É caro demais. It's too expensive. It's too expensive. Femme, fais-moi un sandwich. Woman, make me a sandwich. Woman, make me a sandwich. Eu sou mais baixo do que você. I am shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. Ho mangiato solo del pane. I only ate bread. I only ate bread. O sangue escorria do ferimento dele. Blood ran from his wound. The blood was draining from his wound. Os juízes têm muita autoridade. Judges have a lot of authority. Judges have a lot of authority. Está lleno de paranoicos. It's full of paranoids. It's full of paranoids. Potreste essere un po' più precise? Could you be a little more exact? Could you be a little more specific? Il poeta usa la matita come pennello per realizzare i suoi quadri. The poet uses the pencil as a brush to make his pictures. The poet uses the pencil as a brush to make his paintings. Tom mi ha chiesto di trovare Mary. Tom asked me to find Mary. Tom asked me to find Mary. Mă îndoiesc că Tom a făcut asta. I doubt Tom has done that. I doubt Tom did that. Há quanto tempo o Tom estuda francês? How long has Tom studied French? How long has Tom been studying French? Grazie comunque, Tom. Thanks anyway, Tom. Thanks anyway, Tom. Le vieil homme était dos à moi. The old man had his back to me. The old man had his back to me. Sólo saben cómo ladrar. All they know is how to bark. They just know how to bark. Lo Tòm n'ei pas deu matin. Tom isn't a morning person. It was not ten o'clock in the morning. Chi non ha un biglietto qui? Who hasn't got a ticket here? Who doesn't have a ticket here? Tu doar bagi problemele vieții sub preș. You're just sweeping life's problems under the rug. You just shove the problems of life under the rug. Le sedie esistono? Do chairs exist? Do chairs exist? Skura est rentrée et Yanni a accepté de la raccompagner. Skura returned home and Yanni agreed to take her back. Skura came home and Yanni agreed to take her home. Per piacere, torna dentro. Please go back inside. Please, go back inside. J'ai passé quelques appels. I made a few calls. I made a few calls. El comportamiento del príncipe le pareció inapropiado. The prince's behavior struck him as inappropriate. The prince’s behavior seemed inappropriate. Você não deveria ter pegado o carro de Tom emprestado. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. You shouldn't have borrowed Tom's car. Gli anziani si muovono a fatica. Elderly people struggle to move. The elderly are struggling. Eu recebo mais do que a maioria das pessoas aqui. I get paid more than most people here do. I get paid more than most people here. Tom maltratava Mary. Tom mistreated Mary. Tom was mistreating Mary. Trabalhei e estudei. I worked and studied. I worked and studied. La mère de mon arrière-petit-fils est russe. My great-grandson's mother is Russian. My great-grandson's mother is Russian. Profesorul este nervos, așa că vă rog să nu faceți gălăgie în clasă! The teacher is angry, so please do not make noise in the classroom! The teacher is nervous, so please don't make any noise in class! Et puc donar feina en la meva empresa. I can employ you in my company. I can give you a job in my company. Qual é a cor da sua camisa? What color is your shirt? What's the color of your shirt? Questo probabilmente accadrà. That'll probably happen. This will probably happen. O rei mora no castelo. The king lives in the castle. The king lives in the castle. Quel genre de personne était-elle quand elle est arrivée ici ? What kind of person was she when she first came here? What kind of person was she when she got here? Todo mundo que conheço sabe falar Francês. Everyone that I know can speak French. Everyone I know can speak French. Pero hay una pequeña diferencia. But there is a small difference. But there's a small difference. Yanni quiere hacer eso con Skura. Yanni wants to do that with Skura. Yanni wants to do that with Skura. La défense Caro-Kann (1. e4 c6) est une ouverture utilisée par les grands maîtres du monde entier. The Caro-Kann defense (1. e4 c6) is an opening used by major Grand Masters around the world. The Caro-Kann Defense (1.e4 c6) is an opening used by great masters around the world. Eu não estou nem um pouco preocupado I'm not worried at all. I'm not at all worried ¡Ven por lo que más quieras! Do come by all means. Come for what you want most! Cuando mi familia vivía en una casa alquilada, en el patio trasero de la misma, yo jugaba con cáscaras de coco en la arena. Los imaginé como hábitats en un planeta diferente. El agua del grifo se convirtió en un río. When my family lived in a rented house, in the backyard of it, I played with coconut shells on the sand. I imagined them as habitats on a different planet. The water from the faucet became a river. When my family lived in a rented house, in the backyard of it, I played with coconut shells in the sand. I imagined them as habitats on a different planet. The tap water became a river. Ele é só uma criança. He is only a child. He's just a kid. Cele mai frumoase fete sunt din Lituania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. The most beautiful girls are from Lithuania. Que ferez-vous avec cette caméra ? What'll you do with this camera? What will you do with this camera? Actúen muy drásticamente y comenzarán una guerra. Act too forcefully and you'll start a war. Act very drastically and you will start a war. O Tom tem um segredo. Tom has a secret. Tom has a secret. Questa non era la mia idea. Era di Tom. This wasn't my idea. It was Tom's. This wasn't my idea, it was Tom's. Cerchi la gatta. Look for the cat. Look for the cat. Não, ele não está usando tua roupa. No, he's not wearing your clothes. No, he's not wearing your clothes. Să nu îndrăznești. Don't you dare. Don't you dare. Sendo alguém com um olhar atento a problemas de classe e raça que persistem, Kibuuka lançou-se a gracejos sobre comícios políticos na pátria adotiva dele. As someone with a keen eye to lingering class and race issues, Kibuuka launched into banter about political rallies in his adopted homeland. Being someone with a keen eye for class and race issues that persist, Kibuuka threw himself into jokes about political rallies in his adopted homeland. A pugnatta a l'é in sciô feugo. The pot is on the stove. The fire is on the fire. Guarde-o para se lembrar de mim. Keep it to remember me. Save it to remember me. La Iglesia no permitiría eso. The church wouldn't allow that. The Church would not allow that. Immagino che loro parlino il francese. I guess they speak French. I guess they speak French. Iarna a venit. Winter has arrived. Winter has come. Spedì loro una lettera. She sent them a letter. He sent them a letter. Am avut o vorbire lungă cu ea. I had a long talk with her. I had a long talk with her. Conoció a muchas personas fascinantes en el curso de sus viajes. He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels. He met many fascinating people in the course of his travels. Vous n'avez pas besoin de parler si fort. You don't need to speak that loudly. You don't need to talk so loud. Cutremurele pot apărea în orice moment. Earthquakes may occur at any moment. Earthquakes can happen at any time. Sto cercando qualcosa su cui sfogare la mia rabbia. I'm looking for something to vent my anger on. I'm looking for something to vent my anger on. Ne perds pas ton sens de l'humour ! Don't lose your sense of humor. Don't lose your sense of humor! Ea a tăiat vârfurile morcovilor. She cut off the carrot tops. She cut off the tops of the carrots. Il y a une fleur sur la table. There is a flower on the table. There is a flower on the table. Leggete attentamente questo testo. Read this text carefully. Please read this text carefully. Me gusta ir a caminar al parque. I like going for a walk in the park. I like to go for a walk in the park. Os mercados europeus estão ambivalentes na terça-feira, com o agravamento da pandemia do coronavírus no mundo inteiro, juntamente com a agitação política nos Estados Unidos, a colocar entraves à atividade comercial. European markets are mixed Tuesday as the worsening coronavirus pandemic around the world, coupled with political turmoil in the United States, is putting a damper on trading activity. European markets are ambivalent on Tuesday as the worsening coronavirus pandemic around the world, along with political turmoil in the United States, put a damper on commercial activity. Ella es va beneficiar de la bona inversió. She benefited from the sound investment. She benefited from the good investment. Com que estic malalt, no hi aniré amb vostè. As I'm ill, I won't go with you. Since I'm sick, I'm not going with you. Como o semáforo ficou vermelho, ele parou o carro. Because the traffic light turned red, he stopped his car. As the light turned red, he stopped the car. Nu te pot obliga să faci ce spun eu. I cannot force you to do what I say. I can't make you do what I say. Je vais lui demander de venir me chercher à la gare. I'll ask him to pick me up from the railway station. I'm going to ask him to pick me up at the station. Ricevetti due dei vostri messaggi. I received two of your messages. I got two of your messages. A quanti concerti è andato l'anno scorso? How many concerts did you go to last year? How many concerts did you go to last year? Revin. I'll come back. I'm coming back. Não vou à farmácia há muito tempo. I have not gone to the pharmacy in a long time. I haven't been to the pharmacy in a long time. Io non posso dare consigli a Tom. Non mi ascolta mai. I cannot advise Tom. He never listens to me. I can't give Tom advice, he never listens to me. Yanni fue al partido. Yanni went to the game. Yanni went to the game. Somos mortales, pero algunas partidas de ajedrez son inmortales. We are mortal, but some chess games are immortal. We are mortal, but some chess games are immortal. Les règles de ponctuation varient d'une langue à l'autre. The rules of punctuation change from one language to another. Punctuation rules vary from language to language. Vous devez lui dire. You have to tell her. I need you to tell him. Presto, la ricerca neuroscientifica ci libererà da gravi malattie neurologiche come il Parkinson e l'Alzheimer. Soon, neuroscientific research will rid us of serious neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Soon, neuroscientific research will rid us of serious neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Com o poder da alma, qualquer coisa é possível. With the power of soul anything is possible. With the power of the soul, anything is possible. Ha ascoltato la mia opinione. He listened to my opinion. You heard my opinion. A me non piace il suo cappello. I don't like her hat. I don't like his hat. Sé que ella nunca volverá. I know that she will never return. I know she'll never come back. Quando il gatto non c'è i topi ballano. When the cat's away the mice will play. When the cat is not there, the rats dance. No quiero cenar pizza, quiero bombones. I don't want pizza for dinner. I want marshmallows. I don't want pizza dinner, I want chocolates. Tom m'avait prévenu que ce serait enfumé ici. Tom warned me it would be smoky here. Tom warned me it would be smoky in here. La scheggia era quasi invisibile. The splinter was almost invisible. The splinter was almost invisible. Ti piace qui in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? É feito de cobre? Is it made of copper? Is it made of copper? Nell'ultima pagina, Mary scrisse: "La nave sta affondando." On the last page, Mary wrote: "The ship is sinking." On the last page, Mary wrote, "The ship is sinking." A Espanha fica a oeste da Grécia. Spain is located west of Greece. Spain is west of Greece. De qué m'arriba ? What's wrong with me? What's up with me? Eu não sei onde deixei a minha carteira. I don't know where I left my wallet. I don't know where I left my wallet. Pourriez-vous m'expliquer le sens de cette phrase ? Will you please explain the meaning of this sentence to me? Could you explain the meaning of this sentence? "¿Por qué está riéndose tanto ese niño?" "¡Por algo raro que dijiste!" "Why is that kid laughing so hard?" "Because of something weird you said." "Why is that kid laughing so much?" "For something weird you said!" Tom quer ir dar uma volta. Tom wants to go for a walk. Tom wants to go for a walk. Você é a única pessoa que fez isso. You're the only person who did that. You're the only person who did this. Emily ha comprato un computer nuovo. Emily bought a new computer. Emily bought a new computer. Es posible que este caso no se resuelva rápidamente. This case might not be resolved in a hurry. This case may not be resolved quickly. Não há calor nem frio que durem depois do equinócio. No heat or cold lasts beyond the equinox. There is no heat or cold that lasts after the equinox. Muchos países están experimentando problemas similares. Many countries are experiencing similar problems. Many countries are experiencing similar problems. Il vento soffiava ancora più forte quando arrivammo in cima alla collina. The wind blew harder yet when we reached the top of the hill. The wind was even stronger when we got to the top of the hill. Se sacó las medias mojadas. He removed his wet socks. He took off his wet socks. Mi amigo es napolitano. My friend is Neapolitan. My friend is Neapolitan. Domani (26/11/2021) Ian Nepomniachtchi avrà i pezzi bianchi contro Magnus Carlsen nella sua prima partita per il World Chess Championship. Tomorrow (11.26.2021) Ian Nepomniachtchi will have the white pieces against Magnus Carlsen in their first game of the World Chess Championship match. Tomorrow (26/11/2021) Ian Nepomniachtchi will have the white pieces against Magnus Carlsen in his first match for the World Chess Championship. Vomitai sull'autobus. I vomited on the bus. I vomited on the bus. A voi piace la solitudine? Do you like solitude? Do you like solitude? Voi sta la mătușa mea în timpul verii. I'm staying at my aunt's for the summer. I'll stay at my aunt's during the summer. Éste es el último tren, señor. This is the last train, sir. This is the last train, sir. Anul trecut şi-a făcut un testament. He made a will last year. He made a will last year. C'est un heureux événement. This is a happy occasion. It's a happy event. Agora, as pessoas utilizam as grandes folhas da bananeira-da-terra para armazenar os alimentos — um fenómeno que suscitou reações mistas entre os consumidores e restauradores. People are now using large plantain leaves to store food — a move that has sparked mixed reactions among consumers and restaurateurs. Now, people use the large leaves of the ground banana tree to store food —a phenomenon that has sparked mixed reactions among consumers and restaurateurs. La Inteligencia Artificial Débil se refiere a la construcción de máquinas y software parcialmente inteligentes, cuyo funcionamiento no prescinde de la intervención humana. Weak Artificial Intelligence refers to the construction of partially intelligent machines and software, whose operation does not dispense with human intervention. Weak Artificial Intelligence refers to the construction of partially intelligent machines and software, the operation of which does not dispense with human intervention. È importante tenere d'occhio le proprie calorie. It's important to watch one's calories. It is important to keep an eye on your calories. Sei ancora inesperto. You're still inexperienced. You're still inexperienced. Él entró al equipo contrincante. He joined the opposing team. He joined the opposing team. Tenho o pressentimento de que você será um bom advogado. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have a feeling you'll be a good lawyer. Siempre está presumiendo de cuánto dinero gana. He's always bragging about how much money he makes. He's always bragging about how much money he makes. Quanto è sorprendente questo per voi? How surprising is this for you? How surprising is this for you? Vostè ho necessita. You need it. You need it. Il est tout à fait probable que la FIFA est pourrie jusqu'à l'os. It's quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the core. It is quite likely that FIFA is rotten to the bone. Te había dicho que no quería verte en esta casa. I've told you I don't want to see you in this house. I told you I didn't want to see you in this house. Combien d'assiettes désires-tu? How many plates do you want? How many plates do you want? Qu'est-ce qui est moins cher ? What is cheaper? What's cheaper? Escreva seu nome ao lado do meu. Write your name next to mine. Write your name next to mine. Scusami, posso usare il tuo bagno? Excuse me, may I use your toilet? Excuse me, can I use your bathroom? C'est combien le billet d'entrée ? How much does an entrance ticket cost? How much is the entrance ticket? A avenida está cheia de sinais de trânsito. The avenue is full of traffic lights. The street is full of traffic signs. Îmi place matematica. I love math. I like math. Scoprii il segreto di Tom. I discovered Tom's secret. I found out Tom's secret. No tenemos una máquina de café en la oficina, pero queremos una. We don't have a coffee machine at the office but we want one. We don't have a coffee machine in the office, but we want one. Tom siempre consigue un regalo por su cumpleaños. Tom always gets a present on his birthday. Tom always gets a present for his birthday. Presi un foglio e tracciai una riga nel mezzo. I took a sheet of paper and drew a line in the middle. I took a sheet of paper and drew a line in the middle. Tu fais toujours les mêmes erreurs. You always make the same mistakes. You always make the same mistakes. Êtes-vous vous fière de ce que vous êtes devenues ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? La sua voce era impastata dal sonno. His voice was slurred with sleep. His voice was muffled by sleep. El conocimiento de Tom sobre la ecología de la descomposición es inigualable. Tom's knowledge of decomposition ecology is peerless. Tom’s knowledge of the ecology of decomposition is unmatched. Tom vinse il primo round. Tom won the first round. Tom won the first round. Yo a ka kanpe w. They won't be able to stop you. So that they may be able to stand. Todas as janelas estão trancadas. All the windows are locked. All the windows are locked. La cara de la anciana tenía miles de arrugas. The old woman's face had thousands of wrinkles. The old woman’s face had thousands of wrinkles. No es árabe, sino judío mizrají. He's not Arab; he's a Mizrahi Jew. He is not an Arab, but a Mizrahi Jew. Se afincaron en Canadá. They settled in Canada. They settled in Canada. Se o rei Tut tivesse morrido de um traumatismo craniano, Selim diz que as 1.900 imagens transversais de TC teriam mostrado os dois fragmentos de osso dentro do crânio fusionados com resina de embalsamamento. Had King Tut died of a head injury, Selim says the 1,900 cross-sectional CT images would have showed the two bone fragments inside the skull fused with embalming resin. If King Tut had died of a head injury, Selim says the 1,900 cross-sectional CT images would have shown the two bone fragments inside the skull fused with embalming resin. A lei piacque il vino. You liked the wine. She liked the wine. Rima gioca a pallacanestro. Rima plays basketball. Rima plays basketball. Resolver um exercício de tática, entender um final difícil, acompanhar uma partida ao vivo e tentar "adivinhar" os lances que serão jogados. Tudo isso é divertido. Solving a tactical exercise, understanding a difficult ending, following a live match and trying to "guess" the moves that will be played. All of this is fun. Solve a tactical exercise, understand a difficult ending, follow a live match and try to "guess" the moves that will be played. All this is fun. Avete sentito la notizia? Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news? Dice che era felice. She says that she was happy. He says he was happy. A escola é uma perda de tempo. School is a waste of time. School is a waste of time. Coin coin ! Quack quack! Corner corner! Voi mi avete fuorviata. You misled me. You misled me. Sparta è una città greca. Sparta is a Greek city. Sparta is a Greek city. Es-tu fier de ce que tu es devenu ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you have become? Ti piace la mia T-shirt? Do you like my T-shirt? Do you like my T-shirt? Tu l'aimais. You loved him. You loved her. Tom se puso peor. Tom got worse. Tom got worse. Je n'aime pas leur musique ; je trouve la voix de la chanteuse stridente. I don't like their music; I find the singer's voice strident. I don't like their music; I find the singer's voice shrill. Yanni avait toutes les raisons d'être en colère. Yanni was rightfully angry. Yanni had every reason to be angry. A echarpe está em promoção. The scarf is on sale. The scarf is on sale. Yanni est au courant. Yanni knows. Yanni knows about it. Je n'aime pas les hommes comme ça. I don't like men like that. I don't like men like that. À cet égard, je n'ai rien à dire. I have nothing to say in this regard. In that regard, I have nothing to say. Mas as piadas são apenas a cristalização do humor; este existe também em formas menos tangíveis, como o estilo e toda aquela coleção de efeitos vagamente agrupados e chamados de "atmosfera". But jokes are only the crystallization of humour; it exists also in less tangible forms, such as style and all that collection of effects vaguely lumped together and called "atmosphere." But the jokes are just the crystallization of humor; humor also exists in less tangible forms, like style and that whole collection of loosely grouped effects called "atmosphere." Não se sabe onde está. You don't know where you are. You don't know where he is. Sa réponse a été évasive. His reply was evasive. His response was evasive. Sostiene che basterebbe un pizzico di organizzazione in più. He argues that all it would take is a little more organisation. He said a little more organization would be enough. Teve de ficar no hospital por uma semana. He had to stay in hospital for a week. He had to stay in the hospital for a week. A mí no me basta con eso. It is not enough for me. That's not enough for me. Il primo giorno della settimana è lunedì. The first day of the week is Monday. The first day of the week is Monday. Cum s-au cunoscut? How did they meet? How did they meet? Não se pode marcar se não se chuta. You can't score if you don't shoot. You can't score if you don't kick. Nasconditi qua. Hide here. Hide here. Questo negozio vende pane? Does this shop sell bread? Does this shop sell bread? Robert a mangé un repas délicieux. Robert had delicious food. Robert ate a delicious meal. Hola, Paul. ¿Ocupado como siempre? Hi, Paul. Busy as usual? Hey, Paul. Busy as usual? Não aja como se você fosse inferior a outras pessoas. Don't act like you're inferior to other people. Don't act like you're inferior to other people. Si llueve, llámame por favor. If it rains, please call me. If it rains, please call me. Tom indossa solamente delle T-shirt nere. Tom only wears black T-shirts. Tom only wears black T-shirts. A sabedoria me diz que não sou nada, o amor me diz que sou tudo. Entre os dois, minha vida transcorre. Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows. Wisdom tells me that I am nothing, love tells me that I am everything. Between the two, my life goes on. Adivina de quién es esta carta. Guess who this letter's from. Guess whose card this is. Cum s-a întâmplat așa ceva? How did such a thing come about? How did something like this happen? Ën pitor a pitura soe figure sla tèila. Ma 'j mùsich a pituro soe figure sël silens. Noi it doma la mùsica, e ti tën das ël silens. A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music, and you provide the silence. The painting's only figures are silent. But 'j m<0xC3><0xB9>sich's only figures are silent. We're in the music business, and you're in the silence. É complicado, não é? It's complicated, isn't it? It's complicated, isn't it? Savez-vous qui nous sommes ? Do you know who we are? Do you know who we are? En las orillas del Indo, la antigüedad concedió inteligencia a todas las fuerzas de la Naturaleza, creando así inumerables divinidades, entre ellas Kaissa, diosa del ajedrez. On the shores of the Indus, ancient times gave intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating countless divinities, including Kaissa, the goddess of chess. On the banks of the Indus, antiquity granted intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating innumerable divinities, among them Kaissa, goddess of chess. Intenté salvarte. I tried to save you. I tried to save you. Mia figlia crebbe. My daughter grew. My daughter grew up. Tom conhece a situação bem o bastante. Tom knows the situation well enough. Tom knows the situation well enough. Bom, ninguém é perfeito! Well, nobody is perfect! Well, nobody's perfect! Un petit dernier pour la route ! One for the road! One last for the road! Sais-tu t'y prendre ? Can you handle it? Can you handle it? Mon cœur bat de façon irrégulière. My heart beats irregular. My heart is beating irregularly. Sono soltanto le sette e mezza. It is just half past seven. It's only half past seven. Je dois vous tester pour la tuberculose. I need to test you for tuberculosis. I need to test you for tuberculosis. En el prinsipyo krio el Dyo los syelos i la tyerra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the prinsipyo krio the Dyo the syelos and the tyerra. Recuerdo aquella casa tropical con la piscina abandonada llena de renacuajos. I remember the tropical house with its neglected swimming pool full of tadpoles. I remember that tropical house with the abandoned pool full of tadpoles. O trem está partindo e ainda não compramos nossas passagens! The train is taking off and we haven't bought our tickets! The train's leaving and we haven't bought our tickets yet! Déjenos su número; nosotros lo llamaremos. Leave us your number; we'll call you back. Leave us your number; we will call you. Ziri regardait. Ziri watched. Ziri was watching. Le bonheur ne consiste pas seulement à avoir de nombreux biens. Happiness isn't merely having many possessions. Happiness is not just about having many possessions. Tu aimes les échecs ? Do you like chess? Do you like chess? La vida es dura y difícil. Life is hard and difficult. Life is hard and difficult. Est-ce qu'on est obligé de laisser un pourboire en France ? Do we have to leave a tip in France? Do you have to leave a tip in France? Crois-tu vraiment ça ? Do you actually believe this? Do you really believe that? Hai fatto una prenotazione? Have you made a reservation? Did you make a reservation? Tom no es tan joven como parece. Tom isn't as young as he looks. Tom is not as young as he seems. Devemos executar esse plano de qualquer maneira. We must carry out this plan by all means. We must execute this plan anyway. No sabía lo que encontraría aquí. I didn't know what I'd find here. I didn't know what I'd find here. Yo ka manjé. They eat. They eat and drink. O violão está muito desafinado. The guitar is really out of tune. The guitar is very out of tune. Ho scordato il tuo nome. I have forgotten your name. I forgot your name. El inglés no es mi idioma nativo más de lo que lo es el español. English is no more my native language than Spanish is. English is not my native language any more than Spanish is. Vous êtes seul ou accompagné ? Are you by yourself or with someone? Are you alone or accompanied? Questo cibo è molto nutriente. This food is very nutritious. This food is very nutritious. Qu'ei un espitau. This is a hospital. He is a spy. Sé que cometí muchos errores, pero espero que te guste. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I hope you like it. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I hope you like it. Tom è una brava persona con molti difetti. Tom's a good person with a lot of flaws. Tom is a good person with many flaws. Dovrebbe essere nella sua stanza. He should be in his room. He should be in his room. Nous devons l'avertir. We have to warn her. We need to warn him. Unde este valiza ta? Where's your suitcase? Where's your suitcase? Os ingleses são um povo taciturno. The English are a taciturn people. The English are a taciturn people. Potrebbe aver ragione. You might be right. He might be right. Los campesinos pobres comían papas. The poor peasants ate potatoes. The poor peasants ate potatoes. Ese día es hoy. That day is today. That day is today. Tom é patético, não é? Tom is pathetic, isn't he? Tom's pathetic, isn't he? Il a amélioré son anglais en deux mois. He improved his English within two months. He improved his English in two months. Perché ha deciso di diventare una professoressa? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Why did you decide to become a teacher? Florile se usucă repede după ce au fost tăiate. Flowers soon fade when they have been cut. The flowers dry quickly after being cut. Você foi à praia sozinho? Did you go to the beach alone? Did you go to the beach alone? Hacer cirugía es acuchillar a alguien para revivirlo. Surgery is stabbing people back to life. Surgery is stabbing someone to revive them. Tu n'avais pas besoin de venir. You need not have come. You didn't have to come. Rima perse l'autobus. Rima missed the bus. Rima missed the bus. Tots els homes son mortals. All men are mortal. All men are mortal. ¡Hola! Hello! Hey, hey! Tom et Marie construisent un bonhomme de neige à l’extérieur. Tom and Mary are outside building a snowman. Tom and Marie build a snowman outside. Abbiamo cercato di aiutare Tom. We tried to help Tom. We tried to help Tom. Di' a Tom di mangiare le sue verdure. Tell Tom to eat his vegetables. Tell Tom to eat his vegetables. Il a poliment décliné l'offre d'emploi. He politely turned down the job offer. He politely declined the job offer. La luz de un nuevo día atravesaba las capas de niebla. The light of a new day pierced the layers of fog. The light of a new day was passing through the layers of fog. Il cane è loro. The dog is theirs. The dog is them. Vai precisar do saco de papel, senhor? Are you going to need the paper bag, sir? Will you need the paper bag, sir? C'est regrettable. It's regrettable. That's unfortunate. Prometí elegir un maestro con el mayor cuidado para la hermosa Bianca. I promis'd to inquire carefully About a schoolmaster for the fair Bianca. I promised to choose a teacher with the greatest care for the beautiful Bianca. Lui fu ferito alla gamba. He was injured in the leg. He was wounded in the leg. Estamos esperando o Tom. We are waiting for Tom. We're waiting for Tom. Mi sto facendo una doccia. I'm showering. I'm taking a shower. Algún día correré como el viento. Someday I'll run like the wind. Someday I'll run like the wind. Enfrente hay una casa blanca. Across the street there's a white house. In front of it is a white house. Ela tem dois braceletes no braço direito. She has two bangles on her right arm. She has two bracelets on her right arm. C'est une sacrée réalisation ! It is quite an achievement! That's a hell of a realization! Que é isto? What is this? - What's this? ¿Te puedo contar una historia? Can I tell you a story? Can I tell you a story? L'Afrique est le continent le plus pauvre. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. Uma das funções do caso genitivo em russo é denotar possessão. One of the functions of the genitive case in Russian is to denote possession. One of the functions of the genitive case in Russian is to denote possession. Es-tu fière de ce que tu es devenue ? Are you proud of who you've become? Are you proud of what you've become? Vă rog să nu vorbiți atât de repede. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Din cauza furtunii, nava nu a putut părăsi portul. Because of the storm, the ship couldn't leave port. Because of the storm, the ship could not leave the port. No puedo pintar sin mi pincel. I can't paint without my brush. I can't paint without my brush. Taccia e continui a lavorare! Just shut up and get on with your work! Shut up and keep working! Eu tenho muito cabelo nas pernas. I have a lot of hair on my legs. I have a lot of hair on my legs. Monte ici, s'il te plaît, puis assieds-toi sur cette table. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Get up here, please, and then sit down on this table. Conosce il suo indirizzo? Do you know his address? Do you know his address? Es básicamente la misma cosa. Basically, it's the same thing. It's basically the same thing. An simyé palé fwansé. I prefer speaking in French. A simius speaks glaringly. Ar trebui să regândiți acest program. You should rethink this program. You should rethink this program. Sois un peu plus patient. Be a bit more patient. Be a little more patient. Je vis dans cette maison en pierre sur la montagne. I live in that stone house on the mountain. I live in this stone house on the mountain. Fingí que trabajaba. I pretended to work. I pretended to work. Sei sicura che non fosse solo un incidente? Are you sure it wasn't just an accident? Are you sure it wasn't just an accident? Tom ha trovato un portale per un'altra dimensione. Tom found a portal to another dimension. Tom found a portal to another dimension. Non va lì. That doesn't go there. It doesn't go there. Sembra divertito. He seems amused. Sounds like fun. Faceți apel la curajul dumneavoastră și spuneți adevărul. Summon up your courage and tell the truth. Appeal to your courage and tell the truth. Tom bajó las escaleras apurado. Tom went down the stairs in a hurry. Tom hurried down the stairs. Stia lontano da lei. Keep away from her. Stay away from her. Tom s'est versé un grand verre de lait. Tom poured himself a tall glass of milk. Tom poured himself a big glass of milk. Lei riempì una bottiglia. She filled a bottle. She filled a bottle. Aggiungete la cipolla. Add the onion. Add the onion. No kero la vida. I don't want to live. I don't love life. Mis hijos aman a los animales. My sons love animals. My kids love animals. È stata un'esperienza positiva. It was a positive experience. It was a great experience. Devo essere a quella riunione. I need to be at that meeting. I have to be at that meeting. Estou de garda agora. I am on duty now. I'm on guard now. Tom è un uomo ragionevole. Tom is a reasonable man. Tom is a reasonable man. Tom está enojado con el cotorro borracho por destruir su casa. Tom is angry at the drunk parrot for destroying his house. Tom is angry at the drunken parakeet for destroying his house. Mi risponda! Answer me! Answer me! Yanni corrió escaleras arriba para coger sus llaves y apagar la alarma. Yanni ran to get his keys upstairs to turn off the alarm. Yanni ran upstairs to get her keys and turn off the alarm. A maioria destes cajus serão processados na Índia — o principal centro de produção de cajus — antes de serem utilizados na gastronomia local ou exportados para o Ocidente, como petisco. Most of these cashews will be processed in India — the major center for cashew production — before being used in local cuisine or exported to the West, as an appetizer. Most of these cashews will be processed in India — the main center of cashew production — before being used in local cuisine or exported to the West as a snack. A nosa escalada será difícil. Our climb will be steep. Escalation will be difficult. Los números primos tienen la capacidad de generar todos los demás números. Prime numbers are capable of generating the rest of the numbers. Prime numbers have the ability to generate all other numbers. El este inspector. He is an inspector. He's an inspector. L'ho informato che non l'avrei accompagnato. I informed him that I wouldn't accompany him. I informed him that I would not accompany him. Noi non abbiamo fatto nulla. We've done nothing. We didn't do anything. Cosa hai mangiato per colazione? What did you have for breakfast? What did you eat for breakfast? Je crois aux fantômes. I believe in ghosts. I believe in ghosts. Quando andate? When do you go? When are you going? Morre, inseto! Die, insect! Die, bug! O acordo faz parte de uma nova parceria securitária, conhecida pelo acrónimo AUKUS (Austrália, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos), focada na região do Indo-Pacífico. The agreement is part of a new security partnership, known by the acronym AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom and the United States), focused on the Indo-Pacific region. The agreement is part of a new security partnership, known by the acronym AUKUS (Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States), focused on the Indo-Pacific region. Al principio no me agradaba. At first, I didn't like him. I didn't like it at first. Cosa stai comprando? What are you buying? What are you buying? Qual jaqueta é a sua? Which one is your jacket? Which jacket is yours? Lui ha vinto tutto. He won everything. He won everything. Uma dependência excessiva na política monetária numa tentativa de conter a inflação pode restringir desnecessariamente o crédito e, consequentemente, a atividade empresarial. Excessive reliance on monetary policy in an attempt to curb inflation could unnecessarily constrain credit and hence business. Excessive reliance on monetary policy in an attempt to contain inflation can unnecessarily restrict credit and, consequently, business activity. Faisons une expérience scientifique. Let's do a scientific experiment. Let's do a scientific experiment. Ça me rend heureux que tu sois venu. I'm glad you came. It makes me happy that you came. Vi un rayo. I saw a lightning bolt. I saw lightning. Tu ne m'as même pas dit bonjour ! You didn't even say "hello" to me! You didn't even say hello! Si è nascosto sotto il letto. He hid himself under the bed. He hid under the bed. Você é sempre muito sério. You're always too serious. You're always very serious. Le Sahara occidental est si important. Western Sahara is so important. Western Sahara is so important. Pourquoi ne pouvons-nous pas diviser par zéro ? Why can we not divide by zero? Why can't we divide by zero? Les Japonais au Japon parlent le japonais. Japanese people in Japan speak Japanese. The Japanese in Japan speak Japanese. Quan el número 21 es divideix entre 7, el resultat és 3. When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3 When the number 21 is divided by 7, the result is 3. Leggete con attenzione questo testo. Read this text carefully. Read this text carefully. Você parece ocupado. You seem busy. You look busy. Nu pot face altfel decât să simt că atunci când vin aici, toate simţurile îmi sunt mai ascuţite decât de obicei. I can't help but feel that when I come here, all my senses are sharper than usual. I can't help but feel that when I come here, all my senses are sharper than usual. Corrí y Corrí pero el tren me dejó. I ran and ran, but the train left me. I ran and ran but the train left me. Perché non puoi farla? Why can't you do it? Why can't you do it? Entró y cerró la puerta tras de sí. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He went in and closed the door behind him. Tutti sono gli stessi? Is everyone the same? Are they all the same? Tom estaba sentado allí, leyendo un libro. Tom was sitting there, reading a book. Tom was sitting there, reading a book. Le dissi dove andare. I told you where to go. I told her where to go. Los mentirosos tienen que tener una buena memoria. Liars must have a good memory. Liars have to have a good memory. Tom no quiere el bocadillo que Mary le hizo. Tom didn't like the sandwich that Mary made for him. Tom doesn't want the sandwich Mary made for him. Tom non riusciva a immaginarsi a sparare a qualcuno. Tom couldn't imagine himself shooting anyone. Tom couldn't imagine shooting anyone. La première étape est terminée. Step one is done. The first stage is over. Bonjour mon trésor. Hello, my treasure. Hello, sweetheart. Sans vous je ne suis rien. I am nothing without you. Without you, I am nothing. Ne sois pas fâché ! Don't be upset. Don't be mad! Algo así podría arruinar tu carrera. Something like this could ruin your career. Something like that could ruin your career. Vá embora agora. Leave now. Go away now. ¡Salve, César, los que van a morir te saludan! Hail, Caesar, those who are about to die salute you! Hail, Caesar, those who are about to die salute you! O Tom está comendo um bolo. Tom is eating a cake. Tom's eating a cake. Sono stato condannato a quattro anni di prigione. I was sentenced to four years in prison. I was sentenced to four years in prison. Não sou nada romântico. I am not romantic at all. I'm not romantic at all. ¿Vendrá hoy Tom? Will Tom be coming today? Is Tom coming today? Ho iniziato la scuola recentemente. I started school recently. I started school recently. Os muros da cidade foram destruídos. The walls of the town were destroyed. The walls of the city were destroyed. Va me chercher ce livre sur la table. Fetch me that book on the table. Go get me that book on the table. Por Dios, dime la verdad. For God's sake tell me the truth. For God's sake, tell me the truth. Advogados e políticos na Turquia estão a advertir que um novo decreto de emergência poderia incitar a violência e encorajar a formação de grupos de justiceiros. Lawyers and politicians in Turkey are warning that a new emergency decree could incite violence, and encourage formation of vigilante groups. Lawyers and politicians in Turkey are warning that a new emergency decree could incite violence and encourage the formation of vigilante groups. ¡No abras esa puerta, ni siquiera por un instante! Don't open that door, not even for an instant! Don't open that door, not even for a moment! Știi tu ce știi! You know what you know! You know what you know! Se você não sabe o que são escadas, não jogue Go. If you don't know ladders, don't play Go. If you don't know what ladders are, don't play Go. Tom mi-a strâns mâna. Tom shook my hand. Tom shook my hand. ¿Luego qué hiciste? What did you do then? Then what did you do? Ho iniziato a rispettare Tom. I've started to respect Tom. I started to respect Tom. Cales son as alternativas? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Nu poţi separa limba de cultură. You can't separate language from culture. You can't separate language from culture. Non fate una sceneggiata in pubblico. Don't make a scene in public. Don't do a script in public. J'ai suggéré de reporter la réunion. I suggested postponing the meeting. I suggested we postpone the meeting. Você consegue levantar esta perna? Can you lift this leg? Can you lift this leg? Si je voulais, je pourrais, mais je ne veux pas. I could if I wanted to, but I don't. If I wanted to, I could, but I don't want to. Îți voi explica totul mai târziu. I'll explain everything to you later. I'll explain everything later. L'arôme du café m'a fait du bien au réveil. I was happy to wake up to the aroma of coffee brewing. The aroma of coffee did me good when I woke up. Ela fala ruso. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Embora algumas fábricas estivessem a compensar pela redução de pessoal através da aceleração do processo de produção, ele estimava que as cifras típicas de produção diária ainda estavam 20% a 30% mais baixas. While some factories were compensating for the staffing cuts by speeding up the production process, he estimated that typical daily production numbers were still down 20% to 30%. Although some factories were compensating for the reduction of staff by speeding up the production process, he estimated that typical daily production figures were still 20% to 30% lower. Na minha opinião, usar vírgula antes de la, depois de la, ou não usar vírgula é uma escolha estilística pessoal. In my opinion, whether to use a comma before la, after la, or to not use a comma at all is a personal stylistic choice. In my opinion, using comma before la, after la, or not using comma is a personal stylistic choice. El și-a prezentat cardul. He presented his card. He presented his card. Recebi uma oferta de emprego. I got a job offer. I got a job offer. Ele perdeu o relógio do pai. He has lost his father's watch. He lost his father's watch. Au fait, quelle heure est-il ? By the way, what time is it? By the way, what time is it? Desidera quel tipo di vita. He desires that kind of life. He wants that kind of life. Nunca se me ocurrió que un espía pudiera tener la apariencia de un tipo cualquiera con el que te topas en la calle, pero esa es la idea, ¿no? It never occurred to me that a spy could look like any other nondescript person you'd bump into on the street, but I guess that's the point. It never occurred to me that a spy could have the appearance of any guy you run into on the street, but that's the idea, isn't it? A noiva entrou na sala, com todos olhando para ela. The bride came into the room, with everyone staring at her. The bride entered the room, with everyone looking at her. ¿Alguien tiene alguna otra pregunta? Does anyone have any other questions? Does anyone have any other questions? Au boulot maintenant ! Let's get this show on the road now! Get to work now! Pourquoi ne l'appelles-tu pas toi-même ? Why don't you call him yourself? Why don't you call him yourself? El policía levantó la caja con cuidado. The policeman lifted the box carefully. The policeman carefully picked up the box. Cet homme se satisfait de son sort. This man is satisfied with his lot. This man is satisfied with his fate. Ci siamo scoraggiate. We got discouraged. We got discouraged. ¿Le coserías un botón a mi camisa? Would you sew a button on my shirt? Would you sew a button on my shirt? Magari lei non sa trattare con gli uomini. Perhaps she doesn't know how to deal with men. Maybe she can't deal with men. Possiamo negoziare con il proprietario. We can negotiate with the owner. We can negotiate with the owner. El a fost curajos. He was brave. He was brave. Comment demander l’asile ? How can I claim asylum? How to apply for asylum? Je quitte ce groupe. I'm leaving this group. I am leaving this group. Nós nos divertimos muito na Austrália. We had a lot of fun in Australia. We had a lot of fun in Australia. Regarde, une hermine ! Look, a stoat! Look, an ermine! ¿La gente de Boston bebe agua del grifo? Do people in Boston drink tap water? Do people in Boston drink tap water? Elle ne connaît ni moi, ni toi. She knows neither me, nor you. She doesn't know me or you. Husmeando como siempre, ¿verdad? Snooping as usual, I see. Snooping around like always, right? Non userò mai più un computer. I’ll never use a computer again. I will never use a computer again. Aqui não tem mais arroz. There is no rice here anymore. There's no more rice here. Aiutare gli altri non è mai una perdita di tempo. Helping others is never a waste of time. Helping others is never a waste of time. Tom quer passar tempo comigo. Tom wants to spend time with me. Tom wants to spend time with me. Non credo più in Dio. I don't believe in God anymore. I no longer believe in God. Încântat de cunoștință! Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you! Chi ballerà stasera? Who will dance tonight? Who's dancing tonight? J'ai oublié mon code PIN. I've forgotten my PIN. I forgot my PIN code. Estoy en tus manos. I am in your hands. I'm in your hands. Elas estão perdendo tempo. They are wasting time. They're wasting their time. Levou os manteis ao lavadoiro. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. He took the coats to the laundry room. Por favor, mantened todas las ventanas y puertas abiertas durante el examen. Please keep all windows and doors open during an exam. Please keep all windows and doors open during the exam. Le meilleur gladiateur se battra aujourd'hui. The best gladiator fights today. The best gladiator will fight today. Mary sta masticando qualcosa. Mary is chewing something. Mary's chewing something. Fue un error de dedo. It was a typo. It was a finger mistake. Celui qui n'ose pas offenser ne peut pas être honnête. He who dares not offend cannot be honest. He who dares not offend cannot be honest. Ziri ha chiamato Rima nella sua camera da letto. Ziri called Rima into his bedroom. Ziri called Rima in her bedroom. Tom è andato a casa di Mary solamente per fare dei compiti insieme, però, dato che fuori infuriava una tempesta, i suoi genitori hanno deciso di lasciarlo passare la notte là. Tom only went to Mary's house to work on some homework together, but as a storm was raging outside his parents decided to let him spend the night there. Tom only went to Mary's house to do homework together, but as a storm was raging outside, his parents decided to let him spend the night there. Deke estas viniendo? Why are you coming? Deke are you coming? C'est à toi de décider si nous allons là-bas ou non. It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not. It's up to you whether we go there or not. Provi a sorridere. Try smiling. Try smiling. Agora vejo a língua grega em toda a parte. Now I see the Greek language everywhere. Now I see the Greek language everywhere. Tom es mi abuelo. Tom is my grandfather. Tom is my grandfather. Mi papá fue a comprar leche. My dad went to buy milk. My dad went to buy milk. Ziri si sbarazzò del computer. Ziri got rid of the computer. Ziri got rid of the computer. Prizonierul a luat-o razna. The prisoner has gone crazy. The prisoner has gone mad. No sabía que él estaba desarmado en ese momento. I didn't know he was unarmed at the time. I didn't know he was unarmed at the time. Quão seriamente devemos levar isto? How seriously should we take this? How seriously should we take this? Ce a mâncat Tom la prânz? What did Tom eat for lunch? What did Tom eat for lunch? Él estaba apenado de interrumpirte. He was ashamed of troubling you. He was sorry to interrupt you. J'ai terminé d'écrire le rapport. I finished writing the report. I have finished writing the report. Sono contrario alla corruzione. I'm against corruption. I am opposed to corruption. Elles nous parleront demain matin. They will talk to us tomorrow morning. They'll talk to us in the morning. He pedido ayuda. I called for help. I asked for help. Mi tiene in pugno. He has me in the palm of his hand. He's got me. Tú y yo no somos hermano y hermana. You and I are not siblings. You and I are not brother and sister. Quel genre de pain aimez-vous ? What kind of bread do you like? What kind of bread do you like? E podi parlar a Dauna Brown ? May I talk to Ms. Brown? Can you tell me about Dauna Brown? Je peux tout manger sauf les oignons. I can eat anything but onions. I can eat everything except the onions. O presidente Obama disse que uma "atrocidade" com armas químicas não deve ser apenas investigada, mas também confrontada. President Obama said an "atrocity" with chemical weapons must not just be investigated but also confronted. President Obama said an “atrocity” with chemical weapons should not only be investigated, but also confronted. Creo que voy a renunciar a mi trabajo. La compañía se está desmoronando. I think I'm going to quit my job. The company is falling apart. I think I'm going to quit my job. Sono andato ad un ristorante. I went to a restaurant. I went to a restaurant. J'ai hâte que les vacances d'été arrivent. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I can’t wait for the summer holidays to arrive. Rima e Skura rispettano Silya. Rima and Skura respect Silya. Rima and Skura respect Silya. Totul sau nimic. All or nothing. All or nothing. Fiecare zi contează. Every day counts. Every day counts. Passado algum tempo, talvez com a segunda garrafa, a alegria sobrepor-se-á, depois a hilaridade e a garrulidade, terminando, à medida que a noite se encerra, com uma contenda verbosa e uma rixa generalizada. After a while, at the second bottle perhaps, cheerfulness will supervene, then mirth and garrulity, ending, as the night closes round, with wordy contention and a general brawl. After some time, perhaps with the second bottle, joy will overcome, then hilarity and garrulity, ending, as the night closes, with a verbose contention and a generalized feud. Noi aspetteremo Tom nell'atrio. We'll wait for Tom in the lobby. We'll wait for Tom in the lobby. Estou sentado a contemplar o belo quadro na parede. I'm sitting looking at the beautiful picture on the wall. I'm sitting there looking at the beautiful picture on the wall. Non la posso aiutare adesso. I can't help you now. I can't help you now. Il a enfoncé un clou dans le mur et a accroché le tableau. He hammered a nail into the wall and hung the painting up. He drove a nail into the wall and hung the painting. Non c'è fumo senza fuoco. There's no smoke without fire. There is no smoke without fire. Lo can qu'ei intelligent. The dog is smart. He can only be intelligent. Oh, eu não sei se concordo com você. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. Oh, I don't know if I agree with you. Elas podem dizer essas coisas? Can they say these things? Can they say these things? La télé-réalité n'est-elle pas réelle ? Reality TV isn't real? Isn't reality TV real? Os esforços corajosos do casal para apaziguar e conquistar os seus parentes alargados revelam questões maiores de opressão sistémica, identidade e género que têm sido transmitidas até aos dias de hoje ao longo de muitas gerações. The couple's valiant efforts to appease and win over their extended relatives reveal larger questions of systemic oppression, identity, and gender that have been passed down to the present day over many generations. The couple’s courageous efforts to appease and conquer their extended relatives reveal larger issues of systemic oppression, identity, and gender that have been handed down to the present day over many generations. Je suis encore débutant en espéranto. I'm still a beginner at Esperanto. I'm still a beginner in Esperanto. È vero che sei innamorata di Tom? Is it true that you're in love with Tom? Is it true you're in love with Tom? As pessoas estão com muito medo. People are very scared. People are very scared. Ce n'est pas l'espèce la plus forte, qui survit, ni la plus intelligente, mais la plus réactive aux changements. It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. It is not the strongest species, which survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most reactive to changes. J'ignore ce qu'est la peur. I don't know what fear is. I don't know what fear is. Chegámos tarde por tua causa. We were late because of you. We're late because of you. Tom observou Mary atentamente. Tom watched Mary closely. Tom looked at Mary closely. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur ton bureau ? What's on your desk? What's on your desk? Questo è un gioco pericoloso. This is a dangerous game. This is a dangerous game. Sur combien d'oreillers dormez-vous ? How many pillows do you use when sleeping? How many pillows do you sleep on? Cuando tenía cinco años no sabía leer. When I was five years old I could not read. When I was five years old, I couldn’t read. Sosul este aproape gata. Abia acum adăugăm pătrunjel și busuioc. The sauce is almost ready. Only now do we add parsley and basil to it. The sauce is almost ready. Just now we add parsley and basil. Corrí con todas mis fuerzas pero no pude alcanzarla. I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn't catch her. I ran with all my strength but I could not reach it. Eu parei de fumar de vez há 3 meses. I stopped smoking completely 3 months ago. I quit smoking three months ago. No creo que él pueda hacer eso. I don't think he can do that. I don't think he can do that. Él se convirtió en un actor famoso. He became a famous actor. He became a famous actor. Duas flores com 15 milhões de anos aprisionadas em âmbar revelam ser uma espécie "completamente nova". Two 15 million-year-old flowers trapped in amber turn out to be a “completely new” species. Two 15-million-year-old flowers trapped in amber turn out to be a "completely new" species. Le berbère de Ziri est nul. Ziri's Berber is awful. Ziri's Berber sucks. On confond Tom souvent avec son frère. We often confuse Tom with his brother. Tom is often confused with his brother. Ainda não tenho noventa anos. I am not ninety years old yet. I'm not 90 yet. Me bajaré en la última estación. I'll get off at the last station. I'll get off at the last station. Je travaille sept jours sur sept. I work seven days a week. I work seven days a week. Quindi hai dei peli sul petto dopo tutto. So you've got hair on your chest after all. So you've got hair on your chest after all. Hanno detto che sono imbarazzati. They said they're embarrassed. They said they were embarrassed. Tutto ciò che voglio è un abbraccio. All I want is a hug. All I want is a hug. Experimentul trebuie să înceapă. The experiment must begin. The experiment must begin. Ela era a filha de um sacerdote brâmane, um homem nascido duas vezes, e era tão formosa que o Rei de Benares a descrevia como sendo um petisco digno dos deuses. She was the daughter of a Brahmin priest, a twice-born man, and so fair was she that the King of Benares described her as a morsel fit for the gods. She was the daughter of a Brahmin priest, a twice-born man, and was so beautiful that the King of Benares described her as a treat worthy of the gods. La Jeane també juga a tennis. Jeanne is also playing tennis. Jeane also plays tennis. El a vorbit despre muzică. He talked about music. He talked about music. Tom não vai machucar mais ninguém. Tom isn't going to hurt anybody else. Tom's not gonna hurt anybody else. El sol de verano pegaba en nuestra frente. The summer sun glared down on us. The summer sun was beating down on our foreheads. Non l'ho detta apposta. I didn't say it on purpose. I didn't say that on purpose. Prohibido fumar en el restaurante. No smoking in the restaurant. No smoking in the restaurant. Questo non è imbrogliare. This isn't cheating. This is not cheating. Ninguém chegou atrasado. Nobody arrived late. No one was late. Non è la prima volta che fa il bagno in mare nuda. It isn't the first time she's bathed naked in the sea. This is not the first time she has been swimming in the open sea. Ziri siempre llevaba puesto un mono. Ziri always wore overalls. Ziri was always wearing a monkey. Você acabou de se preparar para sua viagem? Have you finished your preparations for the trip? Have you just prepared for your trip? Mas quando os resultados dos testes são divididos por subgrupos, as diferenças são dramáticas. But when the test results are broken down by subgroup, the differences are dramatic. But when test results are divided into subgroups, the differences are dramatic. Vieillir est une chose fascinante. Plus vous vieillissez, plus vous voulez vieillir. Getting old is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the older you want to get. Getting older is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the more you want to get older. Préparez-vous au pire. Get ready for the worst. Prepare for the worst. Tenga la bandiera algerina. Keep the Algerian flag. Have the Algerian flag. Prends autant de temps que tu veux. Take as much time as you want. Take as much time as you want. A Tom piaceva il calcio. Tom liked soccer. Tom liked football. Eravamo inseparabili. We were inseparable. We were inseparable. Devi stare fuori dalla mia vita. You must stay out of my life. You need to stay out of my life. La pareja de cada quien no debería ser una carga. One's partner should not be a burden to them. Everyone’s partner should not be a burden. Eu realmente não quero ir. I really do not want to go. I really don't want to go. C'è una zanzara sul tuo avambraccio destro. You have a mosquito on your right forearm. There's a mosquito on your right forearm. Io non voglio giocare con lei! I don't want to play with you! I don't want to play with her! Va al supermercato una volta alla settimana. She goes to the supermarket once a week. He goes to the supermarket once a week. Le café est amer parce que je n'y ai pas mis de sucre. The coffee is bitter because I didn't put any sugar in it. Coffee is bitter because I didn't put sugar in it. O síndico do prédio marcou uma reunião com os moradores. The building's superintendent has set up a meeting with the residents. The building manager has scheduled a meeting with the residents. Casse-toi ! Buzz off! Get out of here! Solamente un miracolo può salvare Tom. Only a miracle can save Tom. Only a miracle can save Tom. Eres el hombre más guapo que he visto en mi vida. You're the most handsome man I've ever seen. You're the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. Ils ont refusé l'invitation. They declined the invitation. They refused the invitation. Vous ne semblez pas très sûre. You don't seem very sure. You don't seem very sure. Io faccio delle domande al mio dottore. I ask questions to my doctor. I ask my doctor questions. Il tuo albergo è vicino? Is your hotel nearby? Is your hotel nearby? Duele verte así. It hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you like this. Demostrouse que as pulgas que viven nos cans saltan máis que as que viven nos gatos. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. It has been shown that fleas that live in dogs jump more than those that live in cats. Non ho saputo risolvermi ad accettare il lavoro. I couldn't bring myself to take the job. I couldn’t resolve to accept the job. Sono sicuro che tu mi disprezzi. I'm sure you despise me. I'm sure you despise me. Não pude ir à sua festa de aniversário. I was unable to go to his birthday party. I couldn't go to your birthday party. Erano tutte amiche da bambine. They were all friends as children. They were all little girl friends. In Toki Pona, la particella "o" indica che un verbo viene usato come comando. In Toki Pona, the particle "o" indicates that a verb is being used as a command. In Toki Pona, the "o" particle indicates that a verb is used as a command. Voglio parlare con lei di fuori. I want to talk to you outside. I want to talk to her outside. Conhece alguém que saiba fazer isso? Do you know anyone who can do that? Do you know anyone who knows how to do that? ¡Las drogas matan! Drugs kill! Drugs kill! Por que não vamos à Boston com o Tom? Why don't we go to Boston with Tom? Why don't we go to Boston with Tom? Quais são os esportes mais populares em seu país? What are the most popular sports in your country? What are the most popular sports in your country? Escribo fantasía. I write fantasy. I write fantasy. Une petite ampoule nue était la seule source de lumière. A small, naked bulb gave the only illumination. A small naked light bulb was the only source of light. Giocare a tennis è il loro passatempo. Playing tennis is their hobby. Playing tennis is their hobby. Les autres m'attendent. The others are waiting for me. The others are waiting for me. Ai multe de învățat. You have much to learn. You have a lot to learn. Il a enlevé le sable de ses bras et de ses jambes et s'est roulé sur son ventre. He brushed the sand off his arms and legs and rolled onto his stomach. He removed the sand from his arms and legs and rolled on his belly. Districtul este abundent în resursele naturale. The district is abundant in natural resources. The district is abundant in natural resources. La Hongrie est belle. Hungary is beautiful. Hungary is beautiful. Tu és jovem; não te podes aposentar. You're young; you can't retire. You're young; you can't retire. Al socialista lo acompañaba un traductor. The socialist was accompanied by a translator. The socialist was accompanied by a translator. Já é setembro; no entanto, está muito quente. It's already September; however, it is very hot. It's already September; however, it's very hot. Ya te he dicho lo que pienso. I've already told you what I think. I've already told you what I think. Nous allons bien tous les deux. We're both fine. We're both fine. Sblocca il tuo telefono. Unlock your phone. Unlock your phone. Ella es va aixecar. She stood up. She got up. A bomba atômica é uma séria ameaça para a humanidade. The atomic bomb is a grave threat to mankind. The atomic bomb is a serious threat to humanity. Todos eles entraram. They all entered. They all came in. So che Tom sta pescando. I know Tom is fishing. I know Tom's fishing. Je viens de rentrer. I just got back. I just got home. Ci mancano davvero le nostre mogli. We really miss our wives. We really miss our wives. Il n'y a pas de crime parfait. There is no such a thing as a perfect crime. There is no perfect crime. Ton colis est arrivé. Your package has arrived. Your package has arrived. L'aereo deve arrivare alle dieci in punto. The airplane is to arrive at ten o'clock. The plane must arrive at ten o'clock. Perché non state dicendo niente? Why aren't you saying anything? Why aren't you saying anything? Comprai la mia prima automobile nel 1998. I bought my first car in 1998. I bought my first car in 1998. O cantor canta enquanto toca o piano. The singer sings while playing the piano. The singer sings while playing the piano. Estoy usando mi vestido nuevo. I am wearing my new dress. I'm wearing my new dress. Él no podía respirar profundamente. He could not breathe deeply. He could not breathe deeply. Considerati fortunato. Consider yourself lucky. Consider yourself lucky. Ripensai ai miei battibecchi con lui. I thought back to my squabbles with him. I thought back to my fights with him. Esperamos un milagro. We hoped for a miracle. We expect a miracle. Vous étiez faible. You were weak. You were weak. A professora é uma mulher. The teacher is a woman. The teacher is a woman. Sei daltonica? Are you colorblind? Are you color-blind? La foresta diventava sempre più piccola, però gli alberi scelsero ancora e ancora l'ascia, perché era saggia e riusciva a persuadere gli alberi che era una di loro grazie al suo manico di legno. The forest grew smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them due to its wooden handle. The forest became smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them thanks to its wooden handle. Je ne vous vends pas ma voiture. I'm not selling you my car. I'm not selling you my car. Républicains et Démocrates, Chrétiens, Athées, Musulmans et tous les autres cultes, Étasuniens et immigrants, chacun était uni dans la douleur de la dévastation du onze septembre. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other faiths, Americans and Immigrants, everyone was united in grief for the devastation of 9/11. Republicans and Democrats, Christians, Atheists, Muslims and all other cults, Americans and immigrants, each were united in the pain of the devastation of September 11. Avez-vous éprouvé des symptômes de sevrage dans le passé ? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms in the past? Tenga a bada la lingua. Watch your tongue. Keep your tongue in check. Tom baixou do avión. Tom got off the plane. Tom got off the plane. Il mio computer portatile si è rotto. My laptop broke. My laptop is broken. Am fost muşcat de o mulţime de insecte în pădure. I was bitten by a lot of insects in the forest. I was bitten by a lot of insects in the woods. Non riesce a godere con un solo uomo. She can't get off with one man. You can't enjoy it with one man. No puedo creer que ella te impidiera volar. I can't believe that she kept you from flying. I can't believe she stopped you from flying. Nu poți schimba trecutul. You can't change the past. You cannot change the past. Non mi parlate di religione! Don't talk to me about religion. Don't talk to me about religion! Sarà di ritorno tra qualche giorno. He will be back in a few days. He'll be back in a few days. Tom sabe que non vai ser quen de ir a Boston con Mary. Tom knew that he wouldn't be able to go to Boston with Mary. Tom knows he won't be able to go to Boston with Mary. Algeri è una città divertente. Algiers is a fun city. Algiers is a fun city. I l'avìa visitalo ant un càud dòp-mesdì 'd magg. I visited him on a warm May afternoon. I've been to a house in the middle of May. Acredito que seja possível que Tom venha. I think it's possible Tom may come. I think it's possible that Tom will come. Passer du temps ensemble est important pour moi. Spending time together is important to me. Spending time together is important to me. Allons passer la journée dans le parc. Let's spend the day in the park. Let's spend the day in the park. No xadrez, assim como em outras modalidades esportivas, ninguém é imbatível. At chess, as at other sports, no one is unbeatable. In chess, as in other sports, no one is unbeatable. Não me esperem. Don't wait for me. Don't wait for me. Le coup de Noir occupait la dernière liberté qui restait à cinq pierres blanches, sur deux chaînes. Ces cinq pierres ont donc été capturées et enlevées. Black's move occupied the last liberty that was left to five white stones, in two strings. Those five stones were thus captured and removed. The blow of Black occupied the last freedom that remained to five white stones, on two chains. These five stones were therefore captured and removed. Il y avait un arrêt de bus au pied de la colline. There was a bus stop at the foot of the hill. There was a bus stop at the foot of the hill. Lo Tòm que's melhora. Tom is getting better. I think it's getting better. No entiendo por qué cambiaste de opinión. I don't get why you changed your mind. I don't understand why you changed your mind. Un pequeño fuego en un bosque puede propagarse con facilidad y rápidamente convertirse en un gran incendio. A small forest fire can easily spread and quickly become a great conflagration. A small fire in a forest can spread easily and quickly become a large fire. Le parc n'est pas votre propriété. The park is not your property. The park is not your property. Ele leu o artigo várias e várias vezes. He read the article over and over again. He read the article over and over again. Dovete andarvene tutti. You must all leave. You all have to go. Eu não li, mas quem leu o livro "Sobre a origem das espécies" (On the origin of species) de Charles Darwin garante que ele afirma que todos os seres vivos – plantas, insetos, répteis, aves, dinossauros, baleias, o homem – descendem de um ancestral comum, do qual evoluíram, diversificando-se segundo uma lei que ele chama de "seleção natural". I have not read it, but someone who has read the book "On the origin of species" by Charles Darwin guarantees that he claims that all living beings – plants, insects, reptiles, birds, dinosaurs, whales, man – descend from a common ancestor, from which they evolved, diversifying according to a law he calls "natural selection". I haven’t read it, but anyone who has read Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species claims that all living things—plants, insects, reptiles, birds, dinosaurs, whales, man—descend from a common ancestor, from which they evolved, diversifying according to a law he calls “natural selection.” Fíxoo ben nos negocios. He made good in business. He did well in business. Je veux savoir ce qui s'est passé depuis mon départ. I want to know what has happened since I left. I want to know what's happened since I left. Dieu est un pédé. God is a faggot. God is a faggot. Questa scatola è più grande di quella. This box is bigger than that one. This box is bigger than that. Este lloc em fa recordar-me de quan era un xiquet. This place reminds me of when I was young This place reminds me of when I was a kid. Desde quando ela partiu ele deixou de sorrir. Since she left he has lost his smile. Ever since she left, he stopped smiling. I bagni sono sporchi. The toilets are dirty. The bathrooms are dirty. Me gustaría ir en un convertible a través de los Estados Unidos. I'd like to drive across the USA in a convertible. I'd like to go in a convertible across the United States. Non tutti possono comprarsi una casa. Not everyone can buy a house. Not everyone can buy a house. Fue un rey bueno. He was a good king. He was a good king. Tenemos algo en común. We have something in common. We have something in common. William savait qu'il se trompait. William knew he was wrong. William knew he was wrong. Obrigada pelo seu tempo. Thanks for your time. Thank you for your time. Aprimmo la porta. We opened the door. I open the door. Tom prometeu me escrever todos os dias. Tom promised to write me every day. Tom promised to write to me every day. Ceea ce îi este permis lui Jupiter nu este în mod necesar permis și unui bou. All that is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. What is allowed to Jupiter is not necessarily allowed to an ox. Tom è alto quasi quanto voi. Tom is almost as tall as you are. Tom's almost as tall as you. São mulheres como nós. They are women like us. They're women like us. Tom non è mai venuto a casa quel giorno. Tom never came home that day. Tom never came home that day. Mi sembra buono. That sounds good to me. Sounds good to me. Lui ha avuto successo nella vita. He succeeded in life. He has been successful in life. Le virus est entré dans le corps par le nez. The virus entered the body through the nose. The virus entered the body through the nose. Da chi vengono questi messaggi? Who are these texts from? From whom do these messages come? No hay un gato. There isn't a cat. There is no cat. No me interesa mucho. I'm not really that interested in it. I'm not really interested. Il a raconté l'histoire au journaliste. He has told the story to the journalist. He told the story to the reporter. Ha migliorato il suo inglese in due mesi. He improved his English within two months. He improved his English in two months. Hay algo que Tom sabe y que no nos dice. There's something Tom knows that he's not telling us. There's something Tom knows that he won't tell us. Seul anda a circular a ideia de normalizar os laços entre Washington e Pionguiangue mesmo antes da Coreia do Norte dar um potencial passo em direção à desnuclearização, mas os peritos disseram que a intenção será provavelmente rejeitada pelos EUA, bem como pela Coreia do Norte. Seoul is circulating the idea of normalizing Washington-Pyongyang ties even before North Korea takes a potential step toward denuclearization, but experts said the notion is likely to be rejected by the U.S. as well as North Korea. Seoul is circulating the idea of normalizing ties between Washington and Pyongyang even before North Korea takes a potential step toward denuclearization, but experts said the intention will likely be rejected by the United States as well as North Korea. Tens bona cara. You look good. You have a good face. Você está despedido. You're fired. You're fired. Está sufocante lá fora. It's sweltering outside. It's suffocating out there. Je sais très peu de choses de lui. I know very little about him. I know very little about him. Quello è troppo caro. That's too expensive. That's too expensive. A importância do rei é tão grande, que a mulher com quem ele se casar se tornará, automaticamente, rainha. The king's importance is so great that the woman he marries will automatically become queen. The importance of the king is so great that the woman he marries will automatically become queen. Sí, te ayudaremos. Yes, we will help you. Yeah, we'll help you. Não conheço meus vizinhos. I don't know my neighbors. I don't know my neighbors. Cosa pensate che dovrebbe fare David? What do you think David should do? What do you think David should do? Ela me faz sentir ótimo. She makes me feel great. She makes me feel great. Je ne voulais pas que vous manquiez votre bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I didn't want you to miss your bus. Mi ricorda la mia infanzia. It reminds me of my childhood. It reminds me of my childhood. Les médecins doivent être au fait des derniers progrès de la médecine. Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest developments in medicine. Doctors need to be aware of the latest advances in medicine. Fuimos al lago a remar en bote. We went to the lake to row a boat. We went to the lake to row in a boat. Aí está o problema. That's where the problem lies. There's the problem. Marche ! March on! Move! Move! Les enfants sont entrés un par un. The children came in one by one. The children came in one by one. È qui per un computer. She's here for a computer. He's here for a computer. O Tom chegou três minutos adiantado. Tom arrived three minutes early. Tom arrived three minutes early. È quello che è successo con lui? Is that what happened with him? Is that what happened to him? Bona nuèit. Goodnight! Good one. Há um camundongo na despensa. There's a mouse in the pantry. There's a mouse in the pantry. Quiero bailar con ella. I want to dance with her. I want to dance with her. Certains pays ne reconnaissent pas les mariages entre personnes de même sexe. Some countries don't recognize same-sex marriages. Some countries do not recognize same-sex marriage. ¿Ves el libro? Do you see the book? Do you see the book? No puedes entrar en su habitación. You can't go in his room. You can't go into his room. Na Rússia há muitos jogadores de xadrez importantes e famosos. In Russia there are many important and famous chess players. In Russia there are many important and famous chess players. Diga'm qui vòs. Tell me which you want. Tell me who you want. Le conosco dal lavoro. I know them from work. I know them from work. Mi familia vive en la ciudad. My family lives in the city. My family lives in the city. La puerta está bien cerrada. The door's shut tight. The door's locked tight. Venne nominato responsabile della fabbrica. He was appointed manager of the factory. He was appointed head of the factory. O estudo dele demonstrou como grupos de plantas podem criar as condições para que uma duna de areia se transforme numa floresta viva. His work demonstrated how groups of plants could create conditions for a sand dune to become a living forest. His study demonstrated how groups of plants can create the conditions for a sand dune to become a living forest. Cada ser humano es único. Every human being is unique. Every human being is unique. Ziri escribió una carta. Ziri wrote a letter. Ziri wrote a letter. Oui bien sûr. Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Le bébé est en train de jouer avec le chat. The baby is playing with the cat. The baby is playing with the cat. Ele tem 100 anos. He is 100 years old. He's 100 years old. Este libro se va a imprimir el año que viene. This book will be printed next year. This book will be printed next year. Diedi un po' d'acqua ai cani. I gave some water to the dogs. I gave the dogs some water. Vive a Vanadzor, in Armenia. She lives in Vanadzor, Armenia. He lives in Vanadzor, Armenia. Lui sta lavando la sua automobile. He is washing his car. He's washing his car. Ambos son posibles. Both are possible. Both are possible. El ratón está encima del elefante. The mouse is on the elephant. The mouse is on top of the elephant. Tom no dejó de charlar con Mary en toda la noche. Tom didn't stop talking to Mary all night. Tom didn't stop talking to Mary all night. J'étais quelque peu surprise. I was slightly surprised. I was a little surprised. Ser pai é uma responsabilidade enorme. Being a father is a huge responsibility. Being a father is a huge responsibility. Vrei să fii lăsat pe dinafară? Do you want to be left out? You want to be left out? Voy a Italia a aprender algo. I'm going to Italy to learn something. I'm going to Italy to learn something. Abans de morir va passar més d'un mes hospitalitzat. Before dying, she spent more than a month in hospital. Before his death, he was hospitalized for more than a month. Per piacere, inserisca la sua password. Please enter your password. Please enter your password. È veramente alta, vero? You're really tall, aren't you? She's really tall, isn't she? Eu não nego isso. I don't deny it. I don't deny it. Nous organisâmes une fête d'adieu pour elle. We organized a farewell party for her. We had a farewell party for her. Nada se ha movido. Nothing had moved. Nothing has moved. Tom non sa parcheggiare. Tom doesn't know how to park. Tom can't park. Rima sta parlando. Rima is speaking. Rima's talking. Haz lo que te mande tu corazón. Do what your heart tells you. Do what your heart tells you. La nueva ala se abrirá en octubre. The new wing will open in October. The new wing will open in October. Odias a Tom. You hate Tom. You hate Tom. Nu-mi place să învăț verbe neregulate. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I don't like learning irregular verbs. Tom a luat prânzul cu Mary. Tom had lunch with Mary. Tom had lunch with Mary. Noi siamo una grande famiglia felice. We're one big, happy family. We are one big happy family. Încărcătorul meu este stricat. My charger is broken. My charger is broken. N'y pensons plus. Let's not think about it anymore. Don't think about it anymore. Non potrei mai chiederti una cosa del genere. I could never ask that of you. I could never ask you a question like that. Nous avons assemblé la chaise en dix minutes. We assembled the chair in ten minutes. We assembled the chair in ten minutes. Totul va fi decis astăzi. Everything will be decided today. Everything will be decided today. Qué a l'é 'sa porcarìa? What is this shit? What's a Porcupine? ¿Por qué estuviste tanto tiempo de pie frente a mi puerta sin llamar? Why were you standing at my door for so long without knocking? Why were you standing in front of my door so long without knocking? Permítame que me presente. Allow me to introduce myself. Let me introduce myself. A oportunidade era demasiado boa para ser perdida; apelava irresistivelmente ao lado humorístico do ouvinte; a frivolidade ganhou o dia. The opportunity was too good to be missed; appealed irresistibly to the humorous side of the listener; frivolity gained the day. The opportunity was too good to be missed; it appealed irresistibly to the humorous side of the listener; frivolity won the day. Nous sommes toutes des lâches. We're all cowards. We are all cowards. Vorremmo prenotare un viaggio per l'Australia. We would like to make reservations for a trip to Australia. We'd like to book a trip to Australia. Mi svegliai sul pavimento del bagno. I woke up on the bathroom floor. I woke up on the bathroom floor. Mulți greci trăiesc în Germania. Many Greeks live in Germany. Many Greeks live in Germany. Perché hai aperto la finestra? C'è freddo. Why did you open the window? It's cold. Why did you open the window? Voi avete mai visto la persona in questa foto? Have you ever seen the person in this photo? Have you ever seen the person in this picture? Ens agraden les mateixes coses. We like the same things. We like the same things. Estamos vaciando nuestro garaje. We're cleaning out our garage. We're emptying our garage. Como se parece o esposo da Mary? What's Mary's husband like? What does Mary's husband look like? No siempre es fácil compaginar los estudios y el trabajo. It's not always easy to combine school and work. It is not always easy to combine studies and work. Puedes hacer una tarta con harina, leche y un huevo. You can make a cake with flour and milk and an egg. You can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg. J'ai confiance en mon avenir. I have confidence in my future. I have confidence in my future. Si vous êtes fatiguée, allez vous cacher. If you're tired, go to bed. If you're tired, go hide. Vocês costumam comer frutas e verduras diariamente? Do you tend to eat fruit and vegetables daily? Do you eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis? Yanni vuole imbarazzare Skura. Yanni wants to embarrass Skura. Yanni wants to embarrass Skura. Sono stata molto impegnata la settimana scorsa. I have been very busy the past week. I was very busy last week. Bunicul meu are păr alb ca zăpada. My grandfather has snowy white hair. My grandfather has snow-white hair. Quelle est votre opinion à propos du Sahara occidental ? What do you think about Western Sahara? What is your opinion about Western Sahara? Ayer comimos en un restaurante típico portugués. Yesterday we dined in a typically Portuguese restaurant. We ate at a typical Portuguese restaurant. Ooh, ça brille. Ooh, shiny. Ooh, it's shining. El capitalismo es una estafa piramidal. Capitalism is a pyramid scheme. Capitalism is a pyramid scam. Je me suis trempée. I got soaking wet. I got soaked. Che ne dici di oggi? How about today? How about today? Ha spazzato via tutti i miei preconcetti. It blew away all my preconceived notions. You've wiped out all my preconceptions. Tom è un veterano. Tom is a veteran. Tom is a veteran. O Tribunal Superior de Lahore emitiu a diretiva na quinta-feira com base numa petição apresentada por Saeed, que alega que a decisão do governo de impedir o LeT de realizar as suas atividades caritativas é ilegal e inconstitucional. The Lahore High Court issued the directive Thursday based on a petition filed by Saeed, who claims the government’s decision to bar JuD from carrying out its charitable activities is illegal and unconstitutional. Lahore’s High Court issued the directive on Thursday based on a petition filed by Saeed, who claims the government’s decision to bar LeT from carrying out its charitable activities is illegal and unconstitutional. Tom est un passionné de télévision. Tom is a television enthusiast. Tom is a TV enthusiast. Corro più veloce di lei. I run faster than you. I run faster than you. Arrête de bouder. Stop pouting. Stop sulking. Non lo seppe mai. She never knew that. He never knew. Ditemi un'altra cosa. Tell me one more thing. Tell me one more thing. Come studia? How do you study? How do you study? Tom non mi chiese niente. Tom didn't ask me anything. Tom didn't ask me for anything. Encercleu la resposta correcta, sisplau. Please circle the right answer. Please select the correct answer, please. Ho detto la stessa cosa. I've been saying the same thing. I said the same thing. Una mujer que se contagió en abril se ha reinfectado 4 meses después. A woman that got infected back in April got reinfected four months later. A woman who became infected in April has been reinfected 4 months later. Tom ha detto che non sarebbe mai venuta. Tom said you'd never come. Tom said she'd never come. Él tiene la pieza grande para él solo. He has the large room to himself. He has the big piece to himself. Non dirlo ai ragazzi. Don't tell the boys. Don't tell the boys. Nous avons parlé du plan avec lui. We talked over the plan with him. We talked about the plan with him. Temevo che Tom mi avrebbe uccisa. I was afraid Tom would kill me. I was afraid Tom would kill me. Tom ha saltato la cena questa sera. Tom skipped dinner tonight. Tom skipped dinner tonight. É tão bom te ver! It's so good to see you! It's so good to see you! Espere poder-ho fer. I hope that I can do it. Hope you can do it. Nós jovens falamos assim. That's how we young people talk. We young people talk like that. Es un abogado experto. You are an expert lawyer. He's an expert lawyer. No encuentro el baño. I can't find the bathroom. I can't find the bathroom. Isso tem onze anos. It's eleven years old. That's eleven years old. Lo que acabás de decir me recuerda a un viejo refrán. What you have just said reminds me of an old saying. What you just said reminds me of an old saying. Voglio un computer portatile. I want a laptop. I want a laptop. Eu quase não passei naquela prova. I almost didn't pass that test. I barely passed that test. Un membre de votre famille proche est-il diabétique ? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Is a member of your immediate family diabetic? ¿Vais a ir a cortaros el pelo hoy? Are you going to get your hair cut today? Are you going to cut your hair today? Bilal es educado. Bilal is educated. Bilal is polite. Por que você não os impediu? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you stop them? Idem. Ditto. Ditto. Tutti i miei parenti vivono a Boston. All of my relatives live in Boston. All my relatives live in Boston. Mi ha presentato ai suoi genitori. He introduced me to his parents. He introduced me to his parents. Locuiesc în Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. I live in Rio de Janeiro. Tom dovette andare all'ospedale. Tom had to go to the hospital. Tom had to go to the hospital. Le piace qua in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? Do you like it here in Australia? C'est une relation sans issue. It's a dead-end relationship. It's a dead end relationship. Los hombres no deben usar ropas blancas y negras porque se dice que traen mala suerte. Men must not dress in black and white clothes because it is said that this brings bad luck. Men should not wear black and white clothes because they are said to bring bad luck. Non posso entrare. I can't enter. I can't go in there. Tom pode ter deixado seu guarda-chuva no ônibus. Tom might've left his umbrella on the bus. Tom may have left his umbrella on the bus. Ma mère a un grand téléphone noir. My mother has a big black phone. My mom has a big black phone. « Où est le coin des bonnes affaires ? » « Il n'y en a plus. » "Where are the bargain bins?" "They don't have those any more." "Where's the bargain corner?" "There's none left." Il entra dans la pièce sur la pointe des pieds. He tiptoed into the room. He entered the room on tiptoe. Gioca a basket. She plays basketball. Play basketball. La pizza si raffreddò. The pizza got cold. The pizza got cold. J'ai écrit une chanson pour toi. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Tom è diffidente. Tom's suspicious. Tom is suspicious. Le Père Noël ne fait pas de cadeaux aux pauvres. Santa doesn’t give presents to poor people. Santa doesn’t give gifts to the poor. Posso avere l'ultima fetta di pizza? Can I have the last slice of pizza? Can I have the last slice of pizza? Existir é ser percebido. To exist is to be perceived. To exist is to be perceived. Je dois me souvenir de mettre la lettre à la boîte. I have to remember to mail the letter. I have to remember to put the letter in the box. Non sia una bugiarda. Don't be a liar. Don't be a liar. La nuit dernière, je suis resté à la maison, pour pouvoir recevoir votre appel téléphonique. Last night I stayed home to be able to receive your call. Last night, I stayed at home, so I could get your phone call. Aucune femme n'est parfaite. No woman is perfect. No woman is perfect. Tal como acontece com outros carros autónomos, os humanos ainda estão presentes e podem ignorar o modo de autocondução a qualquer altura. As with other driverless cars, humans are still present and can override the self-driving mode at any time. As with other self-driving cars, humans are still present and can ignore self-driving mode at any time. Ai putea să-l întâlnești pe Tom. You might meet Tom. You could meet Tom. La higiene personal es muy importante. Personal hygiene is very important. Personal hygiene is very important. M-am obișnuit cu situația. I'm used to these things. I got used to the situation. ¿Por qué visitaste al médico aquella vez? Why did you visit the doctor that time? Why did you go to the doctor that time? Io non so come risolvere questo problema. I don't know how to solve this problem. I don't know how to solve this problem. Comeremos en lo de María esta tarde. We'll eat at Mary's place this evening. We'll eat at Maria's this afternoon. Je pensais que vous pourriez m'aider. I thought you could help me. I thought you might be able to help me. Qual é o seu trabalho? What do you do? What's your job? Siete eccitati? Are you excited? Are you excited? « Vous n'êtes pas communiste, hein ? » « Mais si. » "You're not a communist, are you?" "I am." “You’re not a communist, are you?” Non c'è più riso qui. There is no rice here anymore. There's no more laughter here. Ella hizo de guía. She acted as a guide. She acted as a guide. Yanni no tiene deseo sexual. Yanni has no sexual desire. Yanni has no sexual desire. ¿Tienes zumbidos en los oídos? Do you have ringing in your ears? Do you have ringing in your ears? No xadrez é fundamental conhecer o legado dos grandes enxadristas. In chess, it is essential to know the legacy of the great chess players. In chess it is essential to know the legacy of the great chess players. Está chovendo forte esta noite. It's raining hard tonight. It's raining hard tonight. Ziri stava visitando l'Algeria. Ziri was visiting Algeria. Ziri was visiting Algeria. No caminho para a escola eu perdi minha carteira. I lost my wallet on the way to school. On the way to school I lost my wallet. Tu riesci a vederla? Can you see her? Can you see her? Ușa lui Tom s-a închis. Tom's door closed. Tom's door closed. È il modo in cui funziona il sistema. That is the way the system works. This is the way the system works. Ojalá. If only. I hope so. Il parco non è di tua proprietà. The park is not your property. The park is not your property. Ha perdido usted. You lost. He's lost you. Mas ainda melhor, a máquina dele serve uma função vital na irrigação dos tomates, espinafres, abobrinhas e outros cultivos na sua quinta com dois hectares mesmo à saída da capital do Quénia. But even better, his machine serves a vital function feeding the tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, and other crops on his two-hectare farm just outside Kenya's capital. But even better, his machine serves a vital role in the irrigation of tomatoes, spinach, zucchini and other crops on his two-hectare farm just outside the Kenyan capital. Eu te vejo e tu me vês. I see you, and you see me. I see you and you see me. Je n'aime pas être traité de cette manière. I don't like being treated like this. I don’t like to be treated this way. Tom es un mentiroso crónico. Tom is a chronic liar. Tom is a chronic liar. Hi ha algú que sàpiga pronunciar aquesta paraula? Is there anyone who can pronounce this word? Does anyone know how to pronounce that word? Dercy Gonçalves fue una gran actriz y humorista brasileña. Dercy Gonçalves was a great Brazilian actress and comedian. Dercy Gon<0xC3><0xA7>alves was a Brazilian actress and comedian. Salut, les petits ! Hi, kids! Hey, kids! O avião sobrevoou Atenas. The airplane flew over Athens. The plane flew over Athens. No m'ha passat mai i toque ferro. That has never happened to me, touch wood. I've never touched an iron. Respire fundo pela boca. Breathe deeply through your mouth. Take a deep breath through your mouth. Esa foto me trajo muchos recuerdos. That picture brought back a lot of memories. That photo brought back a lot of memories. Pourquoi Mary n'a-t-elle pas accepté le cadeau de Tom ? Why didn't Mary accept Tom's gift? Why didn't Mary accept Tom's gift? Los nativos tienen que defender su tierra de los invasores. The natives have to defend their land against invaders. The natives have to defend their land from the invaders. Los que quieran permanecer, pueden permanecer. Those who want to stay can stay. Those who want to stay can stay. La pelota hoy amaneció llorando la muerte de su mejor amigo: Diego Armando Maradona. The ball woke up today mourning the death of its best friend: Diego Armando Maradona. The ball today dawned mourning the death of his best friend: Diego Armando Maradona. Had ki moun ou ka lavé? Whose clothes are you washing? Whom do you wash? Fomos incapazes de entrar em contato com eles antes que fosse tarde demais. We were unable to make contact with them until it was too late. We were unable to contact them before it was too late. Doutor, minhas costas doem. Doctor, my back hurts. Doctor, my back hurts. Il berbero è così difficile. Berber is so difficult. Berber is so hard. Lo papèr brutla lèu. Paper burns quickly. The paper shrugged. As-tu un drapeau de l’espéranto ? Do you have an Esperanto flag? Do you have an Esperanto flag? Várias mineradoras importantes de carvão encerraram recentemente e a administração Obama deixou de emitir novos contratos de arrendamento para a extração de carvão em terras públicas. Several big coal companies have closed recently and the Obama administration has stopped issuing new coal mining leases on public lands. Several major coal miners recently shut down and the Obama administration stopped issuing new leases for coal mining on public lands. ¡Por favor, ayúdala! Please, help her! Please, help her! Cine sunt eu să îl pun la îndoială? Who am I to second guess him? Who am I to question him? Trabajas muy duro estos días. ¿No estás cansado? You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? You work really hard these days. Aren't you tired? Tengo pocos libros. I have few books. I have few books. Segue il suo istinto. He follows his instincts. He follows his instincts. Não pare de pensar em mim. Don't stop thinking of me. Don't stop thinking about me. Você viu aquela linda garota? Did you see that beautiful girl? Did you see that beautiful girl? Ian Nepomniachtchi, com as peças brancas, "pendurou" um bispo na nona partida do match pelo Campeonato Mundial FIDE-2021, em Dubai, sofrendo sua terceira derrota. Agora: Carlsen 6 - Nepo 3. Ian Nepomniachtchi, with the white pieces, blundered a bishop in the ninth game of the match for the FIDE-2021 World Championships, in Dubai, suffering his third defeat. Now: Carlsen 6 - Nepo 3. Ian Nepomniachtchi, with the white pieces, "hanged" a bishop in the ninth match of the match for the FIDE-2021 World Championship in Dubai, suffering his third defeat. Now: Carlsen 6 - Nepo 3. Onde é que eu pus minha varinha mágica? Where did I put my magic wand? Where did I put my magic wand? Tom se aposentou em outubro. Tom retired last October. Tom retired in October. Je m’en fous ! I don't give a shit! I don't care! Él va a la escuela en bicicleta. He goes to school by bicycle. He goes to school by bicycle. Tom provavelmente não lembra qual é a aparência de Maria. Tom probably doesn't remember what Mary looks like. Tom probably doesn't remember what Maria looks like. Ne perdons pas de vue l'essentiel. Let us not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Let's not lose sight of the essentials. Tu comprends, n'est-ce pas ? You understand, right? You understand, don't you? Je t'ai violée. I raped you. I raped you. Non utilizzerò mai più un computer. I will never use a computer again. I will never use a computer again. Me pareció un niño brillante. I found him to be a bright boy. I thought he was a brilliant kid. Un camión se atascó en el cruce ferroviario. A truck got stuck on the railway crossing. A truck got stuck at the railway junction. Tutto questo era roba nuova per me. All this was new stuff to me. This was all new to me. La veo todo el rato, aunque nunca hablo con ella. I see her all the time, although I never talk to her. I see her all the time, though I never talk to her. Sto ancora bene. I'm still OK. I'm still fine. Prima va, meglio è. The sooner you go, the better. The sooner it goes, the better. Ela a lo pèu brac. She has short hair. She's got a big arm. Venha aqui imediatamente. Come at once. Get over here right away. El francés es difícil, ¿no crees? French is difficult, don't you think? French is hard, don't you think? Tengo que escribir todo lo que está pasando en un libro. I need to write everything that's happening in a book. I have to write everything that's going on in a book. Vous voyez un arbre. You see a tree. You see a tree. Eu gosto de ser pontual. I like being punctual. I like to be punctual. Eu escuto jazz frequentemente. I often listen to jazz. I listen to jazz a lot. Lo san mach lor lòn ch'a diso. Just themselves know what they're saying. San Francisco is the one that did it. Avez-vous facilement le souffle court lorsque vous marchez ? Do you get short of breath easily when walking? Do you have shortness of breath when you walk? Fíxoo pola súa irmá. She made it for her sister. He did it for his sister. Dovreste trasferirvi qui. You should move here. You should move here. O hotel foi consumido pelas chamas. The hotel was burned down. The hotel was consumed by flames. Il l'a injuriée. He called her bad names. He insulted her. Suo padre ha lavato l'automobile? Did your father wash the car? Did your father wash the car? Tutti i treni del paese sono gratis per te. All trains running in this country are free for you to use. All the trains in the country are free for you. No vaig comprar aquest llibre. I didn't buy this book. I didn’t buy this book. Avez-vous trouvé Tom ? Did you find Tom? Did you find Tom? Se após 1.e4 das brancas, as pretas jogam 1. ... c5, a abertura é chamada Defesa Siciliana, que é uma das preferidas por muitos enxadristas famosos. If after 1.e4 from White, Black plays 1. ... c5, the opening is called Sicilian Defense, which is one of the favorites among many famous chess players. If after 1.e4 of White, Black plays 1....c5, the opening is called Sicilian Defense, which is a favorite of many famous chess players. Su mishpaha es rika. His family is rich. His mishpaha is rika. Tu as l'air resplendissante. You look fabulous. You look gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Vous n'avez pas de raison de craindre pour votre sécurité. There's no reason for you to fear for your safety. There is no reason to fear for your safety. Era l'unico su cui potessi contare. He was the only one I could count on. He was the only one I could count on. Mi ha consigliato Tom. Tom recommended me. Tom recommended me. ¿Cómo puedo decir esto? How can I say this? How can I say this? Ça ne me fait ni chaud ni froid. It cuts no ice with me. It doesn't make me hot or cold. Yo estoy muy satisfecho de oír las noticias. I am very pleased to hear the news. I am very pleased to hear the news. Façam uma lista. Make a list. Make a list. Une souscription fut lancée afin d'ériger un monument à la mémoire du défunt. A fund was launched to set up a monument in memory of the dead man. A subscription was launched to erect a monument in memory of the deceased. Tom é muito bom nisso. Tom is very good at it. Tom is very good at this. Je suis très occupée aujourd'hui. I'm very busy today. I'm very busy today. Il cervello è l'hardware e la mente è il software. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. Essa oferta expirou há três meses. That offer expired three months ago. That offer expired three months ago. A chuva cessou. The rain has let up. The rain stopped. ¿Tienes una regla? Do you have a ruler? Do you have a rule? Tom fa tutto a modo suo. Tom does everything his own way. Tom does everything in his own way. Sóc de París, França. I'm from Paris, France. I am from Paris, France. Mary es su novia. Mary is his girlfriend. Mary is his girlfriend. Comprou os ingressos? Did you get the tickets? Did you buy the tickets? Ne hai una in blu? Do you have one in blue? Do you have one in blue? Este jóquei dedicado participou em três corridas durante o fim de semana e a sua melhor prestação foi um segundo lugar na sexta-feira, o primeiro dia da temporada. The devoted jockey rode in three races over the weekend, and his best result was a second-place finish on Friday, the first day of the season. This dedicated jockey participated in three races over the weekend and his best performance was a second place on Friday, the first day of the season. Dacă dai peste cartea mea, mi-o trimiți? If you come across my book, will you send it to me? If you come across my book, will you send it to me? Prenderò un taxi per l'ospedale più vicino. I'll take a taxi to the nearest hospital. I'll take a taxi to the nearest hospital. Dê-me um pedaço de papel e uma caneta. Give me a piece of paper and a pen. Give me a piece of paper and a pen. Il suo libro esce il mese prossimo. His book comes out next month. His book comes out next month. Sei così cocciuta che a volte proprio non ti sopporto. You're so stubborn that sometimes I just can't stand you. You're so stubborn, sometimes I just can't stand you. Não falo contigo por causa de tua mulher. I don't speak to you because of your wife. I'm not talking to you about your wife. J'ai le meilleur moyen pour la faire devenir ta petite amie. I've got the best way to get her to be your girlfriend. I have the best way to make her your girlfriend. Lavori da solo. You work alone. You work alone. Tom știa că aveam dreptate. Tom knew I was right. Tom knew I was right. Tom es un escritor consolidado. Tom is an established writer. Tom is a well-established writer. Indossa un vestito estivo giallo. She is wearing a yellow summer dress. Wear a yellow summer dress. Non puoi mangiare il tuo budino finché non finisci la tua carne. You can't eat your pudding until you finish your meat. You can't eat your pudding until you finish your meat. Combien prenez-vous pour emballer des cadeaux ? How much do you charge for gift wrapping? How much do you take to pack gifts? Los murciélagos también tienen alas. Bats also have wings. Bats also have wings. Si quieres vender tu sofá viejo ¿Por qué no pones un anuncio en el periódico local? If you want to sell your old sofa, why don't you put an ad on the local newspaper? If you want to sell your old sofa, why don't you put an ad in the local newspaper? So che il sole è molto caldo. I know that the sun is very hot. I know the sun is very hot. Você tem de me ajudar. You've got to help me. You have to help me. Je ne veux pas d'un amant. J'ai juste besoin d'un ami. I don't want a lover. I just need a friend. I don't want a lover, I just need a friend. Uma besta grande correu, matou e comeu uma besta pequena. A big beast ran, killed and ate a small beast. A big beast ran, killed and ate a small beast. Je sais que tu as beaucoup de choses à faire. I know you have a lot on your plate. I know you have a lot to do. O acidente aconteceu dois anos atrás. The accident happened two years ago. The accident happened two years ago. Creo que sabes por qué te llamé. I think you know why I called you. I think you know why I called you. Eles comem tomates. They eat tomatoes. They eat tomatoes. Su casa está por aquí. His house is somewhere around here. His house is this way. Estoy contento de que me recordases sobre la reunión. I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I'm glad you reminded me of the meeting. M'agradaria poder comprar eixa guitarra. I would love to be able to buy that guitar. I wish I could buy that guitar. Guardate da qualche altra parte. Look elsewhere. Look somewhere else. Solo quiero saber de dónde eres. I just want to know where you're from. I just want to know where you're from. As organizações de ajuda humanitária preveem que as contínuas inundações irão desalojar cerca de 200.000 pessoas e afetar a vida a 485.000 pessoas. Aid organizations anticipate continued flooding will displace about 200,000 people and affect the lives of 485,000 people. Humanitarian aid organizations predict that the ongoing floods will dislodge about 200,000 people and affect the lives of 485,000 people. El nu a mâncat toate prăjiturelele de orez. He didn't eat all of the rice cakes. He didn't eat all the rice cakes. Aquera flor qu'auloreja. This flower smells nice. This is the flower that blooms. Kijan ou di "kaisha" an angle? How do you say "kaisha" in English? Kijan or say "kaisha" an angle? Combien coûtent les frais de port ? How much is the shipping? How much are the shipping costs? Introduce tu nombre. Input your name. Enter your name. Debemos acatar las normas. We must obey the rules. We must abide by the rules. Os limites de minha língua são os limites de minha mente. Eu só sei o que posso exprimir em palavras. The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for. The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. I only know what I can express in words. Ha chiamato sua madre dall'aeroporto. He called his mother from the airport. He called his mother from the airport. Non ho mai visto una mucca gialla prima. I've never seen a yellow cow before. I've never seen a yellow cow before. Puoi parlarmi, sai? You can talk to me, you know? You can talk to me, you know? La vie commence après le café. Life begins after coffee. Life begins after coffee. Extendí el gran mapa sobre la mesa. I spread the big map on the table. I spread the big map on the table. Diamole un'altra opportunità. Let's give her another chance. Let's give her another chance. Ha perso l'autobus. He missed the bus. He missed the bus. Sua cara era pálida e suas vestes, humildes. His face was pale and his clothing humble. His face was pale and his clothes humble. "Tom, me diste el trozo pequeño. Eso no es muy cortés. Si yo tuviera dos trozos de tarta, te ofrecería el trozo grande y me cogería el pequeño". "Bueno, ya tienes el trozo pequeño, John". "Tom, you gave me the small piece. That's not very polite. If I had two pieces of cake, I'd offer you the big piece and take the small one for myself." "Well, you already have the small piece, John." "Tom, you gave me the little piece. That's not very polite. If I had two pieces of cake, I'd offer you the big piece and take the little one." "Well, you got the little piece, John." Eu não acredito em hipnose. I don't believe in hypnosis. I don't believe in hypnosis. Parabéns a todos. Congratulations to everyone. Congratulations to you all. Tudo o que sei sobre o Tom é que ele é professor. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. All I know about Tom is that he's a teacher. Io penso che voi stiate sprecando il vostro tempo. I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time. Debemos construir puentes, no muros. We should build bridges, not walls. We must build bridges, not walls. Me dijo que él estaba ausente. He told me he was absent. He said he was absent. Sono andati con Mary a Boston. They went to Boston with Mary. They went with Mary to Boston. Mark voleva lasciare Jessica. Mark wanted to leave Jessica. Mark wanted to leave Jessica. La policía está interrogando a los testigos. The police are questioning witnesses. The police are questioning the witnesses. Era decente. It was decent. It was decent. Le réveil est branché dans la prise murale. The alarm clock is plugged into the wall socket. The alarm clock is plugged into the wall socket. A chuva continuou por 40 dias. The rain continued for 40 days. The rain continued for 40 days. « Où sont les bacs à soldes ? » « Il n'y en a plus. » "Where are the bargain bins?" "They don't have those any more." <0xC2><0xAB> Where are the sales bins? <0xC2><0xBB> <0xC2><0xAB> There are no more. <0xC2><0xBB> Você talvez queira reconsiderar isso. You might want to reconsider that. You might want to reconsider that. Che ne dite di oggi? How about today? How about today? Sei por que Tom me deixou em paz. I know why Tom left me alone. I know why Tom left me alone. Obrigada pela sua ajuda. Thanks for your help. Thank you for your help. 1, 3 e 5 são números ímpares. One, three, and five are odd numbers. 1, 3 and 5 are odd numbers. Esperaba encontrarte en la cama. I expected to find you in bed. I was hoping to find you in bed. Eu tomo leite quase todos os dias. I drink milk almost every day. I drink milk almost every day. Les magasins sont calmes les jours de semaine. Shops are quiet on weekdays. The shops are quiet on weekdays. Pequeñas dosis de filosofía nos conducen al ateísmo, pero dosis mayores nos traen de regreso a Dios. Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God. Small doses of philosophy lead us to atheism, but larger doses bring us back to God. Lei è annoiata come me? Are you as bored as I am? Are you as bored as me? Ela trouxe o almoço dele hoje. She brought his lunch today. She brought his lunch today. ¿Sabías que había unos cuantos zorros viviendo en esta montaña? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain? No había ni un alma a la vista. There wasn't a soul in sight. There was not a soul in sight. ¿Está deliciosa la sopa? Is the soup delicious? Is the soup delicious? Tom não o viu. Tom didn't see it. Tom didn't see him. Tom s-a întors în camera sa și a început să studieze. Tom went back to his room and started studying. Tom returned to his room and began to study. Părinții mei continuă să se certe pentru lucruri stupide. E atât de enervant! My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying! My parents keep fighting over stupid things. It's so annoying! La escuela empieza a las nueve y acaba a las seis. School begins at nine and is over at six. School starts at nine and ends at six. O leão é um mamífero? Is the lion a mammal? Is the lion a mammal? Mi volevo scusare per quello che è successo ieri. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. A-o meuo neuo ch'é neue nae neue. At the new pier there are nine new ships. In the middle of the snow, it's snowing. Vocês são meu grupo de amigos. You are my group of friends. You are my group of friends. Je n'apprécie pas d'être à l'intérieur. I don't like being inside. I don't like being inside. Tom continua a parlare di lei. Tom keeps talking about you. Tom keeps talking about her. Dinguno no kreia ke una tala koza podria afitar. No one believed such a thing could happen. No one could have imagined that a sledgehammer would come along. Si no tienes más preguntas, ve allí. If you have no further questions, go there. If you have no further questions, go there. Come vi trattano? How do they treat you? How do they treat you? Quando escuto as Variações Goldberg, de Bach, tocadas por Glenn Gould, fico imaginando se o próprio compositor também interpretava com tamanho virtuosismo essa maravilhosa peça musical. When I listen to Bach's Goldberg Variations played by Glenn Gould, I wonder if the composer himself also performed with such virtuosity this wonderful musical piece. When I listen to the Goldberg Variations by Bach, played by Glenn Gould, I wonder if the composer himself also interpreted this wonderful piece of music with such virtuosity. Quando dovrei tornare? When should I come back? When should I come back? Descrevam objetivamente cada uma das capas dos livros. Describe each book cover objectively. Objectively describe each of the covers of the books. Ils t'aiment. They love you. They love you. Ziri ha provato a pronunciare quella frase berbera. Ziri tried to pronounce that Berber phrase. Ziri tried to pronounce that Berber phrase. Noi abbiamo parlato di te. We've been talking about you. We talked about you. A bondade é uma linguagem que os cegos podem ver e os surdos podem ouvir. Kindness is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Kindness is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Nadie puede pagar esto. Nobody can pay this. No one can afford this. Știi cine l-a ucis pe Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Do you know who killed Tom? Que faites-vous pour l'arrêter ? What are you doing to stop this? What are you doing to stop him? Tutti questi fattori sono importanti. All of these factors are important. All these factors are important. C'est vrai que manger du pain fait grossir ? Is it true that eating bread will make you fat? Is it true that eating bread makes you fat? J'espère ne pas avoir à tuer quelqu'un. I hope that I don't have to shoot anyone. I hope I don't have to kill anyone. Os fazendeiros que criam alpacas pelo seu velo são um segmento crescente da indústria agrícola nos EUA. Farmers raising alpacas for their fleece are a growing segment of the U.S. agriculture industry. Farmers who breed alpacas by their fleece are a growing segment of the U.S. agricultural industry. ¿Por qué no me dijiste que Tom tenía novia? Why didn't you tell me Tom had a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me Tom had a girlfriend? Tom está com a filha. Tom has his daughter with him. Tom's with his daughter. As negras moveram seu bispo de casas brancas para g4, cravando o cavalo branco em f3, que servia de escudo para a dama em d1. Black moved his white-squared bishop to g4, nailing the white knight on f3, which served as a shield for the queen on d1. Black moved her bishop from white houses to g4, nailing the white horse to f3, which served as a shield for the queen on d1. Le è piaciuto il film? Did you like the movie? Did you like the movie? Tu sei religiosa? Are you religious? Are you religious? Aveți dreptul de a vă anula comanda. You have the right to cancel your order. You have the right to cancel your order. Fins a un cert punt, el rumor és cert. The rumor is true to some extent. To a certain extent, the rumor is true. Y bueno, obligame. Just try and make me. And well, force me. Și aceasta este otrăvitoare. That is poison as well. And this is poisonous. Les retardataires sont passibles de sanctions. Latecomers are subject to a penalty. Latecomers are subject to sanctions. Por suerte, ninguno de los pasajeros resultó herido. Fortunately none of the passengers were injured. Fortunately, none of the passengers were injured. Le métal se contracte quand il est refroidi. Metal contracts when cooled. The metal contracts when it is cooled. Nubes oscuras nos impiden ver. Black clouds prevent us from seeing. Dark clouds prevent us from seeing. « Que penses-tu de ma peinture ? » « Eh bien, elle est assurément... singulière... » "What do you think about my painting?" "Well, it's certainly... unique..." “What do you think of my painting?” “Well, it’s certainly... singular...” Gli adolescenti che partecipano al programma imparano a conoscere la salute sessuale. Teenagers who participate in the programme will learn about sexual health. Teens who participate in the program learn about sexual health. Asta e strict între noi. This is strictly between us. This is strictly between us. Vou encontrar um bom médico para você. I'll find you a good doctor. I'll find you a good doctor. Perché non ce ne andiamo ora? Why don't we leave now? Why don't we just leave now? É frio em Boston? Is it cold in Boston? Is it cold in Boston? Deja eso en tu coche. Just leave that in your car. Leave that in your car. Ta voiture est derrière cette banque. Your car is behind this bank. Your car is behind this bank. Eu vou levá-los comigo. I'm taking them with me. I'll take them with me. «¿Por qué no me puede dejar tranquila Tom?» «¡Dile que te está molestando!» "Why can't Tom leave me alone?" "Tell him he's annoying you!" “Why can’t Tom just leave me alone?” “Tell him he’s bothering you!” "Dove sei?" "Sono qua." "Where are you?" "I’m here." "Where are you?" "I'm here." La bandera cabilia es muy bonita. The Kabyle flag is very beautiful. The Cabila flag is very pretty. Non useremo mai più un computer. We’ll never use a computer again. We will never use a computer again. Vocês já terminaram? Have you finished yet? Are you guys done yet? Es-tu sexuellement active ? Are you sexually active? Are you sexually active? Cosa leggono i bambini? What are the children reading? What do children read? Avete dei libri in esperanto? Do you have any books in Esperanto? Do you have books in Esperanto? No estoy seguro de cómo traducir esto. I'm not sure how to translate this. I'm not sure how to translate this. Elle avait rompu tout lien avec lui. She had severed all ties with him. She had broken all ties with him. Tom e Mary voleranno a Boston domani. Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow. Tom and Mary are flying to Boston tomorrow. Nu avea nimic de spus. She was at a loss for words. He had nothing to say. Era irriconoscibile. He was unrecognizable. He was unrecognizable. Como vão as coisas contigo? Tudo bem? How are things with you? Everything all right? How are things with you? Sospettate qualcuno? Do you suspect anyone? Do you suspect anyone? Non so quale bambina sia la vostra. I don't know which child is yours. I don't know which girl is yours. ¿Cuántos años tiene tu abuelo? How old is your grandfather? How old is your grandfather? La cena è la sera. Dinner is in the evening. Dinner is in the evening. Conozco a alguien que te puede enseñar francés. I know someone who can teach you French. I know someone who can teach you French. Nuestro hijo mayor se llama Tom. Our oldest son's name is Tom. Our oldest son's name is Tom. Sono troppo stanca per continuare a camminare. I'm too tired to walk any further. I'm too tired to keep walking. Cuidado! A sopa está quente. Careful! The soup's hot. Careful, the soup's hot. A Tom piace davvero Mary. Tom does like Mary. Tom really likes Mary. Sto cominciando a capire l'idea. I'm beginning to get the idea. I'm starting to get the idea. Não consigo jogar fora. I can't bring myself to throw it away. I can't throw it away. Presta atención a su consejo. Pay attention to his advice. Pay attention to their advice. Stanno venendo a casa. They're coming home. They're coming home. Staccate la spina. Unplug. Pull the plug. Quel était le score à la mi-temps ? What was the score at halftime? What was the score at half-time? Tom a explorat peștera subacvatică. Tom explored the underwater cave. Tom explored the underwater cave. El konjelador esta en el garaj. The freezer's in the garage. The konjelador is in the garage. Potete parlare più chiaramente? Can you speak more clearly? Can you speak more clearly? Isso é justo. That's fair enough. That's fair. Stop aux chemtrails ! Stop chemtrails! Stop the Chemtrails! Fadil stava viaggiando da solo. Fadil was traveling alone. Fadil was traveling alone. No sé cómo dejar de amarte. I don't know how to stop loving you. I don't know how to stop loving you. É essa a ideia por detrás de um estudo recente em Los Angeles, onde os farmacêuticos têm trabalhado com 52 barbearias para tentar ajudar homens afro-americanos, que têm maior incidência de tensão arterial elevada do que outros grupos étnicos. That's the idea behind a recent study in Los Angeles, where pharmacists are working with 52 barbershops to try to help African-American men, who have higher rates of high blood pressure than other ethnic groups. That’s the idea behind a recent study in Los Angeles, where pharmacists have been working with 52 barbershops to try to help African-American men, who have a higher incidence of high blood pressure than other ethnic groups. Peux-tu m'accorder une faveur ? Could you do me a favor? Can you do me a favor? Le dispiacerebbe rispondere alla domanda? Would you mind answering the question? Would you mind answering the question? Les ours mangent le miel et ne se soucient pas des abeilles. Bears eat the honey and don't care about the bees. Bears eat honey and don’t care about bees. Ruppe il ghiaccio con esitazione. He tentatively broke the ice. He broke the ice with hesitation. Êtes-vous pour ou contre l'avortement ? Are you for or against abortion? Are you for or against abortion? Respondí incorrectamente. I answered incorrectly. I answered incorrectly. Os cães também têm uma grande estâmina — a força mental e física para trabalhar longas horas. The dogs also have great stamina — the mental and physical strength to work long hours. Dogs also have great stamina —the mental and physical strength to work long hours. Siete davvero felici? Are you really happy? Are you really happy? Lee a diario algo que nadie más esté leyendo. Piensa diariamente en algo en que nadie más esté pensando. Haz cada día algo que nadie más sería tan idiota de hacer. Es malo para la mente ser siempre parte de la unanimidad. Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity. Read something every day that no one else is reading. Think daily of something that no one else is thinking of. Do every day something that no one else would be so stupid to do. It is bad for the mind to always be part of unanimity. Los niños están jugando Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. The kids are playing Duck Hunt. De qué atz dit ? What did you say? What does ATW say? En una escala de "gringo" a "mero mero sabor ranchero", ¿qué tan bueno es mi español? On a scale of "gringo" to "mero mero sabor ranchero", how good is my Spanish? On a scale from "gringo" to "merely ranchero flavor", how good is my Spanish? Sto cantando ora. I'm singing now. I'm singing now. La tua opinione è molto importante per noi. Your opinion is very important to us. Your opinion is very important to us. Mia figlia è cresciuta. My daughter grew. My daughter has grown up. Tenete la bandiera algerina. Keep the Algerian flag. Hold the Algerian flag. J'ai pris ma retraite l'an dernier. I retired last year. I retired last year. Posso prendere il resto. I can take the rest. I can take the rest. Lo que pasó fue un malentendido. What happened was a misunderstanding. What happened was a misunderstanding. María se pone nerviosa cuando Tom conduce demasiado rápido. Mary gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Maria gets nervous when Tom drives too fast. Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al sol. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. C'est de loin la meilleure nouvelle qui a été publiée cette année. This is by far the best novel that has been published this year. This is by far the best news that has been published this year. I draghi sono reali. Dragons are real. Dragons are real. Quería algo para leer en el tren. I wanted something to read on the train. I wanted something to read on the train. La sua vita sembrava mancare di direzione. His life seemed to lack direction. His life seemed to lack direction. Des centaines de milliers de livres ont été écrits sur les échecs. Hundreds of thousands of books have been written about chess. Hundreds of thousands of books have been written about chess. Tom era más bajo que yo en la escuela secundaria, pero ahora es más alto que yo. Tom was shorter than me in junior high school, but now he's taller than me. Tom was shorter than me in high school, but now he's taller than me. C'est ainsi. This is how it is. That's the way it is. Différentes personnes peuvent décrire les mêmes idées ou choses de base de manière complètement différente. Different people may describe the same basic ideas or things in completely different ways. Different people can describe the same ideas or basic things in completely different ways. Leí este libro hace dos años. I read this book two years ago. I read this book two years ago. Revisa todo una vez más. Check everything once more. Check everything once more. On estan els nostres paraigües? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Deixe Tom sentar atrás. Let Tom sit in the back. Let Tom sit in the back. Je refuse de répondre à ça. I refuse to answer that. I refuse to answer that. ¡Cierra la puñetera puerta! Close the damn door! Close the fucking door! Nesse mesmo instante, um dos meus olhos viu um papa-léguas saltitando pela colina abaixo com uma tarântula jovem no seu bico e o outro olho reparou num búteo-de-cauda-vermelha sentado no ramo morto de uma planera. Just then one of my eyes saw a roadrunner skipping down the hill with a young tarantula in his bill, and the other eye noticed a rabbit-hawk sitting on a dead limb in a water-elm. At that very moment, one of my eyes saw a marmosets bouncing down the hill with a young tarantula in its beak and the other eye noticed a red-tailed buttock sitting on the dead branch of a planera. Gana con clase, pierde con dignidad. Win with class, lose with dignity. Win with class, lose with dignity. Estuviste con mi abuela todo el día. You were with my grandmother all day. You've been with my grandmother all day. Elle prit la serviette et se sécha les mains. She took the towel and dried her hands. She took the towel and dried her hands. Vous êtes en sécurité depuis longtemps maintenant. You've been safe for a long time now. You've been safe for a long time now. J’ai des frissons. I've been shaking. I have chills. Legenda spune că el era invulnerabil. The legend says he was invulnerable. Legend has it that he was invulnerable. Uma desvantagem dos programas de passageiro frequente é que utilizá-los é complicado. A downside to frequent flyer miles is that using them is complicated. One disadvantage of frequent flyer programs is that using them is complicated. Eu espero que você possa fazer isso. I sure hope that you can do that. I hope you can do that. Sa conduite ne se prête à aucune critique. His behavior allows of no criticism. His conduct lends itself to no criticism. El ajedrez es un buen compañero de por vida. Chess is a good companion for life. Chess is a good companion for life. La dieta es difícil. The diet is difficult. The diet is difficult. A presidente da comissão, Yasmin Sooka, diz que o Sudão do Sul é um país onde vidas estão a ser destruídas pela corrupção financeira a uma escala épica. Commission chair Yasmin Sooka says South Sudan is a country where lives are being destroyed by financial corruption on an epic scale. Commission Chair Yasmin Sooka says South Sudan is a country where lives are being destroyed by financial corruption on an epic scale. A Tom a pias soa màchina neuva. Tom likes his new car. Tom's in a new car. Le Mozambique ? Il ne sait même pas où c'est. Mozambique? He doesn't even know where that is. He doesn't even know where it is. "¿Dónde vives?" "Vivo en Brasil." "Where do you live?" "I live in Brazil." "Where do you live?" "I live in Brazil." No puedo dejar de pensar en el dinero robado. I cannot stop thinking of the stolen money. I can't stop thinking about the stolen money. A Tom no le gusta cuando le dices lindo. Tom doesn't like it when you call him cute. Tom doesn't like it when you call him cute. Sígueme en Instagram si quieres, mi nombre de usuario es tatoebamaniac1002xyz. Follow me on Instagram if you want. My username there is tatoebamaniac1002xyz. Follow me on Instagram if you want, my username is tatoebamaniac1002xyz. Quelles sont les choses que vous préférez ? What are your favorite things? What are your favorite things? Tu peux arrêter de te plaindre ? Can you stop complaining? Can you stop complaining? Massa tard. Too late. Too late. Tutto quello che Tom aveva previsto sarebbe successo si è avverato. Everything Tom predicted would happen has happened. Everything Tom had predicted would happen has come true. Se você baixar o preço, eu compro. If you reduce the price, I'll buy it. If you lower the price, I'll buy it. Cosa ha detto il comitato dell'istituto? What did the committee of the institute say? What did the institute committee say? Tom mi disse che stava andando a Boston. Tom told me he was going to Boston. Tom told me he was going to Boston. Non sei molto divertente alle feste, vero? You're really not much fun at parties, are you? You're not much fun at parties, are you? Es un capo, se corrió media cancha esquivando a los defensores y metió tremendo gol. He's a real pro, running across half the field while dodging the defense and scoring a magnificent goal. He is a capo, he ran half a court dodging the defenders and scored a tremendous goal. Si seulement je ne travaillais pas demain matin. I wish I did not work tomorrow morning. If only I didn't work tomorrow morning. Combien d'argent as-tu dépensé en vêtements l'année dernière ? How much money did you spend on clothes last year? How much money did you spend on clothing last year? A polícia jogou gás lacrimogêneo nos manifestantes. The police launched tear gas at the protesters. The police fired tear gas at the protesters. Je veux que vous et moi soyons heureux. I want you and me to be happy. I want you and I to be happy. Perché si mette così tanto trucco? Why do you wear so much makeup? Why do you wear so much makeup? Eu tenho doze anos de idade. I'm twelve. I'm twelve years old. ¿Me das cambio, por favor? Could you give me change, please? Can I have a change, please? Le amate ancora? Do you still love them? Do you still love them? Non mi sembra appropriata. It doesn't seem appropriate to me. That doesn't seem appropriate. Dumnezeu să vă aibă în pază! God help your souls! God be with you! Elle est aussi intelligente que lui. She is as intelligent as he. She's as smart as he is. ¿Hay algún caso en su familia cercana de diabetes? Does anyone in your close family have diabetes? Is there a case in your close family of diabetes? O ADN é um composto químico complexo que constitui um gene. DNA is a complex chemical that makes up a gene. DNA is a complex chemical compound that makes up a gene. Încă nu am ieşit din pădure. We're not out of the woods yet. I'm not out of the woods yet. La casa è stata venduta per un milione di dollari. The house was sold for one million dollars. The house was sold for a million dollars. Você pode fazer o que quiser. You are welcome to do anything you like. You can do whatever you want. O azul era uma cor rara e cara em tempos remotos, quer fosse derivada do lápis lazúli extraído no Afeganistão há cerca de 6.000 anos, obtida através da mistura de cobre com outros elementos em todo o Médio Oriente e na China antiga ou da mistura de um extrato da planta anileira com argila e resina pelos Maias na Mesoamérica. Blue was a rare, expensive color in ancient times, whether it was derived from lapis lazuli mined in Afghanistan some 6,000 years ago, made by blending copper with other elements throughout the Middle East and in ancient China, or mixing an extract of the indigo plant with clay and resin by Mayans in Mesoamerica. Blue was a rare and expensive color in ancient times, whether it was derived from the lapis lazuli extracted in Afghanistan about 6,000 years ago, obtained by mixing copper with other elements throughout the Middle East and ancient China, or by mixing an extract of the ring plant with clay and resin by the Mayans in Mesoamerica. Adesso le dirò la verità. Now I'll tell you the truth. Now I'm gonna tell her the truth. Prepárate para abrir las puertas. Get ready to open the doors. Get ready to open the doors. As-tu la liste des participants ? Do you have the list of participants? Do you have a list of participants? Sono venuta per parlare. I came to talk. I'm here to talk. Él se opone al nuevo plan. He is opposed to the new plan. He opposes the new plan. Pulsó el botón equivocado. She pressed the wrong button. He pressed the wrong button. A fost primul om care a escaladat M. Fuji iarna. He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter. He was the first man to climb Mount Fuji in winter. Espero que ella me escuche. I hope that she listens to me. I hope she hears me. El hombre no puede soportar una vida sin sentido. Man cannot stand a meaningless life. Man cannot endure a meaningless life. Tom non era al lavoro. Tom wasn't at work. Tom wasn't at work. Per quale ragione sei qua questa mattina? What are you here for this morning? Why are you here this morning? Dov'è il mio pancake? Where's my pancake? Where's my pancake? Aquele que segue a Natureza é sábio. He who follows Nature is wise. He who follows nature is wise. Alguns observadores dizem que a noção "heteronormativa" de família do governo torna os casais LGBTQ invisíveis no domínio jurídico. Some observers say the government’s “heteronormative” notion of family makes LGBTQ partners invisible in the legal domain. Some observers say the government’s “heteronormative” notion of family makes LGBTQ couples invisible in the legal realm. Avete ancora una chiave? Do you still have a key? Do you still have a key? Quanti anni ha questo tempio? How old is this temple? How old is this temple? Li chiamerò per lei. I'll call them for you. I'll call them for you. Eu comprei uma camiseta vermelha ontem. I bought a red T-shirt yesterday. I bought a red T-shirt yesterday. L'auteur nous révèle le but que chacun des deux joueurs avait en effectuant chaque mouvement. The author reveals to us the purpose that each of the two players had when making each move. The author reveals the goal that each of the two players had in making each move. Queres saber meu segredo? É muito simples... Do you want to know my secret? It's very simple... You want to know my secret? Por enquanto, as cabines telefónicas vermelhas, os autocarros de dois andares, os bares e restaurantes de peixe e batatas fritos demonstram que Gibraltar é um inconfundível posto avançado britânico no sul da Europa. For now, the red phone boxes, the double-decker buses, the pubs and fish and chips restaurants show Gibraltar is an unmistakable British outpost in southern Europe. For now, the red telephone booths, double-decker buses, fish and chips bars and restaurants demonstrate that Gibraltar is an unmistakable British outpost in southern Europe. No siento ninguna necesidad de justificar esta opinión. I don't feel any need to justify this position. I do not feel any need to justify this opinion. Falarão conosco amanhã de manhã. They will talk to us tomorrow morning. They'll talk to us tomorrow morning. Tom dice che ci proverà. Tom says he'll give it a try. Tom says he'll try. Em São Luís, no Senegal, as equipas humanitárias estão a utilizar outra espécie indígena, o camarão, para manter os níveis de parasitas sob controlo nos rios locais. In Saint-Louis, Senegal, aid workers are using another indigenous species, the prawn, to keep parasite levels in check in local rivers. In S<0xC3><0xA3>o Lu<0xC3><0xAD>s, Senegal, humanitarian teams are using another indigenous species, shrimp, to keep parasite levels in check in local rivers. Ella no vino por alguna razón en particular. She did not come for a certain reason. She didn't come for any particular reason. A la debuta Diu que hascoc lo cèu e la tèrra. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. In the beginning, he says that he has a knack for squeezing and squeezing. A mio avviso, è importante che noi scopriamo il senso della nostra esistenza. In my opinion, it's important for us to discover the meaning of our existence. In my opinion, it is important that we discover the meaning of our existence. "Dove stai andando?" "A Lione!" "Dov'è?" "Where are you going?" "To Lyon!" "Where's that?" "Where are you going?" "To Lyon!" "Where is it?" Afastei-me discretamente na direção da mesa dos coquetéis — o único lugar no jardim onde um homem solitário podia prolongar-se sem parecer entediado e só. I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone. I quietly walked away toward the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a lonely man could linger without looking bored and alone. Eu não achava que o Tom podia correr tão rápido assim. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. I didn't think Tom could run that fast. Algum dia, você me verá. Some day, you will see me. Someday, you'll see me. Saranno assonnate. They will be sleepy. They'll be sleepy. Dans quel pays êtes-vous né ? In what country were you born? In which country were you born? Vietato fumare nel ristorante. No smoking in the restaurant. No smoking in the restaurant. Había unos chicos jugando cerca del río. There were some boys playing near the river. There were some kids playing near the river. Vi dispiacerebbe rispondere alla domanda? Would you mind answering the question? Would you mind answering the question? J’ai 30 ans et toi tu en as 10 de plus n’est-ce pas ? I'm thirty years old and you are ten years older, aren’t you? I’m 30 years old and you’re 10 years older, right? Déjeme en la estación por favor. Please drop me off at the station. Leave me at the station, please. Io ho visto mia sorella lì. I saw my sister there. I saw my sister there. Eu queria que você estivesse comigo. I wish you were with me. I wish you were with me. Noi finimmo la benzina nel mezzo del deserto. We ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. We ran out of gas in the middle of the desert. Lacurile sunt înghețate. The lakes are frozen. The lakes are frozen. Limpa o porta-luvas. Clean out the glove compartment. Clean the glove compartment. Ziri era arrabbiato con Rima. Ziri was mad at Rima. Ziri was angry with Rima. Pensei que você fosse o escolhido para fazer isso. I thought you were the one chosen to do that. I thought you were the one to do it. Îți place iarna? Do you like winter? Do you like winter? Você está de parabéns por isso. You are to be commended for that. You're in luck for that. Ci abboniamo a un giornale. We subscribe to a newspaper. We subscribe to a newspaper. Emily a citit această carte. Emily read this book. Emily read this book. Os Estados Unidos disseram que não enviaram um representante para ouvir o discurso de Ahmadinejad porque ele tinha usado a sua viagem à ONU para "expelir teorias paranoicas e insultos repulsivos contra Israel". The United States said it did not send a representative to hear Ahmadinejad’s speech because he had used his U.N. trip to "spout paranoid theories and repulsive slurs against Israel." The United States said it had not sent a representative to listen to Ahmadinejad’s speech because he had used his trip to the UN to “expel paranoid theories and repulsive insults against Israel.” Am pretins că lucrez. I pretended to work. I pretended to be working. Tom a recunoscut că ceea ce a zis mai devreme nu era adevărat. Tom acknowledged that what he said earlier was not true. Tom admitted that what he said earlier was not true. Esta nação asiática supermoderna espera conseguir uma rota de trânsito terrestre e marítima sem complicações até à África, disse Norio Murayama, porta-voz de Abe. The super-modern Asian nation hopes to secure a hassle-free, land-and-sea transit route as far as Africa, Abe's spokesman Norio Murayama said. This supermodern Asian nation hopes to achieve an uncomplicated land and sea transit route to Africa, said Norio Murayama, Abe’s spokesman. C’est elle ou moi. It's her or me. It’s her or me. Coma isto. Eat this up. Eat this. L'autore voleva restare anonimo. The author wanted to stay anonymous. The author wanted to remain anonymous. Piccoli terremoti accadono ogni giorno in quel paese. Small earthquakes happen every day in that country. Small earthquakes happen every day in that country. Existem muitas lendas sobre as origens do jogo Go, remontando todas elas à antiga China. There are many legends about the origins of the game Go, all dating back to ancient China. There are many legends about the origins of the game Go, all dating back to ancient China. En Venus no hay vida. There is no life on Venus. There is no life on Venus. Tudo bem se fumarmos aqui? Is it OK if we smoke here? Is it okay if we smoke in here? São da família. They're family. They're family. La décision est pendante. The jury is still out. The decision is pending. Tom no esperaba que Mary apareciera a tiempo. Tom didn't expect Mary to show up on time. Tom didn't expect Mary to show up in time. A paisagem era sombria, inspirando nele o pensamento de que existem dois tipos de desolação; a que precede a vinda do Homem e a que ele sabe muito bem como criar para onde quer que vá. The countryside was bleak, inspiring in him the thought that there are two kinds of desolation; the one that precedes the coming of Man, and the one which he knows only too well how to create wherever he goes. The landscape was gloomy, inspiring in him the thought that there are two kinds of desolation; that which precedes the coming of Man and that which he knows very well how to create wherever he goes. Eu prefiro ficar no meu quarto. I'd rather stay in my room. I'd rather stay in my room. Non l'ho detto apposta. I didn't say it on purpose. I didn't say that on purpose. Tom só falou francês. Tom spoke only French. Tom only spoke French. Que puis-je faire pour vous aider dans l'immédiat ? What can I do to help you right now? What can I do to help you right away? Tom divenne un cristiano. Tom became a Christian. Tom became a Christian. Yanni me recordó a mí hace cuarenta años. Yanni reminded me of me forty years ago. Yanni reminded me of me forty years ago. Tom è andato in prigione. Tom went to prison. Tom went to jail. Tom non lo sapeva. Tom didn't know. Tom didn't know. Elle parle de tout avec ses parents. She talks about everything with her parents. She talks about everything with her parents. Maria é a musa da namorada. Mary is her girlfriend's muse. Mary is his girlfriend's muse. És honesto ou estás a mentir-me? Are you honest or are you lying to me? Are you honest or are you lying to me? Nunca en mi vida he ido a un casino, y eso que tengo uno cerca de mi casa. I've never been to a casino in my life, and there's one right by my house. I've never been to a casino in my life, and I have one near my house. Furono accettate dalla scuola. They were accepted by the school. They were accepted by the school. Me pregunto si debería estar orgulloso de que las primeras cinco páginas de resultados de la búsqueda de mi nombre en internet no hablen de mí... o si debería estar avergonzado. I wonder if I should be proud that the first five pages of search results from searching for my name on the internet aren't about me, or if I should be ashamed. I wonder if I should be proud that the first five pages of my name search results on the internet don’t talk about me... or if I should be ashamed. È stata accettata ad Harvard. She was accepted at Harvard. She was accepted to Harvard. ¿Tom ten unha tatuaxe? Does Tom have a tattoo? Does Tom have a tattoo? Les apparences sont souvent trompeuses. Appearances often are deceiving. Appearances are often misleading. Eu preciso de um tempo sozinho. I need to be alone. I need some alone time. Les singes sont des parents proches des humains. Monkeys are closely related to humans. Monkeys are close relatives of humans. È quasi sorda, vero? She's almost deaf, isn't she? She's almost deaf, isn't she? "They" es una palabra extraña en inglés. "They" is a weird word in English. "They" is a strange word in English. O livro está junto à caneta. The book is next to the pen. The book is next to the pen. Tu ne comprends pas. Il te tuera. You don't understand. He'll kill you. You don't understand, he'll kill you. Me gusta el color amarillo. I like the colour yellow. I like the yellow color. Dove ha messo il libro che stava leggendo? Where did she put the book she was reading? Where did you put the book you were reading? « J'ai entendu dire que vous aviez remis votre démission. » « En fait, j'ai été licenciée. » "I hear you've handed in your notice." "Actually, I've been sacked." "I heard you quit your job." "Actually, I was fired." Mentiva su cosa provava realmente. She was lying about how she really felt. He was lying about what he really felt. Todas sus joyas estaban dispuestas sobre el suelo. All her jewels were laid out on the floor. All her jewels were laid out on the floor. Tom nunca teria machado você. Tom would never have hurt you. Tom would never have axe you. Você já mostrou isto ao Tom? Have you shown this to Tom already? Have you shown this to Tom yet? Volevo parlare con te di qualcosa. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to you about something. Que l'aima enqüèra. She still loved him. Let the soul be filled. ¿Tengo que hacerlo ahora? Do I have to do it now? Do I have to do it now? Dica luego. See you soon. I'll tell you later. Justamente quando parecia que os componentes eletrónicos não podiam ficar mais pequenos, cientistas nos Estados Unidos anunciaram que tinham criado o primeiro transístor que — para todos os efeitos práticos — tem apenas duas dimensões. Just when it looked like electronic components could not get smaller, scientists in the United States announced that they have created the first transistor that - for all practical purposes - has only two dimensions. Just when it seemed that electronic components could not get smaller, scientists in the United States announced that they had created the first transistor that — for all practical purposes — has only two dimensions. Io lo conosco da più di dieci anni. I have known him for more than ten years. I have known him for more than ten years. Si tu fais la cuisine, je ferai la vaisselle. If you cook, I'll wash the dishes. If you do the cooking, I'll do the dishes. ¡Mira, un conejito! Look! A bunny! Look, a bunny! Se simțea vinovată pentru că știa că nu ar fi trebuit să mintă. She felt guilty because she knew that she shouldn't have lied. She felt guilty because she knew she shouldn’t have lied. Em sentia igual. I felt the same. I felt the same way. Pompeu é um soldado tão corajoso que seus amigos o chamam de "O Grande". Pompey is such a brave soldier that his friends call him "The Great". Pompey is such a brave soldier that his friends call him "The Great One". Tom pediu uma xícara de café. Tom ordered a cup of coffee. Tom asked for a cup of coffee. Ils ont témoigné. They testified. They testified. Da un'estremità all'altra, la molecola di DNA misura un millesimo di milesimo di millimetro. Un milione di eliche disposte una accanto all'altra entrerebbero in questa lettera: o. From end to end, the DNA molecule measures a thousandth of a thousandth of a millimeter. A million helices placed side by side would fit in this letter: o. From one end to the other, the DNA molecule measures a thousandth of a thousandth of a millimeter. A million propellers arranged next to each other would enter this letter: o. Mira que sacar el tema de tu boda sabiendo que a Elena le acaba de dejar el novio... eso es meter el dedo en la llaga. Bringing up your wedding when you know Elena just got dumped...that's just rubbing salt in the wound. See that bring up the subject of your wedding knowing that Elena has just left the groom... that's putting your finger in the wound. Provate a imparare il vocabolario berbero. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Il a fallu une enquête national pour trouver le meurtrier. It took a coast-to-coast investigation to find the murderer. It took a national investigation to find the killer. He sido atacada. I've been attacked. I've been attacked. Eu já lhe disse isso. I've already told him that. I already told you that. Ojalá no estuvieras tan ocupado. I wish you weren't so busy. I wish you weren't so busy. Cominciate a divertirvi. Start having fun. Start having fun. Una de las primeras ocasiones en que comí algo con chile fue cuando mi mamá me dio coctel de elote para probar. One of the first times I ate something with chili was when my mom gave me some corn cocktail to try. One of the first times I ate something with chili was when my mom gave me a corn cocktail to try. Qual é o seu esporte favorito para assistir na televisão? What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Il est tellement idiot ! He's so stupid. He's so stupid! Ti aiuteremo a salvare Tom. We'll help you rescue Tom. We'll help you save Tom. La niña se estaba enjugando las lágrimas con un pañuelo mientras su amiga intentaba consolarla. The girl was dabbing her tears with a handkerchief while her friend tried to console her. The girl was wiping her tears with a handkerchief as her friend tried to comfort her. Je me réjouis que les choses se soient passées aussi bien. I'm glad things went so well. I'm glad things went so well. Você quebrou minha xícara. You broke my cup. You broke my cup. Perché tutti le stanno guardando? Why is everyone looking at them? Why is everyone looking at them? El que va dir en quan a Anglaterra és veritat. What he said about England is true. What he said in England is true. Tom no estornudó. Tom didn't sneeze. Tom didn't sneeze. Yo no me quejo. I'm not complaining. I'm not complaining. Aprendí francés. I learned French. I learned French. Ești foarte bun la desen. You're very good at drawing. You are very good at drawing. Chiesi a Tom cosa voleva fare. I asked Tom what he wanted to do. I asked Tom what he wanted to do. Podemos facilmente ir caminhando para lá. We can easily walk there from here. We can easily walk there. Ha bisogno di istruzioni? Do you need instructions? Do you need instructions? ¿Cuál prefieres, éste o aquél? Which one do you prefer, this one or that one? Which do you prefer, this one or that one? Sono solo delle foglie e dei rami. It's only leaves and branches. It's just leaves and branches. Vei afla adevărul într-o zi. You will know the truth some day. You'll find out the truth one day. Yanni tenía demasiado miedo para volver andando por el barrio. Yanni was too scared to walk back through the backyard. Yanni was too scared to walk back around the neighborhood. No me akodro lo ke komi anoche. I can't remember what I ate last night. I don't remember what I saw last night. A perspetiva platónica da alma, de substância espiritual, uma efluência do divino, que sob certas condições se encarna em formas perecíveis de matéria, é sem dúvida a perspetiva mais consonante com o estado atual do nosso conhecimento. The Platonic view of the soul, as a spiritual substance, an effluence from Godhood, which under certain conditions becomes incarnated in perishable forms of matter, is doubtless the view most consonant with the present state of our knowledge. The Platonic view of the soul, of spiritual substance, an outflow of the divine, which under certain conditions is embodied in perishable forms of matter, is undoubtedly the view most consonant with the present state of our knowledge. Yo lo hice ir. I made him go. I made him go. Tom compartía el dolor de Mary. Tom shared Mary's pain. Tom shared Mary's pain. Estou bem, e você? I'm fine, what about you? I'm fine, how about you? Iată echipa mea. There's my team. Here's my team. ¿Cómo se encuentra el enfermo esta mañana? How's the patient feeling this morning? How is the patient this morning? Tom ha cercato di evitare la domanda. Tom tried to avoid the question. Tom tried to avoid the question. L'écriture de Ziri était horrible. Ziri's handwriting was awful. Ziri's handwriting was horrible. La niña tiene mucha energía. The child has a lot of energy. The girl has a lot of energy. Tom encontrou uma nota de cem dólares na rua. Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street. Tom found a hundred-dollar bill on the street. J'espère ne pas perdre. I hope I don't lose. I hope I don't lose. Maria é mais nova que eu. Sou seu irmão mais velho. Mary is younger than me. I am her older brother. Maria's younger than me, I'm your older brother. O menino estava chorando no quarto. The boy was crying in the room. The boy was crying in the room. Ella estaba lista para ayudarlo a lavar el auto. She was ready to help him with washing the car. She was ready to help him wash the car. Vòli quauquarren de beure. I want something to drink. I want to drink quarks. On vols vendre això? Where do you want to sell this? Where do you want to sell this? Se la scacchiera è nella posizione corretta, lo scacco h1 a destra del bianco è bianco. Di conseguenza, anche lo scacco a8 a destra del nero è bianco. If the chessboard is in the right position, the square h1 to the right of White is a white square. Consequently, the square a8 to the right of Black is also a white square. If the chessboard is in the correct position, check h1 to the right of white is white. As a result, check a8 to the right of black is also white. Ho bisogno di pannolini per il mio bambino. I need diapers for my baby. I need diapers for my baby. Quando sarò pagata? When will I be paid? When will I get paid? Prego, Maria. Here you are, Mary! Please, Maria. En 2012, Jason Box predijo correctamente y con semanas de antelación que gran parte del hollín de los enormes incendios del oeste de Norteamérica de aquel año mezclados con el de las plantas energéticas alcanzaría Groenlandia y provocaría un deshielo de récord debido a que el negro del hollín absorbe más cantidad de energía térmica que el blanco del hielo. In 2012, Jason Box correctly predicted weeks in advance that much of the soot from the huge wildfires in western North America that year, mixed with soot from power plants, would reach Greenland and trigger a record-breaking melt, due to the black soot absorbing more thermic energy than the white ice. In 2012, Jason Box correctly predicted weeks in advance that much of the soot from that year’s massive western North American fires mixed with that from power plants would reach Greenland and cause record-breaking melting because the black of the soot absorbs more thermal energy than the white of the ice. T'â chì a pugnatta. Here's the pot. That's the pudding. O verdureiro é muito gentil com seus clientes. The greengrocer is very kind to his customers. The greengrocer is very kind to his customers. ¿Tú confías en tu médico de cabecera? Do you trust your general doctor? Do you trust your GP? Lo vidi avvicinarsi. I saw him approaching me. I saw him approaching. Leyó esta poesía sólo una vez, no puede saberla de memoria. He read this poem only once, he can't know it by heart. He read this poem only once, he cannot know it by heart. Eu tenho muitos amigos em Boston. I've got a lot of friends in Boston. I have a lot of friends in Boston. Lui Tom nu-i place să facă greșeli. Tom doesn't like to make mistakes. Tom doesn't like to make mistakes. Los higos contienen fibra dietética. Figs contain dietary fibre. Figs contain dietary fiber. Gli scacchi sono una miniera d'oro molto poco esplorata in termini giornalistici, visti i suoi accattivanti collegamenti con la scienza, l'arte e la cultura in generale, e il suo enorme numero di personaggi affascinanti. Chess is a gold mine very little explored in journalistic terms, given its captivating connections to science, art, and culture in general, and its huge number of fascinating characters. Chess is a little-explored gold mine in journalistic terms, given its captivating links to science, art and culture in general, and its huge number of fascinating characters. Por favor, avíseme cuando deje de oírlo. Please tell me when you can't hear this anymore. Please let me know when you stop hearing it. Nunca se pode ter certeza. You can never be sure. You can never be sure. Na margem de um grande lago fica um belo templo. On the shore of a large lake stands a beautiful temple. On the shore of a large lake stands a beautiful temple. Fadil começou a ler jornais árabes todos os dias. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers everyday. Fadil started reading Arabic newspapers every day. O brinquedo amarelo é pequeno. The yellow toy is little. The yellow toy is small. Non prende abbastanza denaro. He doesn't get enough money. He's not taking enough money. Os oficiais temem que a recente cimeira acrimoniosa do G-7 no Canadá venha a encorajar os governos populistas que eles apelidam de "a brigada constrangedora" a redobrar a sua pressão sobre Bruxelas relativamente à migração, à despesa pública, aos direitos soberanos dos Estados-membros e à questão das sanções da UE contra a Rússia. Officials fear the recent acrimonious G-7 summit in Canada will embolden populist-led governments they dub "the awkward squad" to redouble their pushback on Brussels over migration, public spending, the sovereign rights of member states, and the issue of EU sanctions on Russia. Officials fear that the recent acrimonious G-7 summit in Canada will encourage the populist governments they call “the embarrassing brigade” to redouble their pressure on Brussels over migration, public spending, sovereign rights of member states and the issue of EU sanctions against Russia. Sou legal. I'm cool. I'm cool. ¿Has tenido últimamente algún dolor abdominal? Have you had abdominal pain recently? Have you had any abdominal pain lately? Nu pot să cred că nu-ți place ciocolata. I can't believe you don't like chocolate. I can't believe you don't like chocolate. Ele fala demais. He talks too much. He talks too much. Me pica donde me picó el zancudo. My mosquito bite itches. It stings me where the mosquito bit me. Creo que su novio es griego. I think that her boyfriend is Greek. I think her boyfriend is Greek. I miei studenti mi adorano. My students adore me. My students adore me. Etimológicamente, jaque mate significa "el rey ha muerto". Sin embargo, el rey no ha "muerto" en el juego de ajedrez durante mucho tiempo. De hecho, el rey es la única pieza que ni siquiera puede ser capturada, aunque el jaque mate termina el juego y, estrictamente hablando, puede considerarse como una "muerte" para el rey. Etymologically, checkmate means "the king is dead". However, the king has not "died" in the game of chess for a long time. In fact, the king is the only piece that cannot even be captured, although checkmate finishes the game and, strictly speaking, can be considered as a "death" for the king. Etymologically, checkmate means "the king is dead". However, the king has not "died" in the game of chess for a long time. In fact, the king is the only piece that can not even be captured, although checkmate ends the game and, strictly speaking, can be considered as a "death" for the king. Vous ne gagnerez pas ce jeu. You won't win this game. You will not win this game. Tom puede venir hoy. Tom can come today. Tom can come today. O laboratório fica no final deste corredor. The laboratory is at the end of this corridor. The lab is at the end of this corridor. Personne ne vous aime. Nobody loves you. Nobody likes you. Ta braguette est ouverte. XYZ. Your fly's open. O Tom sempre fica feliz quando vê a Maria. Tom always feels happy when he sees Mary. Tom is always happy when he sees Maria. Sentémonos. Let's sit down. Let's sit down. Crec que ho va fer ell. I think he did it. I think he did it. Ho guardato il baseball. I watched baseball. I watched baseball. Tom se aprovecha de ti. Tom is taking advantage of you. Tom's taking advantage of you. Rareori mama mea se uită noaptea la televizor. My mother seldom watches TV at night. My mother rarely watches TV at night. Eles/Elas querem construir uma casa. They want to build a house. They want to build a house. No kero ke lavores ayi. I don't want you to work there. I don't want you to work here. Devo scrivere un saggio sulle mie vacanze. I have to write a composition about my vacation. I need to write an essay about my vacation. Provavelmente não vai dar certo, mas eu tentei. It probably won't work, but I tried. It probably won't work, but I tried. Tom parece estar bastante satisfecho consigo mismo. Tom seems quite pleased with himself. Tom seems to be quite satisfied with himself. I computer hanno imparato a giocare a scacchi molti anni fa, ma non sempre hanno avuto la forza che hanno oggi. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn't always have the strength they have today. Computers learned to play chess many years ago, but they didn’t always have the strength they have today. Leii sunt în cușcă. Lions are in the cage. The lions are in the cage. Soy un siervo. I am a serf. I'm a servant. Dizem que as caixas d'água de amianto podem ser um risco à saúde. They say that water tanks made from asbestos can pose a health risk. They say that asbestos water can be a health hazard. Un día lo entenderéis. You'll understand someday. One day you will understand. Nessuno dei ragazzi prestò attenzione a Mary. None of the boys paid any attention to Mary. None of the boys paid any attention to Mary. Mi abuela le añadió una cebolla al relleno. Grandma added an onion to the filling. My grandmother added an onion to the filling. Partons et ne revenons jamais. Let's leave and never come back. Let's go and never come back. Tom va a dormir en el otro cuarto. Tom is going to sleep in the other room. Tom's going to sleep in the other room. Je veux que tu dises que tu ne retournes pas à Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. I want you to say you're not going back to Boston. Habían muchas esquirlas de vidrio. There were many glass shards. There were a lot of shards of glass. Tutti i bambini stanno mangiando. All of the children are eating. All the kids are eating. Las llaves no están en la mesa donde las dejé. The keys aren't on the table where I left them. The keys aren't on the table where I left them. Ou, nou papa ki dan lesyel, Fer ou ganny rekonnet konman Bondye. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Our Father who art in heaven, let this be done to thee, that thou mayest be glorified. Nu ești o persoană rea. You're not a bad person. You're not a bad person. Si scordò il suo telefono. He forgot his phone. He forgot his phone. È timido con gli estranei. He is shy of strangers. He is shy with strangers. Tom es la única esperanza de Mary. Tom is Mary's only hope. Tom is Mary's only hope. Tot la fel! Just the same! It's the same! Je m'occuperai bien de Tom. I'll take good care of Tom. I'll take good care of Tom. Onde está o seu casaco? Where's your coat? Where's your coat? Comment est-ce exprimé en mots ? How's that expressed verbally? How is this expressed in words? Tom e cu zece livre mai greu decât Jack. Tom is ten pounds heavier than Jack. Tom's ten pounds heavier than Jack. Eles uniram forças contra ele. They joined forces against him. They joined forces against him. Ho bisogno di essere a quella riunione. I need to be at that meeting. I need to be at that meeting. Tom es muestro bohor. Tom is our oldest. Tom is a boor. Amo le rape. I love turnips. I love turnips. Un genio salió de la botella. A genie came out of the bottle. A genie came out of the bottle. Tom trabalha para o pai de Maria. Tom works for Mary's father. Tom works for Maria's father. Ella se puso unas gafas de sol para protegerse los ojos de los rayos solares. She put on a pair of sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sunlight. She put on sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun’s rays. Esta oración no será traducida. This sentence shall not be translated. This sentence will not be translated. Voilà déjà longtemps que tu es en sécurité. You've been safe for a long time now. You've been safe for a long time. Esperarei por vós até as duas e meia. I'll wait for you until 2:30. I'll wait for you until half past two. –¿Novatos? –preguntó Dima con un ligero tono de enfado en la voz– ¡Esto no es un videojuego, Al-Sayib! ¡Esto es la vida real! "Noobs?" Dima asked, a slight hint of anger in his voice. "This isn't a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life!" “Newcomers?” Dima asked with a slight tone of anger in his voice. “This is not a video game, Al-Sayib! This is real life! L'ha suggerito a lui? Did you suggest that to him? Did you suggest it to him? Je prévois de rester à l'hôtel. I'm planning to stay at the hotel. I plan to stay at the hotel. Os pacientes mais aptos são encorajados a manter-se ativos. Abler patients are encouraged to stay active. The most fit patients are encouraged to stay active. A cada 17 anos, milhares de milhões de insetos, denominados cigarras da ninhada X, emergem da terra. Every 17 years, billions of insects, known as the cicadas of Brood X, rise from the earth. Every 17 years, billions of insects, called litter X cicadas, emerge from the earth. Ele cuidou da mãe após a morte do pai. He cared for his mother after his father died. He took care of his mother after his father died. Raggiunga i suoi sogni. Achieve your dreams. Reach your dreams. As companhias aéreas têm estado a planear a rota dos aviões de modo a contornar a Ucrânia depois de o Voo 17 da Malaysia Airlines ter sido abatido na quinta-feira com a perda das quase 300 pessoas a bordo. Airlines are routing planes around Ukraine after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down Thursday with the loss of nearly 300 people on board. Airlines have been planning the route of the planes to bypass Ukraine after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down on Thursday with the loss of nearly 300 people on board. Il latte ha un cattivo odore. The milk smells bad. The milk smells bad. Non confortò Tom. It didn't comfort Tom. He did not comfort Tom. Vous devriez faire examiner vos yeux. You had better have your eyes examined. You should have your eyes examined. La noia que toca el piano és ma germana. The girl that plays the piano is my sister. The girl who plays the piano is my sister. E, embora eles tenham encontrado o agente patogénico Serratia marcescens nestes outros animais, a análise genética mostrou que apenas a estirpe proveniente de águas residuais humanas correspondia à estirpe encontrada nos corais do recife doentes com a varíola branca. And, while they found the pathogen Serratia marcescens in these other animals, the genetic analysis showed that only the strain from human sewage matched the strain found in white pox diseased corals on the reef. And although they found the pathogen Serratia marcescens in these other animals, genetic analysis showed that only the strain from human waste water matched the strain found in reef corals sick with whitepox. Je veux avoir une bonne carrière. I want to have a good career. I want to have a good career. Il nous a oubliées. He forgot us. He's forgotten us. Quanti animali avete? How many animals do you have? How many animals do you have? Vous appréciez tout le monde. You like everyone. Everyone appreciates you. Ti conosco. So che non mi avresti dato un'altra possibilità. I know you. I know you wouldn't have given me another chance. I know you wouldn't have given me another chance. Ça ne va pas s'arranger. It's not going to get any easier. It's not gonna work out. Escucha mis podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. Il est parti en quête du point où le ciel touche la Terre. He went on a quest to find the point where the sky touches the Earth. He went in search of the point where the sky touches the Earth. Tem que esperar na fila. You have to wait in the queue. You have to wait in line. Pensez-vous que quiconque puisse nous voir ? Do you think anyone can see us? Do you think anyone can see us? Fece tutto con precisione militare. He did everything with military precision. He did everything with military precision. És una idea brillant. That's a bright idea. It's a brilliant idea. Estamos em frente à tua casa. We are outside your house. We're in front of your house. Nous devons l'avertir. We have to warn him. We need to warn him. Nu este nimic sigur în lume. There is nothing certain in the world. There's nothing safe in the world. C'était dégoûtant. That was disgusting. It was disgusting. Celui-là est-il à vendre ? Is that one for sale? Is this one for sale? Un cambio es tan bueno como un descanso. A change is as good as a rest. A change is as good as a break. Insultaron a Mina. They insulted Mina. They insulted Mina. Afortunadamente, el tiempo era bueno y pudimos comer fuera. Fortunately, the weather was good and we were able to eat outside. Fortunately, the weather was good and we were able to eat out. Mi sento malata. Che dovrei fare? I feel sick. What should I do? I feel sick. What should I do? A romã também é um símbolo de saúde, fertilidade e longa vida. The pomegranate is also a symbol of health, fertility, and long life. The pomegranate is also a symbol of health, fertility and long life. Bunica mea era o femeie înțeleaptă. My grandma was a wise woman. My grandmother was a wise woman. Vou visitá-lo amanhã, sem falta. I'll visit you tomorrow without fail. I'm going to visit him tomorrow, without fail. Eravate gelosi di Tom? Were you jealous of Tom? Were you jealous of Tom? Não sei se ela gosta de mim. I don't know if she likes me. I don't know if she likes me. Muitos motociclistas na Grécia nem sempre usam capacete. Many motorcycle drivers in Greece do not always use a helmet. Many motorcyclists in Greece do not always wear helmets. Il vino è nel mercato. The wine is in the market. Wine is on the market. Las plumas son características de las aves. Feathers are peculiar to birds. Feathers are characteristic of birds. Heureusement qu'elle me les a appris. It's a good thing that she taught me them. I'm glad she taught me. Non dovrebbe fare questo lavoro. You shouldn't do this work. You shouldn't be doing this job. Te he dicho cien veces que no pienso ir a esa aburrida fiesta. I've told you a hundred times, I'm not going to that stupid party. I've told you a hundred times I'm not going to that boring party. Hai poucos, se algún, homes así. There are few, if any, such men. There are few, if any, people like that. Te aseguro que las rompería si pudiera. I assure you that I would break them if I could. I assure you I would break them if I could. O miolo dos caroços de marula é prensado para extrair o seu óleo nutritivo que é utilizado em loções corporais, sabonetes e bálsamos labiais. The marula nut kernels are pressed to extract their rich oil which is used in body lotion, soaps, and lip balm. The core of marula pits is pressed to extract their nourishing oil which is used in body lotions, soaps and lip balms. Non hai mai ragione! You're never right! You're never right! Sapeva che Tom era ambidestro? Did you know that Tom was ambidextrous? Did you know that Tom was ambidextrous? Estamos encrencados. We're troubled. We're in trouble. Esta iniciativa surge após o Museu da Bíblia com sede nos EUA, que alberga algumas das mais veneradas coleções de manuscritos religiosos do mundo, ter concordado na semana passada em devolver um livro evangélico raro do século X ao Mosteiro de Theotokos Eikosiphinisa, no norte da Grécia. The move comes after the U.S.-based Museum of the Bible, which holds some of the world’s most revered collections of religious manuscripts, agreed last week to return a rare 10th century gospel book to the Monastery of Theotokos Eikosiphinisa in northern Greece. The move comes after the U.S.-based Bible Museum, which houses some of the world’s most revered collections of religious manuscripts, agreed last week to return a rare 10th-century gospel book to the Monastery of Theotokos Eikosiphinisa in northern Greece. Dov'è Tom quando abbiamo bisogno di lui? Where is Tom when we need him? Where's Tom when we need him? Odio vedervi. I hate seeing you. I hate to see you. Non posso entrare nello specifico al momento. I can't get into specifics at the moment. I can't go into specifics right now. ¿Cuál es tu segundo idioma? What is your second language? What is your second language? Por favor, cierre la puerta con cuidado. Please close the door quietly. Please close the door carefully. Vous feriez mieux de commencer tout de suite. You'd better start at once. You'd better start right away. Korski diz que guerras territoriais entre a Comissão Europeia e o Conselho Europeu enfraquecem o programa de assistência humanitária. Korski says turf wars between the European Commission and the European Council weaken the aid program. Korski says territorial wars between the European Commission and the European Council weaken the humanitarian assistance programme. Sou seu mestre. I'm your master. I'm your master. Os esperamos lo antes posible. We’re waiting for you as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. Namiki e Murasaki si assomigliano molto. Namiki and Murasaki are very similar. Namiki and Murasaki are very similar. Ne marche pas sur le serpent. Don't step on the snake. Don't walk on the snake. ¿Vamos a mi casa después de la fiesta? Are we going to my house after the party? Are we going to my house after the party? Collaborate. Collaborate. Collaborate. ¿Me prestarías tu bolígrafo? Would you lend me your pen? Would you lend me your pen? Restez un moment tranquille. Be quiet for a moment. Just stay quiet for a while. Julia vit dans un État du Sud-Est du Brésil. Julia lives in a southeastern state of Brazil. Julia lives in a state in southeastern Brazil. Onde o Tom está hoje? Where's Tom today? Where's Tom today? Ditegli di non cantare. Tell him not to sing. Tell him not to sing. Parece que el sabe a verdade. It seems that he knows the truth. He seems to know the truth. Cred că ai dreptate. I guess you're right. I think you're right. Eu comprei o dela. I bought hers. I bought hers. Parlate con il mio capo. Talk to my boss. Talk to my boss. Beva almeno due bicchieri di latte al giorno! Drink at least two glasses of milk a day! Drink at least two glasses of milk a day! Robert a également aidé Sandra. Robert helped Sandra, too. Robert also helped Sandra. Elle l'a aidé à surmonter sa tristesse. She helped him overcome his sadness. She helped him overcome his sadness. Nu. Nope. No, no, no. "Isso é verdade, meu rapaz", respondeu o mestre Southall, lançando, na plenitude da satisfação dele, um jato de fumo na nossa direção com uma força espantosa. 'That's true, my boy,' returned Master Southall, sending, in the plenitude of his satisfaction, a jet of smoke towards us with astonishing force. "That is true, my boy," replied Master Southall, throwing, in the fullness of his satisfaction, a jet of smoke towards us with astonishing force. Ça semblait si bon marché. It seemed so cheap. It seemed so cheap. És extrany que els nostres amics no estiguin aqui. It's strange that our friends aren't here. It's strange that our friends aren't here. Il vostro lavoro è fantastico. Your work is fantastic. Your work is fantastic. Știi cine l-a făcut? Do you know who made it? Do you know who did it? Elle devrait être là à midi. She should be there at noon. She should be here by noon. ¡Esta mudanza es el cuento de nunca acabar! This move is like a story that never ends! This move is the story of never ending! Unele animale sunt foarte bune la cățărat. Some animals are very good at climbing. Some animals are very good at climbing. Penso di restare qui ancora a lungo. I plan to stay here for a long time yet. I think I'll be here a long time. Mi puoi prestare il tuo computer? Can you lend me your computer? Can I borrow your computer? O pior passou. The worst is over. The worst is over. Leo Messi este fotbalist. Leo Messi is a footballer. Leo Messi is a footballer. No vienen aunque puedan. They are not coming even if they can. They don't come even if they can. ¿Cómo es Tom? What's Tom like? What's Tom like? Je devais te revoir. I had to see you again. I had to see you again. Miriam es komunista. Mary is a communist. Miriam is a communist. Você se lembra de quando te vi pela última vez? Do you remember when I saw you last? Do you remember when I last saw you? Portò le braccia in aria in gesto di vittoria. He raised his arms in the air in a gesture of victory. He put his arms in the air in a gesture of victory. Já vou, já vou! Pare de bater na porta, eu já te ouvi. Você vai acabar derrubando-a e então terá de me comprar uma nova. I'm coming, I'm coming! Stop pounding the door, I heard you already. You're going to end up knocking it down and then you'll have to buy me a new one. I'm coming, I'm coming, stop banging on the door, I can hear you, you're gonna knock it down, and then you're gonna have to buy me a new one. Lo sanno tutti chi sei. Everybody knows who you are. Everyone knows who you are. Afanya't. Hurry up. Hurry up. Siamo depresse. We're depressed. We're depressed. Vi abbiamo spedito una lettera. We sent you a letter. We sent you a letter. Uma trabalhadora do sexo diz que a sua patroa, ou proxeneta, exigiu um reembolso de 1.000 euros (1.300 $) no prazo de 10 dias. One sex worker says her madam, or pimp, demanded repayments of 1,000 euro [$1,300] within 10 days. A sex worker says her mistress, or pimp, demanded a refund of 1,000 euros ($1,300) within 10 days. Voudrais-tu me prêter un peu d'argent ? Would you lend me some money? Would you like to lend me some money? Ella jugó al baloncesto. She played basketball. She played basketball. Il y a un peu de tout. It's kind of a mixed bag. There's a little bit of everything. Los estudiantes no leen muchos libros debido a la televisión y los comics. Students don't read many books because of TV and comics. Students do not read many books because of television and comics. Ya sabes que me gustas. ¿Quieres salir conmigo? You know I like you. Do you want to go out with me? You know I like you. You want to go out with me? It l'has dla pitura 'doss. You've got paint on you. You've got it from the paint' doss. Desde que visitó París, sólo habla de eso. Ever since he visited Paris, he only talks about that. Ever since he visited Paris, he's been talking about that. Ti piace cantare sotto la pioggia? Do you like singing in the rain? Do you like to sing in the rain? Tom non sta contribuendo, vero? Tom isn't contributing, is he? Tom's not contributing, is he? La ejecución mediante inyección letal es inhumana. Execution by lethal injection is inhumane. Execution by lethal injection is inhumane. Sono chiaramente contro di noi. They are clearly against us. They are clearly against us. Nous pensions tous qu'il serait impossible de le faire. We all thought it would be impossible to do that. We all thought it would be impossible to do that. Houve mais debate no Congresso sobre a eficácia da abstinência sexual em comparação com o uso de preservativos na luta global contra a SIDA. There has been more debate in Congress about the effectiveness of sexual abstinence versus use of condoms in the global fight against AIDS. There has been more debate in Congress about the effectiveness of sexual abstinence compared to condom use in the global fight against AIDS. Eu sabia que tinha de fazer o meu trabalho de casa eu mesmo. I knew I had to do my homework myself. I knew I had to do my homework myself. Molte persone lo fanno qui. A lot of people do that here. A lot of people do it here. C'è una perdita nel tetto. There's a leak in the roof. There's a leak in the roof. Voi pensate che Tom sarà ancora in ritardo? Do you think that Tom will be late again? You think Tom's gonna be late again? Cualquiera que crea que la inteligencia consciente proviene del Big Bang es capaz de creer cualquier cosa. Anyone who believes that conscious intelligence comes from the Big Bang is capable of believing anything. Anyone who believes that conscious intelligence comes from the Big Bang is capable of believing anything. Las cosquillas son buenas para aquellos a quienes les gustan. Tickles are good for those who like them. Tickling is good for those who like it. Puis-je manger ceci ? May I eat this? Can I eat this? O Tom está no hospital, não é? Tom is in the hospital, isn't he? Tom's in the hospital, isn't he? Eu vim te fazer uma oferta. I came here to make you an offer. I came to make you an offer. Veuillez trouver une solution à ce problème. Please find a solution to the problem. Please find a solution to this problem. Sono stato qui per venti minuti. I've been here for twenty minutes. I was here for 20 minutes. Ella te entiende ahora. She understands you now. She understands you now. Les femmes mangent du pain. The women eat bread. Women eat bread. J'aimerais bien. I wish. I'd love to. ¿Quién quiere sangre y lágrimas? Who wants blood and tears? Who wants blood and tears? Il est armé jusqu'aux dents. He is armed to the teeth. He's armed to the teeth. Rima era intelligente. Rima was smart. Rima was smart. Le verre était vide. The glass was empty. The glass was empty. Estupatz lo hinestron. Turn off the TV. Stupatz pointed it out. Ziri boîtait. Ziri limped. Ziri was limping. T’as déjà entendu comment il parle vite ? Have you heard how fast he talks? Have you ever heard how fast he talks? No parlamento, o ministro do Interior Rajnath Singh sublinhou a dimensão do dilúvio enfrentado pela cidade. In parliament, Home Minister Rajnath Singh underlined the scale of the deluge faced by the city. In parliament, Interior Minister Rajnath Singh stressed the extent of the flood faced by the city. Ellos lo lanzaron del balcón, sin embargo, supo aferrarse a la baranda, y no se dejó caer. They threw him off the balcony, but he managed to grab onto the rail, and didn't fall. They threw him off the balcony, however, he knew how to cling to the railing, and he did not fall. Él no vive aquí. He doesn't live here. He doesn't live here. Saltiamo la scuola. Let's play hooky. We're skipping school. Trebuie să ne trezim devreme mâine dimineaţă? Do we have to get up early tomorrow morning? Do we have to get up early in the morning? Écoutez mes podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. Listen to my podcasts. La réponse est facilement devinable. The answer is easy to guess. The answer is easy to guess. Chi è il portiere? Who's the goalie? Who's the doorman? Ho ravvivato il fuoco. I rekindled the fire. I rekindled the fire. El Burj Khalifa és ara un tocanúvol més alt del món. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is now one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world. ¿Cómo comenzó la Revolución Industrial? How did the Industrial Revolution begin? How did the Industrial Revolution begin? Somos a favor do seu plano. We are in favor of your plan. We're in favor of your plan. Ei sunt dispuși să vorbească despre problemă. They are willing to talk about the problem. They are willing to talk about the problem. Può prestarmi il suo computer? Can you lend me your computer? Can I borrow your computer? Grapó el informe y lo dejó encima de la mesa de su supervisor. She stapled the report and left it on her supervisor's desk. He stapled the report and left it on his supervisor's desk. En un tablero de 19x19 líneas, Go se juega con 361 piedras (181 negras y 180 blancas). On a 19x19 lines board, Go is played with 361 stones (181 black and 180 white). On a board of 19x19 lines, Go is played with 361 stones (181 black and 180 white). Tenho necessidade de escrever. I have to write. I need to write. Que desenho bonito! What a beautiful drawing! What a beautiful design! Vous rappelez-vous ce que Tom portait hier ? Do you remember what Tom was wearing yesterday? Do you remember what Tom was wearing yesterday? Es lo mejor para mí. It's the best for me. That's what's best for me. Pra falar a verdade, eu sou furry. To tell you the truth, I'm a furry. To tell you the truth, I'm furry. ¿Puedes escribir con la mano izquierda? Can you write with your left hand? Can you write with your left hand? La Castiglia è piena di castelli. Castille is full of castles. Castile is full of castles. Había pocos hijos en muchas familias romanas en la época de Augusto. There were few children in many Roman families in Augustus' times. There were few children in many Roman families in the time of Augustus. ¿Me puedes enseñar inglés? Can you teach me English? Can you teach me English? Conserva este goală. The can is empty. The can is empty. «¿Dónde está mi tarta?» «Lo siento, me la he comido toda.» "Where's my cake?" "Sorry. I ate it all." “Where’s my cake?” “I’m sorry, I ate it all.” Persoanele sub 18 ani nu se pot căsători. People under 18 cannot marry. Persons under 18 years of age may not marry. Tom non otterrà quel lavoro. Tom won't get that job. Tom won't get that job. Dicen que cuando le das un tomate a tu perrito, lo cuida porque piensa que es algo frágil. They say that when you give a tomato to your puppy, the puppy will take care of it because it thinks the tomato is something fragile. They say that when you give a tomato to your puppy, take care of it because it thinks it is something fragile. Gli inglesi si stringono la mano per salutare. English people shake hands to say hello. The British shook hands to say hello. Vei fi fericit. You'll be happy. You'll be happy. Necesitas ayudarme con el sistema irrigador hoy. You need to help me with the sprinkler system today. You need to help me with the irrigation system today. Je me suis rendu deux fois à Paris. I've been to Paris twice. I went to Paris twice. Ea nici nu ar fi vorbit cu el. She wouldn't even speak to him. She wouldn't even talk to him. Io vengo dalla Grecia. I'm from Greece. I come from Greece. Vado alla scuola estiva. I go to summer school. I'm going to summer school. Me estás matando lentamente. You are killing me slowly. You're slowly killing me. A pobreza induz ao crime. Poverty leads to crime. Poverty leads to crime. Él desprecia el regalo más refinado de Dios al hombre: el don de la razón. He despises the choicest gift of God to man, the gift of reason. He despises God’s most refined gift to man: the gift of reason. La campana está sonando. The bell is ringing. The bell is ringing. Je ne peux pas vous raconter ce que nous avons fait hier soir. I can't tell you what we did last night. I can't tell you what we did last night. Je n'ai trahi personne. I haven't betrayed anyone. I didn't betray anyone. Je suis indécis sur cette question. I'm on the fence about this issue. I am undecided on this issue. Stephen Miller es un nasionalisto blanko. Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. Stephen Miller is a blanko nationalist. Desconecte todos os cabos. Unplug all the cables. Unplug all cables. A mulher de meu neto é russa. My grandson's wife is Russian. My grandson's wife is Russian. ¿Cuál es la dirección del viento? What is the direction of the wind? What is the wind direction? L'oració que estàs llegint no existeix. The sentence you're reading doesn't exist. The sentence you are reading does not exist. No tengo a nadie con quien hablar de mis problemas. I have no one to talk about my problems with. I have no one to talk to about my problems. Deschide-ți cartea la pagina zece. Open your book to page ten. Open your book to page ten. Vino cât poți de repede. Come as soon as you can. Come as fast as you can. Uma luz verde está acesa. A green light is on. A green light is on. Și-a petrecut întreaga viață la această fermă. He spent his entire life on that farm. He spent his entire life on this farm. Cine a scris aceste poezii? Who wrote these poems? Who wrote these poems? Cartea aceasta este plictisitoare. This book is boring. This book is boring. Mano, qual é mesmo o seu sobrenome? Bro, what's your family name? Dude, what's your last name again? Tom está indo para uma escola em Boston. Tom is going to school in Boston. Tom's going to a school in Boston. Voi pensate che Tom sia ancora arrabbiato? Do you think Tom is still mad? You think Tom's still mad? Ajuste o despertador para sete horas. Set the alarm clock for seven o'clock. Set the alarm to seven o'clock. Tom no tiene idea de quién soy. Tom has no idea who I am. Tom has no idea who I am. Mary si è abbracciata le ginocchia. Mary hugged her knees. Mary hugged her knees. Eres demasiado normal. You're too normal. You're too normal. A migração anual destes pequenos peixes, chamada a fuga das sardinhas, encanta os pescadores e as pescadoras — em parte porque também atrai predadores marinhos maiores. The annual migration of these tiny fish, called the sardine run, delights fishermen and women — in part because it also draws in larger marine predators. The annual migration of these small fish, called the escape of sardines, enchants fishermen and fishers — in part because it also attracts larger marine predators. Devo sciusciame o nazo de longo. I have to blow my nose all the time. I have to swim all the time. As prisões estão superlotadas. Prisons are overcrowded. The prisons are overcrowded. No sé por qué se encuentra ausente hoy. I don't know the reason he is absent today. I don't know why he's absent today. Mi dinosaurio mascota te va a comer. My pet dinosaur is going to eat you. My pet dinosaur is going to eat you. Ils étaient crédules. They were naive. They were credulous. Il risultato è calcolato secondo la tabella di lettura generale creata dalla World Health Organization (WHO) - la stessa per maschio e femmina a prescindere dall'età. The result is calculated according to general reading table created by World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for male and female regardless the age. The result is calculated according to the general reading table created by the World Health Organization (WHO) - the same for male and female regardless of age. Les Romains étaient des bandits. The Romans were gangsters. The Romans were bandits. Veuillez monter ici, puis vous asseoir sur cette table. Please step up here, then sit on this table. Please come up here, and then sit down on this table. Ce curcubeu frumos! What a beautiful rainbow! What a beautiful rainbow! Tenho ótimas notícias! Meu pai finalmente recebeu alta do hospital hoje. Great news! My dad was finally discharged from the hospital today. My dad finally got discharged from the hospital today. Ce fut une chouette fête. It was a nice party. It was a nice party. Le nere sono mie. The black ones are mine. The black ones are mine. Le consigliai di prendere il treno mattutino. I advised her to take the morning train. I advised her to take the morning train. A música de Mozart está sempre me agradando. The music of Mozart is always pleasing to me. The music of Mozart is always pleasing to me. Era cresciuto così in fretta. He'd grown so fast. He had grown up so fast. Ella vive en Londres. She is living in London. She lives in London. Je pense qu'ils devraient imposer une lourde taxe à l'importation. I think they should put a heavy tax on imports. I think they should impose a heavy import tax. Nous ne pouvons pas dormir à cause du bruit. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Svuotate il bagagliaio. Empty the trunk. Empty the trunk. L'iglù non è piccolo. The igloo isn't small. The igloo is not small. Ela é uma de minhas melhores amigas. She's one of my best friends. She's one of my best friends. La banca è chiusa la domenica. The bank is closed on Sundays. The bank is closed on Sundays. Hoy es domingo. No trabajo. Me quedaré en casa. Today is Sunday. I do not work. I'll stay at home. Today is Sunday, I don't work, I'll stay home. ¿Hay un autobús que vaya al centro comercial? Is there a bus that goes to the shopping center? Is there a bus going to the mall? Tom vuole essere primo. Tom wants to be first. Tom wants to be first. Les édifices en bois prennent facilement feu. Wooden buildings catch fire easily. Wooden buildings easily catch fire. In termini di lavoro, la mia vita è perfetta. In terms of work, my life is perfect. In terms of work, my life is perfect. La inteligencia artificial está conquistando el mundo. Artificial intelligence is conquering the world. Artificial intelligence is conquering the world. Quantas macieiras há no seu jardim? How many apple trees do you have in your garden? How many apples are in your garden? Isso não é justo. That's not fair. That's not fair. Tom pode fazer as duas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Tom can do both at the same time. Tom can do both at the same time. El matrimonio precipitado rara vez tiene éxito. Hasty marriage seldom succeeds. Precipitous marriage rarely succeeds. Tulburările civile nu dau semne de atenuare. The civilian unrest is showing no signs of abating. Civil disturbances show no signs of amelioration. Tom tinha de ir lá. Tom had to go there. Tom had to go there. ¿Se siente seguro en casa? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at home? Nós vimos o pássaro quando visitamos Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. We saw the bird when we visited Okinawa. Mettete questa pagina nei segnalibri. Bookmark this page. Put this page in bookmarks. Ai fost obosită? Were you tired? Were you tired? Non sono nato sordo. I wasn't born deaf. I was not born deaf. Skura tiene un vestuario muy elegante. Skura has a very stylish wardrobe. Skura has a very elegant wardrobe. Io sono un fottuto economista. I'm a fucking economist. I'm a fucking economist. Noi siamo analfabeti. We're illiterate. We are illiterate. Eu não odeio nada. I don't hate anything. I don't hate anything. Você está fazendo algo perigoso novamente. Não se machuque, está bem? You're doing something dangerous again. Don't get yourself hurt, got it? You're doing something dangerous again. Lo spam è irritante. Spam is irritating. Spam is annoying. Eravamo obbligati ad ubbidire alla regola. We were obliged to obey the rule. We had to obey the rule. Ça peut sembler sarcastique. That might come off as sarcastic. It may seem sarcastic. Chi ci conforterà quando siamo tristi? Who'll comfort us when we're sad? Who will comfort us when we are sad? Você é a única pessoa em quem eu posso confiar. You're the only person that I can trust. You're the only person I can trust. Si tienes algo de tiempo, cosa que dudo, hecha un vistazo a esto. If you have some time, which I doubt, take a look at this. If you have some time, which I doubt, take a look at this. Dove li ha finiti? Where did you finish them off? Where did you end them? Sto pensando di lasciarmi con la mia morosa. I'm thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend. I'm thinking of breaking up with my late lady. Spero che abbiate trascorso una grande giornata! I hope you've had a great day! I hope you had a great day! Sempre podemos tentar. We can always try. We can always try. E mai bun la asta decât sunt eu. He's better at it than I am. He's better at this than I am. Hoy no necesitas ir a la escuela. You don't need to go to school today. You don't need to go to school today. La casa del pastor estaba en una garganta. The shepherd's house stood in a gorge. The pastor’s house was in a gorge. Io ho delle notizie magnifiche. I have wonderful news. I have some wonderful news. Dites non à la burqa ! Say no to the burqa! Say no to the burqa. No me gusta mucho la tempura. Creo que es demasiado aceitosa. I don't like tempura much. I think it's too greasy. I don't really like tempura, I think it's too oily. A maioria das pessoas esperavam que Tom ganhasse. Most people expected Tom to win. Most people expected Tom to win. Sadiq Khan, presidente da câmara de Londres, numa visita na quinta-feira à cidade de Chicago, no norte dos EUA, argumentou que novos imigrantes na América não deveriam ter de se assimilar à cultura americana, mas que o governo deveria, em vez disso, fazer mais para os ajudar a construir "comunidades coesas". London Mayor Sadiq Khan, while on a trip to the northern U.S. city of Chicago Thursday, argued that new immigrants in America should not have to assimilate into American culture, but the government should instead do more to help them build “cohesive communities.” Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, on a visit to the northern US city of Chicago on Thursday, argued that new immigrants to America should not have to assimilate into American culture, but that the government should instead do more to help them build “cohesive communities.” Serás mi yerno. You'll be my son-in-law. You'll be my son-in-law. Esta é uma questão de consciência. This is a question of conscience. This is a matter of conscience. Ha perso il contatto con la realtà. She's lost touch with reality. He lost touch with reality. Un serpent siffle. A snake hisses. A snake whistles. ¿No querés saber lo que pasó? Don't you want to know what happened? Don't you want to know what happened? Sou seu vizinho. I am your neighbour. I'm your neighbor. Sono stato bocciato all'esame perché non ho studiato. I failed the exam because I didn't study. I failed the exam because I didn’t study. Era davvero necessaria? Was it really necessary? Was it really necessary? Están claramente en contra de nosotros. They are clearly against us. They are clearly against us. Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Today is my birthday. Today's my birthday. Lavatz-vos las mans de plan. Wash your hands well. Wash your hands of the plan. Acuerde una cita. Make an appointment. Make an appointment. Creo que el japonés es un idioma muy difícil. I think that Japanese is a really difficult language. I think Japanese is a very difficult language. Tu ferais mieux d'être à la maison avant minuit. You'd best be home before midnight. You'd better be home by midnight. As-tu facilement le souffle court lorsque tu marches ? Do you get short of breath easily when walking? Are you short of breath when you walk? Ellos lo enterraron en el cementerio al lado de la iglesia. They buried him in the graveyard by the church. They buried him in the cemetery next to the church. Il criminale evase dalla prigione. The criminal escaped from the prison. The criminal escaped from prison. Ouvrez ces portes ! Open those doors! Open those doors! Vamos ao hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Let's go to the hospital. Sempre que alguém bate à porta, meu cachorro começa a latir. Whenever someone knocks on the door, my dog starts barking. Whenever someone knocks on the door, my dog starts barking. Esse não é o mundo em que eu quero viver. This isn't the world I want to live in. This is not the world I want to live in. No sé si Tom todavía vive allí. I don't know if Tom is still living there. I don't know if Tom still lives there. Maria está sentada à escrivaninha traduzindo um romance, rodeada de pilhas de volumosos dicionários. Maria precisa de todos eles, porque ela traduz com precisão quase fanática. Maria is sitting at her desk and translating a novel. She's surrounded by heaps of big dictionaries. Maria needs all of them as she is translating with an almost fanatic precision. Maria is sitting at her desk translating a novel, surrounded by piles of voluminous dictionaries. Maria needs all of them, because she translates with almost fanatical precision. Los gatos son estranyos. Cats are weird. Cats are strange. Lo volevo impressionare. I wanted to impress him. I wanted to impress him. Él alcanzó su bolígrafo. He reached for his pen. He reached for his pen. Nadie va a pensar eso. Nobody is going to think that. No one's gonna think that. Parece que o seu cachorro está com sede. It looks as if your dog's thirsty. Looks like your dog's thirsty. La gente qui dipende dai trasporti pubblici. People here depend on public transportation. People here depend on public transport. O limbă proprie pentru fiecare nație și o a doua împărțită de către toți. An own language for each nation and a second that's shared by all. One language for each nation and a second one shared by all. Ela é uma excelente neurocirurgiã. She's an excellent brain surgeon. She's an excellent neurosurgeon. Por alguna razón, aguantarme las ganas de orinar se siente algo agradable. For some reason, holding in my bladder feels kind of nice. For some reason, holding on to the urge to urinate feels kind of nice. Mi sento tremendamente solo. I feel tremendously lonely. I feel terribly alone. Vous apprendrez sur le tas ! You'll learn on the job! You will learn on the job! Ando requetefeliz, pero no entiendo por qué. I'm super-duper happy, but I don't know why. I'm happy, but I don't understand why. Ti ha fatta arrabbiare? Did it make you angry? Did it make you angry? Tom es el cuñado de Mary. Tom is Mary's brother-in-law. Tom is Mary's brother-in-law. Spense la radio. She turned off the radio. Turn off the radio. Os criadores de gado como Ismaila Modou também descobriram que os seus animais podiam comer as folhas e os frutos desta árvore. Cattle ranchers like Ismaïla Modou also discovered their animals could eat the tree's leaves and fruits. Cattle breeders like Ismaila Modou also discovered that their animals could eat the leaves and fruits of this tree. Tom sta ascoltando della musica. Tom is listening to music. Tom's listening to music. Le nom Tom est facile à prononcer. Tom's name is easy to pronounce. The name Tom is easy to pronounce. Puteți să o spuneți pe litere? Can you spell it out? Can you say it in letters? Busca su cámara de fotos. He's looking for his camera. Find his camera. Mejor una mancha que un agujero. Rather a stain than a hole. Better a stain than a hole. Mon radio réveil ne s'est pas déclenché. C'est pour cette raison que je suis en retard. My alarm clock didn't work. That's why I was late. My alarm clock didn't go off, which is why I'm late. Vou correr todas as manhãs a partir de agora. I will run every morning from now on. I'll run every morning from now on. Eya avla madjar. She speaks Hungarian. Eya avla madjar. En den tic, sipita lastic, sipita laboumlala, en den tic. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe. My mother told me to catch the very best one and you are not it. In den tic, sipita lastic, sipita laboumlala, in den tic. C'est important. It matters. It's important. Escuto rádio enquanto cozinho. I listen to the radio while cooking. I listen to the radio while I cook. Ha portato il suo computer. She brought her computer. He brought his computer. Un mentiroso nunca cambia, solo mejora su estrategia. A liar never changes. They only improve their strategy. A liar never changes, only improves his strategy. Tom no lo hizo por alguna razón en particular. Tom did it for no particular reason. Tom didn't do it for any particular reason. Esta noche está nevando. Tonight, it's snowing. It's snowing tonight. Sume usted esta columna de cifras. Add up this column of figures. Add up this column of figures. Tom ignore où Marie a l'habitude d'aller skier. Tom doesn't know where Mary usually goes skiing. Tom doesn't know where Marie used to go skiing. O meu noivo traballa nunha escola de idiomas e adórao. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works in a language school and loves it. Comment était la couleur du mucus que tu as craché ? What color was the phlegm that you coughed up? What was the color of the mucus you spit out? O que você acha desse plano? What do you think about this plan? What do you think of this plan? Corse il pericolo di farsi fucilare. He ran the risk of being shot. He was in danger of being shot. Qual você quer? Which do you want? Which one do you want? Le poisson a un goût de mer. The fish tastes of the sea. The fish has a taste of the sea. Solitamente bevo molto latte. I usually drink a lot of milk. I usually drink a lot of milk. A Tom se le da muy bien jugar a los videojuegos. Tom is very good at videogames. Tom is very good at playing video games. Che il concerto abbia inizio! Let the concert begin! Let the concert begin! Não sei mais o que fazer com ele. I don't know what to do with him anymore. I don't know what else to do with it. ¿Qué idiomas estás aprendiendo? What languages are you learning? What languages are you learning? Flor era bailaora de flamenco. Era tan buena que Guillermo se podía pasar horas embelesado viéndola bailar. Flor was a flamenco dancer. She was so good, Guillermo could watch her dance for hours. Flor was a flamenco dancer, so good that Guillermo could spend hours enthralled watching her dance. Il mio amico ungherese ha detto che Toki Pona è il suo ragno, ma non ha spiegato cosa intendeva con questo. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona is his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. My Hungarian friend said that Toki Pona is his spider, but he did not explain what he meant by that. Ele escreveu um livro sobre a mulher de seus sonhos. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. He wrote a book about the woman of his dreams. Il y a beaucoup de fleurs dans ce jardin. There are a lot of flowers in this garden. There are many flowers in this garden. Na Índia o milho é um cultivo de verão, amadurecendo no outono, quando as espigas ou maçarocas são retiradas dos caules. In India maize is a summer crop, ripening in the autumn, when the ears or cobs are picked off the stalks. In India, corn is a summer crop, ripening in the autumn when the ears or ears of corn are removed from the stems. Nu poți să-l compari cu Tamaș. You cannot compare him to Tom. You can't compare it to the tambourine. Ti ucciderò! I am going to kill you! I'll kill you! Yanni carece de confianza. Yanni lacks confidence. Yanni lacks confidence. Mi devi credere. Io sono innocente! You have to believe me. I'm innocent! You have to believe me, I'm innocent! Isto non é unha frase. This is not a sentence. This is not a phrase. Espero que o Tom esteja bem. I hope Tom is doing OK. I hope Tom's okay. Ela disse-me para o atirar para o cesto junto com os outros e que o vai ler amanhã. She tells me to chuck it in the basket with the others, and says she'll read it to-morrow. She told me to throw it in the basket with the others and she'll read it tomorrow. Tom entrou no táxi. Tom got in the cab. Tom got in the cab. Es la foto de mi nueva casa. It is the photo of my new house. It's the picture of my new house. Les algériens et les mexicains ont un point en commun : la sieste. Algerians and Mexicans have one thing in common: the nap. The Algerians and the Mexicans have one thing in common: the siesta. Dorme come un angelo. He sleeps like an angel. He sleeps like an angel. “A gestão de crises sempre foi o seu forte, seja a salvar o euro durante a crise financeira global de 2009, seja a manter a Europa unida durante a crise dos refugiados ou seja agora a enfrentar a pandemia”, observou recentemente a Judy Dempsey do grupo de reflexão Carnegie Europe num comentário sobre o legado da Merkel. “Crisis management has always been her forte, whether saving the euro during the global financial crisis of 2009, keeping Europe together during the refugee crisis, or now coping with the pandemic,” Judy Dempsey of the think tank Carnegie Europe, noted recently in a commentary on Merkel’s legacy. “Crisis management has always been its forte, whether it’s saving the euro during the 2009 global financial crisis, or keeping Europe together during the refugee crisis, or whether it’s now facing the pandemic,” said Judy Dempsey of the think tank Carnegie Europe in a commentary on Merkel’s legacy. O cachorro deve estar com fome. The dog must be hungry. The dog must be hungry. Molta gente lo fa qui. A lot of people do that here. A lot of people do it here. ¿Por qué Tom falta? Why is Tom absent? Why is Tom missing? Ajudem-me! Help me. Help me! Help me! Puedo leer desde que cumplí seis años. I've been able to read since I was six years old. I have been able to read since I was six years old. I miei figli sono tutti mascalzoni. My children are all scoundrels. My kids are all rascals. Me quedé en casa porque estaba lloviendo. I stayed indoors because it rained. I stayed home because it was raining. Il ne va pas manger tout le gâteau, n'est-ce pas ? He's not going to eat the whole cake, is he? He's not going to eat all the cake, is he? De Los Angeles a Londres, Pequim a Berlim, há países que estão a assistir a uma escassez na oferta raramente registada fora de época de guerra. From Los Angeles to London, Beijing to Berlin, countries are seeing a supply crunch rarely experienced outside wartime. From Los Angeles to London, Beijing to Berlin, there are countries that are witnessing a shortage in supply rarely recorded outside of wartime. Faça o que tem de fazer. Do what you have to do. Do what you have to do. He comenzado a ocultar mis llamadas. I've started screening my calls. I've started hiding my calls. D'autres ont pleuré. Others cried. Others cried. O gás produzido consiste portanto em monóxido de carbono, hidrogénio, azoto, e uma pequena proporção de hidrocarbonetos e gás de ácido carbónico. The gas produced consists therefore of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a small proportion of hydrocarbons and carbonic acid gas. The gas thus produced consists of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a small proportion of hydrocarbons and carbonic acid gas. Je dois vérifier votre pression sanguine. I need to check you blood pressure. I need to check your blood pressure. Non ci siamo accorti di nulla. We didn't notice anything. We didn't notice anything. Essa é a parte de que eu mais gostei. That's the part I liked best. That's the part I liked the most. Tom sembra molto amichevole. Tom seems very friendly. Tom seems very friendly. La società non è d'accordo con questa legge. Society does not agree with this law. The company does not agree with this law. On ne nous a pas fait attendre très longtemps. We weren't kept waiting very long. We weren't made to wait very long. No le gusta correr. He doesn't like running. He doesn't like to run. ¿Cuándo vas a hacer que te corten el pelo? When will you make them cut your hair? When are you going to get your hair cut? Tom ha fatto questo molto velocemente. Tom did this very fast. Tom did this very quickly. Io sono tua amica? Am I your friend? I'm your friend? Non la vedete? Don't you see her? Can't you see her? Voy a dejar de posponerlo todo, pero mañana. I'm going to stop putting everything off. Tomorrow. I'll stop postponing everything, but tomorrow. Talvez tenha sido imaginação minha, mas quando um senhor várias filas atrás de nós irrompeu com um ataque de tosse, o burburinho normal da conversa baixou para um murmúrio desconfortável. Perhaps it was my imagination, but when a man several rows to our rear erupted into a coughing fit, the normal buzz of conversation dipped to an uncomfortable murmur. Perhaps it was my imagination, but when a gentleman several lines behind us burst in with a coughing fit, the normal buzz of conversation descended to an uncomfortable murmur. Tom a dû le faire même s'il ne le voulait pas. Tom had to do it even though he didn't want to. Tom had to do it even if he didn't want to. Dacă aștepți până mâine, aș putea merge cu tine. If you wait until tomorrow, I could go with you. If you wait until tomorrow, I could go with you. Numele meu Cyril. Încântat de cunoștință! My name's Cyril; pleased to meet you! My name is Cyril. Nice to meet you! Chi ti ha mandato questi messaggi? Who sent you these messages? Who sent you these messages? Estive em tua casa. I've been to your house. I was at your house. Você deveria ir pessoalmente. You'd better go in person. You should go in person. Ne le laisse pas le toucher. Don't let him touch it. Don't let him touch it. Fico feliz em saber que ela é solteira. I'm glad to hear that she is unmarried. I'm glad to hear she's single. Après avoir travaillé toute la semaine, nous nous sommes bien reposés dimanche. After working all week, we took it easy on Sunday. After working all week, we rested well on Sunday. J'ai pris un taxi devant la gare. I got a taxi in front of the station. I took a taxi outside the station. Rima manque terriblement à Ziri. Ziri misses Rima terribly. Rima misses Ziri terribly. Eu aprovo o teu plano. I approve of your plan. I approve of your plan. Vòli vertadèrament pas parlar d'aquò. I really don't want to talk about this. I really don’t want to talk about that. Deja de procrastinar–a partir de mañana. Stop procrastinating–starting tomorrow. Stop procrastinating—start tomorrow. ¿Vamos al teatro? Shall we go to the theater? Are we going to the theater? Per lei, è gratis. For you, it's free. For her, it's free. Tom era piuttosto ubriaco. Tom was quite drunk. Tom was pretty drunk. Eres estudiante. You're a student. You're a student. Grazie a Dio che non sei stato ucciso. Thank God you weren't killed. Thank God you weren't killed. Para todos nós descerá a noite e chegará a diligência. For all of us, the night will descend and the stagecoach will arrive. For all of us, the night will descend and the stagecoach will arrive. No todos los libros son dignos de ser leídos. Not all books are worth reading. Not all books are worth reading. Con quale strada posso cominciare? Which street may I start with? Which way can I start? Sono stata impegnata a scrivere un racconto breve. I've been busy writing a short story. I was busy writing a short story. Es-tu prêt ? Are you ready? Are you ready? Je crois cet homme perdu. I believe this man is lost. I believe this man is lost. Tom e Mary sono ispettori. Tom and Mary are detectives. Tom and Mary are inspectors. Ziri e Rima conoscevano l'aeroporto. Ziri and Rima knew the airport. Ziri and Rima knew the airport. La table n'a pas d'âme. The table doesn't have a soul. The table has no soul. Questa è la borsa più costosa che abbia mai comprato. This is the most expensive bag I'd have ever bought. This is the most expensive bag I've ever bought. Has venido en un momento oportuno. You have come at an opportune time. You've come at an opportune time. Ferme la fenêtre pour éviter de t'enrhumer. Shut the window to prevent catching a cold. Close the window to avoid getting a cold. Mi ha chiesto della mia vita. He asked me about my own life. He asked me about my life. Mañana nos dirigiremos a Francia. Tomorrow we're heading to France. Tomorrow we will go to France. O policía pitou ó coche para que parase. The policeman whistled for the car to stop. The police asked the car to stop. Me voy a dormir aproximadamente a la medianoche. I go to sleep at about midnight. I'm going to sleep around midnight. Des choses absolument absurdes se produisent en ce monde. Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. Absolutely absurd things are happening in this world. O Tom parece estar pensativo. Tom looks like he's thinking. Tom seems to be thinking. Estás pensando na garota que viste ontem? Are you thinking of the girl that you saw yesterday? Are you thinking about the girl you saw yesterday? Recuerdo haber leído algo sobre un perro que se comió a su amo. I remember reading something about a dog that ate its master. I remember reading something about a dog that ate its master. Je veux savoir ce qui lui est arrivé. I want to know what happened to him. I want to know what happened to him. Tom non ha ancora appreso l'uso del vasino. Tom hasn't yet been potty trained. Tom hasn't learned potty training yet. Furtuna a făcut mult rău recoltei. The storm did a lot of harm to the crops. The storm did a lot of damage to the harvest. Y la historia cambió para siempre. And history was changed forever. And history changed forever. Todas las mujeres, y hombres, del planeta están atraídos por mí. I am attractive to every woman and man on the planet. All the women, and men, on the planet are attracted to me. Mon corps m'appartient. My body belongs to me. My body belongs to me. All'improvviso, tutto mi fu chiaro. Suddenly, everything was clear to me. Suddenly, everything became clear to me. Femeia bea ceaiul cu zahăr sau cu miere. The woman drinks the tea with sugar or with honey. The woman drinks tea with sugar or honey. Hay tres tazas y cuatro platos sobre la mesa. There are three cups and four plates on the table. There are three cups and four plates on the table. A água estava muito suja. The water is really dirty. The water was very dirty. Ellos no saben la fecha de su boda. They don't know the date of their wedding. They don't know the date of their wedding. Você vai à festa? Are you going to the party? Are you going to the party? Estupa lo deishudader. Turn off the alarm. Stupid to let it go. Vi uno. I saw one. I saw one. Hay un monstruo debajo de mi cama. There is a monster under my bed. There's a monster under my bed. Você trabalha duro. You work hard. You work hard. Tu commences vraiment à tester ma patience, Jérémie ! You're really starting to try my patience Jimmy! You're really starting to test my patience, Jeremy! El antisemitizmo es el sosializmo de bovos. Antisemitism is the socialism of fools. Antisemitism is the alienation of cattle. Io sono timido. I'm shy. I'm shy. Il me raccompagna chez moi en voiture. He gave me a ride home. He drove me home. Tom a causé tout un tas d'ennuis. Tom caused quite a lot of trouble. Tom caused a lot of trouble. Io sono così fiera di lui. I'm so proud of him. I'm so proud of him. Siempre pongo mis bolígrafos en el cajón. I always put my pens in the drawer. I always put my pens in the drawer. Tom è frustrato. Tom is frustrated. Tom is frustrated. Mon enfant est malade. My child is sick. My child is sick. Devemos aproveitar esta oportunidade. We must take this opportunity. We must seize this opportunity. Ela precisa de ajuda. She needs assistance. She needs help. Scrivere delle lettere d'amore non è facile. Writing love letters isn't easy. Writing love letters is not easy. Não consegui entrar na loja porque todas as portas estavam trancadas. I couldn't get into the store because all the doors were locked. I couldn't get into the store because all the doors were locked. ¿Por qué Tom os quiere muertos? Why would Tom want you dead? Why does Tom want you dead? La nourriture et la boisson sont aux animaux ce que la pluie et le soleil sont aux légumes. As food and drink is to animals, so are rain and sunshine to plants. Food and drink are to animals what rain and sun are to vegetables. Ziri ama parlare in berbero. Ziri loves to speak Berber. Ziri likes to speak in Berber. O jovem guerreiro não se reclinou à sombra do seu abrigo de bétula desfrutando do conforto da vida estival em plena floresta. The young warrior did not recline in the shadow of his birchen lodge enjoying the comforts of summer life in mid forest. The young warrior did not recline in the shade of his birch shelter enjoying the comfort of summer life in the middle of the forest. El hidróxido de sodio es usado para hacer jabón. Sodium hydroxide is used in making soaps. Sodium hydroxide is used to make soap. Mio padre pubblicava fumetti. My father published comics. My father used to publish comics. Nós não conseguimos fechar o negócio. We weren't able to close the deal. We can't close the deal. Esas son las reglas. Those are the rules. Those are the rules. Il mio termosifone non funziona. My heater isn't working. My radiator's not working. Nous voulons que ces criminels soient punis de manière exemplaire. We want these criminals to be exemplarily punished. We want these criminals to be punished in an exemplary manner. Eu preciso falar com você. I need to speak to you. I need to talk to you. Le manuel de fin de partie de Mark Dvoretsky est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs livres jamais publiés sur la fin de partie. Mark Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual is regarded as one of the best books ever published on the endgame. Mark Dvoretsky’s end-of-game manual is considered one of the best books ever published on end-of-game. Utilisez votre tête ! Use your head! Use your head! Il telefono suonò due volte. The phone rang twice. The phone rang twice. Priscilla, je suis heureux de vous rencontrer. Priscilla, I'm glad to meet you. Priscilla, I'm glad to meet you. ¿Quieres venir a mi apartamento a relajarnos? Do you want to come to my apartment and chill? Do you want to come to my apartment and relax? Sbucciate le patate. Peel the potatoes. Peel the potatoes. I bambini non lavorano. The children do not work. The kids don't work. ¿Mi padre no va a comer? Isn't my father going to eat? My dad's not going to eat? Essas coisas não devem ser comentadas de maneira nenhuma fora de casa. These things are by no means to be talked about outdoors. These things should not be discussed outside the home. Ne sors pas de la pièce en laissant la fenêtre ouverte. Don't leave the room with the window open. Do not leave the room by leaving the window open. Maria é sua irmã? Is Mary your sister? Is Maria your sister? Maria è all'aeroporto. Maria is at the airport. Maria is at the airport. Nos quitamos las camisetas. We took our shirts off. We took off our shirts. La ragazza non era là. That girl wasn't there. The girl wasn't there. Preferimos os copos de papel porque são mais leves. We prefer paper cups because they are lighter. We prefer paper cups because they are lighter. Tom a observat o schimbare la Mary. Tom noticed a change in Mary. Tom noticed a change in Mary. Signor Gorbatchev, abbatta questo muro! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Mr. Gorbachev, break down this wall! Ella pretende jugar tenis con su padre esta tarde. She intends to play tennis this afternoon with her father. She plans to play tennis with her father this afternoon. Ziri trouve l'islam, religion intéressante. Ziri finds Islam an interesting religion. Ziri finds Islam, an interesting religion. Si può giocare ora e studiare dopo? Can we play now and study afterward? Can you play now and study later? Ella portava un barret estrany. She had a strange hat on. She was wearing a strange hat. A inteligência artificial irá suplantar a inteligência humana? Will artificial intelligence supplant human intelligence? Will artificial intelligence supplant human intelligence? Voi abitate in una grande città? Do you live in a big city? Do you live in a big city? Tendrás que atenerte a las consecuencias si no retiras lo dicho inmediatamente. If you don't take back what you said immediately, you will have to accept the consequences. You’ll have to stick to the consequences if you don’t take it back immediately. Am împrumutat o masă. I've borrowed a table. I borrowed a table. Me he aburrido de estar todo el día sentado estudiando. I've gotten bored of sitting here all day studying. I've been bored of sitting all day studying. Con ella viví experiencias inolvidables. I went through unforgettable things with her. I had unforgettable experiences with her. Hay que aguantarse. You have to hold back. We have to put up with it. Tom guarda todas las cartas que su madre le manda. Tom keeps every letter his mother sends him. Tom keeps all the letters his mother sends him. Iniziò a piovere a catinelle. Così giocammo dentro. It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. It started raining like a catinelle, so we played inside. Ve y dile buenas noches a papi. Go tell Daddy goodnight. Go and say good night to Daddy. Yanni encontró un guijarro bajo su cama. Yanni found a pebble under his bed. Yanni found a pebble under her bed. È un cristiano. He's a Christian. He's a Christian. Amo tutti gli animali in generale. I love all animals in general. I love all animals in general. Me gusta mucho el olor de los libros. I really like how books smell. I love the smell of books. Ero davvero annoiato. I was really bored. I was really bored. Eu tento ser bom aluno, mas estou muito velho para aprender. I try to be a good student, but I'm too old to learn. I try to be a good student, but I'm too old to learn. Elle a vérifié. She's checked. She checked. Lei ha sentito la porta aprirsi? Did you hear the door open? Did you hear the door open? Le capitaine a secoué la tête. The captain shook his head. The captain shook his head. Tu es trop jeune pour comprendre ces choses-là. You're too young to understand such things. You're too young to understand these things. Abbiamo pagato un prezzo equo per essa. We paid a fair price for it. We paid a fair price for it. ¿Qué periódico coge ella? What paper does she take? What newspaper does she pick up? Mary, cette espiègle, vint coller son nom au début de cette phrase, pour ne pas en laisser le monopole à Tom, alors que ce n'était pas du tout nécessaire. Mary, this mischievous girl, came sticking her name at the beginning of this sentence, in order to not leave that monopoly to Tom, although it wasn't necessary at all. Mary, this mischievous, came to stick her name at the beginning of this sentence, so as not to leave the monopoly to Tom, when it was not at all necessary. Dacă nu te-aș vrea, nu aș fi aici acum. If I didn't want you, I wouldn't be here now. If I didn't want you, I wouldn't be here right now. Io l'ho seppellita. I buried it. I buried her. Veículo-com-veículo, ou V2V, é uma tecnologia de comunicação de curto alcance que permite aos veículos trocar informações vitais 10 vezes por segundo, sobre localização, velocidade, aceleração e travagem. Vehicle-to-vehicle, or V2V, is a short-range communication technology that enables vehicles to exchange vital information 10 times per second, about location, speed, acceleration and braking. Vehicle-to-vehicle, or V2V, is a short-range communication technology that allows vehicles to exchange vital information 10 times per second about location, speed, acceleration and braking. Vi vogliamo aiutare con quello. We want to help you with that. We want to help you with that. Je croyais que tu détestais l'ail. I thought you hated garlic. I thought you hated garlic. Io vedo gli ostacoli come sfide. I see obstacles as challenges. I see obstacles as challenges. Mi piace ascoltare le vecchie canzoni. I enjoy listening to old songs. I like to listen to old songs. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi, le vingt et un octobre. Today is Saturday, the twenty-first of October. Today is Saturday, October 21st. È sotto la doccia, temo. He's in the shower, I'm afraid. He's in the shower, I'm afraid. Il est intéressant de se faire des amis avec un étranger. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It’s good to make friends with a stranger. Je fus capable de finir le travail plus tôt que je l'avais prévu. I was able to finish the work earlier than I had expected. I was able to finish the job sooner than I had planned. Che ne pensa del Giappone? What do you think about Japan? What do you think of Japan? Dove pensi sia più facile trovare lavoro? Where do you think it's easier to find work? Where do you think it is easier to find a job? Sto cominciando a sentirmi piuttosto insicuro. I'm starting to feel pretty insecure. I'm starting to feel pretty insecure. Tom vende fungos psicodélicos. Tom sells psychedelic mushrooms. Tom sells psychedelic mushrooms. Bon maten! Good morning! Bon matin! La sua prima moglie è morta. His first wife died. His first wife is dead. Planeo ir a Europa la semana que viene. I'm planning to leave for Europe next week. I plan to go to Europe next week. Hola, soy yo, ¡Nancy! Hello, it's me, Nancy! Hey, it's me, Nancy! ¿A qué hora te bañas en la mañana? What time do you take a bath in the morning? What time do you bathe in the morning? C'est une personne vraiment sympathique. She's a really nice person. She's a really nice person. Dejé de intentar actuar profesionalmente hace mucho tiempo. I gave up trying to act professional a long time ago. I stopped trying to act professionally a long time ago. Accennò un sorriso tra le lacrime. He hinted a smile through his tears. She smiled through the tears. Me han dicho que estás buscando una niñera. I've been told you're looking for a babysitter. I'm told you're looking for a babysitter. Avez-vous déjà bénéficié d'un traitement contre la tuberculose ? Have you ever been treated for tuberculosis? Have you ever had treatment for tuberculosis? Tom tem vasto conhecimento sobre a Austrália. Tom is an authority on Australia. Tom has extensive knowledge about Australia. Graçie! Thank you! Thank you. ¿De qué color son tus deposiciones? What color are your bowel movements? What color are your stools? Tom largou o livro que estava lendo. Tom put down the book he was reading. Tom dropped the book he was reading. Están taladrando en nuestra casa. They are drilling in our house. They're drilling in our house. Acho que o Tom e a Mary teriam nos ajudado se eles estivessem lá. I think Tom and Mary would have helped us if they had been there. I think Tom and Mary would have helped us if they were there. ¿A qué hora llegas a casa? What time do you arrive home? What time do you get home? A Cláusula relativa à Nobreza na Constituição dos EUA (Artigo 1, Secção 9) destina-se a impedir que os titulares de cargos federais recebam qualquer tipo de compensação por parte de governos estrangeiros, para evitar uma influência corruptora. The Nobility Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) is intended to prevent federal officeholders from receiving any type of compensation from foreign governments to avoid a corrupting influence. The Nobility Clause in the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9) is intended to prevent federal office holders from receiving any type of compensation from foreign governments, to avoid corrupting influence. Il negozio è aperto? Is the store open? Is the shop open? Erno Rubik nasceu em Budapeste, na Hungria e foi o criador do Cubo de Rubik. Erno Rubik was born in Budapest, Hungary and was the creator of the Rubik's Cube. Erno Rubik was born in Budapest, Hungary and was the creator of the Rubik’s Cube. Nadie puede servir a dos señores. Ya sea porque odiarás a uno y amarás al otro, o te consagrarás a uno y despreciarás al otro. No se puede servir a ambos, a Dios y al dinero. No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will consecrate yourself to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Tu tens sempre uma desculpa. You've always got an excuse. You always have an excuse. No deberías juzgar a la gente por su aspecto. You shouldn't judge people by their appearance. You shouldn’t judge people by their looks. É sábado. It is Saturday. It's Saturday. Fevereiro não tem trinta dias. February does not have thirty days. February doesn’t have 30 days. Penso che Tom sia nel suo giardino. I think Tom is in his garden. I think Tom's in his backyard. La bambina ha seguito il coniglio bianco. The little girl followed the white rabbit. The little girl followed the white rabbit. Aconteceu há muito tempo. It happened a long time ago. It happened a long time ago. Les chauffeurs de bus sont en grève. Bus drivers are on strike. The bus drivers are on strike. Tom si presentò tardi per la lezione. Tom showed up late for class. Tom showed up late for class. Hay que dejar hueco para los polvorones. We have to save space for the shortbread cookies. We have to make room for the dust. Avete catturato delle mosche. You caught flies. You've caught flies. Ebbene, la mia matrigna non è né crudele né amabile. Ma non potrà mai prendere il posto di mia madre. Well, my stepmother is neither cruel nor lovable. But she can never take the place of my mother. Well, my stepmother is neither cruel nor lovable, but she can never take my mother's place. Tom está ao telefone de novo. Tom is on the phone again. Tom's on the phone again. Donne-moi un biscuit. Give me a cookie. Give me a cookie. Espero no morirme en la soledad. I hope not to die alone. I hope I don't die in solitude. L'uccello vola verso la casa. The bird flies towards the house. The bird flies towards the house. La sua famiglia vive nel mio stesso quartiere. His family lives in the same neighbourhood as mine. His family lives in my neighborhood. Je n'ai pas le temps d'expliquer maintenant. I don't have the time to explain now. I don't have time to explain now. Sia Tom che Mary stavano piangendo. Tom and Mary were both crying. Both Tom and Mary were crying. Sunt cinci membri în club. There are five members in the club. There are five members in the club. Sono stata qua. I've been here. I've been here. J'ai vu ce film plusieurs fois. I've seen this film several times. I have seen this movie several times. Deem-me essa bola de futebol. Give me that soccer ball. Give me that football. J'ai presque fini. Donne-moi juste une minute. I'm almost done. Just give me a minute. I'm almost done, just give me a minute. I suoi vestiti sono consumati. His clothes are worn out. His clothes are worn out. Tú eres holandesa, ¿verdad? You're Dutch, right? You're Dutch, aren't you? Sami no romperá a llorar. Sami won't start crying. Sami won't break down crying. No puedo ver sin gafas. I can't see without glasses. I can't see without glasses. Le vin rouge coûte trente pièces. The red wine costs thirty coins. Red wine costs thirty pieces. Sunt Melanie. I'm Melanie. I'm Melanie. La TV sta ancora funzionando. The TV is still working. The TV's still working. Os gritos são tremores harmónicos e os investigadores da Universidade de Washington acreditam que eles são produzidos quando o magma é forçado através de uma chaminé estreita a uma pressão cada vez maior para o interior do coração do vulcão. The screams are harmonic tremors, and researchers at the University of Washington believe they are caused when magma is forced through a narrow conduit at greater and greater pressure into the heart of the volcano. The screams are harmonic tremors and researchers at the University of Washington believe they are produced when magma is forced through a narrow chimney at an ever-increasing pressure into the volcano’s heart. ¿Me vas a preguntar o qué? Are you going to ask me or what? Are you gonna ask me or what? Va tornar a casa tres hores més tard. He came home three hours later. He returned home three hours later. Não há mais lugares. There are no more seats left. There are no more places. Eu não vou deixá-lo dirigir. I won't let you drive. I'm not gonna let him drive. Pranzò al ristorante di Linda. She ate lunch at Linda’s restaurant. He had lunch at Linda's restaurant. Tom vive di fianco a una chiesa. Tom lives next to a church. Tom lives next door to a church. Tatoeba, ça craint. Tatoeba sucks. Tatoeba, it sucks. Ad Allen fu dato un problema impossibile da risolvere. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Las palabras "varón" y "barón" son homófonas. The Spanish words "varón", meaning male, and "barón", meaning baron, are homophones. The words "male" and "baron" are homophones. Não adianta explicar para mim. No use explaining to me. It's no use explaining it to me. L'entreprise ne se remettra jamais de ce dernier cafouillage. The company will never recover after that last bungle. The company will never recover from this latest scam. Los cursos intensivos son siempre los más agotadores. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Intensive courses are always the most exhausting. Lave-toi les pieds. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Me gusta mezclar la leche chocolateada con leche normal para desendulzarla. I like to mix chocolate milk with regular milk in order to make it less sweet. I like to mix chocolate milk with normal milk to soften it. Tom parle non seulement le français, mais aussi l'allemand, car il est alsacien. Tom speaks not only French, but also German, because he's Alsatian. Tom speaks not only French, but also German, because he is Alsatian. Me he quedado sin pila. My battery ran out. I've run out of battery. Je peux vérifier votre température ? Can I check your temperature? Can I check your temperature? Não são muito numerosas as partidas que terminam com xeque-mate. O que acontece mais frequentemente é o abandono, o reconhecimento explícito da derrota, quando o jogador em desvantagem se convence de que já não lhe resta salvação possível. There are not many games that end with checkmate. What happens most often is abandonment, the explicit recognition of defeat, when the disadvantaged player is convinced that he can no longer afford salvation. There are not many games that end with checkmate. What happens most often is abandonment, the explicit recognition of defeat, when the player at a disadvantage is convinced that there is no longer salvation possible. Je vous viole. I rape you. I'm raping you. Mike vient souper ce soir. Mike is coming to dinner this evening. Mike's coming over for dinner tonight. Ti invierò un'email. I'll send you an email. I'll send you an email. Comment cela pourrait-il ne pas avoir d'importance ? How could it not matter? How could it not matter? ¿Los gatos comen murciélagos, o los murciélagos comen gatos? Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats? Do cats eat bats, or do bats eat cats? Les jours anciens ne reviendront jamais. The old days have gone never to return. The old days will never come back. Nu sunt obişnuit să mă scol atât de devreme. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early. I'm not used to getting up so early. Tehnic, ai dreptate. Totuși, trebuie să iei în considerare și circumstanțele neobișnuite care există aici. Technically, you're right. However, you must also consider the unusual circumstances that pertain here. Technically, you are right. However, you must also take into account the unusual circumstances that exist here. Mia mamma ha tre cani. My mum has three dogs. My mom has three dogs. Os líderes da OTAN reúnem-se em Bruxelas numa altura em que a pressão está a aumentar para o Ocidente tomar medidas militares mais fortes de apoio à Ucrânia. NATO leaders meet in Brussels as pressure mounts for the West to take stronger military action in support of Ukraine. NATO leaders are meeting in Brussels at a time when pressure is mounting for the West to take stronger military measures in support of Ukraine. El Manual del final del juego, de Mark Dvoretsky, está considerado como uno de los mejores libros jamás publicados sobre el final del juego en ajedrez. Mark Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual is regarded as one of the best books ever published on the endgame. Mark Dvoretsky’s Endgame Handbook is considered to be one of the best books ever published about the endgame in chess. È la tua vicina? Is that your neighbor? Is that your neighbor? Abre os ollos. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Estoy aquí para probar que estás equivocada. I'm here to prove you wrong. I'm here to prove you wrong. Nací a una edad muy temprana. I was born at a very young age. I was born at a very early age. Aceeași discuție se repetă. The same argument is playing out again. The same discussion is repeated. Qui è dove siete cresciuti? Is this where you grew up? Is this where you grew up? No domandâ a mi; son un gatto. Don't ask me; I'm a cat. I'm not a cat, I'm a cat. Zahărul este dulce, untul este gras. Sugar is sweet, butter is fat. Sugar is sweet, butter is fat. Tom are iepuri. Tom has rabbits. Tom has rabbits. Il a fait très froid pendant notre nuit dans le désert. It was very cold during our night in the desert. It was very cold during our night in the desert. Preferisco Boston. I like Boston better. I prefer Boston. Je ne peux pas danser, un verre à la main. I can't dance holding a drink. I can't dance with a drink in my hand. A mesa não está limpa. The table's not clean. The table's not clean. O dia do aniversário de dois filhos meus é 19 de fevereiro. The birthday of two of my children is February 19th. The birthday of my two sons is February 19th. Ni se te ocurra pedirme que te deje salir con mi hija. Don't even think of asking me to let you date my daughter. Don't even think about asking me to let you go out with my daughter. Stavano urlando. They were screaming. They were screaming. Il lungo viaggio aggravò il suo infortunio. The long trip aggravated her injury. The long journey aggravated his injury. Hay una vista preciosa desde aquí. There's a beautiful view from here. There is a beautiful view from here. Es un tema del cual se suele hablar poco. It's a topic that isn't often discussed. This is a subject that is rarely talked about. Vete a casa. Go on home. Go home. Go home. O que mais temos de fazer? What else do we have to do? What else do we have to do? O xadrez é uma luta entre dois exércitos: um de uniforme branco e outro de uniforme preto. Chess is a fight between two armies: one in white uniform and the other in black uniform. Chess is a fight between two armies: one in a white uniform and the other in a black uniform. Muy extraño. Very strange. It's very strange. De chacun selon ses facultés, à chacun selon ses besoins. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. From each according to his faculties, to each according to his needs. Ahora entren. Now get in. Now get in. La moto ne démarre pas. The motorbike won't start. The bike doesn't start. ¿Quieres decir que nunca has visto un panda? Do you mean that you've never seen a panda? You mean you've never seen a panda? Tom ha mostrato le sue credenziali. Tom showed his credentials. Tom showed his credentials. Eu aprendi Inglês sem estudar sequer uma linha de gramatica. I learned english without studying a single line of grammar I learned English without studying a single line of grammar. Sei a scuola. You are at school. You're in school. Non sono ancora tornati. They haven't come back yet. They're not back yet. Mi afferrò per i polsi. He grabbed me by my wrists. He grabbed me by the wrists. As-tu déjà été diagnostiquée avec une hépatite ? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? Have you ever been diagnosed with hepatitis? A loja estava lotada de jovens. The shop was crowded with young people. The store was full of young people. Vaquí la polícia, benlèu caleré que'ns sortèssem deu lor camin. It's the police, perhaps we should get out of their way. I went to the police and told them to get out of the way. Non abbatta questi alberi. Don't cut down these trees. Don't cut down these trees. Tu vivi in una grande città? Do you live in a big city? Do you live in a big city? Il bullismo è ancora un problema nella nostra società. Bullying is still a problem in our society. Bullying is still a problem in our society. Io devo lottare. I have to fight. I have to fight. La douleur te réveille-t-elle la nuit ? Does the pain wake you up at night? Does the pain wake you up at night? Quando é que seu irmão se casa? When is your brother getting married? When does your brother get married? Tivemos que abandonar o carro. We had to abandon the car. We had to abandon the car. Tom no vio a Mary en el autobús. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. Tom didn't see Mary on the bus. În timp ce aștepta, Tom a citit o carte de benzi desenate. While Tom waited, he read a comic book. While waiting, Tom read a comic book. Existe uma possibilidade. There is a possibility. There is a possibility. Toma tu pastilla. Take your pill. Take your pill. En gâtant son enfant, Stella s'est donné des verges pour se faire battre dans les années à venir. In spoiling her child, Stella made a rod for her own back in the years that were to follow. By spoiling her child, Stella has given herself yards to get beaten in the years to come. La donna che parla è alta. The woman who is speaking is tall. The woman speaking is tall. Il problema era dalla mia parte. The problem was on my end. The problem was on my side. Știai că botanica este studiul plantelor? Did you know that botany is the study of plants? Did you know that botany is the study of plants? Sono ortodossa. I am Orthodox. I'm Orthodox. Tom est un parasite vivant aux dépens des autres, qui gagnent de l'argent durement. Tom is a parasite who lives at the expense of others who earn money through hard work. Tom is a parasite living at the expense of others, who earn hard money. Oficiais da Fação Movimento Democrático do Sudão do Sul/Cobra, anteriormente liderada por David Yau Yau, juraram entrar novamente em guerra com o governo do Presidente Salva Kiir porque este alegadamente não cumpriu a sua parte de um acordo de paz assinado em 2014. Officials of the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Cobra Faction, formerly led by David Yau Yau, have vowed to wage war again against the government of President Salva Kiir because it allegedly has not lived up to its side of a peace agreement signed in 2014. Officers of the South Sudan/Cobra Democratic Movement Faction, previously led by David Yau Yau, have vowed to go to war again with President Salva Kiir’s government because it allegedly failed to fulfill its part of a peace deal signed in 2014. C'è ancora molto che non capisce. There's still a lot you don't understand. There's still a lot he doesn't understand. Tu l'as achetée pour Tom, n'est-ce pas ? You bought it for Tom, didn't you? You bought it for Tom, didn't you? Non gli avete chiesto niente. You didn't ask him anything. You didn't ask him for anything. Vou ser franco. Eu não gosto nem um pouco de você. To be honest, I don't like you at all. I don't like you at all. Me gusta la cocina griega. I like Greek cuisine. I like Greek cuisine. Nous naissons, nous vivons, et puis vient la fin. We are born, we live, and then comes the end. We are born, we live, and then comes the end. Am întâlnit-o pe Mihaela la stația de metrou. I met Mihaela at the subway station. I met Mihaela at the metro station. ¿Cuáles fueron sus últimas palabras? What were her final words? What were his last words? Pourquoi tes vêtements sont si sales ? Why are your clothes so dirty? Why are your clothes so dirty? Sembra così finta. She looks so fake. It looks so fake. Tom cerró sus ojos. Tom closed his eyes. Tom closed his eyes. È stata una storia davvero tragica. It was a really tragic story. It was a really tragic story. É um jogador cauteloso. He is a careful player. He's a cautious player. Nessuna distinzione sarà inoltre stabilita sulla base dello statuto politico, giuridico o internazionale del paese o del territorio cui una persona appartiene, sia che tale territorio sia indipendente, o sottoposto ad amministrazione fiduciaria o non autonomo, o soggetto a qualsiasi altra limitazione di sovranità. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. No distinction shall also be made on the basis of the political, legal or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether that territory is independent, or subject to trusteeship or non-autonomous administration, or subject to any other limitation of sovereignty. Vaig veure l'home atropellat per un cotxe. I saw the man knocked down by a car. I saw the man hit by a car. Che cosa stiamo cucinando? What are we cooking? What are we cooking? Nous recherchons un développeur C++ expérimenté près d'Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ programmer near Amsterdam. We are looking for an experienced C++ developer near Amsterdam. Je ne suis pas allemande. I'm not German. I'm not German. Miles sonríe. Miles smiles. Miles smiled. Ele casou com a Ann. He married Ann. He married Ann. Noel no es una fiesta sekular. Christmas isn't a secular holiday. Noel is not a sekular party. O que você faz depois da escola? What do you do after school? What do you do after school? A bactéria que causa tuberculose pode permanecer «adormecida» durante anos antes de se aproveitar de um sistema imunitário enfraquecido para «acordar» e se espalhar. The bacterium that causes tuberculosis can lie dormant for years before taking advantage of a weakened immune system to 'wake up' and spread. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis can remain “asleep” for years before taking advantage of a weakened immune system to “wake up” and spread. Eu preciso que você traduza este documento para o russo. I need you to translate this document into Russian. I need you to translate this document into Russian. Pourquoi ai-je fait cela ? What did I do that for? Why did I do that? Tout le monde est là, maintenant. Everyone is here now. Everyone's here now. J'ai un ami qui m'attend dans le hall. I have a friend waiting for me in the lobby. I have a friend waiting for me in the lobby. Tom traduziu para o Grego Moderno sete por cento de suas frases em Inglês. Tom has translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Tom translated into Modern Greek seven percent of his sentences into English. Tenho lutado de peito aberto. I have fought with my whole heart. I've been fighting with my chest open. Io stavo bevendo del latte. I was drinking milk. I was drinking milk. Aurul este mai dens decât fierul. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is denser than iron. Le roumain ressemble moins au portugais, à l'espagnol, à l'italien et au français que je ne le pensais. Romanian is less similar to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and French than I thought. Romanian is less like Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French than I thought. Rima ha vomitato sull'autobus. Rima vomited on the bus. Rima threw up on the bus. Esto funciona. This works. This works. Pode me ajudar a levar estas malas para o carro? Can you help me carry these suitcases to the car? Can you help me get these bags to the car? Não traga comida para o laboratório. Don't bring any food inside the laboratory. Don't bring food to the lab. Los domingos nunca estoy en casa. I am never at home on Sundays. I'm never home on Sundays. Aggiungi del sale prima di friggere l'uovo. Add salt before you fry the egg. Add salt before frying the egg. Vada là da solo. Go there alone. I'm going there alone. Feliç Pasqua! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Eu posso lhe ensinar a cozinhar. I can teach you how to cook. I can teach you how to cook. Tu ar trebui să fii soțul fiicei mele. You shall be my daughter's husband. You're supposed to be my daughter's husband. Tout en haïssant l'usage de la force, nous reconnaissons la nécessité de la loi et l'ordre. While we hate force, we recognize the need for law and order. While hating the use of force, we recognize the necessity of law and order. Oamenii din Brazilia erau mândri de el. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people of Brazil were proud of him. Mi hermana empezó a llorar. My sister started crying. My sister started to cry. El barco sale a las siete. The ship leaves at seven o'clock. The boat leaves at seven. Sei bellissima, anche con i capelli arruffati. You look beautiful, even with ruffled hair. You look beautiful, even with ruffled hair. Nós estamos gastando muito tempo escrevendo cartas à mão. We're eating up a lot of time writing letters by hand. We're spending a lot of time writing letters by hand. ¿Creéis que algunos de nosotros viviremos en Marte en cien años? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in 100 years? Do you think some of us will live on Mars in a hundred years? ¿Qué bandera es blanca, roja y azul? Which flag is white, red, and blue? What flag is white, red and blue? Reste bizarre. Stay weird. Stay weird. Tu perro siempre me ladra a mí. Your dog always barks at me. Your dog always barks at me. Parlez à mon médecin. Speak with my doctor. Talk to my doctor. Separa le pietre del tuo avversario. Separate your opponent's stones. Separate your opponent's stones. Estou te incluindo. I'm including you. I'm including you. Não parece que o Tom terminou. Tom didn't seem to be done. It doesn't look like Tom's finished. Dimmi qualcosa di bello per tirarmi su di morale. Tell me something nice to cheer me up. Tell me something nice to cheer me up. Quem enterrou as barras de ouro aqui? Who buried the gold bars here? Who buried the gold bars here? Pentru a fi perfectă îi lipsea doar un defect. To be perfect she lacked just one defect. To be perfect, there was only one flaw missing. Obrigado pelo jantar delicioso. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Thank you for the delicious dinner. Nochebuena es el 24 de diciembre, el día anterior a Navidad. Christmas Eve is December 24th, the day before Christmas. Christmas Eve is on December 24, the day before Christmas. Finalment vaig veure l'oceà després de sortir al balcó. He de dir que aquesta habitació té vistes a l'oceà? I finally saw the ocean after getting out on the balcony. Should I say that this room has an ocean view? I finally saw the ocean after going out to the balcony. Do I have to say that this room has ocean views? Varias zonas de la epidermis de la cara presentan una peculiar decoloración amarillenta. Several areas of the epidermis of the face show a peculiar yellowish discoloration. Several areas of the epidermis of the face have a peculiar yellowish discoloration. Alguém pode ficar com raiva sem se perturbar? Can anybody be angry without excitement? Can anyone get angry without getting upset? Ha sido un placer conocerle, señor. It was nice to meet you, sir. It's been a pleasure to meet you, sir. À première vue, ce n'est pas une mauvaise idée. At first glance this is not a bad idea. At first glance, this is not a bad idea. Tom comió en un restaurante nuevo el otro día, pero no recuerda el nombre del restaurante. Tom ate at a new restaurant the other day, but he doesn't remember the restaurant's name. Tom ate at a new restaurant the other day, but doesn’t remember the name of the restaurant. Se o tempo o permite, visitarei o museo. If time permits, I'll visit the museum. If time permits, I will visit the museum. A parte l'uomo, tutti gli animali sanno che lo scopo principale della vita è godersela. All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it. Aside from man, all animals know that the main purpose of life is to enjoy it. Óculos de realidade virtual que utilizam o telemóvel e luvas que captam os movimentos, permitindo aos trabalhadores analisar o inventário enquanto a gerência monitoriza a produção, foram apenas algumas das novas engenhocas em exibição numa conferência para desenvolvedores tecnológicos patrocinada pela Intel esta semana em São Francisco. A virtual reality viewer that works with a smartphone and motion-tracking gloves that let workers scan inventory while management monitors production were just a couple of the new gadgets on display at a tech developers conference sponsored by Intel this week in San Francisco. Virtual reality glasses that use the phone and gloves that capture the movements, allowing workers to analyze inventory while management monitors production, were just some of the new gadgets on display at an Intel-sponsored tech developer conference this week in San Francisco. Fiez-vous juste à moi ! Just trust me. Just trust me! La vida no es fácil para las madres trabajadoras. Life is not easy for working mothers. Life is not easy for working mothers. Lasciala qua! Leave it here! Leave her here! Si un homme avait onze moutons et que tous sauf neuf mourraient, combien de moutons lui resterait-il ? If a man had 11 sheep and all but 9 died, how many sheep would he have left? If a man had eleven sheep and all but nine died, how many sheep would he have left? Digitò il nome della via nel GPS dell'auto. He typed the street name into the car's GPS. He typed the street name into the car's GPS. Nous n'avons pas vu trace de lui depuis qu'il s'est enfui avec sa petite amie. We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he eloped with his girlfriend. We haven't seen a trace of him since he ran off with his girlfriend. Fata din imagine poartă o coroană nu din aur, ci din flori. The girl in the picture is wearing a crown not of gold but of flowers. The girl in the picture wears a crown not of gold, but of flowers. Lui Tom nu-i place să fie deranjat. Tom doesn't like to be disturbed. Tom doesn't like to be disturbed. Ce fut la meilleure chose qui m'est jamais arrivée. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. Ce vrei să spui? What do you mean? What are you talking about? Un computer non pensa, nel senso stretto del termine, ma sembra pensare, rispetto alle operazioni di natura logico-matematica dell'intelligenza. A computer does not think, in the strict sense of the word, but appears to think, with regard to the operations of a logical-mathematical nature of intelligence. A computer does not think, in the strict sense of the term, but seems to think, with respect to operations of a logical-mathematical nature of intelligence. Puisque les Noirs ont l'avantage de faire le premier pas, les Blancs commencent généralement la partie avec quelques points supplémentaires, komi, en général 6,5 dans le système de règles japonais et 7,5 dans le système chinois. Since Black has the advantage of making the first move, White usually starts the game with some additional points, komi, generally 6.5 in the Japanese system of rules and 7.5 in the Chinese. Since blacks have the advantage of making the first move, whites usually start the game with a few extra points, komi, usually 6.5 in the Japanese rule system and 7.5 in the Chinese system. Gli hai detto che stavi scherzando? Did you tell him you were joking? You told him you were kidding? Tom non è quasi mai in ritardo per gli appuntamenti. Tom is almost never late for appointments. Tom is almost never late for appointments. La terre est brune. Les nuages ​​sont gris. Les pneus sont noirs. The earth is brown. The clouds are gray. The tires are black. The earth is brown. The clouds are gray. The tires are black. I materialisti spiegano l'origine dell'universo e della vita attribuendo tutto all'esplosione enigmatica di un'incredibile singolarità. Materialists explain the origin of the universe and life by attributing everything to the enigmatic explosion of an unbelievable singularity. Materialists explain the origin of the universe and life by attributing everything to the enigmatic explosion of an incredible singularity. Tom écrit son autobiographie. Tom is writing his autobiography. Tom writes his autobiography. O peso da pasta é importante porque você paga o dobro se ela tiver mais de dez quilos. The weight of the bag is important because you pay twice as much if it is over ten kilos. The weight of the paste is important because you pay double if it has more than ten kilos. Me desafió a un duelo y le derroté. He challenged me to a duel and I defeated him. He challenged me to a duel and I defeated him. Não consigo encontrar a minha chave. I can't find my key. I can't find my key. Chiudi a chiave tutte le porte. Lock all the doors. Lock all doors. Senta-te e fica quieto, pelo amor de Deus. Sit down and be quiet, for God's sake. Sit down and be quiet, for God's sake. Dovresti andare a trovare Tom. You should visit Tom. You should go see Tom. A Tom le interesa todo. Tom is interested in everything. Tom's interested in everything. Isto não pode ser chamado um sucesso que deixa a parte mais difícil da tarefa por cumprir, nem pode ser sensato permitir que as dificuldades aumentem e se acumulem, se estas puderem ser dominadas em pormenor à medida que se apresentam. That cannot be called a success which leaves the most difficult part of the task unaccomplished, nor can it be wise to allow difficulties to amass and accumulate, if they can be mastered in detail as they present themselves. This cannot be called a success that leaves the most difficult part of the task unfulfilled, nor can it be sensible to allow difficulties to increase and accumulate, if they can be mastered in detail as they arise. Por que estás a chorar? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? ¿Sabes como vas a entretener a Tom? Do you know how you're going to stall Tom? Do you know how you're going to entertain Tom? O ensaio é hoje. The rehearsal is today. The rehearsal is today. Precisamos nos esconder. We need to hide. We need to hide. Você estava tão feliz. You were so happy. You were so happy. Tom sembra stupefatto. Tom seems dazed. Tom looks amazed. Tom tentou se matar. Tom tried to kill himself. Tom tried to kill himself. O Quénia vai embarcar num programa-piloto para reformar o seu sistema educativo. Kenya is embarking on a pilot program to overhaul its education system. Kenya is embarking on a pilot programme to reform its education system. C'est honteux. This is shameful. Shame on you. Dimmi, quante volte vieni a Roma? Tell me, how often do you come to Rome? Tell me, how many times do you come to Rome? A respirat adânc. He breathed deeply. He took a deep breath. Eu posso começar a comer agora? May I start eating now? Can I start eating now? Os que são a favor podem dizer sim. Those in favor may say aye. Those who are in favor can say yes. Nous avons mangé tout le riz mais laissé les haricots. We ate all the rice but left the beans. We ate all the rice but left the beans. Camera este luminată de o singură veioză. The room is lit by a single lamp. The room is lit by a single lamp. C'est la vie ! C'est la vie! That's life! Eu tenho uma dúzia de relatórios para ler. I have a dozen reports to read. I have a dozen reports to read. Vous n'êtes pratiquement jamais chez vous. You're hardly ever home. You're almost never home. Dica loro che non è colpa loro. Tell them it's not their fault. Tell them it's not their fault. Ella nos dijo que no diéramos un ruido. She told us not to make a noise. She told us not to make a noise. Ehi, non vada là. Hey, don't go there. Hey, don't go there. Le train était à l'heure. The train was on time. The train was on time. El examen fue fácil. The exam was easy. The exam was easy. Si no entiendes, haz una pregunta. If you don't understand, ask a question. If you don't understand, ask a question. Qui est le roi ? Who is the king? Who's the king? Rien n'est impossible aux dieux. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible for the gods. ¿Esto se ve bien? Does this look good? Does this look good? La foresta diventava sempre più piccola, ma gli alberi hanno scelto ancora e ancora l'ascia, perché era saggia e riusciva a persuadere gli alberi che era una di loro grazie al suo manico di legno. The forest grew smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them due to its wooden handle. The forest was getting smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them thanks to its wooden handle. Pon la CNN. Put CNN on. Put CNN on. La mia mente ha iniziato a correre. My mind started racing. My mind started to run. Necesitamos algunas ideas sobre cómo solucionar este problema. We need to come up with some ideas on how to solve this problem. We need some ideas on how to solve this problem. Recibí un regalo de despedida de parte de todos. I got a farewell present from everyone. I received a parting gift from everyone. Um sorvete de morango, por favor. A strawberry ice cream, please. Strawberry ice cream, please. El cole empieza a las nueve y termina a las seis. School begins at nine and is over at six. School starts at nine and ends at six. Estávamos esperando por você. We've been expecting you. We've been waiting for you. Van passar al tema a l'instant. They fell into the conversation immediately. They got to the topic right away. Mi esposa quería adoptar un niño. My wife wanted to adopt a child. My wife wanted to adopt a child. No viven aquí. They don't live here. They don't live here. Que jogam lo dimenge. We play on Sunday. They play it big. Si mise al riparo dalla grandinata. He took shelter from the hailstorm. He took shelter from the hail. ¿Qué botella de vino deberíamos beber primero? Which bottle of wine should we drink first? Which bottle of wine should we drink first? Il prit un miroir et examina sa langue. He picked up a mirror and looked at his tongue. He took a mirror and examined his tongue. ¿Cómo se llamaba? What was their name? What was his name? En los jardines zoológicos de Marte, hay animales de la Tierra. In the zoos on Mars, there are animals from Earth. In the zoological gardens of Mars, there are animals from Earth. Ma montre n'est pas aussi chère que la tienne. My watch isn't as expensive as yours. My watch is not as expensive as yours. Este comentário não era necessário. This comment was not necessary. This comment was not necessary. Fă-te comodă. Get comfortable. Make yourself comfortable. L'app non funzionerà se non è connesso a Internet. The app won't work if you're not connected to the Internet. The app will not work if it is not connected to the Internet. O menino gravou o seu nome na árvore. The boy carved his name into the tree. The boy engraved his name on the tree. Tom está em Boston com a Mary. Tom is in Boston with Mary. Tom's in Boston with Mary. A equipa conseguiu então encontrar os primeiros indícios de um antepassado anfíbio comum dos manatins, damões e elefantes modernos que viveu há 65 milhões de anos em águas africanas pouco profundas. The team then was able to find the first evidence of a common amphibious forefather of modern sea cows, hyraxes and elephants that lived 65 million years ago in shallow African waters. The team was then able to find the first evidence of a common amphibious ancestor of modern manatees, damsels and elephants that lived 65 million years ago in shallow African waters. Nomás quiero saber qué piensas. I just want to know what you think. I just want to know what you think. Puoi iniziare a imparare a vincere imparando a pareggiare. You can start learning to win by learning to draw. You can start learning how to win by learning how to even. So che non mi amano. I know they don't love me. I know they don't love me. Un'automobile ha quattro ruote. An automobile has four wheels. A car has four wheels. J'accepterai les suggestions. I'll accept suggestions. I'll take suggestions. Eu te aconselho a parar de fumar. I advise you to stop smoking. I advise you to stop smoking. Elles sont ridicules. They're ridiculous. They're ridiculous. Cosa ti tormenta? What torments you? What's bothering you? Non comportarti come se fossi dalla mia parte. Don't act like you're on my side. Don't act like you're on my side. Yo soy un robot. I am a robot. I'm a robot. Perché si sta nascondendo da lei? Why are you hiding from her? Why are you hiding from her? Quanto tempo geralmente leva para você ir em casa? How long does it usually take you to walk home? How long does it usually take for you to go home? Ho perso l'elenco. I lost the list. I lost the list. J'irai si je dois. I will go if I must. I'll go if I have to. Per favore, lasciami parlare. Please let me speak. Please, let me talk. Je ne pense pas que ça va te plaire. I don't think you'll like this. I don't think you're gonna like it. J’éjacule dans des chaussettes. I cum in socks. I ejaculate in socks. Il y a des déchets éparpillés partout dans la chambre. Mais c'est quand la dernière fois que tu l'as rangée ? There is trash strewn everywhere in the room. When on earth did you last clean it? There's trash all over the room, but when's the last time you put it away? Toute règle a ses exceptions. There is no rule without an exception. Every rule has its exceptions. Qui est le roi ? Who's the king? Who's the king? La scène est restée gravée dans ma mémoire. The scene was burned into my memory. The scene remained etched in my memory. Deja de abrir la puerta. Stop answering the door. Stop opening the door. El grifo está cerrado. The tap is off. The tap is closed. Dobbiamo comprare i giornali per sapere cosa sta succedendo. We have to buy newspapers to know what is happening. We have to buy newspapers to know what's going on. Penserai che, essendoci passata anche io, capisco bene quello che sta affrontando Tom. Non è così. You'd think that since I went through the same thing, I'd understand what Tom's going through. But I don't. You're gonna think that since I've been there, I understand what Tom's going through. Șeful său a fost foarte impresionat. His boss was quite impressed. His boss was very impressed. Non ero così affamato. I wasn't so hungry. I wasn't that hungry. Por que esse cachorro está rosnando para mim? Why is that dog snarling at me? Why is this dog growling at me? Boston es un buen lugar para vivir. Boston is a good place to live. Boston is a good place to live. Qual è il valore di quella casa? What is the value of that house? What is the value of that house? Mia mamma sarà fiera di me. My mom will be proud of me. My mom will be proud of me. Non ero sempre così, sapete. I wasn't always like this, you know. I wasn't always like that, you know. Ese es un hábito que desearía dejar. That's a habit that I wish I could break. This is a habit I would like to break. Quando você irá consertá-lo? When will you fix it? When are you going to fix it? Apareció humo. Smoke appeared. Smoke appeared. Tom țipa și răcnea. Tom was screaming and yelling. Tom screamed and screamed. Il cibo è decente. The food is decent. The food is decent. Ho bisogno di una donna nella mia vita. I need a woman in my life. I need a woman in my life. Las apariencias engañan. Appearances are deceiving. Appearances are misleading. J’ai la leucémie. I have leukemia. I have leukemia. Perché ha aperto la finestra? Fa freddo. Why did you open the window? It's cold. Why did you open the window? Minha mãe teve sete filhos e quatro filhas. Tinha cinco irmãs. My mother had seven sons and four daughters. She had five sisters. My mother had seven sons and four daughters. She had five sisters. Escreva um breve texto sobre você. Write a short text about yourself. Write a short text about yourself. Se riesci, apri quella finestra. If you can, open that window. If you can, open that window. ¿Quieres ganar mucho dinero? Do you want to earn a lot of money? Do you want to make a lot of money? Várias vezes por semana, os estudantes exercitam a sua habilidade caligráfica, apertando os seus lápis e canetas enquanto praticam o desenho de laços e curvas elegantes. Several times a week, students work on their handwriting skills, clutching their pencils and pens as they practice forming neat loops and curls. Several times a week, students exercise their calligraphic skill, squeezing their pencils and pens while practicing the drawing of elegant bows and curves. Não estou na prisão. I'm not in prison. I'm not in prison. Podul Porțile de Aur este din fier. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. Vamos nos casar o mais rápido possível. Let's get married as soon as possible. Let's get married as soon as possible. I nostri amici speravano che li avremmo aiutati. Our friends hoped that we would help them. Our friends hoped that we would help them. Él defendió a su amigo de todas las críticas. He defended his friend from all criticism. He defended his friend from all criticism. Elle a trois filles. She has three daughters. She has three daughters. Le singe danse pour de l'argent. The monkey dances for money. The monkey dances for money. N'èi pas tròp de dinèrs en aqueste moment. I'm short of cash at the moment. I don’t have any cash at the moment. Je ne sais pas manger avec des baguettes. I don't know how to use chopsticks. I can't eat with chopsticks. Les constructeurs automobiles sont aux prises avec une pénurie de semi-conducteurs. Automakers are grappling with semiconductor shortages. Car manufacturers are struggling with a shortage of semiconductors. No puedes esperar a que venga la inspiración. Tienes que perseguirla con un garrote. You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. You can't wait for inspiration to come, you have to chase it with a club. Tienes de garrar l'autobús. You've got a bus to catch. You have to catch the bus. Tom fue atacado por un grupo de hombres portando máscaras. Tom was attacked by a group of men wearing masks. Tom was attacked by a group of men wearing masks. Devi prenotare in anticipo. You have to book in advance. You must book in advance. Él siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. He is always willing to help others. He is always willing to help others. Os gatos são animais muito limpos. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are very clean animals. J'apprends vite. I'm a fast learner. I'm learning fast. Eu perdi o final do jogo; qual foi o escore? I missed the end of the game; what was the score? I missed the end of the game; what was the score? Ad essere onesti, i suoi discorsi sono sempre una tale noia! To be honest, his talks are always such a bore! To be honest, his speeches are always such a bore! El coche ganó velocidad poco a poco. The car slowly gathered speed. The car slowly gained speed. Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941), matemático y ajedrecista alemán, segundo campeón mundial de ajedrez, fue quien mantuvo este título durante más tiempo: 27 años (1894-1921). Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941), German mathematician and chess player, second world chess champion, was the one who kept this title for the longest time: 27 years (1894-1921). Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941), German mathematician and chess player, second world chess champion, was the one who kept this title for the longest time: 27 years (1894-1921). Devo organizzarmi meglio. I've got to get better organized myself. I need to get better organized. ¿Saben ustedes a qué distancia está Australia de Nueva Zelanda? Do you know how far Australia is from New Zealand? Do you know how far Australia is from New Zealand? Eu quero jogar pebolim. I want to play foosball. I want to play foosball. Você quer ir para a Austrália? Do you want to go to Australia? Do you want to go to Australia? Cu asta nu este de glumă. This isn't a joking matter. That's no joke. Sabes que me puedes decir si te está pasando algo, ¿verdad? You know that you can tell me if something's going on, right? You know you can tell me if something's wrong with you, right? Tom probabilmente non sarà empatico. Tom won't likely be sympathetic. Tom probably won't be empathetic. J'ai peur aussi. I'm afraid, too. I'm scared, too. Tom trăiește singur în munți. Nimeni nu l-a văzut de ani de zile. Tom lives alone in the mountains. No one has seen him for years. Tom lives alone in the mountains. No one has seen him for years. Scusatemi, posso usare il vostro bagno? Excuse me, may I use your toilet? Excuse me, can I use your bathroom? La fortuna mi ha voltato le spalle. Luck has turned its back on me. Luck has turned its back on me. Su caballo casi le atropella. His horse almost ran him over. His horse almost ran him over. No, non fece questo. No, she didn't do this. No, he didn't. Estuve hablando con Tom por Skype. I was talking with Tom through Skype. I was talking to Tom on Skype. Notre équipe s'est très bien débrouillée. Our team did very well. Our team did very well. L'intelligenza artificiale (IA) sarà un giorno in grado di creare un linguaggio artificiale utilizzabile dagli umani? Sarebbe meglio di un linguaggio naturale? Will AI, artificial intelligence, someday be able to create an artificial language for humans to use? Would it be better than a natural language? Will artificial intelligence (AI) one day be able to create an artificial language usable by humans? Would it be better than a natural language? Il y a un monument au centre de la ville. There is a monument in the center of the city. There is a monument in the center of the city. Aimatz vòstra maire ? Do you love your mother? Do you love the mayor? Ils m'ont mis hors de moi. They made me really angry. They put me out of my mind. State cercando un appartamento. You're looking for an apartment. You are looking for an apartment. Tom non sarà di ritorno oggi. Tom won't be back today. Tom won't be back today. La tátara-tátara-tátara-abuela de Tom vivía en Escocia. Tom's great-great-great grandmother lived in Scotland. Tom's great-great-great-grandmother lived in Scotland. Non mi volevo arrendere. I didn't want to give up. I didn't want to give up. Tom nu știe când se va întoarce Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come back. Tom doesn't know when Mary will be back. Alcune parole sono utilizzate molto raramente. Some words are very rarely used. Some words are used very rarely. Ziri può ancora migliorare il suo berbero. Ziri can still improve his Berber. Ziri can still improve his Berber. Non ho alcun rancore nei suoi confronti. I have no grudge towards him. I have no grudge against him. Non ho problemi di salute. I don't have health problems. I have no health problems. Le Premier Ministre a signé un accord commercial entre les deux pays. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. El arte abstracto le parece hermoso a Ziri. Ziri finds abstract art beautiful. Abstract art looks beautiful to Ziri. De onde são os pais dele? Where are his parents from? Where are his parents from? Écartez les doigts. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. Tienes que estar preparado. You have to be prepared. You have to be prepared. La pétition a recueilli plus de 10 000 signatures. The petition has garnered over 10,000 signatures. The petition received more than 10,000 signatures. C'est ta chance. This is your chance. It's your chance. Bienvenue au club, Tom. Welcome to the club, Tom. Welcome to the club, Tom. J'ai augmenté les salaires de mes ouvriers. I raised the wages of my workers. I increased the wages of my workers. O pastoralismo continua a ser um modo de vida na África do Leste. Pastoralism remains a way of life in East Africa. Pastoralism remains a way of life in East Africa. Non eravate affamati. You were not hungry. You weren't hungry. Non riusciva a credere alle sue stesse parole. He couldn't believe his own words. He could not believe his own words. Devi avere un account per inviare un messaggio. You need to have an account to send a message. You must have an account to send a message. Eles me deram um outro aumento. They gave me another raise. They gave me another raise. Es físicamente imposible nacer hombre o mujer. Sólo se puede nacer niño o niña. It is physically impossible to be born a man or a woman. You can only be born a boy or a girl. It is physically impossible to be born male or female. You can only be born boy or girl. Si gusti il concerto. Enjoy the concert. Enjoy the concert. Nunca conocí a mi padre. I never knew my father. I never knew my father. Provi a imparare il vocabolario berbero. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Você é filho único? Are you an only child? Are you an only child? Je n'ai plus dormi autant depuis longtemps. I haven't slept this long for a long time. I haven't slept that much in a long time. Ces filles ne parlent pas mais chantent. These girls are not speaking but singing. These girls don't talk, they sing. Sa che cos'è un abaco? Do you know what an abacus is? Do you know what an abacus is? "Non ho fatto nessuna calligrafia di recente." "Oh, davvero? Beh, se continui a rimandare, perderai il tuo tocco." "I haven't done any calligraphy recently." "Oh, really? Well, if you keep putting it off, you'll lose your touch." "I haven't done any calligraphy recently." "Oh, really? Well, if you keep putting it off, you'll lose your touch." La città è nata come campo minerario. The town began as a mining camp. The city was born as a mining field. Ese lenguaje sería más interesante si no tuviera tantas limitaciones. That language would be more interesting if it didn't have so many limitations. That language would be more interesting if it didn’t have so many limitations. Tom ha messo il gelato nel frigorifero. Tom put the ice cream in the fridge. Tom put the ice cream in the fridge. Eu estava com uma terrível dor de estômago. I had a terrible stomachache. I had a terrible stomach ache. Um guaxinim estava roubando os peixes. A racoon was stealing the fish. A raccoon was stealing the fish. Ho riparato la mia bicicletta ieri. I fixed my bicycle yesterday. I repaired my bike yesterday. Decidiu mudarse a Bélxica. She decided to move to Belgium. He decided to move to Belgium. C'è un senso di ironia amara. There's a sense of bitter irony. There is a sense of bitter irony. Nous devons mettre un terme à ce genre de choses. We've got to put a stop to this kind of stuff. We need to put an end to this kind of thing. Teño irmáns. I have brothers. I have brothers. Non mi piace ballare davanti alla gente. I don't like dancing in front of people. I don't like dancing in front of people. Je les connais depuis de nombreuses années. I've known them for many years. I've known them for many years. Não trocaria eu de bom grado todo o céu por uma hora do teu amor na terra? Would not I gladly barter all heaven for one hour of your love on earth? Would I not willingly exchange all heaven for an hour of your love on earth? ¿A ti no te molesta el olor de la laca?, porque yo no lo soporto. Doesn't the smell of lacquer bother you? Because I can't stand it. Doesn't the smell of the lacquer bother you, because I can't stand it. Mi perro hace miau. My dog goes meow. My dog meows. Voterai per lei? Are you going to vote for her? Will you vote for her? Essa é a chave. That's the key. That's the key. Minhas respostas estavam certas. My answers were correct. My answers were right. Tom nu merge nicăieri fără telefonul său. Tom never goes anywhere without his phone. Tom's not going anywhere without his phone. Voglio più soldi di te. I want more money than you. I want more money than you. Mon appartement est rempli de trucs que je n'utilise jamais. My flat is chock-full of stuff I never use. My apartment is full of stuff I never use. O Tom conheceu sua esposa enquanto estava estudando na Austrália. Tom met his wife while he was studying in Australia. Tom met his wife while he was studying in Australia. ¡Deja de ser tan lindo! Stop being so cute! Stop being so cute! Loro saranno compiaciuti. They'll be pleased. They will be pleased. No salgas de Polonia sin notificárselo a la embajada del país al que vayas a ir. Do not leave Poland without notifying the embassy of the country you are travelling to. Do not leave Poland without notifying the embassy of the country you are going to. No parlo pas castellà. I don't speak Spanish. I don't speak Spanish. Los ladrones son codiciosos para tu anillo. The thieves are greedy for your ring. Thieves are greedy for your ring. C'è una possibilità. There is a possibility. There's a chance. Je suis fiancé. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Perché ti gratti le palle tutto il tempo? Why do you scratch your balls all the time? Why are you scratching your balls all the time? A cosa fa riferimento il giornale? What is the newspaper referring to? What does the newspaper refer to? Nuestro director es canadiense. Our manager is a Canadian. Our director is Canadian. Continue dirigindo. Keep driving. Keep driving. Sento odore di gas. I smell gas. I smell gas. Que é mais interessante para Tatoeba – mostrar uma frase traduzida para vários idiomas, ou exibir uma coleção de poliglotas fluentes em muitas línguas? What is more interesting for Tatoeba – showing a phrase translated into multiple languages, or displaying a collection of fluent polyglots in many languages? Which is more interesting for Tatoeba – to show a sentence translated into several languages, or to display a collection of fluent polyglots in many languages? Por que você está me evitando? Why are you avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me? Le due sorelle si assomigliano così tanto che è difficile distinguerle. The two sisters are so much alike that we find it rather difficult to tell one from the other. The two sisters are so similar that it’s hard to tell them apart. Cos'è un'autobiografia? What is an autobiography? What is an Autobiography? Sia allegra. Be cheerful. Be merry. Lalita chiamò. Lalita called. Lalita called. Sono bravo a calcio. I'm good at soccer. I'm good at football. En verano, disfrutamos de deportes al aire libre. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. È fastidiosa ed egoista. She's annoying and selfish. It's annoying and selfish. Eu gastei todo o meu dinheiro. I spent all my money. I spent all my money. Ehi, bentornata! Hey, welcome back! Hey, welcome back! ¿No es suficiente para ti? Isn't it enough for you? Isn't that enough for you? Il nie avoir cassé la fenêtre. He denies having broken the window. He denied breaking the window. La casa è stata costruita diverse centinaia di anni fa. The house was built several hundred years ago. The house was built several hundred years ago. Je suis naze. I'm fucked. I'm a sucker. Hanno paura di lei. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of her. A campa do Ziri estava coberta de fungos e musgo. Ziri's grave was covered in fungus and moss. The grave of the Ziri was covered with fungi and moss. Não toque o doce. Don't touch the candy. Don't touch the candy. J'ai fait une demande pour un nouveau permis. I've applied for a new license. I applied for a new permit. Je vais être votre professeur. I'm going to be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. No te dije estúpido. I didn't call you stupid. I didn't say stupid. Sé que no me vas a escuchar y que volverás a cometer un error. I know you're not going to listen and that you'll do it wrong again. I know you're not going to listen to me and you're going to make a mistake again. Tom tenía tres. Tom had three. Tom had three. Elle a acheté une nouvelle maison l'autre jour. She bought a new house the other day. She bought a new house the other day. ¿Cuándo podemos comer? When can we eat? When can we eat? J'ai trouvé une pierre en forme de cœur. I found a stone shaped like a heart. I found a heart-shaped stone. Por favor cálmate. Te ayudaremos. Please take it easy, we will help you. Please calm down, we'll help you. Le cercle a viré son dirigeant. The club have sacked their manager. The circle has removed its leader. La décision du gouvernement a eu des conséquences économiques désastreuses. The government's decision had disastrous economic consequences. The government’s decision had disastrous economic consequences. L'idea ha sempre catturato la mia attenzione. The idea has always caught my attention. The idea has always caught my attention. Tom não vai escapar. Tom won't go away. Tom won't escape. Moro en Rio de Djenero, Brasil. I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I live in Rio de Djenero, Brazil. ele é alfaiate he is tailor He is a tailor Mi conocimiento del alemán es insuficiente. My knowledge of German is insufficient. My knowledge of German is insufficient. I-am scris lui. I did write to him. I wrote to him. Tarde o temprano se convertirá en una molestia. It will become an annoyance sooner or later. Sooner or later it will become a nuisance. Parlamentul este în capitală. The Parliament is in the capital. Parliament is in the capital. Tom pasa mucho tiempo al teléfono. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. Tom spends a lot of time on the phone. As cheias no Paquistão estão a começar a recuar em partes do sul, enquanto o país enfrenta dificuldades para fornecer ajuda desesperadamente necessária a milhões de pessoas em todo o país. Floodwaters in Pakistan are beginning to recede in parts of the south, as the country struggles to provide desperately needed aid to millions across the country. Floods in Pakistan are beginning to recede in parts of the south as the country struggles to provide desperately needed aid to millions of people across the country. Tutti la amano. Everyone likes her. Everybody loves her. Tom se queja de todo. Tom complains about everything. Tom complains about everything. Isso não vai funcionar, acredite. That won't work, trust me. That's not gonna work, believe me. William nous a fait du mal à nous deux. William hurt us both. William hurt us both. Vous l'aimez. You love him. You love her. Trascorsi tutta la giornata lì. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. Mary, Tom quiere matarte. Tom wants to kill you, Mary. Mary, Tom wants to kill you. L'uomo mi prese per il braccio. The man took my arm. The man took me by the arm. Mi abuelita nos hizo atole de avena. My grandma made us some oatmeal atole. My grandma made us oatmeal atolls. Ótimas notícias! Meu pai finalmente teve alta do hospital hoje. Great news! My dad was finally discharged from the hospital today. My dad finally got discharged from the hospital today. Spero che Tom possa aiutarci. I hope that Tom can help us. I hope Tom can help us. Nous essayerons d'y être aussi tôt que possible. We'll try to get there as soon as possible. We will try to be there as soon as possible. Vine quan vulguis. Come whenever you like. Come whenever you want. Tom disse que gostaria de ficar sozinho. Tom said that he'd like to be left alone. Tom said he'd like to be alone. ¿Qué me estás ocultando? What are you not telling me? What are you hiding from me? La crise financière a touché tous les secteurs de l'économie. The financial crisis affected all parts of the economy. The financial crisis has affected all sectors of the economy. A un tratto ha cambiato idea sul suo conto. She suddenly changed her mind about him. All of a sudden he changed his mind about her. Ha la sua chitarra con lei? Do you have your guitar with you? Do you have your guitar with you? Tutto ciò che mangiano è riso. All they eat is rice. All they eat is rice. Votre dernier repas contenait-il des fruits, des noix, des œufs ou des crustacés ? Did your last meal contain fruit, nuts, eggs, or shellfish? Did your last meal contain fruit, nuts, eggs or shellfish? A che tipo di videogiochi giochi? What kind of videogames do you play? What kind of video games do you play? ¿Cuántos canales privados hay en Grecia? How many private channels are there in Greece? How many private channels are there in Greece? Él tiene una polla gigante. He has a huge cock. He has a giant cock. Tu saresti una buona diplomatica. You would make a good diplomat. You'd make a good diplomat. Vuoi del ghiaccio? Would you like ice? You want some ice? "O negócio é muito caro", disse ela à VDA recentemente de manhã, enquanto batia uma grande panela de papas de milho, parando para limpar o suor da testa. "The business is very expensive," she told VOA one recent morning, as she churned a large pot of maize porridge, stopping to wipe sweat off her brow. “The deal is very expensive,” she told VDA recently in the morning as she pounded a large pot of corn potatoes, stopping to wipe the sweat from her brow. Amanhã ele irá aterrissar na lua. Tomorrow, he will land on the moon. Tomorrow it will land on the moon. O Tom não conhece nem a Mary nem a irmã dela. Tom doesn't know either Mary or her sister. Tom doesn't know Mary or her sister. ¡No te subas en un coche con desconocidos! Don't get in a car with strangers! Don't get in a car with strangers! Acredita-se que ela é um gênio. It is believed that she is a genius. It is believed that she is a genius. L'Angleterre n'a pas d'amis, seulement des intérêts. England doesn't have friends, only interests. England has no friends, only interests. Tom sabe la verdad. Tom knows the truth. Tom knows the truth. Torna quando hai un mandato. Come back when you have a warrant. Come back when you have a warrant. Tom está ocupado agora. Tom is busy now. Tom's busy now. Io non ho un ufficio. I don't have an office. I don't have an office. Somos primos. We are cousins. We're cousins. Questa automobile non vale niente. This car isn't worth anything. This car is worth nothing. O maior problema da inteligência artificial é que você não pode assustá-la! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can't scare it! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can’t scare it off! Estuvo en cuidados intensivos casi 2 meses. He was in intensive care for almost two months. He was in intensive care for almost two months. Tom si è rifiutato di uscire dalla macchina. Tom refused to get out of the car. Tom refused to get out of the car. Me alegro de que hayamos hablado. I'm glad we talked. I'm glad we talked. Noi parliamo quasi ogni giorno. We talk to each other almost every day. We talk almost every day. "Dove vorrebbe lavorare?" "In Australia." "Where would you like to work?" "In Australia." "Where would you like to work?" "In Australia." Demande à Trang s'il sort ce soir. Ask Trang if he's going out this evening. Ask Trang if he'll go out tonight. Personne ne m'arrêtera. No one will stop me. No one's gonna stop me. Tom se agarró con fuerza a la mano de Mary. Tom held on to Mary's hand tightly. Tom clung tightly to Mary’s hand. Il suo cane è un pastore tedesco? Is your dog a German shepherd? Is your dog a German Shepherd? Dovrei mandare un messaggio a Tom. I should send Tom a message. I should text Tom. El paquete está listo para ser enviado. The parcel is ready for dispatch. The package is ready to be shipped. Desconecte todos los cables. Unplug all the cables. Unplug all cables. Ar trebui să înveți să ai răbdare. You should learn to be patient. You should learn to be patient. Me plaze ambezar linguas. I like learning languages. I love learning languages. Todos os romanos queriam ter filhos, porque os filhos preservavam o nome da família, veneravam os deuses da família e fortaleciam o "poder paterno". All Romans wanted to have children, because children kept the family name, worshipped the family gods, and strengthened the "paternal power". All Romans wanted to have children, because children preserved the family name, worshipped the family gods, and strengthened the "fatherly power." La spietatezza della missione provocò scandalo a Parigi. The ruthlessness of the mission provoked a scandal in Paris. The ruthlessness of the mission caused a scandal in Paris. Un bateau apparut soudain dans la brume. A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist. A boat suddenly appeared in the mist. Tenemos que ir a dormir ahora. We have to go to sleep now. We have to go to sleep now. Può aiutarmi a chiamare un taxi? Can you help me call for a taxi? Can you help me call a taxi? Solo un miracolo può salvare Tom. Only a miracle can save Tom. Only a miracle can save Tom. Se vive una nueva vida por cada nuevo idioma que se hable. Si solo se sabe un idioma, solo se vive una vez. You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once. You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you only know one language, you only live once. I batteri sono invisibili a occhio nudo. Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. Bacteria are invisible to the naked eye. Les mouffettes mangent des puces. Skunks eat fleas. Skunks eat fleas. La maggior parte degli abitanti vive in zone rurali. Most of the inhabitants live in rural areas. Most of the inhabitants live in rural areas. Eu vejo as coisas de maneira diferente. I see things differently. I see things differently. La banca non è aperta il sabato. The bank is not open on Saturdays. The bank is not open on Saturdays. ¿Qué marca prefieres? Which brand do you prefer? Which brand do you prefer? ¿Podría escribir su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono, para la compañía de seguros? Could I write down your name, address and phone number, for the insurance company? Could you write your name, address and phone number, for the insurance company? Tu en as assez vu. You've seen enough. You've seen enough. ¡Realmente cantan muy mal! They really sing very badly! They really sing very badly! ¿Trabajan ustedes en este departamento? Do you work in this department? Do you work in this department? Terminado. Done. Finished. Le persone qui dipendono dai trasporti pubblici. People here depend on public transportation. People here depend on public transport. Mi vida parece un examen para el que no he estudiado. My life is like a test I haven't studied for. My life seems like an exam I haven't studied for. Ella les traicionó. She betrayed you. She betrayed them. Había un lápiz detrás de la oreja de él. There was a pencil tucked behind his ear. There was a pencil behind his ear. Rilasciarono il prigioniero. They released the prisoner. They released the prisoner. Elle est une bonne écrivaine. She's a good writer. She's a good writer. En quoi puis-je vous être utile ? What can I help you with? How can I help you? Que't caleré díser la vertat. You should tell the truth. I’ll tell you the truth. ¡Penalti! It's a penalty! Penalti! Hoy en la tarde, nosotros cantamos juntos en nuestra casa. This afternoon, we sang together at our house. This afternoon, we sang together in our house. Je suis membre du Parti communiste français. I'm a member of the PCF. I am a member of the French Communist Party. Je suis schizophrène. I have schizophrenia. I'm schizophrenic. Quel est le salaire minimum à Cuba ? What's the minimum salary in Cuba? What is the minimum wage in Cuba? Mi va bene così. I'm ok with it. I'm fine with that. Ce qui est haïssable pour toi, ne le fais pas à ton prochain ; c'est là toute la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Maintenant, va et étudie. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn. What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor; that is the whole Torah, the rest is only commentary. Now go and study. Chaque mouvement du danseur était parfait. Each movement of the dancer was perfect. Every movement of the dancer was perfect. Yo no sé quién es mi madre. I don't know who my mother is. I don't know who my mother is. Na primeira série do ensino fundamental, as crianças aprendem adição e subtração. In the first grade of primary school, children learn addition and subtraction. In the first grade of elementary school, children learn addition and subtraction. Agora eu me lembro I remeber now Now I remember ¿Por cuánto tiempo vas? How long are you going for? How long are you going? Sono tuoi, Tom. They're yours, Tom. They're yours, Tom. Tom vorbea mai repede decât de obicei. Tom spoke faster than usual. Tom spoke faster than usual. Les quatre sœurs vivent à Rome. The four sisters live in Rome. The four sisters live in Rome. Pensé que no íbamos a hacer esto. I thought we weren't going to do this. I thought we weren't gonna do this. La prima mondiale è stasera. The world premiere is tonight. The world premiere is tonight. Ziri chilló. Ziri yelled. Ziri squeaked. Ele disse à Corporação Australiana de Radiodifusão que a maioria dos créditos não representa uma redução real ou extra de carbono. He told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. that most of the credits do not represent a real or extra carbon abatement. He told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that most of the credits do not represent an actual or extra carbon reduction. Tom pouvait entendre Mary chanter dans sa chambre. Tom could hear Mary singing in her bedroom. Tom could hear Mary singing in his room. Unii pot vorbi neîncetat, despre nimic substanțial, la infinit. Some can talk on and on, about nothing substantive, ad infinitum. Some can talk endlessly, about nothing substantial, to infinity. Alguien debe haberlo dejado ahí. Someone must have left it there. Someone must have left it there. Numa conferência de imprensa na quarta-feira no aeroporto de Pontoise, perto de Cergy, a oeste de Paris, a empresa Volocopter apresentou o táxi aéreo VoloCity, um veículo elétrico de descolagem e aterragem vertical, que a empresa começará a testar no aeroporto em junho. At a news conference Wednesday at the Pontoise airport near Cergy, west of Paris, the Volocopter company presented the VoloCity air taxi, an electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle, which the company will begin testing at the airport in June. At a press conference on Wednesday at Pontoise airport near Cergy, west of Paris, the Volocopter company unveiled the VoloCity air taxi, an electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle, which the company will begin testing at the airport in June. Nós estávamos no mesmo ônibus. We were on the same bus. We were on the same bus. È un'offerta molto gentile. That's a very kind offer. It's a very nice offer. Tom ci disse di seguirlo. Tom told us to follow him. Tom told us to follow him. Dov'è tua madre, ragazzo? Where is your mother, boy? Where's your mother, boy? Eu não confio nos políticos. I don't trust politicians. I don't trust politicians. Com a escalada da Guerra do Vietname e a Guerra Fria a dividir o planeta, o falecido Gene Roddenberry proporcionou ao público televisivo um vislumbre de um futuro positivo: um planeta unido a enviar a tripulação multicultural da nave estelar Enterprise numa missão '... em busca de novos mundos e civilizações'. With the Vietnam War escalating and the Cold War dividing the planet, the late Gene Roddenberry gave TV audiences a glimpse into the a positive future: a united planet sending the multicultural crew of the Starship Enterprise on a mission '...to seek out new worlds and civilizations.' With the escalation of the Vietnam War and the Cold War dividing the planet, the late Gene Roddenberry provided the television audience with a glimpse of a positive future: a planet united to send the multicultural crew of the starship Enterprise on a mission ‘... in search of new worlds and civilizations’. Personne d'autre ne le sait. No one else knows it. No one else knows. Cette maison a été construite il y a un an. This house was built a year ago. This house was built a year ago. Voi pa la rula. ¿Qué quies de xinta? ¿Xarda o parrochina? I'm on my way to the fish market. What would you like for lunch? Mackerel or sardine? I'm gonna roll. What do you want for dinner? É assim que nós queremos que você faça. That's how we want you to do it. That's how we want you to do it. As-tu assez d'oxygène ? Are you getting enough oxygen? Do you have enough oxygen? Qu'avez-vous dit à Paula ? What did you say to Paula? What did you say to Paula? Ningú és perfecte. Nobody is perfect. No one is perfect. C’est nouveau, ça vient de sortir ! It's news to me! This is new, it just came out! Tom non mi guarderà neanche. Tom won't even look at me. Tom won't even look at me. No quiero ni prestar ni pedir prestado. I don't want to lend or borrow. I don't want to borrow or lend. Mate un peu sa taille ! Look at the size of it! Take a look at its size! La teoría científica más eficaz y poderosa jamás producida por la humanidad es un misterio. The most effective and powerful scientific theory ever produced by mankind is a mystery. The most effective and powerful scientific theory ever produced by mankind is a mystery. Nosso time está cinco pontos à frente. Our team is five points ahead. Our team is five points ahead. C'è qualcosa che vorrei vedere. There's something that I'd like to see. There's something I'd like to see. On met des majuscules en début de phrase. A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence. We put capital letters at the beginning of the sentence. Você fica tão bonita nesse vestido. You're so beautiful in that dress. You look so pretty in that dress. J'ai connu Tom toute ma vie, mais de temps en temps, il me surprend encore. I've known Tom all my life, but now and again, he still surprises me. I've known Tom my whole life, but every once in a while, he still surprises me. ¿Cal é a túa frase favorita? What is your favorite sentence? What is your favorite phrase? Iba a ascender al trono. He was going to ascend to the throne. He was going to ascend the throne. Mary a spus că se simte singură. Mary said that she's lonely. Mary said she was lonely. ¿Cuántos planetas hay en nuestro sistema solar? How many planets are there in our solar system? How many planets are there in our solar system? J'aime le bœuf. I love beef. I like beef. Parlerò con lei stanotte. I'll talk to you tonight. I'll talk to you tonight. No necesitamos pedirle que renunciase. We didn't need to ask him to resign. We don't need to ask him to resign. Fermez-la ! Shut it! Shut up! Shut up! Siempre solía contar los pasos mientras subía. I always used to count the steps while going up. I always used to count the steps as I went up. Depois mergulhe cada croquete em ovo batido, volte a rolar em pão ralado e frite em gordura quente. Then dip each croquette in beaten egg, roll in bread-crumbs again, and fry in hot fat. Then dip each croquette in beaten egg, roll again in breadcrumbs and fry in hot fat. Tutto il mondo è nelle nostre mani. The whole world's in our hands. The whole world is in our hands. Tom no ha limpiado su habitación hace mucho tiempo. Tom hasn't cleaned his room in a long time. Tom hasn't cleaned his room in a long time. La confiture de figues de Yanni est presque prête. Yanni's fig jam is almost ready. Yanni's fig jam is almost ready. Ziri e Rima stavano urlando. Ziri and Rima were screaming. Ziri and Rima were yelling. Con il crowdsourcing di informazioni sulle zanzare da tutto il mondo, l'app costruirà delle mappe di dove si trovano le zanzare pericolose. By crowd-sourcing mosquito information from across the world, the app will build maps of where dangerous mosquitoes are found. With the crowdsourcing of mosquito information from around the world, the app will build maps of where dangerous mosquitoes are located. Ha comprato una tartaruga? Did you buy a turtle? You bought a turtle? Qual é o título do capítulo? What is the title of the chapter? What is the title of the chapter? Apparemment, ce n'est pas exact. Apparently, that's not correct. Apparently, that's not true. L'architecte a obtenu l'approbation du maire pour un projet de logements. The architect secured the mayor's approbation for a new housing project. The architect got the mayor's approval for a housing project. No puedo ir al ensayo sin mi partitura. I can't go to the rehearsal without my music score. I can't go to rehearsal without my score. Tom desceu da árvore. Tom climbed down from the tree. Tom came down from the tree. Estou surpreso que Tom escolheu Mary. I'm surprised Tom went with Mary. I'm surprised Tom chose Mary. Estão a chorar porque estão comovidas ou tristes? Are they crying because they are touched or sad? Are you crying because you're upset or sad? Ziri dormait. Ziri was asleep. Ziri was asleep. Elas admitiram que estavam angustiadas. They admitted that they were distressed. They admitted they were distressed. Mergem înăuntru. We're going inside. We're going in. Est-ce que tu as déjà reçu un traitement pour une maladie sexuellement transmissible ? Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease? Have you ever been treated for a sexually transmitted disease? Je suis constipée. I have constipation. I'm constipated. Num país homogéneo onde 85 por cento das pessoas são da mesma etnia, na sua maioria budistas, o turismo é uma forma fundamental de expor os habitantes locais a pessoas de uma variedade de culturas. In a homogeneous country where 85 percent of people are of the same ethnicity, most of them Buddhist, tourism is a key way to expose locals to people from a variety of backgrounds. In a homogenous country where 85 percent of people are of the same ethnicity, mostly Buddhists, tourism is a key way to expose locals to people from a variety of cultures. La anciana está ocupada en el jardín. The elderly lady is busy in the garden. The old lady is busy in the garden. Je suis à présent dans un vieux château. I am now in an old castle. I am now in an old castle. No creo que Tom sea carpintero. I don't think Tom is a carpenter. I don't think Tom's a carpenter. Ho visto il film prima. I have seen the film before. I've seen the movie before. Tu dois payer le prix. You have to pay the price. You have to pay the price. En vous entraînant uniquement avec l'ordinateur, vous ne pourrez jamais comprendre les échecs. By training only with the computer, you will never be able to understand chess. By training only with the computer, you will never be able to understand failures. Io gli ho dato delle istruzioni dettagliate. I gave him detailed instructions. I gave him detailed instructions. Încă nu sunt gata. I'm still not ready. I'm not ready yet. Esattamente cos'è che vuoi? Exactly what is it you want? What exactly do you want? Recomece. Start over. Start over. ¿Cuándo puedo ir a tu casa? When can I go to your house? When can I come to your house? Que devrais-tu faire si tu gagnais 1 million d’euros ? What should you do if you won a million euros? What would you do if you won $1 million? Todo el mundo lo sabía, excepto la señora dueña de la casa. Everybody knew, except for the lady who owned the house. Everyone knew it, except the lady who owned the house. Non ha avuto una vita semplice. He didn't have an easy life. She didn't have an easy life. Pensei que você fosse canadense. I thought you were Canadian. I thought you were Canadian. Te di mi corazón para que lo ames, ¡no para usarlo! I gave you my heart for you to love it, not use it! I gave you my heart to love it, not to use it! Deve lavorare. You have to work. You have to work. He comprado varios libros para leer en las vacaciones. I bought several books to read while I'm on vacation. I bought several books to read during the holidays. La oración no tiene errores gramaticales. The sentence doesn't have any grammatical errors. The sentence has no grammatical errors. Algo ficou preso no encanamento. Something is stuck in the pipe. Something got stuck in the plumbing. Isso não foi culpa minha. It wasn't my fault. That wasn't my fault. Je l'appelai mais une fille répondit au téléphone. I called him, but a girl answered the phone. I called her, but a girl answered the phone. Por que você se importa? Why do you care? Why do you care? L'inflation continue de miner l'économie mondiale. Inflation continues to bedevil the global economy. Inflation continues to undermine the global economy. Lo so che non le conoscete. I know you don't know them. I know you don't know them. Visca Maduro Viva Maduro. Visca Maduro Me llevó mucho tiempo acostumbrarme a hacer esto. It took me a long time to get used to doing this. It took me a long time to get used to doing this. Sto divagando troppo. I'm rambling too much. I'm rambling too much. Em caso de incêndio, não use o elevador. If there's a fire, don't use the elevator. In case of fire, do not use the elevator. Tom vai concordar. Tom will agree. Tom will agree. Connaissez-vous l'espéranto ? Do you know Esperanto? Do you know Esperanto? Las mujeres diseñan ropa. The women design clothes. Women design clothes. Robert a bénéficié de la liberté sur parole. Robert obtained parole. Robert has been granted parole. Me sentí muy solo. I felt very lonely. I felt very alone. Les Juifs sont une nation. Leur religion est le judaïsme. Jews are a nation. Their religion is Judaism. The Jews are a nation. Their religion is Judaism. Il nous a menti. He lied to us. He lied to us. Hawking que's tornèc aus estudis. Hawking went back to his studies. Hawking went back to school. De nombreux Canadiens parlent français. Many Canadians speak French. Many Canadians speak French. Hai moitos cadros na parede. There are many paintings on the wall. There are a lot of pictures on the wall. Sono andato a letto con i vestiti addosso. I went to bed with my clothes on. I went to bed with my clothes on. Il me donna son numéro de téléphone. He gave me his phone number. He gave me his phone number. Dimenticai i miei sandali. I forgot my sandals. I forgot my sandals. Dizem que a Terra está girando mais ligeiro. They say the Earth is spinning faster. They say the Earth is spinning faster. Tom ne porte pas de nouveau chapeau. Tom isn't wearing a new hat. Tom is not wearing a new hat. El este bogat. He is well off. He's rich. Tom a écrit une lettre à Marie en français. Tom wrote a letter to Mary in French. Tom wrote a letter to Marie in French. J'ai consommé toute mon énergie. I consumed my whole energy. I've used up all my energy. Dói quando você faz isso? Do you feel pain when you do that? Does it hurt when you do that? Devo comprare un regalo per lei. I need to buy a gift for her. I need to buy you a present. Perché mio marito non mi capisce? Why doesn't my husband understand me? Why doesn't my husband understand me? Lui non aveva soldi per comprare la fattoria. He had no money to buy the farm. He had no money to buy the farm. Non è coraggiosa come sembra. You're not as brave as you look. She's not as brave as she looks. Mi dia una penna rossa. Give me a red pen. Give me a red pen. Elle a tourné à gauche à l'angle. She turned to the left at the corner. She turned left at the corner. Può aiutarmi a sollevare questa scatola? Can you help me lift this box? Can you help me lift this box? Ea i-a făcut un tort pentru petrecerea lui. She made him a cake for his party. She made him a cake for his party. Elle doit travailler fort pour rattraper les autres dans sa classe. She has to study hard and catch up with everybody in her class. She has to work hard to catch up with others in her class. Vorrebbe volerla provare una qualche volta. You might want to try it sometime. She'd like to try it sometime. Assim que ele terminou de comer, ele voltou a andar. As soon as he finished eating, he began to walk again. As soon as he finished eating, he walked again. Es simplemente obvio. It's simply obvious. It's just obvious. N'i a pas arren de hèr entad aquò. There's nothing to be done about it. He didn’t get that far from it. Je suis celui qui sort les poubelles. I'm the one who takes out the garbage. I'm the one who takes out the trash. El desarrollo del individuo sigue los mismos pasos que el desarrollo de la especie. The development of the individual resembles the development of the species. The development of the individual follows the same steps as the development of the species. Pouvons-nous disposer d'un moment seules ? Can we have a moment alone? Can we have a moment alone? O vírus "prosperou porque a pobreza, a desigualdade, a discriminação, a destruição do nosso ambiente natural e outros fracassos de direitos humanos criaram enormes fragilidades nas nossas sociedades", disse Guterres, ao mesmo tempo dando aos líderes um pretexto para impor "respostas de segurança pesadas e medidas repressivas que restringem o espaço cívico e a liberdade dos média". The virus “has thrived because poverty, inequality, discrimination, the destruction of our natural environment and other human rights failures have created enormous fragilities in our societies,” Guterres said, while simultaneously providing leaders with a pretext to impose “heavy-handed security responses and repressive measures that curtail civic space and media freedom.” The virus “has thrived because poverty, inequality, discrimination, the destruction of our natural environment and other human rights failures have created enormous fragilities in our societies,” Guterres said, while giving leaders a pretext to impose “heavy security responses and repressive measures that restrict civic space and media freedom.” Penso che si preoccupa troppo del cibo. I think you worry too much about the food. I think he cares too much about food. Tom protegeu os olhos. Tom covered his eyes. Tom protected his eyes. En esencia, una sustancia química medicinal no es más que una molécula que permite un cambio terapéutico en la fisiología humana. In essence, a medicinal chemical is nothing more than a molecule that enables a therapeutic change in human physiology. In essence, a medicinal chemical is nothing more than a molecule that allows a therapeutic change in human physiology. Les drogues sont bonnes. Drugs are good. Drugs are good. Avevamo torto? Were we wrong? We were wrong? So quanto è triste. I know how sad you are. I know how sad it is. Ammira il suo coraggio. She admires your courage. Admire his courage. Si tienes tanto calor, ¿por qué no te quitas la ropa? If you're that hot, why don't you take off your clothes? If you're so hot, why don't you take your clothes off? Os cirurgiões estão a utilizar esta técnica para remover vesículas biliares e baços patológicos, para realizar histerectomias e para reparar hérnias e cólones. Surgeons are using this technique to remove diseased gall bladders and spleens, to perform hysterectomies and to repair hernias and colons. Surgeons are using this technique to remove pathological gallbladders and spleens, to perform hysterectomies, and to repair hernias and colons. Que l'am vista dançar. We saw her dance. I saw her dancing. La pasta è scotta. The pasta is overcooked. The pasta is scalded. Era la domanda. That was the question. That was the question. David s'est rappelé qu'Amanda existait. David remembered Amanda existed. David remembered that Amanda existed. Êtes-vous vaccinée ? Are you vaccinated? Are you vaccinated? Mon chinois n'est pas très bon. My Chinese isn't very good. My Chinese is not very good. Il romanzo è diviso in tre libri. The novel is divided into three books. The novel is divided into three books. Tom está procurando a chave de seu carro. Tom is looking for his car keys. Tom's looking for his car key. Limba română este mai puțin asemănătoare cu portugheza, spaniola, italiana și franceza decât am crezut. Romanian is less similar to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and French than I thought. The Romanian language is less similar to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French than we thought. No semblen feliços. They don't seem happy. They don't look happy. Vendo você eu me lembro do seu pai. Seeing you I remember your father. Seeing you, I remember your father. Llevo haciendo esto toda la mañana. I've been doing this all morning. I've been doing this all morning. ¿Trabaja usted en este departamento? Do you work in this department? Do you work in this department? La traduzione non è corretta. The translation is incorrect. The translation is not correct. Ele deve pagar por seus crimes. He must pay for his crimes. He must pay for his crimes. Não esqueça sua promessa. Don't forget your promise. Don't forget your promise. Lui sta andando d'accordo con tutti i suoi compagni di classe. He's getting along well with all of his classmates. He's getting along with all his classmates. Lo siento mucho, pero no nos conocemos. I'm very sorry, but we don't know each other. I'm so sorry, but we don't know each other. Aide les réfugiés. Help the refugees. Help the refugees. Se quiser ajuda, é só pedir. If you want help, just ask. If you want help, just ask. Aproximouse á estación. He approached the station. He approached the station. Investigações por cientistas da Universidade Duke sugerem que os hábitos deixam uma marca duradoura em certos circuitos cerebrais, “condicionando-nos a alimentar as nossas vontades”. Research by Duke University scientists suggests that habits leave a lasting mark on certain circuits in the brain, "priming us to feed our cravings." Research by Duke University scientists suggests that habits leave a lasting mark on certain brain circuits, “conditioning us to feed our wills.” Ha comprato del pane. You bought bread. He bought bread. Je prends des cours de russe. I am taking Russian classes. I'm taking Russian classes. A Londres hi han molts parcs bonics. There are many beautiful parks in London. There are many beautiful parks in London. Ciàu. Hi. Hi there. Digghe che son piña. Tell him that I am full. Tell her I'm a pineapple. No tengo una buena respuesta para esa pregunta. I don't have a good answer to that question. I don't have a good answer for that question. A medida que uno envejece, el sueño se vuelve más liviano. As one grows old, one becomes a light sleeper. As you get older, sleep becomes lighter. Guardai i momenti clue della partita su Internet. I watched the game highlights on the Internet. I watched the final moments of the game on the Internet. La gente è libera. The people are free. People are free. Siete davvero gemelle? Are you really twins? Are you really twins? ¿Saldrá el tren a tiempo? Will the train leave on time? Will the train leave on time? Tom meurt d'impatience. Impatience is killing Tom. Tom is dying of impatience. Las niñas a veces son extrañas. The girls are strange sometimes. Girls are weird sometimes. Amiamo entrambi Tom. We both love Tom. We both love Tom. Son explication n'était pas convaincante. Her explanation was not convincing. His explanation was not convincing. Qu'am duas hlilhas. We have two daughters. I have two coats. Tom empalideció al verme. When Tom saw me, he turned pale. Tom stared at me. Adevărul este că nu am vrut să mănânc cu Tom. The truth is that I didn't want to eat with Tom. The truth is, I didn't want to eat with Tom. Les Russes sont mes amis. Russians are my friends. The Russians are my friends. Tom realmente queria ir para Boston com Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. Tom really wanted to go to Boston with Mary. O partido político recém-criado pelo magnata empresarial Sam Matekane, a Revolução para a Prosperidade, ganhou em 56 dos 120 distritos nas eleições legislativas, mas ficou aquém do seu objetivo de ganhar uma maioria categórica de 61 lugares. Business mogul Sam Matekane's upstart political party, the Revolution for Prosperity, won 56 of the 120 constituencies in general elections but fell short of his goal of winning an outright 61-seat majority. The newly created political party of business magnate Sam Matekane, the Revolution for Prosperity, won in 56 of the 120 districts in the legislative elections, but fell short of its goal of winning a categorical majority of 61 seats. Non, je ne suis pas des États-Unis. No, I'm not from the United States. No, I'm not from the United States. Tom ha costruito questo. Tom built this. Tom built this. Se entregó a las penas. She abandoned herself to grief. He gave himself up to punishment. Il y avait peu d'enfants dans de nombreuses familles romaines à l'époque d'Auguste. There were few children in many Roman families in Augustus' times. There were few children in many Roman families in the time of Augustus. Se chove mañá, o partido de béisbol será suspendido. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be put off. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be suspended. Lecțiile încep la 9 și se încheie la 4. Lessons begin at 9 and end at 4. Lessons start at 9 and end at 4. Mi maestra es la señora Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. My teacher is Mrs. Li. Tómate tu leche. Drink up your milk. Drink your milk. Ziri e Rima stanno ascoltando. Ziri and Rima are listening. Ziri and Rima are listening. Només les persones mal informades creuen que la llengua només s'empra per a comunicar-se. La llengua és també una forma de pensar, una manera de veure el món, una cultura. Only uninformed people think that language is used only to communicate. Language is also a way of thinking, a way of seeing the world, a culture. Only poorly informed people believe that language is only used to communicate. Language is also a way of thinking, a way of seeing the world, a culture. Non è sudcoreano. He is not South Korean. It's not South Korean. Comment sera-ce ? What'll it be like? What's it gonna be like? Tom fece questo molto velocemente. Tom did this very fast. Tom did this very quickly. Seu cabelo está bonito. Your hair looks nice. Your hair is beautiful. Non avevo intenzione di rimanere così a lungo. I hadn't intended to stay this long. I wasn't going to stay that long. Ella me pidió ayuda. She asked for my help. She asked me for help. Molti turisti visitano questa città. Many tourists visit this city. Many tourists visit this city. O tomate é uma planta americana. The tomato is an American plant. Tomato is an American plant. Conseguí un pase de temporada para todos los partidos en casa. I got a season's pass to all the home games. I got a season pass for every home game. A Tom li agrada fotografiar paisatges; Maria prefereix retrats. Tom likes to photograph landscapes; Mary prefers portraits. Tom likes to photograph landscapes; Maria prefers portraits. Por que você parou aqui? Why did you stop here? Why did you stop here? Lasciatelo stare a casa se vuole! Let him stay home if he wants! Let him stay at home if he wants! Tom a l'era nèn n'òm përfet. Tom was not a perfect man. Tom was not a bad guy at all. La population de ce pays diminue progressivement. The population of this country is gradually decreasing. The population of this country is gradually decreasing. En 2022 l'ido atteindra ses 115, et sa sœur aînée, l'espéranto, ses 135 ans. In 2022 Ido will be 115, and her older sister, Esperanto, 135 years old. By 2022, the Ido will reach 115, and its older sister, Esperanto, will reach 135. Tom le colgó a Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Tom hung up on Mary. Es posible que Tom viniera aquí cuando era joven. It's possible that Tom came here when he was young. It's possible that Tom came here when he was young. È importante tenersi occupati. It's important to keep busy. It is important to keep busy. Ils m'ont dit qu'ils ont trouvé quelque chose. They told me that they found something. They told me they found something. Il m'a étrillée. He beat the shit out of me. He squealed at me. Le vieil homme me tournait le dos. The old man had his back to me. The old man turned his back on me. Je dois garder à l'esprit cette importante question. I have to keep my mind on this important question. I have to keep this important question in mind. Les âmes qui ont oublié comment frémir sont superficielles. Shallow are the souls that have forgotten how to shudder. Souls who have forgotten how to shudder are superficial. Est-ce que Tom vous connaît ? Does Tom know you? Does Tom know you? Opiniile lui sunt importante. His opinions carry weight. His opinions are important. De verdad, deberías salir fuera y tomar un poco el aire. You should really go outside and get some air. Really, you should go outside and get some air. Os senhores são uns inúteis. You all are useless. You gentlemen are useless. Ziri era un veterano. Ziri was a veteran. Ziri was a veteran. A sopa estava muito quente. The soup was too hot. The soup was too hot. 95 ans ! Dieu sauve la reine ! 95 years old! God Save the Queen! 95 years old, God save the Queen! "Não há ninguém a quem se possa imputar malícia ou má fé", diz o relatório, publicado no domingo. "There is no one to whom we can attribute malice or ill motives,” the report, released Sunday, says. “There is no one to whom malice or bad faith can be imputed,” the report, published on Sunday, said. Tu as gagné le loto. You've won the lottery. You won the lottery. A história da Gerber começou numa cozinha, com um passador de alimentos manual, um bebé esfomeado e uma mãe carinhosa. The Gerber story started in a kitchen, with a hand-cranked food strainer, a hungry baby and a loving mother. Gerber’s story began in a kitchen, with a manual food handle, a hungry baby, and a caring mother. Abbiamo incontrato Tom al ristorante. We met Tom at the restaurant. We met Tom at the restaurant. Pourrais-tu fermer les yeux là-dessus pour cette fois ? Could you please overlook it this time? Could you close your eyes on that this time? Acabo de inventar una nueva palabra esta mañana: el plagio. I just came up with a new word this morning: plagiarism. I just came up with a new word this morning: plagiarism. Ha dato un'occhiata al computer. He took a look at the computer. He took a look at the computer. Ce que je n'ai pas compris est pourquoi le Kabyle ne peut pas parler aux Kabyles en kabyle? What I don't not understand is why a Kabyle can not speak to another Kabyle person in the Kabyle language? What I did not understand is why Kabyle cannot speak to Kabyles in Kabyle? Veuillez me dire comment il faut prononcer ce mot. Please tell me how to pronounce this word. Please tell me how to pronounce that word. Los falsos amigos son pares de palabras que se escriben o dicen de forma parecida entre diferentes lenguajes, pero tienen un significado distinto. False friends are pairs of words in two languages that are similar in spelling or pronunciation, but differ in meaning. False friends are pairs of words that are written or said in a similar way between different languages, but have a different meaning. Você passou a noite com ela? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Eu não sabia que você estava se sentindo tão mal. I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad. I didn't know you were feeling so bad. ¿Quién es la alcaldesa? Who's the mayor? Who's the mayor? O Tom também é um artista. Tom is also an artist. Tom is also an artist. ¿Cómo puedes soportar el ruido? Can you put up with the noise? How can you stand the noise? Les nuages sont des amas de gouttelettes d'eau condensées à partir de vapeur d'eau. Clouds are clusters of water droplets condensed from water vapor. Clouds are clumps of water droplets condensed from water vapor. La rivière coule lentement sous le pont. The river flows sluggishly under the bridge. The river flows slowly under the bridge. Tom era in ritardo questa mattina per colpa di un'ingorgo stradale. Tom was late for work this morning because of a traffic jam. Tom was late this morning because of a traffic jam. Elle sait couramment parler le français. She can speak French fluently. She is fluent in French. Comenzaron a moverse y a hacer modo de escaramuza por las sosegadas aguas, correspondiéndoles casi al mismo modo infinitos caballeros que de la ciudad sobre hermosos caballos y con vistosas libreas salían. Then they began to move and execute a kind of skirmish upon the calm water, while a vast number of horsemen on fine horses and in showy liveries, issuing from the city, engaged on their side in a somewhat similar movement. They began to move and make a skirmish mode through the calm waters, corresponding to them almost in the same way infinite knights who from the city on beautiful horses and with showy liveries came out. Anche molti uomini vogliono essere magri. Many men want to be thin, too. Many men also want to be thin. Non siamo ancora del tutto pronti. We're not totally ready yet. We're not quite ready yet. Onde esta Levanon? Where is Lebanon? Where's Levanon? Las-o așa. Just leave it at that. Leave her alone. Ça marche bien. It works fine. It's going well. Dobbiamo ridurre le spese. We must cut our expenses. We need to cut spending. La scorsa notte ho dormito bene. I had a good sleep last night. I slept well last night. Estou pronto para ir? Am I ready to go? Am I ready to go? L'ha scritta lei? Was it written by you? Did she write it? Je viens d'arriver de Paris. I've just arrived from Paris. I just got here from Paris. Ci sono troppi refusi in quella lettera. There are too many typos in that letter. There are too many rejections in that letter. Lui è un fan del pane. He's a bread aficionado. He is a fan of bread. Amanhã de manhã não viremos trabalhar. We won't come to the office tomorrow morning. We're not coming to work tomorrow morning. Il ministero amministra gli affari interni. The ministry administers the internal affairs. The Ministry administers internal affairs. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde, as relações sexuais desprotegidas entre homens e mulheres são o modo predominante de transmissão do VIH. According to the World Health Organization, unprotected sexual intercourse between men and women is the predominant mode of HIV transmission. According to the World Health Organization, unprotected sex between men and women is the predominant mode of HIV transmission. Sosi iarna. Winter came. Arrives in winter. Tant de bo pogués comprar aquesta guitarra. I wish I could buy that guitar. I wish I could buy this guitar. Non l'ho mai visto qua. I've never seen him here. I've never seen him here. Sta andando da solo. He's going alone. He's going alone. La lista es extensa. The list is extensive. The list is extensive. Usando o observatório de raios-X Chandra da NASA, que é capaz de ver através do manto de poeira e gás próximo dos buracos negros, os astrónomos desenvolveram duas teorias. Using NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope, which is able see through the shroud of dust and gas near black holes, astronomers have developed two theories. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, which is able to see through the mantle of dust and gas near black holes, astronomers have developed two theories. Mă faci să mă simt obosit. You're making me feel tired. You're making me feel tired. Cette guerre est, de la part de la Russie, un acte brutal d’auto-mutilation historique à long terme. This war is a gross act of long-distance historical self-harm by Russia. This war is, on Russia’s part, a brutal act of long-term historical self-mutilation. Questo coltello è mio. This knife is mine. This knife is mine. Ils parlent couramment allemand. They speak German fluently. They speak fluent German. Migliaia di persone volevano sapere la risposta. Thousands of people wanted to know the answer. Thousands of people wanted to know the answer. Daniele ha salvato suo fratello. Daniel saved his brother. Daniele saved his brother. Tom va ser despedit per una causa justa. Tom was fired for a good reason. Tom was fired for a just cause. Vous avez commencé à pleurer. You started crying. You started crying. Tom e Mary sabem disso. Tom and Mary know about it. Tom and Mary know that. Ar trebui să-l lăsăm pe Tom în pace. We should leave Tom alone. We should leave Tom alone. Vull aprendre l'esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. I want to learn Esperanto. Non si lamentano mai. They never complain. They never complain. Sapete cosa vogliono. You know what they want. You know what they want. Comprennent-ils le kabyle ? Do they understand Kabyle? Do they understand Kabyle? Non sa cos'è questo? Don't you know what this is? You don't know what this is? Te extrañaré un montón cuando te vayas a la universidad. I'll miss you lots when you go to college. I'll miss you a lot when you go to college. No ve la tele nunca. He doesn't watch TV at all. He never watches TV. Eu não esperava isso. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that. El será o meu suplente mentres estou fóra. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my backup while I'm gone. Ti manca il coraggio di affrontarlo. You lack the courage to confront him. You lack the courage to face it. Por que você tentou impedir Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? Why did you try to stop Tom? Sami n'a pas sa place dans cette maison. There is no place in this house for Sami. Sami has no place in this house. Raumschach (in tedesco, "scacchi spaziali") è una modalità di scacchi inventata nel 1907 da Ferdinand Maack e che aggiunge una terza dimensione alla scacchiera. Raumschach (in German, "space chess") is a modality of chess invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack. It adds a third dimension to the board. Raumschach (German for "space chess") is a chess mode invented in 1907 by Ferdinand Maack that adds a third dimension to the chessboard. Il court fort vite. He runs very fast. He's running fast. Ninguém confia em ti. No one trusts you. No one trusts you. Mio figlio costruì un castello di sabbia. My son built a sandcastle. My son built a sand castle. Este lugar não é na Europa. This place is not in Europe. This place is not in Europe. O elevador estava muito cheio. It was very crowded in the elevator. The elevator was very full. Prefiero que me llames Tom. I prefer that you call me Tom. I'd rather you call me Tom. Tom non crede nel karma. Tom doesn't believe in karma. Tom doesn't believe in karma. Gli uccelli volano bassi sul nostro giardino. The birds fly low over our garden. Birds fly low in our garden. Elle est en cavale. She is on the run. She's on the run. Me empiezo a sentir mucho mejor. I'm starting to feel much better. I'm starting to feel a lot better. Ella no se suicidará. She won't kill herself. She won't kill herself. Este país es nuestro. This country is ours. This country is ours. Ele olhou debaixo da cama, atrás dos armários e no banheiro. He looked under the bed, behind the closets, and in the bathroom. He looked under the bed, behind the cupboards and in the bathroom. Vuole continuare a uscire con lei? Do you want to keep dating her? You want to keep going out with her? Sono tua alleata, fidati di me. I am your ally, trust me. I'm your ally, trust me. Je voulais juste dormir. I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted to sleep. ¡Kerry está en la tele! Kerry's on TV! Kerry's on TV! Había diez personas hacinadas en la pequeña habitación. Ten people were packed into the small room. There were ten people crammed into the small room. Ens sap greu la molèstia causada. We're sorry for the inconvenience. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Si affrettò a entrare in casa. He hurried into the house. He hastened to enter the house. As-tu perdu connaissance ? Did you lose consciousness? Have you lost consciousness? Es mejor meter la nariz en los libros que en la vida de los demás. It's better to stick your nose in books than in other people's lives. It’s better to stick your nose in books than in other people’s lives. Tu pensi che Tom possa trovarlo? Do you think Tom can find it? Do you think Tom can find him? Il est regrettable que les chiens et les chats ne vivent pas aussi longtemps que les humains. It's unfortunate that dogs and cats don't live as long as humans. It is unfortunate that dogs and cats do not live as long as humans. J'ai failli ne pas réussir ce test. I almost didn't pass that test. I almost failed this test. Aqueth invèrn qu'ei doç. This winter is warm. The one that sucks. ¿Cómo será nuestro futuro? What will our future be like? What will our future look like? Les vents de mer sont humides. Winds from the sea are humid. The sea winds are wet. Je voulais venir. I wanted to come. I wanted to come. Aqueth polòi qu'a bon gost. This turkey tastes good. This guy has a good guest. Ele veio, ele viu, e ele perdeu. He came, he saw, and he lost. He came, he saw, and he lost. Mi piace viaggiare in estate. I like to travel in the summer. I like to travel in the summer. Alza il basso. Turn up the bass. Pick it up. Tu cosa vorresti che facessimo? What would you like us to do? What do you want us to do? Tengo que envolver la cena de mi hermana en film transparente. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in clingfilm. I have to wrap my sister's dinner in transparent film. Todo el mundo merece cosas buenas, incluido yo. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Everyone deserves good things, including me. Vatz vénguer dab jo ? Won't you come with me? Do you want to go to Jo Jo? Serais-tu disposée à me montrer comment le faire ? Would you be willing to show me how to do that? Would you be willing to show me how to do it? Esta arma está descarregada. This gun is out of bullets. This gun is unloaded. Dacă asculți versurile o să vezi că nu spun nimic. If you listen to the lyrics, you'll realize that they don't say anything. If you listen to the lyrics, you'll see that I'm not saying anything. Minha esposa gripa fácil. My wife catches colds easily. My wife gets the flu easy. Non vuole che rimanga? Don't you want me to stay? You don't want me to stay? Stava guardando la TV ieri. You were watching TV yesterday. He was watching TV yesterday. No somos impotentes ante estos riesgos. We are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not powerless in the face of these risks. Triunfei sobre aquele medroso. I've triumphed over that coward. I triumphed over that coward. La douleur est vive. It's a sharp pain. The pain is vivid. Nos tenemos que ceñir a los hechos. We've got to stick to the facts. We have to stick to the facts. Eso no va a ocurrir, ¿no? That isn't going to happen, is it? That's not gonna happen, is it? Las dos niñas se agarraban de la mano. The two young girls were holding hands. The two girls held hands. Alcançar o título de Grande Mestre no xadrez é algo comparável a receber a faixa preta no judô. Achieving the title of Grand Master in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. Achieving the title of Grandmaster in chess is something comparable to receiving the black belt in judo. ¿Cómo se pronuncia "pronounce"? How do you pronounce "pronounce"? How do you pronounce "pronounce"? S-a întunecat. Te rog aprinde lumina pentru mine. It's gotten dark. Please turn on the light for me. It's dark, please turn on the light for me. Qualcuno mi ha colpito. Someone hit me. Someone hit me. Je déteste cette bagnole. I hate this car. I hate this car. Isso não é possível, é? That's not possible, is it? That's not possible, is it? Ce problème n'est pas facile à résoudre. This problem isn't easy to solve. This problem is not easy to solve. Isso foi muito mais difícil que eu esperava. It was a lot harder than I had expected. That was a lot harder than I expected. Vi chiedo la vostra opinione. I ask you for your opinion. I ask for your opinion. Tom está bien de salud. Tom is in good health. Tom is in good health. Au fait. In fact. Oh, by the way. Lui è già qua. He is already here. He's already here. Dacă vrei să pari vorbitor nativ, ascultă vorbitori nativi de câte ori este posibil. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. Los argelinos quieren mejorar su estándar de vida. Algerians want to improve their standard of living. Algerians want to improve their standard of living. Ziri è tornato da scuola. Ziri came back from school. Ziri is back from school. Tom și-a pierdut memoria. Tom lost his memory. Tom lost his memory. Quand est-il parti en Mongolie ? When did he leave for Mongolia? When did he go to Mongolia? Utilizza la punteggiatura. Use punctuation. Use punctuation. Pásame el cuchillo. Hand the knife to me. Hand me the knife. Dejad de inflamar los ánimos de la gente. Stop pissing people off. Stop inflaming people’s minds. Tom a gagné. Tom won. Tom won. Fueron los tres días más largos de mi vida. Those were the longest three days of my life. It was the longest three days of my life. Y, bueno, dado que mi meta era alcanzar los 800 seguidores, ellos me ayudaban a acercarme a esa cifra. And, well, since my goal was to hit 800 followers, they helped me to reach that number. And, well, since my goal was to reach 800 followers, they helped me get closer to that number. Dovresti cambiare lavoro se ne capita l'occasione. You should change your job if the occasion arises. You should change jobs if you get the chance. Vorrei una stanza d'angolo. I'd like a corner room. I'd like a corner room. El espía buscaba puntos débiles. The spy looked for weaknesses. The spy was looking for weak spots. Câmpurile abundă în flori sălbatice. The fields abound in wild flowers. Fields abound in wildflowers. On ne peut pas mélanger l'huile et l'eau. You can't mix oil with water. We can't mix oil and water. Io vedo la mia corona. I see my crown. I see my crown. Ken condivise la stanza con il suo fratello maggiore. Ken shared the room with his older brother. Ken shared the room with his older brother. Poco a poco comenzarás a comprender el texto sin traducciones ni explicaciones. Little by little you will begin to comprehend the text without translations or explanations. Gradually you will begin to understand the text without translations or explanations. Mæ messiavo o l'ea franseise. My grandpa was French. My father was French. La IA no solo procesó los datos más rápido de lo que es humanamente posible; también detectó aspectos de la realidad que los humanos no detectaron, o tal vez no puedan detectar. The AI did not just process data more quickly than humanly possible; it also detected aspects of reality humans have not detected, or perhaps cannot detect. AI not only processed data faster than is humanly possible; it also detected aspects of reality that humans did not, or perhaps cannot detect. Abbiamo tre figli adolescenti. We have three adolescent children. We have three teenage children. Vous êtes-vous regardé dans le miroir ? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? Did you look in the mirror? Tom dijo que lo sentía por lo de anoche. Tom said he was sorry for last night. Tom said he was sorry about last night. Pourquoi as-tu frappé ta sœur ? Why did you hit your sister? Why did you hit your sister? En rematando co libro, volve pólo onde o atopaches. When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it. At the end of the book, go back to where you found it. O pintor pinta um agricultor no quadro. The painter paints a farmer in the picture. The painter paints a farmer in the picture. Tom è sincero. Tom is sincere. Tom is sincere. Esta mazá sabe amarga. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes bitter. Metto sempre il cucchiaio a destra del piatto. I always place the spoon to the right of the plate. I always put the spoon to the right of the plate. Mike a été élu président. Mike was elected chairperson. Mike was elected president. E ele disse que nem os israelitas nem os palestinianos têm qualquer motivo para acreditar que a administração Bush tencione investir qualquer capital político para fazer avançar o processo dentro em breve. And he said that neither Israelis nor Palestinians have any reason to believe that the Bush administration is going to expend any political capital to move the process forward anytime soon. And he said that neither Israelis nor Palestinians have any reason to believe that the Bush administration intends to invest any political capital to advance the process any time soon. Vous n'êtes pas censés fumer ici. You're not supposed to be smoking in here. You're not supposed to smoke here. Se ficares entediado, abre um livro! If you get bored, open a book! If you get bored, open a book. Comment es-tu raccordée ? How are you connected? How are you connected? Eu te digo isto porque te amo. I tell you this because I love you. I tell you this because I love you. Sapete che siamo qui. You know that we're here. You know we're here. Des questions ? Anymore questions? Any questions? Ela tem um coração de pedra! She has a heart of stone! She has a heart of stone! Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas pris le petit déjeuner ? Why did you not have breakfast? Why didn’t you have breakfast? A l'à spuou pe tæra. She spat on the floor. He's splattered on the earth. El vaig sentir cantant al concert. I heard him sing at the concert. I heard him singing at the concert. Le parc était immense ; on s'y est presque perdus. The park was huge; we almost got lost there. The park was huge; we almost got lost in it. Trataré de ir a casa durante la temporada de vacaciones. I'll try to get home during the holiday season. I'll try to go home during the holiday season. La tua più grande debolezza è la pigrizia. Your greatest weakness is laziness. Your greatest weakness is laziness. Penso d avere bisogno di un abbraccio. I think I need a hug. I think I need a hug. Avete invitato Tom alla festa? Did you invite Tom to the party? Did you invite Tom to the party? Mi disse che era molto povero. He told me that he was very poor. He told me he was very poor. Vocês vão a pé? Are you going on foot? Are you guys going on foot? La nebbia si dissipò al sorgere del sole. The fog dissipated as the sun rose. The fog dissipated at sunrise. Soy demasiado bajo. I am too short. I'm too short. Uma delegação da Confederação Africana de Futebol está de visita aos Camarões para avaliar a aptidão do país da África Ocidental para acolher a Taça das Nações Africanas Feminina, marcada para novembro. A delegation from the Confederation of African Football is visiting Cameroon to appraise the West African country's readiness to host the Africa Women Cup of Nations, set for November. A delegation from the African Football Confederation is visiting Cameroon to assess the West African country’s fitness to host the Women’s African Cup of Nations, scheduled for November. O cachorrinho bebe água? Does the puppy drink water? Does the dog drink water? Por que Tom está usando esse chapéu? Why is Tom wearing that hat? Why is Tom wearing that hat? Tenemos un estegosauro. We have got a Stegosaurus. We have a stegosaurus. Je n'ai besoin que de quelques heures pour achever ce rapport. I just need a few hours to finish this report. I only need a few hours to complete this report. Robert avait l'air miteux. Robert looked shabby. Robert looked sleazy. Porque mi escalera vieja está rota. Because my old ladder is broken. Because my old ladder is broken. Je doute que ce futur utopique advienne. I doubt that this utopian future will come to pass. I doubt that utopian future will come. La vita sembrava migliore con lui al mio fianco. Life felt better with him by my side. Life seemed better with him by my side. Ao tomar o cavalo, o bispo pôs em xeque o rei do adversário. The bishop took the knight, putting the opponent's king in check. By taking the horse, the bishop put in check the king of the opponent. C'est plus fort à gauche ou à droite ? Is it louder on the left or the right? Is it harder on the left or the right? Su llegada animó la fiesta. His arrival pepped up the party. His arrival cheered the party. Las ayudamos. We help them. We helped them. È stata una decisione stupida. That was a dumb decision. It was a stupid decision. En anglais, certains mots proviennent du japonais. In English there are some words borrowed from Japanese. In English, some words come from Japanese. Prese un autobus. She caught a bus. He took a bus. Tom m'a promis qu'il viendrait. Tom promised me he'd come. Tom promised me he'd come. Se le azioni sono più forti delle parole, perché la penna è più potente della spada? If actions are stronger than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword? If actions are stronger than words, why is the pen more powerful than the sword? Mi esposa ama el pastel de manzana. My wife loves apple pie. My wife loves apple pie. A chamada tríade nuclear dos Estados Unidos — a capacidade das forças armadas para lançar e se defender de ataques nucleares por meio de mísseis balísticos intercontinentais com base terrestre, mísseis balísticos lançados por submarinos e mísseis de cruzeiro lançados por meios aéreos — continuará a ser fundamental na sua estratégia de dissuasão nuclear. The United States’ so-called nuclear triad — the military’s ability to launch and defend nuclear attacks with land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and air-launched cruise missiles — will remain critical to its nuclear deterrence strategy. The so-called nuclear triad of the United States — the ability of the armed forces to launch and defend against nuclear attacks through land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and air-launched cruise missiles — will continue to be central to its nuclear deterrence strategy. Estudian la Biblia. They're studying the Bible. They study the Bible. ¿Qué tal este sombrero rojo? How about this red hat? How about this red hat? Se lo contaré todo a mi padre y a mi madre. I'll tell everything to my father and mother. I'll tell my father and my mother everything. Estamos komprando. We're buying. We're buying. Había fume saíndo da cheminea. Smoke was rising from the chimney. There was smoke coming out of the chimney. Yanni estaba frustrado. Yanni was frustrated. Yanni was frustrated. Loro stavano parlando in tedesco. They were speaking German. They were speaking in German. A campainha está tocando. The doorbell is ringing. The bell is ringing. Sono veramente interessato alla cultura cinese. I'm really interested in Chinese culture. I'm really interested in Chinese culture. Il diavolo si nasconde nei dettagli. The devil hides in the details. The devil is in the details. Adesso so che non è vero. I now know that isn't true. Now I know that's not true. Yanni était d'accord. Yanni agreed. Yanni agreed. La disoccupazione è una preoccupazione per te? Is unemployment a concern for you? Is unemployment a concern for you? Tengo tanto derecho a estar aquí como tú. I have just as much of a right to be here as you do. I have as much right to be here as you do. Io non ero l'unico canadese sull'autobus. I wasn't the only Canadian on the bus. I wasn't the only Canadian on the bus. Portammo il nostro computer. We brought our computer. We brought our computer. Não nos diga o que fazer. Don't tell us what to do. Don't tell us what to do. Tom no ha hecho todavía lo que le pedimos. Tom hasn't yet done what we've asked him to do. Tom hasn't done what we asked yet. Laptele s-a stricat. The milk has gone bad. The milk's broken. Tu sei l'unico adulto qui. You are the only adult here. You're the only adult here. El amor es un regalo de Dios. Love is a gift from God. Love is a gift from God. Mon chat, qui est un réfugié, parle avec un accent vietnamien. My refugee cat speaks with a Vietnamese accent. My cat, who is a refugee, speaks with a Vietnamese accent. Após o desastre, o sr. Smith fugiu rapidamente do local e tentou suicidar-se em casa, cortando os pulsos e disparando contra si próprio com uma arma de pressão. After the crash, Mr. Smith quickly fled the scene and attempted suicide at his home by slitting his wrists and shooting himself with a pellet gun. After the disaster, Mr. Smith quickly fled the scene and attempted suicide at home, cutting his wrists and shooting himself with a pressure gun. Rima lavorava in un ristorante. Rima worked at a restaurant. Rima worked in a restaurant. Mio figlio si fa ancora la cacca addosso. My son is still pooping on himself. My son is still pooping. Tom toca la guitarra. Tom plays guitar. Tom plays the guitar. Je sais que certains d'entre vous veulent revenir aux choses telles qu'elles étaient mais ça ne va pas arriver. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but that's not going to happen. I know some of you want to go back to the way things were, but it's not going to happen. Estoy sonriendo por fuera, pero por dentro también estoy sonriendo. I'm smiling on the outside, but on the inside I'm also smiling. I'm smiling on the outside, but on the inside I'm smiling too. Nu știe ce să răspundă la asta. She's not sure what to say to this. He doesn't know what to answer to that. Non ritornare mai. Never come back. Don't ever come back. Vous nous avez manqué. We missed you. We've missed you. Yo crecí comiendo comida japonesa. I grew up eating Japanese food. I grew up eating Japanese food. Tu vas adorer notre nourriture. You're going to love our food. You're gonna love our food. No le llega agua al tanque. He's stupid. There is no water in the tank. Aquele casal gasta um bom tanto de dinheiro comendo em restaurantes. That couple spends quite a bit of money eating at nice restaurants. That couple spends a lot of money eating at restaurants. Tom nu s-a plâns niciodată de frig. Tom never complained about the cold. Tom never complained about the cold. Hoje é dia de lavanderia. Today's laundry day. Today is laundry day. Apague a luz da cozinha, por favor. Turn the kitchen light off, please. Turn off the kitchen light, please. La obra de teatro salió muy bien en general. The play went very well on the whole. The play went very well in general. Que't desiri bona escaduda. I wish you good luck. Wishing you a good escape. Il fallait y mettre un terme. We had to put a stop to that. There had to be an end to it. E destul de întuneric aici. It's rather dark here. It's pretty dark in here. Je l'enseigne l'anglais. I teach him English. I teach him English. ¿Es el turno de quién? Whose turn is it? Whose turn is it? Essas coisas são divertidas. Those things are fun. These things are fun. Qui va inventar el piano? Who invented the piano? Who invented the piano? Los niños juegan en el parque. The kids play in the park. Children play in the park. ¿Tienes tiempo mañana? Do you have time tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? A técnica de Cojoc envolve gravar um vídeo de um segundo de um glóbulo vermelho, ao mesmo tempo brilhando uma luz colorida através dele. Cojoc's technique involves taking a one-second video of a red blood cell, while shining a tinted light through it. Cojoc’s technique involves recording a one-second video of a red blood cell, at the same time shining a colored light through it. Ela é qual uma tigresa. She's like a tigress. She's like a tigress. Le tue ascelle puzzano. Your armpits stink. Your armpits stink. ¿Estás seguro do prezo dese coche? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Are you sure about the price of this car? Quiero entender a la gente. I want to understand people. I want to understand people. Ella le compró un coche. She bought him a car. She bought him a car. Eu conheci tanto o escritor quanto o livro. I knew both the writer and the book. I know both the author and the book. La chica apretó a su muñeca con afecto. The girl squeezed her doll affectionately. The girl clenched her wrist with affection. J'ai regardé ce film plusieurs fois. I've seen this film several times. I have watched this movie several times. Todos los djudios son mesianikos, ama dingunos de los djudios no son kristianos. All Jews are messianic, but no Jews are Christian. All Jews are messianic, he loves some of the Jews are not Christian. Os alunos não prestam atenção. The students do not pay attention. The students do not pay attention. Ils se sont fait arrêter. They got arrested. They got arrested. Copiii sunt deja aici. The kids are already here. The kids are already here. Meu shampoo acabou. I ran out of shampoo. My shampoo's gone. Avevi detto che mi avresti chiamato. You said you would call me. You said you'd call me. Les plaisanteries de Rima manquaient à Ziri. Ziri missed the silly banters with Rima. Rima's jokes were lacking in Ziri. Sin embargo, me duele el hombro. However, my shoulder hurts. However, my shoulder hurts. Por que você vai se desfazer desse tapete? Why are you going to get rid of this carpet? Why are you going to get rid of this carpet? Raramente viene a trovarmi. He rarely comes to see me. He rarely comes to see me. Votre dîner est délicieux. Your dinner is delicious. Your dinner is delicious. Tom nage chaque jour. Tom goes swimming every day. Tom swims every day. Tom tem uma personalidade forte. Tom has a strong personality. Tom has a strong personality. "Há muito poucas coisas que conseguem evocar o tipo de resposta emocional que um grande evento desportivo consegue evocar", salienta ele. "There are very few things that can evoke the kind of emotional response that a great sporting event can evoke," he points out. “There are very few things that can evoke the kind of emotional response that a major sporting event can evoke,” he said. Tom veut retourner chez lui mais il ne peut pas. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Tom wants to go home, but he can't. Chi le è piaciuto di più? Who did you like the most? Who did you like the most? La sabiduría me dice que no soy nada, el amor me dice que soy todo. Entre los dos, mi vida fluye. Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows. Wisdom tells me that I am nothing, love tells me that I am everything. Between the two, my life flows. Poți să-mi împrumuți bicicleta? Could you lend me your bike? Can I borrow your bike? Tutti dovrebbero imparare il berbero. Everyone should learn Berber. Everyone should learn Berber. Tom et Marie sont en train de te chercher. Tom and Mary are looking for you. Tom and Marie are looking for you. Em Toki Pona tentei bela frase traduzir. Os erros logo, bem sei, meu mestre vai corrigir. I tried to translate a beautiful sentence into Toki Pona. I know my teacher will soon correct the mistakes. In Toki Pona I tried to translate beautiful phrase. The mistakes soon, well I know, my master will correct. Aprirono la scatola. They opened the box. They opened the box. Io voglio un rimborso. I want a refund. I want a refund. Ha tradito Silya. He betrayed Silya. He betrayed Silya. No tengo hermanas. I don't have any sister. I don't have sisters. Esperar es aburrido. Waiting is boring. Waiting is boring. Povestește-mi! Tell me about it! Tell me! Ce la avete in verde? Do you have it in green? Do you have it in green? Parece que lo sabe todo de mí. It seems like he knows everything about me. He seems to know everything about me. Dispones de una hora para terminar esto. You have one hour to get this done. You have an hour to finish this. Nós arrumamos os livros de acordo com o tamanho. We arranged the books according to size. We arrange the books according to the size. Esta habitación está sucia. This room is dirty. This room is dirty. Ele deixou o vilarejo para estudar. He left the village in order to study. He left the village to study. Entrambi i libri sono interessanti. Both of the books are interesting. Both books are interesting. Qual é a moral da história? What is the moral of the story? What is the moral of the story? Questo romanzo è molto difficile da capire. This novel is very difficult to understand. This novel is very difficult to understand. Il caffè è pronto? Is the coffee ready? Is the coffee ready? Haremos una venta de liquidación la semana que viene. We'll be holding a clearance sale next week. We'll do a sell-off next week. Cuando éramos niños, mi amiga y yo jugábamos a todo tipo de juegos. When we were kids, my friend and I used to play all kinds of games. When we were kids, my friend and I played all kinds of games. ¿Cuál es la correcta? Which one is correct? Which one is right? Questo posto puzza. This place stinks. This place stinks. Quando avevo cinque anni non sapevo leggere. When I was five years old I could not read. When I was five years old, I couldn’t read. La polizia ha arrestato il sequestratore. The police arrested the kidnapper. The police arrested the kidnapper. J’ai un peu mal au crâne. I've got a bit of a head. I have a bit of a headache. Guarde o seu celular. O professor está vindo. Put your phone away. The teacher's coming. Save your cell phone, the professor's coming. Benvido ao noso lar. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. Io non ho dato da mangiare al cane. I didn't feed the dog. I didn't feed the dog. La forme spécifique d'une protéine lui permet de remplir une fonction spécifique. The specific shape of proteins allows them to perform specific functions. The specific shape of a protein allows it to perform a specific function. Fai l'opposto di quello che dico. Do the opposite of what I say. You do the opposite of what I'm saying. In quale mese siete nate? In what month were you born? What month were you born? Mon fils insistait pour ne pas se coucher parce qu'il y avait un monstre sous le lit. My son insisted he wouldn't go to sleep because there was a monster under the bed. My son insisted on not going to bed because there was a monster under the bed. Os vasos de flores estavam todos cheios de terra. The flower pots were all filled with soil. The flower pots were all filled with earth. Ești gelos. You're jealous. You're jealous. Compri adesso, paghi più tardi. Buy now, pay later. Buy now, pay later. He estado en cuarentena hasta hoy. I've been in quarantine up to today. I've been quarantined until today. ¿Has tenido alguna vez un desprendimiento de retina? Have you ever had a detached retina? Have you ever had a retinal detachment? Lui parla cinese. He speaks Chinese. He speaks Chinese. Perché tutti li stanno guardando? Why is everyone looking at them? Why is everyone looking at them? Arrêtez-vous chez le fleuriste pour acheter des roses. Stop by the florist's to buy some roses. Stop at the florist to buy roses. Não os conheço pessoalmente. I don't know them personally. I don't know them personally. Aquela tampa de esgoto pesa mais de 100 quilogramas. That manhole cover weighs over 100 kilograms. That sewer cover weighs over 100 kilograms. Eu não seu se vou ter filhos. I don't know if I'll have kids. I'm not yours if I'm going to have kids. Si rese conto di provare qualcosa per lui. She realised she had feelings for him. He realized that he felt something for him. Se hizo un hábito. It became a habit. It became a habit. Yanni trabaja en un Walmart. Yanni works at a Walmart. Yanni works at a Walmart. Tom non rispetta le regole. Tom doesn't play fair. Tom doesn't play by the rules. Si te informas de todo, pronto envejecerás. If you inform yourself about everything, you'll grow old soon. If you keep track of everything, you'll soon grow old. El mecánico abre su taller a las siete. The mechanic opens his workshop at seven. The mechanic opens his shop at seven. Tom pa ka fè fòt. Tom cannot make mistakes. And Tom is not guilty of anything. La chiesa è lì. The church is there. The church is there. Hay que medir la velocidad del viento con exactitud. The wind must be gauged accurately. The speed of the wind must be measured accurately. La marmite est sur la cuisinière. The pot is on the stove. The pot is on the stove. ¿Has intentado autolesionarte alguna vez? Have you ever attempted to harm yourself? Have you ever tried to hurt yourself? Um desafio imediato, diz ela, é se a elite política consegue encontrar "alguma espécie de equilíbrio que seja boa para a estabilidade do país". An immediate challenge, she says, is whether the political elite can find “some kind of equilibrium that is good for the stability of the country.” An immediate challenge, she says, is whether the political elite can find “some sort of balance that is good for the stability of the country.” Le Paraguay a deux langues officielles : l'espagnol et le guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Paraguay has two official languages: Spanish and Guarani. Questa costerà 30 euro. This will be thirty Euros. This will cost 30 euros. Kon plazer. With pleasure. With pleasure. Esta tarea es la guinda de mi pastel. This task is the icing on my cake. This task is the icing on the cake. Isso está bastante claro, não está? That's plain enough, isn't it? That's pretty clear, isn't it? Sarei sorpresa. I would be surprised. I'd be surprised. Hanno detto che sono imbarazzate. They said that they're embarrassed. They said they were embarrassed. Credeam că nu voiai să vorbești despre ce s-a întâmplat. I thought you didn't want to talk about what happened. I thought you didn't want to talk about what happened. Il écrit une longue lettre. He's writing a long letter. He writes a long letter. Ella azotó la puerta. She slammed the door. She banged on the door. Tu non sei d'accordo? Don't you agree? Don't you agree? Y a-t-il Internet dans la chambre ? Is there Internet in the room? Is there internet in the room? No falta mucho para que empecemos. It won't be long before we can start. It won't be long before we get started. Cette chaise est à toi. This chair is yours. This chair is yours. Et le maître du festin goûta l'eau changée en vin. And the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. And the master of the feast tasted the water changed into wine. Le livre est à côté du journal. The book is next to the newspaper. The book is next to the newspaper. Je ne le fais plus. I'm not doing it anymore. I don't do it anymore. La risposta è facile da indovinare. The answer is easy to guess. The answer is easy to guess. Evite usar magia negra. Avoid doing black magic. Avoid using black magic. Será óbvio que para levar este mal, efetivamente, à barra da opinião pública, nós devemos perscrutá-lo até ao âmago e desvendar e arrastar para a luz destemidamente os seus mistérios indecentes. It will be obvious that to bring this evil, with effect, to the bar of public opinion, we must probe it to the very core, and fearlessly unveil and drag into the light its indecent mysteries. It will be obvious that in order to bring this evil effectively to the bar of public opinion, we must scrutinize it to the core and unmask and fearlessly drag into the light its indecent mysteries. Suoni con lui. Play with him. You play with him. Creo que necesito algo más de tiempo. I think I need some more time. I think I need some more time. La mayor virtud de Tatoeba es su interactividad. Tatoeba's greatest virtue is its interactivity. Tatoeba’s greatest virtue is its interactivity. Qui paie pour le mariage ? Who's paying for the wedding? Who pays for the wedding? ¿Sobre que te estás sentando? What are you sitting on? What are you sitting on? Va à l'accueil pour demander des renseignements. Go to the welcome desk to ask for some information. Go to the reception to ask for information. Je ne sais pas ce que tu cherches. I don't know what you're looking for. I don't know what you're looking for. Quem foi que bebeu todo o vinho? Who drank all the wine? Who drank all the wine? Ils n'ont pas changé d'avis. They haven't changed their mind. They haven't changed their minds. Há dez anos atrás, a Organização Mundial de Saúde adotou a Convenção-Quadro para o Controlo do Tabaco para tentar extinguir o uso de cigarros e outros produtos do tabaco. Ten years ago, the World Health Organization adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to try to snuff out the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Ten years ago, the World Health Organization adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to try to extinguish the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products. La Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie est l'une des meilleures équipes de football d'Algérie. Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie is one of Algeria's best soccer teams. Jeunesse Sportive de Kabylie is one of the best football teams in Algeria. En raison du brouillard, l'avion a été dérouté vers Munich. Because of the fog, the airplane has been rerouted to Munich. Due to fog, the plane was diverted to Munich. No es inteligente. He's not smart. He's not smart. Cale a boca e encha o buraco, enchedor de buracos. Shut up and fill the hole, holefiller. Shut up and fill the hole, you hole-filler. C'est le régime criminel algérien qui crée le terrorisme en Algérie en enseignant les préceptes islamiques dans les écoles et en créant des groupes terroristes afin de maintenir un climat de peur qui permet de faire de sales affaires. Cela convient aux Algériens qui ne veulent pas supprimer l'enseignement religieux dans les écoles. Contrairement aux Kabyles qui se battent pour un État laïque et un système éducatif scientifique. It is the Algerian criminal regime that creates terrorism in Algeria by teaching Islamic prescepts in schools and by creating trerrorist groups in order to maintain a climate of fear that makes it possible to do durty business. This is convenient for Algerians who don't want to suppress religious education in schools. Contrary to the Kabyles who fight for a secular state and scientific educational system. It is the Algerian criminal regime that creates terrorism in Algeria by teaching Islamic precepts in schools and creating terrorist groups in order to maintain a climate of fear that makes it possible to do dirty business. This is suitable for Algerians who do not want to suppress religious education in schools. Unlike the Kabyles who fight for a secular state and a scientific educational system. A que horas vocês saem? What time do you get off? What time do you guys leave? Quando Josefa recebeu a carta, ficou muito feliz. O remetente era um colega de escola de quem ela não tinha notícias havia anos. When Josefa received the letter, she got really happy. The sender was a classmate from school she hadn't heard from in years. When Josefa received the letter, she was very happy. The sender was a schoolmate of whom she had not heard for years. Lui non ha chiuso occhio. He did not sleep a wink. He didn't close his eyes. D'estate non era un problema. In summer, it wasn't a problem. In the summer it was not a problem. Le compatiamo. We pity them. We pity them. Siempre sospeché que Tom era bolchevique, pero nunca tuve ninguna prueba contundente hasta ahora. I always suspected Tom was a Bolshevik, but I never had any hard proof until now. I always suspected that Tom was a Bolshevik, but I never had any hard evidence until now. O Centro Nacional de Furacões dos EUA informou no início do domingo que a tempestade tropical Eta fez uma aterragem ao longo da costa sul-central de Cuba e está a deslocar-se para norte, através da ilha. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said early Sunday that Tropical Storm Eta has made landfall along the South-Central coast of Cuba and is moving to the north, across the island. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said early Sunday that Tropical Storm Eta has made a landing along Cuba’s south-central coast and is moving north across the island. Embora continue a ser um acontecimento menor nos livros de História da Grã-Bretanha e da França, a destruição do Antigo Palácio de Verão é descrita nos manuais de História chineses como um acontecimento marcante nos "100 anos de humilhação" do país e uma lição sobre o que pode suceder à China se esta se curvar perante a influência ocidental. Although it remains a minor event in history books in Britain and France, the destruction of the Yuanming Yuan is described in Chinese history texts as a key event in the country's "100 years of humiliation," and a cautionary tale of what can befall China if it bows to Western influence. While it remains a minor event in the history books of Britain and France, the destruction of the Old Summer Palace is described in Chinese history textbooks as a landmark event in the country’s “100 years of humiliation” and a lesson in what can happen to China if it bows to Western influence. I pens nèn ch'a sia na decision difìcila. I don't think it's a difficult decision. It's not a difficult decision to make. Io non parlo il polacco. I do not speak Polish. I don't speak Polish. Stai lavorando da sola. You are working alone. You're working alone. Les Français aiment les cuisses de grenouille. The French love frog legs. The French love frog legs. Sois le chasseur ou le gibier, mais ne sois pas le chien qui amène le gibier au chasseur. Be the hunter or be the prey, but don't be the dog that brings the prey to the hunter. Be the hunter or the game, but don’t be the dog that brings the game to the hunter. I movimenti popolari esprimono il malcontento popolare. Popular movements express popular displeasure. Popular movements express popular discontent. Tom fingió no entender lo que Mary quería que hiciera. Tom pretended he didn't understand what Mary wanted him to do. Tom pretended not to understand what Mary wanted him to do. Je pense qu'elle réussira. I think she'll succeed. I think she'll succeed. Tu es chanceux d'avoir un travail. You're lucky that you have a job. You're lucky to have a job. Tom ajudou seus amigos a fazerem o dever de casa. Tom helped his friends with their homework. Tom helped his friends do their homework. Não é ilegal fazer isso. Doing that isn't illegal. It's not illegal to do that. ¿A qué hora almuerzas? What time are you having lunch? What time do you have lunch? Si soy elegido presidente, mi compromiso será liderar un gran pacto de Estado contra la violencia de género. If elected president, my pledge is to forge a grand bargain to stop gender-based violence. If I am elected president, my commitment will be to lead a great pact of State against gender violence. Ella quiere saber la verdad. She wants to know the truth. She wants to know the truth. Ele tem sete filhos homens. He has seven sons. He has seven sons. Llevamos seis años enteros viviendo en Tokio. We have lived in Tokyo for six years. We've been living in Tokyo for six whole years. Lo feci perché volevo essere come mio padre. I did that because I wanted to be like my father. I did it because I wanted to be like my father. Avete i miei occhiali da sole e li rivoglio. You've got my sunglasses and I want them back. You have my sunglasses and I want them back. A-t-il remarqué que tu le suivais ? Did he notice you were following him? Did he notice you were following him? Abbiamo detto a Tom che non era il benvenuto qua. We told Tom that he wasn't welcome here. We told Tom he wasn't welcome here. A menudo, la ventaja de un peón es suficiente para ganar el juego. Oftentimes, the advantage of a pawn is enough to win the game. Often, a pawn’s advantage is enough to win the game. Sírvanse vostedes mesmos. Help yourself. Please serve yourselves. Si llenas demasiado la caja, se le va a caer el fondo. If you stuff the box too full, the bottom will fall out. If you fill the box too much, the bottom will fall off. Avlash muy avagar. You speak very slowly. Avlash very avagar. Je me demande si je l'aime. I'm wondering if I love him. I wonder if I love him. Abbiamo bisogno di un piano. We need a plan. We need a plan. Nós já estaremos velhos quando você aprender grego. We will have grown old by the time you learn Greek. We'll be old by the time you learn Greek. Cuarto juego, cuarto empate. Carlsen 2, Nepo 2. ¿Cuándo tendremos un ganador? The fourth game, the fourth draw. Carlsen 2, Nepo 2. When will we have a winner? Fourth game, fourth draw. Carlsen 2, Nepo 2. When will we have a winner? Tom non conosce nessuno lì. Tom doesn't know anyone there. Tom doesn't know anyone there. La cupidité rend les hommes aveugles. Greed makes men blind. Greed makes men blind. Era uno studente saccente. He was a know-it-all student. He was a good student. O capitão nos deu as boas vindas. The captain welcomed us. The captain welcomed us. Tom quebrou o meu para-brisa. Tom broke my windshield. Tom broke my windshield. Il Cile non è la Cina. Chile isn't China. Chile is not China. ¿Cómo está el clima? How is the weather? How's the weather? Non teño tempo para ler. I have no leisure for reading. I don’t have time to read. O embaixador Mark Lippert disse aos repórteres na terça-feira que ele se sente “bastante bem, tendo em conta a situação” e que espera conseguir recuperar completamente. Ambassador Mark Lippert told reporters Tuesday he feels "pretty darn good, all things considered" and expects to make a full recovery. Ambassador Mark Lippert told reporters on Tuesday that he feels “pretty good given the situation” and hopes to make a full recovery. Te llamaré mañana. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Ero con lei la scorsa notte. I was with her last night. I was with her last night. Ela foi para lá no verão passado. She went there last summer. She went there last summer. Les nouvelles me ravissent. I am very pleased at the news. The news delights me. Isto é mais que suficiente. This is more than enough. This is more than enough. Pourquoi pensez-vous que tous les Américains sont riches ? Why do you think that all Americans are rich? Why do you think all Americans are rich? Tom é meu discípulo. Tom is my disciple. Tom is my disciple. Il m'a offert un beau cadeau de Noël. He gave me a nice Christmas present. He gave me a nice Christmas present. Bem-vinda à família. Welcome to the family. Welcome to the family. Não sei se é um bug ou não, mas este software não está funcionando direito. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software doesn't work correctly. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but this software isn't working right. Caută pe Wikipedia. Look it up on Wikipedia. Look it up on Wikipedia. C'est une parodie. It's a travesty. It's a travesty. Sami a mers să înoate în fiecare Vineri. Sami went swimming every Friday. Sami went swimming every Friday. Espero que Tom llegue aquí a tiempo. I hope Tom gets here on time. I hope Tom gets here in time. Ella estaba desilusionada y enojada consigo misma por ser así. She was disappointed, and angry with herself for being so. She was disappointed and angry with herself for being like that. Beh, cosa deve essere fatto? Well, what's to be done? Well, what's to be done? Eu avisei para o Tom não comer o camarão. I advised Tom not to eat the shrimp. I warned Tom not to eat the shrimp. Se potrivește cablul? Does the cable fit? Does the cable fit? Perché non mi darà dei soldi? Why won't you give me money? Why won't he give me some money? Vivo in campagna adesso. I live in the country now. I live in the country now. Tom apostou no cavalo errado. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tom bet on the wrong horse. Tu peux choisir n'importe quelle couleur que tu aimes. You can choose whichever color you like. You can choose any color you like. Dove ha trovato questo, Tom? Where did you find this, Tom? Where'd you find this, Tom? Les temps changent. Times change. Times are changing. Prevê-se que Williams falte durante seis a oito semanas após uma operação na sexta-feira para reparar uma rutura parcial do tendão quadricipital no joelho esquerdo. Williams is expected to miss six to eight weeks after an operation Friday to repair a partial tear of the quadriceps tendon in her left knee. Williams is expected to miss for six to eight weeks after an operation on Friday to repair a partial rupture of the quadriceps tendon in his left knee. Tengo una esposa en 2D. I have a 2D wife. I have a wife in 2D. Io ho bisogno di sapere perché Tom era assente da scuola oggi. I need to know why Tom was absent from school today. I need to know why Tom was absent from school today. Ela comprava ratinhos brancos para sua jiboia matar e comer. She used to buy white mice for her boa constrictor to kill and eat. She would buy white mice for her jibe to kill and eat. Alguns botos cor-de-rosa estão nos rios da Amazônia. Pink dolphins are in the rivers of the Amazon. Some pink dolphins are in the rivers of the Amazon. Vos no escuchaste. You didn't listen. You didn't listen. A flor de lótus teme o esplendor do sol; inclinando a cabeça e sonhando, ela aguarda até o dia terminar. The lotus flower feareth the splendor of the sun; bowing her head and dreaming, she waits till the day is done. The lotus flower fears the splendor of the sun; bowing its head and dreaming, it waits until the day is over. Tom es un gato antropomórfico. Tom is an anthropomorphic cat. Tom is an anthropomorphic cat. Préférerais-tu te faire examiner par un infirmier ? Would you prefer to be examined by a male nurse? Would you rather be examined by a nurse? Todos los felicitamos. We all congratulated them. We congratulate them all. A taxa de encarceramento dos EUA é a mais alta do mundo. The U.S. incarceration rate is the highest in the world. The U.S. incarceration rate is the highest in the world. Il n'y aura pas de fusion. No merger will take place. There will be no fusion. Prova a imparare il vocabolario berbero. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Try to learn Berber vocabulary. Aduceți-mi nota de plata, vă rog. Give me the bill, please. Bring me the bill, please. Eu não espero nada. I don't expect anything. I don't expect anything. Ma è meraviglioso! But it's wonderful! But it's wonderful! Une nouvelle théorie du complot a émergé concernant les extraterrestres qui seraient porteurs du récent coronavirus. A new conspiracy theory has emerged about aliens believed to be carriers of the recent coronavirus. A new conspiracy theory has emerged about aliens carrying the recent coronavirus. Mas como é que o Estado eremita se tornou tão hábil em penetrar sistemas e que papel é que as criptomoedas desempenham no financiamento do regime? But how did the reclusive state become so adept at breaking into systems and what role does cryptocurrency play in financing the regime? But how did the hermit state become so adept at penetrating systems and what role do cryptocurrencies play in funding the regime? La mejor parte de ser profesor es ver a tus alumnos evolucionar y conquistar lo que quieren. The best part of being a teacher is seeing your students evolve and accomplish their goals. The best part of being a teacher is watching your students evolve and conquer what they want. M'agradaré d'estar mei joen. I wish I were younger. I’d love to be my own Joe. El águila se come al reptil. The eagle eats the reptile. The eagle eats the reptile. Ne confruntăm cu o criză severă. We are facing a violent crisis. We are facing a severe crisis. Él no puede ayudarnos. He cannot help us. He can't help us. Meu irmão é professor de hebraico. My brother is a Hebrew teacher. My brother is a Hebrew teacher. Tens alguma ideia como ocorreu isto? Do you have any idea how this happened? Do you have any idea how this happened? El amigo de mi enemigo es mi enemigo. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Ta réponse n'est pas claire. Your reply is unclear. Your answer is not clear. Quédate conmigo cuando te necesite, por favor. Please stand by me when I need you. Stay with me when I need you, please. Tenemos la misma altura: un metro sesenta. We are the same height: one meter sixty. We have the same height: one meter sixty. Je pèle le céleri et les pommes de terre. I'm peeling the celery and the potatoes. I peel celery and potatoes. Tutto questo appartiene a voi? Does this all belong to you? This all belongs to you? No me dejaron entrar porque mis pantalones cortos eran demasiado cortos. They didn't let me in because my shorts were too short. They wouldn't let me in because my shorts were too short. Ne fais jamais ce que tu ne peux défaire avant d'avoir réfléchi à ce que tu ne pourras plus faire une fois que tu l'auras fait. Don't do what you can't undo, until you've considered what you can't do once you've done it. Never do what you can't undo until you've thought about what you can't do again once you've done it. Non chiamate più qua! Don't call here anymore! Don't call here again! Acho que ele é o irmão mais velho de Mary. I think he's Mary's older brother. I think he's Mary's older brother. Ele falou sobre sua doença. He talked about her illness. He talked about his illness. Dirijo un pequeño negocio. I run a small business. I run a small business. Espero que lo vea mañana por la mañana. I hope she sees it tomorrow morning. I hope you see him tomorrow morning. Je suis désolée, je suis occupée maintenant. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. Toda história tem três lados. There are three sides to every story. Every story has three sides. Ninguém me alertou. Nobody warned me. No one warned me. Je ne peux pas uriner. I can't urinate. I can't urinate. Sì, le nostre scarpe sono di cuoio. Yes, our shoes are leather. Yes, our shoes are made of leather. Il denaro può comprare la felicità. Money can buy happiness. Money can buy happiness. Él comparte una habitación. He shares a room. He shares a room. Ve adentro. Go on inside. Go inside. Embora as palavras dele fossem equívocas, a atitude dele tornava o significado delas inconfundível. If his words were equivocal, his manner left their meaning unmistakable. Though his words were equivocal, his attitude made their meaning unmistakable. Le couteau est dur, la pomme de terre bouillie est molle. The knife is hard, the boiled potato is soft. The knife is hard, the boiled potato is soft. ¿Cuánto pagaste por esa bicicleta? How much did you pay for that bicycle? How much did you pay for that bike? O programa NIAC destina-se a financiar ideias visionárias que vão muito além de coisas tão banais quanto voltar à Lua ou instalar uma colónia em Marte. The NIAC program is intended to fund visionary ideas that go way beyond things as mundane as going back to the moon or putting a colony on Mars. The NIAC program is intended to fund visionary ideas that go far beyond such mundane things as going back to the Moon or setting up a colony on Mars. J'aime l'automne mais je n'aime pas la pluie. I like autumn but I don't like rain. I love autumn, but I don't like rain. Tu camisa está en la lavadora. Your shirt is in the wash. Your shirt's in the washing machine. El Sr. Philips, junto con algunos amigos y vecinos, está planeando una celebración. Mr Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Mr. Philips, along with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration. Mary perguntou a Tom se ele estava tendo um caso. Mary asked Tom if he was having an affair. Mary asked Tom if he was having an affair. ¿Dónde está mi celular? Where's my mobile? Where's my cell phone? Eu vou consertar isso eu mesmo. I'm going to fix it myself. I'll fix it myself. La Chine a vécu une industrialisation en masse. China experienced mass industrialization. China has experienced massive industrialization. Io non sono un veterano. I'm not a veteran. I'm not a veteran. Je vais aller fair un tour, tu viens avec moi ? I'm going to go take a stroll. Are you coming with me? I'm gonna go for a walk, will you come with me? Eu posso atender à ligação, por favor? Can I answer the phone, please? Can I take the call, please? Bienvenido a San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. ¿Hay manera de ganar dinero sin tener que trabajar? Is there a way to make money without having to work? Is there a way to make money without having to work? La chaleur de leur accueil m'a rendu heureux. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. The warmth of their welcome made me happy. È pagato all'ora. He is paid by the hour. He's paid by the hour. Teño una bicicleta vella. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bicycle. In realtà, io non sono sicuro su chi sia Tom. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Actually, I'm not sure who Tom is. Les enfants pleurent encore. The children are crying again. The children are still crying. Tom ha mangiato una tazza di zuppa di vongole. Tom ate a bowl of clam chowder. Tom ate a cup of clam soup. Si on nourrit son chien correctement, on peut accroître sa durée de vie. If you feed your dog properly, you can increase his lifespan. If you feed your dog properly, you can increase its lifespan. Hélène est une femme très riche. Helen is a very rich woman. Helene is a very rich woman. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che hai comprato delle scarpe? When's the last time you bought shoes? When was the last time you bought shoes? J'ai acheté les dernières places libres. I bought the last available seats. I bought the last free seats. Je rêve beaucoup. I dream a lot. I dream a lot. Je connais son secret. I know his secret. I know his secret. Zurique é considerado um dos centros financeiros mais importantes do mundo. Zurich is considered one of the world's most important centres of finance. Zurich is considered one of the most important financial centers in the world. Tom não gosta de ser chamado de fofo. Tom doesn't like being called cute. Tom doesn't like to be called cute. En 1985, Garry Kasparov a joué simultanément contre 32 ordinateurs et a remporté tous les matchs. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simultaneous against 32 computers and won all of the games. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played simultaneously against 32 computers and won all matches. Ho appena aperto il link che mi ha inviato. I just opened the link you sent to me. I just opened the link you sent me. Personne n'a voulu y aller avec Tom. Nobody wanted to go with Tom. No one wanted to go with Tom. A maioria das cidades desse país se encontram nas planícies do litoral. Most cities in that country are found on the coastal plain. Most of the cities in this country are located on the coastal plains. Je ne peux m'empêcher de tomber amoureuse de vous. I can't help falling in love with you. I can't help but fall in love with you. Hasta mi hermanito sabía que no eras para mí. Even my little brother knew you weren't for me. Even my little brother knew you weren't for me. Si fida veramente di me? Do you really trust me? Do you really trust me? Tom chiamò uno sterminatore. Tom called an exterminator. Tom called an exterminator. Es el turno de Tom. It's Tom's turn. It's Tom's turn. Închide-ți cărțile. Close your books. Close your books. Lui presta sempre attenzione al comportamento delle sue figlie. He always pays attention to his children's behavior. He always pays attention to the behavior of his daughters. Ti suggerirei di essere più prudente. I'd suggest you be more careful. I suggest you be more careful. A tempestade causou muitos estragos. The storm did a lot of damage. The storm caused a lot of damage. Você vai melhorar sua pronúncia falando mais. You will improve your pronunciation by speaking more. You will improve your pronunciation by speaking more. Aspettateci là. Wait there for us. Wait for us there. Eu esperava que Tom impedisse que isso acontecesse. I hoped that Tom would prevent it from happening. I was hoping Tom would stop this from happening. Inda nun atopé trabayu. I still haven't found work. I have not found a job. Volverei chamar ás 4. I'll call back at four o'clock. I'll call you back at 4:00. Quería que supieras. I wanted you to know. I wanted you to know. ¿No podrías esperar a que los demás estén preparados? Couldn't you wait for the others to be prepared? Couldn’t you wait for others to be ready? Tom hizo lo que le pidieron. Tom did as he had been told. Tom did what he was asked. Thomas tem a Bíblia em nove idiomas: Espanhol, Esperanto, Francês, Grego, Húngaro, Inglês, Latim, Português e Russo. Thomas has the Bible in nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Portuguese and Russian. Thomas has the Bible in nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian. Come sta il suo paziente? How's your patient? How's your patient? Se non fora polo meu consello fracasarías. But for my advice you would have failed. If it wasn't for my advice, you'd fail. Cantamos muito. We sing a lot. We sing a lot. Loro tornarono. They went back. They came back. Tu ne m'as pas écouté. You didn't listen to me. You didn't listen to me. Ha catturato un topo. She caught a mouse. He caught a mouse. ¿Cuándo le viste por última vez? When was the last time you saw him? When was the last time you saw him? Je suis d'accord avec certaines de tes opinions. I agree with some of your opinions. I agree with some of your opinions. Provai tutti i mezzi possibili. I tried all possible means. I tried every means possible. Aqueth arrelòtge ne marcha pas. This clock isn't working. That trail is not going to go. Comemos tarta en el desayuno. We eat cake for breakfast. We eat cake for breakfast. Quão ingênuo o senhor presume que eu seja? How naive do you think I am? How naive do you think I am? Eles estão procurando uma babá para esta noite. They're looking for a babysitter for tonight. They're looking for a babysitter for tonight. Creo que este libro es muy interesante. I think this book is very interesting. I think this book is very interesting. Îmi place lumina lumânărilor. I like candlelight. I like candlelight. Isso foi uma surpresa. That was a surprise. That was a surprise. Où va Sophie ? Where's Sophie off to? Where's Sophie going? Michael non vive più qui. Michael doesn't live here anymore. Michael doesn't live here anymore. Aceste cărți sunt noi. These books are new. These books are new. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu as changé d'avis. I don't understand why you changed your mind. I don't understand why you changed your mind. Creí haberte oído. I thought I heard you. I thought I heard you. Quanti telefoni cellulari avete? How many cell phones do you have? How many cell phones do you have? Tom mora em Boston? Does Tom live in Boston? Tom lives in Boston? È seria in questo momento? Are you being serious right now? Are you serious right now? Hanno fallito due volte. They failed twice. They failed twice. Assinala-se a promoção de uma peça a dama sobrepondo-se a ela outra peça da mesma cor. The promotion of a piece to a king is indicated by setting on it another piece of the same color. The promotion of a piece to the lady is noted by overlapping it with another piece of the same color. Est-ce que c'est son vrai nom ? Is that his real name? Is that his real name? Tom no sabe la verdad. Tom doesn't know the truth. Tom doesn't know the truth. Io sono vivo. I'm alive. I'm alive. Sobrevivió. You survived. He survived. No me gusta el olor del perfume que María está llevando hoy. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. I don't like the smell of the perfume Mary is wearing today. O cavalo é capaz de atacar ao mesmo tempo duas peças distantes uma da outra. The knight is capable of attacking two pieces away from each other at the same time. The horse is able to attack at the same time two pieces distant from each other. Tatoeba aiuta non solo gli studenti, ma anche i suoi collaboratori, ad imparare una nuova lingua. Tatoeba not only helps students learn a new language, but also its contributors. Tatoeba helps not only students, but also its collaborators, to learn a new language. Deixe-me lavar a louça. Let me wash the dishes. Let me do the dishes. Dobbiamo lavare il pesce, tagliarlo a pezzi e farlo bollire. We need to wash the fish, cut it up and boil it. We have to wash the fish, cut it into pieces and boil it. ¡Es agradable conocerte! It's nice to meet you! It's nice to meet you! Eso es lo único que no tolero. That's the one thing I won't tolerate. That's the only thing I can't stand. Quindi, che cosa proponete? So, what do you propose? So, what do you propose? Um novo relatório elaborado pelo Gabinete dos Direitos Humanos da ONU e pela Missão de Apoio da ONU na Líbia revela uma nação assolada por tumultos, anarquia e conflitos armados. A new report by the U.N. Human Rights Office and the U.N. Support Mission in Libya finds a nation beset by turmoil, lawlessness and armed conflict. A new report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Support Mission in Libya reveals a nation beset by turmoil, anarchy and armed conflict. Est-ce qu'il y a des câbles lâches ? Are there any loose cables? Are there any loose cables? Sono già vecchia. I am already old. I'm already old. Les pommes de terre ne sont pas des pommes. Potatoes aren't apples. Potatoes are not apples. Ti aiuteremo gratis. We'll help you for free. We'll help you for free. Sono occupati tutti tranne me. Everyone is busy except me. Everyone is busy except me. Voi ci aiuterete domattina? Are you going to help us tomorrow morning? Will you help us in the morning? Tom è troppo timido per parlare con le ragazze. Tom is too shy to talk to girls. Tom's too shy to talk to the girls. Desayunamos tarta. We eat cake for breakfast. We had cake for breakfast. A me piacciono le persone gentili. I like gentle people. I like nice people. La qualité vous a-t-elle plu ? Did you like the quality? Did you like the quality? Quello che intendevo dire era che non dovresti farlo. What I meant to say was that you shouldn't do that. What I meant was that you shouldn't do it. Ce guide pourrait t'être utile pour ton voyage. This guidebook might be of use to you on your trip. This guide may be useful for your trip. A los estudiantes el examen final les pareció muy fácil. The students found the final examination to be a breeze. The students found the final exam very easy. Estaba moi emocionada. She was very excited. I was so excited. Si ça peut te faire plaisir... Whatever floats your boat. If it can make you happy... Il cibo è insipido. The food is bland. The food is tasteless. Pesquisadores de cinco universidades norte-americanas colaboraram num estudo que concluiu que o processo de oxidação completa da atmosfera não ocorreu repentinamente, mas sim por episódios dispersos ao longo de um período de aproximadamente 100 milhões de anos naquilo que ficou conhecido como o Grande Evento de Oxidação. Researchers from five North American universities have collaborated on a study that found the process in fully oxidizing the atmosphere didn’t happen suddenly, but instead took place in scattered bursts over an approximately 100-million-year period in what has become known as the Great Oxidation Event. Researchers from five U.S. universities collaborated on a study that concluded that the process of complete oxidation of the atmosphere did not occur suddenly, but rather by scattered episodes over a period of approximately 100 million years in what became known as the Great Oxidation Event. Vive a Mosca. He lives in Moscow. He lives in Moscow. O esforço valeu a pena porque eu passei no teste. The hard work was worthwhile because I passed the exam. The effort was worth it because I passed the test. Que veut cette femme ? What does this woman want? What does this woman want? Os animais que viven nunha granxa son o gando. The animals living on a farm are the livestock. The animals that live on a farm are livestock. Il n'a qu'un seul défaut. He has only one flaw. It has only one defect. Ce l'ha con mio padre, ma anche con me. He resents my father, but also me. He's mad at my father, but he's mad at me. Me amavas. You used to love me. You loved me. C'est un escargot. It's a snail. It's a snail. Aucun profit ne grandit quand aucun plaisir n'est pris. No profit grows when is no pleasure taken. No profit grows when no pleasure is taken. ¿Puedes encontrar el momento para jugar con nuestra hija? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Can you find the time to play with our daughter? Estou com vontade de tomar um sorvete. I feel like having an ice-cream. I'm in the mood for ice cream. Personne n'est ici. Nobody is here. No one's here. Si è tolto il soprabito. He took off his overcoat. He took off his overcoat. Eu creio que ele seja honesto. I believe he is honest. I think he's honest. Ieri a fost duminică. Yesterday was Sunday. Yesterday was Sunday. Aime-moi tendrement. Love me tender. Love me tenderly. Fiduciosa come sono che voi non scherziate con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Confident as I am that you are not joking with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the naked and raw thought of such a possibility. Es curioso que me pidas una moto cuando te da miedo ir en bicicleta. It's strange that you ask me for a motorcycle when you are afraid of going by bike. It's funny that you ask me for a bike when you're afraid to ride a bike. Tom es más deportista que Carlos. Tom is sportier than Charles. Tom is more athletic than Carlos. Ele dirigiu trinta e seis quilômetros. He drove thirty-six kilometers. He drove thirty-six kilometers. Que'm brombi çò que digoc. I remember what he said. I'm just kidding about what I'm saying. Jesus me ama. Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me. En serio no le deberías dar ideas a Tom. You really shouldn't give Tom ideas. You really shouldn't give Tom any ideas. Tom va a ir a la cárcel por un crimen que no cometió si vos no confesás. Tom is going to go to prison for a crime he didn't commit if you don't confess. Tom's going to jail for a crime he didn't commit if you don't confess. Mas apesar de toda a beleza bucólica circundante, os agricultores e pequenos proprietários no norte do Lácio, bem como em grande parte da Itália rural, estão a ficar alarmados face a um clima cada vez mais inconstante com chuvas erráticas, geadas primaveris, ventos tempestuosos e secas estivais. But for all the surrounding bucolic beauty, farmers and smallholders in northern Lazio, as in much of rural Italy, are becoming alarmed at the increasingly fickle weather with erratic rainfall, spring frost, tempestuous wind and summer drought. But despite all the surrounding bucolic beauty, farmers and smallholders in northern Lazio, as well as much of rural Italy, are becoming alarmed by an increasingly fickle climate with erratic rains, spring frosts, stormy winds and dry summers. O projeto de lei aprovado pela Câmara Alta do Parlamento, controlada pela oposição, visa pôr termo a essa lei especial. The bill approved by the opposition-controlled upper house of parliament aims to terminate that special law. The bill passed by the opposition-controlled Upper House of Parliament aims to put an end to this special law. Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire avec cette caméra ? What'll you do with this camera? What are you gonna do with that camera? Mio cognato è più vecchio di me. My brother-in-law is older than I am. My brother-in-law is older than me. Manteneos en grupos pequeños. Keep in small groups. Stay in small groups. Trebuie să pregătim scena pentru negociere. We have to set the scene for negotiations. We need to set the stage for negotiation. Encham-na, por favor. Fill it, please. Fill it up, please. Tom tinha um hematoma no rosto. Tom had a bruise on his face. Tom had a bruise on his face. Ese es su modus operandi. That's her M.O. That is his modus operandi. Você sabe onde? Do you know where? Do you know where? El subjuntivo del español no es difícil, pero el subjuntivo del inglés puede serlo. Subjunctive Spanish isn't hard, but subjunctive English can be. The subjunctive of Spanish is not difficult, but the subjunctive of English can be. ¿Sigo? Shall I keep going? Shall I? Acho que é exatamente o que Tom está esperando fazer. I think that's exactly what Tom is expecting to do. I think that's exactly what Tom's hoping to do. Priez pour eux. Pray for them. Pray for them. Oi, meus amigos! Hi, my friends! Hi, my friends! Sento il desiderio di imparare il greco moderno. I'm feeling the desire to learn Modern Greek. I feel the desire to learn modern Greek. ¿Por qué sabe amargo el cera del oído? Why does ear wax taste bitter? Why does ear wax taste bitter? Tom non è venuto qua ieri. Tom didn't come here yesterday. Tom didn't come here yesterday. Estes artigos estão sujeitos a impostos. These articles are liable to duty. These items are subject to tax. ¡Dios hiera al rey! God smite the king! God strike the king! O dia do aniversário de meu amigo é 8 de junho. My friend's birthday is June 8th. My friend's birthday is June 8th. Tom dice che non ha fatto niente di sbagliato. Tom says he hasn't done anything wrong. Tom says he didn't do anything wrong. A maioria dos observadores do Congo previram que o caos se instalaria assim que a nação em expansão votasse nas eleições gerais de domingo, há muito adiadas — e eles estavam certos. Most Congo-watchers predicted chaos would ensue as the sprawling nation voted in Sunday’s long-delayed general election — and they were right. Most observers in the Congo predicted chaos would set in as soon as the expanding nation voted in Sunday’s long-delayed general election — and they were right. Est-ce que les araignées mangent des mouches ? Do spiders eat flies? Do spiders eat flies? E prea scump! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Eu me arrependo de não ter arrependimentos. I regret not having regrets. I regret not having regrets. Furtuna a avut un efect serios asupra economiei. The storm had a serious effect on the economy. The storm had a serious effect on the economy. Tom pode voltar. Tom can come again. Tom can come back. Li avevamo sotto sorveglianza. We had them under surveillance. We had them under surveillance. O meu telefone é 9876-5432. My telephone number is 9876-5432. My phone number is 9876-5432. Ninguém forçou Tom a fazer isso. No one forced Tom to do that. No one forced Tom to do that. J'ai toujours voulu apprendre le français. I've always wanted to learn French. I always wanted to learn French. A senhorita Green me ensinou inglês. Miss Green taught me English. Miss Green taught me English. Lo lodai secondo i suoi meriti. I commended him according to his merits. I praised him according to his merits. Tom pleure souvent quand il est ivre. Tom often cries when he's drunk. Tom often cries when he's drunk. Avrei dovuto mangiare di più. I should've eaten more. I should have eaten more. Tom sta danzando con Mary. Tom is dancing with Mary. Tom's dancing with Mary. A velhice é bastante loquaz. Old age is rather talkative. Old age is quite loquacious. Tom disse che aveva bisogno di una scatola. Tom said he needed a box. Tom said he needed a box. Não ponha açúcar no meu café. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Don't put sugar in my coffee. Siempre deberías pedir disculpas en persona. You should always apologize in person. You should always apologize in person. Com César como pontífice supremo, os romanos ganharam um novo calendário. With Caesar as the greatest pontiff, the Romans obtained a new calendar. With Caesar as supreme pontiff, the Romans gained a new calendar. Eu não menti para você. I didn't lie to you. I didn't lie to you. Si vous n'aimeriez pas une personne d'une race différente, seriez-vous hostile à un extraterrestre amical ? If you wouldn't like a person of a different race, would you be adverse to a friendly alien? If you did not like a person of a different race, would you be hostile to a friendly alien? Ah, sì, è vera. Ah, yes, it's true. Ah, yes, it's true. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas demandé plus tôt ? Why didn't you ask me earlier? Why didn't you ask me earlier? Ziri a entendu des craquements. Ziri heard cracks. Ziri heard crackles. Potresti trarne beneficio. You could benefit from this. You could benefit. Je vous ai méjugée. I have misjudged you. I misjudged you. I suoi dipinti sono intriganti per me. His paintings are intriguing to me. His paintings are intriguing to me. Sus ojos son mavis. Her eyes are blue. Her eyes are mavis. Ziri stava aspettando Rima a casa. Ziri was waiting for Rima at home. Ziri was waiting for Rima at home. Noi nu avem zahăr. We have no sugar. We don't have sugar. Quelle terreur ! What a terror! What terror! Sami olhou mas não viu Layla. Sami looked but he didn't see Layla. Sami looked but did not see Layla. À quoi passez-vous la plupart de votre temps sur votre ordinateur ? What do you spend most of your time on the computer doing? What do you spend most of your time on your computer? E se non fossero a casa? What if they're not home? What if they're not at home? Tom nu fumează. Tom isn't smoking. Tom doesn't smoke. Aquele cachorro late para estranhos. That dog barks at strangers. That dog barks at strangers. Immagino di non essere la prima a dirglielo. I guess I'm not the first to tell you that. I guess I'm not the first one to tell him. Fo'w rouvini. I need you to come back. Fo'w rouvini. Tom toma su crema y azúcar con café. Tom takes his cream and sugar with coffee. Tom takes his cream and sugar with coffee. A Tom piaceva la pizza. Tom liked pizza. Tom liked pizza. Fidati, sei più bravo di lui. Trust me, you're better than him. Trust me, you're better than him. Essa foi minha abordagem. That was my approach. That was my approach. Sente-se, você está me impedindo de ver o jogo. Sit down, you're preventing me from seeing the game. Sit down, you're stopping me from watching the game. A Muralha da China tem mais de 5500 milhas de comprimento. The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long. The Great Wall of China is more than 5,500 miles long. I trogloditi dicevano "ponte" quando uno di loro attraversava un fiume, camminando sul tronco di un alto albero caduto lì per caso. Purtroppo, però, nessuno sa quale fosse quella parola. The troglodytes said "bridge" when one of them crossed a river, walking on the trunk of a tall tree that had fallen there by chance. Unfortunately, however, no one knows what that word was. The troglodytes said "bridge" when one of them crossed a river, walking on the trunk of a tall tree fallen there by chance. Unfortunately, however, no one knows what that word was. È un'espressione piuttosto comune. It is quite a common expression. It's a pretty common expression. Vous devez vous reposer un peu. You have to rest a little. I need you to get some rest. Eu casei cinco anos atrás neste mesmo dia. I got married five years ago on this very day. I got married five years ago this very day. El auto estaba en la mitad del camino. The auto was in the middle of the road. The car was in the middle of the road. ¿Tiene este par de zapatos en tallas más grandes? Do you have this pair of shoes in bigger sizes? Do you have this pair of shoes in larger sizes? Moltiplicalo per un numero negativo casuale. Multiply it by a random negative number. Multiply it by a random negative number. ¿Lo sentís? Are you guys sorry? Do you feel it? Io non voglio perdere altro tempo. I don't want to lose any more time. I don't want to waste any more time. Essa é a palavra que eu estava tentando lembrar. That's the word I was trying to find. That's the word I was trying to remember. No puedo hablar Inglés, y mucho menos alemán. I can't speak English, much less German. I cannot speak English, much less German. Avó fala moi lentamente. Grandfather speaks very slowly. Grandma speaks very slowly. Tom cercò di evitare la domanda. Tom tried to avoid the question. Tom tried to avoid the question. Uscì sul balcone. He went out on the balcony. He went out on the balcony. Le vostre storie mi hanno annoiato! Your stories bored me! Your stories bored me! Non hai l'amore, che è la cosa più importante, alla tua età. You don't have love, which is the most important thing, at your age. You don't have love, which is the most important thing, at your age. ¡Qué extraños son los caminos del mal! Strange are the ways of evil. How strange are the ways of evil! Este homem é um espião; ele deve morrer. This man is a spy; he must die. This man is a spy; he must die. Este filme é simplesmente fantástico. This movie is just great. This movie is just fantastic. ¿Qué estaba haciendo ella allí? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Markov diz que a Ucrânia e a Rússia deveriam desenvolver indústrias aeronáuticas e espaciais conjuntas, a construção de máquinas nucleares, a construção naval, a metalurgia, um cartel de cereais com o Cazaquistão para controlar um terço do mercado global, universidades e tudo o que esteja relacionado com o desenvolvimento económico moderno. Markov says Ukraine and Russia should develop joint aviation and space industries, nuclear machine building, shipbuilding, metallurgy, a grain cartel with Kazakhstan to control a third of the global market, universities and all that goes into modern economic development. Markov says Ukraine and Russia should develop joint aeronautical and space industries, nuclear machine building, shipbuilding, metallurgy, a grain cartel with Kazakhstan to control a third of the global market, universities and everything related to modern economic development. Come ti trattano? How do they treat you? How do they treat you? Noi siamo ballerini abili. We're able dancers. We are skilled dancers. Estas casas coloridas son preciosas. These colorful houses are beautiful. These colorful houses are beautiful. Vista de longe, a Terra é uma bola azul. Seen from afar, the Earth is a blue ball. Seen from a distance, the Earth is a blue ball. Ele é pago por hora. He is paid by the hour. He's paid by the hour. Onestamente, sembra una barzelletta. Honestly, it sounds like a joke. Honestly, it sounds like a joke. Eu prefiro traduzir a ensinar. I prefer translating to teaching. I'd rather translate than teach. Houve uma altura em que a Rodínia continha a maior parte, se não a totalidade, da massa terrestre do planeta, mas começou a fragmentar-se há cerca de 750 milhões de anos durante a era Neoproterozoica. At one time, Rodinia contained most, if not all, of Earth’s landmass, and began to break apart about 750 million years ago during the Neoproterozoic era. There was a time when Rodinia contained most, if not all, of the planet’s land mass, but it began to fragment about 750 million years ago during the Neoproterozoic era. Deve avere la fobia del Natale. He must have a phobia of Christmas. You must have a Christmas phobia. Tom se encabronó cuando encontró con llave a la puerta. Tom got angry when he found the door locked. Tom got mad when he found a key to the door. Tom a dit qu'il ne connaissait pas l'adresse de Mary. Tom said he didn't know Mary's address. Tom said he didn't know Mary's address. A biscia a l'adenta o ciarlatan. The snake bites the charlatan. The bisque has the adenta or charlatan. Je suis intéressé par l'histoire du Japon. I'm interested in the history of Japan. I am interested in the history of Japan. Sami aveva alcuni segreti dolorosi. Sami had some painful secrets. Sami had some painful secrets. ¿Cómo es posible que estén aquí todavía? How can they still be here? How is it possible they're still here? Questo è il re. This is the king. This is the king. Tom es un espíritu malvado. Tom is an evil spirit. Tom is an evil spirit. Eu queria saber mais sobre a história da minha família. I wanted to know more about my family's history. I wanted to know more about my family’s history. Karl Marx n'était pas marxiste. Karl Marx wasn't a Marxist. Karl Marx was not a Marxist. Questa città è fatta di castelli di metallo. This city is made out of metal castles. This city is made of metal castles. Il y a beaucoup de grandes villes au Brésil. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. There are many big cities in Brazil. La novela fue adaptada para una película. The novel was adapted for a film. The novel was adapted into a film. Ho chiuso a chiave la porta d'ingresso? Did I lock the front door? Did I lock the front door? Comprueba el protocolo. Check the protocol. Check the protocol. Je suppose que tu as raison. I suppose you are right. I guess you're right. Eu já dei a metade a você. I already gave you half. I've already given you half. Tom ha visitato l'Australia? Did Tom visit Australia? Did Tom visit Australia? Quelle scuffie me fan mâ a-e oege. Those headphones make my ears hurt. Those scars make me sick to my stomach. ¿A qué edad se casan los japoneses? At what age do Japanese people get married? At what age do Japanese get married? ¿Querés ver algo interesante? Do you want to see something interesting? Want to see something interesting? Ziri e Rima sono stati pagati. Ziri and Rima got paid. Ziri and Rima were paid. Il suo atteggiamento rischia alla lunga di diventare pensante per la sua compagna. In the long run, his attitude risks becoming heavy for his partner. His attitude risks in the long run becoming thinking for his partner. J’ai été blessé avec un couteau. I was cut with a knife. I was wounded with a knife. El hombre miró el reloj. The man looked at the clock. The man looked at the clock. Aquel Lino reprochó una vez a Hércules que no era estudioso; entonces, enfurecido, el muchacho tomó de repente la lira y golpeó con todas sus fuerzas la cabeza del desafortunado maestro, que, postrado por el golpe, murió poco después. Y nadie quiso después hacerse cargo de tal oficio. That Linus once reproached Hercules for not being studious; then, in a rage, the boy suddenly took up the lyre and struck with all his might the head of the unfortunate teacher, who, prostrated by the blow, soon after died. And no one after that wanted to take charge of such an office. That Linus once reproached Hercules for not being a scholar; then, in anger, the lad suddenly took the lyre and struck with all his might the head of the unfortunate master, who, prostrated by the blow, died shortly afterwards. Qui embrassera la grenouille ? Who will kiss the frog? Who will kiss the frog? Ele é muito jovem para mim. He is too young for me. He's too young for me. Le assomiglia molto. You're a lot like her. She looks a lot like her. Tu devrais essayer, un de ces jours. Someday you should give it a try. Maybe you should try one of these days. Nu există tramvaie în orașul nostru. There are no trams in our town. There are no trams in our city. Le donne, nei loro discorsi, sono sempre più sensibili degli uomini. Women are in their talk always more sensitive than men. Women, in their speeches, are increasingly more sensitive than men. Tom nunca havia visto Maria tão ocupada. Tom had never seen Mary so busy. Tom had never seen Maria so busy. J'en ai mangé environ la moitié et laissé le reste dans mon assiette. I ate about half of it and left the rest on my plate. I ate about half of it and left the rest on my plate. Por quanto são vendidas as casas grandes? How much are the large houses sold for? How much are big houses sold for? Tom pasó despierto toda la noche estudiando. Tom was up all night studying. Tom stayed up all night studying. Les jours s'allongent. The days are growing longer. The days are getting longer. Nós vamos te matar. We'll kill you. We're gonna kill you. Aprendi a admirar também estes enxadristas: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres e Carlsen. São, portanto, doze os grandes enxadristas de minha preferência. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres, and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my choice. I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my preference. Mi potete aiutare a sollevare questa scatola? Can you help me lift this box? Can you help me lift this box? Tom nu este foarte ocupat acum. Tom isn't really busy right now. Tom's not too busy right now. De manhã cedo, pego um bonde e vou para a universidade. Early in the morning, I get on a tram and go to the university. Early in the morning, I take a tram and go to university. ¿Qué planes tienes para mañana? What are you plans for tomorrow? What are your plans for tomorrow? Sempre canviarem, sempre aprendrem. Forever we will change, forever we will learn. We will always change, we will always learn. No aboltaremos a la normalidad porke la normalidad era el problem. We won't go back to normal because normal was the problem. We will not abolish normality because normality was the problem. Où est le chat ? Il est sous le canapé. Where's the cat? It's under the sofa. Where's the cat? Ho cominciato a imparare il russo nel 1996. I started learning Russian in 1996. I started learning Russian in 1996. “E eu pensei sobre a democracia e pensei que todos nós temos de nos entender de alguma forma. Pode-se não gostar de uma laranja, pode-se não gostar de uma banana por si só, mas se se combinar frutos diferentes, é possível que se consiga realmente produzir algo que seja consumível por toda a sociedade”, afirma ele. "And I thought about democracy, and I thought we all have to get along somehow. You might not like an orange, you might not like a banana by itself, but if you combine different fruits together, you might actually be able to produce something which is consumable by the whole society," he states. “And I thought about democracy and I thought that we all have to understand each other somehow. You might not like an orange, you might not like a banana on its own, but if you combine different fruits, it’s possible that you can actually produce something that is consumable by the whole society,” he says. El lingüista John Enrico ha hecho un gran trabajo para dar a conocer asuntos sobre un idioma de las Primeras Naciones, el haida de BC. The linguist John Enrico has done great work to publicize matters about a First Nations language, Haida of BC. Linguist John Enrico has done a great job of raising awareness about a First Nations language, BC Haida. Este es un excelente comienzo. This is an excellent start. This is an excellent start. Perché le scimmie non possono parlare? Why can't monkeys speak? Why can't monkeys talk? A noi servono dei capi. We need leaders. We need leaders. Non metto mai le patate in frigo. I never put the potatoes in the refrigerator. I never put potatoes in the fridge. Rien que ça, c'est un exploit. That alone is an achievement. That's all it is, it's a feat. Los djudios estan fatigados. The Jews are tired. The Jews are tired. Quero subir esta montanha. I want to hike up this mountain. I want to climb this mountain. Me va a explotar la cabeza. My head is going to explode. It's gonna blow my head off. Tom lo hizo con las mejores intenciones. Tom did it with the best of intentions. Tom did it with the best of intentions. Tom ne-a spus să nu ne îngrijorăm. Tom told us not to worry. Tom told us not to worry. M'agradaré d'aver ua veitura. I wish I had a car. I would love to have a car. Tom é todo ouvidos. Tom is all ears. Tom's all ears. La camicia è macchiata. The shirt is stained. The shirt is stained. Lo tengo aquí por algún lado. I have it here somewhere. I've got it here somewhere. A sosit pachetul dumneavoastră. Your package has arrived. Your package has arrived. Stavo camminando per strada tornando da scuola. I was walking down the street on my way back from school. I was walking down the street on my way home from school. Ar trebui să facă cineva ceva? Should someone do something? Should someone do something? Ha già più di settant'anni. He's already over seventy. He's already over 70. Prăjitura miroase bine. The cake smells good. The cake smells good. Paula dijo que no vendría porque había quedado con su novio, pero era mentira. Paula said she wouldn't come because she was meeting up with her boyfriend, but that was a lie. Paula said she wouldn't come because she'd stayed with her boyfriend, but it was a lie. L'actionnaire principal détient vingt pour cent du capital de la société. The main shareholder holds twenty percent of the company's equity. The principal shareholder owns twenty per cent of the capital of the company. Fu una storia davvero tragica. It was a really tragic story. It was a really tragic story. Ceea ce ne definește este modul în care ne ridicăm după ce cădem. What defines us is how well we arise after falling. What defines us is how we rise after we fall. Parli bene. You speak well. You speak well. Justo a tiempo. Nice timing. Just in time. Je suis content qu'il pleuve. I'm glad that it's raining. I'm glad it's raining. Il futuro è iniziato. The future began. The future has begun. Disculpe, tengo una petición. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Je dois vérifier ta température. I need to check your temperature. I need to check your temperature. Questa è la casa in cui viveva Tom. This is the house Tom used to live in. This is the house where Tom lived. Habla español conmigo. He speaks Spanish with me. Speak Spanish with me. Mio zio vi diede un regalo. My uncle gave you a present. My uncle gave you a gift. Parlerò con voi questa sera. I'll talk to you tonight. I'll talk to you tonight. Tomás está pirateando un ordenador. Tom is hacking into a computer. Tom is hacking a computer. Je t'appellerai dans quelques jours. I'll call you in a couple of days. I'll call you in a few days. Compré un excelente diccionario de ruso. I bought an excellent Russian dictionary. I bought an excellent Russian dictionary. Llegar allí lleva por lo menos una hora. It takes an hour to get there, at least. Getting there takes at least an hour. Tom sta ancora danzando. Tom is still dancing. Tom's still dancing. Je vais te violer. I am going to rape you. I'm gonna rape you. Di solito, una pentola ha due manici. Usually, a pot has two handles. Usually, a pot has two handles. No sonó el despertador y me quedé dormido. The alarm didn't go off and I kept sleeping. The alarm didn’t go off and I fell asleep. Nessuno qui mi conosce. No one here knows me. Nobody here knows me. J'ai été dans cette situation auparavant. I've been in this situation before. I've been in this situation before. Ayer tuvimos una gran noticia para el ajedrez brasileño. Renato Quintiliano logró su norma definitiva y se convirtió en el 15º gran maestro brasileño. Enhorabuena. Yesterday we had great news for Brazilian chess. Renato Quintiliano achieved his definitive standard and became the 15th Brazilian grandmaster. Congratulations! Yesterday we had great news for Brazilian chess. Renato Quintiliano achieved his definitive norm and became the 15th Brazilian grandmaster. Congratulations. Os corredores não devem ter menos de dois metros de largura. Corridors should be no less than two meters wide. The corridors should not be less than two meters wide. Comincerò a lavorare immediatamente. I'll start working immediately. I will start working immediately. Digli di non cantare. Tell him not to sing. Tell him not to sing. Soy una persona. I'm a person. I'm a person. Pensa che tu sia adorabile, ma è troppo timido per dire qualcosa. He thinks you're adorable, but he's too shy to say anything. He thinks you're adorable, but he's too shy to say anything. Noi nu avem nici măcar un ciocan. We don't even have a hammer. We don't even have a hammer. Ontem fez sol. Yesterday there was sun. It was sunny yesterday. Je n'avais pas le cœur au travail. My heart wasn't in the work. I had no heart at work. Você estava usando capacete? Were you wearing a helmet? Were you wearing a helmet? Ziri parla piuttosto bene il berbero. Ziri speaks Berber quite well. Ziri speaks Berber rather well. Nos quedamos sin agua ayer. We ran out of water yesterday. We ran out of water yesterday. Munca lor îmi pare bună. Their work seems good to me. Their work looks good to me. No quiero traducir eso. I don't want to translate that. I don't want to translate that. Disegnatemi qualcosa. Draw me something. Draw me something. Voglio comprare una sedia nuova. I want to buy a new chair. I want to buy a new chair. Tom est sur le campus. Tom is on campus. Tom's on campus. Cos'è un codice postale? What is a postal code? What is a postal code? A dama é a peça mais poderosa. Em segundo lugar vem a torre. O bispo e o cavalo têm aproximadamente o mesmo valor. O peão é quem tem o menor valor relativo. The queen is the most powerful piece. Second to the queen is the rook. The bishop and the knight have approximately the same value. The pawn has the lowest relative value. The queen is the most powerful piece. Second comes the rook. The bishop and the knight have approximately the same value. The pawn is the one that has the lowest relative value. Il tuo vicino è ricco. Your neighbor is rich. Your neighbor is rich. Dos cosas son infinitas: el universo y la estupidez humana. Y no estoy seguro sobre el universo. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe. Salut tuturor! Hello all! Hello, everybody! Non è così scemo da credere a quella storia. He is not such a fool as to believe that story. He's not stupid enough to believe that story. Tom todavía es tu mejor amigo, ¿no? Tom is still your best friend, isn't he? Tom's still your best friend, right? Les grands esprits discutent des idées ; les esprits moyens discutent des événements ; les petits esprits discutent des gens. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. Spero veramente che Tom trovi Mary. I really hope Tom finds Mary. I really hope Tom finds Mary. Uno de los reyes de Inglaterra abdicó al trono para casarse con una plebeya. One of England's kings abdicated the throne in order to marry a commoner. One of the kings of England abdicated the throne to marry a commoner. "Chi vive a casa sua?" "Mia moglie, i miei figli e i loro nonni". "Who lives at your home?" "My wife, my children, and their grandfather and grandmother." "Who lives in his house?" "My wife, my children and their grandparents." Non suonate in quella stanza. Don't play in that room. Don't play in that room. Pretendo contratar alguém que saiba falar inglês. I plan to hire someone who can speak English. I want to hire someone who can speak English. Trascorsi l'intera giornata lì. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. Sami aveva bisogno di usare il bagno. Sami needed to use the bathroom. Sami needed to use the bathroom. C'è un sacco di spazio. There's plenty of space. There's plenty of room. Tom la troverà. Tom will find her. Tom will find her. Tom esperaba que Mary le ayudara. Tom was hoping Mary would help him. Tom hoped Mary would help him. Ei sunt o adunătură de proști și de cretini lacomi. They are a bunch of inept and vulturous morons. They are a bunch of fools and greedy morons. No hi ha cap motiu per preocupar-se. There's no reason to worry. There is no reason to worry. Ho delle scarpe arancioni. I have orange shoes. I have orange shoes. Îmi stai în cale. You're in my way. You're in my way. Na quarta-feira, o Inspetor Geral Especial para a Reconstrução do Afeganistão, ou SIGAR, publicou a sua auditoria ao projeto, dizendo que a partir do momento em que os Estados Unidos ou qualquer doador entrega as suas contribuições para o fundo, nem o Banco Mundial nem a USAID são capazes de prestar contas sobre onde ou como os fundos estão a ser gastos. On Wednesday, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, or SIGAR, released its audit of the project, saying that once the U.S. or any donor provides its contributions to the fund, neither the World Bank nor USAID can account for where and how the funds are being spent. On Wednesday, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, or SIGAR, published its audit of the project, saying that from the moment the United States or any donor hands over their contributions to the fund, neither the World Bank nor USAID are able to account for where or how the funds are being spent. Eravamo discretamente imprudenti. We were pretty reckless. We were discreetly imprudent. Il a désespérément besoin de se faire couper les cheveux. He's in desperate need of a haircut. He desperately needs to get his hair cut. ¿Quieres que vaya ahora? Do you want me to go now? Do you want me to go now? A Ziri e Rima piaceva la pizza. Ziri and Rima liked pizza. Ziri and Rima liked pizza. O tempo é o melhor remédio. Time is the best medicine. Time is the best medicine. Hoje, tanto os Estados Unidos quanto a Rússia enfrentam uma série de desafios completamente nova. Today, both Russia and the United States face a whole new set of challenges. Today, both the United States and Russia face a whole new set of challenges. No somos niños, somos hombres. We are not children, we are men. We're not boys, we're men. Elle était toujours prête à aider ceux dans le besoin. She was always ready to help people in trouble. She was always ready to help those in need. Ele diz que Lena, a mãe dele, era uma disciplinadora severa que lhe batia com o que houvesse à mão. He says his mother Lena was a stern disciplinarian, and would hit him with anything at hand. He says that Lena, his mother, was a severe disciplinarian who hit him with whatever was at hand. Es demasiado caro para que nosotros lo compremos. It's too expensive for us to buy. It's too expensive for us to buy. Estoy cerca. I'm close. I'm close. Ho il re di picche. I have the King of Spades. I have the king of spades. Mi fa sempre piacere vederti. I'm always glad to see you. It's always nice to see you. A Ziri è piaciuto cucinare quel piatto. Ziri enjoyed cooking that dish. Ziri loved cooking that dish. Yanni a sauté. Yanni jumped. Yanni jumped. Cum aș fi putut să le salvez? How could I have saved them? How could I have saved them? Sono andato a piedi sulla collina. I walked up the hill. I walked up the hill. Se un gruppo di pietre non può creare più di un occhio, allora è vulnerabile alla cattura poiché non può difendersi. If a group of stones cannot make more than one eye, then it is vulnerable to capture as it cannot defend itself. If a group of stones cannot create more than one eye, then it is vulnerable to capture since it cannot defend itself. ¿En qué estación estamos? What season are we in? What station are we at? Nací en el día de mi cumpleaños. I was born on the day of my birthday. I was born on my birthday. Não seja tão mal-humorado. Don't be so grumpy. Don't be so grumpy. ¿Por qué no volvemos al hotel? Why don't we go back to the hotel? Why don't we go back to the hotel? Este é um jogo perigoso. This is a dangerous game. This is a dangerous game. Mi piacerebbe vederle la schiena. I'd like to see her back. I'd like to see her back. Ells són abstemis. They abstain from alcohol. They are abstemious. Nell'apertura muovere solo quei pedoni che aiutino a sviluppare i pezzi. In the opening, move only those pawns that help develop the pieces. In the opening move only those pedestrians that help develop the pieces. J’ai été poignardé avec un couteau. I was stabbed with a knife. I was stabbed with a knife. Io sono andata a fare escursionismo con il gruppo. I went hiking with the group. I went hiking with the group. Ziri non ha ancora aperto il cancello. Ziri hasn't opened the gate yet. Ziri hasn't opened the gate yet. Io esisto. I exist. I exist. David a mangé du fast-food. David ate fast food. David ate fast food. I ricercatori di IA (intelligenza artificiale) dovrebbero stare attenti a promuovere un IA "amica", non un IA "ostile". Researchers in AI, artificial intelligence, must take care to encourage "friendly" AI, not "unfriendly" AI. AI (artificial intelligence) researchers should be careful to promote a “friendly” AI, not a “hostile” AI. L'opposto di un fatto è falsità, ma l'opposto di una profonda verità può benissimo essere un'altra profonda verità. The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth. The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. Tom ya se puede vestir sin ayuda. Tom can dress himself without any help. Tom can now get dressed without help. Este jarro aguanta dos litros de agua caliente. This jar can hold two liters of hot water. This jug holds two liters of hot water. Mi abrigo tiene bolsillos. My coat has pockets. My coat has pockets. Hay una cueva en el promontorio. There's a cave on the promontory. There's a cave on the promontory. Quanti cellulari hai? How many cell phones do you have? How many cell phones do you have? Ibricul fierbe. The kettle is boiling. The kettle's boiling. Ma grand-mère est devenue vieille. My grandmother has become old. My grandmother is getting old. Ils ont ri à gorge déployée. They guffawed. They laughed with their throats open. A lei diz alguma coisa sobre isto? Does the law say anything about this? Does the law say anything about this? Traje plátanos. I brought bananas. I brought bananas. Non mi pongo obiettivi precisi, né negli scacchi né nella vita. Perché se lo facessi e raggiungessi quell'obiettivo, che stimolo potrei avere dopo? I don't give myself any concrete objective, neither in chess nor in life. Because if I set myself towards it and I reached it, what kind of stimulus would I have then? I don't set myself specific goals, neither in chess nor in life, because if I did and achieved that goal, what stimulus would I have afterwards? Domani inizia. Tomorrow it starts. It starts tomorrow. A gloria non si va senza fatica. No pain, no gain! You can't go to glory without effort. La madera es sólida. Wood is solid. The wood is solid. Não sei como, um bem-estar celestial se apodera de mim. A heavenly comfort, I don't know how, takes hold of me. I don't know how, a heavenly well-being takes hold of me. Restare a casa non è una cosa piacevole. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Staying at home is not a pleasant thing. Él pesa 10 kilos más que yo. He outweighs me by 10 kg. He weighs 10 kilos more than me. Le navire parvînt au port. The ship reached port. The ship arrived at the port. Hubo una vez en la que Cristóbal Colón desafió a un duelo a otro explorador. El último, un tipo poco honrado, no dio diez pasos como marcan las reglas, sino dos; entonces se giró y disparó. Desgraciadamente para él, Colón no había dado ni un solo paso. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an underhanded chap, did not take ten steps - as dictated by the rules - but two, then turned around to shoot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus hadn't taken any steps at all. There was a time when Christopher Columbus challenged another explorer to a duel. The latter, an unhonored fellow, took not ten steps as the rules say, but two; then he turned and shot. Unfortunately for him, Columbus had not taken a single step. Il est devenu toxico-dépendant à un jeune âge. He got hooked on drugs at a young age. He became addicted at a young age. Tutti fuori! Everybody out! Everybody out! Es un suicidio. That's suicide. It's a suicide. Quero que você vá para Boston. I want you to go to Boston. I want you to go to Boston. Cerco di anticipare i tuoi bisogni. I try to anticipate your needs. I try to anticipate your needs. Por favor, dígame su nombre. Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. Ho passato tutta la mattinata a leggere libri. I spent all morning reading books. I spent the whole morning reading books. Non abbiamo molto tempo, il termine scade domani. We don't have much time, the deadline expires tomorrow. We don't have much time, the deadline expires tomorrow. Tengo un cuñado y una cuñada maravillosos. Pero ¿por qué me envidias? I have a wonderful brother-in-law and sister-in-law. But why do you envy me? I have a wonderful brother-in-law and sister-in-law, but why do you envy me? Anche io sono annoiata. I'm bored, too. I'm bored, too. Non sapevate che i corpi si decompongono? Didn't you know that bodies decompose? Didn't you know that bodies decompose? Ponham-se finos! Dress up! Fine! Fine! Fine! Vous devriez aller vous entretenir avec lui. You should go talk to him. You should go talk to him. Încă nu sunt gata. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Il concerto è cominciato. The concert began. The concert has begun. Os analistas dizem que isto é mais uma linha na rede de canais de transporte em constante expansão que une a China e o Sudeste Asiático sob o estandarte da Iniciativa do Cinturão e Rota de Pequim, ao mesmo tempo que aumenta a influência da China na região. Analysts say it is one more strand in the ever-expanding web of transportation channels pulling China and Southeast Asia closer under the banner of Beijing’s sprawling Belt and Road Initiative while boosting China’s sway across the region. Analysts say this is yet another line in the ever-expanding transport channel network linking China and Southeast Asia under the banner of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, while increasing China’s influence in the region. Ne vous donnez pas des airs ! Don't give yourself airs. Don't give yourself any airs! Há eclipse da Lua. There is a lunar eclipse. There is an eclipse of the moon. Voici la monnaie. Here's the change. Here's the change. Tom non voleva essere un eroe. Tom didn't want to be a hero. Tom didn't want to be a hero. Această mașină este automată. This car is an automatic. This machine is automatic. Quel est l'être suprême ? What is the supreme being? What is the supreme being? Quer um sanduíche? Do you want a sandwich? You want a sandwich? Ea nu mergea cu el la o plimbare. She wouldn't go for a walk with him. She wasn't going with him for a walk. Grazie per avermi supportato. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for supporting me. ¿Por qué todo el mundo mira a Tom? Why's everyone looking at Tom? Why is everyone looking at Tom? Él distribuye muebles. He deals in furniture. He distributes furniture. O que você fez com seu dinheiro? What did you do with our money? What did you do with your money? María intentó convertir a Tom en una ardilla con la ayuda de una fórmula mágica que había encontrado en uno de los libros de su abuela, pero no pasó nada. Mary tried turning Tom into a squirrel using a magic formula she found in one of her grandma's books, but nothing happened. Mary tried to turn Tom into a squirrel with the help of a magic formula she had found in one of her grandmother's books, but nothing happened. Noi prepariamo solamente cibo uiguro. We only make Uighur food. We only prepare Uyghur food. La începutul fiecărui sfârşit de săptămână sunt în acelaşi timp obosit şi bucuros. At the start of every weekend, I am both tired and happy. At the beginning of each weekend I am both tired and happy. Qué loco, todas las cosas que nos podemos inventar para hacer la vida más conveniente y así jalarle más dinero a la gente. It's funny, all the things we can come up with to make life more convenient and suck more money out of people. How crazy, all the things we can invent to make life more convenient and thus pull more money to people. Dame el envoltorio, que ya lo tiro yo a la papelera. Give me the wrapper, so that I can throw it in the wastebasket already. Give me the wrapper, I'll throw it in the trash. Qual è la definizione? What is the definition? What is the definition? Je me suis cassé le bras. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. Sería un desastre. It'd be a disaster. It would be a disaster. La victime a été matraquée à mort. The victim was bludgeoned to death. The victim was beaten to death. Esto no convenció a nadie. This didn't convince anyone. This did not convince anyone. El a fost satisfăcut de rezultat. He was satisfied with the result. He was satisfied with the result. Quand pouvez-vous démarrer au plus tôt ? How soon can you start? When can you start as soon as possible? Je suis toi. I am you. I'm you. I'm you. Tom ha cercato di spararmi. Tom tried to shoot me. Tom tried to shoot me. Ël polìtich a disìa che chiel a l'avìa pagà tute soe tasse e fàit gnente d'ilegal. The politician said that he had paid all his taxes and done nothing illegal. The government has said that the government is paying taxes and that it is not responsible for any illegal activity. Mi passi quel giravite piccolo. Hand me that small screwdriver. Hand me that little screwdriver. Venga él o no, yo iré. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. Whether he comes or not, I'll go. Ninguém leva você a sério. No one takes you seriously. Nobody takes you seriously. Tom tornerà alle cinque. Tom is going to return at five. Tom will be back at five. « Hé, qu'est-ce que tu fous, tu remontes le store ? Je dors encore ! » « Regarde l'heure. Il est dix heures passées ! » "Oi, what are you doing, pulling up the blind? I'm still asleep!" "Look at the time. It's gone ten!" "Hey, what are you doing, rolling up the blind? I'm still sleeping!" "Look at the time. It's past ten o'clock!" Tiene comezón en la espalda. His back itches. He's got itch on his back. Non deve essere smarrito. It must not be lost. It must not be lost. Apestas mucho a tabaco. Deberías fumar menos. You really smell like tobacco. You should smoke less. You stink a lot of tobacco, you should smoke less. Pensé que eras hispana. I thought you were Hispanic. I thought you were Hispanic. Am avut exact aceeași impresie. I had the exact same feeling. I had exactly the same impression. Todos los perros son buenos perros. All dogs are good dogs. All dogs are good dogs. Molt soroll per no res. Much ado about nothing. A lot of noise for nothing. Tom s-a decis că vrea să locuiască în Boston. Tom decided that he wanted to live in Boston. Tom decided he wanted to live in Boston. Io non verrò mai. I'll never come. I'll never come. C'è ancora molto da fare. There's still a lot to be done. There's still a lot to do. Pesquisadores da Universidade da Pensilvânia examinaram uma laje rochosa encontrada na China que contém os fósseis de 25 dinossauros herbívoros comuns (Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis), que viveram entre 123 a 100 milhões de anos atrás. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania examined a rock slab found in China that contains the fossils of 25 common plant-eating dinosaurs (Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis), that lived between 123 to 100 million years ago. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania examined a rock slab found in China that contains the fossils of 25 common herbivorous dinosaurs (Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis), which lived between 123 and 100 million years ago. Spostatevi, non riesco a vedere la TV. Move, I can't see the TV. Move, I can't see the TV. Você dançou sozinha? Did you dance by yourself? Did you dance alone? Tom perse il dibattito. Tom lost the debate. Tom lost the debate. Por que você está fazendo isto? Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Personne ne savait ce qui nous attendait. Nobody knew what was coming down the pike. No one knew what was waiting for us. ¿Puedes llevarme al cine? Could you take me to the cinema? Can you take me to the movies? Quella parola la descrive perfettamente. That word describes it perfectly. That word describes it perfectly. N'ei pas enqüèra arrivat. He hasn't come yet. They don’t get to arrive. Esperando el autobús, me encontré a mi amigo. Waiting for a bus, I met my friend. Waiting for the bus, I found my friend. Nascido em Sydney, ele é conhecido como o «padrinho dos corais», porque ele descobriu tantas espécies diferentes. Born in Sydney, he is known as the ‘godfather of coral’ because he has discovered so many different species. Born in Sydney, he is known as the “godfather of corals” because he discovered so many different species. Ela ainda não se decidiu. She hasn't decided yet. She hasn't made up her mind yet. Ils étaient vôtres. They were yours. They were yours. Mi amigo vive en México. My friend lives in Mexico. My friend lives in Mexico. È più forte di lei, vero? He's stronger than you, isn't he? You're stronger than her, aren't you? Elle a fait une salade de lentilles. She made a lentil salad. She made a lentil salad. Non vivo più con lei. I don't live with her anymore. I don't live with her anymore. ¿Cómo se usa este dispositivo? How is this device used? How is this device used? ¡Asombroso! Awesome! Astonishing! Algún día descubriré quiénes son mis verdaderos padres. Someday, I'll find out who my real parents are. Someday I'll find out who my real parents are. Tenemos dos refrigeradores en la cocina. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. Cela pourrait être interprété comme un acte de terrorisme. This could be construed as an act of terrorism. This could be interpreted as an act of terrorism. J'ai aussi besoin de votre adresse électronique. I also need your e-mail address. I also need your email address. O primeiro passo foi dado. Step one is done. The first step has been taken. A imaginação não gera insanidade ... Os poetas não enlouquecem, mas os jogadores de xadrez, sim. Imagination does not breed insanity... Poets do not go mad, but chess players do. Imagination does not breed insanity... Poets do not go mad, but chess players do. Rafael Leitão souligne que l'insertion des échecs dans les écoles brésiliennes est un fait positif, mais il estime que nous sommes encore loin du niveau minimum acceptable pour quelqu'un de gagner des revenus stables en tant que joueur d'échecs professionnel. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leit<0xC3><0xA3>o points out that the inclusion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum level acceptable for someone to earn stable income as a professional chess player. Il musicista non si trova da nessuna parte. The musician is nowhere to be found. The musician is nowhere to be found. Cosa ti ha detto quell'uomo? What did that man tell you? What did that man say to you? Mon passe-temps consiste à collectionner les insectes. My hobby is collecting insects. My hobby is collecting insects. ¿Cuánto tiempo te queda? How much time do you have left? How much time do you have left? Le temps est écoulé. Time is up. Time's up. Fais-toi plaisir. Live a little. Be my guest. I tuoi amici quando vengono a Boston? When are your friends coming to Boston? Your friends when they come to Boston? Au format o echipă de înot. They formed a swim team. They formed a swimming team. Tom è un gondoliere. Tom is a gondolier. Tom is a gondolier. O noso uniforme de educación física eran só pantalons cortos pero dende hoxe son mallas. Our P.E. kit was just shorts but now it's spats from today. Our physical education uniform was just shorts but from today they are tights. Quante persone erano alla festa? How many people were at the party? How many people were at the party? Cela me rend triste de penser que demain c'est le dernier jour. It saddens me to think that tomorrow is the last day. It makes me sad to think that tomorrow is the last day. Mia madre ha il morbo di Parkinson. My mother has Parkinson's. My mother has Parkinson's disease. Festeggi il Natale? Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Christmas? Je peux entendre le son de ton esprit. I can hear the sound in your mind. I can hear the sound of your mind. No se permite a nadie salir de este edificio. No one is allowed to leave this building. No one is allowed to leave this building. Las generaciones jóvenes suelen ser más abiertas con confiar en, y depender de, la tecnología. Younger generations are often more open to trusting and relying on technology. Younger generations are often more open to relying on, and relying on, technology. Diga-me, você defende a audácia daquele homem? Tell me, do you defend that man's audacity? Tell me, do you defend that man's audacity? Qual é o número de países da Europa? What is the number of countries in Europe? What is the number of countries in Europe? Per piacere, non ditemi di smettere di bere. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. Please don't tell me to stop drinking. La verdad es que no tengo intenciones de detenerme en este momento. Actually, I have no intention to quit right now. The truth is, I have no intention of stopping right now. La passe a été interceptée. The pass was intercepted. The pass was intercepted. Cuide das minhas flores enquanto eu estiver fora. Take care of my flowers while I'm away. Take care of my flowers while I'm gone. Você não sabe o que eu ia fazer. You don't know what I was going to do. You don't know what I was gonna do. Vi ha mandato i soldi? Did he send you the money? Did he send you the money? Você pode sentar na cadeira. You can sit in the chair. You can sit in the chair. Chiar crezi că ajută? Do you really think it helps? Do you really think it helps? Io sono sicura di riuscire a trovare tutto. I'm sure I can find everything. I'm sure I can find everything. ¿Puedo tener un asiento de pasillo? Can I have an aisle seat? Can I have a aisle seat? Heureusement que mon frère était avec moi, autrement les jeunes m'auraient harcelé dans la rue. Fortunately my brother was with me, otherwise youngsters on the street would bully me. Fortunately, my brother was with me, otherwise the young people would have harassed me in the street. Quello che ha fatto Ziri è impossibile da ignorare. What Ziri did is impossible to ignore. What Ziri has done is impossible to ignore. Meu irmão pequeno está vendo televisão. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. En moyenne, combien de tasses de café buvez-vous par jour ? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink daily? On average, how many cups of coffee do you drink per day? Mon père écoute de la musique classique. My father listens to classical music. My father listens to classical music. Les dinosaures ont disparu il y a soixante-cinq millions d'années. Dinosaurs went extinct sixty-five million years ago. Dinosaurs disappeared sixty-five million years ago. Ziri si è distratto. Ziri got distracted. Ziri was distracted. Meus filhos tinham comido todas as bolachas quando voltei para casa. My children had eaten all the cookies by the time I got home. My kids had eaten all the cookies when I got home. ¿Qué puedes hacer bien? What can you do well? What can you do well? Nós fomos para o Havaí a lazer. We went to Hawaii for pleasure. We went to Hawaii for leisure. La password non funziona. The password isn't working. The password doesn't work. La ho! I have it! I got it! Eu acho que alguém roubou a minha mala. I think somebody stole my suitcase. I think someone stole my bag. Mirou ao ceo. He looked up at the sky. He looked at the sky. Finii il mio compito. I finished my task. I finished my task. Nu-ți fă griji despre asta. Nu e problema ta. Don't worry about it. It's not your problem. Don't worry about it. Eres tú quien construye la realidad. Si es mala, cámbiala. Si es buena, haz que sea increíble. You're the one who shapes reality. If it's bad, change it. If it's good, make it incredible. If it's bad, change it. If it's good, make it amazing. Os elefantes son os animáis terrestres máis grandes do mundo. Elephants are the world's largest land animals. Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. Apprends ces mots, un par un. Learn these words, one by one. Learn these words one by one. Ton paquet sera envoyé demain. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Io sono così sola. I am so lonely. I'm so lonely. Și Tom și Mary au tușit. Both Tom and Mary coughed. And Tom and Mary coughed. Después de 136 movimientos y casi 8 horas de intensa competencia, Magnus Carlsen, con las piezas blancas, venció a Ian Nepomniachtchi en la sexta partida del Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez, Dubai-2021. Ahora tenemos Carlsen 3.5 - Nepo 2.5. After 136 moves and almost 8 hours of intense fighting, Magnus Carlsen, with White, beat Ian Nepomniachtchi in the 6th game of the World Chess Championship, Dubai-2021. We now have Carlsen 3.5 - Nepo 2.5. After 136 moves and almost 8 hours of intense competition, Magnus Carlsen, with the white pieces, beat Ian Nepomniachtchi in the sixth game of the World Chess Championship, Dubai-2021. Now we have Carlsen 3.5 - Nepo 2.5. Non lasciare la Polonia senza avvisare l'ambasciata del paese in cui ti rechi. Do not leave Poland without notifying the embassy of the country you are travelling to. Do not leave Poland without notifying the embassy of the country you are going to. Cada día de la vida es una nueva vida. Every day in life is a new life. Every day of life is a new life. Vada a svegliarle. Go wake them up. Go wake them up. "A escassez de água é uma grande ameaça ao crescimento económico e à estabilidade em todo o mundo", segundo o presidente do Banco Mundial Jim Yong Kim, "e as alterações climáticas estão a agravar o problema". "Water scarcity is a major threat to economic growth and stability around the world," according to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, "and climate change is making the problem worse." “Water scarcity is a major threat to economic growth and stability around the world,” said World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, “and climate change is making the problem worse.” Você se divertiu ontem? Did you have a good time yesterday? Did you have fun yesterday? C'est un merle. It's a blackbird. It's a blackbird. Volete fare qualcosa questa notte? Do you want to do something tonight? You want to do something tonight? Ho l'HIV. I have HIV. I have HIV. On és el sol? Where is the sun? Where is the Sun? Trascorsi tutta la giornata là. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. Ce simpatic! How cute! That's nice. O xadrez desperta o interesse de crianças e adultos em todo o mundo. Chess piques the interest of children and adults all over the world. Chess arouses the interest of children and adults all over the world. Est-ce que ça te dérange d'allumer la télé ? Do you mind turning on the TV? Do you mind turning on the TV? Ella es paciente. She's patient. She's patient. À ce moment, je regardais la télé. I was watching TV then. At the time, I was watching TV. È pratico avere un computer portatile. It's practical to have a laptop. It is practical to have a laptop. ¡Meca! Wow! Mecha! Eu ainda tenho amigos em Boston. I still have friends in Boston. I still have friends in Boston. Non toccate il bottone blu. Don't touch the blue button. Do not touch the blue button. É uma TV. It's a TV. It's a TV. Primeira classe ou econômica? First class or economy? First Class or Economy? Ziri ha riconosciuto il pericolo. Ziri recognized the danger. Ziri recognized the danger. Dégote-moi quelque chose à manger. Get me something to eat. Get me something to eat. Todo el mundo cuenta contigo. Everybody is relying on you. Everyone counts on you. Una de las niñitas se detuvo y se volvió para mirarme. One of the little girls stopped and turned back to look at me. One of the little girls stopped and turned to look at me. ¿Por qué dejaste de tomar tu medicación? Why did you stop taking your medicine? Why did you stop taking your medication? Tom quiere culparnos. Tom wants to blame us. Tom wants to blame us. O l'é passou dottô do 1993. He graduated in 1993. He became a doctor in 1993. Tom e Mary vivono qua. Tom and Mary live here. Tom and Mary live here. Ce vor să afle? What do they want to know? What do they want to know? Parmi des millions de joueurs d'échecs à travers le monde, un peu plus de 1500 détiennent actuellement le titre de grand maître. Among millions of chess players around the world, just over 1500 currently hold the title of Grand Master. Among millions of chess players around the world, just over 1500 currently hold the title of grandmaster. La hija pequeña de Tom es su favorita. Tom's youngest daughter is his favorite. Tom's little daughter is his favorite. I disho el Dyo, sea luz, i fue luz. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. I disho the Dyo, be light, and it was light. Chi sono io per discutere? Who am I to argue? Who am I to argue? O ISDS é um mecanismo controverso através do qual investidores estrangeiros podem processar um Estado numa arbitragem secreta por este ter "prejudicado" os seus lucros se o Estado tiver violado um acordo comercial ou uma lei internacional. ISDS is a controversial measure whereby foreign investors may sue a state at a secret arbitration for “damaging” their profits if the state has violated a trade deal or international law. ISDS is a controversial mechanism through which foreign investors can sue a state in secret arbitration for “harming” its profits if the state has violated a trade agreement or international law. Je veux juste le regarder, c'est tout. I just want to look at it, that's all. I just want to watch it, that's all. Giochiamo a pallacanestro. We play basketball. Let's play basketball. Van a chambear por ella. They're going to work for her. They're going to call for her. Smettila di parlare di te stesso. Stop talking about yourself. Stop talking about yourself. Em português, oficialmente, há três conjugações. Porém, há 4. In Portuguese, officially there are three conjugations, but in practice there are four. In Portuguese, officially, there are three conjugations. However, there are 4. Elle s'est assise près de lui dans le bus. She sat next to him on the bus. She sat next to him on the bus. Non sto condividendo questo con loro. I'm not sharing this with them. I’m not sharing this with them. Hai fatto cadere questo? Did you drop this? You dropped this? Es un edificio bastante antiguo. It's quite an old building. It's a pretty old building. Eu achei que o Tom ficaria tímido. I thought Tom would be shy. I thought Tom would be shy. Você está disposto a fazer o que for necessário para fazer seu sonho se tornar realidade? Are you willing to do what it takes to make your dream come true? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dream come true? O pão está recheado com queijo. The bread is stuffed with cheese. The bread is filled with cheese. Soy mis luchas. I am my battles. I am my struggles. Quitémonos los zapatos en la entrada. Let's take off our shoes at the entrance. Let's take off our shoes at the entrance. Apportez l'échelle et placez-la contre le pommier. Bring the ladder and put it against the apple tree. Bring the ladder and place it against the apple tree. Ne avete una in blu? Do you have one in blue? Do you have one in blue? Gli ordinò di non dare ordini. She ordered him not to give orders. He ordered him not to give orders. El proyecto de ciencias de Yanni fue un fracaso. Yanni's science project was a failure. Yanni's science project was a failure. Solía usar drogas. I used to do drugs. I used to do drugs. Ella trabaja en un banco. She works at a bank. She works in a bank. Mangerete queste torte? Are you going to eat these pies? Will you eat these cakes? Questo è l'orologio che ho comprato. This is the watch that I bought. This is the watch I bought. Am revenit pentru că am vrut să revin. I came back because I wanted to come back. I came back because I wanted to come back. Ziri voleva fare un accordo con Rima. Ziri wanted to make a deal with Rima. Ziri wanted to make a deal with Rima. Você fez esse desenho? Is this a picture that you yourself drew? Did you draw that picture? Ha una fervida immaginazione. He has a vivid imagination. You have a vivid imagination. ¿Tiene usted una habitación? Do you have a room? Do you have a room? Preciso esquecer, portanto bebo. I need to forget, therefore I drink. I need to forget, so I drink. O sr. Obama disse que o derradeiro objetivo da APEC é criar uma "economia regional unificada", dizendo que os EUA precisam de ser um concorrente agressivo na região. Mr. Obama said the ultimate goal for APEC is to create a "seamless regional economy," saying the U.S. needs to be an aggressive competitor in the region. Obama said APEC’s ultimate goal is to create a “unified regional economy,” saying the U.S. needs to be an aggressive competitor in the region. La dea Selezione Naturale sceglie ciecamente e inconsciamente, ma in modo sorprendentemente creativo, mutazioni casuali prodotte a lunghi intervalli di tempo dal dio Caso. The goddess Natural Selection blindly and unconsciously, but amazingly creatively, chooses random mutations produced at long intervals by the god Chance. The goddess Natural Selection chooses blindly and unconsciously, but surprisingly creatively, random mutations produced at long time intervals by the god Caso. Eravamo tutti sull'autobus insieme. We were all on the bus together. We were all on the bus together. Mi piaceva la pizza. I liked pizza. I liked pizza. Prăbuşindu-se pe jos, a izbucnit în lacrimi. On falling down, she burst into tears. Falling to the ground, he burst into tears. Non ha senso mentire a se stessi. There's no point in lying to oneself. There is no point in lying to yourself. Eu não sabia que você jogava xadrez. I didn't know you played chess. I didn't know you played chess. Ella tomó un libro de la estantería. She took a book from the shelf. She picked up a book from the bookshelf. I miei genitori sono morti. My parents are dead. My parents are dead. L'amitié est l'amour sans ailes. Friendship is love without wings. Friendship is love without wings. Je vais t'apporter quelque chose à boire. I'll bring you something to drink. I'll get you something to drink. Tom abrazó a su padre. Tom hugged his father. Tom hugged his father. Désolée ! Tout est de ma faute. Sorry. It's all my fault. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Tom le dijo a Mary que era gorda y fea. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Partiste a minha chávena. You broke my cup. You broke my cup. Il cervello è una rete neurale che si aggiorna con ogni compito appreso. The brain is a neural network that updates itself with each learned task. The brain is a neural network that updates itself with every learned task. J'ai détecté une grosse erreur. I've detected a big mistake. I detected a big mistake. Que menina má! What a bad girl! What a bad girl! Diglielo in berbero. Tell her that in Berber. Tell him in Berber. Elas estão vindo. They're coming. They're coming. A juzgar por la foto, es una casa muy antigua. Judging by the photo, it is a very old house. Judging by the photo, it is a very old house. Tomás es un ciudadano estadounidense. Tom is an American citizen. Tom is an American citizen. Debía impedir la guerra. He had to prevent the war. I had to stop the war. Tom cantó mientras Mary tocaba el piano. Tom sang while Mary was playing the piano. Tom sang while Mary played the piano. Os aborígenes pré-colombianos de Porto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica e Cuba eram aruaques, a julgar pela toponímia destas ilhas. The pre-Columbian aborigines of Porto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba were Arawaks, to judge from the toponymy of these islands. The pre-Columbian aborigines of Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba were Aruaques, judging by the toponymy of these islands. Pranziamo. Let's have lunch. Let's have lunch. Ah! Che brutta giornata! Ah! What a miserable day! What a bad day! Você reconhece o homem da foto? Can you identify the man in this picture? Do you recognize the man in the photo? Lequel des livres n'as-tu pas encore lu ? Which of the books have not you read yet? Which of the books have you not read yet? ¿Por qué permiten que gobiernen psicópatas? Why are psychopaths allowed to govern? Why do they allow psychopaths to rule? La stanza è pulita e confortevole. The room is clean and comfortable. The room is clean and comfortable. Quiero un perro como ese. I want a dog like that one. I want a dog like that. Puedes llamarle tonto, pero no puedes llamarle cobarde. You may call him a fool, but you cannot call him a coward. You can call him a fool, but you can't call him a coward. Le cose non sono facili per nessuno. Things aren't easy for anyone. Things are not easy for anyone. Você sempre fala grego com sua esposa? Do you always speak Greek with your wife? Do you always speak Greek with your wife? Glielo dica in berbero. Tell her that in Berber. Tell him in Berber. Tom era un ragazzino pelle e ossa. Tom was a scrawny kid. Tom was a skin-and-bones kid. El antiguo castillo es una ruina. The old castle is a ruin. The old castle is a ruin. Tyenes buenas ideas. You have good ideas. You have good ideas. Tom realmente amaba a Mary. Tom really loved Mary. Tom really loved Mary. Foi o destino dele não ser amado por ninguém. It was his fate to be beloved by no one. It was his destiny not to be loved by anyone. No encontraron la bomba. They didn't find the bomb. They didn't find the bomb. Perché vi serve tutto questo? Why do you need all this? Why do you need all this? Je ne suis pas comme la plupart des gens. I'm not like most people. I'm not like most people. Os menestréis disfarçam-se com pinturas faciais e fatos de cetim coloridos e com chapéus extravagantes e guarda-sóis. The minstrels dress up in face paint and colorful satin costumes with fancy hats and parasols. The minstrels disguise themselves with colorful face paints and satin suits and extravagant hats and umbrellas. Je ne suis pas si maligne. I'm not all that smart. I'm not that smart. Habremos envejecido para cuando aprendas griego. We will have grown old by the time you learn Greek. We'll have aged by the time you learn Greek. Sua sorella non nuota molto bene, giusto? Your sister does not swim very well, right? Your sister doesn't swim very well, does she? Il mio cane è molto fedele. My dog is very faithful. My dog is very faithful. Quando dormimos, nossa temperatura corporal cai bastante. When we sleep, our body temperature drops by several degrees. When we sleep, our body temperature drops a lot. Te compré esto cuando estuve en Australia. I bought this for you when I was in Australia. I bought you this when I was in Australia. Qui ets tu? Who are you? Who the hell are you? Mientras estamos esperando, ¿por qué no me dices qué pasó? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? While we're waiting, why don't you tell me what happened? Você está sozinha agora? Are you alone right now? Are you alone now? Faltaban algunos alumnos a causa de la gripe. Some of the pupils were absent because of flu. Some students were missing because of the flu. A sobremesa é sorvete. The dessert is ice cream. Dessert is ice cream. E se il paracadute non si aprisse? What if the parachute doesn't open? What if the parachute doesn't open? Yo soy policía. I am a policeman. I'm a cop. Qual é você na foto? Which one's you in the picture? Who are you in the picture? Todo está como lo dejamos. Everything is as we left it. Everything is as we left it. La prochaine guerre civile de l’empire des orcs a déjà commencé. Orcs’ empire next civil war has already begun. The Orc Empire’s next civil war has already begun. Aja sem ser notado. Act without being noticed. Act without being noticed. Laisse-moi expliquer ce qui s'est passé. Let me explain what's happened. Let me explain what happened. Certains lisent des livres juste pour passer le temps. Some read books just to pass time. Some people read books just to pass the time. E un bărbat cu un status social ridicat. He is a man of high social status. He's a man of high social status. Ça n'est pas mieux que ça. It doesn't get better than this. It's no better than that. Él es un mal mentiroso. He's a bad liar. He's a bad liar. Ele me fez chorar. He made me cry. He made me cry. Pensi pas que Tom sabiá cossí me sentiái. I don't think Tom knew how I felt. I don't think Tom knew how I felt. Estudiamos muchos idiomas. We study a lot of languages. We study many languages. El nu ar ieși afară. He would not go out. He wouldn't come out. Quel gâchis ! What a waste! What a waste! Él le aconsejó dejar de beber. He advised her to stop drinking. He advised her to stop drinking. Tom era annoiato? Was Tom bored? Was Tom bored? Si sono presi il merito del taglio delle tasse. They took credit for the tax cut. They took credit for the tax cut. Los hombres tienen que trabajar. Men should work. Men have to work. J’ai une leucémie. I have leukaemia. I have leukemia. Il City perse contro lo United. City lost to United. City lost to United. È ancora tua amica, vero? She's still your friend, isn't she? She's still your friend, isn't she? A língua grega é linda demais. The Greek language is just too beautiful. The Greek language is beautiful. A él, siempre le entra por un oído y le sale por el otro. For him, it always goes in one ear and out the other. It always comes in one ear and comes out the other. Maria pediu uma xícara de chocolate quente. Mary ordered a cup of hot chocolate. Maria asked for a cup of hot chocolate. Para de tocarme. Stop touching me. Stop touching me. Cette traduction est correcte, mais elle est trop littérale. This translation is correct, but it is too literal. This translation is correct, but it is too literal. Allí había mucho ruido y no nos oíamos. It was very noisy there, and we did not hear each other. There was a lot of noise and we couldn’t hear each other. Vous devriez vous faire examiner par un médecin. You should get examined by a doctor. You should get checked out by a doctor. Este chapéu me custou dez dólares. This hat cost ten dollars. This hat cost me ten bucks. El jardinero no deja que pisemos el césped. The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass. The gardener won't let us walk on the grass. Este îndrăzneț pentru oameni să presupună că sarcina noastră este de a face ceea ce poate face numai Dumnezeu. It's presumptuous for humans to assume that our task is to do what only God can do. It is bold for people to assume that our task is to do what only God can do. Moriremo tutti. We will all die. We're all gonna die. Me podría pasar el día entero besándote y abrazándote. I could spend the whole day kissing and hugging you. I could spend the whole day kissing and hugging you. Jogadores de futebol ganham muito dinheiro. Soccer players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. Por que eles expulsaram o Tom daquela escola? Why did they expel Tom from that school? Why did they kick Tom out of that school? Para no hacer errores, tienen que analizar las cosas. In order to not make mistakes, you need to analyze things. In order not to make mistakes, you have to analyze things. Inserisca la sua password. Enter your password. Please enter your password. Tu t'es regardée dans le miroir ? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? Did you look in the mirror? No le gusta escribir. He doesn't like writing. He doesn't like to write. Est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat noir ? Do you like dark chocolate? Do you like dark chocolate? Vi darò i miei libri. I'll give you my books. I'll give you my books. No puedo contactar a mis familiares. I can't contact my relatives. I can't contact my family. Tom emporte son ours en peluche partout où il va. Tom takes his teddy bear with him wherever he goes. Tom takes his teddy bear everywhere he goes. Întrebaţi din nou săptămâna viitoare. Check back next week. Ask again next week. Tom è l'unico paziente rimasto. Tom is the only patient left. Tom is the only patient left. Por suposto que pasou a proba. Of course she passed the test. Of course it passed the test. J'ai eu une journée vraiment bizarre. I've had a really weird day. I had a really weird day. Mi dia un morso. Give me a bite. Give me a bite. Să te ajute prietenul tău. Get your friend to help you. Let your friend help you. Estou a babar-me. I'm drooling. I'm drooling. Sus esfuerzos no dieron ningún resultado. Nothing has resulted from his efforts. Their efforts yielded no results. La lotta si è conclusa con una soluzione soddisfacente. The struggle ended in a satisfactory settlement. The struggle ended with a satisfactory solution. Qual é o mal de eu pagar a conta? What is wrong with me paying the bill? What's wrong with me paying the bill? Avreste dovuto comprare una matita. You should've bought a pencil. You should have bought a pencil. Non avrebbero mai dovuto mangiare a quel ristorante. They should never have eaten at that restaurant. They should never have eaten at that restaurant. Il nostro pianeta è un organismo cibernetico. Our planet is a cybernetic organism. Our planet is a cybernetic organism. Estoy algo decepcionado. I'm kind of disappointed. I'm a little disappointed. Tom metió accidentalmente su teléfono entre la ropa sucia. Tom accidentally put his phone in with the laundry. Tom accidentally shoved his phone between the dirty clothes. Il y a trop de choses en jeu. There is too much at stake. There's too much at stake. Isso parece ser importante. That seems to be important. This seems to be important. Riesce a venire alla riunione domani? Can he come to the meeting tomorrow? Can you come to the meeting tomorrow? Esteu d'acord amb Tom, veritat? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, right? Totuși, mă doare umărul. However, my shoulder hurts. However, my shoulder hurts. Isso quer dizer que você é um deles. That means you're one of them. That means you're one of them. La nonna ci ha mostrato vecchie fotografie. Grandmother showed us old photographs. Grandma showed us old photographs. Nous le découvrirons bientôt. We'll soon find out. We'll find out soon enough. Le è mancato, vero? You missed him, didn't you? You missed her, didn't you? ¿A qué hora te tengo que despertar? What time should I wake you up? What time do I have to wake you up? Michu vio una gran serpiente arrastrándose hacia arriba, enroscándose en un roble. Michu saw a large snake crawling upward, twisting around an oak tree. Michu saw a large snake crawling up, curling into an oak tree. Hagan como si no hubieran visto nada. Act as if you didn't see anything. Act like you haven't seen anything. Quiero una cola. I want a tail. I want a tail. Tenho um assunto complicado que quero discutir com as senhoras. I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you. I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with the ladies. Eles desapareceram. They vanished. They're gone. Ești frumoasă ca o floare de vișin. You are pretty like a cherry blossom. You're beautiful like a cherry blossom. Ci conoscemmo all'aeroporto. We met each other at the airport. We met at the airport. O que o Tom fez foi irresponsável. What Tom did was irresponsible. What Tom did was irresponsible. Estoy con estúpido. I'm with Stupid. I'm with stupid. Você precisa de conhecimento técnico para entender como este sistema funciona. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. You need technical knowledge to understand how this system works. Escuchen. Listen. Hey, listen. Não deixe isso te afetar. Don't let it affect you. Don't let it get to you. Il y a eu un déluge d'applaudissements. There was a flurry of applause. There was a flood of applause. A subtração é mais difícil que a adição. Subtraction is harder than addition. Subtraction is more difficult than addition. Você vai me dizer o que você quer? You gonna tell me what you want? Are you gonna tell me what you want? Lei è la mia futura moglie. She is my future wife. She's my future wife. Es-tu intolérante au lactose ? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you lactose intolerant? La sua camicia era al contrario. His shirt was on inside out. His shirt was the other way around. El sol és groc. The sun is yellow. The sun is yellow. L'apprentissage automatique est une branche de l'intelligence artificielle dont le but est de fournir aux ordinateurs la capacité d'apprendre sans être programmés. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence whose purpose is to provide computers with the ability to learn without being programmed. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence whose purpose is to provide computers with the ability to learn without being programmed. Espero que algún día encontremos vida más allá de la Tierra. I hope someday we'll find life beyond Earth. I hope that one day we will find life beyond Earth. El este un inspector. He is an inspector. He's an inspector. As senhoras não estão com sono? Aren't you sleepy? Aren't you ladies sleepy? Pensa veramente che Tom ci crederebbe? Do you really think that Tom would believe that? Do you really think Tom would believe that? Como isso se quebrou? How did that get broken? How did that break? J'ai acheté une nouvelle planche à découper. I bought a new cutting board. I bought a new cutting board. Tom foi buscar o médico. Tom went to get the doctor. Tom went to get the doctor. Así como a los gringos les gusta el béisbol, a los británicos les gusta el críquet. Just as the Americans like baseball, the British like cricket. Just as the gringos like baseball, the British like cricket. Les baies rouges-orangées du sorbier peuvent être utilisées pour faire de la confiture. The reddish-orange berries of the rowan can be used to make jam. The red-orange berries of the sorbium can be used to make jam. Ziri non si è mai presentato in biblioteca. Ziri never showed up in the library. Ziri never showed up at the library. Mis abuelos están muertos. My grandparents are dead. My grandparents are dead. Tom è in macchina. Tom is in the car. Tom's in the car. Las capitales son grandes y ruidosas. Capital cities are big and noisy. The capitals are big and noisy. Nuestro plan no va a ninguna parte. Our plan won't get anywhere. Our plan isn't going anywhere. Nessuno sembrava volerlo fare. Nobody seemed to want to do that. No one seemed to want to do it. Eu sei que você não virá a minha festa, mas eu queria que viesse. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wish you were. I know you're not coming to my party, but I wanted you to come. De que tipo de pão vocês gostam? What kind of bread do you like? What kind of bread do you like? En hiver, on voit parfois des aurores boréales. We sometimes see the northern lights in winter. In winter, we sometimes see aurora borealis. La berendjena fue ekselente. The eggplant was excellent. The berendjena was ekselente. Felix était si curieux à propos d'Amelia. Felix was too curious about Amelia. Felix was so curious about Amelia. Am cumpărat centura lui. I bought his belt. I bought his belt. El Gobierno nombró a un comité para investigar el accidente. The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident. The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident. La petite fille suivit le lapin blanc. The little girl followed the white rabbit. The little girl followed the white rabbit. A prisão de Insein é uma das prisões mais notórias de Mianmar, com um historial de condições e tratamentos desumanos. Insein Prison is one of Myanmar’s most notorious jails, with a history of inhumane conditions and treatment. Insein prison is one of Myanmar’s most notorious prisons, with a history of inhumane conditions and treatment. A guerra nos manteve separados por muito tempo, mas já não. The war kept us apart for so long, but not anymore. The war kept us apart for a long time, but not anymore. Il n'a pas été à l'université pour rien. He did not go to college for nothing. He didn't go to college for nothing. Tom precisa se acalmar um pouco. Tom needs to calm down a bit. Tom needs to calm down a bit. Ne me dis pas que tu as laissé Tom à Boston. Don't tell me you left Tom in Boston. Don't tell me you left Tom in Boston. Una vacanza rilassante sembra estremamente necessaria. A relaxing holiday seems extremely necessary. A relaxing holiday seems extremely necessary. El ruido se detuvo de repente. The noise suddenly stopped. The noise stopped suddenly. J'enseigne le kabyle. I teach Kabyle. I teach Kabyle. Quantas frases você acrescentou hoje? How many sentences did you add today? How many sentences did you add today? No quiero que los demás se den cuenta de que no me llamo Tom. I don't want the others to know my name isn't Tom. I don't want others to realize my name isn't Tom. È un buon modo per imparare. It's a good way to learn. It's a good way to learn. Elle a abîmé ses vêtements. She's ruined her clothes. She ruined her clothes. ¿A qué escala está este mapa? What's the scale of this map? What is the scale of this map? ¿Los tienen en otros colores? Do you have these in other colors? Do you have them in other colors? Nu mânca în grabă. Do not eat hastily. Don't eat in a hurry. Comment vérifier votre compte ? How to verify your account? How to verify your account? Est-ce notarié ? Is that notarized? Is it notarial? La realidad es, que él rompió la ventana. The fact is, he broke the window. The reality is, he broke the window. Uma pessoa começou a correr atrás de mim. Someone started running behind me. Someone started running after me. En fait, le risque est faible. The risk is actually low. In fact, the risk is low. Datevi una mossa, ragazzi. Hurry up, guys. Get a move on, guys. La mujer quiere joyas. The woman wants jewelry. The woman wants jewels. Avem două frigidere în bucătărie. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. We have two refrigerators in the kitchen. Quante lingue volete imparare? How many languages do you want to learn? How many languages do you want to learn? Aș vrea să-mi cer scuze că am întârziat. I'd like to apologize for being late. I'd like to apologize for being late. Mi sono innamorata di te nell'istante in cui ti ho vista. I fell in love with you the instant I saw you. I fell in love with you the minute I saw you. Je ne vois aucun client dans ce magasin. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don't see any customers in this store. William a assommé Sandra. William knocked Sandra unconscious. William knocked Sandra out. Magne-toi ! Move yourself! Hurry up! Tom no es un gato macho. Tom isn't a tomcat. Tom is not a male cat. Mandatemi una copia del rapporto. Send me a copy of the report. Send me a copy of the report. Vei verifica anvelopele? Will you check the tires? You gonna check the tires? Il m'a menti. Je ne peux plus lui faire confiance. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me, and I can't trust him anymore. A maior parte do arroz, frango, massa e outros alimentos não consumidos vai parar a uma enorme máquina trituradora na cave do centro comercial. Most of the uneaten rice, chicken, noodles and other food lands in a huge shredding machine in the mall basement. Most of the rice, chicken, pasta and other uneaten food will end up in a huge shredder in the basement of the mall. Georges n'y a pas rencontré âme qui vive. Georges didn't meet a living soul there. Georges did not meet a living soul there. C'est la seule chose que je ne tolérerai pas. That's the one thing I won't tolerate. It's the only thing I won't tolerate. Comprai un nuovo albergo. I bought a new hotel. I bought a new hotel. Él apagó el televisor. He turned the TV off. He turned off the TV. Le temps change souvent. Weather changes often. The weather changes often. Ci sono dei pesci volanti. There are flying fish. There are flying fish. De cât timp te ocupi de asta? How long have you been going at it? How long have you been doing this? Fumo hierba. I smoke weed. I smoke weed. As línguas modernas mudam o tempo todo. Modern languages change all the time. Modern languages change all the time. Eu queria um cavalo mas eu ganhei uma bicicleta. I wanted a horse, but I got a bicycle. I wanted a horse, but I got a bike. M-am lovit la cot. I hurt my elbow. I hit my elbow. Tom sabia que Maria não estava em casa. Tom knew Mary wasn't at home. Tom knew Maria wasn't home. Hay un pequeño cofre a los pies de la cama. There is a small chest at the foot of the bed. There is a small chest at the foot of the bed. Sarà una delusione. That'll be a disappointment. It will be a disappointment. Saranno fornite le candele. Candles will be provided. Candles will be provided. Fumar solía ser tabú para las mujeres. It used to be taboo for women to smoke. Smoking used to be taboo for women. Ma voisine religieuse ne se sent vraiment pas en sécurité lorsqu'elle voit quelque chose qui parle de science-fiction. My religious woman neighbour feels really insecure when she sees anything about science fiction. My religious neighbor really doesn’t feel safe when she sees something that talks about science fiction. J'ai oublié d'éteindre les lumières quand je suis parti. I forgot to turn off the lights when I left. I forgot to turn off the lights when I left. Ele diz que eu sou dele. He says I'm his. He says I'm his. Él promete no beber más. He promises not to drink anymore. He promises not to drink any more. Avevo bisogno di Silya. I needed Silya. I needed Silya. Io non lo so cosa vuole Tom. I don't know what Tom wants. I don't know what Tom wants. Vocês encontraram alguém para substituir Tom? Have you found somebody to replace Tom? Did you find someone to replace Tom? No tengo tiempo para juegos. I don't have time for games. I don't have time for games. Fazia uma semana que minha vó estava doente quando eu visitei ela. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her. Le roman contient de nombreux détails. The novel has many details. The novel contains many details. Ils sont là pour de bon. They're here for good. They're here for good. Estuve levantado hasta las 3 a.m. esperándote. I sat up until three a.m. waiting for you! I was up until 3 a.m. waiting for you. O Explorador de Origens, Interpretação Espectral, Identificação de Recursos, Segurança e Regolito (OSIRIS-REx) deverá disparar os seus propulsores durante cerca de sete minutos, tirando-o da órbita do asteroide e pondo-o rumo a casa. The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) is scheduled to fire its thrusters for about seven minutes, taking it out of the asteroid’s orbit and setting it on a homeward course. The Origins Explorer, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Safety and Regolith (OSIRIS-REx) is expected to fire its thrusters for about seven minutes, pulling it out of the asteroid’s orbit and homeward. Escute os passarinhos cantando. Listen to the birds singing. Listen to the birds singing. Nimic nu e mai dezamăgitor decât să pierzi în finală. Nothing is more disappointing than to lose in the finals. There's nothing more disappointing than losing in the final. Avionul a decolat la ora nouă fix. The plane took off at exactly nine o'clock. The plane took off at nine o'clock. I vostri amici quando vengono a Boston? When are your friends coming to Boston? Your friends when they come to Boston? Questa promessa scritta non è legalmente vincolante. This written pledge is not legally binding. This written promise is not legally binding. J'aimerais connaître d'autres langues. I'd like to know more languages. I would like to know other languages. Guarda spesso la TV? Do you watch TV often? Do you watch TV often? Sperava che il suo viso non rivelasse ciò che provava. He hoped that his face wouldn't reveal what he was feeling. He hoped his face would not reveal what he felt. O Gabinete dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas relata que ataques intensificados perpetrados por uma miríade de grupos armados no Iémen estão a ter um impacto devastador na população civil em todo este país devastado pela guerra. The United Nations human rights office is reporting that intensified attacks by a myriad of armed groups in Yemen are having a devastating impact on civilians throughout the war-torn country. The United Nations Human Rights Office reports that intensified attacks perpetrated by a myriad of armed groups in Yemen are having a devastating impact on the civilian population across this war-torn country. ¿Hay muchos árboles en el parque? Are there many trees in the park? Are there a lot of trees in the park? Spero che ti piacciano le torte al cioccolato. I hope you like chocolate cake. I hope you like chocolate cakes. O Museu Nacional de História Americana do Smithsoniano lançou uma campanha de financiamento comunitário no Kickstarter para preservar os sapatos rubis do filme «O Feiticeiro de Oz» de 1939. The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to preserve the ruby slippers from the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz." The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History launched a community-funding campaign on Kickstarter to preserve the ruby shoes from the 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz.” Vom prezenta ideea noastră comitetului. We will present our idea to the committee. We will present our idea to the committee. Nuestro equipo favorito perdió ayer. Our favorite team lost yesterday. Our favorite team lost yesterday. Yanni necesita parar eso. Yanni needs to stop that. Yanni needs to stop that. Ele faltou à escola por uma semana. He was absent from school for a week. He missed school for a week. Cum măsurați succesul? How do you measure success? How do you measure success? Ele faltou à aula. He skipped the class. He missed class. Ne laisse pas passer cette opportunité. Don't let this chance slip by. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Sono stato molto impegnato la settimana scorsa. I have been very busy the past week. I was very busy last week. Aún no has hecho lo que se supone que debes hacer. You still haven't done what you're supposed to do. You still haven't done what you're supposed to do. J'ai eu le billet pour trois fois rien. I got the ticket for nothing. I got the ticket for three times nothing. Tom ha chiamato uno sterminatore. Tom called an exterminator. Tom called an exterminator. Terminar o relatório amanhã é quase impossível. Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible. Finishing the report tomorrow is almost impossible. ¿Dónde llueve? Where is the rain? Where does it rain? Estou escutando um podcast em francês. I'm listening to a podcast in French. I'm listening to a podcast in French. Controlli in giro. Check around. Check around. Usa el tenedor. Use the fork. Use the fork. C'est difficile de se concentrer quand on est fatigué. It's hard to concentrate when you're tired. It's hard to concentrate when you're tired. Mi hai deluso, amico mio. You disappointed me, my friend. You let me down, my friend. Le chameau est le vaisseau du désert. The camel is the ship of the desert. The camel is the vessel of the desert. Es una película en francés con subtítulos en inglés. It's a movie in French with English subtitles. It is a film in French with English subtitles. Si è fermato dietro l'autobus. He stopped behind the bus. He stopped behind the bus. Ella preparó una ensalada de lentejas. She made a lentil salad. She made a lentil salad. Avete mai provato a leccare il sapone? Have you ever tried licking soap? Have you ever tried licking soap? Por que você não janta comigo hoje? Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? Why don't you have dinner with me today? Tom sala ses œufs. Tom salted his eggs. Tom laid his eggs. Non vuole una moglie in carriera. He doesn't want a career wife. He doesn't want a career wife. Quelle distance devons-nous parcourir avant d'admettre que nous sommes perdus ? How far must we walk before we admit we are lost? How far must we go before we admit that we are lost? Sarò qua questa sera. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. Hay tres formas de ganar. There are three ways to win. There are three ways to win. Ogallá estiveses preto de min. I wish you were close to me. I wish you were close to me. As-tu déjà ouvert cette porte ? Have you ever opened this door? Have you ever opened that door? Ho dimenticato il cellulare al piano di sotto sul divano. I forgot my cell phone downstairs on the couch. I forgot my phone downstairs on the couch. Cada vez hay menos fidelidad en Europa, han aumentado los casos de fornicación un doscientos por ciento. There's less and less faithfulness in Europe. Adultery cases have gone up 200%. There is less and less fidelity in Europe, cases of fornication have increased by two hundred percent. Eu apaguei o fogo. I put out the fire. I put out the fire. S'il vous plaît cliquez ici. Please click here. Please click here. Él lee antes de dormir. He reads before bedtime. He reads before he goes to sleep. As condições na cidade inundada de Nova Orleães são uma receita para doenças diarreicas raramente vistas nos Estados Unidos, incluindo a hepatite, a disenteria, a cólera e o tifo. The conditions in the flooded city of New Orleans are a recipe for diahrreal diseases rarely seen in the United States, including hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, and typhus. Conditions in the flooded city of New Orleans are a recipe for diarrheal diseases rarely seen in the United States, including hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, and typhus. Ci ho pensato. Molto. I've been thinking about it. A lot. I've thought about it. Tom foi o primeiro. Tom was the first. Tom was the first. È il maschio alfa che gli altri uomini invidiano. He's the alpha male that other men envy. It is the alpha male that other men envy. Ho bisogno di qualcosa di pulito. I need something clean. I need something clean. Tom identificó al autor. Tom identified the perpetrator. Tom identified the author. Me sentía mucho mejor. I felt much better. I felt so much better. Tom se cayó del lomo del caballo. Tom fell down from the horse's back. Tom fell off the back of the horse. "As senhoras não têm amigos?" "É claro que temos." "Don't you have friends?" "Of course." "Don't you ladies have any friends?" "Of course we do." El pulpo es un animal realmente inteligente. The octopus is a really smart animal. The octopus is a really smart animal. Nos sentamos junto a Tom. We sat next to Tom. We sat next to Tom. Sou Testemunha de Jeová. I'm a Jehovah's Witness. I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. È capitato qualcosa a lui? Did something happen to him? Did something happen to him? ¿Te gustan los niños? Do you like boys? Do you like children? Hai mai vissuto in Grecia? Did you ever live in Greece? Have you ever lived in Greece? Intendeva voi. He meant you. He meant you. A Constituição dá a cada câmara do Congresso o poder de punir os seus membros por comportamento impróprio ou conduta criminosa através de uma reprimenda, censura ou expulsão. The Constitution gives each house of Congress the ability to punish its members for disorderly behavior or criminal misconduct through a reprimand, censure or expulsion. The Constitution gives each House of Congress the power to punish its members for improper behavior or criminal conduct through a reprimand, censure, or expulsion. Eles precisam do dinheiro. They need the money. They need the money. Que história engraçada! What a funny story! What a funny story! Frequento la scuola primaria. I attend primary school. I go to primary school. Você me decepcionou, meu amigo. You disappointed me, my friend. You let me down, my friend. Nous avons tous deux concouru. We both competed. We both competed. Ella no almorzó nada. She ate nothing for lunch. She didn't have any lunch. Siete contro di loro? Are you against them? Are you against them? Mi sembra strano. That sounds strange to me. I think it's weird. Me tuve que rasurar la barba porque las máscaras N95 que tengo que usar para mi trabajo no me quedaban bien. I had to shave my beard off because the N95 masks I have to wear for work didn't fit me right. I had to shave my beard because the N95 masks that I have to wear for my work did not fit me well. Ella regaló un sombrero. She gave a hat for free. She gave him a hat. Estoy a punto de cumplir treinta años. ¡Qué miedo! I'm about to turn thirty. Scary! I'm about to turn thirty. La ideología jamás debería estar por encima de la vida humana. Ideology should never trump human life. Ideology should never be above human life. Yo solo como verduras frescas. I eat only fresh vegetables. I only eat fresh vegetables. Elle était sujette au rhume. She was subject to cold. She was prone to the common cold. Quero falar com você quando estiver vestida. I want to talk with you when you are dressed. I want to talk to you when you're dressed. Puis-je utiliser la cuisine ? Can I use the kitchen? Can I use the kitchen? Je me suis dépêché. I hurried. I'm in a hurry. Vendono auto. They sell cars. They sell cars. « T'as pas fait la vaisselle ? » « Tu m'as pas demandé. » "You didn't do the dishes?" "You didn't ask me. " "Didn't you wash the dishes?" "You didn't ask me." ¿Te importaría si fumo aquí? Would you mind if I smoke here? Would you mind if I smoke here? Tu sei diplomatico. You're diplomatic. You're a diplomat. Quel âge ont ses parents ? How old are her parents? How old are his parents? Tom ha qualcosa che non vede l'ora di mostrarti. Tom has something he can't wait to show you. Tom has something he can't wait to show you. Los franceses hablan muy rápido. The French talk very fast. The French speak very fast. Ci può essere una riduzione delle vocali. There may be a reduction of vowels. There may be a reduction in vowels. Se non te ne vai volontariamente, dovremo buttarti fuori. If you don't leave voluntarily, we'll have to throw you out. If you don't leave voluntarily, we'll have to throw you out. Ziri está cocinando. Ziri is cooking. Ziri's cooking. Ce film a une fin triste. This movie has a sad ending. This movie has a sad ending. Cet édifice est très grand. This building is very large. This building is very big. Tu n'as rien à faire là. You don't belong here. There's nothing for you to do here. Tom se terminó su café y se fue a trabajar. Tom finished his coffee and left for work. Tom finished his coffee and went to work. As leis dos fenómenos físicos, ou melhor, as expressões matemáticas destas leis, são covariantes (mantêm-se inalteradas na sua forma) quando a transformação de Lorentz lhes é aplicada. The laws of physical phenomena, or rather the mathematical expressions for these laws, are covariant (unchanged in form) when we apply the Lorentz transformation to them. The laws of physical phenomena, or rather the mathematical expressions of these laws, are covariant (they remain unchanged in their form) when the Lorentz transformation is applied to them. O rum de Barbancourt foi destilado pela primeira vez em Porto Príncipe na década de 1860 por Dupre Barbancourt, um produtor francês de conhaque. Barbancourt's rum was first distilled in Port-au-Prince in the 1860s by Dupre Barbancourt, a French cognac maker. Barbancourt rum was first distilled in Port-au-Prince in the 1860s by Dupre Barbancourt, a French cognac producer. Non dovete perdervi. You must not get lost. You mustn't get lost. Mary è gelosa. Mary's jealous. Mary is jealous. Tanto Tom como yo somos miembros de ese club. Both Tom and I are members of that club. Both Tom and I are members of that club. Ay adas en la mar. There are islands in the sea. Ay adas en la mar. Tom está grogue. Tom's groggy. Tom's groggy. J'ai senti un tremblement de terre. I felt the earth shake. I felt an earthquake. Digli di andarsene. Tell him to leave. Tell him to leave. Quão feliz estava Abrams? How happy was Abrams? How happy was Abrams? No, nadie quiere oírte cantar. No, nobody wants to hear you sing. No, no one wants to hear you sing. Vous sentez la fumée. You smell like smoke. You can smell the smoke. Sono scioccata per loro. I'm upset about them. I'm shocked for them. O Tom ficou frustrado. Tom got frustrated. Tom was frustrated. Um hipopótamo feliz está nadando no lago. A happy hippo is swimming in the lake. A happy hippopotamus is swimming in the lake. La porta del garage è aperta. The garage door is open. The garage door is open. Ne mets rien d'autre dans le coffre. Don't put anything else in the boot. Don't put anything else in the trunk. Quebrei o braço. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. La mia cerniera è inceppata. My zipper is jammed. My hinge's jammed. Nossa equipe de revisores é muito eficiente. Our team of proofreaders is very efficient. Our review team is very efficient. Tom è greco. Tom is Greek. Tom is Greek. M'en apporteriez-vous un autre, s'il vous plaît ? Would you bring me another one, please? Would you bring me another one, please? Esto parece Física Cuántica. No hay que entender el por qué, hay que aceptarlo como es. This looks like Quantum Physics. You don't have to understand why, you have to accept it as it is. This looks like quantum physics, you don't have to understand why, you have to accept it as it is. Tom ne peut pas t'aider. Tom can't help you. Tom can't help you. Ero disinformata. I was misinformed. I was misinformed. Não sou garçom. I'm not a waiter. I'm not a waiter. ¿Quieres escuchar música? Do you want to listen to music? Do you want to listen to music? Tom guida molto bene. Tom drives very well. Tom drives very well. Questa penna non funziona. This pen doesn't work. This pen doesn't work. Ele prometeu aos escravos que eles seriam libertados. He promised the slaves that they would be freed. He promised the slaves that they would be freed. Eu esqueci completamente o nome dela. I've completely forgotten her name. I completely forgot her name. Uma regra que funciona para um grande idioma global como o inglês pode não funcionar para um pequeno idioma minoritário. A rule that works for a large global language like English might not work for a small minority language. A rule that works for a large global language like English may not work for a small minority language. La violenza non è la risposta. Violence isn't the answer. Violence is not the answer. Ne parle pas ! Don't talk! Don't talk! ¿A qué hora termina la clase? What time does school end? What time does the class end? Qual è l'ultimo libro che ha letto? What’s the last book you read? What's the last book you read? Preparati ad evacuare. Prepare to evacuate. Prepare to evacuate. Vous devez respecter les personnes âgées. You have to respect the old. You have to respect the elderly. Uma pedra preta capturou uma pedra branca, que foi retirada do tabuleiro. A pedra preta ficou com apenas uma liberdade. No lance seguinte, se uma pedra branca ocupasse aquele mesmo ponto, agora vazio, capturaria aquela pedra preta, mas isso não era permitido, porque assim se repetiria a última posição no tabuleiro. A black stone captured a white stone and was left with only one liberty after the white stone was removed from the board. On the next move, if a white stone occupied that same spot, now empty, it would capture that black stone, but this was not allowed, because playing such a move would repeat the last position on the board. A black stone captured a white stone, which was removed from the board. The black stone was left with only one freedom. On the next move, if a white stone occupied that same point, now empty, it would capture that black stone, but this was not allowed, because then the last position on the board would be repeated. Sosh moendiz? Are you an engineer? Sosh moendiz? No puedo enderezar mi espalda. I can't straighten out my back. I can't straighten my back. Dormii sulla panchina di un parco. I slept on a park bench. I slept on a park bench. Avete detto a Tom chi è vostro padre? Have you told Tom who your father is? Did you tell Tom who your father is? Sta disegnando il suo arco. He is drawing his bow. He's drawing his bow. Mientras la IA sondeaba los límites del juego que habían pasado sus vidas dominando, los mejores jugadores del mundo hacían lo que podían: observaban y aprendían. As AI probed the limits of the game they had spent their lives mastering, the world's greatest players did what they could: watched and learned. As AI probed the limits of the game that they had spent their lives dominating, the best players in the world did what they could: they watched and learned. Amigos, estoy muy enfadado con vosotros. I'm really mad at you guys. Friends, I'm very angry with you. O que você está cantarolando? What are you humming? What are you humming? Je voudrais avoir une autre tasse de café. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. I'd like to have another cup of coffee. J'ai une amie qui vit en Espagne. I have a friend who lives in Spain. I have a friend who lives in Spain. Vou a Londres. I'm going to London. I'm going to London. ¿Vosotros vais? You're going? Are you going? Ho le mie ragioni per essere qui. I have my own reasons for being here. I have my reasons for being here. J'ai étalé la serviette sur le sable. I spread the towel on the sand. I spread the towel on the sand. Acabo de terminar de comer. I have just finished eating. I just finished eating. O Tom nunca machucaria ninguém. Tom would never hurt anybody. Tom would never hurt anyone. Tenho que fazer isso. I have to do this. I've got to do this. Tom e Mary sono giovani e attraenti. Tom and Mary are young and attractive. Tom and Mary are young and attractive. Por que Tom não abriu a caixa? Why didn't Tom open the box? Why didn't Tom open the box? Tom não está lendo um romance, ele está lendo uma biografia. Tom isn't reading a novel. He's reading a biography. Tom's not reading a novel, he's reading a biography. Non la voglio dimenticare. I don't want to forget it. I don't want to forget her. Tom le pidió a Mary que cantara más alto. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Tom asked Mary to sing louder. Vivo a New York e la mia famiglia vive a Boston. I live in New York and my family lives in Boston. I live in New York and my family lives in Boston. ¿Cuándo podrás verlo? When will you be able to see it? When will you be able to see it? Sé que Tom no me gusta, pero no me importa. I know that Tom dislikes me, but I don't care. I know I don't like Tom, but I don't care. Tom ha tradotto il sette per cento delle sue frasi in inglese in greco moderno. Tom has translated seven percent of his English sentences into Modern Greek. Tom has translated seven percent of his sentences into English into modern Greek. L'osso è rotto. The bone is broken. The bone is broken. No passado mês de maio nós comprámos vinte e cinco bolbos de Lilium auratum por um xelim. Last May we bought twenty-five bulbs of Lilium auratum for a shilling. Last May we bought twenty-five bulbs of Lilium auratum for one shilling. Você precisa se distrair. You need to distract yourself. You need to distract yourself. Parmi un choix de fruits, je choisis toujours les pommes. Among a choice of fruit, I always choose apples. From a selection of fruits, I always choose apples. Pourquoi Tom démissionne-t-il ? Why is Tom quitting? Why is Tom resigning? El río fluye lentamente bajo el puente. The river flows sluggishly under the bridge. The river flows slowly under the bridge. Rima e Skura furono pagate. Rima and Skura got paid. Rima and Skura were paid. Tengo buenos recuerdos de mi profe de inglés del segundo grado. Ella era como la mamá que nunca tuve. I have fond memories of my second grade English teacher. She was like the mother I never had. I have fond memories of my second grade English teacher. She was like the mom I never had. Tom achou a experiência agradável. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Tom found the experience enjoyable. Tout mal est facilement écrasé à la naissance. Every evil is easily crushed at birth. All evil is easily crushed at birth. Non è il tuo nemico. He is not your enemy. He's not your enemy. Espero que Tom não se esqueça de mim. I hope Tom doesn't forget me. I hope Tom doesn't forget me. El m-a acuzat că i-am furat ceasul. He accused me of having stolen his watch. He accused me of stealing his watch. Poate că ar fi trebuit să fac asta singur. Maybe I should've done that by myself. Maybe I should have done this alone. Si lo hubiese sabido, podría habértelo dicho. If I had known it, I would have told it to you. If I had known, I might have told you. Il mio bambino è affamato. My child is hungry. My baby is hungry. Comment tu t'es fait mal au cou ? How did you hurt your neck? How did you hurt your neck? Prima della partita, i giocatori cantano l'inno nazionale. Before the match, the players sing their national anthem. Before the game, the players sing the national anthem. Você não deve rir do erro dele. You should not laugh at his mistake. You mustn't laugh at his mistake. La paraula "sam" és una abreviatura de "ordinador" en Lojban. The word "sam" is short for "computer" in Lojban. The word "sam" is an abbreviation of "computer" in Lojban. Non ti sto arrestando. I'm not arresting you. I'm not arresting you. No soy un unicornio. I'm not a unicorn. I'm not a unicorn. Le chat planta ses griffes dans ma main. The cat dug its claws into my hand. The cat put his claws in my hand. Precisamos conversar contigo. We need to talk to you. We need to talk to you. Fui despejado. I've been evicted. I got evicted. Ea gătește pentru el. She cooks for him. She cooks for him. In generale le cose vanno piuttosto bene tra noi. Generally things are pretty good between us. In general, things are going pretty well between us. Nadie sabe sobre esto. No one knows about this. No one knows about this. O grupo de xente progresou connosco. The group of people came along with us. The group of people has progressed with us. Regamos nuestro césped por la tarde. We water our lawn in the afternoon. We watered our lawn in the afternoon. La aspettavamo alle 2:30. We expected you at 2:30. We were expecting you at 2:30. Voglio vederla nel mio ufficio. I want to see her in my office. I want to see you in my office. Realmente no te entiendo. I really don't get you. I really don't get you. Tenta tua sorte. Try your luck. Try your luck. Me alegra que te guste. I'm glad you like it. I'm glad you like it. Da igual el tema sobre el que estén discutiendo, Tom y su mujer nunca opinan lo mismo. No matter what they're talking about, Tom and his wife never agree. No matter what they’re discussing, Tom and his wife never feel the same way. Dio è infinito e immortale. God is infinite and immortal. God is infinite and immortal. No había comido tanto en mi vida. I've never eaten so much in my life. I haven't eaten that much in my life. Devo parlargli. I have to talk to him. I need to talk to him. Él me desnudó con sus ojos. He undressed me with his eyes. He undressed me with his eyes. Les jeux corrects et précis avec lesquels sécuriser un groupe, ou tuer le groupe de l'adversaire, sont étudiés en profondeur par tous les joueurs forts. The correct, accurate plays with which to make a group secure, or to kill the opponent's group, are studied deeply by all strong players. The correct and accurate games with which to secure a group, or kill the opponent's group, are studied in depth by all strong players. Il mio lavoro fa schifo e io non ce la faccio più! My job sucks and I can't take it anymore! My job sucks and I can't take it anymore! Se non è colpevole, non ha nulla da temere. If you're not guilty, you've got nothing to fear. If he is not guilty, he has nothing to fear. Ele trabalhou duro. He worked hard. He worked hard. A aguia é a raíña das aves. The eagle is king of birds. The eagle is the queen of birds. La mia stanza è un casino. My room is a mess. My room is a mess. Pământul orbitează în jurul Soarelui o dată pe an. Earth orbits around the Sun once every year. The Earth orbits the Sun once a year. Io e Tom avevamo lo stesso sogno. Tom and I had the same dream. Tom and I had the same dream. Llegamos tarde por culpa tuya. We were late because of you. We're late because of you. Ven y echa una mano. Come over and help out. Come and lend a hand. El veranillo de San Martín llega a su fin. Second summer is coming to an end. The summer of San Mart<0xC3><0xAD>n comes to an end. Tom non si ruppe la gamba. Tom didn't break his leg. Tom didn't break his leg. Non è mai stata negli Stati Uniti. You've never been to the US. She's never been to the States. Ele correu, percebendo que estava atrasado para a escola. He ran, realizing that he was late for school. He ran, realizing he was late for school. C'est personnel. This is personal. It's personal. S'il vous plaît, parlez plus fort pour que tout le monde vous entende. Please speak louder so everybody can hear you. Please speak louder so that everyone can hear you. Le programme n'a pas pu être compilé à cause d'une erreur de syntaxe. The program could not be compiled, due to a syntax error. The program could not be compiled due to a syntax error. Les avions sont chers. Planes are expensive. Planes are expensive. Volevo ricambiare il favore. I wanted to return the favour. I wanted to return the favor. Ea are o figură bine proporționată. She has a well-proportioned figure. She has a well-proportioned figure. O jogo termina quando todas as disputas e pretensões territoriais tenham acabado. The game ends when all disputes and territorial claims are over. The game ends when all territorial disputes and claims are over. Él se mantuvo en el trabajo todo el día. He kept at the job all day. He stayed at work all day. È bravo in questo gioco, vero? He's good at this game, isn't he? You're good at this game, aren't you? Essa é a minha parte favorita do filme. This is my favorite part of the movie! That's my favorite part of the movie. Au Tòm ne l'agrada pas lo hromatge. Tom doesn't like cheese. He doesn’t like to eat romaine. Comment puis-je aller dans la partie ouest de la ville ? How can I go to the west part of the city? How do I get to the western part of the city? Votre maison est en vente. Your house is for sale. Your house is for sale. Ti sto dando un libro. I'm giving you a book. I'm giving you a book. Creo que Tom no está siendo honesto. I don't think Tom is being honest. I don't think Tom's being honest. Mary morava sozinha em um pequeno apartamento. Mary lived in a small apartment by herself. Mary lived alone in a small apartment. Comment puis-je faire en sorte qu'il m'apprécie ? How can I make him like me? How can I make him like me? Parece uma proposta bem razoável. That sounds like a fairly good proposal. Sounds like a pretty reasonable proposition. Allez-y vous aussi, s'il vous plaît. Nous ne pouvons pas partir sans vous. You go too, please. We can't go without you. Please go too, we can't leave without you. Io ero pietrificato. I was petrified. I was petrified. A che serve questa chiave? What's this key for? What's this key for? Tom es quien ayudaba a Mary con los deberes. Tom is the one who helped Mary with her homework. Tom was helping Mary with her homework. Noi siamo in ritardo di circa mezz'ora. We're about thirty minutes behind schedule. We're about half an hour late. Pasamos la noche viendo películas. We spent the night watching films. We spent the night watching movies. Questo tappeto è pieno di pidocchi. This carpet is full of lice. This carpet is full of lice. Semblavas pas segur. You didn't seem certain. You didn't seem to be sure. Eu trarei vinho. I'll bring wine. I'll bring wine. Creatia si-a omorat propriul creator. The creation killed its creator. Creation has killed its own creator. Erano armate fino ai denti. They were armed to the teeth. They were armed to the teeth. Tom se va plânge. Tom is going to complain. Tom will complain. Desenhem tudo o que vocês viram. Draw everything you saw. Draw everything you've seen. Nu trebuia să faci asta fără să mă întrebi mai întâi. You shouldn't have done that without asking me first. You shouldn't have done that without asking me first. Tom é muito gentil. Tom is quite likable. Tom is very kind. Non può ancora andare in pensione. You can't retire yet. He can't retire yet. Nu știu de ce Tom a renunțat la job. I don't know why Tom quit his job. I don't know why Tom quit his job. Oh mon Dieu ! Qu'est-ce que vous faites ?! Oh my God! What are you doing!? Oh, my God, what are you doing? Oficiais ocidentais manifestaram o receio de que a violência possa degenerar em guerra civil à medida que as fações rivais lutam pelo poder, três anos após a queda de Muammar Gaddafi. Western officials have voiced fears the violence could degenerate into civil war as rival factions fight for power, three years after the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi. Western officials have voiced fears that the violence could escalate into civil war as rival factions struggle for power, three years after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. La vermella és la casa que va construir en Jack. The red house is the one that Jack built. Red is the house that Jack built. Tu sais jouer au mahjong ? Do you know how to play mahjong? Can you play mahjong? Joyeux anniversaire ! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Ils sont partis en vacances ensemble. They went on vacation together. They went on vacation together. Os primeiros aerogeradores da Índia foram construídos há cerca de duas décadas, quando um punhado de pequenas indústrias investiu em turbinas eólicas para escapar aos cortes de energia perenes no país. India's first windmills were built about two decades ago, when a handful of small industries invested in wind turbines to escape the country's perennial power outages. India’s first wind turbines were built about two decades ago when a handful of small industries invested in wind turbines to escape the country’s perennial power outages. É hora de levar a prostituição infantil a sério. It is time to get serious with child prostitution. It's time to take child prostitution seriously. O que é o subconsciente? What is the subconscious? What is the subconscious? Mary está apaixonada por seu instrutor de aptidão física. Mary is in love with her fitness instructor. Mary is in love with her fitness instructor. Dovreste aiutare vostro padre. You should help your father. You should help your father. La fille a des jupes. The girl has skirts. The girl has skirts. Același scenariu s-a derulat de două ori la rând. The same scenario played out twice in a row. The same scenario happened twice in a row. Vous voulez manger chinois ? Do you want Chinese food? Do you want to eat Chinese? Tom realmente se la pasó bien. Tom really had a good time. Tom really had a good time. Está a chover a potes. It's raining cats and dogs. It's raining heavily. J’ai du sang dans les selles. There is blood in my faeces. I have blood in my stool. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che ti sei fatto una doccia? When's the last time you showered? When was the last time you took a shower? Não é uma obra-prima, é um erro. It's not a masterpiece. It's a mistake. It's not a masterpiece, it's a mistake. Ziri addestra cani. Ziri trains dogs. Ziri trains dogs. O inventor Ferdinand Maack queria tornar o xadrez parecido com uma guerra moderna, com ataques possíveis não só em uma superfície bidimensional, mas também a partir do ar e de sob a água. The inventor Ferdinand Maack wanted to make chess look like a modern war, with possible attacks not only on a two-dimensional surface, but also from the air and from under the water. The inventor Ferdinand Maack wanted to make chess look like a modern war, with attacks possible not only on a two-dimensional surface, but also from the air and under the water. Torniamo sulla strada principale. Let's get back on the main road. Let's go back to the main road. Dovreste essere felici. You should be happy. You should be happy. Tom prende l'autobus per la città. Tom takes the bus to the city. Tom takes the bus to the city. Vive da sola in quella casa enorme? Does she live alone in that huge house? You live alone in that big house? Espérons qu'ils nous laisseront tranquilles. Let's hope they leave us alone. Let's hope they leave us alone. Sono dispiaciuta per vostra sorella. I am sorry about your sister. I'm sorry about your sister. C'est insuffisant. It's not enough. That's not enough. No es necesario que seas un políglota. It doesn't require you to be a polyglot. You don’t have to be a polyglot. Copiii au desenat fluturi pe perete. The children drew butterflies on the wall. The children drew butterflies on the wall. Perché mi sento così vuoto? Why do I feel so empty? Why do I feel so empty? Tom guardava il poster. Tom looked at the poster. Tom looked at the poster. Ogni male si neutralizza facilmente alla nascita. Every evil is easily crushed at birth. All evil is easily neutralized at birth. I re sono in lontananza in opposizione quando ci sono (verticalmente, orizzontalmente o diagonalmente) tre o cinque caselle tra di loro, non solo una. The kings are in distant opposition when there are (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) three or five squares between them, not just one. Kings are in the distance in opposition when there are (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) three or five squares between them, not just one. Vous a-t-on déjà diagnostiqué une insuffisance rénale ? Have you ever been diagnosed with renal failure? Have you ever been diagnosed with kidney failure? Non parlo la tua lingua, rispondi alle domande solo con "sì" o "no". I don't speak your language, so just answer questions with “yes” or “no” only. I don't speak your language, just answer the questions with "yes" or "no". Escribe un poema de cuatro estrofas de tres líneas cada una. Write a poem with four three-line stanzas. Write a poem of four stanzas of three lines each. I bambini di Tom sono tutti nati in Australia. Tom's children were all born in Australia. Tom's children were all born in Australia. ¿Con qué frecuencia bebe alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? How often do you drink alcohol? Tom a fost rănit grav. Tom was severely injured. Tom was seriously injured. No tengo ese deseo. I have no such desire. I don't have that desire. Eravate indebitati. You were in debt. You were in debt. Fece spazio a una donna anziana in autobus. She made room for an old woman in the bus. He made room for an elderly woman on the bus. Oamenii respiră în mod normal de la douăsprezece până la douăzeci de ori pe minut. People normally breathe 12 to 20 times a minute. People breathe normally from twelve to twenty times per minute. Continuate a fare pratica. Keep practising. Keep practicing. Vou pedir mais uma cerveja. I'm going to order another beer. I'll order one more beer. J’ai des crachats. I am coughing up sputum. I have sputum. Haussez les épaules. Shrug your shoulders. Put your shoulders up. Por que não lutam por seus direitos? Why don't they fight for their rights? Why not fight for your rights? Vòus un pauc de tè ? Won't you have some tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Ele está abrindo a janela. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Il emploie une femme de ménage. He employs a maid. He employs a maid. La nef est la partie centrale de l'église. The nave is the central part of the church. The nave is the central part of the church. Je ne l'ai jamais vue agir de la sorte. I've never seen her act like that. I've never seen her act like this. Treci la subiect! Get to the point! Get to the point! Est-ce un film d'action ? Is it an action movie? Is this an action movie? Nu i-ai spus nimic? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell her anything? Eu vou fazer esteira. I am going to exercise on the treadmill. I'm gonna make a treadmill. Miles sorri. Miles smiles. Miles smiles. Può pagare in contanti o con una carta di credito. You can pay in cash or with a credit card. You can pay in cash or with a credit card. Gostou da comida? Did you like the food? Did you like the food? Io e te non dovremmo parlare. You and I shouldn't be talking. You and I shouldn't be talking. Tu as deux enfants. You have two kids. You have two children. Sta leggendo un romanzo. He's reading a novel. He's reading a novel. Vos paupières étaient-elles collées quand vous vous êtes réveillée ce matin ? Were your eyelids stuck together when you woke up this morning? Were your eyelids glued together when you woke up this morning? Chi è il tuo supereroe preferito? Who's your favorite super hero? Who is your favorite superhero? C'était très bruyant là-bas, et on ne s'entendait pas. It was very noisy there, and we did not hear each other. It was very noisy there, and we didn't get along. Il paesaggio in Russia è speciale. The landscape in Russia is special. The landscape in Russia is special. Las carreteras están muy transitadas a esta hora del día. The roads are very crowded at this time of the day. The roads are very busy at this time of day. Combien y a-t-il de musées dans la ville ? How many museums are there in the city? How many museums are there in the city? O menino está brincando com seus soldadinhos de chumbo. The boy is playing with his tin soldiers. The boy is playing with his little lead soldiers. Aparatul lui foto este de trei ori mai scump decât al meu. His camera is three times as expensive as mine. His camera is three times more expensive than mine. Nous n'avons pas encore de plan. We don't have a plan yet. We don't have a plan yet. Espero que triïn un bon govern. I hope they choose a good government. I hope they have a good government. ¿En esta ciudad hay Uber? Does this city have Uber? Is there an Uber in this city? Mi è stato rubato il portafoglio sull'autobus. I had my wallet stolen on the bus. My wallet was stolen on the bus. Ahí está su amigo. There's his friend. There's your friend. Que cada um pratique o ramo que conhece. Let each one practice the branch which he knows. Let each one practice the branch he knows. Ratos são uma peste. Mice are a pest. Rats are a pest. Pourquoi ne te lèves-tu pas pour marcher un peu ? Why don't you get up and walk a little? Why don't you get up and walk a little? I pompê en di eröi. Firefighters are heroes. The pomps are errors. Uma equipa internacional de pesquisadores encontrou indícios de que os humanos naquilo que é agora a Geórgia utilizavam linho há cerca de 30.000 anos. An international team of researchers has found evidence that humans in what is now Georgia were using flax some 30,000 years ago. An international team of researchers has found evidence that humans in what is now Georgia used flax about 30,000 years ago. Sami estaba fisicamente fatigado. Sami was physically drained. Sami was physically fatigued. Eravamo ancora amici. We were still friends. We were still friends. Non eri affamata. You were not hungry. You weren't hungry. Tom tiene miedo. Tom is afraid. Tom's scared. Ma mère m'a coupé les cheveux trop courts. My mother cut my hair too short. My mother cut my hair too short. Este tren va a Tokio. This train is going to Tokyo. This train goes to Tokyo. Io e Tom vogliamo imparare il francese. Tom and I want to learn French. Tom and I want to learn French. Tú tienes miedo. You are afraid. You're scared. Estaré en casa de Tom. I'll be at Tom's. I'll be at Tom's. Nós não gostamos de nada. We didn't like anything. We don't like anything. Eu não esqueci que vocês me traíram. I haven't forgotten that you betrayed me. I didn't forget that you betrayed me. L'anziano cercava il suo cappello. The old man looked about for his hat. The old man was looking for his hat. As que são extraídas de embriões com alguns dias de vida, chamadas células estaminais embrionárias, são mais maleáveis do que células estaminais de adultos e conseguem transformar-se em células de qualquer tecido ou órgão do corpo. Those taken from days-old embryos, called embryonic stem cells, are more malleable than stem cells from adults, and can transform into cells in every tissue and organ in the body. Those that are extracted from embryos a few days old, called embryonic stem cells, are more malleable than adult stem cells and can transform into cells from any tissue or organ in the body. C'était des extraterrestres. It was aliens. They were aliens. Ha nacido una estrella. A star is born. A star is born. Mis maestros de química y biología dijeron que hacer pipí en las plantas es bueno para ellas. My chemistry and biology teachers said that peeing on plants is good for them. My chemistry and biology teachers said that peeing on plants is good for them. La comadreja intenta agarrar a los ratones. The weasel tries to grab the mice. The weasel tries to grab the mice. Per piacere, aspetti finché non arriva. Please wait until he arrives. Please wait until he arrives. Le ayudé con algunas tareas. I helped him do some chores. I helped him with some tasks. Le chat mangea la souris. The cat ate the mouse. The cat ate the mouse. Non penso che Tom e Mary siano molto affidabili. I don't think Tom and Mary are very reliable. I don't think Tom and Mary are very reliable. Ero in bagno. I was in the bathroom. I was in the bathroom. Quiero comprar una nueva máquina del tiempo. I want to buy a new time machine. I want to buy a new time machine. Ziri se rasa. Ziri shaved. Ziri shaved. Eu preciso beber cerveja. I need to drink some beer. I need to drink beer. Apenas hay gente que tenga dos coches. Few people have two cars. There are hardly any people who have two cars. No Brasil eu tenho um amigo chamado Carlos, que é casado com uma russa chamada Marina. In Brazil I have a friend named Carlos, who is married to a Russian named Marina. In Brazil I have a friend named Carlos, who is married to a Russian woman named Marina. Alcanzar el título de Gran Maestro en ajedrez es comparable a recibir un cinturón negro en judo. Achieving the title of Grand Master in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. Achieving the title of Grandmaster in chess is comparable to receiving a black belt in judo. ¿Eres del tipo de persona que ignora a los demás? Are you the type of person who ignores others? Are you the kind of person who ignores others? Io non penso che Tom e Mary abbiano torto. I don't think Tom and Mary are wrong. I don't think Tom and Mary are wrong. L'anglais est la langue du colonialisme et du néo-colonialisme. English is the language of colonialism and neocolonialism. English is the language of colonialism and neo-colonialism. Choisissez votre arme. Choose your weapon. Choose your weapon. Le potete tenere. You can keep them. You can keep them. Eu adorei a Inglaterra. I relished England. I loved England. Que't caleré lo mercejar. You ought to thank him. I’m going to sell it. Io non sono mai stata a Nikko. I have never been to Nikko. I've never been to Nikko. Je marche en chantant en grec. I walk singing in Greek. I walk while singing in Greek. Os cientistas dizem que o coentro, um ingrediente predileto na cozinha mexicana e sudeste-asiática, mostra-se prometedor enquanto "bioabsorvente" para remover metais pesados que se tenham infiltrado em águas subterrâneas devido a fábricas em muitos países em desenvolvimento. Scientists say cilantro, a favorite ingredient in Mexican and Southeast Asian cooking, shows promise as a so-called biosorbent to mop up heavy metals that have leached into ground water from factories in many developing countries. Scientists say coriander, a favorite ingredient in Mexican and Southeast Asian cuisine, shows promise as a “bioabsorbent” to remove heavy metals that have infiltrated groundwater due to factories in many developing countries. El juguete está hecho de madera. That toy is made of wood. The toy is made of wood. Ninguno de ellos confesaría su culpabilidad. None of them would admit to being the culprit. None of them would admit their guilt. Perché non vieni a Boston? Why don't you come to Boston? Why don't you come to Boston? Nous n'avons pas de médicaments à la maison. We do not have medicines at home. We don't have any medicine at home. Sono stanca dei giochi. I'm tired of games. I'm tired of games. Puedo ver a Tom. I can see Tom. I can see Tom. Perché non siete tornate per lui? Why didn't you go back for him? Why didn't you come back for him? Entra en otro sitio. Enter somewhere else. Get in someplace else. Creo que alguien, y sé muy bien quién, tomó mi dinero. I think someone, and I know very well who, took my money. I think someone, and I know very well who, took my money. Escribe tu nombre junto al mío. Write your name next to mine. Write your name next to mine. Questo è probabile. This is likely. That's likely. Mi è sempre piaciuto giocare a calcio. I've always liked playing football. I have always loved playing football. Parecia que ninguém tinha estado lá desde a minha chegada. It looked as though no one had been there since my arrival. It seemed that no one had been there since my arrival. Os instrumentos na cabine do piloto indicavam um erro de bateria, o último de uma série de percalços, incluindo problemas de travagem, incêndios de bateria, um para-brisas rachado e fugas de combustível. Instruments in the cockpit indicated a battery error, the latest in a series of mishaps including braking problems, battery fires, a cracked windscreen and fuel leaks. The instruments in the cockpit indicated a battery error, the latest in a series of mishaps, including braking problems, battery fires, a cracked windshield and fuel leaks. Tom segue Maria no Twitter. Tom follows Mary on Twitter. Tom follows Maria on Twitter. Olhem! O gato está na cozinha! Look! The cat's in the kitchen! Look, the cat's in the kitchen! Siamo egoiste. We're selfish. We are selfish. Este o clădire destul de veche. It's quite an old building. It's a pretty old building. Mi sono sentita al sicuro. I felt safe. I felt safe. Noi non ce ne andremo presto. We won't leave early. We're not leaving anytime soon. Vamos a la cocina, prepararé café para nosotros. Let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll make us some coffee. Let's go to the kitchen, I'll make us some coffee. Tu sei molto veloce. You're very fast. You're very fast. De onde sosh? Where are you from? Where's Sosh? ¿Tienes a alguien a quien llamar si necesitas hablar? Do you have anyone who you can call if you need to talk? Do you have someone to call if you need to talk? La corriente de aire cerró la puerta. The door blew shut. The air stream closed the door. Tom parecia estar se divertindo. Tom looked like he was having fun. Tom seemed to be having fun. Tengo el poder de la invisibilidad, pero solo funciona cuando tengo puesta una camiseta recién lavada. I have the power of invisibility, but it only works when I’m wearing a freshly washed shirt. I have the power of invisibility, but it only works when I have a freshly washed T-shirt on. Eu parei de fumar quando fui diagnosticado com câncer. I quit smoking when I was diagnosed with cancer. I stopped smoking when I was diagnosed with cancer. Si diedero la mano. They shook hands with each other. They shook hands. Supongo que no es tan fácil. I guess it's not that easy. I guess it's not that easy. Il s'est saoulé à mort. He drank himself to death. He got drunk to death. Qual è il verdetto? What's the verdict? What is the verdict? Notre professeur est fatigué. Our teacher is tired. Our teacher is tired. Bărbatul din spatele camerei își ține mâna ridicată pentru a bloca lumina. The man behind the camera is holding up his hand to block out some light. The man behind the camera holds his hand up to block the light. O último levantamento pela Classificação Integrada das Fases da Segurança Alimentar, um esforço conjunto de oito organizações não governamentais das Nações Unidas e internacionais, revela que mais de 1,8 milhões de pessoas na R.A.C. atravessam uma crise alimentar emergencial. The latest assessment by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, a joint effort by eight U.N. and International non-governmental organizations, finds more than 1.8 million people in C.A.R. are facing an emergency food crisis. The latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification survey, a joint effort of eight United Nations and international non-governmental organizations, reveals that more than 1.8 million people in the CAR are experiencing an emergency food crisis. ¡Mira! ¡Un platillo volador! Look! A flying saucer! Look, a flying saucer! Todavía estamos en otoño pero ya hace un tiempo más bien invernal. It's still autumn, but the weather is already feeling like winter. We are still in autumn but it has been a rather wintery time. La colère est toxique. Anger is poisonous. Anger is toxic. Quiero que te quedes donde la señorita. I want you to stay by the lady. I want you to stay with the lady. O aniversário de Maria é dia treze de janeiro. Mary's birthday is the thirteenth of January. Mary’s birthday is the 13th of January. Non ci sono opere teatrali che mi deliziano, tranne quelle di Plauto. No plays delight me except those of Plautus. There are no plays that delight me, except those of Plautus. Ces gens te font confiance et comptent sur toi. These people trust you and count on you. These people trust you and rely on you. El rey Thomas y la reina María jugaban al ajedrez todas las noches en su magnífico castillo con cuatro torres y muchas almenas. King Thomas and Queen Mary played chess every night in their magnificent castle with four towers and many battlements. King Thomas and Queen Mary played chess every night in their magnificent castle with four towers and many battlements. Stavo annegando. I was drowning. I was drowning. ¡Órale! ¡Este beat está con ganas! Damn, this beat goes hard. This beat is in the mood! Que son dejà sèt oras. It's already seven. There are seven cities. ¿Puedes venir a mi casa? Can you come to my house? Can you come to my house? L'ho pagata a caro prezzo. I paid dearly for it. I paid a high price for it. A entidade reguladora antimonopólio da UE concluiu que a Google, cujo sistema Android opera mais de 80% dos telemóveis inteligentes do mundo, abusou da sua posição dominante para promover as suas próprias aplicações e serviços, especialmente o motor de busca da empresa. The EU antitrust regulator concluded that Google, whose Android system operates more than 80-percent of the world's smartphones, abused its dominant position to promote its own apps and services, especially the company's search engine. The EU antitrust watchdog found that Google, whose Android system operates more than 80 percent of the world’s smartphones, abused its dominant position to promote its own apps and services, especially the company’s search engine. No des peces, enseña a pescar. Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. Don't give fish, teach them to fish. Mi meta como profesor de idiomas no es hacer que mis estudiantes solo digan frases gramaticalmente perfectas. Es ayudarles a desarrollar la seguridad para expresarse en otro idioma, sea cual sea el método. My goal as a language teacher isn't to get my students to only say grammatically perfect phrases. It's to help them build the confidence to express themselves in another language, however that may be. My goal as a language teacher is not to make my students only say grammatically perfect sentences. It is to help them develop the confidence to express themselves in another language, whatever the method. Je suis profondément attristé de savoir que votre père est décédé. It saddens me greatly to know that your father died. I am deeply saddened to learn that your father has passed away. Será que a ciência explica por que até hoje não foram encontradas impressões digitais idênticas entre os seres humanos? Can science explain why to this day no identical fingerprints have been found among human beings? Does science explain why to this day no identical fingerprints have been found among humans? À quoi bon essayer ? What's the use in trying? What's the point of trying? Isso não é nosso. It is not ours. This isn't ours. Ricevetti un paio dei tuoi messaggi. I received a couple of your messages. I got a couple of your messages. La pièce sera peinte demain. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Arrêtez cette querelle intestine ! Je vous ai reçus tandis que personne ne l'aurait fait ! Stop this infighting! I took you in when no one else would! I received you while no one would have done it! Il rover avanzava pesantemente attraverso la polverosa pianura rossa su Marte. The rover lumbered across the dusty red plain on Mars. The rover was advancing heavily through the dusty red plain on Mars. Je suis venue ici pour vous secourir. I came here to save you. I came here to rescue you. Él vino muy rápido. He came really fast. He came very fast. Paul est fils unique, mais il a plein de cousins. Paul is an only child, but he has a lot of cousins. Paul is an only child, but he has many cousins. AlphaZero es un jugador de ajedrez que desarrolló su estilo creativo únicamente jugando contra sí mismo. AlphaZero is a chess player that developed its creative style solely by playing games against itself. AlphaZero is a chess player who developed his creative style solely by playing against himself. Avance plus vite ! Walk faster! Faster! Faster! Qui sera la prochaine victime de Tom ? Who will be Tom's next victim? Who will be Tom’s next victim? Je n'en suis pas certain. I am not certain about that. I'm not so sure. Quero comprar essa jaqueta. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy that jacket. À combien de concerts t'es-tu rendue l'année dernière ? How many concerts did you go to last year? How many concerts did you go to last year? Todas as generalizações são enganosas, inclusive esta. All generalizations are false, including this one. All generalizations are misleading, including this one. Tom y Mary viven en nuestra manzana. Tom and Mary live on our block. Tom and Mary live in our block. Tom necesita un poco más de práctica. Tom needs a little more practice. Tom needs a little more practice. Tu penses que tu le feras jamais ? Do you think you'll ever do that? Do you think you'll ever do that? Quelqu'un veut plus de tarte ? Does anyone want some more pie? Anybody want more pie? Il a échappé à la justice. He dodged the law. He escaped justice. "Quants anys tens?" "Tinc setze anys." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." Perché le sue amiche mi odiano tutte? Why do your friends all hate me? Why do all your friends hate me? Por favor tenga la amabilidad de decírmelo otra vez. Please say that again! Please be kind enough to tell me again. Tom a été frappé par une crise cardiaque. Tom was struck down by a heart attack. Tom was struck by a heart attack. Os seus sapatos estão debaixo da cama. Your shoes are under the bed. Your shoes are under your bed. O surgimento da variante Ómicron levou os mercados financeiros a desfalecer e os líderes nacionais a ordenar ou ameaçar com novas medidas pandémicas destinadas a evitar a propagação da estirpe. The emergence of the Omicron variant has caused financial markets to swoon and national leaders to order or threaten fresh pandemic measures aimed at preventing the strain’s spread. The emergence of the <0xC3><0x93>micron variant has led financial markets to collapse and national leaders to order or threaten new pandemic measures aimed at preventing the spread of the strain. Non riesco a registrarmi al sito. I can't register on the site. I can't register on the site. Tom está no quintal, brincando com os filhos. Tom is in the backyard, playing with his children. Tom's in the backyard, playing with his kids. Es un gos. This is a dog. It's a dog. A criança desaparecida foi encontrada duas horas depois no parque. The missing child was found two hours later in the park. The missing child was found two hours later in the park. Tom perdeu alguns livros da biblioteca da escola. Tom lost some school library books. Tom lost some books from the school library. La venda a lui. Sell it to him. The sale to him. Tom suele almorzar en la cafetería. Tom usually eats lunch in the cafeteria. Tom usually eats lunch in the cafeteria. Tom est bibliothécaire. Tom is a librarian. Tom is a librarian. Le intersezioni vuote che i tuoi gruppi circondano e controllano pacificamente sono molto più importanti delle pietre che catturi. The empty intersections that your groups peacefully surround and control are much more important than the stones you capture. The empty intersections that your groups peacefully surround and control are far more important than the stones you capture. Los siete pecados capitales son: soberbia, envidia, codicia, ira, lujuria, gula y pereza. The seven deadly sins are: pride, envy, greed, anger, lust, gluttony and sloth. The seven deadly sins are pride, envy, greed, anger, lust, gluttony, and laziness. Eu mereço uma promoção. I deserve a promotion. I deserve a promotion. Il a répondu succinctement. He answered succinctly. He responded succinctly. Est-ce qu'on t'a traité pour une infection après ton opération ? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? Were you treated for an infection after your surgery? J'ai songé qu'il se passait quelque chose. I figured something was up. I thought something was going on. ¿Qué hago si hay una palabra que no debería estar? What do I do if there's a word that shouldn't be there? What do I do if there's a word that shouldn't be? Le caractère change quand on arrive au pouvoir. Character changes when you come into power. Character changes when you come to power. Șosetele și papucii sunt noi. The socks and slippers are new. The socks and shoes are new. El diumenge és l'últim dia de la setmana. Sunday is the last day of the week. Sunday is the last day of the week. Hoje faz sol. It is sunny today. It's sunny today. Dammi un morso. Give me a bite. Give me a bite. Senhoras e senhores. Em breve aterraremos em Londres. Hoje está doze graus. Tenham um bom dia. Ladies and gentlemen. We will soon land in London. Today it is twelve degrees. Have a good day. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be landing in London soon, it's 12 degrees today, have a good day. Je pense qu'il est étrange qu'il ne t'ait pas parlé. I think it strange that he didn't speak to you. I think it's strange that he didn't talk to you. J'ai un chat. Le chat est blanc. I have a cat. The cat's white. I have a cat, the cat is white. Persi la ricevuta. I lost the receipt. I lost my receipt. Se non ti piace questa casa, vendila. If you don't like this house, sell it. If you don't like this house, sell it. ¿Sabes con qué EAD trabaja Tom? Do you know what DAW Tom works with? Do you know what EAD Tom works with? Junto à parede havia uma escrivaninha de dois metros de comprimento. By the wall there was a desk two meters long. Next to the wall was a desk two meters long. No hay zorros aquí. There aren't any foxes here. There are no foxes here. Cállate en la biblioteca. Be quiet in the library. Shut up at the library. Ma mère a parlé sur le temps d'avant. My mother spoke about the time before. My mother talked about the time before. Votre attitude, non votre aptitude, détermine votre altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. La sede centrale di Tatoeba si trova in Francia. Tatoeba's headquarters are located in France. The Tatoeba headquarters is located in France. Prévenez-moi quand vous aurez rempli le questionnaire. Let me know when you complete the questionnaire. Let me know when you have completed the questionnaire. ¿Cómo llevas las cosas? ¿Todo está bien? How are things with you? Everything all right? How do you handle things, everything's fine? Tom è presuntuoso. Tom is cocksure. Tom is presumptuous. Yanni conoce el nombre de ella. Yanni knows her name. Yanni knows her name. Je ne crois pas aux théories du complot. I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I don't believe in conspiracy theories. Que voulez-vous que je vous fasse ? What do you want me to do to you? What do you want me to do with you? La gente ama hablar, hablar, hablar. People love to talk - talk - talk. People love to talk, talk, talk. Je suis un an plus jeune que Tom. I'm a year younger than Tom. I'm a year younger than Tom. Tom, ¿cómo estuvo tu ayer en Boston? Tom, how was your yesterday in Boston? Tom, how was your day in Boston? Prouve que Tom existe. Prove Tom exists. It proves that Tom exists. Prendeteli entrambi. Take them both. Take them both. Tom este de neînvins. Tom is unbeatable. Tom is undefeated. La sua camera è pulita? Is your room clean? Is your room clean? No saben de política. You don't know about politics. They don't know about politics. Yanni sortit. Yanni left. Yanni came out. Il y a eu des désaccords et la communauté a commencé à se diviser. There were disagreements and the community began to splinter. There were disagreements and the community began to divide. Sono sicuro che lei si farà viva presto. I'm sure she will turn up soon. I'm sure she'll be alive soon. Je voulais faire une réservation dans mon restaurant préféré, mais il est fermé la veille de Noël. I wanted to make a reservation at my favorite restaurant, but it's closed on Christmas Eve. I wanted to make a reservation at my favorite restaurant, but it is closed on Christmas Eve. Eu acho que vou comprar o mais barato. I think that I'll buy the cheaper one. I think I'll buy the cheapest. Il a deux chats, un blanc et un noir. He has got two cats, one is white, one is black. He has two cats, one white and one black. « J'ai décidé de divorcer avec ta mère. » « Pourquoi ? » « Excuse-moi pour mon choix de mots, mon fils, mais ta mère n'est vraiment qu'une salope infidèle. » "I've decided to divorce your mother." "Why?" "I'm sorry to put it this way, son, but your mother is nothing but a cheating whore." "I've decided to divorce your mother." "Why?" "Excuse me for my choice of words, son, but your mother is really just an unfaithful bitch." È urgente, devi andare adesso. It's urgent, you have to go now. It's urgent, you have to go now. Ha subito una morte brutale. He has suffered a brutal death. He suffered a brutal death. Oigo a los pájaros. I hear the birds. I hear the birds. Zero mais um faz um. Zero plus one makes one. Zero plus one makes one. ¡Tuve un sueño tan chido! ¡Había láseres, y robots, y fuego, y...! ¿Por qué no me escuchas? My dream was so cool! There were lasers, and there were robots, and there was fire, and—why aren’t you listening? There were lasers, and robots, and fire, and... why don't you listen to me? A filosofia nos ensina a desconfiar das coisas que nos parecem ser óbvias. A propaganda, por outro lado, ensina-nos a aceitar como óbvias questões sobre as quais seria sensato evitar julgamentos ou duvidar. Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. Philosophy teaches us to be suspicious of things that seem obvious to us; propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as obvious questions about which it would be wise to avoid judgment or doubt. Il giocattolo giallo è piccolo. The yellow toy is small. The yellow toy is small. Qué tienga un buen diya! Have a nice day! Have a great diya! La langue maternelle de Tom n'est pas le français. Tom's native language isn't French. Tom's mother tongue is not French. ¿Cúando te has levantado esta mañana? When did you get up this morning? When did you get up this morning? Non sono sicura che Tom vorrebbe che io gliela dessi. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give you that. I'm not sure Tom would want me to give it to him. Quiero alquilar la habitación a un estudiante. I want to rent this room to a student. I want to rent the room to a student. Es pobre, pero no se preocupa por el dinero. He is poor, but he doesn't care about money. He's poor, but he doesn't care about money. Per piacere, non sia arrabbiata con me! Please, don't be angry with me! Please don't be mad at me! Eya no es komo mozotros. She's not like us. Eya is not like other girls. Eu gosto do meu emprego. I like my job. I like my job. Non siete alte esattamente quanto Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. You're not exactly as tall as Mary. Tom vuole rinunciare alla sua cittadinanza. Tom wants to renounce his citizenship. Tom wants to give up his citizenship. Regresé del extranjero. I returned from abroad. I came back from abroad. Está realmente ventoso. It's really windy. It's really windy. ¿Qué hacemos con este elefante blanco que nos regaló tu tía? Es demasiado feo para colgarlo en la pared. What should we do with this white elephant your aunt gave us? It's way too ugly to go on the wall. What do we do with this white elephant that your aunt gave us? It's too ugly to hang on the wall. Ho tre cani. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. Sia "Via Lattea" che "galassia" sono termini che, rispettivamente in latino e greco, sono associati al latte. Both "Milky Way" and "galaxy" are terms that, in Latin and Greek respectively, are associated with milk. Both "Milky Way" and "galaxy" are terms that, respectively in Latin and Greek, are associated with milk. Esta toalla es para ti. Here's a towel that you can use. This towel is for you. Tom é tímido com estranhos. Tom is shy with strangers. Tom's shy of strangers. Te he visto antes, pero no me acuerdo de dónde. I've seen you before, but I can't remember where. I've seen you before, but I don't remember where. Eu encomendei um livro da Inglaterra. I've ordered a book from England. I ordered a book from England. Conocí a una gran chica y estoy enamorado. I met a great girl, and I'm in love. I met a great girl and I'm in love. Ont-ils des enfants ? Do they have children? Do they have children? Tu viens juste de la voir. You've just seen her. You just saw her. Estoy tan contento de que existas. I'm so glad you exist. I'm so glad you exist. ¿Cómo comen sardinas los delfines si ni siquiera pueden abrir la lata? How do dolphins eat sardines if they can't even open the can? How do dolphins eat sardines if they can’t even open the can? Necesitamos a alguien que haga algo. We need someone to do something. We need someone to do something. La città era piena di giovani coppie. The city was full of young couples. The city was full of young couples. Te ves cansado, deberías dormir un poco. You look tired. You should rest a little. You look tired, you should get some sleep. Ziri pleura. Ziri cried. Ziri was crying. Entre los sistemas planetarios conscientes se produjeron infinitas variaciones de relaciones personales. Como entre los individuos humanos, existían amores y odios, simpatías y antipatías temperamentales, intimidades alegres y angustiosas, cooperaciones y frustraciones en las empresas personales y en la gran empresa común de construir la utopía galáctica. Between the minded planetary systems occurred infinite variations of personal intercourse. As between human individuals, there were loves and hates, temperamental sympathies and antipathies, joyful and distressful intimacies, cooperations and thwartings in personal ventures and in the great common venture of building the galactic Utopia. Among conscious planetary systems there were infinite variations of personal relationships; as among human individuals, there were loves and hatreds, temperamental sympathies and antipathies, joyful and distressing intimacies, cooperations and frustrations in personal enterprises and in the great common enterprise of building the galactic utopia. Ce n'est pas juste du tout. It's not fair at all. It's not fair at all. Es emprendedor. You are an entrepreneur. He is enterprising. Mes mains tremblent. My hands are shaking. My hands are shaking. Me pregunto cuántos años tienen los padres de Tom. I wonder how old Tom's parents are. I wonder how old Tom's parents are. Halagar a los niños es algo importante. Praising children is an important thing. Complimenting children is important. Estoy deseando que llegue. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. Nu-și dăduse seama cât de mult îi fusese frică. He had not realized how much he had been afraid. He didn’t realize how scared he was. O instrumento nacional dos frígios era a flauta e é digno de nota que até um período muito tardio os flautistas em Atenas eram normalmente distinguidos por nomes frígios. The national instrument of the Phrygians was the flute, and it is worthy of remark that up to a very late period flute-players at Athens were usually distinguished by Phrygian names. The national instrument of the Phrygians was the flute and it is noteworthy that until a very late period the flautists in Athens were usually distinguished by Phrygian names. Tu es mon petit-fils. You are my grandson. You're my grandson. ¿Qué tan lejos de aquí está el museo? How far is it from here to the museum? How far is the museum from here? Estou usando meias. I wear socks. I'm wearing socks. Deve-se mudar a ordem das palavras. The word order has to be changed. The order of words must be changed. Il but directement à la bouteille. He drank straight from the bottle. It goes straight to the bottle. Știe Mary ce face? Does Mary know what she's doing? Does Mary know what she's doing? Questo è il mio numero fortunato. This is my lucky number. This is my lucky number. Tom perse quasi tutto. Tom lost nearly everything. Tom lost almost everything. Tom é casado com uma mulher canadense chamada Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Tom is married to a Canadian woman named Mary. Logo que saí da loja, dei com o meu professor. I had no sooner left the shop than I met my teacher. As soon as I left the store, I found my teacher. Il concetto ha sempre suscitato il mio interesse. The concept has always piqued my interest. The concept has always attracted my interest. Você pode levantar essa perna? Can you lift this leg? Can you lift that leg? Quiero estudiar inglés. I want to study English. I want to study English. Traduce esto. Translate this. Translate this. Por que não esquecemos isso? Why don't we forget that? Why don't we just forget about it? Você ainda tem trinta minutos. You've still got thirty minutes. You still have 30 minutes. Tom no tenía tiempo suficiente para hacer nada más. Tom didn't have enough time to do anything else. Tom didn’t have enough time to do anything else. El van portar inconscient a l'hospital. He was taken unconscious to the hospital. He was taken unconscious to the hospital. Turnul va cădea. The tower is going to collapse. The tower will fall. He venido a hacerte una oferta. I came here to make you an offer. I'm here to make you an offer. Je veux de la reconnaissance pour le travail que j'ai effectué. I want credit for the work I've done. I want recognition for the work I've done. Ce dessert ressemble, à s’y méprendre, à des pâtes. This dessert looks suspiciously like pasta. This dessert looks, to be mistaken, like pasta. Nu știu ce să mai fac. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what else to do. Je savais qu'il faudrait peut-être une vie entière pour y arriver. I knew it might take a lifetime to pull it off. I knew it might take a lifetime to get there. Ils parlent très vite. They talk very fast. They talk very fast. No conseguí llegar a tiempo. I couldn't get there in time. I couldn't make it in time. Qui remarquerait ? Who would notice? Who would notice? ¿Ha rezado Tom? Did Tom pray? Did Tom pray? Estuvimos estudiando toda la tarde. We were studying all afternoon. We've been studying all afternoon. Nu este nici o cale să-l învingi pe Tom. There's no way to defeat Tom. There's no way you can beat Tom. No et durmis amb el llum encès. Don't go to sleep with the light on. Do not sleep with the light on. Yo estoy libre todo el día, llegaré a verte a cualquier hora que te acomode. I am free all day, I'll come and see you at any time that suits you. I'm free all day, I'll get to see you at any time that suits you. Tom volvió con una escopeta. Tom came back with a shotgun. Tom came back with a shotgun. Je fais souvent des nuits blanches. As often as not, I lay awake all night. I often have sleepless nights. A me non importa molto di Tom. I don't care much for Tom. I don't care much about Tom. Alice está corriendo para coger el autobús. Alice is running to catch her bus. Alice is running to catch the bus. O cardeal é sempre um grande cantor, tendo uma voz que, como dizem os escritores europeus, quase iguala a do rouxinol; mas neste caso, a qualidade marcial mais excitante da tensão dera lugar a uma doçura maravilhosa, como se fosse o que não tenho dúvidas de que era, uma canção de amor. The Cardinal is always a great singer, having a voice which, as European writers say, is almost equal to the Nightingale’s; but in this case the more stirring, martial quality of the strain had given place to an exquisite mellowness, as if it were, what I have no doubt it was, a song of love. The cardinal is always a great singer, having a voice which, as the European writers say, almost equals that of the nightingale; but in this case the most exciting martial quality of tension had given way to a wonderful sweetness, as if it were what I have no doubt it was, a love song. Ele venderia a sua alma ao diabo. He would sell your soul to the devil. He would sell his soul to the devil. Ses lèvres effleurèrent les miennes. His lips brushed against mine. His lips touched mine. Je suis membre du PCF. I am a member of the PCF. I am a member of the PCF. Tengo un gato y un perro. El gato es negro y el perro es blanco. I have one cat and one dog. The cat is black and the dog is white. I have a cat and a dog, the cat is black and the dog is white. Ya no me acuerdo. I don't remember anymore. I can't remember. L'ascenseur monte et descend. The elevator is moving up and down. The elevator goes up and down. Eu percebi que estava sendo observado. I noticed that I was being observed. I realized I was being watched. Pourrais-tu être un peu plus précis ? Could you be a little more exact? Could you be a little more specific? Llámame más tarde por favor. Please call me up later. Please call me later. Queria dez biscoitos. I would like ten cookies. I wanted ten cookies. Combien d'heures travaillez-vous normalement ? How many hours do you normally work? How many hours do you normally work? Debería rehacer el primer plano de la quinta viñeta; esa expresión no acaba de convencerme. I should redo the close-up in the fifth panel; that expression didn't convince me just now. I should redo the foreground of the fifth vignette; that expression doesn’t quite convince me. ¿No le echas azúcar? You don't take sugar? Don't you put sugar on it? Ese no es el motivo por el que te estoy diciendo esto. That isn't why I'm telling you this. That's not why I'm telling you this. Studi difficili rafforzano l'intelletto. Hard studies make strong brains. Difficult studies strengthen the intellect. A equipa italiana de pesquisadores por detrás do estudo diz que os cães reconhecem, e reagem de acordo, se os outros caninos abanam as suas caudas para a direita ou para a esquerda. The Italian research team behind the study says dogs recognize, and respond accordingly, whether other canines wag their tails to the right or to the left. The Italian team of researchers behind the study says the dogs recognize, and react accordingly, if the other canines shake their tails to the right or to the left. Estoy feliz porque estás acá. I'm happy because you're here. I'm glad you're here. Il est scénariste. He's a screenwriter. He's a screenwriter. Le capital est mort. Capital is dead. The capital is dead. Le chien me suit partout où je vais. The dog follows me everywhere I go. The dog follows me wherever I go. Laissez tomber ! C'est trop risqué. Forget it. It's too risky. Forget it, it's too risky. Bucătăria este mereu murdară. The kitchen is always filthy. The kitchen is always dirty. Quem é o tradutor destes textos? Who's the translator of these texts? Who is the translator of these texts? Je nous emprunterai des outils. I'll borrow us some tools. I'll borrow some tools. Chi vedrà Vera l'amerà. Who will see Vera will love her. Anyone who sees her will love her. Tu n'es pas le problème. You're not the problem. You're not the problem. Le persone stupide sono troppo stupide per capire che sono stupide. Stupid people are too stupid to understand that they're stupid. Stupid people are too stupid to understand that they are stupid. ¡Pásale! Do come in! Pass him! È un piano eccellente. It's an excellent plan. It's an excellent plan. Por que você fritou só duas linguiças? Why did you fry two sausages only? Why did you only fry two sausages? C'è qualcosa di economico qui? Is there anything cheap in here? Is there anything cheap here? C'est difficile de parler trois langues. It's hard to speak three languages. It is difficult to speak three languages. La sua nozione di benessere è piuttosto astratta. His notion of welfare is pretty abstract. His notion of well-being is rather abstract. Daniele ha abbracciato suo professoresa. Daniel hugged his teacher. Daniele hugged his teacher. Antoni joua. Antoni played. Antoni played. Las piedras se conectaban a lo largo de las líneas como cuentas en un collar. Stones were being connected along the lines like beads on a string. The stones were connected along the lines like beads on a necklace. Ella se presentó a la reunión por petición del presidente. She attended the meeting at the request of the chairman. She came to the meeting at the request of the president. O presidente do BCE Jean-Claude Trichet diz que o desempenho económico anémico da Europa reduziu grandemente qualquer risco de que taxas de juro mais baixas provoquem inflação. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet says Europe's anemic economic performance has greatly reduced any risk that lower interest rates will kindle inflation. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet says Europe’s anaemic economic performance has greatly reduced any risk of lower interest rates triggering inflation. Quina ora ei ? What time is it? What time is it? O que contém o pequeno-almoço inglês? What does the English breakfast contain? What is in the English breakfast? Percorse trentasei chilometri. He drove thirty-six kilometers. He walked thirty-six kilometers. Tom me disse que acha que a Mary é bonitinha. Tom told me that he thinks Mary is cute. Tom told me you think Mary's cute. Autoriser tous les discours ne fait que conduire à un déversoir de haine. Allowing all speech just leads to a cesspit of hate. Allowing all speech only leads to an outpouring of hate. Sei un membro di questa società? Are you a member of this society? Are you a member of this company? Claude a dix ans d’âge mental. Claude's mental age is ten. Claude has ten years of mental age. Ți-ar plăcea să vezi cu mine sâmbătă o interpretare live a unei piese? Would you like to see a live performance of a play with me Saturday? Would you like to see a live performance of a song with me on Saturday? O Relatório de 2022 sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU adverte que crises e desastres globais estão a pôr em risco a realização, até ao final da década, dos 17 objetivos adotados pelos estados membros da ONU em 2015. The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 warns global crises and disasters are putting in jeopardy attainment by the end of the decade of the 17 goals adopted by U.N. member states in 2015. The 2022 UN Sustainable Development Goals Report warns that global crises and disasters are jeopardizing the achievement, by the end of the decade, of the 17 goals adopted by UN member states in 2015. Non vediamo qualcosa del genere ogni giorno. We don't see something like this every day. We don't see something like this every day. Je pense qu'il te faut un avocat. I think you need a lawyer. I think you need a lawyer. Os Estados Unidos e os seus aliados ocidentais estão a preparar-se para a possibilidade de que uma invasão russa da Ucrânia tenha um efeito cascata no ciberespaço, mesmo que as entidades ocidentais não sejam inicialmente o alvo pretendido. The United States and its Western allies are bracing for the possibility that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would have a ripple effect in cyberspace, even if Western entities are not initially the intended target. The United States and its Western allies are preparing for the possibility that a Russian invasion of Ukraine will have a ripple effect in cyberspace, even if Western entities are not initially the intended target. Tahmid mi disse di andare. Tahmid told me to go. Tahmid told me to go. Salvarla era il mio destino. Saving her was my destiny. Saving her was my destiny. Tu non sei il marito di Mary? Aren't you Mary's husband? Aren't you Mary's husband? No tengo miedo a los perros para nada. I'm not afraid of dogs at all. I’m not afraid of dogs at all. Tom va a la escuela a pie. Tom goes to school by foot. Tom goes to school on foot. O barco está a afundirse. The ship is sinking. The ship is sinking. Sufrimos de una enfermedad incurable llamada esperanza. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. We suffer from an incurable disease called hope. Personne ne croit en son innocence. No one believes that she is innocent. No one believes in his innocence. Sono andata a vedere un film con Tom dopo la scuola. I went to see a movie with Tom after school. I went to see a movie with Tom after school. Era văzut ca un om învățat în comunitatea noastră. He passed for a learned man in our community. He was seen as a learned man in our community. Enfant, il n'a jamais eu la varicelle. He never had chicken pox as a child. As a child, he never had chickenpox. A mi esposa y a mi nos gusta salir a comer comida china de vez en cuando. My wife and I like to go out for Chinese food once in a while. My wife and I like to go out to eat Chinese food from time to time. Mary ha dato alla ragazza del latte caldo. Mary gave the girl warm milk. Mary gave the girl hot milk. Costumas comer frutas e verduras diariamente? Do you tend to eat fruit and vegetables daily? Do you eat fruits and vegetables on a daily basis? Pourquoi n’es-tu pas capable de dire que tu l’aimes ? Why can't you tell him that you love him? Why can’t you say you love him? Ti stavano guardando tutti. Everyone was looking at you. Everyone was looking at you. Eu e Tom somos amigos desde o jardim de infância. Tom and I've been friends since kindergarten. Tom and I have been friends since kindergarten. La fréquentation du site est en augmentation constante. The site's traffic is steadily increasing. The number of visitors to the site is constantly increasing. La guerra sta arrivando. The war is coming. The war is coming. Os EUA não aplicarão sanções contra a empresa alemã responsável pela construção do gasoduto Nord Stream 2, de acordo com um relatório do Departamento de Estado enviado ao Congresso na quarta-feira. The U.S. will waive sanctions against the German company leading construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, according to a State Department report sent to Congress on Wednesday. The U.S. will not apply sanctions against the German company responsible for building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, according to a State Department report sent to Congress on Wednesday. Él se gana la vida tocando el piano. He earns his living by playing the piano. He makes his living playing the piano. Elle étudie les mathématiques. She studies mathematics. She studies mathematics. Sabes que no podemos dejar de hablar de temas científicos solo porque algunas mujeres sin educación tengan miedo. You know that we cannot stop talking about scientific matters just because some uneducated women are afraid. You know we can't stop talking about science just because some uneducated women are afraid. Há quem diga que centenas de pessoas se afogaram durante o dilúvio porque não queriam abandonar os seus animais de estimação. Some say hundreds of people drowned in the deluge because they would not abandon their pets. There are those who say that hundreds of people drowned during the flood because they did not want to abandon their pets. Cine ar interzice așa ceva? Who would forbid such a thing? Who would ban such a thing? O presidente está voando para a cidade de helicóptero. The president is flying to the city in a helicopter. The president is flying to the city by helicopter. Si vous pouvez, venez avec nous. If you can, come with us. If you can, come with us. Comme toi, elle pense les langues de manière anthropomorphique et anthropocentrique. Like you, she thinks about languages in an anthropomorphic and anthropocentric way. Like you, she thinks of languages in an anthropomorphic and anthropocentric way. Le pudo pasar a cualquiera. It could've happened to anyone. It could have happened to anyone. Per favore, non bere quest'acqua. Please don't drink this water. Please don't drink this water. Nous devons trouver un accord avec le propriétaire de l'appartement. We need to come to an agreement with the owner of the apartment. We have to find an agreement with the owner of the apartment. Cualquier partido político es conservador en sí mismo. Any political party is conservative in itself. Any political party is conservative in itself. Non sono abituata a viaggiare cosi a lungo. I'm not used to travelling for so long. I'm not used to traveling that long. La alarma está conectada a la toma de corriente. The alarm clock is plugged into the wall socket. The alarm is connected to the power outlet. Vete. No eres bienvenido aquí. Go away. You're not welcome here. You're not welcome here. Nous nous trouvons dans une situation impossible. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. We find ourselves in an impossible situation. O Servizo Secreto tiña que responder pola seguridade do presidente The Secret Service has to answer for the safety of the president. The Secret Service had to answer for the president's safety. C'est ce dont parle le film. That's what the film's about. That's what the movie's about. Lei ha dei libri sull'Armenia? Do you have any books about Armenia? Do you have any books on Armenia? Cos'avete per colazione? What do you have for breakfast? What do you have for breakfast? La mangiai? Did I eat it? Did I eat it? Et si on commandait une autre tournée ? Why don't we order another round of drinks? What if we order another tour? El gato está jugando con el perro. The cat is playing with the dog. The cat is playing with the dog. As mulheres comem comidas mais leves quando estão comendo na companhia de um homem. Women eat lighter meals when they're eating with a guy. Women eat lighter foods when they are eating in the company of a man. Eles são bonitos. They are pretty. They're beautiful. Afortunadamente, la hemorrea se ha detenido. Fortunately, the bleeding has stopped. Fortunately, the hemorrhaging has stopped. ¡Soy la ley! I am the law! I'm the law! Notre équipe est en train de gagner. Our team is winning. Our team is winning. Él tuvo mucho que ver con ese proyecto. He had much to do with the project. He had a lot to do with that project. Je sais exactement quoi porter. I know exactly what to wear. I know exactly what to wear. Tom fue torturado y asesinado. Tom was tortured and murdered. Tom was tortured and killed. Vá direto para casa. Go straight home. Go straight home. Il y a des personnes qui pensent que l'espagnol et le portugais sont la même langue. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. There are people who think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. La mécanique quantique est née lorsqu'on a découvert, au début du 20e siècle, que les particules subatomiques peuvent se comporter comme des ondes et que les ondes lumineuses peuvent se comporter comme des particules. Quantum mechanics was born when it was discovered in the early years of the 20th century that subatomic particles can behave like waves and that light waves can behave like particles. Quantum mechanics was born when it was discovered in the early 20th century that subatomic particles can behave like waves and light waves can behave like particles. Stava bevendo del latte. You were drinking milk. He was drinking milk. È produttiva, vero? She's productive, isn't she? It's productive, isn't it? Elle est raide dingue de lui. She's completely crazy about him. She's crazy stiff about him. La malattia mi impedì di fare un viaggio. Illness prevented me from taking a trip. Illness prevented me from taking a trip. Depois ela proferiu uma oração que era um ataque indireto às políticas da administração Obama. Then she said a prayer that was an oblique attack on the Obama administration's policies. Then she uttered a prayer that was an indirect attack on the policies of the Obama administration. Se ti comporti così con me, ti farai odiare da me. If you behave to me like this, you will make me hate you. If you do this to me, you'll be hated by me. Tom dejó a Mary. Tom left Mary. Tom left Mary. Io ho un ruolo importante. I have an important role. I have an important role. C'est une question de principe. It's a question of principle. It's a matter of principle. Yo esto komprando. I'm buying. I'm buying this. Un escalier est une séquence de coups, en zigzag, par laquelle un attaquant poursuit un groupe en atari à travers la table. A ladder is a sequence of moves, in a zigzag pattern, in which an attacker chases a group in atari across the board. A stair is a sequence of strokes, in zigzag, by which an attacker pursues an atari group across the table. Precisamos fazer isso antes de irmos para casa. We need to get this done before we can go home. We need to do this before we go home. ¿Quieres jugar al fútbol con nosotros? Do you want to play football with us? Do you want to play football with us? ¡El mayor problema con la inteligencia artificial es que no puedes asustarla! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can't scare it! The biggest problem with artificial intelligence is that you can’t scare it off! Toki Pona tem um vocabulário de 123 palavras, derivadas de diversas línguas. Toki Pona has a vocabulary of 123 words, derived from several languages. Toki Pona has a vocabulary of 123 words, derived from several languages. Nel 1900 lasciò l'Inghilterra e non tornò più. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900 he left England and never returned. ¿Juegas golf? Do you play golf? Do you play golf? Abbiamo gusti simili in fatto di donne. We have similar tastes in women. We have similar tastes in women. Dovete stare svegli. You need to stay awake. You have to stay awake. Più leggo questo libro e più mi piace. The more I read this book, the more I like it. The more I read this book, the more I like it. Sería tonto, por no decir loco, hacer semejante cosa. It would be foolish, not to say mad, to do such a thing. It would be foolish, not to say foolish, to do such a thing. Je n’extermine pas vos rats. I don't exterminate your rats. I'm not killing your rats. Els pocs diners que tenia me'ls van robar. What little money I had was stolen. The little money I had was stolen from me. Tom ya estaba bastante borracho. Tom was already pretty drunk. Tom was already pretty drunk. Yanni no tiene hijos. Yanni doesn't have kids. Yanni has no children. Est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup d'eau derrière le barrage ? Is there much water behind the dam? Is there a lot of water behind the dam? Felizes são aqueles que amam flores. Happy are those who love flowers. Happy are those who love flowers. O Tom quer ter um outro filho, mas a Mary, não. Tom wants to have another baby, but Mary doesn't. Tom wants to have another child, but Mary doesn't. Am primit un pulover de la ea de ziua mea. I received a sweater from her on my birthday. I got a sweater from her for my birthday. Il a l'air d'une fille. He looks like a girl. He looks like a girl. Pensas que algo así é posible? Do you think such a thing is possible? Do you think such a thing is possible? L'heuristique est une recherche effectuée par le raisonnement analytique. Heuristics is a search performed through analytical reasoning. Heuristics is research carried out by analytical reasoning. Je donnai dix balles de pourboire au taxi pour m'avoir emmené à l'heure à l'aéroport. I tipped the cabbie ten bucks for getting me to the airport on time. I tipped the taxi ten bullets for taking me to the airport on time. Non si scordi di votare. Don't forget to vote. Don't forget to vote. Voi le avete incontrate prima? Have you met them before? Have you met them before? Tom își spală rufele o dată pe săptămână. Tom does his laundry once a week. Tom does his laundry once a week. Os ingleses são um povo prático. The English are a practical people. The English are a practical people. Por que os gatos trazem animais mortos para casa? Why do cats brings dead animals home? Why do cats bring dead animals home? Você tem bebido, não tem? You've been drinking, haven't you? You've been drinking, haven't you? Cine te învață franceză? Who teaches you French? Who teaches you French? Trebuie să ții apăsată tasta shift. You need to hold the shift key. You need to hold down the shift key. Il a embouti sa voiture parce que quelqu'un avait trafiqué les freins. He crashed his car because someone tampered with the brakes. He hit his car because someone tampered with the brakes. N-am mâncat la fel de mult ca tine. I didn't eat as much as you. I haven't eaten as much as you. Tom disse que nunca viu a Mary de jeans. Tom said that he's never seen Mary wearing jeans. Tom said he'd never seen Mary in jeans. Un hombre de pie en el acantilado estaba a punto de suicidarse saltando al vacío. A man standing on the cliff was about to commit suicide by jumping into the void. A man standing on the cliff was about to commit suicide by jumping into the void. Él debería llegar a tu casa en una hora. He should arrive at your place in an hour. He should be at your house in an hour. Nu știu dacă să fiu fericit sau nu. I don't know whether to be happy or not. I don’t know whether to be happy or not. Unde sunt ouăle, te rog? Where are the eggs, please? Where are the eggs, please? « Les as-tu vues hier ? » « Non, pas du tout. » "Did you see them yesterday?" "No, I didn't." “Did you see them yesterday?” “No, not at all.” Vai all'edificio anteriore. Go to the front building. Go to the front building. ¿Creciste aquí? Did you grow up here? Did you grow up here? No has dicho ni una palabra desde que has vuelto. You haven't said a word since you've returned. You haven't said a word since you got back. Loro moriranno? Are they going to die? Will they die? Me gusta cuando me abrazas. Me hace sentir como si todo lo malo del mundo ya no existiera. I like it when you hug me. It makes me feel as if everything bad in the world didn't exist anymore. It makes me feel like all the bad things in the world don't exist anymore. He fet bàsicament el mateix que ha fet el Tom. I did basically the same thing as Tom did. I did the same thing Tom did. My lack of enthusiasm was palpable. My lack of enthusiasm was palpable. My lack of enthusiasm was palpable. Acho que vou falar com eles. I think I'll talk to them. I think I'll talk to them. La Russie possède une base militaire importante à Kaliningrad. Russia has a major military base in Kaliningrad. Russia has a large military base in Kaliningrad. Intenta hacer solo una cosa al mismo tiempo. Try to do only one thing at a time. Try to do only one thing at a time. Scordate il mio numero. Forget my number. Forget my number. Tom llegó a casa muy tarde. Tom came home very late. Tom came home very late. Ne te souviens-tu pas de mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Un livre vraiment impressionnant – Signature in the Cell, de Stephen C. Meyer. Il montre comment une intelligence transcendantale opère dans la cellule. A really impressive book – Signature in the Cell, by Stephen C. Meyer. It shows how a transcendental intelligence operates in the cell. A truly impressive book – Signature in the Cell, by Stephen C. Meyer. It shows how a transcendental intelligence operates in the cell. Solo entrégale la billetera. Just give him the wallet. Just hand him the wallet. Non posso fare nulla per lei. I can't do anything for her. There's nothing I can do for you. Quando inizia la pausa estiva? When does summer break start? When does the summer break start? Scrivi con una penna, per piacere. Write with a pen, please. Write with a pen, please. Robert s'est essayé à la photographie. Robert tried photography. Robert tried his hand at photography. Non userò mai più un computer. I will never use a computer again. I will never use a computer again. Os bois estão arando. The oxen are plowing. The oxen are plowing. La escultura es un arte superior. Sculpture is a higher art. Sculpture is a superior art. - Ai încredere în mine, a spus el. "Trust me," he said. - Trust me, he said. O Presidente dos EUA Barack Obama inicia a sua muito antecipada digressão pela África a 27 de Junho com uma omissão flagrante: o presidente não irá visitar o Quénia, a terra natal do seu pai. U.S. President Barack Obama begins his much-anticipated tour of Africa on June 27 with one glaring omission: the president will not be visiting Kenya, the birthplace of his father. U.S. President Barack Obama begins his much-anticipated tour of Africa on June 27 with a glaring omission: The president will not visit Kenya, his father’s homeland. Où peut-on trouver de la nourriture ? Where can we find food? Where can we find food? Tom le ha detto dove lavora? Did Tom tell you where he works? Did Tom tell you where he works? Vamos mudar algumas coisas. We're going to make changes. Let's change some things. Él había creado un par. He was created a peer. He had created a pair. Siento que se me olvida algo. I feel like I'm forgetting something. I feel like I'm forgetting something. ¡Alto! Hay un ciervo en el camino. Stop! There's a deer on the road. There's a deer on the way. À quelle heure part le prochain train pour Paris ? When does the next train to Paris leave? What time is the next train to Paris? Todos están aquí menos Tom. Everyone's here except Tom. Everybody's here but Tom. Limpia ahora mismo todas esas migas de la mesa. Clear off all those crumbs from the table right now. Clean all those crumbs off the table right now. Nós iremos jogar beisebol agora. We'll play baseball now. We're gonna play baseball now. Uma amiga de verdade jamais me esqueceria. A true friend would never forget me. A real friend would never forget me. O que as crianças estão lendo? What are the children reading? What are the children reading? Hanno dato una risposta a ogni domanda. They have given an answer to every question. They gave an answer to every question. Il n'y a pas d'arc-en-ciel sans pluie. There is no rainbow without rain. There is no rainbow without rain. A ponte fica à direita. The bridge is on the right. The bridge is on the right. La música constituye una parte central de su cultura. Music forms a central part of their culture. Music is a central part of their culture. Tom cria cavalos árabes. Tom raises Arabian horses. Tom breeds Arabian horses. Mi-a căzut un nasture de la geacă. A button has come off my coat. I dropped a button on my jacket. Concorda. She agrees. Agreed. Je suis enceinte de quatre mois. I am four months pregnant. I'm four months pregnant. Esto es rematadamente absurdo. This is utter nonsense. This is utterly absurd. Ma non è qua. But he isn't here. But he's not here. Papà, ho visto un elfo! Dad, I saw an elf! Dad, I saw an elf! Com'è il tempo qui d'inverno? How is the weather here in winter? How is the weather here in winter? Bouge ton cul ! Move your arse! Move your ass! Parece que peguei um resfriado. I seem to have caught a cold. Looks like I caught a cold. Las estrellas no se ven durante el día. Stars cannot be seen in the daytime. The stars are not visible during the day. Ziri comenzó a arrepentirse de lo que había ayudado a crear. Ziri began to regret what he had helped create. Ziri began to regret what he had helped create. Os meus beizos están selados. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Face à agitação política que tem abalado a cidade nos últimos anos, o Gabinete da Função Pública (GFP) anunciou oficialmente no mês passado que os funcionários públicos em Hong Kong eram obrigados a declarar a sua lealdade ao governo este mês. Amid political unrest that has rocked the city in recent years, the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) officially announced last month that Hong Kong civil servants were required to declare their allegiance to the government this month. In the face of political turmoil that has rocked the city in recent years, the Civil Service Office (GFP) officially announced last month that civil servants in Hong Kong were required to declare their loyalty to the government this month. Non mi piace quella cantante. I don't like that singer. I don't like that singer. Tom si è concentrato sul suo lavoro. Tom focused on his work. Tom focused on his work. Em 1985, Garry Kasparov jogou uma simultânea contra 32 computadores e venceu todas as partidas. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simultaneous against 32 computers and won all of the games. In 1985, Garry Kasparov played a simultaneous match against 32 computers and won all matches. Se não me engano, ele tem cinco irmãos. If I remember correctly, he has five siblings. If I'm not mistaken, he has five brothers. Non sarà alla riunione questa notte. He won't be at the meeting tonight. He won't be at the meeting tonight. « Qui vit chez vous ? » « Ma femme, mes enfants, et leur grand-père et grand-mère. » "Who lives at your home?" "My wife, my children, and their grandfather and grandmother." “Who lives with you?” “My wife, my children, and their grandfather and grandmother.” Di chi sono questi ombrelli? Whose umbrellas are these? Whose umbrellas are these? Abbiamo concordato che sarebbe tornato il giorno successivo per firmare il contratto con noi. We agreed that he would come back the next day to sign the contract with us. We agreed that he would come back the next day to sign the contract with us. J'ai moins peur quand je suis avec toi. I'm less afraid when I'm with you. I'm less afraid when I'm with you. Indica. Indicate. Indica. Mi tío dirige una compañía. My uncle manages a firm. My uncle runs a company. Que ns'amanejam. We're in a hurry. Let them wake up. Sois puissant ! Be powerful! Be powerful! Togliti di dosso! Get off my back! Get off me! Connaissez-vous l'hymne national de la Grèce ? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Ela quer dançar. She wants to dance. She wants to dance. El alumno levantó su mano para hacer una pregunta. The student raised his hand to ask a question. The student raised his hand to ask a question. Basado en cómo vivo la vida haciendo de todo, a lo mejor me queda mejor ser doctor general. Because of my jack-of-all-trades approach to life, I'd probably be a better fit as a general practitioner. Based on how I live my life doing everything, maybe it's better for me to be a general practitioner. Tom are ceva dreptate în chestiunea asta. Tom is partly right on that. Tom's got a point here. Por favor, não deixem Tom sozinho. Please don't leave Tom alone. Please don't leave Tom alone. O governo estadunidense anunciou regras abrangentes que exigem que as cadeias de restaurantes e de cinemas em todo o país apresentem as quantidades de calorias nos seus menus. The U.S. government has announced sweeping rules that require chain restaurants and movie theaters across the country to post calorie counts on their menus. The U.S. government has announced comprehensive rules that require restaurant and movie theater chains across the country to display calorie amounts on their menus. Tu ne peux pas utiliser cette machine à laver. You can't use this washing machine. You can't use that washing machine. Să nu indrăzniți. Don't you dare. Don't you dare. « Un carton de lait coûte deux euros. » « C'est vachement cher ! » "A carton of milk costs two euros." "That's blooming expensive!" <0xC2><0xAB> A carton of milk costs two euros. <0xC2><0xBB> <0xC2><0xAB> It is very expensive! <0xC2><0xBB> Elas não tinham nada. They had nothing. They had nothing. Eu quero fazer novos amigos. I want to make new friends. I want to make new friends. La phrase est-elle complète ? Is the sentence complete? Is the sentence complete? Detestăm violența. We abhor violence. We hate violence. El japonés es un idioma fácil, ¿no crees? Japanese is an easy language, isn't it? Japanese is an easy language, don't you think? Je ne mettrais pas ça dans le fond de la cuisine. I wouldn't put that in the back of the kitchen. I wouldn't put that in the back of the kitchen. Pense à quelque chose qui te rend heureuse. Think of something that makes you happy. Think of something that makes you happy. El nu mă poate opri. He cannot stop me. He can't stop me. Sono andato nella vecchia casa. I went in the old house. I went to the old house. Mă plimbam pe bulevard. I was strolling down the avenue. I was walking down the boulevard. Ho dei buoni amici. I have some good friends. I have good friends. Qui parle français ? Who speaks French? Who speaks French? Qual jogo nós vamos jogar? What game are we going to play? What game are we gonna play? Il se vêtit et sortit. He got dressed and went outside. He got dressed and went out. ¿Cuánto más necesitaremos para terminarlo completamente? How many more will we need to finish it completely? How much more will we need to finish it completely? J'ai peur de la perdre. I'm afraid of losing her. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose her. Il mio telefono è nella mia tasca. My phone is in my pocket. My phone is in my pocket. Ils ne viennent pas, même s'ils le peuvent. They are not coming even if they can. They don't come, even if they can. Ci piace pattinare sul ghiaccio. We like ice skating. We like to skate on ice. Dacă dorești ceva nu ezita să îmi ceri. If there is anything you want, don't hesitate to ask me. If you want something, do not hesitate to ask me. Sper că putem începe luna viitoare această activitate. I hope we can start this task next month. I hope we can start this work next month. Te deseo suerte. I wish you good luck. I wish you luck. Sì, a gennaio fa caldo. È estate in Brasile. Yes, in January it is hot. It's summer in Brazil. Yes, it's hot in January. It's summer in Brazil. ¿Él triunfará o fracasará? Will he succeed or fail? Will he succeed or fail? Tom le hizo algunas preguntas. Tom asked him some questions. Tom asked him a few questions. Apri i libri. Open the books. Open the books. Yanni a rougi. Yanni blushed. Yanni blushed. "Eres amigo de Tom, ¿verdad?" "Sipi." "¿Cómo es él?" "You're friends with Tom, aren't you?" "Yeah." "What's he like?" "You're Tom's friend, aren't you?" "Sipi." "What's he like?" William a-t-il été arrêté ? Has William been arrested? Has William been arrested? Era una storia veramente tragica. It was a really tragic story. It was a really tragic story. Estic tip dels seus sermons constants. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm a type of his constant sermons. Când sunt singur acasă, e prea linişte. When I'm home alone, the house is too quiet. When I'm home alone, it's too quiet. Je veux que Tom lise ceci. I want Tom to read this. I want Tom to read this. Você vai sentir frio demais com esse vestido. You're going to be too cold with this dress. You're gonna feel too cold in that dress. "A maioria de nós tem experimentado sentimentos de tristeza e desgraça nos últimos anos, mas o Boletim tem estado bem à frente da curva", observou Joshua Pollack, editor da Revista da Não-Proliferação e pesquisador adjunto sénior no Instituto de Estudos Internacionais de Middlebury em Monterey. “Most of us have been experiencing feelings of gloom and doom in the last few years, but the Bulletin has been well ahead of the curve,” noted Joshua Pollack, editor of The Nonproliferation Review and a senior research associate at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. “Most of us have experienced feelings of sadness and doom in recent years, but the Bulletin has been well ahead of the curve,” noted Joshua Pollack, editor of the Journal of Nonproliferation and a senior adjunct researcher at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies in Monterey. Cet évènement est gravé dans ma mémoire. That event is engraved in my memory. This event is etched in my memory. Incollate le piastrelle. Glue the tiles. Glue the tiles. Bethanie Borst, de doze anos de idade, começou a ter aulas de tiro com arco há sete semanas, depois de ler "Os Jogos da Fome", um livro protagonizado por uma jovem heroína que porta um arco. Twelve-year-old Bethanie Borst started archery lessons seven weeks ago, after reading "The Hunger Games," a book featuring a young heroine who wields a bow. Twelve-year-old Bethanie Borst began taking archery classes seven weeks ago after reading "The Hunger Games," a book starring a young heroine who wears a bow. Non è il mio unico problema. That's not my only problem. That's not my only problem. Você tem que voltar para Boston. You have to go back to Boston. You have to go back to Boston. Toda vez que alguém se machuca, nós chamamos a ambulância. Every time someone gets hurt we call an ambulance. Every time someone gets hurt, we call the ambulance. Credevo che avesse smesso con i segreti. I thought he'd given up on secrets. I thought he was done with secrets. Son sens de l'humour n'était pas du goût de tout le monde. His sense of humour was not to everyone's taste. His sense of humor wasn’t to everyone’s taste. Todavía no sabe la verdad. She doesn't know the truth yet. He still doesn't know the truth. J'espère. Hopefully. I hope so. Sta nevicando e fa freddo. It's snowing and it's cold. It's snowing and it's cold. Tom vuole parlare con te personalmente. Tom wants to speak with you personally. Tom wants to talk to you personally. Qual è quella vera? Which is the real one? What's the real one? La metta nella scatola. Put it in the box. Put it in the box. ¡Cuanto más lees este libro, menos entiendes! The more you read this book, the less you understand! The more you read this book, the less you understand! Eu estava com a palavra na ponta da língua. I had the word on the tip of my tongue. I had the word on the tip of my tongue. Hier, la partie s'est terminée par un match nul ; aujourd'hui aussi. Carlsen 1, Nepo 1. Aurons-nous un gagnant demain ? A draw yesterday, another draw today. Carlsen 1, Nepo 1. Will we have a winner tomorrow? Yesterday, the game ended with a draw; today, too. Carlsen 1, Nepo 1. Will we have a winner tomorrow? Quelle bande de pédés. What a bunch of faggots. What a bunch of fags. isso é um tutorial de como costurar uma blusa com punho / barra it's a tutorial of how to sew a social shirt with cuff this is a tutorial of how to sew a blouse with cuff / bar A conferência de imprensa está marcada para daqui a uma hora. The press conference is scheduled to begin one hour from now. The press conference is scheduled in an hour. Eu sofri muito com essa notícia. I suffered a lot with this news. I suffered a lot with this news. Avevamo torto. We were wrong. We were wrong. E departe de a fi frumoasă. She is far from beautiful. It's far from beautiful. Que tipo de carro era? What kind of car was it? What kind of car was it? Consegui responder a todas as perguntas. I managed to answer all the questions. I was able to answer all the questions. Je cherche ma mère. I'm looking for my mother. I'm looking for my mother. Hanno tutti paura di Tom. They're all scared of Tom. They're all afraid of Tom. La smetta di chiamarmi. Stop calling me. Stop calling me. M-am săturat de viața monotonă. I'm tired of the monotonous life. I’m tired of the monotonous life. Muchos fineses saben alemán. A lot of Finns know German. Many Finns know German. Posso tentar. I can give it a try. I can try. Tom disse che lo avrebbe fatto presto. Tom said that he'd do that soon. Tom said he would do it soon. As vestimentas estranhas dão credibilidade às equipas de informação, que foram escolhidas de entre as comunidades para divulgar informação sobre a pulverização residual, ao mesmo tempo que familiarizam as pessoas com o aspeto que os técnicos irão ter quando vierem borrifar as casas. The strange suits give credence to the information teams, who have been chosen from the communities to disseminate information about residual spraying, while familiarizing people with what the technicians will look like when they come to spray homes. The strange clothing lends credibility to the information teams, who have been chosen from among the communities to disseminate information about residual spraying, while familiarizing people with what the technicians will look like when they come to spray the houses. Ti licenzio se non mi dici la verità. I'll fire you if you don't tell me the truth. I'll fire you if you don't tell me the truth. ¿Por qué es mejor este plan? Why's this plan better? Why is this plan better? A senhora sabe onde o Tom está, não sabe? You know where Tom is, don't you? You know where Tom is, don't you? Je suis intéressé par l'Histoire japonaise. I am interested in Japanese history. I am interested in Japanese history. O Tom não sabe nada disto, não é? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Tom doesn't know anything about this, does he? Le rôle principal des globules rouges est le transport d'oxygène. The main purpose of red blood cells is to transport oxygen. The main role of red blood cells is the transport of oxygen. Cât de mare e casa lui Tom? How big is Tom's house? How big is Tom's house? Você trabalhou muito, precisa descansar. You worked a lot, you need to take a rest. You've worked hard, you need to rest. Ella está cenando. She is having dinner. She's having dinner. Nu mai juca. Stop gambling. Stop playing. Todos os líquidos quando aquecidos libertam vapor, a quantidade aumentando conforme a temperatura aumenta. All liquids when heated give off vapour, the amount increasing as the temperature rises. All liquids when heated release steam, the amount increasing as the temperature increases. Quando sono tra le sue braccia, sto bene. When I'm in his arms, I feel good. When I'm in her arms, I'm fine. Intenté detenerlos. I tried to stop them. I tried to stop them. Abousak li té pann asou koté'y His bag was hanging on his side. And his mouth was shut up, and he hanged himself on one side. O tamanho e temperamento destes cães felpudos, laranjas e brancos, combinam com os estilos de vida de apartamento das pessoas que vivem em cidades densas em Taiwan, dizem os donos dos cães. The size and temperament of the fluffy orange-and-white dogs mesh with people’s apartment lifestyles in dense Taiwanese cities, the dog owners say. The size and temperament of these furry, orange and white dogs match the apartment lifestyles of people living in dense cities in Taiwan, dog owners say. « Quel genre de plantes fais-tu pousser ? » « J'aime beaucoup les plantes grasses. Il y a différentes variétés dont je m'occupe. » "What kind of plants do you grow?" "I really love succulents. I have a few different varieties that I take care of." <0xC2><0xAB> What kind of plants do you grow? <0xC2><0xBB> <0xC2><0xAB> I really like oily plants. There are different varieties that I deal with. <0xC2><0xBB> Rafael Leitão señala que la inserción del ajedrez en las escuelas brasileñas es un hecho positivo, pero cree que todavía estamos lejos del nivel mínimo aceptable para que alguien tenga ingresos estables como ajedrecista profesional. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leit<0xC3><0xA3>o points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to have stable income as a professional chess player. Malheureusement, je ne peux pas le dire plus clairement, car je ne peux pas le comprendre moi-même. I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly, for I can't understand it myself. Unfortunately, I cannot say it more clearly, because I cannot understand it myself. La diosa Selección Natural elige ciega e inconscientemente, pero con una creatividad asombrosa, mutaciones aleatorias producidas en largos intervalos de tiempo por el dios Azar. The goddess Natural Selection blindly and unconsciously, but amazingly creatively, chooses random mutations produced at long intervals by the god Chance. The goddess Natural Selection chooses blindly and unconsciously, but with amazing creativity, random mutations produced over long intervals of time by the god Random. Credeam că am auzit o ușă de mașină izbindu-se. I thought that I heard a car door slam. I thought I heard a car door slamming. Il perdit son travail. He lost his job. He lost his job. Ver morir a alguien es muy traumático. Watching someone die is very traumatic. Watching someone die is traumatic. ¿Quién marcó el primer gol? Who scored the first goal? Who scored the first goal? Ele esteve em Londres três vezes. He has been to London three times. He's been to London three times. Les échecs sont le jeu le plus excitant au monde. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. Chess is the most exciting game in the world. És més barat del que em vaig pensar. It was cheaper than I thought. It's cheaper than I thought. Vous êtes plus grandes que moi. You're taller than me. You're bigger than me. Conte comigo! Count me in. Count me in! Dă-mi banii tăi. Give me your money. Give me your money. Tom a aidé la vieille dame à traverser la rue. Tom helped the old lady cross the street. Tom helped the old lady across the street. Nos sorprendimos de su comportamiento. We were surprised by his behavior. We were surprised by his behavior. Unde este toaleta? Where is the bathroom? Where's the toilet? Fadil foi estudar Árabe no Cairo durante um ano. Fadil went to Cairo to study Arabic there for a year. Fadil went to study Arabic in Cairo for a year. En été, il fait chaud et le soleil brille. In the summer it's warm and the sun is shining. In summer, it is warm and the sun shines. Non ! No! No, no, no! Dumneata ești traducător? Are you a translator? Are you a translator? Tom decise di farlo dopo tutto. Tom decided to do that after all. Tom decided to do it after all. Remi più veloce. Row faster. Row faster. A Tom non piace neanche guidare. Tom doesn't even like driving. Tom doesn't even like to drive. Non mi hai detto che Tom aveva intenzione di farlo qui. You didn't tell me Tom was planning to do that here. You didn't tell me Tom was going to do it here. Depois que meu professor as corrige, minhas frases ficam muito mais bonitas. After my teacher corrects them, my sentences become much more beautiful. After my teacher corrects them, my sentences get a lot prettier. Ascult muzică. I'm listening to music. I listen to music. Sentii Tom singhiozzare. I heard Tom sobbing. I heard Tom sobbing. Instintivamente elas voam em direção ao suporte amigável de alguma erva alta, onde, como se se sentissem mais seguras pousadas do que no ar, elas retomam as suas brincadeiras, pendurando-se de cabeça para baixo, agitando a cauda, saltando de uma erva para outra, e cada pássaro aparentemente comunicando a sua irrequietude ao vizinho, até a colónia inteira estar em estado de fermentação. Instinctively they fly toward the friendly support of some tall weed where, as if feeling more secure on their feet than in the air, they resume their antics, hanging their heads downward, twirling their tails, jumping from one weed to another, and each bird apparently communicating its restlessness to its neighbor, until the whole colony is in a state of ferment. Instinctively they fly towards the friendly support of some tall grass, where, as if feeling safer inns than in the air, they resume their play, hanging upside down, waving their tails, jumping from one grass to another, and each bird apparently communicating its restlessness to the neighbor, until the entire colony is in a state of ferment. O tabuleiro de xadrez estava na posição errada, pois as casas h1 e a8 eram pretas. The chessboard was in the wrong position, as squares h1 and a8 were black. The chessboard was in the wrong position, as the h1 and a8 squares were black. Quase tenho trinta anos e ainda estou solteiro. I'm almost thirty years old and I'm still single. I'm almost 30 and I'm still single. Je croyais que tu me connaissais mieux. I thought you knew me better. I thought you knew me better. Il y a du vent et il pleut. It's windy and it's raining. There is wind and it is raining. Sarò nello stesso posto di sempre. I will be at the same place as always. I'll be in the same place as always. Închideți porțile! Close the gates! Close the gates! Ziri iniziò a pensare in berbero. Ziri started thinking in Berber. Ziri began to think in Berber. Posso avere tutto il denaro del mondo? Can I have all the money in the world? Can I have all the money in the world? ¿Estás consciente de que no le gustas a Tom? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Are you aware that Tom doesn't like you? Le moteur s'est arrêté. The motor stopped. The engine stopped. Il suo regno è il tuo inferno. His kingdom is your hell. His kingdom is your hell. Tom a perdu de la graisse. Tom lost fat. Tom lost some fat. Cerca de cien intérpretes trabajan en esa organización internacional. About one hundred interpreters work in this international organization. About one hundred interpreters work in this international organization. Qu'espères-tu trouver ici ? What do you hope to find here? What do you hope to find here? Avez-vous vu la nouvelle ? Did you see the news? Have you seen the news? Apenas uma outra espécie de traça, a Antheraea mylitta, também produz fibra de seda. Only one other species of moth, the Antheraea mylitta, also produces silk fiber. Only one other moth species, Antheraea mylitta, also produces silk fiber. El algoritmo que sigue una célula para producir una proteína es extremadamente complejo. A grandes rasgos, la información codificada (palabras de cuatro letras) almacenada en el ADN se copia, se traduce a un idioma cuyo alfabeto tiene veinte letras, se edita y se transmite al área donde se ensambla la proteína. The algorithm a cell follows when making a protein is extremely complex. Roughly speaking, the coded information – four-letter words – stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited, and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. The algorithm followed by a cell to produce a protein is extremely complex. Broadly speaking, the encoded information (four-letter words) stored in the DNA is copied, translated into a language whose alphabet has twenty letters, edited and transmitted to the area where the protein is assembled. Ce n'est pas un hôtel bon marché. This isn't a cheap hotel. This is not a cheap hotel. Il mio gatto mi ha graffiato. My cat scratched me. My cat scratched me. L'acciaio è facilmente riciclabile. Steel is easily recyclable. Steel is easily recyclable. Vous êtes dans une propriété privée, ici. You're trespassing here. You're on private property here. Afinal, quem precisa de gramática? Who needs grammar anyway? After all, who needs grammar? Lo stavano seguendo. They were following him. They were following him. Te derretirás. You will melt. You'll melt. Meu computador está mais lento que uma tartaruga. My computer is slower than a turtle. My computer is slower than a turtle. Unii oameni spun că treisprezece este un număr cu ghinion. Some people say thirteen is an unlucky number. Some people say that thirteen is an unlucky number. Tutta la squadra fa schifo, però Tom è il peggiore di tutti. The whole team sucks, but Tom is the worst of them all. The whole team sucks, but Tom is the worst of them all. ¿Te gustaría hacer una declaración? Would you like to make a statement? Would you like to make a statement? Este castillo fue convertido en un museo. This castle was made into a museum. This castle was converted into a museum. Sono andato a vivere in campagna. I went to live in the country. I went to live in the country. So che ho molti nemici qua. I know that I have many enemies here. I know I have a lot of enemies here. Il neige et il fait froid. It's snowing and it's cold. It's snowing and it's cold. Yanni necesita prepararse. Yanni needs to prepare himself. Yanni needs to prepare. Această femeie este întruchiparea perfecțiunii. This woman is the embodiment of perfection. This woman is the embodiment of perfection. Diga-me em que você está pensando. Tell me what's on your mind. Tell me what you're thinking. Ils ont bâclé leurs devoirs. They botched their homework. They skimped on their homework. Non avevate bisogno di spiegare. You didn't need to explain. You didn't need to explain. Sazonamos con sal. We season with salt. Season with salt and pepper. Ele disse que as autoridades persuadiram os piratas a servirem de conselheiros num filme sobre a pirataria que iria narrar as suas vidas. He said authorities persuaded the pirates to be advisors on a film about piracy that would chronicle their lives. He said authorities had persuaded the pirates to act as advisers in a film about piracy that would chronicle their lives. Adottammo un'orfana. We adopted an orphan. We adopted an orphan. El are o memorie bună. He has a good memory. He has a good memory. A sorte desempenha um importante papel na vida. Luck plays an important role in our life. Luck plays an important role in life. Tom è stato brutalmente pestato e medici lo hanno dovuto mettere in un coma indotto per alleviare il gonfiore nel suo cervello. Tom was viciously bashed and doctors had to put him into an induced coma to relieve the swelling on his brain. Tom was brutally beaten and doctors had to put him into an induced coma to relieve the swelling in his brain. Tom è il solo qui che non sa nuotare? Is Tom the only one here who doesn't know how to swim? Is Tom the only one here who can't swim? Tom me trata como uma princesa. Tom treats me like a princess. Tom treats me like a princess. Tom indicò l'automobile di Mary. Tom pointed to Mary's car. Tom pointed to Mary's car. Tom a été poignardé. Tom was stabbed with a knife. Tom was stabbed. J’ai des douleurs à l’estomac. I have stomach ache. I have pain in my stomach. Yanni tomou algumas decisões ruins. Yanni made a couple bad decisions. Yanni made some bad decisions. Ils m'ont envoyé un échantillon gratuit. They sent me a free sample. They sent me a free sample. Ets més alt que jo. You're taller than me. You're taller than me. On aurait dû le voir venir. We should've seen this coming. We should have seen him coming. O orador golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The speaker struck the table with his fist. David uscì dall'ufficio del direttore con una faccia soddisfatta. David came out of the principal's office with a satisfied face. David walked out of the director's office with a satisfied face. Loro sono impavide. They're fearless. They are fearless. ¡Quiero un MP3! I want an MP3 player! I want an MP3! ¿Por qué deberíamos aceptar esa afirmación? Why should we accept that claim? Why should we accept that statement? Antes, eu também era teu assistente. Previously, I was also your assistant. I used to be your assistant, too. Bien des choses ont changé, tu sais. Many things changed, you know. A lot has changed, you know. Elles m'aimaient. They loved me. They loved me. Tout le monde était tendu. Everyone was tense. Everyone was tense. A măsurat lungimea patului. He measured the length of the bed. He measured the length of the bed. Nu puteai să fii cu el. You couldn't have been with him. You couldn't be with him. Mi sono ridicolizzata. I made a fool of myself. I've made a fool of myself. Resta lì per un po'. Stay there a while. Stay there for a while. Qual é o sentido? What's the point? What's the point? Le darò trenta dollari per quella. I'll give you thirty dollars for that. I'll give you thirty bucks for that. Un bărbat în vârstă a venit în Jackson de la Albany, New York. One old man came to Jackson from Albany, New York. An elderly man came to Jackson from Albany, New York. Io non ho avuto problemi a trovare l'ufficio di Tom. I had no trouble finding Tom's office. I had no problem finding Tom's office. Estaba nadando en el río. Un enorme cocodrilo vino hacia mí para comerme. Luché contra él y lo maté. Se hundió en el agua. I was swimming in the river. A huge crocodile came towards me to eat me. I fought it and killed it. It sank into the water. I was swimming in the river. A huge crocodile came up to me to eat me. I fought him and killed him. He sank into the water. Los problemas de pronunciación de María aumentaban especialmente cuando se enfadaba. La sonrisa de Tom, que se derretía cada vez que eso pasaba porque le parecía adorable, solía empeorar la situación. Mary's pronunciation problems grew noticeably when she was mad. Tom found them so adorable that he couldn't help smiling, but this usually made things worse. Maria’s pronunciation problems increased especially when she got angry. Tom’s smile, which melted every time it happened because it seemed adorable to him, used to make the situation worse. Los dos niños empezaron a culparse el uno al otro. The two boys began to blame each other. The two children began to blame each other. Ya puedes abrir tu regalo. You can open your gift now. Now you can open your gift. Los cimientos mantienen la estructura del edificio. Foundations maintain the structure of the building. The foundations maintain the structure of the building. Raggiungete i vostri sogni. Achieve your dreams. Reach your dreams. Ela bebe seu café preto. She drinks her coffee black. She drinks her black coffee. La ce oră te-ai dus ieri la culcare? What time did you go to sleep yesterday? What time did you go to bed yesterday? Un prieten adevărat nu m-ar uita niciodată. A true friend would never forget me. A true friend would never forget me. Me siento mejor que antes. I feel better than before. I feel better than before. Ești geloasă. You're jealous. You're jealous. Sono andati da qualche parte. They went somewhere. They went somewhere. Yanni se describió como un procrastinador. Yanni described himself as a procrastinator. Yanni described himself as a procrastinator. Quelle est la différence entre un cloître et une église ? What's the difference between a cloister and a church? What is the difference between a cloister and a church? Você consegue pensar em alguma ideia melhor? Can you think of any better idea? Can you think of a better idea? Eu não vou cantar essa música. I'm not going to sing that song. I'm not gonna sing that song. Ne donnez pas à votre adversaire des colonnes ouvertes ou des diagonales qui mènent à votre Roi. Do not give your opponent open files or diagonals that lead to your King. Do not give your opponent open columns or diagonals that lead to your King. David aveva un impiego prestigioso. David had a prestigious job. David had a prestigious job. Eu estacionei o meu carro perto do seu. I parked my car next to yours. I parked my car next to yours. I fratelli camminano sulla spiaggia. The siblings are walking on the beach. The brothers walk on the beach. A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Semifinal del Torneo de Candidatos, Leningrado, 1974. Cualquiera que conozca este juego sabe cuánta belleza puede haber en el juego del ajedrez. A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Candidates Tournament semifinal, Leningrad, 1974. Anyone who knows this game knows how much beauty there can be in the game of chess. A. Karpov vs. B. Spassky, Candidates Tournament Semifinal, Leningrad, 1974. Anyone who knows this game knows how much beauty there can be in the game of chess. Ell continuarà el negoci quan son pare es jubili. He will take over the business when his father retires. He will continue the business when his father retires. Yo adivino bien nueve de cada diez veces. I guess right nine times out of ten. I guess nine out of ten times. Tirar a vida de alguém que cometeu um assassinato é uma punição incomparavelmente pior do que o próprio crime cometido. To kill someone for committing murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself. To take the life of someone who has committed a murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself. ¿Este material es útil para nuestro proyecto? Is this material useful for our project? Is this material useful for our project? C'est l'idéal. It's the gold standard. It's ideal. Tom se ne deve andare ora. Tom has to leave now. Tom has to go now. Então? Vocês virão? Well? Will you come? So, are you guys coming? Dove tieni il tuo apribottiglie? Where do you keep your bottle opener? Where do you keep your bottle opener? No hay nada que nos pueda separar. There's nothing that can keep us apart. There is nothing that can separate us. J'aimerais te parler. I'd like to talk to you. I'd like to talk to you. Ella se detuvo a fumar un cigarrillo. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. She stopped to smoke a cigarette. Il salario del peccato è la morte. The wages of sin is death. The wages of sin is death. Tom va raramente alla biblioteca. Tom seldom goes to the library. Tom rarely goes to the library. O Tom adora trens. Tom loves trains. Tom loves trains. Ce qui est en question dans ce débat est la survie de notre planète. What is at issue in this debate is the survival of our planet. What is at stake in this debate is the survival of our planet. Ninguém em sã consciência faria isso. Nobody in their right mind would do that. No one in their right mind would do that. Quand l'écoulement inhabituel a-t-il commencé ? When did the unusual discharge begin? When did the unusual outflow begin? Ce n'est pas trop épicé ? It's not too spicy? Isn't that too spicy? Je dois vous faire une injection. I need to give you an injection. I need to give you an injection. El bus lleva diez minutos de retraso. The bus is running ten minutes late. The bus is ten minutes late. Os guineenses dizem que os meios de comunicação social — especialmente durante o período que antecede a sondagem legislativa de 24 de Setembro — têm o papel fundamental de assegurar que o clima tenso não degenera em caos. Guineans say the media - especially in the run-up to the September 24 legislative poll - has a pivotal role in ensuring that a tense climate does not degenerate into chaos. Guineans say the media — especially during the run-up to the legislative poll on September 24 — has a key role to play in ensuring that the tense climate does not degenerate into chaos. Debes estar bromeando. You've got to be joking. You must be kidding me. Il est difficile d'étudier seul. It is hard to study alone. It is difficult to study alone. A coisa mais incrível que o ser humano criou é a linguagem. The most incredible thing that humans have created is language. The most amazing thing that human beings have created is language. Non comprerò questo maglione. I won't buy this sweater. I'm not buying this sweater. L-am avertizat pe Tom de multe ori să nu facă asta. I've warned Tom many times not to do that. I've warned Tom many times not to do that. Tom no tiene exactamente una coartada hermética. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Tom doesn't exactly have an airtight alibi. Trump, na sua longa campanha pela presidência, prometeu mudar a embaixada dos Estados Unidos para Jerusalém para satisfazer a preferência de longa data do governo israelita. Trump, in his long campaign for the presidency, vowed to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem to concur with the Israeli government's long-standing preference. Trump, in his long campaign for the presidency, has vowed to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem to satisfy the Israeli government’s long-standing preference. Ma mère fait un somme tous les après-midi. My mother takes a nap every afternoon. My mother makes a sum every afternoon. Il a considéré cette histoire comme une plaisanterie. He regarded the story as a joke. He saw this story as a joke. Os pais de Tom falam francês. Tom's parents speak French. Tom's parents speak French. Mulțumim! Thanks! Thank you! Lasciatelo con me. Leave him with me. Leave him with me. ¿Cuántas tumbas hay? How many graves are there? How many graves are there? Tom está lendo um manual de jardinagem. Tom is reading a gardening manual. Tom's reading a gardening manual. Tom può venire a casa ora. Tom can come home now. Tom can come home now. Você é uma estudante. You're a student. You're a student. Dormirà qua stanotte. You will sleep here tonight. He'll sleep here tonight. Ziri écrivit. Ziri wrote. Ziri wrote. Tom irá reconsiderar. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will reconsider. Dans un almanach, on peut trouver les informations concernant les phases de la lune. In an almanac you can find information about the phases of the moon. In an almanac, one can find information about the phases of the moon. Él acaba de trasladarse a un departamento que heredó de sus padres. He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents. He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents. Ziri avait l'air étrange. Ziri looked strange. Ziri looked strange. Sono un sacco di traduzioni. That's a lot of translations. That's a lot of translations. Les serpents tuent encore. Snakes still kill. The snakes are still killing. Spero di vederti domani. I hope to see you tomorrow. I hope to see you tomorrow. Je crois que cela mérite des félicitations. I believe congratulations are in order. I think that deserves congratulations. Y conocía bien a mi padre fallecido. And he knew my deceased father well. And I knew my late father well. Ea s-a îndrăgostit de un anumit prinț. She fell in love with a certain prince. She fell in love with a certain prince. Yanni es el sospechoso número uno. Yanni is the number one suspect. Yanni is suspect number one. Vorrei essere morta. I wish myself dead. I wish I was dead. La dictature c'est "ferme ta gueule", la démocratie c'est "cause toujours". Dictatorship can be summed up by "shut up!", democracy by "keep talking". Dictatorship is "shut your face"; democracy is "always cause." Non licenziare Tom. Don't fire Tom. Don't fire Tom. Tom n'a pas besoin de savoir où je vais. Tom doesn't need to know where I'm going. Tom doesn't need to know where I'm going. Lui Hull i s-au dat ordine urgente să invadeze Canada. Hull was given immediate orders to invade Canada. Hull was given urgent orders to invade Canada. Eu sempre ganho. I always win. I always win. Je ne veux pas lire ça. I don't want to read it. I don't want to read this. Estou com uma cliente. I'm with a client. I'm with a client. Havia centenas de carrapatos no seu pelo. There were hundreds of ticks in its fur. There were hundreds of ticks in his hair. Elle détient une photo. She has a picture. She has a picture. Ea este frumoasă dar miroase foarte puternic a țigară. She is beautiful but has a very strong cigarette smell. She is beautiful but smells very strong of cigarette. Per piacere, non mi uccidere! Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me! La banca è dietro questo edificio. The bank is behind this building. The bank is behind this building. Tu es superbe. You look incredible. Oh, you look great. C'est vrai, elles ont été en retard deux fois déjà. That's right, they've been late twice already. That's right, they've been late twice already. Quando se levanta as sobrancelhas, a testa fica franzida. If you raise your eyebrows, your forehead's going to furrow. When the eyebrows are raised, the forehead is wrinkled. No creo que Tom hable inglés. Me suena más a algún idioma escandinavo. I don't think Tom's speaking English. It sounds more to me like some Scandinavian language. I don't think Tom speaks English, it sounds more like a Scandinavian language to me. Sa leggermi dentro come un libro. He can read me like a book. He can read me inside like a book. Mi cliente no está diciendo una palabra más. My client isn't saying another word. My client isn't saying another word. Provavelmente, isso acontecerá. That'll probably happen. That's probably gonna happen. Tom disapprova qualsiasi innovazione. Tom disapproves of any innovation. Tom disapproves of any innovation. Embora pareça impossível traduzir esse trocadilho, muita gente tenta! Although it seems impossible to translate this pun, many people try! Although it seems impossible to translate this pun, many people try! Os queixadas costumavam ser os mamíferos terrestres predominantes das florestas tropicais da América do Sul. White-lipped peccaries used to be the dominant terrestrial mammals in South American rainforests. The cheetahs used to be the predominant land mammals of the tropical forests of South America. A língua grega é extraordinariamente bela. The Greek language is overwhelmingly beautiful. The Greek language is extraordinarily beautiful. Ho dei begli occhi. I have got beautiful eyes. I have beautiful eyes. Sunt trează de ceva vreme. I've been up for a while. I've been up for a while. Je le garderai secret. Ne vous en faites pas. I'll keep it a secret. Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret. C'est la seule chose pour laquelle il vaut la peine de vivre. That alone is worth living for. It's the only thing worth living for. El știe să cânte la flaut. He can play a flute. He knows how to play the flute. Dorm prea mult și sunt mereu obosit. Even though I sleep too much, I'm always tired. I sleep too much and I’m always tired. Ha sido un placer no hablar con usted. It's been a pleasure not talking with you. It's been a pleasure not talking to you. Sòn a l'é nèn ëstàit fàcil. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy, it was easy. I prossimi tre treni vanno a nord. The next three trains go to the North. The next three trains go north. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas esperando para hacer realidad tu sueño? How long have you been waiting to make your dream come true? How long have you been waiting to make your dream come true? No piensan, así que no existen. They don't think therefore they aren't. They don't think, so they don't exist. ¿Habías oído algo así antes? Have you heard something like that before? Have you heard anything like this before? Um dos dividendos dessa estratégia foi um enorme aumento de audiência na conta de Instagram em língua fársi do Departamento de Estado, de acordo com Gabriel Noronha, que operou os canais de rede social persas de finais de 2019 a finais de 2020. One dividend of that strategy was a huge increase in audience for the State Department’s Farsi-language Instagram account, according to Gabriel Noronha, who ran its Farsi social media channels from late 2019 to late 2020. One of the dividends of this strategy was a huge audience increase on the State Department’s Farsi-language Instagram account, according to Gabriel Noronha, who operated Persian social media channels from late 2019 to late 2020. Fața înainte. Face forward. Face forward. O centro no jogo de xadrez, formado pelas casas e4, e5, d4 e d5, tem excepcional importância estratégica. Quem contar com um centro forte, terá sempre vantagem na realização de operações tanto de ataque como de defesa. The center in the game of chess, formed by the e4, e5, d4, and d5 squares, has exceptional strategic importance. Whoever has a strong center will always have an advantage in carrying out both attack and defense operations. The center in the game of chess, formed by the houses e4, e5, d4 and d5, has exceptional strategic importance. Whoever has a strong center, will always have an advantage in carrying out both attack and defense operations. La matematica è il suo punto debole. Mathematics is her weak point. Mathematics is his weak point. Observa. Watch. Just watch. Tu hai parlato con Tom? Have you talked to Tom? Did you talk to Tom? ¿Cómo de importante es la música en tu vida? How important is music in your life? How important is music in your life? Que ferez-vous de tout ce ciment que vous avez acheté ? What will you do with all that cement you bought? What will you do with all that cement you bought? Mi scoraggiai. I got discouraged. I got discouraged. J'ai Internet sur mon téléphone. I have the internet on my phone. I have internet on my phone. Sapevo che Tom avrebbe fatto qualcosa di romantico. I knew Tom would do something romantic. I knew Tom would do something romantic. Ziri a des amis. Ziri has friends. Ziri has friends. Ele é um pouco como seu pai. He's a little like his father. He's a bit like your father. Puedo ver a una mujer y a dos perros dentro del auto. I can see a lady and two dogs in the car. I can see a woman and two dogs inside the car. Bat Tom. Hit Tom. Bat Tom. Há eclipse da Lua. There is an eclipse of the Moon. There is an eclipse of the moon. Non posso essere d'accordo con te su questo argomento. I can't agree with you on this matter. I can't agree with you on this. Non mi lascia vivere! She doesn't let me live! He won't let me live! Esta ideia, de que um homem pode perder os seus direitos, é tão essencial para conceções adequadas de governo civil e liberdade civil, como a ideia de que um homem tem direitos; pois se não houver perda de direitos através do crime, então todas as punições legais carecem de fundamento na justiça; mesmo o direito de autodefesa, individual- e nacionalmente, deixa de existir. This thought, that a man may forfeit his rights, is as essential to proper conceptions of civil government, and civil liberty, as the thought that a man has rights; for if there be no forfeiture of rights through crime, then all legal punishments are without foundation in justice; even the right of self-defense, individually and nationally, ceases to exist. This idea, that a man may lose his rights, is as essential to proper conceptions of civil government and civil liberty as is the idea that a man has rights; for if there is no loss of rights through crime, then all legal punishments are without foundation in justice; even the right of self-defense, individually and nationally, ceases to exist. Esto es un diccionario. This is a dictionary. This is a dictionary. Li preguntaré on va anar el diumenge. I will ask him where he went last Sunday. I'll ask him where he went on Sunday. Ela mora a alguns quarteirões daqui. She lives a few blocks away from here. She lives a few blocks from here. Noi abbiamo sofferto molti danni. We suffered a lot of damage. We have suffered a lot of damage. Las chicas llevan faldas azul claro. The girls wear light blue skirts. The girls wear light blue skirts. Tom ia lecții de franceză. Tom is taking French lessons. Tom takes French lessons. La rana continuaba sentada sobre el nenúfar cuando volví. The frog was still sitting on the lily pad when I came back. The frog was still sitting on the water lily when I came back. Hugo est un putain de con. Hugo is a fucking wanker. Hugo's a fucking asshole. Era fredda e buia. It was cold and dark. It was cold and dark. Sono ancora vivi. They're still alive. They're still alive. Non lo so, Tom. I don't know, Tom. I don't know, Tom. De qué me cau véser ? What should I see? What do I need to see? Qualcuno mi ha colpito. Somebody hit me. Someone hit me. Tom era scortese. Tom was impolite. Tom was rude. Este carro é de Tom. This car is Tom's. This is Tom's car. Care e cea mai importantă sursă de inspirație a ta? What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is your most important source of inspiration? Un coccodrillo ha mangiato Tom. A crocodile has eaten Tom. A crocodile ate Tom. As minhas irmãs são amigáveis e simpáticas com toda a gente. My sisters are friendly and kind to everyone. My sisters are friendly and friendly with everyone. C'est un bâtiment assez ancien. It's quite an old building. This is a fairly old building. Os rapaces son ruidosos e groseiros coas rapazas. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Boys are loud and rude to girls. Le bonheur n'est pas chose aisée : il est très difficile de le trouver en nous, et impossible de le trouver ailleurs. Happiness is not easy: it is very difficult to find it in us, and impossible to find it elsewhere. Happiness is not easy: it is very difficult to find it in us, and impossible to find it elsewhere. Ai-je déjà mentionné que je suis fou ? Did I mention that I'm crazy? Did I mention that I’m crazy? El sol es un láser mortal. The sun is a deadly laser. The sun is a deadly laser. Voulez-vous acheter autre chose ? Is there anything else you want to buy? Do you want to buy something else? Es muy fácil criticar a posteriori. It is easy to be wise after the event. It is easy to criticize later. Hai să revedem lecția cinci. Let's review Lesson 5. Let's review lesson five. Ha dei forti principi. He has strong principles. He has strong principles. Mary comprò la sua. Mary brought hers. Mary bought hers. Passem a noite conosco e levarei as senhoras de manhã. Spend the night with us, and I'll take you in the morning. Spend the night with us and I'll take the ladies in the morning. Arrête de débiter des inepties. Stop spouting nonsense. Stop talking nonsense. Stop talking nonsense. La mort de Tom fut un accident. Tom's death was an accident. Tom's death was an accident. Isso pode te surpreender. It might surprise you. That might surprise you. Eu esqueci de mencionar algo importante. I forgot to mention something important. I forgot to mention something important. Avez-vous des vertiges ? Do you have vertigo? Do you feel dizzy? Tom estava entediado. Tom was bored. Tom was bored. Vocês conseguiram sair da pobreza. You managed to get out of poverty. You managed to get out of poverty. Noi non chiediamo molto spazio. We don't require much space. We don’t ask for much space. J'y étais hier. I was there yesterday. I was there yesterday. Mes parents m'ont accompagné à l'aéroport. My parents accompanied me to the airport. My parents accompanied me to the airport. Ésta es la única empresa para la que he trabajado. This is the only company I've ever worked for. This is the only company I have worked for. Eu preciso ir dormir, de verdade. I really have to go to bed. I need to go to sleep, really. Voglio lo stesso dizionario che ha lei. I want the same dictionary as you have. I want the same dictionary you have. Tout le monde ne peut pas être poète. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Questo è il Giappone. This is Japan. This is Japan. Mi potresti abbracciare? Could you hug me? Could you hug me? El Burj Khalifa és actualment el gratacel més alt del món. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world. I-am dat cărțile studentului acestuia. We gave the books to this student. I gave the books to this student. O gengibre — quer seja fresco, em pó ou em conserva — acrescenta sabor a qualquer género de prato. Ginger — whether it's fresh, powdered or pickled — adds zest to all sorts of dishes. Ginger – whether fresh, powdered or pickled – adds flavor to any dish. Me empecé a preparar. I started to prepare myself. I started to prepare. Il mio lavoro paga bene, ma è veramente esigente. My job pays well, but it's really demanding. My job pays well, but it's really demanding. J'ai eu la pétoche et j'ai décidé de ne pas y aller. I got cold feet and decided not to go. I had the flu, and I decided not to go. Não esqueça de buscar as crianças depois da escola. Don't forget to pick the kids up after school. Don't forget to pick up the kids after school. Adesso è lì. Now he's there. He's there now. Je me suis rendu à la banque pour retirer de l'argent. I went to the bank to take out money. I went to the bank to withdraw money. El respeto no es un derecho, el respeto se gana. Respect isn't a right. It's something you earn. Respect is not a right, respect is earned. Lui Tom nu-i place casa în care locuiește. Tom doesn't like the house that he lives in. Tom doesn't like the house he lives in. Sto bene, sono solamente impegnato. I'm alright, I'm just busy. I'm fine. I'm just busy. Coloque algumas ostras juntas num cesto de fritar de arame e mergulhe em gordura escaldante. Place a few oysters at one time in a wire frying basket and immerse in smoking hot fat. Put some oysters together in a wire frying basket and soak in scalding fat. Un artista deve avere occhio per il colore. An artist must have an eye for color. An artist must have an eye for color. No soy un canguro. I'm not a kangaroo. I'm not a kangaroo. La mantis hembra devora al macho tras la cópula. The female mantis devours the male after copulation. The female mantis devours the male after copulation. Les crocodiles et les alligators sont-ils dangereux ? Are crocodiles and alligators dangerous? Are crocodiles and alligators dangerous? Qué dolor. What a pain! What a pain. Doar Tom poate face așa ceva. Only Tom can do something like that. Only Tom can do that. Je veux que nous gagnions. I want us to win. I want us to win. Deixaremos isso para mais tarde; não é urgente. We will push this back to later; it's not urgent. We’ll leave that for later; it’s not urgent. Vocês sairiam comigo? Would you go out with me? Would you go out with me? Când veți merge în România, o să vizitați Castelul lui Dracula. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula's Castle. When you go to Romania, you will visit Dracula’s Castle. Il vitello appena nato fa fatica ad alzarsi. The calf that has just been born has trouble getting up. The newborn calf struggles to get up. Guardò in fondo alla strada. He looked down the street. He looked down the street. - Cine e? - E mama ta. "Who is it?" "It's your mother." - It's your mother. Los niños encontraron regalos navideños escondidos debajo de la cama. Children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed. The children found Christmas presents hidden under the bed. È stato bello chiacchierare con te. It was nice chatting with you. It was nice talking to you. Questo ti è capitato? Has this happened to you? Did this happen to you? ¡Esto lo explica todo! This explains everything! This explains everything! Deberías tener más cuidado en un cruce. You should be more careful at a crosswalk. You should be more careful at a crossing. Cada dia na vida é uma nova vida. Every day in life is a new life. Every day in life is a new life. He olvidado quién lo dijo. I forgot who said that. I forgot who said it. No me costó mucho. It didn't cost me very much. It didn't cost me much. Nunca le escribiré una carta a Mary. I will never write a letter to Mary. I'll never write a letter to Mary. ¿Ha tenido alguna vez una lesión en la cabeza? Have you ever had a head injury? Have you ever had a head injury? Mis gatas son mis hijas. My cats are my children. My cats are my daughters. Quem é mais jovem, ele ou eu? Who is younger, him or me? Who's younger, him or me? Il cane di Ziri era si è spaventato. Ziri's dog panicked. Ziri's dog was scared. A voi piace il basket? Do you like basketball? Do you like basketball? Paul veut seulement discuter. Paul just wants to talk. Paul just wants to talk. Non le darò niente. I won't give you anything. I'm not giving her anything. Mio padre aveva bisogno di una matita. My father needed a pencil. My father needed a pencil. Seu jeito acalorado de tratar as pessoas o tornou enormemente popular. His warm way with people had made him hugely popular. His warm manner of treating people made him enormously popular. Tom nu mai este începător. Tom isn't a rookie anymore. Tom's not a rookie anymore. ¿Qué alimentos ayudan a reducir el apetito? What natural foods help curb the appetite? What Foods Help Reduce Appetite? Parlar és una cosa i escriure és una altra. To speak is one thing and to write is another. Writing is one thing and writing is another. Semplicemente non capiscono. They just don't understand. They just don't understand. Normalmente me despierto sobre las siete. Normally I wake up around seven o'clock. I usually wake up around seven. Je n'ai aucun désir de vous faire du mal. I have no desire to hurt you. I have no desire to harm you. Stavo camminando verso l'uscita dell'aeroporto. I was walking towards the airport's exit. I was walking to the airport exit. Andòrra es un pichon principat, situat entre Espanha e França. Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France. Andorra is a country located between France and Spain. I dati stanno venendo sincronizzati. The data is being synchronized. The data is being synchronized. Si strofinò il naso. He rubbed his nose. He rubbed his nose. Fue divertido hacerlo. It was fun doing that. It was fun to do. O livro está ao lado da caneta. The book is next to the pen. The book is next to the pen. Você é muito esperta! You're so smart. You're so smart! Le amiamo tutte. We all love them. We love them all. Avem noi nevoie de mai multă inflație? Do we need more inflation? Do we need more inflation? Kate compune muzică în timpul liber. Kate composes music in her spare time. Kate writes music in her spare time. Engleză este o limbă care abundă în expresii idiomatice. English is a language abounding in idiomatic expressions. English is a language that abounds in idiomatic expressions. Adiós. Goodbye. Bye. Bye-bye. Gnun problema, i podoma giuteve. No problem, we can help you. No problem, the podomas juteve. Lo que dijo realmente me lastimó. What he said really hurt me. What he said really hurt me. Cosa gli avete comprato? What did you buy him? What did you buy him? Siete caldi. You're warm. You're hot. Sé pou sa. That's why. So be it. Ăsta e cel mai tembel lucru de care am auzit vreodată! That's the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! Tu aurais pu me dire la vérité. You could've told me the truth. You could have told me the truth. Será mejor que le des la fotografía al profesor. You'd better give the photograph to the teacher. You'd better give the photograph to the professor. Scusati con Tom. Apologize to Tom. Apologize to Tom. Decisi di non andare da nessuna parte. I decided not to go anywhere. I decided not to go anywhere. A nadie le importa un carajo. Nobody gives a damn. Nobody gives a shit. Pasaba horas estudiando francés. He used to spend hours studying French. I spent hours studying French. Nou wè'y abò yon motoka We saw him in a car. You see him on a motorcycle. Erano le mie pazienti. They were my patients. They were my patients. La lenga mare dla Julia a l'é l'italian. Julia's native language is Italian. Julia's mother tongue is Italian. Dois-je vous appeler plus tard ? Shall I call you up later? Should I call you later? ¿Qué lado ganó? Which side won? Which side won? Ho difficoltà a parlare inglese. I have difficulty speaking English. I have difficulty speaking English. Le tue voci sembrano simili. Your voices sound similar. Your voices look similar. Io ammiro la dedizione di Tom. I admire Tom's dedication. I admire Tom's dedication. Vocês precisam dormir mais. You need to sleep more. You guys need more sleep. L'apprendimento profondo è una sottoarea del apprendimento automatico, che a sua volta è una sottoarea dell'intelligenza artificiale (IA). Deep learning is a subarea of machine learning, which in turn is a subarea of artificial intelligence (AI). Deep learning is a sub-area of machine learning, which in turn is a sub-area of artificial intelligence (AI). La vida es un arte. Life is an art. Life is an art. Nuestro cerebro necesita estímulos. Our brains need some stimulation. The brain needs stimuli. Gostou da qualidade? Did you like the quality? Did you like the quality? Estoy fascinada. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated. Uma comissão de investigação acusou 300 organizações, indivíduos e alguns oficiais do exército de malversação financeira, num total estimado de 241 milhões de dólares em fraude e pagamento excessivo por contratos. An investigative committee has accused 300 organizations, individuals and some army officials of financial malfeasance totaling an estimated $241 million in fraud and overpayments of contracts. An investigative committee has charged 300 organizations, individuals and some army officers with financial embezzlement, totaling an estimated $241 million in fraud and overpayment for contracts. Io non sono la tua ragazza. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Partecipammo tutti alla discussione. We all attended the discussion. We all participated in the discussion. Quanto tempo você acha que levará? How long do you think it will take? How long do you think it'll take? Les enfants ont été priés de rentrer directement chez eux. The children were asked to head straight home. The children were told to go straight home. La devo ripagare. I have to pay her back. I have to pay it back. Attendre trop longtemps exaspère la plupart des gens. Waiting for too long makes most people annoyed. Waiting too long exasperates most people. Essa não era a cerveja dele. That wasn't his beer. That wasn't his beer. Ajude-me a levar as malas. Help me carry the suitcases. Help me get my bags. È un'auto a noleggio. It's a rental car. It's a rental car. Con lui non si può mai sapere. With him, you never know. You never know with him. Je ne sais pas quand je devrais venir. I don't know when I should come. I don't know when I should come. La mia stanza è lunga quasi sei metri. My room is almost six meters long. My room is almost six meters long. Você entendeu o que Tom estava falando? Did you understand what Tom was saying? Did you understand what Tom was talking about? Le dije a ella que somos amigos. I told her we were friends. I told her we're friends. È diventato ricco. He became rich. He got rich. Cred că Tom ar trebui să cânte. I think that Tom should sing. I think Tom should sing. Quanto è stato lungo il concerto? How long was the concert? How long was the concert? Mostre-me seus desenhos. Show me your drawings. Show me your drawings. Il ne t'aura rien donné. He will not have given you anything. He won't have given you anything. Ci avete sconfitti. You've defeated us. You have defeated us. Je n'ai pas vu leur visage. I didn't see their faces. I didn't see their faces. Che cos'è una sfinge? What is a sphinx? What is a Sphinx? Ce la devo fare, mi dico. I have to make it, I tell myself. I have to do it, I tell myself. « Peut-être qu'on ira à la montagne ? Qu'en penses-tu, Bożena ? » « Ou peut-être à la mer ? » "Maybe we'll go to the mountains? What do you think, Bożena?" "Or maybe the sea?" "Maybe we'll go to the mountain? What do you think, Bo<0xC5><0xBC>ena?" "Or maybe to the sea?" Non mi servono amiche. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. J’ai été violé. I have been raped. I was raped. Ești sigur că Tom este aici? Are you sure that Tom is here? Are you sure Tom's here? Nessuno parla di me. Nobody talks about me. Nobody's talking about me. Suite à un surmenage, il est tombé malade. As a consequence of overwork, he became ill. As a result of overwork, he became ill. Trebuie să-mi clătesc gura. I need to rinse my mouth. I need to rinse my mouth. Não se deve cantar e dançar na Sexta-Feira da Paixão. You can't sing and dance on Good Friday. One should not sing and dance on Passion Friday. Almeno non sono un perdente come lei. At least I'm not a loser like you. At least I'm not a loser like you. Para mim, esquiar é muito mais interessante que andar de skate. For me, skiing is by far more interesting than skating. For me, skiing is much more interesting than skateboarding. Per quanto resterà? How long will you be staying? How long will he stay? Podes causir quau que sia d'eths. You may choose any of them. You can make sure it’s from scratch. Mon père souffre d'un rhume. My father is suffering from a cold. My father has a cold. Mary pediu para o Tom ajudá-la a decorar sua árvore de Natal. Mary asked Tom to help decorate her Christmas tree. Mary asked Tom to help her decorate her Christmas tree. Stiamo masticando. We're chewing. We're chewing. A vida está continuamente a renovar-se. Life is continually renewing itself. Life is constantly renewing itself. Nesta sequela, eles reúnem-se novamente para um casamento, mas desta vez numa estância de luxo na Tailândia. In this sequel, they gather again for a wedding, but this time at a luxury resort in Thailand. In this sequel, they reunite again for a wedding, but this time at a luxury resort in Thailand. Mi racconti la storia completa. Tell me the whole story. Tell me the full story. Ninguén me dixo cando tiña que vir. Nobody told me what time I should come. No one told me when to come. A l'é difìcil convince John. It is hard to convince John. It's hard to believe John. Abiti veramente qua? Do you really live here? Do you really live here? No se me dan nada bien las ecuaciones logarítmicas de este libro de ejercicios. I'm no good at the log equations in this workbook. I'm not very good at the logarithmic equations in this workbook. Profite bien de tes vacances ! Enjoy your vacation. Enjoy your holidays! Levei Tom para a escola. I took Tom to school. I took Tom to school. Los policías mienten. Police lie. The cops lie. J'ai besoin de ça pour un test de grossesse. I need this for a pregnancy test. I need this for a pregnancy test. Atopamos un cravo espetado no pneumático. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a spiked nail in the tire. La Terra gira come una trottola. The Earth spins like a great top. The Earth spins like a spinning top. Je suis conscient des conséquences. I'm aware of the consequences. I am aware of the consequences. Ele achou os discursos bastante enfadonhos e considerava Sir John um fala-barato horrendo. He found the speeches tedious enough, and thought Sir John a dreadful windbag. He found the speeches rather tedious and considered Sir John a horrendous cheap-talker. Adéu, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Goodbye, Sayoko. Ce conte de fées soulignait l'importance de la bonté, de la bravoure et de la sagesse. The fairy tale emphasized the importance of kindness, bravery, and wisdom. This fairy tale emphasized the importance of kindness, bravery and wisdom. La psoriasis es una enfermedad de la piel. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Psoriasis is a skin disease. Non posso lasciare qui Tom. I can't leave Tom here. I can't leave Tom here. Si addormentò su una sedia. She fell asleep in a chair. He fell asleep in a chair. Por que não lhe dizes a verdade? Why don't you tell her the truth? Why don't you tell him the truth? Guarì molto rapidamente. He got better very quickly. He healed very quickly. Trabajo como asesor. I work as a consultant. I work as an advisor. Ho raccontato a Tom esattamente quello che ho visto. I told Tom exactly what I saw. I told Tom exactly what I saw. Perché dovrei lavorare senza essere pagata? Why should I work without being paid? Why should I work without getting paid? Tom deixou a caixa cair. Tom dropped the box. Tom dropped the box. Nunca hago nada de ejercicio. I never do any exercise. I never do any exercise. Él no conoce a ninguno de sus dos hermanos. He knows neither of his two brothers. He doesn’t know any of his brothers. Peut-être ajouterai-je une phrase anglaise qui colle davantage. I might add a more matching English sentence. Maybe I’ll add an English phrase that sticks more. Vuoi visitare questo monumento? Do you want to visit this monument? Want to visit this monument? Je bricolais. I was doing some DIY. I was tinkering. Pienso que sería bueno hablar una vez más con el jefe. I think it would be good to talk once more with the boss. I think it would be good to talk to the boss again. Siete imparentati con lei? Are you related to her? Are you related to her? Tom s-a ascuns în spatele unui copac. Tom hid behind the tree. Tom hid behind a tree. Per cosa sta UN? What does UN stand for? What's UN for? La frase di esempio n° 354618 ha creato molta confusione nel sito web di Tatoeba. Example sentence no. 354618 created a lot of confusion on the Tatoeba website. The example sentence n° 354618 created a lot of confusion on Tatoeba’s website. Compramos tu coche. We buy your car. We bought your car. Es-tu fatigué ? Are you sleepy? Are you tired? C'est une pièce de musée ! This is a museum piece! It's a museum piece! Tom e Mary erano molto occupati. Tom and Mary were very busy. Tom and Mary were very busy. Une partie de Go commence avec une table vide et le Noir joue en premier à moins de jouer avec un handicap. A game of Go starts with an empty board and Black plays first unless playing with a handicap. A game of Go begins with an empty table and Black plays first unless playing with a handicap. Vocês já leram isto? Did you already read this? Have you read this? Yanni ha sentito il rumore. Yanni heard the noise. Yanni heard the noise. Sunt curioasă. I'm curious. I'm curious. As rosas estão em botão. The roses are in bud. The roses are in bud. Si te es difícil memorizar los acordes avanzados de guitarra podés usar un capo y así tocar los acordes comunes en otras tonalidades. If you find it hard to memorize advanced guitar chords, you can use a capo and play the common chords in other keys. If it is difficult for you to memorize the advanced guitar chords you can use a capo and thus play the common chords in other keys. Estamos de akodro. We agree. We're from akodro. Os Republicanos do Senado que apoiam a legislação não conseguiram reunir os 60 votos necessários para encerrar o debate e levar o projeto de lei a uma votação final. Senate Republicans who support of the legislation failed to muster the 60 votes needed to end debate and move the bill to a final vote. Senate Republicans who support the legislation failed to gather the 60 votes needed to end the debate and bring the bill to a final vote. So una gata. I'm a cat. I have a cat. Os elefantes são herbívoros. Elephants are herbivores. Elephants are herbivores. Existem fios parecidos com pentes nas células pulmonares, cujo batimento contínuo expulsa de seus pulmões o muco e as infecções. There are comb-like strands in the lung cells, whose continuous beating drives mucus and infections out of your lungs. There are comb-like wires in the lung cells, whose continuous beating expels mucus and infections from your lungs. Estic embarassada. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Io non sono più un insegnante. I'm not a teacher anymore. I am no longer a teacher. Il sait très bien jouer au tennis. He can play tennis very well. He knows how to play tennis very well. Tom es agradable. Tom is very nice to me. Tom's nice. Ho dimenticato di chiudere a chiave la porta. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. ¿Añadirías primero leche o agua caliente? Should you add milk or hot water first? Would you add milk or hot water first? Isso vai ser divertido porque você vai estar lá. It will be fun because you'll be there. This will be fun because you will be there. Quelle quantité de vodka peux-tu boire, Vladimir ? How much vodka can you drink, Vladimir? How much vodka can you drink, Vladimir? Onde você encontrou as chaves? Where did you find the keys? Where did you find the keys? Ha ciò che manca a me: la fiducia in se stessi. He has what I lack; confidence. He has what I lack: self-confidence. Feliz Pesah! Happy Pesach! Happy Pesah! Todavía me puedo acordar de la vez que Tom se cayó del árbol. I can still remember the time when Tom fell out of the tree. I can still remember the time Tom fell from the tree. Sa già leggere. She already knows how to read. He can already read. Tengo algo de dinero. I have got some money. I've got some money. Je veux devenir un grand scientifique. I want to grow up to be a great scientist. I want to be a great scientist. Al Sr. Hashimoto lo conocen todos. Mr Hashimoto is known to everyone. Mr. Hashimoto is known to everyone. Abitiamo nella città. We live in the city. We live in the city. Voi dovete conoscerlo. You need to know it. You must know him. Mi padre murió hace tres años. My father has been dead for three years. My father died three years ago. La vida depende del trabajo de un increíble conjunto de máquinas nanomoleculares. Life depends on the work of an incredible set of nanomolecular machines. Life depends on the work of an incredible set of nanomolecular machines. ¡Ponte en mi lugar! ¿Tú qué habrías hecho? Put yourself in my shoes. What would you have done? Put yourself in my place! What would you have done? L'intelligence est un terme qui fait généralement référence à la capacité cognitive, c'est-à-dire au processus cérébral de perception, d'analyse, d'enregistrement et de rappel des informations captées par les cinq sens. Intelligence is a term that generally refers to cognitive ability, that is, the brain process of perceiving, analyzing, recording, and recalling information captured through the five senses. Intelligence is a term that usually refers to cognitive ability, that is, the brain process of perception, analysis, recording and recalling information captured by the five senses. Apagamos el televisor. We turn off the TV. Turn off the TV. J'ai écrit un nouveau livre. I wrote a new book. I've written a new book. Em uma partida de xadrez, quando a mesma posição se repete três vezes, o jogo termina sem vencedor. O resultado é, portanto, um empate. In a game of chess, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. The result is therefore a tie. In a chess game, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. The result is therefore a draw. Ma sœur a les cheveux roux. My sister has ginger hair. My sister has red hair. Ho appena aperto il link che mi hai mandato. I just opened the link you sent to me. I just opened the link you sent me. Hoy fue peor. It was worse today. Today was worse. È la legge di Murphy. It's Murphy's law. It's Murphy's Law. Questa frase contiene esattamente sei parole. This sentence contains exactly six words. This sentence contains exactly six words. ¿Quiere leche y azúcar? Would you like milk and sugar? Do you want milk and sugar? Desde quando o senhor joga xadrez? Since when do you play chess? Since when do you play chess? Il m'a cassé le nez ! He broke my nose! He broke my nose! El arte abstracto se separó de la tradición académica. Abstract art broke from academic tradition. Abstract art was separated from academic tradition. Las banderas del mundo flamean orgullosas en el cuartel general de las Naciones Unidas. Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters. The flags of the world fly proudly at the headquarters of the United Nations. Intenta investigar en profundidade os valores culturáis que evidencia o teu texto. Try to investigate in depth the cultural values your text brings into evidence. Try to investigate in depth the cultural values that your text evidences. Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack. Jack is hard to convince. Sono guidata dalla mia passione. I’m driven by my passion. I am driven by my passion. Si è innamorato del suo compagno di banco. He fell in love with his desk mate. He fell in love with his bartender. Ya empezaba a preocuparme por vosotros. I was beginning to worry about you. I was already starting to worry about you. ¿Podrías ayudarnos adentro? Can you help us in here? Could you help us inside? Il dolore va e viene. The pain comes and goes. The pain comes and goes. La computadora se apagará en unos segundos. The computer is going to turn off in a few seconds. The computer will shut down in a few seconds. Aimez-vous les échecs ? Do you like chess? Do you like chess? A partir do mês que vem, o Brasil vai implementar a política de reciprocidade com a Espanha. Starting next month, Brazil will implement the law of reciprocity with Spain. From next month, Brazil will implement the reciprocity policy with Spain. I padri della scienza moderna – Copernico, Galileo, Keplero, Newton, Boyle e molti altri – videro chiare prove del disegno nell'universo e, di fatto, furono ispirati a scoprire le leggi della natura dalla loro fede in un legislatore trascendente. The fathers of modern science – Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, and many others – saw clear evidence of design in the universe and, in fact, were inspired to discover the laws of nature by their faith in a transcendent lawgiver. The fathers of modern science—Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, and many others—saw clear evidence of design in the universe and, in fact, were inspired to discover the laws of nature by their belief in a transcendent legislator. Je suis actuellement à la recherche d'un emploi. I am currently looking for a job. I am currently looking for a job. Qual è il vostro castello giapponese preferito? What's your favorite castle in Japan? What is your favorite Japanese castle? C'est toi qui l'as écrit ? Was it written by you? Did you write it? Quiero un abrazo. I want a hug. I want a hug. Sus notas mejoraron significativamente. Her grades have improved significantly. His grades improved significantly. Tom camminava di notte perché non riusciva a dormire. Tom used to walk at night because he could not sleep. Tom walked at night because he couldn’t sleep. Non dovete uscire oggi. You must not go out today. You don't have to go out today. Economizaram problemas e despesas fazendo isso eles mesmos. They saved trouble and expense by doing it themselves. They saved money and money by doing it themselves. Thomas tiene la Biblia en nueve idiomas: español, esperanto, francés, griego, húngaro, inglés, latín, portugués y ruso. Thomas has the Bible in nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Portuguese and Russian. Thomas has the Bible in nine languages: Spanish, Esperanto, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian. Me gustaría que dejarais de burlaros de mí. I wish you'd stop making fun of me. I'd like you to stop making fun of me. O que vocês têm a perder? What do you have to lose? What do you have to lose? Sono cresciuta in una piccola città. I grew up in a little town. I grew up in a small town. ¿Por qué volar si puedes ir en tren? Why fly when you can go by train? Why fly if you can travel by train? Riuscivate a vivere in questa città? Could you live in this city? Could you live in this city? Contestaré a esa pregunta. I'll answer that question. I will answer that question. De agora em diante, você vai ter que cuidar de si mesmo. From now on, you'll have to take care of yourself. From now on, you will have to take care of yourself. Écarte les doigts. Spread your fingers. Spread your fingers. Cred că a sosit timpul să discut chestiunea cu el. I think it's time for me to discuss the matter with him. I think it's time I discussed the matter with him. ¿Y qué vas a hacer ahora? And what are you going to do now? And what are you going to do now? La cause du décès est l'asphyxie. Asphyxiation was the cause of death. The cause of death is asphyxiation. Questo è il tuo dovere. This is your duty. This is your duty. Se ven estupendos. They look smashing. They look great. Qualcuno venne fuori. Someone came out. Someone came out. A luat-o razna de tot. He's totally lost it. She's totally freaked out. Não importa o quanto você encha o meu saco, sempre vou te amar do jeitinho que você é. No matter how much you get on my nerves, I'll always love you just the way you are. No matter how much you piss me off, I'll always love you the way you are. Yanni giró a la izquierda. Yanni turned left. Yanni turned to the left. Mantieni la tua promessa! Keep your promise! Keep your promise! De ce ai cumpărat flori? Why did you buy flowers? Why did you buy flowers? Amo quando mi parli in modo sconcio. I love it when you talk dirty to me. I love it when you talk dirty to me. Um monte de lixo contamina um canal perto de uma praia em Dacar. Hordes of trash sully a canal near a beach in Dakar. A pile of garbage contaminates a canal near a beach in Dakar. Has sido elegido para la misión a Marte debido a tu falta de flatulencia. You were picked for the Mars mission due to your lack of flatulence. You've been chosen for the Mars mission because of your lack of flatulence. Ça c'est mes livres, les siens sont là-bas. These are my books, those are his. These are my books, his are there. Je n'ai pas la moindre idée de ce dont vous parlez. I haven't the least idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about. El aceite proviene de las aceitunas. The oil comes from olives. The oil comes from the olives. Iar alții pur și simplu călătoresc prin America în mașini de agrement, vizitând regiuni din țara pe care înainte fuseseră prea ocupați pentru a le vizita. Still others simply travel around America in recreational vehicles, seeing parts of the country they had been too busy to see before. And others simply travel across America in recreational cars, visiting regions of the country they had previously been too busy to visit. La Kabbale est une tradition ésotérique interne au judaïsme. Kabbalah is an esoteric tradition within Judaism. Kabbalah is an esoteric tradition internal to Judaism. Por favor, não grite comigo. Please don't scream at me. Please don't yell at me. A consciência ainda é um mistério, tanto para a ciência como para a filosofia. Consciousness is still a mystery, for both science and philosophy. Consciousness is still a mystery, both to science and to philosophy. Il était complètement silencieux. He was completely silent. He was completely silent. Eres innoble. You're ignoble. You're ignoble. Ahora somos amigos, así que aguántate. We're friends now, so deal with it. We're friends now, so hold on. Tom disse a Mary cosa non fare. Tom told Mary what not to do. Tom told Mary what not to do. Sei un uomo, ma ti comporti come un bambino. You are a man, but you act like a child. You're a man, but you act like a child. Sono andato a vedere Tom lunedì. I went to see Tom today. I went to see Tom on Monday. J'adore les crêpes. I love pancakes. I love pancakes. Prenderò un cappuccino, per piacere. I'll have a cappuccino, please. I'll have a cappuccino, please. O que há de errado com você? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Giochi con lui. Play with him. You play with him. "¿Me vas a comer?", preguntó el conejo gimoteando. A lo cual el zorro respondió "¿Por qué haría yo algo así? Soy vegetariano." The bunny asked with a whimper, "Are you going to eat me?" To which the fox replied, "Why would I? I'm a vegetarian." "Are you going to eat me?" asked the rabbit whimpering. To which the fox replied "Why would I do something like that? I'm a vegetarian." Lei non sa nemmeno che esisto. She doesn't even know that I exist. You don't even know I exist. I miei occhi non sono buoni come una volta. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be. My eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Quantos leitos há no hospital? How many beds does the hospital have? How many beds are there in the hospital? O verdadeiro Fadil tornou-se conhecido. The real Fadil came out. The real Fadil has become known. Hi ha seixanta segons en un minut. There are sixty seconds in a minute. There are 60 seconds in a minute. È ancora a casa. He's still home. He's still at home. ¿Tu hermana ya dio a luz? Did your sister have her baby yet? Has your sister given birth yet? Él regresó por primera vez a Japón en ocho años. He came back to Japan for the first time in eight years. He returned to Japan for the first time in eight years. Quale bandiera è bianca, rossa e blu? Which flag is white, red, and blue? Which flag is white, red and blue? Les pompiers travaillent dans l'espoir d'aider. The firefighters work hoping to help. Firefighters work in the hope of helping. Anche Tom lavora in questo edificio. Tom works in this building, too. Tom also works in this building. Laissez-moi clarifier ce que je veux dire. Let me make plain what I mean. Let me clarify what I mean. Necesitamos un rastreador veterano para encontrar al niño perdido. We need a veteran tracker to find the lost child. We need a veteran tracker to find the missing child. Dove hai comprato questa chitarra? Where did you buy this guitar? Where did you buy this guitar? Où est ton vélo ? Where's your bike? Where's your bike? Creo que nuestro profesor de Educación Física la ha tomado conmigo en serio. I think our P.E. teacher really has it out for me. I think our Physical Education teacher has taken it seriously with me. Se vai a pescare domani, ci andrò anche io. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go, too. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go too. Quiero saber todo sobre Tom. I want to know everything about him. I want to know everything about Tom. Uma coligação global de 321 grupos da sociedade civil de 60 países está a apelar para que a China seja submetida a um maior escrutínio pelas suas alegadas violações sistémicas e graves dos direitos humanos. A global coalition of 321 civil society groups from 60 countries is calling for China to face greater scrutiny for its alleged systemic and serious human rights violations. A global coalition of 321 civil society groups from 60 countries is calling for China to be subjected to greater scrutiny for its alleged systemic and grave human rights violations. Quelle est la différence entre le judo et le jiu-jitsu ? What's the difference between judo and jiu-jitsu? What is the difference between Judo and Jiu-Jitsu? Prends sur toi. Take your lumps. Take it from me. ¿De quién son esas fotos? Whose pictures are those? Whose pictures are these? Chacun entretient sa propre vérité. Everyone maintains their own truth. Each maintains its own truth. ¿Por qué piensas que tu método es mejor? Why do you think your method is better? Why do you think your method is better? J'ai vu ce film plusieurs fois. I've seen this movie several times. I have seen this movie several times. Non ho paura di essere quello che sono, diversamente da te. I'm not frightened to be who I am, unlike you. I'm not afraid to be who I am, unlike you. Uma caminhada de cinco minutos nos trouxe para o parque. Five minutes' walk brought us to the park. A five-minute walk took us to the park. Olha, está nevando! Look, it's snowing! Look, it's snowing! Je te verrai plus tard, d'accord ? I'll see you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? S'es botat lo cap defòra de la finèstra. She put her head out of the window. The head of the fence has been removed. ¿Tiene usted una regla? Do you have a ruler? Do you have a rule? Crebbe in Australia. He was brought up in Australia. He grew up in Australia. Îți mulțumesc că ai venit! Thanks for coming! Thank you for coming! Pots estudiar, l'edat no compta. You can study, no matter your age. You can study, age doesn't count. ¿Te enseñó Tom la foto? Did Tom show you the picture? Did Tom show you the picture? Questo documento occupa molto spazio. This document takes up a lot of space. This document takes up a lot of space. A Primeira Guerra Mundial terminara apenas quinze anos antes. World War One had ended just 15 years earlier. The First World War had ended only fifteen years earlier. Amo a mi esposa. I love my wife. I love my wife. No ganamos. We didn't win. We didn't win. Eso no es plata. That's not silver. That's not silver. Ho fatto andare Tom. I made Tom go. I let Tom go. ¿Está la vida de Tom en peligro? Is Tom in danger of life? Is Tom's life in danger? L'Algeria sta già pianificando la sua prossima mossa. Algeria is already planning its next move. Algeria is already planning its next move. Deconectați toate cablurile. Unplug all the cables. Disconnect all cables. I leoni mangiano il pesce? Do lions eat fish? Do lions eat fish? Egli non è sempre in ufficio al mattino. He is not always in the office in the morning. He's not always in the office in the morning. Hoy no estoy más atareado que de costumbre. I'm not any busier today than usual. I'm not busier than usual today. Ma c'è una piccola differenza. But there is a small difference. But there's a small difference. L’amour est une chose merveilleuse. Love is a wonderful thing. Love is a wonderful thing. Ela acendeu a luz. She turned on the light. She turned on the light. Je ne me souviens pas l'avoir fait. I can't remember doing that. I don't remember doing that. Les ventes ont chuté de trente-deux pour cent. Sales have fallen by thirty-two percent. Sales fell by 32 percent. Quería saber algo máis sobre as árbores, tamén. He wanted to know more about the trees, too. I wanted to know more about the trees, too. A empresa produz uma grande variedade de instrumentos musicais. The company manufactures a wide variety of musical instruments. The company produces a wide variety of musical instruments. Iarna în Romania ninge mult. In winter in Romania, it snows a lot. Winter in Russia is very snowy. Estamos tentando ajudar o Tom. We're trying to help Tom. We're trying to help Tom. Tu n'es pas forcé de présenter des excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Me pregunto dónde estará él ahora. I wonder where he is now. I wonder where he'll be now. Ea este cea care m-a adus pe lume. She's the one who brought me into this world. She's the one who brought me into this world. Eso de verdad me preocupa. That really worries me. That really worries me. Você nem sequer conhece Tom. You don't even know Tom. You don't even know Tom. Maria não tem marido. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary has no husband. No, grazie, vecchio. No, thanks, old man. No, thank you, old man. Come la fate sempre? How do you always do it? How do you always do it? Tom n'a pas mangé à la maison depuis longtemps. Tom hasn't eaten at home in a long time. Tom hasn't eaten at home in a long time. Justo me estaba preguntando cómo se sentiría ser golpeado en el estómago. I was just wondering how it would feel to be punched in the stomach. I was just wondering how it would feel to be punched in the stomach. Tom non ha mai detto addio. Tom never said goodbye. Tom never said goodbye. Esa cañería gotea. That water pipe leaks. That pipe's leaking. Como parte da sua primeira viagem ao estrangeiro desde que tomou posse no mês passado, o primeiro-ministro japonês, Yoshihide Suga, esteve em Hanói na segunda-feira para participar em conversações bilaterais com o seu homólogo vietnamita, tendo chegado a acordos sobre o reforço da cooperação económica e securitária. In his first foreign trip since taking office last month, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga was in Hanoi Monday for bilateral talks with his Vietnamese counterpart, reaching agreements on strengthening economic and security cooperation. As part of his first foreign trip since taking office last month, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga was in Hanoi on Monday to participate in bilateral talks with his Vietnamese counterpart, having reached agreements on strengthening economic and security cooperation. Ce pouvoir sans entraves va à l'encontre de la démocratie. This unfettered power goes against democracy. This unfettered power runs counter to democracy. Este é o teu título mais legítimo. This is your most legitimate title. This is your most legitimate title. Tom nunca me dijo una sola palabra al respecto. Tom never said a word to me about it. Tom never said a word to me about it. De qué vòus estar ? What do you want to be? What do you want to be? Fes allò que et digui el cor, que no t'enganyarà mai. Follow your heart, for it never lies. Do what your heart tells you, it will never deceive you. ¿Cómo lo consiente usted? Why do you permit it? How do you consent to this? Crezi că-s urât? Do you think I'm ugly? You think I'm ugly? Vol un rellotge com el teu. He wants a watch like yours. He wants a watch like yours. Ainda bem que ele voltou. Good thing he came back. I'm glad he's back. Ero molto più creativa. I used to be much more creative. I was much more creative. Ils sont derrière toi. They are behind you. They're right behind you. Lo sai che in quei centri, per dare il seme, ci dovremo chiudere in una stanzetta a guardare filmini porno? Do you know that in those centers, in order to give semen, we'll have to lock ourselves in a little room and watch porn? Do you know that in those centers, to give the seed, we will have to lock ourselves in a small room to watch porn movies? ¿Alguna vez te ha traicionado un buen amigo? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? Have you ever been betrayed by a good friend? L'assedio è durato fino ad agosto. The siege lasted until August. The siege lasted until August. Qual è la vostra opinione sul sistema scolastico giapponese? What is your opinion on the Japanese education system? What is your opinion on the Japanese school system? Notre planète est belle. Our planet is beautiful. Our planet is beautiful. J'ai témoigné. I testified. I testified. Se o exército de uniforme branco não consegue aprisionar o rei de uniforme preto, nem o exército de uniforme preto consegue aprisionar o rei de uniforme branco, a partida termina sem vencedor. É um empate. If the army in white uniform cannot imprison the king in black uniform, nor the army in black uniform can imprison the king in white uniform, the game ends without a winner. It's a tie. If the white uniformed army cannot imprison the black uniformed king, nor the black uniformed army can imprison the white uniformed king, the match ends without a winner. Este posibil ca pachetul dumneavoastră să ajungă mai târziu decât era prevăzut. Your package might arrive later than expected. Your package may arrive later than planned. Solía hacer con mi hija sus deberes de matemáticas. I used to help my daughter with her math homework. I used to do my daughter's math homework. Ha imparato a guidare un'automobile? Have you learned to drive a car? Did you learn to drive a car? Sono sul tetto. I'm on the roof. I'm on the roof. Cuando comienzas a poner chips en el ganado, terminas practicando la identificación electrónica de cada ser humano. When you start putting chips in cattle, you end up practicing the electronic identification of each human being. When you start putting chips in livestock, you end up practicing electronic identification of every human being. Mary se parece com o pai. Mary takes after her father. Mary looks like her father. O Programa Alimentar Mundial alerta que a crise humanitária na Ucrânia ameaça causar graves carências alimentares e fome aguda no país e corre o risco de desencadear uma onda global de fome e subnutrição. The World Food Program is warning the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine threatens severe food shortages and acute hunger there, and risks triggering a global surge in hunger and malnutrition. The World Food Programme warns that the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine threatens to cause severe food shortages and acute hunger in the country and risks triggering a global wave of hunger and malnutrition. Tatoeba é cultura. Tatoeba is culture. Tatoeba is culture. Senhor, perdoe-me por observar que você padece de um ataque grave de acne rosácea, o que o torna um objeto peculiarmente desagradável. Sir, you will forgive me for remarking that you are suffering from a severe attack of acne rosacea, which makes you a peculiarly unpleasant object. Sir, forgive me for noting that you suffer from a severe attack of acne rosacea, which makes you a peculiarly unpleasant object. È già tardi, spegni il computer e vai a casa. It is late already, turn off the computer and go home. It’s too late, turn off your computer and go home. Jean sta guardando le vacche. Jean is looking at the cows. Jean's looking at the cows. Nous n'en avons jamais douté. We never doubted it. We never doubted it. Ao longo de 17 anos, a equipa de cientistas continuou a escavar, a analisar e a juntar porções da pequena mulher, segundo Haile-Selassie, que é agora o curador e o diretor de antropologia física no Museu de História Natural de Cleveland. Over 17 years, team of scientists continued to excavate, analyse and piece together portions of the small woman, according to Haile-Selassie, who is now the curator and director of physical anthropology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Over 17 years, the team of scientists continued to excavate, analyze and piece together portions of the little woman, according to Haile-Selassie, who is now the curator and director of physical anthropology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Ya le ha explicado el problema. He has already explained the problem. He's already explained the problem. Lui non guadagnava più di dieci dollari al giorno. He earned no more than ten dollars a day. He made no more than ten dollars a day. Tom e Mary hanno giocato alla cavallina. Tom and Mary played leapfrog. Tom and Mary played pony. Ingresó la contraseña incorrecta. You entered the wrong password. You have entered the wrong password. Attention à ne pas trébucher ! Mind you don't trip. Be careful not to trip! Je n'aime pas les hommes tels que ceux-là. I don't like men like that. I don't like men like that. Era outono. It was autumn. It was autumn. Pasamos horas navegando en las redes sociales porque nuestro cerebro necesita estímulos. We spend hours scrolling through social media because our brains need stimulation. We spend hours surfing social media because our brain needs stimuli. Comprueba el recorrido. Check the itinerary. Check the route. De repente, o rosto dela ficou vermelho. Suddenly her face reddened. Suddenly, her face turned red. Tom essaya de vendre sa vieille voiture. Tom tried to sell his old car. Tom tried to sell his old car. Tengo un montón de amigos. I have plenty of friends. I have a lot of friends. ¿Seguro que esto es lo que quieres? Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure this is what you want? No tengo nada que decirle. I've got nothing to say to him. I don't have anything to say to him. Ces figues sont toujours fermes. These figs are still hard. These figs are always firm. Não deveria estar dirigindo. I shouldn't have been driving. You shouldn't be driving. Os sutiãs desta loja são caros. The bras from this store are expensive. The bras in this store are expensive. Dillo ancora, per piacere. Say it again, please. Say it again, please. Hay muchos edificios antiguos famosos en Kyoto. There are a lot of famous old buildings in Kyoto. There are many famous old buildings in Kyoto. N'arrête pas la musique, s'il te plaît. Please don't stop the music. Don't stop the music, please. Nous devons nous en aller dès que possible. It's imperative that we leave right away. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Je suis vraiment désolée d'être rentré à la maison aussi tard. I'm very sorry I came home so late. I'm really sorry I came home so late. La mia amica mi ha inviato un link a questo video. My friend sent me a link to this video. My friend sent me a link to this video. Aveva molte idee che le balenavano in testa. She had many ideas flashing in her head. She had a lot of ideas that went through her head. Am nevoie de cineva care cunoaște limba engleză. I need someone who knows English. I need someone who knows English. Eu não consegui escapar. I wasn't able to escape. I couldn't get away. Què li passa? What is wrong with him? What's wrong with him? L'espéranto est une langue flexible, facile à apprendre, pratique et mémorisable. Esperanto is a flexible and practical language, easy to learn and memorize. Esperanto is a flexible language, easy to learn, practical and memorable. Se il ritardo è semplicemente una svista, ve ne prenderete cura immediatamente, per piacere? If the delay is simply an oversight, will you please take care of it at once? If the delay is simply an oversight, will you take care of it immediately, please? Nós deveríamos estar pressionando os Japoneses a trazer os seus verbos do fim da sentença para antes do sujeito, que é onde eles tem que estar! We should be urging the Japanese to bring their verbs from the ends of setences into after their subjects, you know, the place where they belong! We should be pressuring the Japanese to bring their verbs from the end of the sentence to before the subject, which is where they have to be! Chi ha portato la pizza? Who brought the pizza? Who brought the pizza? Non studiammo mai assieme. We never studied together. We never studied together. Inclinez-la. Tilt it. Tilt her. Num tuíte no domingo de manhã desde Tóquio, Trump publicou uma resposta a John Bolton que no dia anterior por cá tinha dito aos repórteres que o recente lançamento de mísseis balísticos de curto alcance pela Coreia do Norte violava uma resolução das Nações Unidas. In a Sunday morning tweet from Tokyo, Trump issued a retort to John Bolton who the previous day here had told reporters that there was “no doubt” North Korea’s recent test firing of short-range ballistic missiles violated a United Nations resolution. In a tweet Sunday morning from Tokyo, Trump published a response to John Bolton who the day before had told reporters that North Korea’s recent short-range ballistic missile launch violated a United Nations resolution. Todas as coisas passam, exceto amar a Deus. All things pass away except to love God. All things pass away except to love God. Me presentó a su hermano. She presented me to her brother. He introduced me to his brother. Tout le monde se fiche de qui tu es. Nobody cares who you are. Everybody doesn't care who you are. ¿Está llorando Tom? Is Tom crying? Is Tom crying? La vita dipende dal lavoro di un incredibile insieme di macchine nanomolecolari. Life depends on the work of an incredible set of nanomolecular machines. Life depends on the work of an incredible set of nanomolecular machines. Empecé a andar más rápido. I started to walk faster. I started walking faster. Non fissi. Don't stare. Don't stare. Prometo que não vou contar a ninguém. I promise I won't tell anyone. I promise I won't tell anyone. Tom sabe de dónde sopla el viento. Tom knows where the wind blows from. Tom knows where the wind's blowing from. I metalli sono davvero duri. Metals are really hard. Metals are really hard. Me gustaría algo para tomar. I'd like something to drink. I'd like something to drink. Llevó toda la tarde. It took all evening. It's been all afternoon. Il va falloir t'y faire. You'll have to get used to it. You're gonna have to do this. E timpul să mergi înainte. It's time to move forward. It's time to move on. Non mi andava di chiamarle. I didn't feel like calling them. I didn't want to call them. Lui Tom nu-i place să studieze. Tom doesn't like studying. Tom doesn't like to study. Dovete conoscere le mie bambine. You have to meet my children. You must know my girls. ¿A quién le gustó este libro? Who liked this book? Who liked this book? Piantavano alberi. They planted trees. They planted trees. Tom fue el único estudiante que falló el examen. Tom was the only student who failed the test. Tom was the only student who failed the exam. Sont-elles françaises ? Are they French? Are they French? La télévision ment. Television lies. Television is lying. La bissexualité de Bert troublait Tom et excitait Mary. Bert's bisexuality was troubling Tom and excited Mary. Bert’s bisexuality troubled Tom and excited Mary. Oala era a mea. The pot was mine. The pot was mine. Eu bebo chá com limão. I drink tea with lemon. I drink tea with lemon. Los ladrones están ávidos de tu anillo. The thieves are greedy for your ring. Thieves are greedy for your ring. Yanni necesita intentarlo otra vez. Yanni needs to try again. Yanni needs to try again. Ela está no corredor da morte. She is on death row. She's on death row. L’é za agosto. It's already August. It is already August. Che cosa dovrei fare senza di lei? What should I do without you? What am I supposed to do without her? Jogar tênis é muito divertido. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. Playing tennis is a lot of fun. C'est un crayon. That is a pencil. It's a pencil. Avete tempo dopodomani? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Je t'ai dit que j'ai une nana. I told you I have a girlfriend. I told you I have a girlfriend. Non sei più una ragazza, sei già una giovane donna. You are no longer a girl, you are already a young lady. You're not a girl anymore, you're already a young woman. Una familia local os ha ofrecido un sitio donde quedaros. A local family have offered you a place to stay. A local family has offered you a place to stay. Siempre hay un roto para un descosido. There are always more fish in the sea. There's always a break for a tear. Perché non siete venute alla festa? Why didn't you come to the party? Why didn't you come to the party? O homem é do tamanho do rastro que ele deixa no mundo. Man is as big as the trail he leaves in the world. Man is the size of the trail he leaves in the world. Elle le fera si tu l'amadoues. She’ll do it if you coax her. She'll do it if you tame her. T'agrada lo peish ? Do you like fish? Do you like the fish? Tuve que echar una buena carrera para coger el tren. I really had to run for it to catch the train. I had to run a good race to catch the train. Hanno iniziato la scuola di recente. They started school recently. They started school recently. Su auto puede ser más agradable de conducir, pero también le cuesta más la manutención. Her car might be more pleasant to drive, but it also costs her more for maintenance. Your car may be more enjoyable to drive, but it also costs you more maintenance. Verriez-vous un inconvénient à ce que je vous embrasse ? Would you mind if I kissed you? Would you mind if I kissed you? "Cosa sta facendo?" "Sto mangiando." "What are you doing?" "I'm eating." "What are you doing?" "I'm eating." Quanto spesso ti viene a trovare Tom? How often does Tom visit you? How often does Tom come to see you? Tom è burbero. Tom is grumpy. Tom is gruff. Él me habla mucho. He talks to me a lot. He talks to me a lot. Le dissi che non era un problema. I told her that wasn't a problem. I told her it wasn't a problem. Por favor, no me hagas pedírselo a Tom. Please don't make me ask Tom. Please don't make me ask Tom. El cel d'esta foto està molt saturat. The sky in this photo is very saturated. The sky in this picture is very saturated. Voi eravate coraggiosi. You were brave. You were brave. Ei au căutat băiatul dispărut prin toate ungherele, dar fără nici un rezultat. They searched high and low for the missing boy but to no avail. They searched for the missing boy through all the angles, but to no avail. À quelle heure ouvrent les banques ? What time do the banks open? What time do banks open? Este escritor es canadiense. This writer is Canadian. This writer is Canadian. Beneficiile depășesc costurile. The benefits outweigh the costs. The benefits outweigh the costs. Ho detto che avevo fame. I said I was hungry. I said I was hungry. "¿Cómo te llamas?" "Tom." "¿Y tu nombre completo?" "Mi nombre es Tom. Solo Tom." "What's your name?" "Tom." "What's the whole name?" "My name is Tom, just Tom." "What's your name?" "Tom." "And your full name?" "My name is Tom. D'après cette preuve, il est innocent. From this evidence it follows that he is innocent. According to this evidence, he's innocent. Tom ha aperto la bocca. Tom opened his mouth. Tom opened his mouth. La prima vedere, totul părea curat și ordonat. Everything seemed neat and orderly at a first glance. At first glance, everything seemed clean and orderly. Tom sa cosa vuol dire questo. Tom knows what this means. Tom knows what that means. Essa possibilidade não tinha passado pela minha cabeça. That possibility hadn't crossed my mind. That possibility had not crossed my mind. Je suis pour ce club. I support this club. I'm for this club. Non riesco a trovare la ricevuta. I can't find the receipt. I can't find the receipt. Cosa pensa che dovrebbe fare David? What do you think David should do? What do you think David should do? Yanni está muy orgulloso de ti. ¿Sabes por qué? Yanni is so proud of you, you know that? Yanni is very proud of you. Do you know why? Perché non lavora più con me? Why doesn't he work with me anymore? Why don't you work with me anymore? L'erba è bagnata. The grass is wet. The grass is wet. Tom nu este musulman. Tom isn't a Muslim. Tom is not a Muslim. Gioca a scacchi? Do you play chess? You play chess? É melhor você começar o mais rápido possível. You'd better start as soon as possible. You better get started as soon as possible. Viswanathan Anand, também conhecido como Vishy Anand, tornou-se o primeiro Grande Mestre indiano em 1988, quando tinha 18 anos de idade. Ele é o enxadrista não russo mais forte desde Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grand Master in 1988, when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. Viswanathan Anand, also known as Vishy Anand, became the first Indian Grandmaster in 1988 when he was 18 years old. He is the strongest non-Russian chess player since Bobby Fischer. L'età ha diminuito la sua forza. Age diminished his strength. Age has diminished its strength. Sper că niciunul dintre ei nu a fost implicat în accidentul rutier. I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. I hope none of them were involved in the car accident. Vreţi să mâncaţi ceva? Would you like anything to eat? Would you like something to eat? Je pense que j'ai laissé quelque chose dans la salle de classe. I think I left something in the classroom. I think I left something in the classroom. Bravo ! That's the way to go! Way to go! Faça você mesmo ou contrate alguém para fazer isso por você. Do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Meu casaco tem bolsos. My coat has pockets. My jacket has pockets. Creo que es posible que él venga. I think it's possible that he may come. I think it's possible he'll come. Te-am avertizat despre ea. I warned you about her. I warned you about her. Loro arrivarono a New Delhi il 9 luglio. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9. Credo che questo sia un errore. I believe this is a mistake. I think this is a mistake. Te llevo a casa en coche. I'll drive you home. I'll drive you home. Non ho portato i miei paraorecchie. I didn't bring my earmuffs. I didn't bring my earmuffs. ¿Crees que hay alguna posibilidad de que Tom tenga razón? Do you think that there's a chance that Tom is actually right? Do you think there's any chance that Tom's right? Sono brasiliano, e tu? I'm Brazilian, and you? I'm Brazilian, are you? È insita in lui l'idea che essere gay sia solo fonte di sofferenza. Inherent in him is the idea that being gay is only a source of suffering. The idea that being gay is only a source of suffering is inherent in him. Brazilia a pierdut un politician important. Brazil lost a major politician. Brazil has lost an important politician. Não consigo aguentar o Tom. I can't put up with Tom. I can't stand Tom. Nous avons capturé un de leurs espions. We have captured one of their spies. We captured one of their spies. Tom baciò Mary e andò a lavorare. Tom kissed Mary and went to work. Tom kissed Mary and went to work. Eso es sentido común. That's common sense. That's common sense. I semi sono anche commestibili. The seeds are also edible. The seeds are also edible. Qu'ei ua confitura hèita a casa. This is homemade jam. I want her to have confectionery at home. Mesmo com a COVID-19 a aligeirar, disse Liao, a ameaça do crime desencoraja o comércio. Even as COVID-19 abates, Liao said, the threat of crime deters commerce. Even as COVID-19 eases, Liao said, the threat of crime discourages trade. Gli piace la neve. He likes snow. He likes snow. Ce virus est un problème dans le monde entier. This virus is a problem all over the world. This virus is a problem all over the world. Esta clase de cosas solo ocurre en países como Argelia. This type of thing only happens in countries like Algeria. This kind of thing only happens in countries like Algeria. Desembaracei-me de tudo o que me pudesse atrapalhar e pus os meus pés na melhor posição para dar um salto. I disencumbered myself of everything that would hinder me and placed my feet in the best position for a leap. I got rid of anything that might get in my way and put my feet in the best position to take a leap. Perché non possiamo dividere per zero? Why can't we divide by zero? Why can't we divide by zero? Nessuno si è accorto del mio nuovo taglio di capelli. Nobody noticed my new haircut. No one noticed my new haircut. Ho visto la mia futura moglie. I saw my future wife. I saw my future wife. Mi mamá hizo que me quedara en casa. My mom made me stay home. My mom made me stay home. Estrasse le chiavi dalla tasca e le mise sul tavolo. He took the keys out of his pocket and put them on the table. He pulled the keys out of his pocket and put them on the table. La maire pensa qu'il devrait enquêter sur la chute des recettes fiscales. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. The mayor thought he should investigate the fall in tax revenues. La gorra tiene una visera azul. The cap has a blue bill. The cap has a blue visor. On ne me laissera pas sortir tant que je ne serai pas guéri. I won't be discharged until I'm cured. They won't let me out until I'm healed. Dove abitava? Where did she live? Where did he live? Noi siamo serbi, e lei? We're Serbs, and you? We're Serbs, are you? Regardez-vous les nouvelles ? Do you watch the news? Do you watch the news? La tua calligrafia è illeggibile. Your handwriting is illegible. Your handwriting is unreadable. Está chovendo desde ontem de manhã. It's been raining since yesterday morning. It's been raining since yesterday morning. Ho smesso di gridare. I stopped yelling. I stopped yelling. Emrich receia que as perdas crescentes de colónias de abelhas significam que ele não pode esperar tanto tempo, pelo que ele e os colegas apicultores dele irão apresentar petições aos governos distritais e estaduais, solicitando regras a nível local que restrinjam a utilização em casa e no jardim de inseticidas comuns, tratamentos para rosas e flores e controlos de larvas. Emrich worries that mounting bee colony losses mean he can't wait that long, so he and his fellow beekeepers are petitioning county and state governments, calling for local rules to restrict home and garden use of common bug killers, rose and flower treatments, and grub controls. Emrich fears that the growing losses of bee colonies mean he can’t wait that long, so he and his fellow beekeepers will petition district and state governments for local rules restricting the use of common insecticides in the home and garden, treatments for roses and flowers, and larval controls. Volevo essere lui. I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him. Schiacciate invio. Press Enter. Crushed sending. Son unos cobardes. They're a bunch of cowards. They're cowards. Déjame contarte algo sobre Finlandia. Let me tell you something about Finland. Let me tell you something about Finland. Você pode tocar um instrumento. You can play an instrument. You can play an instrument. Cos'è il grafene? What is graphene? What is graphene? ¿A quién vas a invitar? Who are you going to invite? Who are you going to invite? Tom est plus grand que Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is bigger than Mary. Não há pecado, exceto a estupidez. There is no sin except stupidity. There is no sin except stupidity. Tom non può fare questo. Tom can't do this. Tom can't do that. Tom économise de l'argent pour un voyage en Australie. Tom is saving money for a trip to Australia. Tom saves money for a trip to Australia. Un mundo mejor es posible. A better world is possible. A better world is possible. Le cœur et l'esprit doivent travailler ensemble. Heart and mind must work together. The heart and mind must work together. El Quetzalcoatlus tenía una envergadura de 10 metros. The Quetzalcoatlus had a 10-meter wingspan. The Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 10 meters. Haben Girma, uma advogada nascida surda e cega, tem defendido a facilidade de acesso desde a sua cidade natal de Oakland, na Califórnia, até à Casa Branca. Haben Girma, a lawyer born deaf and blind, has advocated for accessibility from her hometown of Oakland, California, all the way to the White House. Haben Girma, a lawyer born deaf and blind, has advocated ease of access from her hometown of Oakland, California, to the White House. Non sei alto esattamente quanto Mary. You aren't exactly as tall as Mary. You're not exactly as tall as Mary. Non l'ho visto cadere. I didn't see him fall. I didn't see him fall. Vreau să mor cu Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Forse la dobbiamo cucinare. Maybe we have to cook it. Maybe we need to cook it. És difícil parlar tres llengues. It is difficult to speak three languages. It’s hard to speak three languages. Bonjou! Bon maten! Hi! Good morning! Bonjou, bon matin! El Universo es un misterio. The Universe is a mystery. The universe is a mystery. ¿Acepta tarjeta de crédito? Do you accept credit cards? Do you accept credit card? Tom e Mary hanno qualche interesse in comune. Tom and Mary have some interests in common. Tom and Mary have some interests in common. Tom a împușcat-o pe Mary în genunchi. Tom shot Mary in the knee. Tom shot Mary in the knee. Ce matériel est-il utile pour notre projet ? Is this material useful for our project? Is this material useful for our project? Un tânăr intră în cameră. Are o tavă cu pâine și brânză. A young man walks into the room. He's carrying a tray with some bread and cheese. A young man enters the room. He has a tray with bread and cheese. Attendez là. Wait here. Wait right there. La Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo lugar entre 1914 y 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. The First World War took place between 1914 and 1918. Ils ont tous bu. They all drank. They all drank. Aprende-se mais de uma partida perdida que de cem ganhas. You learn more from a lost game than from a hundred won. You learn more from a losing game than from a hundred wins. O que posso encontrar neste website? What can I find on this website? What can I find on this website? Ella no es mi esposa, es mi hermana. She isn't my wife. She is my sister. She's not my wife, she's my sister. Chamounos. She called us. He called us. Sappiamo che Tom è qui. We know that Tom is here. We know Tom's here. Ellos le pagan bien. They pay him well. They pay him well. Il cacciatore ha ucciso un orso. The hunter killed a bear. The hunter killed a bear. Ha cambiato il suo nome in Tom. He changed his name to Tom. He changed his name to Tom. Bonjour ma biche ! Hello honey. Hello, my doe! El perro no está en el jardín. The dog is not in the garden. The dog is not in the garden. Ho pagato Silya. I paid Silya. I paid Silya. Tom scomparve tra la folla. Tom disappeared through the crowd. Tom disappeared into the crowd. Voyons ce que Tom et Mary ont à offrir. Let's see what Tom and Mary have to offer. Let's see what Tom and Mary have to offer. J'adore étudier le français. I love studying French. I love studying French. El joven muchacho corre peligro de ahogarse. The young boy is in danger of drowning. The young man is in danger of drowning. N’oublions pas de remercier Tom pour son aide. Let's not forget to thank Tom for his help. Let’s not forget to thank Tom for his help. Ele deteve-se, acenou para ela, suspirou com a mão no coração e parecia ao todo muito enamorado. He halted, waved to her, sighed with his hand on his heart, and looked altogether very lovelorn. He paused, nodded at her, sighed with his hand in his heart, and seemed very much in love. Te voy a mandar a Jesús. I will send you to Jesus. I'm sending you to Jesus. Este preocupată de sănătatea ei. She is concerned about her health. She's worried about her health. Il ne sert à rien de parler avec Tom. It's no use talking to Tom. There's no point in talking to Tom. Se comieron todas las galletas y no me dejaron ni las migajas. They ate all the cookies and didn't even leave me the crumbs. They ate all the cookies and didn't even leave me the crumbs. Cosa voleva che facessero? What did you want them to do? What did he want them to do? Nunca es bueno. It's never good. It's never good. Nuestras virtudes son, en su mayoría, sólo vicios disfrazados. Our virtues are, most often, only disguised vices. Our virtues are, for the most part, only vices in disguise. O nome de meu pai é Tom. My father's name is Tom. My father's name is Tom. ¿Dónde está Argelia? Where's Algeria? Where is Algeria? Por que ainda estamos vivos? Why are we still alive? Why are we still alive? Tom avea destule relații. Tom was too well connected. Tom had enough relationships. Baja la voz. Lower your voice. Keep your voice down. A fusão de exercícios de alongamento e fortalecimento permite aos alunos realizar movimentos que o ioga tradicional não tem — desde voar enquanto suspensos na cama-de-rede, a usar a rede para ficarem pendurados como morcegos. The fusion of stretch and strengthening exercises allows students to achieve movements that traditional yoga does not have — from flying while suspended on the hammock, to using the hammock to hang like a bat. The fusion of stretching and strengthening exercises allows students to perform movements that traditional yoga doesn’t—from flying while suspended in a hammock, to using the net to hang like bats. Tu tanben i vas ? Are you going, too? Are you still going and going? ¿Dónde habías estado hasta ahora? Where have you been? Where have you been so far? Les magasins sont bondés juste avant Noël. Stores are crowded just before Christmas. The shops are full just before Christmas. Tom e Mary dicono che non hanno studiato francese. Tom and Mary say they didn't study French. Tom and Mary say they didn't study French. Tom es un nadador muy veloz. Tom is a very fast swimmer. Tom is a very fast swimmer. O ursos comem o mel e não se importam com as abelhas. Bears eat the honey and don't care about the bees. Bears eat honey and don't care about bees. Io vengo alla vostra festa. I'm coming to your party. I'm coming to your party. Continuarei cos meus esforzos. I will continue with my efforts. I will continue with my efforts. Tom es un bruto. Tom is a brute. Tom's a brute. Tom tenía otro plan de contingencia en caso de que algo saliera mal. Tom had a back up plan in case something went wrong. Tom had another contingency plan in case something went wrong. J'ai travaillé auparavant comme traductrice. I previously worked as a translator. I have previously worked as a translator. Yanni necesita cambiar el filtro del aceite. Yanni needs to change the oil filter. Yanni needs to change the oil filter. Descrevendo as suas descobertas num estudo publicado pela revista Geologia, Menge sugere que cinzas vulcânicas com carga eléctrica provenientes da erupção devastadora provocaram um curto-circuito na ionosfera, o que produziu as nuvens que despejaram as chuvas torrenciais sobre Napoleão e as suas tropas em Waterloo. Outlining his findings in a study published by the journal Geology, Menge suggests that electrically charged volcanic ash from the devastating eruption short-circuited the ionosphere, which produced the clouds that dumped the soaking rains on Napoleon and his troops at Waterloo. Describing his findings in a study published in the journal Geology, Menge suggests that electrically charged volcanic ash from the devastating eruption caused a short circuit in the ionosphere, which produced the clouds that dumped torrential rains on Napoleon and his troops at Waterloo. Ce l'ha in verde? Do you have it in green? Do you have it in green? Non ho un computer. I don’t have a computer. I don't have a computer. Traduza a parte sublinhada. Translate the underlined part. Translate the underlined part. Dos tercios de los inmigrantes que vinieron a Alemania en 2015 venían de Asia. Two thirds of the immigrants who came to Germany in 2015 came from Asia. Two-thirds of the immigrants who came to Germany in 2015 came from Asia. Le problème est dans le moteur. The trouble lies in the engine. The problem is in the engine. Kaz-la toujou penpan. The house is always spruce. And Kaz continued to hang on. Si vous avez appris la langue de cette phrase-ci, traduisez-la dans une autre langue. If you have learnt the language of this sentence, translate it to another language. If you have learned the language of this sentence, translate it into another language. È mio zio, non mio padre. He's my uncle, not my father. He's my uncle, not my father. Estou saindo, mas vocês podem continuar trabalhando sem mim. I am leaving, but you can continue working without me. I'm leaving, but you can keep working without me. Esa es la casa de Tom. That's Tom's house. That's Tom's house. Il n'a commencé à avancer ses pions que lorsque ses pièces ont occupé leurs positions les plus fortes possibles. He began advancing his pawns only when his pieces had occupied their strongest possible positions. He only began to advance his pieces when his pieces occupied their strongest possible positions. La viande est délicieuse. The meat is delicious. The meat is delicious. Je n'écris pas à votre sujet. I'm not writing about you. I am not writing about you. Eu tinha um cachorro. I used to have a dog. I had a dog. Si je ne le fais pas, c'est parce que je n'ai pas envie de le faire. The reason I don't do it is because I don't feel like doing it. If I don't do it, it's because I don't want to do it. Ce rapport laisse à désirer. This report leaves much to be desired. This report leaves much to be desired. Avevo voglia di urlare e di piangere. I felt like screaming and crying. I wanted to scream and cry. Non riesco ad andare al centro commerciale. I can't go to the mall. I can't go to the mall. Accettò tutte le condizioni imposte dal suo ex marito. She accepted all the conditions imposed by her ex-husband. She accepted all the conditions imposed by her ex-husband. Il est propriétaire de quatre grandes fermes à Sao Paulo. He is the owner of four very big farms in the interior of Sao Paulo. He owns four large farms in Sao Paulo. Après que vous ayez mangé ? After eating? After you've eaten? Non è preciso, vero? That isn't accurate, is it? That's not accurate, is it? Non può fare a meno di avere dei dubbi su di lui. She can't help but have doubts about him. You can't help but have doubts about him. J'ai toujours payé le loyer. I've always paid the rent. I've always paid the rent. Je suppose que je dois te remercier pour cette soirée. I suppose I should thank you for this evening. I guess I should thank you for the evening. Este produto foi projetado com a máxima preocupação com a segurança. This product has been designed with the highest concern for safety. This product has been designed with the utmost concern for safety. Est-ce que beaucoup de gens résident au Brésil ? Do a lot of people live in Brazil? Do many people live in Brazil? Je me cachai derrière l'arbre. I hid behind the tree. I hid behind the tree. Vieni qui adesso. Come here now. Come here now. Je suis fourbu. I am exhausted. I'm sloppy. Tienes una pluma en el pelo. You have a feather on your hair. You have a feather in your hair. L'anglèis a l'é nèn mia lenga mare. English is not my native language. English is not my native language. Alors, c'est une solution ad hoc, elle est bonne en pratique mais théoriquement faible. Thus, this is an ad hoc solution - good in practice but theoretically weak. So, it is an ad hoc solution, it is good in practice but theoretically weak. Não sabemos o que ele fez na festa. We do not know what she did at the party. We don't know what he did at the party. Lui Tom îi place zăpada. Tom likes snow. Tom likes snow. ¿Qué esperas de un drogadicto como Sami? What do you expect from a drug addict like Sami? What do you expect from a junkie like Sami? Je me sens honteux. I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed. Je ne me sens pas bien et j'aimerais rester à la maison aujourd'hui. I'm not feeling well and would like to stay home today. I'm not feeling well and I'd like to stay home today. Mi madre es abogada. My mother is a lawyer. My mother is a lawyer. Ils l'ont harcelé de questions. They pestered him with questions. They harassed him with questions. Ce fut un désastre complet. It was a complete clusterfuck. It was a complete disaster. Tom continuou contando mentiras a Mary. Tom kept telling Mary lies. Tom kept telling Mary lies. A me piace correre quando piove. I like running when it rains. I like to run when it rains. Continuă drept înainte! Keep straight on! Keep going straight ahead! Unde este toaleta? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Ha gli occhi verdi? Do you have green eyes? Do you have green eyes? Je raffole de ce magasin. I love this store. I love this store. Ambezo inglez. I study English. I'm English. En fa tanto de mal. It hurts so much. It hurts so much. Tom dice di essere in grado di comunicare con i morti. Tom says that he is able to communicate with the dead. Tom says he's able to communicate with the dead. Je suis désolé d'appeler si tard. Je voulais juste entendre votre voix. I'm sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry to call so late, I just wanted to hear your voice. Quando se está apaixonado, deve-se dizê-lo! When you are in love, you must say it! When you're in love, you should say it! Estou com fome. I am hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Ya no nos queda nada. We don't have anything left. We have nothing left. Ele não sabe ler em inglês e muito menos em alemão. He can't read English, much less German. He can’t read in English, much less in German. Que't cau demorar au lheit. You should stay in bed. It takes a long time to heal. La niña va a la escuela, aunque quiere dormir. The girl is going to school, even though she wants to sleep. The girl goes to school, even if she wants to sleep. Nous ne devrions pas nous disputer. We shouldn't be fighting with each other. We shouldn't argue. Il mio cane abbaia quando arrivano degli estranei. My dog barks when strangers arrive. My dog barks when strangers arrive. Voi due come conoscete Tom? How do you two know Tom? How do you two know Tom? Estaremos juntos por siempre. We will be together forever. We'll be together forever. ¿Os preocupáis por el medioambiente? Do you care about the environment? Are you concerned about the environment? Tom și Mary au spus că nu au făcut-o ei. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Tom and Mary said they didn't do it. Il nostro gatto è grasso. Our cat is fat. Our cat is fat. Quando eu cheguei, todo mundo já tinha ido embora. When I arrived, everyone had already left. By the time I arrived, everyone was gone. Tom no podía ver lo que hacía Mary. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Tom couldn't see what Mary was doing. Vi scriverò presto. I will write to you soon. I'll write to you soon. C’est une poule mouillée. He is a wimp. It is a wet chicken. Maria dança para exprimir seus sentimentos. Mary dances to express her feelings. Mary dances to express her feelings. L'arnaqueur est à la recherche d'un nouveau pigeon. The con artist is looking for a new mark. The scammer is looking for a new pigeon. Tu historia no tiene trama. Your story has no plot. Your story has no plot. Je t'apporterai quelque chose à manger. I'll bring you something to eat. I'll get you something to eat. Il connaît bien M. Davidson. He knows Mr. Davidson well. He knows Mr. Davidson well. Perché pensate che sia lui? Why do you think it's him? Why do you think it's him? Je bois tant de café que je ne dors pas bien. I drink so much coffee that I don't sleep well. I drink so much coffee that I don’t sleep well. Sbrigati e vai a letto. Hurry up and go to bed. Hurry up and go to bed. ¿Tiene esto en otros colores? Do you have this in any other colors? Do you have this in other colors? Tengo una madre amable. I have a kind mother. I have a kind mother. Alergătorul a luat un start bun. The runner got a good start. The runner got off to a good start. Je désire rester dans mes quartiers. I want to stay in my quarters. I want to stay in my quarters. Il m'intrigue. He intrigues me. He intrigues me. Che tipo di fiori vuole piantare Tom? What kind of flowers does Tom want to plant? What kind of flowers does Tom want to plant? Na primavera, de um verde brilhante e coberta de flores silvestres, já em pleno verão esta pradaria tornara-se seca e amarela. In spring brightly green, and spangled with wild flowers, by midsummer this prairie had grown sere and yellow. In the spring, a bright green and covered with wildflowers, already in midsummer this prairie had become dry and yellow. Non tenerlo al contrario. Don't hold it upside down. Don't hold it the other way around. Nous sommes allées trop loin pour faire demi-tour maintenant. We've come too far to turn back now. We've gone too far to turn around now. La grève dura quarante-deux jours. The strike lasted forty-two days. The strike lasted 42 days. Sami e Layla decisero di separarsi. Sami and Layla decided to split up. Sami and Layla decided to separate. Sono sicuro di aver visto qualcosa muoversi. I'm sure I saw something moving. I'm sure I've seen something move. Tu es tellement idiote ! You're such an idiot! You're such an idiot! È passato un po' di tempo dalla nostra ultima visita. It's been a while since our last visit. It's been a while since our last visit. Non badi a Tom. Don't mind Tom. Don't mind Tom. ¿Remataches xa o traballo? Have you finished the work yet? Have you finished the work yet? Alcune parti erano mancanti. Some parts were missing. Some parts were missing. Fii întotdeauna mai deștept decât cei care te angajează. Always be smarter than people who hire you. Always be smarter than those who hire you. Cineva a spart geamul. Someone broke the window. Someone broke the window. Os pterossauros são normalmente representados em filmes como King Kong e Parque Jurássico como tendo enormes cristas ósseas no topo dos seus crânios. Pterosaurs are usually depicted in films like King Kong and Jurassic Park as having enormous bony crests on the tops of their skulls. Pterosaurs are usually depicted in films such as King Kong and Jurassic Park as having huge bony ridges on top of their skulls. Gli uomini sono crudeli. Men are cruel. Men are cruel. Ele tem uma cabeça lógica e é chato. He was so logical and boring. He's got a logical head and he's boring. Tom convenció a su madre para que le dejase el coche durante el fin de semana. Tom persuaded his mother to lend him the car for the weekend. Tom convinced his mother to leave him the car for the weekend. Este bolso no va con esos zapatos. This bag doesn't match those shoes. This bag doesn't fit those shoes. Enseignez-vous l'espéranto ? Do you teach Esperanto? Do you teach Esperanto? Ell va seguir el meu consell. He followed my advice. He followed my advice. Es muy importante obedecer las reglas de tránsito. It is very important to obey the traffic rules. It is very important to obey the traffic rules. Le système d'alarme de l'ascenseur ne fonctionnait pas. The alarm system in the lift didn't work. The elevator alarm system was not working. Hoje é domingo. Eu não trabalho. Vou ficar em casa. Today is Sunday. I do not work. I'll stay at home. Today is Sunday. I don't work. I'm staying home. Ela sentiu-se culpada porque sabia que não devia ter mentido. She felt guilty because she knew that she shouldn't have lied. She felt guilty because she knew she shouldn't have lied. Descobriu onde Tom estuda? Did you find out where Tom goes to school? Did you find out where Tom's studying? Zăpada este albă. Snow is white. The snow is white. ¿Hay algo más que quieras añadir sobre este caso? Is there anything else you'd like to add to this topic? Is there anything else you'd like to add about this case? ¿Qué es la vida sin el amor? What is life without love? What is life without love? É melhor nós começarmos. We'd better get started. We'd better get started. No tengo por qué culpar a la vejez. I have no reason to blame old age. I don't have to blame old age. Me gusta cuando llueve. ¿A ti no, Tom? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? I like it when it rains. Don't you, Tom? Connaissez-vous le garçon sur cette photo ? Do you know the boy in this picture? Do you know the boy in this picture? Seu pai morreu de câncer de pulmão há seis meses. Her father died of lung cancer six months ago. Your father died of lung cancer six months ago. Non vedo ossa rotte. I don't see any broken bones. I don't see any broken bones. Era ceva pe jos lângă ea. Ce ar fi putut fi? There was something on the ground near her. What could it have been? There was something on the floor next to it. No necesitamos ningún voluntario más, pero podríamos utilizar un poco más de dinero. We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use some more money. We don't need any more volunteers, but we could use a little more money. Tom me compró un regalo. Tom bought me a present. Tom bought me a present. Eu sou cientista político. I'm a political scientist. I'm a political scientist. Ammirammo il coraggio di Tom. We admired Tom's bravery. We admired Tom’s courage. Ele concordou em fazer o trabalho. He's agreed to do the job. He agreed to do the job. Não quero cantar agora. I don't want to sing right now. I don't want to sing now. ¡Qué hermoso lugar! What a beautiful place! What a beautiful place! El esta kon ti. He's with you. He's just like you. Elle m'aimait. She loved me. She loved me. J'ai demandé à Nancy de rester à la maison. I asked Nancy to stay at home. I asked Nancy to stay home. Indossa delle calze di seta! Wear silk socks! She's wearing silk stockings! Questa frase è formata da sette parole. This sentence has seven words in it. This phrase is made up of seven words. I vaccini riescono a fornire un po' di protezione durante la stagione dell'influenza. Vaccines can provide some protection during flu season. Vaccines can provide some protection during flu season. Por favor, no discutas con Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. Please don't argue with Tom. Deve aspettare un momento. You have to wait a moment. You have to wait a moment. Eu sabia que você não estaria lá. I knew that you wouldn't be there. I knew you wouldn't be there. Tony pode correr rápido. Tony can run fast. Tony can run fast. Ella se sentó y tomó los remos. She sat down and took up the oars. She sat down and took the oars. Non sono qua ogni giorno. I'm not here every day. I'm not here every day. Grazie per avermi invitata. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. El este vechiul meu prieten. He is my old friend. He's my old friend. Éste es el señor Smith. This is Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Smith. Tom me disse que ainda estava com medo. Tom told me that he was still afraid. Tom told me he was still scared. Je veux lui faire faire ce travail difficile. I want her to do the difficult work. I want him to do this hard work. Tom a une amie turque. Tom has a Turkish girlfriend. Tom has a Turkish friend. Je me souviens de lorsque j'avais à peu près votre âge. I remember when I was about your age. I remember when I was about your age. Neppure Google Traduttore si inventerebbe qualcosa del genere. Not even Google Translate would come up with something like this. Even Google Translate would not invent something like that. Ele visitou sua mãe. He visited his mother. He visited his mother. No esta en kaza? Isn't she at home? Isn't he in Kaza? Por que é tão complicado? Why is it so complicated? Why is it so complicated? Gestisce il ristorante. She runs the restaurant. He runs the restaurant. Le inquiline precedenti furono sfrattate. The previous tenants were evicted. The previous tenants were evicted. Tu collezioni ancora francobolli? Do you still collect stamps? Do you still collect stamps? Tom si prenderà cura di noi. Tom will take care of us. Tom will take care of us. Eu não sou Darth Vader. I'm not Darth Vader. I'm not Darth Vader. Me duele cuando lo toco. It hurts when I touch it. It hurts when I touch it. Je veux changer le cours des choses. I want to change the course of things. I want to change the course of things. La sua calligrafia è illeggibile. Your handwriting is illegible. His handwriting is illegible. Prese la penna ed iniziò a scrivere. She took the pencil and started writing. He picked up his pen and began to write. Não podemos deixá-lo lá fora. We can't just leave him out there. We can't just leave him out there. Des clichés tirés de films de science-fiction sont accrochés aux murs. Stills from science fiction films hang on the walls. Pictures taken from science fiction films are hung on the walls. Tom estava correndo um grande risco. Tom was taking a big risk. Tom was taking a big risk. Eu deveria estar no comando. I should be in charge. I should be in charge. Nu am avut idee despre faptul că Tom este aşa de bătrân. I had no idea Tom was that old. I had no idea Tom was so old. Non uccida i musulmani. Don't kill Muslims. Do not kill Muslims. Debes ayudarla. You must help her. You must help her. Tom a pris le bus pour aller à l'école. Tom took the bus to school. Tom took the bus to school. Io amerei avere la sua età. I'd love to be your age. I would love to be her age. Che ci fai qui, giovanotto? What are you doing here, young man? What are you doing here, young man? A te piacque questo gioco. You liked this game. You liked this game. Che taglia ha? What size is he? How big is it? Je ne pouvais pas entrer dans le magasin parce que toutes les portes étaient fermées. I couldn't get into the store because all the doors were locked. I could not enter the store because all the doors were closed. Quem te comprou isso? Who bought you this? Who bought you this? À quel effet en avez-vous fait l'acquisition ? What did you buy it for? To what effect did you acquire it? O mate é o objetivo final do jogo e, portanto, é o final ideal de qualquer combinação. Mate is the ultimate goal of the game and is therefore the ideal ending to any combination. The mate is the ultimate goal of the game and therefore is the ideal end of any combination. Care este cântecul dumneavoastră preferat? What is your favourite song? What is your favorite song? ¿De qué tienes miedo, tontón? What are you scared of, silly? What are you afraid of, fool? Tom vive accanto a Mary. Tom lives next door to Mary. Tom lives next door to Mary. J'irai peut-être dehors si la pluie s'arrête. I may go out if the rain lets up. Maybe I'll go outside if the rain stops. Os camaradas conhecem nossas opiniões. The comrades know our opinions. The comrades know our opinions. No servimos a la gentuza como tú. We don't serve people of your kind. We don't serve the rabble like you. Vous avez dit que vous étiez occupé. You said you were busy. You said you were busy. Lei ci aiutò con piacere. She helped us with pleasure. She helped us with pleasure. Me disfracé de mujer para que Tom no pudiera reconocerme. I disguised myself as a woman so that Tom couldn't recognise me. I disguised myself as a woman so Tom wouldn't recognize me. Non sei ancora maggiorenne. You are not yet of age. You're not of age yet. L'ADN est comme un programme informatique mais bien plus avancé que n'importe quel logiciel jamais créé. DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created. DNA is like a computer program but far more advanced than any software ever created. En el derecho consuetudinario inglés, los bienes raíces son los terrenos en propiedad más las estructuras físicas asociadas a ellos. In English common law, realty is owned land plus the physical structures associated with it. In English common law, real estate is the land owned plus the physical structures associated with it. As-tu déjà eu des complications au cours de tes grossesses précédentes ? Have you ever had any complications during past pregnancies? Have you ever had any complications during your previous pregnancies? Il n'importe pas que tu le saches. That's not important for you to know. It doesn't matter if you know. Non ho paura di me stesso. I'm not afraid of myself. I'm not afraid of myself. Je suis ! I am! I am! I am! Foi isso que ela disse. That's what she said. That's what she said. Tom è già addormentato. Tom is already asleep. Tom's already asleep. Sunt mereu sub presiune. I'm always under pressure. I'm always under pressure. Ma non comprendo. But I don't understand. But I don't understand. Hanno accettato la situazione attuale. They have accepted the current situation. They accepted the current situation. Resolvi liberar todas as minhas frases em inglês, inclusive esta. I have decided to release all my English sentences, including this one. I decided to release all my sentences in English, including this one. No pienses que me has salvado la vida. Don't think you saved my life. Don't think you saved my life. Você sabe o nome completo de Tom? Do you know Tom's full name? Do you know Tom's full name? Na história ucraniana, a cidade de Zaporíjia serviu por séculos de fortaleza durante invasões estrangeiras. In Ukrainian history, the city of Zaporizhzhia has served for centuries as a fortress during foreign invasions. In Ukrainian history, the city of Zaporizhzhia served for centuries as a fortress during foreign invasions. Noi aiutiamo i poveri. We help the poor. We help the poor. Această ţară este bogată în petrol. This country is rich in oil. This country is rich in oil. Vous n'aviez pas besoin de venir. You didn't need to come. You didn't have to come. Assieds-toi plus près de moi. Sit closer to me. Sit closer to me. Les tenailles se révélèrent bien utiles. That pair of pliers came in handy. The pliers turned out to be very useful. Espero que te recuperes pronto. Hope you'll get better soon. I hope you recover soon. Ho un dolore al petto. I have chest pain. I have chest pain. Que tipo de jogos vocês jogam? What kind of videogames do you play? What kind of games do you play? Mi tía no tiene hermanos. My aunt does not have siblings. My aunt has no brothers. El orgullo de Tom no le permite hacer preguntas. Tom's pride won't allow him to ask questions. Tom's pride doesn't allow him to ask questions. Acel gest este ofensator. That gesture is offensive. That gesture is offensive. Hei, aș putea să nu am niciun ban, dar încă mai am mândrie. Hey, I may have no money, but I still have my pride. Hey, I might not have any money, but I still have pride. Aproximativ câți kanji cunoști? Approximately how many kanji do you know? About how many kanji do you know? Ela estava sentada ao balcão comendo amendoim. She used to sit on the balcony eating peanuts. She was sitting at the counter eating peanuts. Quand a été construit cet hôpital ? When was this hospital built? When was this hospital built? Ou ké manjé. You will eat. You're a foodie. Quando si sposa tuo fratello? When is your brother getting married? When does your brother get married? ¡No sé cómo demostrarlo, ya que es tan evidente! I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! I don't know how to prove it, since it's so obvious! Iniziammo. We began. We started. Le garçon est seul. The boy is alone. The boy is alone. È andata bene, e non ero sorpreso. It went well, and I wasn't surprised. It went well, and I wasn't surprised. ¿Te ha pasado algo en la pierna? Did something happen with your leg? Did something happen to your leg? Perché sono così gentili con lui? Why are they so nice to him? Why are they so nice to him? Acel lucru ar putea fi util într-o zi. That could come in handy someday. That could be useful one day. Non scordate di aggiungere il basilico. Don't forget to add basil. Do not forget to add basil. ¿Es eso un gato? Is that a cat? Is that a cat? Quan de temps aquò preng entad anar d'ací dinc a l'ostaleria Hilton ? How long does it take to go from here to the Hilton Hotel? How long does it take to get from here to the Hilton Inn? Je ne peux pas te raconter ce que Tom m'a dit. I can't tell you what Tom told me. I can't tell you what Tom told me. « Tu peux me rendre un petit service ? » « Bien sûr, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? » "Can you do me a quick favor?" "Sure, what do you need?" “Can you do me a favor?” “Of course, what’s wrong?” Sono andato a fare una passeggiata per la città. I went for a walk around the city. I went for a walk in the city. Nós conseguimos fazer isto. We can do this. We've been able to do this. Tom sa come suonare la balalaika. Tom knows how to play the balalaika. Tom knows how to play balalaika. Io mi sono sempre chiesta cosa ci fosse nel vostro attico. I always wondered what was in your attic. I always wondered what was in your attic. La teua opinió és important per a mi. Your opinion is important to me. Your opinion is important to me. Ahí está nuestro coche. There's our car. There's our car. Il a fait fortune en spéculant en bourse. He made a killing by speculating on the stock market. He made his fortune speculating on the stock market. Vendez-lui du beurre. Sell him some butter. Sell him some butter. Tres medios son seis cuartos. Three halves is six quarters. Three means six quarters. Quanto Tom te deve? How much money does Tom owe you? How much does Tom owe you? Tom accordait une grande importance à la propreté. Tom was a stickler for cleanliness. Tom gave a lot of importance to cleanliness. J'ai quelque chose d'important à te dire. I have something important to tell you. I have something important to tell you. Meu cachorro está nadando na piscina. My dog is swimming in the pool. My dog is swimming in the pool. Erano rigide. They were strict. They were rigid. Je peux avoir ma propre chambre ? Can I have my own room? Can I have my own room? Notre professeur est fatiguée. Our teacher is tired. Our teacher is tired. A abandonat visul de a fi pilot. He gave up his dream of becoming a pilot. He abandoned his dream of being a pilot. J'étais sans voix quand elle m'a dit qu'elle voulait divorcer. I was speechless when she told me she wanted a divorce. I was speechless when she told me she wanted a divorce. Io non traduco più romanzi. I don't translate novels anymore. I don't translate novels anymore. Vous n'êtes pas censées nager ici. You aren't supposed to swim here. You're not supposed to swim here. "Està ella llegint un llibre?" "Sí." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes, she is." "Is she reading a book?" "Yes." Pune puțin lapte. Add a little milk. Put some milk. Yanni se sintió deprimido. Yanni felt depressed. Yanni felt depressed. Non so nemmeno dove vive. I don't even know where he lives. I don't even know where he lives. ¿Qué tipo de cebo usaste para atrapar estos peces? What kind of bait did you use to catch these fish? What kind of bait did you use to catch these fish? Quanto tempo levou para você escrever seu livro? How long did it take you to write your book? How long did it take you to write your book? Il nostro ufficio è proprio dietro l'angolo. Our office is around the corner. Our office is just around the corner. Cred că e vremea să-l contactez prin telefon. I think it's time for me to contact him by phone. I think it's time I contacted him by phone. Me dijo que no podía ir y yo así de "Güey, no seas mamón y ven con nosotros." He told me he can't come and I was like "Man, don't be an idiot and just come with us." He said he couldn't go, and I was like, "G<0xC3><0xBC>ey, don't be a mammon and come with us." Sorprendentemente, él resultó ser un ladrón. Surprisingly enough, he turned out to be a thief. Surprisingly, he turned out to be a thief. O líder espiritual tibetano, o dalai-lama, disse que cabe ao povo tibetano decidir se a instituição do dalai-lama se vai manter e que a China não pode decidir sobre o seu sucessor. Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has said it is up to the Tibetan people to decide whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue and that China cannot decide on his successor. The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said it was up to the Tibetan people to decide whether the Dalai Lama’s institution would stand and that China could not decide on his successor. Vamos a la tienda juntos. We're going to the store together. Let's go to the store together. Ele chegou da Austrália faz um ano. He arrived from Australia a year ago. He came from Australia a year ago. Ci prendete per idiote? Do you take us for idiots? You think we're idiots? Tom parecia surpreso quando eu o disse o que havia acontecido. Tom sounded surprised when I told him what had happened. Tom seemed surprised when I told him what had happened. ¿Consumes opiáceos como morfina, Percocet, Vicodin y OxyContin, que no te hayan prescrito? Do you use opiates like morphine, Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin, that are not prescribed to you? Do you use opioids such as morphine, Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin, which have not been prescribed to you? La tolleranza non è mai stata il tuo forte. Tolerance has never been your forte. Tolerance has never been your forte. L'Algérie a ratifié le Traité sur le droit des peuples à l'autodétermination, qui soutient, d'une part, la Palestine et le Sahara occidental uniquement parce qu'ils sont soit disant États arabo-islamiques, mais d'autre part, assassine tout opposant kabyle qui aspire à l'indépendance de la Kabylie. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara only because they are so-called Arab-Islamic States, but on the other hand, assassinates any Kabyle opponent who aspires to the independence of Kabylia. Algeria has ratified the Treaty on the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination, which supports, on the one hand, Palestine and Western Sahara solely because they are so-called Arab-Islamic States, but, on the other hand, assassinates any Kabyle opponent who aspires to the independence of Kabylia. Lui è rimasto ferito in un incidente stradale. He got injured in a traffic accident. He was injured in a car accident. Auldey este o marcă chinezească. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Não havia galáxias nem sequer estrelas, apenas gás difuso. There were no galaxies or even stars, only diffuse gas. There were no galaxies, not even stars, only diffuse gas. Tom è scaltro. Tom is sharp. Tom is smart. A Tom non piacciono gli scoiattoli. Tom doesn't like squirrels. Tom doesn't like squirrels. Ils ne savent qu'aboyer. All they know is how to bark. They only know how to bark. Vu de loin, ça ressemble à une balle. Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball. Seen from a distance, it looks like a bullet. ¿Sonaba mi teléfono? Was my phone ringing? Was my phone ringing? Há muito tempo que era tabu para qualquer político japonês discutir sobre a possibilidade do Japão se tornar numa potência nuclear, especialmente com o país situado sob a proteção do guarda-chuva nuclear dos Estados Unidos. It had long been taboo for any Japanese politician to discuss the possibility of Japan going nuclear, especially with the country sitting under the protection of the U.S. nuclear umbrella. It has long been taboo for any Japanese politician to argue about the possibility of Japan becoming a nuclear power, especially with the country under the protection of the US nuclear umbrella. Je vous suis bien obligée. I'm much obliged to you. I'm obliged to you. Tom me ayuda a ordeñar las vacas. Tom helps me milk the cows. Tom helps me milk the cows. Siete pronte a studiare il klingon? Are you ready to study Klingon? Are you ready to learn Klingon? Tom non è strano. Tom isn't weird. Tom is not strange. L'ho ripagato con la stessa moneta. I paid him back in kind. I paid it back with the same coin. O microprocessador à base de carbeto de silício é capaz de resistir à temperatura infernal bem como à pressão atmosférica esmagadora na superfície de Vénus, cerca de 90 vezes superior à da Terra. The silicon carbide-based microprocessor is able to withstand the hellish temperature as well as the crushing atmospheric pressure on Venus' surface, about 90 times that of Earth. The silicon carbide-based microprocessor is capable of withstanding the infernal temperature as well as the crushing atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus, about 90 times that of Earth. O Tom jantou sozinho. Tom ate dinner by himself. Tom had dinner alone. Eles estão a aprender inglês. They're learning English. They're learning English. O cérebro é o hardware e a mente é o software. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. No mundo inglês do século XIX, era frequentemente dito que a masturbação levaria a perda de memória e de atenção. In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to a loss of memory and attention. In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to loss of memory and attention. Sto vendendo un'auto nuova. I'm selling a new car. I'm selling a new car. Esto lleva su tiempo. It takes time. This takes time. Procure sempre colocar suas peças nas casas onde possam ser mais eficazes. Always try to place your pieces on the squares where they can be most effective. Always try to put your pieces in the houses where they can be most effective. Non dimenticare il biglietto. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Portugal foi o primeiro país no mundo a abolir a pena de morte. Portugal was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty. Portugal was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty. Las enzimas son responsables de la digestión, la respiración, la fotosíntesis y el metabolismo. Son los encargados de formarnos a todos y de mantenernos vivos. Son los motores de la vida. Enzymes are responsible for digestion, respiration, photosynthesis, and metabolism. They are responsible for forming all of us and keeping us alive. They are the engines of life. Enzymes are responsible for digestion, respiration, photosynthesis and metabolism. They are responsible for training us all and keeping us alive. They are the engines of life. A questão é qual escolher. The question is which to choose. The question is which one to choose. El policía lleva puesta una máscara de gas. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. The policeman is wearing a gas mask. Tom Jackson è l'uomo che hai incontrato l'altro giorno. Tom Jackson is the man you met the other day. Tom Jackson is the man you met the other day. No le añado azúcar al café. I don't add sugar to my coffee. I don't add sugar to coffee. La piedra blanca estaba rodeada casi por completo. Solo había un lugar desocupado adyacente. Entonces la piedra tenía una sola libertad. The white stone was almost surrounded. It was adjacent to only one unoccupied point. Thus, the stone had only one liberty. The white stone was almost completely surrounded. There was only one adjacent unoccupied place. So the stone had only one freedom. Au făcut tot ce au putut. They did all they could. They did everything they could. Você não esta ocupada agora, está? You're not busy now, are you? You're not busy right now, are you? ¿Adónde vas, joven? Where are you going, young man? Where are you going, young man? Alguns vegetais são afetados facilmente pelo etileno, incluindo os espargos, os brócolos, as couves e os pepinos. Some vegetable are easily affected by ethylene, including asparagus, broccoli, cabbage and cucumbers. Some vegetables are easily affected by ethylene, including asparagus, broccoli, kale, and cucumbers. Vocês são cidadãos americanos? Are you US citizens? Are you American citizens? A honestidade deles é duvidosa. Their honesty is dubious. Their honesty is doubtful. Quer que eu o instale para você? Do you want me to install it for you? Do you want me to install it for you? Gostaria de comprar um Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. I'd like to buy a Picasso. Mentre l'IA sondava i limiti del gioco che avevano passato la vita a padroneggiare, i più grandi giocatori del mondo hanno fatto quello che potevano: hanno guardato e imparato. As AI probed the limits of the game they had spent their lives mastering, the world's greatest players did what they could: watched and learned. As AI probed the limits of the game they had spent their lives mastering, the world’s greatest players did what they could: they watched and learned. Siete vaccinati? Are you vaccinated? Are you vaccinated? Elles les aiment. They love them. They love them. Tom nacque su una nave. Tom was born on a ship. Tom was born on a ship. Os números serão sempre estranhos para Toki Pona. Numbers will always be strange to Toki Pona. The numbers will always be strange to Toki Pona. Me lavo e moen tante vòtte a-o giorno. I wash my hands many times a day. I wash and dry several times a day. Toată lumea are un tată și o mamă. Everyone has a father and a mother. Everyone has a father and a mother. ¿Dónde está el resto? Where's the rest? Where's the rest? Mes parents m'ont envoyé une carte postale. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. Guardate! Un aereo! Look! An airplane! Look, a plane! Soy judía francesa. I'm a French Jew. I'm a French Jew. Unii dintre elevi au lipsit din cauza gripei. Some of the pupils were absent because of flu. Some of the students were absent because of the flu. A correlação quântica transcende o espaço-tempo. Quantum correlation transcends spacetime. Quantum correlation transcends space-time. Se há peixes em Netuno, são certamente gasosos. If there are fish on Neptune, they are certainly gaseous. If there are fish on Neptune, they are certainly gaseous. No sobrealimentes a tu perro. Don't overfeed your dog. Do not overfeed your dog. Un homme est venu te voir la nuit dernière. A man called on you last night. A man came to see you last night. Avez-vous déjà partagé des aiguilles lorsque vous utilisiez des drogues intraveineuses ? Have you ever shared needles when you used IV drugs? Have you ever shared needles while using intravenous drugs? David, de nove meses, ajoelha-se, rasteja em direção a um biberão com leite no balcão e começa a choramingar. Nine-month-old David drops to his knees, crawls toward a bottle of milk on the counter and begins to whimper. Nine-month-old David kneels, crawls toward a bottle of milk on the counter, and starts whining. Je vais devoir changer mes plans. I'll have to change my plans. I'm gonna have to change my plans. Non siamo come Tom. We're not like Tom. We're not like Tom. Ziri è diventato un cacciatore. Ziri has become a hunter. Ziri has become a hunter. Désolé, j'ai dû composer le mauvais numéro. Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry, I had to dial the wrong number. Non credo che nessun altro abbia notato che sei andato via presto. I don't think anyone else noticed you leaving early. I don't think anyone else noticed that you left early. Trebuie să ajungem acolo repede și primii. We have to get there fast and first. We have to get there fast and first. La société a coulé à cause d'un manque de capitaux. The firm went under due to lack of capital. The company sank because of a lack of capital. Va da sé che aveva mani e piedi curati. It goes without saying that she had manicured hands and feet. It goes without saying that he had healed hands and feet. Siamo abituate al freddo. We're used to the cold. We are used to the cold. Passamos a noite em um hotel barato. We spent the night in a cheap hotel. We spent the night in a cheap hotel. Non sapevo cosa avrei trovato qui. I didn't know what I'd find here. I didn't know what I'd find here. Io incontrai Tom a Boston. I met Tom in Boston. I met Tom in Boston. Je ne trouve pas la salle de bain. I can't find the bathroom. I can't find the bathroom. Quanto mais eu trabalho, menos durmo. The more I work, the less I sleep. The more I work, the less I sleep. La profesora de portugués es muy exigente. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. The Portuguese teacher is very demanding. Mi korason esta en el este, i yo esto en la fin del oeste. My heart is in the East, and I am at the end of the West. My korason is in the east, and I this in the end of the west. Vedi una volpe? Do you see a fox? You see a fox? Per favore, lasciatemi parlare. Please let me speak. Please, let me talk. Tom me convidou pessoalmente. Tom invited me personally. Tom invited me personally. Ficou magoado com o que Tom disse? Were you hurt by what Tom said? Were you hurt by what Tom said? Je dois recommencer à zéro. I need to start again from zero. I have to start over. Si la máquina está dañada, tú eres responsable. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. If the machine is damaged, you are responsible. Traduzir uma frase a Toki Pona equivale a exprimir-lhe o sentido em termos concretos e de maneira bastante simples. Translating a sentence into Toki Pona is equivalent to expressing its meaning in concrete terms and in a very simple way. To translate a sentence to Toki Pona is equivalent to expressing its meaning in concrete terms and in a very simple way. Déjame que lo haga. Let me do this. Let me do it. Ele perdera a sua flauta numa rixa na aldeia e sendo demasiado pobre para comprar um novo instrumento teve de se contentar em relatar lendas maravilhosas sobre os deuses e contos emocionantes sobre o povo da selva. He had lost his flute in a village brawl, and being too poor to buy a new instrument had to content himself in relating wonderful legends concerning the gods, and stirring tales about the jungle people. He had lost his flute in a feud in the village and being too poor to buy a new instrument he had to content himself with recounting wonderful legends about the gods and thrilling tales about the people of the jungle. Nous n'étions pas et ne sommes pas un couple. Neither were we neither are we a couple. We were not and are not a couple. En Plutón el hielo se convierte directamente en gas y esto se conoce como sublimación. On Pluto, ice turns directly into gas and this is called sublimation. On Pluto, ice is converted directly into gas and this is known as sublimation. Lo so che Tom e Mary sono gentili. I know that Tom and Mary are nice. I know Tom and Mary are kind. Aimez-vous ce jardin ? Do you like this garden? Do you like this garden? Desde que utilizado criteriosamente, o tradutor Google é um instrumento valioso para os trabalhos de tradução de qualquer pessoa que tenha razoável conhecimento das línguas de partida e de destino com que esteja lidando. As long as it is used judiciously, the Google translator is a valuable tool for the translation work of anyone who has reasonable knowledge of the source and target languages they are dealing with. As long as used judiciously, the Google translator is a valuable tool for the translation work of anyone who has reasonable knowledge of the source and target languages they are dealing with. O vocabulário de Toki Pona tem de ser quase todo construído com base em pouco mais de cem palavras escolhidas como básicas pela inventora dessa língua tão minimalista. Os usuários vivem a quebrar a cabeça para encontrar soluções minimamente lógicas. Toki Pona's vocabulary has to be almost entirely built on just over a hundred words chosen as basic by the inventor of this minimalist language. Users keep racking their brains to find minimally logical solutions. The vocabulary of Toki Pona has to be almost all built on the basis of just over a hundred words chosen as basic by the inventor of this language so minimalist. Users live to break their heads to find minimally logical solutions. Je regardais un match de football. I was watching a soccer match. I was watching a football game. ¡Compra! Buy! Buy it! Arrête de cracher ! Stop spitting! Stop spitting! Drumul de acces este blocat de un copac căzut. The access road is blocked by a fallen tree. The access road is blocked by a fallen tree. Envie-me seu novo endereço por e-mail. Send me your new address by email. Send me your new address by e-mail. Vamos ver se nós conseguimos abrir essa porta. Let's see if we can get this door open. Let's see if we can open that door. È un uomo o una donna? Is that a man or a woman? Is it a man or a woman? Hi ha dues milles d'aquí al parc. It is two miles from here to the park. It's two miles from here to the park. Rima e Skura pagarono Silya. Rima and Skura paid Silya. Rima and Skura paid Silya. “Muito inesperado”, disse na altura um alto funcionário das forças armadas norte-americanas, ao descrever aquilo a que ele chamou “a magnitude de humanidade” que brota do último resquício de território do grupo terrorista. “Very much unanticipated,” a senior U.S. defense official said at the time, describing what he called “the magnitude of humanity” flowing out of the terror group’s final shred of territory. “Very unexpected,” a senior U.S. military official said at the time, describing what he called “the magnitude of humanity” that springs from the terrorist group’s last remnant of territory. Mon grand-père conte des centaines d'anecdotes. My grandfather tells hundreds of anecdotes. My grandfather tells hundreds of anecdotes. Devo vedere la mia famiglia. I need to see my family. I need to see my family. Mi novio trabaja en una escuela de idiomas y lo adora. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works at a language school and loves it. Hola, pareces un poco perdido. Yo soy Anna. ¿Cómo te llamas? Hello, you look a bit lost. I'm Anna. What's your name? Hi, you seem a little lost. I'm Anna. What's your name? J'apportais un peu bois à Tom. I brought Tom some wood. I brought Tom some wood. J'ai les cheveux trop longs. My hair is too long. My hair is too long. Tom una volta mangiava fuori ogni giorno, però adesso non può permetterselo. Tom used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford to. Tom used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford it. Soyez prudents ! Be careful. Be careful! Sua irmã estuda aí? Does your sister study there? Is your sister studying there? Je ne priais pas contre vous ; je priais pour vous. I was not praying against you; I was praying for you. I wasn't praying against you; I was praying for you. Esas son mis cosas. Those are my things. Those are my things. Urăsc iarna. I hate winter. I hate winter. Le cadeau exprime mes sentiments. The gift is expressive of my feelings. The gift expresses my feelings. Era a soli pochi isolati da casa sua. It was only a few blocks away from his own house. It was only a few blocks from his house. No estoy seguro de ganar el juego esta vez. I am not sure of winning the game this time. I'm not sure I'll win the game this time. Você não parece convencido. You don't sound convinced. You don't seem convinced. Puedes ganar todas las batallas, pero perder la guerra. You can win all the battles yet lose the war. You can win every battle, but you can lose the war. Oggi tutte le strade per la città sono chiuse. All the roads to the city are closed today. Today all roads to the city are closed. Las flores están en el florero. The flowers are in the vase. The flowers are in the vase. Non fumate qui dentro. Don't smoke in here. Don't smoke in here. Il est assez âgé pour conduire une voiture. He is old enough to drive a car. He's old enough to drive a car. Não gostaríamos de te perder. We wouldn't like to lose you. We wouldn't want to lose you. Questa idea è ridicola. This idea is ridiculous. This idea is ridiculous. Il entendit un cri. He heard a shout. He heard a scream. Benvenuta nella famiglia. Welcome to the family. Welcome to the family. Nous utilisons l'Internet tout le temps. We use the Internet all the time. We use the internet all the time. ¿Tiene dolor al orinar? Do you have pain when urinating? Do you have pain when urinating? Il est préférable de ne rien dire de lui ou d'elle. It's better not to say anything about either him or her. It is better not to say anything about him or her. Rima è quasi annegata. Rima almost drowned. Rima is almost drowned. Mantenete la vostra promessa! Keep your promise! Keep your promise! Llevamos más de 300 horas trabajando en esto. We've spent more than 300 hours working on this. We've been working on this for over 300 hours. Sei arrossito? Did you blush? Are you flushed? Le chiavi sono nel guardaroba. The keys are in the wardrobe. The keys are in the wardrobe. Montre-moi tes mains. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. He fet un vestit nou per a mon fill. I made my son a new suit. I made a new dress for my son. M-am distrat bine noaptea trecută. I enjoyed myself last night. I had a good time last night. Avez-vous déjà pris votre médication ? Have you taken your medicine yet? Have you ever taken your medication? Jim miró a izquierda y derecha antes de cruzar la calle. Jim looked left and right before he crossed the road. Jim looked left and right before crossing the street. Ken était en train de lire quand je suis rentrée à la maison. Ken was reading when I came home. Ken was reading when I got home. Zâmbește! Smile! Smile! Duas retas paralelas são equidistantes. Two parallel lines are equidistant. Two parallel lines are equidistant. Ta sœur aime bien regarder la lutte sumo à la télé. Your sister enjoys watching sumo wrestling on TV. Your sister likes to watch sumo wrestling on TV. Tom comeu todo o pão que eu comprei ontem. Tom ate all the bread that I bought yesterday. Tom ate all the bread I bought yesterday. Une combinaison est une série planifiée de mouvements destinés à forcer certaines réponses de l'adversaire et à le conduire dans une position indésirable. A combination is a planned series of moves that are intended to force certain responses from the opponent, and lead them into an undesirable position. A combination is a planned series of movements intended to force certain responses of the opponent and lead him into an undesirable position. Eu disse pra colocar o lixo na lixeira agora. I said put the trash in the trash now. I told you to put the trash in the bin now. Tom nu este rabin. Tom isn't a rabbi. Tom's not a rabbi. Russo é muito difícil de aprender. Russian is very difficult to learn. Russian is very difficult to learn. Je suis foutu. I'm fucked. I'm screwed. L'acqua non ha sapore. Water has no taste. The water has no taste. Obrigado por me ajudar com o jantar. Thanks for helping with dinner. Thanks for helping me out with dinner. Le serve la chiave? Do you need the key? Do you need the key? Odio vivir en una gran ciudad. I hate living in a big city. I hate living in a big city. Ama la vita facile. He loves the easy life. She loves the easy life. Eu pensava que o Tom e a Mary eram eletricistas. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. I thought Tom and Mary were electricians. Tom ha capito tutto? Did Tom understand everything? Did Tom understand everything? É hora de aprender alemão. It's time to learn German. It's time to learn German. La mia bambina è affamata. My child is hungry. My little girl is hungry. Je n'en crois rien. I don't believe any of it. I don't think so. A mesa é feita de madeira. The desk is made of wood. The table is made of wood. ¡Que Dios te oiga! From your lips to God's ears! God hear you! Dov'è la mia camicia bianca? Where's my white shirt? Where's my white shirt? Conosciamo entrambe Tom. We both know Tom. We both know Tom. T'es givrée ! You're nuts! You're freezing! No ha asumido la responsabilidad del fracaso del equipo. He had not accepted responsibility for the failure of the team. He did not take responsibility for the team’s failure. So chi è il mio nemico. I know who my enemy is. I know who my enemy is. Tom tenía algo de lo que necesitaba conversar con Mary. Tom had something he needed to talk to Mary about. Tom had something he needed to talk to Mary about. Yanni lo está haciendo bien. Yanni is doing good. Yanni is doing well. La yema es la parte amarilla. The yolk is the yellow part. The yolk is the yellow part. Io sono sicuro del suo successo. I'm sure of his success. I am sure of its success. Tu ordenador personal es idéntico al mío. Your personal computer is identical with mine. Your personal computer is identical to mine. Vemos o Tom de vez em quando, We often see Tom. We see Tom from time to time, Acest ceas ţi-e destinat. This watch is meant for you. This watch is meant for you. Mi è venuta voglia di ciliegie. I got a craving for cherries. I wanted cherries. El ten un can. He has a dog. He has a dog. Você pode cuidar do bebê esta tarde? Can you look after the baby this afternoon? Can you take care of the baby this afternoon? Eu acho que vi um óvni ontem à noite. I think I saw a UFO last night. I think I saw a UFO last night. Parce que les plantes utilisent de l'eau en continu, mais dans la plupart des endroits, il ne pleut qu'occasionnellement, la capacité de rétention d'eau des sols est essentielle à la survie des plantes. Because plants use water continuously, but in most places it rains only occasionally, the water-holding capacity of soils is essential for plant survival. Because plants use water continuously, but in most places it only occasionally rains, the water-holding capacity of soils is essential to the survival of plants. Se o ritmo estiver bom, a frase está certa. If it's rhythm is fine, the sentence is all right. If the rhythm is good, the sentence is right. Esta es una situación absurda. This is an absurd situation. This is an absurd situation. Je n'ai rien trouvé du tout. I didn't find a single thing. I couldn't find anything. Portate del vino. Bring wine. Bring some wine. Volevo ritornare al suo villaggio. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to his village. Ella se fue sin ni siquiera decirnos adiós. She went away without so much as saying good-bye to us. She left without even saying goodbye. Je pensais être heureuse. I thought I was happy. I thought I was happy. Tom deixou Mary ir a Boston com John. Tom let Mary go to Boston with John. Tom let Mary go to Boston with John. Sami amava Deus. Sami loved God. Sami loved God. Sócrates foi levado a julgamento sob a alegação de que estava corrompendo a juventude. Socrates was arraigned on the ground that he was corrupting the young. Socrates was put on trial on the claim that he was corrupting youth. Fale com confiança. Speak with confidence. Speak with confidence. Tengo ardor de estómago. I have heartburn. I have heartburn. Esta iconografía es típica del arte rupestre. This iconography is typical of cave art. This iconography is typical of rock art. Por que você bebeu? Why did you drink? Why did you drink? Quanti documenti devi tradurre? How many documents do you have to translate? How many documents do you need to translate? Non fingere che io non esista. Don't pretend I don't exist. Don't pretend I don't exist. Os preços da Sony tendem a ser mais elevados do que os da concorrência, mas os consumidores poupados e a deflação no Japão estão a obrigá-la a repensar a sua estratégia de preços. Sony's prices tend to be higher than its competition, but Japan's thrifty consumers and deflation are forcing it to rethink its pricing strategy. Sony’s prices tend to be higher than those of the competition, but the saved consumers and deflation in Japan are forcing it to rethink its pricing strategy. Nous comprenons déjà cela. We understand that already. We already understand that. Parce que je l’aimais, je ne l’ai pas épousée. Because I loved her, I didn't marry her. Because I loved her, I didn’t marry her. È vero che sei innamorato di Tom? Is it true that you're in love with Tom? Is it true you're in love with Tom? Un buen sacrificio es un sacrificio que no lo es. A good sacrifice is a sacrifice that is not. A good sacrifice is a sacrifice that is not. Mi sedetti sul divano. I sat down on the sofa. I sat on the couch. Que veut dire administration ? What does administration mean? What does administration mean? Je suggère que tu quittes le bureau à 15h. I suggest that you leave the office at 3pm. I suggest you leave the office at 3:00. David a adopté Barbara. David adopted Barbara. David adopted Barbara. Gracias por enseñarme tantas cosas. Thank you for teaching me so many things. Thank you for teaching me so much. La France va laminer Cristiano Ronaldo et le Portugal. France is going to steamroll Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal. France will beat Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal. Provate a sorridere. Try smiling. Try to smile. Il mercoledì è il terzo giorno della settimana. Wednesday is the third day of the week. Wednesday is the third day of the week. Ceux-ci sont des raisins sans pépins. These are seedless grapes. These are grapes without seeds. Poate că ai dreptate. You might be right. Maybe you're right. Il a eu un problème en se garant. He had a problem while parking. He had a problem making sure. In che modo una singola cellula crea un essere vivente che alla fine acquisirà la sua forma specifica? How does a single cell create a living being that will ultimately acquire its specific form? How does a single cell create a living being that will eventually acquire its specific form? Sono stato costretto a vegliare tutta la notte per alimentare il fuoco. I was compelled to watch the entire night feeding the fire. I was forced to stay up all night to feed the fire. Qual é o acordo? What is the agreement? What's the deal? Tom ha perso due libri della biblioteca. Tom has lost two library books. Tom lost two books from the library. Ahora es tu momento. Now is your time. Now it's your turn. ¡Entiendo! I understand! I get it! Ele veio correndo para a reunião. He came running to the meeting. He came running to the meeting. Tu peux me préparer un casse-croûte ? Can you make me a snack? Can you make me a snack? L'ingénieur n'a trouvé aucun problème technique sur l'avion. The engineer did not find any technical problem on the airplane. The engineer found no technical problems on the plane. Yo me encargo de lo demás. I can take care of the rest. I'll take care of the rest. Sers-t'en tant que tu en as besoin. Grab as much as you need. Use it when you need it. Tom no ha comido durante días. Tom hasn't eaten in days. Tom hasn't eaten for days. ¿Te gustan los muebles del IKEA? Do you like IKEA furniture? Do you like IKEA furniture? Sapevi che Tom era ambidestro? Did you know Tom was ambidextrous? Did you know Tom was ambidextrous? Hay viento y llueve. It's windy and it's raining. There is wind and rain. Non siamo quasi mai a casa. We're almost never home. We're hardly ever home. No dejes que el celular se moje. Don't get the phone wet. Do not let the phone get wet. Mon pénis est en érection. My penis is fully erect. My penis is erect. Je dirai à Tom de rester dehors. I'll tell Tom to stay outside. I'll tell Tom to stay outside. Ordinò della pizza. He ordered pizza. He ordered pizza. Pot să vorbesc cu doamna Brown? May I talk to Ms. Brown? May I speak to Mrs. Brown? C'était chaud dans tous les sens du mot. It was hot in every sense of the word. It was hot in every sense of the word. Si us plau, corregeix-me si m'equivoco. Please correct me if I make a mistake. Please correct me if I am wrong. Disse che oggi non sarei neanche dovuto venire. He said that I shouldn't even be coming in today. He said I shouldn't even come today. Necesítoo para mañá. I need it by tomorrow. I need it for tomorrow. Non sa nemmeno pronunciare delle frasi di senso compiuto. He can't even pronounce complete sentences. He doesn't even know how to say catchy phrases. Nous avons étudié le français ensemble. We studied French together. We studied French together. De nombreux jeunes travailleront dans les hôtels locaux en été. Many young people will work at the local hotels in the summer. Many young people will work in local hotels in the summer. Non ha cambiato niente. That didn't change anything. He hasn't changed a thing. Tom fece un gesto. Tom gestured. Tom made a gesture. ¿Por qué te molestaste siquiera? Why did you even bother? Why did you even bother? No puedo prometer nada pero intentaré conseguirlo por todos los medios. I won't make any promises, but I'll do whatever it takes to try and do it. I can’t promise anything, but I will try to achieve it by all means. L'herbe est toujours plus verte dans le jardin du voisin. The grass is always greener in the neighbor's yard. The grass is always greener in the neighbor's garden. Le génome est l'ensemble complet des gènes présents sur les chromosomes de chaque cellule d'un être vivant. The genome is the complete set of genes found in the chromosomes of every cell in a living being. The genome is the complete set of genes present on the chromosomes of each cell of a living being. Tom não irá fazer isso. Tom isn't going to do that. Tom won't do that. En Tom està interessat en la literatura francesa. Tom is interested in French literature. Tom is interested in French literature. A que distrito pertence este número? Which district does this number belong to? Which district does this number belong to? Tom está esperando por Mary no bar. Tom is waiting for Mary at the bar. Tom's waiting for Mary at the bar. Mai de la vida no he vist una cosa així! I've never seen such a thing in my life, not once! I have never seen anything like this in my life! Ayer conocí a uno de los mejores actores de nuestra generación. Yesterday I met one of the greatest actors of our generation. Yesterday I met one of the best actors of our generation. Avez-vous fréquemment mal aux oreilles ? Do you have frequent earaches? Do you frequently have pain in your ears? El dinero no es todo. Money is not everything. Money isn't everything. Je suis aveugle de l'œil gauche. I'm blind in the left eye. I am blind in my left eye. ¿Cada cuánto tiempo cambias tu contraseña? How often do you change your password? How often do you change your password? Quando eu cheguei, todo mundo já tinha partido. When I arrived, everyone had already left. When I arrived, everyone had already left. Tom dice que no cree que sea posible hacer eso. Tom says he doesn't think it's possible to do that. Tom says he doesn't think it's possible to do that. Lo sai che non ho detto nulla del genere. You know I said no such thing. You know I didn't say anything like that. Non la volevo uccidere. I didn't want to kill her. I didn't want to kill her. El terra era cobert de neu. The ground was covered in snow. The ground was covered with snow. Volete un bicchiere? Ce n'è uno sul tavolo. Do you want a glass? There is one on the table. There's one on the table. Honestament, jo estaria mentint si digués que mai em penediria de les meves decisions ràpides. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I never regret my sudden decisions. Honestly, I would be lying if I said I would never regret my quick decisions. Mes parents peuvent être fiers de moi. My parents shall be proud of me. My parents can be proud of me. Non mi importa se mi eviti. I don't care if you shun me. I don't care if you avoid me. Ils ont parlé tous les deux en même temps. They both spoke at the same time. They both spoke at the same time. Eu estou no nosso time de futebol do ensino médio. I am on our high school soccer team. I'm on our high school football team. Non aveva soldi per comprare la fattoria. He had no money to buy the farm. He had no money to buy the farm. Quando você aprendeu a nadar? When did you learn to swim? When did you learn to swim? A informação é relevante. The information is relevant. The information is relevant. Él es un hombre paciente. He's a patient man. He is a patient man. A própria charneca é uma massa de granito sublevada em dias pré-glaciares, desgastada por inúmeros séculos formando superfícies ondulantes, perfurada por picos rochosos dentados, e manchada por grandes extensões de pauis e turfeiras. The moorland itself is a mass of granite upheaved in pre-glacial days, weathered by countless centuries into undulating surfaces, pierced by jagged tors, and interspersed with large patches of bog and peat-mire. The heath itself is a mass of granite stirred up on pre-glacial days, worn down for countless centuries forming undulating surfaces, punctured by jagged rocky peaks, and stained by large expanses of boulders and peat bogs. Gostamos de suas roupas, com exceção de suas botas. We like your clothes, except for your boots. We like your clothes, except for your boots. Le jeu s'est terminé au moment où les deux joueurs ont décidé qu'il n'y avait plus de mouvement à faire. The game ended when the two players decided that there was no other move to make. The game ended when both players decided there was no more movement to make. Tu pensi che Tom sarà ancora in ritardo? Do you think that Tom will be late again? You think Tom's gonna be late again? L'industrie naissante de la réalité virtuelle a encore du mal à s'imposer auprès du grand public. The nascent VR industry is still having trouble breaking into the mainstream. The emerging virtual reality industry is still struggling to gain traction with the general public. S-a dus la ușă și a deschis-o. She went to the door and opened it. He went to the door and opened it. Non ne capisce nulla di calcio. She doesn't understand anything about football. He doesn’t know anything about football. ¿Me podrías cambiar? Could you change me? Could you change me? Les garçons et les filles jouent au football ensemble. Boys and girls are playing soccer together. Boys and girls play football together. Te-am văzut împreună cu Tom în parc. I saw you with Tom in the park. I saw you and Tom in the park. Elles s'accordèrent pour travailler ensemble. They agreed to work together. They agreed to work together. Mi può portare a casa? Can you take me home? Can you take me home? Há muitos anos, em Brasília, participei de uma simultânea contra o Grande Mestre Henrique Mecking, mais conhecido pelo carinhoso diminutivo Mequinho. Não me lembro de quantos eram os tabuleiros, mas sei que não ofereci muita resistência e, como era de esperar, perdi a partida. Many years ago, in Brasília, I participated in a simultaneous against Grand Master Henrique Mecking, better known for the affectionate diminutive Mequinho. I don't remember how many boards were there, but I know I didn't offer much resistance and, as expected, I lost the game. Many years ago, in Brasilia, I participated in a simultaneous against the Grand Master Henrique Mecking, better known by the affectionate diminutive Mequinho. I do not remember how many were the boards, but I know that I did not offer much resistance and, as expected, I lost the match. L'acqua è stata trovata nei polmoni del cadavere. The water was found in the dead man's lungs. The water was found in the lungs of the corpse. Sexo e amor são coisas diferentes. Sex and love are different. Sex and love are different things. Ziri ha un problema con il suo computer. Ziri has a problem with his computer. Ziri has a problem with his computer. De fapt care e secretul lui Tom? Just what is Tom's secret? Actually, what's Tom's secret? Giro per casa nudo. I walk around the house naked. I walk around the house naked. Écrivez avec un stylo, s'il vous plaît. Write with a pen, please. Write with a pen, please. Ce n'est pas la matière qui engendre la pensée, mais la pensée qui engendre la matière. It is not matter that generates thought, but thought that generates matter. It is not matter that begets thought, but thought that begets matter. Vos avlash Ladino? Do you speak Ladino? Your Ladino avlash? O să corectez tema mâine. I'm going to correct the homework tomorrow. I'll correct the subject tomorrow. Eu vou ficar com vocês até que o Tom chegue aqui. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. I'll stay with you guys until Tom gets here. S’il vous plaît, pouvez-vous me donner votre nom ? Please tell me your name. Please, can you give me your name? Je n'étais pas présent à cette réunion. I wasn't present at that meeting. I was not present at that meeting. Leila voltou para o Cairo. Layla headed back to Cairo. Leila's back in Cairo. Para mí es chino. It is all Greek to me. For me, it's Chinese. O Tom tem um bom emprego. Tom has a great job. Tom's got a good job. Musulmanii predomină aici. Muslims predominate here. Muslims predominate here. No creo que pueda aprobar el examen. I don't think I can pass the exam. I don't think I can pass the exam. Tout bien considéré, c’est probablement une meilleure entame. All things considered, it is probably a better approach. All things considered, it’s probably a better start. En Sami vivia en una casa embruixada. Sami lived in a haunted house. Sami lived in a haunted house. On doit préparer le déjeuner. We need to prepare lunch. We have to prepare lunch. Nous n'avons pas été payés, cette semaine. We didn't get paid this week. We didn't get paid this week. Trois jours après la mort, les cheveux et les ongles continuent à pousser mais les appels téléphoniques se font plus rares. For three days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow but phone calls taper off. Three days after death, hair and nails continue to grow but phone calls are rarer. O astronauta encontrou um organismo inteligente. The astronaut found an intelligent organism. The astronaut found an intelligent organism. "Hai un cane?" "No." "Do you have a dog?" "No." "Do you have a dog?" "No." Prendi quante pesche vuoi. Take as many peaches as you want. Take as many peaches as you want. La luz de un nuevo día se filtraba a través de las capas de niebla. The light of a new day trickled through the layers of fog. The light of a new day filtered through the layers of fog. Quiero una escultura. I want a sculpture. I want a sculpture. ¿Vives también en esta calle? Do you live on this street, too? Do you also live on this street? Studiate inglese? Do you study English? Do you study English? Fermatelo! Stop him! Stop him! Marie a deux belles joues rouges. Mary has two beautiful red cheeks. Marie has two beautiful red cheeks. Aș fi făcut-o altfel. I would have done it differently. I would have done it differently. Siate più severi con lui. Be stricter with him. Be tougher on him. Alguien salió. Someone came out. Someone's out. Comprai un albero di Natale. I bought a Christmas tree. I bought a Christmas tree. Ero impegnata a lavorare. I was busy working. I was busy working. I capelli di papà sono diventati grigi. Father's hair has turned gray. Dad's hair has turned gray. Que é aquilo do outro lado da rua? What is that across the street? What's that on the other side of the street? O senhor não pode estacionar aqui porque há uma placa. You can't park here, because there is a sign. You can't park here because there's a sign. Portons un toast à l'invité d'honneur ! Let's toast the guest of honor! Let's toast to the guest of honor! Je fus ravi par la performance du groupe. I was enchanted by the performance of the group. I was impressed with the group’s performance. Date cuenta que tienes un espacio de sobra entre las 2 palabras. Note that you have an extra space between these two words. Notice that you have plenty of space between the two words. Me golpeó con el codo. He hit me with his elbow. He hit me with his elbow. Leggo un libro. I am reading a book. I read a book. Que copèc la cadiera entà hèr buscalha. He broke up the chair for firewood. What a smirk to look for. Per favore, non mi comprate nulla per il mio compleanno. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. Norman Baade de São José, no Missouri, diz que já esteve em África várias vezes e que ficou impressionado com uma foto de duas chitas juvenis a perseguir uma cria de cabra-de-leque. Norman Baade of St. Joseph, Missouri says he has been to Africa several times and was impressed by a photo of two young cheetahs chasing a springbok fawn. Norman Baade of St. Joseph, Missouri, says he has been to Africa several times and was impressed by a photo of two juvenile cheetahs chasing a baby goat. Tom no hace nada de lo que le pido. Tom doesn't do anything I ask him to do. Tom doesn't do anything I ask. É tão lenta quanto uma tartaruga. She is as slow as a turtle. It's as slow as a turtle. Em Atenas comprei um papagaio que só fala Grego. In Athens, I bought a parrot that only speaks Greek. In Athens I bought a parrot that only speaks Greek. Era de Tom. It was Tom's. It was Tom's. Il y a quelques poires dans la boite. There are some pears in the box. There are some pears in the box. Ai chef să joci tenis în această după-amiază? Do you feel like playing tennis this afternoon? Do you want to play tennis this afternoon? Folosim transportul public. We use public transport. We use public transportation. Penso che si siano appena svegliati. I think they just woke up. I think they just woke up. Os primeiros enxadristas que eu aprendi a admirar foram Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer e Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer, and Mecking. The first chess players I learned to admire were Capablanca, Alekhine, Botwinnik, Tal, Fischer and Mecking. Há uma pizza na mesa. There is a pizza on the table. There's a pizza on the table. Îți mulțumesc foarte mult pentru ajutor. Thank you very much for your help. Thank you very much for your help. Jacques ha il suo libro. E voi? Jacques has his book. What about you? Jacques has his book. Non siamo ancora pronti per ordinare. We're not ready to order yet. We are not ready to order yet. Pleci? You're leaving? You're leaving? Quem dançará esta noite? Who will dance tonight? Who's dancing tonight? No soy tu juguete. I am not your toy. I'm not your toy. Dicci com'è capitata, Tom. Tell us how it happened, Tom. Tell us how it happened, Tom. Il giudice respinse l'obiezione. The judge overruled the objection. The judge rejected the objection. Você sabe o nome do pai de Tom? Do you know Tom's father's name? Do you know the name of Tom's father? Una persona felice ha successo nella vita. A happy person succeeds in life. A happy person succeeds in life. Quiero tener un gato en vez de un perro. I want to keep a cat instead of a dog. I want to have a cat instead of a dog. Acerbaixán chámase «Azərbaycan» en azarí. Azerbaijan is called "Azərbaycan" in Azeri. Azerbaijani is called "Az<0xC9><0x99>rbaycan" in Azerbaijani. Mary mora em Boston com sua mãe. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Mary lives in Boston with her mother. Ni siquiera sé quien es Tom. I don't even know who Tom is. I don't even know who Tom is. Acuérdate de mí. Remember me. Just remember me. ¿Por qué estás tan triste? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Tom invocou um demônio. Tom summoned a demon. Tom summoned a demon. Elles m'ont oubliée. They forgot me. They forgot about me. Indianápolis teve uma última oportunidade com a bola, mas uma falha de Manning acabou com qualquer esperança para os Colts. Indianapolis got one last chance with the ball, but a fumble by Manning ended any hopes for the Colts. Indianapolis had one last shot with the ball, but a failure by Manning dashed any hope for the Colts. Dove le hai spruzzate? Where did you spatter them? Where did you spray them? Mary tuvo un niño. Mary had a boy. Mary had a child. Pourquoi on ne peut pas aller avec toi ? Why can't we go with you? Why can't we go with you? Combien de temps as-tu dormi la nuit dernière ? How long did you sleep last night? How long did you sleep last night? Ayer estaba demasiado enfermo para ir a la escuela. I was too sick to go to school yesterday. Yesterday I was too sick to go to school. Tom parla il francese canadese. Tom speaks Canadian French. Tom speaks Canadian French. El pastor dice que Jesús no ha vuelto aún porque la gente todavía no ha donado dinero suficiente. The pastor says Jesus hasn't returned yet because people haven't donated enough cash. The pastor says that Jesus has not yet returned because people have not yet donated enough money. La aggiunga all'elenco. Add her to the list. Add it to the list. Sempre pensei que era mais velho que você. I always thought I was older than you. I always thought I was older than you. Suelo dormir en una cama. I usually sleep in a bed. I usually sleep in a bed. Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit déjà ? What did he say again? What did he say already? La scienza non è perfetta. Science is not perfect. Science is not perfect. É melhor você sair daqui imediatamente. You'd better get out of here right away. You better get out of here right now. Lidar com a política do escritório é um verdadeiro pesadelo. Dealing with office politics is a true nightmare. Dealing with office politics is a real nightmare. Tem mais dinheiro na gaveta. There's more money in the drawer. There's more money in the drawer. Ramudu vino al colegio. Ramudu came to school. Ramudu came to school. Era un'automobile vecchia. It was an old car. It was an old car. Je n'ai reconnu personne là-bas. I didn't recognize anyone there. I didn't recognize anyone there. Cerco di dimenticarti da un anno e ti amo più di prima. I've been trying to forget you for a year and I love you more than before. I've been trying to forget you for a year and I love you more than ever. Bienvenido a nuestro pueblo. Welcome to our village. Welcome to our village. Riusciva a vivere in questa città? Could you live in this city? Could he live in this city? Devo aver commesso un errore. I must have made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Aquelas três pedras brancas estavam em atari porque o preto poderia capturá-las numa única jogada. Those three white stones were in atari because black could capture them in a single move. Those three white stones were in atari because black could capture them in a single move. Si è convertita al Cristianesimo. You converted to Christianity. She converted to Christianity. La sua voce è veramente profonda. His voice is really deep. His voice is really deep. Joc volei des. I play volleyball often. I play volleyball a lot. O meu amigo George vai vir ao Xapón esta primavera. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. Se botas mei fuèlhas de tè dins lo topinòt, lo tè aurà un gost melhor. If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better. If you put my tea leaves in the teapot, the tea will have a better taste. A ellas les encantaba jugar en la nieve. They loved playing in the snow. They loved playing in the snow. Apprezzo molto il fatto che tu abbia creduto in me. I appreciate you believing in me so much. I really appreciate the fact that you believed in me. Une guêpe l'a piqué et il a eu une réaction allergique. A wasp stung him and he had an allergic reaction. A wasp stung him and he had an allergic reaction. Non ho preso nemmeno un voto. I didn't get even one vote. I didn't even get a vote. Ora sto scrivendo una lettera al mio professore di cinese. I'm now writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. Now I am writing a letter to my Chinese teacher. Quítate los zapatos antes de entrar en el templo. Take off your shoes before going into a temple. Take off your shoes before entering the temple. Prenderò l'ascensore. I'm going to take the elevator. I'll take the elevator. Eso no me costó mucho. It didn't cost me very much. That didn't cost me much. Ayúdame a abrir esta ventana. Help me open this window. Help me open this window. La următoarea oră, vom studia zilele săptămânii, lunile și anotimpurile. In our next class, we will study the days of the week, the months, and the seasons. At the next hour, we will study the days of the week, the months and the seasons. Você parece europeu. You look European. You look European. Eu me sinto mal. I feel poorly. I feel bad. « Zugzwang » est un mot allemand qui, en référence aux échecs, signifie plus ou moins ce qui suit : « Obligation de faire un mouvement et, par conséquent, de perdre la partie. » "Zugzwang" is a German word which, with reference to chess, means more or less the following: "obligation to make a move and, consequently, to lose the game". “Zugzwang” is a German word that, in reference to chess, means more or less the following: “Obligation to make a move and, consequently, to lose the game.” Possiede questo ristorante. She owns this restaurant. He owns this restaurant. La bandera roja indicaba la presencia de un peligro. The red flag indicated the presence of danger. The red flag indicated the presence of danger. Tom trabaja en un lavado de coches. Tom works at a car wash. Tom works in a car wash. Tom ha pronunciato sbagliato il mio nome. Tom pronounced my name wrong. Tom mispronounced my name. Vi ha costruito una casa. He built you a house. He built you a house. La sposa indossava un abito di seta a pois. The bride was wearing a silk dress with polka dots. The bride was wearing a polka-dot silk dress. Beh, sono stato meglio. Well, I've been better. Well, I've been better. Non preoccuparti tesoro. Don't worry, darling. Don't worry, honey. ¡De verdad que me encanta viajar! I really do love to travel! I really love to travel! La somme de deux et dix est douze. The sum of two and ten is twelve. The sum of two and ten is twelve. Eres mi primer hijo. You are my first child. You're my first child. Où est mon courrier ? Where is my mail? Where's my mail? Cambi il suo avatar. Change your avatar. Change your avatar. Conosco un buon ristorante italiano. I know a good Italian restaurant. I know a good Italian restaurant. Qu'as-tu fait de tes vacances ? What did you do on your vacation? What did you do with your vacation? Diz pro Tom que estou chegando. Tell Tom that I'm coming. Tell Tom I'm coming. A instalação do jogo levou-me duas horas. The game's installation took me two hours. Installing the game took me two hours. El agua se congela a cero grados Celsius, ¿verdad? Water freezes at zero Celsius, right? Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius, right? Je t'ai posé cette question auparavant. I've asked you this question before. I asked you that question before. Fa male se tocco qua? Does it hurt if I touch here? Does it hurt if I touch here? El país ya produce plástico biodegradable. The country already produces biodegradable plastic. The country already produces biodegradable plastic. Detrás de la cruz está el diablo. The devil lurks behind the cross. Behind the cross is the devil. Ahora no te voy a desvelar mi decisión, luego me pondré en contacto contigo. I won't reveal my decision now. I'll get in touch with you later. I'm not going to reveal my decision to you now, then I'll contact you. Hanno tradito Silya. They betrayed Silya. They betrayed Silya. Elle ne dit jamais du mal des autres. She never talks bad about other people. She never speaks ill of others. Los ratones no tienen nietos. Mice don't have grandchildren. Mice don't have grandchildren. Richard Feynman a déclaré que l'expérience à deux fentes contenait le « mystère unique » de la mécanique quantique. Richard Feynman said that the two-slit experiment contains the "one mystery" of quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman said the two-slit experiment contained the “unique mystery” of quantum mechanics. Tuve un amigo de verdad. I had a true friend. I had a real friend. Mas um novo estudo revelou que os níveis de proteína C-reativa, ou PCR, também têm de ser reduzidos a fim de prevenir doenças cardíacas. But new research has shown that levels of C-reactive protein, or C.R.P, also must be reduced in order to prevent heart disease. But a new study has revealed that levels of C-reactive protein, or CRP, also have to be lowered in order to prevent heart disease. El hombre no se mueve menos por ser viejo, se hace viejo por moverse menos. People don't move less because they're getting old. They get old because they're moving less. Man does not move less because he is old, he grows old because he moves less. El truco para hacer que mamá acepte dejarte ir a la fiesta es seducirla con una caja de bombones. The trick to getting mom to agree to let you go to the party is to seduce her with a box of chocolates. The trick to getting Mom to agree to let you go to the party is to seduce her with a box of chocolates. Care e numele de fată al soției tale? What is your wife's maiden name? What's your wife's maiden name? Estoy contento de que te acordases de mí. I'm glad you remembered me. I'm glad you remembered me. Abbiamo parlato nella lingua dei segni. We talked in sign language. We spoke in sign language. Ho comprato una sedia nuova. I bought a new chair. I bought a new chair. Impactul științei asupra societății este mare. The impact of science on society is great. The impact of science on society is huge. Ça a l'air très intéressant. This sounds very interesting. That sounds very interesting. Diventiamo serie. Let's get serious. Let's get serious. Ai lăsat luminile aprinse. You left your lights on. You left the lights on. Amanhã chegarei na hora. Tomorrow I will come on time. I'll be there on time tomorrow. Pensé que Tom murió el año pasado en Boston. I thought Tom died last year in Boston. I thought Tom died last year in Boston. Je veux un raton laveur. I want a raccoon. I want a raccoon. Os níveis de hCG sobem e descem, mas são detectados durante toda a gravidez, estando, então, sempre de plantão para proteger o bebê de rejeição pelo sistema imunológico da mãe The hCG levels rise and fall, but are detected throughout the pregnancy, so it is always on call to protect the baby from rejection by the mother's immune system. HCG levels rise and fall, but are detected throughout pregnancy, and are then always on call to protect the baby from rejection by the mother's immune system. Estos libros le pertenecen a Tom. These books belong to Tom. These books belong to Tom. Personne ne vous a reconnu. No one recognized you. No one recognized you. El sitio no funciona en absoluto. The site's not working at all. The site does not work at all. Tom sa molte cose sulla musica. Tom knows a lot about music. Tom knows a lot about music. Tom était journaliste. Tom used to be a journalist. Tom was a journalist. Perguntava o que ele iria fazer. I asked what he was going to do. I was wondering what he was going to do. J'espère l'épouser. I hope to marry her. I hope to marry her. Il faisait pousser une variété de cultures. He grew a variety of crops. He grew a variety of crops. Algunos así piensan. Some do think so. Some think so. O să fete pisicuți luna viitoare. She is going to have kittens next month. They're gonna be cat girls next month. J'aimerais bien être chinois. I'd like to be Chinese. I'd like to be Chinese. Tom ama Mary, mas ela não gosta dele. Tom likes Mary, but she doesn't like him. Tom loves Mary, but she doesn't like him. Tom usa óculos com lentes progressivas. Tom wears progressive lenses. Tom wears glasses with progressive lenses. Quindi, che cosa proponi? So, what do you propose? So, what do you propose? No puedes usar mis tijeras. You can't use my scissors. You can't use my scissors. Noi eravamo bravi. We were good. We were good. Il dut partager une chambre avec son frère. He had to share a bedroom with his brother. He had to share a room with his brother. Um prefixo é uma letra ou um grupo de letras que se acrescenta ao início de uma palavra. A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the beginning of a word. A prefix is a letter or group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word. Eravamo preoccupate. We were concerned. We were worried. Lei gli lecca e succhia l'uccello come farebbe una prostituta esperta. She licks and sucks his cock like an experienced prostitute would. She licks and sucks his dick like an experienced prostitute. Ziri s'est levé. Ziri stood up. Ziri got up. Lo venda a lui. Sell it to him. Sell it to him. Yemen está muriendo y a nadie le importa. Yemen is dying and nobody cares. Yemen is dying and no one cares. Prima, si fermava ogni giorno da noi. Before, he used to stop by our place every day. Before, he stopped by us every day. Quantos países compoem a chamada América Latina? How many countries make up what's called Latin America? How many countries make up the so-called Latin America? Dopo pranzo mi riposo un po' davanti alla TV. After lunch I rest a bit in front of the TV. After lunch I rest a bit in front of the TV. As más leis são a pior espécie de tirania. Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny. L'avvocato di Tom è bravo? Is Tom's lawyer good? Is Tom's lawyer good? De niño pude dormir donde quise. As a kid, I could sleep wherever I wanted. As a child, I could sleep anywhere I wanted. Él tiene una voz profunda. He has a deep voice. He has a deep voice. Elles ne sont pratiquement jamais chez elles. They're almost never home. They are almost never at home. Ele recebeu o primeiro prémio. He got the first prize. He received the first prize. Quelle fut sa réponse à votre proposition ? What was her answer to your proposal? What was his response to your proposal? Sono andate da qualche parte. They went somewhere. They went somewhere. Este autorretrato do astromóvel marciano Curiosidade da NASA mostra o veículo na "Duna do Namibe", onde as atividades do astromóvel incluíram deixar marcas na duna com uma roda e colher amostras de areia para análise laboratorial. This self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle at "Namib Dune," where the rover's activities included scuffing into the dune with a wheel and scooping samples of sand for laboratory analysis. This self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle in "Namibe's Dune," where the rover's activities included leaving marks on the dune with a wheel and collecting sand samples for laboratory analysis. Odio la roba come questa. I hate stuff like this. I hate stuff like this. A Internet ampliou de maneira ilimitada, no mundo inteiro, as possibilidades de estudo e de prática do xadrez. The Internet has expanded the possibilities of studying and practicing chess all over the world. The Internet has expanded the possibilities of study and practice of chess in an unlimited way, all over the world. Ça va à l'encontre de mes valeurs morales. It's against my morals. It goes against my moral values. Il suo romanzo vendette bene. Her novel sold well. His novel sold well. Tu es trop jeune pour voyager seul. You are too young to travel alone. You're too young to travel alone. Il fut le dernier à arriver. He was the last person to arrive. He was the last to arrive. Non volevo che i miei genitori si preoccupassero. I didn't want my parents to worry. I didn't want my parents to worry. Qu'am besonh de dinèrs. We need some money. I need to have some money. He quedado con Sandra para ir de compras, ¿quieres venir? I'm going shopping with Sandra. Want to come? I met Sandra to go shopping, do you want to come? È davvero bella qui. It's really nice here. It's really beautiful here. Afirmo enfaticamente que nenhum professor tem o direito moral de tratar alguém com esta "insolência de cargo" não dissimulada ou de usar qualquer arma a não ser a razão, a fim de derrubar aquilo que ele concebe serem erros de filosofia. I affirm emphatically that no professor has a moral right to treat anybody with this undisguised "insolence of office," or to use any weapon but reason in order to put down what he conceives to be errors in philosophy. I emphatically affirm that no teacher has the moral right to treat anyone with this undisguised "insolence of office" or to use any weapon but reason in order to overthrow what he conceives to be errors of philosophy. I suoi genitori sono divorziati? Are her parents divorced? Are your parents divorced? No sabía que te tomaste una semana de vacaciones el mes pasado. I didn't know you took a week off last month. I didn't know you took a week off last month. Estou no táxi. I'm in the taxi. I'm in the cab. Estava chovendo, mas ela saiu assim mesmo. Even though it was raining, she went out. It was raining, but she left anyway. J'ai lu l'article sur vous dans le journal d'hier. I read the article about you in yesterday's newspaper. I read the article about you in yesterday's paper. « Votre beau-père est très gentil. » « Oui, ma mère a bien choisi son deuxième mari. » "Your stepfather is very nice." "Yes, my mother chose her second husband well." “Your father-in-law is very kind.” “Yes, my mother chose her second husband well.” Tom quería dinero. Tom wanted money. Tom wanted money. No es fácil. It isn't easy. It's not easy. A seguinte lista de material será necessária e, se o construtor não pretender fazer o trabalho duro, o inventário pode ser encomendado aplainado, lixado e cortado ao tamanho exato das dimensões dadas. The following list of material will be needed, and, if the builder does not care to do the rough work, the stock can be ordered planed, sanded and cut to the exact size of the dimensions given. The following list of material will be required, and if the builder does not intend to do the hard work, the inventory can be ordered flattened, sanded and cut to the exact size of the given dimensions. Montre-moi tes fesses. Show me your butt. Show me your ass. Qu’aurais-tu fait si tu avais gagné 1 million d’euros ? What would you have done if you had won a million euros? What would you have done if you had won $1 million? Il m’a fusillé du regard. He looked daggers at me. He shot me with his eyes. David agì da solo. David acted alone. David acted alone. Je pourrai te voir l'année prochaine. I'll be able to see you next year. I'll be able to see you next year. O gato está roncando no meu colo. The cat is snoring in my lap. The cat is snoring in my lap. On m'a dit de venir ici aujourd'hui. I was told to come here today. I was told to come here today. Le istruzioni non erano chiare. The instructions weren't clear. The instructions were not clear. Los malvaviscos están más deliciosos cuando se tuestan al fuego. Marshmallows are more delicious when they are roasted over a fire. Marshmallows are most delicious when roasted over a fire. Será que eles vão jogar amanhã? Will they play tomorrow? Will they play tomorrow? Les groupes de pierres connectées peuvent avoir différentes formes et tailles. Ce sont les « pièces » utilisées par les joueurs dans la pratique du Go. Groups of connected stones can have different shapes and sizes. They are the "pieces" used by players in the practice of Go. Connected groups of stones can have different shapes and sizes. These are the "pieces" used by players in the practice of Go. Ordiniamo una pizza più piccola la prossima volta. Let's order a smaller pizza next time. Let's order a smaller pizza next time. Sono sempre stato un tipo strambo. I've always been an oddball. I've always been a weird guy. Podes entender a Tom? Are you able to understand Tom? Can you understand Tom? Mi irrita dover portare fuori la spazzatura mentre tu sei sdraiato sul divano a guardare la TV tutto il giorno. It irritates me to have to take out the trash while you're lying on the couch watching TV all day. It irritates me to have to take out the garbage while you're lying on the couch watching TV all day. Îmi las umbrela în tren tot timpul. I leave my umbrella on the train all the time. I leave my umbrella on the train all the time. Meu marido está de bom humor hoje. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband's in a good mood today. Bill mi ha chiamata ieri pomeriggio. Bill called me yesterday afternoon. Bill called me yesterday afternoon. Nu e nevoie de permis. No permit is required. There's no need for a permit. Hay quien dice que el coronavirus ha sido creado en un laboratorio. Some people say that COVID-19 was created in a lab. There are those who say that the coronavirus has been created in a laboratory. He perdido la fe en mi doctor. I've lost faith in my doctor. I've lost faith in my doctor. Este bolso no va con esos zapatos. This bag doesn't go with those shoes. This bag doesn't fit those shoes. Tom și Mary nu doresc să cumpere altă mașină. Tom and Mary don't want to buy another car. Tom and Mary don't want to buy another car. Com quem o Tom planeja nadar? Who does Tom plan to go swimming with? Who does Tom plan to swim with? Elle n'a aucune vraie amie. She doesn't have any real friends. She doesn't have any real friends. Às vezes, os autores traduzem seus próprios textos. Sometimes, authors translate their own text. Sometimes authors translate their own texts. Ceci vous arrive-t-il souvent ? Does this happen to you often? Does this happen to you often? Certe abitudini sono difficili da perdere. Certain habits are hard to lose. Some habits are hard to lose. Jucătorul de poker privea cărțile din mână ca și cum ar fi deținut răspunsurile la marile mistere ale vieții. The poker player stared down at the cards in his hand like they held the answers to life's great mysteries. The poker player looked at the cards in his hand as if he had the answers to the great mysteries of life. A mí, para serte franca, me parecía feísimo lo que esos chicos estaban escuchando, pero a ellos les parecía hermoso. If I'm being honest with you, the music those kids were listening to seemed awful to me, but to them it was beautiful. To be honest with you, I thought it was awful what those guys were listening to, but they thought it was beautiful. Aquera seda qu'ei doça. This silk feels smooth. This is the silk that I am wearing. Eles se mudaram para cá há dois anos atrás. They moved here two years ago. They moved here two years ago. Tom è a casa, ma Mary non lo è. Tom is home, but Mary isn't. Tom is home, but Mary is not. Nu găsesc cheile de la mașină. I can't find the car keys. I can't find the car keys. Você tinha razão, ela não mora no Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. You were right, she doesn't live in Rio. Odio la pubblicità. I hate advertising. I hate advertising. Elle n'a rien à se reprocher. She is not to blame. She has nothing to reproach herself with. Todo lo que podemos hacer en este momento es rezar por ellos. All I can do at this point is pray for them. All we can do right now is pray for them. Poiché le piante usano l'acqua continuamente, ma nella maggior parte dei luoghi piove solo occasionalmente, la capacità di trattenere l'acqua dei suoli è essenziale per la sopravvivenza delle piante. Because plants use water continuously, but in most places it rains only occasionally, the water-holding capacity of soils is essential for plant survival. Since plants use water continuously, but in most places it only rains occasionally, the ability to retain water from soils is essential for the survival of plants. Las traducciones rara vez son fieles. Como dicen los italianos, "traduttore, traditore". Translations are rarely faithful. As the Italians say: "Translators are traitors". Translations are rarely faithful. As the Italians say, "traduttore, traditore". Los siguientes tres trenes van al Norte. The next three trains go to the North. The next three trains go north. Perché le serve questo stuzzicadenti? Why do you need this toothpick? Why do you need this toothpick? A organização declarou na sexta-feira que tinha sido impedida de trazer assistência, mas que ainda esperava poder aceder ao local e posteriormente evacuar civis. The organization said on Friday it had been barred from bringing aid in, but still hoped to be able to get there and subsequently evacuate civilians. The organization said on Friday it had been prevented from bringing assistance but still hoped to be able to access the site and subsequently evacuate civilians. Dovrebbe essere revocato immediatamente. It should be revoked immediately. It should be revoked immediately. Pon la silla cerca de la ventana, por favor. Put the chair near the window, please. Put the chair by the window, please. Peki. Alright. Peki. La plupart des villes ont un aéroport. Most towns have an airport. Most cities have an airport. Tom apprend à ses plus jeunes frères à jouer au football. Tom is teaching his younger brothers to play football. Tom teaches his younger brothers how to play football. "Ti prego, dimmi: sono rimasti dei gatti blu?" "Non ci sono più gatti blu. Sono rimasti solo quelli rossi". "Tell me, please, are there any blue cats left?" "There are no blue cats left. There are only red ones left." "Please tell me, are there any blue cats left?" "There are no blue cats left. Only the red ones are left." Te enviei um e-mail há alguns minutos. I emailed you a couple of minutes ago. I e-mailed you a few minutes ago. Tom puede ayudar. Tom can help. Tom can help. Scusa, l'avevo completamente dimenticato. Sorry, I forgot it completely. I'm sorry, I completely forgot. ¿Le invitaste? Did you invite him? Did you invite him? Tutti si aspettano che sia come mio padre. Everyone expects me to be like my father. Everyone expects me to be like my father. Temos toda a informação que precisamos. We have all the information we need. We have all the information we need. Nous avons trois options. We have three options. We have three options. J'ai tenté d'installer un nouveau navigateur. I tried to install a new browser. I tried to install a new browser. Te-ai zgâriat? Did you get scratched? Are you scratched? Mi hijo tiene ocho años. My son is eight years old. My son is eight years old. Tom è una persona energica. Tom is a hustler. Tom is an energetic person. Suponho que devo agradecer-lhe por esta noite. I suppose I should thank you for this evening. I suppose I should thank you for tonight. La gonna blu è troppo grande per me. The blue skirt is too large for me. The blue skirt is too big for me. Am mâncat tot orezul, dar am lăsat fasolea. We ate all the rice but left the beans. I ate all the rice, but I left the beans. Je veux que tu te souviennes de ça. I want you to remember this. I want you to remember that. É o carro de Tom. It's Tom's car. It's Tom's car. A mãe do Tom teve problemas em lhe dar o remédio que o médico havia prescrito. Tom's mother had trouble getting him to take the medicine that the doctor had prescribed. Tom's mother had trouble giving him the medicine the doctor had prescribed. Abbiamo delle prove. We have proof. We have proof. Tom lavò il suo gatto. Tom washed his cat. Tom washed his cat. Le coq, la poule et leurs poussins picoraient dans la cour de la ferme. The cock, the hen, and their chicks pecked in the farmyard. The rooster, the chicken and their chicks would peck in the farm yard. On ne peut pas acheter un ami, on ne peut que se faire des amis. You cannot buy friends, you can only make friends. You can't buy a friend, you can't just make friends. Pot să te adaug pe Facebook? Can I add you on Facebook? Can I add you on Facebook? Tens bons genes. You have good genes. You have good genes. Tò métod a l'é divers dal mè. Your method is different from mine. The method is different from the one used by the doctor. Créeme. Believe me. Trust me. Qual è il nome del suo bambino? What is your child's name? What's your baby's name? Rapida vulpe maronie nu a sărit peste câinele leneş. The quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog. The fast brown fox did not jump over the lazy dog. Le azioni di Ziri avranno delle conseguenze. Ziri's actions will have consequences. Ziri's actions will have consequences. O quarto de Tom estava limpíssimo. Tom's room was very clean. Tom's room was very clean. Tom non comincerà a farlo. Tom won't start doing that. Tom won't start doing that. I soldati stavano sparando contro le persone. The soldiers were shooting at the people. The soldiers were shooting at people. Ils m'ont forcé à prendre le médicament. They forced me to take the medicine. They forced me to take the medicine. Les dommages ont été faits. The damage has been done. The damage has been done. Așteaptă! Wait! Wait! Wait! La historia me conmovió hasta las lágrimas. I was moved to tears by the story. The story moved me to tears. Nimic nu a mers bine. Nothing went well. Nothing went right. Faccio del mio meglio per non rimandare nulla. I try my best not to put anything off. I do my best not to postpone anything. He comprado tres sofás grandes. I bought three large couches. I bought three large sofas. ¿Por qué mis padres no me quieren? Why don't my parents love me? Why don't my parents want me? È un anno nuovo. It's a new year. It's a new year. Él estaba viendo la tele ayer. He was watching TV yesterday. He was watching TV yesterday. Les réformes de l'éducation ont encore un bout de chemin à faire. Educational reforms still have a long way to go. Education reforms still have a long way to go. No sé por qué está tan airada. I don't know why she's so angry. I don't know why she's so angry. Vocês viram as ruínas? Did you see the ruins? Have you seen the ruins? ¿Ha tenido algún problema con su próstata? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Have you had any problems with your prostate? Metoda noastră este simplă. Our method is simple. Our method is simple. Tom est unique. Tom is unique. Tom is unique. Je te veux hors d'ici pour demain. I want you out of here by tomorrow. I want you out of here by tomorrow. Ha compiuto un atto coraggioso. He did a courageous act. He did a brave deed. ¡Qué incordio! How annoying! What a mess! A cultura tradicional teve um ressurgimento, como se pode ver pela popularidade da lezginka — uma dança em que as mulheres flutuam como cisnes de pescoço comprido e os homens desfilam como águias, trazendo espadas e cartucheiras de imitação. Traditional culture has rebounded as can be seen by the popularity of lezginka — a dance where women float like long-necked swans, and men strut like eagles, wearing swords and imitation cartridge belts. Traditional culture has had a resurgence, as can be seen by the popularity of the lezginka—a dance in which women float like long-necked swans and men parade like eagles, carrying imitation swords and cartridge cases. A garota que mora aqui frequenta a minha escola. The girl who lives here goes to my school. The girl who lives here attends my school. J'ai quelques amis ici. I have a few friends here. I have a few friends here. Os cientistas deram um passo importante no sentido de potencialmente reverter uma forma comum de cegueira. Scientists have taken a major step toward potentially reversing a common form of blindness. Scientists have taken an important step toward potentially reversing a common form of blindness. Lo inquietaba que en cualquier segundo alguien podría averiguar qué estaba ocultando. It made him uneasy that someone might find out any second what he was hiding. He was worried that at any second someone might find out what he was hiding. Tom continua tendo que fazer isso. Tom still has to do that. Tom still has to do that. Juste une seconde. Laissez-moi finir. Just a second. Let me finish. Just a second, let me finish. Permítame presentarle a mi familia. Let me introduce you to my family. Let me introduce you to my family. Eu sei contar até cem. I know how to count to 100. I can count to a hundred. Asta e într-un fel explicat la sfârșit. That is somewhat explained at the end. That's kind of explained at the end. Ho incasinato tutto. I messed everything up. I messed it up. Tom ha cercato di convincere Mary a non partire. Tom tried to talk Mary out of leaving. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Ho bisogno che capisca. I need him to understand. I need you to understand. Au commencement, Dieu créa l'univers. In the beginning, God created the universe. In the beginning, God created the universe. Eu gosto muito de você! I like you very much! I really like you! Continuò a farla. She continued doing it. He continued to do it. Este cálice é feito de ouro. This goblet is made of gold. This cup is made of gold. Ce n'est rien d'autre qu'un idiot utile. He's nothing more than a useful idiot. He's nothing but a useful idiot. Ea este Li Ying. She is Li Ying. This is Li Ying. Coupe le courant. Turn off the electricity. Cut the power. Mi papá dice que escribo como una gallina cuando come maíz. My dad says I type like a chicken eating corn. My dad says I write like a chicken when he eats corn. « Vos parents sont-ils toujours en vie ? » « Oui. » "Are your parents still alive?" "Yes." “Are your parents still alive?” “Yes.” Que dis-tu si on sort dîner ce soir ? What do you say to dining out tonight? What do you say we go out for dinner tonight? Estas cartas no pueden ser leídas. These letters cannot be read. These letters cannot be read. Le portier a ouvert la porte. The doorman opened the door. The doorman opened the door. Vou a Paris este outono. I'm going to Paris this fall. I'm going to Paris this fall. Alguém com o sangue tipo A não seria capaz de receber uma transfusão de sangue tipo B, pois os anticorpos do receptor reagiriam com antígenos no sangue tipo B e causariam aglutinação. Someone with type A blood would not be able to get a transfusion of type B blood, because the recipient's type B antibodies would react with the antigens in the type B blood and cause agglutination. Someone with type A blood would not be able to receive a type B blood transfusion because the antibodies from the recipient would react with antigens in the type B blood and cause agglutination. ¿Puedes explicarlo? Can you spell it out? Can you explain it? As-tu perdu connaissance après l'accident ? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Il ne faut jamais se moquer des misérables, car qui peut s'assurer d'être toujours heureux ? One should never deride the wretch, for who can be sure of always being happy? We must never make fun of the miserable, for who can make sure that he is always happy? Vou ficar com vocês até que o Tom chegue aqui. I'll stay with you until Tom gets here. I'll stay with you guys until Tom gets here. Segundo a autora principal do artigo, Kaitlyn Gaynor, da Berkeley, os animais no mundo inteiro reagem fortemente a todas as formas de perturbação humana, mesmo quando as pessoas não representam uma ameaça direta. According to the paper’s lead author, Kaitlyn Gaynor, of Berkeley, animals throughout the world responded strongly to all types of human disturbance, even when people weren’t posing a direct threat. According to the paper’s lead author, Kaitlyn Gaynor of Berkeley, animals worldwide react strongly to all forms of human disturbance, even when people do not pose a direct threat. Montre-moi ta bite. Show me your dick. Show me your dick. Te veo, y tú me ves. I see you, and you see me. I see you, and you see me. O flacără puternică se naște dintr-o mică scânteie. A powerful flame arises from a tiny spark. A strong flame is born from a small spark. Aduya! Help! Help! Que soparàs avui? What are you going to eat for dinner? What are you having for dinner today? No he comido ahí en mucho tiempo. I haven't eaten there in a long time. I haven't eaten there in a long time. Depois da sua morte, Dana Reeve tornou-se na força motriz da organização que eles cofundaram para ajudar a encontrar um tratamento melhor para as vítimas de paralisia. After his death, Dana Reeve became the driving force of the foundation they co-founded to help find better treatment for paralysis victims. After her death, Dana Reeve became the driving force of the organization they co-founded to help find better treatment for victims of paralysis. J'ai un commentaire. I have a comment. I have a comment. Não responda. Don't answer. Don't answer it. Eu acabo de almoçar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. Tom no pudo ayudarnos. Tom couldn't help us. Tom couldn't help us. Non posso esprimere i miei sentimenti. I can't express my feelings. I can't express my feelings. Io non assomiglio per nulla a Tom. I'm nothing like Tom. I don't look like Tom at all. Il mio laptop è sul mio letto. My laptop is on my bed. My laptop is on my bed. ¿Por qué Tom querría lastimar a María? Why would Tom want to hurt Mary? Why would Tom want to hurt Maria? Tom mangiò nella sua auto. Tom ate in his car. Tom ate in his car. Ese foi un erro imperdoábel. That was an unforgivable error. That was an unforgivable mistake. El ejército está protegiendo la frontera entre Francia y España. The army is protecting the border between France and Spain. The army is protecting the border between France and Spain. Él se volteó. He turned around. He turned around. Sono sicuro che Tom abbia detto la verità. I'm sure Tom told the truth. I'm sure Tom told the truth. Hermana, ¿me puedes prender la luz? Hey sis, can you turn on the light? Sister, can you turn on the light for me? Je suis allergique aux langoustes. I'm allergic to Japanese spiny lobster. I'm allergic to lobsters. Non chiami più qui! Don't call here anymore! Don't call here again! Ci credevi veramente? Did you actually believe that? Did you really believe that? Quantas vezes eu já falei para você não me chamar assim? How many times have I told you not to call me that? How many times have I told you not to call me that? Jo sóc! I am! I am! Lei è davvero carina. She is really cute. She's really pretty. Haced el favor de explicarme la situación. Please explain the situation to me. Please explain the situation to me. Tom puede recitar el preámbulo de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos apasionadamente. Tom can recite the preamble to the U.S. Constitution from heart. Tom can recite the preamble of the Constitution of the United States passionately. El perro ladró al forastero. The dog barked at the stranger. The dog barked at the stranger. Todo lo que vemos nos influye de alguna manera. Everything we see influences us in some way. Everything we see influences us in some way. È l'unica parola che ho capito del discorso che mi ha appena fatto. It's the only word I understood from the speech he just gave me. That's the only word I understood from the speech you just gave me. Hola, ¿está el señor Freeman? Hello, is Mr Freeman in? Hello, is Mr. Freeman here? Noi siamo arrivate tutte. We all have arrived. We've all arrived. È una bella fotografia. That's a beautiful photo. It's a beautiful photograph. Em alguns lugares, a profundidade do oceano supera a altura das mais altas montanhas! In some places, the ocean is deeper than the tallest mountains are high! In some places, the depth of the ocean exceeds the height of the highest mountains! Certains des étudiants aiment jouer de la guitare. Some of the students like to play the guitar. Some of the students like to play guitar. Solía volar ida y vuelta entre Los Ángeles y Ciudad de México. I used to fly back and forth between L.A. and Mexico City. I used to fly back and forth between Los Angeles and Mexico City. As senhoras não tiveram um carro? Didn't you use to have a car? Didn't the ladies have a car? Devi riavviare il tuo computer. You need to restart your computer. You need to restart your computer. Son mis compañeros de salón. They are my classmates. They're my roommates. Tom est-il de Boston ? Is Tom from Boston? Is Tom from Boston? Das dez mil frases em Inglês adicionadas por Tom ao corpus de Tatoeba, setecentas estão traduzidas para o Grego Moderno. Out of the ten thousand English sentences added by Tom to the Tatoeba corpus, seven hundred are translated into Modern Greek. Of the ten thousand English phrases added by Tom to Tatoeba's corpus, seven hundred are translated into Modern Greek. Você é boa. You're good. You're good. Perdi meu guarda-chuva. Eu tenho de comprar um novo. I've lost my umbrella. I must buy a new one. I lost my umbrella, I have to buy a new one. Se um grupo de pedras não pode fazer mais de um olho, então é vulnerável à captura, pois não é capaz de se defender. If a group of stones cannot make more than one eye, then it is vulnerable to capture as it cannot defend itself. If a group of stones cannot make more than one eye, then it is vulnerable to capture, as it is not able to defend itself. Tom è estremamente onesto. Tom is extremely honest. Tom is very honest. Estoy muerta de cansancio. I'm dead tired. I'm so tired. Tom não admitiu o erro dele. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Pourquoi n'as-tu pas fermé la porte ? Why didn't you close the door? Why didn't you close the door? Ho visitato sua zia ieri. I visited his aunt yesterday. I visited your aunt yesterday. C'est la voiture du futur. This is the car of the future. This is the car of the future. El doctor lo convenció para que dejara de fumar. The doctor persuaded him to give up smoking. The doctor convinced him to quit smoking. Calitatea este mai importantă decât cantitatea. Quality is more important than quantity. Quality is more important than quantity. Avete detto che eravate qua ieri. You said you were here yesterday. You said you were here yesterday. Ziri ha cominciato questo blog. Ziri started this blog. Ziri started this blog. Mary tem muitas coisas para fazer. Mary has lots of things she has to do. Mary has many things to do. ¿Se unirán a nosotros? Will you join us? Will they join us? Il mio cappotto ha due tasche. My coat has two pockets. My coat has two pockets. Tom tentou dormir. Tom tried to sleep. Tom tried to sleep. Perché non risponde? Why don't you answer? Why isn't he answering? La última vez que he visto a Tom fue hace tres semanas. The last time I saw Tom was three weeks ago. The last time I saw Tom was three weeks ago. Ela adiou a reunião de segunda para terça. She pushed back the meeting from Monday to Tuesday. She postponed the meeting from Monday to Tuesday. Ele foi cuidadoso para não desorganizar a reunião. He was careful not to disrupt the meeting. He was careful not to disrupt the meeting. Cela arrive plus souvent qu'on ne le pense. It happens more often than we think. This happens more often than you think. Este cuarto está frío. This room is cold. This room is cold. A entrada do "Frame By Frame" para o primeiro lugar da tabela de Álbuns Country faz dela apenas a segunda novata a estrear no topo este ano. “Frame By Frame’s” Number One entry on the Country Albums chart makes her only the second newcomer to debut in the top spot this year. The "Frame By Frame" entry to the top spot on the Country Albums chart makes her only the second rookie to debut at the top this year. Non avevo le chiavi e sono entrato dalla finestra. I didn't have my keys and I got in through the window. I didn't have the keys, so I went in through the window. Quão pequeno é? How small is it? How small is it? L'infirmière vérifiera ton bras dans les 2 jours pour voir s'il y a une réaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. Estoy bastante mejor ahora. I'm rather better now. I'm much better now. No me tomo en serio. I don't take myself seriously. I don't take myself seriously. Esta gola está muito apertada. This collar's too tight. This collar is too tight. Literatura é diferente de poesia? Is literature different from poetry? Is literature different from poetry? "Com et sents aquest matí?" "Bastant bé, gràcies." "How are you feeling this morning?" "Pretty good, thanks." "How are you feeling this morning?" "Just fine, thank you." Vuoi del cibo cinese? Do you want Chinese food? You want Chinese food? Eu não sabia que você tinha vindo. I didn't know you had come. I didn't know you'd come. Je suis à vous dans une minute. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. Também estamos sem ovos. We're also out of eggs. We're out of eggs, too. Broaștele și păsările mănâncă insecte. Frogs and birds eat insects. Frogs and birds eat insects. No lo he visto desde que se mudó a Los Ángeles. I haven't seen him since he moved to Los Angeles. I haven't seen him since he moved to L.A. Aceasta este casa în care a crescut Tom. This is the house where Tom was brought up. This is the house that Tom grew up in. Andiamo in chiesa ogni domenica. We go to church every Sunday. We go to church every Sunday. Se você espreitar para dentro de uma casa samoana à meia-noite, você verá cinco ou seis tendas oblongas baixas montadas (ou melhor, penduradas) aqui e ali por toda a casa. If you peep into a Samoan house at midnight, you will see five or six low oblong tents pitched (or rather strung up) here and there throughout the house. If you peek inside a Samoan house at midnight, you’ll see five or six low oblong tents set up (or rather, hung) here and there all over the house. Tom vit au milieu de nulle part. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Tom lives in the middle of nowhere. Risposi sbagliato. I answered wrong. I answered wrongly. Questa è una radio? Is this a radio? Is this a radio? Lavé las ventanas. I washed the windows. I washed the windows. Èra plan, lo filme ? Was the movie good? The movie, the movie? Vous pêchez ? Do you fish? Are you fishing? Connais-tu l'homme qui te dévisage ? Do you know the man staring at you? Do you know the man who stares at you? Eu sempre vou à escola andando. I always walk to school. I always go to school walking. Ellos nunca sabrán que estamos aquí. They'll never know we're here. They'll never know we're here. Ese es un coche muy bueno. That's a very good car. That's a very good car. El resplandor del sol me lastima los ojos. The glitter of the sun hurts my eyes. The radiance of the sun hurts my eyes. Normalmente desayuno aquí. I eat breakfast here normally. Usually breakfast here. Que significa virtude para você? What does virtue mean to you? What does virtue mean to you? Ci sono quaranta persone nel gruppo. There are forty people in the group. There are 40 people in the group. Tinon a madanm-mayé a'y sé Liz. His wife’s name is Liz. The young woman’s name is Liz. Tú enseñas. You teach. You teach. Si mette l'uniforme. She puts on the uniform. He puts on his uniform. La causa dell'alluvione non è definitivamente nota. The cause of the flood is not definitively known. The cause of the flood is not definitively known. Sono stata salvata dal mio cane. I was saved by my dog. I was rescued by my dog. David a fait tomber le gâteau. David dropped the cake. David dropped the cake. Tom se sent souvent coupable. Tom often feels guilty. Tom often feels guilty. Ziri probabilmente morirà. Ziri will probably die. Ziri will probably die. Síntome marabillosamente refrescado. I am feeling wonderfully refreshed. I feel wonderfully refreshed. Io non voglio più avere paura di Tom. I don't want to be afraid of Tom anymore. I don't want to be afraid of Tom anymore. Ce n'est pas cher, pas vrai ? That's cheap, isn't it? It's cheap, isn't it? Sami voulait pleurer en privé. Sami wanted to grieve in private. Sami wanted to cry in private. Stavamo parlando di questo. We were talking about this. We were talking about this. Riesco a prendere il resto. I can take the rest. I can get the rest. ¿Te puedes callar, por favor? Can you please shut up? Will you shut up, please? J'aimerais bien, mais je n'ai pas le temps. I'd like to, but I don't have the time. I'd like to, but I don't have time. O problema é que eles só pensam em si mesmos. The trouble is that they only think of themselves. The problem is that they only think of themselves. O nosso templo é lindo. Our temple is beautiful. Our temple is beautiful. Cosa intende fare quest'estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? Ce l'ho messa tutta. Ho studiato di notte. I gave it everything I've got. I studied at night. I've been studying at night. Scusatemi, dov'è il bagno? Excuse me, where's the toilet? Excuse me, where's the bathroom? Aquí todos te temen. Everyone here is afraid of you. Everyone here is afraid of you. M'agradaria aprendre a tocar el piano, la guitarra o la flauta. I would like to learn to play the piano, guitar or flute. I would like to learn to play the piano, the guitar or the flute. Fui condannata a quattro anni di prigione. I was sentenced to four years in prison. I was sentenced to four years in prison. Te considero un amigo, pero no sé si me consideras lo mismo. I consider you a friend, but I don't know if you think of me the same way. I consider you a friend, but I don't know if you consider me the same. En lo que haya flores, niños y pájaros en el mundo no tengas miedo, quiere decir que todo va bien. As long as there are flowers, children and birds in the world, don't be afraid. It means that everything is fine. Wherever there are flowers, children and birds in the world, do not be afraid, it means that everything is going well. O que você fez no seu aniversário? What did you do on your birthday? What did you do on your birthday? À quelle fréquence te douches-tu ? How often do you take a shower? How often do you shower? Eu não sabia que ela era casada. I didn't know she was married. I didn't know she was married. ¿Cuál es el tamaño del universo? What is the size of the universe? What is the size of the universe? Tom estuvo durmiendo en el sofá casi toda la tarde. Tom was sleeping on the couch most of the afternoon. Tom was sleeping on the couch most of the afternoon. Mi celular se murió. My cellphone died. My cell phone died. As coisas mudam de vez em quando. Things change from time to time. Things change from time to time. Quiero comer, pero aquí no. I want to eat, but not here. I want to eat, but not here. Ne dites pas une telle chose en son absence. Don't say such a thing in her absence. Do not say such a thing in his absence. No tenemos tiempo de estudiar. We have no time to study. We don't have time to study. Tom prese l'ombrello sbagliato. Tom took the wrong umbrella. Tom picked up the wrong umbrella. Ieri ho giocato a pallacanestro. Yesterday I played basketball. I played basketball yesterday. Chi crederà a lui? Who's going to believe him? Who will believe him? Conhecer a história das grandes partidas e dos grandes torneios aviva-nos o interesse pela maior compreensão do fascinante jogo do xadrez. Knowing the history of big games and big tournaments makes us more interested in understanding the fascinating game of chess. Getting to know the history of the great matches and the great tournaments arouses our interest in the greater understanding of the fascinating game of chess. La lotta si concluse con una soluzione soddisfacente. The struggle ended in a satisfactory settlement. The struggle ended with a satisfactory solution. Come avete dormito? How did you sleep? How did you sleep? Parece que está ficando cada vez mais quente cada ano que passa. It seems that it is getting warmer and warmer every year. Looks like it's getting hotter and hotter with each passing year. Laisse-moi l'expliquer à l'aide d'un diagramme. Let me explain it with a diagram. Let me explain it with a diagram. Je savais qu'il était temps d'arrêter. I knew it was time to stop. I knew it was time to stop. O sacerdote do fogo pega então no bebé e coloca-o sobre os seus joelhos, agita uma lâmpada acesa de fogo sagrado sobre ele, diz em voz alta o nome dele e implora a Aúra-masda para concretizar todo o bem e prevenir todo o mal previstos pelas estrelas do céu na hora do nascimento dele. The Fire-priest then takes the babe and places it on his knees, waves a lamp lighted from the sacred fire over it, calls aloud its name, and implores Ahura-Mazda to fulfil all the good and avert all the evil predicted by the stars of heaven at the hour of its birth. The priest of the fire then takes the baby and places him on his knees, waves a lamp lit with sacred fire on him, says his name out loud and implores the Golden-Mass to accomplish all the good and prevent all the evil foreseen by the stars of heaven at the time of his birth. Ho solo una cosa da chiedervi. I have just one thing to ask of you. I just have one thing to ask you. Por favor, espera media hora. Please wait half an hour. Please wait half an hour. No pude reparar esta nevera. I couldn't repair this refrigerator. I couldn't fix this fridge. Tu aurais vraiment dû venir. You really should've come. You really should have come. Abbiamo invitato i nostri amici di Londra. We invited our London friends. We invited our friends from London. No hay nada más precioso que la vida. There's nothing more precious than life. There is nothing more precious than life. No trates de hacer todo a la vez. Don't try to do everything at the same time. Don’t try to do everything at once. Yanni explicó la situación. Yanni explained the situation. Yanni explained the situation. ¿Por qué no lo hiciste como te dijo? Why didn't you do it like he told you? Why didn't you do it like he told you? Tom sta calcolando la radice quadrata di 300. Tom is calculating the square root of 300. Tom's calculating the square root of 300. Todo mundo está ocupado, menos eu. Everyone is busy except me. Everyone else is busy, except me. Lo chiamo per nome. I call him by name. I call him by name. Sono qui per un computer. They are here for a computer. I'm here for a computer. Quando foi a última vez que você teve um dia de folga? When was the last time you had a day off? When was the last time you had a day off? Tom non è diverso. Tom is no different. Tom is no different. Mio nonno era francese. My grandpa was French. My grandfather was French. Ne vogliono tutti un po'. Everybody wants some. They all want some. Tom mi ha appena mandato un messaggio. Tom just sent me a text. Tom just texted me. De ce nu vrei să te duci cu ei? Why don't you want to go with them? Why don't you want to go with them? Quedamos de salir a comer a la noche pero no pasó nada. We had plans to eat out at night, but they came to nothing. We went out to eat at night but nothing happened. Estoy convencido de que mi hijo es inocente. I am convinced that my son is innocent. I am convinced that my son is innocent. Siete in sette? Are there seven of you? Are there seven of you? Combien d'éléments chimiques connaissez-vous ? How many chemical elements do you know? How many chemical elements do you know? Laisse-moi tranquille. Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Essa é um pessoa real. That's a real person. That's a real person. Estoy harto de esa clase de cosas. I'm sick of that kind of stuff. I'm sick of that kind of thing. Il connaît son affaire. He knows his onions. He knows his business. Ella és forta. She is strong. She is strong. E daí? And what? What's up? Adevărul e un lucru periculos. Truth is a dangerous thing. The truth is a dangerous thing. Ces derniers temps, je ne regarde que les Simpson. Recently I've only been watching The Simpsons. I’ve only been watching The Simpsons lately. Tem certeza de que aquele guarda-chuva é seu? Are you sure that umbrella is yours? Are you sure that umbrella is yours? Os adultos com idade mais avançada podem vir a desenvolver epilepsia devido a uma infecção, acidente vascular cerebral ou doença de Alzheimer. Older adults may develop epilepsy because of an infection, stroke or Alzheimer's disease. Older adults may develop epilepsy due to an infection, stroke, or Alzheimer’s disease. ¿Para qué hiciste eso? What did you do that for? What did you do that for? Plus je travaille, moins je dors. The more I work, the less I sleep. The more I work, the less I sleep. Temo mais o risco para o meu bom nome. I dread more the peril to my good name. I'm more afraid of the risk to my good name. Comment pouvez-vous être à ce point aveugle ? How can you be so blind? How can you be so blind? Odio le conversazioni a sfondo sessuale. I hate sex talk. I hate sexual conversations. Le persone che cosa mangiano per colazione in Australia? What do people eat for breakfast in Australia? What do people eat for breakfast in Australia? Le régime dictatorial algérien cherche la guerre. The Algerian dictatorial regime seeks war. The Algerian dictatorial regime is looking for war. ¿Has cambiado últimamente de jabón o de detergente para la ropa? Have you recently changed your soap or laundry detergent? Have you changed your laundry detergent or soap lately? Non hai molta fame, vero? You're not very hungry, are you? You're not very hungry, are you? Amanhã vai ser tarde demais. Tomorrow it will be too late. Tomorrow's gonna be too late. Non potete avere paura di fallire. You can't be afraid to fail. You cannot be afraid to fail. ¿Qué te dijo ese hombre? What did that man tell you? What did that man say to you? I suoi genitori me l'hanno affidata. Her parents trusted me with her. Her parents entrusted her to me. Per favore, non mi comprate niente per il mio compleanno. Please don't buy me anything for my birthday. Please, don't buy me anything for my birthday. Pediram-me que esperasse um instante. I was told to wait for a while. They asked me to wait a moment. Onde fica a Cabília? Where is Kabylia? Where is Cabilia? Todavía están buscando a Tom. They're still looking for Tom. They're still looking for Tom. Quiero terminar lo que empecé. I want to finish what I started. I want to finish what I started. Dovrei parlare in inglese? Should I speak English? Should I speak English? L'amore ama l'amore. Love loves love. Love loves love. Il mio naso ha cominciato a prudere. My nose started to itch. My nose started to itch. Tom nu a intenţionat să întârzie atât de mult timp. Tom didn't mean to be so late. Tom didn't mean to be late that long. Pensé que estaría aquí ya. I thought it would be here by now. I thought I'd be here by now. Comment le fais-tu ? How do you do this? How do you do that? Cosa fai qui? What do you do here? What are you doing here? ! Ligue-me assim que estiver na minha rua. Call me as soon as you're on my street. Call me as soon as you're on my street. Non abbattere questi alberi. Don't cut these trees down. Don't cut down these trees. Tom mi-a arătat orarul său. Tom showed me his schedule. Tom showed me his schedule. Qu'ei la mea hilha. This is my daughter. This is my hijab. O Quénia está a expandir o cultivo de uma erva forrageira relativamente nova, nutritiva e resistente à seca para o gado, que poderá aumentar a produção de leite, proporcionando receitas mais elevadas para as famílias. Kenya is expanding cultivation of a relatively new nutritious, drought-resistant forage grass for cattle that could boost milk production, resulting in higher incomes for families. Kenya is expanding the cultivation of a relatively new, nutritious and drought-resistant forage herb for livestock, which could increase milk production, providing higher incomes for families. Il ballo è aperto al pubblico. The dance is open to the public. The dance is open to the public. Beba el café a sorbitos para que le dure y así disfrutarlo más. Drink the coffee with slow sips so it lasts longer, and that way you can enjoy it more. Drink the coffee in sips to make it last and enjoy it more. Tom quería decir que no. Tom wanted to say no. Tom wanted to say no. Quello è il vostro obiettivo? Is that your goal? Is that your goal? Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal. I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi. I suspect this is an illegal taxi. Rima e Skura giocano a pallacanestro. Rima and Skura play basketball. Rima and Skura play basketball. Eu queria que nós pudéssemos passar mais tempo juntos. I wish that we could spend more time together. I wish we could spend more time together. ¿No podés encontrar lo que estás buscando? Can't you find what you're looking for? Can't find what you're looking for? Tom era el último de la lista. Tom was last on the list. Tom was last on the list. ¿Has visto mi libro de colorear? Have you seen my coloring book? Have you seen my coloring book? Sono fatto così. That's what I'm like. That's how I am. Tom está um pouco pálido. Tom is a little pale. Tom's a little pale. Saíu un tema novo na conversación. A new topic came up in conversation. There was a new theme in the conversation. La falda azul me queda grande. The blue skirt is too large for me. The blue skirt is too big for me. Tu devrais jeter un coup d'œil à ta garde-robe et ajouter un peu de couleur à tes vêtements. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a bit of colour to your clothes. You should take a look at your wardrobe and add a little color to your clothes. Fu pagata. She got paid. She was paid. Aggiungetemi su Facebook se volete. Il mio nome là è Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Add me on Facebook if you want. My name there is Ryck Vernaut. Devi essere molto orgoglioso di tua figlia. You must be very proud of your daughter. You must be very proud of your daughter. Il mio è meglio del suo. Mine is better than yours. Mine is better than yours. Mi puoi portare il mio laptop? Can you bring me my laptop? Can you get me my laptop? Aquele que se apaixonar por si mesmo não terá rivais. He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals. He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals. Yanni desapareció primero. Yanni disappeared first. Yanni disappeared first. Você pegou o ladrão. You have caught the thief. You caught the thief. Tu hermano no ha ido hoy a la escuela. Your brother wasn't at school today. Your brother didn't go to school today. Anemmo tutti à aggiuttâ i nòstri amixi zeneixi. Let's all go help our Genoese friends. Let's all work together to help our friends. Răspunsul tău e corect. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. ¿De quién son estos paraguas? Whose umbrellas are these? Whose umbrellas are these? Tienes que ir al hospital inmediatamente. You need to go to hospital immediately. You have to go to the hospital immediately. Ho visto molte cose mentre ero lì. I saw a lot of things while I was there. I saw a lot of things while I was there. L'argent ouvre toutes les portes. Money opens any door. Money opens all doors. Quiero pasar toda mi vida contigo. I want to spend all my life with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. Per què no m'ho demaneu? Why don't you ask me? Why don't you ask me? Non sono sicuro di aver tradotto giusto questo. I'm not sure if I translated this right. I’m not sure I translated that correctly. Am nevoie de un avans. I need an advance. I need an advance. Cette Terre entière est une prison pour l'humanité. Je connais un peu l'astronomie. This whole Earth is a prison for humanity. I know some astronomy. This whole Earth is a prison for humanity. I know a little bit about astronomy. Je leur ai rendu visite quand je suis allé en Grèce. I visited them when I went to Greece. I visited them when I went to Greece. Tom mi ha lasciata guidare. Tom let me drive. Tom let me drive. C'est à mon tour de parler. It's my turn to speak. It's my turn to talk. Alguns Estados poderão ativar as suas leis antiaborto imediatamente, com outros a seguirem-se pouco depois. Some states could activate their anti-abortion laws immediately, with others following shortly thereafter. Some states will be able to activate their anti-abortion laws immediately, with others to follow shortly thereafter. No le des a tu oponente columnas abiertas o diagonales que conduzcan a tu Rey. Do not give your opponent open files or diagonals that lead to your King. Don’t give your opponent open or diagonal columns that lead to your King. A estratégia, isto é, o plano de ação, do exército de uniforme preto revelou-se superior à do seu adversário, pois foi aquela força armada que venceu a batalha. The strategy, that is the action plan, of the army in black uniform proved to be superior to that of its opponent, since it was that armed force that won the battle. The strategy, that is, the plan of action, of the army in black uniform proved superior to that of its opponent, for it was that armed force that won the battle. Estamos a destacar elementos da Força de Reação da OTAN em terra, no mar e no ar, para reforçar ainda mais a nossa postura e para responder rapidamente a qualquer contingência. We are deploying elements of the NATO Response Force on land, at sea and in the air, to further strengthen our posture and to respond quickly to any contingency. We are highlighting elements of the NATO Response Force on land, at sea and in the air, to further strengthen our posture and to respond quickly to any contingency. As colunas não são sempre aplicadas para decoração dos edifícios; substituem-se às vezes por pilastras, que, sem ter o aspeto gracioso das colunas, produzem não obstante um efeito agradável à vista. Columns are not always employed for decorating buildings; they are sometimes substituted by pilasters, which, without having the graceful appearance of columns, nevertheless produce a pleasing effect to the eye. Columns are not always applied for decoration of buildings; they are sometimes replaced by pilasters, which, without having the graceful appearance of the columns, nevertheless produce a pleasing effect in view. Exalou um profundo ar de desânimo. He exhaled a deep breath in discouragement. He exhaled a deep air of discouragement. La foresta diventava sempre più piccola, ma gli alberi scelsero ancora e ancora l'ascia, perché era saggia e poteva persuadere gli alberi che era una di loro grazie al suo manico di legno. The forest grew smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them due to its wooden handle. The forest became smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them thanks to its wooden handle. Tom só queria um pouco de privacidade. Tom just wanted some privacy. Tom just wanted a little privacy. Che cosa posso fare per aiutarla? What can I do to help her? What can I do to help you? Ho aspettato per un'ora e mezzo. I've been waiting for an hour and a half. I waited for an hour and a half. Depinde de ea. That depends on her. It's up to her. À la fin seulement on comprend le titre. Only at the end does one understand the title. At the end, you only understand the title. La novia llevaba un vestido de seda con lunares. The bride was wearing a silk dress with polka dots. The bride wore a silk dress with polka dots. Il mio radiatore non funziona. My heater isn't working. My radiator's not working. C'est la seule chose à faire. It's the only thing to do. It's the only thing to do. Lo lasci aperto. Leave it open. You leave it open. Salónica está a quinientos kilómetros de Atenas. Thessaloniki is five hundred kilometers from Athens. Thessaloniki is five hundred kilometers from Athens. Nei tornei di dama, il tempo di riflessione di ogni giocatore, definito dal regolamento di gara, è controllato da un apposito orologio, con due quadranti, dotato di un meccanismo che, attivato dal giocatore che ha appena effettuato la mossa, interrompe il suo cronometraggio e mette (rimette) in marcia l'orologio del avversario. In checkers tournaments, each player's reflection time, defined by the competition rules, is controlled by a special clock, with two dials, equipped with a mechanism that, activated by the player who has just made the move, interrupts his timing and starts (restarts) the opponent's timing. In checkers, the time of reflection of each player, defined by the rules of the competition, is controlled by a special clock, with two dials, equipped with a mechanism that, activated by the player who has just made the move, interrupts his timing and puts (sets) in motion the clock of the opponent. As crianças gostam de desenhar. The children enjoy drawing. Kids like to draw. Isso vai servir. That'll do. That'll do. J’étais dans les vapes. I was out like a light. I was in the vapes. Yanni ha sempre rispettato suo padre. Yanni always respected his father. Yanni has always respected her father. Le père Noël n'existe pas. Santa Claus doesn't exist. There's no such thing as Santa Claus. Qu'ei la toa fauta. This is your fault. It's to blame. Il mio portatile è in riparazione. My laptop is being repaired. My laptop is being repaired. O clima deste país é frio e seco. This country's climate is cold and dry. The climate of this country is cold and dry. Tudo estava fechado à chave; como ele escapou? Everything was locked; how did he escape? Everything was locked; how did he escape? Dite a Tom che non ci sarò. Tell Tom I won't be there. Tell Tom I won't be there. Mi ha aiutato a ritrovare me stessa. It helped me find myself. It helped me find myself. C'est son copain. It's his boyfriend. He's her boyfriend. Ziri se desvanece en cuanto ve sangre. Ziri faints at the sight of blood. Ziri vanishes as soon as she sees blood. Tom mi chiese di parlare con lei. Tom asked me to talk to you. Tom asked me to talk to her. Passarono due ore. Two hours passed. Two hours passed. O rover robusto em Tritão de Netuno viajou em um platô de gelo de nitrogênio. The rugged rover on Neptune's Triton travelled on a plateau of nitrogen ice. The robust rover on Neptune's Triton traveled on a plateau of nitrogen ice. Nos séculos XIX e XX, crianças indígenas a partir dos quatro anos eram retiradas à força das suas famílias para irem trabalhar nas minas, em quintas e como empregadas domésticas na Austrália. Muitas recebiam pouco ou nenhum salário e algumas eram pagas apenas com pão e bife. Os advogados disseram que as condições eram “comparáveis às da escravatura”. Até aos anos 70, os salários recebidos pelos trabalhadores indígenas na Austrália Ocidental eram pagos ao governo estadual, mas raramente era o dinheiro repassado. In the 19th and 20th centuries, indigenous children as young as four were forcibly taken from their families to work in mines, on farms and as domestic servants in Australia. Many received little or no wages, and some were paid only with bread and beef. Lawyers have said conditions were “akin to slavery.” Until the 1970s, wages earned by indigenous workers in Western Australia were paid to the state government, but rarely was the money passed on. In the 19th and 20th centuries, indigenous children from the age of four were forcibly taken from their families to go to work in the mines, on farms and as domestic servants in Australia. Many received little or no salary and some were paid only with bread and steak. Lawyers said that the conditions were “rarely comparable to those of slavery”. Until the 70s, the wages received by indigenous workers in Western Australia were paid Favor de imprimir sólo si sea necesario y recicla. Please print only if necessary and recycle. Please print only if necessary and recycle. De quoi te souviens-tu ? What do you remember? What do you remember? Il film che io e Tom abbiamo visto ieri era interessante. The movie Tom and I saw yesterday was interesting. The movie that Tom and I saw yesterday was interesting. Per piacere, dammi una tazza di riso. Please give me a cupful of rice. Please, give me a cup of rice. "Secretario de Estado" ... ese cargo suena muy rimbombante, pero, ¿qué es lo que hace un secretario de Estado? “Secretary of State”…That sounds like a really grandiose position, but what does a secretary of State do? “Secretary of State”... that office sounds very bombastic, but what does a secretary of state do? Tu parles birman ? Do you speak Burmese? Do you speak Burmese? Ascultă... Listen... Listen, uh... Copie este filme para você. Copy this film for yourself. Copy this movie for you. Viver é fácil, morrer é barato. Living is easy, dying is cheap. Living is easy, dying is cheap. El Parlamento está en la capital. The Parliament is in the capital. Parliament is in the capital. ¿Qué planea hacer este verano? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you planning to do this summer? Tom abrió la puerta del ático. Tom opened the attic door. Tom opened the attic door. Je veux qu'il meure. I want him to die. I want him to die. Nuestro planeta está enfermo. Our planet is sick. Our planet is sick. Estou ouvindo uma voz. I am hearing a voice. I'm hearing a voice. Todos vieram de bicicleta. They all came by bike. They all came by bicycle. John a amené sa guitare. John brought his guitar. John brought his guitar. Portes-tu un appareil auditif ? Do you wear a hearing aid? Do you have a hearing aid? Può darsi che quest'uomo tema di essere gay, o che abbia delle tendenze omosessuali. It may be that this man is afraid that he is gay, or that he has homosexual tendencies. This man may be afraid of being gay, or he may have homosexual tendencies. Cum pot să te fac mai fericit? How can I make you happier? How can I make you happier? Ses réflexions sur la religion sont profondes. Her musings on religion are profound. His thoughts on religion are profound. Há um gato sentado na cadeira. There's a cat sitting on the chair. There's a cat sitting in the chair. Mi hai fatto venire voglia di combattere per lei. You made me want to fight for her. You made me want to fight for her. ¿Harás tú el trabajo que no hizo Seosamh? Will you do the work that Seosamh didn't do? Will you do the work that Seosamh did not do? A dra. Jill explica como preparar o nosso próprio substrato para vasos, encontrar recipientes baratos (ou grátis!) e como decidir o que se deve cultivar. Dr. Jill explains how to make your own potting mix, find cheap (or free!) containers, and how to know what you should grow. Dr. Jill explains how to prepare our own potting soil, how to find cheap (or free!) pots, and how to decide what to grow. Io vorrei essere a Boston. I wish I were in Boston. I wish I was in Boston. Antes de llegar a la intersección debe reducir la velocidad. Please slow down when getting close to the intersection. Before you get to the intersection you need to slow down. Tengo los mijores biervos. I have the best words. I have the best beer. O Tom disse alguma coisa? Did Tom say something? Did Tom say anything? Che tipi di birra ha? What kinds of beers do you have? What kind of beer do you have? Me gusta el cine. I like the movie theater. I like the cinema. Tom sta parlando con Mary al telefono. Tom is talking to Mary on the phone. Tom's talking to Mary on the phone. Mi abuela nos hizo un guiso de carne y papa. My grandma made us some meat and potato stew. My grandmother made us a stew of meat and potatoes. Coloque-o no gelo. Put it on ice. Put it on ice. O secretário da defesa nacional das Filipinas, Delfin Lorenzana, disse aos repórteres numa conferência de imprensa com o secretário da defesa dos Estados Unidos, Lloyd Austin, na sexta-feira, que Duterte, após a sua reunião com Austin, retraiu a carta de rescisão do AFV enviada aos Estados Unidos no ano passado. Philippine Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana told reporters at a news conference with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Friday that Duterte, after his meeting with Austin, retracted the VFA termination letter sent to the U.S. last year. Philippine National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told reporters at a press conference with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday that Duterte, after his meeting with Austin, retracted the AFV termination letter sent to the United States last year. As temperaturas na última semana ultrapassaram os 20 graus Celsius — trazendo muitos visitantes para as praias de areia preta e seixos. Temperatures in the past week have topped 20 degrees Celsius — bringing many visitors onto the black-sand and pebble beaches. Temperatures last week topped 20 degrees Celsius — bringing many visitors to the black-sand beaches and pebbles. Este año ha sido terriblemente caluroso. This year has been terribly hot. This year has been terribly hot. Você não sabe do que eu realmente gosto. You don't know what I really like. You don't know what I really like. Il est plus facile d'apprendre en jouant. It's easier to learn by playing. It is easier to learn by playing. Me dan miedo los dentistas. I'm afraid of dentists. I'm scared of dentists. Mi tortura psicologicamente per puro divertimento. He psychologically tortures me just for fun. It tortures me psychologically for fun. Em um tabuleiro de 19x19 linhas, o Go é jogado com 361 pedras (181 pretas e 180 brancas). On a 19x19 lines board, Go is played with 361 stones (181 black and 180 white). On a board of 19x19 lines, Go is played with 361 stones (181 black and 180 white). Me asustas. You scare me. You're scaring me. Henry Ridgwell relata da cimeira de Glasgow sobre se a desconfiança entre as nações mais ricas e as mais pobres poderia dificultar as negociações climáticas. Henry Ridgwell reports from the summit in Glasgow on whether distrust between richer and poorer nations could hamper climate negotiations. Henry Ridgwell reports from the Glasgow summit on whether mistrust between richer and poorer nations could make climate negotiations more difficult. Sami ha humillado a Layla delante de todo el mundo. Sami has humiliated Layla in front of everyone. Sami has humiliated Layla in front of everyone. Tom si rifiutò di eseguire l'ordine. Tom refused to execute the order. Tom refused to carry out the order. L'équipe adverse est très bonne. The opposing team is very good. The opposing team is very good. M-am apropiat de ușă. I edged closer to the door. I approached the door. Dois-je enfiler l'aiguille pour toi ? Must I thread the needle for you? Should I put the needle in for you? Eu queria dar isso para ela. I would like to give it to her. I wanted to give it to her. Él vino y cenó con nosotros. He came and had dinner with us. He came and dined with us. Tinon an mwen sé Djim. My name is Jim. My youngest son is Djim. O que é que atrai milhões de índios a gurus cujo encanto não diminuiu mesmo depois de alguns "semideuses" proeminentes terem ido parar atrás das grades nos últimos anos por crimes que vão desde a violação até à fraude e ao assassinato? What draws millions of Indians towards gurus whose allure has not dimmed even after some high-profile "godmen" landed behind bars in recent years for crimes ranging from rape to fraud and murder? What attracts millions of Indians to gurus whose charm hasn’t waned even after some prominent “demigods” have gone behind bars in recent years for crimes ranging from rape to fraud to murder? Tom lavorava come insegnante di educazione fisica, non come personal trainer. Tom worked as a PE teacher, not a personal trainer. Tom worked as a physical education teacher, not as a personal trainer. El sol bronceaba sus hombros claros. The sun tanned his light shoulders. The sun was tanning his light shoulders. Tocmai am fost jefuit. I've just been mugged. I just got robbed. Ele escondeu os brinquedos debaixo da cama. He hid his toys under the bed. He hid the toys under the bed. Rien de bon n'en est sorti. Nothing good came out of it. Nothing good came of it. Ninge din greu. It snows hard. It's snowing hard. Tom se comprometió con una chica hermosa. Tom got engaged with a pretty girl. Tom got engaged to a beautiful girl. Il n'a même pas pris la peine de répondre. He didn't even bother replying. He didn't even bother to answer. Queimei o céu da boca. I burned the roof of my mouth. I burned the sky out of my mouth. La mujer bebe el té con azúcar o con miel. The woman drinks the tea with sugar or with honey. The woman drinks the tea with sugar or honey. Quem foi que escolheu essas cores? Who chose those colours? Who chose these colors? Donnez-moi ce ballon de foot. Give me that soccer ball. Give me that football. Priscilla, me alegro de conocerte. Priscilla, I'm glad to meet you. Priscilla, it's good to meet you. Aumentar el consumo energético de los más pobres del mundo hasta niveles básicos de subsistencia no aumentaría apenas las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Lo que habría que hacer es reducir hasta lo estrictamente esencial los extraordinarios excesos energéticos innecesarios de los más ricos. Increasing the electricity use by the world's poorest to cover the bare necessities won't really increase greenhouse gas emissions at all. What we have to do instead is to reduce, all the way down to what's strictly essential, the extraordinarily excessive and unnecessary use by the ultra-rich. Increasing the energy consumption of the world’s poorest to basic subsistence levels would not only increase greenhouse gas emissions, but would also reduce to the bare essentials the extraordinary unnecessary energy excesses of the richest. Obrigado pela informação. Thanks for the information. Thanks for the information. No t'agrada el menjar xinès? Don't you like Chinese food? Do you like Chinese food? Yanni fue a comprobar si Skura estaba aún allí. Yanni went to check if Skura was still there. Yanni went to check if Skura was still there. ¡Atención! La nueva contraseña y su confirmación no coinciden. Por favor, confirme e intente nuevamente. Attention! Your new password and confirmation password do not match. Please confirm and try again. Attention! The new password and its confirmation do not match. Please confirm and try again. Aún no sé cuál elegir. I still don't know which one to pick. I still don't know which one to choose. ¿Tienes un buen salario? Do you have a good salary? Do you have a good salary? Tu ne trouveras jamais ce que tu cherches ici. You'll never find what you're looking for here. You'll never find what you're looking for here. Heu de menjar per viure. No heu de viure per menjar. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. Siempre seréis bienvenidos a esta casa. You'll always be welcome in this house. You will always be welcome in this house. Me tranquilicé al averiguar que la operación había sido exitosa. I calmed down upon finding out that the operation was successful. I was reassured to find out that the operation had been successful. Reste calme. Stay calm. Just stay calm. Este ordenador es potente, eficiente y fácil de utilizar. This computer is powerful, efficient, and easy to use. This computer is powerful, efficient and easy to use. Quatre est un nombre porte-malheur en Chine et au Japon. Four is an unlucky number in China and in Japan. Four is a bad number in China and Japan. ¿Te levantarías por favor? Would you please stand up? Would you please stand up? Yanni fue al cuarto de baño reservado a empleados. Yanni went to the employees-only bathroom. Yanni went to the bathroom reserved for employees. Tom me dijo que se siente seguro. Tom told me that he feels safe. Tom told me he felt safe. Aqueth jornau qu'ei a gratis. This newspaper is free. This day is free of charge. Existem muitas línguas difíceis na Ásia. There are many difficult languages in Asia. There are many difficult languages in Asia. Tom a perdu le sens des réalités. Tom has lost all sense of reality. Tom has lost his sense of reality. Je soupçonne que tu as tort. I suspect you're wrong. I suspect you're wrong. L'Italie répudie la guerre en tant qu'instrument d'atteinte à la liberté des autres peuples et comme mode de solution des conflits internationaux. Italy rejects war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means for the settlement of international disputes. Italy repudiates war as an instrument of attack on the freedom of other peoples and as a means of resolving international conflicts. Muitos pais têm orgulho de seus filhos. Many parents take pride in their children. Many parents are proud of their children. Le déjeuner est une pizza. The lunch is pizza. Lunch is a pizza. Apportez de l'argent. Bring some money. Bring some money. Tom voleva rilassarsi. Tom wanted to relax. Tom wanted to relax. I sostantivi russi possono essere maschili, femminili o neutri. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine, or neutral. No dia em que AlphaGo venceu Ke Jie, o aprendizado profundo estava destronando o melhor jogador de Go que a humanidade já teve. On the day AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, the deep learning was dethroning humanity's best Go player ever. The day AlphaGo beat Ke Jie, deep learning was dethroning the best Go player mankind has ever had. Francezii nu se gândesc la un lucru ca fiind imposibil. French people don't think of anything as impossible. The French don't think of a thing as impossible. Pessoas são fascinantes e assustadoras. People are fascinating and scary. People are fascinating and scary. Conocí a Tom y María apenas el otro día. I met Tom and Mary just the other day. I met Tom and Mary just the other day. La traducción del título al francés es ridícula. The translation of the title in French is ridiculous. The translation of the title into French is ridiculous. Ocurrió en abril de este año. It happened in April of this year. It happened in April of this year. Andrà con me? Will you go with me? Will you go with me? Quiero que tú tomes el mando. I want you to take charge. I want you to take command. O que você pretende fazer no próximo fim de semana? What are you planning on doing next weekend? What do you plan to do next weekend? Para hacer esas fotografías necesitas una lente cóncava. You will need a concave lens to take those photos. To take those pictures you need a concave lens. Ziri ha annullato il matrimonio. Ziri called off the wedding. Ziri called off the wedding. Să încercăm să-l sunăm. Let's try calling him. Let's try calling him. De ce nu vă putem vizita? Why can't we visit you? Why can't we visit you? Ella es pobre. She's poor. She's poor. Tom pare chinuit de remușcări. Tom looks contrite. Tom seems tormented by remorse. Quand de violents extrémistes opèrent dans un coin de montagne, des gens sont mis en danger de l'autre coté de l'océan. When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains, people are endangered across an ocean. When violent extremists operate in a mountain corner, people are put in danger on the other side of the ocean. Questa è la prima volta che visito l'Inghilterra. This is the first time I have visited England. This is my first time visiting England. Él dijo que ella tenía mucha hambre. He said that she's very hungry. He said she was very hungry. Non scoreggio mai in pubblico. I never fart in public. I never fart in public. Je suis effrayée. I feel frightened. I'm scared. Les personnes en bonne santé mentale sont plus dangereuses pour les malades mentaux que l'inverse. Sane people are more of a threat to mentally ill people than vice versa. Mentally healthy people are more dangerous to the mentally ill than the other way around. "¿Te obligaron?" "No, lo hice voluntariamente". "Were you forced?" - "No, I did it voluntarily." "Did they force you?" "No, I did it voluntarily." Sincer să fiu, nu știu nimic. To be honest, I don't know anything. To be honest, I don't know anything. C'è molto spazio. There's plenty of space. There's plenty of room. Benvenuti nella nostra nuova casa. Welcome to our new home. Welcome to our new home. Minha cabeça está doendo muito. My head is hurting a lot. My head is hurting a lot. Man mano che padroneggiavo l'inglese, potevo raccontare più cose e comprendere meglio i loro discorsi. As I mastered English, I could tell more things and understand their conversations better. As I mastered English, I could tell more things and understand their speeches better. No es que no quiera que dejes de no ir a la fiesta sin que no me hayas preguntado. I don't not want you to not not go to the party without not asking me. It's not that I don't want you to stop going to the party without asking me. Voglio cantare e ballare. I want to sing and to dance. I want to sing and dance. Ella se ve triste y desolada. She looks sorrowful and forlorn. She looks sad and desolate. Ziri e Rima non sono più assieme. Ziri and Rima are no longer together. Ziri and Rima are no longer together. Come despacio la comida. Eat meals slowly. Eat the food slowly. La sonda espacial se lanzó en paracaídas hasta el lago metánico de Titán. The space probe parachuted down to the methanic lake on Titan. The space probe parachuted to Titan's methane lake. Layla si chiedeva dove fosse Sami. Layla wondered where Sami was. Layla wondered where Sami was. Me siento más despierto después de tomar una taza de café. I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee. I feel more awake after having a cup of coffee. È una professoressa. You are a teacher. She's a teacher. El anciano sentado en aquel banco es mi abuelo. The old man sitting on the bench over there is my grandfather. The old man sitting on that bench is my grandfather. La cuestión es si él puede hacerlo. The question is whether he can do it or not. The question is whether he can do it. A me piace viaggiare in metropolitana. I like travelling on the underground. I like to travel on the subway. Estou lendo o livro que tu me deste. I'm reading the book that you gave me. I'm reading the book you gave me. Eu sou um herói nos olhos dela. I'm a hero in her eyes. I'm a hero in her eyes. De nouvelles routes furent construites l'une après l'autre. New roads were constructed one after another. New roads were built one after the other. Me despertó el canto de la calandria que había anidado frente a mi ventana. I was woken up by the song of the calandra lark that had made its nest in front of my window. I was awakened by the song of the calender that had nested in front of my window. Sencillamente no quiero salir con Tom. I just don't want to go with Tom. I just don't want to go out with Tom. Li ucciderò tutti. I'll kill them all. I'll kill them all. Aqueth bistèc qu'ei tròp tilhut. This steak is too tough. This is the type of steak that I use. Vous êtes un génie. You are a genius. You're a genius. Contesta en anglès! Answer in English. Answer in English! Tom è molto devoto. Tom is very devout. Tom is very devoted. Il me donna de la nourriture ainsi que de l'argent. He gave me food and money as well. He gave me food and money. Che altro gli ha detto? What else did you tell him? What else did you tell him? Toki Pona nos ensina que é difícil falar em termos simples. Toki Pona teaches us that it is difficult to speak in simple terms. Toki Pona teaches us that it is difficult to speak in simple terms. O Tom prometeu que tentaria de novo. Tom promised that he'd try again. Tom promised he'd try again. Este es un libro muy nuevo. This is a very new book. This is a very new book. Solía leer en la biblioteca. I used to read in the library. I used to read in the library. Permítanme decir algunas palabras en esta ocasión. Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion. Let me say a few words on this occasion. A conversa entre mim e a cantora foi longa. The conversation between the singer and me was long. The conversation between me and the singer was long. Le capitali sono grandi e rumorose. Capital cities are big and noisy. The capitals are big and noisy. Tatoeba è un libro che è stato scritto in centinaia di lingue e ha superato il milione di pagine. Tatoeba is a book that has been written in hundreds of languages and is now over a million pages long. Tatoeba is a book that has been written in hundreds of languages and has exceeded one million pages. Tom è un uomo molto carismatico. Tom is a very charismatic man. Tom is a very charismatic man. On s’est super éclaté. We had a hell of a good time. We had a great time. Allora così sia. Then so be it. Then so be it. Qual é o montante? What is the final amount? What's the amount? Ultimele cărți au fost vândute acum o săptămână. The last books were sold a week ago. The last books were sold a week ago. Recibí un Playstation Vita de regalo. I received a Playstation Vita as a gift. I got a PlayStation Vita as a gift. Un visage apparut à la fenêtre. A face appeared at the window. A face appeared at the window. Perché non andiamo dentro? Why don't we go inside? Why don't we go inside? Tirem-nos daqui. Get them away from here. Get them out of here. Me gustan las cacatúas. I love cockatiels. I like cockatoos. Tudo, desde o mais humano pensamento ou emoção até a dimensão mais cósmica da existência, é um aspecto do Ser. Everything from the most human thought or emotion to the most cosmic dimension of existence is an aspect of Being. Everything from the most human thought or emotion to the most cosmic dimension of existence is an aspect of Being. La tua grammatica è migliore del tuo alito. Your grammar is better than your breath. Your grammar is better than your breath. ¿Por qué tienes una boca tan grande? Why is your mouth so big? Why do you have such a big mouth? Impossible de savoir ce qui va se passer demain. There is no telling what will happen tomorrow. There's no telling what's going to happen tomorrow. La minaccia per i posti di lavoro sta arrivando molto più velocemente di quanto previsto dalla maggior parte degli esperti di intelligenza artificiale. The threat to jobs is coming much faster than most AI experts predicted. The threat to jobs is coming much faster than most artificial intelligence experts expected. A me non importa se mi eviti. I don't care if you shun me. I don't care if you avoid me. Que lui as-tu fait ? What have you done to her? What did you do to him? Mangiammo fagioli. We ate beans. We ate beans. Eles estiveram na França, Alemanha, Espanha, Portugal, Estados Unidos, Canadá e em Porto Rico. They've been in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, United States, Canada, and Porto Rico. They have been in France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Mi faceva piacere vederla. I was glad to see her. I was glad to see you. Heureusement qu'elle me les a appris. It's just as well that she taught me them. I'm glad she taught me. !Pónganse algo de ropa! Put some clothes on. Put some clothes on! No me gusta compartir mi helado contigo. I don't like sharing my ice cream with you. I don't like sharing my ice cream with you. Pintó la puerta de azul. He painted the door blue. He painted the door blue. Le sue condizioni fisiche erano generalmente soddisfacenti. Her physical condition was generally satisfactory. His physical condition was generally satisfactory. Le pegó una bofetada. I slapped him. He slapped her. Aonde Tom e Mary planejam ir? Where do Tom and Mary plan to go? Where do Tom and Mary plan to go? Dovete aiutare Tom. You have to help Tom. You have to help Tom. Ela é lésbica. She is a lesbian. She's a lesbian. Se c'è un incendio, non utilizzate l'ascensore. If there's a fire, don't use the elevator. If there is a fire, do not use the elevator. Me gustaría que un hombre me examinara. I would like to have a man examine me. I'd like a man to examine me. L'abbonamento di Tom scadde. Tom's subscription expired. Tom's subscription expired. Dan donna à Linda de nombreuses occasions de s'expliquer. Dan gave Linda numerous chances to explain. Dan gave Linda many opportunities to explain herself. Je ne sais pas, Tom. I don't know, Tom. I don't know, Tom. Tom se alejó de un salto. Tom jumped away. Tom jumped away. Per favore, li prenda. Please get them. Please, take them. Décima partida, mais uma defesa russa (Petroff), sétimo empate. Carlsen 6,5 - Nepo 3,5. Amanhã, quinta-feira, é dia de descanso. Tenth game, another Russian (Petroff) defense, seventh draw. Carlsen 6.5 - Nepo 3.5. Tomorrow, Thursday is a day off. Tenth game, plus a Russian defense (Petroff), seventh draw. Carlsen 6.5 - Nepo 3.5. Tomorrow, Thursday, is a day of rest. Je ne suis pas la personne que j'étais. I am not the person I used to be. I'm not the person I used to be. Sempre será proveitoso o tempo que se dedicar ao estudo do Latim. The time you dedicate to the study of Latin will always be fruitful. The time you devote to the study of Latin will always be beneficial. Um paleontólogo no Texas identificou uma nova espécie de celacanto, um peixe antigo parente mais próximo dos vertebrados terrestres, incluindo humanos. A paleontologist in Texas has identified a new species of coelacanth, an ancient fish most closely related to land-dwelling vertebrates, including humans. A paleontologist in Texas has identified a new species of coelacanth, an ancient fish closest relative of terrestrial vertebrates, including humans. Has de menjar més a poc a poc. You should eat slower. You need to eat more slowly. Lo siento, no puedo pagar. Sorry. I can't pay. I'm sorry, I can't pay. Tom colocou sal no café em vez de açúcar. Tom put salt in his coffee instead of sugar. Tom put salt in the coffee instead of sugar. Il n'est pratiquement jamais chez lui. He's almost never home. He's hardly ever home. Ziri ha lasciato la città. Ziri left the city. Ziri has left town. Non ingrasso anche se mangio molti dolci. I don't gain weight although I eat many sweets. I don’t get fat even though I eat a lot of sweets. Vocês estão indo bem. You're doing fine. You guys are doing great. Não estou vendo o cursor. I don't see the cursor. I don't see the cursor. Eu recebi uma carta de minha mãe ontem. I received a letter from my mother yesterday. I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Smisero di essere miei amici. They stopped being my friends. They stopped being my friends. I bambini sono sacri. The children are sacred. Children are sacred. Amb tots els diners que té, ell no és feliç. For all the money he has, he is not happy. With all the money he has, he's not happy. Tom cântă la chitara aproape la fel de bine ca Mary. Tom plays the guitar almost as well as Mary does. Tom plays guitar almost as well as Mary. Ela lhe contou. She told him. She told you. Vous devez y penser. You need to think about it. You have to think about it. La prima lezione comincia alle otto e mezza. The first class begins at 8:30. The first lesson begins at half past eight. Eles deveriam pedir desculpas. They should apologize. They should apologize. Turcia trebuie să-și retragă trupele din Cipru. Turkey must withdraw its troops from Cyprus. Turkey must withdraw its troops from Cyprus. Tom nu este foarte bun la șah. Tom isn't really good at chess. Tom's not very good at chess. No llego tan alto cantando. I can't sing that high. I don't get that high singing. Passar um mês num rancho histórico como seu estalajadeiro e caseiro não é a descrição de umas férias de sonho, é um programa de voluntariado oferecido pelo Serviço Florestal dos Estados Unidos. Spending a month at a historic ranch as its host and caretaker is not a dream vacation description, it's a volunteer program offered by the U.S. Forest Service. Spending a month on a historic ranch as your innkeeper and homemaker is not the description of a dream vacation, it’s a volunteer program offered by the U.S. Forest Service. Anhela formar parte da comunidade dos ricos. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. He wants to be a part of the rich community. Pensaba que me habías entendido. I thought you had understood me. I thought you understood me. Tom vide la pistola. Tom saw the gun. Tom saw the gun. L’usage commun consiste à attendre deux semaines. Common practice is to wait two weeks. The usual practice is to wait two weeks. Desearía ser doctor. I wish I would become a doctor. I wish I was a doctor. Je veux parler du bon vieux temps. I want to talk about the good old days. I'm talking about the good old days. Estuviste en ese camino en el momento equivocado. You were on that road at the wrong time. You were on that road at the wrong time. Fue un error informático. It was a computer error. It was a computer error. La Chine construit des îles. China is building islands. China is building islands. Tom ti ha detto dove lavora? Did Tom tell you where he works? Did Tom tell you where he works? A mi hermana le encanta la música. My sister adores music. My sister loves music. Măgarul meu este mai rapid decât mașina ta. My donkey is faster than your car. My ass is faster than your car. La tarea de establecer la Utopía en la galaxia no se persiguió sin fricciones. Los diferentes tipos de razas tendieron a tener diferentes políticas para la galaxia. Aunque la guerra era ahora impensable, el tipo de lucha que conocemos entre individuos o asociaciones dentro de un mismo estado era común. Había, por ejemplo, una lucha constante entre los sistemas planetarios que estaban principalmente interesados en la construcción de la Utopía, los que estaban más preocupados por hacer contacto con otras galaxias y aquellos cuya principal preocupación era espiritual. The task of establishing Utopia in the galaxy was not pursued without friction. Different kinds of races were apt to have different policies for the galaxy. Though war was by now unthinkable, the sort of strife which we know between individuals or associations within the same state was common. There was, for instance, a constant struggle between the planetary systems that were chiefly interested in the building of Utopia, those that were most concerned to make contact with other galaxies, and those whose main preoccupation was spiritual. The task of establishing Utopia in the galaxy was not pursued without friction. Different types of races tended to have different policies for the galaxy. Although war was now unthinkable, the type of struggle we know between individuals or associations within the same state was common. There was, for example, a constant struggle between those planetary systems that were primarily concerned with building Utopia, those that were most concerned with making contact with it. Te aseguro que no vas a poder hacerlo sin ayuda. I assure you that you're not going to be able to do it without help. I assure you, you won't be able to do it without help. Abbiamo già raccolto molte frasi stupide. We have already collected a lot of stupid sentences. We've already picked up a lot of stupid phrases. Quiero que vayas con Tom. I want you to go with Tom. I want you to go with Tom. Un uomo eccellente: non ha nemici e non piace a nessun amico. An excellent man: he has no enemies, and none of his friends like him. An excellent man: he has no enemies and no friends like him. Mary è ingrassata. Mary got fat. Mary has grown fat. Nous ne pouvons plus faire confiance à personne maintenant. We can't trust anyone now. We can't trust anyone now. Les tortues marines ont une haute espérance de vie. Sea turtles have a long lifespan. Sea turtles have a high life expectancy. Espérons-le. Let's hope so. Let's hope so. Aquela pessoa vulgar pode voltar a importunar-me e eu não tenho tempo a perder em combate. That vulgar person might accost me again, and I have no time to waste in combat. That vulgar person may trouble me again, and I have no time to waste in combat. Tom sta facendo delle lezioni online. Tom is taking online classes. Tom's doing online classes. ¿Me estás armando una escena? Are you making a scene? Are you making a scene for me? Pregúntaselo al conserje, que seguro que lo sabe. Ask the receptionist, whom I'm sure knows. Ask the janitor, he probably knows. Tout le monde pense que j’ai perdu l’esprit. Everyone thinks I've lost my mind. Everyone thinks I’ve lost my mind. Non c'è niente di meglio da fare. There's nothing better to do. There's nothing better to do. Tom mora nesta rua. Tom lives on this street. Tom lives on this street. Ele me passou uma gripe terrível. He gave me a bad cold. He gave me a terrible flu. La parata sta per iniziare. The parade is about to start. The parade is about to begin. Nos vamos en una hora. ¿Cuándo te prepararás? We are leaving in an hour. When will you get ready? We're leaving in an hour. When are you getting ready? Ese es mi perro. That is my dog. That's my dog. Voglio scrivere la mia autobiografia. I want to write my autobiography. I want to write my autobiography. Voleva sapere cosa ne pensavo del corso. He wanted to know what I thought about the course. He wanted to know what I thought about the course. Eles estão agora a tirar lições para se certificarem de que os rumores e a desinformação não voltarão a inviabilizar uma campanha de saúde vital. They are now drawing lessons to make sure that rumors and misinformation will never again scuttle a vital health campaign. They are now taking lessons to make sure that rumors and misinformation will not again derail a vital health campaign. Nadie se percató del error. Nobody noticed the mistake. No one noticed the mistake. Que currículo usa Fadil para ensinar árabe? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? What curriculum does Fadil use to teach Arabic? Penses-tu vraiment que je veuille faire ce que je fais ? Do you really think I want to do what I do? Do you really think I want to do what I do? Il n'est ni mauvais ni parfait. He is neither bad nor perfect. It is neither bad nor perfect. Simplemente se desvaneció. It just faded away. It just faded away. Ziri imparò il berbero online. Ziri learnt Berber online. Ziri learned Berber online. Es una mentira. It's a lie. It's a lie. Quando estou com outros furries, não tenho que me preocupar em ser julgado. When I'm with other furries, I don't have to worry about being judged. When I'm with other furries, I don't have to worry about being judged. Los niños se perdieron en el camping. The children got lost at the campground. The children were lost at the campsite. Se potete, aprite quella finestra. If you can, open that window. If you can, open that window. Envoie-moi de l'argent. Send me some money. Send me some money. ¿Lograste que regresaran? Did you get them back? Did you get them back? Alguém falou com ela? Has anybody spoken with her? Did anyone talk to her? Por favor, charre mas lento. Please speak more slowly. Please, slow down. "Você gosta de viajar?" "Sim." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." "Do you like to travel?" "Yes." O que ele não esperava era ódio ostensivo e violência insensível. What he didn't expect was blatant hatred and callous violence. What he did not expect was ostentatious hatred and callous violence. Non tutti incontrano le stesse difficoltà. Not everyone faces the same difficulties. Not everyone faces the same difficulties. Quanto costerà il biglietto per il concerto del pianista? How much will the ticket for the pianist's concert cost? How much will the concert ticket for the pianist cost? Ci sono molti esempi di quello. There are many examples of that. There are many examples of that. Je fais un sourire en coin. I smirk. I put a smile on the corner. La madre de Jesús estaba allí, y Jesús y sus discípulos también habían sido invitados a la boda. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. Mașina lui nu e aici, deci el trebuie să fi plecat. His car isn't here, so he must have gone. His car's not here, so he must have left. Ero di buonumore. I was in a good mood. I was in a good mood. Sem fazer perguntas, ninguém aprende nada. Without asking questions, nobody learns anything. Without asking questions, no one learns anything. William mourait de rire. William was dying laughing. William died laughing. ¡Eres una chica muy hermosa! You're a really pretty girl. You're a very beautiful girl! Él tiene una flor en la mano. He has a flower in his hand. He has a flower in his hand. M-ai făcut să-mi pierd mințile. You made me lose my mind. You made me lose my mind. O trabalho é difícil? Is the work hard? Is the job difficult? Le compré el cinturón. I bought the belt for him. I bought him the belt. Elas não se importam com isso. They don't care about that. They don't care about that. Bon nadal! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Ella es buena en lo que hace. She's good at what she does. She's good at what she does. La dottoressa si è tolta i guanti. The doctor removed her gloves. The doctor took off her gloves. Scrive in arabo. He writes Arabic. He writes in Arabic. Você tem algum band-aid? Do you have any band-aids? Do you have any band-aid? La mia vicina è stata arrestata la scorsa notte. My neighbour was arrested last night. My neighbor was arrested last night. ¿Cuántas estaciones de autobuses hay en esta ciudad? How many bus stations are there in this city? How many bus stations are there in this city? Comment c'est juste pas drôle. It's legit not funny. How it's just not funny. Vi consiglierei di non comprare quella casa. I'd advise you not to buy that house. I would advise you not to buy that house. Ora la cancello. Now I delete you. Now I'm closing it. Ele quer desenvolver mais as forças armadas do país durante os próximos anos. He wants to develop the country's military more during the next few years. He wants to develop the country’s armed forces further over the next few years. Arrivarono all'ospedale. They arrived at the hospital. They arrived at the hospital. È molto sofisticata. She's very sophisticated. It's very sophisticated. Él está a punto de ir a Londres. He is about to leave for London. He's about to go to London. Quante volte all'anno vai in spiaggia? How many times a year do you go to the beach? How many times a year do you go to the beach? Io non ho alcuna intenzione di dirglielo. I have no intention of telling him. I have no intention of telling you. Tom no puede creer lo que está pasando. Tom can't believe what's happening. Tom can't believe what's going on. Até Tom esperou. Even Tom waited. Even Tom waited. Papá, ¿dónde conociste a mamá? Dad, where did you meet Mum? Dad, where did you meet Mom? Este livro é bom? Is this book good? Is this book good? Tom protegeu sua esposa. Tom protected his wife. Tom protected his wife. Portez-vous un dentier ? Do you wear dentures? Do you wear a denture? Sèm desolat de vos poder pas ajudar. We are sorry we can't help you. I’m so sorry that I can’t help you. Perché li sta ascoltando? Why are you listening to them? Why are you listening to them? Intruso! Aqui não é seu lugar! Intruder! You don't belong here! Intruder, this is not your place! Smettetela di piagnucolare. Quit whining. Stop whining. È stato un inizio difficile per Mary. It was a difficult beginning for Fadil. It was a difficult start for Mary. Le gustaría ser policía en el futuro. He wants to be a policeman in the future. He'd like to be a cop in the future. Où sont mes médicaments ? Where are my medicines? Where are my meds? Qu'ei arribat a l'ora. He arrived in time. He arrived at the hour. Ce champignon est-il vénéneux ? Is this mushroom poisonous? Is this mushroom poisonous? Dovremmo farglielo sapere. We should let him know. We should let him know. Eu acho que ambas são boas. I think both are good. I think both are good. Io mantengo sempre la mia parola. I always keep my word. I always keep my word. Yanni a terminé. Yanni finished. Yanni's done. Erano artisti, non biologi. They were artists, not biologists. They were artists, not biologists. Todos aman algo, aunque solo sean las tortillas. Everybody loves something, even if it's only tortillas. Everyone loves something, even if it's just the tortillas. Sir Robert Saville ao escrever a Sir Robert Cotton, marcando uma entrevista com o fundador da Biblioteca Bodleiana, adverte Sir Robert, que "Se ele guardasse algum livro com tanta estima que fosse odioso perdê-lo, ele não deveria deixar Sir Thomas sair da sua vista, mas deveria pôr 'o liber' de lado antecipadamente." Sir Robert Saville writing to Sir Robert Cotton, appointing an interview with the founder of the Bodleian Library, cautions Sir Robert, that “If he held any book so dear as that he would be loath to lose it, he should not let Sir Thomas out of his sight, but set ‘the boke’ aside beforehand.” Sir Robert Saville in writing to Sir Robert Cotton, marking an interview with the founder of the Bodleian Library, warns Sir Robert, that "If he should keep any book with such esteem that it would be hateful to lose it, he should not let Sir Thomas out of his sight, but should set it 'free' in advance." Há alguma estação de trem perto daqui? Is there a train station near here? Is there a train station near here? No le diré a nadie, lo prometo. I won't tell anyone, I promise. I won't tell anyone, I promise. Estamos salvos. We're safe. We're safe. Não há peixes em Netuno. There are no fish on Neptune. There are no fish on Neptune. Trata de no comer. Try not to eat. Try not to eat. I-a pus întrebări. He asked her questions. He asked her questions. Esto kon un abashamiento muy fuerte. I have a bad cold. This is a very strong abasement. Apra il suo libro alla prima pagina. Open your book to the first page. Open your book to the first page. Você é o único adulto aqui. You are the only adult here. You're the only adult here. Ce vol est complet. This flight is full. This flight is complete. Est-ce qu'on t'a déjà diagnostiqué des ulcères ? Have you ever been diagnosed with ulcers? Have you ever been diagnosed with ulcers? Avez-vous déjà été hospitalisé pour une bronchite ou une pneumonie ? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Y si supiera que mañana se acaba el mundo plantaría hoy un manzano. And if I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I'd plant an apple tree today. And if I knew that tomorrow the world would end, I would plant an apple tree today. ¿Recuerdas esa tienda? Do you remember that store? Remember that store? Les études difficiles renforcent l'intellect. Hard studies make strong brains. Difficult studies strengthen the intellect. Felix a finalement répondu. Felix finally responded. Felix finally answered. Valíame más tener dexao la pistola au la atopé. I should've left the gun where I found it. I had to put my gun in it. Le plaisir est à l'opposé de la tristesse. Delight is the opposite of sorrow. Pleasure is the opposite of sadness. Tom non era in grado di decidere per chi avrebbe dovuto votare. Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom couldn't decide who he should vote for. Le train part et nous n'avons pas acheté nos billets ! The train is taking off and we haven't bought our tickets! The train leaves and we didn't buy our tickets! Appuyez sur Entrée. Press Enter. Press Enter. Questo scrittore ha creato una nuova lingua. This writer created a new language. This writer has created a new language. Il direttore ti vuole parlare. The principal wants to talk to you. The manager wants to talk to you. Je n'ai pas ce que vous demandez. I do not have what you are asking for. I don't have what you're asking for. Ya he terminado de leer este libro. I've already finished reading this book. I have finished reading this book. Il a disparu en un instant. He disappeared in an instant. He disappeared in an instant. Tom se parece a su padre. Tom looks like his father. Tom looks like his father. El corazón es una parte muy importante del cuerpo. The heart is a very important part of the body. The heart is a very important part of the body. Bu Xiangzhi é um dos mais talentosos Grandes Mestres chineses. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grand Masters. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grandmasters. Perché non andiamo a vedere se Tom riesce ad aiutarci? Why don't we go see if Tom can help us? Why don't we go see if Tom can help us? Tom non sa che Mary ha mentito. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. Tom doesn't know Mary lied. Este es el perro de Tom. This is Tom's dog. This is Tom's dog. O Tom sugeriu aquilo. Tom suggested that. Tom suggested that. Eu não quero que Tom fique aqui. I don't want Tom to stay here. I don't want Tom to stay here. Ha aperto la sua finestra. She opened her window. He opened his window. Ho provato un profondo dolore. I felt a deep sorrow. I felt deep pain. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una mesa y una silla? What is the difference between a table and a chair? What is the difference between a table and a chair? Non mi hai svelato il tuo segreto. You haven't told me your secret. You didn't tell me your secret. Tom et Mary ont couché ensemble depuis la nuit où ils se sont rencontrés. Tom and Mary have slept together since the night they met. Tom and Mary have slept together since the night they met. Je ne peux les laisser vous attraper. I cannot let them catch you. I can't let them catch you. Ha cominciato la scuola di recente. She started school recently. He started school recently. Io sarò la tua professoressa. I'm going to be your teacher. I'll be your teacher. Je le ferai lorsque les poules auront des dents. I'll do it when Hell freezes over. I'll do it when the chickens have teeth. Mon ordinateur s'est figé. My computer has frozen. My computer froze. Ella quiere un sombrero nuevo. She wants a new hat. She wants a new hat. ¿Y en qué otro momento podríamos haberlo hecho? And when else could we have done it? And at what other time could we have done it? Per favore, attendi finché non arriva. Please wait until he arrives. Please wait until he arrives. C'est trop gros. It's too big. It's too big. Ea a luat un taxi până la muzeu. She took the taxi to the museum. She took a taxi to the museum. Oamenii din lumea întreagă devin mai grași. People around the world are getting fatter. People all over the world are getting fatter. Eu acho que esse tem de morrer para que o outro viva. É um mundo cruel. I think this one has to die for the other to live. It's a cruel world. I think this one has to die in order for the other one to live. Modeste et court d'imagination, Justin ne connaissait le mal que par ouï-dire. Humble and not imaginative, Justin only knew evil through hearsay. Modest and short of imagination, Justin knew evil only by hearsay. Ziri se reposa. Ziri rested. Ziri rested. El este liber profesionist. He's self-employed. He's a freelancer. È andato lì con lei. He went there with her. He went there with her. Tengo una ensalada con aceite, vinagre y sal. I have a salad with oil, vinegar, and salt. I have a salad with oil, vinegar and salt. Traduce el texto, por favor. Translate the text, please. Please translate the text. Minha avó é velha, mas saudável. My grandmother is old but healthy. My grandmother is old, but healthy. Tu es un homme bon. You're a good man. You're a good man. Eu também te amo. I love you too. I love you, too. O ácido salicílico é um composto orgânico. Salicylic acid is an organic compound. Salicylic acid is an organic compound. Tom se preguntó por qué Mary no le había contado al respecto. Tom wondered why Mary didn't tell him about it. Tom wondered why Mary hadn’t told him about it. Uno de mis hijos está malo. One of my children is sick. One of my kids is bad. Penso che loro saranno in ritardo. I think they'll be late. I think they'll be late. ¿Ha estado Tom haciendo sus labores? Has Tom been doing his chores? Has Tom been doing his homework? O que você quer mudar? What do you want to change? What do you want to change? Shota a dit qu'il était gêné de la voir. Shota said that he was shy about seeing her. Shota said he was embarrassed to see her. Uma pedra que captura pode ficar sem nenhuma liberdade até que as pedras por ela capturadas sejam removidas. A capturing stone may have no liberty until the stones it captures are removed. A stone that captures can be left without any freedom until the stones it captures are removed. Mi hijo se ha perdido. My child is missing. My son is lost. Ziri farà del suo meglio. Ziri will do his best. Ziri will do his best. Tom este la masa de ruletă. Tom is at the roulette table. Tom's at the roulette table. Quelque chose m'est apparu. Something's dawned on me. Something appeared to me. Elias s'est fait escroquer. Elias got scammed. Elias got scammed. No camine sobre el cristal. Don't walk on the glass. Don't walk on glass. ¡Qué joven inteligente! What an intelligent young woman! What a smart young man! No sé. I don't know. I don't know. Gústame ver películas. I like watching movies. I like to watch movies. Acoperișul s-a prăbușit sub greutatea zăpezii. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow. Lui mi innervosisce. He makes me nervous. He pisses me off. Un sabio dijo una vez: "si el esperanto es una lengua artificial, mi coche es un caballo artificial." A wise man once said, "If Esperanto is an artificial language, then my car is an artificial horse." A wise man once said, “If Esperanto is an artificial language, my car is an artificial horse.” C'est à vous de décider ce qu'il faut faire. It's up to you to decide what to do. It's up to you to decide what to do. A altura da minha filhinha é um metro. My little daughter's height is one meter. My daughter's height is a metre. Sto cercando il mio ombrello. I'm looking for my umbrella. I'm looking for my umbrella. J'apprends beaucoup de langues. I am learning many languages. I learn a lot of languages. Tom e Maria são gêmeos. Tom and Mary are twins. Tom and Maria are twins. El pollo se come el insecto. The chicken eats the insect. The chicken eats the insect. Êtes-vous directement rentrés chez vous hier, après l'école ? Did you go straight home after school yesterday? Did you go straight home yesterday after school? Eles eram imigrantes. They were immigrants. They were immigrants. N'allez pas avec des souliers dans cette mosquée. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Do not wear shoes to this mosque. La Grèce est pleine de touristes en été. Greece is full of tourists in the summer. Greece is full of tourists in summer. Estaven satisfets. They were satisfied. They were satisfied. Quand ma mère était jeune, elle était très belle. When my mother was young, she was very beautiful. When my mother was young, she was very beautiful. A ciência não é uma religião. Science is not a religion. Science is not a religion. Vino înspre mine. Come towards me. Come towards me. Tom y María no están casados, son hermanos. Tom and Mary aren't married. They're siblings. Tom and Maria are not married, they are brothers. O novo secretário-geral do grupo, o antigo ministro dos negócios estrangeiros uzbeque, Vladimir Norov, diz que a OCX pretende ser um conetor e não um divisor. The group's new secretary-general, former Uzbek Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov, says the SCO aims to be a connector, not a divider. The group’s new secretary general, former Uzbek foreign minister Vladimir Norov, says the SCO aims to be a connector and not a divider. Mientras Tom no miraba, Mary agarró su soda y la agitó lo más que pudo. While Tom wasn't watching, Mary grabbed his soda can and shook it as hard as she could. While Tom wasn’t looking, Mary grabbed her soda and shook it as much as she could. Alguém tem uma lanterna? Does anyone have a flashlight? Does anyone have a flashlight? ¿Te gustaría que llame un taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? Would you like me to call a taxi? Vous êtes la personne la plus incroyable que j'aie jamais rencontrée. You're the most incredible person I've ever met. You're the most incredible person I've ever met. Merecen un descanso. They deserve a rest. They deserve a break. Benvingudes a Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. A Inglaterra era a favorita no início da partida, pois jogava em casa diante de dezenas de milhares de torcedores. England was the favorite at the start of the game, as it was playing at home in front of tens of thousands of fans. England were the favourites at the start of the match, playing at home in front of tens of thousands of fans. Non ne voglio più parlare. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I don't want to talk about it anymore. O presidente da França vai ao Japão no próximo mês. The president of France goes to Japan next month. The president of France is going to Japan next month. Tom nu a purtat o cămașă. Tom wasn't wearing a shirt. Tom didn't wear a shirt. Los gatos son criaturas curiosas por naturaleza. Cats are curious creatures by nature. Cats are curious creatures by nature. Non festeggiamo il Natale. We don't celebrate Christmas. We don't celebrate Christmas. Le sport des échecs est remarquablement bien organisé ; en fait, très peu de sports disposent d'un réseau international de joueurs aussi large. The sport of chess is remarkably well organized; in fact, very few sports have such a large international network of players. The sport of chess is remarkably well organized; in fact, very few sports have such a wide international network of players. Spegni la radio, per favore. Turn off the radio, please. Turn off the radio, please. Tom não queria que Maria dirigisse o seu carro. Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car. Tom didn't want Maria driving his car. Ci sono diciannove studenti in questa classe di economia. There are nineteen students in this economics class. There are nineteen students in this economics class. Ele conhecia a doçura inebriante do aplauso popular, e as revulsões amargas resultantes da transformação dela em desfavor e censura públicos. He knew the inebriating sweetness of popular applause, and the bitter revulsions consequent on its change into public disfavor and censure. He knew the intoxicating sweetness of popular applause, and the bitter revulsions resulting from its transformation into public disfavor and censure. Preciso de sapatos novos. I need new shoes. I need new shoes. Potrebbe abbracciarmi? Could you hug me? Could you hug me? C'est mon parc préféré. This is my favourite park. This is my favorite park. Las plantas crecen rápidamente después de la lluvia. Plants grow quickly after rain. Plants grow quickly after rain. Cât de adânc este lacul ăsta? How deep is this lake? How deep is this lake? Yanni vivía en esa casa. Yanni used to live in that house. Yanni lived in that house. La persona non venne. The person didn't come. The person did not come. Il suo biascicamento era un'indicazione del fatto che era ubriaca. Her slurred speech was an indication that she was drunk. Her slurring was an indication that she was drunk. Ninguém sabe por que Tom fez aquilo. No one knows why Tom did that. No one knows why Tom did that. Eu quero aprender japonês. I want to learn Japanese. I want to learn Japanese. Ele também disse aos diplomados em Washington que se eles quiserem ver mudanças, eles não podem "sonambular ao longo da vida", mas devem participar ativamente no sistema democrático. He also told the graduates in Washington that if they want to see change, they cannot "sleepwalk through life" but must actively participate in the democratic system. He also told graduates in Washington that if they want to see change, they cannot “sleepwalk throughout their lives” but must actively participate in the democratic system. Aslam observou que o programa de plantação de árvores está também a gerar dezenas de milhares de novas oportunidades de emprego e espera-se que crie cerca de 1,5 milhões de empregos nos próximos três anos, altura em que o governo terá atingido a meta de quase 3,3 mil milhões de árvores. Aslam noted the tree plantation program is also generating tens of thousands of new employment opportunities and is expected to create about 1.5 million jobs over the next three years when the government will have hit the target of nearly 3.3 billion trees. Aslam noted that the tree-planting program is also generating tens of thousands of new job opportunities and is expected to create about 1.5 million jobs over the next three years, by which time the government will have reached the target of nearly 3.3 billion trees. Abandónalo todo. Leave everything. Abandon everything. Ela frequentemente leva vantagem de sua ignorância. She often takes advantage of his ignorance. She often takes advantage of her ignorance. Non penso che Tom sia molto forte. I don't think that Tom is very strong. I don't think Tom's very strong. Quanto custa? How much does that cost? How much does it cost? Nous sommes allées effectuer une promenade dehors après le petit-déjeuner. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went for a walk outside after breakfast. I töi combattan co-e còrne, i pòrchi sarvæghi co-e zanne. Bulls fight with horns, boars with tusks. The tables fight with the horns, the pigs save with the fangs. À quelle vitesse écris-tu ? How quickly can you write? How fast are you writing? Prova a pensarci. Try to think about it. Try to think about it. Recommence, s'il te plaît! Start over, please! Do it again, please! El amor es un sentimiento muy fuerte. Love is a very strong feeling. Love is a very strong feeling. Il y avait une énorme araignée dans la salle de séjour. There was a huge spider in the living room. There was a huge spider in the living room. Pênalti! It's a penalty! Penalty! È incredibilmente stupida. You're unbelievably stupid. She's incredibly stupid. O correio fica entre a escola e o banco. The post office is between the school and the bank. The post office is between the school and the bank. Non li ho mai sentiti lamentarsi. I've never heard them complain. I never heard them complain. Tom a reușit în multe. Tom has achieved a lot. Tom has done a lot. Non voglio essere vista con lei. I don't want to be seen with her. I don't want to be seen with her. La troverà noiosa. You'll find it boring. You'll find her boring. Se parece a un perro, pero no creo que lo sea. It looks like a dog, but I don't think it is. It looks like a dog, but I don't think it is. Mi sto prendendo cura della casa. I'm taking care of the house. I'm taking care of the house. Mon nom ne figure pas sur la liste. My name isn't listed. My name is not on the list. Tom aime les poneys. Tom likes ponies. Tom likes ponies. ¿Quién es el portero? Who's the goalie? Who's the doorman? Le encanta la música y toca la guitarra. He loves music and plays the guitar. He loves music and plays guitar. Mary escribió una novela juvenil. Mary wrote a young adult novel. Mary wrote a young adult novel. Creo que la pena capital debería abolirse. I think capital punishment should be abolished. I believe that the death penalty should be abolished. Mi sento così dispiaciuto per lui. I feel so sorry for him. I feel so sorry for him. Bienvenue à Dublin ! Welcome to Dublin! Welcome to Dublin! Yanni quería hacerle una broma a Skura. Yanni wanted to play a prank on Skura. Yanni wanted to make a joke about Skura. Tom dice que la ayuda está en camino. Tom says that help is on the way. Tom says help is on the way. Fece un cenno. He waved. He nodded. Acho que o Tom e a Mary teriam nos ajudado se eles estivessem lá. I think that Tom and Mary would've helped us if they'd been there. I think Tom and Mary would have helped us if they were there. Le précédent est inférieur au suivant par certains aspects. The former is inferior to the latter in some respect. The former is inferior to the latter in some respects. Molts joves japonesos prenen pa per a esmorzar. Many young people in Japan eat bread for breakfast. Many young Japanese take bread for breakfast. Le livre est à vous ? Is the book yours? Is the book yours? Haverá outros esforços de conservação, incluindo o combate às estrelas-do-mar-coroa-de-espinhos devoradoras de corais e à pesca ilegal. There will be other conservation efforts, including combating coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish and illegal fishing. There will be other conservation efforts, including combating coral-eating starfish and illegal fishing. Epstein ne s'est pas suicidé. Epstein didn't kill himself. Epstein did not commit suicide. Tom no es de los que guardan rencor. Tom is not one to hold grudges. Tom's not one to hold a grudge. Sono una pantofolaia. I'm a homebody. I'm a slippermaker. Él recibió en una ocasión una medalla de oro. He's been awarded a gold medal once. He once received a gold medal. Avez-vous remarqué des bosses dans vos seins ? Have you noticed any lumps in your breasts? Have you noticed lumps in your breasts? Estou avergonzado porque actuei coma un idiota. I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly. I'm embarrassed because I acted like an idiot. Lembrar-me-ei disso. I'll remember that. I'll remember that. Mi ha mandato questo libro. She sent this book to me. He sent me this book. Avem nevoie de mai mulți muncitori. We need more workers. We need more workers. Avevano talento. They were talented. They had talent. Non ti ricordi di loro? Don't you remember them? You don't remember them? Estas pilas pueden recargarse. These batteries can be recharged. These batteries can be recharged. Joey está fascinado por Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. Joey is fascinated by Shane. Pensava que já tinhas terminado isso. I thought you have finished that already. I thought you were done with this. ¿Has salido del estado en los últimos catorce días? Have you left the state within the last 14 days? Have you been out of the state in the last fourteen days? È preciso ler muito, e escolher bem o que se lê. One should read a lot, not a lot of things. You have to read a lot and choose well what you read. Espero que tomes la decisión correcta. I hope that you make the right decision. I hope you make the right decision. L'entreprise se prépare à une introduction en bourse pour lever des fonds. The company is girding for an initial public offering to raise funds. The company is preparing for an IPO to raise funds. Podría llevar semanas, incluso meses. It could take weeks, even months. It could take weeks, even months. Ha il permesso di essere qua? Do you have permission to be here? Do you have permission to be here? Sembrava ubriaco. He seemed drunk. He looked drunk. Estabais escuchando a escondidas. You were eavesdropping. You were listening on the sly. Se ingrasso troppo, mio marito inizierà a cercarsi qualcun'altra. If I gain too much weight, my husband will start looking for someone else. If I get too fat, my husband will start looking for someone else. Ele também é acusado de agir como cúmplice com dois membros do Boko Haram e de não ter avisado as autoridades sobre atividades do Boko Haram. He also is accused of acting as an accomplice with two members of Boko Haram, and of failing to warn authorities of activities by Boko Haram. He is also accused of acting as an accomplice to two members of Boko Haram and failing to warn authorities about Boko Haram activities. Dieu, je suis un pécheur. God, I am a sinner. God, I'm a sinner. No le cogieron. He didn't get caught. They didn't catch him. Me duele el codo aún. My elbow still hurts. My elbow still hurts. Il mio naso cominciò a prudere. My nose started to itch. My nose began to itch. Io voglio abitare a Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. Des scientifiques polonais travaillent en Afrique. Polish scientists work in Africa. Polish scientists work in Africa. Vamos firme. Let's go steady. Let's go steady. Eu anotei em algum lugar. I wrote it down somewhere. I wrote it down somewhere. Chiedete a Tom. Dovrebbe saperlo. Ask Tom. He should know. Ask Tom, he should know. Je ne pense pas que ça le dérangerait. I don't think he would mind. I don't think he'd mind. Le piace guardare le serie TV? Do you like watching TV series? Do you like watching TV series? Je sais que vous vous ennuyez. I know you're bored. I know you're bored. La investigación del físico ayudará a mucha gente. The physicist's research will help a lot of people. Physics research will help a lot of people. Aide-moi, si tu le peux ! Help me if you can. Help me, if you can! ¿Te dijeron cuándo tienes que venir? Have you been told when to come? Did they tell you when to come? Ce se întâmplă cu Tom? What's the matter with Tom? What's going on with Tom? Tu ferais mieux de faire comme le médecin te l'a recommandé. You'd better do as the doctor advised you. You better do what the doctor told you to do. Puis-je vraiment prendre le risque ? Can I really take the risk? Can I really take the risk? David a un problème de confiance en soi. David has a confidence problem. David has a self-confidence problem. Você é a minha inspiração também. You are my inspiration, too. You're my inspiration too. Eu não entendo o que ele quer dizer. I don't understand what he means. I don't understand what he means. ¿Esto es checo? Is that Czech? Is this Czech? Tom è un socialista democratico. Tom is a democratic socialist. Tom is a democratic socialist. Alguien nos espía. Someone's spying on us. Someone's spying on us. Tom non ha per nulla paura dei serpenti. Tom isn't afraid of snakes at all. Tom is not afraid of snakes at all. O homem e a mulher têm um filho. The man and the woman have a child. The man and the woman have a child. Les beaux vitraux sont de l'art. Beautiful stained glass is art. Beautiful stained glass windows are art. An ka manjé. I am eating. We do not eat. Non me chames despois das dez. Don't call me up after ten o'clock. Don't call me after ten. La zuppa era saporita? Was the soup tasty? Was the soup tasty? Tom proporcionará la música. Tom will provide music. Tom will provide the music. ¿Está bien la forma en la que hago esto? Is the way I'm doing this OK? Is it okay the way I do this? Tu tens de fazer isso? Do you have to do that? Do you have to do that? Tom diventò famoso su TikTok. Tom got famous on TikTok. Tom became famous on TikTok. Je n'arrivais pas à décider quoi mettre. I couldn't decide what to wear. I couldn't decide what to wear. Je ne veux pas en faire les frais. I don't want to bear the brunt of it. I don't want to pay for it. Gostamos do nosso emprego. We love our job. We like our job. Accidentalmente la vi desnuda. I accidentally saw her naked. I accidentally saw her naked. Ei caută un țap ispășitor. They're looking for a scapegoat. They're looking for a scapegoat. Les prix de l'immobilier ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire au cours des cinq dernières années. Property prices have risen dramatically over the past five years. Real estate prices have risen dramatically over the past five years. Ziri risponde alle chiamate in berbero. Ziri answers calls in Berber. Ziri answers calls in Berber. Ça passe le lundi soir à 9 heures. It's on on Monday evenings at 9. It happens on Monday night at 9 o'clock. Arribarà un dia que el negoci reeixirà. The day will come when the business will succeed. There will come a time when the business will be successful. Athènes et Sparte sont des villes grecques. Athens and Sparta are cities in Greece. Athens and Sparta are Greek cities. Non ho cenato ieri. I didn't eat dinner yesterday. I didn't have dinner yesterday. Ta vie en dépend. Your life depends on it. Your life depends on it. Mi piacerebbe leggere la letteratura latina. I would like to read Latin literature. I would love to read Latin literature. Tom também não gosta de Maria. Tom doesn't like Mary either. Tom doesn't like Maria either. Abita qua da solo. He lives here alone. He lives here alone. Tom paye bien. Tom pays well. Tom pays well. O chapéu é seu. The hat is yours. The hat is yours. Cine-i jucătorul tău de fotbal preferat? Who's your favourite soccer player? Who's your favorite football player? Ci sono 342 ponti a San Pietroburgo. There are 342 bridges in Saint Petersburg. There are 342 bridges in St. Petersburg. Tom quiere comprar un reproductor de ocho pistas para poner en el coche que le dio su abuela. Tom wants to buy an eight-track player to put in the car his grandmother gave him. Tom wants to buy an eight-track player to put in the car his grandmother gave him. Mia figlia è smarrita. My child is lost. My daughter is lost. No malgastes tu dinero. Don't waste your money. Don't waste your money. Quando Tom se casou com Mary, ela tinha metade da idade dele. When Tom married Mary, she was half his age. When Tom married Mary, she was half his age. Tu hai molto denaro? Do you have a lot of money? Do you have a lot of money? Seja muito bem-vinda, Srta. Lindsey. You are very welcome, Ms. Lindsey. You are most welcome, Miss Lindsey. Todo lo que le dije a mi médico era cierto. Everything I told my medic was true. Everything I told my doctor was true. Je saigne entre mes règles. I am bleeding between my periods. I'm bleeding between my periods. Ce n'est efficace qu'à courte portée. It's only effective at close range. It is only effective at short range. Je n'ai pas le temps de partir en vacances cette année. I don't have time for a vacation this year. I don’t have time to go on vacation this year. La scienza non è infallibile. Science isn't infallible. Science is not infallible. Skura prestò a Rima il suo computer. Skura lent Rima her computer. Skura lent Rima his computer. Sono qua per la macchina. I am here for the car. I'm here for the car. Tom ha tenuto il mio accendino. Tom kept my lighter. Tom held my lighter. Mi hai contata? Did you count me? Did you contact me? Désolé, je ne parle pas le grec. Sorry, I don't speak Greek. Sorry, I don't speak Greek. O cachorro tem quatro patas. A dog has four legs. The dog has four legs. Je me sens observé. I feel like I am being watched. I feel observed. Ser deve ser sentido. Não pode ser pensado. Being must be felt. It can't be thought. Being must be felt, it cannot be thought. Metta via quel libro. Put that book away. Put that book away. Tom va souvent à l'école à pied. Tom often walks to school. Tom often goes to school on foot. Frequenta la scuola primaria. He attends primary school. He attends primary school. Nous parlerons de ce livre dans la prochaine leçon. We will discuss this book next lesson. We will talk about this book in the next lesson. Ha dato un'occhiata al computer. She took a look at the computer. He took a look at the computer. Non indovinerete mai dove sono. You'll never guess where I am. You'll never guess where they are. Tom era îngăduitor. Tom was lenient. Tom was lenient. A Organização Mundial de Saúde relata que a vaga da variante Ómicron com rápida propagação em África parece ter atingido o seu auge e está a estabilizar na maioria dos países africanos. The World Health Organization reports the surge of the fast-spreading Omicron variant in Africa appears to have peaked and is flattening in most African countries. The World Health Organization reports that the wave of the rapidly spreading Omicron variant in Africa appears to have reached its peak and is stabilizing in most African countries. O cinto dele é preto. His belt is black. His belt is black. Ayer él estudió toda la noche. Last night, he studied all night long. He studied all night yesterday. O vinho está no mercado. The wine is in the market. Wine is on the market. Quando o rei do seu adversário, encontrando-se na primeira (ou oitava) fila, estiver bloqueado por seus próprios peões ou peças, se você conseguir, com a dama ou uma torre, dar-lhe xeque, mesmo que isso exija, inicialmente, um ou dois sacrifícios, o resultado dessa manobra será xeque-mate. No Brasil, damos a esse tipo de jogada o nome de "mate do corredor", ou "mate da gaveta". When your opponent's king, found in the first (or eighth) row, is trapped by its own pawns or pieces, if you can, with the queen or a rook, give it check, even if this initially requires one or two sacrifices, the result of this maneuver will be checkmate. In Brazil, we call this type of play "hallway mate", or "drawer mate". When the king of your opponent, being in the first (or eighth) row, is blocked by his own pawns or pieces, if you can, with the queen or a rook, give him a check, even if it initially requires one or two sacrifices, the result of this maneuver will be checkmate. In Brazil, we give this type of play the name of "mate of the runner", or "mate of the runner". Gli scacchi incatenano il loro padrone, sottomettendo la sua mente e il suo cervello in modo tale che la libertà interiore anche del più forte ne soffrirà. Chess shackles its master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. Chess shackles its master, subduing his mind and brain in such a way that the inner freedom of even the strongest will suffer. A Tom non è permesso usare il microonde. Tom is not allowed to use the microwave. Tom is not allowed to use the microwave. Toți banii mei au fost furați. All my money got stolen. All my money was stolen. Je suis Edgar Degas. I am Edgar Degas. I'm Edgar Degas. Le poivre est noir et le sel est blanc. The pepper is black and the salt is white. The pepper is black and the salt is white. Tom tem uma filha muito bonita. Tom has a daughter who's very beautiful. Tom has a very beautiful daughter. Mary assomiglia davvero a sua madre. Mary really takes after her mother. Mary really looks like her mother. Yanni no está cocinando esta noche. Yanni is not cooking tonight. Yanni's not cooking tonight. Anche loro saranno lì? Will they be there too? Will they be there too? Questo è un esempio di astrazione. This is an example of abstraction. This is an example of abstraction. On s'attendait à voir des baleines au Brésil. We were expecting to see whales in Brazil. We were expecting to see whales in Brazil. A impressora está sem papel. The printer's run out of paper. The printer's out of paper. Sapeva esattamente a cosa si stava riferendo. He knew exactly what she was referring to. He knew exactly what he was referring to. Non dovremmo andare a cercarle? Shouldn't we go look for them? Shouldn't we go look for them? Lascia libera la tua mano di esprimere quello che la mente le dice. Let your hand free to express what your mind tells it. Let your hand free to express what the mind tells it. Las vuestras son mejores. Yours are better. Yours are better. ¿Cuántos kilómetros corren los atletas en un maratón? How many kilometers do athletes run in a marathon? How many miles do athletes run in a marathon? Je sais où Tom vit. I know where Tom lives. I know where Tom lives. Centenas morrem todos os dias. Hundreds die every day. Hundreds die every day. Spero di non finire in carcere come mio padre. I hope I don't end up in jail like my father. I hope I don't end up in jail like my father. Vão cumprimentar Tom. Go say hi to Tom. They're gonna say hello to Tom. "Isto é um espaço público", disse Nady Abdulhalim Mahmoud, um tratador do jardim zoológico, enquanto por perto uma girafa mastigava folhas. "This is a public place," said Nady Abdulhalim Mahmoud, a zookeeper, while a nearby giraffe munched on leaves. “This is a public space,” said Nady Abdulhalim Mahmoud, a zookeeper, as a giraffe chewed leaves nearby. Pendant que le peuple kabyle combattait le colonialisme français dans les années 40 et 50, les Algériens disaient : « Quel est le problème des Kabyles avec la France ? ». Puis, après l'indépendance de l'Algérie, les rôles ont été inversés par les faux médias algériens. Les Kabyles sont devenus des « zouaves » et les arabes algériens des héros qui ont libéré l'Algérie. Mais les statistiques et les documents historiques sont là pour témoigner de la vérité historique. While the Kabyle people were fighting French colonialism in the 1940s and 1950s, the Algerians said: "What is the Kabyle problem with France?" Then, after the independence of Algeria, the roles were reversed by the fake Algerian media. The Kabyles have become "Zouaves" and the Algerian Arabs heroes who liberated Algeria. But statistics and historical documents are there to testify to the historical truth. While the Kabyle people were fighting French colonialism in the 40s and 50s, the Algerians were saying: "What is the problem of the Kabyles with France?". Then, after Algeria's independence, the roles were reversed by the Algerian fake media. The Kabyles became the "historical truths" and the Algerian Arabs the heroes who released the documents. Ellos están aburridos de su tedioso trabajo. They are weary of their tedious work. They are bored of their tedious work. "Mi piace giocare a carte." "Anche a me." "I like playing cards." "Me too." "I like playing cards." "Me too." Sei felice, vero? You're happy, aren't you? You're happy, aren't you? Decidí pedir ayuda a mi amigo. I decided to ask for my friend's help. I decided to ask my friend for help. Ziri usa un dizionario berbero-arabo. Ziri uses a Berber-Arabic dictionary. Ziri uses a Berber-Arabic dictionary. Tom no podía abrir las manos. Tom couldn't open his hands. Tom couldn't open his hands. Ela nem mesmo a tocou. She didn't even touch it. She didn't even touch her. Êtes-vous étrangères ? Are you foreigners? Are you foreign? Eu consigo me ver no espelho. I see myself in the mirror. I can see myself in the mirror. Todos sorriem no mesmo idioma. Everyone smiles in the same language. They all smile in the same language. Se eu tivesse ido naquele avião, estaria morto agora. If I had taken that plane, I would be dead now. If I had gone on that plane, I'd be dead by now. El juego de go es muy popular en Corea bajo el nombre de baduk. Go is very popular in Korea under the name baduk. The game of go is very popular in Korea under the name of baduk. ¿Ayudarías a una extraña? Would you help a stranger? Would you help a stranger? Sautons tous deux dans l'eau au même moment ! Let's both jump into the water at the same time! Let's both jump into the water at the same time! Non sei mio figlio. You are no son of mine. You're not my son. O Tom é terrível na cozinha. Tom is terrible at cooking. Tom's terrible in the kitchen. Sunt vizibile crăpături în planșeu. Cracks are visible in the floorboard. Cracks are visible in the floor. Qu'am ganhat la partida. We won the match. We won the game. La police israélienne est entrée à l'intérieur de la salle de prière de la mosquée al-Aqsa. Israeli police entered the prayer hall of the al-Aqsa Mosque. Israeli police entered the prayer hall of the al-Aqsa Mosque. No importa lo que ella dijo. Never mind what she said. It doesn't matter what she said. Ça se passe vraiment très bien. It's going really well. It's going really well. Se arrodillará. You will kneel. He'll kneel. Tengo un diccionario justo aquí. I have a dictionary right here. I have a dictionary right here. As autoridades dizem que o presumível bombista foi a única fatalidade do atentado na cidade de Medan, embora alguns agentes tenham ficado feridos. Authorities say the suspected bomber was the lone fatality in the attack in the city of Medan, while some officers were wounded. Authorities say the suspected bomber was the only fatality in the attack in the city of Medan, although some officers were injured. Io sono andata al cinema ieri. I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the cinema yesterday. Voi veni să îl ridic mai târziu. I'll come to pick it up later. I'll come pick it up later. Je doute qu'il soit sorti hier. I doubt it came out yesterday. I doubt it came out yesterday. Tomémonoslo con calma hoy en la playa. Let's take it easy at the beach today. Let's take it easy today on the beach. Je sais pas où est ma maman. I don't know where my mom is. I don't know where my mom is. Puoi confermarlo? Can you confirm that? Can you confirm that? Non chiederò mai più aiuto a Tom. I'll never ask Tom for help again. I'll never ask Tom for help again. City a été prodigue devant le but, gâchant occasion sur occasion. City were profligate in front of goal, wasting chance after chance. City was prodigal in front of the goal, spoiling opportunity by opportunity. Não vou lhe dar uma chave da minha casa. I'm not giving you a key to my house. I'm not giving you a key to my house. S-a dus în culise după spectacol. He went backstage after the show. He went backstage after the show. Eu gosto da cor dos teus lábios. I like the color of your lips. I like the color of your lips. Deberías pasar más tiempo fuera y menos tiempo dentro. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. Je suis prête, et vous ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, how about you? Tom est un actif. Tom is a top. Tom is an asset. Nimeni nu va ști. No one will know. No one will know. Le compré el cinturón. I bought his belt. I bought him the belt. Io la vedrò di nuovo venerdì prossimo. I will be seeing her again next Friday. I’ll see you again next Friday. Ara son les cuatre i deu It's ten past four now. Now it's four and ten. È richiesta un'azione urgente. Urgent action is needed. Urgent action is required. Le balene sono pesci? Are whales fish? Are whales fish? Scrivi con una penna, per favore. Write with a pen, please. Write with a pen, please. El niño entró corriendo a la habitación. The boy came running into the room. The boy ran into the room. La neve non si ferma. The snow doesn't stop. The snow does not stop. Savez-vous combien vous pesez ? Do you know how much you weigh? Do you know how much you weigh? Le mandò una lettera. She sent her a letter. He sent her a letter. Mamá, me hago caca. Mom, I have to poop. Mom, I'm pooping. Il est le seul à savoir ce que c'est. Only he knows what it is. He's the only one who knows what it is. Per me la parola Dio è sinonimo di Intelligenza Trascendentale. For me, the word God is synonymous with Transcendental Intelligence. For me, the word God is synonymous with Transcendental Intelligence. Tom estava realmente irritado. Tom was really annoyed. Tom was really angry. Estas chicas no hablan sino que cantan. These girls are not speaking but singing. These girls don't talk, they sing. Algumas secções do processo são tão detalhadas que parecem uma cartilha, praticamente um “manual de instruções” para quem estiver interessado em saber como é que os piratas informáticos fazem aquilo que eles fazem. Sections of the indictment are so detailed that they read like a primer, a virtual "how-to manual" for anyone interested in how hackers do what they do. Some sections of the process are so detailed that they look like a primer, practically an “instruction manual” for anyone interested in knowing how hackers do what they do. Peut-être que John avait raison. Maybe John was right. Maybe John was right. Dev'esser più che sessantenne. He must be over sixty. He must be over 60. L'école algérienne enseigne la haine contre les juifs et les chrétiens. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. The Algerian school teaches hatred against Jews and Christians. A tarefa de ver linhas de jogo é mais fácil e os erros são menos prováveis se estiver atento aos recursos das peças. The task of seeing lines of play is easier, and errors are less likely if you are aware of the resources of the pieces. The task of seeing lines of play is easier and mistakes are less likely if you are attentive to the features of the pieces. Ell es va caure i es va fer mal a la cama. He fell and hurt his leg. He fell and hurt his leg. Escucha lo que dice tu padre. Listen to what your father says. Listen to what your father says. Tom înseamnă mult pentru mine. Tom means a lot to me. Tom means a lot to me. Algumas pessoas acham que o Espanhol e o Português são a mesma língua. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Some people think that Spanish and Portuguese are the same language. Malheureusement, ce poste a déjà été attribué. Unfortunately, that job is already taken. Unfortunately, this position has already been assigned. Mas para os nacionalistas populistas do continente, incluindo um grupo de líderes nacionais na Europa Central, o resultado das eleições suscitou consternação e um certo mau presságio. But for the continent’s populist nationalists, including a group of national leaders in Central Europe, the election outcome has prompted dismay, and some foreboding. But for the continent’s populist nationalists, including a group of national leaders in Central Europe, the election result has raised consternation and a certain ominous omen. L'informatica ha fatto dei rapidi progressi nel nostro paese. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Tom a pus un poster pe perete. Tom stuck a poster on the wall. Tom put a poster on the wall. Estoy casado. Tengo una esposa. I am married. I have a wife. I'm married, I have a wife. Ce fund frumos! Nice ass! What a nice ass! ¿Cuál es tu lugar preferido para ir cuando querés estar sola? Where's your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Where is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? Non ti preoccupare. Sei al sicuro ora. Don't worry. You're safe now. Don't worry, you're safe now. L'académie kabyle prépare une plateforme qui prendra en charge tout le programme scolaire kabyle et ce de la maternelle à l'universitaire. The Kabyle academy is preparing a platform that will take care of the entire Kabyle school program from kindergarten to university. The Kabyle Academy is preparing a platform that will take care of the entire Kabyle school curriculum from kindergarten to university. Păsărilor le era foame. The birds were hungry. The birds were hungry. Favlo Ido. I speak Ido. Favlo Ido. No importa cuanto lo intente, no puedo nadar hasta esa roca. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. No matter how hard I try, I can't swim to that rock. ¿Ya encontraste a Tom? Have you found Tom yet? Have you found Tom yet? Nunca intenté tocar el piano. I never tried playing the piano. I never tried to play the piano. De vez em quando nós vamos esquiar no inverno. We often go skiing in the winter. From time to time we go skiing in winter. C'est rigolo. It's fun. Oh, that's funny. Pueden cambiar del euskera al catalán sin siquiera pensar. They can switch from Basque to Catalan without even thinking. They can switch from Basque to Catalan without even thinking. Estas en Berlin? Are you in Berlin? Are you in Berlin? Mary dijo que ella no era cristiana. Mary said that she wasn't a Christian. Mary said she wasn't a Christian. Les araignées fabriquent des toiles. Spiders make webs. Spiders make webs. Mary é a garota mais linda de sua sala de aula. Mary is the prettiest girl in her class. Mary is the most beautiful girl in her classroom. Quédate en casa, pronto llego. Stay home. I'll be right there. Stay home, I'll be home soon. No se puede chiflar y comer pinole. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't fool around and eat pinole. Tom se souvient du temps qu'il a passé avec Marie. Tom remembers the time that he spent with Mary. Tom remembers the time he spent with Marie. Merka! Buy! Merka! Merka! Est-ce le tien ? Is it yours? Is that yours? Alla mia bambina serve un dottore. My child needs a doctor. My little girl needs a doctor. Esperei por você porque você tinha prometido vir. I waited for you because you had promised to come. I waited for you because you promised to come. Il y avait un bureau en fer dans le coin. There was an iron desk in the corner. There was an iron desk in the corner. C'est un guide de conversation qui vous aidera à communiquer. It's a phrasebook, and it will help you communicate. This is a conversation guide that will help you communicate. Eu namorei uma garota do ensino médio que falava Francês. I dated a girl in high school who spoke French. I dated a high school girl who spoke French. Nancy és de Londres. Nancy is from London. Nancy is from London. Que l'èi ausit devarar. We heard him come downstairs. Let me hear you speak. Qualcuno ha bisogno del mio aiuto? Does anyone need my help? Does anyone need my help? Des millions de Russes se sentent floués et découragés. Millions of Russians feel cheated and despondent. Millions of Russians feel cheated and discouraged. No vamos a Grecia. We aren't going to Greece. We're not going to Greece. Je me le rappelle, maintenant. I remember it now. I remember him now. Com'è il meteo qua d'inverno? How is the weather here in winter? How is the weather here in winter? Tom ya no es el hombre que solía ser. Tom is no longer the man he used to be. Tom is no longer the man he used to be. Tu n'as rien à te reprocher. You don't have to blame yourself for that. There's nothing wrong with you. Él alcanzó su pinta. He reached for his pint. He reached his pint. Nulla torna nel mondo. Nothing in the world adds up. Nothing comes back into the world. Mi esposa se lleva bien con mi madre. My wife gets on well with my mother. My wife gets along well with my mother. Annuii, ma non mi mossi. I nodded, but did not move. I said no, but I didn't move. Está tudo bem; obrigada. It's OK, thanks. It's all right. Thank you. Ya no eres joven. You're not young anymore. You're not young anymore. Não somos crianças, somos homens. We are not children, we are men. We are not children, we are men. Suis-je moins important que les membres de la famille royale ? Am I less important than members of the royal family? Am I less important than members of the royal family? La leche huele mal. The milk smells bad. The milk smells bad. Perdemos nossos passaportes na viagem. We lost our passports on the trip. We lost our passports on the trip. Tom lo fa spesso da solo. Tom often does that by himself. Tom often does this on his own. ¿Dónde está la letrina? Where is the toilet? Where's the latrine? Ziri diventò estremamente paranoico. Ziri got extremely paranoid. Ziri became extremely paranoid. La pénitence est l'un des sept sacrements. Penance is one of the seven sacraments. Penance is one of the seven sacraments. Il secchio era pieno di ciliegie. The bucket was full of cherries. The bucket was full of cherries. Esta bisikleta no es tuya. This bicycle isn't yours. This bisikleta is not yours. Vreau să vindeți produsul nostru la magazinul dumneavoastră. I want you to sell our product at your shop. I want you to sell our product at your store. La mia casa non ha un sistema di allarme. My house doesn't have an alarm system. My house doesn't have an alarm system. Puis-je te montrer quelque chose ? May I show you something? Can I show you something? Collezionò i suoi libri. He collected his books. He collected his books. Sei troppo modesto. You're too modest. You're too modest. Eles estão a emergir de caves, a varrer escombros, a consertar janelas e a começar a reconstruir as suas vidas. They’re emerging from basements, sweeping away rubble, patching windows and beginning to rebuild their lives. They're emerging from basements, sweeping debris, fixing windows, and starting to rebuild their lives. Solo un pesce vive nell'acquario. Only one fish lives in the aquarium. Only one fish lives in the aquarium. Quero que o Tom fique onde ele está até eu voltar. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. I want Tom to stay where he is until I get back. El próximo año vendrás a verme a Escocia. Next year, you'll come to see me in Scotland. Next year you'll come to see me in Scotland. Tom estava praticando inglês conosco. Tom was practising English with us. Tom was practicing English with us. Pratiquez-vous régulièrement l'auto-examen des seins ? Do you regularly perform self-breast examinations? Do you regularly practice breast self-examination? Je suis une sculpture. I am a sculpture. I am a sculpture. Layla a énormément manqué à Sami. Sami missed Layla so much. Layla missed Sami very much. Los baños no están en el foro. The baths are not in the forum. Toilets are not on the forum. Chiedetemi se non capite. Ask me if you don't understand. Ask me if you don't understand. Io gioco a basket con loro. I play basketball with them. I play basketball with them. Los niños están montando en el tiovivo. The children are riding the merry-go-round. The kids are riding on the merry-go-round. Sto cercando di insegnare al mio pappagallo a parlare in cinese. I'm trying to teach my parrot to speak Chinese. I'm trying to teach my parrot to speak Chinese. Pure le loro giacche sono dello stesso colore. Even their jackets are the same color. Their jackets are the same color. La circoncisione maschile riduce il rischio di infezioni virali che causano l'herpes e il cancro. Male circumcision decreases the risk of viral infections that cause herpes and cancer. Male circumcision reduces the risk of viral infections that cause herpes and cancer. Recentemente, o Museu Americano de História Natural fundou o Instituto de Genómica Comparativa. Recently, the American Museum of Natural History established the Institute for Comparative Genomics. Recently, the American Museum of Natural History founded the Institute of Comparative Genomics. Io penso che sia veramente brutta. I think it's really ugly. I think it's really ugly. ¿Qué se necesita? What's necessary? What do you need? Eu tenho que passar mais tempo com minha família. I have to spend more time with my family. I have to spend more time with my family. Dacă m-ai fi întrebat, ți-aș fi spus. If you had asked, I would have told you. If you had asked me, I would have told you. Espero que aprendas. I hope you learn. I hope you learn. Faccia ciò che ama. Do what you love. Do what you love. Ella es amable con todo el mundo. She is friendly to everybody. She is kind to everyone. Nós vamos divulgar a agenda final na manhã da segunda, dia 20 de janeiro. Então respondam rápido, por favor. We'll release the final agenda on the morning of Monday, January 20, so please reply quickly. We'll release the final agenda on the morning of Monday, January 20, so please respond quickly. Io voglio un paio di guanti. I want a pair of gloves. I want a pair of gloves. A moins qu'une belle femme ne soit un ange, son mari est le plus malheureux des hommes. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most wretched of men. Unless a beautiful woman is an angel, her husband is the most unhappy of men. D'abord nous devons renvoyer le cuisinier. First of all, we must dismiss the cook. First we have to fire the cook. Tu m'acceptes comme je suis. You accept me for who I am. You accept me as I am. Può parlare più chiaramente? Can you speak more clearly? Can you speak more clearly? Ela se apaixonou por um certo príncipe. She fell in love with a certain prince. She fell in love with a certain prince. Acho que sei o que houve com Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. I think I know what happened to Tom. Puoi parlare con lui senza problemi. You can talk to him, no problem. You can talk to him without problems. Mi mancherà la competizione. I'm going to miss competing. I will miss the competition. Avem dreptul la grevă. We have the right to strike. We have the right to strike. Peux-tu me dire où tu es en ce moment ? Can you tell me where you are right now? Can you tell me where you are right now? Căpitanul a dat din cap. The captain shook his head. The captain nodded. Esto es karne. This is meat. This is Karne. ¿Podrías traducir esta oración al francés? Could you translate this sentence to French? Could you translate this sentence into French? Yanni y Skura quieren tener momentos de intimidad. Yanni and Skura want to have moments of intimacy. Yanni and Skura want to have moments of intimacy. Achei isso adorável. That sounds lovely. I thought that was lovely. Tom si è rifiutato di uscire dall'auto. Tom refused to get out of the car. Tom refused to get out of the car. Noi aiutiamo gratuitamente. Se qualcuno vuole del denaro da te, è un truffatore. We help for free. If someone wants money from you, they are a scammer. We help for free. If someone wants money from you, they are a scammer. Voglio mia madre. I want my mother. I want my mother. Elles se préparent pour sortir. They're getting ready to leave. They're getting ready to go out. Ne laissez pas les apparences vous tromper ! Don't let appearances fool you. Don’t let appearances fool you! Ela adora brinquedos. She loves toys. She loves toys. Il se peut que je n'aie pas une autre occasion. I may not get another chance. I may not get another chance. Nous espérons atteindre le sommet avant la tombée de la nuit. We hope to reach the summit before nightfall. We hope to reach the summit before nightfall. El dolor va y viene. The pain comes and goes. The pain comes and goes. Volto em meia hora. I'll be back in 30 minutes. I'll be back in half an hour. Tom a trois filles. Tom has three daughters. Tom has three daughters. Tom dice che non è mai troppo occupato per ascoltare. Tom says he's never too busy to listen. Tom says he's never too busy to listen. Este dicionário também pode ajudá-las. This dictionary can also help you. This dictionary can also help you. Mi dispiace, non posso restare. I'm sorry, I can't stay. I'm sorry, I can't stay. Tatoeba a maintenant 555 phrases en Klingon. Tatoeba now contains five hundred fifty-five Klingon sentences. Tatoeba now has 555 Klingon phrases. Est-ce que vous souhaitez un jour faire de la politique ? Do you wish someday to be involved in politics? Do you ever want to do politics? ¿Tenés la misma cosa en un color diferente? Do you have the same thing in a different color? Do you have the same thing in a different color? He ayudado a mis padres con las tareas domésticas. I helped my parents with the housework. I helped my parents with housework. Debéis hacer lo que consideréis adecuado. You must do as you see fit. You must do what you think is right. Ouvrez votre livre à la première page. Open your book to the first page. Open your book to the first page. Estás manejando demasiado rápido. You're driving too fast. You're driving too fast. Voglio diventare un carpentiere come mio padre. I want to become a carpenter like my father. I want to become a carpenter like my father. Si mette la divisa. She puts on the uniform. He puts on his uniform. Mi aiuterà a trovare mia figlia? Will you help me find my child? Will you help me find my daughter? Sé que no soy lo suficientemente bueno para él. I know I'm not good enough for him. I know I'm not good enough for him. Io ne ero sorpresa. I was surprised about it. I was surprised. Cela ne prouve-t-il pas quelque chose ? Doesn't that prove anything? Doesn't that prove something? Hay una página web que muestra piropos pandémicos. There's a website that shows pandemic-related pick-up lines. There's a website that shows pandemic hoaxes. De tout inconnu le sage se méfie. Of any stranger, wisemen are suspicious. From every unknown the wise man is suspicious. Je ne peux pas le supporter. I can't stand him. I can't stand it. Ils mangent et boivent. They eat and drink. They eat and drink. Fue entonces cuando él vino. That was the time when he came. That's when he came. La decisión es tuya pero yo te aconsejo la segunda opción. The choice is yours, but I suggest the second option. The decision is yours, but I recommend the second option. Fate una passeggiata con me. Take a walk with me. Take a walk with me. O Tom pediu informação sobre um endereço. Tom asked for directions. Tom asked for an address. Siete così stupide. You are so stupid. You're so stupid. Arrivarono all'aeroporto. They arrived at the airport. They arrived at the airport. Nous avons passé la nuit à regarder des films. We spent the night watching films. We spent the night watching movies. Abbiamo viaggiato a piedi. We traveled on foot. We traveled on foot. Ci perdonò. He forgave us. He forgave us. Nurcahyo Utomo do Comité Nacional para a Segurança nos Transportes da Indonésia disse que a investigação encontrou uma fissura na soldadura de um pequeno componente elétrico no sistema que controla o leme do avião. Nurcahyo Utomo of Indonesia's National Transportation Safety Committee said the investigation found a crack in the soldering on a tiny electrical part in the system controlling the plane's rudder. Nurcahyo Utomo of Indonesia’s National Committee for Transport Safety said the investigation found a crack in the weld of a small electrical component in the system that controls the plane’s rudder. Las abejas se posan en las flores. The bees are sitting on the flowers. The bees are perched on the flowers. Je hais les chiens. I hate dogs. I hate dogs. O cachorro o perseguiu. The dog chased him. The dog chased him. Quanto tempo ainda vamos discutir essa questão? How much longer are we going to discuss this question? How long are we going to discuss this? Cos'è successo alla sua faccia? What happened to his face? What happened to his face? He leído el diccionario de principio a fin. I've read the dictionary cover to cover. I read the dictionary from beginning to end. Quelle est la profondeur de la piscine ? How deep is the pool? How deep is the pool? Mai faré una promesa que no pogui complir. I will never make a promise that I can't keep I'll never make a promise I can't keep. Studiò con te. She studied with you. He studied with you. Mi ha venduto alla polizia. He sold me out to the police. He sold me to the police. Tom non mi paga abbastanza. Tom doesn't pay me enough. Tom doesn't pay me enough. Premete qui. Press here. Press here. Io andrò a Boston. I'm going to go to Boston. I'm going to Boston. Quantas pizzas você pediu? How many pizzas did you order? How many pizzas did you order? O meu sonho é viajar num vaivém espacial. My dream is to travel in a space shuttle. My dream is to travel in a space shuttle. Si hubiera sabido que el examen era tan fácil, habría estudiado mucho menos. If I had known that the exam would be so easy, I would have studied much less. If I had known the exam was so easy, I would have studied much less. Il Nilo è in Africa. The Nile is in Africa. The Nile is in Africa. Il a réussi le test comme prévu. He passed the test as was expected. He passed the test as planned. Eu ainda não fiz o que você me pediu porque eu não tive tempo até agora. I haven't done yet what you asked me to do since I haven't had time till now. I still haven't done what you asked me to because I haven't had time until now. Donnez-moi le ballon ! Give me the ball! Give me the ball! Sí, un poco. Yes, a little. Yeah, a little. Ignora el que ha dit. Era només una broma. Ignore what he said. It was just a joke. Ignore what he said. It was just a joke. Es-tu suivi ? Are you being followed? Are you being followed? Os seres humanos são a praga mais perigosa que já viveu neste globo que chamamos de Terra. Humans are the most dangerous pests ever lived on this globe we call Earth. Humans are the most dangerous plague that has ever lived on this globe we call Earth. Je vais t'envoyer les informations par courriel. I'll email you the information. I'll email you the information. A primeira dama do Zimbabué aconselhou o Presidente Robert Mugabe, com 93 anos de idade, a nomear a sua escolha para um sucessor. Zimbabwe's first lady has urged 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe to name his choice for a successor. Zimbabwe’s first lady has advised 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe to nominate his choice for a successor. Vocês conseguem sentir a tensão? Can you feel the tension? Can you feel the tension? ¿Dónde puedo obtener información? Where can I get information? Where can I get information? Tom fue al parque. Tom went to the park. Tom went to the park. Havia uma ponte sobre o rio. There was a bridge across the river. There was a bridge over the river. Beaucoup de gens disent ça. A lot of people say that. A lot of people say that. El paciente pronto se recuperará de su enfermedad. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon recover from his illness. En Tom, si vol, pot parlar amb la Mary. Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to. Tom, if you want, you can talk to Mary. Ela se sentiu culpada porque sabia que não deveria ter mentido. She felt guilty because she knew that she shouldn't have lied. She felt guilty because she knew she shouldn't have lied. Il avait le cœur brisé. He was heartbroken. His heart was broken. Quindi, cosa proponi? So, what do you propose? So, what do you propose? Non era per nulla interessato alle ragazze. He was not interested in girls at all. He was not at all interested in girls. Aquí es donde está enterrado el tesoro. This is where the treasure is buried. This is where the treasure is buried. Voulez-vous ouvrir votre propre restaurant ? Do you want to open up your own restaurant? Do you want to open your own restaurant? Il traffico è terribile oggi. The traffic is terrible today. Traffic is terrible today. Il m'a fallu sortir de la maison. I had to get out of the house. I had to get out of the house. Mi mascota está enferma. My pet is sick. My pet is sick. Não é verdade. Quem disse isso? That's not true. Who said that? Who said that? Tom are talentul de a face oamenii să plângă. Tom has the knack of making people cry. Tom has a knack for making people cry. Tom não me disse que não sabia nadar. Tom didn't tell me he didn't know how to swim. Tom didn't tell me he couldn't swim. Hoy he soñado que unas geishas gordinflonas y maquilladas con colores fosforitos me perseguían por un parque de atracciones abandonado para que les bendijera a sus futuros hijos. Today I had a dream where some chubby geishas wearing fluorescent makeup followed me through an abandoned amusement park so that I would bless their future children. Today I dreamed that fat geishas with phosphorite colors were chasing me through an abandoned amusement park to bless their future children. Mi madre es djudia i mi padre es polako. My mother is Jewish and my father is Polish. My mother is Jewish and my father is Polish. Um Homem de Sonho também conta com Amy Adams no papel de irmã egocêntrica de Kat; a veterana do cinema e palco Holland Taylor é a sua mãe obstinada; e o ator britânico Jeremy Sheffield encarna um ex-namorado refinado e conquistador. The Wedding Date also features Amy Adams as Kat's self-centered sister; screen and stage veteran Holland Taylor is their iron-willed mother; and British actor Jeremy Sheffield plays the handsome cad of an ex-boyfriend. A Dreamman also stars Amy Adams as Kat’s self-centered sister; film and stage veteran Holland Taylor is her headstrong mother; and British actor Jeremy Sheffield plays a refined and conquering ex-boyfriend. Non preoccupatevi. Arriverò a casa sana e salva. Don't worry. I'll get home safely. Don't worry, I'll get home safe and sound. De qué cosinas ? What are you cooking? What cosines? Devi lavorare sulla tua capacità di porti degli obiettivi. You need to work on your ability to set yourself goals. You have to work on your ability to set goals. Quando você quer ir? When do you want to go? When do you want to go? ¿Cómo se lavan las prendas de lana? How are woolen clothes washed? How do you wash wool garments? Allontanati dalla finestra. Back away from the window. Step away from the window. Estoy en el taxi. I'm in the taxi. I'm in the cab. Les médecins arrêtaient de fumer en nombre. Doctors were quitting smoking in droves. Doctors stopped smoking in large numbers. Acei ochelari ți se potrivesc. Those glasses suit you. Those glasses fit you. O que é para fazermos com ela? What are we supposed to do with it? What are we supposed to do with her? La mujer despierta a la niña. The woman awakens the girl. The woman wakes the girl. Il y a eu trois morts et plusieurs blessés. There were three lethal victims and several injured. There were three dead and several injured. Est-ce que tu veux rencontrer ma famille ? Would you like to meet my family? Do you want to meet my family? Tes points de suture seront retirés au bout de quelques jours. Your stitches will be removed in a few days. Your stitches will be removed after a few days. Le stalinisme, c'est du racisme. Stalinism is racism. Stalinism is racism. A volte vado a casa a pranzo. I sometimes go home for lunch. Sometimes I go home for lunch. ¿Quién ganó y quién perdió? Who won and who lost? Who won and who lost? Ho passato tutta la giornata lì. I spent the whole day there. I spent the whole day there. ¿Qué está pasando en este país? What's happening with this country? What's going on in this country? ¿Quieres que tu permanente se vea natural? Do you want your permanent to look natural? Do you want your perm to look natural? Recebi uma proposta para trabalhar nos Estados Unidos. I received an offer to work in the United States. I got an offer to work in the United States. C'è una piantina sul tavolo. There is a map on the table. There's a map on the table. Non sto evitando le mie responsabilità. I'm not avoiding my responsibilities. I'm not avoiding my responsibilities. Non rimetterò mai più piede in quel posto. I'll never set foot in that place again. I'll never set foot in that place again. Je t'ai apporté du riz de Chine. I brought you rice from China. I brought you rice from China. Finalement, j'ai ma propre voiture. Finally, I have my own car. Finally, I have my own car. Dame el micrófono. Give me the mic. Give me the microphone. Tom vincerà questo gioco. Tom will win this game. Tom will win this game. Eu gosto de saias longas. I like long skirts. I like long skirts. En la Isla Lulu, conozco a varias personas que tienen herencia de los cris, un pueblo de las Primeras Naciones de las Praderas. On Lulu Island, I know several people who have heritage from the Cree, a First Nations people from the Prairies. On Lulu Island, I know several people who have heritage from the Cree, a prairie First Nations people. Vale la pena guardarla? Is it worth watching? Is it worth keeping? Il faut que tu t'exprimes avec ton cœur. You must express yourself with your heart. You have to express yourself with your heart. Où vous rendez-vous ? Where are you heading? Where are you going? Meu nome é Thomas, mas pode me chamar de Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. My name is Thomas, but you can call me Tom. Tu as besoin d'aide en cuisine ? Do you need help in the kitchen? Do you need help in the kitchen? Tom não fará mal algum a você. Tom won't do you any harm. Tom won't do you any harm. Credo che scoprire il senso della nostra esistenza sia importante. I think discovering the meaning of our existence is important. I think discovering the meaning of our existence is important. Birocrații testează apele asupra revizuirii reglementărilor vechi. Bureaucrats are testing the waters over revising old regulations. Bureaucrats are testing the waters on the revision of old regulations. ¿De verdad que os ha tocado el gordo de la lotería? Did you really hit the jackpot? Did you really get hit by the lottery? Aqui está a sua chave. Here is your key. Here's your key. Entre la alegría y la vergüenza, se ruborizó hasta las orejas. What with joy and shame, she blushed to the ears. Between joy and shame, she flushed to her ears. Pensavo che Tom fosse un madrelingua. I thought that Tom was a native speaker. I thought Tom was a native speaker. Les oies volent vers le sud. The geese are flying south. The geese fly south. Você mostrou isto ao Tom? Have you shown this to Tom? Did you show this to Tom? ¿Ah, sí? Is that right? Oh, yeah? Fríe todo. Deep fry everything. Fry everything. Como eu saberei onde ele está? How should I know where he is? How will I know where he is? O rádio chegou ao país há pouco tempo. The radio arrived to this country not long ago. The radio arrived in the country a short time ago. Je ne suis pas surprise que vous ne connaissiez pas la réponse. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. I'm not surprised you don't know the answer. Que l'am cercada. We looked for her. That I searched for her. No me dijisteis la verdad. You didn't tell me the truth. You didn't tell me the truth. Dobbiamo davvero chiamare la polizia. We really need to call the police. We really need to call the police. Cathy viene a vedere il nostro bebè stasera. Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight. Cathy's coming to see our baby tonight. Eu aprendi algo muito interessante hoje. I learned something very interesting today. I learned something very interesting today. ¿Se venden antibióticos sin receta en tu país? Are antibiotics sold over the counter in your country? Are antibiotics sold without a prescription in your country? Durante a primavera e o verão deste ano (1096), as estradas estavam repletas de cruzados, todos eles apressando-se para as cidades e aldeias designadas de ponto de encontro no distrito. During the spring and summer of this year (1096) the roads teemed with crusaders, all hastening to the towns and villages appointed as the rendezvous of the district. During the spring and summer of this year (1096), the roads were filled with crusaders, all of them hastening to the towns and villages designated as meeting points in the district. Io non posso contattarlo. I can't contact him. I can't contact him. Nu mai este necesar. It's no longer necessary. It's no longer necessary. Conosce bene la storia americana. He knows US history well. He knows American history well. ¿Xa te recuperaches do teu arrefriado? Have you got over your cold yet? Have you recovered from your cold? Espérons qu'ils n'y songent même pas ! Let's hope they don't even think about it. Let's hope they don't even think about it! Avete intenzione di restare? Are you planning to stay? Are you going to stay? Ele é poderoso. He is powerful. He's powerful. Tom pode vencer desta vez. Tom may win this time. Tom can win this time. Ho bisogno di una mappa della Grecia. I need a map of Greece. I need a map of Greece. O médico me pediu que tirasse a camisa. The doctor asked me to take off my shirt. The doctor asked me to take off my shirt. Apprenons le français. Let's learn French. Let's learn French. Su hermano llevaba treinta años siendo camionero. His brother had been a truck driver for thirty years. His brother had been a truck driver for 30 years. Elle a démissionné pour des raisons de santé. She resigned for health reasons. She resigned for health reasons. Ele está escrevendo uma longa carta. He's writing a long letter. He's writing a long letter. Ziri hace todo. Ziri does everything. Ziri does everything. Nulla quadra nel mondo. Nothing in the world adds up. There is no square in the world. ¿Hay algún tema del que no te canses de hablar? Is there something that you can't stop talking about? Is there a topic you don’t get tired of talking about? A noi piacciono veramente molto i picnic. We really like picnics a lot. We really like picnics. Él también puede hablar ruso. He can also speak Russian. He can also speak Russian. Le scrissi una lettera. I wrote her a letter. I wrote her a letter. Trovare l'acqua qui non è stato facile. Finding water here wasn't easy. Finding water here has not been easy. Gosto muito de assistir aos jogos da Primeira Liga. I really enjoy watching Premier League matches. I love watching the Premier League games. Ziri ha cominciato a pensare in berbero. Ziri started thinking in Berber. Ziri began to think in Berber. Potete aiutarmi a installarlo sul mio computer? Can you help me install it on my computer? Can you help me install it on my computer? L'ho visto arrivare dalla finestra. I saw him coming through the window. I saw it coming from the window. Estou tentando entrar em forma. I'm trying to get into shape. I'm trying to get in shape. Robert était au téléphone. Robert was on a phone call. Robert was on the phone. Ziri s'est arrêté. Ziri stopped. Ziri stopped. Siamo inglesi. We’re English. We're British. Lo fanno sempre. They always do that. They always do. Avez-vous régulièrement des saignements de nez ? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Do you regularly have nosebleeds? Tradurre è molto faticoso. Translating is very tiring. Translating is very tiring. Ține partea stângă când conduci. Keep to the left when driving. Keep to the left when driving. Je crois qu'il est temps pour moi de laver ce chandail. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. I think it's time for me to wash that sweater. Ce lait est aigre. This milk is sour. This milk is sour. Le chat est sous la voiture. The cat is under the car. The cat is under the car. Eu liguei para o Tom da delegacia. I called Tom from the police station. I called Tom at the station. Podría parecer que te estás dando un regalo a ti mismo. That might look like you're giving yourself a gift. It might seem like you’re giving yourself a gift. Il tuo lavoro è fantastico. Your work is fantastic. Your work is fantastic. Tenho notícias sobre ela. I have news about her. I have news about her. La nostra storia è finita. Our story is over. Our story is over. Io vorrei essere andata con gli altri alla partita di ieri. I wish I had gone with the others to the game yesterday. I wish I'd gone with the others to yesterday's game. He corrido y corrido pero no logré alcanzar al tren. I ran and ran, but I couldn't catch the train. I ran and ran but I couldn't reach the train. Tudo correrá bem hoje. Everything will go well today. Everything's gonna be fine today. N'oublie pas que Tom est aveugle. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Don't forget that Tom is blind. Saí da África para sempre. I left Africa forever. I left Africa forever. Giustiziatelo! Execute him! Justify him! Est-ce que tu couches avec elle ? Are you sleeping with her? Are you sleeping with her? A noite é o fim do dia. The night is the end of the day. The night is the end of the day. Água, por favor. Water, please. Water, please. María le pidió al hada que Tom se convirtiera en una ardilla. Mary asked the fairy to turn Tom into a squirrel. Mary asked the fairy to turn Tom into a squirrel. Je ne vois pas un seul client dans ce magasin. I don't see a single customer in this store. I don't see a single customer in this store. Eu não abriria a porta para esse vizinho estranho. I would not open the door to this weird neighbor. I wouldn't open the door to that strange neighbor. La gente es muy amistosa aquí. The people are very friendly here. People are very friendly here. C'est une question très impolie. That's a very impolite question. This is a very impolite question. As regras são só para principiantes. Rules are for beginners. The rules are for beginners only. Notre prof est fatigué. Our teacher is tired. Our teacher is tired. Tom nos tiró cosas. Tom threw things at us. Tom threw things at us. Não pudemos entrar em contato com ele. We couldn't get in touch with him. We couldn't get in touch with him. Eu gosto de comer. I like eating. I like to eat. Tenemos mucho puré de patatas. We have a lot of mashed potatoes. We have a lot of mashed potatoes. La théorie quantique fournit la description mathématique qui prédit correctement les résultats des observations que nous choisissons de faire. Quantum theory provides the mathematical description that correctly predicts the results of the observations we choose to make. Quantum theory provides the mathematical description that correctly predicts the results of the observations we choose to make. Tom ha dejado el alcohol. Tom has stopped drinking. Tom's off the booze. David dovrà indossarlo da ora in avanti. David will have to wear that from now on. David will have to wear it from now on. Credi che io sia così spietato e insensibile? Do you think I'm so ruthless and insensitive? You think I'm so ruthless and insensitive? J'ai adoré l'Angleterre. I relished England. I loved England. Parle avec tes parents ! Talk with your parents! Talk to your parents! Todos os ônibus estão vazios. All the buses are empty. All buses are empty. Eu não gosto de homens como ele. I don't like men like him. I don't like men like him. C'était une victoire sensationnelle, mais pour être couronnée championne, l'équipe doit encore vaincre des adversaires très difficiles. It was a sensational victory, but in order to be crowned champions, the team still has to defeat some really tough opponents. It was a sensational victory, but to be crowned champion, the team still has to defeat very difficult opponents. Le manteau n'est pas mal, j'aime bien. The coat is not bad, I like it. The coat is not bad, I like it. Tenho sentido muita falta de ar. It's really hard for me to breathe. I've had a lot of shortness of breath. Tom a plecat din Boston. Tom left Boston. Tom left Boston. C'est ma paire de chaussures préférée. These are my favorite pair of shoes. This is my favorite pair of shoes. No nos queda ya tajo por hacer. We don't got any work left to do. We don't have much left to do. Aqui há de tudo! They've got everything here! There's everything here! Esto es un portokal. This is an orange. This is a portokal. Les capitales sont grandes et bruyantes. Capital cities are big and noisy. The capitals are big and noisy. Por que a vida é assim? Why is life like that? Why is life like this? Ele não perde nunca a curiosidade; é, por assim dizer, uma eterna criança. He never loses his curiosity; he is, as it were, an eternal youth. He never loses his curiosity; he is, so to speak, an eternal child. Vols casar-te amb mi? Will you marry me? You want to marry me? Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas dit la vérité ? ׁWhy didn't he tell the truth? Why didn't he tell the truth? C'est à ton avantage. It's to your advantage. It's to your advantage. Dites-moi juste ce qui s'est passé ! Just tell me what happened. Just tell me what happened! Elle est populaire auprès des autres filles. She is popular with other girls. She is popular with other girls. La mia tosse è peggiorata. My cough has gotten worse. My cough got worse. Não vou tentar te impedir de fazer isso. I'm not going to try to stop you from doing that. I'm not trying to stop you from doing that. Toz os ombres naxen libres y iguals en dinidat y en dreitos. Adotatos de razón y de conzenzia, deben apachar-sen unos con atros d'una manera freternal. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All men are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Adopted by reason and conscience, they must be reconciled with one another in a fraternal way. Pode-se ler nas entrelinhas. You have to read it between the lines. You can read between the lines. Mo ena trwa frer. I have three brothers. I have three brothers. Temprano en la mañana, tomo un tranvía y voy a la universidad. Early in the morning, I get on a tram and go to the university. Early in the morning, I take a tram and go to college. La chambre est trop petite. The room is too small. The room is too small. La nostra galàxia s'anomena la Via Làctia. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Yanni está deprimido. Yanni is depressed. Yanni is depressed. Podem superar o medo. They can overcome their fear. They can overcome fear. Ea este femeia pe care o iubesc. She is the woman I love. She's the woman I love. ¿El cielo es azul? Sí. Is the sky blue? Yes. Is the sky blue? J'ai de l’asthme. I've got asthma. I have asthma. Tom es mi amigo imaginario. Tom is my imaginary friend. Tom is my imaginary friend. Cela prit exactement une heure. It took exactly an hour. It took exactly one hour. Tu as cassé ma tasse. You broke my cup. You broke my cup. Fiul meu este profesor de engleză. My son is an English teacher. My son is an English teacher. Mary marchou xa á súa excursión. Mary has already left on her trip. Mary has already gone on her excursion. Ella es la mujer que amo. She is the woman I love. She's the woman I love. Deke aborresesh la libertad? Why do you hate freedom? Deke abhorresesh freedom? Quando mi metto in testa una cosa, la faccio. When I set my mind to something, I do it. When I put something in my head, I do it. ¿Qué le vamos a comprar para su cumpleaños? What are we going to buy him for his birthday? What are we going to buy him for his birthday? Ninguém vem ao meu país. Nobody comes to my country. No one comes to my country. Vous devez répondre à la question. You've got to answer the question. You have to answer the question. ¿Cuándo es el momento adecuado para plantar plántulas de pimiento? When's the right time to plant pepper seedlings? When is the right time to plant pepper seedlings? Il tuo discorso è stato piuttosto interessante. Your speech was quite interesting. Your speech was pretty interesting. Laissez-moi tranquille ou j'appelle la police ! Leave me alone or I'll call the police. Leave me alone or I'll call the police! È greca. She's Greek. It's Greek. T'estimem. We love you. We love you. Je suis l'infirmier de nuit. I am the night shift nurse. I'm the night nurse. Non è ancora il vostro turno. It's not your turn yet. It's not your turn yet. Questo mi fa sentire bene. This makes me feel good. That makes me feel good. Tom morreu dormindo. Tom died in his sleep. Tom died in his sleep. Ziri a fumé. Ziri smoked. Ziri smoked. ¿Se les permite a las musulmanas llevar pañuelo en la cabeza en la foto de la licencia de conducir? Are Muslim women allowed to wear their headscarves for their driver's license photos? Are Muslim women allowed to wear headscarves in the driver’s license photo? A arma dele, uma carabina SKS russa com uma baioneta na ponta, é a precursora da AK-47, a espingarda de assalto militar internacional utilizada pela primeira vez pela União Soviética e denominada "a arma que mudou o campo de batalha". His gun, the Russian SKS Carbine with a bayonet on the front, is the precursor to the AK-47, the worldwide military assault rifle first used by the Soviet Union and termed "the gun that changed the battlefield." His weapon, a Russian SKS carbine with a bayonet at the tip, is the precursor to the AK-47, the international military assault rifle first used by the Soviet Union and dubbed "the weapon that changed the battlefield." Temporeggiò prima di rispondere. He stalled before answering. He paused before answering. Necesito un nuevo ordenador. I need a new computer. I need a new computer. El probador de allá está desocupado. The fitting room over there is unoccupied. The tester over there is unoccupied. Nascido em 1939 de pais que geriam um posto de gasolina, o sr. Howard formou-se em solicitadoria. Born in 1939 to parents who ran a gasoline station, Mr. Howard trained as a solicitor. Born in 1939 to parents who ran a gas station, Mr. Howard graduated in solicitorship. Jugo, por favor. Juice, please. Juice, please. Êtes-vous esseulé ? Are you lonely? Are you alone? Tom trocou de roupa. Tom changed clothes. Tom changed his clothes. El Burj Khalifa ye actualmente el rascacielos más altu del mundu. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world. Tom e Mary apuntáronse a marina. Tom and Mary joined the navy. Tom and Mary joined the navy. Ho ricevuto due dei vostri messaggi. I received two of your messages. I received two of your messages. Llame al médico para que confirme la cita. Call the doctor so that he confirms the appointment. Call your doctor to confirm your appointment. Pero pocos de esos valen la pena leerse. But few of them are worth reading. But few of them are worth reading. Vous devez vous laver les mains. You need to wash your hands. I need you to wash your hands. La vostra tastiera è sporca. Your keyboard is filthy. Your keyboard is dirty. Voulez-vous voir mon chat ? Do you want to see my cat? Would you like to see my cat? ¿Usted bebe alcohol todos los días? Do you drink alcohol every day? Do you drink alcohol every day? Você precisa aprender a dizer não. You need to learn to say no. You need to learn to say no. La douleur est-elle lancinante ou constante ? Is the pain throbbing or constant? Is the pain constant or excruciating? Hay que ser valiente para ser actor. No es fácil actuar en el escenario frente a mucha gente. Soy demasiado tímido para eso. You have to be brave to be an actor. It's not easy to perform on stage in front of a lot of people. I am too shy for that. You have to be brave to be an actor. It's not easy to perform on stage in front of a lot of people. I'm too shy for that. «¿Dónde habré dejado mis pastillas para dormir?» «¿Has mirado en tu mesilla de noche?» "Where did I leave my sleeping pills?" "Did you check on your nightstand?" “Where have I left my sleeping pills?” “Have you looked at your bedside table?” Sólo puedo preguntarme si acaso es lo mismo para todos los demás. I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else. I can only wonder if it is the same for everyone else. Hemos visto a Tom. We've seen Tom. We saw Tom. Ebbi una reazione simile. I had a similar reaction. I had a similar reaction. Gloire à l'Ukraine ! Gloire aux héros ! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Voglio investire nel nostro rapporto. I want to invest in our relationship. I want to invest in our relationship. Ci sono trecentoquarantadue ponti a San Pietroburgo. There are 342 bridges in Saint Petersburg. There are three hundred and forty-two bridges in St. Petersburg. Eu sou uma tela em branco e estou esperando que você pinte em mim. I am a white canvas and I am waiting for you to paint on me. I'm a blank canvas and I'm waiting for you to paint on me. Venez-vous en allié ou en ennemi ? Do you come as an ally or as an enemy? Are you coming as an ally or an enemy? Vous pouviez compter jusqu'à dix lorsque vous étiez deux. You could count to ten when you were two. You could count to ten when you were two. Ils ont la même adresse parce qu'ils habitent ensemble. They have the same address because they live together. They have the same address because they live together. Tutti i posti migliori erano già stati presi. All the best spots were already taken. All the best places had already been taken. É a primeira vez que eu esfrego todas as mesas. This is the first time I've ever wiped all the tables. It's the first time I've scrubbed all the tables. A crescente clivagem entre os Estados Unidos e a China e a Rússia ficou claramente evidente à margem da Assembleia Geral da ONU na quinta-feira, ameaçando ofuscar a cooperação internacional na resposta ao coronavírus. The growing rift between the United States and China and Russia was clearly evident on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly Thursday, threatening to overshadow international cooperation on the coronavirus response. The growing rift between the United States and China and Russia was clearly evident on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Thursday, threatening to overshadow international cooperation in the coronavirus response. Mon père me lisait des histoires pour dormir. My father used to read me bedtime stories. My dad used to read me bedtime stories. Tiene una mansana. He has an apple. She has a mansana. Ho fatto un sogno su un arco. I had a dream about a bow. I had a dream about an arch. Cette situation était difficile à gérer. That situation was tough to deal with. This situation was difficult to manage. Tom le dijo a Mary que no nadara ahí. Tom told Mary not to swim there. Tom told Mary not to swim there. O amor é para todos. Love is for everyone. Love is for everyone. Notei que os pés de Tom não estavam limpos. I noticed Tom's feet weren't clean. I noticed Tom's feet weren't clean. N'as-tu rien à faire ? Don't you have anything to do? Don't you have anything to do? Le vêtement est-il dans le placard ? Is the garment in the closet? Is the clothes in the closet? Propunerea a fost adoptată în unanimitate. The motion was unanimously adopted. The proposal was adopted unanimously. Piaci a mia madre. My mother likes you. My mother likes you. Savez-vous qui est son père ? Do you know who her father is? Do you know who his father is? ¿Qué tipo de música ha sido popular últimamente? What kind of music has been popular recently? What kind of music has been popular lately? Tom era fericit că proprietarul său a scăzut chiria. Tom was happy that his landlord lowered the rent. Tom was happy that his landlord dropped the rent. Se você os convidar, eles vão estragar a festa. If you invite them, they will ruin the party. If you invite them, they'll ruin the party. Perché non andiamo in spiaggia il prossimo weekend? Why don't we go to the beach next weekend? Why don't we go to the beach next weekend? Ò sentio o dovei de falo. I felt it my duty to do so. I felt the need to talk. Então, no momento em que o pivô começava uma entrevista ao vivo, o canal foi retirado do ar. Then, as the newsreader began a live interview, the channel was pulled from the airwaves. Then, just as the pivot was starting a live interview, the channel was taken off the air. Não consigo mentir para eles. We can't lie to them. I can't lie to them. Ne parle pas à la chèvre en italien s'il te plaît. Please don't speak Italian to the goat. Don't talk to the goat in Italian, please. Mwen ka manjé. I am eating. I eat. Tom y Mary parecen un poco confusos. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Tom and Mary seem a little confused. Paris est à son meilleur en automne. Paris is at its best in autumn. Paris is at its best in autumn. Tom era sempre acritico. Tom was always nonjudgmental. Tom was always uncritical. Probabil au crezut că sunteţi zei! They must have taken you to be gods! They must have thought you were gods! Lew disse que Kim liderou "habilmente" a resposta às crises do Ébola e dos refugiados e tem estado a promover reformas necessárias no Banco Mundial. Lew said Kim "ably" led responses to the Ebola and refugee crises and has been pushing needed reforms at the World Bank. Lew said Kim has “skillfully” led the response to the Ebola and refugee crises and has been pushing for needed reforms at the World Bank. Mary vio la tele ayer. Mary watched TV yesterday. Mary watched TV yesterday. Devo trovarlo. I have to find that. I need to find him. Os romenos são romanos? Are Romanians Romans? Are the Romanians Romans? Vocês sabem o meu endereço? Do you know my address? Do you know my address? Mañana les comprará todo lo que necesitan. Tomorrow he'll buy you everything you need. Tomorrow he'll buy them everything they need. Los médicos curan a muchos enfermos. The doctors heal many sick people. Doctors treat many sick people. Per piacere, inserite la vostra password. Please enter your password. Please enter your password. A Tom le gustó su coche. Tom liked his car. Tom liked his car. Esta nação himalaica entre a Índia e a China é o segundo país sul-asiático, a seguir ao Seri Lanca, a enfrentar uma crise cambial. The Himalayan nation between India and China is the second South Asian country, after Sri Lanka, to face a foreign exchange crunch. This Himalayan nation between India and China is the second South Asian country, after Seri Lanca, to face a currency crisis. Lei deve andare senza di me. You have to go on without me. You have to go without me. Un navire cargo, à destination d'Athènes, a sombré en Méditerranée sans laisser de trace. A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. A cargo ship bound for Athens sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. Când va veni, vom mânca. When she comes, we'll eat. When he comes, we'll eat. Elle s'est parée de bijoux. She adorned herself with jewels. She's dressed in jewelry. Ce ne possiamo andare adesso? Can we leave now? Can we go now? Ninguém nunca foi capaz de entrar na sala. No one has ever been able to enter the room. No one has ever been able to enter the room. Oh, il sapere! Quanto è bello! O! this learning, what a thing it is. Oh, the knowledge! How beautiful! Raccontami qualcosa di piacevole per farmi sentire meglio. Tell me something pleasant to make me feel better. Tell me something nice to make me feel better. Menjo perquè tinc gana. I eat because I'm hungry. I eat because I’m hungry. Um sorvete de manga, por favor. A mango ice cream, please. A mango ice cream, please. La pénurie de composants a limité les capacités de production automobile dans le monde. The chip shortage has crimped the world’s ability to produce automobiles. The shortage of components has limited automotive production capacity around the world. Qué bien que traje un arma encima. It's good that I brought a gun with me. I'm glad I brought a gun. Mă simt grozav astăzi. I feel great today. I feel great today. Deberías pedirle perdón a Tom. You should apologize to Tom. You should apologize to Tom. Nu suntem cu totul siguri. We're not entirely sure. We're not entirely sure. Asegúrate de que cerraste bien la botella. Make sure you closed the bottle right. Make sure the bottle is closed properly. Il ne connaissait pas la fille. He didn't know the girl. He didn't know the girl. Separa las piedras de tu oponente. Separate your opponent's stones. Separate your opponent's stones. De alegria e vergonha, ela corou até as orelhas. What with joy and shame, she blushed to the ears. Out of joy and shame, she blushed to her ears. Estava um caderno azul sobre a mesa. There was a blue notebook on the table. There was a blue notebook on the table. Nunca pensé que estaría de acuerdo contigo. I never thought I would agree with you. I never thought I'd agree with you. ¿Quién es esa chica que tienes ahí? Who is this girl that you have with you? Who's that girl you got there? Loro non hanno detto nulla. They didn't say anything. They didn't say anything. Tom estaba seguro de que venían tiempos mejores. Tom was sure better times were coming. Tom was sure better times were coming. Elle est née avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Você dedurou ou não dedurou Tom? Did you, or did you not, tip Tom off? Did you deduct or did you not deduct Tom? A Manin a l'é ciù grande che a Cattæn. Marina is older than Catherine The man is bigger than the woman. D'on véns? Where are you from? Where did you come from? Je l'ai dit sans y penser. I said this without thinking. I said it without thinking. Je l'aime, mais elle l'aime lui. I love her, but she loves him. I love her, but she loves him. Ziri non fece niente nella sua vita. Ziri didn't do anything in his life. Ziri did nothing in his life. Je fais trop de fautes de frappe. I make too many typos. I make too many typos. A él le gusta sentarse y jugar videojuegos todo el día. He likes to just sit around and play video games all day. He likes to sit and play video games all day. Hemos explorado Argelia. We have explored Algeria. We've explored Algeria. Nous nous rendîmes à Rome où nous séjournâmes une semaine. We went to Rome, where we stayed a week. We went to Rome where we stayed for a week. El poate vorbi foarte bine atât engleza cât și franceza. He can speak both English and French very well. He can speak both English and French very well. Dercy Gonçalves è stata una grande attrice e umorista brasiliana. Dercy Gonçalves was a great Brazilian actress and comedian. Dercy Gon<0xC3><0xA7>alves was a great Brazilian actress and humorist. Eu não sei onde Tom mora. I don't know where Tom lives. I don't know where Tom lives. Ce ne dovremmo andare? Should we leave? Should we leave? O excesso de algas é comum em cursos de água no mundo inteiro causado pelo escoamento de fertilizantes e pela má gestão dos esgotos. Algal overload is common in waterways worldwide caused by fertilizer runoff and poor sewage management. Excess algae is common in waterways around the world caused by fertilizer runoff and poor sewage management. Il ponte è sulla destra. The bridge is on the right. The bridge is on the right. Qual è la mia funzione? What is my function? What is my function? Que peut-on faire de plus ? What more can be done? What more can we do? Você bateu na porta errada. You knocked on the wrong door. You knocked on the wrong door. Vorbiţi chineza? Do you speak Chinese? You speak Chinese? Scrivi qualsiasi cosa ti viene in mente. Write whatever comes to mind. Write whatever comes to mind. Escolteu! Listen! Listen up! Vocês dois são um belo casal. You two are a beautiful couple. You two are a beautiful couple. Celui qui suit la nature est sage. He who follows Nature is wise. He who follows nature is wise. Él es un hombre celoso. He is a jealous man. He is a jealous man. Ta sœur est mon amie. Your sister is my friend. Your sister's my friend. Con i bambini piccoli sono completamente impaziente. With little children, I am completely impatient. With small children I am completely impatient. Ya suspendieron la huelga. They already called off the strike. The strike has already been called off. Eu amo matemática. I love math. I love math. A que fuso horário o país pertence? Which time zone does the country belong to? What time zone does the country belong to? Tom decidió que no había que pintar el techo. Tom decided that it wasn't necessary to paint the ceiling. Tom decided there was no need to paint the ceiling. Será mejor que le des la fotografía a la profesora. You'd better give the photograph to the teacher. You'd better give the teacher the picture. Non sono un serpente. I'm not a snake. I'm not a snake. El seu marit viu a Tòkio ara. Her husband is now living in Tokyo. Her husband lives in Tokyo now. Nessuno voleva andarsene. No one wanted to leave. Nobody wanted to leave. ¿Por qué no partimos mañana? Why don't we leave tomorrow? Why don't we leave tomorrow? Ai o mărime mai mare pentru asta? Do you have this in a larger size? You got a bigger size for that? Yanni me recordó a mí. Yanni reminded me of me. Yanni reminded me of me. Tom nu ar trebui să fie așa de lacom. Tom shouldn't be so greedy. Tom shouldn't be so greedy. Quiero una almohada suave. I want a soft pillow. I want a soft pillow. Non riesco a togliere il coperchio. I cannot get the lid off. I can't get the lid off. Leggi i libri. Read the books. Read the books. Tom colocou seus brinquedos na caixa. Tom put his toys in the box. Tom put his toys in the box. Asigurările protejează împotriva problemelor neprevăzute. Insurance protects against unforeseen predicaments. Insurance protects you against unforeseen problems. Io penso a Tom tutto il giorno. I think about Tom all day. I think about Tom all day. As-tu déjà été hospitalisée pour une bronchite ou une pneumonie ? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? Have you ever been hospitalized for bronchitis or pneumonia? S'ils avaient suivi les conseils de leurs médecins, ils ne seraient peut-être pas morts. If they'd taken their doctors' advice, they might not have died. If they had followed the advice of their doctors, they might not have died. O único grande defeito dele aos olhos dos parceiros dele era que ele detestava dividir os ganhos dele e, por vezes, tinha de ser coagido a partilhar igualmente. His one great fault in the eyes of his partners was that he hated to divvy his winnings and at times had to be coerced into sharing equally. His only major flaw in the eyes of his partners was that he hated sharing his winnings and sometimes had to be coerced into sharing equally. Papà, mi servono dei guanti da boxe. Dad, I need boxing gloves. Dad, I need some boxing gloves. No sucedió nada especial. Nothing special happened. Nothing special happened. Provò a imparare il francese. He tried to learn French. He tried to learn French. Qu'ei l'ora de dromir. It's time to sleep. It’s time to sleep. La noticia la puso muy triste. The news made her very sad. The news made her very sad. Tom se compró un telescopio refractor. Tom bought a refracting telescope. Tom bought himself a refracting telescope. I suoi genitori morirono. Her parents died. His parents died. Peut-être est-ce encore tôt ? Maybe it's still early? Maybe it's too early? Estudié inglés con un hablante nativo durante cuatro años. I studied English for four years with a native speaker. I studied English with a native speaker for four years. Notre leader a de nombreuses vertus. Our leader has many virtues. Our leader has many virtues. Mi sto sentendo un po' malata. I'm feeling a bit ill. I'm feeling a little sick. Quando eu tiver vinte anos de idade, já serei advogado. By the time I am twenty years old, I will have become a lawyer. By the time I'm 20, I'll be a lawyer. Le terme « intelligence artificielle » a été utilisé pour la première fois en 1956 par John McCarthy. The term "artificial intelligence" was first used in 1956 by John McCarthy. The term “artificial intelligence” was first used in 1956 by John McCarthy. Eu geralmente durmo em uma cama. I usually sleep in a bed. I usually sleep in a bed. Él me dio todos los detalles. He told me all the details. He gave me all the details. Sicuramente non verrà. Surely he won't come. He's definitely not coming. Por que há tanto espaço neste universo e dentro de nossa consciência? De onde veio todo esse espaço infinito? Why is there so much room in this universe and within our consciousness? Where did all this infinite space come from? Why is there so much space in this universe and within our consciousness? Where did all this infinite space come from? "Ero la prima." "Seriamente?" "I was first." "Seriously?" "I was the first." "Really?" Sami scomparve. Sami disappeared. Sami's gone. Riprendi in mano la tua vita. Take charge of your life again. Take back your life. El idioma bereber es bastante poético. The Berber language is pretty poetic. The Berber language is quite poetic. Ellas están detrás de ti. They are behind you. They are behind you. Fadil tornou-se muito confiante e forte. Fadil became very confident and strong. Fadil became very confident and strong. Por favor, no discutan. Please don't argue. Please don't argue. Nu trebuia să te grăbești. Oricum ai ajuns aici prea devreme. You didn't need to hurry. You got here too early anyway. You shouldn't have rushed, you got here too early anyway. Am avut ceva perioade grele. We've had some tough times. I've had some rough times. Négatif. Negative. Negative. J'ai brûlé les lettres. I burned the letters. I burned the letters. La ragazza con cui sta parlando è Nancy. The girl to whom he is speaking is Nancy. The girl he's talking to is Nancy. Aqueth líber qu'ei navèth. This book is new. This is the kind of sling that I crave. Possono dire queste cose? Can they say these things? Can they say these things? Au début, Dieu a créé l'univers. In the beginning, God created the universe. In the beginning, God created the universe. Le ciel s'est assombri et il s'est mis à pleuvoir. The sky got dark, and it started raining. The sky darkened and it started to rain. No contengas el aliento por eso. Don't hold your breath on that. Don't hold your breath for that. Tom adora escalar montañas. Tom loves to climb mountains. Tom loves to climb mountains. Eu não a amo. I don't love her. I don't love her. ¿Cómo están las cosas entre Tom y tú? How are things between you and Tom? How are things with you and Tom? A me piace il vostro consiglio. I like your advice. I like your advice. Je parlais à la lune. I was talking to the moon. I was talking to the moon. Tom non ha chiesto a Mary di aiutare. Tom didn't ask Mary to help. Tom didn't ask Mary to help. ¿Los gemelos se dan cuenta de que uno de ellos no estaba planeado? Do twins realize that one of them was unplanned? Do the twins realize that one of them wasn't planned? Logan disse que as medidas preventivas tradicionais contra queimaduras solares, como o uso de roupa comprida, chapéus e óculos de sol, não têm sido o suficiente. Logan said that traditional preventative measures against sunburn, such as wearing long clothes, hats and sunglasses, have not been enough. Logan said traditional preventive measures against sunburn, such as wearing long clothes, hats and sunglasses, have not been enough. Qual era a configuração do experimento? O que estava conectado e como? What did the experimental set-up look like? What was connected to what and how? What was the setup of the experiment? What was connected and how? Non mi piace quando le persone mi afferrano la coda. I don't like it when people grab my tail. I don't like it when people grab my tail. Tu lo capisci? Do you understand him? Do you understand that? Aquesta torre ofereix una vista de tota la ciutat. This tower commands a full view of the city. This tower offers a view of the entire city. O relatório anual do grupo de direitos Amnistia Internacional documenta as violações dos direitos humanos em quase 160 países e afirma que em 2017 a política do ódio e do medo foi normalizada por alguns dos líderes mais poderosos do mundo. Rights group Amnesty International's annual report documents human rights violations in nearly 160 countries and claims 2017 saw the politics of hate and fear normalized by some of the most powerful leaders in the world. Amnesty International’s annual report documents human rights violations in nearly 160 countries and states that in 2017 the politics of hate and fear were normalized by some of the world’s most powerful leaders. Faccio un incubo ricorrente. I have a recurring nightmare. I have a recurring nightmare. Assaggiate questo dolce. Taste this sweet. Taste this sweet. Aggiungi la foto. Add the picture. Add the photo. Mostrami un altro orologio. Show me another watch. Show me another watch. Abbiamo pagato Silya. We paid Silya. We paid Silya. Il écrasa la boîte. He crushed the box. He smashed the box. Je pense que c'est mal de mentir. I think it's wrong to lie. I think it's wrong to lie. Conheci o proprietário da casa há um ano. I met the owner of the house a year ago. I met the owner of the house a year ago. Emily comprò un computer nuovo. Emily bought a new computer. Emily bought a new computer. Voleva parlare di alcune cose. He wanted to talk some things over. He wanted to talk about some things. La lluvia continuó durante 40 días. The rain continued for 40 days. The rain continued for 40 days. Tom es un pecador impenitente. Tom is an unrepentant sinner. Tom is an unrepentant sinner. Combien de Turcs vivent en Grèce ? How many Turks live in Greece? How many Turks live in Greece? Vaiga-se-ne! Go away! Go away! Jim Carrey é muito famoso e um bom comediante. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Jim Carrey is very famous and a good comedian. Bonne idée. Nice idea. That's a good idea. C'est une femme. This is a woman. It's a woman. Come si chiama sua figlia? What's your daughter's name? What's your daughter's name? A palavra é meu domínio sobre o mundo. The word is my fourth dimension. The word is my dominion over the world. Tom empezó a trabajar como voluntario en el refugio de desposeídos cuando aún seguía en la escuela secundaria. Tom began working as a volunteer at the homeless shelter while he was still in high school. Tom began volunteering at the homeless shelter when he was still in high school. Sigues usando esa palabra, pero dudo que signifique lo que crees que signfica. You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. You keep using that word, but I doubt it means what you think it means. O russo é meu idioma favorito. Russian is my favorite language. Russian is my favorite language. Come al solito. Same as usual. As usual. Eu os visitei quando fui à Grécia. I visited them when I went to Greece. I visited them when I went to Greece. ¿Qué es un sustantivo español con seis letras que rima con 'izquierda'? What's a six-letter Spanish noun that rhymes with 'izquierda?' What is a Spanish noun with six letters that rhymes with 'lezquierda'? Vas passar mautemps. You'll have a hard time. You've been through a lot. Qual è la differenza tra questi concetti? What is the difference between these concepts? What is the difference between these concepts? Tom era orgoglioso. Tom was proud. Tom was proud. Ar putea fi benefică. It could be beneficial. It could be beneficial. Vous a-t-on dit les raisons pour lesquelles nous ne vous avons pas embauchée ? Have you been told the reasons why we didn't hire you? Have you been told why we didn’t hire you? Mi hija ya no es una niña. My daughter isn't a child anymore. My daughter is no longer a girl. Avez-vous perdu connaissance après l'accident ? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Did you lose consciousness after the accident? Los números que terminan en cero se pueden dividir por dos. Numbers that end in zero can be divided by two. Numbers ending in zero can be divided by two. Per fi ha arribat! He finally arrived! It has finally arrived! Des choses étranges commencèrent à se produire. Strange stuff started happening. Strange things began to happen. Não use sapatos na mesquita. Do not wear shoes in the mosque. Do not wear shoes to the mosque. Tom odia que nieve. Tom hates it when it's snowing. Tom hates snow. Tom mi ha detto tutto su di voi. Tom has told me everything about you. Tom told me all about you. Tu voz me suena familiar. Your voice sounds familiar. Your voice sounds familiar. Le drapeau de l'Espagne est rouge et jaune. The Spanish flag is red and yellow. The flag of Spain is red and yellow. No tengo ganas de ir a un restaurante. I don't feel like going to a restaurant. I don't feel like going to a restaurant. Minha mãe fez nada mais que chorar. My mother did nothing but weep. My mother did nothing but cry. Lui prende in prestito l'automobile dalla sua vicina. He borrows the car from his neighbor. He borrows the car from his neighbor. Não carregue nada ao excesso. Don't carry anything to excess. Do not carry anything to excess. L'élève leva la main et répondit à la question. The pupil raised his hand and answered the question. The student raised his hand and answered the question. Antiguamente la separación o el divorcio eran muy mal vistos por todos. In the past, separation and divorce were frowned upon by everyone. In the past, separation and divorce were frowned upon by everyone. Las proteínas están formadas por moléculas más pequeñas llamadas aminoácidos. Proteins are made of smaller molecules called amino acids. Proteins are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. Tu devrais raccrocher. You should hang up your hat. You should hang up. Il a peur du noir ; ne l'y laisse pas. He is afraid of the dark; don't leave him there. He's afraid of the dark; don't leave him there. ¿Interrumpimos algo? Did we interrupt anything? Did we interrupt something? Tu parles khmer ? Do you speak Khmer? Do you speak Khmer? ¿Podrías traducir esta frase al francés? Could you translate this sentence to French? Could you translate this phrase into French? Vi abbiamo mandato una lettera. We sent you a letter. We sent you a letter. Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Il est précisément celui que tu cherches. He is precisely the one you are looking for. He's exactly the one you're looking for. Tengo dudas sobre su popularidad. I have doubts about his popularity. I have doubts about its popularity. La scatola era sotto la tavola. The box was under the table. The box was under the table. Eso ya es agua pasada. That's water under the bridge now. That's past water. James avait une grande peur de faire des erreurs en classe et d’être réprimandé. James had a great fear of making mistakes in class and being reprimanded. James had a great fear of making mistakes in class and being reprimanded. Estou moi contento en Xeorxia. I am very happy in Georgia. I am very happy in Georgia. Tom está tocando no parque. Tom is playing in the park. Tom's playing in the park. María es una mujer, no una niña. Maria is a woman, not a child. Mary is a woman, not a child. Ça m’a filé les chocottes. It gave me the willies. It gave me the chocolats. Dans le jeu d'échecs, chaque armée a un roi, une dame, deux fous, deux cavaliers, deux tours et huit pions. In the game of chess, each army has a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. In chess, each army has one king, one queen, two madmen, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns. Deke el eskrivio esto? Why did he write that? Deke wrote this? Estou contando que vocês venham à festa de meu aniversário. I hope you'll come to my birthday party. I'm telling you guys to come to my birthday party. Guardi le notizie? Do you watch the news? You watch the news? El s-a hotărât să se facă pilot. He made up his mind to become a pilot. He decided to become a pilot. Les autruches sont les plus gros oiseaux du monde. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. Prenderò un espresso, per favore. I'll have an Espresso, please. I'll have an espresso, please. Tom est plus sportif que Charles. Tom is sportier than Charles. Tom is more athletic than Charles. Le nostre ossa sono bianche. Our bones are white. Our bones are white. Las clases empiezan a las nueve y terminan a las cuatro. Lessons begin at 9 and end at 4. Classes start at nine and end at four. Aquesta nit coneixeré la xicota del meu germà. I'm going to meet my brother's girlfriend tonight. I'm meeting my brother's girlfriend tonight. Eso no era parte del trato. That wasn't part of the deal! That wasn't part of the deal. Eu preciso falar com o Tom. I need to speak to Tom. I need to talk to Tom. Acest lucru nu mă privește deloc. This has nothing to do with me. This doesn't concern me at all. Elle a accepté. She agreed. She agreed. Estas tablas no están bien cepilladas. These boards haven't been planed right. These boards are not well brushed. En marchant dans la forêt, j'ai vu un loup. While walking in the forest, I saw a wolf. Walking in the forest, I saw a wolf. Voi non guardate la televisione. You don't watch TV. You don't watch television. La guerra è finita. L'uomo può vivere di nuovo in pace. The war is over. Man can live in peace again. The war is over, man can live in peace again. Creo que somos un buen equipo. I think we're a good team. I think we're a good team. Ella no es inteligente. She's not smart. She's not smart. Este advogado nunca perdeu um caso. This lawyer has never lost a case. This lawyer never lost a case. Dobbiamo sapere se sarà presente o no. We need to know if she will be present or not. We need to know if he's gonna be here or not. "Viens danser avec moi." "Je croyais que tu ne me le demanderais jamais." "Let's dance together." "I thought you'd never ask." "Come dance with me." "I thought you'd never ask me." Il a le pied dans l'herbe. He has the foot in the grass. He's got his foot in the grass. Il est deux fois plus âgé que moi. He is twice as old as I. He's twice as old as me. Cine râde la urmă, râde mai bine. He who laughs last laughs best. Who laughs at the end, laughs better. Le barche da pesca hanno lasciato il porto. The fishing boats have left harbour. The fishing boats left the port. Avez-vous bu ? Have you been drinking? Have you been drinking? Tom está convencido de que todo mundo o odeia. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. Tom is convinced that everyone hates him. L'amore è un sentimento molto forte. Love is a very strong feeling. Love is a very strong feeling. Elle ne se montra pas polie à son endroit. She wasn't polite to him. She was not polite in his place. Tu es un homme, mais tu agis comme un enfant. You are a man, but you act like a child. You're a man, but you act like a child. Disse loro di non farlo. He told them not to do that. He told them not to. Tom ha estado animando a sus alumnos a leer más. Tom has been encouraging his students to read more. Tom has been encouraging his students to read more. Qui l'a inventé ? Who invented it? Who invented it? La Kabylie a sa propre académie qui a vu le jour le 14 juin 2022. Kabylia has its own academy which came into being on June 14, 2022. Kabylia has its own academy which was founded on 14 June 2022. Ella es tan lenta como una tortuga. She is as slow as a turtle. She's as slow as a turtle. Esta es la bolsa más cara que he comprado. This is the most expensive bag I have ever bought. This is the most expensive bag I've ever bought. Gli mostro la maglia. I show him the shirt. I'll show him the shirt. ¡Me da tanto vértigo perder todo esto, romper todo esto! I feel so dizzy to lose all of this, so giddy to shatter all of this! It gives me so much vertigo to lose all this, to break all this! O voo de Ziri desapareceu do radar. Ziri's flight disappeared from radar. Ziri's flight disappeared from radar. Ella es dutxa. She showers. She's in the shower. El perro de Tom lo despertó un poco después de medianoche. Tom's dog woke him up a little after midnight. Tom's dog woke him up a little after midnight. En la apertura, mueva solo los peones que ayuden a que las piezas se desarrollen. In the opening, move only those pawns that help develop the pieces. In the opening, move only the pawns that help the pieces develop. Calmează-te. Calm down. Calm down. Le persone potevano respingere l'invasione. The people could repel the invasion. The people could repel the invasion. Mi sono innamorato di te nell'istante in cui ho posato gli occhi su di te. I fell in love with you the instant I laid eyes on you. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. Une file d'attente s'est formée devant le magasin. A queue was forming in front of the shop. A line was formed in front of the store. Vous avez gagné ! You won! You've won! Ça va si je te pose quelques questions sur tes antécédents médicaux ? Is it OK if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Is it okay if I ask you a few questions about your medical history? Tanto las armas como las palabras pueden matar. Dicho esto, podemos afirmar que las palabras son un tipo de arma. Both weapons and words can kill. Therefore, we can assert that words are a form of weapon. Both weapons and words can kill. That said, we can say that words are a kind of weapon. Tom ascendió la montaña con Mary, John y Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. Tom climbed the mountain with Mary, John and Alice. Io penso che non sarà un problema. I think it won't be a problem. I think it won't be a problem. ¿Te sangran las encías cuando te cepillas los dientes? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Le brossage des dents aide à prévenir les caries. Brushing teeth helps prevent cavities. Brushing your teeth helps prevent cavities. Nou admiwé nonm sala pis i ni an chay lajan We admired that man because he has lots of money. For we have admired this man, because he also has much money. O que você tem contra o Tom? What do you have against Tom? What do you have against Tom? Lui Tom și Mary le place arta și cultura. Tom and Mary like art and culture. Tom and Mary love art and culture. Questa è l'auto del futuro. This is the car of the future. This is the car of the future. O nome de usuário do Tom é "Tomtoeba13". Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". Tom's username is "Tomtoeba13". O Francês é a única língua estrangeira que sei falar. French is the only foreign language I know how to speak. French is the only foreign language I can speak. Arrêtez de vous quereller ! Stop arguing. Stop fighting! Stop fighting! Sou o deus do novo mundo. I am the god of the new world. I'm the god of the new world. Como é que eu posso saber? How can I tell? How would I know? Chut ! Shhh! Shh! Shh! La cocaina è una droga. Cocaine is a drug. Cocaine is a drug. Non so dove siano i miei genitori. I don't know where my parents are. I don't know where my parents are. Eso es un nivel por debajo. That's one level down. That's one level below. Pour l'instant, nous n'envisageons même pas cette option. For now, we're not even considering that option. At the moment, we are not even considering this option. Tom estava a caminho do hospital quando seu carro saiu da estrada. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car ran off the road. Tom was on his way to the hospital when his car rolled off the road. Vino cât poți de repede. Come as soon as possible. Come as fast as you can. A Tom le gusta cuando le rascas detrás de las orejas. Tom likes it when you scratch behind his ears. Tom likes it when you scratch behind his ears. C'était un beau jour, alors je suis allé pique-niquer. It was a fine day so I went on a picnic. It was a beautiful day, so I went for a picnic. Vous habitez loin ? Do you live far off? Do you live far away? Je me suis longtemps tut. I have been silent for a long time. I've been quiet for a long time. Mi piace il vostro consiglio. I like your advice. I like your advice. El vine. He's coming in. He's coming. L'armée a imposé la dictature. The army imposed the dictatorship. The military imposed the dictatorship. Mangiamo per sopravvivere. We eat to survive. We eat to survive. Em 1996, Garry Kasparov jogou um match de 6 partidas contra Deep Blue, supercomputador da IBM, e saiu vencedor por 4 X 2. In 1996, Garry Kasparov played a 6-game match against Deep Blue, IBM's supercomputer, and won 4 x 2. In 1996, Garry Kasparov played a six-game match against Deep Blue, an IBM supercomputer, and won 4<0xC3><0x97>2. Eu trecut zece ani de când el a plecat din Japonia. It has been ten years since he left Japan. It's been ten years since he left Japan. È all'università ora, vero? He's in college now, isn't he? He's in college now, isn't he? É difícil ficar calmo. It's hard to stay calm. It's hard to stay calm. Esperamos desde la mañana, pero al fin y al cabo él no vino. We had been waiting since morning, but he didn't come after all. We waited till morning, but after all he didn't come. Enquanto as gigantes do entretenimento, como a Netflix e a Amazon Prime, cortejam o público indiano, elas têm investido milhões de dólares na realização local de filmes e séries. As entertainment giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime woo Indian audiences, they are investing millions of dollars in making films and serials locally. While entertainment giants such as Netflix and Amazon Prime woo Indian audiences, they have invested millions of dollars in making local movies and series. Il n'a pas de travail, il vit aux crochets de ses parents. He doesn't have a job; he leeches off his parents. He doesn't have a job, he lives by his parents' side. ¿Qué vas a hacer esta tarde? What are you doing this afternoon? What are you going to do this afternoon? La pregunta persiste, ¿por qué Tom querría hacer eso? The question still remains why Tom would want to do that. The question persists, why would Tom want to do that? Am nevoie de niște medicamente pentru a îi calma durerea. I need some medicine to kill the pain. I need some medicine to ease his pain. No hay zorros aquí. There are no foxes here. There are no foxes here. Os franceses falam muito rápido. The French talk very fast. The French speak very fast. Io ho aperto un conto in una banca qua vicino. I opened an account at a nearby bank. I opened an account at a bank nearby. Io sono una fan di Britney Spears. I'm a fan of Britney Spears. I'm a fan of Britney Spears. He roto algo. I've broken something. I broke something. Sono segretamente innamorata di lui. I'm secretly in love with him. I'm secretly in love with him. Preciso de um novo. I need a new one. I need a new one. Con che percentuale sconterà i prezzi? What percent will you discount the prices? What percentage will the prices be discounted? L'union fait la force. United we stand. Union is strength. Creo que deberían pensar en su futuro. I think you need to think about the future. I think you should think about your future. Tom me disse que ele nunca quis trabalhar para o pai dele. Tom told me that he never wanted to work for his father. Tom told me he never wanted to work for his father. Você acha que uma camponesa que vive uma vida mais orgânica do que você em um país abandonado, enquanto usa esterco de vaca para fazer fogo, é de certa forma mais rica do que você? Do you think a peasant girl living a more organic life than you in a forsaken country, as she uses cow dung to make fire, is in a way richer than you? Do you think that a peasant who lives a more organic life than you do in an abandoned country, while using cow dung to make fire, is somehow richer than you? Non bere troppo prima di andare a letto. Don't drink too much before going to bed. Don’t drink too much before going to bed. A comida é aquecida no forno. The food is heated in the oven. The food is heated in the oven. Mon chien a peur de l'eau. My dog is afraid of water. My dog is afraid of water. Você quer fazer isso? Do you want to do this? You want to do this? Ce code source ouvert a donné naissance à des centaines de projets. This open source code spawned hundreds of projects. This open source code has spawned hundreds of projects. Notre enseignant est fatigué. Our teacher is tired. Our teacher is tired. Dacă întârzii, vă rog să o luați înainte. In case I am late, please go ahead of me. If you are late, please go ahead. Eu não sou muito bom na natação. I'm not very good at swimming. I'm not very good at swimming. Pardon ! Je me sens malade. Miss! I feel sick. I'm sorry, I feel sick. Je suis touché. I'm touched. I'm touched. Meu avô ainda está fortemente presente em meu coração. My grandfather is still strongly anchored in my heart. My grandfather is still strongly present in my heart. Eu estaria disposto a te ajudar com isso. I'd be willing to help you do that. I'd be willing to help you with that. Vejam como os jovens se aliam para enganar os velhos! See, to beguile the old folks, how the young folks lay their heads together! See how the young join together to deceive the old! Ce zici de o felie de pizza? What about a slice of pizza? How about a slice of pizza? William n'envie pas Sandra. William doesn't envy Sandra. William doesn't envy Sandra. Perché così economiche? Why so cheap? Why so cheap? Le règlement scolaire exige le port d'un uniforme par les élèves. The school rules require students to wear school uniforms. The school rules require students to wear a uniform. Voi cosa avete detto ai ragazzi? What did you say to the boys? What did you tell the boys? Dommage que les chiens et les chats ne vivent pas aussi longtemps que les humains. It's unfortunate that dogs and cats don't live as long as humans. Unfortunately, dogs and cats don’t live as long as humans. Trabaja más. Work more. Work harder. Tom è arrabbiato con Mary, vero? Tom is angry with Mary, isn't he? Tom's mad at Mary, isn't he? ¿Tú te crees que puedo volar? You really think I can fly? Do you think I can fly? Tom avait assez de temps pour ça. Tom had enough time for it. Tom had plenty of time for that. O que significa "Renascimento"? What does "Renaissance" mean? What does "Renaissance" mean? Por favor, deja la puerta abierta al salir. Please leave the door open on your way out. Please leave the door open when you leave. Posso sposare il nipote del marito di mia zia? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Can I marry my aunt's husband's nephew? Últimamente el número de automóviles se ha incrementado notoriamente. Recently the number of cars has greatly increased. Lately the number of cars has increased noticeably. Estoy aquí para pedir su ayuda. I'm here to ask for your help. I'm here to ask for your help. Il cane vuole che ci giochiamo. The dog wants us to play with it. The dog wants us to play. ¿Pensabas que se nos habían acabado las lágrimas? Did you think we ran out of tears? Did you think our tears were gone? Por que você não deixou Tom entrar? Why didn't you let Tom in? Why didn't you let Tom in? Il mio computer portatile si ruppe. My laptop broke. My laptop broke. Apenas 529 espectadores assistiram ao jogo. A mere 529 spectators watched the game. Only 529 spectators attended the game. Estas son preguntas frecuentes. These are frequent questions. These are frequently asked questions. Halloween était à l'origine une fête celtique. Halloween was originally a Celtic festival. Halloween was originally a Celtic holiday. Et elle fait encore la grimace. And she still makes a funny face. And she's still making faces. Sap tot. You know everything. He knows everything. Combien de romans avez-vous lus l'année dernière ? How many novels did you read last year? How many novels have you read last year? Descansemos por cinco minutos. Let's rest for five minutes. Let's rest for five minutes. Amar é fácil, difícil é ser amado. It is easy to love, but difficult to be loved. To love is easy, to be loved is hard. Casi no nos queda agua. We have almost no water left. We hardly have any water left. Perché non lo fate di più? Why don't you do that more? Why don't you do it more? Les úniques respostes útils són les que creen noves preguntes. The only useful answers are those that raise new questions. The only useful answers are those that create new questions. Desculpe-me, confundi-o com um amigo. Excuse me, I mistook you for a friend of mine. I'm sorry, I mistook you for a friend. Não sei o que fazer. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. O inquérito surge numa altura em que as infeções por COVID-19 voltaram a aumentar na Grécia, principalmente nas zonas setentrionais do país que fazem fronteira com os Balcãs, onde os certificados de vacinação falsificados se tornaram num produto muito procurado. The probe comes as COVID-19 infections surge anew in Greece, mainly in the country's northern areas bordering the Balkans, where fake vaccination certificates have become a hot commodity. The investigation comes at a time when COVID-19 infections have risen again in Greece, especially in the northern areas of the country bordering the Balkans, where falsified vaccination certificates have become a highly sought-after product. Perder saúde é máis serio que perder diñeiro. Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. Losing money is more important than losing money. ¿Qué piensan ustedes sobre la tecnología? What do you guys think about technology? What do you think about technology? Questo è il motivo per cui apprezzo questo sito. This is the reason why I appreciate this site. This is why I appreciate this site. Je ne puis vous approuver, ma fille, d’attacher ainsi votre admiration à un inconnu, que vous ne reverrez jamais sans doute. I cannot approve of you, my dear daughter, in having taken a liking to a stranger, whom you will probably never meet again. I cannot agree with you, my daughter, that you should thus attach your admiration to a stranger whom you will probably never see again. Rima comprò un nuovo hotel. Rima bought a new hotel. Rima bought a new hotel. Tienes una boca grande y hablas mucho. You have a big mouth, and you talk a lot. You have a big mouth and you talk a lot. O Tom provavelmente fez isso no dia 20 de outubro. Tom probably did that on October 20th. Tom probably did it on October 20th. A te vengono gli incubi? Do you get nightmares? Do you have nightmares? Aquele carro é dela. That car is hers. That's her car. Su reloj no era valioso. His watch wasn't valuable. His watch wasn't valuable. O ar está impregnado de vapor de água. The air is damp. The air is impregnated with water vapor. C'est un homme respecté par tous. He's a man respected by everyone. He is a man respected by all. Smettetela di punzecchiarvi a vicenda. Stop teasing each other. Stop pricking each other. Não chore! Vou comprar outra para você. Don't cry! I'll buy you a new one. Don't cry, I'll buy you another one. Înălțimea lui Tom i-a dat un avantaj decisiv în joc. Tom's height gave him a decided advantage in the game. Tom's height gave him a decisive advantage in the game. ¿Cuántos idiomas habla usted? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Està amoïnada perquè fa mesos que no té notícia del seu fill. She's worried since she hasn't heard from her son for many months. She’s worried because she hasn’t heard from her son in months. Je suis un peu plus grand que mon père. I'm a little taller than my father. I'm a little older than my dad. Ayudé a Tom a bajarse del caballo. I helped Tom get off the horse. I helped Tom get off the horse. Non ho nulla per cui perdonarvi. I have nothing to forgive you for. I have nothing to forgive you for. Minha mãe achava que eu seria jogador de futebol americano. My mom thought I'd be a football player. My mom thought I was gonna be a football player. Él luce muy vigoroso, considerando su edad. He looks very vigorous, considering his age. He looks very vigorous, considering his age. El mundo está enfermo. The world is sick. The world is sick. J'aime beaucoup danser. I really like to dance. I like to dance a lot. Désolé, j'ai complètement oublié. Sorry, I forgot it completely. I'm sorry, I completely forgot. La porta finalmente si aprì. The door finally opened. The door finally opened. Nu avem vreun motiv să fim nervoși. We have no reason to be angry. We have no reason to be nervous. Ce sac est le mien. That bag is mine. This bag is mine. Menez-les moi ici ! Bring them here to me. Bring them here to me! Eu não consigo achar os meus óculos. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. Espero que Tom pueda solucionarlo. I hope that Tom can get that sorted out. I hope Tom can fix it. Preferirei fare una passeggiata che vedere il film. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. I'd rather go for a walk than see the movie. Eu sinto vergonha de continuar vivendo agora. I feel ashamed for living on now. I'm ashamed to keep living now. Il faut que cela soit corrigé. That needs to be corrected. This needs to be corrected. Ho lasciato il telefono a caricare mentre stavo cenando. I left my phone charging while I was having dinner. I left the phone charging while I was having dinner. Vista-se, por favor. Please get dressed. Get dressed, please. Mi padre consintió mi ida al extranjero. My father consented to my going abroad. My father consented to my going abroad. Tom quer aprender. Tom wants to learn. Tom wants to learn. L’amour est une maladie guérie par le temps. Love is a sickness cured by time. Love is a disease cured by time. Tom déteste faire la queue. Tom hates waiting in line. Tom hates to stand in line. Tom si è scordato di chiudere la porta? Did Tom forget to close the door? Did Tom forget to close the door? So che Tom non lo direbbe a Mary. I know Tom wouldn't tell Mary. I know Tom wouldn't tell Mary. Vieni dall'Africa? Are you from Africa? You're from Africa? Conozco a alguien que te puede ayudar. I know somebody who can help you. I know someone who can help you. Vous êtes surmenée. You're overworked. You're overworked. Son sourire indique qu'elle m'a pardonnée. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Her smile indicates that she has forgiven me. Tom conoce las consecuencias. Tom knows the stakes. Tom knows the consequences. Extiende los dedos. Spread your fingers. Extend your fingers. Eu tenho que comprar isso, mas está caro demais. I must buy it, but it's too expensive. I have to buy this, but it's too expensive. Je sais juste que ce n'est pas correct. I just know that it's not right. I just know it's not right. La situation au Kirghizistan est un vrai désordre. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. The situation in Kyrgyzstan is a real mess. Tom non sabe nada sobre Bostón. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. Você se lembra de mim? Do you remember me? Do you remember me? Prefiro morrer a ficar sem Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. I'd rather die than be without Fadil. È un canguro? Is that a kangaroo? Is it a kangaroo? Ați ajuta un străin? Would you help a stranger? Would you help a stranger? Le rôle fondamental des globules rouges est de transporter l'oxygène. The main purpose of red blood cells is to transport oxygen. The fundamental role of red blood cells is to carry oxygen. È un nuovo paio di stivali. It's a new pair of boots. It's a new pair of boots. O astromóvel marciano Curiosidade perfurou e recolheu com sucesso as entranhas de uma rocha no Planeta Vermelho, produzindo cerca de uma colher de sopa de pó cinzento que o astromóvel irá analisar em breve. The Mars rover Curiosity has successfully bored into and collected the innards of a rock on the Red Planet, yielding about a tablespoon of gray powder that the rover will soon analyze. The Mars rover Curiosity has successfully drilled and collected the bowels of a rock on the Red Planet, producing about a tablespoon of gray powder that the rover will soon analyze. Mes mains et mes pieds sont enflés. My hands and legs are swollen. My hands and feet are swollen. Ce drăguț! How cute! Oh, that's sweet. Você ajudaria um estranho? Would you help a stranger? Would you help a stranger? Ahora, cierra el libro y di de qué trata el texto. Now, close the book and say what the text is about. Now, close the book and say what the text is about. No soy bueno para mentir. I'm not good at lying. I'm not good at lying. Tom não tinha percebido que a sua vida estava em perigo. Tom didn't realize that his life was in danger. Tom didn't realize his life was in danger. Ecco il tuo libro di esperanto. Here's your Esperanto book. Here's your Esperanto book. Non voglio che lei conosca il nostro segreto. I don't want her to know our secret. I don't want you to know our secret. Marie ne l'a jamais mentionné. Marie never mentioned it. Mary never mentioned it. No entanto, Tutu pôde, no final, satisfazer o desejo do padrinho dela. However, Tutu was able, in the end, to fulfil her godfather’s wish. However, Tutu could, in the end, satisfy her godfather's wish. Le vent sifflait dans les arbres. The wind whistled through the trees. The wind was whistling in the trees. Soy tuyo. I'm yours. I'm yours. Esse cavalo é branco. That horse is white. This horse is white. ¿Cal é o teu xogo de código aberto favorito? What's your favorite open source game? What is your favorite open source game? Io ero nella mia camera da letto. I was in my bedroom. I was in my bedroom. Te lo estás inventando. You're making it up. You're making it up. L'anatroccolo è brutto. The duckling is ugly. The duckling is ugly. Il n'y a pas grand-chose à dire. There's not much to say. There's not much to say. Ela não consegue ler o que está escrito. She is not able to read what is written. She can't read what's written. Je ne sais pas où les chercher. I don't know where to look for them. I don't know where to look for them. Je suis circoncis. I'm circumcised. I'm circumcised. Sarà informata. You will be informed. You will be informed. Quand as-tu candidaté ? When did you apply? When did you apply? Eu acho que é hora de eu pedir demissão. I think it's time for me to step aside. I think it's time for me to resign. Miss Minutes s-a dovedit a fi malefică. Miss Minutes turned out to be evil. Miss Minutes turned out to be evil. Papá volvió a casa. Father came home. Dad came home. Reagì in modo violento. He reacted violently. He reacted violently. Dividir algo tão contínuo como a literatura e a arte em secções como numa estante de livros é invulgarmente como represar uma parte de um riacho para observar os peixes que lá se encontram. To divide up anything so continuous as literature and art into sections like a bookcase is uncommonly like damming up a portion of a stream to look at the fish in it. To divide something as continuous as literature and art into sections as on a bookshelf is unusually like damming a part of a stream to observe the fish that are there. David s'est vraiment mis en colère. David got really angry. David was really angry. Cet écrivain a créé une nouvelle langue. This writer created a new language. This writer has created a new language. Bin ëvnù! Welcome. Bin <0xC3><0xAB>vn<0xC3><0xB9>! ¡Pero nunca me habías hablado de esto! But you have never spoken to me about that! But you never told me about this! Să nu spui așa ceva. Don't say such a thing. Don't say that. Tom nun trouxo les sos llaves Tom didn't bring his keys. Tom didn't bring his keys Jer a l'é stòria, 'dman a l'é 'n mister, ma 'ncheuj a l'é regal. Për lòn as ciama "present". Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present". Jer is a story, dman is a mystery, but ncheuj is a gift. For him it is called "present". Adiu. Hi. Bye-bye. Tom a été frappé par un mulet. Tom got kicked by a mule. Tom was hit by a mule. Questi oggetti sono venduti nel centro della città. These objects are sold in the city center. These items are sold in the city center. Devo portarla fuori da qui. I have to get her out of here. I have to get her out of here. Les chiens dorment généralement par terre. Dogs usually sleep on the floor. Dogs usually sleep on the floor. Posso aiutare a proteggerla. I can help protect you. I can help protect her. Tom ne lave pas la voiture. Tom isn't washing the car. Tom doesn't wash the car. Tom ci ha detto tutto su di te. Tom told us everything about you. Tom told us all about you. In questo momento ho un estremo bisogno di soldi. Right now, I'm in dire need of money. I am in dire need of money right now. Eu não preciso ir mais para a escola. I don't need to go to school anymore. I don't need to go to school anymore. Tom a donné la moitié de la pomme à Mary. Tom gave Mary half of the apple. Tom gave Mary half the apple. Eu nunca vi ninguém praguejar como o Tom. I've never heard anyone swear like Tom. I've never seen anyone curse like Tom. ¿Qué hiciste con la ropa de Tom? What did you do with Tom's clothes? What did you do with Tom's clothes? Non mi piace questa foto. I don't like this photo. I don't like this picture. Io avevo in mente qualcos'altro. I had something else in mind. I had something else in mind. C'est la maison où il est né. This is the house he was born in. This is the house where he was born. Mamie a ajouté un oignon à la garniture. Grandma added an onion to the filling. Grandma added an onion to the topping. As maçãs são as melhores frutas. Apples are the best fruit. Apples are the best fruits. Tom está aprendiendo karate. Tom is learning karate. Tom's learning karate. Eu acho que ele gosta de mim. I think he likes me. I think he likes me. Nessuno vuole lavorare. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to work. Montre-moi la cicatrice, s'il te plaît. Please show me the scar. Show me the scar, please. Încă eram acasă. I was still at home. I was still at home. ¿Te importa que encienda la radio? May I turn on the radio? Do you mind if I turn on the radio? Tom s-a îmbrăcat ca o fată. Tom dressed like a girl. Tom dressed like a girl. No he visto a mi exmujer desde nuestro divorcio. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. I haven't seen my ex-wife since our divorce. Hay que llenar de agua todos los cubos posibles, porque van a cortar el agua. We need to fill as many buckets with water as we can, because the water is being cut off. You have to fill all possible buckets with water, because they are going to cut the water. O amor, acima de tudo, é entrega. Love, before everything, is about surrendering oneself. Love, above all else, is surrender. Eles nomearam o navio de Rainha Mary em homenagem à rainha. They named the ship Queen Mary after the Queen. They named the ship Queen Mary after the queen. Ya nadie habla ese idioma. No one speaks that language anymore. No one speaks that language anymore. Uno dei due dovrà andarsene. One of the two will have to leave. One of them will have to leave. O que você faz pela tarde? What do you do in the evening? What do you do in the afternoon? Non è l'unico problema della vostra idea. That's not the only problem with your idea. That's not the only problem with your idea. Deși Tom încă avea lacrimi în ochi, el a început să zâmbească. Even though Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Although Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Abbiamo negato questo. We denied this. We denied that. Io non sapevo che dovevo fare. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know what to do. En unos pocos días habrá que quitar tus puntos de sutura. Your stitches will need to be removed in a few days. In a few days, your stitches will need to be removed. Ce chanteur français est vraiment formidable. This French singer is really terrific. This French singer is really great. ¿Por qué está Tom en casa? Why's Tom home? Why is Tom home? Todos los colores acordarán en la oscuridad. All colours will agree in the dark. All colors will agree in the dark. Dizem que as escolas particulares são melhores do que as públicas. Isso é verdade? They say that private schools are better than public ones. Is that true? They say private schools are better than public schools. Suntem foarte fericite cu noua noastră casă. We're very happy with our new house. We are very happy with our new home. Je ne me suis pas sentie si heureuse depuis longtemps. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Ziri ha insegnato a Rima come cacciare. Ziri taught Rima how to hunt. Ziri taught Rima how to hunt. ¿Puedes frotar sobre mi un poco de loción de bronceado? Could you rub some suntan lotion on me? Can you rub some tanning lotion on me? Non lo rivedremo mai più. We'll never see him again. We'll never see him again. Ziri e Rima stavano camminando verso l'uscita dell'aeroporto. Ziri and Rima were walking towards the airport’s exit. Ziri and Rima were walking towards the airport exit. No sabes cuánto te hemos echado de menos. You have no idea how much we've missed you. You don't know how much we've missed you. Félix ne parle pas français. Felix doesn't speak French. Felix doesn't speak French. Prefere coxia ou janela? Which do you prefer, aisle or window? Do you prefer coxia or window? Dissi loro di non usare quelle. I told them not to use those. I told them not to use those. Turkia esta matando personas inosentes en Kurdistan. Turkey is killing innocent people in Kurdistan. Turkey is killing innocent people in Kurdistan. Trotski était un bolchevik. Trotsky was a bolshevik. Trotsky was a Bolshevik. Ch'a l'abio lòn ch'a son meritasse. Let them have a taste of their own medicine. He's got the man who deserves it. Peux-tu marcher les yeux fermés ? Can you walk with your eyes closed? Can you walk with your eyes closed? Que s'arroncèc dens l'ostau. He broke into a house. Let him squirm into the house. La femme de mon ami Tom est ma cousine Marie, la fille d'un des frères de mon père. My friend Tom's wife is my cousin Mary, the daughter of one of my father's brothers. My friend Tom's wife is my cousin Marie, the daughter of one of my father's brothers. Sembravate annoiate. You looked bored. You seemed bored. El puente está a la derecha. The bridge is on the right. The bridge is on the right. Tom corse verso il cancello. Tom ran toward the gate. Tom ran to the gate. C'est exactement là que cela s'est produit. This is exactly where it happened. This is exactly where it happened. Am mâncat prea mult astăzi. I've eaten too much today. I ate too much today. Lo comprenderà presto. You'll soon understand that. You'll understand soon enough. Il porridge è troppo dolce. The porridge is too sweet. Porridge is too sweet. Não deixe de vir. Be sure to come. Don't stop coming. Ele passa o dia inteiro sentado no computador. He spends all day in front of his computer. He spends all day sitting at the computer. Me acuesto a las diez y media. I go to bed at 10.30. I go to bed at half past ten. J'ai acheté de la viande hachée chez le boucher. I bought some mince from the butcher. I bought some minced meat from the butcher. El s-a dus cu bicicleta. He went by bicycle. He rode his bike. ¡Embrujado! Jinx! Bewitched! No es ninguna sorpresa que el inglés sea el idioma más hablado del mundo. It isn't a surprise that English is the world's most spoken language. It is no surprise that English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Trabalhei muito por causa disto. I worked a lot because of this. I've worked hard for this. Siamo veramente molto buoni. We really are very good. We are really very good. Ensilla mi caballo. Saddle my horse. Saddle my horse. N'oubliez pas cela. Don't forget that. Don't forget that. M-am identificat cu gangsterii din film. I identified myself with the gangsters in the film. I identified with the gangsters in the movie. Si vous voyiez une célébrité, que lui demanderiez-vous ? If you saw a celebrity, what would you ask them? If you saw a celebrity, what would you ask? Nu pot să mă retrag. I can't backtrack. I can't back down. Ho delle doglie ogni trenta minuti. I have labor pains every thirty minutes. I have pain every 30 minutes. Lei odia il berbero. She hates Berber. She hates Berber. Alice, je te pardonne parce que je t'aime. Alice, I forgive you because I love you. Alice, I forgive you because I love you. Tom estava no mesmo ônibus que eu. Tom was on the same bus as I was. Tom was on the same bus as me. Estou pronto para a festa. I'm ready to party. I'm ready for the party. Talvez o Tom não irá comprar aquilo. Perhaps Tom won't buy that. Maybe Tom won't buy that. Yanni apagó la alarma de su coche. Yanni turned off his car's alarm. Yanni turned off the alarm in her car. Tenemos que proteger las lenguas. We need to protect languages. We need to protect languages. Este é um pequeno sinal de respeito e amor. This is a small token of respect and love. This is a small sign of respect and love. Perché quel cane sta ringhiando? Why's that dog growling? Why is that dog growling? Insultaram a ele e a sua esposa. They insulted him and his wife. They insulted him and his wife. Nous nous sommes arrêtés à la première station-service. We stopped at the first gas station. We stopped at the first gas station. Tom a ținut un discurs scurt. Tom gave a brief talk. Tom gave a short speech. A bióloga estadual da vida selvagem Beth Waterbury também colaborou na criação de um programa de recolha e reciclagem de cordel de enfardamento na zona dela. State wildlife biologist Beth Waterbury also worked on setting up a baling twine pick up and recycling program in her area. State wildlife biologist Beth Waterbury also helped create a bagging cord collection and recycling program in her area. Tengo que volver a casa antes de la medianoche. I've got to get back home by midnight. I have to get home before midnight. Aidez la femme à se remettre debout. Help the woman get back to her feet. Help the woman get back on her feet. Fai moito frío. It's really cold. It's very cold. Eu vou vestir essa camisa para trabalhar amanhã. I'm going to wear this shirt to work tomorrow. I'm going to wear that shirt to work tomorrow. Te juro que jamás lo volveré a hacer. I swear to you I will never do it again. I swear I'll never do it again. Aveva la competenza che cercavo disperatamente. He had the expertise I was looking for desperately. He had the expertise I was desperately looking for. Mon genou gauche me fait mal. My left knee hurts. My left knee hurts. Demis în urma unei lovituri militare în septembrie 2006, fostul prim-ministru al Thailandei s-a reîntors în ţară după aproape un an şi jumătate de exil. Deposed in a military coup in September 2006 and having effectively been in exile, the Former premier of Thailand Thaksin has returned after about a year and a half. Resigned following a military coup in September 2006, the former prime minister of Thailand returned to the country after nearly a year and a half of exile. Tengo miedo de cometer un error. I'm scared to make a mistake. I'm afraid of making a mistake. " Votre nom m'est très familier, M. Holmes, " dit-il en souriant. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," said he, smiling. "Your name is very familiar to me, Mr. Holmes," he said with a smile. Viviamo vicino alla spiaggia. We live near the beach. We live near the beach. Vostro padre lavora per una banca, vero? Your father works for a bank, doesn't he? Your father works for a bank, doesn't he? Ele come carne com azeite e cerejas. He eats beef with olive oil and cherries. He eats meat with olive oil and cherries. Je peux conduire. I can drive. I can drive. Il n'a jamais trouvé un trésor. He has never found treasure. He never found a treasure. O inverno foi embora. A primavera chegou. Winter has gone. Spring has come. Winter's gone, spring's here. Non ama. You don't love. He doesn't. L'esecuzione per iniezione letale è incostituzionale? Is execution by lethal injection unconstitutional? Is execution by lethal injection unconstitutional? Tom estava muito apavorado. Tom was very terrified. Tom was terrified. Este libro es una buena introducción a la jardinería. This book is a good introduction to gardening. This book is a good introduction to gardening. Mergi să vezi ce se întâmplă! Go see what's going on! Go see what's going on! Después de la muerte de su marido, sacó adelante a los dos niños ella sola. After her husband's death, she brought up the two children all by herself. After her husband's death, she brought the two children forward on her own. Ese mujer tan guapa es de raza cañí. That beautiful woman is of Vietnamese race. Such a beautiful woman is of ca<0xC3><0xB1><0xC3><0xAD> race. Malheureusement, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de répondre à votre demande. Unfortunately, we're unable to accommodate your request. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to your request. Est-ce que tu utilises un contraceptif chaque fois que tu as des rapports sexuels ? Do you use birth control every time you engage in sexual activity? Do you use a contraceptive every time you have sex? Posso ser desastrado, mas não tanto como você. I may be clumsy, but I'm not as clumsy as you. I may be clumsy, but not as clumsy as you are. Eu quero que você fique na Austrália pelo menos até o Natal. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. I want you to stay in Australia at least until Christmas. Îl voi lua eu pentru tine. I'll get him for you. I'll get it for you. Enculé. Faggot. Asshole. Quão bons são estes camiões equipados em tandem com motores a gasóleo e elétricos da Eaton? How good are these trucks powered by Eaton diesel engines and electric motors in tandem? How good are these trucks equipped in tandem with diesel and electric engines from Eaton? Non lo sopporto proprio. I just can't stand him. I just can't stand it. Non credo che ci siano pochi gatti in Europa. I don't think there are few cats in Europe. I don't think there are very few cats in Europe. Non voglio suonare con lei! I don't want to play with you! I don't want to play with her! Déjame morir. Let me die. Let me die. L'homme est un bipède sans plumes. Man is a biped without feathers. Man is a biped without feathers. Hai scoreggiato di nuovo! You farted again! You farted again! Los dejó ir. He let them go. He let them go. Me encanta este restaurante. I really love this restaurant. I love this restaurant. Ce n'était pas si important que ça. It didn't matter that much. It wasn't that important. Los padres jóvenes a menudo consienten a sus hijos. Young parents often indulge their children. Young parents often consent to their children. Tom achou que era impossível persuadir a Mary. Tom found it impossible to persuade Mary. Tom thought it was impossible to persuade Mary. J'ai suivi son exemple. I followed his example. I followed his example. ¿Te puedo ayudar a estudiar para tu examen? Can I help you study for your exam? Can I help you study for your exam? Io ho avuto una premonizione. I had a premonition. I had a premonition. Prefiero un hotel por el aeropuerto. I prefer a hotel by the airport. I prefer a hotel by the airport. Ho detto che andava bene. I said that was OK. I said it was fine. Câinii latră. Dogs are barking. Dogs bark. Mucha gente viviendo en los Estados Unidos habla español. Many people living in the United States speak Spanish. Many people living in the United States speak Spanish. Mia zia è chirurgo plastico. My aunt is a plastic surgeon. My aunt is a plastic surgeon. Dans nos rêves, nous sommes libres. In our dreams, we are free. In our dreams, we are free. Aquí nadie cree ya a Tom. Nobody here believes Tom anymore. No one here believes Tom anymore. Tom disse para todos que ele estava sozinho. Tom told everybody he was lonely. Tom told everyone he was alone. Minha esposa tem duas irmãs. My wife has two sisters. My wife has two sisters. Semellaba como que tivese estado enferma. She looked as if she had been ill. It was as if I had been sick. Avait-il l'intention de partir sans sa veste ? Did he intend to leave without his jacket? Did he intend to leave without his jacket? Si preoccupa sempre del benessere degli altri. She's always concerned with the well-being of others. He is always concerned about the well-being of others. No podría ser mejor. It couldn't be better. Couldn't be better. A música suave, as vozes baixas das pessoas à volta dele e o estalido brando de rolhas de champanhe sussurravam aos ouvidos do Paulo. The soft music, the low voices of the people around him and the soft popping of champagne corks whispered into Paul's ears. The soft music, the low voices of the people around him and the soft crackling of champagne corks whispered in Paul’s ears. Je ne peux pas te blâmer. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. Yanni le ha ido genial en la universidad. Yanni has been doing great in college. Yanni did great in college. Tenéis que saber cuándo es el momento de pasar página. You've got to know when it's time to turn the page. You need to know when it’s time to move on. Téléphonez-moi lorsque vous y serez parvenue. Phone me when you get there. Call me when you get there. O francês de Tom melhorou depois que começou a estudar gramática. Tom's French improved after he started studying grammar. Tom's French improved after he started studying grammar. Prends-tu du LSD, du PCP ou du peyotl ? Do you use LSD, PCP, or peyote? Do you take LSD, PCP or peyote? Mieux vaut avoir les jours devant soi que derrière soi. It's better to have the days ahead than behind you. It is better to have the days ahead of you than behind you. Yo soy yo. I am me. I'm me. Insegniamo nella stessa scuola. We teach in the same school. We teach in the same school. Sendo vítima de crescente concorrência, a empresa faliu. Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt. Faced with increasing competition, the company went bankrupt. C'est fréquent. It is frequent. It's a frequent occurrence. Eso es lo que soy. That's what I am. That's who I am. Esta novela é tan fácil que mesmo un cativo pode lela. This novel is so easy that even a child can read it. This novel is so easy that even a child can read it. Je ne vous retiendrai pas trop longtemps. I won't keep you too long. I won't keep you too long. Pilato chiese quale fosse la verità, ma Gesù non rispose. Pilate asked what the truth was, but Jesus did not answer. Pilate asked what the truth was, but Jesus did not answer. Finis ton verre ! Sup up! Finish your drink! Sono davvero sorpresa. I'm really surprised. I'm really surprised. Dios escuchó mis oraciones. God heard my prayers. God heard my prayers. Tom não parecia saber por que a Mary fez isso. Tom didn't seem to know why Mary did that. Tom didn't seem to know why Mary did it. O que acontecerá se eu fizer isso? What will happen if I do this? What will happen if I do this? No les digas nada. Tell them nothing. Don't tell them anything. Cette victoire lui a offert une réplique aux critiques qui prétendent qu'il ne peut pas gagner. This victory offered him a rejoinder to critics who claim he cannot win. This victory offered him a rebuttal to critics who claim he cannot win. O Tom se casou com a Mary mês passado. Tom married Mary last month. Tom married Mary last month. Per tutta la durata della nostra visita abbiamo camminato molto. Throughout our visit, we walked a lot. Throughout our visit we walked a lot. Tom se siente atrapado. Tom is feeling trapped. Tom feels trapped. Aș vrea ca el să fie astăzi aici cu noi. I wish he could be here with us today. I would like him to be here with us today. Dije la palabra segura, pero no se detuvo. I said the safe word, but she didn't stop. I said the safe word, but it didn’t stop. Sono trascorse cinque ore. Five hours passed. It's been five hours. Quiero viajar algún día al exterior. I want to go abroad someday. I want to travel abroad someday. Sono un dottore, Jim. Non un avvocato. I'm a doctor, Jim. Not a lawyer. I'm a doctor, Jim, not a lawyer. Os enlutados prestaram a sua última homenagem na sexta-feira a Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a falecida juíza do Supremo Tribunal dos EUA, quando o seu caixão foi carregado para fora pelos degraus do Capitólio dos EUA depois de ela ter sido a primeira mulher a estar em câmara ardente lá. Mourners paid their last respects Friday to late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as her casket was carried down the steps of the U.S. Capitol after she became the first woman to lie in state there. The mourners paid their final tribute on Friday to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late U.S. Supreme Court justice, when her coffin was carried out by the steps of the U.S. Capitol after she was the first woman to be in the fiery chamber there. On te réclame au téléphone. You are wanted on the phone. We're calling you on the phone. Elle lui a recommandé d'aller au poste de police mais il avait peur de le faire. She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to. She recommended him to go to the police station but he was afraid to do so. Cookie cravou as garras no sofá. Cookie dug his claws into the couch. Cookie nailed her claws to the couch. Aveam în plan să-l vizităm pe unchiul nostru duminica viitoare. We are going to visit our uncle next Sunday. We were planning on visiting our uncle next Sunday. ¿Ustedes tienen una tienda de regalos aquí? Do you have a gift shop here? Do you have a gift shop here? Tom disse que ele ia falar com Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. Tom said he was going to talk to Mary. Non abbiamo un computer. We don’t have a computer. We don't have a computer. Ela é uma garota feia e sem brilho. Não entendo o porquê de tanta admiração. She is a dull and ugly girl. I don't understand why she's so admired. She's an ugly, dull girl, and I don't understand why she's so admired. Non avevo idea che voi foste così stupide. I had no idea you were so stupid. I had no idea you guys were so stupid. Sono sempre scalza a casa. I'm always barefoot at home. I'm always barefoot at home. O Universo é cheio de mistérios. The universe is full of secrets. The universe is full of mysteries. Sono stati pagati. They got paid. They've been paid. Non sarò mai in grado di realizzare il mio sogno di diventare una bibliotecaria. I'll never be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a librarian. I will never be able to fulfill my dream of becoming a librarian. Deixa'm intentar-ho. Let me try it. Let me try. I tifoni sono molto pericolosi. Typhoons are very dangerous. Typhoons are very dangerous. Me pregunto que estará haciendo Tom aquí. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. J'ai changé la phrase en français. I changed the French sentence. I changed the sentence to French. Él está despierto. He is awake. He's awake. I cani di solito dormono sul pavimento. Dogs usually sleep on the floor. Dogs usually sleep on the floor. Elle n'est pas capable de lire ce qui est écrit. She is not able to read what is written. She is not able to read what is written. Si lavò via il sangue dalle mani. She washed the blood off her hands. He washed the blood off his hands. Tout s'est passé à la vitesse de l'éclair. Everything happened at lightning speed. Everything happened at lightning speed. ¿A qué hora te levantaste hoy? What time did you get up today? What time did you get up today? Costa a l'é la cà 'nté ch'a stavo quand ch'a j'ero cit. This is the house in which they lived when they were children. It's the house I lived in when I was a kid. Le temple est réputé pour son architecture. The temple is noted for its architecture. The temple is known for its architecture. E va remete's lèu ? Will she get well soon? Will it be rescheduled? Pelo que sei, essa é a única tradução disponível. As far as I know, this is the only translation available. As far as I know, this is the only translation available. Yo ni katwèven dòla. They have eighty dollars. I don't have four cents. Acest scaun nu este foarte confortabil. This chair's not very comfortable. This chair is not very comfortable. Non so perché mi piace. Lo faccio e basta. I don't know why I like it. I just do. I don't know why I like it. Non condivido il vostro punto di vista. I don't share your point of view. I do not share your point of view. Hier, dans la forêt, j'ai vu un grand loup. Yesterday I saw a big wolf in the forest. Yesterday, in the forest, I saw a big wolf. Os materialistas explicam a origem do universo e da vida atribuindo tudo à enigmática explosão de uma singularidade inacreditável. Materialists explain the origin of the universe and life by attributing everything to the enigmatic explosion of an unbelievable singularity. The materialists explain the origin of the universe and of life by attributing everything to the enigmatic explosion of an unbelievable singularity. Mi billetera fue robada por Tom. My wallet was stolen by Tom. My wallet was stolen by Tom. Vos chevilles sont-elles enflées lorsque vous vous réveillez le matin ? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Are your ankles swollen when you wake up in the morning? Volveré luego. I'll be back soon. I'll be back later. Quereis ir a algum lugar? Do you want to go somewhere? Do you want to go somewhere? ¿Quién hará el rol de la princesa? Who will play the role of the princess? Who will play the role of the princess? Estaba muy ocupado todo el día. He was very busy all day. I was very busy all day. Mio padre è un dormiglione. My father is a sleepyhead. My dad's a sleepyhead. Tom le odiava. Tom hated them. Tom hated them. Ma clé USB contient un virus. My pen-drive has a virus. My USB drive contains a virus. ¿Aún no has ido a ver a las gemelas recién nacidas? You still haven't gone to see the newborn twin baby girls? Haven't you gone to see the newborn twins yet? Il cambiamento climatico è reale, gente. Climate change is real, people. Climate change is real, folks. Tom y Mary jugaron a la pídola. Tom and Mary played leapfrog. Tom and Mary played the pedophile. Há algum cabo solto? Are there any loose cables? Is there a loose cable? Anche se Marcel lavora duramente, guadagna solo 30.000 dollari canadesi all'anno. Even though Marcel works hard, he only earns 30 000 Canadian dollars per year. Although Marcel works hard, he only earns 30,000 Canadian dollars a year. Eu preferiria morrer a ver você chorar. I'd prefer to die rather than see you crying. I'd rather die than see you cry. Cogí un libro. I grabbed a book. I picked up a book. Eu acho que o Tom é talentoso. I think that Tom is talented. I think Tom's talented. Lamentamos, mas nós não podemos aceitar o seu pedido. Sorry, but we can't accept your request. We are sorry, but we cannot accept your request. Elle ne veut pas dévoiler ses projets. She's cagey about her plans. She doesn’t want to reveal her plans. Así que, cuando te das cuenta, te has zampado casi todo. So when you've realized it, you've wolfed down almost all of it. So, by the time you figure it out, you've pretty much screwed everything up. Tom tomó el libro por la mañana y ya lo leyó. Tom took the book in the morning and has already read it. Tom picked up the book in the morning and read it. Me da vergüenza estar vivo. I'm ashamed of being alive. I'm ashamed to be alive. Un paio di bacchette rosse si è rotto. A pair of red chopsticks broke. A couple of red chopsticks broke. Esperem! Eu ainda não disse nada. Hold on! I haven't said anything yet. I haven't said anything yet. Seguirà il mio consiglio. He will follow my advice. You'll take my advice. Le bus a une faible vitesse. The bus has a low speed. The bus has a low speed. O pagamento não foi aprovado. The payment didn't go through. The payment was not approved. Accanto al muro c'era una scrivania lunga due metri. By the wall there was a desk two meters long. Next to the wall was a two-meter-long desk. Álif es la primera letra del alfabeto árabe. Aliph is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Alif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet. Lei ha portato suo fratello allo zoo. She took her brother to the zoo. You took your brother to the zoo. Sper să pot face asta. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do that. Você odeia eles? Do you hate them? Do you hate them? Los ejercicios son sencillos y efectivos. The exercises are simple and effective. The exercises are simple and effective. O albină nu este o pasăre. A bee is not a bird. A bee is not a bird. Ci ha perdonate. He forgave us. He forgave us. La ricerca del corpo non ha portato a nulla. The search for the body turned up nothing. The search for the body led to nothing. Tom fue quien me dejó entrar. Tom was the one who let me in. Tom was the one who let me in. Siete calde. You are warm. You're hot. Meno so riguardo a Tom, meglio è. The less I know about Tom, the better. The less I know about Tom, the better. Domani vado a Parigi. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Sei un ragazzo molto sensibile. You're a very sensitive boy. You're a very sensitive boy. Las guerras, los conflictos, todo es negocio. Un asesinato crea a un villano. Millones a un héroe. Los números santifican, querido amigo. Wars, conflict, it's all business. One murder makes a villain. Millions a hero. Numbers sanctify, my good fellow. Wars, conflicts, everything is business. A murder creates a villain. Millions a hero. Numbers sanctify, dear friend. Voglio provare a cavarmela da solo. I want to try to manage on my own. I want to try and make it on my own. No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia. Don't judge a man by his appearance. Do not judge a man by his appearance. O senhor não poderia inventá-lo se tentasse. You couldn't make it up if you tried. You couldn't make it up if you tried. El parque era enorme; casi nos perdemos allí. The park was huge; we almost got lost there. The park was huge; we almost got lost there. Deixe-o aí. Leave it there. Leave it there. Êtes-vous abonné à un magazine ? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Are you subscribed to a magazine? Él es igual de alto que su padre. He is as tall as his father. He is just as tall as his father. "O presidente deu hoje o seu consentimento à Lei de Segurança Digital, tornando-a oficial", disse Joynal Abedin, o secretário de imprensa do presidente, na segunda-feira. "The president has given his assent to the Digital Security Act today making it law," Joynal Abedin, the president's press secretary, said Monday. “The president today gave his consent to the Digital Security Act, making it official,” Joynal Abedin, the president’s press secretary, said on Monday. Anthony abbraccia Mary. Anthony hugs Mary. Anthony hugs Mary. Je pense que tu as besoin d'acheter une nouvelle paire de chaussures de marche. I think you need to buy a new pair of hiking boots. I think you need to buy a new pair of walking shoes. Spero che funzionerà. I hope that it'll work. I hope it works. Ti sono piaciute le tazze verdi che ho comprato ieri? Do you like the green glasses that I bought yesterday? Did you like the green cups I bought yesterday? Tom este auto-centrat. Tom is self-centered. Tom is self-centered. El avaro abrió la caja solo para descubrir que su dinero había sido robado. The miser opened the box to find his money stolen. The miser opened the box only to discover that his money had been stolen. A lei piace quando lui è in preda alla rabbia. She likes it when he's in a rage. She likes it when he's angry. Êtes-vous intolérant au lactose ? Are you lactose intolerant? Are you lactose intolerant? Non è di Tom. It isn't Tom's. It's not Tom's. Acho que foi Platão quem disse isso. I believe it was Plato who said that. I think it was Plato who said that. El francés no es la única lengua que habla Tom, pero es la única de la que habla. French isn't the only language Tom speaks, but it's the only one he talks about. French isn’t the only language Tom speaks, but it’s the only one he speaks. Tom non è un cittadino. Tom is not a citizen. Tom is not a citizen. Na encosta de uma montanha árida fustigada pelo vento, vários quilómetros a leste de Gardez, algumas centenas de homens juntam-se face ao frio. On a windswept barren mountainside, several kilometers east of Gardez, a few hundred men huddle against the cold. On the slope of an arid mountain battered by the wind, several kilometers east of Gardez, a few hundred men gather in the cold. Mon passe-temps est d'écouter de la musique. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. Votre prononciation est excellente. Your pronunciation is excellent. Your pronunciation is excellent. Le plan consiste à vacciner en premier lieu les personnes les plus susceptibles de contracter une maladie grave et de mourir, notamment les résidents des établissements de soins de longue durée et les travailleurs de la santé qui s’occupent d’eux, les communautés autochtones éloignées et à risque, et les aînés. The plan starts by first immunizing those who are most vulnerable to severe illness and death, including long-term-care residents and the health care workers who care for them, remote and at-risk Indigenous communities, and seniors. The plan is to vaccinate the people most at risk of serious illness and death, including residents of long-term care facilities and their caregivers, remote and at-risk Indigenous communities, and seniors, in the first place. Fui mordido por um cachorro. I was bitten by a dog. I was bitten by a dog. Ti piacque il vino. You liked the wine. You liked the wine. ¿Tienes sitio para una tienda? Do you have room for a tent? Do you have room for a shop? Lenin non aveva paura di ammettere i suoi errori. Lenin wasn't afraid to admit his mistakes. Lenin was not afraid to admit his mistakes. Există mii de stele în univers. There are thousands of stars in the universe. There are thousands of stars in the universe. Bon dòppodisnâ. Good afternoon. Good for the afternoon. ¡Scott! Haz completos para el almuerzo, por favor. Scott! Please make hotdogs for lunch. Scott, make it whole for lunch, please. Tu as deux enfants. You've got two children. You have two children. Non vidi il tuo messaggio. I didn't see your text. I didn't see your message. Dans une démocratie, il est important que la presse soit indépendante. In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent. In a democracy, it is important that the press be independent. Non potete bruciare i rami in giardino. You can't burn the branches in the garden. You can't burn the branches in the garden. Billing faz parte de um grupo de entusiastas de duas rodas que estão a trabalhar para suavizar o caminho para um novo modo de transporte americano — a bicicleta. Billing is part of a group of two-wheel enthusiasts who are working towards smoothing the path for a new American mode of transportation - the bicycle. Billing is part of a group of two-wheeled enthusiasts who are working to smooth the way for a new mode of American transportation — the bicycle. Hanno aggiunto una donna al comitato. They added a woman to the committee. They added a woman to the committee. Ha il desiderio di essere ricca, vero? You have a desire to be wealthy, don't you? You want to be rich, don’t you? Sembravi annoiato. You looked bored. You seemed bored. Tom a fost primul care s-a trezit în dimineața asta. Tom was the first one to get up this morning. Tom was the first to wake up this morning. Appendi il tuo asciugamano di fianco al mio. Hang your towel next to mine. Hang your towel next to mine. Tatoeba es una gran manera de procrastinar. Tatoeba is a great way to procrastinate. Tatoeba is a great way to procrastinate. Même si Marcel travaille très fort, il ne gagne que 30 000 dollars canadiens par année. Even though Marcel works hard, he only earns 30 000 Canadian dollars per year. Even though Marcel works very hard, he only earns C$30,000 a year. Iarna ninge. In winter it snows. Winter's snowing. Mary vuole che voi siate educati. Mary wants you to be polite. Mary wants you to be educated. J'ai vérifié. I've checked. I checked it out. Au revoir et bonne chance. Goodbye and good luck. Goodbye and good luck. Tom è un liberale. Tom's a liberal. Tom is a liberal. Io sono sposato. Ho una moglie. I am married. I have a wife. I'm married, I have a wife. ¡Hay muchas actuaciones increíbles allí! There are many amazing performances there! There are a lot of amazing performances there! Recebi notícias sobre o Tom. I've received news about Tom. I just got word about Tom. "Perché hai scelto di diventare un dottore, Tom?" "Ho sempre voluto aiutare le persone." "Why did you choose to become a doctor, Tom?" "I've always wanted to help people." "Why did you choose to become a doctor, Tom?" "I've always wanted to help people." Él pintó un perro. He painted a dog. He painted a dog. Ella t'envia els seus millors desitjos. She sent you her best wishes. She sends her best wishes to you. Isso não é permitido, é? That isn't allowed, is it? That's not allowed, is it? Te-am căutat toată viața mea dar nu am știut că tu ești acela. I was looking for you all my entire life but I didn't know that was you. I've been looking for you all my life but I didn't know you were the one. Je suis conscient de la situation. I'm aware of the situation. I am aware of the situation. Est-ce de l'amour ? Is it love? Is it love? ¿Te gustaría que dijese la verdad? Would you like me to tell the truth? Would you like me to tell you the truth? Nous allons en Allemagne. We're going to Germany. We're going to Germany. Tom ha detto che a lui piace insegnare il francese. Tom said he likes teaching French. Tom said he likes to teach French. El otro día su madre falleció en el hospital. The other day her mother passed away in the hospital. The other day her mother died in the hospital. Nós queremos comer, mas não aqui. We want to eat, but not here. We want to eat, but not here. Vi ho detto che ho dei piani. I told you I have plans. I told you I have plans. Loro si erano messi le cinture di sicurezza? Were they wearing seatbelts? Did they wear seat belts? As localidades impuxeron prohibicións ó desenvolvemento. Localities imposed bans on development. Local authorities have imposed bans on development. Obama ainda ocupa uma confortável liderança entre os delegados do partido reunidos de Estados e territórios que já realizaram primárias e convenções desde o início do ano. Obama still holds a comfortable lead among party delegates accrued from states and territories that have held primaries and caucuses since the beginning of the year. Obama still holds a comfortable lead among assembled party delegates from states and territories that have held primaries and conventions since the beginning of the year. Ti faccio una tisana. I'll make you a herbal tea. I'll make you an herbal tea. Cette montre est d'un nouveau modèle. This watch is a new type. This watch is of a new model. Sei davvero una straniera? Are you really a foreigner? Are you really a foreigner? A situação alimentar no Zimbabué tanto nas zonas urbanas como rurais manteve-se precária em 2006. Zimbabwe's food situation in both urban and rural areas remained precarious in 2006. The food situation in Zimbabwe in both urban and rural areas remained precarious in 2006. Però non c'è nient'altro qui. But there's nothing else here. But there's nothing else here. ¿Me compras algo de pan, por favor? Will you buy me some bread, please? Can you buy me some bread, please? Amemos uns aos outros. Let's love each other. Let us love one another. Aveva un'espressione preoccupata sul volto. She had a worried expression on her face. He had a worried look on his face. Nadie sabía qué decir. Nobody knew what to say. No one knew what to say. Fixo progresos extraordinarios en inglés. He made remarkable progress in English. He made remarkable progress in English. Te diré lo que puedo hacer. I'll tell you what I can do. I'll tell you what I can do. Moscovo planeia construir um novo gasoduto até à China, que poderá dar à Rússia o poder de vender gás ao licitante com a melhor oferta, voltando os consumidores chineses e europeus uns contra os outros. Moscow plans to build a new pipeline to China, which could give Russia the power to sell gas to the highest bidder, pitting Chinese and European consumers against one another. Moscow plans to build a new pipeline to China, which could give Russia the power to sell gas to the bidder with the best offer, turning Chinese and European consumers against each other. No estoy seguro de que pueda hacerlo bien. I'm not sure if I can do that properly. I'm not sure I can do it right. Écoutez, voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que j'emporte ceci ? Listen, do you mind if I take this with me? Look, do you see a problem with me taking this? Ainda não estamos prontos para assumir esse compromisso. We're not yet ready to make that commitment. We are not yet ready to make that commitment. Ela adora animais. She adores animals. She loves animals. Ela deixou claro que queria ir nadar. She made it clear that she wanted to go for a swim. She made it clear she wanted to go swimming. Ho scritto il mio nome sulla sabbia. I wrote my name in the sand. I wrote my name on the sand. Tom a găsit ușa închisă. Tom found the door locked. Tom found the door closed. El ten dúas fillas. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. Si no vas a ir, yo tampoco voy. If you're not going, I'm not going either. If you're not going, I'm not going either. Tu veux que je te chante quelque chose ? Shall I sing something to you? Do you want me to sing you something? Tom n'est pas un matou. Tom isn't a tom. Tom's not a killer. Estaré visitando Atenas. I will be visiting Athens. I'll be visiting Athens. Naquela época, eu ainda estava tendo aulas de Francês. At that time, I was still taking French lessons. At that time, I was still taking French classes. Ayer no cené. I didn't eat dinner yesterday. Last night at dinner. Les dauphins nagent avec nous. The dolphins swim with us. Dolphins swim with us. Felix era troppo curioso riguardo ad Amelia. Felix was too curious about Amelia. Felix was too curious about Amelia. Mi arrabbio facilmente. I'm easily angered. I get angry easily. David s'est éloigné davantage. David moved further away. David moved further away. Quando pensate che serà di ritorno? When do you think he'll be back? When do you think he'll be back? J'ai décidé d'étudier les kanji. I've decided to study kanji. I decided to study kanji. Tom are o reputație proastă. Tom has a bad reputation. Tom has a bad reputation. A monarca que não era suposto de modo algum ter-se tornado rainha, ocupou o trono durante 70 anos após a morte em 1952 do seu pai, Jorge VI, que por sua vez assumiu o trono apenas devido à abdicação do seu irmão, o rei Eduardo VIII em 1936. The royal who wasn’t supposed to become queen at all, sat on the throne for 70 years following the death in 1952 of her father, George VI, who himself assumed the throne only because of the abdication by his brother, King Edward VIII in 1936. The monarch, who was in no way supposed to have become queen, occupied the throne for 70 years after the death in 1952 of her father, George VI, who in turn assumed the throne only due to the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII in 1936. Quiero comprar esta camisa. I want to buy this shirt. I want to buy this shirt. Los genes individuales especifican funciones individuales, pero la relación entre los genes permite la fisiología. Individual genes specify individual functions, but the relationship between genes enables physiology. Individual genes specify individual functions, but the relationship between genes allows for physiology. A dieta é difícil. The diet is difficult. The diet is difficult. Aquest abric et queda bé. This coat fits you. This coat looks good on you. Cet outil de communication a été développé par les développeurs en collaboration avec l'Académie kabyle. This communication tool was developed by the developers in collaboration with the Kabyle Academy. This communication tool was developed by the developers in collaboration with the Kabyle Academy. Questa borsa è costosa. This bag is expensive. This bag is expensive. La gente que grita "Dios es grande" antes de inmolarse, no representa al verdadero islam. People who shout Allahu Akbar before blowing themselves up don't represent true Islam. People who shout “God is great” before immolating themselves, do not represent the true Islam. O Tom está pegando maçãs. Tom is picking apples. Tom's picking apples. Dopo aver aperto la sua gabbia il leone è scappato. After having opened his cage the lion escaped. After opening his cage, the lion ran away. Sus zapatos azules combinan bien con esa falda. Her blue shoes go well with that skirt. Her blue shoes go well with that skirt. Tom estava dormindo no sofá quando Mary chegou em casa. Tom was sleeping on the couch when Mary got home. Tom was sleeping on the couch when Mary came home. Dietro la lingua c'è la gola. Behind the tongue is the throat. Behind the tongue is the throat. La sta ricattando? Is he blackmailing you? Are you blackmailing her? Mi-a luat trei ore să-mi fac temele. It took me three hours to do my homework. Took me three hours to do my homework. Él vacilaba entre la esperanza y la desesperanza. He fluctuated between hope and despair. He hesitated between hope and despair. Nu există suficientă memorie pentru a instala software-ul acesta. There is not enough memory to install this software. There is not enough memory to install this software. Existe un camino de la piedra A a la piedra B si hay una conexión directa entre las piedras. Un camino puede saltar sobre un solo espacio como si estuviera lleno de una piedra del mismo color. A path from stone A to stone B exists if there is a direct connection between the stones. A path can skip over a single space as if it was filled by a stone of the same color. There is a path from stone A to stone B if there is a direct connection between the stones. A path can jump over a single space as if it were filled with a stone of the same color. A maioría dos estudantes aquí son aplicados. Most of the students here are diligent. The majority of students are employed here. La venta de cigarros debería prohibirse. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. Io trascorsi l'intero weekend a casa al computer. I spent the whole weekend at home on the computer. I spent the entire weekend at home at the computer. Ell es tan ruc que et juro que no l'aguanto. He's so stupid, I swear I can't stand him. He's such a jerk, I swear I can't stand him. Je l'ai entendu parler au téléphone. I heard him talking on the phone. I heard him on the phone. Non ti hanno trovata. They didn't find you. They didn't find you. Il l'aimait. He loved him. He loved her. È rimasto dello champagne. There's some champagne left. There's champagne left. O seu pacote será enviado amanhã. Your package will be sent tomorrow. Your package will be shipped tomorrow. Tous les oiseaux ne construisent pas de nids. Not all birds build nests. Not all birds build nests. Tom disse che non voleva una morosa. Tom said he didn't want a girlfriend. Tom said he didn't want a moron. Les oiseaux construisent un nid au printemps pour élever leurs petits dedans. Birds make a nest in the springtime to raise their babies in. The birds build a nest in the spring to raise their young in it. Yanni y Skura nunca cruzarían esa línea. Yanni and Skura would never cross that line. Yanni and Skura would never cross that line. Du jus n'est pas un aliment, mais une boisson. Juice isn't food; it's a drink. Juice is not a food, but a drink. Je ne sais pas ce que Tom essayait de dire. I don't know what Tom was trying to say. I don't know what Tom was trying to say. Esta ciudad es más grande que la mía. This city is bigger than mine. This city is bigger than mine. Il cancello non era chiuso a chiave. The gate was unlocked. The gate was not locked. Garde l'œil sur elle. Keep your eye on her. Keep an eye on her. Elle est allée au cinéma avec ses parents. She went to the movies with her parents. She went to the movies with her parents. L'autunno inizia a settembre. Fall starts in September. Autumn begins in September. Teniu fam, ara? Are you hungry now? Are you hungry now? Penso che il suo ragazzo sia greco. I think that her boyfriend is Greek. I think your boyfriend's Greek. Mi dispiace, ma ora devo andare. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Eso es patético. That's pathetic. That's pathetic. Je connais tous ceux qui sont dans la pièce. I know everyone in the room. I know everyone in the room. Le train partit à l'heure. The train left on time. The train left on time. Y a-t-il quoi que ce soit qui cloche ? Is anything wrong? Is there anything wrong with that? Volevo essere ricco. I used to want to be rich. I wanted to be rich. ¡Mejor que cerrés el pico! You'd better hold your tongue. You'd better shut up! Il nostro leader ha molte virtù. Our leader has many virtues. Our leader has many virtues. Asta e mult mai bine. That's a lot better. That's a lot better. Combien de mots contient votre vocabulaire Toki Pona ? How many words does your Toki Pona vocabulary have? How many words does your Toki Pona vocabulary contain? Siempre kantas. You always sing. You always do. Je suis encore en train de penser à l'énigme. I'm still thinking about the riddle. I'm still thinking about the puzzle. El este foarte sociabil. He is very sociable. He's very sociable. Sono stato qua. I've been here. I've been here. O gato viu um rato e correu atrás dele. The cat saw a mouse and ran after it. The cat saw a rat and ran after it. Por que não perguntamos ao Tom sobre isso? Why don't we ask Tom about that? Why don't we ask Tom about it? Gliel'ho detto che non ho fame. I told you I'm not hungry. I told you I'm not hungry. Est-ce que votre maison est propre ? Is your house clean? Is your house clean? Dobbiamo essere accolti calorosamente e supportati. We need to be warmly welcomed and supported. We must be warmly welcomed and supported. Nos encanta nuestro trabajo. We love our job. We love our work. L'autobus ha una velocità bassa. The bus has a low speed. The bus has a low speed. La raíz cuadrada de nueve es tres. The square root of nine is three. The square root of nine is three. Esta tarde tengo una cita. I have an appointment this afternoon. I have an appointment this afternoon. Eu sei que você está se esforçando muito. I know you are struggling. I know you're trying really hard. Comment êtes-vous parvenu ici ? How did you get here? How did you get here? Você não pode vender a vaca e beber o leite. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk. You can't sell the cow and drink the milk. Não temos máquina de café no escritório, mas queremos uma. We don't have a coffee machine at the office but we want one. We don't have a coffee machine in the office, but we want one. Onde eles estão e o que estão fazendo? Where are they now and what are they doing? Where are they and what are they doing? Il manque une virgule. A comma is missing. There's a comma missing. Continuate a lavorare duramente! Keep on working hard! Keep working hard! Um novo estudo indica que o tipo de bactérias presentes no aparelho digestivo de uma pessoa pode afetar a gravidade das infeções por coronavírus e a resposta imunitária do corpo. A new study indicates the kind of bacteria found in a person’s digestive tract can affect the severity of coronavirus infections and the body’s immune response. A new study indicates that the type of bacteria present in a person’s digestive tract can affect the severity of coronavirus infections and the body’s immune response. Est-ce que Tom et Marie sont collègues ? Are Tom and Mary colleagues? Are Tom and Marie co-workers? Estar enfermo es perjudicial. Being sick is unhealthy. Being sick is harmful. Smettila di aspettarti troppo da me. Stop expecting too much from me. Stop expecting too much from me. Je sais que tu as traversé beaucoup de choses. I know you've been through a lot. I know you've been through a lot. Nu am ascultat. I didn't listen. I didn't listen. Il mondo mi odia tanto quanto io odio me stesso. The world hates me just as much as I hate myself. The world hates me as much as I hate myself. Gioca velocemente, perdi velocemente. Play fast, lose fast. Play fast, lose fast. Le peintre aime sa toile et son pinceau. The painter loves his canvas and brush. The painter loves his canvas and his brush. Mă duc la magazin. I am going to the store. I'm going to the store. Qual é a próxima parada? What is the next stop? What's the next stop? Você pode rebocar meu carro? Can you tow my car? Can you tow my car? La Pologne est située en Europe centrale et partage ses frontières avec l'Allemagne à l'ouest, la République tchèque et la Slovaquie au sud, et l'Ukraine, le Belarus, la Lituanie et un peu de Russie à l'est. Poland is located in Central Europe and shares its borders with Germany on the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the south, and Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and a bit of Russia on the east. Poland is located in Central Europe and shares its borders with Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south, and Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and a little Russia to the east. Je retourne au Japon demain. I'm going back to Japan tomorrow. I'm going back to Japan tomorrow. La femme de ton copain me déteste. Your boyfriend's wife hates me. Your boyfriend's wife hates me. Yo era demasiado rápido. I was too fast. I was too fast. Je ne voudrais pas qu'il t'arrive quelque chose. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I don't want anything to happen to you. Prese la medicina. He took medicine. He took the medicine. Incredibil! Incredible! Unbelievable! Eu estarei esperando por ele. I'll be waiting for him. I'll be waiting for him. Nu mă înțelegeți greșit. Don't get it wrong. Don't get me wrong. Hai una famiglia qua? Do you have family here? Do you have a family here? La mayor parte de esos hombres trabajaban en la mina. The majority of those men worked in the mine. Most of those men worked in the mine. Tom só queria atenção. Tom just wanted attention. Tom just wanted attention. Sea como sea, no te concierne. In any case, it's no business of yours. Either way, it doesn't concern you. La ralentización del proceso trajo consigo mucha mejor calidad en el producto final. Slowing down the process resulted in much higher quality in the end product. Slowing down the process brought with it much better quality in the final product. Las tensiones eran muy fuertes entre nosotros. Tensions ran high between us. Tensions were very high between us. Se levantó y se dirigió a la puerta. He got up and moved towards the door. He got up and walked to the door. Toccò un rospo. She touched a toad. He touched a toad. Sono qui per l'auto. I am here for the car. I'm here for the car. William jouait des jeux en ligne. William played online games. William played online games. Diede un'occhiata al computer. He took a look at the computer. He took a look at the computer. Tom está preocupado com os seus exames. Tom is worried about his exams. Tom's worried about his exams. Eu queria pegar noutro, mas a pessoa a seguir na fila, claramente uma fera esfomeada, tinha agarrado a tenaz e estava a espalhar polenta no seu prato com a avidez de um cachorro que tomou anfetaminas. I wanted to grab another, but the next person in line, clearly a ravenous beast, had grabbed the tongs and was spooning polenta onto their plate with the eagerness of a puppy on speed. I wanted to pick up another one, but the person next in line, clearly a hungry beast, had grabbed the tongs and was spreading polenta on his plate with the greed of a dog who took amphetamines. Eu não teria sido uma boa engenheira. I wouldn't have been a good engineer. I wouldn't have been a good engineer. Non mi diede soltanto dei consigli, ma anche dei soldi. He gave me not just advice, but money as well. He didn't just give me advice, he gave me money. ¿Por qué siempre la cago? ¿Acaso no puedo hacer nada bien? Why do I always screw things up? Can't I do anything right? Why do I always shit her? Can't I do anything right? Tom não envenenou ninguém. Tom didn't poison anybody. Tom didn't poison anyone. Je lui ai tout expliqué. I explained everything to him. I explained everything to him. Y a-t-il une différence ? Is there a difference? Is there a difference? Le septième jour est le dimanche. The seventh day is Sunday. The seventh day is Sunday. Questa sala era piena di persone. This hall was full of people. This room was full of people. L'intelligence est la capacité de comprendre des idées complexes, de s'adapter efficacement à l'environnement, d'apprendre de l'expérience, de s'engager dans diverses formes de raisonnement et de surmonter les obstacles. Intelligence is the ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, and to overcome obstacles. Intelligence is the ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience, engage in various forms of reasoning, and overcome obstacles. I bambini si stancano rapidamente. Children get tired quickly. Children get tired quickly. Tens un vestit blanc? Have you got a white dress? Do you have a white dress? Acestea sunt cărțile voastre. These are your books. These are your books. Tom é muito independente. Tom is very independent. Tom is very independent. ¡Pásele! Do come in! Pass it! Numa sala cheia de caixas utilizadas na colheita de mel, Panella não demora a começar a filosofar sobre migração, compaixão humana e outras coisas. In a room filled with crates used to harvest honey, Panella is quick to philosophize about migration, human compassion and more. In a room full of boxes used for the honey harvest, Panella soon begins to philosophize about migration, human compassion, and other things. Noroc bun! Cheers! Good luck! La sonda espacial solitaria atravesó los coloridos anillos de Saturno. The lonely space probe zipped by Saturn's colourful rings. The lone space probe passed through Saturn's colorful rings. Farlo mi ha fatto sentire di nuovo giovane. Doing that made me feel young again. Doing it made me feel young again. Faça isso você mesmo! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Un conductor ebrio fue responsable del accidente. A drunk driver was responsible for the car accident. A drunk driver was responsible for the accident. Ti ha spedito una lettera. He sent you a letter. He sent you a letter. Escucho lo que estás diciendo. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Eu aprendi a costurar com a minha mãe. I learned how to sew from my mother. I learned to sew with my mother. Tom cortou a massa pela metade. Tom cut the dough in half. Tom cut the dough in half. Mi faccia fare un'altra domanda. Let me ask another question. Let me ask you another question. Vous pouvez me l'écrire ? Can you write that down for me? Can you write it down for me? No tengo mucha hambre. I'm not very hungry. I'm not very hungry. Cât e ceasul? What's the time? What time is it? Qui était-ce avec toi la nuit dernière ? Who was that you were with last night? Who was with you last night? Rima e Skura non si lamentano mai. Rima and Skura never complain. Rima and Skura never complain. A minha mãe está dormindo. My mother is sleeping. My mom's asleep. Vous refusez de comprendre. You refuse to understand. You refuse to understand. Elle a cinq ans de moins que moi. She is five years younger than me. She's five years younger than me. Ziri soupira. Ziri sighed. Ziri sighed. J'ai peint le portail en bleu. I painted the gate blue. I painted the gate blue. Questa è la norma. This is standard. That's the rule. Non posso vivere con te. I can't live with you. I can't live with you. Hay poca esperanza de que estén vivos. There is little hope that they are alive. There is little hope that they are alive. Tom s-a abținut de la vot. Tom abstained from voting. Tom abstained from the vote. Es muy raro que eso pase por esta zona. It's weird that that happens around here. It's very rare for that to happen in this area. Ha passato metà della sua vita in carcere. He spent half his life in prison. He spent half of his life in prison. Esses foram vítimas da guerra, por assim dizer. These were victims of war, so to speak. They were victims of war, so to speak. És una bona nedadora. She is a good swimmer. She's a good swimmer. As-tu déjà vécu en Grèce ? Did you ever live in Greece? Have you ever lived in Greece? Tom è stato in grado di fare quello che ha detto di poter fare. Tom was able to do what he said he could do. Tom was able to do what he said he could do. Anna este o fetiță. Ann is a little girl. Anna is a little girl. Ellos admiraban el adorable panorama. They admired the lovely scenery. They admired the lovely panorama. Si, moro aki. Yes, I live here. Yes, I live aki. Je suis un habitué de ce restaurant dans ce quartier. Allons déjeuner ici aujourd'hui. I'm a regular at a restaurant in this neighborhood. Let's have lunch there today. I'm a regular at this restaurant in this neighborhood, so let's have lunch here today. Arrivai davanti al portone del palazzo dove abito. I arrived at the front door of the building where I live. I arrived at the front door of the building where I live. Tom deve andarsene ora. Tom has to leave now. Tom's got to go now. Le sue parole sembravano strane. His words sounded strange. His words seemed strange. Una goccia d'olio spesso fa miracoli. A drop of oil often works wonders. A drop of oil often works wonders. No me puedo creer que estés tratando de sobornarme. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. I can't believe you're trying to bribe me. Cosa ti fa pensare che lei è il mio tipo? What makes you think she's my type? What makes you think she's my type? Cât de multe dicționare ai? How many dictionaries do you have? How many dictionaries do you have? ¿Cómo sabemos que te podemos confiar? How do we know we can trust you? How do we know we can trust you? Non penso che Tom acconsentirà. I don't think Tom will agree. I don't think Tom will agree. Il resto è storia. The rest is history. The rest is history. Alguns legisladores consideram que ainda faltam pormenores importantes do contrato, como a caução para os empréstimos. Some legislators believe that important details of the contract, like collateral for the loans, are still missing. Some lawmakers believe that important details of the contract, such as the guarantee for loans, are still missing. Nós éramos vizinhos. We were neighbors. We were neighbors. Hoy has tomado mucho café, ¿verdad? You've drunk a lot of coffee today, haven't you? You've had a lot of coffee today, haven't you? Tu ne devrais pas laisser les enfants jouer avec le couteau de cuisine. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. You shouldn't let kids play with the kitchen knife. Un libro cayó de la estantería. A book dropped from the shelf. A book fell off the shelf. J'ai le permis de conduire, mais je n'ai pas de voiture. I have a driver's license, but I don't have a car. I have a driver's license, but I don't have a car. Não fumar no restaurante. No smoking in the restaurant. No smoking in the restaurant. Ziri si può prendere cura della figlia di Rima. Ziri can take care of Rima's daughter. Ziri can take care of Rima's daughter. Non ho più intenzione di volare. I don't intend to fly anymore. I'm not going to fly anymore. Esse filme tem um final triste. This movie has a sad ending. This movie has a sad ending. Tratar de corregir a ese niño es machacar en hierro frío. Trying to correct that boy is useless. Trying to correct that child is crushing on cold iron. Fumare e bere troppo vi fa male. Smoking and drinking too much is bad for you. Smoking and drinking too much is bad for you. Quiero comprar esta muñeca de juguete. I want to buy this toy doll. I want to buy this toy doll. ¿Por qué nadie me previno? Why did no one warn me? Why didn't anyone warn me? Colui che scrive legge due volte. He who writes reads twice. He who writes reads twice. Per favore, cerca di fare silenzio. È tardi. Please be quiet. It's late already. Please try to be quiet, it's late. Ha convinto la moglie a non divorziare da lui. He persuaded his wife not to divorce him. He convinced his wife not to divorce him. David était sous stress. David was under stress. David was under stress. ¿Es esa la mujer que sabe la respuesta? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Is that the woman who knows the answer? Prometo não mais cometer esse erro. I promise not to make that mistake again. I promise I won't make that mistake again. Prends-tu de l'héroïne ou de la méthadone ? Do you use heroin or methadone? Do you take heroin or methadone? Le climat de la Nouvelle-Zélande est similaire à celui du Japon. The climate of New Zealand is similar to that of Japan. The climate of New Zealand is similar to that of Japan. Quer um copo de leite? Do you want a glass of milk? Would you like a glass of milk? La información digital contenida en el ADN es solo parte de un complejo sistema de procesamiento de información, una forma avanzada de nanotecnología que refleja y supera la nuestra en complejidad, densidad de almacenamiento y lógica de diseño. The digital information in DNA is only part of a complex information-processing system, an advanced form of nanotechnology that mirrors and excels our own in its complexity, storage density, and logic of design. The digital information contained in DNA is only part of a complex information processing system, an advanced form of nanotechnology that mirrors and surpasses ours in complexity, storage density, and design logic. Tom ha detto che aveva bisogno di una scatola. Tom said he needed a box. Tom said he needed a box. Sabes que tus lloriqueos fingidos no me ablandan el corazón. You do realize that your phony tears will not soften my heart. You know your fake whining doesn't soften my heart. No sé cocinar tan bien como mi madre. I cannot cook as well as my mother does. I don't know how to cook as well as my mother. Mary abrazó con entusiasmo a Alice. Mary glomped Alice. Mary enthusiastically embraced Alice. Corse alla porta. She ran to the door. He ran to the door. Je n'ai pas suffisamment d'argent pour mon voyage. I am short of money for my trip. I don't have enough money for my trip. Tom não tinha notado que a sua vida estava em perigo. Tom didn't realize his life was in danger. Tom had not noticed that his life was in danger. Accroche tes vêtements ici, s'il te plaît. Please hang your clothes over here. Hang your clothes here, please. Cine este femeia aceea? Who is that woman? Who's that woman? Elle était en train de pleurer de joie. She was crying with joy. She was crying with joy. Mi stai infastidendo, Tom. You're annoying me, Tom. You're bothering me, Tom. Todavía no disponemos de inteligencia artificial capaz de solucionar este tipo de problemas. We do not yet dispose of artificial intelligence capable of solving such problems. We do not yet have artificial intelligence capable of solving these types of problems. ¿Quién yes tú? Who are you? Who are you? Nous pouvions voir le lac Biwa d'où nous étions. Lake Biwa could be seen from where we were standing. We could see Lake Biwa from where we were. Deve-se ler muito, não muitas coisas. One should read a lot, not a lot of things. You should read a lot, not a lot of things. John a presque commencé à pleurer. John almost started crying. John almost started crying. ¿Le gusta la democracia o la oligarquía? Do you like democracy or oligarchy? Do you like democracy or oligarchy? Écrivez la traduction du texte, s'il vous plaît. Write the translation of the text, please. Please write the translation of the text. Nós somos os campeões. We're the champions. We are the champions. Montrez-moi une autre cravate, s'il vous plaît. Show me another tie, please. Show me another tie, please. Je me suis inscrit à un cours de langue en ligne. I enrolled in a language class online. I signed up for an online language course. Eu sou de Londres. I am from London. I'm from London. ¿Irías al espacio exterior, aunque nunca pudieras regresar a casa? Would you go to outer space, even if you could never return home? Would you go to outer space, even if you could never return home? Usted es muy valiente. You are very brave. You're very brave. Ela não tem medo de cobra. She isn't afraid of snakes. She's not afraid of snakes. Accorde-nous s'il te plait un créneau de 20 à 30 minutes pour notre présentation. Please give us a 20-30 min. time slot for our presentation. Please allow us 20 to 30 minutes for our presentation. Gustaríame que detallases os custos. I'd like you to itemize the charges. I'd like you to detail the costs. Tom queria encontrar-se com Maria. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Tom wanted to meet Maria. ¿Qué puedo hacer con todas estas cebollas? What can I do with all these onions? What can I do with all these onions? Esta noite, iremos à ópera. Tonight, we will go to the opera. Tonight, we're going to the opera. Tom y Mary dixeron que marchaban. Tom and Mary said that they were leaving. Tom and Mary said they were leaving. Tom era incosciente. Tom was unconscious. Tom was unconscious. Tom ha tradotto la lettera dal francese all'inglese per il suo capo. Tom translated the French letter into English for his boss. Tom translated the letter from French to English for his boss. Cos'è una dinastia? What is a dynasty? What is a dynasty? Je pensais que les choses allaient s'améliorer mais en fait elles ne font qu'empirer. I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse. I thought things were going to get better, but in fact they're only getting worse. Creo en Ken. I believe in Ken. I believe in Ken. Ne faites pas ça ! Ce n'est pas votre boulot. Don't do that. It's not your job. Don't do that, it's not your job. Como como como. I eat like I eat. How how how. Nu e nicio problemă. There's no problem at all. There's no problem. Lo sciopero è durato quarantadue giorni. The strike lasted forty-two days. The strike lasted 42 days. Eu não queria jogar isso fora. I didn't want to throw that out. I didn't want to throw that away. Neste jogo não há aliados, apenas inimigos. In this game, there are no allies but only enemies. In this game there are no allies, only enemies. Es la primera vez que ayudo a mi padre. This is the first time I've ever helped my father. It's the first time I've helped my father. Elle se rendit en Italie pour étudier la musique. She went to Italy for the purpose of studying music. She went to Italy to study music. Que vous a dit Tom à propos de cela ? What did Tom tell you about that? What did Tom tell you about that? Quando a loja vai abrir? When will the store open? When will the store open? Jane no sabe tanto acerca de Nara como sabe acerca de Kyoto. Jane doesn't know as much about Nara as she does about Kyoto. Jane doesn't know as much about Nara as she does about Kyoto. No quiero sacar conclusiones precipitadas. I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I don't want to jump to conclusions. Todos vamos a hacer eso. We're all going to do that. We're all gonna do that. Parlerò con te questa sera. I'll talk to you tonight. I'll talk to you tonight. Când ai ajuns la Londra? When did you get to London? When did you get to London? Pasé la noche del domingo aprendiéndome las palabras nuevas de la lección del lunes. I spent Sunday night learning the new words from Monday's lesson. I spent Sunday night learning the new words of Monday’s lesson. Você consegue ver isso? Can you see this? Can you see that? ¿Tienes miedo de los fantasmas? Are you afraid of ghosts? Are you afraid of ghosts? O Tom partiu alguma coisa outra vez? Has Tom broken something again? Did Tom break something again? Vamos embora amanhã à tarde. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. Pari plictisită. You look bored. You look bored. Éteignez le téléphone sasha ! Switch off the phone, Sasha! Turn off the phone, Sasha! O ferimento causou muita dor ao atleta. The injury caused the athlete great pain. The injury caused a lot of pain to the athlete. Sé que el sol es muy caliente. I know that the sun is very hot. I know the sun is very hot. Nu am timp să mă implic în probleme politice. I have no time to engage in political activity. I don't have time to get involved in politics. Il l'a fait sans que je le sache. He did it without me knowing. He did it without me knowing. Nós comemos para sobreviver. We eat to survive. We eat to survive. Je suis allé au jardin public ce matin. I went to a park this morning. I went to the public garden this morning. Il veut créer une entreprise détachée de tout lieu physique. He wants to start a company untethered to any physical place. He wants to create a company detached from any physical place. ¿Te han diagnosticado de problemas tiroideos alguna vez? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid issues? Have you ever been diagnosed with thyroid problems? Essa história fez-me lembrar um velho amigo meu. That story brought to mind an old friend of mine. This story reminded me of an old friend of mine. O êxito musical “Peru” do cantor nigeriano Fireboy DML estava a ganhar tração a nível global quando a megaestrela Ed Sheeran se ofereceu para contribuir com um verso para a remixagem. Nigerian singer Fireboy DML's smash track “Peru” was gaining traction across the globe when megastar Ed Sheeran offered to contribute a verse to the remix. Nigerian singer Fireboy DML’s musical hit “Peru” was gaining traction globally when megastar Ed Sheeran offered to contribute a verse to the remix. Possiamo negoziare con la proprietaria. We can negotiate with the owner. We can negotiate with the owner. La cavalleria è morta? Is chivalry dead? Is the cavalry dead? Ha una bella voce al telefono. He has a nice voice on the phone. She's got a nice voice on the phone. Ama la poesia. She loves poetry. He loves poetry. Boum ! Kaboom! Boom! Boom! Explique-moi la règle, je te prie. Please explain the rule to me. Explain the rule to me, please. Il n'a aucun respect pour ses parents. He has no respect for his parents. He has no respect for his parents. As nossas câmaras vão enviar luz infravermelha para aqui e depois a luz vai ricochetear e a câmara vai registar onde está o marcador. Our cameras are going to be sending infrared light over to this and then the light is going to bounce back and the camera is going to register where the marker is. Our cameras will send infrared light here and then the light will bounce back and the camera will record where the marker is. Envia-me teu novo endereço por e-mail. Send me your new address by email. Send me your new address by e-mail. J'ai réparé la maison pour vous. I fixed the house because of you. I fixed the house for you. Ela teve uma boa ideia. She had a good idea. She had a good idea. Ils donnent des stylos gratuits. They're giving out free pens. They give free pens. Os traballadores pediron unha suba de soldo. The workers asked for an increase in pay. The workers demanded a raise in wages. Il faut préparer le déjeuner. We need to prepare lunch. We have to prepare lunch. Ieri ho incontrato uno dei più grandi attori della nostra generazione. Yesterday I met one of the greatest actors of our generation. Yesterday I met one of the greatest actors of our generation. Il y a probablement eu une erreur. There has probably been a mistake. There's probably been a mistake. Como extranjero, conoce Hungría mejor que muchos húngaros. Being a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. As a foreigner, he knows Hungary better than many Hungarians. Avez-vous vu mes bretelles ? Have you seen my suspenders? Have you seen my braces? I dev tajeme ij cavij. I must get my hair cut. I'm going to have to go to Caviar. Non è una parola che userei mai. That isn't a word I'd ever use. It's not a word I'd ever use. Non la riconosco più, è così distante. I no longer recognise her, she's so distant. I don't recognize her anymore, she's so far away. Riguardo a ciò, sono io quella da incolpare. Concerning this, I'm the one to blame. About that, I'm the one to blame. Il était en Angleterre quand la guerre a éclaté. He was in England when the war broke out. He was in England when the war broke out. Compren una pistola. Buy a gun. They buy a gun. Je suis certain que vos intentions sont honnêtes. I'm sure your intentions are pure. I'm sure your intentions are honest. Il est plein aux as, mais il n'est pas heureux. He's minted, but he's not happy. He's full of aces, but he's not happy. Neste teatro de infinitas formas, representei minha peça e aqui tive um vislumbre daquele que é sem forma. In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play, and here have I caught sight of him that is formless. In this theatre of infinite forms, I represented my play and here I had a glimpse of the formless. Il est trop jeune pour moi. He is too young for me. He's too young for me. Ho visto un ragazzo con delle scarpe colorate. I saw a boy with colourful shoes. I saw a boy in colored shoes. La guerra nos concierne a todos. War concerns us all. War concerns us all. Quand je serai grand, je veux être conducteur de train. When I grow up, I want to be a train conductor. When I grow up, I want to be a train driver. Perdona. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Ci sarò. Lo prometto. I'll be there. I promise. I'll be there, I promise. Estão prontas para falar? Are they ready to talk? Are you ready to talk? Nous avons l'intention de demander une prolongation. We're planning to apply for an extension. We intend to request an extension. A me piace il suo caffè. I like your coffee. I like your coffee. Il mio patrigno è un avvocato. My stepfather is a lawyer. My stepfather is a lawyer. Si tu veux conduire une voiture, tu auras besoin d'un permis de conduire. If you want to drive a car, you'll need a driving licence. If you want to drive a car, you'll need a driver's license. Elle est allée en haut. She went upstairs. She went upstairs. Acredita-se que Rômulo tenha sido o primeiro rei dos romanos. Romulus is thought to have been the first king of the Romans. Romulus is believed to have been the first king of the Romans. Vada a sedersi nell'angolo. Go sit in the corner. Go sit in the corner. La habitación quedó sumida en la más absoluta oscuridad. The room was plunged into utter darkness. The room was plunged into utter darkness. Avevi un complice? Did you have an accomplice? You had an accomplice? Elle habite à Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. She lives in Kyoto. Nunca aprendí mi historia. I never learned my history. I never learned my story. Certas datas para a maioria de nós tornam-se retrospetivamente memoráveis e sem dúvida que este dia ensolarado e fragrante de junho teria sido, de qualquer forma, recordado por Bárbara como o último de uma longa série de dias de festa e feriados passados por ela na sua casa francesa durante os primeiros anos da sua vida. Certain dates to most of us become in time retrospectively memorable, and doubtless this sunny, fragrant June day would in any case have been remembered by Barbara as the last of a long series of high days and holidays spent by her in her French home during the first few years of her life. Certain dates for most of us become retrospectively memorable and no doubt this sunny and fragrant June day would have been, in any case, remembered by Barbara as the last in a long series of holidays and holidays spent by her in her French home during the early years of her life. El bebé se ha dormido. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby has fallen asleep. Isso seria muito triste. That would be very sad. That would be very sad. Ella siempre culpa a otros de sus errores. She always blames others for her mistakes. She always blames others for her mistakes. Les atomes ne peuvent pas être vus à l'œil nu. Atoms can't be seen by the naked eye. Atoms cannot be seen with the naked eye. È incredibilmente ingenua. She's unbelievably naive. She's incredibly naive. Pot folosi telefonul tău? May I use your phone? Can I use your phone? A China deu início à Exposição Mundial de 2010 em Xangai no sábado com um espetáculo sumptuoso e centenas de milhares de visitantes. China opened the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai on Saturday with a lavish show and hundreds of thousands of visitors. China kicked off the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai on Saturday with a lavish show and hundreds of thousands of visitors. Tom es el único chico que Mary conoce que le tiene miedo a los conejos. Tom is the only boy Mary knows who is afraid of rabbits. Tom is the only boy Mary knows who is afraid of rabbits. Estes dois eventos deixaram os países da região com pressa para rever e melhorar a preparação para catástrofes. These two events sent the countries of the region into overdrive to review and improve disaster preparedness. These two events left countries in the region in a hurry to review and improve disaster preparedness. Ziri e Rima erano sicuri. Ziri and Rima were sure. Ziri and Rima were safe. Ve ne posso prendere di più. I can get you more. I can get you more. Siete affamate. You are hungry. You're hungry. Gracias por siempre hacerme reir. Thanks for always making me laugh. Thanks for always making me laugh. Je connais un bon endroit pour dîner. I know a good place for dinner. I know a good place to have dinner. A procura por essas diferenças é uma das tarefas da equipa no Solenoide Compacto de Muões, ou SCM, um de quatro principais locais de experimentação à volta do Grande Colisor de Hadrões no CERN. Searching for those differences is one of the tasks for the people at the Compact Muon Solenoid, or CMS, one of four main experiment sites around the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The search for these differences is one of the team’s tasks at the Mu<0xC3><0xB5>es Compact Solenoid, or SCM, one of four major sites of experimentation around the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Je ne peux pas regarder ce film, il y a trop de violence. I can't watch this film, there is too much violence in it. I can't watch this movie, there's too much violence. Tenho que comprar algumas roupas novas na próxima semana. I have to buy some new clothes next week. I have to buy some new clothes next week. Tom l'a enlevé. Tom abducted him. Tom took it off. Mi cerebro no está funcionando. My brain isn't working. My brain's not working. Frullare gli albumi a velocità media. Blend the egg whites at medium speed. Blend the egg whites at medium speed. Matthew e Linda si sono quasi scontrati. Matthew and Linda nearly collided. Matthew and Linda almost collided. Tom no pudo oír lo que estaba diciendo Mary. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Tom couldn't hear what Mary was saying. Eu não preciso ir embora. I don't need to leave. I don't have to leave. Espero que você caia de um precipício. I hope that you fall off a cliff. I hope you fall off a cliff. Lei ha chiesto dei consigli alla sua professoressa. She asked her teacher for advice. You asked your teacher for advice. Seguro que se te han caído. You must've dropped them. I'm sure you've fallen. Aveva fatto installare delle videocamere. He had video cameras installed. He had cameras installed. La nena s'ha passat tot el dia plorant. The girl has spent all day crying. The girl has been crying all day. Vi piace il golf? Do you like golf? Do you like golf? Je suis prêt, et vous ? I'm ready, and you? I'm ready, how about you? Vamos todos ficar juntos. Let's all stay together. Let's all stick together. Terminat. Done. Finished. Noi non vogliamo che se ne vada. We don't want him to leave. We don't want him to leave. Nós já entendemos isso. We understand that already. We already understand that. Puc repetir-ho vint vegades. I can repeat it again and again. I can repeat it 20 times. ¿Los necesitas en este mismo minuto? Do you need them right this minute? Do you need them right this minute? D'autres questions ? Anymore questions? Any other questions? Perché non sei potuta venire lunedì? Why couldn't you come on Monday? Why couldn't you come on Monday? Ne vedem când mă întorc? Will I see you when I get back? I'll see you when I get back? Pedi-lhe que não me incomodasse. I asked him not to bother me. I asked him not to bother me. Ela não tem autoestima. She has no self-esteem. She has no self-esteem. C'est complètement faux. That's all wrong. That's completely wrong. La guerre commença trois ans après. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Él no gana más de 50 dólares a la semana. He earns not more than 50 dollars a week. He doesn't make more than $50 a week. Mi sta bene essere chiamato Tom o Tommy. I'm fine with being called Tom or Tommy. It's okay for me to be called Tom or Tommy. Il est préférable de retourner en arrière plutôt que de se perdre. It's better to walk back than to get lost. It is better to go back than to get lost. Devemos passar das palavras às ações. We must move from words to actions. We must move from words to actions. In che paese nacque? What country was he born in? What country was he born in? ¿En serio me eligieron como el más feo de la clase? Did I really get voted the ugliest kid in the class? Did they really pick me as the ugliest in the class? Podrás usar una calculadora mientras haces el examen. You'll be able to use a calculator while you're taking the test. You can use a calculator while taking the exam. El único sonido que podíamos escuchar era el viento afuera. The only sound we could hear was the wind outside. The only sound we could hear was the wind outside. Ele conhece estrangeiros durante suas viagens. He meets foreigners during his travels. He meets foreigners during his travels. Noël est seulement dans trois semaines. Christmas is only three weeks off. Christmas is only in three weeks. La nozione di algoritmo è al centro di tutta l'informatica. The notion of algorithm forms the core of all of the computation theory. The notion of an algorithm is at the heart of all computer science. Militantes no Iraque têm estado a destruir tesouros de valor incalculável considerados contrários ao Islão, dando a muitas pessoas em todo o mundo a sensação de estarem a viver numa era passada. Militants in Iraq have been destroying priceless treasures deemed un-Islamic, giving many people around the world the sense of living in a time warp. Militants in Iraq have been destroying priceless treasures considered contrary to Islam, giving many people around the world the feeling that they are living in a bygone era. Ha una macchina blu? Do you have a blue car? Do you have a blue car? Ella tiene demasiados novios. She has too many boyfriends. She has too many boyfriends. Je pense que Tom et Manon se connaissent. I think Tom and Mary know each other. I think Tom and Manon know each other. Él no es el tipo de persona que robaría. He isn't the kind of person who steals. He's not the kind of person I'd steal from. La població urbana a Amèrica està creixent. The urban population of America is increasing. The urban population in America is growing. Ella iba de lugar en lugar buscándolo. She went from place to place in search of him. She went from place to place looking for him. Perfect! Toată lumea din jurul meu este atât de încurajatoare încât mi se precipită motivarea. All right! Everybody around me is so encouraging I'm getting a rush of motivation. Perfect! Everyone around me is so encouraging that my motivation rushes me. Alguém está aqui para vê-lo. Someone is here to see you. Someone's here to see you. Vous aurez beau vivre dans une communauté civilisée ou densément peuplée, vous devrez tout de même comprendre votre propre nature et celle des autres. So long as you live in a civilized or thickly populated community you will still need to understand your own nature and the natures of other people. No matter how much you live in a civilized or densely populated community, you will still have to understand your own nature and that of others. Rima ha comprato un nuovo hotel. Rima bought a new hotel. Rima bought a new hotel. Le preparo del caffè? Shall I make you some coffee? Shall I make you some coffee? Il gatto spaventato si nasconde sotto la macchina. The scared cat is hiding under the car. The frightened cat hides under the car. Je l'ai mise sur ton bureau. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Elle est fière de sa fille. She takes pride in her daughter. She's proud of her daughter. ¿Te lo puedo rentar? Can I rent it to you? Can I rent it to you? Son comportement inhabituel a éveillé nos soupçons. His unusual behavior caused our suspicions. His unusual behavior aroused our suspicions. A Serra Leoa vai atualizar a sua constituição pela primeira vez desde 1991 e uma questão que está a ser acompanhada de perto por grupos de direitos humanos é a abolição da pena de morte. Sierra Leone is updating its constitution for the first time since 1991, and one issue being watched closely by human rights groups is the abolishment of the death penalty. Sierra Leone will update its constitution for the first time since 1991 and one issue that is being closely monitored by human rights groups is the abolition of the death penalty. Provi a saltare il più in alto possibile. Try to jump as high as possible. Try to jump as high as possible. O programa tornou a Jéssica famosa devido ao humor desatento e não intencional dela. The program has made Jessica famous for her absent-minded, unintentional humor. The show made Jessica famous due to her inattentive and unintentional humor. La utilidad de una olla está en su vacío. The usefulness of a pot is in its emptiness. The usefulness of a pot is in its emptiness. ¿Cómo dirías "corazón" en vasco? How would you say "heart" in Basque? How would you say "heart" in Basque? Je ne vois pas le curseur. I don't see the cursor. I don't see the cursor. ¿Tiene atún? Do you have tuna fish? Do you have tuna? Com uma chocalhada e um guincho, um trator rolou pelo terreno, esmagando as ervas com um rolo de amassar vermelho gigantesco. With a rattle and a screech, a tractor rolled through the field, knocking the grass flat with a giant red rolling pin. With a rattle and a winch, a tractor rolled across the ground, crushing the herbs with a gigantic red kneading roller. Ela era só unha sombra da antiga eu despois da enfermidade. She was only a shadow of her former self after her illness. She was just a shadow of the old me after the illness. ¿Tienes empleados que hablen japonés? Do you have any employees who speak Japanese? Do you have employees who speak Japanese? Estão chorando por estarem emocionadas ou tristes? Are they crying because they are touched or sad? Are you crying because you are sad or excited? Eu sei que o Tom é obediente. I know that Tom is obedient. I know Tom's obedient. La enfermera le revisará el brazo en dos días para ver si hay una reacción. The nurse will check your arm within 2 days to see if there is a reaction. The nurse will check your arm in two days to see if there is a reaction. Mio padre ha già i suoi problemi. My father already has his own problems. My father already has his problems. La cella dispone di un sistema per l'elaborazione delle informazioni memorizzate. The cell has a system for processing stored information. The cell has a system for processing the stored information. Ne vale la pena! It's worth it! It's worth it! Acesta este cel mai mare festival de muzică. This is the biggest music festival. This is the biggest music festival. "Olá, Tom!" "Olá, Mary!" "Hi, Tom!" "Hi, Mary!" "Hello, Tom!" "Hello, Mary!" Perdonatemi per avere interrotto l'altro giorno. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. Él no es poeta, sino novelista. He is not a poet but a novelist. He is not a poet, but a novelist. Não estou ocupado hoje. I'm not busy today. I'm not busy today. È arrossito? Did you blush? Is he flushed? O meu amigo adoita axudar ao meu fillo cos seus estudos. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend helps my son with his studies. Metta questa pagina nei segnalibri. Bookmark this page. Put this page in bookmarks. Estás todo sudado. You're all sweaty. You're all sweaty. Tom está marcando un número. Tom is dialling a number. Tom's dialing a number. A me dovrebbe piacere andare con lei. I should like to go with you. I should like to go with her. Trebuie să vorbesc cu Thomas cu orice preț. I have to talk to Thomas at all costs. I have to talk to Thomas at all costs. Ma ville est près de la mer. My town is by the sea. My town is near the sea. Hay un montón de comida. There's a lot of food. There is plenty of food. Sta costruendo dei castelli in aria. You're building castles in the air. He's building castles in the air. Non la abbandonerò mai. I'll never abandon you. I'll never leave you. Estoy donde tu estás. I am where you are. I'm where you are. Essere in sovrappeso mette a rischio la tua salute. Being overweight puts your health at risk. Being overweight puts your health at risk. Io ho appena scritto un SMS a Tom. I have just written an SMS to Tom. I just texted Tom. Può essere a casa. He may be home. He could be home. Tom non ha empatia. Tom has no empathy. Tom has no empathy. Sostenlo con ambas manos. Hold it with both hands. Hold it with both hands. Pourquoi est-il si silencieux ? Why is he so quiet? Why is he so quiet? Bush non è un cafone. Bush is not a redneck. Bush is not a scoundrel. Forcer une division par zéro est d'abdiquer la raison. Pushing a division by zero is tantamount to dropping reason. To force a division by zero is to abdicate reason. Non puoi fare niente oggi. You can't do anything today. You can't do anything today. Lei è affascinata dal cibo francese. She has a fascination with French food. She is fascinated by French food. Ziri ha sentito le parole. Ziri heard the words. Ziri heard the words. O meu amigo adoita axudar ó meu fillo cos seus estudios. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend helps my son with his studies. Papà, dove hai conosciuto la mamma? Dad, where did you meet Mum? Dad, where did you meet Mom? Nu fumează și nu bea vodcă. He doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink vodka. Do not smoke or drink vodka. Je vais attendre ici avec toi, ne t'inquiète pas. I'll wait here with you, don't worry. I'll wait here with you, don't worry. A foto foi adulterada. The photo was doctored. The photo was tampered with. De acordo com ela, ele não virá. According to her, he won't come. According to her, he's not coming. Ne-am întâlnit iarna. We met in winter. We met in the winter. Il dottore greco è stato molto gentile. The Greek doctor was very nice. The Greek doctor was very kind. Lo so che voi volete ancora vedermi. I know that you still want to see me. I know you still want to see me. De qué volètz ? What do you want? What is Voltaire? Tom ganha trezentos dólares por hora. Tom earns three hundred dollars an hour. Tom makes three hundred dollars an hour. "Zugzwang" é uma palavra alemã que, com referência ao xadrez, significa mais ou menos o seguinte: "obrigação de fazer um lance e, consequentemente, perder a partida". "Zugzwang" is a German word which, with reference to chess, means more or less the following: "obligation to make a move and, consequently, to lose the game". "Zugzwang" is a German word that, with reference to chess, means more or less the following: "obligation to make a move and consequently lose the game". Tom nu este fizician. Tom isn't a physicist. Tom is not a physicist. O coração do pai exultava ao ver aquele filho que, ávido de conhecimento, aprendia tão depressa e crescia para se tornar, seguramente, um sacerdote erudito, um verdadeiro príncipe ente os homens de saber de sua casta. The father's heart rejoiced to see that son who, eager for knowledge, learned so quickly and grew surely to become a learned priest, a true prince among the men of knowledge of his caste. The father's heart rejoiced to see that son who, eager for knowledge, learned so quickly and grew up to become, surely, a learned priest, a true prince among men to know of his caste. Pensez-y ce soir. Think about it tonight. Think about it tonight. Finirebbe in galera. He'd end up in prison. He'd end up in jail. Mary adicionou quase 10.000 frases a Tatoeba. Mary added almost 10,000 sentences to Tatoeba. Mary added nearly 10,000 phrases to Tatoeba. Nu-ți fă probleme cu asta. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about that. Dove sei stato nelle ultime sei settimane? Where have you been for the last six weeks? Where have you been for the last six weeks? Il doit bien y avoir une solution. There's got to be a solution. There must be a solution. Il pacco è qui. The package is here. The package is here. Estou pronta para a festa. I'm ready to party. I'm ready for the party. Lo incontrerete. You'll meet him. You'll meet him. Perché siete brave in francese? Why are you good at French? Why are you so good at French? Tocchi la sua fronte. Touch his forehead. Touch his forehead. Los trenes se detuvieron debido a la lluvia torrencial. Trains stopped in consequence of the heavy rain. The trains stopped due to torrential rain. Tom ha tre automobili. Tom has three cars. Tom has three cars. Non abbiamo nient'altro da perdere. We have nothing else to lose. We have nothing else to lose. Je viens juste de rater le train. I just missed the train. I just missed the train. Tom a pus o pernă sub capul Mariei. Tom put a pillow under Mary's head. Tom put a pillow under Maria's head. L'attività fisica è necessaria per una buona salute. Physical activity is necessary for good health. Physical activity is necessary for good health. Tom bebe cerveja artesanal. Tom drinks craft beer. Tom drinks craft beer. Tom mangiò degli avanzi per cena. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Piensa en la muerte. Think about death. Think about death. "Chi ha appena scoreggiato?" "Dai! Tutti sul pianeta lo fanno, incluso te." "Bleah! Apri quella finestra!" "Who just farted?" "Come on! Everyone on the planet does it, including you." "Ew! Open that window!" "Who just farted?" "Come on! Everyone on the planet does it, including you." "Bleah! Open that window!" Nous discutons. We have a conversation. We're talking. Avete studiato francese ieri? Did you study French yesterday? Did you study French yesterday? Lo comprereste? Would you buy that? Would you buy it? Le cambié la batería al teclado. I changed the keyboard's battery. I changed the battery on the keyboard. Eso fue hace años. That was years ago. That was years ago. Questa è una città carina. This is a pretty town. This is a pretty town. Je pense qu'on peut dire avec certitude que Tom ne sera pas là demain. I think it's safe to assume Tom won't be here tomorrow. I think it's safe to say that Tom won't be here tomorrow. Escriba sus comentarios en una hoja de papel. Write your remarks on a sheet of paper. Write your comments on a piece of paper. De ce n-ai venit să mă întrebi mai devreme? Why didn't you come to ask me earlier? Why didn't you come and ask me earlier? Tem alguém em casa? Anybody home? Is anyone home? Si mise le mani sulla fronte. He placed his hands to his forehead. He put his hands on his forehead. Améliorez-la. Improve it. Improve it. Io preferisco l'estate all'inverno. I like summer better than winter. I prefer summer to winter. Comment s'est passé ton entretien ? How did your interview go? How was your interview? Quarante kilomètres séparent l'île du continent. It's forty kilometers from the island to the mainland. Forty kilometers separate the island from the mainland. Você não virá com a gente por quê? Why aren't you coming with us? Why won't you come with us? Onde você tirou essas fotos? Where did you take those pictures? Where did you take these pictures? El procesador de texto del escritorio es el de mi padre. The word processor on the desk is my father's. The word processor on the desktop is my father's. Cosa ti spinge a voler passare del tempo con me? What makes you want to spend time with me? What makes you want to spend time with me? Vous étiez dans le coma. You were in a coma. You were in a coma. Tom pulou ou foi empurrado? Did Tom jump, or was he pushed? Did Tom jump or was he pushed? Tenemos dos perros, tres gatos y seis pollos. We have two dogs, three cats, and six chickens. We have two dogs, three cats and six chickens. J'ai reçu ton cadeau. I received your gift. I got your present. « Quel âge as-tu ? » « Seize ans. » "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." “How old are you?” “Sixteen.” O que ele pensa sobre tudo isso? What does he think about all this? What does he think about all this? Ela dá uma recompensa de comida quando o seu rato pressiona numa alavanca. It gives a food reward when your rat presses a lever. She gives a food reward when her mouse presses a lever. Vas-y, jette un coup d'œil. Go ahead, take a gander. Go ahead, take a look. Il fit jaillir une étincelle du silex. He struck a spark from the flint. He let out a spark from the flint. ¿Dónde está el taxi? Where is the taxi? Where's the cab? Nous descendrons à la prochaine station. We'll get off at the next station. We'll get off at the next station. La Pologne appartient à la Russie. Poland belongs to Russia. Poland belongs to Russia. Nuestros descendientes llegarán tarde o temprano, como raza, a la condición de conciencia cósmica, al igual que, hace mucho tiempo, nuestros antepasados pasaron de la conciencia simple a la autoconciencia. Our descendants will sooner or later reach, as a race, the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness into self-consciousness. Our descendants will sooner or later, as a race, arrive at the condition of cosmic consciousness, just as, long ago, our ancestors passed from simple consciousness to self-consciousness. Le chat mange l'oiseau. The cat eats the bird. The cat eats the bird. Mangiò una mela. She ate one apple. He ate an apple. Nous ne sommes pratiquement jamais chez nous. We're almost never home. We are almost never at home. Qualcuno riesce ad unirsi? Can anyone join? Can anyone join in? De ce ai topit acel săpun? Why did you melt that bar of soap? Why did you melt that soap? Começamos em meia hora! We start in half an hour! We start in half an hour! ¿Cree usted que el camino es bastante ancho para automóviles? Do you think the road is wide enough for cars? Do you think the road is wide enough for cars? Crede ancora alle sue parole. He still believes her words. He still believes his words. În vagon erau câteva unelte și niște pistoale în plus. In the wagon were a few tools and some extra guns. In the car were some tools and some extra guns. L'honestedat és una virtut cabdal. Honesty is a capital virtue. Honesty is a great virtue. Amem seus pais. Love your parents. Love your parents. Los padres de Tom no confían en él. Tom's parents don't trust him. Tom's parents don't trust him. La sagesse vaut plus que les perles. The price of wisdom is above pearls. Wisdom is worth more than pearls. « Qui s'en soucie ? » « Moi. » "Who cares?" "I care." "Who cares?" "Me." Estás impresionado, ¿no? You're impressed, aren't you? You're impressed, aren't you? Tom camina lentamente. Tom walks slowly. Tom walks slowly. Me estoy desuscribiendo del canal de Tom. I'm unsubscribing from Tom's channel. I'm describing myself from Tom's channel. Tom, qui est devenu millionnaire par son propre travail, a vécu dans la misère quand il était enfant. Tom, a self-made millionaire, had lived in abject poverty as a child. Tom, who became a millionaire through his own work, lived in misery as a child. Mi esposa tuvo unas terribles náuseas matutinas durante su primer embarazo. My wife had terrible morning sickness during her first pregnancy. My wife had terrible morning sickness during her first pregnancy. Se l'IA "pensa", o si avvicina al pensiero, noi chi siamo? If AI "thinks", or approximates thinking, who are we? If AI "thinks," or gets close to thinking, who are we? Il frigo è vuoto! The fridge is empty! The fridge is empty! A gente pode brincar agora e estudar mais tarde? Can we play now and study afterward? Can we play now and study later? Skura es una activista de género. Skura is a gender activist. Skura is a gender activist. Uccidilo quando lo trovi. Kill him when you find him. Kill him when you find him. Precisamos de uma mesa com cerca de um metro de largura. We need a table about a meter wide. We need a table about a meter wide. No total tenho 4 filhos. In total, I have 4 children. In total I have 4 children. Está ok. This is OK. It's okay. Tom calcolò le sue spese. Tom calculated his expenses. Tom calculated his expenses. Necesito contratar a un contador. I need to hire an accountant. I need to hire an accountant. É difícil para o meu pai deixar a bebida. It's hard for my father to give up drinking. It's hard for my dad to stop drinking. China es un mercado emergente. China is an emerging market. China is an emerging market. Stanno pregando. They are praying. They're praying. O balanço surge numa altura em que o Ministério da Defesa da Grã-Bretanha afirma esperar que os combates no leste da Ucrânia "se intensifiquem nas próximas duas a três semanas, à medida que a Rússia continua a reconcentrar os seus esforços nessa região". The assessment came as Britain’s defense ministry said it expects fighting in eastern Ukraine “will intensify over the next two to three weeks as Russia continues to refocus its efforts there.” The assessment comes at a time when Britain's defence ministry says it expects fighting in eastern Ukraine to "intensify over the next two to three weeks as Russia continues to refocus its efforts in that region". L'uomo indossava degli abiti inglesi, però non era inglese. The man wore English clothes, but he wasn't English. The man was wearing English clothes, but he was not English. Il te faut être prudent. You must be cautious. You have to be careful. Que tipo de pão você está comendo? What sort of bread are you eating? What kind of bread are you eating? Mary non è malata. Mary isn't sick. Mary's not sick. È una persona impegnata, vero? He's a busy person, isn't he? You're a busy person, aren't you? Ne devrai-il pas en aller différemment ? Shouldn't it be otherwise? Shouldn’t it go differently? Les marchandises sont-elles transportées par bateau ou par avion ? Are the goods transported by ship or air? Are the goods transported by ship or by air? Tom ha perso il dibattito. Tom lost the debate. Tom lost the debate. La bistecca aveva un sapore meraviglioso. The beefsteak tasted marvelous. The steak tasted wonderful. L'éléphant moyen est gros. The average elephant is fat. The average elephant is big. Abiti davvero qui? Do you really live here? You really live here? Questo è per te! This one's for you! This one's for you! Stava camminando verso l'uscita dell'aeroporto. She was walking towards the airport’s exit. He was walking towards the airport exit. J'ai parlé à l'actrice elle-même. I spoke to the actress herself. I spoke to the actress herself. La Francia sembra un esagono. France looks like a hexagon. France looks like a hexagon. Não vamos tomar atitudes precipitadas. We go don't to make hasty decisions. Let's not be hasty. Profesor, tengo una pregunta. Professor, I have a question. Professor, I have a question. Eu me dou bem com o meu irmão caçula. I get along with my younger brother. I get along well with my younger brother. As-tu déjà eu un décollement de la rétine ? Have you ever had a detached retina? Have you ever had a retinal detachment? Studierei se fossi in te. I'd study if I were you. I'd study if I were you. Un consuelo celestial, no sé cómo, se apodera de mí. A heavenly comfort, I don't know how, takes hold of me. A heavenly consolation, I don't know how, takes hold of me. John avait de plus gros ennuis. John has bigger problems. John was in more trouble. Questa auto è inutile. This car is worthless. This car is useless. La lumière générée lors du Big Bang voyage encore aujourd'hui dans l'espace à une vitesse de 300 000 km/s. The light generated in the Big Bang still travels through space at a speed of 300,000 km/s. The light generated during the Big Bang still travels through space at a speed of 300,000 km/s. Ce n'est pas pour ça que je t'appelle. That's not why I'm calling you. That's not why I'm calling you. Mantén una lista de lo que te debo. Keep a tally of what you owe. Keep a list of what I owe you. Je ne regrette pas d'avoir vécu, puisque j'ai bien vécu. I do not regret having lived, since I have lived well. I don’t regret living, because I have lived well. I bambini di solito si alzano presto a Natale. Children usually get up early on Christmas. Children usually get up early at Christmas. Poţi folosi dicţionarul meu. You may use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Ela está a usar o seu fato de banho verde que tem um buraco à volta do umbigo. She is wearing her green swimsuit with the hole around the navel. She's wearing her green bathing suit that has a hole around her navel. În niciun caz nu mi-aș putea permite așa ceva. There's no way I could possibly afford that. There's no way I could afford that. Je ne parle pas votre langue, donc veuillez seulement répondre par « oui » ou « non ». I don't speak your language, so just answer questions with “yes” or “no” only. I do not speak your language, so please only answer with “yes” or “no”. Tu as trois ans de plus que Tom. You're three years older than Tom. You're three years older than Tom. Elle passe tout son temps à penser aux garçons. She spends all her time thinking about boys. She spends all her time thinking about boys. Gli rivolse uno sguardo implorante. She gave him a pleading look. He gave her an imploring look. Non avevamo dubbi che ci fosse qualcosa nella nostra cantina. We had no doubt that there was something in our cellar. We had no doubt that there was something in our cellar. Estou acostumada a dormir com a janela aberta. I'm used to sleeping with the window open. I'm used to sleeping with the window open. Sicuro di non essere gay? Are you sure you aren't gay? You sure you're not gay? Sapevate che Tom era ambidestro? Did you know Tom was ambidextrous? Did you know that Tom was ambidextrous? Andò là con lei. He went there with her. I'm going there with the law. Es difícil ayudar a las personas que no quieren tu ayuda. It's difficult to help people who don't want your help. It’s hard to help people who don’t want your help. Je dois écrire une rédaction sur mes vacances. I have to write a composition about my vacation. I have to write an essay about my vacation. ¿Estás aquí solo? Are you here on your own? Are you here alone? Había muchos retratos de la misma mujer. There were many portraits of the same woman. There were many portraits of the same woman. Non è ancora il tuo turno. It's not your turn yet. It's not your turn yet. Sono così preoccupato. I'm so worried. I'm so worried. Nu-mi pot contacta rudele. I can't contact my relatives. I can't contact my relatives. Una vez que una sanguijuela se ha llenado de sangre, algo que no suele durar más de 20 minutos, se desprende y se va. Once a leech has filled with blood, which usually doesn't take longer than 20 minutes, it detaches and leaves. Once a leech has filled with blood, something that usually doesn’t last more than 20 minutes, it sheds and goes away. L'anglais est la langue du Ku Klux Klan. English is the language of the Ku Klux Klan. English is the language of the Ku Klux Klan. Tom está fazendo a barba em seu quarto. Tom is shaving in his room. Tom's shaving in his room. ¿Tu perro es blanco? Is your dog white? Is your dog white? Tengo ganas de abrazarte. I want to hug you. I feel like hugging you. Le corps de Tom a été incinéré. Tom's body has been cremated. Tom's body was cremated. Fins ara! See you soon! Until now! Avez-vous de la famille ou des amis chez qui vous pourriez séjourner ? Do you have any family or friends that you could stay with? Do you have family or friends you could stay with? Eles vão saber. They'll know. They'll know. La bruja, por diversión, convirtió a Tom en un ratón y a María en un gato. The witch turned Tom into a mouse and Mary into a cat for fun. The witch, for fun, turned Tom into a mouse and Mary into a cat. Scivolò nel sonno. She slipped into sleep. He slipped into his sleep. Je veux le meilleur. I want the best. I want the best. Sono fratelli, ma non si assomigliano. They are brothers, but they don't look alike. They are brothers, but they are not alike. Francis Collins descrive il genoma come il "libro della vita". Francis Collins describes the genome as the "book of life". Francis Collins describes the genome as the “book of life.” Che lingue si parlano in Moldavia? What languages are spoken in Moldova? What languages are spoken in Moldova? Le gustaste mucho. He liked you a lot. He liked you a lot. J'ai entendu une portière de voiture s'ouvrir et se fermer. I heard a car door open and close. I heard a car door open and close. Ella lo conoció en una conferencia en Boston. She first met him at a conference in Boston. She met him at a conference in Boston. Avec le gros salaire que tu obtiens, j'imagine que tu as épargné un bon peu. With that big salary you're getting I guess you've saved up quite a lot. With the big paycheck you get, I'm guessing you've saved a lot of money. Estaremos mejor el uno sin el otro. We're better off without each other. We'll be better off without each other. Non desiderava altro che riportare indietro il tempo. He wanted nothing more than to turn back time. He wanted nothing more than to turn back time. ¿Por qué has abierto la ventana? Why have you opened the window? Why did you open the window? Comme je prenais une douche, je n'ai pas entendu le téléphone. Since I was having a shower, I didn't hear the phone. As I was taking a shower, I didn't hear the phone. Marquei um gol. I scored a goal. I scored a goal. As Nações Unidas marcaram o dia de recordação das vítimas de genocídio com um aviso de que este crime não foi relegado aos livros de História, mas continua a ser uma ameaça até hoje. The United Nations marked the day of remembrance of victims of genocide with a warning that the crime has not been relegated to the history books but remains a threat today. The United Nations marked the day of remembrance for the victims of genocide with a warning that this crime has not been relegated to the history books, but remains a threat to this day. Le Polisario vaincra. The Polisario Front will prevail. The Polisario will win. Ho cinquanta euro nella mia tasca. I have fifty euros in my pocket. I have $50 in my pocket. Vous êtes une merde. You're a piece of shit. You're a piece of shit. Les travailleurs en première ligne sont les premiers touchés par les dangers de la pandémie. Frontline workers bear the brunt of the pandemic’s risk. Frontline workers are the first to be affected by the dangers of the pandemic. Arrête de tourner. Stop spinning. Don't turn around. Lui ha alzato il braccio. He raised his arm. He raised his arm. No te lo tomes a pecho. Don't take it seriously. Don't take it personally. Questo odore è insopportabile. This odor is obnoxious. This smell is unbearable. Come sei andata? How did you go? How'd it go? Mas a história deste projeto está repleta de duas décadas de falsas partidas e expectativas frustradas. But the history of this project is filled with two decades of false starts and dashed expectations. But the history of this project is filled with two decades of false starts and frustrated expectations. Baciai Tom sulla fronte. I kissed Tom on the forehead. I kissed Tom on the forehead. Meu professor me disse que eu devia ter passado mais tempo preparando meu discurso. My teacher told me that I should have spent more time preparing my speech. My teacher told me that I should have spent more time preparing my speech. Havia muitas pessoas no parque. There were a lot of people in the park. There were a lot of people in the park. Sintam-se em casa. Make yourselves at home. Make yourselves at home. Je travaillais dans une banque. I used to work in a bank. I used to work in a bank. ¡No sean injustas! Don't be unfair! Don't be unfair! A menudo leo "Veja", pero la semana pasada leí otra revista. I often read "Veja", but last week I read another magazine. I often read "See," but last week I read another magazine. E Mamà polha lo shivau ? Is Mother scolding the horse? Did my mom pick it up? En avant la marche ! March away! Forward march! Si tiene una giostra medievale nella città di Arezzo ogni anno. A medieval joust is held in the town of Arezzo every year. A medieval carousel is held in the city of Arezzo every year. Amo essere sarcastico. I love to be sarcastic. I love to be sarcastic. A Tom non piacciono le pere. Tom doesn't like pears. Tom doesn't like pears. Você já comprou os bilhetes? Have you already bought the tickets? Have you bought the tickets yet? Se riduci il prezzo, lo compro. If you reduce the price, I'll buy it. If you reduce the price, I'll buy it. Ha bisogno di stampare un libro. He needs to print a book. You need to print a book. Este é o livro dela. This is her book. This is her book. Le nom générique du Prozac est la fluoxétine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. The generic name for Prozac is fluoxetine. Lucrătorii din aceste fabrici însumează un procent mare de imigranți. Workers in these factories comprise a large percentage of immigrants. Workers in these factories account for a large percentage of immigrants. Eu aprendo Grego, você aprende Alemão e ela aprende Russo. I learn Greek, you learn German, and she learns Russian. I learn Greek, you learn German and she learns Russian. La nieve se está derritiendo. The snow is melting away. The snow is melting. O Kentucky Derby é conhecido tanto por atrair multidões de mulheres com grandes chapéus extravagantes e de homens com roupa de cores vivas como pela sua bebida predileta, o julepo de menta. The Kentucky Derby is known as much for drawing crowds of women in large, fancy hats and men in brightly colored clothes as it is for its drink of choice, the mint julep. The Kentucky Derby is known as much for attracting crowds of women in big fancy hats and men in brightly colored clothes as for its favorite drink, the mint julep. Rima e Skura aspettarono a lungo. Rima and Skura waited long. Rima and Skura waited a long time. C'est comme ça que je l'aime. That's the way I like it. That's how I love him. As pessoas pacientes sempre vencem. Patient people always win. Patient people always win. Tom ha riavviato il computer. Tom restarted the computer. Tom restarted the computer. Quelle tragédie ! What a tragedy! What a tragedy! ¿Qué has hecho con la espátula? What did you do with the spatula? What did you do with the spatula? Te așteptai să fac asta? Did you expect me to do that? Did you expect me to do that? Tien la zuna de escargatiar nes ñarres. He's got the bad habit of picking his nose. You have the ability to swipe your nose. Perché io lo sto facendo da molto più tempo di voi. Because I've been doing this a lot longer than you. Because I've been doing this much longer than you. Il suo lavoro è fantastico. Your work is fantastic. Your work is fantastic. Perché le piace vivere in Australia? Why do you like living in Australia? Why do you like living in Australia? Él tenía que encontrar otra manera. He had to find another way. He had to find another way. Um empresário dos Estados Unidos está a tirar partido da procura por bens americanos em África — criando um portal eletrónico para o comércio direto entre os dois continentes. A U.S. entrepreneur is taking advantage of a demand for American goods in Africa - creating an online portal for direct trade between the two continents. A U.S. businessman is taking advantage of the demand for American goods in Africa — creating an electronic portal for direct trade between the two continents. El idiotismo de Tom no tiene límites. Tom's ignorance knows no bounds. Tom's idiocy knows no bounds. Devi convincerti che non esistono altre possibilità. You must convince yourself that there are no other possibilities. You have to convince yourself that there are no other possibilities. Onde esta Kabilia? Where is Kabylia? Where's Kabilia? Ele perguntou a ela onde morava. He asked her where she lived. He asked her where she lived. Attenta! Il coltello è molto affilato. Careful! The knife is very sharp. The knife is very sharp. John doarme pe canapea. John's sleeping on the couch. John's sleeping on the couch. Las pensiones son un problema en las negociaciones de Grecia con sus acreedores internacionales. The pensions are a problem in Greece's negotiations with its international creditors. Pensions are a problem in Greece’s negotiations with its international creditors. Arrivò all'aeroporto. He arrived at the airport. He arrived at the airport. Voy a irme de acampada con Tom. I'm going to go camping with Tom. I'm going camping with Tom. Saturne a de beaux anneaux. Saturn has beautiful rings. Saturn has beautiful rings. La chiave non funziona. The key isn't working. The key doesn't work. Ci ha spaventate. She scared us. He scared us. Meu professor certamente mudaria de profissão se todos os seus alunos lhe dessem tanto trabalho quanto eu. My teacher would certainly change his profession if all his students gave him as much work as I do. My teacher would certainly change profession if all his students gave him as much work as I did. Elle ne l'aimait pas, elle ne l'aimerait jamais; il lui inspirait une secrète et inexplicable aversion. She didn't love him, she would never love him; he has inspired in her a secret and inexplicable dislike. She did not love him, she would never love him; he inspired in her a secret and inexplicable aversion. O menu exibirá a opção de inicializar a partir da unidade de disquetes. The menu will display the option to boot from the diskette drive. The menu will display the option to boot from the floppy drive. De acuerdo con el pronóstico del tiempo, habrá más lluvia. According to the weather forecast, there'll be more rain on the way. According to the weather forecast, there will be more rain. A mecânica quântica nasceu quando se descobriu, nos primeiros anos do século XX, que as partículas subatômicas podem se comportar como ondas e que as ondas luminosas podem se comportar como partículas. Quantum mechanics was born when it was discovered in the early years of the 20th century that subatomic particles can behave like waves and that light waves can behave like particles. Quantum mechanics was born when it was discovered in the early years of the 20th century that subatomic particles can behave like waves and that light waves can behave like particles. Há muitas galáxias no Universo. There are many galaxies in the universe. There are many galaxies in the universe. Leur maison a été brûlée par l'incendie. Their house was burned down by fire. Their house was burned down by the fire. Nos pagarán en una hora. We're being paid in an hour. They'll pay us in an hour. ¿Alguna vez te han dicho que roncas cuando duermes? Has anyone ever told you that you snore when you sleep? Have you ever been told that you snore when you sleep? Ziri se possède lui-même. Ziri owns himself. Ziri owns himself. Saviez-vous que Tom était professeur de français ? Did you know Tom was a French teacher? Did you know that Tom was a French teacher? Siete vaccinate? Are you vaccinated? Are you vaccinated? Sénher Gorbachev, desapitatz aquera murrallha ! Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Se<0xC3><0xB1>or Gorbachev, disavow that wall! "Você pode me ajudar a pintar a minha casa?" "Claro; sem problema." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Sure. No problem." "Can you help me paint my house?" "Sure; no problem." Eu devo morrer. I must die. I must die. Kanji est le nom japonais pour les Hanzi, les caractères chinois. Kanji is the Japanese name for Hanzi, the Chinese characters. Kanji is the Japanese name for the Hanzi, the Chinese characters. Agora estamos prontas para testar esta teoria. We're now ready to test this theory. Now we are ready to test this theory. Ils construisaient le pont lorsque j’étais venue te rendre visite. They were building the bridge when I came to see you. They were building the bridge when I came to visit you. Nu-mi place gustul. I don't like the taste. I don't like the taste. Está claro que há um problema. Obviously, there's a problem. It's clear there's a problem. Tom a făcut o treabă bună reparându-mi mașina. Tom did a really good job fixing my car. Tom did a good job repairing my car. Vocês já foram vacinados? Have you been vaccinated already? Have you been vaccinated? Miracle ! Le lien fonctionne ! It's a miracle! The link works! Miracle! The link works! Dovrà parlare con lui. You'll have to talk to him. You'll have to talk to him. Tom y yo hablamos igual de mal inglés, por eso nos entendemos tan bien. Tom and I spoke equally bad English, that's why we understood each other so well. Tom and I speak equally bad English, which is why we understand each other so well. Tom non esce con te, vero? Tom doesn't go out with you, does he? Tom's not going out with you, is he? Les sans-abri ont le droit de dormir. Homeless people have a right to sleep. Homeless people have the right to sleep. Vocês não são feios. You are not ugly. You're not ugly. Sono il triplo di te. I'm three times as big as you. I'm triple you. As minhas lágrimas estão frias. My tears are cold. My tears are cold. Tom sta scaricando dei giochi. Tom is downloading games. Tom's downloading games. Yo no puedo conducir. I can't drive. I can't drive. La satisfaction fait renaître le besoin, la réponse régénère la demande, la présence engendre l'absence, et la possession le désir. Satisfaction revives need, the answering regenerates the asking, presence generates absence, and possession creates desire. Satisfaction revives need, response regenerates demand, presence breeds absence, and possession breeds desire. Ciò che dice Tom potrebbe essere vero. What Tom says might be true. What Tom says may be true. Questa batteria è ricaricabile. This battery is rechargeable. This battery is rechargeable. Je reconnais qu'il n'y a pas de force dans la vieillesse. I grant there is no strength in old age. I recognize that there is no strength in old age. Ele tinha um ódio intenso de seu professor. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. He had an intense hatred of his teacher. Era molto appariscente. He was very flamboyant. It was very flashy. Naquele ano, fui ao Brasil pela primeira vez. That year, I went to Brazil for the first time. That year, I went to Brazil for the first time. A NASA exibiu as primeiras panorâmicas de alta resolução, a cores, tiradas pelo astromóvel marciano Curiosidade, detalhando um montículo de rocha estratificada onde os cientistas planeiam concentrar a sua busca pelos ingredientes químicos da vida no Planeta Vermelho. NASA showed off the first high-resolution, color portrait images taken by the Mars rover Curiosity, detailing a mound of layered rock where scientists plan to focus their search for the chemical ingredients of life on the Red Planet. NASA has displayed the first high-resolution, color panoramas taken by the Mars rover Curiosity, detailing a mound of stratified rock where scientists plan to focus their search for the chemical ingredients of life on the Red Planet. Aquela garota é linda! That girl is pretty! That girl is beautiful! O «Projeto Confiança», um consórcio de agências noticiosas e empresas tecnológicas que se reúne em Santa Clara, na Califórnia, pretende criar um «indicador de confiança» para informar os leitores sobre a credibilidade dos artigos noticiosos. The "Trust Project," a consortium of news agencies and tech firms meeting in Santa Clara, California, is creating a "trust indicator" to make readers aware of a news story's credibility. The “Trust Project,” a consortium of news agencies and technology companies meeting in Santa Clara, California, aims to create a “trust indicator” to inform readers about the credibility of news articles. Tom non otterrà quell'impiego. Tom won't get that job. Tom won't get that job. El carro es caro. The car is expensive. The car is expensive. J'ai pris deux photos. I took two pictures. I took two pictures. Quédese por aquí. Quizás aprenda algo. Stick around. Maybe you'll learn something. Stay here, maybe you'll learn something. Excusez-moi, mais puis-je ouvrir la fenêtre ? Excuse me, but may I open the window? Excuse me, but can I open the window? Ha uno sguardo buono. He has a good look. He's got a good look. Qu'il l'ait écrit ou non restera toujours un secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Whether he wrote it or not will always remain a secret. Ela tem dois gatos. Um é branco e o outro é preto. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. She has two cats, one is white and the other is black. La foresta diventava sempre più piccola, ma gli alberi scelsero ancora e ancora l'ascia, perché era saggia e riusciva a persuadere gli alberi che era una di loro grazie al suo manico di legno. The forest grew smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them due to its wooden handle. The forest was getting smaller and smaller, but the trees chose the axe again and again, because it was wise and could persuade the trees that it was one of them thanks to its wooden handle. És una dona que mereix admiració. She is a woman worthy of admiration. She is a woman who deserves admiration. La douche ne fonctionne pas. The shower doesn't work. The shower does not work. Evident, teorema este valabilă pentru mulțimi finite. Obviously, the theorem is true for finite sets. Obviously, the theorem is valid for finite sets. Maria es una feminista. Mary's a feminist. Mary is a feminist. Llama al médico de inmediato. Call the doctor right away. Call your doctor right away. Uma abelha saiu voando pela janela. A bee flew out of the window. A bee flew out the window. Tom probabilmente non sarà timido. Tom won't likely be shy. Tom probably won't be shy. Comment cela se déroule-t-il ? How's that going? How does this work? Lo Jack m'a jogat un torn de pipaut. Jack played a dirty trick on me. Jack gave me a tour de force. Il n'a pas encore écrit la lettre. He hasn't written the letter yet. He hasn't written the letter yet. Madanm-lan abésé kò'y bay mawi'y The woman submitted to her husband. And the woman was submissive to her husband, Ele ainda me escreve de vez em quando. He still writes to me from time to time. He still writes to me from time to time. A maneira como a militarização foi realizada é detalhada em parte nos documentos que foram apresentados ao Tribunal e será detalhada ainda mais quando as organizações específicas forem abordadas e discutidas e a sua criminalidade estabelecida nas fases subsequentes do processo. The manner in which the militarization was accomplished is detailed in part in the documents, which have been presented to the Court and will be detailed further when the particular organizations are taken up and discussed and their criminality established at subsequent stages in the case. The manner in which the militarization was carried out is detailed in part in the documents that were presented to the Court and will be further detailed when the specific organizations are addressed and discussed and their criminality established in the subsequent phases of the process. Lo que ha dicho Tom me parece bastante razonable. What Tom said seemed reasonable to me. What Tom has said seems quite reasonable to me. Ziri è stato orribile con Rima. Ziri has been horrible to Rima. Ziri was horrible with Rima. Tatoeba é o lugar adequado para se fazerem protestos e campanhas políticas? Is Tatoeba the right place for protests and political campaigns? Is Tatoeba the right place for protests and political campaigns? Je ne sais pas ce qui te soucie tant. I don't know what you're so worried about. I don't know what you care so much about. Ele vai ao escritório de carro. He goes to the office by car. He goes to the office by car. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu commentes en anglais une phrase en français. I don't understand why you're commenting on a French sentence in English. I don't understand why you're commenting on a sentence in English. Je lui achèterai un ballon de volley-ball. I'll buy him a volleyball. I'll buy him a volleyball. Você são míopes? Are you nearsighted? Are you shortsighted? Que ferais-tu si tu gagnais un million d’euros ? What would you do if you won a million euros? What would you do if you won a million dollars? Que é que a senhora pensou que o Tom ia fazer? What did you think Tom would do? What did you think Tom was going to do? Qual è il modo migliore per analizzare questi dati? What is the best way to analyze this data? What is the best way to analyze this data? El camino desciende. The track descends. The road goes down. Mio figlio è smarrito. My child is lost. My son is lost. Ninguém ficou ferido. Nobody was injured. No one was hurt. J'ai commandé ce livre il y a plus d'une semaine. I ordered that book over a week ago. I ordered this book over a week ago. Ele fez a gentileza de mostrar-me o caminho. He had the kindness to show me the way. He was kind enough to show me the way. Cuando era niño, nunca me aburría durante las fiestas. When I was a child, I was never bored in the holidays. When I was a kid, I never got bored during the holidays. Îi voi scrie o scrisoare lui Tom. I'll write Tom a letter. I'll write Tom a letter. Curiosamente, una flor floreció en el árbol marchito. Curiously, a flower bloomed on the withered up tree. Interestingly, a flower bloomed on the withered tree. Lana Turner era una bellissima bionda. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Lana Turner was a beautiful blonde. Onde fica a Argélia? Where is Algeria? Where is Algeria? Nas suas mãos havia manchas de nicotina. His hands had nicotine stains. In his hands were nicotine patches. Devo scrivere la tesi. I have to write the thesis. I have to write the thesis. Mi avete calciata. You kicked me. You kicked me. Je rends visite à une amie à moi à l'hôpital. I'm visiting a friend of mine in the hospital. I'm visiting a friend of mine in the hospital. Tom est sorti pour jouer avec ses amis. Tom went out to play with his friends. Tom went out to play with his friends. Quale film vorreste vedere? Which movie would you like to see? Which movie would you like to see? S-a produs vreo schimbare în curenţii oceanici? Has a change in ocean currents occurred? Has there been any change in ocean currents? Estoy flacucho. I'm skinny. I'm skinny. A volte si sente l'esigenza di tirare le somme della propria esistenza. Sometimes one feels the need to take stock of one's existence. Sometimes you feel the need to sum up your own existence. Noi viviamo sulla Terra. We live on the earth. We live on Earth. O slogan deles é perfeito. Their slogan is perfect. Their slogan is perfect. Ela diz que gosta de flores. She says she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. J'ai besoin de votre consentement pour vous tester pour la Covid-19. I need your consent to test you for COVID-19. I need your consent to test you for COVID-19. M'agrada lo tennís. I like tennis. I like the tennis. El espanyol i el italiano son muy similares. Spanish and Italian are a lot alike. Spanish and Italian are very similar. El resto de los integrantes eran todos desafinados. The rest of the members were all out of tune. The rest of the members were all out of tune. Nós continuaremos essa discussão depois. We'll continue this discussion later. We will continue this discussion later. Alguien quería mataros. Somebody wanted to kill you. Someone wanted to kill you. Agora acho que quase consigo ver. Now I think I can almost see. Now I think I can almost see. Fatelo oggi. Do it today. Do it today. Est-ce que tu t'es déjà sentie déprimée pendant la majeure partie de la journée pendant 14 jours consécutifs ? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? Have you ever felt depressed for most of the day for 14 consecutive days? A voi piace il vino. You like wine. You guys like wine. Tengo algo que preguntarle. I have something to ask her. I have something to ask you. Avez-vous jamais été renversée ? Have you ever been run over? Have you ever been overthrown? O Tom disse que ele foi para Boston? Did Tom say he went to Boston? Did Tom say he went to Boston? Nós compramos e vocês pagam. We buy and you pay. We buy and you pay. Aceasta este decizia ei. That's her decision. This is her decision. Non sono una ragazza. I'm not a girl. I'm not a girl. Les pêchers ont besoin de beaucoup d'ensoleillement. Peach trees require lots of sunshine. Fishermen need a lot of sunshine. J'ai gardé toutes ses lettres. I kept all her letters. I kept all his letters. Tom non voleva farlo oggi. Tom didn't want to do that today. Tom didn't want to do it today. Mwen renmen'w. I love you. I love you. I love you. Tom non gioca lealmente. Tom doesn't play fair. Tom doesn't play fair. Tom ride raramente. Tom rarely laughs. Tom rarely laughs. Cablurile de fibră optică sunt alcătuite din fibre minuscule de sticlă care sunt la fel de subțiri ca părul uman. Fiber-optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers which are as thin as human hairs. Fiber optic cables are made up of tiny glass fibers that are as thin as human hair. Prietenii noștri sperau că îi vom ajuta. Our friends hoped that we would help them. Our friends were hoping we could help them. Per quanto tempo ancora discuteremo di questa questione? How much longer are we going to discuss this question? How long are we going to discuss this? No es intelijente. He's not smart. He's not smart. Tabloul înfățișa un călăreț singuratic călărind printr-o pădure. The painting depicted a lone horseman riding through a forest. The painting depicted a lone rider riding through a forest. Conoscete le intenzioni di Tom? Do you know Tom's intentions? Do you know Tom's intentions? J'habite ici depuis que je suis marié. I've lived here since getting married. I've lived here since I got married. Ya he hablado con Tom. I've already spoken with Tom. I've already spoken to Tom. He perdido mi guante derecho en alguna parte. I've lost my right glove somewhere. I've lost my right glove somewhere. Tom t'aime vraiment ! Tom does love you. Tom really loves you! Riesci a contattarla? Can you contact her? Can you contact her? Il y a deux jours, les écoles ont ouvert. Two days ago the schools opened. Two days ago, the schools opened. Ho mangiato la vostra banana. I ate your banana. I ate your banana. Elle est russe. She is Russian. She's Russian. Estarei bebendo mais água. I'll be drinking more water. I'll be drinking more water. Um crescendo de fogo de artifício no National Mall marcará o momento. A crescendo of fireworks on the National Mall will herald the moment. A crescendo of fireworks on the National Mall will mark the moment. Si mi madre hubiera estado todavía viva, me habría ayudado en aquel entonces. If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time. If my mother had been still alive, she would have helped me back then. Mademoiselle March m'a donné un dictionnaire anglais. Miss March gave me an English dictionary. Mademoiselle March gave me an English dictionary. Les parents de Tom ne lui font pas confiance. Tom's parents don't trust him. Tom's parents don't trust him. Todos eles começaram a tagarelar de uma só vez. They all began to chatter at once. They all began to chatter at once. Tom n'avait pas l'habitude de parler travail à la maison. Tom wasn't used to talking about work at home. Tom wasn't used to talking about work at home. I vau soscar. I'll think about it. And you sucked. Scordi il mio numero. Forget my number. You forget my number. Cred că va trebui să ne regândim planul. I think we may have to rethink our plan. I think we're gonna have to rethink our plan. Permita-nos tomar apenas alguns minutos do seu tempo. Allow us to take just a few minutes of your time. Allow us to take just a few minutes of your time. ¿Por qué se sigue a la mayoría? ¿Será porque tienen sentido común? No, es porque son más fuertes. Why do people follow the majority? Is it because the majority have common sense? No, it's because they're stronger. Why do you follow the majority? Is it because they have common sense? No, it is because they are stronger. Il trillo del cellulare mi svegliò. The ringing of the mobile woke me up. The sound of my cell phone woke me up. J'ai été victime de l'amour. I was a victim of love. I was a victim of love. La gente quiere paz. People want peace. People want peace. Estàs d'acord amb Tom, oi? You agree with Tom, right? You agree with Tom, don’t you? È tornato a casa per visitare la madre. He returned home to visit his mother. He came home to visit his mother. Excellent boulot ! Very nice work. Great job! O governo está a tomar medidas para acalmar a agitação dos eleitores face à inflação acentuada. The government is taking steps to quell voter unrest over surging inflation. The government is taking steps to calm voter unrest in the face of sharp inflation. Qualquer viagem não essencial para os países afetados deve ser cancelada ou adiada para uma data futura. Any unessential travel to affected countries must be called off or postponed to a later date. Any non-essential travel to the affected countries must be cancelled or postponed to a future date. A que horas é o voo dela? What time's her flight? What time is her flight? Je me suis souvent demandé pourquoi l'hindouisme ne s'était pas répandu en Asie de l'Est, comme a fait le bouddhisme. J'avais tendance à penser que l'animisme en Extrême-Orient remplissait la niche de ce qui serait l'hindouisme. I often wondered why Hinduism did not spread far and wide in East Asia, as did Buddhism. I tended to think that Animism in the Far East filled the niche of what would be Hinduism. I often wondered why Hinduism had not spread to East Asia, as Buddhism did. I tended to think that animism in the Far East filled the niche of what would be Hinduism. Somos multilingües. We are polyglots. We are multilingual. Me alegra oír que Tom ya está mejor. I'm glad to hear Tom is doing better. I'm glad to hear Tom's feeling better. Tom pensava che la mia idea fosse pazza. Tom thought my idea was crazy. Tom thought my idea was crazy. Le bateau était en chemin vers Le Caire. The boat was heading to Cairo. The boat was on its way to Cairo. Comment se fait-il que vous ayez commis une telle erreur ? How come you made such a mistake? Why did you make such a mistake? Avete preso il mio libro? Did you take my book? Did you get my book? Noi discutiamo spesso di politica. We often discuss politics. We often talk about politics. ¿Hay alguien aquí que hable bajo sorabo? Is there anybody here who speaks Lower Sorbian? Is there anyone here who speaks under Sorbian? Eu não acho que você vai para a Bulgária para trabalhar. I don't think you'll go to Bulgaria for work. I don't think you go to Bulgaria to work. ¿Cuál fue la decisión del tribunal? What was the court's decision? What was the court's decision? ¿Qué cosa cosadiella ye? Una vieya con un diente, apiella a tola xente. La campana. Guess the riddle. An old woman with one tooth, summons everybody. The bell. What are you doing? An old lady with a tooth picks up all the people. The bell. Nu intenționez să fiu egoist. I don't intend to be selfish. I do not intend to be selfish. Sta riparando dei computer. She is fixing computers. He's fixing computers. Les deux candidats sont au coude à coude. The two candidates are neck and neck. The two candidates stand shoulder to shoulder. Fallo parlare. Make him talk. Make him talk. Io l'ho detto a Tom. I told Tom. I told Tom. Dígalo una vez más, por favor. Say it once again, please. Say it one more time, please. Tom e eu somos da mesma cidade. Tom and I are from the same town. Tom and I are from the same town. O presidente russo Vladimir Putin assinou uma nova "doutrina de segurança informativa", em substituição daquela que emitiu em 2000, durante o primeiro ano do seu governo. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed off on a new “information security doctrine,” replacing the one he issued in 2000, during the first year of his rule. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new “information security doctrine” to replace one he issued in 2000, during his first year in office. Chi pensate che l'abbia detto a lui? Who do you think told him? Who do you think told him? As-tu enfin décodé le message ? Have you decoded the message yet? Did you finally decode the message? Vou vender-lhe o meu carro. I will sell him my car. I'll sell you my car. Dovremmo salvaguardare la bellezza del paesaggio. We should preserve the beauties of the countryside. We should safeguard the beauty of the landscape. Todos pensabais que era un cobarde. You all thought he was a coward. Everyone thought he was a coward. Rafael Leitão sottolinea che l'inserimento degli scacchi nelle scuole brasiliane è un fatto positivo, ma crede che siamo ancora lontani dal livello minimo accettabile per qualcuno per guadagnare un reddito stabile come giocatore di scacchi professionista. Rafael Leitão points out that the insertion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but he believes that we are still far from the minimum acceptable level for someone to earn stable incomes as a professional chess player. Rafael Leit<0xC3><0xA3>o points out that the inclusion of chess in Brazilian schools is a positive fact, but believes that we are still far from the minimum level acceptable for someone to earn a stable income as a professional chess player. Nu înțeleg. I do not understand. I don't understand. Tom é forte como um touro. Tom is as strong as an ox. Tom's as strong as a bull. O diretor percebeu isso. The principal noticed that. The director realized that. Me pasé la mañana leyendo libros. I spent all morning reading books. I spent the morning reading books. Je suis prêt pour le combat. I'm ready for the fight. I'm ready for the fight. Você já pagou? Have you already paid? Have you paid yet? A lo largo de la vida de una persona, las células nerviosas crecen, se retraen, crean y rompen conexiones con otras células nerviosas. Throughout a person's life, nerve cells are growing, retracting, creating, and breaking connections with other nerve cells. Throughout a person’s life, nerve cells grow, retract, create, and break connections with other nerve cells. Viste la tele ayer. You watched TV yesterday. You saw the TV yesterday. Vada a trovarle. Go find them. Go find them. Nem sempre é fácil combinar estudo e trabalho. It's not always easy to combine school and work. It is not always easy to combine work and study. O pepino é verde. The cucumber is green. The cucumber is green. Alla vista del sangue, sviene. At the sight of blood, he passes out. At the sight of blood, he faints. Le norvégien est la langue officielle de la Norvège. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. O filho de Maria nasceu ontem. Mary's son was born yesterday. Mary's son was born yesterday. Des bactéries peuvent se cacher dans les rainures des planches à découper. Bacteria can hide in grooves in cutting boards. Bacteria can hide in the grooves of cutting boards. Somos los amigos de Tom. We're Tom's friends. We're Tom's friends. Son veuo tutto o dòppodisnâ do 27 de frevâ. I am free all afternoon on February 27. I'm looking forward to the 27th of July. Tom ne tue pas les animaux. Tom won't kill animals. Tom doesn't kill animals. Tu auras besoin de cette clé pour rentrer dans le bâtiment. You'll need this key to get into the building. You'll need that key to get into the building. La lista era infinita. The list was endless. The list was endless. Nu bea decât la ocazii speciale. He never drinks except on special occasions. Drink only on special occasions. Qui se souvient de nos dix principes de base ? Who remembers our ten basic principles? Who remembers our ten basic principles? L'Armenia perse la guerra. Armenia lost the war. Armenia lost the war. O serviço telefónico de hora do dia também é utilizado para sincronizar relógios fixos e de pulso e para a calibração de cronómetros e temporizadores (embora ligeiramente menos preciso do que a receção radiofónica). The telephone time-of-day service also is used to synchronize clocks and watches, and for the calibration of stopwatches and timers (although slightly less accurate than radio reception). The time-of-day telephone service is also used to synchronize fixed and wrist watches and for the calibration of chronometers and timers (although slightly less accurate than radio reception). Je n’ai eu aucun problème à l’employer. I didn't have any problem using that. I had no problem using it. Peut-on boire cette eau sans risque ? Is it safe to drink this water? Is it safe to drink this water? Tom è arrivato secondo alla gara di mangiatori di hot dog. Tom came in second place at the hot dog eating contest. Tom came in second at the hot dog-eating contest. Está ficando mais diáfano o véu da ignorância. The veil of ignorance is getting thinner. The veil of ignorance is growing clearer. David s'est énervé encore plus. David got even angrier. David got even more upset. Qui ve amb mi? Who is coming with me? Who's coming with me? ¿Te gustan las paletas? Do you like lollipops? Do you like palettes? Ils veulent faire une petite piscine dans leur jardin. They want to make a small swimming pool in their garden. They want to make a small pool in their garden. Rapporte-moi le journal du jour. Bring me today's paper. Bring me the newspaper of the day. Gli Stati Uniti sono una repubblica. The United States are a republic. The United States is a republic. Non prende abbastanza soldi. He doesn't get enough money. He's not taking enough money. Acabo de almoçar. I just got done eating lunch. I just had lunch. Que dis-tu d'y aller ? What do you say we go there? What do you say we go? Isso é parte do plano original? Is that part of the original plan? Is that part of the original plan? "Regresaré", dijo Tom. "I'll be back," said Tom. "I'll be back," Tom said. Questi sono belli. These are beautiful. These are beautiful. No sé cómo expresar mi gratitud. I don't know how to express my gratitude. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Acabo de leer este libro. I've just read this book. I just read this book. Incêndios florestais velozes queimaram cerca de 32.000 hectares de terra, deixando pastagens carbonizadas e fumegantes. Fast-moving wildfires scorched around 32,000 hectares of land, leaving pastures charred and smoky. Rapid forest fires have burned some 32,000 hectares of land, leaving charred and steaming pastures. Você não está triste? Aren't you sad? Aren't you sad? Bu Xiangzhi es uno de los Grandes Maestros chinos más talentosos. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grand Masters. Bu Xiangzhi is one of the most talented Chinese Grandmasters. È importante per te mantenere questo segreto. It is important for you to keep this secret. It is important for you to keep this secret. Deja de creer en mí. Stop believing in me. Stop believing in me. A Califórnia tem um animal oficial, o urso-cinzento, e uma ave estadual, a codorniz-da-califórnia. California has an official animal, the grizzly bear, and a state bird, the California quail. California has an official animal, the grey bear, and a state bird, the California quail. " I-ai văzut ieri?" "Nu, nu i-am văzut." "Did you see them yesterday?" "No, I didn't." "Did you see them yesterday?" "No, I didn't." L'extérieur de cette boîte est vert, mais l'intérieur est rouge. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. The outside of this box is green, but the inside is red. Existem outros hotéis que você pode recomendar? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Are there any other hotels you can recommend? Dejadme aclararlo más. Let me try to make this clearer. Let me get this straightened out. Londres, donde vivo, solía ser famosa por su niebla. London, where I live, used to be famous for its fog. London, where I live, used to be famous for its fog. Se vir Tom, por favor, avise-nos imediatamente. If you see Tom, please tell us immediately. If you see Tom, please let us know immediately. Nous n’avions pas un bon plan. We didn't have a good plan. We didn’t have a good plan. Le braqueur qui a tiré sur la caissière a été arrêté, mais son complice a réussi à s'enfuir avec la recette. The robber who shot the cashier was arrested, but his accomplice managed to get away with the takings. The robber who shot the cashier was arrested, but his accomplice managed to escape with the recipe. Un botón se me salió de la camisa. A button has come off my shirt. A button popped out of my shirt. Nieva intermitentemente. It's been snowing on and off. Snow intermittently. ¿Quién escribió este mensaje? Who wrote this message? Who wrote this message? Quero meu dinheiro de volta porque esse programa de computador não é tão eficiente como eles me prometeram. I wanna my money back because this computer program is not efficient like they promissed. I want my money back because this computer program is not as efficient as they promised me. Incolla le piastrelle. Glue the tiles. Paste the tiles. La buena música nunca pasará de moda. Good music will never go out of style. Good music will never go out of fashion. Por favor, aléjense de la puerta. Please move away from the door. Please stay away from the door. Por que vocês duvidam? Why do you doubt it? Why do you doubt? La ce vârstă voi putea să opun rezistență la ceea ce acum mă rănește atât de ușor, mă descurajează și mă face să mă îngrijorez? At what age will I be able to withstand what now hurts me so easily, makes me disheartened and anxious? At what age will I be able to resist what now hurts me so easily, discourages me, and makes me worry? Posso chiederle di aiutarmi con qualcosa? May I ask you to help me with something? Can I ask you to help me with something? So esattamente qual è la sua intenzione. I know exactly what your intention is. I know exactly what your intention is. ¿Seguro que cerraste la puerta con llave? Are you sure that you locked the door? Are you sure you locked the door? Oh, rien de particulier. Oh, nothing special. Oh, nothing special. Esse cachorro late para estranhos. That dog barks at strangers. This dog barks at strangers. Você acha que o Tom vai fazer isso? Do you think Tom will do it? Do you think Tom's gonna do that? Si solo bebes este zumo durante unos días, te encontrarás mejor. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you'll get better. If you only drink this juice for a few days, you will feel better. L'acqua era trasparente. The water was transparent. The water was transparent. Je veux tous les chiens. I want all the dogs. I want all the dogs. J'ai besoin que tu urines dans ce récipient. I need you to urinate in this cup. I need you to urinate into this container. A me non importa dove pranzi. I don't care where you eat lunch. I don't care where you eat. Tom no fue allí. Tom didn't go there. Tom didn't go there. Comment est ta vue ? How is your vision? How's your eyesight? Tú comes más que yo. You eat more food than I do. You eat more than I do. Tom a fost condamnat pentru uciderea soției. Tom was convicted of killing his wife. Tom was convicted of murdering his wife. El examen es difícil. The exam is difficult. The exam is difficult. Bunicul meu a murit când eram mică. My grandfather died when I was young. My grandfather died when I was little. Ils ont pris la poudre d'escampette. They showed a clean pair of heels. They took the powder of escampette. ¿Que harías tú si estuvieses en mi lugar? What would you do if you were in my place? What would you do if you were in my place? Tom nu știe nimic despre Boston. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. No había nadie en la casa. There wasn't anybody in the house. There was no one in the house. Intendo tagliare la corda. I intend to cut and run. I mean cut the rope. Aici și acum. Here and now. Here and now. Abita qui completamente da solo. He lives here all alone. He lives here all alone. Nu te aștepta ca ceilalți să gândească pentru tine! Don't expect others to think for you! Don’t expect others to think for you. I neri sono miei. The black ones are mine. The blacks are mine. El deseo y la felicidad no pueden vivir juntos. Desire and happiness cannot live together. Desire and happiness cannot live together. ¿Llevas lentillas? Do you wear contacts? Are you wearing contact lenses? La gente paciente siempre gana. Patient people always win. Patient people always win. Eu não me declararia um ávido seguidor do programa da Ellen, embora eu assista a ele esporadicamente quando estou nos EUA. I wouldn’t profess myself to be an avid follower of the Ellen show, though I do watch it on occasion when I’m in the US. I wouldn’t declare myself an avid follower of Ellen’s show, although I do watch it sporadically when I’m in the US. Este lápiz es mío. This pencil belongs to me. This pencil is mine. Tomás dijo que estaba asustado. Tom said he was afraid. Tom said he was scared. Elas são extrovertidas. They're extroverted. They are extroverted. Qui veut répondre à cette question ? Who wants to answer this question? Who wants to answer this question? Andate là da sole. Go there alone. Go there alone. Sono stata qua per venti minuti. I've been here for twenty minutes. I was here for 20 minutes. É melhor dormir com preocupação do que acordar com arrependimento. Better to sleep with worry than to wake up with regret. It is better to sleep with worry than to wake up with regret. Non sono stato bene. I haven't been well. I haven't been well. A tua moglie piacciono i gatti? Does your wife like cats? Does your wife like cats? No somos jóvenes. We are not young. We're not young. Tom disse sbagliato il mio nome. Tom said my name wrong. Tom said my name wrong. Je dois acheter une nouvelle pile pour ma montre. I have to buy a new battery for my watch. I have to buy a new battery for my watch. Tenho que ficar aqui? Do I have to stay here? Do I have to stay here? Sta pitturando la porta adesso. He's painting the door now. He's painting the door now. He hecho unos cambios en mi agenda. I've made some changes in my schedule. I've made some changes to my schedule. Tom a plătit? Did Tom pay? Did Tom pay? Un jour, je l'ai rencontré. One day I met him. One day, I met him. Tom est le plus jeune des quatre. Tom is the youngest of the four. Tom is the youngest of the four. Muzica este limbajul inimii. Music is the language of the heart. Music is the language of the heart. Dopo quello è andato a casa. After that, he went home. After that he went home. Estoy aprendiendo inglés y francés, en el futuro me gustaría ser azafata de vuelo. I'm learning English and French. I'd like to be a flight attendant in the future. I am learning English and French, in the future I would like to be a flight attendant. Este es su libro. This is their book. This is your book. La tua tastiera è sporca. Your keyboard is filthy. Your keyboard is dirty. Le vostre storie mi hanno annoiata! Your stories bored me! Your stories bored me! No parlis malament d'ell en public. Don't speak ill of him in public. Don’t talk about him in public. Você se levantou cedo hoje? Did you get up early today? Did you get up early today? Vi infastidisco a volte? Do I annoy you sometimes? Do I bother you sometimes? Gh'é tante cöse che veuggio dîgghe. There's so much I want to say to him. There's a lot of things I want to say. Cine face asta? Who does that? Who's doing this? Los gatos beben leche. The cats drink milk. Cats drink milk. Quedaron a las diez. They met at ten. They left at ten. Lo scriverò sulla lavagna. I'll write it on the blackboard. I'll write it on the board. Elle a l'intention de prendre part à un concours de beauté. She intends to participate in a beauty contest. She wants to take part in a beauty contest. J'ai trouvé cela facile de trouver le bâtiment. I found it easy to find the building. I found it easy to find the building. C'est mon dictionnaire. That's my dictionary. It's my dictionary. E estamos cansados de viver de vitualhas de colher e da memória de bifes passados. And we get tired of living on spoon victuals and the memory of past beef-steaks. And we're tired of living off spoonfuls and the memory of past steaks. Rugăciunea este cel mai bun mod de a intra în legătură cu Dumnezeu. Prayer is the best way to connect with God. Prayer is the best way to connect with God. Și tu studiezi limbi străine? Are you studying languages, too? Do you also study foreign languages? Je ne suis pas pressé de partir. I'm in no hurry to leave. I'm in no hurry to leave. Quiero más tiempo. I want more time. I want more time. El profesor quiere que dividamos el trabajo en este proyecto. The teacher wants us to divide the work on this project. The professor wants us to split the work on this project. Toutes les fleurs sont tombées des cerisiers. All of the blossoms have fallen from the cherry trees. All the flowers fell from the cherry trees. Il cibo è ottimo e io ci mangio spesso. The food is excellent and I eat there often. The food is great and I eat it often. No era consciente del talento de Tom. I wasn't aware of Tom's abilities. I wasn’t aware of Tom’s talent. Come li ha trovati? How did you find them? How did you find them? Une famille locale vous a offert un endroit où rester. A local family have offered you a place to stay. A local family offered you a place to stay. Je suis devenue son amie. I became her friend. I became her friend. Las perseidas reciben su nombre del hecho de que parecen provenir de la dirección de la constelación Perseo. The Perseids get their name because they look like they’re coming from the direction of the constellation Perseus. The Perseids get their name from the fact that they seem to come from the direction of the constellation Perseus. Russi di notte. You snore at night. Russians at night. È probabile che Tom sia assetato. Tom is likely to be thirsty. Tom is probably thirsty. Segundo a predición meteorolóxica, a tempada de choiva comeza a vindeira semana. According to the weather report, the rainy season will start next week. According to the weather forecast, the rainy season starts next week. Dites-leur que je l'aime. Tell them I love him. Tell them I love him. Domingo não é dia de trabalho. Sunday is not a workday. Sunday is not a work day. Questa informazione è vera? Is this information true? Is this information true? Știam că există o limbă artificială destul de răspândită, dar nu mi-am dat niciodată interesul să aflu mai multe despre ea. I knew there existed an artificial language that was fairly widely spoken, but I had never been interested enough to find out more about it. I knew that there was a fairly widespread artificial language, but I never gave myself the interest to find out more about it. Hai letto il nuovo libro di Tom? Have you read Tom's new book? Have you read Tom's new book? Toutes ces pommes sont très douces. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. J'ai trois frères et quatre sœurs. I have three brothers and four sisters. I have three brothers and four sisters. Vou pagar com meu cartão. I'll pay with my card. I'll pay with my card. Ya te dije que no te quiero en mi vida, así que déjame en paz. I've already told you I don't want you in my life, so leave me alone. I already told you I don't love you in my life, so leave me alone. Pourquoi va-t-il au parc ? Why does he go to the park? Why is he going to the park? Yanni vino a abrir la puerta. Yanni came to open the door. Yanni came to open the door. ¿Eres traductor? Are you a translator? Are you a translator? Noi vendiamo dell'aranciata. We sell orange juice. We sell oranges. J’ai joué au tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. ¿Eso era parte del plan? Was that part of the plan? Was that part of the plan? Não vás para cabeleireira. É extenuante. Don't aim to be a hairdresser. It's too exhausting. Don't go to the hairdresser, it's exhausting. Por cierto, tengo algo que decirte. By the way, I have something to tell you. By the way, I have something to tell you. Sono arrivata a casa e mi sono tolta le scarpe. I got home and took my shoes off. I came home and took off my shoes. È rimasto coinvolto in attività criminali. He's been involved in criminal activity. He was involved in criminal activity. Tu n'as certainement pas la bonne nature de ta mère. You definitely don't have the good nature of your mother. You certainly don't have your mother's good nature. Ziri vendette la casa ai genitori di Rima. Ziri sold the house to Rima's parents. Ziri sold the house to Rima's parents. Tom è lugubre. Tom is grim. Tom is gloomy. Ver sangre la emocionó. The blood made her excited. Seeing blood excited her. Noi lansam modele de rachete în fiecare weekend. We launched model rockets every weekend. We launch rocket models every weekend. Voar é muito caro. Flying is too expensive. Flying is very expensive. Sur les rives de l'Indus, les temps anciens ont donné l'intelligence à toutes les forces de la Nature, créant ainsi d'innombrables divinités, dont Kaissa, la déesse des échecs. On the shores of the Indus, ancient times gave intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating countless divinities, including Kaissa, the goddess of chess. On the banks of the Indus, ancient times gave intelligence to all the forces of Nature, thus creating countless deities, including Kaissa, the goddess of chess. ¿Quién gobernó Piedmont? Who ruled Piedmont? Who Governed Piedmont? Non gli posso chiedere di farlo. I can't ask him to do that. I can't ask him to do that. É útil não só consultar a definição das palavras num dicionário, mas também consultar os sinónimos de uma palavra num tesauro para compreender diferentes conotações. It is helpful to not only look up the definition of words within a dictionary, but to look up synonyms of a word in a thesaurus to understand different connotations. It is useful not only to consult the definition of words in a dictionary, but also to consult the synonyms of a word in a thesaurus to understand different connotations. J'y ai réfléchi et ai décidé de ne pas m'y rendre. I thought it over and decided not to go. I thought about it and decided not to go. Tom pode sentar lá atrás se quiser. Tom may sit in the back if he wants to. Tom can sit in the back if you want. El líquido era viscoso. The liquid was viscous. The liquid was viscous. Vino după-masă. Come in the afternoon. Come in this afternoon. De la famille ou des amis viendront-ils vous chercher ? Will family or friends come to pick you up? Will family or friends come looking for you? Espere até a luz mudar para o verde. Wait until the light changes to green. Wait until the light turns green. Te rog adaugă-mă pe Facebook. Please add me on Facebook. Please add me on Facebook. ¿Quién es ésa? Who is that? Who's that? Où sont les pommes que j'ai achetées ? Where are the apples that I bought? Where are the apples I bought? Como você ganha seu sustento? How do you earn your living? How do you earn your living? Je lui ai rendu le livre. I gave him back the book. I gave him the book back. Me temo que ellos no se llevan muy bien. I am afraid that they don't get along very well. I'm afraid they don't get along very well. Onde jantamos esta noite? Where should we have dinner this evening? Where are we having dinner tonight? L’Algérie est une colonie française. Algeria is a French colony. Algeria is a French colony. Esther è un'ebrea americana. Esther is a Jewish American. Esther is an American Jew. Mi solicitud de una tarjeta de crédito en el banco fue aprobada, ahora debo esperar a que un representante me llame para finalizar el proceso. My credit card application at the bank was approved. Now I need to wait for a representative to call me to finalize the process. My application for a credit card at the bank was approved, now I have to wait for a representative to call me to finish the process. Por ejemplo, ¿cuántas muestras? How many samples, for example? For example, how many samples? William est ressorti. William went out again. William is out. Mon frère a raté le train, parce qu'il s'est levé trop tard. My father missed the train because he got up too late. My brother missed the train because he got up too late. Capii perché fosse piuttosto scosso. I understood why he was pretty freaked out. I could see why he was so upset. La muerte te tiene asco. Death can't stand you. Death disgusts you. City a organisé une riposte tardive, marquant un but égalisateur pendant les arrêts de jeu. City staged a late fightback, scoring an equaliser in injury time. City staged a late rebound, scoring an equalizing goal during saves. Je suis désolé d'être venu dans ce monde. I'm sorry for coming into this world. I'm sorry I came into this world. Il mio genero ha avuto un grave incidente. My son-in-law had a serious accident. My son-in-law had a serious accident. Nosotros, las personas, somos muy hábiles retorciendo los hechos para ajustarlos a nuestras conclusiones desde el momento que las tomamos. Us people are very good at twisting the facts to match our conclusions as soon as we come to them. We, people, are very adept at twisting facts to fit our conclusions from the moment we take them. Nous devons rendre le rapport avant la fin du mois. We have to hand in the report by the end of the month. We must deliver the report before the end of the month. Este un actor printre actori. He is an actor among actors. He is an actor among actors. No estoy preocupado por el dinero. I'm not worried about money. I'm not worried about the money. Le pilote n'arrivera pas en retard. The pilot won't arrive late. The pilot will not be late. Lo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, nel 1939, rese impossibile lo svolgimento delle partite tra Alexander Alekhine e Paul Keres per il Campionato mondiale di scacchi in quel momento. The outbreak of World War II, in 1939, made it impossible to carry out the match between Alexander Alekhine and Paul Keres for the World Chess Championship at that time. The outbreak of World War II in 1939 made it impossible for Alexander Alekhine and Paul Keres to play in the World Chess Championship at that time. Tu es ma muse. You are my muse. You are my muse. A seconda di quali pezzi si trovano sulla scacchiera e di come vengono utilizzati, il gioco può terminare con una vittoria o un pareggio. Depending on which pieces are left on the board, and how they are used, the game can end in a win or a draw. Depending on which pieces are on the board and how they are used, the game can end with a win or a draw. Realmente no vale la pena. That isn't really worth it. It's really not worth it. Dis-moi que tu ne l'as pas vu venir. Tell me you didn't see that coming. Tell me you didn't see him coming. "Por que você não me ligou de volta ontem?" "Desculpe, eu esqueci". "Why didn't you call me back yesterday?" "Sorry, I forgot." "Why didn't you call me back yesterday?" "Sorry, I forgot." Siete pronti per Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Sarebbe rischioso. That would be risky. That would be risky. As-tu remarqué un changement de taille ou de couleur des grains de beauté ? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of moles? Have you noticed a change in the size or color of the moles? I veul andé voghe 'n film. I want to go to see a film. I want to make a movie. J'espère que tu seras en mesure de venir à cette fête. I hope you will be able to come to this party. I hope you'll be able to come to this party. Tom es un filozofo. Tom is a philosopher. Tom is a philosopher. Sănătatea este un factor important al fericirii. Health is an important factor of happiness. Health is an important factor in happiness. Il tempo atmosferico migliorerà. The weather will improve. The weather will improve. O que pode ser visto nesta foto? What can be seen in this picture? What can be seen in this photo? La firma de la niña es muy bonita. The signature of the girl is very beautiful. The girl's signature is very pretty. Mi vecina es un bombón. My neighbor is a cutie. My neighbor's a hottie. Dacă vrei o prietenă, nu fi ciudat. If you want a girlfriend, don't be weird. If you want a girlfriend, don't be weird. Ken abbassò le sue armi. Ken laid down his arms. Ken lowered his weapons. O filho de Tom se chama John. Tom's son is called John. Tom's son's name is John. ¿Dicen eso en el Reino Unido? Do you say that in the UK? Do they say that in the UK? Non pioverà stasera. It's not going to rain tonight. It won't rain tonight. Qual é a diferença entre esses conceitos? What is the difference between these concepts? What is the difference between these concepts? Ha promesso di non essere di nuovo in ritardo. He promised not to be late again. He promised not to be late again. C'è uno specchio su ogni muro. There's a mirror on every wall. There is a mirror on every wall. Sono veramente interessata alla cultura cinese. I'm really interested in Chinese culture. I'm really interested in Chinese culture. Es diu que l'amor és cec. They say that love is blind. It is said that love is blind. Chipul lui Tom deveni dintr-odată inexpresiv. Tom's face suddenly went blank. Tom's face suddenly became expressionless. È stato intelligente da parte sua. That was smart of you. That was smart of you. Non ho ancora ricevuto la vostra lettera. I still haven't received your letter. I haven't received your letter yet. Turquía es un país católico ocupado por musulmanes. Turkey is a Christian country occupied by Muslims. Turkey is a Catholic country occupied by Muslims. Hai dei parenti in Australia? Do you have any relatives in Australia? Do you have relatives in Australia? Tom nu este treaz. Tom isn't awake. Tom's not awake. Acabo de mudarme a la ciudad. I just moved to town. I just moved to the city. Eu preciso mesmo falar com ela. I also need to talk with her. I really need to talk to her. Ambos libros son interesantes. Both of the books are interesting. Both books are interesting. Avlo kon mi en kastilyano. He spoke to me in Spanish. Avlo as I am in Castilian. Je rentre chez moi avec mon frère. I am going home with my brother. I'm going home with my brother. La morte non deve spaventarci. Death must not scare us. Death doesn't have to scare us. A cidade é protegida por um golem. The city is protected by a golem. The city is protected by a golem. Trabajarás en la playa. You'll work on the beach. You'll work on the beach. Tom încearcă să-și vândă mașina. Tom is trying to sell his car. Tom tries to sell his car. O médico lê muitos livros. The doctor reads many books. The doctor reads a lot of books. Eu não sabia que você tinha um gato. I didn't know you had a cat. I didn't know you had a cat. A carga dele é praticamente simbólica: um satélite de 100 quilogramas com uma vida útil prevista de um ano contendo um oscilador experimental que emite pulsos de lêiser ultracurtos. Its payload is practically symbolic: a 100-kilogram satellite with a projected one-year life span containing an experimental oscillator that emits ultra short laser pulses. Its payload is practically symbolic: a 100-kilogram satellite with an expected service life of one year containing an experimental oscillator that emits ultrashort leyser pulses. È sorda e muta, e sta diventando pure cieca. She's deaf and mute, and is getting blind, too. She's deaf and dumb, and she's going blind. Smettetela di sbadigliare. Stop yawning. Stop yawning. Qualcuno vi sta inseguendo? Is someone chasing you? Is someone chasing you? Nous ne sommes pratiquement jamais chez nous. We're hardly ever home. We are almost never at home. Rivogliamo i nostri bambini. We want our children back. We want our children back. Rachid est un menteur. Mais il ne pourra jamais tromper son chien, qui n'est pas si bête. Rachid is a liar. But he will never be able to fool his dog, who is not so stupid. Rachid is a liar, but he can never fool his dog, which is not so stupid. Esta es la primera vez que oigo hablar de este sitio web. This is the first time that I've heard of this website. This is the first time I have heard of this website. Se no ghe n'é de vento, e veie no se peuan insciâ. If there's no wind, the sails cannot fill. If there is no wind, it can't blow. Vocês conhecem o hino nacional da Grécia? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Do you know the national anthem of Greece? Sentii dei rumori arrivare dal corridoio. I heard noises coming from the corridor. I heard noises coming from the hallway. Je voulais le réserver pour une occasion spéciale. I wanted to save this for a special occasion. I wanted to book it for a special occasion. Tom no necesita una intervención médica. Tom didn't require medical intervention. Tom doesn't need a medical intervention. Ya no sé qué pensar. I don't know what to think any more. I don't know what to think anymore. J'espère que c'est le cas. Hopefully. I hope that's the case. Tom no tiene televisión. Tom doesn't have a television. Tom doesn't have a TV. Aquele livro não é seu, é meu. That book isn't yours, it's mine. That book isn't yours, it's mine. È caduta nel fiume. She fell into the river. She fell into the river. Arreglé la casa por ti. I fixed the house because of you. I fixed the house for you. Isso pode incluir partir equipamento misturador utilizando marretas, detonar mísseis de entrega, conduzir tanques por cima de cartuchos vazios ou enchê-los com betão e operar máquinas sem lubrificante para que estas encravem e fiquem inoperacionais. That could include smashing mixing equipment with sledgehammers, blowing up delivery missiles, driving tanks over empty shells or filling them with concrete, and running machines without lubricant so they seize up and become inoperable. This can include starting mixing equipment using sledgehammers, detonating delivery missiles, driving tanks over empty cartridges or filling them with concrete, and operating machines without lubricant so that they jam and become inoperative. Nu te poţi gâdila singur. You can't tickle yourself. You can't tickle yourself. Tom puede tocar la mayonesa. Tom can play the mayonnaise. Tom can touch the mayonnaise. Mi piace sentire il suo corpo stretto al mio. I like to feel his body tight against mine. I like to feel her body close to mine. Ainda somos jovens. We're still young. We're still young. Sta bevendo del latte. You are drinking milk. He's drinking milk. Quando o tribunal suspendeu a proibição, era afirmado que a medida infringia os direitos fundamentais dos manifestantes mais do que era razoavelmente necessário. When the court suspended the ban, it said the measure infringed on the protesters' fundamental rights more than was reasonably necessary. When the court lifted the ban, it was claimed that the measure infringed the fundamental rights of protesters more than was reasonably necessary. Benvenuti nel nostro villaggio. Welcome to our village. Welcome to our village. Dans une finale de tour, chaque camp n'a qu'une tour, quelques pions et le roi. C'est le type de fin de partie le plus courant. In a rook endgame, each side has only a rook, a few pawns, and the king. This is the most common type of endgame. In a round-robin final, each side has only one rook, a few pawns and the king. This is the most common end-of-game type. Apreciez gestul. I appreciate the gesture. Appreciate the gesture. Il n'y a qu'une seule alternative. There is only one alternative. There's only one alternative. Di solito mangiamo alle sei. We usually eat at six. We usually eat at six. Le champ est maintenant recouvert de neige. The field is now covered with snow. The field is now covered with snow. C'est le moment propice. That's fortunate. It's a good time. Tom devint populaire auprès des adolescents dès qu'il fit ses débuts à l'écran. Tom became popular among teenagers as soon as he made his debut on the screen. Tom became popular with teenagers as soon as he made his screen debut. Ar fi trebuit să-l fi văzut. You should have seen it. You should have seen him. Aimez-moi tendrement. Love me tender. Love me tenderly. I bambini stanno mangiando delle mele. The children are eating apples. The kids are eating apples. Presero un autobus. They caught a bus. They took a bus. Tom es un goblin. Tom is a goblin. Tom is a goblin. Você não deve se perder. You must not get lost. You mustn't get lost. Cada comissão tem representantes ao nível zonal, provincial e distrital. Each commission has representatives at the zonal, provincial and district levels. Each committee has representatives at the zonal, provincial and district levels. No necesito recordar. I don't need reminding. I don't need to remember. Avete mai accettato un passaggio da un estraneo? Have you ever accepted a ride from a stranger? Have you ever accepted a ride from a stranger? Glasgow está a unos 550 km al noroeste de Londres. Glasgow is about 550 km north-west of London. Glasgow is about 550 km northwest of London. Je sais ce qui m'attend. I know what awaits me. I know what to expect. Voi non sembravate sicuri. You didn't seem certain. You guys didn't seem sure. Ce n'est pas pour cela que je le fais. That's not why I do this. That's not why I'm doing this. Questo ciclo di lavaggio è veramente rapido. This wash cycle is really quick. This washing cycle is really quick. Che cosa vi tormenta? What torments you? What's bothering you? Al menos no te hiciste daño. At least you didn't hurt yourself. At least you didn't hurt yourself. "¿Por qué estás disfrazado de payaso?" "No sé, me desperté así." "Why are you dressed like a clown?" "I don't know. I woke up like this." "Why are you dressed up as a clown?" "I don't know, I woke up like this." Este muchacho es Tom. This little guy is Tom. This guy is Tom. A Argélia é uma nação emergente? Is Algeria an emerging nation? Is Algeria an emerging nation? Non mi ha supportata in quel momento difficile. He didn't support me at that difficult time. He didn’t support me at that difficult time. Tras una duchita fría, me tendí en el sofá. After a cold shower, I lay down on the sofa. After a cold shower, I lay on the couch. Qui vous a acheté ça ? Who bought you that? Who bought you this? Eu sou gay. I'm gay. I'm gay. A Sami piacerà la zuppa di Layla. Sami will like Layla's soup. Sami will like Layla's soup. ¿Está en lo cierto? Is he right? Is he right? ¿Estás teniendo pesadillas otra vez? Are you having nightmares again? Are you having nightmares again? Sunt beat. I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Unde există voință, există soluție. Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is a will, there is a solution. Quelle île grecque est célèbre pour ses éponges ? Which Greek island is famous for its sponges? Which Greek island is famous for its sponges? No creo que Dios exista. I do not believe that God exists. I don't think God exists. ¿Por qué no luchan por sus derechos? Why don't they fight for their rights? Why not fight for your rights? Perché lo sta chiamando? Why are you calling him? Why are you calling him? Eu não sei quando é que meu pai vai voltar. I don't know when my father will come back. I don't know when my dad's coming back. Você já foi vacinado? Have you been vaccinated already? Have you been vaccinated? David lo dovrò indossare da ora in avanti. David will have to wear that from now on. David will have to wear it from now on. O que você está fazendo aí em cima do telhado? What are you doing there on top of the roof? What are you doing up there on the roof? Por favor, recapitulad vuestras ideas. Please recapitulate your ideas. Please recapitulate your ideas. Stanno fumando. They are smoking. They're smoking. L'as-tu bien connue ? Did you know her well? Did you know her well? Ellos pagan bien. They pay well. They pay well. Tor è utile. Tor is useful. Tor is useful. No os culpo. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Os curadores dizem que a exposição proporciona aos visitantes uma oportunidade de conhecer as histórias verídicas de espionagem "por detrás do esplendor do faz-de-conta". Curators say the display gives visitors an opportunity to look at the real stories of espionage ‘behind the gloss of make-believe.’ The curators say the exhibition provides visitors with an opportunity to learn the true stories of espionage “behind the splendor of the make-believe.” Elle a divorcé après de longues années de tristesse. She divorced him after many years of unhappiness. She divorced after many years of sadness. Dați-mi mingea. Give me the ball. Give me the ball. Embora poucas nações sejam poupadas pela COVID-19, a Malásia enfrenta uma combinação de dificuldades em particular. While COVID-19 spares few nations, Malaysia faces a combination of issues in particular. Although few nations are spared by COVID-19, Malaysia faces a combination of difficulties in particular. Iniziale qui. Initial here. Start here. Abbiamo raccolto molti dati. We've collected a lot of data. We collected a lot of data. Limpiar pescado puede resultarle muy desagradable a mucha gente. Cleaning fish can gross out a lot of people. Cleaning fish can be very unpleasant for many people. A încercat să rezolve problema, dar nu a avut nicio şansă. He tried to solve the problem, but had no luck. He tried to solve the problem, but he didn't stand a chance. Me gusta hablar con usted. I like talking to you. I like talking to you. Comment une cellule unique crée-t-elle un être vivant qui finira par acquérir sa forme spécifique ? How does a single cell create a living being that will ultimately acquire its specific form? How does a single cell create a living being that will eventually acquire its specific form? Elle souhaite porter plainte. She wishes to press charges. She wants to file a complaint. Ela pintou as paredes de branco. She painted the walls white. She painted the walls white. Io mangiai tutta la mela. I ate the whole apple. I ate the whole apple. Chinga la policía. Fuck the police. Fuck the police. Se você precisar, eu lhe darei dinheiro. I'll give you money if you need some. If you need it, I'll give you money. Acesta este locul unde s-a întâmplat accidentul. This is the place where the accident happened. This is where the accident happened. Vocês já comeram o bolo. You have already eaten the cake. You guys already ate the cake. ¡El lavabo estaba lleno de pelos! The washbasin was full of hair! The bathroom was full of hair! Am arătat biletul la intrare. I showed the ticket at the gate. I showed the ticket at the entrance. Ensinando-lhes muitas coisas para o bem deles, ainda assim, ocultamos deles ignorantemente, insensatamente, com hesitação e negligência imperdoáveis—conhecimento, cuja posse é essencial para a prosperidade futura deles. Teaching them many things for their good, we yet keep from them ignorantly, foolishly, with a hesitancy and neglect unpardonable—knowledge, the possession of which is essential for their future welfare. Teaching them many things for their own good, yet we ignorantly, senselessly, with unforgivable hesitancy and neglect conceal them—knowledge, the possession of which is essential to their future prosperity. Depuis que j'ai mis à jour mon ordinateur, c'est beaucoup plus rapide. Since I updated my computer, it is a lot faster. Since I have updated my computer, it is much faster. Nous avons perdu nos passeports pendant le voyage. We lost our passports on the trip. We lost our passports during the trip. Non ho bisogno di amici. I don't need friends. I don't need friends. Non era così difficile. That wasn't so hard. It wasn't that hard. Le stelle brillano nel cielo. The stars are glittering above. The stars are shining in the sky. Tom decedé. Tom passed away. Tom died. Ziri e Rima sono finalmente assieme. Ziri and Rima are finally together. Ziri and Rima are finally together. Sono sicuro che Tom è arrabbiato con me. I'm sure Tom is angry with me. I'm sure Tom's mad at me. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, 11 dicembre 1969) è un Gran Maestro indiano. È stato nominato "sportivo indiano del millennio" e ha portato 11 milioni di bambini nel suo stato, il Tamil Nadhu, a studiare scacchi a scuola. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (Chennai, December 11, 1969) is an Indian Grand Master. He was named "Indian Sportsman of the Millennium" and got 11 million children in his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess at school. Viswanathan (Vishy) Anand (born 11 December 1969) is an Indian Grandmaster. He was named "Indian Sportsman of the Millennium" and brought 11 million children to his state, Tamil Nadhu, to study chess at school. Acho que ele se alegrará de vê-lo. I think he will be glad to see you. I think he'll be glad to see you. Acho que você pode me ajudar com isso. I think you can help me with this. I think you can help me with that. Ele esta se sentindo triste. He is feeling blue today. He's feeling sad. Alguma vez compras roupa em segunda mão? Do you ever buy secondhand clothes? Do you ever buy second-hand clothes? El perro está royendo un hueso. The dog is crunching a bone. The dog is gnawing on a bone. Aș fi nefericit, dar nu m-aș sinucide. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. I'd be unhappy, but I wouldn't kill myself. È arrivato all'ospedale. He arrived at the hospital. He arrived at the hospital. Qualcuno ha rubato la mia valigia. Somebody has stolen my suitcase. Someone stole my suitcase. Chi è il presidente nel suo paese? Who's the president in your country? Who is the president in your country? Chi le ha mandato questi messaggi? Who sent you these messages? Who sent you these messages? Hoje em dia, os caiaqueiros e canoístas adoram transpor os rápidos do Rio Platte Sul, que corre através das sombras dos arranha-céus de Denver. Today, kayakers and canoers love to run the rapids of the South Platte River, which flows through the shadows of Denver's skyscrapers. Today, kayakers and canoeists love to traverse the rapids of the South Platte River, which runs through the shadows of Denver’s skyscrapers. Tendremos que afrontar todos los obstáculos que se nos vayan apareciendo. We'll have to face every obstacle that comes our way. We will have to face all the obstacles that appear to us. Yo no asistí a su funeral. I didn't attend his funeral. I did not attend his funeral. Você o quebrou. You smashed it. You broke it. Descansé un poco y me siento mejor. I took a break and I feel better. I got some rest and I feel better. Tom ha una casa vicino alla spiaggia. Tom has a house near the beach. Tom has a house near the beach. Le secret a été enfermé au loin pour l'éternité. The secret was locked away for aeons. The secret has been locked away for eternity. Hanno iniziato ad innervosirsi. They started to get nervous. They started to get nervous. Você pode tirar uma foto minha? Can you take a picture of me? Can you take a picture of me? ¿Qué periódico tiene ella? Which paper does she have? What newspaper does she have? Ce n'était pas drôle, mais j'ai ri. It wasn't funny, but I laughed. It wasn't funny, but I laughed. Je suis en train d’accoucher. I am in labour. I am in the process of giving birth. Para la sorpresa de sus padres, Tom resultó ser bisexual. Much to the surprise of his parents, Tom came out as bisexual. To his parents' surprise, Tom turned out to be bisexual. Tom era demasiado tacaño para comprarle a María el colgante que ella tanto quería. Tom was too stingy to buy Mary the pendant she wanted so much. Tom was too stingy to buy Maria the pendant she loved so much. Uma onda de notícias falsas no Sudeste Asiático, em particular de informações fictícias sobre a COVID-19, levou os líderes a considerar medidas severas a nível regional por sugestão de um oficial de segurança vietnamita. A surge in fake news around Southeast Asia, particularly bogus COVID-19 information, has prompted leaders to explore a regional crackdown after a suggestion from a Vietnamese security official. A wave of fake news in Southeast Asia, in particular fictitious information about COVID-19, has led leaders to consider harsh measures at the regional level at the suggestion of a Vietnamese security official. M a rete lakay mwen an demen. I'll stay home tomorrow. I stayed with them the next day. No he pagado el alquiler de este mes todavía. I haven't paid this month's rent yet. I haven't paid this month's rent yet. As maçãs estão maduras. The apples are ripe. The apples are ripe. Io dovrei andare a Boston. I should go to Boston. I'm supposed to go to Boston. ¿Por qué no me advirtieron? Why wasn't I warned? Why didn't they warn me? Tom condivise i suoi piani con me. Tom shared his plans with me. Tom shared his plans with me. Estuve en su casa ayer. I was at his house yesterday. I was at his house yesterday. Il salario verrà aumentato ad aprile. The salary will be raised from April. Salary will be increased in April. Não me deixe! Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Non lo dire ai ragazzi. Don't tell the boys. Don't tell the kids. Passei minhas férias em um país estrangeiro. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. I spent my vacation in a foreign country. Pouvez-vous l'imaginer ? Can you imagine it? Can you imagine that? Este será su tercer álbum. This will be his third album. This will be their third album. Excusez-moi, pourquoi parlez-vous grec et pas anglais ? Excuse me, why do you speak Greek and not English? Excuse me, why do you speak Greek and not English? Si è deciso? Did you make up your mind? Has it been decided? Elles ont été endommagées. They've been damaged. They've been damaged. Désolé si je n'ai pas été clair. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. Quando venite qua? When are you coming here? When are you coming? Je me demande quel est son nom. I wonder what his name is. I wonder what his name is. Sean más modestos. Be more modest. Be more modest. Eu só queria algum conselho de alguém que já tenha estado em Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's already been to Boston. I just wanted some advice from someone who's been to Boston before. Mamei nu îi place această cafea. My mother doesn’t like this coffee. Mom doesn't like this coffee. Ella pulsó el interruptor. She pressed the switch. She pressed the switch. Estamos muertos. We're dead. We're dead.