stop smoking. تظاهر سامي بالموت. Sami played dead. Sami protested to die. היא תכופות הייתה יושבת שם להאכיל את העופות. She will often sit there feeding birds. She would have been sitting there to feed the birds. ابتسمت نانسي بسعادة. Nancy smiled happily. I was very happy with Nancy. ترك توم البوابة مفتوحة. Tom left the gate open. Tom left the gate open. אינני מטיח את ראשיהן בקיר. I don't knock their heads against the wall. I don't put their heads in the wall. את מי תום נשך? Who did Tom bite? Who's Tom biting? לא ראינו דבר. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. كان سامي محبّا لأولاده. Sami was just always loving to his kids. Sami was in love with his boys. אל תעזוב אותי. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. لم يتوقّعا سامي و ليلى حملا. Sami and Layla had a surprise pregnancy. Sami and Lily didn't expect a pregnancy. لماذا تريني هذه الصّورة؟ Why are you showing me this picture? Why are you showing me this picture? كم عمرك؟ How old are you? How old are you? תום די עקשן. Tom is quite obstinate. Tom's pretty stubborn. מזג אוויר היפה הוסיף להנאתינו מן הטיול. Fine weather added to the joy of our trip. The beautiful weather added to our pleasure of the trip. تريد كأساً آخر من الشاي؟ أعددت لك كأساً منذ لحظات قليلة! You want another cup of tea? I've just made you one! You want another cup of tea? جعلته يدهن البيت. I made him paint the house. You made him their hand home. היית החבר היחיד של תום. You were Tom's only friend. You were Tom's only friend. אני רוצה גלידה. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. ربات البيت في أيامنا هذه لا يعرفن إلا الشكوى من ارتفاع الأسعار. Today's housewives do nothing but complain of high prices. The housewives these days only know the complaint of high prices. נא לא להפריע לנו. We're not to be disturbed. Please don't bother us. كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. أنا تلميذ. I'm a student. I'm a student. لا أريد البكاء أمام توم. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I don't want to cry in front of Tom. הם צריכים ללכת. They need to go. They have to go. זה ספר עם סיפורי ילדים. This is a book of children's stories. It's a book with children's stories. איך השתנו החיים מאז שהיית ילד? How has life changed since you were a kid? How'd life change since you were a kid? למה אתה תדיר מתערב? Why do you constantly have to get involved? Why would you get involved? لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't a teacher. תום יכול לסייע למרי. Tom can help Mary out. Tom can help Mary. ماذا تُفضّل؟ What do you like? What do you prefer? إنهُ لم يستطع أن ينتظر ليجرب لوح ركوب الأمواج. He couldn't wait to try out his new surfboard. He couldn't wait to try the snowboard. זה טבעי. This is natural. It's natural. الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book about King lost his fortune. الجميع سعداء. All are happy. Everyone's happy. أكره مادة الكيمياء. I hate chemistry. I hate chemistry. هذا ابنها يا سامي. This is her son, Sami. That's her son, Sammy. אתן לך מחשב נייד. I'll give you a laptop. I'll give you a laptop. إرجع! Get back, get back! Come back! ليس لديّ أب. I don't have a daddy. I don't have a father. הוא היה צריך לעשות זאת כך. He should have done it that way. He should've done it like that. الحاسبات الشخصية مفيدة جداً Personal computers are very useful. Personal computers are very useful. لم تكذب من أجلها؟ Why do you lie for her? You didn't lie for her? אל תמהר. Take your time. Don't hurry. لا يستطيع أحد التفوق عليه. Nobody can surpass him. No one can get over it. סלחי לי, את יודעת מה השעה? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Excuse me, do you know what time it is? אמרתי להם שזה דחוף. I told them it was urgent. I told them it was urgent. תום לא אוהב מתמטיקה. Tom doesn't like mathematics. Tom doesn't like math. כמה מנגואים תרצי? How many mangos will you want? How many gangs would you like? אני לא יודעת לאן היא הלכה. I don't know where she went. I don't know where she went. لكن للقصّة جانب آخر. But there is another side to the story. But the story has another side. אני מוכרח לדעת. I must know. I have to know. كم شخصًا رأيت في المنتزه؟ How many people did you see in the park? How many people did you see in the park? אתה בלש מעולה. You're an excellent detective. You're a great detective. אנו רצים ביחד. We jog together. We run together. أهلاً و سهلاً! Welcome. Hey, easy! אני יכולה לדבר אנגלית. I can speak English. I can speak English. הם פקפקו במפקדם. They had some doubts about their commander. They jumped at their command. سيدي، لقد تركت ولاّعتك على الطاولة. Sir, you have left your lighter on the table. Sir, I left you and you on the table. إنه سعيد رغم فقره. He is poor, but happy. He's happy despite his poverty. لفاقير ماشي لّي عندوش شوييا، مي لّي يسحق بزّاف. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. For a man who's gone to me at Shoyya's, Mi's gonna hit a tail. ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! What's wrong with me when I believe it! تزوّج سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami remarried. My mom's getting married again. אל תאכזב אותי כמו שעשית לפני כמה ימים. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't let me down like you did a few days ago. أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The child feels safe in his mother's arms. بعثتُه لك منذ يومين. I sent it to you two days ago. I sent it to you two days ago. أخي الأكبر مدرس. My older brother is a teacher. My older brother's a teacher. אנו די טובים בזה. We're pretty good at this. We're pretty good at that. אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים שלך. You can't be too careful in choosing your friends. You can't explain the importance of choosing your friends. טום אמר למרי שלא כדאי לה לצאת החוצה במזג אוויר כזה. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't go out in this kind of weather. Tom told Mary she shouldn't go out in this weather. كيف يلاحَظ الخطأ؟ How is the error observed? How does it look wrong? נדהמתי כששמעתי את ההסבר של טום למעשהו. I was shocked when I heard Tom's explanation for his action. I was amazed when I heard Tom's explanation in fact. تذكرت الآن. Now I remember. I remember now. אני מכיר את השכונה הזאת. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I know this neighborhood. אין בזה שום הגיון מזוין. It makes no fucking sense. It doesn't make any fucking sense. لا تتكلم باليابانية. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. ذهب سامي لينام قرابة السّاعة العاشرة. Sami went to bed around ten o'clock. Sami went to sleep about 10 o'clock. אני מכיר מישהו שמדבר לטינית. I know a man who speaks Latin. I know someone who talks Latin. كسر توم زجاج النافذة. Tom broke the window. Tom's broken window glass. إنني أعمل في طوكيو حالياً. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo right now. לתום רק עין טובה אחת. Tom only has one good eye. Only one good eye. عانى سامي من صداع نصفي. Sami had a migraine headache. Sami suffered a semi-traumatic headache. الرَجُل الشاب الأعمى تغلب على إعاقتهُ. The blind young man has overcome his handicap. The blind young men overcome his disability. נגור פה כבר עשר שנים בסוף החודש הזה. We will have lived here for ten years at the end of this month. We've been living here for ten years at the end of this month. איך הם הגיעו לכאן? How did they get here? How did they get here? لنأكل شيئا قبل أن نخرج. Let's eat something before we go out. Let's eat something before we get out. היו מעט מאוד עצים, אם בכלל. There were few, if any, trees. There were very few trees, if anything. هل تذهبون إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو؟ Do you guys go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou? Are you going to Moldova University with the Batesi and Zoo teachers? أحرّك الضّرس المتقلقل بلساني باستمرار. I keep wiggling the loose tooth with my tongue. I'm constantly moved by the anxiety of my tongue. זה אמור להספיק. This should do it. That should do it. מעודי לא התכוונתי לעשות את זה. I never meant to do that. I didn't mean to do that. בכל זאת, איכשהו הצלחת. Anyway, somehow you succeeded. Anyway, somehow you got it. רד מהסוס, תום. Get off your high horse, Tom. Get off the horse, Tom. لنذهب إلى هناك بسرعة. Let's get there quickly. Let's go there quickly. אני לא אוהב אותה. I don't love her. I don't like her. בואו רק נסתלק מפה. Let's just get out of here. Let's just get out of here. لماذا تخلّى سامي عنّي؟ Why did Sami abandon me? Why'd Sam give up on me? מה אתה רוצה לדעת עלי? What do you want to know about me? What do you want to know about me? טום יהרוג אותי. Tom is going to kill me. Tom's gonna kill me. كان سامي حاضرا عندما انتحرت والدته. Sami was there when his mother committed suicide. Sami was present when his mother committed suicide. תום הסתתר מאחורי הוילון. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. Tom was hiding behind the curtain. יש יותר מ-4,000 שפות בעולם. There are more than 4000 languages in the world. There are over 4,000 languages in the world. مدرّسنا للرّساضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. Our music teacher is bad. אני לא חושב שאני מסוגל להחזיק מעמד עוד זמן רב. I don't think I can hold on much longer. I don't think I've been able to hold on for a long time. هذا الطبق ممتاز. This dish is terrific. This plate is excellent. فقط أحتاج لقاء الوقت معك. I just need to spend time with you. I just need to meet you. תום הפסיק לאכול. Tom stopped eating. Tom stopped eating. הוא לומד ליד שולחן הכתיבה שלו. He is studying at his desk. He's learning at his desk. كان توم آخر طفل يذهب إلى منزله. Tom was the last kid to go home. Tom was the last child to go to his house. هذه فكرة جيدة! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! איפה הייתם? Where were you? Where have you been? نمت البلدة و أصبحت مدينة. The town grew into a city. The town grew up and became a city. הוא חי בתפוח. It lives inside an apple. He lives in an apple. نحن هنا يا جمال. We're here, Jamal. We're here, Jamal. תום ליגלג על הרעיון. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom Littleberg on the idea. أنا أطهو, ولكن بدون الكثير من المتعة. I cook, but without much pleasure. I'm cooking, but without a lot of fun. מישהו יכול לעזור לי פה? Can someone help me here? Can anyone help me out here? את האגדות האלה יש להנחיל לצאצאינו. These legends should be handed down to our offspring. These legends have to begin with our offspring. لا تنس! Don't forget! Don't forget! ما هذا؟ What is this? What's that? رأيت الرجل يقفز. I saw the man jump. I saw the guy jump. أخبرت والديّ بنواياي. I made known my intentions to my parents. I told my parents my intentions. كوبي كامل. My glass is full. Coopery's perfect. كيف لك أن تقول ذلك؟ How can you say that? How do you say that? נותרו ימים ספורים עד חג המולד. Christmas is only a few days away. It's only a few days till Christmas. היא יצאה לקניות. She went shopping. She went shopping. אני כבר לא טירון. I'm no longer a rookie. I'm no longer a rookie. هكذا دخل الجامعة. This was how he entered the university. That's how the university came in. פריז קוסמת מאד לצעירות יפניות. Paris has a great charm for Japanese girls. Paris is very cosmopolitan to Japanese youths. בוא ניגש לעניין. Let's get with it. Let's get to the point. יש לי רעיון טוב. I got a good idea. I have a good idea. אתה איום ונורא. You're terrible. You're terrible. قبلتُ رسالتك بالأمس. I got your message. I accepted your message yesterday. הם לעולם לא יסכימו. זה מוגזם. They will never accept. It's too far. They'll never agree. وصلنا إلى المستشفى بسلام. We safely arrived at the hospital. We got to the hospital safely. قابلت بوب صباح اليوم. I saw Bob this morning. I met Bob this morning. ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. אם לא תזדרז לעולם לא תגיע לכפר. If you don't hurry up, you'll never get to the village. If you don't hurry, you'll never get to the village. אני קונה רק מכוניות צהובות. I only buy yellow cars. I only buy yellow cars. אני כל כך שמחה שהם כאן. I'm so glad they're here. I'm so glad they're here. نعرف أن الشمس أكبر من الأرض. We know that the Sun is bigger than the Earth. We know the sun is bigger than the earth. ما الجديد؟ What's up? What's new? אני לא טוב במחול. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not good in sand. دعونا نرى الفيلم. Let's watch a movie. Let's see the movie. טום בדרך כלל מאזין למוזיקה קלאסית. Tom usually listens to classical music. Tom usually listened to classic music. לטום לא היו ילדים. Tom didn't have any children. Tom had no kids. غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه المصرفي. Fadil changed his bank account details. Changed his bank account details. وصلت إلى طوكيو البارحة. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I got to Tokyo last night. אני רוצה לאכול מנגו. I want to eat a mango. I want to eat a mango. قرّر فاضل أن يتعلّم العربيّة. Fadil decided that he wanted to learn Arabic. He decided to learn Arabic. אתם לא ממהרים, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? ستنجب ليلى طفلا. Layla is going to have a baby. You're gonna have a baby. سامي يحبّ التّحلية. Sami likes dessert. Sammy likes dessert. كانت المرحلة التالية هي الدخول إلى مدرسة للفنون. The next stage was to enter a good arts school. The next stage was getting into art school. אתן אוהבות את טום? Do you love Tom? Do you like Tom? השמנת יתר לא טובה לבריאות. Becoming too fat is not good for one's health. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. בוא נדרבן את תום בקשר לזה. Let's bring Tom up to speed on this. Let's get Tom around about it. من الممكن أن أليس ستأتي. Alice may possibly come. You can't come. استقلت كينيا عام 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. Kenya withdrew in 1963. התעלמתי מזה. I ignored it. I ignored it. لم أره بعد ذلك. I didn't see him anymore. I haven't seen him yet. אפילו גליונות דקים של אמריציום 241 יכולים ליצור תגובת שרשרת. Even thin sheets of Americium-241 can sustain a chain reaction. Even thin rolls of Amrysium 241 can create chain reaction. הוא נעץ בי מבט. He stared at me. He was staring at me. كان سامي يريد أن يشتري ملابسا لليلى. Sami wanted to buy Layla clothes. Sami wanted to buy clothes for the night. תום אנורקטי. Tom is anorexic. Tom Anorextic. מה מנע ממנה להגיע אתמול? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What prevented her from coming last night? אנא, אמץ את גור הכלבים הזה. Please adopt this puppy. Please, adopt this dog's fate. مش فاهم انت قاعد تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. Get out of here. You're a base to say. אנחנו צריכים לצאת מכאן. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here. עלול לרדת גשם הלילה. It may rain tonight. It could rain tonight. አንደኛው ፎቅላይ ነው። It's on the first floor. Page Thirty - Two הקשב ולמד. Listen and learn. Listen and learn. החדר של תום ריק. Tom's room is empty. Tom's room is empty. بإمكانه الاستراحة. He can rest. He can break. صديقتك هنا. Your friend is here. Your girlfriend's here. كلّ شيء يؤلم. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. ليس بإمكانك الدخول لأنك قاصر. Because you're a minor, you can't enter. You can't go in because you're a minor. אני בוודאי נראית נורא ואיום. I must look a sight. I must look terrible. هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She likes rain. זה די קר עבור חודש אפריל. It's rather cold for April. It's pretty cold for April. تجاهلهم سامي. Sami ignored them. They ignored Sami. לצערי, עליי לאכזב אותך. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Unfortunately, I have to let you down. תן לי לראות איך ארגיש מחר. Let me see how I feel tomorrow. Let me see how I'll feel tomorrow. استمر المطر خمسة أيام. The rain lasted five days. It's been raining five days. جون ماكانشو هنايا. John isn't here. John Macancho's here. לא אכפת לי מי מנשקת את תום. I don't care who kisses Tom. I don't care who kiss Tom. נלך מיד כשטום יגיע. We'll leave as soon as Tom gets here. We'll go right when Tom gets here. אח שלי מחזיק בידו מצלמה. My brother is holding a camera in his hand. My brother has a camera in his hand. אגייס קרנות מימון. I raise funds. I'll set up funding beams. מה את ממליצה לי? What are you suggesting to me? What do you recommend to me? كانت ليلى نائمة نوما عميقا. Layla was sound asleep. Lily had a deep sleep. הם מבינים אותנו. They understand us. They understand us. هل هو صديق؟ Is he a friend? Is he a friend? אני כותבת שירה. I write poetry. I write poetry. أخذ سامي سيّارة ليلى و تركها عالقة في المستشفى. Sami took Layla's car and left her stranded at the hospital. He took Sami's car and left her stuck in the hospital. انا بخلفه . I am at the rear of him. I'm behind him. מה אגיד לתום על המטרה של זה? What should I tell Tom it's for? What am I gonna tell Tom about this? המשענת של המנורה עשויה מגרוטאות עץ. This lamp stand is made from driftwood. The lamp's suspended made of wood scraps. הם מפיצים דוגמיות חינם. They're giving away samples free. They're spreading free samples. זה מזויף? Is this fake? Is that fake? سامي بالأسفل. Sami is downstairs. Sammy's down there. לא הרשתי חיות במלון. I didn't allow animals in the hotel. I didn't allow animals at the hotel. אפו של הילד מדמם. The child's nose is bleeding. The boy's nose is bleeding. היא העמידה את ביתה למכירה. She has put her house up for sale. She was standing by her house for sale. שנה את הנושא. Change the subject. Change the subject. باريس إحدى أكثر مدن العالم زيارةً. Paris is one of the world’s most visited cities. Paris is one of the world's most visited cities. إنه كبير بما فيه الكفاية ليقود سيارة. He is old enough to drive. It's big enough to drive a car. אציית. I will obey. Athlete. أطفئ توم الأنوار. Tom turned the lights off. Turn off Tom Lights. استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Use Sami's key. למה שמישהו היה חוטף אותם? Why would anybody kidnap them? Why would someone take them? תום תלה שלוש זוגות מכנסי ג'ינס רטובים על חבל הייבוש. Tom hung the three pairs of wet jeans on the clothesline. Tom hangs three pairs of gins wet pants on the shame rope. سأذهب إلى لندن في الصيف. I'm going to London this summer. I'll go to London in the summer. בנו לי את הגיטרה הזאת לפי הזמנה. I had this guitar custom made. Build me this guitar by order. תום לא פגע במרי. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. خالي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. My uncle smokes too much, and he's indispensable for tobacco. רק תסתלק. Just get out. Just get out. טום כותב שוב. Tom is writing again. Tom writes again. הפסיקו לנסות. Stop trying. Stop trying. هذا منزلي. This is my house. This is my house. افترقا سامي و ليلى حقّا. Sami and Layla really separated. Sami and Lily really do. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ። I will go to school. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? ובכן האם זה 19 או 20? So is it 19 or is it 20? Well is it 19 or 20? أرسل سامي لعشيقته 3000 رسالة صوتيّة. Sami sent his mistress 3000 voice messages. Sami sent three thousand voicemails to his girlfriend. באיזו שעה את בדרך כלל הולכת לישון? What time do you usually go to bed? What time are you usually going to sleep? እዚ ጓል እትሰርሖ ስራሕ ኣይኮነን። This is not a job that a woman can do. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? سامي يكره السّيجارة. Sami hates cigarettes. Sami hates a car. אלה שרוצים להצטרף למועדון צריכים לחתום כאן. Those who want to join the club should sign here. Those who want to join the club should sign here. הוא עדיין כועס. He is still angry. He's still mad. אנא השאר את חפציי כמו שהם. Please leave my things as they are. Please leave my things the way they are. لماذا إستغرقَ هذا وقتاً طويلاً؟ Why did it take so long? Why'd it take so long? תום ירה פעמיים. Tom shot twice. Tom shot twice. سمع سامي أربعة طلقات متفرّقة. Sami heard four distinct gunshots. Sami heard four pick-up shots. لم يلبث و أن أصبح سامي زابونا مألوفا في محلّ ليلى. Sami soon became a regular at Layla's store. He didn't mess up and get Sami Zabona familiar at Lily's shop. היא השתרעה על הדשא. She laid herself on the grass. She leaned on the grass. لم تلبث ليلى و أن تبنّت الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla soon embraced the country lifestyle. You didn't mess with Lily, and she'd built a happy life. هذه السيارة أكبر من تلك. This car is bigger than that one. This car is bigger than that. תום מבזבז את כספו. Tom wastes his money. Tom's wasting his money. أين أخوك؟ Where is your brother? Where's your brother? لقد هوجمنا! We're being attacked. We're attacked! את לא יכולה להוזיל לי את המחיר? Can't you give me a lower price? Can't you save me the price? אין לתום כבר את המרץ להתחרות. Tom no longer has the energy to compete. Tom doesn't have the march to the competition anymore. שפטתי אותך באופן שגוי. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. كان سامي يحبّ الإسلام. Sami loved Islam. Sami loved Islam. أنا سائح. I'm a tourist. I'm a tourist. אתה רוצה לצפות בסרט צרפתי, נכון? You want to watch a French film, right? You want to watch a French movie, don't you? למריה קאלאס יש קול נהדר. Maria Callas has a beautiful voice. Maria Claus has a great voice. כמה מזל יש לך! How lucky you are! How lucky you are! זה לא יכול לקרות שוב ושוב. This can't keep happening. It can't happen over and over again. أنا أتتطلع لرؤية توم. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. I'm looking forward to seeing Tom. באספרנטו תמיד מטעימים מִלְּעֵיל. In Esperanto, the penultimate syllable is always stressed. In Aspertonto, it always tastes like it. תספר לי איך ההרגשה להיות מאוהב. Tell me what it feels like to be in love. Tell me how it feels to be in love. אנו לבד. We're alone. We're alone. הלכנו בין עצים. We walked among the trees. We went between trees. لم تعد إليّ نقودي. She didn't give me my money back. I don't have my money back. זה יבש מאד. It's very dry. It's very dry. أراد سامي أن يصبح مسلما. Sami wanted to be a Muslim. Sami wanted to become a Muslim. إنه قلق بسبب مرض والده. He is concerned about his father's illness. He's worried about his father's disease. תום לא השיב אף פעם למכתבה של מרי. Tom never wrote Mary back. Tom never answered Mary's letter. هل بإمكانك قيادة سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? أحدث سامي إنفجارا في المنزل. Fadil started an explosion in the house. Sami made an explosion at home. כנות לא תמיד משתלמת. כך דרכו של עולם. Honesty does not always pay. Such is the way of the world. honesty doesn't always pay off, so the way of the world. في أي مجلدٍ حفظت الملف؟ In which folder did you save the file? In which folder did you save the file? إنها تدرّس القراءة و الكتابة. She teaches reading and writing. She's a reading and writing teacher. סגרתי את המטריה שלי. I closed my umbrella. I closed my umbrella. بقي فاضل في القاهرة و عمل هناك. Fadil stayed and worked in Cairo. Stay still in Cairo and work there. توم قاعد بيمشي على مهله. Tom walks slowly. Tom Bemchi's on time. أنا أعتقد أني بطريق الخطأ أرسلت البريد الإلكتروني إلى توم. I think I mistakenly sent that email to Tom. I think I accidentally sent e-mail to Tom. אני מצטער, אמא. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry, Mom. أنا كبير بما يكفي. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. שבט פראי גר שם באותם ימים. A savage tribe lived there in those days. A wild tribe lived there in those days. איך אני מקבל אחד מאלה? How do I get one of those? How do I get one of these? مرأتي رح ع السوق My wife is going to the market. The market's coming. كان سامي شرطيّا غير صادق. Sami was a crooked cop. Sami was an honest cop. דבריהם נכונים. What they say is true. Their words are true. תום משאיר כלים מלוכלכים בכיור לעתים קרובות. Tom often leaves dirty dishes in the sink. Tom leaves dirty tools in the sink often. بدآ سامي و ليلى يمضيان كلّ يوم معا. Sami and Layla started spending every day together. My mom and Lily began to spend every day together. זה יהיה נחמד אם תוכלי להכין לי משהו לאכול. It would be nice if you could make me something to eat. It would be nice if you could make me something to eat. ትናንትና መጣሁ። I came yesterday. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, كان سامي يحبّ ألعاب الطّاولة. Sami liked board games. Sammy used to like table games. האם המחשב החדש שלך עובד היטב? Is your new computer working well? Is your new computer working well? في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. In the time that he heard the sound of the sound of the sound of the trumpet, he was dead, and the people that were dead died of hunger. אתה יוצא החוצה? Are you going out? Are you going out? אני עובדת כל יום, מלבד ימי א'. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day, except for days A. عادةً أمشي. I usually walk. Usually walk. أتذهب إلى المدرسة بالحافلة؟ Do you go to school by bus? You going to bus school? ليلى فتاة. Layla is a girl. Lily's a girl. دفع سامي ذلك المال كلّه. Sami paid all that money. Sami paid all that money. מה מחיר המכנסיים האלה? How much are these pants? What's the price of those pants? זה אדום? Is it red? Is that red? قلتَ لي أنّك لن تتركني لوحدي أبدا. You said you'd never leave me alone. You told me you'd never leave me alone. זה היה מאמץ התנדבותי. It was a volunteer effort. It was a volunteer effort. سنذهب إلى ألمانيا غداً. We are going to Germany tomorrow. We'll go to Germany tomorrow. האם אבא שלו רופא? Is his father a doctor? Is his dad a doctor? هووا مليح. He's very sexy. It's a gift. לא קינאת. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. لقد استعرت سيارة. I've borrowed a car. I borrowed a car. سأنزل في المحطة القادمة. I'll get off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אבל נכשלתי. I tried unsuccessfully to persuade her. I tried to convince her, but I failed. אני יודע שהיית מודאג לגבי תום. I know you've been worried about Tom. I know you were worried about Tom. أين تذهب للعمل؟ Where do you work? Where are you going to work? הם בכל מקום. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. אני חושב שזה מה שזה. I think that's what it is. I think that's what it is. מה הגרוע ביותר שעלול לקרות? What's the worse that could happen? What's the worst that could happen? نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. He rarely laughs, he never laughs. إنهُ إقتباس من كتاب. It's a quote from a book. It's a book quote. כל כמה זמן את אוהבת ללכת לחוף הים? How often do you like to go to the beach? How long do you like to go to the beach? יורד גשם כבד מזה שלוש שעות. It has been raining heavily for three hours. It's raining heavy for three hours. אין כבר חלב. There's no milk left. No milk anymore. هل سيارتك بالقرب من بيتك؟ Is your car next to her house? Is your car near your house? لا تكذب على نفسك. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. תניח את זה חזרה על השולחן. Put that back on the table. Put it back on the table. لا أوافقك الرأي. I don't agree with you. I don't agree. הצבא האמריקני מדגיש את האחדות. The US Army is big on uniformity. The American Army stresses the unity. Fejn toqgħod? Where do you live? Where does he stay? ماراكش سورپري، باينا بلّي كونت علابالك. Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known. Marrakech Sorpree, Beena. مسح توم الطاولة. Tom wiped the table. Table Tom survey. آمُل أنكَ لست غاضباً. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not angry. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I'm very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. בואו נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. متى انتهى الاجتماع؟ When did the meeting end? When did the meeting end? لن يكون من السّهل نسيانك. It won't be easy to forget you. It won't be easy for you to forget. היא חריפת שכל. She is sharp. She's clumsy. תום איבד קצת ממשקלו. Tom lost some weight. Tom's lost a little bit of his weight. אני אוהבת את אופן ההליכה שלכם. I love the way you walk. I like the way you walk. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what it's gonna do in the West Bank, but it doesn't seem like she knows what she's gonna do with a joke. إن جمال هنا. Jamal is here. It's beautiful here. תום בחור מקסים ביותר. Tom is an extremely charming guy. Tom's the most charming guy. בירכתי אותו לרגל ההצלחה שלו. I congratulated him on his success. I blessed him for his success leg. הוא לא הרשה לי לנהוג במכונית שלו. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. He didn't let me drive his car. אני יודע שזה דורש עיכול רב. I know it's a lot to digest. I know it's a lot of pain. כמעט בכיתי. I almost cried. I almost cried. "أين تتألّم؟" "في كلّ مكان." "Where does it hurt?" "Everywhere." "Where are you going?" All over the place. זה מפתיע ביותר. This is very surprising. That's very surprising. أنا أعلم أين تسكن I know where you live. I know where she lives. תפסיקו להתערב. Stop meddling. Stop getting involved. אתה חייב לשכתב את המשפט הזה. You should rewrite this sentence. You have to write this trial down. את דפוקה. You're hammered. You're fucked up. هل أنت غير مشغول غداً؟ Are you free tomorrow? Are you busy tomorrow? כל הספרים האלה שלי. All of these books are mine. All these books are mine. لدي أشياء أهم لأفعلها. I have more important things to do. I have more important things to do. תום אף פעם לא היה מאפשר זאת. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never have allowed it. האש כילתה את העיר. The fire devoured the town. The fire contained the city. عليك أن تبدأ حالاً. You should begin right away. You have to start right away. אמא תקעה בעוגת יום ההולדת 13 נרות. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. Mom hit the birthday cake with 13 candles. נאפולי היא עיר ציורית. Naples is a picturesque city. Napolly is a painting city. לא עשיתי דבר. I wasn't doing anything. I didn't do anything. הציפורים בכלוב הן כנריות. The birds in the cage are canaries. The birds in the cage are shot. شكراً ، من فضلك أعد الزيارة. Thanks, please come again. Thank you. Please return the visit. אני יכול לנוח. I can take a rest. I can rest. הוא נראה משועמם. He looks bored. He looks bored. אם רק נפסיק לנסות להיות מאושרים, יהיה לנו בעצם לגמרי לא רע. If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. If we just stop trying to be happy, we'll actually have nothing wrong. الكتاب هُنَا The book is here. The book is here. لكم سامي فريدا في قضيبه. Sami punched Farid in the dick. You have a unique Sami in his dick. טום מקווה לרשת הרבה כסף כשאמו תלך לעולמה. Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother dies. Tom's hoping for a lot of money when his mother goes for it. كيف حال ماري؟ How is Mary? How's Mary? لا يوجد طرق مختصرة إلى القمة. تلك الطرق تؤدي إلى الهاوية. There are no shortcuts to the top, only to the bottom. There are no short routes to the top. Those roads lead to the air. الكبار فقط بإمكانهم مشاهدة ذاك الفلم. Only adults may watch that film. Only adults can watch that movie. فعل فاضل ذلك بطريقة فطريّا. Fadil instinctively did it. He did it in a physical way. لست قبطان الفريق الجديد. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not captain of the new team. لن يكون أبي مشغولاً غداً. My father won't be busy tomorrow. My dad's not gonna be busy tomorrow. תום קפץ בחזרה לתוך המשאית שלו. Tom jumped back into his truck. Tom jumped back into his truck. ما نحبش لي يقلقني كي نكون خدّام. I don't like people bothering me when I'm working. We don't want to worry about being a servant. תום היה מזועזע ממה שמרי עשתה. Tom was appalled by what Mary did. Tom was shocked by what Mary did. اذا كانت لدينا مشاكل مالية ، نستطيع دائماً الاستعانة بمدخراتنا. If we have money problems we can always dip into our savings. If we have financial problems, we can always use our savings. פתח את השער. Open the gate. Open the gate. هل أنت تفكّر في إخباره عن ذلك؟ Are you thinking of telling him about that? Are you thinking about telling him about it? אתה באמת אוהב את זה כאן? Do you really like it here? Do you really like it here? אח שלי קנה לעצמו גיטרה חשמלית. My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought himself an electric guitar. זה נונסנס. That's nonsense. It's Ninness. لديها عينان جميلتان. She has beautiful eyes. She's got nice eyes. أتى سامي إلينا و حيّانا. Sami walked up to us and greeted us. Sami came to us and our lives. تكون ماري زوجتي. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. كان سامي مقنعا للغاية. Sami was very convincing. Sammy was very convincing. أنا ممتن لك لاستضافتك إياي في الحفلة. I am grateful to you for inviting me to the party. I'm grateful for hosting you to the party. הוא מארה"ב. He is from the United States. He's from the United States. في النهاية ، دخل السجن. In the end, he landed in jail. In the end, he got in jail. בעתיד תזהר יותר עם הכסף שלך. In the future, be more careful with your money. In the future, you'll be more careful with your money. הקרבתי הרבה כדי להגיע לכאן. I've made a lot of sacrifices to get here. I've sacrificed a lot to get here. لا ينتفع بهذا الحق من قدم للمحاكمة في جرائم غير سياسية أو لأعمال تناقض أغراض الأمم المتحدة ومبادئها. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. This right does not benefit from a trial for non-political crimes or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. نحن لا نستطيع الإنتظار للعشاء. We can't stay for dinner. We can't wait for dinner. تسبّب مرض سامي النّفسي في إيقاف مشواره في عرض الأزياء. Sami's mental illness cut his modeling career short. Sami self-defeated him in the fashion show. تعلمت تقنية جديدة. I learned a new technique. I learned a new technique. אפילו אם הבוס מתקיף אותך ואומר לך להסתלק, אתה צריך לעמוד על דעתך. Even if you boss attacks you and tells you to go away, you should make your point. Even if the boss attacks you and tells you to get away, you have to stand up. قرر أن يصبح محامياً He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. تعطلت الساعة. The watch broke down. The clock's broken. لِمَ أُتْعِبُ نفسي. Why do I even care? I didn't hate myself. ركبت القطار الخطأ. I got on the wrong train. I'm on the wrong train. תגידו לי מה אמרתם לתום. Tell me what you told Tom. Tell me what you said to Tom. תום מוכן לבוא אתנו, לא? Tom is willing to go with us, isn't he? Tom's ready to come with us, isn't he? יש לך קונדומים? Do you have any condoms? Do you have condoms? ستشعر بتحسن إذا شربت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. نقل سامي ليلى بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Fadil rushed Layla to the hospital. Sami's moving quickly to the hospital. لم يرغب أحد في محادثتي بالأمازيغية. No one wanted to speak Berber to me. No one wanted to talk to me in Amazigh. واش ممكن تحدر بشوية Speak more slowly, please! And it's possible to pry into it. تضرب الزلازل اليابان بكثرة. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Japan hits a lot. عاد فاضل إلى القاهرة. Fadil went back to Cairo. He went back to Cairo. מסוכן לבצע את התרגיל האקרובטי הזה בלי רשת בטיחות. It's dangerous to perform this acrobatic act without a safety net. It's dangerous to do this random exercise without a safety net. תום שמע קריאה לעזרה. Tom heard a cry for help. Tom heard a call for help. Narak għada. See you tomorrow. I seek tomorrow. היא שיחקה במחזה. She acted in the play. She played in the play. هل تريد أن تسمع ما قاله عنك ذاك الشخص؟ Do you want to hear what that person said about you? You want to hear what that guy said about you? המטלה הזאת גוררת בעיות רבות. This assignment presents many difficulties. This job brings a lot of problems. يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. Looks to me like you're all wrong. לו הייתי במקומך הייתי נוהג בדיוק כמוך. Were I in your place I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd drive just like you. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sami noticed that. لم أرى مثل هذا البطيخ الكبير من قبل. I never seen such a big watermelon before. I've never seen such a big duck before. ירד שלג באוסקה. It snowed in Osaka. It's snowed in Osaka. هل يهم؟ Does it matter? Does it matter? במילה הזאת לא משתמשים בדרך כלל. That word isn't in common use. In that word, they don't usually use it. הזהר פן תשבור את הביצים. Take care not to break the eggs. Be careful, Pan, break the balls. זה היה יוצא מן הכלל. That was remarkable. That was extraordinary. أبق الأطفال بعيدا عن الأدوية. Keep children away from medicine. Keep children away from medicines. افترس سامي انفتاح ليلى و ضعفها, Sami preyed on Layla's openness and vulnerability. I'm looking forward to Sami opening up for Lily and her weakness. هل أنت غاضب؟ Are you mad? Are you mad? كان سامي في المنزل. Sami was home. Sammy was home. השמיים היו מכוסים ערפילים. The sky misted over. The sky was covered with snakes. מה יכול להיות קל יותר? What could be easier? What could be easier? Jien miżżewweġ. I'm married. I'm married. אני רוצה ללמוד תיגרינית. I want to learn Tigrinya. I want to learn a challenge. نحن طلاب We are students. We're students. الاكتئاب الحقيقي يكون عندما تتوقف عن حب الاشياء التي تحبها Real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. Real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. יש לו רפלקסים מעולים. He has excellent reflexes. He's got great reflexes. المكتب مكسور. This desk is broken. The office is broken. תום גבוה ממני בראש. Tom is a head taller than me. Tom's taller than me in the head. يعزف على البيانو بشكل جيد جداً He plays the piano very well. He plays the piano very well. מהי עצתך? What do you advise me? What is your advice? החתול פחס את אפו אל זגוגית החלון. The cat pressed its nose against the window. The cat snuck his nose into the window glass. لم تأت قبل الثانية. She didn't come before two. She didn't come before two. أعرفه بإسمه الأول. I know him by his first name. I know him as his first name. תודה שלא האשמת אותי בתאונה. Thank you for not blaming me for the accident. Thanks for not accusing me of an accident. لم يفعل فاضل شيئا. Fadil did nothing. He didn't do anything. פרות מספקות לנו חלב. Cows provide us with milk. Cows give us milk. קן הוא בערך באותו הגובה כמו ביל. Ken is about as tall as Bill. Ken is about the same height as Bill. هرب معمر القذافي سليمًا. Muammar Kaddafi escaped unharmed. He ran away from the cascadian well. ليس كل الناس يحبون الكلاب. Not all people like dogs. Not all people like dogs. אני די מחבב את תום. I kind of like Tom. I kind of like Tom. لقد قلت لهم أن يبقوا في غرفتهم. I told them to stay in their room. I told them to stay in their room. פרושו של דבר שהתפיסה שלנו של מצב כלשהו תלויה רק חלקית באותות חושיים הנקלטים באותו רגע. This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time. The fact that our perception of any situation depends only partially on the senses recorded at the same moment. إنه مشغول بفعل شيء ما. He is busy doing something. He's busy doing something. هل توم هو من اعطاك مسدس الماء هذا ؟ Was Tom the one who gave you this squirt gun? Did Tom give you that water gun? أُحضِرَ سامي مجدّدا إلى العدالة. Sami was brought back to justice. I'm bringing Sami back to justice. ماذا تُسَمّى هذه الوردة؟ What do you call this flower? What's this rose called? توخى الحذر. Be vigilant. Be careful. ተመሣሣይ እወስዳለሁ። I'll have the same. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? הייתי רוצה להיות עצמאי. I'd like to be self-employed. I'd like to be independent. ألا تتغير أبداً؟ You never change, do you? Don't you ever change? היא אחותי. She's my sister. She's my sister. הם מעכבים. They're stalling. They're delaying. انتحر سامي. Sami ended his own life. Come on, Sami. أعتقد أن ما تقوله صحيح. I think you're right. I think what you say is true. אין שני לה בבישול סיני. She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food. There's no two for her in Chinese cooking. هل الحمّام جاهز؟ Is the bath ready? Is the bathroom ready? سامي في السّجن الآن. Fadil is in jail now. Sammy's in jail now. תמשיך בבקשה. Please go on. Please continue. كان سامي يكره ليلى بشدّة. Sami hated Layla's guts. Sami hated Lily very much. لماذا تعتقد ذلك؟ Why do you think so? Why do you think that? תום לא יפריע לך. Tom won't interfere with you. Tom won't bother you. أيمكنني استعارة مضربك للتنس اليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your tennis bat today? אפשר רגע מזמנך? May I have a moment of your time? Can I have a moment of your time? لكل فرد الحق أن يلجأ إلى بلاد أخرى أو يحاول الاتجاء إليها هربا من الاضطهاد. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Everyone has the right to resort to another country or to seek refuge from persecution. لا أتحمل البرد. I can't stand the cold. I don't bear the cold. אני זקוק לקצת פנאי בשביל עצמי. I need some time for myself. I need a little pony for myself. في الحقيقة، سيكون هذا سؤالي الرابع. Actually this will be my fourth question. Actually, that would be my fourth question. ባለፈው ሳምንት ከአሜሪካ አንዳንድ ማስታወሻ ላኩለት። Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S. And We saved him and his family from the great distress . عدنا إلى بوستن في العشرين من أكتوبر. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We went back to Boston on October 20th. من أين قمت بخياطة هذه البدلة؟ Where did you have your suit made? Where did you put this suit? תום לא קנה דבר ממה שביקשתי אותו. Tom didn't buy everything we asked him to buy. Tom didn't buy anything I asked for. המדינה אליה אני מקווה לעבור ולהתיישב בה היא תורכיה. The country that I hope to move to and settle down in is Turkey. The state to which I hope to move and settle where she belongs. ስሜ አሕመድ ነው። My name is Ahmad. Would You Welcome a Visit? אני הולך ברגל לבית הספר בכל יום. I walk to school every day. I walk to school every day. אני מרגישה זקנה. I feel old. I feel old. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary is not useful at all. This goose doesn't work for anything. እኔ ከቶክዮ ነኝ። I'm from Tokyo. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, طرد توم من عمله. Tom was fired. Get Tom out of his job. תום צריך להזהר שלא לזלזל במרי. Tom should be careful not to underestimate Mary. Tom needs to be careful not to disrespect Mary. هذا الطريق يؤدي إلى القاعة العامة. This road leads to the public hall. This road leads to the General Hall. كان مدرّس الفنون يكرهني. The art teacher hated me. The artist hated me. לאחר זמן מה תום החל להאמין לשקרים שלו. After a while, Tom started to believe his own lies. After a while Tom began to believe his lies. תגיד לה שהיא צריכה להגיש את התפטרותה המיידית. Tell her she should submit her immediate resignation. Tell her she has to file her resignation immediately. אני צריך לעזוב עכשיו. I have to leave now. I need to leave now. أنا أتتطلع لإجازة الصيف. I'm looking forward to summer vacation. I'm looking forward to the summer break. כל שיעורי הבית שלי גמורים. All my homework is done. All my homework is done. ينبغي على سامي أن يهتمّ بشؤونه. Sami should mind his fucking business. Sami should take care of his business. תום מאורס. Tom's engaged. Tom engaged. فوّتت ليلى لقاءا مع سامي. Layla missed a meeting with Sami. I missed a meeting with Sami. היא באמת כה יפה? Is she really that pretty? Is she really so beautiful? נשאתי את התיק הכבד על גבי. I carried the heavy bag on my back. I carried the liver bag on my back. להעריץ אותם. They're adorable. To admire them. היא העמידה פנים שלא שמעה אותי. She pretended not to hear me. She insisted she didn't hear me. אני קצר רוח לצאת מפה. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm short of a ghost to get out of here. אני מניח שאתה כועס. I assume you're angry. I guess you're mad. את לא צריכה לענות על השאלה הזאת. You don't need to answer that question. You don't have to answer that question. بدأت ليلى تقيم علاقات جنسيّة. Layla started having sexual encounters. It started with Lily having sexual relations. תום לא אוהב להפסיד. Tom doesn't like to lose. Tom doesn't like to lose. الجو بارد اليوم! It's cold today! It's cold today! لديه سيارته الخاصة. He has his own car. He's got his own car. لم يسكن توم في بوسطن العام الماضي. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. مرّر إليّ الزبدة إذا سمحت. Pass me the butter, please. Pass me the butter if you'll. العلم قوة. Knowledge is power. Science is powerful. ما زالت قدماي تؤلمانني. My legs still hurt. My foot still pains me. מה פירוש גאדג'ט? What is a gadget? What does Gadget mean? מסעות תגלית הם הראשונים בהיסטוריה של מדע האוקיינוס. Voyages of exploration were the earliest in the history of studying the ocean. Discovery travels are the first in the history of ocean science. زار سامي المسجد النّبوي بالمدينة المنوّرة في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة. Sami visited the Prophet's mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Sami visited the Namibian mosque in the city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. المنزل الواقف على التلة قديم جداً. The house standing on the hill is very old. The house on the hill is too old. أنا أصطحبك إلى المنزل. I'm driving you home myself. I'm taking you home. ליטא חברה באיחוד האירופי. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lita's a member of the European Union. היה לי יום קשה. I had a rough day. I've had a tough day. אתה רשאי להשתמש במילון שלי. You may use my dictionary. You may use my hotel. هذا الكتاب صعب الفهم This book is difficult to understand. This book is hard to understand. لا يهمني إذا هطل الثلج. I don't care if it snows. I don't care if I lose the ice. يجب عليهم حل النزاعات بين الدول. They have to solve conflicts among nations. They must resolve disputes between States. هل أنتِ صديقتي؟ Are you my friend? Are you my friend? يجب أن اخذ الدواء كل ست ساعات I have to take my medicine every six hours. I have to take the medicine every six hours. הדלות זרה לטבע. Poverty is alien to her nature. The shadows are foreign to nature. كسّر سامي نظّاراته و لا يستطيع رؤية شيء. Sami broke his glasses and he can't see anything. Sammy broke his glasses and can't see anything. لقد طلب مني مال. He asked me for money. He asked me for money. أنت غبي. You're a fucking idiot! You're stupid. خُتن سامي في سنّ السّادسة من عمره. Sami was circumcised at the age of 6. Sami was raped at the age of six. إنها لذيذة. It tastes really good. It's delicious. أعد الكتاب في أقرب فرصة ممكنة. Return this book as soon as you can. Prepare the book as soon as possible. פחד הוא גורם מניע. Fear is a great motivator. Fear is a motive. Kif int? How are you? How are you? آمل أن أحصل على نسختين من هذا الكتاب. I am hoping to get two copies of this book. I hope to get two copies of this book. "את יכולה להעביר לי את הסוכר?" - "בבקשה". "Could you pass me the sugar?" "Here you go." Can you give me the sugar? لم يكن سامي مسلما. Sami was not Muslim. Sami wasn't a Muslim. היה רק מקרה אחד של אבעבועות בבית הספר. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. There was only one pox case at school. لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? You didn't marry him? Il-lejl it-tajjeb! Goodnight! Good night! يمكن عمله، لكنه ليس سهلا. It's doable, but not easy. It can do, but it's not easy. القط نائم على الكرسي. The cat is sleeping in a chair. Cat sleeps on the chair. תום בדרך כלל עורם ערמה של כלים במשך שבוע תמים ורק אז הוא שוטף אותם. Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them. Tom usually has a pile of tools for an innocent week and just then he washs them. السلاحف ليس عندها أسنان. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtle doesn't have teeth. إنها لذيذة! It's delicious! It's delicious! היא מאד מוכרת גם בהודו וגם בסין. She is well known in both India and China. She's very familiar with both India and China. טום כיוון את אקדחו למטרה. Tom aimed his pistol at the target. Tom pointed his gun to the target. كانت حياة سامي معرّضة للخطر. Sami's life was in danger. Sami's life was at stake. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is she? יש לכם אוזניות? Do you have earphones? Do you have any headphones? האוכלוסיה של סין ושל הודו מגמדת לידה את אוכלוסייתה של כל אומה אחרת. The populations of China and India dwarf those of every other nation. The population of China and India is growing the population of every other nation. متى ستبدأ المباراة؟ What time will the game start? When are you gonna start the game? كان سامي آتيًا من هناك. Sami was coming from there. Sammy was coming from there. אתה צריך לבקר. You should come over. You need to visit. הוא החמיא לעצמו, באמרו שהוא היה השחקן הטוב ביותר. He flattered himself that he was the best actor. He was sorry for himself, saying he was the best player. مات سامي لوحده. Sami died alone. Sami died alone. הם היו מזועזעים מאד. They were very shocked. They were very shocked. אדוני הנכבד, נא למלא את הטופס. Sir, please fill out this form. Sir, please fill out the form. لدى سامي موعد مع الطّبيب اليوم. Sami has a doctor's appointment today. Sami's got a date with the dopps today. היא כמו מלאך. She's an angel. She's like an angel. لا، شكراً لك. لقد شبعت. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you. המורה אמר להם לא לשחות בנהר. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. בואי נסתתר מהגשם הזה. Let's get out of this rain. Let's hide from this rain. אל תדאג. אני אטפל בזה. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it. كنت أضاجع مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I was fucking my teacher. يعيش في شقة. He lives in a flat. He lives in an apartment. أريد التحدث اليك عن شيء آخر. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. מה התחביב שלך? What's your hobby? What's your hobby? איזה לחם אתם אוכלים? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread do you eat? توم يحتاج الى محامٍ جيد. Tom needs a good lawyer. Tom needs a good lawyer. אם אתה רוצה לאבד משקל, אתה צריך להיות זהיר במזונך. If you want to lose weight, you'll have to be careful about what you eat. If you want to lose weight, you need to be careful about your food. הילד נכנס דרך הדלת האחורית. The boy entered by the back door. The kid came in through the back door. אני לא יכולה איתם. I can't stand them. I can't do it with them. כל שפה יקרה במידה שווה לדובריה. Every language is equally precious and valuable to its speakers. Every precious language equals Dubreya. ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? ከተደቅሰኒ ትደልዪ ኢኺ ምሽ`ዶ? You like putting me to sleep don't you? What is the meaning of the illustration about the sheep and the goats? זאת שכונה אלימה. This is a violent neighborhood. It's a violent neighborhood. أراها نادراً I see it rarely. I see her rare. אעזוב את בית הספר. I shall leave school. I'll leave school. طوم عمرو ما ينسى يقول صحّا. Tom never forgets to say thank you. Tom Amrum forgets to say good-bye. مع انني كنت جالساً تحت الشمس، ولكن كنت أشعر بالبرد. Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly. Although I was sitting under the sun, I felt cold. התעלמי מהם. Ignore them. Ignore them. אני מתנגדת לכך לחלוטין. I am completely against it. I'm totally against that. ماذا تريد؟ أنا أريد حيوان. What do you want? I want an animal. I want an animal. كان سامي يحبّ ليلى لملامحها الأوروبيّة. Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Sami loved Lily for her European profile. מוטב שנשפר את מצב הרוח שלה. We'd better humor her. We'd better get her mood better. إنَّها تَعتَقِدُ أنَّهَا أعْلَمْ. She thinks she knows best. She thinks she's learning. הוא ימות. He shall die. He'll die. ينبغي أن تلغى منهجيا المشاريع الضارة بالبيئة. Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically. Environmentally harmful projects should be systematically abolished. عليك أن تفي بوعدك. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. تتويبا: حيث الجمل جمل دائمًا، إلا حين لا تكون كذلك. Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't. Tweiba: It's always fine, except when it's not. שלום, טום. בוקר טוב! Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom. أين المحطة؟ Where is the station? Where's the station? ספרות מלמדת אותנו על אנושיות. Literature teaches us about humanity. literature teaches us about humanity. האם דנתם בכמה מהבעיות העומדות על סדר היום? Did you discuss any of the issues on our list? Have you discussed some of the problems on today's agenda? את לא עושה עלי רושם. You're not impressing me. You don't seem like me. האם כוונתך אליי? Do you refer to me? Did you mean me? היום היא לא עצמה. She is not herself today. Today she's not herself. أين أستطيع أن أشتري طوابعا؟ Where do I get stamps? Where can I buy stamps? הוא היה לנטל על הוריו. He was a burden to his parents. He was a burden on his parents. אם אתה רוצה, אתה יכול לצלצל אליי. If you want, you can phone me. If you want, you can call me. እርሳስ አለዎት? Do you have a pencil? THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT قد لا نتحمل سعره. We may not be able to afford it. We may not bear his price. בית הספר נמצא על הכבעה. The school is on the hill. The school's on the hill. إلى أين تذهب Where're you going? Where are you going? قطك في حاجة للمزيد من الأكل. Your cat needs to eat more. Your cat needs more food. و أخيرا خرجت. I'm finally out. And I finally got out. من ارتكب هذه الجريمة حتماً فقد عقله. Whoever committed this crime was surely out of his mind. Whoever committed this crime must have lost his mind. الجميع يحبها. She is loved by everyone. Everybody loves her. אינני מבין את המתימטיקה. I don't understand the math. I don't understand math. עזרנו גם להם. We helped them as well. We helped them, too. חשבתי שהמכללה תהיה מקום מעניין. I thought college would be a more interesting place. I thought college would be an interesting place. איבדנו במידת מה את התחושה. We just kind of lost touch. We've lost how much you feel. טום נתקע בפקק תנועה. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. Tom's stuck in a traffic jam. الرجاء إغلاق الباب عند الخروج. Please will you close the door when you go out. Please close the door when you get out. ليس متاحاً. He is not available. Not available. هذا كل ما احتاجه. These are all the things that I need. That's all I need. بطريقة أو بأخرى سنجد توم. One way or another, we'll find Tom. One way or another, we'll find Tom. אנו רוצים את אותו הדבר. We want the same thing. We want the same thing. המטבל היה חם כל כך, הוא שרף לי את הלשון. The dip was so hot, it burned my tongue. It was so hot. He burned my tongue. את יכולה לספר לנו על תום? Can you tell us about Tom? Can you tell us about Tom? תום חנה במקומו ויצא. Tom pulled into his parking space and got out. Tom Hannah's in his place and he's out. خمس عشرة دقيقة فقط. Only fifteen minutes. It's only 15 minutes. أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? America, we've come a long way. And we've seen a lot. But there's still a lot to be achieved. So, let's ask ourselves this evening: if our children live to the next century; if my daughter is lucky to live as long as Anne Nixon Cooper, what is the change you're going to see? What progress have we made? ليس صحيحًا بالضرورة أن كل ما يقوله المعلم صحيح دائمًا. It is not necessarily true that what the teacher says is always correct. It's not necessarily true that everything the teacher says is always true. التفاصيل ليست مهمة. The details aren't necessary. Details are not important. יש תג על הצנצנת. There's a label on the jar. There's a badge on the jar. יצחק ניוטון היה פיזיקאי אנגלי. Isaac Newton was an English physicist. Isaac Newton was an English physicist. إنه مريض. He is sick. He's sick. كولّ ما نلقا حاجا تعجبني، تكون غاليا بزّاف. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. All I hear is that I like it. It's very expensive. זה כאב? Did it hurt? Did it hurt? הן רצו ערומות לאורך הרחובות. They ran through the streets naked. They wanted naked along the streets. אף אחד לא רוצה להקשיב לדעותיי. No one wants to listen to my opinions. No one wants to listen to my opinions. سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. هو قادر على نسيان وعده. He's apt to forget his promise. He can forget his promise. سامي يدين لي مالا. Sami owes me money. Sammy owes me money. את כבר עוזבת? Are you leaving already? Are you leaving yet? אני רק רוצה לדבר עם תום כמה רגעים. I only wish to talk to Tom for a few minutes. I just want to talk to Tom for a few moments. זה יינג לי. It's Ying Li. It's Ying Lee. لم تنهِ قهوتك. You haven't finished your coffee. You didn't finish your coffee. و أنت أيضا You too. And you, too. היא בישלה ארוחת ערב מיוחדת בשבילו. She cooked a special dinner for him. She cooked a special dinner for him. هذا لك. This is for you. This is yours. תום מרגיש באותה צורה? Does Tom feel the same way? Tom feels the same way? عاصمة أسبانيا هي مدريد. Madrid is the capital of Spain. The capital of Spain is Madrid. هم يصدقونها. They believe it. They believe her. لن تصير وحيداً أبداً . You'll never be alone. You'll never be alone. لماذا ينقل الماء الكهرباء؟ Why does water conduct electricity? Why is the water being transported? لا لست نعساناً. No, I'm not sleepy. No, you're not. ידעתי שזה ישמח אותו. I knew it would make him happy. I knew it would make him happy. הנה אנו פה. Here we are. Here we are. أين الخطأ؟ Where is the mistake? Where's the mistake? אינני חושבת שהיית עושה את זה. I don't think you would do that. I don't think you'd do that. תגיד לכל מי שבא שאני פרשתי. Tell whoever comes that I'm out. Tell everyone I'm dating. טום לא מפחד מהתנסויות. Tom isn't afraid of experimenting. Tom's not afraid of the experiences. התעצבנתי כי היא ישנה עדיין. I was annoyed that she was still asleep. I got upset because she's still asleep. هي أكلت التفاحة. She ate the apple. She ate apple. أعطتني الممرضة حقنة. The nurse gave me a shot. The nurse gave me a shot. ወጣት አይደለም። He is not young. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. راك تهضر علييا⸮ Are you referring to me? There's something wrong with you. אני יודעת שאת לועגת לי מאחורי הגב. I know you make fun of me behind my back. I know you're staring at me behind my back. אמרתי לכם שתאהבו את תום. I told you you'd like Tom. I told you you'd love Tom. عليك أن تتأسف. You should apologize. You should be sorry. איך תום מסתדר בעבודה החדשה? How's Tom doing at his new job? How's Tom doing with the new job? אינך חייבת לעשות כל דבר שתום מורה לך. You don't have to do everything Tom tells you to do. You don't have to do anything Tom teaches you. لم يكن من الضروري القيام بذلك. There was no need to do that. It wasn't necessary to do this. ואלה היו מילותיה האחרונות. And those were her last words. And those were her last words. أكيد فاتتني المحطة و انا نايم. I must have gone past the station while I was taking a nap. I sure missed the station and I was asleep. نحن نتقابل مرة في الشهر We see each other once a month. We meet once a month. היא הייתה במצב רוח רע. She was in a bad temper. She was in a bad mood. كيف نِمتَ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? הוא נרדם ליד ההגה וקרתה לו תאונה. He fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident. He fell asleep by the wheel and had an accident. עם מי דיברת? Who's been talking to you? Who did you talk to? فتحت ليلى حنفيّة الماء. Layla turned the water on. I opened up a fountain of water for Lily. لم اكن وحيدة. I was not lonely. I wasn't alone. תום לא התכוון לפגוע ברגשותיה של מרי. Tom didn't intend to hurt Mary's feelings. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feelings. الأمازيغية هي جزء مني. Berber is a part of me. The Amazigh is part of me. תום בהה בהם. Tom glared at them. Tom was staring at them. لقد أضفت جملة أخرى و أضفت لها علامة "قديم". ما الذي تريده بعد ذلك، أن أعطيك دمي؟ I've added an alternative sentence and I've tagged it as 'old fashioned'. What more do you want, blood? I added another sentence and added the "old." What do you want after that, to give you my blood? عطيت لو للكلب ياكل ولاّ مازال؟ Have you fed the dog yet? You gave if you had a dog, eat, don't you? המים מתחילים לרתוח. The water is beginning to boil. The water's starting to relax. الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار و يقتل فلسطينيّين عزّل. The Israeli army shoots and kills unarmed Palestinian people. The Israeli army shoots and kills weak Palestinians. איש לא ידע כמה תום מסוכן. Nobody knew how dangerous Tom was. Nobody knew how dangerous Tom was. لا أحد من زملائي يعيشون بالقرب من هنا. None of my classmates live near here. None of my colleagues live near here. כשקרב זמן הפסח, ישו עלה לירושלים. When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. When the Passover battle came, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. מרי יכולה לבשל כל דבר בלי מתכון כתוב. Mary can cook anything without recipes. Mary can cook anything without a written recipe. مدح سامي ليلى واصفا إيّاه بحبّ حياته. Sami praised Layla as being the love of his life. Sami's compliment to me for his love of life. היופי היה מעל כל תיאור. The beauty is beyond description. The beauty was above every description. الدولة لجأت إلى الأمم المتحدة لطلب المساعدة. The country appealed to the United Nations for help. The State has resorted to the United Nations to seek assistance. אני אוהבת ללמד. I loved teaching. I love teaching. אני ממתינה לתשובתך. I'm waiting for your answer. I'm waiting for your answer. تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. אני לא מאמין שאני אומר את זה בקול רם. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. I can't believe I'm saying it out loud. תום צריך כוס סוכר. Tom needs a cup of sugar. Tom needs a cup of sugar. תגידי לתום שאת אוהבת אותו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. أنت مشتاق لها فحسب. You just missed her. You're just after her. אתה צמא? Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty? היית נוכח במקום הפשע? Were you present at the crime scene? Were you present instead of the crime? זה אדם עשיר, אבל משעמם. He is a rich but dull man. It's a rich man, but it's boring. אני בטוח שתמצא מישהו די מהר. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty quickly. I'm sure you'll find someone pretty fast. תהיו בשקט כולכם. Be quiet, all of you. Be quiet, all of you. הרשו לי להשאר ללילה. Let me stay for a night. Let me stay for the night. ואיש לא עזר לך? And no one helped you? And no one helped you? אני מעדיפה לתכנן את פעילותי בשעות קבועות, על מנת שאוכל להסתדר עם הזמן. I prefer to plan my activities at fixed times so I can manage my time. I'd rather plan my activities in regular hours, so I can handle time. זה כה שונה. It's so different. It's so different. מה עם הכובע? What's with the hat? What about the hat? أحضر فاضل بعض الملابس لدانية. Fadil brought some clothes for Dania. Get some change of clothes for Danni. واجب علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We have to do this every day. We have to do this every day. أراد سامي أن يربّي أولاده تربية إسلاميّة. Sami wanted to raise his children as Muslims. Sami wanted to raise his children an Islamic education. אבא שלו היה שוטר. His father was a policeman. His dad was a cop. إنك محترف وأنا مبتدئ. You are a professional, but I am an amateur. You're a professional and I'm a junior. أشعر بالبرد. I'm cold. I feel cold. יש לך סדינים? Do you have blankets? Do you have sheets? بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose any way you want. הדבר הזה נראה טוב. This looks good. This thing looks good. תום השתתק. Tom fell silent. Tom hung up. كان سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listened to Christian music. Sami was listening to Christian music. M'iniex tabib. I'm not a doctor. I am not a doctor. אנחנו מכירים? Are we acquaintances? Do we know each other? لم يتّصل سامي أبدا. Sami never called. Sami never called. אנו צייתנים. We're obedient. We are obedient. אני חושב שזה מה שאתה צריך עכשיו לדאוג. I think that's what you should be worried about. I think that's what you need to worry about right now. אני מבקש וודקה וטוניק. I'd like a vodka and tonic. I'm asking for vodka and tonic. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي حرفيّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was making fun of my body. اخترتُ تدريس الأمازيغية. I chose to teach Berber. I chose Amazigh's teaching. ቦስቶን ውስጥ ለመጉብኘት ብዙ ቦታዎች አሉ። There are a lot of places to visit in Boston. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? أنا أعرف أني في مشكلة الآن. I know I'm in trouble now. I know I'm in trouble now. אנו צריכים להיות טובים יותר מזה. We need to do better than this. We should be better than that. أرسل سامي رسالة لعضو في البرلمان يعلن فيها عن براءته. Sami sent an MP a letter declaring his innocence. Sami sent a letter to a member of Parliament declaring himself innocent. سآتي. I'm coming. I'll come. זוהי דמגוגיה ותו לא. This is pure demagogy. It's demagogue and it's not. ليس لدي أشقاء. I have no siblings. I don't have brothers. رأيت شخصا يقبّل توم. I saw somebody kiss Tom. I saw someone kiss Tom. זה לא המקרה. That is not the case. That's not the case. هل تساعدني في حل واجبي؟ Will you help me with my homework? Will you help me solve my duty? לפול יש שלושה בנים. הם דומים מאוד זה לזה. Paul has three sons. They look very much alike. Paul has three boys. תדמית הגוף שלך עלולה לרדת. Your body image may decline. Your body image might come down. فكّر جّيدا يا سامي. Think hard, Sami. Think good, Sammy. אתה מאד לא הוגן. You're being very unfair. You're very unfair. תום רעב? Is Tom hungry? Tom's hungry? سأذهب إلى منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، لتعلم الأمازيغية. I am going to Kabylie, Algeria, to learn Berber. I'm going to the tribal area, Algeria, to learn the Amazigh. הוא עשה זאת להנאתו. He did it for fun. He did it for his own pleasure. صديقي لا يلعب كرة المضرب. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend doesn't play blowball. قعدو بلا لسان. They were left speechless. Stand still. כולם אכלו אותו דבר. Everyone ate the same thing. Everybody ate the same thing. בוא נראה טלוויזיה. Let's watch TV. Let's watch TV. تلقّيت بطاقتك للتّو. I just received your card. I just got your card. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار شْبَابْ. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met them in a husband in the country of Babylon, and we shared in the preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom. لا أحد جائع. Nobody is hungry. Nobody's hungry. סליחה, אני לא יכול להשאר זמן רב. Excuse me, I can't stay long Sorry, I can't stay long. هل يبدو لك بأني أمزح؟ Do I look like I'm kidding? Does it look like I'm kidding? متى رأيت الفلم؟ When did you see the film? When did you see the movie? השופט הורה למושבעים לא לדון בתיק. The judge told the jury not to discuss the case. The judge ordered the jury not to discuss the case. התמרורים בעיירה הזאת גרועים. The town is badly signposted. The tricks in this town suck. תום דיבר בחוסר נימוס. Tom spoke impolitely. Tom was inconsequential. فتحتُ الباب وخرجت من السيارة. I opened the door and got out of the car. I opened the door and I got out of the car. أقلعت الطائرة في الساعة العاشرة بالضبط. The plane took off at exactly ten o'clock. The plane took off at exactly 10 o'clock. נאה מצידך לתת לי טרמפ. It's nice of you to give me a lift. Nice of you to give me a ride. אנא אל תאלצני לבזבז עליך כדור. Please don't make me waste a bullet on you. Please don't have to waste a ball on you. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami was not going to survive anyway. It wasn't Sami to survive anyway. سأعود للعمل كي أكسب قليلا من المال. I'm gonna go back to work and earn some money. I'm going back to work to get some money. ارتدت معطفها ثم خرجت. She put on her coat and went out. I wore her coat, and then I got out. لا نريد إلا أخذها لبيتها. We just want to take her home. We only want to take her home. יתכן שאתם סובלים מזעזוע מוח. You may have a concussion. You may be suffering from a concussion. توم لا يثق بماري بعد الآن. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. She speaks English very carefully. עלינו לשאוף לשמר את אוצרותינו הטבעיים. We must try to conserve our natural resources. We must strive to preserve our natural treasures. זה איום ונורא. That's horrible. It's terrible. ما الذي تريده؟ What is it that you want? What do you want? لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so busy? הוא צריך להתבייש בבורותו. He ought to be ashamed of his ignorance. He needs to be ashamed of his own grave. התקשרת? Did you call? You called? لم تكن بنات زوجة سامي تحببنه. Sami's stepdaughters didn't like him. The girls of Sami's wife didn't like him. אינני בטוחה שאני גם מרגישה ככה. I'm not sure I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel like that either. ההרשמה בחינם אבל חובה. Registration is free but required. Free registration but compulsory. זה היה חם. That was hot. It was hot. الألمانية هي لغة جرمانية. German is a Germanic language. German is a German. تتكلم ماريكو الإنجليزية جيداً. Mariko speaks English excellently. The English Mariko is speaking very well. תום מתנגד לעישון. Tom is against smoking. Tom resists smoking. אנו מחמירים. We're strict. We're getting worse. يعرف جاك كيف يتكلم الفرنسية. Jack can speak French. Jack knows how to speak French. صفع سامي ليلى مجدّدا. Sami slapped Layla again. Sami hit Lily again. أنت تأكل اللحم. You are eating meat. You eat meat. אני מתערבת שאין לטום שום תוכניות. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. قمت فقط بتنظيف جميع الطاولات I just cleaned all the tables. I just cleaned all the tables. كانت ليلى تمارس رقص التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Lily used to dance and win money. لّي ادوتي علا روحو، هادا سيني لّوّل تع لانتيلّلژانس. To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. كتب توم قصة عن ذلك. Tom wrote a story about that. Tom wrote a story about it. אין שאלות מטופשות. There are no stupid questions. No stupid questions. הָיֹה הָיָה פעם באנגליה מלך רע. Once upon a time, there was a bad king in England. He was once in England as a bad king. אתה באמת חושב כך, לא? You really think so, don't you? You really think so, don't you? אנו יכולים להתחיל הלילה. We can begin tonight. We can start tonight. لا يمكنك التدخل في حياتي. You can't run my life. You can't interfere in my life. יש שדה יפה של אזוביון בצרפת. This is a beautiful field of lavender in France. There's a nice field of zoning in France. لم نستطع أن نجد أي شيء متعلق بجدي و جدتي. We haven't been able to find out anything about Grandma and Grandpa. We couldn't find anything about my grandfather and my grandmother. يتعرّض سامي للمضايقة لكونه مسلما. Sami is being picked on for being Muslim. Sami's being harassed because he's a Muslim. البحيرة عميقة هنا. The lake is deep here. The lake is deep here. השוטר האשים את נהג המונית בתאונה. The policeman blamed the taxi driver for the accident. The cop accused the cab driver of an accident. رجاء، ارفع صوتك. Speak louder, please. Please, raise your voice. كان المدرّس يحبّني. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. התשובה מובילה אותנו למעגל קסמים. The answer leads us to a vicious circle. The answer will lead us to a magic circle. הוא הוכיח עצמו כבעל אידאלי. He proved to be an ideal husband. He proved himself an ideal husband. أيمكنني الذهاب إلى الحمام؟ May I use the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? انتقلت ليلى للعيش هنا. Layla moved in. Lily moved to live here. ڨـ‬ع واش ندير، هييا تقول بلّي نقدر ندير خير. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. Yeah, Wash, we run. Come on, you say we manage well. وضع سامي حدّا لحياته في السّجن. Sami took his own life in prison. Put Sami to the limit of his life in prison. אני רוצה שתשבי פה ותהיי בשקט. I want you to sit here and be quiet. I want you to sit here and be quiet. قام باعتقال المجرمين. He arrested the criminals. He arrested criminals. هل تذكر جريمة القتل الغامضة؟ Do you remember the mysterious murder? Do you remember the mysterious murder? أين كنت يا سامي؟ Where have you been, Sami? Where have you been, Sammy? ما هدف زيارتك؟ What's the purpose of your visit? What's the point of your visit? خويا يُغلَق عِينِيه كي يكون يشرُب. My brother closes his eyes when he drinks. Judia's closing his eyes so he can drink. لا تؤخر إلى الغد ما يمكن أن تؤخر إلى بعد غد. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Don't be late until tomorrow what you can be late for tomorrow. אני רוצה לדעת איך זה אפשרי. I want to know how that's possible. I want to know how it's possible. هل لديك أي اهتمام بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you have any interest in sports? הוא רוצה לעבוד במפעל. He wants to work in a factory. He wants to work at the factory. אזכור אתכם לתמיד. I'll always remember you. I'll remember you for good. ברור שהיא חולה. It's obvious that she's sick. Of course she's sick. نحن صديقان. Me and him are friends. We're friends. قَوَّد مَنَّا! Go the fuck away! Stand up for us! לא אוכל לעזור לו. I won't be able to help him. I can't help him. תבוא צמא בבקשה. Please come thirsty. Come thirsty, please. قضى الملك على أعدائه. The king crushed his enemies. The king killed his enemies. إننا نأكل التفاح. We're eating apples. We eat apples. תום יודע שמרי מסתירה משהו. Tom knows Mary is hiding something. Tom knows Mary's hiding something. دلّ سامي ليلى على مضارب الغولف المناسبة لكلّ وظيفة. Sami showed Layla the right clubs to use. Sami Lily pointed to the proper golf match for each job. يكنني أن آخذه إلى الحديقة. I can take him to the park. I was taking him to the park. מרי התרשמה ביותר מהאורגן הגדול בכנסייה. Mary was impressed by the big organ in the church. Mary was most impressed by the great organ of the church. ההסבר שלך מניח את הדעת. Your explanation is satisfactory. Your explanation assumes the opinion. L-eżami huwa faċli. The exam is easy. The examination is easy. أخبرني عن طفولتك. Tell me about your childhood. Tell me about your childhood. أين كنت يا جمال؟ Where have you been, Jamal? Where have you been, beauty? توم مزْهور كي عَندو طَفلة كيما ماري. Tom is lucky to have a daughter like Mary. Tom's famous to have a baby to Mary. و كيف لي أن أعرف؟ How should I know? And how do I know? הם פשוט מופיעים כשמתחשק להם. They just show up whenever they want to. They just show up when they like it. אני מסכימה לחלוטין עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I fully agree with all of you. البركة عميقة جدًّا. The pond is very deep. The pool is so deep. Fejn hu l-bank? Where is the bank? Where is the bank? أعطني الملح من فضلك. The salt, if you please. Give me the salt, please. אינני חושבת שאני יכולה להרשות לעצמי לרכוש רכב כעת. I don't think I can afford to buy a car now. I don't think I can afford a car right now. הם הופקרו על אי בודד. They were marooned on a desert isle. They were attacked on a lonely island. جدي من أهل أوساكا. My grandfather comes from Osaka. My grandfather is Osaka. بنته متحمسة للذهاب معه إلى أي مكان. His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere. His daughter is excited to go with him anywhere. اليوم هو عيد الإستقلال. Today is Independence Day. Today is independence day. إنّ الأمور لا يمكن أن تزداد سوءا. Things can't be worse. Things can't get worse. לקח לי זמן רב להווכח שאני עושה את זה לא נכון. It took me a long time to realize I was doing it the wrong way. It took me a long time to prove I was doing it wrong. היא מהירוקים. She is an environmentalist. She's from the greens. הבט להלן למידע נוסף. See below for more information. Look at them for more information. نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. We'll quickly take Sami to the hospital and heal in six days. מי המציא את הדינמיט? Who invented dynamite? Who invented the dynamite? אפשר לקבל מפית נייר בבקשה? May I have a napkin, please? Can I have a paper map, please? ما رانيش ناوي ندير واش طلب منّي طوم نديرو. I don't intend to do what Tom asked me to do. What Ranesh Nayi Nair Wash asked me to do to Tom Nedro. לא פוטרתי. I wasn't fired. I wasn't fired. אני הולך לרופא. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to the doctor. אני לא אוהב ערים גדולות. I don't like big cities. I don't like big cities. لم يكن سامي يعلم بعلاقة ليلى مع فريد. Sami didn't know about Layla's relationship with Farid. Sami didn't know about Lily's relationship with Fred. המשטרה תבחן את סיבת השריפה. The police will look into the cause of the fire. The police will test the cause of the fire. حتانا بانتلي هاكدا. I think so, too. Buttley Hadka. أين الكتب؟ Where is the book? Where are the books? استعملت ليلى بطاقة اعتماد أمّها. Layla used her mother's credit card. I used her mom's credit card to me. יש עלויות חסויות? Are there any hidden fees? Any covert costs? دومًا جائع. He's always hungry. Always hungry. انسَ أمر العشاء. You could forget about dinner. Forget about dinner. عندما سَمِعَ الأخبار, تحولَ شاحباً. When he heard the news, he turned pale. When he heard the news, he turned in love. أصبحت ابنتها امرأة جميلة. Her daughter has become a beautiful woman. Her daughter became a beautiful woman. השוק רווי לחלוטין. The market is completely saturated. The market is completely visible. لماذا صعدت إلى سقف بيتها؟ Why did you climb up on the roof of her house? Why did you go to the roof of her house? احاول أنا بإراحة الناس دائما بالكلمات التي ارغب أن اُقال I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. I'm always trying to comfort people with the words I'd like to say. ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? Ejja 'l hawn Come here. Come here יש לנו שתי אוזניים. We have two ears. We have two ears. חשתי את עצמי עילוי. I felt myself lifted up. I've felt my way. בדיוק עברתי דירה. I just moved. I just moved in. שתוק, חמור גרם! Shut up, dumbass! Shut up, you big ass! ביליתי את כל היום בניקוי החדר. I've spent the entire morning cleaning my room. I spent the whole day cleaning the room. הנייר לבן. The paper is white. White paper. قدّم سامي المزيد من الدّواء لليلى. Sami gave Layla more medicine. Sami gave more medicine to me. אני טובה בשמירת סודות. I'm good at keeping secrets. I'm good at keeping secrets. אני חי מיום ליום. I am living from day to day. I live from day to day. עדיף היה שתעזוב. You had better go. You better leave. המשיכה היתה הדדית. The attraction was mutual. The attraction was mutual. ليس عندي الوقت لأساعدك في حل واجبك I don't have time to help you with your homework. I don't have time to help you solve your duty. רק תכנס פנימה. Just get inside. Just get inside. أذّن سامي. Sami recited the adhan. I'm going to let Samie go. אולי תום לא היה רעב. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. טום פחד שמכוניתו תתקלקל. Tom was afraid his car would break down. Tom was afraid his car would get broken. نطق سامي بالشّهادة الأسبوع الماضي. Sami took his shahada last week. Sami said last week. لا بد أنه بلد رائع الجمال. The country must be very beautiful. It must be a beautiful country. سألت صاحبة المحل: "ولكن، ألا تظنها كبيرة قليلًا؟". "But don't you think that it's a little big?" asked the shopkeeper. "But don't you think it's a little big?" إنه مجنون بحبك. He's crazy about you. He's crazy in your love. تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Just pretend to be a doctor. احفظ المال في مكان آمن. Keep the money in a safe place. Save money in a safe place. شعرت وكأنّ يدًا باردة لمستني. I felt as if a cold hand was touching me. I felt like a cold hand to my mother. آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom. אנה מכירה את אלף הספרות העשרוניות הראשונות של הקבוע פאי. Anna knows the first thousand decimal places of π by heart. Anna knows the first 10,000 books of constant pie. على سامي دفع تكلفة العلاج من ماله الخاص. Sami has to pay for the treatment out of his pocket. Sami has to pay for treatment from his own money. אינני יודעת איפה תום שם את המטרייה שלו. I don't know where Tom put his umbrella. I don't know where Tom's there for his umbrella. לא אגן על תום. I won't defend Tom. I won't protect Tom. מעולם לא נזפתי בך. I never blamed you. I've never let you down. אינני יכולה להסתיר עובדה זאת ממך. I can't hide the fact from you. I can't hide this fact from you. ذلك لأن الفقاعة تلاشت في الهواء. Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. That's because the hall was spilled in the air. "סיימת?" "להפך, אפילו לא התחלתי עדיין." "Have you finished?" "No, I haven't even started." On the contrary, I haven't even started yet. אני מבין בערך. I sort of understand. I get about that. אני בטוח שניתן לסדר את זה. I'm sure it could be arranged. I'm sure it can be arranged. صرخت الفتاة حين رأت ألسنة اللهب. The girl screamed when she saw the flames. The girl screamed when she saw the flameman. מילותיו פגעו בה. His words hurt her feelings. His words hurt her. لم یحدث قط. It never happened. Never happened. لقد قفز من السيارة. He jumped out of the car. He jumped out of the car. אנו אוהבים את תום לפחות כמוך. We care for Tom as much as you do. We love Tom at least like you. המפלגה התפצלה לשתי סיעות עויינות. The party split into two warring factions. The party split up for two hostile rides. أعلم جيدا أن المكروه لا يأتي بمفده. I bear in mind that misfortunes never come singly. I know very well that the chrome doesn't come through. תפסיק לצבוט אותי. Stop pinching me. Stop punching me. أنا متأكّد أنّ الجميع ينتظر. I bet everyone is waiting. I'm sure everyone's waiting. המצפון שלי שקט. My conscience is clear. My conscience is quiet. מה היית עושה לו ראית רוח רפאים? What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you have done to him? דבורים עושות דבש. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. أحضر لي الجريدة من فضلك. Bring me the newspaper, please. Please get me the paper. על מה אתה חושב כשאתה מסתכל בתצלום הזה? What do you think of when you look at this photo? What do you think when you look at this picture? ذهبا ليلى و سامي إلى المسجد معا. Layla and Sami went to the mosque together. They went to Lily and Sami to the mosque together. كان من المفترض أن نكون حذرين أكثر. We should have been more careful. We were supposed to be more careful. اتفقنا على توزيع مهام تنظيف البيت فيما بيننا. We agreed to share the housework. We have agreed to distribute house-cleaning functions among us. أشعر بارتباكٍ في حضوره. I feel awkward in his presence. I feel confused in his presence. أعاد سامي طلاء منزله. Sami repainted his house. Sami resounded his house. أعرف كل شيء. I know everything. I know everything. كرة القدم هي لعبتي المفضلة. Football is my favorite game. The football is my favorite game. سيقدّم سامي بعض الدّواء لليلى. Sami is going to give Layla some medicine. My mom's going to give some medicine to me. טום לא יפסיק להילחם. Tom won't stop fighting. Tom won't stop fighting. איפה הילדים? Where are the children? Where are the kids? لست هنا لأجرحك I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. לא נראה שאיש דובר אמת. No one seems to be telling the truth. No one seems to be telling the truth. إنهم عاملوني بسوء. They treated me badly. They treated me bad. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان. Sami and Layla were arguing. They were Sami and Lily special. נשאר לנו סוכר? Do we have any sugar left? Do we have sugar left? יש לו שמיעה חדה. He has sharp hearing. He's got a sharp hearing. ايها الناس امضوا قدماً . نحن سوف نتبعكم . You people go ahead. We'll bring up the rear. People, go ahead. We'll follow you. يعتمد ذلك على السياق. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. טום מזג קצת יין לתוך הכוס. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom pours some wine into the glass. الجو بارد. It's cold. It's cold. תזדהי. Identify yourself. Check it out. هزّ سامي تلك الشّجرة. Sami shook the tree. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey توقعت أنك ستنبهر. I figured you'd be impressed. I thought you'd be sober. كيف تهجئ "جميل"؟ How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "Jamie"? זה קר לי מדי. It's too cold for me. It's too cold for me. ماذا سيعرف؟ What would he know? What will he know? טום נשאב לתוך זה. Tom got sucked into it. Tom's going into this. أي طفل يعرف ذلك. Any child knows it. Any child knows that. דברים לוקחים בדרך כלל יותר זמן ממה שציפית. Things usually take longer than you expect. Things usually take longer than you expected. חשבתי שתום עשה את זה די טוב. I thought Tom did that pretty well. I thought Tom did it pretty well. هل هذه أختك؟ Is that your sister? Is this your sister? هذا العالَم المُدَمَر بالفعِل شَهِدَ حَربَين عالَميَتين. This destructive world has already experienced two world wars. This truly devastating world has witnessed two world wars. לפחות תשתדל להיזהר. At least try and be careful. At least try to be careful. בוא תחבור אלינו. Come and join us. Come join us. رأيتُ واحدة مرة. I saw one once. I saw one once. هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ الطاولة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. ماكنش عارف كده. He didn't know that. MacKenche is as well known. אתה בטוח שאין דרך? Are you sure there's no way? Are you sure there's no way? הם נשארו באופן הזה למשך זמן מה. They stayed like that for a while. They stayed that way for a while. חשבתי שזה היה ממש רע. I thought it was really bad. I thought it was really bad. כשהוא כותב אנגלית, הוא מעיין על פי רוב במילון. When he writes English, he often consults the dictionary. When he writes English, he's impressed by most of the dictionary. إتفقوا على سعر. They agreed on a price. Deal on price. הזמרה של תום עשתה עלי רושם אמיתי. Tom's singing really impressed me. Tom's singer made a real impression on me. توقّف عن شدّ شعري Stop pulling my hair! Stop the hardness of my hair. لقد رأيت سامي في المزرعة. I saw Sami on the farm. I saw Sammy on the farm. תעדכן את התוכנה שלי. Update my software. Update my software. ירד גשם מאז יום ראשון. It has been raining since Sunday. It's rained since Sunday. רגולוס הכלב, הירצה בפני הכלבים החניכים על ההיסטוריה של לוחמת החתולים. Regulus, the dog, lectured the new dog cadets on the history of cat warfare. Ragulus the dog would like to be in front of the cat fighter's history. ככה אני אוהב את זה. That's the way I like it. That's how I like it. قُتل سامي. Sami was killed. Sami was killed. كان فاضل فردا محترما جدّا عند أهل الحي. Fadil was a highly regarded member of the community. He was a very respected man among the people of the neighbourhood. لقد فعل ما وعد ان يقوم به He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised to do. تسبّبت الغارات الإسرائيليّة بجعل 19000 منزل غير قابل للسّكن في قطاع غزّة. 19,000 homes in Gaza were rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks. The Israeli raids caused 19,000 homeless homes in the Gaza Strip. שנים חלפו. Years passed. Years passed. أختي تسكن بالقرب من يوكوهاما. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Yokohama. הוא מוכר וויסקי. He sells whisky. He's selling whiskey. אתה אנליטי? Are you analytical? Are you an analytic? לתרופה לא היתה כל השפעה. The medicine had no effect. The cure didn't have any effect. تُسقِط هذه الأشجار أوراقها في فصل الشّتاء. These trees shed their leaves during the winter. These trees pick up their leaves in the winter. פעמיים בשבוע בא הגנן לכסח את הדשא, לכן לא יכולתי אף פעם לשכב בעשב הגבוה. Twice a week, the gardener would come to mow the lawn, so I could never lie down in the tall grass. Two times a week, the garden came to kick down the grass, so I could never sleep in the high grass. كأنّك من الهند. It looks like you are from India. Like you're from India. תום אוהב מסיבה טובה. Tom loves a good party. Tom loves a good party. תום הודה בתבוסה. Tom admitted defeat. Tom confessed to defeat. תום ידאג לך. Tom is going to take care of you. Tom will take care of you. טום עושה קיצורי דרך. Tom is cutting corners. Tom's making briefs. Il-qattus tiegħek huwa iswed. Your cat is black. Your cat is black. מצורפת מפה אל המשרד שלנו. Attached is a map to our office. It's coming from here to our office. אתה מוזר. You're weird. You're weird. תיקנו לו את המכשיר הישן. He had the old machine fixed. We fixed his old device. إنتحرت. She committed suicide. I've committed suicide. מישהו דופק בדלת שלך. Somebody's knocking at your door. Someone knocks at your door. יש לי מאות תיקיות של מוזיקה על המחשב שלי. I've got hundreds of music folders on my PC. I have hundreds of files of music on my computer. אין לנו שום דבר אחר פה. There's nothing else for us here. We don't have anything else here. ما غرض زيارتك؟ What is the purpose of your visit? What's your visit for? אתה חושב שאתה סובל מעודף משקל? Do you think you're obese? You think you're having a change of weight? תום הוסיף סוכר לקפה שלו. Tom added sugar to his coffee. Tom added sugar to his coffee. הצורך שלך באינטימיות עשוי לגדול. Your need for intimacy may increase. Your need for intimacy may grow. كان عند سامي العديد من الأصدقاء المسلمين. Sami had many Muslim friends. Sami had many Muslim friends. תום אוהב לדוג. Tom likes fishing. Tom loves fishing. أنا موافق مع اقتراحه. I accept his proposal. I agree with his suggestion. העניין יתבהר במשך הזמן. It will clear up by and by. The thing will clear up over time. أنا جائعٌ للغاية. I'm really hungry. I'm so hungry. אני מתכנן להישאר בעיר. I'm planning on staying in the city. I'm planning on staying in town. הממ, עכשיו זה באמת מוזר... Uh, now it's really weird... Hmm, now it's really weird... אל תדאגי. Don't worry. Don't worry. طُعِّمتُ من الإنفلونزا. I was vaccinated against the flu. I got rid of the flu. תום התעלם ממני. Tom ignored me. Tom ignored me. אני עוד כאן. I'm still here. I'm still here. سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain that later. אתם הוגנים. You're fair. You're fair. سامي يشرب. Sami drinks. Sami drinks. למלון אווירה ביתית. That hotel has a homey atmosphere. To the house-to-house air hotel. הספר הדק הזה הוא שלי. This thin book is mine. This thin book is mine. أي خيار كان لدي؟ What choice did I have? What choice did I have? هؤلاء الثلاثة بناته. Those three are his daughters. These are his three daughters. كان الحفل جيّدا للغاية. The party was so good. The party was so good. תום הכין אורז. Tom made rice. Tom made rice. توم حقيقة لا يعيش داخل حدود مدينة بوسطن. Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits. Tom really doesn't live within Boston City borders. זה יקרה. It will happen. That'll happen. מארי האכילה את הדגים. Marie fed the fish. Marie ate the fish. يتكلم الفرنسية أيضاً. He can also speak French. He speaks French too. יש לו דיעה קדומה נגד יהודים. He has a prejudice against Jews. He's got some prejudice against Jews. מר תומס יוכל לפתור את הבעיה. Mr. Thomas will be able to solve the problem. Mr. Thomas can solve the problem. אני פה כי אני רוצה. I'm here because I want to be. I'm here because I want to. انقطعت الكهرباء. The power went out. Power's out. أنا أعد, لن أفعلها مجدداً. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise, I won't do it again. אני לא מבינה שום דבר בניהול עסק. I don't know a thing about running a business. I don't understand anything about running a business. מוטב שזה לא יהיה הם. That better not be them. It better not be them. סבי נהרג במלחמת העולם השנייה. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed in World War II. היום אינך צריך לעבוד. You don't have to work today. You don't have to work today. كرسيّك مثل كرسيي تمامًا. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair's just like my chair. מעטים הם האנשים היודעים כיצד להשתמש בכלי נשקו של האויב נגדו. Few people know how to use an enemy's weapon against him. Few people know how to use enemy weapons against him. תום אמר שזה שייך לו. Tom said this belonged to him. Tom said it belonged to him. شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تعاني. Sami watched Layla suffer. See Sami Lily and she's suffering. ממשלה של העם על ידי העם ועבור העם לא תעבור מעל פני האדמה. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. The government of the people by the people and the people will not pass over the face of the earth. אני עסוק בהכנות למחר. I'm busy getting ready for tomorrow. I'm busy preparing for tomorrow. מדוע את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you so in a hurry? אל לכם לשתות את המים האלה. You shouldn't drink this water. Don't drink that water. "איפה הספר שלו?" "מונח על השולחן." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." "Where's his book?" "It's on the table." لا تنسَ أن تضع طابعاً على رسالتك. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a character on your message. ستبدأ الدراسة بعد غد. School begins the day after tomorrow. The study will start tomorrow. מעודי לא התקפתי אף אחד. I've never attacked anyone. I've never attacked anyone. אלה מחשבים מסוגים שונים. These are different types of computers. These are different types of computers. הם לא ראו עניין רב באיגודים מקצועיים. They saw little need for labor unions. They didn't see much interest in professional associations. اللغة الأمازيغية موجودة على الفيسبوك. Facebook supports the Berber language. Amazigh is on Facebook. כולנו אוהבים לרכוב על אופנים. We all like cycling. We all like to ride. טום גר בגאנגנם. Tom lives in Gangnam. Tom lives in Gangnam. إنهُ ليس خنزير; إنهُ قرد. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. He's not a pig; he's a monkey. كان سامي يركب نفس الحافلة التي تركبها ليلى. Sami rode the same bus as Layla. Sami was riding the same bus he took out for Lily. أتى سامي إلى العيادة ليقابل ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sami came to the clinic to meet me. رأيته يخرج. I saw him go out. I saw him get out. חשבתי שאתה אוהב את תום. I thought you cared about Tom. I thought you loved Tom. شعر فاضل أنّه استحقّ أن يقضي ذلك الحكم. Fadil felt that he deserved to serve that sentence. Fatty hair that he deserved to pass that sentence. هل هذا كتابك؟ Is this your book? Is that your book? דבריו ומעשיו לא תואמים. His words don't match his actions. His words and actions are inconsistent. טום שמח לעבוד בגן. Tom was happy working in the garden. Tom's happy to work in the garden. الآن، اسمح لي أن أطرح عليك سؤالاً. Now, let me ask you a question. Now, let me ask you a question. היא מסרה לו מפתח. She handed him the key. She gave him a key. مضى شهران منذ وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It's been two months since I arrived in Tokyo. فقط لدي بعض الأسئلة. I just have a few questions. I just have some questions. סטודנטים, על ידי עבודה זמנית, מסוגלים לגייס את שכר הלימוד בעצמם. Students, by working part time, are able to scrape up tuition fees by themselves. Students, by temporary work, are able to recruit their own school salary. لقد شاهدت كل أفلامه I've seen all his movies. I've seen all his movies. מייק הוא הצעיר ביותר במשפחה. Mike is the youngest in his family. Mike's the youngest in the family. אני יודע דברים שאתם לא יודעים. I know things you don't know. I know things you don't know. ربّما ستتعلّم درسا من ذلك. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from this. Maybe you'll learn a lesson from that. אתה הכי מבוגר. You're the oldest. You're the oldest. אני רוצה להבהיר את זה בשלמות. I want to make this perfectly clear. I want to make it perfectly clear. ما زالت تمطر منذ ليلة البارحة. It's been raining since last night. It's been raining since last night. הערכת את המצב בשלמות. You've assessed the situation perfectly. Appreciate the situation perfectly. הוא וויתר על נסיעה בחו"ל בגלל מחלה פתאומית. He gave up traveling abroad because of his sudden illness. He gave up travel abroad because of a sudden illness. مانِيش باغي نتنافس مْعا حتى واحد. I don't want to compete with anybody. Manesh Baghy competes with even one. תום ניסה להתניע את המנוע. Tom tried to start the engine. Tom tried to start the engine. هو أقرب. He's closer. It's closer. ካብ ዘይትፈልጦ ሸይጣን እትፈልጦ ሸይጣን። Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. He created the heavens and the earth with truth . He is the All-mighty , the All-wise . יש לי רק שתי ידיים. I have only two hands. I've only got two hands. اصطحب سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up at the airport. Sami was escorted from the airport. لا تشكرني من فضلك. Please don't thank me. Don't thank me, please. ماذا للعشاء؟ What's for dinner? What's for dinner? הבטחתי לעצמי שלא אשתה יותר. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. I promised myself I wouldn't drink anymore. אין מקום מסתור. There's no place to hide. There's nowhere to hide. העץ מטיל צל לאורך הרחוב. The tree cast a shadow across the road. The tree sets a shadow across the street. ذهب براين إلى المدرسة مع كيت. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. הפלת את הממחטה שלך. You dropped your handkerchief. You dropped your handkerchief. دعني أفعلها Let me do it. Let me do it. قال سامي أنّه لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami said that he didn't like Muslims. Sami said he didn't like Muslims. الرّاجل كان ياكل لخبز. The man was eating bread. Men have been eating bread. תום יליד בוסטון. Tom is a native of Boston. Tom Boyd Boston. دعينا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. لم يسبق لي أن تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've never climbed Mt. Fuji. I've never crossed Mount Foji. لا يوجد أمل. There is no hope. There's no hope. אנו חברים? Are we friends? Are we friends? تم القبض على توم. Tom was taken prisoner. Tom was arrested. איזה נס! What a miracle! What a miracle! אני יודע להשתמש בכל סוגי הנשק. I know how to use every kind of weapons. I know how to use all kinds of weapons. أنا نضج كفايةً لأتّخذ قراراتي الخاصّة. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I'm mature enough to make my own decisions. הם ראו חתול בגן. They saw a cat in the garden. They saw a cat in the garden. לממשלה יהיה לא פשוט לאזן את צרכיה של האוכלוסיה הצעירה עם אלו של האנשים המבוגרים. The government will have much trouble balancing the needs of its younger population with the requirements of the old people. The government would not just balance the needs of the young population with those of older people. لستن أهلا للثقة. You are not trustworthy. You're not welcome to trust. אני הולך לראות אותה. I'm going to go see her. I'm gonna see her. كَم لبثت؟ How long did you stay? How'd you play? سامي ينتظر سيّارة أجرة. Sami is waiting for a taxi. Sammy's waiting for a cab. לאופרה הזאת שלוש מערכות. This opera has three acts. This opera has three systems. אני לא יכול לדעת אם אתה רציני. I can't tell if you're serious. I can't tell if you're serious. العمال في هذه المعامل يشكلون نسبة كبيرة من المهاجرين. Workers in these factories comprise a large percentage of immigrants. Workers in these plants constitute a large proportion of migrants. התחלתי לרוץ. I began running. I started running. كان من الخطأ رفض مساعدته. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was wrong to refuse his help. كلّ ما فعلتُ كان لِتوم. Everything I did, I did for Tom. All I've done was for Tom. تعلمت الكثير منك. I learned a lot from you. I've learned a lot from you. توحّشتني⸮ Did you miss me? Smile Me أحتاج إلى مساعدتك. I need your help. I need your help. لا أحد كانت لديه شهيّة. No one had much of an appetite. Nobody had a taste. ልጁ ይህች ቆንጆ ልጃገረድን ይወዳል። The boy loves this beautiful girl. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? خذ مفاتيح سيّارته. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. אני שמח שאתה יכול לבוא. I'm glad that you can come. I'm glad you can come. ما افتكرش ان في أي عيب ف كون أي حد فقير. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with being a poor limit. لا يزال جروي الدّب هذيه يرضعان. These bear cubs are still nursing. That bear's still laying. يبدو توم بحال جيدة. Tom seems OK now. Tom looks good. בואי נוציא מזה את הטוב ביותר. Let's make the most of it. Let's get the best out of this. הנה החבר שלך. There's your friend. Here's your friend. لدي أربعة أضعاف ما عندك من الأقراص المدمجة. I have four times more CDs than you do. I have four times your CDs. הוא עשה בושות למשפחה שלו. He has brought shame upon his family. He was ashamed of his family. انظر إلى الصورة. Look at the picture. Look at the picture. אתם יפים מאד. You're very beautiful. You guys are very beautiful. ما نقدرش نعيش بلا لاتالا. I can't live without a TV. We can't afford to live without Latala. רצון האל... God willing... God's will... זה בוקר. It's morning. It's morning. سامي ينتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Sami is moving. Sami moves to live somewhere else. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأشرب. I'm old enough to drink. I'm old enough to drink. תום הוא לא זה שעזב את המסיבה מוקדם. Tom isn't the only one who left the party early. Tom's not the one who left the party early. لا أحب مدرستي. I don't like my school. I don't like my school. תום הבטיח להשתפר. Tom has promised to make amends. Tom promised to get better. מגרד לי בעיניים. My eyes feel itchy. I'm scratching my eyes. הוא שוכנע להיות יותר רגיש. He was persuaded to be more sensible. He's convinced of being more sensitive. את שקרנית. You are a liar. You're a liar. היא חובשת כובע מדהים. She's wearing a cool hat. She's wearing an amazing hat. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Please show me something cheaper. Show me something cheaper, please. פעם הייתי כמוה. I was like her once. I used to be like her. رزقوا بولد وحيد. They had only one child. They lived a single boy. אתה מוכן להגיד לתום להיות בשקט? Could you please tell Tom to be quiet? Will you tell Tom to be quiet? إنهُ طويل القامة مِثل والدهُ. He's as tall as his father. It's a long shot like his father. אנחנו קרובים לסיום. We're nearly finished. We're close to finishing. הספר הזה מעניין הרבה יותר מההוא שם. This book is way more interesting than that one. This book is much more interesting than it's there. אני מתכוון ללכת איתו. I'm going to go with him. I'm gonna go with him. אל תחשוש לטעות כשאתה מדבר אנגלית. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. Don't be afraid to make a mistake when you speak English. אני לא יכולה לעשות שום דבר אחר. I can't do anything else. I can't do anything else. حضر توم للمدرسة بالسيارة Tom comes to school by car. Tom came to the car school. אני חלוק בדעתי. My mind is torn and undecided. I think so. שרדת את כל מה שאירע לך עד כה. You have survived everything that has happened to you so far. You've survived everything that's happened to you so far. אני כל כך שמח שמצאתם אותנו. I'm so happy you found us. I'm so glad you found us. תריחי את הפרח הזה. Smell this flower. Smell that flower. طلب سامي الطّلاق. Sami filed for divorce. This is Sami's request. אתה נראה נהדר. You look marvelous. You look great. אף פעם לא ביקרתי בקיושו. I have never been to Kyushu. I've never visited his family. החלפתי את הדגל. I changed the flag. I changed the flag. תום היה מטושטש לגמרי לאחר שהוא התעורר מהניתוח. Tom was away with the fairies for a while when he woke up after his surgery. Tom was completely blurred after he woke up from surgery. הוא החליט שלא להגיש תלונה. He decided not to press charges. He decided not to file a complaint. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው። I'm going to school. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? יש לי את המפתחות של תום. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. שתוק, או שתגיד משהו ששווה לשמוע. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Shut up, or you'll say something worth hearing. كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sami was upset. واحد لوقت كونت حايب نولّي استرۆفيزيسيان. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. One for the time when I was a lover of Nolly Estervician. האדם הוא החיה היחידה העושה שימוש באש. Humans are the only living creatures that make use of fire. Man is the only animal using fire. לא נראה שקראת את החוזה בעיון רב. You don't seem to have read the contract very carefully. You don't seem to have read the contract very well. هل يوجد أين يمكننا التحدث على انفراد حول هذا؟ Is there somewhere that we can talk privately about this? Is there where we can talk alone about this? אין שום מקום שבו תוכלי להסתתר. There's nowhere for you to hide. There's nowhere you can hide. חסר לי כסף. I am short of money. I'm short of money. خذ كل الوقت الذي تحتاجه . Take all the time you need. Take all the time you need. غرفته أكبر بمرتين من غرفتي. His room is twice as large as mine. His room's two times bigger than my room. האם כיבית את התנור? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn off the oven? אל תזרוק את כתב העת הזה. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw away this journal. كلفونا بهذا العمل. They assigned the task to us. We got this job. נלכדתם. היכנעו! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. البعض يحب أن يكافئ نفسه، وأن لا ينتظر هدية من أحد. Some people like rewarding themselves, not expecting reward from others. Some love to reward themselves, and they don't wait for a gift from anyone. جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Jane's from Australia. החודש הקודם היה גשום מאוד. The preceding month was very rainy. Last month was very rainy. قدّم سامي الأكل لكلبه. Sami fed his dog. Sammy ate his dog. لن أتركك تفلت بهذه السهولة. I won't let you slip away so easily. I'm not gonna let you get away that easy. هههه، وَشْنُو؟ Lol, what? Huh, and Snow? אני מוסיף משפטים. I add sentences. I'm adding sentences. אשאר עוד יום או יומיים. I'm going to stay for another day or two. I'll stay for another day or two. הם לא דברו צרפתית. They weren't speaking French. They didn't speak French. ألم يخطر ببالك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Did it not occur to you to close the windows? Didn't you think you'd shut down the windows? لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sami wasn't willing to be the losers in the lot. كان سامي شخصا مثيرا للإعجاب. Sami was larger than life. Sami was an impressive person. תפסיק בבקשה. Please stop it. Please stop. נתחיל בכך מיד. We'll get right on it. We'll start with it right away. تحدثت ماري باليابانية ببطئ. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke to the Japanese slowly. أنا مدرّس بديل. I am a substitute teacher. I'm an alternative teacher. عليّ أن أنام. I have to go to sleep. I have to sleep. תום לא נראה כעוס. Tom doesn't look angry. Tom doesn't seem angry. הצינור דולף. That water pipe leaks. The pipe's leaking. انتبه لما تقوله يا توم. Watch your mouth, Tom. Look out for what you're saying, Tom. אל תשליך לפח דבר רק משום שהוא שבור. Don't throw it away just because it's broken. Don't throw away anything just because it's broken. وجب على السياح مغادرة البلدة قبل حلول الفجر . The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. Tourists had to leave town before dawn. הכרת אותם, לא? You knew them, didn't you? You knew them, didn't you? תום חסין. Tom is resilient. Tom's safe. هل يتهمك الناس بأنك سطحي؟ Do people ever accuse you of being superficial? People accuse you of surface? أُغلق مطعم سامي. Sami's restaurant was shut down. Closes Sami's restaurant. هل مظهري جيد؟ Do I look okay? Is my look good? אני לא כבד בהרבה ממך. I'm not much heavier than you. I'm not too heavy for you. ذهب سامي لإحضار الدّواء بسرعة. Sami went to get the medicine quickly. Sami went to get the medicine fast. هل تحب الموسيقى الأمازيغية؟ Do you like Berber music? Do you like Amazigh's music? את בעצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? Have you chosen those songs yourself? لا يمكنني فعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. אני רק רוצה את זה. I just want it. I just want it. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. May I use your pencil? We appreciate using the Deek's pen. לסגור? Should I close? Close? תישארי, אם את רוצה. Feel free to stay. Stay, if you want. אני פונה למילון לעתים קרובות. I often refer to the dictionary. I often turn to the dictionary. كانت ليلى تعيش في حيّ أين يودّ أيّ شخص أن ينشئ أسرة. Layla lived in a neighborhood where anybody would like to raise a family. Lily was living in a neighborhood where anyone wants to have a family. שילמתי לו ארבעה דולר. I paid him four dollars. I paid him four bucks. ما رأيك في عطلة في الكاريبي؟ How about a Caribbean holiday? What do you think of a vacation in the Caribbean? عليك ألا تذهب. You shouldn't go. You don't have to go. כל שעליך לעשות הוא לנצל את ההזדמנות הנדירה הזאת. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. All you have to do is take this rare opportunity. أتعلم العربية. I'm learning Arabic. You know Arabic. هي لا تكرهكَ يا توم. She doesn't hate you, Tom. She doesn't hate you, Tom. ربّما تريد التّحدّث على انفراد. Maybe you want to talk in private. Maybe you want to talk private. ጋዜጠኛ ነኝ። I'm a journalist. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, تحوّلت الدّقائق إلى ساعات. Minutes turned into hours. The minutes were turned into hours. هل تتحدث الإسبانية؟ Do you speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish? הקשישה הייתה שברירית אבל תוקפנית. The elderly woman was frail but feisty. The old one was fragile but aggressive. תום השתתף בישיבה ההיא. Tom attended that meeting. Tom took part in that meeting. إدا راحت علينا لماشينا، نروحو فلكار. If we should miss the train, we'll go by bus. If we're left with our things, we're in love with Florrick. كان خبر وفاة فاضل مؤلما بالنّسبة لعمّال المستشفى. The news of Fadil's death devastated the hospital staff. The death report was painfully painful for hospital workers. זה עשוי חלקית מעץ. It is made partly of wood. It's made of wood. بالرغم من أن هذا البيت ليس قلعة أو قصرا، إلا أنه يجعلك تحس بالأمان. This house is no fortress or castle, but it still instills a sense of security. Although this house is not a castle or a palace, it makes you feel safe. لاحظت أنها جلست في الصف الأول. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was sitting in the first grade. سأذهب إلی الشاطئ. I will go to the beach. I'm going to the beach. תקוותה לא התגשמה. Her hope didn't come true. Her hope didn't come true. הם נותנים לך תעסוקה? Are they keeping you busy? They give you employment? يمكنك المجيء والعيش معي. You could come and live with me. You can come and live with me. الأسلحة النارية ليست من يقتل البشر. البشر هم من يقتل البشر. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns are not the ones that kill people. Human beings are the ones that kill people. תתרגל לזה מהר. You'll get used to it rapidly. Get used to it quickly. לא מעט אנשים הם בעלי שתי מכוניות. Quite a few people have two cars. Not a few people are two car owners. הוא היה פעיל במחתרת. He was active in the resistance. He was active in the resistance. התחושה היא שזה הדבר הנכון. It just feels right. The feeling is that it's the right thing to do. אל תעשני פה. Don't smoke here. Don't smoke here. ናይ ሓድሕድ ሓልዮት ኣድላዩ እዩ። It's important to care for one another. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? Tista' almenu tgħid "grazzi". You could at least say "thank you". You can at least say "thank you". היא אישה שקטה. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. תום הסתיר את הספר מאחורי הגב. Tom hid the book behind his back. Tom hid the book behind his back. كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil got an airtight alibi. It was a powerful pretext. זה בדיוק הדבר שאינני רוצה לשמוע אותך אומר. That's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to hear you say. That's exactly the thing I don't want to hear you say. رفضت مساعدتي. She refused my offer to help her. I refused my help. אם אינך יודע את פירוש המילה, עליך לחפש במילון. If you don't know the meaning of the word, you have to look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know the word, you have to search the hotel. זו היתה השגיאה הגדולה של חיי. It was the biggest mistake of my life. That was the big mistake of my life. توجه إلى محطة حافلات الجزائر العاصمة. He headed for the Algiers bus station. Go to Algiers bus station, D.C. الكلمات لا يسعها التعبير عن حزنها العميق. No words can express her deep sorrow. Words cannot express their deep sorrow. Ommi tnaddaf il-kamra. My mother cleans the room. My mother cleans the room. היא נעמדה והביטה לעבר הים. She stood looking out toward the sea. She was standing and looked toward the sea. הארי אחר לכיתה אתמול בגלל התאונה שלו. Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident. Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident. هو طبيب. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. אינני אוהב מה שעשית לתום. I don't like what you did to Tom. I don't like what you did to Tom. صراع العروش هو مسلسلي المفضّل. Game of Thrones is my favorite series. Herbal conflict is my favorite show. ابتلع سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. צרפתית מלמד מר ווייט, לא גברת גרין. French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. French teaches Mr. White, not Mrs Green. שמחת להיווכח שהמשפט הזה נמחק, נכון? You were pleased to see that sentence deleted, weren't you? You were happy to prove that this trial was deleted, right? واحدة وقعت من مركب في البحر. A woman fell from a ship into the sea. One fell off a boat at sea. מה זה אמור להביע? What is that supposed to mean? What's that supposed to mean? איפה הכסף שלך? Where's your money? Where's your money? אני שמח שאיש לא מת. I'm glad no one died. I'm glad nobody's dead. אתה חיב לשלוח את התשובה למכתב מיד. You must send the answer to the letter right away. You have to send the answer to the letter immediately. كان سامي يقيم حفلا. Sami was having a party. Sami was having a party. שפת האם של טום היא צרפתית. Tom's native language is French. Tom's mother tongue is French. אין לי בעיה לספר לך מה אני יודע. I don't mind telling you what I know. I don't have a problem telling you what I know. كان صبوراً جداً. He was very patient. He was so pale. ماذا إذا كنت على حق؟ What if I'm right? What if you're right? ماذا تريد أن تأكل؟ What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? البسي قبّعتكِ. Put on your cap. Weasel kissed you. اشتريت كتاباً عن الحيوانات. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book on animals. לא אותך הוא רוצה לשאת, אלא אותה. It is not you but her that he wants to marry. Not you he wants to carry, but her. תום החליט להשאר אחורנית. Tom has decided to stay behind. Tom decided to stay behind. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sami asked Lily to meet him in person. בידדנו חולה אחד מהשאר. We have isolated one patient from the rest. We've been visiting one patient from the rest. הם יהיו בסדר. They're going to be OK. They'll be fine. شكراً لحبك. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your love. أراد سامي مقابلة مسلمين حقيقيّين. Sami wanted to meet real Muslims. Sami wanted to meet real Muslims. אני אוהב את ביתי. I like my house. I love my daughter. صالَحَت مَعَ صَدِيقَتِها. She reconciled with her friend. It's good with you to meet her. היא צעקה והתעלפה. She screamed and fainted. She screamed and fainted. תום שאפתן. Tom is ambitious. Tom is ambitious. هل بمكانك أن تصوّرني مع أصدقائي؟ Could you take a picture of me and my friends? Can you take a picture of me with my friends? זה היה מבחינתי בסדר. I was cool with that. It was fine with me. هذا الحزام ضيق جدا علي. This belt fits me too tightly. This belt is too tight on me. ראיתי את הכל. I saw everything. I've seen everything. קח את זה החוצה. Take it outside. Take it out. האליפות כבר בכיס שלנו. We've got the championship in our pocket. The championship's already in our pocket. سرق سامي بطاقات اعتماد ليلى. Sami stole Layla's credit cards. Sami stole last night's credit cards. על פי העיתון, היא התאבדה. The newspaper says that she committed suicide. According to the paper, she killed herself. Ma nifhimx. I do not understand. I do not understand. دعني أساعدك في عملك. Let me help you with your work. Let me help you with your work. كرسيك مطابقٌ لكرسيي. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is identical to my chair. سامي طبيب. Sami is a doctor. Sammy's a doctor. أشعلنا الشموع. We lit the candles. I've made the candles. من تلك المرأة التي ترتدي فستاناً وردياً؟ Who is the woman dressed in pink? Who is this woman wearing a pink dress? كان بإمكان سامي أن يقيم صداقة حتّى مع صخرة. Sami could make friends with a fucking rock. Sami could even have had a friend with a rock. נראה שיש לך ידע רב על זה. You seem very knowledgeable about that. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about this. شكراً لك Thank you. Thank you. תום לא אוהב אותי במיוחד. Tom doesn't like me much. Tom doesn't like me very much. מי שרוצה להלך בשביל התבונה אל לו לחשוש מהכשלון, לא משנה כמה הוא מתקדם, מטרתו נשארת רחוקה מהשגה. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Whoever wants to go for wisdom has no fear of failure, no matter how advanced he may be, his goal remains far from achievement. זה נשמע עצום. That sounds awesome. That sounds huge. אבא שלי מגדל אורז. My father grows rice. My dad's a rice tower. לא אמרת להם מה כתבת במאמר ההוא. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. هل تَعَلَمَ اليابانية أيضاً؟ Did he learn Japanese as well? Do you learn Japanese too? يسمح بالدخول للطلاب فقط لا غير. Admission to students only. Only students are allowed to enter. אתה מסוגל לטפל בזה? Can you handle it? Can you handle this? أرسلت لك هذا البريد الإلكتروني منذ أسبوعين I sent you this email two weeks ago. I sent you this e-mail two weeks ago. אני זקוקה לעזרה ממישהו. I need help from someone. I need someone's help. שקלנו היטב את שתי הברירות. We've given careful thought to both alternatives. We've considered both choices well. דַּעֲלָךְ סְנֵי לְחַבְרָךְ לָא תַּעֲבֵיד — זוֹ הִיא כׇּל הַתּוֹרָה כּוּלָּהּ, וְאִידַּךְ פֵּירוּשַׁהּ הוּא, זִיל גְּמוֹר. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. Your power will be scanty. Your power will be scanty. Your power will be scanty. נא לא להפריע! Do not disturb! Please don't interrupt! عليك أن تأتي معي. You have to come with me. You have to come with me. לך לשם עכשיו. Go there now. Go there now. فرك الجرح بالملح. Rub salt in the wound. The wound broke with salt. انه يأكل الكثير. He eats a lot. He's eating a lot. תום צריך לקנות לעצמו קצת זמן. Tom needs to buy himself some time. Tom needs to buy himself some time. אני לא יודע בדיוק מתי אחזור. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. היא סירבה להצעתי לבוא לעזרתה. She refused my offer to help her. She refused my offer to come for her help. תחתום על זה. Sign this. Sign this. הייתי זה עתה בתחנת סאפורו כדי ללוות את אמי לדרכה. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I was just at Safforo Station to accompany my mother on her way. סגרתי את הדלת בשקט, כדי לא להעיר את התינוק. I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake the baby up. I shut the door quietly, so as not to wake the baby up. شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. He drank Sami from that glass. እቲ ወዲ ርኣዮ። Look at that boy! HELP FOR THE FAMILY PARENTING لم أعلم أنّها كانت مريضة. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. הנהר שזורם בלונדון נקרא תיימס. The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river flowing in London is called Times. رأت ليلى صورة الملفّ الشّخصي لسامي و أُعجبت بها. Layla saw Sami's profile picture and she liked it. She saw Lily's personal file and she liked it. يعجبه الاستماع إلى الراديو. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes listening to the radio. ביתו נראה מפסגת הגבעה. His house could be seen from the top of the hill. His house looks at the top of the hill. ስምህ ማን ነው? What is your name? THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT رأيت فتاة واقفة تحت الشجرة. I see a girl standing under that tree. I saw a girl standing under the tree. לא קר היום. It is not cold today. It's not cold today. لا أحب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية. I don't like classical music. I don't like classic music. من أجل ماذا أتيتَ إلى هنا؟ What did you come here for? What did you come here for? אני נוטה להסכים איתך. I tend to agree with you. I tend to agree with you. تلقّى فاضل حكمين بالمؤبّد. Fadil got two life sentences. He was sentenced to two years in prison. לא הייתי צריך לבטוח בך. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. المغسلة صنعت من الجرانيت The washbasin is made of granite. The laundromat made from the throat. החנות סגורה. The store's closed. The store's closed. לא ידוע לי. I don't know. I don't know. זה שקר. That's a lie. That's a lie. אני אשטוף את הכלים כי את בישלת. I'll do the dishes, since you've cooked. I'll wash the dishes because you cooked. תנמיך את קולך. Keep your voice down. Lower your voice. ስሜ ያማዳ ነው። My name is Yamada. Would You Welcome a Visit? القطة نائمة على الأريكة. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat's sleeping on the couch. لم يشعل النار مع أن الجو كان بارداً. Though it was cold, he didn't light the fire. He didn't fire even though it was cold. נגן בבקשה בכינור. Please play the violin. Please play the oven. אינני עושה כלום. I don't do anything. I'm not doing anything. לאלוהים פתרונים. Only God knows. For God's sakes. الأمازيغية هي لغتنا. Berber is our language. The Amazigh is our language. أمّي، أنا في المنزل. Mom, I'm home. Mom, I'm home. املأ الإستمارة أدناه. Fill out the form below. Fill out the form below. היא היתה אדיבה עד כדי להלוות לי סכום כסף גדול. She was kind enough to lend me large sum of money. She was kind enough to lend me a big money. على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه. Cut your coat according to your cloth. As far as you can extend your legs, God has mercy on one who has known the same fate. عليك ألا تذهب إلى هناك. You should not go there. You don't have to go there. פושעים רבים בארה"ב מכורים לסמים. Many criminals in America are addicted to drugs. Many criminals in the United States are drug addicts. إنه يمارس رياضة النزحلق في هوكايدو كل شتاء . He skis in Hokkaido every winter. He has a flyer sport in Hokkaido every winter. אל תזלזלי בכך. Don't underestimate it. Don't underestimate it. هل أستطيع أن أرى جواز سفرك؟ Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? البقرة تعطينا الحليب. A cow gives us milk. The cow gives us milk. والدنا يذهب الي العمل بالسيارة. Our father goes to work by car. Our father's going to work in the car. אני לא יכול למצוא את העיתון. I can't find the newspaper. I can't find the paper. תום היה זה שצץ במוחו הרעיון. Tom was the one who came up with the idea. Tom was the one who came up with the idea. אנו זקוקים לחיזוקים רבים של הצוות. We need many additions to our staff. We need many troops of the crew. كان سامي يتلفّظ أنفاسه. Sami was gasping for life. Sami was spoiling his breath. تفضل بالجلوس. Please sit down. Have a seat. ليست هناك مستشفيات قرب بيته. There are no hospitals in the vicinity of his house. There are no hospitals near his home. תום עדיין די מבוסם. Tom is still pretty groggy. Tom's still pretty dependent. לא רציתי לערב אותם. I didn't want to involve them. I didn't want to get them involved. הגיע זמני לעזוב. It's time for me to leave. It's time for me to leave. תום כעת מתחבא בהרים. Tom is now hiding in the mountains. Tom now hides in the mountains. لو أخبرني بالحقيقة لكنت سامحته. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If you told me the truth, you'd forgive him. لن يقوم توم بفعل ذلك أبدا. Tom will never do that. Tom will never do that. הנה כתובת האימייל שלי. Here's my email address. Here's my email address. הטרוריסטים הביאו עמם חבל כדי לקשור את בני הערובה. The terrorists brought rope with them so that they could tie up all the hostages. The terrorists brought with them a rope to tie the hostages. זה גדול מדי. It's too large. It's too big. התקשרתי מוקדם יותר. I called earlier. I called earlier. ወጣት አይደለችም። She is not young. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. أشنو ڭلتي؟ What did you say? Have you seen me? لقد انذهل السائحون بالمشهد الرائع . The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. The tourists were amazed at the beauty of the scene. كشف سامي عن أمره في فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami snitched on himself in a YouTube video. Sami revealed his order in a video on the satellite. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I've been silent for a long time. I've been silent for a long time. هل بإمكانك تكلم الإيطالية؟ Do you speak Italian? Can you speak Italian? احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. The maid of whores was held in the basement of his house. הוא התקלח. He has taken a shower. He showered. יש אפשרות שלא נצטרך לסגור את המפעל. There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory. There's a possibility we won't have to close the factory. למה אתה מבקר באוסטרליה? Why are you visiting Australia? Why are you visiting Australia? אני בטוח שהוא יאשר. I'm sure he would approve. I'm sure he'll confirm. هل تعرف كم عمر السيدة نكانو؟ Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Mrs. Nkano is? أنا أحبّها كأخت. I love her like a sister. I love her as a sister. دعنا لا نستعجل كثيرًا. Let's not be in too much of a hurry. Let's not rush too fast. كانت ليلى بمثابة عمود عند أهل البلدة. Layla was a pillar of the community. Lily was a mayor at the town's parents. هوايتي جمع اللعب القديمة. My hobby is collecting old toys. My friends are collecting old games. لم يكن سامي مغرما بليلى. Sami was not in love with Layla. Sami wasn't in love with night. ከምኡ ሓደ ዓይነት ክወስድ እየ። I'll have the same. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? رأيته يجري I saw him running. I saw him going on. הוא מורגל בטיפוס הרים. He's used to mountain climbing. He's used to mountain climb. הוא שכל את בנו. He was bereaved of his son. He's all his son. كان سامي يرمّم منزله. Sami was renovating his home. Sami was shooting his house. مبيعات السيارات اليابانية في الخارج جيدة. Japanese cars sell well overseas. The sales of Japanese cars abroad are good. דיברתי עם כולם. I talked to everybody. I talked to everyone. أبلغت ليلى عن الحريق. Layla reported the fire. I told Lily about the fire. بقى عمرها واحد و تمنين. She turned eighty-one. She's still one age, and she hopes. كانوا جائعين. They were hungry. They were hungry. אם אני יכול לקבל ספר בספרייה, זה חוסך לי את הצורך לקנות אותו בחנות ספרים. If I can get a book from the library, it saves me the need to buy it in the bookshop. If I can get a book in the library, it saves me the need to buy it at a bookstore. תראה, הוא מגיע. Look, he's coming. Look, he's coming. بإمكانك استخدامها في أي وقت. You can use it anytime. You can use it any time. יש לי שלושה אחים. אחד חי ביפן, והאחרים בחו"ל. I have three brothers. One lives in Japan and the other two live abroad. I have three brothers, one living in Japan, and the others abroad. أنا تايلاندي. I am Thai. I'm Thai. يوجد في مصر أفضل طعام و أفضل موسيقى في العالم العربي. Egypt has the best food and the best music in the Arab world. Egypt has the best food and music in the Arab world. انتقل الى الجزء الخلفي من الباص رجاءً . Please move to the rear of the bus. Please move to the back of the bus. נשמח לסייע. We will be happy to help. We'd love to help. لقد أنهينا أكل طعام الفطور للتو. We've just finished breakfast. We just finished eating breakfast. תום ישב ליד מרי ופתח את אלבום התמונות. Tom sat beside Mary and opened the photo album. Tom sat next to Mary and opened up the photo album. بكى منّاد. Mennad cried. It's good to see you again. הילדים משחקים בחוץ. The children are playing outside. The kids are playing outside. יש לי כל כך הרבה מה לספר לך. I have so much to tell you. I have so much to tell you. בואו נתחיל, בכל מקרה. Let's get started anyway. Let's get started, anyway. سمعت صوت ضجة غريبة. I heard an unusual noise. I heard a strange noise. הכית אותה זה עתה? Did you just hit her? Did you just hit her? תום מעודו לא חיבב את מרי. Tom never liked Mary. Tom hasn't liked Mary yet. תום עשה את מרי מאושרת. Tom made Mary happy. Tom made Mary happy. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? מדי פעם אני נשאר בלי כסף. Sometimes I run out of money. Every once in a while, I'm staying with no money. أبي يتكلم دائما بصوت مرتفع جدا. My father always speaks in a very loud voice. My father always speaks with a very loud voice. እኔም ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a student. How Would You Answer? בסופו של דבר היה לי רעיון גאוני. Finally I had an ingenious idea. Eventually, I had a brilliant idea. אני בן שמונה עשרה. I'm 18 years old. I'm 18 years old. قفزت ليلى عبر النّافذة كي تنجو بحياتها. To save herself, Layla jumped out the window. Lila jumped through the window to survive her life. איך את יודעת את כל זה? How do you know all that? How do you know all this? اليوم، غير مسموح له أن يأكل أي شيئا حلوا. Today, he is not allowed to eat anything sweet. Today, he's not allowed to eat anything they've solved. هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? נוכל פשוט להטיל עץ או פלי? Can't we just flip a coin? Can we just throw a tree or a field? תום שלק תריסר ביצים. Tom boiled a dozen eggs. Tom has a dozen eggs. لم نختبئ؟ Why are we hiding? We didn't hide? אני רעב. I'm starved. I'm hungry. תום לא נשמע לגמרי משוכנע. Tom didn't sound entirely convinced. Tom doesn't sound quite convinced. ماذا يريدون؟ What do they want? What do they want? هاجمنا العدو ليلاً. The enemy attacked us at night. We attacked the enemy at night. יותר נשים מאשר גברים מעידים עדות שקר בבית המשפט. More women than men commit perjury. More women than men testify in court. أسمعت الأخبار؟ Did you hear the news? Did you hear the news? هيا لنشرب. Let's get drunk. Let's drink. המקלעת העיפה את האבן מעל לחומות הטירה. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. The gun kicked the stone off the castle walls. לא ראוי לבקש תוספת. Asking for seconds would be unseemly. You don't deserve to ask for an extra. هذا الكتاب مؤلف بلغة إنجليزية مبسّطة و هو سهل للقراءة. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. This book is in simple English and is easy to read. אין יקר כחינם. Nothing is as beloved as what one does in vain. There's no free price. למי נתת את זה? Who did you give it to? Who did you give it to? بدا سامي منزعجا. Sami was like annoyed. Sami seemed upset. ארנולד שוורצנגר הוא יליד אוסטריה. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Arnold Schwarzinger is a native of Austria. أنهى سامي عمله. Sami finished his work. Sammy finished his job. קניתי פרחים. I brought flowers. I bought flowers. دعونا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's take some rest. לגרמנים אין חוש הומור? אני לא חושב שזה מצחיק! Germans have no sense of humour? I don't find that funny! The Germans have no sense of humor? أأنت من نظّم الحفلة؟ Are you the one who organized this party? Are you the one who organized the party? زينة. Good. Zane. משהו קרה, לא? Something's happened, hasn't it? Something happened, isn't it? תיזהרי לא להחליק! Be careful not to slip. Be careful not to slide! كتبت ليلى تلك الرّسائل لصديق مقرّب. Layla wrote the letters to a close friend. I wrote those letters to a close friend. Dur fuq il-lemin. Turn right. Turn to the right. הנפילה שאוֹלה קלה היא. The descent to hell is easy. The fall of a light ol is. טוקיו היא מקום יקר מאוד לחיות בו. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. Tokyo is a very expensive place to live. האם הצמידה את תינוקה לחזה. The mother clasped her baby to her breast. Did put her baby to the chest. מה לא היה בסדר עם תום? What was wrong with Tom? What was wrong with Tom? שמור על לשונך. Watch your language. Watch your tongue. אין לי עוד שאלות. I have no further questions. I don't have any more questions. كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. He was a neglectful father. הדבר הבלתי נתפס ביותר בעולם, הוא שהוא בכלל מובן וברור. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. The most invisible thing in the world is that he's even obvious. תסתכלי על התמונה הזאת. Look at that picture. Look at this picture. אתה טועה בגדול. You're making a big mistake. You're a big mistake. אחותי מנגנת בפסנתר כל יום. My sister plays piano every day. My sister plays the piano every day. أيمكنني الحصول على قطعة من تلك الكعكة؟ Could I get a little piece of that cake? Can I get a piece of that cake? מרי קראה לבנה הראשון טום. Mary named her first child Tom. Mary called her first son Tom. תום נמצא איפשהו בבנין. Tom is somewhere in this building. Tom's somewhere in the building. هذا كل ما أعرفه. I know only this. That's all I know. אני קורא את המסמכים הישנים. I read the old documents. I'm reading the old documents. כשהורם המסך היתה הבמה חשוכה. When the curtain went up, the stage was dark. When the screen donor was the stage's dark. أقول كل شيئ بالأمازيغية. I say everything in Berber. I'm saying everything in Amazigh. הבית הזה נראה נטוש. That house appears deserted. This house looks abandoned. הערב את עייפה. You're tired this evening. You're tired tonight. كان مدرّسا بديلا. He was a substitute teacher. He was an alternative teacher. באגם יש הרבה דגים. There are a lot of fish in the lake. The lake has plenty of fish. ارتفع عدد السياح بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة . The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years. The number of tourists has increased considerably in recent years. اسمح لي كي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you off. لا تعطه شيئا من هذا الحساء. Don't give him any of that soup. Don't give him any of this soup. נפט יקר. Oil is expensive. Dear oil. بالنسبة لي إن ذلك شيء مهم. For me, it's important. To me, that's important. Il-flixkun huwa vojt. The bottle is empty. The bottle is empty. حاولت أن أجعله يساعدني. He tried to get me to help him. I tried to make him help me. תוכל אולי לדבר עם תום יותר מאוחר היום. You might be able to talk to Tom later today. Maybe you could talk to Tom later today. و أخيراً أتى الجمعة. Finally, it's Friday. And finally came Friday. זה מעניין. למה לך לעשות את זה? That's interesting. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami was fired. Sami was separated from his job. רצינו לתת לתום הזדמנות אחת נוספת. We wanted to give Tom one more chance. We wanted to give Tom one more chance. הוא תמיד חולם בהקיץ. He is always day-dreaming. He's always dreaming at the end. תפסתי מראה של מצעד בדרכי הביתה. I caught sight of a parade on my way home. I caught a look of a parade on my way home. קראתי לך לכאן כדי לעזור לי. I called her here in order to help me. I called you here to help me. بدأ يهتمّ فاضل باللّغة العربيّة. Fadil started to become interested in the Arabic language. He started taking care of the Arabs. תום הבטיח לעשות כל מה שביכולתו כדי להבטיח שדבר כזה לא יקרה שוב. Tom promised to do everything within his power to ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. Tom promised to do everything he could to ensure that nothing like this would happen again. يوم الأحد هو أول يوم في الأسبوع. Sunday is the first day of the week. Sunday is the first day of the week. כרגע פוטרתי. I just got fired. I just got fired. תום מאמין שמרי רצחה את ג'ון. Tom believes Mary killed John. Tom believes Mary killed John. أنا متزوّج بامرأة فلسطينية. I am married to a Palestinian woman. I'm married to a Palestinian woman. لماذا لا يُسمح لنا بالقيام بذلك؟ Why are we not allowed to do that? Why aren't we allowed to do this? הודות לך, יש לי בעיות עם לחץ הדם. Thanks to you, I have problems with my blood pressure. Thanks to you, I have problems with blood pressure. تعرّف سامي على صوت ليلى. Sami recognized Layla's voice. My mom knows about the sound of Lily. لا يجب علي أن آتي هنا. I shouldn't have come here. I don't have to come here. למה אתם מספרים לנו עכשיו? Why are you telling us now? Why are you telling us now? لا أحد أعرفهُ يرتدي ربطة العُنُق بعد الآن. No one I know wears a tie anymore. No one I know wears a tie anymore. אביא לך מיד את החשבון. I'll bring you the bill immediately. I'll get you the bill right away. روما مدينة قديمة. Rome is an old city. Rome is an ancient city. אם אינך יכול להביס אותם, הצטרף אליהם. If you can't beat them, join them. If you can't defeat them, join them. توم أقترحَ هذا. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest that. מחירים עלו. Prices went up. Prices went up. תום עילג. Tom is inarticulate. Tom's a skipper. אנו שמים אותך במעצר. We're placing you under arrest. We're putting you in custody. هل بإمكاني الدخول؟ May I come in? Can I come in? ما سبب كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ What's all the noise about? Why is all this noise? ቶም ከመይ ከምዝግበር አይፈልጦን። Tom doesn't know how to do that. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? إحنا فقط نتكلم We're just going to talk. We're just talking. מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶֽיךָ, מֶֽלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּים, שֶׁהֶֽחֱזַֽרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה. רַבָּה אֱמֽוּנָתֶֽךָ. I thank You, living and enduring King, Who has returned my spirit to me with compassion. Great is Your trust. I will give thanks to you, O God, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever. ليس هناك ما هو أسوأ من الحرب. Nothing is worse than war. There's nothing worse than war. אזל הבנזין במכוניתו של תום. Tom's car has run out of gas. I ran out of gas in Tom's car. תאוורר את הפוטון בבקשה. Please air the futon. You'll be airing the phototon, please. لم أقصد أن أفعل ذلك. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to do that. Il-fniek jħobbu jieklu l-karrotti. Rabbits like to eat carrots. The rabbits like to eat carrots. توم يعلم أنني في البيت Tom knows I'm home. Tom knows I'm home. شكلك جميل وأنت تلبس الأزرق. You are very attractive in blue. Your shape is beautiful and you wear blue. كاني رايت تلك الفتاة من قبل. I may have seen that girl somewhere. I've seen that girl before. תום גווע ברעב. Tom is starving to death. Tom is starving. אנחנו לא לבד. We aren't alone. We're not alone. لقد حدث هذا الحادث بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. This incident happened because of his neglect. ראיתי היום סנאי לבקן. I saw an albino squirrel today. I saw a son-in-law today. האם את מכירה אותה כבר זמן רב? Have you known him for a long time? Have you known her for a long time? ארוז את חפציך. Pack your bags. Pack your stuff. يستطيع طفلك أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your baby can walk. היה נורא נחמד לראות אותך שוב. It was very nice seeing you again. It was so nice to see you again. אני מתכוון לערוך מסיבה. I'm going to throw a party. I'm going to throw a party. ستُحضَرُ ليلى إلى العدالة. Layla will be brought to justice. You'll get me to justice. كان عليّ فعل هذا منذ زمن. I should have done this years ago. I had to do this a while ago. توم دار ڤاع واش يقدر باش يخلّي ماري تعاونو. Tom did everything he could to get Mary to help him. Tom Dar-ar-Wash is grateful for Mary Rado. תום בגדה הנגדית של הנהר. Tom is on the other side of the river. Tom's cross-fertilization of the river. תום שמע זאבים מיללים. Tom heard wolves howling. Tom heard spring wolves. המתנתי כמעט חצי שעה. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I waited almost half an hour. אני מצפה בקוצר רוח לפגישה אתך. I'm looking forward to seeing you. I look forward to meeting you. בואו נצא החוצה. Let's step outside. Let's get out. እሄዳለሁ። I'll go. Would You Welcome a Visit? היא כבר הייתה חולה במשך שבוע, כשקראו לרופא. She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for. She's been sick for a week when they called the doctor. זה היה נעים למדי. It was quite pleasant. It was pretty nice. התחרות חסרת רחמים. The competition is fierce. The competition is pathetic. שלוט ברגשותיך. Control your emotions. Control your feelings. أَخْرَجَ جُوْن مِفْتَاحًا مِنْ جَيْبِهِ. John took a key out of his pocket. I'm getting out of the way of his face. لم يكن سامي شرطيّا صادقا. Sami was a crooked cop. Sami wasn't a honest cop. صعدَ سامي على متن عربته و غادرَ. Sami got in his van and left. Sami got on his car and left. הלכנו דרך שיחים עבותים. We walked through thick bushes. We went through thick talk. لترتاح في تسوقك الأسبوعي، يجب أن تملك سيارةً. For comfortable weekly shopping you have to have a car. To rest on your weekly shopping, you have to have a car. Int miġnun? Are you crazy? Are you hungry? תום חתם על החוזה אחרי שקרא אותו בקפידה. Tom signed the contract after reading it carefully. Tom signed the contract after he carefully read it. הוא אוהב את המטבח האיטלקי. He likes the Italian cuisine. He likes the Italian kitchen. נשמע כאילו אתה מסתדר. It sounds like you're doing OK. Sounds like you're working out. سام ، ماذا تفعل؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? האם כולם מוכנים? Are all of them ready? Is everyone ready? كانا سامي و ليلى يحضران تلك الحصّة الدّراسيّة معا. Sami and Layla had that class together. They were Sami and Lily bringing that class together. כמה תלמידים יש בבית הספר? How many students are there in the school? How many students have students at school? أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. I loved the teacher. הספוטניק שוגר לחלל בארבעה באוקטובר 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The sputnik's moving into space on October 4, 1957. لست مرتاحا لهذا. I don't feel good about it. I'm not comfortable with this. הדלת סגורה. The door is closed. The door's closed. من ذلك الصبي؟ Who is that boy? Who's that boy? كُن ودوداً. Be friendly. Be friendly. כבר נתתי לתום את מתנת יום ההולדת שלו. I've already given Tom his birthday present. I already gave Tom his birthday present. لم يعد هناك أي صابون. There isn't any soap. There's no soap anymore. בוא נראה איך תום מגיב לזה. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom responds to this. הסרט הזה מלהיב. That movie is exciting. This film is exciting. כולם אוהבים אותך. Everyone loves you. Everybody loves you. תודה שנזכרתם. Thank you for remembering. Thank you for remembering. كان سامي يرتدي بلوزا أزرقا. Sami was wearing a blue sweatshirt. Sami was wearing a blouse. ذهب إلى الدكان. He went to the store. He went to the shop. תום לא בכה בלוויה של מרי. Tom didn't cry at Mary's funeral. Tom didn't cry at Mary's funeral. ليس ذنبي. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. فاز سامي. Sami won. He won Sami. شعر ماريا طويل. Maria has long hair. Maria's hair is long. אני אוהבת שלג. I like snow. I like snow. תום בדיוק נפטר. Tom just died. Tom just died. ما جّيكش مام پا في راسك تاكول لّي شّيكولا ديالي. Don't you even think of eating my chocolate! M. Pa in Rasque Takol has nothing to do with Chicula Dialy. תביאי בחשבון גירושין. Consider divorce. Take a divorce account. لن يدع سامي ليلى تدمّر حياته السّعيدة مع سليمة. Sami wouldn't let Layla destroy his happy life with Salima. He's not gonna let Sam Lee destroy his happy life with his integrity. اضطر للعيش فقيرا لسنوات عدة. He had to lead a miserable life for many years. He had to live poor for years. ده كتابك. It's your book. It's your book. خسر سامي اللّعبة في نهاية الأمر. Sami ended up losing the game. My mom finally lost the game. תום היה חף מפשע. Tom was innocent. Tom was innocent. أصلحت الدراجة البارحة. I fixed the bike yesterday. I started the bike last night. היא מוכנה להאבק על אמונותיה. She is willing to stand up for her beliefs. She's ready to fight for her faith. نحن آسفون جداً We're very sorry. We're so sorry. هو يتكلّم البرتغاليّة. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. ذهبت ليلى إلى حفل لهالووين أقيم في الشّارع. Layla went to a Halloween street party. I went to a Halloween party staying on the street. هل دخلت لحسابك؟ Did you log in? Did you come in for you? ראית פעם פיל מעופף? Have you ever seen a flying elephant? Have you ever seen Phil flying? נראה שהיום הוא מאוד עסוק. It seems that he is very busy today. Looks like he's very busy today. ليست اليابان بحجم كندا. Japan is not as large as Canada. Japan is not the size of Canada. لم أكن أقصد إحباطها. I did not mean to disappoint her. I didn't mean to disappoint her. انتقل إلى هنا. Move in here. Get over here. لا تلمس الجرح. Don't touch the wound. Don't touch the wound. أنا بطل. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. كشف سامي عن معلومات صادمة في غرفة الاستجواب. Sami dropped a bomb in the interrogation room. Sami revealed bad information in the interrogation room. התלמידים פרצו בצחוק. The students burst out laughing. The students were making fun of each other. היה לכם סופשבוע נעים? Did you have a nice weekend? Did you have a nice weekend? ألبس فستاناً زهري. I wear a floral dress. Put on a flowery dress. هي تتكلم القليل من العربية. She speaks a little Arabic. She speaks a little Arabic. התנצלת בפניהם? Did you apologize to them? Did you apologize to them? ንሳ እንግሊዘኛ ብዘይ ሰጋእ መጋእ ትዛረብ። She speaks English fluently. COVER SUBJECT ARE YOU IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE? טום הרשה למרי ללכת לבדה. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom allowed Mary to go on her own. תום התעלף. Tom's fainted. Tom passed out. سامي يحاول التّركيز على هذا الجزء من حياة روزفلت. Sami is trying to focus on that chapter of Roosevelt's life. Sammy's trying to focus on this part of Roosevelt's life. لنذهب إلى المسرح مبكرا كي نجد مقاعدا جيدة. Let's go to the theater early so that we can get good seats. Let's go to the stage early so we can find good seats. תום לא היה צריך לקבל מסטודנטים שום מתנות. Tom shouldn't have accepted gifts from his students. Tom shouldn't have got students any presents. لا تأت هنا. Don't come here. Don't come here. מי היה מעוניין לפגוע בך? Who'd want to hurt you? Who was interested in hurting you? جاءت اإلى اليابان عندما كانت صغيرة. She came to Japan as a child. She came to Japan when she was young. لا يوجد أي شيء مدعاة للفخر. There is nothing to be proud of. There's nothing to be proud of. هو يعلم العربيه He is teaching Arabic. He knows the Arabs. كان لدى سامي جهاز تنصّت تحت ملابسه. Sami had a wire underneath his clothing. Sami had a bug under his clothes. היונה סמל שלום מפורסם. The dove is a famous symbol for peace. It's a famous symbol of peace. לא אספר לאף אחד. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone. מעל סוכת המציל מתנוסס דגל שחור, המציין שהרחצה בים מסוכנת. Above the lifeguard station, a black flag was flying to indicate that swimming in the ocean was dangerous. Over the saver's key is a black flag, indicating that the sea baths are dangerous. أنتَ تريد الطلاق, أليس كذلك؟ You want a divorce, don't you? You want a divorce, don't you? أنا ذهبت إلى مدرستك. I went to your school. I went to your school. سامي يحبّ التّعرّف على أصدقاء جدد. Sami likes making friends. Sami likes to know new friends. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا فاضل. You can count on me, Fadil. You can count on me, farmer. خذ ما تحتاج من الوقت. Take all the time you need. Take your time. يقع بيتي بالقرب من نقطة انتظار الحافلة. My house is close to a bus stop. My house is located near the bus waiting spot. אהיה אסיר תודה אם תוכל לעשות למעני את זה. I'll be grateful to you if you can do that for me. I'd be grateful if you could do that for me. התפוז לא היה מתוק ולא חמוץ. The orange didn't taste either sweet or sour. The orange wasn't sweet and not picky. هذا العلم جميل جدا. This flag is very pretty. This science is so beautiful. אני מעדיפה להתקלח בבוקר. I prefer to take a shower in the morning. I'd rather shower in the morning. בזמן התאונה כמעט כל נוסעי האוטובוס ישנו. At the time of the accident, almost all of the passengers on the bus were sleeping. At the time of the accident, almost all the bus passengers were asleep. قام سامي بتبييض شعره كي يصبح أشقرا. Sami bleached his hair blond. Sami gave up his hair to become a hacker. יש בידינו הצהרה חתומה. We have a signed statement. We have a signed statement. لا أزال أشعر بشور مروّع. I still feel terrible. I still feel terrible publicity. איך אתה הלילה, תום? How are you tonight, Tom? How are you tonight, Tom? אל תתני בתום אמון. Don't trust Tom. Don't give up trust. הוא המליץ על זהירות. He advised caution. He recommended caution. من يعزف على البيانو؟ Who's the man playing the piano? Who plays the piano? אני לא יודעת מה את תעשי. I don't know what you will do. I don't know what you're gonna do. ממותה קפואה נמצאה בסיביר. A frozen mammoth has been found in Siberia. Her freezing death was found in Siberia. أغلق سامي بابه. Sami shut his door. Close the door. תום מתרגז בקלות רבה. Tom gets upset very easily. Tom gets so angry. להתווכח איתו זה וויכוח שוא. It is vain to argue with him. Arguing with him is a false argument. اعتبر فاضل اللّغة العربيّة جدّ معقّدة للتّعلّم. Fadil found Arabic very complicated to learn. I consider the Arab-language farm too complicated to learn. انا اكره القراد . I hate ticks! I hate the monkey. הזמן פרח. Time flew. Time's a flower. هل يمكنك أن تنصحني بمطعم جيد؟ Can you recommend a good restaurant? Can you give me a good restaurant? עליי למצוא אותה. I need to find her. I have to find her. היא חסרת סבלנות. She's impatient. She's impatient. אחוז בי חזק יותר. Hold me tighter. I've got a lot stronger weight. لقد أنهيت العمل للتو. I just finished work. I just finished work. نظرت ليلى إلى الخلف عبر النّافذة. Layla looked back through the window. I looked back through the window. אני יודע כיצד לגלוש בסקי. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. מרי ישבה על הספה לבדה. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Mary sat on the couch alone. وجد الدّكتور صادق الزّرنيخ في قياء ليلى. Dr. Sadiq found arsenic in Layla's vomit. Dr. Sadie Al-Zernikh found in the death of Lily. يقرأ الصبي كتابه. The young boy is reading his book. The boy reads his book. كان فاضل يقطن في الحيّ الذي تقطن فيه ليلى. Fadil lived in the same neighborhood as Layla. He was a farmer living in the neighborhood you live in. لِمَ لَمْ يعد يرسل لي رسائلا؟ Why doesn't he send me letters anymore? Why doesn't he send me messages anymore? أيمكنك أن تجاري سرعته في السباحة؟ Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you trade his speed in the pool? بإمكانِكَ تعلّم الأمازيغية. You can learn Berber. You can learn the Amazigh. كان لديّ مدرّس مصاب بجنون الارتياب. I had a crazy paranoid teacher. I had an insane teacher. תום נזקק להכוונה. Tom needed guidance. Tom needed the intention. ذهبت أمي إلى السوق. Mother has gone to the market. Mom went to the market. Jiena miżżewweġa. I am married. I'm married. توم لم يأخذها معه. Tom didn't take it with him. Tom didn't take her with him. أخبروني عنه. They told me about it. Tell me about it. لم تخبرني بعد لماذا قررت ألا تذهب. You still haven't told me why you decided not to go. You haven't told me yet why I decided not to go. אני אוהב לטייל. I like to travel. I like to walk. תום חלק מהצוות הסוקר. Tom is part of the survey team. Tom's part of the hacker team. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy started crying. Take the boy cry. אני לא יודעת מה את תעשי. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. תום הגיע לכאן לפני הזריחה. Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before dawn. אינני יודע מדוע הם עשו זאת. I don't know why they did that. I don't know why they did it. باع توم منزله. Tom sold his house. He sold Tom his house. אף אחד לא יכול להשתוות אליו באנגלית. No one can match him in English. No one can match him in English. كان مدرّسي مفترسا جنسيّا. My teacher was a predator. My teacher was a sexist. מובן שאני יכולה לנהוג היטב ברכב. Of course I can drive a car very well. Of course I can drive well in the car. كان سامي في مكان ممنوع السّباحة فيه. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sami was nowhere to swim. هل يحب توم كرة السلة؟ Does Tom like basketball? Does Tom like basketball? بيت السيد جونسون بالقرب من بيتي. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's home near my house. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we'll be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. قَرَأُوا كِتَابَهَا. They read her book. They read her books. كان فاضل ينتظر أن تتّصل به ليلى. Fadil was waiting for Layla to call him. He was still waiting for me to call him. אני לא רגיל לנאום בפני קהל. I am not accustomed to making speeches in public. I'm not used to speaking to an audience. لعبنا كرة القدم بالأمس. We played soccer yesterday. We played football yesterday. لقد تعطّل محرّكي. My engine is out. He's stalled your engine. תום הקיש על מתג האור. Tom clicked the light switch on. The sun's dark on the light switch. أين أقرب محطة قطار؟ Where is the closest train station? Where's the nearest train station? תום עדיין לא מרגיש לגמרי נוח בקשר לזה. Tom still isn't entirely comfortable with this. Tom still doesn't feel completely comfortable about it. كيف بإمكاننا أن نطلب من النّاس أن يحترموا الطّبيعة و الكوكب و الحيوانات إن لم يحترموا بعضهم البعض؟ How can we ask for humans to respect nature, the planet and the animals if respect between them does not exist? How can we ask people to respect nature and the planet and animals if they don't respect each other? זה עשוי להועיל בעתיד. It might prove useful. This could be helpful in the future. توم تْلاقى بماري في بوسطن و ولّاو صْحاب عْزاز. Tom met Mary in Boston and they became good friends. Tom meets Mary in Boston, and Lau's hungry. אלכס על פי רוב הוא סתם ציפור רגילה. Alex is for the most part just an ordinary bird. Alex mostly is just a regular bird. هل تظن حقا أن توم لن يأتي؟ Do you really think that Tom won't come? Do you really think Tom's not coming? توم ليس مستعداً بعد. Tom isn't ready yet. Tom's not ready yet. شحال عندك من صاحابك في الفايسبوك؟ How many friends do you have on Facebook? Do you have any of your friends in the Facebook? היא הביטה בו בזעם. She looked at him angrily. She looked at him in rage. מה זומם תום בבוסטון? What's Tom up to in Boston? What are you up to in Boston? بتبص علي ايه بظبط What specifically are you looking for? Just suck on me, man. لننسى الأمر. Let's forget that. Let's forget it. ما الذي في الملف؟ What's in the file? What's in the file? من فضلك أغلق الباب. Please close the door. Please close the door. אני מספיק מבוגרת. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. כל פעם שאני מבשל ספגטי אני מכוון שעון ביצה. Whenever I cook spaghetti noodles, I set an egg timer. Every time I cook spaghetti, I aim an egg watch. הייתי צריך להסכים לזה. I had to go along with it. I should have agreed to that. תום נתן לך סיבה? Did Tom give you a reason? Tom gave you a reason? היית חיי. You were my life. You were my life. سأخبر جمال غدا. I'm gonna tell Jamal tomorrow. I'll tell beauty tomorrow. האם אני מדבר עם טיילור? Am I speaking with Taylor? Am I talking to Taylor? Il-kelma biex tidħol hija twila. The password is long. The word to enter is long. אני יכולה לנוח. I can rest. I can rest. يمكنك استعارة الكتاب بشرط أن تحافظ عليه. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can borrow the book provided you keep it. متميز Brilliant! Excellent. אני אוהב מוזיקת פופ. I like pop music. I like pop music. هو أنقذ الطفل مجازفاً بحياته. He saved the child at the risk of his own life. He saved the child, risking his life. תום נשאר מבולבל. Tom remained puzzled. Tom's still confused. אם תדבר בקלינגונית, לא אבין. If you speak Klingon, I won't understand. If you speak Klingon, I won't understand. لكل إنسان حق التمتع بكافة الحقوق والحريات الواردة في هذا الإعلان، دون أي تمييز، كالتمييز بسبب العنصر أو اللون أو الجنس أو اللغة أو الدين أو الرأي السياسي أو أي رأي آخر، أو الأصل الوطني أو الاجتماعي أو الثروة أو الميلاد أو أي وضع آخر، دون أية تفرقة بين الرجال والنساء. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without any discrimination, such as discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth or other status, without any distinction between men and women. זה מפחיד אותי כהוגן. It creeps me out. It scares me right. אני הולכת הביתה. I go home. I'm going home. كان لدى سامي كلب. Sami had a dog. Sammy had a dog. הדגדגן הוא האיבר הרגיש ביותר אצל האישה. The clitoris is the most sensitive organ of a woman. It's the most sensitive organ of the woman. عاش تانغو مع صبي صغير في قرية صغيرة. Tango lived with a small boy in a small village. Tango lived with a little boy in a small village. אני חייב להרוס אותך. I must destroy you. I have to destroy you. אתן נראות חמודות בוורוד. You look pretty in pink. You look cute in the pink. سوف أُحضرُ الطعام. I'll get the food. I'll get food. תום דרש יותר. Tom demanded more. Tom needed more. איפה הסתפרת? Where did you get your hair cut? Where did you dig? هل تتذكر ما لبسته كاثي في الحفلة؟ Do you remember what Cathy was wearing at the party? Do you remember what Kathy was wearing at the party? كلهم مدرّسون جيدون. All of them are good teachers. They're all good instructors. ג'ון שלח לי מכתב כתוב בגרמנית. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a written letter in German. ילד שהוריו מתים נקרא יתום. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. למי אתה חושב אותי? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? سامي مشترك في قناة اليوتوب هذه. Sami is subscribed to this YouTube channel. Sami is in this Utopian channel. את יכולה לראות את ההבדל? Can you see the difference? Can you see the difference? נפגשנו בשנת 2008. שנה לאחר מכן נישאנו. We met in 2008. A year later, we got married. We met in 2008. Years later we were married. תחמיצו את הכל. You'll miss everything. Miss everything. هي حقيقة ملحوظة في اغلب الاحيان ، ان الرجال كتبوا قصائد جيدة تحت الهام العاطفة ، الامر الذي لايمكنهم كتابته في ظل ضروف اخرى. It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion, who cannot write well under other circumstances. It is often a marked fact that men have written good poems under the cover of emotional concern, which they cannot write under other consciences. אין לנו יותר מידע. We have no more information. We don't have any more information. לצוף זה קל. Floating is easy. It's easy for the viewer. أكتب رسالة. I'm writing a letter. Write a message. أنت لم تعمل بما فيه الكفاية. You didn't work hard enough. You didn't work enough. כשירדתי מהרכבת פגשתי חבר. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I met a friend. עלינו לחגור חגורת בטיחות תמיד פן תקרה לנו תאונה. We should always wear a seatbelt in case we have an accident. We have to belt a seat belt. We'll always have an accident. השתגעת? Have you lost your mind? Are you crazy? מתי זה יגיע? When will it arrive? When will this come? أريد قائمة بجميع أقارب "توم". I want a list of all Tom's relatives. I want a list of all Tom's relatives. الروايات التي كتبها مثيرة للإهتمام. The novels he wrote are interesting. The accounts she wrote are interesting. قدّم سامي بطاقته لليلى. Sami gave Layla his card. Sami gave his card to me. هو التقرير ممكن يبقى صادق؟ Can the report be true? Is the report possible to remain honest? أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يقيما موعدا غراميّا رائعا. Layla and Sami wanted a dream date. She wanted Lily and Sammy to make a great date. حل المشكلة بسهولة. He solved the problem with ease. It's easy to solve the problem. أحب أن أقرأ الكتب. I love to read books. I like to read the books. בעבר כיבדתי את תום. I used to respect Tom. I used to respect Tom. فجّر جيم حزامه النّاسف. Jim detonated his explosive belt. Jim blew his sorry belt. יותר משלוש מאות איש קיפדו את חייהם באותו יום. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. More than three hundred people surrounded their lives that day. אתה מרשה לי לנגן בפסנתר? Will you allow me to play the piano? You let me play the piano? הוא התחיל לחשוד שמשהו לא כשר כשהמוכר לא הרשה לו לבדוק את החפץ לפני הקניה. He began to suspect something was wrong when the seller didn't allow him to test the item before buying it. He started to suspect that something was wrong when the seller didn't allow him to check the object before buying. سأذهب إلى هناك حتى و لو أمطرت. I will go there even if it rains. I'll go there even if I drop. אנו אמורים לאהוב אחד את השני. We ought to love one another. We're supposed to love each other. هل انت مع توم؟ Are you with Tom? Are you with Tom? سألتني عن عمري. She asked me how old I was. She asked me about my age. ربّما تخبرني عن مكانٍ أجد فيه توم. Maybe you can tell me where I can find Tom. Maybe you'll tell me where Tom is. אין מוצא. There's no way out. There's no finding. אני חייב למחות. I must protest. I have to protest. تحبّ النّساء جلب الانتباه. Women like attention. You like women to bring attention. זה עשוי לקחת כמה חודשים. That could take a few months. It might take a few months. זה היה קל מאד. That was very easy. It was very easy. إذاً سأسأله عن ذلك غداً. I will ask him about it tomorrow, then. Then I'll ask him about it tomorrow. התאטרון התמלא אנשים לאיטו. The theater was slowly filling with people. The theater filled people out. سلوكه يشعرني بالغثيان. His behavior makes me sick. His behavior makes me sick. תגידו לתום להכניס את הכלב. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Tell Tom to put the dog in. זה היית אתה שהלשנת למורה שהעתקתי בבחינה? Was it you who squealed to the teacher that I cheated? It was you who turned to the teacher I copied in the exam? هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. למה אתה מזדעף? Why are you pouting? Why are you mad? تسببت الأمطار الغزيرة في إيقاف جميع القطارات. The heavy rain caused all the trains to stop. The heavy rain stopped all trains. אני אוהב את זה מאוד. I like it very much. I like it very much. السلامُ عليكُم. Peace be with you. Peace be on you. علي أن ألازم السرير طول اليوم. I have to stay in bed all day. I've got to keep a bed all day. הוא גר בסביבה הזאת. He lives in this neighborhood. He lives in this environment. Grazzi ħafna! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! פסגת ההר היתה מכוסה בשלג. The top of the mountain was covered with snow. The top of the mountain was covered in snow. أفضل الخروج على البقاء في البيت. I prefer going out to staying at home. I'd rather get out to stay home. لا شيء في بالي للكتابة عنه. I can't think of anything to write about. Nothing in Bali to write about. إنه يتحسّن كل يوم. He is getting better day by day. He's getting better every day. הוא לא ידע מה לעשות. He was at a loss what to do. He didn't know what to do. كان عمر سامي خمسة عشر أو ستة عشر عاما. Sami was fifteen or sixteen. He was 15 or 16 years old. תום לבש ג'ינס וכובע בוקרים. Tom wore jeans and a cowboy hat. Tom was wearing gins and a morning hat. سأجلب لك الفاتورة حالًا. I'll bring you the bill immediately. I'll get you the bill right now. כן, מאמינים לך! I don't believe you! Yes, believe you! أردت أن أشتري لك بعض الملابس للشّتاء. I wanted to get you some clothes for the winter. I wanted to buy you some clothes for winter. الاعتراف بالحقّ فضيلة. A fault confessed is half redressed. Recognition of the right is a virtue. היא לא יפיפיה גדולה. She is no beauty. She's not a big beautiful girl. أضعت مفتاحي. I lost my key. I lost my key. كما أنني فخور بنقل أطيب مشاعر الشعب الأمريكي لكم مقرونة بتحية السلام من المجتعات المحلية المسلمة في بلدي: السلام عليكم I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum. I am also proud to convey the best feelings of your American people, coupled with the greetings of peace from the local Muslim communities in my country: peace on you. كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش. There are many words that I don't understand. It's because I don't understand what we're talking about. قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said to him, "Please sit down." أنا أُحب أن أُجرب لأفعل أشياء جديدة. I love trying to do new things. I like to try to do new things. كانت رسالة سامي مكتوبة يدويّا. Sami's letter was handwritten. It was Sami's letter written by hand. لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! He didn't kill anyone's hard work, but why the risk? من الواضح انه خرب . It's obviously ruined. Clearly, he's a ruin. انهم لن يدعوني ارى توم. They won't let me see Tom. They won't let me see Tom. בסופו של דבר היא הצליחה. She finally made it. She eventually succeeded. אני רעב טיפ-טיפה. I'm a little bit hungry. I'm a tip-tape hungry. أنا فخور بك. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. חלמתי לבוא לשיעור ערום. I dreamed of coming to class naked. I dreamed of coming to naked class. تركتُ كتابك في السيارة. I left your book in the car. I left your book in the car. التقيا سامي و ليلى بعد الدّراسة. Sami and Layla met after class. Meet Sami and Lily after study. تقول أنك تتعمدُ إخفاء مظهرك الحسن؟ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? You say you're deliberately hiding your good looks? ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. What's my brother? אני רוצה חברה. I want a girlfriend. I want a girlfriend. توم زير نساء. Tom is womanizer. Tom Zair's a woman. أنا أقدر ذلك. I appreciate this. I appreciate that. حكت لي قصة شيّقة. She told me an interesting story. I've had an interesting story. ما الأمر معك؟ What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? لا أغسل شعري بالصابون في الصباح. I don't shampoo my hair in the morning. I don't wash my hair in the morning. זה עושה לי כאב ראש! That gives me a headache! It's giving me a headache! החמצתי את הסרט. את ראית אותו? I missed the movie. Did you see it? I missed the movie. ذلك يتوقف على السياق. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. خُدِعتُ من قبل البائع. I was taken in by the salesman. I was taken by the seller. لم يكن سامي نائما. Sami wasn't sleeping. He wasn't sleeping. مرحباً, هل تناولتم الطعام؟ Hello, have you already eaten? Hey, did you eat? نحتاج قواعد! We need rules! We need rules! تسلّقت ليلى السّلّم. Layla climbed the ladder. You've climbed the ladder night. אם את חושבת שזה רעיון בריא, עליך להשתתף. אחרת, אם את סבורה שזה רעיון פסול, עליך להגיד לו את זה. If you think it's a good idea, you should participate. Conversely, if you think it's a bad idea, you should let him know. If you think it's a healthy idea, you have to participate, otherwise, if you think it's a bad idea, you have to tell him that. هناك نافذة على يسارك. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. كان سامي يعيش أفضل أوقات حياته. Sami was living his best life. Sammy was living his best life. هذا الفيلم ليس الفيلم الذي فكرت انه هو . The film was not what I had thought it was. This movie's not the movie I thought it was. راهو هنا لپرۆبلام. Therein lies the problem. It's for P.P.P.P.P. الاف السياح يحتشدون عند هذا المعبد كل سنة . Thousands of tourists flock to this temple every year. A thousand tourists are busy at this temple every year. بعد أن أنهيت عملي، خرجت لأتنزه. Having finished the work, I went out for a walk. After I finished my job, I went out to park. لا يعرض أحد لتدخل تعسفي في حياته الخاصة أو أسرته أو مسكنه أو مراسلاته أو لحملات على شرفه وسمعته، ولكل شخص الحق في حماية القانون من مثل هذا التدخل أو تلك الحملات. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference in his or her private life, family, residence or correspondence or to campaigns against his or her honour and reputation, and everyone shall have the right to protection of the law against such interference or campaigns. سحب سامي ليلى على الطّريق. Sami dragged Layla onto the road. Sami pulled Lily on the road. אתה לא תוחקרת היום, נכון? You were not interrogated today, were you? You're not being questioned today, are you? הניצחון הפך אותו לגיבור. The victory made him a hero. The victory turned him into a hero. أعترف بأنني كنت مهملاً. I admit that I was careless. I admit I was neglected. أريد أن أشترى غذاء. I want to buy food. I want to buy food. لا تستخدم قلمي. Don't use my pen. Don't use my pen. لقد تغيّرت الأوقات كثيرا. Times have changed a lot. The times have changed a lot. لا تستطيع شرب ماء البحر لأنه مالح. You can't drink seawater because it is too salty. You can't drink sea water because it's salty. אני עובדת במשמרות כפולות. I'm working double shifts. I work double shift. إنك مجنون. You're crazy. You're crazy. ينبغي أن تحاول تكوين عادةٍ لاستخدام قواميسك. You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries. You should usually try to set up to use your scissors. אבי הפסיק לעשן. My father stopped smoking. My father stopped smoking. قطع ذلك البلد العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع الولايات المتحدة. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. That country has cut off diplomatic relations with the United States. آكل تفاحة. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apple. הם אמרו שהוא היה הסופר הטוב ביותר בחבורה. They said he was the best writer in the group. They said he was the best writer in the gang. האופניים הסגולים זולים מהצהובים. The purple bicycle costs less than the yellow. The purple bike is cheap from the yellows. הם היו מזועזעים. They were shocked. They were shocked. התנהג כפי גילך. Act your age. Act like your age. לא התכוונתי. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to. מה אני מפספס פה? What am I missing here? What am I missing here? זה קרה כל סתיו. This was happening every autumn. It happened all the fall. هذا جيد جدا This is very good. That's very good. תום רבץ על הספה ונחר. Tom lay on the couch sound asleep. Tom's on the couch and we'll be gone. أنا لا أعمل لأي أحد. I don't work for nobody. I'm not working for anybody. أنا عادة ما أذهب للمدرسة من الإثنين إلى الجمعة. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. אילו הייתי במקומה, לא הייתי מרים ידיים עדיין. If I were in her place, I wouldn't give up yet. If I were in place, I wouldn't give up yet. ناولني ذاك الكتاب من فضلك. Hand me that book, please. Please give me that book. שתיתי כוסית עם תום באותו יום. I had a drink with Tom the other day. I had a drink with Tom that day. קבעתי פגישה עם מאיוקו. I made an appointment with Mayuko. I set up a meeting with Mayau. דומה שהוא מעולם עוד לא נפגש עם אביו. It seems like he had never met his father before. Looks like he's never met his father yet. أين الصبيان؟ Where are the boys? Where are the boys? وين جاية بلاد القبايل؟ Where's Kabylie? Win Jay's country? غداً سنواجه العدو. Tomorrow, we will face the enemies. Tomorrow we'll face the enemy. תרופה טובה היא מרה. Good medicine is bitter. Good medicine is mara. تعد أمي كعكة لأبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom's making a cake for my dad. הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא לא נפגע. He pretended not to be hurt. He pretendd like he wasn't hurt. أخي الأكبر طويل القامة حقاً، يبلغ حوالي 1.8 متر. My elder brother is really tall, about 1.8m. My older brother is really long, about 1.8 meters long. יש מישהו שהוא הראשון שהייתי רוצה לדבר איתו. There's somebody I want to talk to first. There's someone he's the first I'd like to talk to. אנו צריכים להזהר. We've got to be careful. We need to be careful. هو و أنا في نفس العمر He and I are the same age. He and I are the same age. הילד האבוד זוהה על פי בגדיו. The lost child was identified by his clothes. The lost kid was identified by his clothes. הנוף היה שטוח ומשמים. The landscape was flat and monotonous. The view was flat and dry. גמד יכול לעמוד על פסגת ההר אבל זה לא יעשה אותו גבה קומה. A dwarf may stand on a mountain, but it will not make him tall. A camel can stand on the top of the mountain, but it won't make it up to the floor. אנו לא מעוניינים באנשים כמוך. We don't want people like you. We're not interested in people like you. طلبت ليلى الطّلاق عام 2000. Layla filed for divorce in 2000. You asked Lily for the table in 2000. אתה יכול לשחות הרבה יותר טוב ממנו. You can swim much better than he can. You can swim a lot better than him. תום הפסיק לחפור. Tom stopped digging. Tom stopped digging. נו, הייתה שטות לומר את זה. Well, that was a stupid thing to say. Well, there was a fool to say that. הבחורה הזאת נראית חמודה מאוד. That girl looks very cute. That girl looks very cute. זה לא באג. It's not a bug. It's not a bug. إنه فنّان مشهور. He is a famous artist. It's a famous artist. لا تنسى أن تأتي إلى بيتي. Be sure to drop in at my house. Don't forget to come to my house. היא שיחקה כדורסל. She played basketball. She played basketball. خْرَا! Fuck! Don't! أنا أحد الرجال الصالحين. I'm one of the good guys. I'm one of the good guys. אני לא חושב שג'ון מתאים לתפקיד הזה. I don't think John is suited for the job. I don't think John fits this job. لم يسبق لسامي و أن ملك كلبا. Sami has never had a dog. I've never had my name and the king of a dog before. אני לומד סינית. I am learning Chinese. I'm studying Chinese. هذه الوردة هي أجمل الورود على الإطلاق. This flower is the most beautiful of all flowers. This rose is the most beautiful rose at all. لا تتأخر عن اجتماع الغد. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for tomorrow's meeting. "م" تشتم "د" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "د" يشتم "م" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "م" و "د" يتعادلان و الجميع يستفيد. M insults D - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D insults M - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D and M are even, and everyone else wins. "M" simulated "d" and became a "d" database of the richest. "D" would become a "m" and a "d" would be equivalent and everyone would benefit. מי הרופא העיקרי שלך? Who's your primary physician? Who's your primary doctor? פניו הלבינו. His face turned white. His face is ours. תום נעים. Tom is personable. Tom's nice. ماذا فَعَلتَ بِالأمس؟ What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? תום מתנהג כשורה? Is Tom behaving himself? Tom's being good? בכל הקשור אליי, אני לא סומך עליו כלל. As for me, I don't trust him at all. As far as I'm concerned, I don't trust him at all. השבוע הוא היה עסוק כל הזמן. This week it was busy the whole time. This week he was busy all the time. אני לא כל כך מיואש עדיין. I'm not that desperate yet. I'm not so desperate yet. המספר הזה זכה בפרס. This number has won a prize. That number won the prize. האם שברת אי פעם עצם? Have you ever broken a bone? Have you ever broken a bone? אני חוששת שמא היא תעתה בדרך. I am afraid she may have lost her way. I'm afraid she's gonna be on her way. אני יודע ממה להתעלם. I know what to ignore. I know what to ignore. حاول أن يكلمنا بالفرنسية. He tried to talk to us in French. He tried to talk to us in French. هناك نافورة ماء للشرب قرب ملعب التنس. There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court. There's a potion of drinking water near the tennis table. كم تبعد الحديقة عن منزلك؟ How far is it from your house to the park? How far away is the garden from your house? לא חשוב מה אני אוהב ומה לא. What I like and what I don't is not important. No matter what I like and what I don't. הזמנים קשים. Times were hard. Times are tough. הגיע הזמן להוציא את העוגה מהתנור. It's time to take the pie out of the oven. It's time to get the cake out of the oven. אתה רוצה שאטפל בענין? Do you want me to take care of that matter? You want me to take care of this? لا أستطيع أن أقول نفس الشّيء عنك. I can't say the same about you. I can't say the same thing about you. سأتأخر قليلا اليوم. I'll be a little late today. I'll be a little late today. הכרחתי אותו ללכת. I forced him to go. I forced him to go. הוא לא התרחץ במשך שבוע. He didn't wash himself for a week. He hasn't washed up for a week. זה לא יהיה אותו הדבר בלעדיך. I wouldn't be the same without you. It won't be the same without you. إنه يتكلم الإنجليزية بلكنة ألمانية. He speaks English with a German accent. He speaks English but German. היה לו כאב ראש כזה, שהוא היה חייב לוותר על הפגישה. He had such a headache that he was forced to abandon the meeting. He had such a headache, he had to give up the meeting. תום יגיד מה שהוא תמיד אומר. Tom will say what he always says. Tom will say what he always says. אני חושבת שהיה לתום הרבה מזל. I think Tom has been very lucky. I think Tom had a lot of luck. يا لها من أزهار جميلة! Such pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! كان سامي يسرنم. Sami was sleepwalking. Sami was shooting. إنها لم تكن أول مرة يفعلوها. It wasn't the first time they had done it. She wasn't the first time she did it. הודיתי לטום על הזמן שהקדיש. I thanked Tom for the time he put in. I thanked Tom for the time he dedicated. كان سامي ملازما الفراش. Fadil was bedridden. Sami was in bed. אנחנו חברים מימים ימימה. We're friends from way back. We're friends with days. זרועותיי נרדמו. My arms went numb. My arms fell asleep. תום בא מאחורי וכרך את זרועותיו מסביב למותניי. Tom came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. Tom came behind and packed his arms around me. זה מדהים. This is amazing. That's amazing. يا له من طفل جميل. What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo! What a beautiful kid. أخذ سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up from the airport. He took Sami Lily from the airport. كم هديةً تتوقع أنها استلمت في الإجازة الماضية؟ How many gifts do you think she received last holiday season? How many gifts do you expect to have received on the last leave? يصبح جبل فوجي مغطًى بالثلج في الشتاء. Mt. Fuji is covered with snow in winter. Mount Fuji becomes covered with ice in the winter. מעולם לא שיקרתי לה. I've never lied to her. I never lied to her. אני שמח מאוד. I'm very happy. I'm very happy. אל תתקרבי לכלב. Don't go near the dog. Don't come near the dog. כל השובתים יצאו מהבניין זועמים. All the strikers came out of the building in indignation. All the returns came out of the building angry. ما زالت الحشرة حية. The bug is still alive. The bug's still alive. ሦስት ልጆች አሉኝ። I have three children. Would You Welcome a Visit? אני לא אוהב קפה. I dislike coffee. I don't like coffee. أنا مستعد للمغادرة الآن. I'm ready to leave now. I'm ready to leave now. لا أوافقك الرأي. I disagree with you. I don't agree. תום מחליף ערוצים בזמן הפרסומות. Tom changes channels during commercials. Tom's changing channels during the commercials. ربما علينا جلب توم معنا. Maybe we should take Tom with us. Maybe we should bring Tom with us. זה לא מבהיל. That's not scary. It's not scary. בזבזנו את המימון שלנו. We exhausted our funds. We wasted our money. אני לא יכול להגיד לך איזה כבוד גדול זה עבורי. I can't tell you what an honor this is. I can't tell you what great respect this is for me. لم أحبه. I didn't like it. I didn't like it. לא נראה שיש לך בעיה כלשהי לתקשר בצרפתית. You don't seem to have any problem communicating in French. You don't seem to have any problem communicating in French. اختارا فاضل أن ليلى أن يمضيا وقتهما معا كحبيبان. Fadil and Layla chose to spend their time together as boyfriend and girlfriend. He chose Lila to spend their time together as lovers. נהנתי מזה מאד. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much. يهمّني أن نتبع القوانين. It's important to me that we follow the rules. I care about following the rules. השומרים לא ראו אותך. The guards didn't see you. The guards didn't see you. את נוכחת לדעת? Do you realize that? Are you there to know? أنا صيني I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. אתה צריך להרשם עד יום שני. You need to register by Monday. You need to sign up by Monday. חלב הוא מזין. Milk is nutritious. Milk is a dick. תגידי לתום שלא קראתי את זה. Tell Tom I didn't read it. Tell Tom I didn't read it. كان سامي يريد أن تختفي ليلى من حياته. Sami wanted Layla to disappear from his life. Sami wanted to disappear for a night of his life. سافر توم تحت اسم مستعار . Tom traveled under an assumed name. Tom traveled under a alias. إغسل أنت الصحون يا بِن. You wash the dishes, Ben. Wash your dishes, Ben. אני חושבת שלא היית צריך לעשות את זה. I think you shouldn't have done that. I think you shouldn't have done that. اللّغة الألبانيّة جميلة جدّا. The Albanian language is very beautiful. The Albanian language is so beautiful. צא החוצה, בבקשה. Please get out. Get out, please. דבורים מספקים לנו דבש. Bees provide honey for us. Bees provide us honey. יש לי עור יבש. I have dry skin. I have dry skin. لقد حذّرت الأولاد من اللعب على الطريق. She warned the children not to play on the street. I warned the boys to play on the road. העולם מלא רכלנים ושקרנים. The world is full of gossipers and liars. The world is full of gossipers and liars. لا أشرب خمر الفودكا! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! شربَ فنجانا من الحليب. She drank a cup of milk. You drank pangana of milk. אני הולך לשחות לעתים קרובות בנהר. I often go swimming in the river. I'm going to swim often in the river. אני צריך ללכת עכשיו. I have to leave now. I have to go now. הייתי נטול הכרה. I was unconscious. I was unconscious. أردتُ أن أتأكد أنك ستأتي إلى هنا. I needed to make sure you'd come here. I wanted to make sure you came here. هو أصم، لكنه يعرف كيف يقرأ الشفاه. He is deaf, but knows how to read lips. He's deaf, but he knows how to read the lips. תום נועל מגפיים? Does Tom wear boots? Tom's wearing boots? מחצית מהתפוחים נרקבו. Half of the apples are rotten. Half of the apples were rotted. זה לא היה רעש אדמה. That was not an earthquake. It wasn't a noise. X’jismek? What's your name? What is your name? יהודיותא שפירת. Judaism is beautiful. You've broken up Jews. أنا من النرويج. I am from Norway. I'm from Norway. أيهما أثقل، الذهب أم الرصاص؟ Which is heavier, lead or gold? Which is heavy, gold or lead? היא נעדרה מבית הספר לחמישה ימים. She has been absent from school for five days. She's missing from school for five days. لقد أتى بنفسه He came in person. He came by himself. متىَ أتيتِ؟ When did you come? When did you come? نحن لا نتواعد. We're not dating. We're not dating. أمي أكبر من أبي سناً. Mom is older than Dad. Mom's older than Dad. מי נעמד? Who stood? Who's standing up? הנסיעה עלתה לי המון. The trip cost me a lot. The ride cost me a lot. טום בוגד באשתו. Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom's cheating on his wife. אתה מתון? Are you tolerant? Are you a gift? توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sandwiches. אני מעריצה אצלה את הנאמנות. I appreciate her loyalty. I admire her loyalty. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في البلدة. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected man in town. استرخى منّاد. Mennad relaxed. Relax. תום נפטר ביום שני אחה"צ. Tom died Monday afternoon. Tom died Monday afternoon. نقل سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. Sami's transferred to the clinic. لم يفتح سامي الباب. Sami didn't open the door. Sami didn't open the door. هادا هووا لخطّ ديالي! That's MY line! Hada Hua to the Daily Line! أنا رجل. I am a man. I'm a man. אל תתבייש ברגשותיך. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. ابق! Stay! Stay! وضعت مضاد للتعرق على كل جسمي . اذ بدء العرق بالبخ من اعلى راسي ، انت تعرف السبب. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why. I put anti-warp on all my body, so the race begins by cooking from the top of my head, you know why. יש משהו שאתה יכול לעשות עכשיו? Is there anything you can do now? Is there anything you can do now? תשטפי ידיים. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. הנעלים שלך רטובות. שים אותן ליד האש. Your shoes are wet. Put them near the fire. Your shoes are wet. إنا سعداء. We are happy. I'm happy. האם יש על המדף מילון אנגלי-יפני? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the bookshelf? Is there on the Japanese-English shelf? הוא היה דוגמה לספורטאי מפורסם בזמנו. He was an example of a famous athlete, in his days. He was an example of a famous athlete back then. איפה אני? Where am I? Where am I? ديمۆقراطييا هييا لافۆرم لعيّانا ڨع تاع لحوكم، حاشا لخرين لّي تّجربو من قبل. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. A hierarchical democracy has given us a taste of your trial, a helmet that I've never tried before. لم يكن فاضل يعرف أيّ شيء عن الإسلام. Fadil didn't know anything about Islam. He didn't know anything about Islam. هنالك العديد من السياح الاجانب في أساكوسا . There are many foreign tourists in Asakusa. There are many foreign tourists in Assakusa. תום היה האיש שסיפר לי מה קרה. Tom is the one who told me about what happened. Tom was the man who told me what happened. لقد ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I fucked my teacher. لم يعد لدي إلا واحدة. I've only got one left. I have only one. לא תום דואג עכשיו לדבר הזה? Doesn't Tom take care of all this stuff now? Not Tom looking out for this thing now? عشر سّنين راهي وقت بزّاف لواحد يسّنّاها. Ten years is a long time to wait. Ten years of spare time for one of us. الحب حاجة و الجواز حاجة تانية خالص. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love needs and passports is purely German. הוא גילה פתאום את האמת. He suddenly came out with the truth. He suddenly found out the truth. اعتقد بأنه يمكننا مساعدة بعضنا البعض. I think we can help each other. I think we can help each other. הוא נשא שחקנית לאישה. He married an actress. He was married to a woman. נשתמש במדרגות. We'll take the stairs. We'll use the stairs. كان سامي الأوّل في صفّه. Sami was the top of his class. My first mom was in his class. يُقال أن اليابانيينَ ودودون جداً لأولئك الذين يعرفونهم، ولامبالين جداً بأوئلك الذين لا يعرفونهم. It is said that the Japanese are very friendly to those that they know, and very indifferent to those they don't. The Japanese are said to be very friendly to those who know them, and very blind to those who do not know them. أشار أن تنفيذ الخطة سيكلف الكثير من المال. He pointed out that the plan would cost a lot of money. He pointed out that the implementation of the plan would cost a lot of money. עולמנו הוא ספר, שאנשים שאינם נוסעים קוראים בו רק את הדף הראשון. Our world is a book, and people who don't travel are reading only from the first page. Our world is a book that people who are not passengers only call the first page. למה הוא לא יושב איתי יותר? Why isn't he sitting with me anymore? Why doesn't he sit with me anymore? عمري ما نشرب لاتاي. I never drink tea. I don't know what to say to Latai. הייתי מצונן במשך שבוע ועדיין לא החלמתי. I've had a cold for one week, and I still haven't got better. I've been cold for a week and I haven't recovered yet. أنا تسللت من خلفِها. I sneaked up behind her. I snuck behind her. התפוקה במפעל הזה עלתה בעשרים אחוז. Production at this factory has increased by 20%. This factory must have cost 20 percent. إنها مع جمال. She's with Jamal. She's with beauty. אף אחד לא יירה בי. No one is going to shoot me. Nobody's gonna shoot me. هل ترى ما أعني؟ Do you see what I mean? You see what I mean? يجب ان تحافظ علي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You have to keep your office clean. وهذه الآيات تتبع المؤمنين. يخرجون الشياطين باسمي ويتكلمون بألسنة جديدة. يحملون حيّات وإن شربوا شيئا مميتا لا يضرهم ويضعون أيديهم على المرضى فيبرأون. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover! These crowns follow the believers, they bring the demons out of my name and speak for a new year; they carry live, and if they drink something that is harmless, and put their hands on the sick, they will be healed. خبّأ سامي سيّارته بين مجموعة من الأشجار. Sami hid his car in a grove of trees. My mom hid his car between a bunch of trees. אני רוצה קצת עוגה. I want some cake. I want some cake. Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Mellie reads her book. سقطت الكثير من الأشجار. Many trees fell down. There's a lot of trees down there. אתה יודע ממש כמוני שאנחנו נמות כאן. You know as well as I do that we will die here. You know as much as I do that we're gonna die here. في أي عام ولدت؟ What year were you born? What year was I born? احترس: الأرض مبللة Caution: wet floor Watch out: The land is boring. מעולם לא הסתרתי ממך דבר. I never concealed anything from you. I've never hidden anything from you. أود رؤيتك مجددا I'd like to see you again. I'd like to see you again. הנה כרטיס החבר שלי. Here's my friend's ticket. Here's my boyfriend's card. أعجبتني الغرفة المطلة على الوادي. I liked the room overlooking the valley. I liked the room on the Valley. אני קורא רומן מאת סידני שלדון. I'm reading a novel by Sidney Sheldon. I'm reading an affair from Sydney Sheldon. يمكنك أن تطلب منه أن يساعدك. You can ask him for help. You can ask him to help you. עיר הבירה של אלבניה נקראת טיראנה. The capital city of Albania is called Tirana. Albania's capital is called Tirana. תום שונא תקנות. Tom hates rules. Tom hates regulations. أيمكنك أن تحزر ما لديّ؟ Can you guess what I have? Can you guess what I have? כל מה שנותר לנו לעשות הוא לקוות שהעניינים ישתפרו. All we can do is hope things get better. All we have left to do is hope that things will improve. كل ما كان يحتاجه توم حقاً كان شيئاً ما ليأكله. All Tom really wanted was something to eat. All Tom really needed was something to eat. الحاجات دي بتاعتك؟ Are these your things? The D-needs take care of you? أبي غاضب معي. Father is angry with me. Dad's mad at me. שחררו אותה! Let her go! Let her go! המטוס נעלם כהרף עין. The plane disappeared in the twinkle of an eye. The plane's gone in the open. לתום לא היה הרבה כסף. Tom didn't have much money. Tom didn't have much money. بعضهم مدرّسون ، وبعضهم مهندسون. Some of them are teachers, and some are engineers. Some are teachers, some are engineers. צחוק הוא התרופה הטובה ביותר. Laughter is the best medicine. A laugh is the best medicine. أتظن أني أعطي الموضوع أكبر من حجمه؟ Do you think I'm exaggerating? You think I'm giving it bigger than it's size? أعجبني هذا السّؤال. I love that question. I like that question. הדבר הגרוע ביותר באיסטנבול זו תנועת כלי הרכב. The worst of Istanbul is the traffic. The worst thing in Istanbul is car traffic. אני הולכת לפדר את אפי. I'm just going to go powder my nose. I'm going to dig my nose. هل تملكون لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفكم؟ Do you guys have the berber keyboard on your phones? Do you have an amazig keyboard on your phones? החיים יכולים להיות קשים. Life can be hard. Life can be hard. شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Sun and rain, rainbow. لم نره في أي مكان. We didn't see him anywhere. We didn't see him anywhere. أنا سوف ازور المتحف اليوم. I'll visit a museum today. I'll visit the museum today. الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter dropped a bomb. أنا أتتطلع لحفلة عيد القديسيين خاصتك. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. I'm looking forward to your Halloween party. השאר בכוננות. Stay alert. Stay alert. الحفلة التي دُعينا إليها ستكون غدا، ليس اليوم. The party that we've been invited to is tomorrow, not today. The party we were invited to will be tomorrow, not today. תום לא שפוי. Tom's insane. Tom's insane. هل تحتاج حقا لكلب إضافي؟ Do you really need one more dog? Do you really need an extra dog? من فضلك البس حذاءك. Please put on your shoes. Please wear your shoes. تشاجرت ماري مع حبيبها . Mary had a tiff with her boyfriend. Mary had a fight with her boyfriend. סמי רצה להתאבל בפרטיות. Sami wanted to grieve in private. Sammy wanted to grieve in private. هل بإمكاني مرافقته؟ May I go with him? Can I go with him? הרגשתי די רע. I felt pretty bad. I felt pretty bad. מבריק! Brilliant! Brilliant! את עושה את זה בשבילי? Are you doing this for me? Are you doing this for me? كان سامي يعذّب القطط. Sami tortured cats. Sami was tortureing cats. أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you went away. هناك خصى في حذائي. I have a stone in my shoe. There's a speciality in my shoes. حاجا ماشي مليحا؟ Is it bad? What's a full-blown face? أنا بخير، شكرا. Fine, thanks. I'm fine, thanks. יש דברים שמוטב שלא ייעשו. Some things are better left undone. Some things better not be done. سوف تنساني يوما ما. You'll forget about me someday. You'll forget about me someday. الوردة دي جميلة. This rose is beautiful. The rose is beautiful. אני מותשת מדי מכדי להמשיך ללכת. I am too exhausted to walk any more. I'm too exhausted to keep walking. הצלחת החליקה מידה והתרסקה על הרצפה. The plate slipped from her hand and crashed to the floor. You've managed to slide size and crash on the floor. مساعدتك ضرورية لنجاحنا. Your help is necessary to our success. Your help is necessary for our success. الكلام مع توم بلا فائدة. It's useless to talk to Tom. Talking to Tom is useless. تبدو متعباً. You look tired. You look tired. أيحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Do you like Toshio Sachiko? דיברנו אתמול. We spoke yesterday. We talked yesterday. שונרתא אנא. I am a cat. Schnerata, please. רגלו של תום נתונה בגבס זה כמה שבועות. Tom has had his leg in a cast for a few weeks now. Tom's leg in the laundry is a few weeks. ذلك قطي. That's my cat. That's my cat. אני צריכה יותר מרחב. I need more space. I need more space. זה חלומו של תום לגור בהרים. It's Tom's dream to live in the mountains. It's Tom's dream to live in the mountains. ממרחק נשמעו קולות, טריקת תריסים ונביחת כלבים. In the distance could be heard voices, the slamming of shutters, and the barking of dogs. From a distance, there were voices, tricks and dog-blowing. אני רוצה רגע להאיט את המהלך. I'd like to slow things down for just a second. I want a moment to slow down the move. נעלתי את עצמי בחוץ. I locked myself out. I locked myself out. لم أعلم بهذا الأمر. I didn't know that. I didn't know about that. שמענו קול נפץ רם. We heard a loud explosion. We heard a loud voice. תאונת הדרכים קרתה ממש לפני. The traffic accident happened before my very eyes. The road accident happened just before. انتظرني في مكتبي. Wait for me in my office. Wait for me at my office. אינני אוהב לצאת לבד בערב. I don't like going out by myself at night. I don't like going out alone tonight. لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. הייתה לתום עבודה נוספת. Tom had more work to do. Tom had another job. איזה מזל רע יש לי! I have such bad luck. What bad luck I've got! ألحقت ملاحظة بالمستند باستخدام ملقط ورق. A note was attached to the document with a paper clip. I made a note on the document using a paperprint. لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. كلامه وافعاله لا يتفقان معا. His words and actions do not go together well. His words and actions don't agree together. استنى لحظة. Wait just a moment. Just give me a minute. نريد السلام في العالم. We want peace in the world. We want peace in the world. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان كثيرا. Sami and Layla argued a lot. They were Sami and Lily very special. Il-fkieren m'għandhomx snien. Turtles don't have teeth. The turtles do not have teeth. התחלתי לקלל. I started swearing. I started to curse. פשוט תשכחו מזה. Just forget it. Just forget it. ليس من السهل العيش مع توم. Living with Tom isn't easy. It's not easy to live with Tom. يحب أهل أوروبا شرب الخمر. Europeans like to drink wine. The people of Europe like to drink alcohol. يسكن فاضل و ليلى تماما بجوار فندق رامي. Fadil and Layla are living right next door to Rami's hotel. He's living right next to the Rami Hotel. لا يمكنني أن أقبل هديّتك. I cannot accept your gift. I can't accept your gift. هاجم توم ماري بسكّين. Tom attacked Mary with a knife. Tom Marie was attacked with a knife. תום צחצח את שיניו. Tom brushed his teeth. Tom brushed his teeth. אני אוהב אותם. I love them. I love them. أنت مشتر جيد. You are a good customer. You're a good buyer. אנא, תקן את זה. Please fix this. Please, fix this. תום התגורר ב-2013 בבוסטון. Tom was living in Boston in 2013. Tom lived in Boston in 2013. נהגתי לטייל לאורך הנהר לעתים קרובות. I used to often take walks along that river. I used to travel along the river often. شكرا على الشراب Thanks for the drink. Thanks for the drink. אני רוצה לעזור לך. I am willing to help you. I want to help you. אני רק צריך לנוח קצת. I just need to rest a little. I just need to get some rest. הוא נענש על פשעיו. He was punished for his crimes. He was punished for his crimes. في البندقية , دائما هنالك الكثير من السياح . In Venice, there are always lots of tourists. In the gun, there's always a lot of tourists. זה יותר פשוט ממה שזה זה נראה. It's easier than it looks. It's simpler than it looks. אני לא חושב שאת מבינה. I don't think you understand. I don't think you understand. אתה מריח נפלא. You smell wonderful. You smell great. استدعيت اللجنة فوراً . The committee was summoned at once. The Committee was called immediately. استمتعنا بالأمس. Yesterday we had fun. We enjoyed yesterday. מה שם מקום המפגש שהלכנו אליו אמש? What's the name of the joint we went to last night? What's the meeting place we went to last night? يبدون أمريكيين. They look American. They look American. شكراً جزيلاً! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! כשתום אמר למרי להרגיש בבית, הוא קיווה בסתר לבו שהיא תלך לשטוף את הכלים במטבח. When Tom told Mary to feel right at home, he was secretly hoping that she'd go and wash up the dishes in the kitchen. When Tom told Mary to feel at home, he secretly hoped she'd go wash the dishes in the kitchen. אלג'יריה זו ארץ צפון אפריקאית. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a North African country. לא אעשה זאת בלי האישור של תום. I won't do that without Tom's approval. I won't do it without Tom's permission. טום הוא הכי טוב במה שהוא עושה. Tom is the best at what he does. Tom's the best he's doing. الكلمة الفرنسية "شا" تعني قطة. The French word 'chat' means 'cat'. French word "cha" means cat. אני צריך להיות בבוסטון ביום שני. I have to be in Boston by Monday. I need to be in Boston on Monday. كُل الخضار الخاص بك. Eat your veggies. All your vegetables. אני יודע לדבר אנגלית. I can speak English. I can speak English. זה רק ניחוש. It's only a guess. It's just a guess. ستغضب ليلى. Layla will be mad. You're gonna be mad at Lily. אני לא יכול לנשום דרך האף. I can't breathe through my nose. I can't breathe through my nose. תום עצבני. Tom is jittery. Tom's nervous. עכשיו אקח אותך ביד. Now I'll take you by the hand. Now I'll take you in the hand. كان توم منهكا. Tom was worn out. Tom was a manka. أنا من مصر. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. הם חסרים לך מאד, נכון? You miss them a lot, don't you? They're very short of you, aren't they? أتى سامي إلى العيادة للقاء ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sami came to the clinic to meet Lily. אמא בכתה. Mama cried. Mom cried. לא נשאר נייר טואלט. There is no TP left. There's no toilet paper left. אני גם יהודי. I'm also a Jew. I'm a Jew, too. כולם טוענים שקשה יותר לשחק תפקידים קומיים מאשר אחרים, אבל זאת לא אמת לאמיתה. לעשות עבודה טובה תמיד קשה בכל תחום. Everyone claims that it's harder to play comic roles than others, but that's not true at all. Doing a good job is always difficult, in any area. Everyone claims it's harder to play global roles than others, but it's not true to the truth, doing a good job always hard in every field. رقم هاتفي 789. My phone number is 789. My number is 789. كانت تمطر عند إقلاعنا، لكن، عندما وصلنا، كان الجو مشمسا. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny. It rained when we took off, but, when we arrived, it was loud. بإمكانك أن تتحدث بالصينية، وستترجم لي ليلي. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You can speak Chinese, and you'll translate me a night. אני לא מסוגל להישאר בבית הזה. I can't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house. نحن نثق بك We trust you. We trust you. كم أنت مزعج! You are so annoying! How disturbing you are! לתום יש ארנבות. Tom has rabbits. Tom has rabbits. בוא נזיז את הכוננית. Let's move the dresser. Let's move the drive. كان الجميع بملابس أنيقة. Everybody was very well dressed. Everyone was in nice clothes. كان سامي ينام بمسدّس تحت وسادته. Sami slept with a pistol under his pillow. Sami was sleeping with a gun under his pillow. טום הוא רודף שמלות. Tom is a womanizer. Tom is chasing dresses. מי גילה את האי? Who discovered the island? Who found out the island? هذا رقم سحري. It's a magic number. That's my magic number. אני לא כל כך משוכנע. I'm not so convinced. I'm not so convinced. لا أريد أن أتحدث بشأن هذا الآن. I don't want to talk about this right now. I don't want to talk about this right now. غادرت ليلى سامي. Layla left Sami. I left Lily Sammy. أُسّست امبراطوريّة الدّرّاني في أفغانستان من طرف أحمد شاه درّاني عام 1747. The Durrani Empire was established in Afghanistan by Ahmad Shah Durrani in 1747. The Durban Empire in Afghanistan was founded by Ahmed Shah Draney in 1747. זה שימושי, נכון? That's useful, isn't it? It's useful, isn't it? פחד לא יתקיים בלי תקווה לא תקווה בלי פחד. Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear. Fear won't exist without hope. No hope. No fear. זה בלתי אפשרי יותר. That's not possible anymore. It's more impossible. בוא נאכל צהרים. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. יש ספר על השולחן. There is a book on the table. There's a book on the table. مهمتك أن تجمع الأوراق الميتة في الحديقة. Your job is to gather dead leaves in the garden. Your mission is to collect dead papers in the park. توم ليس في البيت Tom is not home. Tom's not home. أرهب سامي ليلى مجبرا إيّاها أن تكون معه. Sami terrorized Layla into being with him. I'm going to drive Sami to Lilly. She's going to be with him. אולי אני מצפה ליותר מדי מתום. Perhaps I expected too much from Tom. Maybe I'm looking forward to too many dead. לטום ואישתו שלושה ילדים. Tom and his wife have three children. Tom and his wife are three children. إنني متعب قليلاً. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. הוא לא התקדם יפה באנגלית. He didn't make much progress in English. He didn't make good progress in English. אינני חושבת שאיש מכם מודע לחשיבות של זה. I don't think any of you realize the importance of this. I don't think any of you are aware of the importance of this. אני יודע שהוא קורא. I know that he's calling. I know he's reading. هل أنتي ماري؟ Are you Mary? Are you Mary? תום הסיר את אפודתו. Tom took off his sweater. Tom removed his vest. الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Birds of a feather flock together. Birds are on their own. هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Do you know that men who regularly take contraceptive pills don't bear? יש להם שני בנים ובת אחת. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two boys and one daughter. מעולם לא היית כמוהו. You were never like him. You've never been like him. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكن هذا غير صحيح. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but that's not true. לא נוכל לשרוד בלי עזרתכם. We won't be able to survive without your help. We can't survive without your help. Ma kienx tort tiegħi. It was not my fault. It was not my fault. كان سامي يستمع لمحطّة إذاعيّة إسلاميّة. Sami was listening to a Muslim radio station. Sami was listening to an Islamic radio station. תום מוערך מאד בקהילה שלו. Tom is well respected in his community. Tom is very valued in his community. הוא הושיט לה זר פרחים. He handed her a bouquet of flowers. He gave her some flowers. גם אני צריך לבוא. I should come, too. I need to come, too. זה לא ייקח הרבה זמן. It won't take long. It won't take long. האשמה מוטלת על הטבח. The blame rests with the cook. The charge is for the massacre. ענה על השאלה פעם נוספת, בבקשה. Answer this question again, please. Answer the question again, please. אשגיח על המזוודה שלך עבורך. I'll keep an eye on your suitcase for you. I'll watch your suitcase for you. תום היה להוט. Tom was eager. Tom was eager. أنا مهندس حاسب آلي. I'm a computer scientist. I'm a computer engineer. אני לא רוצה להיכשל במבחנים שלי. I don't want to fail my exams. I don't want to fail my tests. הכול בסדר? Is everything okay? Is everything okay? في أي وقت أكلت؟ What time did you eat? What time did you eat? لدي ثلاثة كلاب. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. يعطيك صسحّا كيما فهّمتلي وعلاش فينالمان نّاس تحسبني حمار. Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot. Gives you a stick so you can open my mouth and a magazine in Vinaman, people think I'm an asshole. اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة العالم. English is the world's language. English is the world's language. عليك أخذ استراحة. You need to take a break. You have to take a break. כל הבקתות נשארות הרוסות. All the cabins remain shuttered. All the cabins remain ruined. דן היה חשוד בהצתה זדונית. Dan was suspected of arson. Dan was a suspect at a zigzag. هل عدت مسبقا؟ Are you back already? Have you come back? אכן. It's true. Indeed. غزّة هي إحدى الجيوب الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسّكّان في العالم. Gaza is one of the world's most populous enclaves. A puzzle is one of the most crowded pockets of the world's population. كان سامي مدمنا على الكحول خارج عن السّيطرة. Sami was an alcoholic out of control. Sami was addicted to alcohol out of cover. كان ذلك خلال العودة إلى المنزل نهاية الأسبوع. It was homecoming weekend. That was during coming home this weekend. لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I left my job. הסירי את כובעך כשאת נכנסת לכיתה. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Remove your hat when you get in class. هناك مستشفى بالقرب من هنا. There is a hospital nearby. There's a hospital near here. انظر مرة أخرى Look again. Look again. גטניו הסביר בריאיון עיתונאי שהגבלת הגישה לשירותי הדואר האלקטרוני לא הייתה קשורה לפרסום הווידאו הפוגעני. Gategno explained in a press interview that the restriction of access to the e-mail service had nothing to do with the release of the inflammatory video. Gatnio explained that the limitation of access to e-mail services was not linked to the fruits of the video. הרחקתי לכת עד גרמניה, אבל לא היה לי זמן לבקר אצל אלכסנדר. I went as far as Germany but I didn't have time to visit Alexander. I went far to Germany, but I didn't have time to visit Alexander. יש סמטה מאחורי הבית שלי. There's an alley behind my house. There's a salad behind my house. זה היה ביש מזל. It was unfortunate. It was lucky. هذا حقا ممتع This is really interesting. This is really fun. הנה, קח את מעילי. Here, take my coat. Here, take my coat. מה לעשות? אלו הם כוחות השוק. What can be done? These are market forces. These are market forces. غدوا ما نقراوش. We have no school tomorrow. There's nothing we can do. أين أقرب معرض فني؟ Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the nearest art exhibit? هو يفضل الريف على البلدة. He prefers the country to the town. He prefers the countryside over town. המפעלים מייצרים בקנה מידה גדול. The factories are producing on a large scale. The plants produce to a large extent. أبي في المطبخ لأنه يطبخ. Dad is in the kitchen because he's cooking. Dad's in the kitchen because he's cooking. תראי מה מצאתי בחוף. Look what I found on the beach. Look what I found on the beach. נתראה בסביבה, תום. See you around, Tom. I'll see you around, Tom. תום ביקש בקשה אחת אחרונה. Tom made one more request. Tom asked for one last request. תוכלי בבקשה לתאר למושבעים מה קרה? Could you describe to the jury what happened? Would you please describe to the jury what happened? תשכיבי בבקשה את התינוק. Please put the baby to bed. Please put the baby down. أريد أن أُلقي نظرة أفضل على اللوحة, أريد أن أقف أقرب. I want to take a better look at that painting. I want to stand closer. I want to take a better look at the painting. I want to stand closer. البحيرة بعيدة جداً عن هنا. The lake is a long way from here. The lake is too far from here. יש לי שגרון. I have arthritis. I have a throat. אתה רץ כל יום? Do you run every day? You run every day? إنّهما معي. They're with me. They're with me. היא בחורה נבונה ועצמאית. She's a smart and independent girl. She's a smart and independent girl. הבניין קרס. The house collapsed. The building's crashed. أنا غير متفاجئ. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. ההתנהגות שלה היא דאגתי העיקרית. Her behavior is my primary concern. Her behavior is my primary concern. עכשיו תאזיני היטב. Now listen carefully. Now listen carefully. זה מספיק לעכשיו. This will do for now. That's enough for now. אני בתחנת משאיות. I'm at a truck stop. I'm at a truck station. هل صعد كل الركاب؟ Are all the passengers aboard? Are all passengers up? תום נראה מבסוט. Tom seems pleased. Tom seems nervous. האיומים שלך לא מפחידים אותי כהוא זה. I am not in the least afraid of his threats. Your threats don't scare me like this. أتظنّ أنّ توم رأى ماري؟ Do you think Tom saw Mary? You think Tom saw Mary? מאורע יוצא דופן קרה. Something remarkable happened. An extraordinary event happened. מה הפחיד אותך? What scared you? What scared you? أنت لم تُرِِد أن تدرس أبداً على أي حال. You have never wanted to study anyway. You never wanted to study anyway. أنا أتتطلع لقضاء وقت مع عائلتي. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family. אני מופתע שתום לא הודה למרי על המתנה. I'm surprised Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. I'm surprised Tom didn't thank Mary for the gift. את נראית אדישה. You seem unconcerned. You look good. مشى سامي. Sami walked. Walk Sami. أعلم أنّني لن أنساك أبدا. I know that I'll never forget you. I know I'll never forget. עדיין אתה לא משוכנע? Are you still not convinced? You're still not convinced? ماقدرش أقول لها دلوقتي. الموضوع مبقاش بالبساطة دي. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. I can't tell her my time. אני לבד. I'm alone. I'm alone. מישהו בבית? Anybody home? Anybody home? יש לי אישה בבוסטון. I have a wife back home in Boston. I have a wife in Boston. بصراحة لا أوافقك الرأي. Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you. Honestly, I don't agree. מה שהגורל יצר ייפסק על ידי הגורל. Whatever fate has created, fate will bring to an end. What is created of fate will be stopped by fate. קווי ההספקה של האיחוד הדרומי היו בצד הצפוני. The Union army's supply lines were on the north side. South Union supply lines were on the north side. אינני מגלגל את המרבדים שלהם. I'm not rolling up their carpets. I'm not rolling their fights. דן לא מחבב את מתי בגלל שהוא גס וקהה רגש. Dan dislikes Matt because he's blunt and insensitive. Dan doesn't like Matthew because he's rude and quiet. غني لنا أغنية أخرى. Sing us another song! He sings to us another song. לא הייתי פופולרי בתיכון. I wasn't popular in high school. I wasn't popular in high school. كانوا واقفين في طابور. They were standing in a queue. They were standing in Tabor. ليس باليد حيلة. There's nothing I can do. He doesn't have a trick. שמעת כבר שהוא סוף סוף חזר הביתה? Have you already heard that he has finally returned home? Have you heard he's finally come home? כוח המשיכה גורם למשקלם של עצמים. Gravity causes objects to have weight. The force of gravity causes the weight of self. استجمع توم ما يكفي من الشجاعة لطلب علاوة . Tom summoned up enough courage to ask for a raise. Tom gathered enough courage to ask for an allowance. אני עובד הרבה. I work a lot. I work a lot. לא ראית את החתול שלי? You haven't seen my cat? Didn't you see my cat? أريد أن أقبل بالإسلام دينا. I want to accept Islam. I want to accept a religion of Islam. يخضع الفرد في ممارسته حقوقه وحرياته لتلك القيود التي يقررها القانون فقط، لضمان الاعتراف بحقوق الغير وحرياته واحترامهـا ولتحقيق المقتضيات العادلة للنضام العام والمصلحة العامة والأخلاق في مجتمع ديمقراطي. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. In exercising his or her rights and freedoms, the individual shall be subject to such restrictions as are established by law only, to ensure the recognition and respect of the rights and freedoms of others and to the achievement of the just requirements of public maturity, public interest and morality in a democratic society. תפסיקי לשאול את הבגדים שלי בלי רשות. Stop borrowing my clothes without asking. Stop asking my clothes without permission. זהו צייר. That's a painter. This is a painting. יש לגרור לשחרור הנעילה. Slide to unlock. The lock-out drag has to be shut down. למה יש מיס איטליה אבל אין מיסטר איטליה? Why is there a Miss Italy but no Mister Italy? Why is there Ms. Italy, but there's no Italian master? ضُبِط سامي في مستشفى و هو يعرض نفسه كطبيب. Sami was caught at a hospital pretending to be a doctor. Sami was taken to a hospital and he's offering himself as a doctor. בואי הנה! Get in here! Come here! עכשיו אינך רשאי לעשות זאת. You must not do it now. Now you're not allowed to do this. הטלוויזיה הישנה נמכרה עבור 10 דולר. The old television set went for 10 dollars. The old TV was sold for $10. واصل سامي البحث. Sami kept looking. Sami keep searching. أصيب جيمي في حادث سير. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a traffic accident. זה כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות. That's all I want to do. That's all I want to do. אם את רואה טעות, תקני אותה בבקשה. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. If you see a mistake, please buy it. سامي و ليلى يعيشان في عالمين مختلفين. Sami and Layla live in separate worlds. Sammy and Lily live in two different worlds. انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? اشترط فاضل أن تقدّم له دانية المال. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. I require a slave to give him money convictions. בואו נודה על האמת, זה בלתי אפשרי. אף פעם לא נצליח. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's face the truth, it's impossible. חופש הדיבור חשוב במיוחד לשדרנים. Freedom of speech is especially important to broadcasters. Freedom of speech is particularly important for the viruses. תגיד משהו. Say something. Say something. היא כתבה ספר על עופות. She wrote a book about birds. She wrote a book about birds. إنها باردة كالثلج. It's as cold as ice. It's cold as snow. אני צריכה לסיים את העבודה עד ארבע. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. I have to finish the job by four. لست قلقا بشأنه I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about him. صديقي شخص ثرثار. My friend is a chatty man. My friend's a big guy. אני מצטער שלא יכולתי לתת לך את פרטי בן הדוד שלי. I'm sorry I haven't been able to give you my cousin's contact info. I'm sorry I couldn't give you my cousin's private. لبست جاكيتّها. She put on her sweater. You wore her. תום היה קטנוני. Tom was fussy. Tom was a minor. הוא שמר על החלון סגור. He kept the window closed. He kept the window closed. בדיוק דיברתי איתה. I was just talking to her. I just talked to her. גם אני הייתי רוצה לדעת. I would like to know as well. I'd like to know, too. والدتي لا تتحدث الإنجليزية بشكل جيد جداً. My mom doesn't speak English very well. My mother doesn't speak English very well. ماذا فعلتِ؟ What did you do? What did you do? تكلم! Speak up! Speak! אני לא צריך אותך. I don't need you. I don't need you. أعلم بأنك خائف I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. לא ייתכן שג'יין אמרה דבר כזה. Jane cannot have said such a thing. Jane can't have said anything like that. היינו יכולים להסתייע. We could use some help. We could've struggled. لديه منزلين. He has two houses. He's got two houses. بدأ سامي الأكل. Sami started eating. Sammy started eating. לא יכולתי להפטר מהשיר בראש שלי. I couldn't get that song out of my mind. I couldn't get rid of the song in my head. أقام سامي صداقة مع زميله في الغرفة. Sami became friends with his roommate. Sami made a friendship with his roommate in the room. השעו את טום. Tom got suspended. Resume Tom. הוא היה אמיץ. He was brave. He was brave. هو يرسل لنا أزهارا. He sends us flowers. He's sending us flowers. אפשר לבחור את השיר הבא? Can I pick the next song? Can I pick the next song? دعه ينه كلامه! Let him finish talking! Let him finish his talk! هذا الكتاب لديه الكثير من الكلمات الأمازيغية المفيدة. This book has a lot of useful Berber words. This book has a lot of useful Amazigh words. הם ירו בתום. They shot Tom. They shot at the end. أريد أن أزور كوريا. I want to visit Korea. I want to visit Korea. מרי נפצעה אתמול. Mary hurt herself yesterday. Mary was injured yesterday. האם מישהו מכם קרא את הספר הזה? Have any of you read that book? Did any of you read this book? ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. This isn't a white candle. האם תוכל לתקן את זה? Can you get it repaired? Can you fix this? תום מצליח להישאר רזה, כך נראה, למרות שהוא אוכל לא מעט. Tom seems to be able to stay thin even though he eats quite a bit. Tom can stay thin, so it seems, even though he eats quite a bit. אני כותבת עכשיו מכתב למורה הסיני שלי. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. I'm writing a letter to my Chinese teacher now. أنا أدرس اللغة الكورية. I study Korean. I'm studying Korean. كانت ليلى مشجّعة مثيرة في الجامعة. Layla was a sexy college cheerleader. Lily was an exciting girl at the university. החלום שלו התממש. His dream has realized. His dream went on. توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Call Sami to the left. كان سامي يشاهد فيديوهات على اليوتوب. Sami was watching YouTube videos. Sami was watching videotape. إنه يركلني!! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! היו לו עיניים כהות ויפות בעלות ריסים ארוכים. He had handsome dark eyes with long lashes. He had beautiful dark eyes with long sprays. הילדים שלי באמת אוהבים בעלי חיים. My children really like animals. My kids really like animals. בוא נקווה שזה לא נכון. Let's hope that's true. Let's hope that's not true. أَيْنَ الْجَرِيدَةُ؟ Where is the newspaper? Who's the exorcist? ما هي موسيقاكَ المفضّلة؟ What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? بمن اتّصل فاضل؟ Who did Fadil contact? Who are you calling a workman? לאיש לא אכפת שתום לא עזר. Nobody really cared that Tom didn't help. Nobody cares that Tom didn't help. هل لي بكأس ماء؟ May I have a glass of water? Can I have a glass of water? كان سامي يرحّب بالزّوّار في الاستقبال. Sami greeted visitors at the reception. Sami was welcoming the visitors in the reception. אלו חדשות יוצאות מן הכלל. This is stunning news. That's extraordinary news. توم أقترحَ ذَلك. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest that. חובתנו לציית לחוק. It is our duty to obey the law. Our duty is to obey the law. ها هي تذكرتي للرجوع. Here's my return ticket. Here's my ticket to return. טום הזעיף פניו. Tom frowned. Tom left his face. هذه ستكون مهمة خطيرة جداً. This will be a very dangerous mission. This will be a very serious task. טְרֶנְד, ולא אחר, הוא ידידו של הסוחר. The trend is your friend. Ted, and no one else, is a friend of the trader. הייתי רוצה שתכיר את תום. I'd like you to meet Tom. I'd like you to meet Tom. እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። እርስዎስ? I am a student, and you? Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose for mankind? ذهب للمتجر في آخر لحظة، قبل الإغلاق بقليل. He went to the store at the last minute, just before it closed. He went to the store last minute, just before closing. הייתי מודעת למצב. I was aware of the situation. I was aware of the situation. لمن هذين الحذائين؟ Whose shoes are these? Who are those shoes? אני לא מאמין ששכחתי. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. هل لديك فكّة؟ Have you got change? Do you have a joke? ليس لدى سامي دروس هذا الصّباح. Sami doesn't have class this morning. Sammy doesn't have this morning lessons. يمكنني أن اسمعه. I can hear it. I can hear it. لم تكن معركةً واحدةً، بل أكثر. It was not one battle, but many. It wasn't one fight, it was more. לא ייתכן שאתה רציני. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. طلب سامي من الله أن يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sami asked God to forgive him. توم عندو ماشينة تاع لا كريم. Tom has an ice cream machine. Tom Don't Cream. הוא היה מנהיג של מעמד הפועלים. He was a leader of the working class. He was a leader of the working class. היא לא אחותי, היא אשתי. She isn't my sister, she's my wife. She's not my sister, she's my wife. זה כסף קנדי? Is this Canadian money? Is that Canadian money? أوقعت مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. I signed my keys. מה עוד תוכלו לומר לנו? What else can you tell us? What else can you tell us? ומה נעשה? And what are we going to do? And what do we do? תוכל לבחור איזה ספר שרק תרצה. You may choose whichever book you like. You can choose some book you just want. ضحّى سامي بليلى كي ينجو بنفسه. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Sami sacrificed the night to survive himself. מדי כמה זמן אתה עושה מקלחת? How often do you shower? How long have you been doing a shower? היא התכוונה ללכת לקניות. She intended to go shopping. She was gonna go shopping. כל ריקוד נראה יפה, אם הוא מהלב. Any dance looks beautiful, if it's danced from the heart. Every dance looks beautiful, if it's from the heart. אל תקחי דוגמא מתום. Don't follow Tom's example. Don't take a perfect example. قابل سامي مسلمين من مختلف الدّول. Sami met Muslims from various countries. Meet Sami Muslims from different ages. غادر سامي المسجد. Sami left the mosque. Sami left the mosque. אתה תבריא בעוד כמה ימים. You'll get better in a few days. You'll be healthy in a few days. הם אוהבים את השיר הזה. They love this song. They love that song. إن القطار قد غادر. The last train has already gone. The train's leaving. كان سامي يُعتبر مدرّسا رائعا. Sami was considered a great teacher. Sami was a great teacher. በአስመራ ውስጥ ተወለድኩ። I was born in Asmara. Are you one of them? أريدك. I want you. I want you. יינתן פרס לכל אחד שיחזיר את הכסף שהוא איבד. A reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost. A reward is given to everyone who returns the money he's lost. חצאית זאת קנתה מרי אתמול. It was this skirt that Mary bought yesterday. That skirt bought Mary yesterday. תום גנח בקול. Tom groaned loudly. Tom's out loud. شجّع توم باش يدِيرها. Encourage Tom to do it. Encourage Tom to get her hands on it. Madrid hija l-belt kapitali ta' Spanja. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. באטמוספירה של שבתאי מנשבות רוחות שיכולות להגיע למהירות של יותר מ-1,800 קמ"ש. Saturn's atmosphere has winds which can blow at over 1800 kilometers per hour. Butterfly's catapults can reach speeds of more than 1,800 miles an hour. למה הוא כבר לא אוהב אותי? Why doesn't he care about me anymore? Why doesn't he love me anymore? אי אפשר להפריד שפה מתרבות. You can't separate language from culture. You can't separate a culture language. האם נגעתי בעצב חשוף? Did I touch a nerve? Did I touch a exposed nerve? תום נאבק. Tom is fighting. Tom is fighting. אתם ללא חת. You're fearless. You're nothing. תום מציע את ביתו למכירה. Tom is putting his house up for sale. Tom's offering his house for sale. كان تساقط الشّعر في ذلك السّنّ أمرا محزنا بالنّسبة لها. Suffering from hair loss at her age is so sad. The hair loss in that year was sad to her. הוא נהג גרוע. He's a terrible driver. He's a bad driver. אתם רשאים להשתמש בספר בתנאי שתשמרו על נקיונו. You can use the book as long as you keep it clean. You may use a book on condition that you keep clean. למה להשתמש בזה? Why use it? Why use this? זה לא מנומס להשמיע קולות כשאתה אוכל מרק. It's bad manners to make a noise when you eat soup. It's rude to sound when you eat soup. בגלל זה הוא עשה את זה. That's why he did it. That's why he did it. لا يمكنني شرحهُ أكثر. I can't explain it either. I can't explain it anymore. הוא רוחץ את האופניים כל שבוע. He washes the bike every week. He bites his bike every week. هي ف الحمام. She's in the restroom. She's a shower. كانت ليلى ترقص في نوادي التّعرّي و تربح المال. Layla stripped and made money. Lily was dancing in the strip club and making money. הראש כואב לי. My head aches. My head hurts. מוות היא חלק אינהרנטי של חיים. Death is an integral part of life. Death is an inherent part of life. הייתי חולה. I was ill. I was sick. זה חלום? Is this a dream? Is that a dream? أعلم أنّك لا تستحقّ ذلك. I know you don't deserve that. I know you don't deserve it. שקלתי את זה בכובד ראש. I have considered that very carefully. I thought it out of my head. אחרי שהוא גמר את שיעורי הבית, הוא צפה בטלוויזיה. After he had done his homework, he watched TV. After he finished his homework, he watched TV. كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. רד למטה בזה הרגע. Come downstairs right this minute. Get down right now. הוא משקר באותה טבעיות כמו שהוא נושם. He lies as naturally as he breathes. He's lying as naturally as he's breathing. זה חוק אצלי לצחצח לפני השינה. I make it a rule to brush my teeth before I go to bed. It's a law for me to brush before bed. אני שונאת ספורט. I hate sports. I hate sports. حاول فاضل مجدّدا. Fadil tried again. Try it again. ألا تستطيع مساعدتي بأي شيء؟ Can't you do anything to help me? Can't you help me with anything? هل أنت جديد هنا؟ Are you new here? Are you new here? تقع القرية في وادٍ يبلغ اتساعه حوالي نصف ميل. The village lay in a valley about half a mile in breadth. The village is located in a valley about half a mile wide. رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. The teachers welcomed the little boy. עישנתם בעבר, נכון? You used to smoke, didn't you? You've been smoking before, haven't you? على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always gave the best he could to help Mary. فقط تنفس طبيعي. Just breathe normally. Just breathe normal. ما رأيها في سيارتي؟ What does she think about my car? What do you think in my car? האם הרכבת הזאת עוצרת בתחנת קונשאן? Does this train stop at the Kunshan station? Is this train stopping at Conshan Station? אתה צריך להתעורר, תום. Tom, you've got to wake up. You need to wake up, Tom. حين أسمع هذه الأغنية، فإنني أفكر بك، وأفتقدك. When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you. When I hear this song, I think of you, and I miss you. את מכירה את שמי? Do you know my name? Do you know my name? እኔ ከካናዳ ነኝ። I'm from Canada. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? טום הוא בחור סימפתי. Tom is a likeable person. Tom's a simplistic guy. בלילה שעבר חלמתי עליך. I had a dream about you last night. Last night I was dreaming about you. اقترب سامي من ليلى. Sami approached Layla. Sami's close to Lily. מאז שמאריו שיקר לי, אני לא פונה אליו. I haven't spoken to Mario since he lied to me. Since Mario lied to me, I'm not going to him. אני ממליץ על ספר זה אפילו יותר מהראשון. I would recommend this book even more than the first. I recommend this book even more than the first. הסתכלתי. I looked. I've been looking. זאת הייתה אשמתה של החתולה. It was the cat's fault. It was the cat's fault. תום טיפל היטב במרי. Tom took very good care of Mary. Tom took good care of Mary. ممتاز! Excellent! Excellent! إفعلي ما يخبركِ توم به لتفعليه وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do, and everything will be fine. እፎቅላይ ነው። It's upstairs. Would You Welcome a Visit? لم يسبق لسامي و أن قابل مسلما في حياته. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. My mother never met a Muslim in his life. אתה רוצה שאגיד משהו? Would you like me to say something? You want me to say something? كان سامي يريد أن يكون لديه منزله الخاص. Sami wanted to have his own house. Sammy wanted to have his own home. תתלה את המעיל ואת הכובע שלך על המתלה שם. Hang your coat and hat up on the rack over there. Hang your coat and hat on the hanger over there. לחצות את הנהר תוכל להשתמש בסירה או בגשר. To cross the river, you can use a boat or the bridge. Crossing the river you can use the boat or the bridge. היא הייתה די טיפשה לצאת איתו. She was stupid enough to go out with him. She was kind of stupid dating him. ارم العصى وشاهد الكلب يجلبها. Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. Shoot the stick and watch the dog bring it. Is-surmast qal: "Il-gimgħa d-dieħla se tkun vaganza" The headmaster said: "Next week is a holiday'" The Surmat said: "The next week will be holiday." أناديه مايك. I call him Mike. I call him Mike. كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. They were Sami and Lily spending as long as they could together. איזה נער ביש-מזל אנוכי! What an unlucky boy I am! What a selfish lucky boy! آكل تفاحة. I am eating an apple. I'm eating apple. הוא בדיוק עמד לצאת כשהיא טלפנה. We were just about to leave when she telephoned. He was just about to go out when she called. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I hope he will come. I hope he comes. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تساعده في حلّ المشكل. Sami asked Layla to help him out. Sami asked Lily to help him solve the problem. אני האדם היחידי שטום מכיר בעיר הזאת. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. I've worn Lily her whole life. יש לתום היסטוריה של בעיות לב? Did Tom have any history of heart problems? Is there any history of heart problems? בחדר שלי יש רדיו. There's a radio in my room. My room has a radio. איש לא נראה אופטימי במיוחד. No one seemed particularly optimistic. No one seems very optimistic. نحن أصدقاء قدامى. We're old friends. We're old friends. הכלב הזה הומו. This dog is gay. That dog's gay. אפשר לשאול אותך שאלה לא דיסקרטית? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you a question that's not discreet? תום לא ענה. Tom didn't answer. Tom didn't answer. هل صحيح أنك لم تكن هنا البارحة؟ Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Isn't it true that you weren't here yesterday? Ma nafx. I don't know. I do not know. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث إلى توم الآن. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. אף פעם לא הייתי שם, אבל אני חושבת שזה מעבר לרמזור הזה. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's beyond that light. אני לא יכול לחיות בלעדייך. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. أردت قراءتهم. I wanted to read them. I wanted to read them. كان لكل بيت حديقة. Every house had a garden. Every house was a garden. אל תלעג לי! Don't make fun of me! Don't mock me! לך לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go see Tom. لديك فقط 24 ساعة أخرى لتقرّر. You only have 24 hours left to decide. You only have 24 hours to decide. תום עדיין לא שילם את חובו על ההלוואה. Tom hasn't yet paid back the loan. Tom hasn't paid his debt for the loan yet. نحن ندرس العربي You teach Arabic. We're studying the Arabs. إلامَ تنظر؟ What are you looking at? What are you looking at? מה את רוצה לראות בבוסטון? What do you want to see in Boston? What do you want to see in Boston? אני לא מפקפק בכך שהוא מדבר בכנות. I do not doubt that he is sincere. I don't doubt he's being honest. هل لي أن آتي و أقابلك غداً؟ May I come and see you tomorrow? May I come and meet you tomorrow? הכלב שלך נשך אותך אי פעם? Has your dog ever bitten you? Did your dog ever bite you? אנו הולכים לביתי. We're going to my place. We're going to my house. ما مدي ارتفاعها ؟ How high is it? What's her height? هل تعرف كيف تستخدم معجمًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a pastry? הלכנו לנהר. We walked to the river. We went to the river. הסכומים האלה תואמים את שלי. These totals check with mine. These amounts match mine. הכל כאן מכוסה באבק. Everything here is covered in dust. It's all covered in dust. كان فاضل خائفا بالتأكيد. Fadil was definitely afraid. He was definitely scared. هذه القلعة جميلة. That castle is beautiful. This castle is beautiful. عانت ليلى من اكتئاب شديد. Layla suffered from a severe depression. I suffered a night of severe depression. לתום כובע קטיפה ישן שהוא חובש תמיד בגשם. Tom has an old felt hat he always wears in the rain. He's always in the rain. لنناقش هذه المشكلة لاحقاً. Let's discuss that problem later. Let's discuss this problem later. أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. The game was cancelled because of climate change. حينما سقطت القنابل على قاعدتنا البحرية وهدد الطغاة العالم، كانت هي هناك لتكون شاهداً على صعود جيلٍ نحو العلا وعلى ديمقراطية أُنقذت. أجل نستطيع. When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness, and a democracy was saved. Yes, we can. When the bombs fell on our maritime base and threatened the world, it was there to be a witness to rise a generation towards excellence and democracy saved. علي مقابلة توم في بوسطن يوم الإثنين القادم عند 2:30. I'm supposed to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. I have to meet Tom in Boston next Monday at 2:30. ماذا قالوا أيضا؟ What else did they say? What else did they say? واش بغيتيني نجي لليابان باش نشوفك؟ Do you want me to come to Japan to see you? And my Ngji ghetini for Japan with your scoundrel? سيأخذ هذا وقتا طويلا. This will take a lot of time. It's gonna take a long time. سامي ابن خاله. Sami is his cousin. Sami's a free son. تهانينا على وجهك. Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. המזל לא משחק לי. Luck is not on my side. Lucky doesn't play me. שטח האדמה הזה שייך לי. This land is my property. This land belongs to me. L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda, hu? The watch is on the table, isn't it? The clock is on the table, is it? היא המורה שלנו. She's our teacher. She's our teacher. Imissek tieqaf tpejjep. You should stop smoking. You should stop smoking. لن تحضر آن حفلتنا. Anne will not come to our party. You're not going to attend our party. لم يخبرني أحد بوجودكما هنا. Nobody told me you were here. Nobody told me you were here. אני לא יודע אם אני יכול להתמודד עם זה. I don't know if I can cope with it. I don't know if I can handle this. הפרחים נבלו כי לא היו להם מים. The plants withered because they had no water. The flowers were swallowed because they didn't have water. אכלתי פרה שלמה. I have eaten a whole cow. I ate a whole cow. أعطني الملعقة. Give me the spoon. Give me the spoon. نجلس و ننتظر. We sit and wait. We sit and wait. כיבדתי אותך. I respected you. I've respected you. لا يمكنني مساعدتك لأني مشغول. I can't help you because I'm busy. I can't help you because I'm busy. גדלתי סמוך לנהר. I grew up near a river. I grew up near the river. إن كنت مخطئا، فاعترف. إن كنت محقّا، فاصمت. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you're wrong, admit, if you're right, shut up. كيف آكل هذا؟ How should I eat this? How do I eat this? את עלולה לפגוש בתום אם תלכי לספריה. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. You could just meet if you went to the library. אני עסוק במיוחד. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. אולצתי לשקר. I was constrained to tell a lie. I was forced to lie. אנו מצפים להצלחה. We anticipate success. We expect success. ستتغيّر حياة ليلى للأبد. Layla's life will change for ever. You'll change life forever. הם מעניינים. They're interesting. They're interesting. תום החזיק כלב שוטה במעבדה שלו. Tom kept a rabid dog at his laboratory. Tom kept a fool dog in his lab. أنا أدرس الرياضيات. I study mathematics. I'm studying math. حفظ سامي سورة من القرآن الكريم. Sami memorized a surah. Save Sami from the Quran. لالا ماشي انا، نتا! No I'm not; you are! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. באחד הימים בחודש הבא אני מתכנן לנסוע לקיוטו. Some day next month I plan to go to Kyoto. One of these days next month I'm planning on going to Kyoto. إفعل شيئاً, رجاءً. Please do something. Do something, please. כפי שמשתקף מהנתונים, העישון לא פוחת בקרב הנוער. As is evident from the data, smoking is not decreasing among the young. As reflected in the data, smoking doesn't open up in youth. هو يحبّ الطّقوس. He loves rituals. He likes ritual. لا تقلق بشأن الأشياء الغير مهمة. Don't worry about things that aren't important. Don't worry about things that don't matter. תגיד לי מה אני אמור לעשות. Tell me what I must do. Tell me what I'm supposed to do. את צריכה לנסות לא לשכוח מה השעה. You have to try not to forget what time it is. You should try not to forget what time it is. זה נשמע כמוה. That sounds like her. That sounds like her. ماذا يسمى هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's this bird called? سيزور الرئيس الفرنسي اليابان الشهر المقبل. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French President will visit Japan next month. كان سامي مهتمّا بالأمر. Sami was interested. Sami was interested in it. كان بإمكانك أن ترى الدّم في كلّ مكان. You could see blood everywhere. You could have seen the blood everywhere. המצאתי תירוץ להיעדר מהמסיבה. I concocted an excuse for missing the party. I made up an excuse to be absent from the party. لا يذيع المسلمون الموسيقى في المساجد. Muslims don't play music at the mosque. Muslims don't broadcast music in mosques. لم تكن أول مرة. It wasn't the first time. It wasn't the first time. كان سامي يريد أن يغيّر حياته. Sami wanted to change his life. Sami wanted to change his life. כוחו רב הרבה יותר מאשר של אדם רגיל. His strength is much greater than that of an ordinary man. He's a lot more powerful than a normal man. תביא את כספך. Bring your money. Get your money. لا يمكن ان اُرى معك . I can't be seen with you. I can't see you. يعتبرونه بطلاً. They consider him a hero. They see him as a hero. עלינו להתיישב בחזרה. We should sit back down. We have to settle back. בנסיבות העכשוויות, אני לא מתעתד לחזור למולדת. Under present circumstances, I don't intend to return to my country. Under the circumstances, I don't think I'm going back to the country. نهنئ نساء العالم بعيدهن العالمي! Happy International Women's Day! We congratulate the women of the world from their world! זה נפלא! That's great! That's great! كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher was ignoring me. תום ממש מחונן. Tom is really gifted. Tom's really nervous. כשהגעתי לפסגה, הייתי תשוש לגמרי. When I reached the summit, I was thoroughly worn out. When I got to the top, I was completely exhausted. لقد وجدت اجنحة الفندق واسع ، الأرائك مريحة ، الشطائر وفيرة. I found the suites capacious, the sofas commodious, the sandwiches copious. I've found the hotel wings wide, the hips are comfortable, the sandwiches are thin. تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. The temperature in the summer ranges from 30 to 40 degrees. כמה שהיא נאה! How pretty she is! How handsome she is! تطلّب الأمر حملة تلفزيونية وطنية لتعقّب فاضل و إلقاء القبض عليه. It took a national TV campaign to finally track Fadil down. A national television campaign is required to track down and arrest a crowd. זה נשמע כמוהו. That sounded like him. That sounds like him. لم يكن سامي راغبا في مواجهة فريد وجها لوجه. Sami didn't want to have a face-to-face confrontation with Farid. Sami was not willing to face a unique face-to-face. איך את יודעת לגבי תום? How do you know about Tom? How do you know about Tom? من فاز؟ Who won? Who's a winner? תום סמך על מרי. Tom trusted Mary. Tom relied on Mary. הוא צריך מגבת. He needs a towel. He needs a towel. أنا مدرس. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. يبحث علماء مركز "سيتي" عن حياة ذكيّة في الفضاء لأنّهم لم يعثروا عليها في كوكب الأرض! The people at SETI are looking for intelligent life in the universe because they haven't found it here on Earth! Citi Center scientists are looking for a smart life in space because they didn't find it in the planet Earth! האקדח תקוּל. The gun is jammed. The gun's fine. קפוץ פנימה והבא איתך את חבריך! Drop by and bring all your friends! Jump in and bring your friends with you! كيف تجرؤ على قول شيء كهذا لي؟ How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say something like that to me? תום לקח את מרי לתחנה. Tom drove Mary to the station. Tom took Mary to the station. הירח כבר זורח. The moon is already out. The moon is already shining. אין שם שום דבר. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. يعطيك الصّحة. Thank you! He gives you power. توم مبيعرفش يلعب تنس. Tom can't play tennis. Tom Mbemarsh is playing tennis. أعدّ سامي قهوى. Sami made coffee. I'm preparing a buffalo. תום היה טיפש. Tom was stupid. Tom was stupid. لا يوجد آثار حياة فوق سطح كوكب المريخ. There is no sign of life on Mars. There are no effects of life on Mars' surface. أنتم طلبة جدد. You are new students. You're a new student. جاء ليطلب مساعدتنا. He came to ask us for our help. He came to ask for our help. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل أكثر من هذا. I cannot bear it any longer. I can't afford more than that. ربما يكون قد مات. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. تناول سامي أقراص النّوم. Sami took sleeping pills. Have Sammy sleeping pills. תום רשלני. Tom is negligent. Tom's screeching. האמת היא שאני לא אוהב אותך. The truth is I don't like you. Actually, I don't like you. كانا فاضل و دانية يتخاصمان بصوت عال. Fadil and Dania were arguing loudly. They were heavy and religious, with a loud voice. لدينا أخبار جيدة. We have good news. We have good news. היקום תעלומה. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. הוא לימד במשך עשרים שנה. He has been teaching for 20 years. He's been taught for 20 years. منذ أن كذب عليّ ماريو، لم أعد أكلمه. Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore. Ever since Mario lied to me, I haven't spoken anymore. התלמידים היו ברובם מהחוף המערבי. The students were for the most part from the West Coast. The students were mostly off the west coast. כשקרתה רעידת האדמה הגדולה הייתי רק בן עשר. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. ذوق زوجتي في الفساتين يختلف عن ذوقي. My wife's taste in dress is contrary to my own. My wife's taste in dresses is different from mine. شفتو؟ Did you see it? Expedited? توم ما ولّاش للبيرو تاعو مور الغْدا. Tom didn't go back to his office after lunch. Tom didn't want Peru to call Moore tomorrow. אני תופס יוזמה ומטה את הרגע לטובתי. I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage. I'm picking up an initiative and putting it down for my own good. הוא הקדיש את חייו לרפואה. He dedicated his life to medical work. He dedicated his life to medicine. راهي تمشط للعود. She brushes the horse. Get back. في بعض الواح الكومبيوتر ، القابليات او الاعدادات كانت تحدد باستخدام مفتاح غلق و فتح يركب على اللوح ; في يومنا هذا ،هذه الاعدادات يتم عملها في البرمجة. On some computer boards, the capabilities or configuration was set using a dip switch mounted on the board; today these settings are done in software In some computer screens, robots or printers were determined to use a lock key and open a board; in our day, these numbers are being programmed. كان سامي عائدا إلى منزله على متن درّاجته. Sami was riding home. Sami was coming home on his bike. כמה מכוניות יש לך? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? כעת הזמן לעבוד יחד. Now is the time when we must work together. Now it's time to work together. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع لبيت. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao stood up for the daughter-in-law. מאיפה בא הכסף הזה? Where is this money coming from? Where did that money come from? ከመይ ሓዲርኩም። Good morning! How Would You Answer? حاول توم ألا ينظر إلى ماري. Tom tried not to look at Mary. Tom tried not to look at Mary. بعثت برسالة بدلاً من الذهاب بنفسي. Instead of going myself, I sent a letter. I sent a message instead of going myself. لم تملك أي مال، لذا لم تستطع الذهاب معي. She didn't have any money, so she couldn't go with me. You didn't have any money, so you couldn't go with me. זה לא נשמע כמוה. It doesn't sound like her. That doesn't sound like her. سامي مدين جدّا. Sami is so thankful. Sami owes so much. إن ذلك مهم بالنسبة لي. For me, it's important. That's important to me. ما قاله فاضل للشّرطة كان مثيرا للإهتمام. What Fadil told the police was intriguing. What the police said was interesting. שלושה רבעים משטח כדור הארץ מכוסים במים. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water. Three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered in water. בלי חשש לכאב אין אושר ואין שמחה. Without the risk of pain, there can be no happiness and joy. Without fear of pain there is no happiness and no joy. ما نعرفوش جيرانّا. We don't know our neighbors. What we know is our neighbours. هذا كتاب. This is a book. That's a book. أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان. Police sent a dog in. The police sent a dog inside that place. لم لا تقول له ذلك؟ Why don't you tell him that? Why don't you tell him that? זה המקום המושלם למארב. This is the perfect place for an ambush. This is the perfect place to ambush. הידד, איזו גישה מקורית. Gee, what a novel approach. Hooray, what an original attitude. سأقاضيك. I'll sue you. I'll sue you. أوافقه الرأي. I agree with his opinion. I agree. نجا توم. Tom has survived. Naja Tom. استمر في التعلم وستصبح متقنًا للغات متعددة. Keep learning and become a polyglot. Keep learning, and you're gonna be multilingual. من المستحيل العيش بدون ماء. It is impossible to live without water. It's impossible to live without water. הבה נרננה. Let's sing. Let's go. لا يمكننا الانتظار أكثر. We can't wait much longer. We can't wait anymore. اشتريت كمبيوتر جديد الشهر الفائت. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. تحدث ايفرت لقرابة الساعتين. Everett spoke for almost two hours. Ewart spoke for almost two hours. طلبت مني أن أوقظها عند السادسة. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her up at 6:00. هو يجري He runs. It's going on. ما أن سمعت الجرس حتى ردت على الهاتف. As soon as she heard the bell ring, she answered the telephone. Since I heard the bell until she answered the phone. اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. He has worked in France his whole life. I've been working in France for the rest of my life. לו תום היה פה, בטוח שזה היה משנה. If Tom had been here, it definitely would've made a difference. If Tom were here, sure it would matter. ساد الصمت في الغابة. Silence reigned in the forest. Shut up in the woods. نريد التّمسّك بنمط حياتنا القديم. We want to hold on to our ancient way of life. We want to touch the pattern of our old lives. لا تقل لي أنّك غيور لأنّه لا أحد سيصدّق ذلك. Don't tell me that you're jealous because no one would believe it. Don't tell me you're jealous because nobody's gonna believe that. كشف سامي أمر ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sami revealed a night's order on the Utopian. תום ישן במכונית. Tom slept in the car. Tom's sleeping in the car. לפני שתצא, תסגור את הדלתות. Before you go out, close the doors. Before you get out, close the doors. فتح فاضل المنزل بهدوء و دخل على أطراف أصابعه. Fadil quietly opened the backdoor and tiptoed into the house. Open the inside of the house quietly and get into the sides of its fingers. اعطني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! הוא חורק בשיניו ובולם את פחדו הגואה. He grits his teeth and forces back his growing fear. He's suffocating his teeth and even his prideful fear. אני לא יכולה להתרגל לדירה החדשה שלי. I can't get used to my new apartment. I can't get used to my new apartment. איש לא יודע. No one knows. No one knows. בָּרוּךְ שֶׁלֹּא עָשַׂנִי אִשָּׁה. Blessed for not making me a woman. Except for a woman. أنا لا أريد أن يكون هناك أي سوء فهم. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. I don't want any misunderstanding. نصحته ألا يضع الكثير من السكر. She advised him not to use too much sugar. I advised him not to put too much sugar. אני לא יכול באמת לסמוך על טושיבה. I can't really trust Toshiba. I can't really trust Tossa. كان آرت عنصريّا. Aart was racist. Art was racist. אני יוצאת מחר לטורקיה. I'm off to Turkey tomorrow. I'm going out to Turkey tomorrow. هل تعلم ما يعمله توم لكسب لقمة العيش؟ Do you know what Tom does for a living? Do you know what Tom's doing to win the living top? ومنذ ذلك الوقت عاشوا جميعا بسعادة. And they all lived happily ever after. Since then, they have all lived happily. הם חופשיים. They're free. They're free. רופא השיניים יקבל אותך רק לאחר קביעת תור. The dentist will see you only by appointment. The dentist will only get you after an appointment. טובה היא בחינם. A favor costs nothing. Good is free. أيمكنني أخذ صورة؟ May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? سامحني أرجوك. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. הוא חייב לעבוד קשה. He must work hard. He's got to work hard. دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. כולם צפו בתום בזהירות. Everyone watched Tom carefully. Everyone's been watching carefully. היום היה אחרת. Today was different. Today was different. تحقق حولها. Check around. Check around. هم الذين يطلق عليهم ضحايا الحرب. They are the so-called victims of war. They're the ones called war victims. وقع سامي تحت سحر ليلى. Sami succumbed to Layla's charm. Sami fell under the magic of Lily. אל תזוז! Don't move. Don't move! הוא עיתונאי פרילאנס. He's a freelance journalist. He's a journalist. איני יכול לאשר או להכחיש את זה. I can neither confirm nor deny this. I can't confirm or deny it. תום ומרי מדברים עם ילדיהם רק צרפתית. Tom and Mary speak only French with their children. Tom and Mary speak to their children only French. لا ينكسر البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not break easily. Plastics don't break easily. من خلق الشمس؟ Who made the sun? Who created the sun? תום חשב שאולי אתעניין. Tom thought I might be interested. Tom thought I might be interested. תום שבר לי את האף. Tom broke my nose. Tom broke my nose. لقد أيقظتُك. I woke you up. I woke you up. هم لم يلتزموا باللوائح المدرسية They did not abide by the school regulations. They didn't stick to school regulations. אני רוצה שבני יהיה מהנדס מכונות. I want my son to become a mechanical engineer. I want my son to be a machine engineer. عمل سامي في مطعم أبيه و هو يقشّر البطاطا لساعات طويلة. Sami worked at his father's restaurant, peeling potatoes for hours on end. Sami worked at his father's restaurant and he's been peeling potatoes for hours. M'iniex bħal tfajliet oħrajn. I'm not like the other girls. I am not like other girls. הנוצרים מאמינים בישו המשיח. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. أنت تجعلني سعيدا/أنت تسعدني You make me happy. You make me happy. You please. לא מעט אמריקנים אוהבים סושי. Quite a few Americans like sushi. Not a few Americans like sushi. ما لونه؟ What color is it? What's his name? ردّ توم على الإتصال. Tom answered the phone. Tom responded to the call. שאנקה את החדר? Shall I clean the room? Shall I clean the room? أيوه، هادا وش رانا رايحين نديرو. OK, this is what we are going to do. Oh, calm down and Rena's two Nedros. لا تُخبِر أحداً. Don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone. سأحضر بعض النظارات . I'll get some glasses. I'll get some glasses. אני מסרב לפנות אליך! I refuse to talk to you! I refuse to address you! לבני ימלאו היום ארבע שנים. Today my son turns four years old. My son will be filling up for four years today. اجزوا الآن. Book now. Get out now. لا يوجد إقبال كافٍ على هذه البضاعة. There is not enough demand for this product. There's no getting enough on these goods. אמרתי לו שיבוא. I told him to come. I told him to come. هذا قلم. This is a pen. That's a pen. الدّار تاع توم تبنات في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. The bull's got some adoptions in 2013. Saħħa. Goodbye! Health. יש לו זכרון טבעי טוב. He has a naturally good memory. He's got a good natural memory. أنت عار. You're not dressed. You're a shame. תום ומרי רבו ריב נוראי. Tom and Mary had a horrible fight. Tom and Mary had a terrible fight. היי, אתה! אסור לרוץ ליד הבריכה! Hey, you! No running by the pool! Hey, you, you can't run by the pool! مفاصلي بتوجعني. My joints ache. I'm confused by the need of me. תום מעולם לא הצליח לשמור על סוד מפני מרי. Tom never could hide a secret from Mary. Tom's never been able to keep a secret from Mary. מה בכלל יכול לקרות? What could possibly happen? What can happen at all? أنا جائع. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. هل حدث أي شيء؟ Has something happened? Did anything happen? לא ראיתי את פול זה זמן רב. פעם אחרונה שראיתי אותו היתה לפני ארבעה חודשים. I haven't seen Paul for a long time. The last time I saw him was four months ago. Last time I saw him was four months ago. شرب قرصين من الأسبرين كي يتخلص من زكامه. He took two tablets of aspirin to get rid of his cold. He drank two discs of aspirin to get rid of his buffalo. خرج سامي. Sami went outside. Sami's out. إن لم تُنهِ حساءَك، فلن تُشاهِد التِّفاز اللّيلة. If you don't finish your soup, there will be no TV tonight. If you don't finish your soup, you won't testify to pride tonight. תודה שקפצת לכאן. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for stopping by. חבר אמתי ניכר בשעת צרה. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A true friend is known at a time of trouble. תום היה נתעב. Tom was obnoxious. Tom was hated. أمّ سامي مسيحيّة جيّدة. Sami's mom is a good Christian. Sammy's a good Christian mother. الكتاب هِنا The book is here. The book's here. רק תסתלק. Just go away. Just get out. אתה משקר? Are you lying? Are you lying? אני לא יודעת מה תעשי. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. بدأ سامي ينسى الأمر. Sami started forgetting about it. Sammy's starting to forget about it. تكات ساعتي المنبهة عالية جداً. My alarm clock's ticking is too loud. My watch's too high. أشاهد التلفاز. I am watching television. Watch TV. האם זה לא שלהם? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? זה חשוב לקרוא ספרים. It's important to read books. It's important to read books. תוכל אולי להתחיל באמירת האמת. You might want to start telling the truth. You can maybe start by telling the truth. زرت أمريكا. I have visited America. I visited America. עדיף שתשאל את תום קודם. You'd better ask Tom first. You better ask Tom first. קחי כמה שתרצי. Take as many as you want. Take as much as you want. מרי הופיעה בתכנית הטלוויזיה "אמא עֶשְׂרֵה". Mary appeared on the TV show 'Teen Mom'. Mary showed up on "Mom Abra" TV. ستكون مشغولاً غداً، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You're gonna be busy tomorrow, aren't you? מה תום עשה לעזור למרי? What did Tom do to help Mary? What did Tom do to help Mary? Il-kelma biex tidħol hija qasira. The password is short. The word to enter is short. سيغضب توم كثيرًا إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll be very angry. Tom would be so angry if he knew I told you that. אני מטיל ספק אם תום הוא זה ששבר את החלון. I doubt seriously that it was Tom who broke the window. I doubt Tom's the one who broke the window. ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? لا أعلم ما تخطط له، لكني سأمنعك بالقيام به. I don't know what you're planning to do, but I won't let you do it. I don't know what you're up to, but I'm gonna stop you from doing it. اطرد من شغله. He lost his job. Get rid of his job. אם תחלה לך לרופא. If you get sick, go to the doctor. If you get sick to a doctor. זה היה רעיון טפשי. It was a stupid idea. That was a stupid idea. לא אוהבת חזיר. I don't like pork. I don't like pig. אתה רשאי לנשק עכשיו את הכלה. You may now kiss the bride. You may now kiss the bride. עכשיו אני פנוי. I'm available now. Now I'm free. هل وصلتني أي رسائل؟ Have any letters arrived for me? Did I get any messages? أحب الرقص. I love to dance. I like to dance. لوكان غير جِيت مسرّح في ڤاع اللغات. If only I was fluent in all the languages. If he didn't get a stage in the languages. נפגשנו שנית לגמרי באקראי. We met each other again completely by accident. We met completely randomly again. Għandi żewġ qtates. I have two cats. I have two cats. יופי! Fine! Good! فاضيل عربي Fadil is Arab. A Pharaoh's Arabs. توم لا يحب سلوك ميري. Tom doesn't like Mary's attitude. Tom doesn't like Mary's behavior. שכחתי את השם. I've forgotten the name. I forgot the name. كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strange. He was acting weird. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? دعى سامي ليلى لقضاء اللّيل معه. Sami invited Layla to spend the night with him. Calling Sami Lily to spend the night with him. أكيد أنّي أحبّها. Of course I love her. I sure do love her. لا تنس أبدا إقفال الباب. Never forget to lock the door. Don't ever forget to lock the door. אני בהריון. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. إنه آخر من أطلب منه المساعدة فهو شخص لا يعتمد عليه. He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable. He's the last one I'm asking for help. He's someone he's not dependent on. הכלב היה במצב גסיסה. The dog was dying. The dog was in a dying state. ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Can you listen to me in a German way? እንጃ። I don't know. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. يلعب التلفاز دوراً هاماً في الحياة اليومية. TV plays an important part in everyday life. Television plays an important role in everyday life. لم يأتي أحد. Nobody came. No one's coming. אנשים מסויימים אוהבים ספורט ואחרים לא. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports and others don't. أنت تستحقّ هذا المديح. You deserve those compliments. You deserve this praise. أين ساعتي؟ Where's my watch? Where's my watch? سينيد أوكونور أدت الشهادتين. Sinéad O'Connor made the shahada. Sine O'Connor gave the testimony. لم أقول شيئا؟ Why would I say anything? I didn't say anything? وجد سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami found the girl. Sammy found that girl. הזעתי. I was sweating. I moved. עונש המוות בוטל בשנה שעברה. The death penalty was done away with last year. The death penalty was abolished last year. מחר כבר נדע מי זכה בבחירות. By tomorrow, we'll know who won the elections. Tomorrow we'll know who won the election. نحتاج للمزيد من السكر. We need more sugar. We need more sugar. אני מאד לא בטוח בעצמי. I'm very insecure. I'm very not sure myself. كان سامي يغسل الأواني. Sami was washing dishes. Sami was washing my eye. הוא נפגע. He was hurt. He's hurt. החברה בונה בית חרושת בסין. This company is building a factory in China. The company is building a factory in China. ربّما ينبغي أن ننسى الأمر. Maybe we should forget it. Maybe we should forget it. شُخّص اكتئاب حادّ عند سامي. Sami was diagnosed with acute depression. Acute depression at Sammy's. كان سامي يعيش حياة سعيدة في القاهرة. Sami had a happy life in Cairo. Sammy used to live a happy life in Cairo. היא העריצה אותו. She admired him. She admired him. הלכתי לישון מאוחר מאוד. I went to bed very late. I went to bed very late. ما ميعاد إقلاع طائرتك؟ What time does your plane leave? How long does your plane take off? כתוב את התשובה שלך בשדה הכחול הבא. Write your answer into the following blue field. Write your answer in the next blue field. מצאתי את זה לבד, לא תודות לך! I've found it myself, no thanks to you! I found it alone, not thanks to you! אמא שלך תחזור על זה כמה פעמים שאת רוצה. Your mother will repeat it to you as many times as necessary. Your mom will repeat it as many times as you want. ראש העיר הביע את תנחומיו. The mayor gave me his condolences. The mayor expressed his condolences. אני חושב שבדיוק שמעתי מישהו. I think I just heard someone. I think I just heard someone. תחזיק מילון טוב בהישג יד. Keep a good dictionary at hand. Hold a good dictionary with your hand. البارحة كان برداً. It was cold yesterday. Yesterday was cold. החדשות גרמו לה צער רב. The news upset her terribly. The news made her very sad. תשיגו עבודה. Get a job. Get a job. سيتقاعد أبي في سن الستين. My father will retire at the age of sixty. Dad's going to retire at the age of 60. وصلت البارحة. I arrived here last night. It's yesterday. זאת פארסה. That's a farce. It's Parsa. هل تبحث عن أحد؟ Are you looking for someone? Are you looking for someone? ما الذي حصل له؟ What happened to him? What happened to him? مزّق سامي الرّسالة. Sami tore the letter into pieces. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. יש הרבה מינים בסיכון. There are many endangered species. There's a lot of species at risk. هادا لقط تاعي. That's my cat. Easy for a blind cat. معظم الوقت بيلعب في الجنينه He often plays in the garden. Most of the time I play in the penis. הוא עשה את זה לשם ההנאה. He did it for fun. He did it for pleasure. אני יודע שאתה כועס עלי. I know you're angry with me. I know you're mad at me. أخبر منّاد ليلى أنّه كان يقطن في منزل. Mennad told Layla he lived in a house. Tell Lily he was living in a house. המזוודות שלי לא הגיעו. מה קרה? My luggage didn't arrive. What happened? My suitcases didn't come. אגנס הביטה בסירות החומות. Agnès looked at the brown boats. Aangens looked at the brown boats. זה היה מסווג. It was confidential. It was classified. היגשת כבר את שיעורי הבית? Have you handed in your homework? Have you done your homework yet? مْشينا وحْد الثْلاث ساعات. We walked about three hours. We walked only three hours. صلّى سامي. Sami prayed. Call Sami. הוא נרדם בקוראו ספר. He fell asleep while reading a book. He fell asleep in a book reader. بدأ سامي عامه الجامعي في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sami started his university year in September. אני רוצה שתקשיב לי היטב. I want you to listen to me very carefully. I want you to listen to me very carefully. ليس فقط انت بل انا ايضا كنت المعني As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved. Not only are you, but I was concerned, too. איזה סוג שירים פופולריים בימינו? What kind of songs are popular these days? What kind of popular songs these days? كان سامي يملك كلّ شيء يحتاجه في حياته. Sami had everything in life. Sami had everything he needed in his life. כמה אנו צריכים לשלם? How much do we have to pay? How much do we have to pay? החיות לא היו שקטות. The animals were restless. The animals weren't quiet. יש במלון חנות צילום? Is there a photo shop in the hotel? Is there a photo store at the hotel? سمح ليا Excuse me. Excuse me. سامي مسلم منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami has been Muslim for six years. Sami's been a Muslim for six years. אבי יבשל לי מחר בבוקר ארוחה טעימה. My father will cook me a delicious meal tomorrow morning. My father will cook me tomorrow morning a delicious meal. תום אינו הברנש היחידי פה. Tom isn't the only guy here. Tom's not the only guy here. אבי רוחץ את המכונית מאז הבוקר. My father has been washing his car since this morning. My dad's been washing the car since morning. هو يدرس الفزياء. He is doing physics. He's studying physics. הורדתי את תום ליד הבית של החבר שלו. I dropped Tom off at his friend's house. I took Tom down by his boyfriend's house. הטמפרטורה רק עשר מעלות, והוא הולך בחוץ בחולצת טי. נעשה לי קר רק מלהסתכל עליו. It's just ten degrees, and he is walking around outside in a T-shirt. I get cold from just looking at him. The temperature is only ten degrees, and he's going out in a T-shirt. حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. True, Sami's in the past. ቋንቋ ሁሉ እወዳለሁ I like all languages. Would You Welcome a Visit? هم في نفس السن. They are the same age. They're the same age. لقد انتهت حياة سامي. Sami's life is over. Sammy's life is over. أتعلم ماذا؟ انس الأمر! سأقوم به بنفسي. You know what? Forget it! I'll just do it myself. Forget it, I'll do it myself. هي تحب الطيور و الأزهار. She is keen on birds and flowers. She likes birds and flowers. הוא נותר קר רוח אל נוכח הסכנה. He remained calm even in the presence of danger. He's still cold at risk. תום נלחם באומץ. Tom fought bravely. Tom fought bravely. החדר שלך מלוכלך. Your room is dirty. Your room is dirty. كان فاضل ينتظر ليلى كي تدخل. Fadil was waiting for Layla to come in. He was still waiting for Lily to come in. التفاح فاكهة لذيذة. An apple is a tasty fruit. The apple is delicious. هيا ادخل Come on in. Come on in. أرفض أن أنادى بغير "صاحب السمو". I refuse to be called anything besides "Your Highness". I refuse to invite anyone other than His Highness. صَحِح الأخطاء, إذا كان هناك أي منها. Correct the errors, if there are any. Make mistakes, if there's any of them. אמרת שאני יכולה לראות את תום. You said I could see Tom. You said I could see Tom. שכחת לסרק את השיער, טום. You forgot to comb your hair, Tom. You forgot to scan your hair, Tom. ተማሪዎቹን ታያለሽ። You'll see the students. Close the history window الرجاء ابلاغي عن أي تغيير في حالته. Please inform me of any change in his condition. Please report any change in his condition. סרטי פורנו מוקרנים באולמות ישנים בחלק המפוקפק של העיר. Skinflicks usually play in old theaters in a sleazy part of town. Porno movies are happening in old halls in the vast part of the city. תום בלי צל של ספק שולט בחברה הזאת. Tom definitely has control of this company. Tom without a shadow of doubt controls this company. جڨاب لي ربّي حاجا ماشي كيف كيف كيما تخمّمّلها بعد ما تعطيها لوقت. I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. My Lord has told me how to store it after you give it to her for a while. רימו אותך. You've been deceived. You're being bullied. يبدو توم في حيرة. Tom looks baffled. Tom looks confused. סגור את החלון. Shut the window. Close the window. אי אפשר לרצות ילדים מפונקים. There is no satisfying spoiled children. You can't want spoiled kids. תום החביא משהו מאחורי גבו. Tom was hiding something behind his back. Tom hid something behind his back. אני חושבת שאנו חייבים לתום התנצלות. I think we owe Tom an apology. I think we have to end an apology. אתה יודע איפה נמצא מגדל טוקיו? Do you know where Tokyo Tower is? Do you know where the Tokyo Tower is? אינני חושב שמישהו אי פעם עשה את זה בעבר. I don't think anyone has ever done this before. I don't think anyone's ever done this before. عاد توم إلى المنزل بعد منتصف الليل. Tom came home after midnight. Tom came home in the middle of the night. ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي. First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website. If that's the case, Rani Ra's ran a chameleon that touched Yed Daly's Internet. אני מייצגת את הארגון הזה. I'm the spokesperson for this organization. I represent this organization. سنتزوّج يوما ما. One day we shall be married. We'll get married someday. كانت ليلى تسرق المصارف. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was stealing banks. لا أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. תני לי לראות. Let me see. Let me see. תום אף פעם לא סיפר עם מי הוא היה אמש. Tom never said who he was with last night. Tom never told who he was last night. זה לא שהוא ממש מוצא חן בעיניי. הוא רק נראה לי מושך בצורה יוצאת דופן. It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive. It's not like he really likes me. كان سامي يريد أن تهتمّ به الفتيات. Sami wanted girls to pay attention to him. Sami wanted to take care of the girls. أُحب تجربة أشياء جديدة. I love trying new things. I like trying new things. נטפליקס נגישה עכשיו באירופה. Netflix is now available in Europe. Ntuffelix is now in Europe. תום לא זיהה איש בתצלום. Tom didn't recognize anyone in the photo. Tom didn't recognize anyone in the photo. היה לי יום גרוע. I had an awful day. I've had a bad day. בוא שוב. Come again. Come again. את לומדת כימיה? Are you studying chemistry? Are you studying chemistry? תתמודד אתם. Deal with them. Deal with you. הם עצומים. They're great. They're huge. بات الأمر واضحا الآن. Well, it's obvious now. It's now clear. מתי תבואי הביתה? When will you come home? When will you come home? שילמתי עבור הרכש במזומן. I paid for my purchases in cash. I paid for the purchase in cash. יום הולדתי נופל השנה על יום ראשון. My birthday falls on a Sunday this year. My birthday falls on Sunday. תהיה ממונה על הנערות העובדות במפעל הזה. You'll be in charge of the girls working in this factory. You'll be in charge of the fact-making girls in this factory. أنا في المطار الآن. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. ביליתי כל היום על החוף. I spent the entire day on the beach. I spent all day on the beach. שני ויסקי גדולים בבקשה. Two large whiskies, please. Two big bourbons please. توقفت الساعة عن العمل. The clock stopped. The hour stopped. אני אוהב את הים החמים סביב אוקינאווה. I like the warm sea around Okinawa. I like the hot sea around Okinawa. אתה חייב לנהוג על פי הכללים. You must act in accordance with the rules. You have to drive by the rules. قال المعلم ان الارض كروية. The teacher said that the earth is round. The teacher said that the land is Croatian. אני מעריכה את שיתוף הפעולה מצדך. I appreciate your cooperation. I appreciate your cooperation. הורים אוהבים את ילדיהם. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. הייתי מנומס. I was being polite. I was polite. היה כה חם שהתחשק לה גלידה. It was so hot that she felt like eating ice cream. It was so hot she felt like ice cream. באהבה לא רואים מגרעות. Love sees no faults. Love doesn't see throats. غطست في المسبح. She dived into the swimming pool. I covered in the pool. كتبنا أنا وتوم عدة كتب معا. Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I wrote several books together. הוא רגיל לשאול הרבה שאלות. He tends to ask a lot of questions. He's used to asking a lot of questions. هو لا يعرف ما معنى الخوف. He knows no fear. He doesn't know what it means to fear. علينا أن نخلي العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to leave the clinic. من الأفضل أن لا تُكثر من الأكل. You had better not eat too much. You better not eat. افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. The hospital had a grand opening last month. The hospital was opened last month. لماذا يحدث هذا دائماً لي؟ Why does this always happen to me? Why is this always happening to me? تنهد ديما وقال: "فهمت، آسف على اللخبطة إذن. استمتع بالفانتا. ويومًا سعيدًا". "I see," Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day." Dima's saying, "I understand, I'm sorry for the bitch, so have a good day, and have a good day." ماري اقنعت توم بالذهاب معها الي بوسطن Mary convinced Tom to go to Boston with her. Mary convinced Tom to go with her to Boston. מי שיפרו את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Whoever broke the rules will be punished. אני נורא עייף. I'm awfully tired. I'm so tired. טום הבטיח למרי שהוא יהיה כאן עד שתיים וחצי. Tom promised Mary he'd be here by 2:30. Tom promised Mary he'd be here by two and a half. אל תתקרבי לזה! Don't go near that. Don't come near this! እናትህን ትወዳታለህ፧ Do you love your mother? What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? זה לא מוטל בספק. There is no doubt whatever about that. That's not a question. ركب توم السيارة. Tom drove the car. Tom's in the car. يجب عليك الالتزام بالعواقب. You should abide by the consequences. You must adhere to the consequences. אתה ממש מרגיז. You're really annoying. You're really upset. כל כמה זמן את מתקלחת? How often do you take a shower? How long have you been showering? ما غرضك في زيارة هذا البلد؟ What's your purpose in visiting this country? What's your purpose in visiting this country? عَنْدِي أَصْدِقَاء كُثُرْ I have many friends. I've got to stick around. ג'אק עסוק בבישול בשבילנו. Jack is busy cooking for us. Jack's busy cooking for us. تحدثتُ مع توم حول مشاعري. I talked to Tom about my feelings. I talked to Tom about my feelings. إنها مُغَنية. She is a singer. She's interested. عاد سامي للعيش في المكان الذي كان يعيش فيه سابقا. Sami moved back. Sami came back to live where he used to live. مهمتي هي الإهتمام بالطفل. Taking care of the baby is my job. My mission is to care for the child. وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. هرب القط. The cat ran away. The cat ran away. תום נרדם. Tom dozed off. Tom fell asleep. أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what he told you. הפופולריות של אתרי אינטרנט תלויה בתכנים שלהם. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of Internet sites depends on their programs. كان مكيّف الهواء يشتغل. The air conditioner was on. The air conditioner was running. خطأ. Wrong. Wrong. את חושבת שתום אינו אדיב? Do you think Tom is unkind? You think Tom's not kind? كُشِفت حديثًا حقائق جديدة فيما يتعلق بالصين القديمة. New facts about ancient China have recently come to light. New facts were recently discovered with regard to old China. משהו חסר. There's something missing. Something's missing. إلى اللقاء. See you again. Bye-bye. יש לי ראיה נורמלית. I have a normal eyesight. I have normal evidence. כשאני מבקר את הנכד שלי, אני תמיד נותן לו משהו. When I go to see my grandson, I always give him something. When I visit my grandson, I always give him something. لقد أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. He loved me the teacher. من هو هذا العجوز؟ Who is that old man? Who's this old man? נראה שתום בסכנה. Tom seems to be dangerous. Looks like Tom's in danger. יש כוכבים רבים גדולים יותר מהשמש שלנו. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. أنا مدينٌ بنجاحي لهم لمساعدتهم لي. I owe my success to their help. I owe them my success to help them. ليلى مدرّسة في روضة. Layla is a kindergarten teacher. Lily's a teacher at a nursery. التزكرة لشخصين. The ticket admits two persons. Scratching for two people. דברים שאינך יודע עלולים לפגוע בך. What you don't know can hurt you. Things you don't know could hurt you. מעודי לא יריתי ברובה. I've never even shot a gun. I didn't shoot a gun. انتظرَت الحافلة. She waited for the bus. I waited for the bus. אני צריך לפנות אתכם מפה. I need to get you out of here. I need to get you out of here. حاول سامي أن يبني حياة مثاليّة لنفسه و لأسرته. Sami tried to make a picture perfect-life for himself and his family. Sami tried to build a perfect life for himself and his family. علّم يامي ليلى السّباحة. Sami taught Layla how to swim. My mom taught me the swim. אני מרגיש נפלא. I feel wonderful. I feel wonderful. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث عن طفلي. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. ماذا يفعل الآن توم؟ What's Tom doing now? What's Tom doing now? ما أن رن الجرس حتى دخلت المعلمة إلى الصف. As soon as the bell rang the teacher came into the classroom. Once the bell rang, the teacher went into the class. أود أن أطلب منك معروفا. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. محمّد جلّاوِي هو رئيس الأكاديميّة الجزائريّة للّغة الأمازيغيّة. Mohamed Djellaoui is the head of the Algerian Academy of the Berber Language. Mohamed Galloway is the head of the Algerian Academy of Amazian Language. من الصعب أن تكون والداً. It's hard being a parent. It's hard to be a father. ما أذنت لك أن تمس الفن You are not permitted to touch the art. What I allowed you to touch the art. كيف تعلمون ذلك يا رفاق؟ How do you guys know? How do you guys know that? את בכלל לא דומה לו. You're not anything like him. You don't look like him at all. אני לא עושה זאת עבור הכסף. I'm not doing this for the money. I'm not doing this for the money. وُلد سامي في مصر. Sami was born in Egypt. Sami was born in Egypt. سامي يملك الكثير من المال. Sami has plenty of money. Sammy owns a lot of money. لدى بيل الكثير من الأصحاب. Bill has a lot of friends. Bill's got a lot of friends. לטום יש כסף, אבל הוא לא כל כך מאושר. Tom has money. However, he's not all that happy. Tom has money, but he's not so happy. ضحّى سامي بليلى كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw Layla under the bus to save himself. Sami sacrificed night to get himself out of trouble. הרחובות מוצפים. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. טום, אני עומד לבקש ממך להקריא לי את המכתב. Tom, I'm going to ask that you read me the letter. Tom, I'm about to ask you to read my letter. أنا متعب. I'm tired. I'm tired. نحن لن نعمل معهم أبدا. We'll never work for them. We'll never work with them. ماذا عنك؟ Fine. And you? What about you? اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا. Sami's dog smelt something. Sami dog smelled something. توني ولد مهذب. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a true boy. אני יודע שאתה ידיד של משפחת תום. I know you're a friend of Tom's family. I know you're a friend of the Tom family. اومبعد، رحت، وشنو مرڨت بلّي نسيت ساكادۆ ديالي ف دارهوم. After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house. Um away, I ran out of money, and I forgot about Sacad's "Dialie" in Darham. לא יכולתי לשמוע את תום. I couldn't hear Tom. I couldn't hear Tom. פיהקתי. I yawned. I was faking. أيمكنك أن تكرر ما قلته من فضلك؟ Could you repeat that, please? Can you repeat what you said, please? لم تعد هذه الكلمة مستعملةً. This word has gone out of use. This word is no longer used. נתגלה מקרה כולרה נוסף בשכונה. There has been another case of cholera in the neighborhood. We'll find another kidney case in the neighborhood. אינני אוהב מתמטיקה. I don't like math. I don't like math. תגובתה לא השביעה רצון. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her reaction didn't please. فقد ملايين الأشخاص حياتهم أثناء الحرب. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. אני מרוצה מהביצוע שלו I'm pleased with his performance. I'm pleased with his performance. كان الجميع في البلدة يحبّ فاضل. Everybody in the community loved Fadil. Everyone in town loved clay. אני חייב לו את הצלחתי. I owe my success to him. I owe him I got it. תום הביט כלפי מעלה. Tom looked up. Tom looked up. أظن أننا ما زلنا في بولندا. I think we are still in Poland! I think we're still in Poland. הביטי, אנו צריכים להיות זהירים. Look, we must be careful. Look, we need to be careful. غرفة الاستعجالات في الطّرف الآخر من العيادة. The emergency room is at the other end of the clinic. The emergency room's on the other side of the clinic. זה בכלל לא קשור. That's completely irrelevant. It's not about anything. شكراً لكِ على لطفكِ. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your kindness. لا يمكنني أن أنسى اليوم الذي قابلته فيه. I can't forget the day when I met him. I can't forget the day I met him. אני אוהב את ניחוח החביתיות בבוקר. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I like the muffin in the morning. ספרי פנטזיה רבים מתארים עולמות בעלי שני ירחים. Many fantasy novels depict worlds with two moons. Many fantasy books describe worlds with two kings. منظر رائع، أليس كذلك؟ A wonderful view, isn't it? Great view, isn't it? בואו למצוא אותי במסבאה של המלון. Meet me at the hotel bar. Let's find me at the hotel bar. את חופשיה ללכת. You're free to go. You're free to go. إنها غاضبة عليّ. She is mad at me. She's mad at me. יש לי יותר מדי דברים! I have too much stuff! I've got too many things! נשלח לתום גלויה. We'll send Tom a card. We've been sent to Tom Galway. ذهب سامي للنّوم. Sami went to sleep. Sammy went to sleep. אני צריכה מתרגם. I need a translator. I need a translator. هيا. دعونا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. كان سامي متعطّشا لذلك. Sami craved that. Sami was in trouble for that. חברי כינה אותי פחדן. My friend called me a coward. My friends called me a coward. ماذا تعتقدين أني كنت أفعل؟ What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I was doing? יש לי בעיות אתם. I'm having problems with them. I have problems with you guys. התינוק בדיוק בעט. The baby just kicked. The baby just kicked. نفضّل فندق قْريب للمطار. I'd prefer a hotel close to the airport. We prefer a close hotel to the airport. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. لا أسامحكِ مطلقا. I do not forgive you at all. I never forgive you. أعتقد أنه سيصبح غنياً يوماً ما. I believe he is going to be rich one day. I think he'll be rich someday. انتظر لحظة، إلى أين تظنّ نفسكَ ذاهبًا؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? תום מעולם לא רכב על סוס. Tom has never ridden a horse. Tom never rides a horse. أريد أن تروي لي كلّ ما حدث. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want to give me everything that happened. אתה צריך ללכת. You need to leave. You have to go. לא אשיג את זה. I'm not going to get it. I won't get it. أريد الذهاب إلى طوكيو. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. תום רוקן את חשבון הבנק שלו. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom's emptying his bank account. أريد أن أعيش في نيويورك. I'd like to live in New York. I want to live in New York. توم لم يذهب ابدا الى المدرسة Tom has never gone to school. Tom never went to school. هل تعرف كيف تستخدم قاموسًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a scissors? אני צריכה מחשב. I need a computer. I need a computer. אל תעמיד אותי בפני פיתוי. Do not tempt me. Don't put me in temptation. רצינו קינוח. We wanted dessert. We wanted dessert. تفضّل خذ واحدة. Please take one. Take one. إنهُ صغير جداً. He's so young. He's too young. أعطنا هذا القط. Give that cat to us. Give us that cat. كان عليهم توقع ذلك. They should have known better. They had to sign it. أنت متقلب المزاج. You're moody. You're volatile. אם יתגלעו בעיות, קיראי לי. If there are difficulties give me a call! If problems arise, call me. תום לבש כפפות אגרוף. Tom put on a pair of boxing gloves. Tom was wearing punch gloves. למה אתה אומר שזה פועל? Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say it works? أين بيته؟ Where is his house? Where's his house? שני הכלבים ישנים. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs are sleeping. תום בלש טוב. Tom is a good detective. Tom's a good detective. האם הפצעים האלה יירפאו? Will these wounds heal? Will those wounds heal? هل توم قبّلَ مريم؟ Did Tom kiss Mary? Tom kissed Mary? לך לישון מוקדם היום. Go to sleep early today. Go to bed early today. יש לי צרבת נוראית. I have horrible heartburn. I have a terrible hunger. הגלגל לא מסתובב. The wheel doesn't turn. The wheel doesn't turn around. ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT تعال إلى منزلي. Come to my house. Come to my house. أود الاختلاء بتوم لبضع دقائق. I'd like to have a few minutes alone with Tom. I'd like to take Tom for a few minutes. צעדתי שלושת רבעי מייל. I walked three-fourths of a mile. I took a three-quarter mile. هذه الفتاة كانت دائماً جيدة ومُطيعة. This girl was always good and dutiful. This girl was always good and good. תום כיבה את המנוע. Tom stopped the engine. Tom turned off the engine. توم في البيت. Tom is in the house. Tom's home. אני מעריך את הערותיך. I appreciate your comments. I appreciate your comments. אני לא יכולה להתאפק מלצחוק על השטות שלך. I can't help but laugh at how foolish you were. I can't resist laughing at your fool. תום הבטיח שיחזיר את הכסף. Tom promised he'd pay back the money. Tom promised he'd get the money back. את אסרטיבית. You're assertive. You're selective. אני מבין למה. I understand why. I understand why. لقد حدَقَت بعينين نصف مُغمضتين. She squinted. I've swiped out half-carrier eyes. ومعاً تمثلان حسن الاتساق والانسجام ما بين التقاليد والتقدم. Together, you represent the harmony between tradition and progress. They represent good consistency and harmony between tradition and progress. نريد قسمه. أيمكنك أن تحضره لنا في طبقين؟ We'd like to split it. Could you bring it to us on two plates? We need a division, can you bring it to us in two layers? אני ממתינה לך מול הדלת. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. I'm waiting for you in front of the door. עושה רושם שזה קשה לך. This must be hard for you. It looks like it's hard for you. أعلنت ليلى أنّها ضابطة شرطة. Layla announced that she was a police officer. She announced to me that she was a police officer. كان سامي راغبا في إخراج ليلى من الصّورة. Sami wanted Layla out of the picture. Sami was willing to take the night out of the photo. شعورها له كان متبادلاً. Her feeling for him was reciprocated. Her feelings for him were mutual. תום היה ללא חת. Tom was fearless. Tom was undetected. יש הרבה טילטולים. There's a whole lot of shaking going on. There's a lot of handicrafts. אני בדיוק הולך הביתה. I'm going home now. I'm just going home. نُقِل سامي إلى المستشفى في السّاعات الأولى ليوم السّادس من جوان، 2006. Sami was rushed to the hospital in the early hours of June 6th, 2006. Sami was transferred to hospital during the first hours of the sixth day of Joan, 2006. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. תום והאחרים מסכימים. Tom and the others agree. Tom and the others agree. اكثر من تسعين بالمئة من الناس الذين يتبعون حمية غذائية و ينخفض وزنهم الى ما دون وزن جسمهم الطبيعي سوف يكسبون وزنهم من جديد في نهاية المطاف. More than 90% of people who go on a diet and dip below their body's natural weight will eventually gain that weight back. More than ninety percent of the people who follow dietary diets and whose weight falls below the weight of their natural body will eventually gain weight again. استمع بانتباه ولا تقاطع. Listen closely and do not interrupt. Listen carefully and without interrupting. ظهر سامي فجأة. Sami suddenly turned up. Sammy suddenly turned up. לונג טיים נו סי. Long time, no see. Long-time, no, no, no, no, no. תום הסביר למרי טוב טוב על כך. Tom explained it to Mary very carefully. Tom explained to Mary well for that. شنو تبي؟ What do you want? My heart's snob? وجد سامي ملابس ليلى معلّقة في غرفته. Sami found Layla's clothes hanging up in his room. Sami found a hanging night's clothes in his room. איפה עולים לאוטובוס של נמל התעופה? Where do I get an airport bus? Where does it go to the airport bus? אני לא חושב שרבים יכולים לומר שהם מרוצים מהמשכורת שלהם. I don't think many people can say they are satisfied with their salary. I don't think many can say they're satisfied with their salary. לא היה עיכוב. There was no delay. There was no delay. لم يخبرني فاضل بشيء. Fadil told me nothing. He didn't tell me anything. כולנו צריכים להזהר יותר. We all have to be very careful. We all need to be more careful. מי מסוגל לשכוח את זה? Who could forget it? Who can forget that? هل بإمكاني استعارة هذا القرص؟ May I borrow this CD? Can I borrow this disk? لا يمكن لليلى أن تنجب أطفالا. Layla can't have children. night can't have kids. كان سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami waited for Layla. Sami was waiting for Lily. أين يسكن خالك؟ Where does your uncle live? Where does he live? תום הוא משפחתי היחידה. Tom is the only family he's got. Tom is my only family. לא תכננתי לעשות את זה, אבל עכשיו שאתה מציע, אולי אנסה. I wasn't planning on doing that, but now that you suggest it, I may give it a try. I wasn't planning on doing this, but now that you're offering, maybe I'll try. האם זה נהיה קל יותר אי פעם? Does it ever get easier? Does it ever get easier? لولا مساعدتك لفشل أبي. If it had not been for your help, my father would have failed. I wouldn't help you fail my father. זה התניע תגובת שרשרת. It started a chain reaction. That started chain reaction. גם תום וגם מרי אומללים. Tom and Mary are both unhappy. Both Tom and Mary are miserable. كان لدينا ثلاث طائرات. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. ماذا كان سيحدث إذا لم يُلدغ بيتر باركر من قِبَل عنكبوت لكن من قبل قاقُم؟ What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been buried by a spider, but by a cobbler? הייתי רוצה לדעת יותר על זה. I'd like to know more about it. I'd like to know more about it. רוץ הכי מהר שאתה יכול. Run as fast as you can. Run as fast as you can. מחר אקח לי חופש אחר הצהריים. I'm taking tomorrow afternoon off. Tomorrow I'm gonna take my vacation this afternoon. في أوروبا وأمريكا تُعتبر الكلاب من العائلة. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, dogs are considered family dogs. مانهدرش الفرنسية. I don't speak French. French Manthersch. אתה פנוי? Do you have some time? Are you free? אתה חי רק פעמיים. You only live twice. You only live twice. אתם התחלתם זאת. You started it. You guys started it. انتقلا إلى هنا. Move in here. Get over here. رائع Terrific! Oh, great. תום בן זוגי. Tom is my partner. Tom's a mate. هل تمانع في الوقوف جانبًا؟ Would you mind standing aside? Do you mind standing by? אתם שולחים לחו"ל? Do you ship overseas? You're sending abroad? لا تقلق بشأن ذلك. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. أعطت ليلى لسامي رقم هاتفها. Layla gave Sami her phone number. I gave my mom her phone number. تلك السيارة حقاً جديدة That car is very new. That car is really new. יש לי רעיה וילדים. I've got a wife and children. I have a wife and children. لم يرد منّاد الابتعاد كثيرا عن منزله. Mennad didn't want to get too far from his house. He didn't want to get too far away from his house. כל התלמידים הלכו לבתיהם. All the students have gone home. All the students went to their homes. لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي. I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy. I didn't mention anything he asked me to do. הם השתגעו. They went crazy. They've gone crazy. האם זה איום מוסווה? Is that a veiled threat? Is that a barbarous threat? במילה אחת, הוא חנפן. In a word, he is a flatterer. In one word, he's a snitch. אם סיימת לקרוא את הספר, תחזירי אותו לספרייה. If you have finished reading the book, return it to the library. If you're done reading the book, bring it back to the library. לניר יש שובר הנחה לתערוכה במוזיאון. Nir has a discount coupon for the museum's exhibition. There's a breaker on the show at the museum. לואיס וקלארק הקפידו על הנתונים. Lewis and Clark kept very careful records. Louis and Clark kept a record of the data. ועכשיו מה? And now, what? And now what? سامي يأكل هناك. Sami eats there. Sammy eats there. هذه هي المسألة. The question is this. This is the issue. أود حجز موعد للمعالجة بالفلورايد لابني. I'd like to make an appointment for fluoride treatments for my son. I'd like to book a date to treat my son's fluoride. התרכזת. You were concentrating. Focus. قبّلها. He kissed her. Kiss her. هناك الكثير مما أود قوله لك. There's so much I want to say to you. There's a lot I'd like to say to you. איש לא זקוק לי. Nobody needs me. Nobody needs me. صديقي يدرس اللغة الكورية. My friend studies Korean. My friend is studying Korean. መጽሃፉን ሰጠው። He gave him the book. Wanda The GNOME Fish ربما أنت تعلم أين هي كتبي. Maybe you know where my books are? Maybe you know where my books are. תום נראה טוב. Tom looked good. Tom looks good. טום שוכב במיטה עם חום. Tom is in bed with a fever. Tom's lying in bed with a fever. אתה לא צעיר כמו טום. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. נאלצנו להיכנע לדרישתם. We had to yield to their request. We had to give up their demands. אתה מעדיף כתוביות או דיבוב בטלוויזיה? Do you prefer to watch subbed or dubbed TV? You prefer phrases or TV tours? طوم أطالي كريُّون. Tom gave me a pen. Tom's a chrysotile. אני לא יודע לנהוג ברכב. I don't know how to drive. I can't drive the car. أنا أستطيع أن أعيش بدون ماء. I can live without water. I can live without water. אני רוצה כוס קפה, ואני רוצה אותה עכשיו. I want a cup of coffee and I want it now. I want a cup of coffee, and I want it now. لم يكن سامي يعرف كيف يستعمل سلاحا ناريّا. Sami didn't know how to use a gun. Sami didn't know how to use a gun. הוא שלח לי מכתב, ובו הוא שאל אם הספר הגיע אליי. He sent me a letter asking if the book had reached me. He sent me a letter, and he asked if the book came to me. السفر سهل هذه الأيام. Travelling is easy these days. Travel is easy these days. הילד השליך על הכלב אבנים. The boy threw stones at the dog. The kid threw on the dog rocks. מה חלמת כשהערתי אותך? What were you dreaming about when I woke you? What did you dream when I woke you up? الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Self confidence is the key to success. Confidence in itself is the key to success. הוא סיים את חייו בקפיצה מהגשר. He ended his life by jumping off the bridge. He finished his life in a jump from the bridge. مشى سامي نحو الباب. Sami walked towards the door. Walk Sami to the door. اريد التحدث معها على انفراد. I want to talk to her alone. I want to talk to her alone. מדוע את מדברת על כסף? Why are you talking about money? Why are you talking about money? كان سامي يقضي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami was serving a life sentence. Sami was sentenced to life imprisonment. الكتب هي أعز أصدقائي. Books are my best friends. Books are my best friends. لست مهتمًّا بفعل ذلك. I'm not interested in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟ Can you really not swim? Seriously, you're swimming? החקיקה הזאת מהווה התקפה במלוא העוצמה על זכויות הצרכן. This legislation constitutes a full-fledged attack on consumer rights. This legislation is a powerful attack on the rights of the consumer. אני גר בצפון המדינה. I live upstate. I live north of the country. كان سامي يتكلّم. Sami was talking. Sami was talking. يمكنه أن يتعفن في الجهنم. He can rot in hell. He can rot in hell. الجزائر أولا Algeria first! Algeria I كان صبيّ سامي نائما. Sami's baby was sleeping. My boy Sami was asleep. هذا المكتب يأخذ مساحة كبيرة. This desk takes up too much room. This office takes a lot of space. أشتم رائحة حريق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell fire, Mom. אני רוצה שכולם ישמרו על שקט. I want everyone to be quiet. I want everyone to be quiet. אני נראית נורא היום. I look awful today. I look terrible today. התרשמתי מהאדיבות של תום. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. I was impressed by Tom's kindness. أنزِل يديك! Put your hands down! Get your hands down! اتّصلي بي حالما تجدين توم. Call me as soon as you find Tom. Call me as soon as you find Tom. הייתי ממוטטת לחלוטין. I was completely devastated. I was completely ruined. عايز الشنطة دي. I want that bag. Chente D's bonfire. זה מגוחך. That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous. אני קצת שטוי. I am a bit drunk. I'm a little stupid. כשהגענו לנמל הרוח נחלשה. When we arrived at the port, the wind subsided. When we got to the harbor, we got weak. هل تحتاج أية مساعدة ؟ يارفيقي . Do you need any help, buddy? You need any help? הוא שאל אותי אם אני יודע את מספר הטלפון שלה. He asked me if I knew her telephone number. He asked me if I knew her phone number. אני לא יכול לשתות קפה. I can't drink coffee. I can't have coffee. اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as possible. היא שוכבת על הרצפה. She's lying on the floor. She's lying on the floor. أنت مُسامح. You are forgiven. You're forgiven. لم أندم أبدا على أي شيء فعلته. I never regretted anything I did. I've never regretted anything I've done. אני לומד באסקית. I am learning Basque. I'm a scavenger. תום חמוש? Is Tom armed? Tom armed? טעמתי את היין. I tasted the wine. I tasted the wine. يتمثل عملهم في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the healing of artists. الشيوعية هي النظام المُمارس في الإتحاد السوفيتي. Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union. Communicacy is the system in practice in the Soviet Union. האם את מבינה ספרות רומיות? Do you understand Roman numerals? Do you understand Roman literature? حبّيت بابور يدّيني بعيد علا هنا. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. I loved Babor. My hands are far away here. המיקרוסקופ הזה מגדיל עצמים פי מאה. This microscope magnifies objects by 100 times. That microcop increases itself by a hundred. هل تعرف كيف تلعب كرة القدم؟ Do you play soccer? Do you know how to play football? ذاك الفندق قريب جداً من البحيرة. That hotel was very near the lake. That hotel is pretty close to the lake. ألف جملة لكلٍ من هذه الكلمات. Make a sentence with each of these words. A sentence for each of these words. لنغني هذه الأغنية بالإنجليزية. Let's sing the song in English. Let's sing this song in English. תום כבאי מתנדב. Tom is a volunteer fireman. Tom's a volunteer firefighter. אתה מדבר בולגרית? Do you speak Bulgarian? You speak Bulgarian? أيمكنك أن تقود سيارة؟ Can you drive a car? Can you drive a car? אני נהנה לשחק שחמט. I enjoy playing chess. I enjoy playing chess. أتعلم ما يعني هذا؟ Do you know what this means? You know what that means? ראיתי את הוידאו שלה. He saw her video. I saw her video. חשדנו שהוא שיקר. We suspect him of telling a lie. We suspected he was lying. התרגשתי עד כדי דמעות. I was excited to tears. I was so excited about tears. بقي سامي حيّا لبضع ساعات قبل أن يموت أخيرا في المستشفى. Sami lingered for a few hours before eventually dying at the hospital. Sami stayed alive for a few hours before he finally died in the hospital. تحرّكت ليلى نحو سامي. Layla moved toward Sami. I've moved on to Lily for Sami. עכשיו את בטוחה. Now you're safe. Now you're safe. ذلك خارق للعادة. That's extraordinary. That's a breach of the habit. אל תסתירי את פניך. Don't hide your face. Don't hide your face. قلت أني كنت وحيدا، أليس كذلك؟ You said you were alone, did not you? You said I was lonely, right? قريباً سيأتي اليوم الذي يستطيع فيه البشر السفر إلى كوكب المريخ. The day will soon come when man can travel to Mars. The day will soon come when humans can travel to Mars. הנחש הוא שפיתה את חוה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. The snake is pasturing Eve. תרחץ את הכלב בבקשה. Please give the dog a bath. Wash the dog, please. אתה נוקשה. You're strict. You're tough. طارت الحمامة من سان فرنسيسكو إلى نيويورك. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. The bathroom went from San Francisco to New York. כמה המצב מסוכן? How dangerous is the situation? How dangerous is it? من فضلك اتركني وحدي. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. כשראה את אמו, הילד שאבד פרץ בבכי. Seeing his mother, the lost child burst into tears. When he saw his mother, the boy who lost his crying broke. תום לא היה יכול להגיד יותר. Tom could say no more. Tom couldn't say any more. الحمّام جاهز. The bath is ready. The bathroom's ready. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". But say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." "O Lord, remember me." إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What are you looking at? What are you looking at? ربطة العنق هذه لا تليق ببزتي. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie doesn't fit my dress. اعتنيت بأختي المريضة. I took care of my sick sister. I took care of my sick sister. أنا قط، وليس عندي اسم بعد. I am a cat. I don't have a name yet. I never, and I don't have a name yet. אני קוראת את המשפט הזה. I am reading this sentence. I'm reading this sentence. إطعام شخص خلال شهر رمضان الكريم عمل ذو ثواب عظيم. Feeding someone during the holy month of Ramadan is very rewarding. Feeding someone during the month of the Holy Ramadan worked very well. الأب و الإبن يعملان معا مجدّدا. Father and son working together again. Father and son work together again. דן תושאל על ידי המשטרה אודות האירוע. Dan was questioned by the police about the incident. Dan will be questioned by the police about the incident. إسرائيل بحاجة إلى الضّفّة الغربيّة. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. אני באמת מתגעגעת לחבר שלי. I really miss my boyfriend. I really miss my friend. لا اعتقد اننا نملك الوقت الكافي لفعل ذلك. I don't think we have enough time to do that. I don't think we have enough time to do that. سامي أعلم بالأمر. Sami knows best. Sami, I know about it. פרסום המאמר תואם לחפוף ליום הולדתו של הפרופסור. Publication of the article was timed to coincide with the professor's birthday. The article's publication matches the history of the Professor's birthday. בואו נהיה חברים לנֶצח. Let's be best friends forever. Let's be friends to win. الجميع مشوّش. Everybody is confused. Everyone's confused. تعرّف منّاد على أصدقاء رائعين. Mennad made amazing friends. You know, you know, you know, you know something about great friends. هذا الماء لذيذ. This water is delicious. This water is delicious. البيت كان محترقاً تماماً من جراء النار. The house was completely burnt down by a fire. The house was completely burned out by the fire. هل بإمكاني الخروج لألعب؟ May I go out to play? Can I get out to play? كَم أتمنّى الذهاب إلى اليابان. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I went to Japan. أريد تعلم الإيندونيسية. I want to learn Indonesian. I want to learn Indonesian. أريد أن أعرف من سيأتي معنا. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. אנו יודעים שאתם לא מטומטמים. We know that you are not stupid. We know you're not stupid. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذا النموذج. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill in this form. اختفى سامي لسبب غامض. Sami has mysteriously gone missing. Sami disappeared for a mysterious reason. אני מעצבן אותך לפעמים? Do I annoy you sometimes? Am I pissing you off sometimes? בו נמתח את הגפיים. Let's stretch our legs. That's where we'll stretch our feet. كان فاضل خطيرا جدّا بالنّسبة للنّاس. Fadil was very dangerous to other people. He was a very dangerous struggle for people. תוכנית הוועידה עשירה באופן יוצא מן הכלל. על פי רוב מושמעות ארבע או חמש הרצאות בו זמנית. The program for the convention is extraordinarily rich. There are generally four or five lectures taking place at the same time. The conference program is exceptionally rich, usually of four or five releases at the same time. חתולים מפחדים מכלבים. Cats are afraid of dogs. Cats are scared of dogs. لقد كنت صامتا لمدة طويلة I have been silent for a long time. I've been silent for a long time. האדם האמיץ הביט על הגנגסטר בשנאה ובבוז. The bold man glanced at the gangster with hatred and contempt. The brave man looked at the gangster in hate and boom. وعدني جيم أنه لن يعود. Jim promised me not to come again. Jim promised me he wouldn't come back. إذهبي إلىَ غرقتِك! Go to your room! Go to your room! תום חבט בפרצופו של ג'ון ואחר כך עזב את החדר. Tom punched John in the face then left the room. Tom hit John's face and then left the room. אני חושב שטום עני. I think Tom is poor. I think Tom's poor. إنه من فرنسا. He is French. It's from France. فحص سامي جرح ليلى. Sami examined Layla's injury. Sammy's been wounded for lily. תעשי את זה עכשיו. Do it now. Do it now. من أجل ذلك أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. אני מצטער שנתתי לך לחכות זמן רב כל כך. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait so long. בוא נקווה שזה לגמרי נכון. Let's hope it's all true. Let's hope it's totally true. טום רצה לדעת מה שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. Tom wanted to know Mary's last name. إنه يغسل سيارتك. He is washing your car. He's washing your car. لنشاهد الرائي. Let's watch TV. Let's watch me. טום סבור שהעשיר ראוי להיות עשיר, והעני ראוי להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom believes that rich people deserve to be rich, and poor people deserve to be poor. شاهد سامي كلّ فيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami watched every video on Layla's YouTube channel. He saw Sami every video on Lily's channel in the Utup. هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There is a boundary between the United States and Mexico. אחות רחמניה לבושה לבן. A nurse wears white. The mercy sister is dressed in white. זה נכון. This is true. That's right. ليلى في سنّ الإنجاب. Layla is old enough to have children. Lilia's in childbearing age. עליך לשאול את תום לגבי זה. You should ask Tom about that. You have to ask Tom about it. وجدت هذا الخاتم في الشارع هذا الصباح I found this ring on the street this morning. I found this ring on the street this morning. תוכניתו נגנזה. His plan was discarded. His plan is nganza. أنا معتز يا دكتور. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. I'm proud, Doctor. لو سمحت، هل تعلم ما هي توقعات الطقس ليوم غد؟ Excuse me, do you know what is the weather forecast for tomorrow? If I may, do you know what weather expectations are for tomorrow? קחו פיקוד. Take command. Take over. أعطني المفتاح. Give me the key. Give me the key. لن يستمرّ سامي في تمويل علاج ليلى. Sami will no longer pay for Layla's treatment. Sami won't continue to finance night treatment. לא אשוב הביתה. I won't come home. I won't be home. روى سامي لنا قصّة حياته. Sami told us his life story. Roy Sami's the story of his life. في زوج خْدمنا في بلاد القبايل. We both worked in Kabylie. In the husband of our servant in the Babylon country. الموز أصفر. Bananas are yellow. The bananas are yellow. كانت تعلّق بالأمازيغية. She was commenting in Berber. She was hanging out with the Amazigian. تبادلا فاضل و ليلى أكثر من ألف رسالة حبّ. Fadil and Layla exchanged more than a thousand love letters. And I have more than a thousand letters of love. הפרק הזה סגור עכשיו לציבור. This park is now closed to the public. This episode is now closed to the public. لا تقلق. أنا سوف أعتني بها. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of her. أريدك أن تخبرني الحقيقة. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. هو يصدق أى شئ أقوله. He believes whatever I say. He believes anything I say. الجميع يحبها. Everybody likes her. Everybody loves her. תום חש מוקצה. Tom feels left out. Tom feels cut. הסטודנט ענה, "השורש הריבועי של 256 הוא שש-עשרה." The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." The student answered, "The square root of 256 is 16." لم يكن سامي يعرف كيف يصبح مسلما. Sami didn't know how to be a Muslim. Sami didn't know how to become a Muslim. إتقان لغة أجنبية ليس بالأمر السهل Mastering a foreign language isn't easy. Foreign language is not easy. תום מונה סעיפים באצבעותיו. Tom ticks off points on his fingers. Tom Mona shared his fingers. رد ديما: "وعليكم السلام، الصائب!". "كيف أمورك هذه الأيام؟" "Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!" Dima replied. "What are you up to these days?" Dima's reply, "Thank you, good news!" "How are you doing these days?" توم ما يَقْدرش يجاوب ضوك. Tom can't answer now. Tom knows what they're talking about, but he doesn't know what they're talking about. אני מבולבלת. I'm stumped. I'm confused. خذ الحكمة من أفواه المجانين. Even idiots can give good advice. Take the wisdom from his crazy mouth. השעון תקתק. The clock ticked. The clock's ticking. الباقي عليك! The rest is left to you! The rest of you! لا يستحقّ سامي أن يرى نور النّهار مجدّدا. Sami doesn't deserve to see the light of day again. Sami doesn't deserve to see the light of the rivers again. ممكن أسأل شوية أسئلة؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask some questions? المفتاح عند سامي. Sami has the key. The key's at Sammy's. كان يوغرطة ملكا أمازيغيا. Jugurtha was an amazigh king. He was a proud king of Amzigia. هذا سؤال أساسي. This is a fundamental question. That's a basic question. ذهب سامي لجلب الماء لليلى. Sami went to get Layla some water. Sami went to get water for the night. غرفتك انظف من غرفتي. Your room is cleaner than mine. Your room is clean from my room. מעודי לא הצטרכתי לעבוד קשה מאד. I've never had to work very hard. I didn't have to work very hard. הוא כמעט התפוצץ מכעס. He almost erupted in anger. He almost blew up mad. תום היה נאמן לאמת. Tom was truthful. Tom was loyal to the truth. אכן, הוא זה אנתוני. That's right. He's Anthony. Indeed, he is Anthony. האם אתה יכול לראות את האדם הבלתי נראה? Can you see the invisible man? Can you see the invisible person? لم يتمكّن أحد من إلقاء القبض على ذلك الكلب. No one could catch the dog. No one was able to arrest that dog. אם תום ישמע אותך מדבר כך, הוא יתאכזב. If Tom heard you talk that way, he'd be disappointed. If Tom hears you talk like that, he'll be disappointed. كان سامي خائفا من أن تضحك عليه ليلى. Sami was afraid Layla would laugh at him. Sammy was afraid to laugh at him, Lily. ابق مكانك. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. ذقت المرارات كلها فلم أجد أمر من الحاجة إلى الناس. I suffered through all sours but didn't find bitter than needing people. I didn't find any need for people. لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. It's a little late. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى قاعة مثلّجات. Sami took Layla to an ice cream parlor. He took Sami Lily to a ice cream room. הטעם בדיוק טוב. It tastes just right. It tastes exactly good. אני אחכה. I'll be waiting. I'll wait. أود أن أعبر عن امتناني لما قدمته لهذه البلدة. I would like to express my gratitude for what you have done for this town. I would like to express my gratitude for what she has done to this town. الصديقُ وقتَ الضيقِ. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. The friend's a tight time. לא עלה בידה לענות על השאלה. She couldn't answer the question. She didn't have her hand to answer the question. مدرّس الرّياضة يناديني بالسّمين. The gym teacher calls me "fat." The nursing teacher calls me the name. عندما يكثر الطّعام، تصبح الدّببة أقلّ عدائية. When food is abundant, bears become less aggressive. When I grow up, bears become less hostile. השוטר פעל בצורה מושלמת! The policeman has done very well. The cop acted perfectly! إسراء و معراج مبارك. Have a blessed Isra and Mi'raj. Illustration and a blessing. لماذا كذبت علي؟ Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? عُمّد سامي. Sami got baptised. No, no, no, no, no. كان سامي صديق ليلى. Sami was Layla's boyfriend. Sami was a friend of Lily. אני דואג לכולם. I'm worried about everybody. I'm worried about everybody. أريد أن أذهب إلى كيوتو. I want to go to Kyoto. I want to go to Kyoto. תום המליץ עלי. Tom recommended me. Tom recommended me. لا أريد أن تنتهي علاقتنا. I don't want us to finish. I don't want our relationship to end. واصل سامي السّير. Sami continued walking. Sami's going on. الصخور الواقعة تشكل خطرا على المتسلقين. Falling rocks present a danger to climbers. Rocks that pose a threat to the climbers. عندي مفاجأة لفاضل بمناسبة نهاية الأسبوع الّتي تزامنت مع عيد الشّكر. This Thanksgiving weekend, I have a surprise for Fadil. I have a surprise to work on the weekend that coincided with Christmas. תום מוצב בבוסטון. Tom is stationed in Boston. Tom is posted in Boston. נפגענו. We were hurt. We're hurt. تغلّب سامي على ليلى. Sami overpowered Layla. My mom beat me on Lily. بلغ جون أني اتصلت من فضلك. Please tell John that I called. John told me I had called, please. فُتحت البوابة من تلقاء نفسها. The gate opened all by itself. The gate was opened by itself. שילמתי מאתיים דולר מסים. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200 taxes. Ejja hawn! Come here! Come here! בניגוד לך, אני מסוגל לזהות את הטעויות שלי. In contrast with you, I am able to recognize my mistakes. Unlike you, I can identify my mistakes. هذا ليس عدلاً. That isn't fair. That's not fair. انا حساس جدا من البرد. ممكن اعطائي بطانية أخرى I'm very sensitive to cold. May I have another blanket? I'm very sensitive of cold. You can give me another blanket. نحتاج إلى سيارة. We need a car. We need a car. شروق الشمس جميل هذا الصباح. The sunrise is beautiful this morning. The sun's beautiful this morning. توم ينتظر. Tom is waiting. Tom's waiting. תום לא יכול היה שלא להתרשם. Tom couldn't help but be impressed. Tom couldn't help but be impressed. זה היה מכוון? Was that intentional? Was that intended? الشتاء الماضي، ذهبت إلى كندا لتزلج. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. Last winter, I went to Canada to ski. תום טורטר. Tom was bullied. Tom Torter. זה היה הלך החשיבה הראשוני שלי. That was my first way of thinking. It was my first thought. كانت ليلى لا تزال تتعافى. Layla was still recovering. Lily was still recovering. إذا أردت أن تسمع قصة مخيفة، سأحكي لك ما حلمت به منذ عدة أسابيع. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you what I dreamed of a few weeks ago. אנו יכולים להמשיך. We could continue. We can continue. أنت قديم. You're old. You're old. إخترقت الرصاصة جسده. The bullet went through his body. The bullet broke his body. הוא מתרברב, כי יש לו מכונית יקרה. He brags about owning an expensive car. He's growing up because he's got a precious car. ثمّة أمور لا يمكن التعبير عنها بالكلمات. There are some things that cannot be expressed in words. There are things that cannot be expressed in words. لا أريد قراءة أي شيء. I don't want to read anything. I don't want to read anything. לא בכדי הוא מת. He didn't die in vain. Not to be dead. قُتلا في المعركة. They died in battle. Killed in battle. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In God's name, the mercy of the merciful. لسببٍ ما، المايكروفون لم يعمل سابقًا. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphone hasn't worked before. لا يفضل أحدًا على أحد. He shows partiality to no one in particular. Nobody prefers anybody. أتساءل أين وضعت نظاراتي. I wonder where I put my glasses. I wonder where I put my glasses. بمساعدتك أستطيع النجاح With your help, I could succeed. With your help, I can succeed. בימינו, "חלק הארי" פירושו בדרך כלל "החלק הגדול"; אבל עד לא מזמן פירושו היה "כל כולו". These days, "the lion's share" usually means "the biggest share"; but not so long ago, it meant "all of it." In these days, Harry usually means "the big part"; but until recently it was "all." אני נהיה די צמא. I'm getting pretty thirsty. I'm getting pretty thirsty. זה מיוחד מאד. It's very special. It's very special. חשדתי שכך. I suspected as much. I suspected that. قال سامي هذا لإحدى الممرّضات. Sami told that to a nurse. Sami said this to one of the nurses. علينا إخلاء العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to vacate the clinic. יש כאן דפקט. There's a defect here. There's a knockout here. תום מדופרס. Tom is downhearted. Tom Maddoff. אני לא רוצה לעזוב את המקום הזה לעולם. I never want to leave here. I never want to leave this place. أنت حساس جدا للضجيج. You are too sensitive to noise. You're so sensitive to the noise. أُدخل سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. I'm getting Sami into the clinic. שמעתי אותה משתנקת. I heard her gasp. I heard her cleaning up. אני מתמַכּר. I'm addicted. I'm fine. تعافى سامي كليّة. Sami made a full recovery. My mom's a total healer. האם גברתי דוברת תורכית? Does the lady speak Turkish? Does ma'am speak Turkish? תום ערער על התחרות. Tom pleaded no contest. Tom's up on the competition. הקהל הריע. The crowd applauded. The crowd cheered. أنا اعتدت أن أفكر أنه من واجبي أن أساعد توم. I used to think it was my responsibility to help Tom. I used to think it was my duty to help Tom. אתה שומר סוד. You're secretive. You keep a secret. أنا أغسل الأواني. I'm doing the dishes. I wash my hands. הרעיון שלה טוב יותר משלך. Her idea is better than yours. Her idea is better than yours. التغيير هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يظل ثابتاً. Change is the only constant. Change is the only thing that remains constant. توم لم يلمس أي شيء. Tom didn't touch anything. Tom didn't touch anything. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. אינכם יכולים לעזוב אותי. You can't abandon me. You can't leave me. הכל מתנהל על מי מנוחות. Everything is going just fine. Everything's going on about who's comfortable. שטח בבניה: יש להשתמש בקסדות מגן. Construction area: hard hats required. It's got to use protective helmets. صدم الكلب شاحنة. A truck hit the dog. The dog hits a truck. لقد ناما بنفس السرير They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. אני רוצה להראות לך את הציורים שלי. I want to show you my drawings. I want to show you my paintings. أعدها! Give it back! Get her back! B היא האות השנייה באלפבית. "B" is the second letter of the alphabet. B is the second signal in the Alphabee. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the police. Call Sami the police. إنت بتشوفه دايما؟ Do you see him often? You're with Daema? طلب منّي المساعدة. He requested my assistance. He asked me to help. טום קנה שעון מזויף. Tom bought a counterfeit watch. Tom bought a fake watch. ነጭ ድመት አለኝ። I have a white cat. Would You Welcome a Visit? أنا لم أذُقِ الطعامَ منذُ أيامٍ. I haven't eaten anything for days. I haven't eaten in days. كتبت رسالة لأمي. I wrote a letter to my mother. I wrote a message to my mom. يرغب أن يلتقي بك. He wants to meet you. He wants to meet you. אני אוהבת את תום מאד מאד. I care about Tom very much. I love Tom very much. انتقلن للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move to live here. תודה על ההערות שלך. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for your comments. אתמול קניתי כלב. לדאבוני דודתי בישלה אותו לארוחת הערב. Yesterday I bought a dog. Sadly my aunt cooked it for dinner. Yesterday I bought a dog. תום היה מיואש למדי. Tom was a bit desperate. Tom was pretty desperate. من تلك البنت؟ Who's that girl? Who's that girl? ليس عليك الاعتذار. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. רוב האנשים בכפר התנגדו לתכנית. Most people in the village objected to the plan. Most people in the village opposed the show. איך כולם מרגישים? How's everyone doing? How does everybody feel? מה שאני באמת רוצה, זה משהו חם לאכול. What I really want is something hot to eat. What I really want is something hot to eat. كانت ليلى عطشة. Layla was thirsty. It was Lily's holiday. הייתי חייבת לשקר לו. I had to lie to him. I had to lie to him. لا تنس استعمال عبارات "من فضلك" و "شكرا". Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you". Don't forget to use the words "please" and "thank you." הוא ישב, וסביבו התלמידים. He was sitting surrounded by the students. He sat, and around the students. טוני לא ידע מה שמותיהם. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know what their names were. הוא לא רץ מספיק מהר כדי להספיק לרכבת. He didn't run fast enough to catch the train. He's not running fast enough to make the train. لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand anything going on here. طلبت مني السيدة سميث الذهاب إلى المدينة. Mrs. Smith asked me to go to the city. She asked me to go to town. كيف لك أن تعرف أنهم لا ينظرون إليك باستغراب لأنك لديك وجه غريب؟ How do you know they're not just giving you a weird look because you have a funny face? How do you know they don't look at you wondering because you have a weird face? ما هو تاريخ ميلادك؟ What is your date of birth? What's your date of birth? איש אינו יודע שזה היה שייך לימדה. Nobody knows that it belonged to Yamada. No one knows that it belonged to a teacher. أنتَ يمكنكَ دائماً القدوم هنا. You can always come here. You can always come here. إذا كنت مكانك لفعلت نفس الشيء. If I were in your situation, I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd do the same. تعرّف فاضل على امرأة مسلمة. Fadil met a Muslim woman. Defined a slave on a Muslim woman. مات الرجل العجوز من شدة الجوع. The old man died from hunger. The old man died of hunger. הצלחה! זהו המשפט החמשת אלפים בקלינגונית בטטואבה! Success! This is the five-thousandth Klingon sentence on Tatoeba! That's the five thousand sentence of Klingon in Tatava! أرى قطتك في الحديقة. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the park. أفكر في الذهاب إلى الجبال. I am thinking of going to the mountains. I'm thinking about going to the mountains. מאיפה אפשר לבצע שיחת טלפון? Where can one make a phone call? Where can we make a phone call? הוא הודה בגלוי בליקוייו. He openly confessed his faults. He's clearly admitted to the potion. ברשות מי זה נמצא? Who has it? Who's that with? استعار سامي أقلام ليلى. Sami borrowed Layla's pencils. Sami borrowed the floors of Lily's. لا يعيرونني انتباهًا. They don't pay me attention. Don't give me any attention. בואו נְתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used to. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You look happy this day. لم يكن ينبغي أن يحدث هذا. This should not have occurred. That shouldn't have happened. في كثير من الأحيان تقوم الحكومات الاستبدادية بسجن معارضيها السياسيين. Tyrannical governments frequently gaol their political opponents. In many cases authoritarian Governments are imprisoned by their political opponents. تلقّى سامي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami received life in prison. Sami was sentenced to life imprisonment. רתחתי מכעס. I was furious. I got angry. טום ניצל ללא פגע. Tom survived unharmed. Tom was saved without a hit. אני רוצה את שלי. I want mine. I want mine. האם כבר שלחת לו כרטיס ברכה לחג המולד? Have you sent him a Christmas card yet? Have you sent him a card for Christmas yet? תוכל להסביר לי את הכלל? Will you explain the rule to me? Can you explain the rule to me? أراك في مابعد. See you later! See you in the distance. אל תשאיר אותי בהמתנה. Don't keep me waiting. Don't keep me waiting. ዕዮ ገዛ ስርሕኹሞ ዶ፧ Have you done your homework? What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? פספסנו את היציאה. We missed the exit. We missed the exit. هذا الفيلم للكبار فقط. Only adults may watch that film. This movie's just for adults. أنا لست مدرساً. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. أنصحك بعدم مصاحبة توم. I advise you not to keep company with Tom. I advise you not to accompany Tom. أنا من شيكوكو. I am from Shikoku. I'm from Chikoko. لقد توفي وهو يقاتل في حرب فيتنام. He died fighting in the Vietnam War. He died fighting in Vietnam. דקרו אותי. I got stabbed. I was stabbed. אני תוהה אם באמת הבינות. I wonder whether you really understood. I wonder if you really understand. أنا لا ألومك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. أعطني يدك يا جمال. Give me your hand, Jamal. Give me your hand, Jamal. سامي منخرط في مجتمع الميم. Sami is in the LGBT community. Sami is involved in the mime community. لم يسبق لها أن زارت هوكايدو. She has never been to Hokkaido. She's never visited Hokkaido. كانت ليلى في مشكلة. Layla was in trouble. Lily was in trouble. אתם באמת אוהבים את המקום הזה? Do you really like it here? Do you really like this place? قد يستغرق بعض الوقت This may take a while. It might take a while. كان سامي في مكان لا تُسمح فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a place where you don't let the swim. تسقط الحكومة! Down with the Government! The government falls! أحب ممارسة الألعاب الرياضية. I like playing sports. I like to play sports. لم يكن سامي يعمل آنذاك. Sami didn't have a job at that time. Sammy wasn't working at the time. כוכבים מאירים למעלה בשמים. Stars shine above in the sky. Stars light up in the sky. מה הגובה שלך? How tall are you? How tall are you? אני נמוכה מדי. I am too short. I'm too low. اشترت رطليْ زبدة. She bought two pounds of butter. I bought my butter pants. مشيا سامي و ليلى على طول الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla walked down along the beach. Walk Sami and Lily along the beach. واصل سامي صداقته مع ليلى. Sami continued to be friends with Layla. Sami continued his friendship with Lily. בוא נטייל על החוף אחרי ארוחת הערב. Let's walk on the beach after dinner. Let's go on the beach after dinner. ידעתי את זה כבר זמן רב. I've known this for a long time. I've known that for a long time. هل بإمكانك تفسير ما تريده؟ Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you want? אפשר לסור לבית הכסא? Can I go to the bathroom? Can we walk down to the chair? בלי ספק אני לא מתחרט על כך. I definitely don't regret it. I certainly don't regret it. لا أحد يعرف توم مثلي. Nobody knows Tom like I know Tom. Nobody knows Tom like me. سَوفَ أتصل بها مرة أُخرى غداَ. I will call her once again tomorrow. I'll call her again tomorrow. תום אכל את כל התפוח בפחות משלוש דקות. Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes. Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes. ב-1984, קוקה קולה התחילו להשתמש בסירופ תירס עשיר בפרוקטוזה כתחליף לסוכר. In 1984, Coke started using HFCS instead of sugar. In 1984, Coca Cola started using a rich corn syrup as a sugar replacement. היא הבטיחה להיפגש אתו בליל אמש. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. إنه يستعد للامتحان. He is preparing for the test. He's getting ready for the exam. הדברים לא מתקדמים כמתוכנן. Things didn't go as planned. Things don't go as planned. מי ערך את הסקר? Who did the survey? Who valued the poll? إنها تمطر. It's raining. It rains. أنا في العمل الأن, لذلك سأتصل بكَ لاحقاً. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. الواضح، هو من يقع عليه اللوم. Obviously, he is to blame. Obviously, he's the one who's in blame. אני מעדיף כריך. I'd prefer a sandwich. I prefer a sandwich. אני פתוח להצעות. I'm open for suggestions. I'm open to suggestions. إنها تتحدث البولندية. She speaks Polish. She talks Polish. مارانيش متأكّد بلي هكذا صرات. I'm not sure that that's how it happened. Maranesh's sure I'm so quiet. הם הגיעו למבוי סתום. They have reached a deadlock. They've reached a dead end. من الصّعب أن تجد ناطقين أصليين بالعربية في دبي أين غالبيّة النّاس تتكلّم بالإنجليزيّة. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. It's hard to find two indigenous Arabs in Dubai where most people speak English. הגבירו את הביטחון בעיר. Security was increased in the city. The security in the city has increased. هم يعرفون توم They know Tom. They know Tom. هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is she my fiancee? אני אוהב לאכול סושי. I love to eat sushi. I like to eat sushi. وقتاش جرّب توم يدير هاذ الشي؟ When did Tom try doing that? Did Tom try to run this tea? لو فقط كنت أطول بقليل! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I'd been a little longer! אני מתרגלת לעשות את זה. I'm getting used to doing this. I'm getting used to doing this. كان فاضل حقّا يحبّ المال. Fadil did like money. He really loved money. أنا مجرد موظف عادي. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just a regular employee. بالنسبة لي فانه ليس أخاً ولا صاحبا. For me he is neither a brother nor an acquaintance. To me, he's neither a brother nor a friend. אני יכולה לראות את המגדל מהמקום בו אני עומדת. I can see the tower from where I stand. I can see the tower from where I stand. חסרים לי מאוד מורי בית הספר היסודי שלי. I miss my elementary teachers very much. I'm very short of my primary school teacher. أعدت الكتاب إلى المكتبة. I returned the book to the library. I've prepared the book to the library. ספריו של הסטודנט הזה חדשים. This student's books are new. This student's books are new. أسمح لك بالذهاب إلى هناك إذا أردت. You may go there. I'll let you go there if you want. كان حبّ فاضل لدانية غير مشروط. Fadil loved Dania unconditionally. The love of a Danish slave was unconditional. אם לא תלך, יהיה עליך להתנצל. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. من المحتمل أن يصل قريبا. He is likely to arrive soon. He's probably coming soon. אל תיגעי. Don't touch. Don't touch. واصل المشي لفترة. He continued walking for a while. Keep walking for a while. هل يمكنك أن تدلني على الطريق إلى محطة الباص؟ Could you direct me to the bus stop? Can you point me on the road to the bus station? قال ديما لنفسه: "سأبدو مثل جيمس بوند حقيقي في هذه"، ثم دخل المحل. "I'd look like a real James Bond in that," Dima said to himself, then entered the store. Dima said to himself, "I'll look like James Bond is real in this," and then he went into the store. كان سامي يريد أن يحبّه النّاس من أجل ما يملكه و ليس من أجل شخصيّته. Sami wanted people to like him for what he had more than for what he was. Sami wanted people to love him for what he had, not for his character. זאת טעות כל כך חמורה. This is such a mistake. It's so bad. وسمو العود تاع طوم؟ What's Tom's horse's name? And the comet's coming back, Tom? הוא מעולם לא היה קיים. He never existed. He never existed. נוח לכם עם זה? Are you alright with this? Are you comfortable with that? היא חסרת כל חוש יופי. She has no sense of beauty. She's lacking any sense of beauty. إن أحببت، فسأعلمك كيف تلعب الشطرنج. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If I love it, I'll let you know how to play chess. איזו אישיות מרשימה יש לו! What an impressive person he is! What an amazing personality he has! كان سامي مُحرجا. Sami was embarrassed. Sami was embarrassed. הקבוצה התרשמה. The group was impressed. The team was impressed. نسيتُ شراء الخبز. I forgot to buy bread. I forgot to buy bread. ארגוני זכויות האדם קבלו בקול שוב ושוב על העדר חופש אזרחי במדינה בשליטת תום. Human rights organisations complained loudly and repeatedly about the lack of civil liberties in the country under Tom's rule. Human rights organizations have been given a voice over and over again the lack of civil freedom in the country under the control of Rome. מרי הוציאה את הביצים אחת אחרי השניה. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Mary took the balls out one by one. אני מוציא אתכם מפה. I'm taking you out of here. I'm getting you out of here. كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. Sammy usually had a bad one. תום עזר לכולם. Tom helped everybody. Tom helped everyone. האזור הזה נמחק מהמפה בעקבות הוריקן. This region was wiped off the map after a hurricane. This area was removed from the map following the hurricane. هل خرّبت شيئًا؟ Did you break something? Did you ruin something? صنعت لي أمي حقيبة. My mother made me a bag. My mom made me a bag. مات كلب سامي. Sami's dog died. Sami dog died. תנסי שוב. Try it again. Try again. و كيف حالك أنت؟ And you, how are you? And how are you? هو يعمل في مصنع. He works in a factory. He works at a factory. يشبه جاك أباه. Jack resembles his father. It's like Jack's dad. يحترم عالمنا قانوناً ذهبياً واحداً: من يملك الذهب يضع القانون. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. Our world respects one gold law: who owns gold lays down the law. كان سامي في صفّي. Sami was in my class. Sammy was in my row. هل تغسل يديك قبل الوجبات؟ Do you wash your hands before meals? Are you washing your hands before meals? עבר עלי בוקר נחמד מאד. I had a very nice morning. I've had a very nice morning. המנהל העניק תעודה לכל אחד מהבוגרים. The principal presented each of the graduates with diploma. The manager gave an appointment to each of the adults. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a physician in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. ذلك يبدو جيدا That looks good. That sounds good. זה אחי. This is my brother. That's my brother. سأساعدك في تنظيفه. I'll help you clean it up. I'll help you clean it up. תום נראה לא נינוח ומעוצבן. Tom seems uncomfortable and annoyed. Tom seems uncomfortable and pissed off. תום ישלים. Tom will accept. Tom's anesthetized. يجب أن تُنَمِّيَ شجاعتك. You must build up your courage. You must develop your courage. אני חושב שתום מרוצה. I think Tom is satisfied. I think Tom's happy. הרפוי לא הצליח. The therapy was unsuccessful. Medical couldn't. هى ولدت في العام 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. تسبّبت الاحتجاجات بشلل في البلد. The protests brought the country to a standstill. The protests caused polio in the country. كان سامي معرّضا لحكم بالؤبّد. Sami could face life behind bars. Sami was subject to life sentence. תום יודע לשחות. Tom can swim. Tom knows how to swim. תתקן את זה. Fix this. Make it right. אני דרשתי שג'ון יעזוב מייד. I required that John leave at once. I asked John to leave right away. سامي راغب في أن تبقى ليلي. Sami wants Layla to stay. Sammy's willing to stay at night. הוא חייב להיות בחוץ. He must be out. He's got to be outside. أذاهب أنت معنا؟ Will you be going with us? Are you going with us? لم يسمع فاضل من ليلى. Sami didn't hear from Layla. He didn't hear anything from Lily. اختبأ الأرنب خلف الشجرة. The rabbit hid behind the tree. The rabbit was hiding behind the tree. ديانا أختك غير الشقيقة كذلك. Diane is your half sister, too. Your sister Diana's not the sister, either. תום נהג בזהירות רבה. Tom drove very carefully. Tom was driving very carefully. ماذا؟ أين أضع المفاتيح؟ Huh? Where'd I put the keys? Where do I put the keys? זה עלול להיראות מוזר. It may seem odd. It might look weird. عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. سامي يملك سيّارة. Sami has a ride. Sami owns a car. لم يكن هناك أيّ أثر للحياة. There was no sign of life. There was no effect on life. كانت عند سامي ستّ دروس في اليوم الواحد. Sami had six classes within a day. Sami had six lessons a day. מה לקחו? What was taken? What did they take? أنا رأيت كلباً. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. טום רוצה לכבוש את העולם. Tom wants to take over the world. Tom wants to conquer the world. הוא צועד תמיד עם ידיים בכיסים וראש בעננים. He always walks around with his hands in his pockets and his head in the clouds. He's always walking with hands in his pocket and head in the clouds. بُنِيَ منزل توم في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. I built Tom's house in 2013. معرفهاش. I don't know her. Know her. ألا تتذكره؟ Don't you remember him? Don't you remember him? هلا تفضل أحد لفتح النافذة؟ Can someone open a window? Would you prefer someone to open the window? יש עליך עט? Do you have a pen on you? You got a pen on you? השווה את התרגום שלך לשלו. Compare your translation with his. Compare your translation to his. فنجانا قهوة بالحليب من فضلك. Two coffees with milk, please. Coffee with milk, please. תום מדושן עונג. Tom is overjoyed. Tom's having a pleasure. אני לא אוהב לראות התעללות בחיות. I don't like to see animals cruelly treated. I don't like seeing animal abuse. تَعْجبنا نَفس الموسيقى. We like the same music. We like music. لقد فقدت كل إحترامي لك. I have lost all respect for you. I've lost all my respect for you. סטודנטים רבים עשו את אותה טעות. Many students made the same mistake. Many students made the same mistake. ينبغي -على الأقل- أن تكون معهم خريطة. At least they should have a map. - They should at least have a map. يستمع إلى محطة مذياع موجة قصيرة. He listens to a short wave radio station. Listens to a short wave radio station. ليس هناك حل. There isn't any solution. There's no solution. ספר לי איפה היא. Tell me where she is. Tell me where she is. אני לא עשיתי שום דבר בלתי חוקי. I did nothing unlawful. I didn't do anything illegal. أنا أعرف أمك I know your mother. I know your mother. ليس سبب من الخوف. There's no reason to be afraid. It's not a reason for fear. دعت ليلى سامي إلى منزلها. Layla invited Sami over. She invited Lily to her house. لا تتجرّأ حتّى بالاتّصال بي. Don't you even dare call me. Don't even dare call me. לא כל הילדים אוהבים תפוחים. All children do not like apples. Not all kids like apples. בלי תלות אילו מילים אתה בוחר - תמיד יעוותו אותם אחרים. No matter how carefully you choose your words, they'll always end up being twisted by others. No words you choose - they will always hurt others. ما هي شروطكم؟ What are your conditions? What are your conditions? Le, grazzi. No, thank you. No, thanks. تبدو أحمقاً. You look stupid. You look stupid. It-tifla għandha żiemel abjad. The girl has a white horse. The child has a white horse. أخبرني الحقيقة. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. إنه من محبي القطط. He's a cat lover. He's a cat lover. דברים שאתה יודע לא יכולים לפגוע בך. What you know cannot hurt you. Things you know can't hurt you. أصيب فاضل بصدمة عندما علم بوجود ضحيتان أخرتين. Fadil was shocked when he learned there were two more victims. He was shocked when he learned that there were two other victims. تبدو أوروبا الآن مثل الجنة. Europe looks like a paradise now. Europe now looks like paradise. סוף סוף אני לא חייב לאיש. I am finally quits with the man. I finally don't owe anyone. أخذ منّاد جهاز التّحكّم و أطفأ التّلفاز. Mennad grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Take the control device and turn off the TV. מאות המתינו לפני נקודת המכירה של הכרטיסים. Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office. Hundreds of wait before the card's point of sale. Ordnalu jmur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. Order to go home. إن لعب كرة المضرب ممتع. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing bat ball is fun. لا اهتم بما يقوله الآخرون. I don't care what anyone says. I don't care what others say. הוא יכול לדבר צרפתית ואנגלית. He can speak French and English. He can speak French and English. መጽሃፉን ስጠኝ። Give me the book. Close the history window كان عند ليلى صور لها بملابس البيكيني. Layla had pictures of her in a bikini. Lily had pictures of her in the bikini clothes. אם לא יירד גשם, גם אני אלך. Unless it rains, I will go, too. If it doesn't rain, I'll go, too. אני תוהה מדוע תום לא עשה את זה. I wonder why Tom didn't do that. I wonder why Tom didn't do it. ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. I went, too. سامي يتعلّم بسرعة. Sami learns fast. Sammy's learning fast. هل أنهيت واجباتك؟ Have you finished your duties? Did you finish your duties? אל תתני אמון בזרים. Don't trust strangers. Don't trust strangers. מלחמת העולם הראשונה התרחשה בין השנים 1914 ל- 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918. هل رأيت أختك؟ Have you seen your sister? Have you seen your sister? ربما على توم التوقف قبل أن يؤذي نفسه. Maybe Tom should quit before he hurts himself. Maybe Tom should stop before he hurts himself. מפלגתם זכתה בבחירות במירב הקולות. Their party won the most votes in the election. Their party won the multi-voting election. נא ללמוד כאן. Please study here. Please study here. אינני סולח לך. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. من فمك إلى باب السماء! Let's hope so! From your mouth to the sky door! حاول سامي أن يصف ما حدث. Sami tried to describe what happened. Sami tried to describe what happened. שעו לעצתי! Take my advice! Watch my advice! لازَم عْلينا نْروحو في اللخَر تاع الشْهَرْ. We have to leave at the end of the month. We're still soulless in hair. ما الذي تقوله؟ What're you saying? What are you saying? מה דעתך על הנושא הזה? What are your thoughts on this? How about this one? لا بدّ أنّ هناك طريقة أفضل لفعل هذا. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. הייתי בת מזל בכך שזכיתי להכיר אותו. I was fortunate to make his acquaintance. I was lucky to get to know him. عليك أن تتوقّف هنا. You have to stop right here. You have to stop here. מתי חזרת מטוקיו? When did you come back from Tokyo? When did you get back from Tokyo? أنا هروح لوحدي I'll go on my own. I'm on my own. هو ضليعُ في علم الهندسة . He is well versed in geometry. He's involved in engineering science. "أين أنت؟" "أنا هنا!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" كان سامي مختبئا في منزل أمّه. Fadil was holed up at his mother's house. Sami was hiding in his mother's house. אלמד אותך מעט קראטה. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'll teach you a little Karate. كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days do you usually need to get there? How many days do you usually need to get there? אנשים שלא חכמים ממני, לא מעניינים אותי. People who are not smarter than I am don't interest me. People who aren't smart about me don't care about me. لا أحد يفهمني. Nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. יש בובה בקופסה. There is a doll in the box. There's a doll in the box. יש לך דמיון פורה. You have a fertile imagination. You have a pure imagination. عودوا إلى أماكنكم. Go back to your seats. Go back to your places. يمكنك زيارتي متى ما أحببت. You can come visit me whenever you like. You can visit me whenever you like. Tom ġieli kien jiżbalja attapposta waqt il-lezzjonijiet sabiex l-għalliema tagħti kasu. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom sometimes misappreciated during lessons so that the teachers could take care of him. كان فاضل في المنزل بمفرده مع ليلى. Fadil was home alone with Layla. He was working at home alone with Lily. لا يجب أن تتصل به. You must not come in contact with him. You don't have to call him. תום שב. Tom's returned. Tom has a seat. كان سامي يريد أن يعيش حياته. Sami wanted to live his life. Sammy wanted to live his life. "قسما!" "إني لا أصدّقك!" "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" I don't believe you! إلّي بّلاش كَتّر مِنّو.‏‏ If it's free, get as much as you can. I've been thinking about it. עצור אותם. Stop them. Stop them. מה לא סיפרתם לי? What haven't you told me? What didn't you tell me? أين الآخرين؟ Where are the others? Where are the others? תום התחזק. Tom has grown in strength. Tom got stronger. آمل ذلك. I hope so. I hope so. זה ברור. That's obvious. It's obvious. תאונת הדרכים התרחשה בכביש המהיר. The traffic accident took place on the highway. The road accident took place on the highway. בקושי הכרתי אותו. I hardly knew him. I barely knew him. كانت مشغولة بإنهاء واجباتها. She was busy doing her homework. She was busy ending her duties. איננו חיים על-מנת לאכול, אלא אוכלים על-מנת לחיות. Not for eating do we live, but for living, we eat. We're not living to eat, but eating to live. كان سامي أشرس مفترسي الشّوارع. Sami was the ultimate street predator. Sami's been a street viewer. הוא עשה מכה על ידי השקעה בבורסה. He made a killing by investing in the stock market. He was hit by an investment in the Borsa. متى قطعت اجازتك الصيفيه؟ When are you going on summer vacation? When did you leave your summer vacation? انبطح من فضلك. Please get down. Please step down. אני בטוחה שתמצא דרך. I'm sure you'll find a way. I'm sure you'll find a way. לאחר שאתמול הייתי עסוק כל היום, הבוקר אני עייף מאוד. Having been busy all day yesterday, I feel very tired this morning. After yesterday I've been busy all day, this morning I'm very tired. لقد مضت ثلاثة سنوات منذ وفاته. It is three years since he died. It's been three years since he died. מישהו בדיוק צלצל. Somebody just called. Someone just called. لَقَد حَقَقوا هَدَفَهُم. They achieved their goal. They've made their heads up. בוא נקווה שזה לא יקרה שנית. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Let's hope it doesn't happen again. בני אדם הם בעלי החיים היחידים שמסמיקים. או שצריכים להסמיק. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. Human beings are the only animals that smug, or we need to smug. قل الحقيقة دائماً. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. אילו הייתי יודע על כך, הייתי אומר לך. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew about that, I'd tell you. هل تعتقد أنه قام بالعمل وحده؟ Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he did business alone? הלכתי לבית החולים אתמול. I went to the hospital yesterday. I went to the hospital yesterday. سحق سامي الأقراص السّامّة و ذوّبها في العصير. Sami crushed the poisonous pills and dissolved them into juice. Suck Samy the toxic pills and put her in the juice. לא חפפתי ראש. I haven't washed my hair. I didn't lose my head. من الصّعب عليّ كطبيب أن أقول هذا عن طبيب آخر، لكن هذه هي الحقيقة. It's hard for me as a doctor to say that about another doctor, but this is the truth. It's hard for me to say this about another doctor, but that's the truth. سامي يحبّ القاهرة. Sami loves Cairo. Sammy loves Cairo. فقد ابنين في الحرب. He lost two sons in the war. He lost two sons in the war. אנו ניצבים בפני מצב לא פשוט. We're confronted with a difficult situation. We're facing a situation that's not simple. طلباتك أوامر. Your wishes are my commands. Your orders. תום סרב לשאול לדרך. Tom refused to ask for directions. Tom refused to ask for the road. היו ארבעים נוכחים. There were forty people present. There were 40 present. סוף העולם מתקרב. The end of the world is coming. The end of the world is coming. هل يوجد أي شيء أخر تريد أن تُخبرني به؟ Is there anything else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? حصلت على علامة جيدة في مادة الإنجليزية. She got good grades in English. I got a good sign in English. الشيء الوحيد الذي ندم عليه فاضل هو إلقاء القبض عليه. The only remorse Fadil showed was for the fact he was caught. The only thing we regret is his arrest. העניבה מתאימה לך. That tie suits you very well. The tie is right for you. هي تأخذ مسافات. She takes distances. She's taking too long. יפריע לך אם אדליק את הרדיו? Will it bother you if I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? אנא, בוא למשרדנו מתי שתרצה. Please come to our office any time. Please, come to our office whenever you want. אני מקנאה. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. יש לי מחשב נייד מדגם אסוס. I have an Asus laptop. I've got an assus model laptop. ሳዕሲዐ ኢልካ ዲኻ? You call that dancing?! Quit GIMP تعرّفت على توم في الحفلة و أصبحا صديقَيْن. She made friends with Tom at the party. She knew Tom at the party and became friends. يعيش عمي قرب المدرسة. My uncle lives near the school. My uncle lives near school. מרי רוצה להחזיר ממותות לחיים. Mary wants to bring mammoths back to life. Mary wants to return from death to life. הוא ממש מכעיס אותי. He really makes me angry. He's really making me mad. أحتاج إلى أن أصلح ساعتي. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Hucking chose to focus on mathematics and physics, thus urging his doctor's father to study medicine. בְּשִׁבְעָה עָשָׂר בְּאֶלוּל אִיתְנַטִילוּ רוֹמָאֵי מִיְהוּדָה וּמִיְרוּשָׁלֵם: On the 17th of Elul the Romans were removed from Judah and Jerusalem. Then he turned away from them and said: ‘ What shall I do to you? הוא הציץ בעיתון לפני שהלך לישון. He took a look at the newspaper before going to bed. He showed up in the paper before he went to bed. איש לא אוהב מלחמה. Nobody loves war. No one likes war. האור כבה לפתע. The light suddenly went out. The light suddenly turned off. עשיתי זאת שוב, נכון? I did it again, didn't I? I did it again, didn't I? אני עומד להתחיל. I'm going to start. I'm about to start. لدينا ثلاثة حراس أمن يتبادلون الأدوار. We have three security guards who take shifts. We have three security guards sharing roles. زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. The co-worker claimed that the bus had lost him. אני יכול להבין את מבוכתך. I can understand your confusion. I can understand your embarrassment. غادرالقطار قبل أن يصلوا إلى المحطة. The train left before they got to the station. He left for the train before they got to the station. سُرقت مني ساعتي البارحة. I had my watch stolen yesterday. I was stolen last night. لو سمحت، اقلِ البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. If you'll excuse, lower the eggs a little so that the eggs don't become harsh. Int miżżewweġ? Are you married? Are you married? טום אף פעם לא שותה בירה כאשר מרי נמצאת בסביה. Tom never drinks beer when Mary is around. Tom never drinks beer when Mary's in Libya. אמרתי לך שתום היה רעב. I told you Tom was hungry. I told you Tom was hungry. אנא עצור שם. Please stop there. Please stop there. أشكرك لأنك وضّحت لي ذلك. Thanks for your explanation. Thank you for explaining that to me. איזה ילדים! אתה שולח אותם לקנות ממתקים, והם חוזרים עם כלב! What children! You send them to get candy and they return with a dog! You send them to buy candy, and they come back with a dog! אני מעריך את העובדה שאת חושבת עלי באופן זה. I really appreciate that you think of me that way. I appreciate the fact that you think of me that way. אני צמחוני שחזר לסורו. I am a lapsed vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian who's back to Sorrow. יש מגזינים באנגלית בספרייה הזאת? Are there any English magazines in this library? Any magazines in English in this library? אתה יכול לבדוק? Can you find out? Can you check? החיים דומים לרומנים יותר מאשר הרומנים משקפים את החיים. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. Life is more like novels than novels reflect life. من فضلك أرني إياها مرة أخرى. Please show it to me again. Please show it to me again. Mhux problema. No problem! Not a problem. እኔ ማነኝ? Who am I? THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT الجميع قادر على تعلم لغة أجنبية، لكن الأمر يزداد سهولةً لمن يكون موهوبا. Everyone is capable of learning a foreign language, but it's all much easier for those with talent. Everyone is able to learn a foreign language, but it gets easier for someone who's talented. אני הייתי נחוש למלא את חובותיי בכל מחיר. I was determined to fulfill my duties at any cost. I was determined to fulfill my obligations at all costs. هل تلك عربتك؟ Is that your carriage? Is that your car? هلّا أخبرتني عن سبب وجود توم في بوسطن؟ Can you tell me why Tom is in Boston? Would you tell me why Tom was in Boston? לקחו לתום כסף במרמה. Tom got ripped off. They took Tom money at a price. الْبَحْرُ أَخْضَرُ. The sea is green. The seas are green. ما فيش وقت نضيعو. There is no time to be lost. There's no time we're wasting. אני ממש שמח לראות אתכם. I'm really glad to see you. I'm really glad to see you guys. كان بإمكان فاضل أن يتّصل بالشّرطة. Fadil could have called the police. He could have called the police. מעולם לא התכוונתי להעמיד אותך בסכנה. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never meant to put you in danger. אנחנו נוטים לשכוח את העובדה הזאת. We tend to forget this fact. We tend to forget this fact. תחביא את הכסף. Hide the money. Hide the money. لأجلِ صداقتنا For our friendship! For our friendship. אני עוזב את בוסטון. I'm leaving Boston. I'm leaving Boston. אלה לא מילים. These aren't words. Those aren't words. אני חושבת שזה יהיה נפלא. I think that would be awesome. I think it'll be great. ገደልኩው። I killed him. Select the entire page إنها جميلة جداً. She is very pretty. She's so beautiful. למרות שתום זה עתה חגג את יום הולדתו הארבעים, אני לא חושב שנס עדין לחו. Even though Tom just had his fortieth birthday, I don't think he's over the hill yet. Although Tom has just celebrated his 40th birthday, I don't think a miracle is still on his mind. "إنّ جمال ليس قدّيسا." "بالرّغم من ذلك، أنا أثق به." "Jamal is not a saint." "Yet I trust him." "James is not a priest, though I trust him." الم یکن هذا واضحا؟ Was that not clear? Isn't that clear? תום היה משועשע. Tom was amused. Tom was amusing. שונרא אנא. I am a cat. Xinnera, please. لقد بُنيت أهرام المايا ومعابدها الضخمة على نحو رائع باستخدام الأدوات الحجرية Mayan pyramids and large temples were built elegantly using stone tools. Mayan ruins and huge temples have been built greatly using stone tools. אני חושב שהם נתקלו באיזושהי בעיה. I think they've encountered some kind of problem. I think they're having some kind of problem. הוא עבר על החוק. He broke the law. He broke the law. זה העיפרון שלך? Is this pencil yours? Is that your pencil? لستُ مشغولًا مثل يوشيو. I am not as busy as Yoshio. I'm not as busy as Yoshio. אם אתה עייף, לך לישון! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, go to sleep! תום מתחרט. Tom is remorseful. Tom's sorry. ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة. He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3. MacLach to one bark, three. الطاليانية ماشي واعرة. Italian isn't difficult. Tallian Mashi and Irra. راك تقول بلّي خبّيت جمالك بلعاني⸮ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Rak says, "I have hid your beauty in my mouth." سأبقى هناك حتى الساعة السادسة. I'll stay there till six o'clock. I'll stay there until 6:00. אני מעדיפה את השמלה הזאת על פני זו. I prefer that dress to this one. I prefer this dress over this one. كنت أعلم أنه أنت. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. היא בחרה כובע שיתאים לשמלה החדשה שלה. She selected a hat to match her new dress. She chose a hat that would match her new dress. לדעת זה דבר אחד, ללמד זה דבר אחר. To know is one thing, to teach is another. Knowing this is one thing, teaching is another. ماذا تتوقع أن تجد هنا؟ What do you expect to find here? What do you expect to find here? كنت أقرأ خلال ساعة واحدة. I had been reading for an hour. I was reading in one hour. היית צריך לנעול, או לפחות לסגור את כל הדלתות. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should've locked in, or at least shut down all the doors. דן נראה לאחרונה בחיים בבוקרו של אותו היום בו הוא נמצא מת. Dan was last seen alive in the dawn of the same day he found dead. Dan was recently seen alive in the morning of the same day that he was found dead. Naf li huwa mużiċist famuż. I know that he is a famous musician. I know that is a famous musician. העיתון פרסם פרודיה משעשעת על נאומו של הנשיא. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The newspaper has published a amusing Predia about the president's speech. איפה הם עכשיו? Where are they now? Where are they now? רק המידע שלך נכון. Only your information is true. Only your information is true. הוא צילם תמונה משפחתית. He took a photograph of the family. He took a family picture. הם האמינו לתום. They believed Tom. They believed Tom. في اكثر الاحيان تكون المنطقة المخصصة للدراجات الهوائية في مؤخرة القطار . The dedicated bike zone is most often at the rear of the train. Most often, the area assigned to bikes is at the back of the train. هىَ ليست أختي. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. إنه يوافقني الرأي. He agrees with my opinion. He agrees with me. عاش سامي حياة رفيعة المستوى. Sami lived a prestigious life. Sami lived a high-level life. הבט בציפור המזמרת בעץ. Look at the bird singing in the tree. Look at the burning bird in the tree. فلنحاول! Let's have a try. Let's try! זה אמין? Is it credible? Is that reliable? אנחנו חושבים על הרבה מאוד פתרונות. We are thinking of a lot of solutions. We're thinking a lot of solutions. עבודתו הושלמה, הוא נראה מרוצה. His work done, he appeared to be satisfied. He's done. He looks happy. آسف لا يمكنني سماعك جيداً. I'm sorry, but I can't hear you well. I'm sorry. I can't hear you very well. إنها تعزف على الكمان بمهارة. She plays the violin very well. She plays with a skill. יש לי אוגר חדש שקראתי לו דן. I have a new hamster and I've named him Dan. I've got a new trunk I called Dan. תודה על הגלויה היפה. Thanks for the pretty postcard. Thank you for the beautiful disclosure. אינני מכין את המזוודות שלך. I don't pack your suitcases. I'm not making your suitcases. هل يمكنك القدوم؟ Can you come? Can you come? הוא השאיל לי שני ספרים. He lent me two books. He loaned me two books. אתה לבד? Are you alone? Are you alone? אנו בסדר. We're fine. We're fine. לשיטה הזאת יתרונות וחסרונות. This method has its pros and cons. This method has advantages and disadvantages. הגזמתי בביטחון העצמי שלי. I was overconfident. I overreached my own confidence. عاش سامي حياة هادئة مع ليلى. Sami led a quiet life with Layla. Sami lived a quiet life with Lily. أظنّ أنّه لدى سامي وقت لقائه في ال I think that Sami has got time to spend in jail. I think Sami's got time to meet him. سامي في المطبخ. Sami is in the kitchen. Sami's in the kitchen. الميزانية قليلة جدا. The budget is extremely small. The budget is very small. זה מצחין. This stinks. That's funny. בעיה מדומה זו מנופחת מעל ומעבר לכל יחס. This virtual problem is blown out of proportion. This kind of problem is spilled over and beyond any relationship. "!صرخت قائلة "النجدة! ساعدوني. "Help, help," she cried. I said, "Help me!" كم كتاباً لديه؟ How many books does he have? How many books does he have? ساعدوا بعض في الواجب. They helped each other with homework. Help some in duty. דומני שלא אוכל לעזור לך. I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't think I can't help you. هيَ تذهبُ إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو. She goes to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou. She's going to Moldova University with Batesy and Zoo teachers. הן נעצרו יחד עם החברים שלהן. They were arrested along with their friends. They were arrested along with their friends. תום רחץ את ידיו ואת פניו. Tom washed his hands and face. Tom washed his hands and face. اشترى فاضل منزلا في القاهرة. Fadil bought a house in Cairo. He bought a house steward in Cairo. يدرس توم في المكتبة الآن. Tom is now studying in the library. Tom's studying in the library now. נפתור את הבעיה ללא קושי. We shall solve the problem without any difficulties. We'll solve the problem without difficulty. תום ביקש ממרי לתת לו להעתיק את שיעורי הבית שלה. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. Tom asked Mary to let him copy her homework. עלייך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You have to watch this tape. تورّط فاضل في متاجرة المخدّرات. Fadil got involved in drug trade. Stubborn in drug trafficking. הציפור חיפשה תולעים. The bird was looking for worms. The bird was looking for worms. אני לא רדום. I'm not sleepy. I'm not asleep. كانت تلك التفاحة حقا لذيذة. That apple was really tasty. That apple was really delicious. كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في الحي. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Doctor was a good hero in the neighborhood. Intlift. I'm lost. Inlift. למה את קוראת את הרומן הזה? Why are you reading this novel? Why are you reading this novel? אבוט הרג את מרי. Abbott killed Mary. Abbot killed Mary. הקרבן נדקר שוב ושוב על ידי הרוצח. The victim was stabbed repeatedly by the killer. The victim was stabbed over and over again by the killer. هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is it a recent picture? Has this photo been taken recently? عندي حلم. I have a dream. I have a dream. الأقربون أولى بالمعروف. Charity begins at home. The first relative known. אני יודע שאת מעריכה את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. תורידי אותי בבקשה בתחנה הבאה. Please let me off at the next stop. Please drop me at the next station. יש לי גשר בשיניים. I have braces. I've got a bridge in my teeth. איך זה קשור לכאן? How is this connected to that? What's that got to do with here? إنه يتحدث على الهاتف. He's talking on the telephone. He's talking on the phone. איפה החניתי את הרכב? Where did I park my car? Where did I park the car? قبِلته الكلية كطالبٍ. The college accepted him as a student. She kissed him as a student. رفضت عرضه. She turned down his proposal. I refused his offer. אף אני איני בטוח בכך. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure. אתה כּוּלָּה סטודנט. You’re just a student. You're a student. لا يستطيع أحد أن ينكر هذا. No one could deny this. Nobody can deny this. היי, זה אני. Hey, it's me. Hey, it's me. טום שלח את הציפור לחופשי. Tom freed the bird. Tom sent the bird free. הרופא ידע איך להתמודד עם מקרה חירום כזה. The doctor knew how to cope with an emergency like this. The doctor knew how to deal with such an emergency. מי מטרתך? What's your goal? Who's your goal? كمان مرة. Once again. Just like once. ماذا صنعت ليلى بشعرها؟ What has Layla done to her hair? What did you do to Lily with her hair? אנו רוצים לדבר איתך. We wish to speak to you. We want to talk to you. הוא רוקן את כל הכוס בלגימה אחת. He emptied his glass in one gulp. He's emptying all the glass in one glass. كان فاضل يريد أن يراه العالم و هو يقتل ليلى. Fadil wanted the world to see that he was killing Layla. He wanted to see the world and he killed Lily. سامي على متن حافلة. Sami is on a bus. Sami's on a bus. تعقّبت الشّرطة آثار سامي. The police tracked Sami down. The police tracked Sami's tracks. אתה בטוח בכך? Are you sure about this? You sure about that? הלכנו במהירות רבה יותר מהרגיל. We walked more quickly than usual. We went much faster than usual. بيتي قريب من المحطة. My house is near the station. My house is close to the station. נטלתי משכך כאבים לראש שלי. I took a painkiller for my headache. I took a painkiller to my head. لقد فقدت قواي كلها. My strength is all gone. I've lost all my powers. הבעיות האלו נוצרו כתוצאה של חוסר תשומת הלב שלך. These problems have arisen as the result of your carelessness. These problems have been caused by your lack of attention. رجاء عرفني على توم. Please introduce me to Tom. Please let me know about Tom. انا مندهش , توم I'm impressed, Tom. I'm surprised, Tom. בוא נשלח לתום את המכתב. Let Tom send the letter. Let's send Tom the letter. תקשיב לי טוב, טוב? Listen to me very carefully, OK? Listen to me, okay? יש הרבה רעידות אדמה ביפן. There are many earthquakes in Japan. There's a lot of earthquakes in Japan. אני צריכה למכור את זה? Should I sell these? Do I have to sell this? أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to hire a bus. היא טובה עם חיות. She's good with animals. She's good with animals. سأكلّمه بموضوع الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about loud music. كان يتصرّف بشكل غريب. He acted strange. He was acting weirdly. אני מבקש קמומיל. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking for Cammomile. طبع هذا الكتاب في انجلترا. This book was printed in England. Print this book in England. أليس أسوداً؟ Isn't it black? Isn't it black? לאחר ארוחת הבוקר יצאנו לטייל בחוץ. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. After breakfast, we went for a walk outside. أريد أن أكون هنا I want to be here. I want to be here. يمثل إدراك أوجه الإنسانية المشتركة فيما بيننا بطبيعة الحال مجرد البداية لمهمتنا. Of course, recognizing our common humanity is only the beginning of our task. Of course, understanding of the common aspects of humanity among us is just the beginning of our mission. האם אי פעם ירד לך דם מהאף בקיץ? Have you ever had a nosebleed in summer? Have you ever got blood from your nose in the summer? لا تفعل شيئا حتى آتي. Don't do anything until I come. Don't do anything until I come. הקשר הרומנטי הארוך ביותר שלי נמשך ארבעה חודשים. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. My longest romantic relationship lasted four months. אל תשנא את מה שאינך מבין! Don't hate what you don't understand! Don't hate what you don't understand! ليس كل ما على شبكة الإنترنت يمكن إيجاده باستخدام جوجل. Not everything on the web can be found through Google. Not all on the Internet can be found using Google. הבה נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. תחזיק אותה בשבילי. Hold her for me. Hold her for me. האם זה מה שרוצה הממשלה? Is that what the government wants? Is that what the government wants? הייתי חבר בארגון הזה במשך חמש שנים. הו לא, חכה. שש. I've been a member of this organization for five years. Oh wait, no. Six. I've been a member of this organization for five years. זה יכול לחכות? Can this wait? Can it wait? عاد سامي إلى مصر. Sami returned to Egypt. Sami returned to Egypt. أي لون تحب أكثر؟ الأزرق أم الأحمر؟ Which color do you like more, blue or red? Which color loves more, blue or red? هذا ليس مهماً. This is not important. That's not important. קראנו לכלב טים. We named the dog Tim. We called dog Tim. بإمكانه الانتظار حتى الغد. He can wait until tomorrow. He can wait until tomorrow. יש לי איחור קטן. I'm running a little late. I have a little late. احضرتُ لها مثلَّجات لكي لا تحزن I got her an ice cream so that she wouldn't get depressed. I brought her tapes so she wouldn't be sad. انتقل سامي للعيش في ولاية آخرى. Sami moved states. Sami moved to another state. אוקיי, תקשיבו. OK, listen up. Okay, listen. هاذ الشاشيّة مخدومة في أستراليا. This hat was made in Australia. This screen is done in Australia. אדם הגיע לראשונה לירח בשנת 1969. Men first visited the moon in 1969. A man first arrived on the moon in 1969. قال الصايب: "نعم، هذا أنا، لكن هناك على الأقل واحد منا في كل بلد. و جميعنا نحب الفانتا، و نحب أن نضع المبتدئين عند حدّهم." "Yes, that's me," said Al-Sayib. "But there's at least one of us in every country. And we all like Fanta, as well as putting noobs in their place." The right thing is, "Yes, it's me, but there's at least one of us in every country. הקהל נרגע. The crowd calmed down. The crowd calmed down. سأل الصائب: "أين أنت يا ديما؟!"، بينما جلب منشفةً ليمسح الفانتا المسكوب. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. Ask the right question, "Where are you, Dama?," while he brought a towel to wipe the sultan. لدي شعور أنه محق. I have a feeling he is right. I have a feeling he's right. أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. חכית? תודה! You waited? Thank you! Wait, thank you! הוא קם והושיט יד לכובעו. He stood up and reached for his hat. He got up and reached out to his hat. יש להם כעת שלושה ילדים. They now have three kids. They now have three children. الأمازيغ فخورون بلغتهم. Berbers are proud of their language. Amazig is proud of their language. آمل أنّ سامي محقّ. I hope Sami is right. I hope Sammy's right. لا تفقد الثّقة في نفسك أبدا. بإمكانك ان تقوم بأيّ شيء تريده. Never lose faith in yourself. You can do everything you want to do. You can do anything you want. הוא אף פעם לא משקר. He never tells lies. He never lies. אפשרי שהם לא הרגישו בנוח. They possibly did not feel welcome. It's possible they didn't feel comfortable. היית צריך להזהר יותר בבריאותך. You should have been more careful of your health. You should have been more careful in your health. فجّر توم البالونة. Tom blew up the balloon. Tom blew the balloon. תן לי קצת. Give me a little. Give me some. بيتر شكله شباب أوي. Peter looks very young. Peter's shaped like guys Oi. ሆቴል ትፈልጋለች። She's looking for a hotel. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? إنهم قلقون بشأنه They're concerned about him. They're worried about him. أنا لدي جار إيطالي. I have an Italian neighbor. I have an Italian neighbor. כולם בסדר? Is everybody OK? Is everyone okay? دي مشكلة كبيرة That's a serious problem. Dee's a big problem. طلب توم شيء للأكل Tom ordered something to eat. Tom asked for something to eat. يبدو إسم سامي مؤلوفا بالنّسبة لي. Sami's name sounds familiar to me. My name looks familiar to me. تحفظ الثلاجة الأكل من الفساد. The refrigerator preserves food from decay. The fridge saves food from corruption. لم يكن عليك فعل هذا. You shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done that. هىَ متزوجة من بحار. She married a sailor. She's married to a sea. באופן כללי, התכנית שלך מוצאת חן בעיניי. I basically like your plan. In general, I like your plan. أظن بأن توم يحبني. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom loves me. كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. He was working at a party. أود أن أقدم على طلب. I would like to make a request. I would like to make a request. يشعر جمال بتحسن طفيف. Jamal feels a little better. Kinda feels a little better. כל אדם הוא מיוחד. Every person is special. Every man is special. כולם ראו את זה. Everyone saw it. Everybody saw it. זה נחמד מצדו להביא מתנות כאלה. It's nice of him to bring such gifts. It's nice of him to bring gifts like that. كان سامي يملك المال. Sami had money. Sami owned the money. זה נשמע איום. That sounds awful. That sounds terrible. أحبت شابا أصغر منها سنا. She fell in love with a younger man. I loved a younger guy than her. מה הכללים? What are the rules? What are the rules? خشيت أن أفقدك. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid to lose you. أعددت لك قليلا من الحساء. I'll make some broth for you. I made you some soup. אני יודע שאת בהלם. I know you're shocked. I know you're in shock. הייתי מאושר. I was happy. I was happy. זכור לי שהזכרתי זאת פעם או פעמים. I remember mentioning it once or twice. Remember, I mentioned it once or twice. أحتاج لمزيد من الوقت لأنهي واجبي. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time because I'm my job. היא באמת מאד אוהבת חתולים. She really likes cats a lot. She really likes cats. חל שינוי בתוכנית. There's been change of plan. There's been a change of plan. Inti miżżewweġa? Are you married? Are you married? ماذا تريد بعد ذلك؟ What do you want then? What do you want after that? ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a student. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. לחצתי בזהירות על דוושת הדלק. I stepped carefully on the accelerator. I pressed carefully on the fuel supply. كان سامي يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Sami wanted Layla to marry him. Sami wanted to marry him Lily. אולי זה גורל. Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's fate. سيدني هي أكبر مدينة في استراليا. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Il-ġurnata t-tajba. Have a nice day. The right day. למה זה אמור להיות נחוץ? Why should that be necessary? Why is that supposed to be necessary? שטיח ירוק לא ילך עם וילון כחול. A green carpet will not go with this blue curtain. A green carpet won't go with a blue curtain. ضاع حذاء سامي. Sami's shoes were missing. Put down Sammy's shoes. האם התקשרת? Did you call? Did you call? ابن خالي بارع في الخدع السحرية. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. My dead son is good in magic tricks. אתה מקבל את ההסבר הזה? Do you buy that explanation? You get that explanation? علمت أن شيئا طريفا قد يحدث. I knew something funny might happen. I knew something funny might happen. יש לה לחמניה. She has a roll. She's got a bun. سرق فاضل مال ليلى و سيّارتها. Fadil stole Layla's money and car. He stole a piece of last night's money and her car. فوّت سام درس التّاريخ. Sami missed his history class. I missed Sam's trick lesson. ده قراري. This is my choice. It's my decision. איבדתי את תחושת הזמן. I lost track of the time. I lost my sense of time. הוא מקלקל את בגדיו. He's destroying his clothes. He's spoiling his clothes. תום נוכח לפתע שמרי כבר לא הייתה בחדר. Tom suddenly realized that Mary wasn't in the room anymore. Tom's suddenly present. Mary wasn't in the room anymore. تبدو شاحباً للغاية. You look very pale. You look very welcome. המשפחה הענייה הזאת חיה מהיד לפה כל חודש. That poor family lives from hand to mouth every month. This poor family lives in here every month. הוא נדחק קצת הצידה כדי לפנות מקום. He squashed up a bit to the side to leave a seat free. He's pushed a little sideways to clear a place. أكلنا شحنة كاملة من التفاح. We ate a whole load of apples. We've got a whole shipment of apples. איך אתה יודע אם זה שלה? How do you know that belongs to her? How do you know if it's hers? אם תום הולך, אני לא. If Tom goes, I won't. If Tom goes, I don't. إنّه قدرنا. It is our destiny. It's our destiny. היא הולכת. She walks. She's going. من فضلك غادر حالاً. Please leave right away. Please leave now. תום חושב על זה. Tom is now thinking about it. Tom's thinking about it. תום שרבט משהו במחברת שלו. Tom scribbled something in his notebook. Tom scratched something in his notebook. אם נאחר לרכבת, ניסע באוטובוס. If we miss the train, we'll go by bus. If we're late for the train, we're on the bus. شغلت التلفزيون وكانوا يعرضون الجائزة الكبرى. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I played the TV and they were offering the big prize. أنا لست أحمقا، أليس كذلك؟ I'm not stupid, am I? I'm not an idiot, are I? שמי ג'יסונג. My name is Jisung. My name is Gissong. تقدري تحكِّيلي دهري. Can you rub my back? Give me my exorcism. ذهبت مع أختي إلى القلعة. My sister and I went to the castle. I went with my sister to the castle. اتّخذ سامي اسما مسلما. Sami took a Muslim name. Sami took a Muslim name. אני יכולה לעזור לך? May I help you? Can I help you? كيف بإمكانك معرفة ذلك؟ How can you know that? How can you know that? מי שמחריב את ביתו עצמו יירש שממה. Whoever destroys his house will inherit the wind. Whoever loved his own home will inherit her name. אמי יכלה לדבר חמש שפות. My mother could speak five languages. My mother could have spoken five languages. إياك أن تخبرني، دعني أخمن. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Don't you tell me, let me guess. انتظر سامي هناك. Sami waited there. Wait, Sammy's over there. מדוע לא הקשבת? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? מגיע להם כולם למות. They all deserve to die. They all deserve to die. منين انت؟ Where are you from? Where are you from? זה נראה יחיד במינו. This seems unique. It looks unique. אתם נראים עייפים מאוד. You look very tired. You look very tired. אתה רוצה לשמוע עוד? Do you want to hear more? You want to hear more? من الأرجح أن يكون سامي قد قضى نهاية الأسبوع مع صديقته. Sami probably spent the weekend with his new girlfriend. Sami probably spent the weekend with his girlfriend. من فضلك أغلق الباب خلفك. Please shut the door behind you. Please close the door behind you. אשתי ביקשה ממני להיפטר מהכובע הישן הזה. My wife asked me to throw this old hat away. My wife asked me to get rid of this old hat. אני חושבת שהכל בסדר. I think it's going well. I think it's all right. אני אוהבת את הגשם כשאני לומדת בחדרי. I love the rain while I'm studying in my room. I like the rain when I study in my room. Ommu titkellem bit-Taljan. His mother speaks Italian. His mother speaks Italian. أكنت في المدرسة في ذلك الوقت؟ Were you at school at that time? Were you at school at that time? איך נדע שהוא לא האמיתי? How do we know this isn't the real one? How do we know he's not the real one? لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't talk too loud here. אלה שלך? Are those yours? These are yours? הישאר בתור. Stay in line. Stay in line. אני בשום אופן לא עושה את זה. There's no way I'm going to do that. I'm in no way doing that. מה הצליל הזה? What's that sound? What's that sound? הניסוח הזה נשמע די משונה באוזניי. That wording sounds rather strange to me. That dress sounds kind of weird in my ears. אני רק צריכה חיבוק. I just need a hug. I just need a hug. אור על-סגולי חודר עננים, כך שאת יכולה להישרף בשמש גם ביום מעונן. Ultraviolet light can also go through clouds, so you can get sunburns on an overcast day. Light on the purples is in the cloud so you can burn in the sun on a cloud day too. انظر إلي Look at me. Look at me. ستحضر الإجتماع بدلا مني. She will attend the meeting instead of me. You'll get the meeting instead of me. הם נראים בסדר. They seemed OK. They look fine. הבא לי את כתבי העת. Bring me the magazines. Bring me the journals. טום לא יכול לחכות לפגוש אותך. Tom can't wait to meet you. Tom can't wait to meet you. השעון נעצר. The clock has stopped. The clock's stopped. أعاد فاضل التّفكير في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. He kept thinking about it. הפסיקי לירות. Stop shooting. Stop shooting. מה בעצם קרה לה? Whatever happened to her? What actually happened to her? מי ניסה להרוג אתכם? Who tried to kill you? Who tried to kill you? أزعجني بكاء الطفل. I was bothered by the baby's crying. It bothers me when I cry. אל תתן להסיח את דעתך! Don't get distracted! Don't distract yourself! سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sami did this. على ماذا يحتوي؟ What does it contain? What's it got? لا أعرف إذا كان صادقاً أم لا. I don't know whether he was honest or not. I don't know if it's honest or not. עלינו לעבוד קשה להסרת מחסומים חברתיים. We must work hard to break down social barriers. We have to work hard to remove social barriers. كيف تعرفت على توم؟ How do you know Tom? How did you know Tom? אני אבין. I'll understand. I'll understand. יום יפה, הלא כן? Beautiful day, isn't it? Nice day, isn't it? Il-ktieb huwa fuq il-mejda. The book is on the table. The book is on the table. كان فاضل يضرب أطفاله. Fadil would hit his children. He was a monster beating his kids. אתה מאמין בגלגל המזלות? Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe in the wheel of groceries? בוא נחכה ונראה אם תום באמת זקוק לעזרתנו. Let's wait and see if Tom really needs our help. Let's wait and see if Tom really needs our help. كان لدى سامي مشكل مع المخدّرات و الكحول. Sami had a problem with both drugs and alcohol. Sami had a problem with drugs and alcohol. تأخرنا بسبب العاصفة. We were late because of the storm. We're late because of the storm. תום החזיק אותנו משועשעים. Tom kept us entertained. Tom kept us amusing. قَصَدْتُهُ مِِثلَ نُكتَةٍ. I meant it as a joke. I cut it like a joke. אהרוג את תום אם אצטרך. I'll kill Tom if I have to. I'll kill Tom if I need to. הוא סופסוף הרוויח כסף. He finally made money. He finally earned money. אני לא רוצה ללמוד הלילה. I don't want to study tonight. I don't want to study tonight. أُعجب سامي بهذا المكان. Sami liked it here. I like that place. מה תום ניסה להסתיר? What's Tom trying to hide? What did Tom try to hide? אנחנו קונים. We're buying. We're buying. أتى أخيرا. At last he came. He finally came. היא בהריון עם תאומים. She's pregnant with twins. She's pregnant with twins. האם היית רוצה לבוא? Would you like to go? Would you like to come? أنا مواطن أمريكي. I am an American citizen. I'm an American citizen. يكون العدد الصحيح طبيعيا إذا وفقط إذا كان أكبر أو يساوي 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. The correct number is normal if only if it is greater or equal to 0. إنهم يتحدثون عن هذا و ذاك. They are talking about this and that. They're talking about this and that. لا يمكن التّنبّؤ بتصرّفات سامي. Sami is just unpredictable. Can't predict Sami's actions. תודה לכם על כל האיחולים! Thank you all for the congratulations! Thank you for all the congratulations! ماكانش مسموح ليّا نخرج. I wasn't allowed to leave. What was allowed me to go out. عيد ميلاد الذّكرى العشرين لزواج سامي و ليلىى على الأبواب. Sami and Layla's twentieth anniversary is just around the corner. The 20th anniversary of Sami's marriage and Leila's on the doors. איפה הבנות? Where are the girls? Where are the girls? أنت حقا ممل. You're really annoying. You're really boring. لا تعرف شيء عن الجنس. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. You don't know anything about sex. יש שם אישה המחכה לראות אותך. There's a woman waiting to see you. There's a woman out there waiting to see you. انتظرتْ ردي. She waited for my reply. Waited for my reply. قدّم لي المدرّس احتجازا. The teacher gave me a detention. I got the teacher in custody. فكر فيما قلته لك. Think about what I said to you. Think of what I told you. كان سامي يريد العاهرات. Sami wanted prostitutes. Sami wanted the whores. בשעה שסובבתי את גל הארכובה, קם הטרקטור הישן לתחיה. As I turned the handle of the crankshaft, the old tractor sputtered to life. As I turned the long wave, the old tractor rose to life. לא לקשקש כאן. Don't scribble here. Don't bullshit here. تبرع باموالك الى الفقراء وسوف تمتلك كنز فى الجنة Donate your money to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven. Give your money to the poor, and I'll have treasure in heaven. رمى سامي الملابس التي استداها أثناء الجريمة. Sami dumped the clothes he had worn during the crime. Put Sam on his clothes during the crime. تفضّل بالدّخول. Please come in. Come in. אני רוצה להרים כוסית לכבוד חברנו היקר, מיכאל. I would like to have a toast for our dear friend, Michael. I want to have a toast for our dear friend Michael. انتقلي للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move to live here. היא תמיד מתנהגת באדיבות כלפי כולם. She always acts politely toward everybody. She's always being kind to everyone. لن يروق لك ما سأقول. You're not going to like what I'm going to say. You won't like what I'm gonna say. ماذا ترون؟ What do you think? What do you see? كِلاً من هما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. They're all in the room. ماذا احتاج توم؟ What did Tom need? What do I need Tom? هل تعلم ماذا فعل؟ Do you know what he has done? Do you know what he did? سامي يصنع عطره بنفسه. Sami makes his own perfume. Sami's making his own gift. אני בכלל לא מרוצה מההכנסה הנוכחית שלי. I am by no means satisfied with my present income. I'm not even happy with my current income. אתה נראה טוב בבגדים האלה. You look good in those clothes. You look good in those clothes. سامي أفضل من فريد. Sami is better than Farid. Sami's better than Fred. إنها دائماً تشتري ثياباً ثمينة. She always buys expensive clothes. She always buys expensive clothes. It-tazza hija nadifa. The glass is clean. The cup is clean. הלכתם לאיזשהו קונצרט בגרמניה? Did you go to a concert in Germany? Did you go to some concert in Germany? كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? What does it look like to you in English? לתום יש כתובת קעקע. Tom got a tattoo. Tom has a tattoo address. هل أنا أول صديق لك ليس يابانيا؟ Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend, not Japanese? رنّ الجرس عندما كنت أتغدّى. The phone rang when I was having lunch. He rang the bell when I was feeding. המשא ומתן נוהל בבוסטון. The negotiations took place in Boston. The negotiations are held in Boston. הוא השיב קצרות. He answered in brief. He responded briefly. מרי תקנא. Mary will be jealous. Mary would be jealous. يتحركون من مكان إلى آخر. They move from place to place. They move from place to place. הם מתקשרים באמצעות סימני ידים. They can communicate using hand signs. They're calling through their hands marks. أخبر زوجتك بي. Tell your wife about me. Tell your wife to me. أنا متعبة. لقد كان يوماً طويلاً. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm tired, it's been a long day. إنه قوي كالحصان. He is strong as a horse. He's as strong as a horse. בנוסף, יש לי ראיון עם פרופסור. In addition, I have to interview a professor. Plus, I have an interview with a professor. האם הכסא הזה פנוי? Is this seat free? Is this chair available? و بعد قليل أتى. After a while, he came. And soon he came. ركض سامي للنّجاة بحياته. Sami ran for his life. Sami ran to survive his life. لم أبحث عنك أبدا. I never looked for you. I've never been looking for you. إنها تأمل أن تصبح مصممة أزياء. She hopes to become a designer. She's hoping to be a fashion designer. חם מאוד. It's very hot. Very hot. توم هو اللي قال لي باللي ماري ما كانتش تحبني. Tom is the one who told me that Mary didn't like me. Tom's the only one who told me Bally Mary Mactash loved me. قرّر سامي أن يرفع الفيديو على اليوتوب. Sami decided to upload the video on YouTube. Sami decided to pick up the video on the satellite. תום זקוק לקצת שינה. Tom needs some sleep. Tom needs some sleep. ענה לי. Answer me. Answer me. التقيا سامي و ليلى لأوّل مرّة في محطّة للوقود بالقاهرة. Sami and Layla first met at a gas station in Cairo. Meet Sami and Lily for the first time at a fuel station in Cairo. وصل سامي إلى قاع الهاوية ماليّا. Sami hit rock bottom economically. Sami got to the bottom of the van financially. הוא אמר שאין סיכוי למאבק. He said it was hopeless to continue the struggle. He said there's no way to fight. توم كان عندو ڤاع واش يحتاج فالكابة تاعو. Tom had everything he needed in his suitcase. Tom was back and forth. The gate needs calls. ما الذي يعجبك بشأنها؟ What do you like about her? What do you like about her? استمرت الخطبة ثلاثين دقيقة. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech lasted 30 minutes. לא הכרתי כלל את הגברת. I didn't know that woman at all. I didn't even know the lady. תום היה מעוצבן. Tom was irritated. Tom was pissed. مالازمش تحقر حتى بنادم علاخطرش فقير. You must not despise someone because they are poor. What can't be burned up is even a poor risk. אני מוסיפה את המשפט הזה כעת. I'm adding this sentence now. I'm adding this trial now. האם תעשו כתוביות באספרנטו? Do you do subtitles in Esperanto? Will you do addresses in Aspento? هي لَمْ تذهبْ لأن صديقها لم يذهبْ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't go. كلما وجدت شيئًا يعجبني، وجدته غاليا جدا. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. Whenever I find something I like, I find it too expensive. من الممكن أن تتجمد الأسبوع القادم. It may freeze next week. You can freeze next week. لا تكن شرّيرا. Don't be evil! Don't be evil. وين يهدرو الانجليزية؟ Where is English spoken? Win's out of English? أصبحت ليلى مشهورة في ثانويّة باكر. Layla became very popular at Bakir High School. Lily became famous in early high school. למרי יש הערכה עצמית נמוכה. Mary has low self-esteem. Mary has a low self-assessment. لم تسنح لي الفرصة لمشاهدة الفيلم. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I didn't have the chance to watch the movie. תום השתגע, את יודעת. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom went crazy, you know. المسلمون يؤمنون بيسوع و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and in him. سيكون الطّبيب هنا من دقيقة إلى أخرى. The doctor is going to be here any minute. The dopps will be here from one minute to the next. היא מתה לרקוד. She's itching to dance. She's dying to dance. איפה החוף? Where is the beach? Where's the beach? علاش تخدم هنا. Why do you work here? A pension that works here. המחיר עלה. The price rose. The price's up. אני שרה. I sing. I'm Sarah. ציפור זו יכולה לחקות קול אנושי. This bird can imitate the human voice. This bird can imitate a human voice. أخذ سامي معه مفاتيحه و هاتفه النّقاّل. Sami took his keys and cell phone with him. Sammy took his keys and his mobile phone. إنه كتاب جيد It's a good book. It's a good book. ניסיתי להיות בשקט. I tried to be quiet. I tried to be quiet. البنات اعترضوا على خطتنا. The girls objected to our plan. Girls objected to our plan. איש לא חשד בדבר. Nobody suspected anything. No one suspected anything. אנא, שמור על עצמך. Please take care of yourself. Please, take care. עליך לחלוץ את נעליך לפני שאתה נכנס לבית יפני מסורתי. You have to take off your shoes before entering a traditional Japanese house. You need to get your shoes out before you get into a traditional Japanese house. שמעתי את תום מפזם לעצמו בזמן שהוא שטף כלים. I heard Tom humming to himself while he washed dishes. I heard Tom pumping himself while he washed the dishes. سأنزل من القطار عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off the train at the next stop. I'm going down from the train at the next station. מנקודת השקפה זו, ההיסטוריה יכולה להיות מחולקת לשתי תקופות עיקריות. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. From this perspective, history can be divided into two main periods. Jien immur fuq vjaġġ. I'm going on a trip. I go on a journey. כן, זה נכון. That's right, yes. Yeah, that's right. "هادا واش كونت نحوّس!" قالها ب زڨا. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed. "Hada Wash-Kont-Shuts!" he said to her. העבודה הסתיימה איך שהוא. The work got finished somehow. Work's over the way it is. أستمطر اليوم؟ Will it rain today? Are you raining today? תום הגן על עצמו בעוז. Tom defended himself bravely. Tom defended himself in vain. انا احب كلا منهما I like both of them. I love both of them. העניים לא מתעשרים כאשר העשירים מתרוששים. The poor don't get richer when the rich get poorer. The poor don't thrive when the rich are broken. הבעיה הזאת עדיין לא נפתרה. The problem is not settled yet. This problem hasn't been solved yet. הוא שוקל להיות מלח. He's considering becoming a sailor. He's considering being a sailor. كان سامي نفسه أبا. Sami was a dad himself. Sami was himself a father. ماذا تفعل يا اخي؟ What are you doing bro? What are you doing, brother? שבו שם. Sit there. Sit there. ليس لدينا حق بالقيام بهذا. We don't have the right to do this. We don't have the right to do this. לתום לא היה משנה מי עוזר לו, כל עוד היה מישהו כזה. Tom didn't care who helped him, as long as somebody did. Tom wouldn't matter who helped him, as long as there was someone like that. הוא סבור שיש בינינו מרגל. He believes that there is a spy among us. He thinks we have a spy. אנו עושים כמיטב יכולתנו. We're doing the very best we can. We're doing our best. لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. He didn't doubt anything. תהיתי אם תרצה לצאת אתי לנשף. I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me. I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom with me. لو لم تساعدني، لما كنت سأنجح. Were it not for your help, I could never succeed. If you didn't help me, I wouldn't have succeeded. لدي كحة. I have a cough. I've got a cuff. אני לא מבינה מה אתה אומר. I cannot understand what you say. I don't understand what you're saying. אמא שלנו הביאה לנו כלבלב. Our mother bought us a puppy. Our mother brought us a doggy doggy. لقد كنت مسرورا جدا لكى أنام. I was too happy to sleep. I was so happy to sleep. מצטער, אני אף פעם לא מתנצל. ‎I am sorry, but I never apologize. Sorry, I never apologize. אתם מתכוונים לקנות את זה? Are you going to buy those? Are you going to buy this? وضع سامي جثة ليلى في قعر القارب Sami placed Layla's body on the bottom of the boat. Sami put a dead body at the bottom of the boat. אין לי כוונה להתפטר. I have no intention of resigning. I have no intention of resigning. مرة تانية. Once again. Second time. תום מתעייף בקלות. Tom gets tired easily. Tom gets tired easily. لنذهب فور ما يتوقف المطر. Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Let's go as soon as rain stops. أستحم كل يوم تقريباً. I take a bath almost every day. I take a shower almost every day. אני לא מעורב בתאונה. This accident has nothing to do with me. I'm not involved in an accident. تحدثت معها لساعة. I talked with her for an hour. I talked to her for an hour. Għandu fortuna taż-żobb! He is shit out of luck. It has a wine cannon! أيجب علي أن أقوم بذلك مرة أخرى؟ Do I have to do it over again? Should I do it again? هذا الكتاب ملكٌ للمكتبة. This book belongs to the library. This book is the king of the library. שאלתי את תום אם מרי בסדר. I asked Tom if Mary was OK. I asked Tom if Mary was okay. هل أضعت شيئاً هنا؟ Did you lose anything here? Did you put something down here? דן רכש מחשב חדש. Dan bought a new computer. Dan bought a new computer. אני לוקח הלוואה. I borrow money. I'm taking a loan. كان لدينا مدرّس عنصري. We had a racist teacher. We had a racist teacher. תום הקניט את מרי. Tom teased Mary. Tom bought Mary. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تكون سعيدة. Layla deserved to be happy. Lily deserved to be happy. أسرع و ستلحق بالقطار. Hurry, and you will catch the train. Faster and you'll catch the train. توم لا يحب الأشخاص الذين يغضبون بسهولة. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. Tom doesn't like people who get angry easily. ادخل إلى المنزل. Come into the house. Get in the house. לעיתים נדירות אני חושבת כך. I scarcely think so. I rarely think so. أمسكه! Get him! Hold him! זה לא תמיד קיץ. It isn't always summer. It's not always summer. הוא לא יודע הרבה על בעל החיים הזה. He knows little about that animal. He doesn't know much about this animal. דיג, ציד, מסעות טיולים וסקי הם פופולרים. Fishing, hunting, hiking and skiing are popular. Fishing, hunting, trip trips and skis are popular. نصب سامي و أصدقاؤه كمينا لعصابة فريد. Sami and his friends ambushed Farid's gang. Sami and his friends set up a unique gang. תגידי לתום שאנחנו בדרך. Tell Tom we're on our way. Tell Tom we're on our way. كان لدى ليلى إبن. Layla had a son. Lily had a son. את אוהבת לשחות. You love swimming. You like swimming. האם אתה חושב שאני האשם? Do you think I'm to blame? Do you think I'm the blame? تلك الموسيقى تذكرني دائماً بك. That music always reminded me of you. That music always reminds me of you. واصلت الشّرطة تفتيش عربة فاضل. The police continued searching Fadil's van. The police went on to search a sidecar. אני צריך מתנדבים. I need volunteers. I need volunteers. הבאר עמוקה? Is the well deep? The well deep? מהנקודה הזאת עלינו להמשיך בזהירות. From this point, we must proceed with caution. From this point on, we have to proceed with caution. أنقذ فاضل حياته. Fadil saved his life. Save the clay of his life. عانق سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a hug. A hug to Sami, Lily. אני לא מכיר אף אחד מאלה. I don't know either of them. I don't know any of these. אתם עוברים לבוסטון? Are you moving to Boston? You're moving to Boston? אני מקווה שהכלכלה תשתפר בקרוב. I hope the economy picks up soon. I hope the economy gets better soon. أنا مغرم بامرأة أخرى. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with another woman. אינני מצנזר את המאמרים שלכם. I don't censor their articles. I don't brush your articles. תום נגע במרפקי. Tom touched my elbow. Tom touched my elbow. אני לא רוצה לדבר אתך. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. הרעיונות שהוא מקדם בבחירות האלה, מנוגדים לכל הדברים היקרים לי ביותר. The ideals he's touting in this election go against everything I hold most dear. The ideas he's advancing in this election are contrary to all the most precious things I have. سلّه عندما تراه. Cheer him up when you see him. Sell him when you see him. لم أستطع النوم. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. תום חשד שמרי מתלוצצת. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. ابتسم سامي. Sami smiled. Smile Sammy. هل خلق الله العالم في يوم وحيد؟ Did God really create the earth in a single day? Did God create the world in a single day? بالكاد يستطيع كتاب اسمه. He can scarcely write his name. He can barely write his name. תום צריך לתת למרי לדעת שהוא מחבב אותה. Tom should let Mary know that he likes her. Tom should let Mary know he likes her. זה מדכא אותי. That depresses me. It's making me down. לאשתי הרגל מוזר לסחוב בוחטות נייר טואלט מבתי שימוש ציבוריים. My wife has the strange habit of pilfering wads of toilet paper from public restrooms. My wife's weird to carry with toilet paperstuffs from public use. יש מישהו פה? Is somebody here? Is anyone here? ذهب سامي إلى مستشفى في نهارة المطاف. Sami ended up going to the hospital. Sami went to a hospital at the end of the day. טום לא יכול להרשות זאת לעצמו. Tom can't afford it. Tom can't afford it. אנשים החיים בעיר הגדולה נוטים שלא להתעמל. People living in a big city tend to lack exercise. People living in the big city tend not to exercise. كان سامي يحبّ الأحذية. Sami liked shoes. Sammy used to like shoes. كان لدى سامي مشكل إدمان على الكحول. Sami had a problem with alcohol. Sami had a alcohol addiction problem. תזהר. זה חד מאד. Be careful. It's very sharp. Be careful, it's very sharp. אני יודע שאולי אתה חושב, שאני צעיר מדי. I know you might think I'm too young. I know you might think I'm too young. أنا أحب الفواكه المعلبة I like canned fruits. I like dried fruit. אחותי נאה. My sister is pretty. My sister's handsome. أفرش أسناني مرتين في اليوم. I brush my teeth twice a day. I brush my teeth twice a day. אני לובש תחתונים. I wear boxers. I'm wearing underwear. תום ומרי יושבים בחדר האורחים ומדברים. Tom and Mary are sitting in the living room talking. Tom and Mary are sitting in the guest room and talking. ריסנתי את עצמי. I braced myself. I abandoned myself. أهذا أول امتحان لك؟ Is this your first examination? Is this your first exam? מה מטרתי? What is my purpose? What's my purpose? إنه يحب مدرسته كثيراً. He likes his school a lot. He likes his school a lot. መራመድ እችላለሁ። I can walk. _Table column: بإمكانك أن تطلب منه المساعدة. You can ask him for help. You can ask him to help. هذا الأمر لا يعنيني. This matter does not concern me. It doesn't matter to me. לא ידעתי מה לעשות. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. الإنترنت مصدرُ معلوماتٍ لا يقدر بثمن. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. The Internet is an invaluable source of information. Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. I do not understand. وأضاف ديما: "وأيضًا،" وأخذ حاسبته وقسم 0.99 على 3,000,000، وضربه بـ 100. "أنت تدركين أنك لن تخسري إلا 0.0033%، صحيح؟" "And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?" He added, "And also," and took his account, and 0.99 over 3,000,000, hit him with 100." "You realize you're going to lose only 0.0033%, right? " לא ידעתי שהוא מת. I didn't know he was dead. I didn't know he was dead. كان سامي يريد أن يستعيد حياته. Sami wanted his life back. Sami wanted to get his life back. הפרופסור חייך. The professor smiled. Professor your life. קינוח מהווה הזדמנות לפיטום עצמי. Dessert presents an opportunity for self-engorgement. Conspiracy is an opportunity for self-sustaining. תום אמר שהיית מגניב. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. هذا ليس من شأننا. That's not our business. That's none of our business. תגידי לתום. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. حاول أن يكتب قصةً قصيرةً. He tried writing a short story. Try to write a little story. أتحبينني بحق؟ Do you really love me? Do you really love me? המתנתי לך. I've been waiting for you. I waited for you. كانت ليلى تستحقّ أن تُكره. Layla deserved to be hated. Lily deserved to be hated. אני מבטיח שאגן עלייך. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. لديّ إحساس أني كنت هنا من قبل. I have a feeling that I have been here before. I have a feeling I've been here before. אלו המיועדים להיפגש יעשו זאת למרות המרחק. אלו שאינם מיועדים לכך לא יפגשו, אפילו אם הם נמצאים אחד מול השני. Those fated to meet will do so regardless of distance. Those not fated will not, even if they are across from one another. Those scheduled to meet will do so despite the distance, those who are not meant not to meet, even if they're in front of each other. אחותי תמיד בודקת את המשקל שלה. My sister is always weighing herself. My sister always checks her weight. לפעמים כלב יכול להיות חיה מסוכנת. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. Sometimes a dog can be a dangerous animal. את רוצה לראות אותו שוב? Do you want to see him again? You want to see him again? إن ذلك عملي. It's my job. That's my job. אני באמת הייתי רוצה ללכת אתך, אבל אין באפשרותי. I really wish I could go with you, but I can't. I'd really like to go with you, but I can't. كان فاضل يحبّ المدرسة. Fadil enjoyed school. He used to love school. الحظ أعمى. Luck is blind. Lucky blind. זה ממש כמו להילחם בטחנות רוח. It's like fighting windmills. It's just like fighting wind safety. هل بدأت تشعر بالخوف؟ Are you scared already? Are you starting to feel scared? Jien veġetarjan. I am a vegetarian. I am vegetarian. لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. No thanks for the duty. את יכולה עדיין לשמוע אותי? Can you still hear me? Can you still hear me? لماذا لم تأتي لتزرني؟ Why didn't you come visit me? Why didn't you come and visit me? هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. This will never end. ከመይ ሓዲርክን። Good morning! Would You Welcome a Visit? ماذا يوجد في الجانب الآخر من الطّريق؟ What is that across the street? What's on the other side of the road? موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. The sites of the famous social networks Facebook and Twitter are under the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State of California. תום השאיר את המפתח שלו על המכתבה כהרגלו. Tom left his key on the desk, as he usually does. Tom left his key on the letter as his foot. פצעתי את עצמי. I injured myself. I hurt myself. הייתי מאוכזב מִבְּנִי. I was disappointed in my son. I was disappointed. איך תום שכנע את מרי להיות שמרטף לילדים שלו? How did Tom talk Mary into babysitting his children? How did Tom convince Mary to be babysitting his kids? كانت ليلى تعمل في ناد للتّعرّي. Layla worked at a strip joint. Lily was working at a confession club. صدقوا أنه صادق. They believed he was honest. Believe it's honest. اليوم هو يوم عطلتي و لكنّها تمطر. Today is my day-off but it's raining. Today is my day off, but it rains. بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter likes the fruit of the summer: the love of kings, the peach, the peach. كان سامي يعيش حياة جميلة. Sami was living a nice life. Sammy was living a beautiful life. إنه أخي. It's my brother's. He's my brother. היום לא אקבל אי-מייל מתום. I won't get an email from Tom today. Today I won't get a dead e-mail. הוא מנצל היטב את הפסיונים שהוא צד. לכל חלק של העוף יש לו ייעוד. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird. Every part of the chicken has a record. נהנתי מזה. I enjoyed that. I enjoyed it. הבן שלי הוא כאב הראש הכי גדול שלי. My son is my biggest headache. My son is my biggest headache. היא עכשיו במצב טוב יותר מאשר בנעוריה. She is now better off than when she was young. She's in better shape now than in her youth. إلى أين ذهبت نهاية الأسبوع الماضي؟ Where did you go last weekend? Where did you go last weekend? طولُك مثل طولي. You are as tall as I am. You're as tall as mine. תום בוודאי עשה זאת. Tom definitely did that. Tom must have done it. תוכל להביא לתום חבילה בדרכך לדואר? Could you drop a package off at Tom's on your way to the post office? Can you get Tom a package on your way to the mail? הבמה הוארה משני הצדדים. The stage was lit from both sides. The stage was cleared from both sides. لم لم تحاول الاتّصال بنا؟ Why didn't you try calling us? Why didn't you try to call us? سألني سائق الحافلة بالأمازيغية: "إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟" The bus driver asked me in Berber: "Where are you going?" He asked me, "Where are you going?" آمل أن يستطيع أن يأتي! أود أن أراه. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he can come! אני יכולה לעזור לכן. I can help you. I can help you. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't stop his tears. لولا مساعدتها لم اكن علي قيد الحياه الان If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now. If I could help her, I wouldn't be alive now. אנו חושבים שהוא כנה. We think that he's honest. We think he's honest. קופים מטפסים על עצים. Monkeys climb trees. Monkeys climb trees. يريد سامي أن يمضي بعض الوقت لوحده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sammy wants to spend some time alone. אני אוהבת את הסגנון שאתם מדברים. I love the way you talk. I like the style you're talking about. المحل مغلق يوم الأحد. The shop is closed on Sunday. The store's closed on Sunday. זאת הדרך הנכונה להגיד את זה? Is this the right way to say it? Is that the right way to say that? זה הקבר של החתול של תום. This is Tom's tomcat's tomb. It's Tom's cat's grave. אינני מגרש דיבוק לאיש. I don't exorcise anyone. I'm not a debut to anyone. היא ארגנה שהוא יקבל בית חולים טוב. She made arrangements to get him into a good hospital. She arranged for him to get a good hospital. הוא כרסתן. He has a potbelly. He's a hooker. אבי הגדיר את עצמו כהונגרי נאמן. My father regarded himself as a loyal Hungarian. My father set himself up as a loyal Hungarian. אני זר כאן. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. أفضل أن لا أذهب. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. هي لا تحب الثعابين و الرياضيات. She does not like snakes and mathematics. She doesn't like toys and math. ברור שהישיבה נסתיימה לה. The meeting is obviously over. Of course, the meeting's over. כל מה שאתה צריך לעשות זה לשמור על עצמך. All you have to do is to take care of yourself. All you have to do is keep yourself safe. הכוס מלאה עד גדותיה. The cup is filled to the brim. The glass is full to its roots. اِبقَ هادئاً عند شرح الدرس. Be quiet during the lesson. Stay calm when explaining the lesson. እታ መጽሓፍ ምሃብካኒ ዶ? Would you give me the book? Would You Welcome a Visit? הייתה לו תאונה בעבודה. He had an accident at work. He had an accident at work. Titlaqx idi. Don't let go of my hand. Do not shake hands. X'ħin hu? What's the time? What time is he? Tgħallimt kollox mingħandha. I learned everything from her. I learned everything from her. أنا معجبةٌ بمهارته في القيادة. I admire his skill at driving. I like his skill in driving. התשתתף בפרויקט? Would you take part in the project? Have you participated in the project? תרשום את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. زوجتي خائفة من قيادة سيارة جديدة. My wife is afraid to drive my new car. My wife's afraid of driving a new car. מה התועלת בדיבור? What's the use of talking? What's the benefit of talking? دعني آخذ صورة لك إذا سمحت. Please let me take your picture. Let me take a picture of you, please. מי שיגיע ראשון יזכה במקומות הטובים ביותר. Whoever comes first will get the best seats. Whoever gets first will win the best places. אף אחד לא מסכן את החיים שלו. Nobody's life was in danger. No one's risking his life. أرني ما في جيبك. Show me what's in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. "Brexit" מתייחס לפרישה של בריטניה מהאיחוד האירופי. Brexit refers to the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union. "Brexit" refers to Britain's attitude to the European Union. אני שותף לדעותיו הפולטיות. I share his political perspective. I'm an associate of his political opinions. הנה הרכבת מגיעה. Here comes the train. Here's the train coming. למרות שעייפתי, עשיתי כל מה שיכולתי. Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do. Although I was tired, I did everything I could. אתה משפטן? Are you a lawyer? Are you a judge? لأنك قلت ذلك. Since you say so. Because you said so. אבל למה? But why? But why? העוני, יותר מכל דבר אחר בעולם, מוציא מבני אדם את הצדדים השליליים ביותר שבהם ומסתיר את אלה הטובים ביותר. Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world. Poverty, more than anything else in the world, takes people out of the most negative parts of them and hides those best. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. There's your bag. ليس بتلك الصعوبة. It's not that hard. Not that hard. אני חושד שהם מדללים את הבירה במסבאה ההיא. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect they're dwindling the beer at that bar. האדם הוא בעל החיים היחיד המסוגל לצחוק. Man is the only animal that can laugh. The man is the only animal able to laugh. كان سامي يوشي. Sami snitched. It was Sami Yushi. אבדתי את עשתונותי והתחלתי לצווח. I freaked out and started screaming. I lost my temper and started screaming. Bonswa. Good evening. Bonwa. قم بعملك بنفسك. Do your own work. Do your job yourself. هل عندك الفاتورة؟ Do you have a receipt? Do you have the invoice? טום ראה מה מרי עשתה. Tom saw what Mary did. Tom saw what Mary did. وصلتني رسالتك بالأمس. I received your letter yesterday. I got your message yesterday. شعري لونه بني فاتح. My hair is light brown. My hair is blue, my son's silver. אפשרי שבכלל יש לי סיכוי עם תום? Is it possible I actually have a chance with Tom? Is it possible I even have a chance with Tom? שקי לי בתחת. Kiss my ass. Shut my ass. شعر سامي بالوحدة. Sami felt lonely. Sami's in unity. הטקסי הגיע. The taxi has arrived. The ritual is here. هذا كتاب صغير. This is a small book. That's a little book. توم كان فَاطن، بصح ما قْدرش يتحرّك. Tom was awake, but he couldn't move. Tom was a cat, right about what's going on. صوّتُّ لصالح كين. I voted for Ken. I voted for Ken. לא אכפת לי יותר מזה. I don't give a shit about it. I don't care any more. أراك في البيت See you at home. See you at home. בוקר טוב. זה הזמן לקום מהשינה. Good morning. It's time to wake up. Good morning, it's time to get out of sleep. אשאיל לך מטרייה אם אתה זקוק לה. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. I'll loan you a umbrella if you need it. תלך, או לא? Are you going or not? Will you go, or won't you? עלי להחזיר את זה הלילה. I have to give it back tonight. I have to get it back tonight. עידן האנרגיה הגרעינית עוד לא חלף. The age of nuclear power is not yet over. The nuclear energy age hasn't gone away yet. كان سامي بحاجة لنظّارات. Sami needed glasses. Sami needed glasses. وقد صرحت بمدينة أنقرة بكل وضوح أن أمريكا ليست ولن تكون أبدا في حالة حرب مع الإسلام. وعلى أية حال سوف نتصدى لمتطرفي العنف الذين يشكلون تهديدا جسيما لأمننا In Ankara, I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam. We will, however, relentlessly confront violent extremists who pose a grave threat to our security. And I have clearly stated in the city of Ankara that America is not and will never be in war with Islam; in any case, we will address the violent extremists who pose a serious threat to our security. הוא נבחר לראש העיר. He was elected mayor of the city. He was elected mayor. אתה יכול לשאול את הספר הזה בתנאי שתשמור עליו נקי. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can ask this book on condition that you keep it clean. من حسن حظّ سامي، لم تخبر ليلى أحدا عن ذلك. Luckily for Sami, Layla told no one about that. Well, lucky for Sami, you didn't tell Lee about it. לא ידעתי שזה נגמר. I didn't know it was over. I didn't know it was over. وقف سامي خارج غرفة المستشفى. Sami stood outside the hospital room. Sami stopped outside the hospital room. أُصيب في المعركة. He was wounded in the fight. He was hit in the fight. أتريد صورتي؟ You want my picture? You want my picture? لدي وظيفة جيدة الان. I have a good job now. I have a good job now. הבית הזה שלי. That house is mine. This house is mine. كان سامي غاضبا. Sami was pissed. Sami was angry. أعمل لدى شركة نفط. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. لا اتكلم عربي. I don't speak Arabic. I don't speak Arab. لكل فرد الحق في التمتع بنظام اجتماعي دولي تتحقق بمقتضاه الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان تحققا تاما. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Everyone has the right to an international social order whereby the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration are fully realized. הסיפור היה משעשע. The story was amusing. The story was amusing. لا أدعي فهم النساء. I don't pretend to understand women. I don't claim to understand women. אנו מחשיבים את תום לאדם ישר. We consider Tom honest. We consider Tom to be an honest man. ألا تتعرق أبدا؟ Don't you ever sweat? Don't you ever sweat? كان ذاك مدرّسي في العلوم. It was my science teacher. That was a scientist in science. ሴቷ ዳቦ እየበላች ነው። The woman is eating bread. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا باكراً هكذا؟ What made you come here so early? What brought you here this early? אתם עשויים להפגש איתו. You might meet him. You may meet him. כבר עשיתי סידורים. I've already made arrangements. I've already made arrangements. יש לזה תועלת? Is it any good? Does that have any benefit? لا تثق بأحد عدى نفسك. Don't trust anybody but yourself. Don't trust anyone enemy yourself. سنأكل كثيرًا الليلة، آمل أنك لست على حمية. We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet. We'll eat a lot tonight. I hope you're not. هل تعرف ماذا يعني عندما يهدي الرجل المرأة خاتماً؟ Do you know what it means when a man presents a ring to a woman? Do you know what it means when a man gives a woman a ring? הם מדהימים. They're cool. They're amazing. שתה את החלב שלך. Drink your milk. Drink your milk. كان سامي يحلق لحيته. Sami was shaving. Sami was flying his cheek. دعنا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's take some rest. إنها إجابة قدمتها صفوفٌ امتدت حول المدارس والكنائس في أعدادٍ لم يسبق لهذه الأمة أن شهدت مثلها؛ إجابة قدمها أناسٌ وقفوا منتظرين لمدة ثلاث أو أربع ساعات، كثيرون منهم شاركوا في التصويت للمرة الأولى في حياتهم، إيماناً منهم بأن هذه المرة لا بد أن تكون مختلفة عن غيرها، وان أصواتهم من الممكن أن تحقق ذلك الفارق. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches, in numbers this nation has never seen. By people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. It is an answer from classes around schools and churches that have never seen such a nation; an answer from people waiting for three or four hours, many of whom have voted for the first time in their lives, believing that this time must be different, and their voices can make that difference. אני אוהבת את אופן החשיבה שלכם. I like the way you think. I love your thinking. الكثير من الأزواج ينتهي بهم إلى الطلاق. Many couples end in divorce. A lot of couples end up in divorce. الشرطة تبحث عنّي. The police are after me. The police are looking for me. אני מהטובים. I'm one of the good guys. I'm good. אני סבור שטעות בידך. I think you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. אבא קנה בשבילי ספר. Dad bought a book for me. Dad bought a book for me. ما زلت أتمنى أن تفعل ذلك. I still wish that you'd do that. I still hope you do. اتّصل بي مدرّسك. Your teacher called me. Call me your teacher. استجوبت الشّرطة بعض سكّان الحيّ. Police asked questions around the neighborhood. The police questioned some cattle. הוא הסתיר את העובדה שהוא גירש את אשתו. He concealed the fact that he had divorced his wife. He hid the fact that he divorced his wife. בואי לא נבזבז את הזמן שלנו. Let's not waste our time. Let's not waste our time. נתתי את זה לאמא שלי. I gave it to my mommy. I gave it to my mom. אמור את שמך למורה. Tell the teacher your name. Tell your name to the teacher. أشعر بالجوع. I am hungry. I feel hungry. أنت صديق توم، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You're Tom's friend, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? طلب سامي من ليلى أن تذهب إلى المستشفى. Sami told Layla to go to the hospital. Sami asked Lily to go to the hospital. معيش حاجه من دول I don't own one of those things. Living a need from States لا أحب اللعب معه. نحن نفعل دائماً الأشياء ذاتها. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. We always do the same things. أنا لا أنتقدك. I'm not criticizing you. I don't criticize you. من الممكن أنها ستأتي. She might come. She could come. טום כרגע מובטל. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's just unemployed. حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sami injects a high dose of methamphetamine. بدأ سامي بنقاش الأمر مع ليلى. Sami started discussing that with Layla. Sami started discussing it with Lily. كان سامي يحب الحياة. Sami loved life. Sammy used to love life. אבא שלי קם מוקדם. My father gets up early. My dad got up early. הבית של טום נהרס על ידי טורנדו. Tom's house was destroyed by a tornado. Tom's house was destroyed by Tornado. מצטער, מוחמד! שכחתי את שמך! I'm sorry Mohammed, I forgot your name! I forgot your name! ألا يشعرك هذا بالرّاحة؟ Does it feel good? Doesn't that feel good? תום נפל לפתע למשכב. Tom suddenly fell ill. Tom suddenly fell asleep. استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. Lily hired a dog coach. אל תעשי שום דבר משוגע! Don't do anything crazy. Don't do anything crazy! הרגשתי צורך לשוחח עם מישהו. I felt like talking to someone. I needed to talk to someone. אני שמח שעזבתי את בוסטון. I'm glad I left Boston. I'm glad I left Boston. الصحة هي أغلى شيء نملكه. Health is the most precious thing we have. Health is the greatest thing we have. هذا وما لم نتوقف عن تحديد مفهوم علاقاتنا المشتركة من خلال أوجه الاختلاف فيما بيننا فإننا سنساهم في تمكين أولئك الذين يزرعون الكراهية ويرجحونها على السلام ويروجون للصراعات ويرجحونها على التعاون الذي من شأنه أن يساعد شعوبنا على تحقيق الازدهار So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, and who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. If we do not stop defining the concept of our common relations through differences among us, we will contribute to the empowerment of those who cultivate hatred, are more likely to be peace, promote conflicts, and are more likely to cooperate, which will help our peoples to achieve prosperity. מה גרם לך לכעוס? What caused you to be angry? What made you mad? אני מקווה שהנתונים האלה שגויים. I hope this data is wrong. I hope these data are wrong. ما زلتُ في الجامعة. I'm still at the university. I'm still at college. המעטתי בערכך, תום. I underestimated you, Tom. I let you down, Tom. يجب عليك أن تدرس بجهد أكبر. You must study much harder. You have to study more. זה על רגליו האחרונות. It's on its last legs. It's on his last leg. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear from Layla. I broke up with Lily's news about Sami. تبدأ الأوبرا في الساعة السابعة. The opera starts at seven. The opera starts at 7:00. ينبغي أن تُفسخ السّلطة الفلسطينيّة. The Palestinian Authority should go. The Palestinian Authority should be dismantled. חנות הצינורות נמצאת מעבר לכביש. The pipe store is across the street. The pipeline store is across the road. תום סרב לספק למרי שום מידע. Tom refused to give Mary any information. Tom refused to provide Mary with any information. السيارة التي أمامي لكرم. The car that's in front of me is Karam's. The car in front of me is generous. يمكنك الذهاب إلى أين تشاء. You may go anywhere. You can go where you want to go. לא יכולתי להבחין בצבע של החולצה שלו כי היה חשוך מדי בחוץ. I couldn't tell what color his shirt was because it was too dark outside. I couldn't tell the color of his shirt 'cause it was too dark out there. اشترى لها فستاناً. He bought a dress for her. Buy her a dress. אתה מזויין? Are you armed? Are you fucking? لم يرد سامي أن يقول أيّ شيء. Sami didn't want to say anything. Sami didn't want to say anything. من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please calm down quickly when you have to cross roads. هناكَ شرخٌ في الكوب لذلك فإن المحتويات تتسرب. There's a crack in the cup so the contents are leaking. There's a crack in the cup, so the contents are leaking. هل يمكنني ان اتكلم معك للحظة؟ Can I talk to you a moment? Can I talk to you for a second? هذا تخصصه. That's his specialty. That specializes it. אין לי שום דבר אחר לאכול. I've got nothing else to eat. I don't have anything else to eat. بحبك. I love you. I love you. لا توجد وظيفة بدون فائدة. There's no job without benefit. There's no job without interest. أنا لست طبيباً. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. הם יפים. They're beautiful. They're beautiful. שמו של תום ישאר ברשימת המועמדים. Tom's name will stay on the ballot. Tom's name will remain on the list of candidates. חמתו בוערת בו. He is burning with anger. He's on fire. ليس ذلك باستطاعتي. I can't. I can't do that. لن ننساهم. We won't forget them. We won't contribute. بدت و كأنها لم تأكل منذ أيام. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in days. She seemed like she hasn't eaten in days. אנו מספקים חלקי חילוף ליצרן המכוניות. We supply parts to the auto manufacturer. We provide spare parts for the car manufacturer. يسافر أبي إلى الخارج أحياناً. My father sometimes goes abroad. Dad travels out sometimes. אין לנו כסף נוסף. We have no extra money. We don't have any more money. قرأت إيميلي هذا الكتاب. Emily read this book. I read Emily this book. של מי הספרים האלה? Whose books are those? Whose books are these? אף אחד לא מבין אותי. Nobody understands me. No one understands me. יש משהו עליו אנו חייבים לשוחח. There's something we need to talk about. There's something about him we have to talk about. מה הפחד הגדול ביותר שלך? What's your greatest fear? What's your greatest fear? فلسطين يقولولها بالعربية "فلسطين". Palestine is called "Filastin" in Arabic. Palestine says it in Arabic “Palestine”. ماذا أكلت؟ What have you eaten? What did you eat? ירד גשם זלעפות, אז שיחקנו בפנים. It was raining hard, so we played indoors. It rained raining, so we were playing inside. أريد تعلم الأيرلندية. I want to learn Irish. I want to learn Irish. الفتاة حررت الطيور من القفص. The girl released the birds from the cage. The girl freed the birds from the cage. עברי לדף הבא. Turn the page. Move to the next page. הנכים החשיבו אותה כעורכת דין הטובה ביותר. The disabled considered her their best advocate. The disabled considered her the best lawyer. אתם יוצאים? Are you going out? Are you going out? הוא אמר לי שישאיל לי את הספר כשיגמור אותו. He says that he will lend me the book when he is done with it. He told me he'd lend me the book when he was done. אל תבלבלו בין שני אלה! Don't confuse the two. Don't be confused between these two! ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom do? أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تناديني توم. You can call me Tom. You can call me Tom. نكون ماشي فرحان، بصّح ما نقتلش روحي. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. We'll be happy, just what we kill my soul. لم يعلم سامي ماذا كان يعمل. Sami didn't know what he was doing. Sami didn't know what he was working on. את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You should stop playing. You need to stop playing. كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. Everyone's going to die. המסמר קרע את המעיל שלו. The nail tore his jacket. The nail broke his coat. האם אפילו פגשת אותו אי פעם? Have you ever even met him? Have you even met him? أنت تنام في حجرتي. You sleep in my room. You're sleeping in my room. תוכלי להשגיח על הילדים שלי כשאצא לחופשה? Would you look after my children while I am away on vacation? Can you watch my kids when I'm on vacation? لم يكن فاضل غاضبا من دنية بسبب ما قامت به. Fadil wasn't upset with Dania for what she did. He wasn't angry with religion because of what she did. בלעדיך אני לא כלום. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. לפעמים הוא בחור מעניין. He's sometimes an interesting fellow. Sometimes he's an interesting guy. לילה היתה קשורה לכסא ועברה עינויים. Layla was tied up to a chair and tortured. Night was tied to a chair and subjected to torture. كانت أسئلتك مباشرة جداً. Your questions were too direct. I asked you very straight. حاب حاجا تشربها⸮ Would you like something to drink? “ You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind ” احتاج سامي لبعض المال. Sami needed some money. I need Sammy for some money. ماذا تفضل أكثر، الرز أم الخبز؟ Which do you prefer, rice or bread? What do you prefer more, rice or bread? شكرا على آدخال الغسيل يا جيري. Thanks for bringing the washing in, Gerry. Thanks for getting in for the job, Jerry. اذهب أولا يا جمال. You go first, Jamal. Go first, Jamal. האם אנחנו יכולים להישאר כאן? Can we stay here? Can we stay here? تذكّر! Remember! Remember! טום הוא חבר מאוד קרוב שלי. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Tom is a very close friend of mine. سأبقى معك إلى الأبد. I'll be with you forever. I'll stay with you forever. سامي ينتظر إدانته. Sami is waiting to be sentenced. Sammy's waiting for his conviction. كان لدينا الكثير من المغامرات في رحلتنا . We had lots of adventures on our trip. We had a lot of adventures on our journey. הוא חשב שכל העסק אינו אלא בדיחה גרועה. He thought the whole thing a bad joke. He thought everything was a bad joke. وداعا. Farewell! Bye. כל החיים על פני כדור הארץ מכילים פחמן. All living things on Earth contain carbon. All life on Earth contains carbon. אינני בטוחה מה תום מתכוון. I'm not sure what Tom means. I'm not sure what Tom means. המילה הצרפתית "oiseau", שמשמעותה "ציפור", היא המילה הקצרה ביותר המכילה חמש תנועות שונות. The French word 'oiseau', meaning 'bird', is the shortest one to contain five different vowels. The French word "oiseau", which means "bird", is the shortest word containing five different movements. كم ولداً موجود في هذا الصف؟ How many boys are there in this class? How many kids are in this class? אנשים מעטים מגיעים לגיל מאה. Few people live to the age of a hundred. Few people reach the age of 100. מחקרים גילו שעל מקלדת סטנדרטית יש יותר חיידקים מאשר על מושב אסלה. Studies have revealed that the average keyboard has more germs than a toilet seat. Studies have revealed that a standard keyboard has more bacteria than a toilet seat. ها هو كلبك. Your dog is here. There's your dog. وُلد فاضل في مدينة واكو في تيكساس. Fadil was born in Waco, Texas. A worker was born in the city of Waku in Texas. هل سافرت لوحدك مرة؟ Have you ever traveled alone? Have you ever traveled alone? תום נראה קצת מאוכזב מהחדשות. Tom seems a little disappointed by the news. Tom seems a little disappointed with the news. זה גדול מדי. It's too big. It's too big. תנחומינו! Our condolences! Our condolences! תפוחי אדמה התבשלו במטבח, על ידי הבנות. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The potatoes were cooked in the kitchen, by the girls. لعبنا كرة السلة بالأمس. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. أشتاق إليك كثيراً. I miss you very much. I miss you so much. الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People love talking and talking and talking. הרומן החדש שלהם יצא לאור בחודש הבא. Their new novel will come out next month. Their new novel was published next month. לקחתי את הילדים לבית הספר. I took the children to school. I took the kids to school. המרכול היה יחסית ריק בהשוואה לימים אחרים בשעה זו. The supermarket was relatively empty for that time of day. Mark was relatively empty compared to other days at this time. פשוט תעשה מה שאתה רגיל לעשות. Just do what you normally do. Just do what you're used to. לאליס יש רגליים מהממות. Alice has stunning legs. Alice's got dead legs. أخذ سامي وسادة من السّرير. Sami took a pillow off the bed. He took Sami and gentlemen from the bed. קריר לי מאד. I feel very chilly. I'm very cold. קניתי פרחים כי אני הולך לבקר את הסבתא שלי אחרי הצהריים. I bought flowers because I am going to visit my grandmother this afternoon. I bought flowers because I'm gonna visit my grandmother this afternoon. יש לנו עוגיות תות ושוקולד. We have strawberry and chocolate cookies. We have strawberry and chocolate cookies. השמש עלתה אל מעל לאופק. The sun rose above the horizon in the distance. The sun's up above the horizon. תום אוהב להקים מחנה על החוף. Tom likes camping on the beach. Tom likes to set up a camp on the beach. אני חושבת ששתי שפות לא מספיקות. I think two languages aren't enough. I think two languages aren't enough. דובי קואלה אפשר לראות רק באוסטרליה. Koalas can only be seen in Australia. Dobby Koala can only be seen in Australia. תום רץ במורד הרחוב. Tom ran down the street. Tom ran down the street. סיימתם את מלאכתכם. You're done. You've finished your job. هدّد سامي ليلى بالقتل. Sami threatened Layla's life. Sami threatened to kill Lily. يوجد حمام سياحة وصالة بولينج. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There's a tourist bath and a bowling machine. مبارك! Congratulations! Congratulations! من كتب رسالة؟ Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a message? תנשום עמוק. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. يقع مطعمنا بالقرب من محطة الحافلات الجنوبية. Our restaurant is near the southern bus station. Our restaurant is located near the South bus station. Ir-raġel huwa qawwi. The man is strong. The man is strong. سنقتلك. We'll kill you. We'll kill you. אני גווע ברעב. I'm starving. I'm starving. מרי בלונדית. Mary is blonde. Mary's a blonde. أخذت تبكي. I began to cry. I took a cry. هذا غير متوقع إلى حد ما That is rather unexpected. That's rather unexpected. זה ממש מוזר. This is really weird. That's really weird. בילדותי היה לי כלב שאהב לאכול אבטיח, מנדרינות ושסק. In my childhood I had a dog that loved to eat watermelon, mandarins and loquats. In my childhood, I had a dog who liked to eat water, mandarins and silence. זה לא משהו להתבדח עליו. That's not something I would joke about. It's nothing to joke about. כתוב משפט הכולל שלושה פעלים. Write a sentence containing three verbs. It says the sentence of three operatives. אם ניתן להשוות שפה טבעית לעץ שגדל עם הזמן, אז ניתן להשוות את אספרנטו לעץ פלסטיק הנוצר בצורה מלאכותית. If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially. If you can compare a natural language to a tree that grows over time, then you can compare Aspertonto to an artificially formed plastic tree. هل فهموا؟ Did they understand? Do they understand? سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sammy was in the next room. אני סתם מתעלם מתום. I just ignore Tom. I'm just ignoring perfect. קווצת שיער בצבצה מתחת לכובע המצחיה שלה. A tuft of hair showed from underneath her cap. Blowing hair under her funny hat. قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. You could eat the muffin, you'd have to eat more. أصبح سامي مذهولا و مشوّشا. Sami became lost and confused. Sami became an instant and confused. אנא היה עדין. Please be gentle. Please be gentle. لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I was a teacher for two years. חומצה מאכלת מתכת. Acid eats into metal. The acid eats metal. איש לא זכר את סדר האירועים. Nobody could remember the sequence of events. No one mentioned the order of events. היא לא הצליחה מעולם להשתחרר מהכאבים אחרי התאונה. She was never completely free from pain after the accident. She never got out of the pain after the accident. في هذه البركة الكثير من سمك الشبوط. This pond has a lot of carp. In this pool a lot of peas. ג'ים הוא לא עורך דין, אלא רופא. Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, but a doctor. سرق الرجل حقيبة يدي. The man robbed me of my purse. The guy stole a handbag. אני סומך על תום כמו על כל אחד אחר. I trust Tom as much as anyone. I trust Tom like anyone else. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? זה המלון שלנו? Is this our hotel? Is that our hotel? كانت ليلى تتألّم من عينيها. Layla's eyes hurt. Lily was suffering from her eyes. تطير النحلات من زهرة إلى زهرة. Bees fly from flower to flower. The bees fly from flower to flower. أعطيت كتبي لهؤلاء الناس. I gave my books to those people. I gave my books to these people. כולם היו שמחים. All were happy. Everyone was happy. كلنا صادقنا على المخطط. All of us approved of the plan. We all trusted the plan. מוטב שתבדוק פעם נוספת. You'd better check again. You'd better check again. הוא כתב צוואה. He has drawn up a will. He wrote a will. ينبغي على سامي أن ينتظر. Sami should wait. Sami should wait. تسمّى ألمانيا «Deutschland» بالألمانيّة. Germany is called "Deutschland" in German. Germany is called “Deutschland” in German. פיתחי את הדלת. Open the door. Open the door. יד האדם היא מדהימה בכישוריה המגוונים. The human hand is astonishingly versatile. Man's hand is amazing in its various skills. היא לא יכולה עדיין לרכוב על אופניים. She can't ride a bicycle yet. She can't ride a bike yet. كنت جائعاً. I was hungry. I was hungry. لا يحترق البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not burn easily. Don't burn plastic easily. أذهب إلي العمل في الساعة السابعة. I go to work at seven o'clock. Go to work at 7:00. يتمثل عملهن في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the healing of artists. أنا اؤمن بالله. I believe in God. I believe in God. הוא די צודק. He is quite right. He's pretty right. זה חסר כל היגיון דפוק. It makes no fucking sense. It doesn't make any fucking sense. لو شئ مُمتع, أنا أود أن أفعلهُ, بالطبع. If something is fun, I like to do it, of course. If something's fun, I'd like to do it, of course. سمعت اليوم شيئاً جديداً. I heard something new today. I heard something new today. שנלך עכשיו? Shall we go now? Shall we go now? لم تكن ليلى مغرمة به. Layla was not in love with him. Lily wasn't in love with him. מה הבעיה עם טום? What's the matter with Tom? What's wrong with Tom? هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أنا وأنت أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when you and I first met? Remember the day you first met me? الكثير من المتاحف تكون مغلقة أيام الإثنين. Many museums are closed on Mondays. A lot of museums are closed on Mondays. سأجعلها سعيدة - سأشعرها بالسعادة I will make her happy. - I'll make her happy. - I'll make her happy. إنها ليست مزحة. أنتَ سوف تدفع السعر كاملاً. It is not a joke, you will have to pay the full price. It's not a joke. شربت ليلى كلّ الكحول. Layla drank all the alcohol. I drank all the alcohol night. أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟ English is difficult, isn't it? Isn't English hard? אני צריך להסתפר. I need to get a haircut. I need to get my hair cut. تمنيت لو أنه كان بإمكاني الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could have gone to the party. האם השמוק הזה עובד עבור הממשלה? That sumbitch work for the gummint? Is that dick working for the government? תום הצטרך להתפרפר מהשיעור כדי לפגוש אותנו. Tom had to cut the class in order to meet us. Tom had to break out of class to meet us. טום התפרץ לשיחתנו. Tom broke into our conversation. Tom broke into our conversation. אתה יודע איך תום השיג את המידע? Do you know how Tom obtained the information? You know how Tom got the information? زدت و كبرت في دزاير. I was born and grew up in Algeria. I grew up in Dzair. אפילו תום שיקר לנו. Even Tom lied to us. Even Tom lied to us. دفنت في مسقط رأسها. She was buried in her hometown. I buried in her head spot. אינני מפקד עליכם. I'm not your commanding officer. I'm not your commander. هل هناك أي إمكانية لإعادة شحن الموبايل بدون أي تكلفة؟ Is there any possible way to recharge our mobile free of cost? Is there any possibility of reloading the moped at no cost? המכונית הסתובבה בפינה על שני גלגלים. The car went around the corner on two wheels. The car turned around in the corner on two wheels. הערב אנו הולכים לכנסיה. This evening we will go to church. Tonight we're going to church. שאלתי מאיזו ארץ הוא בא והוא ענה: "אני אזרח העולם." Asked from what country he came, he replied, "I am a citizen of the world." I asked what land he came from, and he answered, "I am the citizen of the world." זרם הגולף הוא נהר עצום של מים חמים הזורם בתוככי האוקיינוס האטלנטי. The Gulf Stream is a great river of warm water flowing within the Atlantic Ocean. The golf stream is a vast river of hot water flowing through the Atlantic. خضع سامي لتلك اللّعبة الجنسيّة الخطيرة. Sami sumbitted to that dangerous sexual game. Sammy was subjected to that dangerous sexual game. הוא רוצה אוטו אדום. He wants a red car. He wants a red car. אני רוצה להיות ההוא, שעושה אותך מאושרת. I want to be the one who makes you happy. I want to be the one who makes you happy. אכלנו יחד ארוחת צהרים. We were eating lunch together. We had lunch together. هذا ما قاله توم لي. That was what Tom told me. That's what Tom said to me. كان سامي يملك سيّارة ذات دفع رباعي. Sami had an SUV. Sami had a four-payed car. בעצם, הוא אף פעם לא ביקר בניו יורק. In fact, he has never been to New York. In fact, he never visited New York. מרי מקנאה. Mary's jealous. Mary's jealous. לא הייתי צריך לשאול את הפטיש של טום. I shouldn't have borrowed Tom's hammer. I shouldn't have asked Tom's hammer. لم يصدّق أحد قصّته. No one believed his story. No one believes his story. היינו חסרי פרוטה. We were broke. We were parapetless. لقد بقى سامي حيّا بالكميّة الضّئيلة من الطّعام و الماء الّتي قدّمها إيّاه مختطفيه. Sami survived on what little food and water his abductors gave him. Sami stayed alive with the small amount of butter and water that his abductions gave him. بدأت أبرد. I'm beginning to feel cold. I'm starting to cool. أراد توم استدعاء الشرطة، ولكن ماري لم تسمح له. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary didn't let him. תום ומרי ישבו על החוף ודברו אחד אל השניה. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary sat on the beach talking to each other. افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We missed you so much! דברי אליי. Talk to me. Talk to me. לא נראה שזה משנה. It doesn't seem to matter. Doesn't seem to matter. תום לא בבית. Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. תום הציע שהפגישה תידחה עד יום שני. Tom suggested that the meeting be postponed until Monday. Tom suggested the meeting was due by Monday. كان سامي يختلس النّظر عبر النّوافذ. Sami was peeping in the windows. Sami was scrambling the look through the windows. من لا يَهمّه المال؟ Who doesn't care about money? Who doesn't care? אני לא יכולה לתת לך את זה. I can't give it to you. I can't give you this. חיה עלולה להיות מסוכנת יותר כשהיא פצועה. An animal can be much more dangerous when wounded. An animal could be more dangerous when it's injured. ماتنسناش! Don't forget about us! Matensnash! אני מקווה לראות אותך בקרוב. I hope it won't be long before I can see you again. I hope to see you soon. אני מודע לסיכונים. I'm well aware of the risks. I'm aware of the risks. אחי נפצע בתאונת הדרכים. My brother was injured in the car accident. My brother was injured in a road accident. ليس بإمكانك تفويته. You can't miss it. You can't miss him. أنت منزعج. You're upset. You're upset. لم تكن للشّرطة أيّة أدلّة أخرى ضدّ ليلى. The police had no other evidence against Layla. The police didn't have any other evidence against Lily. أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I am very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. הוא מקדים אותנו במתמטיקה. He is ahead of us in mathematics. He's ahead of us at math. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. That's better than that. لقد كبرت! How you've grown! You're grown up! كيف هي شقتك الجديدة؟ How is your new flat? How's your new apartment? سامي ينام هنا. Sami sleeps here. Sammy sleeps here. احترق منزل ليلى بالكامل. Layla's house burned to the ground. Burning a whole night's house. ליפן הרים יפים רבים. Japan has a lot of beautiful mountains. To Japan, it's a lot of beautiful mountains. Titkellem bl-Ingliż? Do you speak English? Speak English? لن أكلمه من الآن فصاعداً. I won't talk to him anymore. I'm not gonna talk to him from now on. كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي. Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day. It was Lily and Sami who wanted to spend a perfect day. אני בטוחה שתבלו היטב. I'm sure you'll have a good time. I'm sure you'll have a good time. אני צריך בול. I need a stamp. I need a Bull. Għandi dsatax-il sena. I am nineteen years old. I am 19 years old. هل بإمكانك أن تعطيها هذا الكرسي؟ Can you give that chair to her? Can you give her this chair? እማራለሁ። I will learn. How Would You Answer? יש לי ספקות. I have doubts. I have doubts. هل بإمكاني مقابلتك يوم الإثنين؟ Will I be able to see you next Monday? Can I meet you Monday? سامي و ليلى تشاجرا بشدّة. Sami and Layla had a huge argument. Sammy and Lily have a hard fight. אין לי כרטיס. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a card. שיתפנו פעולה. We've been cooperative. We'll cooperate. هل تحب ذلك أم لا؟ Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? הסרתי את כובעי ונכנסתי לכנסיה. I took off my hat and entered the church. I took off my hats and walked into the church. פסולת מהתעשיה לפעמים מזהמת את הנהרות שלנו. Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers. Waste from the industry sometimes warns our rivers. אני אוהב פירות כמו ענבים ואפרסקים. I like such fruits as grapes and peaches. I like fruit like grapes and peaches. لا أحد يعرف إسمه. Nobody knows his name. Nobody knows his name. أريد أن أتقرّب منك. I want to get closer to you. I want to get closer to you. היינו שכנים. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. الساعة تلاتة كويس؟ Would three o'clock be all right? It's Kwis's hour? אנו מתקדמים לפי לוח הזמנים. We're proceeding on schedule. We're on schedule. أتمنى لك يوماً طيباً. Have a nice day. Have a good day. תזרז את זה. Hurry it up. Hurry it up. אני מרים ידיים. לא משנה מה אעשה, את אף פעם לא מרוצה. I give up. No matter what I do, you never seem to be satisfied. No matter what I do, you're never happy. אני שמח שאתה עומד לבקר בטוקיו בחודש הבא. I'm glad you're to visit Tokyo next month. I'm glad you're going to visit Tokyo next month. אני תמיד תוהה מה עלה בגורלו. I always wonder what happened to him. I always wonder what came up in his fate. הערים צפופות מאד בימינו. Towns are very crowded today. The cities are very crowded these days. أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Tom returned money to Marie. أنا أستعد للأسوأ. I'm getting ready for the worst. I'm getting ready for the worst. هو قرأ ترجمة القرآن بالعبرية فى أقل من إسبوع. He read the translation of the Quran in Hebrew in less than a week. He read the Gospel translation in Hebrew in less than a week. לא הלכתי ברגל שנה תמימה. I didn't walk for a year. I didn't go on an innocent year's foot. افضل القطط أكثر من الكلاب. I prefer cats to dogs. Better cats than dogs. إنه من الرائع رؤيتك It's great to see you. It's great to see you. اقعد فى بيتك. Stay home. Get in your house. هل تحتاج للمفاتيح؟ You need the keys? Do you need the keys? למה תום מפחד לדבר עם מרי? Why is Tom scared to talk to Mary? Why is Tom afraid to talk to Mary? كان سامي يتحرّك. Sami was moving. Sami was moving. Naħseb xtrajna kull m'għandna bżonn. I think we've bought almost everything we need. I think we bought everything we need. הקהל רחש בהתרגשות. The audience buzzed with excitement. The crowd is excited. ተቈጥቼ ነበር። I was angry. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, קיראי את המאמר בעמוד השני! Read the article on page two. Read the article on the other page! היא דחקה בו שיפרוש. She pressured him to quit. She was forced to quit. طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو. It's too late to do anything about that now. A gendarmerie, I didn't get Nedro Walo. لا يمكنه الركض بسرعة. He can't run very fast. He can't run fast. يُعتقد أن بيكاسو رسم هذه الصورة. The picture is presumed to have been painted by Picasso. Picasso is thought to have drawn this picture. هيا. أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تفعلها. Come on. You can do it. You can do it. לא סיפרתי לו שום דבר. I told him nothing. I didn't tell him anything. أطلقت ليلى النّار على سامي لإنقاذ حياتها. Layla shot Sami to save her life. She shot Sami to save her life. הוא השיג את היעד. He reached his goal. He got the target. תום מוכרח לברר את זה בעצמו. Tom has got to sort it out himself. Tom has to find out himself. ألا يزعجك ذلك؟ Doesn't that bother you? Doesn't that bother you? תוצאת המשחק תלויה בביצועים שלו. The game's outcome hangs on his performance. Game performance depends on his performance. كان ذاك أرنوبًا شريرًا. That was an evil bunny. That was a bad rabbit. אתה לא נכנע בקלות, נכון? You don't give up too easily, do you? You don't give up easily, do you? حقا أريد رؤيتك اليوم. I really wish to see you today. I really want to see you today. כל שיריה נהיו להיטים. All of her songs became hits. Every symphony has got hits. هاظبط المنبه على الساعة سبعة. I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. The alarm's off at 7:00. הטכס התקיים בבית הקברות. The services took place at the cemetery. The customs are in the graveyard. صديقك هنا. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. يخطط تيد للذهاب إلى الخارج بعد تخرج. Ted is looking forward to going abroad after graduation. Ted plans to go out after she gets out. لسوء الحظّ، كلّف ذلك سامي حياته. Unfortunately, that cost Sami his life. Unfortunately, that's his name. זה מה שאני רוצה לעשות. This is what I want to do. That's what I want to do. مش فاهم انت عايز تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. Get out of here. You're tired of saying it. עיזבו אותנו. Leave us alone. Leave us alone. أعتقد أنه من المهم قول الحقيقة. I think it's important to tell the truth. I think it's important to tell the truth. הוא סוכן FBI. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! טום ומרי אוחזים יד ביד. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Tom and Mary hold hands. יש לה אישיות פתוחה מאד. She has a very open personality. She's got a very open personality. وصلت للتوّ. I just arrived now. I just got here. Huwa qalli li kien sejjer l-Amerika. He told me he was going to America. He told me that he was going to America. لم أقصد إيذاءك. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. من الأفضل ألا تذهب إلى هناك. You'd better not go there. You better not go there. قال سامي ذلك لليلى. Sami told Layla that. Sami said that to Lily. تجاهل ما قاله. مقد كان يمزح فقط. Ignore what he said. He was only joking. Forget what he said. أصبح سامي مسيحيّا. Sami became Christian. Sami became a Christian. מה תרצי לאכול? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? أخبارك ايه يا توم؟ How are you, Tom? Tell you what, Tom? הוא נשוי ואב לשניים. He is married with two children. He's married and father to two. توم يعرف. Tom knows. Tom knows. מה עושה התחרות טוב יותר? What's the competition doing better? What does the competition do better? כן, אני ודאי מסכימה. Yes, I certainly agree. Yeah, I must agree. איפה תחנת המטרו הקרובה? Where's the closest metro station? Where's the nearest metro station? Minn fejn int? Where are you from? Where are you from? טוב לראות את כולכם שוב. It's good to see you all again. It's good to see you all again. إنه راعي كأبيه. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's my boyfriend as a father. תום התחבא מאחורי עץ. Tom was hiding behind a tree. Tom hid behind a tree. من أنت يا صديقي؟ Who are you, friend? Who are you, my friend? הוא בעשירון העליון. He belongs to the upper class. He's in top ten. أعطني بطاقة اعتمادك من فضلك. Please give me your credit card. Give me your credit card, please. أين هي نعالي؟ Where are my slippers? Where is she coming from? هي بتحكي عربي شويه. She speaks a little Arabic. She cried out to the Arabs. انا احبك I love you. I love you. ليلى متعبة دائما. Layla is always tired. Lily's always tired. افعله يا فاضل. Do it, Fadil. Do it, kiddo. ليلى سمينة و قبيحة. Layla is fat and ugly. Lily's fat and ugly. كان لديه شعر أشيب. He had grey hair. He had some good hair. בצוואה הוא ציווה את כל הנכסים שלו לרעייתו. He left all his property to his wife in his will. In will he ordered all his assets to his wife. תום נתקף סערת חושים. Tom was in a temper. Tom's having a sense storm. חלזונות זזים לאט. Snails move slowly. Move slowly. ما هذه البقع على بشرتك؟ What are those spots on your skin? What's this spot on your skin? أحب توم تسريحة شعر ماري الجديدة. Tom liked Mary's new hairstyle. I love the new Mary's hairdresser Tom. את מוזרה. You're odd. You're weird. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you so much. ተለፎናት ተዘይህሉ አይምጠዓመን ኔሩ። If there were no telephones, it would be inconvenient. And We created man from a drop of fluid . מה שאני רוצה יותר מכל, הוא שתהיה מאושר. What I want, more than anything else, is for you to be happy. What I want is more than everything, he'll be happy. אמא של חבר שלי יכולה ללכת לעיתים קרובות אל האגם. The mother of a friend of mine is able to frequently go to the lake. My friend's mom can often go to the lake. אני צריך חוט מאריך. I need an extension cord. I need a long lead. ابدأ إعداد حقيبتك. Start preparing your suitcase. Start preparing your bag. اسأل ترانغ إن كان سيخرج هذا المساء. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. הוא נאם נאום ובו תמך בהשקפות שלי. He made a speech that supported my opinions. He spoke a speech and supported my views. היחידי היודע מה לעשות הוא תום. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. أنا لا أعرفها I don't know her. I don't know her. من أين أنت؟ Where do you come from? Where are you from? אנה פרנק לא היתה אזרחית. Anne Frank wasn't a citizen. Anna Frank wasn't a citizen. הם משחקים כדורסל. They play basketball. They're playing basketball. الناس يعيشون في جميع أنحاء العالم. People are living in all parts of the world. People live around the world. أظن أنه يمكنني الركض بمثل سرعة توم. I think I can run as fast as Tom. I think I can run as fast as Tom. לשאלה זאת יש רק פרשנות אחת. There is only one interpretation possible for this sentence. That question only has one interpretation. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear back from Layla. I broke up with Lily's news about Sami. سامي كان جزء من kkk Sami was a part of the KKK. Sami was part of a click. توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار. I always liked mysterious characters more. Tovor loved Peter Lepares, a Lithom Messar. ارتدى الأطباء أقنعة بيضاء تغطي أفواههم و أنوفهم. The doctors wore white masks over their mouths and noses. Doctors wore white masks covering their mouths and noses. أريد كأسا من الماء من فضلك. A glass of water, please. I want a glass of water, please. יש לנו בעיות גדולות יותר לטפל בהן. We have bigger problems to deal with. We have bigger problems to deal with. מה משמעותם של החיים? What is the meaning of life? What does life mean? אמרת שאסור לי לקטוע. You said I wasn't to interrupt. You said I shouldn't be cut. הלוואי לו הייתי יותר כמותם. I wish I were more like them. I wish I was more like them. وصل توم إلى المحطة متأخرا و لذا فاته القطار. Tom got to the station too late, so he missed the train. Tom got to the station late, so he lost the train. كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد كلّ يوم. Sami went to the mosque every day. Sami was going to the mosque every day. كان سامي عالقا في الدّاخل. Sami was trapped inside. Sami was stuck in the house. אל תוותרי על משרתך. Don't give up your day job. Don't give up your servant. لماذا قرّرت أن تتعلّم العربيّة؟ Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to learn Arabic? אל תהיה בהמת כורסא. Don't be a couch potato. Don't be in a maze. אגיד לתום שאתה פה. I'll tell Tom you're here. I'll tell Tom you're here. המשרה משלמת נאה, אבל מצד שני אני צריך לעבוד שתים עשרה שעות ביום. The job pays well, but on the other hand I have to work twelve hours a day. The job pays well, but on the other hand, I have to work twelve hours a day. هل سمعت ذلك الصوت؟ Did you hear that sound? Did you hear that voice? لا أشارك رأيك. I don't share your opinion. I don't share your opinion. ستتزوج ابنتي في يونيو My daughter is getting married in June. You're marrying my daughter in June. ماذا حدث لحاسوبي؟ What happened to my computer? What happened to my snake? במידה שמשהו משתבש, שמור לי בבקשה על הילדים. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. If something goes wrong, please keep me on the kids. אתה יכול להבדיל בין זאבים לכלבים? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you tell between wolves and dogs? خَنَقَت قِطٌّ. She strangled a cat. You've been betrayed. هي تلعب الغولف كل نهاية أسبوع. She plays golf every weekend. She plays golf every weekend. שב בשקט בבקשה. Please sit still. Please sit down. الإدعاء بأن العلم القبائلي يمثّل منطقة القبائل هو كذبة فظيعة. The claim that the Kabyle flag represents Kabylie is a flagrant lie. The claim that tribal science represents the area of the tribes is a terrible lie. הוא הגיע באיחור, כרגיל. He came late as usual. He came late, as usual. צימוקים הם ענבים מיובשים. Raisins are dried grapes. The raisins are dried grapes. عجبكم لحال؟ Did you have fun? You like it? فلنسألها عندما تعود إلى المنزل. Let's ask her when she gets back home. Let's ask her when she gets home. سُجِنَ رجل بتهمة العنصرية ، حيث تحدث بشكل معنف ضد المرأة مع سائح فرنسي . A man has been jailed for a racist, misogynist tirade against a French tourist. A man was imprisoned for racism, where he was ostracized against women with a French tourist. قال سامي شيئا. Sami said something. Sami said something. אין ארוחות חינם. There's no such thing as a free lunch. No free meals. كان سامي يعلم أنّ تلك النّافذة لا تُقفل. Sami knew the window didn't lock. Sami knew that window didn't close. تعاهدا سامي و ليلى كي يبنيا أفضل حياة ممكنة لأسرتهما النّاشئة. Sami and Layla vowed to build the best life possible for their growing family. Sami and Lily treaties to build the best possible life for their emerging families. الحوت يعيشو ف البحر. Fish live in the sea. The whale lives in the sea. أنا أعرف أباك I know your father. I know your father. המשפט נמשך עשרה ימים אחד אחרי השני. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days. The trial lasted ten days after each other. أصاب بالبرد دائمًا في الشتاء. I always catch a cold in the winter. He's always cold in winter. تبدو حزيناً. You look down. You look sad. את יודעת שאני לא רוקד. You know I don't dance. You know I don't dance. מעל לכל, ההגיון דורש הגדרות מדויקות. Above all, logic requires precise definitions. Above all, logic requires precise definitions. كم مجلة على المكتب؟ How many magazines are on the desk? How many journals on the office? אני מכיר המון נשים. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. فضّلت ليلى المخدّرات على ابنها سامي. Layla chose drugs over her son Sami. I preferred me drugs over her son Sami. أخبرنا أكثر Tell us more. Tell us more. תום מעיר הערות שנונות לעתים קרובות. Tom frequently makes witty remarks. Tom's making comments that are often hard to understand. توقف عن محاولة إبهاجي. Stop trying to cheer me up. Stop trying to make fun of me. ستمطر الليلة. It will rain tonight. It'll rain tonight. لم يصب سامي بكسور أسفل صدره. Sami had no broken bones below his chest. Sami didn't hit a breaker down his chest. הם נטשו את ילדיהם ביער. They abandoned their children in the forest. They abandoned their children in the woods. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at half past eight. The course starts at eight and a half. لقد تحدّثت مع مدرّسيك. I've spoken to your teachers. I talked to your teachers. وصلت السيارات إلى هناك واحدة تلوى الأخرى. Cars arrived there one after another. Cars got there one to the other. תום אחז בחבל בידו הימנית. Tom grabbed the rope with his right hand. Tom has a rope in his right hand. איך אוכל אי פעם לסלוח לתום? How can I ever forget Tom? How can I ever forgive Tom? היא מתה מסיבות טבעיות. She died of natural causes. She died for natural reasons. شريت طونوبيل جْديدة، شريتها جْديدة. I bought a new car. I bought it new. You bought a new Tonobil, buy it new. هل تأتي إلى هنا كل يوم؟ Do you come here every day? You come here every day? אם הוריי יגלו שהיית כאן, הם מסוגלים לבצע מעשה של טירוף. If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy. If my parents find out you're here, they can do an act of madness. إنتظر Wait! Wait. اليوم لا اشعر أنني بحالة جيدة Today I'm not feeling well. Today, I don't feel like I'm good. آمل أن أراك مجدداً. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you again. ليس هناك طريقة أخرى. No other way. There's no other way. את באמת סבורה שאני מפחדת מחושך? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? ההיסטוריה של כל מולדת מתחילה בלב איש או אישה. The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. The history of every homeland begins with a man or woman. خلع سامي حذاءه. Sami took his shoes off. Sami took off his shoes. אם סבל סוחב לך את המזוודות, אל תשכח לשלם לו תשר. If a porter carries your luggage, don't forget to tip him. If I suffer carrying your bags, don't forget to pay him a tip. راهو كاين الجليد في الطريق. ما تخلّيهش يصوق. The road is frozen! Don't let him drive! The ice's on the road. הם יתחתנו ביוני. They are to be married in June. They'll get married in June. لدينا حادث في ورشة البناء. We've got an accident at the construction site. We have an accident in the building workshop. بإمكاننا مقاطعة إسرائيل. We can boycott Israel. We can interrogate Israel. ترجم الجملة التي أنت بصدد ترجمتها ترجمةً جيدةً، ولا تتأثر بالترجمات إلى اللغات الأخرى. Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you. The sentence that you are in the process of translation is well translated, and is not affected by translations into the other languages. إبحث و ستجد. Seek, and you will find. Search and find. נצטרך סיוע. We're going to need help. We're gonna need assistance. هل هو معلم؟ Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? תשאיר את המנוע מופעל. Leave the engine running. Keep the engine activated. הקשבת? Were you listening? Did you listen? בוא נראה מה עוד אפשר לגלות על העניין. Let's see what else we can find out about that matter. Let's see what else we can find out about this. سُمّيت السّفينة "النّجم الفضّي". The boat was called "The Silver Star." I called the ship "the silver mining." מה שלום אבא שלך? How is your dad? How's your dad doing? كان سامي أكبر أبناء رامي و ليلى صادق. Sami was the oldest of all the children born to Rami and Layla Sadiq. Sami was the biggest son of Ramy and Lily's loyal. אספסוף התאסף במהירות. A mob quickly formed. The crowd gathered quickly. שמור לרגע על תום, בסדר? Watch Tom for a moment, will you? Keep Tom for a second, okay? יהודאי מסנקן. The Jews are tired. Must be a skank. חשבתי לקנות מצלמה חדשה. I was thinking about buying a new camera. I was thinking about buying a new camera. אני אסירת תודה. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. למרות זאת, אנשים רבים רואים בזמבואנגה את עיר הפרחים. Still, many people consider Zamboanga as the City of Flowers. Yet, many people see the city of the flowers. איזה מחיר תבקש תמורת הכיסא? What will you take for this chair? What price are you gonna ask for in exchange for the chair? أعلمُ بأني لم أعد جميلة كما كنت، إلا أنه لم يخطر ببالي مطلقًا بأنك قد تخدعني. I know I'm not pretty anymore, but I have never thought that you would cheat on me. I know I'm no longer as beautiful as you were, but he never told me that you might fool me. אתה רואה, אמרתי לך שאתה מסוגל. See, I told you I could do it. You see, I told you you could. هل نسيت تحيّتي؟ Did you forget to greet me? Have you forgotten my happiness? من أين لك بالمال؟ How did you come by the money? Where do you have money from? תום נפגע? Was Tom hurt? Tom was hurt? עליך לחשוב בכוחות עצמך. You must think for yourself. You need to think about yourself. טום לא רצה לאכזב את הוריו. Tom didn't want to disappoint his parents. Tom didn't want to disappoint his parents. أشعر بالجوع. I feel hungry. I feel hungry. لنذهب للقاء جيم. Let's go see Jim. Let's go see Jim. البارحة كان عيد ميلادي. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. הייתי רוצה לשחק גולף. I would like to play golf. I'd like to play golf. توقّف سامي عن إصدار ذلك الصّوت. Sami stopped making that noise. Sammy stopped issuing that prayer. ضرب سامي ليلى على رأسها. Sami struck Layla on the head. Sami's hit her head. הרומן הזה לא כל כך טוב כמו הרומן האחרון שלו. This novel isn't as good as his last one. This novel isn't as good as his last novel. שיהיה כך! So be it! Be it! היא שרה די טוב. She sang pretty well. She sings pretty good. هل تتحدث السواحلية؟ Do you speak Swahili? Are you talking coasts? אני יוצא לטוקיו מחר. I am leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. I'm going out to Tokyo tomorrow. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. They were Sami and Lily close friends to a couple who knew him at the church. حلمها هو أن تصبح ممرضة. Her dream is to become a nurse. Her dream is to become a nurse. מחוג הבנזין מורה על ריק. The gas gauge is on empty. It's from the Benins Room teaching about Rick. אני נחלש! I am getting weak! I'm weak! أحب صوت الغيث أثناء هطوله علی السقف. I love the sound of rain on the roof. I like the ghetto voice while he's on the roof. אנחנו שמרנו לך מקום. We saved you a seat. We saved you a place. את עובדת? Do you work? Are you working? تغيرتَ كثيرًا. You changed a lot. You've changed a lot. למדתם הרבה? Did you learn a lot? Have you learned a lot? טעיתי לאורך כל הדרך. I had it all wrong. I was wrong all the way. كيفَ سأسدد ديونى الآن؟ How will I pay my debts now? How am I gonna pay my debts now? كنت أواعد مدرّستي في الثّانويّة. I was dating my high school teacher. I was dating my teacher at the can. أحبّت ليلى الأحصنة. Layla loved horses. I loved the steel night. עד כמה שאני יודע, היא לא קשורה לשערורייה הזו. As far as I know, she has nothing to do with that scandal. As far as I know, she's not connected to this scandal. أتى السيد سميث. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith came. חזרתי, תום. Tom, I'm back. I'm back, Tom. لا يمكننا تجاهل هذه المشكلة. This problem can't be ignored. We can't ignore this problem. سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. Ten dollars per person. ניסיתי להמנע ממנו כמה שיותר. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. הוא דאג לעסקים אחרי שאביו נפטר. He took care of the business after his father's death. He took care of business after his father died. ينبغي أن تتقيد بمبادئك. You should live up to your principles. You should adhere to your principles. זה לא היה כל כך קל לעשות את זה. It wasn't easy to do that. It wasn't that easy to do it. מוטב שתחזרי לפה. You'd better get back here. You better get back here. תהיתי מה שלומו של תום. I wondered how Tom was. I was wondering how Tom was doing. أحب هيتومي. I love Hitomi. I love Hetomi. נהגתי לחלוף ליד ביתו של תום מדי יום ביומו. I used to walk past Tom's house almost every day. I used to pass by Tom's house every day. תום הסתלק במרוצה. Tom took off running. Tom's gone happy. הכובע הזה מאוסטרליה. This hat is from Australia. This hat is from Australia. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالمؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sami's been sentenced to two years in prison. لم يسافر أبي إلى الخارج من قبل. My father has never been abroad. Dad's never gone out before. כבס לפני לבישה ראשונה. Wash before first wearing. Laundry before first dress. بدأ سامي يتكلّم تماما مثل أبيه. Sami is starting to sound exactly like his father. Sami started talking just like his father. למה שלא פשוט נְפַרְמֵט את הדיסק הקשיח? היו לך המון בעיות אתו. Why don't we just reformat the hard disk? You've been having a lot of trouble with it. You had a lot of problems with him. לא הייתה התנגדות מצד הנוכחים. There was no objection on the part of those present. There was no objection on the part of the present. אין לי מספיק כסף לקנות את זה. I don't have enough money to buy it. I don't have enough money to buy it. אתה עוזב? Are you leaving? You're leaving? תום קילף את החסיל. Tom shelled the shrimp. Tom kneaded the oyster. הוא רוצה לדבר איתכם. He wants to talk to you. He wants to talk to you. לכו לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go see Tom. אצא מהכלא ברגע שהמשטרה תיווכח שאני חף מפשע. I'll be out of jail as soon as the police realize I'm innocent. I'll get out of jail as soon as the police prove I'm innocent. הם נפלו. They fell. They fell. تغلّب سامي على مهاجمه و قتله. Sami overpowered his assailant and killed him. Sami beat his attacker and killed him. אנו יכולים לעזוב? Can we leave? Can we leave? كُلْ ما تريد. Eat whatever you like. All you want. احتاج فاضل لممارسة العربيّة مع ناطقين أصليّين. Fadil needed to practise Arabic with native speakers. I need a slave to practice the Arabic with two indigenous associates. זה לא מושך. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. فقدت ثقتي فيه. I lost my trust in him. I lost my confidence in him. אני יכול לראות שאתה פצוע. I can see you're hurt. I can see you're hurt. אנחנו מעריכים את העזרה שלך. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. من سيغني الليلة؟ Who will sing tonight? Who's gonna sing tonight? את זוכרת אותי, נכון? You remember me, don't you? You remember me, don't you? מי סידר אותך? Who tricked you? Who set you up? أنت أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than me. هي تركتهُ يذهب. She let him go. She let him go. إنهُ يبدو بحالة جيداً جداً. He looks very good. He looks very good. يصعب علي أن أقرر أيها سأشتري. I'm finding it difficult deciding on which one to buy. It's hard for me to decide, I'll buy. הכלב זחל דרך פתח בגדר. The dog crawled through an opening in the fence. The dog crawled through a fence opening. أمضى سامي و ليلى بعض الوقت معا في مطعم محليّ للوجبات الخفيفة. Sami and Layla hung out at the local diner. I spent some time together at a local light meal restaurant. לא יכול להיות שהוא עסוק. It can't be that he is busy. He can't be busy. من هذه الفتاة؟ Who is this girl? Who's this girl? ليماژيناسيۆن تافّيكتي ڨع ليزاسپي ف حياتنا. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. LimaVinasy, you've got Lisaspey in our lives. ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. تزوّجت أمّ سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami's mother remarried. You married Sami's mother again. تعال و ساعدني. Come here and help me. Come and help me. שמור על כוחותיך. Save your strength. Keep your powers. انتظر سامي لستّة أسابيع. Sami waited for six weeks. Wait, Sammy, six weeks. شغّل سامي جهاز الإنذار. Sami sounded the alarm. Turn Sami on the alarm. אתה מונע. You're motivated. You're motivated. بدأت أحب الصورة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. I've come to like the picture more than ever. I'm starting to like the picture more than ever before. הוא כל כך השתדל שהוא האדים לחלוטין. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He's been so hard trying to make him totally self-sustained. سامي هو أملنا الوحيد. Sami is our only hope. Sammy is our only hope. اسحب! Pull! Pull! أنا سعيدٌ بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to know you. أشعل سامي الاضاءة. Sami switched the light on. Light me up the light. אתה מסודר. You're tidy. You're good. תום נתן לנו טרמפ במשאית שלו. Tom gave us a lift in his truck. Tom gave us a ride in his truck. אני הולך מכאן. I'm leaving. I'm out of here. ماذا يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? באביב הימים נעשים ארוכים יותר. In spring the days get longer. In the spring of the day, it's getting longer. بقي صامتاً طوال الوقت. He was silent all the time. Stay quiet all the time. يحب توم الجبنة. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. መሄድ ይፈልጋል። He wants to go. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. الرجل الطويل خرج من البيت. The tall man came out of the house. The long man came out of the house. يا زّح! ولّاه انتيك! Damn! It's not bad! Oh, shit, and it's yours! הוא משלם בכרטיס אשראי. He pays with a credit card. He's paying on a credit card. من أين تشتري الكتب؟ Where does she buy books? Where do you buy books? תום שתוי עד היסוד. Tom is sloshed. Tom's drunk to the ground. אראה לך. I'll show you. I'll show you. كدب علينا. He lied to us. Writing on us. كان سامي يواجه حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami faced possible life in prison. Sami was facing a sentence of life imprisonment. היית צריך להשאיר לי לטפל בכך. You should've left it to me. You should've let me handle this. "Tatoeba" معناها "على سبيل المثال" باللغة اليابانية. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. "Totobeba" means "for example" in Japanese. 𐤀𐤍𐤊 𐤁𐤍‎𐤕 𐤀‎𐤉‎𐤕 𐤇𐤁‎𐤕 𐤆 𐤅‎𐤀‎𐤕 𐤀‎𐤁𐤃‎𐤕𐤉. I built this house and you destroyed it. What do you think? كنت أتطلع لهذا طوال الأسبوع. I've been looking forward to this all week. I've been looking forward to this all week. و لا تنسَ سقاية المزروعات. And don't forget to water the plants. And don't forget the barbarity of the farms. هل تتكلم العربية؟ Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? أتى الولد راكضاً. The boy came running. The boy came in. تخرّج فاضل من الثّانوية في القاهرة. Fadil graduated from high school in Cairo. He graduated from the second grade in Cairo. لم أسمع في حياتي بهذا البتة. Never in my life have I heard such a thing. I've never heard of this in my life. أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. قال سامي أنه حتى لو كان في السجن، فإنه سيُرسل أحدا ليقتلها. Sami told that even from jail he would send somebody to kill her. Sami said that even if he was in prison, he'd send someone to kill her. מיהרתי החוצה לראות מה מתרחש. I rushed out to see what was going on. I was in a hurry to see what was happening. כשהייתי בניו יורק, פגשתי במקרה מכר ותיק. When I was in New York, I happened to meet my old friend. When I was in New York, I happened to meet an old salesman. لم لا؟ Why not? Why not? أنا أقرأ I'm reading. I'm reading. أصيب بالإحباط مؤخرا. He is depressed lately. He was recently disappointed. أمي تكبر أبي عمراً. Mom is older than Dad. My mom's grown up. הוא חושש לבריאותה. He is anxious about her health. He's afraid of her health. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We are responsible for your protection from now on. كتب سامي رسالة للشّرطة. Sami wrote a letter to the police. Sami wrote a message for the police. מה לעזאזל את עושה פה? What the hell are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here? אני לא מתרגמת בחינם. I don't translate for free. I don't translate for free. לשתי האומות קשרי מסחר חזקים. The two nations have strong trade ties. Both nations have strong trade contacts. היא התחילה לשיר. She began to sing. She started singing. ידידות אמיתית לא תסולא בפז. True friendship is priceless. Real friendship won't give up. دَارْهَا مالْڤري وْعَدْ بلّي ما يْديرهاش. He did it even though he had promised not to do it. His land is Mali, and I promise I'll take care of it. برأيِكَ هل باستطاعتي تحمّل كل ذلك الإغراء؟ Do you think I can handle all that glamour? You think I can handle all that temptation? لم أكن أتوقّع أن يحدث هذا. I wasn't expecting this to happen. I didn't expect this to happen. יש לה בטחון מופרז. She's overconfident. She has excessive security. חַד, תְּרֵין, תְּלָתָה, אַרְבְּעָה, חַמְשָׁה, שִׁתָּה, שַׁבְעָה, תְּמָנְיָא, תִּשְׁעָה, עַסְרָה. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. הם הפכו את אחד המסגדים לבית כלא. They have turned one of the mosques into a prison. They turned one of the mosques into a prison. אני אוהבת סוסים. I like horses. I like horses. إنّها معتادة على الجلوس. She is accustomed to sitting. She's used to sitting. إن جيم يتعلم القيادة. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim learns to drive. سامي حقّا بحاجة إلى الرّاحة. Sami really needs to rest. Sami really needs a pool. כבר הייתי פעם אסיר. I had been incarcerated before. I've been a prisoner before. קח את הדברים שלך. Grab your stuff. Take your stuff. إنتظرتك. I waited for you. I waited for you. החתול שלך מסתתר ממני. Your cat is hiding from me. Your cat's hiding from me. من ذلك الشخص؟ Who is this person? Who's that guy? سأخبرها بأنك سألت. I'll tell her you asked. I'll tell her you asked. ضحّى سامي بأمّه كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw his mom under the bus. He sacrificed my mother to get himself out of trouble. הציפורים התיישבו על הענפים. The birds settled on the branches. The birds settled on the branches. رأيته يركض. I saw him running. I saw him run. كانت ليلى ضحية تلاعب لكنّها لم تتفطّن للأمر. Layla was being manipulated and she didn't realize it. Lily was a player but she didn't get out of it. מחשיך כעת בחוץ. It is getting dark outside. It's dark now outside. هل أنت قادم على السادسة أم على السّابعة؟ Are you coming at six or at seven? Are you coming on 6 or 7? מה ההתרשמות שלך מזה? What were your impressions of it? What's your impression of this? הוא קרוב יותר. He's closer. He's closer. ماري بتتكلم ياباني بشويش. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary spoke Japanese with Shosh. وجد سامي نفسه في سرير مستشفى. Sami found himself in a hospital bed. Sami found himself in a hospital bed. لا أريد أن أعمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. تفضّل البيت بيتك. Please help yourself. Home prefers your house. عن ماذا سأكتب اليوم؟ What should I write about today? What am I going to write about today? اتصل بي توم مرات كثيرة الأسبوع الماضي. Tom has called me many times this past week. Tom called me last week. ቶም ትልቅ ነው። Tom is big. Select the entire page منذ زمن بعيد والناس ينبهرون بقدرته الفائقة على حل المسائل الحسابية الرياضية في عقله بدون استخدام الورقة ولا القلم. From a very early age he amazed everyone with his extraordinary abilities to do mathematical calculations in his head without the use of pen and paper. A long time ago, people have been telling their superpower to solve the mathematical issues in their mind without using the paper or the pen. אתה יודע מה תום הסתיר? Do you know why Tom was hiding? Do you know what Tom's hiding? הספנים הבחינו ביבשה. The sailors saw land. We've looked into the land. نطقا سامي و ليلى بالشّهادة معا. Sami and Layla took their shahada together. She said "Sammy and Lily" together. خسر توم وظيفته. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. سوف أحطم وجه طوم. I'm gonna fuck Tom up. I'm gonna break Tom's face. מי עזר לך? Who helped you? Who helped you? تسبّب سامي عمدا بجروح خطيرة ليلي. Sami intentionally caused Layla serious injuries. Sami deliberately suffered serious injuries to night. לא להתקרב לזה! Don't go near that. Don't come near this! رُبّما أستسلِمُ قريبًا وآخُذ قيلولةً بدلا من ذلك. I may give up soon and just nap instead. Maybe I'll give up soon and take a trip instead. كانت ليلى تستعدّ لمغادرة المطعم. Layla was getting ready to leave the restaurant. Lily was getting ready to leave the restaurant. היא היתה ביסורים. She was in agony. She was in the dark. أفضّل الموت على ذلك. I'd rather die than do that. I prefer death over that. אנו ממשיכים את השיחה. We're continuing the conversation. We're continuing the conversation. תום נראה מתוח. Tom seems stressed. Tom seems nervous. תום מועד. Tom is falling. It's due. תום היה סקרן. Tom was curious. Tom was curious. لا يعيش في هذا المبنى أحد . No man lives in the building. No one lives in this building. توم ماكانش قادر باش يكمّل واش بْدا. Tom wasn't able to finish what he'd started. Tom MacAnch is capable of complementing Wash Bada. התעמתתי עם תום. I confronted Tom. I confronted Tom. אין זמן לדאוג לכך עכשיו. There's no time to worry about that now. There's no time to worry about it now. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الجميلة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sami loved the beautiful things in life. جريس كان شكلها معصبة. Grace looked angry. Grace was in shape. لم أُرِدْ أن يحدث ذلك. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want that to happen. אחי הוא סטודנט שנה ראשונה. My brother is a freshman. My brother's a first-year student. התזתי פליט מחוץ לכילה. I sprayed insecticide on the outside of the mosquito net. I've flitted out of class. אני אוהב את הקפה שלך. I like your coffee. I love your coffee. أمتزوج أنت أم عزب؟ Are you married or single? Or are you or single? الصندوق فارغ تقريبا The box is almost empty. The box's almost empty. אני אוהבת את הצבע הכחול. I like blue. I like the blue color. היא נישקה אותי על השפתיים. She kissed me full on the lips. She kissed me on her lips. خذ وقتك ، لسنا مستعجلين. Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time. We're not urgent. תביא תבשיל לשתף אותו. Bring a dish to share. Get some honey to share. רק רציתי לראות איך תגיבי. I just wanted to see how you'd react. I just wanted to see how you would react. شاهدت التلفاز هذا الصباح. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. העיתוי קריטי. The timing is critical. The timing is critical. بكيت لأن الجميع غيري بكى. I just cried because all the others did. I cried because everyone else was crying. ما الذي تفعله؟ What's she doing? What are you doing? האלמנה לקתה בסרטן הקיבה. The widow suffered from stomach cancer. The widow to the stomach cancer. בפעם האחרונה ששמעתי, טום ומרי עדיין היו נשואים. The last I heard, Tom and Mary are still married. The last time I heard, Tom and Mary were still married. הוא בחור טוב. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. אני מניח שתום כבר יודע זאת. I suspect that Tom knows this already. I guess Tom already knows that. אחרי שנה בלבד השתלים בחזה שלה התחילו לדלוף והיא הייתה חייבת להפטר מהם. After only a year her breast implants started to leak and she had to have them removed. After just a year, her chest implants started leaking, and she had to get rid of them. עד כמה שאני יודע, אין להם ילדים. They have no children, for all I know. As far as I know, they don't have kids. ماذا كُنتِ ستقولينَ لو كنتِ في مكاني؟ What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say if you were in my place? אני אסע, יקרה מה שיקרה. I'll go no matter what. I'll go. Whatever happens. أين الألم؟ Where is the pain? Where's the pain? السباحة ليلاً خطرة. Swimming at night is dangerous. The swim is dangerous at night. أنا مدرّسكم البديل. I am your substitute teacher. I'm your replacement teacher. ייתכן שנאחר לבית הספר. We may be late for school. We might be late for school. תום לא הצליח לשכנע את מרי לקנות לג'ון מתנה. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to buy a present for John. Tom couldn't get Mary to buy John a present. אין בי שום פגם. Nothing's wrong with me. There's no defect in me. הם פטרו את הביקורת שלו בתור צביעות. They dismissed his criticism as hypocrisy. They fired his review as hypocrisy. لا تعمل. العب! Don't play. Work! Don't work. بإمكان أي ولد القيام بذلك. Any child can do that. No boy can do that. خذ هذه الأقراص. Take these pills. Take these pills. أنت المخطأ في الحادث. You are to blame for the accident. You're wrong with the accident. אני עדיין לא מרגיש לגמרי בנוח עם זה. I'm still not entirely comfortable with this. I still don't feel completely comfortable with it. ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them is still a mystery. بقي الباب مغلقًا طوال اليوم. The door remained closed all day. Keep the door closed all day. למפגר הזה שיניים חדות. This imbecile has sharp teeth. This fucker is sharp teeth. واصل سامي مراقبة ليلى. Sami kept eying Layla. Sami kept watching Lily. אתה חייב לבחור. You have to make a choice. You have to choose. لا أزال راغبة في أن أنجب أطفالا. I still want to have kids. I still want to have children. هي تسبح مثل السمكة She swims like a fish. She swims like a fish. אני יכולה להשתמש במילון שלך לרגע? Can I use your dictionary for a minute? Can I use your hotel for a second? תום צעק על מרי. Tom screamed at Mary. Tom shouted at Mary. הוא העמיד פני ישן. He pretended to be asleep. He put an old face on. والدتك في حالة حرجة. Your mother is in critical condition. Your mother's in critical condition. كان كلا من توم وماري غائبان اليوم. Both Tom and Mary were absent today. Both Tom and Marie were absent today. האגס הזה ירוק. This pear is green. This is green ags. מה שלום ההורים שלכם? How are your parents doing? How are your parents? كانت للشرطة أسباب لتشتبه بسامي. Police had reasons to suspect Sami. The police had reason to suspect my mom. الحب لا يرى عيوباً. Love sees no faults. Love doesn't see it wrong. הבאת פעם את הכלב שלך אל החוף? Have you ever brought your dog to this beach? You ever bring your dog to the beach? אל תשכחו להכין את שיעורי הבית שלכם. Don't forget to do your homework. Don't forget to prepare your homework. ቶም ብዙ ጊዜ ከውሻው ጋር ይናገራል። Tom often talks to his dog. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? ما هو السبب الرئيسي للذهاب إلى المدرسة؟ What is the principle reason for going to school? What's the main reason for going to school? صوبت مسدسي نحو الهدف. I aimed my gun at the target. I turned my gun towards the target. عليك أن تدرس جاهداً. You must study hard. You have to study hard. استيقظ سامي. Sami woke up. Wake up, Sammy. تقع فرنسا في أوروبا الغربية. France is in Western Europe. France is located in Western Europe. אני הולכת לעזור לכם עכשיו. I'm going to help you now. I'm gonna help you now. נכחו ארבעים אנשים. Forty people attended. Forty people have been reached. אתה אפשרת את זה. You made it possible. You gave it up. هل تعتقد بان ماري تريد ان تفعل هذا بنفسها Do you think Mary really wanted to do that by herself? Do you think Mary wants to do this herself? מצא חן בעיניך הסרט? Did you enjoy the film? You like the movie? يودّ توم شراء منزلًا. Tom would like to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. يحاول الانفصاليون تطوير سرد زائف من أجل تبرير مشروعهم السياسي. The separatists are trying to develop a pseudoscientific narrative to justify their political project. The separatists are trying to develop a false narrative in order to justify their political project. أنتهى الأجتماع The meeting ended. Meeting's over. هذا مشروع حكومي. This is a government project. This is a government project. أنا أضحك فقط. I am only joking. I'm just laughing. היא דואגת בעניין הבטיחות שלו. She is worried about his safety. She's worried about his safety. أحبك و أريد الزواج بك. I'm in love with you and I want to marry you. I love you and I want to marry you. תזמיני אותו לבוא לצפות בסרט. Invite him to come watch a movie. Ask him to come watch the movie. أريد تعلّم العبرية. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. גם זה לא תפוז. That is not an orange, either. It's not orange either. נסעתי את כל הדרך מבוסטון רק כדי לתת לתום מתנת יום הולדת. I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift. I drove all the way from Boston just to give Tom a birthday present. רגע אחד. אני מקווה שאתה לא מנסה לומר לי שאינך מתכוון להחזיר את הכסף. Now just a minute there. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to pay the money back. I hope you're not trying to tell me you're not going to return the money. זה חשוב לה מאד. It's very important to her. It's very important to her. هل أنا صديقتك؟ Am I your friend? Am I your girlfriend? אתה מהתומכים או מהמתנגדים להפלות? Do you support or oppose abortion? Are you any of the supporters or the opponents? יש לו משרתת. He has a maid. He's got a servant. انا اعرف كيفية النجاة I know how to survive. I know how to survive. أكون أو لا أكون؟ To be or not to be? Be or not be? لا تنظر إلى الوراء. Don't look back. Don't look back. جميعهم سياح . They're all tourists. They're all tourists. الصديق الوفي كالطائر النادر. A real friend is like a rare bird. The dead friend is like a rare bird. قد بدأت لتوّي بتعلّم الكوريّة. I have just started to study Korean. I just started learning Korean. أريد تعلم الكراتيه. I want to learn karate. I want to learn the balls. من الجيد معرفة ذلك That's good to know. Good to know that. אני חושבת שאנו צריכים הפסקה. I think we need some time off. I think we need a break. תום קשה. Tom is difficult. Tom's hard. بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. אם תעשה זאת, תהיה ללעג ולקלס. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do, you'll be mockin' Willless. לא אכלתי את זה. I didn't eat it. I didn't eat it. האם ארוחות כלולות במחיר? Are meals included? Are breakfasts for the price? هل تود أن تأتي بالداخِل؟ Would you like to come inside? Would you like to come in? كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا لسليمة. Sami and Layla were friends with Salima. They were Sami and Lily's friends for peace. בלתי אפשרי לספק אותו. He's impossible to satisfy. It's impossible to deliver it. أتستخدم أحدث الملحقات؟ Are you using the latest plugins? Are you using the latest attachments? لقد قام بقتل ذاك الرجل. He killed that man. He killed that guy. فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. The contexts of words appear in the sentences. The sentences reflect personalities. The sentences can be funny, smart, ridiculous, deep, influential, or harmful. أصِرَّ على الأفضل. Insist on the best. Listen to the best. أخذ سامي مال ليلى. Sami took Layla's money. He took Sami's money, Lily. تغيّرت حياتي بشكل هام. My life has changed quite a lot. My life has changed significantly. هل هو يتحدث الإنجليزية, الفرنسية أو الألمانية؟ Is he speaking English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. You like music more than anything else. כמה אנשים ישנים בחלוקים שלהם. Some people sleep in their bathrobes. Some people sleep in their differences. ما علاباليش واش راك تمعني. I don't know what you mean. I mean, I don't know what it means. أنا أشعر بالعطش. I'm thirsty. I feel thirsty. هل تَمْزَح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? אם אפשר אשתה תה. I'll drink tea, if I can. If I could have some tea. لا أدري. I don't know. I don't know. למה אני צריך לסבול? Why must I suffer? Why do I have to suffer? أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. تلقّى سامي حكمين بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami got two life sentences. Sami received two sentences for life imprisonment. ምስ ቆልዓ ኣይትምከር፡ ምስ ከልቢ ኣይትተሓባእ። Do not confide in a child; do not hide yourself with a dog. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? ستحبه إلى الأبد. She'll love him forever. You'll love him forever. לא היה אכפת לה לשטוף את הכלים. She didn't mind doing the dishes. She didn't care to wash the dishes. سامي لا يستحقّ مطلقا أن يُطرد. Sami definitely doesn't deserve to be fired. Sami doesn't deserve to be fired. היא הרימה יד. She raised her hand. She raised a hand. ראיתי את זה. I've seen it. I saw it. מתי היא תצטרך לנסוע לחו"ל? When will she have to go abroad? When does she have to go abroad? תום אמר לי שאני צריך לעזוב מיד. Tom told me I should leave right away. Tom told me I had to leave right away. תום חזר למשרד שלו. Tom returned to his office. Tom came back to his office. ينبغي أن نواجه هذة المشكلة. We should face up to this issue. We should face this problem. אקרא לו תום. I'm going to name him Tom. I'll call him Tom. تبدو كئيبا You look gloomy. You look bad. تكدب عليك كل وقت. She lies to you all the time. Get on with you all the time. كان كلب سامي ينبح. Sami's dog barked. Sami's been barking. ستتعلم كيف تفعلها عاجلًا أو آجلًا. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. من الأفضل أن أسئلها. I had better ask her. I'd better ask her. אנו לא יכולים להתעלם מהבעיה הזאת. We can't ignore this problem. We can't ignore this problem. תום אמר משהו בצרפתית שלא הבנתי. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. هل أكلت القطة لسانك؟ The cat got your tongue? Did you eat the cat for your tongue? החתול קימר את גבו. The cat arched its back. The cat nailed his back. سأوصلك إلى البيت. I'll drive you home. I'll get you home. הקופסא שהיא מצאה היתה ריקה. The box she found was empty. The box she found was empty. ראית כמה הם עסוקים, הלא כן? You saw how busy they are, didn't you? You've seen how busy they are, haven't you? אני יודע שהסיכויים שתרצי לצאת אתי אי פעם לא ממש גבוהים, אבל בכל זאת אני צריך לבקש לפחות פעם אחת. I know that it is highly unlikely that you'd ever want to go out with me, but I still need to ask at least once. I know the chances you want to go out with me aren't really high, but I still have to ask for at least one time. השביל הזה מסוכן. This path is dangerous. This path is dangerous. הוא היה בבית. He was at home. He was home. נהגתי ללכת לכנסייה בימי ראשון. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sundays. ليتني كنت قادرا على نسيان تلك الحادثة. I wish I could forget about that incident. I wish I could have forgotten that incident. كان الكحول هو المخدّر المفضّل عند سامي. Alcohol was Sami's drug of choice. Alcohol was my favorite drug at Sami. أريد الذهاب لأستراليا لمرة أخرى قبل أن تنتهي صلاحية جواز سفري. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia again before my passport ends. הוא שקרן ותו לא. He's just a liar. He's a liar and he's not. آسف على الإزعاج. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry to bother. سوف اذهب للتسوق بعد الغداء. I'm going to go shopping after lunch. I'll go shopping after lunch. انهض! Get up! Get up! איך אפשר לפרש את המשפט הזה? How should this sentence be interpreted? How can I explain this sentence? أعطِني ساعتان. Give me two hours. Give me two hours. הם יירעבו. They'll starve. They'll be fed. أمي تحبني. I am loved by my mother. Mom loves me. תום מבשל היטב. Tom cooks well. Tom cooks well. انشر الخبر Spread the news! Spread the news. ظل يركض. He ran on and on. He kept running. הסכמנו? Do we have an agreement? Have we agreed? זה מבלבל מאד. It's very puzzling. It's very confusing. ايه اللي كين قاعد بياكله؟ What is Ken eating? All right, Ken's a good base? תום היה עקשן. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. לבסוף הוא ויתר. At last he yielded. Finally he gave up. لا تبذر مالك في شراء أشياء لست بحاجة إليها. Don't waste your money by buying things you don't need. Don't make your money buy things you don't need. لنجلس أين يوجد ظل. Let's sit where there is some shade. Let's sit where there's shadow. זה שייך לי. That is mine. It belongs to me. עקיצה של מי כואבת יותר: דבורה או צירעה? Whose sting is more painful: a bee's or a wasp's? Who's more painful than a bee or a hunch? هىَ أتت إلى هُنا مرةً أخرى. She came here once again. She came here again. رنّ جرس الهاتف و أنا آكل طعام الغداء. The phone rang when I was having lunch. The phone bell rang and I ate lunch. רק תגידי לי למי לטלפן. Just tell me who to call. Just tell me who to call. من بعدك After you. After you. سأقوم بتحويل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'll transfer the money. האם תזכיר לי לשלוח את המכתבים האלה? Will you remind me to mail these letters? Do you remind me to send these letters? إنه يشبه أباه كثيراً. He closely resembles his father. He looks like his father so much. لا ليس حقا. No, not really. No, not really. هو يحب المغامرة . He likes adventure. He likes adventure. זה היה לא נעים. That was unpleasant. That was unpleasant. إنه يكره نانسي. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. كان لون شعر ليلى قاتما. Layla had dark hair. It was a night's hair color. רציתי לשמור על העבודה שלי, אז עשיתי את רצונו של הבוס. I wanted to keep my job, so I did what the boss told me to do. I wanted to keep my job, so I did the boss's wish. كان هاتف ليلى في النّفايات. Layla's phone was in the garbage. It was a night's phone in waste. תום ניסה לשכנע את מרי להכין עבורו את שיעורי הבית. Tom tried to get Mary to do his homework for him. Tom tried to convince Mary to prepare his homework for him. הצוות שלנו זקוק לעזרתכם. Our team needs your help. Our team needs your help. أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the repair workshop. قابلته يوما. One day I met him. I met him one day. אכפת לי מטום. I care about Tom. I care about Tom. ትማሊ ፈረስ ዓዲገ Yesterday I bought a horse And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, قُتلن في المعركة. They died in battle. Killed in the fight. הוריו אינם בחיים. Both his parents are dead. His parents are gone. متأكد أن توم لن يفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom would never do that. I'm sure Tom won't. שניכם מטופשים עד גיחוך. You two are ridiculously silly. You two are stupid. יש לי חברה שעושה את זה. I have a friend who does that. I have a friend who does this. سأزورك بنفسي. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you myself. أعلن سامي حربا على سكّان الحيّ بأكمله. Sami declared a war to the whole neighborhood. Sami declared war on the entire neighborhood. אטיל עליו לתקן את השעון. I'll have him fix the clock. Attach him to fix the clock. יכולתי לשמוע הכל. I could hear everything. I could hear everything. אני מודאגת בגלל כולכם. I'm worried about all of you. I'm worried about all of you. كان دواء ليلى ضروريّا كي يحتفظ قلبها بنبض منتظم. Layla's medication was essential to maintain a steady heartbeat. Lily's medicine was necessary to maintain her heart with a regular pulse. أبدا. Never. Never. أرسل سامي رسالة أخرى لليلى. Sami sent Layla another letter. Sami sent another message to me. لقد طُرِدَتْ من المدرسةِ. She was expelled from the school. She was expelled from school. היא קפצה מן הפח אל הפחת. She jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. She jumped from the can to the opening. זה היה התור שלה סוף סוף. It was her turn at last. It was her turn at last. יש לי ארבעה אחים. I have four brothers. I have four brothers. اشتريتُ سيارةً جديدةً. I bought a new car. I bought a new car. שמחנו שאנו בחיים. We're grateful to be alive. We were glad we were alive. אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. נעזוב מיד. We leave immediately. We'll leave right away. טום מוכן לקבל אותי עכשיו? Does Tom want to see me now? Tom ready to accept me now? תום אחרון. Tom is last. Last Tom. أنا لم أفهم. I do not understand. I don't understand. למה אתה לומד? Why do you study? Why are you learning? הוא התפטר כנשיא. He resigned as president. He quit as president. הם שתו שני בקבוקי יין. They drank two bottles of wine. They drank two bottles of wine. אולי הוא לא הכיר את הנוסחה. He may not have known the formula. Maybe he didn't know the formula. אני הומו. I'm gay. I'm gay. דברים משתנים. Things change. Things change. أتمتلك سيارة؟ Do you have a car? You got a car? סליחה על כל זה. Sorry about all this. Sorry about all this. كان سامي يعلم من هجم عليه. Sami knew who attacked him. Sami knew who attacked him. אחיו היה נהג משאית במשך שלושים שנה. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. His brother was a truck driver for 30 years. האם הותקפת אי פעם? Have you ever been mugged? Have you ever been attacked? אני מאוהב כמו ביום הראשון. I am as much in love as on the first day. I'm in love with the first day. אתה יודע לנגן טוב? Can you play well? You know how to play well? أنا حقا احب القطط. I really love cats. I really like cats. هل عندك اعتراض على هذه الخطة. Do you have any objection to this plan? Do you have any objection to this plan? הסתכלי לאן קופץ החתול. See which way the cat jumps. Look where the cat jumps. תודה עבור כל מה שעשיתם. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for everything you've done. Narak iktar tard! See you later! I see you later! ما ذاك المبنى الضخم؟ What is that huge building? What's that big building? אני כאן בגללך. I'm here because of you. I'm here because of you. לא, אתה לא מאוהב, כי מה שאתה קורא לו אהבה הוא רק יציר פסיכולוגי הנועד להשכיח מהאנשים את מורשתם הבהמית. No, you aren't in love, for what you call love is just a psychosocial construct to make people ignore their animalic heritance. No, you're not in love, because what you call love is just a psychological creation designed to convince people of their inherent heritage. פתחתי את משחק השחמט עם הפתיחה האיטלקית. I opened the chess game with the Italian opening. I opened the chess game with the Italian opening. زيّن سامي المكتب. Sami decorated the office. Ben Sami's office. شنو اسميتك؟ What's your name? You mean your name? يعطيك الصحة. Thank you. Gives you health. כל אחד חושב כך. Everyone thinks so. Everyone thinks so. למה לא מחר? Why not tomorrow? Why not tomorrow? الحجز مطلوب. Reservations are required. Detention is required. غيّرت الفتاة شكلها. This girl changed her look. The girl changed her shape. אשמח לספר לו. I'd be happy to tell him. I'd love to tell him. אין סיבה לבהלה. There's no reason for panic. There's no reason for panic. انها ابنتي. She's my daughter. It's my daughter. متى يُغلق المطعم؟ When does the restaurant close? When's the restaurant closed? לראות את נאפולי ולמות. See Naples and then die. See Napoli and die. هذه القارورات فارغة. These bottles are empty. These balls are empty. בוא נשמור על שקט. Let's keep quiet. Let's keep it quiet. הגעתי מאוחר משום שאחרתי לאוטובוס. I came late because I missed the bus. I'm late because I'm late for the bus. זה היה מספיק. It was adequate. That was enough. تعال معنا. Come with us. Come with us. حاولت ألا تنظر إليه. She tried not to look at him. I tried not to look at him. ההיסטוריה היא המורה של החיים. History is the teacher of life. History is the teacher of life. הוא סידר את התקלה כהרף עין. He fixed the problem in a jiffy. He arranged the failure in an eyebrow. هو لن يكونَ مُسْتَعدّاً. He will not be ready. He won't be late. أخبرني من فضلك إلى أي مكان أذهب بعد ذلك. Please tell me where to go next. Please tell me where I'm going after that. سآخذ هذا. I'll take this one. I'll take this. هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ المنضدة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. تعال معي. Come with me. Come with me. لم كان يحدث ذلك؟ Why was that happening? Why would that have happened? כמה חבל שאינך יכול לרקוד! What a pity you can't dance! How bad you can't dance! ركض سامي إلى غرفة نومه بأقصى سرعة ممكنة. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. Sami ran into his bedroom as soon as possible. كان فاضل يقطن في حيّ سكني بالقرب من القاهرة. Fadil lived in a housing development near Cairo. He lived in a neighborhood near Cairo. Għal min ivvutajt fl-elezzjoni? Whom did you vote for in the election? For whom did you vote in the election? إنهُ في مشكلة. He's in trouble. He's in trouble. من كم يوم تتالف السنة الكبيسة ؟ How many days comprise a leap year? How many days does a year go by? תום קפץ מהמיטה. Tom leaped out of bed. Tom jumped out of bed. זאת לא בושה לשתוק אם אין לך מה לומר. It's not shameful to be silent when you have nothing to say. It's no shame to shut up if you have nothing to say. לא ציפיתי לשום מתנה. I didn't expect any gift. I didn't expect any gift. لا تقبل بالعالم كما هو. Do not accept the world as it is. Don't accept the world like it is. התקווה שלי היתה שהוא מסוגל. My hope was that he could. My hope was that he could. תום נראה נרגז. Tom looks exasperated. Tom seems nervous. אתם לא מוסרים. You're unethical. You don't say. أسعدتني رسالتك. Your letter made me happy. Please give me your message. تلك كانت نيتي. That was the intent. That was my intention. سُرق مدّس سامي منه. Sami's gun was stolen from him. Sami's been stolen from him. لقد رفضَت اقتراحي. She rejected my proposal. You rejected my proposal. ירדנו במורד הנהר עם בוצית. We went down a river by canoe. We went down the river with a flyer. את הקפה שלי אשתה לאחר הארוחה. I'd like my coffee after the meal. I'll have my coffee after dinner. انتحرت عن عمر ينازه الثلاثين عاماً. She killed herself at the age of thirty. I've been divorced for 30 years. صلّى سامي صلاة الظّهر مع فاضل. Sami performed the noon prayer with Fadil. Oh, my God, my God, have mercy on me, and have mercy on me. עלינו להביא אותו מיד לבית החולים, הוא פצוע קשה! We have to take him to the hospital immediately; he is seriously injured! We need to get him to the hospital right away. He's badly injured! נא לא לצלם כאן. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take pictures here. غالبا ما يتذمر توم من طهو أمه Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. Tom often snucks out of his mother's cooking. איפה אני מוצא את משחת השיניים? Where can I find toothpaste? Where do I find the toothbrush? كانت ليلى تحبّ نمط الحياة الرّيفية. Layla loved the country lifestyle. Lily was in love with the animal life pattern. תום נעל את נעליו בחזרה. Tom put his shoes back on. Tom locked his shoes back. كانت عند سامي حصّة دراسيّة واحدة فقط يوم الجمعة. Sami had only one class on Friday. Sami only had one class on Friday. נכון! Right! That's right! أنا لا أتكلم اللغة اليابانية.‏‏ I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. المنزل معزول بشكل ملائم. The house is suitably isolated. The house is properly isolated. ستنطلق الحافلة بعد خمس دقائق. The bus leaves in five minutes. The bus will be off in five minutes. אני מניחה שזה לא יטריד אתכם, שאני לוקחת אחד מהם. I assume it won't bother you if I take one of them. I guess it won't bother you that I'm taking one of them. اليابان فقيرة في الموارد الطبيعية. Japan is poor in natural resources. Japan is poor in natural resources. תום מעוניין רק בנערות נאות מראה. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom's only interested in handsome girls. ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድክ ነው? Are you going to school? Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose for mankind? أحب سماع الموسيقى معك. I love playing music with you. I like hearing music with you. تذهب زوجته معه أينما ذهب. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. لم تثر الفكرة إعجاب سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. The idea didn't affect Sami. كان سامي في قسمي. Sami was in my class. Sammy was in my department. "مفكرة الموت" هو واحد من أفضل عشرة مسلسلات تلفزيونية عندي. "Death Note" is one of my top ten favourite TV series. The idea of death is one of my top ten TV series. האם ידעת שבהר הזה חיים שועלים? Did you know that foxes live on this mountain? Did you know this mountain was a wasteland? זהו אמצע הלילה. It's the dead of the night. It's midnight. הנערה הסתכלה איך אמא שלה מבשלת. The kid watched her mother cook. The girl looked at how her mom cooked. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami stepped out the door. Sami got out of the door. זה ממש קל. This is real easy. It's really easy. היא שאלה אם מתחשק לי לבשל משהו. She asked if I felt like cooking something. She asked if I'd like to cook something. הוא לא עיוור מלידה. He isn’t blind from birth. He's not blind from birth. لسامي و ليلى ستّ أطفال. Sami and Layla have six children. My mother and Lily are six children. أتمنى لك نومًا هادئًا يا تِمِي.‏‏ Sleep well, Timmy. I wish you had a quiet sleep, Tim. אתה יכול לזכור עד כמה אטית הייתה פעם רשת האינטרנט? Can you remember how slow the Internet used to be? Can you remember how slow the Internet once was? אני רוצה שהם יאהבו אותך. I want them to like you. I want them to love you. אתם ניצחתם. You won. You guys won. בי.בי.סי. הוא הערוץ המועדף שלי. The BBC is my favourite channel. BBC is my favorite channel. لم تركتني؟ Why did you abandon me? Why did you leave me? אני בטוחה שתסתדרי. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll do it. טיפלנו בזה. We took care of that. We took care of it. יש לך הרבה זמן? Do you have a lot of time? Do you have a lot of time? جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? You got a bullet? أنا صديقه و سأبقى كذلك. I am his friend and will remain so. I'm his friend, and I'll stay. أستطيع تحدث الإنجليزية. I can speak English. I can speak English. תום קורא רומנים בכל פעם שיש לו זמן. Tom reads novels whenever he has time. Tom reads novels whenever he has time. የት መብላት ተፈልጋለህ? Where do you want to eat? Would You Welcome a Visit? יום שני היום. Today is Monday. Monday. אני מרגיש יותר בנוח כשאני נוהג. I feel more comfortable behind the wheel. I feel more comfortable driving. עכשיו הגיע הזמן לומר לילה טוב. Now it's time to say good night. Now it's time to say good night. הוא הניח את ידו על כתפה בעדינות. He put a hand gently on her shoulder. He put his hand on a gentle shoulder. אני יכול לאכול כאן את ארוחת הצהריים שלי? Can I eat my lunch here? Can I eat my lunch here? كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days does it usually take to get there? How many days do you usually need to get there? أنت فتاة جميلة. You're a beautiful girl. You're a beautiful girl. כשהשכנה של ג'ון ראתה אותו מוכר סמים היא הלשינה עליו. When John's neighbor saw John selling drugs, she blew the whistle on him. When John's neighbor saw him selling drugs she snuck on him. لازم ما تتكلمش هنا. You should not talk here. We need what you're talking about here. אני עשיר. I am rich. I'm rich. אני נהנית לקרוא רומנים. I enjoy reading novels. I enjoy reading novels. عُثِر على حذاء سامي في صندوق نفايات. Sami's shoes were found in a dumpster. It was found on Sami shoes in a garbage box. أنا دائما ما أنسى الأسماء. I am constantly forgetting names. I always forget the names. أنا أقرأ الآن I'm reading now. I'm reading now. הם משכילים יותר, בריאים יותר ואמידים יותר לעומת דור ההורים שלהם כשהיו בגילם. They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age. They are more educated, more healthy and more reliable than their parents' generation when they were their age. זה היה אובדן מאכזב. It was a disappointing loss. It was a disappointing loss. תום משליך אבנים לעבר הציפורים. Tom is throwing stones at birds. Tom's throwing stones into the birds. אל תכבה את המחשב. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn off the computer. הגעתי לתחנה בשעה שש. I reached the station at six. I got to the station at 6:00. התפוזים האלה חמוצים מאד. These oranges are very sour. These oranges are very picky. נהיה הרבה יותר חם. It has become much warmer. It's getting much hotter. ما المشكلة؟ What's wrong? What's wrong? كان سامي في الطّابق السّفلي و هو نائم نوما عميقا. Fadil was downstairs, sound asleep. My mother was downstairs and he was asleep deep. לדעתי עליך לספר להוריך שאנו נשואים. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. ليلى ممرّضة سامي الخاصّة. Layla is Sami's private nurse. Lily's a private Sami patient. תום ילך אחריך. Tom will follow you. Tom's going after you. נחש. Make a guess. Guess. תום עצר את נשימתו. Tom held his breath. Tom stopped breathing. עליך לקיים את הבטחתך. You have to keep your promise. You must keep your promise. מה קרה עם היתר? What happened to the others? What happened with the rest? تتكلم كأنها تعرف كل شيء عنه. She talks as if she knew everything about it. You talk like she knows everything about him. لم أعرف كيف أجيب على سؤاله. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. الأسبوع الواحد فيه سبعة أيام. There are seven days in a week. One week is seven days. لا أمانع في كلتا الحالتين. I don't mind either way. I don't mind either way. أين تقع عيادته؟ Where is his clinic situated? Where's his clinic? תום שוכב במיטה עם שפעת. Tom is lying in bed with a cold. Tom's lying in bed with flu. كان سامي من أسرة مسلمة ملتزمة. Sami was from a practising Muslim family. Sami was a committed Muslim family. لسوء الحظ ، لقد كنت مشغولا بالأمس ولم استطع فعل ذلك. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. هي القطة فوق الكرسي ولا تحته؟ Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? She's a cat up and out of her chair? מלא את החסר. Fill in the blanks. Fill the missing one. זה עומד לקרות בקרוב. It's going to happen soon. It's about to happen soon. תום נראה קצת אבוד. Tom looked a little lost. Tom seems a little lost. سآخذ تلك أيضا. I'll take that one, too. I'll take that, too. מי שבר את האגרטל? Who broke the vase? Who broke the vase? הגעתי בגשם ונרטבתי. I was caught in the rain and got wet. I came in the rain and wet. لا تقلق علي Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. ستنجو ليلى. Layla will survive. You're gonna survive Lily. אני חי בטורקיה. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. أنا متأكد من أنها ستعود قريباً. I'm sure that she will come back soon. I'm sure she'll be back soon. أفضل ركوب الدراجة. I prefer biking. Best bike ride. كان لدى سامي امرأة أخرى في حياته. Sami had another woman in his life. Sammy had another woman in his life. بقِيَ محافظاً على قِيَمِه و مبادئه. He remains loyal to his principles. Keep his values and principles. أنت ملاك You're an angel. You're an angel. بيتك أكبر من بيتي ثلاث مرات. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is bigger than my house three times. קיבלת את המכתב? Did you receive the letter? Did you get the letter? جون ليس أخي ، بل ابن عمي. John is not my brother, but my cousin. John's not my brother, he's my cousin. אני מצפה לכך בכליון עיניים. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. هذه الوردة أجمل من تلك. This flower is more beautiful than that one. This rose is better than that. أتعرف كم الساعة؟ Do you know what the time is? You know what time it is? נדרשו עבורי שלושה ימים כדי לנקות את החדר. It took me three days to clean the room. It took me three days to clean the room. منزله مملوء بالذباب. His house is full of flies. His house is full of flies. بقى عازف بيانو. He became a pianist. He's still a pianist. הציורים שלו נראים לי מוזרים. His paintings seem strange to me. His paintings look weird to me. مر القطار السريعة بسرعة فائقة بالكاد رأيناه. The express train went by so fast we hardly saw it. We barely saw it. הזמנתי רהיטים חדשים. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. תני לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. אני לא יודע למה הוא יכול לחיות מעל למה שהאמצעים מאפשרים. I don't know why he can live above his means. I don't know why he can live beyond what the means allow. يجب ألا تتحدث بصوت عالٍ. You must not speak loudly. You shouldn't speak loud. אינך אשמה בתאונה. You are not to blame for the accident. You're not guilty of an accident. הקבוצה הורכבה מארבעה גברים צעירים. The group was made up of four young men. The team was made up of four young men. למה שלא נברח פשוט? Why don't we just elope? Why don't we just run away? בחרתי מסלול שונה. I chose another path. I chose a different course. הדבר האחד שתמיד רציתי לעשות היה לכתוב ספר לילדים. One thing I've always wanted to do is write a children's book. The one thing I always wanted to do was write a book for kids. אני שונאת את העניבה שעליך. I dislike the tie you have on. I hate your tie. נדהמתי שהיא עשתה את הזה. I was astonished that she had done it. I was surprised she did that. كنت هنا امبارح. I was just here yesterday. You're here tomorrow. תום בא לכאן אתמול. Tom came here yesterday. Tom came here yesterday. תום עושה כמה דברים משונים מידי פעם. Tom does do some goofy things from time to time. Tom does some weird stuff once in a while. لا يستحقّ سامي أكثر ممّا أستحقّه أنا في الحياة. Sami doesn't deserve more than what I deserve from life. Sami doesn't deserve more than I deserve in life. תני לי להסביר לך את זה באמצעות תרשים. Let me explain it with a diagram. Let me explain it to you by drawing. لا يدان أي شخص من جراء أداة عمل أو الامتناع عن أداة عمل إلا إذا كان ذلك يعتبر جرماً وفقاً للقانون الوطني أو الدولي وقت الارتكاب، كذلك لا توقع عليه عقوبة أشد من تلك التي كان يجوز توقيعها وقت ارتكاب الجريمة. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. No person shall be convicted by an instrument of action or omission unless it is deemed to be an offence under national or international law at the time of the commission of the offence, nor more punishment than that which may have been imposed at the time of the offence. אני חושב שאתה סתם חביב. I think you're just being nice. I think you're just a lover. كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sami was waiting near there. ذهبوا للطابق العلوي في الغرفة الصغيرة ، حينما كان كل شيء كما هو معتاد عليه ، الساعة القديمة كانت تتكُ ، و عقارب الساعة كانت تشير الى وقت اليوم ، لكن ادركوا حين مرورهم خلال الباب الى الغرفة ان كلاهما قد كبر و اصبحوا رجل و امرأة. They went upstairs into the little room, where all looked just as it used to do. The old clock was going "tick, tick," and the hands pointed to the time of day, but as they passed through the door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up, and become a man and woman. They went upstairs in the small room, when everything was as normal as it was, the old hour was stuck, and the clock's approach was referring to the time of the day, but they realized when they passed through the door to the room that they both grew up and became men and women. מי הילדה הזאת? Who's that girl? Who is this girl? את שמרנית. You're conservative. You're conservative. אני אוהבת סקי. I like skiing. I love ski. היא מחשיבה את עצמה כאדם נבון. She thinks of herself as an intelligent person. She considers herself a wise man. لمَ لا تجلس و تستريح؟ Why don't you sit down and relax? Why don't you sit down and rest? يساعد سامويل كل شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Samuel helps anyone who asks him. Samuel helps everyone he's asked to help. እኔ ከኮሎምቢያ ነኝ። I'm from Colombia. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? هي صارت غنية . She became rich. She's getting rich. היא קונה כל מה שהיא רוצה, בלי להתחשב במחיר. She buys what she wants regardless of the cost. She's buying everything she wants, without considering the price. זה כמו לתת לדראקולה אחריות על בנק הדם. It's like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank. It's like giving Dracula responsibility for the blood bank. هذا الكلب أكثر تعلقا بنا من ذا القط. This dog is more attached to us than this cat. This dog's more attached to us than the cat. لماذا السماء زرقاء؟ Why is the sky blue? Why the blue sky? الكل كان سعيداً. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. תום ומרי כנראה יתחתנו יום אחד. Tom and Mary will probably get married one day. Tom and Mary must have married one day. תום לא יכול לקבל את המתנה שלך. Tom can't accept your gift. Tom can't have your gift. תום נראה חביב. Tom seems kind. Tom looks lovely. אל תחששי מהכלב שלי. הוא לא יפגע בך. Don't worry about my dog. He won't do you any harm. Don't worry about my dog. תום לא הרעיל את מרי. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. הציפורים שרות. Birds sing. The birds are singing. تشرّفت بلقائك. I'm pleased to meet you. I saw you. يجب ان تذهب للبيت ؟ Shouldn't you go home? You have to go home? תום מנגן בגיטרה כמעט ברמה של מרי. Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary. Tom plays guitar almost at Mary's level. נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה תגיד לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Let's say she's coming back. המחשבים החדשים האלה יכולים לטחון נתונים יותר מהר מאי פעם. These new computers can crunch data faster than ever. These new computers can store data faster than ever. اصطدمت سيّارة سامي بمظلة موقف للحافلة. Sami's car crashed into a bus shelter. A Sami car hit with a position umbrella for the bus. במקרה היום יום הולדתי. It so happens that today is my birthday. I happen to be my birthday. אינני חושבת שאלך היום. I don't think I'll go today. I don't think I'm going today. סמכנו עלייך. We trusted you. We trusted you. اخرج من غرفتي Get out of my room! Get out of my room. הפעמון מצלצל בדלת. The doorbell is ringing. The bell is ringing at the door. إنك تعطي المسألة أكثر من حقها. You are exaggerating the problem. You give the matter more than its right. ואף על פי כן נוע תנוע! And yet it moves! And that's why it's moving! ذكّرني بأخذ جواز سفري. He reminded me not to forget my passport. Remind me to take my passport. هل لي أن أساعدك؟ May I help you? May I help you? האם נחשים מדאיגים אותך? Do snakes bother you? Are snakes worried about you? אני מעדיפה קפה. I like coffee better. I prefer coffee. תשתוק ותקשיב! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! كان شوب، ففتحت الشباك It was warm, so I opened the window. It was a slip, I opened the net. سُأِل كل طالب سؤالاً واحداً. Every pupil was asked one question. Each student was asked one question. תום ציפה לכך. Tom anticipated that. Tom was looking forward to it. أصل هذه الكلمة فرنسي كذلك. This word is also French in origin. I also made this French word. ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he slips? توم يحب الفن الحديث. Tom has an aesthetic sense for modern painting. Tom likes modern art. אני יכולה לעזור לכם עכשיו. I can help you now. I can help you now. זה מספיק. It's sufficient. That's enough. אני לומד אנגלית כבר חמש שנים. I have been learning English for five years. I've been studying English for five years. הממשק אינטואיטיבי מאד. The interface is very intuitive. The interface is very intuitive. تخدرت يدي من البرد. My hand are benumbed with cold. I snuck my hand out of the cold. יש לנו דברים לעשות. We've got things to do. We have things to do. قد بحذر. Drive safely. He might be careful. كنت تتحدث في نومك البارحة. You were talking in your sleep last night. You were talking in your sleep last night. لقد تغيّرت الأمور نوعا ما. Things have changed a bit. Things have changed kind of. أصبحت ليلى حاملا في الثّانويّة. Layla got pregnant in high school. I got a pregnant night in the can. منذ ان استلمت النساء المزيد من المسؤوليات في العمل و في المجتمع ، يقال ان عدد النساء الذين يعانون من الاجهاد من تربية الاطفال و العمل اخذ بالتصاعد . Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. Since women have received increased responsibilities in the workplace and in society, the number of women in the full - time ministry is said to have increased. למה תום מתכוון? What does Tom mean? What does Tom mean? سوف أعود بعد قليل. I will be back soon. I'll be right back. לתום ציונים יוצאים מן הכלל. Tom got extraordinary grades. That's an extraordinary score. القطط حيوانات في غاية النظافة. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are so clean. الفرصة الضائعة لا تتكرر The lost chance will never come again. Lost opportunity doesn't happen again. תום גרם למרי לבכות. Tom made Mary cry. Tom made Mary cry. אתם רשאים ללכת הביתה. You may go home. You're allowed to go home. היא נתנה שם לכל פרח בגינה. She named all the flowers in the garden. She gave a name to every flower in the garden. התביעות היו שגויות. The charges were false. The prosecutions were wrong. אני משער שלא תאהב את זה. I suspect that you won't like it. I guess you won't like it. ובכן, בואו נדון ברצינות. Well, let's talk turkey. Well, let's discuss it seriously. הוא היה מורה מצוין, כך שילדיו היו צייתניים מאוד. He was a great teacher so his children were very obedient. He was a great teacher, so his children were very obedient. מה מוצאה של המילה הזאת? Where does this word come from? What does that word find? هل أنتِ ابنة سامي؟ Are you Sami's daughter? Are you Sammy's daughter? אני כל כך מטומטם... אני מנסה להסביר לך דברים שאני בעצמי אינני מבין. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things I don't understand myself. عليك أن تتجهز بسرعة. You must get ready quickly. You have to get ready quickly. למה זה מתייחס? What does it refer to? Why does that matter? سامي لا يريدني. Sami doesn't want me. Sammy doesn't want me. أعد الكتاب إلى مكانه. Put the book back where it was. Return the book to its place. היינו רוצים שלא נצטרך לעמוד בבחינות באנגלית. We wish we didn't have to take a test in English. We'd like you not to have to stand in English. نفد السكر. We're out of sugar. Sugar's gone. מי הדמות האהובה עליך מהסרטים המצויירים? Who's your favorite cartoon character? Who's your favorite character from the symphony movies? أنا آكل تفاحةً. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apple. كادت أن تصدمني سيارة. I was nearly hit by a car. I almost got caught up in a car. سيقام حفل زفافهم غداً. Their wedding will be tomorrow. They'll have their wedding tomorrow. התוכנית שלי זה ללמוד באוסטרליה. My plan is to study in Australia. My plan is to study in Australia. המשפט הזה חף מטעויות דקדוקיות. There are no grammatical mistakes in this sentence. This trial is imprecise and imprecise. لا يمكنني السماح لك بفعل ذلك. I can't allow you to do that. I can't let you do that. كان هناك مدرّسون بالجوار. Teachers were around. There were trainers around. هيا. دعنا نخرج من هنا. Come on. Let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. המטוס טס מעל להר. The plane flew over the mountain. The plane flew over the mountain. أراد سامي أن يتزوّج من امرأة مسلمة. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. Sami wanted to marry a Muslim woman. ماذا فعلت في إجازتك؟ What did you do on your vacation? What did you do on your vacation? بدأ الشرطة التحقيق في جريمة القتل. The police began to go into the murder case. The police started investigating the murder. إنها أكبر مني بسنتين. She is two years older than you. It's two years older than me. בדוק אתו. Check with him. Check with him. "אינך יודעת לעשן?" "בוודאי שאני יודעת לעשן!" "You don't know how to smoke?" "Of course I know how to smoke!" "Can't you smoke?" "You sure I can smoke!" اقل من 40% من الطلبة فقط يذهبون الى الجامعة. Not more than 40 percent of students go on university. Only less than 40% of students go to college. تشاجر مع المدرّس. He argued with the teacher. He fought with the teacher. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. تحتاج أقلامك إلى بري. Your pencils need sharpening. Your legs need a bar. לא עשיתי אף אחד מהדברים שביקשת אותי. I haven't done any of the things you've asked me to do. I didn't do any of the things you asked me to do. كان فاضل منهكا. Fadil was all in. He was a slave. נולדתי וגדלתי בבוסטון. I was born and raised in Boston. I was born and raised in Boston. ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a loyal animal. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, تاكشي يكتب مذكرة يومية باللغة الإنجليزية. Takeshi keeps a diary in English. Takchi writes a daily note in English. הוא למד יפנית בהתלהבות. He studied Japanese eagerly. He studied Japanese with enthusiasm. هذه سيارة أبي. This car is my father's. This is my dad's car. ניסיון נושא פרי. Experience pays off. Try a fruit theme. انجذب سامي لسحر جمال جيني الجنوبي. Sami was attracted by Jenny's Southern charm. Sami was attracted to the South Jennie magic. אני רעב. ואת? I'm hungry. What about you? I'm hungry. בדיוק היום הגענו לכאן. We just got here today. We just got here today. هذا الشرح يتخطى طاقتي الاستعابية. The explanation was beyond my understanding. This explanation goes beyond my symmetry capacity. תום הריע. Tom cheered. Tom's gone. أعرفه. I know him. I know him. נשים לא אהבו אותו. Women didn't care for him. Women didn't like him. הם לא הצליחו להתמודד עם הקשיים הללו. They could not cope with those difficulties. They couldn't deal with these difficulties. טום הוא נהג אוטובוס. Tom is a bus driver. Tom's a bus driver. كم كلّفتك التذاكر؟ How much did the tickets cost you? How much did the tickets cost you? אני שואל את עצמי מי המציא את זה. I wonder who invented it. I'm asking myself who invented it. تعال عند العاشرة تماماً. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come at exactly ten. فقط أخبريني ما الذي تريدينهُ. Just tell me what you want. Just tell me what you want. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandu. I learned everything from him. I learned everything from him. אנחנו נחצה את הנהר בסירה. We'll cross the river in a boat. We'll cross the river on the boat. نظف أنفك Wipe your nose. Clean your nose. האם היא יכלה לכתוב דוח? Was she able to write a report? Could she write a report? ביתם עלה באש. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was on fire. את חופשייה לצאת. You are free to go out. You're free to go out. לא ידעתי שאסור היה לנו לעשות זאת. I didn't know that we were forbidden from doing that. I didn't know we shouldn't have done this. كان سامي يعيش حياة إجراميّة. Sami lived a life of crime. Sammy was living a criminal life. كان اللعب في الحديقة ممتعا. It was fun playing in the park. Playing in the park was fun. אני מתנצל מקרב לב. I truly apologize. I apologize for being kind. لا أقصد أن أكون أنانيّاً. I don't intend to be selfish. I don't mean to be selfish. שינז'י אכלה תשעה אגוזי קוקוס. Shinji ate nine coconuts. Shinji ate nine coconuts. كان من عادتها أنها كانت تزورني باستمرار. She used to visit me regularly. She used to be visiting me constantly. أهان سامي ليلى بقصّ شعرها. Sami humiliated Layla by cutting her hair. I congratulate Sami Lily on her hair story. בל חי לפנים בלונדון, נכון? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Belle lives in London, right? يذهب والديه إلى الكنيسة كل يوم أحد. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. אל תתלוצצו עלי כשאני מדבר ברצינות. Don't make fun of me when I'm talking seriously. Don't be kidding me when I'm talking seriously. ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What do you intend to do? טום ריגל אחרי שותפו לחדר. Tom spied on his roommate. Tom Rigel after his roommate. لا يستطيع توم أن يقرر هل يشتري حاسوبًا جديدًا الآن أم ينتظر بضعة أشهر. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait for a couple of more months. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer right now or wait for a few months. אני בבעיה. I have a problem. I'm in trouble. כמה הוא רוצה? How many does he want? How much does he want? קברתי את כלבי בבית הקברות לחיות מחמד. I buried my dog at the pet cemetery. I buried my dog in a pet graveyard. תום קשוח עם עצמו. Tom is quite hard on himself. Tom's tough with himself. לין רץ מהר. Lynn runs fast. Lin's running fast. سامي هو من صنع هذا الفيديو. Sami created this video. Sammy's the one who made this video. אינני עוקבת אחריך. I don't follow you. I'm not following you. לא שיקרתי אלא אתה. I didn't lie. You did. I didn't lie but you. אינני מוכן עדיין. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. כולם רצו לדבר עם תום. Everyone wanted to talk to Tom. Everybody wanted to talk to Tom. אינני יכולה להמתין כי אני חייבת לרוץ. I can't wait because I'm in a hurry. I can't wait because I have to run. يجب عليكَ أن لا تحكم علىَ شخص من مظهرهُ. You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance. You should not judge someone from his appearance. سامي يكتب كتابا حول كيفية ربح المال. Sami is writing a book about money-making. Sami's writing a book about how to make money. האם עשרת אלפים ין יספיקו? Is ten thousand yen enough? Will 10 grand be enough? יש לי בעיה שאני חושב שאתה יכול לעזור לי בה. I have a problem I think you can help me solve. I have a problem I think you can help me with. ألم يأتِ بوب إلى هنا؟ Bob came here, didn't he? Didn't Bob come here? واصل سامي الحديث. Sami kept talking. Sami keeps talking. היא נתנה לי לחכות למשך חצי שעה. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She let me wait for half an hour. הם רוצים לראות אותך מת. They want to see you dead. They want to see you dead. ذلك حذاءها. These shoes are hers. That's her shoes. תום נכנע. Tom surrendered. Tom gave up. لم آكل طعاما صينيا قط. I have never eaten Chinese food. I've never eaten a Chinese food. توقفت عن التدخين I quit smoking. Stop smoking. خيموا على حافة الماء. They camped at the water's edge. Put them on the edge of the water. ده الكتاب بتاع توني. This is Tony's book. It's the book with Tony. תהיו מאושרות! Be happy! Be happy! سامي طويل، إذا يحتاج لسيّارة كبيرة. Sami is tall, so he needs a big car. Sami's long, if he needs a big car. أنت آخر شخص في العالم سيسرني رؤيته مستنسخاً؛ إنك ممل بما فيه الكفاية من دون نسخة. You're the last person in the world I would like to see cloned; you're boring enough on your own. You're the last person in the world that I'm gonna be happy to see back; you're boring enough without a copy. لم يصدّق سامي حظّه السّعيد. Sami couldn't believe his good luck. My mom didn't believe his good luck. השכונה הייתה שקטה. The neighborhood was silent. The neighborhood was quiet. أحتاج لتقول لي أين أذهب. I need you to tell me where to go. I need you to tell me where I'm going. אני חושבת שעליך להיות תוקפני יותר. I think you need to be more aggressive. I think you should be more aggressive. קיוויתי שלמדת משהו. I was hoping you learned something. I was hoping you learned something. לגמרי נגמלתי ממך. I'm totally over you. I totally quit you. ריחו של החלב הזה חשוד. This milk smells funny. The smell of this milk is suspicious. לא רע. It's not bad. Not bad. תייבשי את המכנסיים על הרדיאטור. Dry the pants on the radiator. Squeeze your pants on the radiator. זו שאלה טובה מאד. That's a very good question. That's a very good question. أنا مُرهقٌ. I am shattered. I'm tired. איך אוכל להשיב לך טובה? How can I ever repay you? How can I get you a favor? אני לא יודעת מה זה. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. טום צעד לבדו. Tom walked alone. Tom's on his own. מה לא בסדר בעולם? What's wrong with the world? What's wrong with the world? בכמה בתי ספר שונים ביקרת? How many different schools have you attended? How many different schools did you visit? שהיתי כאן כבר חודש. I've been here a month now. I've been here for a month. תום לא ביקר אצל אף אחד. Tom didn't visit anybody. Tom didn't visit anybody. እኔም ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው። I'm also going to school. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? عليكِ أن تسامحيني. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. לא אכפת לי מה חושבים אנשים על הבגדים שלי. I don't care what people think about the way I dress. I don't care what people think about my clothes. لهذا أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I came out. זאת משימה עצומה. It's a massive undertaking. It's a huge mission. ألا تشعر بالبرد؟ Don't you feel cold? Don't you feel cold? بعض الناس يقرأون الصحيفة و يشاهدون التلفاز في وقت واحد. Some people read the newspaper and watch TV at the same time. Some people read the newspaper and watch television at once. היא נערה עובדת. She's a sex worker. She's a working girl. مئة هو رقمي المفضل. One hundred is my favorite number. A hundred is my favorite number. سأنتقل للعيش معك. I'll move in. I'm moving to live with you. لقد قابلنا مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We met our teacher. طبخت ليلى العشاء لفاضل. Layla cooked Fadil dinner. I did dinner tonight for work. كم ثمنها؟ How much is it? How much is it? אני לא מסתדר בלי סוכר בקפה. I cannot do without sugar in my coffee. I'm not getting along without sugar in coffee. هو أخي He is my brother. He's my brother. ساعدني بوب. Bob helped me. Help me, Bob. במזג האוויר הקר הזה, אדם טוב לא יוציא את כלבו החוצה. In this cold weather, a good master won't let his dog out. In this cold weather, a good man won't take his dog out. مثير للإهتمام. Interesting. Interesting. הלכנו לפארק כדי לצלם. We went to the park to take pictures. We went to the park to take a picture. אתמול פגשתי את אביך. I met your father yesterday. Yesterday I met your father. واش تخّدمي؟ What's your occupation? What do you want me to do? זה טוב מדי כדי שזה יהיה אמיתי. It is too good to be true. It's too good to make it real. هل ترى الراكون؟ Do you see the raccoon? Do you see the raccoon? قدّم سامي شكوى ضدّ ليلى. Sami filed a report against Layla. Sami filed a complaint against Lily. هذا حقا مثير This is really interesting. That's really interesting. قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I met him on several occasions. إن فكرته تتجاوز قدرتي على الفهم. His idea is beyond the reach of my understanding. His idea goes beyond my understanding. تعرّضت دانية للاغتصاب و التعذيب. Dania was raped and tortured. She was raped and tortured. ما هو وقت الإفطار؟ What time is iftar? What time is breakfast? הם מתלמדים. They're interns. They're learning. אני חושב שהיא רקדנית טובה. I think she is a good dancer. I think she's a good dancer. هو ذهب للنوم في تمام الساعة السادسة ومازال نائماً. He went to sleep at six o'clock and he is still sleeping. He went to sleep at six o'clock and still asleep. אני חייב להגיד לך משהו עכשיו. I must say something to you now. I have to tell you something now. תום סבור שמרי שגתה שגיאה גסה. Tom thinks Mary made a big mistake. Tom thinks Mary made a mistake. תום יצא בראש. Tom came out ahead. Tom's out of his head. אני לא יכול לבטל את זה. I can't undo it. I can't cancel this. אהיה בבית לבד כל הלילה. I'll be home alone all night. I'll be home alone all night. ليس لدي أي شيء أفضل للقيام به. I have nothing better to do. I don't have anything better to do. اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى. Sami bought Layla a dog. Sommy bought a dog for the night. هل تلك الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black briefcase yours? Is that black bag for you? هل توصّلت أن تقنع فاضل؟ Did you manage to convince Fadil? Are you sure you're gonna convince a laborer? היא חמודה ומשעשעת. She's cute and fun. She's cute and amusing. אני כותב שיר בגרמנית. I'm writing a song in German. I write a song in German. تفاصيل المشروع لم تكن واضحة في الشهرين الماضيين. The details of the project have not been clear for the last two months. The details of the project were not clear in the past two months. לא מטריד אותי להמתין זמן מה. I don't mind hanging around for a while. Don't bother me waiting for a while. אני חושב שאתה טועה. I think you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. استغلّ كل فرصة. Take advantage of every opportunity. Take every chance. كان سامي و ليلى يمارسان تبادل الشّركاء الجنسيّين. Sami and Layla were swingers. Sami and Lily had sex partners. תוכל להגיד לי איך? Can you tell me how? Can you tell me how? وفضلا عما تقدم فلن يكون هناك أي تمييز أساسه الوضع السياسي أو القانوني أو الدولي لبلد أو البقعة التي ينتمي إليها الفرد سواء كان هذا البلد أو تلك البقعة مستقلا أو تحت الوصاية أو غير متمتع بالحكم الذاتي أو كانت سيادته خاضعة لأي قيد من القيود. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. In addition to the above, there will be no discrimination on the basis of which the political, legal or international status of a country or part of the territory to which the individual belongs is independent, in custody or without self-governing or its sovereignty is subject to any restrictions. كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? How long is it there? يمكنك اختيار أي واحد منهم. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. תום הוכה נמרצות. Tom was beaten to a pulp. Tom was beaten in a hurry. אלך עם תכריחו אותי. I'll go if you make me. I'll go with you make me. ساق سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. He took Sami fast to the hospital. הטמפרטורה ירדה אמש עד מינוס עשר מעלות. The temperature went down to minus ten degrees centigrade last night. The temperature went down last night to minus 10 degrees. זה יתגלה אם יהיה צורך. That's on a need-to-know basis. It'll find out if it's necessary. أنا هنا منذ الساعة الخامسة. I have been here since five o'clock. I've been here since 5:00. טפלתי בזה. I took care of it. I took care of it. את צריכה עכשיו להכין את שיעורי הבית. You should do your homework now. You need to prepare your homework now. הכל עומד על הראש. Everything is upside down. Everything's on the head. راني نتعلم التركمانية. I'm learning Turkmen. We're learning Turkmen. أنا ذهبت إلى مدرسة ثانوية تجارية. I went to a commercial high school. I went to commercial secondary school. טום לא ידע שמרי החליטה להתפטר. Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom didn't know Mary had decided to resign. شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. He witnessed the murder. תן לי לשמוע אותך אומר זאת. Let me hear you say it. Let me hear you say that. הנה, קח את מעילי. Here, take my jacket. Here, take my coat. إيكولِّي ملبعيد. He's a distant relative of mine. Echoly's away. واشْ كَايَن فَمَّا؟ What's up there? What was it about? תישאר אתנו. Stay with us. Stay with us. הם חיקו אותה. They took off after her. They quelled her. ቆንጆ ነኝ። I'm beautiful. Would You Welcome a Visit? קיבלת את מכתבה? Did you get her letter? Did you get a letter? הייתי רוצה להפקיד בחשבוני קצת כסף. I'd like to put some money into my account. I'd like to put some money in my account. אנחנו מתראים אחת לחודש. We see each other once a month. We're seeing one for a month. انخفضت الأسعار في سوق الأسهم اليوم. The stock market has dropped today. Prices in the stock market have fallen today. תום פוסח לעתים קרובות על ארוחות. Tom often skips meals. Tom's often dying on dinners. سامي يحبّ هذا المسلسل. Sami likes this series. Sammy likes this show. הטייפון לפני שבוע היה קטלני מאד. The typhoon last week was extremely deadly. The raccoon was very lethal a week ago. תום ומרי התחתנו באוקטובר על חוף ים טרופי. Tom and Mary were married in October on a tropical beach. Tom and Mary got married in October on a tropical beach. ארצות הברית הכריזה רשמית על מצב חירום. The United States officially declared a state of emergency. The United States officially declared an emergency situation. אנו צריכים לדאוג לעסקים. We need to take care of business. We need to take care of business. لدي عائلة كبيرة I have a big family. I have a big family. فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. Open us the door and get us into his house. תום המתין. Tom waited. Tom wait. לא ידעתי שהרגל שלי שבורה. I didn't know my leg was broken. I didn't know my leg was broken. سأكون هنا طوال اليوم I'll be here all day. I'll be here all day. בתי המלון כאן נשמרים לא כרגיל נקיים. The hotels here are kept unusually clean. The hotels here are not kept as usual clean. كان توم هنا أيضاً. Tom was also there. Tom was here too. هل تذكر اليوم الذي تقابلنا فيه أول مرة؟ Do you remember the day when we first met? Remember the day we first met? אמרתי לך שאגן עליך. I told you I'd protect you. I told you I'd protect you. איננו רוצים תאונה נוספת. We don't want any more accidents. We don't want another accident. تبين أنا الرجل محقق خاص. The man turned out to be a private detective. Turns out I'm the guy's private investigator. نظرت حولي. I looked around me. Look around me. لم أعره انتباها I didn't pay attention to him. I didn't show it to her. عاشا سامي و ليلى حياة مثاليّة. Sami and Layla had a picture-perfect life. He lived Sami and spent a perfect life. הבט לכאן. Look here. Look here. تقريباً. Almost. Almost. أعلم أن خبزها سيكون لذيذا. I know that her bread will be tasty. I know that bread will be delicious. دعونا نحصل على سيارة أجرة. Let's get a cab. Let's get a cab. אני צריכה לקום בשש. I have to be up at six. I need to get up at six. היא אהבה שירה ומוזיקה. She liked poetry and music. She loved poetry and music. هذه متعة. It's a pleasure. This is fun. يتكون المجلس من إثنا عشر عضواً. The committee consists of twelve members. The Board is composed of twelve members. רציתי שתום יעזור לי. I wanted Tom to help me. I wanted Tom to help me. תום בוודאות לא מרוצה. Tom is certainly not satisfied. Tom's definitely not happy. אם תרטיב את הרגלים תצטנן. If your feet get wet, you'll catch a cold. If you wet your legs, you'll cool. אני מסכים בכל לב. I agree completely. I agree with all my heart. האמת, גרמת לי לבכות. You know, you made me cry. Actually, you made me cry. טום פתח את המטרייה. Tom put up his umbrella. Tom opened the umbrella. ادا تشوف غلطا، مادا بيك تسڨّمها. If you see a mistake, then please correct it. Ada Chef's a mistake, Mada Beck's playing it. كل شيء أفضل من دونك. Everything is better without you. Everything's better than without you. لا تخبره أبداً "لا أستطيع الاجابة" Never tell him 'I can't answer'. Don't ever tell him, "I can't answer." תום כשורה. Tom is OK. Tom's right. ابتعد عن طريقي يا فتى. Out of my way, boy. Get out of my way, kid. היא נפטרה אתמול אחר הצהרים. She passed away yesterday afternoon. She died yesterday afternoon. תום כמעט הרג את שניהם. Tom nearly killed both of them. Tom almost killed both of them. שערה רטוב מהזיעה. Her hair is wet with sweat. Wet hair from sweat. يأكلون بالشوكة و السكين. They eat with a knife and fork. They eat with a stick and a knife. אני חייבת את הצלחתי לחברי. I owe my success to my friend. I need my friend. فَقَط أُرِيدُ أن أكُنَ شَخصاً جَيِّداً. I just want to be a good person. I just want to be a good listener. טום שאל את מרי מה שם המשפחה שלה. Tom asked Mary what her last name was. Tom asked Mary her last name. أكان الجو غائماً في طوكيو البارحة؟ Was it cloudy in Tokyo yesterday? Was it hot in Tokyo last night? كان من المحتمل أن يمضي سامي بقيّة حياته خلف القضبان. Sami was set to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Sami would've spent the rest of his life behind bars. זה לא לגמרי כל הסיפור. That's not the entire story. It's not entirely the whole story. أعاد سامي النّظر في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. My mom's been looking at this again. منّاد صغير. Mennad is little. A little club. كانت الوليمة من أطيب ما ذقت. That feast was one of the best I ever had. It was one of the best things I've ever done. كانت ملابسنا دائما نظيفة. Our clothes were always clean. Our clothes were always clean. שלום! תודה שטסתם אתנו. מה שלומכם היום? Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Thank you for flying with us. ממש הגזמת שאתה חוזר בשעה כזאת. You really exaggerate returning at this time. You really overstepped you back at this hour. توم ينزف. Tom is losing blood. Tom's bleeding. תפסי אותו והביאי אותו לדרווין. Catch it and bring it to Darwin. Get him and bring him to Darwin. إنه لمن دواعي شرفي أن أزور مدينة القاهرة الأزلية حيث تستضيفني فيها مؤسستان مرموقتان للغاية أحدهما الأزهر الذي بقي لأكثر من ألف سنة منارة العلوم الإسلامية بينما كانت جامعة القاهرة على مدى أكثر من قرن بمثابة منهل من مناهل التقدم في مصر. I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions. For over a thousand years, Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning, and for over a century, Cairo University has been a source of Egypt's advancement. It is my honour to visit Cairo City, where two very impressive institutions are hosting me, one of the treasures that for more than a thousand years remained the light of Islamic science, while for more than a century the University of Cairo was a source of progress in Egypt. هذه التفاحة طعمها حامض. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes acid. נערות יפות חולמות עליו. Beautiful girls dream of him. Beautiful girls dream of him. הכובע הזה עלה כחמישים דולר. That hat cost around fifty dollars. That hat cost 50 bucks. אני חושב שתום עושה כמיטב יכולתו. I think Tom is doing his best. I think Tom's doing his best. ጌጋ ኣንፈት ትኸይድ ኣሎኻ። You're going the wrong direction. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, הכלב של קן גדול מאד. Ken's dog is very big. Ken's dog is very big. انا ذاهب الى المعمل I'm going to work. I'm going to the lab. مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is in this clinic. لم ألعب الجولف بتاتا. I never played golf. I never played golf. غادر القطار للتو. The train has already left. He just left the train. علي شحن هاتفي الجوال. I have to charge my mobile phone. I got to load my phone. ليس لدي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. أملك لوحة المفاتيح للأمازيغية على هاتفي. I have the keyboard of berber on my phone. I have an Amazigh keyboard on my phone. حلّت تلك العمارة محلّ العديد من المنازل. The building replaced several houses. That architecture has replaced a lot of houses. תום עזר למרי לצאת מהבריכה. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. תגרה פרצה בין שני תלמידים. A fight broke out between two schoolboys. It's a challenge to break into two students. סליחה, אוכל להשתמש בטלפון? Excuse me, but may I use the phone? Excuse me, can I use the phone? كانت ليلى مهتمّة بالمال. Layla had interest in money. Lily was interested in money. אסיים לקרוא את הרומן הזה בקרוב. I'll finish reading this novel soon. I'll read this novel soon. אני יכולה לדבר עם המנהל? Can I talk to the manager? Can I talk to the manager? نادراً ما أراها. I see it rarely. I rarely see her. حساباتلي خوه. I mistook him for his brother. Brother, my account. تعاطف المدرّس معي. The teacher sympathized with me. The teacher's sympathy for me. Skużani, se jkolli mmur. Sorry, I've got to go. Forgive me, I will have to go. את צודקת בנקודה הזאת. You have a point there. You're right at this point. لا يمكنني. I can't. I can't. انتظر. عد إلى هنا. Wait. Come back. Wait, come back here. لم أيقظتني لتخبرني شيئًا بهذه الأهمية؟ الآن، لن أستطيع التركيز على عملي البتّة! Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work! Now, I can't focus on my job at all! היא לקחה בהשאלה רומנים מתום. She borrows novels from Tom. She took stock of dead novels. זה לא עושה שכל. It just makes no sense. It doesn't make any sense. תום היה פיקח. Tom was clever. Tom was smart. عندي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء. According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology. According to all I've heard, he's gone to America to study live. Naf. I know. I know. مارأيك بهذه الخطة؟ What do you say to this plan? How about this plan? תום הוא זה שצייר את התמונה הזאת. Tom is the one who drew this picture. Tom was the one who drew this picture. يا لها من فتاة جميلة! What a cute little girl! What a beautiful girl! לא הייתי מסוגל לגמור את שיעורי הבית בלי עזרת תום. I couldn't have finished my homework without Tom's help. I couldn't finish my homework without Tom's help. בוא נחכה ונראה מה אחרים חושבים. Let's wait and see what other people think. Let's wait and see what others think. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I've got deanari. תום צריך להזהר במזונו. Tom has to be careful about what he eats. Tom needs to be careful about his food. أُصيبت كايت بالبرد. Kate had a cold. Kate was injured in the cold. עדיף לי להיות ציפור מאשר דג. I'd rather be a bird than a fish. I'd better be a bird than a fish. זהו הרומן הארוך ביותר שקראתי אי פעם. This is the longest novel that I have ever read. This is the longest novel I've ever read. עליך להיות מוכן. You need to be prepared. You have to be ready. أُمضيَت المعاهدة يوم 18 نوفمبر 1903. The treaty was signed on November 18, 1903. The Treaty was concluded on 18 November 1903. M'għandniex tifla. We don't have a daughter. Not a girl. היא גאה בכישרון הקולינרי שלה. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. She's proud of her collective talent. תנעל שוב אי פעם את המגפיים האלה? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? Will you ever lock those boots again? בבת אחת, הפקיד איבד את שלוותו. Suddenly, the supervisor lost his composure. At once, the official lost his peace. اختفت ليلى. Layla went missing. She's gone, Lily. كان سامي عالقا في القبو. Sami was trapped in the basement. Sami was stuck in the basement. הוא כועס עליך שלא השתתפת בישיבה האחרונה. He's angry at you for not attending the last meeting. He's mad at you that you didn't attend the last meeting. אינני חושב שהם גילו משהו על תום עדיין. I don't think they've found out about Tom yet. I don't think they've discovered anything about Tom yet. Jien differenti minn ġuvintur oħra. I'm different from other guys. I'm different from another entrant. أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها. Layla responded with a letter of her own. She answered Lily with a message at her time. درست الإنجليزية لمدة خمس سنوات. I've studied English for five years. I studied English for five years. אני חושב שהייתה לנו שנה טובה. I think we had a good year. I think we had a good year. תתפוס! Catch it! Get it! הוא איבד את מראה הציפור הזאת. He lost sight of that bird. He lost sight of this bird. אני לא יכול להסתיר את רגשותיי כלפיך. I can't hide my feelings for you. I can't hide my feelings for you. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? What length of the bridge? أكره النساء الغيورات. I hate jealous women. I hate jealous women. استحممن من فضلكن. Please take a bath. Take a bath, please. أتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية؟ Are you not able to speak English? Can't you speak English? أفضل أن لا أعلّق. I prefer not to comment. I'd rather not comment. ابتزّ سامي ليلى. Sami blackmailed Layla. Smurf Sam Leely. הסירה התהפכה. The boat capsized. The boat's turned out. תום ביקש ממרי לשיר חזק יותר. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Tom asked Mary to sing harder. المال على الطاولة. The money is on the table. Money on the table. פשוט צלצל אליו. Just call him. Just call him. מה אמר הרופא? What'd the doctor say? What did the doctor say? זאת סירה. That is a boat. It's a boat. Kemm jien injorant! How foolish I am! How ignorant I am! תום יסביר. Tom will explain. Tom will explain. האם תוכל לתת לי קצת מים בבקשה? Can I please have some water? Can you give me some water please? رائع! Fantastic! Oh, great! למה את מתחפשת בפורים? Why do you dress up on Purim? Why are you looking for fruit? אני קרובה לגשר. I am close to the bridge. I'm close to the bridge. טום הוא אדם חביב. Tom's a likable guy. Tom's a lovely man. ماذا يعني هذا بالعربية؟ What does that mean in Arabic? What does that mean in Arabic? תום לומד קשה כדי שיוכל לעבור את הבחינות. Tom is studying hard so that he can pass the exams. Tom learns hard so he can pass the tests. הם הרחיבו את השטח שלהם על ידי כיבוש. They extended their territory by conquest. They drove their territory away by conquest. إقرأها مرة أخرى من فضلك. Read it once more, please. Read it again, please. תעזבו אותי בשקט! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! يَڤْعَرْ! That's fucking cool. Know! ما الذي حصل لأختك؟ What has become of your sister? What happened to your sister? הווירוס הזה הונדס במעבדה. This virus was engineered in a lab. This virus was engineered at the lab. ኣየናይ ወዲ? Which boy? Do You Remember? نتفائل به. We feel good about it. We'll take advantage of it. كبير على جاين بعامين. He is older than Jane by two years. Big on Jane in two years. החדשות גרמו לה כאב רב. The news caused her much pain. The news caused her a lot of pain. הם קיבלו החלטה משותפת בדבר הגירושין. They made a joint decision to divorce. They made a joint decision on divorce. אני חייב לגמור את שיעורי הבית שלי לפני האוכל. I must finish my homework before dinner. I have to finish my homework before the food. זאת היתה מתנה. This was a gift. It was a gift. بين الإخوة كثير من التوتر. There's a lot of tension among the siblings. Among the brothers is a lot of tension. أعارني كتابَيْن. He lent me two books. Give me two books. בני תלמיד טוב יותר מאי פעם. My son is a better student than I ever was. Students are better than ever. הזדרזנו כדי לתפוס את האוטובוס. We hurried to catch the bus. We're quick to catch the bus. أرسله بالبريد. Send it by mail. Send him by mail. נפגשתי איתה לפני שבוע בדיוק. I saw her a week ago today. I met her just a week ago. תום צלצל 100. Tom called 911. Tom called 100. توم يفقد كثيرا من الدم. Tom is losing blood. Tom's losing a lot of blood. אינני יכולה לתת לתום לדעת זאת. I can't let Tom know. I can't let Tom know that. انا لا أحتاج لنقودك. انا فقط احتاج لوقتك. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money. I just need your time. הצפרדע התנפחה והתנפחה, עד שלבסוף התפוצצה. The frog inflated himself more and more, until finally he burst. The frog intensifies and intensifies until it finally explodes. תום יכול לנגן את "עמק הנהר האדום" במפוחית. Tom can play "Red River Valley" on the harmonica. Tom can play Red River Valley in the lamphouse. كان سامي يرقص بشكل جميل. Sami danced beautiful. Sami was doing a nice dance. מה שאני רוצה עכשיו זו גלידה. What I want now is ice cream. What I want now is ice cream. لماذا ذهبت إلى طوكيو؟ Why did you go to Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? אתה החיים שלי. You are my life. You're my life. מה שלומך, טום? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? שם הסופר מוכר לנו. The author's name is familiar to us. That's where we're known by the author. זה לא שווה את זה. It isn't worth it. It's not worth it. אני מקווה שתום יתנדב לעזור לנו. I'm hoping that Tom will volunteer to help us. I hope Tom volunteer to help us. أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sami wanted to know Muslims. اِنهالت بالبكاء. She began crying. She was crying. יש ברשותו הרבה ספרי היסטוריה. He has many history books. He has a lot of history books. كان سامي يتعرّف على أصدقاء جدد بسهولة. Sami made friends easily. Sami was identifying new friends easily. לא קיבלתי היום אי-מייל מהחברה שלי. I didn't get an email from my company today. I didn't get an e-mail from my girlfriend today. መጽሃፉ ቀይ ነው። His book is red. Wanda The GNOME Fish هو يعارض هذا المشروع. He opposes this project. He's opposed to this project. הלכתי פעמיים. I went twice. I went twice. كان سامي مسيحيّا قبل أن يعتنق الإسلام. Before his conversion to Islam, Sami was Christian. Sami was a Christian before Islam was adopted. השגחה הורית מומלצת. Parental discretion is advised. Parental supervision is recommended. תום אמר שהוא יכין את שיעורי הבית שלו. Tom said he would do his homework. Tom said he'd do his homework. ניסיתי לא להסתכל. I was trying not to look. I tried not to look. הוא אכל ביס אחד, ועוד אחד. He ate one bite, and then another. He ate one bite, another one. את תגזים באכילה. Don't eat to excess. You're going to overeat. أعتقد أنني سأعطس. أعطني منديلاً. I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue. I think I'm gonna hold on. את משתטה. You're just being silly. You're a fool. أساء الملك استخدام سلطته. The king abused his power. The King abused his authority. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى لندن؟ Have you been to London? Have you ever gone to London? אני לא שבעת רצון. I'm displeased. I'm not 7 will. كان واضحا أن توم رجل غني. Tom was obviously a rich man. It was clear that Tom was a rich man. אלכס יענה: "צבע". Alex will answer, "Color!" Alex will answer, "Pych." Dan ix-xogħol vera faċli. This job is dead easy. This real work is easy. אני חשבתי שתאבד (תלך לאיבוד). I thought you'd get lost. I thought you'd kill yourself. יש לו תסביך רדיפה. He has a persecution complex. He's got a pursuit complex. نسي سامي موعده مع ليلى. Sami forgot the appointment with Layla. Forget about Sami's date with Lily. وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? What's up? من هو أب سامي؟ Who is Sami's father? Who's my father, Sammy? הוא עמד מאחורי הכיסא. He stood behind the chair. He was behind the chair. من تكون أهم بكثير مما تملك What you are is more important than what you have. Who's much more important to you than you have. تفضّلِ يا ليلى. Come in, Layla. Come in, Lily. كانَ سامي يستدرِج العاهرات إلى عربته ثمّ يغتصِبُهُنَّ. Sami lured prostitutes into his van then raped them. Sami was turning the whores into his car and then raped them. لم آكل مذ أفطرت، وأنا جائع جدا. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten since I got fired, and I'm so hungry. ملّ سامي من حياته. Sami is tired of his life. full of my life. سامي يشاهد فيديو ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami is watching Layla's YouTube video. Sammy's watching a night video on the satellite. תום דיקלם את זה בקול רם. Tom read it out loud. Tom was reading it out loud. "רק שאלתי." "לא עניינך." "I was just asking a question." "Mind your own business." "I was just asking." "Not your business." أنا رجل حر. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. אני לא יכולה עוד להתאפק. איבדתי לגמרי את השליטה העצמית. I can't take this anymore. I've lost my temper completely. I've completely lost control of myself. זוהי מילה שהייתי מעוניין למצוא לה תחליף. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. That's a word I wanted to find a replacement. فما يركز عليه هي الجمل، وليست الكلمات. It's all about sentences. Not words. What the focus is is, not the words. كم حقيبة ستأخذون في رحلتكم؟ How many suitcases are you taking on your trip? How many bags are you going to take on your trip? תום ידע שמרי רצתה שהוא יזמין אותה לצאת. Tom knew that Mary wanted him to ask her out. Tom knew Mary wanted him to invite her out. תודה רבה על כך שטרחת להגיע רחוק כל כך כדי להיפרד ממני. Thank you very much for coming so far to see me off. Thank you so much for getting so far away from me. הייתי רוצה לדעת איפה קנית את זה. I'd like to know where you bought that. I'd like to know where you bought it. هل تحتاجون إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? You need an ambulance? سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sami's calling the police. אל תשני דבר! Don't change a thing. Don't change anything! אווה נבונה ממני. Eva is cleverer than me. Eva's wise from me. אני אוהב כשקר. I like the cold. I like it when it's cold. אני מקווה שתום בילה כראוי. I hope Tom had a good time. I hope Tom Billa is right. הם לא ידעו דבר. They knew nothing. They didn't know anything. תן לי הזדמנות! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! איזה סוג של תורם מוח הוא תום לדעתך? What kind of brain donor do you think Tom is? What kind of brain donor do you think Tom is? وَاشْ كَايَنْ؟ What gives? What was it? אלמלא נפטר בגיל צעיר, הוא היה הופך למדען דגול. If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist. If he died at a young age, he would have become a great scientist. فقد توم حاسة الشم. Tom lost his sense of smell. Tom could feel the smell. ልምምድ ንሰብ ውሕሉል ይገብሮ። Practice makes perfect. What can we learn from the example of the Ethiopian eunuch? רופא השיניים לא רוצה שתאכל ממתקים. The dentist doesn't want you to eat sweets. The dentist doesn't want you to eat candy. תום פתח את פיו במחאה. Tom opened his mouth to protest. Tom opened his mouth in the protest. הייתי כותב מכתב ארוך יותר לו רק היה לי יותר פנאי. I would have written a longer letter if I'd had more time. I'd write a longer letter if only I had more fun. كتب التقرير. He wrote the report. Write the report. הם נראו בסדר. They seem fine. They looked fine. תום סיפר לי שהוא רוצה לנסוע לבוסטון. Tom told me he wants to go to Boston. Tom told me he wants to go to Boston. לדעתי הוא לא מתאים לעבודה. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. I think he's not fit for work. ارتدى سامي بدلة للشّرطة. Sami wore his police uniform. Sammy's wearing a police suit. אף אחד לא מאושר. Nobody's happy. Nobody's happy. הבנק הבטיח לנו שכספנו בטוח. The bank promised us that our money would be safe. The bank has promised us our money is safe. أنا أرى توم I see Tom. I see Tom. و أخيراً حلّت المشكلة. At last, she solved the problem. And I finally solved the problem. يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. Sounds clear. תביט במפה הזאת. Take a look at this map. Look at this map. היא אוהבת למשוך תשומת לב. She likes to attract attention. She likes to draw attention. لقي سامي حتفه بطريقة رهيبة. Sami met a terrible end. Sami threw him down in a terrible way. ستمطر. It is going to rain. It'll rain. צר לי על האיחור. Sorry for being late. I'm sorry I'm late. كان سامي يعلم أنّ الشّرطة كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew the police were looking for him. Sami knew the police were looking for him. ستتحسن إذا تناولت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You'd better have this medicine. أحاول المساعدة فحسب. I'm trying to help. I'm just trying to help. דבר באיטיות ובבהירות. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. هل تعرف أخاهم؟ Do you know their brother? Do you know their brother? אם אשכח, תזכיר לי בבקשה. If I forget, please remind me. If I forget, please remind me. أفكّر بشكل مختلف عنك. I think different from you. I think differently about you. ولا بد نكون سمعتها غالط. I must have heard her wrong. We must have heard it too. אנא חזור. Please come back. Please come back. עשה רק דבר אחד בו זמנית. Do one thing at a time. Just do one thing at a time. הלילה הוא בוודאי יתקשר אליי. Surely he'll phone me tonight. He'll probably call me tonight. בשל סיבה כזו או אחרת, היא הנידה בראשה. For some reason or other she shook her head. For one reason or another, she left her head. הבית שלה בעבר השני של הגשר. Her house is on the other side of the bridge. Her house's in the other side of the bridge. واصل سامي الرّكض. Sami kept running. Go on, Sami. لن يصغي إليك أحدا حتى تقول شيئا خاطئاً. Nobody listens until you say something wrong. Nobody's gonna listen to you until you say something wrong. יצאנו להצילה. We went to her rescue. We're out to save her. תוכל לתת לי דוגמא? Can you give me an example? Can you give me an example? ثم وقعت أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 واستمر هؤلاء المتطرفون في مساعيهم الرامية إلى ارتكاب أعمال العنف ضد المدنيين الأمر الذي حدا بالبعض في بلدي إلى اعتبار الإسلام معاديا لا محالة ليس فقط لأمريكا وللبلدان الغربية وإنما أيضا لحقوق الإنسان The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. The events of 11 September 2001 followed and these extremists continued in their endeavours to commit acts of violence against civilians, which led some in my country to regard Islam as an act of hostility not only to America and to Western countries but also to human rights. אני רואה זיקוקי דינור! I see fireworks! I see dinar icicles! لاماجۆريتي تاع نّاس تامن بلّي انا مهبول. Most people think I'm crazy. I don't want to be known as the people of Yemen. علينا ألّا نتكلم في المكتبة. We must not speak in the library. We don't have to talk in the library. למה אתה כועס עליי? Why are you angry with me? Why are you mad at me? הוא אוהב את הגיטרה הזאת. He likes that guitar. He likes that guitar. لديهنّ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفهنّ. They have the berber keyboard on their phones. They have the Amazigh keys on their phones. تحطّمت الطّائرة على المنزل. The plane crashed into the house. The car broke down on the house. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Show me a cheaper one, please. Show me something cheaper, please. אני עסוק מאד בהכנות למסיבה. I'm very busy getting ready for the party. I'm very busy preparing for the party. אני בדרך לבקר חבר שבבית החולים. I'm on my way to visit a friend who's in the hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend in the hospital. ברגע שהיא חיבקה אותו הוא הרגיש כאב חמור. As soon as she hugged him, he felt a severe pain. As soon as she liked him, he felt severe pain. בישול גוזל זמן רב מדי. Cooking takes too much time. Cooking takes too long. اتضحك عليك. You've been deceived. I'm laughing at you. هل عليك أن تعمل يوم الأحد؟ Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sunday? איפה הדברים שלך? Where are your things? Where's your stuff? لم يُصب سامي بجروح في رجليه. Sami had no injuries to his legs. Sami wasn't hurt in his legs. لم تعتقد أنّه يجب أن تقوم بذلك؟ Why do you think you have to do that? Why do you think you should do that? הכורח קורא לי. Duty is calling me. The wind is calling me. تعلّم التحكّم في فخرك. Just learn to swallow your pride. Learn to control your pride. את נראית מהממת. You look stunning. You look gorgeous. آرت متعقّب خطير. Aart is a dangerous stalker. I saw a dangerous trace. ماذا أعطيتني؟ What did you give me? What did you give me? עשה מה שאמא אומרת לך. Do what your mom is telling you. Do what Mom tells you. كم شخصًا دعوت؟ How many people did you invite? How many people did I call? אני אוהב לעזור לידידים שלי. I like to help my friends. I like helping my friends. أنا أنتظر ردك. I'm waiting for your reply. I'm waiting for your response. לא אכפת לי מהסיכון. I don't care about the risk. I don't care about the risk. קח החלטה קשה. Bite the bullet. Make a tough decision. بدآ سامي و ليلى يتغازلان و يمضيان وقتا معا. Sami and Layla began flirting and spending time together. It's beginning to be Sami, and Lily's hanging out, and they're spending time together. מה מסתתר שם? What's hidden in there? What's in there? זה אינו דבר שקר. That's no lie. It's not a false thing. هل جئت وحدك؟ Did you come here alone? Did you come alone? أنا لا أمتلك شئ من تلك الأشياء. I don't own one of those things. I don't have anything of that stuff. המכונית הזאת מתפעלת היטב. This car handles well. This car's working well. الوردة دي حلوة. This rose is beautiful. The rose de sweet. תום אמר למרי שהוא יעזור לה לשטוף את הכלים. Tom told Mary that he'd help her wash the dishes. Tom told Mary he'd help her wash her dishes. את מוכנה להסביר על מה את מדברת? Can you explain what you're talking about? Would you explain what you're talking about? תפנה את חפציך. Put away your things. Clear your stuff. حاول توم إخباري شيئًا، لكنّ ماري قاطعته قبل أن ينطق ببنت شفة. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted it before he said "Ben. " أعطتني آن هذه الهدية. Ann gave me this present. You gave me this gift. الأستاذ على حق. The teacher is right. Professor's right. החלטת החלטה טובה. You made a good decision. You made a good decision. قفز كين من فوق الحائط. Ken jumped over the wall. Kin jumped over the wall. אני לא יכולה לעצור. הבלמים... I can't stop. The brakes... I can't stop. كانت الغرفة خالية من الأثاث. There was no furniture in that room. It was a furniture-free room. السماء صافية. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. החל ממחר כתובת המייל הזאת לא תהיה בתוקף. As of tomorrow, this e-mail address will be invalid. Starting tomorrow's email address won't be valid. עליך להיות כאן לכל המאוחר בשתיים וחצי. You need to be here by 2:30 at the latest. You have to be here for the next two and a half hours. حرس الحارس الليل بطوله. The guard was on duty all night. The guard guard's all night long. فاضل يقود درّاجته. Fadil is riding his bicycle. He's driving his bike. ما نقدرش نخايل حياتي بلا بيك. I can't imagine my life without you. We can't imagine my life without Bick. لم يصدر سامي أيّة ضجّة. Sami didn't make any noise. My mom didn't make any noise. بحثت عنه في كل مكان لكني لم أجده. I looked for it everywhere but didn't find it. I looked for him everywhere, but I didn't find him. הפתעת אותי. You surprised me. You surprised me. تريد ليلى أن تشارك في مسابقة الجمال. Layla wants to participate in the beauty contest. You want Lily to participate in the beauty contest. هلا ساعدتني؟ سأكون مسرورا بذلك. "Will you help me?" "I'll be glad to." Will you help me? بَيْدَ أن مشروع تتويبا ليس "جنّة كلمات". توقفوا رجاءً عن إضافة الكلمات. But Tatoeba Project is not a word heaven. Please stop adding words. Please stop adding the words. هل تفهم؟ Do you understand? Do you understand? تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مشكل إدمانها على الكحول. Sami and Layla argued about her drinking issue. Abortion Sami and Lily about her alcohol addiction problem. אתה נראה שקוע. You seemed preoccupied. You look stuck. مجدداً. Once again. Again. باختصار شديد، هي ربحت و أنا خسرت. To cut a long story short - she won and I lost. In very short, she won and I lost. אני לא אוהב תפוחי עץ. I don't like apples. I don't like tree apples. מרי עדיין לא התחילה. Mary has not started yet. Mary hasn't started yet. תום נעדר. Tom was absent. Tom's missing. عاد سامي إلى المنزل. Sami got home. Sami's home. שיעורי הבית שלכם לכל שיעור יהיו לחזור על השיעור של היום ולהתכונן לשיעור הבא. Your homework for each class will be to review the day's lesson and to prepare for the next one. Your homework per class will repeat today's class and prepare for next class. ألقى سامي بكرسيّ عبر النّافذة. Sami threw a chair through the window. My mom threw my chair through the window. أيهما كتابك؟ Which is your book? Which book is yours? זה נחוץ. This is required. It's necessary. أسكن في أوساكا. I stay in Osaka. I live in Osaka. قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. أمطرت مطراً خفيفاً البارحة. There was a light rain yesterday. I rained light rain yesterday. لا أقدر أن أسامحه على ما فعل. I can't forgive him for what he did. I can't forgive him for what he did. אתמול תאמנו עם ראש המחלקה לארגן מסיבה. Yesterday we coordinated with the department head to organize an office party. Yesterday, we'll work out with the head of department to organize a party. זה כל כך נכון! That's so true! That's so true! أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear that. تكمن المشكلة في المحرك. The trouble lay in the engine. The problem lies in the engine. Il-waranofsinhar it-tajjeb. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be naive! وُلد ابن ليلى في هذه العيادة. Layla's baby was born in this clinic. The son of Lily was born in this clinic. Jien veġetarjana. I am a vegetarian. I am vegetarian. הוא אמיץ וישר. He's brave and honest. He's brave and honest. علم سامي أنّ اللّه قد هداه أخيرا إلى دين حق. Sami knew that God finally guided him to a true religion. Sami knew that God had finally fed him into a right religion. هي لا تريدني أن أتحدث حول هذه المسألة. She doesn't want me to speak about this matter. She doesn't want me to talk about this. התואיל לומר לי מה השעה? Won't you tell me what time it is? Would you tell me what time it is? תום גר מרחק גדול מכאן. Tom lives a long way from here. Tom lives a great distance from here. דיברנו לאחרונה. We have spoken lately. We've been talking lately. ليس عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. فاضل مصري. Fadil is Egyptian. Egyptian slave. ان شلالات نياغارا مشهورة كمنتجع سياحي رائد في العالم . The Niagara Falls are famous as a world leading tourist resort. The Niagara hills are famous as a leading tourist resort in the world. אתה מוזמן תמיד. You are always welcome. You're always welcome. هل هذه هي حقا الحقيقة؟ Is this the real truth? Is that really the truth? אל תכבה את המחשב שלך. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn off your computer. היא נשתתקה לפתע. She fell silent suddenly. She hung up all of a sudden. هذا البناء أزرق. This building is blue. This building is blue. היא אף פעם עוד לא סיפרה לי. She never told me. She never told me yet. هي لم تكتشف الحقيقة أبدا. She never found out the truth. She never found out the truth. توقع توم حدوث ذلك. Tom expected this to happen. You expected Tom to do that. ماذا تريد هى؟ What does she want? What do you want? كانت سيّارة سامي تتقلّب بينما كان هو بداخلها. Sami's car was tumbling while he was still inside. Sami was rolling while he was inside of her. תבדוק את זה, בבקשה, ותודיע לי מה דעתך על זה. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. Check it out, please, and let me know how you think about it. لا تخف من أي شيء Fear nothing. Don't be afraid of anything. כשביטאו את זה כל כך בפשטות לא היו לי מילים לענות. When it was put that clearly, I was at a loss for a response. When they looked at it so simple, I didn't have any words to answer. اللغة الأمازيغية نافعة. The Berber language is useful. Amazigh is useful. أرجو إنتباهكم! Attention, please! Please call your attention! בדיוק עשיתי את זה. I just did it. I just did it. מצבו קריטי. His condition is critical. He's critical. הוא ניגש לצד השני. He went over to the other side. He went to the other side. למרי אין זמן לכבס. Mary doesn't have time to do the laundry. Mary doesn't have time to wash. יכולנו לעזור האחד לשני. We could help each other. We could've helped each other. أين أختك؟ Where is your sister? Where's your sister? איזו שמלה מכוערת! What an ugly dress! What an ugly dress! הועמדו תנאים. Stipulations were made. Conditions have been placed. אלמד אותך את כל מה שאתה חייב לדעת. I'll teach you everything you need to know. I'll teach you everything you have to know. ولدت في 18 من مارس عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. Born on March 18, 1994. تعيش جدتي وحدها. My grandmother lives by herself. My grandmother lives alone. יש בריכת שחיה וכדורת. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There's a swimming pool and a ball. הרבה מילים אנגליות נגזרו מלטינית. A lot of English words are derived from Latin. A lot of English words are derived from Latin. من توفي؟ Who died? Who died? הם הגנו על מולדתם. They defended their country. They protected their country. אני מקווה שזה הועיל. I hope this has been helpful. I hope it helped. מי מאיתנו מושלם? Who among us is perfect? Which one of us is perfect? هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? Have you responded to that message yet? Kieku kien għalina, konna ngħidu le. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If it were for us, we wouldn’t. איחרת למסיבה. You're late to the party. You're late for the party. העשירים לעיתים קרובות קמצנים. The rich are often misers. The rich are often cheap. وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You got the moment I left. استعار سامي ستّون دولارا. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. Sami borrowed $600. ما اخبرت توم حتى الآن. I haven't told Tom yet. What I told Tom so far. الرواية دي عندها تلت أجزاء. This novel consists of three parts. The novel D followed parts. מה נתן למיזם שלך השראה? What inspired your project? What gave your project inspiration? كم رائعة أنتِ! How nice of you! How great are you! بكم القميص؟ How much is the shirt? How many shirts? كانت تجمع ليلى و سامي صلة قرابة وطيدة. Layla and Sami were very close. She was gathering Lily and Sami in close contact. עצה מספר 1 לזכויות יוצרים: זכויות יוצרים מגינות על הדרך המסויימת שבה הכותב הביע את עצמו. הזכויות לא מגינות על רעיונות, שיטות או מידע עובדתי המובעים ביצירה. Copyright tip #1: Copyright protects the particular way authors have expressed themselves. It does not extend to any ideas, systems, or factual information conveyed in a work. Advice number 1 to create rights: rights create protection on the specific way the author has expressed himself; rights do not protect ideas, methods or factual information that are found in the creation. اللغة الإنجليزية ليست سهلة و لكنها مثيرة للإهتمام. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it's interesting. زوج أمّ سامي أساء معاملته. Sami's stepfather abused him. Sami's mother's husband mistreated him. היום החלטנו שניסע להרים. We decided to go to the mountains today. Today we decided we'd go to the mountains. חשבתי שתום נמצא בסכנה. I thought Tom was in danger. I thought Tom was in danger. למה גברת יאמאדה פופולרית בבית הספר שלך? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular at your school? את נראית כל כך חיוורת. You look so pale. You look so pale. هىَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. She must find work. She's got to find work. عليك أن تأتي لزيارتي مرة أخرى. You must not come to meet me again. You have to come visit me again. يحبان بعضهما. They love each other. They love each other. الكثير من الناس يحلمون بعطلات خيالية . Many people dream about fantasy vacations. A lot of people dream of fantasy. وين نلقى التريكوات؟ Where would I find T-shirts? And where do we throw the tricks? המחשב הזה עובד עם בטריות. This computer runs on batteries. This computer works with batteries. أنا على يقين أنه هكذا جرى الأمر. I'm pretty sure that's how it happened. I'm sure that's how it happened. كان سامي في غرفة استعجالات أحد المستشفيات. Sami was in a hospital ER. Sami was in a hospital emergency room. המנהל מטפל בבעיות רבות. The manager deals with many problems. The manager's dealing with a lot of problems. רשמתי מען שגוי על גבי המעטפה. I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I recorded wrong torture on top of the envelope. בפעם הקודמת היתה זו לידה טבעית. Last time it was a natural childbirth. Last time it was natural birth. سامي يتعلّم العربيّة منذ سنتان. Sami has been learning Arabic for about two years. Sami's been learning Arabic for two years. أخبرتني أنها تريد كلباً أليفاً. She told me that she wanted a pet dog. You told me she wanted a pet. هل تريدني حقاً أن أخبر توم بشأنك أنتَ و ماري؟ Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? הנוסעים ממתינים. The passengers are waiting. The passengers are waiting. انسَ الأمر. Forget it! Forget it. הופתעתי לראות אריה. I was surprised to see a lion. I was surprised to see a lion. كان سامي لا يزال صديقا لليلى. Sami was still friends with Layla. Sammy was still a friend of me. لن أنس المرّة الأولى التي خرجنا فيها. I'll never forget our first date. I won't forget the first time we got out. תצטרף לתחרות. Join the competition. Join the competition. אני סמוך לגשר. I am close to the bridge. I'm near the bridge. فكر في ذلك. Think about it. Think about it. זה נושא שראוי להעלות בפגישה. That's a good point to bring up during the meeting. It's a subject that deserves a meeting. הוא רוקן את הקופסא מתכולתה. He emptied the box of its contents. He's emptying the box from her contents. הכלב נראה חולה. The dog seems sick. The dog looks sick. רצית לספר לי על החירות? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? حل الربيع. Spring arrived. Spring solution. אנו מוכנים. We're prepared. We're ready. كانت زوج سامي ألطفَ النساء على الإطلاق. Sami's wife was the nicest lady ever. Sammy's husband was the nicest woman ever. תנסה עוד. Try some more. Try more. هل توم سعيد؟ Is Tom happy? Is Tom happy? "אני אוהבת אותך מאד," היא הודתה. "I care very deeply for you," she confessed. "I love you very much," she admitted. תום מלמד אותנו צרפתית. Tom teaches us French. Tom teaches us French. لم تعجب تلك فكرة سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. That didn't like Sammy's idea. טום התנגד לכך שיתייחסו אליו כאל ילד. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Tom objected to being treated like a child. متى وصلت إلى لندن؟ When did you get to London? When did you get to London? لستُ سوى فتاة عاديّة. I'm just a normal girl. I'm just a regular girl. בקושי ריסנתי את הדחף להכות אותו. I barely restrained the impulse to strike him. I barely had the urge to hit him. هل تعلم لماذا؟ Do you know why? Do you know why? תום לא מרוצה מזה. Tom is not happy about it. Tom's not happy with this. קיויתי שאפגוש אותך. I've been hoping to meet you. I was hoping I'd meet you. מלח בבקשה. The salt, if you please. Salt, please. الي راتور⸮ الي برك. Round trip? Only one-way. To Rathor, to Park. توم يمشي ببطئ. Tom walks slowly. Tom's walking slowly. תוכל לבוא לכאן לדקה? Can you come here for a minute? Can you come here for a minute? لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. لدى الفيل أنف طويل. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. תום אכל הרבה גלידה. Tom ate a lot of ice cream. Tom ate a lot of ice cream. أعتذر منك، لم أقصد إخافتك. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. עברו עליהם זמנים קשים. They had a rough time of it. They've had a hard time. كان سامي منزعجا. Sami was annoyed. Sami was upset. הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא ישן. He pretended to be sleeping. He pretends to be old. برأيك، كم سيكون مدى خطورة هذه المهمة؟ How dangerous do you think this mission is going to be? You think it's gonna be how dangerous this is? هل لي أن أذهب للسباحة يا أمي؟ Can I go swimming, Mother? May I go for a swim, Mom? תום איש מכירות של מכוניות. Tom is a used car salesman. Tom's a salesman of cars. عيّطت علاخاطرش سرقولي لكارت كريدي. I'm calling because my credit card has been stolen. I've clearly identified my secret risk to Cart Creedy. كان هناك حب و احترام. There was love and respect. There was love and respect. لديكم الكثير من الأصدقاء. You have lots of friends. You have a lot of friends. أنا واثق من أنك ستساعدني. I am assured of your help. I'm sure you'll help me. המון דוברי אספרנטו חדשים משמחים אותי. The huge number of new Esperanto speakers makes me happy. A lot of new Esperanto speakers make me happy. لم يُحل أبدا لغز وفاتها. The mystery of her death was never solved. The mystery of her death has never been solved. יש לי די הרבה כובעים. I've got quite a lot of hats. I've got quite a lot of hats. התרסקתי עם מטוס הריסוס בשנת אלפיים ושלוש. I was in the crop duster crash in 2003. I've been crashing with a resuscitation plane in 2,000 and three. אתה רוצה לעשות את זה או לא? Do you want to do this or not? You want to do this or not? أنت ملاك! You're an angel! You're an angel! אל תאמין לכל מה שכתוב בעיתונים. Don't go by what the newspapers say. Don't believe everything in the papers. "شكون⸮" "يمّاك.". "Who is it?" "It's your mother." Chewn's mack. كانت تلك جريمة من أجل المال. This was a murder for money. That was a crime for money. الصورة معلقة على الحائط. The picture is hanging on the wall. The picture's stuck on the wall. אני הרגשתי ממש אותו הדבר. I had the exact same feeling. I felt the same way. سامي ينتظر منذ أيّام. Sami has been waiting for days. Sami's been waiting a day. מיהרתי למעלה. I rushed upstairs. I was in a hurry up. أتمنىَ أن الصيف لا ينتهىِ ابداً. I wish summer would never end! I hope this summer never ends. תום מטיב לדבר צרפתית יותר מכולנו. Tom is better at French than the rest of us. Tom's kind to talk French more than all of us. אנא הגבילו את המצגת שלכם לשלושים דקות. Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes. Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes. הם פתאום שמו לב לרעש בחלקו האחורי של החדר. They were suddenly aware of a noise in the back of the room. They suddenly noticed the noise in the back of the room. למה לך לעשות את זה? Why would you need to do that? Why would you do that? טום מאמין שלעשיר מגיע להיות עשיר, ולעני מגיע להיות עני. Tom believes that the rich deserve to be rich and that the poor deserve to be poor. Tom believes a rich man deserves to be rich, and the poor deserve to be poor. أريد أن آتي أيضاً I want to come, too. I want to come too. كثيرا ما يكون التّواضع مربحا أكثر من الفخر. Humility often gains more than pride. The humble are often more prosperous than proud. سامي يقرأ كتبا طبّية. Sami reads medical books. Sami reads medical books. אם מדברים על שפות זרות, אתה מדבר צרפתית? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Speaking of foreign languages, you speak French? أعتقد أنه ثمة طرقة أخرى. I believe that there are other ways. I think there's another way. האם אי פעם שמעת אותו שר? Have you ever heard him sing? Have you ever heard him sing? تتويبا مفتوح المصدر. Tatoeba is open source. The source is open-ended. הייתי האחרון שידע על זה. I was the last one to know about that. I was the last one to know about it. أين السفارة البريطانية؟ Where is the British embassy? Where's the British Embassy? ماذا قال؟ What was said by him? What did he say? נידו אותה. She was excommunicated. We'll tear it down. הכביש צר מדי למעבר משאיות. This road is too narrow for trucks to pass. The road is too narrow to pass trucks. אף אחד לא יודע מה כל כך הפריע לו. Nobody knows what it is that has been bothering him so much. No one knows what bothered him so much. אני לגמרי מסכים עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I totally agree with all of you. אם זה לא בטטואבה, זה לא משפט. If it isn't on Tatoeba, it isn't a sentence. If it's not in Tatava, it's not a trial. כמעט 80% של הארץ היא הרים. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. Almost 80% of the country is mountain. לכל דבר ועניין, דונלד טראמפ הוא פשיסט. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. For anything and anything, Donald Trump is a fascist. גרמניה הייתה פעם בת ברית של איטליה. Germany was once allied with Italy. Germany used to be an alliance of Italy. نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. אזהר יותר בפעם הבאה. I'll be more careful next time. I'll be more careful next time. شكرًا على قدومك. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. هو لا يتحدث اللغة اليابانية بالمنزل. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. מרי נערה נאה. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary's a handsome girl. אנא תן לי כרית. Please get me a pillow. Please give me a pillow. זה היה מרושע. That was mean. It was mean. אינני יכול ללוות אותך. תהיה לי פגישה. I can't go with you. I have a meeting. I can't walk you. איך גילית שטום לא פרע את חשבונותיו? How did you find out that Tom hadn't paid his bills? How did you find out Tom didn't break his accounts? אין לך משהו שלא חורג מהתקציב שלי? Don't you have something that isn't out of my price range? Don't you have anything out of my budget? יש לי פזילה קשה. I have a bad squint. I've got a tough fascicle. תום התנהג באופן מוזר. Tom behaved strangely. Tom was acting weirdly. אני מציע שתשלח לו מכתב תודה. I suggest that you should write him a thank-you letter. I suggest you send him a thank you. سأحضّر بعض القهوة. I will make some coffee. I'll make some coffee. راني رايح نشري بارابلي جديد. I am buying a new umbrella. Renee's running a new Barbley publication. أحب تفكيك الاشياء لمعرفة كيفية عملها. I like to take things apart to see what makes them tick. I like to dismantle things to find out how they work. תום לא היה צריך לבוא אתי. Tom didn't have to go with me. Tom shouldn't have come with me. נשים נשפטות בשונה מגברים. Women are judged differently than men. Women are judged differently than men. اعتُبر سامي في عداد المفقودين. Fadil was reported missing. Sami was considered missing. لعلمك، إنها تحب الحيوانات. She likes animals, you know? You know, she likes animals. خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. I feared Lily for Sami's life. مرحبًا، أردت أن أخبرك أن المشكلة قد حُلَّتْ. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is fixed. Hey, I wanted to tell you that the problem was solved. قف! Stop! Whoa! ألف سامي حياته المزدوجة إلى حدّ كبير. Sami has grown too comfortable with his double life. A thousand times his twin paychecks. הייתי בחוץ. I was outside. I was outside. مع السلامة! Good-bye! Bye-bye! אנו צריכים לשוב פנימה. We need to go back in. We need to get back inside. اقطع تلك الشجرة الميتة ، وإلا فإنها ستقع فوق منزلك . Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut that dead tree, or it will fall over your house. כבשים מספקות לנו צמר. Sheep provide us with wool. sheep provide us with wool. كان فاضل يحصل على نتائج جيّدة في العربيّة. Fadil did extraordinarily good in Arabic. He was getting good results in the Arabs. אין לי שום התנגדות. I don't have any objections. I have no objection. היא נסעה איתו לבוסטון. She went with him to Boston. She went to Boston with him. موقعنا على الوِب متوقّف للصيانة المجدولة. Our website is offline for scheduled maintenance. Our position on the web is suspended for scheduled maintenance. هذا أغبى ما قُلتُه على الإطلاق. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the stupidest I've ever said. تلقّى سامي اتّصالا من ابنة فريد. Sami received a call from Farid's daughter. Sami received a call from his Fred's daughter. אני מתקשר הרבה לתום. I call Tom a lot. I'm calling Tom a lot. بُني هذا الجسر منذ عامين. This bridge was built two years ago. I built this bridge two years ago. אנו מעטים מדי עכשיו. We are shorthanded now. We're too few now. تَرجمْ هذا الكتابَ إلى الأنجليزيّة. Translate this book into English. This book is translated into English. هاداك الجرح قّيح. Pus has formed in the wound. Your head's thin. יש כאן המון בדידות. It gets awfully lonely here. There's a lot of loneliness here. הרכבנו את הכל יחד. We put everything together. We made it all together. هل تريد الذهاب إلى السينما؟ Do you want to go to the movies? You want to go to the movie? למדתי מהטובים ביותר. I've learned from the best. I learned from the best. ربما، كنت لتفضل طبقًا فرنسيا. Perhaps you would have preferred a French dish. Maybe, you'd prefer a French dish. أتذكر الحادثة بكل وضوح وكأنها حدثت البارحة فقط. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident as clearly as it just happened yesterday. ካብ ዘይትፈልጦ መልኣኽ ትፍልጦ ሸይጣን። Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. And We created man from a drop of fluid . שרידי אדם נמצאו בזמן החפירות. Human remains were found during the excavation. Man's remains were found during the digging. נראה לך שאני מרוצה? Do I look like I'm happy? Do you think I'm happy? סליחה, אנחנו סגורים. Sorry, we are closed. Sorry, we're closed. هل تستطيع إثبات وجود رجال النظافة؟ Can you prove the existence of garbagemen? Can you prove that there are clean men? הפניצילין תרם רבות לרווחת האנושות. Penicillin has contributed much to the welfare of mankind. Penicillin greatly contributed to the well-being of mankind. هذه المسألة سهلة لدرجة أن أيّ طالب يمكنه حلّها. This is such an easy problem that any student can solve it. This is so easy that any student can solve it. تصدر المجلة كل إسبوع. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine is published every week. לעולם אזהר פן אאחר. I'll be careful never to be late again. I'll never warn another pen. لم يأتي توم إلى الحفلة الليلة الماضية. Tom didn't show up at the party last night. Tom didn't come to the party last night. عندما دخلت الغرفة كان قد مضى على ابني ساعات يكتب. My son had been writing for several hours when I entered the room. When I went into the room, my son had hours to write. אתם נראים יפיפיים הלילה. You look beautiful tonight. You look beautiful tonight. ذهبت الأم إلى المدينة لجلب بعض الخبز. Mother went to town to get some bread. I went to town to get some bread. القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. The nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. היא טרקה את הדלת. She slammed the door. She cleaned the door. هؤلاء الطلاب كورييون. Those students are Korean. These are Korean students. תום אמר שהוא חושב שהוא יכול לעבור את הבחינה. Tom said he thought that he could pass the test. Tom said he thought he could pass the test. שמעתי אותו משתנק. I heard him gasp. I heard him suffocating. أفلح سامي. Sami was successful. Take Sami away. استيقظ بيل باكراً ليلحق بأوّل قطار. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Wake up Bill early to catch the first train. האם תרצה לאכול משהו? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? תום חטטן. Tom is nosey. Tom's a snooper. רוב המפתחים שונאים את שלב ניפוי השגיאות; זה יותר כיף ליצור באגים מאשר לתקנם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most of the keys hate error phase; it's more fun creating bugs than making them fit. מה? שיחקת עם ג'ים? איחסה, תקבל כינים. What? You played with Jim? Eww, you're gonna get cooties. You were playing with Jim? ظلت جريمة القتل لغزاً. The murder remains a mystery. The murder was still a mystery. هذا هو السي دي الذي كنت أبحث عنه. This is just the CD that I was looking for. This is the C.D. I was looking for. יהיה לו קשה אם הוא יחשף. It will go hard with him if he is found out. He'll have a hard time if he's exposed. המדינאי סולק ממשרתו. The politician was removed from office. The reporter's out of his office. كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. سامي يحبّ وادليه. Sami loves his parents. Sami likes his handles. أيمكنك إخباري بما يحدث هنا؟ Would you tell me what's going on here? Can you tell me what's going on here? טום היה כמעט ירוי, אבל הוא לא ידע זאת. Tom was about to be shot, but he didn't know it. Tom was almost shot, but he didn't know it. Is-surmast saqsieni: "Il-gimgħa d-diehla se tkun vaganza?" The headmaster asked me: "Is next week a holiday?" The darkest question asked me: "Is the next week going to be a holiday?" እኔ ከሲንጋፖር ነኝ። I'm from Singapore. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? الرياضيات أساس الحرية. The essence of liberty is mathematics. Mathematics are the basis of freedom. واجه سامي ليلى بعدها Sami later confronted Layla. Sami's faced a night later. אין בזה כל היגיון. It makes no sense at all. It doesn't make any sense. آمل أن لا تنس القيام بذلك. I hope you don't forget to do that. I hope you don't forget to do that. أريد مشغل MP3. I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3. זה נמוך מאד. It's very low. That's very low. רבים נספו בתאונה. Many people were killed in the accident. Many died in an accident. يتحدث بسرعة كبيرة. He talks too fast. Speaks very quickly. الجو دافئ بعض الشيء اليوم. It's fairly warm today. It's a little warm today. היא ישיג אותנו תוך שעה. He'll catch up with us in an hour. She'll get us in an hour. הייתי סטודנט לאמנות בזמנו. I was an art major in college at that time. I was an art student back then. היא האיצה בי. She made me hurry. She raised me. חברי צוות מסויימים במועדוני בריאות אמורים להיות מאומנים בשימוש במכשיר מניעת פירפור לב. Some staff members at health clubs ought to be trained in the proper use of a defibrillator. Some team members in health clubs are supposed to be trained using a heart-fibre prevention device. اِصعدوا الباص واحداً تلو الآخر. Get on the bus one by one. Get in the bus one by one. تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learned Berber at home. I learned the Amazigh at home. תום השתדל. Tom tried. Tom tried. سامي نائم. Sami is sleeping. Sami's sleeping. אמרתי לך שאעזור לך. I told you that I'd help you. I told you I'd help you. سامي يحبّكنّ. Sami likes you. Sami loves you. מה שמך האמיתי? What's your real name? What's your real name? היא אוהבת לשיר. She loves singing. She likes to sing. יש לי כוונה לעבוד במכון ליווי. I plan to work in a brothel. I've got my intention of working at the escort's. תום חייך בעידוד. Tom smiled reassuringly. The day of your life's cheering up. في موسم السياحة ، ترفع العديد من الفنادق اسعارها . In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. In the tourism season, many hotels are raised. את מתבטאת היטב. You put things well. You look well. אני זוכרת את זה. I remembered it. I remember that. أتى إلى أمريكا عبر كندا. He came to America via Canada. He came to America through Canada. רעש התנועה הכבדה החזיק אותי ער כל הלילה. The noise of the heavy traffic kept me awake all night. The heavy traffic noise kept me awake all night. חשוב לך מתי נבוא? Does it matter to you what time we arrive? Does it matter to you when we come? האם התספורת החדשה מוצאת חן בעינייך? Do you like my new haircut? Do you like the new haircut? הזהרתי את תום לשמור מרחק ממרי. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. אני בטוח בכך. I'm certain. I'm sure of it. לתום לא היה דבר לתת. Tom had nothing to give. Tom had nothing to give. ገንዘቡን አገኘሁ። I found the money. _Table column: אני יודעת. I know. I know. יש לכם מושג על מה אני מדבר? Have you got any idea what I'm talking about? Any idea what I'm talking about? ليس غبياً. He is not stupid. Not stupid. هذا أسرع قطار في العالم. That's the fastest train in the world. This is the fastest train in the world. כבר אמרתי לך שלא תעשן בחדר שלך. I already told you not to smoke in your room. I already told you you wouldn't smoke in your room. עלינו להזדרז. We must hurry. We need to hurry up. إنّ مكانك في هذه العيادة. Your place is in this clinic. Your place is in this clinic. سبق أن أعطيت توم هدية عيد ميلاده. I've already given Tom his birthday present. I've already given Tom his birthday present. وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. There was an apple when I opened the fridge door. أين تعلمت الإنجليزية؟ Where did you learn English? Where did you learn English? صفع سامي ليلى في الوجه. Sami slapped Layla's face. Sami hit Lily in the face. أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand in hot water. מאי מלתא? What is a word? May Meltha? أنا آسف I am sorry. I'm sorry. من المأكّد أنّه سينجح في الإمتحان. It is certain that he will pass the examination. I'm sure he'll be successful in the exam. أنت أفضل مني. You're better than me. You're better than me. أنقذت ليلى حياتي. Layla saved my life. I saved my life. ليس من عادتنا فعل ذلك. We're not used to doing that. We don't have to do that. תום לא בן דוד שלי. Tom isn't my cousin. Tom's not my cousin. הנה זה כאן. Here it is. Here it is. نظر سامي إلى الخارج. Sami looked outside. Look at Sami out there. שינה היא לחלשים. Sleeping is for the weak. Sleep is for the weak. قلت لك أن ذلك سيكون مملاً. I told you this was going to be boring. I told you that would be boring. היא מחכה לך בבית. She's waiting for you at home. She's waiting for you at home. متى اشترى توم هذا القميص؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? When did Tom buy this shirt? ماعنديش إخوات صبيان. I don't have any brothers. I don't have any boys' sisters. אני דיסקרטי. I'm discreet. I'm discreet. המחזמר הזה מגיעה לווסט אנד? Is that musical coming to the West End? Is this musical coming to West End? אולי תרצי קצת מזה. You might want some of this. Maybe you'd like some of that. هنأته على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. I congratulate him on his success. سيقضي سامي بقيّة حياته في السّجن. Sami will spend the remainder of his life in jail. Sami's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. أنا لا أسخّن منزلكم. I'm not heating your house. I'm not heating your house. 11 בלילה הוא הזמן שבו בדרך כלל אני עולה על יצועי. Eleven o'clock is my regular time for going to bed. 11 a.m. is the time I usually go up to performance. זאת ההחלטה שלי. That's my decision to make. That's my decision. لم أفهم هذا التفسير. The explanation was beyond my understanding. I did not understand that explanation. تحصّل سامي على ما استحقّه تماما. Sami got exactly what he deserved. Sami's got exactly what I deserve. שכבת האוזון עוזרת לנו להתגונן בפני הקרניים העל-סגוליות של השמש. The ozone layer helps protect us from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The ozone layer helps us protect us against the sun's oscillary rays. "أين كنتِ؟" "كنت في اجتماع." "في اجتماع في الشّاطئ مع سامي؟" "Where were you?" "At a meeting." "A meeting at the beach with Sami?" Where were you? አትረብሽ! Do not disturb! BY AWAKE! أنت تحب التفاح. You like apples. You like apples. שמור על עצמך. Watch your back. Take care. أين هو مفتاحي؟ Where is my key? Where's my key? אני יודעת שזאת לא אשמתו של תום. I know it's not Tom's fault. I know it's not Tom's fault. הוא אולץ לחתום החוזה נגד רצונו. He was made to sign the contract against his will. He's forced to sign the contract against his will. هذه التفاحة شديدة الحمرة. This apple is very red. This apple is very red. ارتدى سامي سروال جين أسود. Sami wore black jeans. Sami wears black Jane's pants. הרדיו חזק מדי. תנמיך בבקשה. The radio is too loud. Please turn the volume down. The radio is too strong. נפצעת, תום? Are you hurt, Tom? Are you hurt, Tom? يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟ Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Hey, man, I'm not on the news. Are you questioning me about myself? وقع فاضل في حبّ امرأة مصريّة. Fadil fell for an Egyptian woman. A slave fell into the love of an Egyptian woman. אני נותן לך כל דבר שאתה מבקש, אבל לא נראה שאתה אי פעם מרוצה. I give you everything you ask for, but you never seem satisfied. I give you anything you ask for, but you don't seem to be ever satisfied. נא לחייך. Please smile. Please smile. ماذا ستفعل الليلة؟ What are you going to do tonight? What are you gonna do tonight? مانيش ارتيست، ژامي ما كانت عندي لاّم تاعها. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. Manish Artest, my mom wouldn't have met her. מים, יערות ומחצבים הם משאבי טבע חשובים. Water, forests, and minerals are important natural resources. Water, forests and ponds are important natural resources. الحب أن تراها حتى في أحلامك. Love is seeing her even in your dreams. Love to see her even in your dreams. אני חוזר בי. I take it back. I'm going back. انقلبت سيارته عدة مرات قبل سقوطها في النهر. His car turned over several times before falling into the river. His car dropped off several times before she fell in the river. كان عند سامي كلب شمّ. Sami had a sniffing dog. Sami had a hot dog. أخبر فاضل أسرته أنّه اعتنق الإسلام. Fadil told his family that he converted to Islam. Tell his family that he was hugging Islam. ידעתי שאפשר לתת בכם אמון. I knew I could trust you. I knew you could be trusted. תום היה מלצר בזמן זה. Tom was a waiter at that time. Tom was a waiter at this time. اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى. Sami bought Layla another dog. Sami bought another dog for the night. זה נשמע מעניין מאוד. That sounds very interesting. That sounds very interesting. كنت متعَبا. I was tired. You're tired. أأنت جاد؟ Seriously? Are you serious? אני כנראה עיוור. I must be blind. I'm probably blind. أشعر بالدوار كلما وقفت. I feel dizzy every time I stand up. I feel the lights whenever I'm standing. לא ידעתי איך לעשות את זה עד שמלאו לי שלושים. I didn't know how to do that until I was thirty years old. I didn't know how to do it until I had 30. רגלי כואבות מישיבה. My legs ache from sitting. My legs are sore at sitting down. سأظل هنا هذا الشهر بأكمله. I will stay here all this month. I'll stay here this whole month. ماري ليست غيورة. Mary is not jealous. Mary's not jealous. אני לא יכול למצוא שום דבר לא נכון. I can't find a thing wrong. I can't find anything wrong. אוכלוסיית שוודיה גְּדֵלָה. Sweden's population is growing. Swedish population. لم أقصد أن أوذيك. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. كرم مدرس جديد. Karam is a new teacher. A new teacher's generosity. هل بإمكاني أن آخذ تذكرتي في المطار؟ Can I pick my ticket up at the airport? Can I take my ticket at the airport? היה לי קושי לפתור את הבעיה הזאת. I had difficulty in solving this problem. I had difficulty solving this problem. יש קצת סוכר בשק. There is some sugar in the bag. There's some sugar in the bag. אינני יודע אם זה יפעל. I don't know whether it's going to work. I don't know if this will work. النساء داعِمات جدًّا. The women are very supportive. Women are very supportive. لقد أعجبني الحفل، لكن القاعة كانت باردة. I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold. I liked the party, but the hall was cold. למה את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you so in a hurry? Nirringrazzjawk ħafna! We thank you very much! Thank you so much! እታ ቆልዓ ባዕላ ተሓጺባ። The little girl washed herself. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? أنتِ لديكِ أنف كبير. You have a big nose. You've got a big nose. انفقع بالوني! My balloon popped! Get in my head! لا تلعب هنا. Don't play here. Don't play here. لا تضف جملا من مصادر محفوظة الحقوق. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. It does not add a set of sources of rights. لست مشغولاً، صحيح؟ You aren't busy, are you? You're not busy, are you? أيمكنك تولّي أمره؟ Can you deal with it? Can you handle it? אני עומד לבכות! I am about to cry! I'm about to cry! خذ ما تشاء من الوقت. Take all the time you want. Take whatever time you want. إنها تفضل البقاء في المنزل على الخروج. She prefers staying home to going out. She'd rather stay home than go out. لم تدرك خطأها. She was unconscious of her mistake. She didn't realize her mistake. كان سامي يخفي أسرارا. Sami had skeletons in his closet. Sami was hiding secrets. הצמחים הירוקים לוקחים פחמן דו חמצני מהאטמוספירה. The green plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Green plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. בדיוק סיימנו ארוחת ערב. We just finished dinner. We're just done dinner. حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Rac is in it! قدّموا لك وثيقة كان ينبغي أن يمضيها أبوك، أليس كذلك؟ They gave you a document your dad was supposed to sign, didn't they? They gave you a document that your father should've gone through, didn't they? بدآ سامي و ليلى يكتبان رسائل لبعضهما الآخر. Sami and Layla started writing each other letters. Sami and Lily began to write letters to each other. كان سامي مفتقدا للمال. Sami was short on money. Sami was missing money. تَقَدَم. Come forward. Come on. תום שחקן גולף חובב. Tom is an amateur golfer. Tom's a fan golf player. שבי בבקשה! Please take a seat. Please sit down! אז מה אתה זומם היום, תום? So what are you up to today, Tom? So what are you up to today, Tom? תום טיפס על המשאית שלו. Tom climbed into his truck. Tom tipped on his truck. قابلتها في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met her on my way to school. I met her on my way to school. כמעט סיימתי מה שאני צריך לעשות. I've almost finished what I have to do. I'm almost done with what I have to do. תום ישב בחיק אמו. Tom was sitting on his mother's lap. Tom was sitting in his mother's bag. هو سيكون دائماً معكِ. He will always be with you. He'll always be with you. أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from the 8th to the 12th of December. I'm in a strike from 8 to 12 December. አደገኛ ነኝ። I'm dangerous. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. העלבת את כולם. You offended everybody. You hurt them all. توم خائف جداً. Tom was very scared. Tom is so scared. איני רואה דבר. I can't see anything. I don't see anything. תום בוודאי השתוקק לדעת. Tom was obviously dying to know. Tom must have been eager to know. תזיז כבר את התחת שלך! Get your ass in gear! Move your ass already! 𐤀𐤍𐤊 𐤕𐤁𐤍𐤕 𐤊𐤄𐤍 𐤏𐤔𐤕𐤓𐤕 𐤌𐤋𐤊 𐤑𐤃𐤍𐤌 𐤁𐤍 𐤀𐤔𐤌𐤍𐤏𐤆𐤓 𐤊𐤄𐤍 𐤏𐤔𐤕𐤓𐤕 𐤌𐤋𐤊 𐤑𐤃𐤍𐤌 𐤔𐤊𐤁 𐤁𐤀𐤓𐤍 𐤆. I, Tabnit, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, son of Eshmunazar, priest of Astarte, king of Sidon, am lying in this sarcophagus. What is the purpose of this project? ቤት አለህ? Do you have a house? How Would You Answer? הכירי את עצמך. Know thyself. Meet yourself. أَنجِبَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. I'm getting Sami out of an illegal relationship. הם נכנסו לגור כאן רק שלשום. They moved in just the other day. They only moved in here yesterday. אינני יודעת מה זה מה. I don't know what's what. I don't know what that is. كان سامي قبيحا جدّا. Sami was so ugly. Sami was so ugly. זה יכול להגיע לכל מקום. It could go either way. It can get anywhere. سأل ديما: "ماذا تقصد؟"، لكنه تجشأ، لأنه لو بقي صامتًا لكانت هذه الجملة بسيطةً جدا. "What do you mean?" Dima asked, but burped, for if he remained silent, this sentence would be too simple. Dima asked, "What do you mean?" But he fell asleep, because if he remained silent, this sentence would have been very simple. إن إرادة الشعب هي مصدر سلطة الحكومة، ويعبر عن هذه الإرادة بانتخابات نزيهة دورية تجري على أساس الاقتراع السري وعلى قدم المساواة بين الجميع، او حسب أي إجراء مماثل يضمن حرية التصويت. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. The will of the people is the source of the authority of the Government, and it is expressed by genuine periodic elections held on the basis of secret ballots and on an equal basis among all, or by any similar procedure guaranteeing freedom of vote. هل طلبت الكتاب؟ Did you order the book? Did you ask for the book? ዳ'ብዚ ሰለስተ ወርሒ፣ ምጽሓፍን ምንባብን ምዝራብን ክኽእል ኢየ። Within three months, I will be able to read, write and speak. I can't help but think about how I can help people who are not interested in me. سمعتها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة. I heard her speak English fluently. I heard her speak English with a shot. רציתי לצפות בסרט הזה איתך. I wanted to watch that movie with you. I wanted to watch this movie with you. טום לא אמר ולו מילה אחת. Tom didn't say a word. Tom didn't say one word. אחזור בשעה שש וחצי. I will be back at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. على أي سرير تريد أن تنام؟ On which bed would you like to sleep? What bed do you want to sleep on? מהי הדא דתנינן? What is it we learned? What is Da Dininininen? هيَ لا تزال تحبّك. She still loves you. She still loves you. טום מקריח. Tom has a bald spot. Tom's bald. אנו עושים מדיטציה. We're meditating. We're doing meditation. אחרי הסערה השתרר שקט. After the storm, it was calm. After the storm, it was quiet. من فضلك أنزِل المسدّس. Please put the gun down. Please drop the gun. ألقت ليلى نظرة عن كثب على الصّورة. Layla took a closer look at the picture. I took a close look at the picture. اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. למה אין איש עונה? Why does nobody answer? Why is there no one to answer? את יכולה לתאר מה הייתה עבורך החוויה הזאת? Can you describe what that experience was like for you? Can you describe what this experience was for you? أنا مدرس أيضاً. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. اقترب عيد الميلاد. Christmas drew near. It's Christmas. أسرع، و إلاّ برد الأكل. Hurry up! The food will get cold. Hurry up, or eat back. ذهب سامي للتّسوّق. Sami went shopping. Sami went shopping. את לא מכירה אותו אבל אני כן. You don't know him, but I do. You don't know him, but I do. اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Call Sami. هذه ليست ساعة عملي. It's not my working hour. This isn't my hour of work. תום נראה נשגב. Tom looks magnificent. Tom seems to be repulsed. يوحي صوتك اليوم بأنّك متعب. You sound tired today. Your voice today suggests you're tired. طوم لقى ماري مخبية في البلاكار. Tom found Mary hiding in the closet. Tom met Mary a freak at the placard. זה לא נשמע כאילו אתה רוצה בעזרתי. It doesn't really sound like you want my help. It doesn't sound like you want me to. لا أستطيع أن أتحمل هذا الصوت. I can't put up with this noise. I can't stand that voice. أين مالكَ؟ Where's your money? Where's the owner? يلعب توم و أصدقاؤه البوكير كل مساء جمعة تقريبا. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday evening. זה לא יהיה קל. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. أصبح مصير سامي بين يدي هيئة المحلّفين. Sami's fate was in the hands of the jury. It became a Sami fate between the jury's hands. המשכורת תועלה מאפריל. The salary will be raised from April. The pay is higher than April. תמיד ידעתי שתום נועד לגדולה. I always knew that Tom was destined for greatness. I always knew Tom was meant to grow. وافقت على كتابة تلك الرسالة. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write that letter. بكي سامي. Sami wept. Bakki Sami. نادراً ما تبتسم نانسي. Nancy seldom smiles. You rarely smile, Nancy. אני לא יודע מה אתה תעשה. I don't know what you will do. I don't know what you're gonna do. أخذ سامي ليلى إلى العيادة. Sami took Layla down to the clinic. He took Sami Lily to the clinic. החברה התחרבנה לחלוטין כשהשרפה השמידה את כל תקליטורי המחשב. The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs. The company totally destroyed when the fire destroyed all the computer CDs. "שכחתי," היא אמרה. "I forgot," she said. "I forgot," she said. اعتقلتها الشرطة. She was arrested by the police. She was arrested by the police. أعرف أستاذا للإنجليزية جاء من كندا. I know an English teacher who comes from Canada. I know an English professor came from Canada. لست جاهزاً بعد. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. ذلك لأنك بنت. That's because you're a girl. That's because you're a girl. ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? כמה מהר אתה הולך! How fast you walk! How fast are you going? تتحدث ماريكو الإنجليزية بمهارة. Mariko speaks English well. English Mariko speaks with skill. أنا بالفعل متأخر. I am already late. I'm already late. لا شيئَ مثالي. Nothing's perfect. Nothing perfect. Kważi għandi kull ma rrid. I've got almost everything I need. I almost have everything I want. כל אחד ניגש לעמדה שלו. Everybody took his position. Everyone went to his position. השיר הזה תקוע לי בראש כבר יומיים! I've had this song stuck in my head for two days! That song's been stuck in my head for two days! אני מודאגת מאד לגבי תום. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. إبحث عن لوحة تحمل رقم واحد مكتوباً بخط كبير. Look for a sign with a big "one" on it. Search for a plate with one number written in a big line. لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We need to work for ourselves. عرّض سامي نفسه لخطر الكشف. Sami risked detection. Sami put himself at risk of detection. ما اسم حصانك؟ What's your horse's name? What's your horse name? האם החבר שלך אוהב תה? Does your friend like tea? Does your boyfriend like tea? זה תלוי באופן בו את מתעסקת עם זה. It depends on how you deal with it. It depends the way you deal with it. אני רוצה שהכל יהיה כפי שהיה לפנים. I want everything back to the way it was. I want everything to be the way it was before them. أين هما؟ Where are those two? Where are they? מוכן להמראה. Ready for take-off. Ready to take off. הרכבת נסעה בחיפזון. The car traveled quickly. The train went in a hurry. אין לכם חזקה על טוב טעם. You don't have a monopoly on good taste. You don't have strong taste. توم هو اللي ورالي كيفاش ندير. Tom is the one who showed me how to do it. Tom's tonight and Riley Kevash's running. أدعمه. I'm behind him. I support him. لم أكن أريد أن أفعل هذا بهذه الطريقة. I didn't want to do it this way. I didn't want to do this that way. اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Be patient. We're about to finish. תרגיש חופשי להשתמש במילון שלי. Please feel free to use my dictionary. Feel free to use my hotel. קניתי מצלמה בלי לשלם מס. I bought a camera free of tax. I bought a camera without paying a tax. كن مؤدباً مع والديك. Be polite to your parents. Be kind to your parents. الأخطاء هي معلمين. Mistakes are teachers. Wrongs are teachers. رقصتي المفضلة هي التانجو. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. هربت ليلى من المكان قبل وصول الشّرطة. Layla fled the scene before the police arrived. I ran away from the place before the police arrived. بنى سامي عيادة في القاهرة. Sami built a clinic in Cairo. He built Sami's clinic in Cairo. راك سور⸮ Are you sure? Rak Sor تزوّجت أمّي مرّة أخرى. My mom remarried. I married my mom again. אני מוסיף את המשפט הזה עכשיו. I'm adding this sentence now. I'm adding that sentence now. كان قاعد قدّام خوه. He was sitting beside his brother. It was a base for his brother. سأعلمك القيادة. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you how to drive. אנשים רבים צדים. Many people hunt. Many people hunt. אינני מסוגל להאמין שעשית את זה. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you did it. لم يتخاصما سامي و ليلى أمام أطفالهما. Sami and Layla didn't argue in front of the kids. Sami and Leila didn't come in front of their children. לא קורה הרבה. Nothing much is happening. Not much going on. Il-kesħa llum. It's cold today. Cold today. על הקיר תלוי שעון. There is a clock on the wall. On the wall depends on a watch. הילדים האלה בסכנה. These kids are in danger. These kids are in danger. יש לוח זמנים? Is there a timetable? Any schedule? ابتل توم بشدة. Tom got soaking wet. Tom's blushed hard. אל תדאג. לא אזיק לה. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry. Titkellem bil-Franċiż? Do you speak French? Talk in French? هذه الجملة تصف بالتحديد مشاعر الكاتب. This sentence states exactly how the writer feels. This sentence specifically describes the feelings of the author. בהנחה שהיא חוזרת, מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Assuming she's coming back, what would you say to her? سامي لا يستحقّ هذا. Sami doesn't deserve this. Sammy doesn't deserve this. אני מקווה שלא אאכזב איש. I hope I don't let anyone down. I hope I don't let anyone down. هل هذه الأشياء لك؟ Are these yours? Are these things for you? ההצעה שלך השפיע מאד על ההחלטה הזאת. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your offer affected this decision very much. הוזמנתי על ידי חבר ותיק. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. لا أعرف إن كانت لا تزال معي. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if she's still with me. السكرتيرة متعبة من الطباعة. The secretary is tired of typing. The secretary is tired of printing. ስሜ ቁዘይ አይደለም። My name is not Kuzey. Would You Welcome a Visit? תום התקרב. Tom moved closer. Tom's coming closer. אם יתנו לו אפשרות נוספת, הוא יעשה כמיטב יכולתו. Given another chance, he'd do his best. If they give him another option, he'll do his best. أجاب سامي على السّؤال. Sami answered the question. Sami answered the question. أذهب الى مركز الشرطة. I'm going to the police station. Go to the police station. كيف تعرف أن توم وماري لا يكذبون؟ How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? ארוחת הבוקר הייתה מצויינת. Breakfast was very good. Breakfast was great. חשתי מבוכה. I felt confused. I felt embarrassed. באיזו שעה זריחת השמש? What time is sunrise? What time does the sun shine? אותיות קטנות אלו נראות רק בעזרת עדשה מגדלת. These small letters can only be read with a magnifying glass. These little letters only appear with the use of a magnificator's lens. أراد سامي أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give me more money. אתה יודע את הסיבה? Do you know the reason? You know why? עברתי בקרונות הרכבת כדי למצוא מקום. I walked through the cars of the train to find a seat. I went through the train cars to find a place. הם הכירו ימים טובים יותר. They have seen better days. They knew better days. اشتغلت ليلى في نادٍ للتّعرّي آملة أن تربح المال بسرعة. Layla worked at a strip club, hoping to earn a quick buck. I worked at a club to identify the hope that you'd make the money quick. الحادثة دي حصلت بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. The D accident happened because of his neglect. لقد تأخر جمال مجددا. Jamal is late again. It's too late again. פתרון הבעיה היה בהישג יד. The resolution to the problem was close at hand. The solution to the problem was hand in hand. كان فاضل يربّي و يعتني بالخيول في جنوب آريزونا. Fadil groomed and raised horses in southern Arizona. He would raise me and take care of horses in the south of Arizona. הסל היה מלא וגדוש בתותי שדה עד גדותיו. The basket was filled to the brim with strawberries. The basket was full and clumsy inside my field until its roots. رد ديما: "وعليكم السلام، الصائب!"، لكنه رفع الصوت في هاتفه هذه المرة، لتجنب جعل هذه الجملة مكررةً. "كيف أمورك هذه الأيام؟" "Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!" Dima replied, but raised the volume on his phone this time, so as to avoid making this a duplicate sentence. "What are you up to these days?" Dema's reply: "And tell you peace, right!," but he rose the voice on his phone this time, to avoid making this sentence repeated. "How do you say these days?" האם סרטי אימה מפחידים אותך? Are you afraid of horror movies? Are you scared of horror movies? תתכונן לנסיעה מיד. Get ready for the trip at once. Get ready for the ride right away. سامي ينام في الطّابق العلوي. Sami sleeps upstairs. Sammy sleeps upstairs. يجب أن يبقى سامي مع ليلى. Sami should stay with Layla. He's got to stay my name with Lily. كان في المدرسة. It was at school. He was in school. כסופרת, היא לא מתאימה לאף אחת מהגישות המסורתיות. As a writer, she does not fit into any of the traditional categories. As a writer, she doesn't fit any of the traditional attitudes. إن كنتَ رجلا، فتصرف مثل الرجال. If you are a man, behave as such. If you're a man, act like a man. عليك أن تبقي غرفتك نظيفة. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. אין שום נאום היכול למחוק שנים של חשדנות, וגם לא אוכל בזמן הנתון לענות על כל השאלות המסובכות שהביאו אותנו עד הלום. No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. There is no speech that can erase years of suspicion, nor can I at the time answer all the complicated questions that have brought us up to date. תום זקוק לעזרה בהתקנת אנטנת הטלוויזיה על הגג. Tom needs help putting a TV antenna on his roof. Tom needs help repairing the TV antenna on the roof. كان سامي ينفق المال. Sami was spending money. Sami was spending the money. את יכולה לנהל ספרים? Can you do bookkeeping? Can you run books? بإمكاني البقاء في غرفة الضيوف. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. היא עויינת כלפי. She is hostile to me. She's hostile to me. בוא נראה מה אנחנו יכולים למצוא. Let's see what we can find. Let's see what we can find. הטייפון גרם לסגירת בית הספר. The typhoon led to the school being closed. The tampon made the school shutdown. 𐤄𐤀 𐤊𐤄𐤍. He's a priest. In a letter to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in France, the branch office لقط ديالي ينبح. My cat barks. Deally's ever barking. לא נתתי לו לחכות. I didn't keep him waiting. I didn't let him wait. יש משהו שאני צריכה. There's something I need. There's something I need. דגים רבים נכחדו. A lot of fish perished. Many fish have been lost. وأيضا السبب وراء خوض الحكومة الأمريكية إجراءات المقاضاة من أجل صون حق النساء والفتيات في ارتداء الحجاب ومعاقبة من يتجرأ على حرمانهن من ذلك الحق That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it. Also the reason why the United States Government is in the process of prosecution in order to safeguard the right of women and girls to wear the veil and to punish those who dare to deny them that right. أريد حبيبا. I want a boyfriend. I want a lover. אתה נראה מאירופה. You look European. You look from Europe. המפתח לא נכנס למנעול. This key doesn't fit in the lock. The key doesn't go into the lock. قطتي وكلبي متعايشان. My cat and dog get along. My cat and my dog are living together. אני נשארת בקשר עם תום. I keep in touch with Tom. I'm staying in touch with Tom. קח כמה אפרסקים שתרצה. Take as many peaches as you like. Take some peaches you want. התקלחתי. I took a shower. I showered. לתום יש ראש פתוח. Tom is open-minded. Tom has an open mind. אתם מזהים את האיש בתמונה? Can you identify the man in this picture? You recognize the man in the picture? يأكل الكلب طعامه. The dog is eating his food. Dog eats his food. وكأن أعواما مضت منذ صباح الأحد. It seems like years since Sunday morning. It's been years since Sunday morning. ראיתי את טום מפלרטט עם אשתי. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. I saw Tom flirting with my wife. ولد مثل توم لا يستحق بنت مثل ماري. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. لدي سعال. I have a cough. I have a cough. احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Please tell me about your trip. هلّا أوصلتني إلى المستشفى؟ Will you drive me to the hospital? Can you get me to the hospital? هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's beautiful. That's nice, too. ماما قطعت الكيكة. My mother cut the cake. Mama cut the cake. تعلم لغة أجنبية صعب. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. You know a tough foreign language. هذا سؤال صعب. That's a hard question to answer. That's a hard question. זה מרגיש נכון. It feels right. It feels right. זה משפט. This is a sentence. It's a trial. איש לא קם. Nobody got up. Nobody's up. אתה רוצה ילדים? Do you want kids? You want kids? אל תשמחו לאיד. Don't gloat. Don't be happy. كتب "مع تحياتي" في ذيل الخطاب ثم قام بتوقيع اسمه. He wrote "regards" at the end of the letter and then signed his name. He wrote "with my regards" on the back of the speech and then signed his name. השתמשת בי. You used me. You used me. إنّهنّ معي. They're with me. They're with me. قرابة الألف شاركوا في المظاهرة. Nearly a thousand people participated in the demonstration. Nearly a thousand participated in the demonstration. عرض سامي بعض المال على ليلى. Sami offered Layla some money. Sami offered some money on Lily. תום היה כורה פחם. Tom was a coal miner. Tom was a coal miner. ذهبت إلى العنوان الخطأ. I went to the wrong address. I went to the wrong address. נדרש אומץ לעשות מה שתום עשה. It took courage to do what Tom did. It takes courage to do what Tom did. شرب سامي ستة كؤوس من النّبيذ. Sami drank six glasses of wine. Sami drank six cups of wine. אתה חושב שכל עובדי הצבור מושחתים? Do you think all officials are corrupt? You think all public employees are corrupt? אחזור בשעה שש וחצי. I'll return at half past six. I'll be back at 6:30. חריקת הדלת מעצבנת אותי. The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves. The door's pissing me off. איזה אוסף! What a collection! What a collection! לא תהיה אלטרנטיבה. There won't be an alternative. There'll be no alternative. אין כמו בבית. No place like home. There's nothing like home. تذكر وعدك. Remember your promise. Remember your promise. הגג הועף מהפיצוץ. The roof was blown off by the explosion. The roof was blown off the explosion. תום נהיה קצת טרחן. Tom was getting a little fussy. Tom's getting a little nervous. ܕܝ ܠܚܟܝܡܐ ܒܪܡܝܙܐ. A word to the wise is enough. In the seventh century B.C.E., the Babylonians conquered Babylon. ركب سامي الطّائرة. Sami boarded the plane. Sami's on the car. תום עונד תגית זיהוי. Tom is wearing a name tag. Tom's wearing an I.D. سأتصل بك. I'll give you a call. I'll call you. ועוד המון דברים. And a lot more. And a lot more things. لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. נראה שהיא יודעת את אמנות כתיבת המכתבים. She seems to know the art of writing letters. She seems to know the art of writing the letters. امتلأت حقيبته بالماء. His bag was filled with water. I filled his bag with water. أين الملابس التي تحتاج إلى غسل؟ Where is the laundry? Where's the clothes you need to wash? كان إهمالا منها أن تنسى. It was careless of her to forget it. She was neglected to forget. אנו עולים להרים, אז למה שלא תבואו אתנו? We're going up into the mountains, so why don't you come with us? We go up to the mountain, so why don't you come with us? טום פוטר. Tom was fired. Tom Potter. كان سامي يريد أن تبدو جريمة القتل تلك كحادث. For Sami, the murder had to look like an accident. Sami wanted that murder to look like an accident. זה היה לפני שנתיים. That was two years ago. That was two years ago. אני רוצה עכשיו לספר קצת על האיחוד האירופי. Now I want to talk a bit about the European Union. I'd like to tell you a little bit about the European Union. תמשיכי להאבק. Keep fighting. Keep fighting. كيفا لقيت لماكلا ف ليسپاس⸮ How do you find food in outer space? How did you get MacLespas? يجب عليك الانضمام لي. You must join me. You have to join me. أخبرتني ذلك بنفسك. You told me so yourself. You told me that yourself. תנסי לא לדאוג מה אחרים חושבים. Try not to worry about what others think. Try not to worry what others think. אף לרגע אני לא חושב שאתה טועה. I do not for a moment think you are wrong. Not a moment. I don't think you're wrong. ליטר חלב מכיל כשלושים גרם חלבון. A liter of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. A liter milk contains about 30 grams of protein. إنه عالم رائع. He's a wonderful scholar. It's a wonderful world. למה אתה מתווכח עם המנהל? Why are you arguing with the manager? Why are you arguing with the manager? לאחר העדרות של עשרה חודשים הוא שב הביתה. After an absence of ten months, he returned home. After ten months' absence, he came home. המשטרה נתנה לו ללכת. The police released him. The police let him go. בסדר. Alright. Okay. على العموم ، التاريخ يكرّر نفسه. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. In general, history repeats itself. يمكنك اختيار أيا كان ما تريد. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose whatever you want. אני מניח שהייתי צריכה לעשות יותר. I guess I should've done more. I guess I should have done more. בוא ננסה משהו! Let's try something. Let's try something! הם המשיכו בהליכה. They resumed walking. They went on a walk. כל בני האדם נולדו בני חורין ושווים בערכם ובזכויותיהם. כולם חוננו בתבונה ובמצפון, לפיכך חובה עליהם לנהוג איש ברעהו ברוח של אחווה. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All humans were born imperfect and equal in value and rights, all of whom were born in wisdom and conscience, so that they were obliged to treat one another with brotherly love. هل أستطيع الحصول على كأس من النبيذ الأبيض؟ Could I have a glass of white wine? Can I get a glass of white wine? ولدت ليلى إبنها السّادس. Layla gave birth to baby number six. I was born to her sixth son. أملك كلباً وقطة. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. ليلى تحبّ القيل و القال. Layla loves gossiping. Lily's in love with the horse and the bull. תום גאה בצוות שלו. Tom is proud of his team. Tom's proud of his team. اهلا وسهلا Welcome. Hey, easy. אל תלך לשם עכשיו. Don't go there now. Don't go there now. סוג המידע שאנו צריכים לא תמיד זמין. The sort of information we need is not always available. The kind of information we need is not always available. הם די קולניים. They're pretty loud. They're pretty loud. لا تخيب ظني بك! Don't disappoint me. Don't be afraid of you! توم طالب. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. המאמר הזה שם את הצמחונים ללעג ולקלס. This article makes fun of vegetarians. This article puts the vegetarians to mock Wallis. על מה בכלל את מדברת? What are you even talking about? What are you talking about? في الحقيقة لم آكل أي شيء منذ هذا الصباح. As a matter of fact, I have had nothing since this morning. Actually, I haven't eaten anything since this morning. הוא רואה את המשרד. He sees the office. He sees the office. כעת הצג את עצמך תוך שימוש במשפטים אלה. Now introduce yourself using these sentences! Now present yourself using these trials. פה אני גר. I live here. This is where I live. אולי תרצה קצת מזה. You might want some of this. Maybe you'd like some of that. לא עשנתי חשיש כשהייתי בספרד. I didn't smoke pot when I was in Spain. I didn't smoke pot when I was in Spain. האם תרצה להיות משרת שלי וללכת בעקבותיי? Do you want to be my servant and follow me? Would you like to be my servant and follow me? בכלל לא אכפת לי בעניין זה. I don't care about it at all. I don't even care about this. تجمّع أصدقاء ليلى في المستشفى. Layla's friends gathered at the hospital. Lila's got friends in the hospital. כמה זמן אתה עוסק בזה? How long have you been at this? How long have you been doing that? אל תבזבז תחמושת. Don't waste ammunition. Don't waste ammo. המשבר עדיין לא חלף. We're not out of the woods yet. Crisis hasn't gone yet. تشرب كايت الكثير من الحليب كل يوم. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. אני אגיע כשאגיע. Expect me when you see me. I'll be there when I get there. "هل يستطيع أحدٌ مساعدتي؟" "سأفعل". "Can somebody help me?" "I will." Can anyone help me? سأصبح طبيبًا. I am going to be a doctor. I'll be a doctor. ילד פוחד מהחשיכה. A child is afraid of the dark. A boy scared of the dark. אני עומדת על כך. I insist on that. I stand for it. ليس هناك أي غيوم في السماء. There's not a cloud in the sky. There's no day in the sky. הלכנו לשיט מפרשים. We went sailing. We went to sailboats. יש לה שתי אחית. She has two sisters. She's got two sisters. እኔ ትልቅ ነኝ። I'm big. How Would You Answer? لا أحد يريد أن يلعب مع تانغو باستثناء صبي صغير. No one wanted to play with Tango except the little boy. No one wants to play with tango except a little boy. هل هذا واضح؟ Am I clear? Is that clear? תום לקח את הכל. Tom took everything. Tom took it all. טרור אמיתי הוא להתעורר בוקר אחד ולגלות שהכיתה שלך בתיכון מנהלת את המדינה. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. Real terrorism is to wake up one morning and find out your high school class runs the country. هل لي أن أستعير سيارتك؟ Can I borrow your car? May I borrow your car? سامي من قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. ما تحڨرش لپوڥوار ديالي. Don't underestimate my power. What's going on for Poavar Dialy. لم يسمح لنا البستاني بالمشي على العشب. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. He didn't allow us to walk on grass. يمّا ما تقْدرش تسوق الفيلو. My mother cannot ride a bicycle. You don't even read the vilo market. היית צריך לשמור על כך בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept that a secret. تعرّض سامي للضّرب. Sami was beaten. Sami's been hit. תיפתח. Open up. Open up. אבטלה בחלק זה של הארץ בפועל איננה קיימת. Unemployment in this part of the country is virtually nonexistent. The actual part of the country's actual unemployment doesn't exist. لا يشرب أي من أصدقائي القهوة. None of my friends drink coffee. None of my friends drink coffee. כבר התחלתי לעשות את זה. I've already started doing that. I've already started doing this. اعتادت ليلى على الأكل هنا كلّ نهاية أسبوع. Layla ate here regularly on weekends. I used to eat here every weekend. נתת לתום את מה שביקש? Have you given Tom what he asked for? Did you give Tom what he asked? בוא נבדוק בארון. Let's look in the closet. Let's check in the closet. תום מעורר גועל. Tom is obnoxious. Tom's disgusting. أنت دائماً ما تشتكي. You are always complaining. You always complain. אני שונא את המגפים החדשים האלה. I hate these new boots. I hate those new boots. توم وحيد تماما من جديد. Tom is all alone again. Tom's completely alone again. هذه السكين حادة للغاية. This knife is very sharp. This knife is so sharp. ارتكبت خطأً. I made a mistake. I made a mistake. علي أن أنهض على كل حال. I have to get up anyways. I have to get up anyway. עבודתי היא עיצוב נעלים. My job is designing shoes. My work is shoe design. مقبول Fair enough! Acceptance. مزيان يكتب جملة على السبورة البيضاء. Mezian is writing a sentence on the whiteboard. Idolatry's writing sentence on white beads. אל תתני להם לנצח. Don't let them win. Don't let them win. بدأت الشّرطة تحلّل مسرح الجريمة. Police set about processing the tragic murder scene. The police started analysing the crime scene. አሰልቺ ነኝ። I am boring. Would You Welcome a Visit? יש לי המון שיעורי בית. I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework. סגור אחריך את הדלת. Close the door after you. Close the door after you. يجب ان تلتزم الصمت You must keep quiet. You have to keep quiet. אינני בטוח. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. أعطى توم الشرطة عنوانا خاطئا. Tom gave the police a false address. Tom gave the police the wrong address. كل الأوراق النقدية الأمريكية لديها نفس اللون. All American bills are similar in color. All American banknotes have the same color. هل يعلم أين اختبأت تلك القطط؟ Does he know where those cats hid themselves? Do you know where you hid those cats? תנהגו בזהירות. Drive carefully. Be careful. מי השחקן המועדף עלייך? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite player? תום עונה. Tom was tortured. Tom's tortured. אני חושבת שאנו צריכים ללכת איתך. I think we should go with you. I think we should go with you. واصل سامي المشاهدة. Sami kept looking. Sammy kept watching. אין שום דבר שאני יכול לעשות כאן יותר. There's nothing more I can do here. There's nothing I can do here more. ניסיתי לא לאכול יותר מדי. I tried not to eat too much. I tried not to eat too much. هل سمح لك عمك أن تقود سيارته؟ Did your uncle let you drive his car? Did your uncle let you drive his car? לא ראיתי דבר. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. حتى الأطفال بإمكانهم قراءة هذا الكتاب. Even children can read this book. Even children can read this book. أعتقد أنني أحتاج إلى التحدّث مع توم. I think I need to talk to Tom. I think I need to talk to Tom. אני אוהבת לראות אותך מבשל. I love watching you cook. I like to see you cook. היא חסכה כסף ליום סגריר. She saved money for a rainy day. She saved money for a ambassador's day. هذا هو المكان الذي تعيش فيه. This is where she lives. This is where you live. תפסיק להכאיב לי. Stop hurting me. Stop hurting me. هل تلك السيارة لك؟ Is that car yours? Is that the car for you? كان سامي مستاءا جدّا من ذلك. Sami was really unhappy about it. Sammy was very upset about that. דמעות הציפו לי את העיניים מקצוץ הבצל. Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions. The tears lifted my eyes out of the shadows. سأطلق عليه النار. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. רק אובמה יודע זאת. Only Obama knows that. Only Obama knows that. أخبرني أين أضع هذه الكتب. Tell me where to put these books. Tell me where to put these books. האט. אתה נוסע מהר מדי. Slow down. You're driving too fast. You're going too fast. ما خطبك الليلة يا توم ؟ Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? What's wrong with you tonight, Tom? ما يأتي سهلا يذهب سهلا. Easy come, easy go. What comes easily goes easy. באילו נסיבות הופיעה השגיאה? When did the error occur? Under what circumstances did the error occur? لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك. Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't concern you. ג'יין לפעמים רצה לבית הספר. Jane sometimes runs to school. Jane sometimes ran to school. זה מסובך יותר ממה שחשבתי בהתחלה. It's more complicated than I originally thought. It's more complicated than I thought at first. تفقّد سامي رسائل ليلى الإلكترونية. Sami checked Layla's e-mails. Sami checks the e-mails. كفّ عن تأنيب ضميرك. Stop feeling guilty. Stop cheating your conscience. لم يخطر هذا في بالي أبدا. I would never have guessed that. It never happened in Bali. كن حذرا. Be careful. Be careful. اضغطن على الجرس مرتين. Press the bell twice. Pulling the bell twice. אתה יכול לראות את הכוכבים הלילה? Can you see the stars tonight? Can you see the stars tonight? ከመይ ሓዲርካ። Good morning! How Would You Answer? רעדתי. I was shivering. I was shaking. כמה ילדים משחקים על החוף החולי. Several children are playing on the sandy beach. Some kids play on the beach. הייתי פה זמן ממושך. I've been here a long time. I've been here for a long time. شعر سامي بأنّه كان مُضايَقا. Sami felt bullied. Sami's hair was tricky. አንተ ማን ነህ? Who are you? How Would You Answer? كانت ليلى تعيش حياتها فقط. Layla was just living her life. Lily was just living her life. لا أحد يستطيع أن يقول ماذا سيحدت في المستقبل. No one can tell what'll happen in the future. No one can say what will happen in the future. شعر فاضل أنّه كان يجب عليه أن يعتنق الإسلام. Fadil felt he needed to be a Muslim. Fatty hair that he had to embrace Islam. یبدو جداً ممتع. It sounds like a lot of fun. It looks very fun. أوقف السيارة Stop the car. Stop the car. ما الذي جعلك تعتقد ذلك؟ What led you to believe so? What made you think that? המחוז הזה בנוי בצורת אגן. This district forms a basin. This district is built in the form of a garden. אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאני אידיוטית. I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm an idiot. توم أتىَ يوم الإثنين وعاد إلىَ البيت في اليوم التالي. Tom came on Monday and went back home the following day. Tom came by Monday and came home the next day. يجب أن تفخر جدا بابنتك. You must be very proud of your daughter. You should be so proud of your daughter. بدى ذلك العمل سهلا جدا، لكني استغرقت فيه أسبوعا. The job looked quite simple, but it took me a week. That job seemed so easy, but I took a week. أنا حتى لستُ متأكداً ما إذا كُنتُ أريد أن أرى هذا الفيلم. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure if I wanted to see this movie. أشعر بالبرد. I am cold. I feel cold. هناك العديد من الجامعات في كيوتو. There are numerous universities in Kyoto. There are many universities in Kyoto. كان ذلك آخر استعراض حبّ قام به سامي تجاه ليلى. That was Sami's final act of love for Layla. That was Sami's last love review towards Lily. היא נשקה לי, לא לו. She kissed me, not him. She kissed me, not him. يملك سامي تلفزة ملوّنة. Sami has color TV. Sami owns a full TV. ما علاباليش كيفاش رايح نبيّنها، لاخاطرش باينا كي شّمس! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! I don't know how I saw her. I don't think I'm gonna have to touch her. ሰው ነኝ። I'm a man. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. היא צעירה ממנו. She's younger than him. She's young than him. כולם במשרד התרשמו מהאופן בו תום טיפל בבעיה. Everyone in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem. Everyone in the office was impressed by the way Tom dealt with the problem. لا تجادل وانت غضبان ولا تأكل وانت شبعان. Don't argue when you are angry and don't eat when you are full. Don't argue, you're angry, you don't eat, you're hot. הוא ניסה לצבור ממון. He tried to accumulate wealth. He tried to make a lot of money. תום ומרי משחקים שוטרים וגנבים. Tom and Mary are playing cops and robbers. Tom and Mary play cops and thieves. אני טובה מאד במה שאני עוסקת. I'm very good at what I do. I'm very good at what I do. לכל אחד יש משהו להסתיר. Everyone has something to hide. Everyone has something to hide. كيف حال توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's word was great. תפסיקו להתנהג כמו ילד מפונק! Stop acting like a spoiled kid. Stop acting like a spoiled kid! תום לא שותה. Tom isn't drinking. Tom doesn't drink. יש לי דיעה אחרת בנושא. I have a different opinion on that subject. I've got a different opinion on this. نظر توم لنفسه في مرآة الرؤية الخلفية. Tom looked at himself in the rear-view mirror. Tom looked at himself in the back mirror. هادي سورپريز. It's a surprise. Hey, Sorprez. אשתי מסתדרת טוב עם אמא שלי. My wife gets on well with my mother. My wife's doing well with my mom. بعد طلاقه من ليلى، اصبحت حياة سامي فوضى. After his divorce with Layla, Sami's whole life was in shambles. After his divorce from Lily, Sami's life became a mess. אני יודעת כמה מסוכן זה יהיה. I know how dangerous it'll be. I know how dangerous it would be. זה עבודת בית. It's homemade. It's housework. أزاحت غطاء الصندوق. She took off the lid of the box. I increased the box cover. أنا هو الشخص الذي يحبك. I'm the one who loves you. I'm the one who loves you. רק לעצתך יש לשעות. Only your advice has to be followed. Your advice only has hours. נגיע בערך שעה לפני תום. We'll arrive about one hour before Tom gets there. We'll be there about an hour before Tom. روى سامي قصّة حياته لليلى. Sami told Layla about his life. Roy Sammy's life story to me. אנו סומכים עליו. We trust him. We trust him. هل سيتمكن من القدوم غداً؟ Will he be able to come tomorrow? Will he be able to come tomorrow? אני בטוחה לגמרי שלא יסרבו לך. I'm positive you won't be refused. I'm absolutely sure you won't be refused. تقوم أمي بإعداد كعكة لأجل أبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom's making a cake for my dad. هل رأيت وجه مطلق النار؟ Did you see the shooter's face? Did you see the shot face? يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. It's cold. קחו את תום הביתה. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. הם גנבו סוסים ובקר. They stole horses and cattle. They stole horses and cattle. رجّعلي سْتِيلُويَا. Give me my pen back. Please, Stella. העובדה היא שהם אפילו לא קראו את המכתב. The fact is that she didn't even read the letter. The fact is they didn't even read the letter. השעה כעת שלוש וחצי. It's three-thirty. It's 3:30 now. הוא כועס עליך. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. תדגים לי. Give me an example. Show me. טום הוא יצור לילי. Tom is a creature of the night. Tom is a nightless creature. תני לנו דקה, טוב? Give us a minute, will you? Give us a minute, okay? מה ג'יין עומדת לעשות מחר בבוקר? What is Jane going to do tomorrow morning? What's Jane gonna do tomorrow morning? קניתי אותה בשבוע שעבר. I had bought it the week before. I bought it last week. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي فعليّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was actually making fun of my body. لا توله اهتماما، أرجوك. Please don't mind him. Don't give him any attention, please. זו בוודאי עוגת יום הולדת! It must be a birthday cake! Must be a birthday cake! ፈረንሳይኛን እየተመርኩ ነው። I'm learning French. Close the history window טום שאל אם מישהו ראה את מרי. Tom asked if anyone had seen Mary. Tom asked if anyone saw Mary. هل يكون هذا مكتب سامي باقر؟ Is that Sami Bakir's office? Is this Sami's office high? החתול שלי אוהב את המקלדת שלי. My cat likes my keyboard. My cat likes my keyboard. אתה יכול לסמוך עליה. You can rely on her. You can trust her. איך הם יגלו? How are they going to find out? How will they find out? لم يكن سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى مسلمة. Sami didn't know that Layla was Muslim. Sami didn't know Lily was a Muslim. מרי אוהבת סרטים הודיים. Mary likes Bollywood movies. Mary likes Indian movies. كنت متعبا و، ما هو أسوأ من ذلك ، كنت نائمة I was tired and, what is worse, I was sleepy. I was tired and, what's worse, I was asleep. آمل أن أخاك قد تحسن. I hope your brother is better. I hope your brother has improved. עמדנו בכניסה כדי לקבל את פני אורחינו. We stood at the door to welcome our guests. We stood in front of our guests. רק תגידי לי שאת בסדר. Just tell me you're OK. Just tell me you're okay. הוא הראה לי את תמונתה. He showed me her picture. He showed me her picture. درك راني عايش مع خالي. Now I live with my uncle. Gentle Renee's living with my uncle. كم طول ذلك؟ How long is this? How long is that? אני מצטער, איני מוסמך למסור לך את המידע הזה. I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to give you that information. I'm sorry, I'm not authorized to give you that information. تعرّف سامي بفتا مسلم في المدرسة. At school, Sami met a Muslim boy. Sami defines a Muslim girl in school. تعبتُ من هذه اللغات الجرمانية. I'm tired of this Germanic language. I'm tired of these criminal languages. لما لم تقل لها؟ Why didn't you tell her? Why didn't you tell her? هي غبية, ولكن أمينة. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but she's honest. בערך 20% מהמים בערים דרושים להשקיית הדשא. An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass. About 20% of the water in the cities is required for planting the grass. אוסמו דאזאי התאבד. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. Osmo Dazai killed himself. היא עצלנית. She's lazy. She's lazy. תום אומר שהוא יכול לחזות את העתיד. Tom says he can see into the future. Tom says he can predict the future. המצב הביטחוני הרעוע בסוריה משפיע גם על תורכיה. The unstable security situation in Syria also affects Turkey. The security situation in Syria affects Syria as well. بإمكانك المشاركة في الاجتماع بغض النظر عن سنك. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the meeting regardless of your age. لنأخذ استراحة قصيرة. Let's take a short break. Let's take a little break. לך ועשה מה שברצונך. Go do as you like. Go and do what you want. هل تتذكرنا؟ Do you remember us? Do you remember us? قُد بحذر. Drive carefully. Be careful. מספר האנשים הסובלים מאיידס עלה. The number of people suffering from AIDS has increased. The number of people suffering from AIDS has risen. אני יכול ללכת הביתה? May I go home? Can I go home? מחיתי. I protested. I died. תום נעץ את מבטו בתמונה של מרי. Tom stared at Mary's photo. Tom was staring at Mary's picture. אני מושח קרם נגד דלקת על ברכי הימנית. I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee. I'm corrupting cream against infection on my right knees. معذرة، كيف تعرف إسمي؟ Excuse me. How do you know my name? Excuse me. How do you know my name? תבשלי את האורז. Cook the rice. Wear the rice. תום נראה בסדר. Tom seems fine. Tom looks fine. אל תדאג. לא אספר לאיש. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. التقطا ليلي و سامي صورة أخرى معا. Layla and Sami made a picture together. Pick up Lily and Sami another picture together. كتب سامي لليلى رسالة حبّ طويلة. Sami wrote Layla a lengthy love letter. Sami wrote last night a long love message. علي أن أكتب رسالة. هل لديك ورق؟ I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a message. Do you have any papers? מסתבר שזאת האמת לאמיתה. It happens to be the truth. Turns out that's the truth. ذكّرتني القصة بأبي. The story reminded me of my father. You reminded me of my father's story. תום אפסן דברים בביתי. Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom's a loser in my house. אני לא יכולה לחיות בלי טלוויזיה. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. הוא לא התנגד כלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. האם לאכול פחות בשר זה רעיון טוב? Is eating less meat a good idea? Is eating less meat a good idea? מרי בחורה חכמה. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. אכלתי אתמול יותר מדי. I ate too much food yesterday. I ate too much last night. אנשים צריכים להיות יותר נלהבים כשהם מציגים את עבודתם. People need to be more lively when presenting their work. People should be more excited when they present their work. عادة ما يصلّي سامي صلاة العشاء قبيل ذهابه إلى النّوم. Sami usually performs the isha prayer just before going to bed. Sami usually gets to dinner before he goes to sleep. סליחה, אני מאחר. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry, I'm late. אני גרמתי לכך. I caused this. I did that. بعد عشر دقائق من الضربة القاضية، استعاد الملاكم وعيه. Ten minutes after the knockout, the boxer regained consciousness. Ten minutes after the beating, the angel returned to his senses. شتمني من دون سبب. He insulted me without reason. Smile me for no reason. החלטתי לעבוד בחברה בארה"ב. I've made up my mind to work for a company in the States. I decided to work at the U.S. company. צבא חזק הגן על העיר. A strong army protected the city. A strong army protected the city. איפה המכונית? Where's the car? Where's the car? טום קם בשבע. Tom got up at 7:00. Tom's up at seven. מתי בפעם האחרונה עזבת את העבודה מוקדם? When was the last time you left work early? When's the last time you left the job early? אתה לא יודע שום דבר. You know nothing. You don't know anything. أجبر سامي ليلى على الذّهاب معه. Sami forced Layla to go with him. Sami forced Lily to go with him. تعرف أنّ جون كان يحبها. She knows that John loved her. You know John loved her. الحب و الكره شعوران متعاكسان Love and hate are opposite emotions. Love and love feel negative. סצ'יקו אמרה תמיד: "עדיף שתשאיר קצת כסף בצד, למקרה שתחלה". Sachiko always said: "You'd better set some money aside in case you get sick." Schico always said, "You'd better leave some money on the side, in case you get sick." لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. You don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. تفضّل طلبك. Here's your order. Please, please. سأفعلها بنفسي. I'll do it myself. I'll do it myself. הוא ממש היה רוצה לדעת לדבר אנגלית. I wish I could speak English. He'd really like to know how to speak English. رأيت رجلاً يتّجه نحوي. I saw a man coming toward me. I saw a man heading towards me. أتى المدرّس خلفنا. The teacher came behind us. The teacher came behind us. أين أبي؟ Where's my father? Where's Dad? הוא בן זוגי. He's my partner. He's a couple. سامي يستحقّ أكثر من ذلك. Sami deserves more than that. Sami deserves more than that. لقد آذى سامي الجميع. Sami hurt everyone. He hurt my mom, everybody. أريد تعلم الفارسية. I want to learn Persian. I want to know the Persians. لم يرد فاضل تناول دوائه. Fadil didn't want to take his medication. He didn't want to eat his medicine. توم كان فدار ماري. Tom was at Mary's house. Tom was Fadar Marie. האם זה נכון שתום סבור שאני מאמין לזה? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? ينبغي عليك ان تُبقي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You should keep your office clean. هل بإمكان غزّة أن تنجو من هجوم واسع آخر؟ Can Gaza survive another massive attack? Can you wonder if you can survive another large-scale attack? ضرب سامي ليلى و أفقدها وعيها. Sami knocked Layla unconscious. Sami hit Lily and lost her consciousness. سامي شاب تخلّى عن الدّراسة في مستوى الثّانويّة و لا يملك وظيفة حقيقيّة. Sami is a high-school dropout without a real job. Sami's a young man who quit school at secondary level and doesn't have a real job. هل لديك حذاءً بحجم قدمي؟ Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have shoes my foot size? אני בטוח שלעולם לא אזכור את כל זה. I'm sure I'll never remember all of this. I'm sure I'll never remember all this. אתם רוצים פוני? Do you want a pony? You want a pony? إنها تحب المثلجات . She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I'm in my dad. هربت لدّار. I ran home. I ran away. באותם ימים הייתי תינוק. I was a baby in those days. In those days, I was a baby. لاحظ وجودَ ثقبٍ في سترته، لكنه حاول تجاهله. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. Note there's a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. ገደልኩዋት። I killed her. _Table column: מכונת הכביסה הוא המצאה נפלאה. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. نحن مدرسون. We are teachers. We're teachers. צחצחתי את נעלי בשבילך. I polished your shoes for you. I brushed my shoes for you. متى بدأت When did you begin? When did you start? טום יפגע בך. Tom is going to hurt you. Tom's gonna hurt you. הכל עבר. Everything is over. It's all over. את חושבת שתום נבון? Do you think Tom is wise? Do you think Tom's smart? مايك هو قائد الفريق. Mike is the team's captain. Mike's the team leader. الحروب لا تبدأ هكذا كما يبدأ الشتاء، بل الناس هم من يبدأون الحروب. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don't start like this as winter begins, but people start war. إنه يخافُ من خيالهِ. He is afraid of his own shadow. He's afraid of his deception. شكرا يا رفاق. Thank you, guys. Thanks, guys. בדרך כלל ילדים אוהבים גלידה. In general, kids like ice cream. Children usually like ice cream. بدأ لتوّه. He started just now. He just started. זה רץ רק על חלונות. It only works on Windows. It just ran on windows. זה מוצדק. This is justified. That's justified. רק אל תספר להם שאני שלחתי אותך. Just don't tell them I sent you. Just don't tell them I sent you. فعلت هذا بنفسي. I did it myself. I did it myself. لم يسبق لنا و أن قمنا بهذا من قبل. We have never done it before. We've never done this before. على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, that doesn't concern you. ללמוד איך מתקשרים ביעילות שווה את הזמן. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Learn how effectively you communicate is worth the time. إنه وقت العودة للعمل. It's time to get back to work. It's time to get back to work. זכרון תאונת הדרכים עדיין טרי בזכרונו. The traffic accident is fresh in his memory. The memory of the road accident is still fresh in his memory. كان في المنزل صمت رهيب. The house was dead silent. He was in the house terrible silence. אני מביעה הזדהות. I sympathize. I'm making frauds. לפתע פרץ תום בבכי. Suddenly Tom began to cry. All of a sudden, Tom broke in crying. إنها تمطر مجدداً! It's raining again! It rains again! لقد أثمر عمل ليلى الجاد. Layla's hard work paid off. Good night's work has been very good. זה מגעיל. It's disgusting. That's disgusting. תום היה שטוף זיעה. Tom was drenched in sweat. Tom was sweaty. ليلة سعيدة. Goodnight. Good night. מסתבר שתום עוד בחיים. Apparently, Tom is still alive. Turns out Tom's still alive. אנו חייבים להתקיף. We must attack. We have to attack. הבה נדבר על זה. Let's speak about it. Let's talk about it. זה בהחלט שווה בדיקה. It's definitely worth checking out. It's definitely worth a test. لن يؤلم. It won't hurt. It won't hurt. לא חשבתי שמשהו יהיה חשוד. I didn't think anything was suspicious. I didn't think anything would be suspicious. תום הזהיר את מרי. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. هذه المرأة طبيبة. This woman is a doctor. This woman's a doctor. هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These two are the same couple that talked about you. חשבתי שהקונצרט שלך הצליח אתמול. I thought your concert went well yesterday. I thought your concert worked yesterday. هل تعتقد أننا سنجد بيتها؟ Do you think that we'll find her house? Do you think we'll find her house? איפה שמתי את משקפי הקריאה שלי? Where did I put my reading glasses? Where did I put my reading glasses? צילמתי את זה לפני שבוע. I took that photo a week ago. I took a picture of it a week ago. צחקתי. I was laughing. I was kidding. تعقّبت الشّرطة فاضل. Police tracked Fadil down. I tracked down the police uniform. האונייה יצאה מן הנמל ולא נראתה עוד מאז. The ship left the port, never to be seen again. The ship is out of port and hasn't seen since. لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play piano. متى ينتهي اليوم الدراسي؟ When do studies finish When's the school day over? توم قال أنه يعرف ماري Tom said he knew Mary. Tom said he knew Mary. كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of America, John Kerry, broke his right leg while riding on Friday in France. هل مذاق الشوربة جيد؟ Does the soup taste good? Is the soup taste good? حرثت الحقل. I plowed the field. I killed the field. טום הוא גדול. Tom is awesome. Tom is great. اللعنة F*uk it Oh, shit. הייתי פופולרי בתיכון. I was popular in high school. I was popular in high school. המשאית המשוריינת נושאת זהב. That armored truck is carrying gold. The armored truck carries gold. היה זה מקרה או תכנון מוקדם? Was it by accident or by design? Was it a case or an early planning? ما افتكرش ان الفقر عيب. I think being poor is nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with poverty. تغير المطر إلى ثلج. The rain changed to snow. The rain has changed to snow. هرب الرجل بعد أن رأى الشرطي. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away. The man ran away after he saw the cop. אין לי ידידים שיעזרו לי. I have no friends to help me. I don't have any friends to help me. אני חושב שהתכנית הייתה מושלמת. I think the plan was perfect. I think the plan was perfect. אנא, אל תגיד שום דבר מביך. Please don't say anything embarrassing. Please, don't say anything embarrassing. إنه بريطاني. He is British. It's British. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at eight-thirty. The course starts at eight and a half. أين يوجد مخبَز من فَضلك؟ Excuse me. Where is the bakery? Where's your silver mask? أحبّ دراسة اللّغات الأجنبيّة. I like to study foreign languages. I like studying foreign languages. نحن نعود إلى السفينة. We return to the ship. We're going back to the ship. لم تنام في مكان كهذا؟ Why are you sleeping in a place like this? Why did you sleep in a place like this? من حظنا وجود توم هنا ليساعدنا. We're lucky Tom is here to help us. We were lucky to have Tom here to help us. תום לא אכל חמוצים בשמיר. Tom didn't eat dill pickles. Tom didn't eat pickles in song. متى تنوي السفر إلى اليابان؟ When do you plan to leave for Japan? When do you intend to travel to Japan? המצב החמיר. The situation has worsened. The situation is getting worse. מסוכן לשחות בלילה. It's dangerous to swim at night. It's dangerous to swim at night. המורה הכריח אותנו לחזור על המילה. The teacher made us repeat the word. The teacher forced us to repeat the word. אני צריך נייר מדפסת. I need printer paper. I need print paper. في النهاية أُلقي القبض على المتمرد و تم سجنه. The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail. Finally, the insurgent was arrested and imprisoned. אתמול אפיתי מאפה עם פטריות. Yesterday I baked pastries with mushrooms. Yesterday I had a pastry with mushrooms. זה נפוץ מאד. It's very common. It's very common. היא קוראת בתנ"ך מדי יום למשך זמן מה. She spends a little time each day reading the Bible. She reads the Bible every day for a while. הוא פצע את הכתף. He was wounded in the shoulder. He injured the shoulder. אתה פוחד? Are you afraid? Are you scared? أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of the swimming club. תגידי, את בכלל מתגעגעת אליי? Tell me, do you miss me at all? Say, do you miss me at all? האם זה המפתח שאתה מחפש? Is this the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? אתה אדיב. You're courteous. You're kind. תום היה כנראה מרוצה מהמתנה של מרי. Tom was probably happy with Mary's gift. Tom was probably pleased with Mary's gift. كان زوجي الأخير غبيًا بالفعل. My last husband was really stupid. My last husband was already stupid. لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. ظنّ سامي أنّ ليلى كانت تنوي إطلاق النّار عليه. Sami thought Layla was going to shoot him. Sami thought Lily was going to shoot him. בואו נלך כולנו הביתה. Let's all go home now. Let's all go home. ماذا فعلت في الإجازة الماضية؟ What did you do last vacation? What did you do on the last vacation? يجب أن نلتزم بمبادئنا. We must be loyal to our principles. We must adhere to our principles. אל תתרגש, אני רופא. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. Don't get excited, I'm a doctor. בני נסע ללונדון, למקום שבו נולדתי. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. دفعني سامي. Sami pushed me. Sami paid me. אינני יודעת אם כספי יספיק. I don't know if my money is enough. I don't know if the money's enough. תום חלה. Tom got sick. Tom's sick. هذا الفلم يستحق المشاهدة لمرة ثانية. This movie is worth seeing again. This movie deserves to be seen again. لا تنظري إلي بهاتين العينين الحزينتين. Don't look at me with such sad eyes. Don't look at me these sad eyes. القلعة القديمة مقصد سياحي مشهور . The old castle is a popular tourist attraction. The old castle is a famous tourist destination. אנחנו חושבים שהסיבה להצלחתו הייתה עבודה קשה. We think the reason for his success was because of hard work. We think the reason for his success was hard work. جئت سيراً على الأقدام. I came on foot. I came on foot. האם היית פעם באופרה? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? התקשרתי במשך כל היום. I've been calling all day. I've been calling all day. תום משבח אותך מאד. Tom speaks highly of you. Tom commends you very much. האם אתה חושב שטום בעל כישרונות? Do you think Tom is talented? Do you think Tom has talent? أقام سامي صداقة مع العديد من الأطبّاء. Sami made friends with many physicians. Sami made friends with many doctors. בדיוק נזכרתי. I just remembered. I just remembered. לא היה צורך שהיא תגיע לפגישה. She needn't have come to the meeting. There was no need for her to get to a meeting. صحيح! Right! Right! עשוי לעזור להביט על הבעיה מזווית שונה. It may help to look at the problem from another angle. You might help look at the problem from a different angle. הטל מטבע. Flip a coin. Don't have a coin. זה לא עלה על דעתי. It didn't cross my mind. It didn't matter to me. جيم ضرب لها البيانو. Jim accompanied her on the piano. Jim hit her piano. היי חברים, אני טום, ואני כאן עם מרי. Hello guys, I'm Tom and I'm here with Mary. Hey, guys, I'm Tom, and I'm here with Mary. תום איבד את מאור עיניו. Tom lost his eyesight. Tom lost his sight. كان الاقتصاد الياباني واحدا من أسرع الإقتصادات نموا في عام 1980. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. The Japanese economy was one of the fastest growing economies in 1980. לפרטים נא לעיין בחוברת. Please look at the pamphlet for the details. Details please refer to the brochure. תום מצא את מרי בחדר המיון. Tom found Mary in the emergency room. Tom found Mary in the ER. תום לקח הלוואה כדי לקנות מכונית. Tom took out a loan in order to buy a car. Tom took a loan to buy a car. هل تستطيع أن تعُدّ بالإيطالية؟ Can you count in Italian? Can you get back in Italian? ትግርኛ ትዛረብ ዲኻ? Do you speak Tigrinya? Keys to Family Happiness אתה נראה יפה מאד היום. You look very nice tonight. You look very beautiful today. הייתי עייף מאוד. I was very tired. I was very tired. אתם בטח משפחת ג'קסון. You must be the Jacksons. You must be the Jacksons. اشتاق سامي لليلى. Sami missed Layla. I miss Sami Leila. العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Absorbing people like the lamp she was supposed to burn to waste her time. תום פענח את התעלומה. Tom solved the mystery. Tom decoded the mystery. اينما تذهب ، سوف تجد سياح يابانيون . Wherever you go, you'll find Japanese tourists. Wherever you go, you will find Japanese tourists. נקלעתי לגשם ונרטבתי עד העצמות. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. I went into the rain and got wet to the bones. היא נישאה לו בשל כספו. She married him for his money. She married him for his money. سامي موجود هنا من أجل حاسوب. Sami is here for a computer. Sami's here for a computer. ככלל, אני קמה בשש בבוקר. I make it a rule to get up at six in the morning. As a rule, I'm up at 6:00 in the morning. שמלתה נקרעה. Her dress was torn. Her dress's broken. كان يحتوي حاسوب سامي على الكثير من الصّور الإيباحيّة للأطفال. Sami's computer contained a lot of child pornography. It contained a Sami computer that contained a lot of child pornography. נחתכתי משבר זכוכית ביד ימין. I cut my right hand on a piece of glass. I cut a glass crisis in my right hand. אל דאגה, הוא אינו מבין גרמנית. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. Don't worry, he doesn't understand German. ኣበይ'የ ዝፈልጠካ? Where do I know you from? O_ptions: תום נורא מסוכן. Tom is extremely dangerous. Tom's very dangerous. للكبار فقط. Adults only. Just for adults. عليك أن تساعدها. You must help her. You have to help her. سينظّف سامي كلّ شيء. Sami is gonna clean it all up. My mom's gonna clean up everything. קח ביס. Take a bite. Take a bite. היא עדינה. She is gentle. She's gentle. متى تخرّجت من الكليّة؟ When did you graduate from college? When did you graduate from college? كيفَ كانت المدرسة اليوم؟ How was school today? How was school today? دهست شاحنة كلبنا. Our dog was run over by a truck. We got hit by our dog truck. الكرفتة الي انت لابسها حلوة. That's a nice tie you're wearing. You're wearing a sweet one. قطع البطاطا. Cut the potatoes. Cutting the potatoes. هناك برتقالة على الطاولة. There's an orange on the table. There's an orange on the table. كان المنتزه مليئاً بالناس. The park was full of people. The park was full of people. את אוהבת לשחק גולף? Do you like to play golf? Do you like to play golf? نمى سامي. Sami grew up. Nimmy Sammy. لا يبدو هذا عادلا إطلاقا. That doesn't seem right at all. Doesn't seem fair at all. את הרסת את חיי. You ruined my life. You ruined my life. אני לא מקנה בו. I don't envy him. I don't buy it. יש יותר מידי פרסומות ביוטיוב. There are too many adverts on youtube. There's too many biotib commercials. תום נדרס. Tom got run over. Tom was ran over. אנחנו אוהבים משחקים. We like games. We like games. لقد منحتني حياة جديدة. You have given me a new life. You gave me a new life. אם את זקוקה למטרייה, אשאיל לך אחת. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. If you need a umbrella, I'll lend you one. אני חושש להיות מבוהל. I'm afraid of being afraid. I'm afraid to be terrified. תרשי לי לספר לך איך אני מרגישה. Let me tell you how I feel. Let me tell you how I feel. אתה רואה טלוויזיה? Do you watch TV? You see TV? מתי הוא ישוחרר? When will he be freed? When will he be released? ماذا حصل؟ What's happening? What happened? למה אין לך חברה? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? את מסתירה משהו, לא? You're hiding something, aren't you? You're hiding something, aren't you? سيبقى الأولاد أولاداً. Boys will be boys. The boys will remain boys. دعاني المدرّس بالسّمين. The teacher called me "fat." The teacher called me a name. أنا فقط ذهبت لفحص شيئا ما. I just went to check something. I just went to check something out. أصيب سامي بجرح خطير واحد فقط. Sami had only one serious injury. Sami only suffered one serious injury. כוח מוחלט משחית לחלוטין. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Total power's totally corrupt. سرق توم مالًا من أصدقائه. Tom stole money from his friends. Tom stole money from his friends. إذا قمت بتغيير الخطة، فيجب عليك أن تعلم أعضاء الفريق بالتغييرات. If you alter the plan, you must inform the team members of the changes. If you change the plan, you have to learn the members of the team about the changes. תום קיבל יותר מתנות לחג המולד ממני. Tom got more Christmas presents than me. Tom got more presents for Christmas than I did. سمح سامي لليلى بالدّخول لحياته. Sami let Layla into his life. My mom allowed me to go into his life. הם היו משרתים. They were servants. They were servants. كانت لدى سامي درّاجة ناريّة. Sami had a motorcycle. Sami had a motorcycle. عند سامي ستّ كلاب الآن. Sami has six dogs now. At Sami's six dogs now. الحقيقة أني أخاف البرق I'm really scared of thunderstorms. The truth is, I'm scared of lightning. איפה תום למד לעשות את זה? Where did Tom learn how to do that? Where did Tom learn to do this? وقفوا كل الطلاب عندما عزف دان النشيد الوطني. All the students stood up when Dan played the national anthem. Stop all the students when Dan Al-Nasar played national. הפסק להטריד אותי! Stop bothering me! Stop bothering me! אתה חייב למהר, אחרת תחמיץ את האוטובוס המהיר. You must hurry up, or you will miss the express. You have to hurry, or you'll miss the bus. תום חבש כובע? Was Tom wearing a hat? Tom was wearing a hat? את רוצה לדעת איך עשיתי את זה? Do you want to know how I did it? You want to know how I did that? הוא מביט בך. He's looking at you. He's looking at you. חשבתי שאנו פה כדי לדבר על תום. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. למכונית הזאת מספיק כוח כדי לטפס על ההר בקלות. This car has enough power to go up the mountain easily. That car's enough power to climb the mountain easily. תום חיכה בקוצר נשימה. Tom waited breathlessly. Tom waited for shortness of breath. איפה את נמצאת? Where are you? Where are you? אינני רוקד בשבילכם. I'm not dancing for you. I'm not dancing for you. لن يوظفكن أحد. Nobody's going to hire you. No one's working. אני תוהה מה תום הביא לי. I wonder what Tom bought me. I wonder what Tom brought me. הם נראו כולם המומים במידת מה. They all looked somewhat stunned. They seemed to be all somehow shocked. אתה יוצא עם מישהי? Are you going out with anyone? Are you dating someone? هل بوب على حق؟ Is Bob right? Is Bob right? הפלת את זה? Did you drop it? Did you drop it? מנדרינות מכילות הרבה ויטמין C. Mandarin oranges have a lot of vitamin C. Mandrinas contain a lot of vitamin C. يبدو لي أن جميعكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. Looks to me like you're all wrong. تسبح بمهارة ، أليس كذلك؟ You swim well, don't you? You swim with a skill, don't you? הכל נראה טוב. Everything looked nice. Everything looks good. لاقيته ذات يوم. One day I met him. I met him one day. אני כל כך שתוי. I'm so drunk. I'm so drunk. מה סרט מרדף המכוניות האהוב עליך? What's your favorite movie with a car chase? What's your favorite car chase movie? תום כיסה את אפו ואת פיו עם הממחטה. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his nose and his mouth with the needle. כשהיא נשארה לבד פרצה הילדה הקטנה בבכי. Left alone, the little girl began to cry. When she stayed alone, she broke the little girl crying. لدي صديق يعيش في سابورو. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. דעתי כדעתך. I agree. I think you do. نحن ذاهبتان إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. אני כל כך כועסת שאני רוצה לצעוק ולשבור את הכל! I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything! I'm so angry that I want to yell and break everything! هو لا يقول أبداً شكراً على الرغم من كل ما فعلته من أجله. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never says thank you, despite everything you've done for him. انتقل سامي للعيش في القاهرة. Sami relocated to Cairo. Sami moved to Cairo. أعدّ سامي العديد من الفيديوهات لليوتوب. Sami made many YouTube videos. Sami made a lot of videos for the Utopian. תדליק את הרדיו, בבקשה. Turn on the radio, please. Turn on the radio, please. אתה בטח השתגעת. You must be crazy. You must have gone crazy. יש לי המון דברים לעשות. I have a lot of things to do. I've got a lot to do. אתה בכלל לא דומה לתום. You're not anything like Tom. You don't look like Tom at all. אנו מסכימים לגמרי. We totally agree. We fully agree. اصطدم سامي بشجرة لأنّه لم يكن قادرا على رؤية شيء. Sami ran into a tree because he couldn't see a thing. Sami hit a tree because he couldn't see anything. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar sound. I heard a familiar voice. عندي تذكرة زائدة. I have an extra ticket. I have an extra ticket. הם חצו את הדלאוור הקפוא למחצה. They crossed the partly-frozen Delaware River. They crossed the frozen Delaware half. המסעדה הזאת ידועה בבישול המעולה שלה. This restaurant is famous for its excellent cuisine. This restaurant is known for its remarkable cooking. זה רציני? Is this serious? Is this serious? ያቺ መኪና ስንት ነው? How much does that car cost? Would You Welcome a Visit? هل تكلمني؟ Are you talking to me? Have you spoken to me? היא עצמאית. She's self-employed. She's independent. يبدو أنّ المحقّقين اتّبعوا الاتّجاه الخطأ في تحقيقهم. The detectives may just be barking up the wrong tree. Looks like the investigators followed the wrong direction in their investigation. وصل الشرطة إلى مكان الحادثة. The police got to the scene of the accident. The police have reached the scene. أنا لا أريد أن تتأخر على الصف. I wouldn't want you to be late for class. I don't want to be late for class. كانت ليلى تتكلّم العربيّة لكنّها كانت أمريكيّة. Layla spoke Arabic but was American. Lily was speaking Arabic, but she was American. האם תרצה ללמוד לדבר אנגלית כדובר ילידי בשבועיים? Would you like to learn to speak English like a native speaker in two weeks? Would you like to learn English as my boy in two weeks? היא ניסתה לסחוט מיץ מהתפוז. She tried to squeeze the juice from the orange. She tried to squeeze juice from the orange. لم يكن سامي يشعر بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy wasn't feeling fun. לחשתי לו להכנס. I whispered to him to come in. I let him in. את בסכנה כאן. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. רוב המזון הנרכש בחנויות ארוז באופן מוגזם. Most of the food we buy in supermarkets is overpackaged. Most of the purchased food in stores has been overpacked. אמרת לתום שמרי עשתה את זה? Did you tell Tom that Mary did this? Did you tell Tom Mary did it? אור אדום זרח באפילה. A red light was glowing in the dark. Red light shines in darkness. أحب أن أكون معها. I like being with her. I like to be with her. גיששתי אל הפנס. I groped for a flashlight. I went to the flashlight. ابق معنا. Stay here with us. Stay with us. لا أريد العمل. I don't want to work. I don't want to work. הייתי רוצה עוד קפה. I'd like some more coffee. I'd like more coffee. בזמנם של הסובייטים, כל ממשלה הייתה עושה תעמולה. In Soviet times, each government made propaganda. At the time of the Soviets, every government would have made propaganda. شعرها جاف. She has dry hair. Her hair is dry. תפסיקי לשיר. Stop singing. Stop singing. لقد تم سرقتها. It's been stolen. She's been stolen. أنا مواطن عراقي. I am an Iraqi citizen. I'm an Iraqi citizen. הן חיות בעיר הזאת. They live in this town. They're animals in this town. كانت ليلى المتحجّبة الوحيدة في مدينتنا. Layla was the only hijabi in town. She was the only fan in our town. טום נדר נדר שלעולם לא יעשה זאת. Tom vowed he'd never do it. Tom Ward is a vow that will never do it. אני תומך בצרפת במשחקי הגביע העולמי. I'm supporting France in the World Cup. I support France in World Cup Games. دائماً ما تبقي غرفتها نظيفة. She always keeps her room clean. She always keeps her room clean. לא עזרתי הרבה. I didn't help much. I haven't helped much. זה עתיד להיות הרה גורל. It can be fatal. It's a future to be a resounding one. إنهم يأكلون التفاح. They're eating apples. They eat apples. בוא נחכה ונראה מה תום עושה בפועל. Let's wait and see what Tom actually does. Let's wait and see what Tom actually does. בשר חזיר גורם לי לבחילה. Pork doesn't agree with me. Pig meat makes me sick. لماذا لا يستطيع أبدا فعل شيء؟ Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? هل يمكننى مساعدتك؟ Can I help you? Can I help you? תום מגמגם. Tom stutters. Tom's bleeding. أنا لا أعرف لماذا I don't know why. I don't know why. لا شك أن توم يستمتع. Tom must be having fun. Tom's no doubt having fun. البرنامج سوف ينتهي بالنشيد الوطني . The program will finish with the national anthem. The program will end with the national anthem. حضر علي إفطار عند سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. He brought me a breakfast at Sammy's. אתה כבר מספיק בוגר כדי לכלכל את עצמך. You are now old enough to support yourself. You've been grown up enough to fuck yourself up. نحن في الطابق الثامن We are on the eighth floor. We're on the eighth floor. היא לובשת בגדי מעצבים. She wears designer clothes. She's wearing designer clothes. תום צובע. Tom's painting. Tom's a hat. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami got fired. Sami was separated from his job. אני בטוח שתום היה רדום. I'm sure Tom was sleepy. I'm sure Tom was asleep. يبلغ عدد سكان تلك الدولة نحو ثلاثة أرباع من هم في اليابان. The population of that country is about three-fourths of that of Japan. About three quarters of the population of that State is in Japan. החיים לפעמים כל כך לא הוגנים! Life is so unfair sometimes. Life is sometimes so unfair! אל תספר שקרים. היה כנה. Don't tell a lie. Be honest. Don't tell lies. אני לא רומז שעשית משהו. I'm not suggesting that you did anything. I'm not suggesting you did something. طلب فاضل من ليلى أن تصوّب المسدّس نحو رامي. Fadil told Layla to hold the gun on Rami. He asked me to introduce the gun to Rami. اِشتريت زجاجتَي حليب. I bought two bottles of milk. I bought my milk bottle. هل اشتقت لي؟ Did you miss me? Did you miss me? הפוליטיקאי חלקלק כצלופח! The politician is as slippery as an eel! He's a smooth politician! תום שכחן. Tom is forgetful. Tom forgot. חקלאות אורגנית היא שיטה לגידול יבולים (דגנים, קטניות, פירות) בלי כימיקלים. Organic agriculture is a method of growing plants (grains, legumes, fruit) without chemicals. Organic farming is a method of raising crops without chemicals. هناك بعض الكتب على المكتب. There are some books on the desk. There's some books on the office. سامي شخص غامض. Sami is mysterious. Sami's a mysterious guy. היא מוזיקאית בדם. She is a natural musician. She's a musician in the blood. ما زالت لديك فرصة. You still have a chance. You still have a chance. هذه المدينة تعجبني جداً. I like this city very much. This town I like so much. سألعب الشطرنج مع توم اليوم. I'm going to play chess with Tom today. I'll play chess with Tom today. سألته عما فعله البارحة. I asked him about what he did yesterday. I asked him what he did last night. הייתי אמור להתעלם מתום? Was I supposed to ignore Tom? Was I supposed to ignore the end? כאשר הטלפון צלצל, בדיוק עמדתי לצאת. When the telephone rang, I was just going out. When the phone called, I was just about to get out. لم أقصد بتاتا أن يحدث هذا. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I never meant for this to happen. እኔ ተማሪ ነኝ። እርስዎስ? I'm a student. And you? Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose for mankind? خذ الكرسي الآخر. Take the other chair! Take the other chair. من الأفضل لك أن تغادر. You'd better go. You better leave. أنا مسرورة لعدم وجودي هناك. I'm glad I wasn't here. I'm glad I'm not there. إنه يركلني! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! חשבתי שאולי אף אחד אחר לא יסכים אתי. I thought perhaps no one else would agree with me. I thought maybe no one else would agree with me. שנים סבלה אמי מחרדת טיסה. For years, my mother has had a fear of flying. For years my mother has suffered a plane crash. בוא נשמע את התירוץ שלך. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. እኔ ከዛምቢያ ነኝ። I'm from Zambia. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? אני לא מבין אותך. I don't understand you. I don't understand you. אנו בוטחים בו. We trust him. We trust him. לא יכולתי לעצור. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop. أنتِ أُمّي. You are my mother. You're my mother. נראה שהוא טועה. It appears that he is mistaken. Looks like he's wrong. כבר אין לי טלפון נייד. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. الإسلام ليس دينا فقط، بل نمط حياة أيضا. Islam is not only a religion. It's a way of life. Islam is not only a religion, but also a lifestyle. קמתי היום הַשְׁכֵּם בבוקר כדי ללכת לדוג. I got up early this morning to go fishing. I got up in the morning to go fishing. אני לא יכולה לטפל בכך כרגע. I can't deal with this right now. I can't handle it right now. كان الفتيان يشربون. The guys were drinking. The boys were drinking. هذا كتابي. That's my book. This is my book. ذهب الأستاذ إتو إلى الولايات المتحدة ليدرس اللسانيات. Professor Ito went to the United States for the purpose of studying linguistics. Professor Eto went to the United States to study the sanity. لا أصدق أن توم مات. I can't believe Tom's dead. I can't believe Tom died. האם דבריי נהירים? Am I making sense? Are my words burning? النساء يتقدمون في السن أكثر من الرجال. Women age faster than men. Women are more advanced than men. כולנו נמות במוקדם או במאוחר. We all shall die sooner or later. We'll all die sooner or later. את האהבה הגדולה של חיי. You are the great love of my life. You're the greatest love of my life. ماذا حدث لليلى. What happened to Layla? What happened to Lily? እቶም ኣሕዋት ንሓድሕዶም ተሓላልዮም። The brothers cared for one another. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? بس انت مش موجود هناك. But you're not there. You're just out there. ظننت هذا معلوما. I thought this was common knowledge. I thought so. سأل سامي ليلى إن كان بإمكانه استعارة المزيد. Sami asked Layla if he could borrow more money. He asked Sami Lily if he could borrow more. اطو الخريطة. Fold up the map. Take the map. Kif inti? How are you? How are you? ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እሄዳለሁ። I go to school. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? ניסיתי לשכנע את מרי לא לעזוב. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. I tried to convince Mary not to leave. يعمل جون بجدّ. John works hard. John works hard. אביו תמיד חוזר הביתה מאוחר. His father always comes home late. His father always comes home late. זה פעל? Did that work? Did it work? لا أتكلم الألمانية. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. אולי היא צרפתיה. She may be French. Maybe she's French. זו כנראה חתונה. It appears to be a wedding. It's probably a wedding. سوف نذهب إلى بوسطن حتى نرى توم. We're going to Boston to see Tom. We'll go to Boston until we see Tom. צריכה הייתי לבדות משהו מליבי? Should I make something up? Should I have been alone with something from my heart? كانت المرأة الجريحة سائحة برازيلية . The wounded woman was a Brazilian tourist. The young woman was a Brazilian woman. ביום שישי אני עוזרת לאמא להכין חלות לשבת. On Friday I help Mother make Challa for Sabbath. Friday, I'm helping Mom make a window to sit down. הוא לא הגיע בגלל הסערה. On account of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. בשפת אספרנטו אין יוצאים מן הכלל. Esperanto has no exceptions. In Esperanto, there are no exceptions. יופיה היה שלא מהעולם הזה. She was divinely beautiful. Good was not from this world. استمرّ سامي في إرسال المال لليلى. Sami kept sending Layla money. Sami kept sending the money to me. אני מקבל בעיטה מהחיים. I get a kick out of life. I'm getting kicked out of life. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ And then? What then? אנו מבינים מדוע. We understand why. We understand why. لم يقل لي ولو كلمة واحدة. She didn't say even one word to me. He didn't tell me one word. תום בלחץ גדול. Tom is under a lot of pressure. Tom's under great pressure. כבר מוטב שנספר גם לך. I might as well tell you, too. We should tell you, too. هي لا تعرفني حتى. She doesn't even know me. She doesn't even know me. "هل اشترت ساعةً؟" "أجل". "Did she buy a watch?" "Yes, she did." Did you buy an hour? بدأ سامي يخلع ملابس ليلى. Sami started taking Layla's clothes off. Sami started taking his clothes off. תום תמיד כה אדיב. Tom is always very polite. Tom's always so kind. أصلي في المسجد ليس في البيت. I pray in the mosque, not at home. I'm in the mosque not at home. אני רק מנסה להרוויח קצת כסף לפרנס את ילדי. I'm just trying to make some money to feed my children. I'm just trying to make some money for my child. لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. I don't deserve your tears. הגג התמוטט תחת כובד השלג. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The roof collapsed under snow. הוא מברך את כולם לשלום בקול רם. He greets everyone loudly. He congratulates them all on a loud voice. טום לא הלך לשם. Tom didn't go there. Tom didn't go there. עיצרי את הרכב. Stop the car. Stop the car. إسحاق يهودي، لكن لغته الأولى هي العربيّة. الإنجليزيّة هي لغته الثّانية. الفرنسيّة هي لغته الثّالثة، أمّا العبريّة فهي لغته الرّابعة. Yitzhak is Jewish, but his first language is Arabic. English is his second language. French is his third, and Hebrew is his fourth. A Jewish symphony, but his first language is Arabic. English is his second language. French is his third language, or his fourth Hebrew. حضر علي إفطارا في منزل سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. He brought me a breakfast at Sami's house. لا يحب توم هذا اللون. Tom does not like this color. Tom doesn't like this color. عليك أن تعيرني بعض ملابسك. You'll have to lend me some of your clothes. You have to give me some of your clothes. תום הסתכל שנית. Tom looked again. Tom looked again. מישהו יכול לעזור לי בבקשה? Can someone help me, please? Can anyone please help me? لقد فرضت إسرائيل عقوبات قاسية على غزّة. Israel slapped draconian sanctions on Gaza. Israel has imposed severe sanctions on Gaza. הם חושבים שהוא לא מתאים למשימה הזאת. They think he's not right for the assignment. They think he's not suitable for this mission. הוא הפסיק לדבר אליהם. He stopped talking to them. He stopped talking to them. תגישו לי הצעה. Quote me an example. Give me an offer. وضع توم السلاح على الأرض. Tom laid the gun down on the floor. Put Tom on the ground. እንግሊዝኛን እየተማርኩ ነው። I'm learning English. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, תום לא ממש נהנה מלימודי הצרפתית. Tom didn't really enjoy studying French. Tom doesn't really enjoy French school. אתה יודע מה השעה? Do you know what time it is? You know what time it is? كان بإمكان سامي سماع كلّ شيء. Sami could hear everything. Sammy could've heard everything. תחסלו אותו לפני שהוא יברח. Finish him off before he gets away. Take him out before he runs away. ربما ذهبت لفتره I may be gone for a while. Maybe she's gone for a while. لا تعجبني هذه الملاحظات. I don't like these remarks. I don't like those notes. האם כבר ראית לווייתן? Have you ever seen a whale? Have you seen the whale yet? לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. הפגישה היתה ארוכה היום. The meeting was long today. The meeting was long today. תום יודע על כך משהו. Tom knows something about this. Tom knows something about that. אילו שפות את מכירה? What languages do you know? What languages do you know? אם יש משהו שאינך מבין, שאל. If there's something that you don't understand, just ask. If there's something you don't understand, ask. לא הייתי יכולה להיות מאושרת יותר בשבילכם. I couldn't be happier for you guys. I couldn't be happier for you. تعلمت الكثير عن الحضارة الإغريقية. I learned a lot about Greek culture. I've learned a lot about Greek civilization. تسمح لي إني أسألك شوية؟ May I ask a couple of questions? May I ask you something? ትፈልግሻለች። She wants you. Would You Welcome a Visit? אני חושבת שדעתו חשובה מאוד. I think his opinion is of great importance. I think he thinks it's very important. דפקתי את המרפק בקיר. I banged my elbow against the wall. I fucked the elbow in the wall. كان سامي يضاجع ابنة ليلى التي تبلغ 16 سنة. Sami was sleeping with Layla's 16-year-old daughter. Sami was fucking a 16-year-old night girl. אתם בוחרים את הנציג שלכם בהצבעה. You elect your representative by voting. You choose your representative by vote. אני לא סובלת זוחלים. I hate reptiles. I don't suffer reptiles. הם חברי כיתתי. They are my classmates. They're my classmates. سيخبر سامي ليلى. Sami will tell Layla. He'll tell Sami Lily. חברות כמוה כמו להשתין במכנסיים; כל אחד יכול לראות, אבל רק אתה יכול לחוש את החמימות האמיתית של זה. Friendship is just like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth. Such companies as pee in their pants; anyone can see, but only you can feel the true warmth of this. תום צעיר מדי מכדי לקלף תפוח. Tom is too young to peel an apple. Tom's too young to harvest an apple. أحتاج وقتا. I need time. I need time. تأخّرتُ بسبب إزدحام الطريق. I was late because of the traffic. I'm late because of the cracking of the road. هلا. Hey. Hey. هو معتاد على قراءة الجريدة أثناء الوجبات. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. He's used to reading the newspaper during meals. ישנם בעלי חיים שיכולים לחוש בסערה קרבה. Some animals can sense the coming of a storm. There are animals that can feel a storm. תפסיקו את החקלאות המבוססת רק על תירס ותתחילו מחדש לגדל יבולים מסוגים שונים כדי להלחם בנזקים לנוף ולאדמה. Stop maize monoculture, and reestablish multiple cropping, to combat the loss of landscape and soil diversity. Stop only corn-based agriculture and start regrowing different crops to fight damage to the landscape and land. تعافى سامي بشكل كامل. Sami made a full recovery. My mom's fully healing. נראה שאתה אוהב פירות. You seem to like fruit. Looks like you like fruit. لا شيء من هذا حدث. None of that actually happened. None of this happened. إنها بالطبع مزحة! Of course it's a joke! Of course it's a joke! حفظ الطلبة هذه القصيدة. The students learned this poem by heart. Save students this story. طلبت منا أن نتركها وحدها. She asked us to leave her alone. She asked us to leave her alone. הוא תפס את הכייס בצווארון. He seized the pickpocket by the collar. He caught his pocket in the neck. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami was fired. Sami was expelled from work. הבה נתפשר. Let's compromise. Let's compromise. תום היה מעוניין בהחלט, אבל הוא ניסה להסתיר את זה. Tom was definitely interested, but he tried not to show it. Tom was definitely interested, but he tried to hide it. המטריה שייכת לי. That umbrella belongs to me. I own the umbrella. أُريد الحياة الأبدية! I want eternal life! I want eternal life! תהיי בטוחה יותר איתי. You'll be safer with me. You'll be safer with me. ما كنت وحيداً. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. אם תפנו ימינה, לפניכם יעמוד בית העיריה. If you turn right, City Hall will be right in front of you. If you turn to the right, you'll stand before the cityhouse. علم سامي أنّ ليلى كانت حيّة. Fadil realized that Layla was still alive. Sami knew Lily was alive. هذه كتبي، وتلك كتبه. These are my books, and those are his books. These are my books, those are his books. שלח אותה. Send her over. Send her. הוא פנה אל הקהל בקול רך. He addressed the audience in a soft tone. He turned to the crowd softly. يقسم نهرٌ المدينةَ إلى جزء شرقي و آخر غربي. A river separates the city into east and west. It divides the city river into an eastern and western part. הוא פסיכי. He is a psychic. He's psycho. באיזו שעה מגישים את ארוחת הערב? What time is dinner served? What time are they serving dinner? ניסיתי הכול, אבל נכשלתי פעם נוספת. I have tried everything but failed again. I tried everything, but I failed again. אני צריך לתקן את הבגדים שלי כי ירדתי במשקל. I have to alter my clothes because I've lost weight. I need to fix my clothes because I've lost weight. ليست لديّ شهية. I have no appetite. I don't have any taste. "سامحني." "و ماذا عليّ أن أسامح؟" "Forgive me." "What do I have to forgive?" Forgive me, and what do I have to forgive? היא מדברת ספרדית. She speaks Spanish. She speaks Spanish. תום נמלט. Tom's escaped. Tom escaped. واش كتعرف نجليزية؟ Do you speak English? And you know English? תום ממש גאה במרי. Tom is really proud of Mary. Tom's really proud of Mary. זה מדכא כל כך. This is so depressing. It's so depressing. كان سامي يسبح في مسبحه. Sami was swimming in his pool. Sami was swimming in the pool. אני בטוח שתום סיפר לך שאהיה פה. I'm sure Tom told you I would be here. I'm sure Tom told you I'd be here. المشكلة أنهم لا يملكون مالا. The trouble is that they have no money. The problem is they don't have money. תום הוא היחידי היודע בוודאות. Tom is the only one who knows for sure. Tom is the only one who knows for sure. سرقْتُ حقيبتك لأنني نفذتُ من النقود I stole your bag because I ran out of money. I stole your bag because I ran out of money. غير أنني على يقين من أنه يجب علينا من أجل المضي قدما أن نعبر بصراحة عما هو في قلوبنا وعما هو لا يقال إلا وراء الأبواب المغلقة But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors. But I'm sure we have to go ahead and express honestly what it is in our hearts, and what it says is only behind closed doors. הבית הזה קטן מאוד. That house is very small. This house is very small. אפשר להעיף מביט סביב? Can I take a look around? Can I take a look around? היא מתוחכמת מאד. She's very sophisticated. She's very sophisticated. תום לא מוכן לדבר עם מרי. Tom wouldn't talk to Mary. Tom won't talk to Mary. אני רוצה ביצה שלוקה. I want a boiled egg. I want a cheetah egg. הוא למד שיר. He was learning a poem. He learned a song. هل هذه الكتب لك؟ Are these books yours? Are these books for you? لا تنم والنوافذ مفتوحة. Don't sleep with the windows open. Don't sleep and windows are open. كانت ليلى تفضّل قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. Lily would have preferred to spend her time out of the house. كانت دايمن هاكدا. This is always the way it has been. It was Damon Hadka. لا تقولي شيئًا قبل التفكير فيه. Don't say anything without thinking. Don't say anything before you think about it. אני אוהב מאוד מסעות. I love traveling. I love travels. ربطة عنقك تليق ببزتك. Your tie blends well with your suit. Your neck tie's stuck to your house. לא, זה לא רגיל. No, that's not normal. No, it's not normal. הוא אוהב רכבות. He loves trains. He likes trains. لا يبدو هذا عاديّا. This doesn't seem normal. Doesn't seem normal. בן כמה, לדעתך, טום? How old do you think Tom is? How old do you think, Tom? ماهوش عاجبني لحال كامل بالنتيجا. I am not satisfied with the result at all. What's wrong with me is totally futile. אוכל לקבל כוס יין? Could I have a glass of wine? Can I have a glass of wine? هل يحب توم الطماطم؟ Does Tom like tomatoes? Does Tom like tomatoes? אני מתנצל לגבי אתמול. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. תום צריך קסדה. Tom needs a helmet. Tom needs a helmet. أخبر توم بأني مشغول. Tell Tom that I'm busy. Tell Tom I'm busy. كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sami was distracted. إلى اللقاء See you again. Bye-bye. ניצחת! You've won! You win! תום לא חוזר. Tom isn't coming back. Tom's not coming back. מפת השולחן בארון. The tablecloth is in the cabinet. Table map in the closet. אני מבשל כמעט כל יום. I cook almost every day. I cook almost every day. עליתי לקו הלא נכון. I got on the wrong line. I got the wrong line. لم نتوقّف عند قبلة فقط؟ Why stop at a kiss? Didn't we just stop by a kiss? אל תשים שום דבר בתיק. Don't put anything in the bag. Don't put anything in the bag. كان سامي يرسل المال لأهله. Sami sent money home. Sami was sending the money to his parents. אני חושב לחזור לדיאטה אחרי החגים. I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas. I'm thinking about going back to diet after the holidays. הכובע ההוא נראה די מטופש. That hat looks kind of stupid. That hat looks pretty stupid. أفكر فيك. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. خنق سامي ليلى بواسطة وسادة. Sami smothered Layla with a pillow. Smurfed Sami's night by gentlemen. טום לא ידע את שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom didn't know what Mary's last name was. Tom didn't know Mary's last name. عندي قط وكلب. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat and a dog. እሞክራለሁ። I will try. How Would You Answer? לא אאשים אותו בכך שגרם לתאונה. I will not blame him for the accident. I'm not gonna blame him for the accident. הגשר רוחבו שלושים מטר. The bridge is thirty meters in width. The bridge ran 30 feet away. انتظر إلي الآن يا جمال. Watch me now, Jamal. Wait for me now, Jamal. Ajjut! Help! Come on! التقيت بها في طريقي إلی المنزل I met her on my way home. I met her on my way to home. ربما توم لديهُ شيئاً لإخفائه. Maybe Tom has something to hide. Tom may have something to hide. כשצלצל הפעמון, הקהל התיישב במקומו. When the bell rang, the audience took their seats. When the bell called, the crowd sat down. من فضلك فكر في الموضوع. Please think about it. Please think about it. מחר עשוי לרדת גשם. It might rain tomorrow. Tomorrow might rain. سقطت معظم الأوراق. Most of the leaves have fallen. Most of the papers fell. ماذا نأكل الليلة؟ What do we eat tonight? What are we eating tonight? مرحباً ، أهل شيكاغو! Hello, Chicago! Hi, Chicago! كان سامي طفلا معرّضا للخطر. Sami was a child in danger. Sami was a child at risk. هل تذكرين ذلك الزمن عندما كنا أطفالاًً، وسافرنا على متن قطار؟ Do you remember the time when we were children, and travelled on a train? Do you remember that time when we were kids and we traveled on a train? ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء؟ What's everyone eating for lunch? What are you gonna eat for lunch? את חושבת שתום חכם? Do you think Tom is wise? You think Tom's smart? من سيصبح الضّحيّة التّالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who's gonna be the next victim? ينبغي ألّا نجعل تحيزاتنا تأثر في قراراتنا. We should not be influenced in our decisions by our prejudices. We should not make our bias affected in our decisions. אני חושב שהיא צעירה מדי. I think she's too young. I think she's too young. لا أصدق! I can't believe it! I can't believe it! אני שומע שאתה מנגן על פסנתר. I hear that you play the piano. I hear you play piano. עומדים לגרור את המכונית שלך. Your car is about to be towed. We're about to drag your car. בוא נלך לאכול חטיף נקניקיה או משהו כזה. Let's go grab a hot dog or something. Let's go have a hot dog snack or something. وسمو؟ What's his name? And Sam? هل تتناول فطور الصباح في المنزل؟ Do you have breakfast at home? Do you have breakfast at home? الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door is always open. תום נרגז עד מאד. Tom is extremely upset. Tom's very upset. יצאנו מסכנה. We're out of danger. We're out of danger. إنّ الحياة لا تبدأ و تنتهي بسامي. Life doesn't begin and end with Sami. Life doesn't start and end with my mom. את מרוצה? Are you content? Are you happy? תהיה סבלני. Be patient. Be patient. השארתי את הכרטיס שלי בבית. I left my card at home. I left my card at home. لا تمزح رجاءً! No jokes please! Please don't joke! אני לא נכנסת לפרטים. I'm not going into details. I'm not going into detail. האם מישהו דיבר אליך? Has anybody spoken to you? Did anyone talk to you? نُقَدِّر مساعدتك. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. זה יספיק. That'd do it. That'll do it. זו שיטה מצוינת לשחרר מתח. It's an excellent method to relieve stress. It's an excellent method to release stress. أعطوه فرصة للهروب. They gave him a chance to escape. Give him a chance to escape. التقى سامي بليلى عام ١٩٩٦. Sami met Layla in 1996. Sami met at night in 1996. טום אוהב ללמוד מוסיקה. Tom loves studying music. Tom likes to learn music. انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على ما يكفي من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to have enough rest. بدأت صحته تتدهور. His health has begun to decline now. His health's getting worse. نادي فاضلا يا دانية. Dania, go call Fadil. Fashion Club, Danny. هل تريدني أن اتحدث إليهم؟ Do you want me to talk to them? You want me to talk to them? אתה באמת חושב להתפטר מהעבודה שלך? Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job? You really think you're gonna quit your job? היא מתייחסת אלי בחשדנות. She regarded me suspiciously. She treats me with suspicion. هذه نكتة. This is a joke. That's a joke. سامي يكره تلك المدرّسة. Sami hates that teacher. Sami hates that teacher. אם אינך חש בטוב, אולי כדאי שתשאר במיטה עוד קצת. If you aren't feeling well, maybe you should rest in bed a little longer. If you're not feeling well, maybe you should stay in bed a little longer. جُمِعت العيناتُ من مائتي مؤسسة طبية في جميع أنحاء العالم. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. I've collected samples from a hundred medical institutions around the world. מה את רוצה? What do you want? What do you want? תום צעיר מוכשר. Tom is a capable young man. Tom's a talented young man. لا يمكن لمال سامي أن يقتني له السّعادة. Sami's money can't buy him happiness. Sami's money can't make me happy. الحب شيئ مهم. Love is an important thing. Love is important. בוא נעבור שוב על מה שקרה ביום בו תום הלך לעולמו. Let's go over what happened the day Tom died. Let's go over what happened the day Tom went to his world again. لم تستحق ليلى أن تموت. Layla didn't deserve to die. She didn't deserve me to die. أسكتناهم. We kept them quiet. We silenced them. נולדתי בישראל בשנת 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. אני לא בטוחה שזה באמת מה שאתה רוצה. I'm not so sure that that's really what you want. I'm not sure that's really what you want. إنتظر Hang on. Wait. كل ما عليك فعله هو بذل جهدك. All you have to do is try your best. All you have to do is do your best. אל לו לעיוור לשחק קלפים. A blind man shouldn't play cards. He's not blind to playing cards. هل أنتَ خائف؟ You're afraid? Are you scared? آبن من أنت؟ Whose son are you? Abby, who are you? كانوا يتكلّمون بالألغاز. They were speaking in riddles. They were talking gas. هذه هي تحيّة الإسلام. This is the Muslim greeting. That's Islam's charity. تابع العمل بعد استراحة قصيرة. He continued his work after a short break. Follow the job after a short break. ده أخويا الكبير. He's my older brother. He's a big brother. זאת לא תחרות הרודיאו הראשונה של תום. This isn't Tom's first rodeo. It's not Tom's first rodeo contest. ما علاباليش ڨع وش لازم ندير دوركا. I don't know what to do anymore. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، انتابني شعور فظيع. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After I hit me, you felt terrible. البطاقة التي سحبتها حمراء، أليس كذلك؟ The card you drew was a red, wasn't it? The card you pulled red, didn't you? אני לא עוקרת את שיניהם. I'm not pulling out their teeth. I'm not turning their teeth. ما الذي يُبَثُّ الآن؟ What's on the air now? What's happening now? أي نشاط تحتاج لتحقيقه ستحتاج إلى وقت أكثر مما تملكه. Any activity you need to accomplish will take more time than you have. Any activity that you need to achieve will need more time than you have. لا أدري إن كان ليفعلها لأجلي. I don't know if he would have done it for me. I don't know if he would do it for me. זה לא אמור לקחת יותר משלושים דקות. This shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. It's not supposed to take more than 30 minutes. החיים יהיו חסרי משמעות בלי תום. Life would be empty without Tom. Life will be meaningless without Tom. הו, פנסי הרחוב נדלקו. Oh, the streetlights have turned on. Oh, Dollco Street Fans. תום עף מהתחרות. Tom is out of the tournament. Tom's out of the competition. من هي اللغة الأصعب بنظرك ؟ What is the hardest language, in your view? Who's the toughest language to see? ממתי אכפת לך מה קורה? Since when do you care about what happens? Since when do you care what's going on? תום שונא חתולים. Tom hates cats. Tom hates cats. אל תמהר להגן עלי. Don't rush to my defense. Don't rush to protect me. شعر سامي بالارتباك. Sami got nervous. Sammy's hair is confused. كان هناك الكثير من الناس في الغرفة. There were a lot of people in the room. There were a lot of people in the room. لم يدعني سامي. Sami didn't invite me. He didn't let me. זה זול, אבל מצד שני זה לא טוב. It is cheap, but on the other hand it is not good. It's cheap, but on the other hand it's not good. صفّ كليتيّ وقلبي‎. Try out my reins and my heart. My kidney and heart. תגבירי את קולך, בבקשה. Please speak more loudly. Turn your voice up, please. כתובת האימייל שלי השתנתה. My e-mail address has been changed. My email address has changed. هو يحبها He loves her. He loves her. התנהגות לא נאותה מובילה לפשע: שורשי שניהם נעוצים בחוסר התחשבות בזולת. Bad manners shade imperceptibly into crime: both have their roots in an absence of concern for others. Inevitable behavior leads to crime: both are motivated by a lack of consideration for others. هل أستطيع أن أسألك عن اسمك؟ May I ask your name? Can I ask you your name? בין בנות דודי, אתה יודע, יש נערה עם שדיים עצומים. Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with the most enormous breasts. Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with huge breasts. هلّا اقترحت مكانا جيدا لأكل الطعام الكوري؟ Can you recommend a good place to eat Korean food? Would you suggest a good place to eat Korean food? أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time because I'm reading the rest of this book. העיר מורכבת משני חלקים. The city consists of two parts. The city is made up of two parts. تظاهر توم بأنه لم يرى ماري. Tom pretended he didn't see Mary. Tom pretends he didn't see Mary. בדוק את הדואר הנכנס שלך. Check your inbox. Check your incoming mail. جلس سامي مجدّدا. Sami sat back down. Sit down, Sami again. עטלף אינו עוף אלא יונק. A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. A bat is not chicken but mammals. سامي يكبر. Sami is getting old. Sammy's growing up. פדיל ולילה פתחו דף חדש. Fadil and Layla were celebrating a fresh start. Padilla and Lila opened up a new page. אני לא מרגיש נכון שאני לא מספר לה. I don't feel right about not telling her. I don't feel right I'm not telling her. كان سامي يستعير المال من شركته طوال الوقت. Sami borrowed from his company all the time. Sami used to borrow money from his company all the time. תום בעל עסק למכוניות. Tom owns a car dealership. Tom's a car businessman. החיים זה לא פייר. Life is unfair. Life is not fair. أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you work out a list of issues that will be discussed? המהירות מהשטן. Haste makes waste. The speed from the devil. لن أسبح بهذه البحيرة I wouldn't swim in this lake. I'm not swimming this lake. וְנָתַתִּי אֶת-לִבִּי, לִדְרוֹשׁ וְלָתוּר בַּחָכְמָה, עַל כָּל-אֲשֶׁר נַעֲשָׂה, תַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם; הוּא עִנְיַן רָע, נָתַן אֱלֹקים לִבְנֵי הָאָדָם--לַעֲנוֹת בּוֹ. I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under the sky. It is a heavy burden that God has given to the children of mankind to be afflicted with. And the heart, the tongue and the tongue shall be made fat, and all the bones of the wicked shall be burned with fire, and all the bones of the wicked shall be burned with fire. عيناها زرقاوتان. She has blue eyes. Her eyes are blue. أخبرني توم أن الوقت نَفَذَ منّا. Tom told me that we were out of time. Tom told me the time was running out of us. ህዉኽ ዝብኢ ቀርኒ ይነክስ። A hasty hyena bites the horn. And the magicians fell down prostrate , אני יודעת שאתה מעריך את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. إننا نأخذك إلى مصر. We're taking you to Egypt. We're taking you to Egypt. أتحتاج إلى الكتاب؟ Do you need the book? You need a book? זה לא אומר שאתה לא צריך להיות זהיר. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. It doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. חשוב לא לצאת ולהשאיר את הכביסה ביבשן. It's important never to go out while you have the clothes dryer on. It's important not to go out and leave the laundry on the ground. אחרי שכולם עזבו, הוא נשאר, בלי חברים. After everyone left, he remained, friendless. After everyone left, he stayed, no friends. كنت أحب التكلم بالأمازيغية. I loved speaking Berber. I'd like to talk to the Amazigian. אני לא יכול לזכור את כתובתה בשום אופן. I can't for the life of me remember her address. I can't remember her address anyway. أوقِف الحافلة في الموقف تمامًا. Stop the bus exactly at the station. Stop the bus completely. الصحة أهم من المال. Health is more important than wealth. Health is more important than money. מיץ תפוזים הוא המיץ הפופולרי ביותר באמריקה. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. תום שם את כל כספו בקופסה והחביא אותה מתחת למיטה שלו. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed. Tom put all his money in the box and hid it under his bed. אתן לא מקלקלות את בגדיכן. You're not ruining your clothing. You don't break your clothes. አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ። You're a teacher. How Would You Answer? תום נוצרי. Tom is a Christian. Tom Christian. היא מאחרת לעיתים קרובות. She often comes late. She's often late. كنت هنا البارحة. I came here yesterday. I was here last night. קניתי כובע חדש בחנות. I got a new hat at the shop. I bought a new hat at the store. אופניים הם דרך לקיימות עירונית. Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability. A bike is a way to have a city. قوة الريح جعلت المشي صعباً. The force of the wind made it difficult to walk. The wind force has made walking difficult. אתה רץ מהר מאד. You run very fast. You're running very fast. זה מה שאני הייתי אומר. This is what I would have said. That's what I'd say. اسّنّى، بغيت نقوللك حاجة. Wait. I want to tell you something. I mean, let's say you need it. ביל אינו גבוה כמוך. Bill is not tall like you. Bill's not as tall as you are. בנוסף לערפל הסמיך היה גם גל ענק. In addition to a thick fog, there was a heavy swell. In addition to mist, there was also a huge wave. זה היה בלגן. It was chaotic. It was a mess. תקישי על עץ! Touch wood! Put it on a tree! אני לא קונה את זה. I don't buy that. I don't buy it. ليست لديّ أيّ مشاكل في المعدة. I do not have any stomach problems. I have no stomach problems. أنت تسمع هذه الأصوات في رأسك فقط. You're only hearing that voice in your head. You only hear those voices in your head. הוא מספר בדיחות גסות לילדים. He tells dirty jokes to children. He's a number of rude jokes to children. شميت وحدة. I smelled one. Shot unit. لا تركض، بل امش على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run, it's on your head. תום ישן כל הסרט. Tom slept through the entire movie. Tom's sleeping the whole movie. لازم نشتغل طول ما إحنا عايشين. As long as we live, we have to work. We have to work long enough to live. اني مديون له. I owe him a debt. I owe him. كانت لدى سامي حياة خفيّة. Sami had a secret life. Sami had a hidden life. سامي يعمل في العيادة. Sami is working at the clinic. Sami works at the clinic. መኪናቸው ጥሩ አይደለም። Their car is not good. Would You Welcome a Visit? זה נשמע מקומם. That sounds outrageous. That sounds like they're standing up. אני חולקת עלייך. I disagree with you. I agree on you. إنها تمطر بشدة. It is raining hard. It's raining very hard. משכתי בכתפיי. I shrugged. I pulled my shoulders. מה שהם אמרו לי איננו נכון. What they have told me is untrue. What they told me is wrong. אולי יש לך חלק באשמה. Possibly you share some blame for this problem. Maybe you've got a part of the blame. ليس عندي حساب في هذه المنتديات. I do not have an account in these forums. I don't have an account in these forums. ما الذي قلبها عليك؟ What turned her against you? What's her heart on you? זה פתטי. This is pathetic. It's pathetic. זה עוד לא קרה לנו. We haven't had that happen yet. It hasn't happened to us yet. تتواصل الحرب. The war goes on. The war continues. אין לי אפשרות לתת לך היום תשובה מוחלטת. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a complete answer today. אל תיבהל. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. لا تذكر خطتنا لأي أحد. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't remember our plan for anyone. رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Please come before the opening, please. أنا أدرس الطّب. I study medicine. I'm studying the good. لقد كنت معك في كل خطوة على الطريق. I was with you every step of the way. I've been with you every step on the road. לו יכולת להיות שם. I wish you could have been there. If you could've been there. קפוץ. Jump. Jump. אנו משחקים גולף. We were playing golf. We're playing golf. هل ترغبين في الرقص معي؟ Would you like to dance with me? Would you like to dance with me? תסתכלי עליי כשאני מדברת אלייך. Look at me when I talk to you! Look at me when I'm talking to you. תום כנראה לא רעב. Tom is probably not hungry. Tom's probably not hungry. אם אתה רעב, אתה יכול לאכול את הלחם. If you are hungry, you can eat the bread. If you're hungry, you can eat the bread. فَتَحَتْ الفَتَاةُ عَيْنَيْهَا وَرَأَتْ الدُّبَّ وَهَرَبَتْ إِلَى النَّافِذةِ. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled to the window. The girl saw her father and saw the bear and fled to the city. אנא סילחי לי. Please forgive me! Please excuse me. לאחר כמה דקות הופיעה משטרה על סף ביתי. Minutes later, police arrived at my door. After a few minutes, the police showed up at home. من المحتمل أنّ سامي محقّ. Sami is probably right. Sammy's probably right. ما العجب في ذلك؟ What is the matter of surprise in it? What's the wonder of that? זוהי אינפורמציה שימושית! That's useful information! This is useful information! رأى سامي ذلك المنزل. Sami saw the house. Sami saw that house. أنا حابَس ما علاباليش علاش. I'm stupid and I don't know why. I don't have anything to eat. אפריל הזמן הטוב ביותר לרוב זרעי הירקות. April is the best time to plant most of your vegetable seeds. April is the best time for most vegetable seeds. أين بيتها؟ Where is her house? Where's her house? היא משתכרת היטב. She is well paid. She's getting drunk well. كان سامي محبوبا جدّا في الحي. Sami was well liked in the community. Sami was so loved in the neighborhood. אשמח לעזור לך בכל זמן שהוא. I will be glad to help you anytime. I'd love to help you anytime. אחולים על הקידום שלך. Congratulations on your promotion. Congratulations on your promotion. تخلّى سامي عن ليلى بسبب إدمانها على الكحول. Sami left Layla because of her alcoholism. Sami gave up Lily because of her addiction to alcohol. אתה צריך להפסיק לעשן. You must quit smoking. You need to stop smoking. أنا أرى وأسمع. I see and hear. I see and hear. פחדתי מאוד במטוס. I was very afraid in the airplane. I was so scared on the plane. صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. His ears damage the spirit of Rome F-2 and for three years. הוא התיישב לבדו. He was seated all alone. He sat alone. תום קיבל ממרי כרטיס ברכה ליום ההולדת. Tom received a birthday card from Mary. Tom got a gift from Mary for her birthday. אנו לא מאשימים אתכם. We're not blaming you. We don't blame you. يَڤْعَرْ! This is fucking awesome. Know! אשתי אמרה לי לזרוק את הכובע הישן הזה. My wife told me to throw this old hat away. My wife told me to throw that old hat. لحكايا تع لغول تخلع. The ghost story was terrifying. I don't know. I don't know. אני רק רוצה שתדעו שאני מתחרטת. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. لا بدّ من أنّك شعرت بالخوف. You must have been scared. You must have felt scared. בבקשה תאמיני לי. Please believe me. Please believe me. הם עצבניים. They're jittery. They're nervous. إنني قلق عليه. I worry about him. I'm worried about him. אפשר לקבל מפה? May I have a road map? Can I get a map? לא הייתה זכות לתום להתייחס כך למרי. Tom had no right to treat Mary that way. There was no right for Tom to treat Mary that way. בימי סטאלין, האסירים במחנות העבודה היו לעבדים בשירות המדינה. During the Stalinist era, prisoners at concentration camps became slaves in service of the state. In Stalin days, the prisoners in the workplace were in state service. בבקשה אל תתערב בזה. Please stay out of this. Please don't interfere with this. אני חי בקובה. I live in Kobe. I live in Cuba. هذه أول مرة أسمع هذه القصة. That is a new story to me. This is the first time I hear this story. هذا لا يغير شيئاً. That doesn't change anything. This doesn't change anything. לא קל לו ללמוד אנגלית. It is not easy for him to learn English. It's not easy for him to learn English. سيحصل سامي على فرصته للانتقام. Sami will have his revenge. Sami's gonna get his chance of revenge. من الأفضل ألا تكتب كلمات المرور كي لا يراها الغير. It's recommended that you don't write your passwords down where others might see them. It's better not to write words of passage so that others don't see them. אינני אוהבת מחלוקות. I don't like confrontation. I don't like differences. لقد أُغوِيَت ليلى. Layla was seduced. I was destined for Lily. توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom came for you. החתול שלי נתקע בראש העץ. My cat got stuck up a tree. My cat's stuck in the head of the tree. בוא נשיג לך איזה כסא. Let's get you to a chair. Let's get you some chair. אני רוצה שתזכרי מה קרה פה היום. I want you to remember what happened here today. I want you to remember what happened here today. كل التلاميذ تقريبا كانوا في القسم. Almost all of the pupils were in the classroom. Almost all the students were in the department. תום אמר שהוא בכה כל הלילה. Tom said he cried all night. Tom said he cried all night. מה הסיבה? What's the reason? What's the reason? على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sammy has to eat. אנו חופשיים. We're free. We're free. איך אתה יודע שתום מעודו לא היה בבוסטון? How did you know that Tom had never been to Boston? How do you know Tom hasn't been in Boston yet? قتلت بيتي أمك. Betty killed your mother. You killed your mother's house. את מדברת גרמנית? Do you speak German? You speak German? זאת אמת. This is true. It's true. אני מתמחה בהיסטוריה של ימי הביניים. I specialize in medieval history. I specialize in the history of the Middle Ages. عُد إلى منزلِك. Go back to your house. Go back to your house. התינוק הזה בן שנה. This baby is half a year old. That baby's a year old. إنه عبقري. He is a genius. It's brilliant. لم يكن فاضل هناك أبدا. Fadil was never there. He's never been a muzzle there. أتى منّاد إلى منزلي. Mennad came to my house. He came home. الفَتاة جَميلة. The girl is beautiful. The girl's beautiful. הוא נאה ביותר. He is tremendously handsome. He's very handsome. ستستيقظ أبكر. You are to get up earlier. You'll wake up earlier. אין הרבה מה לאמר. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. לא צפוי שיגשוג בשנתיים הקרובות. Prosperity is not expected for the next two years. Not expected to be achieved in the next two years. אני צריך עוד. I need more. I need more. هناك على الأقل ثلاثون طالب في صفنا. There are at least thirty students in our class. There are at least 30 students in our class. هناك من ينظر إليك. Someone is watching you. There's someone looking at you. لا أعرف شيئًا البتّة. I know nothing. I don't know anything at all. היא רוצה לחיות בעיר. She wants to live in the city. She wants to live in town. היי, מה שלומך? Hello, how are you doing? Hey, how are you? הנעליים שלי התבלו. My shoes are worn out. My shoes were up. لما لم تأتي؟ Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? هيا نصنع تجارة. Let's make a trade. Let's make a business. כמה זמן היית שם למטה? How long were you down there? How long have you been down there? غير مسموح لك أن تحضر قطك إلى المدرسة. You can't bring your cat to school. You're not allowed to bring your cat to school. הוא צייר כלב. He painted a dog. He drew a dog. سامي يحبّ مادّة التّصوير. Sami loves photography class. Sami likes muffin. הם בצבע אפור. They are gray. They're gray. תום רוצה לדעת איפה החבאת את המפתח. Tom wants to know where you've hidden the key. Tom wants to know where you hid the key. كان سامي نائما في حفرة حفرها في الرّمل. Sami was sleeping in a hole that he dug in the sand. Sami was sleeping in her hole in the sand. أنا متعب الآن. I'm tired now. I'm tired now. אני מודה בטעות. I admit my mistake. I admit by mistake. אנו מתגוררים בדירה. We live in an apartment. We live in the apartment. הוא יאבד זמן. He'll lose time. He'll lose time. אתם לא רוצים להתקדם הלאה? Don't you want to move on? Don't you want to move on? توجد جثّة في صندوق السيّارة. There's a body in the trunk of the car. There's a body in the trunk. لم أشتري زوجاً من الأحذية لستة أشهر; أنا أستحق زوجاً جديداً لذلك أنا أعتقد أني سأذهب لشرائهم. I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them! I didn't buy a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair, so I think I'm gonna go buy them. חשבתי שאיבדת את השעון. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost your watch. أنت تقوم بعمل جيد. You are doing very well. You're doing a good job. אהיה עסוקה כל היום מחר. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. ليست لديّ أوشام. I don't have tattoos. I don't have oscham. أنا أضيع وقتي. I'm wasting my time. I'm wasting my time. أيّهما تفضّل، أهذه أم تلك؟ Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which would you prefer? Is that or is that? הם כולם מתעצבנים בקלות. They are all irritable. They're all getting angry easily. قال: ثق بي. "Trust me," he said. He said: trust me. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار قوّة. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met them in a husband in the hill country and gave us power. לא עשיתי את זה אתה. I didn't do that with her. I didn't do it. תום מספר לנו יותר על מה שקורה ממרי. Tom tells us more about what's going on than Mary does. Tom tells us more about what's happening from Mary. האיש שרוחץ את המכונית הוא מר ג'ונס. The man washing the car is Mr. Jones. The man who washed the car is Mr. Jones. بدأ سامي يرتعش. Sami started shaking. Sami Yarr has begun to swim. أثارت غضبي بكلامها. Her words made me mad. I was angry with her. אה, אל תתנצל. Oh, don't apologize. Oh, don't apologize. אבא בטוח מסוגל לבשל לפחות ביצה אחת! Daddy must be able to cook at least one egg! Dad must be able to cook at least one egg! אני לא משוחד. I'm unbiased. I'm not paid. لم يكن عند سامي أحد يناقش معه مشاكله. Sami had no one to discuss his problems with. Sami didn't have anyone to discuss his problems with. נוכל להישאר כאן? Can we stay here? Can we stay here? يمكنني قراءة الأسبانية بسهولة. I can read Spanish easily. I can read Spanish easily. בוקר טוב! Good morning. Good morning! أنا من الإكوادور. I am from Ecuador. I'm from Ecuador. בגיל 60 הוא פרש לגמלאות. At the age of sixty, he retired. He retired at 60 years of age. הכנת את הכל למחר? Did you get everything ready for tomorrow? Did you make it all for tomorrow? أُرسلت الصحون إلى الطاولة الخطأ. The dishes got sent to the wrong table. The plates were sent to the wrong table. هو أترعَ الكأس. He filled the cup to the brim. He took the glass. תום ישרוד. Tom will survive. Tom will survive. ما علاباليش ايدا عندي لوقت. I don't know if I have the time. I don't have an ida for a while. יש לי הרבה דברים לעשות. I have many things to do. I've got a lot to do. دعونا نقلب العملة. Let's flip a coin. Let's switch the currency. תום נראה עייף. Tom looked tired. Tom seems tired. הייתי מורה במשך חמש עשרה שנה. I have been a teacher for 15 years. I've been a teacher for 15 years. لم اشتريت هذه السيارة؟ Why did you buy this car? Why did you buy this car? תודה רבה שהזמנת אותי. Thank you very much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. תום נרדם במשך הצגת מצפה הכוכבים. Tom fell asleep during the show at the planetarium. Tom fell asleep during the show expecting the stars. عقدنا اجتماعا في الأسرة. We had a family meeting. We held a meeting in the family. זה הזמן לשחק את הג'וקר. It's time to play the joker. It's time to play the Joker. איפה יש בית שימוש? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? ما أدري. I don't know. I don't know. رقصنا على أنغام الموسيقى. We danced to the music. We danced on the flames of music. سامح سامي ليلى. Sami forgave Layla. Forgive Sami Lily. اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. She called me security. إنها تسأل كيف هذا ممكن. She's asking how that's possible. She's asking how this is possible. كانت ليلى تتناول فطور الصّباح. Layla was having breakfast. Lily was having breakfast. أمضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. I spend the night at the clinic. آمل أن تخطئ توقعات توم. I hope Tom's predictions are wrong. I hope you make a mistake to Tom's expectations. هل تلك دراجتك؟ Is this your bicycle? Is that your bike? תום השאיר תשר נדיב על השולחן. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a generous tip on the table. הוא שוחה כמו דג. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. טום רוצה להשתלט על העולם. Tom wants to take over the world. Tom wants to take over the world. هل تستطيع تحمُّل معاملةٍ كهذه من أحد؟ Could you bear anyone to treat you like that? Can you handle this kind of treatment from anyone? يقول البعض أنه يجب مقاطعة إسرائيل بسبب ممارستها لنظام الأبارتايد. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its apartheid system. Some say that Israel must be ruled by reason of its exercise of the Abatidad regime. إنه يوم الإثنين, كما تعلم It's Monday, you know. It's Monday, you know. מה משכורת המינימום בהולנד? What's the minimum salary in the Netherlands? What's the minimum wage in the Netherlands? الآن، بإمكان الشركة أن تبرر هذه المصاريف. Now the company can justify such expenditure. Now, the company can justify these expenses. أخبرني بذلك يا جمال. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me that, Jamal. وقال توم كان آسف جدا. Tom said he was so sorry. Tom said he was so sorry. אני רוצה לקפוץ לנהר. I want to dive into the river. I want to jump in the river. הכל תחת שליטה. Everything is under control. Everything's under control. כולם יודעים שאני שונאת אתכם. Everybody knows I hate you. Everyone knows I hate you. אל תתנהגו כל כך בגסות רוח! Don't be so crass. Don't be so rude! אנו יכולים לשלם. We can pay. We can pay. אמרתי לך שתום נבון. I told you Tom was smart. I told you there was a wise Tom. كان يرتدي سترة زرقاء. He had a blue jacket on. He was wearing a blue jacket. אבא שלי מאבד מפתחות לפחות פעם בשבוע. My dad loses his keys at least once a week. My dad's losing keys at least once a week. أين سنلتقي؟ Where will we meet? Where are we going to meet? إنها غاضبة. She's outraged. She's angry. إن النساء يغيرن العالم. Women change the world. Women are changing the world. היא נאיבית בצורה שלא תיאמן. She is unbelievably naïve. She's unbelievablely naive. المكان ليس بعيداً عن باريس. It is not far to Paris. It's not far from Paris. אני לא יכולה לסבול ילדים שמרעישים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand impressive kids. سأتكلم مع الأستاذ. I'll speak with the teacher. I'll talk to the professor. من رسم هذه اللوحة؟ Who painted this painting? Who drew this painting? توقفي عن ضربي. Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me. እንታይ ትኽእል ዶ? What are you looking for? How Would You Answer? عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. وقعت شوكة من على الطاولة. A fork fell off the table. Squeaked from the table. اعترف بالهزيمة. He admitted defeat. Recognized defeat. نجاحُهُ كلّفه كثيرًا. He paid too high a price for success. His success is a lot. لم تكُن لدى فاضل حياة أُسريّة على الإطلاق. Fadil had no home life whatsoever. I've never had a family life. هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. كان العديد من عمّال سامي مسلمون. Many of Sami's workers were Muslims. A lot of Sami's workers were Muslim. هل يعتنون بالكلب؟ Do they take care of the dog? Do they take care of the dog? آه، فهمت الأمر. Oh, I see. Oh, I got it. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. תכתוב בעט. Write with a pen. Write a pen. لننس ما حدث اللّيلة الماضية. Let's forget about what happened last night. Let's forget what happened last night. התכוונתי ללכת לשם. I had intended to go there. I was gonna go there. عفوًا. You're welcome. Excuse me. מי החבר המעניין ביותר שלך? Who's your most interesting friend? Who's your most interesting friend? أريد أن أنام الآن. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. תום התקרב ובא. Tom came forward. Tom's coming close. هذا المقام حلو، ولكني لا أريد ان أسكن في هنا. This is a nice place, but i don't want to live here. This place is sweet, but I don't want to live here. אתם יכולים לדבר קצת יותר חזק? אני לא שומע אתכם כל כך טוב. Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well. Can you talk a little louder? يعتقد أنه أرقى مستوى منا. He thinks he's too good for us. He thinks he's the highest of us. እታ ገዛ ሰብ ኣሎዋ። There are people in the house. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, עכבישים מפחידים אותי. Spiders scare me. Spiders scare me. תום התקבל להרוורד. Tom was accepted into Harvard. Tom got to Harvard. هو يقرأ كتاباً. He reads a book. He's reading a book. لا تنادي مثليي الجنس "شواذ" Don't ever call gays "fags". Don't call me gay, gay. لا أحد يأتي لزيارتي بعد الآن. No one comes to visit me anymore. No one comes to visit me anymore. نستطيع أن نسافر في الزمن. ونحن نفعل هذا بمعدل مذهل مقداره ثانية واحدة لكل ثانية. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do this at an amazing rate of one second per second. השעון שלך דומה לשלי בצורה ובצבע. Your watch is similar to mine in shape and color. Your watch looks like mine in a way and color. נשק אותי, תום. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. كنت أفكر في الحصول على كلب. I was thinking of getting a dog. I was thinking about getting a dog. לעתים קרובות טום מדבר בשנתו. Tom frequently talks in his sleep. Tom often speaks in his own age. دائماً ما يصدق. He always tells the truth. He always believes. إنك ثري جدا. You are very rich. You're so rich. يبدأ الدوام الدراسي في الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. The course starts at eight and a half. הוא התחיל לכתוב רומן. He has started to write a novel. He started writing an affair. القائمة لانهائيّة. The list is endless. The list's over. عندي منزل. I have a house. I have a house. أنا ذاهب لأدرس I'm going to study. I'm going to study. טום לא ילך לישון אם לא תקרא לו סיפור. Tom won't go to sleep unless you read him a story. Tom won't go to bed if you don't call him a story. من الجدير بالاهتمام تعلم الاسبانية . It is worthwhile learning Spanish. It is worth the effort to learn Spanish. החתול נראה מאושר ביותר. The cat seems extremely happy. The cat looks very happy. ጽቡቕ ጌረ ይዛረብ ኣሎኹ ዶ? Am I pronouncing this correctly? Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose for mankind? أحضر سامي ليلى معه. Sami brought Layla with him. Get Sammy Lily with him. سأقلك بعد العمل. I'll pick you up after work. I'll tell you after work. המכתבים שלנו הצטלבו. Your letter crossed mine. Our letters have been crossed. זה מטריד אותי. It bothered me. It bothers me. أهلاً و سهلاً بك في اليايان. Welcome to Japan. Hey, easy for you. هذه القصّة الحقيقيّة لفاضل صادق. This is the true story of Fadil Sadiq. This real story is true. خير أصدقاء الفتاة: الألماس. Diamonds are a girl's best friends. best friends of the girl: diamonds. מעולם לא ראיתי את תום יוצא מכליו לפני כן. I've never seen Tom lose his temper before. I've never seen Tom leave before. זה הבית בו נולדתי. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. بالأمس وصل توم إلى بوسطن. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Yesterday, Tom got to Boston. كان إطلاق سراح سامي مقرّرا. Sami was scheduled for release. It was Sami's scheduled release. عندك المعلومات اللّي تكفي باش تكملي؟ Do you have enough information to go on? You have enough information to follow me? היכרותו עם השפה הצרפתית מועטה. His knowledge of French is poor. He's familiar with the French language. هو بحاجة لذلك المال. He needs that money. He needs that money. ذهب سامي إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. كان سامي يبدو كطبيب أو محام. Sami looked like an attorney or a doctor. Sami seemed like a doctor or a lawyer. מרי נמנמה את שנת הטיפוח שלה לפני המסיבה הגדולה. Mary took her beauty sleep before the big party. Mary snuck her year off before the big party. أريد أن أتعلم السباحة. I want to learn to swim. I want to learn swimming. תום לא אוהב להכין שיעורי בית. Tom doesn't like doing homework. Tom doesn't like making homework. حان الوقت لفعل شيئاً ما. It's time to do something. It's time to do something. لنلعب كرة القدم. Let's play soccer. Let's play football. أعمل في الليل. I work nights. I work at night. سألتني كم عمري. She asked me how old I was. You asked me how old I am. حلمي أن أكون طبيباً. My aim is to be a doctor. My dream of being a doctor. איזו דלעת גדולה! What a big pumpkin! What a big pumpkin! רהיטי הסלון היו בסגנון מודרני. The living room furniture was modern in style. The living room furniture was modern. יש משהו שאני רוצה. There's something I want. There's something I want. בימי הביניים, חלב היה עדיין פופולרי כתרופה. In the Middle Ages, milk was still popular as a medicine. In the Middle Ages, milk was still popular as a cure. شك المحامي في براءته. The lawyer doubted his innocence. Lawyer's doubts about his innocence. תישאר בדיוק פה. Stay right here. Stay right here. متى نصل؟ When do we arrive? When do we get there? الأب عائد إلى البيت غداَ. Father is coming home tomorrow. Father's coming home tomorrow. سأترك المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. הסכמתי איתה. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. مادرنا والو. We didn't do a thing. Madrena Walo. תום בילה שנה בבוסטון. Tom spent a year in Boston. Tom spent a year in Boston. أنظر بنفسك. See for yourself. Look at you. فتحت ليلى بابا. Layla opened a door. I opened a door. ماذا جرى في النّادي؟ What happened at the club? What happened at the club? אנו חייבים לקחת סיכונים. We've got to chance it. We have to take risks. תוריד את זה. Take that down. Take it off. היא העלתה התנגדות חשובה לטיעון שלו. She raised an important objection to his argument. She raised an important objection to his argument. אני רוצה למזער את הסיכויים לתאונה נוספת. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. I want to minimize the chances for another accident. شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming to visit us. לתום עדיין שיער רטוב. Tom still has wet hair. Tom's still wet hair. אני שמחה ממש שבאתי לכאן אתך. I'm really happy I came here with you. I'm really glad I came here with you. הוא מסוגל לעשות את זה. He's capable of doing it. He can do it. كان حذاء سامي ضائعا. Sami's shoes were missing. Sami's shoes were lost. اعتنق سامي الإسلام حديثا. Sami is a new Muslim. Newly embraced Sami Islam. إنك تعيش مرة واحدة لا غير. You only live once. You live once only. אלה המפרים את הכללים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate the rules will be punished. הכלב שלי ברכב. I've got my dog in the car. My dog's in the car. هذه هي الطريقة التي يريد بها سامي هذا That's the way Sami wants it. That's how Sami wants this. سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. Ask Tom Mary if she's planned for the pool or not. איך אוכלים את זה? How does one eat this? How do we eat it? הילד הזה צובע פרחים. The child painted flowers. That kid's painting flowers. שתיתי הרבה בירה. I drank a lot of beer. I had a lot of beer. לא אסכים שידברו אלי כך. I'll not be spoken to in this manner. I won't let them talk to me like that. ما قلته أغضبنا. What you said made us angry. What I said upset us. السفر للفضاء سيكون شائعا في المستقبل . Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future. Space travel will be common in the future. איזו מחלה יש לי? What illness do I have? What disease do I have? مازالني نستنى باش نشوف توم. I'm still waiting to see Tom. I'm still forgetting that Tom's shantytown. הספר הזה קשה מדי בשבילי. This book is too difficult for me. This book is too hard for me. مالارازمان راهي صح. It is unfortunately true. Malarazman's right. הצלחתי לשכנע אותו לנקות לי את החדר. I got him to clean my room. I was able to get him to clear my room. انفجر سامي غضبا. Sami exploded. Sami blew up angry. לתום לא אכפת מכאן או מכאן. Tom doesn't care one way or the other. Tom doesn't care from here or from here. תפסיק להמציא תרוצים. Stop making excuses. Stop making excuses. תום דמם את המנוע אבל השאיר את האורות הקדמיים דלוקים. Tom killed the engine, but left the headlights on. Tom bleeds the engine but left the front lights lit. بدأ المال يتدفّق. Money started pouring in. The money started running. תתקן בבקשה את הברזל. Please fix the iron. Please fix the iron. אני עייף מהתלונות שלה. I'm tired of her complaints. I'm tired of her complaints. بوسطن ماشي كيما شيكاڤو ڤاع. Boston is not at all like Chicago. Boston Machi for Chikao. מדוע את אומרת שזה פועל? Why do you say it's a verb? Why are you saying it works? اخبرتك ان لم اريد ان افعل هذا. I told you I didn't want to do this. I told you I didn't want to do this. المشكلة هي أين يمكن أن يُشترى الكتاب. The question is where to buy the book. The problem is where the book can be bought. ماذا فعلت بتلك الكتب؟ What did you do with those books? What did you do with those books? هل عندك خطط لليوم؟ Do you have any plans for today? Do you have plans for the day? אין הרבה תקווה. There is not much hope. There's not much hope. זה יועיל. This'll help. It's useful. אני לא יודעת מה טום ראה. I don't know what Tom saw. I don't know what Tom saw. كانت عند الشّرطة كلّ الأدلّة التّي كانت بحاجة إليها. The police had all the evidence they needed. She was at the police station all the evidence she needed. הכלב זלל במהירות את כל תכולת הכלי שלו. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. The dog quickly crawled out of his entire tool contents. سأقوم بغسل الصحون بما أنك طبختَ. I'll do the dishes, since you've cooked. I'm gonna wash the dishes once you've been baptized. أنت كنتَ مدلّل. You were spoilt You were reasonable. هو بجانبي. He is next to me. He's beside me. תראו, הנה הוא בא. Look, he's coming. Look, here he comes. מתי מתחיל מסע העסקים שלך? When does your business trip begin? When does your business start? ג'ון עזב לצרפת אתמול. John left for France yesterday. John left for France yesterday. תעמיד פנים כאילו אתה יודע משהו. Pretend you know something. Just pretend like you know something. تحسن الوضع. It's gotten better. Improving the situation. אתה מוכן לצאת? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to go out? בילינו כל כך טוב. We had such a great time. We spent so well. איפה עצרת אותם? Where did you book them? Where did you stop them? את מוכנה לקרוא את החיבור שלי ולתקן את השגיאות, אם ישנן? Will you read my essay and correct the mistakes, if any? Would you read my connection and fix the mistakes if there were any? אני הולכת לסבתי. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother. لم لا تزُرنا؟ Why don't you come visit us? Why don't you visit us? תום חבט במרי. Tom slugged Mary. Tom hit Mary. לתום ולמרי שלוש בנות. Tom and Mary have three daughters. Tom and Mary are three girls. אין לי זמן לעשות את זה. I don't have time to do it. I don't have time to do this. אני שמחה כעת שבאת. I'm happy now that you've arrived. I'm glad you're here now. الجزائر بحاجة إلى الزراعة. Algeria needs agriculture. Algeria needs agriculture. سامي يحبّ النّاس. Sami loves people. Sami loves people. היא לא מספיק טובה בשבילו. She isn't good enough for him. She's not good enough for him. אין לי זמן לאורחים היום. I don't have time for guests today. I don't have time for guests today. אני בחצר האחורית. I'm in the backyard. I'm in the back yard. هل يتحدث أحدٌ الإنجليزية؟ Does anyone speak English? Does anyone speak English? دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sami entered the mosque. طعمه كالبراز. It tastes like shit. It's as good as peach. ممنوع تدخلو لهتا. You aren't allowed in here. There's no way to get in here. أشعل كين الشمع. Ken lit the candles. Lighten the candles. את אישה מושכת. You're an attractive woman. You're a attractive woman. תום יסבול. Tom will suffer. Tom will suffer. אתה מבין שלא נולדתי לדרוך בתלם - הכישור יוצא הדופן של טבעי דוחף אותי קדימה. You know I am not born to tread in the beaten track — the peculiar bent of my nature pushes me on. You realize I wasn't born to step in the balance-- the extraordinary skill of nature pushing me forward. בורותו גורמת לבעיות שלה. His ignorance causes her problems. His heart is causing her problems. من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? מכשיר ה- DVD החליף את מכשיר הווידאו. The DVD player replaced the videotape player. The DVD device replaced the video device. ما رانيش حوتا تاع صّح، انا پلّوشا برك. I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy. What Ranesh looked like, I'm Plucha Park. הוא חושב שמשחקי חברה יצאו מהאופנה. He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now. He thinks company games are out of fashion. المنافسة قوية. The competition is fierce. Competition is strong. من مالك تلك الحقيبة؟ Who does this suitcase belong to? Who's the owner of that bag? لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. Man's wearing a tiger mask. הוא הלך לעבודה אף על פי שהוא חולה. He went to work in spite of his illness. He went to work even though he's sick. كان سامي يسوق. Sami drove. Sami was driving. קניתי עט אך איבדתי אותו. I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen, but I lost it. תום חש לפתע קור. Tom suddenly felt cold. Tom suddenly feels cold. أعادت الشّرطة فتح القضيّة عام 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. אני כל כך רוצה לקחת אותך איתי בשבת לים. I so want to take you with me to the sea on Saturday. I so want to take you with me Saturday night. توقف الحصان و رفض أن يتحرك. The horse stopped and wouldn't move. The horse stopped and refused to move. המטוס הזה שלו. This plane is his. That plane's his. كان سامي يحفر حفرا في البستان. Sami was digging holes in his backyard. Sami was digging a hole in the dock. لديه قطان: أحدهما أسود والآخر أبيض. He keeps two cats: one is black, and the other white. He has two cats: one black and one white. תום היה מרוצה. Tom was satisfied. Tom was happy. זיהו את תום רץ ברחוב פרק, כאשר מכונית שחורה עוקבת אחריו. Tom was spotted running east on Park Street, followed by a dark sedan. I've got Tom running on Park Street, when a black car is following him. זאת מומיה! It's a mummy! It's mummy! اسمح أن أذهب عوضاً عنه. Let me go in place of him. Let me go instead. אינני סותרת את דברכם. I'm not contradicting you. I don't hide your word. אני לא אשאיר אתכם כאן. I'm not going to stay here with you. I won't leave you here. אינני מנהל את החברה שלהם. I don't manage their company. I don't run their company. אני מעדיף ללכת מאשר לדווש. I'd rather walk than pedal. I'd rather go than do it. אם תעבוד קשה, תצליח במבחן. If you work hard, you'll pass your exam. If you work hard, you'll be successful in the test. لا يعرف أيّا منّا. He knows neither of us. He doesn't know either of us. كيف حال الجميع؟ How is everyone? How is everybody? אני זקוקה לעצה. I need some advice. I need advice. عايز ايه؟ What do you want? What's that? لدى توم درجات جيدة Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got good grades. אסור לך לקרוא מכתבים פרטיים של מאן דהוא ללא רשות. You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. You can't read Man Dunh's private letters without permission. صفعت ليلى وجه سامي بقوّة. Layla gave Sami a good slap on the face. I swiped my face with force. شكلنا وقعنا ففخ. It looks like we fell into a trap. We made a trap. لا يهتمّ سامي باليوتوب. Sami wasn't into YouTube. Sami doesn't care about Utope. העיתוי הוא קריטי. The timing is critical. Timing is critical. קח את זה. Take it. Take it. أصلح سامي نافذة مكسّرة في الحمّام. Sami repaired a broken window in the bathroom. I'm fixing Sami's broken window in the bathroom. لما عم الهدوء في الغرفة ، فقط يمكن سماع صوت التكتكة لساعة قديمة . As the room fall silent, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard. Just because it's quiet in the room, you can hear the sound of the joke for an hour. ابتسم. Smile. Smile. بماذا تحدّق؟ What are you staring at? What are you staring at? عاد سامي إلى العيادة. Sami went back to the clinic. Sami's back in the clinic. كان يجب أن تكون في الحفلة الليلة الماضية. كان هناك الكثير من المتعة. You should have been at the party last night. It was a lot of fun. You should have been at the party last night. התלמידים שלך העניקו לנו תקווה חדשה. Your students have given us new hope. Your students gave us a new hope. תום הסיר את המכסה והציץ פנימה. Tom lifted the lid and looked inside. Tom took off the lid and looked inside. הוא חי מהיד לפה. She is living from hand to mouth. He lived out of his hand here. אני חושבת שהעניינים על מי מנוחות. I think things are going well. I think things are about who's comfortable. الأمر عينه حصل لتوم. The exact same thing happened to Tom. The same thing just happened. هل تذهبينَ إلى جامعة تيزي وزّو؟ Do you go to Tizi Ouzou University? Are you going to Tesie and Zoo? Il-kont ġie iktar minn $25. The bill came to over $25. The account came in excess of $25. دعينا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's share the expenses. هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sami fled to Egypt. أقنعته أن يتخلى عن الموضوع. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him to give up on it. מרי כל כך יפה! Mary is so pretty. Mary is so beautiful! هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have a computer? העובדה שלא הגבתי הרגיזה אותו. The fact that I said nothing made him angry. The fact that I didn't make him angry. انتا تتعلم العربي You are learning Arabic. You're learning Arabic. בנאגויה לקחתי את ההגה לידים. I took over the wheel at Nagoya. In Nagoya, I took the wheel to the hands. אני שומעת אתכם היטב. I hear you very well. I hear you guys very well. מי אמור להתחיל? Who should start? Who's supposed to start? كان سامي يحاول إعادة بناء حياته. Sami was trying to rebuild his life. Sami was trying to rebuild his life. متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did the hotel buffalo leave? يوجد خدشة هنا، فهل تستطيع اعطائي حسم؟ There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount? There's a scratch here. Can you give me a deal? ليست صغيرة ،أليس كذلك ؟ She's not young, is she? It's not small, is it? ألست عطشاناً؟ Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? تجاهل سامي الإنذار. Sami ignored the warning. Miss Sami's ignored the warning. ماتكونش جايح. Don't be so stupid. What's wrong. אני מעריך את ההצעה. I appreciate the offer. I appreciate the offer. هو عرضنا صورةً أمه. He showed us a picture of his mother. He gave us a picture of his mother. לא ראיתי בסביבה אף אחד. I saw nobody around. I haven't seen anybody around. אל תשתי יותר מדי, אוקיי? Don't drink too much, okay? Don't drink too much, okay? نحن ترتدي الزي الرسمي في مدرستنا. We wear uniforms at our school. We're wearing uniforms at our school. ماذا هناك في حقيبتك؟ What do you have in your bag? What's in your bag? תוכלי לעזור לי להשגיח על הילדים? Can you help look after the kids? Can you help me watch the kids? كلاهما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. Both in the room. עוד לא גמרתי איתך. I am not finished with you yet. I'm not done with you yet. انا املك تأشيرة سياحية . I have a tourist visa. I have a tourist visa. תום מתכוון לעלות עליך. Tom is out to get you. Tom's going to get on you. אני מאמין בו. I believe in him. I believe in him. המחסור בדלק עורר את המדינה לצורך בפיתוח אנרגיה אטומית. The fuel shortage awoke the country to the need for developing atomic energy. The fuel shortage has prompted the country to develop atomic energy. זה מאוד כיף לטייל. Traveling is a lot of fun. It's really fun traveling. و أخيرا وجدتها. Finally, I've found her. And I finally found it. It-tfal qed jieħdu zokkor ħafna aktar mil-limitu, jiġifieri dak ta’ 30 gramma ta’ zokkor. Children are consuming sugar in amounts well above the limit, which is fixed at 30 grams. Children are taking sugar well beyond the limit, i.e. that of 30 grams of sugar. من الأفضل لك التوقف عن التدخين. You had better stop smoking. You better stop smoking. הוא משלם באמצעות כרטיס אשראי. He pays with a credit card. He's paying with a credit card. תבדקי את זה. Check this. Check it out. איך אשלים את זה בלי העזרה שלך? How am I going to get this done without your help? How can I complete this without your help? استعمل فاضل بطاقة اعتماد ليلى. Fadil used Layla's credit card. Use last night's credit card balance. هي شديدة الخوف من الكلاب She is much afraid of dogs. She's very scared of dogs. אתה רוצה לדעת למה תום לא פה היום? Would you like to know why Tom isn't here today? You want to know why Tom's not here today? عدد الناس المسجلين في الفيسبوك أكبر من عدد سكان الولايات المتحدة. The amount of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States of America. The number of people registered in Facebook is greater than the population of the United States. أنا واقع في حبك I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. האש מתפשטת. The fire is spreading. The fire is spreading. כמה זמן יש לנו להשלים את המיזם הזה? How long do we have to finish this project? How long do we have to complete this project? הנשיא בוש נשא נאום חשוב אתמול בטלוויזיה וברדיו. President Bush gave an important address on TV and the radio yesterday. President Bush made an important speech yesterday on TV and radio. כבר ראיתי את זה. I already saw this thing. I've seen it before. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في الحي. Fadil was well respected in the community. He fought a respectable person in the neighborhood. איך אתה מאיית את שמך? How do you spell your name? How do you spell your name? נעל את זה. Lock it. Lock it down. נוסיף שמות חדשים לרשימה שלנו. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. الأرض كروية. The earth is round. The land is Croat. أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. كانت لسامي الكثير من الخصال الطّيّبة. Sami had a lot going for him. My name was a lot of good beads. سأراه الليلة مجددا. I'm seeing him again tonight. I'll see him again tonight. أجاب سامي. Sami responded. Sami answered. "إنها معجزة! إنها تحركت!" " أنا أعتقد أنها الريح." "It's a miracle! It moved!" "I think it's the wind." "It's a miracle, it's moving!" I think it's the wind. أتذكري ما فعلتِ الجمعة الماضية؟ Do you remember what you did last Friday? Remember what you did last Friday? אפשר לקבל את שמך ואת מספר הטלפון? Could you give me your name and phone number? Can I have your name and your phone number? אנו הולכים למסעדה יפנית! We go to a Japanese restaurant! We're going to a Japanese restaurant! אל תהיה כל כך חצוף! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be so rude! استعارت ليلى مسدّسا من سامي. Layla borrowed a gun from Sami. I borrowed a gun from Sami. אני מרגיש משונה. I feel strange. I feel weird. توم قالّي بلي كان متزوج بماريا. Tom told me he used to be married to Mary. Tom said Bly was married to Maria. .انتبهوا يا ناس. هناك مجرمين يسعون لتفشي الفيروس التاجي ليجنوا أموالا هائلة من بيع أدويتهم Be careful, people. There are criminals who seek the outbreak of the coronavirus to make huge money from selling their medications. Watch out, people. There are criminals who seek to spread the toxic virus to save huge money from selling their drugs. כל אדם הוא גופה בפוטנציאל. Every man is potentially a corpse. Every man is a body potential. אני אוכל בפי ומריח באפי. I eat with my mouth and smell with my nose. I'm eating in my mouth and smelling Buffy. افتح متصفح الانترنت Open the internet browser Open Internet browser ברור שתום שיקר. Tom was obviously lying. It's obvious that day was a lie. כשצריך ליצור משהו, יש לי שתי ידיים שמאליות. When it comes to making things, I'm all thumbs. When you have to create something, I have two left hands. تحدث معي بالإنجليزية رجاءً. Please speak to me in English. Talk to me in English, please. أنا متأكد. I am sure. I'm sure. لم يكن لدى سامي أيّ مشكل لمقابلة فتيات أو إيجاد نساء يصطحبهنّ. Sami never had any trouble finding women or picking women up. Sami had no problem meeting girls or finding women to pick them up. توم مات. Tom's died. Tom is dead. فضّلت ليلى قضاء وقتها خارج المنزل. Layla preferred to spend her time out of the house. I preferred Lily to spend her time out of the house. יותר בקול. Louder. More loud. בוא נראה מה יקרה. Let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. הציפור פרחה לה ונעלמה מהאופק. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird broke into her and disappeared from the horizon. كل شخص متهم بجريمة يعتبر بريئاً إلى أن تثبت إدانته قانوناً بمحاكمة علنية تؤمن له فيها الضمانات الضرورية للدفاع عنه. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Every person accused of an offence is deemed innocent until he is legally found guilty of a public trial in which he or she has the necessary guarantees to defend him or her. منّاد يعلم. Mennad knows. I don't know. הייתי רוצה לקנות את המחשב הזה, אבל הוא עולה הון! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs an arm and a leg! I'd like to buy this computer, but he's costing a fortune! אני כבר פגשתי את הבחורה הזאת בעבר. I've met that girl before. I've met this girl before. יש לנו כמה בעיות חוקיות שעלינו לברר. We have some legal problems to work out. We have some legal problems we need to find out. أنا متزوجة. I'm married. I'm married. אני בדיוק פה, תום. I'm right over here, Tom. I'm right here, Tom. איפה היה תום ביום שני שעבר? Where was Tom last Monday? Where was Tom last Monday? אינני רוצה לאבד את מרי. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. זה היה די לא נוח. It was rather uncomfortable. It was pretty uncomfortable. اسمي جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. מה מחזיק אתכם ערים בלילה? What keeps you up at night? What's keeping you guys up at night? לא רציתי לבלות עוד זמן לבד. I didn't want to spend any more time alone. I didn't want to spend more time alone. הוא בילה את הלילה בשינון החומר לקראת הבחינה. He spent all night cramming for the test. He spent the night reading the material for the test. أرى أن هذا المعجم مفيد للمبتدئين. I think this dictionary is useful for beginners. I see this mine is useful for the juniors. Ma nitkellimx bl-Ispanjol? I don't speak Spanish. Do we not speak Spanish? ትፈልግሃለች። She wants you. Would You Welcome a Visit? תרגילי מדיטציה מסייעים לי להתנתק לפרק זמן מסוים ממתחי העולם הגשמי, ולהתחבר לשלווה של העולם הרוחני. Meditation exercises help me detach for a certain period of time from the material world and connect to the calm of the spiritual world. meditation exercises help me to break off a period of time from the lives of the physical world and join the rest of the spiritual world. سنة جديدة سعيدة! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! إنه وقت الغداء. It's lunch time. It's lunchtime. ليس لديّ عذر. I don't have an excuse. I have no excuse. تعرّض سامي لعدّة جروح خطيرة في جسمه. Sami suffered several severe injuries to his body. Sami suffered a number of serious injuries in his body. לא היה צורך בתקשורת מילולית. There was no need for verbal communication. There was no need for verbal communication. הבגדים המלוכלכים האלה יכולים להוכיח את חפותו. These dirty clothes could be a new piece of evidence to prove his innocence. These dirty clothes can prove his innocence. يحب اليابانيون السفر كمجموعات. The Japanese like to travel in groups. The Japanese like to travel as groups. אתה מוכן בבקשה להביט הצידה? Can you please look the other way? Would you please look aside? זה חסר מזל. That's unlucky. It's unlucky. هل سنلحق بالقطار؟ Will we be in time for the train? Are we on the train? מצטערת, משהו השתבש. Sorry, something went wrong. Sorry, something went wrong. أصبحت ممرضة. She became a nurse. I'm a nurse. إنه جو رائع ، أليس كذلك؟ Great weather, isn't it? It's a great Joe, isn't it? יש לי רימון. I have a grenade. I got a grenade. אני רוצה לדעת מאיפה אתה יודע את זה. I want to know how you know that. I want to know where you know that from. أفضّل اللحم على السمك. I'd prefer meat to fish. I prefer meat on the fish. كانت ليلى غاضبة و محبطة. Layla was angry and depressed. Lily was angry and disappointed. האופניים שלי זקוקים לתיקון. My bicycle needs fixing. My bike needs repair. أظنّها تخفي شيئًا. I think that she's hiding something. I think she's hiding something. אתה יודע מתי סוגרים את הסופר? Do you know what time that supermarket closes? Do you know when the author is closed? הוא הסיר את הכובע וקד קידה. He took off his hat and made a polite bow. He took off his hat and cada. תרצה להכין לי קפה? Would you like me to make coffee? Would you like to make me some coffee? قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sami did something. أنا لا اعرف ما يحصل هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. هوايتي الجديدة هي المساهمة في موقع تتويبا. My most recent hobby is contributing to Tatoeba. My new identity is to contribute to the Tweiba site. استمع! Listen! Listen! لا يسعني إلا الإنتظار. I can only wait. I can't just wait. سامي متسلّط. Sami is bossy. Sami's sneaking up. בוא לא נעשה דבר שעלול להרגיז את תום. Let's not do anything that might upset Tom. Let's not do anything that could upset Tom. התוכנית שלך עבדה. Your plan worked. Your plan worked. كلّ النّساء يعشقن الألماس. All women like diamonds. All women love diamonds. הם חילקו את הכסף ביניהם. They divided the money among themselves. They split the money between them. תום יכול לספר לנו על זה? Can Tom tell us about it? Tom can tell us about this? جاك بيعرف يكّلم فرنساوي. Jack can speak French. Jack Beaver speaks French. هل يعضّ هذا الكلب؟ Does this dog bite? Does that dog bite? הייתי חסר הגנה. I was defenseless. I was unprotected. אנו מעריצים אותך. We admire you. We admire you. אני מפסיקה. I'm quitting. I'm stopping. أعلم أن هناك أناساً من يمكنهم رؤيته. I know there are people who can see it. I know there's people who they can see. תום לקח על עצמו אחריות נוספת. Tom has taken on additional responsibilities. Tom took on another responsibility. איבדת אותי. You lost me. You lost me. تم قبوله في الجامعة بعد أن رسب في امتحان القبول مرتين. He entered the university after failing the examination twice. He was admitted to college two times after he entered the consent examination. מאז שהיא נפלה במטבח, היא לא לגמרי שם ברוחה. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she hasn't been all there. Ever since she fell in the kitchen, she's not completely there at dinner. תום הרגיש נפלא. Tom felt amazing. Tom felt wonderful. אם לומר את האמת, אני מתעב אותו. To tell the truth, I despise him. To tell the truth, I despise him. יש ברשותך את דרכונך? Do you have your passport? Do you have your way? אנו מקצצים. We're downsizing. We're cutting. בידיעה שאשתו רוצה לצאת לסרט, הבעל ברצותו להכעיס לשווא, המציא סיפור על אורח כביכול המגיע לביקור. Knowing very well that his wife wanted to go to a movie, the husband, who was a dog in the manger, cooked up a scheme whereby they had to stay at home waiting for a certain visitor who was not expected to come. Knowing that his wife wanted to go to the movie, the husband wanted to be angry for nothing, found out a story about a kind of guest who would come to visit. לַבית דרוש שיפוץ. The house requires repairs. A house needs recovery. سأعطيك مزيدا إن أمكنني ذلك. I'd give you more if I could. I'll give you more if I can. אני חושב שאשאר בפנים היום. I think I'll stay in today. I think I'll stay inside today. قال سامي أنّه يملك سيّارة. Sami said he had a ride. Sami said he had a car. اعتقله الشرطي لقيادته تحت تأثير الكحول. The policeman arrested him for drunken driving. He was arrested by the police for driving him under the influence of alcohol. השומרים חייבים לשמור היטב על התכשיטים. The guards must keep watch over the jewels. The guards must keep the jewelry safe. עדיין לא הופיעו סימני אביב. There were still no visual signs of spring. There's still no spring marks. ذلك الولد يركض. That boy is running. That boy runs. هل تحتاجين إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? You need an ambulance? כולם יודעים שהירח עשוי מגבינה. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. هو لم يكن مدرّسي. He was not my teacher. He wasn't a teacher. سامي يحبّ هذا. Sami likes that. Sami likes that. אני צריך כסף I need money. I need money. እቤት ቆዪ። Stay home. Would You Welcome a Visit? أُدعى جاك. My name is Jack. I'm Jack. הוא קיבל את הצעתה. He accepted her offer. He got her offer. مع خروج زوجته من الصّورة، أصبح سامي حرّا لاستكشاف علاقته مع ليلى بشكل أعمق. With his wife out of the picture, Sami had the freedom to explore his relationship with Layla even further. With his wife out of the picture, Sami became free to explore his relationship with Lily deeper. האומצה הזאת מאוד עסיסית. This steak is very juicy. This omnipotence is very delicate. אני מגיע כדי להרוג אותך. I have come to kill you. I'm coming to kill you. המאמן ערך לקבוצה שיחת עידוד לפני המשחק. The coach gave his team a pep talk before the game started. Coach set up a cheer-up talk before the game. תום הגזים בהערכת עצמו. Tom was overconfident. The end of the gases in the estimate itself. יש לך מפה? Do you have a map? Do you have a map? זה מפתיע אותי. That surprises me. It surprises me. דודני הסתכל על החיות בגן החיות. My nephew watched the animals in the zoo. My cousin looked at the animals in the zoo. احترقت المنازل واحدة تلو الأخرى. The houses caught fire one after another. Homes burned down one by one. אתה האשם בתאונה. You are to blame for the accident. You're the one charged with an accident. חכה עוד קצת. Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. לתום יהיה סופשבוע עמוס. Tom will have a busy weekend. Tom's gonna have a busy weekend. ناقشنا الخطة معه. We discussed the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. احسّ سامي بالحقد. Sami felt resentlful. I feel Sammy at all. Merħba fil-Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa li kulħadd jista' jimmodifika. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopeedia that everyone can modify. אני חושב שתום ניגן טוב מאד. I think Tom played very well. I think Tom played very well. رأيت بيتاً سطحه أحمر. I saw a house whose roof was red. I saw a red surface house. אני לא יכול לסבול ילדים רעשניים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand deaf kids. Bonġu. Good morning! Bonju. في أي وقت تخرج من عملك؟ What time do you leave your work? Any time you get out of your job? هل أنجزت جميع فروضك؟ Have you done all your homework? Did you make all your offers? زيّن سامي المنزل. Sami decorated the house. Plus my mom's in the house. אטלפן לך שוב בעוד שעה. I'll call you up again in an hour. I'll call you in an hour again. هو أطول مني He's taller than me. He's taller than me. أتمشّى كل يوم. I walk every day. I walk every day. الناس يحتاجون الى الطعام. The people need food. People need food. פשוט התברכתי. I'm just really blessed. I was just blessed. ישנתי אתמול במשך כל היום, משום שזה היה יום ראשון. I slept all day yesterday, because it was Sunday. I've been sleeping all day since it was Sunday. طلب مني توم مسامحته. Tom asked me to forgive him. Tom asked me to forgive him. لماذا لا يمكنك القدوم؟ Why can't you come? Why can't you come? אני בבית מדי ערב. I am at home every evening. I'm home too tonight. איפה המשפחה שלך? Where's your family? Where's your family? תום נזקק לזמן. Tom needed time. Tom needs time. منعني أبواي من مقابلة توم مرة أخرى. My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. I mean my parents meet Tom again. هذه معضلة. It is a difficult problem. This is a dilemma. الأمل ليس استراتيجية. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. لم يرى سامي من أطلق النّار عليه. Sami didn't see who shot him. Sami didn't see who shot him. הוא זחל דרך החלון. He crawled out of the window. He crawled through the window. العالم لا يتمحور حولك. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world is not about you. אני אוהב ללכת לחוף. I love going to the beach. I like to go to the beach. מיקדתי את מבטי. I squinted. I focused my eyes. هل يغذى الرجل القط؟ Does the man feed the cat? Does the cat feed? ጽቡቕ ዘረባ ዓጽሚ ኣጋንንቲ ይሰብር። Good speech will break the bones of a ghost. What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? שב בבקשה על הכיסא הזה ותמתין. Please sit on this chair and wait. Please sit on this chair and wait. في هذه الانتخابات أشياءٌ كثيرة حدثت لأول مرة وحكاياتٍ كثيرة ستُروى عبر الأجيال. أما الحكاية التي تدور في ذهني هذه الليلة، فإنها لامرأة أدلت بصوتها في أطلانطا. إنها تشبه الملايين غيرها الذين وقفوا في الصفوف طويلاً ليضعوا بطاقاتهم في صناديق الاقتراع. إلا أن هناك وجه خلاف وحيد بينها وبين الآخرين، هو أن آن نيكسون في عامها السادس بعد المائة. This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. In these elections many things have happened for the first time and many stories that will be displayed across generations. The story that I think of this night, it is for a woman who made her voice in Atlanta. It's like millions more who stood in classes long to put their cards in the ballots. הגדה המערבית היא תחת כיבוש צבאי ישראלי. The West Bank is under Israeli military occupation. The West Bank is under Israeli military occupation. הם גרים בקרבת מקום. They live nearby. They live nearby. اُنقل الطاولة إلى الخارج إذا سمحت. Carry the table out, please. Move the table out if you'll. השינוי קטן מדי מכדי שאפשר יהיה להבחין בו. The change is too small to be observed. It's too small to notice. אני לומד אוקסיטן. I'm learning Occitan. I'm studying oxytin. كانت لديّ علاقة صداقة جيّدة مع مدرّسي. I was good friends with my teacher. I had a good friendship relationship with my teacher. كان سامي هو روح الحفلة. Sami was the life of the party. Sammy was the spirit of the party. אני רוצה רק להתמקד בחיובי. I want to just focus on the positive. I just want to focus on the positive. ألعب التنس كل يوم. I play tennis every day. I play tennis every day. للرجل والمرأة متى بلغا سن الزواج حق التزوج وتأسيس أسرة دون أي قيد بسبب الجنس أو الدين، ولهما حقوق متساوية عند الزواج وأثناء قيامه وعند انحلاله. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Men and women, when they reach the age of marriage, have the right to marry and establish a family without any restriction on the basis of sex or religion, and have equal rights when and when they enter into marriage. היא נראית חסרת שמחה. She looks unhappy. She seems unhappy. الأهم فالمهم. First things first. Most importantly. חשבתי שאולי תרצה לצפות בזה. I thought you might want to watch this. I thought you might want to watch it. צר לי, המלאי אזל. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, the inventory is out. תום פוטר בלי הודעה מוקדמת. Tom was dismissed without notice. Tom Potter without an early notice. זה גרם לי לחוסר נוחיות. It made me uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable. أجبته تلقائياً عندما سمعت اسمي. I replied automatically when I heard my name. I answered it automatically when I heard my name. يبدو أن الجميع يحب جمال. Everybody seems to like Jamal. Looks like everybody likes beauty. תום מטפל באבא החולה שלו. Tom takes care of his sick father. Tom's taking care of his sick father. استمر. Go on. Go on. לא ציפיתי לך כה מוקדם. I didn't expect you so soon. I didn't expect you this early. كم شخص أخبرتَ؟ How many people did you tell? How many people did you tell? انا صديقك. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. أنا لست صديقته. I'm not his friend. I'm not his girlfriend. אני מאחלת לך נסיעה מוצלחת. I hope you have a good trip. I wish you a good ride. יש בקתה מעבר לגשר. There is a cottage beyond the bridge. There's a cabin across the bridge. متى أقفلت هذه الباب آخر مرة؟ When was the last time you locked this door? When did you lock this door last time? אני חייב לצמצם את ההוצאות שלי החודש. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to cut my expenses this month. ساقابله يوما ما One day I will meet him. I'll meet him one day. كادت شاحنةٌ تدهسُنِي. I was nearly run over by a truck. I almost got caught up in a truck. ولما كنت صبيا قضيت عدة سنوات في إندونيسيا واستمعت إلى الآذان ساعات الفجر والمغرب As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and the fall of dusk. When I was a kid, I spent several years in Indonesia, listening to dawn hours and Morocco. ليس لدي الوقت لشراء ربطة عنق جديدة قبل الوليمة. I don't have time to buy a new tie before the banquet. I don't have time to buy a new tie before the finale. אני חושב שהוא צודק. I think he's right. I think he's right. هناك دوما بعض المهام المتعلقة بامور المنزل التي ينبغي القيام بها . There are always some chores to be done about the house. There are always some of the housework tasks that should be done. هل وقع توم في ورطة؟ Did Tom get into trouble? Is Tom in trouble? Huwa l-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda? Is the watch on the table? Is the clock on the table? אף פעם אין לי זמן לעבור על הניירת. I never have time to get through all the paperwork. I never have time to go over the paperwork. لا آكل الفواكه. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. תום לא תמיד מצליח לכפות את דעתו. Tom doesn't always get his way. Tom can't always force his mind. بإمكان الحبّ أن يجعلك مريضا. Love can make you really sick. Love can make you sick. פרופסור בראון מסביר דברים טוב מאד. Professor Brown explains things very well. Professor Brown explains very good things. אני לא אוהבת אבקת סוכר. I don't like powdered sugar. I don't like sugar powder. هل بإمكانك أن تصدق ما قاله؟ Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? ماذا تعني؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? הוא יותר עשיר מכל אדם בעיר. He is richer than anybody else in town. He's more rich than anyone in town. אני לא יכול להאמין שטום אמר כן. I can't believe Tom said yes. I can't believe Tom said yes. تفاجأت زوجتي. My wife looked surprised. My wife was surprised. انتقلوا للعيش هنا. Move in here. Move to live here. התנהגותו הפתיעה אותי באמת. His behavior truly surprised me. His behavior really surprised me. من هناك؟ Who's there? Who's there? תעשה את זה מן הסתם. Just do that. You'll probably do it. هل ستحضر الإجتماع؟ Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you going to get the meeting? انهُ مقصد سياحي مشهور. It's a popular tourist destination. It's a famous tourist destination. لم أرى شيئا مثله أبدا. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen anything like it. אינני יודע אם אתה אומר אמת או לא. I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. አስተማሪዎች ናችሁ። You are teachers. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. החיים מתוקים. Life is sweet. Life is sweet. שמתם לב שהוא עזב את הבית? Did you notice that he left home? Did you notice he left the house? אל תוסיפו משפטים ממקורות שיש עליהם זכויות יוצרים. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add rules from origin on which rights are created. מה, לכל הרוחות, מעשיך כאן? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? הם יתפרפרו תמיד מבית הספר. They always skip school. They'll always break up from school. אני צריך לדחות את הבקשה שלך. I have to deny your request. I need to reject your request. كانت أمّ سامي مسلمة. Sami's mother was Muslim. Sami was a Muslim mother. ألّفت أغنية عما حدث هنا السنة الماضية. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. It was a song of what happened here last year. קבל את תנחומיי. You have my sympathy. Accept my condolences. ذلك اللحم لحم دجاج. That meat is chicken. That meat is chicken. أخبرتها عنك. I told her about you. I told her about you. לא ברור למה תום עשה את זה. It's unclear why Tom did that. It's not clear why Tom did it. תום רוצה ללמוד צרפתית שוטפת. Tom wants to learn to speak fluent French. Tom wants to learn French washed up. זה היה מהיר. That was quick. That was quick. אני אבין זאת בתור כן. I'll take that as a yes. I'll figure it out as a yes. ፓሊስ ነኝ። I'm a policeman. How Would You Answer? دهسته سيارة. He was run over by a car. You knocked him out of a car. أنت تعلَمُ جيّدا ما تُريدُهُ هيَ. You know very well what she wants. You know well what she wants. זה עניין של טעם אישי. It's a matter of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. أَحَبُّ نظريّة علمية إليّ هي أن حلقات زحل مكونة بالكامل من الأمتعة المفقودة. The scientific theory I like the best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost luggage. I like scientific theory to me that separation rings are entirely composed of lost baggage. האם לעולם לא תרפה מתום? Aren't you ever going to ease up on Tom? Would you never give up an orphan? אין בנות בכיתתנו. There are no girls in our class. No girls in our class. أنا أسف جداً أنكَ لديكَ برد وأنكَ في السرير. أنا لعِبت مع ماري اليوم لبعض الوقت. آمل أنكَ غداً ستكون قادر على النهوض. أنا سعيد اليوم أن البرد الذي لدي تحسن. I am very sorry you have a cold and are in bed. I played with Mary today for a little while. I hope by tomorrow you will be able to be up. I am glad today that my cold is better. I'm so sorry you have a cold and you're in bed. I'm sleeping with Mary today for a while. I hope you'll be able to get up tomorrow. ذهبت إلى حديقة الحيوان البارحة. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. لم أنت أناني لهذه الدّرجة؟ Why are you so selfish? Why are you selfish for this surgeon? את האחת. You are the one. You're the one. זה חורה לתום. Tom is not happy with this. It's brown to Tom. رأيت توم هنا سابقا. I've seen Tom here before. I saw Tom here before. سمع سامي صوت أمّه. Sami heard his mother's voice. Sammy heard his mother's voice. جميع اليابانيين تقريبا لديهم شعر داكن اللون. Nearly all Japanese have dark hair. Almost all Japanese have dark blue hair. זה ענייני האישי. That is my own affair. This is my personal business. هل تلك الأشياء لك؟ Are these your things? Are those things for you? תום עשה כמיטב יכולתו להסתיר את אכזבתו. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. האם אתה מקבל המחאות נוסעים? Do you accept traveler's checks? Do you get checks going? هل أنت مبسوط هنا؟ Are you happy here? Are you confused here? لا تقلق. إنهُ لا يفهم الألمانية. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. Don't worry, he doesn't understand German. רכשנו בית חדש תמורת שמונים אלף דולר. We purchased a new house for eighty thousand dollars. We bought a new house for $80,000. הוא אוהב חיות. He likes animals. He likes animals. كان سامي يريد أن تعطيه ليلى المزيد من المال. Sami wanted Layla to give him more money. Sammy wanted to give me more money. لقد فقدت حذائي في الحريق. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoes in the fire. لست معتادا أن أعامَلَ بهذه الطريقة. I'm not used to be treated like that. I'm not used to doing this way. لقاوها فقاع لواد. It was found at the bottom of the river. Protect her from the bottom of a rod. بتتكلمي انجليزي؟ Do you speak English? By speaking English? אני מצטערת שלא האמנתי לך. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. لا تنظر إليها! Don't look at her! Don't look at her! أهذا كتابك؟ Is this book yours? Is that your book? ربّما علينا الذّهاب إلى ورشة الإصلاحة. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. لقد احتفلوا السياح احتفالاً كبيراً . The tourists painted the whole town red. They celebrated the tourists a great celebration. ההחלטה לא היתה הפתעה. The decision wasn't a surprise. The decision was not a surprise. אשקר אם אגיד שהופתעתי שזה קרה. I'd be lying to say I was surprised it happened. I'll lie if I say I was surprised it happened. أنفقت ليلى 8000 جنيه على الملابس ذلك الشّهر. Layla spent 8,000 pounds on clothing that month. I spent $8,000 on the clothes that night. אחי הצעיר צופה בטלוויזיה. My younger brother watches TV. My young brother's watching TV. كان ذلك الضّجيج صاخبا. That noise was deafing. That noise was loud. تعرف ما أعنيه. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. כשהמתנתי לאוטובוס צפיתי בתאונה. While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a traffic accident. When I was waiting for the bus, I was watching an accident. راها جزايرية. She's an Algerian woman. He saw her. מצאתי את מקום המחבוא של תום. I found Tom's secret hiding place. I found Tom's hiding place. היו לו קשיי נשימה. He had trouble breathing. He had breathing difficulties. رأيت ذلك بأم عيني. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. اسمع Listen up. Listen. הוא אמר שהוא מתחרט על ההחלטה. He said he regretted the decision. He said he's sorry about the decision. קשה לילד מתבגר לא לזוז במשך שעה תמימה. It is impossible for a growing child to keep still for an hour. It's hard for a teenage boy not to move for an innocent hour. هل أثلجت البارحة؟ Did it snow yesterday? Did I smoke last night? من أي بلد أنت؟ Which country are you from? Which country are you from? לשוטרים בתפקיד אסור לשתות אלכוהול. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. The cops on duty are not allowed to drink alcohol. אני מתכוון לארגן מסיבה. I'm going to throw a party. I'm going to have a party. مش فاهم منك حاجة. I do not understand you. Keep an eye out of you. תום מעודו לא היה מרשה את זה. Tom would never allow it. Tom wouldn't have allowed it. תום הטיל על מרי אימה. Tom terrified Mary. Tom's the missile on Mary's horror. בימי ראשון לעתים רחוקות הוא נשאר בבית. He rarely stays home on Sunday. On Sundays, he rarely stays home. Ma naqbel ma' kważi xejn milli għadu kif qal Tom. I disagree with almost everything Tom just said. I do not agree with almost anything that has just been said to Tom. هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? Hema, how do you feel? أحسنوا معاملة الرجال، يأتِكم الخام في سلام. Treat the men well and the ore will come. Well treated men, you're rough in peace. זה יום כל כך יפה. It's such a beautiful day. It's such a beautiful day. ما هو عملك؟ What do you do? What's your job? انخفضت الطائرة الصغيرة قليلاً لكي تصبح تحت الغيوم. The small plane dipped slightly to go under the clouds. The little plane went down a little to get under the sun. عليك أن ترتاح بعد التمرين. You should rest after exercise. You have to rest after practice. הם יהיו מורים. They'll become teachers. They'll be teachers. יש לנו פה צוות טוב. We've got a good team here. We have a good team here. בואו נחצה כאן. Let's cross here. Let's cross here. أيمكنك إخباري عن سبب حبك لها؟ Could you please tell me why you love her? Can you tell me why you loved her? أعلم أنّك تحبّين القهوة. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. مين جيّ معايه؟ Who's coming with me? Who's good with him? הוא לא יוצא לחופשות. He doesn't take vacations. He's not going on vacation. بسرعة. Hurry up. Hurry up. أصابه الصلع في شبابه. He started going bald quite young. He's got the bar in his youth. قامت ليلى بحرق كلّ كتب آرت المتعلّقة بالأدب العنصري. Layla burned all of Aart's books about racist literature. She burned all of Art's books on racist literature. בדרך כלל אני הולכת לבית הספר ברגל. I generally walk to school. I usually go to school on foot. الزُجاجة على الرف العُلوي. The bottle is on the upper shelf. The bottle's on the upper stone. استيقظت في الخامسة هذا الصباح. I woke up at five this morning. I woke up at 5:00 this morning. فعلتُ ذلك دون استشارة أحد. I did that without consulting anyone. I did it without consulting anyone. אני אדגים. I'll demonstrate. I'll fish. תנקה את הידיים שלך. Clean your hands. Clean your hands. تسلق كارلوس الجبل. Carlos climbed the mountain. Upstairs, Carlos, the mountain. صوّيني. Take a picture of me. Listen to me. ابني مراهق متمرد. My son is a rebellious teenager. My adolescent is a rebel. פעילות מאומצת גורמת להזעה. Vigorous exercise makes you sweat. Accused activity is causing a strain. נלכדת. היכנעי! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. ביתנו הנוכחי קטן מדי, אז החלטנו לעבור. Our present house is too small, so we decided to move. Our current house is too small, so we decided to move. هو كتب رسالةً. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. غير توم االلي ما يعرفش ماري هنا. Tom is the only one here who doesn't know Mary. Tom doesn't have to tell me what Mary's here. החל מרגע זה אתרום אך ורק בטורקית. From this very moment on, I will only contribute in Turkish. From this moment on, I'll be in Turkey only. אנשים מחפשים את מעיין הנעורים. The men are searching for the Fountain of Youth. People are looking for a girl's fan. توم كان خايف لوكان يسمعو كاش واحد. Tom was afraid that somebody would hear him. Tom was afraid to hear one cash. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? תום לא מצא דבר. Tom found nothing. Tom didn't find anything. זה די זעיר. It's kind of small. It's pretty small. هذا المنتزه جميل و نظيف حقاً. This park is really beautiful and clean. This park is really beautiful and clean. מהו ההר הגבוה ביותר בצפון אמריקה? What is the highest mountain in North America? What is the highest mountain in North America? את יכולה לספור עד עשר בסינית? Can you count to ten in Chinese? Can you count to ten in Chinese? תום מפסיד בקרב. Tom is losing the fight. Tom loses the fight. ستبدأ المسرحية الساعة الثانية مساءً. The play begins at 2 p.m. The play will start at 2:00 p.m. אקנה סרט הקלטה. I'll buy a tape. I'll buy a tape. המנגינה הזאת מוכרת לרבים מן היפנים. This melody is familiar to many Japanese. This song is known to many from the Japanese. הטמפרטורה ירדה בעשר מעלות. The temperature went down ten degrees. The temperature went down ten degrees. שמי ריקרדו. I am Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. تعلم في مدرسة عمومية. He was educated at a public school. You know, in public school. אולי אני משוגעת, אבל אינני מטומטמת. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid. כנס לחדר שלי. Come into my room. Get in my room. وجد سامي موضوعا رائعا للكتابة عنه. Sami found a wonderful topic to write about. Sami found a great subject to writing about. ما هو برنامجك التفزيوني المفضل ؟ What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite promotional show? ውሃን አልጠጣሁም። I didn't drink the water. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, نجاحنا ثمرة لمجهوداته. Our success was due to his efforts. We've succeeded in his efforts. תום אמר שהוא ראה את מרי יושבת לבדה בפרק. Tom said he saw Mary sitting in the park by herself. Tom said he saw Mary sitting alone in the park. لا ينس الله شيئا، و لو كان عملا صالحا صغيرا. God never forgets even a small kindness. God doesn't forget anything, if it's a little good job. שלום. איך אפשר לשרת אותך? Hello. How can I help you? How can we serve you? أُمي تريد أن تذهب هناك, ولكن أبي يريد أن يشاهد التليفزيون. Mom wants to go there, but Dad wants to watch TV at home. Mom wants to go there, but my dad wants to watch TV. طلبت من توم ألّا يلاحقنا أكثر. I asked Tom to stop following us. I asked Tom not to follow us anymore. כדורגל פופולרי יותר מכדורסל. Soccer is more popular than baseball. A more popular football than basketball. לא היה להם מושג לְמה לצפות. They had no idea what to expect. They had no idea what to expect. جئت I came. I'm here. سمع سامي بعض كلاب تنبح. Sami heard some dogs barking. Sami heard some barking dogs. טום ואני דיסקסנו את הבעיה בינינו. Tom and I discussed the problem with each other. Tom and I had sex with the problem between us. התגעגעתי אליך היום. I missed you today. I missed you today. רוב האמריקנים מרוצים ממה שקולידג' עשה. Most Americans approved of what Coolidge did. Most Americans are satisfied with what College has done. لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom doesn't think about others. Tom doesn't think about the others. عليك أن تذهب. You must go. You have to go. هل ستكون في البلاد وقت عيد الميلاد؟ Will you be home for Christmas? Will you be in the country for Christmas? پاري هييا لمدينا شّابّا ڨاع ف لمۆند. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Barry Hee, we're young men and women. היא מונתה כיו"ר. She was appointed chairperson. She's a headmaster. אין כאן מעבר. No passage this way. There's no passage here. אני יודע שתעשי מה שצריך. I know you'll do what needs to be done. I know you'll do what you need. לתום יש תעודה של ארבע שנים. Tom has a four-year degree. Tom has a four-year certificate. أُدعى بوب. They call me Bob. I'm Bob. علم سامي أنّ ليلى قد ماتت. Sami realized Layla was dead. Sami knew Lily was dead. תום איבד כל שביב של תקווה. Tom gave up hope. Tom lost every chip of hope. أنا كبير بما فيه الكفاية لأصوت. I'm old enough to vote. I'm big enough to vote. למה את לומדת צרפתית? Why do you study French? Why are you learning French? ذلك سبب انفعاله. That is why he got angry. That's why he did. أقام سامي صداقة مع طلبة آخرين من السّنة الأولى. Sami made friends with other freshmen. Sami made a friendship with other students from the first year. אנחנו נדאג לכך בעצמנו. We'll take care of this ourselves. We'll take care of it ourselves. אני בטוחה שתום יאהב את זה. I'm sure Tom would love it. I'm sure Tom's gonna love it. هل تعلم من اشترى لوحتك؟ Do you know who bought your painting? Do you know who bought your board? מה העומק? How deep? What's the depth? היא דקיקה. She's skinny. She's thin. אויב הגיע לארץ שלנו. The enemy has come to our country. An enemy has come to our country. אני רוצה ללכת הביתה עכשיו. I would like to go home now. I want to go home now. טום זכה רק לאחוז אחד מהקולות. Tom received only one per cent of the vote. Tom just won one of the votes. اغتصب فاضل تلك المرأة. Fadil raped the woman. I raped that woman's horse. تماماً! Precisely! Exactly! הפועל "להיות" נוטה בצורה חריגה בכל השפות. The verb “to be” has an irregular conjugation in all languages. The actor's abnormally inclined in all languages. אני לא יכול לחזור למה שהיה. I can't go back to the way it was. I can't go back to what it was. ما قاله عن الإنجليزية صحيح. What he said about England is true. What he said about English is true. ربحت لاكورس. Did you win the race? I won Cyrus. אין צורך באיומים. There's no need for threats. There's no need for threats. الى ماذا تنظر ؟ Hey, what are you looking at? What are you looking at? كولّ واحد عندو ديكاليتي او ديفابلاس. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. One colloquialo or Devaplas. يجب أن تواجه الحقائق. You must face the facts. You have to face the facts. أنت تجعلني سعيداً. You make me happy. You make me happy. توم شكرني على الهدية. Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom thanked me for the gift. אנו נסייע. We'll help. We'll help. בדיוק קבלנו את תום לעבודה. We just hired Tom. We just got Tom to work. טום יודע לבשל טוב מאד. Tom can cook very well. Tom can cook very well. נשמח לראותכם בחתונתנו. We'll be glad to see you at our wedding. We'd love to see you at our wedding. شو كلمه؟ What is a word? Shoo his word? في البداية كنت خائفاً First l was afraid. At first, I was scared. בבקשה תטפל בתום עבורי. Please take care of Tom for me. Please take care of Tom for me. كان سامي مكرّسا حياته للكنيسة و أهل البلدة. Fadil was devoted to church and community. Sammy was devoted his life to the church and the town's people. كان لدى ليلى أربعة أطفال من أربعة رجال مختلفين. Layla had four children with four different men. Lily had four children from four different men. למה באת כל כך מוקדם? Why did you come so early? Why did you come so soon? من فضلك ناولني الزبدة. Pass me the butter, please. Please give me the butter. הוא נעץ בי מבט אטום. He gave me a blank stare. He was staring at me a sealed look. אני דובר יפנית היטב. I'm good at Japanese. I speak Japanese well. مات السنة الماضية. He died one year ago. He died last year. אל תשכח לצחצח לפני השינה. Don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed. Don't forget to scream in front of bed. أيمكننا الحصول على شوكة؟ Could we have a fork? Can we get a ride? הלוואי שהייתי כל כך מאושרת כל יום. I wish I were this happy every day. I wish I was so happy every day. תביא בבקשה את האחרים. Please bring the others. Please bring the others. يوجد كتاب عن الرقص على المنضدة . There's a book about dancing on the desk. There is a book about dancing on the table. אני לא יכול לרוץ מהר כמוהו. I can't run as fast as he can. I can't run as fast as he is. يصنع العسل من قبل النحل. Honey is made by honey bees. Honey is made by bees. سيخرج سامي رجلا حرا و للأبد Sami will walk out a free man for ever. Sami will come out free and forever. بدا سامي و كأنّه مسكون. Sami looked possessed. Looks like he's curious. תום לא נראה מוטרד. Tom didn't appear concerned. Tom doesn't seem upset. תום חטף את האקדח ממרי לפני שהיא הספיקה להתאבד. Tom grabbed the gun away from Mary before she could kill herself. Tom took the gun from Mary before she had enough to kill herself. ስሜ ጀክ ነው። My name is Jack. How Would You Answer? السلام عليكم Salaam alaikum. Peace on you. قامت ليلى بتبليغ زائف. Layla made a false report. Lily reported fakes. אנו אמורים להיות פה בטוחים. We should be safe here. We're supposed to be safe here. תום קנה למרי צמד עגילים. Tom bought Mary a pair of earrings. Tom bought Mary a raisin. سيُطلَق سراحك. You will be released. You'll be released. האם משהו השתנה? Has anything changed? Has something changed? سألت توم ماري في ما إذا كان يمكنه استعارة كتاب دراستها الانجليزي. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook. Tom Mary asked if he could borrow her English school book. בליל כל הקדושים היא התחפשה לשודד ים. She wore a pirate costume for Halloween. On Halloween she was looking for a pirate. תום פתח את החלון במשיכה. Tom slid the window open. Tom opened the window in the pull. لن يصبغ سامي شعره أبدا. Sami would never dye his hair. Sami will never dye his hair. מי שנשאר בעמק לא יעבור את הגבעה לעולמים. He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill. Whoever stays in the valley will never pass the hill. يشتبه الريفيون عادةً بالغرباء. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rurals are usually suspected of strangers. ዋላ ሓደ ናብቲ ዝበረኸ ክፋል ናይቲ ጎቦ ኣይበጸሐን። No one has been able to reach the top of the mountain. What can we learn from Jesus ’ illustration of the wheat and the weeds? يجب أن لا تنام. You should not sleep. You mustn't sleep. כל האנשים שהיו כאן הלכו. All the people who were here have left. All the people who were here went. הוא התחיל לשיר. He began singing. He started singing. أعده غدا من فضلك. Please bring it back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow, please. פסל החירות נמצא בניו יורק. The Statue of Liberty is found in New York. The Court of Freedom is in New York. הבניין קרס ברעש האדמה. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building collapsed in the earthquake. ادخل, الباب مفتوح. Come in. The door is open. Come in, the door's open. التقطلي صورة أخرى. Take another picture of me. Take another picture. اجعل أحداً آخر يقوم بذلك إذا سمحت. Please have someone else do it. Make someone else do it if you allow. אנו רגישים. We're sensitive. We're sensitive. هل يمكننى أن أخرج للعب؟ Can I go out to play? Can I get out to play? لم يكن جيدا لأوكرانيا أن تتخلص من أسلحتها النووية. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. It wasn't good for Ukraine to get rid of its nuclear weapons. כנף הציפור נשברה. The bird's wing was broken. The bird wing broke. አንተ ተማሪ ነህ? Are you a student? How Would You Answer? תזהר לא לנפול לשרוט את הברך. Take care not to fall down and skin your knee. Be careful not to fall down to the knee. איך נודע לך? How did you know? How did you know? يا له من سؤال. أكيد أنا أحبه. What a question! Of course I love him. What a question. קדושת המקום הזה חוללה. The sanctity of this place has been fouled. This sacred place has fallen. אני חושבת שאנו יכולים למנוע את זה. I think we can avoid that. I think we can stop it. זהו המקדש הגדול ביותר שראיתי אי פעם. This is the largest temple that I've ever seen. This is the biggest temple I've ever seen. תום נטש את מרי. Tom dumped Mary. Tom abandoned Mary. ادرس بجد و ستنجح. Study hard, and you'll succeed. Study hard and you'll succeed. رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. Please give me a little time to take care of you, but what's going on is not what's going on. كان سامي يدرس الإسلام سرّيّا. Sami was secretly studying Islam. Sami was studying Islam in secret. حاول أن تحسن من لغتك الإنجليزية. Try to improve your English. Try to improve your English. كان عمر الفقيد ثمانين سنة. The deceased was eighty years old. He was eight years old. תשאיר את זה לי. אני אטפל בכל זה. Leave it up to me. I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of all of this. لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. התקשנו להשיג אותך בטלפון. We have had difficulty reaching you by phone. We were having a hard time getting you on the phone. سببت الجملة رقم 354618 الكثير من الربكة في موقع تتويبا. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The sentence No. 354618 caused a lot of Gods at Towiba's site. أخيراً وصلنا للبحيرة. Finally we arrived at the lake. We finally got to the lake. אני לא מרגיש מוכן לזה עדיין. I don't feel ready for that just yet. I don't feel ready for this yet. היינו צריכים לחגוג יחד. We should've celebrated together. We should have celebrated together. هل من أحد يستطيع أن ينطق هذه الكلمة؟ Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Anyone who can say that? لم هذا مهمّ حتّى؟ Why is this even a thing? Why does this even matter? أين الشاي بالحليب؟ Where is the tea with milk? Where's the milk tea? هي طبيبة الآن. She’s a doctor now. She's a doctor now. תום שכנע את מרי לעשות זאת. Tom persuaded Mary to do it. Tom convinced Mary to do it. أدار فاضل مقبض الباب بهدوء و دخل إلى المنزل. Fadil quietly turned the doorknob and entered the house. He ran a bow in the door quietly and went into the house. إذا سجلت في الفيس بوك، فسترسل معلوماتك لوكالات الاستخبارات. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you're registered on Facebook, you'll send your information to intelligence agencies. هل انتهيت من استعمال الهاتف؟ Are you through with the phone? Are you done using the phone? كان فاضل يريد أن يعود إلى هناك كي يكسب المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted to get back there to make some more money. He wanted to get back there so he could earn more money. תתחיל לכתוב. Start writing. Start writing. بدى الأمر جنونيّا. It sounded crazy. It seemed crazy. הם מכבדים אותו. They respect him. They respect him. אלה ספריי. Those are my books. It's Spry. את עומדת לאבד את הכול. You'll lose everything. You're about to lose everything. אזרחים מתווכחים על ביטוח בריאות בעיריה. Citizens are debating about health care at City Hall. Citizens argue about city health insurance. كانت ليلى مغطّاة بالدّم. Layla was covered in blood. Lily was covered with blood. سينطلق القطار في غضون خمس دقائق. The train leaves in 5 minutes. The train will be launched in five minutes. و أخيراً حقق هدفه. At last he achieved his goal. Finally, he achieved his goal. توم كان غارَق فتخمامو. Tom was lost in his thoughts. Tom was a junkie. Aw. Hi. Aw. آمُلُ ذلك. I do hope so. I hope so. سامي يحبّ ليلى. Sami likes Layla. Sami loves Lily. وفي الصباح التالي، خرج ديما من القمامة، لكنه وجد أن كل ملابسه بها رائحة قمامة. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Emma came out of the trash, but he found all his clothes smell like garbage. תום מת מחנק. Tom died of asphyxiation. Tom died of suffocating. תפוס תנומה. Take a nap. Take a nap. عوقب على كذبه. Because he lied, he was punished. Follow his lie. من الصعب التمييز بين الواقع و الخيال . Reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. It's hard to distinguish between reality and fiction. قال توم بانك تحتاج ان تذهب. Tom said that you need to go. Tom said you needed to go. תום בא לכאן לבד. Tom came here alone. Tom came here alone. إنه محظوظ أكثر مما هو ذكي. He is more lucky than clever. He's more lucky than he's smart. למה הטלפון מצלצל כל הזמן רק כשאני עסוקה? אני לא מצליחה לעבוד רק בגלל זה. Why does the phone have to ring all the time only when I'm busy? I can't get any work done because of it. Why does the phone ring all the time just when I'm busy? هل سمعت عن نتيجة المباراة؟ Have you heard about the result of the game? Did you hear about the outcome of the game? תזהר שמא תכווה את עצמך. Be careful not to burn yourself. Be careful that you don't see yourself. שמעתי כמה תלמידים מתלוננים על שיעורי הבית. I heard some students complain about the homework. I heard some students complain about homework. لقد رفض طلبي. He turned down my application. He rejected my request. Il-ktieb huwa ġdid. The book is new. The book is new. هم يطالبون بساعات عمل أقل. They are demanding shorter working hours. They're calling for fewer hours of work. בוא ננסה להיות הגיוניים לגבי זה. Let's try to be sensible about this. Let's try to make sense about it. אני לומד רוסית. I'm learning Russian. I'm studying Russian. تحبني كل عائلتي. I am loved by all my family. You love me all my family. הייתי מרוסק. I was hammered. I was crushed. توم عزف سوناتة ضوء القمر على البيانو Tom played Moonlight Sonata on the piano. Tom played Moonlight Sonata on the piano. حملت الحديد فلم أجد أثقل من الدَيْن. I carried iron, but didn't find anything heavier than debt. Iron carried no heavy debt. תום נלחם בגבורה. Tom fought bravely. Tom's fighting a hero. أستطيع عزف مقطوعات لشوبان. I play Chopin. I can play bubonies. أعطِني إيّاه يا جمال. Give it to me, Jamal. Give it to me, Jamal. אני משוכנעת שזה אפשרי. I'm certain it can be done. I'm convinced it's possible. يتألف المجلس من أربعة أعضاء. The committee consists of four members. The Council consists of four members. وجد دراجتي الضائعة. He found my bike. Found my lost bike. أنا ميت م الجوع. I'm very hungry. I'm dead hungry. כמה זמן הליכה זה מכאן לתחנה? How long does it take to walk from here to the station? How long has this gone to the station? היא ביקשה ממנו מעט כסף. She asked him for some money. She asked him for some money. لا يزال الجميع يبتسم. Everyone is still smiling. Everyone's still smiling. استطاع أن يبني بيتاً صغيراً. He was able to build a small house. He was able to build a little house. نجا من الحادثة شخص واحد. Only one person survived the accident. One person survived the accident. لم أكن على علم بمرضها. I didn't know that she was ill. I wasn't aware of her illness. קשה לי במתמטיקה. Mathematics is difficult for me. I'm having a hard time in math. اجتمعت عائلة سامي كي تتذكّره. Sami's family gathered to remember him. Sami's family met to remember him. كان المنظر من قمة هذا المبنى رائعا. The view from the top of that building was magnificent. The look at the top of this building was great. אכלתי את הנזיד שבישלנו לפני כמה ימים. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I ate the bastard that we cooked a few days ago. رتبت غرفتها بسرعة. She cleaned her room in a hurry. She arranged her room fast. תום היה אביון. Tom was poor. Tom was a father. نُقِل سامي فورا إلى المستشفى. Sami was immediately rushed to the hospital. Sami was immediately transferred to the hospital. תום סחב שקית ממתקים גדולה. Tom was carrying a big bag of candy. Tom carried a big bag of candy. תום עדיף על מרי. Tom is better than Mary. Tom's better than Mary. יש לי כאב עיניים. My eyes hurt. I have an eye pain. سأقرر. I'll decide. I'll decide. وجدت الشّرطة مسرحا لمجزرة فظيعة. Police encountered a scene of unspeakable carnage. The police found a stage for a terrible massacre. عليك أن تدفع مقدماً. You must pay in advance. You have to pay in advance. אני חייב להשמיד אותך. I must destroy you. I have to destroy you. Jien Ingliż. I am English. I'm English. תום עבד כמרפה גופני. Tom worked as a physical therapist. Tom worked as a physical herb. ובכן, שיקרתי. Well, I lied. Well, I lied. הדרכון שלך נמצא איתך? Do you have your passport with you? Is your passport with you? תום אף פעם לא עצר. Tom never stopped. Tom never stopped. הוא זרק אבן על הכלב. He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone on the dog. תגיד לתום שאני יוצאת לנסיעה. Tell Tom I'm going out for a drive. Tell Tom I'm going for a ride. את כל כך פרנואיד! You're so paranoid. You're so paranoid! תום לא מבין את הסיבה. Tom doesn't understand why. Tom doesn't understand why. ظنّ فاضل أنّ ذلك الدّواء كان سمّا. Fadil thought the medication was poison. He thought that medicine was toxic. דרוש לי ג'וב. I need a job. I need a job. כרישים אוכלים דגים. Sharks eat fish. sharks eat fish. אני לא רוצה להפרד ממך. I don't want to break up with you. I don't want to break up with you. ليس علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We don't need to do this every day. We don't have to do this every day. אני עוזב את העיר. I'm leaving the city. I'm leaving town. هل اللغة الفرنسية أصعب من الإنجليزية؟ Is French more difficult than English? Is French harder than English? إفعل ما يخبرك توم به لتفعله وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do, and everything will be fine. توم مستعد لمساعدتك. Tom is willing to stand by you. Tom's ready to help you. قامت بالإنتحار. She took her own life. She was suicide. זה הפות שלי. That's my pussy. It's my mouth. הרגשתי כמו צבי המהופנט על ידי אורות המכונית. I felt like a deer in the headlights. I felt like the hypnotized turtles by the car lights. מה שכונה "הרייך בן אלף השנה" נמשך רק שתים-עשרה שנה. The so-called Thousand Year Reich lasted only twelve years. What the "A thousand-year-old hip" neighborhood lasts only 12 years. سامي وحيد. Sami is lonely. Sammy's alone. أين كتبي؟ Where are my books? Where did you write? עכשיו תבואנה צרות. Here comes trouble. Now come trouble. אנו מפסידים. We're losing. We lose. המשטרה השתמשה בבת של תום, מרי, כדי לפתות אותו לצאת ממחבואו. The police used Tom's daughter, Mary, to draw him out of his hiding. The police used Tom's daughter, Mary, to lure him out of hiding. لست مختبئا. I'm not hiding. I'm not hiding. ההערה כוונה אלייך. The remark was aimed at you. The note means you. جلس سامي مقابل ليلى Sami sat in front of Layla. Sit down, Sami, for Lily. הגיוס לצבא הווה גורל מוזר לנער שמעודו לא החזיק רובה בידיו. Enlisting in the special forces is a strange fate for a boy who has never had a gun in his hands. The army's recruitment was a strange fate for a boy who had no gun in his hands. מסרו את שלושת גליונות הנייר יחד. Hand in the three sheets of paper together. Hand over the three sheets of paper together. היא כתבה לי מכתב ארוך. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. كانت الرّسالة مُمضاة من طرف دان. The letter was signed by Dan. The maid was wrong on Dan's side. אמא שלה הביאה אותה למקום בו היא נמצאת היום. Her mother has made her what she is. Her mother brought her where she was today. أخبر سامي الطّبيب عن هذا الأمر. Sami told the doctor about that. Tell Sammy the doctor about this. لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sami didn't hate Muslims. הם יצאו ישר אל היעד. They made straight for their destination. They went straight to the target. أنا أتحدث عنه. I'm talking about it. I'm talking about him. يا للروعة! How fascinating! Wow! إلى أين أنتم ذاهبون؟ Where are you off to? Where are you going? إنه لا يسكن في حيي. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. دار ماضي سامي عليه. Sami's past caught up to him. Last house Sami's on it. ניסיתי לכתוב אליו. I tried to write him. I was trying to write to him. תום אימפולסיבי. Tom is impulsive. Tom Impulsive. לתום לא אכפת מה קורה. Tom doesn't care what happens. Tom doesn't care what's going on. لم أعرت مالا لشخص مثلها؟ Why did you lend money to someone like her? Why did you give money to someone like her? הדלק אזל כשהיינו בדרכנו לשם. We ran out of gas on our way there. The fuel was gone when we were on our way there. ستبحر السفينة إلى هونولولو غداً. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship will sail to Honolulu tomorrow. אני מוכנה! אנחנו יכולים ללכת? I'm ready! Can we go? Can we go? איך אתה רוצה לשלם? How would you like to pay? How do you want to pay? הוא עושה שינויים נחוצים. He makes necessary changes. He's making necessary changes. דמיין לעצמך שאתה מתחיל לשהק ולא יכול להפסיק. Imagine if you started hiccoughing and you couldn't stop. Imagine you're starting to hang up and can't stop. بَرْكَاو ما تلومو في رواحكم. Stop blaming yourselves. Bracau don't blame himself in Rasul. תוכל להסביר לי את הקטע האחרון ביתר דיוק? Could you explain the last section more precisely? Can you explain the last thing to me in detail? Jogħġbuha l-larinġiet. She likes oranges. They like the oranges. إنها الملكة. It's the queen. It's the queen. هذا البيت ليس لي. This house is not mine. This house isn't mine. תום עושה עבודה טובה. Tom does good work. Tom's doing a good job. היא אוהבת קפה. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. إيدير هو المغني الأمازيغي المفضل لدي. Idir is my favorite Berber singer. Ider is my favorite Amazigian singer. תום לא כתב למרי אף פעם תשובה למכתבה. Tom never wrote Mary back. Tom never wrote Mary an answer to the letter. سامي يحبّك. Sami likes you. Sammy loves you. אנחנו יכולים לעשות טוב הרבה יותר. We can do a lot better. We can do a lot better. أيمكنك أن تغلّف هذا كالهدايا، من فضلك؟ Can you gift-wrap this, please? Can you cover this like gifts, please? אינני מכירה איש בשם תום. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know a man named Tom. כל אחד נוטה לעצלנות. Everybody tends to be lazy. Everyone tends to say no. נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה היית אומר לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Let's say she's coming back. كنّا نحبّ المدرّس البديل. We loved the substitute teacher. We loved the alternative teacher. بيتك يحتاج لإصلاح. Your house needs repairing. Your house needs a fix. זה זעזע אותי. It shocked me. It upset me. لماذا تتأخر دائما؟ Why is it that you're always late? Why are you always late? والديَّ يكرهانه. My parents hate him. My parents hate him. سأحاول أن لا أغيب لمدة طويلة. I'll try not to be away too long. I'll try not to miss long. אתם סבורים שתום ראה משהו? Do you think Tom saw anything? Do you think Tom saw anything? توم مكنش عارف يبوس ماري ولا لاء علشان كدا مبسش Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom Nach, know the Poss Mary and Al-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala-Kaddish. תום הסתיר מידע חשוב מסוים. Tom withheld some important information. Tom hides certain important information. אנו מתגעגעים לתום. We miss Tom. We miss Tom. רגליי בסדר. My legs are fine. My legs are fine. מה מספר החדר שלי? What is my room number? What's my room number? הטובין הגיעו אתמול. The goods arrived yesterday. The good ones arrived yesterday. המלך פקד לשחרר את השבוי. The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free. The King ordered the fire to be released. إنتحرت. She took her own life. I've committed suicide. كان سامي يتخبّط في مشاكل متعلّقة بإدمانه على الكحول. Sami was tortured with issues involving alcohol abuse. Sami was getting involved in alcohol-related problems. תום אומר שהוא לא רוצה להתקוטט יותר בעניין זה. Tom says he doesn't want to argue about this anymore. Tom says he doesn't want to take a closer look at this. ينبغي على سامي أن يتولّى المسؤوليّة. Sami should assume responsibility. Sami should take responsibility. كان يعمل ليلا، نهارا كي يصبح ثريا. He worked day and night so that he might become rich. He was working at night, a river to become rich. المسلمون يدفنون موتاهم في المقبرة. Muslims bury their dead in graves. Muslims bury their dead in the grave. הציפורים מצייצות בקול רם כשהן עפות במהירות. The birds chirp loudly while flying rapidly. The birds fly out loud when they fly quickly. رأى سامي ما كانت ليلى تريده أن يراه. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. Sami saw what Lily wanted him to see. בגלל שעשית טעות בפרויקט שלך, אתה צריך להתחיל מאפס. Since you made a mistake in your project, you have to start over from scratch. Because you made a mistake on your project, you have to start from zero. הוא נחפז לצאת מהמשרד. He rushed out of the office. He was eager to get out of the office. أنت لا تعلم بالقصة كاملة. You don't know the whole story. You don't know the whole story. זאת לא הלוואה. It's not a loan. It's not a loan. تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting. أنا سعيد جداً أنكً معنا اليوم. I am very happy that you have been with us today. I'm so glad you're with us today. وُلِدَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. Sami was born of an illegal relationship. تقدر تسنّا شويّا. Can you wait a bit? You can't help it. היא מחשבת באותה מהירות כמו כל תלמיד אחר. She calculates as quickly as any other student. She thinks as fast as any other student. هل انت مشغول غداً صباحاً ؟ Are you busy tomorrow morning? Are you busy tomorrow morning? كيف بإمكاني مساعدتك ؟ How can I help? How can I help you? אנו חייבים לבדוק. We must check. We have to check. הזמנתי פעמיים תה ושלוש קפה. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered twice tea and three coffee. אתה יכול לעשות מה שתחפוץ, כמובן. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever you want, of course. הוא האדים מכעס. His face turned red with anger. He's the Reds from anger. أسبح في المحيط. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. سوف يصل الى باريس غداً. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He'll come to Paris tomorrow. هل هذه كلابك؟ Are these your dogs? Is that your dog? أنا من المملكة العربية السعودية. I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'm from Saudi Arabia. עלינו לדעת מיד. We have to know right away. We need to know right away. عمرها يناهز الأربعين. She is about forty. She's almost 40 years old. በዚህ ሆቴል ውስጥ ባዶ ክፍል አለዎት? Do you have an empty room in this hotel? What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? מרי לבשה גרביים בגובה הברך. Mary wore knee-high socks. Mary wore socks up the knee. תום עצום. Tom is huge. Tom's huge. أنا فقط أمزح. I'm only joking. I'm just kidding. أصبح كلب سامي معاديا. Sami's dog got nasty. He became a hostile Sami dog. سيعالج هذا الدواء صداعك. This medicine will take care of your headache. This medicine will cure your headache. זאת הארונית של טום. This is Tom's locker. It's Tom's locker. سنناقش هذا فيما بعد. We'll discuss that later. We'll discuss this later. אני מחפש את המפתח הזה. I'm looking for this key. I'm looking for this key. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." "O Lord, remember me." אינני יכול ממש להתלונן. I can't really complain. I can't really complain. טבע האדם מפחיד אותי. Human's nature scares me. Human nature scares me. لقد إحتالت عليه. She swindled him. I had it. אהיה במכונית. I'll be in the car. I'll be in the car. ܚܰܕ, ܬܪ̈ܶܝܢ, ܬܠܳܬܳܐ, ܐܰܪܒܥܳܐ, ܚܰܡܫܳܐ, ܫܬܳܐ, ܫܰܒܥܳܐ, ܬܡܳܢܝܳܐ, ܬܶܫܥܳܐ, ܥܶܣܪܳܐ. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] תצביעי לנו! Vote for us! Vote us! اقتربت ليلى نحو سامي و قبّلته. Layla moved toward Sami and kissed him. I approached Lily and kissed him. Jiena miżżewweġa. I'm married. I'm married. شنو تبي الحين؟ What do you want now? What's the matter with you? لم يشعر سامي بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy didn't feel the smell. את חושבת שתום מקריח? Do you think Tom is going bald? Do you think Tom's bald? לתום יש מחר בית ספר. Tom has school tomorrow. Tom has school tomorrow. אתם אנאלפבתים. You're illiterate. You're an apocalypse. נתתי בהם אמון. I trusted them. I gave them confidence. كانت ردّة فعل سامي عنيفة. Sami reacted violently. It was a violent Sami reaction. ציפיתי לך. I have been expecting you. I expected you. הייתם כל כך טובים אלי. You've been so good to us. You were so good to me. כלב נובח אינו נושך. A barking dog doesn't bite. A unborn dog is not bitten. אתה רוצה שאבוא איתך? Do you want me to go with you? You want me to come with you? אתה קלקלת את בגדיך. You ruined your clothing. You broke your clothes. إمكانك الذهاب إذا أردت. You can go if you want. You can go if you want. أظن أننا تحادثنا عبر الهاتف. I believe we spoke on the phone. I think we talked on the phone. תום נראה אשם. Tom looked guilty. Tom seems guilty. تبدو في الستينات من عمرها على الأقل. She looks at least sixty. She looks at least 60 years old. أحبك. I love you. I love you. אינני אוהבת את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. أفضل الغناء على الرقص. I would rather sing than dance. Best singing on the dance. لا يزال سامي يتذكّر ذلك. Sami still remembers. Sammy still remembers that. בוב צופה בחרקים בהנאה. Bob derives pleasure from observing insects. Bob's watching some fun bugs. Skużani, se jkolli nħallik. Sorry, I've got to go. Forgive me, I will have to leave you. אני לא אוהבת להיות לבד בחוף. I don't like being alone on the beach. I don't like being alone on the beach. תום נוטה ללהג יותר מדי. Tom tends to talk too much. Tom's tending to go too far. تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Smile Sami and Lily about who's gonna take care of their kids. لا يمكنني العيش من دون تلفاز. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. Deher onest. He appeared honest. Sound honest. הבטחתי. I promised. I promised. كان آرت معاديا للسّاميّة إلى حدّ لا يُصدّق. Aart was incredibly antisemitic. I was so hostile to Sami that I couldn't believe it. لقد أكلنا هناك ثلاث مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. תום מציית לפקודות. Tom follows orders. Tom obeys orders. הדקדוק של אספרנטו פשוט מאוד. The grammar of Esperanto is very simple. Esperanto's precision is very simple. سامي يعمل في عيادة محلّيّة. Sami works at a local clinic. Sami works at a local clinic. ذهب إبني إلى لندن، أين ولدت. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. علينا القيام بتحليل للدم. We have to do a blood test. We have to do a blood analysis. זה היה בלתי אפשרי לשלוף את הפקק. It was impossible to pull out the cork. It was impossible to pull the traffic. המכתב של דן היה מבוייל מלונדון. Dan's letter was postmarked London. Dan's letter was from Boyle from London. راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل. She's asking how that's possible. Be careful about how you're going to be Pasipella. אתה לוקח סיכון גדול על עצמך. You're taking a big risk. You're taking a big risk on yourself. נמאס לי לאכול פסט פוד. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of having some paste pod. לכן הפסקתי. That's why I quit. That's why I stopped. حان وقت الإستيقاظ. Time to get up. It's time to wake up. أنا لستُ مقتنعًا على الإطلاق. I'm not convinced at all. I'm not convinced at all. אלג'יריה זו מדינה בצפון אפריקה. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a country in North Africa. يستطيع توم الركض بسرعة. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. بالصّح عجبكم؟ But do you like it? You really like it? لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. התאכזבתי מהמוצר החדש. I was disappointed with the new product. I was disappointed by the new product. האם תשתי תה או קפה? Do you drink tea or coffee? Would you drink some tea or coffee? אבא שלי שקט. My father is quiet. My dad's quiet. إنّ منّاد في بيت الله الآن. Mennad is in the house of God right now. He's at God's house now. كانت لدى سامي بوليصتي تأمين على حياته. Sami had two life insurance policies. Sami had my policy of insurance for his life. توم لم يرد أن يرقص مع ماري Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. Tom didn't want to dance with Mary. אנו משתמשים במחשבים כדי לפתור בעיות ולארגן מידע. We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order. We use computers to solve problems and organize information. لا تنس الاتّصال بنا. Don't forget to call us. Don't forget to call us. 𐤄𐤌𐤋𐤊‎‎ 𐤁𐤀. The king came. In a letter to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in France, the branch office of Jehovah’ دراعي بيوجعني My arm hurts. Pygmy's teacher. אני חושדת שתום לא מכין את שיעורי הבית שלו בעצמו. I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself. I suspect that Tom doesn't make his own homework. እንታይ ክትእዝዝ ትደሊ? What would you like to order? THE BIBLE’S VIEWPOINT היי, על תכביד כל כך על עצמך. Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Hey, you'll be so upset about yourself. لا يحق لك أن تكسر اللوائح المتبعة. You are not allowed to violate the rules. You don't have to break the regulations. יש עוד בעיות הדורשות טיפול? Are there any other problems that need to be taken care of? Any more treatment problems? אינני אוהבת גולף כל כך. I don't like golf that much. I don't like golf so much. המטופל היה בסיכון. The patient was in danger. The patient was at risk. אנו לא צריכים לגווע ברעב. We don't have to starve. We don't have to starve. دعه يذهب! Let him go! Let him go! سكّان غزّة و الضّفّة الغربيّة لا يمثّلون إلاّ نصف الشّعب الفلسطيني. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are only half of the Palestinian people. The iron and the West Bank represent only half of the Palestinian people. טום הולך הביתה. Tom is going home. Tom's going home. אנו זקוקים לאספקה. We need supplies. We need supplies. אני יכול להשיג לך אקדח תוך חמש שעות. I can get a gun for you within five hours. I can get you a gun in five hours. مات سامي. Sami died. Sami's dead. ሴት ነኝ። I'm a woman. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. كلبي سريع. My dog is fast. My dog is fast. ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. Life is still in front of you. عيّطلي فلبيرو. Call me at the office. Set Falperro. "توم" لم يكن متفاجئًا أبدًا. Tom wasn't surprised at all. Tom was never surprised. كنت متعبا جدا. I was very tired. You're so tired. נסיעה לירח כבר איננה חלום. A trip to the Moon is no longer a dream. A moon travel isn't a dream anymore. لم يتمكّن أحد من الاغتيال هتلر. No one managed to kill Hitler. No one could have killed Hitler. נגן את זה שוב. Play it again. Play it again. אני עדיין עומדת בלוח הזמנים. I'm still on the clock. I'm still on schedule. جاك يجمع الطوابع. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. أريدكم أن تذهبوا جميعا إلى مؤخّرة الحافلة. I want you all in the back of the bus. I want you all to go back to the bus later. הם לא יכולים לבלום אותו. They cannot stop him. They can't block it. אתם אל תבואו לפה! Don't come out here. You guys don't come here! יש לי פגישה הערב. I have a date tonight. I have a meeting tonight. أريد البقاء هنا معك. I'd like to stay here with you. I want to stay here with you. يظن توم أن على ماري الاعتذار من جون. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. טום לא סופרסטאר. Tom isn't a superstar. Tom's not a superstar. האוזניות האלה לא עובדות. These headphones aren't working. These headphones don't work. Ordna li jinġiebu d-dokumenti kollha. He ordered all the documents to be presented. Order to bring all documents. أنا أحبه. I love it. I love him. حط الخاتم في صباع ماري. He put the ring on Mary's finger. The ring went down at Mary's summer. طلبَت الانضمام إلى نادى لرياضة الغولف. She applied for the membership in a golf club. I asked to join a golf club. לפעמים כואבת לי הבטן. I sometimes have pain in my stomach. Sometimes my stomach hurts. תנו לי את השורה התחתונה. Give me the bottom line. Give me the bottom line. רוב התאונות, לאחר הכל, קורות בסביבה ולא בג'ונגל. Most accidents, after all, happen around the corner, not in the rainforest. Most of the accidents, after all, happen around and not in the jungle. אתה יודע טוב מאוד איך זה קרה. You know very well how it happened. You know very well how it happened. הנה התמונה שלה. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. كنت أشعر بالغثيان. I was feeling nauseous. I was sick. הרימו ידיים! Raise your hands! Hands up! ممكن تخدني السيما؟ Could you take me to a movie? Can you give me the symma? הוא קצת מעבר לארבעים. He is a little over forty. It's a little over four. አንፈልገውም። We don't want it. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. كلاب توم هاجموا ماري. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom Dogs attacked Mary. بابايا بيحب البيتزا. My father loves pizza. Daddys love pizza. لبرّانييا احيروني. Foreign people intrigue me. I'm so confused with brunia. כשרון הרקוד שלו הרשים את כולם. His talent for dancing impressed everyone. A talent of his dance has impressed everyone. لكم سامي ليلى في وجهها، متسبّبا في انتفاخ عينها إلى حدّ الانغلاق. Sami punched Layla in the face, causing her eye to swell shut. You have Sami lily in her face, caused her eye to blow so close. במכונית נטושה סמוך לפארק מצאו שוטרים גופה. The police found a dead body in an abandoned car near the park. In a abandoned car near the park, officers found a body. طوم و ماري راهوم يلّعبو في البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary are playing in the poker. .مانيش ڨع فاهم عقليتها I can't understand her way of thinking at all. Manish's lost her mind. זו ציטטה מתוך ספר. It's a quote from a book. It's a quote from a book. أحضر النُسخة الإحتياطية. Bring backup. Get the backup. אנו נוטים לשגות. We tend to make mistakes. We tend to get it. אני משאירה את זה לשיפוטך. I leave it up to you. I'm leaving it to your judgment. אילו הייתה לך מכונת זמן, לאן היית נוסע? If you had a time machine, where would you go? If you had a time machine, where would you go? היא התחנכה בארה"ב. She was educated in the United States. She got married in the United States. لمۆدپاس هووا "مويرال". The password is "Muiriel". Dapas Howa Muiral didn't. לא שכבתי איתו לאחרונה. I haven't slept with him recently. I haven't slept with him lately. ريّح ما تشوف فييّا شغول انسان "نۆرمال". Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Give me what Viya's busy, Niermal. הם רימו אותנו. They deceived us. They deceived us. הסרטן התפשט לכמה איברים. The cancer had spread to several organs. Cancer spread to several organs. رجاءً، اغسل يديك جيدًا قبل الأكل. Please wash your hands properly before eating. Please wash your hands well before eating. من هؤلاء الأشخاص؟ Who are those people? Who are these people? يُقال أن الحب أعمى. They say love is blind. Love is said to be blind. سأحاول ما استطعتُ ألّا أُقاطِع مذاكرتك. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try not to cut your tickets. אתה צריך למצוא לעצמך עבודה אמיתית. You need to get a real job. You need to find yourself a real job. אבוקדו עשיר בוויטמין E. Avocados are rich in vitamin E. Avocado rich in vitamin E. אני לא יודע למי עוד לפנות לעזרה. I don't know who else to turn to for help. I don't know who else to turn for help. מי גילה את האי? By whom was the island discovered? Who found out the island? Il-lejla t-tajba. Good evening. Good night. אני מתעב את כולם, וכולם מתעבים אותי. I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. I despise everyone, and everyone despises me. זו רכבת מהירה. This is a high speed train. It's a fast train. כמה אתה מחבב את טום? How much do you like Tom? How much do you like Tom? אינני מבין אותך. I don't get you. I don't understand you. كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. He was Sami at the university. سأذهبُ منفردًا I'll go on my own. I'll go alone. الله أعلم. Allah knows. God knows. انتبه! Take care! Watch out! Mort tixtri? Did you go shopping? Did you buy? אני אוהבת הפתעות. I love surprises. I like surprises. كانت ليلى في القبو. Layla was down in the basement. It was Lily in the basement. הם לא מאמינים לך. They don't trust you. They don't believe you. احتاج توم الطعام . Tom needed food. I need Tom to eat. كانت ليلى تريد جلب الانتباه. Layla wanted to attract attention. Lily wanted to draw attention. أفعله مباشرة Do it right away. I do it straight away. افتقدتك كثيراً! How I've missed you! I missed you so much! لن تستفيد من المقاومة فلا تحاول. It's useless to try and resist. You won't benefit from resistance. Don't try. اليوم حار It's hot today. Today is hot. הם מתווכחים. They're arguing. They're arguing. التمس الحذر وأنت تعبر الطريق. Be careful when you cross a road. Seek caution and you're crossing the road. كانت ليلى ممرّضة معتمدة تعمل في مركز معروف لمعالجة السّرطان. Layla was a registered nurse working for a renowned cancer center. Lily was a certified nurse working at a well-known police centre. أنا نباتي. I am vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. Check, please. Account, please. הפליטים במחנה הזה חיו מהיד לפה. The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month. The refugees in this camp lived out of their hands here. يا لوقاحتك! How rude of you! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! תום התנצל. Tom apologized. Tom apologized. صادف سامي مشاكلا. Sami ran into trouble. Sami encountered problems. رفعت صدرها. She heaved her chest. She lifted her chest. גברת טנקה! את גרה עם שותפים לדירה גברים! אנא הימנעי מלהסתובב בלי מכנסיים! Miss Tanaka! You are living with gentlemen house mates! Please refrain from being pantless! Mrs. Tanka, you're living with partners in a man's apartment! كان خائفا من الظلام. He was afraid of the dark. He was scared of the dark. האווירון נחת בחווה של אבי. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The air landed on my father's farm. سلّم سامي نفسه للسّلطات. Sami turned himself in. Send Sami himself to the tapes. هذا اجتماع مهم. This is a very important meeting. This is an important meeting. איך אתה יכול סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? ولكن لها رائحة غريبة. But it smells strange. But she smells weird. אתה אל תכנע! Don't give up now. You don't give up! כבר יש לי מעטפה. I already have an envelope. I already have an envelope. המרמיטה היא אלמותית. The marmot is immortal. The marmite is immortal. هناك سياج حول المنزل. There is a fence around the house. There's a fence around the house. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami has realized that. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on the ship's deck. Tom's on the back of the ship. قريب ما كان حتّى واحد في هاديك الصالة. There was hardly anyone in the room. Nearly there was even one on your side. עברתם לשם עם הוריכם? Did you move there with your parents? Did you move there with your parents? دعونا نقم برحلة إلى أستراليا Let's take a trip to Australia. Let's make a trip to Australia. תום וחבריו ישבו מסביב למדורה וצלו מרשמלו. Tom and his friends sat around the campfire and roasted marshmallows. Tom and his friends were sitting around the pier and running from Marshmallow. דבר מה נורא עלול להתרחש. Something terrible is about to happen. Something terrible could happen. أنا ذاهب إلى الحديقة I go to the park. I'm going to the park. يشاهد سامي فيديوهات على اليوتوب طوال الوقت. Sami watches YouTube videos all the time. Sami's been watching videos all the time. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandek. I learned everything from you. I learned everything from you. إن الجميع يحترمك. You're respected by everybody. Everyone respects you. لقد تعرّفنا على مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We knew about our teacher. הצטרכתי מנוחה. I needed rest. I needed a rest. המהירות המקסימלית של הרכב הייתה חמישה קילומטר לשעה. The maximum speed reached by the vehicle was 5 kilometers per hour. The maximum speed of the vehicle was five miles an hour. תוכל לתת יד לתום? Give Tom a hand, will you? Can you give a hand to Tom? سامي ينتظر فقط. Sami is just waiting. Sammy's just waiting. אנו חייבים להימלט. We must escape. We have to get away. אינני יכול להתעלם מהתנהגותו החצופה. I just can't overlook his rude behavior. I can't ignore his rude behavior. هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? بدا سامي و كأنّه يشعر أنّه محاصر. Sami seemed to feel trapped. Looks like he feels trapped. نحن سعداء We're happy. We're happy. אתה מתנשא. You're patronizing. You're patronizing. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I have something to tell you. I want to tell you something. سوف تحصد ما زرعت. You reap what you sow. You'll figure out what you planted. الثمن مرتفع. The price is high. The price is high. למה יש משאיות מכבי אש מול הבניין שלנו? Why are there fire trucks in front of our building? Why are there trucks in front of our building? בהחלט לא. קר מדי היום. Absolutely not. It's too cold today. Absolutely not, it's too cold today. انقطع اتصالي بالإنترنت. My internet connection was cut off. I stopped calling on the Internet. הוא גרוע כנהג. He is bad at driving. He's as bad as a driver. كان سامي يدرّس العربيّة في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. Sami was teaching Arabic at a Christian school. הבנים נרגשים. The boys are excited. The boys are excited. רק שתדע, אני סוכן FBI. Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent. Just so you know, I'm an FBI agent. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who'll be his next victim? סבא הביא את זה בשבילי. Grandpa bought it for me! Grandpa brought it for me. היא בחרה שמלה כחולה מהארון. She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe. She chose a blue dress from the closet. אשתך עדיין בארה"ב? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in the U.S.? אתה לא אוהב אותי? Don't you like me? Don't you like me? كاين زوج طونوبيلات مڨاريين ف لڨاراج ديالو. There are two cars standing in his garage. Tonobilat Marariin F's husband to Garage Diallo. זה מה שבאת לבקש ממני? Is that what you came to ask me? Is that what you came to ask me to? אין לי אף אויב. I don't have any enemies. I don't have an enemy. Ħallini! Leave me alone! Let me go! الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! The Arab ghetto is hard. انتظرت ليلى الشّرطة. Layla waited for the cops. Waited for the police night. הרכבת מגיעה עוד רגע. The train is arriving soon. The train's coming in in a minute. הם נראים מאושרים. They look happy. They look happy. كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the pull. ኣብ ኣስመራ ተወለድኩ። I was born in Asmara. Do You Have Faith in the Good News? اِنتبه! Look out! Watch out! אפשר להגיע לשם בהליכה? Is it possible to get there on foot? Can we get there on the walk? التطورات الاخيرة في الدواء جديرة بالملاحظة Recent advances in medicine are remarkable. Recent developments in medicine are worth noting. תודה לך על האהבה שלך. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your love. أصيب سامي بالذّعر. Sami panicked. Sami got scared. יש פרס על ראשי בעוון רצח שלא ביצעתי. There's a price on my head for a murder I didn't do. There's a reward for the murder I didn't commit. العراك جزء من حياة فاضل اليوميّة. Confrontations are part of Fadil's everyday life. The battle is part of my daily life. עדיין יש לי כאב ראש. I still have a headache. I still have a headache. الطائر غمس رأسه في الماء. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird washed his head in the water. הם לא היו מזמינים את המנה הזאת, אילו היו מודעים מה היא. They wouldn't have ordered that dish if they'd known what it was. They wouldn't invite that dose if they knew what she was. سأطلق سراحك. I'm going to release you. I'll let you go. على رِسْلِك. Take it easy. Go ahead. הוא הגבוה ביותר בין השלושה. He is the tallest of the three. He's the highest in the three. هذه عيادة و ليست قاعة رياضيّة. This is a clinic, not a gym. This is a clinic. It's not a gym. למה שבכלל יהיה לי אכפת? Why should I even care? Why would I even care? نظّف غرفتك. You must clean your room. Clean your room. لِنُفَكّر بأسوأ ما يمكن أن يكون قد حصل. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Let's remember the worst that could have happened. أنتَ قد ترغب في التحدُث إلى توم. You might want to talk to Tom. You might want to talk to Tom. מה תרצה לאכול? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? תום היה צריך לקנות ביטוח נגד הצפות. Tom should have purchased flood insurance. Tom had to buy anti-explosion insurance. وقف سامي أمام النّافذة. Sami stood in front of the window. Sami stood in front of the window. האם תכבסו את חולצתי? Will you wash my shirt? Will you wash my shirt? אני מצטערת שלא עלה בידי לענות מוקדם יותר למכתבך האלקטרוני. I'm sorry for not replying to your email earlier. I'm sorry I couldn't answer your e-mail sooner. אתה לבן כמו סיד. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like Sid. ሴቷ ቆንጆ ናት። The woman is beautiful. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? היא שיפצה את הבית. She renovated a house. She renovated the house. התינשא לי? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? שרידי המטוס נמצאו במדבר. The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert. The plane's remains were found in the desert. החברה החליטה להעסיק שתי מזכירות חדשות. The company has decided to employ two new secretaries. The company decided to hire two new secretary. كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil had an ironclad alibi. It was a powerful pretext. ادي الكتاب للي عايزه. Give the book to the guy who wants it. My father's the book for me. "Kayak" هي مثال على القَلْبِ المُستوي. "Kayak" is an example of a palindrome. "Kayak" is an example of the level of heart. תום היה האסיסטנט של מרי. Tom was Mary's assistant. Tom was Mary's associate. هذه المشاكل تجعلني أفكّر في مغادرة المنزل. These problems make me wanna leave home. These problems make me think about leaving home. حسن السؤال نصف العلم. A good question is half of knowledge. Well, the question is half the science. אסור לך לעשות את זה בלי רשיון. You aren't allowed to do that without a permit. You can't do this without a license. للننتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Let's move away. Let's move on somewhere else. عليك أن تزور طبيباً. You must see a doctor. You have to visit a doctor. إني أعتمد على وعدك. I rely on your promise. I'm counting on your promise. كان لدى ليلى مرض نفسي غير مشخّص. Layla had an undiagnosed mental illness. I had an unsavory psychopathy night. על פי מה ששמעתי, טום עומד להיות מפוטר. From what I've heard, I think Tom is going to get fired. According to what I've heard, Tom is about to be fired. תודה לך על מכתבך. Thank you for your letter. Thank you for your letter. هل أنت متزوجة؟ Are you married? Are you married? אינני מוסיף אותך לרשימת החברים שלי. I'm not adding you to my list of friends. I don't add you to my list of friends. נולד להם ילד. They had a boy. They had a child. ما يقوله ليس له علاقة بهذه المشكلة. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. What he says has nothing to do with this problem. أكلت طعام الغداء بسرعة. I quickly ate lunch. I ate lunch fast. هو يكره الحليب. He hates milk. He hates milk. תום אמר למרי שלא תבזבז את זמנה לנסות לשכנע את ג'ון לעזור. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. هو بحاجة للمساعدة فحسب. He just needs help. He just needs help. אמרתי לא. I said no. I said no. أنصحك إنك تتأسف. You should apologize. I advise you you're sorry. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami went out the door. Sami got out of the door. توم يُريدَك أن تتحقق من ذلك. Tom wants you to check it out. Tom wants you to check it out. אני לא זוכר איך מצאנו את עצמנו בבוסטון. I don't remember how we ended up in Boston. I don't remember how we found ourselves in Boston. תום אף פעם לא היה מתיר זאת. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never replace it. كان باب سامي مقفلا. Sami's door was locked. Sami's door was locked up. It-tifel huwa rqiq. The boy is thin. The child is thin. عليك أن تحفظ هذه الجملة. You have to memorize this sentence. You have to save this sentence. لم يكن سامي مسيحيّا قطّ. Sami was never a Christian. Sami was never a Christian. ليست معك حيوانات أو نباتات، صحيح؟ You don't have any plants or animals, right? You don't have animals or plants, do you? لدي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. كنت محقا قطعا. You were absolutely right. I was absolutely right. سأنزل عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. המקום הזה דוחה לחלוטין. This place is downright creepy. This place is totally gross. איבדתי את ילדיי בהמון האדם שהמתין לאונייה האחרונה בדרך אל החופש. I lost my children in the crowd that awaited the last ship for freedom. I lost my children in a great deal of hardship, waiting for the last ship on the way to freedom. አነጋግሬ ለየት ያለ ሊሆን ይችላል። My accent is probably strange. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? كانت ماري تتألم كثيرا من ظهرها. Mary's back pain was torturing her. Mary was hurting a lot in her back. אנשים זועקים נגד המס החדש. People are crying out against the new tax. People are yelling at the new tax. هل أنت جديد أيضاً؟ Are you new, too? Are you new, too? הוריי תמכו בנישואיי למרי. My parents approved of my marrying Mary. My parents supported my marriage to Mary. اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami got closer. Come closer to Sami. לא הייתי עושה זאת אפילו לו שלמת לי. I wouldn't do that even if you paid me. I wouldn't even do that if you paid me. הוא טייל בכל רחבי העולם. He traveled all over the world. He's been traveling all over the world. אלה החברים שלי. These are my friends. These are my friends. تصفيفة شعرها تجعلها تبدو أصغر من عمرها. Her hair style makes her look younger than her age. Her hair clip makes her look younger than her age. اللّغة الأمازيغيّة لديها الآن أكاديميّة في الجزائر. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazon language now has an academic in Algeria. היום הוא יום אשפה שלא ניתן לשרפה. Today is a non-burnable rubbish day. Today is a waste day that can't be burned. كان عمري ثماني عشرة سنة حينها. I was eighteen then. I was 18 years old, then. اترك ليلى و تعال لتعيش معي. Leave Layla and come to live with me. Leave Lily and come live with me. אני זקוק לכך אתמול. I need it yesterday. I need it yesterday. أظنّ أنّك مخطئ. I think you're mistaken. I think you're wrong. أين تظن أن علينا أن نمكث؟ Where do you think we should stay? Where do you think we should stay? يناير هو أول شهر في السنة. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. هل لديك أدنی فكرة عن سبب كره "توم" لي ؟ Do you have any idea why Tom doesn't like me? Do you have any idea why Tom hated me? حاولت أمّ سامي أن تقتله. Sami's mother tried to kill him. Sami's mom tried to kill him. هو لا يريد الدراسة اليوم. He doesn't want to study today. He doesn't want to study today. הוא נתן לי כסף אבל החזרתי אותו מיד. He gave me money, but I gave it back to him immediately. He gave me money, but I returned it right away. أريد أن أشاركك هذا. I want to share this with you. I want to share this. ברזל הוא קשה. Iron is hard. Iron is hard. אפשר להדליק כמה אורות? Can we turn on some lights? Can I light some lights? צריך לחדד את העפרונות שלך. Your pencils need sharpening. You need to scratch your pencils. היום יום ראשון. Today is Sunday. Today's Sunday. הוא אוהב כדורגל. He likes soccer. He likes soccer. לפי התחזית ירד שלג מחר. According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow. The forecast goes down snow tomorrow. אני רוצה לחזור לכאן בשנה הבאה. I want to come back here next year. I want to come back here next year. هل تحب التفاح؟ Do you like apples? Do you like apples? معامن راكي تهدري؟ With whom are you talking? Comrade Raki is taking a break? طلب سامي من الرّبّ أن يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sami asked the man to forgive him. אבל המשכנו בלעדיו. But we carried on without him. But we continued without him. אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים שלך. You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. You can't explain the importance of choosing your friends. בכל מקום יש עריצות. Tyranny is everywhere. It's everywhere. إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going to? Where are you going? ענה לתום. Answer Tom. Answer Tom. ما الفرق بين الكمان والبيانو؟ البيانو يحترق مدة أطول. What's the difference between a violin and a piano? A piano burns longer. The piano is burning longer. האנשים העשירים שונים ממך וממני. The rich are different from you and me. The rich people are different from you and me. ما تعاملونيش كي الطفل الصغير. Don't treat me like a child. What they're dealing with for the little boy. זה נורמלי. That's normal. It's normal. המשאית שפכה חול על הארץ. The truck dumped the sand on the ground. The truck spilled sand on the ground. אלו המפרים את החוקים ייענשו. Those who violate the rules will be punished. Those who violate the rules will be punished. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك! Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't concern you! سامي يحبّ ليلى حقّا. Sami really likes Layla. Sami really loves Lily. على سامي أن يكون مستعدّا. Sami should be prepared. Sammy has to be ready. لقد توقف المطر, لذا يمكننا البدء. The rain has let up, so we can begin. It stopped rain, so we can start. ניפגש איתו הלילה. We are going to meet him tonight. I'll meet him tonight. אני מבקש בבונג. I'd like a chamomile. I'm asking in Bong. كنس الخادم الأرض. The servant swept the floor. Earthkeeper's nest. هل يوجد أي شئ مُهِم؟ Is there anything important? Is there anything important? لماذا لا يأكل أحد بطاطتي؟ Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why don't nobody eat my ducks? سني يؤلمني. My tooth hurts. My age hurts me. אבא הגיע למשרדו בזמן. Father got to his office on time. Dad came to his office in time. لست أحسن في تذكر الأشياء مني. You are no better at remembering things than I am. I'm not better at remembering things than me. أظنه جيدًا أن الكتب ما تزال موجودة، لكنها تجعلني نعسانًا. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. I think it's good that the books are still there, but they make me sick. אתה שותה דיאט? Do you drink diet soda? You're having a diet? ما يحتاجه حقاً هو وظيفة جيدة. What he needs most is a good job. What he really needs is a good job. מדברים בקנדה אנגלית? Is English spoken in Canada? Speak in English Canada? זרוק את האופניים שלך על המשאית ואקח אותך הביתה. Just throw your bicycle in the back of the truck and I'll drive you home. Drop your bike on the truck and I'll take you home. הסיפור היה כל כך מסובך שלא יכולתי לעקוב. The story was so complicated that I couldn't follow it. The story was so complicated I couldn't follow. ראיתי את האישה בשעה שרצחה את בנה. I watched the wife kill her own son. I saw the woman when she killed her son. תן לי משהו נגד הכאבים. Please give me something to kill the pain. Give me something against the pain. لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. آمل ألّا يكون توم في إثرنا. I hope Tom isn't looking for us. I hope Tom won't be after us. كل ما أستطيع فعله هو الإنتظار. I can only wait. All I can do is wait. תגיע לשם מוקדם. Get there early. You'll get there early. הייתי רוצה ליידע אותך כמה אתה חשוב לי. I would like you to know how much you mean to me. I'd like to let you know how important you are to me. أنا مطلقة. I am divorced. I'm divorced. لديهم بطانية واحدة فقط. They have only one blanket. They only have one blanket. الرائحة من مميزات الثوم. The smell is characteristic of garlic. It smells like poisons. في عمري 25 سنا. I'm 25 years old. I'm 25 years old. اوكون غير نقدر نروح ل ژّاپۆن. I wish I could go to Japan. Or we don't appreciate Gaffein. آمل أن تمطر غداً. I hope that it rains tomorrow. I hope it rains tomorrow. الجمل سفينة الصحراء The camel is the ship of the Sahara. The beauty of the desert ship. ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. I'll find my own place. בחן בקפידה את המפה על הקיר. Look at the map on the wall carefully. Check the map carefully on the wall. إنها تمسك شيئاً. She has something in her hand. She's holding something. لم يكن سعيدا قطّ. He was never happy. He was never happy. ذهب سامي لزيارة ليلى Sami went to visit Layla. Sammy went to visit Lily. سيأتي قريباً. He will come soon. He's coming soon. השקעתי אתמול את זמני בקריאה במקום לצאת. I spent yesterday reading instead of going out. I put my time in reading last night instead of going out. את עדיין זקוקה לעזרתי? Do you still need my help? Do you still need my help? نعم أنا من سابورو. Yes, I am from Sapporo. Yeah, I'm from Saboro. كان سامي يخرج الكلب لتمشيته. Sami walked the dog. Sami was going out for his walk. ארוחת הצהריים מוכנה. Lunch is ready. Lunch's ready. عاد سامي من المركز الصّحّي. Sami was back from the health center. Sami's back from the centre. אתם יכולים לעזור. You can help. You can help. البيت صغير. The house is small. The house is small. متى ستنشر روايته الجديدة؟ When will his new novel come out? When are you going to publish his new novel? سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sammy's going to college this year. ماذا تحب؟ What do you like? What do you like? המראה מפסגת ההר היה עוצר נשימה. The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking. The look at the top of the mountain was a respiration. الملك يجب أن يتنازل عن العرش. The king must abdicate. The King must surrender to the throne. طلب سامي من الله أن يساعده. Sami asked God to protect him. Sami asked God to help him. تتفحص البنت مؤخرة دراجتها الهوائية . The girl is checking out the rear of the bicycle. The girl's looking at the back of her bike. شاهد جمال التلفاز إلى وقت متأخر من الليل. Jamal watched TV too late. See TV beauty late at night. קח ספר וקרא בו! Take a book and read it. Take a book and read it! ألا تبالي إن دخنت؟ Does it bother you if I smoke? Don't you mind if you smoke? Hemm gżejjer fil-baħar. There are islands in the sea. There are islands at sea. رائع! Brilliant! Oh, great! አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a teacher. Cannot initialise Evolution's mail component. לקח לי שלוש שעות להשלים את שיעורי הבית שלי. It took me three hours to do my homework. It took me three hours to complete my homework. الأمازيغية هي لغتي الأولى. My first language is Berber. The Amazigh is my first language. شيء ليس منطقيا أبدا. Something doesn't make any sense. Something doesn't make sense at all. وزّع علينا ورق اللعب. Deal us the cards. I gave us the game paper. אני חושבת שאסע לבוסטון בקיץ הבא. I think I'm going to go to Boston next summer. I think I'll go to Boston next summer. سمع سامي طلقة. Sami heard a shot. Sami heard a shot. פתח את לוח הבקרה. Open the panel. Open the control board. استرجعت ليلى صحّتها. Layla regained her health. I returned to her health night. أضمن لك أنّ هذه المعلومات صحيحة. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee you this information is correct. أشاهد التلفاز في بعض الأحيان. I sometimes watch TV. I sometimes watch TV. שבו קרוב לכאן. Sit near here. Sit close here. האם שמעת את זה? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? לאן את מציעה שנלך? Where do you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? אין לי מילים. Words fail me. I don't have words. لا يمكنني إعطائك جواباً نهائياً اليوم. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a final answer today. اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit on the table. هناك الكثير من الحيوانات في الحديقة. There are lots of animals in the park. There's a lot of animals in the park. الجسر بني على يدي الرومان. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. אומרים שהוא חרוץ מאוד. They say that he's very diligent. They say he's very tight. ייתכן שאבי יגיע ברכבת הבאה. My father will possibly come on the next train. My father may be on the next train. כל החברים היו נוכחים בישיבה? Were all the members present at the meeting? All the friends were present at the meeting? הוא איבד את בנו האהוב ביותר. He lost his most beloved son. He lost his favorite son. كَم مالاً حَصَلتَ عَلى لِلماسِ؟ How much money did you get for the diamond? How much did you get to play? شاهد سامي ذلك يحدث. Sami watched that happen. See, Sammy, that's happening. تأخرنا على المدرسة بسبب المطر الغزير. We were late for school because it rained heavily. We're late at school because of the heavy rain. أستذهب إلى حفلة توم؟ Are you going to Tom's party? You gonna go to Tom's party? ביקשתי כמה פרטים נוספים. I asked for a few more details. I asked for some more details. התואיל לשלוח עבורי את המכתב הזה? Would you mind mailing this letter for me? Would you send this letter for me? מה בחורה צעירה כמוך עושה כאן בחוץ? What is a young lady like you doing out here? What's a young girl like you doing out here? اِندلعت الحرب أخيراً. The war finally broke out. The war finally broke out. عاش فاضل حياة أحلامه لمدّة سبع سنوات. For seven years, Fadil lived his dream life. He lived a life of his dreams for seven years. היא יצאה הבוקר לרכיבה על סוס. She went horse-riding this morning. She went out this morning riding a horse. راح يجي غدوا؟ Will he come tomorrow? "Jigy's gone tomorrow"? أبي مهندس مدني. My father is a civil engineer. Dad's a civilian engineer. חייבת להיות איזושהי שגיאה. There must be some mistake. There's got to be some kind of mistake. هذه كلمة أمازيغية. This is a Berber word. That's an English word. سرق الولد فلوسا من محفطة والدتها. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy was stolen by her mother's girlfriend. صلصة غواكامولي هي صلصة مصنوعة من الأفوكادو. Guacamole is a dip made from avocados. Guacamoli sauce is a sauce made of avocado. טיפלתי בחתול של תום. I took care of Tom's cat. I took care of Tom's cat. ראיתי את "מלחמת הכוכבים" פעמיים. I have seen "Star Wars" twice. I've seen Star Wars twice. 2005 הייתה שנה קשה לתעשיית המוזיקה, כי קיילי מינוג חטפה סרטן שד. 2005 was a bad year for music sector. Because Kylie Minogue caught breast cancer. 2005 was a hard year for the music industry, because Kylie Mingo took a demon cancer. انطلق متجها إلى لندن أمس الأول. He departed for London the day before yesterday. Her shift went to London yesterday. כולם אוהבים בובות. Everyone loves puppets. Everybody likes dolls. اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق. The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side. The meeting was cancelled because there was no hope that the parties would come to an agreement. נראה שיש לך חוש לגידול צמחים. It looks like you've got a green thumb. You seem to have a sense of growing plants. נבחן את זה אחר כך. We'll look at it later. We'll test it later. מרי התרשמה ממראה עיניה. Mary was impressed with what she saw. Mary was impressed by her sight. أين مكان عملك؟ Where do you work? Where's your place of work? גיליתם את הסוף. You gave away the ending. You found out the end. توحّشتي طوم؟ Do you miss Tom? Smile Tom? תום לבש חליפת שרד. Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Tom was wearing a survival suit. איך הכרת את הורי? How did you know my parents? How did you know my parents? תום מת שם. Tom died there. Tom died there. وجدت مطعما مكسيكيا جيدا. I found a good Mexican restaurant. I found a good Mexican restaurant. كانت ليلى أمّا مشغولة. Layla was a busy mom. It was mine, or it was busy. מרי ילדה בן לו קראה תום. Mary gave birth to a boy she named Tom. Mary's a son-in-law named Tom. זה קיצוני. This is extreme. It's extreme. מה כל כך מיוחד בזה בעצם, תום? What's so special about this Tom, anyway? What's so special about that, Tom? مقرف! Disgusting! Disgusting! בערך מחצית מהירקות והפירות של ארה"ב מוצאם מקליפורניה. Roughly half of America's fruits and vegetables come from California. About half of the U.S. vegetables and vegetables are found in California. ما المجال الذي قمت بدراسته في الجامعة؟ What did you major in at college? What area did you study at the university? كتب سامي لليلى الكثير من الرّسائل. Sami wrote Layla a lot of letters. Sami wrote last night a lot of messages. كان سامي يعيش حياة محترمة. Sami had a respectable life. Sammy was living a respectable life. Sami i Lejla se nikad nisu poljubili Sami and Layla never kissed. Sami Lila is going to politicize ארגוני רכיבה על אופניים שדלו לסלול כבישים חלקים לכל רחבי הארץ. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Bicycles riding have been used to carve parts across the country. شكرا على القهوة يا عزيزتي. Thanks for the coffee, sweetheart. Thanks for the coffee, honey. يجب على سامي أن يعتذر. Sami must apologize. Sammy has to apologize. افضل صديق كتاب My best friend is a book. The best friend of a book. لديهم بعجة في الباب الخلفي . They had a dent in the rear door. They have an excuse in the back door. انا ذاهب الى هناك حتى ولو لم تذهب I'm going there even if you don't go. I'm going there, even if I didn't go. لن أستسلم لأني لدي شيء يستحق أن أكافح من أجله. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I won't give up because I have something I deserve to fight for. በባሕሩ ውስጥ ደሴቶች አሉ። There are islands in the sea. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? הוא חלה בשפעת. He's got the flu. He's got the flu. לא הייתי בטוח בכך. I wasn't sure about that. I wasn't sure. את אוהבת אותו? Do you love him? Do you love him? מומחה אמד את שוויו של השעון ב-200 דולר. An expert appraised the value of the watch as two hundred dollars. An expert will learn the clock's worth at $200. אני חייב למצוא דרך להרוויח הרבה כסף. I must find a way to make a lot of money. I have to find a way to make a lot of money. أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Happy dreams! טום לא יכול היה לשלוט בכעסו. Tom couldn't control his anger. Tom couldn't control his anger. طوم خدم لك هادو ليك. Tom made these for you. Tom served you Hado Lake. הוא כמעט נרדם. He was almost asleep. He almost fell asleep. كان سامي يختلس النّظر. Sami was peeking. Sami was snitching the look. أنا أيضاً. Me too. Me, too. حضرت الشرطة خلال دقائق Police were on the scene within minutes. I attended the police in minutes. يمكن لسامي أن يغادر. Sami can leave. My mom can leave. اكتشف سامي قناة ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami found Layla's YouTube channel. Sami discovered Lily's channel on the satellite. لا تقلق. أنا لن أقول للشرطة. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell the police. Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell the police. كان السّجناء مضطرّين للنّوم في زنزانة واحدة، غالبا على أجنابهم. Inmates were forced to sleep in one cell, often sideways. Prisoners had to sleep in one cell, often on their faces. אני מרוצה מכל דבר. I'm satisfied with everything. I'm satisfied with everything. הם היו יחד. They were together. They were together. أُصيب المدرّس بصدمة. The teacher was shocked. The teacher was shocked. הם משוגעים כולם. They're all nuts. They're all crazy. هذا هو أفضل كتاب قرأته في حياتي. It's the best book that I've ever read. This is the best book I've ever read. سأزوره غداً. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. טלפנתי כדי להתנצל שלא יכולתי לבוא. I called to apologize for not being able to come. I called to apologize I couldn't come. תום הוא הזמר הטוב ביותר במועדון הזה. Tom is by far the best singer performing at this club. Tom is the best singer in this club. إنها جميلة يا رجل! Dude, she's hot! It's beautiful, man! אני חשה מכובדת. I feel honored. I feel honored. ניסיתי לא לעשות את זה. I tried not to do that. I tried not to do that. كنّا صديقات. We were friends. We were friends. كلما أتصل به ، يكون قد خرج. Whenever I call, he is out. Whenever I call him, he's out. بدأنا نفهم أكثر. We began to understand more. We're starting to understand more. أنت الشخص الوحيد. You are the only one. You're the only one. איכשהו ידעתי שתצליח. Somehow, I knew you would make it. Somehow I knew you'd make it. אני לא הולכת להתחתן עם טום. I'm not going to marry Tom. I'm not going to marry Tom. היא נראית לי בן אדם רציני ומהימן. She seems to me a serious and reliable person. She looks like a real, reliable person to me. לא ערבה לך ארוחת הבוקר היום? Didn't you like breakfast today? Didn't I give you breakfast today? لا تقل ذلك. Don't say that. Don't say that. אני אוהבת את הצליל של השפה הזאת. I love how that language sounds. I like the sound of that language. אני מחבבת אותך יותר מאשר אי פעם. I love you more than ever. I like you more than ever. اسمحلي، تقدر تعاونني؟ Excuse me, but can you help me? It's my name. Can you help me? לא מצאנו את זה. We haven't found it. We didn't find it. لقد حذرتك ماري. Mary warned you. I warned you, Mary. قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. Fight for their homeland. מרי היא מטריאליסטית. Mary is a materialist. Mary's a marginalist. أتذكر أني رأيتها مرة على الطريق. I remember seeing her once on the street. I remember seeing her once on the road. דאגי בבקשה לכך שהעופות בכלוב יקבלו מים ואוכל מדי יום. Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day. Please make sure the chicken in a cage gets water and food every day. ما ذلك؟ What's that? What is that? توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom's buying one. אילצתי את תום לקנות לי את זה. I got Tom to buy it for me. I forced Tom to buy me this. שמור על קור רוח. Keep your cool. Keep cold. أمن الناصرة يمكن أن يكون شيء صالح؟ Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? Necessary security could be good? המכונית ביצעה פנייה חדה. The car made an abrupt turn. The car did a sharp turn. יש לו יותר ספרים מאשר לכל היתר ביחד. He's got more books than all the others put together. He's got more books than any other one. השערורייה הכתימה את שמה הטוב של החברה. The scandal hurt the company's reputation. The scandal hit the company's good name. أظن أن توم لطيف. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's nice. الحاسوب آلة معقدة. A computer is a complex machine. Computer's a complex machine. תום הגיע בהליקופטר. Tom arrived in a helicopter. Tom came in the helicopter. هل لك أن تغلق الباب؟ Would you mind shutting the door? Can you close the door? فقدت العلكة طعمها. The gum has lost its taste. The gum has lost its taste. אה! תודה, יקירתי. Oh! Thank you, my dear. Thank you, dear. كُن داعماً. Be supportive. Be supportive. היא קנתה אתמול ירקות. She bought vegetables yesterday. She bought vegetables yesterday. لابوليس سيزاو كانتيتي كبيرا تع الزطلا فلمسيد. The police seized a large quantity of drugs at the school. La Paulis Sízao is the great catacombs to the master. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לעשות את זה. I don't know what made me do that. I don't know what made me do that. הוא קנה לי מילון חדש. He bought me a new dictionary. He bought me a new dictionary. אתמול פגשתי באוטובוס באופן בלתי צפוי חבר ותיק. I unexpectedly met an old friend of mine on the bus yesterday. Yesterday, I met on the bus unexpectedly an old friend. אני מעדיף את הביצים מבושלות רך מאוד. I'd like my egg very, very soft boiled. I prefer the eggs very soft. أعطني كتابك. Give me your book. Give me your book. كان سامي يتعاطى الماريخوانا. Sami did marijuana. Sami used our marijuana. كانا سامي و ليلى يتناقشان حول أمر يخصّ الدّين. Sami and Layla were debating something about religion. They were Sami and Lily discussing a debt thing. ينبغي أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You should call my mom. שום דבר לא חסר. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. האבולוציה היא מתקן גרוטאות, לא מהנדס. Evolution is a tinkerer and not an engineer. Evolution is a junkie facility, not an engineer. سويسرا بلد جميل. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. كم تستغرق من الوقت؟ How long does it take? How long does it take? דבר בבהירות. Speak clearly. Speak clarity. אמא שלי כועסת. My mother is angry. My mom's mad. دخلت ليلى في اكتئاب عميق بسبب فقدانها لصديقتها المقرّبة، سليمة. Layla slipped into a deep depression over the loss of her best friend, Salima. She got into deep depression because she lost her best friend, right. يشكو طول الوقت. He's always complaining. He's been complaining all the time. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الممتازة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sammy used to like the excellent things in life. ما الذي تعاقبهم عليه؟ What are you punishing them for? What are they punishing? ما كانت النتيجة النهائية؟ What was the final score? What was the final result? זו מצלמה של אחותי. This is my sister's camera. It's my sister's camera. איש לא מהלך בלוס אנג'לס. Nobody walks in LA. Nobody moves in L.A. أدركت الآن أنني عبثت. I realize I messed up. Now I realized I was fucking around. הנהר הזה עומד להציף את גדותיו. This river is going to overflow. This river is about to drain its roots. سمعت ليلى صوتا مألوفا. Layla heard a familiar voice. I heard a familiar voice. הוא צדק בפעם הראשונה. He was right the first time. He was right the first time. תום היה המום לראות כמה אמו התדרדרה מאז שראה אותה לאחרונה ששה חודשים קודם. Tom was shocked to see how much his mother had deteriorated since he last saw her six months ago. Tom was shocked to see how much his mother had deteriorated since he last saw her six months earlier. هذا هو الفتى الذي أفكر به. This is the boy I think about. That's the kid I'm thinking about. كانوا يترقبون اشارة الانطلاق. They were watching for the signal to start. They were watching the launch signal. لم أقصد شيئاً! I'm just saying! I didn't mean anything! אני אוהבת מאוד סרטי קולנוע. I like movies a lot. I like movies very much. אתה רזה. You're thin. You're thin. הם נישאו והשתקעו סמוך לבוסטון. They got married and settled near Boston. They were married and invested near Boston. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? התקציב קוצץ עד עצם. The budget was cut to the bone. The budget's been cut to death. אחד החסרונות לגור בעיר התחתית הוא הרעש הבלתי פוסק כל היום, כל השבוע. One of the downsides of living downtown is the noise you hear all day long every day of the week. One of the missing persons living in the lower city is the undissolved noise all day long. אני יודעת שעשית את כל העבודה. I know you did all the work. I know you've done all the work. תום נתן לנהג המונית תשר. Tom tipped the cab driver. Tom gave the cab driver a tip. תן לתום לסחוב את זה. Let Tom carry it. Let Tom carry it. כן, פגשתי אותה אתמול בספריה. Yes, I met her in the library yesterday. Yeah, I met her yesterday at the library. חשוב על עתידך. Think about your future. Think about your future. نعم. Yep. Yeah. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. On account of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. طلبت كتاباً من لندن. I ordered a book from London. I asked for a book from London. אני עסוקה מדי מכדי להכין ארוחת צהריים. תוכלי להכין אותה? I'm too busy to make lunch. Could you make it? I'm too busy to make lunch. كم من الوقت يلزم للوصول إلى المحطّة. How long does it take to get to the station? How much time it takes to get to the station. זאת מכונית קטנה נהדרת. It's a great little car. That's a great little car. היא הראתה לי את חדרה. She showed me her room. She showed me her room. מה הדבר שלמדנו? What is it that we learned? What's the thing we've learned? הוא רופא טוב. He is a good doctor. He's a good doctor. ما هي الجُمل التي تفضلها ؟ What is your favorite sentence? What kind of charm do you prefer? על לא דבר. Don't mention it. You're welcome. האל ישמור! God forbid! Oh, my God! אין לי שום אויב. I don't have any enemies. I don't have an enemy. هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Are you doing this on purpose? هذا اذن على خلافك. This is so unlike you. So that's contrary to you. ماري وتوم يلعبون ما جونج. Tom and Mary are playing mahjong. Mary and Tom are playing what Gong is. دعني أذهب وحدي. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. اغطس فيها و اسماك الضاري المفترسة سوف تاكلك. Dip into it and the piranhas will eat you. You're going to eat it. كان المدرّس يتصرّف بغرابة. The teacher was acting weird. The teacher was acting strangely. אתה נראה נרגש. You seem excited. You look excited. لعبت التنس. I played tennis. I played tennis. הוא גר מעבר לכביש. He lives across the street. He lives across the road. حاول سامي الفرار من العدالة. Sami tried to escape from justice. Sami tried to escape justice. قررت أن أعمل لحساب شركة في أمريكا. I've made up my mind to work for a company in the States. I decided to work for a firm in America. أريدُك أن تجرّب ذلِكَ. I want you to try it. I want you to try that. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. لا أتوقع منك شيئا. I don't expect anything from you. I don't expect anything from you. سامي وفيّ. Sami is faithful. Sammy and me. لقد تسلقت جبل فوجي. I've climbed Mt. Fuji. I've climbed Mount Foji. אני מעדיפה להיפרד. I'd rather that we break up. I'd rather say goodbye. הרתם למשימה. Put your back into it. You're on mission. אשתי הייתה באותו זמן בהריון. My wife was pregnant at the time. My wife was at the same time pregnant. איך זה שייך? How is this relevant? How does that belong? קח נשימה עמוקה בבקשה. Take a deep breath, please. Take a deep breath, please. הם נמצאים פה להגן עליך. They're here to protect you. They're here to protect you. أنا ذاهبة إلى ماينتس ثُم إلى كولونيا العام القادم. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. I'm going to Mainz then to Cologne next year. ألقوا أسلحتكم! Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons! שלוש כפול ארבע שווה שתים עשרה. Three times four is twelve. Three times four equals twelve. نعم, إنها غاضبة. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. قرّر سامي القيام بذلك عملا بنصيحة أحد المدرّسين. Sami, on the advice of a teacher, decided to do that. Sami decided to do so with the advice of one of the instructors. لم يجد توم مفتاحه في أي مكان. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. Tom didn't find his key anywhere. ذهبت ليلى إلى الخارج. Layla went outside. I went out for a night. זה נראה טוב. It looked good. That looks good. أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? You know where Tom hid? كان الفلم مثيراً للإهتمام كما توقعت. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The movie was as interesting as I expected. ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ ድስትታት ምሕጻብ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. Are you willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the Kingdom? ماعليك إلا أن تضغط على الزر. You have only to push the button. You only have to press the button. إن أعطيتني بعضا من تلك الأوراق النّقديّة، فربّما بإمكاننا إبرام صفقة. If you can give me a couple of those bills, maybe we could have a deal. If you give me some of those cash cards, maybe we can make a deal. מראָה מחזירה אור. A mirror reflects light. Maria's giving back light. شاهدنا فلماً مضحكاً يوم الأحد الماضي. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. آمل أن تتحقّق كلّ أحلامك. I hope that all your dreams come true. I hope you check all your dreams. היו ברשותו רק מאה ין. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had a hundred yen. הייתי חסר פרוטה. I was broke. I was useless. זאת הייתה שגיאה לשמור את הדבר בסוד. It was a mistake to keep that matter secret. It was wrong to keep the thing secret. قطعاً Definitely! Absolutely. עליה להיות זהירה מאד כשהיא חוצה את הרחוב. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She must be very careful when she gets across the street. אני רוצה לשחק איתך טניס ביום כלשהו. I want to play tennis with you someday. I want to play tennis with you some day. سرعان ما تعرّف سامي على أصدقاء جدد. Sami made friends immediately. You soon recognize Sami's new friends. מעולם לא ראיתי פרה אמיתית. I've never seen a real cow. I've never seen a real cow. צדק נמצא בבית המשפט. Justice is found in a courtroom. Justice is in court. אני מסכימה לחלוטין עם זה. I agree completely with that. I fully agree with that. أعجب الحفل ليلى. Layla liked the party. I like the party tonight. למה לי בכלל לדאוג? Why do I even care? Why should I even worry? ይህን አልበልም። I'm not eating this. How Would You Answer? היא עובדת כמזכירה במשרד. She works as a secretary in an office. She works as an secretary at the office. הרומנים שהוא כתב מעניינים. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. לפיל יש אף ארוך. An elephant has a long nose. Phil's got a long nose. Hija il-ħabiba tiegħi. She is my girlfriend. She's my friend. كان بريئاً من الجريمة. He was innocent of the crime. He was innocent of crime. ليلى تحبّ التّجميل. Layla likes makeup. Lily likes beauty. אני מצטער, לא התכוונתי להפחיד אותך. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. قالتلي ما تمسنيش. She told me not to touch her. She told me what to do. እኔ ከክዮቶ ነኝ። I'm from Kyoto. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? האוניברסיטה קיבלה החלטה לבטל את הבחינה מהסוג הזה. The university decided to do away with this kind of examination. The university made a decision to cancel this type of test. עשה לי טובה, תדבר אתה? Do me a favor and talk to her? Do me a favor, talk to you? תום ילך. Tom will go. Tom's gonna go. أخطر سامي الشّرطة. Sami alerted police. The most important threat to my officer's name. השומרים מצאו תער מאולתר בכיסו של האסיר. The guards found a hacksaw blade in the prisoner's pocket. The guards found an improvised forest in the prisoner's pocket. הניסוי נכשל. The experiment failed. The experiment failed. זה לא מצחיק! That's not funny! That's not funny! אתם מגיעים הנה לעתים קרובות? Do you come here often? You guys get here often? لأننا نحبك، فها نحن نحدث تتويبا لتحصل أنت على تجربة استخدام أحسن. أترى؟ نحن نحبك، هاه؟ Because we love you, we are updating Tatoeba to bring you a better user experience. See? We love you huh? Because we love you. בוא נקווה שתום ייטיב לעשות בפעם הבאה. Let's hope Tom can do better next time. Let's hope Tom gets ready to do next time. אקח שלוש מכל סוג. I'll take three of each kind. I'll take three of all kinds. מה אתה אומר?! אחד מהסרטים המצויירים האהובים עלי, שהוקרן בבוקר שבת, עֻבָּד לשובר קופות הוליוודי? בן אדם, אני מזדקן... You say what?! One of my childhood's favourite Saturday morning cartoons has been remade as a Hollywood blockbuster movie? Man, I'm getting old... What are you saying? אני לא חושב שתום מתכנן לסייע לנו. I don't think Tom is planning to help us. I don't think Tom plans to help us. شفت ده قبل كده. I've seen that. Showed his ass before. قررت أن أخبرها بأني أحبها. I decided to tell her that I love her. I decided to tell her I love her. נשדדנו. We got robbed. We were robbed. لا أبالي إن كان الجو باردا نوعا ما. I don't mind if it's a little cold. I don't care if it's kind of cold. קרעתי רצועה בברך והייתי זקוק לניתוח. I tore a ligament in my knee and had to have surgery. I broke a leash in the knee, and I needed surgery. أتفق معك. I agree with you. I agree with you. אני בטוחה שהכוונות שלך טהורות. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are pure. لقد كنتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية لسنوات. I have been learning Berber for years. I've been learning the Amazigian for years. אני יודע מה עובר על תום ומרי. I know what Tom and Mary are going through. I know what's going on with Tom and Mary. قاربت على السادسة. It's almost six. I was about six. أريد أن أشتري. I want to buy. I want to buy. חשבתי שאפתיע את מרי ואזמין אותה לארוחת ערב. I thought I'd surprise Mary and take her to dinner. I thought I'd surprise Mary and invite her to dinner. إستخدم رأسك! Use your head! Use your head! האם שתי הגרסאות האנגליות מקובלות במידה שווה? Are both English versions equally acceptable? Are both English versions equally acceptable? يا له من كلب كبير. What a big dog it is! What a big dog. ما زال ذراعي يؤلمني. My arm still hurts. My arm still hurts me. ذهب سامي إلى منزل ليلى كي يقضي المزيد من الوقت معها. Fadil went to Layla's house to spend more time with her. Sami went to Lily's house to spend more time with her. תום אומר שזה מה שהוא צריך באמת. Tom says this is what he really needs. Tom says that's what he really needs. لا أعرف إن كنا نحتاج ذلك. I don't know if we needed that. I don't know if we need that. יש לי תחושה די טובה לגבי זה. I feel pretty good about it. I have a pretty good feeling about it. אנחנו לעתים קרובות שומעים אותך שרה. We often hear you sing. We often hear you sing. لا أستطيع تذكر اسمه الآن. I can't think of his name just now. I can't remember his name now. لا أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. הבנטו היא ארוחה קטנה שעשויה מאורז ואצות ים מבושלים, הנמכרת בקופסאות עץ זולות. A bento is a small meal made of boiled rice and seaweed, that is sold in cheap wooden boxes. Bento is a small meal made from rice and wet water, sold in cheap wooden boxes. الأدب مستقبل دولة. Literature is the future of a nation. The literature is the future of a State. قام العبيد بمعظم الأعمال. Slaves did most of the work. The slaves did most of the work. كان سامي ينتظر في العلّيّة. Sami was waiting in the attic. Sami was waiting at the elevator. מה אם הבעיה היא את? What if the problem is you? What if the problem is you? سأُحَلِق إلى المانيا. I will fly to Germany. I'll get to Germany. תום תולה את הבגדים שלו, ואחר כך מארגן אותם לפי צבע. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them by color. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them by color. אפשר להבין את הכעס שלו. His anger is understandable. You can understand his anger. نناديه مايك. We call him Mike. Call it Mike. ברור מה צריך לעשות. It is clear what must be done. Clearly what needs to be done. כל יום מרי לקחה סלים מלאים לחם לעניים וטפלה בחולים. Every day Mary took baskets full of bread to the poor and cared for the sick. Every day Mary took baskets full of bread for the poor and took care of the patients. אנו צריכים לבדוק את התפוצה של המחלה. We should check the spread of the disease. We need to check the spread of the disease. אני רוצה לצאת לקניות. I want to go shopping. I want to go shopping. תעבירי לי את הסוכר בבקשה. Pass me the sugar, please. Give me the sugar, please. לעתים קרובות הייתי יוצא לסקי בחורף. I often went skiing in the winter. I'd often go to ski in winter. באביב הקרוב הוא יוצא לפנסיה. He retires next spring. In the next spring, he's going to retirement. اصبر، ها أنا قادم! Hold on, I'm coming! Shut up, here I come! سامي يكره ذلك المدرّس. Sami hates that teacher. Sami hates that teacher. אין לי בקרה על מה שאתה עושה. I have no control over what you do. I don't have a check on what you're doing. تتكلم الأمازيغية مع أبنائها. She speaks Berber to her kids. You speak to her children. كانت دانية مسحورة. Dania was hooked. She was a vandal. הרגשתי מאושש. I felt reassured. I felt exhausted. التدخين قد يكون قاتلاً. Smoking may be fatal. Smoking could be a killer. ניו יורק זו עיר גדולה. New York is a big city. New York is a big city. אני מתכוון להשתמש בזה. I intend to use it. I'm gonna use it. את מסוכנת. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. توم يريد أن يأكل هنا الليلة. Tom wants to eat here tonight. Tom wants to eat here tonight. תום קיווה שמרי תאהב את המתנה שהוא קנה לה. Tom hoped that Mary would like the gift he bought her. Tom was hoping Mary's gonna love the gift he bought her. הוא הגיש קובלנה. He filed a complaint. He filed Koblana. لا يمكنني تصديق ذلك! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! آمُل ألا أضطر إلى استخدام هذا المسدس. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use this gun. لم يكن ينبغي على سامي العودة. Sami never should have returned. Sami shouldn't have come back. لم يكن لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء في الحيّ. Sami didn't have very many friends in the neighborhood. Sammy didn't have a lot of friends in the neighborhood. זאת בוודאי טעות דפוס. That's probably a misprint. It must be a pattern error. عذرا لعدم الرد أبكر. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Excuse me for not responding sooner. הן צהובות. They are yellow. They're yellow. أنا وهو أولاد عَم. Him and me are cousins. I'm a boy. إيه، أرْواح تْعِيش. Yes, please come. Oh, I think you're living. أعرفُ كَم يعني لكِ. I know how much he means to you. I know how you mean. הוא אמר "שלום לכם, ידידיי" והלך. He said, "So long, my friends," and left us. He said "Hello, my friends" and he went. יש לי חמרמורת. I have a hangover. I've got a scumbag. אם יש לך מזל, תוכל לצור קשר עם קרוב משפחה, שהשקיע יותר מאמצים במחקר תולדות משפחתך, מאשר אי פעם תוכל בעצמך. If you're lucky, you'll be able to connect yourself to a relative who has put more effort into studying your family's genealogy than you ever could. If you are lucky, you can contact a family member who spends more than you do in researching your family history than you can ever do yourself. أعطني كل التفاصيل. Give me all the details. Give me all the details. እኔ ፓሊስ ነኝ። I'm a policeman. Would You Welcome a Visit? זכור לשים את הכסאות על השולחנות לאחר השיעור. Remember to put the chairs onto the tables after the lesson. Remember to put the chairs on the tables after class. אתה חייב להפסיק להתנהג בצורה מטופשת. You must put an end to your foolish behavior. You have to stop acting stupidly. تحرك عقرب الثواني الخاص بالساعة . The clock ticked. The hourly second hand drive. שלושה דברים בחיים לעולם לא חוזרים: חץ שנורה, מילה שנאמרה, והזדמנות שהוחמצה. There are three things that won't come back in life: the shot arrow, the pronounced word, and the missed chance. Three things never come back: an arrow shot, a word said, and an opportunity that has been missed. يمكن لتوم توضيح ذلك. Tom could explain that. Tom can explain that. תמסור את שיעורי הבית שלך. Turn in your homework. Give your homework. מוטב שנבדוק את זה. We'd better check it out. We better check it out. זה מובן. That's understandable. That's understandable. الحساب عليّ. It's on me. The account's on me. ארבע כפול שתיים הם שמונה. Four multiplied by two is eight. Four times two are eight. הוא מאמין שבני אנוש הם חיות מכונה. He believes that humans are machine-animals. He believes humans are machine animals. החלומות שלך התגשמו. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams come true. התוכל לשלוח מכתב זה בדואר מהיר? Will you express this letter? Can you send this letter in quick mail? אני כבר לא טירון. I'm not a rookie anymore. I'm no longer a rookie. אני קונה לאחותי כובע חדש. I'm buying my sister a new hat. I'm buying my sister a new hat. الي ماذا تنظر تحديدا What specifically are you looking for? What exactly are you looking at? אילו מסקנות הם הסיקו? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions are the Cisco? أودّ أن أعرف بكم تمنها. I would like to know how much it costs. I'd like to know you guys wish it. كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. הם לא ימצאו את זה. They won't find it. They won't find it. אבוא. I'll come. I'll come. سيتواصل التّحقيق لأشهر. The investigation will go on for months. The investigation will continue for months. كل الاطفال صادقون. All the boys are honest. All kids are honest. עשו משהו בבקשה. Please do something. Please do something. انني لن اقول لك لا مطلقا I never could say no to you. I won't tell you. Not at all. قد يبدو أحياناً شاباً غريباً. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes it's a weird guy. אתה רוצה לומר שאתה פשוט מרים ידים? You mean you're just giving up? You want to say you just raise their hands? إنّ سامي يفقد الكثير من الدّم. Sami is losing to much blood. Sami's losing a lot of blood. אתה יודע לבשל סרטן? Do you know how to cook a crab? Can you cook cancer? תום לא יודע מה לתת לכלב של מרי לאכול. Tom doesn't know what to feed Mary's dog. Tom doesn't know what to let Mary's dog eat. בוב גבה 3 דולרים לשעה עבור כיסוח דשא. Bob charged 3 dollars an hour for mowing lawns. Bob raised $3 an hour for lawn. حسناً. أنا موافق. OK. I agree. Okay, I'm okay. הכאב נרגע קצת. The pain has lessened a little. The pain calmed down a little. תום לא קם מוקדם מספיק. Tom didn't get up early enough. Tom's not up early enough. הייתי רוצה להשאר כאן אתה. I'd like to stay here with her. I'd like to stay here. عادت ليلى في قطار إلى القاهرة. Layla caught a train back to Cairo. She's back in a train to Cairo. הזריקה תעזור להרדים את הכאב. This shot will help numb the pain. The injection will help bring the pain down. הם שמעו באוזניהם הטבעיות אבל אנו שומעים, אם יש לנו אוזן קשבת, מה רוח הקודש אומרת לכנסיות. They heard with their natural ears but we hear, if we have an ear to hear what the Spirit says to the churches. They heard their natural ears, but we hear, if we have a listening ear, what the holy spirit says to the churches. ما فعلتيهِ أنتِ كان خاطئاً. What you did was wrong. What you did was wrong. دعونا ننقسم إلى فرق. Let's split up into teams. Let's split up. المدرسة أبعد من المحطة. The school is farther than the station. School's far from the station. הנהג סובב את ההגה ימינה. The driver turned the wheel to the right. The driver turns the wheel right. لم تكن قارورة الأقراص تلك كافية لقتل سامي. The small bottle of pills wasn't enough to kill Sami. Those pills weren't enough to kill Sami. היא נתפסה עם המכנסיים למטה. She was caught with her pants down. She was caught with her pants down. תום לימד את מרי איך להתגונן. Tom taught Mary how to defend herself. Tom taught Mary how to defend. לא יכולתי לעשות זאת בלעדיך. תודה לך. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't do it without you. كانت ليلى عالمة آثار شرعيّة. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. She was a legitimate scientist. باراك الله عليك. May the blessings of God rest upon you. God bless you. הוא אמר שהם אחראים לבעיה הנוכחית. He said they were responsible for the present problem. He said they were responsible for the current problem. אורח החיים שלהם שונה משלנו. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their lifestyle is different than ours. علينا أن نجدها في الحين. We need to find her right away. We have to find her in time. متى تلعب التنس؟ When do you play tennis? When are you playing tennis? هل هناك ما لم أضع في الإعتبار؟ Did I miss anything? Is there anything I didn't take into account? החבר הכי טוב שלי הוא וולשי. My best friend is Welsh. My best friend is Walshie. אינני מסוגלת להאמין שעשית את זה. I can't believe you did that! I can't believe you did it. مش دي سودا؟ Isn't it black? Mess de Suda? ורדים הם סוג של פרח ויונים סוג ציפור. Roses are a type of flower and doves are a type of bird. roses are some kind of bird-type flower and pigeon. طلبت مني المساعدة. She asked me for help. She asked me to help. נשוב מאוחר יותר. We'll come back later. We'll be back later. انفتح الباب. The door flew open. Open the door. بلغ البلل بدني. I got wet to the skin. It reached physical failure. لم تعد تسكن هناك. She doesn't live there any more. She's no longer living there. זה מטופש. This is foolish. That's stupid. תום אוהב קפה בלי סוכר. Tom likes coffee without sugar. Tom loves coffee without sugar. لو كنتُ مكانك, كنتُ سأفعل نفس الشئ؟ If I were you, I would also do the same. If I were you, would I do the same? בדיוק נחתנו. We just landed. We just landed. كيف حضّرت هذا الحساء؟ How did you make this soup? How did you make this soup? አሜሪካዊ ነኝ። I am an American. How Would You Answer? هل تأكل في الفصل؟ Do you eat in the classroom? Are you eating in the classroom? ليس هناك حاجة للاستعجال. لدينا متسع من الوقت. There's no need to hurry. We have plenty of time. We have plenty of time. התרגום שלו נאמן למקור. His translation is faithful to the original. His translation is true to the source. لم يكن لدى سامي أحد كي يساعده. Sami didn't have anybody to help him. Sammy didn't have anyone to help him. لا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك! Don't interfere with matters that do not concern you! Don't interfere with what doesn't concern you! לשום דבר אין חשיבות. Nothing really matters. Nothing's important. התעלמנו מתום. We ignored Tom. We ignored the dead. תום היה חולה. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. כשנשאלה מה מפריד בין גברים אמריקניים לבין עמיתיהם מאירופה, ז'זה גאבור ענתה, "האוקינוס האטלנטי, מותק." When asked what separates American men from European men, Zsa Zsa Gabor replied, "The Atlantic Ocean, darling." When we ask what separates American men and their colleagues from Europe, Jessica Gabor answered, "The Atlantic, baby." ראי לעיל. See above. Look up. הוא תלש את חולצתו. He tore off his shirt. He broke his shirt. זו תגובה מעמדית. That's a class act. It's a progressive response. נתפסתי בגשם שוטף. I was caught in a shower. I got caught in the rain washing. הדלת הייתה נעולה מבחוץ. The door was locked from the outside. The door was locked from the outside. يصعب عليّ جدا أن أفهم هذا الكتاب. This book is too difficult for me to understand. It's so hard for me to understand this book. איך הכרתן? How did you come to know each other? How did you know? أفسد سامي الحفل. Sami ruined the party. I'm ruining Sami's party. عند دخولي إلى الغرفة كان مستغرقاً في قراءة كتاب. When I entered his room, he was reading a book. When I went into the room, he had to read a book. لا أعلم متى سأعود بالتحديد. I don't know exactly when I will be back. I don't know when I'll be right back. היום זורחת השמש אז כולם משתמשים במשקפי שמש. Today it's very sunny, so everyone is wearing sunglasses. Today the sun shines so everyone uses sunglasses. هل تعلم كم عدد السياح الذين ياتون الى بوسطن كل يوم ؟ Do you know how many tourists come to Boston every day? Do you know how many tourists come to Boston every day? אם אתה מחבב את דן, תרגם את המשפטים שלו. If you like Dan, translate his sentences. If you like Dan, translate his sentences. التلوث يضر كوكبنا. Pollution is damaging our earth. Pollution hurts our planet. أقلّ سامي مسافر أوتوستوب. Sami picked up a hitchhiker. At least Sammy Otostup's. פגשתי בחור צעיר בשם תום. I met a young man whose name was Tom. I met a young man named Tom. أحب القهوة أكثر من الشاي. I like coffee better than tea. I like coffee more than tea. אני צריך להתקלח. I need to take a shower. I need a shower. واصلت دانية التّحقيق بشأن فاضل. Dania continued to follow Fadil's lead. She went on to investigate a puzzle. מישהו תמיד בכוננות. Someone is always on duty. Someone's always standing by. אני תוהה כמה זמן היא תימשך. I wonder how long it's going to take. I wonder how long she'll last. من فضلك ساعدني. Please help me. Please help me. لكل إنسان الحق، على قدم المساواة التامة مع الآخرين، في أن تنظر قضيته أمام محكمة مستقلة نزيهة نظراً عادلاً علنياً للفصل في حقوقه والتزاماته وأية تهمة جنائية توجه إليه. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone has the right, on full equality with others, to consider his or her case before an independent and impartial tribunal, in a fair and public manner, to decide on his or her rights and obligations and on any criminal charge against him or her. מי שיחק? Who was playing? Who was playing? ليس بالضرورة. It is not necessarily so. Not necessarily. האם הוא הגיע באוטובוס או ברכבת? Did he come by bus or by train? Did he come on the bus or the train? هل لديك موعد معه؟ Do you have an appointment with him? Do you have a date with him? לחשוש מהאהבה זה לחשוש מהחיים ואלה החוששים מהחיים כבר שלושת רבעי מתים. To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. Fear of love is fear of life, and those fear of life have been dead three-fourths. היא אמרה את זה בחיוך. She said so with a smile. She said that in a smile. אני משתמש בגוגל כמעט כל יום. I use Google almost every day. I use Google almost every day. אני מקווה שלא אצטער על כך. I hope I don't regret this. I hope I won't regret it. أتحس بوجع في بطنك؟ Do you feel any pain in your stomach? Are you hungry in your belly? אני רוצה לקנות מחשב חדש. I want to buy a new computer. I want to buy a new computer. אנו בהחלט לא זוג. We're definitely not a couple. We're definitely not a couple. انا هنا بصفتي سائح . I'm here as a tourist. I'm here as a tourist. אני רוצה לגלות מה זה באמת. I want to find out what it really is. I want to find out what it really is. كان سامي يعلم أنّ ليلى كانت تبحث عنه. Sami knew Layla was looking for him. Sammy knew Lily was looking for him. الصورة دي بتفكّرني بأيام طفولتي. The photo takes me back to my childhood days. Picture De thinking of me the days of my childhood. نريد أن نوصل أدوات اللغة إلى المرحلة التالية. نريد أن نرى إبداعات في مجال تعليم اللغات. ولا يمكن لهذا أن يحصل بدون مصادر لغوية متاحة للجميع والتي لا يمكن بناؤها بدون مجتمع والمجتمع لا يمكنه المساهمة بدون منصات فعّالة. We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language learning landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources which cannot be built without a community which cannot contribute without efficient platforms. We want to reach the next stage of language tools. We want to see innovations in language education. This cannot be achieved without language sources available to all, which cannot be built without society and society that cannot contribute without effective platforms. ቤት አላችሁ? Do you have a house? Do You Remember? سامي يتخاصم معي دائما. Sami is always arguing with me. Sami always smiles at me. תום לא יודע זאת. Tom doesn't know that. Tom doesn't know that. תום ומרי בילו יחד נהדר. Tom and Mary had a wonderful time together. Tom and Mary had a great time together. תום אמר שהוא לא יודע למה. Tom said he didn't know why. Tom said he didn't know why. لست راضيا عما فعلته. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. בסתיו משנים העלים את צבעם ונושרים. In autumn, leaves change color and fall. By the end of the years, their color and manners were raised. תקן את המשפטים הבאים. Correct the following sentences. Correct the next sentences. كان فاضل بحاجة ماسة للمال. Fadil needed money bad. He needed money very hard. Ikkmandah imur id-dar. He ordered him to go home. He commanded him to go to the house. كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه. Sami was minding his own business. Sami was interested in him. بيكاسو فنان مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. الأولاد نائمون. The kids are asleep. The boys are asleep. אני לא רוצה להיכנס לבית סוהר. I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go into prison. لا تطلب مني مالا. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me, Mala. لا تنس ذلك. Don't forget that. Don't forget that. لا تنظر إلي! Don't look at me. Don't look at me! شعر سامي أنّه عومل بإهانة. Sami felt disrespected. Sami felt that he was an insult to me. علمت أنه سيقبل. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd accept. הסוס שלו קפץ מעל הגדר. His horse jumped over the fence. His horse jumped over the fence. תום כבר לא יכול לסבול את זה יותר. Tom can't take it any longer. Tom can't take it anymore. هيئتُ النظام بحيث لا يستطيع إلا الجذر الوصول إلى الشاشة الإدارية. I made it so only root could access the administrative screen. I've created the system so that only the root can reach the administrative screen. نظرا للوقت المتأخّر، ألحّ سامي على ليلى كي تمضي اللّيلة في شقّته. Because it was late, Sami encouraged Layla to spend the night in his apartment. Because of the late time, I put my name on Lily so I could spend the night in his apartment. ينبغي أن تميز بين الصحيح والخطأ. You should distinguish between right and wrong. It should distinguish right from wrong. התנהגתי לא יפה. I behaved badly. I was being rude. بيعرف يتكلم ياباني كويس. He speaks Japanese well. Beaver speaks Japanese Cues. من الأفضل أن تذهب. You should go. You better go. לבן אדם אסור להפר את הבטחתו. One must not break his promise. A man can't break his promise. Ejja miegħi. Come with me. Come with me. קראי שוב את ההודעה. Read the message once more. Read the message again. المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in kindness and compassion. بإمكان سامي فعل أيّ شيء لحماية ليلى. Sami would do anything to protect Layla. Sami can do anything to protect Lily. אין לי סיבה ללמוד את השפה הזאת. There is no reason for me to learn that language. I have no reason to learn that language. عليك أن تعتذر لها منه. You are to apologize to her for it. You have to apologize to her. לעתים קרובות הוא עוזר לאחרים. He often helps others. He often helps others. بقيَ واحد وذهب الآخر. One stayed and the other went away. There was one left and the other went. عنده ثلاثة أولاد. He has three sons. He has three children. أنا طويلة جدا. I'm pretty tall. I'm too long. فضح سامي ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sami lily was exposed to the Utopian. إستعد Prepare yourself. Get ready. عليك أن تطيع والديك. You should obey your parents. You have to clean up your parents. لذا، فإننا في تتويبا نبني الأساسات فحسب... لجعل الوِب مكانًا أفضل لتعلم اللغات. So ultimately, with Tatoeba we are only building the foundations… to make the Web a better place for language learning. So, we're just in line to build the foundations... to make the web a better place to learn languages. سامي يقرع على باب ليلى. Sami is knocking on Layla's door. Sami's on a night's door. לאיזה כיוון אתם הולכים? Which way are you going? Which way are you going? אפשר להתמודד עם פלישת צבאות; לא ניתן להתמודד עם פלישת רעיונות. One withstands the invasion of armies; one does not withstand the invasion of ideas. We can deal with a military invasion; we can't deal with an invasion of ideas. كان عمر فاضل سبعة عشر سنة آنذاك. Fadil was about seventeen years old at the time. He was 17 years old at the time. שכב בשקט. Lie still. Lie down. אתם צריכים לקרוא בין השורות. You must read between the lines. You should read between the lines. זו לא הייתה סערה שגרתית. That was no ordinary storm. It wasn't a routine storm. آمل ألا تنشب الحرب. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope you don't start the war. בואו ננסה לשחות נגד הזרם. Let us try to swim against the current. Let's try swimming against the current. זה היה מאוחר מדי. It was too late. It was too late. من هؤلاء النَّاس؟ Who are these people? Who are these people? هي تحبّ أطفالها. She loves her children. She loves her kids. هل تعرف من يكون؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? אתה מודאג? Are you worried? Are you worried? זאת היהירות האיומה שלך שעושה אותך בלתי נסבל לחלוטין. It's your terrible arrogance that makes you totally unbearable. It's your terrible virtues that make you totally inconceivable. הוא ליקק את האצבעות. He licked his fingers. He licked his fingers. איש מאיתנו לא עשה את מה שתום רצה שנעשה. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. הם היו חולים. They were sick. They were sick. הוא רובץ על הספה. He is lying on the sofa. He's running on the couch. لدي كل البوماتك I have all your albums. I've got all your mascots. מחר הוא ינחת על הירח. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. جاك لا يقود بسرعة. Jack doesn't drive fast. Jack doesn't drive fast. המילון הזה הועיל לי מאד. This dictionary has been of great use to me. That hotel was very helpful to me. היא חייכה בשמחה. She smiled happily. She smiled happily. أرسل سامي الكثير من الرّسائل لليلى. Sami sent Layla many letters. Sami sent a lot of letters to me. المدرّس قادم. The teacher is coming in. The teacher's coming. בוא נפגש ונעשה מסיבה. Let's get together and have a party. Let's meet and have a party. אמי עשתה ממני רופא. My mother made a doctor out of me. My mother made me a doctor. הילדים יתעוררו אם תעשה רעש. The children will wake up if you make noise. The kids will wake up if you make a noise. סין משמעותית גדולה מיפן. China is much larger than Japan. A significant China from Japan. לא יהיה לי פנאי ביום שני, וגם לא בשלישי. I won't have time on Monday nor on Tuesday. I won't have a pony on Monday, nor on Tuesday. המאמר הזה לא מצטט את המקור. The article doesn't cite the source. This article doesn't quote the source. הייתי רוצה לדבר אנגלית שוטפת. I would like to speak English fluently. I'd like to speak English. لا تستخف بمقدرتي. Don't underestimate me. Don't underestimate my ability. لا تتزوّج أبدا بامرأة كليلى. Never marry a woman like Layla. Don't ever marry a total woman. هل يوجد شيئ في ذهنك؟ Is something on your mind? Is there something in your mind? איפה הסרת מהם את העצמות? Where did you bone them? Where did you remove the bones from them? כל חברי הממשלה היה נוכחים. Every member of the cabinet was present. All members of the government were present. תום הגיע קצת אחרי 2:30. Tom arrived a little after 2:30. Tom came a little after 2:30. למעשה, לטום אין ביטוח. Actually, Tom doesn't have insurance. In fact, Tom has no insurance. הוא עשיר אבל הוא לא מאושר. He's rich, but he's not happy. He's rich, but he's not happy. אני צמאה. I'm thirty. I'm thirsty. ما إن انتهى اجتماعهم، شرعوا في العمل. As soon as their meeting was over, they set to work. As soon as their meeting is over, get to work. הוא אשמאי זקן. He's dirty minded. He's an old cheater. ماذا تطبخين؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? אני צריך ללכת לבית השימוש. I need to go to the bathroom. I have to go to the use house. היית צריך לבוא מעט מוקדם יותר. You should have come a little earlier. You should have come a little earlier. تناول سامي بعض الأقراص النّوم. Sami took some sleeping pills. Sammy had some sleeping pills. ما سبب غضبهم؟ Why are they angry? What's their anger for? יומי תשתמש במצלמה הזאת מחר אחר הצהריים. Yumi will use this camera tomorrow afternoon. My day will use this camera tomorrow afternoon. علا وجه نانسي التعب. Nancy looks so tired. Upon the face of Narcissism. احفظ هذه الأسماء عن ظهر قلب. Learn these names by heart. Save these names from the back of your heart. לקחתי יום חופש. I took a day off. I took a day off. אינני מאמין שהוא תמיד מאחר. I don't believe he always arrives late. I can't believe he's always late. فهمتيني؟ Do you understand me? You understand me? هي لا تستحقّه. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. אני עומדת לקנות טלפון נייד מחר! I'm going to buy a mobile phone tomorrow! I'm going to buy a cell phone tomorrow! פשוט לא ציפינו לראות טינופת כזאת בערוץ הקניות המשפחתי. We simply didn't expect to see such filth on the family shopping site. We just didn't expect to see such a creep on the family shopping channel. אנו צריכים להתרכז להגות תכנית חדשה. We need to concentrate on coming up with a new plan. We need to focus on the emergence of a new plan. كان سامي يغادر المدرسة. Sami was leaving school. Sammy was leaving school. كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها. Sami walked the dogs. Sammy was taking the dogs for a walk. בואי נתפצל לקבוצות. Let's split up into groups. Let's split up the teams. اسمي محذوفٌ من القائمة. My name is omitted from the list. My name is gone from the list. מה הבעיה של תום בכלל? What's Tom's problem anyway? What's wrong with Tom anyway? את רוצה ביס? Do you want a bite? You want a bite? لا تسخر من الأجانب. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. אינני עושה זאת כל יום. I don't do this every day. I don't do it every day. הוא לא יכול היה לבוא אתנו כי הוא חלה. He couldn't come with us because he was sick. He couldn't come with us because he got sick. הבעיה היא שהוא חסר פרוטה. The problem is that he is penniless. The problem is he's homeless. אנו לא עושים דבר שלא תהיה מוכן להסכים לו. We're not doing anything you wouldn't approve of. We're not doing anything you won't be willing to agree to. הוא עשה את העבודה בעצמו. He did the work on his own. He did the job himself. הוא ידידי משכבר הימים. He is an old friend of mine. He's my friend from the past. תמיד רציתי לכתוב ספר ילדים. I've always wanted to write a children's book. I've always wanted to write a book for kids. كان القيام بذلك شيئا سخيفا على ما أعتقد. I think it was a stupid thing to do. It was a ridiculous thing to do, I think. תום עובד פה. Tom works here. Tom works here. عملهم هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the healing of artists. يستحق توم ترقيةً. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves promotion. حدث ذلك كما قال توم It happened the way Tom said it did. That happened as Tom said. הם מכוערים. They're ugly. They're ugly. הוא מתרחץ. He washes himself. He's bathing. אולי אתה צריך לעשות את זה. Maybe you should do that. Maybe you should do it. אנו רותחים מזעם. We're outraged. We're out of rage. أذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص. I go to school by bus. Go to school in the bus. התינוקת בכתה עד שנרדמה. The baby cried herself to sleep. The baby cried until he fell asleep. كان سامي راغبا في إنجاب ولد كي يرث إسمه و ثروته. Sami wanted a son to inherit his name and fortune. Sami was willing to give birth to a child in order to inherit his name and wealth. أُجلت رحلتهم بسبب هطول المطر. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their flight was delayed because of the rain. גיטרה חשמלית נשמעת שונה מאשר גיטרה אקוסטית. An electric guitar doesn't sound the same as an acoustic one. Electric guitar sounds different than a acoustic guitar. بحثَ فاضل في المنزل كي يعثر عن المال. Fadil hunted around the house to find the money. He searched the house to find the money. אני מבין את טום. I understand Tom. I understand Tom. אני הולך לעתים קרובות לשחות בנהר. I often go for a swim in the river. I often go swimming in the river. قال الصائب: "أعلم،" بينما جلب لنفسه علبةً جديدةً من الفانتا. "هذا أمر جدي. إذن، لم اتصلت؟" "I know," said Al-Sayib, getting a new bottle of Fanta. "This is serious business. So why'd you call?" He said, "I know," while he brought himself a new box of the panta. "That's serious, so, didn't you call?" أصبح رئيسا للشركة في سن الثلاثين. He became the company president when he was thirty. He became president of the company at the age of 30. זאת איננה טעות. It's not an error. It's not a mistake. הוא הצטרף למועדון האנגלי. He joined the English club. He joined the English club. كان سامي مدرّسا بوذيّا. Sami was a Buddhist teacher. Sami was a Buddhist teacher. איפה הכובע שלך? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? יש למישהו מהקהל אילו שהן שאלות? Does anyone in the audience have any questions? Does any of the audience have any questions? أراد سامي كلبا. Sami wanted a dog. Sami wanted a dog. תום לא נתן הרבה למרי. Tom didn't give Mary much. Tom didn't give much to Mary. אני אוהבת לזייף בקול רם. I like singing loud and out of tune. I like to fake loud. עצה מספר 5 לזכויות יוצרים: ההבחנה בין שימוש הוגן לבין הפרת זכויות עלולה להיות לא נהירה. אל תסתכן, תתייעץ עם עורך דין. Copyright tip #5: The distinction between fair use and infringement may be unclear. Don't take any risk, consult an attorney. Counsel No. 5 for rights creates: the distinction between fair use and violation of rights can be unenforced, don't risk it, consult a lawyer. עכשיו אל תפחדי. Now don't be frightened. Now don't be afraid. יש לי כאן מעט חברים. I have few friends here. I have some friends here. איפה נמצאת שגרירות נורווגיה? Where is the Norwegian embassy? Where is there a Norwegian embassy? أرغم فاضل دانية على أن تمارس معه أفعالا جنسيّة لا تُوصف. Fadil forced Dania to perform unspeakable acts on him. He was forced to engage in undesired sexual acts with him. أُبقيَ فاضل في المستشفى لأشهر. They kept Fadil in the hospital for months. You kept work in the hospital for months. אני עסוקה מאוד. I am very busy. I'm very busy. يستطيع طفلنا أن يسير. Our baby can walk. Our child can walk. الخير ينتصر دائما. Good always wins. Good always triumphs. لقد شدّدت إسرائيل حصارها على غزّة. Israel has intensified its siege on Gaza. Israel has stressed its siege of Gaza. בואי נכתוב ספר. Let's write a book. Let's write a book. אני מקווה שזה יכול לקרות עכשיו. I'm hopeful that can happen now. I hope this can happen now. اختفى سامي كي يبدأ حياة جديدة. Sami disappeared to start a new life. Sami disappeared to start a new life. תום מנסה להדביק את מרי. Tom is trying to outdo Mary. Tom's trying to catch Mary. הארץ הזאת שייכת לתום. This land belongs to Tom. This country belongs to Tom. כבר קראתי את הרומן הזה. I've already read that novel. I've already read this novel. لم يخبر سامي ليلى عن سليمة. Sami didn't tell Layla about Salima. Sammy didn't tell Lily about it properly. أنا لا أمزح. I'm serious. I'm not kidding. אין לו אומץ לומר שום דבר. He doesn't have the strength to say anything. He doesn't have the courage to say anything. هل تعرفني؟ - لا أعرفك. Do you know me? - No, I don't. - Do you know me? מה קרה לשניכם? What happened to you two? What happened to both of you? هذا واجبي. It's my job. That's my duty. ما الذي جعلك تأتي إلى هنا؟ What made you come here? What made you come here? إنه ليس مدخنا. He isn't a smoker. It's not our smoke. אל תיגע במכונת הכתיבה שלי. Keep your hands off my typewriter. Don't touch my writing machine. אני מטיל ספק בנכונות הצהרתו. I doubt the truth of his statement. I doubt his statement. لقد هدأ المنزل. The house went quiet. He calmed down. منينك؟ Where are you from? From you? غير مسموح لك أن تصعد إلى سيارته. You are not allowed to climb into his car. You're not allowed to go up to his car. كل كلمة في هذا القاموس مهمة. Every word in this dictionary is important. Every word in this shit is important. עשה לי טובה. Will you do me a favor? Do me a favor. זאת אשמתכם. This is all your fault. It's your fault. هذا جدي للغاية. That's very serious. This is so serious. זה היה לפני שנה. It was last year. That was a year ago. הטקסט הזה מיועד למתחילים. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is for beginners. أعاد سامي بناء حياته و أصبح طبيبا بارزا. Sami rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. Sami restored his life and became a prominent doctor. لقد وجّه الكساد الكبير ضربة قويّة لعائلة سامي. The Great Depression hit Sami's family hard. The big recession hit Sami's family. تعرّض سامي لطلقة من بندقيّة رشّ. Sami was blasted with a shotgun. Sami was shot by a gun. هل توافق على هذا؟ Do you agree about that? Do you agree with that? أخبر سامي الشّرطة أنّه لم يكن هناك حتّى. Sami told police he wasn't even there. Tell my police officer he wasn't even there. ماذا شويت؟ What did you grill? What did you see? ستضمن جُدُر النار أمان الإنترنت. A firewall will guarantee Internet security. The firewall will ensure the safety of the Internet. سُجِنت ليلى لثلاث سنوات طِوال. Layla was jailed for three long years. I've been booked for three years. חסרים בספר שני עמודים. This book is missing two pages. We're missing two pages. ليس بإمكانك أن تُعلّم كلباً عجوزاً حركات جديدة. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You can't teach an old dog new moves. אינני יודעת מי מושך בחוטים. I don't know who's behind it. I don't know who pulls the strings. قال فيليب: تعال و تحقق بنفسك. "Come and see", said Philip. Philip said, "Come and check yourself out. سمّى فاضل إبنته ليلى. Fadil named his daughter Layla. It's called his daughter's work, Lily. عاد سامي إلى محلّه للبيتزا. Sami returned to his pizza joint. Sami went back to the pizza shop. اندفع توم زيادة. Tom got a little carried away. Tom's pushing more. أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression of this book. תום מעדיף קפה בלי סוכר. Tom prefers drinking coffee without sugar. Tom prefers coffee without sugar. جميعنا اتفق. We've all agreed. We all agreed. هو متهور. He is a daredevil. He's confused. היא גרה בחניון קרוואנים She lives in a trailer park. She lives in a trailer parking lot. هذا كبير جدا This is too big. That's too big. كان سامي يتابع ليلى على الإنستغرام و كانت تتابعه هي أيضا. Sami followed Layla on Instagram and she followed him back. Sami was following Lily on her entourage, and she was following him, too. هل تعارض التدخين؟ Do you object to smoking? Are you opposed to smoking? لقد توقّفت حياة سامي بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami's life since Layla's death has stopped. I stopped Sami's life after Lily died. היא בורה בבישול. She is quite ignorant of cooking. She's cooking. ولكن أنا لا أريد الهروب, أنا أريد أن أرى إيطاليا. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. But I don't want to escape, I want to see Italy. لم يحضر سامي إلى موعده في المحكمة. Sami failed to appear at his court date. Sami did not come to court. Huwa antikostituzzjonali. It is unconstitutional. It is anti-constitutional. هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. That's a real story. אני לומד שפות אחדות. I am studying several languages. I'm learning one language. أنا أتتطلع لرؤيتك في قبعتك وردائك. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your cap and gown. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your hat and your back. آسفين ع الإزعاج. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to be upset. سامي هو من تسبّب بحملي منه و الآن لا أريد أن أكون حاضنته البشريّة. Sami got me pregnant but I don't want to be his human incubator. Sammy's the one who caused me to carry him, and now I don't want to be his human protector. أطلق سامي النّار و لم يصب. Sami shot and missed. Sami shot the fire and didn't get hurt. אחותה נראית צעירה. Her sister looks young. Her sister looks young. عادة ما يستلقي على السرير للقراءة. He often lies on the bed and reads. He usually takes the bed to read. "لقد جئت لزيارة جمال." "تفضّل بالدخول." "I've come to see Jamal." "Come in." I've come to a beauty visit. العنف ضد النساء هو أحد أكثر اختراقات حقوق الإنسان تكراراً حول العالم. Violence against women is one of the most frequent violations of human rights worldwide. Violence against women is one of the most frequent human rights violations around the world. هل الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black bag yours? Is the black bag yours? هل تفهم ما أقوله لك؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand what I'm saying to you? غضب سامي غضبا شديدا على الشّرطة. Sami got very angry with the police. Sami was very angry at the police. سامي يحبّ الشّوكولاتة. Sami enjoys chocolate. Sami likes chocolates. החוף מסוכן בלילה. This beach is dangerous at night. The beach is dangerous at night. قاست الممرضة حرارته. The nurse took his temperature. The nurse cut him loose. يجب عليك ممارسة الرياضة. You should exercise. You have to do sports. هذا عمل ينفع الآخرين. This is a work that benefits others. This is good work for others. התאמנתם? Have you been practicing? You've been practicing? أُريد الإنتقام. I want vengeance. I want revenge. הבאתי לתום כמה משקאות. I bought Tom some drinks. I brought Tom some drinks. غطت أشعة الشمس التلال. The hills are bathed in sunlight. The sun's rays covered the hills. أين يمكننى تبادل النقود؟ Where can I exchange money? Where can I exchange the money? عندما رأيت قصة شعره، حاولت بأن أخفي ضحكتي. When I saw his new hairstyle I tried hard to suppress my laughter. When I saw his hair, I tried to hide my laugh. انتبه، ذاك الرجل معه مسدس. Watch out, the man has a gun. Look, that guy has a gun. חשבתי שאוכל להשתלט על זה בעצמי, אבל טעיתי. I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn't. I thought I could take over it myself, but I was wrong. كان سامي جالسا مع صديقه. Sami was sitting with his friend. Sammy was sitting with his friend. בואו ניישב את הסוגייה בלי מגשר. Let's settle this issue without a mediator. Let's settle the issue without a bridge. אשלם לך בשמחה, בכל זמן. I'll gladly pay you anytime. I'll pay you happily any time. Ħriġt? Did you go out? Anesthetics? انضمّ شركاء سامي في الجريمة إليه في السّجن. Sami's accomplices also joined him in prison. Sammy's partners joined him in prison. اسمي ليس في القائمة. My name isn't on the list. My name's not on the list. אני לא יכול להתגבר על הפרידה ממך. I can't get over you. I can't get past being separated from you. لقد دعوتك إلی هنا لأسألك سؤالا I called you in here to ask you a question. I invited you to L.A. here to ask you a question. اتهمتني بالكذب. She accused me of being a liar. She accused me of lying. לינדה אוהבת שוקולד. Linda loves chocolate. Linda likes chocolate. "מסעות גוליבר" נכתב על ידי סופר אנגלי נודע. Gulliver's Travels was written by a famous English writer. "Goliber travel" was written by a well-known English writer. ماذا تريدين؟ أنا أريد حيوان. What do you want? I want an animal. I want an animal. ראינו הכל. We saw everything. We've seen everything. هي تغازل كل أحد. She's flirty with everyone. She's screwing everyone up. זה ממש מרשים! That's really impressive. That's really impressive! هل تستطيع تكلم التركمانية؟ Can you speak Turkmen? Can you speak Turkish? لدى الطبيب سميث الكثير من المرضى. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. الجزائر مثيرة للاهتمام. Algeria is interesting. Algeria is interesting. ربحنا المباراة. We won the match. We won the game. מה שאת עושה נראה הרבה יותר מסוכן ממה שאני עושה. What you're doing seems way more dangerous than what I'm doing. What you're doing seems much more dangerous than I do. إنّي أترجم مقالا. I am translating an article. I'm translating an article. خرجت ملمسيد عندها عامين. She left school two years ago. A master came out two years ago. אינני בטוח לגבי זה. I'm not sure about it. I'm not sure about that. הציפורים בונות קנים מזרדים. Birds build nests of twigs. The birds are jealous of scratching. حجز مقعداً لي. He kept a seat for me. Take a seat for me. ليس من الضروري أن تذهب. You don't have to go there. You don't have to go. واصل سامي بناء مشواره الفنّي في موسيقى الهيبهوب. Sami continued building his hiphop musical career. Sami continued to build his art match in the Hispanic music. نانسي مبتلعبش تنس. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy's playing tennis. لا يشتري إلا ما ينفعه. He buys only what'll be useful for him. It only buys what it benefits. לעולם אינני משאיר אותה לבד. I'd never leave her alone. I never leave her alone. טום צריך ללכת למכון הכושר. Tom should go to the gym. Tom has to go to the gym. على سامي تنظيف هذه الفوضى. Sami has to clean up this mess. Sami has to clean up this mess. فاضل شخص غبي و أنوي، يريد التحكّم في الجميع. Fadil is a self-centered idiot that wants to control everybody. A stupid, selfish person wants to control everyone. האם הדוור כבר הגיע? Has the mailman already come? Is the mailman here yet? لجون إبنان. John has two sons. John's son. אילו סיפר לי את האמת, היתי סולח לו. If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If you told me the truth, I'd forgive him. أهذه هي الطّريقة التي اكتشفتها من أجل محاربة الاكتئاب؟ Is this the way you have found to fight depression? Is that what I discovered to fight depression? أنا لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. أطلق فاضل عيارين. Fadil fired a couple of rounds. Fire a two-carrier. אני יודע שאת משוגעת. I know you're mad. I know you're crazy. הם איחדו כוחות ונלחמו באויב. They joined forces and fought the enemy. They joined forces and fought against the enemy. አንተ ተማሪ ነህ። You are a student. How Would You Answer? Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. I'm from England. أكيد. Certainly. Sure. אני מתעטשת כל הזמן. I sneeze all the time. I'm sneezing all the time. لن تتغيّر أبدا يا سامي. You'll never change, Sami. You'll never change, Sammy. لا تضحك على الأبله و المعوق. Do not laugh at the weak-minded and the disabled. Don't laugh at the idiot and the disabled. أنا لا أعرف ما يجري هنا. I don't know what happens here. I don't know what's going on here. اين كلبك؟ Where is your dog? Where's your dog? תום הטיב לעשות ממרי. Tom has done better than Mary. Tom Tobe's doing Mary. אני מצטערת לומר שלעוגיות המדלן שלך יש מרקם של גומי. I'm sorry to say that your madeleines have the consistency of rubber. I'm sorry to say that your dandelion cookies have rubber tissue. אני אוהב אתכם מאד מאד! I love you bunches. I love you very much! كان في مكتب سامي أريكة. Sami had a couch in his office. He was in Sammy Erica's office. جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. They made him go. אנו חופשיים סופסוף. We are finally free. We're finally free. אני יודע שאתה יכול להצליח. I know you can make it. I know you can make it. تعال لتستريح قليلا. Come have a rest. Come get some rest. رأيت أنا و جون أسداً البارحة. Joe and I saw a lion yesterday. I saw John and I last night. שמתי עליך עין. I've been keeping an eye on you. I've been keeping an eye on you. אני בתוך חנות. I'm inside a store. I'm in a store. ציפור קטנה אמרה לי. A little bird told me. A little bird told me. يبدو سامي مثلي. Sami looks like me. My mom looks like me. האם אתה יכול להמליץ לי על איזו מצלמה טובה? Can you recommend me a good camera? Can you recommend some good camera to me? لا أريد أن أخبرهم عن سبب تأخّري. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. I don't want to tell them why I'm late. אני כל כך בודדה. I'm so lonely. I'm so lonely. أعطني دماً، أعطيكَ حريّةً. You give me blood, I will give you freedom. Give me blood. I give you free. האם זה לא מוצא חן בעיניך? Don't you like that? Don't you like that? هي لا تحسن الإنجليزية مثلك. She doesn't speak English as fluently as you. She doesn't improve English like you. איזה אפשרויות אחרות יש לי? What other option do I have? What other options do I have? لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب توم. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Tom. אתה כזה מותק. You're so sweet. You're such a baby. سُرقت سيارتي ليلة أمس. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. كانت على وشك أن تخرج. She was about to go out. She was about to get out. لم تقبّل تلك البقرة السّمينة؟ Why are you kissing that fat cow? Why did you accept that fat cow? بحث سامي عنه في غوغل. Sami googled it. Sammy researched him in Google. הונג מיונג בו שחקן דגול. Hong Myong Bo is a great player. Hong Mung Bo is a great player. اللحم غال جدا اليوم. Meat is very expensive nowadays. The meat is too expensive today. תום עישן בעבר, אבל עכשיו כבר לא. Tom used to smoke, but now he doesn't. Tom's been smoking before, but not now. אני לא רוצה אחות המתעלפת ממראה דם. I don’t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood. I don't want a sister who faints out of blood. תסתום את הפה הגדול שלך. Shut your big mouth. Shut your big mouth. ניתוחים שלאחר המוות יבוצעו. Autopsies will be performed. Postmortem surgery will be performed. أنا أتسلى قليلا فقط. I'm just having some fun. I'm just having a little fun. እኔ አስተርጓሚ ነኝ። I'm a translator. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? تسارع السائق بسيارته. The driver accelerated his car. The driver's fast with his car. התכנית היתה מלאכת מחשבת של הונאה. The plan was a masterpiece of fraud. The plan was a deliberate work of fraud. نحن لا نعرفه We do not know him. We don't know him. برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! One buffalo. بيته قريب من النّهر. His house is near the river. His house is close to the river. קשה לרַצות אותו. He is hard to please. It's hard to please him. זה נדיב מאד מצדך. That's generous of you. That's very generous of you. ليس عندي إلا نصف عدد كتبه. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half of his books. לכי לחדרך! Go to your room! Go to your room! אתם סנילים. You're demented. You're senile. אינני מלטפת את כלבן. I'm not petting their dog. I don't suck a bitch. הוא יהיה פה בקרוב. He will be here soon. He'll be here soon. أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm a honest man. أأنت تمزح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? እሱ ዛፍ ስር ተኝቷል። He was sleeping under the tree. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why? לא תדעו אפילו שאני נמצא שם. You won't even know I'm there. You won't even know I'm there. من مدرسك؟ Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? أنت تستخف به . You are selling him short. You're scaring him. እንኳን ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን አደረሰን Happy International Women's Day! What can we learn from the way Jesus treated his disciples? התאוששת מההלם? Have you recovered from the shock? Did you recover from the shock? هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak English? Do you speak English? يلعب بمهارة. He plays very well. Playing with skill. توم كان باغي يشري حاجة خاصة لماري لعيد ميلادها. Tom wanted to buy Mary something special for her birthday. Tom used to have a special need for Marie for her birthday. המתימטיקה היא היצירה היפה ורבת העוצמה ביותר של נפש האדם. Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. The math is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human mind. كان المدرّس لطيفا جدّا. The teacher was so nice. The teacher was so nice. תגידי לי שאת מתכוונת לכך. Tell me you mean that. Tell me you mean it. ذهبت إلى إيطاليا لتدرس الموسيقى. She went to Italy to study music. I went to Italy to study music. תום הפציר במרי להיות יותר זהירה. Tom urged Mary to be more careful. The end of Mary's protesting is being more careful. היא דיברה עם מנהל בית הספר. She spoke with the school superintendent. She talked to the headmaster. תום המשיך להתמקד. Tom kept focused. Tom continued to focus. זה יהיה מושלם. That'd be perfect. It'll be perfect. أمشي إلى المدرسة. I walk to school. Walk to school. זה הזמן ללכת למיטה. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. הם מסוכנים מאד. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. תלבש את המעיל. Put on your coat. Put on the coat. זה ילדותי. That's childish. It's childish.