نحتاج للمزيد من السكر. We need more sugar. We need more sugar. نحن نفهم We understand. We understand. הוא חסם את הדרך בפניי. He blocked my way. He's blocked the way in front of me. የምትሄደው በተሳሳተ አቅጣጫ ነው። You're going the wrong direction. You are going in the wrong direction. האם שפעת העופות נמוגה? Is the bird flu eradicated? Are the chicken flu normal? Tajjeb, grazzi! I'm fine, thank you. Good, thank you! ما كُنتش فالخدم اليُوم. I wasn't at work today. It wasn't the day-to-day service. يلّا بسرعه! Hurry up. Hurry up! أود أن أطلب منك معروفا. I'd like to ask a favor of you. I'd like to ask you a favor. אתה מסוגל לטפל בזה? Can you handle it? Can you handle this? لا تذكر خطتنا لأي أحد. Don't mention our plan to anybody. Don't remember our plan to anyone. ربما يكون ذلك صحيحا. Perhaps that's true. Maybe that's true. لهذه القصّة نهاية حزينة. This story has an unhappy ending. This story is a sad ending. ביתו נראה מפסגת הגבעה. His house could be seen from the top of the hill. His house looks from the hilltop. תום אמר שהיית מגניב. Tom said you were cool. Tom said you were cool. أحب القهوة أكثر من الشاي. I like coffee better than tea. I like coffee more than tea. אני יכולה להגיע לבית הספר בעשר דקות הליכה. I can walk to school in 10 minutes. I can get to school in ten minutes. אכן, הוא זה אנתוני. That's right. He's Anthony. He is Anthony. هل أنهت الفتياة الأكل؟ Have the girls finished eating? Did the girl finish eating? لبرّانييا احيروني. Foreign people intrigue me. For Briania, I'm mad at you. אני אוהב את ביתי. I like my house. I love my home. כמה זמן אתה עוסק בזה? How long have you been at this? How long have you been doing this? كان سامي يلوّح لليلي بينما كانت راحلة بسيّارتها. Sami waved to Layla as she was driving away. Sammy was playing night while she was leaving her car. תום היסס להרוג את הכלב הנגוע. Tom hesitated to kill the infected dog. Tom Hasss to kill the infected dog. ادا ما تاكولش تموت. If you don't eat, you die. Takulsh once dies. أنا أركض. I run. I'm running. לפני שהגעתי לגיל שתיית האלכוהול, לא סבלתי מסיבות משפחתיות. Before you reached drinking age, you couldn't stand family parties. Before I reached the age of drinking alcohol, I didn't suffer for family reasons. اليوم سأعد سلطة لنفسي و بنفسي. Today, I'll make some salad for myself on my own. Today I'm going to set up an authority for myself and myself. המגע של זה משיי. This feels like silk. The touch of this is silky. סגור את זה. Shut it down. Close it. شفت هادا؟ Did you see that? Screaming? שנים סבלה אמי מחרדת טיסה. For years, my mother has had a fear of flying. Years ago, my mother suffered a flight terror. זאת המכונית שלי. This is my car. That's my car. תום לא קנה דבר ממה שביקשתי אותו. Tom didn't buy everything we asked him to buy. Tom bought nothing from what I asked for. اعترض ديما: "لكن هذا سخيف! الكوبيكات لم تعد تستخدم منذ عصور! و0.99 ليس رقمًا طبيعيا حتى!" "But that's ridiculous!" Dima protested. "Kopeks haven't been around in ages! And 0.99 isn't even a natural number!" "But this is ridiculous! Cubans are no longer used for centuries, and 0.99 aren't even a natural number!" הם התקשרו. They called. They called. מסתבר שזאת האמת לאמיתה. It happens to be the truth. Apparently, that's the truth of the truth. لن أنس مدى مساعدتك لي. I'll never forget how helpful you've been. I won't forget how much you help me. هذا كتاب. This is a book. That's a book. ليس علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We don't need to do this every day. We don't have to do that every day. תהיי כנה אתי. Be sincere with me. Be honest with me. تقريباً. Almost. Almost. היא לא יפיפיה גדולה. She is no beauty. She's not a big beauty. היא לא הצליחה מעולם להשתחרר מהכאבים אחרי התאונה. She was never completely free from pain after the accident. She never managed to get out of the pain after the accident. קנינו את הדירה לפני זמן לא רב. We didn't buy the apartment that long ago. We bought the apartment a long time ago. هذا القرار نهائي. This decision is final. This decision is final. ترك فاضل المدرسة. Fadil dropped out of school. He left school. يمكنني القفز. I can jump. I can jump. تخلّى سامي عن ليلى بسبب إدمانها على الكحول. Sami left Layla because of her alcoholism. Sammy gave up Lily because of her alcoholism. بإمكانه الاستراحة. He can rest. He can rest. لن يناسبني هذا الفستان. This dress is not going to fit me. I'm not gonna fit this dress. لا يمكنني فعل ذلك. I can't do it. I can't do that. חשתי בקור. I felt cold. I felt cold. أخبرها ما أخبركَ به. Tell her what he told you. Tell her what I told you. מה שלא הורג - מחשל. What does not kill me, makes me stronger. What doesn't kill is a fake. الكتاب عن ملك فقد تاجه. This book is about a king who loses his crown. The book about the king lost his crown. תן לי בבקשה כרטיס להופעה של שבע. Please give me a ticket for the seven o'clock show. Please give me a card for a seven-year show. سأل ديما: "ماذا تقصد؟"، لكنه تجشأ، لأنه لو بقي صامتًا لكانت هذه الجملة بسيطةً جدا. "What do you mean?" Dima asked, but burped, for if he remained silent, this sentence would be too simple. He asked Dima, "What do you mean?" But he was dry, because if he remained silent, this sentence would have been very simple. أجاب سامي. Sami responded. Sami answered. الأدب مستقبل دولة. Literature is the future of a nation. The literature is the future of a nation. هل رأيت أختك؟ Have you seen your sister? Have you seen your sister? אני חושב שבדיוק שמעתי מישהו. I think I just heard someone. I think I just heard someone. הם נמצאים פה להגן עליך. They're here to protect you. They're here to protect you. אתה יודע לבשל סרטן? Do you know how to cook a crab? You know how to cook cancer? ከመይ ሓዲርኩም። Good morning! Howbeit I did it? אני אוהב לעזור לידידים שלי. I like to help my friends. I like helping my friends. منعني المدرّس من الخروج. The teacher was holding me. I mean, the school's out. لم يكن الجو حاراً ليلة الأمس. It wasn't very hot last night. It wasn't hot last night. הייתי גאה מאד בבני. I was very proud of my son. I was very proud of my son. من ذلك الصبي؟ Who is that boy? Who's that boy? اليابان قريبة إلى الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. هو بحاجة لذلك المال. He needs that money. He needs that money. من ينام هنا؟ Who's sleeping here? Who sleeps here? الناس يحبون التحدث والتحدث والتحدث. People love to talk - talk - talk. People like to talk, talk, talk. هل حدث أي شيء؟ Has something happened? Did anything happen? Kemm jien injorant! How foolish I am! How ignorant I am! אנחנו אוהבים משחקים. We like games. We like games. מרי גננת. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary's a gardener. תום עונד תגית זיהוי. Tom is wearing a name tag. Tom's wearing an I.D. label. מעודי לא יריתי ברובה. I've never even shot a gun. Of course I didn't shoot a gun. בערך מחצית מהירקות והפירות של ארה"ב מוצאם מקליפורניה. Roughly half of America's fruits and vegetables come from California. About half of the U.S. greens and furs are from California. אינכם יכולים לעזוב אותי. You can't abandon me. You can't leave me. استرخى منّاد. Mennad relaxed. Relax for me. هي طبيبة الآن. She’s a doctor now. She's a doctor now. הצגתי את עצמי בפגישה. I presented myself at the meeting. I showed myself at the meeting. זה מקום קודר. It's a dreary place. It's a cool place. לנער, אביו ייצג סמכות. For the boy, his father represented authority. To the boy, his father will represent authority. תום הודה בתבוסה. Tom admitted defeat. Tom confessed to defeat. بنته متحمسة للذهاب معه إلى أي مكان. His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere. His daughter is excited to go anywhere with him. انتبه لما تقوله يا توم. Watch your mouth, Tom. Watch what you say, Tom. سأغادر المدرسة. I'm going to leave school. I'm leaving school. سمعت أن جِم رفض الاقتراح. I've heard Jim rejected the proposal. I heard Jim rejected the proposal. كان سامي مفتقدا للمال. Sami was short on money. Sammy was missing money. متى كانت آخر مرة ركبت بها دراجة هوائية ؟ When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time you put an air bicycle in it? אני לא אוהב תפוחי עץ. I don't like apples. I don't like apples. وسمو العود تاع طوم؟ What's Tom's horse's name? And his name's Tom's coming back? ዘግይቼ እትምሀርት ቤት ምን ጊዜም አልደርስም። I'm never late for school. I have not yet reached the house of the lawgiver. לפני שאתה יודע מה קורה אתך, אתה כבר בעיתונים. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you know what's going on with you, you're already in the papers. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأقود. I'm old enough to drive. I'm big enough to drive. دعني و شأني! Leave me alone! Let me go! תום דיווח בפרוטרוט על התאונה שעבר. Tom reported his accident in detail. Tom reported on the last accident. هل تتكلم العربية؟ Do you speak Arabic? Are you speaking Arabic? توصّلت ليلى في الحصول على وظيفة بإثارة الإعجاب. Layla charmed her way into a job. Lily got an impressive job. איך גילית שטום לא פרע את חשבונותיו? How did you find out that Tom hadn't paid his bills? How did you find that Tom didn't bother his accounts? אינני יודע אם אתה אומר אמת או לא. I don't know whether you are telling the truth or not. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. اترك ليلى و تعال لتعيش معي. Leave Layla and come to live with me. Leave Lily and come live with me. זה לא נשמע כאילו אתה רוצה בעזרתי. It doesn't really sound like you want my help. It doesn't sound like you want to help me. למה למישהו לטרוח כל כך? Why would anyone go to all this trouble? Why would anyone bother so much? תום פרץ למכונית של מרי וגנב מה שהיה מוצפן תחת מושב הנהג. Tom broke into Mary's car and stole what was hidden under the driver's seat. Tom broke into Mary's car and stole what was encrypted under the driver's seat. علمنا أحمر و أسود. Our flag is red and black. We learned red and black. سنذهب إلى ألمانيا غداً. We are going to Germany tomorrow. We'll go to Germany tomorrow. אני חייב לרוץ. להת'! I should go now. Bye! I gotta run. كان فاضل على علاقة مع ليلى. Fadil was having an affair with Layla. He was dealing with Lily. אני צריכה לדעת מי יגיע. I need to know who'll be coming. I need to know who's gonna be here. كان سامي يعيش أفضل أوقات حياته. Sami was living his best life. Sammy was living the best time of his life. سرق فاضل سيّارة. Fadil stole a car. Stealing a car wrong. היא נראתה כאילו היא עומדת לפרוץ בבכי. She looked like she was going to start crying. She looked like she was about to break in. استيقظ بيل باكراً ليلحق بأوّل قطار. Bill got up early in order to catch the first train. Bill wake up early to catch the first train. תום נעל את נעליו בחזרה. Tom put his shoes back on. Tom locked his shoes back. سامي يعمل في العيادة. Sami is working at the clinic. Sammy works at the clinic. كان فاضل لا يثق بالأدوية. Fadil was suspiscious of medication. He didn't trust drugs. يمكنني أن أقشر تفاحة. I can peel an apple. I can make an apple. لا أحب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية. I don't like classical music. I don't like classical music. צר לי, המלאי אזל. I'm sorry, but we're out of stock. I'm sorry, the inventory is over. אכלתי הבוקר לחם בחמאה. I ate bread and butter this morning. I ate bread in butter this morning. كان سامي يحبّ حياة الحفلات. Sami liked the party life. Sammy loved the life of the parties. הייתי רוצה לגלות ממי תום קיבל את זה. I'd like to find out who Tom got that from. I'd like to find out who Tom got it from. אין לנו התנגדות שתצטרף אלינו במועדון שלנו. We have no objection to your joining us in our club. We have no objection to join us in our club. מילותיו פגעו בה. His words hurt her feelings. His words hurt her. הברזל הוא המתכת שהכי הרבה משתמשים בה. Iron is the most widely used metal. Iron is the metal that is the most widely used. تديپاندي علا لكۆنتكست. It depends on the context. Tadipandi gave you a touch. ذهبت إلى أوروبا مرة. I went to Europe once. I went to Europe once. انفقع بالوني! My balloon popped! Hold on to me! זה לא אמור לקחת יותר משלושים דקות. This shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. אנשים צריכים להיות יותר נלהבים כשהם מציגים את עבודתם. People need to be more lively when presenting their work. People should be more excited when they present their work. دعنا ننقسم. Let's split. Let's split up. זה ממש מוזר. This is really weird. That's really weird. كانت ليلى تعيش في حيّ أين يودّ أيّ شخص أن ينشئ أسرة. Layla lived in a neighborhood where anybody would like to raise a family. Lily lived in a neighborhood where anyone wanted to create a family. לא נשארתי שם זמן רב. I didn't stay there very long. I haven't stayed there for a long time. እሷ እንድትረዳህ ትፈልጋለህ? Do you want her to help you? Would you like her to help you? لم تنهِ قهوتك. You haven't finished your coffee. You didn't finish your coffee. قررت أن أخبرها بأني أحبها. I decided to tell her that I love her. I decided to tell her I love her. אתה רואה טלוויזיה? Do you watch TV? You see TV? هل هو معلم؟ Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? לקרוא לאמבולנס? Should I call an ambulance? Call the ambulance? استعمل فاضل ماله لمغازلة ليلى. Fadil used his money to romance Layla. Use his money to play night. מכשולים רבים עומדים בפניו. He faces many obstacles. Many obstacles confront him. נולדתי בשנת אלף תשע מאות שבעים ושתיים. I was born in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-two. I was born in a thousand nine hundred seven hundred and two. הילדים האלה בסכנה. These kids are in danger. These kids are in danger. ايه اللي انت قاعد تقوله ده؟ What're you saying? Hey, when are you a base that you're saying? עשינו פיקניק בחצר האחורית. We had a picnic in the backyard. We did a picnic in the back yard. لُواكن يقرا مليح، يقدر ايجيب ليختيبار ديالو. If he studied hard, he would pass the test. If you're reading an angel, you'll be able to test the Dillo. למה את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you so fast? كانَ سامي يستدرِج العاهرات إلى عربته ثمّ يغتصِبُهُنَّ. Sami lured prostitutes into his van then raped them. Sammy was running whores into his van, and then he sucked them. תום ומרי ישבו על החוף ודברו אחד אל השניה. Tom and Mary sat on the beach and talked to each other. Tom and Mary were sitting on the beach and talking to each other. هذه النافذة ضد الرصاص. These windows are bulletproof. This window against bullets. מעודי לא נהניתי לטוס. I've never enjoyed flying. Of course I didn't enjoy flying. אור על-סגולי חודר עננים, כך שאת יכולה להישרף בשמש גם ביום מעונן. Ultraviolet light can also go through clouds, so you can get sunburns on an overcast day. A light on a purple cloud, so you can burn in the sun on a bright day. انتقلت ليلى للعيش في مكان آخر. Layla moved away. Lili moved to live somewhere else. الخير ينتصر دائما. Good always wins. Good luck always triumphs. أحتاج التحدث معك عن أمر طارئ I need to talk to you about an urgent matter. I need to talk to you about an emergency. كادت أن تبكي. She was on the verge of crying. She almost cried. אני מטיל ספק אם תום הוא זה ששבר את החלון. I doubt seriously that it was Tom who broke the window. I doubt Tom's the one who broke the window. أخبرني كيف أحل هذه المسألة. Tell me how to solve the problem. Tell me how to solve this issue. תוכלי בבקשה לתאר למושבעים מה קרה? Could you describe to the jury what happened? Can you please describe to the jury what happened? توم كان باغي يشري حاجة خاصة لماري لعيد ميلادها. Tom wanted to buy Mary something special for her birthday. Tom was Bangui out of special need for Mary for her birthday. كان سامي و ليلى ينويان الذّهاب إلى تلك الحانة. Sami and Layla had plans to go to that bar. Sammy and Lily were planning to go to that bar. ספר לי איפה אתה גר. Tell me where you live. Tell me where you live. لا تقبل بالعالم كما هو. Do not accept the world as it is. Don't accept the world as it is. יש לי כל כך הרבה מה לספר לך. I have so much to tell you. I have so much to tell you. هل تستطيع تكلم التركمانية؟ Can you speak Turkmen? Can you speak Turkish? אנו יודעים שאתם לא מטומטמים. We know that you are not stupid. We know you're not stupid. ولدت في 18 من آذار عام 1994. I was born on March 18th 1994. Born 18 March 1994. זאת נערה שאני מכיר היטב. This is a girl I know well. It's a girl I know well. אני אקשיב לך, במיוחד כשאנחנו לא מסכימים. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. I'll listen to you, especially when we disagree. הפעם אני אשלם. This time I'll pay. This time I'll pay. أزعجني بكاء الطفل. I was bothered by the baby's crying. I'm worried about the baby crying. אני צריכה למכור את זה? Should I sell these? Do I have to sell it? الفَتاة جَميلة. The girl is beautiful. The girl's beautiful. ቡርጅ ኽሃሊፋ ኣብ ዓለም አቲ ዚለዓለ ህንጻ ኢዩ። Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burgege Khalifa is a building that is raised in the world. المهم هو العمل. What's important is work. The important thing is the job. אל תתני אמון בזרים. Don't trust strangers. Don't trust strangers. תניח את זה חזרה על השולחן. Put that back on the table. Put it back on the table. أنت ولد مُطيع. You are a good boy. You're a good boy. أملك لوحة المفاتيح للأمازيغية على هاتفي. I have the keyboard of berber on my phone. I have a keyboard for Amazigh on my phone. قوّة المعيشة في بلاد القبايل. Living in Kabylie is fantastic. The strength of living in the tribal country. הוא תלש את חולצתו. He tore off his shirt. He slit his shirt. ما هي أكثر جملة تفضل؟ What is your favorite sentence? What's the most preferred sentence? אני מדבר עליך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. עמדנו בכניסה כדי לקבל את פני אורחינו. We stood at the door to welcome our guests. We were in the entrance to get our guests. תוכל להגיד לי איך? Can you tell me how? Can you tell me how? أنتم أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than I am. هل تعمل في هذه العيادة؟ Do you work in this clinic? Do you work in this clinic? אני לא מבין למה פיצה פפרוני כל כך פופולרית. I don't understand why pepperoni pizza is so popular. I don't understand why Pepperoni pizza is so popular. חשבתי שאתה אוהב את תום. I thought you cared about Tom. I thought you loved Tom. أين يمكننى تبادل النقود؟ Where can I exchange money? Where can I exchange money? كان سامي يلعب لعبة خطيرة للغاية. Sami was playing a very dangerous game. Sammy was playing a very serious game. لقد وصل سامي للتّو. Sami has just arrived. Sami's here to come. אתם מוכנים להרגע? Would you all relax? Are you ready to calm down? זאת סירה. That is a boat. It's a boat. من الصعب إقناع جوناثن. It's hard to persuade Jonathan. It's hard to convince Jonathan. נראה שיש לך חוש לגידול צמחים. It looks like you've got a green thumb. You seem to have a sense of growing plants. هل يمكننى مساعدتك؟ Can I help you? Can I help you? אתם רוצים לטעום? Would you care for a taste? You want to taste? أنا ملحد. I'm atheist. I'm boring. היא הייתה אדיבה דיה כדי לאסוף אותי מהבית. She was kind enough to come pick me up at my house. She was kind enough to pick me up from home. كان فاضل يراسل دانية. Fadil sent Dania letters. He was a Danish correspondent. אוסמו דאזאי התאבד. Osamu Dazai committed suicide. Osmo Desai killed himself. החלומות שלך התגשמו. Your dreams have come true. Your dreams have been fulfilled. حكم عليه القاضي بالإعدام. The judge condemned him to death. He was sentenced to death by the judge. هىَ متزوجة من بحار. She married a sailor. She's married to a seaman. كان آرت عنصريّا. Aart was racist. It was racist. אין לי בעיה לספר לך מה אני יודע. I don't mind telling you what I know. I have no problem telling you what I know. אני חושב איך פגעת בי. Think about how you did me wrong. I think how you hurt me. אין ארוחות חינם. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. No free meals. في أي وقت وصلت المنزل؟ At what time did you arrive at your home? What time did you get home? يكون العدد الصحيح طبيعيا إذا وفقط إذا كان أكبر أو يساوي 0. An integer is natural iff it is greater than or equal to 0. The right number is normal if only if it is larger or equal to 0. דגתי בנהר התיימס. I fished in the Thames River. I've been fishing in the Times. خيبَةُ أملها كانت جليّة للجميع. Her disappointment was apparent to everyone. Her shame of hope was obvious to all. לא יכולתי להבין דבר ממה שהוא אמר. I could not understand anything he said. I couldn't understand anything he said. قميصك ملبوس بالمقلوب. Your shirt is inside out. Your shirt's in the core. אל תנסי לעבוד עלינו. Don't try to trick us. Don't try to work on us. אתה צודק לגבי כל יום פרט לאחד. That's true for every day except one. You're right about every single day. עיני טום נפקחו. Tom's eyes opened. Tom's eyes were opened. אחי מדבר מהר מאוד. My brother speaks very fast. My brother talks very quickly. הטעם בדיוק טוב. It tastes just right. The taste's just good. لم يكن سامي يقول الحقيقة. Sami wasn't telling the truth. Sammy wasn't telling the truth. عندها نظارة شمسية. She has sunglasses. There's a sunglass. منزله مملوء بالذباب. His house is full of flies. His house is full of wolves. Kważi għandi kull m'għandi bżonn. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. תדליקו את הנרות. Light the candles. Turn on the candles. המדען מחפש עצמות דינוזאורים בעמק. That scientist is looking for dinosaur bones in the valley. The scientist is looking for dinosar bones in the valley. יש לנו כמה בעיות חוקיות שעלינו לברר. We have some legal problems to work out. We have some legal problems we need to find out. لم يقدر سامي على تحمّل ذلك الضّجيج. Sami couldn't stand that noise. Sammy couldn't afford that noise. فستان جميل. Nice dress. Nice dress. جمعت الشّرطة الكثير من الأدلّة من ساحة الجريمة. The police gathered a lot of evidence from the crime scene. The police have gathered a lot of evidence from the crime scene. יש מישהו פה? Is somebody here? Is anyone here? הקבוצה התרשמה. The group was impressed. The group was impressed. لماذا يسمى الخريف "fall" في أمريكا؟ Why is autumn called "fall" in America? Why is the fall called "fall" in America? לא ידעתי שזה נגמר. I didn't know it was over. I didn't know it was over. كسر وزير خارجية أمريكا جون كيري ساقه اليمنى أثناء ركوب الدراجة يوم الجمعة في فرنسا. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry broke his right thigh bone in a bicycling accident Sunday in France. The American Foreign Minister John Kerry broke his right leg while riding a bicycle on Friday in France. هل هو صديق؟ Is he a friend? Is he a friend? תריחי את הפרח הזה. Smell this flower. Smell that flower. أسبح في المحيط. I'm swimming in the ocean. I swim in the ocean. هن يستمعن للمذياع. They are listening to the radio. They're listening to the radio. መጥፎ ናቸው። They're bad. They are evil. هل استمتعت بمشاهدة الفلم؟ Did you enjoy the movies? Did you enjoy watching the movie? توم حقيقة لا يعيش داخل حدود مدينة بوسطن. Tom doesn't actually live within Boston city limits. Tom actually doesn't live within the borders of Boston. הוא חרש למחצה באוזן אחת. He's half deaf in one ear. He's deaf to half in one ear. במזג האוויר הקר הזה, אדם טוב לא יוציא את כלבו החוצה. In this cold weather, a good master won't let his dog out. In this cold weather, a good man won't get his dog out. أعمل كل يوم عدا يوم الأحد. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day except Sunday. واجه سامي ليلى بعدها Sami later confronted Layla. Sammy faced Lily after that. طلب فاضل من ليلى أن تصوّب المسدّس نحو رامي. Fadil told Layla to hold the gun on Rami. He asked Lili to turn the gun towards Rami. בוב גבה 3 דולרים לשעה עבור כיסוח דשא. Bob charged 3 dollars an hour for mowing lawns. Bob raised three bucks an hour for a lawn. על מה בכלל את מדברת? What are you even talking about? What are you talking about anyway? אני לא רוצה להיכנס לבית סוהר. I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to go into prison. הוא מארה"ב. He is from the United States. He's from the United States. תום אוהב כתיבה. Tom likes writing. Tom likes writing. ድመት አለኝ። I have a cat. A cat came to me. הוא הושיט לה זר פרחים. He handed her a bouquet of flowers. He gave her a flowering stranger. אני מוכנה ללכת בעקבותיך. I am ready to follow you. I'm ready to follow you. لقد كنت معك في كل خطوة على الطريق. I was with you every step of the way. I was with you every step of the way. أنا لا أنام كثيرا. I don't sleep so much. I don't sleep too much. התפוקה במפעל הזה עלתה בעשרים אחוז. Production at this factory has increased by 20%. The production in this factory cost 20 percent. في هذه الانتخابات أشياءٌ كثيرة حدثت لأول مرة وحكاياتٍ كثيرة ستُروى عبر الأجيال. أما الحكاية التي تدور في ذهني هذه الليلة، فإنها لامرأة أدلت بصوتها في أطلانطا. إنها تشبه الملايين غيرها الذين وقفوا في الصفوف طويلاً ليضعوا بطاقاتهم في صناديق الاقتراع. إلا أن هناك وجه خلاف وحيد بينها وبين الآخرين، هو أن آن نيكسون في عامها السادس بعد المائة. This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old. In these elections, there are many things that have happened for the first time and many stories that will take place across generations. תביא דלי עם תפוחים. Bring a bucket of apples. Get a bucket with apples. הם הופקרו על אי בודד. They were marooned on a desert isle. They're on a lonely island. תום כיוון את האקדח אל מרי כשג'ון ירה בו. Tom was aiming his pistol at Mary when John shot him. Tom pointed the gun at Mary when John shot him. الكنيسة بُنيت في القرن الخامس عشر. The church was built in the fifteenth century. Church was built in the fifteenth century. كان فاضل يقطن في الحيّ الذي تقطن فيه ليلى. Fadil lived in the same neighborhood as Layla. He lived in the neighborhood where you lived at night. كان ذلك القط حقا أزرق اللون. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. استمرّ سامي في التّحديق. Sami still stared. Sami's on the alert. رأت ليلى صورة الملفّ الشّخصي لسامي و أُعجبت بها. Layla saw Sami's profile picture and she liked it. Lily saw the picture of my own file and she liked it. كان المدرّس يحبّني. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. זה לא ייקח הרבה זמן. It won't take long. It won't take long. תודה שבאתם. Thanks for coming. Thank you for coming. לא עשיתי זאת בזמן. I didn't make it in time. I didn't do it in time. את חושבת שתום אינו אדיב? Do you think Tom is unkind? You think Tom's not kind? كم الساعة على أي حال؟ What time is it, anyway? How much time is it anyway? أفرش أسناني مرتين في اليوم. I brush my teeth twice a day. He broke my teeth twice a day. תום הצביע על נעליו. Tom pointed down at his shoes. Tom pointed at his shoes. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار قوّة. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met him in a husband in the country of the Samuel, and we had a hard day. כולנו צריכים להזהר יותר. We all have to be very careful. We all need to be more careful. كان لون شعر ليلى قاتما. Layla had dark hair. The color of my night hair was clumsy. Xi trid tagħmel illum? What do you want to do today? What do you want to do today? מסוכן לשחות בלילה. It's dangerous to swim at night. It's dangerous to swim at night. לתום הייתה עבודה טובה. Tom had a good job. Tom had a good job. מה מחזיק אתכם ערים בלילה? What keeps you up at night? What's keeping you awake at night? המלך פקד לשחרר את השבוי. The king ordered that the prisoner should be set free. The king ordered the release. מתי חזרת מטוקיו? When did you come back from Tokyo? When did you get back from Tokyo? הבניין קרס. The house collapsed. The building's broken. Ħriġtux mill-forn kmieni wisq? Did you take it out of the oven too soon? Have you been released from the oven too early? כנראה שהקרב בין מיקרוסופט לאפל לא ייגמר לעולם. It seems that the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. Apparently, the battle between Microsoft and Apple will never end. ערכנו מסיבה ליום הולדתה של הישישה. We had a birthday party for the old lady. We had a party for the old man's birthday. הלוואי שהיה לי האומץ לעשות את זה. I wish I had the courage to do that. I wish I had the courage to do this. كان فاضل يبحث عن الحبّ و الرّفقة. Fadil was seeking love and companionship. He was looking for love and pity. לא מעט אנשים הם בעלי שתי מכוניות. Quite a few people have two cars. Not a few people are two-car owners. יורד גשם חזק אבל אני חייב ללכת. It's raining hard and yet I must go. It's raining hard, but I gotta go. سآخذ سيّارتي. I'm going to take my car. I'll take my car. ليركب الجميع. All aboard! Everybody ride. בוב תמיד היה בעימות עם המשטרה. Bob was always in a tight spot with the police. Bob's always been in trouble with the police. אתה יודע מה, לפחות תחשוב על זה. You know what? You should at least think about it. You know what, at least think about it. הממ, עכשיו זה באמת מוזר... Uh, now it's really weird... Hmm, now it's really weird... עשית טעות גדולה. You made a big mistake. You made a big mistake. رأيته يركض. I saw him running. I saw him run. לא יכולתי להפטר מהשיר בראש שלי. I couldn't get that song out of my mind. I couldn't get rid of the song in my head. لدي جلد دهني. I have greasy skin. I've got a dent skin. الباب دائما مفتوح. The door is always open. The door is always open. أَلكِتَابُ بُرْهَانٌ أَنَّ اْلإنْسَانَ قَادِرُونَ عَلَى اْلسِّحْرِ. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic. If you are reading with a child, the dash provides a reminder to pause and encourage the child to express himself. הבעיה הזאת עדיין לא נפתרה. The problem is not settled yet. This problem hasn't been solved yet. كانت واجدا باش تعاونهم بش إينقِّيو ادّار. She was ready to help him with cleaning the house. They found their cooperation with Ignacio Adar. نحن رجال. We are men. We're men. תום היה מיואש למדי. Tom was a bit desperate. Tom was quite desperate. דמעותיה העניקו לסיפור אמינות רבה יותר. Her tears gave more credence to the story. Her tears gave the story much credibility. תום הראה למרי תמונה. Tom showed Mary a picture. Tom showed Mary a picture. או, תראה לי בבקשה! Oh! Show me, please. Oh, please show me! היא מונתה כיו"ר. She was appointed chairperson. She's been given a chair. זו רכבת מהירה. This is a high speed train. It's a fast train. موقعا الشبكتين الاجتماعيتين الشهيرتين فيسبوك وتويتر يخضعان لدستور الولايات المتحدة، وقوانين ولاية كاليفورنيا. The well-known social networking sites Facebook and Twitter operate under the United States Constitution and California state law. The two famous social networks Facebook and Twitter are subject to the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the state of California. الكل يوافقك الرأي. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone shares your opinion. أنت ملاك You're an angel. You're an angel. كانت المدرّسة تبكي. The teacher was crying. The teacher was crying. זאת בוודאי טעות דפוס. That's probably a misprint. This must be a pattern mistake. אספר לתום לאן הלכתי. I'll tell Tom where I went. I'll tell Tom where I went. זה עשוי לקחת כמה חודשים. That could take a few months. It might take a few months. واقيلا عندي تاۆري عليها. I think I have a theory about that. I've got a hit on it. مرحباً، هل من أحدٍ هناك؟ Hello, is there anyone there? Hey, is anyone there? لاحظ وجودَ ثقبٍ في سترته، لكنه حاول تجاهله. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. He noticed a hole in his jacket, but he tried to ignore it. ما لي أخ. I don't have a brother. I don't have a brother. لديه منزلين. He has two houses. He has two homes. שינה היא לחלשים. Sleeping is for the weak. Sleep is for the weak. إنها لا تحب السوشي. She doesn't like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. המים כאן רדודים מאוד. The water here is very shallow. The water here is very shallow. מה עושה טום במרתף? What's Tom doing in the basement? What's Tom doing in the basement? تمّ إطلاق سراح فاضل بكفالة. Fadil was released on bail. He was released, fined with bail. התאטרון התמלא אנשים לאיטו. The theater was slowly filling with people. The Attron filled people with slowness. سامي شديد الخجل. Sami is extremely shy. Sammy's very ashamed. אינני מבין את המתימטיקה. I don't understand the math. I don't understand the math. הכלב זלל במהירות את כל תכולת הכלי שלו. The dog quickly ate everything in its dish. The dog leaped all over his toolbox. אני עדיין גאה ששרתתי עם תום. I'm still proud to have served with Tom. I'm still proud to have served with Tom. אנו מבינים מדוע. We understand why. We understand why. جلس سامي مقابل ليلى Sami sat in front of Layla. Sami sat for Lily. كان فاضل الوحيد الذي كان يعلم ما حدث لليلى. Fadil was the only one that knew what happened to Layla. He was the only one who knew what had happened to me. أخبرني أنه ذاهب إلى أمريكا. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. كان الصبي يبحث عن المفتاح المفقود. The boy was searching for the lost key. The boy was looking for the missing key. أعطت ليلى لسامي رقم هاتفها. Layla gave Sami her phone number. She gave my mom my phone number a night. علِمتُ أنها كانت بلاستيكًا لكن طعمها كان كطعم الخشب. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. I knew she was plastic, but her taste was like a wood food. أستطيع تحدث الإنجليزية. I can speak English. I can speak English. ما خلاّوناش ندّخلو لهاداك الكاف. We weren't allowed to go into that cave. There's nothing left with you. נזכרתי איך ביום א' האחרון נסעתי הביתה במשאית קטנה. I remembered riding home in a pickup truck last Sunday. I remembered how last day I drove home in a little truck. أتحبني؟ Do you love me? Do I like me? כשהייתי בניו יורק, פגשתי במקרה מכר ותיק. When I was in New York, I happened to meet my old friend. When I was in New York, I met an old salesman. אל תחשוף את הסרטים לשמש. Don't expose the tapes to the sun. Don't expose the movies to the sun. كما أنني فخور بنقل أطيب مشاعر الشعب الأمريكي لكم مقرونة بتحية السلام من المجتعات المحلية المسلمة في بلدي: السلام عليكم I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum. I am also proud to convey the best feelings of the American people to you with a view to peace from the local Muslim communities of my country: peace on you. אמא אומרת שאני מדברת חלש מדי. Mum says that I speak too quietly. Mom says I'm talking too weak. הוא היה מכוסה זיעה. He was covered with sweat. He was covered with sweat. תום אף פעם לא היה מאפשר זאת. Tom would never allow it. Tom would never have allowed it. ينبغي أن تدرك أن هذا جد. You should understand, this is serious. You should realize that this is serious. ما الذي تنوي فعله؟ What do you intend to do? What do you intend to do? בואו ניסע בסופשבוע הזה. Let's go away this weekend. Let's go this weekend. אני לא יכול להסתתר לנצח. I can't hide forever. I can't hide forever. قام المدرّس بمناداة الحاضرين. The teacher took attendance. The teacher called the audience. תום הסביר למרי טוב טוב על כך. Tom explained it to Mary very carefully. Tom explained to Mary good for that. كانت ملابسنا دائما نظيفة. Our clothes were always clean. Our clothes were always clean. شعري لونه بني فاتح. My hair is light brown. My hair is my son-in-law. מעולם לא התכוונתי להעמיד אותך בסכנה. I never meant to put you in any danger. I never meant to put you in danger. انتظرتْ ردي. She waited for my reply. I waited for my answer. המילון הזה הועיל לי מאד. This dictionary has been of great use to me. That dictionary was very helpful to me. قررت أن أترك المدرسة. I decided to leave the school. I decided to leave school. أُمي تريد أن تذهب هناك, ولكن أبي يريد أن يشاهد التليفزيون. Mom wants to go there, but Dad wants to watch TV at home. My mom wants to go there, but my dad wants to watch TV. הקיפוד הוא חיה קטנה. The hedgehog is a small animal. The Capwood is a little animal. החתול נראה מאושר ביותר. The cat seems extremely happy. The cat looks very happy. אתה לבן כמו סיד. You are as white as a sheet. You're white like Sid. הגיע הזמן שתנטשי את התנהגותך הילדותית. It is time you left off your childish ways. It's time for you to abandon your childish behavior. لنعُد قبل أن تُمطر. Let's go back before it begins to rain. Let's go back before you rain. بإمكاني البقاء في غرفة الضيوف. I can stay in the guest room. I can stay in the guest room. למה יש לצבים שריון? Why do turtles have shells? Why are you waiting for armor? يعطيك صّحّا بزّاف بزّاف! Thank you very much! Gives you a shot! سني يؤلمني. My tooth hurts. My year hurts. אתם בטח משפחת ג'קסון. You must be the Jacksons. You must be the Jacksons. היא הקדישה את עצמה אליו. She devoted herself to him. She dedicated herself to him. ذلك الرجل لديه فم كريه. That man has a foul mouth. That guy has a hate mouth. תום נשוי ואב לשלושה בנים. Tom is married with three sons. Tom's married and father to three boys. אני מרגישה שאני מבזבזת את זמני. I feel like I'm wasting my time. I feel like I'm wasting my time. كان لدى سامي كلب. Sami had a dog. I had Sammy a dog. من توفي؟ Who died? Who died? אציית. I will obey. Ideally. من في البيت؟ Who is in the house? Who's home? ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a student. I am a student. עכשיו יש לי שתי ארוסות. Now I have two fiancées. Now I've got two fiancees. בוא נראה איך תום מגיב לזה. Let's see how Tom reacts to that. Let's see how Tom reacts to this. תום נראה טוב. Tom looked good. Tom looks good. الغريق يتعلق بقشة. A drowning man will clutch at a straw. The throat is about a scarf. הבית נבנה עכשיו. The house is being built now. The house was built now. الخِطة الجديدة كانت ناجِحة جداً. The new plan has been very successful. The new one was very successful. كان فاضل يحبّ المدرسة. Fadil enjoyed school. He loved school. هذه القصّة الحقيقيّة لفاضل صادق. This is the true story of Fadil Sadiq. This is the true story of a true struggle. אנו אוהבים את תום לפחות כמוך. We care for Tom as much as you do. We love Tom at least as much as you. كيف هي الحياة في غزّة؟ How's life in Gaza. How's life in a trap? في كثير من الأحيان تقوم الحكومات الاستبدادية بسجن معارضيها السياسيين. Tyrannical governments frequently gaol their political opponents. Oppressive Governments often imprisoned their political opponents. كان سامي ينتظر في فندق مجاور. Sami waited at a nearby hotel. Sammy was waiting at a nearby hotel. השר אישר את תכניות הבינוי. The minister approved the building plans. Minister confirmed the design plans. أُحضِرَ سامي مجدّدا إلى العدالة. Sami was brought back to justice. Sami was once again brought to justice. سأنادي سامي. I'll call Sami. I'll call Sammy. תתפוס! Catch it! Grab it! رفضت دعوته. She turned down his invitation. I refused his invitation. شكراً لكَ على المعلومة. Thank you for the information. Thank you for the information. اتركني وحيدا Leave me alone Leave me alone. מה טעם הגלידה האהוב עליך? What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? What's your favorite ice cream? تزوّج سامي من امرأة مسلمة. Sami married a Muslim woman. Sami is married to a Muslim woman. ما الذي تريد أن تتحدث عنه؟ What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? אמש היה קר באופן יוצא דופן. Last night was exceptionally cold. Last night was exceptionally cold. לא עשיתי את זה אתה. I didn't do that with her. I didn't do it you. זה לא היה כל כך טוב. It wasn't all that great. It wasn't that good. هذه جملة. This is a sentence. That's a sentence. لم يقترح طبيب سامي أيّ علاج خاص. Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment. Sami's doctor didn't suggest any special treatment. يشاهد سامي فيديوهات على اليوتوب طوال الوقت. Sami watches YouTube videos all the time. Sami's watching videos on the YouTube all the time. תום בדרך כלל עורם ערמה של כלים במשך שבוע תמים ורק אז הוא שוטף אותם. Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them. Tom usually throws up a pile of tools for an innocent week and only then he washes them. ארוז את הביצים תריסרים תריסרים. Pack eggs in dozens. Pack the eggs in a dozen. هل أصبت بالبرد؟ Have you got a cold now? Did you get cold? חברי צוות מסויימים במועדוני בריאות אמורים להיות מאומנים בשימוש במכשיר מניעת פירפור לב. Some staff members at health clubs ought to be trained in the proper use of a defibrillator. Members of a particular team in health clubs should be trained in the use of a heart attack control device. من فضلك أغلق الباب. Please close the door. Please close the door. يوجد كتاب عن الرقص على المنضدة . There's a book about dancing on the desk. There is a book about dancing on the table. האם אתה יכול להאשים אותי? Can you blame me? Can you blame me? כבר נתתי לתום את מתנת יום ההולדת שלו. I've already given Tom his birthday present. I already gave Tom his birthday present. זה היה מדהים. That was amazing. That was amazing. הפעלת פעם את המנוע הזה? Have you ever started this engine? Have you ever run this engine? هذا المنتزه جميل و نظيف حقاً. This park is really beautiful and clean. This park is really nice and clean. עדיף היה שתעזוב. You had better go. You'd better leave. أحيك كل يوم. I knit every day. I like you every day. هو مثليّ. He is gay. He's just like me. שתו הרבה חלב, כי זה בריא. Drink a lot of milk, because that is healthy. Drink a lot of milk, 'cause it's healthy. كان ذلك آخر يوم رأيت فيه ليلى. It was the last day that I saw Layla. That was the last day I saw Lily. كانا سامي و ليلى يخطّطان لقضاء عطلة نهاية الأسبوع معا. Sami and Layla were planning to spend the holiday weekend together. They were Sammy and Lily planning to spend the weekend together. תום צפה בקרבת מקום. Tom watched from nearby. Tom's watching nearby. תורידי אותי בבקשה בתחנה הבאה. Please let me off at the next stop. Please put me down at the next station. תום יחלים. Tom will recover. Tom's dreaming. مرحباً بك في المنزل. Welcome home. Welcome home. كل التلاميذ تقريبا كانوا في القسم. Almost all of the pupils were in the classroom. Almost all students were in the department. تزوّجت أمّي مرّة أخرى. My mom remarried. My mother married another time. החיים מתוקים. Life is sweet. Life is sweet. تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف من ثلاثين إلى أربعين درجة. In the summer, the temperature ranges from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. The summer temperature ranged from 30 to 40 degrees. إنتظر Hang on. Wait. دّنيا بلا لامور ما عندها حتّا معنا. Life without love is just totally pointless. I don't know what it's like to be with us. הייתי רוצה ללמוד את השפה הזאת, אבל אין לי צורך מעשי בה. I'd like to learn that language, but I have no practical reason to. I'd like to learn that language, but I don't have a practical need for it. אתה חייב להפסיק להתנהג בצורה מטופשת. You must put an end to your foolish behavior. You gotta stop being stupid. هل انت مشغول غداً صباحاً ؟ Are you busy tomorrow morning? Are you busy tomorrow morning? ذهب سامي إلى تلك النّافذة. Sami went up to the window. Sammy went to that window. לצערי, זה נכון. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, that's true. كيف يلاحَظ الخطأ؟ How is the error observed? How does the wrong look? הוא מתעייף בקלות. He gets tired easily. He's getting tired. זה היה ביש מזל. It was unfortunate. That was a lucky thing. يبدون أمريكيين. They look American. They look American. فقط انتظر هنا. Just wait right here. Just wait here. זה לא יהיה קל. That won't be easy. It won't be easy. אני יכולה לראות את המגדל מהמקום בו אני עומדת. I can see the tower from where I stand. I can see the tower from where I stand. أنا لستُ راضياً عن جودةِ عملكَ. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. משפחתה עברה לברזיל. Her family moved to Brazil. Her family moved to Brazil. אין איפה להתחבא. There's nowhere to hide. There's no place to hide. رأيت فتاة واقفة تحت الشجرة. I see a girl standing under that tree. I saw a girl standing under the tree. أنتِ أُمّي. You are my mother. You're my mother. אשגיח על המזוודה שלך עבורך. I'll keep an eye on your suitcase for you. I'll watch your suitcase for you. אין לנו אחריות. We have no guarantee. We don't have a responsibility. תום דמם את המנוע וכיבה את האורות הקדמיים. Tom turned off the engine and shut off the headlights. Shut the engine down and put the lights in the front. הן נעצרו יחד עם החברים שלהן. They were arrested along with their friends. They were arrested along with their friends. اذهب أولا يا جمال. You go first, Jamal. Go first, Jamal. תום שמע קריאה לעזרה. Tom heard a cry for help. Tom heard a call for help. אתה מרשה לי לנגן בפסנתר? Will you allow me to play the piano? You're letting me play the piano? هذا الحزام ضيق جدا علي. This belt fits me too tightly. This belt is too tight for me. יש לנקוט באמצעי זהירות. Take precautions. We have to take precautions. وجد محرر بطاقات التذكرة حقيبة وضعت تحت مقعد في القاعة ، و صوت التكتكة بداخلها جعله قلقاً. The ticket clerk found baggage placed under a bench in the hall, and the ticking sound inside it made him worried. The card editor found a bag that was placed under a seat in the room, and the voice of accusations inside it made him worried. أين مدخل المتحف؟ Where's the entrance to the museum? Where's the museum entrance? איפה תום למד לעשות את זה? Where did Tom learn how to do that? Where did Tom learn to do this? אנו נותרנו מאחור. We were left behind. We're left behind. لم يأتي توم إلى الحفلة الليلة الماضية. Tom didn't show up at the party last night. Tom didn't come to the party last night. כולם רצו לדבר עם תום. Everyone wanted to talk to Tom. Everybody wanted to talk to Tom. אני שונאת את העניבה שעליך. I dislike the tie you have on. I hate your tie. איך את חושבת שתום שרד? How do you think Tom survived? How do you think Tom survived? لا، شكراً لك. لقد شبعت. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you. لا أتحمل البرد. I can't stand the cold. I can't stand cold. قالتلِي راني خايْفة منَّك. She told me that she was afraid of me. She told me I was scared of you. هوما ڨع كيف كيف⸮ Are they all the same? How are you doing? أبق الأطفال بعيدا عن الأدوية. Keep children away from medicine. Keep the children out of the medicine. أيمكنني الدفع عن طريق بطاقة الإئتمان؟ Can I pay by credit card? Can I pay through the credit card? السفر سهل هذه الأيام. Travelling is easy these days. Travel is easy these days. בלי תלות אילו מילים אתה בוחר - תמיד יעוותו אותם אחרים. No matter how carefully you choose your words, they'll always end up being twisted by others. Without saying what words you choose, they will always be abused by others. أراد سامي أن يتعرّف بمسلمين. Sami wanted to meet Muslims. Sami wanted to identify Muslims. היא אף פעם לא אמרה לאף אחד. She never told anyone. She never told anyone. فحص الطبيب المرضى. The doctor examined the patients. Patient doctor's examination. אבוקדו עשיר בוויטמין E. Avocados are rich in vitamin E. Avocados rich in vitamin E. אני רוצה להודות לכל הנוכחים. I want to thank everybody here. I want to thank all the present. אני איטר יד ימין. I'm left-handed. I'm using my right hand. סיימת את מה שעשית? Have you finished what you were doing? You finished what you did? איזה זעזוע! What a shock! What a concussion! في الوقت ده مسمعناش غير كلام عن حرامية وجرايم قتل والناس اللي ماتت من الجوع. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. And it came to pass at the time, that an unspoken man spake not of the flesh, and of the flesh, and of the murder, and of the people, that I died of hunger. كان سامي في الجامعة. Sami was in college. It was Sammy at the university. أين هي لوري؟ Where is Laurie? Where's Lori? המצאתי תירוץ להיעדר מהמסיבה. I concocted an excuse for missing the party. I've created an excuse for missing from the party. אני עדיין מברר את זה לעצמי. I'm still figuring stuff out. I'm still making it clear to myself. מעולם לא שיחקתי גולף, אבל אני חושב שאנסה. I've never played golf, but I think I'll give it a shot. I never played golf, but I think I'll try. זה רץ רק על חלונות. It only works on Windows. It only runs on windows. أعطني بطاقة اعتمادك من فضلك. Please give me your credit card. Give me your credit card, please. זה מעורר הערצה. It's admirable. It's impressive. إنها تحب المثلجات . She likes ice cream. She likes ice cream. הבטחתי לקרוא את הדו"ח ביסודיות. I promised to read the report carefully. I promised to read the report thoroughly. تناول سامي أقراص النّوم. Sami took sleeping pills. Take Sammy's sleeping pills. תשתמש במקומי. Use my place. Use my location. אם אתה רוצה לאבד משקל, אתה צריך להיות זהיר במזונך. If you want to lose weight, you'll have to be careful about what you eat. If you want to lose weight, you need to be careful about your food. لا شكر على واجب. Don't mention it. No thanks for a duty. هذه التفاحة حمراء جداً. This apple is very red. This apple is so red. ليس بإمكانكم أن تدخلوا جميعكم. You can't all come in. You can't all go inside. האם זה יהיה מקובל? Would that be acceptable? Would that be acceptable? אתה יכול לעשות מה שתחפוץ, כמובן. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. You can do whatever it takes, of course. זה אמור להספיק. This should do it. It's supposed to be enough. أُعجب سامي بذلك حقّا. Sami really liked that. I really like that, Sami. העשירים לעיתים קרובות קמצנים. The rich are often misers. The rich are often cheap. מישהו יכול לעזור לי פה? Can someone help me here? Can anyone help me out here? תום ידאג לך. Tom is going to take care of you. Tom's gonna take care of you. هل مازلتَ مُستيقظاً؟ You're still awake? Are you still awake? استعمل سامي مفتاحه. Sami used his key. Sami's using his key. هكذا دخل الجامعة. This was how he entered the university. That's how he went into college. הם מזוייפים. They're fake. They're fakes. كي نكبر، حايب نولّي صلطان. When I grow up, I want to be a king. To grow up, a sultan lounge. ילד זקוק לאהבה. A child needs love. A kid needs love. توم قال أنه يعرف ماري Tom said he knew Mary. Tom said he knew Mary. اذهب لمساعدة أخيك! Go help your brother! Go help your brother! توم ما يَقْدرش يجاوب ضوك. Tom can't answer now. Tom doesn't touch your face. مرحبا, ادخل Hi, come on in. Hey, come in. אבי כנה. My father is frank. My father is honest. החלוצים התגברו על אוסף מכשולים. The pioneers overcame a set of obstacles. The pioneers have been overcome by a collection of obstacles. لماذا لا يأكل أحد بطاطتي؟ Why does nobody eat my potatoes? Why doesn't anyone eat my potatoes? זה דבר שצריך לשקול. This is something to consider. It's a thing to consider. إدا راحت علينا لماشينا، نروحو فلكار. If we should miss the train, we'll go by bus. We had nothing to do with our livestock, Falkar's spirit. נאלצנו להיכנע לדרישתם. We had to yield to their request. We had to submit to their demand. כובעים חוזרים לאופנה. Hats are coming into fashion. Knives go back to the fashion. אני במצב הלם. I'm in a state of shock. I'm in shock. واصلت الشّرطة تفتيش عربة فاضل. The police continued searching Fadil's van. The police continued inspection of a fagile vehicle. הם ידעו ימים טובים יותר. They had seen better days. They knew better days. מרי ישבה על הספה לבדה. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. אולי אנו צריכים לבקש ממישהו עזרה. Maybe we should ask someone for help. Maybe we should ask someone for help. אתה יכול להבדיל בין זאבים לכלבים? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you make a difference between wolves and dogs? ارتكب توم عديد الجرائم. Tom committed many crimes. Tom committed many crimes. מבריק! Brilliant! Brilliant! كانت ماري تتألم كثيرا من ظهرها. Mary's back pain was torturing her. Mary was suffering a lot from her back. توم راح يشارع ماري. Tom is going to sue Mary. Tom's on Mary's Street. הדרישות שלו סבירות. His demands are reasonable. His demands are likely. لدي قلم. I have a pen. I have a pen. היא לא בת גילה של מרי. She's not as old as Mary. She's not Mary's age. מה קרה לשיער שלך? What happened to your hair? What happened to your hair? ماقدرش أقول لها دلوقتي. الموضوع مبقاش بالبساطة دي. I can't tell her now. It's not that simple anymore. What I'm going to say to her is my paycheck. ما راناش في السينيما. We are not at the cinema. What Ranch is in the cinema. مرحباً! شكراً على الطيران معنا. كيف حالكم اليوم؟ Hi! Thanks for flying with us. How are you today? Thanks for flying with us. תוכלי לומר זאת שוב? Can you say that again? Can you say that again? את אוהבת בייסבול? You like baseball? You like baseball? אתה אמין? Are you reliable? Are you reliable? מה שהגורל יצר ייפסק על ידי הגורל. Whatever fate has created, fate will bring to an end. What fate has created will be determined by fate. أصبح سامي أبا جديدا. Sami became a new dad. Sammy's become a new father. سأطلق عليه النار. I'm gonna shoot him. I'll shoot him. אל תוותרי על משרתך. Don't give up your day job. Don't give up on your job. لست طالباً. I'm not a student. I'm not a student. أظنه جيدًا أن الكتب ما تزال موجودة، لكنها تجعلني نعسانًا. I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy. I think it's good that books are still there, but they make me suffer. חלזונות זזים לאט. Snails move slowly. Breathes move slowly. بلغ البلل بدني. I got wet to the skin. It's physical. إنك تذكر عيوبي دائماً! You're always criticizing me! You always remember my eyes! הוא התחנן לקולותינו בבחירות. He solicited our votes. He begged for our votes in the election. الوقت شيء ثمين، لهذا علينا أن نستغله بأفضل طريقة. Time is a precious thing, so we should make the best use of it. Time is valuable, so we have to make the best use of it. المدرسة بتبتدي الساعة تمنية و نص. School begins at eight-thirty. School's on the clock and text. تعرّضت دانية للاغتصاب و التعذيب. Dania was raped and tortured. She was raped and tortured. إلى اللقاء See you again. Bye-bye. אני פגשתי אותו במספר הזדמנויות. I've met him on several occasions. I met him at a number of times. كان سامي يدلّك ظهر ليلى. Sami was giving Layla a back massage. Sammy was giving you a night's back. אתה יכול לראות את הכוכבים הלילה? Can you see the stars tonight? Can you see the stars tonight? הוא ישב, וסביבו התלמידים. He was sitting surrounded by the students. He was sitting around the students. يعمل سامي في العيادة البلديّة. Sami works for the municipal clinic. Sammy works at the municipal clinic. يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات. Fadil might be dead. It could have been a failure that died. تعرّف سامي على أبي. Sami recognized my dad. You know, Sammy's on my dad. بدا سامي مستاءا جدّا. Sami appeared to be very upset. Sammy seemed so upset. אנו צודקים. We're correct. We're right. هذه أختي الصغرى. This is my younger sister. This is my little sister. אני לא יכול להרשות לעצמי רכב חדש. I can't afford a new car. I can't afford a new car. אל תודֶה לי, תודֶה לטום! Don't thank me, thank Tom! Don't thank me, Tom! הוא עיתונאי פרילאנס. He's a freelance journalist. He's a journalist from Prince's. اتريد لعب الغولف أم لا؟ Do you want to play golf or not? You want to play golf or not? מה גרם לך לכעוס? What caused you to be angry? What made you angry? אשמח לסייע לו. I'll be glad to help him. I'd love to help him. אני צריכה לקום בשש. I have to be up at six. I need to get up at 6:00. دعينا نتقاسم النفقات. Let's share the expenses. Let's share the expenses. היום נחשוף את רזי צורת ה-subjunctive באנגלית. Today, we are going to unravel the mystery of the English subjunctive. Today we're exposed to the subunicive form in English. אין לי בקרה על מה שאתה עושה. I have no control over what you do. I don't have a check on what you're doing. את האגדות האלה יש להנחיל לצאצאינו. These legends should be handed down to our offspring. These legends have to run to our offspring. תאונת הדרכים קרתה ממש לפני. The traffic accident happened before my very eyes. The car accident happened right before. רוב התאונות, לאחר הכל, קורות בסביבה ולא בג'ונגל. Most accidents, after all, happen around the corner, not in the rainforest. Most of the accidents, after all, happen around and not in the jungle. لا أعرف كيف، لكنّي فعلتها. I don't know how, but I did it. I don't know how, but I did it. بإمكانك استخدامها في أي وقت. You can use it anytime. You can use it anytime. لم يكن هذا مهذبا. That wasn't nice. That wasn't good. זה ענק. This is great. It's huge. هل تريدُ أن تبيعَ سيّارتك؟ Would you like to sell your car? You want to sell your car? היה קר מאוד. It was really cold. It was really cold. יד האדם היא מדהימה בכישוריה המגוונים. The human hand is astonishingly versatile. Man's hand is amazing in her diverse skills. ואלה היו מילותיה האחרונות. And those were her last words. And those were her last words. עליתי במשקל בזמן האחרון. I've gained weight recently. I've been on a weight lately. הם לא הצליחו לגלות שום סודות. They weren't able to discover any secrets. They couldn't find any secrets. هل الحقيبة السوداء لك؟ Is that black bag yours? Is your black bag? תחסלו אותו לפני שהוא יברח. Finish him off before he gets away. Kill him before he runs away. אני מחפשת תשובות. I'm seeking answers. I'm looking for answers. זה תלוי באופן בו את מתעסקת עם זה. It depends on how you deal with it. It depends in the same way you're dealing with it. שנלך עכשיו? Shall we go now? Shall we go now? زارت شركة سياحية مدينتنا . A company of tourists visited our town. She visited our town’s tourist company. אני יודע שאת לא אוהבת אותי. I know you don't like me. I know you don't love me. ها هي تذكرتي للرجوع. Here's my return ticket. Here's my ticket back. מדוע לא הקשבת? Why weren't you listening? Why didn't you listen? نحن لا نعرف عنه شيئاً. We don't know anything about him. We don't know anything about him. رأى سامي ما كانت ليلى تريده أن يراه. Sami saw what Layla wanted him to see. Sammy saw what Lily didn't want him to see. הוא מונה ליו"ר. He was appointed chairman. He's a co-chair. قرأ الكتاب من الجلدة إلى الجلدة. He read the book from cover to cover. Read the book from leather to leather. הוא בחר זוג גרביים שיתאימו לחליפה שלו. He selected a pair of socks to match his suit. He chose a pair of socks that would fit in his suit. השיעור שלי בוטל. My class was cancelled. My lesson's off. אני אוהב לקרוא ספרים על מדע בדיוני. I love reading science fiction novels. I like reading books about science fiction. ستمطر الليلة. It will rain tonight. You'll rain tonight. האם ארוחות כלולות במחיר? Are meals included? Are meals included at the price? לא ראית ציפורים כלשהן? Didn't you see any birds? Didn't you see any birds? أنا في العمل الأن, لذلك سأتصل بكَ لاحقاً. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. I'm at work now, so I'll call you later. هل تريد فنجانا آخر من الشاي؟ Would you like another cup of tea? You want another fanna of tea? أجابت ليلى برسالة من عندها. Layla responded with a letter of her own. Lili answered a letter from her. הוא העמיד פני ישן. He pretended to be asleep. He pretended to be old. خطابها أثَر في الجمهور. Her speech moved the audience. Her speech has affected the public. הרימו את היד השמאלית. Raise your left hand. Pick up the left hand. נכחו ארבעים אנשים. Forty people attended. We'll have 40 people. يحاول سامي أن يتأقلم مع حياة سيعيشها من الآن فصاعدا على كرسيّ متحرّك. Sami is trying to adjust to a life that will now be lived in a wheelchair. Sammy's trying to fit in with a life he's going to live from now on on on a moving chair. היא צעירה ממנו. She's younger than him. She's younger than him. هادي سورپريز. It's a surprise. Hey, Surpris. הוא עזב כבר. He had already gone. He left already. يشكو طول الوقت. He's always complaining. It's gonna be a long time. למילים חנות ספרים ומחסן ספרים יש משמעות זהה. The words bookstore and bookshop have the same meaning. The words of a bookstore and a bookstore have the same meaning. سامي أفضل من فريد. Sami is better than Farid. Sammy's better than Fred. قرّر سامي أن يؤجّل ذهابه إلى الجامعة. Sami made the decision to postpone college. Sami decided to delay his move to college. זאת הייתה הפעם הראשונה שטיילתי לאורך המוגאמי. It was the first time I'd walked along the Mogami River. It was the first time I walked along the megami. אולצתי לשקר. I was constrained to tell a lie. I was forced to lie. كم شخصًا رأيت في المنتزه؟ How many people did you see in the park? How many people did you see at the park? عليك أن تُحكم السيطرة على نفسك. You must control yourself. You have to control yourself. ڨـ‬ع واش ندير، هييا تقول بلّي نقدر ندير خير. Whatever I do, she says I can do better. We run, come on, say we can run good. דבורים עושות דבש. Bees make honey. Bees are making honey. אנו מוכנים. We're prepared. We're ready. הרגשתי בודד. I felt lonely. I felt lonely. תום היה המום לראות כמה אמו התדרדרה מאז שראה אותה לאחרונה ששה חודשים קודם. Tom was shocked to see how much his mother had deteriorated since he last saw her six months ago. Tom had been shocked to see how his mother had deteriorated since he saw her six months earlier. אתם מגיבים בצורה מוגזמת. You're overreacting. You're responding too much. عندك فقط خيارين. You only have two options. You only have two options. זה עשוי להועיל בעתיד. It might prove useful. It might be useful in the future. هذا حقا مثير This is really interesting. That's really interesting. جاء توم إلى بوسطن عام 2001. Tom came to Boston in 2001. Tom came to Boston in 2001. متشرف بمعرفتك. Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. זה היה אכזרי. That was harsh. That was cruel. نستطيع أن نسافر في الزمن. ونحن نفعل هذا بمعدل مذهل مقداره ثانية واحدة لكل ثانية. We can travel through time. And we do at the remarkable rate of one second per second. We can travel in time, and we do this at an amazing rate of one second each second. Il-kelma biex tidħol hija twila. The password is long. The word to enter is long. תום היה ללא חת. Tom was fearless. Tom was innocent. لقد رسّخ سامي احترام الآخرين في ذهن أبنائه. Sami instilled respect for others in his children. Sami has established respect for others in the minds of his children. احب أن اكون لوحدي I love being alone. I like to be alone. אז את לא שמחה לראות אותי? Well, aren't you glad to see me? So you're not happy to see me? ربما، كنت لتفضل طبقًا فرنسيا. Perhaps you would have preferred a French dish. Maybe, you would prefer a French dish. האם הפכת למלאך? Have you become an angel? Have you become an angel? انهم لن يدعوني ارى توم. They won't let me see Tom. They won't let me see Tom. כדור עף דרך החלון. A ball flew in through the window. A bullet flew through the window. מה שלומך, טום? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? وقفوا كل الطلاب عندما عزف دان النشيد الوطني. All the students stood up when Dan played the national anthem. Stop all the students when Dan played the national anthem. אנו בהחלט לא זוג. We're definitely not a couple. We're definitely not a couple. בגילכם כבר הייתי נשוי. I was already married at your age. I've been married at your age. هي، أنت! Hey, you! Hey, you! يجب أن تهدف التربية إلى إنماء شخصية الإنسان وإلى تعزيز احترام الإنسان والحريات الأساسية وتنمية التفاهم والتسامح والصداقة بين جميع الشعوب والجماعات العنصرية أو الدينية، وإلى زيادة مجهود الأمم المتحدة لحفظ السلام. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Education must be aimed at developing the personality of the human person, promoting respect for human beings and fundamental freedoms, developing understanding, tolerance and friendship among all peoples and racial or religious groups, and increasing the United Nations peacekeeping effort. יש כאן דפקט. There's a defect here. There's a bang here. חשבתי שאיבדת את השעון. I thought you had lost your watch. I thought you lost your watch. תום ידע שמרי לא תרצה ללכת לשם לבדה. Tom knew Mary wouldn't want to go there by herself. Tom knew that Mary wouldn't want to go there alone. תום הציע למרי לא לעשות את זה. Tom advised Mary not to do it. Tom offered Mary not to do this. התוכל לספר לי אודות צפרות? Would you please tell me the story about bird watching? Can you tell me about bees? السماء صافية. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. ذهب الأستاذ إتو إلى الولايات المتحدة ليدرس اللسانيات. Professor Ito went to the United States for the purpose of studying linguistics. Professor Eto went to the United States to study the tongues. افتقدناك كثيرا! We miss you so much. We missed you so much! אני מקווה שזה הועיל. I hope this has been helpful. I hope it's useful. أتذكر أسمه، كلما استمعت إلى هذه الأغنية. Every time I hear this song, I think of his name. I remember his name, whenever I heard that song. האם זה שחקן? Is this an actor? Is it an actor? أنت تستحقّ هذا المديح. You deserve those compliments. You deserve that commendation. لا يمكنني إعطائك جواباً نهائياً اليوم. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a final answer today. أنا صنعت قراري. I've made my decision. I made my decision. تزحلقت العربة المسرعة و اصطدمت مقدمة العربة ب مؤخرة الشاحنة بشكل مفاجئ جداً . The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson. The fast - moving vehicle broke down and hit the front of the truck with a very sudden ass. آكل تفاحة. I'm eating an apple. Eat an apple. אנא, תקן את זה. Please fix this. Please, fix it. اقولو بلّ 'هاملت' پياس تع تيياتر لّي ژامي ما كتبو خير منها. It is said that "Hamlet" is the most interesting play ever written. They say that Hamlet's Pias is tytering to me what my mother wrote is better than it. يا إلهي ، مبتدئ هزمني في اللعبة! omg a n00b pwned me! Oh, my God, starter, beat me in the game! اللغة الأمازيغية نافعة. The Berber language is useful. Amazigh's language is useful. إنّ الحياة لا تبدأ و تنتهي بسامي. Life doesn't begin and end with Sami. Life doesn't start and end with my name. تكاليف الخدمات المالية آخذة في الارتفاع في كل بلد. Costs of financial services are rising in every country. The cost of financial services is rising in each country. انتقلت ليلى للعيش هنا. Layla moved in. I moved Lily to live here. שתיתי רק שתי כוסות יין. I only had two glasses of wine. I just had two glasses of wine. ما هو تاريخ ميلادك؟ What is your date of birth? What's your birthday? אני בטוחה שזאת הייתה טעות. I'm sure it was a mistake. I'm sure it was a mistake. אמרתי לכל אחד מהם לבוא. I've told them all to come. I told each of them to come. لقط ديالي ينبح. My cat barks. Dale's never barking. יתכן שיש להם מה שאתה רוצה. They might have what you want. They may have what you want. ربات البيت في أيامنا هذه لا يعرفن إلا الشكوى من ارتفاع الأسعار. Today's housewives do nothing but complain of high prices. The housewives in these days know only the complaint of rising prices. كان واضحا أن توم رجل غني. Tom was obviously a rich man. It was clear that Tom was a rich man. سامي يحبّ هذا. Sami likes that. Sammy likes that. قال زعيم الهنود حمر: "خذوا ما شئتم من الأرض. سيكون دائما ما يكفي من الأرض للبيض و الهنود الحمر." فرد الجنرال قائلا: "حقا؟ إذا نريد كل الأرض من المحيط المتجمد الشمالي إلى المحيط المتجمد الجنوبي." "Take all the land you want. There will always be enough land for both white and Native American people," said the Indian chief. "Really? So we want all the land from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean," said the general. The leader of the Red Indians said, "Take what you want from the land. It will always be enough land for the whites and the red Indians." מעודי לא ידעתי שאתה אוהב אותי. I never knew you cared about me. Of course I didn't know you loved me. هذا الحلم سَيَتَحَقَّق. This dream will come true. This dream will come true. شيء ليس منطقيا أبدا. Something doesn't make any sense. Something never makes sense. أنت لا تعلم ما قله لي. You don't know what he told me. You don't know what he told me. אני לא יכולה ללכת מהר יותר. I can't go any faster. I can't go faster. أعِد لي قَلمي. Give me my pen back. Give me my word. אם אתה עייף, לך לישון! If you're tired, go to sleep! If you're tired, go to sleep! תום לא רוצה לשתות דבר. Tom doesn't want to drink a thing. Tom doesn't want to drink anything. لماذا أنت عابس جدا؟ Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so tired? سيخبر سامي ليلى. Sami will tell Layla. He'll tell Sammy Lily. חריקת הדלת מעצבנת אותי. The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves. The doorball's pissing me off. كان سامي يستمتع. Sami was having fun. Sammy was having fun. אני לא חושבת שתום עזר למרי. I don't think Tom helped Mary. I don't think Tom helped Mary. לא נורא. זה קורה לכולם. Never mind. It happens to everyone. It's happening to everyone. אני צריך סרט הדבקה. I need the tape. I need a tape. עם האזניות האלו אני לא שומע כלום. With these headphones, I can't hear anything. With those ears, I can't hear anything. ليس لدي أكثر من 1,000 ين . I have no more than 1,000 yen with me. I don't have more than 1,000 yen. رايحا تدّيلي بزّاف وقت باش نفهّملك بلّي ما راهيش رايحا تمشي. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. I will set my hand upon the time of Bash, and I will tell you what my own country will do. אתה לא עונה לי על השאלה. You're not answering my question. You're not answering my question. الثعالب حيوانات برية Foxes are wild animals. Spiders of wild animals اعتنق فاضل الإسلام في شهر يناير سنة 1998. Fadil became a Muslim in January 1998. The Islamic Fashion was arrested in January 1998. كانوا واقفين في طابور. They were standing in a queue. They were standing in Tabor. الحساب عليّ. I'll pay the bill. The account's on me. البيت انهدم في هزة أرضية. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house was destroyed in an earthquake. بإمكان ليلى أن ترقد في سلام الآن. Layla can rest in peace now. Lily can sleep in peace now. היא דחקה בו שיפרוש. She pressured him to quit. She pushed him out. את באה לכאן כל ערב? Do you come here every night? You coming here every night? كان فاضل يربّي و يعتني بالخيول في جنوب آريزونا. Fadil groomed and raised horses in southern Arizona. He grew up, and took care of horses in south Arizona. أنت لم تعمل بما فيه الكفاية. You didn't work hard enough. You didn't work enough. ማንኪያውን ስጠኝ። Give me the spoon. Give me the money. رحب المعلمون بالولد الصغير. The teachers greeted the little boy. The teachers welcome the little boy. من أخذ مفاتيحي؟ Who took my keys? Who took my keys? אתם אל תבואו לפה! Don't come out here. You don't come here! هل أُخذت هذه الصورة حديثاً؟ Is this a recent photo? Have you recently taken this picture? הוא שכר מזכירה חדשה. He hired a new secretary. He hired a new secretary. أعطني انطباعك عن هذا الكتاب. Give me your impression of this book. Give me your impression on this book. لم يكن عند فاضل أحد يطلب منه المساعدة. Fadil had no one to turn to. It was not when someone asked for assistance. عْلى حْساب الشوفة الحرب مازال ما خلاصتش. It seems that the war is not over yet. The snare of war is still a trap. אני לא מפקפק בכך שהוא יעזור לי. I don't doubt that he will help me. I don't doubt he'll help me. هىَ ليست أختي. She's not my sister. She's not my sister. אי אפשר גם לאכול את העוגה וגם להשאיר אותה שלמה. You can't have it both ways. You can't both eat the cake and leave it intact. هل يمكنني أن أسأل, إلى أين أنتَ ذاهب؟ May I ask where are you going? Can I ask, where are you going? نظف زجاج النافذة بقطعة قماش مبلولة. Clean the window with a damp cloth. Clean the glass out the window with a wet shirt. זה לא היה כלול בלוח הזמנים. That wasn't on the schedule. It wasn't included in the schedule. لا يمكنني تصديق ذلك! I don't believe it! I can't believe it! שחררו אותה! Let her go! Let her go! תום אינו אדם מסוג זה. Tom isn't that type of guy. Tom's not that kind of person. איך היה לך תום? How have you been, Tom? How'd you do Tom? أعده غدا من فضلك. Please bring it back tomorrow. Bring it back tomorrow, please. אף אחד לא מסכן את החיים שלו. Nobody's life was in danger. Nobody's risking their lives. אנו חייבים להימלט. We must escape. We have to escape. بدأ يشعر بالمرض. He began to feel ill. He started feeling sick. אין סיבה לבהלה. There's no reason for panic. There's no reason to panic. بيكاسو رسام مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is famous. أفكّر في تغيير وظيفتي. I am thinking of changing my job. I'm thinking about changing my job. טום ומרי היו בהלוויה של ג'ון. Tom and Mary were at John's funeral. Tom and Mary were at John's funeral. באשר לסטודנטים כיום, אני לא יודע על מה הם חושבים. As for the students of today, I don't know what they are thinking about. As for students today, I don't know what they're thinking. ምስ ወለዱ ዓብዩ። He grew up with his parents. He grew up with his parents. لا أريد البكاء أمام توم. I didn't want to cry in front of Tom. I don't want to cry in front of Tom. בואו נרקוד על עלות השחר! Let's dance till the break of dawn! Let's dance at dawn! כמה המצב מסוכן? How dangerous is the situation? How dangerous is it? העט הזה הוא הטוב ביותר. This is the best pen. That pen is the best. הוא כמעט התפוצץ מכעס. He almost erupted in anger. He almost burst out of anger. الكرة الآن في ملعبك! Now the ball is in your court! The ball is now in your game! אני צריכה לסיים את העבודה עד ארבע. I have to finish the work by four o'clock. I have to finish the job by four. את לא מחרידה אותי. You don't frighten me. You don't scare me. بلّغ سامي السّلطات بالاعتداء الجنسي. Sami reported the sexual assault. Sami told the cops about sexual assault. هي تسبح مثل السمكة She swims like a fish. She swims like a fish. هذه الجملة تصف بالتحديد مشاعر الكاتب. This sentence states exactly how the writer feels. This sentence specifically describes the author's feelings. اسمع Listen up. Listen. מה קרה שם? What happened over there? What happened in there? لا أتكلم الألمانية. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. سامي بحاجة لليلى. Sami needs Layla. Sammy needs me. ביצים צריכות להיות שלוקות לפחות חמש דקות. Eggs should be boiled for at least five minutes. Eggs need to be evacuated at least five minutes. الكوب مليء بالحليب. The glass is full of milk. The cup is full of milk. هل سمعت عن نتيجة المباراة؟ Have you heard about the result of the game? Did you hear about the outcome of the game? אהיה מוכנה עד יום שני. I'll be ready on Monday. I'll be ready by Monday. אמילי אוהבת לבצע קאברים של שירים. Emily loves doing covers of songs. Emily likes to make songs. הרומן החדש שלהם יצא לאור בחודש הבא. Their new novel will come out next month. Their new novel was published next month. הייתם בבית אתמול? Were you at home yesterday? Were you at home yesterday? הציפורים בונות קנים מזרדים. Birds build nests of twigs. The birds build nests. בואו ניישב את הסוגייה בלי מגשר. Let's settle this issue without a mediator. Let's settle the issue without a bridge. המורה נתן לנו עשר בעיות לשיעורי בית. The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework. The teacher gave us ten homework issues. היא כמו מלאך. She's an angel. She's like an angel. אני כבר לא מורה. I'm no longer a teacher. I'm no longer a teacher. Ordna li jinġiebu d-dokumenti kollha. He ordered all the documents to be presented. Order to bring all documents. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد ماتت الآن. Layla is probably dead now. It's probably Lily's dead now. הוא איבד את בנו האהוב ביותר. He lost his most beloved son. He lost his favorite son. היא פרצה בבכי. She burst out crying. She broke in. سيدني هي أكبر مدينة في استراليا. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Sydney is Australia's largest city. سأذهب وألقي نظرة أخرى. I'll go and have another look. I'll go and take another look. لازم نخفّو رواحتينا. We must move quickly. We need to hide our lives. הטמפרטורה ירדה בעשר מעלות. The temperature went down ten degrees. The temperature went down ten degrees. إنك في خطر! It's dangerous! You're in danger! اصبعي تحول الى بني بعد ان غمرته في محلول برمنغانات البوتاسيوم الكثيف جزئياً. My finger turned brown after I dipped it in a slightly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. I looked at my son after I missed him in a partially heavy potassium barmanganate solution. كان فاضل يريد المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted more money. Falfa wanted more money. الامتحان كان جد صعب بنسبتي لي. The assignment was too much for me. The exam was very difficult for me. سُجن سامي مدى الحياة. Sami was jailed for life. Sami's been imprisoned for life. سامي أعلم بالأمر. Sami knows best. Sammy, I know about it. אתה יודע לנגן טוב? Can you play well? You know how to play well? عاد سامي للعيش في منزله. Sami moved back home. Sammy came back to live in his house. תום לא חוזר. Tom isn't coming back. Tom's not coming back. لا أستطيع القيام بكل شيء بنفسي. I can't do everything on my own. I can't do everything myself. אלה ספריי. Those are my books. These are my books. أنا في مصر. I'm in Egypt. I'm in Egypt. أنا أرفض الموافقة على تلك الخطة. I refuse to consent to that plan. I refuse to approve that plan. أنا فقط أمزح. I'm only joking. I'm just kidding. "המכוניות האלה שלך?" "כן." "Are these cars yours?" "Yes they are." "These cars of yours?" "Yes." לא פוטרתי. I wasn't fired. I wasn't fired. سامي قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. تبيّن في النهاية أنّني كنت على حق. It turned out that I was right. Finally it turns out I was right. הזעתי. I was sweating. I did. لم أعرف كيف أجيب على سؤاله. I didn't know how to answer his question. I didn't know how to answer his question. זה אפילו לא עלה בדעתי. It didn't even cross my mind. It didn't even come up with my mind. أشعل الضوء من فضلك. Turn on the light, please. Light up, please. أعرف اسمه I know his name. I know his name. إنه عالم رائع. He's a wonderful scholar. It's a wonderful world. אנחנו טסים לגרמניה ביום ראשון. We are flying to Germany on Sunday. We're flying to Germany on Sunday. זה מוקדם. It's early. It's early. لم يكن ينبغي أن يحدث هذا. This should not have occurred. That shouldn't have happened. הם כולם מתעצבנים בקלות. They are all irritable. They're all getting upset easily. אתה עדיין ירוק. You're still green. You're still green. صرفا فاضل و ليلى المال معا. Fadil and Layla spent the money together. Disburse and spend the money together. הוא פיטר את המזכירה שלו. He let his secretary go. He fired his secretary. אתה מרוצה מחייך, לא? You are satisfied with your life, aren't you? You're happy with your life, aren't you? يجب أن لا تحكم على الآخرين من مظهرهم. You shouldn't judge others on how they look. You must not judge others from their appearance. لبس الرجل قناع نمر. The man wore a mask of a tiger. The man's wearing a nail mask. הוא אמר לי שישאיל לי את הספר כשיגמור אותו. He says that he will lend me the book when he is done with it. He told me he'd lend me the book when he was done. אל תפריע לי! Don't disturb me! Don't bother me! יש לי אישה בבוסטון. I have a wife back home in Boston. I have a woman in Boston. لم يكُن دوما هكذا. He wasn't always like that. It wasn't always like that. تعلمتُ الأمازيغية في البيت. I learnt Berber at home. I learned Amazigh at home. שכחתי כמה יפה את. I had forgotten how beautiful you are. I forgot how beautiful you are. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك! Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you! אתם מתכוונים לתת לנו את מה שביקשנו? Are you going to give us what we asked for? Are you gonna give us what we asked for? אני מקווה שתהנו בטיול. I hope you had a nice trip. I hope you enjoy the trip. انتا تتعلم العربي You are learning Arabic. You're learning Arabic. אני יודעת כמה מסוכן זה יהיה. I know how dangerous it'll be. I know how dangerous it would be. أنا صادق. I'm an honest person. I'm honest. העיר מלאה פעילות. The town was full of activity. The city is full of activity. أعادت الشّرطة فتح القضيّة عام 2006. The police reopened the case in 2006. Police officers reopened the case in 2006. لم أكن أريد أن أهينك. I didn't want to humiliate Tom. I didn't want to insult you. בעיה מדומה זו מנופחת מעל ומעבר לכל יחס. This virtual problem is blown out of proportion. That's a similar problem. It's over and over. זה בסדר. This is OK. It's okay. بالواقع إن الإجابة بسيطة. The answer is actually quite simple. Actually, the answer is simple. מרי יהירה לגבי יופיה. Mary is arrogant about her beauty. Mary will be proud of beauty. ניתוח יעזור לזה? Will surgery help it? Will surgery help? רק תום נישאר. Only Tom stayed. Just Tom, we'll stay. לא קורה שום דבר. There's nothing happening. Nothing's going on. يقسم نهرٌ المدينةَ إلى جزء شرقي و آخر غربي. A river separates the city into east and west. The river divides the city into a eastern and western part. ما يقوله ليس له أي معنى. What he says does not make any sense. What he says doesn't mean anything to him. יש לך זכות לחופש הדיבור אבל אין לך זכות להוציא דיבה. You have the right to free speech, but not the right to slander. You have the right to freedom of speech, but you have no right to take offense. את באה לכאן לעתים קרובות? Do you come here often? Are you coming here often? התאגידים מתחרים ביניהם למלא את החלל. Corporations are competing to fill the vacuum. The corporations compete to fill the space. هذه هديّة لفاضل لنرحّب به في أسرتنا. It's a gift for Fadil to welcome him into the family. This is a gift for a fight to welcome in our family. معظم الناس يظنون أني مجنون. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. אין שום מקום שבו תוכלי להסתתר. There's nowhere for you to hide. There's nowhere you can hide. מישהו תמיד בכוננות. Someone is always on duty. Someone's always on the alert. إنا سعداء. We are happy. I'm happy. هل أنت متزوجة؟ Are you married? Are you married? זו אנגלית טובה? Is this good English? Is that good English? אני תמיד קם בשש. I always get up at six. I always got up on six. תום היה כורה פחם. Tom was a coal miner. Tom was a coal miner. תום לא ממש רצה להתמודד עם המצב. Tom didn't really want to deal with the situation. Tom didn't really want to handle the situation. يعاني من البرد He is suffering from a cold. It's cold. היא הבטיחה לפגוש אותו אמש. She promised to meet him last night. She promised to meet him last night. تحصّل منّاد على المساعدة. Mennad got help. Get a man to help. أنا كبير بما يكفي لأشرب. I'm old enough to drink. I'm big enough to drink. الفرصة الضائعة لا تتكرر The lost chance will never come again. The lost opportunity doesn't happen again. ظلت جريمة القتل لغزاً. The murder remains a mystery. Murder remained a mystery. بنتي تحبّ الفاكية تاع الصيف: حبّ الملوك، الدلاّع، الخوخ. My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches. My daughter likes summer fruit: the love of the kings, the masts, the ass. يحبّ فاضل الأكل في مطاعم تيكساس تشيكن. Fadil loves Texas Chicken. He likes to eat at Texas Chiken's restaurant. لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل من مركز البريد. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send the issues from the post station. ارتدى سامي سروال جين أسود. Sami wore black jeans. Sami wore black Jane's pants. תפסיק להכאיב לי. Stop hurting me. Stop hurting me. הנסיעה עלתה לי המון. The trip cost me a lot. The trip cost me a lot. סטודנטים, על ידי עבודה זמנית, מסוגלים לגייס את שכר הלימוד בעצמם. Students, by working part time, are able to scrape up tuition fees by themselves. Students, by means of temporary work, are able to raise their own tuition. הלן שחזרה את אירועי היום. Helen reviewed the day's happenings. Helen returned the events today. أعرف. I know. I know. חליתי. I got sick. I got sick. كان سامي يشاهد. Sami watched. Sammy was watching. למדתי מהטובים ביותר. I've learned from the best. I learned from the best. "أين أكلت الغذاء؟" "أكلت في مطعم." "Where did you eat lunch?" "I ate at a restaurant." "Where did you eat food?" "I at a restaurant." قدّم سامي وثائقا تثبت أنّه قد زار حقّا ذلك المستشفى. Sami produced paperwork that shows that he really had been to the hospital. Sami submitted documents proving that he had actually visited that hospital. המשטרה תבחן את סיבת השריפה. The police will look into the cause of the fire. The police will test the cause of the fire. أنت مشتاق لها فحسب. You just missed her. You're just in love with her. لم يبقَ شيء في الثلاجة. Nothing remained in the refrigerator. There was nothing left in the fridge. سامي خائف جدّا. Sami feels so scared. Sammy's so scared. وكأن أعواما مضت منذ صباح الأحد. It seems like years since Sunday morning. It's like years since Sunday morning. أيهما كتابك؟ Which is your book? Which book is yours? גלילאו מת ב-8 בינואר 1642. Galileo died on January 8, 1642. Galileo died on January 8, 1642. אני רוצה לשקם את חיי. I want to get my life back together. I want to restore my life. את אישה מושכת. You're an attractive woman. You're an attractive woman. أنا اؤمن بالله. I believe in God. I believe in God. הסירי את כובעך כשאת נכנסת לכיתה. Take off your hat when you enter a classroom. Take off your hat when you get into class. تذكرت الآن. Now I remember. I remember now. نحن نعمل من أجل حقوق المرأة. We're working on women's rights. We work for women's rights. איפה אח שלי? Where is my brother? Where's my brother? תן לי לבדר אותך. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. تبدأ الدراسة في أوروبا شهر سبتمبر. School starts in September in Europe. The study begins in Europe September. אתמול אפיתי מאפה עם פטריות. Yesterday I baked pastries with mushrooms. Yesterday, I blew a muffin with fungus. היה לכם סופשבוע נעים? Did you have a nice weekend? Did you guys have a nice weekend? ስሜ አሕመድ ነው። My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmad. طلب مني توم مسامحته. Tom asked me to forgive him. Tom asked me to forgive him. תדגים לי. Give me an example. Show me. هل لي أن أقاطع؟ May I interrupt? May I interrupt? زميل العمل ادعى أن الحافلة فاتته. The coworker claimed he had missed the bus. Workmate claimed the bus was gone. لقد كنتُ معلماً لعامين. I've been a teacher for two years. I've been a teacher for two years. رقم هاتفي 789. My phone number is 789. My phone number is 789. انغمست ليلى في الدّين. Layla immersed herself in religion. I snuck a night in the diner. توم يمشي ببطئ. Tom walks slowly. Tom's walking slowly. בחורף אני אוהבת להישאר בבית, ליד האש, ולהאזין לרוח הנושבת. In winter, I like staying at home, around the fire, listening to the wind blowing. In the winter, I like to stay home by the fire, and listen to the spirit. اقترب سامي من ليلى. Sami approached Layla. Sammy approached Lily. זה חשוב לה מאד. It's very important to her. It's very important to her. خطأ. Wrong. Wrong. كانوا جائعين. They were hungry. They were hungry. זה עתיד להיות הרה גורל. It can be fatal. It's a future of fate. فاز سامي. Sami won. Sami won. הוא אמר שאין סיכוי למאבק. He said it was hopeless to continue the struggle. He said there's no way to fight. האם כיבית את התנור? Did you turn the stove off? Did you turn the oven off? سأشرح هذا لاحقا. I'll explain this later. I'll explain that later. אמרתי להם שאעזור לך. I told them that I'd help you. I told them I'd help you. قُتلا في المعركة. They died in battle. Killed in battle. ألقِ نظرةً على هذه الخريطة. Take a look at this map. Take a look at this map. התכנית שלי עדיין טובה יותר משלך. My plan is still better than yours. My plan is still better than yours. لا بد أنها ما زالت في العشرينات من عمرها. She must still be in her twenties. She must still be 20 years old. מהעבר ועד היום זה, לא הייתה ממלכה שלא יכולה ליפול. In all of human history, there has never been a kingdom that couldn't fall. From the past to this day, there wasn't a kingdom that couldn't fall. لننسى الأمر. Let's forget that. Let's forget about it. لدي كُتب قرأتها مرارا وتكرارا. I have books that I've reread several times. I have a book I've read over and over again. הוא חייב לי. He owes me one. He owes me. هل رخصتك معك؟ Do you have your driver's license? Is your license with you? הוא טוב בגולף. He is good at golf. He's good at golf. ይህ ሰው ማን ነው? Who is this man? Who was he? هذا ما قاله توم لماري. That was what Tom told Mary. That's what Tom said to Marie. יש מספיק זמן לנשנוש. There's enough time for a quick snack. There's plenty of time to breathe. אני חושב שהוא ידע את זה. I think he knew that. I think he knew that. התחלתי לרוץ. I began running. I started running. كان هناك مدرّسون بالقرب. Teachers were around. There were teachers nearby. תום נוצרי. Tom is a Christian. Tom Christian. في الثانية والعشرين من عمري . وقعت في حب رئيسي At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss. In my twenty-second year of life, I fell in love with my boss. הייתי מודעת לסכנה. I was aware of the danger. I was aware of the danger. أيمكنني أخذ صورة؟ May I take a photo? Can I take a picture? لماذا قرّرت أن تتعلّم العربيّة؟ Why did you decide to learn Arabic? Why did you decide to teach Arabs? אתה טועה בגדול. You're making a big mistake. You're seriously wrong. כנות לא תמיד משתלמת. כך דרכו של עולם. Honesty does not always pay. Such is the way of the world. Honesty doesn't always pay, so the way of the world. אני רוצה את מרי. I want Mary. I want Mary. سامي يكتب كتابا حول كيفية ربح المال. Sami is writing a book about money-making. Sammy's writing a book on how to make money. تتويبا: حيث الجمل جمل دائمًا، إلا حين لا تكون كذلك. Tatoeba: Where sentences are always sentences, except when they aren't. Tubes: the whole is always a whole, except when it is not. את המחבט קנה מייק אתמול. It was yesterday that Mike bought this racket. The bat bought Mike yesterday. אני מהטובים. I'm one of the good guys. I'm one of the best. علينا إخلاء العيادة. We have to evacuate the clinic. We have to evacuate the clinic. אעשה אתכם מאושרים. I'll make you happy. I'll make you guys happy. זה היה חובה. It was mandatory. It was a duty. لم يكن لدى سامي أحد كي يساعده. Sami didn't have anybody to help him. Sammy had no one to help him. هل حقا أنت أميرة ؟ Are you really a princess? Are you really a princess? מלחמות הגבול הבלתי פוסקות בין אנגליה לבין סקוטלנד באו לסיומם. The interminable border wars between England and Scotland came to a close. The endless border wars between England and Scotland have come to an end. قضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. Sami spent the night at the clinic. היא בחרה את הבגד היקר ביותר. She picked the most expensive dress. She chose the most precious suit. אני לא מרגיש נכון שאני לא מספר לה. I don't feel right about not telling her. I don't feel right I'm not telling her. הם הריעו כולם. They all cheered. They've all been touched. عندي فكرة. I have an idea. I have an idea. اقرأ! Read! Read! خرج سامي من الباب. Sami went out the door. Sammy got out of the door. ليلى في سنّ الإنجاب. Layla is old enough to have children. Lily's giving birth. أرى أن هذا المعجم مفيد للمبتدئين. I think this dictionary is useful for beginners. I see this mine is useful to the juniors. הילד שעזרתי לו הוא טוני. The boy I helped is Tony. The kid I helped is Tony. זה די קר עבור חודש אפריל. It's rather cold for April. It's pretty cold for April. שנה את הנושא. Change the subject. Change the subject. אנו לא יכולים להתעלם מהבעיה הזאת. We can't ignore this problem. We can't ignore this problem. العديد من الأطفال لا يُحبون الخضروات, لكن أخي الصغير يُحبُها. Many children don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. Many kids don't like vegetables, but my little brother loves them. لا الطّلبة و لا المدرّسين ينبغي أن يتوقّفوا عن التّعلّم. Neither students nor teachers should ever stop learning. No students, no teachers should stop teaching. תום מנגן בגיטרה כמעט ברמה של מרי. Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary. Tom plays guitar almost at Mary's level. أنا لا أستطيع أن أعيش بدونك. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. احترقت المنازل واحدة تلو الأخرى. The houses caught fire one after another. Houses burned down one by one. עבודה טובה! Good job! Good job! إن احتجت المال سأطلبه من والدي. If I need money, I'll ask my father. If you need money, I'll ask my father. השוטר הרים את התיבה בזהירות. The policeman lifted the box carefully. The cop picked up the box carefully. כבד את הוריך. You have to respect your elders. Respect your parents. اضغطن على الجرس مرتين. Press the bell twice. You press the chair twice. אני בטוח שהם מדברים על מה שקרה. I'm sure they're talking about what happened. I'm sure they're talking about what happened. בסעיף אחר הוא רשם פסיק. In another paragraph, he put in a comma. In another section he signed down. ذهبت إلى حديقة الحيوان البارحة. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. יש לי בעיות אתם. I'm having problems with them. I have problems with you. نفد السكر. We're out of sugar. Sugar out. الرائحة من مميزات الثوم. The smell is characteristic of garlic. Smells of cream. תישאר, אם בא לך. Feel free to stay. Stay, if you want. ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ ድስትታት ምሕጻብ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. Mary's common appearance is the washing of pots. מה התועלת שתצמח לך מזה? What's in it for you? What's the benefit you're gonna get from this? אינני מסדרת את המיטות שלכם. I'm not making your beds. I don't set your beds. أريد أن أذهب إلى أمريكا في يوم من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America one day. התביעות היו שגויות. The charges were false. The prosecutions were wrong. מה את אוהבת לעשות כשאת פנויה? What do you like to do in your free time? What do you like to do when you're available? أريد أن أعرف من سيأتي معنا. I want to know who is coming with us. I want to know who's coming with us. היא נתנה לנו מתנה. She gave us a present. She gave us a gift. لقد انتهت حياتي. My life is over. My life is over. أصاب بالبرد دائمًا في الشتاء. I always catch a cold in the winter. He's always cold in the winter. יש לך משהו להצהיר? Have you anything to declare? Do you have anything to declare? אני מהמר שאין לטום שום תוכניות. I bet Tom doesn't have any plans. I bet Tom has no plans. תום לא נראה מוטרד. Tom didn't appear concerned. Tom doesn't seem upset. X'inhi din? What's that? What is this? تركني سامي كالغبيّة في ذلك النّادي. Sami left me like an idiot in that club. Sammy left me like a fool in that club. אני קונה רק מכוניות צהובות. I only buy yellow cars. I only buy yellow cars. أخبرني من فضلك إلى أي مكان أذهب بعد ذلك. Please tell me where to go next. Please tell me where I'm going after that. ماذا تخبز؟ What are you baking? What are you smiling at? لن أستسلم لأني لدي شيء يستحق أن أكافح من أجله. I won't give up because I have something worth fighting for. I won't give up because I have something I deserve to fight for. היו לי לי יותר מחמישה דולרים. I had no more than five dollars. I had over five bucks. المسلمون يعبدون الله. Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God. "האם הם העבירו את החוק"? "כן, הם הצליחו להעביר אותו סוף סוף" "Did they get the law passed?" "Yes, they finally put it through." "Did they pass the law?" "Yes, they finally managed to pass it." كانا ليلى و سامي يريدان قضاء يوم مثالي. Layla and Sami wanted to spend a perfect day. They were Lily and Sammy want to have a perfect day. وأنت أيضًا. The same to you. And you too. سأبقى في المنزل في حال أمطرت غداً. I'll stay home in case it rains tomorrow. I'll stay home in case I rain tomorrow. لم أره بعد ذلك. I didn't see him anymore. I haven't seen him yet. למה שמישהו לא יאהב אותי? Why would anyone not like me? Why wouldn't anyone love me? כולם קמו לעזוב. They all got up to leave. Everybody got up to leave. لكن للقصّة جانب آخر. But there is another side to the story. But the story has another side. أحتاج إلى لوحة مفاتيح لكي أكون مضحكاً. I need a keyboard to be funny. I need a keyboard to be funny. هل بإمكانك تفسير ما تريده؟ Can you explain what do you want actually? Can you explain what you want? אין דבר חשוב יותר מחברים. There is nothing more important than friends. Nothing more important than friends. לדעתי עליך לספר להוריך שאנו נשואים. I think you should tell your parents that we're married. I think you should tell your parents we're married. הוא לחץ את ידו של ראש העיר. He shook hands with the mayor. He pulled the mayor's hand. הם מתכוננים. They are preparing themselves. They're getting ready. לגמרי בטוח פה. It's perfectly safe here. Totally safe here. هل يمكننا أن ننسى أن ذلك قد حدث؟ Can we forget that that just happened? Can we forget that happened? يعطيك الصّحة. Thank you! Gives you the wire. בל חי לפנים בלונדון, נכון? Bell used to live in London, didn't he? Bell lives in front of them in London, right? תום מציע את ביתו למכירה. Tom is putting his house up for sale. Tom offers his house for sale. כאשר הטלפון צלצל, בדיוק עמדתי לצאת. When the telephone rang, I was just going out. When the phone rang, I was just about to go out. هم لم يلتزموا باللوائح المدرسية They did not abide by the school regulations. They didn't comply with school regulations. كان الحفل جيّدا للغاية. The party was so good. The party was so good. אתה נראה רע. You look bad. You look bad. خذ وقتك ، لسنا مستعجلين. Take your time. There's no hurry. Take your time. We're not in a hurry. أظن أنك كنت تبكي. I think you have been crying. I think you were crying. بدأ سامي بنقاش الأمر مع ليلى. Sami started discussing that with Layla. Sammy started discussing it with Lily. طريقة لبس السياح تخالف اداب المجتمع المحلية . The way tourists dress offends the local standard of propriety. A way of dressing is contrary to the standards of the community. אכלת לי את הכריך. You ate my sandwich. You ate my sandwich. إننا نأخذك إلى مصر. We're taking you to Egypt. We're taking you to Egypt. התעלמי מהם. Ignore them. Ignore them. ربطة العنق هذه لا تليق ببزتي. This tie doesn't go with my suit. This tie of the neck doesn't touch my bite. אני שוכב על הדשא. I lie on the grass. I'm lying on the lawn. سآكل هاهنا. I'll eat it here. I'll eat here. انت منين ف كندا؟ Where in Canada are you from? You're a Canadian? لم يفهمني. He didn't understand me. He didn't understand me. נעל את זה. Lock it. Lock it up. זה יותר פשוט ממה שזה זה נראה. It's easier than it looks. It's more simple than it looks. אבא הגיע למשרדו בזמן. Father got to his office on time. Dad came to his office in time. תום לא אכל חמוצים בשמיר. Tom didn't eat dill pickles. Tom didn't eat cuffs in the bush. كان سامي يأخذ الكلاب لتمشيتها. Sami walked the dogs. Sammy was taking dogs to walk. أثارت غضبي بكلامها. Her words made me mad. I got mad at her words. هذه ليست زوجتي. That's not my wife. This isn't my wife. זה כה שונה. It's so different. It's so different. هذا أغبى ما قُلتُه على الإطلاق. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I ever said. الطريق ليس للجبان ولكن للبطل. The way is not for the coward but for the hero. The road is not for the boys, but for the hero. لم يكن سامي يعرف كيف يستعمل سلاحا ناريّا. Sami didn't know how to use a gun. Sammy didn't know how to use a gun. ضحّى فاضل بسرّية هويته. Fadil sacrificed his anonymity. A victim has a secret of his identity. זה מה שאני רוצה לעשות. This is what I want to do. That's what I want to do. תגידי לתום שלא קראתי את זה. Tell Tom I didn't read it. Tell Tom I didn't read it. وُلِدَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. Sami was born from an illegal relationship. ראיתי היום סנאי לבקן. I saw an albino squirrel today. I've seen a nanny for the old man today. عندما سَمِعَ الأخبار, تحولَ شاحباً. When he heard the news, he turned pale. When he heard the news, he turned around. حصل جمال على التذاكر. Jamal has got the tickets. I got the tickets. Imissek tieqaf tpejjep. You should stop smoking. Please stop smoking. يُقال أن البندقيّة مدينة جميلة. They say that Venice is a beautiful city. The gun is said to be a beautiful city. توحّشتني⸮ Did you miss me? I'm in love with you. תום היה בחוץ. Tom was outside. Tom was outside. הנהנתי בחיוב. I nodded yes. I was on charge. لماذا لا يدعونه "سامي" بكلّ بساطة؟ Why don't they just call him "Sami"? Why don't they just call him Sammy? ראיתי אותה מטיילת בחצות בפארק. I saw her taking a walk in the park at midnight. I saw her walk at midnight in the park. הציצי דרך החור והגידי לי מה את רואה. Look through that hole and tell me what you see. Scream through the hole and answer me what you see. ما يزال يذكر اليوم الذي اكتشفت فيه أمه أنه يدخن. He still remembers the day his mother found out he was smoking. He still remembers the day his mother discovered that he was smoking. הוא סטודנט באוניברסיטה. He's a university student. He's a university student. كان سامي يرتدي نظّارات. Sami wore glasses. Sammy was wearing glasses. אף פעם לא הרבצתי לתום. I've never beaten Tom. I never beat Tom. تتكلم ماريكو الإنجليزية جيداً. Mariko speaks English excellently. Marco speaks English very well. אינני אוהב לרוץ. I don't like running. I don't like running. יש לי ספקות. I have doubts. I have doubts. טום הכניס לו אגרוף בפרצוף. Tom punched him in the face. Tom punched him in the face. .مانيش ڨع فاهم عقليتها I can't understand her way of thinking at all. Manish has lost her mind. האומצה הייתה עשויה באופן מושלם. The steak was cooked to perfection. The acid was perfectly made. لا أحد كانت لديه شهيّة. No one had much of an appetite. No one had a reputation. הוא נסע לאמריקה. He has gone to America. He went to America. זה היה הלילה של חיי. It was the best night of my life. It was the night of my life. את מוכנה להסביר על מה את מדברת? Can you explain what you're talking about? Would you explain what you're talking about? טום אף פעם לא שותה בירה כאשר מרי נמצאת בסביה. Tom never drinks beer when Mary is around. Tom never drinks beer when Mary's in Spain. ما الأمر؟ What gives? What's up? כריסטופר קולומבוס בז לפיראטים, אבל הוא אהב את הרטיות שהיו להם על עיניהם. לפעמים הוא היה עונד רטייה כזאת - סתם בשביל התענוג. Christopher Columbus despised pirates, but he loved their eyepatches. Sometimes, he would wear one - just for fun. Christopher Columbus took advantage of the pirates, but he loved the exorcism they had on their eyes. سأخبر جمال غدا. I'm gonna tell Jamal tomorrow. I'll tell beauty tomorrow. שפכתי קפה על מפת השולחן. I spilled coffee on your tablecloth. I poured coffee on the table. بدا سامي لطيفا. Sami seemed cool. Sammy seemed nice. مع انني كنت جالساً تحت الشمس، ولكن كنت أشعر بالبرد. Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly. Even though I was sitting under the sun, I felt cold. כמה שאתה גבוה! How tall you are! How tall you are! الفاشيون مثل الأخضر بن كولة، نور الدين ختال، نعيمة صالحي، فيصل كرشوش و الانفصاليين لديهم دور محدود جدا في الساحة السياسية الجزائرية. Fascists like Lakhdar Benkoula, Noureddine Khettal, Naima Salhi, Faycal Kerchouche, and the separatists have a very limited role on the Algerian political scene. Fascists such as Lakhdar Bin Kulla, Nurdin Khattal, Nama Salehi, Fassal Krasush and the separatists have a very limited role in the Algerian political arena. تتكلم الأمازيغية مع أبنائها. She speaks Berber to her kids. The Amazigh speaks with her children. תום לא היה היחידי שקם כה מוקדם הבוקר. Tom wasn't the only one who got up early this morning. Tom wasn't the only one that stood so early this morning. הוא עסוק עד שעה ארבע. He'll be busy until four. He's busy until four o'clock. זה לא ארך יותר משלוש דקות. It didn't last more than three minutes. It's not longer than three minutes. אני יודע איפה למצוא אתכם. I know where to find you. I know where to find you. أصبحت صديق توم. I became Tom's friend. I became Tom's friend. إنشاء موقع إلكتروني بدون أي تكلفة؟ Create a Website for Free of Cost? Establishment of an online site at no cost? היא מתוחכמת מאד. She's very sophisticated. She's very sophisticated. قام المتظاهرون بضرب العديد من رجال الشرطة حتى الموت. The rioters beat many policemen to death. The demonstrators beat a lot of cops to death. הם גילו אותך? Have they spotted you? Did they find out about you? תום נשף בשקט. Tom exhaled quietly. Tom danced quietly. הילדים האלה פרועים. These boys are wild. These kids are wild. شكرا على الشراب Thanks for the drink. Thanks for the drink. كان ذاك أرنوبًا شريرًا. That was an evil bunny. That was a bad bunny. شكراً لك Thank you. Thank you. أحب أن أكون معها. I like being with her. I like to be with her. אני צמחוני שחזר לסורו. I am a lapsed vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian who's returned to Soro. החברה התחרבנה לחלוטין כשהשרפה השמידה את כל תקליטורי המחשב. The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs. The company was completely dejected when the fire destroyed all the computer videos. מי היא הגברת הזאת? Who is that lady? Who's that lady? הבה נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. ليلى مسؤولة عن تصرّفاتها. Layla is responsible. Lily's responsible for her actions. אראה לך. I'll show you. I'll show you. لقد بُنيت أهرام المايا ومعابدها الضخمة على نحو رائع باستخدام الأدوات الحجرية Mayan pyramids and large temples were built elegantly using stone tools. I've built the huge sands and backs of the water in a great way using the stone tools. أين المخرج؟ Where's the exit? Where's the director? ביקרתי את תום בבוסטון. I visited Tom in Boston. I visited Tom in Boston. على الدوام قدم توم أفضل ما يستطيع لمساعدة ماري. Tom always did his best to help Mary. Tom always offered the best he could to help Mary. حنا ماشي كامَل مَن بوسطن. Not all of us are from Boston. Noah Mashi was full of Boston. אני לא זוכר! I don't remember! I don't remember! את רוצה לראות אותו שוב? Do you want to see him again? You want to see him again? سامي شاب تخلّى عن الدّراسة في مستوى الثّانويّة و لا يملك وظيفة حقيقيّة. Sami is a high-school dropout without a real job. Sammy's a young man who gave up high school and doesn't have a real job. לא חסר לנו דבר. We lack nothing. We're not missing anything. يجب عليك البدأ قريبا. You must start soon. You should start soon. אני בטוחה שזה יהיה כיף. I'm sure that it'll be fun. I'm sure it'll be fun. דפקתי את המרפק בקיר. I banged my elbow against the wall. I banged the elbow on the wall. إن أحببت، فسأعلمك كيف تلعب الشطرنج. If you like, I will teach you to play chess. If you like it, I'll teach you how to play chess. أحتاج لتقول لي أين أذهب. I need you to tell me where to go. I need to tell me where I'm going. كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر مع ليلى. Sami spent more time with Layla. Sammy was spending more time with Lily. Fetaħ il-kexxun, u ħareġ ittra. He opened the drawer, and took out a letter. Open the shirt, and issue a letter. למה אתם בוכים? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? המון דוברי אספרנטו חדשים משמחים אותי. The huge number of new Esperanto speakers makes me happy. A lot of new Esperanto talk makes me happy. أنا أبحث فقط, شكراً لكِ. I'm just looking, thank you. I'm just looking, thank you. دعونا نستعد للذهاب. Let's get ready to go. Let's get ready to go. הם די קולניים. They're pretty loud. They're pretty loud. لم يصب أحد بأذى. Nobody was injured. No one got hurt. טעויות איות ממש מעצבנות אותי. Spelling mistakes really annoy me. Mistakes really piss me off. الأمازيغ فخورون بلغتهم. Berbers are proud of their language. Amazig Fakhron spoke to them. אני מצטערת שלא האמנתי לך. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. الله أعلم. Only God knows. God knows. انضمّ فاضل إلى جامعة حكوميّة في فيلاديلفيا. Fadil enrolled in a community college in Philadelphia. He joined a government university in Philadelphia. הוא בילה את הלילה בשינון החומר לקראת הבחינה. He spent all night cramming for the test. He spent the night in the diapers for the exam. كانت ليلى مدرّسة محبوبة في الرّوضة. Layla was a beloved kindergarten teacher. Lily was a favorite teacher in the race. بُنِيَ منزل توم في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. He built Tom's house in 2013. لغته الفرنسية ضعيفة. His knowledge of French is poor. His French language is weak. זהו תצלום של משפחתי. This is a picture of my family. It's a family photo. نسحقُّوك. We need you. We'll beat you. أحبّ دراسة اللّغات. I like to study languages. I like language study. لماذا لا يُسمح لنا بالقيام بذلك؟ Why are we not allowed to do that? Why aren't we allowed to do this? تعال عند العاشرة تماماً. Come at ten o'clock sharp. Come at 10:00 a.m. أود أن أقدم على طلب. I would like to make a request. I'd like to make a request. אנא, הכנסו! Do come in! Please, come in! أردت الحذاء الأحمر. I wanted red shoes. I wanted the red shoes. كانت ليلى ضحية تلاعب لكنّها لم تتفطّن للأمر. Layla was being manipulated and she didn't realize it. Lily was a player, but she didn't get it. هل تحبان بعضكما كثيرًا؟ Do you love each other very much? Do you like each other so much? قطاع غزّة سجن ذو حراسة مشدّدة. The Gaza Strip is a maximum security prison. An extensive guard prison Gaza Strip. ניתן לסמוך עלינו. We're trustworthy. We can be trusted. إسرائيل ليست هي الشّعب اليهودي، ناهيك عن أنّها الدّين اليهودي. Israel is not the Jewish people and much less the Jewish religion. Israel is not the Jewish people, let alone the Jewish demon. ما حدث لهم لا يزال لغزا. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them is still a mystery. לקולנוע הזה יש שתי קומות. This movie theater has two floors. This movie has two floors. إن اسمك جميل. You have a beautiful name. Your name is beautiful. علابالي واش راه باغي يشري توم. I know what Tom wants to buy. Libali Hash saw Baggi selling Tom. سُرقت مني ساعتي البارحة. I had my watch stolen yesterday. I was stolen from my watch last night. אני עומד ללמוד. I am going to study. I'm about to learn. Bonġu. Good morning! Bongos. תום הרגיש נפלא. Tom felt amazing. Tom felt great. أنا ميت م الجوع. I'm very hungry. I'm starving. ذلك فندقٌ. That is a hotel. That's a hotel. يمكنك اختيار أيا كان ما تريد. You may choose whichever you want. You can choose whatever you want. הוא מעוניין בי או משהו כזה? Is he interested in me or something? Is he interested in me or something? אני חושב שהגיע הזמן שאדסקס איתה את הבעיה. I think it's time for me to discuss the problem with her. I think it's time Idex had the problem with her. شعورها له كان متبادلاً. Her feeling for him was reciprocated. It felt like he was mutual. جت فيك رصاصة؟ Were you shot? You got a bullet in you? תקן את השגיאות, אם יש כאלה. Correct the errors, if there are any. Fix the mistakes, if there's any of them. המצלמה תעלה לפחות 500$. The camera will cost at least $500. The camera's gonna cost at least 500 bucks. علي أن أكتب رسالة. هل لديك ورق؟ I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I have to write a letter. لم يدرسوا قط في المدرسة. They never studied in school. They never studied at school. النهر وأسع The river is wide. River and wide بإمكان الحبّ أن يجعلك مريضا. Love can make you really sick. Love can make you sick. מה עם הכובע? What's with the hat? What about the hat? لا لست نعساناً. No, I'm not sleepy. No, I'm not giving up. Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I'm from England. I am from England. يحتاج اكتساب اللغة إلى الإبداع. Language acquisition requires creativity. Language acquisition needs to be creative. הסכמתי איתה. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. אני לא יכול להאשים את תום בדבר שקרה באשמתה של מרי. I can't blame Tom for something that was Mary's fault. I can't blame Tom for what happened to Mary's fault. זאת חגיגה. It's a celebration. It's a celebration. מרי נפצעה אתמול. Mary hurt herself yesterday. Mary was injured yesterday. توقعت أنك ستنبهر. I figured you'd be impressed. I thought you'd get away with it. كانت ليلى لا تزال تتعافى. Layla was still recovering. Lily was still recovering. לכפר היו יותר מאלף תושבים. The village had more than a thousand residents. The village had more than a thousand inhabitants. هاجم سامي ليلى. Sami assaulted Layla. Sami attacked Lily. חייתי כאן במשך שלושים שנה. I have lived here for thirty years. I've lived here for 30 years. היום לא אקבל אי-מייל מתום. I won't get an email from Tom today. I'm not going to get an e-mail today. קחי כמה אפרסקים שתרצי. Take as many peaches as you like. Take some peaches you want. أين وُلد؟ Where was he born? Where was he born? الولايات المتحدة تتكون من خمسون ولاية The United States comprises 50 states. The United States is made up of 50 states. איפה אני מוצא את משחת השיניים? Where can I find toothpaste? Where do I find the toothpaste? دعى سامي ليلى لقضاء اللّيل معه. Sami invited Layla to spend the night with him. Call Sammy Lily to spend the night with him. كان سامي يبدّل ملابسه كلّ يوم. Sami changed clothes on a daily basis. Sammy was changing his clothes every day. طارت الحمامة من سان فرنسيسكو إلى نيويورك. This pigeon flew from San Francisco to New York. Hammer flew from San Francisco to New York. هو أترعَ الكأس. He filled the cup to the brim. He raised the glass. إنها كلمة أود أن أجد لها بديلًا. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find an alternative. آمل أن سيساعدني. I hope that he will help me. I hope he'll help me. פריז קוסמת מאד לצעירות יפניות. Paris has a great charm for Japanese girls. Paris is very cosmopolitan. لم يقرأ سامي رسالة ليلى حتّى. Sami didn't even read Layla's letter. Sammy didn't even read Lee's letter. توم يحتاج الى محامٍ جيد. Tom needs a good lawyer. Tom needs a good lawyer. תגיד לתום שאני יוצאת לנסיעה. Tell Tom I'm going out for a drive. Tell Tom I'm going for a ride. ربح سامي ثروة صغيرة بمطعمه الشّهير للمأكولات البحريّة. Sami built a small fortune with his popular seafood restaurant. Sami won a small fortune at his famous seafood restaurant. לא התכוונתי. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to. הם נראו בסדר. They seem fine. They looked fine. תום מאמין שמרי רצחה את ג'ון. Tom believes Mary killed John. Tom believes Mary killed John. لقد تأخرت عن العمل. You were late for work. I'm late for work. כל כך הרבה דברים לעשות בכל כך מעט זמן. So many things to do, and so little time. So many things to do in so little time. أرني شيئاً أرخص لو سمحت. Please show me something cheaper. Show me something cheaper, please. ينبغي أن تعمل بنصيحته. You may as well follow his advice. You should work with his advice. هل هي طبيبة؟ Is she a doctor? Is she a doctor? תום קורא רומנים בכל פעם שיש לו זמן. Tom reads novels whenever he has time. Tom reads novels every time he has time. "أنا أفهم الإيطالية بشكل رائع," لقد تباهت بينما تختار طبق من قائمة الطعام, ولكن عندما قُدم الطعام, كان كما لم تكن تتوقع. "I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected. "I understand Italian in a great way," I figured out when she chose a dish from the food list, but when the food was served, it was just as she didn't expect. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לחשוב עליך. I don't know what made me think of you. I don't know what made me think of you. دعى سامي لله كي يساعده. Sami asked God to help him. Call Sami to God to help him. لا تقم بشيء حتى آتي. Don't do anything until I come. Don't do anything until I come. תום הזהיר את מרי. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. זאת אחת המסעדות הפופולריות ביותר בבוסטון. This is one of the most popular restaurants in Boston. This is one of the most popular restaurants in Boston. راهي تسقسي كيفاش هادي تكون پۆسّيبل. She's asking how that's possible. I mean, I mean, I'm going to have to figure out where I'm going. اترك لي بعض المثلجات. Save me some ice cream. Leave me some ice cream. جورج بوش هو الرئيس الواحد والأربعون للولايات المتحدة. Mr George Bush is the forty-first president of the United States. George Bush is the forty-one President of the United States. אם לא תלך, יהיה עליך להתנצל. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. If you don't go, you'll have to apologize. האם יש לכם את הנעליים האלו במידה שלי? Do you have these shoes in my size? Do you have those shoes my size? سأذهب إلى منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، لتعلم الأمازيغية. I am going to Kabylie, Algeria, to learn Berber. I'm going to the tribal region, Algeria, to learn Amazigh. יש ברשותו הרבה ספרי היסטוריה. He has many history books. He has a lot of history books. اشتريت كمبيوتر جديد الشهر الفائت. I bought a new computer last month. I bought a new computer last month. הוא החליט שלא להגיש תלונה. He decided not to press charges. He decided not to file a complaint. אנו זקוקים לחיזוקים רבים של הצוות. We need many additions to our staff. We need many of the staff's challenges. ليس لدي أي شيء أفضل للقيام به. I have nothing better to do. I have nothing better to do. علي الذهاب الآن. I have to go now. I have to go now. تحدّث عن مرضها. He talked about her illness. Talk about her illness. هُم يذهبُونَ إلى جامعة تِيزي وزّو. They go to Tizi Ouzou University. They're going to the University of Tessie and Zoo. الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Birds of a feather flock together. Birds are in their forms. הוא בדיוק עמד לצאת כשהיא טלפנה. We were just about to leave when she telephoned. He was just about to go out when she called. سمّينا إبننا على إسم جدي. We named my son after my grandfather. We named our son after my grandfather. הוא נבחר לראש העיר. He was elected mayor of the city. He was elected mayor. תום מוכרח לברר את זה בעצמו. Tom has got to sort it out himself. Tom has to find out for himself. لم يصدّق توم أيا من كلام ماري. Tom didn't believe anything Mary said. Tom didn't believe any of Mary's words. אתה ממש מרגיז. You're really annoying. You're really annoying. המשחק נהיה מלהיב. The game became exciting. The game's gonna be exciting. فَتَحَتْ الفَتَاةُ عَيْنَيْهَا وَرَأَتْ الدُّبَّ وَهَرَبَتْ إِلَى النَّافِذةِ. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bear, and fled to the window. The young woman came to her senses and saw the bear and fled to the village. חשבתי שאמרת שאתה לא יודע מה לעשות. I thought you said you didn't know what to do. I thought you said you didn't know what to do. הם מכוערים. They're ugly. They're ugly. אני שולט על הענין. I've got it under control. I control the matter. הפתגם הזה הפך פתאום לפופולרי. This saying suddenly became popular. That note suddenly became popular. هل تريد أن تشرب؟ Do you want a drink? You want to drink? זה נראה טוב. It looked good. It looks good. באיזו קבוצה כלול החבר שלך? Which group is your friend in? What group is your boyfriend included in? أَيْنَ الْجَرِيدَةُ؟ Where is the newspaper? Where's the ice? תום מבזבז את כספו. Tom wastes his money. Tom's wasting his money. כשראיתי את דודי אתמול, הוא בישר לי שהוא חזר מלונדון שלושה ימים לפני כן. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me that he had returned from London three days before. When I saw my uncle yesterday, he told me he came back from London three days before. לא מצאנו את זה. We haven't found it. We didn't find it. القرآن تُرجم إلى لغات عديدة. The Quran was translated into many languages. The Koran is translated into many languages. זה היה רשלני מצדם. That was very careless of them. It was sneezing of them. תן לי קיסם שיניים. Give me a toothpick. Give me a toothbrush. הוא לא הרשה לי לנהוג במכונית שלו. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. He didn't let me drive his car. على سامي أن يأكل. Sami needs to eat. Sammy has to eat. كيف يمكنني أن أغيّر هذا؟ How can I change that? How can I change this? هنالك العديد من السياح الاجانب في أساكوسا . There are many foreign tourists in Asakusa. There are many foreign tourists in Alaska. ثمّة أمور لا يمكن التعبير عنها بالكلمات. There are some things that cannot be expressed in words. There are things that can't be expressed with words. موضوعنا هذا الأسبوع هو: _____. Our topic of the week is: _____. Our theme this week is: أحبت شابا أصغر منها سنا. She fell in love with a younger man. I loved a younger girl than her age. תום כמעט כבר לא עובד. Tom hardly ever works anymore. Tom almost doesn't work anymore. מי הדמות האהובה עליך מהסרטים המצויירים? Who's your favorite cartoon character? Who's your favorite picture of the video? ሳዕሲዐ ኢልካ ዲኻ? You call that dancing?! Have You Been Dressed? השעה כעת שלוש וחצי. It's three-thirty. It's now three and a half. لا تتزوّج أبدا بامرأة كليلى. Never marry a woman like Layla. Don't ever marry Kelly's wife. נהגתי לחלוף ליד ביתו של תום מדי יום ביומו. I used to walk past Tom's house almost every day. I used to pass by Tom's home every day. كان ينبغي على سامي أن يتنظر. Sami should have waited. Sammy should have looked. למה זה אמור להיות נחוץ? Why should that be necessary? Why is that supposed to be necessary? בקושי הכרתי אותו. I hardly knew him. I barely knew him. أعددت لك قليلا من الحساء. I'll make some broth for you. I made you some soup. من كتب رسالة؟ Who wrote a letter? Who wrote a letter? לא אכפת לי מה תום עשה. I don't care what Tom did. I don't care what Tom did. كان سامي في مكان مُنعت فيه السّباحة. Sami was in a no-swim zone. Sammy was in a pool shelter. אתה אח שלו, נכון? You are his brother, right? You're his brother, aren't you? הייתי סטודנט לאמנות בזמנו. I was an art major in college at that time. I was an art student back then. הוא שינה כמה מילים. He changed a few words. He changed a few words. أيمكنك عمل قائمة بالمسائل التي ستناقش؟ Will you make a list of issues to discuss? Can you make a list of the issues you're going to discuss? עליך להדגיש את העובדה הזאת. You should emphasize that fact. You need to stress this fact. قطع ذلك البلد العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع الولايات المتحدة. That country broke off diplomatic relations with the United States. That country has cut diplomatic relations with the United States. איש לא נראה אופטימי במיוחד. No one seemed particularly optimistic. No one seems particularly optimistic. غادر سامي المنزل و هو يبدو كباحة خردة. Sami left the place looking like a junkyard. Sammy left home and he looks like a junk pool. בילינו כל כך טוב. We had such a great time. We spent so good. כשצלצל הפעמון, הקהל התיישב במקומו. When the bell rang, the audience took their seats. When he called the bell, the crowd sat down. אני לא סובלת זוחלים. I hate reptiles. I can't stand crawling. لم تدرك خطأها. She was unconscious of her mistake. You didn't realize her fault. من فضلك فكر في الموضوع. Please think about it. Please think about it. לא קנאתם. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. الصديقُ وقتَ الضيقِ. In hard times, you find out who your friends are. Friend's time is tight. לעתים קרובות הוא עוזר לאחרים. He often helps others. He often helps others. אני הולכת לפדר את אפי. I'm just going to go powder my nose. I'm gonna set up Effie. אין דבר אותו אני שונא. I don't hate anything. There's nothing like it. I hate it. تسلّق سامي شجرة عالية جدّا. Sami climbed a very high tree. Sami's handing a very high tree. اعتبر فاضل اللّغة العربيّة جدّ معقّدة للتّعلّم. Fadil found Arabic very complicated to learn. He considered the Arab language to be too complicated to teach. תגיד משהו. Say something. Say something. ذهبت لوري للأكل في مطعمها المفضّل. Laurie went to her favourite restaurant to eat. Lori went to eat at her favorite restaurant. تدفأت علي النار . She warmed herself by the fire. You've burned me. كان المدرّس يسخر من جسمي فعليّا. The teacher literally body-shamed me. The teacher was actually disgruntling from my body. הוא זועף על הבזבוז של אשתו. He frowns on his wife's wasting money. He's bouncing on his wife's waste. Tom ġieli kien jiżbalja attapposta waqt il-lezzjonijiet sabiex l-għalliema tagħti kasu. Tom would often make mistakes purposely just so the teacher would notice him. Tom was sometimes mistaken during the lessons to pay attention to the teachers. الوردة دي حلوة. This rose is beautiful. The rose de sweeta. היא נשמעה מאוכזבת. She sounded disappointed. She sounded disappointed. هم يطالبون بساعات عمل أقل. They are demanding shorter working hours. They're demanding fewer hours of work. אינני עושה זאת כל יום. I don't do this every day. I don't do it every day. טום שמח לעבוד בגן. Tom was happy working in the garden. Tom's happy to work in the garden. لا أعرف شيئاً عن ماضيه. I don't know anything about his past. I don't know anything about his past. من يطرق الباب؟ Who is knocking on the door? Who knocks the door? הסרט החדש נחל הצלחה גדולה. The new movie was a great success. The new movie was a big success. لا يهمّ من أين أتى. It doesn't matter from where he comes. It doesn't matter where he came from. انت حياتي. You are my life. You're my life. הוא סוכן FBI. He is an FBI agent. He's an FBI agent. العربيّة ليست معقّدة. Arabic isn't complicated. Arabs aren't complicated. הבחורה הזאת נראית חמודה מאוד. That girl looks very cute. This girl looks very cute. אני חושבת שהיה לתום הרבה מזל. I think Tom has been very lucky. I think Tom was very lucky. من أين إشتريتِ هذا الثوب؟ Where did you buy that dress? Where did you buy this dress? ولكنني سأكون دائماً أميناً معكم حول التحديات التي سنواجهها. وسأصغي إليكم، خاصة حينما نختلف. وفوق كل ذلك، سأطلب منكم المشاركة في الجهود الرامية لإعادة بناء هذه الأمة على نفس النحو الذي اِنتُهِجَ منذ مئتين وواحد وعشرين عاماً؛ حجراً بحجر، وطوبةً طوبة، ويداً أخشنها العمل فوق يد. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years; block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we're facing, and I will listen to you, especially when we're different. מכוניות אלו גדולות. These cars are big. These cars are big. ברור שיש לתום מה להסתיר. Tom clearly has something to hide. Of course Tom has something to hide. استدار المدرّس. The teacher turned around. Run the course. كان من الخطأ رفض مساعدته. It was a mistake to refuse his assistance. It was wrong to refuse his help. انتهى الاجتماع على التاسعة. The meeting finished at nine. The meeting ended at 9:00. עליך לציית לתום. You have to listen to Tom. You have to obey Tom. אני יכולה להשתמש במילון שלך לרגע? Can I use your dictionary for a minute? Can I use your dictionary for a second? הוא אמר: "אני מקנדה". "I'm from Canada", he said. He said, "I'm from Canada." לפתע תום זעק בכאב. Suddenly, Tom cried out in pain. Suddenly Tom cried in pain. لا أريد أن أخسركَ. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. لدينا هر أبيض. We have a white cat. We have a white ham. عشت! Hooray! I lived! أريد الذهاب لأستراليا لمرة أخرى قبل أن تنتهي صلاحية جواز سفري. I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires. I want to go to Australia another time before my passport ends. אנו מאחרים. We're late. We're late. أريد أن أنام الآن. I want to sleep now. I want to sleep now. אל תשכח להזמין את תום. Don't forget to invite Tom. Don't forget to invite Tom. Ma nitkellimx bl-Ispanjol? I don't speak Spanish. Do I not speak Spanish? انشر الإسبرانتو! Spread Esperanto! Spranto spread! بدأت النار فى المطبخ The fire started in the kitchen. I started shooting in the kitchen. האם שברת אי פעם עצם? Have you ever broken a bone? Have you ever broken a bone? ערב טוב, כולם. Good evening, everyone. Good evening, everybody. سامي يعمل في عيادة محلّيّة. Sami works at a local clinic. Sammy works at a clinic. הוא החריב לא רק את עצמו מבחינה כספית, אלא גם את המשפחה. He has financially ruined not only himself but his family. He destroyed not only himself financially but also the family. הייתי חבר בארגון הזה במשך חמש שנים. הו לא, חכה. שש. I've been a member of this organization for five years. Oh wait, no. Six. I've been a member of this organization for five years. سرق توم مالًا من أصدقائه. Tom stole money from his friends. Tom stole money from his friends. كل ما يمكنك فعله هو الانتظار. All you can do is wait. All you can do is wait. كان يجب أن تكون في الحفلة الليلة الماضية. كان هناك الكثير من المتعة. You should have been at the party last night. It was a lot of fun. You should've been at the party last night. من المستحيل تعلم الإنجليزية في شهر. It's impossible to learn English in a month. It's impossible to learn English in a month. عليك أن تفي بوعدك. You must keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. هذه السيارة ليست ملكي This is not my car. This car isn't mine. טרור אמיתי הוא להתעורר בוקר אחד ולגלות שהכיתה שלך בתיכון מנהלת את המדינה. True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. Real terrorism is to wake up one morning and find out that your high school is running the country. סיימתי את העבודה בעצמי. I finished the work by myself. I finished the job myself. כדאי שתסתלק מפה. You'd better get out here. You better get out of here. באתי לכאן כדי לדבר איתך. I came here to talk to you. I came here to talk to you. זאת הארונית של טום. This is Tom's locker. It's Tom's locker. השומרים לא ראו אותך. The guards didn't see you. The guards didn't see you. أنا لا أعرف السلاح الذي سيستخدمه الإنسان في الحرب العالمية الثالثة، لكني أعرف أنه سيستخدم العصا والحجر في الحرب العالمية الرابعة I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. I don't know the weapon man's gonna use in the Third World War, but I know he's gonna use the stick and the stone in the Fourth World War. יש מעט תקווה. There is little hope. There's little hope. رأيته يجري I saw him running. I saw it going on. ماعليك إلا أن تضغط على الزر. You have only to push the button. You only have to push the button. שערה רטוב מהזיעה. Her hair is wet with sweat. Wet hair from sweat. איזה באסה. It's such a pain in the ass. What a shame. נהנית במסיבה אתמול? Did you enjoy the party yesterday? Did you enjoy the party last night? תני לתום את מבוקשו. Give Tom what he asks for. Give Tom what he wants. לא יכולתי לזוז. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. كان سامي آتيًا من ذاك المقهى. Sami was coming from that coffee shop. Sammy was coming from that cafe. אני צריכה מחשב. I need a computer. I need a computer. איש לא זקוק לי. Nobody needs me. No one needs me. לתום היה סופשבוע מצויין. Tom had a great weekend. Tom had a great weekend. אני רוצה עדכונים. I want updates. I want updates. هل بوب على حق؟ Is Bob right? Is Bob right? הוא נותר קר רוח אל נוכח הסכנה. He remained calm even in the presence of danger. He's still cold to the danger. הוא צריך היה להיות שחקן. He should have been an actor. He should have been an actor. ألا تزال تلك العيادة موجودة؟ Does that clinic still exist? Is that clinic still there? במידה שמשהו משתבש, שמור לי בבקשה על הילדים. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. If anything goes wrong, please keep me on the kids. הכל בשליטה. Everything's under control. It's all under control. ليلة سعيدة. Goodnight. Good night. اعتقدت انك لا تريد ان تأتي الى هنا . I thought you would never come here. I thought you didn't want to come here. הבית ריק. The house is empty. The house is empty. تواجه اليابان أزمات اقتصادية قاسية. Japan is confronted with severe economic problems. Japan faces severe economic crises. أنا أعرف أنكِ ما زلتِ تحبيني. I know that you still love me. I know you still love me. אל תשתי יותר מדי, אוקיי? Don't drink too much, okay? Don't drink too much, okay? يجب على سامي أن يعتذر. Sami must apologize. Sammy has to apologize. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here? بيتك أكبر من بيتي ثلاث مرات. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than my house. אני אוהב את שעת בין הערביים. I love twilight. I like the time between the Arabs. נחרדנו כשבעל הבית העלה את שכר הדירה ל-200$ לחודש. We were shocked when the landlord raised our rent by $200.00 a month. We were shocked when the owner brought the rent to $200 a month. راقب الجزء الخلفي . ساراقب انا الجزء الامامي. Watch the rear. I'll watch the front. Watch the back. I'll watch the front part. Qatt ma għoġobni l-bioloġija. I never liked biology. I never liked biology. وين يهدرو الانجليزية؟ Where is English spoken? Winning English? אני לא יודע למי עוד לפנות לעזרה. I don't know who else to turn to for help. I don't know who else to turn to for help. הן צהובות. They are yellow. They're yellow. זאת עבודה הדורשת רמה גבוהה של ריכוז. This is the kind of work that requires a high level of concentration. It's a high level of concentration work. לכן אנו נותנים לך לעזוב. That's why we let you go. That's why we're letting you leave. الثمن مرتفع. The price is high. The price is high. لقد زرت الجزائر. I visited Algeria. I visited Algeria. أخبرت والديّ بنواياي. I made known my intentions to my parents. I told my parents of my intentions. אנחנו מתפשטים. We're undressing. We're spreading. לא הייתה לך שום זכות להגיד את זה לתום. You had no right to tell Tom that. You had no right to say that to Tom. אני יודעת שאת חושבת שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. ليست هناك مستشفيات قرب بيته. There are no hospitals in the vicinity of his house. There are no hospitals near his home. קרא לי טארו, בבקשה. Please call me Taro. Call me Taro, please. נא לא לצלם כאן. Please do not take photos here. Please don't take a picture here. Hemm gżejjer fil-baħar. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. أراد سامي كلبا. Sami wanted a dog. Sami wanted a dog. كان الماء باردا جدّا. The water was freezing. The water was so cold. הם היו לגמרי מופתעים. They were completely surprised. They were totally surprised. היא אוהבת קפה. She loves coffee. She likes coffee. תום קפץ עלי בחימה שפוכה. Tom sprang at me in a rage. Tom jumped at me in a cold fever. انتقلي إلى هنا. Move in here. Move over here. كان هناك مدرّسون يصرخون. There were teachers yelling. There were teachers yelling. من فضلك, صحِح لي, عندما أُخطيء. Please correct me when I make a mistake. Please, tell me, when I'm wrong. ألف جملة لكلٍ من هذه الكلمات. Make a sentence with each of these words. A sentence for each of these words. נתיך נשרף. A fuse has blown. It's a burner. מעטים שורדים את המחלה הזו. Not many survive this disease. Few survive this disease. توجّه سامي مباشرة إلى المنزل. Sami went straight home. Sami's heading straight home. אני לא יודע אם אני יכול לסבול את הרעש הזה עוד. I don't know if I can put up with this noise any longer. I don't know if I can stand that noise anymore. كتب سامي لليلى رسالة حبّ فيها ستّ صفحات. Sami wrote a six-page long love letter to Layla. Sammy wrote me a love letter in six pages. תום גנב את ארוחת הצהרים של מרי. Tom stole Mary's lunch. Tom stole Mary's lunch. هناك من ينظر إليك. Someone is watching you. There's someone looking at you. אני חייב לסיים את העבודה הזאת עד מחרתיים. I must get this work done by the day after tomorrow. I have to finish this job by the end of the day. من خرّب البستان؟ Who destroyed the garden? Who destroyed the dress? بقى عمرها واحد و تمنين. She turned eighty-one. She's one year old, and she's dreaming. طُرد سامي من العمل. Sami was fired. Sami was fired from work. תום מאורס. Tom's engaged. Tom engaged. كشف سامي عن معلومات صادمة في غرفة الاستجواب. Sami dropped a bomb in the interrogation room. Sami's unveiled information in the interrogation room. התנהגותו זעזעה אותנו. His behavior shocked us. His behavior rocked us. אני רק רוצה את זה. I just want it. I just want it. أنا أدرس الطّب. I study medicine. I'm studying science. מה תרצה לאכול? What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? אין לי פנאי לצפות בטלוויזיה. I don't have any time to watch TV. I don't have any time watching TV. أقنعته إنه ينسى الموضوع ده. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him he'd forget about it. תום מנשק מעולה. Tom is an excellent kisser. Tom's a great kisser. كان سامي معرّضا لحكم تلقائيّ بالسّجن المؤبّد إن أُدين. Sami faced an automatic term of life in prison if convicted. Sami was allowed to automatically judge the future prisoner if he was convicted. إنها تعشق توم. She loves Tom. She likes Tom. كانت الكلمة التي ألقاها توم رائعة. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's words were wonderful. تبدو وكأنك ستخرج إلى حفلة من نوع ما. You look like you're going out to a party. Looks like you're going out for some sort of party. زد بعض الحطب إلى النار. Put some more wood on the fire. Add some wood to the fire. بدأ سامي يقوم بأعمل لمحاربة الاتّجار بالمخدّرات في حيّه. Sami started to take actions against drug trade in his neighborhood. Sami started working to fight drug trafficking in his neighborhood. إنها لم تكن أول مرة يفعلوها. It wasn't the first time they had done it. It wasn't the first time they did it. אני מתעטשת כל הזמן. I sneeze all the time. I'm sneezing all the time. إدا كانت النّار، عيّطو لـ119. In case of fire, call 119. It was the fire, turned to 119. תום ומרי התחתנו באוקטובר על חוף ים טרופי. Tom and Mary were married in October on a tropical beach. Tom and Mary got married in October on a tropical beach. אני לא רוצה להכיר את שמותיהם. I don't want to know their names. I don't want to know their names. ספרות מלמדת אותנו על אנושיות. Literature teaches us about humanity. Books teach us about humanity. أذلك كتابك الجديد؟ Is that your new book? Is that your new book? لن يُلقى القبض عليّ. I won't get caught. I won't be arrested. غرفته أكبر بمرتين من غرفتي. His room is twice as large as mine. His room is two times bigger than my room. אפשר לדבר איתכם לרגע? Can I talk to you a minute? Can I talk to you for a second? L-eżami huwa diffiċli. The exam is difficult. The examination is difficult. هل تقوم بذلك عن قصد؟ Are you doing that on purpose? Do you do that deliberately? בין בנות דודי, אתה יודע, יש נערה עם שדיים עצומים. Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with the most enormous breasts. Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with huge breasts. أفضّل اللحم على السمك. I'd prefer meat to fish. I prefer the meat on the fish. ثم وقعت أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001 واستمر هؤلاء المتطرفون في مساعيهم الرامية إلى ارتكاب أعمال العنف ضد المدنيين الأمر الذي حدا بالبعض في بلدي إلى اعتبار الإسلام معاديا لا محالة ليس فقط لأمريكا وللبلدان الغربية وإنما أيضا لحقوق الإنسان The attacks of September 11th, 2001 and the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights. Then the events of 11 September 2001 took place and these extremists continued their efforts to commit acts of violence against civilians, which led some in my country to regard Islam as an enemy not only for America and the Western countries but also for human rights. كرهته. She hated him. I hated him. תום נתקף סערת חושים. Tom was in a temper. Tom's having a sensational storm. תום רשלני. Tom is negligent. Tom Rexley. سامي خطر للمجتمع. Sami is a danger to the society. Sami's a threat to society. אנחנו חושבים על הרבה מאוד פתרונות. We are thinking of a lot of solutions. We're thinking about a lot of solutions. חסרה הייתה התלהבות במשחק. The game lacked excitement. Missing was the enthusiasm in the game. أخبر سامي الشّرطة أنّه لم يكن هناك حتّى. Sami told police he wasn't even there. Tell Sami the doctor that he wasn't even there. نحن ذاهبون إلى المطبخ. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. نظر سامي إلى الأسفل. Sami looked down. Sami's looking down. جعلته يدهن البيت. I made him paint the house. I made them have their hands at home. Titkellem bl-Ispanjol? Do you speak Spanish? Talk in Spanish? مرّر إليّ الزبدة إذا سمحت. Pass me the butter, please. Pass the butter on to me, if you will. סמי רצה להתאבל בפרטיות. Sami wanted to grieve in private. Sammy wanted to mourn in private. أنت من كان مدرّسا. You were the teacher. You're the one who was a teacher. אמרתי לתום שאני מבוסטון. I told Tom I'm from Boston. I told Tom I was from Boston. لم أنت بمفردك؟ Why are you alone? Why are you alone? שום דבר לא ממש יוצא דופן. Nothing really stands out. Nothing's so unusual. أعلم أنّك تحبّين القهوة. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. أنا وجدت ذلك أيضا. I also found this. I found it too. امتلأت حقيبته بالماء. His bag was filled with water. His bag was filled with water. כמה טוב היא מבשלת! How well she cooks! How good she cooks! את צריכה לנסות לא לשכוח מה השעה. You have to try not to forget what time it is. You should try not to forget what time it is. תתקדם בזהירות. Proceed with caution. Go ahead carefully. لم تنام في مكان كهذا؟ Why are you sleeping in a place like this? You didn't sleep in a place like this? אני מצטער בשבילו. I feel sorry for him. I'm sorry for him. طوم راو واقف فلكوانا تع اشّومبرا. Tom is standing in the corner of the room. Tom Rao stood in Felkuana, Oshombar. أين الفتيات؟ Where are the girls? Where are the girls? راهو هنا لپرۆبلام. Therein lies the problem. Here's Leber Blam. عليك أن تذهب. You must go. You have to go. עם 25 אותיות, המילה 'anticonstitutionnellement' - דהיינו, "בניגוד לחוקה" - היא הארוכה ביותר בשפה הצרפתית. Being 25 letters long, 'anticonstitutionnellement' is the longest word in French. With 25 letters, the word 'anticonstitutionnelle', "in contrast to the Constitution" is the longest in French. איך נפגשת עם תום לראשונה? How did you and Tom first meet? How did you meet Tom for the first time? את שותה? Do you drink? Are you drinking? הכניסה היתה חופשית. Admission was free. The entrance was free. לצוף זה קל. Floating is easy. The face is easy. הייתה לי תאונה בעבודה. I had an accident at work. I had an accident at work. هل أنت تفكّر في إخباره عن ذلك؟ Are you thinking of telling him about that? Are you thinking about telling him about that? אני מסכימה לחלוטין עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I totally agree with all of you. אמרתי זאת בבדיחותא. I meant that as a joke. I said it in a joke. الورد ده رحته مميزة. These flowers have a unique smell. Lord Do have a special interest in him. בואו נשמור את זה בינינו. Let's keep this between us. Let's keep it between us. اتّصل سامي بثانويّة ليلى. Sami called Layla's high school. Sami calls at night. كيف يمكنني أن أنساها؟ How do I forget her? How can I forget her? منزل توم صغير جدّا. Tom's house is very small. Tom's a very small house. نحتاج إلى مساعدتك. We require your help. We need your help. כולנו חושדים בו ברצח. We all suspect him of murder. We all suspect him of murder. لغتنا جزء مهمّ من هويّتنا الثّقافيّة. Our language is an important part of our cultural identity. Our language is an important part of our identity. האם שמעת את זה? Did you hear that? Did you hear that? לא ידעתי שהיתה לך חברה. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. هنبتدي أوّل ما هيّ تيجي. As soon as she comes, we will begin. You like me first of all what Tage is. אתה מוכן למסור את זה? Can you deliver this? Will you hand it over? ماذا يسمى هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's this bird called? מספר האנשים הסובלים מאיידס עלה. The number of people suffering from AIDS has increased. The number of people suffering from AIDS has gone up. בואו נצא החוצה. Let's step outside. Let's get out. יש לו זקן. He has a beard. He's got an old man. جين جت من استراليا. Jane comes from Australia. Jane's from Australia. אתה איום ונורא. You're terrible. You're terrible. هذا ابنها يا سامي. This is her son, Sami. That's her son, Sammy. ماكلاش لنجاصة واحدة برْك، كلا ثلاثة. He didn't just eat 1 pear, but 3. MacLach to a one-brake joke, no three. شاهدنا فلماً مضحكاً يوم الأحد الماضي. We saw a funny movie last Sunday. We watched a funny day last Sunday. سامي مسيحي. Sami is a Christian. Sami is a Christian. הוא נכנס לחובות. He ran into debt. He goes into debt. היא החביאה את המכתב בקפידה כדי שאיש לא יוכל לראות אותו. She hid the letter carefully so no one would see it. She hid the letter carefully so that no one could see it. את בוודאי מתלוצצת. You have got to be kidding me. You must be kidding. אחד החסרונות לגור בעיר התחתית הוא הרעש הבלתי פוסק כל היום, כל השבוע. One of the downsides of living downtown is the noise you hear all day long every day of the week. One of the inability to live in the bottom city is the inexhaustible noise all day, all week long. كونوا متسامحين. Be tolerant. Be forgiving. هل تعتقد أنه قام بالعمل وحده؟ Do you think he did the job on his own? Do you think he worked alone? תנשום עמוק. Take a deep breath. Breathe deep. מה אמר הרופא? What'd the doctor say? What did the doctor say? خسر وظيفته لذاك السبب. For that reason, he lost his job. Lose his job, that's why. هذه كلمة أمازيغية. This is a Berber word. That's Amazigh's word. חקלאות אורגנית היא שיטה לגידול יבולים (דגנים, קטניות, פירות) בלי כימיקלים. Organic agriculture is a method of growing plants (grains, legumes, fruit) without chemicals. Organic farming is a method of growing sprouts (grains, small crops, fruit) without chemicals. אני לא אוהבת את האביב. I don't like spring. I don't like spring. اختبأت ليلى خلف الشّجرة. Layla hid behind a tree. You hid a night behind the tree. את לא צריכה לצאת מיד. You don't need to leave immediately. You don't have to go out right away. مارأيك بهذه الخطة؟ What do you say to this plan? How about this plan? لا يمكننا فعل أي شيء حيال ذلك. We can do nothing about it. We can't do anything about it. אני לא יכול לחזור למה שהיה. I can't go back to the way it was. I can't go back to what was. אגייס קרנות מימון. I raise funds. Aggregate funding beams. هل أنجزت فرضك؟ Have you done your homework? Did you finish your duty? زرتُ شانغهاي لَمَّا زرتُ الصين المرة الأخيرة. The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. I visited Shanghai last time I visited China. أُحضِرَ فاضل إلى العدالة. Fadil was brought to justice. He was prepared to go to justice. راني باغي نشري موطو جْديد. I want to buy a new motorcycle. Rani Baggi publishes a new Motto. זה פעל? Did that work? Did it work? ניסיתי להמנע ממנו כמה שיותר. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. I tried to avoid him as much as I could. كانت هذه آخر صورة التقطها سامي. That was the last picture Sami took. This was the last picture of Sammy's pickup. עכשיו אל תפחדי. Now don't be frightened. Now don't be afraid. ספרי לי את גרסתך שלך לאירועים. Tell me your version of the events. Tell me your version of the events. כל מאמצינו היו לשווא. All our efforts were in vain. All our efforts were in vain. אני מרגיש חולשה. I feel weak. I feel weak. לא ייתכן שאתה רציני. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. הוא ביקש ממני עזרה. He asked me for help. He asked me for help. من هو أب سامي؟ Who is Sami's father? Who's Sami's father? הפסיקי לירות. Stop shooting. Stop shooting. הכובע הזה שייך לתום. This cap belongs to Tom. This hat belongs to Tom. מְעֻוָּת לֹא יוּכַל לִתְקֹן וְחֶסְרוֹן לֹא יוּכַל לְהִמָּנוֹת. That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. רשמתי מען שגוי על גבי המעטפה. I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I've written a wrong finger on the back of the envelope. אנו רצים ביחד. We jog together. We're running together. هل ضرب سامي ليلى؟ Did Sami hit Layla? Did Sammy hit Lily? لبست جاكيتّها. She put on her sweater. You wore her jacket. وهذه الآيات تتبع المؤمنين. يخرجون الشياطين باسمي ويتكلمون بألسنة جديدة. يحملون حيّات وإن شربوا شيئا مميتا لا يضرهم ويضعون أيديهم على المرضى فيبرأون. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover! These letters follow the believers. The demons go out in my name, and speak for a new year. They are alive, and yet drink a dead thing, and don't harm them, and lay their hands on the sick in Brahon. كان فاضل طفلا صغيرا ذو ابتسامة مشعّة. Fadil was a little boy with a sunny smile. He was a little child with a irrigated smile. توم يريد أن يأكل هنا الليلة. Tom wants to eat here tonight. Tom wants to eat here tonight. עכשיו תנסה שוב. Now try again. Now try again. תום שתוי עד היסוד. Tom is sloshed. Tom's drunk to the ground. היא חסרת סבלנות. She's impatient. She's impatient. שמענו יריות. We heard shots. We heard shots. מחיתי. I protested. I've been dead. اجتمع الناس في المتنزه. People gathered in the park. People met at the park. ቋንቋ ሁሉ እወዳለሁ I like all languages. I Love All Languages הנעלים שלך רטובות. שים אותן ליד האש. Your shoes are wet. Put them near the fire. Your shoes are wet. הגשר רוחבו שלושים מטר. The bridge is thirty meters in width. The bridge was 30 feet long. سامي يمشي. Sami is walking. Sammy's walking. תום הקניט את מרי. Tom teased Mary. Tom bought Mary. كرة القدم هي رياضة العالم الأكثر شعبيّة. Soccer is the world's most popular sport. The football is the most popular sport in the world. הוא המליץ על זהירות. He advised caution. He recommended caution. توم رجل لطيف . Tom is a kind man. Tom's a nice guy. لنذهب للقاء جيم. Let's go see Jim. Let's go see Jim. تحدثتُ مع توم حول مشاعري. I talked to Tom about my feelings. I talked to Tom about my feelings. תום צפה במרי נוסעת לה ואז נכנס למכוניתו. Tom watched Mary drive away and then got in his own car. Tom watched Mary go to her and then he got in his car. تماماً! Precisely! Totally! هادا لقط تاعي. That's my cat. Never mind. ترى الفتاة الفتى. The girl sees the boy. You see the girl. אל לכם לשתות את המים האלה. You shouldn't drink this water. Don't drink that water. لا يجوز القبض على أي إنسان أو حجزه أو نفيه تعسفاً. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. No person may be arbitrarily arrested, detained or denied. هل تحب ذلك أم لا؟ Do you like it or not? Do you like it or not? ما تلفّش و تدور. Don't avoid my question. What's going on and going around. انا لا أحتاج لنقودك. انا فقط احتاج لوقتك. I don't need your money. I just need your time. I don't need your money. I just need your time. תפתחי את הארון מצד שמאל, הבקבוקים נמצאים שם. Open the cupboard on the left. The bottles are there. Open the closet on the left. The bottles are there. ציפורים מנקרות בחצר. Birds are pecking at the grounds. Birds are in the yard. זוהי מילה שהייתי מעוניין למצוא לה תחליף. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find a replacement for. אני הולך ברגל לבית הספר בכל יום. I walk to school every day. I walk to school every day. הוא לא שווה כלום. He is worthless. He's not worth anything. شيء مذهل ! ، سائح امريكي كان يقول : كل كلمة "حصان" تلفض باللغة الهنغارية مثل لفضة كلمة "منخفض" بالانكليزية . It's amazing! – an American tourist was saying: In Hungary, every "horse" is "low"! An amazing thing, an American tourist, was saying that every word "sun" was television in Hungarian, like a "low" space in English. حاول الهروب. He attempted to escape. Try to escape. ארגוני רכיבה על אופניים שדלו לסלול כבישים חלקים לכל רחבי הארץ. Cycling groups lobbied for smooth roads to be laid down all over the country. Organisations have been riding a bicycle that has evacuated smooth roads throughout the country. עבור שני בניינים ופנה שמאלה. Walk two blocks, and turn left. For two buildings and turn left. كان يوجد جسر هنا في يوم من الأيام. At one time, there was a bridge here. There was a bridge here one day. הוא שוכנע להיות יותר רגיש. He was persuaded to be more sensible. He's convinced to be more sensitive. תום הציל אותי. Tom saved me. Tom saved me. روما مدينة قديمة. Rome is an old city. Rome is an old city. لماذا السماء زرقاء؟ Why is the sky blue? Why is the sky blue? سامي يتعلّم العربيّة منذ سنتان. Sami has been learning Arabic for about two years. Sami has been learning Arabic for two years. أريد أن أقول لك شيئاً. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. טום בחר להישאר. Tom chose to stay. Tom chose to stay. הייתי רוצה שתכיר את תום. I'd like you to meet Tom. I'd like you to meet Tom. أُدخل سامي إلى العيادة. Sami was brought into the clinic. I'm getting Sammy into the clinic. תום נתן לחתול קצת חלב. Tom gave some milk to the cat. Tom gave the cat some milk. هل نسيت الإمضاء مجدّدا؟ Did you forget to sign your name again? Did you forget to light again? האישה הזאת יהירה מאד. That woman is very arrogant. That woman is very proud. אני מעדיפה להיפרד. I'd rather that we break up. I'd rather say goodbye. אני הולכת לעזור לכם עכשיו. I'm going to help you now. I'm gonna help you now. יש כתם שומן. There's a grease spot. There's a fat stain. كلفونا بهذا العمل. They assigned the task to us. We've got this job. تحرك عقرب الثواني الخاص بالساعة . The clock ticked. Move near the hot otter. حاولنا إقناعه بالعدول عن رأيه لكننا فشلنا. We tried to get him to change his mind, but couldn't. We tried to convince him to turn his back, but we failed. הגיע זמן ארוחת הצהרים. It's time for lunch. It's lunch time. تفوّقت ليلى على سامي ذكاءا. Layla outsmarted Sami. I missed Lily on a smart Sammy. אולי תום לא היה רעב. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. Maybe Tom wasn't hungry. תום דיבר. Tom was talking. Tom spoke. נשמע כאילו אתה מסתדר. It sounds like you're doing OK. Sounds like you're getting along. הם מסוכנים מאד. They're very dangerous. They're very dangerous. ذهب سامي ليحضر حصّة لتعلّم الطّبخ المصري. Sami went to a Egyptian cooking class. Sami went to get a share to learn Egyptian fertilization. אני חייב לומר לך לא. I must say no to you. I have to tell you no. معرفهاش. I don't know her. I know. لدي القليل من المال , مع ذلك اشعر بالسعادة معك. I have little money; however, I feel happy with you. I have a little money, though I'm happy with you. يملك سامي تلفزة ملوّنة. Sami has color TV. Sami has a clean TV. أنا من مصر. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. אף מילה לאף אחד. Don't breathe a word of it to anyone. No word for anyone. قال توم أنه لا يعرف كيفية حل المشكلة Tom said he doesn't know how to solve the problem. Tom said he didn't know how to solve the problem. פאדיל ניסה לדבר אל לבם של השודדים. Fadil tried to reason with the robbers. Padille tried to talk to the bandits' hearts. قف! Stop! Stand up! האם מישהו מכם קרא את הספר הזה? Have any of you read that book? Did any of you read this book? הבטחתי לתום לחכות. I promised Tom I'd wait. I promised Tom to wait. دع كاميرتي و شأنها. Leave my camera alone. Let my camera and the like. אני מתכוון ללכת איתו. I'm going to go with him. I'm gonna go with him. هذا اختبار حمل و هو إيجابي. It's a pregnancy test and it's positive. This is a positive pregnancy test. ظل الولد ساكناً. The boy remained silent. The boy's been dead. هكذا هي الحياة. That's life. That's how life is. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us, or against us. You're either with us or against us. נהיגה בגילופין היא בעיה רצינית. Drunk driving is a serious problem. It's a serious problem. לא היה לי איכפת. I didn't care. I didn't care. انتظر. عد إلى هنا. Wait. Come back. Come back here. תום מעורר גועל. Tom is obnoxious. Disgusting Tom. שמו היה ג'פטו, אך ילדי השכונה קראו לו פולנדינה, בשל הפיאה שלבש תמיד על ראשו, בצבעו הצהוב של התירס. His name was Geppetto, but to the boys of the neighborhood he was Polendina, on account of the wig he always wore which was just the color of yellow corn. His name was Jefto, but the neighbor's children called him Pollandina, because of the wig that always wore on his head, in the yellow color of the corn. תום נכנס בהליכה. Tom walked inside. Tom's on the walk. يبدو واضحاً . It seems obvious. It's obvious. أخبرني أنه سيذهب إلى فينس. He told me he would go to Venice. Tell me he's going to Vince. אמרתי לך שתום נבון. I told you Tom was smart. I told you a wise orphan. תום בז למרי. Tom detests Mary. Tom Zae Lemary. لا تقفل الخط من فضلك. Don't hang up yet, please. Don't lock the line, please. אינני בטוח לגבי זה. I'm not sure about it. I'm not sure about that. كيف تعرفين هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? Jiena mill-Ingilterra. I come from England. I am from England. هل سبق أن ذهبت إلى أمريكا؟ Have you ever been to America? Have you ever gone to America? תום לקח את הבקבוק ממרי והביט בתווית. Tom took the bottle from Mary and looked at the label. Tom took the bottle from Mary and looked at the label. הדעות שלי דומות לשלו. My opinions are similar to his. My opinions are similar to his. אתם גבוהים ממנה. You are taller than her. You're taller than her. זה מה שעומד עכשיו לקרות. That's what's going to happen right now. That's what's going to happen now. كان سامي يشرب. Sami drank. Sammy was drinking. من حظنا وجود توم هنا ليساعدنا. We're lucky Tom is here to help us. We had Tom here to help us. אני מנסה לסייע לך עכשיו. I'm trying to help now. I'm trying to help you now. מהי עצתך? What do you advise me? What's your advice? هولندا بلد صغير. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. עליך לחשוב בכוחות עצמך. You must think for yourself. You have to think for yourself. تحب البرتقال. She likes oranges. You like oranges. كان بإمكان فاضل أن يتّصل بالشّرطة. Fadil could have called the police. He could've called the police. رفضت الضحية إقامة دعوى قضائية. The victim declined to press charges. The victim refused to prosecute. قاد توم السيارة. Tom drove the car. Tom drove the car. נשמח לראותכם בחתונתנו. We'll be glad to see you at our wedding. We'd love to see you at our wedding. לפעמים אני משתמש במספריים בתור פותחן קופסאות. I sometimes use scissors as a can opener. Sometimes I use the numbers as a box opener. المسلمون يدفنون موتاهم في المقبرة. Muslims bury their dead in graves. Muslims bury their deaths in the grave. أفضل ألا أخرج اليوم. I'd rather not go out today. I'd rather not be out today. הוא רופא טוב. He is a good doctor. He's a good doctor. הוא העמיד פנים כאילו הוא לא נפגע. He pretended not to be hurt. He pretended he wasn't hurt. أطفئ النور إذا سمحت. Turn off the light, please. Turn off the light if you will. ما علاباليش ڨع وش لازم ندير دوركا. I don't know what to do anymore. What we need to do is run Dorka. عليك أن تدفع مقدماً. You must pay in advance. You have to pay in advance. لا أحد من زملائي يعيشون بالقرب من هنا. None of my classmates live near here. None of my colleagues live near here. كُل الخضار الخاص بك. Eat your veggies. All your vegetables. ג'ודי לעגה לי. Judy laughed at me. Jody mock me. כמה זמן הם חיו באנגליה? How long did they live in England? How long have they lived in England? במה שגה תום? What did Tom do wrong? What happened to Tom? توم وحيد تماما من جديد. Tom is all alone again. Tom's completely alone again. תוכל בבקשה לעשות לי טובה? Could you please do me a favor? Can you please do me a favor? מתי זה ארע? When did this happen? When did this happen? ستستيقظ أبكر. You are to get up earlier. You'll wake up earlier. הייתי עייפה מאוד. I was very tired. I was very tired. סופה מתמשמשת ובאה. A storm is imminent. A storm is on and off. يحترم عالمنا قانوناً ذهبياً واحداً: من يملك الذهب يضع القانون. The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. Our world respects one gold law: who owns the gold sets the law. هل وقع توم في ورطة؟ Did Tom get into trouble? Is Tom in trouble? على رِسْلِك. Take it easy. On your feet. הם היו מזועזעים מאד. They were very shocked. They were very shocked. פסל החירות נמצא בניו יורק. The Statue of Liberty is found in New York. The freedom statue is in New York. أختي تسكن بالقرب من يوكوهاما. My sister lives near Yokohama. My sister lives near Jokohama. لا أقدر أن أسامحه على ما فعل. I can't forgive him for what he did. I can't forgive him for what he did. ראי לעיל. See above. Look at this. من الصعب أن تكون والداً. It's hard being a parent. It's hard to be a parent. תום לא קרא את החוזה בקפדנות כפי שהיה צריך. Tom didn't read the contract as carefully as he should have. Tom didn't read the contract as often as he had to. ماذا تُسَمّى هذه الوردة؟ What do you call this flower? What do you call this rose? انجذب سامي لسحر جمال جيني الجنوبي. Sami was attracted by Jenny's Southern charm. Sammy's attracted to South Genie's beauty. كانت رخيصة الثمن جداً. It was really cheap. It was very cheap. האם בילית איתה את הלילה? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? أصبحت ليلى حاملا في الثّانويّة. Layla got pregnant in high school. Lily got pregnant in the second. أنا أستطيع أن أعيش بدون ماء. I can live without water. I can live without water. لا تقلق علي Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. اخبرتك ان لم اريد ان افعل هذا. I told you I didn't want to do this. I told you if I didn't want to do this. נתתי לו צרור מפתחות. I gave him a set of keys. I gave him a key scarf. תום איננו מה שהיה לפני שלוש שנים. Tom isn't what he was three years ago. Tom's not what happened three years ago. ذلك اللحم لحم دجاج. That meat is chicken. That meat is chicken meat. بابايا بيحب البيتزا. My father loves pizza. Babies love pizza. كان سامي يتكلّم. Sami was talking. Sammy was talking. יופיה היה שלא מהעולם הזה. She was divinely beautiful. Good thing it wasn't from this world. תום שונא אותך. Tom hates you. Tom hates you. נהגתי לחלום עליך. I used to dream about you. I used to dream about you. קיבלתי עור ברווז. I got goosebumps. I got a duck skin. אם אתה מחבב את דן, תרגם את המשפטים שלו. If you like Dan, translate his sentences. If you like Dan, do his trial. תום נכנע. Tom surrendered. Tom surrendered. יש לו זכרון טבעי טוב. He has a naturally good memory. He's got a good natural memory. كان فاضل يبحث عن أجوبة. Fadil was looking for answers. He was looking for answers. תנסי שוב. Try it again. Try again. היא עובדת כמזכירה במשרד. She works as a secretary in an office. She works as a secretary at the office. كان سامي بالجوار، ينتظر ليلى بصبر كي تنهي الحديث مع صديقاتها. Sami was close-by, waiting patiently for Layla to finish talking with her girlfriends. Sammy was around, waiting for Lily patiently to end the conversation with her friends. أراد توم استدعاء الشرطة، ولكن ماري لم تسمح له. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary wouldn't let him. Tom wanted to call the police, but Mary didn't let him. أنتَ كيف تعرف هذا؟ How do you know that? How do you know that? الناس يحبون الحرية. People love freedom. People love freedom. לא סיפרתי לו את האמת כי חששתי שיתרגז. I didn't tell him the truth for fear he would get angry. I didn't tell him the truth because I was afraid he'd get mad. התעטשתי. I sneezed. I sneezed. نزل سامي. Sami went down. Sammy's down. הלכנו לשיט מפרשים. We went sailing. We went to a landing vessel. الاكتئاب الحقيقي يكون عندما تتوقف عن حب الاشياء التي تحبها Real depression is when you stop loving the things you love. The real depression is when you stop loving the things you like. אני אוהב לגלוש. I like surfing. I like surfing. הכורח קורא לי. Duty is calling me. The moon is calling me. أنا حرقت يدي أثناء صب الماء الساخن. I burnt my hand while pouring hot water. I burned my hand in hot water. אתה רוצה שאגיד משהו? Would you like me to say something? You want me to say something? אני לא כל כך משוכנע. I'm not so convinced. I'm not so convinced. לך לפגוש את תום. Go meet Tom. Go meet Tom. كانوا يترقبون اشارة الانطلاق. They were watching for the signal to start. They were watching the launch signal. لا فرق عندي انضم أم لا ينضم. It makes no difference to me whether he joins us or not. I have no difference whether or not I join. بعثت برسالة بدلاً من الذهاب بنفسي. Instead of going myself, I sent a letter. I sent a message instead of going myself. القطة نائمة على الأريكة. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. Cat's sleeping on the couch. الحب شيء و الزواج شيء آخر. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love is something and marriage is something else. هاذ الشاشيّة مخدومة في أستراليا. This hat was made in Australia. There's nothing wrong with that shit in Australia. هذا عظيم! That's great! That's great! אני לא רוצה לחלוק את החדר במלון עם מישהו זר. I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. I don't want to share the hotel room with anyone else. شعرها جاف. She has dry hair. Her hair is dry. هذا هو الفتى الذي أفكر به. This is the boy I think about. That's the kid I'm thinking about. علينا اخباره. We've got to tell him. We have to tell him. لا تقاتلني. Don't fight with me. Don't fight me. על הקיר היה תלוי דיוקן של גבר זקן. A portrait of an old man was hanging on the wall. On the wall was an old man's portrait. أريد أن أنكحك. I want to fuck you. I want to break you. הוא לא הגיע עקב הסערה. As a result of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come due to the storm. كان سامي يعيش حياة ساحرة. Sami was living a charmed life. Sammy was living a magical life. היא העמידה פנים שלא שמעה אותי. She pretended not to hear me. She pretended she didn't hear me. أتذكر الحادثة بكل وضوح وكأنها حدثت البارحة فقط. I remember the event as clearly as if it had happened just yesterday. I remember the incident clearly as if it had just happened yesterday. הוא מאמין שהוא יישאר. He believes he's gonna stay. He believes he'll stay. هي مرنة في آرائها. She is flexible in her opinions. She's flexible in her opinions. אל תתן להסיח את דעתך! Don't get distracted! Don't let your mind distract you! אני חייב לו את הצלחתי. I owe my success to him. I owe him my best. היום החלטנו שניסע להרים. We decided to go to the mountains today. Today we decided we'd go to the mountains. لم لن تأتِ معنا؟ Why aren't you coming with us? Why aren't you coming with us? يا راجل أنا لسة شايفها ع الأخبار، انت هتشككني ف نفسي؟ Man, I just saw it on the news! Damn, you're making me doubt my own eyes! Raffel, I'm a news chef. You're questioning me myself? لم يكن يعد توم يطيقه أكثر من ذلك. Tom couldn't stand it any longer. Tom didn't drive him anymore. ها هو كلبك. Your dog is here. There's your dog. أنا إنسان صادق. I am an honest person. I'm an honest man. ההיסטוריה של כל מולדת מתחילה בלב איש או אישה. The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman. History of any birth begins with the heart of a man or a woman. خرجت ملمسيد عندها عامين. She left school two years ago. A midwife came out two years ago. أذكر أني أغلقت الباب. I remember locking the door. I remember I closed the door. האחד דובר אנגלית, השני יפנית. One speaks English, and the other speaks Japanese. The one speaks English, the other is Japanese. لمات كيما لامور - ادي سامپل، بصّح تتكۆمپليكا. Math is like love - a simple idea, but it can get complicated. Kemma Lamore-Die Sampelle died. ما الذي يُبَثُّ الآن؟ What's on the air now? What's happening now? إنهُ لم يستطع أن ينتظر ليجرب لوح ركوب الأمواج. He couldn't wait to try out his new surfboard. He couldn't wait to try a wave board. كان سامي يريد العاهرات. Sami wanted prostitutes. Sammy wanted the whores. אה! תודה, יקירתי. Oh! Thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, dear. توم سعيد Tom's happy. Good Tom. أختلف معك. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. كُشِفت حديثًا حقائق جديدة فيما يتعلق بالصين القديمة. New facts about ancient China have recently come to light. New facts concerning the old China have recently been discovered. Narak iktar tard! See you later! I’ll see you later! אני לא יכולה לעשות שום דבר אחר. I can't do anything else. I can't do anything else. הנה כתובת האימייל שלי. Here's my email address. Here's my email address. يدرّب الفريق مدرّب جيّد. A good coach trains this team. Team trains a good trainer. שאלתי את תום אם מרי בסדר. I asked Tom if Mary was OK. I asked Tom if Mary was okay. האם גברתי דוברת תורכית? Does the lady speak Turkish? Does ma'am speak Turkish? רק רציתי לראות איך תגיבי. I just wanted to see how you'd react. I just wanted to see how you would respond. لم تتحرّك السيّارة. The car didn't move. You didn't move the car. أذهب إلى المدرسة. I go to school. Go to school. يبدو أنك من الهند. It looks like you are from India. Looks like you're from India. עיתונים אחדים עיוותו את החדשות. Some newspapers distorted the news. Some newspapers misled the news. إنقطع دان علاقاتٍ مع ابنته. Dan severed ties with his daughter, Linda. Dan broke up with his daughter. لستن أهلا للثقة. You are not trustworthy. You won't be trusted. תום הסיר את המסכה שלו בזהירות. Tom carefully took off his mask. Tom carefully removed his mask. אינני יכול ללוות אותך. תהיה לי פגישה. I can't go with you. I have a meeting. I can't accompany you. أنا الآن في الثلاثين من عمري. I'm thirty now. I'm now 30 years old. هل أنت غاضب؟ Are you mad? Are you mad? هل بإمكاننا الاستراحة قليلا؟ Shall we take a short rest? Can we rest a little? لم يشعر سامي بالرّاحة. Sami felt bad. Sammy didn't feel comfortable. אני לא יכול להגיד לך איזה כבוד גדול זה עבורי. I can't tell you what an honor this is. I can't tell you what great honor this is for me. מעודי לא הייתי כל כך מאושרת. I've never been so happy. Of course, I wasn't so happy. זה המלון שלנו? Is this our hotel? Is that our hotel? נשאר לנו סוכר? Do we have any sugar left? Do we have any sugar left? يستحق توم ترقيةً. Tom deserves a promotion. Tom deserves promotion. محفظتي ضاعت. I have lost my wallet. My wallet's lost. لم يعد توم يغنّي الآن. Tom doesn't sing anymore. Tom doesn't sing anymore. זהו צייר. That's a painter. It's a painting. תום פוטר בלי הודעה מוקדמת. Tom was dismissed without notice. Tom Potter without an advance message. زين. Good. Zin. אשתי אוהבת רומנים רומנטיים. My wife loves romantic novels. My wife loves romantic novels. مزقت الصحيفة إلى قطع. I tore the newspaper into pieces. The newspaper was cut to pieces. اتصلت بنا المدرسة اليوم. The school called today. I called us at school today. ما اسم هذا الطائر؟ What's that bird called? What's the name of this bird? הייתי כמעט עירומה. I was almost naked. I was almost naked. זה מגוחך. That's ridiculous! That's ridiculous. سامي من قام بهذا. Sami did this. Sammy did this. בסיום הנאום, היא חזרה על המילה. At the end of the speech she repeated the word. At the end of the speech, she came back on the word. אני לא עושה זאת לבדי. I'm not doing it alone. I'm not doing this alone. אין להתבלבל בין סרקזם וציניות. Sarcasm should not be confused with cynicism. There's no confusion between sarcasm and cotton. אתה לבד? Are you alone? Are you alone? תום נעדר רק יום. Tom has only been gone a day. Tom's only missing a day. ابتعدت ليلى. Layla moved away. I left for the night. שניהם הגיבו. They both reacted. They both responded. أكيد لديك كثير من الأسئلة. You certainly have a lot of questions. Sure you have a lot of questions. האם תזכיר לי לשלוח את המכתבים האלה? Will you remind me to mail these letters? Are you reminding me to send these letters? إنه يحب مدرسته كثيراً. He likes his school a lot. He likes his school so much. تتكلّم الفيليبّينيّة؟ Do you speak Filipino? Do you speak the philanthropic? זה מעניין. למה לך לעשות את זה? That's interesting. Why would you do that? Why would you do that? متى سنقيم الحفلة؟ When shall we have the party? When are we having a party? لا خابَ من استشارَ. Four eyes see more than two. No fear of consultation. הסנגור היה בטוח שיוכל לענות על טענות התובע בתשובתו. The defense lawyer was confident that he would be able to answer the prosecutor's arguments in his rebuttal. The defense was sure that he could answer the prosecution's questions. التقيتُ بصديق لي في المطار. I met a friend of mine at the airport. I met a friend of mine at the airport. بحثت عنه في كل مكان لكني لم أجده. I looked for it everywhere but didn't find it. I searched him everywhere, but I didn't find him. هل لديك موعد معه؟ Do you have an appointment with him? Do you have an appointment with him? دعونا نحصل على سيارة أجرة. Let's get a cab. Let's get a cab. أعلى، لو سمحت، لا أستطيع أن أسمع جيدا. Louder please, I cannot hear well. Up, please, I can't hear well. ما الذي جاء بك إلى هنا باكراً هكذا؟ What made you come here so early? What brought you here this early? אני חייב ללכת. I have to go. I gotta go. لقد وصلت متأخرا قليلا. We've arrived a little late. I'm a little late. اشتمّ كلب سامي شيئا. Sami's dog smelt something. Sami's dog smelled something. أهلا حبيبي! هذا أنا، ليلى. إنّي بخير و أنا عائدة إلى المنزل. أحبّك، حبيبي. إلى اللّقاء. Hi, honey! It's me, Layla. I'm safe and I'm coming home. Love you, honey. Bye. Hey, baby, that's me, Lily. I'm okay, and I'm coming home. עזוב את זה מאחור. Leave it behind. Leave it behind. إنتظر Wait! Wait. כולם מחפשים אותך למטה. Everyone's asking for you downstairs. Everybody's looking for you downstairs. عد إلى العمل. Get back to work. Go back to work. אני חייב למצוא דרך להרוויח הרבה כסף. I have to find a way to make a lot of money. I have to find a way to earn a lot of money. היא נגעה בכתף שלי. She touched my shoulder. She touched my shoulder. זה קרה לעיתים קרובות בסתיו. This was happening often in the autumn. It happened very often in the fall. عاد سامي للعيش في المكان الذي كان يعيش فيه سابقا. Sami moved back. Sammy came back to live where he used to live. ماذا قالوا أيضا؟ What else did they say? What else did they say? זו בוודאי עוגת יום הולדת! It must be a birthday cake! It's probably a birthday cake! היו"ר דחה את הצעתו המגוחכת. The chairman rejected his absurd proposal. The chairman rejected his ridiculous offer. טום לא יפסיק להילחם. Tom won't stop fighting. Tom won't stop fighting. سامي يعيش حياة غريبة و مجنونة. Sami has a weird crazy life. Sammy lives a strange, crazy life. الألمانية هي لغة جرمانية. German is a Germanic language. German is a criminal language. אני חושב שמוטב שאעזור לך. I think I'd better help you. I think I'd better help you. הצומת הזאת מסוכנת. This intersection is dangerous. It's dangerous. هل هذا أمر؟ Is that an order? Is that it? הדעה שלך לא מעניינת אותי. I'm not interested in your opinion. I don't care about your opinion. אבקש אותם להצטרף אליך. I'll ask them to join you. I'll ask them to join you. רבים נספו בתאונה. Many people were killed in the accident. Many died in an accident. תום לא מרוצה מזה. Tom is not happy about it. Tom's not pleased with this. عنده ثلاثة أولاد. He has three sons. He's got three kids. מה לא בסדר בעולם? What's wrong with the world? What's wrong with the world? نادرا ما يضحك بل لا يضحك أبدا. He seldom, if ever, laughs. It's rarely funny, it's never funny. המילה הצרפתית "oiseau", שמשמעותה "ציפור", היא המילה הקצרה ביותר המכילה חמש תנועות שונות. The French word 'oiseau', meaning 'bird', is the shortest one to contain five different vowels. The French word "oiseau", which means "bird", is the shortest word that contains five different movements. יצאתי למסע והשארתי את הבית להשגחתה. I went on the trip, leaving the house in her care. I went on a trip and left the house to watch. إنها غاضبة. She's outraged. She's angry. בוא נפגש ונעשה מסיבה. Let's get together and have a party. Let's meet and have a party. ماذا حصل الأسبوع الماضي؟ What happened last week? What happened last week? نُقِل سامي إلى المستشفى في السّاعات الأولى ليوم السّادس من جوان، 2006. Sami was rushed to the hospital in the early hours of June 6th, 2006. Sami was transferred to the hospital in the first hours of Sunday from Joan, 2006. تسبّبت الغارات الإسرائيليّة بجعل 19000 منزل غير قابل للسّكن في قطاع غزّة. 19,000 homes in Gaza were rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks. Israeli raids caused 19,000 homeless homes in the Gaza Strip. כרגע פוטרתי. I just got fired. I just got fired. דברים כאלה קורים. Things like that happen. Such things happen. إنعدان الطعام أضحت به ضعيفاً ومنهكاً. Lack of food had left him weak and exhausted. The food's gone weak and fragile. اما كل شيء او لا شيء All or nothing. Either everything or nothing. أحضر سامي صديقا. Sami brought a friend. Sammy brought a friend. كتاب المسلمين المقدس هو القرآن. The holy book of Muslims is the Qur'an. The Holy Book of Muslims is a Koran. כל כמה זמן את אוהבת ללכת לחוף הים? How often do you like to go to the beach? How long have you loved going to the beach? ראיתי את הסרט. I saw the movie. I saw the movie. מה התוכנית שלך עם תום? What's your plan with Tom? What's your plan with Tom? דרך החלון אני רואה נהר. Through the window, I see a river. Through the window I see a river. הוא צחק צחוק מאושר. He laughed a merry laugh. He laughed happily. حصلت على هذه الدراجة مجاناً. I got this bicycle for free. I got this bike free of charge. بيكاسو فنان مشهور. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. صدقوا أنه صادق. They believed he was honest. Believe it's true. هل اللغة الفرنسية أصعب من الإنجليزية؟ Is French more difficult than English? Is French more difficult than English? אפשר להשתתף אתך במטרייה? May I share your umbrella? Can I join you in Mitria? أين هم؟ Where are they? Where are they? أخذ سامي مفاتيح سيّارة ليلى و غادر. Sami took Layla's car keys and left. Sammy took the keys to a night car and left. החיים לפעמים כל כך לא הוגנים! Life is so unfair sometimes. Life is sometimes so unfair! يتوجب عليك أن تشكره. You ought to thank him. You have to thank him. استمرت الحرب قرابة السنتين. The war lasted for about two years. The war went on for almost two years. יש המון שאני לא יכול לעשות עד מחר. There is a lot I can't do until tomorrow. There's a lot I can't do until tomorrow. إنه لا يشرب الكحول على الإطلاق. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't drink at all. إذا أردت, يمكنني أن أُريك كيف تفعل ذلك. If you want, I can show you how to do that. If you want, I can show you how to do this. איש אינו מסוגל לרוץ מהר כמו תום. No one is able to run as fast as Tom. No one can run as fast as Tom. إحدى الحقائب فارغة تماماً. One of the suitcases is completely empty. One of the bags is completely empty. תום מורה כה טוב. Tom is such a good teacher. Tom's such a good teacher. هذا ما قاله توم لي. That was what Tom told me. That's what Tom Lee said. חם יותר. It's warmer. It's hotter. כולם מוגנים. Everybody's safe. They're all safe. سعر الدخول عشرة دولارات للشخص الواحد. The admission is ten dollars a person. Ten dollars per person. ما فعلته أنا كان خاطئاً. What I did was wrong. What I did was wrong. أعاد توم المال لماري. Tom paid Mary back. Tom returned the money to Marie. לכל דבר יש זמן הולם. There is a right time for everything. Everything has a good time. הדיו הזה הכי טוב. This is the best ink. That's the best ink. רצית לספר לי על החירות? You wanted to tell me about freedom? You wanted to tell me about freedom? إسمي ريكاردو. My name is Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. توني ولد مهذب. Tony is a polite boy. Tony's a fake boy. לעתים קרובות טום מדבר בשנתו. Tom frequently talks in his sleep. Tom often talks in his sleep. הוא קיבל יותר משישה מיליון קולות. He received more than six million votes. He's got more than six million votes. توم خائف جداً. Tom was very scared. Tom's so scared. هذه السكين حادة للغاية. This knife is very sharp. This knife is too sharp. אני חושב שתום מרוצה. I think Tom is satisfied. I think you're happy. برشاقة القطّ، قفز نحو الرّف لكنّه أخفق و سقط إلى الأرض. With cat-like grace he leapt toward the ledge, missed it and fell to the ground below. With the bow of the cat, he jumped towards the prey, but he failed and fell to the ground. המיטה של תום ריקה. Tom's bed's empty. Tom Rick's bed. أنا أدرس عدّة لغات. I'm studying several languages. I'm studying several languages. לגרמנים אין חוש הומור? אני לא חושב שזה מצחיק! Germans have no sense of humour? I don't find that funny! I don't think it's funny! لا تعطه شيئا من هذا الحساء. Don't give him any of that soup. Don't give him any of this soup. אני אתלטית. I'm athletic. I'm an athlete. "أين أنت؟" "أنا هنا!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" "Where are you?" "I'm here!" رقصتي المفضلة هي التانجو. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is the tango. אני בחצר האחורית. I'm in the backyard. I'm in the back yard. החיים דומים לרומנים יותר מאשר הרומנים משקפים את החיים. Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. Life is more like novels than the novels reflect life. في أي مجلدٍ حفظت الملف؟ In which folder did you save the file? In which folder did you save the file? اضطرّ سامي على قضاء اللّيلة في الأدغال. Sami had to spend the night in the jungle. Sammy had to spend the night in the jungle. הכלב היה במצב גסיסה. The dog was dying. The dog was in a rough state. קולו התעצם והלך עד שנצטרד. His voice kept getting louder until he got hoarse. His voice was down and gone until wetred. הונו אותי. I got scammed. I was tortured. בחירה זה עניין של טעם. Choice is a matter of taste. Choice is a matter of taste. אני יכולה לעזור לכן. I can help you. I can help you. את יכולה לנהל ספרים? Can you do bookkeeping? Can you run books? עבדתי קשה מאד. I've worked very hard. I worked really hard. لماذا لا نخرج و نكن لوحدنا فقط أنا و أنتِ. Why don't we go outside so that we would be alone you and me? Why don't we just go out and be alone with you and me. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تذهب إلى المستشفى. Sami told Layla to go to the hospital. Sammy asked Lily to go to the hospital. אנחנו ייחודיים. We're particular. We're unique. እቲ ወዲ ርኣዮ። Look at that boy! The Son looked upon him. תום טיפס על המשאית שלו. Tom climbed into his truck. Tom climbs on his truck. سامي يحبّ التّحلية. Sami likes dessert. Sami likes to hang out. לתום טעם יקר. Tom has expensive tastes. Tom's a precious taste. לניר יש שובר הנחה לתערוכה במוזיאון. Nir has a discount coupon for the museum's exhibition. Leaner has a subpoena at the museum. كان سامي مدرّسا بالفطرة. Sami was a natural born teacher. Sami was a ballet teacher. מזג אוויר היפה הוסיף להנאתינו מן הטיול. Fine weather added to the joy of our trip. The beautiful weather added to our pleasure on the trip. أشنو ڭلتي؟ What did you say? Do you know what I'm saying? لا أستطيع أن أتذكر ما أكلتهُ بالأمس. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I ate yesterday. אמור אמת והתל בשטן. Tell the truth and shame the devil. Say true and lying in Satan's hands. בואו נודה על האמת, זה בלתי אפשרי. אף פעם לא נצליח. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's admit the truth, it's impossible. הוא יצא החוצה. He has gone out. He's out. سامي يسعل. Sami is coughing. Sammy's a sailor. תוך זמן קצר החל לרדת גשם שוטף. It soon began to rain very hard. In a short time, rain began to rain. لدي أشياء أهم لأفعلها. I have more important things to do. I have important things to do. איך אתם יכולים סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? كان سامي يمضي لياليه في الأريكة. Sami has been spending his nights on the couch. Sammy was spending nights on the couch. לו כאבי לידה היו כל כך קשים כמו שמספרים הרי לכל אם היה רק ילד אחד! If labor pains would hurt so much as people say, everyone would only have one child! If he had birth pains, it was as hard as the numbers were for all if there was only one child! حقن سامي ليلى بجرعة عالية من الميثامفيتامين. Sami injected Layla with a pretty heavy dose of meth. Sami Lily was injected with a high dose of methamphetamine. הוא אוהב כדורגל. He likes soccer. He likes soccer. הייתי רוצה שתהיו שם. I'd like you to be there. I'd like you to be there. תום נולד בבוסטון וגדל בה. Tom was born in Boston and he grew up in Boston. Tom was born in Boston and grew up in her. היא טרקה את הדלת. She slammed the door shut. She tricked the door. אני רוצה לצאת לגמלאות פה. I want to retire here. I'd like to go out for bail here. ليس من الضروري أن تذهب. You don't have to go there. You don't have to go. لم يسمح لي أن أقود سيارته إطلاقاً. He wouldn't allow me to drive his car. I've never been allowed to drive his car. משקאות הם חצי מחיר עד שש. The drinks are half price until six. Drinks are half the price to six. Is-sħana llum. It's hot today. The heat today. הוא הודה בגלוי בליקוייו. He openly confessed his faults. He confessed openly to Blackway. كان سامي يقلّد أباه المتعسّف. Sami mimicked his abusive father. Sami used to be his father-in-law. من ذلك الصبي الذي يسبح هناك؟ Who's the boy swimming over there? Who's that boy swimming in there? הוא בעשירון העליון. He belongs to the upper class. He's in the top ten. התרשמתי שתום מאוהב בך. I get the impression that Tom is in love with you. I was impressed that Tom's in love with you. الثقة بالنفس مفتاح النجاح. Trusting yourself is the key to success. Confidence in itself is the key to success. אתה יכול לעשות את העבודה או לא? Can you do the job or not? Can you do the job or not? سألعب كرة المضرب غداً. I am going to play tennis tomorrow. I'll play ball tomorrow. كان لاعبي كرة القدم متعبين لكنّهم سعداء. The football players were tired, but happy. The football players were tired, but they're happy. أنا مدرّس بديل. I am a substitute teacher. I'm an alternative teacher. הודיתי לתום על עצתו. I thanked Tom for his advice. I thanked Tom for his advice. תפסיקי לשיר. Stop singing. Stop singing. أنا ذاهب لأدرس I'm going to study. I'm going to study. אנו משלמים. We're paying. We're paying. هل خرّبت شيئًا؟ Did you break something? Did you ruin something? كانت تعلّق بالأمازيغية. She was commenting in Berber. It was about Amazigh. תפוחי אדמה התבשלו במטבח, על ידי הבנות. Potatoes were being cooked in the kitchen by the girls. The potatoes were dried in the kitchen by the girls. لنتظاهر بأننا مخلوقات فضائية. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're space creatures. את מדמיינת דברים. You're imagining things. You imagine things. لم يتوقّع أحد أن يفوز توم. No one expected Tom to win. Nobody expected Tom to win. אנו לא מרוצים. We're not satisfied. We're not happy. هو كتب رسالةً. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. المنافسة قوية. The competition is fierce. Competition is strong. هل هذا حلم؟ Is this a dream? Is that a dream? אני אשטוף את הכלים כי את בישלת. I'll do the dishes, since you've cooked. I'll wash the tools because you cooked. وين نلقى التريكوات؟ Where would I find T-shirts? And where's the trickle? لا أصدق أن توم مات. I can't believe Tom's dead. I can't believe Tom died. إنها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة شديدة. She speaks English very fluently. She speaks English very fluently. טום, מרי וג'ון במטבח. Tom, Mary and John are in the kitchen. Tom, Mary and John in the kitchen. كان مدرّسنا البديل شابّا. Our substitute teacher was young. Our alternative teacher was young. كان مدرّسا لطيفا. He was a cool teacher. He was a nice teacher. אני מבטיח שאגן עלייך. I promise I will protect you. I promise I'll protect you. תום קם מהספסל. Tom got up from the bench. Tom got up from the bench. איש אינו יודע שזה היה שייך לימדה. Nobody knows that it belonged to Yamada. No one knows that it belonged to a teacher. أنا بالفعل متأخر. I am already late. I'm really late. سامي ينتظر منذ أيّام. Sami has been waiting for days. Sammy's been waiting for days. ספר זה עוסק באנתרופולוגיה. This book deals with anthropology. This book deals with anthropology. "וידויים" מאת אאוגוסטינוס מספר לנו היסטוריה חסרת זמן של מחקר תבוני המסתיים באדיקות. "Confessions" by St. Augustine tells us the timeless story of an intellectual quest that ends in orthodoxy. Agustinus tells us a long history of the study of the end-of-life intelligence in the manuscripts. מוות היא חלק אינהרנטי של חיים. Death is an integral part of life. Death is an integral part of life. תום בלי צל של ספק שולט בחברה הזאת. Tom definitely has control of this company. Tom has no shadow of doubt controlling this company. קניתי כובע חדש בחנות. I got a new hat at the shop. I bought a new hat at the store. השיר הזה תקוע לי בראש כבר יומיים! I've had this song stuck in my head for two days! This song's been stuck in my head for two days! תום ינסה לפוצץ את המקום. Tom is going to try and blow the place up. Tom's gonna try to blow up the place. إنّهما معي. They're with me. They're with me. أعط هذا الكتاب لتوم Give this book to Tom. Give this book to Tom. תום חתם על החוזה אחרי שקרא אותו בקפידה. Tom signed the contract after reading it carefully. Tom signed the contract after he read it carefully. أبتسم سامي بسخريّة. Sami smirked. Sammy smile cheaply. היא יצאה מהמקלחת כשרק מגבת לגופה. She came out of the shower with only a towel on. She came out of the shower with only a towel to the body. העתיקות שאבי השאיר לאחר מותו נתגלו כגרוטאות חסרות ערך. The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk. The ancients that my father left after his death were discovered as worthless junk. אני רוצה שיעצרו את טום בגין רצח. I want Tom arrested for murder. I want Tom arrested for murder. החוד של המפתח נשבר. The tip of the key broke. The key's enthusiast's broken. كان الحذاء الذي أعطيته لسامي صغيرا عليه. The shoes I gave Sami were too small for him. The shoe I gave to my mother was small on him. אמרתי למזכירה שלי לבטל את כל הפגישות שלי. I told my secretary to cancel all my appointments. I told my secretary to cancel all my meetings. إنه موجود في البيت الآن. He's at home right now. He's at home now. תייבשי את המכנסיים על הרדיאטור. Dry the pants on the radiator. Dress your pants on the radar. آمل أن أحصل على نسختين من هذا الكتاب. I am hoping to get two copies of this book. I hope I get two copies of this book. أنا مستعد! أيمكننا الذهاب؟ I'm ready! Can we go? I'm ready, can we go? באיזה תיקיה שמרת את הקובץ? In which folder did you save the file? In what case did you keep the file? أعلم جيدا أن المكروه لا يأتي بمفده. I bear in mind that misfortunes never come singly. I know very well that the hate isn't coming in. احكي لي عن رحلة سفرك من فضلك. Please tell me about your trip. Tell me about your trip, please. אני שומע שאתה נוסע לארצות הברית. I hear that you are going to the United States. I hear you're going to the United States. בטי רצחה אותו. Betty murdered him. Betty killed him. لم أرى قط غروبا جميلا للشمس مثل هذا. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. I've never seen a beautiful ghost like this. ليس سبب من الخوف. There's no reason to be afraid. No reason for fear. זאת איננה טעות. It's not an error. It's not a mistake. את עלולה למצוא את עצמך בסכנה מוחשית. You could be in real danger. You might find yourself in physical danger. أنا هو الشخص الذي يحبك. I'm the one who loves you. I'm the one who loves you. نانسي كان شكلها تعبانة خالص. Nancy looks so tired. Nancy's shape was an exclusive symmetry. שמחת להיווכח שהמשפט הזה נמחק, נכון? You were pleased to see that sentence deleted, weren't you? You were happy to prove that this trial was deleted, didn't you? ادا تقرا ليپارۆل، ما عدهومش ڥريمان معنا. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. I'd like to report to Leatar, no more than riman is here with us. سأطلق سراحك. I'm going to release you. I'll let you go. ربما سيغير رأيه. He might change his mind. Maybe he'll change his mind. החלום שלו התממש. His dream has realized. His dream worked out. אף פעם לא חשבתי שאמצא אתכם. I never thought I'd find you. I never thought I'd find you. חכית? תודה! You waited? Thank you! Wait, thank you! אני חושש שתום לא נמצא. I'm afraid Tom isn't here. I'm afraid Tom's gone. אמרתי לך שאגן עליך. I told you I'd protect you. I told you I'd protect you. אח שלי קנה לעצמו גיטרה חשמלית. My brother bought an electric guitar. My brother bought himself an electric guitar. היא דואגת בעניין הבטיחות שלו. She is worried about his safety. She's worried about his safety. נתכעסתי. I got upset. I was angry. قرر أن يصبح محامياً He decided to be a lawyer. He decided to become a lawyer. האם ישנת איתה? Did you sleep with her? Did you sleep with her? האם זה נכון? Is it true? Is that true? אז מה אתה זומם היום, תום? So what are you up to today, Tom? So what are you up to today, Tom? עכשיו הסיפור נגמר. Now the story is over. Now the story's over. سأساعدك في توفير بعض الوقت. I'm going to help you save some time. I'll help you save some time. كان المدرّس يتجاهلني. The teacher was ignoring me. The teacher was ignoring me. الوقت ينفذ. Time is running out. Time's running out. اركض! Run! Run! هل تعتقد أن الاحترار العالمي هو نتيجة لعمل البشر؟ Do you believe global warming is the result of human actions? Do you think global warming is a result of human action? هو يصدق أى شئ أقوله. He believes whatever I say. He believes anything I say. לעתים קרובות הוא מצטט את שייקספיר. He often quotes from Shakespeare. He often quote Shakespeare. هناك ستون ثانية في الدقيقة. There are sixty seconds in a minute. There's 60 seconds in a minute. אני לא רוצה ללמוד הלילה. I don't want to study tonight. I don't want to study tonight. إفعل ما يخبرك توم به لتفعله وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything's gonna be okay. הם ישנים כעת כנראה. They're probably sleeping. They're probably sleeping now. Il-kelma biex tidħol hija qasira. The password is short. The word to enter is short. سمعت اليوم شيئاً جديداً. I heard something new today. I heard something new today. لا يمكن ان اُرى معك . I can't be seen with you. I can't see you. جميع زملاء صفّي خارج المدينة. All of my roommates are out of town. All high-level colleagues out of town. לא כל הילדים אוהבים תפוחים. All children do not like apples. Not all kids like apples. لم يكن ينبغي على سامي العودة. Sami never should have returned. Sammy shouldn't have come back. ماما قطعت الكيكة. My mother cut the cake. I just cut the cake. رجّ قبل الفتح رجاءً. Please shake before opening. Go ahead, please. أنا أُحب الحيوانات, على سبيل المثال, القِطط والكلاب. I like animals, for example, cats and dogs. I like animals, for example, kittens and dogs. لم يكن سامي مغرما بليلى. Sami was not in love with Layla. Sammy wasn't in love with me. זה היה בלתי אפשרי לשלוף את הפקק. It was impossible to pull out the cork. It was impossible to pull out the traffic. لم يأتِ بعد. He hasn't come yet. He hasn't come yet. לא ערבה לך ארוחת הבוקר היום? Didn't you like breakfast today? Didn't you have breakfast tonight? אני מוסיף משפטים. I add sentences. I'm adding sentences. בשעה שחכיתי לאוטובוס תפס אותי גשם. While waiting for bus, I was caught in a shower. While I was waiting for the bus to catch me raining. ما الذي تعنيه كلمة "get" في هذه الجملة؟ What does the word "get" mean in this sentence? What does "get" mean in this sentence? אתה צריך להיות זהיר יותר. You should be more careful. You need to be more careful. היא בעטה בו בחוזקה. She kicked him hard. She kicked him hard. يعيش أبويّ في القرية. My parents live in the country. My parents live in the village. אנו הולכים לביתי. We're going to my place. We're going to my house. היום אני מרגיש טוב במיוחד. I feel especially good today. Today I feel very good. تورّي برك بلّي نتا ماشي رۆبۆ. It only shows you're not a robot. It's a blessing to have Nata Mashi Rapp. هذا مهم جداً. This is very important. That's very important. כמה עולה כרטיס כניסה? How much is the entrance fee? How much does an entry card cost? תום חמוש? Is Tom armed? Tom's armed? انهض! Get up! Get up! أُمي, توم يضربني. Mom, Tom's hitting me! Mom, Tom's hitting me. זה כאב? Did it hurt? Is that pain? הגעתי בגשם ונרטבתי. I was caught in the rain and got wet. I got in the rain and I got wet. תחנת הכוח יצאה מכלל שימוש בגלל הטכנולוגיה המיושנת שלה. The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology. The power station was out of use because of its old technology. راك سور⸮ Are you sure? Rak Sur صدم الكلب شاحنة. A truck hit the dog. Suck the dog a truck. كاين بزّاف كلامي ما نفهمهومش. There are many words that I don't understand. Cain, by the way, I understand what we're talking about. תום נרגז עד מאד. Tom is extremely upset. Tom's very upset. لدي مغص. I have a stomachache. I've got a tip. نادي فاضلا يا دانية. Dania, go call Fadil. Nail club, Dani. הצפרדע התנפחה והתנפחה, עד שלבסוף התפוצצה. The frog inflated himself more and more, until finally he burst. The frog went up and down until it finally exploded. توم يلعب لعبة الصحن الطائر. Tom is playing Frisbee. Tom's playing the pilot game. היא בצרות גדולות. She's in big trouble. She's in big trouble. فتح توم الباب وسأل فيما إذا كانت ماريا مشغولة. Tom opened the door and asked Mary if she was busy. Tom opened the door and asked whether Maria was busy. بدا سامي و كأنّه يشعر أنّه محاصر. Sami seemed to feel trapped. It looked like Sami felt like he was trapped. הרגשתי כל כך עייף שלא יכולתי להשאיר את העיניים שלי פתוחות. I felt so sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. أود أن أتعلم العربية. I would like to study Arabic. I'd like to learn Arabic. لا يبدو على توم أنه مقتنعٌ. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem to be convinced. أحس الطفل بالأمان بين ذراعي أمه. That child felt secure in his mother's arms. The child feels safe among his mother's arms. רוב הבנים אוהבים כדור בסיס. Most boys like baseball. Most boys like baseball. התשובה מובילה אותנו למעגל קסמים. The answer leads us to a vicious circle. The answer leads us to a magic circle. أعندك غرفة تخصك؟ Do you have a room of your own? Do you have your own room? انطلق متجها إلى لندن أمس الأول. He departed for London the day before yesterday. Turned her up to London first yesterday. קינוח מהווה הזדמנות לפיטום עצמי. Dessert presents an opportunity for self-engorgement. Suicidal dessert is an opportunity for self-settling. מה זה? What is it? What is it? حبّس! راك تحرج فيها! Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Rac's upset with her! השתמשת בי. You used me. You used me. سام ، ما الذي تفعله؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? ما إنطباعك عن أمريكا؟ What's your impression of the United States? What's your impression of America? هل قمت بعملك؟ Did you do your tasks? Did you do your job? תום יצא בראש. Tom came out ahead. Tom's out in the head. منذ زمن بعيد والناس ينبهرون بقدرته الفائقة على حل المسائل الحسابية الرياضية في عقله بدون استخدام الورقة ولا القلم. From a very early age he amazed everyone with his extraordinary abilities to do mathematical calculations in his head without the use of pen and paper. People have long boasted of his outstanding ability to resolve sports accounting issues in his mind without using the paper or the pen. תום הסיר את המכסה והציץ פנימה. Tom lifted the lid and looked inside. Tom removed the lid and looked inside. את לא צריכה לענות על השאלה הזאת. You don't need to answer that question. You don't have to answer that question. אין הרבה תקווה. There is not much hope. There's not much hope. هذا بسببي. I caused this. That's because of me. אני חושב שאנחנו יכולים. I think we can. I think we can. לא אכפת לי מהסיכון. I don't care about the risk. I don't care about the risk. האם אתה יכול להמליץ לי על איזו מצלמה טובה? Can you recommend me a good camera? Can you recommend some good camera to me? זה הפך למיותר. It became useless. It's become unnecessary. كانت ليلى في مشكلة. Layla was in trouble. Lily was in trouble. היא שרה די טוב. She sang pretty well. She sings pretty good. دخل سامي إلى المستشفى. Sami went to the hospital. Sammy went to the hospital. الحظ أعمى. Luck is blind. Lucky's blind. כמה מנגואים תרצי? How many mangos will you want? How many mangoes would you like? كنّا صديقات. We were friends. We were friends. كان المدرّس يسخر منّي. The teacher made fun of me. The teacher was making fun of me. המשפט נמשך עשרה ימים אחד אחרי השני. The trial lasted for ten consecutive days. The trial lasted ten days after each other. רגליי בסדר. My legs are fine. My legs are fine. כשרון הרקוד שלו הרשים את כולם. His talent for dancing impressed everyone. His dance talent let them all go. كان سامي ينتظرك. Sami was waiting for you. Sammy was waiting for you. אתם יפים מאד. You're very beautiful. You guys are very nice. תום מתנגד לעישון. Tom is against smoking. Tom resists smoking. ماذا تعني؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? טום לא ידע שמרי החליטה להתפטר. Tom didn't know that Mary had decided to quit her job. Tom didn't know that Mary decided to quit. הם ירו בתום. They shot Tom. They shot dead. عليك أن تأخذ هذا. You have to take this. You have to take this. אני רק מנסה להרוויח קצת כסף לפרנס את ילדי. I'm just trying to make some money to feed my children. I'm just trying to make some money to save my kids. اعتنقت ليلى الإسلام و بدأت ترتدي الخمار. Layla converted to Islam and started wearing the Muslim headscarf. I've been taking care of Islam night, and she's starting to wear a piece of shit. "WHO" هو اختصار لمنظمة الصحة العالمية . WHO is the abbreviation for World Health Organization. WHO is a summary of the World Health Organization. أيمكنك إخباري عن سبب حبك لها؟ Could you please tell me why you love her? Can you tell me why you love her? העץ מטיל צל לאורך הרחוב. The tree cast a shadow across the road. The tree hangs a shadow along the street. אפשר לקבל מפית נייר בבקשה? May I have a napkin, please? Can I get a piece of paper, please? חוד החנית נטבל ברעל קטלני. The tip of the spear was dipped in a deadly poison. You're being poisoned by deadly poison. האם זה רחוק? Is it far away? Is that far? ماذا تطبخ؟ What are you cooking? What are you cooking? פרות מספקות לנו חלב. Cows provide us with milk. Cows provide us with milk. כפתור החולצה שלך נפרם. Your shirt button is coming off. Your shirt button's broken. בקשתי ממנו לשמור על החפצים שלי. I asked him to watch my things. I asked him to keep my stuff. מה עליי לעשות? What should I do? What should I do? אני מתרגם מוסמך. I'm a certified translator. I'm an authorized translator. بإمكان سامي البقاء. Sami can stay. Sammy can stay. אני אוהב רומנים רומנטיים. I love romance novels. I like romantic novels. אני רוצה שבני יהיה מהנדס מכונות. I want my son to become a mechanical engineer. I want my son to be a machine engineer. أخبرني، هيا. Come on and tell me. Tell me, come on. בוא נביא משהו קר לשתות. Let's get something cold to drink. Let's get something cold to drink. הוא דבק בהנחה שלו. He stuck with his own theory. He stuck in his assumption. كسّر سامي نظّاراته و لا يستطيع رؤية شيء. Sami broke his glasses and he can't see anything. Break his glasses, and he can't see anything. تسبّب مرض سامي النّفسي في إيقاف مشواره في عرض الأزياء. Sami's mental illness cut his modeling career short. Sami's disease causes a stopover in the fashion show. لا يريد جمال أن يعلم هذا. Jamal doesn't want to know about it. Jamal doesn't want to know that. واحد لوقت كونت حايب نولّي استرۆفيزيسيان. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. One for a while was a nolly-storian fan. אני חייב לספר לו את זה. I have to tell him about it. I have to tell him that. יש לי שגרון. I have arthritis. I've got a throat. אני לא צריך אותך. I don't need you. I don't need you. תום נלחם באומץ. Tom fought bravely. Tom fights bravely. בסתיו משנים העלים את צבעם ונושרים. In autumn, leaves change color and fall. In the fall, years have gone up their colors and roots. אני רעב. ואת? I'm hungry. What about you? I'm hungry. تصحق سح تسقسي لاكيستيۆن باش تعرف لاريپۆنس⸮ Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer? You're trying to get along with Lacetien Bash, you know Laryp's. לא אאשים אותו בכך שגרם לתאונה. I will not blame him for the accident. I'm not gonna blame him for causing an accident. أيها الناس! أيها الناس، لو سمحتم! شكرًا على حضوركم. Everybody! Everybody, please! Thank you for coming. People, people, please, thank you for your presence. እኔ ሐኪም ነኝ። I'm a doctor. I am a physician. يمكنك المجيء والعيش معي. You could come and live with me. You can come and live with me. אני חייב להגיד לך משהו עכשיו. I must say something to you now. I have to tell you something now. דבר לא פעל. Nothing was working. Nothing worked. אני לא יכולה לסבול ילדים שמרעישים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't put up with kids who do. توم ليس كبيراً بما يكفي ليفهم هذا. Tom isn't old enough to understand this. Tom's not big enough to understand that. עוד לא גמרתי איתך. I am not finished with you yet. I'm not done with you yet. هو يحبّ الطّقوس. He loves rituals. He likes to worship. הייתי רוצה לדעת איפה קנית את זה. I'd like to know where you bought that. I'd like to know where you bought it. אפשר לדבר איתך שניה? Can I talk to you a sec? Can I talk to you for a second? ألقوا أسلحتكم! Drop your weapons! Drop your weapons! קח את הדברים שלך. Grab your stuff. Take your stuff. Ma kienx tort tiegħi. It was not my fault. It wasn't my fault. תום חבר במסדר אדוק. Tom belonged to a religious order. Tom's a good friend. ذهب سامي للتّسوّق. Sami went shopping. Sami went to bed. أين تقترح أن نذهب؟ Where would you suggest we go? Where do you suggest we go? החלטת החלטה טובה. You made a good decision. You made a good decision. الصحة هي أغلى شيء نملكه. Health is the most precious thing we have. Health is the most important thing we have. כולם היו שמחים. All were happy. Everyone was happy. אני סבור שהוא מסוגל. I think he's competent. I think he's capable. لقد تم سرقتها. It's been stolen. She was stolen. זה הבית בו נולדתי. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. זה מובן שאתה מרוגז. It is natural that you should get angry. Of course you're upset. תום קורא ספר היסטוריה. Tom is reading a history book. Tom reads history book. הכל מתנהל על מי מנוחות. Everything is going just fine. It's all about who's comfortable. אני לא מסכים. I don't agree. I don't agree. צילמתי את זה לפני שבוע. I took that photo a week ago. I took that picture a week ago. ألا تبعد يدك عني؟ Will you take your hand off me? Don't you get your hand off me? كان الاقتصاد الياباني واحدا من أسرع الإقتصادات نموا في عام 1980. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. The Japanese economy was one of the fastest-growing economies in 1980. وقع سامي في حبّ فتاة مسلمة اسمها ليلى. Sami fell in love with a Muslim girl named Layla. Sammy fell in love with a Muslim girl named Lily. عاش سامي حياة برّاقة. Sami lived a glittering life. Sami lived a wonderful life. בפעם הקודמת היתה זו לידה טבעית. Last time it was a natural childbirth. Last time it was a natural birth. قامت أمي بقياس حرارة جسدي. My mother took my temperature. My mother measured my body temperature. אין לי שום דבר אחר לאכול. I've got nothing else to eat. I have nothing else to eat. הוא לעולם לא פותח את הפה מבלי להתלונן על משהו. He never opens his mouth without complaining about something. He'll never open his mouth without complaining about something. אני יודעת שאת לועגת לי מאחורי הגב. I know you make fun of me behind my back. I know you're laughing at me behind my back. كان غرض الرسالة هو إخبارها أنه كان مريضا. The letter was to let her know that he had been ill. The point of the letter was to tell her that he was sick. لم يكن ذلك قصدي. That wasn't my intention. That wasn't my intention. باريس إحدى أكثر مدن العالم زيارةً. Paris is one of the world’s most visited cities. Paris is one of the world's most visited cities. אני בטוחה שלטום לא תהיה התנגדות. I'm sure Tom won't mind. I'm sure Tom won't have an objection. كان سامي يريد أن تهتمّ به الفتيات. Sami wanted girls to pay attention to him. Sammy wanted the girls to take care of him. היא נתנה בי מבט מלא משמעות. She gave me a meaningful look. She gave me a full look at me. רק תכנס פנימה. Just get inside. Just get inside. אתמול קניתי כלב. לדאבוני דודתי בישלה אותו לארוחת הערב. Yesterday I bought a dog. Sadly my aunt cooked it for dinner. Yesterday, I bought a dog, and my cousin had it cooked for dinner. تمّت ترقية سامي. Sami was promoted. Sami's promoted. עכשיו תאזיני היטב. Now listen carefully. Now listen carefully. كانت ليلى مشجّعة مثيرة في الجامعة. Layla was a sexy college cheerleader. Lily was an exciting lecturer at the university. ממש הרגע חשבתי עליך. I was just now thinking about you. I was just thinking about you. חשבתי שפתרנו את זה כבר. I thought we had settled that already. I thought we'd solved it already. قد لا نتحمل سعره. We may not be able to afford it. We may not bear his price. يبحث علماء مركز "سيتي" عن حياة ذكيّة في الفضاء لأنّهم لم يعثروا عليها في كوكب الأرض! The people at SETI are looking for intelligent life in the universe because they haven't found it here on Earth! Cetti's scientists are looking for a smart life in space because they didn't find it on Earth! الاطار الخلفي لعجلتي ضارب. The rear tire of my bicycle is flat. The backseat of my wheel is squeaky. أنفقت ليلى 8000 جنيه على الملابس ذلك الشّهر. Layla spent 8,000 pounds on clothing that month. I spent 8000 pounds on the clothes that month. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي سمع شيئا. Sami must have heard something. Sami must have heard something. איפה אתה רואה אותו? Where do you see him? Where do you see him? آسف على الإزعاج. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry to bother. لم أكن أنوِ أن أخبره. I wasn't going to tell him. I wouldn't tell him. אינני אוהבת את העניבה שאתה עונב. I don't like the tie that you're wearing. I don't like the tie you're wearing. نظّفنا صفّنا. We've finished cleaning our classroom. We cleaned up our class. לתרופה לא היתה כל השפעה. The medicine had no effect. The drug had no effect. قد يبدو أحياناً شاباً غريباً. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. Sometimes it looks weird. שמור על קור רוח. Keep your cool. Keep it cool. نحتاج فقط قليلا من الوقت. We just need a little time. We just need a little time. هيّا يا جيم. Come on, Jim. Come on, Jim. عندي تذكرة زائدة. I have an extra ticket. I have an extra ticket. הם הלכו להרים? Did they go to the mountains? They went to the mountains? ארבע כפול שתיים הם שמונה. Four multiplied by two is eight. Four times two are eight. الحادثة دي حصلت بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. The D-incident happened because of his neglect. תום השתתף בישיבה ההיא. Tom attended that meeting. Tom attended that meeting. لم تعد هذه الكلمة مستعملةً. This word has gone out of use. This word is no longer used. ستصل السفينة الفضائية إلى القمر قريباً. The space ship will get to the moon soon. The spaceship will arrive in the Moon soon. إنه يركلني!! He's kicking me! He's kicking me! هيا لنشرب. Let's get drunk. Come on, let's drink. لا تعبث بإنفك! Don't pick your nose! Don't fuck your nose! ربّما علينا الذّهاب إلى ورشة الإصلاحة. Maybe we should go to the repair shop. Maybe we should go to the reform workshop. قريب ما كان حتّى واحد في هاديك الصالة. There was hardly anyone in the room. Nearby was even one in your hall. תום היחידי שמבין את זה. Tom is the only one who understands this. Tom's the only one who gets it. القبائل يتكلمون اللغة الأمازيغيّة التي يُطلق عليها محليّا القبائلية. بالنسبة للإنفصاليين، يتكلمون، يكتبون و يقرأون بالفرنسية أمّا الأمازيغيّة فهي غريبة بالنسبة لهم مثل الروسيّة. Kabyles speak the Berber language that's locally called Kabyle. As for the separatists, they speak, write and read in French and Berber is as strange to them as Russian is. The tribes speak the Amazigh language, which is called the local tribal language. For emigrants, they speak, write and read in French, the Amazigh Mother is as strange to them as Russian. عليك عدم الخوف. You need not have such fear. You need not be afraid. لولا مساعدتها لم اكن علي قيد الحياه الان If it weren't for her help, I would not be alive now. If it wasn't for her help, I wouldn't be alive right now. הוא חילץ את הילדה מהאש. He rescued the child from the fire. He pulled the girl out of the fire. אני ממליץ על ספר זה אפילו יותר מהראשון. I would recommend this book even more than the first. I recommend this book even more than the first. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear back from Layla. Night's news went off of Sammy. אם לא יירד גשם, גם אני אלך. Unless it rains, I will go, too. If it doesn't rain, I'll go too. אלג'יריה זו מדינה בצפון אפריקה. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a country in North Africa. למה הוא לא יושב איתי יותר? Why isn't he sitting with me anymore? Why doesn't he sit with me anymore? لم أقل كلمتي الأخيرة! I didn't say my last word! I didn't say my last word! דעתי כדעתך. I agree. I think so. כדורגל פופולרי יותר מכדורסל. Soccer is more popular than baseball. A more popular football than basketball. טיפלתי בחתול של תום. I took care of Tom's cat. I took care of Tom's cat. لا ينكسر البلاستيك بسهولة. Plastic does not break easily. Don't break the plastic easily. אני חושב שזה מה שאתה צריך עכשיו לדאוג. I think that's what you should be worried about. I think that's what you need to worry about now. بكيت لأن الجميع غيري بكى. I just cried because all the others did. I cried because everyone else was crying. الساعة بطلت تشتغل. The clock has stopped. The clock's out. תזוז הלאה, תום. Move it along, Tom. Move on, Tom. תוכנית הוועידה עשירה באופן יוצא מן הכלל. על פי רוב מושמעות ארבע או חמש הרצאות בו זמנית. The program for the convention is extraordinarily rich. There are generally four or five lectures taking place at the same time. An extraordinaryly rich conference program, according to most of the four or five lectures at the same time. أرسلنا لهم نسخة. We sent them a copy. We sent them a copy. ألقى سامي بكرسيّ عبر النّافذة. Sami threw a chair through the window. I put Sammy in my chair through the window. ידעתי שזה ישמח אותו. I knew it would make him happy. I knew it would make him happy. نشأ سامي في مدينة جامعيّة نابضة بالحيويّة. Sami grew up in a vibrant college town. Sami grew up in a dynamic university city. المكيّف لا يعمل. The air conditioner doesn't work. The adaptor's not working. הצירים הצביעו תשעים וחמש פעמים ללא הצלחה. The delegates voted ninety-five times without success. The paintings voted nine and five times without success. Immur l-iskola fit-tmienja ta' filgħodu. I go to school at eight in the morning. Go to school in the eighth morning. האווירון נחת בחווה של אבי. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The air landed on my father's farm. محاولته باءت بالفشل. His attempt ended in failure. Bett tried to fail. זה לא היה רעש אדמה. That was not an earthquake. It wasn't an earthquake. יש לך סדינים? Do you have blankets? Do you have sheets? אני לא יכולה להבדיל ביניהם. I can't tell them apart. I can't make a difference between them. אפשר רגע מזמנך? May I have a moment of your time? Can I have a moment of your time? אני אוהב ללכת לחוף. I love going to the beach. I like going to the beach. بدأنا نفهم أكثر. We began to understand more. We started to understand more. ראיתי את "מלחמת הכוכבים" פעמיים. I have seen "Star Wars" twice. I saw Star Wars twice. هذه الشركة لا تولي أهمية لسلامة عمالها. This company is indifferent to the safety of its workers. This company does not attach importance to the safety of its employees. هي طالبة She's a student. She's a student. יש לי הרגשה שהיא תבוא היום. I have a feeling that she'll come today. I have a feeling she'll come today. אין לנו כסף נוסף. We have no extra money. We don't have any more money. אני לא יודע בדיוק מתי אחזור. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. أنا أُحِب هاري, ليس أكثر من دراكو طبعاً, ولكن ما زلتُ أعتقد أنه لطيف. I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool. I like Harry, of course not more than Dracco, but I still think he's nice. إننا مسؤولون عن حمايتك من الآن فصاعداً. We are responsible for your protection from now on. We are responsible for protecting you from now on. لم يدعني سامي. Sami didn't invite me. Sammy didn't let me. הם יודעים מה קורה. They know what's going on. They know what's going on. أمس قرأت قصة مثيرة للاهتمام. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. لا تتحدى من ليس لديه ما يخسره. Don't challenge someone who has nothing to lose. Don't challenge who has nothing to lose. هل هذا هو الحب؟ Is it love? Is that love? أتى سامي إلى العيادة للقاء ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet Lily. מה שאני רוצה יותר מכל, הוא שתהיה מאושר. What I want, more than anything else, is for you to be happy. What I want more than anything, is that you'll be happy. لم يسيء إليك أحد. Nobody hurt me. Nobody lied to you. הוא מנצל היטב את הפסיונים שהוא צד. לכל חלק של העוף יש לו ייעוד. He makes good use of the pheasants he hunts. He has a purpose for every part of the bird. He's taking advantage of the psychons he's hunting for every part of the chicken he's got a warrant. ג'ון שלח לי מכתב כתוב בגרמנית. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a letter in German. البرنامج سوف ينتهي بالنشيد الوطني . The program will finish with the national anthem. The program will end with the national anthem. سمع سامي صوت أمّه. Sami heard his mother's voice. Sami heard the voice of his mother. אני מסתייג מהרמז שלכם. I resent your implication. I'm off your clues. תום הסתיר את הספר מאחורי הגב. Tom hid the book behind his back. Tom hid the book behind his back. כשאני מבקר את הנכד שלי, אני תמיד נותן לו משהו. When I go to see my grandson, I always give him something. When I visit my grandson, I always give him something. إننا نستهلك الكثير من الماء يومياً. We use a lot of water every day. We consume a lot of water every day. קיימת תנועה חזקה נגד שימוש בגרעין בגרמניה. There is a strong anti-nuclear movement in Germany. There is a strong movement against nuclear use in Germany. אני לא פציינט. I'm not a patient. I'm not a patient. من تلك البنت؟ Who's that girl? Who's that girl? يظن توم أن على ماري الاعتذار من جون. Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John. Tom thinks Mary has to apologize to John. השמיים בהירים כמעט בכל יום. The sky is clear almost every day. The sky is almost clear every day. מרי כל כך יפה! Mary is so pretty. Mary is so beautiful! سئمت من تحمل تباهيه بنفسه. I'm tired of listening to his boasts. I'm sick of who's fucking himself. אתה יכול לעמוד? Can you stand? Can you stand? شهدنا ثلاثة حروب. We've seen three wars. We've seen three wars. אני חייב להשמיד אותך. I must destroy you. I have to destroy you. למה אתה מבקר באוסטרליה? Why are you visiting Australia? Why are you visiting Australia? תום אינו הגיוני. Tom is illogical. Tom doesn't make any sense. מגרד לי ביד. My hand itches. I'm being handcuffed. كان فاضل خطيرا جدّا بالنّسبة للنّاس. Fadil was very dangerous to other people. It was a very serious struggle for people. لم تكن التفاصيل جاهزة مباشرة. Details weren't immediately available. The details weren't ready right now. لقد أوقفته، أليس كذلك؟ You stopped it, didn't you? I stopped it, didn't I? هل تعرف كيف تستخدم قاموسًا؟ Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a phrase? אני מצטערת לומר שלעוגיות המדלן שלך יש מרקם של גומי. I'm sorry to say that your madeleines have the consistency of rubber. I'm sorry to say your flint cookies have a pile of gums. من الواضح انه خرب . It's obviously ruined. Clearly, it's a destruction. أسمعت الأخبار؟ Did you hear the news? Did you hear the news? זו שיטה מצוינת לשחרר מתח. It's an excellent method to relieve stress. It's an excellent way to release stress. נתתי בהם אמון. I trusted them. I gave them confidence. איש לא היה עדיין ער. No one was awake yet. No one was still awake. لم نصدق ذلك We didn't believe it. We didn't believe it. متأكّد من أننا سنجد حلّا. We'll find a solution, I'm sure. I'm sure we'll find a solution. أريد أن ترووا لي كلّ ما حدث. I want you to tell me everything that happened. I want you to see me all that happened. احفظ المال في مكان آمن. Keep the money in a safe place. Save money in a safe place. بقى عازف بيانو. He became a pianist. Stay abscond. הנה כרטיס החבר שלי. Here's my friend's ticket. Here's my friend's card. אינני חושב שהם גילו משהו על תום עדיין. I don't think they've found out about Tom yet. I don't think they found anything on Tom yet. الأُم تنتظر. Mother is waiting. Mom's waiting. מי יכול לסרב? Who could refuse? Who can refuse? אני רוצה לעשות את זה כראוי. I want to get it right. I want to do it right. אזרחים מתווכחים על ביטוח בריאות בעיריה. Citizens are debating about health care at City Hall. Citizens argue about health insurance in the city. أرسل سامي رسالة أخرى لليلى. Sami sent Layla another letter. Sammy sent another message to me. هرب الرجل بعد أن رأى الشرطي. Seeing the policeman, the man ran away. The man ran away after he saw the cop. תום כתב השבוע למרי. Tom wrote to Mary this week. Tom wrote this week for Mary. אשאיל לך מטרייה אם אתה זקוק לה. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. I'll lend you a umbrella if you need it. لا تنس مطرّيتك. Don't forget your umbrella. Don't forget your rain. كانت دايمن هاكدا. This is always the way it has been. It was Damon Hakada. אני צריך לתקן את הבגדים שלי כי ירדתי במשקל. I have to alter my clothes because I've lost weight. I need to fix my clothes because I lose weight. תום צריך קסדה. Tom needs a helmet. Tom needs a helmet. הם יהיו בסדר. They're going to be OK. They'll be fine. ابق معنا. Stay here with us. Stay with us. بمن اتّصل فاضل؟ Who did Fadil contact? Who's calling the wrong man? אינני שואלת לדעתן. I'm not asking for their opinion. I'm not asking for their opinion. هىَ فقدت والدها فىِ البحر. She lost her father at sea. She lost her father at sea. استمع إلى أمك Listen to your mother. Listen to your mother. كان جالسا، يحتسي النبيذ. He was sitting drinking wine. He was sitting, holding wine. وجد سامي نفسه في سرير مستشفى. Sami found himself in a hospital bed. Sammy found himself in a hospital bed. הוא היה מופרע. He was mentally troubled. He was disturbed. משוך אותי פנימה. Pull me in. Pull me in. هل توافق على هذا؟ Do you agree about that? Do you agree with that? נאפולי היא עיר ציורית. Naples is a picturesque city. Napoli is a painting town. הם הפכו לבעל ואישה. They became man and wife. They became husband and wife. מה חדש? What's the news? What's new? أتمنى أن تتقبلوا طلبي. I hope that you will accept my request. I hope you accept my request. הוספתי את שמו של תום לרשימה. I put Tom's name on the list. I added Tom's name to the list. האם ידעת שבהר הזה חיים שועלים? Did you know that foxes live on this mountain? Did you know that this mountain lives weaving? ما عنديش الفلوس I don't have any money. Where's the Falls? نظر إليّ شزرًا. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. Look at me. תום היה זה שצץ במוחו הרעיון. Tom was the one who came up with the idea. Tom was the one who had the idea in mind. הם תמיד מתלוננים. They are always complaining. They always complain. أنا أعرفه I know him. I know him. بِتْنا في هاكوني. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We grew up in Hakony. הם התקדמו? Have they made progress? They made progress? إنها باردة كالثلج. It's as cold as ice. It's cold like ice. هذا حقا ممتع This is really interesting. That's really fun. أود ان ادعوك إلى العشاء. I'd like to invite you to dinner. I'd like to invite you to dinner. הוא לא ידע מה לעשות. He was at a loss what to do. He didn't know what to do. لا بدّ من أنّه مطعم غال جدّا! It must be a very expensive restaurant! It must be a very expensive restaurant! קן הוא שחיין טוב. Ken is a good swimmer. Ken's a good player. כולם מהרו החוצה. Everyone rushed outdoors. Everybody's running out. טום איבד את כובעו והרגיש שהיה עליו לקנות אחד חדש. Tom lost his cap, and he felt that he had to buy a new one. Tom lost his hat and felt he had to buy a new one. عادةً ما ألعب التنس. I usually play tennis. I usually play tennis. تجمّع أصدقاء ليلى في المستشفى. Layla's friends gathered at the hospital. He's gathering friends at night in the hospital. قررا الزواج الشهر المقبل. They've decided to get married next month. They decided to marry next month. מארי האכילה את הדגים. Marie fed the fish. Marie ate the fish. تعلم لغة أجنبية صعب. It's difficult to learn a foreign language. You know, it's a tough foreign language. Ejja hawn! Come here. Come here! فتّشت الشّرطة حاوية النّفايات التي كانت خلف مكتب سامي. Police searched the dumpster behind Sami's office. The sheriff searched the waste container that was behind Sami's office. ما أذنت لك أن تمس الفن You are not permitted to touch the art. What I've authorized you to touch the art. لا يمكننا تجاهل هذه المشكلة. This problem can't be ignored. We can't ignore this problem. בגיל 60 הוא פרש לגמלאות. At the age of sixty, he retired. At the age of 60, he retired. سوف أجعله يسمع. I'll get him to listen. I'll make him hear. لا تقلق. أنا لدي تأمين. Don't worry. I have insurance. Don't worry, I have insurance. אני שומעת אתכם היטב. I hear you very well. I hear you guys very well. זאת הרגשה נפלאה. That feels wonderful. It feels great. أعطني الكتاب Give me the book. Give me the book. أنا ما شربت الحليب. I didn't drink the milk. I didn't drink milk. הם מפיצים דוגמיות חינם. They're giving away samples free. They're spreading free models. את שמרנית. You're conservative. You're a conservative. يوجد في هذا المتجر حلوى أكثر من المتجر الآخر. This shop has more candy than that shop. There is more candy in this store than the other store. هل تلك عربتك؟ Is that your carriage? Is that your car? מה שאני רוצה עכשיו זו גלידה. What I want now is ice cream. What I want now is ice cream. אם אין לך נטיה למוזיקה מודרנית לא תהני מהקונצרט הזה. If you have no liking for modern music, you will not enjoy this concert. If you don't have a tendency to modern music, you won't enjoy this concert. ولا يمكن لخطاب واحد أن يلغي سنوات من عدم الثقة كما لا يمكنني أن أقدم الإجابة على كافة المسائل المعقدة التي أدت بنا إلى هذه النقطة No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point. One speech can't eliminate years of distrust, nor can I give an answer to all the complex issues that have led us to this point. רק תסתלק. Just go away. Just get out. אני אוהב את הפשטות של השמלה שלה. I like the simplicity of her dress. I like the simplicity of her dress. أوقعت مفاتيحي. I dropped my keys. I dropped my keys. أريد تعلم الإيندونيسية. I want to learn Indonesian. I want to learn Indonesia. הבאת מים. You brought some water. You brought water. מיץ תפוזים הוא המיץ הפופולרי ביותר באמריקה. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. Orange juice is the most popular juice in America. أنت حقا ممل. You're really annoying. You're really boring. ليلى فتاة جميلة. Layla is a pretty girl. Lily's a beautiful girl. תגידי לתום שאת אוהבת אותו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי. Tell Tom that you love him before it's too late. Tell Tom you love him before it's too late. טבע האדם מפחיד אותי. Human's nature scares me. Man's nature scares me. ألقى سامي بالمسدّس من النّافذة. Sami threw the gun out the window. Sami threw a gun out of the window. توم مذعور قليلا. Tom's a bit freaked out. Tom's a little freaky. መጽሃፉ ቀይ ነው። His book is red. The door is red. درس سامي في الثّانويّة. Sami studied at high school. Sammy's second lesson. رفع إيدو. He raised his hands. Get Edo up. ג'ים הוא לא עורך דין, אלא רופא. Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor. Jim's not a lawyer, he's a doctor. בבקשה סור הצידה. Step aside, please. Please step aside. תום לא פגע במרי. Tom didn't hurt Mary. Tom didn't hurt Mary. ערבב את התערובת עד שתהיה חלקה. Blend the mixture together until it is smooth. I'll mix the mix up until you're part of it. החברה שלנו בסכנת פשיטת רגל, אני מתבייש לומר. Our firm is on the verge of bankruptcy, I'm ashamed to say. Our girlfriend's in danger of failure, I'm ashamed to say. أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يمضيا بقيّة حياتهما سويّا. Layla and Sami wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Lily and Sammy wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. אתה שותה דיאט? Do you drink diet soda? Are you drinking diet? אבי הגדיר את עצמו כהונגרי נאמן. My father regarded himself as a loyal Hungarian. My father set himself up as a loyal Hungarian. كان سامي ينتظر بالقرب من هناك. Fadil waited nearby. Sammy was waiting near there. هل لحقت بالقطار؟ Did you catch the train? Did you catch the train? كان سامي يعيش في مجمّع مسوّر. Sami lived in a gated community. Sammy was living in a store complex. הצמחים הירוקים לוקחים פחמן דו חמצני מהאטמוספירה. The green plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Green plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. רגלו של תום נתונה בגבס זה כמה שבועות. Tom has had his leg in a cast for a few weeks now. Tom's leg is in the cage for a few weeks. רק לעצתך יש לשעות. Only your advice has to be followed. Your advice's for hours. שמור על כוחותיך. Save your strength. Take care of your powers. הקצין הפיח עוז בחייליו. The officer aroused courage in his soldiers. The officer made a fortune in his mind. إنّهنّ معي. They're with me. They're with me. تعرّف فاضل على ليلى بالكاد. Fadil barely recognized Dania. You've barely identified a felony on Lily. הלוואי שהייתי כל כך מאושרת כל יום. I wish I were this happy every day. I wish I was so happy every day. הוא לא יכול להישאר הרבה זמן. He can't stay long. He can't stay long. אינכם יכולים להפחיד אותי. You can't intimidate me. You can't scare me. أنا لا أعرف متى سيكون لدي الوقت لأنهي قراءة بقية هذا الكتاب. I don't know when I'll have time to finish reading the rest of this book. I don't know when I'll have time to read the rest of this book. انسَ أمر العشاء. You could forget about dinner. Forget the dinner thing. لدي صداع في رأسي. I've got a headache. I have a headache in my head. האם התספורת החדשה מוצאת חן בעינייך? Do you like my new haircut? Do you like the new haircut? لماذا ذهبت إلى طوكيو؟ Why did you go to Tokyo? Why did you go to Tokyo? كان فاضل بحاجة ماسة للمال. Fadil needed money bad. There was a huge need for money. רגלי כואבות מישיבה. My legs ache from sitting. My legs hurt from meeting. أراد سامي أن يصبح مسلما. Sami wanted to be a Muslim. Sami wanted to become a Muslim. لديه سيارته الخاصة. He has his own car. He has his own car. אף לרגע אני לא חושב שאתה טועה. I do not for a moment think you are wrong. Not for a moment. I don't think you're wrong. תום עובד פה. Tom works here. Tom works here. אתה לא מפסיק להרשים אותי. You never cease to impress me. You don't stop impressing me. هل توم هو من اعطاك مسدس الماء هذا ؟ Was Tom the one who gave you this squirt gun? Is Tom the one who gave you this water gun? טום יודע לבשל טוב מאד. Tom can cook very well. Tom can cook very well. أردتُ أن أتأكد أنك ستأتي إلى هنا. I needed to make sure you'd come here. I wanted to make sure you came here. يمكننا أن نوصله الليلة. We can deliver it this evening. We can reach him tonight. سام ، ماذا تفعل؟ Sam, what are you doing? Sam, what are you doing? ما ثمن هذه القبّعة؟ What is the price of this cap? What's the cost of this hat? إنها لذيذة! It's delicious! It's delicious! אני מסיר את כובעי בפניו מפני העבודה הקשה. I take my hat off to him for his hard work. I'm removing my hat in front of him from the hard work. תום נהג לצאת למסעדה כל יום, אבל עכשיו הוא לא יכול להרשות זאת לעצמו. Tom used to eat out every day, but he can't afford to anymore. Tom used to go out to the restaurant every day, but now he can't afford it. אני חושב שהוא צודק. I think he's right. I think he's right. תום לקח את המפתח מהדלת. Tom removed the key from the door. Tom took the key out the door. يبدو لي أن كلكم مخطئون. It appears to me that you are all mistaken. Looks to me like you're all wrong. دفعني المدرّس بعيدا. The teacher pushed me away. The teacher pushed me away. הרגשתי די מאושרת. I felt pretty happy. I felt pretty happy. אתה פוחד? Are you afraid? Are you scared? أتود تناول الغذاء معي؟ Would you join me for lunch? You want to eat with me? إنه ليس ما تعتقد! It's not what you think! It's not what you think! זה עלול לא לעבור כל כך חלק כפי שאתה מקווה, תום. This may not go as smoothly as you hope, Tom. It may not be as smooth as you hope, Tom. אני חושבת שאנו צריכים הפסקה. I think we need some time off. I think we need a break. المكان ليس بعيداً عن باريس. It is not far to Paris. It's not far from Paris. למה יש משאיות מכבי אש מול הבניין שלנו? Why are there fire trucks in front of our building? Why are there fire trucks in front of our building? אני יודע מה עובר על תום ומרי. I know what Tom and Mary are going through. I know what goes on Tom and Mary. الطونوبيل تاعنا طاحت أون پان. Our car broke down. Tonubil was known as the On-Pan mill. לך אחורנית. Back off. Go back. אקפוץ לכאן מחר, אם תרצה. I will be over tomorrow if you like. I'll jump here tomorrow, if you like. هذه السيارة تحتاج لإصلاح. This car needs repairing. This car needs repair. الإنجليزية ليست لغتي الأم. English is not my mother tongue. English is not my mother tongue. טום נתקע בפקק תנועה. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. Tom got stuck in a traffic jam. אינני רואה מדוע אלה חדשות. I don't see why this is news. I don't see why this is news. יצאנו להצילה. We went to her rescue. We went out to save her. توم هو أستاذ ماري. Tom is Mary's professor. Tom is Professor Mary. תירגע! Calm down. Calm down! ليس لدى سامي دروس هذا الصّباح. Sami doesn't have class this morning. I don't have any lessons for this guy. האם אתם אוהבים חתולים שחורים? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? זה שטיח יפה מאד. It's a beautiful rug. It's a very beautiful carpet. אני מתכנן להישאר בעיר. I'm planning on staying in the city. I'm planning on staying in town. لقد انتهي الأمر بيننا It's over between us. It's over between us. أساء الملك استخدام سلطته. The king abused his power. The king misused his authority. היא דיברה עם מנהל בית הספר. She spoke with the school superintendent. She talked to the school manager. هيا بنا. Let's go. Let's go. אינני יודע לשרוק. I can't whistle. I don't know how to throw. تعلم في مدرسة عمومية. He was educated at a public school. Learns in public school. נתנו לאדגר דיגה קול שאנו מקווים שיתאים לו. We have given Edgar Degas a voice that we hope suits him. We gave Edgar Diga a voice that we hope he'll be right with. يجب عليك الانضمام لي. You must join me. You have to join me. הרכבת האחרונה כבר נסעה. The last train has already gone. The last train's already gone. أيٌّ قلمك؟ Which is your pen? Which pen is it? ستحتاج جسرًا مؤقتًا. You'll need a temporary bridge. You're gonna need a bridge temporarily. איך תרצה את הביצים? How do you like your eggs done? How would you like the eggs? اعترف سامي بذلك. Sami admitted that. Sammy admitted it. הסתכלו! כוכב נופל! Look! A falling star! Look, a star falls! هناك برتقالة على الطاولة. There's an orange on the table. There's orange on the table. كانت هناك لطخات دم في كلّ مكان من الغرفة. There was blood spatter everywhere in the room. There were blood clots everywhere in the room. אני בטוח שניתן לסדר את זה. I'm sure it could be arranged. I'm sure it can be arranged. שברת אי פעם רגל? Have you ever broken a leg? Have you ever broken a leg? אני צריכה לתת ללבי להחליט. I need to follow my heart. I need to let my heart decide. נלך לקחת את תום. We'll go get Tom. We'll go get Tom. دعونا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. أذهب الى مركز الشرطة. I'm going to the police station. Go to the police station. הדבר האחד שתמיד רציתי לעשות היה לכתוב ספר לילדים. One thing I've always wanted to do is write a children's book. The one thing I've always wanted to do was write a book for the kids. בואו למשרד שלי. Come to my office. Come to my office. እዚ ጓል እትሰርሖ ስራሕ ኣይኮነን። This is not a job that a woman can do. This girl is not a work to be done. M'iniex tabib. I'm not a doctor. We are not a doctor. لا يمكن لليلى أن تنجب أطفالا. Layla can't have children. You can't have children. מי הילדה הזאת? Who's that girl? Who's that girl? توم على ظهر السفينة. Tom is on the ship's deck. Tom's on the back of the ship. אני מוסיף את המשפט הזה עכשיו. I'm adding this sentence now. I'm adding this sentence now. ጥሩ ተማሪ ነው። He is a good student. He's a good student. אל תעשה שום דבר פזיז כמו להחליט ללכת עם תום. Don't do anything foolhardy like deciding to go with Tom. Don't do anything rash like deciding to go with Tom. كان سامي يغادر المدرسة. Sami was leaving school. Sammy was leaving school. استرجعت ليلى صحّتها. Layla regained her health. She returned to her health at night. لم نكن سعداء We weren't happy. We weren't happy. ألا تستطيع مساعدتي بأي شيء؟ Can't you do anything to help me? Can't you help me with anything? אני לא בטוחה שזה באמת מה שאתה רוצה. I'm not so sure that that's really what you want. I'm not sure that's what you really want. እኔ ትልቅ ነኝ። I'm big. I am great. אפשר להגיע לשם בהליכה? Is it possible to get there on foot? Can we get there on the walk? אני לא שותה הרבה יין. I don't drink much wine. I don't drink much wine. למכונית הזאת מספיק כוח כדי לטפס על ההר בקלות. This car has enough power to go up the mountain easily. This car has enough power to climb the mountain easily. אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאני אידיוטית. I know you think I'm stupid. I know you think I'm an idiot. لنتصافح. Let's shake hands. Let's go. אהלן. Hello. - Hi. - Hi. תום אומר שהוא יכול לחזות את העתיד. Tom says he can see into the future. Tom says he can predict the future. תום הלך לפתוח את הדלת אבל גילה שהיא כבר פתוחה. Tom went to unlock the door, but found that it was already unlocked. Tom went to open the door but found out she was already open. תום היה עושה הרבה דברים מסוג זה. Tom has been doing a lot of stuff. Tom would've done a lot of this kind of thing. תום עכשיו נשוי למרי. Tom is now married to Mary. Tom is now married to Mary. הייתי רוצה לדעת יותר על זה. I'd like to know more about it. I'd like to know more about that. האם היית פעם באופרה? Have you ever been to an opera? Have you ever been to the opera? ليلة سعيدة! Good night! Good night! ذهبت ليلى إلى الجامعة. Layla went to college. Lily went to college. لهذا أنا خرجت That's why I quit. That's why I'm out. היית נוכח במקום הפשע? Were you present at the crime scene? Were you present at the crime scene? خرج الوضع عن سيطرتي. The situation is beyond my grasp. Get out of control. هذا القاموس لا ينفع لشيء. This dictionary isn't useful at all. This diaper doesn't work for anything. מה שאני הכי שונא אצלו זה שהוא מתרברב שהיו לו ציונים טובים בבית הספר למרות שהוא לא למד. The thing I hate most about him is that he boasts of having had good grades in school despite not studying. What I hate most is that he brags that he had good grades at school even though he didn't learn. ماذا ستأكلون على الغداء؟ What's everyone eating for lunch? What are you gonna eat at lunch? מה היית עושה לו ראית רוח רפאים? What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you have done to him when you saw a ghost? הוא ירה בי. He shot at me. He shot me. أتظن أني أعطي الموضوع أكبر من حجمه؟ Do you think I'm exaggerating? You think I'm giving it bigger than it is? אתה צריך לבקר. You should come over. You should visit. انا املك تأشيرة سياحية . I have a tourist visa. I have a tourist visa. لا تضحك على الأبله و المعوق. Do not laugh at the weak-minded and the disabled. Don't laugh at the idiot and the disabled. سيكون من السهل إيجاد شخص يقوم بذلك من أجلك. It'll be easy to find someone to do that for you. It'll be easy to find someone to do this for you. ينبغي أن يكون كل نص من نوع مختلف. Each text should be of a different type. Each text should be of a different kind. אותיות קטנות אלו נראות רק בעזרת עדשה מגדלת. These small letters can only be read with a magnifying glass. These little letters can only be seen with a mature lens. ينتظر العنكبوت هناك الحشراتِ الصغيرة كالفراشات واليعاسيب حتى تقع في شباكه. There the spider waits for small insects like butterflies and dragonflies to be trapped. The spiders are waiting there for small insects, such as beds and beds to fall into the bush. אני לא יכול לעשות את העבודה הזאת בלעדיך. I can't do this job without you. I can't do this job without you. המשא ומתן נוהל בבוסטון. The negotiations took place in Boston. The negotiations are running in Boston. נהיה הרבה יותר חם. It has become much warmer. We'll be a lot hotter. يبدو توم في حيرة. Tom looks baffled. It looks like Tom's in the dark. אין לי שום התנגדות. I don't have any objections. I have no objection. بمساعدتك أستطيع النجاح With your help, I could succeed. With your help, I can make it. بدت ليلى متحمّسة. Layla seemed excited. I looked excited. حتانا بانتلي هاكدا. I think so, too. Let's have Bentley Hakada. أحب أكثر الأمريكيين روزفلت. Most Americans liked Roosevelt. I like most Americans, Rosvelt. תום אמר משהו בצרפתית שלא הבנתי. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. Tom said something in French that I didn't understand. سيأخذ دقيقة من وقتك فقط. It'll only take a minute of your time. It'll only take a minute of your time. נוסיף שמות חדשים לרשימה שלנו. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. ارتدت معطفها ثم خرجت. She put on her coat and went out. I wore her coat, then I got out. תנחומינו! Our condolences! Our condolences! دعونا نأخذ تصويت. Let's take a vote. Let us take a vote. يصعب علي أن أعبر عن ما أريد بكلمات. I find it difficult to express my meaning in words. It's hard for me to express what I want to say. أريد أن أستأجر حافلة. I want to charter a bus. I want to hire a bus. כל יום זוגי אני לוקח שיעורים. I have a class every other day. Every single day I take lessons. המצב הוא שאין לי כאן שום כסף. The fact is that I have no money with me. The situation is I don't have any money here. في النهاية أُلقي القبض على المتمرد و تم سجنه. The rebel was ultimately captured and confined to jail. Eventually, the rebels were arrested and imprisoned. تسبّب سامي عمدا بجروح خطيرة ليلي. Sami intentionally caused Layla serious injuries. Sami deliberately causes serious injuries to Lily. אני בבעיה. I have a problem. I'm in trouble. كان فاضل في حفل. Fadil was at a party. He was a fan at a party. תום אמר למרי שלא תבזבז את זמנה לנסות לשכנע את ג'ון לעזור. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. Tom told Mary not to waste her time trying to convince John to help. איש לא חשד בתום. No one suspected Tom. No one suspected an orphan. הנהג סובב את ההגה ימינה. The driver turned the wheel to the right. The driver turned the wheel right. لا أستطيع القيام بهذا العمل بمفردي. I can't do this work alone. I can't do this work alone. עדיף שתשאל את תום קודם. You'd better ask Tom first. You better ask Tom first. אני עובדת במשמרות כפולות. I'm working double shifts. I work double shifts. من فضلك إقلب الصفحة. Please turn the page. Please turn the page. המגדל שכן ממקום בולט על הרכס. The tower occupied a prominent spot on the ridge. The tower is from a place on the throne. ماعنديش إخوات صبيان. I don't have any brothers. Maddish is a boy's brother. هذا القط يحتاج للمساعدة كي ينزل من الطاولة. That cat needs help to climb off a table. This cat needs help to get off the table. תזהר עם תום. Be careful with Tom. Be careful with Tom. הם שתו שני בקבוקי יין. They drank two bottles of wine. They drank two bottles of wine. אדוני הנכבד, נא למלא את הטופס. Sir, please fill out this form. Your Honor, please fill in the form. أريد أن أقبل بالإسلام دينا. I want to accept Islam. I want to accept Islam. תום ומרי התרשמו. Tom and Mary were impressed. Tom and Mary were impressed. שימי את הספרים בכוננית. Put the books in the bookcase. Put the books on the stand. الروايات التي كتبها مثيرة للإهتمام. The novels he wrote are interesting. The stories they wrote are interesting. לפתע נכבו כל האורות. Suddenly, all the lights went out. All of a sudden, all the lights are off. فنجانا قهوة بالحليب من فضلك. Two coffees with milk, please. We save coffee with milk, please. תום ניסה לשלוט ברגשותיו. Tom tried to stay composed. Tom tried to control his emotions. أتقبلون الدفع ببطاقة الإئتمان؟ Do you accept Visa card? You accept the credit card payment? ذهبوا للطابق العلوي في الغرفة الصغيرة ، حينما كان كل شيء كما هو معتاد عليه ، الساعة القديمة كانت تتكُ ، و عقارب الساعة كانت تشير الى وقت اليوم ، لكن ادركوا حين مرورهم خلال الباب الى الغرفة ان كلاهما قد كبر و اصبحوا رجل و امرأة. They went upstairs into the little room, where all looked just as it used to do. The old clock was going "tick, tick," and the hands pointed to the time of day, but as they passed through the door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up, and become a man and woman. They went upstairs in the small room, when everything was as normal as it was, the old hour was ticking, and the hour close was pointing to the time of the day, but they realized when they went through the door to the room that they were both grown up and became a man and a woman. أَخْرَجَ جُوْن مِفْتَاحًا مِنْ جَيْبِهِ. John took a key out of his pocket. The last one comes out of his sight. אני לא רוצה להתפטר מעבודתי הנוכחית. I don't want to resign my job at present. I don't want to quit my current job. لقد وصلت الحرب ضدّ المخدّرات إلى حيّنا. The war on drugs has reached our neighborhood. The war against drugs has come into our lives. ליטא חברה באיחוד האירופי. Lithuania is a member of the European Union. Lita's a friend at the European Union. الصحة أهم من المال. Health is more important than wealth. Health is more important than money. قَرَّرَتِ التوقفَ عن التدخين. She decided to stop smoking. You decided to quit smoking. الجو بارد اليوم! It's cold today! It's cold today! עלייך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You have to watch this tape. تعداد سكان الصين أكبر من تعداد اليابان. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. لقاوها فقاع لواد. It was found at the bottom of the river. They've left her a load bottom. الغه العربيه صعبه Arabic is difficult! The Arab Fountain is hard. הוא הרים את ידיו. He raised his hands. He raised his hands. אקרא לו תום. I'm going to name him Tom. I'll call him Tom. هذا يجعله جدير بالاهتمام . It makes it worthwhile. That makes him worthy of attention. اتصلت به بالأمس. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. تحسن الوضع. It's gotten better. Improving the situation. מכל דבר את עושה שעשוע. You make everything fun. You're making fun of everything. תום נלחם בגבורה. Tom fought bravely. Tom's fighting pride. זה מיוחד מאד. It's very special. That's very special. "م" تشتم "د" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "د" يشتم "م" فتصبح قاعدة بيانات تتويبا أغنى جملة. "م" و "د" يتعادلان و الجميع يستفيد. M insults D - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D insults M - the Tatoeba database is one sentence better. D and M are even, and everyone else wins. "M" means "D" and "D" becomes a top-down database, and everyone benefits. أوقِف الحافلة في الموقف تمامًا. Stop the bus exactly at the station. Stop the bus right there. תום התעצבן מהשקט של מרי. Tom was annoyed by Mary's silence. Tom got upset with Mary's silence. האם את מבינה ספרות רומיות? Do you understand Roman numerals? Do you understand Roman literature? תום לא ענה נכונה. Tom answered incorrectly. Tom didn't answer right. L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda. The watch is on the table. The clock is on the table. لدي سيارة قديمة. I have an old car. I have an old car. זה לא עושה שכל. It just makes no sense. It doesn't make any sense. لم يكن عليّ أكل هذا. I shouldn't have eaten that. I shouldn't have eaten this. חשבתי שתום נמצא בסכנה. I thought Tom was in danger. I thought Tom was in danger. הבעיה היא שהוא חסר פרוטה. The problem is that he is penniless. The problem is, he's hopeless. أعطني المفتاح. Give me the key. Give me the key. ذهب سامي إلى المسجد يوم الجمعة. Sami went to the mosque on Friday. Sammy went to the mosque on Friday. בוא נקווה שתום ייטיב לעשות בפעם הבאה. Let's hope Tom can do better next time. Let's hope Tom's good to do next time. אני לא לגמרי בטוח. I'm not entirely sure. I'm not quite sure. هل بإمكانك تسلق تلك الشجرة؟ Can you climb up that tree? Can you steal that tree? נורית. You've just been shot. You were shot. תום יישר את מטפחתו. Tom unfolded his napkin. Tom's gonna make his masturbation right. אם אתה רוצה, אתה יכול לצלצל אליי. If you want, you can phone me. If you want, you can call me. من الممكن أن تتجمد الأسبوع القادم. It may freeze next week. You could freeze next week. קראנו לכלב טים. We named the dog Tim. We called dog Tim. איך אתה רוצה לשלם? How would you like to pay? How do you want to pay? קראתי כל ספר בספריה הזאת. I've read any and every book in this library. I read every book in this library. אני צריך משהו נוסף. I needed something more. I need something else. عليك أن تتحدث معهم. You have to go talk to them. You need to talk to them. ضحك الجميع عليّ. I was laughed at by everyone. Everybody laughs at me. יש לי כמה הקלטות של הסמפוניה החמישית של בטהובן. I have several recordings of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I've got some tapes of Beethoven's fifth symposium. לא יכולתי לעשות זאת בלעדיך. תודה לך. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. I couldn't do it without you. كشف سامي أمر ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami exposed Layla on YouTube. Sami discovered a night's order on the YouTube. يريد توم اللقاء بي. Tom wants to meet me. Tom wants to meet me. Ma naqbel ma' kważi xejn milli għadu kif qal Tom. I disagree with almost everything Tom just said. I don't agree with almost anything just as Tom said. את נראית חדל אישים. You seem incompetent. You look like a few people. سنتبعك فحسب. We'll just follow you. We'll just follow you. رفع قبّعته اِحتراماً. He raised his hat in respect. I've raised his hat with respect. אף פעם לא הייתי שם, אבל אני חושבת שזה מעבר לרמזור הזה. I've never been there, but I think it's past that traffic light. I've never been there, but I think it's beyond that light. دعى فتى آخر ليلى للرّقصة. Another boy invited Layla to the dance. Call another boy at night for the dance. انتظرت قرابة النصف ساعة. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I waited about half an hour. לכן הפסקתי. That's why I quit. That's why I stopped. واصل سامي الكلام. Sami kept talking. Sami kept talking. ኩሉ ይሓልፍ፡ ፍቕሪ ይተርፍ። Everything passes. Love remains. Part passes by: Love is left. פה יש תמיד מה לעשות. There's always something to do here. There's always something to do here. שאלתי את תום מדוע. I asked Tom why. I asked Tom why. כמה פעמים בשבוע אתה יוצא לקניות? How many times a week do you go shopping? How many times a week do you go shopping? متى تنوي السفر إلى اليابان؟ When do you plan to leave for Japan? When do you intend to travel to Japan? ماذا فعلت في إجازتك؟ What did you do on your vacation? What did you do on your vacation? איש לא יודע. No one knows. Nobody knows. הוא נפסל מלהשתתף בתחרות. He was disqualified from the competition. He was disqualified from participating in the competition. הדימיון שלך עובד שעות נוספות. You have an overactive imagination. Your imagination works overtime. אשמח לקבל כוס שמפניה. I'll be glad to drink a glass of champagne. I'd love a glass of champagne. מי עשה אותם? Who made these? Who did them? هل تبيع المياه المعدنية؟ Do you sell mineral water? Are you selling mineral water? איזה סיפור עצוב זה! What a sad story this is! What a sad story this is! אם אתה חושב שאתה קטן מדיי בשביל ליצור שינוי, נסה לישון עם יתוש. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. If you think you're too small to make a change, try to sleep with a jaw. היא התעלפה כשהיא ראתה דם. She fainted when she saw blood. She fainted when she saw blood. عليك أن تتوقّف هنا. You have to stop right here. You have to stop here. سرق الولد فلوسا من محفطة والدتها. The boy stole money from his mother's handbag. The boy was stolen from her mother's hijacker. سيبيع توم منزله. Tom is going to sell his house. Tom's gonna sell his house. كان سامي مضطربا. Sami was very troubled. Sami was upset. אני כאן בגללך. I'm here because of you. I'm here because of you. آكل كتاباً. I eat a book. Eat a book. ما زال لدينا الكثير من الوقت. We still have more time. We still have plenty of time. בואו נשתעשע! Let's have some fun. Let's have fun! إنه مجنون بحبك. He's crazy about you. He's crazy about you. هي لا تحسن الإنجليزية مثلك. She doesn't speak English as fluently as you. She doesn't improve English like you. በውነት ያስፈራል። It's truly frightening. He fears in truth. המקלעת העיפה את האבן מעל לחומות הטירה. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. The sticker threw the stone over the castle walls. מרי נערה נאה. Mary is a pretty girl. Mary's a handsome girl. هزّ سامي تلك الشّجرة. Sami shook the tree. Sami shakes that tree. הם צודקים. They're right. They're right. מהו הגיל האידיאלי של גבר? What's the ideal age for a man? What's a man's ideal age? אני חושב שזה מה שזה. I think that's what it is. I think that's what it is. لم أعلم بأنه كان على توم فعل ذلك بنفسه. I didn't know Tom had to do that by himself. I didn't know Tom had to do it himself. لا شيء في بالي للكتابة عنه. I can't think of anything to write about. Nothing in Bali to write about. اشتهرت كاليفورنيا بفواكهها. California is famous for its fruit. California was famous for its fruit. למה שתחשוד בי? Why should you suspect me? Why would you suspect me? אתה מדבר כל כך מהר, אני לא מבין אף מילה שאמרת. You talk so fast I can't understand a word you say. You talk so fast, I don't understand a word you said. هو لا يقول أبداً شكراً على الرغم من كل ما فعلته من أجله. He never says thanks in spite of all that I've done for him. He never says thank you for everything I've done for him. הם כולם ישבו. They all sat. They all sat down. أنا تأخرت. I am already late. I'm late. استقلت كينيا عام 1963. Kenya became independent in 1963. Kenya resigned in 1963. זאת בוודאי שגיאת דפוס. That's probably a misprint. It's definitely a wrong pattern. תום החזיק אותנו משועשעים. Tom kept us entertained. Tom held us up as a sanctuaries. זה על רגליו האחרונות. It's on its last legs. It's on his last legs. أنت دائماً ما تشتكي. You are always complaining. You always do. אני שונא את ליל כל הקדושים. I hate Halloween. I hate Halloween. הם בצבע אפור. They are gray. They're gray. انتظرَت الحافلة. She waited for the bus. I waited for the bus. תהיה אדיב לאחרים. Be kind to others. Be kind to others. מר תומס יוכל לפתור את הבעיה. Mr. Thomas will be able to solve the problem. Mr. Thomas can solve the problem. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّسة بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the school after school. እኔ ማነኝ? Who am I? Who am I? رائحة كلب سامي كريهة. Sami's dog stinks. Smmy dog smells bad. ده غبي لدرجة انه مش هيخاف من حاجة خطر. He is too dumb to fear danger. He's so stupid that he's scared of a dangerous need. אני חושב שאתה סתם חביב. I think you're just being nice. I think you're just a lover. وفرنا مساعدات إنسانية للاجئين. We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees. We have provided humanitarian assistance to refugees. سامي يحبّ المأكولات البحريّة. Sami likes seafood. Sammy likes seafood. Merħba fil-Wikipedija. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. أتوقع منك أن تساعدني. I expect your help. I expect you to help me. ينبغي أن تكون مسؤولًا عن أفعالك. You should be responsible for your actions. You should be responsible for your actions. سمح ليا Excuse me. Let me go. אני לא יכול לבטל את זה. I can't undo it. I can't cancel it. أخذ سامي سيّارة ليلى و تركها عالقة في المستشفى. Sami took Layla's car and left her stranded at the hospital. Sammy took a night car and left it stuck in the hospital. حدث ذلك كما قال توم It happened the way Tom said it did. That happened, like Tom said. תום שיחק כדורגל. Tom played football. Tom played soccer. جاع الرجل العجوز حتى الموت. The old man starved to death. The old man's brave to death. ستحبه إلى الأبد. She'll love him forever. You'll love him forever. הנערה נרתעה בפחד. The girl shrank back in fear. The girl got scared. هذه قصيدة رائعة. That's a great poem. That's a great story. هذا جميل ، و ذلك أيضاً جميل. This is beautiful, and that is also beautiful. That's beautiful, and that's pretty too. ازرب. Hurry up. Dismissed. فرش شقة جديدة يقتضي نفقات كبيرة. Furnishing a new apartment requires large expenses. The write-off of a new apartment requires significant expenditures. היא אמרה, "כמה שהוא נראה בטוח!" She said, "How confident he looks!" She said, "How safe he looks!" كان على سامي أن يأخذ قسطا من الرّاحة. Sami had to rest. Sammy had to take some of the scene. את חריפת מחשבה. You are sharp. You're burning a thought. לטום לא היו ילדים. Tom didn't have any children. Tom didn't have any kids. تتألف هذه النظرية من ثلاثة أجزاء. This theory consists of three parts. This theory consists of three parts. בזמנם של הסובייטים, כל ממשלה הייתה עושה תעמולה. In Soviet times, each government made propaganda. In the time of the Soviets, the whole government would be doing propaganda. זה לא יהיה אותו הדבר בלעדיך. I wouldn't be the same without you. It won't be the same without you. לא נשאר בארנק שלי כסף. There was no money left in my wallet. There's no money left in my wallet. עליך לקיים את הבטחתך. You have to keep your promise. You have to keep your promise. אינני מטיח את ראשיהן בקיר. I don't knock their heads against the wall. I don't put their heads in the wall. صعيبا تهضر مليح رومييا ف 2 ولّا 3 سنين. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. Tough is damaged by P-2s and 3-year-olds. يسمح بالدخول للطلاب فقط لا غير. Admission to students only. Only students are allowed to enter. הוא יכול לדבר צרפתית ואנגלית. He can speak French and English. He can speak French and English. هاذان هما الزوجان الذان حدّثتك عنهما. This is the couple I told you about. These are the couples I talked to you about. טום כיוון את אקדחו למטרה. Tom aimed his pistol at the target. Tom set his gun at the target. ההצעה שלך השפיע מאד על ההחלטה הזאת. Your suggestion weighed heavily in this decision. Your offer has had a lot to do with this decision. الحساب عليّ. It's on me. The account's on me. הייתי מודעת למצב. I was aware of the situation. I was aware of the situation. תום הטיל על מרי אימה. Tom terrified Mary. Tom's a hit on Mary Terri. أرى قطتك في الحديقة. I see your cat in the garden. I see your cat in the garden. חמש מאות דולר הם סכום קטן עבורו. Five hundred dollars is a small sum for him. 500 bucks are a small sum for him. صالَحَت مَعَ صَدِيقَتِها. She reconciled with her friend. She called with her friend. ظننتك تملك معايير أسمى. I thought you had higher standards. I thought you had higher standards. מצורפת מפה אל המשרד שלנו. Attached is a map to our office. We're being escorted from here to our office. وصلتَ في اللحظة التي غادرتُ فيها. You arrived at the moment I left. You arrived at the moment I left. יש לי חדר מלא צעצועים. אתה רוצה לשחק? I have a room full of toys. Do you want to play? I have a room full of toys. אני שמח שאתה עומד לבקר בטוקיו בחודש הבא. I'm glad you're to visit Tokyo next month. I'm glad you're going to visit Tokyo next month. من فضلك إخلع قبعتك. Please take off your hat. Please take off your hat. עדיין לא הופיעו סימני אביב. There were still no visual signs of spring. No spring marks yet. טום הבטיח למרי שהוא יהיה כאן עד שתיים וחצי. Tom promised Mary he'd be here by 2:30. Tom promised Mary he'd be here by two and a half. أخبرت توم أن السبب الذي لم أكن أريد القيام به هو أنني لم أعتقد أنها كانت فكرة جيدة I told Tom the reason I didn't want to do it was that I didn't think it was a good idea. I told Tom that the reason I didn't want to do it was that I didn't think it was a good idea. אני לא רוצה לקחת את הסיכון לאבד את זה. I don't want to risk losing it. I don't want to take the risk of losing it. תום כמעט אף פעם לא שואל שאלות. Tom almost never asks questions. Tom almost never asks questions. אני בודדה. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. كان فاضل يعلم أنّ الشّرطة يمكن أن تصل في أية لحظة. Fadil knew that police could show up at any second. He used to know that the police officer could be there any minute. תום היה קטנוני. Tom was fussy. Tom was a minor. תשתחרר בבקשה. Please relax. Please let go. تسلّقت ليلى السّلّم. Layla climbed the ladder. I gave up my night of peace. لم تركتني؟ Why did you abandon me? Why didn't you leave me? אל תתנהגו כל כך בגסות רוח! Don't be so crass. Don't be so rude! كيف حال بناتي؟ How are my girls? How's my daughter? אני משאיר את זה לכם. I leave that to you. I leave it to you. فكّر جّيدا يا سامي. Think hard, Sami. Think well, Sami. أعجبتني رائحته. I liked the way it smelled. I like his smell. את לא יכולה לעשות כלום. There's nothing you can do. You can't do anything. لازم تركب الباص ده عشان توصل المتحف. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. You need to ride the bus from Eshan to the museum. شنو اسميتك؟ What's your name? What's your name? المغسلة صنعت من الجرانيت The washbasin is made of granite. The washer was made of granite. تعقّبت الشّرطة آثار سامي. The police tracked Sami down. The police tracked Sami's effects. אל תשים שום דבר בתיק. Don't put anything in the bag. Don't put anything in the bag. لَن تَجدَكَ الشُرطةُ هُناك The police will never find you there. The police won't find you there. توم يشترى قِط. Peter is buying a tomcat. Tom's buying a piece. הם שחקני כדור בסיס. They are baseball players. They're baseball players. אני דרשתי שג'ון יעזוב מייד. I required that John leave at once. I wanted John to leave immediately. اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. He has worked in France his whole life. He's been in France for the rest of his life. يا للروعة! How fascinating! Wow! תום הנהן בהבנה. Tom nodded understandingly. Tom's intel. יש חמש אצבעות ביד: האגודל, האצבע, האמה, הקמיצה והזרת. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky. There's five fingers in the hand: the thumb, the finger, the mother, the shirt and the mattress. אמא שלנו הביאה לנו כלבלב. Our mother bought us a puppy. Our mother brought us a dog. بس انت مش موجود هناك. But you're not there. B.S., you're walking there. הסתכלתי. I looked. I looked. سامي يحبّ التّعرّف على أصدقاء جدد. Sami likes making friends. Sammy likes to meet new friends. طلب سامي من الله أن يغفر له. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked God to forgive him. אני אוהב לצאת להליכה. I like taking walks. I like going for a walk. سامي يتعلّم بسرعة. Sami learns fast. Sammy's learning fast. תום נראה נרגז. Tom looks exasperated. Tom seems upset. اعتقد أنك تعرف لماذا استدعيتك . I think you know why I summoned you. I think you know why I called you. لا يدان أي شخص من جراء أداة عمل أو الامتناع عن أداة عمل إلا إذا كان ذلك يعتبر جرماً وفقاً للقانون الوطني أو الدولي وقت الارتكاب، كذلك لا توقع عليه عقوبة أشد من تلك التي كان يجوز توقيعها وقت ارتكاب الجريمة. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. No person shall be convicted of an instrument of work or of refraining from an instrument of work unless that is considered an offence in accordance with national or international law at the time of the commission, nor shall he be punished more than those which may have been signed at the time of the commission of the offence. انا بخلفه . I am at the rear of him. I'm behind him. אני מתעצבן כשנותנים לי לחכות. I get annoyed when I am kept waiting. I'm upset when I'm allowed to wait. אני לא מסוגל להישאר בבית הזה. I can't stay in this house. I can't stay in this house. أنا لا ألومك. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. ذلك رائع حقاً! That's really great! That's really great! أعطه إياها. Give it to him. Give it to him. هل يجب أن يكون الزواج المثلي قانونيا؟ Should gay marriage be legal? Should gay marriage be legal? لم يأتي أحد. Nobody came. Nobody came. הבנטו היא ארוחה קטנה שעשויה מאורז ואצות ים מבושלים, הנמכרת בקופסאות עץ זולות. A bento is a small meal made of boiled rice and seaweed, that is sold in cheap wooden boxes. The Banto is a little meal made of rice and cooked seaweeds, sold in cheap wooden boxes. إنها تحب الأطفال. She loves children. She likes kids. كنت هنا امبارح. I was just here yesterday. I was here yesterday. هل تشارك في هذه الفعالية؟ Would you take part in this event? Do you participate in this effectiveness? האזור ההוא די עשיר במשאבי טבע. That area is relatively rich in natural resources. That area is pretty rich in natural resources. اللّغة الأمازيغيّة لديها الآن أكاديميّة في الجزائر. The Berber language has an academy in Algeria now. The Amazigh Language now has academics in Algeria. אמרתי לתום שאני צריכה לעזוב מוקדם. I told Tom I had to leave early. I told Tom I had to leave early. تظاهر بأنه طبيب. He pretended to be a doctor. Pretend he's a doctor. אתה לא "עובד" עלי. You don't fool me. You're not working on me. הוא ממש היה רוצה לדעת לדבר אנגלית. I wish I could speak English. He would really like to know how to speak English. בואו נתחיל. Let's start! Let's get started. أحرقت ليلى فاضل حيّا من أجل ماله. Layla burned Fadil alive for his money. I burned Lily alive for his money. זה תירוץ שדוף. That's a lame excuse. It's an excuse for a stripper. لازم نطلب السماح من توم. I need to apologize to Tom. We need to ask Tom to be allowed. אם תהיה חריגה מהתקציב, נצטרך לדחוף עוד כמה דולרים. If the budget gets exceeded then we will need to kick in a couple of dollars. If there's an inadequate budget, we'll have to push a few more bucks. وضح لي ما تريدني أن أفعل. Tell me what you want me to do. Explain to me what you want me to do. אתה רוצה ילדים? Do you want kids? You want kids? אנחנו יעילים. We're efficient. We're effective. ولكن لها رائحة غريبة. But it smells strange. But she smells weird. הוא נרדף על ידי המשטרה. He is hunted by the police. He's been pursued by the police. لا تقلق. Don't worry! Don't worry. نتفائل به. We feel good about it. We're hoping for it. אני חושבת שאנו יכולים למנוע את זה. I think we can avoid that. I think we can stop it. ما رانيش حايب نسّنّا بزّاف كيما هاكدا. I don't want to wait that long. What the hell are you talking about? طلب توم شيء للأكل Tom ordered something to eat. Tom asked for something to eat. תום החביא משהו מאחורי גבו. Tom was hiding something behind his back. Tom hid something behind his back. أنا كبير بما فيه الكفاية لأصوت. I'm old enough to vote. I'm big enough to vote. צרפתית מלמד מר ווייט, לא גברת גרין. French is taught by Mr White, not by Miss Green. French teaches Mr. White, not Mrs. Green. توم في البيت. Tom is in the house. Tom's home. הוא מתרחץ. He washes himself. He's washing. أنا مدرس أيضاً. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher too. נבחן את זה אחר כך. We'll look at it later. We'll check it out later. טום הוא נהג אוטובוס. Tom is a bus driver. Tom is a bus driver. عليك أن تطيع والديك. You should obey your parents. You have to obey your parents. אתה בדיוק האדם שאני רוצה לראות. You're just the man I want to see. You're exactly the person I want to see. لديك أخ؟ Do you have a brother? You have a brother? لم أُرِدْ أن يحدث ذلك. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want that to happen. قل لي أي نوع من الخبز تريد أكله. Tell me which bread you want to eat. Tell me what kind of bread you want to eat. נא לא להפריע לנו. We're not to be disturbed. Please don't bother us. אני לא מרגיש טוב היום. I'm not feeling well today. I'm not feeling well today. توم مكنش عارف يبوس ماري ولا لاء علشان كدا مبسش Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom McKinch, I know Yobos-Marie, and I don't have any money on Cassan's casket. לא אכפת לי יותר מזה. I don't give a shit about it. I don't care anymore. واقيلا رايحا تجي. I think that she will come. There's a Tage Wraith. كان بيل في اليابان. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. لطفا، كن أهدأ. Less noise, please. Easy, take it easy. ربما توم يحبك. Maybe Tom likes you. Maybe Tom loves you. الجزائر هي أكبر بلد في إفريقيا. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. Algeria is the largest country in Africa. תום אהב את זה. Tom liked it. Tom loved it. פיתחי את הדלת. Open the door. Open the door. מצאתי את זה באקראי. I found it by chance. I found it randomly. אני אאמין רק למראה עיניי. I'll believe it when I see it. I'll only believe what I look like. תראה את הבנק משמאל לבית החולים. You'll see the bank on the left hand side of the hospital. Look at the bank on the left to the hospital. תום חרוץ. Tom is industrious. Tom's an ax. الخبر السعيد هو أنه بإمكاننا مساعدتك. The good news is that we'll be able to help you. The happy news is we can help you. لن يصغي إليك أحدا حتى تقول شيئا خاطئاً. Nobody listens until you say something wrong. Nobody's gonna listen to you until you say something wrong. የእናት ቋንቋዬ ከእናቴ የተቀበልኩት በጣም ደጉ በረከት ነው። My native language is the most beautiful gift from my mother. My mother tongue is a very good blessing, which I have received from my mother. إجلسي يا كيت. Sit down, Kate. Sit down, Kate. هل تَمْزَح؟ Are you kidding? Are you kidding? זה חשוב לקרוא ספרים. It's important to read books. It's important to read books. قادر نسّنّا برك. I can only wait. Can't forget our lightning. אם יתגלעו בעיות, קיראי לי. If there are difficulties give me a call! If problems come up, I'll be called. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا جيم. You can count on me, Jim. You can count on me, Jim. فلنغلق التلفاز . Let's turn off the TV. Let us turn off the TV. איך אוכלים את זה? How does one eat this? How do you eat it? אין לי אפשרות לתת לך היום תשובה מוחלטת. I cannot give you a definite answer today. I can't give you a complete answer today. ستنطق المحكمة الدستورية بالقرار صبيحة هذا اليوم. The constitutional court will issue a decision by noon today. The Constitutional Court will make a white decision this day. מצאת את היריב המתאים. You've met your match. You found the right opponent. תודה על העצה. אנסה. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice. אף אחד לא יידע. No one will know. No one will know. ستعود ليلى حالا. Layla will be right back. You'll be back to me right now. لماذا تريني هذه الصّورة؟ Why are you showing me this picture? Why do you show me this? بشرة الإنسان حساسةٌ جدا للتغير في الحرارة. Man's skin is very sensitive to temperature changes. Human vision is very sensitive to temperature change. תום והאחרים מסכימים. Tom and the others agree. Tom and the others agree. התרשמתי מהאדיבות של תום. I was impressed by Tom's courtesy. I was impressed by Tom's kindness. فَهمتُ ذلك. I got it. I figured it out. ይህን አልበልም። I'm not eating this. I will not say this. እኔም ተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a student. I am a learner. نييّا حاجا شابا. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Nina's a young need. אני מתגעגע לאמא שלי. I miss my mom. I miss my mom. قطك في حاجة للمزيد من الأكل. Your cat needs to eat more. Your cat needs more food. أين يُمكِنُ لنظّاراتي أن تكون؟ Where could my glasses be? Where can my glasses be? עדיין אתה לא משוכנע? Are you still not convinced? You're not convinced yet? تقوم أمي بإعداد كعكة لأجل أبي. My mother is making a cake for my father. My mom's making cake for Dad. פשוט התנצלי. Just apologize. Just apologize. سامي يحبّ الموسيقى الصّوتيّة. Sami loves acoustic music. Sami likes the music. תחזיק אותה בשבילי. Hold her for me. Hold her for me. אנו צריכים רק להרגע. We just needed to relax. We just need to calm down. ذهبا ليلى و سامي إلى المسجد معا. Layla and Sami went to the mosque together. Lily and Sammy went to the mosque together. טום הוא אדם ממוצע. Tom is average. Tom's an average man. هذه المدينة تعجبني جداً. I like this city very much. This city likes me so much. "بالمناسبة، ماذا بشأن اختبار الحمل ذلك؟" "كان سلبيّا." "By the way, what happened with that pregnancy test?" "It came out negative." By the way, what about that pregnancy test? איך אני חוצה את הנהר? How do I get over the river? How do I cross the river? قال ديما لنفسه: "سأبدو مثل جيمس بوند حقيقي في هذه"، ثم دخل المحل. "I'd look like a real James Bond in that," Dima said to himself, then entered the store. He said to himself, "I'll look like a real James Bond in this," and then he entered the shop. אנו אמורים לאהוב אחד את השני. We ought to love one another. We're supposed to love each other. שנאתי לשקר. I hated lying. I hated lying. אולי אני מצפה ליותר מדי מתום. Perhaps I expected too much from Tom. Maybe I'm expecting too much from him. حياته مليئة بالمشاكل. His life is full of trouble. His life is filled with problems. הוא יודע להראות אהבה. He knows how to show love. He can show love. المعذرة، لا أريد التحدث عن الموضوع. I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about it. Excuse me, I don't want to talk about it. תום בדיוק נפטר. Tom just died. Tom just died. احجزن تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Hold those dogs. כל ערב אחרי הסיפור מרי בקשה שיר ערש ואמה, כמובן, לא יכלה לסרב לה. Every evening after bedtime stories Mary asked for a lullaby and Mama of course, could not deny her. Every night after the story Mary asked for a song and her mother, of course, couldn't refuse it. رأيت توم هنا سابقا. I've seen Tom here before. I've seen Tom here before. איכשהו ידעתי שתצליח. Somehow, I knew you would make it. Somehow I knew you'd make it. غادر فاضل المنزل. Fadil left the house. He left home. ما قلته أغضبنا. What you said made us angry. What I said angered us. תום חשב שאולי אתעניין. Tom thought I might be interested. Tom thought I might be interested. מסרת לתום את הודעתי, נכון? You gave Tom my message, didn't you? You gave Tom my message, didn't you? أكل توم شطيرة ماري. Tom ate Mary's sandwich. Eating Tom Mary's sandwich. سامي طبيب. Sami is a doctor. Sammy's a doctor. אתה בעצמך לא יודע על מה אתה מדבר. You yourself don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what you're talking about. מים הם חשובים. Water is important. Water is important. كان سامي هو من ارتكب الجريمة. Sami was the perpetrator. Sammy was the one who committed the crime. האם תוכל לומר זאת בשפה ברורה? Could you say that in plain English? Can you say that in a clear language? למדתי קשה מאד. I studied very hard. I learned very hard. أنهيت قراءة الكتاب للتو. I just finished reading the book. I just finished reading the book. לשוטרים בתפקיד אסור לשתות אלכוהול. Policemen aren't permitted to drink on duty. Cops on duty are not allowed to drink alcohol. أنت تعلَمُ جيّدا ما تُريدُهُ هيَ. You know very well what she wants. You've learned well what she wants. طالما أننا نعيش، علينا أن نعمل. As long as we live, we have to work. As long as we live, we have to work. خذ الكرسي الآخر. Take the other chair! Take the other chair. هناكَ شرخٌ في الكوب لذلك فإن المحتويات تتسرب. There's a crack in the cup so the contents are leaking. There's a pot in the cup, so the contents are leaking. لكن لا أريد But I don't want to. But I don't want to. אהיה אסיר תודה אם תוכל לעשות למעני את זה. I'll be grateful to you if you can do that for me. I'd be grateful if you could do this for me. קרא לזה איך שאתה רוצה. Call it what you want. Call it what you want. כולכם רבתם כשהיא עזבה? Had you all been fighting when she left? Did you all fight when she left? טום ומרי אוחזים יד ביד. Tom and Mary are holding hands. Tom and Mary hold hands. אנה מכירה את אלף הספרות העשרוניות הראשונות של הקבוע פאי. Anna knows the first thousand decimal places of π by heart. Anna knows the first ten editions of the Pea set. لا أريد أن أبدو غبيّا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look stupid. הזדקקתי לשבוע כדי להחלים מההצטננות שלי. It took me a week to get over my cold. I needed a week to recover from my coldness. هل تريد أن تأكل؟ Do you want to eat? You want to eat? أنا مازلت أحاول إصلاحها ولكنها لا تعمل. I keep trying to fix it, but it's still not working. I'm still trying to fix it, but it doesn't work. את צודקת בנקודה הזאת. You have a point there. You're right at this point. את שמה סוכר בתה? Do you put sugar in your tea? Are you putting sugar in her daughter? בדיוק קבלנו את תום לעבודה. We just hired Tom. We just got Tom to work. שעו לעצתי! Take my advice! Watch me! תאלץ להשאיר את זה מאחורי הגב. You have to get past this. You're gonna have to leave it behind. صعد قطه على طاولة المطبخ و وجد هناك بعض اللحم اللذيذ. His cat climbed up on the kitchen table and found some tasty meat. He picked his cat up at the kitchen table and found some delicious meat. وفضلا عما تقدم فلن يكون هناك أي تمييز أساسه الوضع السياسي أو القانوني أو الدولي لبلد أو البقعة التي ينتمي إليها الفرد سواء كان هذا البلد أو تلك البقعة مستقلا أو تحت الوصاية أو غير متمتع بالحكم الذاتي أو كانت سيادته خاضعة لأي قيد من القيود. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. In addition, there will be no discrimination on the basis of which the political, legal or international status of the country or reality to which the individual belongs, whether that country or fact is independent or under the supervision or non-self-governance of the country or its sovereignty, is subject to any restrictions. הוא התפטר כנשיא. He resigned as president. He quit as president. תום שואל אותי שאלות לעתים תכופות. Tom often asks me questions. Tom often asks me questions. هل تسكن في لبنان؟ Do you live in Lebanon? You live in Lebanon? كلا سامي و مجيد مثليّان. Sami and Majid were both gay. Oh, no, my God, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no הפסק להטריד אותי! Stop bothering me! Stop bothering me! سيستغرق المشروع سنة على الأقل. This project will take at least a year to finish. The project will take at least one year. אם החברה שלך בראש ובראשונה עושה עסקים עם ארה"ב, עליך ללמוד אנגלית עם דובר ילידי מארה"ב. If your company primarily does business with America, then you should be studying English with a native speaker from America. If your girlfriend's in the head and first doing business with the United States, you have to learn English with a native speaker from the United States. أمّي، أنا في المنزل. Mom, I'm home. Mom, I'm home. يريد سامي أن يمضي بعض الوقت لوحده. Sami wants to spend some time alone. Sammy wants to spend some time alone. חשבתי שהיית חבר שלי. I thought you were my friend. I thought you were my friend. كانت ليلى تقطن في حيّ سكني. Layla lived in a residential area. Lily was living in my neighborhood. מה הכללים? What are the rules? What's the rules? "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". And say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge." "And my Lord has given me knowledge." Ħriġtu mill-forn kmieni wisq. You took it out of the oven too soon. Release from the oven too early. توقّفت ليلى عند محلّ بقالة بمحطّة وقود. Layla pulled at a gas station convencience store. I stopped at a parking lot at a gas station. אני יודע שנפתחת יותר לעניינים האלה. I know you've become more open-minded about these things. I know you've been more open to these things. כל אדם הוא גופה בפוטנציאל. Every man is potentially a corpse. Everyone's a potential body. אינני שואל לדעתן. I'm not asking for their opinion. I'm not asking for their opinion. أحس بأن لياقتي عالية. I'm feeling fit. I feel my taste is high. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكن هذا غير صحيح. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but that's not true. شنو تبي؟ What do you want? Snake Tibee? لا أتذكر اين اوقفت السيارة I can't remember where I parked the car. I don't remember where I stopped the car. إن لم يحصل المرء على ما يحب، يحب المرء ما حصل عليه. Not having what one likes, one likes what one has. If one doesn't get what he likes, one likes what he's got. את מוזרה. You're odd. You're weird. إن قطرة واحدة من السم كافية لقتل ١٦۰ شخصًا. One drop of the poison is enough to kill 160 people. One drop of poison is sufficient to kill one person. منعني أبواي من مقابلة توم مرة أخرى. My parents didn't allow me to see Tom again. It means my parents' meeting Tom again. הוא לקח אותי לבית הספר במכונית. He brought me to school in a car. He took me to school in the car. תהיה ממונה על הנערות העובדות במפעל הזה. You'll be in charge of the girls working in this factory. You'll be entrusted with the actual girls in this factory. הכול היה מלהיב עבורי כשביקרתי בספרד בפעם הראשונה. Everything was exciting to me when I visited Spain for the first time. It was all exciting for me when I visited Spain for the first time. התיק של תום נמצא ליד הדלת. Tom's bag is near the door. Tom's case is at the door. המאמר שלך מוצא חן בעיניי. I like your article. I like your article. היא טרקה את הדלת. She slammed the door. She tricked the door. أنا عضو في نادي السباحة. I'm a member of the swimming club. I'm a member of the swim club. כתבתי לה מכתב בחודש שעבר, אבל עוד לא קיבלתי תשובה. I wrote a letter to her last month, but I haven't received a reply yet. I wrote her a letter last month, but I haven't received an answer yet. את מה המציא בל? What was invented by Bell? What did you make up Belle? כולם רעבים. Everyone's hungry. They're all hungry. كان لدى سامي مشكل إدمان على الكحول. Sami had a problem with alcohol. Sammy had an alcohol problem. הם העלו נקודה יפה. They made a good point. They made a good point. הוא מברך את כולם לשלום בקול רם. He greets everyone loudly. He congratulates everyone in peace with a loud voice. أيمكنني ركوب هذا الحصان قليلاً؟ Can I ride this horse for a while? Can I ride this horse a little? זה בדיוק הדבר שאינני רוצה לשמוע אותך אומר. That's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to hear you say. That's exactly what I don't want to hear you say. זה עשוי חלקית מעץ. It is made partly of wood. It's made of a piece of wood. הרגשתי די רע. I felt pretty bad. I felt pretty bad. ساعدني في تنظيف البيت من فضلك. Please help me clean the house. Help me clean the house, please. كان سامي يقيم حفلا. Sami was having a party. Sammy was having a party. من المأكّد أنّه سينجح في الإمتحان. It is certain that he will pass the examination. It's certain he'll be successful in the exam. تشتهر اليابان كثيراً بالزلازل. Japan is greatly famous for earthquakes. Japan is very famous for the earthquakes. طعام سامي المفضّل هو الباستا. Sami's favorite food is pasta. Sami's favorite food is pasta. אתה צודק. אסע במונית. You're right. I'll go by taxi. You're right. من هو صاحب القاموس الموضوع على الطاولة؟ Whose dictionary is it on the table? Who's the diapers on the table? תום שנא את זה. Tom hated it. Tom, we'll hate it. ها هو العنوان. Here's the address. Here's the address. غزّة هي إحدى الجيوب الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسّكّان في العالم. Gaza is one of the world's most populous enclaves. It's one of the most densest pockets in the world. טום ניצל ללא פגע. Tom survived unharmed. Tom was saved unharmed. אני מודה בכך, טעיתי. I admit it. I was wrong. I admit it, I was wrong. أبحث عن عمل. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for work. الزُجاجة على الرف العُلوي. The bottle is on the upper shelf. The bottle's on top of my head. לואיס וקלארק הקפידו על הנתונים. Lewis and Clark kept very careful records. Louis and Clark focused on the data. אל תרשה לכלב להתקרב אלי. Don't let that dog come near me! Don't let the dog come near me. צימוקים הם ענבים מיובשים. Raisins are dried grapes. Cheeses are dried grapes. איפה יש בית שימוש? Where's the restroom? Where's a bathroom? أقنع سامي ليلى بان تأتي إلى منزله. Sami convinced Layla to come over. I'll convince Sammy Lily that she's coming to his house. יום ההולדת שלי קרב. My birthday is coming near. My birthday's a fight. أزاحت غطاء الصندوق. She took off the lid of the box. Cut the box cover. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد فرّت من المنزل مرّة أخرى. Layla has probably run off again. It's probably Lily that got away from the house again. הוא שאל אם הוא עשיר. He asked whether he was rich. He asked if he was rich. תום שכנע את מרי לעשות זאת. Tom persuaded Mary to do it. Tom convinced Mary to do it. תום מוצב בבוסטון. Tom is stationed in Boston. Tom's in Boston. من فضلك إلغِ هذا الملفّ. Please delete this file. Please cancel this file. אשמח לראות זאת. I would like to see it. I'd love to see that. عُد قريبًا. Come back soon. Come back soon. טום אושפז בבית החולים. Tom was admitted into the hospital. Tom was admitted to the hospital. هىَ أتت إلى هُنا مرةً أخرى. She came here once again. She came here again. הם התקבצו כולם מסביב לכוכב הקולנוע. They all flocked around the movie star. They were all gathered around the movie star. מרי נהדרת. היא בישלה לי ארוחה נהדרת ואפילו שטפה בעצמה את הכלים. Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful meal for me and even washed the dishes herself. Mary's great, she cooked me a great meal and even washed the dishes herself. لم يكن لدى سامي الكثير من الأصدقاء في الحيّ. Sami didn't have very many friends in the neighborhood. Sammy didn't have many friends in the neighborhood. זה היה מספיק. It was adequate. That was enough. الحب حاجة و الجواز حاجة تانية خالص. Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another. Love needs and passports need absolute security. הוא אסף פיסות מידע. He collected bits of information. He collected data. أنت تنام في حجرتي. You sleep in my room. You sleep in my room. אהיה במכונית. I'll be in the car. I'll be in the car. אני עובדת כל יום, מלבד ימי א'. I work every day except Sunday. I work every day, except days A. جعلت أخي يصلح دراجتي. I had my brother repair my bicycle. I made my brother fix my bike. سامي في السّجن الآن. Fadil is in jail now. Sammy's in prison now. אני כותבת עכשיו מכתב למורה הסיני שלי. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. I'm writing a letter to my Chinese teacher now. המשיכי לדווש. Keep paddling. Keep on sneezing. كيف حال توم؟ How's Tom? How's Tom? هل سبق و ذهبت للسباحة عارياً. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Have you ever gone to a naked swimmer? אינני מכירה איש בשם תום. I don't know anyone named Tom. I don't know anyone named Tom. אדם הגיע לראשונה לירח בשנת 1969. Men first visited the moon in 1969. Adam first arrived on the moon in 1969. זאת לא בושה לשתוק אם אין לך מה לומר. It's not shameful to be silent when you have nothing to say. It's not a shame to shut up if you have nothing to say. טום לא השאיר מקום למקריות. Tom left nothing to chance. Tom didn't leave a place for accidents. دعني أفعلها Let me do it. Let me do it. רק תתחיל לדבר. Just start talking. Just start talking. كان لدى سامي جهاز تنصّت تحت ملابسه. Sami had a wire underneath his clothing. Sammy had a wire under his clothes. مثل أيّة طالبة ثانويّة، كانت ليلى فتاة مجنونة على الفتيان. Like any high school student, Layla was boy-crazy. Like any high school student, Lily had a crazy girl on the boys. הייתי בטירוף חושים. I was ecstatic. I was crazy. هوايتي جمع اللعب القديمة. My hobby is collecting old toys. Haiti collected the old game. אינני יודעת מי מושך בחוטים. I don't know who's behind it. I don't know who pulls strings. تكات ساعتي المنبهة عالية جداً. My alarm clock's ticking is too loud. My alarms are very high. من يعزف على البيانو؟ Who's the man playing the piano? Who plays on the piano? במילה הזאת לא משתמשים בדרך כלל. That word isn't in common use. That word doesn't usually use. זה היה לפני שנה. It was last year. It was a year ago. יש לי די הרבה כובעים. I've got quite a lot of hats. I've got quite a lot of hats. אתה נמרץ. You're energetic. You're excited. هذه القارورات فارغة. These bottles are empty. These beaks are empty. הטקסי הגיע. The taxi has arrived. The ceremony's here. قدّم لي المدرّس احتجازا. The teacher gave me a detention. The teacher gave me detention. أنا أحبه، لكنه مثلي الجنس I love him, but he's gay. I love him, but he's just like sex. אבי ניסר עץ עם משור. My father cut wood with a saw. My father removed a tree with a bull. אני לא חושב שאני מסוגל להחזיק מעמד עוד זמן רב. I don't think I can hold on much longer. I don't think I can hold on for a long time. رائع! Brilliant! Great! الصديق الوفي كالطائر النادر. A real friend is like a rare bird. A dead friend like a rare bird. תום לא קם מוקדם מספיק. Tom didn't get up early enough. Tom didn't get up early enough. ترك فاضل ليلى في العراء. Fadil left Layla in the wild. Leave me alone in the open. كم الوقت هناك؟ What is the time there? How long is it? אנו ממשיכים את השיחה. We're continuing the conversation. We keep the call going. תום לא הובן כראוי. Tom is misunderstood. Tom wasn't properly adopted. رأى سامي ذلك الكلب. Sami saw the dog. Sammy saw that dog. إنهُ ليس خنزير; إنهُ قرد. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. It's not a pig; it's a monkey. في نهاية المطاف، وجد سامي نفسه في المستشفى. Sami ended up at the hospital. Finally, Sammy found himself in the hospital. هل تملِكنَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حواسيبِكُنَّ؟ Do you girls have the berber keyboard on your computers? Do you fill the Amazigh Keyboard on your computer? מדי כמה זמן אתה עושה מקלחת? How often do you shower? How long have you been doing a shower? بحثَ فاضل في المنزل كي يعثر عن المال. Fadil hunted around the house to find the money. You searched the house to find the money. העוני, יותר מכל דבר אחר בעולם, מוציא מבני אדם את הצדדים השליליים ביותר שבהם ומסתיר את אלה הטובים ביותר. Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world. Poverty, more than anything else in the world, brings human beings out the most negative side of them and hides those best. תום בוודאי עשה זאת. Tom definitely did that. Tom must have done it. אני צריך לעשות את זה. I've got to do it. I need to do this. خشيت ليلى على حياة سامي. Layla was afraid for Sami's life. I was afraid of Sami's life. זאת אמת. This is true. It's true. אכול כל מה שתרצה. Eat anything you like. Eat anything you want. لا أحد فسّر ما كان يقوم به فاضل هناك. No one explained what Fadil was doing there. No one explained what he was doing. שפת הנאווי טובה ללמידה? Is the Na'vi language good to learn? The Navi language is good for learning? טום התנגד לכך שיתייחסו אליו כאל ילד. Tom objected to being treated like a child. Tom objected to treating him like a child. ቶም ሁልጊዜ ጧት ቡና ይጠጣል Tom always drinks coffee in the morning. Tom drinks coffee every morning רק תודה שאין לך בעיות כמו של תום. Just be thankful you don't have all of Tom's problems. Just thank you for not having problems like Tom's. נתראה בעוד עשרים דקות. I'll see you in twenty. I'll see you in 20 minutes. ليس لديّ عذر. I don't have an excuse. I have no excuse. המתן עד רדת החשיכה. Wait until dark. Wait till dark. هذه الفتاة كانت دائماً جيدة ومُطيعة. This girl was always good and dutiful. This girl was always good and good. كم يوماً تحتاج عادةً للوصول إلى هناك؟ How many days do you usually need to get there? How many days do you normally need to get there? אני הולך לשחות לעתים קרובות בנהר. I often go swimming in the river. I'm going to swim often in the river. أرسلوك إلى هنا لتتجسس علينا! You were sent here to spy on us! They sent you here to spy on us! האקדח תקוּל. The gun is jammed. The gun's off. توم كان غارَق فتخمامو. Tom was lost in his thoughts. Tom was a troublemaker. קיבלתי 9 בפיזיקה. I got a B in physics. I got nine in physics. עלי ללכת הביתה. I have to go home. I have to go home. שם הסופר מוכר לנו. The author's name is familiar to us. The author's name is familiar to us. أنا رجل. I am a man. I'm a man. تحمل الفئران الطاعون. Rats carry the plague. The rat bears the plague. واضح أنّه مذنب. Clearly, he's guilty. He's obviously guilty. הם לא מוכנים לדבר איתך. They won't speak to you. They're not ready to talk to you. נתראה ביום רביעי הקרוב. I'll see you next Wednesday. I'll see you next Wednesday. מוטב שנשפר את מצב הרוח שלה. We'd better humor her. We better improve her mood. شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of a web site depends on its content. The popularity of websites depends on their contents. من أين قمت بخياطة هذه البدلة؟ Where did you have your suit made? Where'd you go with this suit? צירוף של מפלגות הקים את הממשלה החדשה. A combination of parties formed the new government. A combination of parties has set up the new government. הייתי רוצה מאד שתבוא למסיבה שלי. I'd really like it if you'd come to my party. I'd really like you to come to my party. היא מתלבשת בקפידה. She dresses smartly. She dresses very carefully. הילדה קראה לעזרה. The girl cried out for help. The girl called for help. لا أحد أعرفهُ يرتدي ربطة العُنُق بعد الآن. No one I know wears a tie anymore. Nobody I know wears the tie anymore. لم يكن سامي راغبا في أن يكون الطّرف الخاسر في الطّلاق. Sami didn't want to be the loser in the divorce. Sami wasn't willing to be the losers in the lounge. اعتنق سامي الإسلام في شهر رمضان. Sami converted to Islam in Ramadan. Sami embraced Islam in Ramadan. לא קינאת. You were not jealous. You weren't jealous. בואי נתפצל לקבוצות. Let's split up into groups. Let's split up into groups. הונאה אקדמית נפוצה יותר ממה שאתה חושב. Academic fraud is more common than you might think. A more common academic scam than you think. תום תמיד כה אדיב. Tom is always very polite. Tom's always so kind. توم يحب القراءة Tom loves reading. Tom likes to read. غطست في المسبح. She dived into the swimming pool. I covered in the pool. את יכולה לעשות את זה בבקשה? Can you do that, please? Can you please do that? هل تعرف إن كان سيحضر الحفل؟ Do you know if he's coming to the party? Do you know if he's gonna attend the party? זה לא מה שאנחנו רוצים. It's not what we want. That's not what we want. מחירים עלו. Prices went up. Prices are up. راقب الجزء الخلفي . Watch the rear. Watch the back. ستتزوج ابنتي في يونيو My daughter is getting married in June. You're marrying my daughter in June. أرسلت الشّرطة كلبا إلى داخل ذلك المكان. Police sent a dog in. The doctor sent a dog into that place. הכל תחת שליטה. Everything is under control. It's all under control. ممكن أسأل شوية أسئلة؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Can I ask some questions? אל תשכחי לשלוח את המכתב. Don't forget to mail the letter. Don't forget to send the letter. أنا ذهبت إلى مدرستك. I went to your school. I went to your school. בירכתי אותו על הצלחתו. I congratulated him on his success. I blessed him on his plate. كانت عند سامي عادة سيّئة. Sami had a bad habit. She was usually at Sammy's bad. אני רוצה שתתחתני איתי. I want you to marry me. I want you to marry me. كان سامي نفسه أبا. Sami was a dad himself. Sammy himself was a father. توم لم يأخذها معه. Tom didn't take it with him. Tom didn't take it with him. هوَ أحضر الطعام لضيفهُ وقدم لهُ المأوىَ. He brought food to his guest and provided him shelter. He brought food to his guest and gave him shelter. كان سامي يستمع لمحطّة إذاعيّة إسلاميّة. Sami was listening to a Muslim radio station. Sammy was listening to an Islamic radio station. سرق سامي بطاقات اعتماد ليلى. Sami stole Layla's credit cards. Sami stole Lili's credit cards. تلك هي سيارته That is his car. That's his car. הוא הסתיר את יגונו מאחורי חיוך. He hid his grief behind a smile. He hid his ego behind a smile. لا أحب اللعب معه. نحن نفعل دائماً الأشياء ذاتها. I don't like playing with him. We always do the same things. I don't like playing with him. كان فاضل يريد أن يراه العالم و هو يقتل ليلى. Fadil wanted the world to see that he was killing Layla. He wanted to see the world and he killed Lily. أمي لا يمكنها المجيء. My mother can't come. Mom can't come. إلى أين ذهبت نهاية الأسبوع الماضي؟ Where did you go last weekend? Where did you go last weekend? رهن فاضل الحليّ. Fadil pawned the jewellery. They're putting up with the sweet. אתם עוברים לבוסטון? Are you moving to Boston? You're moving to Boston? אני יודעת שאתה חושב שאין תקווה. I know you think there's no hope. I know you think there's no hope. أنا فعلا أقدر صحبتك I really appreciate your company. I really appreciate you. אנא קרא אחרי. Please read after me. Please read me. בסביבות הצהריים השמש כבר שלחה לעמק את קרניה המחממות בנעימות, דבר ששינה את הבעות פניהם של האיכרים שפגשתי בדרך. In the middle of the day, the sun sent its warm, pleasant rays into the valley, which transformed the expressions on the faces of the farmers we met along the way. Around noon, the sun has already sent to the depths of the heat, which has changed the expressions of the farmers I met on the way. لا تنس إضافتي. Don't forget to add me in. Don't forget my addition. أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا . I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy who doesn't know anything about him. هو يعيش في كارديف. He lives in Cardiff. He lives in Cardiff. سأكلّمه بشأن الموسيقى الصّاخبة. I'll talk to him about the loud music. I'll talk to him about the hot music. אחותי נאה. My sister is pretty. My sister is handsome. لا تلجأ إلى العنف. Don't resort to violence. Don't use violence. ليلى فتاة حفلات. Layla is a party girl. Lily's a party girl. كان سامي يقضي وقتا أكثر في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at Lily's house. מאיפה אפשר לבצע שיחת טלפון? Where can one make a phone call? Where can I make a phone call? הבנות האלה, אני מכיר חלק מהן. I know some of these girls. These girls, I know some of them. בתו של תום נמצאת אצלו. Tom has his daughter with him. Tom's daughter has him. يستطيع توم الركض بسرعة. Tom can run fast. Tom can run fast. היא שיפצה את הבית. She renovated a house. She split the house. תלונות הן נדירות. Complaints are rare. Complaints are rare. دخل سامي إلى المسجد. Sami entered the mosque. Sami went into the mosque. תום לכל הדעות האיש המתאים לתפקיד. Tom is definitely the right person for the job. Tom, for all his opinions, is the right person for the job. إنه يتصرف بغرابة. He's behaving oddly. He's acting weird. אני חייב להזהיר אותך פן תלך עם תום. I must strongly caution you against going with Tom. I have to warn you that Pan will go with Tom. את יכולה להגיד לי לאן הלך תום? Can you tell me where Tom went? Can you tell me where Tom went? הם נשארו באופן הזה למשך זמן מה. They stayed like that for a while. They stayed that way for a while. הסתכלי לאן קופץ החתול. See which way the cat jumps. Look where the cat jumps. اغطس فيها و اسماك الضاري المفترسة سوف تاكلك. Dip into it and the piranhas will eat you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. האיש הגבוה יצא מהבית. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man came out of the house. סופסוף האבן היקרה הייתה בידיו. At last, the gem was in his hands. Finally, the precious stone was in his hands. הוא השאיל לי שני ספרים. He lent me two books. He gave me two books. وُلد فاضل في مدينة واكو في تيكساس. Fadil was born in Waco, Texas. A silversmith was born in the town of Wako in Texas. אנחנו צריכים לדעת. אנחנו נדע. We have to know. We will know. We need to know. لقد أثمر عمل ليلى الجاد. Layla's hard work paid off. He's made a big night's work. سامي شخص غامض. Sami is mysterious. Sami's a mysterious person. ትግርኛ ትዛረብ ዲኻ? Do you speak Tigrinya? Do you speak English? תום נראה המום. Tom seemed stunned. Tom looks shocked. בחגים הלאומיים אנחנו מניפים את הדגלים. We put up the flags on national holidays. On national holidays we burn the flags. זה היה מסווג. It was confidential. It was classified. אני קורא את המסמכים הישנים. I read the old documents. I'm reading the old papers. إن هناك للقاعدة من ينتسبون لها في عدة بلدان وممن يسعون إلى توسعة نطاق أنشطتهم. وما أقوله ليس بآراء قابلة للنقاش وإنما هي حقائق يجب معالجتها They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts to be dealt with. There are those who belong to the Base in several countries and those who seek to expand their activities. הייתי רוצה ליידע אותך כמה אתה חשוב לי. I would like you to know how much you mean to me. I'd like to let you know how important you are to me. هذه وسادة سامي. وسادتك على الأريكة. This is Sami's pillow. Yours in on the couch. This is Sami's gentlemen, and your lady's on the couch. بإمكانه الانتظار حتى الغد. He can wait until tomorrow. He can wait till tomorrow. רק תביט במראה. Just look in the mirror. Just look in the mirror. לא הייתי צריך לשאול את הפטיש של טום. I shouldn't have borrowed Tom's hammer. I shouldn't have asked Tom's hammer. لما عم الهدوء في الغرفة ، فقط يمكن سماع صوت التكتكة لساعة قديمة . As the room fall silent, only the ticking sound of an old clock could be heard. Because calmness in the room can only be heard for an old hour. دعنا نخرج من هنا قبل أن يرانا توم. Let's get out of here before Tom sees us. Let's get out of here before they see us, Tom. ليلى سافلة. Layla is a bitch. Fucking Lily. אני חוזר בי. I take it back. I'm going back to me. كان فاضل منهكا. Fadil was all in. He was mad at you. טוב ליבה נגע ללבי. Her kindness touched me. Good heart touched my heart. أنت حساس جدا للضجيج. You are too sensitive to noise. You're so sensitive to the noise. אני משאירה את זה לשיפוטך. I leave it up to you. I'm leaving it to your judgment. כמה חבל שאינך יכול לרקוד! What a pity you can't dance! How bad you can't dance! عمري ما نشرب لاتاي. I never drink tea. I'm old enough to drink lattie. תוכל לבחור איזה ספר שרק תרצה. You may choose whichever book you like. You can pick a book you just want. שני הכלבים ישנים. Both dogs are asleep. Both dogs are asleep. افترقا سامي و ليلى حقّا. Sami and Layla really separated. Sammy and Lily really broke up. صديقك هنا. Your friend is here. Your friend's here. אם תדבר בקלינגונית, לא אבין. If you speak Klingon, I won't understand. If you speak Klingon, I won't understand. كان سامي لطيفا مع ليلى. Sami was cool with Layla. Sammy was nice with Lily. הגם שהוא היה חלש כשהיה תינוק, עכשיו הוא חזק מאוד. Whereas he was weak as a baby, he is now very strong. Just as he was weak when he was a baby, now he's very strong. תרצה לשתות משהו? Do you want something to drink? Would you like something to drink? מספרם של החיים היה קטן מאשר זה של המתים. The number of the living was smaller than that of the dead. The number of lives was smaller than that of the dead. እናትሽን ትወጃታለሽ፧ Do you love your mother? You Love Your Mother הוא לא התקדם יפה באנגלית. He didn't make much progress in English. He didn't make good progress in English. התכנית נדחתה בהיותה בלתי מעשית. The plan was rejected as being impractical. The plan was rejected as impeccable. كان سامي يريد أن تختفي ليلى من حياته. Sami wanted Layla to disappear from his life. Sammy wanted to disappear a night of his life. حلّت تلك العمارة محلّ العديد من المنازل. The building replaced several houses. That building replaced a lot of houses. لا أعتقد أنه قادم. I don't think he'll come. I don't think he's coming. إنها أكبر مني بسنتين. She is two years older than you. She's two years older than me. היא לא אוכלת דבר מלבד ירקות. She eats nothing but vegetables. She eats nothing but vegetables. فتح سامي الباب. Sami opened the door. Sami's opening the door. ممنوع التدخين. No smoking. Smoking ban. حاول توم ألا ينظر إلى ماري. Tom tried not to look at Mary. Tom tried not to look at Mary. אחזור בהקדם. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. הוא היה חייל בזמן המלחמה. He was a soldier during the war. He was a soldier during the war. Dur fuq ix-xellug. Turn left. Go left. لدى أمي ثلاثة كلاب. My mum has three dogs. My mom's got three dogs. أصبحت الحيوانات المفترسة محصورة في جيوب معزولة من الأرض. Big predators became confined to isolated pockets of land. The predators have become confined to isolated pockets of the earth. למה את משחיתה את מרב זמנך בטטואבה? Why do you waste most of your time on Tatoeba? Why are you corrupting your time in Tetrava? הזהרתי את תום לשמור מרחק ממרי. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. I warned Tom to stay away from Mary. أنت ستساعدني! You will help me! You're gonna help me! خضع سامي لتلك اللّعبة الجنسيّة الخطيرة. Sami sumbitted to that dangerous sexual game. Sammy's been subjected to that serious sexual game. هناك أمور عليّ فعلها في المنزل. I have some stuff to do at home. There are things I have to do at home. הייתי רוצה שתלכו כולכם הביתה. I wish you would all go home. I'd like you all to go home. هل تريد أن تسمع ما قاله عنك ذاك الشخص؟ Do you want to hear what that person said about you? You want to hear what that guy said about you? לתום לא היה הרבה כסף. Tom didn't have much money. Tom didn't have much money. אני יודע כיצד לגלוש בסקי. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. הגג הועף מהפיצוץ. The roof was blown off by the explosion. The roof was blown off the explosion. أنا لا أنوي مقابلته. I have no intention of seeing him. I don't intend to meet him. هذا وما لم نتوقف عن تحديد مفهوم علاقاتنا المشتركة من خلال أوجه الاختلاف فيما بيننا فإننا سنساهم في تمكين أولئك الذين يزرعون الكراهية ويرجحونها على السلام ويروجون للصراعات ويرجحونها على التعاون الذي من شأنه أن يساعد شعوبنا على تحقيق الازدهار So long as our relationship is defined by our differences, we will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace, and who promote conflict rather than the cooperation that can help all of our people achieve justice and prosperity. And if we continue to define the concept of our common relations through differences between us, we will contribute to empowering those who cultivate hatred and who are likely to promote peace and fight conflicts and who are likely to cooperate that will help our peoples achieve prosperity. بدأ سامي يحضر حلقة في الثّانويّة. Sami started attending a halaqa at high school. Sammy started bringing in a ring in the second. يُقال أنها وُلدت في ألمانيا. They say that she was born in Germany. She was reportedly born in Germany. לפתע פרץ תום בבכי. Suddenly Tom began to cry. Suddenly Tom broke into tears. لقد ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I fucked my teacher. يعتقد أنه أرقى مستوى منا. He thinks he's too good for us. He thinks he's the highest of us. הוא לא עיוור מלידה. He isn’t blind from birth. He's not blind from birth. חברי כינה אותי פחדן. My friend called me a coward. My friend called me a coward. كان سامي يريد أن يكون لديه منزله الخاص. Sami wanted to have his own house. Sammy wanted to have his own house. ארשה להם לספר לך. I'll let them tell you. I'll let them tell you. لي أخت واحدة. I have one sister. I have one sister. מתמטיקה היא המקצוע האהוב עליי. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Math is my favorite profession. היא אחותו של טום. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. לתום יש ראש פתוח. Tom is open-minded. Tom's got an open head. מדוע אני עייף כל כך? Why am I so tired? Why am I so tired? אני עדיין סבור שתום ינצח. I still think that Tom will win. I still think Tom will win. التفاح فاكهة لذيذة. An apple is a tasty fruit. The apples are delicious. يكرهني مدرّسي. My teacher hates me. My teacher hates me. أنا سألت توم بعض الأسئلة. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. אני שמח שעזבתי את בוסטון. I'm glad I left Boston. I'm glad I left Boston. התנהגות לא נאותה מובילה לפשע: שורשי שניהם נעוצים בחוסר התחשבות בזולת. Bad manners shade imperceptibly into crime: both have their roots in an absence of concern for others. Unethical conduct leads to crime: roots are both driven by a lack of consideration. יש לנו עוגיות תות ושוקולד. We have strawberry and chocolate cookies. We have strawberry and chocolate cookies. وقال توم كان آسف جدا. Tom said he was so sorry. Tom said he was so sorry. שמור לי בבקשה על התור. Please keep my place in line. Please keep me on the line. נאפשר לו לנסות. We will let him try. We'll let him try. אני צריכה למהר? Must I hurry? Do I have to hurry? אני עדיין צריך למלא את תפקידי. I've still got to do my job. I still have to do my job. صنعتُ هذا الكرسي. I made this chair. I made this chair. في فصل الخريف تغير الأوراق ألوانها و تتساقط. In autumn, leaves change their color and fall. In the autumn, the papers change color and fall off. אתה טס, או נוסע ברכבת? Are you going by air or by train? Are you flying, or driving on the train? זה שקר, כמובן. That's a lie, of course. That's a lie, of course. בוא נחליף בינינו מקומות ישיבה. Let me exchange seats with you. Let's replace us with seats. يُقال أن اليابانيينَ ودودون جداً لأولئك الذين يعرفونهم، ولامبالين جداً بأوئلك الذين لا يعرفونهم. It is said that the Japanese are very friendly to those that they know, and very indifferent to those they don't. The Japanese are said to be very friendly to those who know them, and to be very friendly to those who don't know them. הציפורים מאולפות כל כך, שהן יאכלו מכף ידך. The birds are so tame they will eat from your hand. The birds are so trained that they eat out of your hand. يا له من مغامر ! How adventurous! What a adventure! הדבר מבשר רעות. This is inauspicious. It's a bad witness. انخفضت الطائرة الصغيرة قليلاً لكي تصبح تحت الغيوم. The small plane dipped slightly to go under the clouds. The little plane went down a little bit to get under the clouds. ירד שלג, אבל לא היה קר מדי בחוץ. It was snowing, but it wasn't very cold outside. It's snowy, but it wasn't too cold out there. يحترق الخشب بسهولة. Wood burns easily. Wood burns easily. إنه جو رائع ، أليس كذلك؟ Great weather, isn't it? It's great, isn't it? أُرسلت الصحون إلى الطاولة الخطأ. The dishes got sent to the wrong table. The reporters were sent to the wrong table. מעולם לא ראיתי פרה אמיתית. I've never seen a real cow. I've never seen a real cow before. لا اتكلم عربي. I don't speak Arabic. I don't speak Arabic. نتا حابس يا الزح؟ Are you fucking stupid? You're kidding me, kiddo? أنتَ لا يمكنك تحدث الإنجليزية, هل يمكنك؟ You can't speak English, can you? You can't speak English, can you? למה גברת יאמאדה פופולרית בבית הספר שלך? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular in your school? Why is Mrs. Yamada popular at your school? كانت عربة سامي متوقّفة في ممرّ المنزل. Sami's van was parked in the driveway. Sami's car was stationed in the driveway. وقعت سنّي الأمامية. My front tooth fell out. I signed my front year. תרצי לשתות משהו? Would you like something to drink? Would you like something to drink? هل تملكون لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفكم؟ Do you guys have the berber keyboard on your phones? Do you have an amazig keyboard on your phones? אני מרגיש נפלא. I feel wonderful. I feel great. فوّتت ليلى لقاءا مع سامي. Layla missed a meeting with Sami. I missed my night meeting Sammy. ልምምድ ንሰብ ውሕሉል ይገብሮ። Practice makes perfect. Practice makes man skillful. אינני רוצה להיות עם מישהו אחר. I don't want to be with anyone else. I don't want to be with anyone else. אף שהיא עניה, היא מאושרת. Though she is poor, she is happy. Although she answered, she's happy. أنت المخطأ في الحادث. You are to blame for the accident. You're the wrong one in the accident. يمكنني قراءة الأسبانية بسهولة. I can read Spanish easily. I can read Spanish easily. هل أنتِ تخونيني؟ Are you cheating on me? Are you hiding me? הניסוח הזה נשמע די משונה באוזניי. That wording sounds rather strange to me. This formulation sounds pretty weird in my ears. كان سامي يقضي حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami was serving a life sentence. Sami was serving the fine prison sentence. היא בחורה עקשנית. She is an obstinate girl. She's a stubborn girl. המצב הביטחוני הרעוע בסוריה משפיע גם על תורכיה. The unstable security situation in Syria also affects Turkey. The dire security situation in Syria also affects its history. אתה ואני בערך באותה הרמה. You and I are fairly evenly matched. You and I are about the same level. הרדיו שידר את החדשות בפרוטרוט. The radio broadcast the news in detail. The radio broadcasted the news on the protocol. توم إبتسم. Tom smiled. Tom smiled. אין לי מושג על מה אתה מדבר. I don't know what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. تدمر عشرة ملايين هكتار من الغابات القديمة أو تزال كل سنة. فكر بالبيئة رجاءً قبل طباعة هذه الرسالة. Ten million hectares of ancient forest are being cleared or destroyed every year. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Ten million hectares of old forests are destroyed or still each year, please think about the environment before printing this message. המתנתי לך. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. هو قادر على نسيان وعده. He's apt to forget his promise. He can forget his promise. היא הציגה לי את הגברת. She introduced the lady to me. She showed me the lady. הוא יצא מהחדר. He went out of the room. He's out of the room. תום עושה עבודה טובה. Tom does good work. Tom's doing a good job. הרופא אמר שהוא רוצה שתפסיק לשתות לשוכרה. The doctor said he wants you to quit drinking. The doctor said he wanted you to stop drinking drunk. كان ذلك آخر استعراض حبّ قام به سامي تجاه ليلى. That was Sami's final act of love for Layla. That was the last review of Sami's love for Lily. תום עדיין די מבוסם. Tom is still pretty groggy. Tom's still pretty impressed. اليوم هو الأحد Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. كان سامي مشتّت الانتباه. Sami was distracted. Sammy was distracted. ماذا اشتريت؟ What did you buy? What did you buy? إن القواقِم أسوأ عدوّ للطيور في نيوزلندا. Stoats are the worst enemy of birds in New Zealand. The prairie is the worst enemy of the birds in New Zealand. הם הפקירו את הגבעה לכוחות האויב. They abandoned the hill to enemy forces. They hacked the hill into enemy forces. هل أنت قريبه؟ Are you related to him? Are you close? سُجِنَ رجل بتهمة العنصرية ، حيث تحدث بشكل معنف ضد المرأة مع سائح فرنسي . A man has been jailed for a racist, misogynist tirade against a French tourist. A man was arrested on the charge of racism, in which he spoke vexably against women with a French tourist. הוא שב הביתה אחרי העדרות של עשרה חודשים. He returned home after being away for ten months. He came home after ten months of herding. גרטה גארבו היתה שחקנית שוודית. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress. היא העמידה את ביתה למכירה. She has put her house up for sale. She set her house up for sale. השעו את טום. Tom got suspended. Shut Tom up. كان سامي عالقا في القبو. Sami was trapped in the basement. Sammy was stuck in the basement. אנו רוצים להריץ כמה נסיונות. We want to run a few tests. We want to run a few attempts. قابلتها في طريقي إلى المدرسة. I met her on my way to school. I met her on my way to school. أريد أن أقضي وقتًا أكثر معك وحدنا. I want to spend more time alone with you. I want to spend more time with you alone. קן הוא בערך באותו הגובה כמו ביל. Ken is about as tall as Bill. Ken is about the same height as Bill. אנחנו שמרנו לך מקום. We saved you a seat. We kept you a place. זהו הבית של אבא שלי. This is my father's house. This is my dad's house. טום שאל אם מישהו ראה את מרי. Tom asked if anyone had seen Mary. Tom asked if anyone saw Mary. אנ לא רוצה שמישהו יראה את זה. I don't want anyone to see it. I don't want anyone to see it. תום נכנס לבית שלי. Tom went in my house. Tom went into my house. הקשישה הייתה שברירית אבל תוקפנית. The elderly woman was frail but feisty. The old man was fragile but aggressive. מספרים שמרי רוצה גירושין. The story is that Mary wants a divorce. The numbers Mary wants a divorce. ما الذي يحدث؟ What's going on? What's going on? הבוס שלי התפוטר. My boss was forced to resign. My boss got fired. למה להשתמש בזה? Why use it? Why use that? החברים שלי עודדו אותי ללמוד גרמנית. My friends encouraged me to learn German. My friends encouraged me to learn German. عانى سامي من صداع نصفي. Sami had a migraine headache. Sami suffered from half-pulsion. بُني هذا الجسر منذ عامين. This bridge was built two years ago. He built this bridge two years ago. זה אחד הדברים שאני אוהב אצלך. It's one of the things that I like about you. It's one of the things I love about you. لهذا تركت وظيفتي. This is why I quit the job. That's why I left my job. كان سامي بحاجة لسيّارة إسعاف. Sami needed an ambulance. Sammy needed an ambulance. كان النّاس يريدون الحياة السّعيدة. People wanted the good life. People wanted a happy life. אתם רשאים ללכת הביתה. You may go home. You're allowed to go home. תזדקקי לעזרתם. You'll need their help. You'll need their help. الأمر يعود إليك. It's up to you. It's up to you. أنا شريكك. I'm your partner. I'm your partner. رأيت شخصا يقبّل توم. I saw somebody kiss Tom. I saw someone kissing Tom. אנחנו קוראים למורה שלנו "דורימון" בגלל שהוא שמן. We call our teacher "Doraemon" because he's fat. We call our teacher Dorimon 'cause he's fat. אני מקווה שיהיה לך יום הולדת נפלא. Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. זה כל כך טוב. It feels so good. That's so good. لا يحلق سامي لحيته أبدا. Sami never shaves. Don't ever touch Sami's heart. كان سامي يأخذ دروسا جامعيّة عاديّة. Sami took regular college classes. Sammy was taking a regular university course. دعه ينه كلامه! Let him finish talking! Let him finish his words! كان باب سامي مقفلا. Sami's door was locked. Sami's door was locked. رأيتُ طائراً يُحلّقُ فوقَ شجرةٍ. I saw a bird flying over a tree. I saw a plane flying over a tree. אני שמחה כעת שבאת. I'm happy now that you've arrived. I'm glad you came now. لكن نفس المبدأ يجب أن ينطبق على صورة أمريكا لدى الآخرين ومثلما لا تنطبق على المسلمين الصورة النمطية البدائية فإن الصورة النمطية البدائية للإمبراطورية التي لا تهتم إلا بمصالح نفسها لا تنطبق على أمريكا. But that same principle must apply to Muslim perceptions of America. Just as Muslims do not fit a crude stereotype, America is not the crude stereotype of a self-interested empire. However, the same principle must apply to the image of America among others and, as it does not apply to Muslims, the primitive stereotypes of the empire, which are only concerned with the interests of itself, do not apply to America. זו פסולת. תשליך את זה. That's junk. Throw it away. It's wrong, throw it away. תום לא ראוי לאמון. Tom isn't dependable. Tom doesn't deserve to be trusted. سامي محظوظ بكونه مسلما اليوم. Sami is blessed to be a Muslim today. Sami is lucky to be Muslim today. إنه لم يعلم بذلك . He didn't know that. He didn't know that. קשה לי ללעוס. It is hard for me to chew. I'm having trouble chewing. תום חשד שזאת עלולה להיות מלכודת. Tom suspected it might be a trap. Tom suspected it might be a trap. פגם בתכנון גרם לקריסת המחשב שלי. A design flaw made my computer crash. A design failure caused my computer crash. لا أحب هذه المدينة على الإطلاق. I don't like this city at all. I don't like this city at all. قتل سامي ليلى خنقا. Sami choked the life out of Layla. Sammy killed Lily. بيع المنزل بثمن رخيص. The house went cheap. Sell the house at a cheap price. המעטתי בערכך, תום. I underestimated you, Tom. I underestimated you, Tom. توقف عن محاولة إبهاجي. Stop trying to cheer me up. Stop trying to beat me. אני מקווה שהוא יבוא. I expect him to come. I hope he comes. הוא צריך מגבת. He needs a towel. He needs a towel. זאת מומיה! It's a mummy! That's Mamie! ما الذي تريده؟ What is it that you want? What do you want? من غير المفاجئ أنّ النّظام السّعوديّ المضطهِد صديق للنّظام الإسرائيلي العنصري ذو النّزعة العسكريّة. It comes as no surprise that the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia is friends with the militaristic and racist regime of Israel. It is not surprising that the persecuted Saudi regime is a friend of the military-distorting Israeli racist regime. Skużani, se jkolli nħallik. Sorry, I've got to go. Blame me, I will have to leave you. احتجز فاضل العاهرات في قبو منزله. Fadil padlocked the prostitutes in the basement of his house. He held the prostitutes in his basement. היא ביקשה עזרה, אבל אף אחד לא בא. She asked for help, but no one came. She asked for help, but no one came. אני רוצה למזער את הסיכויים לתאונה נוספת. I want to minimize the chances of another accident. I want to make the chances worse for another accident. תום הפציר במרי להיות יותר זהירה. Tom urged Mary to be more careful. Tom Punctuated Mary to be more careful. איפה ההורים שלי? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? אני סבור שטעות בידך. I think you are mistaken. I think you're wrong. תום לא אוהב מתמטיקה. Tom doesn't like mathematics. Tom doesn't like math. فوّتت ليلى درس مدرسة الأحد. Sami missed Sunday school. I missed Sunday school. العمال في هذه المعامل يشكلون نسبة كبيرة من المهاجرين. Workers in these factories comprise a large percentage of immigrants. Workers in this factory constitute a large proportion of migrants. אני כל כך כועסת שאני רוצה לצעוק ולשבור את הכל! I'm so mad I want to scream and break everything! I'm so angry that I want to scream and break everything! אכן היינו שבעה אנשים. Indeed, there were seven of us. We were really seven people. אל תעמיד אותי בפני פיתוי. Do not tempt me. Don't put me on temptation. كم مرّة عليّ تكرار ذلك؟ How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I have to repeat that? كان فاضل الطّبّاخ الرّئيسي. Fadil was the head chef. He was the R.S.O.I.D. كان لدى سامي امرأة أخرى في حياته. Sami had another woman in his life. Sammy had another woman in his life. בדיוק על זה מדובר. That's exactly what it's about. That's exactly what this is about. הוא לא התנגד בכלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. شهد حصول الجريمة. He witnessed the murder. There's been a crime. אי אפשר להסיר את כתם הדם. The blood stain can't be removed. You can't remove the blood stain. بطريقة أو بأخرى سنجد توم. One way or another, we'll find Tom. Somehow we'll find Tom. كان فاضل ينتظر أن تتّصل به ليلى. Fadil was waiting for Layla to call him. Falfa was waiting for Lili to call him. לקח לי זמן רב להווכח שאני עושה את זה לא נכון. It took me a long time to realize I was doing it the wrong way. It took me a long time to argue that I was doing this wrong. اين تعيش في تركيا؟ Where in Turkey do you live? Where do you live in Turkey? واصلت الكلاب النّباح. The dogs kept barking. He kept barking dogs. תום יסביר. Tom will explain. Tom will explain. خطته خطرة! His plan is dangerous! His plan is dangerous! درك راني عايش مع عمي. Now I live with my uncle. He realized I was living with my uncle. تناول سامي كمّيّة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a bunch of pills. Sammy had a lot of pills. مطار كندي من فضلك. Kennedy Airport, please. Canadian airport, please. أنا مدين لك كثيرًا لكل ما فعلته لأجلي. I am greatly indebted to you for all you have done for me. I owe you a lot for everything you've done for me. לא סיפרתי אפילו לאשתי. I haven't even told my wife. I didn't even tell my wife. استغلّ كل فرصة. Take advantage of every opportunity. Take every opportunity. إنهُ طويل القامة مِثل والدهُ. He's as tall as his father. He's as tall as his father. תום מדושן עונג. Tom is overjoyed. Tom's making fun. للأمومة والطفولة الحق في مساعدة ورعاية خاصتين. وينعم كل الأطفال بنفس الحماية الاجتماعية سواء أكانت ولادتهم ناتجة عن رباط شرعي أم بطريقة غير شرعية. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Motherhood and childhood have the right to special assistance and care, and all children have the same social protection whether their birth is a result of legal engagement or illegality. ماذا؟ لا أسمعك. What? I can't hear you. I don't hear you. واصل سامي مراقبة ليلى. Sami kept eying Layla. Sami kept watching Lily. رأيت النّافذة تنزل. I saw the window roll down. I saw the windows coming down. הוא שלח לי מכתב, ובו הוא שאל אם הספר הגיע אליי. He sent me a letter asking if the book had reached me. He sent me a letter, and he asked if the book came to me. نحن في المنزل We're at home. We're home. הוא שלף תשובה מהירה. He made a quick response. He drew a quick answer. באופן היסטורי, המפרץ הפרסי שייך לאירן. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. سيصبح عمرها سبعة عشر عاماً السنة المقبلة. She will be seventeen next year. She'll be 17 next year. אני לא עוקרת את שיניהם. I'm not pulling out their teeth. I'm not following their teeth. هل تعرفه؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know him? باراك الله عليك. May the blessings of God rest upon you. God bless you. أبي غاضب معي. Father is angry with me. My dad's mad at me. תום לומד קשה כדי שיוכל לעבור את הבחינות. Tom is studying hard so that he can pass the exams. Tom learns hard so he can pass the exams. أنت تأكل اللحم. You are eating meat. You eat meat. نمت البلدة و أصبحت مدينة. The town grew into a city. The town grew up and became a city. תרגיע. Calm down. Calm down. משהו קרה, לא? Something's happened, hasn't it? Something happened, didn't it? ነታ ኣዳራሽ ብዙሕ ጊዜ ተሳዕሲዑላ ነይሩ። Many dances have been held in this hall. Many times, the hall was garnered. טום רצה לדעת מה שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom wanted to know what Mary's last name was. Tom wanted to know Mary's last name. של מי המכונית הזאת? Whose car is this? Whose car is this? كانت أمّ سامي أعزّ صديقة لتلك الامرأة. Sami's mom was best friends with that woman. Sammy's mother was the best friend of that woman. למרות הסתייגויותיכם נעשה את מה שהחלטנו. Despite your reservations, we will do what we decided to do. Despite your reservations, we will do what we have decided. تلك حقيبة جين. This is Jane's bag. That's Jane's bag. מה קורה כשכוח בלתי ניתן לבלימה נתקל בעצם בלתי ניתן להזזה? What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object? What happens when an inexhaustible power is actually inexhaustible? قبل ما تعرفها نتا، تكون نتا ف لجرنان. Next thing you know, you'll be in the papers. Before you know her, you're Nt V for Grann. אינני יודעת מתי עלי לבוא. I don't know when I should come. I don't know when I should come. أحتاج إلى أن أصلح ساعتي. My clock needs to be fixed. I need to fix my watch. תום עדיין נשוי חוקית. Tom is still legally married. Tom's still legally married. אמא ערכה את השולחן. Mom set the table. Mom made the table. لقد حدث هذا الحادث بسبب إهماله The accident happened because he wasn't careful. This incident happened because of his neglect. נוכל פשוט להטיל עץ או פלי? Can't we just flip a coin? Can we just throw a tree or a felony? هل يكتب جيمي رسالةً؟ Is Jimmy writing a letter? Is Jimmy writing a message? لم يسبق لأبي أن سافر إلى الخارج. My father has never been abroad. My dad never traveled out. توم كان فَاطن، بصح ما قْدرش يتحرّك. Tom was awake, but he couldn't move. Tom was a Fattan, right what was going on. كانت ليلى تكره سامي. Layla hated Sami. Lily hated Sammy. אתה האשם בתאונה. You are to blame for the accident. You're the one accused of an accident. سامي من هواة اليوتوب. Sami is a YouTuber. Sammy's from the Utobe. لا تتكلم بصوت عالٍ هنا. Don't talk in a loud voice here. Don't speak loudly here. אנא השאר את חפציי כמו שהם. Please leave my things as they are. Please leave my things as they are. Tista' almenu tgħid "grazzi". You could at least say "thank you". You can say "Thanks" at least. وضع سامي حدّا لحياته في السّجن. Sami took his own life in prison. Sami put an end to his life in prison. תום תאוותני. Tom is lecherous. That's my wish. היא פחדה לחצות את הרחוב. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. יש לה שתי אחית. She has two sisters. She's got two sisters. إيكولِّي ملبعيد. He's a distant relative of mine. Ekoli's off. كان بوسع ليلى أن تقتل سامي. Layla could have killed Sami. Lily could have killed Sammy. אני מחפש את תום. אתה לא יודע איפה הוא, נכון? I'm looking for Tom. You don't know where he is, do you? You don't know where he is, do you? והוא יצא מזה ללא פגע? And he's gonna get away with it? And he got out of it unharmed? أنا من النرويج. I am from Norway. I'm from Norway. את יודעת מי היא? Do you know who she is? Do you know who she is? תוריד את האקדח. Put the gun down. Put the gun down. אינני חושבת שהיית עושה את זה. I don't think you would do that. I don't think you'd do that. سوف ننطلق عندما يخفّ هطول المطر. We set out when the rain had eased. We'll get off when the rain falls. היה עליך לחסוך משהו ליום סגריר. You should lay by something against a rainy day. You had to save something for Ambassador's day. إبنك بطل. Your son is a hero. Your son is a hero. راهي تمشط للعود. She brushes the horse. Try to get back. لا يزال جروي الدّب هذيه يرضعان. These bear cubs are still nursing. The bear's still getting pregnant. אני עצמי הייתי חייבת לראות זאת. I had to see it for myself. I myself had to see that. بدأ سامي ينسى الأمر. Sami started forgetting about it. Sammy's starting to forget about it. יש לנו דברים לעשות. We've got things to do. We have things to do. אילו הייתה לך מכונת זמן, לאן היית נוסע? If you had a time machine, where would you go? If you had a time machine, where would you go? אתם מכירים את המלון הזה? Do you know that hotel? Do you know this hotel? البنت لا قالت شيء. The girl didn't say anything The girl said nothing. חשוב על עתידך. Think about your future. Think about your future. אני מקווה שלא נעשה את זה שוב. I hope we don't do this again. I hope we don't do it again. سَقْسيتو إذا كمّل يصبغ البِيت. I asked him whether he had finished painting the room. Sucketto if as much as he paints the house. أنا أتعلم اليابانية. I am learning Japanese. I know Japanese. מאז לא שמעתי ממנה עוד. I haven't heard from her since then. I haven't heard from her since. הם מוכרים תפוחים, תפוזים, ביצים וכדומה. They sell apples, oranges, eggs, and so on. They sell apples, oranges, eggs and the like. תום הולך לבית הספר בבוסטון. Tom is going to school in Boston. Tom's going to Boston school. إنه راعي كأبيه. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's a shepherd like his father. הרחובות היו מכוסים בשלג. The streets were covered with snow. The streets were covered in snow. سيتواصل التّحقيق لأشهر. The investigation will go on for months. The investigation will continue for months. אני סבורה שהוא צודק. I think he is right. I think he's right. يبالغ توم دائما. Tom always exaggerates. It's always over, Tom. תום התחיל לחייך. Tom started smiling. Tom started smiling. ביקרתי את תום. I visited Tom. I visited Tom. אני בדרך אל תום. I'm headed over to Tom's. I'm on my way to Tom. كاد توم أن يُطرد من العمل. Tom almost got fired. Tom almost got fired. يلعب توم و أصدقاؤه البوكير كل مساء جمعة تقريبا. Tom and his friends play poker almost every Friday night. Tom and his poker friends play almost every evening. ستتحسن إذا تناولت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You'll be better if you eat this medicine. هل تتحدث اللاتفية؟ Do you speak Latvian? Are you speaking Latvian? אני מקווה שכולם בסדר. I hope you are all well. I hope everyone's okay. النّمسا بلد الكناغر. Austria is the land of kangaroos. Austria's country of Congress. كان فاضل يعبث مع ليلى بالهاتف. Fadil flirted with Layla on the phone. He was messing with Lily on the phone. אני מתקשר הרבה לתום. I call Tom a lot. I'm calling Tom a lot. إني في المنزل. I'm at home. I'm home. מסרו את שלושת גליונות הנייר יחד. Hand in the three sheets of paper together. They delivered the three sheets of paper together. נא לחייך. Please smile. Please smile. קבל את תנחומיי. You have my sympathy. Get my condolences. מצטער שעיכבתי אותך כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I've been keeping you so quiet for so long. واصل سامي إرسال الرّسائل لليلى. Sami continued to send letters to Layla. Sami kept sending the issues to me. شنو تبي الحين؟ What do you want now? Snooped at the time? איזה מזל רע יש לי! I have such bad luck. What bad luck I have! שקי לי בתחת. Kiss my ass. Put me in the ass. مع السلامة! Good-bye! Bye! ليش؟ Why? Leish? يجب أن تجيد نحو الأمازيغية لتتكلم هذه اللغة. You have to know Berber grammar to speak this language. You must be good at the Amazigh to speak this language. כל דבר יספיק. Anything will do. Everything's gonna do. قرأت كتابك. I read your book. I read your book. لا أحد علم بذلك. No one knew it. No one knows. התפוז לא היה מתוק ולא חמוץ. The orange didn't taste either sweet or sour. The orange wasn't sweet and unheaty. כולנו החזקנו לך אצבעות. We were all rooting for you. We all held your fingers. دار ماضي سامي عليه. Sami's past caught up to him. Sami's old house on it. זה היה כמעט קל מדי. It was almost too easy. It was almost too easy. קפוץ פנימה והבא איתך את חבריך! Drop by and bring all your friends! Climb in and bring your friends with you! את מי אימן דיאגו מרדונה? Who did Diego Maradona train? Who trained Diego Mardonna? אתה מריח נפלא. You smell wonderful. You smell wonderful. عوقب على كذبه. Because he lied, he was punished. Punishment for lying to him. تكون ماري زوجتي. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. هذا الكلب غبيّ. This dog is stupid. This dog's stupid. זה עניין של טעם אישי. It's a matter of personal taste. It's a matter of personal taste. إنك تعيش مرة واحدة لا غير. You only live once. You live once only. كان سامي يستمع للموسيقى المسيحيّة. Sami listened to Christian music. Sammy was listening to Christian music. תבקשי מטום להמתין עד שאגיע. Ask Tom to wait till I come. Ask a fool to wait until I get here. كان سامي يسرنم. Sami was sleepwalking. Sammy was happy. אינני קוראת צרפתית. I cannot read French. I don't read French. אינני יודעת מה לעשות לגבי תום. I don't know what to do about Tom. I don't know what to do about Tom. צדק הוא כוכב הלכת בעל המסה הגדולה ביותר במערכת השמש. Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system. Justice is the planet with the largest mass in the solar system. היא פוחדת מהצל של עצמה. She is afraid of her own shadow. She's afraid of the shadow of herself. .Ṛa-ni feṛḥan b ḥyat-i I'm happy with my life. Because I really love it. אל תשנא את מה שאינך מבין! Don't hate what you don't understand! Don't hate what you don't understand! مضى شهران منذ وصولي إلى طوكيو. It has been two months since my arrival in Tokyo. It's been two months since I got to Tokyo. אני לא צריכה טובות! I don't need favors. I don't need any favors! אני לא יכול לנשום דרך האף. I can't breathe through my nose. I can't breathe through my nose. תום אמר למרי שהיא לא צריכה לעשות את זה. Tom told Mary that she didn't need to do that. Tom told Mary she shouldn't do that. באיזו שנה נולדת? In what year were you born? What year have you been born? "רק שאלתי." "לא עניינך." "I was just asking a question." "Mind your own business." "I just asked." "It's not your business." أريد أن أشاركك هذا. I want to share this with you. I want to share this with you. הוא שקע במחשבות, ידו תומכת במצחו. He was lost in thought with his hand on his forehead. He's got thoughts, his hand supports his mind. أنت موهوبٌ حقاً. You are really talented. You're really talented. הוא מכיר אותנו טוב מאוד. He knows us very well. He knows us very well. לא ברור למה תום עשה את זה. It's unclear why Tom did that. It's not clear why Tom did it. حان الوقت لأن تشتري سيارة جديدة. It's time for you to buy a new car. It's time to buy a new car. תום מעודו לא חיבב את מרי. Tom never liked Mary. Tom Maud didn't like Mary. זה מה שהבוס רוצה. That's what the boss wants. That's what the boss wants. سمعت صوت ضجة غريبة. I heard an unusual noise. I heard a strange noise. نقدر نطفي تلفزيون؟ Can I turn off the TV? We appreciate TV? حصل ما قال أنه سيحصل. What he said would happen has happened. What he said was gonna happen. هي طالبة. She's a student. She's a student. יש הרבה אגמים בסביבת מגוריך. There are many lakes in the area where you live. There's a lot of lakes around your home. آمل أن يستطيع أن يأتي! أود أن أراه. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him. I hope he can come! ב-1984, קוקה קולה התחילו להשתמש בסירופ תירס עשיר בפרוקטוזה כתחליף לסוכר. In 1984, Coke started using HFCS instead of sugar. In 1984, Koka Cola began using rich corn syrup in proctoza as a substitute for sugar. يُعتقد أن بيكاسو رسم هذه الصورة. The picture is presumed to have been painted by Picasso. Picasso is thought to have painted this picture. اختر مضربك المفضل. Pick your favorite bat. Choose your favorite hit. مارانيش حاب نكون بطل. I don't want to be a hero. Maranesh love to be a hero. ما كنت وحيداً. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. عمل سامي في وزارة الصّحّة. Sami worked for the ministry of health. Sami worked at the Department of Truth. את פנויה הערב? Are you free tonight? Are you available tonight? תום אוהב להקים מחנה על החוף. Tom likes camping on the beach. Tom likes to set up a camp on the beach. ماذا حصل؟ What's happening? What happened? أنا سعيدٌ جداً في جورجيا. I'm very happy in Georgia. I'm very happy in Georgia. ظنت أني طبيب. She thought that I was a doctor. I thought I was a doctor. قال سامي شيئا. Sami said something. Sammy said something. אני אוהבת מאוד סרטי קולנוע. I like movies a lot. I love movies very much. היא אוהבת למשוך תשומת לב. She likes to attract attention. She likes to draw attention. .Tom kan nsa lpaṛapelwi taɛ-u mala selleft-lu waḥed men ɛend-i Tom had forgotten his umbrella so I lent him one of mine. Tom was born a full-beneficiary of u-salt-lu one in me. אנחנו נוטים לשכוח את העובדה הזאת. We tend to forget this fact. We tend to forget this fact. أخي صغير لكنه قوي. My brother is small but strong. My brother is small, but he's strong. אני חושש שאני צריך עכשיו ללכת. I am afraid I must be going now. I'm afraid I should go now. בחנו אותם. Examine them. We've tested them. لا تكن غبيا. Don't be a dick. Don't be stupid. ليلى متعبة دائما. Layla is always tired. Lily's always tired. متى أتيت إلى اليابان؟ When did you come to Japan? When did you come to Japan? זה שם. It is there. It's over there. هل عرض توم مساعدتنا؟ Did Tom offer to help us? Did Tom offer to help us? هو يحب المغامرة . He likes adventure. He likes adventure. הוא ניגש לצד השני. He went over to the other side. He went to the other side. היה לנו כיף להחליק על גלגיליות. We had a lot of fun skating. We had the pleasure of sliding on ice creams. من فضلك أعرني كتابك. Lend me your book, please. Please introduce me to your book. أنا لا أعمل لأي أحد. I don't work for nobody. I don't work for anyone. غالباَ ما يتجاوز توم حد السرعة بقيادته بشكل طفيف Tom often drives slightly over the speed limit. Tom often goes beyond the speed limit of his leadership slightly. היה כה חם שהתחשק לה גלידה. It was so hot that she felt like eating ice cream. It was so hot that she felt like ice cream. תום צפר בצופר. Tom beeped the horn. Tom's digging in the horn. هل سبق لك أن ذهبت إلى لندن؟ Have you been to London? Have you ever gone to London? אני מצטער על הטרחה. I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sorry about the trouble. הם חופשיים. They're free. They're free. תום יודע על כך משהו. Tom knows something about this. Tom knows something about it. תום מייצר חלקי חילוף במפעל מכוניות. Tom is making spare parts in a car factory. Tom produces spare parts at a car factory. اصطدم سامي بشجرة لأنّه لم يكن قادرا على رؤية شيء. Sami ran into a tree because he couldn't see a thing. Sami hit a tree because he couldn't see anything. جلبت ليلى انتباه فاضل. Layla attracted Fadil's attention. I got my attention. إنها فكرة جيدة. That's a great idea. It's a good idea. למרי אין זמן לכבס. Mary doesn't have time to do the laundry. Mary doesn't have time to wash. هذا اللحم لذيذ. This meat is delicious. This meat is delicious. אתה חייב לבחור. You have to make a choice. You have to choose. אנחנו לא לבד. We aren't alone. We're not alone. هل توم سعيد؟ Is Tom happy? Is Tom happy? غادر سامي المسجد. Sami left the mosque. Sammy left the mosque. ستكون مشغولاً غداً، أليس ذلك صحيحاً؟ You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You're gonna be busy tomorrow, aren't you? זה מספיק ממך. That's enough out of you. That's enough of you. מי יכול היה להפיץ את השמועה הזאת? Who could have spread that rumor? Who could have spread that rumor? ምናልባት ኣደማምጻይ ዝተፈልይ ክኸውን ይኽእል እዩ። My accent is probably strange. Perhaps my accent is different. الدّار تاع توم تبنات في 2013. Tom's house was built in 2013. The Dr. Tom was adopted in 2013. أنا أعلم أين تسكن I know where you live. I know where she lives. الأمر ممكن بالتأكيد إن أردت. It is certainly possible if you want it. It's certainly possible if you want. טום יודע בדיוק איך אתה מרגיש. Tom knows just how you feel. Tom knows exactly how you feel. היות שאתה בישלת, אני אשטוף את הכלים. Since you did the cooking, I'll do the dishes. Since you've cooked, I'll wash the dishes. מוטב שתאכל ארוחת בוקר. You had better have breakfast. You better have breakfast. זה לא היה בכוונה. It wasn't intentional. It wasn't on purpose. אמא שלה לא כל כך זקנה כפי שהיא נראית. Her mother is not as old as she looks. Her mother's not as old as she looks. עיזבו את החדר. Leave the room. Leave the room. אנו חייבים לקחת סיכונים. We've got to chance it. We have to take risks. הצטרכתי לטפל בה. I had to deal with her. I had to take care of her. אהבתי אותך. I loved you. I loved you. בעלי חיים רבים שחיו אלפי שנים אינם קיימים עוד. Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are now extinct. Many animals that have lived for thousands of years no longer exist. הוא מביט בך. He's looking at you. He's looking at you. תודה לכם על כל האיחולים! Thank you all for the congratulations! Thank you for all the fraternity! איפה תחנת המטרו הקרובה? Where's the closest metro station? Where's the nearest Metro Station? أنا أقرأ هذا الكتاب. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. את ממלמלת. You're babbling. You're a blasphemer. إنهُ يستطيع أن يفعل هذا أفضل مني. He can do it better than me. He can do this better than I do. صوّيني. Take a picture of me. Listen to me. תגיד לי שזה לא נכון. Tell me it isn't true. Tell me that's not true. أحدهما ياباني و الآخر إيطالي. One is Japanese and the other is Italian. One is Japanese and the other Italian. בחרתי להתעלם מהבעיה. I chose to ignore the problem. I chose to ignore the problem. هل يوجد أين يمكننا التحدث على انفراد حول هذا؟ Is there somewhere that we can talk privately about this? Is there anywhere we can talk in private about this? לונג טיים נו סי. Long time, no see. Long Time, no C. يتمثل عملهن في تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. ومنذ ذلك الوقت عاشوا جميعا بسعادة. And they all lived happily ever after. Since then, all of them have lived happily. أكره الكلاب. I just hate dogs. I hate dogs. Xi trid tagħmel? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? תום מצא את מרי בחדר המיון. Tom found Mary in the emergency room. Tom found Mary in the ER. هل كان توم بحاراً؟ Was Tom a sailor? Was Tom seam? "أين كنتِ؟" "كنت في اجتماع." "في اجتماع في الشّاطئ مع سامي؟" "Where were you?" "At a meeting." "A meeting at the beach with Sami?" "Where were you?" "At a beach meeting with Sammy?" اِشتريت زجاجتَي حليب. I bought two bottles of milk. I bought my glass milk. יש לי אוגר חדש שקראתי לו דן. I have a new hamster and I've named him Dan. I've got a new hamburger I called Dan. الجميع يحبها. Everybody likes her. Everyone loves her. هوَ فقد والدهُ في البحر. He lost his father at sea. He lost his father at sea. بيحبها. He loves her. Love her. בוודאי אעשה זאת. I'll definitely do that. Of course I will. و كيف أجبت؟ How did you reply? And how did you answer? كيف تهجئ "جميل"؟ How do you spell "pretty"? How do you sound, Jamal? ما رانيش راح نسقسيق حاجا وحدوخرا ليوم. I won't ask you anything else today. What Ranch has made a great need for a day and a time. זה נורמלי במידת מה. This is somewhat normal. It's kind of normal. הייתי באמת באמת מאוכזב. I was really, really disappointed. I was really disappointed. لنجلس أين يوجد ظل. Let's sit where there is some shade. Let's sit where there's shadow. אתה לא קרוב משפחה שלי. You're not related to me. You're not my family. هذه هي القرية التي أخبرتك عنها. This is the town I told you about. This is the village I told you about. ניסיתי לצור איתך מגע. I've tried to contact you. I tried to make contact with you. אַבֶּל טַסמן היה האירופי הראשון שראה את טסמניה ב-1642. In 1642, Abel Tasman became the first European to see Tasmania. Abel Tasman was the first European to see Tasmania in 1642. فاضل مصري. Fadil is Egyptian. He fought against Egypt. قمت فقط بتنظيف جميع الطاولات I just cleaned all the tables. I just cleaned all the tables. אני לא רוצה אחות המתעלפת ממראה דם. I don’t want a nurse who swoons at the sight of blood. I don't want a blind sister with blood. عمتي أكبر من أمي. My aunt is older than my mother. My aunt is bigger than my mother. ندمت بحق على ما قلته لها البارحة. I really regret what I said to her yesterday. I really regret what I said to her yesterday. لست قبطان الفريق الجديد. I am not the captain of the new team. I'm not the new captain of the team. חלב לבן אפילו בלילה. Milk is white even at night. White milk even at night. هل بإمكانك أن تعدي سلطة لذيذة؟ Can you make a tasty salad? Can you set up a delicious authority? היא סוף סוף הגיעה! She finally arrived! She's finally here! التقطلي صورة. Take a picture of me. Pick up a picture. إنها تعيش في نيويورك. She lives in New York. She lives in New York. אני לא אומרת שמה שהיא עשתה היה המעשה הנכון לעשותו. I'm not saying what she did was the right thing to do. I'm not saying that what she did was the right thing to do. יש לו חברה חדשה באינטרנט. שמה טטואבה. He has a new girlfriend on the Internet. Her name is Tatoeba. He's got a new company on the Internet. עיניו ברקו בחימה. His eyes flashed with anger. His eyes were set in the heat. תום נאבק. Tom is fighting. Tom struggled. أردت أن أشتري لك بعض الملابس للشّتاء. I wanted to get you some clothes for the winter. I wanted to buy you some clothes for the winter. متى قال أنه سيأتي؟ What time did he say he'd come? When did he say he was coming? הבאר עמוקה? Is the well deep? The well is deep? נוכל לדבר עכשיו? Can we speak now? Can we talk now? يحب أهل أوروبا شرب الخمر. Europeans like to drink wine. The people of Europe like drinking wine. تاع منُّه هاذا؟ Whose is this? You know who he is? كان سامي يشتم. Sami was cursing. Sami was thirsty. ينبغي أن تحاول تكوين عادةٍ لاستخدام قواميسك. You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries. It should usually try to form for the use of your strength. عليك أن تبقي غرفتك نظيفة. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. אני יכול לעשות משהו בשבילו, אתה לא. I can do something for him, but you can't. I can do something for him, you can't. הוא רובץ על הספה. He is lying on the sofa. He's running on the couch. לא אוכל לעזור לו. I won't be able to help him. I can't help him. בדיוק גזזתי את ציפורני. I just clipped my nails. I just cut my fingernails. لا تنظر إلى الوراء. Don't look back. Don't look back. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في الحي. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected man in the neighborhood. אם תרצה, תוכל לבוא איתנו. If you care to, you may come with us. If you want, you can come with us. استمع سامي للرّسالة الصّوتيّة. Sami listened to the voice mail. Listen, Sammy, to the U.S. Department. טום הולך הביתה. Tom is going home. Tom's going home. אכלנו ארוחת צהריים במסעדה. We ate dinner at a restaurant. We had lunch at the restaurant. خان فاضل حبيبته. Fadil betrayed his love. Khan's done with his girlfriend. אנחנו חברים מימים ימימה. We're friends from way back. We're friends from day to day. مدّ سامي يده لليلى. Sami gave Layla his hand. Give Sami his hand to night. أمضى سامي اللّيلة في العيادة. Sami spent the night at the clinic. Sammy spent the night at the clinic. לא ידעתי שהרגל שלי שבורה. I didn't know my leg was broken. I didn't know my leg was broken. לפרטים נא לעיין בחוברת. Please look at the pamphlet for the details. For details, please take a look at the brochure. דן השאיר ראיות רבות בזירת הפשע. Dan left a lot of evidence at the crime scene. Dan left many evidence at the crime scene. איך זה שייך? How is this relevant? How does it belong? מרי יכולה לבשל כל דבר בלי מתכון כתוב. Mary can cook anything without recipes. Mary can cook anything without a written recipe. የት መብላት ተፈልጋለህ? Where do you want to eat? Where do you want to eat? הוא מורגל בטיפוס הרים. He's used to mountain climbing. He's used to mountain pattern. من كم يوم تتالف السنة الكبيسة ؟ How many days comprise a leap year? How many days do you have to spend the full year? ماذا يفعل الآن توم؟ What's Tom doing now? What's Tom doing now? نانسي ابتسمت و هي فرحانة. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled and she was a fan. سامي جرّاح تجميلي. Sami is a plastic surgeon. Sami's a collegial wound. تعاهدا سامي و ليلى كي يبنيا أفضل حياة ممكنة لأسرتهما النّاشئة. Sami and Layla vowed to build the best life possible for their growing family. Sami and Lily made the best possible commitment to their new family. אני רוצה להודות לכולם. I want to thank everyone. I want to thank everyone. يعلم فاضل الكثير. Fadil knows too much. He knows a lot of injustice. אני חושב שאת צודקת. I think that you're right. I think you're right. אנו בוטחים בו. We trust him. We trust him. يبدو أن الجميع يحب جمال. Everybody seems to like Jamal. Looks like everyone likes beauty. תום לא ביקר אצל אף אחד. Tom didn't visit anybody. Tom didn't visit anyone's. رحّب فاضل بليلى. Fadil welcomed Layla inside. Welcome home at night. بقِيَ محافظاً على قِيَمِه و مبادئه. He remains loyal to his principles. You kept his strength and principles. انتقل إلى هنا. Move in here. Move over here. הם לא הצליחו להתמודד עם הקשיים הללו. They could not cope with those difficulties. They couldn't handle these difficulties. አደገኛ ነኝ። I'm dangerous. I am dangerous. אני תוהה מה גרם לזה לקרות. I wonder what caused this to happen. I wonder what caused this to happen. הנהר הזה עומד להציף את גדותיו. This river is going to overflow. This river is about to cover its banks. ברגע שהיא חיבקה אותו הוא הרגיש כאב חמור. As soon as she hugged him, he felt a severe pain. As soon as she embraced him, he felt a terrible pain. בורא עולם הוא כל יכול. God is omnipotent. Breathe of the world is all we can. إنتحرت. She took her own life. Homicide. תום יודע שיש רק תגובה אפשרית אחת. Tom knows there's only one course of action possible. Tom knows there's only one possible response. قلت ذلك. I said that. I said that. قال سامي هذا لإحدى الممرّضات. Sami told that to a nurse. Sami said this to one of the debuts. تحدّث سامي إلى أبيه. Sami spoke to his dad. Sami spoke to his father. لو سمحت. Please. Oh, please. يجب عليك أن لا تفوت فرصة مشاهدتها. You shouldn't miss the opportunity to see it. You should not miss a chance to watch her. كان سامي يحمل مخدّرات معه. Sami had drugs on him. Sammy was carrying drugs with him. Ma nixrobx alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. I don't drink alcohol. שבו שם. Sit there. Sit there. هي تتدرب على البيانو كل يوم . She practises the piano every day. She trains on the piano every day. شحال من حلقت شفتي ف وان بيس؟ How many episodes of One Piece have you watched? What's the matter with me? הם מיומנים בעזרה ראשונה. They're trained in first aid. They're trained with first aid. "أين تتألّم؟" "في كلّ مكان." "Where does it hurt?" "Everywhere." Where are you going? אני די מאושר. I'm kind of happy. I'm pretty happy. أراك في مابعد. See you later! I'll see you later. لقد عاد فاضل. Fadil is back. He's back on fire. הוא קם והושיט יד לכובעו. He stood up and reached for his hat. He's up and he's got a hand in his hat. لقد هوجمنا! We're being attacked. We've been attacked! תום צעק. Tom shouted. Tom yelled. תום הביא לי קפה. Tom brought me coffee. Tom brought me coffee. بكي سامي. Sami wept. Bike Sammy. דבר לא קרה חוץ מזה שקיבלתי קמצוץ מידע. Nothing happened except that I obtained a tiny bit of information. Nothing happened except I got a bunch of information. طول محنا عايشين لازم نشتغل. As long as we live, we have to work. The length of our suffering needs to be occupied. لا تعتقد بأنك ستتخلص مني بهذه السهولة. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. You don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easily. לא אמרתי לו כלום. I told him nothing. I didn't tell him anything. لحكايا تع لغول تخلع. The ghost story was terrifying. I can't help it. I can't help it. عليك أن تبدأ حالاً. You should begin right away. You have to start right now. لا تقل لي أنّك غيور لأنّه لا أحد سيصدّق ذلك. Don't tell me that you're jealous because no one would believe it. Don't tell me you're jealous because no one will believe that. האזינו לי! Lend me your ears! They've listened to me! אתה אופטימי. You're optimistic. You're optimistic. على أي حال، هذا الأمر لا يعنيك. In any case, it's no business of yours. Anyway, that doesn't mean you. אלג'יריה זו ארץ צפון אפריקאית. Algeria is a country in North Africa. Algeria is a northern African country. אין לנו מושג. We have no idea. We have no idea. יש לכם אוזניות? Do you have earphones? Do you have any ears? תגידו לי שלא לקחתם את זה. Tell me you didn't take it. Tell me you didn't take it. אני רוצה לראות כל אחד מהם. I want to see them all. I want to see any of them. הסל היה מלא וגדוש בתותי שדה עד גדותיו. The basket was filled to the brim with strawberries. The basket was full and deep inside of the field to his foreheads. האם את מכירה אותה כבר זמן רב? Have you known him for a long time? Have you known her for a long time? את אוהבת מה שאת רואה? Do you like what you see? Do you like what you see? من هو هذا العجوز؟ Who is that old man? Who's this old man? אני הולך להודיע למשרד הדואר על שינוי בכתובתי. I am going to inform the post office of the change of my address. I'm going to inform the post office about a change in my address. أيمكنك إثبات ذلك؟ Can you prove it? Can you prove it? אני יודע את הכל על החומר הזה. I know all about this stuff. I know all about this stuff. אנחנו מאורסים. We're engaged. We're engaged. بيتر شكله شباب أوي. Peter looks very young. Peter was a boy, Oi. أنا أحد الرجال الصالحين. I'm one of the good guys. I'm one of the good guys. תום צעיר, אבל הוא יודע מה הוא עושה. Tom is young, but he knows what he's doing. Tom's young, but he knows what he's doing. لم يكن فاضل يعرف الكثير عن الإسلام آنذاك. Fadil didn't have much knowledge about Islam back then. He didn't know much about Islam at the time. شكون هو الحيوان اللّي تحبّو بزاف؟ What is your favorite animal? Doubt is the animal you love? יהיה לו קשה אם הוא יחשף. It will go hard with him if he is found out. It'll be hard if he's exposed. أيهما أثقل، الذهب أم الرصاص؟ Which is heavier, lead or gold? Which one are the weights, the gold or the bullets? אני מעדיפה את השמלה הזאת על פני זו. I prefer that dress to this one. I prefer this dress over this one. טום ממש לא מרבה לדבר על הבעיות שלו. Tom doesn't really talk about his problems much. Tom doesn't really talk about his problems. הסטודנט ענה, "השורש הריבועי של 256 הוא שש-עשרה." The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." The student answered, "The square root of 256 is sixteen." أنا مجرد موظف عادي. I'm just a plain old office worker. I'm just a regular employee. لقد رأيت سامي في المزرعة. I saw Sami on the farm. I saw Sammy on the farm. سألته عما فعله البارحة. I asked him about what he did yesterday. I asked him what he did yesterday. המילה מקורה ביוונית. The word comes from Greek. The word comes from Greek. תגידי לתום. Tell Tom. Tell Tom. يريد لحما. He wants meat. He wants meat. نعم ذهبت البارحة. Yes, I went yesterday. Yes, I did yesterday. תלך למסיבה במקומי? Will you go to the party instead of me? You gonna go to a party in my place? ألم تعد تحبّني؟ Aren't you in love with me anymore? You don't love me anymore? זה לח. That is wet. It's a weed. كان سامي ينتظر في العلّيّة. Sami was waiting in the attic. Sammy was waiting at the table. תום מדופרס. Tom is downhearted. Tom Dempress. فاضل يقود درّاجته. Fadil is riding his bicycle. He's driving his car. בהחלט הייתי מזועזע. I definitely was shocked. I was definitely shocked. תום סוף סוף כאן. Tom is finally here. Tom's finally here. أمريكا، لقد قطعنا شوطاً طويلاً. ورأينا الكثير. إلا أنه لا زال هناك الكثير ليُنجز. لذا، فلنسأل أنفسنا هذا المساء: إذا ما عاش أطفالنا حتى القرن القادم؛ وإذا ما كانت بنتاي على قدر من الحظ لتعيشا طويلاً مثل آن نيكسون كوبر، فما هو التغيير الذي ستشهدانه؟ وما هو التقدم الذي سنكون قد أحرزناه؟ America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made? America, we've come a long way. We've seen a lot. But there's still so much to be done. So let's ask ourselves this evening: if our children lived until the next century; if my daughter is lucky to live a long time, like Ann Nixon Cooper, what's the change you're going to see? تصرف توم غير مقبول. Tom's behavior is unacceptable. Tom's acting unacceptable. תום שמנמן, לא? Tom is plump, isn't he? Tom's fat, isn't he? اقترض أخي الأكبر مالاً من مرابي My older brother borrowed money from a loan shark. My older brother borrowed money from my client. אני רוצה לעשות רושם חיובי. I want to make a good impression. I want to make a positive impression. يخلق الرّب الجمال من الرّماد. God creates beauty from ashes. He creates the beauty of the ashes. انفتح الباب. The door flew open. Open the door. הוא נעמד והושיט את ידו לכובעו על השולחן. He stood up and reached for his hat on the table. He stood up and put his hand in his hat on the table. درست الإنجليزية لمدة خمس سنوات. I've studied English for five years. I studied English for five years. لم تعد إليّ نقودي. She didn't give me my money back. I don't have my money anymore. המשטרה נתנה לו ללכת. The police released him. The police let him go. من فضلك لا تتحدث عني أثناء غيابي. Please don't talk about me when I'm gone. Please don't talk about me during my absence. אני בלונדון. I am in London. I'm in London. هل توم دائما يتكلم من أجلك؟ Does Tom always speak for you? Is Tom always talking for you? تحقق حولها. Check around. Check it out. خذ وختك Take your time Take your sister. أخرج الطاولة من فضلك. Carry the table out, please. Get the table out, please. فكر في ذلك. Think about it. Think about it. אני כל כך מטומטם... אני מנסה להסביר לך דברים שאני בעצמי אינני מבין. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... I'm trying to explain to you things that I don't understand myself. هذا لن ينتهي أبدا. This is never going to end. It's never gonna end. Itilgħu fuq tal-linja wieħed wieħed. Get on the bus one by one. Step up of one line. كم كلمة انجليزية تعرف؟ About how many English words do you know? How much English do you know? كان الدّكتور صادق بطلا في البلدة. Dr. Sadiq was a superstar in the community. Doctor was a true hero in town. תום הסתיר מידע חשוב מסוים. Tom withheld some important information. Tom's hiding some important information. هو بحاجة للمساعدة فحسب. He just needs help. He just needs help. איפה עצרת אותם? Where did you book them? Where did you stop them? כן, אני ודאי מסכימה. Yes, I certainly agree. Yeah, I must agree. נדהמתי שהיא עשתה את הזה. I was astonished that she had done it. I was surprised she did that. אני לא יכול להרשות לך. I can't let you. I can't afford you. أمي لا يمكنها ركوب الدراجة. My mother can't ride a bicycle. Mom can't ride the bike. أنا مسكين. I'm needy. I'm poor. אנו רק צריכים לדבר איתך. We just need to talk to you. We just need to talk to you. אני אבין. I'll understand. I'll understand. את סובלת מסיוטים? Do you have nightmares? Are you suffering from nightmares? אתה עצמך בחרת את השירים האלה? Did you choose those songs yourself? Have you chosen those songs yourself? אינני מגלגל את המרבדים שלהם. I'm not rolling up their carpets. I'm not rolling their ridges. חלמתי לבוא לשיעור ערום. I dreamed of coming to class naked. I was dreaming of coming to a naked class. תום רוצה לדעת מתי תגיעי לכאן. Tom wants to know what time you'll be getting here. Tom wants to know when you're gonna get here. سلام. Peace. Peace. سينجو سامي. Sami will survive. I'll get Sami. أميل إلى قبول العرض. I lean toward accepting the proposal. I'm inclined to accept the offer. ربّما أتى إلى هنا كي يقابل ليلى. Maybe he came here to see Layla. Maybe he came here to meet me. זה נפלא! That's great! That's wonderful! كلاهما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. They're both in the room. היא נאיבית בצורה שלא תיאמן. She is unbelievably naïve. She's innocent in a way that you can't believe. תום התהלך. Tom was walking. Tom's gone. لا أستطيع عزفَ البيانو. I can't play piano. I can't play the piano. זה מטופש. This is foolish. That's stupid. שטח בבניה: יש להשתמש בקסדות מגן. Construction area: hard hats required. Building space: have to use shield helmets. תום צריך להתבטא. Tom needs to enunciate. Tom has to express himself. افضل صديق كتاب My best friend is a book. The best friend of a book. أريد أن أريك مدينتي الجميلة . I want to show you my beautiful city. I want to show you my beautiful city. לקחו אותם בשבי. They were taken prisoner. They were taken by captivity. לא רע. It's not bad. Not bad. בשעה שחציתי את הכביש בדרכי לבית הספר קרתה תאונה. While crossing the street on my way to school, I met with an accident. While I was crossing the road on my way to school, there was an accident. هن يصدقنه. They believe it. They believe him. ገንዘብ እንተ ዚደልይ፡ ካባይ ምወሰደ። If he wants money, he'd take it from me. If I seek money, I will take it away from me. היום היה אחרת. Today was different. Today was different. הנברשת הירוקה משרה קרינה חמה בחדר. The green lampshade casts a warm glow in the room. The green brush from a hot radiation job in the room. אני שמח שאיש לא מת. I'm glad no one died. I'm glad no one died. מרי גרה בקהיר. Mary lives in Cairo. Mary lives in Cairo. שלום, טום. בוקר טוב! Hello, Tom. Good morning. Hello, Tom. תפסיק לנעוץ בי מבטים. Stop staring at me. Stop staring at me. سأنقذكم جميعكم. I'll save you all. I'll save you all. سنفسل. We'll fail. We'll screw it up. متىَ أتيتِ؟ When did you come? When did you come? هل لديك أي اهتمام بالرياضة؟ Do you have any interest in sports? Do you have any interest in sports? توم زير نساء. Tom is womanizer. Tom Zeyer is a woman. تحوّلت الدّقائق إلى ساعات. Minutes turned into hours. The minutes turned into hours. استمرت الخطبة ثلاثين دقيقة. The speech lasted thirty minutes. The speech went on for 30 minutes. استمع إلى توم Listen to Tom. Listen to Tom. הרעש מרחיק את הציפורים. The noise keeps the birds away. The noise's driving away the birds. הוא עשה אימונים קשים מאד. He trained very hard. He's been doing very hard training. אני לא אמורה לעשות את זה. I'm not supposed to be doing this. I'm not supposed to do this. هذا مدرّسي في الموسيقى. This is my music teacher. This is my music teacher. יש לכם גנים טובים. You have good genes. You guys have good genes. ماذا؟ لا أستطيع سماعكم أيها الرفاق. What? I can't hear you guys. I can't hear you guys. هو تركني أذهب. He let me go. He let me go. פרטים נוספים מוצגים להלן. Further details are presented below. Other details are presented to Helen. خلع سامي حذاءه. Sami took his shoes off. Sami took off his shoes. أين تقع عيادته؟ Where is his clinic situated? Where's his clinic? عايز الشنطة دي. I want that bag. Nasty Dee. המשא ומתן החל. The negotiations have begun. The negotiations have begun. القائمة لانهائيّة. The list is endless. The list is for the end. בואו כולנו נוריד את המסיכות ונהיה גלויים האחד עם השני. Let us all take off our masks and be frank one to another. Let's all take off the masks and be clear with each other. תזכרי בבקשה לשלוח את המכתב בדרכך הביתה. Please remember to mail the letter on your way home. Remember, please send the letter on your way home. הם נפלו זה בזרועות זו. They fell into each other's arms. They fell each other in these arms. תום הסיק שזה נגמר. Tom figured it was over. Tom cic it's over. הוא שהה במלון. He stayed at a hotel. He was staying at the hotel. دعني أساعدك في عملك. Let me help you with your work. Let me help you with your work. للكبار فقط. Adults only. Just for adults. הוא לא יאשר. He will not approve. He won't approve. لا أعلم I don't know. I don't know. እርስዎ ወደ አዲስ አበባ መቸ ይሄዳሉ? When are you going to Addis Ababa? Do you go to a new flower? כולם יודעים שהירח עשוי מגבינה. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. استمعت القطة لخطواتها. The cat listened to its steps. The cat listened to her steps. سامي يكره تلك المدرّسة. Sami hates that teacher. Sammy hates that teacher. كانت ليلى تفوح منها رائحة الكحول. Layla was reeking of alcohol. Lily smelled like alcohol. הם יתפרפרו תמיד מבית הספר. They always skip school. They'll always break out of school. شكرا جزيلا. Thanks a bunch. Thank you very much. من سيكون ضحيته التالية؟ Who would be its next victim? Who would be his next victim? האם בעיר שלך גרים הרבה אנשים? Do a lot of people live in your town? Does your town live a lot of people? إن كان لديك ما تقول، فقُله. If you've got something to say, just say it. If you have anything to say, say it. أنت كثير الكلام. You talk too much. You're a lot of talk. אפילו היום הטמפרטורה מתחת לאפס. Even today, the temperature is below zero. Even today the temperature is below zero. المدرّس قادم. The teacher is coming in. The teacher's coming. أين كنت ذاهب؟ Where were you going? Where were you going? أصيب جيمي في حادث سير. Jimmy was hurt in a traffic accident. Jimmy was injured in a traffic accident. أريد تعلّم العبرية. I want to learn Hebrew. I want to learn Hebrew. كيف حالك؟ How are you? How are you? قطك يحتاج للمزيد من الأكل. Your cat needs to eat more. Your cat needs more food. بقيت في المنزل اليلة الفائتة. I stayed at home last night. I stayed in the house last night. متى تستيقظ كل يوم؟ What time do you get up every day? When do you wake up every day? أكلتُ نملة بالخطأ. I ate an insect by accident. I've eaten an annoyance. החבר שלה עשה זאת למענה. Her boyfriend did it for her. Her boyfriend did it for her. זה כמו לתת לדראקולה אחריות על בנק הדם. It's like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank. It's like giving Dracula responsibility for the blood bank. יש לך מפה? Do you have a map? You got a map? אפילו שעון מקולקל מראה את השעה הנכונה פעמיים ביום. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day. هرب معمر القذافي سليمًا. Muammar Kaddafi escaped unharmed. He ran away from the chameleon all right. أنا ذاهب إلى ورشة التّصليح. I'm going to the repair shop. I'm going to the rehabilitation workshop. אני רעב. I'm starved. I'm hungry. طلب سامي الطّلاق. Sami filed for divorce. Sami's order. سألتُه عن الحادث. I asked him about the accident. I asked him about the accident. أحببت هذا الفيلم. I liked this film. I loved that movie. קשה לרַצות אותו. He is hard to please. It's hard to please. כל הכלבים היו בחיים. All of the dogs were alive. All the dogs were alive. תום אוהב דגים. Tom likes fish. Tom loves fish. הוא שולט היטב באנגלית. He has a good command of English. He's well-controlled in English. להעתיק זה לא לגנוב. Copying is not theft. Precisely it's not stealing. كل ما كان يحتاجه توم حقاً كان شيئاً ما ليأكله. All Tom really wanted was something to eat. All Tom really needed was something to eat. قالت أن عمرها عشرين سنة لكنها كانت تكذب. She said she was twenty years old, which was not true. She said she was 20 years old, but she was lying. أنا أعرف هؤلاء الفتيات I know those girls. I know these girls. כמה אתה מחבב את טום? How much do you like Tom? How much do you like Tom? זוכיתי. I was acquitted. I won. תום נועל מגפיים? Does Tom wear boots? Tom wears boots? أصيب سامي بالذّعر. Sami panicked. Sammy got scared. بيته قريب من النّهر. His house is near the river. His home is near the river. لا أكاد أسمعه. I can barely hear him. I can't hear it. אינני יודע מה גרם לי לעשות את זה. I don't know what made me do that. I don't know what made me do that. Is-surmast saqsieni: "Il-gimgħa d-diehla se tkun vaganza?" The headmaster asked me: "Is next week a holiday?" The president asked me: "The week of the ceremony will be a holiday?" لست المرأة التي يستحقّها سامي. I'm not the woman Sami deserves. You're not the woman Sammy deserves. لم يُسمح لباية أن تكون في ذلك المنزل. Baya wasn't permitted to be in that house. It was not allowed to be in that house. תתגבר על זה בסופו של דבר. You're going to make it after all. Get over it eventually. مانيش حايب نكون خرا، حايب نكون ستيل! I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!! Manish Hajj, we'll be bad, we'll be Stile! أحضر لي شيئاً لآكله. Bring me something to eat. Get me something to eat. أحضر فاضل ليلى إلى المنزل. Fadil brought Layla home. Bring Lily home. السيارة آتيه من ناحية اليمين. The car comes from the right. The car came right there. האלמנה לקתה בסרטן הקיבה. The widow suffered from stomach cancer. A widow to the stomach cancer. لقد انهارت حياة سامي كلّيّة. Sami's life totally fell apart. Sami's life has been completely ruined. أسوأ طريقةٍ للإضرار بقضيةٍ ما هي بالدفاع عنها باستخدام حجج خاطئة عمدًا. The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments. The worst way to harm a case is to defend it by deliberately using false arguments. يعمل جاهداً ليعيل أسرته الكبيرة. He works hard to support his large family. Working hard to help his big family. קניתי פרחים. I brought flowers. I bought flowers. سامي يعلم الآن. Now Sami knows. Sammy knows now. أُصيبت كايت بالبرد. Kate had a cold. Kate was hit cold. من الجيد معرفة ذلك That's good to know. It's good to know. توقفي عن ضربي. Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me. עמד לו גביע תחרות כדורת על המדף מעל למכתבה של תום. There was a bowling trophy on the shelf above Tom's desk. He was going to have a ball competition on the shelf over to Tom's letter. إنّها قصة معقّدة. It's a complicated story. It's a complicated story. لن نشتري سراويل الجين هذه. هذا تبذير فادح للمال. We're not buying those jeans. It's throwing good money after bad! We're not buying these gene secrets. That's a huge waste of money. ارتدى سامي الملابس التي عادة ما يرتديها للعمل. Sami wore his regular work clothes. Sami wore the clothes he used to wear to work. طلبت كتاباً من لندن. I ordered a book from London. I asked for a book from London. דבורים מספקים לנו דבש. Bees provide honey for us. Bees provide us with honey. أملك كلباً وقطة. I have a cat and a dog. I have a cat dog. סליחה, אבל זה המחבט שלי. Pardon me, but that is my racket. I'm sorry, but it's my bat. אם מדברים על שפות זרות, אתה מדבר צרפתית? Speaking of foreign languages, do you speak French? Speaking of foreign languages, are you speaking French? كل ما أستطيع فعله هو الإنتظار. I can only wait. All I can do is wait. אני צריכה להכין את שיעורי הבית במקום לצאת לבלות. I have to do my homework instead of going out. I need to prepare my homework instead of spending time. לא הייתי עושה זאת אפילו לו שלמת לי. I wouldn't do that even if you paid me. I wouldn't even do it if you paid me. אנו תלויים בכם. We depend on you. We depend on you. הבט לכאן. Look here. Look here. הוא אמיץ וישר. He's brave and honest. He's brave and honest. יש יותר מידי פרסומות ביוטיוב. There are too many adverts on youtube. There's too many YouTube commercials. למה אני צריך לסבול? Why must I suffer? Why should I suffer? كِلاً من هما في الغرفة. Both of them are in the room. Neither of them in the room. أين كتبي؟ Where are my books? Where did you write me? اقترب سامي أكثر. Sami got closer. Come closer, Sammy. זאת רק דעה פרטית. That's just a personal opinion. It's just a private opinion. سمع سامي أربعة طلقات متفرّقة. Sami heard four distinct gunshots. Sammy heard four separate shots. התינוקת בכתה עד שנרדמה. The baby cried herself to sleep. The baby cried until we fell asleep. سأنزل عند المحطة القادمة. I'm getting off at the next station. I'll get down at the next station. לאן הלכת אתמול? Where did you go yesterday? Where did you go yesterday? إنني أعمل في طوكيو حالياً. I'm working in Tokyo now. I'm working in Tokyo right now. الحائط مطلي بالأخضر. This wall is painted green. The wall is covered with green. אני רואה את תום כמעט מדי יום ביומו. I see Tom almost every day. I see Tom almost every day of his day. هذه الكتب لي. These books belong to me. These books are for me. ניצלתי הודות לכך. It saved me. I've been using thanks to that. אני שמח שאתה יכול לבוא. I'm glad that you can come. I'm glad you can come. למה אתה מיחס חשיבות לאירוע הזה? Why do you consider that event important? Why are you referring to this event? תום אנורקטי. Tom is anorexic. Tom Anority. وضعت مضاد للتعرق على كل جسمي . اذ بدء العرق بالبخ من اعلى راسي ، انت تعرف السبب. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why. I put anti-fertilization on all my bodies because of the beginning of the race with the crying from the top of my head, you know why. تشاجر مع المدرّس. He argued with the teacher. You're fighting with the teacher. سوف تنساني يوما ما. You'll forget about me someday. You'll forget me one day. لم تكن تلك هي الحقيقة. That wasn't the truth. That wasn't the truth. הוא נהג גרוע. He's a terrible driver. He's a bad driver. הודות לך, יש לי בעיות עם לחץ הדם. Thanks to you, I have problems with my blood pressure. Thanks to you, I have blood pressure problems. "Brexit" מתייחס לפרישה של בריטניה מהאיחוד האירופי. Brexit refers to the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union. "Brexit" refers to Britain's retirement from the European Union. عيناها زرقاوتان. She has blue eyes. It's got two blue eyes. تبدو صحيحة بالنسبة لي. It seems right to me. You look right to me. سأزورك بنفسي. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you myself. هي تركتني أذهب. She let me go. She let me go. لا يشرب أغلب الناس ما يكفيهم من المياه. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people don't drink enough water. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. Can I use your pencil? We can use your book. ما رأيك في عطلة في الكاريبي؟ How about a Caribbean holiday? How about a vacation in the Caribbean? إذا سجلت في الفيس بوك، فسترسل معلوماتك لوكالات الاستخبارات. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register in Facebook, you will send your information to the intelligence agencies. اتّصل سامي. Sami called. Call Sami. أعطاني توم قلماً. Tom gave me a pen. Tom gave me a little bit. لم يكن يعرف شيئا. He didn't know anything. He didn't know anything. הם לא הקשיבו. They didn't listen. They didn't listen. لن أنساهم أبدا. I'll never forget them. I'll never forget. يجب ان تحافظ علي نظافه غرفتك You should keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. פעם הערצתיו, אך לא עוד. I used to look up to him, but not anymore. I once admired him, but not anymore. אין לו את היכולות. He is incompetent. He doesn't have the ability. עכשיו אינך רשאי לעשות זאת. You must not do it now. Now you can't do that. אתה נראה שקוע. You seemed preoccupied. You seem to be stuck. أعد الكتاب في أقرب فرصة ممكنة. Return this book as soon as you can. Give the book back as soon as possible. האם כוונתך אליי? Do you refer to me? Do you mean me? הנוף היה שטוח ומשמים. The landscape was flat and monotonous. The view was flat and watery. אני משוכנעת שזה אפשרי. I'm certain it can be done. I'm sure it's possible. אין צורך באיומים. There's no need for threats. There's no need for threats. יש לי את המפתחות של תום. I have Tom's keys. I have Tom's keys. סיימת לקרוא את הרומן הזה? Have you finished reading that novel? Are you done reading this novel? אתה בטוח שאין דרך? Are you sure there's no way? Are you sure there's no way? תיזהר! הסכין חד מאוד. Careful! The knife is very sharp. The knife is very sharp. سآخذ تلك أيضا. I'll take that one, too. I'll take that too. סמכנו עלייך. We trusted you. We trusted you. הנה החבר שלך. There's your friend. Here's your friend. لم يفعل فاضل شيئا. Fadil did nothing. He didn't do anything wrong. ماذا فعلت بتلك الكتب؟ What did you do with those books? What did you do with those books? היא הניחה את העיתון על השולחן. She put the newspaper on the table. She put the paper on the table. הדבר האחרון שאנחנו צריכים הוא מלחמה. The last thing we need is a war. The last thing we need is war. כשאנשים נפגשים, הרושם הראשוני קובע יותר מ-50% של כל מה שעומד להתרחש לאחר מכן. When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next. When people meet, the initial impression is more than 50% of everything that's going to happen after that. هل تؤمن بالمسيحية؟ Do you believe in Christianity? Do you believe in Christianity? שתיתי כוסית עם תום באותו יום. I had a drink with Tom the other day. I had a toast with Tom that day. הוא הגיש קובלנה. He filed a complaint. He filed Coblina. الأمل ليس استراتيجية. Hope is not a strategy. Hope is not a strategy. إفعلي ما يخبركِ توم به لتفعليه وكل شئ سيكون بخير. Do what Tom tells you to do and everything will be fine. Do what Tom tells you to do to him and everything's gonna be okay. حاولت أن أجعله يساعدني. He tried to get me to help him. I tried to make him help me. حاول سامي أن يبني حياة مثاليّة لنفسه و لأسرته. Sami tried to make a picture perfect-life for himself and his family. Sammy tried to build a perfect life for himself and his family. הלכנו דרך שיחים עבותים. We walked through thick bushes. We went through thick swimmers. قدّم سامي سجّادة لفاضل. Sami gave a prayer rug to Fadil. Sami made a record for the fight. הוא אוהב חיות. He likes animals. He likes animals. אתה מונע. You're motivated. You're driven. كانا سامي و ليلى يتخاصمان باستمرار. Sami and Layla argued constantly. They were Sammy and Lily constantly snoring. أريد أن أنام. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. سمع سامي بعض كلاب تنبح. Sami heard some dogs barking. Sami heard some barking dogs. يدير فنان عالمي. Yidir is a universal artist. He runs a global artist. זוהי דמגוגיה ותו לא. This is pure demagogy. It's a demagogy and it's not. אל תבואו. Don't come. Don't come. השארתי את הכרטיס שלי בבית. I left my card at home. I left my card at home. תום לא מבין את הסיבה. Tom doesn't understand why. Tom doesn't understand why. את חופשיה ללכת. You're free to go. You're free to go. אני אדגים. I'll demonstrate. I'll go. התגעגעת אליי? Did you miss me? Did you miss me? لا تقلق بشأن ذلك. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. השבח לאל. Thank God. Praise God. יש לי שלושה אחים. אחד חי ביפן, והאחרים בחו"ל. I have three brothers. One lives in Japan and the other two live abroad. I have three brothers, one living in Japan, the others abroad. سلّم سامي أمر حياته لله. Sami gave his life to God. Sammy gave his life to God. תום חיכה. Tom waited up. Tom was waiting. في أوروبا وأمريكا تُعتبر الكلاب من العائلة. In Europe and America they regard the dog as a member of the family. In Europe and America, dogs are considered family members. הימנע מהנושא הדתי בשעת שיחה איתו. Keep off the religious issue when talking with him. Avoid the religious issue at the time of conversation with him. נלכדת. היכנעי! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. טום לא ילך לישון אם לא תקרא לו סיפור. Tom won't go to sleep unless you read him a story. Tom won't go to bed if you don't call him a story. המים קופאים ב-32 מעלות פרנהייט. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit [32 ° C]. تلقّى فاضل عددا من الرّسائل من ليلى. Fadil received a number of letters from Layla. He received a number of issues from Lily. كان على سامي أن يغادر. Sami should have left. Sammy had to leave. أعجبت ليلى سامي. Sami likes Layla. I liked Lily Sami. הם היו מזועזעים. They were shocked. They were shocked. היה לה ממש קר. She was really cold. She was really cold. טום לא ידע את שם המשפחה של מרי. Tom didn't know what Mary's last name was. Tom didn't know Mary's last name. أين الملابس التي تحتاج إلى غسل؟ Where is the laundry? Where's the clothes you need to wash? أمضيت رسالة سامي الهاتفيّة بحرف الفاء. Sami's text message was signed with the letter F. I passed Sami's phone call with the wire. אני חושבת שתום התלוצץ. I think Tom was joking. I think you're kidding. תרופה טובה היא מרה. Good medicine is bitter. Good medicine is Mara. במשטרה סבורים שהקורבן הכיר את רוצחו. The police believe the victim knew his killer. The police think the victim knew his killer. מה לעשות? אלו הם כוחות השוק. What can be done? These are market forces. What do I do? זה נשמע כמוהו. That sounded like him. That sounds like him. בשום פנים ואופן לא קל לרצות את כולם. It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. No way. It's not easy to please everyone. Titkellem bit-Taljan? Do you speak Italian? Speak in Italian? זה מדהים. This is amazing. It's amazing. جعلت مدرّسي يتعثّر دون قصد. I accidentally tripped my teacher. I made my teacher mindless. هناك مستشفى بالقرب من هنا. There is a hospital nearby. There's a hospital nearby. אתם מרושעים. You're mean. You're mean. ليست هذه شمعة بيضاء. This candle is not white. It's not a white candle. أعتقد أنه سيصبح غنياً يوماً ما. I believe he is going to be rich one day. I think he'll be rich someday. إنّه قدرنا. It is our destiny. It's our destiny. מה הגרוע ביותר שעלול לקרות? What's the worse that could happen? What's the worst that can happen? انتبه! هناك حفرة كبيرة هناك. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole in there. أتعلم ما يعني هذا؟ Do you know what this means? You know what that means? התאכזבתי מהמוצר החדש. I was disappointed with the new product. I've been disappointed with the new product. في الحقيقة، سيكون هذا سؤالي الرابع. Actually this will be my fourth question. Actually, that would be my fourth question. كان سامي يتخيّل عن ليلى. Sami fantasized on Layla. Sammy was thinking about Lily. اختفى سامي كي يبدأ حياة جديدة. Sami disappeared to start a new life. Sammy disappeared to start a new life. یبدو جداً ممتع. It sounds like a lot of fun. It seemed so fun. اكتشفت للتو أن زوجتي قد خانتني. I just found out that my wife cheated on me. I just found out my wife betrayed me. توم يشرب كثيرا. Tom drinks a lot. Tom drinks a lot. ترك سامي الجامعة منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami left college six years ago. Sammy left college six years ago. תום יעשה שגיאות. Tom is going to make mistakes. Tom's gonna make mistakes. إلى أين أنتم ذاهبون؟ Where are you off to? Where are you going? إنها توّاقة إلى معرفة النتائج. She's anxious to know the results. It's good to know the results. הוא קטע את שיחתנו. He interrupted our conversation. He made our call. לפתע נזכרתי שאני לא יכול להרשות לעצמי לקנות כל כך הרבה ספרים. All of a sudden, I remembered that I couldn't pay for so many books. I suddenly remembered that I couldn't afford to buy so many books. תתקן את זה. Fix this. Fix it. أتمشّى كل يوم. I walk every day. I walk every day. لا أدعي فهم النساء. I don't pretend to understand women. I don't claim to understand the women. העוגיות הטובות ביותר שאכלתי מעודי הן העוגיות שאמך אפתה לי. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the ones that your mother baked for me. The best cookies I've ever eaten are the cookies your mother's so fond of me. فحص الدّكتور صادق المرضى. Dr. Sadiq checked on the patients. Doctor's honest examination of the patients. הג'יינטס הובסו אתמול. The Giants got clobbered yesterday. The Jenettes Hobbso yesterday. היא תאוות בצע. She is greedy. She's a selfish desire. من فضلك اكتب ما سأقوله. Please write down what I am going to say. Please write what I'm gonna say. البيت مسكون بالأشباح. The house is haunted. The house is full of ghosts. اجلس معي. Sit down with me. Sit down with me. אתה בטוח שאתה לא רוצה ללכת לרופא? Are you sure you don't want to go see a doctor? Are you sure you don't want to go to the doctor? علينا أن نجدها في الحين. We need to find her right away. We have to find her at the time. أوفى سامي بوعده. Sami kept his word. Sami fulfilled his promise. فقد ابنين في الحرب. He lost two sons in the war. He lost two sons in the war. האם זה נכון שתום סבור שאני מאמין לזה? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? Is it true that Tom thinks I believe that? علي أن أخبر جمال بما سمعته. I should tell Jamal what I heard. I have to tell Jamal what I heard. اتنصب عليك. You've been deceived. Take care. لم يطلّق فاضل ليلى. Fadil didn't divorce Layla. He didn't launch a night shift. אתה חי כאן? Do you live here? You live here? الفلسطينيّون هم السّكاّن الأصليّون في فلسطين. The Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine. The Palestinians are the originals in Palestine. هل يوجد أي شيء أخر تريد أن تُخبرني به؟ Is there anything else you want to tell me? Is there anything else you want to tell me? לא בא לי להכין את שיעורי הבית במתמטיקה עכשיו. I don't feel like doing my math homework now. I don't want to make my homework in math right now. בית הספר נמצא על הכבעה. The school is on the hill. The school's on the hill. תום מפסיד בקרב. Tom is losing the fight. Tom's losing the fight. הלכתי לישון מאוחר מאוד. I went to bed very late. I went to bed very late. علي شحن هاتفي الجوال. I have to charge my mobile phone. I got to load my cell phone. הגשם מנע מהדליקה להתפשט. The rain kept the fire from spreading. The rain prevented the leaks from spreading. תום לא הרעיל את מרי. Tom didn't poison Mary. Tom didn't poison Mary. תום עשה עבודה מרהיבה פה. Tom did a phenomenal job here. Tom did an exciting job here. متى تلعب التنس؟ When do you play tennis? When are you playing tennis? أراد سامي أن يجعل ليلى تحبّه. Sami wanted to make Layla love him. Sami wanted to make Lily like him. הם מעכבים. They're stalling. They're holding back. אנחנו נחצה את הנהר בסירה. We'll cross the river in a boat. We're crossing the river on the boat. אבוא. I'll come. I'll come. איפה הילדים? Where are the children? Where are the kids? חברי הטוב ביותר דובר אירית. My best friend is an Irish speaker. My best friend speaks Irish. طالت الخسائر التي خلفها الإعصار الكثير من المحافظات. The damage of the typhoon spread over several prefectures. The losses caused by the hurricane have increased in many provinces. أنا واثق من أنك ستساعدني. I am assured of your help. I'm sure you'll help me. היא אישה שקטה. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. أودّ أن أعرف بكم تمنها. I would like to know how much it costs. I'd like to know your wish. تحافظ على غرفتها مرتبة دوماً. She always keeps her room clean. Keeps her room set. כמעט כל הנוסעים ישנו בשעה שהתאונה ארעה. Almost all of the passenger in the bus were asleep when the accident happened. Almost all passengers sleep while the accident took place. ንሳ እንግሊዘኛ ብዘይ ሰጋእ መጋእ ትዛረብ። She speaks English fluently. She speaks English without hesitation. اختصّ فاضل في الطّب الشّرعي للأطفال. Fadil specialized in pediatric forensic work. It's a misappropriation in the baby's pox. انه لمن المهم جداً الحصول على ما يكفي من الراحة. It's very important to get enough rest. It's very important to get enough rest. תום חבש את כובעו ויצא החוצה. Tom put his hat on and went outside. Tom wore his hat and went outside. זה לא מתמקד רק בלימוד לשון, היסטוריה או גאוגרפיה. This does not mean only the study of language, history or geography. It's not just about learning language, history or geography. لدينا مدرّس رياضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. We have a bad math teacher. הוא אפילו לא מכיר את יסודות החינוך. He doesn't even know the elements of an education. He doesn't even know the basics of education. كان سامي يبيع الألماس. Sami sold diamonds. Sammy was selling diamonds. אף פעם לא נסכים. We will never agree. We never agree. לפעמים הוא בחור מעניין. He's sometimes an interesting fellow. Sometimes he's an interesting guy. لا تشكرني من فضلك. Please don't thank me. Don't thank me, please. מיקי קונרס עשה קציצות מיריבו בזירה. Mickey Conners made mincemeat of his opponent in the ring. Mickey Conners made a jump at the scene. لا تعرف شيء عن الجنس. She knows nothing about the birds and the bees. You don't know anything about sex. أنا وهو أولاد عَم. Him and me are cousins. I'm a cousin. לא תום דואג עכשיו לדבר הזה? Doesn't Tom take care of all this stuff now? Doesn't Tom worry about this thing now? Madrid hija l-belt kapitali ta' Spanja. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Madrid is the capital of Spain. دومًا جائع. He's always hungry. Always hungry. ستغضب ليلى. Layla will be mad. You're gonna be mad at me. הוא יכול לנגן בפסנתר, בחליל, בגיטרה וכן הלאה. He can play the piano, the flute, the guitar, and so on. He can play the piano, the wheelchair, the guitar, and so on. אל תתני אמון בזרים. Do not trust strangers. Don't trust strangers. في المرة المقبلة سأفعل ذلك بنفسي. Next time, I'll do it myself. Next time I do it myself. Jogħġbuha l-larinġiet. She likes oranges. Pleased by the larynx. هل هذه صورة حديثة؟ Is it a recent picture? Is this a modern picture? טום ישן הרבה יותר מאשר הוא תכנן. Tom slept much longer than he had intended. Tom's much older than he planned. أريد رؤية توم قبل مغادرتي. I want to see Tom before I leave. I want to see Tom before I leave. הוא תמיד מערפל את כוונותיו. He is always vague about his intentions. He always ignores his intentions. אל מי תום מדבר? Who's Tom talking to? Who's Tom talking to? תום נענש. Tom was punished. Tom was punished. لم أنس. I didn't forget. I didn't forget. הם משכילים יותר, בריאים יותר ואמידים יותר לעומת דור ההורים שלהם כשהיו בגילם. They are better educated, healthier and wealthier than their parents' generation was at their age. They are more educated, more healthy and more dynamic than their parents ’ generation when they were their age. هنا أم تأخذها معك؟ Here or to go? Here or take it with you? איפה משחת השיניים? Where is the toothpaste? Where's the toothpaste? אני מניח שאתה כועס. I assume you're angry. I guess you're angry. كانت ليلى في غاية السّعادة. Layla was overjoyed. It was a very sacred night. היא פרצה בבכי. She burst into tears. She broke in. إسرائيل تعلم ما سفعله بالضّفّة الغربيّة لكن لا يبدو أنّها تعلم ما ستفعله بغزّة. Israel knows what to do with the West Bank but not really with Gaza. Israel knows what we're going to do with the West Bank, but it doesn't seem like she knows what you're gonna do with reason. أنا أنتظر ردك. I'm waiting for your reply. I'm waiting for your answer. أعاد سامي بناء حياته و أصبح طبيبا بارزا. Sami rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. Sammy rebuilt his life and became a prominent doctor. أقلّ سامي مسافر أوتوستوب. Sami picked up a hitchhiker. The less Sami Ottostop passenger. תחתום מעל השורה הזאת. Sign above this line. Sign over that line. ذلك كتاب طوني. This is Tony's book. That's Tony's book. من تحسب نفسك؟ Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? لا أريد أن أذهب إلى المدرسة. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. اسمي لم يظهر في القائمة. My name doesn't appear on the list. My name didn't appear on the list. פשוט צלצל אליו. Just call him. Just call him. לא ידעתי שהוא מת. I didn't know he was dead. I didn't know he was dead. תום ימתין לנו במבואה. Tom will be waiting for us in the lobby. Tom's gonna wait for us at the tower. لا أزال أشعر بشور مروّع. I still feel terrible. I still feel terrible. شخص ما يأكل. Somebody is eating. Someone eats. እኔ ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. ماذا تريد هى؟ What does she want? What do you want her? אני חושבת שזה יהיה נפלא. I think that would be awesome. I think it'll be great. هل لديها بيانو؟ Does she have a piano? Does she have a statement? פשוט לא אכפת לי. I just don't care. I just don't care. توم فقير ولكنه سعيد. Tom is poor, but he's happy. Tom's poor, but he's happy. فاضل ليس بالدّاخل. Fadil isn't in. A fight isn't easy. תום נראה מוטרד. Tom seems preoccupied. Tom seems upset. לתום יש תואר בפיננסים. Tom has a degree in finance. Tom has a degree in Finns. ናይ ሓድሕድ ሓልዮት ኣድላዩ እዩ። It's important to care for one another. There is a need for the care of one another. אנחנו קונים. We're buying. We're buying. من الصّعب أن تجد ناطقين أصليين بالعربية في دبي أين غالبيّة النّاس تتكلّم بالإنجليزيّة. It's hard to find Arabic native speakers in Dubai where most people speak English. It's hard to find two English indigenous languages in Dubai where most people speak English. كان سامي يعيش حياته. Sami was living his life. Sammy was living his life. أنا سوف ازور المتحف اليوم. I'll visit a museum today. I'll visit the museum today. הם אוכלים תפוחי עץ. They're eating apples. They're eating tree apples. תום זקן, לא? Tom is old, isn't he? Tom's an old man, isn't he? אני לוקח את בני לגן החיות אחרי הצהרים. I'm taking my son to the zoo this afternoon. I'm taking my son to the zoo after lunch. و كيف لك أن تعرف؟ How do you know? And how do you know? לראות אותה ולהתאהב. To see her is to love her. See her and fall in love. ساق سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى. Sami quickly drove to the hospital. Sami's leg is fast to the hospital. אינני משעשעת אתכם. I'm not amusing you. I'm not entertaining you. نحن نثق بك We trust you. We trust you. כל ריקוד נראה יפה, אם הוא מהלב. Any dance looks beautiful, if it's danced from the heart. Every dance looks beautiful, if it's from the heart. אינני יכול לנהוג במכונית. אין לי רשיון נהיגה. I cannot drive a car. I don't have a driver's license. I can't drive the car. הכובע הזה הולך יחד עם השמלה. This hat goes together with the dress. This hat goes with the dress. تعرف أنّ جون كان يحبها. She knows that John loved her. You know John loved her. خسر سامي. Sami lost. Lose Sammy. هل كنت مملاً بالفعل؟ Was I really boring? Were you really boring? عليك أن تتجهز بسرعة. You must get ready quickly. You have to get ready quickly. כתוב משפט הכולל שלושה פעלים. Write a sentence containing three verbs. It says a sentence of three acts. השוד תוכנן בכשרון רב. The heist was expertly planned. The robbery was designed with great talent. حاول فاضل أن يخفي جثة دانية. Fadil tried to hide Dania's body. Try to hide a Dani's body. أخبر سامي الشّرطة أين كانت تسكن ليلى بالضّبط. Sami told police where Layla exactly lived. Tell the chief Sammy where she lived at night. حكت لي قصة شيّقة. She told me an interesting story. I've got a pretty good story. אלה מחשבים מסוגים שונים. These are different types of computers. These are different types of computers. كتب التقرير. He wrote the report. He wrote the report. لا أريد أن أعمل في ظل هذه الظروف. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work under these circumstances. شرب منّاد. Mennad drank. Drink a table. תום אכל מהר. Tom ate quickly. Tom ate fast. هذه اليرقانات تأكل الأوراق. These caterpillars eat leaves. These chunks eat the papers. מי ערך את הסקר? Who did the survey? Who valued the poll? اعتذر توم لماري عن تأخره. Tom apologized to Mary for being late. I apologize to Tom Marie for delaying him. تزوّجت أمّ فاضل مرّة أخرى. Fadil's mother remarried. Marrying a mother another time. במעגל היחידה נקודות רציונליות הן צפופות. Rational points are dense on the unit circle. In the only circle, rational points are dense. עונש המוות בוטל בשנה שעברה. The death penalty was done away with last year. The death penalty was abolished last year. אני לומד באסקית. I am learning Basque. I'm learning biscuits. היא, מה שמכנים אישה מוכשרת. She is what we call a talented woman. She's, what you call a talented woman. גם הוא סופר. He's a writer, too. He's a writer, too. هل أكلت القطة لسانك؟ The cat got your tongue? Did you eat the cat in your tongue? هل تذكر السيد سايتو؟ Do you remember Mr Saito? Do you remember Mr. Saito? بدأ سامي يتخلّف على المدرسة. Sami started skipping school. Sammy's starting to drop out of school. تذكر وعدك. Remember your promise. Remember your promise. كلاب توم هاجموا ماري. Tom's dog attacked Mary. Tom's dogs attacked Mary. תום חבש כובע? Was Tom wearing a hat? Tom was wearing a hat? היום יום ראשון. Today is Sunday. It's Sunday. זה אצל תום. Tom has it. It's Tom's. هذا جدي للغاية. That's very serious. That's very serious. ماذا تعتقدين أني كنت أفعل؟ What do you think I've been doing? What do you think I was doing? لكل إنسان حق التمتع بكافة الحقوق والحريات الواردة في هذا الإعلان، دون أي تمييز، كالتمييز بسبب العنصر أو اللون أو الجنس أو اللغة أو الدين أو الرأي السياسي أو أي رأي آخر، أو الأصل الوطني أو الاجتماعي أو الثروة أو الميلاد أو أي وضع آخر، دون أية تفرقة بين الرجال والنساء. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone has the right, without any discrimination, to enjoy all the rights and freedoms contained in this Declaration, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, without any distinction between men and women. اجلس على الطاولة. Sit at the table. Sit down at the table. حضر علي إفطارا في منزل سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. He brought me breakfast at Sami's house. كانت ليلى تحبّ نمط الحياة الرّيفية. Layla loved the country lifestyle. Lily loved the lifestyle. חשתי לכוד. I felt trapped. I felt trapped. כן, פגשתי אותה אתמול בספריה. Yes, I met her in the library yesterday. Yeah, I met her at the library yesterday. قدّم سامي بلاغا للشّرطة. Sami filed a police report. Sammy made a report to the chief. המתן בכניסה לבניין הזה. Wait at the entrance to this building. Wait in front of this building. متى ستبدأ المباراة؟ What time will the game start? When do you start the game? መሄድ ይፈልጋል። He wants to go. He wants to go. תום טען שהוא חף מפשע. Tom has pleaded innocent. Tom claimed he was innocent. تعال من فضلك Please come. Come on, please. سامي عليه الانتظار أكثر. Sami should wait a little bit. Sammy has to wait longer. אני רוצה להבהיר את זה בשלמות. I want to make this perfectly clear. I want to make it perfectly clear. ليست معك حيوانات أو نباتات، صحيح؟ You don't have any plants or animals, right? You don't have animals or plants, do you? התינשא לי? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? كانت ردّة فعل سامي عنيفة. Sami reacted violently. Sami's reaction was violent. الصورة معلقة على الحائط. The picture is hanging on the wall. The picture's hanging on the wall. أراد سامي أن يبعد ليلى عن حياته. Sami wanted Layla out of his life. Sammy wanted to keep Lily away from his life. مئة هو رقمي المفضل. One hundred is my favorite number. One hundred is my favorite number. אינני יודע לפני כמה שנים נבנה הגשר ההוא. I don't know how many years ago that bridge was built. I don't know a few years ago that bridge was built. أنا أقدر ذلك. I appreciate this. I appreciate that. سامي يحبّ مادّة التّصوير. Sami loves photography class. Sammy likes painting material. ثار الفلاحون على الحكومة. Farmers rebelled against the government. The peasants came to the Government. אני יודע לשיר היטב. I can sing well. I can sing well. נולדתי ב1988. I was born in 1988. I was born in 1988. لوث ذلك الماء بالزيت. The water was fouled by oil. He contaminated that water with oil. Grazzi ħafna! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! هي لا تعلم أين تبحث عنه. She doesn't know where to look for him. She doesn't know where you're looking. הוא נראה משועמם. He looks bored. He looks bored. لا أصدق أني جالس بجانب ماري. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. I can't believe I'm sitting next to Mary. ما هو اللّون الذي نجمعه مع الأزرق كي نحصل على الأخضر؟ What color do we blend with blue to get green? What color do we gather with blue to get green? متأكد بأن توم سيفعل ذلك. I'm sure that Tom will do that. I'm sure Tom will. شكرا على آدخال الغسيل يا جيري. Thanks for bringing the washing in, Gerry. Thanks for coming in, Jerry. كانت تكره مدرّسها في الرّياضيّات. She hated her math teacher. She hated her teacher at the gym. מה תום ניסה להסתיר? What's Tom trying to hide? What did Tom try to hide? האם זה בטוח לאכול את זה? Is it safe to eat this? Is it safe to eat it? אני מתרשם מהעיצוב שלך. I'm impressed by your design. I'm impressed by your design. ועוד המון דברים. And a lot more. And a lot more. آرت متعقّب خطير. Aart is a dangerous stalker. I saw a dangerous tracker. إنها تمطر بشدة. It is raining hard. It's raining too much. إنها تمسك شيئاً. She has something in her hand. She's holding something. מספר תאונות הדרכים בעליה. There has been an increase in the number of traffic accidents. She's got several road accidents. كان سامي يستعير من أخيه لمدّة طويلة. Sami was borrowing from his brother for a long time. Sammy's been borrowing from his brother for a long time. لا يستطيع توم أن يقرر فيما إذا كان عليه الذهاب. Tom can't decide whether he should go. Tom can't decide whether to go. אל תהיי כל כך תמימה! Don't be so naive. Don't be so innocent! זה עשוי להמצא מועיל ביום מן הימים. That could come in handy someday. It might be helpful one day. لا تنسى أن تأتي إلى بيتي. Be sure to drop in at my house. Don't forget to come to my house. זה אדם עשיר, אבל משעמם. He is a rich but dull man. It's a rich man, but boring. من الأفضل أن تذهب. You should go. You better go. لن يقوم توم بفعل ذلك أبدا. Tom will never do that. Tom would never do that. نحتاجو كرّوسة. We need a car. We need a chair. אני מתנצל מקרב לב. I truly apologize. I apologize from a heart. آمل أن لا تنس القيام بذلك. I hope you don't forget to do that. I hope you don't forget to do that. يشتبه الريفيون عادةً بالغرباء. Country people are traditionally suspicious of strangers. Rurals are usually suspected of strangers. إزيك يا عم؟ What's up, dawg? Your hand, uncle? הם מתלמדים. They're interns. They're learning. אמרתי לכם שזה לא יעלה כל כך הרבה. I told you it wouldn't cost all that much. I told you it wouldn't cost that much. החומר הזה מוליך חשמל היטב. This matter conducts electricity well. This stuff's getting you a lot of electricity. ربما يكون قد مات. Maybe he's dead. Maybe he's dead. הוא בחור מופרע שמביט על כולם מלמעלה. He's an affected boy who looks down his nose at everybody. He's a disturbed guy who looks at everyone from above. החולה גבר בסופו של דבר על המחלה. The patient finally conquered his illness. The patient ended up with a man on the disease. הם הפכו את אחד המסגדים לבית כלא. They have turned one of the mosques into a prison. They turned one of the mosques into a prison. אל תצעק. Don't shout. Don't yell. أكره رؤية صورتها. I dislike seeing her picture. I hate seeing her picture. It-toqba hija wiesgħa. The hole is wide. The hole is wide. لقد استعرت سيارة. I've borrowed a car. I picked up a car. اليابان قريبة من الصين. Japan is close to China. Japan is close to China. نظرت ليلى إلى الخلف عبر النّافذة. Layla looked back through the window. Look back at me through the window. المدرّس الجيّد يفسّر الأمور. A good teacher explains things. The good teacher's explaining things. תום נפגע? Was Tom hurt? Tom got hurt? عندما كان أحمد صغيرا، كان يستطيع تسلّق الأشجار العالية. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. When he was a little Ahmad, he was able to steal the high trees. תוכלי להשגיח על הילדים שלי כשאצא לחופשה? Would you look after my children while I am away on vacation? Can you look after my kids when I go on vacation? أطلق فاضل عيارين. Fadil fired a couple of rounds. Fired two blindfolds. חייתי את רוב חיי בשפלה, היכן שגבעות ועצים הם מצרך נדיר. I've lived most of my life in the plains where trees and hills are scarce. I've lived most of my life in humiliation, where hills and trees are rare. أيمكنك أن تحزر ما لديّ؟ Can you guess what I have? Can you guess what I have? חומה הקיפה את העיר העתיקה. A wall surrounded the old city. The wall surrounded the ancient city. נשק אותי, תום. Kiss me, Tom. Kiss me, Tom. كان فاضل أبا مهملا. Fadil was a neglectful father. He was a neglected father. لم أحبه. I didn't like it. I didn't like him. الطائرة المقاتلة ألقت قنبلة. That fighter plane dropped a bomb. The fighter plane dropped a bomb. يجب أن أذهب إلى البيت I have to go home. I have to go home. سُررت بلقائك. It's great to meet you. Nice to meet you. בית הספר מתחיל באפריל. School begins in April. School starts in April. בזבזנו את המימון שלנו. We exhausted our funds. We spent our money. زرت لندن مرتين. I have been to London twice. I visited London twice. البارَح كانْ نْهارْ شْبَابْ. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Yesterday we were running around. החתול אוכל את העכבר. The cat is eating the mouse. The cat eats the mouse. תן לתום לסחוב את זה. Let Tom carry it. Let Tom carry it. ארוחת הבוקר הייתה מצויינת. Breakfast was very good. Breakfast was great. إقرأ المقالة. Read through the article. Read the article. טיול רגלי באלפים אומר לעלות על הר אחד ולרדת מאחר. Hiking in the Alps means up one mountain and down another. A foot trip with thousands means going up one mountain and falling late. כשנמצאים בטיול, קל ללכת לאיבוד. When traveling, it is easy to get lost. When we're on a trip, it's easy to get lost. إنه لا يعرف كيف يقود سيارة. He does not know how to drive a car. He doesn't know how to drive a car. תום סבור שמרי שגתה שגיאה גסה. Tom thinks Mary made a big mistake. Tom thinks Mary has made a gross mistake. אביו תמיד חוזר הביתה מאוחר. His father always comes home late. His father always comes home late. אני לא עושה זאת עבור הכסף. I'm not doing this for the money. I'm not doing this for the money. Hija il-ħabiba tiegħi. She is my girlfriend. She's my friend. ضاجعت مدرّستي. I slept with my teacher. I fucked my teacher. דברים לוקחים בדרך כלל יותר זמן ממה שציפית. Things usually take longer than you expect. Things usually take longer than you expected. תום נהיה סקרן. Tom became curious. Tom's gonna be curious. הנה התמונה שלה. Here's a photo of her. Here's her picture. אתה יכול להפסיק לעשות את זה? Can you stop doing that? Can you stop doing this? הכל תלוי בהחלטה שלך. Everything depends upon your decision. It's all up to your decision. من الأفضل أن تلازم البيت لأنك لديك حمى. As you have a fever, you'd better stay home. You better take the house because you have a fever. אנשים מסויימים אוהבים ספורט ואחרים לא. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports and others don't. לא אסכים שידברו אלי כך. I'll not be spoken to in this manner. I won't let them talk to me like that. أنا حقّا أفتقد جمال. I really miss Jamal. I really miss beauty. אתה מוכן לחתום את הרשימה? Could you please sign the register? Will you sign the list? تدور الأرض. The earth rotates. Earth's going around. قدّم سامي بطاقته لليلى. Sami gave Layla his card. Sammy gave me his card. הרעיונות שהוא מקדם בבחירות האלה, מנוגדים לכל הדברים היקרים לי ביותר. The ideals he's touting in this election go against everything I hold most dear. The ideas he makes in these elections are against all of my most precious things. אני לא שמה אף פעם סוכר בקפה שלי. I never put sugar in my coffee. I never put sugar in my coffee. قال سامي أنّه لم يكن يعيش هناك أحد. Sami said that no one lived there. Sami said he didn't live there. נראה שהילד שלנו מבריק. כמובן, ייתכן שאנחנו מוטים. Our child seems to be brilliant. Of course, we may be prejudiced. Well, it looks like our kid's brilliant. אולי תרצה קצת מזה. You might want some of this. Maybe you'd like some of this. אני מחפש את המפתח הזה. I'm looking for this key. I'm looking for this key. לא אוהבת חזיר. I don't like pork. I don't like pig. תום בוודאי השתוקק לדעת. Tom was obviously dying to know. Tom must have been eager to know. أظهرت النتائجُ خطأ التنبؤات. The prediction was falsified by the result. Results showed wrong forecasts. أراد سامي أن تراسله ليلى عبر الهاتف. Sami wanted Layla to text him. Sammy wanted to text him to me on the phone. أذهب إلى الفراش. I go to bed. Go to bed. הוא גבוה ורזה. He's tall and thin. He's tall and pink. هل بإمكانك معرفة عمري؟ Can you guess my age? Can you tell my age? למה באת כל כך מוקדם? Why did you come so early? Why did you come so early? היא נישקה אותי על השפתיים. She kissed me full on the lips. She kissed me on her lips. سمعا ليلى و سامي ضجّة غريبة. Layla and Sami heard a strange noise. Listen to me and Sammy is a strange noise. הלכתי פעמיים. I went twice. I went twice. התואיל לומר לי מה השעה? Won't you tell me what time it is? Would you tell me what time it is? חשבתי שיהיה נחמד לגור בבוסטון שנה או שנתיים. I thought it would be fun to live in Boston for a year or two. I thought it'd be nice to live in Boston for a year or two. הניצחון הפך אותו לגיבור. The victory made him a hero. The victory turned it into a hero. أنا مترجم I'm a translator. I'm a translator. ينبغي أن تتّصل بسامي. You should phone Sami. You should call my mother. كان سامي مفزوعا. Sami was terrified. Sami was disappointed. غادر سامي إلى منزله. Sami left to head home. Sammy left for his house. بإمكاني أن أسبح. I can swim. I can swim. נו, ו...? So? Oh, and...? הילד החלים מההצטננות. The child recovered from his cold. The kid got better than the cold. מה לקחו? What was taken? What did they take? אתה יוצא עוד מעט? Are you leaving soon? Are you leaving soon? זה לא אמיתי. It's not real. It's not real. אמרתי לו לבוא. I told him to come. I told him to come. لم يكن لدى سامي أيّ مشكل لمقابلة فتيات أو إيجاد نساء يصطحبهنّ. Sami never had any trouble finding women or picking women up. Sammy had no problem meeting girls or finding women taking them. انتظر حتى يتوقف المطر عن الهطول. Wait till the rain stops. Wait till the rain stops. יש לשנות את סדר המילים. The word order needs to be changed. There's got to change the order of words. הצלחתו תלויה במאמציו. His success is contingent upon his efforts. His success depends on his efforts. لم يكن فاضل غاضبا من دنية بسبب ما قامت به. Fadil wasn't upset with Dania for what she did. He wasn't angry with Denny because of what she did. هذا اذن على خلافك. This is so unlike you. So that's on your side. בחרתי מסלול שונה. I chose another path. I chose a different course. قد يكون مرضها السرطان. His illness may be cancer. She may have cancer. טפלתי בזה. I took care of it. I took care of it. אני משער שלא תאהב את זה. I suspect that you won't like it. I guess you won't like it. سأبذل جهدي ألا أزعجك وأنت تدرس. I'll try not to disturb you while you're studying. I'll make an effort not to bother you while you're studying. ممكن تتصاغ بطريقة تانية؟ Can it be phrased in another way? Can you paint in a self-sustaining way? سلّم على الدّراري تاوعك. Give my love to your kids. Acknowledge your hatreds. מסיבת יום הולדתה תערך בערב הבא. Her birthday party will be given next evening. Her birthday party will be held next night. בוא נצא מפה כל עוד אנו יכולים. Let's get out of here while we can. Let's get out of here as long as we can. אני בן אנוש. I am human. I'm a human being. בואו נְתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used to it. בגלל שעשית טעות בפרויקט שלך, אתה צריך להתחיל מאפס. Since you made a mistake in your project, you have to start over from scratch. Because you made a mistake about your project, you have to start from zero. تأقلمت ليلى مع حياتها الجديدة في زنزانة سجن مصري. Layla settled in to her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. Lily joined her new life in an Egyptian prison cell. עיר הבירה של אלבניה נקראת טיראנה. The capital city of Albania is called Tirana. Albania capital is called Tirana. هو الوحيد لي نبغيه. He's the only one I love. He's the only one I should. نادراً ما تبتسم نانسي. Nancy seldom smiles. You rarely smile at Nancy. ציפור קטנה אמרה לי. A little bird told me. A little bird told me. توم أقترحَ ذَلك. Tom suggested it. Tom, I suggest that. أتى إلى أمريكا عبر كندا. He came to America via Canada. He came to America across Canada. אני מבקש בבונג. I want a chamomile tea. I'm asking Bong. מה חלמת כשהערתי אותך? What were you dreaming about when I woke you? What did you dream of when I woke you up? אני צריך להשיג כמה בולים. I need to get some stamps. I need to get some stamps. זה אותו הדבר כל פעם. It's the same every time. It's the same every time. أعدك أنّني لن أخذلك. I promise I won't let you down. I promise I won't let you down. הוא הניח את ידו על כתפה בעדינות. He put a hand gently on her shoulder. He put his hand on a soft shoulder. הערים צפופות מאד בימינו. Towns are very crowded today. The cities are very dense today. הלוואי שאוכל ללכת לקונצרט. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could go to a concert. קן אוהב לגור באוהל. Ken likes camping. Ken likes to live in the tent. كان المدرّس يمشي حول القسم. The teacher went around the class. The teacher was walking around the department. أنتِ وصلتِ مبكراً جداً. You arrived too early. You're so early. أنا رجلٌ. I'm a man. I'm a man. אתה הססני. You're indecisive. You're the Sunny. אתה בלש מעולה. You're an excellent detective. You're a great detective. هل اتصل بي أحد عندما كنت في الخارج؟ Did anyone call me while I was out? Did anyone call me when I was out there? הוא זרק אבן על הכלב. He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone on the dog. أنا أتعلّم كثيرا من كتب الأمازيغية للأطفال. I learn a lot from Berber kids books. I'm learning a lot from Amazigian Books for Children. תום חזר על מה שהוא אמר זה עתה. Tom repeated what he had just said. Tom's back on what he just said. אני לא יכול להבין איך לפתור את הפאזל. I can't figure out how to solve the puzzle. I can't figure out how to solve the puzzle. שכחתי את השם. I've forgotten the name. I forgot the name. خمس عشرة دقيقة فقط. Only fifteen minutes. Only 15 minutes. عندما عبّرت جون ريفرز عن دعمها لإسرائيل، لم تُبدِ أيّ تعاطف حين سُئلت عن مدينيّي غزّة الذين كانوا يُقتلون بالمئات. When Joan Rivers expressed her support for Israel, she showed no sympathy when asked about Gaza's civilians who were killed by the hundreds. When John Rivers expressed her support for Israel, there was no sympathy when she was asked about my generous debtors who were killing hundreds. عمرها يناهز الأربعين. She is about forty. She's about 40 years old. היא האיצה בי. She made me hurry. She urged me. أخبرني أين أضع هذه الكتب. Tell me where to put these books. Tell me where I put these books. هل هناك ما لم أضع في الإعتبار؟ Did I miss anything? Is there anything I don't consider? عايز أموت مع جتر ياني. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I'm dying with Jitter Yani. אתה מוכן לתת לי את מספר הטלפון שלך? Would you give me your work number, please? Will you give me your phone number? אני משחקת עכשיו כדור עף. I am playing volleyball now. I'm playing flying ball now. לא הייתי צריך לומר לו. I didn't need to tell him. I shouldn't have told him. يشكل الفصل الثالث نهاية البداية في الكتاب. توقف هناك واقرأ تعليقات الناقد. Chapter three is the end of the beginning of the book. Stop there and read the critic's comments. Chapter III is the end of the beginning of the book. Stop there and read the critical comments. ልጆች የሕይወታችን አበባዎች ናቸው። Children are the flowers of our lives. Children are the flowers of our lives. תפסיקי להציק לי. Stop harassing me. Stop bothering me. الكلام مع توم بلا فائدة. It's useless to talk to Tom. Talk to Tom for nothing. אולי אתה צריך לעשות את זה. Maybe you should do that. Maybe you should do it. أنا لدي جار إيطالي. I have an Italian neighbor. I have an Italian neighbour. הדבר הבלתי נתפס ביותר בעולם, הוא שהוא בכלל מובן וברור. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. The most inexhaustible thing in the world is that it is completely understandable and clear. תום לא אוהב להפסיד. Tom doesn't like to lose. Tom doesn't like losing. أعطاني أبي لعبةً. My father gave me a game. Dad gave me a game. את קלקלת את בגדייך. You ruined your clothing. You broke your clothes. אל תוסיפו משפטים ממקורות שיש עליהם זכויות יוצרים. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Don't add sentences from sources that have rights to create. מה הייתי עושה בלעדיך? What would I do without you? What would I do without you? תום מספר לנו יותר על מה שקורה ממרי. Tom tells us more about what's going on than Mary does. Tom tells us more about what's going on with Mary. תעשה את זה מן הסתם. Just do that. You'll probably do it. אני חושבת שלא עשית את זה. I think you didn't do it. I think you didn't do it. טום תמיד מפסיד. Tom always loses. Tom always loses. עשיתם מה שהייתם צריכים לעשות. You did what you had to. You did what you had to do. وصلوا منفصلا. They arrived separately. They're here separately. למה תום מפחד לדבר עם מרי? Why is Tom scared to talk to Mary? Why is Tom afraid to talk to Mary? لا تحتقر إنساناً لأنه فقير. Don't despise a man because he is poor. He doesn't despise a human being because he's poor. رجّعلي سْتِيلُويَا. Give me my pen back. My brother Stellawia. يجب عليك أن تُخطط للقدوم معنا المرة المقبلة التي نذهب فيها للتخييم. You should plan to come with us the next time we go camping. You should plan to come with us next time we're going to guess. אנו מתקדמים לפי לוח הזמנים. We're proceeding on schedule. We're progressing according to schedule. תום שבר לי את האף. Tom broke my nose. Tom broke my nose. אני אוהב את ניחוח החביתיות בבוקר. I love the smell of pancakes in the morning. I like the pancakes in the morning. طبع هذا الكتاب في انجلترا. This book was printed in England. Print this book in England. היא לא שמרה את סודי. She did not keep my secret. She didn't keep my secret. أعلم بأنك خائف I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. הוא לומד ליד שולחן הכתיבה שלו. He is studying at his desk. He's studying near his desk. انتظر حتى يسخن الحساء. Wait till the soup warms. Wait till the soup's warm. لم يقل لي ولو كلمة واحدة. She didn't say even one word to me. He didn't tell me even one word. كاين زوج طونوبيلات ف لڨاراج ديالو. There are two cars in his garage. Cain's husband, Tonubelat, to the Dialo Arage. احتضنته و هو يبكي. She hugged him while he cried. I've caught him and he's crying. إلى ذلك الحين. Until then. Until then. الكتاب على المكتب. The book is on the table. The book on the office. حُكِم على ليلى ثلاث مرّات بالمؤبّد. Layla was handed three life sentences. I've been sentenced to three times a day. إن غادرنا الآن فسنصل على الوقت. If we leave now, we should make it. If we leave now, we'll get time. ارتفع عدد السياح بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة . The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years. In recent years, the number of tourists has increased considerably. قابلها عندما كان في أمريكا. He met her while in the U.S. I met her when he was in America. أين سنلتقي؟ Where will we meet? Where are we gonna meet? זה מוזר. That's freaky. That's weird. استحممن من فضلكن. Please take a bath. Take a bath, please. لا يُدعى سامي كثيرا للحفلات. Sami is not often invited to parties. It's not so much Sami for the parties. נפתור את הבעיה ללא קושי. We shall solve the problem without any difficulties. We'll solve the problem without difficulty. بكيتُ طوال الليل. I cried all night long. I cried all night. نُقل سامي إلى العيادة البلديّة. Sami was taken to the municipal clinic. We moved Sami to the municipal clinic. تحصّل سامي على ماله. Sami got his money. Sammy gets his money. هل نسيت تحيّتي؟ Did you forget to greet me? Did you forget to smile? أنقذ الشاب الفتاة من الغرق. The young man saved the girl from drowning. The young man saved the girl from the sink. נסעתי את כל הדרך מבוסטון רק כדי לתת לתום מתנת יום הולדת. I drove all the way to Boston just to give Tom a birthday gift. I've been traveling all the way from Boston just to give Tom a birthday present. ورث جون ثروة كبيرة. John inherited a large fortune. John inherited a great fortune. הייתי כותב מכתב ארוך יותר לו רק היה לי יותר פנאי. I would have written a longer letter if I'd had more time. I'd write a longer letter if I just had more pony. غادر فاضل البلد في الثّالث و العشرين من أغسطس. Fadil left the country on August 23. He left the country on the Tuesday and 20th of August. كان سامي يحفر حفرا في البستان. Sami was digging holes in his backyard. Sammy was digging a hole in the dress. אני חלוק בדעתי. My mind is torn and undecided. I share my opinion. אסיים לקרוא את הרומן הזה בקרוב. I'll finish reading this novel soon. I'll be done reading this novel soon. يدرس توم في المكتبة الآن. Tom is now studying in the library. Tom's studying in the library now. גרמניה הייתה פעם בת ברית של איטליה. Germany was once allied with Italy. Germany was once in an alliance of Italy. فقدت تراسي نظارتها. Tracy lost her glasses. Tresy lost her glasses. אכלתי את הנזיד שבישלנו לפני כמה ימים. I've been eating the stew that we made a few days ago. I ate the venom we cooked a few days ago. היינו יכולים להסתייע. We could use some help. We could've made a mistake. توم ليس مؤهلاً لتدريس المدرسة الثانوية. Tom isn't qualified to teach high school. Tom's not qualified to teach high school. אני צריך לעזוב עכשיו. I have to leave now. I need to leave now. أنا سعيد جداً. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. מותר לי לבכות? Can I cry? May I cry? אל תסתירי את פניך. Don't hide your face. Don't hide your face. أريد أن أكون طبيباً في المستقبل. I want to be a doctor in the future. I want to be a doctor in the future. لا تستطيع السباحة هنا. You cannot swim here. You can't swim here. אין לי זמן לאורחים היום. I don't have time for guests today. I don't have time for guests today. دعه ينه جملته! Let him finish his sentence! Let him finish his sentence! אני לא יכול לדעת אם אתה רציני. I can't tell if you're serious. I can't tell if you're serious. لا تلعب هنا. Don't play here. Don't play here. هل بإمكانك إخبار توم أنني مررت من هنا؟ Could you tell Tom that I stopped by? Can you tell Tom that I'm out of here? كنت أرغب في البقاء في السرير طوال اليوم. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I wanted to stay in bed all day. אני גם יהודי. I'm also a Jew. I'm a Jew, too. أحضره إلي. Bring him to me. Bring it to me. سأظل هنا هذا الشهر بأكمله. I will stay here all this month. I'll stay here this whole month. קולו של תום התחיל להצטרד. Tom's voice began to crack. Tom's voice started to tremble. كيف تجرأ على شتم أختي! How dare you insult my sister! How dare you smell my sister! Għandi żewġ qtates. I have two cats. I have two cats. هل تحتاج حقا لكلب إضافي؟ Do you really need one more dog? Do you really need an extra dog? תום אמר לי שהוא מתכנן לצאת לטיול אופנים בקיץ הבא. Tom told me he was planning to go on a cycling trip next summer. Tom told me he was planning on a bike trip next summer. בשעה שסובבתי את גל הארכובה, קם הטרקטור הישן לתחיה. As I turned the handle of the crankshaft, the old tractor sputtered to life. As I surrounded the grid, the old tractor was raised to life. עלול לרדת גשם הלילה. It may rain tonight. It might rain tonight. אני יודע רק את זה. I know only this. I only know that. وجب على السياح مغادرة البلدة قبل حلول الفجر . The tourists had to leave the town before dawn. Travellers had to leave the town before the dawn. مايك هو قائد الفريق. Mike is the team's captain. Mike is the team leader. נשוב מאוחר יותר. We'll come back later. We'll be back later. המכתב של דן היה מבוייל מלונדון. Dan's letter was postmarked London. Dan's letter was from Boyle from London. אחרת זה נכון. It is otherwise correct. Otherwise it's true. זו לא הייתה סערה שגרתית. That was no ordinary storm. It wasn't a routine storm. שתה את החלב שלך. Drink your milk. Drink your milk. הוא גילה פתאום את האמת. He suddenly came out with the truth. He suddenly found out the truth. אף פעם לא ראיתי כלב גדול כל כך. I've never seen so big a dog. I've never seen such a big dog before. החיים הקשו עליו. Life has been hard on him. Life's hard for him. إبن زنا! Bastard! Son of a bitch! תום מעודו לא עשה דבר עבור איש, חוץ מאשר הוא עצמו. Tom never did anything for anybody, except for himself. Tom Maum didn't do anything for anyone, except him himself. אני לא יכול לסבול ילדים רעשניים. I can't stand noisy children. I can't stand hungry kids. לאוניברסיטה שלי יש מעונות. My university has a dormitory. My university has dots. אני הייתי מי שהציע זאת. I was the one who suggested it. I was the one who offered it. كيف تعرف أن توم وماري لا يكذبون؟ How do you know Tom and Mary aren't lying? How do you know Tom and Marie aren't lying? إذا أردت أن تسمع قصة مخيفة، سأحكي لك ما حلمت به منذ عدة أسابيع. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago. If you want to hear a scary story, I'll tell you what I've dreamed of a few weeks ago. قريب ماكاين حتى كتاب. There are almost no books. Mackin's close to a book. إنه يكره نانسي. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. באביב הימים נעשים ארוכים יותר. In spring the days get longer. It's getting longer in spring. أصبحت مشهورة. She became famous. I've become famous. هذه فكرة جيدة! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! אינני מצדיע לדגל שלכם. I'm not saluting your flag. I don't deserve your flag. ذهبت ليلى للمدرسة كي تصبح ممرّضة ذات شهادة. Dania went to school to be a certified nurse. Lily went to school to be a certified passer. אני חושב שהוא מזייף. I think he's faking. I think he's a fake. אתה נראה יפה מאד היום. You look very nice tonight. You look very beautiful today. היא כתבה לי מכתב ארוך. She wrote me a long letter. She wrote me a long letter. כל השובתים יצאו מהבניין זועמים. All the strikers came out of the building in indignation. All the answers came out of the building angry. مزيان يكتب جملة على السبورة البيضاء. Mezian is writing a sentence on the whiteboard. Melane writes a sentence on the white bars. لقد خدعهُ. He swindled him. I tricked him. העובדה היא שהם אפילו לא קראו את המכתב. The fact is that she didn't even read the letter. The fact is they didn't even read the letter. خرج سامي من الباب. Sami stepped out the door. Sammy got out of the door. את חושבת שזה יתאים לכאן? Do you think it will fit here? You think it'll fit in here? لا تستسلم إن فشلت. Don't give up if you fail. Don't give up if you fail. اتّصل سامي بأمّي. Sami called my mom. Sammy calls my mom. סוכן נוסע מסוים ניצל את תמימותה של ישישה פתיה והסתלק עם סכום נכבד מממונה. A certain door-to-door salesman made a fool of a trusting old lady and went off with a lot of her money. A certain traveling agent had used the innocence of making an opening and had gone away with a considerable sum of money. כשביטאו את זה כל כך בפשטות לא היו לי מילים לענות. When it was put that clearly, I was at a loss for a response. When they saw it so easily, I didn't have words to answer. يبدو عليك المرض. You look sick. You look sick. מי צריך אותם. Who needs them? Who needs them. עבודתו הקשה של תום השתלמה. Tom's hard work has paid off. Tom's hard work paid off. זה מתמיה. This is puzzling. It's an ambiguity. أنا العب مع أصحابي. I'm playing with my friends. I'm playing with my owners. أنا أحبّها كأخت. I love her like a sister. I love her as a sister. كان دواء ليلى ضروريّا كي يحتفظ قلبها بنبض منتظم. Layla's medication was essential to maintain a steady heartbeat. Lili's medicine was necessary to maintain her heart with a regular pulse. سأدفع بالشيك. I'll pay by cheque. I'll pay for the check. המאמץ השתלם, כי עברתי את הבחינה. The hard work was worthwhile because I passed the exam. The effort paid off because I passed the exam. זה היה באוקספורד שתום למד היסטוריה. It was at Oxford University that Tom studied history. It was in Oxford that Tom studied history. תעזבו אותי בשקט! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! ۆه، سروالي لبيض! او كان ژديد. Oh, my white pants! And they were new. His, my pants are white! Or it was red. አንተ አስተማሪ ነህ። You're a teacher. You are a teacher. בציבור הוא נחשב חף מפשע. The public hold him to be innocent. He's considered innocent in the public. למה לנו להתערב? Why should we get involved? Why should we intervene? يمثل إدراك أوجه الإنسانية المشتركة فيما بيننا بطبيعة الحال مجرد البداية لمهمتنا. Of course, recognizing our common humanity is only the beginning of our task. The realization of common humanity among us, of course, is just the beginning of our mission. هي تشرب الجعة عديمة الكحول كل يوم لأن الجعة هي مشروبها المفضل إلا نها لا تريد تناول الكحول كل يوم. She drinks non-alcoholic beer almost every day because beer is her favorite drink, but she doesn't want to drink alcohol every day. She drinks beer every day because beer is her favorite drink. She doesn't want to eat alcohol every day. היא בהריון עם תאומים. She's pregnant with twins. She's pregnant with twins. תום היה מעוצבן. Tom was irritated. Tom was pissed. قبّلها. He kissed her. Kiss her. هو أغلق عينيه. He closed his eyes. He closed his eyes. אתה מוכן להפסיק לשוטט הלוך ושוב? Can you stop with the pacing? Will you stop plunging back and forth? הבאת פעם את הכלב שלך אל החוף? Have you ever brought your dog to this beach? Did you ever bring your dog to the beach? كنت أبحث عن عصير الليمون طيلة اليوم. I have been looking for lemon juice all day long. I've been looking for lemon juice all day. לתום יש כתובת קעקע. Tom got a tattoo. Tom has a tattoo address. هذه المرأة طبيبة. This woman is a doctor. This woman's a doctor. لا أعلم متى سأعود بالتحديد. I don't know exactly when I will be back. I don't know exactly when I'll be back. انضمّ سامي إلى نادي الإعلام الآلي. Sami joined the computer club. Sammy joined the I.D. Club. הוא חזר מסין. He came back from China. He came back from China. תום צריך כוס סוכר. Tom needs a cup of sugar. Tom needs a glass of sugar. חברי הסנאט גיבשו החלטה. Senators drafted a resolution. The Senate members made a decision. מה תום זומם בימים אלו? What's Tom up to nowadays? What's Tom up these days? Teẓram zemreɣ ad tt-geɣ. You know I can do it. They're fine. יש לה מאהב לכל יום בשבוע. She's got lovers for every day of the week. She has a lover every day of the week. صفّ كليتيّ وقلبي‎. Try out my reins and my heart. My kidney class and my heart. אתה לא מתכוון לאכול את זה? Aren't you going to eat it? Aren't you going to eat it? תום זקוק לקצת שינה. Tom needs some sleep. Tom needs some sleep. תום אמר לי שהוא רוצה לטפס על הרים. Tom told me he wanted to go mountain climbing. Tom told me he wanted to climb the mountains. אינני יודעת מה זה מה. I don't know what's what. I don't know what it is. X'inhi din? What is it? What is this? توفيت أمي عندما كنت طفلة. My mother died when I was a child. My mother died when I was a child. אל לך להשליך אשפה ברחוב. You mustn't throw litter in the street. Don't you throw trash on the street. תום הגזים בהערכת עצמו. Tom was overconfident. Tom's exaggerating himself. يحدث ذلك كثيراً. Such a thing occurs frequently. That happens a lot. לא הכרתי אותה ממש. I never really knew her. I didn't really know her. כשנשאלה מה מפריד בין גברים אמריקניים לבין עמיתיהם מאירופה, ז'זה גאבור ענתה, "האוקינוס האטלנטי, מותק." When asked what separates American men from European men, Zsa Zsa Gabor replied, "The Atlantic Ocean, darling." When we ask what separates American men and their colleagues from Europe, Joza Gaber answered, "The Atlantic Ocean, baby." إنه يزعجني حقا. It's really bothering me. He's really bothering me. שיעורי הבית שלכם לכל שיעור יהיו לחזור על השיעור של היום ולהתכונן לשיעור הבא. Your homework for each class will be to review the day's lesson and to prepare for the next one. Your homework for each class will be back on today's class and get ready for the next class. איך אוכל אי פעם לסלוח לתום? How can I ever forget Tom? How can I ever forgive Tom? נפסיק כאן להיום. We'll stop here for today. We'll stop here for the day. אנשים כל כך תחרותיים בימינו. People are so competitive nowadays. People are so competitive these days. לא אמרתי בכלל שהוא צדיק. I never said that he was righteous. I didn't even say he was righteous. القنبلة النووية هي سلاح فظيع. An A-bomb is a terrible weapon. The nuclear bomb is a terrible weapon. إن جيم يتعلم القيادة. Jim is learning how to drive a car. Jim's learning to drive. ضحّت ليلى بسامي كي تخرج نفسها من المأزق. Layla threw Sami under the bus. Lila sacrificed to my mother to get herself out of the deadlock. قبل مغادرة سامي للولايات المتّحدة، كان يعتقد أنّ جميع سكّان العالم مسيحيّون. Before he left the United States, Sami thought that everyone in the world was Christian. Before Sammy left the unitary states, he thought the whole world was a Christian. كان سامي خائفا من أن تضحك عليه ليلى. Sami was afraid Layla would laugh at him. Sammy was afraid to laugh at him at night. ألا تتوقع أن يحدث شيئا؟ Aren't you expecting something to happen? Don't you expect anything to happen? كان خطأ حاسوبيّ. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. حقا أريد رؤيتك اليوم. I really wish to see you today. I really want to see you today. מר ווד אהב את לינדה בכל לבו. Mr. Wood loved Linda from the bottom of his heart. Mr. Wood loved Linda with all his heart. يعمل جون بجدّ. John works hard. John works really hard. אינני מפשיטה אותך. I'm not undressing you. I don't mess you up. היינו אבודים. We were lost. We were lost. זה ברור. That's obvious. It's obvious. عرض سامي على فريد 400 دولار ليساعده على التّنظيف. Sami offered Farid 400 dollars to help clean up. Sammy offered Fred $400 to help him clean up. التقيت بها في طريقي إلی المنزل I met her on my way home. I met her on my way home. هو متأخّر. He's late. He's late. Fejn toqgħod? Where do you live? Where do you live? איך הכרתם אותה? How did you meet her? How did you know her? إنها تبحث عن مفاتيح سيارتها. She is looking for her car keys. She's looking for her car keys. Bonġu! Good morning! Bongos! Ejja hawn! Come here! Come here! لقد تغيّرت الأوقات كثيرا. Times have changed a lot. Times have changed a lot. אולי זה גורל. Maybe it's destiny. Maybe it's fate. بإمكانك الاعتماد عليّ يا فاضل. You can count on me, Fadil. You can count on me, fag. בדיוק כאשר עמדתי ללכת לישון, הטלפון צלצל. I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. Just when I was about to go to sleep, the phone rang. لا تعاملني وكأني طفل. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like a child. תזהר שמא תכווה את עצמך. Be careful not to burn yourself. Be careful you'll make yourself comfortable. كيفَ كانت المدرسة اليوم؟ How was school today? How was school today? قد تضطر إلى طردها. I may have to fire her. You might have to fire her. بدأت ليلى ترتدي الحجاب في فترة شهر رمضان. Layla started wearing the hijab around Ramadan. Lila started wearing a jacket in the month of Ramadan. אני לא חושב שזו מישהי שאני מכיר. I don't think that's anybody I know. I don't think it's someone I know. سامي في المطبخ. Sami is in the kitchen. Sammy's in the kitchen. يأكلون بالشوكة و السكين. They eat with a knife and fork. They eat chocolate and knife. بيته صغيرٌ، وكذلك قديمٌ His house is small and moreover it's old. His house is small, as well as old. הבליסטרה העיפה את האבן מעל לחומות הטירה. The catapult hurled the boulder over the castle walls. Balistra threw the stone over the castle walls. كان يحتوي حاسوب سامي على الكثير من الصّور الإيباحيّة للأطفال. Sami's computer contained a lot of child pornography. He had a Sami computer on a lot of child pornography. תכתוב בעט. Write with a pen. Write a pen. הוא כל כך השתדל שהוא האדים לחלוטין. He was trying so hard that he turned red. He tried so hard he was completely red. עליך לעיין במילון. You should consult the dictionary. You have to go to the hotel. כל אחד נוטה לעצלנות. Everybody tends to be lazy. Everyone tends to be lazy. אודיע לה. I'll inform her. I'll let her know. ماذا جرى في النّادي؟ What happened at the club? What happened in the club? ענה לתום. Answer Tom. Answer Tom. אינני מאמין שהוא תמיד מאחר. I don't believe he always arrives late. I can't believe he's always late. התמרורים בעיירה הזאת גרועים. The town is badly signposted. The chills in this town suck. תום אחרון. Tom is last. Last Tom. مبيعات السيارات اليابانية في الخارج جيدة. Japanese cars sell well overseas. Japanese car sales are good abroad. لن أنس مراسلة أمّي. I will not forget to write to my mother. I won't forget my mother's correspondence. ارم العصى وشاهد الكلب يجلبها. Throw a stick and watch the dog fetch it. Throw the pig and watch the dog bring it. من فمك إلى باب السماء! Let's hope so! From your mouth to the door of the sky! תום הראה למרי את העבודה. Tom showed Mary the paper. Tom showed Mary the job. سأشتاق إليك. I'll miss you. I'll miss you. استمر. Go on. Go on. خُدِعتُ من قبل البائع. I was taken in by the salesman. I was hired by the seller. درك راني عايش مع خالي. Now I live with my uncle. He realized I was living with my uncle. זה גדול מאוד. That's very big. It's very big. אנחנו הגיבורים האמיתיים. The real heroes are us. We're the real heroes. אחכה בחוץ. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. الحاجات دي بتاعتك؟ Are these your things? The need to take care of you? Merħba fil-Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa li kulħadd jista' jimmodifika. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Welcome to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that everyone can modify. العبرية لغة صْعِيبَة. Hebrew is a difficult language. Hebrew is a difficult language. הילד נכנס דרך הדלת האחורית. The boy entered by the back door. The kid went through the back door. أفضل أن لا أذهب. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. لقد أتى بنفسه He came in person. He came by himself. رزقوا بولد وحيد. They had only one child. They had a single boy. אה, תודה, יקירי. Ah, thank you, my dear. Oh, thank you, darling. אינני יודעת איפה תום שם את המטרייה שלו. I don't know where Tom put his umbrella. I don't know where to put his umbrella there. السلامُ عليكُم. Peace be with you. Peace be upon you. אנו לא יכולים לחיות בלי שינה כפי שאין אנו יכולים לחיות בלי מזון. We can no more live without sleep than without food. We can't live sleepless as we can't live without food. אני לומד שפות אחדות. I am studying several languages. I'm learning one language. هل يريد توم أن يأتي؟ Does Tom want to come? Does Tom want to come? נא לא לדבר ללא רשות. Please refrain from speaking without permission. Please don't speak without permission. הנפילה שאוֹלה קלה היא. The descent to hell is easy. The fall that is easy is. אני לא מנסה לסגת מההסכם. I'm not trying to back out of that agreement. I'm not trying to back off the deal. אני רוצה שתזכרי מה קרה פה היום. I want you to remember what happened here today. I want you to remember what happened here today. אנה פרנק לא היתה אזרחית. Anne Frank wasn't a citizen. Anna Frank wasn't a citizen. እኔም ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው። I'm also going to school. I am going to school. سمع سامي انفجارا رهيبا. Sami heard an awful blast. Sami heard a terrible explosion. أُسمَحُ أن أُملِكَ رأياً شخصيّاً؟ Can I have a private opinion? I'm allowed to hope you a personal opinion? ألحقت ملاحظة بالمستند باستخدام ملقط ورق. A note was attached to the document with a paper clip. A note on the document was added using a paper mat. أراها نادراً I see it rarely. See, it's rare. Kif inti? How are you? How are you? אני תוהה איך זה נראה. I wonder what it looks like. I wonder what it looks like. היה רק מקרה אחד של אבעבועות בבית הספר. There was only one case of chicken pox at the school. There was only one case of puffs at school. הוא מכפר על חטא. He is doing penance. He's digging for sin. تعهّد سامي أن لا يتّصل أبدا بعائلته. Sami vowed to never contact his family again. Sami promises never to call on his family. תן לי לראות איך ארגיש מחר. Let me see how I feel tomorrow. Let me see how I'll feel tomorrow. אתם לומדים כימיה? Do you study chemistry? You guys learn chemistry? הניצולים נמצאו על אי, גוססים מרעב. The survivors were found on an island, dying of starvation. Survivors were found on an island, starving. הוא לא היה צריך לעשות את זה. He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't have done that. توم في الخارج يلعب لعبة الصحن الطائر مع كلبه. Tom is outside playing frisbee with his dog. Tom's out playing the pilot game with his dog. אני תמיד נהנה מאד כשאני בא לכאן. I always have a lot of fun when I come here. I always enjoy it when I come here. قرّر سامي القيام بذلك عملا بنصيحة أحد المدرّسين. Sami, on the advice of a teacher, decided to do that. Sami decided to do this under the guidance of one of the teachers. תגידי, את בכלל מתגעגעת אליי? Tell me, do you miss me at all? Say, do you even miss me? لم أكن أريد أن أقول لك هذا. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. היא דקיקה. She's skinny. She's thin. חומת ברלין נפלה ב-1989. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989. Berlin Wall fell in 1989. אני לא מדען. I'm not a scientist. I'm not a scientist. ينبغي على سامي أن ينتظر. Sami should wait. Sammy should wait. דיון פתוח עם אתאיסט התקיים באחרונה במסגד בקהיר. An open discussion with an atheist took place recently in a mosque in Kahir. An open discussion with an atheist was recently held at the Cairo mosque. החדשות גרמו לה צער רב. The news upset her terribly. The news has made her very sad. תקישי על עץ! Touch wood! Get on a tree! لن تعرف قيمة الشيء حتى تفقده. You never realize the value of something till you lose it. You won't know the value of anything until you lose it. אני מסכים בכל לב. I agree completely. I agree with all my heart. אנו צריכים לעשות את זה שוב. We have to do it again. We need to do it again. יש לוח זמנים? Is there a timetable? Is there a schedule? ماذا ستفعل بهذا المال؟ What are you going to do with this money? What are you gonna do with that money? אם אתם לא מבינים, שאלו. If you don't understand, ask. If you don't understand, ask. كانت لسامي الكثير من الخصال الطّيّبة. Sami had a lot going for him. My name was a lot of good leather. אתה מתכוון להשאר במיטה כל היום? Are you going to stay in bed all day? You gonna stay in bed all day? بالطبع، يجب ان اخبرها. Of course, I have to tell her. Of course, I have to tell her. حَنْدِير لاتاي. I'll make the tea. Latty's got it. الكتاب أحمر. The book is red. The book's red. لو لم تساعدني، لما كنت سأنجح. Were it not for your help, I could never succeed. If you didn't help me, I wouldn't. وجد سامي ملابس ليلى معلّقة في غرفته. Sami found Layla's clothes hanging up in his room. Sammy found night clothes locked in his room. انقطع اتصالي بالإنترنت. My internet connection was cut off. I cut my phone on the Internet. قامت ليلى بتبليغ زائف. Layla made a false report. Lily reported fakes. أود معرفة سبب حذف اسمي من القائمة. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. I'd like to know why my name was deleted from the list. تعبت ليلى من الانتظار. Layla got tired of waiting. I was tired of waiting for Lily. זה מה שפועל. That's what works. That's what it works. אני חושבת שדעתו חשובה מאוד. I think his opinion is of great importance. I think he thinks it's very important. מרי התרשמה ממראה עיניה. Mary was impressed with what she saw. Mary was impressed by the sight of her eyes. الرجاء فتح حقيبتك. Please open your suitcase. Please open your bag. האין החיים נפלאים? Isn't life wonderful? Isn't life wonderful? هل من أحد يستطيع أن ينطق هذه الكلمة؟ Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Can anyone speak that word? אסור לך לעשות את זה בלי רשיון. You aren't allowed to do that without a permit. You can't do this without a license. עכשיו תבואנה צרות. Here comes trouble. Now you're gonna make trouble. איך מגיעים לתחנה? How do I get to the bus station? How do you get to the station? إنه أخي. It's my brother's. He's my brother. ንሱ ከም ተራ ደራፊ አይኮነን። He is no ordinary singer. He is not condemned as an ordinary singer. أين الصبيان؟ Where are the boys? Where are the boys? מגיע לתום חירות. Tom deserves his freedom. Coming to the end of freedom. توم و ماري شربا الشمبانيا Tom and Mary drank champagne. Tom and Marie Tamba Champania תום גר מרחק גדול מכאן. Tom lives a long way from here. Tom lives a great distance from here. יש לנו רק הזדמנות אחת. We've only got one chance. We only have one chance. يحبان بعضهما. They love each other. They love each other. حاولت ألا تنظر إليه. She tried not to look at him. I tried not to look at him. علّم سامي السّباحة لليلى. Sami taught Layla how to swim. Sami taught the pool to me. هي شديدة الخوف من الكلاب She is much afraid of dogs. She's so scared of dogs. אנו נהנים לצפות בטלוויזיה. We enjoy watching TV. We enjoy watching TV. היא נתנה לי לחכות למשך חצי שעה. She kept me waiting for half an hour. She let me wait for half an hour. እኔ ከአሜሪካ ነኝ። I'm from America. I am of the Americas. לקחתי את זה כמובן מאליו שתצטרפי. I took it for granted that you would join. I took it, of course, that you'd join. هو طبيب. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. מגיע לתום יותר מזה. Tom deserved more than that. Coming to Tom more than that. أنت في أوروبا! You're in Europe! You're in Europe! لم أسمع في حياتي بهذا البتة. Never in my life have I heard such a thing. I've never heard of this in my life. بعد أن صفعت ليلى، شعرت بالذّنب. After I slapped Layla, I felt terrible. After yawning at night, I felt like a bunny. أغلقَ الباب. He shut the door. Close the door. טום צעד לבדו. Tom walked alone. Tom's on his own. كان آرت معاديا للسّاميّة إلى حدّ لا يُصدّق. Aart was incredibly antisemitic. It was anti-Semitic to such an unbelievable extent. حاولت قتل نفسي مرّتين. I tried to kill myself twice. I tried to kill myself twice. أحب أن آكل البطيخ. I like to eat watermelon. I like to eat yams. אני מצטער על כך שסיפרתי לך. I'm sorry I told you. I'm sorry I told you. באספרנטו תמיד מטעימים מִלְּעֵיל. In Esperanto, the penultimate syllable is always stressed. Basrento is always delicious. הוא עני מרוד. He's dirt-poor. He's poor. أخبر فاضل أسرته أنّه اعتنق الإسلام. Fadil told his family that he converted to Islam. Tell his family that he embraced Islam. אנו נינוחים. We're relaxed. We're comfortable. אני צריך להיות בבוסטון ביום שני. I have to be in Boston by Monday. I need to be in Boston on Monday. בשלי בשבילי. Cook for me. My money for me. ما علاباليش ادا مازالها عندي. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know. I don't know. أي لون تحب أكثر؟ الأزرق أم الأحمر؟ Which color do you like more, blue or red? Which color do you like more? Blue or Red? هل تفهم؟ Do you understand? Do you understand? אני מרגיש פגוע. I feel hurt. I feel hurt. أَضْحَك الناس على أستاذه. He made a fool of his teacher. I'm telling you people about his teacher. במה זה יועיל? What good will that do? How's that gonna work? הוא נפגע. He was hurt. He's hurt. أنت صديقي. You are my friend. You're my friend. لقد أنهينا أكل طعام الفطور للتو. We've just finished breakfast. We just finished eating breakfast. عادة ما أتمشى كل صباح. I usually go for a walk every morning. I usually walk every morning. غادر سامي مع شخص يعمل في العيادة. Sami left with somebody from the clinic. Sammy left with someone working at the clinic. לקח לי שלוש שעות להשלים את שיעורי הבית שלי. It took me three hours to do my homework. It took me three hours to complete my homework. אני יכול לשים אותך במעצר אם צריך. I can arrest you if I have to. I can put you in custody if you need to. تحصّل سامي على ما استحقّه تماما. Sami got exactly what he deserved. Sammy gets what I deserve. مارانيش متأكّد بلي هكذا صرات. I'm not sure that that's how it happened. Maranesh is sure that Billy is so sharp. האם אתם מקשיבים לעתים קרובות לספרי אודיו? Do you often listen to audiobooks? Do you listen often to audio books? مبارك! Congratulations! Congratulations! ትፈልገዋለች። She wants him. She seeks him. اعطني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! אני מניח שאצטרך להיות זהיר יותר בעתיד. I suppose I'll have to be more careful in the future. I guess I'll have to be more careful in the future. توم كان خايف لوكان يسمعو كاش واحد. Tom was afraid that somebody would hear him. Tom was scared if they heard one bag. אני לובש תחתונים. I wear boxers. I'm wearing underwear. אל תדאגי אם אין באפשרותך. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. הם התפעלו מהנוף הנשקף מהגבעה. They admired the scenic view from the hill. They were activated from the view of the hill. מי שיחק? Who was playing? Who played? לך תזדיין! Fuck off! Fuck you! هل تبحث عن شيء معين Are you looking for something specific? Are you looking for something? أنا لا أريد أن يكون هناك أي سوء فهم. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. I don't want any misunderstanding. כלב נשך אותה ברגל. A dog bit her leg. A dog bit her in the leg. האם באמת הייתי כל כך מאושרת? Was I really that happy? Was I really so happy? انزعج سامي. Sami got annoyed. I'm upset, Sami. זה איום ונורא. That's horrible. It's terrible. ذهب إلى لندن لتعلم الإنجليزية. He went to London to learn English. He went to London to learn English. מנקודת השקפה זו, ההיסטוריה יכולה להיות מחולקת לשתי תקופות עיקריות. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. From this point of view, history can be divided into two major periods. كم كتاباً لديه؟ How many books does he have? How many books does he have? من الأفضل أن أسئلها. I had better ask her. I'd better ask her. يعيش عمي في شقة سكنية. My uncle lives in an apartment. My uncle lives in a apartment. كان سامي يغسل الأواني. Sami was washing dishes. Sammy was washing the dishes. سألته إن كان سعيدا. She asked him if he was happy. I asked him if he was happy. אינני אוהבת את התנהגותה. I don't like her manner. I don't like her behavior. בחרנו מלון בקרבת המוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel near the museums. לכל דבר ועניין, דונלד טראמפ הוא פשיסט. For all intents and purposes, Donald Trump is a fascist. For everything and everything, Donald Trump is a fascist. את צריכה לקרוא בין השורות. You must read between the lines. You should read between the lines. ده أخويا الكبير. He's my older brother. It's our big brother. מי הסופר? Who's the author? Who's the writer? אם כך, אל תהססו. So don't hesitate. Then don't hesitate. העבודה הסתיימה איך שהוא. The work got finished somehow. The job's done the way it is. אתה יודע במקרה איפה היא גרה? Do you happen to know where she lives? Do you happen to know where she lives? كان فاضل يقطن في حيّ سكني بالقرب من القاهرة. Fadil lived in a housing development near Cairo. He lived in my neighborhood near Cairo. אם תעשה זאת, תהיה ללעג ולקלס. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do, you'll be mocking and kidding. אני עדיין חושב שתום מחביא משהו. I still think Tom is hiding something. I still think Tom's hiding something. هناك مئات الآلاف من النّساء في السّجون الأمريكيّة في أيّة لحظة. There are hundreds of thousands of women in jail at any given time in the United States. There are hundreds of thousands of women in U.S. prisons at any moment. اسمي أحمد. My name is Ahmad. My name is Ahmed. نُقِل سامي بسرعة إلى المستشفى و تعافى بعد ستّة أيّام. Sami was rushed to the hospital and recovered within six days. Sammy was rushed to the hospital and recovered six days later. اكثر من نصف سكان العالم يعيشون فى المدن More than half the world’s population lives in cities. More than half the world's people live in cities. ربّما تخبرني عن مكانٍ أجد فيه توم. Maybe you can tell me where I can find Tom. Maybe you'll tell me where I can find Tom. הנה פה כריך. There's a sandwich here. Here's a sandwich. كيف بإمكانك معرفة ذلك؟ How can you know that? How do you know that? ألا يزعجك ذلك؟ Doesn't that bother you? Doesn't that bother you? קווי ההספקה של האיחוד הדרומי היו בצד הצפוני. The Union army's supply lines were on the north side. The supply lines of the South Union were on the north side. בוא נקווה שזה לא יקרה שנית. Let's hope that doesn't happen again. Let's hope it doesn't happen again. منزلك رائع. Your house is fantastic. Your house is great. بإمكاننا مقاطعة إسرائيل. We can boycott Israel. We can interrupt Israel. زيّن سامي المكتب. Sami decorated the office. Keep Sami in the office. كنت هنا البارحة. I came here yesterday. I was here yesterday. أليست اللغة الإنجليزية صعبة؟ English is difficult, isn't it? Isn't English difficult? ده عشان انتي بنت. That's because you're a girl. You're a girl. انتقل سامي للعيش في القاهرة. Sami relocated to Cairo. Sammy moved to Cairo. كان سامي يخطّط لحياة أخرى. Sami was planning a new life. Sammy was planning another life. על ילדים לציית להוריהם. Children are to obey their parents. Children must obey their parents. אנחנו נעשה את זה. We'll do it. We'll do it. ذهب سامي إلى الحمّام ليفرش أسنانه. Sami went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Sammy went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. תום נבוך. Tom is flustered. Tom's embarrassed. Deher onest. He appeared honest. He looked onest. אני כבר מאורס. I'm already engaged. I've been engaged. سيتولّى فاضل صادق إدارة المخبر. Fadil Sadiq will be in charge with the laboratory. The honest detective administration will take over. آكل تفاحة. I am eating an apple. Eat an apple. Titkellem bil-Franċiż? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? أنت لم تقم بغسل يديك إلي الآن ،أليس كذلك؟ You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You didn't wash your hands now, did you? حاب حاجا تشربها⸮ Would you like something to drink? You need to drink it. אני מתחרטת באמת על מה שעשיתי. I really regret what I did. I really regret what I did. لا بأس أن تذهب. It's okay to go. It's okay to go. حلق الطائر بعيداً حتى غاب عن الأنظار. The bird flew away and was lost to sight. The bird flew away so far as to be invisible. لم أكن أعتقد أنّك ستنسى ذلك. I didn't think you'd forget to do that. I didn't think you'd forget that. אנו שמים אותך במעצר. We're placing you under arrest. We're putting you in custody. لا يمكن لمخلوق أياً كان أن يعيش في الفضاء. No creature whatsoever can live in space. No creature can live in space. كان سامي يضحك. Sami was laughing. Sammy was laughing. سببت الجملة رقم 354618 الكثير من الربكة في موقع تتويبا. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The sentence No. 354618 caused a lot of fraternity at the Tweiba site. توجّه سامي نحو الباب و قرع مرّتين. Sami went to the door and knocked twice. Sami's heading for the door and a two-fold drive. التقيا سامي و ليلى بعد الدّراسة. Sami and Layla met after class. I met Sammy and Lily after school. اتّبع تعليمات الممرضة، من فضلك. Please follow the nurse's directions. Follow the nurse's instructions, please. מסעות תגלית הם הראשונים בהיסטוריה של מדע האוקיינוס. Voyages of exploration were the earliest in the history of studying the ocean. Discovery travel is the first in the history of ocean science. מה התחביב שלך? What's your hobby? What's your hobby? תום עצר לפתע. Tom suddenly stopped. Tom stopped all of a sudden. استيقظ سامي بعد غيبوبة دامت ستّ أسابيع. Sami woke up after a six-week coma. Wake up, Sammy after a 6-week coma. מוקשים הורגים 15,000 עד 20,000 אנשים מידי שנה, הרבה מהם ילדים. Landmines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people every year, many of them children. Mines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people every year, many of them children. זה לא יכול לקרות שוב ושוב. This can't keep happening. It can't happen again and again. איפה הכובע שלך? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? תן לי זמן לחשוב על זה. Give me time to think about it. Give me time to think about it. אמא של חבר שלי יכולה ללכת לעיתים קרובות אל האגם. The mother of a friend of mine is able to frequently go to the lake. My friend's mom can often go to the lake. התרכזת. You were concentrating. You've been focusing. את לא עושה עלי רושם. You're not impressing me. You don't make an impression on me. استمع سامي للتّسجيل و سمع صوت رجل في الخلفيّة. Sami listened to the recording and heard a man's voice in the background. Sami listened to the record and heard a man's voice in the back. سأترك الكتب هنا. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. أنا مسرورة لعدم وجودي هناك. I'm glad I wasn't here. I'm glad I'm not there. תום מעוניין רק בנערות נאות מראה. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. Tom is only interested in good-looking girls. كان سامي مدمنا على الكحول خارج عن السّيطرة. Sami was an alcoholic out of control. Sammy was addicted to alcohol out of control. מה את רוצה? What do you want? What do you want? אמרתי לכם שנחסר להם. I told you they'd miss us. I told you we'd miss them. ساعدته بالأمس. I helped him yesterday. I helped him yesterday. האם עשרת אלפים ין יספיקו? Is ten thousand yen enough? Will ten thousand yins be enough? لا يهمني إذا هطل الثلج. I don't care if it snows. I don't care if the snow falls. توم مات. Tom died. Tom's dead. אני לובש חולצת טי כתומה. I'm wearing an orange T-shirt. I'm wearing a orange T-shirt. המסעדה הזאת תמיד עמוסה. This restaurant is always crowded. This restaurant is always loaded. אני לא מקנה בו. I don't envy him. I don't buy it. תום ישן כמו תינוק. Tom slept like a baby. Tom's asleep like a baby. תום עף מהתחרות. Tom is out of the tournament. Tom's out of the competition. אל תדאגו. Don't worry. Don't worry. توم لم يكن مدعوّاً إلى المأدبة. Tom wasn't invited to the banquet. Tom wasn't invited to the clinic. انه يأكل الكثير. He eats a lot. He eats a lot. هو معتاد على قراءة الجريدة أثناء الوجبات. He has the habit of reading the newspaper during meals. It's used to reading the newspaper during meals. الجو دافئ بعض الشيء اليوم. It's fairly warm today. It's a little warm today. أعارني كتابَيْن. He lent me two books. Make me two books. ברצונו להגיע להחלטה מהירה, היו"ר קרא להצבעה. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. He wanted to make a quick decision. The chairman called for a vote. كان سامي يواجه حكما بالسّجن المؤبّد. Sami faced possible life in prison. Sami was facing a fine in prison. לא מעט אמריקנים אוהבים סושי. Quite a few Americans like sushi. Not a few Americans like sushi. كان سامي ينتظر تسريح ليلى من المستشفى. Sami was waiting for Layla to be discharged from the hospital. Sammy was waiting for a night's recuperation from the hospital. ولد مثل توم لا يستحق بنت مثل ماري. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. A boy like Tom doesn't deserve a girl like Mary. كان سامي يتعاطى المخدّرات. Sami did drugs. Sammy was using drugs. האיכר חרש את השדה כל היום. The farmer plowed his field all day. The farmer's been plowing the field all day. ساعثر علي مكان خاص بي I'm going to find a place of my own. I'll find my own place. إنك تخيفني في بعض الأحيان. Sometimes you scare me. You sometimes scare me. מתי היה המשפט של תום? When was Tom's trial? When was Tom's trial? תום בעל עסק למכוניות. Tom owns a car dealership. Tom's a car owner. سامي راغب في أن تبقى ليلي. Sami wants Layla to stay. Sammy wants to stay with me. זה עבודת בית. It's homemade. It's housework. عليك أخذ استراحة. You need to take a break. You have to take a break. أخبرني عن طفولتك. Tell me about your childhood. Tell me about your childhood. הם ראו חתול בגן. They saw a cat in the garden. They saw a cat in the garden. لقد أرسلتُ إليكَ بريداً إلكترونياً. I sent you an email. I sent you an e-mail. عجبكم لحال؟ Did you have fun? You like it? Ix-xarabank huwa bil-mod. The bus is slow. The bus is slow. كان أب سامي في انتظاره. Sami's dad is waiting for him. Sami's father was waiting for him. היא לא ענתה. She didn't reply. She didn't answer. גם תום וגם מרי עברו את השלושים. Both Tom and Mary are over thirty. Tom and Mary both passed the 30s. בשוק בו קניתי את הירקות אפשר לקנות גם פרחים. At the market where I bought the vegetables, you can also buy flowers. At the market where I bought the vegetables, you could also buy flowers. لكۆمّونيكاسيۆن ديالهوم راهي پلوس كۆمپلكس علا واش حساباتلنا. Their communication may be much more complex than we thought. You've got Monikasian's dynamity as the Memlex of our accounts. תום שב. Tom's returned. Tom sits down. شْكُونْ أحسَنْ قنّاص؟ Who's the better hunter? They'll be better than a can? מוטב שזה לא יהיה הם. That better not be them. It better not be them. كنت أفكر في الحصول على كلب. I was thinking of getting a dog. I was thinking about getting a dog. הוא נאה ביותר. He is tremendously handsome. He's very handsome. هل يمكنك القدوم؟ Can you come? Can you come in? تعرّف فاضل على امرأة مسلمة. Fadil met a Muslim woman. "Defend a Muslim woman." كرة القدم هي لعبتي المفضلة. Football is my favorite game. The football is my favorite game. זה היה רעיון טפשי. It was a stupid idea. That was a stupid idea. זה היה יוצא מן הכלל. That was remarkable. That was extraordinary. אני לא טוב במחול. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not good at the dance. תום עזר למרי לצאת מהבריכה. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. Tom helped Mary get out of the pool. أنتَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. You must find work. You have to find a job. אין לי שום אויב. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemy. عطيني التيساع! Leave me alone! Give me the expansion! תום הצטרך להתפרפר מהשיעור כדי לפגוש אותנו. Tom had to cut the class in order to meet us. Tom had to break out of class to meet us. המשטרה השתמשה בבת של תום, מרי, כדי לפתות אותו לצאת ממחבואו. The police used Tom's daughter, Mary, to draw him out of his hiding. The police used Tom's daughter, Mary, to lure him out of his hiding place. אני לא מלשין. I'm not a tattletale. I'm not a cook. ذهب سامي إلى منزل ليلى كي يقضي المزيد من الوقت معها. Fadil went to Layla's house to spend more time with her. Sammy went to Lily's to spend more time with her. תראי מה מצאתי בחוף. Look what I found on the beach. Look what I found at the beach. لا تستطيع شرب ماء البحر لأنه مالح. You can't drink seawater because it is too salty. You can't drink sea water because it's salt. תום הפחיד אותי. Tom frightened me. Tom scared me. Dan ix-xogħol vera faċli. This job is dead easy. This real work is easy. توم نحيف جدا. Tom is very slim. Tom's so thin. תום ממש גאה במרי. Tom is really proud of Mary. Tom's really proud of Mary. يريد فنجانا واحدا من الشاي فقط. He wants only one cup of tea. He only wants one tea to save us. כן, היום יום שישי. Yes, today is Friday. Yeah, today's Friday. זה המטוס הראשון שנוחת בנמל התעופה החדש. This is the first airplane to land at the new airport. It's the first plane to land at the new airport. لا تأتي هنا أبداً مرة أخرى! Don't you ever come here again! Don't ever come here again! يصنع العسل من قبل النحل. Honey is made by honey bees. Honey is made by bees. הוא בחור טוב. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. لماريكان پلاصا شابّا باش تعيش، ادا راك هنا باش تدير دراهم. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. Marika Plassa is young Bash living in, and Rac here's Bash running their drama. لن يفوز توم. Tom isn't going to win. Tom won't win. أنصحك إنك تتأسف. You should apologize. I advise you you're sorry. Jien veġetarjana. I am a vegetarian. I am a vegetarian. היות שאתה כאן, תוכל לעזור לי. Since you're here, you can help me. Since you're here, you can help me. أتنسى عادة القيام بواجبات؟ How often do you forget to do your homework? Do you normally forget to perform duties? التقت ليلى بأصدقاء سامي. Layla met Sami's friends. He met me with Sami's friends. لي صديق يدرس في الخارج. A friend of mine is studying abroad. I have a friend studying outside. טום רוצה לשמוע את שני הצדדים לסיפור. Tom wants to hear both sides of the story. Tom wants to hear both sides of the story. היא מחבבת אותו בדבקות. She loves him devotedly. She likes him with tendons. הם משחקים כדורסל. They play basketball. They're playing basketball. חשבתי שאולי תרצה ארוחת צהרים מוקדמת. I thought you might feel like an early lunch. I thought you might want some early lunch. קשה לילד מתבגר לא לזוז במשך שעה תמימה. It is impossible for a growing child to keep still for an hour. It's hard for a grown-up kid not to move for an hour of innocence. أعيش في كوبي. I live in Kobe. I live in Kobe. زينة. Good. Zinc. كان يبعد منزل فاضل بخمس دقائق فقط من هناك. Fadil's home was just five minutes away. He was only five minutes away from home. זאת פארסה. That's a farce. It's Parsa. لا تلمس الجرح. Don't touch the wound. Don't touch the wound. קח נשימה עמוקה בבקשה. Take a deep breath, please. Take a deep breath, please. מחר כבר נדע מי זכה בבחירות. By tomorrow, we'll know who won the elections. Tomorrow we'll know who won the election. كان يعرف سامي كيف يخاطب النّساء الشّابّات. Sami knew how to talk to young women. Sami knew how to talk to young women. אל תספר שקרים. היה כנה. Don't tell a lie. Be honest. Don't tell lies. תום עדיין לא מרגיש לגמרי נוח בקשר לזה. Tom still isn't entirely comfortable with this. Tom still doesn't feel perfectly comfortable about it. אתה בן דודי? Are you my cousin? Are you my cousin? هل تريدني حقاً أن أخبر توم بشأنك أنتَ و ماري؟ Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? Do you really want me to tell Tom about you and Mary? אני יכול לנוח. I can take a rest. I can rest. העסקים משתפרים. Business is improving. Business gets better. بإمكانك أن تطلب منه المساعدة. You can ask him for help. You can ask him for help. תום לא זיהה איש בתצלום. Tom didn't recognize anyone in the photo. Tom didn't recognize anyone on the photo. כל שפה יקרה במידה שווה לדובריה. Every language is equally precious and valuable to its speakers. Every language that happens is equal to speech. أخبرني قبل أن تقوم بأي شيء متعلّق بالعيادة. Let me know before you do anything concerning the clinic. Tell me before you do anything about the clinic. الخطاب الذي ألقاه الرئيس أمس أسعد أنصاره. The speech made by the president yesterday delighted his supporters. President yesterday's speech pleased his supporters. شجّع فاضل دانية على الذّهاب إلى الجامعة. Fadil encouraged Dania to go to college. Encouraged Dani to go to college. النشالون يستهدفون السياح . Pickpockets target tourists. They target tourists. המאמן אמר לשחקנים לא לאכול יותר מדי לפני המשחק. The coach told the players not to eat too much before the game. Coach told the players not to eat too much before the game. קחו פיקוד. Take command. Take command. החל מרגע זה אתרום אך ורק בטורקית. From this very moment on, I will only contribute in Turkish. From this moment on, I will contribute only to Turkey. הבנין - גובהו שבע קומות. The building is seven stories high. The building -- it's seven floors. אף על פי כן, אני גאה באופן קיצוני. Nevertheless, I'm extremely proud. Although, I'm extremely proud. אני חושד שהם מדללים את הבירה במסבאה ההיא. I suspect they water down the beer in that pub. I suspect they're leaking the beer in that grandpa. القهوة حارة. The coffee is hot. Coffee's hot. كيف يمكن لإله قادر على كل شيء أن يخلق صخرة لن يمكنه أن يحملها؟ Could an almighty god create a stone that he would not be able to subsequently lift? How can God, who can do everything, create a rock he can't carry? יש לו טבע נוח. He has a mild nature. He has a comfortable nature. הוא אוהב לדוג. He is fond of fishing. He likes fishing. نعم. Yep. Yeah. עליך לחלוץ את נעליך לפני שאתה נכנס לבית יפני מסורתי. You have to take off your shoes before entering a traditional Japanese house. You have to shake your shoes before you get into a traditional Japanese house. إنه يغسل سيارتك. He is washing your car. He's washing your car. אתה מרוצה מזה? Are you satisfied with that? Are you happy with this? أقفلت ليلى الباب. Layla locked the door. I shut the door. טום לא יודע מה ההבדל בין אסטרונומיה לאסטרולוגיה. Tom doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology. Tom doesn't know what the difference between Astronomics and Astronology is. ذهب إبن سامي إلى الجامعة. Sami's son went to college. Sami's son went to college. כשהוא ישן, נכנס גנב. While he was sleeping, a robber broke in. When he was asleep, he entered a thief. لا ألومك على ضربه. I don't blame you for hitting him. I don't blame you for beating him. ذهب سامي لجلب الماء لليلى. Sami went to get Layla some water. Sammy went to get water for night. טיפול בילדים מוענק. Child care is provided. Child care is given. תהיתי אם אתה יודע צרפתית. I was wondering if you can speak French. I was wondering if you knew French. كان سامي سعيدا بخروج ليلى من حياته. Sami was glad Layla was out of his life. Sammy was happy to get out of his life. خذ وقتك ،يا يوشيدا.. Take your time, Yoshida. Take your time, Yoshidja. هذه هي الطريقة التي يريد بها سامي هذا That's the way Sami wants it. That's the way Sammy wants this. אבטלה בחלק זה של הארץ בפועל איננה קיימת. Unemployment in this part of the country is virtually nonexistent. An unemployment in this part of the actual land does not exist. יש בקושי כמה פרחים בגינה שלנו. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. There's barely some flowers in our garden. אני מעצבן אותך לפעמים? Do I annoy you sometimes? Am I pissing you off sometimes? הוא יהיה פה בקרוב. He will be here soon. He'll be here soon. أستمطر اليوم؟ Will it rain today? Is it raining today? لقد خشيَ أن يقضي عيد الميلاد في المستشفى. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. He was afraid he'd spend his birthday at the hospital. ستنجب ليلى طفلا. Layla is going to have a baby. You're gonna give me a baby. أنا حابَس ما علاباليش علاش. I'm stupid and I don't know why. I like what's got to do with conch. מה אם הבעיה היא את? What if the problem is you? What if the problem is you? אכלתי משהו משונה כשהייתי בסין. I ate something funny when I was in China. I ate something weird when I was in China. איך אפשר לפרש את המשפט הזה? How should this sentence be interpreted? How can I dismiss this trial? أُعجب سامي بهذا المكان. Sami liked it here. I like Sami here. בלי ספק אני לא מתחרט על כך. I definitely don't regret it. No doubt I don't regret it. תום גס ומגונה. Tom is obscene. Tom Gas and Magna. היא נולדה בשנת 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. يستمع إلى محطة مذياع موجة قصيرة. He listens to a short wave radio station. He's listening to a short wave radio station. מה מוצאה של המילה הזאת? Where does this word come from? What does that word find? אינני אוהבת מחלוקות. I don't like confrontation. I don't like differences. אראה לכם את הסביבה. I'll show you around. I'll show you the environment. אני בטוח שהיא הייתה מסכימה. I'm sure she would approve. I'm sure she'd agree. למאדים שני ירחים. Mars has two moons. Two wet Mars. אני נוסע לבית הספר באוטובוס. I go to school on a bus. I'm going to school on the bus. אני מצפה לכך בכליון עיניים. I'm looking forward to it. I expect it in the brain. תום רוקן את כוסו. Tom emptied his glass. Tom emptys his glass. ما هو عملك؟ What do you do? What's your job? بدأت ليلى تستهلك المخدّرات و الكحول بإفراط. Layla began abusing drugs and alcohol. Lily started overindulgence in drugs and alcohol. الدرس الأول سهل. The first lesson is easy. The first lesson is easy. لقد حذرتك ماري. Mary warned you. I warned you, Mary. لدي أسبوع لأنهي واجبي. I have a week to do my homework. I have a week because I have a duty. لا تنسى ميعادنا غدا. Don't forget our date tomorrow. Don't forget our return tomorrow. אני כל כך שתוי. I'm so drunk. I'm so drunk. أتت إلى طوكيو عندما كان عمرها ثمانية عشر عاماً. She came to Tokyo when she was 18. She came to Tokyo when she was 18. ذلك حذاءها. These shoes are hers. That's her shoes. أنا قبائلية I'm Kabyle. I'm a tribal. הכוס מלאה עד גדותיה. The cup is filled to the brim. The cup's full up to her foreheads. הגעתי לפסגת ההר בחמש שעות בדיוק. I reached the summit of the mountain in exactly five hours. I got to the top of the mountain in five hours exactly. יש לי ארבעה אחים. I have four brothers. I have four brothers. נשים נשפטות בשונה מגברים. Women are judged differently than men. Women are judged differently than men. إنتظر دقيقة من فضلك! Wait a minute, please! Wait a minute, please! אתם יכולים לדבר קצת יותר חזק? אני לא שומע אתכם כל כך טוב. Could you please talk a bit louder? I can't hear very well. I can't hear you guys so well. עומדים לגרור את המכונית שלך. Your car is about to be towed. You're about to drag your car. ماذا تعتقدون؟ What do you think? What do you think? הם יופתעו לשמוע את החדשות. They will be surprised to hear the news. They'll be surprised to hear the news. אשמור מרחק מתום להבא. I'm avoiding Tom from now on. I'll keep a distance from coming. תוכל לוודא שתום יקבל את זה? Could you see that Tom gets this? Can you make sure Tom gets it? לא נתתי לו לחכות. I didn't keep him waiting. I didn't let him wait. אתה בטוח שזה נבון? Are you sure that's wise? Are you sure it's wise? ההסבר שלך מניח את הדעת. Your explanation is satisfactory. Your explanation puts out the point. אני בבית מדי ערב. I am at home every evening. I'm home tonight. לא אטריח אותך יותר. I won't bother you anymore. I won't smell you anymore. חשבתי שהכל נגמר. I thought it was all over. I thought it was all over. ماذا قال؟ What did he say? What did he say? אני נמצא על שפת הים. I'm at the beach. I'm on the seashore. הצלחת למצוא את מה שחפשת? Were you able to find what you were looking for? Did you find what you were looking for? توقّف سامي. Sami stopped. Stop, Sami. اين كلبك؟ Where is your dog? Where's your dog? התחרות הסתיימה בתיקו. The contest ended in a draw. The competition is over. قام قاتل سامي بتنظيف الأظراف الفارغة. Sami's killer cleaned up the shell casings. Sami's killer cleaned the empty conditions. היא לא גבוהה. She is not tall. She's not high. היא שמעה שהוא בוכה. She heard him cry. She heard he was crying. أرسل سامي رسالة بيجر لليلى. Sami paged Layla. Sami sent a bager's letter to me. זה נשמע חמור. That sounds serious. That sounds bad. لم تقصد أن تؤذي أحداً بكلامها. There was no malice intended in what she said. You didn't mean to hurt anyone with her words. הריח מגעיל אותי. The odour disgusts me. Smells disgusting to me. מישהו דופק בדלת שלך. Somebody's knocking at your door. Someone knocks at your door. יום ראשון הוא היום העמוס ביותר שלי. Sunday is the day when I am busiest. Sunday is my most busy day. لا توجد وظيفة بدون فائدة. There's no job without benefit. There's no job without interest. איך תום שכנע את מרי להיות שמרטף לילדים שלו? How did Tom talk Mary into babysitting his children? How did Tom convince Mary to be a nurse to his kids? הם גנבו סוסים ובקר. They stole horses and cattle. They stole horses and cattle. نشعر بالحرارة We're hot. We feel hot. لقد توقّفت حياة سامي بعد وفاة ليلى. Sami's life since Layla's death has stopped. I stopped Sami's life after Lily's death. يعتمد ذلك على السياق. It depends on the context. That depends on the context. בימינו רוב הבגדים מיובאים מסין. These days, most clothing is imported from China. Most of the clothes are now from China. מעולם לא דאגתי לך. I never worried about you. I never worried about you. Minn fejn int? Where are you from? Where are you from? لكل فرد الحق أن يلجأ إلى بلاد أخرى أو يحاول الاتجاء إليها هربا من الاضطهاد. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Everyone has the right to seek refuge in another country or to try to escape persecution. הוא רצה לקנות את הספר. He wanted to buy the book. He wanted to buy the book. הקהל רחש בהתרגשות. The audience buzzed with excitement. The audience was excited. בוא ניגש לעניין. Let's get with it. Let's get to it. لعبا سامي و ليلى لعبة أوراق. Sami and Layla played a card game. Play Sammy and Lily Papers. אני משועשע. I'm amused. I'm amused. ركض سامي إلى غرفة نومه بأقصى سرعة ممكنة. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. Sami ran to his bedroom as fast as possible. باش تكون پارفات، خصها ديفۆ واحد. To be perfect she lacked just one defect. Bash is a Parvat, its own Dave One. אתמול אמר לנו המורה שייבחן אותנו היום. Yesterday the teacher told us that he would give us a test today. Yesterday, the teacher told us he'd test us today. ألم أقل ذلك؟ Didn't I say that? Didn't I say that? אין לי זמן להכין את שיעורי הבית. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time to prepare the homework. אני הולך לתאטרון בפינה. I'm going to the theater on the corner. I'm going to the theater in the corner. זה היה גדול. That was great. That was great. אני אוהבת לראות אותך מבשל. I love watching you cook. I like to see you cook. هو التقرير ممكن يبقى صادق؟ Can the report be true? Is the report possible to remain true? لا تجادل وانت غضبان ولا تأكل وانت شبعان. Don't argue when you are angry and don't eat when you are full. Don't argue, and you're angry, and you don't eat, and you're seven. אני מצטער שהנחתי לך לחכות כל כך הרבה זמן. I'm sorry I have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait so long. היא ארגנה שהוא יקבל בית חולים טוב. She made arrangements to get him into a good hospital. She arranged for him to get a good hospital. הוא אוהב את הגיטרה הזאת. He likes that guitar. He likes that guitar. أنت أحْسَنُ منّي. You are better than me. You think of me. Saħħa. Goodbye! Health. سيحسم الله الأمور. God will decide. God will feel things. העניין יתבהר במשך הזמן. It will clear up by and by. The thing will clear up over time. שום מעשה טוב לא עובר בלי עונש. No good deed goes unpunished. No good deed goes unpunished. עכשיו את בטוחה. Now you're safe. Now you're safe. זאת לא יכולה להיות אמת. That cannot be true. That can't be true. كم ثمنها؟ How much is it? How much is it? لم أعرت مالا لشخص مثلها؟ Why did you lend money to someone like her? Why did you return money to someone like her? טום לא רצה שאתה תעשה את זה. Tom didn't want you to do that. Tom didn't want you to do this. قالت بأنها ستتصل بك لاحقاً. She says she will call you later. She said she'd call you later. أيمكنني استعارة هذا الكتاب؟ May I borrow this book? Can I borrow this book? من فضلك، أخبرني بما ينبغي أن أفعله. Please tell me what I should do. Please tell me what I should do. توم يْبَانْ وَاعَرْ. Tom looks strong. Tom builds it. متى غادر فاضل الفندق؟ What time did Fadil leave the hotel? When did he leave the hotel? הוא לא יכול היה לבוא אתנו כי הוא חלה. He couldn't come with us because he was sick. He couldn't have come with us because he was sick. إنه يعمل في المصرف. He works at a bank. He works at the bank. رجال و نساء قاتلوا للدفاع عن وطنهم. Young men and women fought to defend their country. Men and women fought to defend their country. האם אתה חושב שאני האשם? Do you think I'm to blame? Do you think I'm the one to blame? أأشتري لك شرابا آخر؟ Can I buy you another drink? Do I buy you another drink? עדיף לי בדרך הזאת. I prefer it this way. I'm better off this way. أطلقت ليلى النّار على الكلب. Layla shot the dog. I shot Lily on the dog. לא היה צורך בתקשורת מילולית. There was no need for verbal communication. There was no need for verbal communication. אני מתעב את כולם, וכולם מתעבים אותי. I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. I despise everyone, and everyone despises me. ממש הגזמת שאתה חוזר בשעה כזאת. You really exaggerate returning at this time. You really overreacted that you're coming back at this hour. تلك هي الخطوة الأولى. That is the first step. That's the first step. תום מתקן את הכל. Tom fixes things. Tom's fixing everything. אני אוהב לקרוא. I like to read. I like reading. אחרי שנה בלבד השתלים בחזה שלה התחילו לדלוף והיא הייתה חייבת להפטר מהם. After only a year her breast implants started to leak and she had to have them removed. After just a year, her chests started leaking, and she had to get rid of them. היא די גרועה בטניס. She is pretty bad at tennis. She's pretty bad at tennis. אני מתבייש. I am ashamed. I'm ashamed. هذا الفيلم ليس الفيلم الذي فكرت انه هو . The film was not what I had thought it was. This is not the movie I thought it was. أنا في إضراب من 8 إلى 12 ديسمبر. I'm striking from the 8th to the 12th of December. I'm in a strike from 8 to 12 December. אני מכיר המון נשים. I know a lot of women. I know a lot of women. תום אוהב לדבר על בוסטון. Tom likes talking about Boston. Tom likes to talk about Boston. افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. I had a grand opening for the hospital last month. The hospital was opened last month. لا يستحقّ سامي دموعكِ. Sami doesn't deserve your tears. Sammy doesn't deserve your tears. האריה הוא מלך הג'ונגל. The lion is the king of the jungle. The lion is the king of the jungle. אני כל כך אוהבת אותך! I love you a lot. I love you so much! متى ستنشر روايته الجديدة؟ When will his new novel come out? When are you going to publish his new story? نحن طلاب We are students. We're students. هل عليك أن تعمل يوم الأحد؟ Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work Sunday? הוא עובר אותי בכל נושא. He outdoes me in every subject. He's going through me on every subject. أرغم فاضل دانية على أن تمارس معه أفعالا جنسيّة لا تُوصف. Fadil forced Dania to perform unspeakable acts on him. He forced Dani to engage in unsavory sexual acts with him. عار عليك! Shame on you! Shame on you! הרחוב מעוטר בדגלים. The street is decorated with banners. The street is covered with flags. مجدداً. Once again. Again. לא קורה הרבה. Nothing much is happening. There's not much going on. הקופסא שהיא מצאה היתה ריקה. The box she found was empty. The box she found was empty. טום מרר בבכי. Tom wept. Tom Merr's crying. רעש התנועה הכבדה החזיק אותי ער כל הלילה. The noise of the heavy traffic kept me awake all night. The heavy traffic noise kept me awake all night. אתה כתב. You're a reporter. You wrote. اتّصلت ليلى بصديقتها. Layla called her friend. Lily called her friend. لا تفعل شيئا حتى آتي. Don't do anything until I come. Don't do anything until I come. ليست صغيرة ،أليس كذلك ؟ She's not young, is she? It's not small, is it? ቆንጆ ነኝ። I'm beautiful. I am beautiful. גלי חום נהיו תכופים יותר וחזקים יותר, בעיקר במערב. Heat waves have become more frequent and intense, especially in the West. Heat waves have become more frequent and stronger, mostly in the West. أمسكت فراشة جميلة. I caught a beautiful butterfly. I got a nice bed. هل تذكر اسمه؟ Do you remember his name? Do you remember his name? أريد كأسا من الماء من فضلك. A glass of water, please. I want a glass of water, please. תום הגן על עצמו בעוז. Tom defended himself bravely. Tom protected himself. היא חזרה על מה ששמעה לאמא שלה. She repeated what she had heard to her mother. She's back on what she heard to her mother. את נראית מודאגת. You seem worried. You seem worried. אני חושבת שזה היה די מרשים. I think it was quite impressive. I think it was pretty impressive. أرادا ليلى و سامي أن يقيما موعدا غراميّا رائعا. Layla and Sami wanted a dream date. Lily and Sammy wanted to have a great date. لماذا لا يستطيع أبدا فعل شيء؟ Why can he never do anything? Why can't he ever do anything? هل تتناول المشروبات الكحولية؟ Do you drink alcohol? Do you drink alcohol? אני לא מבינה גרמנית. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. تحب الموسيقى أكثر من أي شيء آخر. She likes music better than anything else. You like music more than anything. كم حقيبة ستأخذون في رحلتكم؟ How many suitcases are you taking on your trip? How many bags are you taking on your trip? أطفئ هذه الموسيقى فورا. Turn this music off immediately. Turn off this music immediately. ברוך בואך. You're welcome. Welcome. توم قرصاتو عقرب. Tom was stung by a scorpion. Tom Karsatto's near. أنا مدرس. I am a teacher. I'm a teacher. הוא כרסתן. He has a potbelly. He's a cancer. هل يُمكنني استعارة سيارتك لهذه الليلة؟ Can I borrow your car tonight? Can I borrow your car for tonight? עדיף שתיקח אתך מטרייה. You'd better take an umbrella with you. You better take a umbrella with you. אני מבקש וודקה וטוניק. I'd like a vodka and tonic. I'm asking for vodka and tonic. كان سامي يريد أن يحبّه النّاس من أجل ما يملكه و ليس من أجل شخصيّته. Sami wanted people to like him for what he had more than for what he was. Sammy wanted people to love him for what he had and not for who he was. أخبرني الحقيقة. Tell me the truth. Tell me the truth. بدأ سامي يمضي المزيد من الوقت مع ليلى. Sami began spending more time with Layla. Sammy started spending more time with Lily. עכשיו את רואה את נקודת מבטי? Now do you see my point? Now you see the point of my eyes? لا أريد القيام بعمله نيابة عنه. I don't want to do his work for him. I don't want to do his job on his behalf. נצור את הכנסיה. Defend the church. We'll save the church. سامي مترجم. Sami is a translator. Sammy's an interpreter. توم لا يثق بماري بعد الآن. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. Tom doesn't trust Mary anymore. המפתח לא נכנס למנעול. This key doesn't fit in the lock. The key doesn't go into the lock. לאחר ארוחת הבוקר יצאנו לטייל בחוץ. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. After breakfast, we went out for a walk. מה שלום ההורים שלכם? How are your parents doing? How's your parents doing? أغلب الطلبة يهتمون بالمالية أكثر مما يهتمون بالصناعة. More students are interested in finance than in industry. Most students care more about money than they do about industry. ده تقليد. That's an imitation. It's tradition. اوكون غير نقدر نروح ل ژّاپۆن. I wish I could go to Japan. Ocon, we don't appreciate the spirit of two. אני גר במיאמי. I live in Miami. I live in Miami. האהבה היא עיוורת אבל הקנאה יכולה לראות אפילו דברים דמיוניים. Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things. Love is blind, but envy can even see imaginary things. بقي سامي صامتا. Sami stayed silent. The rest of Sammy's silent. אין לו אומץ לומר שום דבר. He doesn't have the strength to say anything. He has no courage to say anything. بين الإخوة كثير من التوتر. There's a lot of tension among the siblings. Among the brothers is a lot of tension. אני אוהבת את הסגנון שאתם מדברים. I love the way you talk. I like the style you're talking about. كيوتو تعتمد على السياحة . Kyoto depends on the tourist industry. Kyoto depends on tourism. سأل سامي ليلى إن كان بإمكانه استعارة المزيد. Sami asked Layla if he could borrow more money. Ask Sammy Lily if he can borrow more. בוא, שב קרוב אליי. Come and sit by me. Come, sit close to me. سامي يعيش حياة رائعة. Sami's life is wonderful. Sammy lives a wonderful life. כשהגעתי הביתה מצאתי את מכתבך מחכה לי. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me. أردت الشهرة فقط. I just wanted to be popular. I just wanted the month. كن مؤدباً مع والديك. Be polite to your parents. Be polite with your parents. תום סיפר לי שהוא רוצה לנסוע לבוסטון. Tom told me he wants to go to Boston. Tom told me he wanted to go to Boston. Min baqa' ħaj? Who survived? Who's still alive? الحب لا يرى عيوباً. Love sees no faults. Love doesn't see a defect. כבשים מספקות לנו צמר. Sheep provide us with wool. Sheep provide us with wool. בהתרסקות המטוס נהרגו כל הנוסעים. All the passengers were killed in the crash. All passengers were killed in the crash. אמרתי לך שאני לא רוצה ללכת. I told you I didn't want to go. I told you I didn't want to go. ابدأ إعداد حقيبتك. Start preparing your suitcase. Start preparing your bag. אני יכולה לדבר עם המנהל? Can I talk to the manager? Can I talk to the manager? ستمطر. It is going to rain. You'll rain. לורי עדיין בבית הספר. Laurie's still at school. Lori's still at school. לדעתי הוא לא מתאים לעבודה. In my opinion he is not fit for the work. I think he's not fit for work. كنس الخادم الأرض. The servant swept the floor. The treasure of the earth's founder. תום הימר על הסוס הלא נכון. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. אתה מוכן לצאת? Are you ready to go out? Are you ready to go out? لا يحتاج توم إلى دراسة الفرنسية، فهو يستطيع تحدثها جيدا. Tom doesn't have to study French. He can already speak it quite well. Tom doesn't need to study French, he can speak it well. توم يحب لعب الشطرنج Tom likes playing chess. Tom likes to play chess. ماذا صنع توم؟ What did Tom make? What did Tom make? ובכן, בואו נדון ברצינות. Well, let's talk turkey. Well, let's discuss it seriously. في بعض الواح الكومبيوتر ، القابليات او الاعدادات كانت تحدد باستخدام مفتاح غلق و فتح يركب على اللوح ; في يومنا هذا ،هذه الاعدادات يتم عملها في البرمجة. On some computer boards, the capabilities or configuration was set using a dip switch mounted on the board; today these settings are done in software In some computer battles, abilities, or numbers were determined by the use of a closed and opening key on theboard; today these numbers are being put into operation in programming. أنتِ لا تستطيعين أن تأكليها فقط لأنها مغذية. You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. You can't eat it just because it's food. המכונית ביצעה פנייה חדה. The car made an abrupt turn. The car made a sharp turn. عدد الناس المسجلين في الفيسبوك أكبر من عدد سكان الولايات المتحدة. The amount of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States of America. The number of people registered in Facebook is greater than the population of the United States. كنت أتطلع لهذا طوال الأسبوع. I've been looking forward to this all week. I've been looking forward to this all week. ما قعدتش بزاف. She didn't last long. What's going on? אני יוצאת עם פטר. I'm going out with Peter. I'm dating Peter. "ديما؟!" كان الصائب مصعوقًا جدا حتى أنه أسقط الفانتا التي في يده على حاسوبه، ما أدى إلى تخريب جولته لصيد النوبز. "ديما؟! أهذا حقًّا أنت؟!" "Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!" The reporter was so confused that he dropped the phantom he had on his computer, which led to his tour to catch nobes. "Dima, is that really you?" أيّها سيارة توم؟ Which car is Tom's? Tom's car? ما الذي عليّ فعله الآن بعد أن سجّلت؟ What do I have to do now that I'm registered? What should I do now after I register? כל אחד חושב כך. Everyone thinks so. Everyone thinks so. لا أحد شكّ أنّه كان ثمّة شيء. No one suspected a thing. There's no doubt that there was something. سأل الصائب: "أين أنت يا ديما؟!"، بينما جلب منشفةً ليمسح الفانتا المسكوب. "Just where are you, Dima?!" Al-Sayib asked, getting a towel to wipe the spilled Fanta. The reporter asked, "Where are you, Dima?", while he brought a towel to wipe the crevice. הסתתרנו במערה יחד. We hid in the cave together. We were hiding in the cave together. ما طول الجسر؟ How long is the bridge? How long is the bridge? Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. At the beginning God created heaven and earth. זיהו את תום רץ ברחוב פרק, כאשר מכונית שחורה עוקבת אחריו. Tom was spotted running east on Park Street, followed by a dark sedan. I.D. Tom ran on Park Street, when a black car follows him. الّان هوا پۆات. Allen is a poet. Now they're here. لم أستطع النوم. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. أرني ما في جيبك. Show me what's in your pocket. Show me what's in your pocket. האם זה נהיה קל יותר אי פעם? Does it ever get easier? Did it ever get easier? נראה לך שאני מרוצה? Do I look like I'm happy? You think I'm happy? لن يسيء لكم أحد. Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. טלפנתי כדי להתנצל שלא יכולתי לבוא. I called to apologize for not being able to come. I called to apologize I couldn't come. هو يكره الحليب. He hates milk. He hates milk. انا فقط لا اعلم ماذا اقول I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say. תפוחי אדמה מאוד זולים. Potatoes are very cheap. Very cheap potatoes. هل هذا كتابك؟ Is this your book? Is that your book? هل تعرف كيف تصلح التلفاز؟ Do you know how to fix this TV? Do you know how to fix the TV? أنا لست طبيباً. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. ينبغي على سامي أن يتحدّث مع المدرّس بعد الدّرس. Sami should see the teacher after class. Sammy should talk to the teacher after school. عادت ليلى إلى القاهرة. Layla got back to Cairo. Lili returned to Cairo. مدرّسنا للرّساضيّات سيّء. Our math teacher sucks. Our law teacher is bad. أنا لا أسكن في هذه المدينة. I don't live in this city. I don't live in this town. أريد أن أنتظر حتى أتزوج. I want to wait until I'm married. I want to wait till I get married. טום עבד יומם ולילה. Tom worked day and night. Tom worked day and night. הילדים צריכים אתכם. The children are in need of you. The kids need you. האם אתה נועל את נעליי? Are you wearing my shoes? Are you wearing my shoes? كل قططها جالسة على سقف سيارتها. All her cats are sitting on the roof of the car. All her cats are sitting on her car roof. איזה סוג של מידע אתה מקבל ממרשתת? What sort of information do you get on the Internet? What kind of information do you get from a client? טום שוכב במיטה עם חום. Tom is in bed with a fever. Tom lies in bed with heat. ما لونه؟ What color is it? What's the color? היא מוזיקאית בדם. She is a natural musician. She's a blood musician. זה יפעל, על בטוח. It'll work for sure. It'll work, for sure. إنك تكبر المشكلة. You are exaggerating the problem. You're growing up. עכשיו אקח אותך ביד. Now I'll take you by the hand. Now I'll take you by the hand. תום היה מצפוני. Tom was conscientious. Tom was conscientious. בוא נשאל את תום למה אחר. Let's ask Tom why he was late. Let's ask Tom why else. כרישים אוכלים דגים. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. كنت متعبا جدا. I was very tired. I was so tired. Mhux problema. No problem! Not a problem. את נראית מכוערת. You look ugly. You look ugly. أنا خباز I'm a baker. I'm a liar. אין לי עוד רעיונות. I don't have any more ideas. I don't have any other ideas. نشأ سامي في مجتمع مسلم. Sami grew up in a Muslim community. Sami grew up in a Muslim society. איזה אפשרויות אחרות יש לי? What other option do I have? What other options do I have? قد رأيته. I did see him. I've seen him. בוא לפחות בשש. Come at least at six. Come on at least six. היא נסעה איתו לבוסטון. She went with him to Boston. She went with him to Boston. فَقَط أُرِيدُ أن أكُنَ شَخصاً جَيِّداً. I just want to be a good person. I just want to be pretty special. אף אני איני בטוח בכך. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure about that, though. سَوفَ أتصل بها مرة أُخرى غداَ. I will call her once again tomorrow. I'll call her again tomorrow. سأزوره غداً. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll visit him tomorrow. הוא למד יפנית בהתלהבות. He studied Japanese eagerly. He learned Japanese with enthusiasm. החייט ההוא משתמש תמיד בחומרים טובים. That tailor always uses very good material. That tailor always uses good drugs. شريت دلاّعة؟ Have you bought a watermelon? You bought a gun? سأكون هنا طوال اليوم I'll be here all day. I'll be here all day. תום פענח את התעלומה. Tom solved the mystery. Tom solved the mystery. أكلنا هناك تلت مرات. We have eaten there three times. We ate there three times. היגשת כבר את שיעורי הבית? Have you handed in your homework? Have you reached your homework yet? السوشي جيد، لكن الأطباق التايلاندية أفضل. Sushi is good, but Thai dishes are better. Sushi's good, but Thai dishes are better. كان سامي مستاءا جدّا من ذلك. Sami was really unhappy about it. Sammy was so upset about that. ציפורים על פי רוב עפות בלהקה. Birds often fly together. Birds are mostly flying in a band. תום שמר על חומו. Tom kept warm. Tom kept his integrity. אינני מצנזרת את המאמרים שלכם. I'm not censoring their articles. I don't paraphrase your articles. سامي لا يستمع إلّا للموسيقى الكلاسيكيّة. Sami only listens to classical music. Sammy only listens to classical music. كانت ليلى تعيش حياتها فقط. Layla was just living her life. Lily was just living her life. هل تذهب إلى المدرسة بالباص؟ Do you go to school by bus? Are you going to school with a finger? טום לא ניגן על פסנתר במשך שנים. Tom hasn't played the piano in years. Tom hasn't played piano for years. كنتُ في دبلن و شاهدتُ سينيد أوكونور تؤدي الشهادتين. I was in Dublin and I watched Sinéad O'Connor make the shahada. I was in Dublin and I watched Seind O'Conor perform the testimony. חשבתי שהוא איש הגון. I took him to be an honest man. I thought he was a decent man. بإمكان سامي أن يقنع أيّ شخص بأيّ شيء. Sami can convince anyone of anything. Sammy can convince anyone of anything. بإمكانك المجيء إن أحببت. You may come if you like. You can come if you like it. איזה אסון! What a disaster! What a disaster! תום אמר לי שאני צריך לעזוב מיד. Tom told me I should leave right away. Tom told me I should leave immediately. من المستحيل العيش بدون ماء. It is impossible to live without water. It's impossible to live without water. זה היה חם. That was hot. It was hot. هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟ Do you speak English? Do you speak English? אתם יכולים לתאר את האובייט? Can you describe the object? Can you describe the Obiette? مشى سامي نحو الباب. Sami walked towards the door. Sami walked to the door. עשו אותי מאושרת. Make me happy. Make me happy. אני לא יכולה לדבר כל כך מהר. I can't speak that fast. I can't talk so fast. هي التي اعتنت بجرحه She is the one who took care of his wound. She's the one who took care of him. הכל היה שם. Everything was there. Everything was there. سآخذ نصيحتك بعين الاعتبار. I will keep your advice in mind. I'll take your advice into account. ارتكبت خطأً فادحاً. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a big mistake. אני אוהב אתכם מאד מאד! I love you bunches. I love you guys very much! يَڤْعَرْ! That's fucking cool. I know! "אני אוהבת אותך מאד," היא הודתה. "I care very deeply for you," she confessed. "I love you very much," she confessed. אני מבשל כמעט כל יום. I cook almost every day. I cook almost every day. هذه الساعة أفضل من تلك. This watch is superior to that one. This time is better than that. טום לא יכול לבוא לפגישה. Tom can't attend the meeting. Tom can't come to a meeting. هل يمكنك إيصالي إلى المحطة؟ Could you give me a ride to the station? Can you get me to the station? ماذا لو فشِل؟ What if he fails? What if he failed? הטמפרטורה ירדה אמש עד מינוס עשר מעלות. The temperature went down to minus ten degrees centigrade last night. The temperature went down last night to minus ten degrees. הממשק אינטואיטיבי מאד. The interface is very intuitive. That's very intuitive. הילדה הפנתה את גבה לגבר. The girl turned her back to the man. The girl turned her back on a man. הוא עדיין שותה, אבל רק מידי פעם. He still drinks, but only once in a while. He's still drinking, but only once in a while. אני אוהב תפוחים. I like apples. I like apples. أين يسكن خالك؟ Where does your uncle live? Where does your uncle live? נפגש איתכם למטה. We'll meet you downstairs. I'll meet you downstairs. كنت في القطار لمدة 12 ساعة. I was in the train for twelve hours. I've been on the train for 12 hours. ينبغي -على الأقل- أن تكون معهم خريطة. At least they should have a map. At least -- they should have a map. את השאר תשאיר לעצמך. Keep the rest for yourself. The rest of you leave yourself. سمعت ذلك منك. I heard it from you. I heard that from you. من فضلك خذني إلى المستشفى. Please take me to the hospital. Please take me to the hospital. راشيل كوري أمريكيّة قُتلت في غزّة. Rachel Corrie was an American who was killed in Gaza. Rachel Korean was killed in a pit. يستطيع طفلها أن يسير. Her baby can walk. Her child can walk. አንድ ቤት አላችሁ? Do you have a house? Do you have a home? ليس شيئًا يمكن لأيّ شخص فعله. It's not something anyone can do. There's nothing anyone can do. أنا مستعد. I'm ready. I'm ready. אני יודע משהו שאת לא יודעת. I know something you don't know. I know something you don't know. אני יכולה לדבר איתכם למעלה? Can I talk to you upstairs? Can I talk to you upstairs? هي تأخذ مسافات. She takes distances. She's taking distances. كرسيك مطابقٌ لكرسيي. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair matches my chair. איך החלפת את הבגדים שלך כה מהר? How did you change your clothes so quickly? How did you change your clothes so fast? سأعلمك القيادة. I'll teach you how to drive a car. I'll teach you to drive. בנוסף למבחנים אנו צריכים להגיש עבודה. In addition to taking the tests, we have to hand in an essay. In addition to the tests, we need to put on a job. היא חמודה ומשעשעת. She's cute and fun. She's cute and funny. ليلى تذكر سامي. Layla remembers Sami. Lily remembers Sammy. יש עכשיו המון הריסות במקום שבו עמד קודם בניין בית הספר. There is a large pile of rubble where the school building used to be. There's a lot of wreckage now where the school building was in first place. אין כבר חלב. There's no milk left. There's no milk anymore. إبحث عن لوحة تحمل رقم واحد مكتوباً بخط كبير. Look for a sign with a big "one" on it. Look for a one-digit board written in a big line. ماذا للعشاء؟ What's for dinner? What for dinner? טום הרשה למרי ללכת לבדה. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom allowed Mary to go alone. دائماً ما تنتقدني! You're always criticizing me! You always criticize me! אבין זאת כתשובה חיובית. I'll take that as a yes. I'll understand that as a positive answer. אני סמוך לגשר. I am close to the bridge. I'm near the bridge. נידו אותה. She was excommunicated. We'll call her back. את דקדקנית. You're finicky. You're thin. תום עובד מהר. Tom is working fast. Tom's working fast. הכובע ההוא נראה די מטופש. That hat looks kind of stupid. That hat looks pretty stupid. ذهبت إلى إيطاليا لتدرس الموسيقى. She went to Italy to study music. I went to Italy to study music. لماذا لم تسطيع أن تأتي بالأمس؟ Why couldn't you come yesterday? Why didn't you come yesterday? هل تدرس؟ Are you studying? Are you studying? قال توم بأنه لم يكن مسموحا له فعل ذلك. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. Tom said he wasn't allowed to do that. התה הזה מריר מדי. This tea is too bitter. That tea is too bitter. אני צריך לדחות את הבקשה שלך. I have to deny your request. I need to postpone your application. תום אומר לי שאתה חכם. Tom tells me you're smart. Tom tells me you're smart. אן לא מצליחה למצוא עבודה. Ann can't find a job. Ann can't find a job. لا أريد لهذا السر أن ينكشف. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret to reveal. אני יכולה לעזור לך? May I help you? Can I help you? אני מזועזע בדיוק כמוך. I'm as shocked as you are. I'm just as shocked as you are. אתם מתכוונים לקנות את זה? Are you going to buy those? Are you guys gonna buy this? לתום לא אכפת מכאן או מכאן. Tom doesn't care one way or the other. Tom doesn't care about this or this. תיזהר לא להירדם על ההגה! Be careful not to fall asleep at the wheel. Be careful not to fall asleep on the wheel! تصبح على خير يا توم. Good night, Tom! Good night, Tom. הם השתנו כולם. They all changed. They've all changed. ገደልኩዋት። I killed her. I killed her. أخبر سامي أباه. Sami told his dad. Tell Sammy his father. תום חישב את הכל מראש. Tom has it all worked out. Tom, consider it all in advance. هل يغذى الرجل القط؟ Does the man feed the cat? Does the man feed the cat? זה ממש קל. This is real easy. It's really easy. لازم اروح الحمام. I have to go to the toilet. I need a bath. אלף ובית מטילים לסירוגן קוביה בת N פאות, אלף תמיד מטיל ראשון. מפסיד במשחק מי שלראשונה הטלתו אינה עדיפה על הטלת קודמו. מה ההסתברות שאלף ינצח? A and B alternately roll an N-sided die, A always first. A game is lost by the first roll failing to better the previous. What is the probability that A wins? A thousand and a house is going to seroganize the N-Pafa, a thousand is always going first, losing who's first not better off than his predecessor, what's the assumption that a thousand will win? הטייפון לפני שבוע היה קטלני מאד. The typhoon last week was extremely deadly. The typhoon a week ago was very lethal. זה לא באג. It's not a bug. It's not bug. رجاء اترك رسالة على المجيب الآلي. Please leave a message on my answering machine. Please leave a message on the automatic responder. أخبره بأن ينتظر Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. תום לעולם אינו מודה בטעות, כי הוא חושב שזה סימן של חולשה. Tom never admits that he's wrong, because he thinks that's a sign of weakness. Tom never admit it by mistake, because he thinks it's a sign of weakness. ስሜ ቁዘይ አይደለም። My name is not Kuzey. My name is not low. لا تنسَ أن تضع طابعاً على رسالتك. Don't forget to put a stamp on your letter. Don't forget to put a character on your message. אני רק צריכה לדעת שאתה בסדר. I just need to know you're OK. I just need to know that you're okay. הייתי חסר הגנה. I was defenseless. I was unprotected. متميز Brilliant! Distinguished. توم يعرف. Tom knows. Tom knows. מדינת ישראל היא "דמוקרטיה" ליברלית גזענית. Israel is a racist liberal "democracy". The State of Israel is a racist liberal democracy. אל תקח דוגמא מתום. Don't follow Tom's example. Don't take an example. תום הסיר את משקפיו. Tom took off his glasses. Tom removed his glasses. ذهب إبني إلى لندن، أين ولدت. My son went to London, where I was born. My son went to London, where I was born. אני רק רוצה לדבר עם תום כמה רגעים. I only wish to talk to Tom for a few minutes. I just want to talk to Tom for a few moments. הם נסעו להם. They drove away. They're on their way. טום המשיך לדבר. Tom continued to speak. Tom kept talking. סרבתי לגמרי. I refused absolutely. I totally refused. كانت ليلى تتكلّم العربيّة لكنّها كانت أمريكيّة. Layla spoke Arabic but was American. Lily was speaking Arabic, but she was American. هل استرحت قليلا؟ Did you get any rest? Did you get some rest? سأصبح طبيبًا. I am going to be a doctor. I'll be a doctor. הוא תפר לה מעיל חדש. He made her a new coat. He would sew her a new coat. يقارن الناس أحيانًا بين الموت والنوم. People sometimes compare death to sleep. People sometimes compare death to sleep. אני אתגעגע אליך מאוד. I'll miss you very much. I'm gonna miss you very much. أشعل سامي الاضاءة. Sami switched the light on. I'll light Sami. הסמוראי כרת את ראשו של היריב באִבְחָה חדה. The samurai decapitated his opponent in one fell swoop. The Samaritan cut off the enemy’s head with a sharp blade. הסכמנו? Do we have an agreement? We agreed? אחוז בי חזק יותר. Hold me tighter. I'm more powerful than I am. הסתכל על זה. Look at this. Look at this. الله وحده يعلم. Only God knows. Only God knows. أودّ أن أنسى كلّ شيء. I'd like to forget the whole thing. I want to forget everything. ظننت توم ميّتا. I thought Tom was dead. I thought Tom was dead. ظل يركض. He ran on and on. He kept running. הורים אוהבים את ילדיהם. Parents love their children. Parents love their children. אנו עדיין בבית הספר. We are still in school. We're still at school. أنا أتتطلع لإجازة الصيف. I'm looking forward to summer vacation. I'm looking forward to summer leave. شرحت المعلمة الدرس الجديد بإسهاب للطلاب. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. The teacher explained the new lesson more thoroughly to the students. كما يجب أن يتم بذل جهود مستديمة للاستماع إلى بعضنا البعض وللتعلم من بعضنا البعض والاحترام المتبادل والبحث عن أرضية مشتركة There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground. There must also be sustained efforts to listen to each other and learn from each other, mutual respect and the search for common ground. إيدير هو المغني الأمازيغي المفضل لدي. Idir is my favorite Berber singer. Ider is my favorite Amazigi singer. בכל זאת חבל שאינך קורא מכתבים. Anyway, it's a shame that you do not read letters. It's too bad you don't read letters, though. جِم مواطن كندي. Jim is Canadian. A Canadian citizen. استطاع أن يبني بيتاً صغيراً. He was able to build a small house. He could build a small house. כיבדתי אותך. I respected you. I respected you. לא אותך הוא רוצה לשאת, אלא אותה. It is not you but her that he wants to marry. Not you he wants to carry, but her. האם אכן זה השתלם? Was that really worth it? Did it really pay? הם אוהבים את השיר הזה. They love this song. They like that song. הדעה שלך אופטימיסטית מדי. Your view is too optimistic. Your opinion is too optimistic. חשדתי שכך. I suspected as much. I suspected that. הוא היה מורה מצוין, כך שילדיו היו צייתניים מאוד. He was a great teacher so his children were very obedient. He was an excellent teacher, so his sons were very obedient. كانت ليلى نائمة في غرفة نومها. Layla was asleep in her bedroom. Lily was sleeping in her bedroom. הנתיך נשרף. The fuse is blown. The path is burned. الطائر غمس رأسه في الماء. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird touched his head in the water. הרהיטים במשרדו מודרניים מאד. The furniture in his office is very modern. The furniture in his office is very modern. تجاهل سامي الإنذار. Sami ignored the warning. Ignore Sami's warning. נהנתי מזה מאד. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed it very much. أحتاج طابعاً بريدياً. I need to get a stamp. I need a poster. لا تقلق بشأن الأشياء الغير مهمة. Don't worry about things that aren't important. Don't worry about things that don't matter. ابن خالي بارع في الخدع السحرية. My cousin is good at doing magic tricks. A good cousin in magic deception. נוכל להישאר כאן? Can we stay here? Can we stay here? سامي من مصر. Sami is from Egypt. Sami from Egypt. היקום תעלומה. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. الأمازيغية هي لغتي الأولى. My first language is Berber. Amazigh is my first language. כל הספרים האלה שלי. All of these books are mine. All these books of mine. سأذهبُ منفردًا I'll go on my own. I'll go alone. أكيد. Certainly. Sure. אתה יודע את הסיבה? Do you know the reason? You know the reason? זה חמישים ין. It's 50 yen. It's 50 yen. הוא לימד במשך עשרים שנה. He has been teaching for 20 years. He's been teaching for 20 years. בחדר שלי יש רדיו. There's a radio in my room. In my room, there's a radio. قام مدير المدرسة بتعليق رخصة ذلك المدرّس للتّدريس هناك. The principal suspended that teacher's license to teach there. The school manager suspended the school's license for the class there. أراد سامي ماله. Sami wanted his money. Sami wanted his money. אני הולכת לסבתי. I'm going to my grandmother's. I'm going to my grandmother. أريد التحدث اليك عن شيء آخر. I want to talk to you about something else. I want to talk to you about something else. كانت تلك جريمة من أجل المال. This was a murder for money. That was a crime for money. أتصل بها كل يوم. I call her up every day. Call her every day. היא היתה זקוקה לכסף. She needed the money. She needed the money. אינני יכולה להמתין כי אני חייבת לרוץ. I can't wait because I'm in a hurry. I can't wait because I have to run. הערב אנו הולכים לכנסיה. This evening we will go to church. Tonight we're going to church. كتب سامي لليلى رسالة حبّ طويلة. Sami wrote Layla a lengthy love letter. Sammy wrote me a long letter of love. قتلته بتي. Betty killed him. I killed him. הוא אימץ את עיניו בקריאה רבה מדי. He strained his eyes by reading too much. He kept his eyes open by reading too much. أبقى عينيه مسلّطةً على وجهها. He kept his eyes fixed on her face. Keep his eyes on her face. העלבת את כולם. You offended everybody. You insulted them all. سمح سامي لليلى بالدّخول لحياته. Sami let Layla into his life. Sammy let me get into his life. אני בטוח בכך. I'm certain. I'm sure of it. رنّ جرس الهاتف و أنا آكل طعام الغداء. The phone rang when I was having lunch. I rang the phone and I ate lunch. كانت لفاضل ذريعة قويّة. Fadil had an ironclad alibi. It had a strong pretext. האם הדוור כבר הגיע? Has the mailman already come? Has the mailman arrived yet? كان سامي عامل سيّارة إسعاف. Sami was an ambulance attendant. Sami was an ambulance worker. ستُنشر روايتها الجديدة الشهر القادم. Her new novel will be out next month. Her new story will be published next month. ג'ים עזב את פאריז אתמול. Jim left Paris yesterday. Jim left Paris yesterday. ممنوع تدخلو لهاد البيت. You aren't allowed in this room. They're forbidden to enter the house. שב בבקשה על הכיסא הזה ותמתין. Please sit on this chair and wait. Please sit on this chair and wait. אנו בסדר. We're fine. We're fine. אני תמיד מקשיבה לשיר הזה. I always listen to this song. I always listen to this song. عليّ الذهاب إلى النوم. I have to go to bed. I have to go to bed. הוא סופסוף הרוויח כסף. He finally made money. He finally made money. إنهُ الطفل الذي يأكُل اللحم. It's a child that is eating meat. He's the baby who eats meat. רופא השיניים לא רוצה שתאכל ממתקים. The dentist doesn't want you to eat sweets. The dentist doesn't want you to eat candy. كنت هنا من قبل. I've been here before. I've been here before. אני רוצה שתקשיב לי היטב. I want you to listen to me very carefully. I want you to listen carefully to me. בואי נהיה בטוחים. Let's be sure. Let's be sure. הבית הזה נראה נטוש. That house appears deserted. This house looks abandoned. היא עשתה מתיחת פנים. She had a facelift. She did face-to-face. اقطع الشجرة الميتة دي، وإلا هتقع على بيتك. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house. Cut the dead tree, or fall on your house. מה אומַר? What can I say? What's Ommer? תום הלך הביתה בניחותא. Tom took his time walking home. Tom went home on board. جعلناه يذهب. We made him go. Make us go. הרופא ידע איך להתמודד עם מקרה חירום כזה. The doctor knew how to cope with an emergency like this. The doctor knew how to deal with such an emergency. ماذا تفعلون؟ What are you doing? What are you doing? يبدو وكأنّها ستمطر. It seems that it will rain. Looks like it'll rain. سنأكل كثيرًا الليلة، آمل أنك لست على حمية. We're going to eat a lot tonight so I hope you're not on a diet. We'll eat a lot tonight, I hope you're not safe. האם התקשרת? Did you call? Did you call? كان سامي محبوبا جدّا عند أهل البلدة. Sami was well liked in the community. Sami was very fond of the people of the town. זה מדויק. It's accurate. It's accurate. הוא עשה את העבודה בעצמו. He did the work on his own. He did the job himself. תום בערך בגילה של מרי. Tom is roughly the same age as Mary. Tom's about Mary's age. علم سامي أنّه وقع في فخّ. Sami realized that he was trapped. Sami knew he was in a trap. חשבתי שאת עובדת. I thought you were at work. I thought you were working. אני יכול לראות שאתה פצוע. I can see you're hurt. I can see you're hurt. המשך ואמור זאת. Go on and say it. Go ahead and say it. لكل إنسان الحق، على قدم المساواة التامة مع الآخرين، في أن تنظر قضيته أمام محكمة مستقلة نزيهة نظراً عادلاً علنياً للفصل في حقوقه والتزاماته وأية تهمة جنائية توجه إليه. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. On the basis of full equality with others, each person has the right to consider his case before an independent and fair tribunal in the light of public justice to determine his rights and obligations and any criminal charge against him. אל תקניט אותי. Don't tantalize me. Don't bother me. ከመይ ሓዲርኪ። Good morning! What happened to you? אני אוהב את הקפה שלך. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. אני לא יכול לחכות כל היום. I can't wait all day. I can't wait all day. מכונת הכביסה הוא המצאה נפלאה. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. The washing machine is a wonderful invention. إن كنت مخطئا، فاعترف. إن كنت محقّا، فاصمت. If you're wrong, admit it. If you're right, be quiet. If you're wrong, admit, if you're right, shut up. מחיר הנפט ירד. The price of oil went down. The oil price's down. תום נותן לי הרבה עצות. Tom gives me lots of advice. Tom gives me a lot of advice. אל תדאגי. Don't worry. Don't worry. وَاشْ كَايَنْ؟ What gives? And where? لست مختبئا. I'm not hiding. I'm not hiding. البسي قبّعتكِ. Put on your cap. The Bessy has kissed you. كان إهمالا منها أن تنسى. It was careless of her to forget it. She was neglected to forget. תום אמר שהוא לא יודע למה. Tom said he didn't know why. Tom said he didn't know why. أنا لا أفهم هذه الكلمة. I don't understand this word. I don't understand this word. הוא גבר נאה ומקסים. He's handsome and charming. He's a handsome, charming man. סבי אינו יכול ללכת ללא מקל ההליכה שלו. My grandfather can't walk without his cane. My grandfather can't go without his walking stick. הנייר הומצא לראשונה בסין. Paper was first invented in China. The paper was first invented in China. توقّف سامي عن البكاء. Sami stopped crying. Sami stopped crying. שכנעת אותי. You've convinced me. You convinced me. תודה שהסכמת לראות אותי. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for agreeing to see me. عندي منزل. I have a house. I have a house. هو الآن في المستشفى. He is in the hospital at present. He's in the hospital now. האם תעשו כתוביות באספרנטו? Do you do subtitles in Esperanto? Will you do an address in Sabrento? תום בא לכאן לבד. Tom came here alone. Tom comes here alone. ሰውዬው አባቱን መጥራት ፈለገ። The man wanted to call his father. The man sought to call on his father. پاري هييا لمدينا شّابّا ڨاع ف لمۆند. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Pary's in favor of our town as a young man, but he didn't. تبّا لك. Go fuck yourself! Fuck you. ماذا نسيت؟ What did you forget? What did you forget? הייתי רוצה לראות את טום עוד פעם. I'd like to see Tom one more time. I'd like to see Tom again. את צריכה עכשיו להכין את שיעורי הבית. You should do your homework now. You need to prepare your homework now. ذاك الفندق قريب جداً من البحيرة. That hotel was very near the lake. That hotel is so close to the lake. من الأفضل ألا تذهب إلى هناك. You'd better not go there. You better not go there. أُدعى جاك. My name is Jack. I'm called Jack. הוא נפטר אתמול. It was yesterday that he died. He died yesterday. لقد ناموا حقا على الأرض. They really slept on the floor. They really slept on the ground. תהיו מקוריים לשם שינוי. Be original for a change. Be original for a change. أريد الذهاب معك. I want to go with you. I want to go with you. תום הטיב לעשות ממרי. Tom has done better than Mary. Tom had to do Mary. توم ينتظر. Tom is waiting. Tom's waiting. توم غاضب جدا مني الآن. Tom is now very angry with me. Tom's so angry with me now. אני לא רוצה לירות בך, אבל אעשה זאת במקרה הצורך. I don't want to shoot you, but I will if I have to. I don't want to shoot you, but I'll do it if necessary. אני חייב לצמצם את ההוצאות שלי החודש. I have to reduce my expenses this month. I have to reduce my expenses this month. משרדו שוכן במרכז העיר. His office is located in the center of the town. His office is in the middle of town. سُرقت سيارتي ليلة أمس. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. فين الأسنسير؟ Where is the elevator? Vin Sensor? دعنا لا نستعجل كثيرًا. Let's not be in too much of a hurry. Let's not rush too fast. כבה את האור לפני שתלך לישון. Turn off the light before you go to bed. Turn off the light before you go to sleep. כבר עשיתי סידורים. I've already made arrangements. I already made arrangements. أشعل الضوء. لا يمكنني أن أرى شيئاً. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. I light up, I can't see anything. תום הציע משקה למרי. Tom offered a drink to Mary. Tom offered Mary a drink. آمُل ألا أضطر إلى استخدام هذا المسدس. I hope I don't have to use this pistol. I hope I don't have to use this gun. הוא סבר שדבר זה דומה לכלוב ציפורים. He thought that it was like a bird cage. He thought that thing was like a bird cage. ماذا بعد ذلك؟ Then what? What's next? الجزائر تحد ليبيا. Algeria makes drones. Algeria is the challenge of Libya. כבר חצות הלילה. It's already midnight. It's midnight tonight. كانت ليلى تسرق المصارف. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was stealing banks. אני רוצה רגע להאיט את המהלך. I'd like to slow things down for just a second. I want a moment to slow down the move. هل سبق لك و أن صلّيت في مسجد؟ Have you ever prayed in a mosque? Have you ever prayed in a mosque? أصيب سامي بالإحباط. Sami became depressed. Sammy got frustrated. عادة ما يصلّي سامي في الجماعة. Sami usually performs prayers in congregation. I usually get Sammy in the group. תום אושפז? Was Tom hospitalized? Tom was admitted? يشرب توم القهوة يوميا. Tom drinks coffee every day. He drinks coffee every day. كتب سامي رسالة طويلة لليلى. Sami wrote a long letter to Layla. Sami wrote a long letter to me. سأحضر بعض كؤوس الشرب. I'll get some glasses. I'll get some drinks. מה אתה חושב שאתה עושה? What do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? ואדוז היא בירת ליכטנשטיין. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. And Odez is the capital of Lichtenstein. كيف تجد اعتناقك للإسلام؟ How do you like being a Muslim? How do you find yourself baptized for Islam? מי יאמין לך? Who's going to believe you? Who's gonna believe you? הפגישה תיערך ביום שני הבא. The meeting will take place next Monday. The meeting will be held next Monday. تعلّمت نعيش بلا بيها. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. תן לי תפוח. Give me an apple. Give me an apple. זה לקח קצת זמן להתרגל. It did take some getting used to. It took a while to get used to it. האמת היא שאני לא אוהב אותך. The truth is I don't like you. Actually, I don't like you. لربّما كنت كبير السن ولكنني لا زلت أستطيع ركوب الدراجة. I may be old, but I can still ride a bike. Maybe I was old, but I can still ride a bike. هل تتحدث المقدونية؟ Do you speak Macedonian? Are you talking to the Macedonian? הייתי אמור להתעלם מתום? Was I supposed to ignore Tom? Was I supposed to ignore him? אנו משתמשים במחשבים כדי לפתור בעיות ולארגן מידע. We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order. We use computers to solve problems and organize information. הים סוער. The sea is rough. The sea is storming. שב בשקט בבקשה. Please sit still. Sit down quietly, please. لا يفكّر توم بالآخرين. Tom doesn't think about others. Tom doesn't think about others. לסוזי יש חיוך יפה. Susie has a nice smile. Suzie has a nice smile. אני חולה ים. I'm seasick. I'm sea sick. חבל! הוא היה פרופסור טוב. תנצב"ה. What a pity! He was a good professor. May he rest in peace. Too bad, he was a good professor. אתה רוצה לשמוע עוד? Do you want to hear more? You want to hear more? عند إشارتك. واحد، إثنان، إنطلق! On your marks, get set, go! One, two, go! ובכן, שיקרתי. Well, I lied. Well, I lied. קבעתי פגישה עם מאיוקו. I made an appointment with Mayuko. I set up a meeting with Maico. אני מודאג לגבי ביטוח בריאות. I'm concerned about health care. I'm worried about health insurance. أجريتْ لي مقابلة عمل. I was interviewed for a job. I had a job interview. سأعود لآخذ حقيبة يدي. I'll return to get my handbag. I'll be back to grab a bag of my hands. בסופו של דבר, חלומו התגשם. He finally got his wish. Eventually, his dream came true. أهم شيء أن تهتم بما تأكله. Above all, watch your diet. The most important thing you care about what you eat. أنا أضحك فقط. I am only joking. I'm just laughing. كان مدرّسا بديلا. He was a substitute teacher. He was a substitute teacher. أيمكننا الحصول على شوكة؟ Could we have a fork? Can we get a chocolate? إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟ Where are you going to? Where are you going? תום פשוט צופה. Tom just watches. Tom's just watching. عندما ذهبت صاحبة المحل لتجلب البذلة لديما لاحظت لطخات من الدم على سترته، ولم تجد إلا أن تحدق وهي مصدومة. As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock. When the shopwife went to bring the suit, they noticed tears of blood on his jacket, and she couldn't help but wake up and she was shocked. كان سامي يعتبر حياته ممتعة. Sami thought life was good. Sammy thought his life was fun. ما نعرفوش جيرانّا. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. سُأِل كل طالب سؤالاً واحداً. Every pupil was asked one question. I'll ask every student one question. أيمكنني الحصول على قطعة من تلك الكعكة؟ Could I get a little piece of that cake? Can I get a piece of that cake? وُلد سامي في مصر. Sami was born in Egypt. Sami was born in Egypt. الأمازيغية هي جزء مني. Berber is a part of me. Amazigh is part of me. יש לנו טונות כסף. We have tons of money. We have tons of money. אל תשתמש במוצר הזה לרעה! Don't misuse this product! Don't use this product wrong! سامي يصنع عطره بنفسه. Sami makes his own perfume. Sammy's making his own sweat. لم يعد يثق به أحد بعد الآن. No one trusts him any more. Nobody trusts him anymore. אני לא יכול להאמין שהרגע יריתי על עצמי. I can't believe I just shot myself. I can't believe I just shot myself. سافر توم كثيرا في العام الماضي Tom traveled a lot last year. Tom traveled a lot last year. ניצלתי ממוות. I was saved from death. I was saved from death. هل تحدثني؟ Are you talking to me? Did he talk to me? جاك يجمع الطوابع. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. לפי התחזית ירד שלג מחר. According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow. According to the forecast, it's snowing tomorrow. إبتسم للكاميرا إذا سمحت! Smile at the camera, please! Taste the camera if you will! תום רוקן את חשבון הבנק שלו. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom ran his bank account. ألا تشعر بالبرد؟ Don't you feel cold? Don't you feel cold? لقد كان من الواضح أنها في ألم. She was obviously in pain. It was clear she was in pain. תום היה חף מפשע. Tom was innocent. Tom was innocent. איפה המכונית? Where's the car? Where's the car? לא נראה שזה משנה. It doesn't seem to matter. Doesn't seem to matter. מזג האוויר היה רע במיוחד אתמול. The weather was very bad yesterday. The weather was particularly bad yesterday. נקלעתי לגשם ונרטבתי עד העצמות. I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin. I got caught in the rain and wet to the bones. انا اربي الماشية . I rear cattle. I am the shepherd of the cattle. מעז יצא מתוק. Every cloud has a silver lining. A goat came out sweet. قال له: "تفضّل بالجلوس إذا سمحت". "Sit down, please," he said. He said, "You'd like to sit down if you will." יש לו לסת שבורה והוא איבד כמה שיניים. He got a broken jaw and lost some teeth. He's got a broken jaw and he's lost some teeth. אינני יכולה לתת לתום לדעת זאת. I can't let Tom know. I can't let Tom know that. תפסיק עם זה בבקשה. Stop it, please. Please stop it. בתי המלון כאן נשמרים לא כרגיל נקיים. The hotels here are kept unusually clean. The hotels here are kept clean as usual. זה היה קצת מפחיד. It was a little scary. It was a little scary. علينا القيام بتحليل للدم. We have to do a blood test. We have to do a blood analysis. הוא צריך מונית. He needs a taxi. He needs a cab. لا أصدق! I can't believe it! I can't believe it! אתה יכול לחייג בשבילי? הטלפון גבוה מדי. Could you dial for me? The telephone is too high. Can you dial for me? תום לבש כפפות אגרוף. Tom put on a pair of boxing gloves. Tom wore gloves. أحتاج إلى أن أركز. I need to concentrate. I need to focus. أنا أيضاً لا يعجبني ذلك. I don't like it, either. I don't like it either. אני הולך מהר. I walk fast. I'm going fast. יש לי התיק הזה בצבע אחר. I have this briefcase in a different color. I have this case in another color. היא עויינת כלפי. She is hostile to me. She's hostile to me. עליה להיות זהירה מאד כשהיא חוצה את הרחוב. She needs to be very careful when she crosses the street. She must be very careful when she crosses the street. سحق سامي الأقراص السّامّة و ذوّبها في العصير. Sami crushed the poisonous pills and dissolved them into juice. Smmy's sucking the gray pills and sucking them in the juice. متأكد بأن توم يخطط لفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom is planning to do that. I'm sure Tom's planning on doing this. ስምህ ማን ነው? What is your name? What is your name? אתה יכול לשאול את הספר הזה בתנאי שתשמור עליו נקי. You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean. You can ask this book on condition that you keep it clean. אתה צריך לשלם תוספת על הבטריות. You need to pay extra for the batteries. You have to pay extra on the bets. كان يعيش هنا. He used to live here. He lived here. התיישב. Be seated. Sit down. مات كلب سامي. Sami's dog died. Sami dog died. אני אוהבת אותם, את כולם. I like all of them. I love them, everybody. תום הקיש על מתג האור. Tom clicked the light switch on. Tom's on the light switch. مساء الخير. Good evening. Good evening. كان عمر الفقيد ثمانين سنة. The deceased was eighty years old. It was 80 years old. ניסיתי לא להסתכל. I was trying not to look. I tried not to look. أتحس بوجع في بطنك؟ Do you feel any pain in your stomach? Do you feel a pain in your stomach? היו ארבעים נוכחים. There were forty people present. There were 40 present. أريد تعلم الفارسية. I want to learn Persian. I want to learn Persian. התחושה היא שזה הדבר הנכון. It just feels right. The feeling is that's the right thing. دمّر زلزال عيادة سامي. Sami's clinic was destroyed by an earthquake. An earthquake destroyed Sami's clinic. هذا المكتب يأخذ مساحة كبيرة. This desk takes up too much room. This office takes a lot of space. תום ומרי היו בשקט מוחלט במכונית. Tom and Mary were very quiet in the car. Tom and Mary were completely quiet in the car. نريد السلام في العالم. We want peace in the world. We want peace in the world. תום מפחד. Tom's afraid. Tom's scared. لا تحكم بظواهر الأمور. Don't judge by appearances. Don't judge the phenomena of things. أنا فرحان أوي. I'm very happy. I'm Farhan Oy. היה לי חלום נורא. I had a nightmare. I had a terrible dream. תום אומר שזה מה שהוא צריך באמת. Tom says this is what he really needs. Tom says that's what he really needs. خسروا من جديد. They lost again. Lose again. طُعِّمتُ من الإنفلونزا. I was vaccinated against the flu. I got out of influenza. الناس يحتاجون الى الطعام. The people need food. People need food. يتكلم جاك الإنجليزية. Jack speaks English. This is Jack English. ברור שהיא חולה. She is evidently sick. Of course she's sick. סלחנו לתום. We forgave Tom. We've forgiven Tom. זה היה מבחינתי בסדר. I was cool with that. It was fine with me. رائع Terrific! Oh, great. كانت ليلى تعمل في ناد للتّعرّي. Layla worked at a strip joint. Lily was working in a club to introduce me. אין לי מספיק כסף לקנות את זה. I don't have enough money to buy it. I don't have enough money to buy it. למה אתה לבד? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? תום לא התכוון לפגוע ברגשותיה של מרי. Tom didn't intend to hurt Mary's feelings. Tom didn't mean to hurt Mary's feelings. שכחתי לגמרי על מה זה. I've completely forgotten what it's about. I totally forgot what it was about. يمكنك اختيار أي واحد منهم. You may choose any of them. You can choose any of them. דאגי בבקשה לכך שהעופות בכלוב יקבלו מים ואוכל מדי יום. Please see that the birds in the cage get water and food every day. Please make sure that birds in cages get water and food every day. لا تنسى القاعدة رقم 72. Don't forget rule no. 72. Don't forget rule 72. אתה מעדיף כתוביות או דיבוב בטלוויזיה? Do you prefer to watch subbed or dubbed TV? Would you prefer an address or a TV chat? انقطعت الكهرباء. The power went out. The electricity went off. המשיכה היתה הדדית. The attraction was mutual. The continuance was mutual. אני לגמרי מסכים עם כולכם. I fully agree with all of you. I totally agree with all of you. ביליתי כל היום על החוף. I spent the entire day on the beach. I spent all day on the beach. أظن بأن توم يحبني. I think Tom likes me. I think Tom loves me. هذا سؤال مهم جداً. This question is one of great importance. That's a very important question. זה לא משנה אם תנצח או תפסיד. It doesn't matter whether you win or not. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. אצא מהכלא ברגע שהמשטרה תיווכח שאני חף מפשע. I'll be out of jail as soon as the police realize I'm innocent. I'll get out of prison as soon as the police prove I'm innocent. אם אתה לא יכול להיות טוב, היה זהיר. If you can't be good, be careful. If you can't be good, be careful. לקח לה זמן רב לבחור כובע. It took her a long time to choose a hat. It took her a long time to pick a hat. לא רציתי לערב אותם. I didn't want to involve them. I didn't want to involve them. לראות את מצעד ראש השנה הסיני ממרומי המרפסת זה כל כך נחמד. Watching the Chinese new year parade seated on the balcony is so pleasant. Seeing the Chinese New Year's parade from the porch is so nice. תום מת מפגיעות פנימיות. Tom died of internal injuries. Tom died of internal injuries. سأذهب إلی الشاطئ. I will go to the beach. I'll go to the beach. תה עם קרח לא טעים בלי סוכר. Tea with ice isn't good without sugar. Tea with ice is not good without sugar. אף אחד לא יירה בי. No one is going to shoot me. No one's gonna shoot me. אני מניח שהייתי צריכה לעשות יותר. I guess I should've done more. I guess I should have done more. فقدت ثقتي فيه. I lost my trust in him. I lost confidence in him. יש! Got it! Yes! הייתי רוצה עוד קפה. I'd like some more coffee. I'd like more coffee. لا تخاطر. Don't take chances. Don't risk it. אף אחד לא ביקש ממך להסכים, אבל אתה לא יכול לפחות להסכים שיש אנשים שיש להם דעות שונות משלך? Nobody has asked you to agree, but can't you at least accept that there are people who hold different views from you? Nobody asked you to agree, but can't you at least agree that there are people who have different opinions of yours? תום הודה שהוא גנב את הכסף. Tom admitted that he had stolen the money. Tom admitted he stole the money. טום שאל את מרי מה שם המשפחה שלה. Tom asked Mary what her last name was. Tom asked Mary what her last name was. لا يمكنني أن أقبل هديّتك. I cannot accept your gift. I can't accept your gift. אני אוהבת לערוך קניות בקניון הזה. I like to shop at that mall. I like shopping at this mall. لدي أخوات I have sisters. I have sisters. أي كتاب أفضل؟ Which book is better? What better book? أنا فخورٌ بنفسي. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of myself. מזג האוויר כאן מתקרר ואני ממש לא אוהב את זה. The weather here is getting cold and I really do not like that. The weather here is getting cold and I really don't like it. أنا مشتاق لك. I miss you. I'm in touch with you. תום הוא די טוב. Tom is rather good. Tom's pretty good. מרי הלכה למלון בעקבות החבר שלה, משום שלא הכירה היטב את הסביבה. Mary followed her friend to the hotel because she didn't know the area well. Mary went to her boyfriend's hotel because she didn't know the environment well. إنهم في المكتبة. They're in the library. They're in the library. הילדים יתעוררו אם תעשה רעש. The children will wake up if you make noise. The kids will wake up if you make a noise. ניתוחים שלאחר המוות יבוצעו. Autopsies will be performed. Post-death surgery will be performed. תישאר בדיוק פה. Stay right here. Stay right here. אני אעשה זאת. I'll do it. I'll do it. אתה אל תכנע! Don't give up now. You don't give up! بماذا توصي؟ What do you recommend? What do you recommend? هناك الكثير من المرضى لدى الدكتور سميث. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. There's a lot of patients with Dr. Smith. האם יש עוד דבר מה שעליי לדעת? Is there anything else I should know about? Is there anything else I need to know? أنا لا أتكلم اللغة اليابانية.‏‏ I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. لا يشتري إلا ما ينفعه. He buys only what'll be useful for him. He only buys what's good for him. תום המשיך להתמקד. Tom kept focused. Tom kept focusing. דברים שאתה יודע לא יכולים לפגוע בך. What you know cannot hurt you. Things you know can't hurt you. صديقي لا يلعب التنس. My friend doesn't play tennis. My friend doesn't play tennis. أنت طويل و لكنه أطول. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're long but longer. لست هنا لأجرحك I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. ملّ سامي من حياته. Sami is tired of his life. Sami's full of his life. למה לא מחר? Why not tomorrow? Why not tomorrow? יש בקתה מעבר לגשר. There is a cottage beyond the bridge. There's a cabin across the bridge. הם אמרו לי, שז'ואו נסע לחיות בארגנטינה. They told me João went to live in Argentina. They told me that Joo went to live in Argentina. هي تحب المطر. She likes the rain. She likes the rain. היית צריך להיות זהיר יותר עם בריאותך. You should have been more careful with your health. You should have been more careful with your health. علا وجه نانسي التعب. Nancy looks so tired. Get Nancy's face tired. הוא מסוגל לעשות את זה. He's capable of doing it. He can do it. لديها ابن يحبه الجميع. She has a son everybody loves. She has a son who loves everyone. سامحني من فضلك. Please forgive me. Excuse me, please. أعتقد أنه من المهم قول الحقيقة. I think it's important to tell the truth. I think it's important to tell the truth. אני מבקש בכל לשון של בקשה. I'm begging you. I'm asking for every language of a request. كان الجرو يلحس خدّها. The puppy licked her cheek. The throat would have taken her. كان سامي مهتمّا بشأنه فحسب. Sami was just minding his business. Sammy was just interested in him. إنك تعطي المسألة أكثر من حقها. You are exaggerating the problem. You give the matter more than it is right. حلقت الطيور في كل اتجاه. The birds flew away in all directions. I flew the birds in every direction. هذه ستكون مهمة خطيرة جداً. This will be a very dangerous mission. That would be a very serious task. הביטי במגדל העומד על הגבעה. Look at that tower standing on the hill. Look at the tower on the hill. "شكرًا،" قال ديما بينما اتصل بالرقم. "Thanks," Dima said as he dialed the number. "Thank you," said Dima while calling the number. רצח ראש העיר גרם לגלים של הלם בקרב בני הקהילה. The mayor's murder sent shock waves through the community. The murder of the mayor caused shocks among the congregation. انتحرت عن عمر ينازه الثلاثين عاماً. She killed herself at the age of thirty. I committed suicide for 30 years. عاد سامي إلى محلّه للبيتزا. Sami returned to his pizza joint. Sammy went back to his pizza shop. מעולם לא חשבתי שזה ייגרר לכך. I never thought it would come to this. I never thought it would be dragged into that. مر القطار السريعة بسرعة فائقة بالكاد رأيناه. The express train went by so fast we hardly saw it. The train passed so fast we barely saw it. בדרך כלל אני הולכת לבית הספר ברגל. I generally walk to school. I usually go to school on foot. ד"ר קלארק, אפשר לבקש ממך טובה? Dr. Clark, may I ask a favor of you? Dr. Clark, can I ask you a favor? Kważi għandi kull ma neħtieġ. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I need. תום דיבר בלחש רם. Tom spoke in a loud whisper. Tom spoke up. هل فهموا؟ Did they understand? Do they understand? תגיד לי מה יש לך. Tell me what you've got. Tell me what you got. الأب عائد إلى البيت غداَ. Father is coming home tomorrow. Father's coming home tomorrow. המטוס הזה שלו. This plane is his. That plane's his. هناك نافذة على يسارك. There is a window on your left. There's a window on your left. אלכס יענה: "צבע". Alex will answer, "Color!" Alex will answer: "Cool." אנחנו לעתים קרובות שומעים אותך שרה. We often hear you sing. We often hear you sing. أتى أخيرا. At last he came. He finally came. אני לא חושבת שזה מגיע לי. I don't think I deserved that. I don't think I deserve it. טום מקווה לרשת הרבה כסף כשאמו תלך לעולמה. Tom hopes to inherit a lot of money when his mother dies. Tom hopes to raise a lot of money when his mother goes for it. لبست ليلى ملابسا مثيرة. Layla dressed sexy. You've been wearing exciting clothes. הנמיכי את קולך. Lower your voice. Lower your voice. لا تتكلم باليابانية. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. תגידו לתום להכניס את הכלב. Tell Tom to let the dog in. Tell Tom to get the dog in. هذا هو الوقت الذي يصل فيه عادة. This is the time he normally arrives. That's when it's usually time. كيفا لقيت لماكلا ف ليسپاس⸮ How do you find food in outer space? How did I get to eat? لا ينبغي أن ننسى ذلك أبدا. We should never forget it. We should never forget that. דקרו אותי. I got stabbed. I've been stabbed. כלב נשך לי את היד. The dog bit my hand. A dog bit my hand. لا تقلق إذا لم تستطع. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. كل الناس سيموتون حتماً. All men must die. People are definitely going to die. מרי קינאה בפופלריות של קייט. Mary was jealous of Kate's popularity. Mary was jealous of Kate's billboards. يا للإحراج! How embarrassing! What a shame! ידענו זאת. We knew that. We knew it. יש תג על הצנצנת. There's a label on the jar. There's a badge on the jar. הצלחה! זהו המשפט החמשת אלפים בקלינגונית בטטואבה! Success! This is the five-thousandth Klingon sentence on Tatoeba! That's the five thousand-clingon trial in Tetova! كان لدى سامي ما يكفي من العلم كي يجيب على أسئلة سهلة و هذا ما سمح له كي يعرض نفسه كطيبب. Sami knew enough about medicine to bluff his way through some easy questions, passing himself off as a doctor. Sami had enough knowledge to answer simple questions, and that's what allowed him to present himself as a good man. לחצות את הנהר תוכל להשתמש בסירה או בגשר. To cross the river, you can use a boat or the bridge. Cross the river, you can use the boat or the bridge. كتب "مع تحياتي" في ذيل الخطاب ثم قام بتوقيع اسمه. He wrote "regards" at the end of the letter and then signed his name. He wrote with "beneficiaries" on the tip of the speech and then signed his name. אני יודעת שהיית עושה לי את אותו הדבר. I know you would do the same for me. I know you'd do the same to me. זה קרה היום. It happened today. It happened today. השקעתי אתמול את זמני בקריאה במקום לצאת. I spent yesterday reading instead of going out. I put my time in the reading yesterday instead of going out. هل بإمكانك تكلم الإيطالية؟ Do you speak Italian? Can you speak Italian? הם פתאום שמו לב לרעש בחלקו האחורי של החדר. They were suddenly aware of a noise in the back of the room. They suddenly noticed a noise in the back of the room. יש להם שני בנים ובת אחת. They have two sons and one daughter. They have two sons and one daughter. החיים יפים. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. כוסות וכלים נשברו. Glasses and dishes were broken. cups and tools are broken. אני מניחה שזה לא יטריד אתכם, שאני לוקחת אחד מהם. I assume it won't bother you if I take one of them. I guess it won't bother you, I'm taking one of them. ساهم! Participate! Let's go! اعتقد انه كان من الخطأ أنك لم تأخذ بنصيحتي. I think it was a mistake that you didn't take my advice. I think it was wrong you didn't take my advice. אסור לך לקרוא מכתבים פרטיים של מאן דהוא ללא רשות. You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission. You can't read Man Dho's private letters without permission. תום בלחץ גדול. Tom is under a lot of pressure. Tom's under great pressure. גש חזרה למושב שלך. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. את יכולה לספר לנו על תום? Can you tell us about Tom? Can you tell us about Tom? בכל מקום שהוא עצר, הוא התקבל בסבר פנים יפות. Everywhere he stopped, the people welcomed him warmly. Wherever he stopped, he was accepted in a beautiful way. احضره في وقت قريب. Bring it over soon. Bring him in soon. תום לא נראה כעוס. Tom doesn't look angry. Tom doesn't seem mad. Il-kamra hija mudlama. The room is dark. The room is dark. بدأ سامي يواعد ليلى. Sami started dating Layla. Sammy's dating Lily. انا ذاهب الى هناك حتى ولو لم تذهب I'm going there even if you don't go. I'm going there, even if you don't. لديّ عشرة أقلام. I have ten pens. I've got ten minutes. אתה חייב ללכת. You must go. You have to go. توجّه سامي إلى اليسار. Sami went left. Sami's heading to the left. آسف لإني أزعجتك. Sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to bother you. תום הגיע לכאן לפני הזריחה. Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before dawn. הם צריכים ללכת. They need to go. They have to go. הילד האבוד זוהה על פי בגדיו. The lost child was identified by his clothes. The lost boy was identified by his clothes. لقد سببت له الكثير من المتاعب. I caused him a lot of trouble. I've caused him a lot of trouble. طعام العشاء سأشتريه أنا. I'll pay for lunch. I'll buy it. كان سامي يذهب إلى المسجد كلّ يوم. Sami went to the mosque every day. Sammy was going to the mosque every day. אני רוצה לגלות מה זה באמת. I want to find out what it really is. I want to find out what it really is. מטוס זה יצא לחלוטין משליטה. The plane is completely out of control. This plane is completely out of control. لم أرى شيئا مثله أبدا. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen anything like it. הוא עשה זאת להנאתו. He did it for fun. He did it for his pleasure. الأفضل أن تذهب بالحافلة. You'd better go by bus. You better get on the bus. ظنّ سامي أنّ ليلى كانت تنوي إطلاق النّار عليه. Sami thought Layla was going to shoot him. Sami thought Lily was planning on shooting him. منينك؟ Where are you from? Who are you? אני יודע שתום מסתיר משהו, אבל אני לא יודע מה. I know Tom's hiding something, but I don't know what. I know Tom's hiding something, but I don't know what. תום שתה כוס וודקה. Tom drank the glass of vodka. Drink a glass of vodka. אין שום דבר שאני יכול לעשות כאן יותר. There's nothing more I can do here. There's nothing I can do here anymore. نظرا للوقت المتأخّر، ألحّ سامي على ليلى كي تمضي اللّيلة في شقّته. Because it was late, Sami encouraged Layla to spend the night in his apartment. Because of the late time, Sammy insisted on a night to spend the night in his apartment. גרום לכך לקרות. Make it happen. Make that happen. يعرف جاك كيف يتكلم الفرنسية. Jack can speak French. Jack knows how to speak French. אני מרגישה כמו ילדה מחדש. I feel like a kid again. I feel like a child again. كان سامي قرّة عين أمّه. Sami was the apple of his mother's eye. Sammy was an eye reader of his mother's. إسمي حسّان. My name is Hassan. My name's Hassan. لقد دعوتك إلی هنا لأسألك سؤالا I called you in here to ask you a question. I called you here to ask you a question. أنا مغرم بامرأة أخرى. I'm in love with someone else. I'm in love with another woman. ትማሊ ፈረስ ዓዲገ Yesterday I bought a horse He Buys a Lasting Horse האם אתה מקבל המחאות נוסעים? Do you accept traveler's checks? Are you getting checks going? تعال لتستريح قليلا. Come have a rest. Come get some rest. הוא הציג לי שאלה. He asked me a question. He asked me a question. תום חושש מהאפלה. Tom is scared of the dark. Tom's afraid of the darkness. אני מרוצה מכל דבר. I'm satisfied with everything. I'm happy with everything. تخاصما سامي و ليلى في المحلّ أمام الجميع. Sami and Layla argued in the store in front of everybody. Sammy and Lily are in the shop in front of everyone. כל ערב אני עושה אמבטיה. I take a bath every night. Every night I'm doing a bath. שמעתי את זה קורה. I heard that happen. I heard that happen. لازم نشتغل طول ما إحنا عايشين. As long as we live, we have to work. We need to work as long as we're alive. أَسَّسَ اْلشَّرِيفُ النَّاظِمَ فِي اْلبَلْدَةِ. The sheriff established order in the town. God’s Kingdom, or government, will soon bring an end to this wicked system of things. היא רמזה שהיא אולי תלמד בחו"ל. She hinted that she might study abroad. She's insisting that she might learn abroad. לאנשים הסולדים ממתן כסף, תלוש מתנה הוא רעיון טוב. For people who dislike the idea of giving money, a gift certificate is a good idea. It's a good idea. תום רוצה שאעזור לו מחר. Tom wants me to help him tomorrow. Tom wants me to help him tomorrow. الرّاجل كان ياكل لخبز. The man was eating bread. The guy was eating bread. واصل سامي السّير. Sami continued walking. Sami continued the secret. אל תחששי מהכלב שלי. הוא לא יפגע בך. Don't worry about my dog. He won't do you any harm. Don't be afraid of my dog. فُصِلَ سامي عن أمّه لمدّة أسابيع. Sami has been separated from his mother for weeks. Sammy's been telling about his mother for weeks. אני אוהבת תפוחים. I like apples. I like apples. راك تقول بلّي خبّيت جمالك بلعاني⸮ You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Rac says, "I chose your beauty in my eyes." هذا جيد جدا This is very good. That's very good. אני מצטער שלא הלכתי לתאטרון אמש. I wish I had gone to the theater last night. I'm sorry I didn't go to the theater last night. شرب سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. Sammy's drinking a whole bottle of pills. תום יסבול. Tom will suffer. Tom's gonna suffer. הקרבן נדקר שוב ושוב על ידי הרוצח. The victim was stabbed repeatedly by the killer. The victim was stabbed again and again by the killer. ייתכן שהצלחתי בבחינה אתמול אך התוצאות עוד לא פורסמו. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. I may have been through the exam yesterday, but the results have not yet been published. איכפת לך מאד? Do you mind much? Do you mind very much? حاول سامي شرح الأمر للجميع. Sami tried to explain that to everyone. Sammy tried to explain it to everyone. دعونا نبحث عن جمل تحتوي على مفردات جديدة ذات علاقة بهذا الموضوع، ثم نضيف الجمل إلى هذه القائمة: _____؛ ونترجمها. Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them. Let's look for sentences containing new terms related to this subject, then add the sentences to this list: ____; and translate them. اختار هاوكنغ التركيز على الرياضيات والفيزياء، رافضا بهذا حث والده الطبيب إياه على دراسة الطب. Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics. Hawking chose to focus on mathematics and physics, noting his father urged him to study medicine. המחאה חייבת להימשך. Protests must continue. Check has to go on. انسى ما قلته بالأمس. Forget what I said yesterday. Forget what I said yesterday. הוא התקלח. He has taken a shower. He shaved. الملك يجب أن يتنازل عن العرش. The king must abdicate. The King must give up the throne. هل أستطيع أن أرى جواز سفرك؟ Can I see your passport? Can I see your passport? אלמד אותך את כל מה שאתה חייב לדעת. I'll teach you everything you need to know. I'll teach you everything you have to know. כל כמה זמן את מתקלחת? How often do you take a shower? How long have you been taking a shower? الرجل الطويل خرج من البيت. The tall man came out of the house. Long guy came out of the house. תיזהרי לא להחליק! Be careful not to slip. Be careful not to slip! كانت لدى سامي دائما أقراص في متناول اليد. Sami always had pills within easy reach. Sami always had CDs in hand. אתה עייף, האין זאת? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? הרעיון שלך מגוחך. Your idea is ridiculous. Your idea is ridiculous. مفيش أي مشاكل. There are no problems. I'm looking at any problems. أنا لا أستخدم الفيسبوك I don't use Facebook. I don't use Facebook. إن النساء يغيرن العالم. Women change the world. Women change the world. זה מאוד כיף לטייל. Traveling is a lot of fun. It's very fun to travel. بالنسبة لي إن ذلك شيء مهم. For me, it's important. For me, that's an important thing. صلّى سامي. Sami prayed. Call Sami. كيف بإمكاننا أن نطلب من النّاس أن يحترموا الطّبيعة و الكوكب و الحيوانات إن لم يحترموا بعضهم البعض؟ How can we ask for humans to respect nature, the planet and the animals if respect between them does not exist? How can we ask people to respect nature, planet and animals if they don't respect each other? أشم رائحة شيء يحترق يا أمي. I smell something burning, Mother. I smell something burning, Mom. عادت ليلى إلى المنزل ليلا. Layla came home at night. Lily came home at night. לסבתא של מרי אין שיניים. Mary's grandmother doesn't have any teeth. Mary's grandmother has no teeth. לא ייתכן שג'יין אמרה דבר כזה. Jane cannot have said such a thing. It can't be that Jane said something like that. לקתרין היה מניע נסתר כשהיא דחקה באביה לקנות מכונית חדשה. היא קיוותה לנהוג בה בעצמה. Catherine had an ulterior motive when she urged her father to buy a new car. She hoped that she'd be able to drive it herself. Catherine had a hidden motive when she pushed her father to buy a new car. ما أروع منزلك! Your house is very nice. What the hell is your house? יש לו שלושה בנים. He has three sons. He's got three boys. فقط تنفس طبيعي. Just breathe normally. Just breathe normal. أحقا مات أبي؟ Did my father really die? Really, Dad's dead? הוא נפצע ברגלו השמאלית בתאונה. He was injured in his left leg in the accident. He was injured in an accident on his left leg. من مالك هذا البيت؟ Who owns this house? Who owns this house? يقول توم بأنه استمتع بالحفلة الموسيقية. Tom says that he enjoyed the concert. Tom says he enjoyed the concert. هذه الفكرة ليست منطقية. This idea is not rational. That idea doesn't make any sense. تبوّل سامي. Sami urinated. Sami's abscess. بدآ سامي و ليلى يمضيان كلّ يوم معا. Sami and Layla started spending every day together. Sammy and Lily started spending every day together. לא נראה שתום חושב כך. Tom doesn't seem to think so. It doesn't seem like Tom thinks so. لم ذهبت إلى هناك بدوني؟ Why did you go there without me? Why didn't you go there without me? אינני מתכוון לתת לך לבלות את יום הולדתך לבדך. I'm not going to let you spend your birthday alone. I'm not gonna let you spend your birthday alone. אין שני לה בבישול סיני. She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food. She doesn't have two in Chinese cooking. هذا عشوائي جداً. This is so random. This is so random. سنتعلم الأبجدية في هذا الدرس. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. We'll learn the alphabet in this lesson. אני מקווה שכולם יהיו בסדר. I hope everyone will be OK. I hope everyone's gonna be okay. هذا شيء اريد ان اعمله لوحدي. This is something I need to do alone. That's something I want to do alone. דברים רבים העסיקו את תום. Tom had a lot on his mind. Many things occupied Tom. أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث عن طفلي. I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my baby. ذهبت ليلى إلى حفل لهالووين أقيم في الشّارع. Layla went to a Halloween street party. Lily went to a Halloween party. I'm staying in the street. بدأ الشرطة التحقيق في جريمة القتل. The police began to go into the murder case. Police started investigating the murder. X'ħin hu? What time is it? What time is it? תודה שאתה אתה. Thanks for being you. Thanks for you. לא, אינני מתחרט על דבר. No, I don't regret anything. No, I don't regret anything. هلّا اقترحت مكانا جيدا لأكل الطعام الكوري؟ Can you recommend a good place to eat Korean food? Would you suggest a good place to eat Korean food? ده الكتاب بتاع توني. This is Tony's book. It's Tony's book. לא היית צריכה לאכול כה מהר. You didn't need to eat so quickly. You shouldn't have eaten so fast. הפוליטיקאי חלקלק כצלופח! The politician is as slippery as an eel! The politician's slick as a scarf! אין כאן מעבר. No passage this way. There's no passage here. هل أنتَ خائف؟ You're afraid? Are you scared? كان سامي يريد أن يغيّر حياته. Sami wanted to change his life. Sammy wanted to change his life. أريد أن آكل في مطعم الليلة. I want to eat out tonight. I want to eat at a restaurant tonight. أدركت الآن أنني عبثت. I realize I messed up. Now I realized I was a mess. היית שלי. You were mine. You were mine. אני מהנדס. I'm an engineer. I'm an engineer. لم يستطع توم أن يمنع دموعه. Tom couldn't hold back his tears. Tom couldn't stop his tears. תום לקח את מרי לתחנה. Tom drove Mary to the station. Tom took Mary to the station. ባለፈው ሳምንት ከአሜሪካ አንዳንድ ማስታወሻ ላኩለት። Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S. Last week they sent him some notes from America. היא טבעית מאוד בהלכותיה. She is extremely natural in her manner. She's very natural in her obedience. للننتقل للعيش في مكان آخر. Let's move away. Let's move to live somewhere else. إنه يوم الإثنين, كما تعلم It's Monday, you know. It's Monday, you know. הוא כבר אכל? Did he already eat? Did he eat yet? أنا أتصِل بها كُل مساء. I call her every evening. I'm calling her every evening. אני לא אוהב במיוחד קפה. I don't care much for coffee. I don't like coffee in particular. לתום שלושה אחים. Tom has three brothers. Tom's three brothers. מבקרים אינם רשאים להיות כאן. No visitors are permitted here. Visitors are not allowed to be here. رُبّما أستسلِمُ قريبًا وآخُذ قيلولةً بدلا من ذلك. I may give up soon and just nap instead. Maybe I'll take it soon and take it instead. יש כאן טעם בדבריך. You have a point there. There's a taste here for you. אתה יודע רבות על האבקות סומו. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about the dust is sealed. אחותה נראית צעירה. Her sister looks young. Her sister looks young. كان سامي يتناول الدّواء. Sami was on medication. Sammy was taking the medicine. אני לא רגיל לנאום בפני קהל. I am not accustomed to making speeches in public. I'm not used to public speaking. הייתי רוצה לקנות את המחשב הזה, אבל הוא עולה הון! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs an arm and a leg! I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs a fortune! أحب أن أشرب القهوة ساخنة I like hot coffee. I like to have a hot coffee. מרי היא די שטחית. Mary is quite superficial. Mary's pretty superficial. החלפתי בגדים. I got changed. I changed my clothes. بقي سامي شخصا بارزا في حيّه. Sami maintained a visible profile in his neighborhood. Sammy remained a prominent person in his life. תחזיק מעמד שם, תום. Hang in there, Tom. Hold on there, Tom. הבה נתאחד למען הצדק. Let us be united in the cause of justice. Let's unite for the sake of justice. بنى فاضل علاقة حبّه مع دانية على الأكاذيب. Fadil's love for Dania was built on lies. He built a bond of love with Dani on lies. תום אתלטי. Tom is athletic. Tom Atalty. העגלה הייתה בסככה. The cart was in the shed. The cart was right there. وصلت إلى طوكيو البارحة. I arrived in Tokyo yesterday. I got to Tokyo yesterday. كوت قمصانه. She ironed his shirts. Stop his shirts. لا بدّ أنّ هناك طريقة أفضل لفعل هذا. There must be a better way to do this. There must be a better way to do this. كانا سامي و ليلى يمضيان ما استطاعا من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla were spending as much time together as they could. They were Sammy and Lily spending as much time as they could together. בוא נשמע את התירוץ שלך. Let's hear your excuse. Let's hear your excuse. هل تذهبون إلى جامعة مولود معمّري بِتِيزي وزّو؟ Do you guys go to Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi Ouzou? Are you going to the birth school of Betsy and Zsu? سامي موظف استقبال. Sami is a receptionist. Sammy's a receptionist. תום קילף את החסיל. Tom shelled the shrimp. Tom Kilph. وَشْ مْ الصَّفْحَة؟ What page? And what's wrong? وصفت أمّ فاضل ابنها أنّه فتى جيّد. Fadil's mother characterized him as a good boy. My mother described her son as a good boy. سألعب الشطرنج مع توم اليوم. I'm going to play chess with Tom today. I'll play chess with Tom today. أصبحت ليلى مشهورة في ثانويّة باكر. Layla became very popular at Bakir High School. Lily became famous in early high school. شكرا مرة أخرى Thanks again. Thanks again. ذلك الولد يركض. That boy is running. That boy is running. كان سامي يصيح. Sami was yelling. Sami was calling. هل أنت جاهز للذهاب للبيت الآن؟ Are you ready to go home now? Are you ready to go home now? قال لابنه أن ينزل عن السلم. He told his son to get down from the ladder. He told his son to go off peace. وقعت تفاحة عندما فتحت باب الثلاجة. When I opened the door of the refrigerator, an apple fell out. There was an apple when I opened the refrigerator door. זה נראה קשה. It seems hard. It looks hard. Il-ġurnata t-tajba. Have a nice day. Good day. השופט הורה למושבעים לא לדון בתיק. The judge told the jury not to discuss the case. The judge ordered the jury not to discuss the case. تبدو ليلى جميلة اليوم. Layla looks pretty today. You look beautiful to me today. وكما قال أبراهام لينكولن لأمة كانت أكثر انقساماً مما نحن عليه الآن. نحن لسنا بأعداءٍ، بل أصدقاء. ورغم أن الانفعالات مزّقت أواصر المودة بيننا، إلا أنه لا بد من أن لا نسمح لها بقطع أوصالها As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. As Abraham Lincoln said to a nation that was more divided than we are now. We are not enemies, but friends. איזה ציפור זו? What's that bird? What bird is this? استحموا من فضلكم. Please take a bath. Take a bath, please. חיה עלולה להיות מסוכנת יותר כשהיא פצועה. An animal can be much more dangerous when wounded. An animal might be more dangerous when it's injured. هذا غير صحيح. This is not true. That's not true. המורה איתר תלמיד שהעתיק במבחן. The teacher found a pupil cheating in the examination. Teacher tracked an ancient student on the test. השכירה גנבה כסף מהקופה. The employee stole money from the cash register. The rent stole money from the register. תראה לי דוגמה אחרת. Show me another example. Show me another example. أعتقد أنني سأعطس. أعطني منديلاً. I think I'm gonna sneeze. Give me a tissue. I think I'm gonna laugh. גיליתם את הסוף. You gave away the ending. You found out the end. السفر يوسع آفاق تفكير المرء. Travel broadens one's horizons. Travel expands one's thinking prospects. ذهب سامي وليلى للتخييم. Sami and Layla went camping. Sami and Lily went to guess. لست راضيا عما فعلته. I'm not satisfied with what you've done. I'm not satisfied with what you did. ذهب براين إلى المدرسة مع كيت. Brian went to school with Kate. Brian went to school with Kate. אני מבקש בבונג. I'd like a chamomile. I'm asking Bong. كان سامي يعيش في حيّ ذو معدّل جريمة عالٍ. Sami was living in a neighborhood where there was a lot of crime. Sammy lived in a high-tech neighborhood. إسمي بوب. They call me Bob. My name is Bob. أريد أن أتقرّب منك. I want to get closer to you. I want to read from you. لا داعي للقلق. There is nothing to worry about. You don't have to worry. סברתי בטעות שהוא אחי. I mistakenly thought that he was my brother. I accidentally explained he was my brother. תום נחנק. Tom's suffocating. Tom was suffocating. لا غِنى لنا عن مساعدته. His help is indispensable to us. We have nothing to do with his help. اجعل أحداً آخر يقوم بذلك إذا سمحت. Please have someone else do it. Make someone else do it if you will. أنا حتى لستُ متأكداً ما إذا كُنتُ أريد أن أرى هذا الفيلم. I'm not even sure I want to see that movie. I'm not even sure if I want to see this movie. أحب صوت الغيث أثناء هطوله علی السقف. I love the sound of rain on the roof. I like the noise of singing while he's on the roof. بدأ سامي يفكّر بأنّ منزله كان مُراقَبا. Sami started to believe that his house was being watched. Sammy started thinking his house was under surveillance. אני רעב טיפ-טיפה. I'm a little bit hungry. I'm hungry for a tip-off. ما الفرق بين الكمان والبيانو؟ البيانو يحترق مدة أطول. What's the difference between a violin and a piano? A piano burns longer. What's the difference between the volume and the data? The piano burns longer. עזרו לנו. Help us. Help us. اغلق جميع الأبواب والنوافذ. Shut all the doors and windows. Close all doors and windows. ትናንትና መጣሁ። I came yesterday. I came yesterday. إنهُ يبدو بحالة جيداً جداً. He looks very good. He looks very good. תום לא היה יכול להאמין לחדשות. Tom couldn't believe the news. Tom couldn't believe the news. أنت غبي. You're a fucking idiot! You're stupid. من يعلم ما قد يحصل مستقبلًا؟ Who knows what might happen in the future? Who knows what the future holds? אקח שלוש מכל סוג. I'll take three of each kind. I'll take three of any kind. أريد أن أصبح طبيبة أو ممرضة أو مدرسة. I want to be a doctor or a nurse or a teacher. I want to be a doctor, a nurse, or a school. لم تصدر كلّ هذا الضّجيج؟ Why are you being so noisy? Why all this noise? إنك تشتكي دائماً. You are always complaining. You always complain. שלום. אפשר לדבר עם מר ג'ונסון? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Can I talk to Mr. Johnson? بالصّح عجبكم؟ But do you like it? You really like it? אני אוהב אוכל קוריאני. I love Korean food. I like Korean food. כנס לחדר שלי. Come into my room. Get in my room. هل أنتي ماري؟ Are you Mary? Are you Mary? אתה צריך להיות סופר. You should be a writer. You should be a writer. هل سَبَق أن ذهبتَِ إلى البندقية؟ Have you ever gone to Venice? Have you ever gone to the gun? فتحتُ الباب وخرجت من السيارة. I opened the door and got out of the car. I opened the door and came out of the car. חמתו בוערת בו. He is burning with anger. His warmth burns him. مين جيّ معايه؟ Who's coming with me? Who's good with him? הספוטניק שוגר לחלל בארבעה באוקטובר 1957. Sputnik was launched on October 4, 1957. The sputnik is launched into space on October 4, 1957. توم ليس بمغنٍّ جيّد. Tom isn't a good singer. Tom's not a good tune. أُلغيت المباراة بسبب تغير الجو. Thanks to the bad weather, the game was canceled. The game was cancelled because of the weather change. تبدو متعباً. You look tired. You look tired. אחרי שכולם עזבו, הוא נשאר, בלי חברים. After everyone left, he remained, friendless. After everyone left, he stayed, no friends. אין בי שום פגם. Nothing's wrong with me. There's no defect in me. أيمكنك كتابة الرسالة بالإنجليزية؟ Can you write a letter in English? Can you write the letter in English? אתה לא יכול להפריז בחשיבות בחירת החברים שלך. You can't be too careful in choosing your friends. You can't count on the importance of choosing your friends. مرحبا بكم في ويكيبيديا. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. אני צוחק עלייך. I am laughing at you. I'm kidding you. תום נתן לי השראה. Tom inspired me. Tom inspired me. أنا أدرس الرياضيات. I study mathematics. I'm studying math. ماذا فَعَلتَ بِالأمس؟ What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday? طموحها هو أن تصبح سفيرة. Her ambition is to become an ambassador. Her ambition is to be Ambassador. קיויתי שאפגוש אותך. I've been hoping to meet you. I was hoping I'd meet you. انتظر لحظة. Wait a moment. Wait a minute. אני צריך לבדוק ולשנות את גישתי. I need to review and revise my approach. I need to check and change my arrival. غيّر فاضل تفاصيل حسابه البنكي. Fadil changed his bank account details. Change details of his bank account. زرت طوني البارحة. I visited Tony yesterday. I visited Tony yesterday. أنا لا أعرف اسمه I don't know his name. I don't know his name. تعرّف سامي في الحين على صوت ليلى. Sami instantly recognized Layla's voice. Sami's known at the time by the voice of Lily. מי שרוצה להלך בשביל התבונה אל לו לחשוש מהכשלון, לא משנה כמה הוא מתקדם, מטרתו נשארת רחוקה מהשגה. He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off. Whoever wants to go for intelligence doesn't have to worry about failure, no matter how advanced it is, its purpose remains far from its achievement. تعال إلى منزلي. Come home. Come to my house. انتقلت ليلى للعيش في القاهرة مؤخّرا. Layla has recently moved to Cairo. Lili moved to Cairo later. نحن سعداء We're happy. We're happy. لم يصب سامي بكسور أسفل صدره. Sami had no broken bones below his chest. Sami didn't break his chest. אני פתוח להצעות. I'm open for suggestions. I'm open to suggestions. אני ממש מפחדת מעכבישים. I'm really scared of spiders. I'm really scared of spiders. התמונה בשחור/לבן. The picture is in black and white. The picture's in black/white. אתם התחלתם זאת. You started it. You started it. תום לקח את הכל. Tom took everything. Tom took everything. ما الذي جعلك تعتقد ذلك؟ What led you to believe so? What made you think that? سأذاكر. I'm going to study. I'll be a ticket. היא עשתה זאת כשהייתה שיכורה. She did it while she was drunk. She did it when she was drunk. لا أعرف إن كانت لا تزال معي. I don't know if I still have it. I don't know if she's still with me. لقد كنتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية لسنوات. I have been learning Berber for years. I've been learning Amazigh for years. תום צריך להקשיב יותר בכיתה. Tom needs to pay more attention in class. Tom needs to listen more in class. לחוות בודדות היה חשמל. Few farms had electricity. Single experiences had electricity. כמה זמן יש לנו עדיין? How much longer do we have? How long do we still have? האם תום שותף לכך? Is Tom in on this? Is Tom involved? תום כיסה את אפו ואת פיו עם הממחטה. Tom covered his nose and mouth with his handkerchief. Tom covered his mouth and mouth with the muffin. נהגתי לטייל לאורך הנהר לעתים קרובות. I used to often take walks along that river. I used to travel along the river often. قرّر فاضل أن يتابع دروسا في العربيّة. Fadil decided to take an Arabic class. He decided to pursue lessons in Arabic. תום נראה ישנוני. Tom looks sleepy. Tom looks sleepy. يبلغ عمق النهر نحو ستة أميال في بعض الأماكن والطريقة الوحيدة لعبوره هي الحبل والبكرة The river is six miles deep in some areas and the only way to cross it is using a pulley and a rope. The river's depth is about six miles in some places, and the only way to pass is the rope and the sugar. كان كل الموز الذي أتيت به إلي البارحة فاسدًا. The bananas you brought to me last night were all bad. All the bananas I brought to me last night were dirty. لا تأكل. Do not eat. Don't eat. أنا لدي جارة يهودية. I have a Jewish neighbor. I have a Jewish neighbor. תום אמר שהוא היה צריך להיות עם המשפחה שלו בחג המולד. Tom said he had to be with his family on Christmas. Tom said he had to be with his family on Christmas. إنني أتبع حمية. I'm on a diet. I'm following my own protection. كان عليّ فعل هذا منذ زمن. I should have done this years ago. I had to do this a long time ago. لا تنس ذلك. Don't forget that. Don't forget that. حسب اللي سمعتُه، هو راح أمريكا عشان يدرس أحياء. According to what I heard, he went over to America to study biology. By the time I heard it, it was America Achan studying alive. ليس لدينا حق بالقيام بهذا. We don't have the right to do this. We don't have the right to do this. غابت لأنها مريضة. She is absent because of sickness. I've lost her because she's sick. مات الشاه! Checkmate! He's dead! הזכירו את השם שלך. Your name was mentioned. Named your name. هل اشتريت ذلك من السوق السوداء؟ Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy that from the black market? كانت لدى سامي صداقة مع أصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy had friends with Lily's friends. توقف الحصان و رفض أن يتحرك. The horse stopped and wouldn't move. Stop the horse and refuse to move. أريد الذهاب إلى طوكيو. I want to go to Tokyo. I want to go to Tokyo. عُد إلى منزلِك. Go back to your house. Go back to your house. תום צובע. Tom's painting. Tom's a finger. אפילו אם הבוס מתקיף אותך ואומר לך להסתלק, אתה צריך לעמוד על דעתך. Even if you boss attacks you and tells you to go away, you should make your point. Even if the boss attacks you and tells you to get out, you have to stand up. الموسيقى لغة عالمية. Music is a universal language. Music is a global language. הוא חורק בשיניו ובולם את פחדו הגואה. He grits his teeth and forces back his growing fear. He's stuck in his teeth, and he's afraid of his pride. أنا سعيد بسماع صوتك. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm glad to hear your voice. אני זקוקה לעזרה ממישהו. I need help from someone. I need help from someone. أنا في المطار الآن. I'm at the airport now. I'm at the airport now. كان سامي يسبح في مسبحه. Sami was swimming in his pool. Sammy was swimming in a pool. لم يرني أحد. Nobody saw me. Nobody saw me. سافر أبي إلى الصين. My father has gone to China. My father travelled to China. זה לא מושך. It's not attractive. It's not attractive. لقد رفض طلبي. He turned down my application. He refused my request. جمال عند موعد مع عميد الجامعة. Jamal has an appointment with the college principal. Magnificent on a date with the Dean of the University. הנער עמד חרד ללא ניע. The boy stood still in horror. The boy was standing in fear without a move. اليابان فقيرة في الموارد الطبيعية. Japan is poor in natural resources. Japan is poor in natural resources. إني أعتمد على وعدك. I rely on your promise. I'm counting on your promise. המים מתחילים לרתוח. The water is beginning to boil. The water is starting to sink. إذا ما كان هناك من لا يزال يشك في كون أمريكا هي البلد الذي فيه كل الأشياء ممكنة، أو لا زال يتساءل عما إذا كان حلم آبائنا المؤسسين لا يزال حياً في زماننا هذا، أو لا زال يتساءل عن قوة ديمقراطيتنا، فإن ما يحدث في هذه الليلة هو جوابك. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. If anyone still doubts that America is the country where all things are possible, or remains wondering whether the dream of our founding fathers is still alive in our time, or continues to wonder about the strength of our democracy, what happens this night is your answer. בן כמה, לדעתך, טום? How old do you think Tom is? How old do you think, Tom? לממשלה הנוכחית בעיות רבות. The present government has many problems. The current government has many problems. אני חושב שהיא מוצאת חן בעיניי. I think I like her. I think I like her. הייתי רוצה שהיא תבוא לכאן הערב. I wanted her to come here this evening. I'd like her to come here tonight. למה שלא תתן לתום לדבר? Why don't you just let Tom talk? Why don't you let Tom talk? טום ביקר במכון עיסוי. Tom went to the massage parlor. Tom visited a massage shop. ما الذي تريدهُ هى؟ What does she want? What do you want? אין אחריות. There are no guarantees. There's no responsibility. أنا لا آكل. I am not eating. I don't eat. אני עכשיו לא חמוש. I'm now unarmed. I'm not armed now. حرثت الحقل. I plowed the field. You let go of the field. استعار سامي ستّون دولارا. Sami borrowed sixty bucks. Paying Sammy $60. ها هو مفتاحك. This is your key. Here's your key. את טבחית ממש גרועה. You're a really bad cook. You're a really bad cook. הם היו בסדר. They were fine. They were fine. وصلت هنا مساء الإثنين. I got here Monday night. I got here Monday evening. واضح إنك غلطان. Clearly you are mistaken. Obviously you're wrong. هل تعرف الإجابة؟ You know the answer? Do you know the answer? ما نوع الأكلات اليابانية التي تحبها؟ What kinds of Japanese food do you like? What kind of Japanese foods do you like? הספר יצא לאור לאחר מותו של המחבר. The book was published posthumously. The book was published after the author's death. سوف تكون مهمتك تدريب الموظفين على نظام الكمبيوتر الجديد. Your task will be to train the employees on the new computer system. Your mission will be to train staff on the new computer system. تعاطف المدرّس معي. The teacher sympathized with me. The teacher's sympathy for me. بكم أستطيع أن أشتري هذا البيت؟ How much could I buy this house for? How can I buy this house? אולי תום ומרי יעזרו. Maybe Tom and Mary will help. Maybe Tom and Mary will help. يبدو أنّ المحقّقين اتّبعوا الاتّجاه الخطأ في تحقيقهم. The detectives may just be barking up the wrong tree. Looks like the investigators followed the wrong direction in their investigation. كيف حال أخيك؟ How's your brother? How's your brother? ليس عندي حساب في هذه المنتديات. I do not have an account in these forums. I don't have an account in these forums. תום ומרי נתנו אחד לשני מתנות בבוקר חג המולד. Tom and Mary gave each other presents on Christmas morning. Tom and Mary gave each other presents in the morning of Christmas. لا شك أن توم يستمتع. Tom must be having fun. There's no doubt Tom's having fun. אפריל הזמן הטוב ביותר לרוב זרעי הירקות. April is the best time to plant most of your vegetable seeds. April is the best time for most green seeds. הם שבו. They came back. They're in it. תתיישבו בבקשה. Please be seated. Please sit down. اللجنة تتالف من عشر اعضاء. The committee is comprised of ten members. The Committee holds 10 members. תום לא התלונן אפילו פעם אחת. Tom didn't complain once. Tom never complained once. لن أغادر محطّة الشّرطة هذه حتّى أرى سامي. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sami. I'm not leaving this police station until I see Sammy. علاقدّاش لحق طوم لّهنا. What time did Tom get here? It's about the right to eat here. تفقّد سامي رسائل ليلى الإلكترونية. Sami checked Layla's e-mails. Sami checks electronic night messages. تبدو سعيداً هذا اليوم. You look happy today. You look happy today. אני נחלש! I am getting weak! I'm weak! يحب توم الجبنة. Tom likes cheese. Tom likes cheese. هل تعرف الولد في الصورة؟ Do you know the boy in the picture? Do you know the boy in the picture? תום אף פעם לא סיפר עם מי הוא היה אמש. Tom never said who he was with last night. Tom never told who he was last night. لا أحد يقطن هناك. Nobody lives there. Nobody lives there. דבר בבהירות. Speak clearly. Speak clearly. لم أكن أتوقّع أن يحدث هذا. I wasn't expecting this to happen. I wasn't expecting this to happen. لم أبحث عنك أبدا. I never looked for you. I've never been looking for you. תום מוערך מאד בקהילה שלו. Tom is well respected in his community. Tom is very appreciated in his community. ليس توم هو الشخص المناسب للوظيفة. Tom isn't the right man for the job. Tom's not the right person for the job. الصبي ده مين؟ Who is that boy? The boy's a min? هل تود أن تأتي بالداخِل؟ Would you like to come inside? Would you like to come in? كان سامي يسكن في حيّ يعجّ بالحياة. Sami lived in a neighborhood with a lot of street life. Sami was living in a life-threatening neighborhood. لم يتمكّن المحقّقون من إيجاد من أطلق النّار. Investigators couldn't find who pulled the trigger. Investigators couldn't find the shooter. בסופו של דבר היא הצליחה. She finally made it. She eventually made it. كم مجلة على المكتب؟ How many magazines are on the desk? How much magazine is on the desk? קשה לרַצות את טום. Tom is hard to please. It's hard to please Tom. עותק זה שונה מהמקור. That copy differs from the original. A copy is different from the source. علم سامي أنّ ليلى قد ماتت. Sami realized Layla was dead. Sami knew Lily was dead. לילה היתה קשורה לכסא ועברה עינויים. Layla was tied up to a chair and tortured. Night was tied to the chair and tortured. הוא רוצה לדבר איתכם. He wants to talk to you. He wants to talk to you. הקירות של החדר שלה היו מכוסים בכרוזים. The walls of her room were covered in posters. The walls of her room were covered with bells. لا تستخف بمقدرتي. Don't underestimate me. Don't be afraid of my ability. ترجم سامي القرآن من العربيّة إلى الإنجليزيّة. Sami translated the Quran from Arabic into English. Sami translated the Koran from Arabic into English. ما ذلك؟ What's that? What's that? الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النّار على سيّارات الإسعاف الفلسطينيّة. The Israeli army shoots Palestinian ambulances. The Israeli army is shooting at Palestinian ambulances. تعال معي. Come with me. Come with me. אתם יכולים ללכת במקומי בבקשה? Can you please go for me? Can you please go where I am? هي لا تستحقّه. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve it. שילמתי לו ארבעה דולר. I paid him four dollars. I paid him four bucks. كان اللعب في الحديقة ممتعا. It was fun playing in the park. Playing in the park was fun. אבי מעשן לעתים רחוקות. My father seldom smokes. My father often smokes. أنت والدي. You are my father. You're my father. כולם במשרד התרשמו מהאופן בו תום טיפל בבעיה. Everyone in the office was impressed with the way Tom handled the problem. Everyone in the office was impressed by how Tom handled the problem. הוא נולד באנגליה, אבל למד באמריקה. He was born in England, but was educated in America. He was born in England, but he studied in America. טוב לראות את כולכם שוב. It's good to see you all again. Good to see you all again. كتب سامي بعض الشّعر بالعربيّة. Sami wrote some poetry in Arabic. Sami wrote some Arabic hair. מעודי לא התקפתי אף אחד. I've never attacked anyone. Of course I didn't attack anyone. أعطيته كل ما كان عندي من المال. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all the money I had. هتف الصائب: "وأسوأ من ذلك، أنهم لا يعرفون ما يفعلون تجاهك، يا ديما!" "Even worse!" Al-Sayib exclaimed. "They don't know what to do with you, Dima!" "And worse, they don't know what they're doing to you, Dima!" هل سبق أنك احببت شخصا لا يحبك؟ Have you ever loved someone who never loved you back? Have you ever loved someone who doesn't like you? הם לא תמיד מצייתים להוריהם. They don't always obey their parents. They don't always obey their parents. שיחק לקאוג'י מזלו; תאונת הדרכים הותירה רק שריטה קלה על צד מכוניתו. Kouji was lucky; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car. He played for Kaoji; the road accident left only a slight scratch on his car side. כתבי את שמך כאן. Write down your name here. Write your name here. كان سامي عائدا إلى منزله على متن درّاجته. Sami was riding home. Sami was back at his house on his drive. لم أقول شيئا؟ Why would I say anything? I didn't say anything? לקרוא לאמבולנס? Should you call an ambulance? Call the ambulance? አስተማሪ የለሁም። I'm not a teacher. I am not a teacher. محدش هيعرف. No one will know. Heister's talker. איזה מחיר תבקש תמורת הכיסא? What will you take for this chair? What price would you ask for the chair? היחידי היודע מה לעשות הוא תום. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. The only one who knows what to do is Tom. עלינו להשתמש בכל האמצעים כדי לשכנע אותו. We have to use every means to persuade him. We have to use all means to convince him. ቶም ከመይ ከምዝግበር አይፈልጦን። Tom doesn't know how to do that. We don't know how to do it. אני קמה מוקדם בבוקר. I get up early in the morning. I got up early in the morning. אינני מסוגל להאמין שעשית את זה. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you did it. انهار سامي ساقطا. Sami fell. Sami's broken. אלה שלך? Are those yours? These are yours? حين أسمع هذه الأغنية، فإنني أفكر بك، وأفتقدك. When I hear this song, I think of you, and miss you. When I hear this song, I think of you, and I miss you. سامي يحبّ هذه الصّورة. Sami likes this picture. Sammy likes this style. האם גם סופרמן יכול לראות דרך בגדים? Can Superman also see through clothes? Can Superman see through the clothes, too? "קְוָוה, קְוָוה" אמר הברווז. "Quack, quack," said the duck. "Cow, kowa," said the duck. ف لّوّل، راني رايح ندير شيما تع سّيت انترنات ژديد ديالي. First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website. Lowell, I'm going to run Shima with D.E.D.S.S.S. هناك حدود بين الولايات المتحدة و المكسيك. There is a border between the United States and Mexico. There are limits between the United States and Mexico. אני אוהב לאכול סושי. I love to eat sushi. I like to eat sushi. ערכנו תחקיר לגבי עברו. We made inquiries into his past. We've run an investigation into his past. بدأ سامي يجعل شعره طويلا. Sami began to grow his hair long. Sammy started making his hair long. آمل ألا تنشب الحرب. I hope war doesn't break out. I hope there's no war. كان مدرّسنا في العلوم. He was our science teacher. He was our science teacher. תאכלי איתי? Would you dine with me? Will you eat with me? غادر فاضل المستشفى. Fadil left the hospital. He left the hospital. فجأة بدأ المطر بالهطول. Suddenly rain began to fall. Suddenly the rain began to rise. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami has realized that. No, no, no, no, no, no. كان ذلك صعب التصديق. That was hard to believe. That was hard to believe. انهض من سريرك! Get out of bed! Get out of your bed! את יכולה להביא לי כוס מים? Can you get me a glass of water? Can you get me a glass of water? إنها ثاني أعلى المُعدَلات في العالم. It's the second-highest in the world. It's the second highest rate in the world. הוא אמר לו, בנשימתו האחרונה, שהוא מאומץ. With his last breath, he told him he was adopted. He told him, in his last breath, that he was adopted. אם תעצור ותרגע, זה ירפה לך את המתח בכתפיים. If you stop and relax, this will relieve the tension and stress in your shoulders. If you stop and calm down, it'll take your shoulders off. سأعود للعمل كي أكسب قليلا من المال. I'm gonna go back to work and earn some money. I'll get back to work to earn some money. תום ממש עשיר. Tom is really rich. Tom's really rich. מצאתי את מקום המחבוא של תום. I found Tom's secret hiding place. I found Tom's hiding place. أهذا أول امتحان لك؟ Is this your first examination? Is this your first exam? אבי הפסיק לעשן. My father stopped smoking. My father stopped smoking. ከንደይ ትውደአ ስራሕካ? What time do you finish work? How much do you love your job? أسرع و إلا فاتنا القطار. Hurry up, or we'll miss the train. Faster than we missed the train. היית שקט מאד. מה קרה? You've been very quiet. What's the matter? You were very quiet. توم هو أبي Tom is my dad. Tom's my dad. ሩሲያው ትልቅ ነው። Russia is big. The Russian is great. لن أنس ذلك اليوم أبدا. I won't forget that day. I will never forget that day. كَم أتمنّى الذهاب إلى اليابان. I wish I could go to Japan. I was hoping to go to Japan. אני יודע שתעשי מה שצריך. I know you'll do what needs to be done. I know you'll do what you need to do. زينب سمينة جداً. تاكل خمسة وجبات في اليوم. وزن زينب ١٠٠ كيل. Zainab is very fat. She eats five meals a day. Zainab's weight is 100 kg. Very fat zinc eats five meals a day, and weighs 100 pounds. העניים לא מתעשרים כאשר העשירים מתרוששים. The poor don't get richer when the rich get poorer. The poor don't get rich when the rich get worse. לאחר זמן מה תום החל להאמין לשקרים שלו. After a while, Tom started to believe his own lies. After a while Tom began to believe his lies. أُنْشِئَتْ مدارس. Schools were built. I'm living in schools. תום נראה נשגב. Tom looks magnificent. Tom seems to back up. انتهى الأمر بفيديو عراك سامي بنشره على اليوتوب. Sami's fight eventually landed on YouTube. It's over on video Arak Sami by publishing it on YouTube. זאת הפעם הראשונה שחיכיתי בגשם. This is the first time I've ever waited in the rain. This is the first time I've waited in the rain. لايبدو أن توم يتجاوب مع العلاج Tom doesn't seem to be responding to the treatment. Tom doesn't seem to respond to the treatment. كبير على جاين بعامين. He is older than Jane by two years. Big on Jane for two years. המחשב הזה עובד עם בטריות. This computer runs on batteries. This computer works with batteries. بلده الأصلي هو ألمانيا. His home country is Germany. His country of origin is Germany. לא היה אכפת לה לשטוף את הכלים. She didn't mind doing the dishes. She didn't care to wash the dishes. أحضر الطعام. Bring food. Get food. أنا صديقه و سأبقى كذلك. I am his friend and will remain so. I'm his friend and I'll stay like that. كان سامي يرمّم منزله. Sami was renovating his home. Sammy was throwing his house. יש להימנע מטיעונים: הם תמיד גסים ולעתים הם משכנעים. Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing. Be careful not to make excuses: They are always rude and sometimes convincing. נעלתי את עצמי בחוץ. I locked myself out. I locked myself out. אני פונה למילון לעתים קרובות. I often refer to the dictionary. I turn to the dictionary often. תום אפסן דברים בביתי. Tom stashed some stuff at my place. Tom's screwing things up in my house. את בכלל לא דומה לו. You're not anything like him. You don't even look like him. חיכינו לך שעות, עד שתופיע. We've been waiting for hours for you to show up. We waited hours for you until you showed up. .مافيا الأدوية تعرقل كل من يسعى لايجاد لقاح ضد الفيروس التاجي The drug mafia hinders everyone seeking to find a vaccine against coronavirus. Mavia is blocking everyone who's trying to find a vaccine against positive virus. הקבוצה הורכבה מארבעה גברים צעירים. The group was made up of four young men. The team was made up of four young men. ذكّرني كي أجدّد جواز سفري. Don't forget to remind me to renew my passport. Remember me to renew my passport. هي تحتاج للمزيد من النوم. She needs to sleep more. She needs more sleep. بدأ سامي يفقد وعيه. Sami started losing consciousness. Sammy's starting to lose consciousness. מי מסוגל לשכוח את זה? Who could forget it? Who can forget that? فقد رباطة جأشه عند رؤيته لبيته و هو يحترق. He lost his reason when he saw his house burn down. He was stubborn when he saw his home burned down. كتبنا أنا وتوم عدة كتب معا. Tom and I have written several books together. Tom and I wrote several books together. Jien differenti minn ġuvintur oħra. I'm different from other guys. I am different from another juniper. אתה החיים שלי. You are my life. You're my life. باركت له على نجاحه. I congratulated him on his success. You blessed him for his success. תום הסתיר את הטבעת הגנובה בגרב. Tom hid the stolen ring in a sock. Tom hid the stolen ring in the sword. היא העלתה התנגדות חשובה לטיעון שלו. She raised an important objection to his argument. She raised important objections to his argument. كانت زوجة سامي تضايقه دائما. Sami's wife was constantly taunting him. Sami's wife was always bothering him. ከም ተራ ደራፊ ኣይኮነን። He is no ordinary singer. He is not as an ordinary singer. كان فاضل يثق بليلى بشكل كامل. Fadil trusted Layla completely. He trusted me completely. كانت لدى سامي درّاجة ناريّة. Sami had a motorcycle. Sammy had a motorcycle. ظننت هذا معلوما. I thought this was common knowledge. I thought that was familiar. תום לא עומד להיות מאמן. Tom isn't going to be a coach. Tom's not gonna be a coach. זה בחינם. This is free. It's free. خطير جداً بالنسبة لكَ أن تكون هنا. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. It's very dangerous for you to be here. כמה נאה! How lovely! How handsome! אני לא יכול לומר אם תום מתלוצץ או לא. I can't tell if Tom is joking or not. I can't say if Tom's kidding or not. תום נתן לחתול קצת חלב. Tom gave the cat some milk. Tom gave the cat some milk. יש בריכת שחיה וכדורת. There's a swimming pool and a bowling alley. There's a swimming pool and a bullet. ماذا حدث في بيت بولوك الليلة؟ What happened at Bullock's this evening? What happened at the house of Bullock tonight? اشترط فاضل أن تقدّم له دانية المال. Fadil demanded that Dania give him the money. You need to pay him a debt of money. לא היה יותר מאשר אבק של שלג. There was no more than a dusting of snow. There was nothing more than snow dust. كنت أعلم أنه أنت. I knew it was you. I knew it was you. בסדר, בוא נעבור את זה. All right, let's get this over with. All right, let's get through this. عقدنا اجتماعا في الأسرة. We had a family meeting. We held a meeting in the family. شربت ليلى كلّ الكحول. Layla drank all the alcohol. I drank all my alcohol night. و أخيراً استسلم. At last he yielded. And finally give up. אם יתנו לו אפשרות נוספת, הוא יעשה כמיטב יכולתו. Given another chance, he'd do his best. If they give him another option, he'll do his best. لم يشعر سامي قطّ بأنّه مسيحي. Sami never felt Christian. Sammy never felt like a Christian. אני גרמתי לכך. I caused this. I made it. רשמתי לך את הכתובת. I wrote down the address for you. I wrote you the address. משכתי בכתפיי. I shrugged. I pulled my shoulders. אני רוצה קצת עוגה. I want some cake. I want some cake. كفّ عن تأنيب ضميرك. Stop feeling guilty. Stop letting your conscience down. אני חש דבר מה. I feel something. I feel something. درس سامي الطّب. Sami studied medicine. S.A.A.S.A.S.A.A. לא אכפת לי מה תום עושה עם כספו. I don't care what Tom does with his own money. I don't care what Tom does with his money. תום נמצא בקרבת מקום. Tom is nearby. Tom's nearby. תום כותב נאומים מקצועי. Tom is a speech writer. Tom writes professional speeches. بإمكاننا تسليم المنتوج في أسبوع. We are able to deliver within a week. We can hand over the product in a week. נטלתי משכך כאבים לראש שלי. I took a painkiller for my headache. I've taken painkillers to my head. هل يمكنك مساعدتي في العثور على توم؟ Could you help me find Tom? Can you help me find Tom? האם יש עוד משתתפים במכרז? Is anyone else bidding? Are there any other participants in the auction? אני מאחלת לך נסיעה מוצלחת. I hope you have a good trip. I wish you a successful trip. היא שיקרה. She lied. She lied. الطبيب غير موجود الآن للأسف. I'm afraid the doctor is out. Unfortunately, the doctor doesn't exist right now. "Tatoeba" معناها "على سبيل المثال" باللغة اليابانية. "Tatoeba" means "for example" in Japanese. "Tatoba" means "for example" in Japanese. תום לא יודע בכלל לשחות. מצד שני הוא שחקן כדור בסיס טוב. Tom can't swim at all. On the other hand, he is a good baseball player. Tom doesn't even know how to swim, on the other hand, he's a good base player. לא נוכל לשרוד בלי עזרתכם. We won't be able to survive without your help. We can't survive without your help. كان خائفا من الظلام. He was afraid of the dark. He was afraid of the darkness. בואי נאפה עוגת יום הולדת. Let's bake a birthday cake. Let's have a birthday cake. אני נשארת בקשר עם תום. I keep in touch with Tom. I'm staying in touch with Tom. شجّع توم باش يدِيرها. Encourage Tom to do it. Tom cheered her ass. Tgħallimt kollox mingħandu. I learned everything from him. I learned everything from him. ما العجب في ذلك؟ What is the matter of surprise in it? What's the surprise? היא התחנכה בארה"ב. She was educated in the United States. She was a U.S. teacher. إنه من محبي القطط. He's a cat lover. He's a cat lover. שתוק, או שתגיד משהו ששווה לשמוע. Be silent, or speak something worth hearing. Shut up, or you'll say something worth hearing. أمتزوج أنت أم عزب؟ Are you married or single? Or married you or single? شعبية مواقع الإنترنت تعتمد على محتوياتها. The popularity of websites depends on their content. The popularity of websites depends on their contents. أين بيتها؟ Where is her house? Where's her house? أنا متعب بسبب المرض والعمل. I am tired, from sickness and work. I'm tired of illness and work. كان توم عاريًا. Tom was naked. Tom was naked. عطيت لو للكلب ياكل ولاّ مازال؟ Have you fed the dog yet? You gave it to the dog, eating, still? שתיתי רק כמה בירות. I only had a couple of beers. I just had a few beers. אושיט לה את ידי. I'll give her a hand. Give her my hand. السفر للفضاء سيكون شائعا في المستقبل . Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future. Space travel will be common in the future. حقّق سامي في ماضي ليلى. Sami investigated Layla's past. Sami's in the past, Lily. היא מאחרת לעיתים קרובות. She often comes late. She's often late. كان لديّ مدرّس عنصري. I had a racist teacher. I had a racist teacher. לא ידעתי שאתה ותום קרובים. I didn't know you and Tom were related. I didn't know you were and you were close. أنا متأكد. I am sure. I'm sure. سامي لطيف جدّا تجاه أعضاء مجتمع الميم. Sami is very friendly to LGBT people. Sami is very nice to the members of the Mem society. لم تكن معركةً واحدةً، بل أكثر. It was not one battle, but many. It wasn't one fight, it was more. תום תלה שלוש זוגות מכנסי ג'ינס רטובים על חבל הייבוש. Tom hung the three pairs of wet jeans on the clothesline. Tom Thale three pair of wet gins on the Hibush rope. במילה אחת, הוא חנפן. In a word, he is a flatterer. In one word, he's a sneeze. غالبا ما يتذمر توم من طهو أمه Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. Tom's often thrilled with his mother's cooking. لقد فقدت قواي كلها. My strength is all gone. I've lost all my strength. قال فيليب: تعال و تحقق بنفسك. "Come and see", said Philip. Philip said, "Come check yourself out. נולדתי בישראל בשנת 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. I was born in Israel in 2002. كان يتصرّف بغرابة. He acted strangely. He was acting weird. استمع! Listen! Listen! سلّم سامي نفسه للشّرطة. Sami surrendered to police. Sami handed himself over to the police. كان باستطاعة أحمد تسلُّق الأشجار العالية عندما كان طفلاً. When Ahmad was a boy, he could climb tall trees. Ahmed was able to pick up trees when he was a child. قدماها طويلتان. She has long feet. I've got it for a long time. הם לא ימצאו את זה. They won't find it. They won't find it. أين ساعتي؟ Where is my watch? Where's my watch? אל תבהה באנשים. Don't stare at people. Don't be afraid of people. كعكتك شهية. Your cake is delicious. Your cake is delicious. היושר שלה לא מוטל בספק. Her honesty is beyond question. Her integrity is beyond doubt. منّاد صغير. Mennad is little. A little club. בינה מלאכותית תוכל להחליף אנשים? Will artificial intelligence be able to replace people? An artificial understanding. Can you replace people? رقصنا على أنغام الموسيقى. We danced to the music. We danced on music gangs. بحثت مطولا عن حذاء بمقاسي. It took me a while to find a pair of shoes that fit. I've searched a lot of shoes with my dress. אני מקווה שהכלכלה תשתפר בקרוב. I hope the economy picks up soon. I hope the economy gets better soon. أشتريتها اليوم أم البارحة؟ Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy it today or yesterday? كنّا نتشاجر أنا و ليلى. Layla and me were arguing. We were fighting, Lily and I. لو سمحت، اقلِ البيض قليلا كي لا يصير البياض قاسيا. Please boil the eggs just a little so that even the whites are not quite hard. If you will, lower the eggs so that the eggs don't become harsh. היינו צריכים לחגוג יחד. We should've celebrated together. We should have celebrated together. אני מניחה שזהו זה. I suppose that's it. I guess that's it. يحب قراءة الصحف. He likes to read newspapers. He likes to read the newspapers. את מדברת גרמנית? Do you speak German? You speak German? אספר לך בדרך. I'll tell you on the way. I'll tell you on the way. سامي و ليلى حقّا يقضيان الكثير من الوقت معا. Sami and Layla do spend a lot of time together. Sammy and Lily really spend a lot of time together. טום היה המום. Tom was shocked. Tom was shocked. ليماژيناسيۆن تافّيكتي ڨع ليزاسپي ف حياتنا. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. I've been living with Lyssias in our lives. أنا هنا كصديق. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. כך שמעתי. Thus I have heard. That's how I heard. תרגע, טוב? Relax, will you? Calm down, okay? אני בתחנת משאיות. I'm at a truck stop. I'm at a truck station. אשתי ביקשה ממני להיפטר מהכובע הישן הזה. My wife asked me to throw this old hat away. My wife asked me to get rid of that old hat. את בסכנה כאן. You're in danger here. You're in danger here. אני רוצה לקפוץ לנהר. I want to dive into the river. I want to jump to the river. أقام سامي صداقة مع زميله في الغرفة. Sami became friends with his roommate. Sammy made friends with his colleague in the room. توم مات. Tom's died. Tom's dead. הם אמרו שהוא היה הסופר הטוב ביותר בחבורה. They said he was the best writer in the group. They said he was the best writer in the gang. اسمي جاك. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. החל ממחר כתובת המייל הזאת לא תהיה בתוקף. As of tomorrow, this e-mail address will be invalid. As of the next day, this email address won't be effective. لو فقط كنت أطول بقليل! If only I'd been a little taller! If only I was a little longer! كان سامي يرتدي بلوزا أزرقا. Sami was wearing a blue sweatshirt. Sammy was wearing a blue bloza. תוכניתו של תום לאמיתו של דבר עבדה. Tom's plan actually worked. Tom's plan actually worked. هذا ليس من شأننا. That's not our business. That's none of our business. أنتَ إما معنا, أو ضدنا. You are either with us or against us. You're either with us or against us. اليابان بلد صناعي. Japan is an industrial nation. Japan is an industrial country. هوايتي الجديدة هي المساهمة في موقع تتويبا. My most recent hobby is contributing to Tatoeba. My new Hawaii is to contribute to the Tweiba site. شْحَال كايَنْ؟ How many are there? Cain's bush? אני מניח שיכולנו. I guess we could. I guess we could. זו כנראה חתונה. It appears to be a wedding. It's probably a wedding. תום נראה מתוח. Tom seems stressed. Tom looks tense. יש גשרים רבים בהימג'י. There are plenty of bridges in Himeji. There are many bridges in Hemji. היא גרה בחניון קרוואנים She lives in a trailer park. She lives in a trailer park. המהירות מהשטן. Haste makes waste. The Devil's speed. بيرو هي ثالث دول أمريكا الجنوبية مساحةً بعد البرازيل والأرجنتين. Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. Peru is the third South American country beyond Brazil and Argentina. לַבית דרוש שיפוץ. The house requires repairs. The house needs to be spread. היום ראיתי ירח מלא בשמים. Today I saw the full moon in the sky. Today I saw a moon full of sky. אמרי משהו. Say something. Say something. وافقت على كتابة تلك الرسالة. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write that letter. תום התחיל לצחוק. Tom began laughing. Tom started laughing. سيبقى الأولاد أولاداً. Boys will be boys. There's gonna be kids left. אתה רואה, אמרתי לך שאתה מסוגל. See, I told you I could do it. You see, I told you you were capable. كان سامي تائها و مشوّشا. Sami was lost and confused. Sami had been confused and confused. ما زالت تمطر منذ ليلة البارحة. It's been raining since last night. It's been raining since last night. המורה רשם הערה קצרה על כל עבודה. The teacher put a short comment on each paper. The teacher made a brief comment on every job. كلّ النّساء يعشقن الألماس. All women like diamonds. All women love diamonds. أيمكنك أن تجاري سرعته في السباحة؟ Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you trade his speed in the pool? מה שחשוב הוא לא איזה אוניברסיטה גמרת אלא מה שלמדת שם. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. What matters is not what college you finished, it's what you learned there. אני לא יודע למה הם רבים. I don't know why they are fighting. I don't know why they're fighting. كلبي ينبح. My dog is barking. My dog's barking. ירד שלג באוסקה. It snowed in Osaka. It's snow in Osaka. هذا لك. This is for you. That's for you. את אוהבת לשחק גולף? Do you like to play golf? Do you like playing golf? احتال سامي علي ليلى كي تعيره 3000 دولارا. Sami conned Layla into loaning him 3000 dollars. Sami Ali Lili's conspirator to pay him $3,000. أنا مواطن أمريكي. I am an American citizen. I'm an American citizen. פעילות מאומצת גורמת להזעה. Vigorous exercise makes you sweat. Embraced activity is exploding. عليك أن تعمل بجدّ. You should work hard. You have to work hard. اركض بأقصى سرعة. Run as fast as possible. Run as fast as possible. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تلتقي به شخصيّا. Sami asked Layla to meet him in person. Sammy asked Lily to meet him personally. את לא ממהרת, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? אינני מאמינה לסיפור הזה. I don't believe that story. I can't believe this story. אתה צריך לעבוד ביום ראשון? Must you work on Sunday? Do you have to work on Sunday? إعتقدتُ أنّه شخصاً ذكياً جداً. I thought him very clever. I thought he was a very smart person. ليس متاحاً. He is not available. Not available. اشترى فاضل منزلا في القاهرة. Fadil bought a house in Cairo. He bought a house in Cairo. من الممكن أنها ستأتي. She might come. She could come. مع الأسف إن ذلك صحيح. It is unfortunately true. Unfortunately, that's true. انه يحب الشاي. He likes tea. He likes tea. لم يُصب سامي بجروح في رجليه. Sami had no injuries to his legs. Sami wasn't injured in his legs. את שתיינית קפה או תה? Are you a coffee or a tea drinker? Are you drinking coffee or tea? روى سامي قصّة حياته لليلى. Sami told Layla about his life. Roy Sammy's life story to me. האוטובוס הידרדר מהצוק, וכל עשרת הנוסעים שהיו בו נספו. The bus fell off the cliff, killing all 10 aboard. The bus got worse than the cliff, and all ten passengers were on board. כייסים כמעט תמיד עובדים בקבוצות. Pickpockets almost always work in groups. Tickets are almost always teamwork. أراد سامي شخصا كي يعتني به. Sami wanted somebody to take care of him. Sammy wanted someone to take care of him. אולי תום לא יילך יותר לעולם. Tom may never walk again. Maybe Tom will never go again. מצטער, לא יכולתי לכתוב קודם לכן, מכיוון שהייתי חולה. I'm sorry, I couldn't write earlier because I was ill. Sorry, I couldn't write earlier, because I was sick. האם יש היום דבר-דואר עבורי? Is there any mail for me today? Is there a mail thing for me today? اين هى ذهبت؟ Where did she go? Where'd she go? בשפת אספרנטו אין יוצאים מן הכלל. Esperanto has no exceptions. In the Esperanto language there are no exceptions. על איזה כוכב לכת אתה חי? What planet do you live on? What planet do you live on? הוא שקרן ותו לא. He's just a liar. He's a liar and he's not. تريد عبور النفق؟ You want to go via the tunnel? You want to cross the tunnel? أريد أن أموت مع جيتر ياني. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Jitter Yani. קדימה. נפגש למטה. Go ahead. I'll meet you downstairs. I'll meet you downstairs. יש משהו עליו אנו חייבים לשוחח. There's something we need to talk about. There's something about him we need to talk about. أحلاماً سعيدة! Sweet dreams! Good dreams! תפסתי מראה של מצעד בדרכי הביתה. I caught sight of a parade on my way home. I got a look of a parade on my way home. تزوّجت أمّ سامي مرّة أخرى. Sami's mother remarried. Sami's married another time. ذاكرتك ليست جيّدة. You do not have a good memory. Your memory's not good. פרושו של דבר שהתפיסה שלנו של מצב כלשהו תלויה רק חלקית באותות חושיים הנקלטים באותו רגע. This means that our perception of any situation depends only partly on sensory signals being received at that time. In fact, our perception of some situation depends only partially on the same senses that are recorded at that moment. ما زلت لست متأكداً من الذهاب. I'm still hesitating whether to go there or not. I'm still not sure to go. أنا متعب. I'm tired. I'm tired. متقاطعناش. Don't interrupt our conversation. Intersect. Le, grazzi. No, thank you. No, thanks. المنزل معزول بشكل ملائم. The house is suitably isolated. The house is properly isolated. יש לך איתך רשיון נהיגה? Do you have a driver's license with you? Do you have a driver's license with you? سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami is waiting for Layla. Sammy's waiting for Lily. אני יכול לדבר איתך פה בחוץ? Can I talk to you out here? Can I talk to you outside here? החיים לפעמים כל כך לא הוגנים! Sometimes, life is so unfair. Life is sometimes so unfair! תום רצה לקנות זוג מגפיים חדשים. Tom wanted to buy a new pair of boots. Tom wanted to buy a couple of new boots. እንታይ ክትእዝዝ ትደሊ? What would you like to order? What do you want to tell him? היא עצמאית. She's self-employed. She's independent. أكاد أنسى أين أنا. I almost forget where I was. I almost forget where I am. على سامي أن يعتاد على الأمر. Sami will have to get used to it. Sammy has to get used to it. אני יודע שאת מעריכה את תום. I know you think highly of Tom. I know you appreciate Tom. החתול פחס את אפו אל זגוגית החלון. The cat pressed its nose against the window. The cat sucks his nose into the window gown. سجّل والدي فاضل ابنهما في مدرسة راقية في القاهرة. Fadil's parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in Cairo. My father registered their son in a high school in Cairo. טום לא יודע הרבה על שיט, מה? Tom doesn't know much about sailing, does he? Tom doesn't know much about shit, does he? תום נראה חולה. Tom looked sick. Tom looks sick. مطعمنا أفضل من ذاك المطعم. Our restaurant is better than that restaurant. Our restaurant's better than that. יש לנו עוד אחד כזה? Do we have another one like this? Do we have another one like that? ليلى تحبّ القيل و القال. Layla loves gossiping. Lily loves milk and milk. איך היית יודע את זה? How would you know that? How would you know that? חשבתי שתום ראה אותי. I thought Tom had seen me. I thought Tom saw me. תום דיקלם את זה בקול רם. Tom read it out loud. Tom did it out loud. لم يسبق لسامي و أن قابل مسلما في حياته. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. My mother's never met a Muslim in his life. בוודאי! Sure! Of course! גנבו חלק מהכסף שלי. Some of my money has been stolen. They stole some of my money. ليس ذلك من شأنك. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. كان سامي يستعير المال من شركته طوال الوقت. Sami borrowed from his company all the time. Sammy was borrowing money from his company all the time. אני אסירת תודה. I'm grateful. I'm grateful. עשינו כיף. We were having fun. We had fun. لكم سامي فريدا في قضيبه. Sami punched Farid in the dick. You have Sammy unique in his dick. كلنا صادقنا على المخطط. All of us approved of the plan. We've all ratified the scheme. ציפיתי לך לפני שלושים דקות. I expected you thirty minutes ago. I was expecting you 30 minutes ago. لكل شخص نفس الحق الذي لغيره في تقلّد الوظائف العامة في البلاد. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. Everyone has the same right to hold public office in the country. אני לא רוצה לגרום לשום אי-נוחות. I don't want to cause any inconveniences. I don't want to cause any discomfort. أطلق سامي النّار و لم يصب. Sami shot and missed. Sammy shot the fire and didn't hit. הוא עבר על החוק. He broke the law. He broke the law. أيحب توشيو ساتشيكو؟ Does Toshio like Sachiko? Do you like Toshio Sachiko? זה נשמע מסובך. That sounds complicated. That sounds complicated. ኣሜባ ፕሮተዝዋ አዩ። An amoeba is a protozoan. And Apheba saw her project. היא קוראת בתנ"ך מדי יום למשך זמן מה. She spends a little time each day reading the Bible. She reads the Bible every day for a while. هل تعرف متى سيعودون؟ Do you know when they will return? Do you know when they're coming back? אני תוהה אם באמת הבינות. I wonder whether you really understood. I wonder if you really understand. הם נפלו למטה על המדרגות. They fell down the stairs. They fell down on the stairs. כל אחד אוהב מוזיקה. Everybody loves music. Everyone likes music. أود رؤيتك مجددا I'd like to see you again. I'd like to see you again. תום לבש חליפת שרד. Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Tom was wearing a survival suit. לתום שיער חום ארוך. Tom has long brown hair. To a long brown hair. اقترحت علينا الذهاب إلى السينما. She suggested that we go to the theater. I suggested we go to the cinema. אתה רוצה ללכת? Do you want to go? You want to go? תום ומרי בילו יחד נהדר. Tom and Mary had a wonderful time together. Tom and Mary were doing great together. זה מבצר עתיק. That is an old castle. It's an ancient fortress. هذه الجملة ليس لها أي معنى. This sentence doesn't make sense. This sentence has no meaning. كانت المرأة المصابة سائحة برازيلية . The injured woman was a Brazilian tourist. The woman was a Brazilian tourist. سأغادر إلى أمريكا في الغد. I will go to America tomorrow. I'll leave for America tomorrow. אל תדבר מהר כל כך, בבקשה. Please don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast, please. אתה פנוי? Do you have some time? Are you available? لم يخبرني أحد بوجودكما هنا. Nobody told me you were here. Nobody told me you were here. يضهرلي بلي راك تعرف ديجا كلش. It seems like you know everything already. You know Deja Klsch. תום נראה מבולבל? Does Tom look confused? Tom looks confused? إنتهت المسرحية. This play has ended. The play is over. הנער כרכם את פניו זרועות הפצעונים. The boy screwed up his pimply face. The boy put his face together with the wounded arms. הערב את עייפה. You're tired this evening. You're tired tonight. قابلته في عدة مناسبات. I met him on several occasions. I met him on several occasions. לשתי האומות קשרי מסחר חזקים. The two nations have strong trade ties. Both nations have strong trade ties. لا تكن شرّيرا. Don't be evil! Don't be evil. الإنجليزية لغة صعبة ، أليس كذلك؟ English is difficult, isn't it? English is a tough language, isn't it? يجب أن اخذ الدواء كل ست ساعات I have to take my medicine every six hours. I have to take the medicine every six hours. צעקות המשרתים העירו את כולם. The servants' screams awakened everyone. The servants raised all of them. لا أريد أن تنتهي علاقتنا. I don't want us to finish. I don't want our relationship to end. הם יהיו מורים. They'll become teachers. They'll be teachers. أخي مدرس. My brother is a teacher. My brother's a teacher. אתה אוהב לשיר? Do you like singing? Do you like singing? קח את מפתחות המכונית שלו. Take his car keys. Take his car keys. هناك سيالة بين التفاحة و الكتاب. There is a pen between the apple and the book. There's a hall between the apple and the book. توم يحب شطائر الجبنة. Tom likes cheeseburgers. Tom likes cheese sandwiches. اربط يديه خلفه. Tie his hands behind him. Tie his hands behind him. أنا مسرور للغاية لسماع ذلك. I'm really glad to hear that. I'm so glad to hear that. המשטרה תמצא אותנו אם נישאר כאן. The police will find us if we stay here. The police will find us if we stay here. راك رايح ترقد ؟ Are you going to sleep? See you relax? אם סיימת לקרוא את הספר, תחזירי אותו לספרייה. If you have finished reading the book, return it to the library. If you're done reading the book, bring it back to the library. אני עומדת לקנות טלפון נייד מחר! I'm going to buy a mobile phone tomorrow! I'm about to buy a cell phone tomorrow! החנות הזאת הכילה כמעט כל דבר שהצטרכנו. That store had just about everything we needed to buy. This store has almost everything we needed. كان سامي يختلس النّظر. Sami was peeking. Sami was faking around. وافق منّاد. Mennad agreed. He agreed. הנושא הזה עולה לעיתים קרובות. That topic comes up often. This issue often comes up. يتألف المجلس من أربعة أعضاء. The committee consists of four members. The Council shall consist of four members. متى خلدت إلى النوم ليلة الأمس؟ What time did you go to bed last night? When did you go to bed last night? תום ניזוק במוחו. Tom is brain damaged. Tom's stuck in his brain. אל תתרגש, אני רופא. Don't worry. I'm a doctor. Don't be excited, I'm a doctor. أين كنت يا سامي؟ Where have you been, Sami? Where have you been, Sammy? كانت سيّارة سامي تتقلّب بينما كان هو بداخلها. Sami's car was tumbling while he was still inside. Sami's car was changing while he was in it. هل تذكر جريمة القتل الغامضة؟ Do you remember the mysterious murder? Do you remember the mysterious murder? اتصل بي توم مرات كثيرة الأسبوع الماضي. Tom has called me many times this past week. Tom called me many times last week. لا آكل الفواكه. I don't eat fruit. I don't eat fruit. غادرت المكتب منذ فترة. She has already left the office. She left the office a while ago. את יודעת מי אני? Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am? זה נונסנס. That's nonsense. It's a rape. יש לי רעיה וילדים. I've got a wife and children. I have wives and children. והרי אשליה אופטית: את חושבת שאת מסתכלת על קובייה, ובעצם את מסתכלת על המסך. Here's an optical illusion: you think you are looking at a cube, but in fact you are looking at the screen. And here's an optimistic illusion: you think you're looking at a dice, and you're actually looking at a screen. قامت الشرطة باعتقالها. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. אני עוד כאן. I'm still here. I'm still here. אני עסוק במיוחד. I'm very busy. I'm very busy. פחד הוא גורם מניע. Fear is a great motivator. Fear is a motive. לתום ציונים יוצאים מן הכלל. Tom got extraordinary grades. To an extraordinary degree. لم يكُن فاضل في المنزل. Fadil wasn't inside the house. It wasn't wrong at home. העבודה הזאת מתמשכת. This is a work in progress. This job goes on. وقع فاضل بشكل عميق في حبّ فتاة مسلمة من مصر. Fadil fell deeply in love with a Muslim woman from Egypt. He fell deeply into love with a Muslim girl from Egypt. دعت ليلى سامي إلى منزلها. Layla invited Sami over. Lily's called Sami to her house. يلعب توم وماري كرة المضرب. Tom and Mary are playing tennis. Tom and Mary are playing soccer. لم يرد سامي قضاء وقت في السّجن. Sami didn't want to spend time in jail. Sammy didn't want to spend time in prison. هذه الساعة مكسورة This watch is broken. This is a broken hour. תום חטטן. Tom is nosey. Tom's an abscess. אני קורא רומן מאת סידני שלדון. I'm reading a novel by Sidney Sheldon. I'm reading an affair from Sydney Sheldon. كان سامي مخمورا. Sami was drunk. Sammy was drunk. تشرب كايت الكثير من الحليب كل يوم. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. توم تْلاقى بماري في بوسطن و ولّاو صْحاب عْزاز. Tom met Mary in Boston and they became good friends. Tom's hanging out with Mary in Boston and they're having a bunch of shits. רק את התיקונים החיוניים, בבקשה. Just do the essential repairs, please. Just the vitals, please. قاد هتلر بلاده إلى الحرب. Hitler led Germany into war. Hitler led his country to war. تعجبني اللغة اليابانية كثيرا. I like the Japanese language very much. I like Japanese very much. אתם לא ממהרים, נכון? You're not in a hurry, are you? You're not in a hurry, are you? سامي هو من تسبّب بحملي منه و الآن لا أريد أن أكون حاضنته البشريّة. Sami got me pregnant but I don't want to be his human incubator. Sammy is the cause of my pregnancy, and now I don't want to be his human protection. انتقلا إلى هنا. Move in here. Move over here. הצלחתי לקבל משרת מורה בבוסטון. I was able to get a teaching job in Boston. I was able to get a teacher in Boston. لم يكن توم متأكداً مما إذا كان عليه تقبيل ماري أم لا ، لذا لم يفعل. Tom wasn't sure if he should kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. Tom wasn't sure if he had to kiss Mary or not, so he didn't. בלי לראותו תחילה, לא אוכל לזהות אותו. Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him. Without first seeing him, I can't identify him. בקושי ריסנתי את הדחף להכות אותו. I barely restrained the impulse to strike him. I barely repressed the impulse to hit him. ستشعر بتحسن إذا تناولت هذه الحبوب. You'll feel better if you take these pills. You'll feel better if you eat these pills. كان سامي يتلقّى علاجا. Sami went through treatment. Sammy was being treated. רק תסתלק. Just get out. Just get out. היום יום הולדתה של אחותי. Today is my sister's birthday. Today's my sister's birthday. اوكي Okay. Okay. אחי בריא. My brother is healthy. My brother's healthy. תום היה האיש שסיפר לי מה קרה. Tom is the one who told me about what happened. Tom was the man who told me what happened. ربطته صداقة معها بينما كان في الولايات المتّحدة. He became friends with her while in the U.S. I got him into a friendship with her while he was in the different states. علاش تخدم هنا. Why do you work here? It's a mess that serves here. הוא שכל את בנו. He was bereaved of his son. He's made up his son. הגבעה היתה מכוסה כולה בשלג. The hill was all covered with snow. The hill was covered in snow. كرسيّك مثل كرسيي تمامًا. Your chair is identical to mine. Your chair is just like a chair. هل هذا جديد؟ Is it new? Is that new? غزّة هي أكبر سجن في العالم. Gaza is the biggest prison on Earth. It's the biggest prison in the world. مرحباً ، أهل شيكاغو! Hello, Chicago! Hey, people of Chicago! הכול בסדר? Is everything okay? Is everything okay? למה היא כל כך שותקת? Why is she so quiet? Why is she so quiet? إنه لطيف. He is nice. He's nice. תום הבטיח לעשות כל מה שביכולתו כדי להבטיח שדבר כזה לא יקרה שוב. Tom promised to do everything within his power to ensure that this kind of thing wouldn't happen again. Tom promised to do everything he could to ensure that nothing like this would happen again. ستشعر بتحسن إذا شربت هذا الدواء. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. You'll feel better if you drink this medicine. אתה קלקלת את בגדיך. You ruined your clothing. You broke your clothes. قرّر فاضل أن يتعلّم العربيّة. Fadil decided that he wanted to learn Arabic. He decided to teach Arabs. طوم أطالي كريُّون. Tom gave me a pen. Tom's a cremator. אל תשתין על גדר חשמלית. Don't pee on an electric fence. Don't lie on an electric fence. አንፈልገውም። We don't want it. We don't seek him. عاش سامي حياة هادئة مع ليلى. Sami led a quiet life with Layla. Sammy lived a quiet life with Lily. تفضّل بالدّخول. Please come in. You'd rather come in. يبلغ عدد سكان تلك الدولة نحو ثلاثة أرباع من هم في اليابان. The population of that country is about three-fourths of that of Japan. The population of that State is about three quarters in Japan. عليك أن تأتي لزيارتي مرة أخرى. You must not come to meet me again. You have to come visit me again. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት እየሄድኩ ነው። I'm going to school. I am going to the house of the lowland. הקטור היה רברבן וישיר באופן לא רגיל היום. על פי רוב הוא שקט כמו פגר. Hector's uncommonly brash and outspoken today. He's usually deathly quiet. Hector was abnormally rich today, according to most he's quiet like a fart. אל תגיד לו את זה, בבקשה! Don't tell him that, please! Don't tell him that, please! تجاهل ما قاله. مقد كان يمزح فقط. Ignore what he said. He was only joking. He ignored what he said. Mash was just kidding. سأعطيك مزيدا إن أمكنني ذلك. I'd give you more if I could. I'll give you more if I can. አልፈልገውም። I don't want it. I don't seek it. אני מקווה שתום עושה את אותו הדבר. I hope Tom does the same thing. I hope Tom does the same. תום האזין בשקט. Tom quietly listened. Tom listened quietly. אבוט הרג את מרי. Abbott killed Mary. Abbot killed Mary. אני עסוקה מדי מכדי להכין ארוחת צהריים. תוכלי להכין אותה? I'm too busy to make lunch. Could you make it? I'm too busy to make lunch. יש שדה יפה של אזוביון בצרפת. This is a beautiful field of lavender in France. There's a beautiful field of an area in France. אני מתכוון להשאר בדיוק כאן. I'm going to stay right here. I'm gonna stay right here. لا شيئَ مثالي. Nothing's perfect. Nothing perfect. הכל הצביעו בעד. איש לא הצביע נגד. Everyone voted yes. No one objected. No one voted against. التدخين عادة سيئة. Smoking is a bad habit. Smoking is usually bad. لقد لاحظ سامي ذلك. Sami noticed. Sammy noticed that. הרועה, גם כי יהפוך לאציל ריח הצאן דבק בו. The shepherd, even when he become a gentleman, smells of the lamb. The shepherd, too, is going to make the shepherd smell of the sheep stick to him. قال: ثق بي. "Trust me," he said. He said, trust me. إن لم يعجبك فبإمكانك أن تتركه. If you don't like it then you can quit. If you don't like it, you can leave it. המאמר הזה לא מצטט את המקור. The article doesn't cite the source. This article doesn't quote the source. אני רוצה גלידה. I want ice cream. I want ice cream. היא יצאה הבוקר לרכיבה על סוס. She went horse-riding this morning. She went out riding a horse this morning. كان سامي مسيحيّا قبل أن يعتنق الإسلام. Before his conversion to Islam, Sami was Christian. Sammy was a Christian before he embraced Islam. לשמונה בחורים יש עיניים. Eight guys have eyes. Eight guys have eyes. تعلمت الكثير عن الحضارة الإغريقية. I learned a lot about Greek culture. I've learned a lot about Greek civilization. אין שום דבר חשוב יותר מאשר ידידות. There is nothing more important than friendship. There's nothing more important than friendship. אני אמורה להתרשם? Am I supposed to be impressed? Am I supposed to be impressed? המשענת של המנורה עשויה מגרוטאות עץ. This lamp stand is made from driftwood. The stillness of the lamp is made of logs of wood. צדקתי. I was right. I was right. אני רוצה לקנות מחשב חדש. I want to buy a new computer. I want to buy a new computer. لا يمكننا الانتظار أكثر. We can't wait much longer. We can't wait anymore. יש עדיין אנשים שהם אנאלפבתים. There are still people who are illiterate. There's still people they're aborted. صرخت على المدرّسة. She yelled at the teacher. I yelled at the teacher. لا تنم والنوافذ مفتوحة. Don't sleep with the windows open. Don't sleep and windows are open. لن أنس أبدا ما فعلته من أجلي. I'll never forget what you did for me. I'll never forget what you did for me. كان فاضل يقطن بـشارع صادق. Fadil lived on Sadiq street. He was living in a real street. ما ذاك المبنى الضخم؟ What is that huge building? What's that huge building? זאת בטוח השיטה הטובה ביותר. This is definitely the best method. That's for sure the best method. מדוע את ממהרת כל כך? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are you so fast? لو لم يشأ توم أن يكون هنا، لما أتى. If Tom didn't want to be here, he would not have come. If Tom didn't want to be here, he wouldn't come. أمي وأبي عندهما مزرعة كبيرة هناك. My father and mother have a big farm there. Mom and Dad have a big farm there. أهناك مقاس أكبر؟ Do you have a larger size? Is there a bigger size? كانت ليلى بالكاد تستطيع أن تتنفّس. Layla could barely breathe. Lily was barely able to breathe. أنا أصطحبك إلى المنزل. I'm driving you home myself. I'm taking you home. בלעדיך אני לא כלום. Without you, I'm nothing. Without you, I'm nothing. لم يكن هناك أيّ أثر للحياة. There was no sign of life. There was no trace of life. كان سامي يحبّ الأشياء الجميلة في الحياة. Sami enjoyed the fine things of life. Sammy loved the nice things in life. רד מהסוס, תום. Get off your high horse, Tom. Get off the horse, Tom. ידידות אמיתית לא תסולא בפז. True friendship is priceless. Real friendship won't be a burden. كيف حضّرت هذا الحساء؟ How did you make this soup? How did you prepare this soup? החלפתי את הדגל. I changed the flag. I changed the flag. نحن آسفون جداً We're very sorry. We're so sorry. יש עכביש בתוך האוהל. There's a spider inside the tent. There's a spider inside the tent. እኔ ከዛምቢያ ነኝ። I'm from Zambia. I am of Zambia. ماذا أفعل الآن؟ What should I do? What do I do now? אני מדבר עלייך. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. Skużani, se jkolli mmur. Sorry, I've got to go. Blame me, I'll have to go. אני כאן לכן כדי לגלות. That's what I'm here to find out. I'm here to find out. זה מגעיל. It's disgusting. That's disgusting. רצתי. I was running. I ran. اتّصلت ليلى بالأمن. Layla called security. I called me safe. أنتِ كسرتِ قلبي. You broke my heart. You broke my heart. انتظر سامي هناك. Sami waited there. - Wait, Sammy's there. לא ידעתי איך לעשות את זה עד שמלאו לי שלושים. I didn't know how to do that until I was thirty years old. I didn't know how to do it until I was 30. התעמתתי עם תום. I confronted Tom. I confronted Tom. هل عندك الفاتورة؟ Do you have a receipt? Do you have the bill? سيعود سامي فورا. Sami will be right back. Sammy's coming back right away. אל תיבהל. Don't be scared. Don't be scared. يستطيع طفلك أن يسير. Your baby can walk. Your child can walk. متأكد بأن توم سيخبرنا بالحقيقة. I'm sure Tom will tell us the truth. I'm sure Tom will tell us the truth. حاول توم إخباري شيئًا، لكنّ ماري قاطعته قبل أن ينطق ببنت شفة. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted it before he spoke with a sword. لم تلبث ليلى و أن تبنّت الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla soon embraced the country lifestyle. You didn't fuck Lily and you adopted the Rift. كانَ سامي يُشاهِدُ التِّلفاز. Sami was watching TV. Sami was testifying to winning. لم كلّ هذا؟ Why all this? Why all this? كان سامي مقنعا للغاية. Sami was very convincing. Sammy was very convincing. إياك أن تخبرني، دعني أخمن. Don't tell me. Let me guess. Don't tell me, let me guess. המסמר קרע את המעיל שלו. The nail tore his jacket. The nail ripped his coat. ماذا تتوقع أن تجد هنا؟ What do you expect to find here? What do you expect to find here? האיש ההוא מסוכן. That man is dangerous. That man's dangerous. ربحنا المباراة. We won the match. We won the game. אנו הולכים למסעדה יפנית! We go to a Japanese restaurant! We're going to a Japanese restaurant! أسكتناهم. We kept them quiet. We got 'em. هل تحب الموسيقى الأمازيغية؟ Do you like Berber music? Do you like amazigic music? אתה חייב לעצור אותו. You must stop him. You have to stop him. תום לימד את מרי איך להתגונן. Tom taught Mary how to defend herself. Tom taught Mary how to defend. لم يكن سامي يكره المسلمين. Sami didn't hate Muslims. Sammy didn't hate Muslims. הם המשיכו לאכול כאילו לא קרה שום דבר. They continued eating as if nothing had happened. They kept eating like nothing happened. השמועה ההיא נפוצה במהירות. That rumor spread quickly. That rumor spread quickly. אני לא יודע מה מרי מחפשת. I don't know what Mary is looking for. I don't know what Mary's looking for. התמחתי בהיסטוריה אירופית באוניברסיטה. I majored in European history at university. I grew up in European history at the university. היא אחותי. She's my sister. She's my sister. ההגייה שלך נכונה, פחות או יותר. Your pronunciation is more or less correct. Your logic is true, more or less. علمت أنه سيقبل. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd accept. من رسم هذه اللوحة؟ Who painted this painting? Who drew this painting? المعلّم تاعنا ولد حرام. Our boss is such a bitch. The teacher saw a child. שמעתי שאת מחפשת שמרטף. I heard you were looking for a babysitter. I hear you're looking for a shower. היא מתה מסיבות טבעיות. She died of natural causes. She died for natural reasons. اصطدمت سيّارة سامي بمظلة موقف للحافلة. Sami's car crashed into a bus shelter. Sami's car hit a parking lot on the bus. מישהו יורה. Someone's shooting. Someone's shooting. دعنا ننسى هذا. Let's forget about this. Let's forget this. גם אני הייתי רוצה לדעת. I would like to know as well. I'd like to know, too. وجد سامي نفسه محاطا بالمسلمين. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. Sami found himself surrounded by Muslims. הטרוריסטים הביאו עמם חבל כדי לקשור את בני הערובה. The terrorists brought rope with them so that they could tie up all the hostages. The terrorists brought with them a rope to tie the hostages. ما ذهبت إلى المدرسة. I didn't go to school. I didn't go to school. كانا سامي و ليلى أصدقاءا مقرّبين لزوج تعرّفوا عليه في الكنيسة. Sami and Layla were really good friends with a couple from the church. Sammy and Lily were close friends to a husband who had known him at the church. Dur fuq il-lemin. Turn right. Go to the right. من ذلك الرجل الذي يعزف على البيانو؟ Who is the man playing the piano? Who's that guy playing on the piano? أقنعته أن يتخلى عن الموضوع. I persuaded him to give up the idea. I convinced him to give up. انهار منزل سامي. Sami's house collapsed. Sami's house broke down. את יכולה להגיד מה לא נכון? Can you tell what's wrong? Can you say what's wrong? אני לא מטיל בזה שום ספק. I don't doubt that one bit. I don't doubt it. בוא נעבור שוב על מה שקרה ביום בו תום הלך לעולמו. Let's go over what happened the day Tom died. Let's go over again what happened the day Tom walked into his world. תום ישן בחדר הסמוך. Tom is sleeping in the next room. Tom's asleep in the next room. השביל היה צר. The path was narrow. The path was narrow. זו אמת כואבת לנו, אך הצפייה בסרט עוררה בי מחדש את החשש מהסכנות לפניהן עומד העולם. It's a painful 'truth' for us, but watching this movie brought home to me again the danger facing Earth. It is a truth that hurts us, but the sight of a movie has re-emerged my fear of danger ahead of them standing in the world. הם נראו כולם המומים במידת מה. They all looked somewhat stunned. They seemed to be all kind of shocked. إنه من فرنسا. He is French. It's from France. הוא יותר טוב ממני בכל תחום. He outdoes me in every subject. He's better than me in any area. يعمل أبي في مصنع. My father works in a factory. My dad works in a factory. תוכל להראות לי את הדרך לספריה? Can you tell me the way to the library? Can you show me the way to the library? أودّ أن أمضي المزيد من الوقت مع خالتي. I would like to spend more time with my aunt. I'd like to spend more time with my aunt. اصطحب سامي ليلى من المطار. Sami picked Layla up at the airport. Sammy took Lily from the airport. חכה עוד קצת. Wait a bit longer. Wait a little longer. من بعدك After you. After you. انا احبك I love you. I love you. תום נער רגיל. Tom is a normal teenager. Tom's a regular boy. هناك اثنا عشر شهرًا في السنة. One year has twelve months. There's 12 months a year. ألستِ والدة توم؟ Aren't you Tom's mother? Aren't you Tom's mom? سألت توم ماري في ما إذا كان يمكنه استعارة كتاب دراستها الانجليزي. Tom asked Mary if he could borrow her English textbook. Tom Marie asked if he could borrow her English study book. למרות שעייפתי, עשיתי כל מה שיכולתי. Although I was tired, I did what I was able to do. Although I was dreaming, I did everything I could. הוא עדיין צעיר. He is still young. He's still young. حضر علي إفطار عند سامي. Ali attended an Iftar meal hosted by Sami. Get me breakfast at Sami. لا بدّ من أنّ سامي قتل نفسه. Sami must have committed suicide. Sammy must have killed himself. لا يوجد أي سبب يدعو توم لئلا يصدق ماري. Tom didn't have any reason not to believe Mary. There's no reason Tom can't believe Mary. ככלל, אני קמה בשש בבוקר. I make it a rule to get up at six in the morning. As a rule, I got up at 6:00 in the morning. عقد حصّة. He held a session. Hold a share. أشرق وجه الطفل حين رأى بابا نويل. The child's face glowed when he saw Santa Claus. East of the child's face when he saw Papa Nowell. חתום מעל שורה זו. Sign above this line. Sign over this line. אמרתי לך שתום היה רעב. I told you Tom was hungry. I told you Tom was hungry. יש לי פגישה הערב. I have a date tonight. I have a meeting tonight. دائماً ما يصدق. He always tells the truth. It's always true. لدينا لوحات المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفنا. We have the berber keyboards on our phones. We have the Amazigh Keyboards on our phones. كلب سامي لديه براغيث. Sami's dog has fleas. Sami's dog has Prague. ذلك كلب ماري. This is Mary's dog. That's Mary's dog. انتظرتك لساعتين. She waited for you for two hours. Wait for two hours. سأعود. I'll come back. I'll be back. הנהר יבש. The river has dried up. The river is dry. لم يتزوّج سامي مجدّدا بعدها. Sami never remarried. Sami never married again. لازم نعمل دا بنفسنا We have to do this by ourselves. We need to work again. נהגתי לעבוד משרה שלמה במסעדה. I used to work full time in a restaurant. I used to work full-time at the restaurant. كان فاضل يريد أن يستغلّ ليلى. Fadil looked to take advantage of Layla. He wanted to use a night. قفز سامي من نافذة الطّابق الثّاني. Sami jumped out of the second storey window. Sammy jumped out of the second floor window. أعدت الكتاب إلى المكتبة. I returned the book to the library. The book was prepared for the library. חליפתי אפורה. My suit is gray. I changed gray. תום נרדם. Tom dozed off. Tom fell asleep. أَنجِبَ سامي من علاقة غير شرعيّة. Sami's birth resulted from an extramarital affair. I'm getting Sami out of an illegal relationship. תום לא שמע דבר. Tom heard nothing. Tom didn't hear anything. و أنت أيضا You too. And you, too. أريد تعلم الفرنسية حقا. I really want to learn French. I really want to learn French. متى يصل هذا القطار إلى يوكوهاما؟ What time does this train reach Yokohama? When does this train get to Yokohama? היו לו קשיי נשימה. He had trouble breathing. He had difficulty breathing. לצמיג הזה חסר אוויר. This tire needs some air. This tire's no air. החלוצים האמריקניים הראשונים הגיעו במאה ה-17. The first American colonists arrived in the 17th century. The first American pioneers arrived in the 17th century. תום עלול לדבר. Tom might talk. Tom might talk. لم يستحقّ سامي موتة مأساويّة كتلك. Sami didn't deserve a tragic death like that. Sammy didn't deserve such a tragic death. ماذا سيعرف؟ What would he know? What's he gonna know? השמלה הכחולה ההיא הולמת אותך מצויין. That blue dress suits you very well. That blue dress is good for you. أقنع سامي ليلى كي تعيده إلى الحانة بسيّارتها. Sami talked Layla into driving him back to the bar. You convince Sami Lily to bring him back to the bar in her car. تعرّضت ليلى للمضايقة في قسمها. Layla was bullied in class. I've been harassed by Lily in her department. תום לבש חליפת צלילה. Tom was wearing scuba gear. Tom's wearing a crystal suit. كان عند ليلى صور لها بملابس البيكيني. Layla had pictures of her in a bikini. Lily had pictures of her in Bikny's clothes. حتّا واحد ماجا. Nobody came. There's just one mega. ما علاباليش واش راك تمعني. I don't know what you mean. What do you mean? היו מעט מאוד עצים, אם בכלל. There were few, if any, trees. There were very few trees, if any. תום אחז בחבל בידו הימנית. Tom grabbed the rope with his right hand. Tom caught a rope in his right hand. פשוט תעשה מה שאתה רגיל לעשות. Just do what you normally do. Just do what you're used to. תום אמר למרי שלדעתו זה לא רעיון טוב לצאת לריצה קלה לבד בפרק. Tom told Mary that he didn't think it was a good idea for her to go jogging in the park by herself. Tom told Mary that he didn't think it was a good idea to go out for an easy run alone in the park. كلّ شيء يؤلم. Everything hurts. Everything hurts. קיבלת את מכתבה? Did you get her letter? Did you get a letter? אינני רוצה לאבד את מרי. I don't want to lose Mary. I don't want to lose Mary. יש לי פזילה קשה. I have a bad squint. I've got a hard puzzle. הוא לא הגיע בגלל הסערה. On account of the storm, he didn't arrive. He didn't come because of the storm. עשיתי תחרות איתו. I had a race with him. I made a contest with him. اندفع توم زيادة. Tom got a little carried away. Pay Tom more. תום מתלונן לעתים רחוקות. Tom rarely complains. Tom often complains. من مدرسك؟ Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? כמעט 80% של הארץ היא הרים. Nearly 80 percent of the land is mountains. Almost 80% of the land is mountains. נא למלא את טופס המועמדות. Please fill in this application form. Please fill out the candidate form. אתה יכול לאכול הכל כל עוד אינך אוכל יותר מדיי. You may eat anything so long as you don't eat too much. You can eat everything as long as you don't eat too much. Tom kan zeɛfan bezzaf. Tom was so angry. To them it was very important. הטקסט הזה מיועד למתחילים. This text is aimed at beginners. This text is for the beginnings. תום התחזק. Tom has grown in strength. Tom got stronger. ما رانيش ناوي ندير هاد الشّي. I don't intend to do that. What Ranesh Nui runs the Shai Heath. אינני חושבת שאיש מכם מודע לחשיבות של זה. I don't think any of you realize the importance of this. I don't think any of you are aware of that. את מתבטאת היטב. You put things well. You're making a good point. هو بجانبي. He is next to me. He's next to me. سامي هو المريض التّالي الذي سفحصه الدّكتور باكر. Sami is Doctor Bakir's next patient. Sami is the next patient to be examined by Dr. Baker. هذا قلم. This is a pen. This is a pen. תרגיש חופשי להשתמש במילון שלי. Please feel free to use my dictionary. Feel free to use my dictionary. מדוע לא צלצלת לי אמש? Why didn't you call me yesterday evening? Why didn't you call me last night? הוא נתן תשר כאות הוקרת תודה. He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude. He gave a title as a thank you. "מה זה?" "זה אפרסק." "What's that?" "This is a peach." "What's that?" "It's a peach." כולנו אוהבים לרכוב על אופנים. We all like cycling. We all like to ride bikes. הוא רוקן את הקופסא מתכולתה. He emptied the box of its contents. He's canceling the box from her container. מתי תפסיקי לעשן? When are you going to quit smoking? When do you stop smoking? את מתכוונת אליי? Are you referring to me? You mean me? אתה יצירתי. You're creative. You're creative. هذه خريطة كبيرة لألمانيا. Here's a big map of Germany. This is a big map for Germany. תום צעק על מרי. Tom screamed at Mary. Tom yelled at Mary. أنظر إلى ذلك المبنى الأحمر. Look at that red building. Look at that red building. את רוצה שנעזור לך? Do you want us to help you? Do you want us to help you? و أخيرا وجدتها. Finally, I've found her. And finally I found it. ليتني كنت أستطيع الذهاب إلى الحفلة الغنائية. I wish I could go to the concert. I wish I could go to the singing party. תום מלמד אותנו צרפתית. Tom teaches us French. Tom teaches us French. رائع! Awesome! Great! הענבים האלה בשלים. These grapes are ripe. These grapes are ripe. أثار سامي بعض الشّكوك. Sami raised some suspicion. Sammy raised some doubts. أعرفه بإسمه الأول. I know him by his first name. I know him by his first name. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami wasn't going to survive anyways. Sammy wouldn't survive anyway. جئت I came. I'm here. بإمكان سامي إصلاح هذه النّافذة. Sami can fix this window. Sammy can fix this window. אני מציע שתניח את הנשק. I suggest you put that weapon down. I suggest you put the weapon down. אומרים שהוא חרוץ מאוד. They say that he's very diligent. They say he's a very cutter. שמי ריקרדו. I am Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. היית צריך לבוא מעט מוקדם יותר. You should have come a little earlier. You should have come a little earlier. את מסוכנת. You're dangerous. You're dangerous. أنا أفقد سمعي. My hearing is going. I'm losing my hearing. كان الصوت الوحيد المسموع هو تكتكة الساعة . The only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock. The only sound heard was a watch stick. מרי בחורה חכמה. Mary is a smart girl. Mary's a smart girl. הוא הביט בי וחייך. He looked at me and smiled. He looked at me and smiled. תנקה את הידיים שלך. Clean your hands. Clean your hands. תום די עקשן. Tom is quite obstinate. Tom's pretty stubborn. תום אחז בידיה של מרי ולפת אותם בחוזקה. Tom took Mary's hands and held them tightly. Tom held Mary's hand and firmly inspired them. נמאס לי לאכול פסט פוד. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of eating a pod paste. אני אגיע כשאגיע. Expect me when you see me. I'll be there when I get here. بعض الأطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في جميع الأوقات. Some children play video games all the time. Some kids play video games all the time. الحاسبات الشخصية مفيدة جداً Personal computers are very useful. Personal computers are very useful. הוא הודה שזה היה נכון. He admitted that it was true. He admitted it was true. הוא הסיר את הכובע וקד קידה. He took off his hat and made a polite bow. He took off his hat and set off. אני חושב שהוא יבוא. I think he'll come. I think he'll come. בוא נתרגל. Let's practice. Let's get used to it. أريد الذهاب إلى أمريكا يوماً من الأيام. I want to go to America someday. I want to go to America one day. ملأت كيسها بالتفاح. She filled her bag with apples. She filled her bag with apples. تجاهلهم سامي. Sami ignored them. They were ignored by Sammy. העובדה שלא הגבתי הרגיזה אותו. The fact that I said nothing made him angry. The fact I didn't pick him up. אנו צריכים לבדוק את התפוצה של המחלה. We should check the spread of the disease. We need to check the spread of the disease. הוא מקדים אותנו במתמטיקה. He is ahead of us in mathematics. He's ahead of us in math. الرجاء مساعدتي في ملء هذه الإستمارة. Please help me fill out this form. Please help me fill out this form. عليك أن تلبس معطفا. You should wear a coat. You have to wear a coat. ادخل إلى المنزل. Come into the house. Get in the house. هذان العنصران مستقلان عن بعضهما. These two factors are independent of each other. These two components are separate from each other. אני טיפשה? Am I stupid? Am I stupid? الجميع يتفق معك. Everybody agrees with you. Everyone agrees with you. هل ساعتك على التوقيت الصحيح؟ Is your watch correct? Is your watch right time? לא לקשקש כאן. Don't scribble here. Don't blush here. احترس: الأرض مبللة Caution: wet floor Watch out: The land is covered עלי לעזוב מחר בבוקר. I must leave tomorrow morning. I have to leave tomorrow morning. תזדהי. Identify yourself. Fuck off. אנו מעריצים אותך. We admire you. We admire you. היא חסרת כל חוש יופי. She has no sense of beauty. She lacks any sense of beauty. ما مهنتك؟ What's your occupation? What's your career? ברזל הוא קשה. Iron is hard. Iron is hard. לכמה מאיתנו יש עבודה לעשותה. Some of us have work to do. Some of us have work to do. תום אומר שלום. Tom says hello. Tom says hello. امتلأ قلبي بالسعادة. My heart was filled with happiness. My heart is filled with joy. אני יודעת איך זה בטח נשמע. I know how it must sound. I know what that must sound like. הצורך שלך באינטימיות עשוי לגדול. Your need for intimacy may increase. Your need for intimacy may grow. شكراً جزيلاً! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! لديك بعض الكتب. You have some books. You have some books. قاتل سامي من أجل النّجاة بحياته. Sami fought for his life. Sami's killer to save his life. صحَّحت روحي. I corrected myself. I was spiritually healthy. אני באמת הייתי רוצה ללכת אתך, אבל אין באפשרותי. I really wish I could go with you, but I can't. I really would like to go with you, but I can't. عاش سامي حياة رفيعة المستوى. Sami lived a prestigious life. Sami lived a high-level life. הנוסעים ממתינים. The passengers are waiting. The passengers are waiting. طبعاً! Of course. Of course! ניסיתי לומר לך את זה. I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you that. לא הייתה התנגדות מצד הנוכחים. There was no objection on the part of those present. There was no opposition from the present. الحرّيّة لكردستان! Free Kurdistan! Freedom of Kurdistan! קניתי עט אך איבדתי אותו. I bought a pen, but I lost it. I bought a pen, but I lost it. لا يمكنني العيش من دون تلفاز. I can't live without a TV. I can't live without TV. طلب توم من ماري إيقاف السيارة. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. Tom asked Mary to stop the car. תפסי אותו והביאי אותו לדרווין. Catch it and bring it to Darwin. Get him and bring him to Darwin. אני לא מאמין ששכחתי. I can't believe I forgot. I can't believe I forgot. אתה יכול לסמוך עליה. You can rely on her. You can trust her. יש לזה תועלת? Is it any good? Is that worth it? እርሳስ አለዎት? Do you have a pencil? Do You Have Pencil? يجب عليك أن تعوض عن الوقت الضائع. You must make up for lost time. You have to compensate for the time lost. لازم نكۆنسيديريو لحاجا لماشي مليحا لّي قادرا تصرا. Let's consider the worst that could happen. Neccesserio needs to have millions of pastures to endure. ذهب سامي لينام قرابة السّاعة العاشرة. Sami went to bed around ten o'clock. Sammy went to sleep about 10 o'clock. يقلقني سامي. Sami worries me. I'm worried, Sammy. טום צבע את אופניו באדום. Tom painted his bicycle red. Tom painted his bike red. שילמתי עבור הרכש במזומן. I paid for my purchases in cash. I paid for the cash purchase. لدي شعور أنه محق. I have a feeling he is right. I have a feeling he's right. يوجد شيء واحد فقط ممكن نعمله الآن There's only one thing we can do now! There's only one thing we can do right now. لا قدر الله! God forbid! There's no God! אני לא חושב שאת מבינה. I don't think you understand. I don't think you understand. אבא שלהם הוא נהג טקסי. Their father is a taxi driver. Their father is a ritual driver. لا أستطيع فهم تلك التعليقات. I can't understand those comments. I can't understand those comments. الكثير من الفلسطينيين ممنوعين من العيش مع أزواجهم في إسرائيل لكن، و بطبيعة الحال، يواصل البعض في الادّعاء أن إسرائيل ليس دولة تمارس سياسة الأبارتايد. Many Palestinians are banned from living with their spouses in Israel, but of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state. Many Palestinians are prohibited from living with their husbands in Israel, but, of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not a State that exercises the policy of the Abartheids. إنها بنفس طولك. She is as tall as you. It's the same length as you. ماذا تقصد؟ What do you mean? What do you mean? لا أعرف شيئًا البتّة. I know nothing. I don't know anything at all. لقد حدَقَت بعينين نصف مُغمضتين. She squinted. I've seen half-waved eyes. تبغي السرمبق؟ Do you like mussels? Do you remember the symmetry? يمكن لعلاقة حبّ أن تصبح علاقة غير سليمة. Love can turn toxic. A love relationship can become a bad relationship. תום חש לפתע קור. Tom suddenly felt cold. Tom suddenly feels cold. סליחה, אנחנו סגורים. Sorry, we are closed. Sorry, we're closed. أنا خائف جداً من الذهاب إلى هناك بنفسي. I'm too scared to go there by myself. I'm so scared of going there myself. אתה מדבר בולגרית? Do you speak Bulgarian? You're talking Bulgarian? هذا الكلب يركض بسرعة. This dog runs fast. This dog runs fast. كانت ليلى عالمة آثار شرعيّة. Layla was a forensic archaeologist. Lily was a forensic scientist. ما زالت لديك فرصة. You still have a chance. You still have a chance. זה היה רק חלום. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. تظاهر توم بأنه لم يرى ماري. Tom pretended he didn't see Mary. Tom pretended he didn't see Mary. نعم، ذلك صحيح. Yes. That's right. Yeah, that's right. אינני סולח לך. I don't forgive you. I don't forgive you. أُحضِر فاضل إلى محطّة الشّرطة و استُجوِب. Fadil was brought into the police station and questioned. I'm ready to go to the police station and be questioned. أكون أو لا أكون؟ To be or not to be? Being or not? متى تخرّجت من الكليّة؟ When did you graduate from college? When did you get out of college? Fil-bidu Alla ħalaq is-sema u l-art. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. At the beginning God created heaven and earth. ذلك هو المكان الذي كنت أعمل فيه. That's the place where I used to work. That's where I worked. הדלק אזל כשהיינו בדרכנו לשם. We ran out of gas on our way there. The fuel's out when we were on our way there. החיים הם כמו בועת סבון. Life is like a soap bubble. Life is like a soap swallow. עלינו להזדרז. We must hurry. We have to hurry. خرجت مع أصدقائها. She left with her friends. I went out with her friends. דן היה חשוד בהצתה זדונית. Dan was suspected of arson. Dan was a suspect of prejudice. يعرف سامي ليلى منذ سنواته في الجامعة. Sami has known Layla from college. Sami Lily has known for years at the university. בוא נבדוק בארון. Let's look in the closet. Let's check the closet. أهذا ابنك يا بِتِي؟ Is this your son, Betty? Is that your son, my daughter? בָּרוּךְ שֶׁלֹּא עָשַׂנִי אִשָּׁה. Blessed for not making me a woman. My soul is my soul. هل تحتاجين إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? كان توم هنا أيضاً. Tom was also there. Tom was here too. האופניים הסגולים זולים מהצהובים. The purple bicycle costs less than the yellow. The purple bike's out of yellow. لم يسكن توم في بوسطن العام الماضي. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. Tom didn't live in Boston last year. اِصعدوا الباص واحداً تلو الآخر. Get on the bus one by one. Get up one by one. Berlin hija l-belt kapitali Ġermaniża. Berlin is the capital of Germany. Berlin is the German capital city. זה רציני? Is it bad? Is that serious? הוא מחזיק את אצבעותיו על השולחן. He has his fingers on the table. He's holding his fingers on the table. האם יש על המדף מילון אנגלי-יפני? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the bookshelf? Is there on the shelf in Japanese English? لا تعجبني هذه الملاحظات. I don't like these remarks. I don't like these notes. אם תום הולך, אני לא. If Tom goes, I won't. If Tom goes, I'm not. دفنت في مسقط رأسها. She was buried in her hometown. She was buried in her head. אף הר ברחבי תבל לא גבוה יותר מהאוורסט. No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest. No mountain across the globe is higher than Everest. البرتقال غني بفيتامين سي . Oranges are rich in vitamin C. The orange is rich in vitamin C. אלה לא מילים. These aren't words. Those aren't words. في النهاية، على الجميع أن يتعلموا بأنفسهم. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. In the end, everyone has to learn themselves. בקרוב אבי יהיה בן 40. My father will soon be forty years old. Soon my father will be 40. Sami i Lejla se nikad nisu poljubili Sami and Layla never kissed. Sami Ljela will wed a polyguil تلقّى سامي اتّصالا غريبا من شخص لم يتعرّف عليه. Sami got a strange call from someone whose voice he didn't recognize. Sammy received a strange call from someone he didn't know. המדריך שלנו הוא תום. Our guide was Tom. Our guide is Tom. תום בגדה הנגדית של הנהר. Tom is on the other side of the river. Tom's in the middle of the river. מרי בת דוד של תום. Mary is Tom's cousin. Mary Tom's cousin. لا أحد كان يستطيع أن يتخيّل ما كان بالستطاعة سامي أن يفعله. No one could imagine what Sami was capable of. No one could imagine what Sammy could have done. بينما كنت ذاهبا إلى العمل، التقيت بخالي. On my way to work, I ran into my uncle. While I was going to work, I met free. قد ينزل الثلج It may snow. The snow may come down. יש לי עור יבש. I have dry skin. I have dry skin. זה נשמע מקומם. That sounds outrageous. That sounds up to them. لم أرك منذ سنوات. I haven't seen you in years. I haven't seen you in years. אנו לבד. We're alone. We're alone. חייבים להשאר בכוננות. We've got to stay alert. We have to stay alert. הוא פצע את הכתף. He was wounded in the shoulder. He wound the shoulder. מר דייוויס נראה עייף מאוד. Mr Davis looks very tired. Mr. Davis seems very tired. لا أدري ماذا كان يمكنني أن أفعل لولا مجيئك لمساعدتي. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come to help me. I don't know what I could have done if I hadn't come to help you. מזג האוויר היה נהדר. The weather was gorgeous. The weather was great. على سامي أن يكون مستعدّا. Sami should be prepared. Sammy has to be ready. قال سامي أنّه لا يحبّ المسلمين. Sami said that he didn't like Muslims. Sami said he doesn't like Muslims. הרגל של טום מחלימה. Tom's leg is healing. Tom's leg is healing. سيقتلني توم إن عرف أنّي قلتُ لكَ هذا. If Tom finds out I told you this, he'll kill me. Tom's gonna kill me if he knows I told you that. חשבתי שהייתם מצחיקים. I thought you were funny. I thought you were funny. كُن داعماً. Be supportive. Be supportive. "شكون⸮" "يمّاك.". "Who is it?" "It's your mother." It's called "knock." טום הורחק מבית הספר. Tom was expelled from school. Tom's gone away from school. استمتعنا بالأمس. Yesterday we had fun. We had fun last night. תום מתרגז בקלות רבה. Tom gets upset very easily. Tom gets so upset. Kieku kien għalina, konna ngħidu le. If it were up to us, we'd say no. If it had been for us, we would have said no. تحسنت. It's gotten better. I got better. لا تنظر إليها! Don't look at her! Don't look at her! يحسن سامي السّباحة مثل ليلى تقريبا. Sami can swim just about as well as Layla can. My swimmer's good at swimming like it's almost lily. دعى سامي عددا كبيرا من النّاس. Sami invited too many people. Call Sami a lot of people. لم تكُن لدى فاضل حياة أُسريّة على الإطلاق. Fadil had no home life whatsoever. I had no family life at all. את בטוחה שאת לא רוצה לבוא אתנו? Are you sure you don't want to go with us? Are you sure you don't want to come with us? عادة ما تُدعى هاواي "لؤلؤة المحيط الهادي". Hawaii is often referred to as "The Pearl of the Pacific." The Hawaiians are usually called the Pacific Ocean Scrolls. ماذا تفعل يا اخي؟ What are you doing bro? What are you doing, brother? אמרת שאני יכולה לראות את תום. You said I could see Tom. You said I could see Tom. תום פתח את פיו במחאה. Tom opened his mouth to protest. Tom opened his mouth in a protest. عاش سامي حياة هادئة في القاهرة. Sami led a quiet life in Cairo. Sami lived a quiet life in Cairo. من فضلك هدئ من السرعة عندما يكون أمامك تقاطع طرق. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Please calm down when you've got a road intersection. אין אל חוץ מאלוהים. There is no god but God. There's no god but God. הוא השיג את היעד. He reached his goal. He's got the target. היו ברשותו רק מאה ין. He had only one hundred yen with him. He only had a hundred yen. ארגוני זכויות האדם קבלו בקול שוב ושוב על העדר חופש אזרחי במדינה בשליטת תום. Human rights organisations complained loudly and repeatedly about the lack of civil liberties in the country under Tom's rule. Human rights organizations have repeatedly received civil freedom in the country under the control of Tom. أتخطّى الإعلانات على الفيديوهات كلما أمكن. I skip ads on videos whenever I can. I go through the video ads whenever possible. تخاصما سامي و ليلى حول مسألة من سيتكفّل بأولادهما. Sami and Layla argued over the custody of their children. Sami and Lily are talking about a matter that will take place with their children. Is-surmast qal: "Il-gimgħa d-dieħla se tkun vaganza" The headmaster said: "Next week is a holiday'" The president said: "The next week will be a holiday." سأل توم ماري إذا ما كانت خططت للسباحة أم لا. Tom asked Mary whether she planned to swim or not. He asked Tom Marie if she planned to swim or not. بالنسبة لي فانه ليس أخاً ولا صاحبا. For me he is neither a brother nor an acquaintance. For me, he's neither a brother nor a husband. ليس ذنبي. It's not my fault. It's not my fault. תום נתן לנו טרמפ במשאית שלו. Tom gave us a lift in his truck. Tom gave us a ride in his truck. היא עדיין לא התרגלה לטלפון נייד. She still hasn't gotten used to cell phones. She hasn't been used to a cell phone yet. אני רוצה עוד קצת. I want some more. I want some more. اقل من 40% من الطلبة فقط يذهبون الى الجامعة. Not more than 40 percent of students go on university. Less than 40% of students just go to college. זרועותיי נרדמו. My arms went numb. My arms fell asleep. היית מודאג? Were you worried? Were you worried? בוא לא נשכח שתום תלוי בעזרתנו. Let's not forget that Tom is depending on our help. Let's not forget that Tom's up to us. תחתום על זה. Sign this. Sign it. كان سامي منشغلا إلى حدّ أنّه اتّصل بسيّارة إسعاف. Sami was worried enough to call an ambulance. Sammy was so busy that he called an ambulance. توضّأ سامي لصلاة المغرب. Sami performed ablution for the evening prayer. Sami clarified Morocco's prayer. תום חשד שמרי מתלוצצת. Tom suspected Mary was kidding. Tom suspects Mary's kidding. היא התעצבנה כי שתקתי. She got all the more angry because I kept silent. She got upset because I shut up. לך לעבוד. Go to work. Go to work. الفيلم ده للأطفال. That film is for children. The movie is for the kids. ומי טען שיהיה קל? And who said it would be easy? And who charged it would be easy? اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami called the police. Sammy calls the police. הוא היה צריך לעשות זאת כך. He should have done it that way. He had to do it like that. لقد ناما بنفس السرير They slept in the same bed. They slept in the same bed. הטלוויזיה הישנה נמכרה עבור 10 דולר. The old television set went for 10 dollars. The old TV was sold for $10. عملت ماري مربّية للأطفال عندما كانت مراهقة. Mary worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. Mary worked for kids when she was a teenager. אל תהיה כל כך הגנתי. Don't be so defensive. Don't be so defensive. אני שותה תה בלי סוכר. I drink tea without sugar. I drink tea without sugar. البيت الشعري القادم مؤثر اكثر . The next verse is even more touching. The next hairy house is more impressive. إهدأ: إنهُ فقط يغيظك. Calm down; he's just teasing you. He's just pissing you off. لم يكن سامي لينجو على أيّة حال. Sami was not going to survive anyway. Sammy wouldn't survive anyway. כבר אינני זקוק לכך. I don't need this anymore. I don't need that anymore. יש לך הוכחה שאלוהים קיים? Do you have proof that God exists? Do you have proof that God exists? إسرائيل بحاجة إلى الضّفّة الغربيّة. Israel needs the West Bank. Israel needs the West Bank. سويسرا بلد جميل. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. ما معدل البريد الجوي؟ What's the airmail rate? What's the air mail rate? הם נכנסו לגור כאן רק שלשום. They moved in just the other day. They only moved in here by no means. أخذ فاضل كلّ لوحاته و أحرقها. Fadil took all his paintings and burned them. He took all his paintings and burned them. הכאב בלתי נסבל. The pain is unbearable. The pain is incurable. הוא טייל בכל רחבי העולם. He traveled all over the world. He's been traveling all over the world. כשהייתי ילד אמרו לי שחמאה מזיקה לבריאות. When I was a kid, I was told that butter is bad for one's health. When I was a kid, I was told that butter was bad for health. תום נזקק לזמן. Tom needed time. Tom needed time. متى تنام؟ What time do you usually go to bed? When do you sleep? من فضلك أحضر لي جريدة اليوم. Bring me today's paper, please. Please bring me a newspaper today. أعطني يدك يا جمال. Give me your hand, Jamal. Give me your hand, Jamal. يبدو ذاك كسامي. That looks like Sami. That looks like a shock. لا تتدخل في ما لا يعنيك. Mind your own business! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you. תגידי לתום שאנחנו בדרך. Tell Tom we're on our way. Tell Tom we're on our way. הילדים החליפו מתנות במסיבת חג המולד. The children exchanged presents at the Christmas party. The kids replaced presents at the Christmas party. מי היה מעוניין לפגוע בך? Who'd want to hurt you? Who would want to hurt you? سمع سامي ليلى تصرخ. Sami heard Layla screaming. Sami heard Lily screaming. תום היה האסיסטנט של מרי. Tom was Mary's assistant. Tom was Mary's assistant. אבא שלי מגדל אורז. My father grows rice. My dad's a rice tower. ما زالت الحشرة حية. The bug is still alive. The insect is still alive. كان فاضل قد أعدّ العشاء للتّو. Fadil had just prepared dinner. Falfa had prepared dinner for him. هل أنت مدخنة؟ Are you a smoker? Are you a smoker? מי קיבל את זה? Who received it? Who got it? هذا الكلب ذكي جدّا. This dog is very clever. This dog is so smart. מחוג הבנזין מורה על ריק. The gas gauge is on empty. The gasoline glazing's on empty. הם הרחיבו את השטח שלהם על ידי כיבוש. They extended their territory by conquest. They left their territory by conquest. אתה מתלונן כפייתי. You're a compulsive complainer. You complain obsessive. هل تقومون بإعادة التصنيع ؟ Do you recycle? Are you doing the reprocessing? קיוויתי שלמדת משהו. I was hoping you learned something. I was hoping you learned something. תום התקרב. Tom moved closer. Tom approached. זה לא המקרה. That is not the case. That's not the case. ילד שהוריו מתים נקרא יתום. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. תום נעדר. Tom was absent. Tom's missing. תום חרד. Tom's anxious. Tom's nervous. أنا كبير بما يكفي. I'm old enough. I'm big enough. أين مكان عملك؟ Where do you work? Where's your place of business? איש לא מכריח אותך. Nobody's forcing you. No one's making you. لم يكن عليك فعل هذا. You shouldn't have done that. You didn't have to do this. سامي مسلم منذ ستّ سنوات. Sami has been Muslim for six years. Sammy's been a Muslim for six years. ما أغباني حين صدقته! How foolish I am to believe him! I'm not surprised when you believe him! السماء صافية. The sky is clear. The sky is clear. למוזיקאי יש חברים רבים. The musician has many friends. Musicians have many friends. سأقوم بتحويل المبلغ. I will transfer the money. I'll make a transfer. יש גם שיעורים פרטיים. Private lessons are also available. There's private lessons, too. אנשים מגיבים לעידוד. People respond to encouragement. People respond to encouragement. اسمحي لي خلعتك. Sorry I startled you! Let me take you out. ضحّى سامي بأمّه كي يُخرج نفسه من المأزق. Sami threw his mom under the bus. Sami sacrificed his mother to get himself out of the deadlock. واحد زائد اثنان يساوي ثلاثة. One plus two equals three. One plus two equals three. תום עדיף על מרי. Tom is better than Mary. Tom's better than Mary. היא כבר הייתה חולה במשך שבוע, כשקראו לרופא. She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for. She's been sick for a week when she called the doctor. איזה מהם אתה מעדיף? Which one do you like better? Which one do you prefer? ראיתי אותו שוטף את הרכב. I saw him wash the car. I saw him wash the car. هل لي أن أذهب للسباحة يا أمي؟ Can I go swimming, Mother? May I go to the pool, Mom? أرني كيف تعمل. Show me how it works. Show me how you work. היא התאהבה בגבר מבוגר יותר. She fell in love with an older man. She fell in love with an older man. يمسك براين بِيَدَيْ كيت. Brian is holding Kate's hands. He's holding Brian in my hands Kate. הוא ניסה לשים קץ לחייו. He tried to commit a suicide. He tried to put an end to his life. تعرّف سامي على صوت ليلى. Sami recognized Layla's voice. You know, Sammy's on Lee's voice. בוא ננסה משהו! Let's try something. Let's try something! תום לוחץ חזק מדי. Tom is coming on too strong. Tom's pushing too hard. אינני יודעת אם כספי יספיק. I don't know if my money is enough. I don't know if my money is enough. הייתי בת הזוג של תום. I was Tom's partner. I was Tom's date. فتّش سامي المنزل كلّه و لم يكن أحد هناك. Sami searched the whole house and no one was there. Sammy searched the whole house, and no one was there. سررت بعودتك. I'm glad to see you back. Nice to have you back. מה מנע ממנה להגיע אתמול? What prevented her from coming yesterday? What prevented her from coming in yesterday? אני לא עשיתי שום דבר בלתי חוקי. I did nothing unlawful. I didn't do anything illegal. أين هي؟ Where is she? Where is she? תום מתעייף בקלות. Tom gets tired easily. Tom gets tired. يوجد خدشة هنا، فهل تستطيع اعطائي حسم؟ There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount? There's a scratch here. Can you give me a smile? יש לי הלילה מסיבה וכולם מוזמנים. I'm having a party tonight and everyone's invited. I have a party tonight and everybody's invited. אל תודה לי עוד. Don't thank me yet. Don't thank me anymore. اخبرنا عندما لم تفهم شيئا ما. Let us know if you don't understand something. He told us when you didn't understand something. ما دْخَلْتْشْ الفْرَاشْ حتى فات نُصّ اللِيل. I didn't get to bed until after midnight. What happened to the rat even sucked the helm. השאר בכוננות. Stay alert. Stay alert. הוא מקלקל את בגדיו. He's destroying his clothes. He spoils his clothes. ያቺ መኪና ስንት ነው? How much does that car cost? How many are you? دعى سامي ليلى للأكل في الخارج. Sami invited Layla out for food. My name is Sammy Lee to eat out. أبكاني المدرّس. The teacher made me cry. I've been crying. كان الفلم مثيراً للإهتمام كما توقعت. The movie was interesting, as I had expected. The movie was as interesting as I thought it would be. אינני רוצה קידום. I don't want a promotion. I don't want promotion. هيا نصنع تجارة. Let's make a trade. Let's make a trade. إنه وقت العودة للعمل. It's time to get back to work. It's time to get back to work. Ma nifhimx. I don't understand. I don't understand. תום יצא מן המשאית. Tom got out of the truck. Tom came out of the truck. كنت في الجبال. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. مصروفات الدراسة بالكليات غالية جداً. My college tuition is too expensive. School expenses in colleges are very expensive. אני אוהב פירות כמו ענבים ואפרסקים. I like such fruits as grapes and peaches. I like fruit like grapes and peaches. פתח את לוח הבקרה. Open the panel. Open the control board. وفي الصباح التالي، خرج ديما من القمامة، لكنه وجد أن كل ملابسه بها رائحة قمامة. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dema came out of the trash, but he found that all his clothes smell dirty. אני יכול ללכת הביתה? May I go home? Can I go home? لم يتحقق حلم الفرص المتاحة للجميع بالنسبة لكل فرد في أمريكا ولكن الوعد هو قائم بالنسبة لجميع من يصل إلى شواطئنا ويشمل ذلك ما يضاهي سبعة ملايين من المسلمين الأمريكان في بلدنا اليوم. ويحظى المسلمون الأمريكان بدخل ومستوى للتعليم يعتبران أعلى من المعدل المتوسط The dream of opportunity for all people has not come true for everyone in America, but its promise exists for all who come to our shores – that includes nearly seven million American Muslims in our country today who enjoy incomes and education that are higher than average. The dream of opportunities for everyone in America has not been realized, but the promise exists for all who arrive on our shores. This includes the equivalent of seven million American Muslims in our country today. إنني متعب قليلاً. I'm a little tired. I'm a little tired. لقد إنتهيت للتو من تناول الإفطار. I've just finished eating breakfast. I just finished breakfast. הם לא ידעו דבר. They knew nothing. They didn't know anything. אהיה עסוקה כל היום מחר. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. I'll be busy all day tomorrow. معامن راكي تهدري؟ With whom are you talking? I'm with Rakki. Hilarious? كان سامي ذاهبا إلى القاهرة كي يمضي بعض الأيّام مع ليلى. Sami was going to Cairo to spend a few days with Layla. Sammy was going to Cairo to spend some days with Lily. צחקתי. I was laughing. I was kidding. هل أنت تلميذ؟ Are you a student? Are you a student? أتستطيع تحدث الفرنسية؟ Can you speak French? Can you speak French? בדיוק את זה אתם צריכים עכשיו. That's precisely what you need now. That's exactly what you need right now. دخل الخريف. It's fall now. In the fall. בערך 20% מהמים בערים דרושים להשקיית הדשא. An estimated 20% of the water used by homeowners in cities is used for their grass. About 20% of the water in the cities needs a lawn. בחרנו מלון קרוב למוזיאונים. We've chosen a hotel near the museums. We chose a hotel close to the museums. אני מעדיף ללכת מאשר לדווש. I'd rather walk than pedal. I'd rather go than do obeisance. אני בטוחה שהכוונות שלך טהורות. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are pure. شكلها فاتن في ذلك الفستان. She looks pretty in that dress. It's shaped in that dress. אני מצטער, אמא. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry, Mom. كان لدى ليلى أربعة أطفال من أربعة رجال مختلفين. Layla had four children with four different men. I had four children from four different men. كان سامي راغبا في إخراج ليلى من الصّورة. Sami wanted Layla out of the picture. Sami was willing to take Lily out of the fence. آمُل أنكَ لست غاضباً. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not angry. من أين اشتريت تلك القبّعة؟ Where did you buy that hat? Where did you buy that hat? כולם נראים באי נוחיות. Everyone looks uncomfortable. They all look comfortable. عليك أن تتحكم بنزواتك. You must control yourself. You have to control your freaks. هىَ لابد أن تجد عملاً. She must find work. She's got to find a job. לא אמרת להם מה כתבת במאמר ההוא. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. You didn't tell them what you wrote in that article. أنا لا أفهم هذا. I don't understand this. I don't understand that. كان سامي يريد أن تتزوّج به ليلى. Sami wanted Layla to marry him. Sammy wanted to marry him Lee. תן לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. נלכדת. היכנע! You've been captured. Surrender! You're trapped. הטמפרטורה רק עשר מעלות, והוא הולך בחוץ בחולצת טי. נעשה לי קר רק מלהסתכל עליו. It's just ten degrees, and he is walking around outside in a T-shirt. I get cold from just looking at him. The temperature is only ten degrees, and he's going out in a T-shirt, making me cold just looking at him. والد بوب يعمل في مصنع سيارات. Bob's father works in a car factory. Bob's dad works at a car factory. גם תום התרשם. Tom is impressed as well. Tom was impressed, too. הלוואי שלא היית מנסה לעזור. I wish you hadn't tried to help. I wish you weren't trying to help. הם ברכו אותי. They greeted me. They blessed me. אֶת לֶחֶם חֻקֵּנוּ תֵּן לָנוּ הַיּוֹם, וּסְלַח לָנוּ עַל חֲטָאֵינוּ כְּפִי שֶׁסּוֹלְחִים גַּם אֲנַחְנוּ לַחוֹטְאִים לָנוּ. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. To the abundance of life, yes, to the abundance of life, yes, to the abundance of life, yes, to the abundance of the knowledge of good and bad. لا أحد يفهم ماذا يجري. Nobody understands what's going on. Nobody understands what's going on. العباقرة من الناس كالشهبُ التي قُدِّر لها أن تحترق لتضيء زمنها. Men of genius are meteors destined to burn in order to illuminate their century. Puppets from people like thieves who have been condemned to burn down their time. חסרים לי מאוד מורי בית הספר היסודי שלי. I miss my elementary teachers very much. I'm very missing my primary school teachers. مارانيش خايف من الرّتايل. I'm not scared of spiders. Maranesh's afraid of the rocket. הם חצו את הדלאוור הקפוא למחצה. They crossed the partly-frozen Delaware River. They unloaded the frozen Delaware in half. תום מעדיף קפה בלי סוכר. Tom prefers drinking coffee without sugar. Tom prefers coffee without sugar. יש לך בני משפחה כלשהם בגרמניה? Do you have any family in Germany? Do you have any family members in Germany? كل ما عليك فعله هو الضغط على الزر. All you have to do is press the button. All you have to do is press the button. תביא תבשיל לשתף אותו. Bring a dish to share. Bring a basket to share it. האם מוטל על זה איזה מס? Is there any tax on this? Is it charged with what tax? הוא הפעיל עליי לחץ. He pressured me. He put pressure on me. هذا كل ما أعرفه. I know only this. That's all I know. لم يسافر أبي إلى الخارج من قبل. My father has never been abroad. My father never traveled out before. هل تَعَلَمَ اليابانية أيضاً؟ Did he learn Japanese as well? Did you learn Japanese too? ممنوع تدخل لهتا. You aren't allowed in here. It's forbidden to go into her. هذا تخصصه. That's his specialty. That's his specialty. הוא חושב שמשחקי חברה יצאו מהאופנה. He thinks that playing board games is old-fashioned now. He thinks social games are out of fashion. اهي، لّيل راهي طويلا، اه ولّا لالا⸮ Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? Oh, my God, Lil, for a long time. Oh, no. هذه المشاكل تجعلني أفكّر في مغادرة المنزل. These problems make me wanna leave home. These problems make me think about leaving home. אנחנו כאן. We are here. We're here. תום ירה באקדחו שלוש פעמים. Tom fired his gun three times. Tom shot his gun three times. ينبغي عليك ان تُبقي مكتبك نظيف You should keep your desk clean. You should keep your office clean. طلبت منه أن يوصلني إلى المنزل. I asked him to drive me home. I asked him to call me home. بدأت أبرد. I'm beginning to feel cold. I started cold. من الممكن ألا تأتي غداً. She may not come here tomorrow. You might not come tomorrow. הייתי רוצה להיות יותר גבוה. I wish I were taller. I'd like to be higher. لن أنس المرّة الأولى التي خرجنا فيها. I'll never forget our first date. I won't forget the first time we came out. תום לא היה צריך לקבל מסטודנטים שום מתנות. Tom shouldn't have accepted gifts from his students. Tom didn't have to get any gifts from students. "سامحني." "و ماذا عليّ أن أسامح؟" "Forgive me." "What do I have to forgive?" And what should I forgive? أين الخطأ؟ Where is the mistake? Where's the mistake? היא יצאנית. She's a hooker. She's out. מתי שינית כתובת? When did you change your address? When did you change an address? لمَ لا تجلس و تستريح؟ Why don't you sit down and relax? Why don't you sit down and rest? شكلنا وقعنا ففخ. It looks like we fell into a trap. Our shape is a trap. אני מצטער שנתתי לך לחכות זמן רב כל כך. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait so long. אני בכלל לא מרוצה מההכנסה הנוכחית שלי. I am by no means satisfied with my present income. I'm not even satisfied with my current income. هذه قصة حقيقية. This story is true. This is a real story. ما هذه إلاّ قمة الجبل الجليدي. It's just the tip of the iceberg. What's that? It's the top of the ice mountain. أنا في دبي. I'm in Dubai. I'm in my bear. למה שלא פשוט נְפַרְמֵט את הדיסק הקשיח? היו לך המון בעיות אתו. Why don't we just reformat the hard disk? You've been having a lot of trouble with it. You had a lot of problems with him. لقد قلت لهم أن يبقوا في غرفتهم. I told them to stay in their room. I told them to stay in their room. הם נראים בסדר. They seemed OK. They look fine. הוא הלך לעבודה אף על פי שהוא חולה. He went to work in spite of his illness. He went to work even though he was sick. כמה מזל יש לך! How lucky you are! How lucky you are! አንቺ ማን ነሽ? Who are you? Who are you? תום לא הצליח לשכנע את מרי לקנות לג'ון מתנה. Tom couldn't persuade Mary to buy a present for John. Tom couldn't convince Mary to buy John a gift. تعرّف سامي على ذلك السّلاح. Sami recognized the gun. You've known Sami about that weapon. אל תזרוק את כתב העת הזה. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw this magazine away. هل تستطيع إثبات وجود رجال النظافة؟ Can you prove the existence of garbagemen? Can you prove that there are cleaning men? حقن سامي ليلى بمخدّر. Sami injected Layla with a drug. Sami Lee's a drug addict. למה אין לך חברה? Why don't you have a girlfriend? Why don't you have a girlfriend? لن أبيعه. I'm not going to sell it. I'm not selling it. إنّ سامي باقٍ هنا و لا يبالي بجماعة من الجبناء تحت راية مشاغب حيّ مثلك. Sami is here to stay and he doesn't give a damn about a bunch of cowards led by a neighborhood bully like you. Sami's staying here, and I don't care about a group of cowards under a strange eye like you. זאת טעות כל כך חמורה. This is such a mistake. It's such a bad mistake. قل الحقيقة دائماً. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. אני עייף. I'm tired. I'm tired. أصيب بالإحباط مؤخرا. He is depressed lately. He was recently disappointed. يا له من طفل جميل. What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo! What a beautiful baby. هل نحن بحاجة إلى لغة عالمية؟ Do we need a world language? Do we need a global language? לא הייתי צריך לומר זאת. I should not have said that. I shouldn't have said that. كان سامي شخصيّة مؤثّرة في الجالية العربيّة بتورونتو. Sami was a powerful figure within the Toronto Arab community. Sami was a person in the Arab community in Toronto. בנסיבות רגילות אינני משקר. I don't normally lie. Under normal circumstances, I'm not lying. الأطفال يموتون. Children are dying. Children die. התפשרתי על ירוק בשביל הווילונות. I have settled on green for the curtains. I set off on green for the curtains. إنها صفقة جيدة. It's a good deal. It's a good deal. تكلم! Speak up! Speak! הוא היה לנטל על הוריו. He was a burden to his parents. He had to burden his parents. לערוץ שלי ב-YouTube יש צופים רבים. My video channel on YouTube has a wide viewership. My channel in YouTube has many observers. ركضت ماري. Mary ran. I ran. Mary. أفضل ركوب الدراجة. I prefer biking. Best bike ride. מהו ההר הגבוה ביותר בצפון אמריקה? What is the highest mountain in North America? What is the highest mountain in North America? التّدخين ممنوع في جميع أجزاء المطعم. Smoking is prohibited in every section of the restaurant. Smoking is prohibited in all parts of the restaurant. אל תבזבז תחמושת. Don't waste ammunition. Don't waste ammunition. אנו חייבים להתקיף. We must attack. We have to attack. הבאנו לך מתנה. We've brought you a present. We brought you a gift. لماذا لا تلبس فستاناً؟ Why don't you wear a dress? Why don't you wear a dress? كان سامي يتشاجر كثيرا مع أمّه. Sami fought frequently with his mother. Sammy was fighting a lot with his mother. هل انتهيت من استعمال الهاتف؟ Are you through with the phone? Are you done using the phone? היית צריך להשאיר לי לטפל בכך. You should've left it to me. You should have let me handle it. הוא התחיל ללמוד סלסה. He started taking salsa lessons. He started studying salsa. באילו נסיבות הופיעה השגיאה? When did the error occur? Under what circumstances did error occur? أرغب ببطاريات لهذا الجهاز. I would like batteries for this device. I want batteries for this device. לא ידעתי שאסור היה לנו לעשות זאת. I didn't know that we were forbidden from doing that. I didn't know we shouldn't have done that. מי ידאג לתינוק? Who will take care of the baby? Who's gonna take care of the baby? מחר הוא ינחת על הירח. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow he'll land on the moon. מה קרה לשניכם? What happened to you two? What happened to both of you? الجزائر مثيرة للاهتمام. Algeria is interesting. Algeria is interesting. הקרדינל ברגוליו נבחר לאפיפיור על ידי הקונקלווה. Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave. Cardinal Beroglio was elected to the pope by the Concluwa. لا تقلق. أنا لن أقول للشرطة. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell the police. Don't worry, I won't tell the police. ذهبت أيضاً. I also went. She's gone too. אני אוהבת הפתעות. I love surprises. I like surprises. אני שונא להפסיד. I hate losing. I hate losing. בני אדם לא היו מגיעים לאן שהגיעו ללא האגודלים. Humans wouldn't have gotten where they are without opposable thumbs. Humans wouldn't come anywhere without the thumbs. מה תרצי לקינוח? What would you like for dessert? What would you like for dessert? أصغى Hark! Listen. كنبغيك I love you. You should. توم يعمل في بوسطن. Tom works in Boston. Tom works in Boston. هذا ليس عملك. That's not your job. This isn't your job. يستطيع طفلنا أن يسير. Our baby can walk. Our child can walk. فُصل سامي عن وظيفته. Sami was fired. Sami was dismissed from his job. إنها تأمل أن تصبح مصممة أزياء. She hopes to become a designer. She hopes she'll be dressed. لا بدَّ أن أنتهزها لرفع قدري اللّغويّة. I must take advantage to enhance my language ability. I must use it to raise my language. תום ילך אחריך. Tom will follow you. Tom's gonna follow you. הראש כואב לי. My head aches. My head hurts. אל תיכנס לחדר בלי רשות. Don't enter the room without permission. Don't go into the room without permission. הוא אחר לרכבת בדקה אחת. He missed the train by one minute. He was left on the train for one minute. עברו עליהם זמנים קשים. They had a rough time of it. It's been a tough time. أشعر بالبرد. I am cold. I feel cold. لم تزوّجتي منه؟ Why did you marry him? Why did you marry him? יש לי צרבת נוראית. I have horrible heartburn. I've got a terrible scream. أنا أرى توم I see Tom. I see Tom. واش ممكن تحدر بشوية Speak more slowly, please! Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. לתום לא היה משנה מי עוזר לו, כל עוד היה מישהו כזה. Tom didn't care who helped him, as long as somebody did. Tom didn't matter who helped him, as long as there was someone like that. השתמש בבקשה בצלחת. Please use a plate. Please use the plate. نحن نحتاج إلي المطر. We need the rain. We need the rain. היא הגישה בקשה לויזה. She applied for a visa. She made a request for Lisa. ተማሪ አይደለሁም። I'm not a student. I am not a student. ما زالت الحياة أمامك. Life lies in front of you. Life is still before you. ውሃን አልጠጣሁም። I didn't drink the water. I don't drink water. It-tifla għandha żiemel abjad. The girl has a white horse. The child has a white horse. לדידי, אני מעדיף להישאר בבית. For my part I prefer to stay at home. Deddy, I'd rather stay home. ربّما سأصنع لنفسي زيّا كهذا لحفل هالووين القادم. Maybe I'll have a costume made like that for next Halloween. Maybe I'm gonna make myself a suit like this for the next Halloween party. הוא הסביר את המשמעות המילולית של המשפט. He explained the literal meaning of the sentence. He explained the full meaning of the trial. אם אשכח, תזכיר לי בבקשה. If I forget, please remind me. If I forget, please remind me. لا يبدو بأن توم يعرف الكثير عن ماري. Tom doesn't seem to know a lot about Mary. It doesn't seem that Tom knows much about Mary. اشترى سامي كلبا آخر لليلى. Sami bought Layla another dog. Sammy bought another dog for the night. واصل سامي الحديث. Sami kept talking. Keep talking, Sammy. تَبِعْتُها إلى الغرفَة. I followed her into the room. I took her to the room. איפה הקברניט שלכם? Where's your captain? Where's your captain? الوردة دي جميلة. This rose is beautiful. The Lord Dee is beautiful. הם נראים נחמדים. They look pretty. They look nice. מישהו יכול לעזור לי בבקשה? Can someone help me, please? Can someone please help me? אני קוראת את המשפט הזה. I am reading this sentence. I read that sentence. אתם סנילים. You're demented. You're seniles. طرد توم من عمله. Tom was fired. Tom got fired from his job. תום מעודו לא היה מרשה את זה. Tom would never allow it. Tom Maud wouldn't have allowed it. האם אני הולך מהר מדי? Am I going too fast? Am I going too fast? תתנהג. Behave yourselves. Behave. ስሜ ጀክ ነው። My name is Jack. My name is Jack. מייק הוא הצעיר ביותר במשפחה. Mike is the youngest in his family. Mike is the youngest in the family. לא אראה אותו לעולם. I'll never see him again. I'll never see him. أظن أن توم لطيف. I think Tom is kind. I think Tom's nice. أحبّ ذلك المغنّي حقّا. I really dig that singer. I really like that song. ነቲ ድስታት ምሕጻብ ናይ ሜሪ ተራ አዩ። It's Mary's turn to wash the dishes. They saw Mary's turn to wash the basins. אנו מחויבים להשתפר. We're committed to doing better. We are committed to improving. היא שלפה אקדח ואמרה: ... She drew her gun and said: She put a gun down and said: אני כל כך שמחה שהם כאן. I'm so glad they're here. I'm so glad they're here. هذا كل ما عندي. خذه. This is all I have. Take it. That's all I have. תפסיק להכות בדלת! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting the door! أنت تحب اللغة الإنجليزية ، أليس كذلك؟ You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? תום התקרב ובא. Tom came forward. Tom approached and came in. أيمكنني الذهاب إلى الحمام؟ May I use the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? يبدو سامي مثلي. Sami looks like me. Looks like Sammy's like me. لما لم تقل لها؟ Why didn't you tell her? Why didn't you tell her? אתה צריך לאכול ירקות. You should eat vegetables. You need to eat vegetables. היא תכופות הייתה יושבת שם להאכיל את העופות. She will often sit there feeding birds. She used to sit there feeding the birds. أين أقرب كنيسة ؟ Where's the nearest church? Where's the nearest church? איזו אישיות מרשימה יש לו! What an impressive person he is! What an impressive personality he has! אתה אדיב. You're courteous. You're kind. מי שבר את האגרטל? Who broke the vase? Who broke the gartel? ماذا تريد أن تأكل؟ What would you like to eat? What do you want to eat? אני בטוח שלעולם לא אזכור את כל זה. I'm sure I'll never remember all of this. I'm sure I'll never remember all this. لم نختبئ؟ Why are we hiding? Why did we hide? شعر سامي أنّه عومل بإهانة. Sami felt disrespected. Sami's hair is humiliated. התחרות חסרת רחמים. The competition is fierce. The competition is pitiless. دعني أذهب وحدي. Let me go alone. Let me go alone. תום אמור להיות בסדר עד יום שני. Tom should be OK by Monday. Tom's supposed to be fine by Monday. ستحضر الإجتماع بدلا مني. She will attend the meeting instead of me. You're gonna get the meeting instead of me. تكتب لي مرةً كل شهر. She writes to me once a month. You write me once a month. נחש מי אני. Guess who I am. Guess who I am. הוא עמד ליד השער עם היד בכיס. He was standing by the gate with his hand in his pocket. He stood by the gate with his hand in his pocket. מרי היא מטריאליסטית. Mary is a materialist. Mary is a paralytic. אני מאחורי המטבח. I'm behind the kitchen. I'm behind the kitchen. ሕጻናት ብዙሕ ክንክን ይደልዩ። Babies need a lot of care. Babies want a lot of support. هاهي قوتك. Here's your coffee. Here's your strength. بإمكانكِ أن تختارين أيّ طريق تريدينه. You can take whichever way you like. You can choose whatever way you want. Int miżżewweġ? Are you married? Are you married? אחרי הסערה השתרר שקט. After the storm, it was calm. After the storm, it was quiet. היא נהנית לטבול באמבט חם. She enjoys soaking herself in a hot bath. She's having fun eating in a hot bath. It-toqba hija dejqa. The hole is narrow. The hole is narrow. תום לא ידע איזה אוטובוס לקחת. Tom didn't know which bus to take. Tom didn't know what bus to take. مش فاهم انت عايز تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. You're an idiot who says it. המוסיקה שלו כובשת את כל המדינה. His music is sweeping the whole country. His music is taking over the whole country. עשה רק דבר אחד בו זמנית. Do one thing at a time. Just did one thing at a time. אנו מסובבים את הגלגלים שלנו. We're spinning our wheels. We're surrounding our wheels. إن جمال هنا. Jamal is here. It's beauty here. لم تبكي؟ Then why are you crying? You didn't cry? هي غبية, ولكن أمينة. She's stupid, but honest. She's stupid, but honest. تستطيع النملة أن ترفع أكثر من خمسين ضعف وزنها. An ant can lift more than 50 times its weight. The ants can raise more than 50 times their weight. מי סידר אותך? Who tricked you? Who set you up? מי השחקן המועדף עלייך? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite player? זה טופו. This is tofu. It's Tofu. התרסקתי עם מטוס הריסוס בשנת אלפיים ושלוש. I was in the crop duster crash in 2003. I crashed with the Rusus plane in 2,000 and three years. هل هذا يباع بالكيلو أم بالعبوة أم بالواحدة؟ Is this sold by the kilo, by the package or individually? Is this a calorie or a pack or a unit? كان بوب سعيداً للغاية. Bob was very happy. Bob was so happy. أفكر فيك. I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you. יתכן שאלו היו הם? Could it have been them? Could it have been them? ما هي هوايتك؟ What's your hobby? What's your identity? الأرض كروية. The earth is round. The land is turquoise. أفهم كل شيء I understand everything. I understand everything. أنا فخور بك. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. היום אני גולש באינטרנט. Today I'm online. Today I'm surfing the Internet. ومنه نستطيع متابعة الخوارزمية. Then we can continue the algorithm. One is that we can follow the algorithm. כמעט אף אחד לא חושב שאנו אחיות. Almost no one thinks that we are sisters. Almost nobody thinks we're sisters. كنت أبلغ الثلاثين عاما فقط آنذاك. I was only thirteen years old at that time. I was only 30 years old then. كانا سامي و ليلى يتناقشان حول أمر يخصّ الدّين. Sami and Layla were debating something about religion. They were Sammy and Lily discussing a debt thing. هربت ليلى من المكان قبل وصول الشّرطة. Layla fled the scene before the police arrived. Lila ran away from the place before the police arrived. لم لم تردّ على رسالتي الهاتفيّة؟ Why didn't you text me back? Why didn't you answer my phone call? نعم, إنها غاضبة. Yes, she is angry. Yeah, she's angry. مش فاهمك. I do not understand you. Go ahead. זה אתר נופש מבוקש. It's a popular vacation spot. It's a wanted resort site. יש לו ארבעה מכשירים סלולריים. He has four mobile phones. He's got four mobile devices. هل يمكننى أن أخرج للعب؟ Can I go out to play? Can I play? המטריה שייכת לי. That umbrella belongs to me. The umbrella belongs to me. אני רוצה ליטר חלב. I would like a quart of milk. I want a liter of milk. אתם מזהים את האיש בתמונה? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man in the picture? כשהייתי קטן, הייתי קורא במשך שעות, לבד בחדר שלי. When I was a child, I spent many hours reading alone in my room. When I was little, I'd read for hours, alone in my room. הרומנים שהוא כתב מעניינים. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. תום עדיין לא שילם את חובו על ההלוואה. Tom hasn't yet paid back the loan. Tom hasn't paid his loan yet. טום לא רצה לאכזב את הוריו. Tom didn't want to disappoint his parents. Tom didn't want to disappoint his parents. እኔም አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm also a teacher. I am a teacher. كان يرتدي سترة زرقاء. He had a blue jacket on. He was wearing a blue jacket. אתה מתעייף? Are you getting tired? Are you tired? أنت منزعج. You're upset. You're upset. הוא כועס עליך. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. זה הנוף השחון ביותר שאי פעם ראיתי. It's the most arid landscape I've ever seen. It's the hottest view I've ever seen. באמת הוא יגיע? Is he really coming? Is he really gonna be here? כשהטלפון צלצל, הוא רץ לענות. When the phone rang, he ran to answer it. When the phone called, he ran to answer. لن يموت أحد هنا. No one is going to die here. Nobody's gonna die here. דבר מה נורא עלול להתרחש. Something terrible is about to happen. Something terrible could happen. كان فاضل يريد أن يعود إلى هناك كي يكسب المزيد من المال. Fadil wanted to get back there to make some more money. He wanted to go back there to earn more money. توم غاضب على مارى. Tom is angry at Mary. Tom's mad at Mary. היא באמת מאד אוהבת חתולים. She really likes cats a lot. She really likes cats. אנו חייבים ללכת הלאה. We have to move on. We have to go on. שיהיה כך! So be it! Be it! مدح سامي ليلى واصفا إيّاه بحبّ حياته. Sami praised Layla as being the love of his life. Happy Sami Lee and described him with love for his life. برشفة واحدة . Bottoms up! One blister. חסר לי כסף. I am short of money. I'm missing money. لا أعتقد أننا سنستطيع أن نحل هذه المشكلة بأنفسنا. I don't think that we'll be able to solve this problem by ourselves. I don't think we can solve this problem ourselves. أنا أري الفتاة. I see the girl. I see the girl. مانيش ارتيست، ژامي ما كانت عندي لاّم تاعها. I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it. Manich Artest, my mother had nothing to do with her. إنّي خائف جدّاً. I'm so afraid. I'm so scared. אתה מוכן להפסיק את זה? Would you quit doing that? Will you stop it? קניתי אותה בשבוע שעבר. I had bought it the week before. I bought it last week. لازم ما تتكلمش هنا. You should not talk here. You have to talk here. سأوصلك إلى البيت. I'll drive you home. I'll get you home. המקומיים חיים באמת בקצב נינוח. The locals around here really live at a relaxed pace. Locals really live at a comfortable pace. האביב ממש מעבר לפינה. Spring is just around the corner. The spring is right around the corner. אתם אל תצאו לשם. Don't go out there. You guys don't go out there. כולנו שמענו את הרכילות. We've all heard the rumors. We all heard the gossip. أنا ملحد. I'm an atheist. I'm boring. لا أحد يفهمني. Nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. كانت ليلى تتناول فطور الصّباح. Layla was having breakfast. Lily was having breakfast. استيقظت في الصباح الباكر She woke up in the early morning. I woke up early in the morning. תחתום על זה בבקשה. Please sign these. Please sign it. لن يحدث ذلك. That won't happen. It's not gonna happen. ללמוד איך מתקשרים ביעילות שווה את הזמן. Studying how to communicate effectively is time well spent. Learning how to communicate efficiently is worth the time. متى أقفلت هذه الباب آخر مرة؟ When was the last time you locked this door? When did you turn this door off last time? לו אפה של קלאופטרה היה קצר יותר, להיסטוריה היה מסלול שונה. If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, the history of the world would be different. If Claupatra's mouth was shorter, history had a different course. لنلعب كرة القدم. Let's play soccer. Let's play football. أنا أتعلم اللغة التشيكية. I learn Czech. I know the Czech language. אני רוצה שהוריי יהיו גאים. I want to make my parents proud. I want my parents to be proud. هل انت مع توم؟ Are you with Tom? Are you with Tom? זה חלום? Is this a dream? Is that a dream? אפשר שניה אחת איתך? Could I have a second with you? Can I have one second with you? كان عليك أن تفكر في هذا قبل أن تتسبب بحمل ليلى. You should have thought about that before you got Layla pregnant. You should've thought about it before you had Lily. אין כאן מספיק מקום לארבעים אנשים. There's not enough space here for 40 people. There's not enough room here for four people. הזמנתי פעמיים תה ושלוש קפה. I've ordered two teas and three coffees. I ordered two teas and three coffees. קדימה לדרך. Let's get this show on the road. Let's go. ቤት አላችሁ? Do you have a house? Do You Have a Home? تركت ليلى الثّانويّة. Layla left high school. I left my second night. תום אמר שמרי אם טובה. Tom said Mary is a good mom. Tom said Mary's a good mother. אני חושבת שיש לתום שלוש ברירות. I think Tom has three options. I think Tom has three choices. انتهى العالم البارحة بينما كنت نائما. The world has ended yesterday while I was sleeping. The world ended last night while I was asleep. אני חושב שהייתה לנו שנה טובה. I think we had a good year. I think we had a good year. لسامي و ليلى ستّ أطفال. Sami and Layla have six children. To my mother and Lily, six children. מה התוצאה? What's the score? What's the result? Mort tixtri? Did you go shopping? Did you buy? מדענים עובדים קשה למגר את מגיפת האיידס. Scientists are working hard to put an end to AIDS. Scientists work hard to launch the AIDS epidemic. סין משמעותית גדולה מיפן. China is much larger than Japan. China is much more significant than Japan. ראיתי את טום מפלרטט עם אשתי. I saw Tom flirt with my wife. I saw Tom flirting with my wife. את עלולה לפגוש בתום אם תלכי לספריה. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. You might meet Tom if you go to the library. أنا لست أحمقا، أليس كذلك؟ I'm not stupid, am I? I'm not an idiot, am I? איפה אתה גר? Where do you live? Where do you live? اتّصل بطبيب في الحال! Call a doctor immediately. Call a doctor right now! استمرّ سامي في إرسال المال لليلى. Sami kept sending Layla money. Sammy kept sending money to me. أحضر لي الجريدة من فضلك. Bring me the newspaper, please. Get me the newspaper, please. יורד גשם כבד מזה שלוש שעות. It has been raining heavily for three hours. It's raining. It's been three hours. من الذي اتصل بآن. Who telephoned Ann? Who called Anne. هذا هو مدرّس العلوم. This is the science teacher. This is the science teacher. ظننت أنك قلت بأنك لن تأتي. I thought you said you weren't coming. I thought you said you weren't coming. انهار سامي ساقطا. Sami slumped over. Sami's broken. መጽሃፉን ስጠኝ። Give me the book. Give me the pot. אורח החיים שלהם שונה משלנו. Their lifestyle is different from ours. Their lifestyle is different from ours. לא, אני לא מכיר אותו. כמובן, אני יודע מי הוא אבל אני לא מכיר אותו אישית. No, I don't know him. Of course, I know who he is, but I'm not personally acquainted with him. Of course, I know who he is, but I don't know him personally. لا يحب أحداً الحرب. No one loves war. No one likes the war. אני שונא את המגפים החדשים האלה. I hate these new boots. I hate these new boots. سوف يُفتَن اصحاب الذوق الصعب الارضاء بمثل هذه الابيات الشعرية . Fastidious tastes will be most charmed with such verses as these. The hardy tastes of the deaf will be revealed by such hairdressers. اِرفع يدك اليسرى. Raise your left hand. Put your left hand up. كنت بصدد إخبار سامي. I was going to tell Sami. I was about to tell Sammy. شاهدت التلفاز هذا الصباح. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. كادت ليلى أن تموت. Layla nearly died. Lily almost died. דממת מוות נשתררה. There was a dead silence. Death silence has been reduced. لقد درّب سامي خيول ليلى القزمة. Sami trained Layla's poneys. Sami trained Lily's packet horses. תום היה מרוצה. Tom was content. Tom was happy. עובדה זו מוכיחה את חפותו. This fact proves his innocence. This fact proves his innocence. M'iniex minn hawn. I'm not from here. Not from here. أيمكنني استعارة مضربك للتنس اليوم؟ Can I borrow your tennis racket today? Can I borrow your tennis bat today? أتشاهد التلفاز؟ Do you watch television? You watch TV? كان سامي نائما نوما عميقا. Sami was sound asleep. Sami was asleep in deep sleep. הכרחתי אותו ללכת. I forced him to go. I made him go. תום נפוח מחשיבות. Tom is pompous. Tom's out of importance. شرب سامي. Sami drank. Drink Sami. היות שלא הייתה מונית, הצטרכתי ללכת הביתה ברגל. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Since there was no taxi, I had to go home on foot. אני מפציר בכם לעשות זאת בתשומת לב. I beg you to do it carefully. I urge you to do this with attention. من الممكن أن لا تأتي. Maybe she will not come. You might not come. شك المحامي في براءته. The lawyer doubted his innocence. The lawyer's suspicion of innocence. את נראית מהממת. You look stunning. You look amazing. אני באמצע המשחק עם החתולה שלי. I'm playing with my cat. I'm in the middle of the game with my cat. عملهن هو تجميل الفنانين. Their job is to do make-up for performing artists. Their work is the beauty of artists. כבר יש לי מעטפה. I already have an envelope. I already have a envelope. من المحتمل أن تكون ليلى قد ماتت. Layla is probably dead. Lily's probably dead. תוכל להסיע אותנו לבריטיש מיוזיאום? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you drive us to a museum british? עידן האנרגיה הגרעינית עוד לא חלף. The age of nuclear power is not yet over. The age of nuclear energy hasn't passed yet. אנו מספקים חלקי חילוף ליצרן המכוניות. We supply parts to the auto manufacturer. We provide spare parts for the car manufacturer. אינשא לך. I will marry you. I'll marry you. העולם מלא אידיוטים. The world is full of fools. The world is full of idiots. هل كان ذلك زلزالا؟ Was it an earthquake? Was that an earthquake? ركب سامي الطّائرة. Sami boarded the plane. Climb the plane. تم قبوله في الجامعة بعد أن رسب في امتحان القبول مرتين. He entered the university after failing the examination twice. He was admitted to university after winning the acceptance examination twice. مش شايف انه غريبة حبتين؟ Don't you think it's too strange? Chev, it's weird. Two lovers? אני תופס יוזמה ומטה את הרגע לטובתי. I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage. I catch an initiative and take the moment for my own good. القط نائم على الكرسي. The cat is sleeping in a chair. The cat's sleeping on the chair. أنت مُسامح. You are forgiven. You're forgiving. תום צלצל 100. Tom called 911. Tom called 100. سمعتها تتكلم الإنجليزية بطلاقة. I heard her speak English fluently. I've heard it speak English at once. את חופשייה לצאת. You are free to go out. You're free to go out. ساعدني في حمل هذا إلى الأسفل من فضلك. Please help me take this down. Help me carry this down, please. أُخرج! Get out! Get out! הסיפור היה כל כך מסובך שלא יכולתי לעקוב. The story was so complicated that I couldn't follow it. The story was so complicated that I couldn't follow. תשאיר את זה לי. אני אטפל בכל זה. Leave it up to me. I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of all this. ‫هي لديها بيت صغير. She has a small house. She's got a small house. מותו של אדם אחד הוא טרגדיה, אבל מותם של מיליונים הוא סטטיסטיקה. The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic. One person's death is a tragedy, but millions's death is statistical. עליך לצפות בקלטת הזאת. You have to see this tape. You have to watch this tape. ألا تمانع أن أفتح النافذة؟ Do you mind if I open the window? Don't you mind opening the window? זה קיצוני. This is extreme. It's extreme. اشترى سامي مسكنا يحتوي على ثلاث غرف نوم في القاهرة. Sami purchased a three-bedroom residence in Cairo. Sami bought a room with three bedrooms in Cairo. هذه النظارات جميلات. These glasses are beautiful. These glasses are beautiful. המרכול היה יחסית ריק בהשוואה לימים אחרים בשעה זו. The supermarket was relatively empty for that time of day. The gossiper was relatively empty compared to other days at that time. הלכתי לחדר. I went to the room. I went to the room. تعجبني خطتك. I like your plan. I like your plan. רק רציתי לתת לך שיעור. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. I just wanted to give you a lesson. רק תגידי לי למי לטלפן. Just tell me who to call. Just tell me who to call. هل ستحضر الإجتماع؟ Are you going to attend the meeting? Are you gonna get the meeting? ظننتني أبليت حسنا. I thought I did pretty well. I thought I was doing well. איפה עולים לאוטובוס של נמל התעופה? Where do I get an airport bus? Where are you going to the airport bus? هل مذاق الشوربة جيد؟ Does the soup taste good? Is the soup taste good? אתמול היה קר מאד אז חבשתי כובע. Yesterday was very cold so I wore a hat. Last night was really cold, so I wore a hat. הרכבת מגיעה עוד רגע. The train is arriving soon. The train's coming in in a minute. שרידי המטוס נמצאו במדבר. The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert. The aircraft survivors were found in the desert. بحث سامي عن الفيديو على قناة ليلى في اليوتوب. Sami searched the video on Layla's YouTube channel. Sami's looking for the video on Lily Canal at YouTube. אלה החברים שלי. These are my friends. These are my friends. אין לי מילים. Words fail me. I don't have any words. תתעורר, אתה חצי ישן. Wake up. You're half asleep. Wake up, you're half asleep. فهمتيني؟ Do you understand me? Got it? حنا صحاب قدم. We're old friends. Here's a leg. أيوه، هادا وش رانا رايحين نديرو. OK, this is what we are going to do. Oh, Hédha and Shua Rana Raai Nediro. זאת איננה שיחת טלפון בין ידידים. This isn't a social call. It's not a phone call between friends. لا يمكنني أن أخبرك كم أحبّك. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. אין לי זמן לעשות את זה. I don't have time to do it. I don't have time to do this. הוא עשה בוחטה. He made a bunch of money. He made a bow. هذا هو المفتاح الذي يفتح الباب. This is the key that opens that door. This is the key that opens the door. لا يزال سامي يتذكّر ذلك. Sami still remembers. Sammy still remembers that. עם מי דיברת? Who's been talking to you? Who were you talking to? لا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك! Don't interfere with matters that do not concern you! Don't interfere with what doesn't mean to you! توم دار ڤاع واش يقدر باش يخلّي ماري تعاونو. Tom did everything he could to get Mary to help him. Tom's house of Vah Wash estimates that Mary's collaborator will be released. אנשים שלא חכמים ממני, לא מעניינים אותי. People who are not smarter than I am don't interest me. I don't care about people who aren't smart about me. هذا كل ما احتاجه. These are all the things that I need. That's all I need. התקשנו להשיג אותך בטלפון. We have had difficulty reaching you by phone. We found it hard to reach you on the phone. لما وصل إلى تجربة الرقم 966، كان ديما قد بدأ باليأس. By the time that he tried 966, Dima was beginning to give up hope. Because of the 966 experience, Dema had begun to despair. תום חלק מהצוות הסוקר. Tom is part of the survey team. Tom's part of the Socker team. هل يذكّر هذا بشخص ما؟ Does this remind you of anybody? Does he remember that in someone? حضر اللقاء عدد من أصحاب الإختصاص. A number of experts attended the meeting. Meet a number of specialists. אני מעדיף את הביצים מבושלות רך מאוד. I'd like my egg very, very soft boiled. I prefer the eggs cooked very softly. אני מתנצל לגבי אתמול. I'm sorry about yesterday. I apologize for yesterday. أنت مشتر جيد. You are a good customer. You're a good buyer. בסדר. Ok. All right. أعتقد أنك ذهبت بعيدا. I think you went too far. I think you went away. תום דיבר בחוסר נימוס. Tom spoke impolitely. Tom spoke rudely. لغتي معقدة للغاية. My language is very complicated. My language is so complicated. لا تنس أن تبعث الرّسائل. Don't forget to mail the letters. Don't forget to send the issues. أنا صيني I'm Chinese. I'm Chinese. כולם טבעו. They all drowned. They all drowned. هذا الفيلم للكبار فقط. Only adults may watch that film. This movie is for adults only. כל הילדים נרדמו לגמרי לפני החשיכה. All of the children were completely asleep before it got dark. All the kids fell asleep completely before the dark. הכנסת אורחים: לגרום לאורחים שלך להרגיש בבית, אפילו שאתה רוצה שהם יהיו בדיוק שם. To welcome guests is to make them feel at home, even though that's exactly where you wish they were. Make your guests feel at home, even if you want them to be right there. هل تقرأ العربيّة؟ Do you read Arabic? Do you read Arabic? אני הלכתי לבית הספר שלך. I went to your school. I went to your school. كان سامي يحبّ مساعدة أبي. Sami liked helping Dad. Sammy loved my father's help. קח את הכובע ואת המעיל. Get your hat and coat. Take your hat and coat. قام سامي بشيء. Sami did something. Sammy did something. هل انت طالب مستجد؟ You're a new student? Are you a new student? נגן בבקשה בכינור. Please play the violin. Please play the pipe. وحشتني. I miss you. And you loved me. אתה מתכוון לומר שבכוונה אתה מסווה את יופיך? You are saying you intentionally hide your good looks? Are you going to say you're deliberately covering your beauty? اخترتُ تدريس الأمازيغية. I chose to teach Berber. I chose to teach Amazigh. ما الذي يحدث هنا؟ What's happening here? What's going on here? בוא נחכה ונראה מה אחרים חושבים. Let's wait and see what other people think. Let's wait and see what others think. תום היה טיפש. Tom was stupid. Tom was stupid. زاد القاز في السومة. Gas prices are up. The casket has increased in the skin. هل تعرف إذا تتحدث الإنغليزية؟ Do you know if she can speak English? Do you know if you speak English? عاد سامي إلى عاداته القديمة. Sami fell back into his old ways. Sammy went back to his old standards. رمى سامي الملابس التي استداها أثناء الجريمة. Sami dumped the clothes he had worn during the crime. Sammy threw his clothes during the crime. את אוהבת לשחות. You love swimming. You like swimming. وكأنني كنت أحدث الحائط It's like I was talking to a wall. It's like I was the most recent wall. יש מינים שכנראה לא ניתן לביית, אפשר לחשוב על דוב הקוטב. יש מינים אחרים, אף שעל פניו זה לא סביר, כגון תנינים, מגדלים כיום, אף שלהחזיק אותם בשבי הפך לבעיה מסוימת. Some species are probably not domesticable--the polar bear comes to mind--others, seemingly unlikely--like the alligator--are being farmed today, although keeping them confined has turned out to be a bit of a problem. There are other species, although on his face it is unlikely, such as pigs, growers today, even though she holds them in captivity to some kind of problem. الأمازيغية مفيدة. Berber is useful. Amazigh is useful. كان سامي في غرفة استعجالات أحد المستشفيات. Sami was in a hospital ER. Sammy was in a hospital ambulance room. من أي سورة هذه الاَية؟ From which Surah is this Ayah from? What's the secret of this? كاد الولد أن يغرق. The boy was almost drowned. The boy almost sinks. لا تقلق. أنا سوف أعتني بها. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll take care of her. תום עשוי להיות המיועד של מרי. Tom might be the one for Mary. Tom may be Mary's date. קולה נחמץ. Her voice was sour. Cola suffocating. لا أحد يعيش هنا بعد الآن. No one lives here anymore. Nobody lives here anymore. انتهى الصيف. Summer has ended. It's late in the summer. תום היה להוט. Tom was eager. Tom was eager. حمد سامي الله على حمايته. Sami thanked God for protecting him. Hamad Sami God for his protection. فقد سامي أعصابه. Sami snapped. He lost his nerve. אני אוהבת להרגיז אותך. I like making you mad. I like to upset you. نادى سامي كلّ القسم بعبارة "أغبياء." Sami called the entire class "jerks." Sammy's got the whole section called "students." הירח כבר זורח. The moon is already out. The moon's already shining. ראיתי אישה בשחור. I saw a woman in black. I saw a woman in black. لم تسأل؟ Why do you ask? You didn't ask? لم تسنح لي الفرصة لمشاهدة الفيلم. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet. I didn't have the chance to watch the movie. هل عندك كمبيوترين؟ Do you have two computers? Do you have two computers? בוא נדבר על משהו מעניין יותר. Let's talk about something more interesting. Let's talk something more interesting. אנו חופשיים. We're free. We're free. هل تسمع ما أقول ؟ Do you hear what I'm saying? Do you hear what I'm saying? كان بإمكان سامي أن يحمي ليلى. Sami could have protected Layla. Sammy could have protected Lily. لدي منها رسالة لك. I have a message for you from her. I have a message from her for you. העיתון פרסם פרודיה משעשעת על נאומו של הנשיא. The newspaper published a hilarious parody of the president's speech. The paper published an amusing proselytism about the president's speech. איני יכול לאשר או להכחיש את זה. I can neither confirm nor deny this. I can't confirm or deny it. لم يسبق لسامي و أن ملك كلبا. Sami has never had a dog. I've never been to my mother and the king of a dog. הקשב ולמד. Listen and learn. Listen and learn. המשכורת תועלה מאפריל. The salary will be raised from April. Paying costs from April. عليك أن تصغي لما يقوله توم. You should listen to what Tom says. You have to listen to Tom's words. أنا موافق مع اقتراحه. I accept his proposal. I agree with his proposal. כשקרתה רעידת האדמה הגדולה הייתי רק בן עשר. When the big earthquake happened, I was only ten. When the big earthquake hit, I was only ten years old. ככה אני אוהב את זה. That's the way I like it. That's how I like it. كان الكحول هو المخدّر المفضّل عند سامي. Alcohol was Sami's drug of choice. Alcohol was the preferred drug at Sami. توم سعيد Tom is happy. Good Tom. תוכלי לעמוד בתאריך היעד? Can you make the deadline? Can you stand on the target date? هل لديكما أيّة دروس هذه الظّهيرة؟ Do you have any classes this afternoon? Do you have any lessons this afternoon? לא אשוב הביתה. I won't come home. I'm not going home. أُحضِر سامي إلى محطّة شرطة و استُجوِب. Sami was brought into the police station and questioned. I'm getting Sami to a police station and questioned. הוא היה ערום מעל למתניים. He was bare to the waist. He was naked above seconds. كان فاضل شخصا محترما في البلدة. Fadil was well respected in the community. He was a respected person in the town. תום ישב בחיק אמו. Tom was sitting on his mother's lap. Tom sat in his mother's lap. אני אוהב לרקוד. I love to dance. I like dancing. انا واحد من طلابك I'm one of your students. I'm one of your students. אני רוצה ללמוד תיגרינית. I want to learn Tigrinya. I want to learn a cigarette. أنا معجب بك كثيرًا. I like you very much. I like you so much. כמה אתה שוקל? What do you weigh? How much do you weigh? لقد حذّرت الأولاد من اللعب على الطريق. She warned the children not to play on the street. I warned the boys from playing on the road. הנחש הוא שפיתה את חוה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. The snake was misleading Eve. الي ماذا تنظر تحديدا What specifically are you looking for? What are you looking at? أنا تلميذ. I'm a student. I'm a student. איפה היא עובדת כעת? Where is she working now? Where does she work now? شاهد سامي ليلى و هي تموت. Sami watched Layla die. Sami Lee's witness and she's dead. תום לא נראה משוכנע. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. ليه توم قلقان جدا؟ Why does Tom worry so much? Leh Tom is so worried? זה נחוץ. This is required. It's necessary. תום מטייל טיול ממושך על החוף כל יום אחרי הצהרים. Tom takes a long walk along the coast every afternoon. Tom travels on the beach every day after noon. أتعلم أين اختبأ توم؟ Do you know where Tom hid? You know where Tom hid? أوفى الرئيس أيزنهاور بوعده. Eisenhower kept his promise. President Eisenhauer fulfilled his promise. ניסיתי לשכנע אותה אך לשווא. I tried in vain to convince her. I tried to convince her but for nothing. اتّصل بي مدرّسك. Your teacher called me. Call me your coach. תביא בבקשה את האחרים. Please bring the others. Please bring the others. לאחותי יש עבודה. My sister has a job. My sister has a job. ما قلته صحيح. What you say is true. What I said is true. كان سامي مشوّشا. Sami was lost. Sammy was confused. قريباً سيأتي اليوم الذي يستطيع فيه البشر السفر إلى كوكب المريخ. The day will soon come when man can travel to Mars. The day soon will come when humans will be able to travel to Mars. ضرب فاضل دانية مرّة أخرى. Fadil beat Dania again. He hit a uniform one more time. علي أن أساعد أمي. I must help my mother. I have to help my mom. Intlift. I'm lost. Inlift. זה היה קל מאד. That was very easy. It was very easy. أذّن سامي. Sami recited the adhan. I'm sorry, Sami. نقدر نستعمل لقلم ديالك. May I use your pencil? We can use your book. הכובע הזה עלה כחמישים דולר. That hat cost around fifty dollars. That hat was 50 bucks. غيّر سامي حياة ليلى للأبد. Sami changed Layla's life for ever. Sammy changed Lily's life forever. سيحصل سامي على فرصته للانتقام. Sami will have his revenge. Sammy's gonna get his chance to get revenge. תום ביקש בקשה אחת אחרונה. Tom made one more request. Tom asked for one last request. האתר הזה יכול להזיק למחשבך. This website can harm your computer. This site could damage your computer. מחקרים גילו שעל מקלדת סטנדרטית יש יותר חיידקים מאשר על מושב אסלה. Studies have revealed that the average keyboard has more germs than a toilet seat. Studies have found that standard keyboards have more bacteria than a toilet seat. איך עבר עליך היום? How was your day? How'd you do today? אל תעשי שום דבר משוגע! Don't do anything crazy. Don't do anything crazy! سامي ينتظر سيّارة أجرة. Sami is waiting for a taxi. Sammy's waiting for a cab. لا أحد يعلم من أين أتى ذلك الكلب. No one knows where that dog came from. Nobody knows where that dog came from. قد لا أملك الكثير من المال، لكن علي الاقل أنا أعيش بشروطي الخاصة I may not have a lot of money, but at least I live on my own terms. I may not have much money, but at least I live on my own. هل دخلت لحسابك؟ Did you log in? Did you get in for yourself? لن تتغيّر أبدا يا سامي. You'll never change, Sami. You're never gonna change, Sami. ربح سامي بعض المال. Sami made some money. Sammy earned some money. איפה נמצאת שגרירות שוודיה? Where is the Swedish embassy? Where are you in Sweden's embassy? זה נדיב מאד מצדך. That's generous of you. That's very generous of you. شُخّص اكتئاب حادّ عند سامي. Sami was diagnosed with acute depression. There's a severe depression in Sami. هذا الموضوع رائج بين المراهقين على تويتر. This topic is trending among teens and tweens on Twitter. This topic is among teenagers on Twitter. אני לא יודע לנהוג ברכב. I don't know how to drive. I don't know how to drive the car. אני עשיתי את זה? Did I do that? Did I do that? טום כל כך טוב בזה. Tom is so good at this. Tom's so good at it. لديها الكثير من الكلاب. She has many dogs. She's got a lot of dogs. دونالد ترامب كذاب مرضي. Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Donald Trump is a sick liar. זה מפתיע ביותר. This is very surprising. It's very surprising. ذهبت ليلى إلى الكنيسة كي تصلّي من أجل سامي. Layla went to the church to pray for Sami. Lily went to church to get to Sammy's. اتّهم سامي ليلى برمي آجرّة عبر نافذته. Sami accused Layla of throwing a brick through his window. Sammy Lee's been forced to throw a bag through his window. هوايتي هي صنع مجسمات للطائرات. My hobby is making model planes. Haiti is making aircrews. בימי סטאלין, האסירים במחנות העבודה היו לעבדים בשירות המדינה. During the Stalinist era, prisoners at concentration camps became slaves in service of the state. In Stalin's days, the prisoners in the labor camps were workers in State service. זה כנראה חשוב. This must be important. It's probably important. אמא שכחה להוסיף מלח לסלט. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. Mom forgot to add salt to the salad. תום אימפולסיבי. Tom is impulsive. Emplosive Tom. כן. היא קיבלה הדרכה מהרופא הקודם שלה והועברה לבית חולים אחר. Yes. She got an introduction from her previous doctor and transferred to another hospital. She was instructed by her previous doctor and transferred to another hospital. אתה זוכר מה קרה בשנה שעברה ביום ההולדת שלך? Do you recall what happened last year on your birthday? Do you remember what happened last year on your birthday? أشار أن تنفيذ الخطة سيكلف الكثير من المال. He pointed out that the plan would cost a lot of money. He pointed out that the implementation of the plan would cost a lot of money. חשבתי שאתה תמיד מנצח. I thought you always won. I thought you were always winning. תוריד את זה. Take that down. Put it down. Huwa qalli li kien sejjer l-Amerika. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. ماذا تعتقد أفضل طريقة لتشجيع توم علىَ دراسة المزيد؟ What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? What do you think is the best way to encourage Tom to study more? תום נאה במיוחד. Tom is exceptionally handsome. Tom's very handsome. هتمي شكلها فرحانه أوي. Hitomi looked very happy. I care about her shape. بجد مبتعرفش تسبح؟ Can you really not swim? Find a swimmer? מרי מקנאה. Mary's jealous. Mary's jealous. Jien Ingliż. I am English. I'm English. האם תרצה להיות משרת שלי וללכת בעקבותיי? Do you want to be my servant and follow me? Would you like to be my servant and follow me? الجوعُ كافرٌ. A hungry man is an angry man. Hunger is a thing of the past. זאת אשמתכם. This is all your fault. It's your fault. الكره لا يظهر بكل بساطة من فراغ. إنه بالعادة يبدأ من الحسد أو الخوف. Hatred doesn't just appear out of thin air, it usually starts from envy or fear. The ball doesn't just appear from a vacuum. It usually starts from envy or fear. עלינו להתיישב בחזרה. We should sit back down. We have to settle back. איזה קול עושות ג'ירפות? What noise do giraffes make? What voice are you doing? אני רוצה שהכל יהיה כפי שהיה לפנים. I want everything back to the way it was. I want everything to be the way it was before them. תום מציית לפקודות. Tom follows orders. Tom's obeying orders. הייתי מצונן במשך שבוע ועדיין לא החלמתי. I've had a cold for one week, and I still haven't got better. I've been nourished for a week and I haven't dreamed yet. השופט ביקש מן המושבעים לקבוע את גזר הדין. The judge asked the jury to reach a verdict. The judge asked the jury to determine the sentence. אנו לא מתכוונים לעשות את זה. We're not going to do that. We're not gonna do this. أعمل لدى شركة نفط. I work for an oil company. I work for an oil company. ما خطبك الليلة يا توم ؟ Tom, what's wrong with you tonight? What's wrong with you tonight, Tom? השופטים גיבשו החלטה. The judges made a decision. The judges have made a decision. ורדים הם סוג של פרח ויונים סוג ציפור. Roses are a type of flower and doves are a type of bird. And roses are some kind of flower and birds. הם משוגעים כולם. They're all nuts. They're all crazy. לפני כמה שנים ביום האם, נתתי לחמותי ענק כמתנה. A few years ago, on Mother's Day, I gave my stepmother a locket as a present. A few years ago on Mother's Day, I gave my love as a gift. حضرت الشرطة خلال دقائق Police were on the scene within minutes. The police came in a few minutes. תבדוק את זה, בבקשה, ותודיע לי מה דעתך על זה. Please check it out and let me know what you think about it. Check it out, please, and let me know how you think about it. هذه المرة، هدفي هو باريس. This time my goal is Paris. This time, my goal is Paris. אנו יכולים להתחיל הלילה. We can begin tonight. We can start tonight. אתה צריך להשיג לעצמך אחד. You should get one. You need to get yourself one. יש לי רשות לבדוק את הציוד הזה. I've been given permission to inspect this equipment. I have permission to check this equipment. سامي يحبّ وادليه. Sami loves his parents. Sami likes to show him. אשקר אם אגיד שהופתעתי שזה קרה. I'd be lying to say I was surprised it happened. I'll lie if I said I was surprised it happened. אני חייב למחות. I must protest. I have to protest. אתה תבריא בעוד כמה ימים. You'll get better in a few days. You'll be well in a few days. תום נפל לפתע למשכב. Tom suddenly fell ill. Tom suddenly fell asleep. אנא סילחי לי. Please forgive me! Please forgive me. لم أشترِ كلّ ما طلبه منّي سامي. I didn't buy everything Sami asked me to buy. I didn't buy everything Sammy asked me to do. ما رأيها في ما توصل إليه المؤتمر من نتائج؟ What does she think about the conference results? How do they feel about the outcome of the Conference? הוא היה מאד עני. He was very poor. He was very poor. لا يعرض أحد لتدخل تعسفي في حياته الخاصة أو أسرته أو مسكنه أو مراسلاته أو لحملات على شرفه وسمعته، ولكل شخص الحق في حماية القانون من مثل هذا التدخل أو تلك الحملات. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference in his or her private life, family, residence, correspondence or campaigns against his or her honour and reputation, and everyone shall have the right to protect the law against such interference or campaigns. أتسلق الجبال. I climb mountains. I climb mountains. תני לי עכשיו את מבוקשי. Now give me what I want. Give me what I want now. أنا أتعجب لماذا قال توم ذلك I wonder why Tom said that. I wonder why Tom said that. إنها تعزف على الكمان بمهارة. She plays the violin very well. She plays with skill. בכל שנה, הארגון מארגן מספר פגישות מתנדבים ההולכים מדלת אל דלת כדי למכור ספרים בשפה הפריזית. Every year, the organisation organises a number of meetings of volunteers who go door-to-door to sell Frisian books. Every year, the organization organizes a number of volunteer meetings that go from door to door to sell books in the French language. شاهدنا التلفاز بعد الغداء. We watched TV after lunch. We watched TV after lunch. سامي و ليلى يعيشان في عالمين مختلفين. Sami and Layla live in separate worlds. Sammy and Lily live in different worlds. L-Għid it-Tajjeb! Happy Easter! Good Lord! ماذا تحب أن تأكل؟ What do you like to eat? What do you like to eat? אתה צריך להודות שיש לך בעיה לפני שמישהו יוכל לעזור לך. You need to admit you have a problem before anybody can help you. You should admit you have a problem before someone can help you. أقدّر ولائها. I appreciate her loyalty. I appreciate her. הם מבינים אותנו. They understand us. They understand us. תום היה מרוצה. Tom was satisfied. Tom was happy. אני אוהבת סוסים. I like horses. I like horses. אני לא אוהב לחיות בכפר. I don't like living in the country. I don't like living in the village. יש לי ראיה נורמלית. I have a normal eyesight. I have normal evidence. טבעי הדבר שהיא תתרגז עליך. It is quite natural for her to be angry with you. The natural thing she'll be mad at you. أذاهب أنت معنا؟ Will you be going with us? You go with us? أنت تواعدين طالبًا من كيئو، ألست كذلك؟ You're going out with a Keio student, aren't you? You're dating a Kiao student, aren't you? איכפת לך על הסביבה? Do you care about the environment? Do you care about the environment? من الأفضل أن تعيد كتابة هذه الجملة. You should rewrite this sentence. You better rewrite this sentence. እናትህን ትወዳታለህ፧ Do you love your mother? You Love Your Mother من فضلك ناولني الزبدة. Pass me the butter, please. Please give me the butter. ምንም አያውቁም። They don't know anything. They don't know anything. פחד לא יתקיים בלי תקווה לא תקווה בלי פחד. Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear. Fear will not exist without hope, no hope without fear. רוב המפתחים שונאים את שלב ניפוי השגיאות; זה יותר כיף ליצור באגים מאשר לתקנם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most keys hate the stage of errors; it's more fun to create bugs than to install them. כל הבקתות נשארות הרוסות. All the cabins remain shuttered. All the cabins remain ruined. أعدّ سامي حلويّات لذيذة. Sami prepared delicious pastries. Give Sammy some delicious candy. אני מודאגת מאד לגבי תום. I'm very worried about Tom. I'm very worried about Tom. אני צריך ללכת עכשיו. I have to leave now. I have to go now. החיות לא היו שקטות. The animals were restless. The animals weren't quiet. يجب عليك ممارسة الرياضة. You should exercise. You have to do sports. תום המליץ עלי. Tom recommended me. Tom recommended me. אל תזוזו מהמקום הזה, הבנתם? Don't go anywhere, OK? Don't move out of this place, you understand? אני אוהבת את הצבע הכחול. I like blue. I like the blue color. את באמת סבורה שאני מפחדת מחושך? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? Do you really think I'm afraid of the dark? התרגשתי מאד. I was super excited. I was so excited. טום מוכן לקבל אותי עכשיו? Does Tom want to see me now? Tom's ready to accept me now? املأ الإستمارة أدناه. Fill out the form below. Fill in the form below. ተማሪዎቹን ታያለሽ። You'll see the students. You will see the students. بالكاد يستطيع كتاب اسمه. He can scarcely write his name. He can barely write his name. متى يُغلق المطعم؟ When does the restaurant close? When's the restaurant closed? كانت ليلى ترتدي فستانا أسودا. Layla wore a black dress. Lily was wearing a black dress. هل رددت على تلك الرسالة بعد؟ Have you answered that letter yet? Have you answered that letter yet? באגם יש הרבה דגים. There are a lot of fish in the lake. The lake has a lot of fish. كان لدينا ثلاث طائرات. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. תום חסין. Tom is resilient. Tom Absence. اختفت عدسات سامي. Sami's contacts were missing. Sami's gone. ممتاز! Excellent! Excellent! עשיתי רק את מה שהבוס שלי ביקש. I just did what the boss asked me to do. I only did what my boss asked for. אהרוג את תום אם אצטרך. I'll kill Tom if I have to. I'll kill Tom if I have to. המאמר הזה שם את הצמחונים ללעג ולקלס. This article makes fun of vegetarians. This article put the vegetarians to mock and curse. لربما تمتعض من وجهة نظري، إلا أنّ لي الحقّ في قول ما أشاء. You may not like my views, but I have the right to say what I think. Maybe from my point of view, but I have the right to say what I want. سمع سامي طلقة. Sami heard a shot. Sami heard a shot. أصبح سامي مسيحيّا. Sami became Christian. Sammy's become a Christian. أفكر في الذهاب إلى الجبال. I am thinking of going to the mountains. I'm thinking about going to the mountains. كان سامي يريد أن يقيم علاقة صداقة مع ليلى. Sami wanted to be friends with Layla. Sammy wanted to have a friendship with Lily. ما كانت النتيجة النهائية؟ What was the final score? What was the final outcome? מדברים בקנדה אנגלית? Is English spoken in Canada? Speaking in English? את משתטה. You're just being silly. You're a pervert. الأولاد نائمون. The kids are asleep. The boys are asleep. הוא משקר באותה טבעיות כמו שהוא נושם. He lies as naturally as he breathes. He lies as naturally as he breathes. كان مدرّسيّ يحبّونني دائما. My teachers always liked me. My teacher always loved me. יש הרבה מינים בסיכון. There are many endangered species. There's a lot of species at risk. אחי לא יכול היה לפתור את הבעיה המסובכת. My brother could not solve the complicated problem. My brother couldn't solve the complicated problem. اختفى سامي من حياة ليلى. Sami disappeared from Layla's life. Sammy disappeared from Lily's life. شعرك جميل. Your hair's beautiful. Your hair is beautiful. አንተስ? And you? What about you? אני לומד רוסית. I'm learning Russian. I'm learning Russian. شرب سامي من ذاك الكأس. Sami drank out of that glass. Drink Sammy out of that cup. הנוצרים מאמינים בישו המשיח. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. טום כרגע מובטל. Tom isn't currently working anywhere. Tom's currently unemployed. אתם יכולים לעזור. You can help. You can help. فحص الطّبيب عيني سامي. The doctor checked Sami's eyes. Sami's eye check. زوج أمّ سامي أساء معاملته. Sami's stepfather abused him. Sami's brother-in-law abused him. هل عندك حساب في أي شبكة اجتماعية؟ Do you have an account with any social networking web sites? Do you have an account in any social network? הנר אזל וכבה. The candle burned out. The candle's over and down. סליחה, אוכל להשתמש בטלפון? Excuse me, but may I use the phone? Excuse me, can I use the phone? זה לוקח זמן רב. It doesn't take very long. It takes a long time. لا تستطيع الدخول You may not come in. You can't come in. אל תלכו כל כך מהר! אני לא יכולה לעמוד בקצב. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. Don't go so fast! أدرك سامي أنّ المسلمين يمارسون أشياءاً مذكورة في الكتاب المقدّس لا يمارسها المسيحيّون و اليهود أنفسهم. Sami realized that Muslims are practising things that are mentioned in the Bible that Christians and Jews themselves aren't practising. Sami realized that the Muslims were practicing things mentioned in the Holy Book that were not practiced by Christians and Jews themselves. לא נראה שקראת את החוזה בעיון רב. You don't seem to have read the contract very carefully. You don't seem to have read the contract in a lot of trouble. أهلاً و سهلاً! Welcome. Hey, easy! באחד הימים בחודש הבא אני מתכנן לנסוע לקיוטו. Some day next month I plan to go to Kyoto. One of the days next month, I'm planning on going to Kyoto. האם תוכל, בבקשה, להפסיק לדבר? Would you please stop talking? Would you please stop talking? وسمك؟ What's your name? And yours? תום משבח אותך מאד. Tom speaks highly of you. Tom's very commending you. እሱም አማርኛን እየተመርኩ ነው። I'm also learning Amharic. And he said unto me, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee, I pray thee. أخي أحمق. My brother is an idiot. My brother's an idiot. אתה לא צעיר כמו טום. You're not as young as Tom. You're not as young as Tom. شاركَ في الألعاب الأولمبية. He took part in the Olympic Games. You participated in the Olympic Games. זה היה מרושע. That was mean. That was evil. מסתבר שתום עוד בחיים. Apparently, Tom is still alive. Turns out you're still alive. أنا تعب. سأذهب إلى السرير. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. תום אוהב כדורגל. Tom loves soccer. Tom likes soccer. تأخرنا على المدرسة بسبب المطر الغزير. We were late for school because it rained heavily. We're late for school because of the dirty rain. כל יום מרי לקחה סלים מלאים לחם לעניים וטפלה בחולים. Every day Mary took baskets full of bread to the poor and cared for the sick. Every day Mary took baskets full of bread for the poor and took care of the sick. קיבלת את ההזמנה שלה? Have you received her invitation? Did you get her invitation? هل أنت متأكد أنك لم تنسَ شيئاً؟ Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? Are you sure you didn't forget anything? הוא חייב לעבוד קשה. He must work hard. He's got to work hard. طلبت مني المساعدة. She asked me for help. She asked me to help. هو صادق و لهذا أحبّه. He is honest. That's why I like him. He's honest and that's why I love him. אני חייב להזהיר את טום לגבי מה שעלול לקרות. I have to warn Tom about what might happen. I have to warn Tom about what might happen. לכולכם התנהגות דומה. You all display similar behavior. You all have similar behavior. Ir-raġel huwa qawwi. The man is strong. The man is strong. ניפגש בבוקר. I'll see you in the morning. I'll see you in the morning. הדלות זרה לטבע. Poverty is alien to her nature. The prayers are foreign to nature. لم يقتل العمل الشاق أحدًا. لكن لم المخاطرة؟! Hard work never killed anyone. But why take the risk?! The hard work didn't kill anyone, but why the risk? מה משכורת המינימום בהולנד? What's the minimum salary in the Netherlands? What's the minimum wage in the Netherlands? הוא נשבע לנקום את מות חברו. He vowed to avenge his friend's death. He swore to avenge his friend's death. התמרור בצומת לא העלה את מספר התאונות בעיר. The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city. The stop sign didn't raise the number of accidents in the city. نظرت البنت حولها. The girl looked around. I looked around the girl. היינו חסרי פרוטה. We were broke. We were groundless. ההשקפה שלך יותר מדי אופטימית. Your view is too optimistic. Your view is too optimistic. لقد رفضَت اقتراحي. She rejected my proposal. I rejected my proposal. كان فاضل مشغولا، يكتب الرّسائل الهاتفيّة. Fadil was busy texting. He was busy, writing phone issues. איבדתי את תחושת הזמן. I lost track of the time. I lost my sense of time. ليس من الأدب أن تتكلم و فمك ممتلئ. It is rude to speak with your mouth full. It's not good to talk and your mouth is full. أنا دائما ما أنسى الأسماء. I am constantly forgetting names. I always forget the names. الاعتراف بالحقّ فضيلة. A fault confessed is half redressed. Recognition of the right is a virtue. يعجبه الاستماع إلى المذياع. He likes to listen in to the radio. He likes to hear the radio. אחזיר לך מיד לאחר שאקבל את המשכורת. I'll pay you back once I receive my salary. I'll get you back right after I get the paycheck. הלווייתן הכחול הוא היונק הימי הגדול ביותר, והיונק הגדול ביותר בכלל. The blue whale is the largest marine mammal, and the largest mammal on earth. The blue whale is the largest marine bank, and the largest Hunk at all. תום המתין. Tom was waiting. Tom's waiting. חשבתי שזה היה טוב מאד. I thought it was very good. I thought it was very good. יש עליך עט? Do you have a pen on you? You got a pen on you? تفضّلِ يا ليلى. Come in, Layla. Come on, Lily. يصعب عليّ جدا أن أفهم هذا الكتاب. This book is too difficult for me to understand. It's very hard for me to understand this book. אני יודע בדיוק איך אתה מרגיש. I know just how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. نحن ترتدي الزي الرسمي في مدرستنا. We wear uniforms at our school. We're wearing uniforms at our school. אף אחד לא יכול להשתוות אליו באנגלית. No one can match him in English. No one can compare to him in English. قطع البطاطا. Cut the potatoes. A piece of potatoes. لماذا كذبت علي؟ Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me? הם מכבדים אותו. They respect him. They respect him. תפסיק לשלוח לי מיילים על עדכוני הסטטוס שלך בפייסבוק! Stop sending me e-mails about your Facebook status updates! Stop sending me e-mails about your Facebook status update! تعلمت العزف على الغيتار عندما كان عمري عشر سنوات. I learned to play guitar when I was ten years old. I learned to play the guitar when I was ten years old. הרפוי לא הצליח. The therapy was unsuccessful. The healing didn't work. לא, זה עדיין לא מספק אותי. No, that still doesn't satisfy me. No, it still doesn't satisfy me. משהו בכל אופן לא כשר. There's definitely something wrong. Something's not good anyway. يعمل أبي في المصنع. My father works for a factory. My dad works at the factory. זו ביצה של תרנגולת. This is an egg. It's a chicken egg. لم يتوقّعا سامي و ليلى حملا. Sami and Layla had a surprise pregnancy. Sammy and Lily didn't expect a pregnancy. אנו קבוצה פעילה. We're an active group. We're an active group. طلب سامي من الرّبّ أن يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Sammy asked him to forgive him. ليس معي نقود I have no money on me. I don't have any money. أعتقد أنه ثمة طرقة أخرى. I believe that there are other ways. I think there's another way. היא תמיד נראתה מאושרת. She always looked happy. She always seemed happy. זו מצלמה של אחותי. This is my sister's camera. It's my sister's camera. لا أفهم شيئا مما يجري هنا. I don't understand a thing here. I don't understand what's going on here. لقد فعل ما وعد ان يقوم به He did what he promised to do. He did what he promised to do. ساد الصمت في الغابة. Silence reigned in the forest. Shut up in the woods. اليوم الإثنين. It's Monday. Monday. لا يعرف أيّا منّا. He knows neither of us. He doesn't know any of us. رأيتك تطبخ. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. السيد سوزوكي لديه ثلاث بنات. Mr Suzuki has three daughters. Mr. Sozoki has three daughters. למה זה מתייחס? What does it refer to? What does that deal with? אתה רוצה שאטפל בענין? Do you want me to take care of that matter? You want me to take care of this? ما من حياة بدون كهرباء و ماء. There is no life without electricity and water. No life without electricity and water. אל תתני בתום אמון. Don't trust Tom. Don't give up trust. ماذا كان سيحدث إذا لم يُلدغ بيتر باركر من قِبَل عنكبوت لكن من قبل قاقُم؟ What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been born on a stick, but you've been buried? הם שתו יין חצי ליטר לאיש. They each drank half a liter of wine. They drank half liter wine for the man. זה היום הכי הגרוע בחיי. This is the worst day of my life. It's the worst day of my life. כוח מוחלט משחית לחלוטין. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Totally corrupt power. הורדתי את תום ליד הבית של החבר שלו. I dropped Tom off at his friend's house. I took Tom down by his boyfriend's house. איך והיכן נפטר תום? How and where did Tom die? How and where did Tom die? איך תום ידע כל כך הרבה מה קרה פה? How did Tom know so much about what went on here? How did Tom know so much about what happened here? תעמוד שם כל היום? Are you just going to stand there all day? Will you stand there all day? يا غبي! You idiot! Idiot! أحبك. I like you. I love you. אני מצטער שהחמצתי את הכיף. I'm sorry I missed the fun. I'm sorry I missed the fun. נחתכתי משבר זכוכית ביד ימין. I cut my right hand on a piece of glass. I cut a glass crisis in the right hand. أحب مشاهدة مبارايات كرة السلة. I love watching basketball. I like watching basketball games. נשדדנו. We got robbed. We were robbed. הרחובות מוצפים. The streets are flooded. The streets are flooded. מתי תבואי הביתה? When will you come home? When are you coming home? אני די מתוסכלת. I'm pretty bummed out. I'm pretty frustrated. הוא די צודק. He is quite right. He's pretty right. وقعت في حب امرأة. I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman. עשה מה שאמא אומרת לך. Do what your mom is telling you. Do what Mom tells you. سافر توم تحت اسم مستعار . Tom traveled under an assumed name. Tom traveled by name. הנייר לבן. The paper is white. White paper. نسيتُ عنوان بريدي الإلكتروني. I forgot my email address. I forgot my e-mail address. אני לא מצליח להבין את האובססיה שלו לכדורגל. I don't understand his obsession with soccer. I can't understand his obsession with football. הם לא הרגו אותו. הם רק הרביצו לו קצת לאזהרה. They didn't kill him. They just roughed him up a bit as a warning. They just gave him a little warning. في تتويبا، عليك دائمًا أن تستمع إلى الأعضاء المُحَنَّكِين، فهم سيخبرونك بما لا ينبغي لك فعله والسبب، ثم افعله. In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. In Tube, you always have to listen to the tested members, and they'll tell you what you shouldn't do and why, and then you'll do it. בנוסף להיותו מנתח, הוא היה גם סופר נודע. Besides being a surgeon, he was a famous writer. In addition to being a surgeon, he was also a noted writer. مؤكّدٌ أنه ساعدهم لمنفعة شخصية. It is certain that he helped them for the benefit of himself. He sure helped them for personal benefit. עם הקלינגון הם גזע של לוחמי חלל בתכנית טלוויזיה פופולרית. The Klingons are a warrior spacefaring race in a popular show. With the Klingon, they're a race of space fighters on a popular TV show. كيف تشعر الآن؟ How do you feel now? How do you feel now? وضع سامي كلّ هذا خلفه. Sami put all that behind him. Sammy put all this behind him. سامي ذاهب إلى الجامعة هذا العام. Sami is going to college this year. Sammy's going to university this year. يستطيع كل طفل فعل ذلك. Any child can do that. Every child can do that. بقي سامي قلقا بشأن قتله لأخيه. Sami remained tormented by the killing of his brother. Sami remained worried about killing his brother. تعقّبت الشّرطة فاضل. Police tracked Fadil down. I got caught up with the police. لم تعمل المكابح. The brake didn't work. It didn't work. أطلق سامي النّار على ليلى عن كثب. Sami shot Layla point blank. Sami fired at Lily very closely. אני שותף לדעותיו הפולטיות. I share his political perspective. I share his political views. הם השתגעו. They went crazy. They went crazy. أنا معتز يا دكتور. Doctor, my name is Mutaz. I'm flattered, Doctor. שם אהובתי לורי. My girlfriend is named Laurie. That's where I loved Lori. שבו קרוב לכאן. Sit near here. Sit close here. זה אחד הדברים שאני אוהבת אצל תום. That's one of the things that I like about Tom. That's one of the things I love about Tom. لم تأت قبل الثانية. She didn't come before two. You didn't come before the second. הוא ממש מכעיס אותי. He really makes me angry. He's really mad at me. توم و ماري يلعبان البوكير. Tom and Mary are playing poker. Tom and Mary are playing poker. קשה לי להתקיים מההכנסה הזעומה שלי. It's hard for me to live on my small income. It's hard for me to survive my gruesome income. لا يمكن التّنبّؤ بتصرّفات سامي. Sami is just unpredictable. Sami's actions can't be predicted. قابل سامي مسلمين من مختلف الدّول. Sami met Muslims from various countries. He met Sami Muslims from all over the country. كانت وظيفة النساء الرئيسية حتى زمن قريب هي أن يتزوجن ويلدن الأطفال. Until recently, the main function of women was to marry and give birth to children. The main function of women until recently was to marry and give birth to children. لا اعرف كيف أستخدم الشوكة جيداً. I can't use a fork well. I don't know how to use the chopper well. שפתה הרשמית של אנגולה היא הפורטוגזית. Angola's official language is Portuguese. The official language of Angola is Portuguese. עטלף אינו עוף אלא יונק. A bat is not a bird, but a mammal. A bat isn't a chicken, it's a Yunk. ገደልኩው። I killed him. I killed him. لم تكن للشّرطة أيّة أدلّة أخرى ضدّ ليلى. The police had no other evidence against Layla. The police had no other evidence against Lily. עדיין לא בשלה בי ההחלטה. I still haven't decided yet. I haven't made a decision yet. الجسر بني على يدي الرومان. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. الموز أصفر. Bananas are yellow. Moss is yellow. אינני בטוחה שאני גם מרגישה ככה. I'm not sure I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel the same way. سوف أُحضرُ الطعام. I'll get the food. I'll get food. זו צריכה להיות טעות. This must be a mistake. It should be a mistake. נסיעה ארוכה לפניי. I have a long drive ahead of me. Long drive ahead of me. إنها تتحدث ثلاث لغات. She speaks three languages. She speaks three languages. כפי שמשתקף מהנתונים, העישון לא פוחת בקרב הנוער. As is evident from the data, smoking is not decreasing among the young. As attacked by the data, smoking is not common among the youth. המטוס טס מעל להר. The plane flew over the mountain. The plane flew over the mountain. הייתי צריך להסכים לזה. I had to go along with it. I should have agreed to that. كان سامي مقيّدا لسرير المستشفى. Sami was shackled to his hospital bed. Sammy was restricted to hospital bed. رحلة فاضل إلى القاهرة أتاحت له الفرصة كي يحسّن مستواه في العربيّة. Fadil's trip to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his skills in Arabic. A journey to Cairo gave him the opportunity to improve his level in the Arabs. הבא לי את כתבי העת. Bring me the magazines. Bring me the journals. אל תתקרב לכלב. Don't go near the dog. Don't come near the dog. هل تفهمني؟ Are you getting me? Do you understand me? اشترى سامي كلبا لليلى. Sami bought Layla a dog. Sammy bought a dog for the night. استأجرت ليلى مدرّبا للكلاب. Layla hired a dog trainer. I rented a dog trainer night. היתה לי ילדות מאושרת. I had a happy childhood. I had happy childhood. ذلك فندقٌ. That's a hotel. That's a hotel. האנשים העשירים שונים ממך וממני. The rich are different from you and me. The rich people are different from you and me. ما جّيكش مام پا في راسك تاكول لّي شّيكولا ديالي. Don't you even think of eating my chocolate! What's up, ma'am-pa in your head? نصحق نسقسيق كستيۆن جايحا. I need to ask you a silly question. We're going to have a two-year-old spies right here. תום אוהב קפה בלי סוכר. Tom likes coffee without sugar. Tom likes coffee without sugar. אני מבין בערך. I sort of understand. I understand sort of. יותר משלוש מאות איש קיפדו את חייהם באותו יום. Over three hundred people lost their lives that day. More than three hundred people cleaned up their lives that day. הוא סיים את חייו בקפיצה מהגשר. He ended his life by jumping off the bridge. He finished his life by jumping off the bridge. הצבא האמריקני מדגיש את האחדות. The US Army is big on uniformity. The U.S. Army highlights unity. ذهب فاضل إلى المنزل فحسب. Fadil just went home. He just went home. לא נשאר נייר טואלט. There is no TP left. There's no toilet paper left. أين السفارة البريطانية؟ Where is the British embassy? Where's the British Embassy? أنا هروح لوحدي I'll go on my own. I'm on my own. תהיי בטוחה יותר איתי. You'll be safer with me. You'll be safer with me. המהנדס הראה איך להפעיל את המערכת המתוחכמת. The engineer demonstrated how to operate the sophisticated system. The engineer showed how to operate the sophisticated system. היא הגיעה אל המטרה. She reached her goal. She got to the target. فقد ملايين الأشخاص حياتهم أثناء الحرب. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. Millions of people lost their lives during the war. תום לא יאהב את זה. Tom won't like that. Tom wouldn't like it. אני לא יודע לנהוג באוטובוס. I cannot drive a bus. I don't know how to drive the bus. הפנס נתלה מענף העץ. The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree. The flashlight was hung out of the tree branch. ואת, מה שלומך? And you, how are you? And you, how are you? אני רוצה להרים כוסית לכבוד חברנו היקר, מיכאל. I would like to have a toast for our dear friend, Michael. I want to have a toast to our dear friend Michael. هل لديك أي مجلات يابانية؟ Do you have any Japanese magazines? Do you have any Japanese magazines? أريد أن أشتري هدية لك. I want to buy a gift for you. I want to buy you a present. توم جاء الى هنا قبل الغروب Tom got here before sunrise. Tom came here before the escape. יש לו יותר ספרים מאשר לכל היתר ביחד. He's got more books than all the others put together. He's got more books than all the rest together. ניפגש איתו הלילה. We are going to meet him tonight. I'll meet him tonight. لقد كَرِهتُ المَدرَسَة. I hated school. I broke the teacher. לא ידעתי מה להגיד לו. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what to tell him. كان مدرّسي مفترسا جنسيّا. My teacher was a predator. My teacher was a sex inspector. מה לא היה בסדר עם תום? What was wrong with Tom? What was wrong with Tom? היא עשתה את זה לגמרי מדעתה. She did it entirely of her own accord. She did it completely out of her mind. אל תאחרי. Don't be late. Don't be late. תן לי הזדמנות שנייה. Give me a second chance. Give me a second chance. أنتَ يمكنكَ أن تناديني توم. You can call me Tom. You can call me Tom. לא ציפיתי לזה. I didn't anticipate this. I didn't expect it. كان سامي نائما نوما عميقا. Fadil was sound asleep. Sami was asleep in deep sleep. אף שסופות הסתיו פחות נעימות מצפרירי הקיץ, הן מרגשות יותר. Though autumn gales are less clement than summer zephyrs, they are more exciting. Although stormes have been less pleasant than summertimes, they are more exciting. لا زلتُ أتعلّم الأمازيغية. I still learn Berber. I'm still learning Amazigh. هو يعلم العربيه He is teaching Arabic. He knows Arabic. תום הוא סכנה לציבור. Tom is a danger to society. Tom's a danger to the public. אין שם שום דבר. There's nothing over there. There's nothing there. תראי מה קרה. Look what happened. Look what happened. מה הבעיה של תום בכלל? What's Tom's problem anyway? What's Tom's problem at all? لا تفتح هذه الرّسالة حتّى تغادر البلد. Don't open this letter until you're out of the country. Don't open this door until you leave the country. שלום. איך אפשר לשרת אותך? Hello. How can I help you? How can I serve you? اختبأ سامي خلف شجرة صنوبر. Sami hid behind a pine tree. He hid Sami behind the sapphire tree. אני לא אוהב איך שהוא נראה. I don't like his looks. I don't like what he looks like. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy started crying. He took the boy crying. لعبنا كرة السلة بالأمس. We played basketball yesterday. We played basketball yesterday. هل أنت واثق أنك تريد الذهاب إلى هناك؟ Are you sure that you want to go there? Are you sure you want to go there? בזמן התאונה כמעט כל נוסעי האוטובוס ישנו. At the time of the accident, almost all of the passengers on the bus were sleeping. At the time of the accident, almost all the bus passengers were asleep. Fil-ktieb hemm għaxart eżerċizzji. There are ten exercises in the book. There are ten exercises in the book. המורים צריכים מידי פעם לתת לתלמידים לשחרר קצת קיטור. Teachers should occasionally let their students blow off some steam. The teachers should once in a while let the students free a little steam. אני יכול לשמוע משהו. I can hear something. I can hear something. אלכס על פי רוב הוא סתם ציפור רגילה. Alex is for the most part just an ordinary bird. Alex is mostly just a regular bird. في نظر المزارع، الفواكه أهم من الأزهار. For the peasant, fruits are more important than flowers. In the eyes of farmers, fruit is more important than flowers. أنت تسمع هذه الأصوات في رأسك فقط. You're only hearing that voice in your head. You only hear these voices in your head. הצבא ביצע חדירות למדינה השכנה. The army made inroads into the neighboring country. The army has made an emergency to the neighbouring country. את מביישת אותו. You're embarrassing him. You're scaring him. أود أن تقابل والداي. I would like you to meet my parents. I'd like to meet my parents. זה נראה מוכר. This looks familiar. It looks familiar. كان فاضل متعطّشا للشّهرة. Fadil craved notoriety. It was a famous struggle. הוא התנגד באלימות למעצרו. He resisted arrest violently. He opposed the violence to arrest. يا له من كلب كبير. What a big dog it is! What a big dog. لابوليس سيزاو كانتيتي كبيرا تع الزطلا فلمسيد. The police seized a large quantity of drugs at the school. Lapolis Sizao cantite is a great laurelist. יש לך דירה ריקה? Do you have a vacant apartment? Do you have an empty apartment? הגבירו את הביטחון בעיר. Security was increased in the city. They increased security in the city. ماذا تقول الرّسالة؟ What does the letter say? What are you saying? אני מתכוון להיות רופא כשאגדל. I aim to be a doctor when I grow up. I'm gonna be a doctor when I grow up. אני תוהה כמה זמן היא תימשך. I wonder how long it's going to take. I wonder how long she'll last. المحل مغلق يوم الأحد. The shop is closed on Sunday. The shop's closed on Sunday. אני רוצה שהם יאהבו אותך. I want them to like you. I want them to love you. תום כתב רומן. Tom has written a novel. Tom wrote an affair. לא שיקרתי אלא אתה. I didn't lie. You did. I didn't lie, but you. אוי, הם כל כך חמודים ביחד. Aww, they are so cute together. Oh, they're so cute together. حاول فاضل مجدّدا. Fadil tried again. Try again. איך החזקת מעמד? How have you been coping? How'd you hold up? הלכנו בין עצים. We walked among the trees. We went between trees. תביט במפה הזאת. Take a look at this map. Look at this map. הוא סוטה מהנושא כמו סיני. He talks too obliquely like a Chinese. He's a sneeze from the subject like Chinese. لن أسبح بهذه البحيرة I wouldn't swim in this lake. I'm not gonna swim in this lake. שמעתי אותה משתנקת. I heard her gasp. I heard her suffocating. لم يكن فاضل هناك أبدا. Fadil was never there. It was never wrong there. Kważi għandi kull ma rrid. I've got almost everything I need. I have almost everything I want. הוא עבד כדיפלומט במשך שנים רבות. He worked as a diplomat for many years. He worked for a platform for many years. היא הרימה יד. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. שתיהן מוצאות חן בעיניי. I like both. I like them both. انا اكره القراد . I hate ticks! I hate monkey. למה לתום לבוא עכשיו? Why would Tom come now? Why would Tom come now? لم يكن جيدا لأوكرانيا أن تتخلص من أسلحتها النووية. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. It was not good for Ukraine to dispose of its nuclear weapons. תום הקשיב רוב קשב. Tom listened intently. Tom listened most of the time. إنهم يدعونك توم. They call you Tom. They call you Tom. למה, לכל הרוחות, הכנסתם את זה לתפריט? What on earth did you put it on the menu for? Why, for fuck's sake, did you get it on the menu? كان سامي يعلم أنّ تلك النّافذة لا تُقفل. Sami knew the window didn't lock. Sammy knew those windows weren't closed. אני הרגשתי ממש אותו הדבר. I had the exact same feeling. I felt the same way. አንተ ተማሪ ነህ። You are a student. Thou art a learner. תום הוכה נמרצות. Tom was beaten to a pulp. Tom's been severely beaten. השמנת יתר לא טובה לבריאות. Becoming too fat is not good for one's health. The drink is not good for the health. لست قلقا بشأنه I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about him. אני מבולבלת. I'm stumped. I'm confused. אנא אל תכנסו לשם. Please don't go in there. Please don't go in there. אנו יכולים להמשיך. We could continue. We can continue. מילון זה זהה לשלי. This is the same dictionary as I have. A dictionary is the same as mine. الحروب لا تبدأ هكذا كما يبدأ الشتاء، بل الناس هم من يبدأون الحروب. Wars don't simply start like winter starts, but rather it is people that start a war. Wars don't start like the winter, they're people who start war. זאת סיבה טובה כמו כל אחת אחרת. That's as good a reason as any. That's as good a reason as anyone else. אני מכוער. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. أشعر بالبرد. I feel cold. I feel cold. سامي فعل هذا. Sami did this. Sammy did it. זה נראה טרי. It looked fresh. It looks fresh. את זה אינני יכול לומר לך. I can't tell you that. I can't tell you that. כולנו נמות במוקדם או במאוחר. We all shall die sooner or later. We'll all die sooner or later. أعتذر لعدم الرد عليك أبكر. I'm sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I apologize for not answering you earlier. أتريد شرب شيء ما؟ Would you like something to drink? You want something to drink? הייתי פה זמן ממושך. I've been here a long time. I've been here for a while. אתה כבר מספיק בוגר כדי לכלכל את עצמך. You are now old enough to support yourself. You're already mature enough to feed yourself. תום זיהה את הקול. Tom recognized the sound. Tom recognized the voice. תום הביט כלפי מעלה. Tom looked up. Tom looked up. سيقضي سامي بقيّة حياته في السّجن. Sami will spend the remainder of his life in jail. Sammy's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. קניתי מצלמה בלי לשלם מס. I bought a camera free of tax. I bought a camera without paying taxes. בעתיד תזהר יותר עם הכסף שלך. In the future, be more careful with your money. In the future, be more careful with your money. יש אדמה חקלאית פוריה בדרך כלל בדלתה של נהר. The basin of a river usually has rich farmland. There's a fertile agricultural land usually in a river's door. תוכל למצוא את זה בכל חנות ספרים. You can get it at any bookseller's. You can find it in every bookstore. האש כילתה את העיר. The fire devoured the town. The fire covered the city. كبرتُ في منطقة القبائل، الجزائر، ناطقا باللغة الأمازيغية. I grew up in Kabylie, Algeria, speaking the Berber language. I grew up in the tribal region of Algeria, speaking Amazigh. טום עבד כל הלילה. Tom worked all night. Tom worked all night. אתה טרחן חסר תקנה. You are hopelessly, endlessly annoying. You're an inexplicable terrorist. يحتاج المنزل إلى إصلاحات. The house requires repairs. The house needs repairs. אני לא רדום. I'm not sleepy. I'm not running. אני נהיה די צמא. I'm getting pretty thirsty. I'm getting pretty thirsty. أحببت طوني. I liked Tony. I loved Tony. אנו מנסים ללמוד פה. We're trying to study here. We're trying to study here. חשוב לעזור זה לזה. It is important to help each other. It's important to help each other. كان سامي يعيش حياة غريبة. Sami led a crazy life. Sammy was living a strange life. إسحاق يهوديّ و لديه العديد كثير من الأصدقاء المسلمين. هل في الأمر إشكال؟ Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Is that wrong? Jewish Isaac and he's got so many Muslim friends. Is it a problem? הוא בכל זאת רוצה לבוא. He still wants to come. He still wants to come. هو ضليعُ في علم الهندسة . He is well versed in geometry. He's a master in engineering. في أي عام ولدت؟ What year were you born? Which year did you give birth? ألقي نظرة Take a look. Take a look. وجد دراجتي الضائعة. He found my bike. I found my lost bike. سامي لا يستحقّ مطلقا أن يُطرد. Sami definitely doesn't deserve to be fired. Sammy never deserves to be expelled. כולנו נתגעגע אליך. We'll all miss you. We'll all miss you. سامي كان في الغرفة التالية. Sami was in the next room. Sammy was in the next room. انتظر سامي ستّة أشهر أخرى. Sami waited six more months. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, لا تدري ماذا تفعل، أليس كذلك؟ You don't know what you are doing, do you? You don't know what you're doing, do you? אני מבינה למה תום מודאג. I can see why Tom is concerned. I understand why Tom's worried. הישאר בתור. Stay in line. Stay in line. אני אוהב את העבודה שלך. I like your work. I like your job. הוא החמיא לעצמו, באמרו שהוא היה השחקן הטוב ביותר. He flattered himself that he was the best actor. He flattered himself, saying he was the best player. هاظبط المنبه على الساعة سبعة. I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. The guard seized the alert at seven o'clock. ستنجو ليلى. Layla will survive. You'll survive me. أريد الإجابةَ على السؤال الأخير أولاً. I want to answer the last question first. I want to answer the last question first. לתום לכל הדעות יש בטחון עצמי מספיק כדי לשמש כמנהיג שלנו. Tom definitely has the confidence to be our leader. Tom of all opinions has confidence enough to serve as our leader. أذكر أني قابلت ذلك الرجل من قبل. I remember meeting that man before. I remember I've met that guy before. اتلغى الإجتماع لأن ما فيش أمل إن الطرفين يوصلوا لإتفاق. The meeting was called off as there was no hope of agreement on either side. The meeting was cancelled because of the hope that the parties would reach agreement. كان سامي يختلس النّظر عبر النّوافذ. Sami was peeping in the windows. Sami was sneaking through the windows. سامي وفيّ. Sami is faithful. Sami and Moi. لو أخبرني بالحقيقة لكنت سامحته. If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If you tell me the truth, I'd forgive him. طبخت ليلى العشاء لفاضل. Layla cooked Fadil dinner. You cooked dinner for a fight. אמי עשתה ממני רופא. My mother made a doctor out of me. My mother made me a doctor. أحس بالخطر فهرب. Sensing danger, he ran away. I feel dangerous and run away. זה הזמן לשחק את הג'וקר. It's time to play the joker. It's time to play the Joker. תטפל בזה בשבילי, טוב? Take care of that for me, will you? Take care of this for me, okay? האם הם אוהבים תפוזים? Do they like oranges? Do they like oranges? ألست عطشاناً؟ Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you hungry? كانت ليلى فتاة مشهورة في الثّانويّة. Layla was a popular girl in high school. Lily was a famous girl in the second. הם צחקקו כולם. They all giggled. They all laughed. لا أحد أعرفهُ يحب توم بعد الآن. No one I know likes Tom anymore. Nobody I know likes Tom anymore. حبّيت نعاونك. I'd like to help you. I loved helping you. הושארתי מאחור. I was left behind. I was left behind. نجا من الحادثة شخص واحد. Only one person survived the accident. One person survived the accident. חברי קוראים לי פרדי בדרך כלל. My friends generally call me Freddy. My friend usually calls me Freddy. מתנדבים מקבלים חולצת טי. Volunteers get a T-shirt. Volunteers get a T-shirt. אתם צריכים לקרוא בין השורות. You must read between the lines. You should read between the lines. رد ديما: "وعليكم السلام، الصائب!"، لكنه رفع الصوت في هاتفه هذه المرة، لتجنب جعل هذه الجملة مكررةً. "كيف أمورك هذه الأيام؟" "Walakum-us-Salam, Al-Sayib!" Dima replied, but raised the volume on his phone this time, so as to avoid making this a duplicate sentence. "What are you up to these days?" Dima's response: "You have peace, right?" but he's louding his phone this time, to avoid making this sentence double. "How are you doing these days?" أنتَ تقريباً مت. You almost died. You're almost dead. אתה עשית את עיצוב הפנים? Did you do the decorating? Did you design your face? أفعله مباشرة Do it right away. I do it right now. זה לא יפריע לנו אם תצלם מבחוץ. It doesn't matter to us if you take a photo from the outside. It won't bother us if you take a photo from the outside. הם לא היו מזמינים את המנה הזאת, אילו היו מודעים מה היא. They wouldn't have ordered that dish if they'd known what it was. They wouldn't have invited that gift, if they knew what it was. בבקשה הסבר את הדחיה. Please explain the delay. Please explain the rejection. آه، فهمت الأمر. Oh, I see. Uh, I get it. לתום לא אכפת מה קורה. Tom doesn't care what happens. Tom doesn't care what's going on. سأحاول ما استطعتُ ألّا أُقاطِع مذاكرتك. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll try what I couldn't pick up your tickets. היא נתפסה עם המכנסיים למטה. She was caught with her pants down. She got caught with her pants downstairs. אני נמוכה מדי. I am too short. I'm too low. מי שיגיע ראשון יזכה במקומות הטובים ביותר. Whoever comes first will get the best seats. Whoever comes first will win the best places. روى فاضل للشرطة كلّ شيء. Fadil told police everything. Roy beat everything up for the police. אל תצייץ מילה לאף אחד. Don't breathe a word of it to anyone. Don't sound a word to anyone. بدأ سامي يقرأ و هو في الثّالثة من عمره. Sami started reading at three years old. Sammy started reading and he's three years old. إذا قمت بتغيير الخطة، فيجب عليك أن تعلم أعضاء الفريق بالتغييرات. If you alter the plan, you must inform the team members of the changes. If you change the plan, you have to let the members of the team know about the changes. תום בא פנימה. Tom came inside. Tom's coming in. כוכבים מאירים למעלה בשמים. Stars shine above in the sky. Stars shine up in the sky. איננו יכולים לקחת את הסיכון. We can't risk it. We can't take the risk. כתוצאה מתאונת הדרכים הנהג נפצע קשות ונוסע אחד קיפח את חייו. As a result of the car accident, the driver was severely injured, and the passanger died. As a result of a traffic accident, the driver was badly injured and one made his life worse. غيرت نمط حياتي اليومي. I've changed my daily routine. I changed the pattern of my daily life. זה מפחיד אותי כהוגן. It creeps me out. It scares me as a mess. البيت صغير. The house is small. The house is small. كُلْ ما تريد. Eat whatever you like. All you want. אני אוכלת וקוראת בעת ובעונה אחת. I eat and read at the same time. I'm eating and reading at the same time and at the same time. המחיר עלה. The price rose. Price's up. תום יכול לספר לנו על זה? Can Tom tell us about it? Tom can tell us about this? لا تُصلحهُ إذا لم يكن منكسراً. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. Don't fix it if it's not broken. אני אחזור לבית לפני רדת הלילה. I will return to the house before dark. I'll be home before nightfall. لدي الاس الديناري. I have the ace of diamonds. I have a dynamite base. دعونا ننقسم إلى فرق. Let's split up into teams. Let's split up. בעצם, הוא אף פעם לא ביקר בניו יורק. In fact, he has never been to New York. Actually, he never visited New York. عالج هذا الدواء البرد الذي أصابني. This medicine cured me of my cold. He treated this cold medicine that hurt me. מזלג נפל מהשולחן! A fork fell off of the table. Maniac fell off the table! ألّفت أغنية عما حدث هنا السنة الماضية. I wrote a song about what happened here last year. I made a song about what happened here last year. אתה צריך לקרוא בין השורות. You have to read between the lines. You should read between the lines. כאשר חיכיתי שהגשם ייפסק, הוא, באדיבותו, הסיע אותי. While I was waiting for the rain to stop, he kindly gave me a lift. When I waited for the rain to stop, he, in his kindness, drove me. ليس غبياً. He is not stupid. Not stupid. لقد أضفت جملة أخرى و أضفت لها علامة "قديم". ما الذي تريده بعد ذلك، أن أعطيك دمي؟ I've added an alternative sentence and I've tagged it as 'old fashioned'. What more do you want, blood? What do you want after that, to give you my blood? נאמר לי שאתה מחפש בייביסיטר. I've been told that you were looking for a babysitter. I was told you were looking for a baby. הוא פנה אל הקהל בקול רך. He addressed the audience in a soft tone. He turned to the audience with a soft voice. אני לומד אוקסיטן. I'm learning Occitan. I'm studying Oxtain. כבר אין לי טלפון נייד. I don't have a cellphone anymore. I don't have a cell phone anymore. ينبغي أن تتقيد بمبادئك. You should live up to your principles. You should adhere to your principles. תום פשוט בהה. Tom just stared. Tom's just babbling. افترس سامي انفتاح ليلى و ضعفها, Sami preyed on Layla's openness and vulnerability. "Sammy is open to me and her weakness, אנו חייבים שלוש שנות מס. We owe three years worth of taxes. We owe three years tax. עלינו לשאוף לשמר את אוצרותינו הטבעיים. We must try to conserve our natural resources. We should be eager to preserve our natural treasures. יותר נשים מאשר גברים מעידים עדות שקר בבית המשפט. More women than men commit perjury. More women than men testify to a lie in court. الأطفال يحبون الاستماع إلى القصص الخيالية. The children love listening to fairy tales. Children like to listen to fantasy stories. אני אסע, יקרה מה שיקרה. I'll go no matter what. I'll go, whatever happens. وضع توم السلاح على الأرض. Tom laid the gun down on the floor. Put Tom on the ground. ليس مهما ما تقوله، بل ما تفعله. It's not what you say, but what you do that counts. It's nothing you say, it's what you do. אני זקוקה לעצה. I need some advice. I need advice. للخنازير بعض الميزات المشتركة مع البشر. Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings. Pigs have some common advantages with humans. זה לחלוטין לא הגיוני. It's completely irrational. It totally doesn't make any sense. هل جننت؟ Have you gone nuts? Are you crazy? תום ביקש ממרי שתעזור לו בשיעורי הבית. Tom asked Mary to help him do his homework. Tom asked Mary to help him with his homework. النساء داعِمات جدًّا. The women are very supportive. Very supportive women. توم تعجبه السمراوات. Tom likes brunettes. Tom likes the Samaritans. לא אכפת לי מי מנשקת את תום. I don't care who kisses Tom. I don't care who kisses Tom. אני אוהבת לנהוג בפשטות. I like to keep it simple. I like to drive easy. هى ولدت في العام 1960. She was born in 1960. She was born in 1960. אני לא רוצה לדבר על כך כרגע. I don't want to talk about it right now. I don't want to talk about it right now. لم يكن سامي ينتبه أثناء الدّرس. Sami wasn't paying attention in class. Sammy wasn't paying attention during class. كانت تغني أحسن منه. She sang better than he. She was singing better than he was. מרק סנפירי כריש מוגש בדרך כלל בחתונות ונשפים סיניים. Shark fin soup is commonly served at Chinese weddings and banquets. Snuffy shark soup is usually served at weddings and Chinese swimmers. لا أعلم ماذا أقول. I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. זוהי סימטה ללא מוצא. This is a dead-end alley. It's an inexhaustible alley. אל תתן להם להפחיד אותך. Don't let them scare you. Don't let them scare you. هل تمانع في الوقوف جانبًا؟ Would you mind standing aside? Do you mind standing by? החמצתי את הסרט. את ראית אותו? I missed the movie. Did you see it? I missed the movie. היא לקחה מונית לבית החולים. She took a taxi to the hospital. She took a cab to the hospital. אתה חייב לנהוג על פי הכללים. You must act in accordance with the rules. You have to drive by the rules. لم يكن سعيدا قطّ. He was never happy. He was never happy. אתם קשוחים. You're harsh. You guys are tough. استجمع توم ما يكفي من الشجاعة لطلب علاوة . Tom summoned up enough courage to ask for a raise. Tom gathered enough courage to ask for an allowance. האסיר נמלט מהכלא. The prisoner escaped from jail. The prisoner escaped the prison. אני יכול להביא לך משקה? Can I get you a drink, Tom? Can I get you a drink? لكل شخص الحق في حرية التفكير والضمير والدين، ويشمل هذا الحق حرية تغيير ديانته أو عقيدته، وحرية الإعراب عنهما بالتعليم والممارسة وإقامة الشعائر ومراعاتها، سواء أكان ذلك سرا أم جهرا، منفردا أم مع الجماعة. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including freedom to change his or her religion or belief, and freedom to express them to education, practice, worship and observance, whether in secret or in ignorance, individually or in community. ستعطيني بطانية إضافية. She'll give one more carpet to me. You'll give me an extra blanket. האם קיים בית הארחה לצעירים בסביבה הזאת? Is there a youth hostel around here? Is there a guesthouse for young people in this area? סוף העולם מתקרב. The end of the world is coming. The end of the world is approaching. أصابه الصلع في شبابه. He started going bald quite young. He had the scars in his youth. كانت لدى سامي بوليصتي تأمين على حياته. Sami had two life insurance policies. Sami Polizetti had a life insurance. الحاسوب موضوع على يسار السيدات. The computer is placed to the left of the women. The computer is on the left of the ladies. سامي يتّصل بالشّرطة. Sami is calling the cops. Sammy's calling the police. لقد سأمت من الحياة إلى أبعد الحدود. I am really tired of living. I'm dead from life to the farthest borders. היית צריך לשמור על כך בסוד. You should have kept it secret. You should have kept it a secret. כן? מה את מחפשת? Yes? What were you looking for? What are you looking for? راح يجي غدوا؟ Will he come tomorrow? Is it tomorrow? لنذهب بالحافلة. Let's go by bus. Let's go on the bus. Inħobbok. I love you. I love you. אל תמהר להגן עלי. Don't rush to my defense. Don't rush to protect me. صنعت ليلى بسخا لمفاتيح سيّارة سامي. Layla made copies of Sami's car keys. I made a cheap night for Sami's car keys. איננו יכולים לחיות ממאה חמישים אלף ין בחודש. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. We cannot live in a hundred and fifty thousand yen a month. جرّبها مرة بعد أخرى. He tried it over and over again. Try it again. لدى فرنسا حدود مشتركة مع إيطاليا. France has a common border with Italy. France has common borders with Italy. صَحِح الأخطاء, إذا كان هناك أي منها. Correct the errors, if there are any. Errors, if there's any. אתם אמינים. You're believable. You guys believe it. سمعت امرأة تصرخ. I heard a woman screaming. I heard a woman screaming. נהנתי לעשות את זה. I had fun doing that. I enjoyed doing it. كيف نِمتِ الليلة الماضية؟ How did you sleep last night? How did you sleep last night? זה עלול לעזור. It might help. It could help. كان سامي يحبّ ليلى لملامحها الأوروبيّة. Sami loved Layla for her European looks. Sammy loved Lily for her European profile. كانت تلك التفاحة حقا لذيذة. That apple was really tasty. That apple was really delicious. كثير من الشباب يميلون إلى ارتكاب الأخطاء ذاتها. Many young men tend to commit the same errors. Many young people tend to make the same mistakes. היא הרגה אותו, לכאורה. She allegedly killed him. She allegedly killed him. אני רגילה לבשל לעצמי. I'm used to cooking for myself. I'm used to cooking myself. מרי חשדנית כלפי זרים. Mary is wary of strangers. Mary is suspicious of strangers. החמצתי את התחרות. I missed the competition. I missed the competition. Ejja 'l hawn Come here. Come here. אם את זקוקה למטרייה, אשאיל לך אחת. If you need an umbrella I'll lend you one. If you need Mitria, I'll lend you one. من المحتمل أن يصل قريبا. He is likely to arrive soon. He's probably coming soon. كان سامي ينفق المال. Sami was spending money. Sammy was spending the money. האם זה לא מוצא חן בעיניך? Don't you like that? Don't you like it? הם יצאו ישר אל היעד. They made straight for their destination. They went straight to the target. דן לא מחבב את מתי בגלל שהוא גס וקהה רגש. Dan dislikes Matt because he's blunt and insensitive. Dan doesn't like when because he's rude and emotional. هي لا تحب الثعابين و الرياضيات. She does not like snakes and mathematics. She doesn't like snakes and math. أحضر سامي ليلى معه. Sami brought Layla with him. Get Sammy Lily with him. לקורות העץ הלבוד האלה יש עוביים שונים. These plywood beams are of different thicknesses. These white tree walls have different surfaces. טום לא יכול לחכות לפגוש אותך. Tom can't wait to meet you. Tom can't wait to meet you. אני לא אוהב בנות שמעמידות פני קשות להשגה. I don't like girls who play hard to get. I don't like girls standing hard to get. إن هذا للطفٌ منك. It was nice of you to say that. That's kind of you. הם הגיעו למבוי סתום. They have reached a deadlock. They came to a dead end. למי אתה חושב אותי? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? أين أقرب معرض فني؟ Where's the nearest art gallery? Where's the nearest art scene? אבל למה? But why? But why? יש שם המון כסף. There is a lot of money. There's a lot of money in there. אם לומר את האמת, אני מתעב אותו. To tell the truth, I despise him. To tell the truth, I despise him. كم تبعد الحديقة عن منزلك؟ How far is it from your house to the park? How far is the park from your house? איפה מצאת את המשקפיים שלי? Where did you find my glasses? Where did you find my glasses? אני בטוחה שתום יאהב את זה. I'm sure Tom would love it. I'm sure Tom's gonna like it. ቶም ብዙ ጊዜ ከውሻው ጋር ይናገራል። Tom often talks to his dog. Tom often talks with the dog. אני מצטער שהלכתי לשם. I regret going there. I'm sorry I went there. לאשתי הרגל מוזר לסחוב בוחטות נייר טואלט מבתי שימוש ציבוריים. My wife has the strange habit of pilfering wads of toilet paper from public restrooms. My wife has a strange leg to carry in toilet paper from public buildings. لم أعلم أنّها كانت مريضة. I didn't know that she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. طلبت منه أن يكون هنا عند السادسة. I asked him to be here by six. I asked him to be here at 6:00. سمع سامي صوتا بداخله. Sami heard an inner voice. Sami heard a voice in him. تولّى فاضل القيام بذلك العمل. That job was handled by Fadil. Go ahead and do the job. אל תחתום על החוזה בעפרון. Don't sign the contract with a pencil. Don't sign the contract in the pencil. يعطيها كل ما تطلبه منه. He gives her everything she asks for. Gives it everything you ask. בכמה בתי ספר שונים ביקרת? How many different schools have you attended? How many different schools did you visit? אני חייב להחזיר את הספר הזה לספרייה. I have to return this book to the library. I have to get this book back to the library. זה גדול מדי. It's too big. It's too big. سأبقى هنا هذا الشهر كله. I will stay here all this month. I'll stay here this whole month. שכחתי את הקוד הסודי. I forgot the PIN number. I forgot the secret code. سأعود قريباً. I will be back soon. I'll be back soon. لقد وجّه الكساد الكبير ضربة قويّة لعائلة سامي. The Great Depression hit Sami's family hard. He hit the Sami family with a strong blow. قتلت ليلى ابنها. Layla murdered her own child. She killed her son Lily. אין אפשרות שתום אי פעם ינשא למרי. There's no way Tom would ever marry Mary. You can't ever marry Mary. אני יכול לקרוא אנגלית. I am able to read English. I can read English. كلامه واعماله متاناقضان. His words and deeds do not match. His words and his deeds are broken. יופי! Fine! Good! المكتب لي و ليس له. This office belongs to me, not him. The office is mine and not him. היית החבר היחיד של תום. You were Tom's only friend. You were Tom's only friend. يجب أن يحضر الاجتماع أحدنا، إما أنا أو أنت. Either you or I must attend the meeting. One of us should attend the meeting, either me or you. شكراً لقدومك لزيارتنا. Thanks for coming over tonight. Thank you for coming to visit us. אנו רוצים את אותו הדבר. We want the same thing. We want the same thing. שאלתי מאיזו ארץ הוא בא והוא ענה: "אני אזרח העולם." Asked from what country he came, he replied, "I am a citizen of the world." I asked which country he came from and he answered, "I am a citizen of the world." أعاد فاضل التّفكير في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. He's re-thinking about it. אני קצר רוח לצאת מפה. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm short of a ghost to get out of here. هل مظهري جيد؟ Do I look okay? Is my appearance good? תישאר אתנו. Stay with us. Stay with us. هل سلّمك سامي رسالتي؟ Did Sami give you my message? Did Sammy give you my message? אני מעריצה אצלה את הנאמנות. I appreciate her loyalty. I admire her loyalty. أُنظر إلى هذا. Look at this. Look at this. بدأ سامي عامه الجامعي في سبتمبر. Sami started college in September. Sami began his university year in September. نجاحُهُ كلّفه كثيرًا. He paid too high a price for success. His success was a lot. تقتني كيت كلباً. Kate keeps a dog. Kate bought me a dog. ”هذه صورة لابنتي ليلى.“ ”كم هي جميلة.“ ”كم كانت جميلة.“ ”آه، آسفة.“ "This is a picture of my daughter Layla." "She's beautiful." "She was." "Oh, I'm sorry." “This is a picture of my daughter Lily.” “How beautiful.” “Oh, sorry.” تعجّ الحديقة بالأطفال. The park is filled with children. Loves the garden for the children. אנו פועלים בלי חשש או משוא פנים. We act without fear or favor. We act without fear or prejudice. هل هو يتحدث الإنجليزية, الفرنسية أو الألمانية؟ Is he speaking English, French, or German? Does he speak English, French or German? تعبتُ من هذه اللغات الجرمانية. I'm tired of this Germanic language. I'm tired of these criminal languages. أعلنت ليلى أنّها ضابطة شرطة. Layla announced that she was a police officer. Lila said she was a police officer. זאת מכונית קטנה נהדרת. It's a great little car. That's a great little car. دعى سامي ليلى للعشاء. Sami invited Layla to dinner. Call Sammy Lily for dinner. كلبي سريع. My dog is fast. My dog's fast. لم يسبق لسامي و أن تحدّث مع مسلمة. Sami has never talked to a Muslim before. My mother's never talked to a Muslim. סבי נהרג במלחמת העולם השנייה. My grandfather was killed in World War II. My grandfather was killed in World War II. תוכלו לתת לי הנחה? Would you give me a discount? Can you give me a discount? זה נראה לא מיושב. It looks uninhabited. It looks unsustainable. رأيتك تطبخين. I saw you cooking. I saw you cook. תרחץ את הכלב בבקשה. Please give the dog a bath. Wash the dog, please. הרגשתי צורך לשוחח עם מישהו. I felt like talking to someone. I felt the need to talk to someone. لماذا أنت غير محبوب هنا؟ Why aren't you liked here? Why aren't you liked here? היא נחמדה כלפיי. She's nice to me. She's nice to me. أعرف كل شيء. I know everything. I know everything. תום מת מחנק. Tom died of asphyxiation. Tom's dead of strangulation. أيمكنك فتح النافذة؟ Can you open the window? Can you open the window? המפעל שלנו זקוק למיכון רב. Our factory needs a lot of machinery. Our factory needs a great deal of risk. תהיה יד ימיני. Be my right-hand man. Be a right hand. אני לא מאמין שאני אומר את זה בקול רם. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. I can't believe I'm saying it out loud. אתה עייף, לא כן? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? יש לנו יבול טוב של עגבניות השנה. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. We have a good crop of tomatoes this year. הגשם הקיש חזק על המשקוף. The rain was beating hard against the windowpane. The heavy rain's strong on the entourage. سأقابلك في الخارج. I'll meet you outside. I'll meet you outside. مات سامي في السّجن بسبب مشكل صحّي. Sami died in prison from a health-related issue. Sammy died in prison because of a health problem. بدت و كأنها لم تأكل منذ أيام. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in days. I looked like she hasn't eaten in days. كانت ليلى أمّا مشغولة. Layla was a busy mom. Lily was a busy mom. لا أنصح بذلك. I don't recommend that. I don't recommend it. هي تلعب She works. She's playing. תום אושפז במוסד לחולי נפש. Tom was committed to an institution for the insane. Tom was admitted to a mental institution. الحجز مطلوب. Reservations are required. The booking is required. זה עלול לקרות גם לי. That could happen to me, too. This could happen to me, too. علينا توضيح السبب فحسب. We just have to explain why. We just have to explain why. أنا أشرب الماء. I drink the water. I drink water. זה מובן. That's understandable. That's understandable. تشرفت جدا بمعرفتك. I'm very happy to make your acquaintance. I've had the pleasure of knowing you. أصبح كلب سامي معاديا. Sami's dog got nasty. Sami's dog has become hostile. תן לנו דקה בבקשה? Give us a minute, would you, please? Give us a minute, please? هذا الشعور سهل. This feeling is easy. It's easy. هذا لا يغير شيئاً. That doesn't change anything. That doesn't change anything. יש דבר כלשהו שאת רוצה? Is there anything you want? Is there anything you want? هل تستطيع تحمُّل معاملةٍ كهذه من أحد؟ Could you bear anyone to treat you like that? Can you take such a treatment from anyone? היא קמה ועזבה באמצע השיחה בינינו. She got up and left in the middle of our conversation. She got up and left in the middle of the conversation. הוא עשה מכה על ידי השקעה בבורסה. He made a killing by investing in the stock market. He's been hit by an investment in Borsa. لم يكن توم اكبرمن ماري بكثير Tom was not much older than Mary. Tom wasn't much older than Mary. חשבתי שאנו פה כדי לדבר על תום. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. I thought we were here to talk about Tom. هرب سامي إلى مصر. Sami fled to Egypt. Sami fled to Egypt. عبّر فاضل عن حزنه. Fadil expressed sorrow. Depressed his grief. سامي متسلّط. Sami is bossy. Sami's involved. هل جئت وحدك؟ Did you come here alone? Did you come alone? أعتقد أنني أحتاج إلى التحدّث مع توم. I think I need to talk to Tom. I think I need to talk to Tom. كانت الوليمة من أطيب ما ذقت. That feast was one of the best I ever had. It was one of the best of my tastes. حاول بكل ما تستطيع، لكن لن تقدر على إجبار شخص على أن يعتقد شيئًا ما، ناهيك عن نفسك. Try as you might, but you cannot force a belief onto someone else, much less your own self. Try everything you can, but you won't be able to force someone to think something, let alone yourself. הם אמרו לא. They said no. They said no. كان ذلك الضّجيج قويّا جدّا. The noise was quite loud. That noise was so strong. دعى سامي للرّبّ كي يسامحه. Sami asked the Lord to forgive him. Call Sami to fight to forgive him. אתם שולחים לחו"ל? Do you ship overseas? You're sending out? היא נכשלה בנסיונה לחצות את התעלה. She failed in her attempt to swim the Channel. She failed trying to cross the elevator. و لا تنسَ ريّ المزروعات. And don't forget to water the plants. And don't forget to see the plants. لا يزال الجميع يبتسم. Everyone is still smiling. Everyone's still smiling. الرواية دي عندها تلت أجزاء. This novel consists of three parts. The novel D then went to parts. تبدأ المدرسة الساعة الثامنة و النصف. School begins at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:30 p.m. رفضت عرضه. She turned down his proposal. I refused his offer. הוא זכה באזרחות אמריקאית. He acquired American citizenship. He won American citizens. يقطن سامي في منطقة بعيدة من البلد. Sami lives in a remote part of the country. Sami lives in an area far from the country. غضب. He got angry. Wrath. את יכולה לספור עד עשר בסינית? Can you count to ten in Chinese? Can you count to ten in Chinese? تتحدث مثل أمك. You speak like your mother. Talk like your mother. عليك أن تأتي معي. You have to come with me. You have to come with me. אף פעם לא אהבתי את תום. I've never cared for Tom. I never loved Tom. بخصوص هذه المسألة، أنا راض تماما. So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied. On this issue, I'm totally satisfied. أنا معجب بشجاعتك. I admire your courage. I admire your courage. ليس بتلك الصعوبة. It's not that hard. It's not that hard. اهلا وسهلا Welcome. Hey, easy. הרומן מספר את סיפורה של משפחה מצפון-מזרח ברזיל, העוקרת לחלק הדרום-מזרחי של המדינה. This romance tells the story of a family from the Northeast of Brazil that moves to the Southeastern part of the country. The novel tells the story of a family from north-east Brazil, headed for the south-east part of the country. استمر المطر خمسة أيام. The rain lasted five days. It's been raining for five days. أنا متأكد أنكَ محق. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. أنا مستعد للمغادرة الآن. I'm ready to leave now. I'm ready to leave now. سامي يشاهد فيديو ليلى على اليوتوب. Sami is watching Layla's YouTube video. Sammy's watching a night video on the YouTube. תום טיפל היטב במרי. Tom took very good care of Mary. Tom took good care of Mary. לא תכננתי לעשות את זה, אבל עכשיו שאתה מציע, אולי אנסה. I wasn't planning on doing that, but now that you suggest it, I may give it a try. I wasn't planning on doing this, but now that you're offering, I might try. L-arloġġ qiegħed fuq il-mejda, hu? The watch is on the table, isn't it? The clock is on the table, is it? הם נתקעו. They got stuck. They got stuck. אנו יכולים לעזוב? Can we leave? Can we leave? אפשר לשאול אותך שאלה לא דיסקרטית? May I ask you an indiscreet question? Can I ask you a non-discreet question? ألصق سامي متفجّرا بلاستيكيّا على النّافذة. Sami stuck plastic explosive on the window. I put a plastic sam on the window. أقدر ما عمِلته لأجلي. I appreciate what you've done for me. I appreciate what you did for me. את מסכימה לזה? Do you approve of this? Do you agree to that? أنا تايلاندي. I am Thai. I'm Thai. نسي سامي موعده مع ليلى. Sami forgot the appointment with Layla. Sami forgot his date with Lily. استجوبت الشّرطة بعض سكّان الحيّ. Police asked questions around the neighborhood. The police questioned some of the living environment. אני רוצה שתישארי הלילה. I want you to stay tonight. I want you to stay tonight. لا يوجد إقبال كافٍ على هذه البضاعة. There is not enough demand for this product. There's not enough reception on these goods. ژامي ما عندك لوقت ل حوايج امپۆرتانت! You never have time for important things! My mom, you don't have time to get together! ربما ذهبت لفتره I may be gone for a while. Maybe I went for a while. זה עתה התחלנו. We've only just begun. It's just started. استعمل فاضل ثلاث كتب مختلفة لتعلّم العربيّة. Sami used three different textbooks to learn Arabic. Use three different books to teach Arabs. أعلن سامي حربا على سكّان الحيّ بأكمله. Sami declared a war to the whole neighborhood. Sami declared war on the whole neighborhood. אני בדרך כלל קורא את התויות בקפידה. I usually read labels carefully. I usually read the spells carefully. ماذا إن علم سامي بذلك؟ What if Sami knows about that? What if Sammy knows that? لا ليس حقا. No, not really. No, not really. أعرف أستاذا للإنجليزية جاء من كندا. I know an English teacher who comes from Canada. I know an English professor who came from Canada. لسوء الحظ ، لقد كنت مشغولا بالأمس ولم استطع فعل ذلك. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. Unfortunately, I was busy yesterday and couldn't do that. מה בכלל יכול לקרות? What could possibly happen? What could even happen? תפסיק לבכות בלי סיבה. Stop crying for no reason. Stop crying for no reason. بدأ سامي يتكلّم تماما مثل أبيه. Sami is starting to sound exactly like his father. Sammy started talking just like his father. هيا بنا نذهب إلى مكتبي. Let's go to my office. Let's go to my office. תום לא היה כל כך נמרץ. Tom wasn't very energetic. Tom wasn't so excited. هذا القطار مكتظ، فلنركب التالي. This one's crowded, so let's take the next train. This train is crowded, let's ride next. הבניין קרס ברעש האדמה. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The building was wrecked by the earthquake. ما رانيش حايب ننسا ليزيدي ديالي، مام ادا شوييا فيهوم اكسترام. I don't want to lose my ideas, even though some of them are a bit extreme. What are you doing? What are you doing? وأيضا السبب وراء خوض الحكومة الأمريكية إجراءات المقاضاة من أجل صون حق النساء والفتيات في ارتداء الحجاب ومعاقبة من يتجرأ على حرمانهن من ذلك الحق That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it. Also, the reason why the U.S. Government is conducting prosecution proceedings to safeguard the right of women and girls to wear a veil and punish those who dare to deprive them of that right. هل بإمكانك أن تصدق ما قاله؟ Can you believe what he said? Can you believe what he said? תוכלי לעזור לי להשגיח על הילדים? Can you help look after the kids? Can you help me look after the kids? وقع فاضل في حبّ امرأة مصريّة. Fadil fell for an Egyptian woman. He fell in love with an Egyptian woman. היי חברים, אני טום, ואני כאן עם מרי. Hello guys, I'm Tom and I'm here with Mary. Hey, guys, I'm Tom, and I'm here with Mary. نحتاج إلى سيارة. We need a car. We need a car. תני לה לישון. Let her sleep. Let her sleep. לתינוק צומחות כעת שיניים. The baby is growing teeth now. The baby's getting a toothbrush now. תום לא בבית. Tom isn't home. Tom's not home. היא אוהבת שמלות תכולות. She likes blue dresses. She likes container dresses. היום היא לא עצמה. She is not herself today. Today she's not herself. אני לא טיפש. I am not stupid. I'm not stupid. מאות המתינו לפני נקודת המכירה של הכרטיסים. Hundreds of people were waiting outside the ticket office. Hundreds were waiting before the ticket point. גמרת להכין את שיעורי הבית כבר? Have you finished doing your homework yet? Are you done making the homework yet? مع من أتكلم؟ Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? לא, אתה לא מאוהב, כי מה שאתה קורא לו אהבה הוא רק יציר פסיכולוגי הנועד להשכיח מהאנשים את מורשתם הבהמית. No, you aren't in love, for what you call love is just a psychosocial construct to make people ignore their animalic heritance. No, you're not in love, because what you call love is just a psychological development designed to remind people of their relative legacy. كل شيء أفضل من دونك. Everything is better without you. Everything is better than you. لديك أخين أصغر منك. You have two younger brothers. You have a younger brother than you. כמה תלמידים יש בבית הספר? How many students are there in the school? How many students are in school? كل الأوراق النقدية الأمريكية لديها نفس اللون. All American bills are similar in color. All U.S. banknotes have the same color. מעולם לא הייתי טוב מאד במתמטיקה. I never was very good at math. I've never been very good at math. بعد طلاقه من ليلى، اصبحت حياة سامي فوضى. After his divorce with Layla, Sami's whole life was in shambles. After he was divorced from Lily, Sami's life became messy. תראו, הנה הוא בא. Look, he's coming. Look, here he comes. إلين في المستشفى. Elaine is in hospital. Ellen's in the hospital. הוא הפסיק לדבר אליהם. He stopped talking to them. He stopped talking to them. أعتقد أنك تعمل خطأً كبير I think you're making a big mistake. I think you're making a big mistake. תום סחב שקית ממתקים גדולה. Tom was carrying a big bag of candy. Tom carried a big bag of candy. הליחה סמיכה. The mucus is thick. It's a backseat. أين كتابي؟ Where's my book? Where's my book? انضمّت ليلى إلى مخيّم للنّازيّين الجدد. Layla joined a neo-Nazi camp. I joined Lily in a new uniform. אחרנו לבית הספר בגלל הגשם החזק. We were late for school because it was raining hard. We went to school because of the heavy rain. جاءت اإلى اليابان عندما كانت صغيرة. She came to Japan as a child. She came to Japan when she was young. אני מיומן בשתי ידי באותה מידה. I'm ambidextrous. I'm equally skilled in both hands. طلب سامي من ليلى أن تساعده في حلّ المشكل. Sami asked Layla to help him out. Sammy asked Lily to help him solve the problem. لليد خمسة أصابع. A hand has five fingers. The hand has five fingers. אינני חושבת שאני יכולה להרשות לעצמי לרכוש רכב כעת. I don't think I can afford to buy a car now. I don't think I can afford a car now. آخِرُ شخصٍ أخبرتُه فكرتي ظنّنِيْ مجنونًا. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. The last person I told him was my idea. I thought I was crazy. ساند سامي ليلى. Sami supported Layla. Sand Sami Lee. اتبعني! Follow me! Follow me! זה היה הדבר הכי כואב בחיי. It was the most painful thing in my life. It was the most painful thing in my life. חווינו בעיות אחדות עם המכשור אתמול. We had a little trouble with the equipment yesterday. We've had one problem with the trick yesterday. لم يسمح لنا البستاني بالمشي على العشب. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. We didn't let the gardener walk on the grass. אסתדר. I'll manage. I'll do it. كانت طائرتنا تحلق فوق السحب. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying over the drawing. كان سامي صديقا لأصدقاء ليلى. Sami was friends with Layla's friends. Sammy was a friend of Lee's friends. אתה רוצה לנסות עוד פעם? Do you want to give it another try? You want to try again? הוא נבון, אבל אני בכל זאת לא אוהב אותו. He's intelligent, but I still don't like him. He's wise, but I still don't like him. هي لَمْ تذهبْ لأن صديقها لم يذهبْ She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't. She didn't go because her boyfriend didn't go. احاول أنا بإراحة الناس دائما بالكلمات التي ارغب أن اُقال I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. I always try to relax people with the words I want to say. אתה רומז שאני לא יכול לעשות זאת בעצמי? Are you suggesting that I can't do it by myself? You're suggesting I can't do this myself? אני יודע שאולי אתה חושב, שאני צעיר מדי. I know you might think I'm too young. I know you might think I'm too young. ليست كل الأيام يوم الأحد. Not every day is Sunday. Not all days of Sunday. أنا أدرس اللغة الكورية. I study Korean. I'm studying Korean. היות שישבת על הגזע היית צריך לשלם לי אלף. Since you sat on the stump, you should've given me a grand. Since you were sitting on the race, you'd have to pay me a thousand. يصّلي المسلمون دائما و هم متوجّهون نحو الكعبة. Muslims always pray facing toward Mecca. Muslims always pray and are directed towards the burden. ما فيش وقت نضيعو. There is no time to be lost. What's going on is a waste of time. אתה חי רק פעמיים. You only live twice. You only live twice. كان فاضل جرّاحا موثوق به. Fadil was a trusted surgeon. He was a reliable surgeon. תום הוא משפחתי היחידה. Tom is the only family he's got. Tom is my only family. ما هو برنامجك التفزيوني المفضل ؟ What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite entertainment program? אל תזוז, תרים ידיים! Stand still, put your hands up! Don't move, get your hands up! عرض سامي بعض المال على ليلى. Sami offered Layla some money. Sammy offered some money on Lily. זו רוח הלחימה. That's the spirit. It's the fighting spirit. سامي يقرع على باب ليلى. Sami is knocking on Layla's door. Sami's staring at Lee's door. זה היה ניסוי. It was an experiment. It was an experiment. אני לא יודעת מה טום ראה. I don't know what Tom saw. I don't know what Tom saw. תום ישלים. Tom will accept. Tom's gonna die. היית צריכה לבוא קצת יותר מוקדם. You should've come a little earlier. You should have come a little earlier. לא משתלם לשחק משחקי וידאו. It doesn't pay to play video games. You don't pay to play video games. هذا سؤال صعب. That's a hard question to answer. That's a difficult question. أريدكم أن تذهبوا إلى غرفكم وتغلقوا الأبواب. I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors. I want you to go to your rooms and close the doors. תום מת שלושה ימים לאחר מכן. Tom died three days later. Tom died three days later. היא צעקה והתעלפה. She screamed and fainted. She screamed and passed out. נולד להם ילד. They had a boy. They were born with a child. حاول أن يكتب أقصوصة. He tried writing a short story. Try writing chapters. من الأرجح أن ينسوا وعودهم. They're likely to forget their promises. They're more likely to forget their promises. يوصلني جمال كل يوم بسيارته. Jamal gives me a ride every day. I get a beauty every day at his car. هاداك الجرح قّيح. Pus has formed in the wound. Your wounds are severe. אני כל כך בודדה. I'm so lonely. I'm so lonely. مش دي سودا؟ Isn't it black? Mesh D. Soda? أحب الطريقة التي يتكلم بها. I really love the way you speak. I like the way he speaks. كانت ليلى غاضبة و محبطة. Layla was angry and depressed. Lily was angry and frustrated. أستخدمه. I use it. Use it. سامي لا يريدني؟ Sami doesn't want me. Sammy doesn't want me? من فضلك أقفل الباب بهدوء. Please close the door quietly. Please shut the door quietly. ردّ توم على الإتصال. Tom answered the phone. Tom responded to the call. היא מחשיבה את עצמה כאדם נבון. She thinks of herself as an intelligent person. She considers herself to be a wise person. אשלם לך בשמחה, בכל זמן. I'll gladly pay you anytime. I'll pay you happy, anytime. هل تعلم أن الرجال الذين يتناولون حبوب منع الحمل بانتظام لا يحمِلُون؟ Did you know that men who regularly take the birth control pill don't get pregnant? Do you know that men who regularly eat contraceptive pills don't carry them? إنه يتحدث على الهاتف. He's talking on the telephone. He's on the phone. كنا نسبح كثيرا في هذا النهر. We used to swim in this river a lot. We've been swimming a lot in this river. ما أدري. I don't know. I don't know. Ma nifhimx. I do not understand. I don't understand. لقيتني وين حتّا واحد ما حوّس. You found me where no one else was looking. Wayne just got me one thing that's changed. شمس ومطر, قوس قُزح. Sun and rain, rainbow. Shame and rain, rainbow. לעיתים נדירות אני חושבת כך. I scarcely think so. I often think so. أحضرها لي. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. אילו היית עוזרת לי, הייתי מצליחה. If you had helped me, I would have succeeded. If you were helping me, I'd make it. أحبّ دراسة اللّغات الأجنبيّة. I like to study foreign languages. I like to study foreign languages. הכירי את עצמך. Know thyself. Get to know yourself. واشْ كَايَن فَمَّا؟ What's up there? And what was it? نَعَم، هذا بَيتي. Yes, that's my house. Yeah, this is my house. أبلغت ليلى عن الحريق. Layla reported the fire. Lila told me about the fire. لقد توقف المطر, لذا يمكننا البدء. The rain has let up, so we can begin. The rain stopped, so we can start. يرجى ملء نموذج طلب الوظيفة المرفق. Please complete the attached job application form. Please fill in the requested form of the attached post. אני עוזב לבוסטון. I'm leaving for Boston. I'm leaving for Boston. תגרה פרצה בין שני תלמידים. A fight broke out between two schoolboys. A fight broke out between two students. אל תקל ראש ברצינות הבעיה. Don't underestimate the problem. Don't seriously mind the problem. لقد اختفت أعراض ليلى. Sami's symptoms have disappeared. Lila's symptoms disappeared. للرجل والمرأة متى بلغا سن الزواج حق التزوج وتأسيس أسرة دون أي قيد بسبب الجنس أو الدين، ولهما حقوق متساوية عند الزواج وأثناء قيامه وعند انحلاله. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. When men and women reach the age of marriage, they have the right to marry and to establish a family without any restriction on the grounds of sex or religion, and have equal rights at the time of marriage, at the time of marriage and at the time of dissolution. הם חגגו את ההצלחה בפתיחת בקבוק יין. They celebrated his success by opening a bottle of wine. They celebrated the success of opening a bottle of wine. المنزل الواقف على التلة قديم جداً. The house standing on the hill is very old. The house standing on the hill is too old. سأنزل في المحطة القادمة. I'll get off at the next station. I'm going down at the next station. ما هي موسيقاكَ المفضّلة؟ What's your favorite music? What's your favorite music? לעתים קרובות הייתי יוצא לסקי בחורף. I often went skiing in the winter. I'd often go to ski in the winter. هذا كتابي. That's my book. That's my book. قال المعلم ان الارض كروية. The teacher said that the earth is round. The teacher said that the earth is cold. תום רוצה לדעת איפה החבאת את המפתח. Tom wants to know where you've hidden the key. Tom wants to know where you hid the key. בוא נקפוץ על ההזדמנות הזאת. Let's make a break for it. Let's jump on this chance. لديهنّ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفهنّ. They have the berber keyboard on their phones. We have the Amazig keyboard on their phones. אני בטוחה שתמצא דרך. I'm sure you'll find a way. I'm sure you'll find a way. אנא עצור שם. Please stop there. Please stop there. תום נכנס עם הילדים לפארק. Tom enters the park with the children. Tom went in with the kids to the park. هي صارت غنية . She became rich. She is rich. كان سامي ينتظر ليلى. Sami waited for Layla. Sammy was waiting for Lily. قابلته يوما. One day I met him. I met him day. תום היה מלצר בזמן זה. Tom was a waiter at that time. Tom was a waiter at this time. آن مشجّعة. Ann is a cheerleader. You're encouraging. אנחנו שמחים. We are happy. We're happy. نسي سامي نظّاراته في غرفة الفندق. Sami left his glasses in the hotel room. Sammy forgot his glasses in the hotel room. מה אני מפספס פה? What am I missing here? What am I missing here? לטום יש כסף, אבל הוא לא כל כך מאושר. Tom has money. However, he's not all that happy. Tom has money, but he's not so happy. תום אוהב לשחק עם אש. Tom likes playing with fire. Tom likes to play with fire. رايحا تسقاملك € 30. This will cost €30. Racha's got you €30. قال الصائب: "أعلم،" بينما جلب لنفسه علبةً جديدةً من الفانتا. "هذا أمر جدي. إذن، لم اتصلت؟" "I know," said Al-Sayib, getting a new bottle of Fanta. "This is serious business. So why'd you call?" The reporter said, "I know," while he brought himself a new bottle of Fauna. "That's serious. So, didn't you call? איך אתה יודע אם זה שלה? How do you know that belongs to her? How do you know if it's hers? כמה הוא רוצה? How many does he want? How much does he want? הטכס התקיים בבית הקברות. The services took place at the cemetery. The cover's going on in the graveyard. זאת אפליה! This is discrimination! It's darkness! באהבה לא רואים מגרעות. Love sees no faults. Love doesn't see any mistakes. لقد أعجبتنّ سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. תניח את הספר על האחרים. Put the book on top of the others. Put the book on the others. איפה הכסף שלך? Where's your money? Where's your money? كان سامي يحبّ الرّياضيّات. Sami loved math. Sammy loved the ladies. تذهب زوجته معه أينما ذهب. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. His wife goes with him wherever he goes. ما هو أسمُ جدّكَ؟ What is your grandfather's name? What's your grandfather's name? أريد أن أشترى غذاء. I want to buy food. I want to buy food. لقد تغيّرت حياة سامي بالكامل. Sami's whole life changed. Sami's life has changed completely. تخدرت يدي من البرد. My hand are benumbed with cold. I took my hand out of the cold. بتبص علي ايه بظبط What specifically are you looking for? Take care of me. بسرعة. Hurry up. Hurry up. החדר הזה אפוף ענן של עשן סיגריות. That room is filled with a cloud of cigarette smoke. This room sucks a cloud of cigarette smoke. אי אפשר לראות את האטומים בעין בלתי מזוינת. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. You can't see the atoms in an inexhaustible eye. הוא נעץ בי מבט אטום. He gave me a blank stare. He took an atomic look at me. المحطة ليست بعيدة عن هنا. The station is not far from here. The station's not far from here. هل تعرف من يكون؟ Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? أنت عار. You're not dressed. You're a shame. يا لها من أزهار جميلة! Such pretty flowers! What beautiful flowers! يستغرق السير من المحطة إلى المدرسة عشرين دقيقة. It takes twenty minutes to walk from the station to school. Walking from station to school takes 20 minutes. הציפור חיפשה תולעים. The bird was looking for worms. The bird was looking for worms. افضل القطط أكثر من الكلاب. I prefer cats to dogs. Best cats than dogs. זה בטוח היה מזעזע. It was a shock, to be sure. That must have been shocking. بالمناسبة، كم ولداً سيذهب؟ By the way, how many kids are going? By the way, how many kids are going? أخرجت قلماً من جيبها. She took a pen out of her pocket. I barely got out of her pocket. בוא נקווה שזה לא נכון. Let's hope that's true. Let's hope it's not true. את כמעט מוכנה? Are you almost ready? Are you almost ready? كانت لدى سامي حياة خفيّة. Sami had a secret life. Sammy had a hidden life. أنا لست متأكداً إن كان هذا صحيحاً. I'm not sure if this is correct. I'm not sure if that's true. أحضر كلبه إلى المدرسة. He brought his dog to school. Bring his dog to school. תום קנה למרי צמד עגילים. Tom bought Mary a pair of earrings. Tom bought a doll for Mary. عليكِ أن تسامحيني. You have to forgive me. You have to forgive me. שילמתי מאתיים דולר מסים. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200. እቤት ቆዪ። Stay home. Stand still in the house. היופי הוא בעיני המתבונן. Beauty is altogether in the eye of the beholder. The beauty is in my eyes. هناك الكثير من الحيوانات في الحديقة. There are lots of animals in the park. There's a lot of animals in the park. لماذا بكيت؟ For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? אני חושב שאנחנו יכולים לסייע זה לזה. I think we can help each other. I think we can help each other. כדי למצוא תשובה לשאלה הזאת הלכתי לספריה העירונית. To find the answer to this question, I went to the city library. To find an answer to that question, I went to the city library. התחלתי להיות חסר סבלנות. I became impatient. I started being impatient. أنا مشغولة الأن. I am busy now. I'm busy now. فلنسألها عندما تعود إلى المنزل. Let's ask her when she gets back home. Let's ask her when she gets home. את חושבת שתום חכם? Do you think Tom is wise? You think you're smart? לפתע חלה תמורה בתוכנית. There was a sudden change of plan. All of a sudden, there was a return on the show. يحلب سامي الأبقار مرّتين في اليوم. Sami milks the cows twice a day. Sami takes the cows twice a day. Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok. Check, please. The account, please. הגעתי מאוחר משום שאחרתי לאוטובוס. I came late because I missed the bus. I'm late because I'm late for the bus. أين نذهب بعد ذلك؟ Where are we going after? Where do we go after that? תום קרא תגר על מרי. Tom challenged Mary. Tom called a challenge on Mary. תום יגיד מה שהוא תמיד אומר. Tom will say what he always says. Tom's gonna say what he always says. לא מטריד אותי להמתין זמן מה. I don't mind hanging around for a while. It doesn't bother me to wait a while. בואי הנה! Get in here! Come here! עובדה מצערת היא, שבעוד אנשים גוועים ברכב בארצות מסוימות, ביפן משליכים לפח מזון רב בבתים ובמסעדות. It is a shameful fact that, while there are lands where people suffer from hunger, within Japan there are many households and restaurants where much food is thrown away. A sad fact is that, in some countries, more people are starving than they do in restaurants and restaurants. תום יכל לראות את מרי. Tom could see Mary. Tom could have seen Mary. אני שואל את עצמי מי המציא את זה. I wonder who invented it. I'm asking myself who invented this. אין לי כרטיס. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. غايتي هي ألا تفعل ما تندم عليه. I just don't want you to do something you'll be sorry for. My goal is not to do what you regret. איש לא חשד בדבר. Nobody suspected anything. Nobody suspected anything. أين تعلّم الكتابة؟ Where did he learn to write? Where do you learn writing? הרתם למשימה. Put your back into it. You showed up for the mission. صح طلب سّماح، بصّح مازالني زعفان. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. That's right, Sam's order. I'm still a mischievous. המטוס היה אמור לנחות בשעה 02:48, אך עדיין לא נחת. The plane was due to arrive at 2:48 p.m. but hasn't landed yet. The plane was supposed to land at 02:48, but it hasn't landed yet. השגחה הורית מומלצת. Parental discretion is advised. Parental supervision is recommended. אתה נראה נרגש. You seem excited. You look excited. בסדר. Alright. All right. المشكلة هي أين يمكن أن يُشترى الكتاب. The question is where to buy the book. The problem is where the book can be bought. بإمكانك أن تتحدث بالصينية، وستترجم لي ليلي. You can speak in Chinese. Lily will translate for me. You can speak Chinese, and you'll translate me to Lily. እንኳን ለአለም አቀፍ የሴቶች ቀን አደረሰን Happy International Women's Day! Even a International Women’s Day كسر توم زجاج النافذة. Tom broke the window. Tom broke the window glass. אל תהיי נאיבית! Don't be so naive. Don't be negative! قال فاضل لدانية أنّه يحبّها قبل أن يقفل الخطّ. Fadil told Dania he loved her before he hung up. He told Dani that he loved her before he closed the line. "אמא, מותר גלידה?" "בשום אופן לא, זה יקלקל לך את ארוחת הערב." "Mom, can I buy me an ice cream?" "No way, because if I let you, it will spoil your dinner." "Mom, are you allowed ice cream?" "No way, it'll spoil your dinner." הוא אמר שיהיה שמונה עשרה ביום הולדתו הבא. He said that he would be eighteen on his next birthday. He said there'd be 18 on his next birthday. בואו נלך לעשות חיים. Let's go do something fun. Let's go have a good time. كان النصف الأخير من المسرحية مملاً قليلاً. The latter half of the drama was a little dull. The last half of the play was a little boring. היא חבקה את התינוק לחזה. She hugged the baby to her breast. She put the baby in her chest. עלינו להפיק את הטוב ביותר מהמשאבים הטבעיים המוגבלים שלנו. We should make the best of the limited natural resources we have. We need to produce the best of our limited natural resources. سامي مدرّسنا في رقص الهيبهوب. Sami is our hiphop teacher. Sami taught us how to dance the helms. הוא התיישב על הספסל. He seated himself on the bench. He sat on the bench. أرجو إنتباهكم! Attention, please! Please pay attention! تعلمت الأبجدية الأمازيغية. I learned the Berber alphabet. I learned the Amazigh Algebra. تحدّث فاضل و دانية عن الطقس. Fadil and Dania talked about the weather. Talk about the weather. أنا لو كنت غنياً, كنت أود أن أعطيكِ مال. If I were rich, I'd give you money. If I were rich, I'd like to give you money. لقد لبست ليلى الحجاب طوال حياتها. Layla wore hijab all her life. I've been wearing a jacket for the rest of her life. לך לישון מוקדם היום. Go to sleep early today. Go to bed early today. على العموم ، التاريخ يكرّر نفسه. Generally speaking, history repeats itself. Overall, history repeats itself. ليلة سعيدة يا أُم. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. תשיגו עבודה. Get a job. Get a job. متى تدرس؟ When do you study? When do you study? תום אמר שהוא חוזר. Tom said he was coming back. Tom said he's coming back. إنت مين؟ Who are you? You're Min? تمتعنا بالسباحة في النهر. We enjoyed swimming in the river. We enjoyed swimming in the river. תום שם את כל כספו בקופסה והחביא אותה מתחת למיטה שלו. Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed. Put all his money in the box and hide it under his bed. אני יודעת שזאת לא אשמתו של תום. I know it's not Tom's fault. I know it's not Tom's fault. למה הוא כבר לא אוהב אותי? Why doesn't he care about me anymore? Why doesn't he love me anymore? הוא דקיק. He's skinny. He's thin. هذا سؤال أساسي. This is a fundamental question. That's a fundamental question. אני יכולה לשתף. I can share. I can share. احجز تلك الكلاب. Shut those dogs up. Hold those dogs. אני נותן לך כל דבר שאתה מבקש, אבל לא נראה שאתה אי פעם מרוצה. I give you everything you ask for, but you never seem satisfied. I'm giving you anything you're asking, but you don't seem to be happy ever. هل تحتاجون إلى سيارة إسعاف؟ Do you need an ambulance? Do you need an ambulance? רומא לא נבנתה ביום אחד. Rome was not built in a day. Rome was not built in one day. תום אכל את כל התפוח בפחות משלוש דקות. Tom ate the whole apple in less than three minutes. Tom ate all the apples in less than three minutes. חלק מזה שייך לתום. Some of this stuff belongs to Tom. Some of this belongs to Tom. هذه شجرة. That's a tree. This is a tree. הרכבת נסעה בחיפזון. The car traveled quickly. The train went fast. هذا الطريق يؤدي إلى القاعة العامة. This road leads to the public hall. This road leads to the public hall. تسبح بمهارة ، أليس كذلك؟ You swim well, don't you? You swim with a skill, don't you? הספנים הבחינו ביבשה. The sailors saw land. The Crates were seen on the land. לאיש לא אכפת שתום לא עזר. Nobody really cared that Tom didn't help. Nobody cares that Tom didn't help. חשדנו שהוא שיקר. We suspect him of telling a lie. We suspected he was lying. תפקידם היה לפברק הזמנות, כדי לסבך את החברה המתחרה. Their job is to make fake orders, in order to cause trouble for the rival company. Their job was to park invitations to get the competition company complicated. أنا لا أسخّن منزلكم. I'm not heating your house. I'm not heating your house. أخذ سامي حياة ليلى. Sami has stolen Layla's life. Sammy took Lily's life. אלוהים שלך, איפה הוא עכשיו? Your god—where is He now? Your God, where is he now? בחלקים גדולים של העולם אין די מזון לצרכי כולם. In many parts of the world, there isn't enough food to meet everyone's needs. Big parts of the world don't have enough food for everyone. תעביר להילוך נמוך ותטפס על הגבעה. Put the car in low to climb the hill. Pass low gear and climb the hill. لقد كاد أن يفقد سامي حياته. Sami almost lost his life. Sammy almost lost his life. يبدو أن توم كان مشغولا. It looks like Tom's been busy. Looks like Tom was busy. תום לא יכול היה להתרכז בעבודתו. Tom couldn't concentrate on his work. Tom couldn't concentrate on his job. ماذا صنعت ليلى بشعرها؟ What has Layla done to her hair? What did you make Lily with her hair? انقاذ الجنس البشري يبدأ بالعائلة. The salvation of human race starts with the family. The rescue of mankind begins with the family. كان سامي يعيش حياة سعيدة في القاهرة. Sami had a happy life in Cairo. Sammy was living a happy life in Cairo. أقام سامي علاقة غير شرعيّة مع امرأة متزوِّجة. Sami was having an affair with a married woman. Sammy had an illegal relationship with a married woman. תום היה אתמול מחוץ לעיר. Tom was out of town yesterday. Tom was out of town yesterday. כשכוכב הרוק עלה על הבמה, הקהל מחא כפיים בקול. When the rock singer appeared on the stage, the audience at the concert clapped loudly. When the rock star came up on the stage, the crowd hid their hands in the voice. أذهب أحياناً ، وأحياناً أُخْرى لا أذهب. Sometimes I go and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I go, and sometimes I don't go. נראה שהוא טועה. It appears that he is mistaken. Looks like he's wrong. ربما ستمطر غداً. It may rain tomorrow. Maybe you'll rain tomorrow. خذ راحتك. Make yourself at home. Take your rest. خسر توم وظيفته. Tom lost his job. Tom lost his job. זו חובתי לעזור לך. It's my duty to help you. It's my duty to help you. سينظّف سامي كلّ شيء. Sami is gonna clean it all up. Sammy's gonna clean everything up. ينبغي أن تنسي سامي. You should forget Sami. You should forget, Sami. קח כמה אפרסקים שתרצה. Take as many peaches as you like. Take some peaches you want. حرس الحارس الليل بطوله. The guard was on duty all night. Watch the guard at night. לעולם אזהר פן אאחר. I'll be careful never to be late again. I'll never tell Pan I'll be late. أخذ الولد يبكي. The boy began to cry. He took the boy crying. لا تكذب على نفسك. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. אנחנו יכולים! We can! We can! سمع سامي صريرا. Sami heard a screech. Sami's heard Qerra. בשעה שבת' נגבה את הדמעות מפרצופה היא מיהרה הביתה. As Beth wiped tears from her face, she rushed home. At Saturday's time, we're gonna wipe out the tears from her face. She's hurrying home. تلقّت ليلى المساعدة. Layla received help. You got my help. أنا أعرف هذا الولد الذي لا تعرف عنه شيئا. I know that boy whom you don't know. I know this boy who doesn't know anything about him. كان الكلب ميتاً. The dog was dead. The dog was dead. תנעל שוב אי פעם את המגפיים האלה? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? Will you ever lock those boots again? אם את חושבת שזה רעיון בריא, עליך להשתתף. אחרת, אם את סבורה שזה רעיון פסול, עליך להגיד לו את זה. If you think it's a good idea, you should participate. Conversely, if you think it's a bad idea, you should let him know. If you think it's a healthy idea, you have to participate, otherwise, if you think it's a wrong idea, you have to tell him that. נוח לכם עם זה? Are you alright with this? Are you comfortable with that? טום הוא חבר מאוד קרוב שלי. Tom is a very close friend of mine. Tom's a very close friend of mine. קשה לאמר איזו מכונית יותר יפה. It is hard to say which car is nicer. It's hard to say what a nicer car. العالم قرية صغيرة. The world is a small village. The world is a small village. ילדים צריכים סביבה ביתית מאושרת. Children need a happy home environment. Kids need a happy home environment. لا أبالي إن كان الجو باردا نوعا ما. I don't mind if it's a little cold. I don't care if it's kind of cold. שום דבר לא חסר. Nothing is missing. Nothing's missing. הנהר שזורם בלונדון נקרא תיימס. The river which flows through London is called the Thames. The river flowing in London is called The Times. יש לכם מושג על מה אני מדבר? Have you got any idea what I'm talking about? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? זה לא מוצא חן בעיני כלל וכלל. I don't like it one bit. I don't like it at all. لنذهب يا جمال. Let's go, Jamal. Let's go, Jamal. راني مسقسي روحي شحال رايحا طّوّل. I wonder how long it's going to take. My soul's an immortal soul. اللّغة مجرّد خريطة للتّفكير و المشاعر و الذّكريات البشريّة. و مثل جميع الخرائط، فإنّ اللّغة أيقونة صغيرة أصغر بمائة ألف مرّة من الشّيء الذي تمثّله. Language is just a map of human thoughts, feelings and memories. And like all maps, language is a thumbnail image a hundred thousand times smaller than what it is trying to convey. The language is just a map of thinking, feeling and memory, and, like all the maps, the tongue is a tiny icon hundreds of thousands of times smaller than the thing it represents. البارحة كان عيد ميلادي. Yesterday was my birthday. Last night was my birthday. התפטרתי מהעבודה. I gave up my job. I quit my job. אתה תפשל. You're going to screw this up. You'll mess up. أتساءل إن كان يحبني. I wonder if he loves me. I wonder if he loves me. للأرانب آذان طويلة. Rabbits have long ears. Rabbits have long ears. اجزوا الآن. Book now. They're done now. راو يبرا بلعقل ملمرض ديالو. He is slowly recovering from his illness. Rau speaks with the mind of a dillo nurse. תום לא שפוי. Tom's insane. Unsavory Tom. سينيد أوكونور أدت الشهادتين. Sinéad O'Connor made the shahada. Seinid O'Conor made the two testimonies. תום נפטר ביום שני אחה"צ. Tom died Monday afternoon. Tom died Monday afternoon. הוא חש כאב חמור בגב וברגליים. He felt severe pain in his back and legs. He felt a terrible pain in his back and feet. كان سامي يُعتبر مدرّسا رائعا. Sami was considered a great teacher. Sammy was a great teacher. התינוק הזה הוא תום. That baby is Tom. This baby is Tom. אתה דומה לתום בהרבה מובנים. You're a lot like Tom. You look like Tom in a lot of ways. جامل سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a compliment. Jamal Sammy Lee. هل وجدت كثيرا من الجزائريين في ألمانيا؟ Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? Did you find a lot of Algerians in Germany? תום ניהל אורח חיים פרוע. Tom has an extravagant lifestyle. Tom had a wild lifestyle. אני כותב שיר בגרמנית. I'm writing a song in German. I'm writing a song in German. لم يُعذّب أحد بالطّريقة التي عُذّب بها سامي. No one has ever been tortured the way Sami was. No one was tortured by the manner in which Sami was tortured. ماري ليست غيورة. Mary is not jealous. Mary's not jealous. Il-logħba hija divertenti. The game is fun. The game is fun. הוא הציג אותי להוריו. He introduced me to his parents. He introduced me to his parents. أخبر سامي الطّبيب عن هذا الأمر. Sami told the doctor about that. Tell Sami the doctor about it. كان يسميني اتشيرو. He called me Ichiro. He used to call me Echo. اليوم لا اشعر أنني بحالة جيدة Today I'm not feeling well. Today, I don't feel like I'm in a good condition. كُن ودوداً. Be friendly. Be friendly. لترتاح في تسوقك الأسبوعي، يجب أن تملك سيارةً. For comfortable weekly shopping you have to have a car. To rest on your weekly shopping, you have to have a car. كان سامي آتيًا من هناك. Sami was coming from there. Sammy was coming from there. هل يداك نظيفتان؟ Are your hands clean? Are your hands clean? قد أكون حاملا. I might be pregnant. I might be pregnant. עכשיו הגיע הזמן לומר לילה טוב. Now it's time to say good night. Now it's time to say good night. שמור על עצמך. Watch your back. Take care. אנו לא מאשימים אתכם. We're not blaming you. We don't blame you. נשארתי ער כל הלילה. I stayed up all night. I've been up all night. نطق سامي بالشّهادة الأسبوع الماضي. Sami took his shahada last week. Sami said good-bye last week. היא נראתה כמי שחלתה זמן רב. She looked like someone who had been sick for a long time. She seemed like a long time ago. إن أعطيتني بعضا من تلك الأوراق النّقديّة، فربّما بإمكاننا إبرام صفقة. If you can give me a couple of those bills, maybe we could have a deal. If you give me some of those cash cards, maybe we can make a deal. אנו רותחים מזעם. We're outraged. We're getting angry. עברה לי העייפות. I'm no longer tired. I've been tired. תום הבטיח שיחזיר את הכסף. Tom promised he'd pay back the money. Tom promised he'd return the money. قاتلوا من أجل وطنهم . They fought for their homeland. They fought for their homeland. ألست سعيداً؟ Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? תום התגלח. Tom shaved. Tom shaved. מעולם לא נזפתי בך. I never blamed you. I've never missed you. היה לי יום גרוע. I had an awful day. I had a bad day. اقترب عيد الميلاد. Christmas drew near. Christmas is near. אתה חושב שהיא תגיע לפסגת ההר? Do you think she will reach the top of the mountain? You think she's gonna get to the top of the mountain? بالرغم من أن هذا البيت ليس قلعة أو قصرا، إلا أنه يجعلك تحس بالأمان. This house is no fortress or castle, but it still instills a sense of security. Although this house is not a castle or a palace, it makes you feel safe. הלכתי לבית החולים אתמול. I went to the hospital yesterday. I went to the hospital yesterday. תום עשה כמיטב יכולתו להסתיר את אכזבתו. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. Tom did his best to hide his disappointment. ذهبت إلى العديد من المتاجر للبحث عن الكتاب. I went to many shops to look for the book. I went to a lot of shops looking for the book. وجدت له عملا. I found him a job. I found him a job. הן רצו ערומות לאורך הרחובות. They ran through the streets naked. They wanted locks along the streets. את זקוקה לחופש. You need a holiday. You need freedom. وأخيراً قرر أن يتزوج. He finally decided to get married. Finally, he decided to get married. אני מצטער אם זה בא לך כהלם, אבל לא אכפת לי מה אתה חושב. I'm sorry if this comes as a shock, but I don't care what you think. I'm sorry if you want it as a shock, but I don't care what you think. שקלת שבעים קילו. You weighed seventy kilograms. You've weighed 70 pounds. أشاهد التلفاز في بعض الأحيان. I sometimes watch TV. I watch TV sometimes. أعدها! Give it back! Put it back! מתי הרכבת הבאה לככר סלואן? When is the next train to Sloane Square? When's the next train to Salvan's square? אירה בך. I'll shoot you. I'll shoot you. قوة الريح جعلت المشي صعباً. The force of the wind made it difficult to walk. The wind's power has made walking difficult. تهجم الكلب على الصغير. The dog attacked the little boy. The dog attacks the little one. זהו הרומן הארוך ביותר שקראתי אי פעם. This is the longest novel that I have ever read. This is the longest novel I've ever read. תום נראה חביב. Tom seems kind. Tom looks nice. ياخذ السياح الكثير من الصور . The tourists took lots of pictures. The tourists take a lot of pictures. كيف يبدو لك مستواي في الإنجليزيّة؟ What do they think about my English? How do you look in English? خبّأ سامي سيّارته بين مجموعة من الأشجار. Sami hid his car in a grove of trees. Sami hid his car between a bunch of trees. כל חטא מוביל למשנהו. One vice leads to another. Every sin leads to its next year. اتهمتني بالكذب. She accused me of being a liar. I was accused of lying. ويستطيع الجميعُ المساهمةَ. And everyone has the ability to contribute. And everyone can contribute. בוא נחכה ונראה מה תום עושה בפועל. Let's wait and see what Tom actually does. Let's wait and see what Tom's doing. مفاصلي بتوجعني. My joints ache. I'm surprised. لا تنس استعمال عبارات "من فضلك" و "شكرا". Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you". Don't forget to use the words "please" and "thank you." خط أمي جميل. My mother has good handwriting. My mother's plan is beautiful. اعتبره صديقاً. I consider him a friend. Consider him a friend. أطلق سامي النّار على كلب متشرّد. Sami shot a stray dog. Sami fired a fire on a homeless dog. أجبر سامي ليلى أن تأكل طعاما فيه قياء. Sami forced Layla to eat food with vomit in it. Sammy made me eat good food. נושבת קצת רוח. It's slightly windy. Breathe a little bit of wind. רוב האנשים בכפר התנגדו לתכנית. Most people in the village objected to the plan. Most people in the village objected to the plan. سامي لا يقلّ أيّ شخص. Sami won't pick up just anybody. Sammy doesn't say anyone. תני לי לומר לך מדוע טום לא מוצא חן בעיניי. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. Let me tell you why I don't like Tom. إنها من محبي القطط. She's a cat lover. She's a cat lover. אולי זה לא בטבע שלך, אבל לפחות תשתדל להיות אדיב קצת. It may not be natural for you, but at least try to be a little more gracious. Maybe it's not in your nature, but at least try to be kind a little. נפגשנו בשנת 2008. שנה לאחר מכן נישאנו. We met in 2008. A year later, we got married. We met in 2008. A year later we got married. זה מספיק לעכשיו. This will do for now. That's enough for now. זה העיפרון שלך? Is this pencil yours? Is that your pencil? شغّل سامي جهاز الإنذار. Sami sounded the alarm. Put Sami on the alarm. بدأ سامي الأكل. Sami started eating. Sammy started eating. غضب سامي غضبا شديدا على الشّرطة. Sami got very angry with the police. Sami's anger is so angry at the police. Il-lejl it-tajjeb! Goodnight! Good night! كان على سامي أن يذهب إلى العمل. Sami had to go to work. Sammy had to go to work. הוא תמיד חולם בהקיץ. He is always day-dreaming. He's always dreaming about the summer. תגובתה לא השביעה רצון. Her response was unsatisfactory. Her response didn't make sense. لقد قابلنا مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We met our teacher. חל שינוי בתוכנית. There's been change of plan. There's been a change of plan. ዕባይ ከተማ ዶ ማሕረስ ይኽእል፧ Can city-boys plough? The Big City Can Live in Farms בוא נמשיך בתנועה. Let's just keep moving. Let's keep moving. אילו מסקנות הם הסיקו? What conclusions did they come to? What conclusions are they? אני עסוק מאד בהכנות למסיבה. I'm very busy getting ready for the party. I'm very busy preparing for the party. משהו רמז לי לא להרים את זה. Something told me not to pick it up. Something moved me not to pick it up. راتبي لا يسمح لنا أن نعيش برفاهية. My salary doesn't allow us to live extravagantly. My salary doesn't allow us to live well. אני חייבת את הצלחתי לחברי. I owe my success to my friend. I have to make it to my friend. הוא אוהב לנסוע לחו"ל. He likes to travel abroad. He likes going abroad. اصبر فقد أوشكنا على الانتهاء. Hang on; we're almost there. Be patient. We're almost done. هلّا أخبرتني عن سبب وجود توم في بوسطن؟ Can you tell me why Tom is in Boston? Would you tell me why Tom was in Boston? האם הותקפת אי פעם? Have you ever been mugged? Have you ever been attacked? הוא נעץ בי מבט. He stared at me. He took a look at me. تبرع باموالك الى الفقراء وسوف تمتلك كنز فى الجنة Donate your money to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven. You donated your money to the poor, and you'll have a treasure in heaven. هنالك ايضا سياح فرنسيون . There are also French tourists. There are also French tourists. תום עשה את מרי מאושרת. Tom made Mary happy. Tom made Mary happy. هل بمكانك أن تصوّرني مع أصدقائي؟ Could you take a picture of me and my friends? Can you picture me with my friends? تبدو أوروبا الآن مثل الجنة. Europe looks like a paradise now. Europe now looks like paradise. ልጁ ይህች ቆንጆ ልጃገረድን ይወዳል። The boy loves this beautiful girl. The son loves this beautiful girl. אני צופה בטלוויזיה בערבים. I watch television in the evening. I watch TV tonight. לא ראיתי דבר. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. המדינאי סולק ממשרתו. The politician was removed from office. D.E.S.A.S.A.S.A.S.A. עשינו תגלית מדהימה. We've made a shocking discovery. We made an amazing discovery. היה לו כאב ראש כזה, שהוא היה חייב לוותר על הפגישה. He had such a headache that he was forced to abandon the meeting. He had this headache that he had to give up the meeting. العلم قوة. Knowledge is power. Science is powerful. أجبر سامي ليلى على الجلوس على ركبتيها أمامه. Sami made Layla kneel in front of him. Sammy was forced to sit on her knees in front of him. רקדניות הולה מסורתיות לא לובשות חצאיות מקש. Traditional hula dancers did not wear grass skirts. Traditional hula dancers don't wear weed skirts. אינני אוהב אננס. יש לו ריח די חמוץ. I don't like pineapple. It smells pretty sour. I don't like annance. תתלה את המעיל ואת הכובע שלך על המתלה שם. Hang your coat and hat up on the rack over there. Hang your coat and your hat on the board over there. كرفس الورقا أو دار بيها بولا. He crushed the sheet of paper up into a ball. Kresh or Beta Paula's house. לא הייתי יכולה להיות מאושרת יותר בשבילכם. I couldn't be happier for you guys. I couldn't be happier for you guys. תום נפגע. Tom's hurt. Tom's hurt. לתום יהיה סופשבוע עמוס. Tom will have a busy weekend. Tom's gonna be a busy weekend. اصابه توم ليست خطيره Tom's injury isn't serious. Tom's injury isn't dangerous. الرجاء ابلاغي عن أي تغيير في حالته. Please inform me of any change in his condition. Please, Abigail, for any change in his condition. הנהר הזה מסוכן לחציה בשחיה. This river is dangerous to swim across. This river is dangerous for swimming. اِندلعت الحرب أخيراً. The war finally broke out. The war finally broke out. أكل سامي قرابة اثني عشر بيضة. Sami ate a dozen eggs. He ate about 12 eggs. ነፍጡን ስጠኝ። Give me the gun. Give me the breath. كانت عند سامي حصّة دراسيّة واحدة فقط يوم الجمعة. Sami had only one class on Friday. Sammy had only one school break on Friday. אני כל כך שמח שמצאתם אותנו. I'm so happy you found us. I'm so glad you found us. טום מופרע נפשית. Tom is mentally disturbed. Tom's mentally disturbed. זה המשחק האחרון. This is the last game. It's the last game. אנו לא גמישים. We're inflexible. We're not flexible. ابن عمي من مصر. هو مصري. My cousin is from Egypt. He is Egyptian. My cousin is from Egypt. אני לא יודעת מה תעשי. I don't know what you are going to do. I don't know what you're gonna do. على قدر لحافك مد رجليك، رحم الله إمرءاً عرف قدر نفسه. Cut your coat according to your cloth. As much as you love your feet, God has mercy on a man who knows his own destiny. لمّا متحبش الناس، همّ كمان مش هيحبوك. When you dislike others, you are disliked by them in turn. When people love you, they're like something they like you. كان سامي يشغل منصبا جيّدا في العيادة. Sami had a good position at the clinic. Sammy was doing a good job at the clinic. عليك أن تساعدها. You must help her. You need to help her. أحضر فاضل بعض الملابس لدانية. Fadil brought some clothes for Dania. Bring some clothes to Dani. انتقل الى الجزء الخلفي من الباص رجاءً . Please move to the rear of the bus. Move to the back of the bus, please. אחזור בשעה שש וחצי. I will be back at half past six. I'll be back at six and a half. היית צריך לנעול, או לפחות לסגור את כל הדלתות. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have locked up, or at least shut all the doors. ህዉኽ ዝብኢ ቀርኒ ይነክስ። A hasty hyena bites the horn. Hungry horn bites. آمل ألّا يكون توم في إثرنا. I hope Tom isn't looking for us. I hope Tom won't be following us. אמרתי להם שזה דחוף. I told them it was urgent. I told them it was urgent. سألت صاحبة المحل: "ولكن، ألا تظنها كبيرة قليلًا؟". "But don't you think that it's a little big?" asked the shopkeeper. The housewife asked, "But don't you think it's a little big?" ברשות מי זה נמצא? Who has it? - Who's in the office? لقد أعجبتم سامي. Sami likes you. You liked Sammy. تسمح لي إني أسألك شوية؟ May I ask a couple of questions? Let me ask you a swan? تابع العمل بعد استراحة قصيرة. He continued his work after a short break. Keep working after a short break. እቶም ኣሕዋት ንሓድሕዶም ተሓላልዮም። The brothers cared for one another. The brothers took care of one another. المعرفة هي نصف المعركة. Knowing is half the battle. Knowledge is half the battle. שרדת את כל מה שאירע לך עד כה. You have survived everything that has happened to you so far. You've survived everything that's happened to you so far. זרוק את האופניים שלך על המשאית ואקח אותך הביתה. Just throw your bicycle in the back of the truck and I'll drive you home. Drop your bike on the truck and I'll take you home. ביליתי את כל היום בניקוי החדר. I've spent the entire morning cleaning my room. I spent all day cleaning the room. حاول مرة تانية. Try it again. Tried a second time. הוא צדק בפעם הראשונה. He was right the first time. He was right for the first time. أردتُ أن تذهب إلي غُرَفَكَ وتَقفِل الأبواب. I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors. I wanted you to go to your throat and close the doors. أعلن توم عن تقاعده. Tom announced he was retiring. Tom announced his retirement. חזרו. Come back. Come back. አንተ ማን ነህ? Who are you? Who Are You? لدينا مدرّس جديد. We got a new teacher. We have a new teacher. اشترىت عدد قليل من الكتب من المكتبة. I bought a few books from the bookstore. A few books have been bought from the library. أعدّ سامي العديد من الفيديوهات لليوتوب. Sami made many YouTube videos. Give Sammy a lot of videos to YouTube. من حسن حظّ سامي، لم تخبر ليلى أحدا عن ذلك. Luckily for Sami, Layla told no one about that. Fortunately, Sammy, you didn't tell me about it. יש להם אמונות משותפות. They share their same beliefs. They have common beliefs. أرفض أن أنادى بغير "صاحب السمو". I refuse to be called anything besides "Your Highness". I refuse to go without His Highness. אנו יודעים היטב מה הסיכויים שלנו. We know very well what our chances are. We know our chances well. بالغ سامي في فيديوهاته للمقالب التي ينشرها على اليوتوب كي يجلب الانتباه. Sami pushed the limits of his YouTube pranks to get attention. It's very sammy in his video for the studios he publishes on YouTube to draw attention. זה נשמע איום. That sounds awful. That sounds like a threat. أتمنى لك يوماً لطيفاً. Have a nice day. I wish you a nice day. לא היה צורך שהיא תגיע לפגישה. She needn't have come to the meeting. She didn't need to get to a meeting. رأى سامي ذلك المنزل. Sami saw the house. Sammy saw that house. ארוז את חפציך. Pack your bags. Pack your things. عادة ما يستلقي كلبي على العشب. My dog often lies on the grass. Usually my dog's lying on the grass. אני מקווה שתום יגיע לכאן בקרוב. I hope Tom gets here soon. I hope Tom gets here soon. איך אתה יכול סתם לשבת שם? How can you just sit there? How can you just sit there? ההחלטה לא היתה הפתעה. The decision wasn't a surprise. The decision wasn't a surprise. Trid tissegwa r-regoli ta' l-iskola. You must follow school rules. School rules must be followed. هل تأتي إلى هنا كل يوم؟ Do you come here every day? You come here every day? הדלת סגורה. The door is closed. The door is closed. אני זר כאן. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. ወደ ትምሕርት ቤት ይሄዳል። He goes to school. He goes to the house of his wrath. אני מצטערת שלא עלה בידי לענות מוקדם יותר למכתבך האלקטרוני. I'm sorry for not replying to your email earlier. I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer your e-mail earlier. يعقد المجلس اجتماعا مرتين في الشهر. The committee meets twice a month. The Council will meet twice a month. לא ללכלך! Don't litter! Don't get dirty! توم هو اللي قال لي باللي ماري ما كانتش تحبني. Tom is the one who told me that Mary didn't like me. Tom is me telling me, Mary, what it was like to me. תום היה חולה. Tom was sick. Tom was sick. ينبغي أن تصلح سيارتك. You should get your car fixed. You should fix your car. ወደ ትምህርት ቤት እየሄድክ ነው? Are you going to school? Are you going to school? أنا عطشان. I got thirsty. I'm thirsty. أراك في البيت See you at home. See you at home. יש לי מחשב נייד מדגם אסוס. I have an Asus laptop. I've got a satellite-based laptop. תום נהג לבוא לבקר אותי לפחות פעם בחודש. Tom used to come to see me at least once a month. Tom used to come visit me at least once a month. لديك الكثير من الكتب. You have many books. You have a lot of books. አትረብሽ! Do not disturb! Don’t worry! אני יודע לקלף תפוח. I can peel an apple. I know how to peel an apple. החקיקה הזאת מהווה התקפה במלוא העוצמה על זכויות הצרכן. This legislation constitutes a full-fledged attack on consumer rights. This legislation is a full-fledged attack on the rights of the consumer. אלמד אותך מעט קראטה. I'm going to teach you some karate. I'll teach you a little carte. عاش توم في بوسطن لمدة طويلة. Tom has lived in Boston for a long time. Tom lived in Boston for a long time. أنا لستُ مقتنعًا على الإطلاق. I'm not convinced at all. I'm not convinced at all. רציתי להרשים את תום. I wanted to impress Tom. I wanted to impress Tom. آمل ان لا تخبر توم بذلك I hope you don't tell Tom that. I hope you don't tell Tom that. מה הדבר שלמדנו? What is it that we learned? What'd we learn? فضل يبص عليّه. He fixed his eyes on me. Best bet on him. זה שקר. That's a lie. That's a lie. هل كنت تواعدها؟ Did you use to go out with her? Were you dating her? من خلق الشمس؟ Who made the sun? Who created the sun? نريد أن نوصل أدوات اللغة إلى المرحلة التالية. نريد أن نرى إبداعات في مجال تعليم اللغات. ولا يمكن لهذا أن يحصل بدون مصادر لغوية متاحة للجميع والتي لا يمكن بناؤها بدون مجتمع والمجتمع لا يمكنه المساهمة بدون منصات فعّالة. We want to bring language tools to the next level. We want to see innovation in the language learning landscape. And this cannot happen without open language resources which cannot be built without a community which cannot contribute without efficient platforms. We want language tools to reach the next stage. We want to see innovations in language education, and this cannot be achieved without available language sources that cannot be built without society and society that cannot contribute without effective platforms. תום שונא ללכת לבית הספר. Tom dislikes going to school. Tom hates going to school. אתה חושב שאני גבוה מדי? Do you think I'm too tall? You think I'm too high? يودّ توم شراء منزلًا. Tom would like to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. قالتلي ما تمسنيش. She told me not to touch her. She told me what you're trying to do. אני מעריך את הערותיך. I appreciate your comments. I appreciate your comments. أبي مهندس كهربائي. My father is an electric engineer. My father's an electric engineer. توژور حبّيت كتر ليپارسۆناژ لّي عنهوم ميستار. I always liked mysterious characters more. Tower loved Peter Leapers for me. תום נרדם במשך הצגת מצפה הכוכבים. Tom fell asleep during the show at the planetarium. Tom fell asleep in front of the star view. ستتعلم كيف تفعلها عاجلًا أو آجلًا. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. אני עסוק בהכנות למחר. I'm busy getting ready for tomorrow. I'm busy preparing tomorrow. התעייפתי להיות גמלאי. I'm tired of being retired. I was tired of being a camel. חשבתי אותו בטעות למר בראון. I mistook him for Mr. Brown. I accidentally thought it to Mr. Brown. אני לא חושב שתום מתכנן לסייע לנו. I don't think Tom is planning to help us. I don't think Tom's planning on helping us. שים את זה בשקית נייר חומה. Put it in a brown paper bag. Put it in a brown paper bag. سيزور الرئيس الفرنسي اليابان الشهر المقبل. The French president is to visit Japan next month. The French President will visit Japan next month. אני אוהבת ילדים. I love children. I love kids. אני מעדיף כריך. I'd prefer a sandwich. I prefer a sandwich. ها هي حقيبتك. Here is your bag. Here's your bag. תום דיבר עם מרי עלי. Tom has been talking to Mary about me. Tom talked to Mary Ali. شكرا يا رفاق. Thank you, guys. Thanks, guys. הוא ניסה להרשים אותה. He tried to impress her. He tried to impress her. מה, לכל הרוחות, מעשיך כאן? What the hell are you doing in here? What the hell are you doing here? Jien immur fuq vjaġġ. I'm going on a trip. I go on a trip. המתימטיקה היא היצירה היפה ורבת העוצמה ביותר של נפש האדם. Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. The math is the most beautiful and powerful creation of the human soul. عايز ايه؟ What do you want? Bastard, huh? أصبحت ممرضة. She became a nurse. I've become a nurse. אינני מסוגלת להאמין שעשית את זה. I can't believe you did that! I can't believe you did it. במקרה תאונה דווח לי על כך מיד! In case there is an accident, report it to me at once. In case of an accident, it's reported to me immediately! كيف بإمكاني مساعدتك ؟ How can I help? How can I help you? كدب علينا. He lied to us. It's a book on us. ጽቡቕ ጌረ ይዛረብ ኣሎኹ ዶ? Am I pronouncing this correctly? Do I speak well? كانت مشغولة بأعمال البيت. She was busy with household work. She was busy with the housework. היינו תקועים שעות בפקק תנועה. We were stuck for hours in a traffic jam. We were stuck in traffic traffic hours. እርስዎስ? And you? What about you? فرك الجرح بالملح. Rub salt in the wound. The wound's out of salt. لستُ سوى فتاة عاديّة. I'm just a normal girl. I'm only a regular girl. השומרים מצאו תער מאולתר בכיסו של האסיר. The guards found a hacksaw blade in the prisoner's pocket. The guards found an outlet in the prisoner's pocket. افتُتحت المستشفى الشهر الماضي. The hospital had a grand opening last month. The hospital was opened last month. بماذا تحدّق؟ What are you staring at? What are you staring at? האמנה אושררה. The treaty was approved. The Covenant's been confirmed. هل تملِكُ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على حاسوبِكَ؟ Do you have the berber keyboard on your computer? Do you get the amazig keyboard on your computer? لوسي من أمريكا. Lucy is from America. Lucy's from America. كان سامي منبهرا بالحكايات العربّية. Sami is fascinated with Arabic fairy tales. Sami was impressed with Arab stories. إننا نواجه أزمة ضخمة. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a huge crisis. شغلت التلفزيون وكانوا يعرضون الجائزة الكبرى. I turned on the TV and the Grand Prix was being broadcasted. I filled out the TV and they were offering the big prize. ذاكرتهُ تُدهِشُني. His memory amazes me. His memory destroys me. هذا البناء أزرق. This building is blue. This building is blue. מומחה אמד את שוויו של השעון ב-200 דולר. An expert appraised the value of the watch as two hundred dollars. An expert would estimate the balance of the watch at $200. كان ذلك خلال العودة إلى المنزل نهاية الأسبوع. It was homecoming weekend. That was on the way home at the end of the week. אתה מוזמן תמיד. You are always welcome. You're always welcome. הבנות משחקות כדורעף חופים. The girls are playing beach volleyball. The girls are playing beach ball. القانون والسياسة هما شيئان مختلفان. Law and politics are two different things. Law and politics are two different things. الآنسة ماري اُسرت بواسطة تنين قوي يدعي توم. Princess Mary was captured by the powerful dragon named Tom. Miss Mary was married by a powerful dragon calling Tom. אל תזלזלי בכך. Don't underestimate it. Don't underestimate that. أتساءل أين وضعت نظاراتي. I wonder where I put my glasses. I wonder where I put my glasses. אין תשובות פשוטות. There are no easy answers. No simple answers. لقد كان غبي بما فيه الكفايه ليصدقها. He was stupid enough to believe her. He was stupid enough to believe her. هيا ادخل Come on in. Come on in. תום היה משועשע. Tom was amused. Tom was amusing. אין לתום כבר את המרץ להתחרות. Tom no longer has the energy to compete. Tom doesn't already have to compete. אחר הצהריים טוב, גבירותי ורבותי. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. התאמנתם? Have you been practicing? Did you practice? سامي لا يستحقّ ذلك. Sami doesn't deserve that. Sammy doesn't deserve it. תסתכל על עצמך במראה. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look at you in the mirror. إنها جميلة جداً. She is very pretty. She's so beautiful. תביא את המפתחות שלך. Get your keys. Get your keys. זה לא מעשי. That's impractical. It's not practical. سامي حقّا أحمق. Sami really is an idiot. Sammy really is an idiot. اِجلس من فضلك. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. لا بدّ من أنّك شعرت بالخوف. You must have been scared. You must have felt afraid. אני מקווה שיהיה שקט. I hope it will be quiet. I hope it's quiet. هلا منحتني بعض الوقت؟ Will you give me some time? Would you give me some time? ستُحضَرُ ليلى إلى العدالة. Layla will be brought to justice. You'll be brought to justice by night. לדעת זה דבר אחד, ללמד זה דבר אחר. To know is one thing, to teach is another. Knowing it's one thing, teaching it's another. ستبحر السفينة إلى هونولولو غداً. The ship sails for Honolulu tomorrow. The ship will sail to Honolulu tomorrow. למה הטלפון מצלצל כל הזמן רק כשאני עסוקה? אני לא מצליחה לעבוד רק בגלל זה. Why does the phone have to ring all the time only when I'm busy? I can't get any work done because of it. Why does the phone ring all the time just when I'm busy? سيقدّم سامي بعض الدّواء لليلى. Sami is going to give Layla some medicine. Sammy's going to give me some medicine. مدرّس الرّياضة يناديني بالسّمين. The gym teacher calls me "fat." The pilot's calling me fat. متى اشترى توم هذا القميص؟ When did Tom buy that shirt? When did Tom buy this shirt? אפשר לעזור לך? Could I give you a hand? Can I help you? قلت أني كنت وحيدا، أليس كذلك؟ You said you were alone, did not you? You said I was alone, didn't you? كان إطلاق سراح سامي مقرّرا. Sami was scheduled for release. Sami's release was scheduled. كرم مدرس جديد. Karam is a new teacher. Cream's a new teacher. חיכיתי לה כל חיי. I've waited for her all my life. I've been waiting for her my whole life. אחרי 2013 תום חי וגר בבוסטון. After 2013, Tom lived and worked in Boston. After 2013, Tom lived and lived in Boston. لم تستحق ليلى أن تموت. Layla didn't deserve to die. Lily didn't deserve to die. هناك دوما بعض المهام المتعلقة بامور المنزل التي ينبغي القيام بها . There are always some chores to be done about the house. There are always some tasks to be performed in connection with the affairs of the home. ما عنديش لانتانسيۆن نكون اڨۆيست. I don't intend to be selfish. There's no place for Tancine to be. תנו לי את השורה התחתונה. Give me the bottom line. Give me the bottom line. تعرف ما أعنيه. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. إنها إجابة قدمتها صفوفٌ امتدت حول المدارس والكنائس في أعدادٍ لم يسبق لهذه الأمة أن شهدت مثلها؛ إجابة قدمها أناسٌ وقفوا منتظرين لمدة ثلاث أو أربع ساعات، كثيرون منهم شاركوا في التصويت للمرة الأولى في حياتهم، إيماناً منهم بأن هذه المرة لا بد أن تكون مختلفة عن غيرها، وان أصواتهم من الممكن أن تحقق ذلك الفارق. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches, in numbers this nation has never seen. By people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference. It is an answer given by a class around schools and churches in unprecedented numbers to see this nation; an answer given by people standing up for three or four hours, many of whom took part in the voting for the first time in their lives, believing that this time must be different from others, and that their voices can make that difference. את תגזים באכילה. Don't eat to excess. You're gonna exaggerate eating. בוא נראה מה יקרה. Let's see what happens. Let's see what happens. ما رأيك في اللغة اليابانية؟ What do you think about the Japanese language? What do you think of Japanese? ماتنسناش! Don't forget about us! Matsenach! الجميع يحبها. She is loved by everyone. Everyone loves her. את לא מכירה אותו אבל אני כן. You don't know him, but I do. You don't know him, but I do. ماذا! هل فعلت ذلك حقًا؟ What! You didn't really do that? Did you really do that? أنا لا أريد أن أتحدث إلى توم الآن. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. I don't want to talk to Tom right now. הם באו לכאן אתמול. They came here yesterday. They came here yesterday. إنها مهمةٌ صعبة، اختيار ما هو "صحيحٌ" وما هو "خطأ"، لكن يجب عليك أن تفعلها. It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. It's a difficult task, choosing what's right and what's wrong, but you have to do it. استيقظ سامي. Sami woke up. Wake up, Sammy. הונג מיונג בו שחקן דגול. Hong Myong Bo is a great player. Hong Ming is a great actor. ليس فقط انت بل انا ايضا كنت المعني As a rule, I prefer people who deal with matters of this kind directly with those involved. Not just you, I've been involved. لستِ حامل. You're not pregnant. You're not pregnant. תום ציפה לכך. Tom anticipated that. Tom expected it. הָיֹה הָיָה פעם באנגליה מלך רע. Once upon a time, there was a bad king in England. The one in England once was a bad king. لديك ستّ رسائل غير مقروءة. You have six unread messages. You have six non-readable messages. አስተማሪ ነኝ። I'm a teacher. I am a teacher. هل تستطيع أن تريني غرفة أخرى؟ Can you show me another room? Can you show me another room? لم تر طبيباً؟ Why not see the doctor? You didn't see a doctor? الطاليانية ماشي واعرة. Italian isn't difficult. Ta'alian Mashi and Aarah. אתם אוהבים מאוד זה את זה? Do you love each other very much? Do you love each other very much? הפניצילין תרם רבות לרווחת האנושות. Penicillin has contributed much to the welfare of mankind. The penicillin has greatly contributed to the well-being of mankind. قطتي وكلبي متعايشان. My cat and dog get along. My cat and my dog are Zion's. طلبت مني أن أوقظها عند السادسة. She asked me to wake her at six. She asked me to wake her up at 6:00. איך נודע לך? How did you know? How do you know? هل صديقكِ هنا؟ Is your boyfriend here? Is your friend here? מי גילה את האי? Who discovered the island? Who discovered the island? هذه السكين أفادتني كثيرًا. This knife was very useful to me. This knife did me a lot of good. اتّصل سامي بعائلته. Sami had contact with his family. Sammy calls his family. החתול קימר את גבו. The cat arched its back. The cat just slammed his back. عليك أن تعيرني بعض ملابسك. You'll have to lend me some of your clothes. You need to give me some of your clothes. אני כבר לא טירון. I'm no longer a rookie. I'm not a rookie anymore. מצבו קריטי. His condition is critical. He's critical. أسعار البنزين تؤثر علينا جميعاً بطريقة أو بأخرى. Gasoline prices affect all of us one way or another. Prices of gasoline affect us all in one way or another. זה נשמע כמו תפקיד לתום. This sounds like a job for Tom. That sounds like a role for Tom. איש מאיתנו לא עשה את מה שתום רצה שנעשה. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. None of us did what Tom wanted us to do. لا أستطيع مساعدتك. في الحقيقة، أنا مشغول جدا الآن. I can't help you. As a matter of fact, I'm very busy just now. I can't help you. ילדים שונאים מורים מעצבנים. Children hate annoying teachers. Kids hate annoying teachers. ما الذي تفعله؟ What's she doing? What are you doing? זכור לי שהזכרתי זאת פעם או פעמים. I remember mentioning it once or twice. Remember that I mentioned it once or twice. اقسى انواع الكذب هو غالباً ما يقال في صمت. The cruelest lies are often told in silence. Forget the kind of lie he's often said in silence. אני רוצה לדעת מיד כשמשהו יקרה. I want to know as soon as anything happens. I want to know right away when something happens. رأيت ذلك بأم عيني. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw it with my own eyes. لم أشتري زوجاً من الأحذية لستة أشهر; أنا أستحق زوجاً جديداً لذلك أنا أعتقد أني سأذهب لشرائهم. I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months; I deserve a new pair so I think I'll go buy them! I haven't bought a pair of shoes for six months, so I think I'm going to buy them. שקלתי את זה בכובד ראש. I have considered that very carefully. I've considered it with respect. هل تذكرني؟ Do you remember me? Do you remember me? إستطلاع يُظهر أن العديد من رجال الأعمال يتخطون الغداء. A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch. A poll shows that many businessmen are having lunch. הם היו חולים. They were sick. They were sick. أرغم سامي ليلى على ممراسة الجنس الشّفوي معه. Sami had Layla perform oral sex on him. Sammy Lee was forced to have oral sex with him. كانت ليلى تحبّ الحياة الرّيفيّة. Layla loved the country life. Lily loved Rift's life. זה נכון. This is true. That's right. שאף אחד לא יתקרב לאש. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Nobody gets close to the fire. لا عليك! Never mind! It's okay! מעטים הם האנשים היודעים כיצד להשתמש בכלי נשקו של האויב נגדו. Few people know how to use an enemy's weapon against him. Few are the people who know how to use the enemy's weapons against him. תום היה עקשן. Tom was obstinate. Tom was stubborn. أنت طباخ جيد You are a good cook. You're a good cook. בואי נכתוב ספר. Let's write a book. Let's write a book. كيف تقول " شكراً لك " باليابانية؟ How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "Thank you" in Japanese? ما عملتش حاجة غلط. I haven't done anything wrong. What did you need a mistake? ايها الناس امضوا قدماً . نحن سوف نتبعكم . You people go ahead. We'll bring up the rear. People, go ahead. We'll follow you. Għaliex il-lista ta' l-ilsna ma tinkludix il-Malti? Why doesn't the list of languages include Maltese? Why does the list of languages not include Maltese? أهذا هو الطريق إلى المحطة؟ Is this the way to the station? Is this the way to the station? لا يبدو هذا صوت سامي. This doesn't sound like Sami. That doesn't sound like Sami. בבקשה תטפל בתום עבורי. Please take care of Tom for me. Please take care of Tom for me. אני יודע זאת בעצמי. I know it myself. I know it myself. مع السلامة. Goodbye to you. Bye. תום מצא את הכובע שמרי חיפשה במרתף. Tom found the hat Mary was looking for in the basement. Tom found the hat Mary was looking for in the basement. أنتِ فقط تهربين من مشاكل الحياة. You're just running away from life's problems. You're just running away from life's problems. هذا العالَم المُدَمَر بالفعِل شَهِدَ حَربَين عالَميَتين. This destructive world has already experienced two world wars. This truly prosperous world has two world wars. Għandu fortuna taż-żobb! He is shit out of luck. It has a soak fort! הוא העיף בועות סבון. He blew soap bubbles. He threw soap bubbles. هل لك أن توصلني إلى البيت؟ Will you drive me home? Can you get me home? جاء ليطلب منا أن نساعده. He came to ask us to help him. He came to ask us to help him. رأيته يخرج. I saw him go out. I saw him come out. لا شيء طبيعي أكثر من الوقوع في الحب. Falling in love is the most natural thing in the world. Nothing is more natural than falling in love. جون ماكانشو هنايا. John isn't here. John Maccancho's here. بدأ سامي يواعد الفتيات. Sami began dating. Sammy's dating the girls. كان سامي يقضي المزيد من الوقت في منزل ليلى. Sami was spending more and more time at Layla's house. Sammy was spending more time at Lily's house. תום בלש טוב. Tom is a good detective. Tom's a good detective. سُميّتُ على خالي. I was named after my uncle. I was named after my uncle. انقطعت أخبار ليلى عن سامي. Sami didn't hear from Layla. Night's news went off of Sammy. كفى. That's enough. Enough. אין פה כלום. There's nothing up here. There's nothing here. לדודי ידע מרשים בצרפתית. My uncle has a good knowledge of French. Dody knew impressive in French. من أجل ماذا أتيتَ إلى هنا؟ What did you come here for? What are you here for? טום לא הלך לשם. Tom didn't go there. Tom didn't go there. فقد سامي كلب ليلى. Sami lost Layla's dog. Sammy's lost a night dog. הכול התברר בתור תרמית פונזי. The whole thing turned out to be a Ponzi scheme. Everything turned out to be a ponzi trick. אין לי סמכות לתת לך אור ירוק. I don't have the authority to give you the green light. I have no authority to give you green light. أعتقد أنها لم تتلقَّ أي ردود. I believe she didn't get any replies. I think she didn't get any answers. החברה ביטלה את הפרויקט הזה. The company canceled the project. The company canceled this project. אני חייב להודות לו. I must thank him. I have to thank him. אני כל כך רוצה לקחת אותך איתי בשבת לים. I so want to take you with me to the sea on Saturday. I want to take you with me on Saturday night. Ommi tnaddaf il-kamra. My mother cleans the room. Mothers clean the room. عادت ليلى في قطار إلى القاهرة. Layla caught a train back to Cairo. Lily came back on the train to Cairo. نحن أصدقاء قدامى. We're old friends. We're old friends. עלצו, פן תמותו בלי עונג. Rejoice, lest pleasureless ye die. Duffle, Pan will die without pleasure. תתחפף מכאן! Beat it. Get the fuck out of here! آن لديها الكثير من المعجبين. Anne has many admirers. Anne's got a lot of fans. لن أدير ظهري لِتوم. I'm not going to turn my back on Tom. I'm not running my back for Tom. ليست لديّ شهية. I have no appetite. I don't have a appetite. רציתי לשבת ליד הדלת. I wanted to sit near the door. I wanted to sit by the door. תום נראה ממש כמו אביו. Tom looks just like his dad. Tom looks just like his father. سامي بعيد عن الخطر. Sami is out of danger. Sammy's out of danger. توم ملحد. Tom is an atheist. Tom's a mil. X'inhi din? What is this? What is this? למה אתה תדיר מתערב? Why do you constantly have to get involved? Why are you going to get involved? דבר באיטיות ובבהירות. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. בואו נהיה חברים לנֶצח. Let's be best friends forever. Let's be friends to win. أتى سامي إلى العيادة ليقابل ليلى. Sami came to the clinic to see Layla. Sammy came to the clinic to meet me. הם בכל מקום. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. מאיפה בא הכסף הזה? Where is this money coming from? Where did that money come from? أعرف اسمك. I know your name. I know your name. لدى الفيل أنف طويل. An elephant has a long nose. The elephant has a long nose. مقرف! Disgusting! Disgusting! אתה לא מעוניין לדעת מי אני באמת? Don't you want to know who I really am? Don't you want to know who I really am? היא נשקה לי, לא לו. She kissed me, not him. She kissed me, not him. احضرتُ لها مثلَّجات لكي لا تحزن I got her an ice cream so that she wouldn't get depressed. I brought her some ice cream so you wouldn't be sad. لا يفضل أحدًا على أحد. He shows partiality to no one in particular. Nobody prefers anyone. أردت شراء إحدى لوحات توم. I wanted to buy one of Tom's paintings. I wanted to buy one of Tom's plates. أجبروا على الانسحاب. They were forced to withdraw. They were forced to withdraw. איזה לחם אתם אוכלים? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread are you eating? أريد حبيبا. I want a boyfriend. I want a baby. ليس هناك حل. There isn't any solution. There's no solution. لِمَ أُتْعِبُ نفسي. Why do I even care? I didn't trouble myself. זה טיפשי לחשוש מפני מה שאת/ה לא יכול/ה למנוע. It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid. It's stupid to be afraid of what you can't prevent. جُمِعت العيناتُ من مائتي مؤسسة طبية في جميع أنحاء العالم. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world. أنا أعتقد أن الحب غير موجود. I think love doesn't exist. I think love doesn't exist. سامي يتذكّر اسم ليلى. Sami remembers Layla's name. Sammy remembers Lily's name. لديهم بعجة في الباب الخلفي . They had a dent in the rear door. They have a ring in the back door. تحرّكت ليلى نحو سامي. Layla moved toward Sami. You moved Lee to Sammy. תום איבד את מאור עיניו. Tom lost his eyesight. Tom lost his sight. أضمن لك أنّ هذه المعلومات صحيحة. I guarantee that this information is correct. I assure you this information is true. הדלת חרקה על ציריה. The door squeaked. The door's a fire on Squiya. توم بيمشي بشويش. Tom walks slowly. Tom Pimishi Chowish. זה היה בלגן. It was chaotic. It was a mess. מצא חן בעיניך הסרט? Did you enjoy the film? Did you like the movie? ما عندي وقت. I don't have time. I don't have time. הוא חישב את תוצאות פעולתו. He calculated the consequences of his action. He calculated the results of his action. أضاعَ سامي نظّاراتِهِ في المسبح. Sami lost his glasses in the pool. I'm giving Sammy his glasses in the pool. הוא הרג אותו. He killed him. He killed him. بتتكلمي انجليزي؟ Do you speak English? Speaking English? תום ניסה להגיד לי משהו, אבל מרי הפסיקה אותו לפני שהוא הצליח לומר משהו. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary stopped it before he could say something. אני לא מסתדר בלי סוכר בקפה. I cannot do without sugar in my coffee. I can't get along without sugar in coffee. قال سامي أنّه لديه من سيوصله بسيّارته. Sami said he had a ride. Sami said he had someone to call in his car. אני חושב שהגיע הזמן שאכין את שיעורי הבית. I think it's time for me to do my homework. I think it's time I made my homework. اسأل ترانغ إن كان سيخرج هذا المساء. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trung if he gets out this evening. התעלמנו מתום. We ignored Tom. We ignored him. أريد أن أعرف رأيك. I want to know your opinion. I want to know your opinion. הוא אמור להיות עשיר. He is said to be rich. He's supposed to be rich. عندما نفقد لغةً، نفقد المعلومات حول ثقافتها، ومجتمعها وتاريخها. When we lose a language we lose information about culture, society and history. When we lose language, we lose information about her culture, society and history. لم أكن أريد أن أحدث أية ضجة. I didn't want to make any noise. I didn't want to make any noise. דמיין לעצמך שאתה מתחיל לשהק ולא יכול להפסיק. Imagine if you started hiccoughing and you couldn't stop. Imagine you're starting to laugh and can't stop. תום איבד כל שביב של תקווה. Tom gave up hope. Tom lost every chip of hope. إن كانت ثمّة طريقة لأستمتع بالدراسة، هلّا أخبرتني عنها؟ If there's some way to enjoy studying, could you teach me how? If there's a way to enjoy the study, would you tell me about it? את יכולה עדיין לזכור את הפעם שבה נפגשנו לראשונה? Can you still remember the time we first met? Can you still remember the time we first met? هؤلاء الذين لا يردنا الذهاب، لا ضرورة لهم الذهاب. Those who do not wish to go need not go. Those who don't want us to go, they don't have to go. תום אף פעם לא עצר. Tom never stopped. Tom never stopped. لم يرى سامي من أطلق النّار عليه. Sami didn't see who shot him. Sammy didn't see who shot him. אני צריך שתעשי זאת. I need you to do that. I need you to do this. إنّه محامٍ ويجب أن يعامل على هذا الأساس. He is a lawyer and must be treated as such. He's a lawyer and must be treated on that basis. لا أريده أن يعلم الحقيقة. I don't want him to know the truth. I don't want him to know the truth. אני האדם היחיד שטום מכיר בעיר הזאת. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. I'm the only person Tom knows in this town. هذا رقم سحري. It's a magic number. That's a magical number. אני אדם. I'm a human being. I'm Adam. بقي صامتاً طوال الوقت. He was silent all the time. Staying silent all the time. آسف لما حدث. I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry about what happened. نحن مدرسون. We are teachers. We're teachers. ضمّت الولاياتُ المتحدةُ الأمريكيةُ تكساسَ عام 1845. The United States annexed Texas in 1845. United States included Texas in 1845. בלי חשש לכאב אין אושר ואין שמחה. Without the risk of pain, there can be no happiness and joy. Without fear of pain, there's no happiness and no happiness. שני ויסקי גדולים בבקשה. Two large whiskies, please. Two big whiskey, please. أعاد سامي النّظر في الأمر. Fadil had second thoughts. Sammy came back to look at it. يتكون المجلس من إثنا عشر عضواً. The committee consists of twelve members. The Council is composed of twelve members. كيف تجرؤ على قول شيء كهذا لي؟ How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you say something like that to me? يا لك من ملاك! You're an angel! What an angel! أريدك أن تخبرني الحقيقة. I want you to tell me the truth. I want you to tell me the truth. لا يعرف أحد عنوانه إلّا توم. No one knows his address but Tom. Nobody knows his address except Tom. استعارت ليلى مسدّسا من سامي. Layla borrowed a gun from Sami. She borrowed a gun from Sami. هم في نفس السن. They are the same age. They're the same age. متأكد أن توم لن يفعل ذلك. I'm sure Tom would never do that. I'm sure Tom won't do that. يبدو سامي مثلك. Sami looks like you. Looks like you, Sammy. قدّموا لك وثيقة كان ينبغي أن يمضيها أبوك، أليس كذلك؟ They gave you a document your dad was supposed to sign, didn't they? They've provided you with a document that your father should have delivered, right? قتلت ليلى كلبها. Layla killed her dog. She killed her dog Lily. وضعت ليلى يدها على يد سامي. Layla put her hand on top of Sami's. Lily put her hand on Sami's hand. אם אתה לא רוצה להסתבך אל תגיד כלום לתום ומרי. If you don't want to get into a mess, don't say anything bad about Tom and Mary. If you don't want to get in trouble, don't say anything to Tom and Mary. יש מקומות בילוי רבים בערים גדולות. Big cities have lots of amusements. There's a lot of fun places in big cities. רופא השיניים יקבל אותך רק לאחר קביעת תור. The dentist will see you only by appointment. The dentist's only gonna get you after the appointment. היא בישלה ארוחת ערב מיוחדת בשבילו. She cooked a special dinner for him. She cooked a special dinner for him. לו הייתי במקומך הייתי נוהג בדיוק כמוך. Were I in your place I would do the same thing. If I were you, I'd drive just like you. אני יודע להשתמש בכל סוגי הנשק. I know how to use every kind of weapons. I know how to use any kind of weapon. המנהל מטפל בבעיות רבות. The manager deals with many problems. The manager's handling a lot of problems. قدّم فاضل ليلى لرامي. Fadil introduced Layla to Rami. You've given my night's reward to Rami. אתה רומז שתום ממש שונא את מרי? Are you suggesting that Tom doesn't really hate Mary? Are you implying that Tom really hates Mary? تذكّر! Remember! Remember! كتبت كتاباً عن الطيور. She wrote a book about birds. I wrote a book about birds. תודה שנזכרתם. Thank you for remembering. Thank you for remembering. אנא היה בשקט, למען השם, לאורך השיעור. Please be quiet for mercy's sake during the lesson. Please be quiet, for God's sake, throughout the class. אני מצטערת שסיפרתי לך. I regret telling you. I'm sorry I told you. היות שהתנועה הייתה קלה, הגענו מהר מאד אל חוף הים. Since the traffic was light, we made good time driving to the beach. Since traffic was easy, we got very fast to the beach. مرحبا! Welcome. Hey! وجد سامي تلك الفتاة. Sami found the girl. Sammy found that girl. دير بالك على لطفل لقبيح. Keep an eye on the naughty kid. Turn on you for a ugly baby. الكرفتة الي انت لابسها حلوة. That's a nice tie you're wearing. You're wearing it nice. كان سامي يحبّ الإسلام. Sami loved Islam. Sami loved Islam. היא בחרה כובע שיתאים לשמלה החדשה שלה. She selected a hat to match her new dress. She chose a hat to fit her new dress. אם ניתן להשוות שפה טבעית לעץ שגדל עם הזמן, אז ניתן להשוות את אספרנטו לעץ פלסטיק הנוצר בצורה מלאכותית. If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially. If natural language can be compared to a tree that grows over time, then esperanto can be compared to an artificially produced plastic tree. הופתעתי מהופעתו הפתאומית. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. I was surprised by his sudden appearance. לעיתים רחוקות ראינו מחזה כזה. We have seldom seen such a play. We rarely saw a play like this. خذ ما تشاء من الوقت. Take all the time you want. Take whatever time you need. هل عدت مسبقا؟ Are you back already? Are you back already? הזמנתי רהיטים חדשים. I ordered new furniture. I ordered new furniture. התקלחתי. I took a shower. I took off. כשירדתי מהרכבת פגשתי חבר. When I got off the train, I saw a friend of mine. When I got off the train, I met a friend. תפסיק לייבב. Stop sniffling. Stop springing. اقتربت ليلى نحو سامي و قبّلته. Layla moved toward Sami and kissed him. Lili approached Sami and kissed him. אני לא יודע מה אתה תעשה. I don't know what you will do. I don't know what you're gonna do. أتى السيد سميث. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith came. הוא אוהב להעמיד פני קשוח. He likes to play rough. He likes to look tough. נותרו ימים ספורים עד חג המולד. Christmas is only a few days away. There's been a few days to Christmas. هل سينجو سامي؟ Will Sami survive? Is he going to go to Sami? هو أصم، لكنه يعرف كيف يقرأ الشفاه. He is deaf, but knows how to read lips. He's deaf, but he knows how to read the lips. לא זכור לי שביקשתי את חוות דעתך. I don't remember asking for your opinion. I don't remember asking for your brother-in-law. אבי רוחץ את המכונית מאז הבוקר. My father has been washing his car since this morning. My dad's been blowing the car since this morning. أحتاج لمزيد من الوقت لأنهي واجبي. I need more time to finish my homework. I need more time because I'm doing my job. חייו היו אומללים מעל ומעבר לכל תאור. His life was miserable beyond description. His life was miserable over and beyond every theory. هذا مفتاحك. This is your key. That's your key. טום אוהב ללמוד מוסיקה. Tom loves studying music. Tom likes to learn music. ألف سامي حياته المزدوجة إلى حدّ كبير. Sami has grown too comfortable with his double life. A thousand sammys have a pretty double life. أنا رجل حر. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. يا ليتني عندي أصدقاء كثر. I wish I had more friends. Hey, I've got a lot of friends. תום שם את הקערה במיקרוגל ולחץ על כפתור ההפעלה. Tom put the bowl into the microwave and pushed the button to start it cooking. Put the bowl in the microwave and press the operating button. האדם הוא בעל החיים היחיד המסוגל לצחוק. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man is the only animal to laugh at. تتحدث ماريكو الإنجليزية بمهارة. Mariko speaks English well. Mariko speaks English with skill. הגשר הזה ארוך פי שלוש מההוא. This bridge is three times longer than that one. This bridge is three times as long as it is. תום השאיר תשר נדיב על השולחן. Tom left a large tip on the table. Tom left a generous gift on the table. לא צפוי שיגשוג בשנתיים הקרובות. Prosperity is not expected for the next two years. It's not expected for the next two years. אם אתה רעב, אתה יכול לאכול את הלחם. If you are hungry, you can eat the bread. If you're hungry, you can eat the bread. أتسمح لي بالعزف على البيانو؟ May I play the piano? May I play the piano? فقط أخبريني ما الذي تريدينهُ. Just tell me what you want. Just tell me what you want. לך הביתה, עכשיו. Go home now. Go home, now. من أحرق الكيكة؟ Who burned the cake? Who burned the cake? توم لا يعرف بأني موجود. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't know I'm there. قَوَّد مَنَّا! Go the fuck away! Stop us! أرواح معايا. Come with me. Breathe souls. אני הולך עכשיו לצפות בחדשות בטלוויזיה. I'll now watch the news on TV. I'm going to watch the news on TV now. התינוק הזה לא עושה שום דבר מלבד לבכות. That baby does nothing but cry. This baby doesn't do anything but cry. لم تعجب تلك فكرة سامي. Sami didn't like the idea. That didn't like Sami's idea. תום לא ייחלץ מזה. Tom isn't getting away with it. Tom won't get away with it. يعلم الجميع أن اثنين زائد اثنين تساوي أربعة. Everybody knows that two and two make four. Everyone knows two plus two equals four. חיפשתי את תום ואת מרי במשך שעה ויותר. I looked for Tom and Mary for more than an hour. I've been looking for Tom and Mary for an hour and more. אכלנו יחד ארוחת צהרים. We were eating lunch together. We had lunch together. كانت ليلى تستمتع بحياتها في القاهرة. Layla was enjoying her life in Cairo. Lily enjoyed her life in Cairo. هل يعلم أين اختبأت تلك القطط؟ Does he know where those cats hid themselves? Do you know where you hid those cats? ديمۆقراطييا هييا لافۆرم لعيّانا ڨع تاع لحوكم، حاشا لخرين لّي تّجربو من قبل. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. It's a great democracy for the Lavram for us to hear your trial, a compassion to others that I've been tried before. ביתנו הנוכחי קטן מדי, אז החלטנו לעבור. Our present house is too small, so we decided to move. Our current house is too small, so we decided to move. كيفَ سيدفع ديونهُ؟ How will he pay his debts? How's he gonna pay off his debts? أي طفل يعرف ذلك. Any child knows it. Any child knows that. אני פיקח. I'm clever. I'm smart. أنا أحب الفواكه المعلبة I like canned fruits. I like dried fruit. אני מצפה מההנהלה להוציא הנחיה חדשה, אשר מבטלת את ההנחיה הישנה. I expect the board to issue a new directive that cancels the old one. I expect the administration to take out a new assumption, which has removed the old one. ماذا احتاج توم؟ What did Tom need? What do I need, Tom? האוכל היה כה טעים שאכלתי יותר מדי. The food was so good that I ate too much. The food was so delicious I ate too much. אחולים על הקידום שלך. Congratulations on your promotion. Back on your promotion. בלילה שעבר חלמתי עליך. I had a dream about you last night. Last night I dreamt about you. אל תכבה את המחשב שלך. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn off your computer. דברי אליי. Talk to me. Talk to me. لا يجب علي أن آتي هنا. I shouldn't have come here. I don't have to come here. أُجلت رحلتهم بسبب هطول المطر. Their trip was postponed because of the rain. Their flight was postponed because of the rain. استنى لحظة. Wait just a moment. Wait a minute. እሄዳለሁ። I'll go. I will go. لا بد من وجود طريقة ما. There has to be a way. There must be some way. תום רעד. Tom shivered. Tom Wrath. בכל כוורת יכולה להיות רק מלכה אחת. In each beehive there can only be one queen. Any hive can only be one queen. אתה יוצא עם מישהי? Are you going out with anyone? Are you dating someone? نعرف حقوقنا. We know our rights. We know our rights. צר לי, אבל אני לא מבין. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. החודש שעבר היה נובמבר, נכון? Last month was November, right? Last month was November, right? أنا من أُستراليا. I'm from Australia. I'm from Australia. بدت ليلى رائعة. Layla looked perfect. Good night. أنا فلسطيني. I am Palestinian. I'm a Palestinian. دفعت ليلى بسامي إلى الحائط. Layla pushed Sami to the wall. I paid Sami's night to the wall. תום לא צריך לעסוק ברפואה. Tom shouldn't be practicing medicine. Tom doesn't have to do medicine. በሁለት ሰኣት ውስጥ፣ ወደ ቤት እንመጣለን። We'll come home in two hours. In two hours, we come home. አነጋግሬ ለየት ያለ ሊሆን ይችላል። My accent is probably strange. My speech may be different. لدى توم درجات جيدة Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom's got good grades. أستطيع عزف مقطوعات لشوبان. I play Chopin. I can play chips for Shoppan. سلّم سامي نفسه للسّلطات. Sami turned himself in. Sami handed himself over to the flags. توم شكرني على الهدية. Tom thanked me for the gift. Tom thanked me for the gift. تريد ليلى أن تشارك في مسابقة الجمال. Layla wants to participate in the beauty contest. Lily wants to participate in the beauty contest. היא חתכה את העוגה לשתיים. She cut the cake in two. She cut the cake for two. הם קיבלו החלטה משותפת בדבר הגירושין. They made a joint decision to divorce. They made a joint decision about the divorce. أستمع إلى المذياع كل ليلة. I listen to the radio every night. Listen to the radio every night. كان يحمل علبة كبيرة بين ذراعيه He had a big box in his arms. He was carrying a big box between his arms. أنا لست نادماً على مجيئي هنا. I don't regret coming here. I'm not jealous of coming here. אני רוצה לוודא באיזו שעה אני אמור לצאת. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to leave. I want to make sure what time I'm supposed to go out. יצאתי למחנה כל קיץ בעבר. I used to go camping every summer. I went to camp every summer in the past. לא בכדי הוא מת. He didn't die in vain. Not that he's dead. אני בדרך לבקר חבר שבבית החולים. I'm on my way to visit a friend who's in the hospital. I'm on my way to visit a friend at the hospital. פתאום מכתבים התחילו להעלם מתיבת הדואר האלקטרוני שלי. Emails have started suddenly disappearing from my inbox. Suddenly, letters began to disappear from my e-mail box. היא לא עשתה דבר מלבד לילל כל היום. She's done nothing but cry all day. She's done nothing but night all day. البقر يعطينا الحليب. Cows give us milk. The cow gives us milk. كان سامي أكبر أبناء رامي و ليلى صادق. Sami was the oldest of all the children born to Rami and Layla Sadiq. Sami was the oldest son of Rami and Lily is honest. مات الرجل العجوز من شدة الجوع. The old man died from hunger. The old man died of hunger. أخبرني بذلك يا جمال. Tell me about it, Jamal. Tell me that, Jamal. אמרת שאת עסוקה. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. تفاجأت زوجتي. My wife looked surprised. I surprised my wife. ظهر سامي فجأة. Sami suddenly turned up. Sami suddenly showed up. אשתי הייתה באותו זמן בהריון. My wife was pregnant at the time. My wife was at the same time pregnant. المسلمون يؤمنون بعيسى و محمّد. Muslims believe in Jesus and Muhammad. Muslims believe in Jesus and praise. هذه ليست ساعة عملي. It's not my working hour. This isn't my business hour. הכובע שלך איפה שהוא בסביבה. Your hat is somewhere around here. Your hat's somewhere around. זה לא היה כל כך קל לעשות את זה. It wasn't easy to do that. It wasn't that easy to do it. لن أنس أبدا التّجربة التي عشتها البارحة. I'll never forget the experience I had yesterday. I'll never forget the experience I had yesterday. لقد أحببني المدرّس. The teacher liked me. The teacher loved me. أخذني سامي إلى مكان ما وحاول اغتصابي. Sami took me to a place and tried to rape me. Sammy took me somewhere and tried to rape me. המחזה עובד מרומן. The play was adapted from a novel. The play works hustle. תום היה סוכן נדל"ן. Tom was a real estate agent. Tom was a real estate agent. شارفت الساعة على الثالثة. It's nearly three o'clock. It's about three o'clock. لا تقلق Never mind. Don't worry. بإمكانِكَ تعلّم الأمازيغية. You can learn Berber. You can learn Amazig. إنها تدرّس القراءة و الكتابة. She teaches reading and writing. She's teaching reading and writing. זה נשמע כמוה. That sounds like her. That sounds like her. كانت ليلى جالسة في السّيّارة. Layla sat in the car. Lily was sitting in the car. هل تعرف كم عمر السيدة نكانو؟ Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Mrs. Nakano is? יום אחד פגשתי אותו. One day I met him. One day I met him. זה על רשימת המטלות שלי. It's on my list of things to do. It's on my schedule. כתוצאה, הוא נהיה סוחר גדול. As a result, he became a great merchant. As a result, he became a big dealer. لأني أريد أن أصير معلمة لغة إنجليزية. The reason is that I want to be an English teacher. Because I want to be an English teacher. كانت عند ليلى مشاكل ماليّة. Layla had money problems. Lily had financial problems. אני מקווה שהמשימה שלך באנגליה הצליחה. I hope your assignment in England was successful. I hope your mission in England has succeeded. לא הייתי בטוח בכך. I wasn't sure about that. I wasn't sure about that. سوف تحصد ما زرعت. You reap what you sow. I'll get what I planted. لم يقتلني أحد بعد. Nobody's killed me yet. No one's killed me yet. הוא תמיד שומר על קור רוח. He is always cool. He always keeps cool. אני לא יודעת ולא רוצה לדעת. I don't know and don't want to know. I don't know. I don't want to know. תום נוכח עכשיו שהוא היה צריך לתת למרי לעשות את שלה. Tom now realizes that he should have let Mary have her own way. Tom is present now that he should have let Marie do her thing. الفاتورة من فضلك. The check, please. The bill, please. عايز جيتار. I want a guitar. AZEJETAR. המדען חקר את שרידי הדינוזאורים בעמק. The scientist searched for the bones of the dinosaurs in the valley. The scientist researched the dinosaur remains in the valley. كان حبّ فاضل لدانية غير مشروط. Fadil loved Dania unconditionally. It was a love of unconditional debt. على ماذا يحتوي؟ What does it contain? What does it contain? אני רוצה חלק מהחומר הזה. I want some of that stuff. I want some of this stuff. הוא קצת מעבר לארבעים. He is a little over forty. He's a little over four. كانت ليلى عطشة. Layla was thirsty. It was a sweaty night. תחושת האש נעימה. The fire feels good. It's a pleasant feeling. תום בקושי שומע בלי מכשיר השמיעה שלו. Tom can hardly hear without his hearing aid. Tom can barely hear without his hearing device. מעולם לא הסתרתי ממך דבר. I never concealed anything from you. I've never hidden anything from you. شفتو كي كنت فلامبطون؟ Did you see him while you were at Lambton? He's mouthing me so you're a fluff? ألا تريد إيقاف توم؟ Don't you want to stop Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? لا تعمل. العب! Don't play. Work! You don't work. لا تقلق بشأن ذلك, أنا سأذهب بنفسي. Don't worry about it, I'll go myself. Don't worry about it. I'll go myself. غسل توم وجهه وكلتا يديه. Tom washed his face and hands. He washed his face and two hands. كان سامي يعلم أين هو صفّه. Sami knew where his class was. Sammy knew where he was. זה ילדותי. That's childish. It's childish. מה תום עשה לעזור למרי? What did Tom do to help Mary? What did Tom do to help Mary? قال أنه اشترى سيارة مستخدمة. He said that he had bought a used car. He said he bought a used car. أسرع سامي كي يقلّ ليلى من المدرسة. Sami rushed to pick up Layla from school. Sammy is faster to take a night off of school. لا أريد أن أبدو سخيفا. I don't want to look silly. I don't want to look ridiculous. אני לא מכיר אותך. I don't know you. I don't know you. M'għandniex tifla. We don't have a daughter. We don't have a daughter. يمكنك أن تقرأ هذا الكتاب . are you can read the book? You can read this book. لا يمكن لتوم أن ينسى الماضي. Tom can't let go of the past. Tom can't forget the past. תום אפילו לא יודע שאני קיים. Tom doesn't even know I exist. Tom doesn't even know I exist. نضع العالم بين يديك. We put the world at your fingertips. Put the world in your hands. لم يسمع سامي من ليلى لأشهر. Sami didn't hear anything from Layla for months. Sammy hasn't heard from Lily for months. הוזמנתי על ידי חבר ותיק. I was invited by an old friend. I was invited by an old friend. קשה לי לקום מוקדם בבקרים קרים. I find it hard to get up early on cold mornings. I'm having trouble getting up early in cold mornings. لن تحضر آن حفلتنا. Anne will not come to our party. You're not gonna attend our party. انتحرت المغنية الشهيرة. The popular singer committed suicide. The famous song rang. עשה לי טובה, תדבר אתה? Do me a favor and talk to her? Do me a favor, will you? רימו אותך. You've been deceived. You've been shot. תפסיק להתעמר בתום. Stop teasing Tom. Stop screwing up. הייתי רוצה לשחק גולף. I would like to play golf. I'd like to play golf. כמעט בכיתי. I almost cried. I almost cried. המסעדה הזאת ידועה בבישול המעולה שלה. This restaurant is famous for its excellent cuisine. This restaurant is known for its elaborate cooking. אתה חושב שכל עובדי הצבור מושחתים? Do you think all officials are corrupt? You think all the public employees are corrupt? عدنا إلى بوستن في العشرين من أكتوبر. We returned to Boston on October 20th. We returned to Boston on 20 October. לא הייתי מסוגל לעשות את זה. I wasn't able to do that. I couldn't do that. عليك أن تزور طبيباً. You must see a doctor. You have to visit a doctor. כאזרח העולם, אני מכיר דרכים לעקוף מחסומי תרבות. As a citizen of the world, I know ways of overcoming cultural barriers. As a citizen of the world, I know ways to cross cultural barriers. إن لعب كرة المضرب ممتع. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing the ball is fun. לא אכפת לי איך אתה מרגיש. I don't care how you feel. I don't care how you feel. هل يكون هذا مكتب سامي باقر؟ Is that Sami Bakir's office? Is that Sami Packer's office? فتح لنا منّاد الباب و أدخلنا إلى منزله. Mennad answered the door and let us in the house. Opened the door and we went into his house. המכונית הזאת מתפעלת היטב. This car handles well. This car's running well. לא אוכל להודות לך במידה מספקת. I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. אל תעזוב אותי. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. إنها قديمة قِدم العالم. It's as old as the world. It's old by the world. יהיה מסוכן להתקרב לסף המצוק. It would be dangerous to go too near the edge of the cliff. It's going to be dangerous to get close to the cliff branch. لا تمزح رجاءً! No jokes please! Please don't be kidding! ליטר חלב מכיל כשלושים גרם חלבון. A liter of milk contains about thirty grams of protein. Litter milk contains about 30 grams of protein. אני מבין את רגשותייך. I understand your feelings. I understand your feelings. הזדרזנו כדי לתפוס את האוטובוס. We hurried to catch the bus. We hurryed up to catch the bus. وأضاف ديما: "وأيضًا،" وأخذ حاسبته وقسم 0.99 على 3,000,000، وضربه بـ 100. "أنت تدركين أنك لن تخسري إلا 0.0033%، صحيح؟" "And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?" Dema added: "And then," took his account and divided 0.99 over 3,000,000, and beat him with 100. "You know you're only going to lose 0.0033%, right?" إنه يستعد للامتحان. He is preparing for the test. He's ready for the exam. واجب علينا فعل ذلك يوميا. We have to do this every day. We have to do it every day. أنا أعد, لن أفعلها مجدداً. I promise I'll never do it again. I promise. I won't do it again. لا تتأخر عن اجتماع الغد. Don't be late for the meeting tomorrow. Don't be late for tomorrow's meeting. אני סביר. I'm reasonable. I'm likely. يقع بيتي بالقرب من نقطة انتظار الحافلة. My house is close to a bus stop. My house is near the bus waiting point. الحياة في هذه الكلية ليست كما توقعت البتة. Life at this college is nothing like I expected. Life in this college isn't as I thought it would be. فسياقات الكلمات تظهر في الجمل. تعبر الجمل عن الشخصيات. يمكن أن تكون الجمل مضحكةً، أو ذكيةً، أو سخيفةً، أو عميقة، أو مؤثرة، أو مؤذية. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. The language contexts appear in the sentences. The sentences reflect personalities. The sentences can be funny, smart, ridiculous, profound, influential or harmful. אני צריך נייר מדפסת. I need printer paper. I need a printer. لم يكن عند سامي أيّ شخص يطلب منه المساعدة. Sami had no one to turn to. Sammy had no one to ask for help. نعم، لكن لست مجبرا على البقاء حتى النهاية. Yes, but you do not have to stay to the end. Yeah, but you don't have to stay until the end. אנחנו חושבים שהסיבה להצלחתו הייתה עבודה קשה. We think the reason for his success was because of hard work. We think the reason for his success was hard work. ربما علينا جلب توم معنا. Maybe we should take Tom with us. Maybe we should get Tom with us. إنها ساعة متأخرة. It's late. It's a late hour. מה היתרון התחרותי של החברה? What is the company's competitive advantage? What's the company's competitive advantage? החמצתי הזדמנות פז. I missed a golden opportunity. I missed an opportunity. تلاقيت بيهُم في زوج في بلاد القبايل و جوّزنا نْهار شْبَابْ. I met both of them in Kabylie and we all had a great day. I met him in a husband in the country of the Samuel, and we went through the winters. كان سامي يسكن في نفس الشّارع الذي كانت تسكن فيه ليلى. Sami lived on the same street as Layla. Sami lived in the same street where she lived at night. הייתה לו דעה קדומה נגד נשים מאחורי ההגה. He had a prejudice against women drivers. He had a prejudice against women behind the wheel. אני אחכה. I'll be waiting. I'll wait. معيش حاجه من دول I don't own one of those things. Living needs of States. تلك المرأة العجوز تعيش لوحدها. That old woman lives by herself. That old woman lives alone. من سرق التفاحة؟ Who stole the apple? Who stole the apple? אני עשיר. I am rich. I'm rich. كشف سامي عن أمره في فيديو على اليوتوب. Sami snitched on himself in a YouTube video. Sami discovered his case in a video on the YouTube. سرِقَ كتابُك؟! متى وأين؟ Your book was stolen?! Where and when? You stole your book? تبعد عن باريس خمسين كيلومتراً. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. It's 50 kilometres from Paris. הוא אמר "שלום לכם, ידידיי" והלך. He said, "So long, my friends," and left us. He said "good-bye to you, my friends" and went. לא הרגשתי טוב, אבל הלכתי לעבודה. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. I didn't feel well, but I went to work. سيتقاعد أبي في سن الستين. My father will retire at the age of sixty. My dad's going to retire at the age of 60. הייתי בת מזל בכך שזכיתי להכיר אותו. I was fortunate to make his acquaintance. I was lucky I had to get to know him. בלי ספק היו אלה זכרונות מחיים קודמים. Those were without a doubt memories from my past life. Without a doubt, those were memories of past life. دعونا نأخذ قسطاً من الراحة. Let's get some sleep. Let's take some rest. הכל עבר. Everything is over. It's all gone. انطفأ اللهب. The flame went out. Get the flame out. תהיו מאושרות! Be happy! Be happy! אל תבזבזי כסף על בגדים, ג'ולי. תחסכי כסף! Don't waste money on clothes, Julie. Save money! Don't waste money on clothes, Julie. הייתי נבוך. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed. بعد مرور بضعة أشهر، أصبح فاضل يتحكّم في كلّ مظهر من حياة ليلى. Within a few months, Fadil controlled every aspect of Layla's life. A few months later, he became a faucet in every aspect of Lily's life. هذه ليست صورة سامي. This isn't Sami's picture. This isn't a Sami picture. מה קרה? What happened? What's wrong? המורה אמר להם לא לשחות בנהר. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. The teacher told them not to swim in the river. أنا أيضاً. Me too. Me, too. مشيا سامي و ليلى على طول الشّاطئ. Sami and Layla walked down along the beach. Sami and Lily walked along the beach. توم يحب الخروج Tom loves going out. Tom likes to get out. את נוכחת לדעת? Do you realize that? You're here to know? استعار سامي مئات الدّولارات من أمّه. Sami borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. Sammy borrowed hundreds of dollars from his mother. אפשר לסור לבית הכסא? Can I go to the bathroom? Can we go to the chairhouse? كان سامي مسلما عاديّا. Sami was an ordinary Muslim. Sami was a regular Muslim. עזרנו גם להם. We helped them as well. We helped them, too. אני יכול להבין את מבוכתך. I can understand your confusion. I can understand your embarrassment. בטוח שלא אמליץ על תום לתפקיד. I would definitely not recommend Tom for the job. I'm sure I won't recommend Tom for a job. לעיתים קרובות יש לי סיוטים. I often have nightmares. I often have nightmares. זהו כשלון מאגדות. This is an epic fail. It's a mess with myths. أنا أعلّمهم السباحة. I'm teaching them to swim. I teach them swimming. دعونا نرى الآن ما باستطاعتك! Now the ball is in your court! Let's see now what you can! لقد حدث حادث في ورشة البناء. There has been an accident at the worksite. There was an incident at the construction workshop. שרנו לה. We sang for her. We sang for her. تُسقِط هذه الأشجار أوراقها في فصل الشّتاء. These trees shed their leaves during the winter. These trees cut their papers in the winter. נפגשנו שנית לגמרי באקראי. We met each other again completely by accident. We met again at random. טיילתי. I took a walk. I've been traveling. إستخدم رأسك! Use your head! Use your head! אני מאוהב כמו ביום הראשון. I am as much in love as on the first day. I'm in love like the first day. נפצעת, תום? Are you hurt, Tom? Are you hurt, Tom? טום היה מוחרם. Tom was ostracized. Tom was done. זה מפתיע אותי. That surprises me. I'm surprised. توم آت لأجلك/لك Tom is coming for you. Tom came for you. קפוץ. Jump. Climb. الاف السياح يحتشدون عند هذا المعبد كل سنة . Thousands of tourists flock to this temple every year. This temple is inhabited by tourists every year. سآخذ هذا. I'll take this one. I'll take this. إنتحرت. She committed suicide. Homicide. אני יודעת שאתם מחכים לזה. I know that you've been waiting for this. I know you're waiting for it. መጽሃፉን ሰጠው። He gave him the book. He gave him the pot. אני ממש שמח לראות אתכם. I'm really glad to see you. I'm really glad to see you guys. يجب عليك أن تدرس بجهد أكبر. You must study much harder. You have to study harder. السكوت علامة عن الرضا. Silence gives consent. The silence is a sign of consent. ההיסטוריה היא המורה של החיים. History is the teacher of life. History is the life teacher. זה זעזע אותי. It shocked me. I was shocked. אין בנות בכיתתנו. There are no girls in our class. No girls in our class. توم ايضا يمتلك منزل فى بوسطن. Tom also has a house in Boston. Tom also owns a house in Boston. שתי השריטות הללו בולטות, אז אני רוצה לתקן אותן. These two scratches stand out so I'd like them repaired. These two scratches are shining, so I want to fix them. אני מדבר ספרדית. I speak Spanish. I speak Spanish. لأخفف من وزني، أسبح كل يوم لساعة في حوض السباحة. To lose weight I swim every day, one hour in the swimming pool. To ease my weight, I swim every hour in the pool. ظننتُكَ تحب تعلم أشياءَ جديدة. I thought you liked to learn new things. I thought you liked learning new things. אינני אוהב אנשים המדברים עלי מאחורי גבי. I don't like people who talk about me behind my back. I don't like people talking about me behind my back. את אוהבת אותו? Do you love him? Do you love him? شفتو؟ Did you see it? His lips? يتكلم الفرنسية أيضاً. He can also speak French. French also speaks. نقل سامي أسرته إلى حيّ جديد و منزل أوسع. Sami moved his family to a new neighborhood and a larger home. Sammy moved his family into a new neighborhood and a larger house. يطير الطير. The bird flies. A bird fly. كم الساعة؟ What time is it? What time is it? تبدو هذه اللّعبة خطيرة نوعا ما. This game seems a bit dangerous. This game seems kind of dangerous. לא אהיה חבר שלך אם תיסע לאנגליה. I won't be your friend if you go to England. I won't be your friend if you go to England. كان شوب، ففتحت الشباك It was warm, so I opened the window. It was a hound, it opened up. انه يسوق سيارة.اليس كذالك He drives a car, doesn't he? He's driving a car, isn't he? ربما هي حقا لا تملك غرفة خاصة بها. Maybe she really doesn't have a room of her own? Maybe she really doesn't have her own room. הוא הנהג שלנו. He is our driver. He's our driver. منذ أن كذب عليّ ماريو، لم أعد أكلمه. Since Mario lied to me, I don't speak to him anymore. Since he lied to me, Mario, I haven't spoken to him anymore. عندما كان شاباً، كان عاملاً مثابراً. When he was young, he was a hard worker. When he was young, he was a persistent worker. אין לי שום נגיעה לפרשה הזאת. I have nothing to do with the affair. I have no contact with this affair. لا يستطيع توم أن يقرر هل يشتري حاسوبًا جديدًا الآن أم ينتظر بضعة أشهر. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait for a couple of more months. Tom can't decide whether to buy a new computer now or wait a few months. אלה טובים. These are good. That's good. عندي معرفة بهذا الجوار. I am familiar with this neighborhood. I have to know this neighbor. أعتقد أنك صائب. I think you're right. I think you're right. אני בדיוק פה, תום. I'm right over here, Tom. I'm right here, Tom. כל מה שאתה צריך לעשות זה לשמור על עצמך. All you have to do is to take care of yourself. All you have to do is keep yourself safe. כמה הרפתקני. How adventurous! Some adventurers. המהירות המקסימלית של הרכב הייתה חמישה קילומטר לשעה. The maximum speed reached by the vehicle was 5 kilometers per hour. The maximum speed of the vehicle was five miles an hour. המהנדסים שרטטו תכניות למעגן חדש. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. The engineers have scanned plans for a new anchor. فركت ليلى يد سامي. Layla rubbed Sami's hand. You broke into Sami's hand. הם יירעבו. They'll starve. They'll be hungry. اسمي معروف لدى الجميع في مدرستي. My name is known to everybody in my school. My name is everybody at my school. אני לא ממש אוהב דברים מסוג זה. I don't really care for that sort of thing. I don't really like that kind of thing. תום מתחרט על מה שקרה? Does Tom regret what happened? Tom regrets what happened? لن أنس ذلك الحفل ما دمت حيّا. I shan't forget that feast as long as I live. I'm not gonna forget that party as long as I'm alive. توم بيسبح بسرعة أوي. Tom swims very fast. Tom swims fast. لما لم تأتي؟ Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? لم أقصد بتاتا أن يحدث هذا. I really didn't mean for this to happen. I never meant for this to happen. بدأت الصحيفة تفقد قراءها بعد تفريطها بأحد أشهر كتابها. The newspaper began to lose readers when it dispensed with one of its most popular writers. The newspaper started to check her reading after giving her one month of her book. Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Millie taqra l-ktieb tagħha. Millie is reading her book. Millie reads her book. في أي وقت أكلت؟ What time did you eat? What time did you eat? טום מזג קצת יין לתוך הכוס. Tom poured some wine into a glass. Tom's getting some wine into the glass. תום הגיע בהליקופטר. Tom arrived in a helicopter. Tom came in the helicopter. תביאי בחשבון גירושין. Consider divorce. Consider divorce. لا أحد يتكلم معي. No one speaks with me. Nobody's talking to me. إنها مع جمال. She's with Jamal. She's with beauty. كانت ليلى نائمة نوما عميقا. Layla was sound asleep. Lily had a deep sleep. אני חושבת שהוא אכל משהו כמו עשר צדפות. I think he ate about 10 oysters. I think he ate something like ten o'clocks. נזהרתי. I was careful. I was careful. המכונית הסתובבה בפינה על שני גלגלים. The car went around the corner on two wheels. The car turned around in the corner on two wheels. לתום אחות צעירה בשם מרי. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom's a young sister named Mary. תום תולה את הבגדים שלו, ואחר כך מארגן אותם לפי צבע. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them by color. Tom hangs his clothes, then arranges them according to color. אל תאכזב אותי כמו שעשית לפני כמה ימים. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't let me down like you did a few days ago. لن يعمل الراديو. The radio will not work. The radio won't work. תום אוהב לסרוג. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to record. لو كنتُ مكانك, كنتُ سأفعل نفس الشئ؟ If I were you, I would also do the same. If I were you, I'd do the same? لا تقلق. إنهُ لا يفهم الألمانية. Don't worry. He doesn't understand German. Don't worry, he doesn't understand German. עזבתי סביבות 14:30. I left around 2:30. I left around 14:30. .نقرِّي I teach. Read. הפלת את זה? Did you drop it? You dropped it? היא הייתה נחמדה אל כולם. She was nice to everyone. She was nice to everyone. פה אני גר. I live here. This is where I live. אתן אוהבות את טום? Do you love Tom? Do you like Tom? הרגל הוא טבע שני. Habit is second nature. The leg is a second nature. ما أسهل أن يكتسب المرء عادات سيئة! How easily one acquires bad habits! It's not easy for one to get bad habits! ماذا؟ What? What? אל תירה! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! ابتلع سامي قارورة كاملة من الأقراص. Sami swallowed a whole bottle of pills. I swallowed Sammy a full bottle of pills. מה אוכלים הלוויתנים? What do whales eat? What are the whales eating? دعني أفكر للحظة. Let me think for a minute. Let me think for a moment. أنا بطل. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. إنّها مفاجأة. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. גשר בשיניים לא מיועד רק לילדים. Braces aren't just for children. A tooth bridge is not meant for children only. אנו צריכים להפגש איתכם. We need to meet with you. We need to meet with you. اعطيني فرصة! Give me a chance! Give me a chance! אני מקווה שאני לא טועה. I hope I'm not making a mistake. I hope I'm not wrong. ריחו של החלב הזה חשוד. This milk smells funny. The smell of this milk is suspicious. هذه متعة. It's a pleasure. That's fun. תגלו איך תום מתכנן לבלות את סוף השבוע. Find out how Tom plans to spend his weekend. Find out how Tom's planning on spending the weekend. عشر سّنين راهي وقت بزّاف لواحد يسّنّاها. Ten years is a long time to wait. Ten years in time for one of us to facilitate it. אתם ואני נשרוד. You and I will survive. You and I will survive. مرحباً, هل تناولتم الطعام؟ Hello, have you already eaten? Hey, did you eat? נבהלתי. I was startled. I got scared. هل هما صديقان أم حبيبان؟ Are they friends or are they dating? Are they friends or boyfriends? كان سامي يركن سيّارته بجانب منزل باية. Mennad was pulling up to Baya's house. Sammy was gonna park his car next to Baya's house. את צריכה לומר תמיד את האמת. You should always tell the truth. You should always tell the truth. את צריכה להפסיק לשחק. You should stop playing. You need to stop playing. החלטתי לעבוד בחברה בארה"ב. I've made up my mind to work for a company in the States. I decided to work for a company in the United States. אתה עצמאי? Are you independent? Are you independent? אל תרשה לאיש להיכנס או להתקרב לחדר הזה. Don't let anyone enter or approach this room. Don't let anyone in or near this room. היא מסתכלת איך הילדים האחרים משחקים, אך לעולם אינה מצטרפת. She watches the other kids playing, but she never joins in. She's looking at how the other kids play, but she never joins. تحوّل جسم سامي بواسطة عمليّات جراحيّة لتعديل جنسه. Sami had his body transformed with gender reassignment surgery. Sami's body is transferred by surgery to change his gender. התרגשתי עד כדי דמעות. I was excited to tears. I was excited to tears. هل توصّلت أن تقنع فاضل؟ Did you manage to convince Fadil? Have you been told to convince a wrong person? הוא היה מורה מצוין, אז הילדים שלו היו צייתניים מאוד. He was a great teacher so his children were very obedient. He was a great teacher, so his kids were very obedient. ايه اللي كين قاعد بياكله؟ What is Ken eating? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey בוא לא נמהר להסיק מסקנות. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's not rush to conclude conclusions. אתה עייף? Are you tired? Are you tired? נהיגה מהירה מדי מסוכנת. Driving too fast is dangerous. Too quick to drive. تذهب مايوكو إلى المدرسة على الدراجة. Mayuko goes to school by bicycle. Mayako goes to school on the bike. وسادة منّاد مبلّلة جدّا. Mennad's pillow is soaking wet. A very well-known storekeeper. תום לא מבקר כאן כל כך בתכיפות כמו בעבר. Tom doesn't come here as often as he used to. Tom doesn't visit here so much as before. מה שאני באמת רוצה, זה משהו חם לאכול. What I really want is something hot to eat. What I really want is something hot to eat. תום אמר לי ללכת צפונה. Tom told me to head north. Tom told me to go north. لذا، فإننا نحب الجمل. لكننا نحب اللغات أكثر. So we love sentences. But, even more, we love languages. So, we like the mass, but we like languages more. تصدر المجلة كل إسبوع. The magazine comes out every week. The magazine will be published every week. שניהם היו בגילופין. Both were intoxicated. They were both in ghettovin. ምን ማዘዝ ትፈልጋለህ? What would you like to order? What do you want to say? מה תום תאר? What was Tom describing? What'd Tom describe? תום סובל מכאב גב כרוני. Tom suffers from chronic back pain. Tom suffers from back chronic pain. היא איבדה ספר. She lost a book. She lost a book. كانت ليلى تسرق البنوك. Layla was robbing banks. Lily was stealing banks. אני חושב שהתכנית הייתה מושלמת. I think the plan was perfect. I think the plan was perfect. هو ولد ذكي جدا. He is a very smart boy. He's a very smart boy. מה אורכו של הגשר הזה? How long is that bridge? What's the length of this bridge? אני אוהב מוזיקת פופ. I like pop music. I like pop music. הנחש הוא שפיתה את חווה. It's the serpent who tempted Eve. The snake was misleading farm. אני אוהב את המקום שלך. I love your place. I love your place. هو يشرب النّبيذ الأحمر. He drinks red wine. He's drinking red wine. אני רוצה שכולם ישמרו על שקט. I want everyone to be quiet. I want everyone to keep quiet. כתוב את התשובה שלך בשדה הכחול הבא. Write your answer into the following blue field. Write your answer in the next blue field. זה מטריד אותי. It bothered me. It's bothering me. البحر هائج. The sea is raging. The sea is vexed. עד כמה שאני יודע, אין להם ילדים. They have no children, for all I know. As far as I know, they don't have kids. הייתי רוצה להפקיד בחשבוני קצת כסף. I'd like to put some money into my account. I'd like to take some money into my account. אישית אני אוהב את האביב, אף פעם לא אהבתי את הקיץ. As for myself, I like spring very much. I never liked summer. Personally, I love spring, I've never loved summer. شكرًا على قدومك. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. كان سامي يعيش حياة مختلفة. Layla had a different life. Sammy was living a different life. אני גווע ברעב. I'm starving. I'm starving. כשתום אמר למרי להרגיש בבית, הוא קיווה בסתר לבו שהיא תלך לשטוף את הכלים במטבח. When Tom told Mary to feel right at home, he was secretly hoping that she'd go and wash up the dishes in the kitchen. When Tom told Mary to feel at home, he secretly hoped she'd go wash the dishes in the kitchen. يجب أن تذهب غربا You should head west. You have to go west. تغير كثيرًا منذ المرة الأخيرة. He changed a lot since the last time. It's changed a lot since last time. يعجبه أن يغني في حوض الاستحمام. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathroom. ملأ الزجاجة بالماء. He filled the bottle with water. Fill the bottle with water. هجر سامي ليلى. Sami gave Layla a silent treatment. Get away, Sammy Lee. נהנתי מזה. I enjoyed that. I enjoyed it. أنا طالب. I'm a student. I'm a student. הוא נראה מרוצה מההסבר שלי. He looked satisfied with my explanation. He seems pleased with my explanation. בקיצור בבקשה. Be brief, please. In short, please. خُتن سامي في سنّ السّادسة من عمره. Sami was circumcised at the age of 6. Sami was six years old. אכלת ארוחת בוקר היום? Did you eat breakfast today? Have you had breakfast today? אני יכול לאכול כאן את ארוחת הצהריים שלי? Can I eat my lunch here? Can I eat my lunch here? תום נראה המום במקצת. Tom looks a bit shaken. Tom seems a little shocked. ماتت أمي عندما كنت صغيراً. My mother died when I was a kid. My mother died when I was little. שכחת לסרק את השיער, טום. You forgot to comb your hair, Tom. You forgot to scan your hair, Tom. זה רק ניחוש. It's only a guess. It's just a guess. إبحث و ستجد. Seek, and you will find. Find and find. فكر فيما قلته لك. Think about what I said to you. Think about what I told you. מרי עדיין לא התחילה. Mary has not started yet. Mary hasn't started yet. הוא מאמן גדול. He's a great coach. He's a great coach. לבסוף הוא ויתר. At last he yielded. Finally he gave up. מתוך איזה כוס מאלה שתית? Which one of these glasses did you drink out of? Out of what glass did you drink? واصل سامي صداقته مع ليلى. Sami continued to be friends with Layla. Sammy continued his friendship with Lily. יש ברשותך את דרכונך? Do you have your passport? Do you have your way? توم طالب. Tom is a student. Tom's a student. זהו אדם עשיר, אך משעמם. He is a rich but dull man. It's a rich man, but boring. لقد تعرّفنا على مدرّسنا. We met our teacher. We've identified our teacher. مشكور! Thanks! I'm sorry! היא מעודה לא פגשה את מריה. She has never met Maria. She admitted she didn't meet Maria. זה משתמש באנרגיה סולרית. It uses solar power. It uses solar energy. תום התעלם ממני. Tom ignored me. Tom ignored me. ليس لدي وقت لأنهي فروضي. I have no time to do my homework. I don't have time because I'm a fan. انتظري لحظة، إلى أين تظنّين نفسكِ ذاهبةً؟ Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? قال دِك: "يمكنني السباحة". Dick says, "I can swim." Your father said, "I can swim." תום עצום. Tom is huge. Great Tom. טום זכה רק לאחוז אחד מהקולות. Tom received only one per cent of the vote. Tom only won one of the votes. היום הזה נראה כמו מבחן מאמץ. It's looking like a treadmill kind of day. This day looks like an effort test. Jien miżżewweġ. I'm married. I am married. אני בוכה כל הזמן. I cry all the time. I cry all the time. אני מספיק מבוגרת. I'm old enough. I'm old enough. ردّ سامي إطلاق النّار. Sami returned fire. Sami's shot back. ראיתי אותו שוב. I saw him again. I saw him again. הוא לא התנגד כלל. He had no objection. He didn't object at all. תום היה חייב לשנות את העתיד. Tom had to change the future. Tom had to change the future. لم يشكّك فاضل في شيء. Fadil didn't question anything. There was nothing wrong with you. הייתי רוצה לראות מה קורה. I'd like to see what happens. I'd like to see what's going on. هل نسينا مالنا؟ Did we forget our money? Have we forgotten our money? תום גרם למרי לבכות. Tom made Mary cry. Tom made Mary cry. لقد حكّ سامي كعبه حتّى بدأ ينزف. Sami scratched his heel so much that it started to bleed. He cut Sami as a player until he started bleeding. أين الآخرين؟ Where are the others? Where are the others? هل أنا أول صديق لك ليس يابانيا؟ Am I your first friend who's not Japanese? Am I your first friend, not Japan? متوحش! Wild! Smell! كانت حياة سامي في بدايتها. Sami's life was taking off. Sammy's life was at first. لم يجد توم مفتاحه في أي مكان. Tom couldn't find his key anywhere. Tom didn't find his key anywhere. אני יודע דברים שאתם לא יודעים. I know things you don't know. I know things you don't know. ألم يخطر لك أن تغلق النوافذ؟ Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows? Didn't you think you could close the windows? תום לא נשמע לגמרי משוכנע. Tom didn't sound entirely convinced. Tom doesn't sound completely convinced. المشكلة أنهم لا يملكون مالا. The trouble is that they have no money. The problem is they don't have money. אני מקנאה. I'm jealous. I'm jealous. אני מוסיפה את המשפט הזה כעת. I'm adding this sentence now. I'm adding this sentence now. "وقل ربِّ زدني علمًا". But say, "O my Lord! advance me in knowledge." "And my Lord has given me knowledge." אל תאפשר לו לנגוע בזה. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. תודה בכל אופן. Thanks all the same. Thanks anyway. لم أتعلم كيف أقود السيارة بعد. I still haven't learned to drive a car. I didn't know how to drive the car yet. זה בדיוק מסוג הדברים שאני לא רוצה לעשות. That's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to do. It's exactly the kind of thing I don't want to do. يخضع الفرد في ممارسته حقوقه وحرياته لتلك القيود التي يقررها القانون فقط، لضمان الاعتراف بحقوق الغير وحرياته واحترامهـا ولتحقيق المقتضيات العادلة للنضام العام والمصلحة العامة والأخلاق في مجتمع ديمقراطي. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. In exercising his or her rights and freedoms, the individual is subject only to such limitations as are established by law, to ensure recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and to achieve the just requirements of public engagement, public interest and morality in a democratic society. مع خروج زوجته من الصّورة، أصبح سامي حرّا لاستكشاف علاقته مع ليلى بشكل أعمق. With his wife out of the picture, Sami had the freedom to explore his relationship with Layla even further. With his wife out of bed, Sammy became free to explore his relationship with Lily more deeply. لست إلا زبون. I'm only a customer. I'm only a customer. Ċaw! Goodbye! Chow! תום מאמן איום. Tom is a terrible coach. Tom's a threat coach. תום סנילי. Tom is demented. Tom Snelli. מה יחשוב תום? What'll Tom think? What would Tom think? من الغائب؟ Who's missing? Who's missing? אני יכולה לארגן את זה בעצמי. I can manage that on my own. I can set this up myself. הדיאודורנט הזה משאיר כתמים לבנים על החולצה. This deodorant leaves white stains on the shirt. This deodorant leaves white stains on the shirt. دفع سامي الثّمن بحياته. Sami paid with his life. Sami paid for his life. أنت أطول مني قامة. You are taller than I. You're taller than I am. עבר עליו יום רע. He had a bad day. It's been a bad day. הבה נחזור. Let's turn back. Let's go back. בוא נראה טלוויזיה. Let's watch TV. Let's see TV. תום נתן לנהג המונית תשר. Tom tipped the cab driver. Tom gave the cab driver a bull. קופים מטפסים על עצים. Monkeys climb trees. Monkeys climb trees. האם זה מה שקרה לה? Is that what happened with her? Is that what happened to her? سأشاهد التلفاز هذا المساء. I am going to watch TV this evening. I'll watch TV this evening. الصورة دي اتّاخدت في نارا. This photo was taken in Nara. The image de was taken in a fire. أعطني دماً، أعطيكَ حريّةً. You give me blood, I will give you freedom. Give me blood, give you free. זה אחי. This is my brother. That's my brother. ماذا قال؟ What was said by him? What did he say? ركض سامي للنّجاة بحياته. Sami ran for his life. Sami ran to save his life. كان لدينا مدرّس عنصري. We had a racist teacher. We had a racist teacher. تركوا المشكلة بدون حل. They left the problem unsolved. They left the problem unsolved. תום יתגעגע אליך. Tom will miss you. Tom's gonna miss you. هيا بنا! Let's go! Let's go! لا تتجرّأ حتّى بالاتّصال بي. Don't you even dare call me. Don't even dare call me. الإسلام صواب. Islam is common sense. Islam is right. في الحقيقة لم آكل أي شيء منذ هذا الصباح. As a matter of fact, I have had nothing since this morning. Actually, I haven't eaten anything since this morning. איך הייתה הפגישה שלך בלילה ההוא? How was your date the other night? How was your meeting that night? טום תמיד חוגר את חגורת הבטיחות. Tom always wears his seatbelt. Tom always closes the seat belt. هههه، وَشْنُو؟ Lol, what? Oh, and him? ستصاب بالبرد هكذا. You will catch cold. You're gonna get cold like that. انا اترقب زيارتك خلال العطلة الصيفية . I'm looking forward to your visit during summer vacation. I watch your visit during the summer vacation. لم أنت وقح لهذه الدرجة؟ Why are you so insolent? Why are you so rude? הוא השתדל. He tried. He tried. طروطار درك، ما نقدرو نديرو والو. It's too late to do anything about that now. A gendarmerie, we appreciate Nediro Walle. انا لست عدوك. انا صديقك. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy. אני מצייר. I'm painting. I'm drawing. من فاز؟ Who won? Who won? أنا بخير، شكرا. Fine, thanks. I'm fine, thanks. نحن في الطابق الثامن We are on the eighth floor. We're on the eighth floor. היית צריך להזהר יותר בבריאותך. You should have been more careful of your health. You should have been more careful about your health. הם עצבניים. They're jittery. They're nervous. من فضلك تعال بأسرع ما يمكن. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. יש כוכבים רבים גדולים יותר מהשמש שלנו. There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. למרי בעיות משלה. Mary has her problems. Mary has her own problems. טום יהרוג אותי. Tom is going to kill me. Tom's gonna kill me. أريد أن أزور إنجلترا يوما. Someday I'd like to go to England. I want to visit England day. تبدو وكأنك فعلت شيئا ما كان عليك فعله. You look like you've been doing something you shouldn't. Looks like you did something you should've done. يقول البعض أنه يجب مقاطعة إسرائيل بسبب ممارستها لنظام الأبارتايد. Some say that Israel should be boycotted for its apartheid system. Some say that Israel must be demarcated because of its practice of the Abarbataid regime. መራመድ እችላለሁ። I can walk. I can walk. لا تركض، بل امش على مهلك. Don't run, walk slowly. Don't run, I walk on your death. التقطلي صورة أخرى. Take another picture of me. Take another picture. أراد سامي أن يكون مع ليلى. Sami wanted Layla. Sammy wanted to be with Lily. لست من الهند. I am not from India. I'm not from India. قاتل سامي من أجل حياتيه. Sami fought for his life. Sami's killer for his life. أيها الطبيب، عندي مشاكل في الذاكرة. Doctor, I have memory problems. Doctor, I have memory problems. כישרון מוזיקלי פורח, בדרך כלל, בגיל מוקדם. Musical talent usually blooms at an early age. Musical talent is common at an early age. بعض الثعابين سامة. Some snakes are poisonous. Some shit-blowers. إنّه لأمر ممتع أن يتعرّف المرأ على زوج من المسلمين في هذه المدينة. It's so refreshing to meet a good Muslim couple in this town. It's fun for a woman to identify a couple of Muslims in this town. أتى سامي كي يحصل على جرعته من المخدّرات. Sami came to get his fix. Sammy came to get his drug injection. اتّصل سامي بالشّرطة. Sami phoned the police. Sammy calls the police. בישול גוזל זמן רב מדי. Cooking takes too much time. Cooking lasts too long. هل أنجزت جميع فروضك؟ Have you done all your homework? Are you all done with your fags? كان سامي راغبا في أن تبقى ليلى بعيدة عن فريد. Sami wanted Layla to stay away from Farid. Sammy was willing to stay a night away from Fred. נניח שהיא חוזרת. מה תגיד לה? Suppose she comes back. What would you say to her? Let's say she's coming back. קווצת שיער בצבצה מתחת לכובע המצחיה שלה. A tuft of hair showed from underneath her cap. A hairdresser under her forehead hat. يعزف على البيانو بشكل جيد جداً He plays the piano very well. Plays on the piano very well. أحاول المساعدة فحسب. I'm trying to help. I'm just trying to help. זכרון תאונת הדרכים עדיין טרי בזכרונו. The traffic accident is fresh in his memory. The memory of the car accident is still fresh in his memory. אני שם זין. I don't give a rat's ass. I give a fuck. كان عليهم توقع ذلك. They should have known better. They should have expected that. תגיד לכל מי שבא שאני פרשתי. Tell whoever comes that I'm out. Tell anyone I've retired. خذ ما تحتاج من الوقت. Take all the time you need. Take your time. نريد قسمه. أيمكنك أن تحضره لنا في طبقين؟ We'd like to split it. Could you bring it to us on two plates? Can you bring it to us in two layers? כל החברים היו נוכחים בישיבה? Were all the members present at the meeting? All the friends were in a meeting? זה נושא שראוי להעלות בפגישה. That's a good point to bring up during the meeting. It's a subject worthy of a meeting. ما الذي في الملف؟ What's in the file? What's in the file? אני מקווה שלא אאכזב איש. I hope I don't let anyone down. I hope I won't let anyone down. كان المدرّس يتصرّف بغرابة. The teacher was acting weird. The teacher was acting weird. את רשאית להיכנס. You may enter. You may enter. دايما نروح لّمسيد نمشي. I always walk to school. Dayma breathes to Mr. Namshi. انا اعرف كيفية النجاة I know how to survive. I know how to survive. لم يرغب أحد في محادثتي بالأمازيغية. No one wanted to speak Berber to me. Nobody wanted to talk to me in Amazigh. توم هو اللي قالي وقتاش الاجتماع. Tom is the one who told me when the meeting would be. Tom is me, tell me when you're late for the meeting. אני רוצה צדק. I want justice. I want justice. تعجّل! Hurry! Hurry up! أصِرَّ على الأفضل. Insist on the best. Hold on to the best. תום היה מאמן טוב. Tom was a good coach. Tom was a good coach. فما يركز عليه هي الجمل، وليست الكلمات. It's all about sentences. Not words. What focuses on is the sentences, not the words. יש עלויות חסויות? Are there any hidden fees? Any spare expenses? هناك الكثير من الغزلان في نارا. There are a lot of deer in Nara. There's a lot of earthquakes in a fire. ואיך מוצאת חן בעיניך העבודה הזאת? And how do you like this work? And how do you like this job? انا احب كلا منهما I like each of them. I love both of them. ברוך הבא לביתנו. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our house. كانت ليلى بين الموت و الحياة. Layla was barely clinging to life. It was a night between death and life. שררה תחרות אחים רבה בין תום ואחיו. There was a lot of sibling rivalry between Tom and his brother. There was a lot of fraternity between Tom and his brothers. שלוט ברגשותיך. Control your emotions. Control your feelings. اعتقلتها الشرطة. She was arrested by the police. The police arrested her. אתה באמת חושב על טובתו של תום? Are you really thinking about what's best for Tom? You really think about Tom's favor? كان يريد فاضل أن يحرق جثّة ليلى. Fadil wanted to incinerate Layla's body. He wanted to burn a dead body at night. אני מתאמן יום כן יום לא. I work out every other day. I'm practicing day by day. لدينا أخبار جيدة. We have good news. We have good news. מה תרצי לאכול? What would you like to eat? What would you like to eat? יומי תשתמש במצלמה הזאת מחר אחר הצהריים. Yumi will use this camera tomorrow afternoon. You'll use that camera tomorrow afternoon. يركض توم بسرعة كبيرة. Tom runs very fast. Tom runs pretty fast. כמה שנים אתה לומד אנגלית? How long have you been studying English? How many years have you been learning English? הם לא יכולים לבלום אותו. They cannot stop him. They can't swallow it. قدّ ما تاكُل المشماش نتاع كوتشا، قدّ ما تبغي تزيد تاكُل. The more you eat Kuqa's apricots, the more of them you'll want to eat. You may have eaten the cotsha weed, you may have to eat more. من يملك هذا المنزل؟ Who owns this house? Who owns this house? أوقف السيارة Stop the car. Stop the car. أنا بحاجة إلى قَصِة شَعر. I need to have a haircut. I need a hairdresser. אתה יכול לתאר לי את זה? Can you describe it to me? Can you describe that to me? מה את ממליצה לי? What are you suggesting to me? What do you recommend to me? لنجرب شيئاً! Let's try something. Let's try something! معتقدش إنها شبه أُمَّها I don't think she takes after her mother. I think she's like her mother. يصدقنا القول دوماً. He always tells the truth. We always believe to say. رجاء، ارفع صوتك. Speak louder, please. Please, raise your voice. كان فاضل يسكن هنا. Fadil lived here. He lived here. عادة ما يصلّي سامي صلاة العشاء قبيل ذهابه إلى النّوم. Sami usually performs the isha prayer just before going to bed. It's usually Sami's coming to dinner before he goes to sleep. لم أقصد أن أوذيك. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you. סיימתם את מלאכתכם. You're done. You're done. سامي على اليوتوب. Sami is on YouTube. Sammy's on the YouTube. אני חורחה. I am Jorge. I'm shitty. من الأفضل أن لا تُكثر من الأكل. You had better not eat too much. You better not eat too much. תודיע לי אם אני צריך לבצע שינויים כלשהם. Let me know if I need to make any changes. Let me know if I have to make any changes. ما هو وقت الإفطار؟ What time is iftar? What's breakfast time? أفضل أن لا أعلّق. I prefer not to comment. I'd rather not hang up. فقدت زوجتي في حادث سير. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. I lost my wife in a traffic accident. אתה רוצה לתבוע? Do you want to press charges? You want to sue? قلقلنا من أجلك كثيرا. We're very worried about you. We're so worried about you. إلى ماذا تنظر؟ What're you looking at? What are you looking at? عندي مشكلة I have a problem. I have a problem. לא ראיתי את פול זה זמן רב. פעם אחרונה שראיתי אותו היתה לפני ארבעה חודשים. I haven't seen Paul for a long time. The last time I saw him was four months ago. Last time I saw him was four months ago. הביקורת שלו גומזת. He is a harsh critic. His review is over. תום נראה לא נינוח ומעוצבן. Tom seems uncomfortable and annoyed. Tom seems uncomfortable and ridiculous. מצטער, אני אף פעם לא מתנצל. ‎I am sorry, but I never apologize. Sorry, I never apologize. مانهدرش الفرنسية. I don't speak French. French mandharch. كان سامي يخاطر. Sami took chances. Sammy was risking. و أخيرا خرجت. I'm finally out. And finally she got out. מה אתה אומר?! אחד מהסרטים המצויירים האהובים עלי, שהוקרן בבוקר שבת, עֻבָּד לשובר קופות הוליוודי? בן אדם, אני מזדקן... You say what?! One of my childhood's favourite Saturday morning cartoons has been remade as a Hollywood blockbuster movie? Man, I'm getting old... What do you say? ان شلالات نياغارا مشهورة كمنتجع سياحي رائد في العالم . The Niagara Falls are famous as a world leading tourist resort. The Nyagara Falls are known as the world’s leading tourist resort. سأنتظر في الخارج. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. אני מתגלח. I'm shaving. I'm shaving. أختي تشبه جدتي. My sister resembles my grandmother. My sister looks like my grandmother. אין ספק לגבי היושרה שלו. There are no doubts regarding his integrity. There's no doubt about his integrity. غير دخلت لشّمبرا خرج. He left the room as soon as I entered it. I didn't go in for Kimbera to go out. محفظتك في الجيب الخارجي لحقيبتك المدرسيّة. Your wallet is in the outside pocket of your bookbag. Your wallet in the outside pocket of your school bag. הם נראים עצובים. They look sad. They look sad. צמצמנו את העלות למינימום. We have to reduce the cost to a minimum. We've narrowed the cost to the minimum. זה היה לא נעים. That was unpleasant. It was unpleasant. לא יכולתי לשלוט בכעס שלי. I couldn't control my anger. I couldn't control my anger. ፈረሱን አልፈልግም። I don't want the horse. I will not seek the horse. מאז מותו של בעלה, כריסטינה סבלה מאוד. Since her husband died, Cristina has suffered a lot. Since her husband's death, Cristina has suffered a lot. إن إرادة الشعب هي مصدر سلطة الحكومة، ويعبر عن هذه الإرادة بانتخابات نزيهة دورية تجري على أساس الاقتراع السري وعلى قدم المساواة بين الجميع، او حسب أي إجراء مماثل يضمن حرية التصويت. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. The will of the people is the source of the authority of the Government, and this will is reflected in the periodic fair elections held on the basis of secret ballots and on an equal basis among all, or in any similar procedure that guarantees freedom of vote. נתתי לתום לקנות את זה ממני. I let Tom buy it for me. I let Tom buy it from me. לאן מוליך השביל הזה? Where does this trail lead? Where's that path in front of you? الكتاب هُنَا The book is here. The book is here. בימינו, "חלק הארי" פירושו בדרך כלל "החלק הגדול"; אבל עד לא מזמן פירושו היה "כל כולו". These days, "the lion's share" usually means "the biggest share"; but not so long ago, it meant "all of it." Now, Harry's part usually means "the big part," but it's not long since it meant "all of it." אני מוכרח לדעת. I must know. I have to know. هل تحبه ؟ / هل تحبينه ؟ Do you love him? Do you like him? הבגדים המלוכלכים האלה יכולים להוכיח את חפותו. These dirty clothes could be a new piece of evidence to prove his innocence. These dirty clothes can prove his innocence. أعطاه عمي هدية. My uncle gave him a present. My uncle gave him a present. آمل أن تمطر غداً. I hope that it rains tomorrow. I hope it's raining tomorrow. איזה נס! What a miracle! What a miracle! לא הרבה ידוע לנו על עברו האישי. We know little of his personal history. We don't know much about his personal past. كان سامي يدرّس العربيّة في مدرسة مسيحيّة. Sami taught Arabic at a Christian school. Sami was teaching Arabic at a Christian school. أعطني الملعقة. Give me the spoon. Give me the rendezvous. הוא ליקק את האצבעות. He licked his fingers. He licked his fingers. طلبت مني السيدة سميث الذهاب إلى المدينة. Mrs. Smith asked me to go to the city. Miss Smith asked me to go to town. اريد التحدث معها على انفراد. I want to talk to her alone. I want to talk to her alone. עולמנו הוא ספר, שאנשים שאינם נוסעים קוראים בו רק את הדף הראשון. Our world is a book, and people who don't travel are reading only from the first page. Our world is a book that people who don't travel only read the first page. תפנה את חפציך. Put away your things. Clear your things. אנו מצפים להצלחה. We anticipate success. We expect success. كان من المفترض أن نكون حذرين أكثر. We should have been more careful. We were supposed to be more careful. تفطّن سامي لهذا. Sami realized that. No, no, no, no, no, no. المال على الطاولة. The money is on the table. The money's on the table. אני לא מרגיש מוכן לזה עדיין. I don't feel ready for that just yet. I don't feel ready for this yet. سكّان غزّة يعيشون تحت حصار خانق. The people of Gaza are living under a crippling blockade. A scoundrel living under a hangar. اليوم هو يوم عطلتي و لكنّها تمطر. Today is my day-off but it's raining. Today is my day off, but it's raining. את משעשעת. You're fun. You're amusing. אתם צריכים לאכול ארוחת בוקר. You should eat breakfast. You should eat breakfast. إنها سُلحفاة توم, إنها تُدعى ماري. This is Tom's pet turtle. She's called Mary. It's Tom's dump. It's called Mary. أنا أعرفها I know her. I know her. تحتاج أقلامك إلى بري. Your pencils need sharpening. You need your words to Bree. كانت جثة فاضل مرمية في القمامة. Fadil's body was in the garbage. It was a poisonous egg in the trash. انفجرت أنابيب المياه عندنا. Our water pipes burst. Our water pipes exploded. شعر فاضل أنّه كان يجب عليه أن يعتنق الإسلام. Fadil felt he needed to be a Muslim. It felt like he had to embrace Islam. الحب و السلام. Love and Peace. Love and peace. קניתי חולצת T חדשה אתמול. I bought a new t-shirt yesterday. I bought a new T shirt yesterday. هل أبوك طبيب؟ Is your father a doctor? Is your father a doctor? سيكون الغد أفضل! Tomorrow will be better! Tomorrow will be better! המטרה מקדשת את האמצעים. The end justifies the means. Target serves the means. אני מסכים לגמרי! I agree completely. I totally agree! ما الذي تراهُ فيها؟ What do you see in her? What do you see in it? أنا لست متعباً. I'm not tired. I'm not tired. אני לא אוהבת להיות לבד בחוף. I don't like being alone on the beach. I don't like being alone on the beach. הם זרקו את הכובעים באוויר. They threw their hats up into the air. They threw the hats in the air. אילו הייתי יודע על כך, הייתי אומר לך. If I knew that, I'd tell you. If I knew about it, I'd tell you. זה אסון העומד להתרחש. That's a disaster waiting to happen. It's a disaster that's about to happen. كان سامي دوما يريد أن يكون مركز الاهتمام. Sami wanted to be always in the center of attention. Sammy always wanted to be the focus of attention. إنها كبيرة جداً. It's very big. It's too big. هل هي سديقتي؟ Is she my friend? Is it my audition? תום סגר את הדלת ונעל אותה. Tom shut the door and locked it. Tom closed the door and locked it. תום ניסה להתניע את המנוע. Tom tried to start the engine. Tom tried to start the engine. كان سامي ينبّه ببوق سيّارته. Sami was honking. Sami was warning him about his car. طلبت منه ألا يقود بسرعة. I asked him not to drive so fast. I asked him not to drive fast. أراد سامي أن يسمع صوت ليلى. Sami wanted to hear Layla's voice. Sami wanted to hear the voice of Lily. אז מה קורה לגיבור בסוף? So what happens to the protagonist at the end? So what happens to a hero at the end? ليس هناك فرصة للفوز. There's no chance of winning. There's no chance to win. תגיד מה שתגיד, התשובה היא "לא". No matter what you say, the answer is "no." Say what you say, the answer is no. בנוסף, יש לי ראיון עם פרופסור. In addition, I have to interview a professor. Plus, I have an interview with a professor. זה מתחיל להיות הגיוני. It's all beginning to make sense. It's starting to make sense. كان سامي معرّضا لحكم بالؤبّد. Sami could face life behind bars. Sammy was allowed to judge forever. يمثّل ترامب ما يستحقّه الأمريكيّون. Trump is what Americans deserve. Trump represents what the Americans deserve. סיכמנו. Fair enough! We agreed. ההתנהגות שלה היא דאגתי העיקרית. Her behavior is my primary concern. Her behavior was my primary concern. هو أقرب. He's closer. He's closer. عاد من أمريكا. He came back from America. He's from America. אני לא רוצה שתיפגש עוד עם הבת שלי. I don't want you to see my daughter anymore. I don't want you to see my daughter anymore. לפיל יש אף ארוך. An elephant has a long nose. Phil has a long nose. نَستمتع كي نقرا كتابات بْلونڤلي. I enjoy reading books in English. We enjoy cleaning Blonville's literature. هىَ وضعت المجلة علىَ الطاولة. She put the magazine on the table. She put the magazine on the table. ناولني ذاك الكتاب من فضلك. Hand me that book, please. Give me that book, please. هل تملكنَ لوحة المفاتيح الأمازيغية على هواتفكنّ؟ Do you girls have the berber keyboard on your phones? Do you have an amazig keyboard on your phone? איזה סוג שירים פופולריים בימינו? What kind of songs are popular these days? What kind of popular songs these days? ברור שתום שיקר. Tom was obviously lying. Of course you lied. ሁለት ድመቶች አሉኝ። I have two cats. I have two cats. هل تحب كرة المضرب؟ Do you like tennis? Do you like batball? خالي يدخن كثيرًا جدا، ولا غنى له عن التبغ. My uncle is a very heavy smoker; tobacco is indispensable to him. I smoke too much, and it's indispensable to tobacco. תום יצר קשר עם מרי. Tom became involved with Mary. Tom contacted Mary. תום היה נתעב. Tom was obnoxious. Tom was a loathing. הייתי זה עתה בתחנת סאפורו כדי ללוות את אמי לדרכה. I have just been to Sapporo Station to see my mother off. I was just at Saforo Station to escort my mother on her way. אסתר היא לסבית יהודיה. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. Esther is a Jewish lesbian. איננו חיים על-מנת לאכול, אלא אוכלים על-מנת לחיות. Not for eating do we live, but for living, we eat. We don't live to eat, we eat to live. אני לא נכנסת לפרטים. I'm not going into details. I'm not getting into details. ماذا كُنتِ ستقولينَ لو كنتِ في مكاني؟ What would you say if you were in my place? What would you say if you were me? يجب عليك المجيء معي. You have to come with me. You have to come with me. זה כל מה שאנחנו יודעים. That's all we know. That's all we know. ሴቷ ወጣት አይደለችም። The woman is not young. The woman is not young. תיזהר לא להתחלק! Be careful not to slip. Be careful not to divide! הם חסרים לך מאד, נכון? You miss them a lot, don't you? They're very missing you, aren't you? الساعة تلاتة كويس؟ Would three o'clock be all right? The hour of Coyce's hill? יש לך אנסטינקטים טובים. You have good instincts. You have good instincts. חשתי מבוכה. I felt confused. I felt embarrassed. بوسطن ماشي كيما شيكاڤو ڤاع. Boston is not at all like Chicago. Boston Machi Kima Chicavia. מי לא משתמש בשפתון? Who isn't wearing lipstick? Who doesn't use lipstick? אני יכול להגיד לך איפה למצוא את תום. I can tell you where to find Tom. I can tell you where to find Tom. האוניברסיטה קיבלה החלטה לבטל את הבחינה מהסוג הזה. The university decided to do away with this kind of examination. The university decided to cancel this kind of exam. הייתי חייבת לשקר לו. I had to lie to him. I had to lie to him. لجأ سامي إلى الكحول و المخدّرات لإيقاف ذلك الألم. Sami turned to alcohol and narcotics to stop the pain. Sammy used alcohol and drugs to stop that pain. اتّصل سامي بليلى تكرارا و مرارا لكنّ اتّصالاته كانت تحوّل إلى البريد الصّوتي. Sami called and called but Layla's phone just went to voice mail. Sami called at night again and again, but his contacts were turned into the phone mail. תום הוסיף סוכר לקפה שלו. Tom added sugar to his coffee. Tom added sugar to his coffee. הוא אמר שהם אחראים לבעיה הנוכחית. He said they were responsible for the present problem. He said they were responsible for the current problem. הבט בציפור המזמרת בעץ. Look at the bird singing in the tree. Look at the songbird in the tree. مش فاهم انت قاعد تقول إيه. I don't understand what you're saying. Go for them. You're a base that says it. انسَ الأمر. Forget it. Forget it. ما مهنتك؟ What do you do for a living? What's your career? كيف تعرفت على توم؟ How do you know Tom? How did you know Tom? It-tfal qed jieħdu zokkor ħafna aktar mil-limitu, jiġifieri dak ta’ 30 gramma ta’ zokkor. Children are consuming sugar in amounts well above the limit, which is fixed at 30 grams. Children are taking sugar much more than the threshold, i.e. 30 grams of sugar. תוכל להביא לתום חבילה בדרכך לדואר? Could you drop a package off at Tom's on your way to the post office? Can you get Tom a package on your way to the post office? أرسلت العيادة فاتورة أخرى. The clinic sent another bill. The clinic sent another bill. Naħseb xtrajna kull m'għandna bżonn. I think we've bought almost everything we need. I think we bought everything we didn't need. قبلتُ رسالتك بالأمس. I got your message. I accepted your letter yesterday. אנחנו מעריכים את העזרה שלך. We appreciate your help. We appreciate your help. חשבתי שזה היה ממש רע. I thought it was really bad. I thought it was really bad. هذه عيادة و ليست قاعة رياضيّة. This is a clinic, not a gym. This is a clinic, and it's not a gym. لم آكل مذ أفطرت، وأنا جائع جدا. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten since I did, and I'm very hungry. ከልቢ እሙን እንስሳ እዩ። A dog is a faithful animal. The dog is a faithful animal. لم يفهم سامي. Sami didn't understand. Sami didn't understand. هيئتُ النظام بحيث لا يستطيع إلا الجذر الوصول إلى الشاشة الإدارية. I made it so only root could access the administrative screen. I created the system so that only the root of access to the administrative screen. انتهى الحفل الغنائي عند العاشرة. The concert came to an end at ten o'clock. The party ended at 10 o'clock. هذا القاموس أفضل من ذاك. This dictionary is better than that one. That's better than that. تعال الى هنا من فضلك. Please come here. Come here, please. זה המקום המושלם למארב. This is the perfect place for an ambush. This is the perfect place for Marv. עלינו לשים קץ להרגל הישן בהקדם האפשרי. We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible. We must put an end to the old habit as soon as possible. حاولت أن أجعل تشارلز يساعدني لكنه لم يفعل. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he wouldn't. I tried to get Charles to help me, but he didn't. אולי נאחר לבית הספר. We may be late for school. Maybe we'll be late for school. רוב המתכנתים שונאים את שלב הדיבוג. הרבה יותר מהנה ליצור באגים מאשר לתקן אותם. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most planners hate the debug stage, much more fun creating bugs than repairing them. הוא אמר: "בוא נצא לטיול לאורך הנהר". He said, "Let's take a walk along the river." He said, "Let's go for a walk along the river." הרקדנים דיברו מעט ורק אחד עם השני. The dancers spoke a little and only with each other. The dancers talked to each other a little bit. عندي قط وكلب. I have a cat and a dog. I've got a dog. كان سامي يحلق لحيته. Sami was shaving. Sammy was snoring his chest. בוא לביתי. Come to my house. Come to my house. وسمو؟ What's his name? And his name? يوجد ماء في كلّ مكان. There is water everywhere. There's water everywhere. אני לא אוהב לראות התעללות בחיות. I don't like to see animals cruelly treated. I don't like to see animal abuse. كَم مالاً حَصَلتَ عَلى لِلماسِ؟ How much money did you get for the diamond? How much did you get for diamonds? אינך חייבת לעשות כל דבר שתום מורה לך. You don't have to do everything Tom tells you to do. You don't have to do anything that Tom teaches you. تزوج جورج من أختي. George married my sister. Marry George from my sister. أنا مُرهقٌ. I am shattered. I'm tired. הייתי מורה במשך חמש עשרה שנה. I have been a teacher for 15 years. I've been a teacher for 15 years. הציפורים חגות. The birds are flying around. The birds are feasting. הצלחתי לשכנע אותו לנקות לי את החדר. I got him to clean my room. I managed to convince him to clean up my room. أنا متأكد أني أستطيع أن أفعل هذا بطريقة أو بأخري. I'm pretty sure I can do it one way or another. I'm sure I can do this one way or another. צפיתי בטלוויזיה הבוקר. I watched TV this morning. I watched TV this morning. ناداني المدرّس. The teacher called me up. Nanny the teacher. ماذا يحدث هنا؟ What's going on here? What's going on here?